IC-NRLF C E 7hfi 712 HHHHi THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID f- , 2 in MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES IN MARINE ZOOLOGY, BY JAMES HOENELL, Director of the Jersey Marine Biological Station. WITH TWENTY FULL-PAGE PLATES OF ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS. (A Reprint of Articles published originally in the " Journal of Marine Zoology and Microscopy" from 1893-1897.) VOL. I. JEESEY, THE BIOLOGICAL STATION, 1901. COKEECTIONS. P. 48, 6th line from bottom. " Tubularia " should be " Tubipora." P. 53. Delete paragraph " C," also the whole of the last five paragraphs of the same article from the words " so much for collateral evidence." This is necessary as the dorsal processes or " tentacles " of Sabella are now known to be processes of the collar, and thus are not homologous with the operculum of Serpula. Plate numbered "Vol. 2, PI. V." and which precedes p. 89. In the explanation facing, for "Figs. A to D, Plumularia pumila" read "Figs. A to D, Sertularia pumtta." CLASSIFIED CONTENTS. PAGE PROTOZOA :- SPHAEROZOUM PUNCTATUM, A COLONIAL RADIOLARIAN . . . 73 PORIFERA : SPONGES, AN INTRODUCTORY SKETCH ... ... 14 CCELENTERATA :- THE LIFE-CYCLE OF OBELIA GENICULATA ... ... 58 THE HYDROID STAGE OF OBELIA GENICULATA ... 77 THE CORYNID^: ... ... ... ... .. 86 ON SERTULARIA PUMILA ... ... ... .. 91 THE PLUMULARHXE . . ... ... ... 103 HALICLYSTUS OCTORADIATUS THE LAMP-POLYP ... 5 THE PERMANENCE OF THE SCYPHISTOMA-STAGE OF AURELIA AURITA ... ... ... ... 101 THE STRUCTURE OF ANEMONES ... ... ... 43 TYPICAL ALCYONARIA ... ... ... ... 56 ANNELIDA :- THE ANATOMY OF TOMOPTERIS ... ... ... 8 ON POLYNOE PROPINQUA AS TYPICAL OF THE HlGHER ANNELIDS ... ... ... ... ... 62 VARIATION IN THE OPERCULUM OF SERPULA ... 50 BRYOZOA (POLYZOA) :- FAMILIAR BRITISH BRYOZOA ... ... ... 116 ECHINODERMATA:- THR STALKED LARVA OF ANTEDON ... 77 M374374 CLASSIFIED CONTENTS continued. PAGE CRUSTACEA :- A CONTRIBUTION TO OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE COPEPOD MONSTRILLA ANGLICA ... ... ... 21 THE SAPPHIRINID^B ... ... ... 122 THE CIRRIPEDIA ... ... ... ... ... 93 ^THE METAMORPHOSES OF THE MANTIS-SHRIMPS (SQUILLID^) ... ... ... ... 32 THE PHYLLOSOMA OR GLASS-CRAB LARVA OF SCYLLARUS 38 THE PROTECTIVE DEVICES OF THE GENUS HlPPOLYTE (.ZEsop's PRAWNS) ... ... ... ... 113 MOLLUSCA:- CRESEIS, A TYPICAL PTEROPOD ... ... ... 80 THE EGGS AND YOUNG OF CEPHALOPODS ... ... 104 THE VISUAL ORGANS OF CEPHALOPODS . . ... 106 CHOEDATA : THE ANATOMY AND LIFE-HISTORY OF SALPA ... 10 ABNORMALITIES IN THE MUSCLE BANDS OF SALPA ... 55 THE TADPOLE LARV.E OF ASCIDIANS ... ... 68 THE MAIN FACTS CONCERNING THE LiANCELET (AMPHIOXUS) ... ... ... ... 27 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES IN MARINE ZOOLOGY. STUDY I. HALICLYSTUS (LUCERNARIA) OCTORADIATUS. pleasures of shore-collecting are many, and the one I fancy _ the most enjoyable, is trudging about among gay weed-decked pools and dyke-formed gutters in search of those delicate fern-like sea-sprays, the Zoophytes. Here on this coarse brown Fucus are numbers of serrate spikes of a Sertularian, bringing to memory Silurian graptolites, while in that pool, tiny pinnate fronds anchored to the very rock itself, bespeak a Plumularian. Coryne, too, on this Jersey coast is not infrequent, twining its long clubbed branches among the finer weeds. But the vast sea-meadows or prairies as the French call them, are equally prolific arid harbour many beautiful species never met with in rock pools. These meadows where grows the strange Zostera, a true flowering plant that has entirely renounced fealty to its old home on dry land are at times of spring tides fre- quently left uncovered for short periods, and then we must watch our chance. Campanularia and Clytia we may meet with, but by far most conspicuous are rather large brownish bells of exquisite outlines, that here and there are anchored to the long green blades of the Zostera. Such are easily recognized as Haliclystus octoradiatus, in these parts the chief representative of the Lucernarians. In size these bells (Fig. 1) are about one inch in height by nearly the same across the oral face. The margin of this is drawn out into eight points, each furnished with a bunch of closely set and numerous capitate tentacles. In the centre is the mouth, standing up quadrangular and prominent. The four angles (of the mouth) mark the four primary radii that can be made out in these animals, and are usually known as the perradial lines or radii. In allied forms, e.g. the scyphistoma stage of Aurelia, these first radii are marked by the appearance of the first four marginal tentacles. The second four tentacles are alternate with the first and mark the secondary radii or interradials. In Haliclystus their positions are the radial lines beginning at points midway between the mouth angles. Thus they 6 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. alternate with the perradials. Between each primary and secondary radius lies one of eight radiating genital bands. Their position is tech- nically known as adradial. The margin of the bell just beyond the extremity of each genital band is marked by a great cluster of short capitate tentacles. The remaining external organs are eight con- spicuous hollow bodies, each one lying midway between every two groups of tentacles. These are probably vestigial sense organs and have been "termed colleto-cystophores. They will be referred to later as c.-c. Four must be interradial and four perradial. Looking to the internal anatomy, we find that the enteric or body-cavity is divided by four delicate radiating walls or septa into four gastric chambers perradial in position. The septa which by the way do not represent the mesenteries of the Anemones are interradial. From their inner edges are given off numerous solid tentacle-like threads the gastral filaments. Those unfamiliar with these animals are reminded that the Hydrozoa are divided into the two great groups, Scyphoinedusse and Hydromedusse. The former includes, as principal order, those fleshy medusae or Jelly-fishes without a velum (membrane all but closing the mouth of the bell), with gastral filaments and with eight sensory organs (tentaculocysts) known so well under the forms of Aurelia and Pelagia and termed collectively Discomedusse. Normally the life-history of these animals is as follows : A ciliated embryo (pro- ceeding from the sexual or medusa stage), after a short period of pelagic existence, settles down and becomes attached to some sta- tionary object. A mouth forms at the free end, and sixteen tiny tentacles appear. This form, iV to -in. in height, is the scyphistoma stage and is often termed the hydriform phase from its likeness to the fresh-water polyp, Hydra. Soon transverse constrictions stro- bilation cut the body into a rouleau of discs, appearing thus as a tiny pile of sculptured plates. Each disc has eight arms, with a tiny tentaculocyst at tip. This is ihe strobila condition. The discs break off and begin a free swimming life, known at this period as ephyrce, rapidly take on the form of ordinary Jelly-fishes, develop sexual organs, and send out swarms of ciliated embryos to go through the same strange cycle of life. The Lucernarians form another order of the Scyphomedusse. Contrasting their life-history with that of the large fleshy medusa3 just related, we find that the Lucernarians produce in the genital bands both ova and sperm masses. These give rise to ciliated embryos which settle down quickly and develop without metamor- phosis into the adult bell-shaped form. Until recently Haliclystus and the related forms were considered as being more or less unchanged descendants of the ancestral form of EVOLUTION OF THE LUCEENARIANS. 7 the Discomedusae, i.e. prior to their adoption of the two well marked stages hydriform and medusiform that now characterise their life- history. Quite recently, however, Dr. C. Herbt. Hurst and the writer arrived independently (" Natural Science" Sept. 1893) at the novel conclusion that the connection between the Lucernarians and the Discomedusaa is much more recent and close. Thus we believe from the review of considerable evidence that the former are descended from a form having as well marked medusa-stage as Aurelia has, and with well developed marginal sensory organs. Then by abbreviation in the life-cycle, by a certain hastening of events, there were developed genital products in the hydriform or scyphistoma fixed form. This did away with the necessity for a free swimming sexual stage, and being found advantageous, was permanently adopted by some the immediate predecessors of the Lucernarians of to-day. Marginal sensory organs (e.g. tentaculocysts) can be useful only among swimming forms (Hurst " Nat. Sc" vol. ii, part 16). Under the changed conditions they became useless in the Lucernarians and tended to become " vestigial." Such functionless organs are very subject to variation and the writer has found such to a really extensive degree in these bodies in Haliclystus. It is well known that the origin of tentaculocysts is from ordinary marginal tentacles, and it is to this form that the marginal bodies (c. cystophores) of the species under description usually reverts. All gradations from the normal form of c.-c. up to the normal tentacle can be traced. The capitate terminations of the tentacles contain great numbers of nematocysts or stinging cells useful in paralizing prey, arid the first stage in reversion is marked by the appearance on the apex of a c.-c., of a tiny wart containing numerous nematocysts (Fig. 4). The next shows a larger wart. In Fig. 5 this has a tiny stalk, while in Fig. 6 there is a well pronounced peduncle. Again in Fig. 7, is drawn a tentacle one from a bunch of normal ones where the stem is bellied out, in fashion approaching the most abnormal of the colleto-cystophores. EXPLANATION OF FIGS, 1 TO 9, PLATE I. Haliclystus octoradiatus. Fig. 1. Two individuals adhering in natural postures to a blade of Zostera. n s. Fig. 2. Oral view : i s. Interradial septum ; g b. genital bands ; m /. muscular fibres ; g. f. gastral filaments ; s. sperm mass ; c c. colleto-cystophore ; t. group of tentacles, x 2f . Fig. 2a. Diagram of trans, section of body : in. mouth ; i s. inter- radial septum ; p c. perradial chamber ; g b. genital bands. 8 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. Fig. 3. Normal Colleto-cystophore, x 17. Figs. 4, 5 & 6. Abnormal series of same, X 17. Fig. 7. Abnormal tentacle, showing shortening and thickening of peduncle, x 17. Fig. 8. Group of normal tentacles, x 30. Fig. 9. Developing ovum, in optical section, x 25. STUDY II. THE PELAGIC ANNELID TOMOPTERIS. Occasionally among the contents of the tow-net there appears this tiny paddle-propelled worm, active and sprightly in movement, and so glassy and colourless as to be well nigh indistinguishable from the water it moves in. The species figured on Plate I. averages scarcely J-inch long, but its breadth seems very great in proportion owing to the great length of the paddle-like feet or parapodia. The head is very distinct. At the front border are two stout gracefully curved antennae (a), while just behind these is a pair of very delicate processes (a 1 ) which have also been called antennae. Next come the most conspicuous appendages in the body a pair of enormously elongated tentacular cirri (t c.) In the centre of each one, and sup- porting it, is a stout bristle, seen under a high power to be septate (Fig. 13). Following these, about thirteen pairs of paddle-shaped parapodia entirely destitute of setae, and consisting of a hollow cylin- drical basal portion, expanding at the outer or distal end into two foliaceous blades upper and lower which represent respectively, the notopodium and the neuropodium of the typical annelid foot. Every foot is controlled by two principal sets of muscular fibres originating close to the median line in the body wall, one passing obliquely forwards to be inserted in the anterior border of the foot, the other backwards to the posterior border. The mouth is situated between the tentacular cirri and leads into a rather muscular portion, capable of at least partial extrusion as a proboscis (Carpenter). This passes through a short oesophagus into a long and wide stomach, reaching nearly the whole remaining length of the animal. The body cavity is quite continuous. There are no internal septa and the interior of the parapodia communicates freely with the body cavity. The chief development of the nerve system consists of a large anterior ganglionic mass, seated upon which are two eyes, each composed essentially of a pigmented cushion bearing two crystalline cones. In front of each eye is a large vesicle of unknown function. The sexes are separate. That depicted is a female and shows how the ovaries arise from the growth of certain cells on the inner surface of the peduncles of the parapodia. These cells grow to a / Fig. 14. Jas. Hornell, del. ad. Nat. JERSEY BIOL. STN. Fig. 12. Fig. 13. HALICLYSTUS AND TOMOPTEBIS. VoJ, I., PI. Fig. 16. Fig. 17. end end ornell, del. ad. Nat. RSEY BIOL. STN. 7 8 SALPA MUCRONATA-DEMOCBATICA, THE PELAGIC WORM TOMOPTERIS. 9 very large size and then appear as very characteristic ova. Finally these break loose and pass into the body-cavity. It is probable that they normally pass thence to the water by rupture of the body wall of the parent, but whether fertilization takes place prior to this is uncertain. Curiously I ha've not lately met with the male form. Carpenter describes it as having a long tail-like prolongation bearing four or five minute appendages wherein are developed spermatozoa. The tail-like prolongation is indeed given as being present in both sexes of different species but so far in the present species I have not seen any trace of it in the females. Of males, I have not been able to examine any. The embryology is little known and we only become familiar with the animal in an advanced larval stage. The earliest one known to Dr. Carpenter belonged to a species having no posterior antennas in the adult state, but in the larval it had no anterior developed while the posterior were very obvious and bore each a distinct bristle, and were of comparative large size. The tentacular cirri (t c.) were short, and approached the form of the succeeding partially developed parapodia, saving that they (the tent cirri) pos- sessed stout setae like the posterior antennae. It is very interesting to note that the species figured here (Fig. 10), shows in each posterior antenna a distinct claw-like bristle, and this inclines me to the belief that these organs are not antennas but are vestigial tentacular cirri. The large tentacular cirri in the larval stage ap- proach very closely in form to the parapodia and differ principally in the presence of setae. The secondary antennas again approach closely in larval life to the appearance of the tentacular cirri, so the inference is clear. It is only with the attainment of maturity, that this organ becomes reduced and difficult to homologize, and even then, as seen in our figure, there can in some species be traced distinct setae. In the larger T. onisciformis (Carpenter) this appendage however entirely disappears in adult life. Rosette-shaped organs have been made out at the bases of certain feet ; their function remains still obscure. EXPLANATION OF FIGS. 10 TO 15, PLATE 1. Fig. 10. Entire adult Tomopteris (female) ; a. anterior antenna ; a 1 , posterior antenna (vestigial tentacular cirrus) ; t c. tentacular cirrus ; p. a parapodium. X 17. Fig. 11. Parapodium, nt. notopodium ; nr. neuropodium ; ov. ovary. Fig. 12. Ovum. no. nucleolus or germinal spot ; n. nucleus or germinal vesicle ; v. vitellus ; v m. vitelline membrane, X 200. 10 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. Fig. 13. Seta from tentacular cirrus, showing septations, X 100. Fig. 14. Eye showing two crystalline cones. Fig. 15. Posterior antenna showing sickle-shaped vestige of a seta at a. x 100. STUDY III. ANATOMY AND LIFE HISTORY OF SALPA. The great heat of the past summer was apparently very favour- able to the development of surface-life in British latitudes. Pelagic animals, usually rare, were this year sometimes abundant. Thus Beroe, Medusce and Copepoda of southern species, Tomopteris and the pelagic Tunicates, were taken much more frequently than I have ever known before. For several days during August the tow-net was full of a transparent colourless barrel-shaped Salpa, which proved to be 8. mucronata-democratica, Forsk. Most were adult such as those figured on Plate II. were quite young, only a few hours severed from the parent and still showing remains of a placenta. The large figures (16, 17 & 18) show this animal in various aspects. In all the most striking features are seven great hoop- shaped muscular bands. By comparing the three figures, the central four will be seen to encircle the body completely, while the two most anterior, together with the one most posterior, which lies in front of the exhalent aperture (a), fail to complete their respective circles, one upon the dorsal, two upon the ventral aspect (Fig. 17). On the dorsal side (Fig. 16) lying between and connecting the first two hoops, are a pair of band-shaped muscles whose function is to open the mouth. Another muscle of a < shape (Fig. 18) lies horizontally on either side of the mouth, performing the opposite function of closing its two lips. The remaining muscular bands are two strap shaped ones, lying between the angles of the exhalent aperture (a). The body wall possesses externally a thick, serni-gelatinous layer, which is the protecting tunic or test (t), formed originally of a glassy homogenous secretion from the ectoderm or primitive superficial layer of the body. In this test are subsequently found numerous cells which have wandered in from the ectoderm. These are specially numerous in the extremities (t c). The mouth or inhalent aperture (o) lies at the anterior end of the body ; the exhalent (a) at the opposite end on the dorsal aspect. A great cavity is encompassed by the muscular hoops. An anterior and a posterior division is formed by the presence of a diagonal rafter or bar (br), stretching from a point behind the ganglion (y), backwards and downwards to the beginning of the oesophagus. This bar has been supposed to be the much modified THE ANCESTRY OF SALPA. 11 remnant of the slit-perforated branchial pharynx, so well developed in the simple Ascidians, such as Ascidia and dona, the slits having gradually coalesced, and being now represented by the two great spaces which lie on either side of the branchial septum. Recent research (Brooks' " Salpa in its relation to the Evolution of Life," Baltimore, 1893), however, makes it probable that the an- cestors of Salpa had never a complicated system of branchial cfefts, arid that the present represents the little changed primitive plan. At first, as Prof. Brooks points out, the ancestral Salp had an elon- gated digestive tube without pharyngeal clefts. The anterior part was distended and ciliated. Later on slime cells appeared, to retain food- particles swept in by the free current of water passing through the body. But this stream would also be liable to carry partially digested food particles away so the appearance of one or more clefts in the distended pharyngeal part, allowing the water, after bathing the slime covered parts, to pass freely away without coursing through the intestine, would be a distinct advantage and would be retained by natural selection. The chamber anterior to the so-called branchial septum, therefore represents the pharynx while the pos- terior chamber is the cloaca (cl), into which also empties the ali- mentary canal by the anus. On the ventral surface of the pharynx there stretches longitudinally a deep gutter with glandular walls, the upper edges of which join along the greater portion of its length. This appears optically to be a rod and is the endostyle (end) ; at its front extremity it sends off two diverging ciliated ridges (ac) the peripharyngeal bands or ciliated arc which, arching upwards, join again and pass into the branchial septum. The cavity of the endostyle is ciliated, and the slime secreted by its glandular walls, is passed on by the cilia into the peripharyngeal bands, and thence to the ciliated surface of the branchial septum. At the posterior extremity of the pharynx is the short oesophagus, passing into a wide stomach ; thence a short intestine leads to the cloaca (cl). This digestive tract in all pelagic tunicates is concentrated into a very small space, and forms the only opaque mass in the body, and is the. so-called nucleus (TIC). Water passing in at the mouth laden with food particles, has the latter arrested by the slime covered ciliated arc and branchial septum. Passing through the two gill clefts the water finds its way into the cloaca, whence it is discharged by the exhalent aperture. The food particles arrested are sent by ciliary action down the branchial septum and into the oesophagus. The animals move through the water by repeated violent expul- sions of water, due to contraction of the muscular hoops. According as the water is expelled from mouth or exhalent aperture, the movement is backwards or forwards. 12 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. The form figured was, but a short time previous, attached to the parent. At pi is seen a mass of cells marking the unabsorbed remnant of the placenta ; el is a collection of large cells which are believed to represent the urochord of the tail of an appendicularian-like ancestor. It would thus also be homologous with the cartilage-like cord of the tail of the tadpole larvae of sedentary ascidians. The nervous system consists of a central ganglion (g) above the anterior end of the branchial septum, with numerous nerves given off to the different organs of the body. Upon the ganglion is a rounded mass, the eye, containing dark pigment of horse-shoe shape. A little way in front, is a ciliated sac situated immediately above a tongue- shaped ciliated organ languet pendant in the pharynx and of sensory value. A heart is present beneath the alimentary canal, giving off a large ventral longitudinal vessel. There is a similar vessel dorsally, and the two are united by lateral branches. Vessels ramify in the branchial septum. The peculiar blood circulation of Tunicates is well marked in Salpa after beating a certain number of times in one direction, the heart remains still for a moment and then resumes pulsating, but in an opposite direction, thus reversing the blood-flow completely. Life-history. The form under notice is asexual. The bud-shaped part st is the first indication of the stolon, which in the adult develops by growth and internal change into a long double-chain of tiny bud- like salps (Fig. 19). When a certain size is attained, the chain breaks free and swims away by rhythmic, and combined, alternate admission and expulsion of water. These chain salps (Fig. 20) have quite a different outward form, and a different fewer number of muscular hoops. Each individual in the chain is connected with four others by eight bars two to each. Diagram Fig. 21 shows the method. The chain salps are fully sexual ; both male and female organs are developed in each individual, but the female organs mature earlier than the male. A single ovum only is produced. It develops in situ being fertilized by spermatozoa that enter through the mouth of the parent. It receives nourishment by the interposition of a true placenta between it and the parent. It possesses a circulation separate from that of the latter. When development is complete it breaks loose and swims away. This is the solitary asexual form we figure. In turn it again gives rise to a chain of sexual salps. Thus the life-cycle continually proceeds. 13 EXPLANATIONS OF FIGS. 16 TO 21. Salpa mucronata-democratica. Fig. 16. Dorsal view ; Fig. 17, ventral view ; Fig. 18, lateral view. All solitary asexual form. t. test ; tn. nuclei of test ; m. mouth or inhalent aperture ; ph. pharynx ; ac. peripharyngeal bands ; end. endostyle ; /. languet ; br. branchial septum ; n. nucleus or gastral part of alimen- tary canal ; cl. cloaca ; a. exhalent aperture ; el. eleoblast ; pi. remnant of placenta ; st. proliferous stolon ; g. ganglion with eye seated thereon and nerves radiating. Muscular bands are distinguished by brown colouring. X 30. Fig. 19. Posterior part of body of an adult solitary zooid, showing the development of the proliferous stolon at. into a chain of buds. n. nucleus, x 6. Fig. 20. 3 chain salps showing method of connection, emb. embryo, n. nucleus, x 2. Fig. 21. Diagram of a double row of 8 salps showing plan of attachment. Two connecting bars link every two individuals. View of the Jersey Biological Station from the sea. Aeries II. STUDY IV. SPONGES ; AN INTRODUCTORY SKETCH. THE Jersey shore between tide-marks is veritable " Spongeland." Scarlet, brick-red, orange, yellowish green, yellow, white, grey, and black patches clothe the rocks in chequered mantle, and with the vieing colonies of gaudy-colored compound ascidians, relieve in a pleasant manner the sombre brown of the fucus-covered rocks. Yet common though sponges are, they remained until comparatively recent years a puzzle group to naturalists. Grant is generally credited with having, in 1825, given the first great impetus in the right direction, by his observations on the passage of minute water currents into the sponge by numerous small pores and their emergence by a few large openings. The following extract from the third edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1797, will, however, prove that our fine old pioneer naturalist, London merchant Ellis, should rather have the credit: "Mr. Ellis, in the year 1762, was at great pains bo discover these animals. For this purpose he dissected the spongia urens, and was surprised to find a great number of small worms of the genus of nereis or sea-scolopendra, which had pierced their way through the soft substance of the sponge in quest of a safe retreat. That this was really the case he was assured of, by inspect- ing a number of specimens of the same sort of sponge, just fresh from the sea. He put them into a glass filled with sea water, and then instead of seeing any of the little animals which Dr. Peysonell described, he observed the papillae or small holes with which the papillae are surrounded, contract and dilate themselves. He examined another variety of the same species of sponge and plainly perceived the small tubes inspire and expire the water. He therefore concluded that the sponge is an animal, and that the ends or openings of the branched tubes are the mouths by which it receives its nourishment, and discharges its excrements." The same work describes "Spongia," as " a genus of animals belonging to the class of vermes, and order of zoophytes. It is fixed, flexible, and very torpid, growing in a variety of forms, composed either of reticulated fibres, or masses of small spines interwoven together, and clothed with a living gelatinous flesh, full of small CANAL SYSTEMS OF SPONGES. 15 mouths or holes on its surface, by which it sucks in and throws out the water." Now to trace something of the progress that has been made in the study of these animals during the last hundred years. By most authorities, sponges are granted a separate phylum or branch, in the genealogical tree of the division Metazoa or multicellular animals. They form the lowest or least specialized phylum ; the name applied to them collectively being Porifera, A short summary of the most important points in the anatomy of the chief types of sponges is however necessary to the intelligent understanding of such position in the scale of nature. The most primitive form of sponge organization is well seen in the very simple sponge, Ascetta primordialis, so minutely described by Haeckel. In appearance, Ascetta is a tiny, thin-walled, goblet- shaped animal that lives anchored by the narrow stalk end to rocks and weeds. At the free end is a wide opening (PI. iv. Fig. 1), the OSClllum, while minute holes, pores, pierce everywhere through the thin walls and open into the great central cavity or paragaster. These walls, thin as they are, are of considerable complication, for three layers of cells can be made out, an external, ectoderm, composed of a single thickness of more or less mosaic-like cells ; a middle, mesoderm, here extremely thin, and lastly an internal layer, endoderm, composed in this sponge of oval shaped cells, each provided at the free end with a well-marked circular upstanding collar, from within the centre of which a strong whip-like thread or flagellum arises. Such cells are termed flagellated collar cells or shortly, flagellated cells technically choanocytes. In the first four figures on PI. iv, the outer black line repre- sents both ectoderm and mesoderm, while the shaded layer stands for flagellated cells. In the living sponge, the activity of the flagella of the endoderm sets up minute currents of water flowing through the numberless pores into the paragaster where nutrient particles are picked up from the water and effete matter cast back. Hence these currents, now gathered into a strong body of water, are directed out through the great osculum at the summit of the sponge. Sponge circulation is always fundamentally similar, even in the most complex : ingress by very small openings, egress by a single large vent. But to return to our Ascetta. Essentially its structure is a thin walled sac, with pores opening direct into a great paragaster lined with flagellated cells. This arrangement of water passages, technically Canal System, is the simplest known, constituting what Ha3ckel named the primitive Ascon Type (Fig. 1). Complications are frequent, but the fundamental feature of flagellated paragaster remains stable. Thus in our common Ascetta 16 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. coriacea, budding, and branching, and anastomosing long continued, produces a colonial network having a long ramifying paragaster with numerous oscula. An intermediate form, Ascaltis botryoides, helps us better to understand the change, for here the buds while remaining attached to the parent and with their paragasters in free communication with the parental one, have each a separate osculum. Thus in an old colony, we can trace distinctly of how many indi- viduals it is composed, by counting the number of branches, for each possesses a single osculum, the sign of the sponge unit. A foreign species furnishes another interesting complication shown in Fig. 2. The walls become pushed out into numerous radial tubes, into which the flagellated coating of the paragaster is extended, and into which the pores open. Thus the extent of flagel- lated surface and of the pore area is largely increased. The name Chambered Ascon is applied to this form. The next sponge type given us by Hosckel, the Sycon, is a natural outcome of the Chambered Ascon, and in simplest organization has the same structure minus the flagellated lining of the primary paragaster. The cells of this become practically identical in form with those of the ectoderm by loss of flagella and collars. Thus the Sycon may be denned as a Chambered Ascon where the flagellated cells are restricted to the radial tubes. Figs. 3 and 4 graphically exhibit this change. These two types are practically restricted to the division of sponges possessing a skeleton of calcareous spicules, which is thus marked out as the lowest or most primitive division of the Porifera, and consequently also of the Metazoa. The third and highest type of sponge canal system, called by Hseckel the Leucon from its being characteristic of the family Leuconidse, and by Sollas the Rhagon, is accompanied, or rather caused, by a great development of the middle layer of the body, the mesoderm. This occasionally reaches immense proportions (see Fig. 8) and as the paragaster does not share in this increase, the rather dwindling, it is obvious that the pores must have, superadded, long canals to enable the water to pass through the thickened walls into the paragester, or even into its out-growing chambers. One origin of the Rhagon is probably from the Sycon, as shown by the hypo- thetical Figures 5 and 6 ; Fig. 5 is practically a thick-walled Sycon, the paragaster pushing into the mesoderm fairly large rounded chambers, henceforth to be called ciliated chambers. Narrow tubes, incurrent canals, connect these with the pores on the surface, and either one or several may serve each chamber. The flagellated form of endoderm is entirely confined to the chambers. The next step is where the mesoderm still thickening, the chambers lose their direct connection with the central cavity and become connected by CLASSIFICATION OF SPONGES. 17 a fairly long excurrent canal. The fresh-water sponge is organized essentially upon this plan. In the Leuconidae, e.y. Leucandra nivea, a further stage, Fig. 7, can be made out, where instead of the excurrent canal of each chamber pouring its tiny stream direct into the paragaster, those of large groups of chambers are collected, as a river on its journey to the sea gathers its tributaries, into a great and wide, but short stream emptying by wide outlet into the central cavity. This, the true Leucon type, is what Sollas terms the Aphodal type of Rhagon. A further development, the Diplodal Rhagon, is reached when the incurrent canals, in this highest type usually restricted to one to each chamber, arise not singly and separately, but rather in the manner of the numerous branches into which a great river divides and sub-divides on its way through its delta. A large and wide tubular cavity, the sub-dermal chamber, pene- trates the crust of the sponge, and from this, numerous wide incurrent canals lead inwards, throwing off at intervals still smaller tubules, each of which feeds a ciliated chamber. The excurrent canals remain the same as in the aphodal type. Often the sub-dermal chamber is arched over by a finely perforated membrane, the pore area, a natural filter against the entrance of enemies and coarse particles. A little below this filter membrane (inwards) is usually a well defined sphinc- ter muscle, adapted by its power of contraction to completely or partially close the entrance to the water canals. The portion of the large chamber inward of the sphincter has received the name of Subcortical crypt. A moment's consideration will show the great advantage that will accrue to the sponge if the soft ground tissue be laced with a network of intertwining fibres or supported by a cunningly arranged scaffolding of strong and rigid rods. Without some such support, the flagellated chambers would be apt to collapse and perform their function indifferently, if at all. Based upon the nature of this supporting skeleton, whether or not it is composed of calcareous spicules, we get our two first great divisions, the Calcarea and Non-Calcarea. The latter are by some termed Fibrospongiae, because of a lacework of horny fibres more or less developed. But the majority of the Non-Calcarea have, superadded, spicules formed of silica (Silicispongiae), while others again want both spicules and fibrous skeleton (MyxospongiaB). The Silicispongise are split up into three orders according to the shape of the principal spicules (megascleres), thus : Order I. MONAXONIDA, megascleres simple, rod-shaped (Figs, la and 2a, PL iii). Order II. TETRACTINELLIDA, megascleres four-rayed (Fig. 4fr, PI. iii). Order III. HEXACTINELLIDA, megascleres six-rayed. 18 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. We may tabulate the larger divisions of the Sponges thus : Phylum : Porifera. Branch A, Calcarea. Branch B, Non- Calcarea. Family I. Asconidae. " II. Syconidoe. " III. Leuconidse. (Characterized respectively by the Canal system indicated by the name). Class I. (Skeleton siliceous) SILICI- SPONGI-E. Order I. Monaxonida. II.-Tetractinellida. " III.-Hexactinellida. Class II. - (Skeleton fibrous) CERATOSA. Class III.-- (Skeleton none)MYxosPONGi;E Putting aside in the present article any consideration of the origin of the phylum as a whole, which is indeed bound up and identical with that of the entirety of multicellular animals, it seems most probable that the sponges arose independently by two main lines from a primitive stock, rather than that the Non-Calcarea were derived from the Calcarea or vice versa. Were the question limited to the Calcarea, there, would be little difficulty, for within the limits of the division, forms are found ranging from the very simple Ascon type, step by step up to the Sycon and thence to the complex Leucon or Rhagon. The Non-Calcarea are on the other hand nearly all of the Rhagon type, and were it not for the siliceous spicules in most, might easily be derived from some form of the Calcarea. But the nature of the spicules is a stumbling block. How derive a spicule of flint (silica) from one of carbonate of lime ? Can we imagine the spicule forming cells to suddenly alter their selective power and to seize upon silica instead of lime ? It seems too much to ask. As to the Ceratosa, this difficulty is wanting and it is not improbable that their origin is due to the renunciation of the silica -secreting power in some ancestral siliceous sponge, while the ancestors of the Myxospongia? may have gone a step further and have given up even the fibre forming power. But all is uncertainty as yet. Even fossil records help us not at all, for the most highly organized order, the Hexactinellida, are represented in our oldest fossiliferous rocks, the Lower Cambrian, All the figures of entire sponges on Plate III are reproductions of photographs taken from living specimens, and show very clearly the outward form of four very prominent species of our Siliceous sponges Halickondria and Clatkria (Figs. 1 & 2) an HIM! with rod- like spicules are typical forms of the Monaxonida ; whilst the other- two, Tethya and Pachymatisma, are representatives of the great group of the Tetractinellida. The third group, the Hexactinellida, familiar to us in the lovely Venus' flower basket (Euplectella), and the strange Glass-rope sponge (Hyalonema) is not met with in British waters. All belong to OIK- or other variety of the Rhagon type of canal system, and except in Tethya, the widely open mouths of the SOME BRITISH SPONGES. 19 oscula are plainly visible ; situated in Halickondria at the apex of tall crater-like prominences ; less marked in Clathria, where they crown low rounded swellings, and in Pachymatisma, peculiar as .being collected into special elevated areas, and there arranged in serried, closely set rows. Details of histology must, for want of space, remain over to a future article, and with this reservation, I will now proceed to deal with the four species in question. Hallcltondria panicea (Johnston), the Crumb of Bread, and also the Coxcomb Sponge of Ellis, varies much in colour, ranging from a greyish yellow to various shades of green. It is noteworthy that the higher up the littoral and the more exposed to light, the greener becomes this sponge. The yellow and ash coloured varieties are, conversely, found in the lower zones of the littoral or where matted curtains of fucus cause obscure shadowy light. In this sponge, the entire duty of keeping open the canals devolves upon the spicules, no fibrous tissue being present. The spicules (Fig. 1 a) are all of one form, curved pointed rods, arranged in a well ordered meshwork. Around the larger passages, the rows become much strengthened. Sub-dermal cavities are greatly developed. Clathria seriata (Johnston), the Ophlitaspongia seriata of Bowerbank, shows more complexity in its skeleton. A well developed tough, square-meshed, horny network supports the sponge, beset, urchin-fashion, with numerous stout smooth rodshaped spicules pointed at one end only (smooth styli). The meshwork arrangement of spicules seen in Halichondria is absent, and apparently the horny skeleton is here used to keep open the canals the spicules ceasing such function and limiting their benefit to defence against would-be enemies. A second and slender form of spicule, bow-shaped (toxon) can also be made out. Pachymatisma johnstonia (Bowerbank) grows to immense proportions, and probably is the most massive of British sponges. The one photographed was G inches long, weighing just half-a-pourid. Others we have had, have much exceeded this, e.g. one which is now deposited in the Guernsey Museum, weighed when alive fully C-lbs., and measured 12-ins. X 7 9-ins., and 4 inches high. In section, this sponge shows many interesting points. An outer thick crust, cortex or ectosome is greatly developed by the massing of immense n umbers of sterrasters rounded and oval spicules thick set with spines radiating in all directions (4 d). Similar spicules are spread throughout the inner tissues of the sponge, the subcortical or choanosome region, but if examined carefully, it will be seen that these are much more sharply spinous than those of the cortex, which appear worn and battered. Probably these spicules are formed in the choanosome, and then pass outwards to accumulate in the cortex as a 20 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. dense stony defensive layer. Other minute spicules (4 e 4 k) are found scattered through the tissues. As to the larger spicules, the megascleres, the principal or four-axial ones peculiar to the order, are here disposed as a supporting scaffolding beneath the cortex. The form they take (Fig. 4 b) is known as the orthotrisene. Others of simple structure (4 a) are located in the inner tissues. The water of circulation enters through sieve plates into large subdermal chambers, partitioned into two by a strong sphincter muscle, able thus to close the opening on necessity. From the inner chamber proceed the incurrent canals feeding the ciliated chambers. Tetliya lyncurium (Johnston) is in many respects a remark- able sponge. In appearance, it simulates perfectly a miniature tangerine orange in colour and in shape. Extremely spicular and furnished with a cortex a true rind as well developed as is that of Pachymatisma, no pores or oscula can be made out by the naked eye when the sponge is out of water, but in life in its native element, the oscula seem to be collected upon a slightly papillate prominence near the apex. Large canals are very sparse and it is at first difficult to believe this sponge to possess a complicated canal system as it undoubtedly does. The megascleres are strangely not four rayed as we should expect, but are long slender rods (3 c d) gathered into great radiated bundles, quite obvious to the naked eye in a hand section (3 b). Microscleres, in the form of beautiful starry bodies, abound (3 / & 3 g). As regards ciliated chambers, I have to confess I have never seen any in either Pachymatisma or Tetliya. But this is not to be wondered at perhaps, as the size of even the largest ciliated cells of any siliceous sponge is very small compared with that of those of the calcareous species. EXPLANATION OF PLATE III, FIG. 1-4 & PL. IV, FIGS. 1-8. Sponge anatomy, &c. Plate III, Fig. 1. Halichondria panicea, x f ; a. megasclere. Fig. 2. Clathria seriata, x f ; a, megasclere ; 6, micosclere (toxon). Fig. 3. Tethya lyncurium ; a, another (smoother) specimen ; b, same split open to show cortex and radiating spicule bundles ; all x ; c e, megascleres ; / & g, mi- croscleres. Fig. 4. Packymatisma julmxtoHui x -H ; a & b } megascleres; c & d, st i Trust ITS : f to h , otlu-r microscleres, Journ. of Mar. Zool. & Microscopy. VOL. I., PL III. SILICEOUS SPONGES. Journ. of Mar. Zool. & Microscopy. Vol. I., PL IV, JAB. HORNELL. DEL AD NAT. SPONGES, MONSTRILLI, SMPMIOXUS. A CURIOUS COPEPOD. 21 Plate IV, Fig. 1 8. Diagrams of the types of Canal System, f. 1. Ascon ; f. 2. Chambered Ascon ; f. 3 & f. 4. Sycon ; f. 5. simplest possible Rhagon ; f. 6. Eurypylous Rhagon ; f. 7. Leucon or Aphodal Rhagon ; f. 8. Diplodal Rhagon. All these are shown in vertical section, saving Fig. 4 which shows transverse section. In the Rhagon diagrams, the white portion represents the greatly developed^ meso^ derm. The shaded portion denotes where ciliated cells occur. Arrows denote the direction of the water currents. STUDY V. A CONTRIBUTION TO OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE COPEPOD MONSTRILLA ANGLIC A. This species is for many reasons extremely interesting. A single specimen, a male, w r as captured in 1857 by Sir John Lubbock (1) at Weymouth, and at the publication of the concluding volume of Prof. Brady's fine monograph on the British Copepoda (2) in 1880, no further record had been made and the original specimen had been lost. Just about this time the record was resumed by the capture off Jersey, of a few specimens by Mr. J. Sinel, who however did not identify his interesting find till the publication, by Mr. I. C. Thompson, of the description of a specimen of the same animal taken off Anglesey in the autumn of 1887. Mr. Thompson at first believing the animal to be new to science, named it Cymbasoma herdmani (3) but later on, having more material to examine, he recognized his animal to be of the same species as Lubbock's. Since 1880, Monstrilla anglica has appeared pretty regularly every year off Jersey during Aug. and Sept., in sparing numbers. Mr. Thompson has also recorded a second specimen from the Irish sea (5), and another from off Malta, while one or two more have been taken on the south coast of England. Apparently then, here in Jersey, we have been the most successful in obtaining this rare animal. Indeed of late years we have been specially so, for out of a small number of tow-nettings taken in Aug. and Sept. of the last two years, we have picked out nearly 80 specimens. Normal Copepoda may be defined as minute crustaceans of simple organization, having an elongated body clearly divided into numerous rings or somites, and without the shield-like shell or carapace that covers the anterior part of the body being double or bivalve, having an anterior pair of antennae or feelers (properly antennules) ; a posterior pair (the true antenncv) ; 3 pairs of mouth organs (1 pair mandibles, 1 pair maxillce, and 2 pairs ofmaxillipedes), and five pairs of two-branched, biramous, swimming feet attached to the anterior part of the body or cephalothorax. The hinder end of the body consists of an abdomen of 5 somites bearing no organs and terminated by a forked tail. 22 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. With such definition Monstrilla closely agrees if the italicized part be omitted. Every vestige of the usually well developed and complicated mouth organs is absent ; the posterior antenna) have shared a like fate, and further, no trace of alimentary canal can be made out, though a very short tubular proboscis is apparent. This however leads nowhere, and I am inclined to hazard the suggestion that these animals may live during the greater part of life as suctorial parasites upon or within some larger animal, but that at breeding time (Aug. and Sept.) they leave their hosts and seek for mates, free-swimming in the surface waters of the sea. Certainly many species of copepoda do live as parasites, e.g. the whole family of Notodelphyidse affect some or other of the simple Ascidians, while others live within the cockle, pecten (6) and other shell-fish. Regarding the assumption that MoiiHtrilla forsakes the host at the breeding time, and that stomach and intestine become absorbed coincidently, such would not be without parallel among other animals. Thus those small free- swimming worms, the Syllida?, forsake their homes among the corallines as the time for reproduction approaches, and are found among the surface life of the sea with alimentary canal reduced to a mere cord or else entirely atrophied, and the cavity of the body wholly filled by masses of ova or of sperm. Reference to PI. iv, Fig. 9, will show how the ova in Monstrilla is similarly disposed. Mr. I. 0. Thompson has indeed (5) considered and condemned the view that this animal may be a sucking parasite but apparently he has overlooked the probability now suggested, of its regularly abandoning such habit and altering its anatomy at the breeding season. He adduced the fact that all specimens of Monstrilla have been recorded as free -swimmers near the surface but considering that a copepod, common in, and peculiar to the cockle, was only discovered in 1892, there is plenty of chance of this supposed parasitic habitat of Monstrilla having been overlooked. Hence I cannot without positive evidence agree with Bourne (7) in the possibility that " the adult may be preceded by a predaceous larva supplied with mouth parts and an alimentary tract, which, after a succession of rapid ecdyses, develops into the mature sexual form, whose only function is that of reproduction." But we have no record of such a larva having been seen and as such would be less easily overlooked than would a parasitic adult in some perhaps obscure host, I think the suggestion I mention is the more probable. A great deal of work has yet to be done ere the parasitic copepoda are even fairly well known, arid I would therefore draw the attention of workers to what assuredly is a promising field for research. The few appendages possessed by Monstrilla are all exceedingly interesting when viewed under a high power. Thus if we examine SEXUAL DIFFERENCES IX ANTENNAE. 23 the antenna) of the male, we will find each to be five jointed, and furnished with a most curious variety of spikes and sensory hairs. First there are numerous short stiff spines, next a few much longer ones with a row of regular dots along each margin. Some of these hairs are equal in length to half that of the antenna itself. Of about equal length are three strange much branched slender hairs set around the apex of the terminal joint. Into these hairs, branch nerves can readily be traced. At the apex of the last joint is a claw- like spine. These spines and hairs are very definite in position and number, thus the 1st joint bears 1 short spine, the 2nd has 5 spines and 1 long hair, " 3rd " 1 spine and 2 long hairs, " 4th " about 5 spines and 1 long hair, while " 5th " 1 stout claw spine, 2 slender ones, 3 branched hairs, 1 long straight hair and a short slight apical thread-like process. Between the 4th and 5th joints is a strange hinge arrangement, peculiar to male copepods, and of use in holding on to the female. The antennae of the latter are shorter and less deeply jointed than those of the male; the ratio being as 8 to 11. The 4th and 5th joints are practically fused into one, so that the antenna seems to consist of 4 joints only. The spinous hairs are more strongly marked in the female, while the branched and the long hairs are less developed. Apparently then, these being sensory, it falls to the male to search for his mate. In arrangement, the hairs, &c., are much the same in both sexes except that in the female the part that answers to the 4th joint bears 5 spines and 3 long hairs, while what represents the 5th, in addition to having a stout apical claw spine has two others equally well developed and which are equivalent to the two slender spines in the male. It has been said that the claw spine of the male is for use in seizing the female but, seeing that the latter is even better equipped, it seems to me more likely that these are primarily of use in anchoring as parasites to some host. The cepalothorax to which the swimming feet are attached, is, in its front part, covered by a great shield, the carapace. On the under side, at the hinder edge of the region thus marked out, is inserted the first pair of feet. Behind the carapace are four distinctly marked off body rings, each bearing in the female a pair of feet on the under side. In the male the fifth pair of feet are suppressed. In structure the first 4 pair of feet are very much alike. The fundamental plan of the typical crustacean foot can be traced clearly. A stout basal part of two stout joints articulating to the body represents the protopodite. To the joint away 24 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. from the body are joined two branch limbs, one directed inwards, the other outwards, respectively endopodite and exopodite. Each again is divided into 3 short joints, bearing setcv or stout hairs definitely placed (PI. iv, Fig. 12). The 1st pair differs from the others in possessing one hair less on the distal joint of the exopodite. All the setas of the feet are finely plumose. The fifth pair of feet, present only in the female, is very different, as each foot consists merely of two short weak joints, bearing at the termination a couple of slender hairs. The abdomen consists of 4 joints (Fig. 10, 1, 2, 3 & 4), ending in a forked tail. Each fork bears 1 slender and 5 stout bristles in the position shown in Fig. 11. Lubbock erred in writing " upon the fourth candal seta (counting from the outside) is another, rather smaller than the other five." In reality it arises from the tail fork in the same way as its fellows, but being very slender, a mistake is very liable to occur. Mr. I. C. Thompson has apparently over- looked this slight hair in his diagnosis of the species as he says " 5 setae to each furcal segment " (6). Muscular System. By selective staining, I have been fortunate in being able to make out very clearly the principal arrangements of the muscles. A glance at Figs. 10 and ] 1 will show how immensely powerful this tiny creature (female 3 mm. long ; male 2*25 mm.) is in proportion to its size. This is apparently against the idea of the generally parasitic life of this animal, for such life in general leads to partial atrophy of the muscles. Still it does not dispose of the suggestion there may be compensating causes. To return. The largest muscles are found within the carapace, lying longitudinally ; four pairs arranged as in Figs. 10 and 11. The two upper or dorsal pairs are used in straightening or extending the body, extensors ; the other two pairs for bending or flexing, i.e. flexors. Each of the following body rings or segments possesses but one pair of extensors and the same number of flexors, modified however in the abdomen by the extensors of the first and second segments, and both the extensors and the flexors of the third and fourth being respectively wholly or in great part coalesced. Thus these segments lose more or less their independence of action, the first and second acting in concert in extension, the third and fourth in all movements. To understand well the action of these body muscles we must remember that the axis of movement between adjoining body rings lies transversely across the body a little above the articulation of the feet, so it is obvious that a pull below such axis, will bring the rings together on the under side, producing flexion ; conversely, if above, the opposite, i.e. straightening will THE THREE EYES OF MONSTRILLA. 25 be produced. Hold a coin between finger and thumb, pull on the uppermost point of the edge and the movement that produces extension in crustaceans, is simulated ; if the lowermost edge be pulled, then flexion is imitated. The anterior end of all these muscles is attached well forward to the inside of the chitonous shell that forms the protective skeleton' in these animals ; the hinder end being inserted on the front edge of the body ring next following, and which is governed in action by the muscle so placed. The swimming feet are each governed in their larger movements by two great fan-shaped muscles which pass upwards from the thigh joint along the sides of the body. The smaller movements are co-ordinated by a very complex series of small muscles which space forbids the enumeration of. The antennae are each governed by two strong muscles passing backwards close to the eyes. In both sexes the muscular development of the antennae is great, particularly in the male, and is of great assistance to the animal in swimming, being, in this sex, virtually equivalent to the addition of another pair of swimming legs. Sense Organs. These seem practically limited to eyes and sensory hairs. The former are well developed, three in number, each possessing a large crystalline lens. They lie somewhat in triangular fashion, two paired ones on the upper surface of the head between the bases of the antennae, and a third, the unpaired one, being beneath these on the under side of the head. The structure is essentially that of a convex glassy lens set in a mass of pigment and connected by a stout nerve with the brain. It is interesting to notice that the paired eyes look sideways, while the unpaired one looks downwards and forwards, just the best possible optical arrangement for the animal when it betakes itself to free life at the surface of the sea. To pelagic animals there is no above. Their world lies around and beneath, and there alone do they require to cast inquiring glances, if indeed their modest optical equipment will so permit me to phrase it. In the females full of ova, the eyes are frequently much reduced and apparently more or less absorbed and functionless. As to sensory hairs, there are apparently two kinds, one having a much branched form (Fig. 10, a), the other straight and un- branched (6). It may be that a is olfactory and b tactile, but this rests entirely upon supposition. Respiration. No organs adapted to this end. The general surface of the body seems to function. Reproduction. The sexes are always separate ; the difference expressing itself plainly in the outward form. The male is smaller (2'25 mm.) than the female (3 mm.) ; he has more powerful antennae 26 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. (ratio 11 to 8) ; the hinge between the 4th and terminal joints of his antennae is absent in those of the female ; he is without the rudimentary fifth pair of swimming feet present in the female, and the sexual orifices which open in both sexes on the under side of the 1st abdominal segment, are in the male situated on stout low prominences (Fig. 10, /.) ; in the female when mature, these are produced into long tubes reaching backwards considerably beyond the ends of the caudal bristles. Internally both ovaries and testes lie as two great paired glands in the cephalothorax. Both sexes have in this species two distinct efferent ducts whereby the genital products are passed downwards and obtain egress at the openings already mentioned. The function of the long tubular genital processes of the female (c) is probably to give attachment to the ova after being extruded, as Mr. I. C. Thompson has observed ova adherent to them in an allied species (4). REFERENCES : 1. LUBBOCK, SIR JOHN. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist,, Vol. xx, 2nd Series, 1857. 2. Brady, Prof. G. S. A Monograph of Br. Gopepoda (Ray Soc.), Vol. iii, 1880. 3. Thompson, I. C. Second Rep. on Copepoda of L'pool Bay (Trans. Biol. Soc. L'pool, Vol. II), 1887. 4. Copepoda of Madeira (Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool, Vol. xx), 1887. 5. Monstrilla & the Gymbasomaiidce (Trans. Biol. Soc. L'pool, Vol. iv), 1890. 6. Revised Rep. on Copepoda of L'pool Bay (Trans. Biol. Soc. L'pool, Vol. vii), 1893. 7. Bourne, G. C. Notes on the Genus Monstrilla (Quart. Journ. of Micro. Sc.), Feb. 1890. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV, FIGS. 9 12. Monstrilla awglica (Lubbock). Fig. 9. Side view of a female full of ova (size 3 mm.), am antennary muscles, e eye, o proboscis, c genital tubes. (Note No definite articulation should be shown between the fourth and terminal joints of the antenna. Such is shown here by a slip in drawing. Fig. 10 & 11. Lateral and dorsal view of a male (size 2'25 mm.), a branched sensory hairs, b straight tactile (?) hairs, m l & m", the extensors muscles of the segment next behind the carapace, 771"' & m iv flexor muscles of same, 1, 2, 3 & 4 abdominal segments, / genital prominence, d the 6th or slight seta of the caudal fork. Fig. 12. View from behind, of the third pair of swimming feet. 27 VI. THE MAIN FACTS CONCERNING THE LANCELET (AMPHIOXUS LANCEOLATUS). Few animals are cosmopolitan. Changes of climate, food, and habits, brought about by life in other latitudes, alter, directly or indirectly, sooner or later, some features of the body, and the migrant becomes a new variety, and even in course of time may have this variation so indelibly impressed upon it, as to constitute a new species. Even migrant civilised man, with all his special advantages of constant inter-communication with his original stock, is affected appreciably in comparatively a short time. The American our Brother Jonathan has not our features, but bears a physical trade- mark solely his own ; our cousin, too, in New Zealand a really nearer relative than he from the U. S. A. is developing " points " alien to ours. Naturally however, the land is less likely to present cosmopolitan types than the sea. Under the waves vicissitudes of climate are reduced to a minimum. But even there, we but seldom find a species stable over widely extended areas ; those known to be world- wide may practically be counted on the fingers. Thence, when we find that perhaps the most curious of living animals, the strange Lancelet, most lowly among the vertebrates, is found without appreciable change of form or structure in the seas of Europe (around Britain and in the Mediterranean), along the North American coast, in the West Indies, Brazil, Peru, Tasmania, Australia, and Borneo, we seize one of the many noteworthy facts concerning this animal. Spread thus universally, Awiphio&us lanceolatus is not only the sole species in its genus, but also the only representative of the family, and even of the group to which it belongs. Curiously enough, the first example known, was caught off Cornwall, and passed into the possession of the early Russian naturalist Pallas, who indeed saw so little affinity with the vertebra ta, that he described it (1774) as a slug, Limax lanceolatus. Some fifty years passed ere we have note of a second specimen being caught (1831). This again was taken on our English coast, at Polperro, Cornwall. It was well described by Yarrell, who bestowed upon it the name we are now so familiar with, Amphioxus lanceolatus. Yarrell recognised its relationship better, and placed it at the bottom of the list of fishes, where it has ever since remained. The growth of the systematic study of marine life has of late years shown Amphioxus to be both widely spread and frequently numerous, so that now it may aspire to join the select circle of martyrs to science, already adorned with the names of the frog and the dogfish. 28 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. The anatomy and description of few animals are better known, hence I have little or no excuse for occupying space with details here. Any zoological text-book will provide such, as for example Marshall and Hurst's " Practical Zoology," a work specially commendable, from its clearness and accuracy. I will therefore now give what is intended as merely a running commentary upon the figures as drawn on Plate IV. External Characters. In life, the Lancelot is a small, nearly transparent fish-like animal, pointed at either end of some two to three inches in length. No scales are present, the body being clothed in a thin transparent cuticle. Along the entire dorsal region, and along the ventral from atrial pore to the end of the body, the skin is raised into a fold or ridge best marked both dorsally and ventrally in the part of the body posterior to the anus, and which we may term the tail. The dorsal ridge of skin is strengthened, except at the ends, by a row of cube-like compartments forming a supporting skeleton, answering to the fin rays of true fishes. The ventral ridge is strengthened by a similar skeleton between atrial pore and anus, and this part is the ventral fin (vf.) ; the fold running along the dorsal and ventral sides of the tail being the caudal fin, while the dorsal fold anterior to the tail constitutes the dorsal fin (df.) Alimentary Canal. The mouth is a large oval aperture placed anteriorly on the ventral aspect, and bordered on either side by a line of tentacles (bt). The mouth leads into an elongated dilated chamber, the pharynx, which functions also as the organ of respiration (ph). Its walls are supported on either side by a frame- work of cartilaginous arches set obliquely, the gill arches (#), along which course the branchial blood-vessels. Between every two arches is a long narrow perforation, the gill cleft. Through these openings, the water, brought in through the mouth by the action of the cilia that line the pharynx, is directed into a cavity all but surrounding the pharyngeal tube. This, the Atrial Chamber, corresponds closely to that of similar name in the Ascidians, and indeed, the respiratory plan is altogether exactly conformable in the two animals. The water passing into the atrial cavity from the pharynx is conveyed out by an opening, the atrial pore (), situated at the front end of the ventral fin. As in the Ascidians, an endostyle is present in the ventral wall of the pharynx. It is however flattened in the anterior part, but posteriorly it has the deeply grooved form charac- teristic of Ascidians. The epibranchial groove found in Ascidians is also well marked as a dorsal counterpart of the endostyle. The pharynx leads into a straight intestine ending in an anal opening (a) placed on the left side of the ventral fin. THE MAIN FACTS CONCERNING THE LANCELET. 29 Immediately above the alimentary canal is a tough elastic rod, the Notochord (nt\ reaching from end to end of the body. Above this again, lies the Spinal Cord, a cylinder having slightly less diameter, marked along the under side by black pigment cells. No brain is apparent, but the more anterior part is slightly thicker than posteriorly. Branching nerves are given off at intervals to the various organs. Sense Organs are rudimentary ; a pigmented patch at anterior end of the spinal cord, serves as " eye," while a ciliated pit at the same point may be olfactory in function. The Muscular System is well developed and enwraps the various organs as in a sheath. Its elements are composed of striated fibres, arranged principally in peculiar < shaped bundles or myotomes numbering 61 62 on either side of the body. On the ventral surface are subsidiary muscles running transversely, whose function is, by contraction, to expel water from the atrial cavity. Blood System. No definite heart is present. Impure blood from all parts of the body is collected into a ventral vessel, the cardiac aorta, which by the contractility of its walls is able to propel this blood into paired vessels, aortic arches, that pass along each alternate (primary) arch. The blood, purified in these vessels by intimate exposure to the water passing through the gill slits, is emptied into a right or left dorsal aorta according as it comes from right or left side of the pharynx. The right and left dorsal aortse unite to form, at the hinder end of the pharynx, a single vessel which passes backwards on the dorsal side of the intestine. From the dorsal aortaa the purified blood is distributed to the organs of the body. Reproductive Organs. The sexes are separate ovaries and testes have the same outward appearance, that of two rows of enlargements along the body-wall, external to the atrial cavity and parallel with the pharynx, a row on either side of the body. The products escape by rupture of the atrial wall, into the atrial cavity and escape by the atrial pore, or it may be by the mouth, by passing through the gill clefts. Want on Internal Symmetry. It is a remarkable fact about Amphioxus, that the internal organs do not show bilateral symmetry, that is, are not arranged in balanced pairs. Thus any particular gill cleft on one side is opposite a gill arch on the other side, instead of opposite another cleft. The aortic arches necessary partake also of this asymmetry. The muscle segments or myotomes, nearly all the nerves arising from the spinal cord, and the reproductive glands are also alternate on the two sides of the body. The liver too is asymmetric, being turned to the right side, while the anus opens on the left side. 30 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. Development of Gill Arches. These are of two kinds ; half are forked at the ventral ends, others, which alternate, are imsplit. The cleft in front of, and that behind each unsplit rod originally formed together a single opening, which, by secondary growth downwards of a portion of the wall, become divided into two in the manner shown in Fig. 16, Plate IV. The down-growing rods may be therefore termed secondary arches, the others primary. In adult individuals connecting bars cross the clefts so as to join more intimately the primary and secondary arches, an arrangement reminding us of that in the Ascidians. A comparison of Amphioxus with a typical Ascidian is extremely interesting and suggests such a closeness of relationship that were it not for the emphatic development of a central skeleton, there would be more reason in classing it as a highly developed free- swimming Ascidian, than as a little developed ancestral fish. The points of similarity are well brought out by glancing at the comparative diagrams of the two, shown in figs. 14 and 15. The section shown in both figures is transverse. In the Ascidian, the section is just posterior to the mouth and through the nerve ganglion that serves as brain. That of Amphioxus is through the pharynx. Examination shows how, except in minor details of relative thick- ness and arrangement of the tissues, the fundamental similarity (homology) is absolute, saving for the presence in the lancelet of a central skeleton, or notochord (nt). In both the body is encased in a more or less structureless cuticle. Within this is a ring of muscular fibres, and more or less sunk in this muscular layer is the central nerve-mass (n). Suspended from the muscular band at a point just beneath the nerve centre, is a perforated pharyngeal tube shown in figs. 14 and 15, by an interrupted line (gci.) intended to represent the sections of alternate gill arches and gill clefts. Top and bottom of this pharyngeal tube are two grooves, respectively the epibranchial groove and the endostyle. The minor differences as seen in such a section are : In the Ascidian the cuticle is immensely thickened to form a protective test ; but the muscular hoop is infinitely less developed than in the Lancelet, due to the want of much muscular effort in the sedentary life led by the former. In the Lancelet again, the pharyngeal tube is only attached dorsally. In the Ascidian, it is, at the points shown, attached both dorsally and ventrally. In both animals the mechanism of respiration and feeding is alike ; the muscular arrangements are strictly comparable ; the reproductive products are in both expelled from the genital glands into the atrium and leave the parent by either the atrial pore or THE MAIN FACTS CONCERNING THE LANCELET. 31 mouth. In both is the same lowly development of sense organs, and want of any defined cephalic or head region. The points of divergence are essentially the presence in the Lancelet, of a notochord, of an elongated central nerve-mass, and of a higher type of blood system. Finally it is noteworthy that a series of minute tubules, probably excretory, open into the upper portion of the atrial cavity on either side of the pharynx. There can be but little doubt that these represent the paired excretory tubules (nephridia), so characteristic of the worms. Hence, as no kidneys of any vertebrate pattern are present, the Lancelet exhibits in the structure of its renal organs, the most unmistakable of its many plebeian characteristics. EXPLANATION OF FIGS. 13-16, PLATE IV. Amphioxus lanceolatus (Yarrell). Fig. 13. View of a young specimen iVin long ; from the left side. Fig. 14. Diagram of a transverse section of same through pharyngeal region. Fig. 15. Diagram of a transverse section through the anterior end of the body of a typical section, e.g. A. mentula. Fig. 16. Diagrams showing the mode of formation of a double gill slit from a single. Lettering the same in all figures, viz. : a p. atrial pore ; a. anus ; b t. buccal tentacles ; c. cuticle ; df. dorsal fin ; e. eye ; end. endostyle ; ep [/. epibranchial groove ; g a. gill arches ; i. intestine ; L liver ; m. muscles ; n. nerve system ; nt. riotochord ; ph. pharynx ; p c. pigment cells ; sp c. spinal cord ; vf. ventral fin. Aeries III, -V, "VI STUDY VII. THE METAMORPHOSES OF THE MANTIS SHRIMPS OR SQUILLIDvE. SQUILLA MANTIS. The Mantis Shrimps, the Squillidse, are among the least known of the larger crustaceans found on our shores. Essentially a southern type, the two species of this family that occur in British waters, have been met with on the southern coast only, and if we were to judge from the few captures reported, we should account them extremely rare. In reality, one of the two, Squilla desmarestii is not uncommon along the shallower shores of Jersey, but as it takes up habitation in deep burrows among the roots of the sea-grass (Zostera) in a zone never uncovered by the tide, one can understand how rare in appearance it may be how abundant in fact in some favourite localities. On several occasions, immense numbers have been cast up on the Jersey coast after great storms. Their homes in the Zostera JETSAM OF MANTIS SHRIMPS. 33 bods of the Laminarian zone had been devastated by heavy surf due to the bursting of storms coincident with the furthest receding tides of the year, and the Squillids forced or frightened from their burrows, and helpless to withstand or get clear of the dashing breakers, had been buffetted to and fro, to be finally thrown in multitudes upon the beach. The Squillidse, the sole members of the order Stomatopoda^ are distinguished from the other order of large Crustaceans the Deca- poda (Lobsters, Crabs, &c.) by a different arrangement for breathing and by a different function to which certain of the anterior limbs are put. For the purpose of comparison, let us take the Lobster as type of the Decapoda. In it, the three divisions of the body of an ideal higher crustacean head, thorax and abdomen are reduced to two, by the fusion of head and thorax to form the cephalothorax. This, pro- tected by a great shield, the carapace, is furnished with 14 pairs of appendages. Taking these in order from before backwards, we have one pair of stalked and moveable compound eyes ; two pairs of sensory organs, the antennae ; one pair of stout jaws or mandibles ; two pairs of weaker jaw organs, maxillae ; followed by three pairs of appendages which in structure are midway between that of the walking limbs and that of the maxillae, and as they share in the work of preparing food and closely surround the mouth, they have received the name of foot-jaws, or maxillipeds. Next come five pairs of large walking or ambulatory limbs, pereiopods. Of these, the anterior pair are enormously enlarged and form the chelae, or pincers, powerful organs for seizing and tearing prey. The second and third pairs have also small pincer terminations, but the third and fourth end in simple claws. The abdomen consists of five well-marked rings or somites, bearing each a pair of two branched (biramous) swimming feet or swimmerets, followed by another somite bearing much enlarged flattened swimming feet. A large, strong plate, telson, forms the hinder extremity of the body and with the plate-like limbs of the preceding somite, constitutes a powerful flapping tail the so-called caudal fin. In all probability, the telson represents a true somite once provided with swimmerets, for the anus opens on the under side of it, and further, minute moveable points, esteemed to be vestiges of swimmerets, have been observed upon the telson of the common prawn, Palcvmon serratus* If this be so, the abdomen consists of seven somites ; and as each pair of limbs attached to the cephalothorax is believed to indicate an original somite, we arrive at 14 as the * Bell, History of Br. Stalk-eyed Crustacea, p. xx., London, 1853, 34 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. number of somites composing this part of the body. But several weighty reasons point to the eyes as not representing a somite, and this reducing the number to 13, we find the entire body to consist of 20 somites. And this number not only characterises the Decapods, to which the Lobster belongs, but equally the whole of the higher Crustacea. In some species, indeed, the thorax is distinctly jointed after the fashion of the abdomen, emphasizing clearly the primitive segmentation of the former region. In the Lobster as in all Decapods, the breathing organs consist of lancet shaped gills composed of innumerable closely packed plates or lamella?, connected with the ambulatory limbs and some of the maxillipeds, and lodged in a special champer on either side, formed by the down-turned edges of the carapace. If we now turn to Squilla, we have to note the following radical differences from the Decapod type. Most are apparent in the accom- panying drawing of Squilla mantis, the larger of the two British species. This animal is much more active and lithe than the Lobster, by reason of the fusion of the head and thorax being less complete. The carapace leaves uncovered the last three somites of the thorax, and the shortened ones bearing the hinder maxillipeds are also not fused with this shield. Apparently then, Squilla shows a more primitive form of structure than does the Lobster for undoubtedly the architypal crustacean had a body composed of a number of somites of which none were fused together all being separate and independent. As to the appendages, the eyes are extremely curious in shape, expanding at the summit in a broad bilobed fashion that arrests the attention at once. Then follow two pairs of antennae, the outer bearing a broad oval scale or squame ; next a pair of strong mandibles and two pairs of maxillas, just as in the Lobster. But here the similitude ends, for instead of three pairs of foot-jaws, there are five pairs, the first weak, the second formed into strong and greatly developed prehensile claws, with toothed terminal joint capable of folding down into a groove on the inner side of the joint preceding, while the succeeding three are weakly organs, with rounded penultimate joint, bearing a tiny spine-like claw. Next, instead of the five pairs of walking limbs characteristic of Decapods, there are in Squilla but three pairs, and in struc- ture they differ also, being weak and styliform and bearing a delicate outer branch (exopodite), which disappears entirely in the Decapods one of several reasons stamping the latter group as more modified, more distant, from the primitive co-parent, than the Mantis Shrimps. As to the abdomen however, the form of the appendages remains essentially the same, saving that in Squilla the LIFE-HISTORY OF MANTIS SHRIMPS. 35 first five bear gills beautifully tufted or feathered, and kept con- stantly in movement by the incessant paddling of the limbs where- from they spring. No gills belong to the anterior part of the body ; hence the carapace is small as it does not require to bend down laterally to form gill chambers as in the Lobster. Good as the drawing given above, in life Squilla would scarcely be recognised by it. No great seizing claws are visible, indeed none of the maxillipeds are in evidence. I remember how, when I found my first specimen, my heart sank very low my capture was but a sorry one the great claws were gone ! And then as I little by little examined more carefully, my spirits rose again for there, snugly folded up beneath the shelter of the projecting margins of the carapace, were the two lost limbs, and equally safe were the other foot jaws hidden closely away between the bases of the great claws. A moment's thought will show how necessary it is for animals living in a narrow- burrow to have means of packing away, in small compass, great limbs that are of no service except in procuring food, and which otherwise would be getting in the way continually. In leisurely swimming, the abdominal limbs the swimmerets are used as paddles but they by no means do all the work for the large oval squame of each of the second antennae paddles assiduously and must be of great assistance. The development is singularly interesting. Unlike the Deca- pods, the Mantis Shrimps do not carry their spawn about till hatched, attached to the swimmerets, but deposit it in their burrows in the Zostera meadows a great difficulty in the way of the study of the embryology of this animal. Upon emerging from the egg, the larva is very simple in struc- ture, soon assuming the form shown in PI. vi, Fig. 3. A great shield covers nearly the whole of the body. In front, this carapace is drawn out into a long spine or rostrum ; behind, into two other but smaller spines, with a third tiny one midway between these two last. The eyes are very large and show no trace of any stalked condition. Indeed this sessile form characterises the early larval stage of all the higher crustaceans when normal, and clearly points to an ancestry with unstalked eyes. Two pairs of tiny antennae, two mandibles and two pairs of maxilla are present, together with five powerful biramous maxillipeds, co-equal in size saving the second pair, which in their slightly stouter form, forshadow the great clawed prehensile second maxillipeds of the adult. The three succeeding somites of the thorax are clearly seen from the first, but without sign of any appendages. In the very early stage a large spinous-edged telson articulates with the hindmost of 36 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. these limbless thoracic somites, and as time goes on, the true abdominal somites appear at this point of junction and simul- taneously tiny limbs sprout out from these newly formed parts. In Fig. 3 two pairs are shown in an early sprouting stage. This, the Erichthus or Glass Shrimp stage, was long mistaken as representing a separate animal, and before going further, let me point out why it does not receive the name of Zoea, as the young larvae of the Decapods are so well known by. If the newly hatched young of the Common Shore Crab (Garcinus) be examined they will be seen to possess apparently the same body parts as the Squilla Erichthus. A large carapace covers the fore part of the body, and a tail unprovided with limbs follows, ending too in a broad telson. Yes, but here most curiously, the hinder part of the thorax is not yet in any way recognizable, and the tail portion is true abdomen and not thorax as in Squilla ; seven pairs of appendages are present ; the two pairs of antennae, the mandibles, two pairs maxillae and two pairs of maxillipeds. The third pair of the last named organs and the whole of the am- bulatory limbs are absent and when they do appear, they sprout out from the point ^-r~2^ J us ^ an t er i r to the junction of thorax ^^^^^/'''/^ with abdomen. The swimmerets appear ^5^3*^ \ about the same time as paired buds from ">^$?|8. ) the segments of the tail-like abdomen. ^fl/^^^h^M Thus there is a wide divergence between p$J^ ^O? the Zoea and the Erichthus. In the TS> \*S one, the abdomen is present from the ^\Str-~^ s= nrs t,while the hinder part of the thorax '^SL_ is absent in the other, the cepalo- ADVANCED ZOEA OF A CBAB. thorax is present in full segmental number from the beginning, but the abdomen is wanting, saving for the telson. After several moults the Erichthus loses entirely the three hinder maxillipeds, while synchronously the tiny abdominal somites that have just appeared, develop their bud-like limbs into large biramous swimmerets or pleopods, while each of the second maxil- lipeds increases in size quite disproportionately to its neighbours and becomes a huge somewhat chela-like limb differing however from the true chela or pincer form (seen so well in the Lobster) in that the terminal joint is not opposable to an outgrown, huge finger-like spine of the second, but instead folds down upon the second, fitting when at rest, into a deep groove running along the inner margin of this penultimate joint. In the adult the edges of this groove are beautifully sculptured with most delicate serrations, and in the larvae show also, but in a coarser form (PI. vi, Fig. 4). Journ. of Mar. Zool. and Microscopy. Vol I. PI. VI. Jas Hornell, del ad Nat. JERSEY BIOL STN. METAMORPHOSES OF CRUSTACEA. Journ. of Mar. Zool. and Microscopy Fij.l Jas. Hornell, del ad Nat- JERSEY BIOL. STN. STRUCTURE OF ANEMONES. THE CYCLOPEAN EYE. 37 The larvae have now passed into what is known as the Alima stage. The paired compound eyes now become stalked, and the unpaired simple eye more easily distinguishable as a tiny X shaped black speck, set at the base of the rostrum and between the bases of the stalked eyes. As a point of interest, it may be noted that a connection has been suggested between it and the pineal eye of vertebrates. In PL vi, Fig. 5, a later alima stage is figured just prior indeed to the assumption of adult form. Here the three suppressed maxil- lipeds are reappearing, but extremely short (Fig. 56). In it also, the three biramous walking limbs of the adult are beginning growth tiny buds on the underside of the three hinder thoracic segments (Fig. 5c), which until the present have from the time of hatching been free from any sign or trace of appendage. During all these larval stages, the tiny animal leads a pelagic free-swimming life, and is occasionally taken in the tow-net in the sunny waters of the Channel Isles. Like other pelagic animals it is glassy and colourless and a powerful swimmer. EXPLANATION OF FIGS. 3 5, PLATE VI. Metamorphoses of Squilla. Fig. 3. The recently hatched animal in the Erichthus or Glass- shrimp stage ; actual size 4 mm. (inclusive of rostrum). Fig. 4. Early Alima stage of another species, ventral view ; actual size 4J mm. Fig. 5. Advanced Alima stage, dorsal view ; actual size 11 mm. (In this figure, the rudimentary three hinder pairs of maxillipeds 56 ; the bud-like ambulatory limbs 5c ; and the well-developed ambulatory limbs 5d, are not figured for clearness sake). 5, a mandible ; 56, one of the three hinder and rudimentary maxillipeds, X 55 ; 5c, Section through the hinder part of the thorax, showing the first appearance of the am- bulatory limbs as buds, X 18 ; 5d, a swimmeret, X 13. Lettering the same in all figures, viz : I. anterior antenna? ; II. posterior antennae ; III. mandibles ; IV & V. 1st and 2nd maxilla? ; VI, VII, VIII,, IX & X. maxillipeds; XIV XVIII. swimmerets ; e. paired compound eyes ; e. unpaired simple eye ; lab. labium ; II. branchial plate of maxilliped ; cp. carapace ; r. rostrum ; al. ali- mentary canal ; a. anus. NOTE. Probably the two Alima forms figured, belong to the same species of Squilla, viz., S. desmarestii. 38 VIII. THE PHYLLOSOMA OR GLASS CRAB LARVA OF SCYLLARUS. Pelagic animals arc, without exception, of the highest beauty, but, saving for the wondrous loveliness of the pelagic Ccelenterates the elfin-locked Medusids, the glassy Cydippe, and the phosphorescent and elaborate Siphonophores, what can compare with the quaint " Glass Crabs " of the older writers. These, long known by the name of Phyllosoma, were considered a separate group of animals, till Couch in 1857 hinted vaguely to the British Association that they were in reality the larval forms of certain Decapod Crustaceans, notably of Pcdinurus vulgaris, the Common Crawfish. Couch had been studying for some years the development of the larger Crus- taceans, and the pity is, that through inadequate training he was unable to utilize to full, or even moderate advantage, the oppor- tunities that the practically unexploited field of this study then afforded. Couch's figures were anything but accurate, and his work did little but point the way. Indeed not till so long after as 1870, was the full value of the relationship definitely traced and worked out, and the achievement is one of the many that Biology owes to the indefatigable perseverance of that prince among naturalists the veteran Dr. Dohrn. In that year Dr. Dohrn detailed the development of a very near relative of Palinurus, viz. of Scyllarus arctus, while in the egg, and also during a short period in its free swimming life, showing that there is absolute identity between the hatched larva and a certain form of Phyllosome. Other naturalists have extended these observations, and to-day the only points requiring much elucidation, are the final metamor- phoses just prior to the period when the Phyllosome larva changes to the adult. A limit seems to be set to the age to which the larvaa can be reared in confinement. For a while all goes well, then the captives begin to find some necessary condition of life to be wanting, and rapidly decrease in numbers, till not one survives. But before describing the larval form, let us glance at the chief points in the anatomy of the adult. Scyllarus arctus is one of the rarest of the large Crustaceans living in British waters, and like the Squillidse, found only in the English Channel ; just on the northern boundary of the great Mediterranean zone just where this zone grades into that of the northern regions. Its captures on the English coast can be traced in paragraphs in scientific journals, and only in the Channel Islands is it frequently enough met with to receive a vernacular cognomen. In these islands the fishermen speak of it indifferently as the Bastard Crawfish and the Square-nosed "GLASS CRABS/ 39 Lobster ; sufficiently graphic epithets strong in the descriptive name-power that lurks so often in the rough harvesters of the sea. Scyilarus is a strange mingling of the uncouth and the beau- tiful. His form is clumsy ; short squat body with weak legs and with disproportionate development of the second antennaa. These, which in the Lobster and the Crawfish (Palinurus) are elegant, long, gently tapering rods equal and exceeding in length that of the body dwindle in Scyilarus into short broad plates very evident in the figure drawn beneath. But the coloring ! That is superb : In general tint a rather light chestnut brown, the depressions and deep lines of the closely covering fine sculpturing are of deeper tone, almost black ; in striking contrast to this the anterior portion of each of the abdominal rings is of a brilliant scarlet. The short eye- stalks are also scarlet, giving these organs, with the black pigment disc showing distinct through the transparent cornea and retina, a striking resemblance to those little scarlet and black beans (Abrus), which bottled up, form such familiar objects on the mantel- shelves of our seafaring men's homes. Un- doubtedly Scyilarus is the most beautifully coloured of our large Crustaceans. The number and arrangement of the limbs are the same as in the Lobster, but unlike the latter animal, all the five pairs of ambulatory limbs are formed on the same pattern each terminating in a short sharp claw none pincer-like as in the Lobster. A very different creature issues from the egg. Instead of a short legged, stout body, an elegant glassy-transparent and colour- less, leaf-like organism appears, delicate, fragile, with four enormously long, six-jointed limbs, freely armed with spines. And two of these spider-like limbs give off branches ending in delicately plumose hairs. Further and minute examination shows the body to consist of three distinct divisions a broadly oval flattened head, larger in size than the remainder of the body ; a thorax, rounded and likewise flattened leaf-like, and of about half the size only of the head ; lastly the abdomen, least developed of the three parts, narrow, elongated, and without appendages. HEAD : From the anterior margin of the head spring two pairs of simple antenna?, the posterior extremely small, only some fifth the length of the anterior ones. Between these lie two great facetted eyes, borne on long stout peduncles ; while in the median line just between the bases of the eyestalks, is a tiny X shaped mass of dark SCYLLAEUS AllCTUS. 40 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. pigment representing the unpaired simple eye, of the same structure as that of the Squilla larva*. The mouth is situated on the under side of the head, midway between the front and hinder edges, and is surrounded by an upper -lip or labium (PI. vi, Fig. 2), two stout mandibles, and two pairs of maxillae, the first large, with two appendages and working inwards in the same plane as the mandibles ; the second pair, on the contrary, are small and rudimentary and appear not to function. Of the maxillipeds the first pair is non-existent, showing not the slighest trace : a very peculiar fact and characteristic of Scyllarus, distinguishing from the youngest Phyllosome ofPalinurus where this appendage is just visible as a tiny cylindrical process.* The second however, though slender, can be easily resolved into six joints, while the third is more than thrice this length and proportionately stouter. Behind this are three enormously elongated spider-like limbs, the .true ambulatory legs or pereiopods ; each is six jointed the terminal one claw-shaped and reminding one sharply of the similar appearance of this joint in the adult. The first and second ambulatory limbs are biramous, for there springs from the further end of the second joint in each, a paddle-functioning jointed and plumose appendage which represents the exopodite. The third is unbranched, but a knobbed projection on the second joint indicates where the exopodite is about to sprout forth. In older larvae the third maxilliped also develops a plumose branch. Four pairs of limbs, the third maxillipeds, and the six pereiopods are the only appendages of the thorax at this stage, but as age advances and repeated moults take place other pereiopods appear at the point between the base of the abdomen and the third pereiopod ; these in turn assuming the biramous character of the first formed. * In this statement I give the accepted view (Dohrn, Zeitschr. fur iviss. Zool. 1870). My own examination of the young larvae, points rather to the missing appendage being the second maxilla and not the first maxilliped. Undoubtedly one or other is missing, for between the first maxilla and the second maxilliped, there is but one organ, and the reason why I think this to be the first maxilliped is that the somite it belongs to, is clearly defined and shows no trace of having another somite between it and the equally well defined somite bearing the second maxilliped (see Fig. 2). On the other hand, the region in front of the somite bearing this uncertain appendage, and between the latter and the first maxilla, is extensive, and bears no appendage. The shape too, of the uncertain limb, is in favour of my view ; it consists of a stout, rather fusiform basal joint, bearing a tiny terminal joint from which spring four long and highly plumose hairs. Now in the Phyllosome of Palinurus which possesses both second maxillae and first maxillipeds, Cunningham (Journ. Mar. Biol. Assn., New Ser., Vol. II, No. 2, p. 147) describes the former as rather large and foliaceous and gives the figure of a distinctly biramous limb ; while the latter he speaks of as being each a simple, small but distinct conical stump, a description much more fitting the organ in the Scyllarus larva, than that of the second maxilla, for it is in nowise foliaceous, nor yet biramous. Not having examined the embryo nor yet any advanced Phyllosomes of Scyllarus, I cannot however give my view as more than an opinion. LARVAL CRUSTACEANS. 41 The third part of the body, the abdomen, is trivial and shows no signs of the importance it will attain to in the adult condition. No limbs are present, not even a caudal fin the intestine can however be traced, traversing the entire length, and opening by the anus at the extreme end. A few very faint transverse markings can be made out, indicating the limits of future somites. Now what is the significance of this most peculiar larval form ?- Only Scyllarus and Palinurus among the Decapods possess it. Of the others, the vast majority, especially the solid phalanx of the Crabs, leave the egg in a totally different condition, viz.. in the Zoe'a form, i.e., with head and abdomen well developed but without thorax and abdominal limbs. On the other hand the larvae of the Lobster are never so primitive. Thorax and thoracic limbs are present from the first though abdominal limbs are at first absent. A few others have still further abbreviated metamorphosis, e.g., the Fresh-water Crayfish is hatched practically in adult form, while conversely a few prawns (Peneus) leave the egg in "the curiously primitive Nauplius con- dition that characterises specially the Entomostracans and Cirripedes and pass through numerous other stages ere reaching the adult. To either of the last two, Phyllosoma bears no relation, and analysing the other couple, it is at once seen that the Zoe'a form is also inadmissable. This one has no . thorax developed, while in Phyllosoma such is of great importance. We are thus left with the Lobster larva (early stage), a form at first sight nowise resembling a Phyllosome. But stay ; both show distinct head, thorax and abdomen ; ADVANCED LARVA OF THE LOBSTER. in both, limbs are developed on the first two divisions, and both are without appendages on the abdomen. All parts bear comparison in the two forms, and the differences which, first sight, appeared so great as to forbid thought of any probable fundamental similarity until arrived at by analysis, are after all but comparatively trivial differences of proportion. But if the larval forms of the Palinurida3 be so closely akin in fundamental structure (homology) to those of the Lobsters (Homarus) how did the present striking divergence in the form of the respective regions arise ? The answer must be sought in the different habits of these animals during the larval life. And the chief determining habit centres in the different mode of 42 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. progression .adopted by the two. The Lobster larva moves largely by a jerky movement or flapping, produced by the muscular con- traction of the powerful abdomen : the Phyllosome on the other hand swims entirely by the paddling action of the thoracic legs. In the one case, the animal chooses a mode of progression requiring a well developed and muscular abdomen in the other, Phyllosoma elects a method that dispenses with the need for such a strong tail, hence the non-development of that during such period when indeed it would be an encumbrance arid a danger. Then as to the change in form of the rest of the body such is probably the outcome of the greater pelagic habit of the Phyllosome. The latter has a much longer surface-swimming larval life (so far as my observations go) than larval lobsters, hence the necessity for a greater or more perfect, defensive transparency. Such, obviously, can be better attained in a thin flattened body, than in a thick muscular one. Surely this study of individual development is without superior in fascinating interest among Zoological problems its interest, too, enhanced by the great light it sheds upon the past development of the race. But while its importance in this sense is so great, let us beware of blind acceptance of that present day biological shibboleth " Ontogeny recapitulates Phylogeny," meaning that the history of the development of the individual sums up and points out the various stages passed through by the particular race in the course of its evolution. Such a theory I doubt not is useful to work by, but it must have intelligent and reasoning and ultra-careful hand- ling, or further false pages will be added to the already too many that have of late years been inserted in our scientific journals by hasty and theory-ridden writers. The harm done in this way is incalculable and unfortunately difficult to cope with or to stem. Every such wildly reasoned generalization or inference is a false finger post upon the scientific highway. Therefore let us beware of setting up even one more. EXPLANATION OF FIGS. 1 AND 2, PLATE VI. The Phyllosoma larva of Scyllarus. Fig. 1. Early Phyllosome larva seen from the dorsal surface ; actual length (tip of rostrum to end of abdomen) 1*5 mm. ; e. paired compound eyes ; e. unpaired simple eye ; c. head ; ill. thorax ; db. abdomen ; I. anterior antennas ; II. pos- terior antennae ; III. mandibles ; IV & V. 1st and 2nd maxillae ; VII & VIII. 2nd and 3rd maxillipeds ; IX, X & XI. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ambulatory limbs ; XIII. 4th ambulatory limb beginning to sprout ; exp. exopodite ; g. rudiment of green gland ; I. largely lobed liver. THE FLOWERS OF THE SEA. 43 Fig. 2. Enlarged view of mouth organs ; lab. labium ; mand. man- dibles ; 1 max. & 2 max. 1st and 2nd maxillae ; 2a, stout limb of mandible ; 26, a 1st maxilla both further enlarged. STUDY IX. THE STRUCTURE OF ANEMONES. Ever since that comparatively recent period little more than a century ago, when, for the first time, men's eyes were opened to the beauties of the smaller marine creatures, the sea-anemones have held perhaps the foremost place of honour in this artistic appreciation. Their very name the implied resemblance to the gorgeous scarlet- rayed, black disc'd anemones that give such wealth of colour to our old-fashioned gardens suggests this thought. And our German cousins vie in doing similar honour, a higher one if possible, by calling them after the queen of flowers, for they name them Sea-roses (Seeros'en). Even the learned and usually strictly practical framers of our scientific nomenclature have experienced the same spell, for is not Anthozoa one of the terms applied to the Anemone group merely the Greek rendering of " Flower-animals " ? Few marine animals are nowadays better known. Everyone who has started even the smallest of small aquaria if only in the form of a big pickle-jar or an earthenware pan has begun by stocking with some common species of anemone ; mayhap the brownish-red Beadlet (Actinia) with its necklace of lovely blue beads ; or perhaps the stout fleshy Tealia, with body covered with strange warts, each holding firmly some fragment of shell or pebble ; or yet again, he may have started with the medusa-locked Anemonia sulcata (Anthea cereus). Their hardiness, as well as their beauty, conduces to this popularity. If we take any typical anemone, we find it to be of extremely primitive structure. Usually the body consists of a short, stout, hollow cylinder (column), attached at the base to some rock or boulder, by a sucker-like pedal disc, often spoken of as the foot. The opposite or free end, the peristome or mouth disc, bears the mouth, slit-like in shape, and surrounded by several concentric rows of hollow, finger-like tentacles, the older towards the centre. At the point where the peristome merges into the column, is a distinct ridge, the margin (PI. vii. Fig. 3, m.) No anus is present. The mouth, o, leads into a short oesophagus or stomodseum (s), not continuous with a stomach and intestine as in the higher and more familiar animals, but ending in a free, pendant margin, opening direct into the great body cavity, the coelenteric space. The fundamental form of this simple alimentary 44 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. arrangement can be at once understood if we take a hollow india- rubber ball, cut a small slit at one end, and then push the edges of the slit well down into the interior of the ball ; the short tube thus formed will represent the stomodseum. Each of the two angles that bound the extremities of the mouth slit are continued downwards along the oesophagus as a deep, richly ciliated groove the siphonoglyph. Most anemones have two of these grooves but some (Peachia, Cerianthus) have but one. The siphonoglyphs remain open, even when the animal is greatly contracted, and they appear to be useful in keeping up a constant flow of water through the. oesophagus. Numerous vertical partitions, ingrowths of the body wall the mesenteries join the hanging cesophageal tube to the outer wall of the body, and serve to break up the great body-cavity into a number of radial longitudinal chambers ; an arrangement clearly shown in Fig. 1, representing a transverse section through the upper part of an anemone. The section of the oesophagus appears as a small inner circle, connected to the large outer circle of the body wall by twelve radial lines, the sections of the mesenteries. But in the lower part of the Anemone's body below the level of the oesophagus, the mesenteries form incomplete partitions, and show as in Fig. 2, as though a cart wheel had had the hub broken out leaving the rim with the broken spokes projecting inwards. The free edge of each mesentery is swelled out distinctly into three longitudinal lobes, the middle one crowded with nematocysts and gland cells, the lateral ones clothed with strong cilia. The mesenteries are arranged in pairs. Some reach across to the oesophagus the primary ; others fall a little short of it the secondary, and yet others may be still shorter the tertiary. Of these the primary are the first to appear. The secondary appear next in succession, in pairs between every two pairs of primary. In Fig. 2, four pairs only of secondary mesenteries (2 m) are present^ while the full complement of primary, six pairs, is obvious. Each mesentery has a very pronounced longitudinal ridge on one face running from peristome to base (Im), and except in two pairs, the ridges in each pair face one another. The two exceptional pairs are on opposite sides of the oesophagus. In them, the ridges, in the members of each pair, face outwards, and the presence of these directive mesenteries (dm) serves to divide the animal into a right and a left half, and in certain cases, even into a dorsal and a ventral division. When two siphonoglyphes are present, each gives attach- ment to the inner margins of one of these two pairs of special septa. The chamber enclosed by the members of each pair of mesen- teries is the intraseptal (im) ; that between the outer members of HOW ANEMONES FEED. 45 adjacent pairs, the interseptal (is). Some slight direct communi- cation with the exterior, is usually provided for these chambers, by a pore (tp) at the tip of each tentacle, which are simply hollow outgrowths of the peristome. Intercommunication is also allowed by the presence of one, sometimes of two pores piercing the mesenteric walls just beneath the peristome (ip and op). Examining a transverse section with the microscope, we can resolve the wall of the body and of the oesophagus (a mere down growth of the mouth disc), into three well differentiated layers. The most obvious is the middle one mesoglaea or supporting lamina consisting of a thick layer of a clear, fibrillated tissue, approaching somewhat the texture of tendon, denoted in Figs. 1 and 2 by black bands and lines. Outer to this is the ectoderm or epidermal layer, containing in certain regions, glands and stinging cells or nematocysts. This is the seat of what poorly developed nerve elements there are in these animals. On the inner side of the mesogla3a, is the thin but important layer of the endoderm, lining the entire body cavity in all its chambers with a coating of ciliated cells, which give off strong muscle fibres on the side in contact with the mesoglaea. The principal functions of the endoderm are those of digestion and the provision of muscular movement. Most anemones have great powers of contraction, being able in many cases to reduce their bulk to less than one-seventh of that when fully expanded. The principal muscles employed are strong longitudinal ones running in the ridged surface of each mesentery. The supporting lamina is much folded at this point, forming in section, a beautiful arborescent pattern, and along these multiplied faces run from base to peristome, great numbers of muscle fibres, whose duty it is to pull down the tentacles and mouth-disc, and so shorten and retract the animal. On the other face of the mesen- teries the muscle fibres run transversely ; so that we may describe the disposition of the mesenteric muscles as usually longitudinal on the intraseptal surface, and as transverse on the interseptal. The latter towards the base of each mesentery alter their course so as to run obliquely from the wall downwards to the base the parieto-basilar muscle (pbm). In the walls, the peristome, the oesophagus, and usually also in the base, the muscular processes of the endoderm cells are arranged in a circular direction. No animal is more ravenous. Crabs, molluscs, and small fishes wandering incautiously close, are entwined and pulled inwards by the long tentacles, the while that cruel stinging cells are conveying into the poor quivering body, a poisonous, numbing juice through innu- merable thread-like barbs. Still struggling, the prey is passed 46 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. into the oesophagus and thence downwards. At this stage, ner- vous excitement brings about a remarkable occurrence. The free edges of the mesenteries close together and form an improvised stomach by the approximation of the lateral lobes. If death has not yet occurred, the powerful stinging-cells that load the central ridge of the mesenterial filaments complete the work, while the associated gland cells provide digestive fluid in plenty. It is surprising how powerful and rapid this is in action. A few hours, three to four, secure the complete digestion of a fish or a crab nearly as large as the anemone itself. As the prey dissolves, this nutrient fluid is permitted to leave the improvised stomach, and flows freely into the various septal chambers, even too, into the tentacles ; the cells in contact taking up what quantity they can. Any hard undigested parts are ejected by the mouth. The sexes are usually separate. Both ova and sperm arise from similarly placed glands lying a little way from the free edges of the mesenteries (Figs. 2 and 3, gg and ov ). Many species are viviparous, the young undergoing their early development within the septal chambers, and only when their tentacles are just long enough arid sufficiently provided with sting cells to capture prey, are they cast out from the mother, by way of the mouth. Often have I obtained these baby anemones by gently squeezing the parent's body, when, one by one, minatures of the parent popped out through the mouth. The Gem (Bunodes) ; the Beadlet (Actinia) ; and the Sand- Anemone (Sagartia bellis) are examples in point. Classification. The anemones belong to the phylum Coelen- terata, consequent upon having no definite tubular alimentary canal, the mouth and oesophagus leading into a great bag-like cavity without anal aperture. No cavities are developed within the walls of the body ; neither is a ganglionic chain present, only an irregular loose network of ganglia and nerves. The Coelenterata are subdivided into two classes ; a simpler, without oesophagus or mesenteries the Hydrozoa ; a more complex, with well marked oesophagus, and numerous mesenteries the Anthozoa or Actinozoa, and it is to this latter division that the animals we are now dealing with belong, and here I must remark, that I am using the term Sea-anemone, in a wide sense, as equivalent to the whole of the Anthozoa. Within the bounds of this class, many very divergent forms are found. These are ranged in two sub-classes : I. The Hexactinia or Zoantharia and II. The Octactinia or Alcyonaria. The first contains the true Anemones, most generally simple, rarely colonial in habit, and which have their mesenteries in pairs in mul- A BURROWING ANEMONE. 47 tiples of six, and with usually two siphonoglyphs. The Octactinia on the contrary, are all but entirely colonial, growing usually in masses of many hundreds of associated individuals ; the mesenteries are some multiple of eight ; only one siphonoglyph is present, and the longitudinal muscle ridges of all the mesenteries face towards it (Fig, 5). For convenience, -I shall call these the colonial anemones, in contrast to the true or simple ones. Let us now examine briefly the special points about the types chosen in our plates to illustrate the characteristic features of these two divisions. SipJionactinia (PeacJiia) triphytta (Gosse), which we use as type of the true anemones, is in many ways remarkable. Its body is cylindrical, tapering to the base, which unlike that of other anemones, is not broadened into a flat attachment disc but is nar- rowed to a blunt point, and still more remarkable, is perforated by a small opening. Around the mouth are set twelve stout swollen tentacles, beautifully marked with dashes and lines of chocolate as is too, in rather more irregular manner, the whole surface of the body, on a ground tint of very pale pinkish brown. A stranger to the strange convergence of outward form wrought upon animals of dif- ferent groups by similarity in environment and in habits, would never guess the true relationship of these animals living in the shell- sand gravel that here and there accumulates in patches along the shores of the Channel Islands ; he would surely presume them to be some queer coloured sea-cucumber some Holothurian not figured by Forbes. In habit Siphonactinia burrows down several inches into the sand when the tide goes down, cautiously ascending and spreading its tentacles level with the surface as the sea returns. Fig. 1 shows what is seen in a transverse section close under the mouth disc. Notice the single siphonoglyph (si) giving attachment to the ventral pair of directive mesenteries. The mesoglaea forms the central layer in all the threefold walls and mesenteries of the body. In the section from which this is drawn, the mesoglaea has absorbed most of the stain used and has become very conspicuous by reason of its bright crimson and glassy appearance. Fig. 2 represents a section below the level of the oasophagus, and shows the swollen free edges or craspeda of the primary mesenteries, as well as a swollen region (gg) the ovary some distance from the edge. Few anemones arc so useful to use for a due understanding of the general anatomy of the class, and the pity is, that this species is becom- ing extremely rare. The trouble connected with the commoner species, 48 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. is that they all combine in the possession of so many and so well developed subsidiary mesenteries that in section the apparent com- plication becomes bewildering and confusing beyond measure to the student to understand, to the teacher to explain. The representative used to illustrate the second sub-class, is the common Alcyonium, a colony of polyps cemented together by a gelatinous or semi-cartilaginous matrix strengthened by calcareous spicules. On some parts of our coasts it is plentiful, forming when living and with tentacles fully expanded, an exquisite feathery mass of life strangely contrasting with the woeful, gruesome appearance it takes on when dead, and battered, and cast up, a sea-waif, upon the beach. Fishermen give it all sorts of names expressive of their loathing, " Deadman's fingers," " Deadman's toes," " Cow's paps," and the like. The colony is formed of tiny, anemone-like polyps, each with a row of eight pinnate tentacles, united together by a wonderful develop- ment of the mesoglaea ; indeed a distinctive name is now applied to this tissue coenosarc and it adds a great defensive device against predatory enemies, by the development within its substance of curiously warted spicules of carbonate of lime. And these tiny flesh- spines are not only found in the connecting matrix, but even in the thin layer of mesoglaea of the oesophagus are some smaller ones. Note the different number and arrangement of the mesenteries. Instead of being in pairs, they occur in two series, a right and a left, and the muscular swellings face downwards (towards the siphonoglyph) in each series. Fig. 6 shows a section cut low down in the stalk of the colony, a region equivalent to that of Siphonactinia shown in Fig. 2 ; here the mesenteries are reduced to low folds or ridges. Reproduction is rather different ; the ova and sperm masses are not produced in special glands in the substance of the mesenteries, but arise singly in bud-like fashion on the edge of the mesenteric ridges (ov' and ov). Besides Alcyonium, there are several other and diverse repre- sentatives of this class found on our shores. There is the lovely, light-emitting Sea-Pen (Pennatula) ; the equally curious if less elegant Virgularia, and the grand Sea-Fan or rather Sea-Bush, Gorgonia verrucosa. The organ -pipe Coral (Tubularia) and the true red Coral (CoraMium rubrum) are also members their ul- timate structure being identical with that of Alcyonium as described and figured, and differing almost solely in the method of spicule arrangement : in the one, loosely scattered ; in the other, densely packed and soldered intimately together. 49 EXPLANATION OF PLATE VII. Structure of Anthozoa. Fig. 1. Trans, sec. of Siphonactinia triphylla, through region of oesophagus, i.e., cut along the line indicated by the letters A B in Fig. 3. X 3J. Fig. 2. Trans, sec. of same, at a lower level, i.e., along line indicated by C D in Fig. 3. X 3J. Fig. 3. Diagram of anemone structure, shown by a vertical section along the plane indicated by letters A B in Fig. 1. A mesentery is cut through longitudinally on the left side ; on the other, the section passes through an inter- septal space. Fig. 4. 8. tripliylla, actual size. Fig. 5. Surface section through a colony of Alcyonium digitatum, the polyps retracted wholly. For the sake of clearness, the tentacles which are retracted within the oesophagus, are omitted from the section. D, dorsal region ; V, ven- tral region. X 9. Fig. 6. Trans, sec. thro' portion of stalk of a colony of A.palmatum. Lettering : cce, coenosarc ; cr, mesenterial filament or craspedon ; dm, dorsal directive mesenteries ; dm, ventral ditto ; e, ectoderm of body walls ; e, ectoderm of oesophagus ; en, endoderm ; gg, genital gland ; im, intraseptal chamber ; is, interseptal chamber ; ip, inner pore ; Im, longitudinal muscle band ; m, margin ; 2 m, secondary mesenteries ; o, mouth ; op, outer pore ; ov, ovary ; ov', loose ovum ; pbm, parieto-basilar muscle ; pm, primary mesenteries ; pr, peristome ; rm, radial or transverse muscle fibres ; si, siphonoglyph ; sm, sphincter muscle ; sp, spicules ; st, stomodseum or oesophagus : t, tentacle ; tp, tentacle pore. 50 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. X. DUPLICATION AND ORIGIN OF THE OPERCULUM IN SERPULA. It is of frequent observation that certain animals are charac- terised by more or less mutability, either as entire organisms or else in some particular organ. Such mutable species are, however, greatly in the minority the vast majority being so remarkably stable in all save trivial degrees, as really to be cause for wonderment, considering the diversity of environment that most species must encounter in life's struggle. Accordingly the forms exhibiting marked mutability, are of the greater interest. These variations fall naturally into three categories ; a, where the mutation is due to an atavistic cause, i.e., recalling some phase in the past history of the race to which the animal belongs ; b, where it is spontaneous or original, and usually limited either to one individual or to a few nearly related ones a variation often pathological ; lastly, c, where the change is due directly to altered environment and altered habits a change which will probably become fixed, and therefore producing a distinct and permanent variety liable to become sufficiently stable to constitute finally a new species. The following instances fall, I believe, to be explained by the first of these causes : I. Serpula.* Having recently occasion to examine a large number of that most beautiful Serpulid, 8. (Hydroides) pectinata, Philippi, to my surprise, I found 25 % of the examples which be it noted were not all from the same cluster of tubes or vermidom, but from several affected in more or less degree with abnormality in the antenna.-f- The proportion was very constant ; out of two large batches, the variation was not more than 1'6% viz., 8 abnormal out of 32, and 14 out of 60. Others I have examined since, have shown a like proportion. In the present note, the two antennae are distinguished for con- venience under the terms respectively of antenna and of operculum ; the former term being applied to the process which, while homologous to the long filament modified to form an operculum, is normal short * For those unacquainted with the Serpulinse, I may here explain that they are those tube-building worms, whose sinuous limy tubes are frequently seen upon old and sea-worn shells oysters, scallops and the like. Attached to the head in these animals, are two half circlets of delicate bipinnate plumes, useful as breathing (gills) and touch organs, while close to the first gill-filament on either side on the dorsal aspect is a non-pinnate organ on one side, long stalked and stopper-like, the oper- culum ; on the other, short and weak and nearly aborted. Serpulids have the power of withdrawing entirely within their tubes, and of stopping the entrance with the plug-like operculum. t I adopt here Quatrefages' nomenclature, viz., call the appendages that belong to the prostomium, antennae ; and reserve the term tentacles for the appendages of the peristomium. (Peristomium:^ mouth somite; prostomium region anterior to such). A STUDY IN VARIATION. 51 and slender. Neither the right, nor the left antenna is permanently responsible for the furnishing of the opercular stopper, for out of 92 specimens examined, in 50 cases the right antenna i.e. that one belonging to the right branchial fan performed the opercular duty, having the stalk elongated and the extremity swollen into the usual opercular plug. In the remainder, viz. in 42, the left antenna was become the functional operculum. This fact that in practically equal number of cases, the operculum is developed indifferently from either the right or the left antenna, is obviously of extreme importance in any attempt to trace the story of its origin and subsequent history. Before making this attempt, , we will proceed to notice the more important of the aberrant forms of antenna and contrast them with the normal form, and with its homologue, the functional operculum. The Operculum : The normal form is doubly infundibuliform, fairly well figured by Johnston (1) for his Serpula reversa, which I am convinced is the same species as the present.* The upper cup is beset with 12 to 17 bipinnate spinous processes, while the lower has a multiserrulate margin, the serrations being continued as grooves for some distance downwards on the inside as well as on the outside (PI. v, Fig. 11). The form is subject to not inconsiderable variation within certain limits. Thus the larger specimens count more pinnate process than the smaller, and the relative proportions of the two cups are inconstant. One case was however very remarkable, for the lower cup was absent, and represented solely by a large elongated swelling as shown in Fig. 14, while the processes which represented the pinnate spines of the normal upper cup, were merely rather deep crenulations with smooth margins. Fig. 12 and 13 show 7 intermediate stages in this variation, showing in Fig. 12 a great swelling of the lower cup and a decrease in size in the pinnate processes above, while in Fig. 13, these spines are still further reduced and all trace of the crenulated margin of the lower cup lost. In this case also, the part representing the lower cup is much swollen. Figs. 12, 13, and 14 are therefore perfect gradational steps in the retrogression in shape of a normal operculum (Fig. 11). The Antenna : The normal form is i to | the length of the operculum. The average length of those of adult specimens of * The only differences I can trace are that S. reversa is solitary and has more branchiae and more lateral teeth on the spinous processes of the opercular cup ; S. pectinata occurring in colonies and being on the average smaller than S. reversa. But I have traced all intermediate grades, so that the differences are not great enough to constitute more than a variety. Fig. 15 shows typical form of operculum of S. reversa. 52 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. 15mm. long is - 75mm. The apex is swollen into a somewhat conical bulbous form, and beneath this is a narrow constriction, followed by another slight swelling, which passes gently into a short cylindrical stalk (Fig. 1). Of abnormal antennae, there was a perfect series grading from the normal form as described, to one that could scarcely be distin- guished either in size or shape from that of a perfectly formed normal operculum. These gradations are outlined in Figs. 2 to 10. Fig. 2 represents a form common to several specimens. In it the equator of the terminal swelling is scored by shallow vertical grooves. The next stage (Fig. 3) is where the equator besides being grooved, is slightly raised into a serrulate and grooved rim. In Fig. 4, is a form where this is accentuated, while the constriction beneath the terminal swelling is much more emphatic. Another specimen had ,the antenna (Fig. 5) one-third the length of the operculum, the terminal knob being modified into a miniature of a true opercular upper cup, and hiding entirely for the first time in the series the conical apex of the organ. In all these instances, the lower swelling was nearly normal. Following on Fig. 5, we have a form such as Fig. 6, where, with as well developed an upper cup as in the preceding, the lower has also started to develop, taking the form of an obscurely serrated collar at the base of the upper cup. Finally in Figs. 7, 8, 9 and 10 we have a number of cases where both cups are well developed, and closely approach the form of the normal operculum. Keeping pace with this series of gradations in development, was the growth in length of the stalk of the pseudo- operculum. That shown in Fig. 2 was rather stouter, but not much longer, than the normal form of antenna, 4 was rather longer, 5 was one-third the length of the operculum, while the remainder varied from one-half to all but equal length with the same organ. The forms shown in Figs. 2,7, 8, 9 and 10 those at the begin- ning and the end of the series were the most common. Summing up the foregoing facts we find that : a. The operculum is developed on either the right or the left antenna inconstantly. b r The non-opercular antenna is normally cirrus-like with two slight swellings towards the further end. c. The same organ in 25% of instances is abnormal, showing all manner of degree of approximation to the form and size of the functional operculum. Before considering further the meaning attaching to the varia- tions as above set forth, let me enumerate the principal points EVOLUTION OF OPERCULUM IN SERPULA. 53 already known concerning the homologies of the branchiae and the operculum in Serpulids and their near neighbours, the Sabellids. A. Firstly, from an examination of the nerve supply to these organs, Quatrefages (2) found " that in the Sabellinae as in the Serpulinse, the branchial nerves arise directly from the cerebral ganglia as antennary nerves " (i.e. in the position which such nerves have in such forms as Nereis) " and among the Serpulids a^slemier branch springs, on each side, from the principal trunk and leads to the base of the two opercula, as well to the rudimentary one, as to the one completely developed. The branchiae and the opercula therefore correspond to antennae." Pruvot (3) further shows that the antennas modified into gills in Serpula, are the second pair, those large organs that in Nereis, Polynoe, &c., are known as palpi. B. Embryology shows that very early there appear (Sabella) two ciliated wing-like processes on the dorsal aspect, which shortly after divide each into two slender lobes which constitute the first four branchial rays, their number augmenting rapidly by budding on the ventral side (4). C. Next examining the near relatives of Serpula, we find in Sabella no opercula, but in place, there are two slender, simple dorsal processes occupying the same relative position and having the same innervation or nerve-supply as the opercula of Serpulids whence we may justly infer that they had similar origin. In some Sabellids (Othonia) these simple antennae are wanting, as is the case too with a number of the Serpulids. Thus Apomatus and Filigrana possess only branchiae and to make amends for want of a true operculum as in the more typical species, in these the summit of one or more of branchiae which are of the usual bipinnate style is enlarged in a bulbous manner into a pseud-operculum. D. Finally Fritz Mliller (5) has described a Serpulid which when first observed had but three pairs of pinnate gill-filaments, but which in a few days time, he found had developed a clavate oper- culum at the extremity of one of the filaments. In the course of three days more a new pair of branchial filaments had sprouted forth and the opercular peduncle had lost its lateral filaments. So much for collateral evidence. Now let us see if we can gather the threads together, and make a web of fairly good strength. From the frequent assumption of opercular shape by the or- dinarily non-functioning and simple antenna in Serpula, and from its inconstancy to one particular side, we may justly infer that this variation is atavistic, and therefore that at one time, Serpula pos- sessed two functional opercula. Then, from the corresponding relative position of the organs, we have already inferred that the 54 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. opercular processes of Serpula are identical with the simple antennae of Sabella. Now in the latter animal, we have evidence (B, ut sup.) that in the course of development, the branchial filaments are at first simple and antenna-like, so as we know by A that the branchiae and the antennae are in reality homologous having the same innervation we may conclude that the antennce in Sabella are the unaltered first dorsal pair of organs that result from the splitting of the wing-like processes of the very young larva, while the other two lobes of this winged organ and the others that arise by budding on the ventral side, become bipinnate and function as gills. Now in Serpula } I believe the course of evolution was probably as follows : First came a Sabella-like stage with simple antennae, but probably these were larger proportionately than those now seen in this animal. Next the ends of the antennae became swollen to act as stoppers and to close the tube against intruders. Finally one aborted, and being useless, was reduced to an insignificant filament, which occasionally reverts to its former well developed condition. By this explanation I avoid Fritz Mliller's supposition of a Filigrana and Protula ancestry, and this seems to me advisable, as there appears no record, save Miiller's own very incomplete and vague observation, of the opercular filament ever being pinnate, either in variation or in larval development. I incline to the belief that Filigrana, Protula, &c. 3 had inde- pendent evolution to Serpula ; probably by the development of all the processes of larval " wings " into pinnate gills, and the subsequent formation of false opercula on the summit of one or more of these. REFERENCES : 1. Johnston, Geo. Gat. of Worms in Br. Mus., 1865, p. 270, PI. xx, Fig. 67. 2. Qnatrefages, A. de. Hist. Nat. des Anneles, 1865, Vol. ii, p. 401, also PL iii. 3. Pruvot. Archiv. de Zool. Experim. et Gen., 2nd Series, t. iii, 1885. 4. Clans, C. Traite de Zoologie, 1884, p. 601. 5. Mnller, Fritz. Facts for Darwin, 1869, p. 113. EXPLANATION OF PL. V, FIGS. 1 15. Serpula pectinata. Fig. 1. Normal antenna ; Figs. 2 10. Abnormal forms of the antenna. Journ. of Mar. Zool. and Microscopy Jas. Hornell del ad Nat JERSEY BIOL. STN. ABNORMALITIES IN SERPULA AND IN SALPA. THE MUSCLE BANDS OF SALPA. 55 Fig. 11. Normal form of Operculum ; Figs. 12 14. Abnormal forms of same. Fig. 15. Operculum of 8. reversa. Note : All the figures are drawn to the same scale. III. ABNORMALITIES IN THE MUSCULAR BANDS OF Of over 200 specimens of larval Salpa mucronata-demoeratica (solitary form) that I recently examined one by one, only some three shown any marked sign of abnormality. Of these, two are figured PI. v, Figs. A, B, and C. The first two figures, A and B, represent the two lateral views of the same animal ; C, the dorsal view of another. In every respect saving in that of muscle arrangement these individuals were quite normal, but C showed a blending of bands iii and iv for a short distance, as shown, and this case is of comparatively little importance. The other example, figured in C and D, is a much more curious instance, and is of high value to the student of variation. Therein all the muscle bands save the 1st and the 7th, branch and anastomose in an extremely complicated manner ren- dered clear however, by reference to the drawings. Without entangling ourselves in the rival theories as to the primitive character or otherwise of the pelagic Tunicates, the variation I now record can be used as one link in the chain of true evidence that will some day be forged explanatory of Ascidian descent. Probably the variation is atavistic, and if so, points directly to a state when the musculature was not a nearly regular arrange- ment of more or less encircling bands, but was continuously, or at least irregularly, disposed over the whole body, perhaps much in the manner now 7 to be seen in the muscle arrangement of- Ascidia mentula. Gegenbauer (Comp. Anatomy, 1878, p. 395) from reasoning based on other foundations, arrived at the same result, stating that in the Thaliacea, " the hoop-like formation arises from the differen- tiation of a primitively continuous muscular layer. Gaps arising in this, became gradually larger until the breaking up of the layer into separate hoops is brought about " ; a statement that receives very important direct confirmation from the instances of irregular banding that I have figured. I may add that the abnormal specimens, described in the above note, as well as in the preceding one dealing with the Serpulid operculum, are carefully preserved in the permanent collection of the Jersey Marine Zoological Station. 56 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. STUDY X. TYPICAL ALCYONARIA. The general characters of the central or typical form of these colonial Anthozoa, have already been dealt with in outline in the preceding note, and it therefore only remains to fill in some details. Two species of Alcyonium are found comparatively plentiful in European seas ; the one, A. digitatum, stout and massive, with few or no branches ; the other, A. palmatum, slender, arborescent, and with fewer, but larger polyps. Normally the colonies of both species are found attached by an extended base, but instances are known where A. digitatum occurs in free, ball-like masses. The latter species is usually snowy white, but occasional pale orange coloured varieties are found, the tint being due to the dif- fusion of colour throughout the cellular tissue. A. palmatum on the other hand, has very frequently a well marked variegated rosy hue, extremely pretty and not affected at all by the extractive action of alcohol. Curiously this is due to certain of the superficial spicules containing iron oxide. The bright red tints of the fiery Pennatula (Sea-pen) are due to a similar cause, and more important still, to this is also due, the colour that gives commercial value and beauty to red coral. In many ways these spicules are of great interest. Their shape and arrangement, in conjunction with the form of the colony, furnish the principal guides to the classification of the group. In A. pal- matum there are five principal forms : (a) those of ruddy hue and the largest in size (TOO -in. long), are arranged in eight bundles at the bases of the tentacles. The spicules in each of these bundles con- verge from right and left, arid form a strong framework support for the free extremity of the polyp. The shape of each spicule is that of a stout bent rod, tapering abruptly to a rough point at either end ; warted too, but much less prominently than any of the others to be mentioned. The foregoing pass at the apex of each bundle into those (b) that act as the supporting skeleton of the tentacles. Their general shape is rather more irregular, they are colourless, shorter, and the warting is much stronger. Size 5 oo-in. (c) A dense irre- gularly disposed layer crusting the general surface of the colony, consists of small, strong-spiked straight rods .vSo-in. long. Most peculiar forms are sometimes assumed, due to the great and irregular development of the spines ; being sometimes broadly bilobed, some- times even trifid. (e) In the interior of the colony, in the stiff mesoglaea that divides and yet joins the different polyps, scattered spicules, very slightly spined, and nearly straight, occur; while a fifth form of spicule (d) occurs in the thick wall of the oesophagus. These last are the smallest of any in the colony and barely measure 6^0 -in. long. SPICULAR ORIGIN OF RED CORAL. 57 In Alcyonium digitatum, the spicules differ very charac- teristically from all the preceding, in their much greater profusion, in their greater massiveness, and in their peculiar shape. The rod- like form, so closely adhered to in A. palmatum, is here nearly obliterated, and the spicules are often irregularly branched, and all the limbs beset by enormous wart-spines. (Fig. 3). In the Organ-Pipe Coral (Tubipora) the spicules of the nrpsoglsea surrounding each individual, become locked firmly together by numerous minute serrations, and form perfect calcareous tubes. In the Red Coral of commerce, (CoralUum rubrum), on the other hand, a strong central stony axis is formed by an even more intimate association of the spicules of the axis of the colony, due to an actual cementing together of these tiny limy rods. In Tubipora the polyps can retract within their protective tubes, but in the Red Coral there is scarcely any provision for the retraction, for safety, of the polyps. As in the Anthozoa generally, so in Alcyonium the sexes are separate ; indeed even the sexes of different colonies are distinct ; the individuals in any one commonwealth are thus either all males, or else all females. The ova and the sperm masses are borne on little stalked capsules upon the free edges of the mesenteries, and development takes place outside the parent. The embryos are free swimming by means of a complete investment of lashing threads or cilia ; a little while they sport thus amid the waves, and then affix themselves to some rock, and by continued budding produce extensive colonies. Note the very large size of the hollow pinnate tentacles, and the thickness of the walls of the oesophagus (st.) Below the latter, the upper parts of the mesenteries are very apparent because of their greatly convoluted and thickened margins (PL x, Fig. 1, m. /.) ; from this point downwards, the mesenteries decrease rapidly in prominence, and soon show us very slight ridges only. The two dorsal ones are of greater length than any of the others, i.e., descending lower down the gastric cavity, and whereas their thickened edges or mesenterial filaments (craspeda) are composed of strongly ciliated cells derived from the downgrowth of two lines of cells from the lining of the oesophagus (ectoderm cells*), the thickened edges of the remaining mesenteries are less ciliate and their cells are endodermal * Ectoderm and endoderm are terms of extreme importance. The embryo very early in its history consists of two layers of cells, an outer ectoderm and an inner endoderm, between which develops quickly a third, the mesoderm. All succeeding tissues owe origin to one or other of these, and roughly we may take it that epidermal tissues have ectodermal origin ; the alimentary canal and its offshoots being lined with endoderm, while muscle, connective tissue, &c., are of mesodermal origin. 58 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. in origin. By the combined action of the cilia of the two dorsal mesenterial edges, an ascending current of water is kept in motion. The gastric cavities of the zooids are sometimes very long, extending downwards along the axis of the colony for several inches. Those of adjoining zooids are put into communication by a network of fine ramifying tubes, buds from whose walls produce the fresh zooids of the commonwealth. The group Alcyonaria is of some importance geologically. Thus Syringopora of Palseozoic times was probably allied to the Organ- Pipe Coral (Tubipora). The common fossil Favosites was also an Alcyonarian, while Corallium has been found in the Jurassic rocks. STUDY XI. THE LIFE-CYCLE OF OBELIA GENICULATA. A few weeks since, a friend in the North of England was good enough to send me some living specimens of a Zoophyte not found in Jersey waters. Confined in a comparatively small jar, the somewhat unnatural conditions had apparently hastened the birth of the developing reproductive buds, and these were swimming freely in the water as so many rythmically pulsating salver-shaped jelly fishes of the most wondrous transparency and delicacy of form. A circlet of regular and rather short thread-like arms stood out from the margin, while upon the disc could just be made out, with the aid of a lens, two intersecting lines with a handle-like stalk pendant from the point where these two lines crossed. And the tiniest pin's head was not larger in size. Some were born before my eyes from ovate sacs in the branch axils of the Hydroid parent. Very generally the Hydrozoa, to which the subject of our sketch belongs, present well-marked instances of that many phased strange phenomenon, known familiarly as Alternation of Generation. At one period living attached to rocks, or weeds, or shells, under the form of tiny anemone-like animals, they often form by a con- tinued process of budding, a shrub-like colony of many individuals. This is termed the Hydroid Stage, from which arises by budding and fission, free-swimming individuals or Medusae the true sexual stage. The sexes are separate, some producing ova, and some spermatozoa. The resulting embryos tiny things that progress by rhythmic lashing of cilia attach themselves after a short period of activity to some fixed object and soon develop into tiny Hydra-like creatures, to circle once more with absolute fidelity through the strange alteration of stages gone through by innumerable multitudes of progenitors. Seldom are these two great Life-Phases at all equal in size- importance. One is nearly always magnified at the expense of the THE DIVISIONS OF THE HYDROZOA. 59 other. One usually sinks into insignificance, slurred over and fre- quently even entirely suppressed. And according to which phase is magnified, have we one of the principal points characteristic of one or the other of the two sub-classes of the Hydrozoa. If the free- swimming sexual or Medusid-stage be the chief life-form, and the Hydroid be all but suppressed, then we have the division of the Scyphomedusae the Acelephse of some writers. Herein are in- cluded all the large Jelly-fishes so familiar in summer time on our coast, during warm weather, and moving at times in shoals of immense numbers. The other division is that where the Hydroid- stage is exaggerated and usually colonial, and where the Medusid or swimming stage is tiny or even eliminated. Such constitute the Hydromedusae which are further distinguished from the Scypho- medusa3, in that the Medusae of the former have the edge of the bell turned horizontally inwards forming a delicate veil, the velum, partially closing the mouth of the bell. This character constitutes a Craspedote Medusa, as contrasted with the Acraspedote form of the Scyphomedusaa, where the velum is absent. The Hydroid Zoophytes, or Hydroidea, constitute the central order of the Hydromedusse, and possess the typical life-history. In passing it is well to remember that besides the Hydroidea, there are two other orders, viz., the Trachymedusaa and the Siphonophora, both characterised by pelagic habit, and the fact that they never have a fixed or stationary hydroid phase. The Hydroidea show much variation in the form of their Hydroid stage and in the completeness of their life-history. Obelia is very typical of unabbreviated life-cycle, so is specially useful to use as an introductory type for study. The colonial stage is remarkably beautiful, its delicate zig-zag branches forming dense miniature forests on the broad brown oar-weed. An old writer speaking of a nearly related and not more beautiful species, says, " Delicacy, transparency, and grace pervade the entire structure ; the spirit of beauty has thrown itself into every curve and line : the eye rests with full satisfaction on the little cups, so perfect in their form ; and hardly less beautiful are the ringed and twisted pedicles that support them." The colony is protected in all its parts by a delicate transparent horny substance the perlsarc, and consists of a zig-zag stem, jointed at each curve, and giving off on alternate sides, a short ringed pinna, bearing aloft a tiny crystal cup (hydrotheca or calcycle), wherein lodges an equally tiny polypite or hydranth (PL ix, Fig. 2, p.), armed with a well-marked proboscis and numerous tentacles. To the polypite is delegated the sole duty of capturing prey. The whole organism is the truest, of commonwealths ; each polvpite captures not for its own 60 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. sustenance only, but equally for the whole colony, for the base of the body of each individual passes into a tubular prolongation, cCBnosarc, continuous with a similar tubular tissue in the main stem. If one polypite capture food, part of the products of digestion pass into the tubular coenosarc, and is conveyed to neighbouring parts of the colony for purposes of nutrition. And upon this unselfish mutual help, depends the power of the colony to set free from the purely nutritive (vegetative) function, certain individuals or zooids, charged specially with the reproduction of the species. These specialized zooids are developed in the axils of the branches and are elegant elongated urns in shape, gonothecae (g), wherein the coenosarc breaks up into granular bud-shaped masses that gradually evolve into transparent delicate swimming-discs. Their gracefulness has to be seen to be understood. One has to watch them as, so many streamer- decked bells, they sink slowly through the water, of a sudden to regain activity and pass upwards by a series of vigorous jerking pulsations, to cease after a number of strokes and become inert, slowly-sinking parachutes once more. Medusae are generally bell-shaped, with the true edge turned hori- zontally inwards to form the velum (Fig. 5, v.)> but in the form under notice, the shape is nearly that of a flattened disc, and the velum in consequence of this difference is all but absent. From the apparent edge of tne disc proceed a number of tentacles beset with stinging cells, while from the centre depends a tubular process, the manubrium (m.), having the mouth at the free extremity and a slightly dilated cavity, the atrium (a.), at the attached base. From the atrium proceed four radial canals (re), while around the edge of the disc, just inside the ring of tentacles, is a circumferential canal (c.c.), into which the radial canals empty. All these cavities are lined with ciliated endo- derm, which shows little divergence in form in the various regions. The ectoderm forming the exterior coat of the Medusa exhibits much more differentiation ; while on the upper surface it consists of flat- tened cells, on the under it developes radially disposed muscle fibres, and on the manubrium, longitudinally disposed ones. Between the ectoderm of the upper surface of the disc, and the endoderm of the atrium and radial canals, is the intermediate body layer, the mesoglsea. In Obelia, it is thin, but in some species it is often enormously developed as a thick jelly-like substance (Aurelia, Pelagia, &c.), that gives cause to the popular name of the Medusae. The term umbrella (u.), is bestowed upon this layer. The sub-umbrella (s.u.), another layer of the same tissue, but quite thin in even the best developed instances, is found between the endoderm and the lower surface of the animal. A point sometimes overlooked is that the radial canals are joined together by a horizontal layer of endoderm cells, so that where the PI. IX. JAS. HORNELL, DEL. AD NA1 JERSEY BIOL. STN. THE LIFE-HISTORY OF OBELIA GENICULATA PROBLEMATICAL SENSE-ORGANS. 61 umbrella and the sub-umbrella are not separated by an cndoderm- lined space (atrium or canals), they are by a solid layer of endoderm cells. The tentacles are here solid, consisting of a single row of large endoderm cells encased in a layer of small ectoderm ones, which develop numerous stinging cells. Eight so-called " otocysts " (ot.) are found on the inner sirfe-of the bases of certain of the tentacles. Each consists of a sac containing an otolith. The function has long been supposed to be auditory, but Hurst (Nat. Sc., June, 1893) has with much plausibility argued for their true use as organs designed to give warning of approach to an unquiet, wave-disturbed region, in the turmoil of which their frail anatomy might suffer. (The thick umbrella of some contains up to 95% to 98% of water !) The sexes are separate. In Obelia, the genital glands (gg.) are developed as four masses upon the radial canals, one for each midway between manubrium and margin. The ova after fertilization become ciliated embryos, which soon affix themselves and develop into hydroid colonies. It is painful to have to record that these tiny marvels of Nature's excellence of workmanship, are sordidly greedy and vora- cious. The power of the sting-cells has great paralysing action and comparatively large animals are easily captured, and sucked into the mouth. Fig. 6 shows how an Arrow-worm (Sagitta) had been captured and partly doubled in two and so partially swallowed. Copepods, notably Temcra, form another common food. Obelia, save in the slight development of the velum of the Medusa, and the form of the latter being rather that of a disc than bell-shaped, is thoroughly typical of the form and development of that division of the Hydroidea where the polypites are borne in cups the Calyptoblastic Hydroidea. Endless and complicated modifications exist in other species, and some of these I hope to illustrate and explain before long. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IX. Life-History of Obelia geniculata. Fig. 1. Natural appearance of the fronds of the Hydroid-stage, as they grow upon the surface of Laminaria. Life size. Fig. 2. A single frond of the same much enlarged, pr, perisarc ; c, ccenosarc ; h, hydrotheca ; p, polypite ; b } bud devel- oping to form a polypite later on (note that the perisarc covers the entire surface of the bud ; as growth goes on 62 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. a thinning takes place at the apex, and finally gives way to permit of the extrusion of the polypite's tentacles) ; g, gonotheca ; m, medusid buds in different stages, within the gonotheca. Fig. 3. View from below of a freed medusa. Fig. 4. Diagram of same, Fig. 5. Diagrammatic vertical section through same. The section follows the course of a radial canal on the right side, while on the left, an interradial portion of the disc is sectioned. Fig. 6. A Medusa, considerably older than that shown at Fig. 3, seen reverted and from the side. It had just captured an Arrow-worm (Sagitta), which is doubled up, the bend being within the digestive cavity of the Medusa. Lettering the same for Figs. 3 6, viz : a, atrium ; c.c, circum- ferential canal ; en, endoderm ; g.g, genital glands ; m, manubrium ; o, mouth ; ot, otocyst ; r.c, radial canal ; s.u, sub-umbrella ; t, ten- tacle ; u, umbrella ; v. velum. STUDY XII. ON POLYNOE PROPINQUA AS TYPICAL OF THE HIGHER ANNELIDS. Polynoe propinqua (Malmgren) is an elegant marine annelid, short and slender in its proportions, rapid and lively in its movements. When the tide recedes, its haunts are to be found wherever boulders litter the shore, and many a weary backache have I had through a course of such stone-turning. It is easily recognized by reason of two rows of oval overlapping brownish scales that lie upon its back, and from under which project, oar-like, on either side, serried banks of lovely translucent paddling-bristles. A pretty creature, but loath to be captured. Alarmed at the approach of the forceps, it squirms and makes desperate effort to escape, and indeed if it be lifted roughly and by force, instead of being taken by some gentle snare, lo ! it breaks into pieces and is to you but a worthless capture. A cursory examination suffices to show that except for the two extremities, the body is divisible into about 41 ring-like portions, all broadly or obviously of the same value one with the other formed fundamentally upon the same plan, though some are either internally or externally modified in particulars for special functions. The typical form of these equivalent body-rings, or somites as they are termed, possesses on either side a fleshy two-branched lobe, the parapodium, in which are implanted bundles of finely sculptured bristles or setae. The upper branch, the notopodiuin, is considerably THE ORIGIN OF ELYTRA. 63 smaller than the ventral or neuropodium, and its setae are shorter and of a different pattern to those of the latter. The drawings on PL XI sufficiently illustrate the general arrangement and the details of divergence. Besides the ordinary setae, each branch of the parapodium contains a single stout spine, aciculum, buried, all but the point, in the flesh. The form of the parapodia often termed rather loosely- the feet and of their bristles, is remarkably stable throughout the whole length of the body, excepting only in the case of the first somite, the peristomium, the one bearing the mouth. Here each parapodium is reduced to a long slender lobe, obscurely divided into rudimentary upper and lower branches, and with but one aciculum and two or three tiny seta3. The tactile appendages garnishing the various somites show much divergence. Thus the somites 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26, 29, 32, bear each one pair of the characteristic scales, or elytra, while the remaining ones bear on either side a long filiform appendage, the dorsal or notopodial cirrus, arising from the base of the notopodium. Reference to Fig. 1 will explain this arrangement and show how, in the major part of the body, these two organs roughly alternate, giving place in the last ten somites to cirri only, thus leaving this short portion naked. The neuropodium bears also a short ventral cirrus, but this shows no variation except in the peristomium, where it is greatly elongated. In structure, the elytra are thin membranous two-layered plates, borne on broad low peduncles, and so loosely attached, that it is extremely difficult to obtain a preserved specimen with the full number present. This extreme looseness is peculiar to this species. In others, such as the common Lepidonotus squamatus, they adhere with such firmness that they frequently tear rather than lift off, and between these two extremes, there is every intermediate degree. The surface of the scale is prettily marbled, while around the exposed edge is a row of all but globular tubercles, very diagnostic of this species. Occasionally I have noticed the elytra to be distended in a bladder-like manner. Some observers have supposed this to be an incubatory device, as they have found them filled with ova. This however does not necessarily follow, for the ova when freed, find their way into all the spaces of the body-cavity, and of this, the hollows of the elytra are but offshoots. Probably elytra are modifications of certain dorsal cirri the two never being found co-existent upon the same somite in Polynoe, though in Sigalion, a scale-covered worm of great length, they do exist together. In the latter case however, the common phenomenon of duplicative variation (see Bateson's " Materials for the Study of 64 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. Variation ") has probably been at work ; if so, then Polynoe shows regular modification from a form possessing dorsal cirri to every somite/ while Sigalion shows such modification with duplication superadded. The head, the prostomium, consists of all to the front of the mouth-somite, and indeed is apt to be confounded in part with the latter, as its upper surface is bent back and lies partly obscuring it. Viewed from above, after the concealing first pair of elytra are removed, it appears sharply defined and roughly heart-shaped, with two pairs of black eyes set widely apart (Fig. 3). Long appendages of sensory function, borne on separate peduncles, are given off from the fore edge. Four are in pairs, while a median unpaired one, the median antenna, is given off, rostrum-like, from the central point. On either side of this is a rather short, almost conical process, the superior-lateral antenna ; while attached immediately beneath each is a stout, very extensile organ, the inferior-lateral antenna or palp. In addition to these, the dorsal and ventral cirri of the peris- tomium have to be considered as supplementary head appendages, as they are specially elongated and are directed forwards at the side of the true appendages, acting in unison in sensory duties. They receive the distinctive name of tentacular cirri. From the paired nature of the prostomial organs, it has been suggested that, as happens among the Crustaceans and the Insects, the head has resulted from the coalescence of several somites, which in losing locomotive duties have been profoundly modified to subserve sensory uses. But a very serious objection to this is, that all the prostomium results from one particular part of the larva, known as the pra3-oral lobe, and which at no period of its history shows any suggestion of segmentation. Turning now to internal arrangement, we find that the mouth leads into a well-marked pharynx, the anterior portion of whose walls lie in puckered folds capable of being everted like the finger of a glove, and thus allowing of the protrusion of the hinder portion, so as to form a proboscis. This hinder portion has walls of great thickness and muscularity, and the anterior end when protruded, is crowned with a circlet of conical transparent papilla?, each containing a dark pigment spot. Just within this ring are four horny beak-like teeth, that bespeak plainly the essentially carnivorous nature of the Poly- noinae. Indeed one has but to keep a number of them together for some time to find proof of their cannibalism, in the bitten and torn parapodia of the weaker individuals, and undigested bristles can frequently be traced in the matter contained within the intestine of newly captured ones. From the pharynx, the alimentary canal passes direct in a straight course to the anus. As in the closely related Aphrodite, it ANATOMY OF POLY.NOE. 65 gives off in each somite to the rear of the muscular pharynx, a right and a left glandular pouch or caecum, whose function we are yet uncer- tain of. Curiously enough, the anus is not terminal, but, as in the Copepoda, is found upon the dorsal surface of the penultimate segment. A definite respiratory, or pseud-haemal system, was long denied to the Aphroditida?, bat Salenka and others have demonstrated in Aphrodite and other species, a highly developed series of fine closed tubes containing fluid apparently respiratory in use, but almost invisible because of its all but entire lack of colour. These vessels are in no way concerned with the diffusion of digested nutriment. That duty is taken charge of by a corpusculated fluid filling the general cavity of the body (Coelome), and which circulates readily through the whole length of the body by reason of gaps being present in the septa that break the coelome up into numerous chambers. Each of the septa here mentioned is a vertical partition wall or rather transverse membranous mesentery, parting the coelome of adjacent somites throughout the greater part of the body, but suffering modification in the anterior portion of the animal, where the evertible pharynx requires special freedom of movement. The nerves consist of a large cerebral mass above the mouth, connected by a commisure passing on either side of the pharynx, with a chain of ganglia in the ventral wall of the body. In reality this chain is double, but is so far coalesced as to appear single. Each somite possesses one of these double ganglia. From the upper and anterior edge of the cerebral nerve mass, nerves are given off to the median and to the superior lateral antenna?, while the palps are innervated from the ventral surface. Segmental organs, excretory in function, are also present, but extremely minute. REPRODUCTION. The sexes are separate, but no special ovaries' or testes are present ; the genital products being developed as cellular masses from the internal surface of the body walls. The products ripen and are set free in the coelome, whence they obtain egress, either by rupture of the body- wall, or by way, perhaps, of the sogmental organs in some cases. The embryos have the characteristic Polychsete form, being trochophcres, that is, they are rounded bodies with an encircling band of cilia immediately in front of the mouth, the portion in front of the band, forming the prse-oral region already referred to as the precursor of the adult prostommm. Adult form is soon assumed, but for some time after EO doing the young pursue a pelagic existence, swimming freely on the surface of the sea, and frequently falling victims to the snare of the tow-net. 66 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. Like the adults these larvae are brightly phosphorescent upon irri- tation the luminous areas being the elytra. The Polychaetous Annelids, or Polychsetes, to which Polynoe belongs, include nearly all the marine bristle-bearing worms. Very few (only some half-dozen rarities) are inhabitants of fresh water ; whereas, on the contrary, the Oligochaetes (the few-bristled annelids), extremely rare in the sea, have in fresh water and upon the land, practically the entire monopoly. Polynoe is very closely akin to the lovely iridescent Sea-mouse (Aphrodite aculeata), so often dredged in sandy estuaries. Both belong to the same family, Aphroditidae, but to different tribes, namely to the Polynoinae and the Hermioninae respectively. The former comprises a great number of species, marked off from one another chiefly by differences in the number and ornamentation of the scales, and in the sculpturing of the setae. I might have chosen a much simpler type whereby to illustrate the anatomy of the Polychaetes, but on the principle of the axiom that the greater includes the less, I chose Polynoe, as in it, com- plexity of anatomy reaches its highest development and if we become familiar with its general features, we need not be afraid of being puzzled to understand the modifications seen in other forms. The present species, P. propinqua, is dominant in the Channel Isles between tide-marks, but in the Irish Sea I found it extremely rare, its place being taken by the stouter P. imbricata. Both these are prowling robbers, without home or sojourning place, but many species take up uninvited lodging with some of the larger tube- forming worms, or with Echinoderms. Thus two species live with the strange Chcetopterus in his great parchment tube, one with the giant Eunice sanguinea, one with Terebella, and another in the ambulacral groove of the starfish Astropecten, while a tiny one lies sometimes among the tube-feet of Echinus, and yet another, one of the most beautiful, finds safe dwelling among the spines of the purple heart urchin Spatangus. Such are termed commensals or messmates, but the mutual relations subsisting between the host and the guest are obscure and little understood. It may be that the annelid frequents the host for protection only, sallying out in quest of food when hunger presses, but that there is something more seems argued by the fact that each species is always found with its own particular host. If it were a question of protection only, would not the tube of one worm be as good as that of another ? Another curious point about these worms is the great power possessed of reparation of injuries. If in danger, it is the invariable habit of P. propinqua, in common with many allied species, to break THE KENEWAL OF LOST PARTS. 67 np into two or three fragments in the hope of the head part being able to escape under cover of the consequent confusion. If it be able to do so, in a very short time a number of rudimentary somites appear sprouting from the broken end, and these grow and increase until finally the full and complete size be once again attained. I have seen individuals in all stages of this regeneration, but have never seen the hinder or tail fragment of a ruptured worm reproduce a fresh head, as has been recorded by some writers. Such however would, I believe, be likely to occur were the fracture close to the head, but usually it occurs much nearer to the tail than to the head, and in such cases I feel sure that the tail portion dies. 68 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. STUDY XIII. THE TADPOLE LARV.E OF ASCIDIANS. The Tunicates or Ascidians, may be either fixed or free ; simple or colonial. The central type of the free is seen in the Appen- dicularise, transparent tadpole-like animals that sport in the surface waters of our seas, in profusion, at certain seasons. In size these are extremely minute, the British species averaging only i-in. to i-in. in length, tail included, while the length of IJ-in. which a foreign species reaches, is altogether exceptional and monstrous. In this type, the tail is supported arid strengthened by a firm central rod, the notochord, believed to be a similar structure to the first sup- porting stiff axis of the embryos of vertebrates, and which in them is subsequently usually obliterated by the encroaching growth of the vertebral column. Another curious point is that two openings com- municate between the pharynx and the exterior, and serve as gill slits. These tiny ocean wanderers are never colonial, always free and simple. The fixed Tunicates, the Ascidians proper, are, on the contrary, very frequently colonial, or as some writers term it, com- posite or compound. In such latter, there is usually a certain amount of federation, such for example in those where the anal apertures of a circlet of individuals open into one common atrial or cloacal chamber, to be expelled by a centrally place atrial opening. In size, the colonial individuals are usually very much smaller than the simple, but in structure the two are essentially similar, having the anterior portion of the alimentary canal distended into a large chamber, with walls perforated by numerous gill slits, a nervous system reduced to a single rounded mass (ganglion) between mouth and cloacal aperture, a blood system of much simplicity and an enveloping case of nearly structureless semi-cartilaginous or gela- tinous tissue, the tunic or test. July and August is the breeding season of many species, and if one of these animals be then dissected, eggs and embryos in various stages of development will be found. Taking one of the most advanced, the following points can be observed. The body is a tiny oval, slightly flattened from side to side, while from the one end is given off a long broad tail, containing centrally a clear rod of a cartilaginous substance. Both the body and the tail are invested in a thick coat of gelatinous material, equivalent to the test of the adult fixed animal. Turning the animal on to one side (when the tail is found to be now on edge) one can, by staining, make out clearly the thick investing test,in which lies the darker stained kernel-like body. At five points the test is broken through ; three of these are where, at the anterior end, there pass an equal number of THE COMPLEX NERVOUS SYSTEM OF ASGIDIAN LARV.E. 69 tiny rod-shaped papillse spreading' into wide heads on their emer- gence. These are glandular in -function, secreting a tough glutinous cement whereby the larva when tired of a free life, attaches itself to a rock or weed. The other two points where the test is pierced, are upon the dorsal side, and in the larva of Aplidium elegans are situated far back. The anterior is the opening of the mouth (o), and is separated by only a short interval from the posterior, which- is a depression indicating where the atrial aperture breaks through. The mouth opens into a wide pharynx occupying a great- part of the larval body space. In the stage figured, the stomach is just beginning to be apparent as a thick walled canal in a ventral position towards the hinder part of the body, and connection is just being made between the atrial cavity and the intestine. Ill the advanced larva several openings pierce the pharynx and allow water entering through the mouth to pass into the atrial cavity without having to traverse the stomach and intestine. Such openings are obviously the same as are so numerous and so apparent, in the adult. In Fig. 4, PL x, they show as two rows of disc-shaped thin places in the pharyngeal walls. The nervous system, of the most extreme simplicity in the adult, has in the larva a complicated and highly developed arrangement/ As in the Yertebrata, it takes its origin as an open furrow stretching longitudinally along the dorsal side of the body. The edges gradually grow upwards and inwards to meet, and thus form a tube which now constitutes the central nervous system of the animal. The anterior end gradually swells into a large vesicle, while from the hinder end of this, there runs a rapidly narrowing tube which is prolonged into the tail as the caudal nerve. The large anterior vesicle contains two peculiar sense organs, an eye, and an otolith perhaps of auditory value. These can readily be made out in mounted specimens, as both are darkly pigmented and show conspicuously, rendering easy the location of the cerebral vesicle lying between the mouth and the atrial opening. Of the two, the eye is much the more complex, for it possesses a cup-shaped retina in which is placed a projecting and complex lens. It is placed at the posterior upper corner of the vesicle and projects downwards towards the centre of the cavity. The otolith on the other hand, rises upon a stalk from the floor of the vesicle more to the front end. It is noteworthy that both are within the vesicle.' The after history of the animal is quickly told. The larva affixes itself by the glutinous secretion of pne or all of its three, papillae to some object ; the tail with its contained' notochord, as well as the three anchoring papillae become absorbed ; the test becomes enormously, thickened and strengthened, and the perforations of the 70 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. pharynx become multiplied great ly, and most significant of all, eye and otolith vanish utterly, the well developed nervous system being reduced to a fairly large ganglionic mass occupying the position of the cerebral vesicle of the larva, i.e. midway between the mouth and the atrial opening. Radiating nerves to the various organs are thence given off. The course of these changes brings about a certain alter- ation of placing of the two external apertures, as may be seen in the diagrams ; thus the mouth in the fixed larva of Aplidium is at first not terminal, but gradually becomes so, thus necessitating a corres- ponding travel of the atrial opening. There is, however, no real travel of these parts, simply a more rapid growth than of the opposite side, of that part of the body wall and test lying below the mouth, i.e. between it and the point of attachment to the rock. This naturally pushes the mouth upwards, and finally places it in a terminal position, at the point of the body furthest removed from the point of fixation. Budding produces a cake-shaped colonial mass of a general pink colour, flecked with white points indicating the position of the mouths of the various individuals or ascidiozooids. With the assumption of adult form by Simple Ascidians, the genital glands develop, but among the Compound, a frequently long- continued course of budding, takes place prior thereto. All species are hermaphrodite, but as a rule the male and female organs do not ripen at the same time. The young produced are the tadpole larvae we have above described. Only within the last 28 years have the Tunicates bulked with large importance in scientific ken. Until 1866, when the Russian naturalist Kowalewsky published his famous researches and specu- lations upon the embryology of the group, they occupied a position of comparative isolation, with ill-understood affinities, and were generally treated as aberrant forms of little importance. Some were for placing them among the Mollusca, largely upon the count of their acephalous (headless) condition ; others from the peculiar looped form of the alimentary canal would have that they were peculiarly developed relatives of the Polyzoa. The lowly development of the venous system favoured alike either of these views. But Kowalewsky 's researches altered all that, and gave the Tunicates a status of great importance. He pointed out how the adult Appendicularias and the tadpole larvaa of the fixed Ascidians bear many close resemblances to the lower vertebrates, especially to the Lancelet (Amphioxus), such for instance as the presence in both of a stiff central axis, the notochord, and the occurrence of a central nervous system expanding into a large cerebral vesicle at the anterior end. Finally he pointed out the perfect concordance of the perfor- PI. X. I . \^^y.' r, i^ -^'-~ T C \ I JA8. HORNELL, DEL. AD. NAT. JERSEY BIOL. STN. ALCYONIUM AND LARVAL ASCIDIANS. EXPLANATION OF PLATE X. Figs. 1 to 3, Alcyonaria. Fig. 1. Single polyp of Alcyonium palmatum, greatly magnified. st. Stomodaeum or oesophagus ; mes. mesenteries ; m.f. mesenterial filaments or craspeda ; g.c. gastric cavity ; s.s. supporting spicules. la, a spicule from lower end of a tentacle ; Ib, a supporting spicule ; Ic, some of the superficial-lying spicules that form the protecting cortex of the colony ; Id, spicules from the supporting lamella of the stomodaeum ; Ic, a spicule from the deeper parts of the mesoglaea. Fig. 2. A branch of Alcyonium, with polyps in various stages of expansion, x 2. Fig. 3. Spicules from mesoglaea of Alcyonium digitatum. Figs. 4 to 6, also A to D, Larval Ascidians. Fig. 4. A tadpole larva of Aplidium elcgans (Giard), just freed from the parent. Viewed from left side. Fig. 5. Diagram of the structure of a similar larva, seen from right side. Fig. 6. Diagram showing stages in the metamorphosis of a tailed larva into the adult sessile condition. Fig. 7. A colony of Aplidium elegans, when in adult stage ; natural size ; c.c.o. common cloacal orifices. Figs. A to D, Larvae where the papillae are abnormal in number or in arrangement. Lettering the same in all figures, viz. : a. atrium ; a.o. atrial or cloacal orifice ; a.p. adhesive papillae ; c.v. cerebral vesicle ; c.n. caudal nerve ; br. c. branchial or pharyngeal clefts ; en. endostyle ; g. gan- glion ; g.s. cells homologous to the rudimentary gemmiferous tubules of other species, which give rise, by rowth and budding, to new individuals, when the larva becomes attached, and proceeds to form a colonial mass (fide Giard) ; o. mouth ; oe. oesophagus ; nt. notochord ; ph. pharynx ; st. stomach. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XI. Polynoe propinqua, one of the higher Annelida. Fig. 1. Optical section of an individual viewed from above, the elytra having been removed. Fig. 2. Appearance of the animal with elytra in place life size. Fig. 3. View of head and its appendages. Fig. 4. Anterior portion of body showing the extruded proboscis, bearing at the extremity a ring of papillae, and having four pairs of horny jaws (2 only visible here) just within the orifice. Fig. 5. An individual showing regeneration of the hinder end, after a breakage that had taken place at the point marked *. Fig. 6. Diagram of a transverse section of a somite bearing dorsal cirri. Fig. 7. Diagram of a similar section through an elytra-bearing somite. These two figures are useful in the understand- ing of the possible origin of elytra from dorsal cirri. Fig. 8. A parapodium or foot. Fig. 9. A dorsal or notopodial bristle. Fig. 10. A ventral or neuropodial bristle. Fig. 11. An elytron or scale, showing the row of globular tubercles around the outer margin. Fig. 12. Edge of same highly magnified, to show one of these tubercles. Fig. 13. A portion of an elytron still more highly magnified, to show the fine papillae of the surface. Lettering the same in all figures, viz. : a.c. anal cirri ; ac. 1 aciculum of 1st somite ; acd. aciculum of notopodium or dorsal branch of foot ; acv. aciculum of neuropodium or ventral branch ; cac. caecum of alimentary canal ; d.c. dorsal cirrus ; el. elytron ; el. ped. peduncle of elytron ; int. intestine ; m.a. median antenna ; nr. notopodium or dorsal branch of foot ; np. neuropodium or ventral branch ; ph. pharynx; ph. t. pharyngeal teeth; p. palp; pr. prostomium ; s.l.a. supero-lateral antenna ; t.c. tentacular cirri ; v.c. ventral or neuropo- dial cirrus. PI. XI. . HORNELL DEL. AD N JERSEY BIOL. STN. THE ANATOMY OF POLYNCE FROPINQUA, THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE TADPOLE STAGE. 71 ations of the Ascidian pharynx, both larval and adult, with the gill clefts of the Lancelet specially, and of fishes generally. Huxley and Haeckel warmly espoused this view so carefully and logically put forward, and now it reigns as the orthodox opinion. Prof. W. K. Brooks, who has within the last few weeks published an extremely valuable monograph upon the Salpce, a group of much modified and altered pelagic Tunicates,* after a fresh and independent investigation from new stand-points and with many new facts to put into witness, fully endorses the same view, and states his belief that a simple pelagic form, of which Appendicularia is the nearest living representative, is the common ancestor of all the Chordata, i.e. alike of the Tunicata as of the Lancelet and all the Yertebrata. Of course such theory can never be proved with mathematical certainty. It is at best a plausible probability, the most probable explanation of the mode of descent of the higher animals we at present know of. But there are, and have been, capable investigators who cannot bring themselves to accept it Thus Prof. Giard, who as the first occupant of the chair of Darwinism at the Sorbonne, cannot be considered in any way a scientific reactionary, in 1872, after elaborate investigation of the Compound Ascidians, refused to endorse this opinion. He then could see nought but a convergence or coinci- dence in general form between Ascidian larvas and lowly vertebrates, due he believed to a similar mode of life, i.e. free-swimming. He thus considered the adult as the true or fundamental form of the Tunicate group, and the larvae not as a reminiscence of ancestral freedom, but as a larval form that for its special and temporary needs, assumed through like requirements of mechanical stresses, due to the adoption of a similar mode of progression, swimming, a form akin to that of a lowly vertebrate. If we want to go astray in reasoning, it is often easy enough with the exercise of a little ingenuity or else of some obtuseness to sink deep in the mire of false deduction. Anyone not thoroughly master of an intricate subject may easily mistake cause for effect, and conversely, and I remember once when considering this Ascidian problem, thinking what a grand opportunity exists in the life-history of Appendicularians for such an one to go astray. Among these tiny tailed swimmers, the habit exists, at certain times, of forming a gelatinous envelope in which the animal lies enveloped for a short time the " Haus " this has been termed ; and it is obviously homologous to the test of the fixed Ascidians. Now a very probable line of descent of the latter is from Appendicularians that have taken this " haus " stage as a permanent adult condition * " The Genus Salpa," Baltimore, 1893. 72 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES, rr . and so have deserted the free-swimming life evidence being that the fixed Ascidians recapitulate very closely, in their larval condition ^ the general form, together with many of the essentially characteristic internal features of adult Appendicularians. But the student not thoroughly on his guard against the pitfalls of evolutionary reasoning, might easily deduce that the Appendicularians are arrested larvas of fixed Ascidians ; that is, that certain larvae instead of performing the full life-history of their race, retained the tailed form all their adult life, and that the occasional formation of the " haus " is the atavistic recollection of the fixed Ascidian condition ! ! In reality such conclusion is easily refuted, and there is really no reasonable doubt that the tadpole larvas show the ancestral form fairly clearly. To mention one argument only, why should they have a nervous system infinitely superior to that of the adult, formed too on a plan entirely different from any to be found among inver- tebrates, but characteristic of vertebrates ? Correction. On page 8, line 6, read "ovary" instead of "ovum. THE HIGHER PROTOZOA. 73 STUDY XIV. SPH^ROZOUM PUNCTATUM, A COLONIAL RADIOLARIAX. No group of animals possesses such intense interest to the Biologist as does that of the Protozoa. Located on the very outskirts of life, one searches among their lower forms and studies their every phase and attribute, in the hope of obtaining the faintest clue as to the origin of life itself. Their higher developments we scrutinize equally closely, for evidence as to the particular evolution of the sponges, simplest among the higher animals those Metazoa whose bodies are made up of aggregations of cells, not one of which is, of itself, capable of prolonged separate existence, but requires the co- operative assistance of other units, other cells, to carry on " life." The Protozoa are, we know, typically unicellular, but many of the most interesting forms seem very closely to counterfeit the me- tazoan plan ; though ever with this distinction, separate one of their cells, and straightway it can sustain long life and multiply its species as though nothing radical had occurred. With these latter, our attention now lies. Most of us have seen, and admired with enthusiasm, that lovely emerald-jewelled rotating globe of colonial life, the tiny Volvox of our ponds. And though we cannot nowadays accept the firm belief entertained by mariners of ancient times, that the sea contains coun- terparts of everything moving on the land and in fresh water, yet as ivgards Volvox, we may claim in SpJtcerozoum and its allies, at least forms having many outward resemblances. Sphcerozouni is a colonial Radiolarian in which the skeleton con- sists of loose spicules surrounding each individual of the colony, but before going into details of anatomy, it will be well for us to cast a survey over the group wherein it is included. In the first place, Radiolaria belong to that group of the Protozoa known as the Rhi- /opoda, animals where locomotion and the capture of food is effected by extensions (pseudopodia " false-feet ") of the outer layer of the body, ectosarc. The well-known Amcebci long ago known as the proteus animalcule on account of its constant change of shape, due to the thrusting out of these pseudopodia, first from one spot and then from another is one of the most primitive members. It is little else than an animated microscopic speck of granular jelly-like protoplasm, endosarc, surrounded by a slightly denser and clearer layer, the ectosarc; having a peculiarly- endowed dense speck, termed the nucleus, embedded in the endosarc, and wherein lies the poten- tiality for future multiplication. 74 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. A higher division of the same Rhizopoda are the Foraminifera, animals of the amoeba-type endowed with the faculty of building up a skeleton, usually of lime (calcium carbonate), from whose surface and from apertures in which, are given off numerous long whip-like threads of protoplasm, or pseudopodia, locking and inter-locking with one another (anastomosing) ; the same in kind, though differing mark- edly in degree, as the few coarse and short pseudopodia of Amoeba. Then we cross at once to the class we have to deal with, the Radio- laria, where the power lies of building up a skeleton of flinty matter (silica) the same in chemical composition as the fine quartz crystals from which much optical glass is made. But this spicular coating is not essential to existence, for many species (Collozoum) possess none. Let me therefore consider such an individual, which may be taken as representing the fundamental or primitive type of Radiolarian, the skeleton being an after assumption in the class, though in Collozoum the absence is not due to primitive want of it, but rather to dege- neration. Comparing with Amoeba, we would Fay that in the Radiolaria the body is usually of a globular form, and what answers to the endosarc of the other, is separated from the outer layers by a membrane (chitonous ?) which we term the capsular membrane. This is pierced usually by numerous minute openings and bedded in the protoplasm within the capsule (intra-capsular), lie several nuclei a characteristic of the group, a very large oil-globule, and a number of tiny crystals. The extra-capsular substance consists of two well defined layers, the inner (sarcomatrix) which invests closely the capsule, is proto- plasmic and granular ; while the outer layer, the calymna, is of a structureless, gelatinous nature. From this layer arises an often wonderfully beautiful flinty (siliceous) skeleton, built up sometimes as a lattice-work bell, or it may be into a lace-work globe with great projecting spines. The calymna is penetrated by delicate tubules through which pass fine threads of protoplasm originating from the sarcomatrix. Having passed through the calymna, these threads piss out on the surface of the globe into a network, the sarcoplegma, and from this are projected into the water around, long filamentous pseudopodia, closely akin to those of the Foraminifera. With these long tendrils, prey is entangled and is then passed inwards. The vast majority of Radiolarians and their name is legion are such as we have described, but a small group live colonial lives, numerous individuals massed in tiny communities, and modified in certain points consequent upon the mutual duties devolving upon the several individuals. THE REPRODUCTION OF RADIOLARIA. "75 Thus the individual skeleton is reduced and even lost. In tiphcvrozoum, each individual is surrounded by a lattice-work of loose spicules of the elegant six-spin ed form shown at fig. E, PI. XII. In other species, it is absent (Collozoum). Sometimes these colonies reach considerable size. Collozoum attains a full inch in length. tij)/tcvrozoum is smaller and usually globular, perhaps iVin. in length, but sausage-shaped colonies of J-in. long are fairly common. 200 to 300 individuals are frequently associated together, being arranged peripherally in a hollow gelatinous sphere, arising from the general coalescence of the gelatinous outer extra-capsular layer (calymna) of each member. This layer being common to all, it follows that the protoplasmic network of the surface, and the radiating pseudopodia are also common, ensuring the even distribution of nutriment. Thus in a Radiolarian colony such as Sphcvrozoum, we have each individual with its own separate central capsule, its own separate sarcomatrix and its own protecting lattice work of spicules ; but calymna, sarcoplegma and pseudopodia are shared in common by the colony. If we examine carefully the sarcomatrix of Spkcerozoum, we see a varying number of deeply stained bodies lying irregularly spread in the sarcomatrix of each individual. Some have many, some have few, and it may happen that we may see some possessing none. In life, these bodies are yellowish, and it is inferred that they are parasitic, or, more probably, symbiotic algas. It appears that these yellow cells can live equally well, and even multiply, when separated from their host. Each has been found to possess a distinct cell-wall of cellulose, a nucleus, two colouring matters, one of which is chlorophyll, and lastly, to complete the vegetal characters, the power of forming starch. They are present in nearly all species, though some individuals are occasionally free from them. In the present species, some individuals are crowded with them, while others have comparatively few. These cells multiply within the host by the division of their protoplasm into four parts which secrete separate cell-walls and then break through the parent membrane. If removed from the host, they eventually become biflagellate, i.e. provided with two whip-like threads of protoplasm, flagella, their locomotive organs. Some have referred them to a distinct genus of algae, while others believe them to be the swarm spores of several species of olive- green seaweeds (Fucus, &c.) It is probable that they assist in the respiration and nutrition of their hosts, by contributing oxygen and starch. The reproduction of the Radiolaria is most intricate, and betokens the high development to which the group has attained. If we take a fully adult colony of Spkcerozoum, we find that the 76 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. individual members, at a certain period, break np into innumerable tiny spores ; these spores may be of two distinct series. Thus one colony may give rise to spores all of the same size, isospores, while another may give rise by another method to spores of two sixes (anisospores). The former are probably asexual ; the latter sexual, giving a typical alternation of generation. Both forms are produced within the central capsule. In the formation of isospores, the nuclei of the parent multiply by fission and scatter throughout the capsular protoplasm : each nucleus appropriates a certain amount of protoplasm, and a minute crystal, and receives several tiny oil globules from the breaking up of the great oil globule. When ripe, each of these masses assumes a pear-shaped form, with the nucleus at the narrow end, whence proceed two flagella which propel the spore through the water, when liberated by the breaking down of the capsular membrane and when disintegration of the extra-capsular matter takes place. Anisospores arise also from the multiplication of the mother- nuclei, but the mode is somewhat different. Within the same individual, two well-marked sizes occur ; the larger are termed macrospores, the smaller microspores, and they escape in the same way as do the isospores. Analogy suggests that in these macro- and microspores we have a sexual stage, but the conjugation of these two bodies, which is required to prove this theory, has not been observed. The shape of both forms of anisospores is reniform (kidney-shaped) : they are propelled either by one or by two flagella. Isospores and anisospores alike give rise to an ordinary Radiolarian having the typical structure. This by fission of the central capsule repeated frequently, and by gemmation also(?), produces the colonial mass we have before us. Then when the full of adult life is reached, the intra-capsular protoplasm breaks up into either iso- or anisospores. The Life-cycle of such a Radiolarian can be tabulated thus : 1. Isospore (asexual spore). 2. Young Radiolarian individual. 3. Colony (produced by fission and gemmation). 4. Anisospores = macrospores, and microspores (Sexual spores) (?). 5. Conjugation of macro- with microspore (?). G. Young Radiolarian individual. 7. Colon}-. 8. Isospore (asexual spore). Stage 4 may not necessarily alternate with stage 8 ; indeed it is probable, by analogy, that under favourable life-conditions, the forma- tion of anisospores seldom occurs many repetitions of isospore generations taking place before one of the anisospore stages recurs. The latter probably occurs when new vigour requires to be infused VOL. [., PI. IX FIGS. A TO E, AND 1, 2, 3 & 4. SPHAEROZOUM AND LARVAL ANTEDON EXPLANATION OF PLATE IX. Figs. A to F, Sphcurozoum punctatutn. Fig. A. Natural appearance of a colony, showing the numerous individuals surrounded by the clear layer of the calymna. X 6. Fig. B. Diagrammatic section through the same, showing it to consist of a hollow sphere ; cl. calynma : c. #p. central space. Fig. C. View of an isolated individual surrounded by a Loaaejuetwork of spicules. Fig. D. The same, with spicules removed. o. gl. great oil-globule of capsule ; nu. one of the several nuclei ; cp. capsular membrane : sm. sarcomatrix : alg. symbiotic algae. Fig. E. Three of the six-rayed spicules. Fig. F. Scale of magnification of Figs. C, D, E, 3 & 4 (all original). Figs. 1 to 9, Crinoids. Fig. 1. Free-swimming larva of Antedon (Rosy Feather Star), with the calcareous plates of the stalked larva formed within. c. z. one of the four ciliary zones. (After Thompson). Fig. 2. Young attached larva of same ; t. pi. terminal or attachment plate ; x. articulation of the joints of the stalk ; bs. a basal plate of the calyx ; or. an oral plate ; r. a radial plate just beginning to form ; t. circle of tentacles round mouth. (Original). Fig. 3. An oral plate magnified to scale of fig. F. (Original). Fig. 4. Halves of adjoining joints of stalk, to show their cribriform nature and mode of articulation at x. Same magnification. (Original). Fig. 5. A later stage than fig. 2, and just prior to commencement of adult life. The dorsal cirri (dr.) and 5 pairs of arms have just appeared. (After Thompson). Fig. 6. Pentacrinus caput-meduscu (after J. Mliller), a form stalked throughout life. The stalk has whorls of cirri (wh. dr.) at intervals. Fig. 7. Ekizocrinus lofotensis, a young individual (after Sars). This species remains stalked all through life, but instead of a basal plate of attachment, is anchored by ramifying root-like processes which twine round stones and other objects. Fig. 8. Magnified view of the " head " of an older stage of same. Fig. 9. Encrinus liliiformis, one of the most numerous of fossil crinoids, (The original figures copyrighted, March, 1895). EXPLANATION OF PLATE X. Creseis acicula. Fig. 1. Cresei* cicala. Several of the internal organs are drawn in optical section, a. anus ; al. gl. receptaculum seminis : c. f. ciliated furrow for conveying spermatozoa from the sexual orifice to the penis ; ci. sh. ciliated shield, respira- tory in function ; /. n. main branch of fin-nerve ; f/.'sub- oesophageal portion of central nerve mass, showing the great fin-nerves being given off from the anterior corners, and the otoconia lying beneath ; h. d. duct of receptaculum seminis ; h. yl. ovo-testis, or hermaphrodite gland ; i. intestine ; 1. liver ; in. I. middle and rudimentary lobe of foot ; in. n. mantle nerve ; up. nephridium : o. mouth ; oe. oesophagus ; ot. one of the two otocysts, containing, not a single spherical body or otolith, but numerous small calcareous bodies, whose mass is termed an otoconia, (the function of these bodies is supposed to be auditory) : p. o. penial aperture situated at the base of the rudimen- tary right tentacle; p. cj. penial gland, or rather, the indrawn penis ; r. m. retractor muscle ; sit. shell ; st. stomach : siv. I. swimming lobe or fin ; ut. di. uterine dilatation ; ve. ventricle of heart. Fig. 2. View of an entire Creseis (Fig. 1. had to be drawn in two portions, as the length was too great for the size of the plate). Fig. C shows the homologies of a typical Pteropod larva, (Cymlulia), with the larvae of typical Gastropods, A and B ; A being a younger and B an older stage. (After Gegenbauer). v. velum ; c. shell ; /. foot ; op. operculum : t. tentacles. Fig. D. Diagram of a simple bilaterally symmetric or Isopleurous Gastropod (Chiton). Fig. E. Diagram of an asymmetric or Anisopleurous Gastropod. Fig. F. Diagram of a naked Pteropod. Fig. G. " thecate or shell-bearing Pteropod. Fig. H. " Cephalopod. (All after Lankester, G being modified). D, V, A, and P point respectively to the dorsal, ventral, anterior and posterior aspects of the body. The extent of the foot in each case is denoted by the dntted shading. o. mouth ; a. anus ; ff. fore-foot ; in. f. mid-foot : h. f. hind-foot : ep. epilobium ; c. e. cephalic eyes : s. p. sub-pallial space : in. s. mantle skirt or flap : ?'-s. visceral hump or dome. (The original figures copyrighted, March, 1895). VOL. I PI. X. J AS. HORNELL, DEL. AD NAT. FIGS. 1 a. 2. PTEROPOD ANATOMY. FOSSIL HAD10LA1UA. 77 into the organism, cither through weakening occasioned by too frequent repetition of the isosporulation, or else from external life-conditions of an unfavourable nature. It is worthy of note that the tendency among colonial forms is towards the suppression of a skeleton. Collozoum has none ; Sphcerozoum has loose spicules only. The reason probably is the hindrance to the formation of new individuals by the fission of the central capsule, which a hard resistent casing to the latter would entail. With loose spicules, if the central capsule divides, then each half simply takes its share of the spicules with it. Distribution. All latitudes know the Radiolarians, but they abound most in the warm seas between the tropics. The majority are pelagic ; Sjihcerozoum and Collozoum among the number. Many of the great depths of the sea are covered by ooze formed all but entirely of their decaying remains, e.g. 2 3000 fathom depths of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. To other deep ocean oozes, the Red-clay deposits, and the Globigerina-ooze, they contribute largely. The familiar Tripoli powder, used for polishing, consists largely of their remains ; many fine whetstones are slaty rock formed in great part of their siliceous skeletons. In many lands they largely compose certain clays and marls, thus indicating, albeit in fragmentary manner, the localities of uprisings of some ancient sea-bottoms of great depths. Deposits in the Barbadoes and the Nicobar Islands, in Algeria and Greece, are the best known of these and it is from such localities, especially from the first-named, that are obtained by careful washing and separation, those beautiful fossil forms so well known as microscopical preparations. These are all of Cainozoic age, but other fossil species date from early Palaeozoic times, while in Jurassic rocks, they even form quartzite, so compactly are they knit together. STUDY XV. THE HYDROID STAGE OF OBELIA GENICULATA. Obelia constitutes a very typical form of Thecate Zoophyte, and a study of the slide now sent out, taken in conjunction with reference to Study XI, and Plate IX will furnish materials for a ready comprehension of the essential details of the anatomy and of the life-historv. STUDY XVI THE STALKED LARVA OF ANTEDON, Few of us are unfamiliar, at least by name, with Antcdon> the "Rosy Feather Star. The extreme elegance of its long slender arms has long made it famous among the artistic triumphs of the world of 78 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. life, rivalling in slender gracefulness even the rare beauty of the ferns. To those who have however seen it in life among its natural surroundings, the charm deepens, and Antedon is for ever linked with happy life-marks fondly remembered. Shall I ever forget that day out lobster-potting with an old fisherman, when the first pot we pulled up was fairly encrusted with the rosy twining pinnated arms of this most lovely of starfishes ! Surely if the fisherman's calling is rough and uninviting at times, such experiences as these go far to compensate. Rough fellows most are, but the sea has a silent eloquence that finds its way to their hearts, and to those who have served the apprenticeship, its fascination is magical ; even I, who have other pleasures, and have never been fairly inoculated, have still at times to respond to the urgent calling of the sea. Antedon is fairly common around the British Coast ; in favorable localities occurring in great multitudes. In anatomy it differs extremely from the ordinary stout starfishes, such as the common cross-fish Axtcrias miens, but as we are not concerned at the present with its anatomy, suffice it to note that its body consists of a disc some J inch across, from which proceed ten long slender arms bearing numerous pinnules on either side. These arms often reach 3J inches in length, so that the animal has a full span of 7 inches. The sexes are separate, and the genital organs are located riot in the body disc, but in the tiny pinnules of the arms. The fertilized ova are set free as barrel-shaped embryos which acquire four encircling or zonal bands of cilia the hoops of the barrel propelling it through the water. Next appear a few minute calcareous plates within this embryo, forming as it were, a tiny cask set up on an even more tiny stalk. Free-swimming life being now all but ended, a disk containing a perforated plate appears at the lower extremity of the stalk, and by this, attachment is made to any object that happens in the way ; it may be the stiff framework of a colony of Hydrozoa or of Polyzoa, or it may be a frond of the great oar-weed (Laminaria). All this time the soft barrel-shaped mass of the swimming larva has been shrinking and adapting itself to the form of the enclosed calcareous skeleton, and now the creature is fairly launched upon the stalked and anchored period of its life. In this stage the skeleton is made up of a basal plate (PL XII, fig. 2, t. pi.) where the animal is rooted to its host ; a considerable number of joints set end to end, forming the stalk, upon which is seated the cup-shaped framework of the body, consisting of two circles of large perforated plates, the members of each superposed to one another. These are respectively the basals (Is) and the orals (or), the former forming the base of the cup, supported on THE GROWTH OF THE LARVAL SKELETON. 79 the summit of the stalk, while the orals are the upper ones, receiving their name from their encircling of the mouth. All these plates can be made out in the last stage of the swimming embryo (fig. 1) and characterize the stage of most of the fixed larvaB in the microscopic preparations accompanying this article. A few however show a further stage, where a third row of tiny plates is intercalated between the two original rows of basals and orals; these small plates- are the first radials (r), each is alternate with the larger plates of the skeletal basin. The several rows may be formulated thus : o o o o o R R R R R B B B B B Each ring will be noticed to comprise five plates, the fundamental echinoderm index. The mouth, as before mentioned, is centrally in the calyx formed by these perforate or cribriform plates, and is surrounded by a row of tentacles armed with a limited number of delicate thread-like processes. Growth after this is rapid, a second circle of radials appears superposed to the first and then a third upon the second. From the third proceed the arms double the index number, two being borne on each third radial, which has two fascets for this purpose on its upper surface. At the same time the topmost joint of the stalk has been enlarging and becomes a great plate-like structure, the centro-dorsal plate from which arise a number of claw-like jointed organs, the cirri. Soon after this, the body with its now long arms, breaks off from its stalk at a point just below the centro-dorsal plate, and enters upon adult life, free at will either to creep amid the mud or rocks, or to swim with rythmic beats of its feather-like arms through the water. It is however doubtful if it makes much use of its powers. It certainly docs not travel far from certain favorite localities, where it is usually found gripping stones or weed with the circle of hooked cirri borne on the centro-dorsal plate. When disturbed, its mode of swimming is extremely graceful, the arms being alternately contracted and expanded as in the pulsations of a medusa. For long, the stalked larva w r as considered a distinct animal from the adult, receiving the name Pcutacrimts ctnoprens, as it was believed to be a tiny relative of that large and lovely stalked crinoid, Pcntacrinus caput-mcdnsm, from the Antilles, then known from rare specimens held precious by a few fortunate museums. Special interest attaches to this beautiful creature from the great part played by its relations, if not its ancestors, that lived during former periods of the world's history, for the Encrinites whose remains have 80 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. contributed so greatly to build up the huge masses of our mountain limestones, and many of our Jurassic beds, were but gigantic Pentacrinoids of structure practically identical with the stalked larva 1 of Antcdon that seem so like tiny attenuated counterpart?. STUDY XVII. CRESELS, A TYPICAL PTEROPOD. The struggle for mastery and bare existence gives many unexpected results : we see the huge monsters of ocean, not of true finny lineage, but interlopers from the land ; we see the cousins of our starfishes and sea-urchins taking on the outward form of burrowing worms; insects become, in appearance, indistinguishable from sticks and leaves ; birds leave their kingdom of air, and pursue their livelihood amid the waters, seeking prey by diving and swim- ming ; but perhaps stranger than all, the butterflies of ocean, whose winged and shimmering myriads are familiar to voyagers on the high seas, are nowise akin to the gaudy visitants to our flowers : neither have they relationship, as we might excusably guess, with the great group of the Crustaceans. The latter, diverse as the insects in habit, and ready as they, to change form, and to adapt themselves to any new life where there may be a prospect of easier existence, yet put in no claim to the title, and it is reserved to the humbler molluscs to creatures allied to the slow creeping snail, and lethargic limpet to furnish representatives charged with the duty of peopling the waves with gay flutterers. Yes, the Pteropods, as the Butterflies of the Sea are called, are undoubted molluscs, closely related on the one hand to such Gastropods as the snail, on the other to the Cephalopods the Octopus and Cuttlefish. But before discussing their place in Nature, let us examine the anatomy of the typical form, Creseis acicula (Rang), which is the subject of this paper. Creseis is the most slender, but not the shortest of Pteropods. The body is lodged in a delicate needle-shaped shell (whence the name aciculci), not f-in. in length. This shell, transparent and colourless, and composed of carbonate of lime, is very gradually tapered and extremely narrow, even at the broader end. The pointed end is closed, while from the other protrude two liny wing-like fins, the means of locomotion hence the significance of the term Pteropod or " wing-footed." Coinciding with the form of the shell, the body is greatly elongated, especially that part lodging the central portion of the viscera the visceral hum]) <.r dome, which is spoken of as the upper end of the animal (see last paragraph of this article). The shell is lined and produced by a told of the body-wall, called the mantle, between which and the body, a large space, the mantle cavity, THE ANATOMY OF A PTEROPOT). 81 is formed, lying on the posterior aspect of the body, and opening to the exterior by a slit at the ventral end, i.e. at the mouth of the shell/ 1 ) There is no distinguishable head, and of head appendages only two tiny, easily overlooked tentacles lying just behind the fins. These have evidently suffered degeneration, showing in their minute size, but little resemblance to the great organs so familiar upon jthe head of the snail. Two slight eminences guard the entrance to the mouth. Within this a radula or teeth-bearing ribbon is found, whence a long oesophagus leads straight backwards or rather upwards, into a dilated stomach. The intestine is continued backwards for some distance, then abruptly turns and passes forwards (downwards) to open laterally into the mantle cavity at a point on the left side. Lying close to the intestinal bend, is the anterior end of the enormous sausage-shaped secretive organ which for convenience we may term liver (I). It runs backwards parallel with the anterior half of the ovo-testis. As regards muscular tissue, such is developed sparsely except in the fins, and in a great strand of fibres that originates from a point only a little below the apex of the shell, runs parallel with the ovo-testis and liver, thence forward and to the right, to the oral end of the body, and to the copulatory organs. Its name, the retractor muscle, denotes its function. On the right side, in the region of the intestine, lies an elongated cylindrical organ, the nephridium or kidney. This has at one end an opening communicating with the exterior, while at the other the end turned towards the apex of the visceral hump a passage is found leading into the pericardium. Probably this is a means for introducing sea-water into the blood at stated intervals, thus giving an additional and interesting function to the nephridium. The heart, lying dorsal to the nephridium, and like it, on the right side of the body, consists of a globular ventricle and of a delicate auricle. From the former a large artery is given off, leading into several smaller branches. These however, instead of in turn leading into capillaries and thence into veins, open into an irregular chain or network of indefinitely shaped spaces (lacunae) disposed in the tissues, and without definite walls. From these the impure blood is gathered into a large venous or pericardial sinus, whence it is passed into the auricle. (1). To arrive at the right application of the terms dorsal, ventral, anterior, and posterior, to the body of a Pteropod, one must picture it as in fig. G, PI. XIII, the mouth downwards and the apex of the shell directed upwards. 82 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. The respiratory region in this species lies on the inner side of the mantle, therefore on what is apparently the ventral aspect of the animal, but which strictly is the posterior. In some species the general surface of the mantle functions, but in this, the chief seat of respiration is a shield-shaped area in the region of the stomach, where the mantle is thrown into curved and transverse folds, bearing cells richly ciliated, whereby the water is kept continuously in motion. The central mass of the nervous system is formed by the concentration of three pairs of ganglia around the anterior end of the oesophagus ; that part lying above, representing the supra-oesophageal ganglia ; that beneath, of two pairs, named respectively the visceral and the pedal ganglia. Nerves going to the mantle and to the alimentary organs can readily be traced proceeding from the hinder part of the nerve-mass, but in size, these are far surpassed by two enormous nerves (/. n.) given off, one on either side, by the pedal ganglia, for the nerve supply of the swimming fins. Each on entry, throws off a smaller branch, and then proceeds to give off with remarkable regularity, some 20 pairs of lateral nerves at short intervals. Each pair consists of a right and a left nerve originating from the same point. The same arrangement is repeated by the smaller branch. For so small an animal, the reproductive organs are extremely complex and are complicated by the creature, like all Pteropods, being hermaphrodite. Ova and spermatozoa are produced in the same gland, the ovo-testis or hermaphrodite gland. This lies, as a compact elongated mass, in the hinder (dorsal) end of the body, parallel with the liver. It is connected by a fine efferent duct with the sexual orifice which opens on the right side just dorsal to the base of the right fin. Connected with the lower end is a side pouch the uterine caecum. Another pouch-like organ of equally great size, opens close by the genital aperture, and just at the base of the right rudimentary tentacle (p. g.) This is the invaginated (indrawn) penis or ponial gland, the external male sexual organ, highly specialised as in the gastropod molluscs, and here as in other Pteropods, of very large sixr. The spermatozoa pass from the common sexual orifice to the penis by a short ciliated external gutter or furrow (c. /.) Self fertilization is obviated by the male and female elements maturing at different periods. When copulation with another individual takes place, the great penis is evaginated and inserted into the uterine caecum, the spermatozoa pass in, and thence are conveyed to a small vesicle, the receptaculum seminis, there to await the arrival of mature ova from the hermaphrodite gland. When this occurs, the sperm escapes from its THE FOOD OF WHALES. 83 confinement and fertilizes the ova, which are then ejected in long gelatinous cords that float hither and thither at the mercy of the waves till hatching takes place. Adult Pteropods all progress by jerky flappings of the wings. Agassiz says they can remain suspended in the water for hours, simply by spreading these wings, and then suddenly drop to the bottom by folding them. They are also said to creep about bjnrreans of these same appendages. The group of Pteropoda is not large, and its members fall naturally into two well marked divisions those like Creseis, with a well developed shell, form the order Thecosomata ; those naked and without shell, the Gymnosomata. Few are ever seen near land, they prefer the high seas, and are spread under all latitudes, little more plentiful in the Tropics than in the Northern regions of Baffin's Bay and Davis Strait and the Polar Sea generally where indeed the multitudes of two species, Clione borealis and Limacina arctica, form a substantial item in the dietary of the whale. In considering the place in nature of these animals, the possession of an odontophore (lingual ribbon or radula) at once discovers their close relationship to the Gastropods and to the Cephalopods, and with these and the little group of Scaphopods (Dentalium), form the com- pact branch, Glossophora, ("tongue-bearers"), of the phylum Mollusca. (a) In the arrangement of the genital system, the Pteropods are extremely like many forms of hermaphrodite Gastropods ; the snail and the sea-slug (Aplysici) for example, agreeing closely in all the larger details, while in this, they differ markedly from the Cephalopoda, where the sexes are always separate. (6) Outwardly usually bilaterally symmetric like the Cephalopods, Pteropods are all fundamentally asymmetric, and here again approach to the most usual Gastropod like- ness, for as in the latter, both the anus and the sexual organs are lateral and asymmetric, the one in Creseis being turned to the right, the others to the left, (c) A third link with the Gastropods is found in the possession by certain genera (Spirialis) of an operculum. (d) On the other hand, Pteropods of the shell-less group, have processes developed from the " head," of arm-like form ; in some cases even bearing suckers a wonderfully close approach in appearance to the familiar arms of the Octopus and the Cuttlefishes. So close, indeed, is this resemblance, that Prof. Ray Lankester has not hesitated to class both Pteropods and Cuttlefish in one all-embracing division, the Cephalopoda, forging a new term, Siphonopoda, for the diverse com- pany of the Octopus, Nautilus and Cuttles. Such considerations as a b and c make against this view, and it is significant that the nerve supply to these head-arms has different origin in the two divisions, 84 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. being supplied from the brain (cerebral ganglia) in the Pteropods, and from the pedal or foot ganglia in the Cuttles. Hence it seems much more likely that the resemblances between the Pteropods and Siphonopods are rather homoplastic than homologous, i.e., have arisen independently rather than being possessed of common origin. Like circumstances not infrequently produce analogous shapes and organs in animals of distant relationship, and the case in point is probably of this nature. It is to be remembered too, that it is only the division of shell-less Pteropods that in any way simulates the appearance of the Siphonopods; the shell-bearing forms (Thecosomata), such as Creseis, are very closely approximated to the Gastropods in all details of organization. Thus we may conclude that the Pfceropods aiv a branch from the Gastropod stock, modified by pelagic habit, and in some respects even degenerate (i.e. degenerate from the stand-point of the Gastropod) and having their most specialized members approx- imated in outward form to the Siphonopod type. As to this latter designation, it appears thus more fitting to displace it and to restore the term Cephalopoda to its older and more restricted meaning whereby it is applicable to the Octopus class alone. The diagrams PI. XIII, figs. D to H (modified from Lankester) show graphically the mutual relation and modification of the several parts of the body as seen among the principal types of Glossophorous Molluscs. Fig. D shows a simple type of Gastropod, such as Chiton, where the mouth and arms are at opposite ends of the body, the foot large and extending the whole length of the body on the ventral side, while the central part of the back is more or less humped forming the visceral hump or dome, as in it most of the viscera are lodged, Fig. E indicates the modifications in the relative arrangement of parts due to the bending and coiling of the visceral hump, as seen in such Gastropods as the snail and the whelk. G and F represent respec- tively a shell-bearing and a naked Pteropod, and show how in these animals the visceral dome is much elongated and drawn out, causing thus a great bend in the alimentary canal. The foot in both is represented by little else than two wing-like fins, believed to arise from two lateral flaps epipodia of the middle division of the foot- In several Gastropods, such flaps are well developed ; thus in the sea-slug Aplysia, they rise from either side of the foot and fold over the back. In F, the " head-arms " or " buccal cones," that are so curiously like the arms of Cephalopods, aiv represented, but are not here shaded similarly as having a like origin for the reason already given. Fig. H is a diagram of a Cephalopod given for comparison. Here part of the epipodia (?) form arms beset with suckers in place of swimming fins, while the funnel is also formed from part of the CLASSIFICATION OF PTEROPODA. 85 ancestral foot. The figures also illustrate the true application of the terms dorsal, ventral, anterior and posterior to the body aspects in Pteropods and Cephalopods. It may now be useful to give a summary of orders and other divisions, and in so doing, to follow, merely for the sake of con- venience, the former method of separating the Pteropods as a distinct Molluscan class. It must, however, be clearly borne in mind that the present and more satisfactory view is to cancel entirely the division Pteropoda, and to distribute its families among the Gastro- poda. The name Pteropoda will thus henceforth be a term of convenience used to designate a number of pelagic molluscs, in- cluding animals belonging to widely separated divisions of the Gastropoda. Pteropoda. Order I. ThecOSOmata ; body protected by a shell. Family I : HYAL.EIDJE, shell calcareous or horny, symmetric. Types Hyalaea (horny) ; Creseis (calcareous) ; Cleodora. Family II : CYMBULINID^E, shell slipper or boat-shaped and with some short " arms." Types Cymbulia and Tiedemannla. Family III : LIMACINIDJE. Type Spirialis, with spirally coiled shell having sinistral flexure, i.e. coiling in the reverse direction to that usually seen in Gastropod Shells. Order II. Gymnosomata ; body naked. Family I : CLIONID.E, without gills, but with short arms devoid of suckers. Type Clione (Clio) borealis. Family II : PNEUMODERMONID.E, with gills at apex of body, and with arms beset with suckers. TypePneumodermon. Cleodora pyramidata is phosphorescent and probably others are also. In Cymbulia, the small chitonous shell is internal. Spi- rialis is the most closely related to the Gastropod form, its pecu- liarities extending to the possession of both a spiral shell and an operculum. The larvae or veligers of Cymbulia and Tiedemannia also possess opercula. Tiedemannia, like the Cephalopods, possessed well developed pigment-spots (Chromatophores) on the surface of the body, doubtless a protective device. geries IV, STUDY XVIII. THE CORYNID.E. The family Corynidse, in its inclusion of the two distinctive genera Ooryne and Syncoryne, furnishes a perfect object lesson in the gradations of development that prevail among Hydroid Zoo- phytes ; ranging from that fullness of development characterized by definite and distinct Hydroid and Medusoid stages, down to the utter suppression of the latter stage and its replacement by what are mere sessile bags containing the reproductive elements degeneration of the most marked description. Such gradations are always of great interest and value to the evolutionist, for though the series is one of degeneration rather than of progress upwards, still, it bears conclusive evidence of the readiness and ease with which organisms can undergo radical alteration in vital and conspicuous organs, and if a species can so easily retrogress, the inference that others may as readily advance by the elaboration of new organs, is logical and reasonable. Intimate knowledge of a representative species in each of the two genera referred to, is readily obtained, for both Coryne and Syncoryne are present on many parts of the British Coast. Syncoryne, which, of the two, has the more typical life-cycle, grows in littoral pools in low bushy colonies, comparatively little- branched, and with a creeping stolon connecting the various main stems. The latter, in S. eximia, are brown and horny, and annulated only towards the base ; the twigs on the other hand are closely ringed, transparent and colourless. The polypites are not seated in cups at the extremities of the branches as in Obelia, but are naked and without any protective envelope into which they can retract upon irritation. As a natural compensation, or rather adaptation, the polypites are much larger and stouter, and their tentacles better equipped with stinging cells. Some slight suggestion of a cup is, however, present, as the edge of the chitonous tube which forms the branchlet is expanded slightly as a very delicate tiny chalice at the very base of the polypite. It is however of absolutely no use as a protective sheath, both on account of its extreme thinness, being cuticular rather than horny or chitinous, and on account of small size, only J*. 1 . 1 of the length of the polyp. NEMATOCYSTS. 87 Indeed in specimens mounted in balsam, it is so transparent as to be most difficult to see. The polypites, while possessed of as great retractile power as those of the Thecate Zoophytes, have not the same rapidity of movement, and answer to a stimulus or irritation much more slowly. Among the Calyptoblastic Hydroids, the hydranth or polypite is usually cup-shaped, with the tentacles arranged in one_or more rings around the mouth. In Syncoryne, the body is as a rule spindle-shaped, though by elongation it may at times appear almost cylindrical ; while the tentacles are disposed irregularly over the whole surface, standing out stiffly, so many spikes on a war-club. The form of the tentacles, too, is peculiar, each being swollen at the extremity capitate a characteristic shared by Syncoryne and other members of the family. The reason for this capitate form is not far to seek : it owes origin to the peculiar grouping or massing of the nematocysts at the apex a striking divergence from the prevalent arrangement among other families, where the collections or batteries of stinging cells are situated at intervals on the general surface of the tentacles. It is interesting to note that the tentacles of the medusa-stage of Syncoryne have the ordinary arrangement of stinging cells at intervals along the length, i.e. without any suggestion of the massing seen in the tentacles of the Hydroid stage. Viewed with good illumination, the unburst stinging-cells can readily be observed in the terminal knobs as more or less lenticular bodies, and by judicious squeezing of a living polypite, some of these may be pressed out, and a number will be certain to project the long whip-like process which serves as the active agency in conveying the poisonous secretion of the cell into the organism against which it is launched. The isolated undischarged nematocyst can be made out to be a cell of unusual size, somewhat ovoid in shape, and in which the most conspicuous content is a great clear cyst, highly refractive, and filled with a clear fluid, lying wherein is a spirally coiled filament. The cyst does not occupy the entire cavity of the parent cell, but leaves a space, most marked towards the base, filled with dense protoplasm, in which lies a well-defined nucleus. From the apex of the cell projects a pointed process of the cell wall, named the ''trigger" and which functions as such on contact with a suitable body (prey). It appears to stimulate the cell to a contraction, resulting in the violent expulsion of the sting thread. The thread thus expelled is not solid but is hollow, and in reality a tenuous prolongation of the upper end of the cyst. It arose as an ingrowth or invagination of the summit of the cyst, and when projected went through an instan- taneous process of evagination, i.e. was turned inside out as the 88 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. finger of a glove can be turned, and if we remember that the content of the cyst is a watery fluid under considerable tension, one can easily understand that if this tension be greatly and suddenly intensified by pressure upon the walls from without, an instantaneous throwing out of the ingrown hollow thread must ensue. A working model of such a cyst can be made of india-rubber tissue, if fashioned in the form of a hollow bulb with the apex dwin- dling down into a finger-shaped hollow appendix. If this hollow model were partly filled with water and the filiform apex thrust inwards (invaginated), then by squeezing the bulbous part, the pressure of the contained water would force outwards the invaginated finger the equivalent of the hollow filiform thread of the nematocyst. In the Corynidae, the base of the thread is stout and furnished with barbs. The stem of the tentacle is formed as in Obelia of a solid core of vacuolated stiff-walled cells of endodermal origin, that act as a supporting axis. The ectoderm is thin, but furnishes very delicate yet powerful muscle elements that control the elongation and re- traction of the tentacles. The mouth that is fed by these ministering and food-capturing tentacles is small and terminal and difficult to distinguish, appearing as a mere opening at the anterior end of the polypite. The large cavity of the polypite is where digestion takes place, the endoderm cells of this region secreting a fluid which rapidly dissolves the tissues of the prey. Thence this nutrient fluid is passed along the hollow ccenosarc to aid in the sustenance of the general body of the colony. Reproduction. Normally Syncoryne produces buds at various and indefinite points scattered over the body of the polypite and between the tentacles. These buds at first consist of a layer of ectoderm covering a hollow button-like outgrowth of endoderm. Next this endoderm projects four hollow radial processes which ultimately become the four radial canals of the Medusa, into which the bud eventually develops. At the same time a median outgrowth of hollow endoderm, the future manubrium, grows down between the four radial bands. With growth the form becomes distinctly bell-shaped, the four marginal tentacles appear associated with the four radial canals, and a pigmented eyespot ocellus develops at the base of each tentacle. Thus, little by little, the bud changes into a well marked medusiform organism connected to the polypite by a narrow neck. At this stage the medusiform bud is usually nearly as large as the polypite itself. At length, it begins to pulsate, to long for separate and free existence, and its efforts quickly effect severance from the mother polypite. ISOIOHdHOW adHdlHHID QNH 'A "Id ^ EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV. The Corynidce. Fig. 1. Syncoryne eximia, natural size of colony. Fig. 2. Normal hydranth of same showing developing niedusiform persons, mb l to mb 5 , in various stages, disposed irregularly between the capitate tentacles ; mb 5 is the oldest and is all but ready to be set free ; pr. perisarc. X 30. Fig. 3. A free medusa (Sarsia) of Syncoryne, fully mature (probably two months after being set free) ; m. manubrium, within whose walls sperm has been developed, this individual being a male ; i.e. a captured Copepod being digested within the cavity of the manubriurn ; r.c. radial canals ; c.c. circular canal ; e.s. eye-spot or ocellus ; o. mouth ; v. velum ; t. tentacle. X 4f. Fig. 4. Hydranth showing abnormal medusiform person, a.m.b., wherein, while the bell is fully developed, the tentacles are aborted, and the manubrium functions solely as a reproductive organ (in this case, a spermarium). The bell remains permanently attached and the reproductive products are ripened in situ ; d.m.b. developing medusa- bud ; e.s. eye-spot ; p. perisarc ; c. coenosarc ; o. mouth. Fig. 5. A row of axial endoderm cells from a tentacle of Syncoryne. X 180. Fig. G. Colony of Coryne vaginata, nat. size. (The annulations of the stem are not visible to the naked eye, in living specimens). Fig. 7. Hydranth from a male colony of same species ; in.g. male reproductive capsule, representing a degenerate medusa. Fig. 8. Hydranth from a female colony; f.g. female capsules filled with ova ; t. tentacles ; n. stinging threads of nematocysts ; o. mouth ; c. tiny membraneous cup at the base of the hydranth. X 30. Fig. 9. Nematocysts from tentacle of Coryne vaginata, X 600. A & C, two burst nematocysts, showing barbs (6.) in different positions ; th. the evaginated threads ; B, an unburst nematocyst, showing the trigger (t), and the coiled thread lying within the cyst (c) ; n. nucleus. EXPLANATION OF PLATE V. Figs 1 to 8, Cirripedia. Fig. 1. Sacculina carcini (Thomps.) seen in plan, showing by means of the dotted outline of the crab upon which it is parasitic, the manner in which the root- tubules ramify through the host's body. Natural size. b.s. body-sac of Sacculina ; cL cloacal opening ; b.m. basilar membrane ; i.r. the roots which ramify around the intestine and the associated organs ; h.r. hepatic roots ramifying among the caeca of the liver ; br.c. branchial cavity of the host. Fig. 2. Lateral view of same. Fig. 3. Life appearance of Rock Barnacle (B. balanoides), enlarged. Fig. 4. The same seen from above, , 6, c, d, e, and /, the six plates making up the circular mantle " rampart." Fig. 5. Dissection (partly diagrammatic) of B. balanoides , the right half of the mantle-wall removed ; the " liver," cement gland, and branchiae are omitted ; the alimentary canal is depicted black ; for clearness, the male organs are not lettered, but reference to Fig. 7 will indicate their parts. Fig. 6. A Ship-Barnacle (Lepas) having the right side of the mantle removed. The penis should not be apparent, as it lies normally folded up between the cirri. Fig. 7. Dissection of same, on the lines of Fig. 5. Fig. 8. External appearance of Lepas anatifera, natural size. Lettering the same for all the figures : a remains of the anterior antennae ; an. anus ; a.m. adductor muscle ; c. carina ; c.f. caudal forks ; e.g. cement gland ; cr. cirriform feet ; c.s. calcareous rampart-shell of mantle ; f.a. filiform appendages of 1st pair of feet ; h. liver ; I. labrum ; m retractor muscle of scutum : m" retractor muscle of tergum ; m.c. mantle cavity ; od. oviduct ; or.c. buccal eminence ; o. mouth ; ov. ovary ; p. penis ; pd. peduncle or stalk ; s. scutum ; t. tergum ; ts. testis ; v.d. vas deferens ; v.s. seminal vesicle. Figs A to D, Plumularia pumila. Fig. A. Branches of P. pumila, slightly larger than life. g. gonangia ; 8. creeping stem or stolon connecting the various bundles. Fig. B. Portion of branch, highly magnified, hydranths or polypites in various stages of extension ; k. body of the hydranth ; Jd. hydrotheca lodging hydranth ; g.c. gastric cavity of hydranth ; c. coenosarc ; c.c. cavity of the coenosarcal tube ; pr. perisarc ; z. tissue connecting hydranth with lateral and internal surface of hydrotheca ; ec. ectoderm ; en. endoderm ; d.hc. developing hydrocaulus or stem ; d.h. developing hydranth. Fig. C. Female gonangium ; bl. blastostyle ; c. swollen hollow apex of blastostyle nearly ready to force its way through the mouth of the gonangium ; ov. ova. Fig. D. The same fully developed, showing the acrocyst containing ova. (After Lindstrom). 3NAH03NAS QN 3NAH03 AI *td ^ Xdoosojoij\[ # '[007 -JBJ\[ jo -ujnof REPRODUCTION OF THE CORYNID^. 89 Once freed, it begins a long, free-swimming existence and rapidly increases in size till it reaches fully J-in. in length. The manubrium in this species attains enormous proportions sometimes, when fully extended, quite thrice the length of the bell. In this and allied forms (i.e. among all the Gymnoblastic Hydroids), the genital organs appear in the walls of the manubrium of the medusa. The sexes are separate, and the embryos that are produced settle tlown and develop hydroid stocks or colonies. I have said that the foregoing is the normal course of repro- duction but certain species, and among others that under present consideration, S. eximia, have an alternative mode. This however is practised only at the end of the breeding season (April) when the reproductive buds, in place of developing into free medusae (Sarsia, as this form of medusa was called before it was recognised as one stage in the life-cycle of this Hydroid), remain permanently attached to the hydroid stock. In form they have the same bell shape as the true medusa-buds, but they seldom produce tentacles (stunted when produced), and the manubrium becomes enormously swollen with the reproductive products. The lack of tentacles is to be adduced to the fact that owing to the permanence of attachment to the parent, all nutritive matter is obtained from that source, and the manubrium has no call to act as a digestive organ, but simply as a reproductive gland. The next and final stage of degeneration is found in such forms as constitute the genus Coryne, of which the lovely species C. vaginata, grows luxuriantly in Jersey rock-pools and gullies where it forms elegant branched colonies that appear miniature shrubs, crowded with delicately tinted pink florets. Both the main stem and the branches are hornv and closely annulated. In the details of the anatomy of the polypites there is practical identity with those of Syncoryne. In Coryne, however, the polypite is considerably larger, but it is solely the divergence of the reproductive plan that entitles this species and its congeners to the dignity of a separate genus. The colonies are again unisexual, some bearing only male buds, while others bear female ones. These appear as numerous rounded bodies clustered on the polypites between the bases of the tentacles. The male ones consist solely of masses of cells spermatoblasts which produce spermatozoa ; while each of the female buds becomes filled with 20 to 25 large ova. When the male capsules burst, it is probable that the spermatozoa find their way to the female organs, guided by some sense or attraction we know not what, and pierce the membranous envelope, thereby gaining admission to the ova. The latter, thus fertilized, by segmention form tiny embryos, which issue forth as four-armed hydriform larvae, that 90 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. crawl about like so many miniature Octopods. This free life is rapidly run and then they settle down and become attached to rock or weed. In this situation they rapidly reproduce, by continued budding, the typical hydroid stock. Here, then, there is no trace whatever of medusae, whether fully developed as free-swimming organisms, or bereft of a free existence and tied for life to the mother polypite : nought is left of the medusa-stage save the reproductive organs, and as these are, among the Gymnoblastic Hydroids, situated in the walls of the manubrium, we may homologize the sexual buds of Coryne, with the manubria of such medusa?. As Obelia may be taken as typical in every sense of the Calyptoblastic Hydroidea, where the polypites are lodged in cup-like expansions of the horny perisarc, the medusa? usually provided with otocysts (rarely with eye-spots), and the genital glands developed upon the radial canals, so Coryne and Syncoryne may be taken as the types of that other great division of the Hydroidea, known as the Gymnoblastic characterised by the polypites being naked or athecate, the medusae, when produced, provided with eye-spots (ocelli) and never with otocysts, and with the genital glands lodged in the walls of the manubrium, and not in the course of the radial canals. To the student of the smaller forms of marine life, the stems of the Corynidae offer endless material for research, so abundantly are they clothed, at times, with a fluffy growth that under the microscope is revealed to consist of multiform Diatoms, lovely in the delicacy of their glassy sculpturing and in the rich hues of the living matter within them ; of more minute Infusorians, the cups, and bells and tassels of those that live their lives attached, and still smaller forms, cilia-rowed and free-swimming, that speed and rotate and take eccentric course among the miniature undergrowth upon the crowded stems ; here and there too, can be spied a slow-crawling Foraminifer whose porcellain-white shell gleams brilliantly, while from innu- merable pores stretch living threads along which hurry, this way and that, the tiny particles that are engaged in the life-building of the tiny creature ; the stout bobbing heads of that curious Polyzoon, Pedicellina, are frequent, curtseying and bowing to one another, with old world homage ; to the keen-eyed, interesting forms of Rotifers, so rare in the sea, may occasionally reveal themselves spin- ning erratic course through the water or climbing about with jerk and double among the rich growth of the tiny algae that form never- theless the giants of this tiny microscopic forest. None of these can be accounted parasites ; they occasion no harm to the host and simply live together a crowd of commensals. SERTULARIA PUMILA. 91 A true parasite, however, sometimes afflicts colonies ofSyncoryne, as one of the curious Pycnogonida? (sea-spiders) makes use of the developing buds as incubatory sacs, wherein their larvae may develop. How the ova are deposited in the Zoophyte is unknown but as the larva? are only found in young buds, it is likely that these are selected as being without the hard perisarc which is present at other parts of the colony and which would render an incision difficult. Probably the Pycnogonid breaks a hole in the crown of the bud and introduces therein the ova. The effect is to arrest normal growth and to convert the bud into a "gall" wherein the larva? live, nourished by the nutrient fluid of the ccenosarcal tube, a branch of which penetrates the bud. In due season the larva? burst from the gall and become free. STUDY XIX. ON SERTULARIA PUMILA. Just as Obelia genicidata forms miniature forests on the broad leaves of Laminaria (oar-weed) at a horizon seldom left bare except at very low tides, so another species of the Hydroidea, Sertularia pumila, in favourable situations, monopolizes the fronds of Fucus at a zone some feet higher. Ellis, the worthy pioneer in our know- ledge of these forms, named it the " Sea-oak Coralline," an appropriate name, and one suggestive of the strong, stunted and rather coarsely denticulated appearance it assumes when removed from the water. It seldom attains luxuriant growth ; most frequently it is barely f of an inch in height and as it retains the same breadth from base to apex and is hardly branched at all, it has an incomplete and truncated appearance that does not make for gracefulness. Occasionally, however, it grows to the height of an inch and a quarter and is then beautified with several branches arranged symmetrically in pairs. In texture it is horny, owing to the perisarc being strongly chitinized. Examining a living branch in water under a low power of the microscope, we forget its apparently coarse nature in the loveliness of the expanded polypites. They are exquisite in their slenderness, and have a great power of protrusion. Equally long and graceful are the hyaline tentacles, a living rosette that surrounds in a single wreath the broad and button-shaped proboscis, whose summit breaks into a large and mobile mouth. The cups (hydrothecae) that lodge these polyps are paired, one on either side of each segment or internode in the stem. Somewhat tubular in form, each cup is, at the lower end, pressed to the side of the stem internode, while the upper extremity is free and bends outwards, so that each pair, with their stem internode, form a V-shaped figure. The aperture 92 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. of each hydrotheca is somewhat narrowed and sculptured into points mucronate. The body of each poly pi te is nearly cylindrical (compare with the cup-shaped body in Obelia) and has a special bundle of retractile fibres inserted on the outer surface of the body, some little way beneath the tentacles on the side turned towards the axis of the stem. Thence they pass inwards and slightly down- wards to become attached to the wall. of the hydrotheca where fused with the stem perisarc. By contraction these fibres energetically assist in the retraction of the polypite. The body wall of each polypite, as also the coenosarcal tube, consists essentially of a simple ectoderm layer separated from a ciliated endoderm by a delicate supporting lamina. The endoderm is usually separated by a space from the investing perisarc, except at the base of each hydranth and at the points where growth is taking place. The perisarc is a secretion of the ectoderm and thus, where a polyp bud or a new branch is originating, the ectodermal cells are of enormous size. As the perisarc is completed the ectodermal cells dwindle and shrink away from it. The special growth of the branch is as follows : the perisarc between the two terminal hydrothecse becomes absorbed and the blind termination of the ccenosarc pushes through ; next, this throws out a hollow bud on either side. In these three buds, the ectoderm is very thick and active and rapidly forms a layer of perisarc, the lateral buds becoming hydranths, the median, an internode of the hydrocaulus or stem. The branches bear in their number a direct ratio to the abundance of nutriment and other favourable life conditions ; when present, they have always one definite point of origin, and that is, from the hydrocaulus just beneath the base of a hydrotheca. There the perisarc is absorbed and the ccenosarc pushes out a tiny bud which in further development repeats the process of apical growth already described. The tentacles have the same structure as in Obelia. Eepr eduction. In the breeding season numerous large ovate sacs the gonothecaB or gonangia appear here and there on the main stems and branches. Their origin is similar to that of the branches, by absorption of the perisarc and thrusting out of a hollow bud of coenosarc. These sacs produce in due course the reproductive elements. The sexes are separate and in separate colonies. Male gonangia can usually be distinguished from female by their shape the former being regularly oval, the latter irregularly ovate. THE CIRRIPEDIA. 93 The prolongation of the coenosarc into the gonangium is termed the blastostyle. This fills but a small space and is little more than a narrow column in the centre. In its walls arc developed sperm or ova as the case may, be, and thus while it (the blastostyle) represents really the medusiform person, the medusa itself is entirely abortive, the reproductive organs alone being retained. Fertilization takes place as in Coryne, and then a peculiar occurrence takes place. The apex of the blastostyle gradually expands into a hollow globe with gelatinous walls, which pushes its way through the aperture of the gonangium to hang from the mouth as a miniature bladder. Into this pouch, the acrocyst or marsupium the fertilized ova are passed and therein undergo segmentation. They pass out as planulse which after a short free life settle down, and by the usual process of growth and budding complete the life-cycle by developing new colonial organisms. Sertularia obviously belongs to the Calyptoblastic or Thecate Hydroids, the polypi tes being lodged in thecse, and it is significant to note that it occupies the same relative position to Obelia in regard to mode of reproduction, as Coryne occupies to Syncoryne among Gymnoblastic Hydroids. In both Sertularia and Coryne there is suppression of a medusiform stage. In Obelia and Syncoryne, free sexual medusae are produced a striking parallel. From the geological standpoint, Sertularia is of considerable interest, as it seems to offer the most probable relationship to the curious Graptolites, those most abundant fossils of Silurian rocks ; the short sessile hydrothecse of Sertularia, giving its stems a serrate appearance, offering great suggestive resemblance to the denticulated margins of the fossils in question. STUDY XX. THE CIRRIPEDIA. Than the Barnacles or Cirripedes (" cirrus-footed "), few marine animals are more familiar to dwellers by the sea ; the sessile forms exist everywhere upon the littoral ; the stalked are known world-wide as Ship-Barnacles, adhering to the bottoms of ships or to wave-tossed timbers. The greatest diversity of form is found in this order, from the great stalked forms and the mollusc-like Rock-Barnacles, encased in shelly walls, that cover in multitudes all high-tide rocks ; from parasitic species, more or less degraded, yet endowed with optional freedom, down to curious bag-shaped parasites whose lives are bound up absolutely with that of the host, and through whose vitals their ramifying roots bend and twist. All agree, however, in larval history, 94 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. passing successively through those special phases known as the Nauplius and Cypris stages. The most primitive type is that of the stalked or pedunculate forms, and of these, Lepas is the most typical genus. The young of this, emerge from the egg as very tiny Nauplii minute larva? furnished with but three pairs of appendages, all used at first as swimming organs (Fig. 19, PI. viii, Vol. I). The two anterior pairs represent the two pairs of antennae while the third pair ultimately become the mandibles in the adult. The first pair of these limbs are simple ; the others are biraniosc (two-branched). One eye, unpaired and median the Nauplius-eye is developed, and the body is protected by a dorsal shield-shaped fold of integument, the broad anterior margin produced on either side into a fronto-lateral horn. Mouth, alimentary canal and anus are present, and the creature feeds eagerly. Frequent moults (ecdyses) take place, and with each such change, important additions are made to the number of the organs and appendages ; a series of segments are produced posteriorly, destined to form the adult thorax ; limbs sprout from these, and a compound eye appears on either side of the Nauplius-eye. At last a moult occurs when a larva quite different to any of the preceding Nauplius gradations issues from the old skin. In this new phase the larva has the general form of an Ostracod hence is called the Cypris-stage being provided with a bivalve shell, composed of two oval convex valves, open along the ventral edge, within which the entire body and its limbs can be retracted. All three regions of the typical crustacean body, head, thorax and abdomen, can be traced (Fig. 24, PL I). The thorax has six strong limbs, while the abdomen, short and insignificant, possesses but a single pair. Of the appendages of the head, the second pair repre- senting the posterior antennae have' disappeared, while the third pair are reduced from their former important biramose character to small mouth organs the mandibles. Tiny swellings, that ultimately become the first and second maxillae, are also to be seen. The first antennae on the other hand, increase in size and become provided with a bell-like sucker on the penultimate joint, and on this sucker opens a cement-producing gland. The larva now ceases feeding, much food reserve appearing as oil-globules, especially at the anterior end of the body. The time has now arrived for the assumption of adult life, and this is set about by the larva attaching itself preferably to some floating body by means of the suckers on the first antennae. Next the cement glands pour out their secretion at the same spot, and embed the anterior end of the body firmly. The head region elongates, becomes a mere stalk, the bivalve cypris-shells fall away, a chitinous PI. VIII it?! THEO. T. GROOM, on., AO NAT. THE DEVELOPMENT OF BALANUS. THE ANATOMY OF LEPAS. 95 fold of the integument grows around the trunk, and in the substance of this mantle or pallial fold, five protective calcareous plates are formed, one unpaired and the others paired. Early adult form is now attained. When fully grown and sexually mature, Lepas has the external appearance shown in Fig. 8, PL 5. The anterior end of the head has become a great wrinkled peduncle or stalk, terminated posteriorly in a shelly pouch, the mantle, enveloping the main mass of the body and open only along a slit on the ventral border. Of the calcareous plates strengthening this mantle, the larger of the two pairs, situated towards the insertion of the peduncle, are termed the scuta (s) ; the other pair placed at the far end of the mantle sac, are the terga (t), while the unpaired plate, the carina (c), is a long and narrow keel and separates, on the dorsal aspect, the opposite plates of the terga and the scuta. Removing one side of the mantle, with its scutum and its tergum, the actual body of the Barnacle is exposed an obscurely segmented fleshy mass, bearing conspicuous tendril-like limbs. What corresponds with the typical Crustacean head lies before these latter, and is divided into 3 regions ; the anterior lies without the mantle and is the peduncle ; the median is short and narrow and being attached to the mantle and connected along the inner surface with the peduncle, forms an " isthmus " ; the posterior, the most important, is large and fleshy, and bears the mouth and its organs. Succeeding the posterior division of the head lies the partly segmented limb-bearing thorax, and behind this again is found a very small and rudimentary truncated abdomen terminating in two tiny pointed processes. Tiny though it be, the abdomen is of importance, for upon the dorsal surface is the anus, and it as well gives origin to an organ many times larger than itself; an organ long, stout, cylindrical, annulated and setose, that functions as the male copulatory organ, and may be termed the penis. In life this organ is bent down between the thoracic limbs, as shown in Fig. 5 (p), and not as in Figs. G and 7, where it is straightened for the purpose of clearness in the drawing. Of the appendages of the head, the anterior antenna persist in a very minute and attenuated condition, at the anterior end of the peduncle, where they lie embedded in the attaching cement; posterior antennae are absent, and the mouth parts are much reduced, forming a small eminence surrounding the mouth. The parts com- prise an upper lip or labrum with labial palps, two mandibles and four maxillae, of which the hinder pair form a lower lip. The thoracic appendages or feet, six pairs in number, are all tendril-like, long, slender, many-jointed, and closely set with a double 96 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. row of stiff hairs. Each is biramose, i.e. composed of two branches, which arise from a single stout basal joint, the protopcdite. Alimentary Canal. The mouth opens into a short straight oesophagus, leading into a capacious stomach, beset at the anterior end with glandular diverticula (liver). Posteriorly the stomach narrows gradually to merge into a long intestine, with anus opening on the dorsal face of the truncated abdomen. Food is obtained by the sweeping motion of the thoracic appendages, which by alternate protrusion and retraction sweep inwards towards the mouth such microscopical food as suffices. The nervous system is limited to a paired cerebral ganglion and a short ventral chain of 5 paired ganglia. Except a double pig- ment-spot representing the eyes, no definite sense organs are known. In the isthmus attaching the main body mass to the mantle, is a strong transverse adductor muscle connecting the scuta of opposite sides. By means of this, are controlled the opening and the closing of the mantle cleft through which are protruded the cirriform feet. Numerous other muscles are also found in the posterior head region, chiefly concerned in controlling those movements of the body which alternately elevate and depress the limbs and allow their sweeping motion to perform at fullest advantage. In the walls of the peduncle we also find strong muscles, having a longitudinal arrangement. Reproduction. Lepas is hermaphrodite, possessing both testcs and ovaries. The former consist of ramified arborescent whitish tubules lying along either side of the digestive canal and penetrating even into the basal joints of the limbs. The product of these glands is gathered into canals tributary to larger, which finally pour it into two conspicuous milk-white seminal vesicles, whose vasa differentia run separate almost to the base of the penis. At this point the two unite and form a common ejaculatory duct passing through the penis. The ramified ovaries, purplish in colour, lie within the posterior portion of the peduncle, and the two oviducts (ov. Fig. 7) after passing through the isthmus, open, one on either side of the head, at the base of the first pair of thoracic feet a forward position wholly exceptional among Crustaceans where the usual position for the female orifices is upon the first abdominal segment among the lower forms (Copepods, &c.), while in the higher (Malacostraca), it is constant to the antepenultimate thoracic segment. The ova when extruded become cemented together into two large purplish plate-shaped masses enfolding the main body region. These plates are nearly always present, and on removing the mantle are most conspicuous objects. Two small simple folds of the mantle integument the ovigerous frena arising close to the isthmus, furnish attachment to these ova masses, and prevent them being THE ANATOMY OF BALANUS. 97 washed away. It is interesting to note that among the sessile Cirripedes, the Balanidse, &c., these mantle folds are greatly developed, and in some cases have their surface area increased by further folding. Very probably their function under such con- ditions is branchial, and we may be warranted in describing them as branchiae. As in all other Cirripedes, no distinct blood system can be traced in Lepas. The second common Cirripede type in our seas, is the little Acorn-shell, or Rock-barnacle (Balanus). In larval history it is identical with Lepas, but in external adult form, it presents a wonderful contrast. Fleshy stalk has entirely disappeared and the pallial sac, which lodges the body proper, is therefore sessile. Much modification of the shelly plates of the mantle has taken place, the parts being so arranged as to form a shelly palisade, wherein six distinct pieces are to be traced, roofed in by two pairs of plates, one pair representing the terga of Lepas, the other and larger pair, the scuta. When the tide flows over these tiny creatures, a slit-like opening between these opercular plates is revealed, through which sweep in and out, with elegant motion, tiny feather cirri, the thoracic feet (Fig. 3). With the receding tide, life-functions are partly suspended, the cirri are retracted, and the scuta and terga are shut down tightly, so as to retain some moisture till the tide returns. Quite an appreciable noise is made in the tightening of the valves when in this quiescent condition, and the low crackling murmur heard when walking over rocks thickly coated with Barnacles, is very familiar to me. Apparently the vibration of a heavy footstep is perceptible to them, and lest it betoken danger, they take the precaution of tightening their opercular valves, and in so doing form some tiny water-bubbles, which in breaking give out sufficient sound to be very noticeable when joined in by thousands of individuals. In the anatomy of the body, apart from the mantle, there is practical similarity to that of Lepas ; the main differences are that the cement gland is greatly increased, the ovigerous frcna developed into two large folds functioning probably as branchiae, while two special and strong muscles are developed at either end of the rampart-like shell to control the closing of the scuta and terga (m 1 and m 2 , Fig. 5). Yet another and more important difference is seen in the ventral nerve ganglia being concentrated into a single large ganglionic mass. The third type of Cirripede which I select, is as utterly unlike either of the preceding as it is possible to conceive, appearing simply as an oval bag without calcareous plates or even sculpturing, attached to the under surface of the abdomen of crabs. From this external sac penetrate into the interior of the host long branching tubuli, 98 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. twining around the viscera and insinuated among the caeca of the liver. Nutrient matter is there obtained and is thence conveyed to the sac-like body. The latter contains neither alimentary canal, limbs, or other appendages. Shortly stated, its structure is that of a double walled sac, the inner of which contains large lobate ovaries, closely united, 2 testes, 2 cement glands, and a single nerve ganglion. The ovaries and the cement glands open by small apertures into a large space, the brood cavity, occupying the space between the outer and the inner sacs. Here the ova undergo their early develop- ment, and as Nauplii pass forth through a well-marked opening, the cloaca (d.y Figs. 1 and 2, PL 5) possessed of a strong closing or sphincter muscle. Externally the cloacal aperture is obvious as a prominent papilla. The young issue forth as fairly typical Nauplii, but differ from those of Lepas and Balanus in being destitute of paired eyes, mouth, and alimentary canal ; a central cellular mass, the rudiment of the ovaries, is conspicuous. The Cypris-stage, into which the larva enters after its fourth moult, also resembles a normal Cirripede Cypris-larva, but deviates also in the absence of alimentary canal and paired eyes. To this point the larval history is that of an ordinary Cirripede, and by this fact alone are we enabled to class Sacculina definitely as a Cirripede Crustacean. Without such knowledge it would be practically impossible to properly access its position in nature's scale. After a short free life, the Cypris-larva attaches itself by the anterior antennae to the base of a seta or bristle upon the abdomen of a young crab. In Jersey, I find Cancer pagurus (the edible-crab) to be the most frequently attacked ; Pilumnus hirteUus is also com- monly infested. On the other hand, I scarcely ever see Carcinus mcenas attacked, and this is strange, as elsewhere this species is credited with being the favourite haunt of the parasite. Following upon attachment, the thoracic region and its limbs, together with the abdomen, are severed and thrown away ; the head appendages wither arid the cellular mass which alone remains of the contents of the Cypris-valves, secretes a containing bag-shaped cuticle, marking the formation of the Kentrogon larval stage ; the Cypris- valves fall away ; a second cuticle forms within the first cuticle of the kentrogon sac ; the anterior end is produced into a hollow arrow-like .process, which, passing forwards through the cavity of the anchoring antenna, forces its way into the body of the crab-host. Through this channel the contents of the sac pass, and then become surrounded by a fresh cuticle. From this sac are thrown out branched roots rami- fying in the course of time among the whole of the organs of the crab. . CLASSIFICATION OF C1RRIPEDIA. 99 By these complicated phases Sacculina becomes primarily an internal parasite, but as the size of the sac gradually enlarges, it exercises so great pressure upon the integument of the abdomen of the host as to cause such thinning as permits the sac to burst its way through, and to appear as an external parasite. It is probable that the internal stage is assumed to obviate the danger of being thrown off and thereby destroyed, on the occasions of its host's moulting during the early period of the attachment and before its roots have had time to ramify extensively. It is significant of the paralizing effect exercised upon the growth of the crab, that once the sac has become external, i.e. when it has reached adult life, with its roots ramifying extrusively through the viscera, that moulting ceases, the crab remaining stationary in size. Occasionally I have found two Sacculince parasitic upon the same crab. An interesting feature in Sacculina, is that, although hermaphrodite, complimental males exist, located usually around the cloacal aperture of the sac. They have a Cypris-like appearance. The three species of Cirripedes above described are thus all connected by similarity in larval history (ontogeny). The diverse adult forms are also linked together by a gradation of intermediate types of great interest, that throw much light on the evolution of the more changed. Thus the change from the stalked Lepas to the sessile Balanus, can be understood by reference to Scalpellum, a stalked genus where the peduncle is reduced and the number of the calcareous plates of the mantle so augmented, some being intercalated between the terga and scuta and the border of the peduncle, that if the latter be lost and the carina and certain of the additional plates join laterally and arrange themselves as a circular wall pushing away the terga and scuta, we obtain the modification seen in Balanus a ring of plates with the opening closed, lid-like, by the four plates of the terga and scuta. To the sac-like and limbless form of Sacculina, the gap is largely bridged by our knowledge of such genera as Alcippe and Cryptophialus, degenerate forms enveloped in bag-shaped mantles, and provided with but three pairs of cirriform feet, and which live parasitically in holes bored in shells. More degenerate still is Proteolepas, a remarkable grub-like form living in the mantle cavity of other Cirripedes ; limbs are entirely absent and the digestive tube is rudimentary. Classification : Class. CRUSTACEA. Sub-Class. Entomostraca. Order. CIRRIPEDIA. Sub-Order I. Thoracica ; thorax always present, usually provided with cirriform feet ; mouth and alimentary canal present. 100 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. Tribe I. PEDUNCULATA ; stalked, six pairs thoracic limbs. Families. Lepadidw (stalks without calcareous plates or hairs) ; and PoUic&pedidce (stalks with hairs or plates). Tribe II. OPERCULATA ; sessile, limbs same as in Peduncidata. Families. Balanidce and Chthamalidce (closely related, both with a symmetric calcareous ring, each branchia a single fold) ; Coronulidcc (symmetric ring of plates, each branchia doubly folded) ; Ver- rucidce (calcareous ring asymmetric). Tribe III. ABDOMINALIA ; thorax reduced, bearing three pairs of cirri form limbs. Family I. Alcippidce, four pairs thoracic limbs, three pairs being cirriform. Family II. Cryptophialidce, three pairs only of thoracic appendages all cirriform. Tribe IV. A POD A ; no thoracic limbs, grub-like. Family. Proteolepadidcc. Sub-Order II. Rhizocephala ; parasitic body sac-like without mouth or alimentary canal ; possessing root-like processes that ramify in the viscera of the host. One family only. Kentrogonidce. The chief genera are Peltogaster, parasitic on Hermit Crabs, and Sac- culina, parasitic on Cancer, Carcinus, &c. 101 STUDY XX A . THE PERMANENCE OF THE SCYPHISTOMA STAGE OF AUEELIA. Three years ago, in 1893, large numbers of the Scyphistoma or Hydra-tuba stage of the Medusa Aurelia aurita appeared on boulders in several of the tanks of the Jersey Biological Station. Since then, colonies produced from these individuals have been permanent on the same stones. The continuity has been absolute, individuals having practically been under daily observation since their first appearance. Under favourable conditions of food supply and temperature the increase in their numbers by budding was very rapid. The buds grew out from any part of the body ; lengthened each into a stolon that crept along the rock till some quarter inch away from the parent, then made adhesion by a part that would finally become the basal disc, quickly budded forth a ring of tiny tentacles, opened a mouth aperture and finally constricted and then cut through the bond with the parent, the two parts of the stolon being absorbed by the respective individuals. Sometimes a Scyphistoma would give off two or even three stolons at the same time, and as the growth of the young individuals from these outgrowths is sometimes very rapid, the vast increase of the colonies is comprehensible. No wonder that Aurelice some seasons swarm in countless millions in our seas ! While this process of multiplication goes on very rapidly during the greater part of the year, towards the end of January and the beginning of February a second mode of reproduction, strobilation, takes place. This, as is so well known, is the constriction of the polyp-like body of the scyphistoma into short-armed plate-like divi- sions or discs, arranged in a manner similar to a rouleau of coins. One by one the discs broken off from the stock, float away as ephyrse little pulsating plates that by gradual change and growth, pass imperceptibly into the adult sexual medusa, the female producing ciliated embryos that, after a short free-swimming existence, settle down, form tentacles and mouth and assume the alternate sexless or Scyphistoma-stage. Every year since 1893, my captive colonies have thrown off their ephyrae,but the individuals never assume the polydisc or typical form, usually I believe most common in strobilating individuals in the open sea. Mine have all been monodisc strobilae, producing not a rouleau of ephyrse discs, but each a single ephyra. This I am inclined to attribute to a lower vitality than is possessed by those in the sea, induced by the smaller food supply available in the tank water, which is to a large extent filtered prior to admission to the tanks. Apparently a colony can exist indefinitely ; the specimens I now 102 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. have are exactly of the same appaaranca as those that appeared three years ago, save that they have spread and multiplied exceedingly Excepting accidents they are likely to exist as long as they receive the moderate attention they have had so far. I do not, however, mean to assert that the same individuals are now alive as in the baginning, though it is probable they may live two or more seasons. The chapter of accidents is long and those living to-day are in most cases, at least, the budded off and replace successors of the original ones. On PI. VI., figs. A. to D., are drawn a group of four as seen when in active budding on Christmas Day, 1894. They were attached to the side of a bell jar in a most favourable position for observation- Fig. A a shows side view of one of these to show how in some cases the stolon has been given off from the polyp body at a point considerably above the attachment disc ; thus the stolon bends down to root at a distance from the parent, after the fashion of the branches of the banyan and the mangrove. In others it emerges low down as at fig. C*. EXPLANATION OF PL. VI. FIGS. A TO C. Fig. A, B, C & D. A group of Scyphistomata of Aurelia aurita, drawn on Christmas day, 1894, when attached to the side of a bell jar. d is the adhesion disc, b a prolife- rated bud ; B shows in the best manner, the development of a stolon. A" and C a are profile views of A and C respectively. 103 V, STUDY XXI. THE PLUMULARIDAE. None of our Zoophytes are more graceful than are the Plumu- laridae their form justly entitles them to the name they bear, so exquisitely beautiful are their feathery plumes, borne sometimes on the green blades of the sea-grass (Zostera), or on the stout brown edges of Fucus, or even on the bare rocky sides of some sheltered pool. Very nearly related in general form to the Sertularidae, this family differs in two important points : in the former, the polyps are arranged along both sides of the branches, in the latter, a row is found on one side only ; again, among the Plumularidae, minute and degraded individuals are found, known under the name of nemato- phores organs entirely wanting among the Sertularidae. In the species here figured, one occurs just beyond, and another below each hydrotheca, whilst two are located in the axils of the stem and branches. Considerable mystery attaches to these structures, their function being still problematical. In form they are tiny chitinous cups wherefrom project extremely extensile sarcodal threads. The term sarcotheca is applied to the cups ; sarcostyle to the thread. The latter, though extremely slender and tenuous, and not unlike the gigantic pseudopodia of some monstre Foraminiferon, are truly cellular, composed of an outer ectodermal layer sheathing an endq- dermal core. A remarkable feature is the projection of pseudopodia- like processes from the surface of the sarcostyle. The cell-walls are all extremely tenuous and thus capable of great elongation. The extensile power of these threads is indeed marvellous. Fig. VI., PI. VI., gives but a faint idea of this. When active, they may be seen winding and coiling with snake-like litheness around the hydro- thecae and the branches. Especially active are they in the neigh- bourhood of dead polyps, and here perhaps is their sphere of useful- ness, in the removal of decaying matter a theory strengthened by the presence of foreign particles in certain amoeboid cells of the surface. The great reproductive capsules or gonangia are especially well- developed in this species, crowding the lower end of the main stem (hydrocaulus), the lower branches, and especially the creeping stem or stolon that connects the various plumes of the commonwealth. In these the reproductive cells mature and undergo segmentation, but, thanks to Weismann's researches (Die Enstetnung der Sexual- zellen bet den Hydromedusen) we now know that in this family, the Plumularidae, they do not originate within the gonangia, but arise in the endoderm of the stem, whence they migrate to the gonangia as into incubatory pouches. Figs. 3, 4 and 5, PI. VI., illustrate these protective sacs in various stages, and show how the sexual cells con- gregate in a sphaerical mass a false ovary. 104 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. The family Plumularidae is represented by three genera in British waters, Pliimularia, Aglaophenia, and Antennularia. The last named is distinguished by the whorled arrangement of its character- istically short or bristle-like branches. The two former are plu- mously branched ; in Plumularia, the gonangia are scattered along the branches and the stems ; in Aglaophenia, they are collected into great basket-like structures, called corbulae, formed by the modifica- tion of an entire branch or pinna. The arrangement of the nema- tophores is also distinct in the two genera. EXPLANATION OF PL. VI; FIGS. I. TO "V. Fig. I. Natural appearance of fronds of a species of Plumularia growing upon the extremity of a blade of Zostera. The black buds are gonangia, attached to the creeping and connecting stolon or hydroriza and to the lower parts of the fronds. (Original). Fig. II. A young frond, greatly enlarged, showing polyps in various positions, and also the position of the nematophores (n) both below and above the hydrothecae, and in the axils of the branches ; dh. developing hydranth ; dhc. deve- loping extremity of the stem or hydrocaulus. (Original). Fig. III., IV. and V. Various stages in the history of a gonangium ; o. ova. (Original). Fig. VI. Shows two nematophores of another species, n. the chitinous sarcotheca, emitting the highly extensile whip of sarcostyle (after Hincks). STUDY XXII. THE EGGS AND YOUNG OF CEPHALOPODS. In the Cephalopods, we see the highest development of the Mol- lusca, a superiority at once obvious when we consider their powers for rapid locomotion, their powers of offence, their keen vision, and the large size of their central nervous mass, the brain. In their development, this vast gap that separates them from their fellows in the common phylum, is emphasized strongly. Lamellibranchs, marine Gastropods, &c., have all one characteristic larval form, the veliger a tiny, free-swimming larva propelled by powerful cilia, and housed in a transparent shell. Among Cephalopods no trace of this is seen. Of the species found upon our coasts, the large Loligo Forbesii deposits her eggs in masses of candle-shaped cocoons, attached at one end to seaweed or other objects. This spring, on one occasion, we found a considerable number of cocoons attached to the buoy rope of a lobster pot (Plate VII., Fig. A), from which they hung in bunches, recalling the primitive "dip" candles of auld lang syne. These CHROMATOPHORES. 105 cocoons are transparent, gelatinous, and tough, and composed of several layers, enclosing a large number of eggs each, egg in turn encased in a transparent spherical membrane. The course of development of the embryos is abbreviated, for when they free themselves from the egg-membranes, they possess the general structure of the adult. Indeed, as soon as born, they swim and dart about with all the confidence of full-grown indivi- duals. Even the ink bag is developed at the time of hatching, and is to be seen as a tiny black spot, and upon irritation, the little crea- tures can cause the contents to be ejected in a tiny black cloud. There are also present chromatophores very conspicuous vesicles of pigment, governed by sets of muscles that, produce by alternate expansion and contraction the pretty blushings and pallor so marked a feature among the adult Cephalopods. I noticed, however, that the chromatophores are normally kept in a state of contraction so long as the animal is unhatched, the whole mass being glassy trans- parent till then. For a long time before freedom is gained, the embryos can move freely in their capsules. In these young forms, a tiny remnant of the yolk sac, attached in the centre of the arms, is sometimes unabsorbed at the moment of birth. Two flap-like fins are present at the extremity of the abdomen and of very different shape to the adult fins. The young of Sepia have a similar history, but here the eggs are laid in separate egg capsules and not in cocoons. Black and of the form of grapes, these eggs produce each a single embryo. In the mounted specimens of the embryo, notice the pair of gills at the hinder part of the mantle cavity, a number characteristic of all living Cephalopods excepting the pearly Nautilus which possesses four gills. On this account we class all Cephalopods as either DIBRANCHS or TETRABRANCHS. The present day representatives of the class are grouped as follows : Class .CEPHALOPODA. ORDER I : TETRABRANCHIATA. One living genus only ; Nautilus. ORDER II : DIBRANCHIATA. SUB-ORDER I : Octopoda (possessing eight arms), whereof the best known genera are Argonauta, Octopus, and Eledone. SUB-ORDER II : Decapoda (possessing ten arms), containing a very large number of genera ; among others being Sepia, Sepiola, Loligo, Rossia, Otntnatostrephes, Loligopsis, and Spirula. EXPLANATION OF PL. VII. Figs. A. B. & C. Fig. A. A cluster of egg capsules of Loliga Forbes ii, attached to a rope, x ^. 106 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. Fig. B. Young of L. Forbes it just after it has broken through the egg membrane ; chromatophores shown relaxed. Fig. C. The same viewed as a transparent object. /. fins ; g. gills ; z. ink sac ; rd. radula ; s. siphon ; x, chromatophores ; y. remnant of yolk sac, as yet unabsorbed ; the eyes are shown in optical section. (All these figures are from original sketches). STUDY XXIII. THE VISUAL ORGANS OF THE MOLLUSCA. The organs of sight in their frequently parfect adaptation to the sensory function they perform, claim our admiration in a degree greatly superior to that which we acoord to any other organ of the body. Nor is our interest lessened when we see the manifold modi- fications of structure presented by them ; how, even in the same phylum, one family may be endowed with such organs formed in the most complex manner, whilst closely related forms may possess but the simplest of structures, crudely functioning towards a similar end ; how here, the optic mechanism is prominently and closely associated with the brain ; how, among others, organs arise inde- pendently from the most diverse regions to assume a physiological equality with the cephalic eyes of other types. Nowhere do we find greater variability in the origin and structure of the visual organs than among the Mollusca. Thus, while the Gastropoda and the Cephalopoda possess paired cephalic eyes, the Lamellibranchs possess none, their place being taken by numerous peripheral eyes arranged along the edge of the mantle. In structure, apart from the mere pigment spots that are borne upon the extremities of the siphons in Solen, Venus, &c., there exist five principal types of eye among the Mollusca. The simplest form, found in the eyes of the Limpet (Patella), is a mere bowl-shaped depression of the epidermis, the lining of which has become modified into a visual layer, or retina, into which the optic nerve penetrates by numerous fibre-branches. A slightly higher modification is seen in the eyes of Nautilus, where the ocular pit is excavated out of a broad conical stalk, and with the aperture con- stricted to a mere pin-hole, the whole recalling forcibly both the outline and the section of a young Fig-fruit. In this eye, as in that of the Limpet, the retina is bathed directly by the sea- water. (Figs. II. and IX, PL VII.). The second type of Molluscan eye shows considerable advance upon the first. It has the form of a closed capsule and is directly derivable from the simple cup-form, by the ingrowth and fusion of the lips of the cup. This optic capsule usually separates from the epidermis from whose ingrowth it arose, the superficial epidermal layer closes over, becomes transparent; and then may be termed a cornea, as it becomes a transparent protective window for the capsule Journ. of Mar. Zool. & Microscopy. VOL. 2, PL / c*. JAMES HORNELL, DEL. AO NAT * FIG. VI EXCEPTED) AURELIA AND PLUMULARIA. Journ. of Mar. Zool. & Microscopy. VOL. 2, PI. VII. JAMES HORNELL, DEL. AD NAT FIGS. A, B, C 4 1. CEPHALOPODA. STRUCTURE OF THE CEPHALOPOD EYE. 107 beneath. Another advance is made by the formation of a gelatinous substance in the cavity of the capsule. This is a vitreous humour and is a prelude to the appearance of a lens. The eyes of the Roman Snail ( Helix pomatia) and of Tritonium are typical examples. The third type, found solely among the Cephalopoda, is formed in direct sequence with the form last mentioned, but before treating of its origin, we will detail the chief points in its structure, taking for our text the eye of the Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). In this species, as is usual among the Cephalopods generally, the eyes are placed prominently upon either side of the head. Each consists of a hollow bulb sunk in a deep orbit in large measure hollowed out of the cephalic cartilages. This orbit becomes a closed chamber, the optic capsule, by the extension across it, and in front of the optic bulb, of a transparent fold of skin, which functions as a cornea. If we now bisect the optic bulb we find it contains but a single chamber filled with gelatinous vitreous humour, bounded in front by a very large bipartite crystalline lens, and elsewhere by thin walls that are stiffened, and thus prevented from collapse, by the presence of delicate plates of cartilage in their middle subtance. External to these cartilages, and obvious to the naked eye as a brilliant bronze- hued coating, are two layers of pigmented membrane, the argentea externa and interna. Internal to the cartilaginous and fibrous layers of the bulb is the retina, lining the hinder part of the ocular cavity, the front being occupied in large measure by the lens. The latter is almost globular in shape, the longest diameter coinciding with the visual axis. It is made up of the junction along a transverse plane of two unequal plano-convex lenses. The anterior is the smaller. As a consequence, the posterior has much greater convexity, and projects boldly into the ocular chamber. After hardening in spirit or otherwise, each portion of the lens can readily be split into a large number of con- centric layers, whose curvature coincides with the external convexity of that half of the lens to which they respectively belong. A fine membrane stretches across the lens at the junction of the two halves, and passes at the edge into a fibrous and muscular sphincter-like organ, known as the ciliary body. This, in turn, merges with the fibrous wall of the ocular bull. The use of this ciliary body is the regulation of the convexity of the lens, to permit of its adaptation to near or to distant vision. A fold of the external coat of the bulb is carried part way over the outer aspect of the lens, and is the iris entrusted with the im- portant duty of regulating the quantity of light passing through the lens. It is strengthened internally with thin plates of cartilage. In Sepia, it has an upper and a lower fold that have much superficial resemblance to eyelids and give the eye a slit-like pupil. In passing, it may be mentioned that Sepia possesses a true eyelid, consisting of 108 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. a horizontal external fold of skin extending along the lower side of the eye. In Octopus the eyelid is sphincter-shaped. The retina, bounded internally by a thin transparent or hyaline membrane, consists of two distinct portions, the outer and the inner, separated by a sharply denned layer of black pigment. The inner layer is made up of rols, the outer of nerve cells and nerve ramifica- tions. The optic nerve in Cephalopods is very short and stout. On entering the optic capsule it forms an immense ganglion whence arise very numerous nerve fibres. These gain access to the interior of the optic bulb through sieve-like openings in the cartilaginous layer of the wall of the bulb. Thence they pass to the external surface of the retina. In front, and partly at the sides, of the gan- glion lies a peculiar soft whitish organ, the white body (w.b.). Examined superficially, the general structure of such an eye seems partially identical with that of a Vertebrate eye, except in the absence of an anterior chamber. In reality, there are some very radical divergences ; thus in the Cephalopoda the retina has its layer of rods turned inwards, i.e., pointing towards the interior of the eye ; in Vertebrates, this layer of rods is external, directed outwards ; in Cephalopods the pigment layer divides the retina into two regions ; in the Vertebrates it lies external to the rods and cones. Most im- portant difference of all, the optic fibres proceeding from the large optic ganglion pass into the retina from the exterior in Cephalopod eyes, whereas in Vertebrates the optic nerve forms no gang] ionic mass, but passes through the wall of the optic bull) by a single opening and then breaks through the retina in the same way, spreading a network of fibres over the infcrtifi/ surface of the retina. Hence light entering the eye of Cephalopods, impinges first upon the retina and pas-338 directly downwards to the nervous layer beyond. In the Vertebrate eye, the impressions of sight fall first upon the nervous layer, are transmitted thence through the various layers till the rods and cones are reached and thence returned by them through the same layers to the nerve fibres upon which they first impinged. This fundamental divergence is clearly diagrammatised in figs. X. and XL, Plate VII. A less important difference is that of the cornea being part of the optic bulb in the Vertebrates, separate and part of the optic capsule in the Cephalopods. In the latter the bulb represents the Vertebrate eyeball, minus the cornea and sclerotic, the equivalents of these being here possessed by the optic capsule, which here functions as an orbit. The development of the Cephalopod eye is very instructive, both as throwing light on its origin and relationship with the other forms of molluscan eyes, and also in regard to the origin of its divergences from the Vertebrate type of eye. Figs. I. to V., Plate VII. graphically describe the stages. The earliest stage (Fig. II.) is the equivalent of the optical stage DEVELOPMENT OF THE CEPHALOPOD BYE. 109 attained in the eye of the Limpet ; the epidermis at one spot, having sunk down to form a shallow depression wherein the cells forming the floor of the cavity constitute a primitive retina. Tn Fig. III., the edges of the optical pit have grown horizontally inwards so as to reduce the mouth of the pit to a small round open- ing. This pit raised up on a stalk marks the permanent condition of the eye in Nautilus (Fig. IX.). In the embryo Sepia, the aperture is early obliterated by the approximation of the free edge of the epi- dermal fold. This accomplished, we have a hollow globe formed overlaid by a continuous epidermal layer (e, Fig. IV.) A condition of eye exactly corresponding to this stage, is the adult form of eye of Helix as described above. By a second downgrowth of the surface epidermis, another pit- like cavity is formed, the floor of which impinges upon and fuses with the anterior wall of the previously formed hollow ocular sphere. Fig. V. illustrates this stage. At the centre of the area where the two layers fuse, a transparent nearly spherical body, the future lens, begins to form. According to Carriere the external of the two fused layers forms the external part, whereas the anterior wall of the optic sphere forms the larger internal half. Hence the plane of division that cuts the mature lens into two parts represents two fused epi- dermal layers, and the fibrous strands of which it is composed merge equatorially into the surrounding ciliary body. The lens itself is composed of structureless layers, that are however only revealed after treatment with chemical reagents. Naturally, it is transparent, tough, semi-gelatinous, and apparently homogeneous. The folds in front of lens (e) represent the origin of the ultimate iris ; the cornea is likewise formed by another fold of the epidermis turning inwards and fusing in the same manner as the layer e in .figs. III. and IV. The mature form of the eye is now reached, the posterior wall of the ocular sphere becoming modified into the retinal layer by differentiation of the cells. Comparing the development of the vertebrate eye, we find the retina is there formed, not directly from an epidermal invagination, but as an outgrowth from one of the primitive vesicles of the brain (Fig. VII.), which eventually assume the form of a double walled stalked cup, through the external wall of the outgrowth becoming pushed in upon itself, while the hollow stalk comes finally to represent the optic nerve. Synchronizing with these changes, an epidermal invagination has been taking place, which by ingrowth of the lips is at first a closed sac connected at one spot with the overlying epidermis, but which is quickly severed and sinking inwards, is subsequently converted into a transparent lens, filling the mouth of the retinal cup. The cornea here, as in the eye of Sepia, is formed by the epidermal layer that overlies the lens losing its cellular nature and becoming transparent and colourless. It will be seen from the foregoing that in Sepia, except for the nerve fibres that surround and penetrate the retina, and for the 110 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. supporting tissues (cartilages, muscle fibres, &c.) of the wall of the bulb, all parts of the eye have direct epidermal origin, whereas in the Vertebrate eye the cornea and lens alone have direct epidermal origin, as the retina is entirely derived from an outgrowth from the embryonic brain. The heavy black lines in Figs. III. to VII. indicate the external margin of the layer of retinal rods. They show how in in the Cephalopoi eye this layer is turned towards the light, while in the Vertebrate eye it is turned in the opposite direction. Thus while the higher Cephalopod eye reaches what is practically the same perfection and same plan of optical mechanism as the Vertebrate eye, it does so by a different avenue of development. As already noticed, the majority of Molluscan eyes belong to one or other of the three types so far described, and which may be exemplified respectively by the the eyes of the Limpet, the Snail and the Cuttlefish, ranked in order of development. These in structure and development are in direct sequence. Their homologies are definite and fixed. All are cephalic eyes, and in close relationship to the central nervous mass. Hence, when among the Pectens and allied Lamellibranchs we find visual organs that from their position are obviously not homologous in origin, it is specially interesting to see what differences in structure prevail. In such forms cephalic eyes are wanting, their place being taken by small organs placed upon short, deeply pigmented papillae, arranged at intervals along the edge of the mantle or pallium, whence they derive their name of pallial eyes. Stated briefly the structure is as follows. The ooular papilla is clothed with an epithelial layer, deeply pigmened except at the summit, where the cells are colourless and flattened. Beneath this layer lies the tiny ocular sphere divided into two halves by a partition, the anterior containing a transparent cellular lens, the posterior, a several-layered retina of ordinary structure. The arrangement, however, of the rods and cones is the reverse of that found in the cephalic eyes of Molluscs, as they are here turned away from the light and are under- laid by a pigmented layer. Again fibres from the optic nerve form a layer anterior to the other retinal layer, so that light must traverse this nervous layer before it can reach that of the rods and cones. The plan of structure is therefore practically identical with that found in the Vertebrate eye save that the optic nerve does not pass through the retina, but attains its connection with the rods and cones by passing around one side of this layer and thence spreading out over the distal surface. Very curiously nearly similar eyes are found upon dorsal processes in a peculiar Gastropod, Onchidium, and here even closer approxi- mation is made to the plan of the Vertebrate eye. Instead of the optic nerve turning the flank of the rods and cones, it passes through at one point, thereby producing a blind spot exactly analogous to that found in the Vertebrate eye. This eye of Onchidium constitutes DIVERGENT ORIGINS OP MOLLUSC AN EYES. Ill the fifth and perhaps the most interesting of the types of Molluscan eye for, standing as it does alone, it furnishes us with one of the most remarkable instances of independent evolution that we are at present aware of. And in this connection it is important to notice that no other organ has had so many. -independent evolutions as has the eye. Nothing could so strongly emphasize the supreme importance of sight to the majority of creatures. Here, within the types referred to above, four distinct evolutions of ocular organs undoubtedly took place. No one can for a moment deny that the cephalic eyes of Cephalopods and of Vertebrates have had independent and conse- quently dissimilar origin. Embryology at once marks out this divergence ; while the peripheral position of the eyes of Lamelli- branchs is sufficient to separate them from each of the former. Again one cannot gainsay divergence of origin to the dorsal eyes of an aberrant Gastropod and the pallial eyes of the Lamellibranchs. If only our knowledge of the homologies of the more obscure organs were on a par with that of the eye though much remains to be done even here our attempts at constructing phylogenetic tables or trees of descent, would be infinitely simplified. Indeed, it may be considered a biological axiom that no reliable phylogenetic tree can be constructed till the homologies of individual organs have been exhaus- tively made known. EXPLANATION OF PL. VII. Figs. 1. TO XI. The Gephalopod Eye. Fig. I. Section through eye of Sepia officinalis. ae. argentea externa ; ey. eyelid ; c. cartilages of optic bulb ; cc. cephalic cartilages ; ci. ciliary body ; co. cornea ; gn. optic ganglion ; ir. iris, showing a thin plate of strengthening cartilage ; /. lens ; on. optic nerve ; p. retinal layer of pigment ; r* internal layer of retina ; r" external layer of retina ; wb. white body. (Original). Figs. II. to V. Diagrams of the chief phases in the development of the Cephalopod eye. III. represents that stage which in Nautilus is the permanent condition ; IV. is prac- tically a diagram of the eye in Helix ; e. unmodified epidermis ; /. lens ; r. retinal layer; a thick black layer denotes the position of the distal margin of the layer of rods and cones. Figs. VI. to VIII. Diagrams illustrative of the development of the Vertebrate eye. b. represents a hollow outgrowth from the brain which eventually form the retina and the 112 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. optic nerve. In Fig. VII. the epidermis is sinking downwards to meet this hollow outgrowth, while in VIII. it has become pinched off and forms now the basis of the future crystalline lens. e. epidermis. (Figs. II. to VIII. are after Carriere, "Die Sehorgane der Thiere," Miinchen and Leipsig, 1885). Fig. IX. Diagram of the structure of the eye in Nautilus ; on. branches of the optic nerve ; r. retina. Fig. X. Diagrammatic representation of the eye structure in Cepha- lopods, to show the arrangement of the retinal elements in relation to the optic nerves. (After Graber). Fig. XI. A similar representation of the retinal arrangement, &c.. of the Vertebrate eye. (After Graber). September 10th, 1896. 113 NOTE ON THE PROTECTIVE DEVICES OF THE GENUS HIPPOLYTE a. The colour adaptability of the adult H. varians to the hue of its environment. b. The significance of the plumose hairs of H. fascigera is mimetic and not primarily sensory. DURING the past summer (1897) I took advantage of an unusual abundance in the Jersey rock-pools of the little ^sop's Prawns, Hippolyte (Virbius) varians, Leach, and II. fascigera, Gosse, to carry out some experiments I had long contemplated relative to the protective coloura- tion of these crustaceans. That the former species is very variable in colour and that the colours are plainly of protective value are well-known facts ; thus Professor Herdman in 1893 described in the " Sixth Annual Report of the Liverpool Marine Biology Committee," four variations of H. varians, each agreeing in hue with the colour of its special habitat. He put forward four alternative possibilities to account for such variability, thus : 1. The colours noted may represent four distinct varieties which do not interbreed, keep to their own special habitat, and produce young of their own colours. 2. Or, there may be no permanent varieties, but the young may have great adaptability and assume the hue of the habitat they find themselves in and keep to this for the rest of their lives. 3. Or, this adaptability may be retained throughout the rest of their lives and the adults may change hue upon change of environment. 4. Or, the young may be very variable in tint and then by the action of natural selection, such as do not agree in hue with the sur- roundings will be eliminated. He added that he was inclined to regard the last as the most probable explanation. Starting my experiments with these possibilities in view, I collected a quantity of both our common local species and isolated the individuals in separate glass vessels, each containing sea-weed of a different hue to that of the prawn. The experiments were conclusive and proved Professor Herdman's third alternative suggestion to be the correct one, namely, that the adults 114 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. retain the power of changing their colour in accordance with that of their surroundings. Thus a pale olive brown H. varians taken from amid similarly coloured sea-weed became of a vivid green within an hour when placed with Enteromorpha, and the same specimen changed to a pinkish red within three hours when placed amid Delesscria. Again, red coloured specimens of the same species from amongst tufts of red weed changed to green during a single night when placed with Enteromorpha or with Cladophora, and back again to red within four hours when placed once more amid red weed. These two instances are representative of a large number of similar experiments, all having parallel results and demonstrating that the adult Hippolyte varians has great and rapid colour adaptability. It is a remarkable fact that this change of hue takes place as rapidly in the dark as in the light ; thus specimens placed in a dark cupboard in company with weed of a different colour, will be found to have assumed the colour of the weed in the course of a few hours. In the same way individuals left over night exhibit their appropriate colour change when examined before daybreak on the following morning. As to Hippolyte fascigera, I find that this species possesses by no means equal colour adaptability ; this power is much less developed. Thus it takes considerably longer time to adapt its hue to new colour surroundings, and the colour is but an imperfect approximation to the true one. For example, the majority of this species, which are found living among the mottled pink coarse Corallina of our pools, and have absolutely similar colouring, take fully twelve to fifteen hours to approximate partially to the white tint of sun-bleached tufts of weed. Again, a lengthened sojourn of upwards of a week amid tufts of Enteromorpha does not effect any well marked assumption of green, though the pink is decidedly paler and a tinge of green can be made out without difficulty. Such marked divergence in this power of colour adaptability between two species so closely akin* is extremely remarkable, and I had to make a very careful examination of the natural habitats and habits of the species in question ere I was able to solve the problem. I find that H. varians is infinitely more numerous and more widely spread than is H. fascigera, being found in almost every pool, and * Indeed, so closely akin that a cursory examination is apt to lead to the belief that H. fascigera is a mere variety of H. varians. Many points of permanent divergence are, however, present ; the most marked is that in II. fascigera the only spines on the upper edge of the rostrum are three placed at the posterior end and really upon the carapace, while a single sharp tooth is set close to the tip on the straight under edge. In II. varians, the rostrum above has one tooth set near the base and another towards the tip, while below there is a well-marked two- toothed keel. PROTECTIVE DEVICES OF THE GENUS HIPPOLYTE. 115 haunting tufts of weeds of every hue. In the Zostcra meadows it is also abundant. No special preference is shown for any particular colour or species of weed, and it is essentially "cosmopolitan." On the other hand, H. fascigera is seldom found in any number except among tufts of coarse Corallina, with which it agrees absolutely in colour, and where it is often extremely abundant. Thus we see that the species possessing the greater colour adapta- bility (H. varians) is much the more numerous, and the more extended in its range ; we may safely infer that the two latter characteristics are the direct outcome of the former. H. fascigera, being less "plastic" in colouring, is on the contrary restricted in habitat to those weeds to which its colour has become perfectly approximated. We may note further that the weeds affected by the smooth-skinned H. varians, in the great majority of cases, are smooth in surface and not over- grown with foreign matter. In marked contrast, the body of H. fascigera is ornamented with tufts of brush-like hairs, especially upon the sides of the carapace, even invading the surface of the eye-stalks; now if we examine a spray of the coarse Corallina where this species makes its home, we will find the stems covered with a multitude of abodes of tiny "messmates" porcelain-like coils of the little tube-worm Spirorbis, dull looking cylinders tenanted by that lovely minature Sabellid, Othonia gracilis, and crusting colonies of Bryozoa protruding ever and anon circlets of hair- like tentacles that impart, when their owners put forth their feathery crowns, a minutely tufted appearance to the joints of the stem. Hence when the hairy H. fascigera is at rest on such a weed the mimetic adaptation is greatly accentuated. The smooth H. varians in a similar environment is much more easily detected. As there is no doubt in my mind that the plumose hairs on H. fascigera are directly useful as aids in protective resemblance to en- vironment, I believe, as a consequence, that we require no longer to accord to these hairs any special sensory function. Some authorities have considered the hairs of this species to be auditory, and while they presumably must possess a certain amount of tactile appreciation, their direct utility is, I feel assured, as conducing largely to the protective resemblance of the prawn to the appearance of its normal habitat. In a future number I hope to recur to this subject and to give further details regarding the habits of these interesting Crustaceans. 116 Series vi STUDY XXIV. FAMILIAE BRITISH BKYOZOA. THE Bryozoa better known in this country under the name of Polyzoa often constitute a source of delight at meetings of our Microscopical Societies ; seldom, indeed, is a microscopical conver- sazione complete without at least one such exhibit set out proudly in all the glory of parabolic or spot-lens illumination. The beauty of the pellucid zooids in the full expansion of their glorious crowns of elegantly tapered tentacles, sentient and responsive to the slightest alarm, and the ceaseless lashing of the cilia clothing these tentacles and creating vortices big with fate for many a tiny organism swimming hard by, make up a picture wherein loveliness and interest chain the attention alike of the greybeard in microscopy and of the tyro in the science. As a rule, the fresh-water Bryozoa are the forms thus exhibited, being the easier to procure in inland towns. The marine forms, how- ever, are fully as beautiful, and in some respects are much more interesting as diversity of form is infinitely greater. If anything, the marine forms are even hardier than the fresh-water ones, and in these days of rapid postal communication and of Marine Biological Stations, inland microscopists have no difficulty in studying living marine species, and of thus comparing them with those they obtain from adjacent pond or sluggish canal. The Bryozoa are colonial in habit of life, except one minute form, Loxosoma, found parasitic in multitudes of separate individuals upon the hinder end of the great Spoon-worm (Phascolosoma). The colonies, or zoaria, may be slender and branched (Botvcrbankia), broadly folia- ceous (Flustra), massive and calcareous (Lepralia), coiled in elegant spirals (Bugula), gelatinous as Lophopus and Alcyonidium, horny, hispid, smooth, or crusting. Almost all live attached, usually to stones or seaweeds, and often enough we find them growing in profusion upon the carapace and limbs of crabs. One form, Cristatella, crawls freely, with slug-like motion, over and amongst the weeds of its pond home, while others, the Selenarida, swim by the oar-like paddling of giant bristles the vibracula. Can diversity be greater? Well might the earlier naturalists consider the slender forms to be zoophytes, and the massive ones to be coral growth. Later, their affinities were recognised as apart from the zoophytes by the possession of a well-developed alimentary canal. Now they are THE SIMPLEST BRYOZOA. 117 accorded a place among that heterogeneous assemblage, the "Worms," and their closest relationship is undoubtedly with Phoronis, the Sipunculid worms, and the Brachiopods. These agree in having tentacles round the mouth ; an alimentary canal more or less U-shaped the anus placed far to the front and often approximated to the mouth ; nephridia (kidneys) reduced in number and rarely more than a single pair ; the body unsegmented and often secreting a horny or calcareous covering ; the nervous system greatly reduced ; parapodia and setae absent. Two popular names are in use, "Corallines" and "Moss-polyps," the latter being the translation of the term Bryozoa. Simplest of all the Bryozoa are the Pedicellinidce ; the typical species, P. cernua (Pallas) grows luxuriantly in Jersey rock-pools, clothing the stems of such algae as small Fucoids, the pink Corallina, and the green Cladopliora. The individuals or zooids are stalked, rising at short intervals along the creeping stem or stolon ; in form they have a superficial resemblance to the Bell-animalcule (Vorticclla), both having the shape of a wine-glass. Pedicellina is coy of full expansion, and the ordinary illustrations of text-books never do it justice ; fig. 10, pi. ix., drawn from a zooid just taken from a rock-pool, gives a better though still inadequate idea of the graceful outward curve of the tentacles under natural conditions. The stalk is con- tractile and flexible and as we watch a group scarcely a moment passes without we see one or another bob the body almost down to the base of the stalk or maybe give a sweeping curtsey from side to side. At another time the whole cluster may bow in unison a most comical sight, and one that caused me instinctively to christen it the Bobbing Coralline when first I made its acquaintance. The stalk is usually spinous, but all gradations to a perfectly smooth condition are to be met with. The tentacles are solid and are arranged in a circlet around the rim of the cup-shaped body. Such rim is the lophophore or tentacle-carrier. The lophophore is not retractile as in those forms yet to be named, but at will the tentacles can be folded inwards to form a rafter-like roof to the vestibule or depression found in the centre of lophophore. A diaphragm separates the body from the stalk, and when, as some- times happens, the former breaks off, it is not unfrequently replaced by budding from the summit of the stalk. This tendency of the body to break off is often very troublesome when one is endeavouring to stupefy a colony preparatory to fixing. Within the depression (vestibule) enclosed by the ring of tentacles are two openings, the mouth and the anus. Between the two rises a small lobe, the epistome. Food is directed to the mouth by means of 118 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. the currents set up by the cilia that clothe the inner or adoral surface of the tentacles. The alimentary canal is of the typical U shape, and is of the most primitive description. A very curious point is the absence of any body-cavity (coelome). Its place is taken by gelatinous tissue lying between the alimentary canal and the body- wall. Muscular fibres are present in the stalk, and others control the movements of the tentacles. The nervous system is little developed, consisting of a single gang- lion lying beneath the oesophagus, and from which nerves proceed to the tentacles. Sensory cells are found on the outer surface of the tentacles. The excretory organs consist of two ciliated tubes opening close to the central ganglion. The zooids are hermaphrodite, but it is probable that the reproduc- tive products ripen at different periods. The larvae are Trochospheres tiny swimming spheres characterised by a circlet of cilia around the body anterior to the mouth (preoral) as in the Polychaetes, and the adults themselves retain a majority of the essential features distinctive of this larval form in the persistence of the simple alimentary canal of the latter, of a ciliated ring surrounding the mouth and anus (the tentacles are simply elongated processes of an encircling band), of the two ciliated canals of the larva as nephridia ; the epistome is present in the trochosphere as a tufted eminence, and other minor common characteristics can also be traced. The larvae pass a considerable period of their development within the vestibule, which, with the tentacles protectingly overarched, forms an efficient incubatory pouch. The higher Bryozoa fall naturally into two divisions according as the habitat is marine or fresh-water. The former are distinguished by the lophophore being circular and are termed Gymnolaemata ; the latter, the Phylactolaemata, by the lophophore being horse-shoe shaped. In all, the anus lies outside of the lophophore, and this is the great distinguishing characteristic. Of the fresh-water forms, Lopliopus and Plumatella are typical, and resemble one another closely in all essential features. Plumatella, often found attached to water-weeds in canals and pools, has a creeping chitinoid stolon from which the zooids rise at short intervals. In Loplwpus, the zooids are crowded into dense tufts and enclosed in a gelatinous matrix. In both, the zooids are capable of being wholly retracted within the zooecia or cell-like cuticular envelope, chiefly by means of a powerful strand of muscular fibres (retractor muscle, r.) attached at one end to the anterior portion of the oesophagus and at the other to the lower inner surface of the resistent stolon-tube. Besides this, the zooid can be partially retracted by a set of small Jotirn. of Mar. Zool. & Microscopy. VOL. 2, PI. I (Fics. IV., V.. & VII. EXCEPTED). TYPES OF BRITISH BRYOZOI 125 EXPLANATION OF PLATE IX. Fig I. Portion of a colony of Plumatella repens, sketched from life, showing zooids in various states of expansion. (Original.) Figs. II. and III. Statoblasts of Plumatella, surface and edge view. (Original.) Fig. IV. Edge view of a statoblast of Cristatella mucedo, showing the projection of numerous barbed spines. (After Alhnan.) Fig. V. Anterior part of the body of Lophopus, seen from the right side. The free ends of the lophophore and of the tentacles are cut off. (After Allman.) Fig. VI. Life appearance of a colony of Bowerbankia imbricata, nat. size. (Original). Fig. VII. A cluster of zooids of the same, fully expanded. (After Hincks.) Fig. VIII. A calcareous colony of Lichenopora hispida, showing two ooecia in the centre. Drawn from Nature. (Original.) Fig. IX. Two colonies of the same, nat. size. Fig. X. Pedicellina cernua, showing the full expansion of the tentacles. From life. (Original.) Fig. XI. A cluster of Pedicellina cermta on a filament of seaweed, nat. size. (Original.) Fig. XII. Diagram of the structure of a Bryozoon zooid in attracted condition. (Original.) Fig. XIII. The same in a state of expansion. (Original.) LETTERING : a. anus ; ep. epistome ; /. funiculus ; g. nerve ganglion ; i. intestine ; m. mouth ; o. ovary ; oe,. oesophagus ; r. retractor muscle ; s. statoblasts ; st. stomach ; t. testis ; v. cesophageal valve. CLASSIFICATION : CLASS. BEYOZOA ( = POLYZOA). Sub-Class I. ENTOPEOCTA ; Anus opening within the lophophore ; no body cavity ; tentacles non-retractile. Family a. Pedicellinidse colonial. Family b. Loxosomidae solitary. Sub-Class II. ECTOPEOCTA ; anus opening outside the lophophore area ; well-developed body-cavity (coelom) ; tentacles retractile. Order 1. Phylactolaemata. Lophophore horseshoe-shaped ; with epistome ; membrane supporting bases of tentacles ; all fresh-water in habitat. Order 2. Gymnolaemata. Circular lophophore ; no epistome ; no membrane round bases of tentacles ; all marine except Paludicella. 126 EXPLANATION OF PLATE X. Fig. I. Sapphirina Edtvardsii, Haeckel, viewed from the ventral surface, and showing the course of the alimentary canal, the dis- position of the dermal glands, fat spheres, eyes, and ramifications of the nervous system. (Note : The muscles, genital organs and swimming feet, etc., are omitted.) Fig. II. Anterior portion of cephalic region of same species, showing in greater detail the arrangement of the eyes, fat-body, dermal glands and nerve connections. Fig. III. - Posterior "maxilliped" (really a branch of the second maxilla) ; same species. Fig. IV. Caudal plate ; same species. Fig. v. Combination of a single-celled dermal gland and a terminal ganglion cell with its sensory bristle ; same species. Fig. VI. Sapphirina Gegenbauri, Haeckel, ventral view to show the eyes, alimentary canal, liver lobes and reproductive system. (Nerves, muscles and most appendages are omitted.) Fig. VII. Posterior "maxilliped" (branch of the second maxilla); same species. Fig. VIII. Caudal plate ; same species. Fig. IX. Caudal plate of S. Clausi, Haeckel. Fig. X. A swimming foot of S. Clausi from the fourth segment, showing the two nearly equal branches. Fig. XI. A similar foot from S. Darwinii, Haeckel, showing how the inner branch is here almost suppressed. Fig. XII. The medium eye-spot in S. Darwinii, greatly magnified. LETTERING. a. anterior antenna; c. corneal lens; d. chitinous cuticle ; /. fat sphere, secreted by the " Fat-body " ; g. central ganglionic mass penetrated by the oesophagus (oe) ; h. branch of that peculiar form of connective tissue know as the " Fat-body " ; i. intestine ; k. stellate branches of the " Fat-body"; I. liver lobes lying around the stomach; Is. crystalline cone ; m. muscles; me. median unpaired eye; n. nerve; o. anus; ce. oesophagus ; p. pigment body of the paired eyes; pa. posterior antenna; pg. peripheral ganglion cell with its sensory bristle ; r. spermatophore pouch ; s. vas deferens ; st. stomach ; t. testis ; y. dermal gland ; yg. double-cell consisting of a dermal gland and a ganglion cell ; x. problematical organ (sensory?). (All figures after Haeckel.) Journ. of Mar. Zool. & Microscopy. VOL. 2, PL X. x. J. HORNELL, DEL. (AFTER HAECKEL). STRUCTURE OF SSPPMIRIM, STATOBLASTS. 119 muscles causing a folding in that forward part of the body- wall called the tentacle sheath, as seen in the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th zooids counting from the left in Fig. I., PI. IX. A thin membrane protects the bases of the tentacles, which are ciliated on both surfaces. A well- marked ciliated lobe, the epistome, overhangs the mouth (cp.). The alimentary canal hangs as a Y-shaped bag, suspended freely in the body cavity, and in all the fresh-water forms except Paludicella, the body cavity (coelome) is common to all the zooids no partitions are found anywhere and cilia cover the whole coelomic surface. The O3sophagus is straight. Notice, as it enters the stomach, how it is furnished with a valvular arrangement (v.) projecting downwards and designed to prevent any backflow from the stomach. The latter has a great pendant bag-like region, the glandular caecum, forming the straight part of the Y-shape. A strong cord, the funiculus, attaches the caecum to the outer wall or ectocyst. The intestine is short and straight and lies parallel with the oesophagus ; the anus (a.) opens close to the base of the lophophore. The food consists of microscopical organisms, chiefly infusoria, spores and the like, swept into the mouth by the currents produced by the waving of the tentacular cilia. The nervous system is again confined to a small double ganglion lying between the oesophagus and the anus and giving off branches to the lophophore. A delicate commissure surrounds the oesophagus. No special sense organs are known. No heart is present ; the coelomic fluid, wherein corpuscles float, courses freely through all parts of the colony, kept continously in motion by the cilia of the internal surface. Aeration is secured in the thin-walled tentacles which are hollow, branches of the coelom being continued into them. EEPBODUCTION. The fresh-water bryozoa are hermaphrodite. Usually the testis is situated on the funiculus (/.), while the ovary is placed towards the forward end of the body (o.), and derived from the endocyst or lining of the ectocyst or cuticle. In addition to this, the fresh- water Bryozoa are remarkable for an asexual reproduction by means of winterbuds or statoblasts. Upon the approach of winter, the era of dissolution for the adult colony, buds are formed on the funiculus ; the cells at one end of the bud grow round the remainder and form two convex horny plates attached by their margins to one another, and with air cells arranged in a marginal ring. In Plumatclla, which we are now describing, the statoblast is plain, but in Cristatella it is an exceedingly beautiful object, studded with minute knobs and provided with barbed spines 120 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. designed to aid in the dispersal of these resting buds. The marginal air-cushion found both in this genus and also in Pliimatclla and other fresh-water Bryozoa, has obviously a similar duty. In Fig. 1, PI. IX., a string of statoblasts in various stages of development is seen upon the funiculus of each zooid ; while Figs. 2 and 3 give side and face views of a single statoblast. The marginal air-cushion in mature buds shows under the microscope as a broad black border. The statoblasts becomes free upon the death and decay of the parent, rising to the surface and floating at the mercy of the currents. In some genera, as Pcctinella and Cristatella, the whole parent stock breaks free and floats freely hither and thither an additional help in the dispersal of the statoblasts. The latter remain without change during winter. In spring, under favourable conditions, the valves open, and a tiny mina- ture of the parent zooid emerges. It floats passive for a while, then makes fast to some object, generally a water-weed, and soon by active budding becomes a colonial parent. The asexual reproduction of the fresh-water Sponge by similar resting buds should be remembered evidently a method towards the perpetuation of the species induced by similarly exceptional requirements. The Gymnolsemata, which are all marine, save Paludicella, are infinitely more numerous and in form more diverse. Fig. 13 gives a fair diagrammatic idea of their structure, while Fig. 12 shows the same in a state of retraction. They differ from the fresh- water forms in the lophophore being circular and not crescentic, in frequently having the sexes separate, and in having no asexual reproduction by statoblasts. Bowcrbankia imbricata is a typical species, often cast up on our coast attached to the brown-podded sea-weed Halidrys. Fig. 6 shows a branch, natural size, while Fig. 7 shows a cluster of individuals. The cuticle is chitinous, and the zooids are very similar to the diagram given, save that they have a well-marked gizzard at the fore part of the stomach. Figs. 8 and 9 show the calcareous framework of a pretty little Bryozoon called Lichenopora hispida (Fleming), often found in caves at extreme low-water mark within the Laminarian zone. It may also be procured in dredging over coralline bottom, attached to the great massive Lcpralia, another calcareous Bryozoon. Lichenopora^ the Cup-Coralline, as it may be appropriately named, is about | in. to in. in diameter ; a snowy-white fragile porcelain cup, from whose hollow arise tubular columns, each the home of a delicate zooid. The calcareous wall of this tube is equivalent to the horny or gelatinous ectocyst or cuticle of Plumatella or Lopliopus. In the centre of cup are usually one or two elevated trumpet-shaped openings, the ooecia or receptacles for the ova. AVICULARIA AND VIBEACULA. 121 In both Bowerbankia and Lichenopora the zooids of each colony are very similar one to the other ; in other genera, however, especially in Bugula, a distinct polymorphism seems to take place. Bugula lives in the Laminarian and Coralline Zones and except at very low spring tides can only be taken in the dredge. It is fairly abundant in British waters, and grows in loose spiral coils of great elegance. Examining a spray, we find the zooecia or cells are arranged in tabular manner, edge to edge, the apertures all on the inner surface. The normal zooids approach closely to the form of those of Bowerbankia, but what arrests the attention at once is the presence of peculiar beak-like bodies scattered over the surface. Each is a small rounded object provided with a curved upper beak, to which is hinged a movable jaw-like mandible, constantly snapping viciously. The whole so closely re- sembles a bird's head and beak that it has received the name of avicularium. The only internal organs are two powerful muscles used to set the mandible in motion. According to many authorities, these avicularia are believed to be zooids modified for a highly specialised function, but this point is not assured. What the exact function is, is also doubtful. The more likely theory is that they are protective, scaring minute predatory creatures away by the constant gnashing of the jaws ; some, however, have argued that they assist in procuring food. Thus they may sometimes be seen holding some minute worm or crustacean in their grip and while such object is useless, from its size, as food, yet if held till decay begins, the disintegrated particles may be swept into the mouth by the waving of the tentacular cilia. Among my microscopical preparations I have now one wherein an avicularium is holding the limb of a small Amphipod. Whip-like organs, called Yibracula, are also seen in Scrupocdlaria, and other Bryozoa, and again are thought by many to be modified individuals bereft of alimentary, reproductive and other organs except- ing muscles. The vibracula most probably also subserve a protective function, their constant lashing keeping unwelcome visitors at a respectful distance and also freeing the surface of the colony from decaying or otherwise undesirable matter. It may also be that the lashing serves to keep the water around in healthful motion and so to bring new food particles within reach of the ciliary vortices. DIVISIONS OF THE GYMNOL^MATA : Sub-Order a. Cyclostomata. Zooecial orifaces round, without avicu- laria or vibracula or opercular apparatus, e.g., Crisia, Lichenopora. Sub-Order b. Ctenostomata. Zooecial orifaces closed upon retraction by folds of the tentacular sheath or by a circlet of spines, e.g., 122 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. Alcyonidium, and Bowcrbankia (marine) and Paludicella (fresh- water). Sub-Order c. Cheilostomata. Zooecial orifaces furnished with a movable thickened lip or operculum, or with a sphincter muscle ; vibracula and for avicularia usually present, e.g., Actca, Buyula, Flustra, Scrupocellaria, Lcpralia.* STUDY XXV. THE SAPPHIRINIDJS. The Sapphirinidae are Copepoda of large size found in warm seas. The males are free-swimming and pelagic, captured usually in the tow- net, whereas the females are seldom taken free, as they pass their life as commensals or messmates in the branchial cavities of such pelagic Ascidians as Salpa. The females differ considerably from the males in form, as is usual with species where the sexes have divergent habits. In this article we shall confine attention to the males. Male individuals of this family are all of comparatively large size, the body is dorso-ventrally compressed, and these characteristics in conjunction with the perfect transparency of the chitinous covering makes the Sapphirinida a splendid type-group wherein to study with ease the structure of all the internal organs. The prevailing body-form of the Copepoda is pear-shaped, and the common Cyclops, abundant in fresh-water ponds, is a good representa- tive. In the Sapphirinida, as already mentioned, the body is flattened ; in contour it is oval, showing a large cephalic shield, five thoracic segments, and an equal number of abdominal segments terminating in two leaf -like caudal lamellae. Only four of the thoracic segments are readily distinguishable, the fifth being rudimentary (PI. X., Fig. 1, th.). The first abdominal is marked by the external openings of the sexual organs being here placed. The appendages are of the normal Copepod type, save in the form of the posterior antennae (p>a.) and of the appendages around the mouth (maxillae), which terminate in hook -like claws well adapted both for clinging to the host should the Copepod be sojourning with one, and for grasping the female during accouplement. A swimming foot of Sapphirina Clausi of typical Copepod form is shown at Fig. X., consisting of an inner and an outer branch (endo- and exo-podite) of * The marine Bryozoa live well in confinement and several kinds (Pediccllina, Alcyonidium^ Flustrella, Amathia, &c.) can be supplied living from the Jersey Biological Station. It is advisable to give, if possible, a couple of days' notice. Full particulars supplied on application to the Director. SAPPHIRINE COPEPODS. 123 about equal size, and armed with strong oar-like bristles of great service in swimming, Sometimes, however, as in S. Danvinii (Haeckel), the inner branch is atrophied, indicating weaker swimming powers. No gills are present; the cuticle is so thin and delicate that the whole surface of the body functions in breathing. When seen swimming the Sapphirinids present a magnificent play of metallic colours the acme of iridescence as they drive rapidly through the water, mere sapphirine glints of darting light ; the reason for the generic name is obvious. If we examine the cuticle, the cause of the ever-changing sheen is found to be due to excessively fine parallel and cross rulings upon the surface that produce the optical effect of lightning-swift colour change with every alteration in the incidence of the light. The cuticle is underlaid and produced by an excessively thin layer, the hypodermis, in which lie numbers of most peculiar dermal glands. Their proportion varies greatly in different species, attaining greatest development in S. Edwardsii (Fig. I.), where they are thickly scattered over the whole body. Each opens to the exterior by a fine duct passing through the cuticle. Usually they are unicellular as in the species named ; more rarely they are multicellular, as in S. Danvinii, composed of from three to seven or even more cells. Usually each gland is accompanied by a nerve ganglion giving off a sensory bristle or seta that projects from the surface of the cuticle. A common nerve serves each pair, breaking into two branches ere reaching them. The function of the glands is excretory ; its activity is apparently controlled from its companion nerve cell, which in turn receives im- pressions from the surrounding medium through its projecting seta (see Figs. II. and V., y., pg. and yg.). A former article in Vol. I., p. 42, described the muscular arrange- ment of Honstrilla, an allied Copepod. That of Sapphirina is on the same plan. The oesophagus passes through the centre of the ganglionic mass, and leads directly into a dilated stomach provided with glandular diverticula or pouches that may be considered as acting the parts of liver and pancreas (L). The form of this " liver " varies with the species ; note how in S. Edwardsii it forms a collar-like mass around the anterior end of the stomach, while in S. Gegenbauri it forms four pouch-like branches. The intestine is straight, ending between the caudal plates. The Nervous System exhibits great centralization. There is no distinction into brain and ventral ganglionic chain such as is seen in the free-swimming Copepods. All are fused into one great ganglionic mass pierced by the oesophagus. But as a compensation, or indeed as 124 MICROSCOPICAL STUDIES. a consequence, the radiating nerves are wonderfully numerous and strong. Anteriorly they branch off to the eyes and head appendages, while posteriorly two great trunks are given off to supply the swimming feet and the remainder of the thorax and abdomen. The way these nerves divide into a network of twigs serving the dermal glands has already been noticed. Of Sensory Organs, the chief are the eyes, of which there are three two complex lateral eyes lying on either side of a small and simple median eye. The structure of a lateral eye consists essentially of a very large globular corneal lens (cl.) lying in front of the true crys- talline lens or " cone," behind which again is a large pigment body resting upon the ganglionic mass. The corneal lens is derived from the cuticle ; in some species, as in S. Edwardsii, it rests directly on the crystalline lens ; in others, as in S. Gcgenbauri, and especially in S. Clausi and S. Darwinii, quite a considerable distance separates the two (Fig. VI.). The sensory setae of the peripheral nerve cells have already been referred to ; the only other sensory organ is the frontal sensory organ of unknown use, seen between the corneal lenses (x). It is noteworthy that the Nauplius larvae of the higher Crustacea also show similar organs, from which we may infer that this is an organ present in the ancestral Crustacean stem. No heart or blood-vascular system is present. The blood or coelomic fluid moves freely in the whole of the coelome or body cavity. Lining every part of the body wall is a peculiar stellately-branched and very delicate form of tissue, called the Fat-body, wherein are formed oil spheres of wonderfully large size. In some species they are specially numerous, as, for example, in S. Clausi and S. Edwardsii, and are symmetrically disposed. The fat-body as a whole serves as a reserve of nourishment, and is especially useful when the animal moults and when the reproductive function makes special drain upon the vitality of the individual. EEPRODUCTION. In the males here figured, note the two-lobed testis (Fig. VI., .), stretching across the body close to the stomach. On either side is given off a long tubular vas deferens, glandular at its further end and then expanding into a wider region, the spermatophore pouch, wherein numerous spermatozoa lie encased in an envelope or spermatophore until such time as copulation shall take place, when the spermatophore being fixed by the male upon the genital segment of the female, the spermatozoa break through their envelope and pass individually into the oviducal openings. The young pass through well-marked Nauplius stages. CHOICE MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS IN MARINE ZOOLOGY & BOTANY- Jl " Micro Studies in Marine Zoology." Two series of 14 splendid slides (price 1/3 to 21- if sold separately) with 11 plates of original explanatory drawings, and over 100 pages of descriptive letterpress each, post free Is. 2 " Micro Studies in Botany." A series of 20 magnificent slides of Flower-buds, &c. ILlOrt (difficult and beautiful preparations only>, illustrated with 20 original Photo- micrographs and descriptive letterpress post free Is 3 Set of 48 specially chosen slides illustrative of Elementary Botany. Specially suitable for teachers' and students' use post free 1 Is. V 4 Set of 48 typical slides illustrative of Elementary Zoology.. .post free 1 Is. Microscopical Studies in Marine Zoology, SERIES I. As referred to above consists of the following 14 Slides : 1 Lamp-Polyp, Lucernaria, showing Gonads, &c. 1/9 2 Pelagic Annelid Tomopteris 2/0 3 Dorsal view of Pelagic Tunicate Salpa 1/6 i Lateral view of Pelagic Tunicate Salpa 2/0 5 Type slide of Sponge anatomy, very fine 2/6 6 Monstnlla, a Parasitic Copepod of strange life- history 1/6 8 Zoea of Porcellain crab, extremely fine 9 Phyllospma-larva of Crawfish Scyllarus 10 Type slide of Anemone structure 11 Fully extended polyp of Alcyonium ... 12 Medusa of Obelia geniculata 13 Scale-backed worm Polynoe (entire) ... 14 Tadpole larvae of Compound Ascidiau 7 Young Amphioxus, structure perfectly shown J/6 Price 1 Is. post free, inclusive of letterpress and illustrations. 1/3 1/6 2/- 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 SERIES II. The full set of 14 Slides is now complete. Can be supplied by return post. Price, inclusive of four accompanying parts of descriptive letterpress (110 pages) and 10 full-page plates of original illustrations, 1 Is. post free ($6.25 post free to U.S.A.). The Slides are as follows : 1 Colonial Radiolarian Sphcerozoum 1/6 2 Obelia geniculata, polyps fully expanded 1/6 3 Larval Feather-Star 1/6 4 Entire Pteropod (Creseis) 1/6 to 1/9 5 Coryne vaginata, fully expanded 1/6 (i .SV rtularia pumila 1/6 7 Nauplii larvae of Rock Barnacle 1/6 8 Pupal larvae of Rock Barnacle 1/6 9 Plumularia, fully expanded 1/6 10 Entire young Cuttlefish, just hatched 1/6 11 Sec. eye of Cuttlefish (specially selected) 1/6 12 Sapphirina, a luminous Copepod (very fine) ... 2/- 1H Polyzoon, Lophopiis, polyps fully expanded ... 1/6 14 Cup Coralline, Lichenopora 1/6 The expanded Zoophytes (Nos. 2, 5, 6, and 9) are exquisite mounts Specially selected. The two Series of Slides as above, together with a bound volume of letterpress and plates, post free for 2 2s. Museum Preparations, FISHES:- British Fishes prepared by my recently perfected method as supplied to the Brit Museum are beyond criticism in the way in which the original contours are retained, while ' colouring is absolutely truthful. No Marine Fishes have ever been prepared to compare with these, which can be obta solely from myself. My method, I may say, has absolutely nothing in common with the ; fashioned ordinary methods of taxidermy, and its products must be seen to be appreciated. Testimonials, Samples and Price Lists on application. SKELETONS Skeleton of Scyllium, fully articulated, in Museum jar, 18 ins. high, as supplied to the principal Colleges in Britain. 1 10s. complete. Disarticulated Lobster, every part lettered and numbered after Huxley, with accompanying index-table, in glass-fronted polished case 1 10s., or on plain wood mount 1 2s. The former is recommended. List of Skeletons and Dissections on application. LANTERN SLIDES, WALL-DIAGRAMS and ZOOLOGICAL SPECIMENS of all Descriptions. Lists post free. JAMES HORNELL, The Biological Station, JERSEY,