ABORATORY AND ELD EXERCISES DENSMORE QK53 I THIS BOOK CARD I- University Research Library ; This book is DUE on the last date stamped below & MAR 7 MAR 7197^ Form L-9-5m-5.'24 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES FOR "GENERAL BOTANY" BY HIRAM D. DENSMORE I'KOFESSOK OF BOTANY AT BELOIT COLLEGE GINN AND COMPANY ?W YORK CHICA LAS COLUMBUS 51167 BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO LONDON ATLANTA DALLAS COLUMBUS SAN FRANCISCO COPYRIGHT, 1920, BY HIRAM D. DENSMORE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 320.6 . Living tissues of the wood. How are these distributed in herbaceous stems ? Compare with the distribution of similar tissues in woody stems. Compare the amount of living storage tissues in herbaceous and woody stems. c. Pith. Note the relative size of the pith in herba- ceous as compared with woody stems. Is there a BIOLOGY OF HIGHER SEED PLANTS 51 difference be- tween the two stem types in this respect ? 4. Drawing. Draw a sector of an herbaceous stem in out- line, to show the real posi- tion and rela- tive width of the main tissue layers of the bark, the wood, and the pith. Label each of these layers, using terms corresponding to those pre- viously used in the study of woody stems. Point out the main contrast- ing points be- tween woody stems and her- baceous stems. Consult the summary in the text (p. 108). FIG. 14. Transverse (A) and longitudinal (B) sections of the stem of the sunflower (Helian- thus annuus) A : e, epidermis ; col, collenchyma of the cortex ; p, parenchyma of the cortex ; b, fibrous phloem ; s, sieve portion of phloem : c, cambium ; fv, ducts of the xylem portion of the fibrovascular bundles. B : f, fibers of the xylem ; t, dotted duct ; (,' scalar- iform duct ; pa, wood parenchyma ; t", reticulated ducts ; s, spiral ducts ; p, thin-walled cells of the pith. After Miiller LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES 5. Summary of herbaceous stem structure. Summarize the distinctive characteristics of herbaceous as compared with woody stems, in terms of bark, cortex, vascular cylinder, and pith. MONOCOTYLEDONS Study transverse sections of stems of monocotyledons. Contrast their structure with that of herbaceous dicotyledons. 1. Is there a distinct bark in the stem of the monocotyledon that you are examining ? a distinct wood ring and pith ? Do you find xylem and water ducts ? Is there phloem connected with the xylem ? What form is as- sumed by the masses of xylem and phloem, and how are these masses (vascu- lar bundles) distributed in the stem ? Where is the strengthening skeletal tis- sue in a monocotyledonous stem ? the storage tissue ? 2. Drawing. Be able to construct a drawing of a stem of a monocotyledon to bring out the contrasts between its structure and that of the stems of herbaceous dicotyledons examined above. 3. Summarize the differences between the stems of herba- ceous dicotyledons and monocotyledons. FIG. 15. Structure of a root in transverse section e, epidermis ; c, outer layer of the cortex (cort) ; x, xylem, and p, phloem, arranged radially. After Bonnier and Sablun BIOLOGY OF HIGHER SEED PLANTS 53 B. STRUCTURE OF ROOTS Study transverse sections of large and small roots and com- pare their structure with that of herbaceous and woody stems of dicotyledons. 1. Bark. Do roots possess a definite bark ? Has the bark (including tissues between epidermis and cambium) the same general layers as in stems ? Are these layers simi- lar in arrangement and structure in stems and roots ? 2. Xylem and pith. Are these two regions the same in roots and stems ? Compare young and old roots in this respect. a. Dead tissues of the xylem. Do you find ducts and fibrous cells ? How are they arranged in roots ? Are there annual rings ? b. Living tissues of roots. Are these more or less abundant in roots than in stems? Stain fresh root sections with iodine to demonstrate this point. 3. Cambium and phloem. Are these tissue layers present in the root section that you are studying ? Are they as evident as in stem sections ? 4. Drawing. Construct a drawing of a root in transverse section (no cells), to illustrate root structure. Label the tissue layers correctly. 5. Summary. Summarize the distinctive features of root structure as compared with that of herbaceous stems. C. THE STRUCTURE OF THE LEAF For the preliminary study of the structure of a leaf use thick leaves of Narcissus or onion, which are easily sectioned in a fresh state. 1. Epidermis. Peel or strip the epidermis from a leaf of the onion or Narcissus. Mount in water or dilute alcohol and study its cellular structure. 54 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXEECISES a. Low-power study. Are all the cells of the epidermis alike in structure and form ? Do they have chloro- plastids as a part of the cell contents ? Do they differ in this respect ? b. A high-power study. Study the color- less and the green cells of the epi- dermis very care- fully with a high power. Note the shape and struc- ture of each kind of cell. How many green cells are grouped together ? Are they separated by a solid wall or is there a pore _, IIG. lo. Transverse section of a leaf e, e lt upper and lower epidermis with thick outer wall (c) and stomate (st) ; p, palisade cell layer with intercellular space (o) below the stomate; sp, spongy pa- renchyma with intercellular spaces (i) ; ph, phloem ; x, xylem of a vein in section. After Prantl between them ? c. Drawing. Draw a few cells of the epider- mis of the leaf ac- curately, indicating the detailed struc- ture of thestomataand the surrounding epidermal cells. 2. Leaf sections of a fresh leaf. Study transverse sections of leaves cut from fresh material. Locate the main tissue layers of the leaf in such sections and note their gen- eral character. Use low power and dissecting lenses in the study of these thick sections. Is the green tissue favorably placed for receiving light rays? Do you find the veins and the epidermis ? BIOLOGY OF HIGHER SEED PLANTS 55 a. Make a general drawing, omitting the cells, to show the position of the epidermis, green mesophyll, and veins of the section which is under observation. I. Epidermis. (1) Note its color, thickness, and extent as a covering of the leaf surface. What is the real form of the en tire epi- dermal layer of the leaf you are study- ing ? Do you find stomata? Stomata may frequently be recognized as FIG. 17. Conducting cells (tracheids) of the darker places veins of a leaf in flio frocVi u > midvein: 6, lateral veins ; e, termination of 111 lilt? 1 1 Coll ,, -,, . veins ; me, areas occupied by mesophyll cells in epidermis. De- the living leaf. After Sachs tails of the guard cells cannot be seen in such thick sections. (2) What special structural feature of the epidermal cells insures against the loss of water? Would the same structural feature serve other protective functions ? Search for sections of the guard cells and of the pores of stomata. Determine the pecul- iar cell character of the guard cells, for example, 56 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES the relative thickness of the cell walls as well as the size aud the living contents of the guard cells. c. Mesophyll. (1) Note the character of a mesophyll cell as regards cell wall and cell contents. Does each meso- phyll cell come in contact with an intercellular space ? What would be the advantage of such an arrangement ? What is your conception of the intercellular system of a leaf ? Is it a con- tinuous aerating system or are the spaces seen in a transverse section isolated spaces ? Do you find any intercellular spaces immediately above the stomata? d. Veins. Study the structure of the veins. By what kind of tissue are the ducts surrounded ? Is there a phloem like that connected with the xylem of stems ? What is the double function of the veins in a leaf ? e. The skeletal tissue. Study its distribution and the char- acter of its cells. /. Drawing. Construct an accurate drawing of a small portion of your section so as to include a large vein. Detail the tissues of the epidermis, mesophyll, veins, and skeletal structures. SECTION IV. PHYSIOLOGY OF PLANTS INDIVIDUAL AND CLASS EXPERIMENTS Two classes of experiments are outlined below : namely, individual experiments, which are to be performed by each member of the class, and demonstration, or class, experiments, which are set up by -an instructor, or by some member of the class, for observation by all members of the class. Both kinds of experiments should be written up and handed in as a part of the regular laboratory requirement. Unless otherwise stipu- lated, all experiments should be written up in the following order : RECORDING OF EXPERIMENTS 1. Object of the experiment. State concisely the object of the experiment. 2. Method. State the method used in the experiment, drawing apparatus when necessary to make the method clear. 3. Actual results secured. State concisely the actual results secured. Do not include theories and conclusions. 4. Conclusions. What does the experiment seem to you to prove ? A. PHOTOSYNTHESIS 1. The presence of starch in leaves of Pelargonium or a sim- ilar plant with white areas. Individual experiment. a. Compare fresh leaves of Pelargonium with leaves which have been previously boiled and treated with alcohol. Give the reason for the difference in color. Be able to explain to an instructor. 57 58 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES b. Place a bleached and a fresh leaf in separate watch glasses and flood with iodine solution. After a half hour rinse the two leaves in water and place in watch glasses of water for observation. Test some starch with iodine in a watch glass. Compare the starch reaction with that of the leaf. Is starch present in Pelargonium leaves ? If so, where is it located and where did it originate ? How and when is the starch in a leaf used ? Have you had any clue to the answer to this question in your work with woody stems ? c. Record the object, method, and results of, and the con- clusions to be drawn from, the above experiments, as indicated above under Recording of Experiments. Include in the results a drawing of the bleached leaf, showing the distribution of starch. 2. Test as above leaves of young growing corn or bean plants about six inches high. Individual experiment. a. Use two plants which have been in the dark overnight or for at least six hours. Why is this precaution necessary ? ' b. Expose one plant to bright sunlight for an hour or more and leave another in darkness. Remove a leaf from each plant, boil, extract chlorophyll with warm 80 per cent alcohol, and test for starch. c. Results ? Do the two leaves show a different reaction to iodine? If so, be able to state why. What im- portant conclusions are to be drawn from this experiment ? d. Record your results and conclusion as prescribed above. 3. Gaseous exchanges in water plants during photosynthesis. Class demonstration. a. Observe plants of Elodt>e able to explain any differences observed. d. Record the experiment in the usual manner. Under Results indicate the composition of the air in the 60 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES three jars (1) before the candles are placed in them, (2) immediately after the candles cease to burn, and (3) at the close of the experiment, before the corks are removed. Explain also the daily gaseous income and outgo of the exposed and the covered plants in the two jars during the period of the experiment. How and why would they differ in this respect? e. Considering the results of the above experiment, how do plants affect the air of a living room by day ? at night ? Is it healthful to have a large number of plants in a living room? Give reasons for your conclusions concerning this matter. B. RESPIRATION 1. Gaseous exchange of plant parts during respiration. Indi- vidual experiment. a. Select two bottles or pint fruit jars with wide mouths. Put into one bottle or jar enough dry peas or beans to cover the bottom. In the second receptacle place a similar amount of germinating seeds after they have been sterilized in a weak formalin solution. Test the air in each receptacle with a burning match to see if it supports combustion. Cork air-tight and set aside for twenty-four or forty-eight hours. b. After the above period remove the corks and test the air again with a lighted match. Result ? c. Write up the experiment, indicating the composition of the air in the receptacles at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. Indicate also the gase- ous income and outgo of the seeds in each jar during the time of the experiment. BIOLOGY OF HIGHER SEED PLANTS 61 d. Class experiment. Treat green leaves, stems, buds, or flowers as indicated above for seeds. Observe and record results and conclusions at the end of the experiment as indicated under c. What precaution is necessary where green plant parts are used ? NUTRITION AND SEASONAL LIFE 1. Study the seasonal life of common plants like the potato, corn, onion or tulip, cherry tree, and locust tree, a. Compare the seasonal life of the annuals with that of the bean outlined in the text; that of the biennials with that of the white sweet clover ; that of the per- ennials with that of the locust and the apple. (1) What provision does each plant make for wintering ? for spring growth ? for summer activities and storage ? Are the same physiological functions characteristic of all plants at the same season in a similar habitat ? Be able to state the main functions or activities characteristic of the plant in winter, spring, summer, and autumn. (2) Be able to construct drawings similar to those of the text, indicating the structures by which plants winter and perform the activities of the spring and summer seasons. (3) Summarize the dominant nutritive activities of plants in the different seasons. See Fig. 63 of text. C. TRANSPIRATION AND WATER ASCENT TRANSPIRATION 1. Record the loss of water from a leafy shoot placed in a graduate or in a potometer made from a burette. Class experiment. 62 LABORATORY AND EIELD EXERCISES a. Note and record temperature, general light intensity, and relative humidity at the time of taking each reading. Take records at convenient intervals for about three days. I. Write up the experiment as usual. Under Results tabu- late your readings to show temperatures, light inten- sity, and relative humidity, as well as the amounts of water lost at stated periods and for the entire period. c. Summarize the main factors which have apparently caused variations in the rate of transpiration in your experiment at different periods. 2. Record the loss of water by transpiration from a potted plant, as for the previous experiment, and record results as explained above. Class experiment. WATER ASCENT 1. The path and rate of water ascent. Individual experiment. Cut off leafy herbaceous shoots or stalks of celery under water and add eosin to make a strong colored solution, and observe as follows : a. Hate of water ascent. If transparent stems of Impatient or bleached stalks of celery are vised, the progress of the colored solution may be observed in the stem or in the leaf veins. (1) After from three to five minutes remove the stem from eosin and make cross cuts of it, beginning at the apex, until the coloration by eosin appears in the cross section. Measure the length of the stem traversed by the- solution during the time it was left in eosin. (2) From the above data determine the rate of ascent per hour. Compare with the rates of water ascent BIOLOGY OF HIGHER SEED PLANTS 63 given in the text. Would the eosin rise in the stem as rapidly as pure water ? Kecord results. b. Path of water ascent in the stem and leaves. (1) Cut the stem lengthwise through a node and trace the path of the eosin from the main stem into the leaves and branches. (2) Draw a transverse section and a long section of the stein, indicating the tissue in which the eosin solu- tion moved. Did it pass up the ducts or in other tissues of the xylem and phloem ? (3) Plot the path in the leaf veins and veinlets. ECOLOGICAL RKLATIOX OF PLANTS TO WATER 1. Make a list of 10 mesophytes, 10 hydrophytes, 5 xero- phytes, and 10 tropophytes from the wild and culti- vated plants of your own region. Be able to explain the gross structural adaptations of these plants to their habitat. 2. Are some of the above plants apparently not adapted to their present habitat ? If so, how do you explain this ? Be able to give the essential characteristics of the mesophytes, hydrophytes, xerophytes, and tropophytes of your region. SECTION V. REPRODUCTION A. SEXUAL REPRODUCTION THE FLOWER AXD ITS PARTS Examine some large flower like that of the mandrake and note the nature and relation of its parts. 1. How many kinds of different parts or organs are there in the flower ? How are they arranged with reference to each other ? Does each set of organs form a circle, or whorl, like cyclic leaves on a stem, or are all parts of the flower spiral, like spirally arranged leaves ? Do any portions of the flower resemble leaves in color, form, or venation ? 2. Remove carefully the floral parts or organs on one side of a flower. Place the parts thus removed in a watch glass of water for future examination. Now examine the flower from which the parts have been removed. a. What is the nature of the floral axis to which the floral parts are attached ? Has it nodes and internodes ? Is it like the axis of a branch or bud in this respect ? 5. Observe again the relative .position of the different sets of organs of the flower. Are the members of each set spiral or cyclic in arrangement ? What kind of organ (or organs) terminates the floral axis ? c. Does the flower resemble a bud in the arrangement of its organs on the floral axis ? Does it seem to you possible that the flower was originally derived from a short branch or bud ? What parts of the flower are nearly like leaves ? What parts are highly modified ? 64 BIOLOGY OF HIGHER SEED PLANTS 65 3. Draw the entire flower as it appears on the side from which the parts have been removed. Indicate accu- rately in the drawing the form and relative position of the floral parts on the floral axis. a. Study the text and Figs. 215 and 84 and name the parts of the flower sketched above. 4. The essential organs of the flower. a. Anthers and pollen. Observe carefully with a hand lens and low power the dehiscence of the anther. Does the anther sac open crosswise or lengthwise to shed the pollen? Do you see the dustlike pollen grains issuing from the slit, or dehiscence line, of the anther? How many anther sacs are there in one anther? Draw a stamen greatly magnified to show the mode of dehiscence of the anther sac. b. Pollen. Dust some pollen on a slide and study its form and structure. Is the pollen grain a cell ? Is its wall smooth or rough ? Can you see any cell contents? Draw the pollen, exterior view, as it appears to you in your specimen. c. The pistil (1) Observe the external parts of the pistil and note their form and structure. Observe the stigma carefully. Is it adapted to the reception and retention of pollen ? Draw a pistil, including an enlarged view of the stigmatic surface, and name all its parts. (2) Cut a transverse section of the upper and middle portions of the ovary. Cut also a section through the style, if one exists. How does the ovary differ in structure at the different levels at which you have cut it ? How is the wall of the ovary modified in the median, or middle, section of the 66 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES ovary ? Are there budlike outgrowths from the enlargement of the ovary wall in your section ? What is the shape of these buds, or enlarge- ments? Draw the two or three sections of the ovary which you have made. Label the parts after you have studied "the text and Fig. 220. 5. The fruit. Study both the exter- nal and the in- ternal structure of the fruit of the mandrake or other plant examined. Do you find the same parts in the fruit as FIG. 18. Section of a portion of a wheat kernel p, pericarp; t, seed coat; al, aleurnne, or ni- trogenous layer of the endosperm ; //, nuclei ; st, starch-storing cells of the endosperm. After Strasburger you did in the pistil ? What forms the in- terior of the fruit ? Where are the ovules ? the placenta ? the ovary wall? What relation has the fruit to the pistil ? Define a fruit. Draw a sectional view of the fruit to show all of its parts in their proper relation. Label the parts, using the same terms as were used for similar parts of the ovary (see text discussion and Fig. 221). 6. Supplementary studies : gametogenesis, fertilization, and development. a. Microscopic structure of pollen. Mount large pollen grains taken from some liliaceous plant, like the BIOLOGY OF HIGHER SEED PLANTS 67, -str tulip, Narcissus, or Easter lily. Observe them care- fully under low and high powers of the microscope. (1) Does the pollen cell have one or more nuclei? Do different pollen cells differ in this respect ? Do you see granu- lar cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus in some pol- len cells ? (2) Draw a pollen cell much en- larged. Indi- cate the gran- ular condition (Fig. 85, a) of the cytoplasm and the rel- ative size of the nucleus, or nuclei, in the cell. La- bel your fig- ure correctly. (.">) Xtmly of pollen tubes. If pol- len tubes are available, study the structure and method of formation of pollen tubes. Draw a pollen cell and its pollen tube. Note and draw the structure of the tube and its cytoplasmic contents. If pos- sible observe the nuclei in the pollen tube. This point is difficult to determine. - - - ou int FIG. 19. Diagram of the ovule, embryo sac, and embryo of shepherd' s-purse (Capselkt) ou int, outer integument ; in int, inner in- tegument ; susp c, suspensor cells ; e s w, embryo-sac wall ; r r, root region ; st r, stem region ; s I, seed leaves. From Bergen and Caldwell's "Practical Botany " 68 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES b. The structure of the ovule. (1) Gross structure. Dissect out the ovule from the ovary of some common plant into a drop of water on a slide. Mount and observe the essen- tial parts of the ovule ; namely, the f uniculus, or stalk, the body of the ovule, and the micropyle. Ovules of the shepherd's-purse (Capselld), when treated with a weak solution of potash, will often show the outline of the embryo sac within the ovule. Draw one or more ovules to show the structure observed. Label. (2) Microscopic structure of the ovule. If material is available, study thin sections cut through the ovule to show the embryo sac and micropyle ; for example, in shepherd's-purse or mandrake. (a) Determine the structure and thickness of the seed coats. Do you see the micropyle of the ovule ? What is the nature of the large cen- tral light space of the ovule ? Is there a nucleus in this space? Are there vacuoles and cytoplasm ? Has this central space the structures of a cell ? (1} Study the structure and position of the embryo. (c) Draw the sectional view of the ovule, indicating the micropyle, the cellular structure of the ovule coats, and the form and structure of the embryo sac and embryo. POLLINATION IN PAPILIONACEOUS FLOWERS 1. Inflorescence, or flower cluster. Examine an inflorescence of some plant belonging to the pea family. a. Parts of the inflorescence. Has the inflorescence axis the same parts as the stem axis below it; namely, BIOLOGY OF HIGHER SEED PLANTS 69 nodes and internodes ? Where do the flowers origi- nate on the axis ? Is there any structure below the flower stalk corresponding to a leaf ? To what part of an ordinary leafy shoot would a flower on the inflorescence axis correspond most nearly,- to a leaf a bud, or a branch ? On what evidence do you base your conclusions ? See Fig. 212 of the text. b. The inflorescence and pollination. Are the open flowers at the apex or at the base of the inflorescence ? Is the inflorescence an advantageous arrangement for securing cross-pollination, or the transfer of pollen from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower, by insects ? Compare an inflores- cence with solitary flowers in this respect. Sketch an inflorescence and a portion of the stern below it. Name the parts correctly. STRUCTURE OF PAPILIONACEOUS FLOWERS STRUCTURE OF THE FLOWER Examine flowers of some member of the pea family and com- pare their structure with that of a simple flower like that of the mandrake. 1. Perianth. How many whorls, or sets, of organs in the perianth ? Are the members of each whorl regular or irregular in form ? How many parts in each whorl ? Are the parts of each whorl united or separate ? Remove the parts of the perianth and place them in their proper order on the table. Sketch the parts of the corolla. 2. Essential organs. How many stamens are there ? Are they separate or united?. How are the stamens related to the pistil ? Study the form and external features of the ovary, style, and stigma. Study the style and stigma 70 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES with a hand lens. What is the nature of the stigniatic and stylar surfaces ? Are they smooth or rough ? 3. Remove the perianth from one side of a flower so as to expose the essential organs in their natural position. a. Sketch the essential organs accurately and indicate in outline the relation of the perianth to these organs. b. Make an accurate drawing of the pistil, indicating the position of the placenta and ovules and the peculiar structure of the stigma and style. What advantages are there for pollination in the structural relations of the style and stigma ? Label all of the above figures accurately. See Fig. 89 of the text. CROSS-POLLINATION Select a flower of some member of the pea family for the following experimental study of cross-pollination : 1. Press down the keel petals with the point of a pencil or with a dissecting needle. Eesult ? Where would an in- sect need to alight in order to imitate the above action of the keel, stamens, and pistil ? If an insect should visit a series of flowers like the one experimented upon, would cross-pollination be secured ? Be able to explain. 2. Read the account in the text (p. 170) on cross-pollination in the common locust (Robinia pseudo-acacia). a. Does the flower upon which you experimented possess the contrivances of the locust flower for securing cross-pollination ? If not, in what respect does it differ from the locust ? b. Construct a drawing to show the relation of the anthers to the stigma and of both anthers and stigma to the keel, when the latter is depressed. Compare the figure with your first figure of the flower with one half of the corolla removed. BIOLOGY OF HIGHER SEED PLANTS 71 3. The fruit and seed in members of the pea family. a. Examine the fruit of the pea, beau, locust, or some other member of the pea family. Compare this fruit with that of the pistil already studied. Note the corresponding parts of fruit and ovary. Be able to define a fruit in terms of the pistil. b. Remove one half of the wall (carpel) of the fruit and observe the form and attachment of the seeds to the placenta. Sketch the inner view of the fruit or pod with the seeds. Label the parts of your sketch accu- rately, including the parts of the seeds. Use the same terms as those used for the pistil and ovules. 4. Examine seeds of beans or of the locust. How has the ovule changed to form the seed ? What advantages are there in the changes ? Do you find the scar on the seed caused by the breaking off of the funiculus ? Do you find other marks near this latter scar ? Draw an exte- rior view of the seed on the side of the hilum, or scar, caused by the removal of the funiculus. Label accurately. 5. Cut thin sections from the cut surface of the cotyledon of a bean. Stain with iodine. Result ? What is the func- tion of the cotyledons ? What kind of reserve food is most prominent as revealed with iodine ? Draw a portion, of the section (Fig. IS). SUPPLEMENTARY STUDY Study some assigned flower or flowers with reference to devices for securing cross-pollination. Construct drawings to indicate the particular devices for pollination in the flower or flowers examined. PART II. THE PLANT GROUPS SECTION VI. THALLOPHYTES (ALG^ AND FUNGI) A. THE ALGJE PROTOCOCCUS (PLEUROCOCCUS) 1. Habit and Habitat. Note the appearance of Protococcus on bark, boards, or stones. Has the green incrustation any definite form or structure comparable to that of the higher green plants ? Do you see any evidence of roots, stem, or leaves ? Do you know whether Proto- coccus ever lives in water, like the other fresh-water algse ? Is Protococcus on bark or stones xerophytic or mesophytic in habit and habitat ? 2. Structure. Scrape off a little of the green incrustation formed by Protococcus in a drop of water on the center of a glass slide. Be careful not to remove pieces of bark or dirt with the plants. Cover and press out gently under the cover glass with a dissect- ing needle. Examine with the low power of a com- pound microscope. a. What is the nature of the green masses observed under a low power ? Are they composed of cells ? Do you find any single green cells ? What constitutes a Protococcus plant ? Is it unicellular or multicellular ? Do you find chloroplasts, cell wall, etc. ? b. Sketch two or three green masses to show their struc- ture as you observe them. Label the parts in terms of cells and cell structures. 75 76 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES 3. Reproduction. Study the method of reproduction outlined and illustrated (Fig. 115) for Protococcus in the text. a. Observe three or four stages in reproduction from your mounts of Protococcus. Is this a vegetative or a sexual method of reproduction ? Is it a rapid or a slow method ? What becomes of the loose colonies formed by reproduction when the plants are exposed on bark, boards, or stones ? b. Sketch three or four stages in the reproduction of Pro- tococcus, beginning with a single-celled plant. 4. Dissemination. How does Protococcus spread from tree to tree or from any one habitat to another ? How does it form a large incrustation from the first few cells in a new habitat ? Why does it usually occur on the north side of trees and fences ? Why is it more abun- dant on rough than 011 smooth surfaces ? 5. Nutrition. What is the source of the water, gases, and salts which constitute the raw food materials for Pro- tococcus plants ? How are these materials absorbed ? Are they made into foods and used by Protococcus as they are in a tree or a geranium plant? Be able to indicate the income and outgo of food materials and wastes in Protococcus plants. 6. Summary and discussion. Discuss briefly in your notes the mam points indicated above concerning the struc- ture, reproduction, dissemination, and nutrition of Protococcus. CHLA MYDOMONA S If Chlamydomonas is available for study, compare it with Protococcus in structure, reproduction, and dissemination. Note particularly the rate and mode of movements in active Clilamy- domonas plants. The brick-red eyespot and the cup-shaped chloroplast may be observed in forms which have come to rest. THE PLANT GROUPS 77 SPIROGYRA (WATER SILK) 1. Habitat and habit. Observe plants of the common green scum floating in an aquarium or on ponds in the open. Eemove a small portion of the green mass to a watch glass. Separate somewhat and examine with a hand lens and the low power of a compound microscope. a. Is the green mass composed of one plant or many ? What is the nature of the Spirogyra plant ? Has it roots, stems, or leaves? How does it differ from plants of Protococcus ? b. Sketch one or two Spirogyra plants as seen under a low power. Name all structures observed. 2. Cell structure. Study the cells of a Spirogyra plant under high power. Are the cells composing the plant all alike or are they differentiated for different functions ? Note the bandlike chloroplasts. How many are there in each cell? a. Chloroplast and pyrenoids. Compare fresh and stained plants of Spirogyra in the study of the pyrenoids. Read the text concerning the structure and function of the pyrenoids. (1) Stain fresh plants with iodine solution after they have been exposed to sunlight. Does the starch sheath of the pyrenoid contain starch ? In what part of the pyrenoid is the starch stored ? (2) Compare your specimen with a Spirogyra plant which has been specially stained and mounted for study. Such preparations often show the pyrenoids and nucleus with great distinctness. (3) Sketch a portion of a chloroplast and two or more pyrenoids greatly magnified. Indicate the starch sheath and central granule of the pyrenoid and the form and structure of the chloroplast. 78 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES b. The nucleus. Study the nucleus in stained material. What is the form of the nucleus and where is it located in the cell ? Is it connected with the pyre- noids ? Study several cells with reference to these points. Draw a Spirogyra cell to show the nucleus in its proper position and in its connections with the pyreuoids. Construct a transverse section of a Spirogyra cell cut through the nucleus. Label all parts correctly. See Fig. 118 of the text. 3. Reproduction. a. Conjugation of the filaments. (1) Study early conjugating plants with a low power. Observe the method of union of the filaments. Do you find different stages in the formation of protrusions from the cells and in the formation of connecting tubes ? Observe whether the union of the filaments affects the cytoplasm of the uniting parent cells. (2) Draw stages representing the union and conjugation of the filaments in Spirogyra. b. Formation of the gametes. (1) Study plants in which gametes are forming. Ob- serve as many stages in gamete formation as possible in the material at your disposal. Do you find male gametes forming before the female gametes in cells united by connecting tubes ? What is the method of gamete formation ? What is a gametangium ? Consult the text for the meaning of this term. How does it differ from a gamete ? What are the structural parts of each ? (2) Draw gametangia in which gametes are forming. Indicate as many stages in gamete formation as you find. Label gametangia and gametes. THE PLANT GROUPS 79 c. Fertilization. (1) Observe stages in which gametes are fusing to form zygotes. What is the difference in the behav- ior of the two gametes during fertilization ? On what basis can one be designated as male and the other as female ? (2) Draw stages in fertilization as observed. d. The zygote. (1) Study cells in which zygotes are formed. What is the structure of the zygote cell ? Distinguish between pyrenoids and nuclei in the zygote cell. Stain zygotes with iodine. What kind of reserve food does the zygote contain ? When and for what purpose will this food be used ? Draw two or three zygotes to illustrate their cell structure. 4. Life history of Spirogyra and Protococcus. Construct a graphical life history of Spirogyra. Is it possible to construct a similar graphical history for Protococcus ? In what fundamental respects does the life history of Spirogyra differ from that of Protococcus ? VMTHERIA (GREEX FELT) Select fruiting specimens of some species of VaucJieria for study. Observe the following points regarding its habitat, habit, and structure : 1. Habit. In what respect is Vaucheria peculiar in its gen- eral structure ? Is it a simple or a branched filament ? Is the plant body differentiated into root and shoot ? What is its general microscopic structure ? Is it uni- cellular or multicellular ? What kind of chloroplasts has it? 80 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES 2. Sexual reproduction. Mount fruiting plants of Vauelieria after teasing them apart with dissecting needles in a drop of water. Search for reproductive branches with a low power. a. Female gameiangia and gametes. Search for greatly swollen and shortened lateral branches representing the female gametangia. (1) Do these reproductive branches differ from the ordi- nary branches of the plant body except in size ? What is the nature of the protoplast and of the embedded chloroplasts in these reproductive branches ? Do you find a projecting beak, or ros- trum, at one side of the reproductive branch ? It is at this point that the cell wall of the game- tangium breaks down and allows the male gamete to enter the egg. (2) In properly prepared material the nature of the protoplast and the location of the chloroplast and nucleus may be seen. Observe carefully with the high power. b. Male gametangium. The male gametangium is usually represented by a curved branch near the female gametangium. (1) Note the nature of the protoplast of the male gametangium. Contrast it with that of the female. Male gametes cannot usually be found in VaucJieria. If they have been expelled, the gametangium looks light-colored and empty. (2) Draw a portion of a plant bearing male and female gametangia. Detail the female gametes. 3. Vegetative and asexual reproduction. Vegetative reproduc- tion occurs in Vauclieria by means of nonmotile repro- ductive branches which are merely swollen, club-shaped THE PLANT GROUPS 81 lateral branches, bright green in color. Motile, free- swimmiug spores or zoospores are also formed in some species as asexual bodies. a. Vegetative reproduction. Search for the club-shaped branches with a low power. How are they formed ? How do they become free from the mother plant? How would they grow into a new Vaucheria plant ? Do you find free productive branches in your material? b. Asexual reproduction by zoospores. These are difficult to demonstrate in Vaucheria except in unusually favorable material. Draw any stages of asexual repro- duction which you have succeeded in demonstrating. 4. Life history. Write a graphical life history of Vaucheria similar to that constructed for Spirogyra. In what respect are the two life histories similar ? In what re- spects different ? Which alga has the higher type of reproductive process ? Explain. What is the function of vegetative and asexual reproduction as contrasted with sexual reproduction in a plant like Vaucheria ? (EDOGONIUM Habit. Study plants of (Edogonium and compare them with ftpirogyra and Vaucheria as regards form and structure. How do the cells differ in form and contents from the other algte studied ? Draw a plant of (Edo- gonium to illustrate its habit and cell structure. Reproduction. Study plants in which the gametes are forming. a. Female gametangia and gametes. Observe one or two stages in the formation of female gametes from single cells of the filament as described in the text. How is the female gamete formed ? What is its structure ? 82 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES Sketch one or two stages in the formation of female gametes. Label accurately. b. Male gametangia and gametes. If material is available, study the male gametangia and gametes as described and figured in the text. Sketch stages demonstrated, and label. c. The zygote. Study the zygote of (Edogonium. Is it adapted, by its cell structure, for carrying the plant over an inclement period ? Note its form and con- tents. Draw. d. Asexual reproduction. The asexual reproductive process is difficult to demonstrate with beginning classes and should be studied from the text and figures. e. Life history. Write a graphical life history of (Edogo- nium similar to that outlined for Spirogyra. How is this history adapted to seasonal changes ? GENERAL STUDY OF FRESH-WATER ALG.E 1. Examine water containing free-floating algae, or algse attached to objects covered by water. If algse are scraped from surfaces, they should usually be separated on the slide with needles or by gently tapping the cover glass with needles. Mount in fresh water and examine first with low power. 2. Form and structure. Note the number and kinds of algte living together in one place. How many distinct kinds or species of algre can you distinguish in the water you are examining ? Are there unicellular forms ? many- celled forms ? Have any species the power of movement? Note differences in the form or color of the chloroplasts in different species. 3. Reproduction. Are any of the species that you are ex- amining reproducing either vegetatively, asexually, or THE PLANT GKOUPS 83 sexually ? If so, trace out the stages of reproduction found in your material. 4. Sketch the different species of algse observed and show stages in reproduction where such are observed. FUCUS VESICULOSUS (MARINE ALGA) 1. Habitat and habit. a. Is the water habitat of Fucus more or less stable and permanent than that of fresh-water algse ? Do you know of fresh-water forms which attain to the size or the structural differentiation of Fucus ? Is there a reason, based on difference of habitat, for this difference in habit between Fucus and fresh-water species ? Note the differentiation of the plant body into root and shoot portions. What is the function of the root and shoot? How is each part adapted to its special function ? How is it adapted to photosyn- thesis ? to resistance to waves and water currents ? to protection from dessication, or drying, when exposed at low tide ? I. Study the form and branching of Fucus. Can you de- termine how the very regular mode of branching occurs ? Where are the growing points ? Is there any- thing like a bud ? Observe the swollen floats which buoy the plant up in water. c. Sketch a portion of a Fucus plant to show its habit and mode of branching. 2. Microscopic structure. Examine thin sections cut across a FufMS plant. What is its general structure ? Is there an outer protective epidermis ? Where is the chlorophyll layer or layers? Does the chlorophyll-bearing layer look green? Explain the color of this layer. What kind of tissue occupies the center of the branch as 84 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES shown in the section ? Is Fucus composed of a true cellular tissue like a geranium ? Make an outline drawing of the section, shading in the chlorophyll- bearing layer. Detail a few cells of each layer to show the cellular structure. 3. Reproduction. a. Reproductive branches. Eead the text description of reproduction in Fucus. (1) How are the reproductive branches distinguishable from the ordinary vegetative branch tips ? Find the male reproductive branches, covered with a yellow exudation of slime containing the male gametes. Learn to recognize the female branches by the greenish exudation of slime containing female gametangia. (2) Ostia, or pores. Observe ostia with a hand lens on the surface of the reproductive branches or with a low power in thin horizontal surface sections of reproductive branches. b. Crametes and gametangia (living material). (1) Male gametangia and gametes. Touch the surface of a slide with male branches which are exuding yellow slime. Mount and observe the saclike male gametangia containing male gametes, which look like yellow dots. Look for male gametes free from the gametangia on the slide. Can you distinguish the movement of these male gametes ? their form and structure ? A brick-red spot, " the eyespot," is usually visible. (2) Draw male gametangia and gametes somewhat magnified. (3) Female gametangia and gametes. These may be obtained as in the case of the male gametes. Note THE PLANT GROUPS 85 the saclike gametangia inclosing from four to six visible divisions of the contained protoplast. These are the future gametes. Search for other speci- mens in which eight eggs, or female gametes, are rounded up inside of the gametangium membrane. Find also free eggs which have been liberated, as they are in nature, from the gametangium. What is the structure of the female gamete ? How does it compare in size with the male gamete ? Is the female gamete motile ? What advantage is there in the small male gametes and the large female gamete ? Draw a gametangium containing devel- oping gametes and a free female gamete. c. Fertilization. The swarming of gametes around the eggs may often be observed if the two gametes are mounted together in sea water. The act of fertiliza- tion is too difficult for observation by the beginner. d. Female gametangia and gametes. Observe prepared sections cut through female receptacles and stained. Note the flask-shaped receptacles from the w T alls of which the oogonia and paraphyses grow out into the cavity of the conceptacle. Study different stages in the formation of the female gametangia and gametes. Do you find small gametangia with a single nucleus and cytoplasm ? Search for other stages in which there are many nuclei. Find stages in which cell walls have been formed separating the cytoplasm of the oogonium into eight gametes. Draw the stages of the gametangium observed, illustrating different stages in the formation of gametes. e. Male gametangia and gametes. Observe sections cut through male reproductive branches of Fucm. Are the gametes visible within the gametangia ? How do I LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES they compare in number and size with the female gametes ? Were the male gametes formed like the females, by cell and nuclear division ? Draw. /. Life history. Write a graphical life history of Fucus similar to that of tipirogyra and Vaucheria. B. THE FUNGI YEAST 1. Composition of compressed yeast. a. Method. Remove a small portion of compressed yeast to a slide and mount in a drop of water, separating well with needles. Add weak iodine solution and observe with low and high powers of the microscope. b. Observation. Do you find indications of the presence of starch in yeast cakes ? Can you distinguish the minute yeast plants looking like dots under low power ? Ex- amine these structures with a high power. What is the structure of a yeast plant ? Contrast it with an alga like Protococcus. In what respects are the two plants similar ? In what respects are they different ? Why is the yeast cake not made up from pure yeast plants ? c. Make a drawing to indicate the composition of com- pressed yeast. 2. Cellular structure. a. Method. Cultivate yeast by adding about 1 g. of com- pressed yeast cake to 15 cc. of a sugar solution made up as follows : to 1 cc. of water add 2 cc. of com m on molasses, or make up a 10-15 per cent sugar solution in water. Keep the sugar solution at about 25-28 C. after adding the yeast in the above proportions. After vigorous growth and fermentation have begun, add a drop of the solution to a glass slide and cover. THE PLAisT GKOUPS 87 b. Structure of the growing yeast plant. (1) Study a mount of the above yeast solution with low and with high powers of the microscope. Is the yeast plant unicellular or is it composed of more than one cell ? Are all the yeast plants on the slide the same in size and in cellular structure ? | & 6 FIG. 20. Various kinds of wine and beer yeasts o, fo, wine yeast (S. ellipsoideus) (a, young and vigorous; b, old (1) and dead (2)) ; c, d, beer yeast (S. cerevisise) (c, bottom yeast; d, top yeast). After Marshall (2) Select a large unicellular plant and observe its minute structure. Is the yeast cell like a root- tip cell ? How does it differ from the cell of an alga like Protococcus ? What fundamental nutri- tive process, performed by Protococcus, is impos- sible for yeast plants ? Draw and name the parts of a large yeast cell. (3) How do the small yeast cells differ from the large cells in structure ? Draw a small yeast cell and compare with the large cell drawn above. ! LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES 3. Reproduction by budding. a. Do you find yeast plants with two cells joined, namely, one large cell united with a small cell ? Observe a number of these cases of two-celled or three-celled plants. Are the two or three united cells always unlike in size ? Can you determine how these united cells originate from single-celled plants ? 6. Draw a series of two-celled yeast plants representing differences in size between the constituent cells. Can you now determine the methqjl by which the yeast plant reproduces itself by budding ? How does this method of reproduction differ from that found in Protococcus ? Is it a sexual or a vegetative method of reproduction? c. Observe, if possible, wild yeasts in cider or in ferment- ing apples and make drawings to sho\v their struc- ture and mode of reproduction. 4. Fermentation experiments. Select two flasks of equal size and into one pour enough water to cover the bottom. Into the other flask pour an equal amount of actively fermenting yeast solution. a. Test both flasks for oxygen and carbon dioxide with a flame, with lirnewater, or with bariiun hydroxide. Set aside for an hour, keeping both flasks at a uni- form temperature of 25 C. At the end of an hour test as above for oxygen and carbon dioxide. Result ? b. Write up the above experiment in your notes, indicat- ing the object, the actual results observed, and your conclusions concerning what was proved with refer- ence to the nature of fermentation by yeast. See account of fermentation in the text. c. Fill two fermentation- tubes with yeast solution. Keep one at 25 C. and the other at a much lower THE PLAXT GROUPS 89 temperature. Observe the two tubes every fifteen minutes or at such, intervals as you find necessary. Eesults ? How do you explain the differences ob- served in the two tubes ? At the end of an hour test the two tubes for carbon dioxide. Eesult? Write up the above experiment in terms of object, method, results, and conclusions to be drawn con- cerning the nature of fermentation. Indicate method and results by drawings. 5. Nutrition. Draw a diagram of a yeast plant greatly mag- nified. Indicate the income and outgo of the yeast cell, comparing its nutritive processes with those of Proto- coccus and a specialized green plant. Contrast briefly the nutrition of yeast and that of green plants like Protococcus and Geranium (see Fig. 2 of the text). BACTERIA CLASS EXPERIMENTS 1. Expose a sterilized culture dish containing nutrient gelatine, agar-agar, or other suitable substance for bacterial growth in the classroom or laboratory for fifteen or twenty minutes. Expose a second culture dish out of doors or in a quiet room. Cover and observe after the cultures have remained for twenty-four hours in a warm place. a. Are there colonies of bacteria formed on the culture media in both cultures ? Is there any difference in the number and kinds of colonies in the two dishes ? How do you account for any differences observed ? b. Study the colonies with a hand lens or with a low power of a compound microscope. Are there differ- ences in the size, form, or color of the different colonies? Can you account for such differences? 90 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES c. Draw the colonies of one culture dish, indicating their distribution, size, and form. d. Conclusions. State your conclusions concerning the following points : (1) How do you account for the difference in the growth of bacterial colonies in the two culture dishes exposed to the air in the two different situations ? (2) How are bacteria evidently distributed? "Why should one avoid crowded rooms in time of disease epidemics ? (3) How do you account for the differences in the appearance of different bacterial colonies ? 2. Expose a sterile liquid culture medium in a test tube to the air as in the first experiment. Observe for several days at successive class exercises. Note any changes in the fluid which appear from day to day. MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF BACTEKIA 1. Remove a small portion of a colony from one of the cul- ture dishes in experiment 1 to a drop of water on a glass slide and cover. 2. Prepare a similar slide from the liquid culture in experiment 2. 3. Observe these preparations first with a low power and then under the high power of a compound microscope. a. Form types of bacteria. Consult the text figures and discussions and observe as many of these forms of bacteria as you can find in your preparations. Do you find coccus, bacillus, and spirilla form types ? Note the great variation in form and size of the bacteria, I. M<'<-iin'iitx. Do you find bacteria with independent powers of movement?. What is the nature of this movement ? The motor organs, cilia or tiagella, can TILE PLANT GROUPS 91 only be seen with very high powers in stained prepara- tions. Omit unless such preparations are available. c. Cell division. Do you see any bacteria in which the cells are dividing ? Consult Fig. 135 of the text, and the discussion on vegetative reproduction in bacteria. Fi<;. 21. Form types of bacteria typs of bacilli; b, types of micrococci; c, types of spirilla. After Williams From Marshall's " Microbiology " d. If stained preparations of bacteria are available, study the structure and form of bacteria in such preparations. e. Drfi"'ti/om. 3. Nutrition. State concisely the function of each part of the mushroom drawn above. Indicate the income and the outgo of the mushroom in gases, liquids, and soh'ds in connection with the above figure or in an outline figure similar to Fig. 2, Part I, of text. 4. Growth and expansion of mushrooms. Study a series of mushrooms of different ages. "What changes in the size, form, and relation of parts do you find taking place in mushrooms from young to mature stages \ What is the apparent function, or use, of these changes ? Praw a series of diagrams to illustrate the growth stages of a mushroom and discuss briefly the function, or use, of the changes indicated by your drawings. 5. Structure. Tease out on a slide portions of the stipe of a mushroom. Mount and study. Is the mushroom cel- lular like a higher plant, or is it an aggregation of hypha' ? Contrast the structure of a mushroom and that of a mold. Make drawings to indicate the structural elements of the mushroom. TJIE PLANT (JliOri'S 99 6. Spore formation. Select spore-forming lamellae of some species of Coprinus. Peel off a small portion of the s] lore-bearing surface and mount in water for study. a. Observe with a low power the spore-bearing surface of the lamella. l)o you find brown spores in groups of four scattered over the surface of the lamella ? Do you find basidia and paraphyses as described in the text and illustrated in Fig. 148, c ? I. Draw a portion of your section to bring out the above points. c. Examine the edges of your specimen for basidia bearing sterigniata and spores. If not seen, tease the speci- men in pieces with dissecting needles and observe the edges of the pieces. Do you find basidia with four sterigmata and young spores, and basidia with sterigniata and brown spores ? How are these spores formed at the ends of the sterigmata ? How are they shed ? Draw a basidium with sterigmata and spores. 7. Sections. If basidia and spores are not found satisfactorily in the above material, sections of the lamellae may be used. PUFFBALLS (1KNERAL APPEARANCE, STRUCTURE, AND REPRODUCTION 1. Examine puffballs in two or three stages of development (Fig. 150) to determine the character and limits of the gleba and peridia. Note the changes in these two layers as the puffballs mature. 2. Examine the contents of mature puffballs. Some puffballs have indurated fibers, or hypha- (the capillitium), formed in the gleba in connection with the spores. 3. Construct a drawing to show the relation of gleba and peridia. Draw spores and capillitium. 100 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES RUSTS 1. Examine leaves of cereals or other plants on which the different kinds of spores of a rust are borne. Can you see differences in color or form of the different kinds of rust spores ? Are the spores borne in groups or masses ? -Where is the mycelium from which these spores originated ? How do the spores become exposed to the air ? On how many and what kinds of hosts are the different kinds of spores borne ? 2. Draw the stem or leaf surfaces on which spores are borne showing the groups of spores, or sori, of each kind pro- duced by the species being studied. Name the host and the kind of spore in each drawing. 3. Examine the different kinds of spores of the rust micro- scopically. How do they differ ? How are they adapted for distribution and wintering ? 4. Draw each type of spore in some detail. 5. Life history. How many hosts are infested by the rust you are examining ? What are the spring, summer, and winter spores ? What is the function of each in the life history ? SMUTS 1. Examine corn or other cereals infested with smut. Tease out some of the dark mass on a slide and examine micro- scopically. What is the composition of these dark smut masses ? Draw some smut spores. Where is the plant which gave rise to the spores ? Is it a parasite ? How do the spores become exposed to the air ? When and how do these spores infect a new crop ? THE PLANT GKOUPS 101 LICHENS Select lichens growing on bark or stones and observe the following points : 1. Color of upper and under surface. Moisten lichens and note any change in color. What gives the peculiar color to lichens ? Does the composition of the compound plant explain its peculiar color ? 2. The form of lichens. Observe with hand lenses the lichens on bark, rocks, etc. Do you find different kinds, or species, of lichens recognizable by differences in size, color, and form? See the kinds of lichens on the display table. 3. Draw one or two lichens to illustrate their form. 4. Note the fruit cups, or apothecia, on the surface of some of the lichens. These cups (Figs. 156 and 157 of the text) are formed of spore sacs (asci) which bear spores of the fungus partner of the lichen. Draw apothecia to show their form and distribution. 5. Structure of the lichen. Moisten a small piece of a lichen thallus and tear in pieces in' a drop of water on a slide. Cover and crush out under a cover glass. Observe the fungus hyphse and the algse which compose the plant body. a. The algae. Note their form, color, and relation to the fungus hyphte. The latter grasp the algae with mi- nute branches and absorb food from them. Are the alga? multiplying by division ? b. TJie fungus portion of the lichen. Observe the hyphae of the fungus. What is their structure? Draw the algae and fungus mycelium comprising the lichen. 6. Summary. Summarize the work of the two partners, the fungus and the alga, in the life of the lichen. 102 LABORATORY AM) FIKLI) KXKllCISKS LILAC MILDEW (MICROSPHAERA ALX/) 1. Structure. Observe the upper surface of leaves infected with the parasite and note a. The white mycelium covering the leaf surface with a whitish mass of hyphse. Is this the plant body of the fungus ? How is it anchored to the leaf and how nourished ? "What is the structure of the body of the plant? 2. Reproduction by ascocarps, or fruits. These are dark bodies scattered over the surface of the leaf. a. Distribution of the ascocarps. Outline a portion of a leaf surface, showing the distribution of the mycelium and the ascocarp fruits on a leaf. b. Structure of ascocarps and asci. Remove ascocarps to a slide in a drop of alcohol and glycerin by scraping them from a leaf with a needle. Avoid scraping off dirt and portions of the leaf. Note with low power (1) The dark wall and app<'n}(* and similar liverworts attained by this method of growth ? How would new independent individuals arise from a rosette, or colony of branches ? Is this a form of asexual or of vegetative reproduction ? b. Sketch a liverwort with several lobes, or branches. c. Discuss briefly in your notes the method of growth and the formation of rosettes and of new individuals. 103 104 LABORATORY AXD FIELD EXERCISES 3. Structure and function. a. Adaptations for absorption. (1) Observe with a hand lens the ventral surface of liverworts which have been freed from soil. What structures do you find ? Mount and study under a compound microscope. How do these structures (rhizoids) differ from true roots ? What other structures do you find and how are they related to the plant body ? Do these structures have any particular function ? (2) Sketch the lower surface of the liverwort, indicat- ing the position of the structures seen. Label rhizoids and scalelike leaves. Draw more in detail one or more rhizoids. b. Light relation and photosynthesis. (1) Is the general form of the liverwort thallus adapted for photosynthesis ? Be able to explain. Examine the dorsal (upper) surface of the thallus with a hand lens. Do you find anything corresponding to stomata and the green mesophyll areas of leaves of the higher plants? Thin surface sections should be examined if difficulty is experienced in determining the structure of the dorsal surface. (2) Sketch accurately the structure of the dorsal surface of the thallus as it appears under the hand lens or low power. (3) Sections. Study sections cut vertically through the plant body, using low powers of the compound microscope or a good dissecting microscope. Com- pare the structure of the dorsal portion of the liverwort with that of a green leaf. Are there air spaces and an internal atmosphere ? What is the disposition of green chlorophyll cells ? THE PLANT GROUPS 105 Do you find stomata? What kind of tissue is below the green chlorenchyma ? What is its function ? Outline the section and detail a small portion of its cellular structure. Label correctly. Summarize the adaptations of the thallus of the liverwort for photosynthesis and absorption. FIG. 22. A common liverwort (Marchantia) A, antheridial plant; I], archegonial plant, rh, rhizoids, and m, midrib, of the leaf like flattened body /; c, capsules in which vegetative reproductive buds are formed ; s, upright stalks (a, antheridial and ar, archegonial, the latter being dis- tinguished by peculiar rays r). Slightly more than natural size. From Bergen and Caldwell's " Practical Botany " c. Storage and conduction. Are there any such structural devices for storage of reserve foods and for conduc- tion of water and foods in liverworts as we have found in the higher plants ? Be able to explain. 4. Reproduction. If Marchantia is used for the following study, the peculiar reproductive branches (receptacles) will need to be explained by the teacher. a. Distribution of sex organs. (1) Study the distribution of sex organs on the dorsal surface of the thallus in llicciocarpus, ConocepJmlus, 106 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES or similar liverworts, using a hand lens. Are the male and female organs aggregated or scat- tered over the surface ? Are the plants monoecious FIG. 23. The female receptacle of Marchantia A, portion of a lengthwise section of a young receptacle (semidiagrammatic), showing a row of archegonia hanging down from the lower surface, the youngest heing nearest the stalk (air chambers are present on the upper surface) ; I, one of the ringerlike lobes back of the section (the diamond- shaped areas indicate air chambers). B, a young sporo- phyte within the parent archegonium (the region which is to become the spore case is indicated by the cross lines, and the small foot is attached to the base of the archegonium) ; e, a special envelope developed around the archegonia of Mar- chantia. From Bergen and Davis's " Principles of Botany " (with male and female organs in separate groups on the same thallus) or dicecious (with male and female organs on separate plants ? If the organs are separate, how is fertilization to take place ? (2) Sketch plants, showing the distribution of sex organs. Label. THE PLANT GROUPS 107 b. Archegonia and antlieridia (structure of sex organs). Study sections of plants cut so as to show the form and structure of the sex organs. (1) Note in each organ an outer layer and a central column of cells. What is the cellular structure of these two groups of cells ? the function of each ? Are these cell groups alike in the female organ, or archegonium, and in the male organ, or antheridium ? If sex organs of different ages are availahle, note the method of liberating sperms and exposing the eggs for fertilization. (2) Comparisons. How do the archegonia and the antlie- ridia of the liverwort differ from the gametangia (oogonia and antheridia) of alga? and fungi ? Are archegonia and antheridia better adapted for secur- ing the development of gametes and fertilization in amphibious plants like liverworts than the gametangia of algffi and fungi ? Be able to explain. (3) Write a brief summary of the structure and adapta- tions of the sex organs in liverworts. Indicate also the important distinctions between arche- gonia and antheridia and the gametangia of algse and fungi. (4) Draw diagrams illustrating the structure of each. Study the structure of the sex organs in the text and label parts of your figures accurately. SPOROPIIYTE AXD LIFE HISTORY 1. Sporophyte. Study sporophytes of Ricciocarpus or other liverworts by dissection and in sections. a. Structure. What kinds of tissues and cells are found in the sporophyte that you are examining ? What is the apparent function of the tissues and cells 108 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES observed ? Draw the sporophyte or the sporophyte and surrounding tissues if studied in section. Label the parts according to function. b. Dissemination of spores. Are there any distinct devices for spore dissemination in the sporophyte that you are studying ? How would the spores be liberated ? What is the nature of the spore cell and how is it adapted for dissemination and for withstanding dessi- cation, or drying, by wind and sun ? c. Comparisons. Is the sporophyte a new structure in plants studied thus far ? What is its particular use, or function, in the life history of the amphibious liverworts ? Would such a structure be equally use- ful in the life history of the fresh-water algse ? 2. Life history. Write a graphical life history of the liver- wort that you are studying, similar to the life histories already written for Spirogyra and fungi. Explain in your notes the special adaptations of the gametophyte and the sporophyte to seasonal conditions and changes. B. MUSCI (MOSSES) GAMETOPHYTE 1. Habitat. What is the usual habitat of mosses ? Are they for the most part mesophytes, hydrophytes, or xero- phytes in habitat and structure ? Do you know of exceptions to the general rule ? Can you think of ad- vantages to be derived from the clustered habit of growth of the mosses ? Would this habit be of any advantage in securing food, moisture, and light, or in insuring fertilization of eggs by the motile sperms of mosses ? Summarize your ideas of habitat in your notes. THE PLANT GROUPS 109 2. Habit. Wash the earth from some moss plants and pre- pare them for study. Observe the parts of the plant body and compare them with those of higher seed plants. a. Plan of the plant body. Is the central axis divided into regular nodes and intemodes ? Are there lateral and terminal buds ? Are the leaves cyclic or spiral in arrangement ? Have the hairlike roots, or rhizoids, any definite points of origin on the stem ? Do roots and leaves have any definite tropic response ? Sketch a stem, using outline figures, to indicate the relation of parts of the plant body of the moss. b. Study the microscopic structure of the leaves and rhizoids and indicate the cellular structure of these organs by accurate drawings. 3. Reproduction. Study plants which have antheridia and archegonia in the terminal buds. The males may be recognized as open disks, or clusters of antheridia, ter- minating the stem. The female plants have similar clusters of archegonia borne in closed buds. a. Male disks and antheridia. Cut off the male head and dissect it out in a drop of water on a slide. (1) What is the shape of the moss antheridium ? its structure ? Is it composed of different cell layers ? How do these layers differ in structure ? What function do you consider that each cell group, or layer, has in the development and liberation of sperms ? Do you find other cell structures among the antheridia ? Sterile cell chains, called paraphyses, exist among the antheridia of most mosses, which probably protect the developing antheridia. (2) Draw antheridia and paraphyses. Label the parts of the antheridium according to position and function. 110 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES (3) If sections of antheridia are available, study in some detail the structure of the outer protective layers of the antheridium and the inner sperm mother cells. Make an accurate drawing of a section of an antheridium. b. Female heads. Observe the difference in appearance of male and female heads in mosses. Dissect out female heads, as for the males above, or study sections cut through female heads of a moss. (1) Sections. If .sections are studied, note the origin of the archegonia from the apical meristem of the rnoss stem. What is the form and structure of the archegonium ? Is there an outer protective layer and a central column of cells as in the antheridium ? Find the egg in the basal swollen part (venter) of the archegonium. Detail one or more archegonia and cells of the meristem from which they arise. (2) Dissections. If slides are not available, archegonia may be dissected out of female heads as for antheridia above. Draw archegonia if found by this method, indicating the structure of the outer protective layer and of the central column of cells. See the account of the structure of the archegonium under Ricciocarpus and the moss in the text. (3) Comparisons. Compare the archegonium of the moss and the oogonium (gametangium) of algte. How do they differ ? In what respects is the arche- gonium better adapted for insuring fertilization in land plants than the simple gainetangia of the algae ? THE PLA^T GROUPS 111 SPOROPHYTE 1. Mature sporophyte. Select a moss plant bearing a mature sporophyte and study the relation of the gametophyte and sporophyte. a. Cut away the gametophyte on one side so as to expose the base of the sporophyte. Is the sporophyte a para- site on the gametophyte ? b. Parts of the sporophyte. (1) Study sporophytes carefully with the naked eye and with a hand lens. Is the enlarged part (cap- sule) differentiated into parts ? Note its connection with the gametophyte. Draw the sporophyte and label its parts after reading the text description of the sporophyte. (2) Operadum, peristome, and spores. With dissecting needles remove the operculum and expose the peristome. What is its structure in the moss that you are studying ? How many teeth are there in the peristome ? Breathe on the peristome teeth and observe quickly under low power. What is the nature of the movement of the teeth ? What is the function of this movement in the scattering of spores ? Draw a portion of the peristome as seen under low and high powers. (3) Spores. Remove spores from a capsule with needles and note their size, form, and structure. Is a spore a cell ? Is it a reproductive cell ? How is it adapted to dissemination and to resistance to the effects of sun and drought ? How do these spores differ from spores of the algae ? (4) Spore germination. What, do moss spores produce when they germinate ? See text and laboratory 112 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES material if available. How does the leaf}- moss gametophyte arise ? 2. Embryo and young sporophyte. Study stages in the development of the sporophyte. What relation does the old archegonium wall sustain to the growing sporo- phyte ? to the mature capsule ? Draw stages in the development of the sporophyte. Label sporophyte and old archegonium after reading the text discussion of these structures. LIFE HISTORY AND SEASONAL HISTORY 1. . What are the two alternating generations of the moss, and how do they differ from similar stages in Ricdo- carpus ? See the life history of Ricciocarpus in the text. 2. Write a graphical life history of the moss plant, using outline figures. Indicate in the history the protonema and gametophyte, and stages in the development of the sporophyte. 3. Seasonal history and alternation of generations. a. Are the mosses annuals, biennials, or perennials in habit ? How do they pass the winter ? Determine the main nutritive and reproductive seasonal activities of common mosses. Contrast the seasonal history of mosses with that of higher plants outlined in an earlier part of the text. Are the alternating genera- tions related to seasonal life ? If so, how ? Would tli is seasonal relation be different in different mosses ? Investigate this point for yourself as far as possible by studies of mosses out of doors and in textbooks. b. Write a brief account of your findings on the above points and hand in with your drawings. SECTION VIII. PTERIDOPHYTA (FERNS, EQUISETA, AND LYCOPODS) The Pteridophyta, as indicated in the text, are the plants from which the higher plants had their origin in geologic periods earlier than the present era. Their organization and life history are therefore of especial interest in interpreting the structure, ecology, and life history of the higher plants. In order to make clear the contrasts and similarities between the Filicales, or true ferns, and the higher seed plants, the following laboratory directions are written, from the same standpoint and with similar headings and references as the directions on the higher herbaceous and woody plants of Part I. Constant refer- ence is also made to the earlier work of the student, and to the text dealing with the organization and adaptations of higher plants to the environment. A. FILICALES SPOROPHYTE Select for study one or more species of common wild and cultivated ferns which show both mature and young, growing leaves. Wash the earth carefully from stem and roots of at least one specimen and study as follows : 1. Plan of the plant body. Compare the general plan of the plant body of a fern with that of herbaceous and woody plants studied earlier in the course, and with such seed plants as may be available for comparison. a. Is the central axis, or stem, divided into nodes and internodes, with regular points of origin for leaves 113 114 LABOKAT011Y AND FIELD EXERCISES and roots ? Are there lateral and terminal buds ? How does the terminal bud of ferns differ from that of higher plants ? Can you think of reasons for the differences observed ? Are there lateral branches, and if so, have they a definite arrangement ? Observe the ramenta, or brown scales, characteristic of ferns on the stem, leaf bases, and young leaves. What is the probable function of these ramenta as the ter* minal bud unfolds in the spring ? 2. Leaves. a. Mature leaves. Contrast the mature leaves of ferns with those of higher plants in size, form, texture, and venation. What are the distinctive characteristics of fern leaves accessible to you, and of fern leaves known to you, as compared with those of higher seed plants ? Study the mode of venation and the termination of the veins, comparing ferns and some common seed plants in this respect. b. Young leaves. Study the growth and form of young leaves of the terminal bud. What are the distinctive characters of young fern leaves as regards form and method of growth ? 3. Roots. Study the mode of brandling of roots. Is there any distinctive feature which characterizes ferns in this respect as compared with higher plants ? Deter- mine also the origin and distribution of roots on the stem. 4. Adjustments to the environment by tropisms (see the text, Part I, and earlier laboratory work on tropisms). Determine the tropisms of the stem, roots, and leaves of ferns and apply proper terms to indicate the nature of stimulus and response, for example, protropic, apotropic, and diatropic. THE PLANT GROUPS 115 5. Distinctive characteristics. Summarize in your notes under the above headings (namely, body plan, leaves, roots, and the tropisms of the central axis and lateral organs) the distinctive characteristics of ferns as com- pared with higher plants. 0. Drawings. a. Make an. accurate drawing of the fern examined. I. Bring out as largely as possible, in the main drawing and, where necessary, by detailed drawings of certain organs (for example, leaves), the distinctive charac- teristics of ferns named above under 5. c. Draw an outline figure, indicating the positions assumed by_the organs in a cultivated or wild fern. Indicate stimuli and the nature of the response of the plant organs by use of the proper terms, as in the earlier studies of seed plants in Part I. 7. Habitat, habit, and environment. a. Habitat. What is the common habitat of ferns in your region ? Are they typically mesophytic, xerophytic, or liydrophytic ? Do you know of exceptions to the general rule ? b. Environment. Compare the environment of common wild ferns growing on the forest floor with ferns growing in homes, and with common seed plants growing in the open. How would these three habi- tats compare as regards heat, light, soil water, food elements in the soil, and the relative humidity of the air ? Answer these questions in a paragraph in your notes. c. Habit. How is the habit of wild ferns especially adapted to the above environment as regards the form, size, and texture of the leaves ? Do cultivated ferns mani- fest a different structure ? 116 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES d. Seasonal life. Are ferns annuals, biennials, or peren- nials in habit ? How do they pass the winter ? What is the function of the rhizome in the winter season ? Be able to indicate the seasonal activities of the fern in a manner similar to that outlined for the bean, clover, and apple in Part I of the text. e. Summarize the principal seasonal activities of the fern plant during summer, spring, and winter, indicating the main plant organs concerned. 8. Anatomy of maidenhair fern (Adiantum). Examine with a hand lens and low powers of the microscope trans- verse sections of a fern stem, or rhizome, like that of Adiantum, with a tubular vascular cylinder of phloem and xylem. a. Gross arrangement of tissues. Do you find the same general tissue layers in the fern rhizome as in the herbaceous stems studied earlier in the course ? (Consult figures and text discussion on herbaceous stems.) Are there the same general subdivisions of the cortex into stereome and storage tissues, and of the vascular ring into phloem, cambium, and xylem as in herbaceous stems ? Note the relative width of the cortex, vascular cylinder, and pith in the fern and in herbaceous and woody stems. b. Leaf traces and leaf gaps. Study sections of a fern rhizome cut through the point of exit of a leaf. (1) Is the vascular cylinder broken, forming a break, or gap, with a small leaf bundle (the leaf trace) in section opposite the gap ? Consult the text descriptions and fix clearly in mind the nature and relations of leaf trace, leaf gap, and the vas- cular cylinder as a whole. See also the text figures on the anatomy of Adiantum. THE PLANT GROUPS 117 (2) Root traces. The root bundles which enter the lateral roots may sometimes be found leaving the vascular cylinder. Do they leave a gap as in the leaf bundle ? (3) Drawing. Outline your entire section, indicating the main tissue layers and their subdivisions and the relations of leaf trace, leaf gap, and cen- tral cylinder. How does Adiantum differ from an herbaceous plant like Salvia in its gross anatomy ? Consult the text discussion of Salvia in Part I. e. Minute structure of the tissues. (1) Epidermis, cortex, and pith. Draw in detail a few characteristic cells of each of the above layers and their main subdivisions, to show the dis- tinctive cell characteristics of each tissue. Label the parts of the cells. What is the function of eacli cell type in the rhizome, and how is its structure adapted to its function ? (2) Vascular cylinder. Study the following tissues of the vascular ring and leaf trace critically with low power : () Xylem. Characterized by large water-carrying cells resembling ducts in higher plants. These xylem cells, or tracheids, stain red where sections are stained with safranin (the dye commonly used in staining xylem). Are there rays or other living tissues in the xylem of ferns, as in that of higher seed plants previously studied ? (7>) Pldoe'm. Surrounding the xylem. The sieve tubes are the large cells seen in the phloem flanking the xylem on either side. 118 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES (c-) Cambium. Is there any evidence of a cambium composed of regular cells as in higher plants ? (d) Endodermis. A dark-brown layer surrounding the phloem, beneath which is a single cell layer containing starch, called the pericycle. (Y) Does the leaf trace have the same structure as the main vascular cylinder ? (3) Drawing. Make a cellular drawing of a small por- tion of the main vascular cylinder, or of the leaf trace to show the structure of the tissue elements. Label correctly. (4) Summary. Summarize the distinctive features of the tissue arrangements in the fern as compared with that of herbaceous dicotyledons. See the summary of the anatomy of herbaceous stems in Part I of the text. 9. Anatomy of eagle fern (Pteris aquilind). a. Gross anatomy. Study transverse sections of the eagle fern, as indicated above for Adiantum, using a hand lens first and then low powers of the microscope. Compare the main tissue layers with those of the maidenhair fern. (1) Epidermis and cortex. Are both epidermis and cor- tex present, and do they have the same cell char- acteristics as in the maidenhair fern ? Is there an exoskeleton in Pteris? (2) Vascular ring. Study the vascular system carefully with a hand lens and low power. Is there any- thing corresponding to the single vascular ring of Adiantum ? What kinds of tissue masses occupy the pith region ? Do you find central skeletal, or strengthening, masses and vascular strands ? See text discussion of the eagle fern (Pteris aquilina). THE PLANT GROUPS 119 (3) Drawings. Construct an outline figure (no cells) of the cross section of the stem of Pteris. Label the parts accurately. Discuss briefly the distinc- tive features of the anatomy of the eagle fern as compared with that of Adiantum. o. Minute anatomy. (1) Transverse sections. Work out and draw the cellu- lar structure of one vascular strand of the rhizome in Pteris and label accurately. Draw also a few cells of the epidermal, of the skeletal, and of the storage tissues. (2) Long sections. (a) /Skeletal tissue. Work out and draw a few cells of the strengthening, or skeletal, tissue as seen in long section. Are these cells living ? What are their most distinctive structural characteristics? Explain in your notes. (5) Vascular tissues. Study the vascular tissues in long section. Find the sieve tubes of the phloem and water-conducting cells, or tracheids, of the xylem. Determine the shape, size, and wall markings of each type of cell element. (c) Sieve tubes. Find in the sections the abundant sieve plates. Consult text figures. Be able to discuss the structure and function of the sieve plates. Draw accurately one or more sieve tubes and the adjoining cells. (d) Tracheids. Study the form, cell contents, and cell-wall thickening of the tracheids. How does the tracheid differ from the duct, or vessel, of the higher plants ? Is it as efficient in water conduction as the vessels are? 120 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES Determine with care the thick and thin areas of the wall. Which area constitutes the greater portion of the entire wall of the tracheid? What is the function of each in the work of the tracheid and the stem? (e) Summary. Draw and discuss briefly the struc- ture and functions of the tracheids as com- pared with the ducts of the higher plants. 10. Asexual reproduction. a. The sorus. Observe the lower (abaxial) surface of fern leaves for clusters of fern sporangia, or sori. (1) What is the position of the sori with reference to the veins ? Can you think of a reason for this position ? Are the sori numerous or infrequent on the leaves that you are examining? What advantages has the fern sporophyte over the moss sporophyte in the production of spores ? See text discussion for the number of fern spores pro- duced by a single sporophyte annually. (2) Structure of the sorus. With hand lens and low power of the microscope determine the structure of the sorus. Has it a covering ? Do sori of dif- ferent ages have a different color and appearance ? To what is this difference in color due ? Where there is a membranous covering (indusium), note its form in young sori, and the method by which the brown sporangia became exposed to the air in older sori. If different species of ferns are available, observe sori and indusia of different shapes and forms. Draw a single pinnule of a fern to show the form, structure, and distribution of the sori. Compare the indusia in your specimens with those shown in the text (Figs. 168 and 176). THE PLA^T GROUPS 121 b. Sporangia and spores. (1) Dissect out sporangia into a drop of water on a slide. Mount and study the cellular structure of the sporangium carefully. Are the cells all alike in structure and in function? To demonstrate this point remove sporangia to a dry slide. Breathe on them gently and observe quickly under low power. Result? Consult the text discussion of spore dissemination. (2) Draw accurate diagrams of a closed and an open sporangium as you observe them in your own preparations. Be prepared to explain the peculiar structure and mechanism of the annulus. SUPPLEMENTARY STUDIES 1. Sporogenesis. If slides are available, the essential stages in sporogenesis, or spore forumtion, may be worked out, illustrating the archesporium and tapetum, the sporogenous and spore mother- cell stages, and the formation of tetrads and spores. 2. Analysis and classification. Each student should learn to use the analytical key and analyze a few species of common ferns. Record your analyses as follows : . Family b. Genus c. Species: scientific name, ; common name, GAMETOPHYTE After examining growing fern gametophytes, determine and record the following points concerning the habitat and nature of the gamete-bearing plant, or gametophyte generation, of the ferns. : 1. Habitat. AVhat is the natural habitat of these little plants in nature ? Does, your observation indicate that fern 122 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES gametophytes are abundant iu their natural habitat ? Why not, since ferns produce abundant spores ? 2. Habit. What group of plants already studied have game- tophytes most similar to those of ferns ? Is this group closely related to ferns ? What is the most striking difference between the ferns and the Hepaticae as regards their gametophyte and sporophyte plants ? 3. Structure. Wash the soil from the underside of mature gamete plants. Determine the structure of the plant body and the nature of the absorbing organs. 4. Sex organs. a. Study the position of the archegonia and antheridia on the ventral side of the gametophyte. Observe in models and in the text the structure of these organs. Are they essentially the same as those in the Bry- ophyta ? How would fertilization be effected ? Is the position of these sex organs favorable for insuring fertilization ? Be able to explain. b. If sections are available, the student should study sec- tions cut through the gametophyte and the sex organs for a more exact knowledge of the structure of the archegonia and antheridia. c. Development of the gametophyte. Study germinating spores which show early stages in the formation of the gametophyte. Draw and label stages observed. THE EMBRYO AND THE LIFE HISTORY 1. Embryo. Study young sporophytes growing from game- tophytes. What are the parts of the spore plant ? How are they attached to the gamete plant ? What relation does this young spore plant bear to the adult sporophyte ? Consult the text figures on this point. THE PLANT GROUPS 123 2. Life history. a. Construct a graphical life history of the fern similar to that of Ricciocarpus. b. Contrast briefly in your notes the alternating genera- tions of the fern and the bryophyte. B. EQUISETALES (HORSETAILS) SPOROPHYTE Compare the main subdivisions of the plant body of some species of Equisetum with that of the true ferns as regards both form and function. 1. The plant body and its plan. a. Main subdivisions. Has the Equisetum plant the same divisions into horizontal rhizome, aerial green leaves, and roots as the true ferns ? What organs perform the functions of photosynthesis, absorption, conduction, and storage ? What portions would carry the plant over winter or extreme drouth ? How does Equisetum differ from ferns as regards the above points ? b. Vegetative parts. Is the main stem segmented into regular nodes and iuternodes ? Is the leaf-and- brauch arrangement cyclic or spiral ? Determine the origin of lateral buds and branches with refer- ence to the leaves. Is it the same as in higher plants ? Compare the aerial and underground stem and lateral branches in these respects. Are they all constructed on the same plan ? Note any varia- tions that may occur. Observe the origin and nature of the roots. c. Strolili, or reproductive cones. Observe these structures and their position on the plant. Are their parts (as seen externally) arranged on the same plan as 124 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES the leaves on the main axis, thus following the general body plan ? Is the strobilus placed in the right position on the shoot for spore dissemination? 2. Adjustments to the environment. Are there the same responses to environmental forces by tropisms in Equi- setum as in ferns ? Be able to explain the relation between the responses of the various organs and the functions which they perform. 3. Drawings. Make an accurate drawing of the Equisetum plant studied, to indicate the subdivisions and plan of the plant body. Indicate by proper terms the responses and adjustments of the various organs to environ- mental forces. 4. Analysis. Analyse one or more species of Equisetum and record analyses under family, genus, and species, as in ferns. 5. Habitat and habit. a. What is the usual habitat of the equiseta ? Are there variations in habitat ? Determine these points by field studies and by reference to texts and analytical keys. Does the habitat of species growing in ponds or lakes correspond to the form and structure of these species ? How can you explain the evident discrepancy between habitat and habit in these cases ? 6. Seasonal history. Are equiseta annuals, biennials, or perennials ? herbaceous or woody plants ? In what form do they pass the winter ? How do they differ from ferns in these respects ? 7. Summary. a. Summarize the distinctive characteristics of equiseta which differentiate them from true ferns. b. Explain the apparent discrepancy between habitat and habit in species growing in water. THE PLANT GROUPS 125 SUPPLEMENTARY STUDY Equisetum arvense SPOROPHYTE 1. Dimorphic character of the aerial stems. a. Compare aerial vegetative and reproductive shoots of Equisetum arvense as to body plan, lateral organs, and color. What is the apparent advantage of this division of labor in aerial stems ? Do the reproductive and the vegetative shoots grow at the same time of the year ? Which has the longer life ? b. Construct a diagram to show the relations of the under- ground and the dimorphic aerial portions of Equisetum arvense. Label parts correctly. 2. Structure and reproduction. a. Structure. Cut thin sections across the stems of Equi- setum arvense. Mount and study with a low power. (1) Locate the main tissue layers : namely, epidermal, skele- tal (or supporting), vascular (or conducting), and stor- age tissues. How does the general arrangement of tissues differ from that found in the fern ? Can you relate the position of the various tissues to their use, or function, in the plant body, for example, the skeletal and the green tissue ? Why are both of these tissues placed on the outside of the stem ? Why is the vascular tissue so small in amount ? What are the advantages of the large intercellular spaces ? (2) Make an outline drawing (no cells) of your section illustrating the position of the various tissues. (3) Summarize the adaptive features of the structure of the stem. b. Asexual reproduction. (1) Compare the arrangement of the parts of the stro- bilus of Equisetum arvense with that of the species examined above as to plan and arrangement of parts. 126 LABOKATOKY AND FIELD EXERCISES (2) Bisect a strobilus. What are the parts of a strobilus thus exposed ? Is the strobilus a modified shoot ? Are there nodes, internodes, and lateral members, as in the main central axis ? (3) Sporangiophores and sporangia. The sporangiophores are the shield-shaped lateral organs of the strobilus which bear the sporangia. They are not true sporo- phylls, or modified leaves. How many sporangia are there on a single sporangiophore ? How are they arranged ? What is the shape of a sporangium ? Dissect sporangia out on a slide to determine this point. Can you determine the mode of opening in rather mature sporangia? Draw sporangia to show the line of dehiscence. (4) Spores and elaters. Dissect spores out on a slide (let them dry if preserved material is used). Breathe on them gently. Result ? Study the structure of the spores. Draw them. See the text for a descrip- tion of spore structure. Label your drawing. 3. Life history and relationships. Study the life history of Equisetum in the text. a. Why are these plants classified with the ferns under the common group Pteridophyta ? b. In what respects are the ferns and equiseta alike in their life history ? Summarize your conclusions respecting a and b in your notes. C. LYCOPODIALES (CLUB MOSSES) LYCOPODIUM SPOROPHYTE 1. The plan of the plant body. Compare with that of true ferns and equiseta. Are there characters concerned with the central axis or the lateral members (leaves, roots, and branches) which distinguish lycopods from the other Pteridopliyta already studied? THE PLANT GROUPS 127 2. Asexual reproduction. a. Observe the strobili of a lycopod which is bearing spores. What is the position of the strobilus on the stem? Are its parts of the same general nature and arrange- ment as those of the main axis? b. Structure of strobilus, sporangia, and spores. Determine these points by dissecting the leaves, or sporophylls, from strobili. How is the sporangium related to the scalelike leaves (sporophylls) which bear them ? How and where do the sporangia open (dehisce) to shed the spores ? Are the spores numerous and all of one kind, namely, homosporous ? c. Draw a single sporophyll with its sporangium. 3. Analysis. Analyze two or more species of lycopods and record your analyses as for ferns and equiseta. 4. Distinctive characters. Summarize the characters which seem to you to distinguish lycopods from other Pteri- dophyta studied. SELAGINELLA SPOROPHYTE Study one or more species of Selaginella with reference to the following more important and distinctive features of these plants: 1. Body plan and adjustment of organs to the environment. a. Leaves. (1) Note their arrangement and adjustment to light. If erect and creeping species are available, com- pare them in these respects. (2) Note the ligule, a small outgrowth on the adaxial side near the stem. This is an ancestral character which existed in the lycopods of early geologic periods. 128 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES b. Rhizophores and roots. The rhizophores are naked, stem- like organs which Lear the roots at the tip, where the rhizophores come in contact with the soil. What FIG. 24. Selaginella martensii A, branch bearing cones and showing the leaf arrangements ; B, inner face of a megasporophyll, showing the large megasporangium containing a group of four megaspores (tetrad) ; C, two views of megaspores; I), inner face of mi- cro.sporophyll, showing microsporangium ; E, microspores ; F, diagram of a longitudinal section of cone, illustrating position of microsporophylls and megaspo- rophylls and their microsporangia and megasporangia. From Bergen and Davis's " Principles of Botany " would be the function of these rhizophores in the natural habitat of Selaginella ? The rhizophore is also an ancient organ which occurred in the early relatives of Selaginella. THE PLAXT GROUPS 129 c. Draw a portion of a Selaginella plant to illustrate the above points. 2. Asexual reproduction. a. Strobili. Do the species of Selaginella that you are examining bear distinct strobili? What is the nature of the sporophylls ? Do they resemble ordinary leaves in form and color ? Why are they called sporophylls ? I. Sporangia and spores. (1) Remove sporophylls from different parts of the stro- bilus and examine the sporangia. Are the sporangia all alike in appearance and in the number of spores which they bear ? Dissect spores from several spo- rangia to determine this point. What do you find? Have we studied any plants before which bore two kinds of spores ? Do any particular portions of the strobilus bear a particular kind of sporangium and spore ? (2) Draw the two kinds of sporangia and sporophylls found in the strobili that you are examining. Draw the two kinds of spores. Eead the text on asexual reproduction of Selaginella and label your figures correctly. (3) Study of sections. If sections of strobili of Sela- ginella are available, study the relations of the microsporangia and megasporangia to the main axis of the strobilus and to the sporophylls. Observe the structure of the sporangia and spores. Draw and label your figure. 3. Life history. Study the text figures and discussions con- cerning the gametophytes, sex organs, and life history of Selaginella. 4. Distinctive characteristics. Summarize the new and dis- tinctive characters of Selaginella. SECTION IX. GYMNOSPERMS A. CYC AD ALES (CYC ADS) SPOROPHYTE 1. Habitat and relationships. a. Consult the text and assigned readings concerning the habitat, classification, and relationships of the Cycadales. What is the natural habitat of the cycads in the United States ? Were they ever more abundant and important as a part of the world's vegetation than they are at the present time ? What position in classification do they occupy among living plants ? What ancestral relationships have they which make them important to study in a course in plant evolution ? b. Summarize answers to the above questions in your notes. 2. Habit and body plan. a. What is the body plan of cycads ? See the arrange- ment of leaf bases and green leaves on the stem. Do you know of ferns or seed plants which the cycads resemble in general habit? Are the cycads closely related to such plants ? b. Leaves. Study young and mature leaves of cycads. In what respects do cycad leaves resemble those of ferns ? If leaves are unfolding, notice the method of unfolding of the entire leaf and of the pinnules. If possible, note the venation of leaves of Cycas and Zamia, Are the resemblances of cycad leaves to 130 THE PLANT GROUPS 131 those of ferns a matter of chance or one of blood relationship ? c. Roots. Are the roots of cycads distinctive ? If so, in what respects ? 3. Asexual reproduction. Study living or preserved material or museum specimens. a. Strobili. Determine the position of strobili on the main axis, the distribution of male and female strobili on the same or on different plants, and the general nature of the strobili. (1) Are the strobili terminal or lateral in origin ? Are the plants monoecious or dioecious as regards the distribution of strobili? (2) Are the parts of the strobilus arranged on the same plan as those of the main plant body ? To what parts of the plant body do the main parts of the strobilus correspond ? Are there sporophylls and a central axis as in the lycopods and Selaginellal Are the sporophylls cyclic or spiral? 4. Sporophylls and sporangia. a. Microsporophylls, sporangia, and spores. (1) Sporophylls. Note the form and relation of the sporophylls. Compare (by means of specimens or figures) the sporophylls of different kinds of Cycadales. Are any of them leaflike ? To what do these sporophylls correspond in ferns ? in Selaginella and lycopods ? (2) Microsporangia. Are the microsporangia abaxial or adaxial on the sporophyll? Has their position any relation to spore-shedding? Is there any definite arrangement into sori ? (3) Spores. Searcli for sporangia shedding spores. Is there a definite line of dehiscence? Study spores 132 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES and compare them with those of ferns and Selayinella. Do cycad spores differ in structure or in function from those of Pteridophyta ? (4) Drawings. Draw the ventral (abaxial) view of a microsporophyll and its sporangia. Label. Draw two or three microspores. . b. Megasporophylls and sporangia. (1) Eemove entire sporophylls with their megaspo- raiigia, or ovules, from the female strobili. Note young or undeveloped megasporangia if found. Are these megasporangia, or ovules, similar to the ovules of the mandrake and the bean studied earlier in the text ? Consult these earlier figures and text descriptions. If they are the same, are all ovules and seeds megasporangia ? (2) Gross structure of the megasporangium. Bisect the megasporangia of Zamia and study their structure as shown on the cut surface. Compare the Zamia megasporangium with that of the mandrake. Do you find integuments, micropyle, and funiculus in the megasporangium of Zamia ? What fills the center of the sporangium ? Do you find structures looking like archegonia, or eggs? Use hand lens and examine your specimen carefully. c. Conclusions. What conclusions do you draw as to the nature of the megasporangium and its contents ? Does it contain spores or structures belonging to a gametophyte generation ? Does the sporangium ever open (dehisce) as in the microsporangia ? State in summary form your conclusions as to relation of the megasporangia of Zamia to ovules of the man- drake, locust, and bean studied in Part I, and to megasporangia in the heterosporous Selaginella. THE PLANT GROUPS 133 GAMETOPIIYTE Study text figures and descriptions of the megasporangium of Zamia. With the aid of such descriptions study your specimen with a hand lens and determine the relation of the following structures : 1. The integument layers and the micropyle. How do the layers of the integument differ? Is the micropyle of appreciable width ? 2. The pollen chamber and the remnant of the sporangium. Do you find these structures in your specimen ? How are they related to the gametophyte and the arche- gonial chamber ? 3. The gametophyte. a. Is the gametophyte of Zamia as large as that of the fern ? Has it the same functions ? What was the source of its food supply ? How was this in the fern ? in Selaginella ? Test the gametophyte with iodine. Does it contain reserve starch? b. Archegoma. How many archegonia are there on a single gametophyte of Zamia ? How do they compare in structure with the archegonia of Selaginella, ferns, and mosses ? Have any structures common to the earlier archegonia been lost ? Note the archegonial chamber. What is its special function at the time of fertilization ? Draw the upper third of the mega- sporangium and gametophyte to bring out the above structures. Label. 4. Pollination and fertilization. How is pollination effected in Zamia 1 Is self-pollination or cross-pollination the rule? How does the pollen grain reach the pollen chamber ? What is the function of the pollen tube ? How is fertilization effected in Cycadales ? In what 134 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES respects is the process in cycads intermediate between that in ferns and that in the mandrake. 5. Structure of the seed. Study the structures of the seed in Zamia from specimens or from figures. Compare its structure with that of the mandrake and the pea. What sporophytic and gametophytic structures are comprised in the seed of Zamia ? If specimens are available, draw a sectional view of the cycad seed to show the parts of the embryo and the remaining structures of the seed. 6. Seed germination. The method of seed germination in cycads is well illustrated by the germination of the acorns, or seeds, of the oak. The important things to note are a. The structure of the seed and embyro. b. The exit of the embyro from the hard seed coat. c. The function of the cotyledons and the exit of the plumule. d. The final adjustment of the young plantlet in the soil and air. If the acorn is used, make appropriate drawings to illustrate stages a-d. 7. Life history. Study the text diagrams in the graphical life history of Zamia. Be able to label and explain each stage of the life history illustrated in the diagram. 8. Summary. Summarize briefly the following points relat- ing to the structure and reproduction of Zamia and the Cycadales. a. Summarize the fernlike characteristics of Cycadales which indicate their pteridophyte ancestry. b. Summarize their new gymnosperm characters. c. Give briefly the characteristics in which Cycadales are intermediate between PteridopJiyta and the higher seed plants. THE PLANT GROUPS 135 B. CONIFERALES (CONE-BEARERS). SPRUCE AND PINE SPOROPHYTE 1. Habitat (Field study). a. What is the nature of the habitat of the spruces and pines of your region as regards soil, drainage, and climate ? Do they grow best on lowlands or on well- drained slopes and uplands? What is the distribu- tion of spruces and pines in the United States ? What is their natural habitat as regards soil and climate ? Are they mesophytic or xerophytic in general habit ? How do you explain the apparent discrepancy between habitat and habit in these trees ? Consult manuals and assigned readings 011 the above points. I. Summarize the above points in your notes under habitat, including geographical distribution and habit. 2. Habit. a. Form and body plan of the spruce and pine trees. Eeview the text discussion in Part I on the body plan and mode of growth of the spruce and pine trees. Be able to account for the erect conical form, the excurrent trunk, and the false whorls of branches of spruces and pines. Why is the trunk excurrent ? What de- termines the conelike form of the entire tree ? How do the false whorls arise ? Is the entire leafage well exposed to light ? b. Summarize the above points under Habit in terms of body plan, methods of growth of buds and branches, and tropistic responses of leaves and branches. For a general discussion of the habitat, distribution, and com- mercial importance of the spruces and pines the student should consult the text and figures under Gymnosperms in Part III of text. See also the general map of forest areas (Fig. 223). 136 LABORATORY AKD FIELD EXERCISES ANATOMY OF THE SPRUCE STEM TRANSVERSE SECTIONS Cut thin transverse sections from living spruce twigs about one eighth of an inch in diameter. Mount some sections in alcohol and some in iodine solution. Observe the latter sections for starch storage, wood rays, pith, etc. 1. The main tissue layers of the spruce. a. Compare the tissue layers of the spruce with those of the lilac and fern. Which stem does the spruce most nearly resemble in structure ? Does the spruce pos- sess both a cork cambium and the cambium which forms phloem and xylem ? Note carefully the rela- tions of corky bark, green cortex, phloem, cambium, xylem, and pith. b. Leaf gaps and traces. Observe the shape of the pith. Do you find lobes of the pith (leaf gaps) extending into the xylem ? If so, note their extent and the nature of the xylem ring opposite them. Leaf traces, looking like wide wood rays, often appear opposite these pith lobes or leaf gaps in the spruce. Consult the text figures. c. Observe sections stained with iodine for starch-storage areas. Where is starch stored in the spruce ? d. Make an accurate drawing of your section in outline (no cells), indicating the main tissue areas and their limits. Include wood rays, annual rings, leaf gaps, and leaf traces. Study the text and label your drawing accurately. e. Summary. Write an accurate and concise summary of the structure of the spruce stem in the form indicated for herbaceous dicotyledons and for the fern. Indicate THE PLANT GROUPS 137 in the summary the particulars in which the spruce stem resembles that of the fern, and the significance of this resemblance. Consult the text on the structure of the spruce stem. 2. Structure of the tissues (prepared slides). Observe with low and high powers of the microscope the tissue layers and tissue elements in stained preparations of spruce stems. a. The cork lark. Of what kinds of tissue is it composed ? Is there an apparent tendency to form separating scales ? Are the cells of the cork bark living or lifeless ? The cork cambium forms an inner layer of rectangular living cells on the inner side of the cork layers in the spruce. b. Cortex. Observe the character of its cells and the struc- ture of the large resin canals with a lining layer of small resin secreting cells. c. Phloem and cambium. Can you differentiate the phloem and cambium layers ? Does the phloem show annual growth layers corresponding to those of the xylem ? What marks the outer boundary of each annual layer of phloem (this outer limit of the phloem can be determined by the outer limit of the wood rays) ? d. Xylem. (1) Annual rings, composed of spring and summer wood. Compare these with similar structures of woody dicotyledons. How do the tissue elements of the spring and summer wood differ in the spruce from similar structures in lilac and alder ? Which kind of wood is better adapted for rapid water conduction ? Is the wood structure adapted to the leaf structure and transpiration requirements in the spruce ? 138 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES (2) Storage tissues of the xylem. Is the spruce as well provided with storage tissues as the above- mentioned stems ? How does it compare with the storage system of the fern stem ? Is the spruce intermediate in this respect between the alder and the fern ? Be able to explain. (3) Drawings. Outline a sector of a transverse section of the spruce stem. Detail in this sector the cork layer, a small portion of the xylem at the junction of two annual rings, a leaf gap, and a leaf trace. LONG SECTIONS Study thin sections cut from spruce or pine to determine the structure of the water-carrying tracheids and of the wood rays. Mount in alcohol if freshly prepared material is used. 1. Tracheids. What is the nature of the conducting elements, or tracheids, making up the wood of pine or spruce ? Are they single cells ? What is their shape ? What are their surface markings ? How do they differ from the vessels, or trachea?, of the higher plants studied earlier in the course ? Compare the ducts of the lilac and alder with the tracheids in your slide. Do the wall mark- ings of tracheids differ from those of ducts ? Study the bordered pits on the walls of the tracheids, consulting the text concerning their structure. On which walls of the tracheids are the bordered pits, the tangential walls or the radial walls ? 2. Wood rays. If rays are seen in radial sections, note the differentiation of their cells into living starch-bearing cells and dead water-conducting tracheids. 3. Drawings. Draw a small portion of your section accurately to show the structure of tracheids and wood rays. THE PLANT GROUPS 139 ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION 1. Ovulate strobili of the spruce. Study surface views of mature dry strobili of the spruce and median long sections of preserved strobili. a. Gross parts. (1) Are the parts of the spruce strobilus the same as those of strobili in lycopods and cycads ? Are there sporophylls ? a central axis ? ovules or megasporangia ? Is the strobilus cyclic or spiral in plan ? Study both surface and sectional views of the strobilus to determine the above points. (2) Seeds. Do you find seeds or ripened megasporangia in the mature strobili? How are they adapted to dissemination? (3) Drawings. Draw surface and sectional views of portions of the strobilus about one inch in length. Draw the median section very accu- rately. Label the parts in terms of sporophylls and sporangia. 1. Megasporopliyll, sporangium, and bract. Piemove sporo- phylls from strobili and determine the relations of the above structures. Construct a vertical sectional view of bract, megasporophyll, and megasporangium. Consult the text concerning the morphology of the spruce strobilus. Is it a simple strobilus like that of the lycopod or is it a branch system with bracts corresponding to regular leaves ? To what do the cone scales correspond ? 2. Staminate strobili. a. Gross parts. Have the staminate strobili the same parts, with a similar arrangement, as the ovuliferous strobili? Have they both bracts and sporophylls ? 140 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES b. Sporangia, Are the inicrosporangia abaxial or adaxial ? How many sporangia are there on a sporophyll ? Determine the mode of dehiscence in mature spo- rangia. Is the abaxial position an advantage in the dissemination of spores ? Note the growth in length of the internodes of the strobilus when the micro- spores are ready for dissemination. c. Microspores. Study the structure of the microspores. How is it adapted to dissemination ? d. Drawings. Draw an abaxial view of a microsporophyll with its sporangia. Draw a microspore. 3. Pollination, fertilization, and carpotropic movements. If material is available, study young pine and spruce cones at the pollination stage. a. Pollination. What is the position of the strobilus at this stage ? What is the position of the sporophylls ? b. Fertilization. Compare the size and position of the strobili at pollination with that of similar strobili at the time of fertilization and seed-shedding. Note the changes in position of the strobili due to carpo- tropic movements after pollination is effected. Com- pare the pine and the spruce in these respects. c. Make outline sketches to illustrate changes in the size and position of pine or spruce strobili at the polli- nation, fertilization, and fruiting stages. GAMETOPIIYTES 1. Male gametophyte. Study the structure of the microspore and of the male gametophyte from prepared slides. a. TJie microspore. How does the microspore differ in structure from an ordinary cell ? Note the charac- ter of the cell wall, nucleus, and cytoplasm. Draw a microspore in section. THE PLANT GKOUPS 141 b. Crametophyte. Study the structures within a germi- nated microspore. Do you find the two-celled male gametophyte ? the generative cell ? If possible, find specimens in which the generative cell has formed a stalk cell and a body cell. c. Comparisons. Compare the above structures with the male gametophyte and antheridia of Selaginella and cycads. What structures have been lost ? Why are the lost structures not necessary in pine or spruce ? To what in the germinated microspore of Selaginella do the generative cell and the stalk cell of the spruce correspond ? d. Draw a germinated microspore and male gametophyte of the pine or spruce. Summarize answers to ques- tions under c. Female gametophyte. Study median long sections of megasporangia in which the female gametophyte has formed. Study the section with hand lens and low power, comparing it with similar sections of cycad megasporangia. a. Megasporangium. What structures of the old megaspo- raugium are found in the section you are studying? Are there integuments, a micropyle, and sporangial tissue proper ? Do they have the same relation to each other as in the cycad ? Is there a distinct pollen chamber ? b. G-ametopliyte. Study the gametophyte tissue, the arche- gonia, and the gametes. What is the nature of the gametophyte tissue ? What is the structure of the archegonia ? Have they protective wall cells con- sisting of neck and venter ? How many of the usual central cells (namely, neck canal cells, ventral canal cells, and gamete cells) are there ? 142 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES c. Comparisons. How does the gametophyte of the spruce compare with those of the cycads ? Has there been any further reduction in the archegonia ? d. Draw your section and label its parts correctly. Draw a single archegonium enlarged. Label. 3. The seed and embryo. a. Cut median long sections of seeds of pine or spruce which have been softened in water. Study the sec- tion of the seed which shows the embryo most plainly. b. Seed structure. Compare the structure of the seed with that of the ovules just studied. What structures of the ovule remain in the seed ? What structures are changed ? From what did the embryo arise ? c. Embryo structure. Compare the structure of the embryo with that of seeds previously studied. Do you find hypocotyl and cotyledons ? d. Draw your section and label the parts of both seed and embryo. 4. Seed germination. Study seeds in process of germination and make sketches to illustrate these phenomena: a. Exit of the embryo from the seed. What part of the embryo emerges from the seed first ? Do any parts remain in the seed ? b. Exit of the embryo from the soil. How is this effected and by what parts of the embryo ? Compare this stage with a similar stage in peas illustrated in Part I of the text. c. Adjustment of the embryo to light and soil. Compare with peas as above. d. Make appropriate drawings to illustrate a, b, c, above. 5. Life history. Write a graphical life history of the spruce, indicating the main stages of the gametophyte and sporophyte generations. SECTION X. ANGIOSPERMS (DICOTYLEDONS) SPOROPHYTE Examine typical dicotyledons in the laboratory and in the field, and review previous work on dicotyledons such as beans, mandrake, locust, and elm. Determine as follows the distinc- tive characteristics of dicotyledons which distinguish them from Pteridophyta and gymnosperms. 1. Habitat. What is the prevailing habitat of dicotyle- donous plants of your region ? Be able to name some mesophytes, xerophytes, and hydrophytes among them. Is your region typical for the habitat of dicotyledons in the United States ? Consult the text under Descriptive Terms for figures and the meaning of terms used below. 2. Habit (geranium and similar dicotyledons). a. Leaf form and venation. (1) Compare the leaves of dicotyledons with those of Pteridophyta and gymnosperms, including spruces and pines. Are the dicotyledons large leaved as a group ? What terms describe the form, margin, apex, and base of the leaves you are examining? Consult Fig. 208 of text. (2) Hold a leaf toward the light and study the venation. Is it pinnately or palmately veined ? Do the veins end free in the margin (open venation) or are they united (closed venation) ? See text, p. 415. (3) /Structure. Review the structure of leaves in Chap- ter VI of the text in connection witli Fig. 208. 3. Anatomy (herbaceous type, for example, geranium). Re- view the structure of herbaceous stems in Part I of 143 144 LABORATORY AXD FIELD EXERCISES the text. Cut thin transverse sections of young and mature portions of stems of any cultivated geranium or of a similar herbaceous stem. a. General features. Do the stem sections of the geranium correspond to the summary of the herbaceous stem structure of Salvia ? Do you find tissue layers in the stem sections of geranium not present in Salviai. If so, what are they and in what main tissue zone do they occur, epidermis, cortex, vascular cylinder, or pith ? b. Secondary growth by cambiums. Compare transverse sections cut from young and mature portions of the stem of a geranium. What differences do you find between the young and the mature stem sections ? Locate both the cork and the vascular cambiums, and the secondary tissues produced by them. Does the geranium plant produce corky bark ? Examine both the sections and the surface of old portions of geranium plants concerning this point. c. Leaf gaps and leaf traces. Study sections cut through a node or just below it. Do you find interruptions, or gaps, in the vascular cylinder where the leaf trace is given off ? Large branch gaps may also be found, caused by an outgoing branch. Do you think that the irregular contour of the vascular ring is caused in part by leaf gaps and branch gaps ? d. Tissues of the vascular ring. Compare these with those of the spruce just studied. Do you find wood rays? annual-growth rings ? wood parenchyma ? Compare the ducts with the tracheids of spruce. e. Storage tissues of lite gerctnhtm stem. Determine the places where starch is stored in sections treated with iodine. THE PLANT GROUPS 145 f. Drawings. (1) Construct outline drawings of sectors of the young and old stems of geranium. (2) Detail the cork cambium and its products. (3) Detail a small portion of the vascular cylinder of a section of the older portion of the stem. g. Long sections. If long sections of geranium are avail- able, study the tissue of the xylem, noting especially the structure of the ducts. Draw spiral and dotted ducts and adjacent tissues. SUMMARY Summarize the structure of the geranium stem, modifying the summary given for Sal via (p. 108 of text), as you think it should be, to characterize the primary structure and secondary growth of a geranium stem. WOODY TYPE (ANATOMY) 1. Review the work previously done on the structure and growth of trees in Part I of the text (Fig. 55 and discussion). a. Comparisons. In what respects is the woody dicotyle- don better equipped for conducting water and for stor- ing food than the spruces and pines ? In what respects does it differ from the herbaceous dicotyledon ? b. Summarize the distinctive features of the woody dicoty- ledon which characterize it as the most highly organized living plant. How is it adapted structur- ally to perform the functions of support, storage, and conduction ? Where are the supporting, storage, and conducting tissues located in trees and shrubs? How do they differ in this respect from herbs like Salvia and geranium ? 146 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES REPRODUCTION 1. The flower and its parts. Consult the text under repro- duction and review the floral parts outlined in Part I. See also Descriptive Terms, at the beginning of Part III of the text. a. Structure of the flower. Determine which of the follow- ing terms apply to the flower you are studying. These terms are denned under Descriptive Terms, Part III of the text. (1) Is the flower you are studying hypogynous, perigy- nous, or epigynous ? Is it perfect, imperfect, com- plete, or incomplete ? Is it regular or irregular ? (2) Are its parts arranged in spiral or cyclic form ? How many parts are there in each set of protective and essential organs ? What is the floral plan ? (3) Construct a ground plan of the flower. Record the answers to questions asked above under (1) and (2). (4) The flower as modified strobilus. Bisect the flower and receptacle vertically, and note the arrange- ment of its parts on the receptacle. Does the flower correspond to a strobilus in the nature and arrangement of its parts ? Compare with strobili of spruce. To what does the receptacle of the flower correspond in a strobilus ? To what do the stamens, pistil, and perianth correspond ? What are the ovules and the anthers morpho- logically ? What fundamental differences exist between the strobili of the spruce and the flower you are examining? What new structures are found in flowers of the angiosperms as compared with the strobili of gymnosperms. THE PLANT GROUPS 147 (5) Summary. Summarize in terms of axis, perianth, sporophylls, and sporangia the similarities and differences between the strobili of the spruce and the flower you are examining. (6) Definition. Write a definition of a flower, consid- ering the above facts concerning its morphology. FIG. 25. The lily (Lilium philadelphicum) A, dissected flower, showing the pistil and stamens: p, parts of the perianth which have been cut away; s, bases of stamens cut off. J5, floral diagram: p, perianth, composed of two circles of similar and petal-like parts; s, stamens, likewise in two circles ; section of ovule case (ovary) shown in the center, com- posed of three carpels (c) so united as to form three locules containing the ovules. From Bergen and Davis's "Principles of Botany" (7) Drawings. Draw a vertical long section of the flower and label the parts with terms corre- sponding to those used for strobili of Selaginella, cycads, and spruce. Draw a ground plan of the flower (Fig. 217 of text). 148 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES b. Morphology and structure of stamens. Study the struc- ture and mode of dehiscence of the anther. To what do the filament and anther correspond in the fern, in Selaginella, and in the spruce? Draw and label the parts of the stamen in terms of sporophyll and sporangia. c. Microsporangia. Study transverse sections of anthers of the buttercup, mandrake, or a similar dicotyledon. (1) Sporogenesis. How many microsporangia are seen in a transverse section of a young anther ? Where is the sporophyll tissue 'and how is it differen- tiated ? Is there a supplying vascular bundle and surrounding cortex and epidermis ? Do the spo- rangia have the same general tissues as sporangia of ferns and microsporangia of Selaginella, cycads, and spruce ? Are there wall cells, tapetum, and sporogenous cells, or spore mother cells, in each microsporangiurn of an anther ? Note carefully the cell structure, including cytoplasm, nucleus, and chromatin, of the cells in each of these layers. (2) Drawing. Outline the entire section. Detail the cellular structure of one microsporangium, show- ing the cells of the tapetum and the sporogenous cells magnified. Label correctly in terms usually applied to microsporophylls and microsporangia. (3) Spore dissemination. Study transverse sections of mature anthers. What changes have occurred in the microsporangia during sporogenesis ? How many microsporangia unite to form one anther sac ? How is dehiscence provided for ? Study the wall cells of the anther sacs. Is the layer beneath the epidermis structurally adapted for opening the anther sacs for spore dissemination ? What THE PLANT GROUPS 149 is the structure of these cells and how would they work in opening and closing the anther sacs ? (4) Microspores. Xote the structure of the microspores or pollen grains. What is the nature of the outer wall, or extine ? Outline one half of your section and detail the cell structure of wall cells and microspores on a part of the section. Label correctly. d. Pistil and fruit. (1) Study the pistil, noting particularly the nature and extent of the ovary, style, and stigmatic surface. Is each pistil simple or compound ? Observe the megasporangium, or ovule, best seen in mature fruiting pistils. Compare* the megasporophyll and sporangium with that of Caltha in the text. (2) Drawing. Draw the pistil so as to show the stigmatic surface magnified and the relation of megasporo- phyll and megasporangium. (3) Fruit. Make a drawing to illustrate the nature and parts of the fruit. CAP SELL A (SHEPHERD'S PURSE) Study the flower and inflorescence of the shepherd's purse as outlined above under Reproduction, 1, a (see Fig. 251, p. 400, of text). Make the following special study of pistil, megaspo- rangium, megaspore, and embryo sporophyte. Consult the text discussion of Capsella (p. 345 of text, and Fig. 203). 1. Pistil. a. Study young and mature pistils on the inflorescence of Capsella and determine the relation of stigma, style (if present), and ovary. Is the ovary simple or compound ? How many placentae are there and 160 LABOR A TOE Y AND FIELD EXERCISES how many rows of ovules or megasporangia ? Deter- mine this point by gross studies of the external features of the pistil, and by examining gross trans- verse sections of the pistil made with a scalpel or safety-razor blade. b. Draw a lateral view of the pistil and a transverse section of the ovary. Label the parts in terms of megasporo- phylls (carpels) and megasporangia (ovules). 2. Megasporangia, or ovules. Dissect out a considerable number of ovules from both young and mature ovaries on a slide in a drop of water. Eemove half of the ovules to a second slide and mount in a weak potash solution. Cover and study your two preparations to determine the following points : a. Parts of the meyasporangium, or ovule. Observe the funiculus, ovule proper, integuments, and micropyle. The embryo sac may often be seen in outline in specimens treated with potash. Compare the form of young and mature sporangia and note the gradual curvature of the entire sporangium and spore as the ovule matures. b. Embryo sporophyte. The embryo can often be seen, in specimens bleached in potash, lying above the micro- pyle. It may be obtained free on the slide by slight pressure on the cover glass. c. Drawings. Draw the ovules of Capsella to show as many of the above structures as you have been able to demonstrate, including the embryo and its parts. Name all parts correctly, consulting the text figure and the description of parts there represented. 3. Female gametophyte and sporophyte of Capsella. Study the female gametophyte, embryo sac, and sporophyte in prepared slides of ovaries of Capsella. Work out as THE PLA^T GftOUPS 151 far as possible the cellular structure and relations of the following structures : a. Megas2)orangia and female gametophyte. (1) If sections are available, study the female gameto- phyte, consisting of the egg apparatus, polar nuclei, and antipodal cells. If such slides are not avail- able, read the history of the development of the megaspores in angiosperms in the text and com- pare the history with that of megaspores in Selaginella and the spruce. (2) Drawing. If sections are studied, draw and label the parts of the megasporangium, embryo sac, and gametophyte cells. PART III. THE SPRING FLORA SECTION XI. FIELD WORK (DICOTYLEDONS) A. TREES AND SHRUBS A METHOD OF RECORDING FIELD OBSERVATIONS In the following outline for the study of trees in the field the same general plan is followed as in the description of typi- cal species of willows, oaks, and maples in the text. The directions should usually be followed for the study of one typical species in each family until the student is familiar with the methods employed in such work. Additional species should then be worked out by the students independently. A convenient form for recording field observations and labo- ratory studies on trees and shrubs is submitted below in the form of what are termed Species Eecord and Family Record. If this plan is adopted, the record of the initial species studied in each family should be entered, as indicated in the outline, by checking, in the blank spaces following the terms employed, each term, or character, that applies to the species being studied. Outline sketches should also be made after such a plan as that indicated under Figs. 10, 11, and 12, pages 20~23, of text. See also the figure of the Carolina poplar (Populus deUoides) (Fig. 26). It is convenient for class use to have the Species Record (p. 156) and the outline for Figures (p. 157) printed on two sides of a single field sheet. These field sheets can then be given to each member of the class for recording the results of field and laboratory work. The Family Record (p. 158) can be used in a similar manner, the outline for several species being printed on one sheet with the familv characteristics at the end. 156 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES SPECIES RECORD I. ANALYSIS Family... Scientific name Common name ... II. CHARACTERISTICS fa. Local: mesophytic xerophytic hydrophytic. t: U Geographical 2. Habit: erect spreading large: small medium __ a. Bark : color, smooth, flaky, furrowed, etc. (1) Trunk (2) Branches . b. Twigs : color stout slender smooth hairy.. c. Buds : size, color, smooth, hairy, resinous, etc. (1) Terminal (2) Lateral d. Leaf: form margin size phyllotfixy simple compound netted parallel pinnate palmate leaf scar e. Lenticels: color shape size Drawing 3. Reproduction a. Inflorescence : determinate indeterminate kind b. Flower characters: hypogynous perigynous epigynous.. perfect imperfect regular irregular complete... incomplete c. Pollination features (1) Close cross odor nectar color irregular... monoacious dioecious.. .polygamous protandrous. protogynous heterostylous (2) Means: wind insects contact gravity water.. 4. Distinctive recognition characters f>. Commercial importance THE SPRING FLORA 157 Stem section FIG. 26. Vegetative and reproductive parts of a poplar Designed to indicate the method of recording observations on trees 1. Twig, buds Lenticels and scars Stem section FIGURES 2. Leaf characters 3. Inflorescence, flower Long section of flower, pollination 4. Fruit and seed Fruit class Seed distribution. 158 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES FAMILY RECORD Fill in the analysis and the distinctive characteristics of each species of any given family under I and II. Fill in the family characteristics common to all species observed under III. Use habitat, habit, and reproduction as the basis for your characteri- zation of the family. I. ANALYSIS Family . Scientific name Common name II. DISTINCTIVK CHARACTERISTICS IIabitat._. Habit. Reproduction.. II F. FAMILY CHAI [ACTKKISTICS THE SPKING FLORA 159 GYMNOSPERMS (SOFTWOOD TREES) THE PINE 1. Habitat. a. What is the nature of the habitat of the pines of your region as regards soil, drainage, and climate ? Do pines grow best on lowlands or on well-drained slopes and uplands? What is the distribution of pines in the United States ? What is their natural habitat as regards soil and climate ? Are they mesophytic or xerophytic in general habit ? How do you explain the apparent discrepancy between habitat and habit in the pines ? Consult the text, manuals, and assigned readings on the above points. b. Summarize the above points in your notes under the following headings: (1) Habitat : local geographical (2) Habit : mesophytic xerophytic (3) Discrepancy between habitat and habit 2. Habit. a. Form and body plan of the pine tree. Eeview the text discussion of the body plan and mode of growth of the pine tree in Part I of the text. Consult also Fig. 10. Be able to account for the erect conical form, the excurrent trunk, and the false whorls of branches of common pines. Why is the trunk excurrent ? What determines the cone- like form of the entire tree? How do the false whorls arise ? Is the entire leafage well exposed to light ? What factors determine this light exposure ? Is it due to the form of the tree, to tropisms of leaves and branches, or to other factors ? 160 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES b. Summarize the above points under body plan, growth methods of buds and branches, and tropistic responses of leaves and branches. c. Long and dwarf shoots. Long shoots in pines are the main branches and twigs; dwarf shoots are the small structures from which the needle leaves arise in clusters of two, three, or five. (1) Study long and dwarf shoots of pines in the field. Do the dwarf shoots arise in a spiral or cyclic manner from the long shoots ? Study the naked portions of a twig where the scars of dwarf shoots show their former arrangement. Observe the scalelike leaves on long shoots. What is the arrangement of the scale leaves on the long and dwarf shoots ? Do dwarf shoots arise from the axils of scale leaves like ordinary branches ? (2) Buds and growth. Determine the nature and posi- tion of buds on long shoots. Are there lateral buds ? Do dwarf shoots arise from lateral buds ? Determine the age of a terminal portion of a long shoot by the rings of bud-scale scars. (3) Draw a small portion of a long shoot from which dwarf shoots have fallen, to show their arrange- ment on the long shoot and their relation to the scale leaves. Draw the terminal portion of a long shoot to show the shape and character of buds, dwarf shoots, and needle leaves. It is best not to draw more than one or two dwarf shoots on the terminal shoot. d. Strobili, or cones (see Fig. 233, p. 379, of text). (1) Ovuliferous strobili. Observe the position of the reproductive cones on single long shoots and on THE SPPvIXG FLORA 161 the tree as a whole. Is their general distribution and their individual attitude (due to tropistic response) such as to facilitate the distribution of seeds? Search for the seeds. What adaptation have they for dissemination ? What is the plan of arrangement of the cone scales on the cone axis ? Does it correspond to the body plan of the tree? (2) Young strobili. Do you find strobili of different ages on the pine ? Note the position of young strobili How long does it take pine cones to mature ? (3) Staminate and ovulate strobili Do you find both staminate and ovulate strobili on the same tree? The staminate cones can only be found in late spring, since pollination occurs in pines about the first of June. (4) Make simple sketches to illustrate the positions on the branches and the attitudes assumed by strobili of different ages and kinds. ANGIOSPERMS (HARDWOOD TREES) FIELD STUDIES 1. Habitat. a. Local habitat. Study the conditions under which the species grows in the local habitat, including the soil, water supply, and drainage conditions. Which one of the following habitats does it occupy ? (1) MesopJiytic habitats. Does it live in typical upland mesophytic conditions or is it found on lowlands such as flood plains, river banks, and the borders of lakes and ponds ? Note that ornamental trees are frequently not growing in their natural habitat. L.VBOKATOEY AND FIELD EXEK< ISES (2) Xerophytic habitats. Does it occupy exposed dry cliffs and hillsides, sandy regions, or mountain sides without adequate water supply ? Is it found in marshes or swamps which are physio- logically dry on account of the condition <>f the bog water ? (3) Hydrophytic habitat. Does the species live in soil flooded or saturated with water ? b. Geographical habitat and Inflorescence and flower Ihihit and tropisms Long sections and ground plan Pollination features Detail : anther dehiscence, carpels, placenta;, ovules 2 Stem section Epidermis, cortex, vascular cylinder, stem, pith 4. Fruit and seed Fruit class Seed dispersal 170 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES FAMILY RECORD Fill in the analysis and the distinctive characteristics of each species of any given family under I and II. Fill in the family characteristics common to all species observed under III. Use habitat, habit, and reproduction as the basis for your characteri- zation of the family. I. ANALYSIS Family Scientific name Common name II. DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Habitat.... Habit.. Reproduction. III. FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS. THE SPKING FLOKA 171 RANUNCULACEAE (BUTTERCUP FAMILY) BUTTERCUP OR HEPATICA Select one or more species of buttercups for field study. 1. Habitat. Determine the following facts concerning the habitat of buttercups : a. Soil, water supply, and drainage of their habitat at different seasons of the year. &. Plant associates. With what other plants are the buttercups associated ? Does their association with these plants affect their relation to light, soil mois- ture, and soil food ? Would these relations be different at different seasons of the year ? Be able to explain the relation of this association to the spring flower- ing period of buttercups or hepaticas. * 2. Habit. Use Ranunculus fascicularis for this study if it is available. Other species may be used. Study plants of Ranunculus fascicularis in the field ; remove some plants from the soil with a trowel so as not to injure the root system, and observe as follows : a. Stem, roots, and leaves. Note the origin of the roots and leaves from the short (acaulescent) stem. Are the leaves cyclic or spiral in arrangement ? b. Light relation. What position do the leaves assume with reference to light? Are they advantageously placed ? Is this favorable placing of the leaves a re- sultant of both body plan and adjustment by tropisms, as in peas, dandelions, and trees studied earlier in the text ? Be able to explain. c. Soil relation. Study the root system of Ranunculus fascicularis. What different kinds of roots do you find ? What is the apparent function of each ? At 172 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES what season do the different kinds of roots originate? Note the place of origin of each kind of root from the stem in young and mature plants. Do they originate at the same time and in the same manner? Save your specimen for a drawing in connection with the seasonal life of the buttercup. d. Summarize the above facts relating to habitat and habit in your notes or on a Field Species Record. 3. Reproduction. a. Flower scapes. Note the origin, and the position assumed by the flower scapes. What outside forces act as stimuli in orienting the flower scapes ? Are they adjusted so as to expose the flowers and fruits properly for pollination and seed dissemination ? b. Flowers. What is the floral plan of the flowers luider * observation ? What are the adaptations for pollination ? Is the flower self-pollinating, close-pollinating, or cross-pollinating? Note any special devices for pollination. c. Eecord your observations in the Species Eecord under Pollination features. Construct suitable drawings to show the pollinating device. d. Fruit and seeds. To what class of fruits do the fruits of the plants you are observing belong ? Consult the text, under Descriptive Terms in Part III, and Fig. 221. Eecord your results by drawings and terms giving the kind and class of the fruit. 4. Seasonal life. Are the buttercups and hepaticas annual, biennial, or perennial plants ? What advantage is it to them that they flower in spring ? Consider this point in connection with their plant associates and their habitat. Is their active food-building, like their repro- ductive functions, carried on mainly in the spring? THE SPRING FLORA 173 What is the function of the fleshy roots of Ranunculus fasdcularis in its seasonal history ? Construct figures corresponding to those of the white sweet clover (Fig. 65) and the dandelion (Fig. 24) in Part I of the text, to express the habit and the seasonal life of Ranunculus fascicularis or the other species observed. Summarize these facts in your notes or in the Species Record. 5. Analysis. Analyze one or more species of Ranunculaceae. FLORAL MODIFICATIONS IN RAxrx. Fruit and seed. Compare with that of the buttercup. What is the method of shedding and disseminating seed ? VIOLACEAE 1. Habitat and habit. Study the habitat and habit of the Violaceae in the same manner as that outlined for the buttercup. What are their plant associates ? Would violets have as good an opportunity for flowering and 174 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES setting seed in the summer and autumn as in the spring? Be able to explain this point. 2. Seasonal life. a. Compare the seasonal life of violets and buttercups. What are the principal activities of the violet plant in spring, autumn, summer, and winter ? What por- tions of the plant are active at each season? Consult the text, Part I, on seasonal life. b. Summarize the above facts relating to the seasonal history of violets. 3. Reproduction. The flower and its modifications for secur- ing pollination. a. Study the parts of the flower and their modifications. What modifications do you find in the perianth and the essential organs ? Remove the parts of the peri- anth and observe their form and structure. Note the relation of the stamens to the perianth and to the pistil. b. Cut a transverse section across a flower in the region of the ovary. Study the section and construct a ground plan of the violet flower which will show the relation of the parts of the perianth and the essential organs. c. Pistil and stamens. (1) Dissect away all of the petals except the lower one with the spurlike nectary. Examine the stigma and anthers with a hand lens. Where is the stig- matic surface ? How is it related to the anthers and to the canal leading to the nectary ? Where is the pollen shed ? (2) Bisect a flower longitudinally and study the above relation of pistil, stigma, and anthers to the nec- tary and the lower petal. Consult Fig. 253 of text and the discussion on pollination. THE SPKING FLOBA 175 d. Pollination. How is pollination secured through the agency of visiting insects ? e. Drawing. Draw a median long section of the flower to show the relation of the floral parts which insure cross-pollination. Label accurately. f. Summarize under the following headings the mechanisms of the violet which adapt it for cross-pollination. (1) Perianth modifications. (2) The relation of the pistil, stigma, and anthers. (3) The anther tube and pollen shedding. (4) The relation of a visiting insect to the flower in securing nectar. 4. Analysis. Analyze one or more species of violets, record- ing the family, scientific, and common name. CRUCIFERAE Study the habitat and habit of some of the important members of the cruciferous family. 1. Habit. a. Stem and roots. What are the distinctive features of the stems and roots of the Cruciferae that you are study- ing ? Are there characteristics which are unusual ? What is the nature of the juice or sap ? b. Leaves. Observe any distinctive characteristics of leaves in members of the family under observation. 2. Reproduction. a. Determine the nature of the inflorescence and the structure of the flower. b. Drawings. Draw a ground plan of a flower of some one of the Cruciferae. Draw a median long section of a flower to show the relation of the perianth, stamens, and pistil. 176 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES c. Pollination. 1. What are the special devices for securing pollina- tion ? To determine this point study flowers of different ages and note the relation of the differ- ent lengths of stamens to the stigmatic surface. Does this relation change as the flower matures ? 2. Construct outline drawings to illustrate any devices for self-pollination, close-pollination, or cross- pollination which you discover. d. Fruit and seed. Study and classify fruits 011 one or more species of the Qruciferae. Construct a diagram of the fruit to show its method of dehiscence. 3. Seasonal life. Study the seasonal life of some of the more important cultivated species of the Cruciferae in the field and by consulting text references. See, for example, Bailey's "Encyclopedia of Horticulture," Robbins's " Botany of Crop Plants," and Sargent's " Plants and their Uses." a. Are the members of the family mainly annuals, bien- nials, or perennials ? How do the biennials and peren- nials pass the winter ? b. Construct a series of diagrams to illustrate the seasonal life of one important commercial variety of the Cru- ciferae. Consult the text, Part I, on the seasonal life of the bean, clover, and locust. 4. Commercial importance. Make a list of the more important species of Cruciferae and indicate the use of each species. 5. Analysis. Analyze species of the Cruciferae^ recording the family, species, and common name. 6. Distinctive characteristics. Summarize under habit, repro- duction, and seasonal life. The above data may be recorded on a Species Eecord or a Family Eecord sheet if desired. THE SPRING FLORA 177 LEGUMINOSAE See Pollination devices in papilionaceous flowers in Part I of the text, and the seasonal history of the bean and the white sweet clover. See also previous laboratory work and drawings 011 the locust and sweet pea. Study the distinctive recognition characters of representative species of Leguminosae in the field and be able to summarize them under the following headings : 1. Habit. a. Stems. Are the stems all herbaceous in character or are there some common trees and shrubs belonging to the family ? ./>. Leaves. What are the distinctive structural and physio- logical features of the leaves of all Leguminosae which distinguish them from other families of plants with which you are familiar ? Study the leaves of several species and their reactions to light. Are they simple or compound ? Have they special motor organs ? c. Roots. Dig up the root system of the common red clover, of the pea, or of the bean. Do you find en- largements on various parts of the root system in the form of nodules? These nodules contain the nitrogen- gathering bacteria which enable these plants to use free nitrogen from the soil. Observe also the extent of the root system as compared with the leaf system. Is the root surface exposed to the air ? 2. Reproduction. a. Flowers. (1) Structure. Have the'flowers of the family a common structure, floral plan, and form ? Note any floral modifications from the usual type of the flowers of the family illustrated in the text. 178 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES (2) Pollination. Are all of the flowers of the family cross-pollinated ? Compare the methods of pollina- tion in peas, clovers, and vetches. b. Fruits and seeds. Do you find all fruits in the family similar to that of the pea, bean, and locust ? c. Summary. Summarize the distinctive characteristics of the Leguminosae under the above headings and in the order indicated in the directions. This may be done on a Family Record sheet if desired. 3. Economic importance. Study species which are of economic and commercial importance in the family as indicated under the Cruciferae. List several important commer- cial species and the particular uses of each species. SUPPLEMENTAKY STUDY Each student should be assigned some species of the Leyuminosae, such as the common red clover, vetch, or lupine, for individual study and report. The report should include drawings to show the following structures : 1. Habit. a. Leaves. Observe the mechanism for adjustments of leaves to light, including the position of leaves in the morn- ing, at noon, and at night. Make a brief statement of the mechanism of movement in leaves with pulvini. b. Roots. Drawings of roots with tubercles. c. Reproduction. Observe and record the following facts relating to the flowers, fruits, and pollination : (1) The structure of the flower and pollinating mechanisms. (2) Fruit and methods of seed dispersal. (3) A brief discussion of the pollinating mechanism and of seed dispersal in such a species as the common red clover. d. Analysis. Analyze two or more species of and record as usual. THE SPRING FLORA 179 ROSACEAE STRAWBERRY (FRAG ARIA] OR POTENTILLA (CINQUEFOIL) 1. Habit. a. Observe the general habit of the strawberry, noting the relations of stem, leaves, and roots. 2. Reproduction. a. Vegetative reproduction. Study the origin of the run- ners, and their general morphology. Do they origi- nate, like stems, from the axils of the leaves? Have they nodes, internodes, and leaves? How do the runners produce offspring ? b. Construct a diagram to illustrate the origin, morphol- ogy, and mode of reproduction by runners. c. The flower. Study the floral plan and structure of the flower. Be able to construct a ground plan of a flower. d. Pollination features. Read the text on Fragaria and consult the figures. Determine the method of polli- nation in the species or variety that you are study- ing. Construct figures to illustrate the method of pollination observed. e. Flower and fruit. (1) To what class of fruits does the strawberry belong ? What are its parts and how are they related to the similar parts of the flower ? Bisect a fruit lengthwise and compare it with a similar section of the flower. Be able to name corresponding parts in the flower and the fruit. (2) Drawings. Draw a median vertical section of the flower and fruit of the strawberry and name the corresponding parts. 180 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES THE CULTIVATED APPLE (MALUS) 1. Habit. a. Form and body plan. Be able to account for the form and leaf display of the apple tree, as for the elm and pine in Part I of the text. Determine this on the hasis of body plan, bud growth, pruning effects, and adjustments of leaves and branches by tropisms. b. Suds and fruit spurs. (1) Where are the fruit-bearing branches (fruit spurs) located onthe main branches of the tree ? Search for bud-scale scars, and leaf and fruit scars on the short fruit spurs or spur shoots. The fruit scar is usually a large, circular scar surrounded by smaller scars representing the scars of un- developed fruits in the same flower cluster. How many years old are the spur shoots that you are examining? (2) Draw a terminal shoot of an apple branch, indicat- ing the position, form, and markings of the spur shoots. 2. Reproduction. a. Inflorescence. To what class of inflorescence does that of the apple belong ? b. Flower structure. Is the flower epigynous, perigyuous, or hypogynous ? Determine the relations of recep- tacle, perianth, stamens, and pistil. c. Pollination. Determine the method of pollination in the apple flower. Is the method of pollination of economic importance ? Be able to explain this point. d. Flower and fruit. (1) Study transverse and long sections of the fruit. What parts of the flower are represented in the fruit? What parts are lacking? What parts THE SPRING FLORA 181 have increased in size and what parts have become otherwise changed ? (2) Drawings. Draw a transverse and a vertical median section of the flower of the apple, magnified sufficiently to show clearly the parts of the ovary and the ovules. (3) Discuss briefly the parts of the flower which enter into the formation of fruit, and the changes undergone during fruit formation. 3. Reference readings. Consult various texts concerning the history and reproduction of the cultivated strawberry and apple. Eobbins's " Botany of Crop Plants " is particularly valuable as a reference on the above points. See also Bailey's ''American Horticulture." SUPPLE ME NT A R Y STUDY 1. If time allows, the student should study the flowers and fruits of the wild rose, cherry, raspberry, and blackberry, in order to acquaint himself with the methods of fruit formation in these important fruit-bearing species. 2. Commercial varieties. Study and record important commer- cial species and varieties of the Rosaceae, as for the Cruciferae and Leguminosae. COMPOSITAE THE YARROW (ACHILLEA) Read the text discussion of the inflorescence, flowers, and fruits of the common yarrow and confirm the points there discussed. 1. Inflorescence. To what class of inflorescence does that of the yarrow belong ? Bisect the inflorescence vertically and study its parts. What is the form of the axis of inflorescence ? What structures make up the involucre ? 182 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES To what structures do these parts of the involucre of the yarrow correspond in a raceme or spike ? How are the flowers of the inflorescence differentiated ? Is there any conceivable advantage in this differentiation ? Does each separate flower spring from a separate bract? Compare the parts of the inflorescence of the yarrow with that of a raceme. 2. Flowers. a. Central tubular flowers. (1) Study these flowers with a hand lens and deter- mine ttie relation of calyx, corolla, stamens, and pistil. Is there anything corresponding to a calyx? (2) Are the flowers hypogynous, perigynous, or epigy- nous ? Are they perfect or imperfect ? complete or incomplete ? regular or irregular ? (3) Note the bract subtending each flower. b. Outer ray flowers. What is the function of the ray flowers ? Compare these with the central tubular flowers. Are the essential organs present ? How is the corolla modified ? 3. Pollination. Split the corolla of young and mature tubular flowers with dissecting needles so as to expose the stamen tube and style. Compare the young and old flowers as follows (consult the text figure) : a. Note a stage where the upper portion of the style is still within the anther tube. Where are the stigmatic surfaces ? Is the pollen being shed ? Can it reach the stigma ? b. Observe a slightly older stage. Are the stigmatic surfaces exposed ? Can they be self-pollinated ? Are the flowers of the yarrow protandrous or protogynous ? THE SPRING FLORA 183 4. Fruit and seed. To what class of fruits does that of the yarrow belong ? Is there any definite device for seed and fruit dispersal ? 5. Summary. Summarize the distinctive features of the yarrow, as a representative of the Oompositae, under the above headings ; namely, inflorescence, flowers, polli- nation, and fruit. Give the distinctive features only. 6. Analysis. Ascertain the scientific name of the yarrow by means of a manual. DAXDELIOX (TARAXACUM) 1. Habit and adjustments by tropisms. a. Study the plants of the dandelion in flower and deter- mine the relations of its organs to each other and to the environment. Consult the text discussion (Part I) concerning the adjustments of the leaves, flowers, and fruits for photosynthesis, food absorption, polli- nation, and seed dispersal. Confirm these points by field observations. 2. Reproduction. a. Vegetative reproduction. (1) Dig up a number of plants of the dandelion. Is the stem simple or branched ? Do you discover how a single plant may give rise to a group of offspring by vegetative reproduction ? (2) Construct outline figures to illustrate what you find in this respect. b. Inflorescence and flowers. (1) Compare the general structural parts of the inflores- cence and flower of the dandelion with that of the yarrow. In what respects are they similar ? In what respects do they differ ? 184 LABORATORY AND FIELD EXERCISES (2) Summarize the similarities and differences of the inflorescence and flowers which you have observed in comparing the dandelion with the yarrow. (3) Pollination, Proceed as directed under the labora- tory directions on the yarrow to find out the mechanism of pollination in the dandelion. Com- pare with the yarrow in this respect. Construct figures for the dandelion similar to those of the text on the yarrow. c. Fruit and seed. Study the fruit and seed of the dande- lion and compare them with the fruit and seed of the yarrow. (1) What special device has the fruit of the dandelion for dispersal ? What is the origin of the parachute of hairs ? To what part of the flower do the hairs correspond ? (2) Construct a series of three figures to illustrate the development of the fruit in the dandelion, begin- ning with closed floral heads in which the flowers have been recently fertilized. 3. Seasonal history. Construct figures to illustrate the sea- sonal history of the dandelion. Is it annual, biennial, or perennial ? By what means does it spread so rapidly in lawns and along roadsides ? Study the relations of its leaves to the grass beneath them. State five reasons why the dandelion is so successful in gaining and holding a place for itself in lawns. 4. Analysis. Ascertain the species name of the dandelion by means of a manual. SECTION XII. FIELD WORK (MONOCOTYLEDONS) A. TRADESCANTIA, TULIP, AND OTHER MONOCOTYLEDONS The most common and well-known monocotyledons include the common grasses, sedges, and cereal grains, different mem- bers of the lily family, palms, bananas, and bamboos. The student should consult illustrated manuals and texts in order to form a general idea of the habitat and habit of the mono- cotyledons. Examine also a number of species in the field and in the laboratory, as outlined below, in order to fix the main distinctive characteristics of monocotyledons. Tradescantia and the tulip may be taken as types for special examination. 1. Habitat. How many of the above-mentioned common monocotyledons are widespread or cosmopolitan in habitat ? How many are restricted in habitat ? Are most of these monocotyledons mesophytic, xerophytic, or hydrophytic in habitat and habit ? Can you name common monocotyledons belonging to all three of the above habitats ? Summarize the above facts in your notes. 2. Habit. Compare monocotyledons with dicotyledons in the following particulars of general habit and structure : n. Lc