TX 740 L5 AGRICULTURE 1 I NINETY- NINE, SALADS and How to Make Ibem, with Rules for Dressing & Sauce SHREVE & CO. GOLD AND SILVER SMITHS Market and Post Streets, SAN FRANCISCO. I MP.P L \NINETY~NINE, S ALADS #//*/ /fo^ /^ Make Them, -with Rules for Dressing^ Sauce SHREVE & CO. GOLD AND SILVER SMITHS Market and Post Sts. SAN FRANCISCO. SHREVE & CO., SAN FRANCISCO. . . COPYRIGHTED 1897 . . BY LIVERMORE & KNIGHT CO. PROVIDENCE, R. AGRICULTURE GIFT LS List of Salads, j_ ; American Salad . . . . .23 American Corn Salad, Mrs. Marshall . . .56 American Corn Salad, Sauce for . . -57 Anchovy Salad ...... 9 Apple, Chestnut and Celery Salad . . -55 Apple and English Walnut Salad ... 54 Apple and Onion Salad . . . . .54 Artichoke Salad . . . . 51 Asparagus Salad ..... 37 Aspic Jelly for Salads ..... 48 Banana Salad . . . . . 51 Banana and Orange Salad . . . .50 Beef Salad ...... 26 Beet Salad ...... 6 Bread Salad ...... 23 Brussels Sprouts and Chestnut Salad . . .49 Cabbage Salad, No. I . . . . 17 Cabbage Salad, No. 2 . . . . .17 Cauliflower Salad . . - . .21 Celery Salad .... .22 Cerveau Salade .... -43 Cherry Salad ...... 34 Cheese Salad ...... 18 Chestnut Salad ...... 34 Chestnut Salad ...... 41 Chicken Salad ...... 38 Chicken Aspic Salad . . . . .47 Chicory Salad ...... 33 Cooked Dressing, No. I . . . . 3 Cooked Dressing, No. 2 . . . .3 831 Cos Lettuce Salad, Salade de Romaine . 40 Crab Salad ...... 9 Cucumber Salad, No. I . . .14 Cucumber Salad, No. 2 . . . .14 Daisy Salad ...... 15 Dandelion Salad . . . . .40 Egg Salad ...... 6 Egg Plant Salad ..... 25 Endive Salad . . . . . 31 English Walnut Salad ..... 7 English Walnut and Chicken Salad . . .41 English Walnut and Water Cress Salad . . 7 French Dressing ..... 4 Frog Salad ...... 30 German Salad . . . . . .13 Grape Fruit en Mayonnaise . . . .25 Imperial Salad . . . . . -37 Italian Salad . . . . . .31 Japanese Salad, Mrs. Rorer . . . -55 Jardiniere Salad . . . . .12 Jellied Tongue Salad . . . . -47 Kale Salad ...... 25 Lamb Salad ...... 35 Lambs' Tongue Salad . . . . .26 Lettuce Salad ...... 33 Lima Bean Salad ..... 24 Lincoln Salad, Mrs. Lincoln . . . .29 Lincoln Salad, Cream Dressing for . . . 29 Lobster Salad ...... 38 Magenta Salad ...... 42 Mayonnaise Dressing ..... 5 Mayonnaise of Sweetbreads . . . 39 Normandy Salad, Mrs. Lincoln . . . .10 Okra and Sweet Pepper Salad . . . .36 Onion Salad Bermuda . . . . .40 Orange Salad ...... 50 Oyster Salad - 28 Oyster Plant Salad . . 1 1 Peppers in Salads ... .19 Potato Salad, No. I . . . 15 Potato Salad, No. 2 . . . .16 Potato a la Parisienne . ... 44 Prince Salad . . 24 Rabbit Salad ... .22 Radish Salad . . . 56 Rice and Mutton Salad . .52 Rules for Salad Dressings . . . . I Russian Salad . .12 Salade de Veau, No. I . . . -53 Salade de Veau, No. 2 . . . . -54 Salmon Salad . . . . . .10 Salsify in Salads ... .18 Sardine Salad . ... 28 Sauce Tartare ... 4 Scallop Salad . . 46 Scallop and Tomato Salad . . . .46 Shad Roe Salad . . . 27 Shrimp Salad ... *9 Spinach Salad .... 3 2 String Bean Salad . . . . .42 Swedish Salad ...... 53 Sweet Potato Salad ... .21 Tomato Aspic Salad, No. I . . .44 Tomato Aspic Salad, No. 2 . . -45 Tomato Baskets for Salads . . 20 Tomato and Cucumber Salad . . .20 Truffle Salad . . 8 Vegetable Jelly Salad . . 49 Water Cress and Apple Salad . 32 White Bean Salad ..... 36 Certain Rules. Certain rules for salad dressing are well to observe. First: Have suitable ingredients and condiments. Second: Mix carefully. Third: In regular order. Fourth : Serve most salads very cold. Fifth: Mix very quickly with silver, china, glass or wooden utensils. Sixth: Garnish with something that will afford a contrast and at the same time be suitable to eat. Seventh: In serving salads, serve rich salads for luncheon and supper. Serve light salads for dinner or for tea. In America we are apt to use may- onnaise dressing for everything, but in England and France, they serve French dressings with fish or fowl and most vege- tables. Cauliflower and tomatoes are nice with mayonnaise dressing. In the dressing no flavor should predominate. When a salad is served, no oil should ever remain at the bottom of the bowl. Cooked Dressing. No. i. Three eggs, two teaspoonfuls of salt, one tea- EGGS spoonful of mustard, one teaspoonful of paprika MUSTARD r J 7 r j r 17 PAPRIKA OR or 1-4 salt spoonful of cayenne, two tablespoon- CAYENNE r 7 r -i 7J7 / 7 r -n OIL OR BUTTER fuls of oil or melted butter, one cupful of milk, MILK one-half cupful of vinegar. Separate the eggs and beat the yolks until light. Add the seasonings to the vinegar and heat it to the boiling point. Scald the milk, pour it on to the beaten yolks and cook it with the vinegar in a double boiler until it begins to thicken, then add the oil and whites of the eggs, which have been beaten until stiff. Cooked Dressing. No. 2. One-fourth of a cupful of butter ', one-half teaspoonful of mustard, one saltspoonful of pap- rika, yolks of two eggs, one-fourth of a cupful CREA Q M R of vinegar, one-half pint of cream. Cream the butter, add the seasoning, the beaten yolks of the eggs, and the vin- egar, which must be hot, then cook over boiling water until very thick, stirring often. Whip the cream, and add it to the cold dressing just before serving. MAYONNAISE DRESSING OLIVES GHERKIN CAPERS PARSLEY ONION Sauce Tartare. One-half pint mayonnaise dressing, three olives, one gherkin, one tablespoonful of capers, one teaspoonful of parsley, one onion if liked. Chop the olives, gherkin, capers, parsley and onion very fine, add them to the may- onnaise dressing, and it is ready for use. SALT PEPPER OIL VINEGAR ONION French Dressing. One salt spoonful of salt, one-half salt spoonful pepper, three to five tablespoonfuls of oil, one tablespoonful of vinegar, one-fourth teaspoonful onion juice if liked. Put the salt and pepper in a bowl, dis- solve them with the vinegar, add the oil slowly and mix well. This dressing is suitable for egg or vegetable salads, and is also used to macerate meat or fish salad. Lemon juice may be used instead of vinegar, and the onion juice if liked. Mayonnaise Dressing. .One ieaspoonful of mustard, one teaspoonful of salt , one-fourth salt spoonful of c ayenne, yolks of two eggs, one pint of olive oil, two table- OLIVE CHL spoonfuls of vinegar, two table spoonfuls of lemon juice, one cup of whipped cream if liked. Mix the dry materials in a shallow dish or soup plate. Add the yolks of eggs. Stir well with a silver fork or wooden spoon. Add the oil a few drops at a time, stirring until it thickens. When the dressing is thick, thin it with a little lemon juice, then add oil and lemon juice alternately, and lastly the vinegar. The dressing liquefies as soon as mixed with the vegetables or meat; therefore it should be made stiff enough to keep its shape until used. One cup of whipped cream may be added before using if liked. EQQS LETTUCE OR PARSLEY MAYONNAISE OR COOKED DRESS- ING Egg Salad. Six eggs, one head of lettuce or parsley, may- onnaise or cooked dressing. Place the eggs in a sauce pan of boiling water, and let them stand where they will keep hot, but not boiling, for thirty min- utes. Leave them in cold water for three minutes, take off the shells, and cut the eggs in halves. Remove the yolks and mash them until fine. Add to them enough of the salad dressing to moisten, and heap the mixture in the halved whites. Put the remainder of the dressing in the bottom of the salad dish, cover with lettuce or parsley and place the eggs on the leaves. BEETS VINEGAR CUCUMBER CELERY FRENCH DRESSING PARSLEY LETTUCE Beet Salad. Six red beets, vinegar, one cucumber, one root of celery, French dressing, parsley, lettuce. Boil new red beets. Take off the skin while warm, cut off the stem end and scoop out the center, leaving a wall half an inch thick. Cover with vinegar and stand aside over night. Just before you wish to serve chop the cucumber and celery ; mix and fill the beets. Arrange on lettuce leaves and pour over a French dressing. Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and serve. ENGLISH WAL- NUTS WATER CRESS FRENCH DRESSING English Walnut and W^ater Cress Salad. Two dozen English walnuts, two bunches water cress, French dressing. Crack the nuts, and take out the kernels with as little breaking as possible. Squeeze lemon juice over them and lay on a bed of cresses. Serve with a French dressing. English Walnut Salad. One-half pound English walnuts, two apples, ENGLISH WAL mayonnaise dressing, lettuce, cold boiled chicken ifliked. Shell the walnuts, throw them into boiling water and remove the skin. Mix these NUTS APPLES MAYONNAISE DRESSING LETTUCE CHICKEN with two chopped apples and mayonnaise dressing and serve on lettuce leaves. Pieces of cold boiled chicken may also be mixed with the nuts before mixing with the apples and mayonnaise dressing. Pare and core the apples and cut them into dice. TRUFFLES ARTICHOKES EGOS MUSTARD OIL AND TAR- RAGON GARLIC MAYONNAISE TARRAGON CHERVIL CHIVES PARSLEY Truffle Salad. Six truffles, three artichokes, four eggs, mustard, three gills of oil and tarragon, clove of garlic, mayonnaise, tarragon, chervil, chives, parsley. Cut the truffles into pieces, put them into a bowl with the artichoke bottoms, pre- viously cooked and cut into eight pieces. Rub through a sieve the hard-boiled egg yolks, lay them in a bowl with the mustard, work well together, add gradually the oil and tarragon vinegar ; rub the bottom of a salad bowl with a clove of garlic, set the truffles in, and the artichokes over; cover all with a mayonnaise, mixing in also some tarragon, chervil, chives and parsley, all finely chopped. Anchovy Salad. PARSLEY LEMONS OIL Six anchovies, two beads of lettuce, six button ANCHOVIES onions, parsley, two lemons, one tablespoonful ON}ONS CE of oil. Remove the bones, heads and tails of the anchovies. Wash the lettuce and arrange it on a salad dish. Add the onions chopped finely, parsley, sliced lemon and ancho- vies. Pour over the juice of a lemon mixed with a tablespoonful of oil. Crab Salad. One dozen crabs, one-half pint of mayonnaise CRABS dressing, two heads of lettuce. Boil hard-shell crabs for about twenty minutes. When cool remove the top shell and tail ; quarter the remainder and pick the meat out carefully with a fork. The large claws should not be overlooked nor the fat which adheres to the shell. Mix the crab meat with a little of the mayonnaise. Garnish the dish with crisp lettuce leaves. Place MAYONNAISE DRESSING LETTUCE the crabs in the center and cover with the remainder of the mayonnaise. Or, the salad may be served in the back shell of the crab, garnished with the tiny salad leaves. FRENCH AND MAY- ONNAISE DRESS- ING SALMON CELERY TARRAGON LEAVES LOBSTER CORAL EGGS Salmon Salad. French and mayonnaise dressing, salmon, celery, tarragon leaves, lobster coral, hard-boiled eggs- Cook slices of salmon ; when cold separate the flesh in flakes. Cut some celery quite fine, place it in a salad bowl with the salmon over it; pour evenly over this a French dressing, then a mayonnaise. Decorate the top with tarragon leaves, lobster coral and quartered hard-boiled eggs. FRENCH PEAS ENGLISH WAL- NUTS LETTUCE NASTURTIUMS MAYONNAISE DRESSING Normandy Salad. (Mrs. Lincoln.") One pint French peas, one pint English wal- nuts, one-half head lettuce^ four nasturtiums, mayonnaise dressing. 10 Use the small French peas that come in the glass jars. Pour them into a colander, rinse in cold water, drain and dry on a towel. Fresh peas will, of course, be preferred in their season and should be cooked, drained and chilled. Blanch the walnuts by letting them remain in boiling water a few minutes, then cut them into bits the size of the peas. Sprinkle them with salt, and mix the peas and nuts together with enough mayonnaise to moisten and hold them together. Arrange it on lettuce leaves with bright yellow nas- turtiums here and there between the leaves. Cover the nuts and peas with mayonnaise. Oyster Plant Salad. Two pounds of oyster plants, vinegar, one lemon, one onion, parsley, thyme, bay leaf, two tablespoons flour, French dressing, mayonnaise dressing. Scrape the plants, plunge them as soon as they are done in water acidulated with vin- egar, then cut into inch long pieces. Dilute two tablespoonfuls of flour with two quarts OYSTER PLANTS VINEGAR LEMON ONION PARSLEY THYME BAY LEAF FLOUR FRENCH DRESSING MAYONNAISE DRESSING II POTATOES TURNIPS STRING BEANS BEETS CELERY TOMATOES OLIVES CAPERS LETTUCE OR DRESS- ING of water, add to it salt and the juice of a lemon, an onion, a bunch of parsley, thyme, and bay leaf; boil up the liquid, then put in the oyster plants and let simmer until thoroughly cooked. Drain and cool, and cut each one into four pieces lengthwise. Arrange in a salad bowl, cover with a French dressing, chopped parsley, and half an hour before serving cover with a mayonnaise dressing. Jardiniere Salad. Cold cooked potatoes, turnips, string beans, beets, celery, tomatoes, olives, capers, lettuce, mayonnaise or French dressing. Take equal quantities of the vegetables, put them in a salad bowl, add olives and capers; pour over a mayonnaise or French dressing, and garnish with lettuce leaves. CHICKEN HAM BEEF TONGUE Russian Salad. Two ounces of roast chicken, two ounces of bam, two ounces of beef tongue, two ounces of 12 beef) two ounces of mutt on, four truffles, twelve anchovies, three stalks of celery, two heads of lettuce, eight tablespoonfuls of sauce Tartar e. Cut up and mix carefully together the chicken, ham, beef-tongue, beef and mutton, truffles, anchovies and celery. Mix with the sauce Tartare, and serve in nests of crisp lettuce leaves. BEEF MUTTON TRUFFLES ANCHOVIES CELERY LETTUCE SAUCE TARTARE A German Salad. One lobster, three eggs, parsley, onion, lettuce, French dressing, one table spoonful of Worcester- shire sauce, two tablespoonfuls of tarragon vin- egar. Cut a boiled pieces, put it lobster into good sized in a salad bowl, cover it over with the hard boiled eggs chopped fine, then add the onion juice and chopped parsley. Arrange on lettuce leaves. Make a French dressing and add to it the Worces- tershire sauce and the tarragon vinegar, and pour it over the salad. LOBSTER EQQS PARSLEY ONION LETTUCE FRENCH DRESSING WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE TARRAGON VIN- EGAR Cucumber Salad. No. i. CUCUMBERS ^wo cucumbers, French dressing. FRENCH DRESSING Pare and slice the cucumbers very thin, throw them into cold water for one hour, drain and dry. When ready to serve put them into a salad bowl and pour over them a French dressing. Cucumber Salad. No. 2. TOMATots 8 Two cucumbers, four large tomatoes, French BSf L N E C D H dressing, boiled dressing. Peel and cut the cucumbers into quarter- inch slices. Soak in the water. Scald and peel the tomatoes. Cut them in halves and remove the seeds. Drain and cut the cucumbers in small dice, macerate them with a French dressing. Put them into the cavities, and, when ready to serve, put a spoonful of boiled dressing on each. Daisy Salad. Right eggs, mayonnaise or cooked dressing, lettuce. Place on the bottom of a salad dish a layer of mayonnaise or cooked dressing, on the top arrange small crisp leaves of lettuce. Cook the eggs in water (180) twenty min- utes, plunge in cold water. Cut the whites of the eggs into six long petals, arrange them on the lettuce to simulate the petals of a daisy and heap the yolks which have been pressed through a strainer in the center. EQQS MAYONNAISE OR COOKED DRESS- ING LETTUCE Potato Salad. One pint of hot potatoes, one-half cup of chopped celery, one tablespoonful of chopped parsley, lettuce, mayonnaise dressing. Stir lightly together the hot potatoes, celery, parsley and one-third of the may- onnaise dressing, breaking the potatoes as you stir in small pieces. Keep on the ice until ready to serve. POTATOES CELERY PARSLEY LETTUCE MAYONNAISE DRESSING Place one large tablespoonful on a leaf of lettuce, and serve in the leaf, with a tablespoonful of the dressing on top. If a slight flavor of onion is desired, rub a slice of onion or a little garlic around the salad bowl. Potato Salad. No. 2. POTATOES ONION FRENCH DRESSING PARSLEY BEET TURNIP CARROT CAPERS OR OLIVES Four cold boiled potatoes, one onion chopped very fine, French dressing, parsley, beet, turnip and carrot, capers or olives. Cut cold boiled potatoes into thin slices, mix them carefully with the onion, then add the dressing and turn them upside down without breaking the potatoes. Put them away in a cold place for one or two hours. Sprinkle with the chopped parsley. The dish may be garnished with parsley, pickled beets, turnips and carrots cut in fancy shapes, capers or olives. 16 Cabbage Salad. No. i. One small cabbage, four stalks of celery, one pint of mayonnaise dressing, parsley. Shred the cabbage; add the celery, which has been cut into dice. Place in a salad bowl and pour over it the mayonnaise dressing. Garnish with parsley. CABBAGE CELERY MAYONNAISE DRESSING PARSLEY Cabbage Salad. No. 2. Cabbage, hard-boiled eggs, parsley, olives, salad dressing. Shred the cabbage; place in a sauce pan and pour boiling water over it, and add a little salt. Let it stand for half an hour; wash in cold water and dry thoroughly; place in a salad bowl and garnish with hard- boiled eggs, parsley and olives. Serve with plain salad dressing. CABBAGE EGGS PARSLEY OLIVES SALAD DRESSING EGGS CHEESE MUSTARD CAYENNE SALT SALAD OIL VINEGAR CHICKEN SALSIFY FRENCH DRESSING Cheese Salad. Three hard-boiled eggs, one-and-a-half cup- fuls of grated cheese ', one teaspoonful of mustard, one-half saltspoonful of cayenne, one-half tea- spoonful of salt, two tablespoonfuls of salad oil, two tablespoonfuls of vinegar, one cupful of chicken cut into dice. Rub the yolks of the eggs until a smooth paste is formed. Add gradually the oil, stirring all the while with a fork; then add all the seasoning and the vinegar. Mix the cheese and chicken lightly with this dressing, and heap the mixture on a salad dish. Gar- nish with the whites of the eggs, cut in circles, and with a few white celery leaves or some sprigs of parsley. Serve with crackers. Salsify in Salads. Salsify, French dressing. Cold boiled salsify makes a pleasant salad when mixed with a French dressing. It is also nice when combined in a salad with other cooked vegetables like potatoes, car- rots, beans and cauliflower. 18 Peppers in Salad. Pepper,, French drying. SSS'oRaaNo After draining some boiled peppers and cutting them into strips, place them in a small bowl, and pour over them a French dressing. This salad may be served with crackers as a course in a dinner, or be served with hot or cold meats. Shrimp Salad. One can of shrimps, the heart leaves of four SHRIMPS small heads of lettuce, mayonnaise dressing, M R|JJSING E French dressing. FRENCH DRESSING Rinse the shrimps in ice water, drain and macerate them with a French dressing, let them stand in the ice-chest for two hours. Arrange the leaves of lettuce in the form of shells on the salad dish. Mix half the mayonnaise with the shrimp, and put a spoonful of the mixture into each shell. Drop into each shell, also, a teaspoonful of the remaining dressing; and serve the salad at once. TOMATOES PARSLEY SWEETBREADS OR HALIBUT OR CUCUMBERS MAYONNAISE OR FRENCH DRESS- INQ TOMATOES CUCUMBERS WATER CRESS ONION FRENCH OR MAY- ONNAISE DRESS- ING! LETTUCE Tomato Baskets for Salads. Tomatoes, parsley, sweetbreads or halibut or cucumbers, mayonnaise or French dressing. Select firm, round tomatoes of about the same size, peel them and cut a slice from the stem end, then with a small spoon scrape out nearly all the inside pulp. A handle may be made by sticking a stalk of parsley of the right length into the opposite sides of the basket. This is a pretty case in which to serve a salad of sweetbreads or halibut with mayonnaisedressing, or cucum- bers with French dressing. Tomato and Cucumber Salad. Six tomatoes, two cucumbers, water cress, a few drops of onion juice, French or mayonnaise dressing, lettuce. Pare and chop the cucumbers rather fine, mix into it a little chopped water cress, then add a few drops of onion juice. Peel the tomatoes, cut a slice from the stem end, take out the seeds, and fill vacancies with the cucumber. Arrange the tomatoes on 20 lettuce leaves, and pour over them either a French or mayonnaise dressing. Cauliflower Salad. One cauliflower, a French or mayonnaise dressing^ pickled beets. Remove the outer leaves, and soak in cold water, slightly salted, for an hour or more. Cook it with the stalk downward in the kettle of sal ted boiling water until tender, allowing one-half hour for cooking. Drain carefully, and when cold serve with a French or mayonnaise dressing. Pickled beets are a pretty garnish for this salad, contrasting well with the white cauliflower and yellow dressing. CAULIFLOWER FRENCH OR MAY- ONNAISE DRESS- ING BEETS Sweet Potato Salad. 'Three large sweet potatoes, two stalks of POTATOES celery r , French dressing, olives, parsley. Boil the potatoes ; cut into squares ; add the celery, cut small. Pour over French dressing. Garnish with olives and parsley. CELERY FRENCH DRESSING OLIVES PARSLEY 21 Celery Salad. CELERY MAYONNAISE DRESSING CELERY LEAVES LETTUCE OR CRESSES RABBITS FRENCH DRESSING LETTUCE FRENCH MUSTARD MAYONNAISE DRESSING One pint of celery, one-half pint mayonnaise dressing, celery leaves, lettuce or cresses. Scrape and cut the white stalks of celery into pieces a half inch long. Keep in cold water, drain, and dust lightly with salt, mix it with the dressing. Garnish with lettuce, cresses or celery leaves, and serve immediately. Rabbit Salad. Two roast rabbits, French dressing, three beads of lettuce, one teaspoonful of French mus- tard, one pint of mayonnaise dressing. Cut up the meat; place in a bowl and cover with a French dressing; let it stand for four hours. Place the lettuce in a salad bowl ; drain the meat and add to the lettuce. Put into a plate one teaspoonful of French mustard ; thin with one tablespoonful of the dressing taken from the meat, and add slowly to this one pint of mayonnaise dress- ing, and pour over the salad. 22 American Salad. One head of lettuce, one bunch of cress, a little parsley, cooked or mayonnaise dressing, two apples, beet, two sardines. Wash, pick over and drain the lettuce, cress and parsley. Place in a salad dish, making a hollow in the center. Pour the cooked or mayonnaise dressing over the salad. Cut the apples in thin slices, lay them around the salad, and garnish with beet. Bone six sardines and cut them lengthwise; take each half and roll up in a leaf of lettuce, and stand them in the center of the salad. LETTUCE CRESS PARSLEY COOKED OR MAY- ONNAISE DRESS- ING APPLES BEET SARDINES Bread Salad. One stale loaf of bread, potatoes, tomatoes, BREAD cucumbers, onion, parsley, French dressing. Cut the bread into pieces half an inch square; chop equal parts of cold boiled potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers; season with a little grated onion and chopped POTATOES TOMATOES CUCUMBERS ONION PARSLEY FRENCH DRESSING parsley. Macerate with a French dressing, and mix with the bread; let it stand for half an hour before serving. Prince Salad. POTATOES CAULIFLOWER FRENCH OR COOKED DRESS- ING One pint of cold boiled potatoes, one pint of pickled cauliflower, a French or cooked dressing. Cut the potatoes into small squares; mince the cauliflower. Pour over the potatoes and cauliflower a French or cooked dressing, stir lightly and serve very cold. LIMA-BEANS SALT PARSLEY ONION FRENCH DRESSING THYME MINT Lima-Bean Salad. Lima-beans, salt, parsley, onion, French dressing, thyme, mint. Boil the lima-beans in water with a little salt, a bunch of parsley, and an onion until quite tender; drain. Add to the French dressing a little chopped thyme and mint. Mix it with the beans and serve quite cold. Kale Salad. Kale, French dressing, cresses. Take the inside leaves from the kale, place in a salad bowl, and pour over the whole a French dressing. Garnish with cresses. KALE FRENCH DRESSING CRESSES Egg-Plant Salad. Egg-plant, one lemon, one table spoonful of oil. Boil the egg-plant until tender; peel and cut into small pieces; add the juice of a lemon, one tablespoonful of oil. Mix well and serve. EQQ-PLANT LEMON OIL Grape Fruit en- Mayonnaise. Two heads of lettuce, grape fruit, French dressing, mayonnaise dressing. Wash and dry the lettuce, and make a nest in the salad bowl ; sprinkle over it the French dressing. Peel the grape fruit and separate into sections ; split the membrane LETTUCE GRAPE-FRUIT FRENCH DRESSING MAYONNAISE DRESSING so that the pulp of the fruit can be extracted ; separate into small bits and place in the prepared nest. Cover with a mayonnaise dressing and put away in a cool place. BEEF LETTUCE COOKED DRESSING No. 2 HORSE RADISH Beef Salad. Cold cooked beef, lettuce, cooked dressing No. 2, four table spoonfuls of horse radish. Cut the cold cooked beef into thin slices and then into pieces about an inch square. Arrange them neatly on lettuce leaves. Stir into the cooked dressing No. 2, four tablespoonfuls of horse radish, and pour it over the beef and serve at once. LAMBS' TONGUES POTATOES PARSLEY PEPPER FRENCH DRESSING LETTUCE Lamb's Tongue Salad. One pint of pickled lambs 's tongues, one pint hot boiled potatoes, parsley, pepper, French dressing, lettuce. Drain and cut the lambs' tongues into thin slices. Put a layer in the bottom of 26 a salad bowl, then a layer of thin sliced, hot boiled potatoes, then another layer of tongue, sprinkling of parsley and a little pepper, and so continue until you have the desired quantity. Mix it with a French dressing, and serve on lettuce leaves. Shad Roe Salad. One set of shad roes, one-half pint may on- SHAD ROES J 7 7 / 7 T r MAYONNAISE naise. one or two heads of lettuce* one slice of LETTUCE . J J J ONION onion. Wash the roes, cover with boiling salted water and simmer for twenty minutes. Drain and put away in a cold place. Just before dinner remove the skin from the roes, cut in thin slices or in dice. Put one slice of onion in the center of the salad dish, arrange around it cups or nests of crisp lettuce leaves. Put a large tablespoonful of the shad roe in each lettuce cup, with some of the mayonnaise on the top. The cut up roe may be served with a French dressing if liked. 27 Sardine Salad. SARDINES LETTUCE OLIVES OR RADISHES MAYONNAISE DRESSING One box of sardines, lettuce, olives or radishes, mayonnaise dressing. Carefully remove the skin, heads and bones from one box of sardines. Keep the halves whole; arrange neatly in a bed of lettuce, garnish with stoned olives or radishes, cover with mayonnaise dressing. As this is a good Sunday night dish, the mayonnaise can be made on Saturday. OYSTERS MAYONNAISE DRESSING LETTUCE Oyster Salad. Allow five oysters to each -person, mayonnaise dressing, lettuce. Parboil the oysters in their own liquor and drain immediately; when cold cut each into four bits. Break the tender young leaves of lettuce and mix in equal parts with the oysters, macerate it with a part of the mayonnaise. Arrange the salad in nests of crisp lettuce leaves, covering it with the remainder of the mayonnaise dressing. 28 OYSTERS CUCUMBERS SALT BLACK PEPPER WATER CRESSES CREAM DRESSING Lincoln Salad. (Mrs. Lincoln.} One quart oysters, three cucumbers, one tea- spoonful of salt, one saltspoonful black pepper, one bunch watercresses, cream dressing to moisten. Pick over the oysters and parboil until the edges curl, drain very dry, cool and cut into small uniform pieces. Pare the cucumbers and leave in cold water until needed. Then cut into quarters, length- wise (sixths if very large), trim off the edge containing the seeds, then dry on a towel and cut into thin slices. Season them highly with salt and black pepper and add them to the oysters. Moisten with cream dressing, turn into a salad bowl lined with cresses, put some of the best sprigs on the edge, and cover with the remainder of the dressing. Cream Dressing for Lincoln Salad. One-half pint thick cream, three tablespoon- CREAM fuls of lemon juice, three tablespoonfuls of grated HORSE RADISH horse radish, one-half teaspoonful of salt, one PAPRIKA BLACK PEPPER saltspoonful each of paprika and black pepper. FROGS SALT PEPPER BUTTER LEMON ARTICHOKES POTATOES EQQS FRENCH DRESSING Chill and whip the cream until stiff. Use Dover beater or whisk. Add gradually the lemon juice, horse radish, salt, paprika and black pepper. It should be stiff enough to keep in shape. After mixing half or two- thirds of it with the oysters and cucumbers, taste and add more seasoning if needed. Frog Salad. One pound white, medium sized frogs ', one- half teaspoonful salt, one teaspoonful pepper, one tablespoonful butter, one tablespoonful lemon juice, two artichokes, three potatoes, three hard boiled eggs, rule for French dressing. Cook the frogs in water until tender, and season with salt, pepper, butter and lemon juice ; when cold cut the meat into inch squares, and put them into a bowl with cooked artichoke bottoms, potatoes and hard boiled eggs, all cut the same size as the frogs. Macerate with French dressing for fifteen minutes. Drain the salad in a sieve, and arrange it in a salad bowl, dressing it with a mayonnaise, and smoothing the top to a dome. Split some lobster claw meat 3 in two, season and form into a rosette in the center of the salad ; decorate around with truffles and gherkins, having a lettuce heart exactly in the middle. Italian Salad. Pint of 'green peas, half a pint of string beans, half a pint of carrot, half a pint of turnip, chervil, tarragon, chives, parsley, French dress- ing, beets, potatoes. Put into a salad bowl which have been pre- viously cooked, the peas, beans, carrot and turnip diced, and add finely chopped chervil, tarragon, chives and parsley; macerate with a French dressing. Cut beets and potatoes in an eighth of an inch slices, cut into fancy shapes with French vegetable cutters. Arrange the potatoes and beets alternately around the base. Endive Salad. Endive, French dressing. Take the leaves when quite yellow, remove the hard parts ; the leaves can be cleaned by PEAS STRING BEANS CARROT TURNIP CHERVIL TARRAGON CHIVES PARSLEY FRENCH DRESSING BEETS POTATOES ENDIVE FRENCH DRESSING 3 1 SPINACH BUTTER SALT PEPPER TONGUE OR LET- TUCE PARSLEY FRENCH DRESSING WATER CRESS APPLES FRENCH DRESSING wiping them, as it is always preferable not to wash these salads. Macerate with a French dressing. Spinach Salad. One-half feck spinach, one tablespoonful of butter, half a teaspoonful of salt, speck of pepper, cold tongue or lettuce, parsley, French dressing. Take the leaves from the spinach. Wash it in several waters, put it in a kettle with- out any water and cook from ten to twenty minutes, or until the spinach is tender. Drain and chop fine. Add the melted butter, salt and pepper. Press into moulds and chill. Serve on thin slices of cold tongue or on lettuce leaves, moisten with a French dressing, and garnish with parsley. Heater Cress and Apple Salad. Water cress, sour apples, French dressing. Have very clean and green water cress, and sour apples cut into slices. When ready to serve cover with a French dressing. Pepper water cresses are prepared the same. Chicory Salad. Chicory , French dressing, chervil, tarragon, bread-crust, clove of garlic. Select the chicory heads, having yellow hearts and very fine leaves ; cut away all the green and wash the white part, drain and shake well in a napkin or wire basket to remove all the water. Macerate with a French dressing. Chervil and tarragon can be used, or, instead of these herbs use a piece of bread-crust after rubbing a clove of garlic over it. CHICORY FRENCH DRESSING CHERVIL TARRAGON BREAD-CRUST CLOVE OF GARLIC Lettuce Salad. Lettuce, French dressing, chervil and tarra- gon if liked. Select freshly gathered and well filled lettuce heads, suppress the hard leaves, keeping only the yellow ones. Wash them in several waters, place the leaves between two towels to absorb the moisture, then place it in a salad bowl. Pour over the LETTUCE FRENCH DRESSING CHERVIL TARRAGON 33 lettuce a French dressing, stirring it until it is properly mixed. Some chopped chervil and tarragon may be sprinkled over the salad if liked. LETTUCE CHERRIES MAYONNAISE DRESSING PEANUTS Cherry Salad. Lettuce, cherries, mayonnaise dressing, cherry juice, -peanuts. Arrange lettuce leaves prettily on a flat dish. Put cherries through the leaves. Pour over a mayonnaise dressing to which has been added a tablespoonful of cherry juice instead of vinegar. Then put a few cherries over the top. Seed the cherries and place a peanut in the center to keep the shape. CHESTNUTS SALT EQQ8 LETTUCE FRENCH DRESSING LEMON Chestnut Salad. One -pint of chestnuts, salt, two hard boiled eggs, lettuce, French dressing, lemon juice. Shell, boil and blanch until tender, one pint of chestnuts. Drain, dust with salt, and stand aside to cool. Hard boil two 34 eggs. At serving time arrange the lettuce in a salad bowl, put the chestnuts over, and then a French dressing, using lemon juice in place of vinegar. Hold a small sieve over the bowl, and rub the yolks through it, covering the salad lightly. Lamb Salad. Cold cooked lamb, sliced cooked potatoes, pickled gherkins, capers and small pickled onions, chives, French dressing, hard boiled eggs, tar- ragon leaves. Cut slices of cold cooked lamb a quarter of an inch in thickness ; arrange on a deep dish in straight rows over a bed of sliced cooked potatoes. Decorate the whole with slices of pickled gherkins, capers, small pickled onions, and chopped chives. Mac- erate with a French dressing. Garnish the dish with hard boiled eggs, also a few tar- ragon leaves. Serve without stirring so as to avoid breaking the leaves. 35 LAMB POTATOES PICKLED ONIONS CHIVES FRENCH DRESSING EGGS TARRAGON LEAVES White Bean Salad. FRENCH DRESSING WHITE BEANS SHALLOT CHIVES PARSLEY Double the recipe for French dressing, one pound white beans, shallot, chives, parsley. Put dry white beans to soak in cold water for six hours; cook in plenty of water until tender, and when cold, put them in a salad bowl with a little shallot, chives and parsley, all chopped, and for each quart of beans add double the recipe given for French dressing. Stir well and serve. OKRAS SWEET PEPPERS MAYONNAISE DRESSING Okra and Sweet Pepper Salad. Okras, sweet peppers, rule for mayonnaise dressing. Cut the ends and stalks from some tender, stringless okras; cook them in boiling salted water, drain and lay them in a salad bowl. Throw some sweet peppers into hot fat, peel off the skins and cut them in Julienne. Add them to the okras, and cover with a mayonnaise dressing. 36 Asparagus Salad. One bundle of boiled asparagus, French dressing. Cut the tender parts of asparagus into pieces of equal length and tie them in bunches, then cook them in boiling salted water and leave them to get cold. A few minutes before serving put the asparagus into a salad bowl, and pour over it French dressing. Imperial Salad. French dressing, rule for mayonnaise, aspar- agus, truffles. Cut off some green asparagus tops one inch in length; cook them in boiled salted water; drain and lay them in a bowl, macerate with a French dressing. Cut some cooked truffles into the same length as the asparagus, season them the same, and one- half hour later lay them on a sieve to drain. Then add them to the asparagus and mingle them both with a mayonnaise, adding a little mustard. ASPARAGUS FRENCH DRESSING FRENCH DRESSING MAYONNAISE ASPARAGUS TRUFFLES 37 Lobster Salad. LOBSTER FRENCH DRESSING MAYONNAISE DRESSING LOBSTER CORAL CLAWS CAPERS RADISHES OR PARSLEY CHICKEN FRENCH DRESSING MAYONNAISE DRESSING LETTUCE EGGS One pint lobster meat,Frenchdressing,mayon- naise dressing, lobster coral, claws, capers, radishes or parsley. Cut the lobster meat into inch cubes, season with a French dressing, and keep on ice until ready to serve ; then mix it with one-half the mayonnaise. Make nests of crisp lettuce leaves. Place one heaped tablespoonful of lobster in each nest with one tablespoonful of mayonnaise on top. Garnish with lobster coral, capers, claws, radishes or parsley. Chicken Salad. One pint each of cold boiled or roasted chicken and celery, or half as much celery as chicken, French dressing, mayonnaise dressing, lettuce, whites of four hard boiled eggs. Cut the chicken into dice. Scrape, wash, and cut the celery in dice. Mix and macerate with a French dressing, and keep on ice until ready to serve. Mix part of the mayonnaise dressing with the chicken ; arrange the salad in a dish, and pour the remainder of the dressing over it, and gar- nish with lettuce or celery leaves around the chicken. On top of the lettuce place the whites of the eggs, cut into rings, and lay so as to form a chain. Mayonnaise of Sweetbreads. One fair of sweetbreads, one table spoonful of lemon juice, one head of lettuce, one-half pint mayonnaise dressing, a slice of onion if liked. Clean and cook the sweetbreads in boiling salted water, with one tablespoonful of lemon juice, twenty minutes, and plunge into cold water to harden. Stand away to cool. When cold, cut into dice. Arrange the lettuce leaves around a salad dish ; mix the sweetbreads with a part of the mayonnaise, and put in the center of the dish, covering the top with the remainder of the mayon- naise. A thin slice of onion may be placed in the center of the salad bowl before adding the salad if liked. SWEETBREADS LEMON LETTUCE MAYONNAISE DRESSING ONION 39 DANDELIONS FRENCH DRESSING BEET ROOT COS LETTUCE CHERVIL TARRAGON FRENCH DRESSING ONIONS LETTUCE FRENCH DRESSING Dandelion Salad. Dandelions, French dressing, beet root. This salad takes the place of wild chicory, especially in winter, and by growing it in cellars it can be had very white and tender. Clean the leaves by wiping with a towel do not wash it ; macerate it with a French dressing, adding a few slices of beet root. Cos Lettuce Salad. (S a lade de Romaine.} Cos lettuce, chervil, tarragon, French dressing. Remove all the green leaves until the yellow ones are reached ; wipe each leaf well, place in a salad bowl and season the salad with the chervil and tarragon, all finely cut. Macerate with a French dressing. Onion Salad-Bermuda. Onions, lettuce, French dressing. Arrange thin slices of onions in nests of lettuce on a shallow dish. Cover with a French dressing. 40 English W^alnut and Chicken Salad. 'Twenty-four English walnuts, onion, pars ley, ENQLISHWALNUTS chicken liquor, celery, cold cooked chicken, may on- PARSLEY j 2 . > /> ./ CHICKEN naise dressing. CELERY MAYONNAISE Make a chicken salad. Parboil the Eng- lish walnuts long enough to remove the skins. In boiling the nuts add a slice of onion, a sprig of parsley, and a little of the chicken liquor ; then drain, remove the brown skins. Mix them with the celery and chicken. Cover with a mayonnaise dressing. Chestnut Salad. Chestnuts, mayonnaise dressing, lettuce. Parboil the chestnuts ten minutes and remove the shells, then cook them in boiling water until soft but not broken. Remove the thin brown skin, cut in quarter-inch slices, moisten with mayonnaise dressing. Arrange on cup-shaped lettuce leaves and cover with mayonnaise. CHESTNUTS MAYONNAISE DRESSING LETTUCE STRING BEANS LETTUCE WATER CRESS FRENCH DRESSING String Bean Salad. String beans, lettuce^ water cress, French dressing. Select small, tender beans of uniform size, not more than three inches long. String and wash in cold water. Then cook in boiling, salted water, uncovered, and rapidly for fifteen minutes. When they are tender turn out into a colander and rinse in cold water. Let them dry, and put into the ice chest until ready. Macerate them with a French dressing. Arrange a bed of crisp, light colored lettuce leaves in the salad bowl, then a layer of water cress just inside the lettuce, then stack the beans in the center. CRESS BEET RADISHES MAYONNAISE DRESSING Magenta Salad. Two bunches of cress, one large red beet, eight radishes, one-half pint mayonnaise dress- ing, one tablespoonful beet juice. Wash and arrange the cress on a salad dish. Boil the beet and cut it into fancy shapes, cut the radishes into four or six pieces. Add enough beet juice to color the mayonnaise dressing. Put tablespoonfuls of it on the cress, and cover the top with the beet and radishes, arranging the latter with the red side up. The beet juice for coloring may be obtained by chopping the blood beet fine, and boiling it with a little water until the juice is extracted. Strain and boil down. Cerveau Salade. Calf s brains ', one table spoonful of lemon juice, mayonnaise dressing, lettuce, capers. Wash the brains thoroughly in cold water, remove the red membrane. Cook them in boiling salted water with one tablespoonful of lemon juice ten minutes, then plunge into cold water. Cut the brains into small pieces, and mix them lightly with some of the mayonnaise. Arrange nests of lettuce leaves on a salad dish, put in each one a little of the salad, cover with mayonnaise and sprinkle with capers. CALF'S BRAINS LEMON MAYONNAISE DRESSING LETTUCE CAPERS 43 Potato a la Parisienne Salad. POTATOES MAYONNAISE DRESSING PARSLEY BEETS Four or six potatoes, mayonnaise dressing, parsley, two beets. Pare and cut the potatoes with a vege- table cutter, into little balls the size of marbles. Cook them in boiling salted water until tender, drain and dry carefully. While warm mix them with the mayonnaise. Pour the potato balls in the center of a salad dish, sprinkle over them chopped parsley. Gar- nish with a border of pickled beets, which have been cut into points. TOMATOES SALT PEPPER ONION GELATINE MAYONNAISE DRESSING LETTUCE PARSLEY Tomato Aspic Salad. No. i. One pint of tomatoes, one teaspoonful of salt, one saltspoonful of pepper, one teaspoonful of onion juice, one-fourth of a box of gelatine, one- half pint of mayonnaise dressing, lettuce, parsley. Strain the tomatoes, add the salt, pepper and onion juice, add the gelatine. Soak for half an hour, then bring it to the boiling 44 point, and pour into small moulds. Put away to harden. When ready to serve, arrange nests of lettuce leaves on a salad dish, and turn out each mould of tomato jelly in the nests. Pour the mayonnaise dressing around them, sprinkle with chopped parsley. Tomato Aspic Salad. No. 2. One-half box of gelatine, one-half cup of cold water, one can or eight tomatoes, one table- spoonful of chopped onion, one saltspoonful of celery seed, one bay leaf, one sprig of parsley, one-fourth of a teaspoonful of beef extract, one teaspoonful of salt, one-half teaspoonful of pap- rika, one tablespoonful of lemon juice, lettuce or cress, mayonnaise dressing. Soak the gelatine in the cold water one-half hour. Add the strained tomatoes, onion, celery seed, bay leaf, parsley and beef extract. Bring it to the boiling point, and add the paprika and lemon juice; mix and strain. GELATINE WATER TOMATOES ONION CELERY SEED BAY LEAF PARSLEY BEEF EXTRACT SALT PAPRIKA LEMON LETTUCE OR CRESS MAYONNAISE DRESSINQ 45 SCALLOPS TOMATOES MAYONNAISE DRESSING WATER CRESS SCALLOPS CUCUMBERS SALT LEMON LETTUCE OR CRESS FRENCH OR MAY- ONNAISE DRESS- INQ ONION Pour into a mould, when firm garnish with lettuce leaves or cress. Serve with a mayon- naise dressing. Scallop and Tomato Salad. One pint of scallops, six tomatoes, mayonnaise dressing, two bunches of water cress. Cook the scallops as directed in the pre- ceding recipe. Cut them into dice. Peel the tomatoes, cut a slice from the stem end, scoop out the ends, and fill the cavities with the scallop dice and put a tablespoonful of mayonnaise on each. Serve on the cresses. Scallop Salad. One pint of scallops, two cucumbers, one-half tablespoonful of salt, one tablespoonful of lemon juice, one bead of lettuce or cress, French or mayonnaise dressing, one onion. Wash the scallops, then cook in boiling water with the salt and lemon juice half an hour. Drain, plunge into cold water, and when cold dry them in a napkin. Cut them in slices across the grain, and mix them TONGUE ASPIC JELLY CELERY MAYONNAISE DRESSING with the sliced cucumbers. Cut the onion and rub it around the salad bowl, add the salad and pour over it a French or mayon- naise dressing. Garnish with lettuce leaves or cresses. Jellied Tongue Salad. One cupful of chopped cold tongue, two cup- fuls of dark aspic jelly, three cupfuls of celery diced, one-half pint mayonnaise dressing. Mix the tongue with the aspic jelly, pour into small timball moulds, and set away to harden. Mix the celery with a part of the mayonnaise and put it in the center of a salad dish, around which arrange the moulds of tongue. Garnish with the celery leaves. Serve the remainder of the dressing in a separate dish. Chicken Aspic Salad. Cold cooked chicken, aspic jelly, water cress* CHICKEN ' * J - / * ' ACDir ici olives, mayonnaise dressing. Cut cold cooked chicken in neat pieces. Cover the bottom of a mould with the ASPIC JELLY WATER CRESS OLIVES MAYONNAISE DRESSING 47 aspic jelly, put on ice and when hard add a layer of the chicken, which has been seasoned, and a little of the aspic to keep it in place, then add enough to cover it. Repeat till the mould is full. Garnish with water cress and olives. Serve with mayonnaise dressing. Aspic Jelly for Salads. SOUP STOCK Three pints of soup stock, one box of gelatine. GELATINE / j / i i * WHITE WINE AND one cupful of white wine and water, or water WATER OR i 7 i r 77 A a lemon juice > whites and shells of two LEMON JUCE EQQS eggs Soak the gelatine in the water and wine or water and lemon juice until soft. Add it to the soup stock beef if for dark jelly, and veal or chicken if for light. Season highly, and mix the whites and shells of two eggs with the stock when cold. Cook all together until hot, stirring all the time. Let it boil till a thick scum has formed; remove it, and strain through a napkin. Vegetable Jelly Salad. One-half box of gelatine, three-fourths of a cup of cold water, one pint of boiling water, one-half cup of sugar, one-half cup of lemon juice (large), three tomatoes, two bunches of water cress, mayonnaise dressing. Soak the gelatine in cold water. Cut the lemon rind thin and cook it in the water five minutes, then add the soaked gelatine, sugar and lemon juice. Strain it into a pitcher. Wet a mould in cold water, and pack it in ice. Put in a layer of jelly, when hard a layer of nice red tomatoes sliced with a little water cress. Add a little jelly to keep the vegetables in place before adding enough to cover the fruit. Repeat till the mould is full. Garnish with cresses and serve with mayonnaise dressing. Brussels Sprouts and Chestnut Salad. One pint of Brussels sprouts, one-half pint of chestnuts, mayonnaise dressing. Clean and cook the Brussels sprouts in boiling salted water one-half hour, or until GELATINE WATER SUGAR LEMON TOMATOES WATER CRESS MAYONNAISE DRESSING BRUSSELS SPROUTS CHESTNUTS MAYONNAISE DRESSING 49 ORANQES BANANAS LEMON SUGAR EOQ PINEAPPLE ORANQES SUGAR SHERRY MARASCHINO tender, then drain and add to them the chestnuts, which have been shelled, blanched and boiled. Add mayonnaise dressing suf- ficient to moisten them. Serve in a salad bowl with the remainder of the dressing on top. Banana and Orange Salad. Four oranges, three bananas, juice of one- half lemon, juice of two oranges, one-half cup- ful of sugar, white of one egg, one-half cupful of pineapple juice. Slice and mix in a bowl the oranges and bananas. Heat to the boiling point, the orange and lemon juice, sugar and white of the egg, then simmer five minutes. Strain through a muslin upon the fruit, add the pineapple juice. Set away on ice to become chilled before serving. Orange Salad. Eight oranges, one-half cup of sugar, one gill of sherry, one tablespoonful of Maraschino. Peel and cut the oranges into thin slices. Mix all the other ingredients together, stir LEMON CREAM BANANAS LETTUCE until the sugar is dissolved, pour it over the fruit, and put it into the refrigerator for an hour. Orange and lemon juice may be used instead of wine. Banana Salad. Yolk of one egg, one salt spoonful of salt, one- EQQ half teaspoonful of powdered sugar, one-half SUGAR pint of oil y two tablespoonfuls of lemon juice, one gill of cream, six bananas, lettuce. Stir the egg, salt and sugar in a shallow dish, add the oil slowly, and enough of the lemon juice to thin it. Just before serving add the cream, which has been whipped. Arrange nests of lettuce leaves on a salad dish. Slice the bananas, lay several pieces in each nest and cover with the dressing. Artichoke Salad. One bottle of French artichokes, French dressing, mayonnaise dressing, lettuce, parsley, onion if desired. Wash the artichokes in cold water and cover with the French dressing. When FRENCH ARTI- CHOKES FRENCH DRESSING MAYONNAISE DRESSING LETTUCE PARSLEY ONION ready to serve, place one artichoke on a few crisp lettuce leaves ; then put a table- spoonful of the mayonnaise on top. Sprinkle with chopped parsley. A few drops of onion juice may be added if desired. Rice and Mutton Salad. RICE MUTTON MAYONNAISE DRESSING LETTUCE EQQS One-half cupful of rice, two cupfuls of cold minced mutton, mayonnaise dressing, one head of lettuce, whites of three hard boiled eggs. Cook the rice rapidly in boiling salted water about twenty minutes, drain and dry carefully in the oven ; mix while hot with the meat which has been moistened with a little of the dressing. Turn into small moulds and set away until chilled. Arrange nests of lettuce leaves on a salad dish, turn each mould into one. Garnish with the whites of eggs cut in rings, and just before serving fill the centers with mayonnaise dressing, the remainder being served in a separate dish. Swedish Salad. One cupful of cold chicken diced, one cupful of beef tongue, one cupful of smoked salmon, one carrot, two potatoes, one cupful of string beans, French dressing, one-half pint mayonnaise dressing, pickled beet. Separate the fish into flakes and add it to the chicken. Boil the vegetables, cut them into dice, macerate them with the French dressing; mix with the meat. Put in a salad bowl and add the mayonnaise dressing. Garnish with pickled beet cut in fancy shapes. CHICKEN BEEF TONGUE SMOKED SALMON CARROT POTATOES STRING BEANS FRENCH DRESSING MAYONNAISE DRESSING PICKLED BEET Salade de Veau. No. 7. One pint of veal diced, French dressing, capers, parsley. Macerate the veal with the French dress- ing. Put into asalad bowl, andsprinkleover with chopped parsley and whole capers. Arrange sprigs of parsley around the salad. VEAL FRENCH DRESSING CAPERS PARSLEY VEAL FRENCH DRESSING MAYONNAISE DRESSING LETTUCE CAPERS Salade de Veau. No. 2. One pint of veal diced, French dressing, mayonnaise dressing, lettuce, capers. Macerate the veal with the French dress- ing. Arrange in a salad bowl on crisp let- tuce leaves, cover the veal with the mayon- naise dressing, and sprinkle capers over the top. Apple and Onion Salad. APPLES ONION FRiJcS'DRESSING &**** ^SSmg. Three mildly acid apples, one onion, lettuce, APPLE ENGLISH WAL- NUTS MAYONNAISE DRESSING LETTUCE Slice the onion and apples. Arrange in nests of lettuce leaves, and season with the French dressing. Apple and English Walnut Salad. Two cupfuls of sliced apple, two cupfuls of sliced English walnuts, mayonnaise dressing, lettuce. 54 Mix the apple and walnuts together. Arrange in a salad bowl with lettuce leaves, and cover with the mayonnaise dressing. Apple , Chestnut and Celery Salad. One-and-a-balf cupfuls each of sliced apple, celery and boiled chestnuts, cooked dressing No. 2, celery tips. Cut the apples in thin slices. Shell and boil the chestnuts fifteen minutes or until soft but not broken. Drain and when cool cut the chestnuts and celery in slices. Moisten with a part of the dressing and put in a salad dish with the remainder of the dressing on top. Garnish with celery tips. Japanese Salad. (Mrs. Rorer.) Two potatoes, six cooked or canned mush- rooms, one teaspoonful of salt, one tablespoon- ful of onion juice, one-fourth teaspoonful pepper, four tablespoonfuls of white wine, twelve sar- dines, lettuce, parsley, French dressing. Boil the potatoes and while hot cut into dice, add the mushrooms chopped fine. APPLE CELERY CHESTNUTS COOKED DRESSING NO. 2 CELERY POTATOES CANNED MUSH- ROOMS SALT ONION PEPPER WHITE WINE SARDINES LETTUCE PARSLEY FRENCH DRESSING 55 LETTUCE RADISHES OLIVES FRENCH DRESSING CORN MILK SALT BUTTER PEPPER Mix, add the salt, onion juice and pepper. Sprinkle over the wine, and stand on ice. When ready to serve, add the sardines, turn into a salad bowl on white lettuce leaves. Sprinkle over chopped parsley and cover with a French dressing. Radish Salad. One bead of lettuce, small round radishes, olives, French dressing. On a salad dish arrange two light crisp lettuce leaves for each person, in the center of these leaves arrange the radishes (which have been cut in quarters) with the red side up, around them put a border of olives, which have been cut in quarters lengthwise, and stoned. Just as the salad is served pour over the French dressing. American Corn Salad. (Mrs. Marshall.) Two or three young heads of corn, milk, salt, butter, pepper. Remove the outer leaves and sticky part from the heads of corn and put them into a stew pan of boiling milk and water that is seasoned with salt and a pat of butter, just bring to a boil, remove any scum and simmer gently for fifty or sixty minutes, then take up and drain them on a hair sieve, put a clean wet cloth over the corn and leave till cold. Place the corns on a flat dish, season with pepper and salt, mask them with the prepared sauce and serve. Sauce for American Corn Salad. Tolks of three raw eggs, one pint of salad oil, one teaspoonful of raw English mustard, one table spoonful of tarragon vinegar, twelve raw oysters, coralline pepper, one gill of cream, one onion. Mix the yolks of the eggs into the oil, add to it the mustard, vinegar and the oysters that have been pounded and rubbed through a sieve, add a good dust of pepper, the stiffly whipped cream and the onion finely chopped. Mix all together and use. EQQS SALAD OIL ENGLISH MUSTARD TARRAGON VINEGAR OYSTERS CORALLINE PEPPER CREAM ONION 57 ^CULTURE LIBR 40 GIANNINI HALL EXT. 4493 ^ 00 -V54(1887 S 16)476