LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF DAVIS. THEOLOGICAL INDEX. REFERENCES PRINCIPAL WORKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OK RELIGIOUS LITERATURE. EMBRACING NEARLY SEVENTY THOUSAND CITATIONS, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED UNDER TWO THOUSAND HEADS. HOWARD MALCOM; D.D., LL.D. 1 Scire ubi aliquid possis invenirc, magna pars eruditionis esl. BOSTON: GrOTJLD .A. UST D LI^C 51) WASHINGTON STREET. LONDON: TRUBNER & CO. 60 PATERNOSTER How, 1868. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNM DAVIS Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by GOULD AND LINCOLN, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the District of Massachusetts. ROCKWELL & KOLLTXS, STERKOTYPKRS AKD PRINTERS, 122 Washington Street, Boston. PREFACE. NOTHING was further from my mind, in commencing this body of references, than the idea of making it available to others as well as myself. On assuming the pastorship of a church in 1820, I pur chased, under the guidance of my honored instructors in theology, Drs. Staughton, Alexander, and Miller, about two thousand vol umes. But to many of them I was a stranger, and often found that I had help at hand when it was too late for my purpose. For my own convenience, I arranged the entire contents of my library in the manner here exhibited. For aid in future investigations, refer ences were added, as important books came under my notice in Reviews, or elsewhere. Lying constantly on my desk for over forty years, and receiving almost daily additions, the book grew, without any sensible deduction of time from my proper pursuits ; and since my retirement from professional life, I have found pleasant occupa tion in endeavoring to give it completeness. So far as I know, the work is unique, so that whatever may be its deficiences, it will be useful as far as it goes. There are biblio- thecas, each of which was received favorably by the learned, but all so different in design from this, that it will lose none of its value when placed by their side. Few of them can now be had, and nearly all of them were published more than a century ago, when there were few valuable theological books in the English language. Such as desire to consult them, are referred to the head " Biblio graphy." Theology has become the most voluminous of all the sciences. A minister now can read through very few of the teeming productions of the press, while there are many he must consult. In the English language alone, there are, I suppose, a quarter of a million of religious books. To become familiar with these, to say nothing of an equal number in Latin, German, and French, would require a thousand lives! Hence the absolute need of an aid like this, to enable the student to consult just those books, or parts of books, which will furnish him the required assistance. Persons who have given special attention to some one topic, will probably be acquainted with authors on that point which are not here adduced. But such will not forget that other parts of the book, and perhaps that very part, will render them good service, (5) PREFACE. The omission which they discover may have been through my igno rance or oversight, but in thousands of cases, such omission is the result of self-imposed restraint. The book may be out of print, or very rare, or^ superseded by a better, or of small value compared with those which are mentioned. My aim is not to preserve the whole sum of theological literature from that oblivion which much of it merits, but to furnish ready reference to what is still both valuable and accessible. Nor am I willing to hide meritorious authors in a crowd; nor to waste a student's time in searching for books which he cannot find ; nor by amassing references, useless or merely curious, to give my book a scholarly and complete appear ance, and destroy its utility. Zealous bibliographers enumerate every title they can find, though the book may be nowhere in ex istence, and love to append to their notice, "rare;" "very rare;" "only fifty copies printed;" "unnoticed hitherto," etc. But I desire neither the credit of authorship, nor the gratification of the learned, and have no other ambition than to help the industrious. No small labor, therefore, has been spent in makiug careful omis sions, and many more would have been made, were it not that a book may be of signal use, though not the best on the subject ; and may be within reach, when a better one is not. On a few subjects, such as " English Bible," and " New Version," all the writers which have come to my knowledge are named. " The Fathers " are constantly referred to, though the subjects may have been much better handled by others. This respect seems due to antiquity. In all cases, their testimony as to facts is im portant. It is desirable also to keep open the original sources of controversial theology, and to trace the succession of sacred litera ture. That so many of the references are to old books, will be no objection to scholars. On some of the subjects, nearly all the litera ture is old ; and the aggregate of the good theology of all past ages, is vastly greater than the amount produced in our single age. The zeal of publishers keeps new books before the public, and the student is much less likely to be ignorant of these than of those of older date. '- ~ Lists of editions of the Hebrew and Greek scriptures, and of the Septuagint, Vulgate, and other versions, are omitted, because not only are the " Biblia " named separately in booksellers' catalogues, but there are numerous compilations of this sort, which leave nothing to be done in that department. I have mentioned the best of these under "Bibliography," and " Printed editions." Bodies of Divinity, Bible Dictionaries, Church Histories, and Commentators, are named in their proper places ; but as they are themselves works of general reference, they are not referred to under the several topics they embrace, except they discuss some one particularly and largely. The inquirer will, of course, consult such of them as are within his reach. The abridgement of titles is the result of much reflection, and has cost much labor. To have given them in full would have trebled PREFACE. 7 the cost of the book, without increasing its value. Enough of each title is given to preclude embarrassment or uncertainty. To assort books accurately is impossible, for some may properly be placed under divers heads ; but all inconvenience on this score is obviated by the references to kindred heads. References are not made to volumes and pages, because the diversity of editions would make them not only useless but per plexing. When a work is divided into parts and chapters, the number is given. Single sermons and pamphlets are omitted, be cause generally ephemeral, and always difficult to find. The date of the first publication of a book is given,* where it seemed desirable, as under Commentators, Common Prayer, Concor dances, Englis^Ji Bible, Geography, Histories, Missions, Palestine, Theology, etc. The date given in catalogues is only that of the edition there mentioned, and in some of the best, dates are not given at all. Let the** owner of this book undertake to put the date of the first editions to the works named under any single head, and he will be convinced of the folly of attempting it for all. To do it as far as I have, has been very troublesome, and in many cases it required an examination of the biography of the author. In Law, Medicine, or Science, the date of a publication may be useful ; but theology has a positive basis in Revelation, and he who in any age writes well on sacred subjects, writes for all ages. "If the student finds the aid he requires, it is enough. Besides, there are few im portant books which have not been reprinted, perhaps more than once ; and some of the oldest are still being reproduced, often with valuable editorial improvements. Whenever a book relates to " the present time," or the state of a country at a certain period, the date is given, if possible ; f and when some particular edition is greatly preferable, it is designated. Observations on the comparative value of books are sparingly introduced, preferring to omit works of small merit, if there are good ones on that topic, not too rare, except when it seemed well to put the reader on his guard. The little reliance which can be placed on such notices is illustrated by the specimens below, selected because they are the utterances of well-known men in regard to well-known books. Wake's New Version of the Psalms. " Well drawn up." " Notes judi cious." BRITISH CRITIC. " No value." ORME. McKniglit on the Epistles. " Luminous and valuable." PARKHURST. "Not often paralleled" BRITISH CRITIC. "Translation rash, uncouth, and * Some of these dates are disputed by scholars. I have intended to give those most usually assigned. f GUILD, in his useful "Librarian's Manual" discriminates between intellectual and natural bibliography. The former term he applies to the consideration of the contents of books ; the latter, to notices of the number of volumes, date, size, price, and rarity of editions or of particular copies. My tastes do not lead me to the latter class of inquiries, and if they did, I should not mingle both in one book. 8 PREFACE. often ungrammatical. The notes tend more to perplex than enlighten." LOUNDES. " With two exceptions, scarcely any doctrine is rightly stated." ORME. Draper's Lectures on the Liturgy. "Perspicuous, sensible, and evan gelical." ECLECTIC KEVIEW. "No small portion is jargon." CRITICAL REVIEW. Burnet's History of the Reformation was honored, as no other book ever was, by a vote of thanks in the British Parliament. " Impartial, liberal, laborious." PROF. SMYTH. " Burnet is, without doubt, the English Euse- bius." APTHORPE. "One of the most thoroughly digested works of the century." PROF. SPALDING. " The style is mere chit-chat. I do not be lieve that Burnet intentionally lied, but he was so much prejudiced, that he took no pains to find out the truth." DR. JOHNSON, in BosweWs Life. Dr. Samuel Clarke's Essays. " The most serious treatises Dr. C. ever wrote." " Very useful in all families." WHISTON. " Destitute of originality and aeuteness ; nor is there any thing in the style to compensate for the mediocrity of thought." CUNNINGHAM. Quaresmii Elucidatio terrae sanctae. "Not much esteemed." WALCH. " The most valuable work on biblical geography ever printed." ORME. Gifford's Translation of Juvenal. " The best version ever made of a classical author." SIR WALTER SCOTT. " The baldest, and in many parts the most offensive of all the translations of Juvenal." HAZLITT. Aikins' General Biography. " Evinces sound judgment, manly freedom, and correct taste." ROSCOE. "A worthless compilation." GIFFORD. Echard's General Eccles. History, to A. D. 313. " The best of its kind." PRIDEAUX. " Of little value." LOWNDES. Jortin's Remarks on Eccles. History. " Pithy, learned, candid, and acute." DIBDIN. "Full of manly sense, ingenious strictures, and profound erudi tion." VICESS. KNOX. "A vulgar caricature, distinguished not more for heartlessness and the absence of every noble feeling, than for the author's shameful ignorance of the subject." DOWLIN#. " There are few authors to whom I am so much indebted." DR. PARR. Fuller's Church History of Britain. " Even ike most serious and authen tic parts are so interlaced with pun and quibble, that it looks as if he had designed to ridicule our Church." BISHOP NICHOLSON. " Simply a caricature of history, and a systematic violation of all its.proprieties. Never was there such a medley." HENRY EOGERS. " There are only two writers of the genuine history of our Church who deserve the name of historians Collier and Ful ler." BISHOP WARBURTON. " One of the most remarkable books in the language ; the varied powers of learning, sagacity, pathos, wit, humor, and imagination, all animating the pages of a Church history." HENRY KEED. " Sensible, pious, candid." BICKERSTETH. Prettyman's Elements of Theology. " Well arranged, the reasoning clear and solid, well adapted for students in theology, and may be read with ad vantage by the most experienced divine." BISHOP MARSH. " Merely shows how a creed may be made to signify any thing or nothing." WILLIAMS. Milner's Church History. " Eminently pious ; an estimable treatise in the very spirit of the sacred writers." BICKERSTETH. " Milner was destitute of the information necessary to an ecclesiastical historian." DOWLING. " The book has no intrinsic value, and will sink into total and merited neglect." - DR. HUGH J. Ross. PREFACE. 9 Dunlop's History of Fiction. "He has executed a defective plan in rather a superficial manner." LOND. QUART. REVIEW. "An agreeable miscellany, which discovers uncommon information and learning."' EDINB. REVIEW. Beattie's Essay on Truth. " Beattie's Essay is, I believe, every day more liked; at least, 1 like it more, as I look upon it more." DR. JOHNSON, in Boswell's Life. " Beattie's book is even more remarkable for being abusive and acrimonious, than for its defects in argument and originality." EDIN BURG REVIEW. Hallam's Constitutional Hist, of England. " Acrimonious, arrogant, un just, ill-tempered." tt The production of a decided partisan." SOUTHEY, in Lond. Quart. Review. 37:194. " Eminently judicial." " Its whole spirit is that of the bench, not of the bar." " Calm, steady, acute, profound. The most impartial book we ever read." T. B. MACAULEY, Edinb. Rev. 48 : 96. The following are the prominent features which distinguish this undertaking from any other of its kind. 1. The alphabetical arrangement of topics, with writers annexed, instead of the usual alphabetical arrangement of authors, with their writings annexed. 2. The multiplication of heads, so as to comprehend not only principal subjects, but the widest range of theological literature. The number of heads, not counting those which merely refer to others, is over two thousand. 3. The magnitude of the work, comprising, as it does, about seventy thousand citations.* This number is perhaps nearly doubled by the extensive lists of books, which are adduced under particular heads. See the table of such heads at the end of the book. 4. The including of the great Reviews, secular and religious. Unlike pamphlets and single sermons, these are bound, and acces sible. A large amount of the best theological literature is thus made available. 5. The analytical arrangement of the best English sermons. These contain a great treasure of both doctrinal and practical the ology, and the number of my references to them is proportionably large, some articles consisting mainly of such, though only bound volumes are noticed. 6. The introduction of a wide range of authors not theological Nearly every head contains such references, and some are made up of them almost entirely. ) 7. The insertion of the names of prominent characters, scriptural and ecclesiastical, with their biographies, works, and the critics * Lowndes' Bibliographer's Manual, though embracing all departments of knowledge, contains but about fifty thousand authors. Allibone's Dictionary of Authors, designed to name every writer in the English language, even of an ephemeral pamphlet, embraces but thirty thousand authors. j- See Budhism, Capital punishment, Eleusinian mysteries, Ethnology, Geology, Hinduism, Mesmerism, Phrenology, Palestine, etc. etc. 10 PREFACE. upon them. Great assistance is thus furnished for investigating the history of sects and doctrines. 8. The separation of writers on controverted subjects into three divisions, viz. : for, against, and historical. Every order, sect, and school, aocient or modern, is fairly presented, as far as is in my power. Leading men, of existing sects, have been written to for lists of their best writers, and the result, though sometimes helpful, has shown how much even they needed such a book of reference. 9. The numerous references to books which do not, by their titles, indicate their subject; thus furnishing aid which no ordinary cata logues could supply. 10. The work is brought down to recent publications To three classes of persons I hope good service is here rendered. 1. To authors, in furnishing them both assistance and restraint. To write well, a man must know to what extent and in what man ner his subject has been treated by others. He may be wise, but writers, of whom he is ignorant, may have been more so. He may think he will enlighten the world, when his theme has been already better handled. It is not uncommon for an author to say in his preface that had he known the existence of a certain book, he would have made his own better, or not written at all. Active minds often adopt views unlike those of their cotemporaries, and perhaps lead off a party, not aware that similar notions have been published, refuted, and forgotten. Want of extensive reading is the root of many heresies and superstitions. 2. To students, in showing them where they may find desired knowledge. Without such aid, they may stand in a large library, or even in their own, with all needed assistance at hand, and yet be helpless. Next to knowing a thing, is to* know where to obtain the information ; and as no one can know much, the latter attainment, if extensive, is, on the whole, the better. The student is here intro duced to the great minds of the past and the present, and taught who of them and what portions of their works will answer his inquiries or resolve his doubts. 3. Purchasers of books for public or private theological libraries, or the theological department of general libraries, will here be shown how to make the collection symmetrical (a quality which few libraries possess), as well as comprehensive and complete. I am quite conscious of having made a very imperfect book. One life is not long enough, nor one man's knowledge of books extensive enough, to make such a work complete. But as the owner becomes familiar with- this volume, he will find the undesirable omissions both fewer and less important than he suspected ; for books which might have been named under several heads, are given but under one, and the apparent omission is supplied elsewhere. I present PREFACE. 11 the result of my labors for just what it is an arranged catalogue of many thousand books, in a single department of literature. These are books which theologians will never discard, so that what I have done is done forever. Future publications will be added by future editors, but they will add, from past publications, few of those which I have omitted. I do not presume that my book will incur no censures but such as it deserves. Some will think many of the references should have been omitted, and some, that many more should have been added. Some will find fault for the sake of seeming to know more than the author, and some for the love of fault-finding. Some out of ignorance, or lack of reflection, will condemn real excellencies ; and some will judge me by a standard which cannot be reached. I have pursued my work in full view of such considerations, content to provide for future theologians a labor-saving apparatus. " Si quid novisti rectius istis, Candidus imperti: si non, his utere mecum." HORACE. EP. VI. PHILADELPHIA, 1868. NOTICE. The Latin titles occurring among English writers, are not there by mistake. It was once customary to give such titles to books in our own language. When a writer's name is in brackets, it indicates that the book was published anonymously. Some Reviews have several times commenced a " New Series," and some have been reprinted with altered paging. This has made some unavoidable confusion as to such references ; but the only alternative was to insert them with this disadvantage, or omit them Altogether. " A Bibliotheca, or account of books in English, continued to the present day, is a desideratum." Bickersteth. "A book which treats only of other books, is the touchstone of a genu ine lover of literature. He will handle it with gentle reverence, and keep it at his right hand for frequent consultation ; while mere readers would throw the book* aside as a dull and worthless catalogue." London Quarterly Review. "Book Catalogues are to men of letters what the compass and light house are to the mariner, the digested index to the lawyer, the dispensa tory to the physician, the sign-post to the traveller : in short, they are the concordances of literature." Western Memorabilia. ''Books can give new views of life, and teach us how to live. They soothe the grieved, the stubborn they chastise. Fools they admonish, and the wise confirm." Crahhe. "A library is not like a dead city of stones, yearly crumbling, and needing repair : but like a spiritual tree. There it stands and yields its precious fruit, from year to year, and from age to age : thaumaturgic, for it can persuade men." Carlyle. " Theology is by far the most voluminous of all the sciences. There is none that comes nearly up to it, in the amount, or what may be termed the dimensions of its authorship. It is a colossus of most precious and solid material, brought together by the multiplied efforts of a most pro digious industry, and elaborated into form by the skill of many thousand intellects ; some of which equal, both in power and achievement, the most gigantic of those spirits that ever signalized themselves in any of the walks of philosophic investigation." Chalmers. "Hi sunt magistri qui nos instruunt sine virgis et ferula, sine pane et pecunia. Si accedis, non dormiunt ; si inquiris, non se abscondunt ; non remurmurant si oberres ; cachinnos nesciunt si ignores. "Richard de Bury 12 THEOLOGICAL REFERENCES, Aaron. See BIOGRAPHY. Taylor's (Dr. T.) Types of the Old Test. Abelard. Abelardi Opera (Various editions). Ouvrages inedits d'A. Ed. Cousin. 1836. Bohringer, die Kirche Christi. Gervaise, Vie de Abeillard. Frerich de A. doctrina et morali. Goldhorn de Summis principiis theol. A. Schlosser's Leben e. schwiirmersu. e. philos. Berington's Hist, of Abelard and Eloisa. Ability* See MORAL ABILITY. Abraham. See BIOGRAPHY, FAITH OP THE PATRIARCHS, OFFERING OF ISAAC, PATRIARCHS. Benson's (C.) Lectures. Lect. 14, 15. Be/.a's Tragedy of Abraham. Blunt's Lectures on the hist, of Abraham. Bowdler's (Tho.) Sermons. Buddicoin's Friendship with God. (40 ser mons on the life of Abraham.) Calvin's Sermons. Conybeare's (Bp.) Sermons. Cooper's (E.) Sermons. Gilbank's Scripture hist, of Abraham. Gilfillan's Alpha and Omega. Chap. 8. Jebb's (Bp.) Sermons. Macduff's Sunsets on the Hebrew mountains. Milner's (Joseph) Sermons. Seeker's (Abp.) Sermons. Short's (William) Sermons. Stebbing's Hist, of A. and its meaning. Thompson's (F. E.) Lent lectures. Warburton's Divine legation of Moses. Wilson's (Tho.) Sermons. Abipones. See MISSIONS. Dobrizhofferi Historia de Abiponibus. (Highly praised by SOTJTHEY.) Peramas de Vita sex sacerdotum Paraguay. Dobrizh offer's Account of the Abipones: tr. by Mrs. S. H. Coleridge. The same : tr. by Dr. Southey, 1822. Abraliamic Covenant. BAPTISM. Limborchii Theologia. Witsii Economia Foederis. See INFANT Abrahamic Covenant continued. Barrington's (J. S.) Theological works. Bowden's Covenant right of infante. Buddicom's Friendship with God. Gregg on Infant church-membership. Janeway on the Abr. covenant. Kelly's (John) Congregational lectures. Maye's Technobaptist. MacKnight strate, Vita A. traduit par Vigenere. Tillemont, Vie de Apollone. Berwick's Life of A. from Philostratus. Blount's Translation of Philostratus. Bradley's Truth of Christianity. Cudworth's Intellect, system. Ch. 4, Sec. 15. Doddridge's Course of lectures. Part 6. Douglass' Criterion of miracles. Fleetwood on Miracles. Jackson (John) on Credulity. Jenkins' Confutation of pretences against natural religion. Lardner's Testimonies. Quarterly Review. 3 : 417. Tillemont's Life of A. : Tr. by Robt. Jenkins. See a great list of such authors, few of 26 which are now extant, in HOUTEVILLE'S Critical and historical discourse on the prin cipal writers for and against Christianity. 1690. Apologetics. See AUTHENTICITY OF SCRIP TURE, DEISM, INSPIRATION. Ambrose, de Fide resurrectionis. Arnobius, Adversus Gentes. Athenagoras, Apologia pro. Christianis. Augustin, de Doctrina Christiana. de Civitate dei. contra Acadeinicos. Clemens, (Alexandrinus) stromata. Cyprian, de Idolorum vanitate. Justin M., Dialogus cum Triphone Judaeo. Apologias pro Christianis. Lactantius, Institutionum divinarum. Origen, contra Celsum. Theodoret, de Curandis Graecor. affectibus. Theophylus, Libri tres ad Autolycum. Tertullian, Apologeticus adversus gentes. . Liber ad Scapulam. Apollinaris ad Marcum Antoninum. Arnobius, adversus Gentes. Clausen, Apol. eccl. christianae ante Theo- dosiani. Eusebii Preparatio et Demonstratio. Gourcy, Suite des anciens apologistes. Havercampi Tertulliani apologia perpetuo coinnientaria. Melito, Apologia pro Christianis. Minutii Felicis Opera. Mosheim de Vera aetate apologetic!. Orosius, adversus Paganos. Senden's Geschichte der Apologetik. Tzschirner's Geschichte der Apologetik. Woodman's Tertulliani liber apologeticus. (With English preface and notes.) Betty's Translation of parts of Tertullian and Theophiluji. Bolton's Evidences of Christianity, as ex hibited in the writings of the Apologists. Chevalier's Tr. of Justin M. and Tertulliau. Cunningham, on Origen cont. Celsus. Dalrymple's Translation of the Octavius. Dodson's Apologetics o Tertullian. Frank's (G. S.) New system of apologetics. Glass' Trans, of Origen contra Celsus. Haverkamp's Comtn. of the A. of Tertullian. Humphrey's Apologetics of Athanagoras. Lorrain's Translation of the Octavius. North British Review. 15 : 172. Reeve's Translation of the apologies of Justin, Tertullian, and Minutius. With notes. Sack's Christian apologetics. Apostacy. See BACKSLIDING, PERSEVERANCE. Abernethy's (Bp.) Sermons. Brameld's, (G. W.) Sermons. Bridges' (Will.) Sermons. Charnock's (Stephen) Works. Cochrane's (James) Sermons. Cruso's (Timothy) Sermons. Apostacy continued. Fisk's (George) Sermons. Hall's (Bp.) Polemic works. Hall (Robert) on Apostacy. Haynes' Illustrations of faith and practice. Kidd's Danger of apostacy from Christ. Owen's (John) Nature and causes of A. Pike (G.) on Apostacy. Trapp's (Joseph) Sermons. Wallis' (Benj.) Sermons. ; Apostles. Buddaei Ecclesia Apostolica. Burmanni Disputationes decem. Bucher's Leben Jesu, und der apostels. Capelli (Lud.) Hist, apostolica iilustrata. Erasmi Peregrinationes apostolorum. Fabricii Hist. J. Christi et Apostolorum. Hypolitus de Duodecem Apostolis. Lampe (J.) de Eruditione Apostolorum. Lechler das Apostolische und das nach- apostolische, Ac. (The "Baptist Theo logical Association of Haarlem, offered a prize for an essay to meet the destructive doctrines of Tiibingem This was the successful one.) Mayer's Geschichte und schriften der Apos. Mesner's Lehr der Apostels. Nicetas, Orationes. Perionius de Rebus gestis, vitisque, &c. Sagittarii Introductio ad Hist, eccles. Sandani Historia Apostolica. Spanheimii (Fred.) Dissertationes. Wilhelmi Christi. apos. u. erste bekenner. Ashwell's (Dr. Geo.) Faith of the Apostles. Bacon's (D. F.) Lives of the Apostles. Barrington's Miscellanea sacra. Benson's (C.) Lectures. Baumgarten's Apos. history : tr. by Morris. Bradford's History of the Apostles. Cave's Antiquitates apostolic. Craddock's Apostolical history. (Gives the time and occasion of each epistle.) Crosthwaite's (J. C.) Sermons. Dealtry's (Will.) Sermons. Frank's (James C-) Hulsean lectures. 1823. Grave's (R.) Character of the Apostles. Kitto's Bible illustrations. Lardner's Lives of the Apostles. Mant's Biographical notices. Marshall's (N.) Sermons. Merivale's (L. A.) Christian records Milman's Bampton lectures. 1827. Nares' Veracity of the Evangelists. Rhees' (Abraham) Sermons. Shepherd's (John) Horse Apostolicae. (A digested narrative of the acts and writings of the Apostles.) Sumner's (Bp.) Apos. preaching considered. Apostles' Creed. See CREEDS. Apostoliaus. See MENNONITES. Apostolical Constitutions. Barratieri Opera. Apostolical Constitutions Cont. Brun's Canones Apost. (Pref. by Neander.) Buddaei Isagoge in Theologiam. Beveridgii Synodicon. Capelli Epitome Apost. Constitutionuui. Cellier, Hist, generale, des auteurs sacr6s. Conradi (C.) Kritik der christlichcn Dogrnen. Dallasus de Const, apostolic, apocryphis. Drey's Untersiichungen iiber d. Kanones. Fabricii Bibliotheca Greeca. Janus de Antiq. canon. Apost. in qua J. Dallaei ot G. Beverigii sententia inter se comparantur. Ittigius de Pseudepigraphis Apostolicis. King (P.) 'Hist, symboli Apostolicorum. Krabbe's Tiber d. Ursprung u. d. Inhalt, 39. Humphrey's Trans, of the Apologetics. Atonement. See DEFINITE ATONEMENT, IMPUTATION, POLHMTC THKLOGY. KK- DEMPTION, SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST, UNITARIANISM, &C. Callixtus de Sacrificio Christi. Grotius de Satisfactione Christi. Jaegerus de Christo sponsore. Mayerus de Officio Christi sacerdoti. Outram de Sacrificiis. Stapferi Institutiones Theologicae. Turretini Disputatio de Satisfactione. Adams' Letter to Gannet. Amer. Bibl. Repository. 2d series. 10 : 110. 12:177. 3d series. 4:86. Appleton's Works. Lect. 33 to 35. Balguy (Thomas) on Atonement. Bampton Lectures. Barrow on the Creed. Sermons on Redemption. Bates' (William) Works. Bradford's Boyle Lectures. 1699. Bibliotheca Sacra. 13 : 130. 15 : 132. 18 : 284. Atonement continued. Beveridge's Thesaurus theologicus. Blundell's Sermons. Brown's (B. H.) Sermons. Burton's (Hezekiah) Sermons. Burton's (Edward) Sermons. Calamy's (Benjamin) Sermons. Candlish's (R.) Cross of Christ. on the Atonement. Carson (A.) on the Atonement. Chalmers' Discourses. Charnock's Works. Christian Monthly Spectator. 2:21, 82, 139. 6:475, 659. Christian Review. 1:215. Christian Observer, 1861, p. 160. Close's (Fr.) Sermons. Coles on Divine Sovereignty. Daubeney's (Charles) Discourses. Dewar's Nature, reality, efficacy, &c. Dwight's Discourses. Disc. 55-57. Eclectic Review. 4th series. 18 : 249. Edwards' (Prest.) Works. Evans' (Dr. Caleb) Christ crucified. 4 Discourses on the Atonement. Fuller's Gospel its own witness. Gibert's Basis, nature, bearings, &c. Haldane's ( J. A.) Nature, tillingfleet's (Bp.) Works, "ymington on the A. and Intercession. Baylor's Apology of Ben Mordecai. Baylor's (John) Scripture doctrine of the A. ?hompson's Bampton Lectures. 1853. lillotson's (Abp.) Sermons. fownsend's (George) Sermons. Treffry's Letters. (Highly esteemed, espe cially by Methodists.) Trench's (R. C.) Sermons. Turner's Boyle Lectures. 1708. Durrettin on the A. Tr. by J. R. Wilson. Jrwick's Person and A. of Christ. Venn's (Henry) Sermons. i^eysie's Barnpton Lectures. 1795. talker's (Geo.) Letters. Vardlaw's (R.) Nature of the Atonement. Watt's (Isaac) Sermons. West's (Steph.) Scripture doct of the A. Willson's History of opinions on the A. Winslow's (Octav.) View of the Atonement. Wintles' Bampton Lectures. 1794. Witsius on the Covenants. Attributes of God. See under THE SEVERAL ATTRIBUTES. Doederlini Theologia. Gerhardi Loci theologici. Lessii Opuscula varia. Parkeri (Sam.) Disputationes. Turrettini I 1643 and 1688 j of the Philadelphia Baptist Asso ciation, in 1742 ; and the New Hampshire Baptist Convention, in 1833. All these agree with the Savoy and Westininter Confessions, as to points of doctrine. n ox (F. A.) on Baptism. (Reply to Ewing, Dwight, and Wardlaw.) Dox's (Neh.) Discourses on the Covenants. Coxhead (B.) on Baptism. (Ans. to Thorn.) Craps' Concise view of Christian baptism. ' Crawley on Baptism. (Reply to W. Elder.) Curtis' Progress of Baptist principles. Cutting's Historical Vindications. D'Anvers on Baptism. (One of the oldest and ablest works of the kind. 1673.) Davyes' (Thomas) on Baptism. Dell's (Wm.) Doctrine of baptisms reduced from its ancient and modern corruptions.) Dore's Antipedobaptism and female commu nion consistent. (Reply to passages in P. Edwards.) Duke on the Christian Covenant. Dyke's^The Baptist's answer to Mr. Willis. Eaton's (D.) Scripture the only relig. guide. Practical uses of Christian baptism. Edwards' (Morgan) Anti-pedorantism. Antiped. defended. (Reply to Prest. Finley.) Ellison on Baptism -as instituted of God. Evans' (C.) Address to serious professors. Evans' (John) History of baptism. Ewar's (Sam.) Answer to David Hitchin. Fisher's Baby Baptism nieer babism. Fol. 1563. Christendom unchristened. (Reply to Baxter, Featley, Holmes, Marshall, Blake, Cook, Ac.) Foote's (Wm.) Plain account of the ord. of B. Primitive baptism defended. Foster's (Benj.) Divine rite of immersion. Francis' Salopian Zealot. Frey's Essays on Christian baptism. Fuller's (Andrew) Works. Gale's Reflections on Wall's hist, of inf. bap. Sermons. (7 on this -subject.) *'.' Gamble's (John) Familiar letters on baptism. General Bap. Magazine. Periodical. London. Gibb's (Geo. A.) Defence of the Baptists. Gilchrist (James) on Baptism. Gill's Testimony of ancient writers. Infant baptism a pillar of Popery Baptists continued. Pro. Gill's Essay on Scripture baptism. Reply to Towgood. (Tradition.) (Other treatises.) Gotche's Critical exam, of @A7rri*>, in ancient and modern versions. Grant (Peter) on Baptism. Grantham's Loyal Baptist. Assemblies of baptized believers the true Church of Christ. Graves' (J. R.) Tri-lemma. Haggar's (H.) Foundation of the font. Hague's Baptismal question. Haldane (James) on Baptism. Haldane (Alex.) on Baptism. Hinton's (J. T.) History of baptism. Hiscox's Baptist Church Directory. Hurthouse's Remarks on Penisten Booth's "' Friendly advice." Ingham's Handbook on Christian baptism. Innis' (Wm.) The Reign of heaven. Conversations on baptism. Jacobs' Babel of Paedobaptists. Jenkins' Def. of the B. (Reply to P. Edwards.) Beauty of believer's baptism. Calm reply to De Courcy. Jewitt on the Mode and subjects of baptism. Jones' (Wm.) History of the Church. Facts opposed to fiction. Jones' (David) Candid reasons examined. (Reply to P. Edwards.) Judson's Sermon at Lall-bazar Chapel. Keach's (Benj.) Baptism in its purity. Antidote to a late counterfeit. 1694. (Answer to Shute.) Axe laid to the root. (Answer to Flavel, Rothwell, and Exel.) Kimn's Reasons for separation. Killingsworth's Answer to Bulkeley's plea. Supplement to Baiter's Hall's serm. Kinghorn on Baptism. (Rep. to P. Edwards.) Kingsford's Vindication of the Baptists. .Three letters to John Wesley. Centenary traces of the Baptists. Knott's Dialogues on Baptism. (Reply to Shrubsole.) Letters on B. (Reply to P. Edwards.) Leach's Strictures on J. W. Wood. McGregor on Baptism. (Reply to Addington.) Believer's baptism. Nature and import of baptism. McLean's Apostolical Commission. Martin's Nine letters to John Horsey. Maye's Tecknobaptist. (Keen and scholarly.) Merrill's Sermons on baptism. Morell's New dissert, on an old controversy. New Baptist Mag. London. 1825 to 1832. New Baptist Miscel. Lond. 1827 to present. Newman's Immersion defended. Noel's (B.) Essay on Christian baptism. Norcott's Baptism plainly discovered. Norton's Dispassionate thoughts. Palmer's Serious address to Christians. Peareo (Samuel) on Baptism. Baptists continued. Pro. Pendleton's Reasons why I am a Baptist. Pengilly's Scripture guide to baptism. Remington's (S.) Reasons for being a Bapt. Richards' History of Antichrist. Richardson's Reply to Featley. Ripley's (H. J.) Reply to Prof. Stuart. Rush (Judge) on Christian baptism. Russel's Vindic. of baptized churches. Epistle on baptism. Vindic. of Christ and the Apostles. Ryland's Candid statement of reasons, ,- .ngelical Review. 1 : 84. Ikdlier's Trans, of C. on the priesthood. Kitto's Journal of Sacred Litera. 1 : 193. Neander's Life of C. Trans, by Stapleton. North Amer. Review. 62 : 23. Perthes' Life of C., based on the investiga tions of Neander, Boehringer, and others. Trans, by A. Hovey. Church Architecture. Caumont, Hist, de 1'architecture religieuse au moyen age. Ciampini Hist, de sacris JEdificiis a Constan tino Constructs. Garnaud, Etudes d'architecture chrgtiene. Kallenbach's Kirchen-baukunst des Abendl. Le Roy, Hist, de la disposition et des formes different qui le Chretiens ont donnees fi, leur temples, depuis Constantin, jusque nous. (1764.) Kreutz, das Ideal des christl. Kirchenbaues. Liitzow's Meisterwerke der Kirchenbaukunst. Mandelgren, Monumens Scandinaviques du moyen age. Minutoli, der Dom. zu Drontheim, &c. Quast's Form, Einrichtung, und Aussch- miickung der altesten kirchen. Church Architecture continued. Anderson's Ancient models in eccl. archit. Bardwell's Temples, anc. and modern. 1837. Barr's Anglican church architecture. Bloxham's Gothic church architecture. Bowman & Hatfield's Ecclesias. architecture of Great Britain. From the Conquest to the Reformation. Brandon's Church architecture. (Plates.) British and Foreign Review. 7:1. Britton's Chronological, historical, and graphic illustrations of English church architecture. Cathedral antiquities. Brown's Sacred Architecture. (Embraces the Babylonian, Indian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, &c. 63 plates.) Christian Examiner. 31 : 60. 44 : 316. Church Review. 3 : 372. Close's Early church architecture. Coney's Ecc. edifices of olden time. Democratic Review. 20 : 139. Dennison's Lectures on Ch. Architecture. Dublin University Mag. 21 : 614. Dublin Review. 7 : 250. Hamilton's Designs for rural churches. Hart's Designs for churches. Hope's Historical Essay on Church Archit. Knight's Eccles. architecture of Itajy, from Constantino to the 15th century. (Plates.) Milner's Arch, antiquities of Great Britain. New Englander. 6:1. Pettit's Church Architecture. (Plates.) Plans for Churches. Pub. by the General Congregational Convention. 1852. Pocock's Designs for churches. Poole's History of English Church Architec. Princeton Review. 25 : 121. 27 : 625. Pugin's Revival of Christian A. in England. Quarterly Review. 6:62. 26:37. 75:179. 76:193. Sharp's Architectural parallels. Trimmer's Chapel and Church A. Whewell's Notes on German churches. Church Discipline. See DISCIPLINE OP PRIMITIVE CHURCHES, OFFENCES. Junius de Natura et administrationibus ecclesiae Dei. Koopman de Disciplina Theologia. Burgess' -Directory for Church officers. Christian Review. 9 : 416. Christian Observer. 19 : 497. Christmas' Discipline of the Anglican Chur. Dwight's (Tim.) Sermons. Church Government. Amyrald, du Gouvernement de 1'Eglise. Buddeus de Ecclesia. Hase (C. A.) de Jure Ecclesiastica. Pfaffius de Originibus juris ecclesiastic!. (Against the interference of the State.) Royard, de hominuin varietate, in Christianas societatus historia observanda. Walchii (J. G.) Miscellanea Sacra. Zanchius de Religione Christiana. Church Government continued. Bibliotheca Sacra. 1 : 591. 8 : 378. Bohmer's Protestant ecclesiastical code. Brokesby's Government of the Church for the first three centuries. Bunsen's Hippolytus and his age. Cartwright's Directory of Church governm. Christian Examiner. 12 : 125. Christian Monthly Spectator. 3 : 462. Christia?i Keview. 11:64. 12:529. 17:48. Clarendon's Religion and Policy. Colman's Apostolic church. Davidson's (Sam.) Congregational Lectures. Gillespie's Aaron's rod blossoming. Hiscox's Baptist Church directory. (Doc trines, ordinances, discipline, and prac tices.) Kaye's (Bp.) External gov. of the Church in the first three centuries. Keufel's Ecclesiastical jurisprudence. Lloyd's Histor. account of church govern ment in England. Methodist Quarterly Review. 11 : 429. Milton's Prose works. (Various able trea tises.) Mudge's Nat. and extent of Ch. authority. Parker's Church gov. of the first 600 years. Planck's Government of the Church. Stillingfleet's Irenicum. Stovel (Cha.) on the Regulation of Churches. Thorndike on the Forms of Ch. government. Woodgate's Bampton Lectures. 1838. Church History, General. Ammon's Fortbildung des Christenthums. African! Fragmenta Chronographia. Alberi Institutiones hist, ecclesiasticae. Alexandri Hist. Eccles. (To 1600. Deemed the best of the Papal historians. Often reprinted.) Anastasii Historia Ecclesiae. Antonini Summa Historialis. (To 1459. Very respectable, but superseded by better works. Many editions.) Arnoldi Hist. Eccl. (Shows that in all ages, the clergy, as a whole, have been the ene mies of vital religion ; and that the suffer ers for " heresy" have been those of whom the world was not worthy.) Assemani Kalendaria Eccl. universee. Augusti Gesch. und Statistik der Kirche. Bahrdt, Entwurf einer Kirchenhistorie. Baronii Annales ecclesiastic!. (Comprises 12 centuries. The supplements of Raynold and Spondanus bring the narrative to 1697, and that of Theiner to 1856. B. spent thirty years on this work. He every where labors to defend Popery from the Magdeburg centuriators. 34 vols., folio.) Bassnage (J.), Hist, de 1'Eglise. (A power ful reply to Bossuet's variations of Protes tantism.) Bassnage, Annales Ecclesiastici. Baumgarten, Breviarium Hist. Christianas. Church History, General. Bebellii Antiquitates Ecclesioe. Memorabilia. (From the Reforma tion to 1680.) Benzelii Breviarum hist, ecclesiae. Berniera, Hist. eccl. (From Zuingle to 1702.) Berruyer, Hist, du peuple de Dieu. (To A. D. 40.) Beugnot, Hist, de la destruc. du Paganisme en Occident. (Great.) Beza de Viris et viribilis eccles. notis. Bierinann's Gesch. der evangel. Kirche. Bost, Hist, de 1'etablissement du Christian- isme dans toutes les contrees, &c. Buddei Ecclesia Apostolica. Busch's (W.) Gesch. d. Christl. Kirche. Callixti Hist, de eccles. Occident. (8th, 9th, and 10th centuries.) Capelli Hist. Eccles. (First 5 centuries.) Caroli Memorabilia. (Acta eruditor.) Casauboni Exercitationes. (Criticises Ba- ronius.) Casiodori Historia. (A trails, of Socrates, Zosomen, and Theodoret.) Cave, Script. Eocles. hist, literaria. Dissertationes de scriptoribus eccl. incerta3 setatis. Centuriae Magdeburgenses. (Invaluable.) Choisy, Histoire de 1'Eglise. Clerici Hist. Eccles. (First 2 centuries.) Cotta's Kirchen Historic. Crevier, Hist, des empereurs Remains. Darras, Histoire de 1'Eglise. To 1854. Dannenmayer's Leitfaden in d. Kirchenges. Danz's Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte. D'Aubigne, sur 1'etude de I'hist. Chris, et son utilite pour 1'epoque actuelle. 1832. Diezii Succincta Hist, ecclesiastica. Dolling's Kirche und Kirchen. Dollinger's Gesch. der Kirche, am J. 680. Dupin, Bibliotheque des auteurs eccles. Engelhardt's Handbuch der Kirchengesch. Epiphanii (Scholasticus-) Hist. Eccles. (A Latin translat. of Socrates, Sozomen, and Theodoret.) Eusebii Hist. Ecclesiae. (The first regular church history. Many editions and trans lations.) Evagrii Hist. Eccles. (From 431 to 594.) Fabricii (J. A.) Lux salutaris evangelii. Dissertationes. Fleury, Histoire Eccles. jusqu'en 1414. Continuation par Fabre " 1726. parLacroix" 1776. (78 volumes in all.) Flugge's Gesch. d. Rel. und Theologie. Franz's Zustande der Kirche in d. ersten sechs Jahrhunderts. Gfrorer's Allgemeine Kirchengeschichte. Gesch. des Urchristenthums. Gieseler's Kirchengeschichte. To 1848. Gronovii Observ. in scriptoribus eccles. Gruner's Kirchengesehichte. Gudii Disputationes et Observationes. Guerike's Handbuch der Kirchenges. 75 Church. History, General. Hafels' (.1. K.) Kirchengeschichte. Hagenbach's Kirchenges. des 18 u. 19 Jahrh Kirchenges. der drei ersten Jahrh. Hase's Kirchengeschichte. Haymo, Hist. eccl. usque ad temp. Theodos. Henichii Hist. Eccl. (First 5 centuries.) Henke's Gesch. der Kirche. Henrion, Hist. Ecclesiastica. (To Pius IX.) Heppe's Ursprung u. Gesch. der Bezeichnung Reform. &c.) Hoffmann's Christenthum in ersten Jahrh. Holzhausen de Fontibus quibus Socrates, Sozomenus, et Theodoretus, in scribenda hist, sac., usi sunt. Hornii Hist. Eccles. (To Constantine.) Hottingeri Hist. Ecclesias. (Stops at the Council of Trent.) Hubneri Cent, quatuor, hist, sacra. Illyrici Catalogus testium veritatis. Ittigii Schediasma de auctoribus, Ac. Hist. Eccles. (1st and 2d centuries.) Jablonski Institutiones hist. eccl. (" Great merit." BP. WALTON.) Jageri Historia Ecclesiast. cum parallelismo profanse. Klein, Hist. Eccles. christianse. Koethe vom Einfluss des Kirchen historisch. studium, auf die bildung des gemuths und das Leben. Kortholti Historia Ecclesise N. Test, Kranzii Hist. Eccl. (To 1736. Acta erud.) Kurtz's Allgemein Kirchengeschichte. Lampii Synopsis Historiae Ecclesiae. Lange's Geschichte der Kirche. Langii Instit. studii theol. littera. La Placette Observationes hist, eccles. Laroque, Adversaria Sacra. (Acta erud.) Leo's Gesch. der christlichen religion. Le Seur, Histoire de 1'Eglise. Limborchii Epistolae. (By Arminius, Vorst, Grotius, &c. "A precious book." DR. PARR.) Linder's Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschte. Marcae Opuscula. (Acta eruditorum.) Marheinecke's Universal Kirchenhistorie. Matter, Histoire de 1'Eglise. (To 1835.) Matthes' Kirchliche Chronik. (To 1858.) Meiner's Gesch. der Religionen. (To 1806.) Montrond, Tableau historique de la deca dence du Paganisme en Occident. Mosheimii Institutiones hist, chris. de Rebus christianorum ante Con- stantinum. (Replete with references to original sources.) Natalis (Alex.), Ordinis F F. Preedicatorum. (Many editions. That of Bingen, 1790, 20 vols., 4to, is generally preferred. Said to be the best church history written by a Romanist.) Neander's Kirchen Geschichte. (To 1834.) Nicephori Historia Ecclesiae. (To 610.) Nicolai Antiquitates Ecclesiastics. Olshausen, Hist. Eccl. veteris monumenta. Gesch. d. zwei ersten Jahrh. Church History, General. Orsi Hist. Eccl. (To 1587. 50 vols., 4to.) Osiandri Hist. Eccl. (An admirable epitome of the Magdeburg centuriators, and con tinued to 1600.) Parei Medulla historia eccles. Peterson's Religions geschichte vom Stand- punkte d. Offenbarung. Pfaffii Inst. Hist. Eccl. (Acta eruditor.) Philo, Historia Ecclesiastica. Philostorgii Hist. Eccl. (From 300 to 425.) Picot, Hist. Eccl. pendant le IS" sieele. Picteti Hist. Eccl. et civilis ; sec. xi. Raynaldi Annales Eccles. (A continuation of Baronius to 1534. Violently Papal.) Rechenbergii Summarium Hist. Eccles. Reffelt's Hauptsachlichste d. Gesc. d. Relig. Rheinwaldi Acta historico-eccl. Sec. 19. Rivet, Histoire de 1'Eglise. Ruffini Historia Ecclesiastica. Sackreuter's Kirchengeschichte. Sagittarii Introd. ad hist. ecc. (Furnishes a good account of the Councils of the 16th century.) Sandii Nucleus hist. ecc. (Strongly Arian.) SchafFs Gesch. der Apostolischen Kirche, nebst einer allgem. Einleit. in d. Kirchen geschichte. Schelhornii Amenitates. Schleiermacher's Evangelischen Kirche. Schmldii (And.) Compendium hist. eccl. Schmidii (Seb.) Sagittarianae. Schmid's (H.) Lehrb. d. Kirchengeschichte. Schmidt ( J. E. C.), Handbuch d. christlichen Geschichte. Schoene, Tabula Hist, ecclesiasticae. Schrock's Kirchenges. 45 vols., 4to. (What Fleury is to France, Schrock is to Ger many.) Schrcederi Hypomnemeta Hist, eccles. Semleri Hist. Eccles. (Neologist.) Sigonii Hist. Ecclesiast. (To 211. Papal.) Sleidani ( J.) de Statu relig. et reipub. Carolo V. Caesare ; Commentarii. Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica. Sozomeni Hist. Eccles. (A good edition of Socrates and Sozomen is that of Reading, 3 vols., folio.) Spanheimii (F.) Institutiones t Hist, eccles. (Very polemic. " No better church his tory." COTTON MATHER.) Spittler's Grund. d. Gesch. der Kirche. Spondani Annales Eccles. (An abridgment and continuation of Baronius.) Starck's (J. A.) Ges. d. Kirche d. ersten Jahrh. Staudlin's Gesch. u. literatur der Kircheng. Stubneri Tabulae synopticae. Sueur, Hist, de 1'Eglise. (To the end of the 10th cent. Continued by Pictet to 1700.) Suiceri Thesaurus Ecclesiasticus. Theodoreti Historia Ecclesiastica. Thiersch's Geschichte der Christl. Kirche in Alterthum. Thiele's Gesch. der christl. Kirche. Church History, General. Tillemont, Memoires, &c. (A vast magazine of facts.) Troutman's Gesch. der christlichen Kirche. Turretini Comp. Hist. eccl. (To 1700.) Tzschirner's Fortsetzung der Schrock. Usseri Historia Ecclesiastica. (To 1600 Written in the polemic spirit.) Vater's Kirchengeschichte. Venemse Institutiones Hist. Eccl. (To 1700.) Vitringae Historia ecclesiastica. Voetii Disputationes. Walch's (C. G. F.) Grundsatze der Kirchen. Historic der Kezereien, Spaltungen, und Religionstreitigkeiten. (" The Ger man Tillemont." BOWLING.) Walchii (Jo. G.) Hist, eccles. (" Opus ex- imium." WEISMAST.) Miscellanea Sacra. Weisman (C. E.), Hist. Eccl. (One of the Pietists. "As accurate as Mosheim, and as pious as Milner." CONYBEAKE.) Zimmermann's (Dr. W.) Gesch. der Kirche. Bates' (Wm.) Lectures on eccles. history. Baumgarten's (M.) Hist, of the Apos. chur. Bede's Church History. To 1700. Bilson's Church of Christ. Blunt's History of the first 2 cent. (Drawn entirely from the Fathers.) Bright's History of the church. From 313 to 431. British and For. Review. 12 : 336. British Quarterly Review. 2 : 72. Burgess' Hist, of the first 5 cent. (Extracted from the Fathers in their words.) Burnap's Lectures. Burton's Church Hist. (To the 4th cent.) Campbell's (Geo.) Lectures. (Admirable.) Carwithen Local. Littell's Living Age. 3:420. Malcom's (H.) Travels in Southeastern Asia. Monthly Review. 105:94. Neale's History of the Eastern church. North British Review. 13:313. Quarterly Review. 33:445. Pearson's Memoir of Schwartz. Periodical Account of Baptist missions. Pettit's Tinnevelly mission. (To 1851.) Tennent's Hist, and present state of Chris tianity in Ceylon. 1850. Trevor's Historical sketch of India. 1858. Ward's (Wni.) Letters. (Serampore missions.) Yeates' (Tho.) Indian Ch. history. (Plant ing of Chr. in Syria, Mesopotamia, &c.) IRELAND. O'Sullivani Historia eccles. Ibernise. Porteri Annalium ecclesiastic. Ibernise. Waraei Comment, de praesulibus Hibernise. Brenan's Eccles. history of I. (To 1829.) Campbell's Ecc. and liter, hist, of Ireland. Foye's Early Irish church. Hart's (R.) Ecclesiastical records. (Plates.) King's (Abp.) Sta.te of the Protestants in I. under James II. ("Truly and finely written." BP. BURNETT.) Lanigan's Hist, of the Ch. in I. (To 1300.) Lifford's Ireland and the Irish. 1842. Mant's Chur. of I. (From the Reformation.) Mason's Primitive Chris, in Ireland. Murray's Hist, of the Ch. of I. (Shows that it was not papal in the beginning.) O'Sullivan's Irish church history. Porter's Catholic church of Ireland. Reid's Presbyterian Ch. in I. (To 1833.) Sibthorp's Comm. on Usher's relig. of the I. Todd's Ancient Irish church. Usher's Ancient religion of the Irish. Ware's Hibernia Sacra. Witherow's Hist, of the Presb. church in I. ITALY. Carriacoli Napoli Sacra. Corradini Opuscula. Georgius de Antiquis Ital. metropolibus. Gradonici Brixia Sacra. Lubini Italia Ecclesiastica. Lucentii Italia Sacra. Martenella Roma. Matthaei Sardinia Sacra. Monachi Sanctuarium Capuanum. Neander (A.), Marco Antonio Flaminio. (An account of the rise of the Reformation in Italy.) Neigebaur's Italienischen evang. Kirche. Rubei Monumenta Ecclesia. Ughelii Italia Sacra. (10 folios.) Baird's Protest, in I., past and pres. 1844. Foreign Quarterly Review. 10:335. McCrie's Rise and suppression of the Re formation in Italy. North Amer. Review. 44:153. 82 Church History, Local. Quarterly Review. 37:50. Savonarola's Life and times. (15th cent.) Steele's History of Home. JAPAN. Aloysii Descriptio Japoniae. 1595. Charlevoix, 1'Etabliseiaent et decadence du Christianisme dans le Japon. Kempfer, Beschreibung des Japan. Reichs. Solier, Hist, eccles. des lies de J. 1548 to 1624. Sotelus de Statu Eccles. Japonise. 1673. Trigaut, Rei chris. apud. J. Comm. 1610. Gasman's History of Japan. Gutlaff's Voyages. 1835. NORWAY. Kranzii Norwegiae Chronicon. Massenii Chronologia de rebus Scondiae. (i. e., Danes, Norwegians, and Swedes. " Tres savant." LENGLET DU FRESNOY.) Maurer die Bekehrung d. Norweg. Stammes. POLAND. Fischer's Reformation in Polen. Herbinii Status Eccles. in Polonia. 1671. Jablonski Hist, consensus Sendomirensis. Krasinski's Reformation in Polen. Lengnichii (Godofr.) Dissertationes. Lubienicii Hist, reform, in Polonia. Thorn's Zustand der Lutherischen kirchen im Polen. 1750. Tricesii Hist. Sacrosancti evang. in P. 1556. Krasinski's Rise, progress, and decline of the Reformation in Poland. PORTUGAL. Cardosi Hagiologium Lusitanum. Fernandez, Hist, de neustros tiempos. 1611. Guerre, Corunna regni Lusitanise. Murr's Gesch. der Jesuiten in Portugal. Geddes' Miscellaneous Tracts. RUSSIA. See UREEK CHURCH. Bellerman's Abriss d R. kirche. 1788. Benzelius de Sectis eccl. Orient, nostri tem- poris. XVII. cent. Busching's Evang. Luth. Gemeinden in R. Dobrowsky, Cyrill u. Method, d. Slaven apost. Eisner's Neueste Beschreibung, Ac. Grot's Religionsfreiheit der Auslander. 1798. Helladii Status praesens, Ac. 1714. King's Gebrauche d. kirche in R. Kohlii Eccles. Graeca Lutheranizans. Krasinski's Gesch. d. Ursprungs, Fortsch, hecy of Christ's second coming. JOHN. ALL HIS EPISTLES. Dusterdieck, die Drie Joh. Briefe. 1854. Eckhardi DisputaAiones XVI. 1609. Egard's Guldenes Christenthum. 1628. Japsis Versio Latina, et Annotat. 1821. Langii Explicatio, Analysis, ummer, de Christi ad infernos descensu. Kckhard de Descensu Christi ad inferos. Harenbergii Theologia Bogmatica. Hacker (J. G. A.) Dissertationes. Ittigii (Thomas) Dissertationes. Lavateri Kara/?a. Gregory's (John) Observation*) and notes. Gurdon's Boyle Lectures. 172!. llallet's (Jos.) Notes on Scripture. Hall's (Bp.) Explication of all the hard texts of the whole Scriptures. Harmer's Observations. Hawkins' Bampton Lectures. ITS". Heath's Hulsean Lectures. (The advantages of difficult texts.) Hewlett's Bible difficulties explained. Hume's (M. C.) 12 obscure texts illustrated. Jeane's Mixture of scholastic and practical divinity. Kennicott's State of the printed text. Remarks on select passages. Kentish's Notes on passages of Scripture. Kiduor's Remarks on certain passages. King's Morsels of Criticism. Knatchbull on Diff. texts in the New Test. (An English trans, by the author himself, and more complete than the orginal.) Lightfoot's Horae Hebraicae. Explanation of difficult passages. Longhurst's Commonplace Book. Mann's Crit. Notes. (Comparing some pas- - sages with the ancient versions.) Mayer's Treasury of Expositions, collected out of the most eminent Interpreters.) Moody's (N. J.) Helps to Bible readers. Newton's (Thos.) Dissertations. Nisbett's True Key to the .wore difficult pas sages in the New Testament. Pilkington's Remarks on several passages. Pophatn (Edw.) on Various texts. Pott's (J. II.) Sermons. Prescott's Every-day Scrip, difficulties. Soragg's Ques. in Divinity, Hist, and Biog. (Expounds over 400 difficult text?.) Scrivner's Supplement to the authorized ver sion of the N. T. (Uses the Syriac, Latin, and earlier English versions.) Seeker's (Abp.) Sermons. Sharp's (Abp.) Sermons. Sherlock's (Bp.) Sermons. Skelton's (Philip) Sermons. Theological Reposit. (Many fine papers.) Thompson's (Sam.) Exercitations. Tomlinson's Attempt to rescue the Holy Scriptures from ridicule by a new transla tion of controverted passages, illustrated with critical notes. Wuke's (R.) Rationale upon some texts, Ac, Ward's (Dr. John) Dissertations. Waterland's Scripture vindicated. Weston on Diff. pass, in the Song of Deborah. 151 Whately (Abp.) on Some of the difficulties in the writings of Paul, and other parts of the New Testament. Wratislaw's Difficulties of the N. Test. Diligence, Christian. See INDUSTRY, REDEEMING TIME. Dionysius Alexandrinus. Dionysii Opera quae extant. Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica. Lardner's Credibility of the Gospel. Dionysius Areopagus. Dionysii Areopagitici Opera. Assemanni Bibliotheca Orientalis. Bebellii Antiquitates Eccles. Saec. IV. Buddaei Isagoge ad Theologiam. Lib. II. Dallaaus de Scriptis quae Dion, et Ignatii nominibus circumferunter. Fabricii (Alb.) Bibliotheca. Ittigius de Patribus. Lanselii Dissertatio Apologetica. Mayeri (Frid.) Dissertationes. Meieri (G. A.) Dion. A. et Mysticorum, saec. xiv. ; doctrinae inter se comparatae. Oudinus de Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis. Pachymerae Paraph, in oinnia D. opera. Eiveti (And.) Opera Theologica. Usseri Dissertationes. Buddeus, cited above, names many authors who have written about the impostor of this Discerning of Spirits. Benson's Planting of Christianity. * Chandler's Commentary on Joel. Foster's (John) Letters. Stebbing against Foster. Discerning the Lord's Body. See LORD'S SUPPER. Brett's (Tho.) Discourses. Disciples of Christ, or Christians. COMMONLY CALLED " CAMPBELLITES." Pro. Campbell's (Alex.) Christian Baptism. Christian System. Debate with Purcell. Rice. Walker. McCalla. Christian Baptist. Periodical, from August, 1823, to August, 1829. Lord's Review of Jeter on Campbellism. Millennial Harbinger. Periodical, from January, 1830, to the present time. Richardson's Principles and objects of the religious reformation. Scott's (Rev. Walter) Death of Christ. Gospel Restored. Disciples of Christ continued. Pro. Scott's (Rev. Walter) Messiah. Union of Christians. Stone's (Barton) Letters. Con. Campbell's (J. P.) Strictures on B. Stone. Cleland's Unitarianisin unmasked. Jeter's (J. B.) Campbellism examined. Landis' Rabbah taken. Stile's Reply to articles in the Millennial Harbinger. The "Debates" mentioned above, show- both sides of the questions discussed. Discipline of Primitive Churches. See CHURCH DISCIPLINE, PENANCE. Bebelli (Balthas.) Dissertationes. Beyeri Vet. eccl. circa penitentiae rigorem. Crucigeri Observationes Selectae. Dupin, Dissertationes Historicae. Hottingeri Exercitationes. Orsi (Joseph. Aug.) Dissertationes. Pelliccia, de Chris, eccl. primae polititia. Strauchii (^Egid.) Dissertat. (Acta erud.) Brokesby's Government of the Church for the first 3 centuries. Bryson's Compendious View. Fuller's Discipline of the Primitive Churches. Hall's View of the Gospel Church. King's Enquiry into the Constitution, Ac. Discretion. See PRUDENCE. Bateman's (Edward) Sermons. Claggett's (William) Sermons. Fiddes' (Richard) Sermons. Jortin's (John) Sermons. Lucas' (Dr. Richard) Sermons. Van Mildert's Sermons at Lincoln's Inn. Disinterested Benevolence. See HOPKINSIANISM. Pro. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 3, prop. 51. Fawcett's (Joseph) Sermons at old Jewry. Godwin on Political Justice. Bk. 4, ch. 8. Hopkins' (Dr. Sam.) Works. Hume's Principles of Morals. Hutchinson on the Passions. Con. (That there is no such thing.) Brown's Essays on Shaftsbury. Ess. 2. Rutherford's Essay on Moral Virtue. Wardlaw's Christian Ethics. Woodward's (Henry) Essays. Dispersion at Babel. See CONFUSION OP TONGUES. Dissenters. See ESTABLISHMENTS, NONCON FORMITY, SUBSCRIPTION TO CRKED3. Pro. Barker's (T.) Vindication of Dissenters. 152 Dissenters continued. Pro. Barrowe's (Henry) Reply to Giffard. Best's (Tho.) Answer to Foley's Discourses. Beverly's Letters to the Abp. of York. (This bold and powerful attack called forth many replies.) Binny's (D.) Dissent not Schism. Bourne's Principles and practice of D. Bradbury's Dissenting ministers defended. Calamy's (Edmund) Tracts. (Admirable.) Choate's (J.) Reasons of Dissent, &c. Conder on Protestant Nonconformity. De Foe's Test of Loyalty. Disney's Reasons for resigning the rectory of Pant on. Eclectic Review. (Many articles.) Ely's Address at Parade Chapel. Foster's (Dr. J.) Answer to Stebbings. Fownes on the Principles of toleration. Hinton's (Jas.) Vindication of Dissenters. (Answer to Tatham.) Hum's Reasons for secession from the Chur. of England. James' (John A.) Protestant Nonconformity. Johnson's Reasons for Dissent. Jones' (Wm.) Dissenter's Plea. Kippis' Vindication of Dissenters. Manning on Dissent from the Ch. of Engl. Mauduit's Case of dissenting ministers. Newman's Dissenter's Catechism. Palmer's Review of England's Hierarchy. Vind. of modern Dissenters. Parry (Will.) on the Penal statutes affecting Protestant Dissenters. Pearson's (Edw.) Three plain reasons. Pierce's Vindication of Dissenters. Priestley's Letters to the inhabitants of Bir mingham. Robinson's Separation from the Ch. of Eng. (Other treatises.) Scale's Principles of Dissent. Scragg's Reasons for dissenting. Smectymnus. (A work of prodigious ability.) Smith's (J. Pye) Dissent vindicated. Reply to Dr. Lee. Sturgess on the State of the Church. Swaine's Shield of Dissent. Tasker'p Reasons for separation. Theological Repository. Birmingham. Edited by Dr. Priestley. Thomas' (Benj.) Works. Thompson's Comparative view of English and Scotch Dissenters. (Has a valuable preliminary dissertation on the views and duties of Dissenters.) Tiptaft's Fourteen reasons for Dissent. Toulmin's State of Dissenters. Sermons. Towgood's Answer to White's letters. Answer to the Editor of Dr. Warren's sermons. on Dissent from the Ch. of England. Tracts on important subjects. Vaughn's (Robt.) Essays. Dissenters continued. Welch Nonconformist's Memonal. Period. Withers' (John) Vindication of Dissenters. Wood & Bulstrode's Letters. Con. Nicholsii Defensio Ecclesise Angl. Barker's Defence of the English Church. (Other treatises.) Barry's (Edward) Theological essays. Bennett's Abridgment of the London cases. Boyd on Episcopacy, Ordination, ma'a>j/. Bellermann's Gesch. d. Essaer u. Therap. Gravius de Pythagoreorem, &c., disciplina. Herodoti Historia. Lib. II. Josephus, Historia. Lib. II., cap. 7. Monblet, Description de 1'Egypt. Schulze (B. W.), Conjecturae hist, criticaa. Biblical Repository. 3d Series. 3:162. De Quincey, Theological Essays. Gerard's Institutes of Criticism. Holstein's Notes on the life of Pythagoras. Lardner's Credibility. Part 1, book 1. Marsh's Michaelis. Chap. 15. Mosheim's Observations on Cudworth's true notion of the Lord's Supper. Essentials. See FUNDAMENTALS. Establishment of Christianity. See PLANTING OF CHRISTIANITY. Establishments. Pro. See ERASTIANS. Stahl's Christliche Staat. Addis' Theory of Prophecy Arnold's (of Rugby) Miscellaneous Works. Birks on State Religion, Blackburn's Duty of Ministers. Boys' Word for the Church. (Ans. to Noel. 1 ) British Quarterly Magaz. (Many articles.) Brown (C. J.) on Church Establishments. Buchanan on a Colonial establishment. 1U Establishments continued. Pro. Burnet's (Bp.) Rights of Princes. Cator (C.) on the Union of Church and State. Chalmer's Lectures on National Churches. Christie's Essay on Establishments. Clarendon's (Earl) Eeligion and Policy; the countenance each should give the other. Curzon on Eccles. Estab. and Jurisdiction. Dodwell's Separation schismatical. Eclectic Review. 4th Series. 3:1. 16:317. Edinburg Review. 69:231. Faussett's Bampton Lectures. 1820. Frazier's Mag. 13:521. 17:742. 18:396. 20:619. Gilmor on Establish. (Ans. to B. W. Noel.) Gordon's Independent Whig. Gregg's Protestant ascendancy vindicated. Grice's Const, of the Church of England. Healy (J.) On an established church. Hey's (Dr. John) Lectures. Bk. 3. Hoadly's (Bp., of Bangor) Works. Hobson's (S.) Claims of the Church. Holden on Church Establishments. Holmes' Duty of a Christian state. Hooker's Ecclesiastical polity. .Hook's (Wm. F.) Sermons. Hull (Wm.) on Eccles. Establishments. Inglis (John) on Eccles. Establishments. Jenyns' (Soame) Disquisitions. Disq. 8. Kemp's A Church not Episcopal, not Scrip tural ; and the support of the Church the duty of Government. Law's Theory of Religion. Lorimer (J. G.) on Church Establishments. Marsh's (W. T.) The Church and the State. (Reply to Baptist W. Noel.) Milner (Jos.) on Eccles. Establishments. Nichols' Defence of the Church of England. North British Review. 4:255. Osier's Church and King. Paley's Mor. and Polit. Philosophy. Bk. 6. Parker's (Bp.) Ecclesiastical Politie. Potter (Bp.) on Ch. Government. (Puts the argument for the supremacy of the prince in its strongest light.) Rankin's Ecclesiastical Polity. Ritchie on Establishments. (Presbyterian.) Robinson (J.) on Church Establishments. Rogers (John) on Civil estab. of religion. on Church Government. Ross' Obligations of the civil power. Rotherham on Church Establishments. Sherlock on the Corporation and Test acts. Shuttleworth's The Church and the Clergy. Sinclair's (J.) Dissertations. Stebbings on Civil Government. Taswell on National Establishments. Taylor's (Bp.) Episcopacy asserted. Thorndike's (Herbert) Rights of the Church. Towers' Illustrations of prophecy. Usher's Gov. and discipline of the Church. Vint on Prophecy. Warburton's Alliance of Church and State. Westminster Review. 5:504. 26:244. 36:308. E stabli aliments continued. Pro. Whalley on the Estab. of religion by law. Wilks (Cha.) on Correlative claims and duties. Wilks (S. C.) on Church Establishments in a Christian country. Wrangham's (Francis) Sermons. Con. See DISSENT. Jottrand, Les Eglises d'Etat. Pfaffii de Originibus juris ecclesiastic!. Vinet, sur la Manifestation des convictions religieuses, &c. Vossii Theses Theologicae. Allen (Jno.) on Religious Establishments. American Biblical Repository. 6:207. Angus (J.) on the Voluntary System. The Christian Church the noblest form of social life. Baird's (Robt.) Religion in America. Baker (W. R.) on our State Church. Barnes' (A.) Episcopacy examined. Government of the Apostol. Church. Benlow on Religious Establishments. Blackburn's (Francis) Confessional. Blackwood's Magazine. 40:787. Brett's Independence of the Church. British "Anti State-Church Assoc." Reports. British Critic. (Many able articles.) Candlish's Question respecting the Church of Scotland. Christian Disciple. 3:27.31:209. Christian Examiner. 28:171. Cock's (Cha. G.) Household of God. Condor's Why are we Dissenters ? Davies (J. J.) on Eccles. Establishments. De Foe's Interests of England. Fox unmasked. on English Liberty. Various other tracts. Dick (A. C.) on Church polity. Eclectic Review. New Series. 9:105,348. Erskine's (Ebenezer) Works* Frazier's Magazine. 12:464, 575. Graham's European eccles. establishments. Griswold's (S.) Church and State. Advantages and disadvantages, &c. Hinton's (John II.) Test of experience. ("Approaches as near to demonstration as the nature of the case permits." ECLECTIC REVIEW.) Jones' (Wm.) Millennial Harbinger. Lord's Theolog. and Lit. Journal. 2:153. Maitland (S. R.) on the Voluntary System. Methodist Quart. Rev. (Various articles.) Miall's View of the voluntary principle. Milton on Civil power in eccles. matters. Noel's (B. W.) Union of Church and State. North Amer. Rev. 15:431. (Edw. Evejett.) North British Review. 10:188. 27:224. Princeton Review. 9:101. 35:679. 36:1. Publications of the " Society for the libera tion of religion." its E stablishments continued . Con. Robinson's (Robt., of Cambridge) Reflec tions on Christian Liberty. Schaff's (P.) Germany. (As in 19th cent.) Sykes' Answer to John Rogers. Thorn on the Union of Church and State. Toulmin's Letter to Dr. Sturgess. Vinet on a Profession of religion. Ward's (W. G.) Ideal of a Christian Church, on the Anglican Establishment. Wardlaw on Church E. (Rep. to Chalmers.) on Congregational Independency. "Watts on Civil power in things sacred. ' [Whately's] Christianity independent of civil government. Eternal Generation of Christ. Pro. Bossuet, (Euvres. Braunii Com. in Ep. ad Hebr. (Appendix.) ; Bullii Defensio Fidei Nicense. Dorchaei Dissertationes Theologicae. i Fechtii (loan.) Dissertationes. Frismuthii (loann.) Dissertationes. ; Grappii (Zach.) Disputationes. i Lampii (Frid. Adolph.) Dissertationes. > Maurocenus de Sterna Christi generatione. Semlerus de vEterno Dei Filio. i Wesselii (Joan.) Dissertationes Academicse. ; Bull on the Nicene creed. (Quotes largely from the Fathers.) Gill's Body of Divinity. ' Hawtrey's Appeal to the New Testament. ! Hodson on the Filiation of the Son. ! Hopkins' System of Divinity. i Kidd's Dissertation on the Messiah. Lawrence's Apology for Dr. Clarke. ; Owen on the Person of Christ. : Pearson on the Creed. ; Sherlock's Vindication. Con. Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum. \ Theophilus ad Autolycum. Clarke's (Dr. S.) Scripture doctrine of the Trinity. (Gives copious quotations from the Fathers.) Priestley's History of early opinions. South on the Generation of the Son. *6tuart's Letters to Dr. Miller, of Princeton. Sykes Truth of the Christian Religion. ! Taylor's (H.) Letters. | Tucker's (Sam.) Triumph of Scripture truth. Tlrls dispute seems so useless, that a mere i tithe of the writers upon it are here adduced. Eternal Existence of Matter. Pro. See MATERIALISM. 1 Athanagoras, de Resurrectione mortuorum. * Aristotle, de Coelo. Lib. I., cap. x. ! Spinoza, Opera posthum. Pars. I., prop. 3. i Blount's Oracles of reason. Eternal Existence of Matter cent. Con. Burnet, Archaeologia. Lib. II., cap. 1. Fabricius de Veritate rel. Christianas. Mori Opera Philosophica. Part L, cap. 10. Mosheim de Rebus Christianorum. Institutibnes seculi primi.. Parkeri Disputationes. Disp. IV. Baxter (And.) on the Nature of the soul. ' Bentley's Boyle Lectures. 1693. Burnet's Theory of the Earth. Campbell's Necessity of Revelation. Cheyne's Philosophical Principles. Ch. 4. Clarke's (Sam.) Being and attrib. of God. Colliber's (Samuel) Inquiry. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 2, prop. 21-23. Dwight's (Timothy) Discourses. Gastrell's Boyle Lectures. 1697. Good's Book of Nature. Hale's Origin of Mankind. Harris' Refutation of infidel objections. Howe's Living Temple. Law's Notes to King's Origin of Evil. McCaul's Philosophy of mind and matter. Nichols' Conference with a Deist. Stillingfleet's Conference with a Deist. Stoddard's Guide to Christ. Tillotson's Sermons. Wilkins' Natural Religion. Bk. 1, ch. 5. Eternity. Brent on the Nature of Eternity. Charnock's Works. Davies' (Pres.) Sermons. Drexel's Considerations on Eternity. Trans. by Dunster. (A work of great merit.) Heylin's (Dr. John) Sermons. Law (Edm.) On the ideas of space, time, Ac. Orton (Job) on Eternity. Pike's Guide to the thoughtful. Saurin's (James) Sermons. Shower on Eternity. Tillotson's Sermons. Eternity of God. Doderlini Theologia. Feverlinus de Eternitate Dei. Gerhardi Loci Theologici. Winckleri (J. D.) Dissertationes. Abernethy (John) Discourses. Atterbury's (Lowis) Sermons. Burnet on the 39 Articles. Clarke (Sam.) on the Divine attributes. Sermons at the Boyle Lectures. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 2. Dwight's (Tim.) Sermons. Hall's (Robt.) Notes of Sermons. Jenyns' (Soame) Disquisitions. Leland's (Dr 1 . Thomas) Sermons. Paley's Natural Theology. Pearson on the Creed. Saurin's Sermons. Tillotson's Sermons. 116 Watts' Ontology. Wilkins' Natural Religion. Williams' (Alfred) Sermons. Wisheart's (W.) Sermons. Eternity of Hell Torments. Pro. Burthogge's (Rich.) Apology for God. Delany's (Patrick) Sermons. Dodwell on Future punishment. (Answer *to Whiston.) Edwards' Salvation of all men examined. (Against Chauncy. Very strong.) Horberry on Future Punishments. Lainpe's Theological Dissertations. Lewis' Nature of Hell. Sherlock's (Bp.) Discourses. Simpson on Fut. rewards and punishments. Strong (N.) on the Doctrine of Eternal Misery. Thompson's (Jos. P.) Love and Penalty. (Dwells much on the absolute immortality of the soul.) Vaughn's (Cha. John) Sermons. Whitby on Eternal Punishment. Whitefield's (George) Sermons. Wisheart's (W.) Sermons. Con. See OBSTRUCTIONISTS, RESTORATIONISTS. Ethics. See MORAL PHILOSOPHY. Etlinicism. See PAGANISH. Ethnology. See MAN, NATURAL HISTORY OF, NEGROES, ORIGIN OF NATIONS, UNITY OF THE HUMAN RACE, &C. Beke, Origines Biblicae. Blumeribach, de Generis humani varietate. Brec, Essai sur les races humaines. Camper, sur les Differences du visage, &c. De Pauw, Recherches Philosophique. De Sales, Hist, des races humaines. Dubois, Moeurs, Institutions, Ac., des peuples de 1'Inde. Dumbeckii Tabulae ab rerum primordiis, ad annum 1820. Duprat, Essai Historique sur les races de 1'Afrique. Edwards, Influence rgciproque des races sur le caracte"re national. Eichtha, 1'Hist. primitive des races. Gobineau, sur I'lnegalit6 des races. Halloy. des Races humaines. Hornii de Originibus Americanis. Klaproth, Tableaux historiques de 1'Asie depuis Cyrus jusqu'a nos jours. 1826. Klemm's Cultur-Geschichte der Menchheit (9 vols., with many plates. 1851.) Longchamps, des Fastes universels. (With copious chronological tables, notices of great men and their writings, xo\oyiov. Haberti ApxupariKov Heineccius' Abildung d. alten u. neuen G. Kirche. (Sufficient of itself for most per sons.) Hoffmanni Orthod. confessio Ecc. Orient. La Croix, Etat present, ,, Jay's (William) Sermons. Lamb's (Robert) Sermons. Lament's (David) Sermons. Lee's The family and its duties. Rees' (Abraham) Practical Sermons. Styles' (John) Sermons. Summerfield's (John) Sermons. Tappan's (D.) Sermons. Taylor's (Jer.) Christian Consolation. - Tilly's (William) Sermons. Tucker's Light of Nature pursued. Tyerman (D.) on Evangelical Hope. Venn's (John) Sermons. Vidal's (Bp.) Sermons. Walker's (James, D.D.) Sermons. Wilks' (S. C.) Christian Essays. Woodhouse's Practical Sermons. Hopkinsianism. Pro. Hopkins' System of Doctrines. Memoirs of himself. Bellamy's Works. Christian Spectator. 7:566. 10:530. Ernmons' (N.) Sermons. 223 Hopkins! ant am cmlimted. Pro. Hopkinsian Magazine. Perine's Letters on the Plan of Salvation. Spring's (Rev. S.) Strictures on the Rev. D. Tappan. Strong's (Dr. N.) Sermons. Triangle. (A series of numbers.) West (Dr. Stephen) on Moral agency. Williams' (Thomas) Sermons. Con. Amer. Bibl. Repos. 2d Series. 8:314. 10:352. Ba.ngs' Errors of Hopkinsianism. Biblioth. Sacra. 19:635. Channing, W. E., Life of. Christian Examiner. 33:169. Ely's (E. S.) Contrast between Calvinism and Hopkinsianism. Quarterly Theological Review. Princeton Review. 14:530. 25:1. Scott's (Tho.) Theological detached papers. Tappan's (D.) Sermons. Wilson's (J.) Letters. Wilson's ( J. R.) Historical sketch of opin ions on the Atonement. (Containing Ely's Contrast, a translation of Turretin on the Atonement, Dissertationes. Mendelssohn's Phaedon. Naumann's Unsterblichkeit der Seele. Olearii (J. G.) Dissertationes. Osiandri (J. A.) Dissertationes. Paulus' (C. H. B.) Unsterbl. der Seele. Pomponatus de Immort. animi. (Denies.) Sismondi Demonstratio de immort., &c. Strauss' Dogmatik. Turrettini Dissertationes. Diss. XII. Wall (A. R.) Psychotheologia. Wielandi Euthanasia. Alling's (Tho.) Folly of modern Atheism. Amer. Bib. Repos. 2d Series. 10:411. 12:294. Amory's (Thomas) Sermons. Appleton's Works. Lectures 9 and 10. Ashton (W.) on the Soul and a future state. Bakewell's Evidence of a future state from the properties of matter. Balguy's (John) Sermons. Bates' (William) Works. Baxter (Andrew) on the Nature of the Soul. (Profound and clear.) Bayle's Histor. Dictionary. Art. " Pereira." Blackmore's (Sir Richard) Essays. Boyle Lectures. Boyle's Physico- theological considerations about the reconcileableness of reason and religion. Broughton's (John) Psychology. Brown's Philos. of the mind. Lect. 96. Bryant's Attractions of the world to come. Burlemaqui on the Soul. Butler's Analogy of religion and nature. Calvin (John) on the Soul. Charleton's Immortality of the soul proved by the light of nature. Chishull's Heresy of Mr. Dodwell. Christian Examiner. 3:365. 40:349. Christian Quart. Spectator. 8:556. Cicero on the Imm. of the soul. (A trans. by Chace of all the allusions to this sub ject, in Cicero's writings.) Clark's (S.) Letters to Dodwell. Collier (Jer.) on the Human soul. Craven's (Win.) Sermons. Crombie's Natural Theology. Davis' True dignity of human nature. Democratic Review. 22:59,124,225. Digby (Sir K.) on Man's soul. Dod's Immortality triumphant. Dodwell's Proof from Scripture and the first Fathers that the soul is naturally mortal, but that immortality is the gift of the Holy Spirit. Immortality of 1 lie Soul continued. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 4. Drew on the Immortality of the soul. Drysdale's (Dr. John) Sermons. Duncan's (John) Evidences from reason, independent of abstruse enquiries into the nature of matter and spirit. Eclectic Review. 4th Series. 26:338. Fiddes' Doctrine of a future state. Flavel on the Soul. Fliigge's Hist, of the belief of the imm., e) M6moires. D'Halycarnasse, de la Cochin Chine. Hay, de Missionibus Orientalibus. Historia Cultus' Sinensum. Jarric (P.), Choses les plus memorable, Philonis non Johanneo adversaria. Dorner'sEntwickelung-GeschichtederChris- tologie. Eusebii Preparatio Evangelica. Kostlin's Lehrbegriff des Evangilium. Lampe de Aoyw vTnxrrariKCd, &c. Meier, die Lehre von der Trinitat. Misleri Theognosia. Winzer, num quid discriminis inter rov Xoyov et TO nvevpa intercedat. Bryant's Sentiments of Philo Judaeus. Burton's Bampton Lectures. 1829. Dawson's Moyer Lectures. 1773. (On the Texts in which the word occurs.) Elmlicht's Theophania; or, pre-existent Messiah. Howe's Critical Observations. Kitto's Journal. 3:107. Lady Moyer's Lectures. (Waterland, 1720; Felton,'l728; Seed, 1733; Dawson, 1764; and others.) Lardner on the Logos. Lowman's Tracts. Tract 3. 273 Logos continued. Lawrence's (Rich.) Dissertation on the Logos. (Often appended to his reflections on the Unitarian version.) Luck's Dissertations. Methodist Quar. Review. 11:377,536. Pearson on the Creed. Smith's (J. Pye) Scrip, test, to the Messiah. Tucker's Light of nature pursued. Upham's Letters on the Logos. Watts' Dissertations. Diss. 4. Whitaker's Origin of Arianisra. Whitby's Exposition of John Chap. 1. Lollards. See WICKLIFFITES. Gellenius de Admiranda sacra et civili, Ac. Gramaye, Antiquitates Belgicae. Sanderus Brabantia et Flandria illustrates. Walchii (J. G.) Miscellanea Sacra. Apology for Lollard Doctrines. (Attributed to Wickliffe. Edited by Todd. 1842.) Knox's (John) Works. (L. of Scotland.) Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History. Walch's Dissertation on the Lollards. Lombards. See ALBIGENSES. Long Life. See LOVE OF LIFE, OLD AGE. Longs itffe ring of God. See PATIENCE. Loquacity. See TONGUE. Cooper's (Archdeacon) Sermons. Dawes' (Abp.) Sermons. Fell's (Bp.) The Ladies' calling. Gouldburn's The idle tongue. Morning Exercises at Cripplegate. Reyner's Rules for the govt. of the tongue. Richardson's (William) Sermons. Lord's Day. See SABBATH. Franke, de Diei dominici apud vet. Chris- tianos. Hartman, de Rebus gestis Christianorum. Hengstenberg, Ueber den Tag des Herrn. Liebetrut's Tag des Herrn. Agnew (J. H.) on the Christian Sabbath. Arnold's (Thomas) Sermons. Barnes' (Albert) Practical Sermons. Baxter's Chris. Sabb. (Reply to Whately.) Baylee's Statistics and facts on the L.'s day. Benson's (Charles) Lectures. Bloomfield's Letters to the Inhabitants of London. Brooks' Div. and moral oblig. of the L. day. Brown's Sunday Thoughts. Brown e Rossi, Var. Lectiones. (Prolegomena.) >upin, Dissertations Preliminaire. Foubiganti Prolegomena. lontfaucon, Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum. 'faffii (C. M.) Dissertationes. !ischendorf, Anecdota, sacra et profana. (Gives a catalogue of the manuscripts obtained by Prof. T., and also those of the British Museum, and Bodleian Library.) ^altoni Prolegomena. Jibliotheca Sacra. 1:254. Sutler's Horae Biblicae. )urzon's Visit to monasteries in Lebanon. )upin's Preliminary Dissertations. Cennicott's (Benjamin) Dissertations. jawrence on the Systematic classification of MSS. adopted by Griesbach. (An able disproof of some of G.'s decisions.) larsh's Michaelis. (Introduction.) dills' Prolegomena. 'ettigrew's Bibliotheca Sussexiana. (A descriptive catalogue of 295 ancient MSS., and 1,543 different editions of printed Bibles, collected by the Duke of Sussex.) Platt's Catalogue of Ethiopia Biblical MSS. Simons' Critical history of the Old Test. Walton's (Bryan) Prolegomena. Westwood's Paleographia Sacra. (50 beau tiful illustrations.) Wetstein's (John James) Prolegomena. Mar cell tans. Augustini Epist. ad Marcellinum. Alexandri Dissertationes. Irgens de Marcello, Ancyrse episcopo. Montfaucon, Bibliotheca Manuscriptorum. Marcioiiites. Epiphanius, de Haeresibus. Irenaeus, contra Haereses. Origen, contra Marcionitas. Tertullian, contra Marcionitas. Alexandri (Natalis.) Dissertationes. Beausobre, Hist, de Manichaeisme. Lib. 4. Leschnerti Diss. de baptismate vicario. Strumii Historia Bardesanii. Tillemont, Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire de 1'Eglise. Lardner's Credibility of the gospel history. Mariners. See SEAMEN. Mariolatry. Bailie, de la Devotion a la Saint vierge. (This book produced a strong sensation at the time of its publication, in 1696.) Basnage, Histoire du culte de la Vierge. Callixti (Frider. Ulric.) Dissertationes. Catharini (Ambr.) Opuscula. Costeri (Francisc.) Meditationes. Marraccii Bibliotheca Mariana. Memoires de Trevoux. Sandii Horologium Mysticum. Voetii (G.) Disputationes Selectse. Pt. III. Bull's (Bp. Geo.) Sermons. Evans' (B.) Modern Popery. 1855. Fleetwood's Life and death of the virgin M. Gibson's Preservative against Popery. Hall's (John) The Virgin Mary. Home's (T. H.) Mariolatry. North British Review. 8:182. Patrick's (Bp.) Mary misrepresented by the Roman church. Powell's (H. T.) Roman forgeries. Seymour's Mornings among the Jesuits. Tayler's (W. F.) Char, and crimes of Popery. Taylor's (Jer.) Wholesome advice from the Virgin to her indiscreet worshippers. Tyler's Worship of the Virgin contrary to the Scriptures, and to the practice of tho first five centuries. Mark. Bibliandri Protevangelion. D.orschei (loan. Geo.) Dissertationes. Justiniani Marci Evangelist, vita. Kirsteni Vita Evangelistarum. Knobel, de Evang. Marci origine. 286 Molleri (loann.) Disputationes. Saunier's Quellen des Marcus. Schneringii (Godf.) Disputationes. Spauheimii (Frid.) Exercitationes. Maronites. See MONOTHELITES. Assemanni Bibliotheca Orientalis. De la Croix, Etat present, &c. 1695. Ecchellensis Constitut. Ecc. Maronitarum. Gerhard! (loann. Ernest.) Dissertationes. Lacroix, Etat present des eglise M. 1715. La Roque, Voyage de Syrie et de Montliban. Le Brun, Explication de la Messe. Le Quien, Oriens Christianus. Naironi Diss. de origine, nomine, Ac. (A strong defence of the sect.) Renaudot, Hist. Patriarcharum Alexandrin. Collectio Liturgiarum Orient. Schnurrer, de Eccl. Maronitica. As in 1810. Simon, Histoire critique de Chretiens Orien- taux. Ch. 12. Sionata (a Maronite), de Maronitar. vitibus. Churchill's Ten years' residence on Mount Lebanon. 1842 to 1852. Druses and Maronites. To 1862. Clayton's Journey to Damascus. 1736. Green's Journey to Damascus. 1725. Marriage. Augustin, de Nuptiis. Tertullian, Apologeticus adv. Gentes. ad Uxorem. de Monogamia. Amyraut, Considerationes sur marriage. Bourdaloue (Comp. de J6sus), Sermons. Brehmii Sex conciones nuptiales. Calmeti Dissertatio. (Prefixed to Commen tary on Canticles.) Carpzovii Schediasma. (On the question, "Should persons of different religions intermarry ?") Chauss6e, 1'Excellence du marriage. De Jonghe, de M. ej usque impedimentis. Erasmi Christiani Mat. institutio. Fabricii Bibliographia Antiquaria. Haferungius de Jure matrimoniali. Hotomanus de Veteri ritu nuptiarum. Kerner's Kostliche Hockzeitperlen. Klee (H.),DieEhe: eine dogmatisch-archae- ologische Abhandlung. Kochii Dissertatio. (To prove that Paul was married.) Melancthonis Opera. Tom. 1. Neubour, Diss. in 1 Tim. 4:7,8. Puffendorf de Jure. Lib. VI, c. 1. Sanchez, Disp. de matriinonio. 2 vols., fol. ! Seldeni Uxor Hebraeica. Sontagius de Connubiali paradise. Spangenburg's Ehespiekel. Twiskii Disputationes sacrae. Adair's Plan of Platonic matrimony. Amer. Biblical Repos. 2:70. , Archer's Sermons on matrimonial duties. Astell's Reflections on marriage. Baily's Marriage as it should be. Marriage continued. Barr's (E.) Theolog. and philos. Essays. Baxter's (Rich.) Christian Directory. Bean's Advice to a new-married couple. Broadbelt's (Geo.) Original Essays. Bullinger's Christian state of matrimony. Trans, by Miles Coverdale. on the Cohabitacion of y e faythfull with y" unfaythfull. Butler's (Alban) Sermons. Carey's Amer. Museum. 4:21,105,213. Cecil's Remains. (Marriage of ministers.) Christian Month. Spect. 1:514. Cockburn's Dignity of married life. Coe's Christian Duties and Cautions. Creswell's (Daniel) Sermons. Davis' (James M.) Pastor's Offering. Defoe's Religious courtship. (Admirable.) Family Instructor. Doddridge's Lectures. Lee. 225,234,265. Dodwell's Obligation to marry in the true communion. Dwight's Theology. Disc. 119. Elliot's Wedding Sermon. Ellison's (H. J.) Way of holiness. Foster's Duties of the married state. Gahan's (William) Sermons. Gataker (Tho.) on Conjugal Duties. Gawden's Sanctity and solemnity of M. Gilly on Clandestine marriages. Gilson's (David) Sermons. Grant's (James) Essays. Grantham's (Tho.) Discourses onconj.duty. Hall's (Bp.) Cases of Conscience. Hill's Letters and Reflections. Hole's (Matt.) Sermons. Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity. Hooper's Seconde booke of Tertullian unto his wyf ; wherein is conteyned most godly counsel how y" unmarried may choose companyons, and soe live quietlyt Jay's (Will.) Essay on marriage. Johnson's (J.) Advantages and disadv. of M. Johnson's (Dr. Samuel) Sermons. Kendall's Address to young women. Lawrence's (William) Marriage vindicated. (The free love doctrine of 2 centuries ago.) Lawton's (Edward) Lectures. Leslie's (Charles) Theological Works. Luther's Fruitful sermon on marriage. Malcom's (Howard) Christian rule of mar riage. (Against the marriage of believers with unbelievers.) Milton's Paradise lost. Bk.4,line750,etseq. Morison's Counsels to a newly wedded pair. North Brit. Review. 12:532. O'Donahue on Social happiness. Ovington's Duties, advant., and sorrows of M. Owen's (Charles) Sermons. Pamphleteer. 17:347. 18:553. Petrie's Marriage gift. (Admirable.) Ryan's Philosophy of Marriage. Salmon's Essay on M. (The M. ceremonies of all nations, and other curious matter.) Seeker's (William) Wedding ring. 287 Marriage continued. Skelton's (Philip) Sermons. Stennet on Domestic Duties. Stoughton's (John) Sermons. Strachy on Holy Matrimony. Sumuierfield's (John) Sermons. Taylor's (Jer.) Sermons. Wedding ring. Taylor's (Dr. John) Sermons. Tunstell's Considerations on government. West's (Moses) Unlawfulness of mixed M. Wheatley's Rationale of the Book of com mon prayer. Bride-bush. (Duties of M.) Cure-cloth. (Troubles of M.) Witherspoon's (John) Letters. Many old German and Latin books on marriage are mentioned by WALCH, JBiblioth. Marriage with a Wife's Sister. See CONSANGUINITY. Pro. Harpprecht, Com. in iv. libros Institutionein Justiniani. Bibliotheca Sacra. 1:283. Coppleston's (Bp.) Tracts. Cook's (Parsons) The marriage question. Denhain (J. F.) on M. with a wife's sister. Denman (Lord) on Do. Eclectic Review. 4th Series. 3:735. Foster's Review of the laws prohibiting certain marriages. Frazier's Magaz. 41:112. Fry's Case of marriage between relations. Jenkinson (J. S.) on M. with a wife's sister. London Quart. Review. 10:545. Mcllvaine's (Bp. C. P.) Letters on marriage. Quarterly Review. 85:84. Sleigh on Marriage with a wife's sister. Westhead's Marriage code of Israel. Whately's (Abp.) Tracts and Discourses. Con. Bucer (Martin), Commentaria. (Matt, xix.) Chemnitii (Chris.) Dissertationes. Perizonii (loachim.) Dissertationes. Sanchez (Soc. Jesu^ Disputationes. Selden de Jure naturale et gentium. Spengleri Instructio parochialis. Pars IV. Wagenseil's Belehrung d. Jiidisch-teutschen. Zanchius de Sponsalibus. Ainsworth's Commentary. (Levit. 18.) Andrews (Bp.) on the Moral law. Assembly of Divines, London : Voted that "A man may not marry any of his wife's kindred nearer in blood than he may marry of his own." Babington's (Bp.) Notes on the five books of Moses. Berrirnan's (William) Sermons. Beza on Polygamy and Divorce. Butler's (Charles) Propinquity an impedi ment to Marriage. Calvin's Commentary. (Levit. 18.) Marriage, &c. continued. Con. Dwight's (S. E.) Hebrew wife. Edwards' (Bp.) Body of Divinity. (On the 7th commandment.) Hammond's (Henry) Works. Hayward's British laws relating to the mar riage of a wife's sister. 1846. Hope's Report on the laws, &c. 1850. Janeway (J. J.) on Unlawful marriages. Keble's (John) Address to Eng. churchmen. Lee's History of the Church of Scotland. (Appendix.) Livingston (J. H.) on Incestuous marriages. North British Review. 12:286,532. Perkins' Christian Economy. Princeton Review. 15:182,420. Proctor (W.) on M. with a wife's sister. Pusey (E. B.) on Do. Tindall's (Translator of the N. T.) Practice of Prelates. Weetnse's Exposition of the moral law. Martyrology. Chrysostom, Homiliae. Sermones panegyrici. Ignatius, Martyrii acta. Origen, Exhortatio ad martyrium. Lactantius, Opera. Tertullian, Apologeticus adv. Gentes. ad Martyras. Augustine, Serinones. Arnoldi Historia Christianorum ad metalla damnatorum. Assemanni Acta martyrum. (A noble work.) Bedse (Venerab.) Marty rologium. Bernard, les Heros du Christianisme. (From Christ, to 1858.) Bohemicee Eccles. persecutionum synopsis hist. . (A valuable supplement to Fox's Book of Martyrs.) Buchta de Numero cruentorum. Calovii (Abr.) Confessio Martyrum. Crispini Actiones et monumenta martyrum. (From the time of Wicklitfe and Huss, to 1560.) Crocius' Gross Martyrbuch. (The martyro- logy of Germany, France, England, Italy.) Dodwelli Dissertationes Cyprianae. Fleidner's Buch der Martyrer, und andrer Glaubenszeugen der evangel, kirche. Galonius de Crucia,tibus sanct. martyrum. Geddes de Mart, protestantibus Hispanis. Goebel's Marter Chronik. Hast's Gesch. der Wiedertaufer. Heckel, die Martyrer der evang. Kirche in den ersten zeiten, nach der Reformation. Histoire des Martyrs, depuis le temp des apotres, jusq'a present. 1619. (The first Protestant general martyrology.) Ittigius Selecta hist, ecclesiastica. Kortholtus de Vita et moribus Christianis primaevis. Loesoheri Dissertations. (Early Martyrs.) 288 M art y r ology continued. Luykin, Theatre des martyres. (Has 104 curious old engravings of martyrdoms, of Apostles, early Christians, Waldenses, &c. It is little more than extracts from Van Braght.) Marangoni Thesaurus Parochorum. (English, Scotch, and Irish martyrs.) Martelaers Spiegel der Werclose christenen. Metius de Persecutione Pliniana. Muhlii Commentaria de Martyribus. # Niemanni (Sebast.) Dissertationes. Ortlobii (Christoph.) Dissertationes. Ostii Diss. de hymnis martyrum. Reuchlinus de Studio M. in eccl. primativa. Hies' (Hans de) Hist, de Martelaaren. (A great treasure, embracing the period from 1524 to 1600. Often reprint, and enlarged.) Ruinarti Selecta et sincera martyrum acta. (Lauded by WALCH and WEISMAN. He collects about all the authentic accounts of the sayings and doings of the early martyrs.) Saligius de Diptychis veterum. Sausay, Marty rologium Gallicanum. Schmidtii (Sebast.) Dissertationes. Sebastiaenzoon's Het offer des Heeren. Events in 1599. Tillemont, Memoires pour servir, Ac. Van Braght's Bloedigh toonel der Doops- gesinde en weereloose Christenen. Walchii (Geo.) Dissertationes. Wandelberti Martyrologium. Weinrichii Martyrologium sanctorum. Zurnii (P.) Acta Martyrum. Bilson's Martyrs of the reign of Mary. Bloomfield's History of the martyrs. Plates. Bonar's Last days of martyrs. Boyle's Martyrd. of Theodore and Didymus. Bray's Papal dominion. Brown's (J. Newton) Baptist martyrs. Care's Lives of the Apostles. Challoner's Modern British martyrology. Clarke's (Sam.) General martyrology. (A very useful work, extending from the beginning to 1560.) Comber's History of the French massacre. Coverdale's Letters of the martyrs who gave their lyves in the late bloodye persecution. 1564. Crookshank's Martyrology. (Modern M.) Dodwell's Primitive martyrs. Fox's Martyrology. (A complete edition, with plates, was published in 1841. An edition in 3 vols., folio, 1861, has an im mense number of curious wood-cuts. But that of Mendham & Pratt, in 1855, is preferred. 8 vols., 8vo.) Geddes' Miscellaneous Tracts. Haile's (Lord) Remains of Chris, antiquity. Harper's (T.) Lives and sufferings of the M. Hook's (Ellis) Spirit of the martyrs. Kirkman's Lives and sufferings of the M. Mall's History of the Martyrs. Martyrology continued. Moore's (Henry) Persecutions of the Church of Rome. (A full Protestant martyrology, with lives of Reformers and Popes, history of the Inquisition, &c. Many plates.) Recce's Martyrology. (A valuable compend.) Rey's Persecutions by the French clergy. Stamp's (J. S.) Martyrologia. Plates. (Com prehensive.) Stephens' Martyrological Biography. Taylor's (B.) England's bloody tribunal. Van Braght's Martyrology of the Baptists. Trans, by Underbill. Watson's (John) English Martyrology. A multitude of other martyrologies are extant, chiefly Papal. BOLLAND, in his general preface to the Acta Sanctorum, treats at length on the subject of Martyrologies and Menologies. A list of Latin martyrolo- fles is given by FABRICIUS, Biblioth. Grace. ol. 9. Mary Magdalen. Anquetin, Dissertation. (To prove that Mary Magdalen, Mary, sister of Martha, and Mary the sinner, were three different persons.) Bossuet, (Euvres Completes. Vol. 27. (" The three Magdalens.") Bourdaloue, Sermons. Calmeti Dissertationes. (Pref. t Com. on Luke.) Casauboni Exercitationes. Exerc. XIV. Lamii Apparatus Biblicus. (Maintains that there was but one Mary Magdalen.) Masson, La femme pecherisse de 1'Evangile: son unite avec Marie Madeleine, et Marie de Bethanie. Pezroni Historia Evangelica. Sorii Apologetica. (Same opinion as Lamy.) Newlin's (Thomas) Sermons. Smith's (Sydney) Sermons. Tillemont's Ecclesiastical History. Townley's Essays on var. subjects. Ess. 5. Williams' (William) Sermons. Mary, Mother of Christ. Lipinii (Martin.) Disputationes. Meisneri (loann.) Dissertationes. Montagu (R.), Analecta. Apparatus. Riamboldi testis veritatis in histories Mariae ; adv. Baronium et alios. Schmidii (Jo. Andr.) Prolusiones. Masonry. See FREEMASONRY. Masora. See VOWEL POINTS. Mass. Albertin (Valen.) de Eucharistia. Arcularii (loan. Dan.) Disputationes. Balduini (Frider.) Disputationes. Bauer, Priifung der Griinde. Bochart, TraitI de sacrifice de la messe. 289 Mass continued. Buddei Miscellanea Sacra. Callixti (Prider.) Dissertationes. Carlstadt's Auslegung der Worte Christi. Dassovii (Theodor.) Disputationes. Derodon [or Rodon], le Tombeau de la messe. Du Moulin, Pratique des ceremonies de la M. Fechtius de Orig. et superstitione Missaruin. Fuerleini Dissertationes histor. theol. Gerhardi (Ernest.) Dissertationes. Haberkorn, d. Grundlichen Widerlegung. Gesner de Ritibus quas Rom. eccl. a majori- bus suis Gentilibus in sacra transtulit. Jaegeri Suppositio missse sacrificio. Kiliani Tract, de sacrificio missatico. Le Brun, Explication des pridres, &c. Lutheri Opera. Molinaei Anatome Missae. Mornay, de doct. de 1'Euchariste, quand, et par quels degres. la messe s'est introduite a sa place. Osiandri (J. A.) Dissertationes. Pfaffius de Falsitate, vanitate, etc. Scheibel's Abendmahl des Herrn. Schmidtii (And.) Exercitationes. Schulthess' Lehre von h. Abendmahl. Sohnii (Georg.) Opera. Sutlivius de Variis erroribus Romanes Eccl. Thummii (Theodor.) Disputationes. Zornii (Pet.) Dissertationes. Zwinglii Expositio eucharistiae. Anderson's (Dr. W.) The Mass. Becon's (Tho.) Relics of Rome. (Various other tracts.) Bradford's (The Martyr) Works. Brevint's (D.) Missale Romanum. (Strong.) Cotter's Trans, of the M. and rubrics. Notes. Cranmer's (Abp.) Works. Dering (Sir Ed.) on Proper Sacrifice. Derodon's Funeral of the Mass. Du Moulin's Anatomy of the Mass. Hicks' Controversial Letters. Lee's The Family and its duties. Maguire's One hundred defects of the Mass. Meager's Popish Mass celebrated by heathen priests, for the living and the dead, for ages before Christ. Retrospective Review. 12:70. Whitby's Absurdity and Idolatry of the M. See ancient books and pamphlets on this subject, in WALCH'S Biblioth., and LOWNDES' British Librarian. At the time of the Re formation, most of the productions of the press had reference to some part of the Popish controversy. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. Brizzard's Bartholernaus nacht. Cockburn's Massacre of St. Bartholomew. Comber's Hist, of the Mass, of St. B. Plates. Dublin Univ. Magazine. 33:298. Waddington's Black Bartholomew. Wilkes' Persecut. of Protestants in France. 19 Alasters. See RELATIVE DCTIEB. Materialism. See IMMORTALITY, NECESSITY, SOUL, SP1NOCISM. Pro. Biichner (Louis) Kraft und Stoff. Cabanis, Rapports du physique et du moral de rhomme. Camper (Pierre), (Euvres. Ezalbe's Neue Darstellung d. Sensualismus^ Feurbaoh's Wesen d. Christenthum. Hobbes' Elementa Philosophise. Holbach's (P. T.) Systeme de la Natures. La Mettrie, L'Homme machine. (Euvres Philosophique. Pallas, Elenchus Zoophytorum. Spicilegia Zoologica. Spinoza, Opera posthuma.. Voigt's Bildern aus d. Thierleben. Atkinson (Henry G.) on Materialism. Broussais on Irritability and insanity. Compte's Positive Philosophy. Cooper's (Dr. Tho.) Philosophical Essays on Materialism and association of ideas. Coward's (Dr. W.) Thoughts on the Soul. Second Thoughts. Further Thoughts upon- Second Thoughts. (Reply to Turner.) Fearon's (H. B.) Thoughts on Materialism. Hartley on Man. Hegel's Encyclopedia of philos. sciences. Hobbes' Elements of philosophy. Sec. 1. Human Nature. Leviathan. Holmes (Ed.) on the Materiality of the soul. Holyoake's Works. (Various articles.) Lawrence's Lectures on Physiology. Martineau's ( J.) Rationale of relig. enquiry. Martineau's (Miss) Laws of man's nature. Mirabaud's System of Nature. Morgan on the Philosophy of life. Parker (T.) on Matters in relation to religion. Priestley (Jos.) on Matter and Spirit. Essay on Hartley's Theory. Tattersall on the Anatomical argument. Toland's Pantheisticon. Vestiges of the Nat. history of creation. Con. Bacon, de Augmentis Scientiamm. Bergier, Examen du MateriaJisnae. Cicero, de Senectute. Fabri, Briefe gegen d. Materialismus. Fichtg (J. H.), Anthropologie. Frauenstadt's Materialismus sein Wahrh. Frohschammer's Menschenseele u. PhyaioL Plato, de Legibus. Schaller (Julius) Leib und Seele. Scholten, M. moderne, et ses causes. 1859 Tittman (F. W.), Ueber Leben u. Stoff. Vitringse Observationes. Lib. III. Weber, die neuste Vergotterung d. Stoff. Abernethy's Physiological Lectures. Allen on the Immortality of the soul. Baxter (And.) on the Soul. ("Just, precise, and finished." WARBURTON.) 290 Materialism continued. Con. Barrow's (Isaac) Works. Beattie on Truth. Belsham's Essays. Vol. 2. Benson's Reply to Dr. Priestley. Bentley's Boyle Lectures. 1691,1692. Berington's Letters on Materialism. Berkeley's Minute Philosopher. Bibliotheca Sacra. 17:201. Bold (Sam.) on the Resurrection. Boyle's (Robert) Free Enquiry. Essay on final causes. Broughton's Psychologia. (Masterly.) Brown's Philosophy of the human mind. Buchanan's Modern Atheism. Ch. 4. 1855. Cheyne's Principles of Natural Religion. Christian Review. 27:289. Clarke's (S.) Boyle Lectures. 1704.1705. Against H. Dodwell on the Soul. Ditton on the Resurrection. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 2, prop. 24. Drew (Sam.) on the Soul. ("Wonderful. Nothing like it was ever published." PROP. KIDD.) Dudley's (John) Anti-materialist. Dwight's Sermons. Ser. 23. Eclectic Rev. New Series. 2:410. Fearon's Thoughts on Materialism. Ferriar on the Doctrine of Materialism. Fleming's Survey of Coward on the Soul. Frazier's Mag. 43:418. Gilford's Outline of an Answer to Priestley. Grove's (Henry) Thoughts on a future state. Essay on the soul's immateriality. Gurdon's Boyle Lectures. 1721,1722,1723. Hallet's Notes on Scripture. Hart's Materialism tested by reason. [Hole's, (Matt.)] Antidote to Infidelity. Horseley's Tracts. How's Living Temple. Hunter's Physiology. Jackson on Matter and Spirit. Jaeger's Examination of Spinoza. Jenkins' Reasonableness of Christ'y. (Pref.) Reach's (Benj.) Impostor detected. Kenrick's Essay on primaeval history. Langston on the Rational Soul. Lee's (Arthur) Immortality of the soul. Lee's (Samuel) Eschatology. Littell's Living Age. 29:323,373. Locke's Essays. Book 4, chap. 3. Memoirs of Manchester Philos. Society. 4:20. Monboddo's (Lord) Ancient Metaphysics. Monthly Review. 2:382. (Rev. of Holmes.) More's Immortality of the Soul. Nichols' Conference with a Theist. Paine's Soul and Instinct, physiologically considered. Price's Dissertations. Princeton Review. 37:243. Purves' Observations on Dr. Priestley. Ramsay's Principles of Nat. and Rev. Relig. Reid's (Thomas) Essays. Roe's Bible versus Materialism. Materialism continued. Con. Rotherham on the Distinc. bet. soul and body. Stewart's Philosophy of the mind. Stillingfleet's Origines Sacrse. Tarrier on the Brain. Tillotson's (Abp.) Sermons. Tucker's Light of Nature pursued. Turner on the Separate existence of the soul. (Reply to Coward.) Urwin (Joseph) on Materialism. Watts' Ontology. Essays. Essay 3. Wilkinson's Connect, of the body with man. Clarke, Baxter, Law, Pickard, and others, give the principal arguments on both sides. Maternal Duties. See FAMILY GOVERN MENT, FEMALE SEX, RELATIVE DUTIES, WIVES. Aime-Martin, Education des me" res : ou de la civilization du genre humaine par les feinmes. Abbot's (John S.) Mother at home. Anderson's (Christ.) Domestic Constitution. (Has scarcely an equal on this subject.) Bakewell's (Mrs.) Mother's Guide. British Mother's Journal. Period. London. Christian Review. 2:20. De Foe's Family Instructor. Denham's ( J. F.) Letters to a mother. Duncan's Cottage Fireside. Ellis' (Mrs.) Mothers of England. Englishwoman's Magaz. Lond., from 1846. Fry's Scripture principles of education. Garnett's Lectures. Hall on the Education of children. Hamilton's (Mrs.) Letters. Helme's Maternal Instruction. James' Family Monitor. Kendall on Parental Education. Marshall's (Emily) Woman's Worth. Martin on the Education of mothers. Memoir of Mrs. Isabella Graham. Memoir of Mrs. Susan Huntingdon. Milner's (Mrs.) Christian Mother. (Exem plifications from Bible narratives.) Mother's Magazine. Period. N. York. Mother's Journal. Period. N. York. Mother's Friend. Period. London. Payson's Sermons for Christian families. Phillips' The Hannahs. (The influence of mothers over sons.) Reed's Mother's Manual. Sigourney's (Mrs.) Letters to mothers. Letters to young ladies. Sprague's Letters to a daughter. Spring (Gard.) on the Relig. Ed. of children. Spurr (Mrs.) on the Educ. of infant children. Taylor's (of Ongar) Advice to Mothers. Taylor's (Mrs.) Maternal solicitude. Wall's (C.) Mother's Book. Matter not Self-Existent. Set? ATHEISM, ETERNAL EXISTENCE OP MATTER, GNOSTICS. 291 Matthew. See APOSTLES. Buslavii Dissertationes. (On the original language of his gospel.) Ferf, de Auctor. Matt, in referendo C. v-vii. Florin i Exercitationes Philologicse. Frischii Dissertationes. (Matthew not to be confounded with Levi.) Michaelis Prolegomena ad N. Testamentum. Olshausen, Apostol. evang. M. origo defend. Schuberti (loann.) Dissertationes. Arnold's (Thomas) Sermons. Dehon's (Bp.) Sermons. Jones' (Jer.) Reply to Mr. Whiston's charge of dislocation. Marsh's Michaelis. Milner's (Joseph) Sermons. Means of Grace. See HEARING. Charnock's (Stephen) "Works. Darnell's (W. N.) Sermons. Dehon's Sermons on the means of grace. Dwight's- Theology. Ser. 135,L37. Foster's Essays. (On the epithet Romantic.) Fuller's (Andrew) Works. Griffin's Park St. Lectures. Lee. 7 and 8. Jelf's Bampton Lectures. 1844. Kettlewell on Christian Obedience. Lawson's (Charles) Sermons. Martin's (Henry) Sermons. Morning Exercises at Cripplegate. (Sermon by W. Greenhill.) Scott's (Dr. John) Christian Life. ("Want ing in Evangelical views." BICKERSTETH.) Wesley's (John) Sermons. White's (Hugh) Profession and practice. Mediation of Christ. See ATONEMENT, MESSIAH, REDEMPTION, &C. Haueisenii Dissert, de loco Gal. iii. 20. Osiandri Theologia Positiva. Schotanus de Jesu Christo mediatore. Baliner's (Robert) Academic Lectures. Bateman's (Josiah) Sermons. Bennet's (W. J. E.) Sermons. Berriman's (William) Sermons. Charnock's (Stephen) Sermons. Clarke's (David) Sermons. Clarkson's (David) Sermons. Flavel's Fountain of life. Foster's (James) Sermons. Hopkins' (Ezekiel) Sermons. Hurrion's Knowledge of Christ. Jones on the Mediation of Christ. Knox's (J. S.) Sermons. McLauchlan's Way to God. Mcikle's Nat. of the mediator, dispensation. Ogden's (Samuel) Sermons. Owen on Redemption. Pearson's Nat. and benefit of Christianity. Symington on the Atonement. Thornpkins' Christ the Mediator. Townsend's (John) Discourses on Prayer. Townsend's (George) Sermons. Vaughn's (Charles J.) Sermons. Whiston's Sermons and Essays. Meditation. See CONTEMPLATION, DEVOTION, SOLITUDE. Augustine, Meditationes. Gerardi (loann.) Meditationes. Gromatensis de Oratione et Meditatione. Riccius de mode recte Meditandi de rebus Divinis. Sturm, Betrachtungen iiber d. worke Gottes. Anthony's (John) Comfort of the soul. Augustine's Meditations. Tr. by T. Rogers. Bateman's (Josiah) Sermons. Bates' (Wm.) Works. Disc. 16. Bennet's Christian Oratory. Berkley's (Earl of) Historical Applications. Bogan's Mirth of a Christian life. Brown's Natural and Revealed religion. Brownrig's (Bp.) Sermons. Bryson's (James) Sermons. Bullar's (John) Lay lectures. Lect. 6. Burroughs' (James) Sermons. Butcher's (Wiliam) Sermons. Calamy's (Edm.) Art of Divine meditation. Capel's Daily Observations. Cawood's (John) Sermons. Chalmers' Sermons. (Difference between knowledge and consideration.) Charnock's Works. Corbet's Self-employment in secret. Davies' (Thomas) Sermons. Dwight's Theology. Ser. 146. Edwards' (Bp.) Theologia Reformata. Fuller's (Andrew) Sermons. Gerard's (J.) Meditations. Tr. by Winterton. Hall's (Bp.) Practical Works. Horneck's Great law of Consideration. Howe's (Charles) Devout Meditations. Jones' Book of the Heart. Kennaway's (Charles E.) Sermons. Melville's (Henry) Sermons. Morehead's (Robert) Discourses. Paley's (William) Sermons. Pearsall's (Richard) Contemplations. Quarle's Spare Hours. Sibbs' Divine Meditations. Skelton's (Philip) Sermons. Taylor's (Jer.) Life of Christ. Thomas' (Bp.) Sermons. Townson's (John) Sermons. Usher's (Abp.) Manual of divine duties. Verschoyle's (Hamilton) Sermons. Waple's (Edward) Sermons. Warwick's Spare Minutes. (Excellent.) White's Divine Meditations. Wilson's Sacra Privata. Young's (Edward) Sermons. Meekness. See BEATITUDES, PRIDE. Bundy's (Richard) Sermons. Chalmers' (Tho.) Posthumous Works. Cock's (John) Sermons. Coite's (Thomas W.) Sermons. Cook's (John) Sermons. Cooper's (E.) Sermons. Cooper's (James) Sermons. Cox's (Robert) Sermons. 292 M e ekiie ss continued. Dunlop's (Will.) Sermons. Edwards on the Affections. Enfield's (William) Sermons. Evans on Christian Temper. Faringdon's (Anthony) Sermons. Henry (Matt.) on Quietness of spirit. Hunt's (Jeremiah) Sermons. Jones' (Will, of Nay land) Sermons. Jortin's (John) Sermons. Knight's (Samuel) Sermons. Le Bas' (Cha. W.) Sermons. Logan's (John) Sermons. Scougal's (Henry) Sermons. Smith's (Sydney) Sermons. Spring's (Gardner) Essays. Sumner's (John Bird) Sermons. Tillotson's (Abp.) Sermons. Vaughn (Henry) on the Fruits of the Spirit. Vincent's (Will.) S.ermons. Whichcot's (Bp.) Sermons. Whitaker's (Edw. W.) Sermons. Wilkins' (Bp.) Sermons. Meeting Houses. See CHURCH ARCHI TECTURE, PLACES OF WORSHIP. Melancholy. See DESPONDENCY. Baxter's (Rich.:) Cure of Melancholy. Brady's (Nicholas) Sermons. Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. (Kinds, causes, symptoms, and cures.) Clarke's (Samuel) Sermons. Clifford's Signs and causes of Melancholy. Fawcet's (Benjamin) Sermons. Kollock's (Shepard K.) Sermons. Marshall's (Nathaniel) Sermons. Moss' (Robert) Sermons. Rogers (Timothy) on Trouble of mind. Smith's (Dr. William) Sermons. Trebeck's (Andrew) Sermons. Whitefield's (George) Sermons. Mel a 11 ct lion. Melancthonis Opera Omnia. (Many editions. The last is by Bretschneider. 24 vols., 4to. 1856.) Melancthonis Werke. Herausg. von Koethe. 1830. Camerarii Melancthonis vitae narratio. Dresler's Melancthon's Leben und Wirken. Hildebrandt's Melancthon. Knauth's (F.) Philipp Melancthon Kuhlmen's P. Melancthon. Ledderhose's Christliche Biographien. Matthes' Melancthon's Leben und Wirken. Meurer's P. Melancthon's Leben. Neubert's (H. M.) M. und die stadt Dresden Strobel, Melancthoniana. Apologie Melancthons. Wohlfarth's Philip Melancthon. Melancthon, Life of ; by F. A. Cox. by Heppe. by Ledderhose. by Planck. Melancthon continued. Am. Quart. Reg. 15:306. Siblioth. Sacra. 3:301. Brit. Quart. Rev. 3:191. hris. Examiner. 20:273. Eclectic Magazine. 8:27. Princeton Rev. 10:1. Quarterly Review. 14:236. There are various other lives of Melano- ;hon. Several appeared in 1860, the ter centenary of his death. Benzelii Dissertationes Acadeinicae. Borgesii Hist. Critica Melchisedechi. Calinet, Corntnentaire. (Dissertation prefixed to the Epistles.) Deylingii Observationes Sacrae. Fabricii de Sacerdotio Christi. Gaillardi Melchesidecus Christus unus. Heideggeri Historia patriarcharum. Hottingeri Diss. philologico-theologicarum. Koerburgii Dissertationes Philologicae. Kraftii Observationes Sacrae. Van Rein, Dissertationes Philologicae. Amer. Bibl. Repos. 3d Series. 4:495. Bibliotheca Sacra. 16:528. Broughton's (H.) Works. (Affirms him to be Shem.) Calvin's (John) Sermons. Chevallier's Hulsean Lectures. 1826. Close's (Francis) Historical Sermons. Foster's (Dr. James) Discourses. Gill's (Dr. John) Sermons and Tracts. Glas' (John) Notes on Scripture texts. Gray on the Priesthood of Jesus Christ. James on the Priesthood of Christ. Jerome's Epistles to' Evangelus. Kollock's (Shepard K.) Sermons. Owen's (John) Dissertations. Page (Thomas) on the Types. Ridgeley's Body of Divinity. Sharp's (Granville) Melchisedec. Memory* See MNEMONICS. Des Cartes de Passionibus. Helvetius de L'Esprit. Tafel's Unsterblichkeit und Wiedererinner- ungskraft, 7//. Tamagnani Hist. Monothelitarum. Hey's (Dr. John) Lectures. Bk. 4. See an account of writers ( on this contro versy, in COMBIFISIUS, quoted above. Moiilanists. Epiphanius, de Hseresibus. Irenaeus, contra Haoreticos. Tertullian, Praescriptiones. Arnold! Historia Hereticorum. Eusebii Hist. Ecclesiae. Lib. V, cap. 16. Grabe, Spicelegium Haereticorum. Ittigius de Haeresiarchis sevi Apostolici, et Apostolieo proximi. Kirchneri de Montanistis. 312 Montanists continued. Mammachii Origines Christianae. Ruclii (lo. Ludov.) Diatribae tres. Schwegler d. M. und die Kirche des 2. Jahrh. Strauchii (JSgid.) Dissertationes. Wernsdorfii Com. de M. seculi secundi. Hicks' (G.) Spirit of Enthusiasm exorcised. Lardner's Heretics of the first two centuries. Robinson's History of Baptism. Short's Bampton Lectures. 1846. Moral Ability. See FREE AGENCY. Beecher's (Lyman) Views in Theology. Bibliotheca Sacra. 22:503. Christian Disciple. 5:256. Christian Examiner. 75:157. Chris. Monthly Spec. 4:512. 5:523. Chris. Quart. Spect. 10:527. Clarkson's (David) Sermons. D wight's Theology. Ser. 132. Foster's (Dr. James; Discourses. Fuller's (Andrew) Works. Griffin's Park Street Lectures. Hall's Help to Zion's travellers. Lit. and Theological Rev. 5:206. McCombie's Man as a moral agent. McLean's Apostolical Commission. Presbyterian Quarterly Rev. Oct., 1859. Princeton Review. 25:1. 26:217. Srnalley's (J.) Inability of the sinner to comply with the Gospel. Southern Lit. Messenger. 8:301. Theological Essays, reprinted from the Pruaceton Review. Truman on Moral and Natural impotence. Venn's (John) Sermons. Wood's (Prof.) Works. Moral Fitness. See VIRTUE. Moral Government of God. Baieri Theologia Moralis. Calixti Epitome Theologize. Durrii (loann. Conrad.) Enchiridion. Langii (Economia Salutis. Melancthonis Loci Theologici. Osiandri Compendium Theologiae. Butler's Analogy of religion and nature. Chris. Quart. Spectator. 10:527. Ducball's (Dr. James) Sermons. Literary and Theol. Rev. 5:206. New Englander. 1:525. Warburton's (Bp.) Sermons. Moral Law. See ANTINOMIANS. Bellamy's (Joseph) Works. Booth's Death of Legal Hope. Cliaruock's (Stephen) Works. Cobbin's View of the Moral law. Cudworth's Eternal and immutable morality. Dick's Philosophy of Religion. Ch. 3. Fuller's (And.) Rule of believers. Hall's (Bp.) Contemplations. Ilowarth's Abiding oblig. of the moral law. Lamy's Demonstration of the holiness, wgood, S., u r ood, Leonard, J. Stafford. E. Pearson. J. McKean. Several. Himself. J. Woodman. M. Atkinson. D. Kendal. W. Bascom. H. Hildreth. W. Waldron. A. Moore. I. W. Putnam. D. Harson. Missionaries. Most ordination sermons are printed as pamphlets, and therefore are not here cited. Organs. See INSTRUMENTAL MCSIC. Origen. Origenis Opera. (Ed. Lommatzsch. 25 vols.) Buddei Exerc. de allegoriis Origenis. Doucin, Hist, des mouvments dans 1'eglise. Erasmi Vita, et opera Origenis. Ernesti Institutio interprets N. Test. Gaudentii Dograatum Origenis cum philos. Platonis comparatio. Gregorii (Thau.) in Panegyrica oratio. Hagenbachii Observ. circa Origenis method. interpretandae. Halloix, 0. vita, virtutes, et documenta. Huetii Origenis commentaria cum notis. Karstenii (J. A.) Dissertationes. La Motte, Histoire d'Origene. Le Clerc, Vie d'Origene. Rosenmulleri Historia interpretat. Ruffini Liber de depravatione libror. 0. Simon, Hist. Critique du Vieux Testament. Tillemonte, Memoires. Zornii Exercit. de eunuchismo Origenis. Amer. Bibl. Repos. 4:33. Barrow's (Capel) Theological Dissertations. Bellamy's Trans, of 0. against Celsus. Biblioth. Sacra. 3:378. British Quart. Rev. 2:491. Burton's Bampton Lectures. 1829. Chris. Exam. 10:306. 11:22. Conybeare's ( J. J.) Bampton Lectures. 1824. Conybeare's (W. D.) " 1839. Collinson's Bampton Lectures. 1813. (Gives a conspectus of all the numerous writings of Origen.) Davidson's Sacred Hermeneutics. Eclectic Mag. 7:81. Methodist Quart. Rev. 11:645. Quart. Rev. 89:87. Redepenning's Life of Origen. Rust on Origen and h?s ^hief opinions. Vaughn's Life and writings of Origen. Origenists. Athanasius, Orationes. Origenistg continued. Augustin, Liber ad Orosium. Jerome, Epistolse. Doucin, Histoire des mouvements, etc. Fabricii Bibliotheca. Fontanii Historia litterar. Aquiliensis. Horbii Historia Origeniana. Huet, Hist. Origenianorum. Oudini Dissertationes. Prato [or Jerome], Dissert, de Monachis. Original Sin. See HUMAN DEPRAVITY, IMPUTATION OF ADAM ! 3 SIN. Augustin, de Peccato original!. Bartolocci de Pec. orig. secundum Rabbinos. Broueri (P. W.) Dissertationes Theologicse. Calovii (Abrah.) Dissertationes. Chemnitii Examen Concilii Tridentini. Chenevierre, du Pe"ch6 originel. Hoffmann, contra Errores pontificorum. Hulseinanni (loann.) Dissertationes. Meisnerus, an Peccatum origo formaliter sit, aliquid positivi ? Osiandri (Lucas) Dissertationes. Pfaffii (Christoph.) Dissertationes. Quistorpius, an Peccatum originale sit mere privativum 1 Rivetus de Imputatione primi peccati. Stapferi Institutiones. Cap. 3, sec. 9. Turner, de Primo peccati introitu. Voetius de Propagatione peccati originalis. (Gives the Augustan, Pelagian, Semi- pelagian, and Synergistic theories.) Walchii Hist, doctrinae de pecc. originis. Whi taker, de Peccato originali. Willet, de lapsu Adami et peccato originali. Balguy's Tracts. Barrow's (William) Sermons. Bates' Rationale of the doctrine of orig. sin. Baxter on Original sin. Beecher's (Lyman) Views in theology. Bibliotheca Sacra. 22:494. Boardman (H. A.) on Original sin. Boston's Fourfold State. Brine's True sense of atonement for orig. sin. Burgess' (Ant.) Doc. of orig. sin vindicated. Burnet on the 39 Articles. Chris. Month. Spectator. 9:625. 10:16. Chris. Disciple. 1:349. 2:183. Chris. Observer. 20:343. Chris. Review. 17:1. hris. Examiner. 52:77. 53:93. }larkson's (David) Sermons. hooper's (Edward) Sermons. )elaue's (William) Sermons. Edwards' (John) Armenian doct. condemned by S. Scripture. (Answer to Whitby.) Edwards' (Pres.) Works. Sdwards (Jonathan, of Oxford) on Orig. sin. i'airbairn's Theological Essays. Hajdane's (Jas. A.) Answer to Drummond'a defence of Edw. Irving. layward's (S.) Sermons. Hey's Lectures on Divinity. Bk. 4. 335 Original Sin contimted. Hopkins' (Bp.) Dock of the two covenants. Howe's Living Temple. Lime Street Lectures. Mede's Works. Milner's Practical Sermons. Owen (J.) on Original sin. Park Street Lectures, by Dr. Griffith. Payne's (G.) Doctrine of original sin. Seed's (Jeremiah) Sermons. Smith's (Robt.) Vind. and illustration, GY, MA\ 7TNI7T OF THE HCMAN RACE. Bedecovichii Natale aolum magni St. Hiero- nymi. (Very little of the book is indicated by the title. It is a vast storehouse of authentic history of the rise of the Goths, Vandals, Dalmatians, Sclavonians, 6r] adversariorum. Vitringae Hypotyposis Theologiae. Vossii (G. J.) Hist, de Controversiis. Weidneri Collegium disput. theologicum. Wernsdorf,de Fervore, tepore, etfrigore,theol. Wildeshausen Biblioth. Disp. theologicae. Witsii Oratio de theologo-modesto. Bechman's Polemic Theology. Chemnitz's Exam, of the Council of Trent. Fabricius' Consid. of various controversies. Hagenbach's History of doctrines. Key's (Dr. J.) Lectures. Bk. 2, ch. 1. Luther's Works. (Generally.) Miller's Compend of polemic theology. Mosheim's Controversies of Christians. Osiander's Manual of controversies. Schmidt's Breviary. Schubert's Institutes of polemic theology. Van Mildert's Bampton Lectures. 1814. Wolfang on Religious Controversy. Political Economy. See CIVIL GOVERNMENT, PROPERTY, SOCIALISM. Baudrillart, Etudes de philosophic morale. Blanqui, Hist, de 1'economie pol. en Europe. Colins, Science sociale. Julius, Vorles. iiber die Gefangnisskunde. Le Lievre, Principes Economique. Roscher, Principes d'Economie politique. Rossi, Cours d'Econ. politique. 1841. Roussell, les Nations Catholiques et Protes tants compare". 1854. 363 Political Economy continued. Say, Traite d'Economie politique. 1815. Sismondi, Nouveau Principes, etc. Storch, Cours d'Bcon. politique. 1823. American Quart. Review. 1:309. 2:47. Atkinson's Principles of P. Econ. as devel oped by the Christian law of government. Bailey's (S.) Political Economy and Morals. Bastiat's Harmonies of Political Economy. Beddome's State of nations, past and present. Benthani's Chrestomathia. on Civil legislation. Blackwood's Magaz. 12:505. 15:222. 16:34. 17:207. 26:510. 27:22. Boweu's Principles of Political Economy. Broadhurst's Political Economy. Brougham's (Lord) Four Essays. 1818. Burton's Polit. and Social Economy. 1849. Carey's (H. C.) Principles of P. Econ. 1837. Harmony of interests. Rate of wages. (Other treatises.) Cantillon's Analysis of trade, coin, &c., 1759, as developed by Christian law. Chalmer's (Tho.) Political Economy. Cobbett's Political works. 1801. Cooper's (Tho.) Lectures on Polit. Economy. Corbaux on a National de'bt. Craig's Elements of Political science. De Quincy's Logic of Political Economy. Democratic Review. 8:291. Deponte's Social Reform in England. 18d6. De Tocqueville's Democracy in Amer. 1830. Dick's (And. C.) Nature and offices of the state. Dove's Elements of Political Economy. Edinburg Review. 52:337. 56:52. 57:1. 73:29. 85:223. Edmonds' (T.) Political Economy. 1828. Evans' Political institutions of America. Federalist, The. 1788. Foreign Quart. Review. 15:241. Franklin's (Ben.) Works. G-anilh on the Various syet. of P. E. 1812. Gibbons' (Alex.) Nature of taxation. Humphrey's Manual of Political science. Innis' (Win.) Political Economy. Joplin's (T.) System of Political Economy. Laing on tuj Causes and remedies of national distress. Lauderdale's Nature and origin of uublic wealth. 1804. Lawson's Polit : ^al Economy. Lawton's (Edward) Lectures. Lect. 3. Lieber's Essay on property and labor. Political Ethics. 1840. Political Hermeneutics. Liszt's National system of P. 'Economy. Mauinnon's Wealth and power of nations. Macleod's (H. D.) Elements of P. E. 1858. MoCulloch's (J. R.) Principles of P. E. 1824. Influences of taxation and the fund ing system. McCullogh's (W. T.) Industrial history of free nations. Political Economy continued. Macindoe's Application of Scripture princi ples to Government essential to prosperity. Mclniscon's Principles of P. Economy. McVickar's Outlines of P. Economy, 1825. Maitland's Nat. and origin of pub. wealth. Malthus' Principles of Political Economy. Mills' (J.) Elements of Political Economy. (A good school-book.) Mills (J. S.) on Unsettled questions. 1821. More's (Sir Tho.) Utopia. Newman's Lectures on Political Economy. New York Review. 3:1. North Amer. Review. 47:73. North Brit. Review. 2:1. Ouseley's Political institutions of America. Pamphleteer. 11:403. 17:289. (Political economy of the Bible. 29:33.) Purvess (G.) on National wealth. Rae's Political Economy. Ramsay (G.) on the Distribution of wealth. Reed (S.) on National wealth. Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy. Ross' Examination of the opinions of several writers on Political Economy. Say's (J. B.) Political Economy. Serope's Elements of Polit. Economy. 1833. Sedwick's (Theod.) Public and private econ. Seward's (W. H.) Works. 1855. Smith's Causes of the Wealth of nations. Spence's Tracts on political economy. Stuart's (James) Principles of P. E. 1770. Thompson on the Distribution of wealth Torrens on the Production of wealth. Tracey's (De Strut) Political economy. Urquehart'? Wealth and Want. Vethake's Principles of Political Economy. Walch's Review. 4:306. Wayland's Elements of Political Economy. Webster's (P.) Essays: published during the American war, and to the present time. 1791. Westminster Review. 84:48. Weyland's Population and production as affected by the progress of Society. Williams' (Nassau) Political economy. Yates' (R.) Basis of national welfare. The European Bibliography of this sub ject may be found in the 2d vol. of BLANQUI, Hist, de V Economic politique en Europe. 1842. Politeness. See CLERICAL HABITS, COURTESY. Chesterfield's Letters to his son. Hogg's Lay Sermons. Knox's (Vicessimus) Sermons. Miller's Letters to a young clergyman. Trusler's Principles of politeness. Political Responsibility. Am. Bibl. Repos. 3d Series. 2:602. Am. -Quar. Observer. 1:1. Am. Whig Rev. 14:357. Bates' (Ely) Christian politics. (Highly praised in the CHRISTIAN OBSERVER.) 364 Political Responsibility continued. Baxter's (Rich.) Christian Directory. Bibliotheca Sacra. 23:73. Bullar's (John) Lay Lectures. Lect. 10. Christ. Exam. 10:327. 26:32. Christmas' (Henry) Christian Politics. (Re views Paley.) Croxall's Scripture Politics. Cunningham's (J.) Political duties of minis ters in times of great national excitement. Democratic Rev. 24:99. Dury (John) On ministers meddling with State matters, in or out of their sermons. Eclectic Mag. 3:145. Eclectic Rev. 4th Series. 8:401. New Series. 1:148. Edinb. Rev. 73:29. Frazier's Mag. 14:657. 15:423. 34:618. Gresley's (William) Sermons. Hague's Christianity and Statesmanship. Lieber's Manual of political ethics. Miall's Politics of Christianity. Month. Rev. 108:365. Morier's What has relig. to do with politics ? New England Mag. 1:142. North British Rev. 6:133.256. Robinson's (Robt.) Miscellaneous Works. Sewall's (Wm.) Christian Politics.. Sheppard's (John G.) Christian obligations of citizenship. Poly car p. See FATHERS. Polycarpi Epistola ad Philippenses. Balthasaris Doctrina Polycarpi. Vita Polycarpi. Bullialdi Dissertationes. Cottelerii Patres Apostolicse. Crucigeri Oratio de Polycarpi vita. Groddeck, de Anno passionis P. Kortholtus de Persecutione eccl. primaevee. Moyne, Prolegomena ad varia sancta. Nourrii Dissertatio de Epistola P. Ruinarti Acta sincera martyrum. Tentzelii (G. E.) Exercitationes. Usseri Dissertationes. Cave's Translation of P.'s epistle. Chevalier's Translation of the epistle of P. Clementson's New trans, of the epistle of P. Elborowe's Epistles of Polycarp & Ignatius, with their lives and deaths. Wake's Epistles of the Fathers. Polygamy. See MARRIAGE, MORMONS. Pro. Freudenhoefer's Eroerterung der Frage, etc. Lyser, Kurtzes Gesprach von der P. Discursus de P. (Answers replies.) Madan's Thelypthora. Willenbergii Praesidia juris Divini. Schediasma de Finibus polygamise licit. Burnet's (G.) Defence of polygamy. Hanger's Life and opinions. Con. Bezae Tractationes Theologicae. Vol. 2. P oly g am y continued. Con. Calovii (Abr.) Disputationes. Heideggeri Historia Patriareharum. [Lyserus] Kurtzes Gesprgech von der P. Michaelis (J. D.) Paralipomena. Musasi (lo.) Dissertationes. Puffendorf de Jure. Seldeni Uxor Hebraicas. Wernsdorfii Doctrina de polygamia. Zeidler, Tractatio de polygamia. Baxter's Works. Beattie's Elements of moral science. On the attachments of kindred. Bowers' History of the Popes. Cookson on Polygamy. Delany's Reflections on Polygamy. Doddridge's Lectures. Part 3, prop. 59. Dunton's Young Student's Library. Dwight's (Tim.) System of theol. Ser. 121. Dwight'e (S. E.) Hebrew Wife. Haweis' Refutation of Thelypthora. Hill's Blessings of P. (Replies to Madan.) Lit. and Theol. Rev. 4:182. Monthly Rev. Vol. 63. (2 capital articles.) Ochinu's Dialogues. Trana from the Italian. Paley's Moral Philosophy. Book 3, part 3. Palmer's Exam, of Thelypthora. Penn's Remarks on Thelypthora. Salmon on Marriage. Shorthose's (Hugh) Sermons. Smith's Polygamy indefensible. Towers' (J.) Polygamy unscriptural. Wills' (T.) Remarks on P. (Rep. to Madan.) Polytheism. See IDOLATRY, MYTHOLOGY. Pool of Het liescla. Arnold, Dissertationes philologies. Frischmuthi Dissertatio Philologica. Outrein de Piscina probatica. (In Biblioth.) Wendeler, Dissert, de Piscina probatica, etc. Witsii Miscellanea Sac. Exercit. XI, cap. 54. Hall's (Bp.) Contemplations. Book 4, sec. 11. Jennings' Jewish Antiquities. Kollock's Sermons. Latter-Day Luminary. Periodical. Vol. 2. Poor Laws. See POLITICAL ECONOMY, PAUPERISM. Amer. Quart. Review. 14:66. Analytical Mag. 2:17. 10:265. Blackwood's Mag. 8:1. 9:217,563. 10:49,509. 11:133,373. 13:113. 16:457. 23:923. 33:811. 43:489. 51:518. 60:555. 61:261. Bosanquet's Rights of the poor. British and For. Rev. 4:1. Chalmer's (Tho.) Political economy. Sufficiency of parochial relief without poor laws. Christian Observer. 17:30,236. Cooper's (Sam.) Definitions and axioms. Dublin Univ. Mag. 30:606. 33:215,340,401, 656. Dunlop on the Poor law of Scotland. Ellis (Wm.) on Education. 365 Poor Laws continued. Edinburg Rev. 6:160. 22:181. 33:91. 36:110. 47:303. 59:227. 63:256. 74:1. 75:253. 77:207. 84:139. Frazier's Mag. 9:507. 70:373. Mahon (J.) on Poor laws. Martineau's (H.) Poor laws and Paupers. Monthly Review. 87:201. 102:181. 121:309. 129:495. 130:593. Nichols' Hist, of English poor laws. 1854. . " Scotch " 1855. " Irish " 1856. North Brit. Rev. 2:471. 12:21. Page's Principle of the English poor laws. Pamphleteer. 8:385. 9:217,563. 10:49,509. 11:133,373,551. 13:113. 21:391. Parliamentary Reports of England. Pashley's Pauperism and the poor laws- Quarterly Rev. 8:319. 14:120. 18:259. 19:79. 28:351, 33:429. 48:320. 50:347. 52:123. 53:249. Reports of the P. law commissioners in Eng. Richards' (Geo.) Sermons. (The immoral effect of poor laws.) Sedgwiek on the Repeal of poor laws. Torrens' Poor laws of Ireland. Westminster Rev. 18:427. 26:357. Poor Men of Lyons. See WALDENSES. Pope Joanne. Pro. Artopoei Dissertationes. Bassnage, Histoire de 1'eglise. Blasci, Diatribe de Joanna papissa. Capelli (Rudolph) Discursus Historicus. Carionis, Chronicon. Congnard, Traite si une femme ? etc. Cook, la Papesse Jeanne. Deckerus de Papa et Pa.pissa Roinana. Ehinger's altes und neues Pabstthum. Grim's Panselicke Heiligheit. Kleine's (G.) Papstinn Johanna keine Fabel. Lehmanni Infelix puerpera Joannes VIII. L'Enfant, Histoire de la Papesse Joan. Maresii Joanna papissa, restituta. Montagne, la Papesse Jeanne. Nichols' vom Pabst Johanne. Papa Mulier; sive vera narratio de P. Jo. Platinas Vita Christ! ac Pontificum omnium. (All that relates to Pope Joanne was sup pressed after the first edition.) Smetz, Mahrchen von der Pap. Johanna. Spanheiinii (F.) Disquisitiones historiae. (Highly commended.) Voetli Spicelegium. Wagenseilii Dissertatio de Joanna Papissa. (Gives a candid view of the arguments on both sides.) Witekindi Jesuitae. Cook's Dialogue concerning P. J. (Proofs from Popish writers.) Mayo's Pope's Parliament. North British Review. 12:192. Rutherford on Church Gov. Ch. 8, sec. 8. Pope Joanne continued. Pro. Toplady's (Aug. M.) Works. Ware's Pope Joan. (Proofs from Romish authors previous to Luther.) Con. Allatii Confutatio fabulse, etc. Baronii Annales. (" Makes havoc of primi tive history." DOWLING.) Bayle, Dictionaire. Art. Papesse. Bellarmini Opera. Blondell, Eclaircissement de la question. Eckhardt, Hist. Francise Orient. Lib. XXX. Heumani Dissertationes Sacrae. Par. II. Labbei Cenotaphium Joannaa. Leibnit/ii Flores sparsi in tumulum Papissas. Maresius [or Maret] de Papissa. Palthenius de Papisaa. Raymond, Erreur populaire de la Papesse. Schottii Physica curiosa. (Numerous curious dissertations on curious themes.) Littell's Living Age. 25:193. (The same as in North British Review.) North British Review. 12:354. (Adduces the arguments pro and con.) Various writers of eminence mention the female Pope as a fact of history, without discussing the proofs such as Marian, a Scotch monk, 1060 ; Martin Polaccus, Abp. of Cosenza, 1277; Amabric, an Augustine Prior, 1362 ; and Korner, a Dominican, 1435. See a collection of the arguments by all the principal writers who reject the story of Pope Joanne, in Allatius, named above. Popery. See ABSOLUTION, AURICULAR CONFESSION, ANTICHRIST, CELIBACY, COUNCIL OF TRENT, DECRETALS, IMAGES, INDULGENCES, INFALLIBILITY, JUSTIFICATION, KEYS OF THE CHURCH, MASS, MIRACLES, PKNANCE. PERSECU TION, POPES, PRAYER FOR THE DEAD, PROPHECY, PURGATORY, REFORMA TION, RELICS, SUPREMACY, SACRA MENTS, TRANSUBSTANTIATION. Pro. The symbolical books of the Roman Church are : The Decrees and Catechism of the Council of Trent, and the Symbol of Pius iv: Arnauld, QEuvres. (Powerful. Boileau calls him " the most learned man that has ever written.") Arsdekini Theologia Universa. (A great storehouse of authorities.) Becani Manuale Controversiarum. Beelingii Vindiciae Catholicae Hiberniae. Bellarmini Opera. (In the judgment of Bayle, the ablest defender of the Roman Church.) Bossuet, Expos, de la doct. de 1'Eglise. Hist, des variations de 1'Eglise Pro- testantes. (Numerous other treatises, in the 59 volumes of his works.) Cassandri Defensio traditionum Patrum. Catharini Apologia pro veritate fidei. 366 Popery continued. Campiani Rationes propositse in causam fidei. ("The Romanists account it an epitome of all their doctrine." A. WOOD.) Cochlaeus eont. Augustinam confessionem. de Actis et scriptis Lutheri. Cotoni Institutio Catholica. D'Antecourt, Defense de 1'Eglise. Dens, Manuale Theologicum. Dollinger's Kirche und Kirchen. Emser's Wieder das unchristliche Buch M. Luther. Fabri Antilogiarum Lutheri Babylonia. Haunoldus de Infallibilitate eccles. Romanae. Henrici VIII, Assertio septem sacramento- rum adversus Mart. Lutherum. Hosii Conf. Cathol. (A standard authority.) Mesnilii Doctrina et disciplina ecclesiae. Nicolas, du Protestantisme pre'ce'de' de 1'examen d'un ecrit. de M. Guizot. Pole pro Unitate Ecclesiastica. Rocaberti Bibliotheca. (A collection, in 21 volumes, folio, of the principal papal writers previous to 1700.) Sardagna, Theologia dogmatico-polemico. Balmez's Comparison of Prot. and Popery, in their effects on civilization. Berrington & Kirk's Faith of the Catholics. Bossuet's Doctrine of Catholic Church. Variations of Protestant Churches. Brownson's Quarterly Review. Butler's (Chas.) Book of the Church. Vindication of Do. Campian's Ten reasons for embracing the Catholic faith. Catholic World. Periodical. Chaloner's Grounds of the old religion. Den's Moral Theology. (Standard work.) Dollinger's Church and the Churches. Trans. by McCabe. Dupin on Ecclesiastical and temporal power. Fisher's (John) Challenge to Protestants. Conference with Abp. Laud. Gother's Papist misrepresented. Husenbeth's Faberism exposed and refuted. Keeling'? Alliance of heresy with Deism. Kellison's Gag of the deformed gospel. Examen Reformationis. Hierarchy of the Church. Kerrick's (Bp.) Primacy of the Apostolic see. Knott's Infidelity unmasked. (Reply to Chillingworth.) Protestantism unrepented destroys salvation. Lingard's Review of anti-Catholic publicat. Milner's (John) End of relig. controversy. Stapleton'o (Thos.) Works. Ward's Errata of the Protestant Bible. Worseley's Protestantism without principles. White's (Alex.) Confutation of Church-of- Englandism. Con. Albert's Wiederlegung einer Paebstichen Bucher. Popery contimied. Con. Amesii (The Puritan) Bellarminus enervatus. Antonii Pontificiorum doctrina publica. Balduini Diatriba Theologicae. Bassnage, Traite" des prejuges faux ct legit. Hist, des Eglises reformed. (Answers Bossuet's " Variations.") Baur's Gegcnsatz des Katholicismus und Protestanten. Baxteri Clavis Catholicorum. Bezae Opera. Beyer's Unterscheidungslehren d. Evang. u. Rom. Kirche. Botsacci Demonstratio quod Ecclesia Ro mano papistica non sit sancta, Bucer adv. Axioma Catholicum. Buddei Miscellanea Sacra. Bullengerii Antithesis evangelicae et papis- ticae doctrina?. Bungener, Rome et le coeur humaine. Calovii Mataaologia Papistica. Calvini Institutiones. Capelli Disputationes. Cassandri Consult, de artic. religione inter Catholicos et Protestantes controversis. Chamieri Panstratiae Catholicae. ("A per fect encyclopedia on all subjects relating to the Popish controversy." PALMER.) Coci Censura quorundum scriptorum qui a Pontificiis citari solent. (A most con venient work.) Cranmeri Defensio verae et Catholicaa doctr. Dallaei Opera. (Voluminous and powerful.) Danhaveri Opera. Dassovii Disputationes. De Croy de les Trois conformites, etc. Deyling, de Insignioribus Rom. ecclesia variationibus. Dominis (De) de Republica ecclesiastica. (" Of great use." FULLER. " One of the most illustrious victims of the Inquisi tion." PEIGNOT.) Drelincourt, Abre'ge'e des controverses. Dresseri Observationes iniscellaneae. Drieri Controversies precipuae. Eckhardi Pandectse Controversiarum. Flacii Com. de Synodo VI Carthaginensi. Historia de primatu Papae. Protestatio contra Cone. Tridentum. Catalogus testium veritatis. Various other treatises. Franckii Dissertationes. Furmanni Sanctitatis eccl. Rom. eversio. Gaupp, die Romische Kirche. Gomari Enchiridion controversiarum. Guntheri Demonstratio solida. Haberkorn's Griindlichen Wiederlegung. Heilbrunner's (J.) Uncatholisch. Pabsthum. Heshusius de Erroribus Pontificia? ecclesise. de Vera Ecclesia. Hieronymi (Pragensis) Opera. (Noble.) Hinckelmanni Papisini errores praecipui. Hoenegg's Evangelisches Handbiichlein. Hoepfneri Saxonia Evangelica. 36T Popery continued. ' Con. Hospiniafu Opera. (Learned elucidations of the history of the errors of Popery.) Hunnii Opera. (Greatly prized.) Hussi (loann.) Scripta. Illyrici Opera. (Discusses most of the points in controversy.) Illyrici Catalogus testium veritatis. (Written to show what learned and pious men had admitted concerning the corruption of the Koman Church, before Luther.) Jameson, Roina-racoviana, et Racovia-rom. James (Tho.), Bellum Papale. (Shows 2000 instances in which the two "infallible" Papal editions of the Vulgate contradict each other.) Jewelli Apologia Eeclesige Anglicanae. Jurieu, Systeine de i'Eglise. la Morale des Reformed. Kesleri Bellum religiosuni Petri ac Papae. Koecheri Biblioth. Theol, Symbol. (List of authors against the Council of Trent.) Observations Selectae. Kortholti Papa Schismaticus. Disquisitiones. Krackewitzius de Ecelesiae Rom. apostasia. Kromayer, de Ecclesiae Romanae apostasia. La Motte, les Fourberies de 1'Eglise. Le Blanc, Theses Theologicae. Leopard (C.), Le Glaive du ggant Goliah. (Highly commended.) Leydekker de Veritate religionis Reformatae. Lutherus, Opera varia. Maccovii Ilpwroj/ i//uJor Pontificiorum. Magnin, La Papautd considered dan son origine, development, et etat actuel. 1841 Megandri Petrus nee papa nee papistica. Meisneri (Balthas.) Consultatio Catholica. Praelectiones. Meisneri (Jo.) Dissertationes. Melancthonis Opera. Molinaei Jugulum causae pontificiae. Morgenstern, de Eccl. vera et Catholica. Mori Inquisitio in mysterium iniquitatis. Antidotus adversus Idolatriam. Magni mysterii pietatis explanatio. Mornsei (Phil.) Tractatus de ecclesia. Mysterium Iniquitatis. ' Mylii Disquisitiones theological de ecclesia. Neumannus de Petro a Petro alieno. Dissertationes. Osiandri Opera. (" Papa non papa." "De antichristus," etc.) Pfaffii Demonstrationes solidae. Pictet, la Religion des Protestants. Placette, (Euvres. (Greatly esteemed.) Puffendorf, von der geistliche Monarchie. Rainoldus de Romanae eccl. idolatria. Richter's Evangelische und Roemische Eirehen Lehre. Riveti Catholicum orthodoxum. Salmasius de Episcopiis et Presbyteris. Scherzeri Dissertationes Theologicae. Schinidii (Sebast.) Syncresis. Pope r y continued. Con. Schmidii (Sebast.) Petrus non Papa. Schulteti Panoplia Sacra. Medulla theologica patrum. Seldii Papismi et gentilismi comparatio. Spanheimii (Senior.) Epitome panstratiae chamieri. Spanheimii (Junior.) Diseertationes. Speneri Opera varia. Steinbergii Anatome papismi. Stillingfleet, Opera varia. Taxe, des Parties casuelles de la boutique du Pape. (A damning exposure of cor ruptions as existing in 1564.) Turretini (Alph.) Pyrrhonismus Pontificius. Turrettini (Franc.) Institutiones. Usseri Hist, controv. inter orthodos et pont. Van Till, de Petro non Pontifice. Viret, la Physique papale. la N6cromance papale. Voetii Disputationes Theol. Pars 1. Vorstii Anti-Bellarminus. Wylie's Geschichte, Lehren, Geist, und Aussichten des Papstthums. (Prize essay.) Zuinglii Opera. Abbott's Roman and English hierarchies, and the abuses of Episcopacy. Achillas Papal Rome, her priests and her Jesuits. Abernethy's Letters to Bp. Hay. About, The Roman question. Translated by A. T. Wood. Allwood's Prophecies relating to the Church. Papal dlaims. Amer. Biblical Repository. 2:546. 4:252. 11:363. 2d Series. 10:159. 3d Series. 4:252. Amer. Eclectic Review. 2:446. Ame's (The Puritan) Reply to Bellarmin. Ashwell on the Roman Church. Bagge's Development of the Roman system not consistent with the welfare of the state. Balme's Protest, and Popery compared, in their effects on the civilization of Europe. Barbeyrac's Spirit of the Ecclesiastics. Barlow's Principles and positions of the Church of Rome. Barnard's Rhemes against Rome. Barrow's (Isaac) Works. Baxter's (Richard) Works. Beard's (John R.) The Confessional. (Ex tracts from Papal sources.) Beecher's (Edw.) Papal conspiracy exposed. Becon's Display of the Popish Mass. Bedell's (Bp.) Life and Letters. Bell's (James) The Mystery unveiled. Bennet's (W. J. E.) Distinctive errors of Popery. Bennet's (Tho.) Confutation of Popery. Bentley's (Rich.) Doctrinal corruptions of Popery. Beza's Ten discourses. Patched Pelagianism. Bibliotheca Sacra. 2:451,757. 8:64. 368 Popery continued. Con. Bicheno's Signs of the times. 1805. Birbeck's Protestant's evidence. (From the Fathers.) Blackmoor on the Present state of the con troversy between Protestants and Papists. 1765. Blackwood's Edinb. Magaz. 3:535. 25:331. 44:494. Blair's Letters to Wilberforce. Blakency's Awful disclosure of the principles taught by the Church of Rome: being extracts from the Moral theology of Alphonsus Liguori. Boyd's Fathers not Papists. Bramhall's Safeguards against Popery. (A great collection of treatises by eminent divines of the 17th century.) Bray's Papal Usurpation in anc. and mod. times. (Contains much curious matter, especially in relation to y e old Waldenses.) Brit, and For. Review. 6:420. 7:457. 8:1. Brogden's Catholic Safeguards. (A very large collection of tracts by distinguished writers of the 17th century.) Brownlee on the Rom. Catholic controversy. Popery an enemy to civil liberty. Bull's Corruptions of the Church of Rome. Burnap's Superstitions of the Ch. of Rome. Burnett's (Bp.) Discourses. Burroughs' (Joseph) Creed of Pope Pius IV. Burton's Truth's triumph over Trent. Ciiinpbeirs (John) Popery; anc. and mod. Capper's Acknowledged doctrines of the Church of Rome, as set forth by its stan dard writers. 1849. Cardwell's Enchiridion. (A collection of important tracts in 3 volumes.) Cartwright's Pope's deadly wound. Sermons at the Jews' Chapel. Cheever on the Mixture of civil and eccles. power. (Reply to Bp. Hughes of N. York.) Chillingworth's Safe way to heaven. (" That masterpiece of human reasoning." WARBURTON.) Christian Examiner. 2:353. 14:371. 39:284. 48:227,341. 56:223. 65:1. Churchman Armed. (A collection of effective treatises.) Clagget's (William) Works. Clarkson's Practical divinity of Papists destructive of Christianity. Claude's Posthumous Works. Cobbin's (Ingram) Book of Popery. Collette's Novelties of Romanism. Popish frauds exemplified in Dr. Wiseman's Lectures. Comber's Forgeries in the Councils of the first four centuries. Cox's (John E.) Protestantism contrasted with Popery. (Consists of quotations from authors on both sides.) Cramp's Text-book of P. (Very useful.) Craumer's Works. Popery continued. Con. Croft's (Bp.) Naked Truth. Culbertson's Lectures on the Apocalypse. Cullen's ( J. E.) Voice of truth. (Small, but effective.) Cunningham's Apostacy of the Ch._of Rome. Curtis' Mystery of Iniquity. Dalton's Word of God vindicated. De Coetlogon's Sermons. De Croy's Harmony of the Roman Church with Gentilism, Judaism, and ancient heresies. De Foe's Curse of Popery. (Powerful.) De Sanctis' Rome. (As in 1857.) Dillingham's Mystery of Iniquity. Dodwell's Fundamental principles of P. Drelincourt's Summary of Popish errors. Dublin University Mag. 7:437. 12:548,686. 16:197,511. 23:715. 36:494. 38:369,719. Du Moulin's Keys of the Church. History of Monks. Defence of the Reformed churches. Eclectic Review. 4th Series. 11:103. 22:299. 29:97. 30:296. New Series. 6:33. Edgar's Variations of Popery. (Very able.) Edinburg Rev. 72:119. Elliot's (Charles) Delineation of Romanism. (Drawn from acknowledged standards of the Papal Church.) Elliott's (E. B.) Warburton Lectures. 1856. Emlin's Frauds of monks and priests. Enchiridion Theologicum. (Tracts by Taylor, Barrow, Ac.) Erskine's Spirit of Popery. Evangelical Review. 1:561. Evans' (B.) Modern Popery. 1855. Faber's Difficulties of Romanism. Fleming's (Robt.) Apocalyptical Key. Fletcher's (Jos.) Works. (His Lectures on Popery are highly praised by ROBERT HALL and J. PYE SMITH.) Foreign Quarterly Rev. 27:184. 1:515. Foulis' History of Romish treasons and usurpations, collected out of their own approved authors. Fox's Book of Martyrs. Foye's Romish offices, legends, &o., literally translated. Fulke's Rhemish and Prot. translations of New Test, side by side ; with a confuta tion, wler's (Bp.) Discourses. Hewlett's (John) Sermons. Hunter's (Henry) Sermons. Reynolds' (Bp.) Sermons. Smallridge's (Bp.) Sermons. Smith's (Samuel S.) Sermons. Vance's (W. F.) Sermons. Van Mildert's (Bp.) Sermons. White's (Hugh) Sermons. Praise, IJove of. See LOVE OF PRAISE. Prayer. See ANSWERS TO PRAYER, DEVOTION, FORMS, LITURGIES, LORD'S PRAYER, PRAYER BOOKS, PRAYER FOR THE DEAD, SECRET PRAYER. Augustine, Opera. Chrysostom, Orationes. Cyprian, de Oratione Dominica. Gregory Nys., de Oratione Dominica. Origen, de Oratione. Tertullian, de Oratione. Ainyraldus in Orationem. Hildebrandi de Precibus vet. Christianorum. Rechenbergii (Adam.) Dissertationes. Thomas, de Ritu veterum Christianorum. Zornii Delineatio theologiae patristicae. Abernethy on the Divine Attributes. Adey's (William) Sermons. Allestree's (Richard) Sermons. Amory's (Thomas) Sermons. Andrews' (Bp.) Manual of private devotions. Sermons. Archer's (John) Essay on Prayer. Baine's (James) Sermons. (Earnest prayer.) Baker's Motives to daily prayer. Barrow's (Isaac) Works. Prayer continued. Ben Mordecai's Apology. Bennett's (Benj.) Christian Oratory. Bennett's (Thomas) Devotions of the Closet. Beveridge's Adv. and necessity of public P. Bickersteth (Edward) on Prayer. Blackall's (Bp.) Sermons. Bloomfield's (Bp.) Sermons. Boston's (Thomas) Sermons. Bradford's (The Martyr) Works. Bullinger's Decades. (Parker Soc. publ.) Burnett's (Mrs.) Method of Devotion. Chalmers' Natural Theology. Charlesworth on Private prayer. Charnock's (Stephen) Works. Christian Disciple. 1:21. 4:186. 5:9,359. Chris. Month. Spect. 2:352,522. 5:113. 6:393. Chris. Quart. Spect. 4:251. 5:46. 6:250. Chris. Observer. 11:555,626. 12:753. 17:430. Clarke's (Samuel) Sermons. Clowes' (J.) Sermons on Prayer. Cooper's (Edward) Sermons. Crossinge on the Great duty of prayer. Dallas' (A.) Sermons on Prayer. Donne's (John) Sermons. D wight's Theology. Sermons 139-144. Eastcheap Lectures. Part 2. (Discourses on this subject by Bradbury, Earle, Harris.) Edwards' (Pres.) Works. Emmon's (Nathaniel) Sermons. Fiddes' (Richard) Sermons. Francklin's (Thomas) Sermons. Gill's (Dr.) Sermons and Tracts. Goodwin's (Tho.) Select Cases. Case 2. Goodrich's Bible history of prayer. collection of the prayers recorded Scripture, in chronological order.) Grove on Secret prayer. Hale's (Sir M.) Contemplations. Part 2. Harrison's (Thomas) Divine Logic. Hastings' (Henry J.) Parochial sermons. Heles' Offices of private devotion. Henry (Matt.) on Prayer. (Very useful for young Christians.) Hinton's Guide to prayer. Holdsworth's (R.) Sermons. Horlock's (H. D.) Sermons. Horneck on the Exercise of P. (Many edit.) Howe's (John) Works. (" I have learned more from John Howe than from any other author." ROBT. HALL.) Ibbot's (Benjamin) Sermons. Innett's Guide to the devout Christian. Jebb's (Bp.) Sermons. Johnson's (Dr. Sam.) Prayers and meditat. Jones' (Joseph) Sermons on prayer. Jortin's (John) Sermons. Kettlewell's (John) Sermons. Knight's (James) Sermons on prayer. Law's Serious call to a holy life. Spirit of prayer. (A Leighton's Lectures on the 1st Epistle of Peter. (Chap. 3, verse 12.) Luc*as' (Richard) Sermons. MacDonough's Fourteen Discourses. 375 Pr ay er continued. Magee on Atonement. No. 8. Mann (Tho.) On the gift of prayer. Mant's (Bp.) Sermons. Masillon's Sermons. Mason's Student and P v astor. Milner's (Isaac) Sermons. Milner's (Joseph) Sermons. Moore's (Hannah) Spirit of prayer. Moore's (H.) Reflections on prayer. Nance's (J.) Sermons on prayer. Newman's (J. H.) Sermons. Ogden's (Samuel) Sermons. Orr's (John) Sermons. Orton's Religious Exercises. Owen on Spiritual-mindedness. (Nature and use of mental prayer and forms.) Paley's Moral Philosophy. Book 5, ch. 2-5. Pettis on Prayer. Porter's (Prof.) Lectures. Potts' (J. H.) Sermons. Price's (Rich.) Dissertations. Diss. 2. Prime's Power of prayer. (Many editions.) Princeton Rev. 19:61. 35:353. 37:69. Rowsell's (T.) Sermons on prayer. Scott's Essays. Ess. 23. Shepherd's Persuasives to private devotions. Sherlock's Practical Discourses. Smallridge's (Bp.) Sermons. Smith's System of prayer. Spring's (Gardner) Essays. Ess. 11. Stanhope's (George) Sermons. Stillman's (Samuel) Sermons. Tappan's (David) Sermons. Taylor's (Jer.) Christian consolation. Sermons. Taylor's (John) Scripture account of prayer. Thompson's The Mercy Seat. Thornton's Discourse on prayer. Topping's Whole duty of prayer. Townsend's Nine sermons on prayer. Vincent on the Nature and kinds of prayer. Walker's (Dr. James) Sermons. Watts' Guide to prayer. Wayland's Elements of Moral Science. Webster's (William) Sermons. West's Nat., design, tendency, &c., of prayer. Weston's (Bp.) Sermons. Wettenhall's Enter into thy closet. Whitefield's Sermons. White's (Hugh) Meditations and Addresses. Wilkins' Gift of preaching and praying. Witherspoon's Works. Prayer Books. See FAMILY WORSHIP, FORMS OF PRATER, LIT0RGIE8. Andrews' Private Devotions. Arnold's Garden of Paradise. Baird's Book of public prayer. (Compiled from authorized formularies of the Pres byterian Church, as prepared by Calvin, Knox, Bucer, *araM OF OPINION, LIBERTY, PERSE CUTION, PRIV. JUDGMENT, TOLERATION. Rights of Mail. See CIVIL GOVERNMENT. Rights of Property. See PROPERTY, POLITICAL ECONOMY, SQCIALISM. Rites and Ceremonies. Assemanus de Sacris ritibus. Encyclopedic Theologique. Euchologion Magnum. (Ritual of the Greek Church.) Gavanti Thesaurus sac. rituum. Gavanti Thesaurus additionibus Merati. La Croix, le Parfait Ecclesiastique. (Direc tions for every ceremony of the Roman Church ; and for the size, shape, &c., of altars, vestments, implements, ornaments.) Lorenzana, Breviarum Gothicum. Martene, de Antiq. ecclesiae ritibus. Missale Romanum. Polydori Historia Anglic. Rogers, de Ceremoniis et ritibus omnium populorum. Vinitoris Compendium Cerenioniaruin. Zacariae Bibliotheca Ritualis. Ames on Ceremonies. Hurd's Rites and Ceremonies of all nations. Lewis' Bible, Missal, and Breviary. Trollope's Encyclopaedia Ecclesiastica. Townley's Essays on various subjects. Rosecrucians. Andreae Invitatio ad fraternitatem Christi. (Andreas is by some regarded as the founder of this sect.) Campis dem Send-b'rief an alle. etc. Colberg, Platonisch.-hermetisch. Christenth. Plorentini Rosa florescens. Fludd (Robt.), Apologia Compendiara. Heiden's Unbetriegliche Grundsatze. Kazaveri Disputationes. Maieri Themes aurea. Meder's Christlicben Bedencken. Naude, sur la Verite de 1'histoire des freres de Rosecroix. (Considers them impostors.) Staurophor's Philosophischer Offenbarung and die Fraternitaet Rosae-crucis. Tschirness' Schnelle Botschaft. Rubrics. See LITURGIES, MISSAL. Rulers. See CIVIL GOVERNMENT, DIVIKB EIGHT OF KINOS, MAGISTRACY, PASSIVE OBEDIENCE, RKLATIVE DUTIES. Rules of Interpretation. See HERMENEUTICS. Ruling Elders. See EPISCOPACY, PRESBYTERIANISM. King's Ruling Eldership. Miller on Presbyterianism. Office of Ruling Elder. Princeton Review. 15:313,432. 17:276. 19:42. Ruth. Edwards' (Jon.) Ruth's resolution. Hall's (Bp.) Contemplations. Hughes' (H.) Female Characters. Hughes' (J.) Ruth and her kindred. Jenkins* (J.) Discourses. McGowan's (Dr. John) Works. Milner's (J.) Sermons. Sullivan's (H. W.) Sermons. Topsell's Lectures on Ruth. Tyng's (S. H.) The Rich Kinsman. Wilson's (Dan.) Sermons. Sahhatarians. Pro. Alsop's Traditions of men. Bamfield's All in One. (Art. Sabbath.) Burnside on the Diff. sentiiuents of Chris tians as to the weekly Sabbath. Carlew's Truth defended. Cornthwaite's Reflect, on Wright's Treatise. on the Seventh day of the week. Essay occasioned by publications of Hallet, Jepson, Chubb, Watts, and others. Further Vindication. Davis' Last Legacy. Elwell on the Lord's Day. James' (John) Narrative. Maulden's Threefold Dialogue. Sellers' Examination of a late book by Dr. Owen. Slater's (Thos.) Sermon on the Church. Soursby on the Sabbath. Stennet's (Edw.) Royal law contended for. Stennet's (Jos.) Answer to Russon. Tamar's History of Sabbatarian Churches. (Embracing those of Armenia, East India, Abyssinia, Ac.) Tillam's Present from prison. Wincup's Remarks on Dr. Wright. Con. See CHANGE OF SABBATH. Ben's Answer to Bamfield. Edmonds' Sabbatarians weighed in their own balance. Evanson's Attempt to prove that there is no authority for the Christian Sabbath. G. T. on the Christian Sabbath. Ives' Saturday no Sabbath. Keach's Jewish Sabbath abrogated. Wallace's Defence of the Sabbath. Ward's Discourses on the Sabbath. White (Bp. Francis) on the Sabbath day, Wright on the Lord's day. 405 Sabbath* See COMMANDMENTS, CHANGE OF SABBATH, LORD'S DAY,8ABBATARIAN8. Chytraei Dispositio Epistolarum. Gomarus rle Origine Sabbati. Grotius de Veritate Religionis. Scaliger, de Emendatione temporum. Schclugii Sabb. lege moral! mandate. Selden, de Jure Gentium. Spencer de Legibus. Strychius de Jure sabbati. Abbot's VindiciaB Sabbati. Amer. Bibl. Repos. 9:235. Amner (Rich.) on Positive Institutions. Bernard's Threefold Treatise. Biblioth. Sacra. 1:526. Brerewood'siTreatise on the Sabbath. Brown's (W. A.) Five Tracts. Byfield on the S. (Reply to Brefewood.) Carrington's (J.) Sermons. Chandler's Origin and Institution of the S. Clark's (Sam.) Sermons. Cleandon on the Sabbath. Cox's (Robt.) Sabbath laws and S. duties. Eclectic Rev. 4th Series. 22:697. Edwards' (Free.) Works. Estrange's S. before and after the law. Fleming on the Fourth Commandment. Hamilton (Winter) on the Revealed S. Heylin's (P.) History of the Sabbath. Howarth's Moral laws of Moses. . Hughes (Geo.) on the S. and the 92d Ps. Jennings' Jewish Antiquities. Bk. 3, ch. 3. Jordan's (J.) Scripture views of the S. Kennicott's Sermon on the Sabbath. Dialogue on the Sabbath. King's Morsels of Criticism. Kitto's Journal. 2:128. 8:70. Leland's Advantage and necessity of Revel. Lightfoot's Discourses. Vol. 2. Macbeth's Dissertations. Mallet's Northern Antiquities. Maxon & Parkinson's Debate on the origin, perpetuity, ave on Human authority in matters of religion. Chandler (Sam.) on Subs, to articles of faith. Christian Disciple. 4:147. Clayton (Robt.) on Subscription to creeds. Dawson's (B.) Free and candid disquisition. Short and safe expedient for termi nating the controversy. Examination of Dr. Rutherforth. Letter to Dr. R., occasioned by his vindication, l"s. Lee. 6. Cowie's Hulsean Lecture I .-.;. 3. D'Oyly's (George) Sermo.i. . Kitto's Journ. 3:136. 4:148. 5:225. 6:208,459. Oakes (A.) on the Sun standing still. Rawlinson's Bampton Lectures. 1859. Reading's (William) Sermons. Supererogation. See GOOD WORKS, JUSTIFICATION, POPBRT. Smythaei de Missae sacrificio enarratio. Chauncey's Doctrine according to godliness. Coles on Divine sovereignty. Key's (Dr. John) Lectures. Bk. 4. Leighton's Meditations on the 130th Psalm. Moorels Grand mystery of godliness. Morning Exercises at Cripplegate. (Sermon by Tho. Lye.) Superstition. See APPARITIONS. Baumgarten-Crusii Theses Theologicae. Bonnet de Causis S. inter Christianos. Buddaei Theses Theologicae. Crusius (C. A.) de Dissimilitudine inter religionem et superstitionem. Encyclopedic Theologique. Gerson contra Superstitiosos dierum observ. Le Brun, Hist, des practiques superstitieuse. Matthaei Analecta veteris aevi. Picart, Superstit., Anciennes et Modernes. Thier, Traite des Superstitions. Werenfels (S.), Dissertations. Am. Quar. Rev. 3:423. Atterbury's (Lewis) Sermons. Bigland's Essays. Ess. 6. Blakeman's (Dr. E.) Philosophical Essays. 440 Superstition continued. Blackwood's Mag. 3:188. (Welch.) 47:553. (Modern.) 61:368,432,541,547,673. 62:166. Brown's Vulgar Errors. Buck's (Cha.) Religious Anecdotes. Calvin (John) on Relics. Chandler's (Dr. Samuel) Discourses. Cheke, Life of; by Strype. Claude on the Composition of a sermon. Cooke's (John) Sermons. Delolme's Memorial of Superstition. Dodwell's (Will.) Sermons. Durand's ( Jas. F.) Sermons. Translated by Munkhouse. Durant's Memoirs of an only son. Edwards' (Bp.) Theologia Reformata. (On the 1st commandment.) Evans' Unhappy effects of superstition. Fellowes' (Robt.) Religion without cant. For. Quar. Rev. 2:556. (Naples.) Foster's (John) Contributions to the Eclectic Review. Fox's Book of Martyrs. Frazier's Mag. 11:218. 73:705. Grant's Superstitions of the Highlanders. Graves' (Richard) Sermons. Gregory's Essays. Ess. 3. Hewlett's (John) Sermons. Hoadley's (Bp.) Sermons. Hospinian on Popery. Ibbot's (Benjamin) Sermons. Leighton's (Abp.) Sermons. (Sermon on Heavenly Wisdom.) Limborch's Theologia Christiana. Littell's Living Age. 13:105,518. 14:83. 22:423. Lowell's (Samuel) Sermons. McDonald (J. M.) on Credulity. Manningham's Nature and effects of S. Marshall's (N.) Sermons. Museum of For. Lit. 3:372. (Popular.) 15:299. (Italian.) 26:15. (Scotch.) Naylor's Insanity and mischief of vulgar S. Newnham's Effects of physical influence on the mind, in producing visions, c., in the province of Canterbury, from o47 to 1717; with notes.) Annals of the Reformed Church of England. Hody's English councils and convocations. Joyce's Hist, of all the councils held in Eng. Quick's Synodicon. (Acts, .Decisions, Ac., of the Reformed Churches in Prance.) Sparrow's Canons of the Church of England. Wilkins' Councils of Britain and Ireland. Synonyms. See PARALLELISMS. Brissonius de Verborum signincatione. lohlson's Biblisch-Hebraisches Worterbuch. Reuschi Syrius interpretes, cum fonte N. T. Roubard, Synonymes. Bennet's Concordance of Bible synonyms. Biblical Cabinet. Vol. 4. Campbell's (Geo.) Dissertations. Lond. Quart. Review. 7:406. Tittman's Synonyms of the N. T. Trans, by E. Craig. (All that a student needs, as to the New Testament.) Trench's Synonyms of the New Testament. Second Series. 1863. Trussler's Distinction between words that seem synonymous. Syriac Version. Adleri Nov. Test, versiones Syriacae. Bocharti (Sam.) Opera. Breytherus de Vi quam antiquissimae vers. habeant. Cawtoni Disputationes. Erpenii Psalriii Davidis lingua Syriaca. Fabricii (Job. A.) Bibliotheca Graeca. Fabricii (lohan.) Historia Bibliothecae Fa- bricianae. Gerhard, Exercitatio ad N. T. Syr. spectans. Hirzelii de Indole comment, crit.-exegetica. Kirsch, Pentat. Syr. ex polyglot. Angl. edid. Lee (Prof.) Vet. Testamentum Syriacum. Michaelis, Curse in vers. Syr. actuum apost. Middledorpfii Codex Syriaco-Hexaplaris. Korbergii Codex Syriaco-hexapiaris Ambros. Mediolanensis. Kidley de Syriaca N. Test, versione. Schaffii Nov. Testamentum Syriacum. Storr, Observations super N. Test. Syriac Version continued. White, Sac. Evangelium, versio Syriaca. ("An accurate text and version." ORME.) Actuum Apost. et Epist. catholicar. Widmanstadt, Liber sacros evanglii ling. S. Winer de Vers. N. T. Syr. usu critico. Butler's Horae Biblicae. Journal of Amer. Oriental Soc. Vol. 2. Murdock's Trans, of the Syriac N. Testam. Oliver's Trans, of the S. vers. of the Psalms. Syrian Christians. See JACOBITES, MONOPHYSITES, NESTORIANS, &C. Assemanni Biblioth. Orientalis. (Furnishes all we need to know on this subject.) Christian Observer. 16:302. Etheridge's Syrian Churches. 1846. (Em braces the historical literature, lene8. See CENSORIOUSNESS, CHRISTIAN UNION, EVIL SPEAKING, FELLOWSHIP, RASH JUDGMENT, SECTS, UNITY. Watts' Orthodoxy and charity united. line-leanness. See CHASTITY. Brydane, Conference sur 1'Impurite". Lebrun, Electuaire souverain. Picard, le Fouet des paillards. Barlow (W.) on Fornication. Becon's (Tho.) Works. (Parker Soc. pub.) Blair's (James) Sermons. Burnet's (Gilbert) Sermons. Collier's (Jeremy) Essays on moral subjects. Cosens' (John) Sermons. Evans' (Dr. John) Sermons. Garbent's Testimony against whoremongers. Goodwin's (H.) Parish Sermons. Holbrook's (Anthony) Sermons. Osterwald on the Nature of uncleanness. Scott's (John) Sermons. Southgate's (Richard) Sermons. Spectator. No. 286. Stebbings' (Henry) Sermons. Warter's (John W.) Sermons. Zollikoffer on Prevalent vices-. on Fasts and Festivals. Unequal Distribution of Good and Evil. See INEQUALITIES, &c. Ashburnham's, William, Sermons. Bather's, Edward, Sermons. Du Moulin's, Peter, Sermons. Gresley's, William, Sermons. Hill's, George, Sermons. Landon's, W., Sermons. Maltby's, Bp., Sermons. Moss', Robert, Sermons. Nares', R., Sermons. Phillips', R., Sermons. Pyle's, Philip, Sermons. Saurin's Sermons. Warter's, John W., Sermons. Yonge's, James, Sermons. Zollikoffer's Sermons on Education. Unigenitus. See PAPAL BULLS. D'Alembert, Essai sur la destruction des Jesuites. Dubois, Collectio actor, publ. Clement XI. Fehmelii (A. G.) Dissertationes. Fricke (J.) die Bulle unigenitus. Jenichii (G. F.) Historia et examen bullse dementis XI contra Quesnellum. Laliteau, Hist, de la constit. Unigenitus. Marmontel, R6gence du Due d'Orleans. [Nivelle,] la Constitution Unigenitus. Noailles, Memoires et instructions secrets. Pfaffii Acta publica a Clemente XI. Schillingii Hist, bullar. dementis VI et XL [Villefore,] Anecdotes : ou memoires secrets. Gordon's Famous bull U. impartially related: wherein the absurdities and delusions of Popery are laid open. Wha;ely's Parallel bet. Pagans and Jesuits. 462 Unioi of Church and State. See ESTABLISHMENTS. Union with Christ. Albertus de modo Unionis mysticse. Basnage, 1'Union de 1'ame avec J6sus. Breithaupti Inst. theolog. de credendis et agendis. Carpovii Theologia revelata, dogmatica. Klemius de Unione S. S. cum fidelibus. Quistorpius de Conjugio mystico. Scharfius de Mystico J. C. adventu infideles. Schelvigii (Sam.) Dissertationes. Schmidtius (Seb.) de Conjugio mystico. Schomeri Differentia unionis personalis et my&ticae. Barker's (John) Morning Exercises. Bayley's (B.) Sermons. Deal try's (Archdeacon) Sermons. Dickinson's Letters. Letter 17. Dorney's Divine Contemplations. Ferguson's (Robt.) Lectures. Flavel's Method of grace in the gospel. Gammon's Christ's a Christian life. Hall's Help to Zion's pilgrims. Chap. 4. (A very valuable little manual for young Christians.) Harte's (W. M.) Sermons. Heurtley's (C. A.) Sermons. Marshall on Sanctification. (Famous.) McGill's (W.) Sermons. Murray's Christian's Pattern. Polhill's Christus in Corde. Sherlock's Knowledge of Jesus Christ. Simeon's (C.) Works. Watts' (Isaac) Sermons. Wilberforce's (B. S.) Sermons. Williams' (John) Sermons. Yonge's (James) Sermons. Union, Christian. See CHRISTIAN UNION. Unitarians. See ARIANS, ATONEMENT, GENUINENESS OF 1 JOHN V. 7, LOGOS, JESUS CHRIST, SOCINIANS, &C. Pro. Bidelii Rationes duodecem. Eniedini Explicatio locorum S. S. ex quibus trinitatis dogma stabiliri solet. Franzii Disputationes. Ritteri Demonstratio quod Christus non sit ipse Deus. Sandii Bibliotheca Antitrinitarum. Schaffer's Kurtzer Bericht auf die Frage, etc. Servetus de Trinitatis Erroribus. Alexander's (John) Crit. notes on 1 Cor. xv. Alger's (W. R.) History of the Cross. Allen (J. H.) on Orthodoxy. Amner (Rich.) on the Prophecies of Daniel. Aspland's (Robt.) Works. Bartol's Sermons. Barlee's Review of Trinitarianism ; chiefly as it appears in the writings of Pearson, Bull, Waterlaml, Sherlock, and Howe. Brooks (Cha, T.) on Christ's teaching. Burnap's Christianity its essence, &e. Cappe's Crit. remarks on important texts. Unitarians continued. Pro. Carpenter's (Lant.) View of Unitarianism. Proofs from Scripture. Letters to Dr. Vessie. (Other treatises.) Channing's (Wm. E.) Works. Christian Disciple. Periodical. 1819-1824. Chris. Exam. Period. Boston. Since 1824. Chris. Reformer. Periodical. Since 1834. Collins' (Ant.) Defence of the U. faith. Supreme deity of the Father. Dewey's (Orv.) Discourses and Discussions. Disney's Letters to Dr. Knox. Sermons. Drummond's (W. H.) Doct. of the Trinity. Durnap on Unitarianism. Eddowe's (Ralph) Sermons. Eddy's Reasons for becoming a Unitarian. Emlyn's (Thomas) Works. Elliot's (W. G.) Doctrines of Christianity. Evanson's Doct. of the Trinity examined. Letter to the Bp. of Gloucester. Frothingham's (N. L.) Sermons. Furness' (W. H.) Genius of Christianity. History of Jesus. Grundy's Evang. Christianity considered. Harrington's (Joseph) Sermons. Hawthorne (G. S.) on the Trinity. Haynes on the Attributes of God. Hedge's Reason in Religion. Hopkins' Appeal to common sense. Hyndman's Principles of Unitarianism. Jardine on the Love of God. Sermons. Edited by J. P. Estlin. Kenrick's Exposition of the New Testament. Kentish's Principles of Unitarians. Lamson's Church of the first 3 centuries. Lindsay's Apol. on resigning his vicarage. Against Robt. Robinson of Camb. Address to Oxford students. on Praying to Christ. Sequel to the Apology. (Mr. L. was a notable champion of Unita rianism, and wrote several other treatises. A list of writers in opposition to him, is given by DR. KIPPJS, in one of his notes to Doddridge's Lectures.) Livermore's Com. on the Ep. to the Romans. Madge on the Personality of the H. Ghost. Martineau's Studies of Christianity. Maurice on the Unitarian faith. Morrison's Notes on the Gospels. North's Theological Essays. Norton's (Andrews) Statement of reasons,