UC-NRLF 9M 2 SBS BCRKtllY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EIBLTOGEAPHICAL CATALOGUE ENGLISH WRITERS ANGLING ICHTHYOLOGY. LONDON: JOHN fiUSSELL SMITH, 36,- SOHO SQUARE. M.DCCC.LTI. Price Eiyhteenpencv . BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE OF ENGLISH WRITERS ON ANGLING ICHTHYOLOGY. LONDON: JOHN KUSSELL SMITH, 36, SOHO SQUARE. M.DCCC.LVI. TUCKER & Co.. Printers, Perry's Place, Oxford Street. The present Catalogue is founded on those published by Sir Henry Ellis in the British Bibliographer in 1811, the late Mr. Pickering's Bibliotheca Piscatoria in 1836, and that in the Appendix to the New TorJc edition of Walton and Cotton's Angler in 1847. / have corrected and greatly augmented them all, omitting many works under the. titles of British Sportsman, Field Sports, Coimt-ry Grentleman's Companion, &c. &c. which only treat incident- ally on Angling. In their place I have given, for the first time, a complete List of the English Writers on Ichthyology. Those who wish to know ^vhat further has been written in Magazines, Revieivs, the Transactions of Learned Societies, cf"c. Sfc. may consult with, advantage Poolers Index to Perio- dical Literature, Neiv York, 1853, and Agassiz and Strick- land's Bibliographia Zoologise et Geologise, 4 vols. 8vo, London, Hay Society, 1848-54. .JOHN EUSSELL SMITH. M852836 A. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE BOOKS ON ANGLING. A CCOMPLISHT LADY'S DELIGHT in preserving, physick, beau- jTX. tifying, and cookery, with new and excellent experiments, and secrets in the Art of Angling, being directions for the whole art (taken entirely from Walton and Barker). 1st Edit. 1675. 2d Edit. 1677. 3d Edit. 1684. 6th Edit. 1686. Vide New and Excellent Experiments. ADVENTUEES (The) of a Salmon in the Kiver Dee. By a Friend of the Family. Together with Notes for the Fly Fisher in North Wales. (By William Ayrton.) 12mo, Lond. Pickering, 1853. AKEEHAN (John Yonge), Spring Tide, or the Angler and his Friends ; a Series of Fishing Scenes, with Illustrations of the West Country Dialects. 12mo, Lond. Bentley, 1850. AKEBMAN (J. Y.) Vide ANGLEE'S ALMANAC. ALBIN (Eleazar) HISTOEY OP ESCULENT FISH. With North's Essay on Fish and Fish Ponds. 18 coloured plates. 4to. Lond. 1794. A modern Edition, Lond. Goodwin, n. d. ALEXANDEE (W.) Journey to Beresford Hall, the Seat of Charles Cotton, Esq. 4to, Lond. J. Russell Smith, 1841 . 1 AMERICAN ANGLEE'S GUIDE ; being a Compilation from the Works of popular English Authors, from Walton to the pre sent time ; together with the Opinions and Practices of the best American Anglers ; with Engravings on W'ood. By ar,, American. 18mo, 1845. 2d Edit. 18mo, 1846. AMERICAN ANGLEE'S GUIDE. Post 8vo, New York, Wiley, 1849 ANDEBDON (J. L.) Vide EIVEE DOVE. ANGLEE AND SWIMMEE. 12mo, pp. 28, Lond. Hudson and Co. (A Sixpenny Pamphlet.) ANGLES IN IEELAND ; or, an Englishman's Eamble through Connaught and Munster, during the Summer of 1833 2 vols. royal 12mo, Lond. 1834. ANGLER (The), containing a complete Description of all Fresh Water Eish, and the best places for Angling nsar London- Sq. 12mo, Lond. Groombridge, 1834. ANGLEE'S (The), Eight Dialogues in verse. 12mo, Lond. 1758. Ascribed to Dr. Scott, a Dissenting Minister, of Ipswich. It contains ironical notes, in imitation of Dr. King's Art of Cookery. ANGLEE'S ALMANAC for 1848 (Edited by J. Y. Akerman). A broadside sheet. Do. for 1849, 12mo, Lond. J. R. Smith, ANGLEE'S ALMANAC AND POCKET BOOK for 1853, being a Hand, Book and Guide to the Principal Eivers, Lakes and Fisheru^ in Great Britain. By a Practical Angler. 12mo, Lond. Cox, 1853. Do. for 1854. Do. for 1855. ANGLEE'S COMPANION ; a complete and superior Treatise on the Art of Angling. 12mo, Lond. Bailey. (A Sixpenny Pamphlet.) ANGLEE'S COMPANION, being a Complete Practical Guide ; to which is added Nobbes's Art of Trolling. 12mo, Lond. Hughes, n. d. ANGLEE'S COMPANION, being a Description of, where to find, and how to fish the various Swims in the Horse and Groom, Lea Bridge, and Whitehouse Fisheries. 12mo, Lond. Piper n.d. ANGLEE'S COMPLETE ASSISTANT, being an Epitome of the Whole Art of Angling. 4th Edit. 4to. Lond. See Wilkinson. ANGLEE'S DESIDERATUM, containing the best and fullest Direc- tions for Dressing the Artificial Fly, with some new and valua- ble Inventions. By the Author (Capt. Clarke, R.M.), from ;< practice of nearly half a century. 12mo, Edinburgh, 1839. ANGLEE'S GUIDE to the Rivers of Yorkshire. 12mo, Knares- borough, 1755. ANGLEE'S G-UIDE to the Rivers of the Pas-de-Calais. Svo, Boulogne, 1822. ANGLEE'S GUIDE to the Tweed and Whitadder. 12mo, Berwick, 1781. ANGLEE'S GUIDE. 24mo, Lond. Dean and Munday, 1832, ANGLEE'S HAND-BOOK. 32mo, Lond. Tyas, 1838. Re-issued, by Routledge, Lond. . ANGLEE'S MAGAZINE ; or, Necessary and Delightful Storehouse : wherein everything proper to his Art is digested in such a manner, as to assist his knowledge and practice upon bare inspection ; being the completest Manual ever published upon the subject ; largely treating on all things relating to Fish and Fishing, whereby the Angler may acquire his experience with- out the help of his master. By a Lover of that innocent and healthful diversion. 12mo, Lond. 1754. (The initials G.S. at the end of the Preface.) ANGLEE'S MANUAL; or Concise Lessons of Experience, which the proficient in the delightful Recreation of Angling will not despise, &c. with 12 plates, designed and etched by 8. Howitt. Oblong Svo, Liverpool, 1808. ANGLEE'S POCKET BOOK, to which is prefixed Nobbes' Trea- tise on the Art of Trolling. Svo, Norwich, n. d. 2d Edit, Svo. Lond. 3d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1805. 12mo, Lond. 1814. ANGLEE'S PEOGEESS, a Poem, Vide Boaz. ANGLEE'S SONG-BOOK ; Compiled and Edited by Robert Blakey . 12mo, Lond. Cox. 1855. 8 ANGLER'S SOUVENIB. By P. Fisher, Esq., assisted by several eminent Piscatory Characters, with Illustrations by Beckwith and Topham. 12mo, Lond. Tilt, 1835. The Author was William Andrew Chatto, Author of the " History of Wood Engraving, with Illustrations by Jackson," "Facts and Speculations on the History of Playing Cards," &c. Vide NOBTH COUNTRY ANGLER'S GAR- LANDS; OLIVEB (STEPHEN.) ANGLEB'S STJBE GUIDE ; or, Angling improved and methodi- cally digested. By K[obert] H[owlett], Esq. forty years a practitioner in this Art. 8vo, Lond. 1706. ANGLICAN FEIAB, and the Fish which he took by Hook and by Crook. A Comic Legend, by A Novice, A. F. & F. Dedicated to all Lovers of Angling. 12mo, Lond. Darling, 1851. More comical than piscatorial. ANGLING, a Poem. 12mo, 2d Edit, printed for H. Slater, 1741. The first edition was entitled " Innocent Epicure.'' Vide postea. ANGLING ASSISTANT, or a new and complete Treatise on the Art of Angling, &c. 12mo, pp. 32, Lond. W. Mason, N. D. ANGLING EXCUBSIONS of Gregory Greendrake, Esq. in the counties of Wicklow,Meath,"Westmeath, Longford, and Cavan, with additions by Geoffrey Greydrake, Esq. dedicated to all honest Brothers of the Angle. 12mo, 4th Edit. Dublin, 1832. AEBTTTHNOT'S Natural History of those Fishes &c. that are in- digenous to, or occasionally frequent the Coasts of Buchan, &c. 8vo, Aberdeen, 1815. AET OF ANGLING, in Eight Dialogues, in verse. 8vo, (Ascribed to Dr. Scott, vide ANGLEE'S EIGHT DIALOGUES IN VEESE.) Reprinted entire in Ruddiman's Collection of scarce, curious, and valuable Pieces, both in verse and prose, 8vo, Edinb. 1773. Vide Lathy's Angler. AET OP ANGLING. 18mo, Lond. Smeeton, n. d. AET OP ANGLING, wherein are discovered many rare secrets very necessary to be known by all that delight in that recreation. 4to, Lond. 1653. Vide Barker. AET OF ANGLING, a concise but comprehensive Treatise. 18mo, Lewes, Baxter, 1809. 9 ART OF ANGLING. Eot intended for Sale. 12mo, Lond. W. Davy printer, 41, James Street, G-rosvenor Square (1819). ART OF ANGLING. 12mo, Lond. 1809. ARTIFICIAL Production of Fish. By Piscarius. SVQ, 3d Edit Lond. Eeeve, 1854. ARUNDO. Vide PRACTICAL FLY FISHING. AYRTON (William). Vide Adventures of a Salmon. ANGLER'S Museum. 12mo, Lond. Fielding, n.d. ASHWORTH (E. and T.) TREATISE on the Propagation of Salmon and other Fish. 12mo, Stockport, 1853. BADDELEY. Vide LONDON ANGLER'S BOOE. BADHAM (C. D.) Prose Halieutics ; or, Ancient and Modern Fish Tattle. Post 8vo, Lond. J. W. Parker, 1854. BAINBRLDGE (Geo. C. Esq.), FLY FISHER'S GUIDE, illustrated by coloured plates, representing upwards of forty of the most useful Flies, accurately copied from Nature. 8vo, Liverpool. 1816. 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1828. 3d Edit. 8vo, Lond, 1834. 4th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1840. BARLOW (Francis) SEVERAL WAYS of Hunting, Hawking, and Fishing, invented by himself, and etched by W. Hollar. Ob- long 4to, 1671. BARKER (Thomas of Bracemeale, Salop) Art of Angling, wherein are discovered many rare Secrets very necessary to be known by all that delight in that recreation. 12mo, Lond. 1651. Eeprinted by Burn, Lond. 1820. Another Edition in 4to, Lond. 1653, without the Author's name subjoined to the Countrymen's Recreations. 4to, Lond. 1654. Large 8vo, 1817, reprinted by Inchbold and Gawtress, Leeds. BARKER'S DELIGHT ; or, the Art of Angling. By Thomas Barker. Second Edition, with considerable Additions and commendatory Verses prefixed. 12mo, Lond. 1657- Lond. reprinted by Burn, 1820. Again by Hodgson and Co. some 10 copies of which have the name of E. Bryant as publisher, 1826. This book is inserted in the Young Sportsman's Miscellany. 12mo. 1826. In an Epistle to the Reader, prefixed to the first edition, and in the Dedi- cation of the second to Lord Montague, Barker speaks of himself as having practised Angling for half a century; adding, " if any noble or gentle Angler have a mind to discourse of these ways and experiments, I live in Henry Tilth's Gifts, the next doore to the Gatehouse in Westminster : where I shall be ready to satisfie them and maintain my art ; my name is Barker." The second edition, so called, 12mo, Lond. 1657, with Commendatory Verses prefixed. This is the first edition that has the title of "Barker's Delight." The second edition (likewise so called), Lond. 1659, is in fact the same, with only a new title-page. BATHTJEST (The Hon. and Eev. Charles) Notes on Nets, or the Quincux practically considered, to which are added Miscellanea Memoranda, 12mo, Lond. Van Voorst, 1837. BENNETT (John W.) Fishes of Ceylon. 4to, Lond. Bull, 1830. New edit. Lond. Bohn, 1851. BEBNEES, BAENES, or BEENES (LADY JULIANA). i. The Bokys of Haukyng and Huntyng ; and also of cootar- muris. Compylyt at St. Albons. 1486. Folio, bl. 1. The volume commences with signature ij ; the first leaf was, in all pro- bility, a blank one. On the recto of a ij, at top, we read : " In so much that gentill men and honest persones have greete delite in haukyng, and desire to have the maner to take haukys ; and also how and in waat wyse they shulde gyde theym ordynateli; and to knaw the gentill termys in cpmmuuyng of theyr haukys ; and to understonde theyr sekeneses and ennrrnitees ; and also to knawe medicines for theym accordyng ; and mony notabull termys that ben used in haukyng, both of their haukys and of the fowles that their hawkys shall sley. Therefore thys book, fowlowyng in a dew forme, shewys yeri knawlege of suche plesure to gentill men and personys disposed to se itt." This may be considered the title of the first treatise, 'The Book of Hawking," which terminates on the recto of d, iiij ; a, b, and c, having each 8 leaves (including aj blank). No two pages are alike as to the number of lines ; and every page exhibits one or more breaks or spaces, with a larger lower-case letter. On the recto of d, iij, which is a short page of only 18 lines, we read : " Here endyth the proceis of hawkyng. And now foloys the naaiuys of all maner of hawkys, or to whom they belong." On the recto of d, iiij, the author concludes thus : " Ther is a muskyte ; and he is for a holiwater clerke : and theis be of an oder maner kynde, for thay fiie to Ouerre and fer Jutty and to Jutty ferry." Explicit. The reverse is blank. On the recto of the following signature, c,j, the introductory sentence to the "Treatise upon Hunting," reads thus : " Lyke wise as i',the booke of hawkyng aforesayd are writyn and noted the termys of plesure belongyng to gentill men havyng delite therein. In thessame maner thys booke folowyng shewith : to sych gentill personys the maner of huntyng for all maner of beestys, wether thay be beestys "of ve- nery, or of chace, or kascall. And also it shewith all the termys conve- nyent as well to the howndys as to the beestys a forsayd; and in certayn. ther be many dyverse of thaym, as it is declared iu the booke folowyng." On the recto of f, iiij, we read the ensuing colophon : " Explicit Dam Julyans Barnes, in her boke of huntyng." * On the reverse, we have an account of " bestis of the chace, of the swete fewte and stinking," followed by sundry other curious matter. The three following pages contain an account of " The Compaynys of Beestys and Fowlys." At the end of them, " Explicit." On the reverse of /, vij, " Here folow' the dew termys to speke of breekyng or dressyng of dyverse beestis and fowlis, &c. And thessame is shewed of certayn fysshes." On /, viij, recto, the shires, bishoprics, and provinces of England. The reverse is blank. On the recto of the following leaf, a, i, we read the introduction to the third and last Treatise, upon " Coat- Armour," beginning thus : '" Here, in thys booke folowyng is determyned the lyndge of Coott; armuris : and how boudeage began first in aungell and after succeded in man kynde ; as it is shewede in processe boothe in the childer of Adam and also 01 Noe, and how Noe devyded the worlde in iii parties to his iii sonnys," &c. &c. On the reverse of b, v, in sixes, "the Book of the Lynage of Coote armuris," ends thus .- " Explicit prima pars." On the recto of the following leaf. c, i, we read at top : " Here begynnyth the blasyng of armys." Every page, within the last four of the work, is decorated with one, two, or three olazonings of coal armour, to the number of 117. On the reverse of /, ix, after the word " Explicit," is the following colophon : " Here in thys boke afore are contenyt the bokys of haukyng and huntyng, with other plesuris dyverse as in the boke apperis, and also of cootarmuris. a nobull werke. And here now endyth the boke of blasyng of armys. translatyt and compylyt togedyr at Seynt Albons, the yere'from thincar- nacion of owre Lorde Jhu' Crist, M.CCCC.LXXXVI." The following and concluding leaf contains, on the recto, the device of the printer (a coat-armour, within a circle, surmounted by a cross, all in white,) upon a red back-ground, surrounded by a two-line frame-wort in red. The top line reads thus : "Hie finis divsorx genosis valde utiliu ut ituetibz pateb." The bottom is as follows -. " Sanctus Albanus." The reverse is blank. A fine copy of this rare book, upon paper, is in the Collection of the High i. Hon. Thomas Grenville, in the BritislrMuseum. Though wanting two leaves, it is in the most extraordinary condition, being uncut throughout, and ap- parently never having been bound, but only prepared for binding. Other copies are in the Collections of Earl Spencer, the Earl of Pembroke, the Marquis of Bute, the Bodleian Library, and in the Public Library at Cam- bridge; the last three copies are however said to be imperfect. ii. This present boke shewyth. the manere of hawkynge and huntynge: and also of diuysynge of Cote armours? It shewyth also a good matere belongynge to horses : with other comen- _ 12 able treatyses. And ferdermore of the blaysynge of armys : as here after it may appere. Small folio. Juliana Berners, or Barnes, to whom the above Treatises were ascribed, is supposed to have been sister to Richard, Lord Berners, of Essex, and prioress of Sop well, near St. Albans. She is said to have flourished about the year 1-1-60, and is celebrated for her learning and accomplishments. Besides being the first printed Treatise on the subject in the English lan- guage, this work affords us rude representations of the different kinds of tackle in use, and contains directions and remarks which have been copied in some recent Treatises on Angling. On the first page a wood-cut of birds, and on the reverse a group of men with a hawk, underneath the title above. Sig. a, 5 leaves, the first blank, making 6. b, 6 leaves, c, 6 leaves (Hawkynge ends on c, 5, and Huntynge commences on c, 6.) d, 6 leaves, e, 6 leaves (Coat-armour commences on e, 6). f , 4 leaves g, 4 leaves (on reverse of g, 4, " Here begynnyth the treatise of fysshynge wyth an Angle.") h, 6 leaves, i, 4 leaves, "Here besrynnyth the blasynge of arms." a, 6 leaves, b, 6 leaves, c, 6 leaves, d, 7 "leaves. Here in this boke afore ben shewed the treatyses perteynynge to hawk- ynge and huntynge with others dyuers playsaunt materes belongynge unto noblesse : and also a ryght noble treatise of Cot armours : as in this present boke it may appere. And here we ende this laste treatyse whyche specv- fyeth of blasynge of armys. Empryuted at Westmestre, by Wynkyn de Worde, the yere of thyncarnacon of our lorde, M.CCCC.LXXXXVT. On the last leaf (d, 8) is the device of Wynkyn de Worde, and on the re- verse that of Caxton. This leaf is wanting in the copy in the British Museum. Copies upon Vellum are in the Collections of the Earl of Pembroke and the Right Hon. Thomas Grenville : and upon paper in the British Museum ; in the late Mr. Douce's Collection, now in the Bodleian; and in the late Mr. Dent's Library. Probably the finest extant upon paper was Mr. Hanrott's, which is now (1836) in the Collection of the Hon. George John Vernon. This edition was reprinted in facsimile, by Mr. Haslewood, Lond. 1810 ; and the Treatyse of Fysshing wyth an Angle, from this edition, was re- printed by W. "Pickering, in crown 8vo, with Baskerviue's Types. London, 182?. The first edition was printed at St. Alban's, i486, containing the Treatises of Hawking, Hunting, and Coat-Armour ; and reprinted by Markham, under the title of "The Gentleman's Academic, or the Booke of St. Albans : con- taining three most exact of excellent Bookes : the first of Hawking, the second of all the proper termes of Hunting, and the last of Annorie : all compiled by Juliana Barnes, in the yere from the incarnation of Christ, 1486 And now reduced into a better method by G. M. (Gervase Markham). London . printed for Humfrey Lownes. and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Church- Yard 1595." 4to. in. Here begynnyth a treatyse of fysshynge wyth an Angle Small 4to. The title over the wood-cut of a man angling: on the reverse of D, iiii. Here endeth the boke of Fysshynge wvth other dyuers maters. Imprynted at London, by Wynkyn de Worderdwellynge in Flete-strete, at the sygne of the Sonne. ^mall 4to, with wood-cuts. A to Diiij. This edition appears to have been published as a distinct treatise -. the concluding paragraph of the former edition is omitted, stating, "And for by cause that this present treatyse 13 sholde not come to the hondys of eche ydle persone, whyche wolde desire it yf it were enprynted allone by itself, & put in a lytyll plaunflet ; therfore 1 haue compylyd it in a greter volume of dyuerse bokys concernynge to gentyll & noble men. To the entent that the forsayd vdle persones whyche scholde haue but lytyll mesure in the sayd dysporte or fysshyng, sholde not by this meane vtterly dystroye it." The only copy known, which was for- merly Mr. Haworth'a, is now in the collection of George Wilkinson, esq. TV. Thebokeof hawkynge, and huntynge, and fysshynge. Small 4to. Wood-cut group of Men with hawk, as in W. de Worde's edition 1496. Reverse of C 7 II Thus endeth the boke of hawkynge. C 8, Here begynneth the boke of huntynge ; on reverse of F 1, four lines of the ballad: Therfore assaye tliem euerych one, &c. T Thus endeth the treatyse of huntynge, and other thynges. And here begynneth a treatyse of fysshynge wt an angle. Wood-cut, underneath. F, 2, commences Salomon, &c., and ends on reverse of H, iv. Here endeth the boke of hawkynge, huntynge, and fysshynge, and with many other dyuers maters. Imprynted in Flete-street, at ye sygue of ye sonne, by Wykyn de Worde, with his colophon. 46 leaves. The catchword throughout the volume is " Huntynge ;" this edition reads " Of Saynt Thomas tyde of Caunterbure." A copy of this edition, now in the possession of Mr. George Daniel, of Islington, is supposed to be unique. v. The booke of hanking hunting and fysshing, with all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kept. Small 4to. Over a rude engraving on wood, at the end of this portion there is no colophon. Here beginneth the booke of Hunting, whereunto is added the measures of blowing. Over a wood-cut, no colophon. Here beginneth a tretyse of Fysshyuge with an Angle. Over a wood-cut of a man angling. Imprynted at London, in Flete-streate, at the Sygne of the Rose Garlande, by Wylliam CopJande. B. L. 4to, p. 96. Described in the " Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica," p. 12. YI. The booke of hanking huntyng and fysshing, with all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kepte. Small 4to. Wood-cut of men and hawks, same as in Wynkyn de Worde, edition of 1496, folio. Imprinted at London, in Saynt Martyns paryshe in ye vinetre, upon the thre crane wharfe, by Wyllyam Coplande. A to E, iiii. Here begynneth the booke of Hunting, where unto is added the measures of blowyng. Rude cut with the Hares 14 Imprint as above. Fi to Jiiii. Here begynneth a tretyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle. Ki to Miiii. Heere endeth the booke of Hauking, Hunting, and Fysshyng, with other diuers matters. Imprynt as above. Formerly in Mr. Haslewood's Collection. A to M, each 4 leaves. vli. The booke of hauking huntyng and fysshing, wyth all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kept. Small 4to. [Most probably the same cut as in the preceding edition, but the title is wanting.] Imprynted at London in the Vyentre, uppon the Thre Craned Wharfe, by "Wyllyam Copland. Here begynneth the booke of Hunting, where unto is added the measures of blowyng. Imprynted at London in the ventre, upon the Thre Crane Wharfe. by me . William Copland. Here beginneth a tretyse of Fysshynge, with an Angle. Wood-cut. Imprinted at London in the Ventre, upon the Three Crane Wharfe. by Wyllyam Copland. 4to, A. to M., each 4 leaves. Now (1836) in the posses - sion of Mr. Pickering. vin. The Booke of hauking huntyng and fysshing, with all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kept. Small 4to. Wood-cut of men and hawks. Imprynted at London, in Paules Churche-yerde, by Robert Toye. Here begynneth the booke of Hunting, where unto is added the measures of blowyng. Rude wood-cut. Imprvnted at London, in Flete-strete, at the signe of the RoseGarlanu, by Wyllyam Copland, for Robert Toye. Here beginneth a tretyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle. Imprinted at London, in Flete-strete, at the sygne of the Rose Garland, by Wyllyam Copland. In the Collection of Earl Spencer. ix. The booke of hanking huntyng and fysshing, with all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kept. Small 4to. Wood-cut of men and hawks, as in Wynkyn de Worde's edition. Imprynted at London, in Paules Churche-yerde, by Abraham Vele Here begynneth the booke of Hunting, where unto is added the measure of blowing. Rude wood-cut with the hares. Imprynted at London, in Flete-strete, at the signe of the Rose Garland, by Wyllyam Copland, for Robert Toye. Here beginneth a tretyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle. Same cut as in Copland's edition. 15 Imprinted at London, in Paules Church-yarde, at the sygne of the Lambe, by Abraham Vele. 4to, A. to M., in 4's, containing 48 leaves, h, i, reads : " Of Saynt Benet, the xi July," In Mr. Pickering's possession (1836), formerly Mr. Milner's. Another copy, imperfect, is in the British Museum. x. The Booke of haukyng, huntyng, and fysshyng, with all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kept. Small 4to. Wood-cut of men and hawks, beneath the above title. On the recto of A, ii. " The true fourme of keping of haukes, as hath ben used in tymes past. And fyrst to speake of haukes, from an egge tyll they ben able to be taken." On the reverse of E, iiii, " Thus endeth the boke of haukyng." F, i. " Here beginneth the booke of Hunting, wherunto is added the measures of blowyng." Above a rude wood- cut, representing a man hold- ing a spear and blowing a horn, with dogs in chace. Reverse of F, i, commences with " Lykewysc as in the booke of Haukynge," &c. J, ii. "Here nowe folowyng shall be shewed all shyres and the byshop- ryches," &c. J, in. " The measures of blowyng of a home." /, iv. "The ende of the whole measures of blowyng." Reverse of J, iv, is blank. K, i. " Here beginneth a tretyse of Fysschynge wyth an Angle." Above a wood-cut of a man angling. Reverse of K, i, commences " Salomon in his parables," &c. Reverse of M, iv. "Here endeth the booke of haukyng, huntyng, and fysshyng, with other dyvers matters." " Imprynted at London, in Flete-streate, at the Sygne of the Rose Garlande, by Wylliam Coplande : for Rychard Tottell." B. L. 4to, 96 pages. There is a copy of this edition in the Library of the Right Honourable Thomas Grenville, at the British Museum. In a note at the end of the volume, Mr. Grenville observes, " This edition is not known to Ames or Herbert, nor has a second copy of it come to my knowledge, though there is one nearly the same, printed for Toye and Coplande. There is no date of the year of printing this book, but it appears, from Ames, that Coplande was fined by the Company of Stationers, in 1561, for printing these three Tracts. The present Edition of Tottell's differs in its colophon at least from those pointed out by Herbert as printed by Coplande, and except the re- versed cut before the treatise of Fishing, accords exactly with Toye's in its contents." There is probably another edition, by Coplande, yet undescribed one in Lothbury, over against St. Margaret's Church. xi. The boke of hawkynge huntynge and fysshinge, with all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kept. Small 4to. The treatise of Hawking ends on reverse of E. iiij, of Hunting on F, ij and of Fishing on reverse miiij. 16 Each treatise has a distinct colophon ; the last is " Here endeth the boke of Hawkyng, Huntyng, and Fyshyng, with other dyuers matters. Im- prynted at London, in Paul's Chyrch-yerde, by me, Hery Tab. Finis '' A. to M., in 4's. The only copy known is among Cryne's books in the Bodleian Library, xii. The boke of hawkynge huntynge and fysshynge, with all the property es and medecynes that are necessary e to be kepte Small 4to. On title, wood-cut, group of 8 birds. On the reverse of E, 4. Imprynted at London, in Forster-laen, by nit John Waley. Finis On F, 1. Here begynneth the boke of huntyng; and ends on the re- verse J, ii. Imprinted at London, in Forster Laen by John Waley. On K, 1, commences. Here begynneth a treatyse of fysshynge with an angle. Ends on M, 4. Here endeth the boke of Haukyng, Huntyng, and fysshyng, with other dyuers tnathers. Imprynted at London, in Forster laen, by John Waley Finis. A. to M. in fours, except 1, which has two leaves only. In all 46 leaves h. i, reads : "Of saynte Thomas tyde of Canter bur e." N.B. This copy may or may not be imperfect; in most copies the mea- sures of blowing are printed on I,iii, and I,iv, with the imprint of the 2nd part. But in this edition the imprint is at the end of the ballad, therefore it appears perfect ; it is not mentioned on the title. In the possession of Mr. Pickering (1836). xiii. The boke of haukyng huntynge and fysshyng, with all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kepte Small 4to. On title wood-cut of the Hawk within 6 scroll blocks and 2 flowers Imprynted at London in Flete strete by Wyllyam Powell. Here begynneth the booke of huntyng. Where unto is added the mea- sures of blowynge. Wood-cut with two dogs and a stag, and an ornament composed of four blocks, two on each side. Imprynted at London in Flete strete, at the sygne of the George, next to saynt Dunstoues churche by Wyllyam Powell. Here begynneth a tretyse of fysshynge with an angle. Wood-cut as in Coplande, with a border added in the outer and inner margin. Imprynted at London in Flete strte at the sygne of George next to sayn 1 Dunstones Church by Wyllyam Powell. h. i, reads : " Of saynt Benet the xi. of July." In Mr. Pickering's possession (1836), formerly "Tho. Baker. Col. Jo. Socius ejectus." A. to M. in 4, containing 48 leaves. BEST (Thomas) Concise Treatise on the Art of Angling. 12mo, Lond. 1787. 2d Edit. 12mo, Lond. 1789. 3d Edit. 1794. 4th Edit. 1798. 5th Edit. 1802. 6th Edit. 1804. 7th Edit. 1807. 8th Edit. 1808. 9th Edit. 1810. 10th Edit. 1814. (N.B. This Edition contains ISTobbes' Treatise on Trolling). 11 Edit. 18mo, Lond. advertised 1827. Royal 18mo, Lond. 1832. BIBLIOTHECA PiSCATOEiA. A Catalogue of Books upon Angling. (By William Pickering.) 12mo. Lond. 1836. Forming the Appendix to the " Piscatorial Reminiscences." Some copies were printed separately. It was formed upon Sir Henry Ellis's List, which he contributed to the British Bibliographer, in 1811. BINNELL (Robert) Description of the Eiver Thames, &c. with the City of London Jurisdiction and conservancy thereof, to which is added a brief description of those Fish, with their seasons, spawning times, &c. that are caught in the Thames, or sold in London. With some few observations on the nature, element, cloathing, numbers, passage, weirs, and sensation, &c. peculiar to Fish in general, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1758. BLACKER (W.) AET of ANGLING, and Complete System of Fly Making and Dying of Colours. Illustrated with plates, show- ing the different Processes of the Fly before it is finished ; giving the Angler a perfect knowledge of every thing requisite to complete him in his noble Art. 12mo, Lond. for the Author, 54, Dean Street, Soho, 1842. BLAGEAVE (J. Gent.) Epitome of the Art of Husbandry. 12mo, Lond. 1669, contains brief experimental Directions for the right use of the Angle. Reprinted 8vo, Lond. 1670, 8vo, Lond. 1685. BLAKEY (Robert) AN GLEE'S Complete Guide to the Rivers and Lakes of England and Wales. 12mo, Lond. Whittaker, 1853. BLAKEY (Robert) AN GLEE'S Guide to the Rivers and Lochs of Scotland. 12mo, Lond. Bogue, 1854. BLAKEY (Robert) ANGLING ; or how to Angle, and where to go. 12mo, Lond. Routledge, 1854. BLAKEY (Robert) Historical Sketches of the ANGLING LITEBA- TUEE of all Nations. 12mo, Lond. J. R. Smith, 1856. BLAKEY (Robert). Vide ANGLEE'S SONG BOOK; HINTS ON ANGLING. 2 18 BLOME (E.) Gentlemen's Recreations, treating on the Art of Horsemanship, Hunting, Fowling, Fishing, and Agriculture* Fol. Lond. 1686. Fol. Lond. 1710. BOAZ (Herman), the Angler's Progress, written July 4th, 1789. (A broadside.) 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. J. H. Burn, 1820, 3d Edit. Lond. 1820. 4th Edit. Newcastle, 1820. BOCCITJS (Gottlieb) Treatise on the Management of Fresh- Water Fish, with a Yiew to making them a source of profit to Landed Proprietors. 8vo, Lond. Yan Yoorst, 1841. Boccius (Grott.) Fish in Rivers and Streams, a Treatise on the production and management of Fish in Fresh Waters by arti- ficial spawning, breeding, and rearing, showing also the causes of the Depletion of all Rivers and Streams. 8vo, Lond. Van Yoorst, 1848. BOOK of the Salmon, in Two Parts. Part I, The Theory and Prin- ciples of Fly Fishing for Salmon, with Lists of Salmon Flies for every good River in the Empire. Part II, The Natural History of the Salmon, all its known habits described, and the best way of artificially breeding it explained. Usefully illus< trated with numerous coloured engravings of Salmon Flies and Salmon Fry. By EPHEMERA, Author of a " Hand Book of Angling," assisted by AKDEEW Yotns T G, of In vershin, Manager of the Duke of Sutherland's Salmon Fisheries. 12mo, Lond. Longman, 1850. BOOSEY (Thomas). Vide PISCATORIAL REMINISCENCES. BOWDITCH (Mrs. S.) Freshwater Fishes of Great Britain. 4to, Lond. 1828. BOWIKER (Richard), of Ludlow, The Art of Angling, im- proved in all its parts, especially Fly-Fishing. 12nio, Worcester (supposed date 1746). 2d Edit, by Charles Bowlker, of Ludlow, his son ; 8vo, Birmingham, Baskerville, 1774.. 3d Edit, 1780. 4th edit, 1786. 5th edit. 1792. A New Edition, 8vo, Ludlow, 1806. 8vo, Ludlow, 1814. 12mo, Ludlow, 1829. Many subsequent Editions have been printed at Ludlow and Birmingham. 19 BEABAZON (Wallop) on the Deep Sea and Coast Fisheries of Ireland. 8vo, Dublin, McGrlashan, 1848. BEIEFE Treatise of Fishing j with the Art of Angling. 4to, Lond. 1614. (This forms a part of the Jewell for Gentrie, by T. S. and is in fact but a reprint of the work ascribed to Juliana Barnes.) BEITISH Fish and Fisheries. 18mo, Lond. Religious Tract Soc. 1849. BEOOKES (Dr. B,.), The Art of. Angling, Bock and Sea Fishing, with a Natural History of River, Pond, and Sea Fish, 8vo, Lond, 1740. (The cuts chiefly borrowed from Willoughby, and the Treatise of Angling from Chetham.) 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond, 1743. Improved, with additions, and formed into a Dictionary, 8vo, Lond. 1766. 2d Edit. 17. 3d Edit. Lond, 1770. 4th Edit. 1774. 5th Edit. Lond. 1781. 6th Edit, Lond. 1785. 7th Edit. Lond. 1789. A New Edit. Lond. 1793, 1799, 1801, 1807, and Dublin, 1811. Also other Editions, BEOOKES (R), The Natural History of Fishes and Serpents, to which is added an Appendix, containing the whole Art of Float and Fly Fishing. 8vo, Lond. 1763. 8vo, Lond. 1790- BEOWN (J. J.) ANGLEE'S GUIDE, or complete Fisher's Manual 12ino, New York, 1849. BEOWNE (Moses) Piscatory Eclogues (first published without his name) 1729. A Second Edition was published, with his poems on various subjects, in 8vo, 1739. (The Author states that these poems were written in his twenty-third year.) A Third Edition, under the title of " Angling Sports" accom- panied with Notes, was published in 8vo, 1773, lu 1750, Moses Browne edited "Walton and Cotton's Angler, with a Preface and Notes, and some valuable Additions ; this was republished in 1759 and 1772, iu the former year drawing him into a controversy with Sir John Hawkins, who happened to be then publishing an improved edition of the same work. BFEN (James) FISHEE'S COMPLAINT, or Unfair Sportsmen Cen- sured. A Poem, in two Cantos. Dedicated to Anglers in General. 12mo. Maidstone, 1833. BTJSHNAN (J. S.) Nature, Structure and Economical use of Fishes. 12mo, Edinb. Lizars, 1840. Forming Vol. 35 of Jardine's " Naturalist's Library " 20 CANTOR (Theodore E.) Notes respecting some Indian Fishes, collected, figured, and described. 8vo, 1838. CANTOS (Th. E.) Catalogue of Malayan Fishes. 8vo, Calcutta, 1850. CAEPENTEE (William) ANGLEE'S ASSISTANT, comprising prac- tical Directions for Bottom Fishing, Trolling, &c. with ample instructions for the preparation and use of Tackle and Baits ; a descriptive Account of the habits and haunts of Fish, and a Geographical and Ichthyological Account of the Principal Rivers and Streams in England. 12mo, London, Bogue, 1848. Ee-issued by Eoutledge, Lond. 1852. CAEBOLL (W.), The. Anglers' Vade Mecum, containing an Ac- count of the Water Flies, their seasons, the kind of weather that brings them most on the water, the whole represented in twelve coloured plates ; to which is added a description of the different baits used in Angling, and where found. 8vo, Edin. 1818. CHAEFY (G-uiniad), The Fisherman; or, Art of Angling made easy. 8vo, Lond. n. d. 2d Edit. 8vo. A compilation by George Smeeton, printer, of St. Martin's Lane, who with his wife were burnt to death. CHAELETON (T. W. Royal-Navy), The Art of Fishing, a poem, 8vo, North Shields, 1819. CHATTO (W. A.). Vide ANGLEE'S SOUVENIE ; NOETH COUNTEY AN GLEES' G-AELANDS ; OLIYEB (Stephen) . CHEEK (J.) YOUNG ANGLEES' INSTEUCTOE. 12mo, Lond, Cheek, 1837-8 and 1840. CHETHAM (Jas. of Smedley) Angler's Vade Mecum ,- or, a compendious, yet full discourse of Angling. 8vo, Lond. 1681. 2d Edit. 8vo, London, 1689. 3d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1700. CHITTY (Edw.). Vide FLY FISHEE'S TEXT BOOK. CLAEKE (Capt.). Vide ANGLEE'S DESIDEEATI.M. CLEEICL T S. Vide RAMBLES and RECOLLECTIONS. CLIPFOED (Charles), The Angler, A Didactic Poem. 12mo. Lond. 1804. The real Author was William Henry Ireland, best known as the Forger of the Shakespeare Papers. 21 COZAYNE (Benjamin) Eules for Angling. The original and unpublished manuscript in the autograph of the Author, who was a relation and friend of Charles Cotton, occurs in the Rev. H. S. Cotton's Sale Catalogue, 20th Dec. 1838, Lot. 61. COLE (Ralph, G-ent.) The Young Angler's Pocket Companion. 12mo, Lond. 1795 & 1813. COLQTJHOTJN (John) The Moor and the Loch, with an Essay on Loch Fishery. 8vo, Edinb. Blackwood, 1840 ; 2d Edit. Lond Murray, 1841. 3d Edit. Edinb. Blackwood, 1851. COMPLEAT FISHEE ; or, the true Art of Angling. By J. S, See True Art of Angling. COMPLETE FISHEEMAN, or Universal Angler 5 to which is added the whole Art of Fly Fishing. 12mo, Lond. Fielding, N.D. COQUET-DALE Fishing Songs. Now first collected and edited by a North Country Angler (Thomas Doubleday). 12mo, Edin- burgh, Blackwood, 1852. Comprising the Fishing Garlands and Songs written by Robert Roxby (vide p. 322-3), with a history of their composition and biography of the Author, edited by his coadjutor and friend, Thomas Doubleday. COENISH (J.) Yiew of the Salmon and Channel Fisheries. 8vo, Lond. Longman, 1824. COTTON (Charles) Compleat Angler, being instructions how to Angle for a Trout or Grayling in a clear stream. Lond 1676 ; forming a second part to Walton. Vide Wajton, Cox (Nicholas) Gentleman's Eecreations, in four parts, viz. Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, Fishing, and Agriculture. 8vo, Lond. 1674. 2d Edit, 8vo, Lond. 1677. 3d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1686. 4th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1697. 5th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1706- 6th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1721, DANIEL (Eev. W. B.) Eural Sports. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1801-2 3 vols. royal 8vo, Lond. 1801. 3 vols. 4to, Lond. 1805. 3 vols. royal 8vo, 1812. Large Paper, in 4to. The edition of 1805 has considerable additions, which have extended the work to three volumes. It likewise contains additional plates, and proofs of all the larger subjects, which were originally taken off for separate sale. Supplement to the Rural Sports. Royal 8vo, 4to, and imperial 4to, Lond. 1813. The Supplement contains Anecdotes of Fish and Fishing, an Account of the Rivers of Great Britain, &c. 22- DAVY (Sir Humphry, Bart.) Salmonia ; or Days of Fly-Fishing, in a series of conversations, with some accounts of the habits of Fishes belonging to the genus Salmo. 12mo, Lond. Murray, 1828. 2d Edit, with engraved views, 12mo, Lond. 1829. 3d Edit. 12mo, Lond. 1832. 4th Edit, with additions by his brother, Dr. John Davy, 12mo, Lond. 1851. %* A review of this work appeared in the Quarterly, attributed to Sir "Walter Scott, and another by Professor Wilson, in Blackwood's Magazine. DAVY (John, M.D.) The Angler and his Friend, or Piscatory Colloquies and Fishing Excursions. Fcp. 8vo, Lond. Long- mans, 1855. DAWSON (T.W.) The TEOTJT FISHEE'S GUIDE. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1850. DEZAY (James E.) Fishes of New York. 2 vols. 4to, Albany, 1842. D[ENNYS] (J[ohn], Esq.) Secrets of Angling, teaching the choicest Tooles, Baytes, and Seasons for taking of any Fish in pond or riuer, practised and familiarly opened in three bookes, by J. D. Esquire. 12mo, Lond. 1613. 2d Edit, augmented with many approved experiments, by W. Lauson. Lond. printed by Roger Jackson, 1652. This poetical treatise is entered in the Stationers' Books as by John Dennys; but Walton ascribed it to John Davors, and by others without sufficient authority it is ascribed to Davies and Donne. It contains com- mendatory verses by Jo. Davies, and is dedicated by the Stationer R. J. to Mr. John Harborne, of Tackley, in the county of Oxford. In the title of this book is a wood-cut, representing two men, one with a sphere at the end of his angle, and on a label, Hold, hooke and line, Then all is mine the other with a fish, Well fayre the pleasure That brings such treasure. Reprinted in the Censura Literaria, with a short advertisement, and an index. 8ro, Lond. 1811. (A hundred copies taken off separately.) Beloe says, " Perhaps there does not exist in the circle of English Lite- rature a rarer book than this. Sir John Hawkins confessed he could never get a sight of it." Anecd. of Literature, vol. ii, p. 64. DODD (James Solas) Essay towards a Natural History of the Herring. 8vo, Lond. 1752. DONOVAN (Edward) Natural History of British Fishes, 5 vols. royal 8vo, Lond. 1802-8. 23 DOUBLEDAY (T.) Vide COQTJET-DALE FISHING SONGS ; and NORTH COUNTRY ANGLER'S GARLANDS. DUBRATJITJS'S NeweBookeof good Husbandry, very pleasant and of great profite both for Gentlemen and Yeomen, conteining the order and manner of making fish pondes, with the" breed- ing, preseruing, and multiply inge of the Carpe, Tench, Pike, and Troute, and also divers kinds of other fresh Fish. Trans- lated from the Latine. 4to, Lond. 1599. ELLIS (Sir Henry) Catalogue of Books on Angling, with brief notes of several of their authors. 8vo, Lond. 1811. Printed in the British Bibliographer, and a few copies taken off separately Reprinted in the Supplement to Daniel's Rural Sports, without acknow ledgment. EPHEMERA, i.e. Edward Fitzgibbon. Vide SHIPLEY, HAND BOOK or ANGLING. BOOK OP THE SALMON. WALTON & COTTON. ESSAY on the Eight of Angling in the Eiver Thames and in all other public Navigable Rivers. 8vo. Reading, Smart, n.d. A letter to a proprietor of a Fishery in the River Thames, in which an attempt is made to show in whom the Right of Fishing in public streams now resides. 2d Edit. 8vo, Reading, 1787. ETANS (W. of Uxbridge), The Art of Angling j or, Complete Fly Fisher. 8vo, Uxbridge, Lake, 1820. 8vo, London, Richardson. This book is taken almost verbatim from Bowlker's Treatise .r ISH ; how to choose and how to dress. By Piscator. 12mo, Lond. 1843 Second edit. 12mo, Lond. Longman, 1854. FISHERMAN'S Assistant in the Thames. 8vo, 1697. See Thomas Martin, of Palgrave's Catalogue. 8vo. Lynn, 1772. Proba bly the same work as Laws and Ordinances of the City of London relating to Fishing. 1697, post. FISHERMAN (The) ; or, Complete Guide for Anglers. Lond. 1814. 24 FISHING, with Angle or Net. Public Eight of, with Observations by Piscator. FISHING and HUNTING. 12mo, Lond. printed by Bailey, FLETCHER (Rev. Phineas, Eector of Hilgay, Norfolk) Sice lides, a Piscatory, as it hath been acted in King's College. 4to Cambridge, 1631. FLETCHEE (Eer. P.) Purple Island, or the Isle of Man ; to- gether with Piscatorie Eclogs and other Poeticall Miscellanies. 4to, Cambridge, 1633. FLETCHEE (Eev. P.) Piscatory Eclogues, with other Poetical Miscellanies, with copious notes [by Lord "Woodhouslee]. 8vo, Edin. 1771. FLY FISHEE'S (the Illustrated) TEXT BOOK. By Theophilus South, Gent. (i.e. Edward Chitty, Barrister-at-Law,). 8vo, with 23 Engravings. Lond. Ackermann, 1841 with additional Engravings, Lond. Bohn, 1845. FLY FISHING in Salt and Fresh "Water, with 6 Plates, represent ing Artificial Flies. 8vo, Lond. Van Voorst, 1851. FOBD (D.D.) Piscatio ; or, Angling, a Poem, written originally in Latin, and inscribed to Arch. Sheldon. 8vo, Oxon, 1733. Again published with original poems by the same author, by G-eorge Sylvester, Gent. 8vo. Lond. 1733. The original is in Musarum Anglicanarum Analecta, &c. 8^0, Oxon, 1692 p, 129. FBANCK (Eichard) Northern Memoirs, calculated for the Men dian of Scotland. To which is added the Contemplative ancl Practical Angler, by way of diversion. With a narrative of that experimented in England, and perfected in more remote and solitary parts of Scotland. By way of Dialogue. "Writ in the year 1658, but not till now made publick. 8vo, Lond. 1694. New Edit, with Preface and Notes, by Sir Walter Scott 8vo, Edin. 1821. N.B. Only 250 copies of the last Edition printed. One of the most curious parts of this work, p. 272, relates to the Burbolt, a fish rarely found, even in the Trent, &c. 25 FRASER (Alexander) Natural History of the Salmon. 8vo, In- verness, Carmthers, 1830. ERASER (Robert) Review of the Domestic Fisheries of Great Britain and Ireland. 4to, Edinb. 1818. FRY (W. H.) A complete Treatise on Artificial Fish-Breeding, including the Reports on the subject made to the French Academy and the French GTovernment, and particulars of the Discovery as pursued in England. Translated and edited by W. H. Fry. Post 8vo, New York, 1854. CJARDINER. A Booke of Angling or Fishing. Wherein is showed, by conference with Scriptures, the agreement betweene the Fisherman Fishes, and Fishing of both natures, Temporall and Spirituall. By Samuel Gardiner, Doctor of Divinitie. Matthew iv, 19. I will make you fishers of men. 18mo, London : Printed by Thomas Parfoot, 1606. Dedicated to Sir Henrie Gaudie, Sir Miles Corbet, Sir Hamond Le Strange, Sir Henry Spellman, Knights, my verie kind friends. G-ENTLEMAN ANGLER, containing short plain instructions where- by the most ignorant beginner may, in a little time, become a perfect artist in Angling for Salmon, &c. &c. 8vo. Lond. 1726. 2d Edit. 8vo, 1736. 3d Edit. 8vo, Lond. Hitch, without date. 8vo, Lond. 1753. 12mo, Lond. Kearsley, 1786. This work was again printed as a novel publication, in 1786, viz. as above, by a gentleman, who has made it his diversion upwards of fourteen years. (In the first and other editions twenty-eight years' experience.) G-ENTLEMAN FARMER, containing North's Discourse of Fish and Fish Ponds. 8vo. Lond. 1726. GILBERT (William) Angler's Delight, containing the whole art of neat and clean Angling ; wherein is taught the readiest way to take all sorts of Fish, from the Pike to the Minnow, together with their proper baits, haunts, and time of Fishing for them, whether in mere, pond, or river. As also the method of fishing in Hackney River, and the names of the best stands there ; with the manner of making all sorts of good 3 26 tackle fit for any water whatsoever. Dedicated to Sir Richard Fisher. 12mo, Lond. 1676, and in 1682. In this book, the Angler's Delight, at p. 14, we read of Barbel frequenting London Bridge; p. 31 the fresh title of the second part. The method of fishing, &c. occurs, p. 38. "Then go to Mother Gilbert's, at the Flower de Luce, at Clapton, near Hackney, and whilst you are drink- ing a pot of ale, bid the maid make you two or three pennyworth of ground bait, and some paste (which they do very neatly and well), p. 40. There is an excellent stand in the second meddow, on the left hand, beyond the ferry, under a willow tree ; in the midst of the meddow by the water side." Mr. Haslewood, noticing the edition of 1676, says, there was probably an earlier edition, from the date of the licence for the press, that being "with allowance, October 20, 1674, Roger L'Estrange." GIEAED (Charles) Contributions to the Natural History of the Fresh Water Fishes of North America. 4to, New York, 1852. Forming a portion of Vol. 3 of the Smithsonian Contributions to Know- ledge. GOSSE (P. H.) Natural History of Fishes. 12mo, Lond. Soc. for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 1854. GEAY (John Edward) Catalogue of the Fish in the British Museum. Part I, Chondropterygia. 12mo, Lond. 1851. GEAY (John Edward) List of British Fish in the Collection of the British Museum, with Synonyma, 12mo, Lond. 1851. GEEEN (W.) Vide NOETH COTJNTBY ANGLEE'S GAELANDS. GEITTITH (Roger, Water Bailiff,) Essay to prove that the Jurisdiction and Conservancy of the River Thames, &c. is committed to the Lord Mayor and City of London, both in point of Right and Usage. To which is added, a Description of those Fish which are caught in the River Thames. 8vo, Lond. 1746. See Binnell. GEIFFITH (Edward) Animal Kingdom Class Fishes. By P. B. Lord, MJ>. 8vo, Lond. Whittaker, 1834. G[EYKDALL'S] (W[illiam]) Hawking, Hunting, Fouling, and Fishing, with the true measures of Blowing, now newly collected by W. G. Faukener. 4to, Lond. Islip, 1596. Haw- king, Hunting and Fishing, with the true measures of Blowing. Newly corrected and amended, 4to, Lond. Edw. Aide, 1596. This book has a square wood-cut in the lower part of the title, of a man with several hooks near him. A copy of the wood-cut occurs in one of Bagford's volumes of scraps, in the Harleian Collection of Manuscripts, in the British Museum. In Aide's edition 'Fowling ' is omitted. 27 (Francis Buchanan) Account of the Fishes found in the River Ganges. 4to, with vol. of plates. Edinb. 1822. HAMILTON (Robert) British Fishes. 2 vols. 12mo, Edinburgh, Lizars, 1852. Forming Vols. 36 and 37 of Jardine's "Naturalist's Library!" HAND BOOK OF ANGLING, teaching Fly Fishing, Trolling, Bottom Fishing, and Salmon Fishing, with the Natural History of River Fish, and the best modes of Catching them. By Ephemera (Edward Fitzgibbon), of "Bell's Life in London." Fcap. 8vo, Lond. Longman, 1847 2d Edit, enlarged, 12mo, Lond. Ibid. 1848 3d Edit, corrected and improved, fcp. 8vo, Lond. Ibid. 1853. HANOYER MAGAZINE, No. 23, March 21, 1763, contains the translation of a letter giving an account of a method to breed Fish to advantage. 8vo, Lond. 1778. HANSAED (Q-eorge Agar) Trout and Salmon Fishing in Wales. 8vo, Lond. 1834. HEEBEET (W. H.) Frank Forrester's Fish and Fishing of the United States and British Provinces of North America. 8vo, Lond. Bentley, 1849. HEEBEET (W. H.) Supplement to Frank Forrester's Fish and Fishing of the United States, &c. Fcp. 4to, New York, 1850. HINTS ON ANGLING, with Suggestions for Angling Excursions in Spain and Belgium, &c. By Palmer Hackle, Esq. (i. e. Robert Blakey). 8vo, Lond. Robinson, 1846. HINTS TO ANGLEES ; or, the Art of Angling epitomised in verse, with explanatory notes by T. F. S[alter], an old Piscator, containing directions for making ground baits, pastes, &c. 8vo, Lond. 1808. HINTS on Shooting, Fishing, and the use of the Rod and Rifle, both on Sea and Land, and on the Fresh Water Lochs of Scotland: being the experience of Christopher Idle, Esq. Fcp. 8vo, Lond. Longman, 1855. HITCHCOCK (E.) Report on the Geology, &c. of Massachusetts (containing a Catalogue of Fishes). 8vo, Amherst, 1835. 28 HOFLAND (T. C.) BRITISH ANGLER'S MANUAL, or the Art of Angling in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland ; with some Account of the Principal Rivers, Lakes, and Trout Streams in the United Kingdom, with Instructions for Fly Fishing, Trolling, &c. Numerous Plates. 8vo, Lond. 1839. New Edit, by E. Jesse, 8vo, Lond. Bohn, 1848. HORE (H. F.) Inquiry into the Legislative Control and Improve- ments of the Salmon and Sea Fisheries of Ireland. 8vo, Dublin, 1850. HOWITT. Vide ANGLER'S MANUAL. HOWLETT (Robert, 'near forty years a practitioner in this art') School for Recreation ; or, a Guide to the more Ingenious Exercises. (P. 158, to 182 on Fishing) 8vo, Lond. 1784. Lond. 1701. 8vo, Lond. 1710. 8vo, Lond. 1720. 8vo, Lond. 1732. 6th Edit. Lond. 1736. HOWLETT (R.). Vide ANGLER'S SURE GUIDE. HUSBANDMAN'S JEWEL, with the Art of Angling, including Fish and Fish Ponds. HUTCHINSON (J.) Natural History of the Frog-fish of Surinam. 4to, York, 1797. INNOCENT EPICURE ; or, the Art of Angling, a Poem. 12mo, Lond. 1697. 2d Edit. 1713. 3d Edit. 12mo, 1741, with the title of Angling, a Poem, only. The Preface is by N. Tate, to the first edition, to whom it is sometimes attributed, but the initials of the compiler head the introductory Epistle, J. S. to C. S., supposed to be the same with the author of the True Art of Angling. IRISH Fisheries, State of. 8vo, Dublin, McGlashan, 1852. JACKSON (John, of Tanfield Mill) Practical Fly Fisher, more particularly for Grayling, or Umber. 8vo, Lond. Faiiow, 1854. JACOBS (S. L.) Method of Breeding Fish to Advantage. 8vo, Lond. Mackintosh, 1788. 29 JAEDINE (Sir William) British Salmonidae, Parts 1 and 2. Polio, Lond. Highley, 1839-41. JAEDINE (Sir William) Fishes of the Perch Family. 12mo, Edinburgh, Lizars, 1852. Forming Vol. 38 of Jardine's " Naturalists' Library." JESSE (Edward, Esq. Deputy Surveyor of His Majesty's Parks) Gleanings in Natural History, with Local Recollections, to which are added Maxims and Hints for an Angler. Post 8vo, Lond. Murray, 1832. 2d Series, 8vo, Lond. 1834. 3d Series, 1835. The 3 Series, in 2 vols. 12mo, 3838. 6th Edit, in 1 vol. 12mo, Lond. Murray, 1845. JESSE (E.) ANGLEE'S RAMBLES. Post 8vo, Lond. Van Voorst, 1836. JEWELL for G-ENTBIE ; being an exact Dictionary, or true Me- thod to make any man understand all the Arts, Secrets, and Worthy Knowledges belonging to Hawking, Hunting, Fow- ling and Fishing, together with all the true measures for winding the Home. Now newly published, and beautified with all the rarest experiments that are known and practised at this day. Printed at London by John Helme, in St. Dunstan's Church Yard, in Fleet Street, 1614, 4to. Vide Briefe Treatise of Fishing. JOLLY ANGLES ; or, Water-side Companion. 8vo, Lond. Wilson, 1833. 7th Edit. Lond. (1853). JONES'S GUIDE to Norway, and Salmon Fisher's Pocket Compa- nion. Edited by Frederic Tolfrey. 12mo (with coloured plates of Flies). Lond. Longman, 1848. KENTISH AN GLEE ; or, the Young Fisherman's Instructor, shewing the Nature and properties of Fish, which are angled for in Kent. 12mo, Canterb. 1804. KIDD'S Instructions for the Art of Angling. 18mo, Lond. Kidd, 1820. KIEKBEIDE (John) THE NOETHEEN ANGLEE, or FLY-FISHEE'S COMPANION. 12mo, Carlisle, 1837, Lond. Tilt, 1840. 3 30 EJETLAND (J. P.) Eeport on the Zoology of Ohio. Svo, Colum- bus, 1828. KNOX (Dr.) Fish and Fishing in the lone Grlens of Scotland, with a History of the Propagation, Growth, and Metamorphoses of the Salmon. Post Svo, Lond. Eoutledge, 1854. JJAMBEET (James) Country Man's Treasure, to which is added the Art of Hawking, Hunting, Angling, &c. SYO, Lond. 1676, 1683. LANMAN (C.) Adventures of an Angler in Canada, &c. Post Svo, London, Bentley, 1848. LANMAN'S Adventures in the Wilds of North America, including Fishing Adventures in the Lakes, and Chapters on Salmon and Trout Fishing, Basse and Eock Fishing, Pike Fishing, and Fisliing in General. Edited by C. E. Weld. 16mo, Lond. Bentley, 1854. LASCELLES (Eobert, Esq.) Angling, Shooting, Coursing. Svo, 1815. 2d Edit. Svo, Lond. 1818. LATHY (T. P. Esq.), The Angler, a Poem in ten cantos, com- prising proper instructions in the Art, Flies, Bait, Pastes, &c. with upwards of twenty beautiful cuts. Svo. Lond. 1820. This Poem is only a rifacimento of The Anglers' Eight Dialogues in Verse, without acknowledgment; some copies are dated 1819, with the following title, " The Angler, a Poem, in ten cantos, by Piscator." Vide Gentleman's Magazine, 1819, Part II, p. 405. Twenty copies were printed on thick paper, and one on vellum. LAWS and ORDINANCES of the City of London relating to Fishing. 1697, 1785. LIST of Natural Flies, taken by Trout, &c. in the Streams of Eipon. 12mo, Lond. Simpkin, 1854. LONDON ANGLEE'S BOOK ; or, Waltonian Chronicle, containing much original information to Anglers generally, combined with numerous amusing songs, and anecdotes of Fish and Fishing, never before published, &c. Svo, Lond. Baddeley (the Author). 1834. LOED (P. B.) Fishes, Svo, Lond. Whittaker, 1834. Forming Vol. 10 of Griffith's "Animal Kingdom." 31 .MACKINTOSH (Alexander, of Great Driffield, Yorkshire.) The Driffield Angler, in Two parts ; or, Complete English Angler. 18mo, Gainsborough. Several Editions. MAEKHAM (Gervase) Cheap and Good Husbandry. 4to, Lond. 1615, contains a short chapter on Fish and Fish Ponds, 1616, 1631, 1658. 13th Edition, 1676. MAEKHAM (Gervase) Young Sportsman's Instructor in Angling, Fowling, Hawking, Hunting. 48mo, sold at the Golden Ring, in Little Britain, price Qd. Lond. 1652. Reprinted by Gosden, 1820. (Advertised, 1744, by a second title, as) A Compleat and Experienced Angler, in two parts; or, the Angler's Vade Mecum. 12mo, printed for Conyers. There was another Edition (same size) printed by S. Gumidge at Worcester, n.d. the portion relating to Hawking is omitted. Among the additions by Gervase Markham to Maison Rustique ; or, the Couutrey i'arme, compiled in the French tongue, by Charles Stevens and John Liebault, also translated by Richard Surflet. Fol. Lond. 1616. Book iv, chap, xi xvii, relate to the Poole, Fish-pond, and Ditch, for Fish. In the modern editions of La Maison Rustique, will be found much useful matter relating to Angling and Fishing, as now practised in France. MAEKHAM'S (Gervase) Countrey Contentments ; or, the Hus- bandman's Recreations. 1st Edit. 4to, Lond. 1611. 2d Edit. 1613. 3d Edit. 1615. 4th Edit. 1631. 5th Edit. 1635, 6th Edit. 1639. 7th Edit. 1640. 8th Edit. 1649. 9th Edit. 1656. 10th Edit. 1668. llth Edit. 1675. The first edition does not contain the Treatise on Angling. The Treatise is headed, " The whole Art of Angling; as it was written in a small treatise in rime, and now for the better understanding of the reader put into prose, and adorned and enlarged." The rimes from which the Art of Angling was taken, were probably those by JolmDennys, in his Secrets of Angling, 1613. It is word for word the same as the Treatise published under the title of " The Pleasures of Princes," vide postea. MAESHALL (H.) on Restoring and Preserving the Salmon Fisheries of Great Britain, 1855. MAETIN (J.) Angler's Companion and Guide to the Whitehouse Fishery ; to which is added, a Trip to Broxbourn, or a Trol- ling Excursion. 12mo, London, Cowie and Strange, n. d. MAETIN (Rev. James) ANGKLEE'S GUIDE ; the most complete and Practical ever written. To which is added a graphic and laughable Story, entitled " The Three Jolly Anglers." 12mo, Lond. Cox, 1854. MASCAI/L (Leonard), Booke of Fishing with Hooke and Line, and all other instruments thereunto belonging ; also of sundrie 32 Engines and Traps, to take Polcats, Buzzards, Eats, Mice, &c. &c. with very curious woodcuts of the pike and proche hook, instruments, &c. &c. 4to. Lond. 1590, printed by John Wolfe. Lond. 1596. Lond. 1600. Lond. 1606. This Treatise contains a few improvements on Juliana Barnes, with remarks on the preservation of fish in ponds. MAXIMS and HINTS for an Angler, and Miseries of Fishing. Illustrated by Drawings on Stone, to which are added Maxims and Hints for a Chess Player. 12mo, Lond. Murray, 1833. 2d Edit. 1839. New Edition, 12mo, Lond. Murray, 1855. This volume is attributed to Richard Penn, Esq., the great grandson of William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania. The author's name is added to the new edition. MCCLELLAND (John) Indian Cyprinidse. 4to, Lond. Parbury, 1839. MED WIN (Thomas, Esq. late of the Guards), The Angler in Wales ; or, Days and Nights of Sportsmen. 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1834. MEMOIR (an authentic historical) of the Schuylkill Fishing Com- pany of the State of Schuylkill, from its establishment on that Romantic Stream, near Philadelphia, in the year 1732, to the present time. By a Member. 8vo, Philadelphia, Judah Dobson, 1830. An amusing account of a very ancient Fishing Club, founded by a few of the original settlers in Pennsylvania, many of them emigrants with Penn to the New World, residents in and near the young thinly inhabited City of Pennsylvania. In the Catalogue are names of very high distinction; and the Association still exists. New York edition of Walton and Cotton. MILLEE'S (Dr.) Letters on the Herring Fishery in the Moray Frith (size, date, &c. not known). MITCHELL (W. A.) on the Pleasure and Utility of Angling, a paper read to the Waltonian Club. Post 8vo, BTewcastle-upon- Tyne, Charnley, 1824. MODEEN Angler, containing the most esteemed Methods of Angling for every species of pond and river fish, &c. 8vo, pp. 24, Derby, Eichardson. MONEO (Alexander, M.D.) on the Structure and Physiology of Fishes. Folio, Edinb. 1785. MOTILE (Thomas) The Heraldry of Fish. 8vo, Lond. Van Yoorst, 1842. 33 iN AMES of Fish and their Seasons. 4to, [a broadside ?] NEIL'S COMPLETE ANGLER ; or, the Whole Art of Fishing. 10th Edit. 8vo, 1804. 20th Edit. 1830. NEW and Excellent Experiments, and Secrets in the ART OF ANG-LING ; being directions for the whole Art. 12rao, 1st Edit. 1675. 2d Edit. Lond. 1677. 3d Edit. 1684. Vide Accomplished Lady's Delight. NEWLAND (Bey. Henry) THE ERNE, its Legends and its Fly- Fishing. Post 8vo, Lond. Chapman and Hall, 1851. NEWLAND (Rev. Henry) FOREST SCENES in Norway and Sweden, being Extracts from the Journal of a Fisherman. 12mo, Lond. Koutledge, 1854. NSCHOL (R.). Vide NORTH COUNTRY ANGLER'S GARLANDS. NOBBES (Rev. Robert, M. A. of Northampton) Complete Trol- ler ; or, the Art of Trolling. 8vo, Lond. 1682. Reprinted in fac-simile, 1790. 3d Edit, prefixed to the Angler's Pocket Book. 8vo, Norwich, no date. 4th Edit, appended to another Edition of the Angler's Pocket Book. 8vo, Lond. 1805. Nobbes' Art of Trolling. New Edition, 8vo, Lond. 1814. There have been several Editions since 1814. From the circumstance of the author of this work signing himself M. A. at the end of his verses on the Antiquitie and Invention of Fishing, and from the Commendatory Verses by Cambridge men in the first edition of this work, printed 1682, I suspect him to have been the Robert Nobbes mentioned in Bishop Kennet's Manuscript Collections, as holding the Vicar, ges of Apethorp and Wood Newton, in Northamptonshire, in 16?6. I belie" e he succeeded Dr. Robert South. Sir H. E. The second edition was a reprint of 1682 in fac-simile, in 1790, by John Barker. NOBLE (Robert) DE ARTE PISCATORIA. A Manuscript in the possession of the Editor of the New York Edition of Walton and Cotton ; it is fully described in the Appendix to that work. NORTH'S (Hon. Roger) Discourse of Fish and Fish Ponds. Done by a Person of Honour. 8vo, Lond. printed for Curll, 1713, 1714, 1715, Large 4to, Lond. 1773, with the author's name in the title-page. : to the Gentleman Farmer. 8vo. 3h. 34 NORTH COUNTRY ANGLER ; or, the Art of Angling, as practised in the Northern Counties of England. 8vo, Lond. 1786. 2d Edit. 1787. 3d Edit. 8vo, Leeds, 1800. 4th Edit. 12mo, Lond. Eichardson, 1801. 5th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1817. NORTH COUNTRY ANGLER'S GARLANDS. A Collection of Right Merrie Grarlands for North Country Anglers. Post 8vo, New- castle, Charnley, 1842. A List of the Pieces in this Volume, with the Dates of their original Pub- lication, and Names of the Authors, now first given correctly. 1. The Angler's Progress ; a Poem, developing the pleasure the Angler receives, from the dawn of the propensity in infancy till the period of his becoming a complete Angler. 2. The Fisher's Garland for 1821. 3. The Fisher's Garland for 1822. 4. The Fisher's Garland for 1823. 5. The Fisher's Garland for 1824. 6. The Tyne Fisher's Farewell to his Favourite Stream, on the approach of Winter, 1824. 7. The Fisher's Garland for 1825. 8. The Fisher's Garland for 1826. 9. The Fisher's Garland for 1827. 10. The Fisher's Garland for 1828. 11. The Fisher's Garland for 1829. 12. The Fisher's Garland for 1830. 13. The Fisher's Garland for 1831. 14. The Fisher's Garland for 1832. 15. The Fisher's Garland for 1833. 16. The Fisher's Garland for 1834. 17. The Fisher's Garland for 1835. 18. The Fisher's Garland for 1836. 19. The Fisher's Garland for 1837. 20. The Fisher's Garland for 1838. 21. The Fisher's Garland for 1839. 22. The Fisher's Garland for 1840. 23. The Fisher's Garland for 1841. 24. The Fisher's Garland for 1842. * 25. The Fisher's Garland, Autumn number for 1842. 26. The Fisher's Garland for 1843. Thus far were collected into one volume, according to the Title given above, the subsequent ones separately printed are : 35 27. The Fisher's Garland for 1844. Printed for William Garret. 28. The Auld Fisher's Invitation to his Friend, 1844. Ditto, 29. The Fisher's Garland for 1845. Ditto. No. 1 was written by Herman Boaz, and originally printed in 1789. Fide BOAZ. Nos. 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29 were written by Robert Roxby and Thomas Doubleday conjointly Roxby breathing into them the poetical spirit, and Doubleday making their joints flexible. Nos. 3, 6, 13, 16, 20, 21, and 22 were written by William Gill Thompson. No. 9 was written by William Green. No. 10 and 11 were written by Thomas Doubleday. No. 15 was written by Robert Nichol. Nos. 17, 18, and 19 were written by William Andrew Chatto. O'CONNOR (R.) INTRODUCTION to the FIELD SPOETS of France, being a Practical View of Hunting, Shooting and Fishing. Post 8vo, Lond. (printed at St. Omer) Murray, 1846. O' GORMAN. The Practice of ANGLING, particularly as regards Ireland. 2 vols. post 8vo, Dublin, 1845. OLIVER (Stephen, the younger, of Aldwark, i.e. W. A. Chatto) Scenes and Recollections of Fly Fishing, in Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmoreland. 12mo, Lond. 1834. OPPIAN'S Halieuticks of the Nature of Fishes and Fishing of the Ancients ; in five books. Translated from the Greek (into English verse), with an Account of Oppian's Life and Wri- tings, and a Catalogue of his Fishes. 8vo, Oxford, 1722. PAPPB (L. M.D.) Synopsis of the Edible Fishes at the Cape of Good Hope. 8vo, Cape Town, 1854. PARNELL (Richard, M.D., F.R.S.E.) Fishes of the Forth. 8vo, Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1838. PENN (Richard). Vide MAXIMS AND HINTS. PENNANT (Thomas) British Zoology. 4 vols. 8vo, last edit. Lond. 1812. Vol. iii contains the Fishes 36 PERPETUAL MEMOEANDUM, and Universal Pocket Book, for Ladies, Gentlemen, and Men of Business together with the Complete Art of Angling, with the different baits, &c. in every month of the year. 8vo. The advertisement of this little treatise, which consists of only thirty-three pages, is dated Penrith, 1791. PHELPS (S.) Treatise on the Importance of extending the British Fisheries. 8vo, Lond. Simpkin, 1818. PHILLIPS (Henry) The True Enjoyment of ANGLING. 8vo, Lond. Pickering, 1843. (A few copies were printed on large paper for presents.) PICKEEING (Wm.) Vide BIBLIOTHECA PISCATOEIA. PISCATOEY ECLOGUES : an Essay to introduce new Rules and new Characters into Pastoral. To which is prefixed a Discourse in defence of this undertaking, with practical and philosophical Notes, 8vo, Lond. 1729. PISCATOEIAL Reminiscences and Gleanings, by an Old Angler and Bibliopolist (Thos. Boosey). Fcap. 8vo, Lond. Pickering, 1835. PLAN for the Improvement of the Fishery in the River Thames. 8vo, Lond. 1787. PLEASUEE of PEINCES ; or, Good Men's Recreations, containing a Discourse of the General Art of Fishing with the Angle, or otherwise, of all the hidden secrets belonging thereunto, together with the choyce, ordering, breeding, and dyetting of the fighting cocke, being, a worke never in that nature handled by any former author. 4to. Lond. 1614. 4to, Lond. printed by T. S. for John Browne, 1615. 4to, Lond. Norton, 1635. This work forms a part of the second book of G. Markham's English Husbandman, but not with a copy of 1613, and also printed in Markham's Country Contentments . PLEASUEES or ANGLING, translated from the Musse Anglican ; see Miscellany Poems and Translations, by Henry Travers, M.A. of Nun-Burnholme, in the East Riding of Yorkshire. York, 1740. 8vo, pp. 131-137. For some notice of Travers, the Translator, seePegge's Anonymiana, p. 78. POLLAED (Richard, Esq. of Clapton), The New and Complete Angler ; or, Universal Fisherman. 8vo, Lond. 1802. 37 PRACTICAL ANGLER. By Piscator. 8vo, Lond. Simpkin, 1843 and 1846. PRACTICAL FLY-FISHING founded on Nature, with Illustration, for imitating all the most useful Flies, also Remarks on Fly Eods. By Arundo. 12mo, Lond. Johns, 1849. ;>_, PRACTICAL Observations on Angling in the River Trent ; by a Gentleman resident in the neighbourhood, who has made the amusement his study for upwards of twenty years. [Charles Snart, attorney, Newark.] 8vo, Newark, 1801. 12mo, Lond. Robinson, 1812. PULMAN (Q-. P. R.) BOOK OF THE AXE ; containing a Piscatorial and Topographical Description of that charming Stream, and a History of the Towns, Tillages, &c. on its Banks. Fop. 8vo, Lond. Longman, 1841. 2d Edit. fcp. 8vo, 1844. 3d Edit, post 8vo, with several Illustrations and a Map, 1854. PULMAN (G. P. R.) VADE VECUM OP FLY-FISHING FOR TROUT; being a complete practical Treatise on that branch of the Art of Angling, with plain and copious Instructions for the Manu- facture of artificial Flies, &c. Fcp. 8vo, Lond. Longman, 1841. 2d Edit. 1844. 3d Edit, re-written and greatly enlarged, 1851. PULMAN (Q-. P. R.) RUSTIC SKETCHES, being Rhymes on Ang- ling and other subjects of Rural Life, in the Dialect of the West of England, with Notes and a Glossary. Fcp. 8vo, Lond. Longman, 1842. 2d Edit, post 8vo, Lond. J. G. BeU, 1853. RAFINESQUE (C. S.) Ichthyologia Ohiensis, or Natural History of the Fishes inhabiting the River Ohio and its tributary streams. 8vo, Lexington, Kentucky, 1820. RAMBLES AND RECOLLECTIONS OF A FLY-FISHER. Illustrated, with an Appendix, containing ample Instructions to the Novice inclusive of Fly-making, and a List of really useful Flies. By Clericus. Post 8vo, Lond. Chapman & Hall, 1854. 4 38 RAMSBOTTOM (R.) THE SALMON, and its Artificial Propagation. 8vo, 1854. RENNIE'S (James, M.A. Professor of Zoology, King's College,) Alphabet of Scientific Angling, for the use of Beginners (with a portrait of Christopher North). 12mo, Lond. 1833. REPOET of the Commissioners of Fisheries in Ireland for 1853. Folio, Dublin, Thorn. 1854. REPOETS on the Fishes, Reptiles, and Birds of Massachusetts (By D. H. Storer and W. B. O. Peabody). 8vo, Boston, 1839. RICHAEDSON (Sir John) Fauna Boreali- Americana. Fishes. 4to, Lond. Bentley, 1836. RIYEE DOVE ; with some quiet Thoughts on the happy practice of Angling near to the Seat of Mr. Charles Cotton, at Beresford Hall, in Staffordshire. (By J. L. Anderdon), 12mo (no place or printer's name.) This edition was printed for private circulation. Six copies were printed in 4to ; six copies also of the 12mo size were printed on tinted paper. RIVEE DOVE ; with some quiet Thoughts on the happy practice of Angling. (By J. L. Anderdon) , 12mo, Lond. Pickering, 1847. RONALDS (Alfred) Fly Fisher's Entomology, illustrated by co- loured representations of the natural and artificial Insect, with observations and instructions relative to Trout and Grayling Fishing. Post 8vo, Lond. 1836. 2d Edit. Lond. 1839. 4th Edit. Lond. Longman, 1850. ROXBT (R.). Vide NOETH COUNTEY ANGLEE'S G-AELANDS. ROYAL IEISH FISHEEIES COMPANY. First Report. Dublin, 1849. Second Ditto. 1851. RULES AND REGULATIONS of the Walton and Cotton Club, insti- tuted 19th March, 1817. 4to, Lond. 1821. Revised, 8th April, 1840. Sq. 8vo, Lond. 1840. RULES AND REGULATIONS of the Cambridge University Walton and Cotton Club. Instituted 25th April, 1825. 4to, Carnb. 1826. 39 RULES AND OEDEES for Fishing in the Thames and in the Waters of the Medway, 8vo, 1785. 8vo, Lond. 1827. Vide Binnell and Griffith. RUSSELL (Patrick) Descriptions and Figures of 200 Fishes col- lected on the Coast of Coromandel. 2 vols. folio, Loud. 1803. SALTEE (Robert, Esq.), The Modern Angler, being a practical Treatise on the Art or Fishing, &c. in a series of Letters to a Friend. Oswestry, 1811. The letters were addressed to the Rev. Morgan Pryse. SALTEE (T. F. Gent, of Clapton), The Angler's Guide, being a New, Plain, and Complete Practical Treatise on Angling, for Sea, River, and Pond Fish, deduced from many years' ex- perience and observation. 8vo, Lond. 1814. 2d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1815. 3d Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1815. 4th Edit. 8vo, Lond. 1816. 5th Edit. 8vo, Lond. . 6th Edit. 12mo, Lond. 1826. 7th Edit. 12mo, Lond. 1830. 8th Edit. 12mo, Lond. 1833. 12mo, Lond. Maynard, 1841. 12mo, Lond. Bohn. The Troller's Guide was added to the 12mo. and later editions. SALTEE (T. F.) Vide HINTS TO ANG^EES. SALTEE'S Young Angler's Guide ; abridged from the above work, 18mo. 2d Edit. 12mo, Lond. 3d Edit. 12mo, Lond. 1829. SALTEE'S Troller's Guide, being a Complete Practical Treatise on the Art of Trolling or Fishing for Pike and Jack, with twenty- eight plates. 12mo, Lond. 1820. 12mo, 2d Edit. 1830. SANNAZAEIUS (Ja.) Osiers, a Pastoral, translated from the Latin of Sannazarius, with some account of Sannazarius and his Piscatory Eclogues. 4to, Camb. 1724. SANNAZAEIUS'S Piscatory Eclogues, by Rooke. 8vo, Lond. 1726. SAUNDEES (James, Esq. of Newton Awbery, upon Trent), The Compleat Fisherman, or Universal Angler, being a large and particular account of all the several ways of Fishing now practised in Europe. 12mo, Lond. 1724. 2d Edit. Lond. 1778. 4to, Edit. Fielding and Walker, Lond. n. d. The first author that mentions silk -worm gut. 40 SCHOMBTJEGZ (Sir Eobert H.) Natural History of the Fishes of Guiana. 2 vols. 12mo, Edinb. Lizars, 1841-3. Forming vols. 39 and 40 of Jardine's " Naturalist's Library/"' SCHTTLTES' (Henry), Essay on Aquatic Eights, intended as an illustration of the law relative to Fishing, &c. 8vo, Lond, 1811. SCBOPE (W.) DATS AND NIGHTS OP SALMON FISHING IN THE TWEED ; with a Short Account of the Natural History and Habits of the Salmon, Instructions to Sportsmen, &c. Royal 8vo. Lond. Murray, 1843. Reissued in 1825, with a less number of plates. SECEETS of ANGLING, by C. G-., a brother of the Angle. 12mo, Lond. 1705. SHAW (J.) Observations on the Growth of Salmon Fry. 4to, Edinb. 1840. SHILLINGLAW (Rev. Thomas), A New System of Angling. 2 vols. 18mo. (Vide Pickering. Eib. Piscat.) Intended to have been published by subscription, but never appeared, SHIPLEY'S (William) True Treatise on the Art of Fly- Fishing, Trolling, &c. as practised on the Dove, and on the principal Streams of the Midland Counties. Edited by Edward Fitz- gibbon. 8vo, Lond. 1838. SHIELET'S (Thomas, of Richmond, Surrey), Angler's Museum ; or, the whole Art of Float and Fly-Fishing, with portrait of Kirby, the celebrated Angler. 12mo, Lond. 1784. 2d Edit. 12mo. 3d Edit. 12mo. SMITH (Thomas) Every Man his own Fisherman. 24mo, Lond. published about 1770 or 1776. SMITH'S AST OP ANGLING. 1814. SMITH'S (Dr.) Account of the Fishes in Massachusetts, and Observations on Angling. 8vo, Boston, 1833. SNAET (Chas.). Vide PEACTICAL OBSEEVATIONS. SOUTH (Theop.). Vide FLY-FISHEE'S TEXT-BOOK. SPOETSMAN (The) in Ireland and Scotland. 2 vols. post 8vo, Lond. Colburn, 1840. STEELE (Sir Bichard) Account of the Fishpool, consisting of a vessel so called, lately invented and built for the importation of Fish alive and in good health from parts however distant, by Mr. Joseph G-illman, Mathematician. 8vo, Lond. 1718. STEVENSON (M.), The Twelve Months ; or, a pleasant and Profitable Discourse of every action, whether of Labour or Recreation, proper to each particular Month, branched into directions relating to Husbandry, as Plowing, Sowing, Gar- dening, Planting, &c. &c. also the ordering of Cattle and Bees : of Recreations, as Hunting, Hawking, Fishing, Fowling, Coursing, &c. Likewise is added necessary advice touching physick, &c. 4to, Lond. 1661. STODDAET (Thomas Tod) ANGLING REMINISCENCES. 12mo, Edinburgh, 1837. Lond. 1848. STODDAET (Thomas Tod) ANGLEB'S COMPANION to the Rivers and Lochs of Scotland. Post 8vo, Lond. Blackwood, 1847. 2d Edit. 1853. STODDAET (Thomas Tod) Art of Angling, as practised in Scot- land. 12mo, Edin. 1835. STOPFOED AND ANDBEWS. Royal Irish Fisheries Company. First Report 1849 Second Report 1851. 8vo, Dublin, Browne and Nolan. STOEEE (David Humphreys) Fishes of North America. 4to, Cambridge, TJ. S. 1846. STOEEE (D. H.) History of the Fishes of Massachusetts. 4to, Boston, 1854. STOEEE (D. H.) see Reports. SWAINSON (William) Natural History of Fishes. 2 vols. 12mo, London, Longman. Forming Vols. 109 and 116 of " Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia." STLVESTEE'S POEMS, containing also Piscatio ; or, Art of Angling. 8vo, Oxford, 1733. Vide Ford. SYMONDS (Thomas Edward) Observations on the Fisheries of the West Coast of Ireland. 8vo. Lond. Chapman and Hall. 1855, S (G.) Vide ANGLEE'S MAGAZINE. 4 42 TAVEENEE'S (John) Certaine Experiments concerning Fish and Fruite, practised by him, published for the benefit of others. 4to, printed by W. Ponsonby, 1600. TATE'S AET OF ANGLING, a Poem. 1741. Tide Innocent Epicure. TAT. The Fisheries in the Kiver Tay. 8vo, Edinburgh, Karnsay, 1824. TATLOE (J.) The Trent Fisher. STO, Stafford, 1781. TAYLOE'S (Sam. Gent.) Angling in all its Branches, reduced to a Complete Science, in three parts. 8vo, Lond. 1800. THOMPSON (J.) HAND-BOOK or ANGLING. Bristol, 1825. THOMPSON (W.G.). FtdeNoETH COTTNTEY ANGLEE'SGABLANDS. THOMSON (James) on the Value and Importance of the Scottish Fisheries. 12mo, Lond. Smith and Elder, 1849. TEUE AET OP ANGLING, by J. S. Gent, a Brother of the Angle. 24mo, Lond. 1696. 2d Edit. Lond. 1697. Compleat Fisher ; or, True Art of Angling, by J. S., the 3d Edit. 24mo, Lond. 1704. 4th Edit. 24mo, Lond. 1716. 5th Edit. 24mo. Lond. 1725. 6th Edit. n. d. In the next edition the title was altered as follows : THE COMPLEAT FISHER, or True Art of Angling ; revised and cor- rected by W. Wright and other experienced Anglers. Sold by John Osborn, at the Golden Bull, Paternoster Row. 1740. At the back of the title is a recommendation of the work, signed Wm. Wright, J. Turner, Phillips Brice, Rob. Cole, Rob. Lewes, J. Hollings, Wm. Andrews, Roger Filewood, which asserts that "this book has passed several editions." The places round London for Angling noticed in this work are worth attention. Sir H. Ellis has another edition of this work in his library, printed for J. Hazard and J. Wright, fronting Stationers' Hall, n. d. There is another edition, of the same size, title, and date, with a different wood-cut at the beginning, and with material variations. (Pickering's Bib. Piscat.) The work was reproduced as the TEUE ART or ANGLING being a clear and speedy way of taking all sorts of Fresh-water Fish, with the worm, fly, paste, and other baits in their proper seasons, &c. 12mo. Lond. Onesimus Uatonson. 1770. Between this and Hazard and Wright's edition, there was one, " printed for John Herro in Bell Yard, Temple Bar," TJstonson's predecessor, which we have not met with. 43 TURTON (John, of Sheffield, Yorkshire,) ANGLER'S MANUAL, or Fly-Fisher's Oracle, with a brief Compendium of Bottom - Fishing. 12mo, Lond. Groombridge. Sheffield : Eidge, 1836. UNIVERSAL ANGLER; or, that Art Improved in all .its parts, especially in Fly-fishing. The whole interspersed with many curious and uncommon Observations. 12mo, Lond. 1766. This book is copied from Bowlker's Art of Angling, printed at Worcester, with some few additions taken from Walton, Cotton, and Hawkins. Wm. White. V ANIER'S Book upon Fish, translated by the Kev. J. Duncombe, with a brief Introduction, and passages from English Writers, selected as notes. 8vo, Lond. 1809. This Translation of Vanier was inserted entire in the Censura Literaria, by Mr. Haslewood, the separate copies to which the title was added were but few; the whole was printed by Daniel, in his Supp. to Rural Sports. ^ENABLES (Colonel Eobert), The EXPERIENCED ANGLER ; or, Angling Improved, being a General Discourse of Angling. 8vo, Lond. 1662. Advertised as now newly extant, in the Kingdom's Intelligencer of Sept. 9,1661. 2d Edit. 12mo, Lond. 3d Edit. 12mo, Lond. 1668. 4th Edit. 12mo, Lond. 1676. 5th Edit. 12mo, Lond. 1683. 6th Edit, 8vo, Lond. 1825. A reprint, with a Memoir of Colonel Eobert Venables by J. H. Burn. The second edition was probably printed about 1666, and burnt in the great fire; no copy is at present known. Col. Venables' name first appears in the third edition. The fourth edition forms the third part of the fifth edition of Walton and Cotton. VIEW of the Present State of the SALMON FISHERY of SCOTLAND, with Observations on the Nature, Habits, and Instincts of the Salmon Eace. By a Salmon Fisher. 8vo. (Aberdeen, about 1830.) WALCOTT (John) Figures, Description and History of Exotic Animals comprised under the classes Amphibia and Pisces of Linnaeus. 4to, Lond. 1788. _44 WALTON'S (Isaac, of Stafford) COMPLEAT ANGLES; or, the Contemplative Man's Recreation, being a Discourse of Fish and Fishing, not unworthy the perusal of most Anglers. 12mo, Lond. 1653. 2d Edit. 12mo, Lond. 1655. 3d Edit. 12mo, Lond. 1664. 4th Edit. 12mo, Lond. 1668. 5th Edit. 12mo, forming the first of the Universal Angler, by Walton, Cotton, and Yenables. 12mo, Lond. 1676. A facsimile reprint of the 1st edition appeared in 1810. 12mo, Lend- Bagster. The 3d edition, which was published only two years after the first, appears to have been almost re-written, with the introduction of a third interlocutor in Auceps, and great additions in every part. The 3d edition, Lond. 1661 and 1664, has titles of both dates, no other variance. The 3d edition is the first that has the postscript touching the Laws of Angling, and an index. The 4th edition is a paginary reprint from the third edition. The 5th edition is augmented, and the second part added on fishing for Trout and Grayling, written by Charles Cotton, Esq. of Beresford. The above are all the editions of the Complete Angler, published during the author's life. WALTON AND COTTON'S COMPLETE ANGLES, edited by MOSES BEOWNE. 12mo, Lond. 1750. Other Editions, 1759, 1772. WALTON AND COTTON'S COMPLETE ANGLEE, edited by JOHN HAWKINS, Esq., afterwards Sir John Hawkins. 8vo, London 1760. Other Editions, 1766 (the previous Edition with a new title-page), 1775, 1784, 1792, edited by John Sidney Hawkins, Esq. ; 1797, edited by the same, but without the large plates ; 1808, printed by Bagster (in three sizes demy 8vo, royal 8vo and 4to) ; 1815, edited by Sir Henry Ellis, with new Notes, &c. printed by Bagster, at Broxbourne (in two sizes, demy 8vo and royal 8vo). Advertised 27th Sept. 1759, as in the pi ess and speedily will be published in opposition to Moses Browne's 7th edition, published in that year. On the 1st July, 1760, it appeared announced as the only correct and complete edi- tion, "and the reader was informed that cuts are now added of the principal scenes, designed by Mr. Wale, and engraved by Eyland, in which the cha- racters are dressed in the habits of the times, which cuts, the reader maybe assured, cost, in designing and engraving, upwards of one hundred pounds." Browne put forth a rival advertisement, showing his own emendation of the poetry, declaring the boasted plates " copied from the designs in his and the fife of Walton, in chief part borrowed from the one printed by him." In 1765, in May and June, advertisements were put forth of this edition by Rivingtons, with a new title. 45 WALTON AND COTTON'S COMPLETE ANGLER, with Notes. By- Sir John Hawkins. 18mo, Lond. Dove, 1825. WALTON AND COTTON'S COMPLETE ANGLER, with Notes. By Sir John Hawkins. Edited by James Rennie. 12mo, Lond. Orr, 184 , 12mo, Manchester, Johnson, 1851. WALTON AND COTTON'S COMPLETE ANGLER. Edited by T. Gosden. 8vo, London, J. Smith, 1822. WALTON AND COTTON'S COMPLETE ANGLER, edited by JOHN MAJOR, Eoyal 12mo and 8vo, Lond. Major, 1823. 2d Edit. Lond. ib. 1824. 3d Edit. 1835, reprinted, Lond. L. A. Lewis, 1839; reprinted, Lond. Washbourne, 1842. 4th Edit, re- edited, with a new set of plates, Lond. Bogue, 1844. WALTON AND COTTON'S COMPLETE ANGLER. 48mo, Lond. Pickering, 1825. Another, 32mo, Lond. Pickering, 1827. WALTON AND COTTON'S COMPLETE ANGLER. 2 vols. 12mo, Chiswick, printed by Whittingham, for T. Tegg, 1824 & 1826. WALTON'S AND COTTON'S COMPLETE ANGLER, with Lives of the Authors by Sir Harris Nicolas, and Illustrations by Stothard and Inskipp. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, Lond. Pickering, 1835-6. This splendid edition contains the variations of all the editions, and addi- tional notes, with original and elaborate Memoirs of Walton and Cotton, which present many new facts of the writers. WALTON AND COTTON'S COMPLETE ANGLER. 2 vols. 24mo, miniature edition. Lond. Tilt. 1837. WALTON AND COTTON'S COMPLETE ANGLER, with copious Notes, for the most part original ; a Bibliographical Preface, giving an account of Fishing and Fishery ; Books from the earliest antiquity to the time of Walton, and a Notice of Cotton and his writings, by the American Editor. To which is added, an Appendix, including illustrative Ballads, Music, Papers on American Fishing, and the most complete Catalogue of Books on Angling, &c. ever printed; also a General Index to the whole work. Post 8vo, New York, Wiley and Putnam, 1847. Wiley, N.Y. 1848. WALTON AND COTTON'S COMPLETE ANGLER, with a new Biogra- phical Introduction and Notes. 12mo, Lond. Causton, 1851. WALTON AND COTTON'S COMPLETE ANGLES. Edited by EPHEMEEA (Edward Fitzgibbon), of 'Bell's Life in London/ 12mo, Lond. Ingram and Cook, 1853. WAED (Rev. Samuel) Natural History of Fishes. 2 vols. 12mo, Lond. Newberry, 1770. WATTH'S (C.) TEOFT FISHING, or the River Darent. A Poem. Post 8vo, Lond. 1845. WHEATLET (Hewett) THE ROD AND LINE ; or, Practical Hints and Dainty Devices for the sure taking of Trout, Grayling, &c. Fcp. 8vo, with coloured plates. Lond. Longman, 1849. WHITNEY (John, a Lover of the Angle,) Q-ENTEEL RECBEA- TION ; or, the Pleasures of Angling : a Poem, with a Dialogue between Piscator and Corydon. 12mo, Lond. 1700. Reprinted (only one hundred copies) 1820. Whitney appears to have been a native of Kent, and was born about 1640. WHOLE AST OF FISHING ; being a Collection and Improvement of all that has been written on the subject, with many new ex- periments. 8vo, Lond. Curll, 1714. 2d Edit, entitled The Gentleman Fisher; or, the Whole Art of Angling.' 8vo, Lond. 1727. WILKINSON'S ANGLEE'S COMPLETE ASSISTANT. 4to. WILLIAMSON (John, Gent., with above thirty years' experience), THE BEITISH ANGLES ; or, a Pocket Companion for Gentle- man Fishers. 8vo, Lond. . 8vo, Lond. 1740. WILLIAMSON (Capt. T., Author of the Wild Sports of India), THE COMPLETE ANGLEE' s VADE MECTJM, being a perfect Code of Instruction on that pleasing science. 8vo, Lond. 1808. WILLUGHBEII (F.) Historia Piscium cura J. Raii. Folio, Oxon. 1686. WILSON (James) THE ROD AND THE GTJN. 8vo, Edinb. 1840. 2d Edit, post 8vo, 1844. WILSON (James) Introduction to the Natural History of Fishes, 4to, Edinburgh, Black, 1838. WOOD (William) Illustrations of British Fresh Water Fish. 3 Nos. (all that were printed). Royal 8vo and 4to, Lond. Wood. 47 YAEEELL (William) History of British Fishes. 2 vols, 8vo, Lond. Yan Voorst, 1835-6. 2nd edit. 2 vols, 8vo, 1841. Copies were printed on royal 8vo and imperial 8vo. A supplement to the first edition was published in 1839. YAEEELL (William) on the Growth of the Salmon in fresh water. Folio, Lond. Van Voorst, 1839. YOUNG ANGLEE'S ASSISTANT ; or, a New and Complete Treatise on the Art of Angling. 32mo, Lond. Mason, 1813. I?OUNG ANGLEE'S COMPANION; containing the Whole Art, &c. 1682. A reprint of Gilbert varying the title, and has added " how to Fox Fish," to fill what was a blank page in the pre- ceding editions. YOUNG AN GLEE'S COMPANION; illustrated with fifty engravings. 12mo, Lond. March, n. d. (A Sixpenny Pamphlet.) YOUNG SPOETSMANS' MISCELLANY in Hunting, Shooting, Eacing, Angling, &c. 12mo, 1826. YOUNG (The) ANGLEE'S INSTEUCTOE. 18mo, 1840. YOUNG ANGLEE'S GUIDE in Fly- Fishing, Bottom-Fishing, Troll- ing, &c. 8vo. 1839. YOUNG (Andrew) Natural History and Habits of the Salmon. 18mo, Lond. Orr, 1848 fcp. 8vo, Lond. Longman, 1854. YOUNG (Andrew). Vide BOOK OP THE SALMON. YOUNGEE (William) EIVEE ANGLING for Salmon and Trout in the Tweed and its Tributaries. 12mo, Edinb. Blackwood, 1840. TUCKER & CO., PRINTERS, PERRY'S PLACE, OXFORD STREET, 16186