American Historical Associatlo: 1896 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Officers Act of Incorporation Constitution List of Members Historical Societies in the United States 1896 fj g Corrections in this list should be sent to the Secretary. Any member of this Association has the right to propose new names. Nominations for membership of the Association should be addressed to the Secretary or some member of the Executive Council. A5B08 PRESS OF THE FRIBDENWALD COMPANY BALTIMORE, MJJ. Bancroft Library AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Organized at Saratoga, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1884 OFFICERS FOR J896 PRESIDENT. RICHARD S. STORRS, D. D., LL.D., Brooklyn, N. Y. VICE-PRESIDENTS. JAMES SCHOULER, LL.D., GEORGE P. FISHER, D.D., LL.D., Boston, Mass. Professor in Yale University. SECRETARY. HERBERT B. ADAMS, PH.D., LL.D., Professor of History, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. ASSISTANT SECRETARY AND CURATOR. A. HOWARD CLARK, Curator of the Historical Collections, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. TREASURER. CLARENCE WINTHROP BOWEN, PH.D., 130 Fulton Street, N. Y. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE-NAMED OFFICERS, HON. ANDREW D. WHITE, LL.D., L.H.D., Ithaca, N. Y. JUSTIN WINSOR, LL.D., HON. GEORGE F. HOAR, Cambridge, Mass. Worcester, Mass. CHARLES KENDALL ADAMS, LL.D., G. BROWN GOODE, LL.D., President Wisconsin University, Madison. Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Insti tution, in charge of the National Museum. HON. WILLIAM WIRT HENRY, GEORGE B. ADAMS, Richmond, Va. Professor of History, Yale University. JAMES B. ANGELL, LL.D., H. MORSE STEPHENS, President University of Michigan. Professor of History, Cornell University. HENRY ADAMS, FREDERICK J. TURNER, Washington, D. C. Professor of History ,University of Wisconsin. TERMS OF OFFICE EX-PRESIDENTS. HON. ANDREW D. WHITE, LL.D., L.H.D., 1884-85. fHoN. GEORGE BANCROFT, LL.D., 1885-86. JUSTIN WINSOR, LL.D., 1886-87. fWILLIAM F. POOLE, LL.D., 1887-88. CHARLES KENDALL ADAMS, LL.D., 1888-89. tHoN. JOHN JAY, LL.D., 1889-90. HON. WILLIAM WIRT HENRY, 1890-91. JAMES B. ANGELL, LL.D., 1891-93. HENRY ADAMS, 1893-94. HON. GEORGE F. HOAR, LL.D., 1894-95. EX-VICE-PRESIDENTS. JUSTIN WINSOR, LL.D., 1884-86. CHARLES KENDALL ADAMS, LL.D., 1884-88. t WILLIAM F. POOLE, LL.D., 1886-87. THoN. JOHN JAY, LL.D., 1887-89. HON. WILLIAM WIRT HENRY, 1888-90. JAMES B. ANGELL, LL.D., 1889-91. HENRY ADAMS, 1890-93. EDWARD G. MASON, 1891-93. HON. GEORGE F. HOAR, LL. D., 1893-94. SECRETARIES. HERBERT B. ADAMS, PH.D., LL.D., 1884-. A. HOWARD CLARK, 1889-. TREASURER. CLARENCE WINTHROP BO WEN, PH.D., 1884-. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE-NAMED OFFICERS. WILLIAM B. WEEDEN, A.M., 1884-86. tCHARLES DEANE, LL.D., 1884-87. PROF. MOSES COIT TYLER, LL.D., L.H.D., 1884-85. PROF. EPHRAIM EMERTON, 1884-85. PROF. FRANKLIN B. DEXTER, 1885-87. fPROF. WILLIAM F. ALLEN, 1885-87. HON. WM. WIRT HENRY, 1886-88. fHoN. RUTHERFORD B. HAYES, LL.D., 1887-88. PROF. JOHN W. BURGESS, 1887-91. PROF. ARTHUR M. WHEELER, 1887-89. PROF. GEORGE P. FISHER, D.D., LL.D., 1888-91. G. BROWN GOODE, LL.D., 1889-. JOHN GEORGE BOURINOT, LL.D., D.C.L., 1889-94. PROF. JOHN BACH McMASTER, 1891-94. PROF. GEORGE B. ADAMS, 1891-. The term of office is indicated by the dates following the name. Deceased officers are marked thus t. ACT OF INCORPORATION Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Andrew D. White, of Ithaca, in the State of New York; George Bancroft, of Washington, in the District of Columbia; Justin Winsor, of Cambridge, in the State of Massachusetts; William F. Poole, of Chicago, in the State of Illinois; Herbert B. Adams, of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland; Clarence W. Bo wen, of Brooklyn, in the State of New York; their asso ciates and successors, are hereby created, in the District of Columbia, a body corporate and politic, by the name of the American Historical Association, for the promotion of his torical studies, the collection and preservation of historical manuscripts, and for kindred purposes in the interest of Ameri can history and of history in America. Said Association is authorized to hold real and personal estate in the District of Columbia so far only as may be necessary to its lawful ends to an amount not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars, to adopt a constitution, and to make by-laws not inconsistent with law. Said Association shall have its principal office at Wash- 6 ACT OF INCORPORATION. ington, in the District of Columbia, and may hold its annual meetings in such places as the said incorporators shall deter mine. Said Association shall report annually to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution concerning its proceedings and the condition of historical study in America. Said Secretary shall communicate to Congress the whole of such reports, or such portions thereof as he shall see fit. The Regents of the Smithsonian Institution are authorized to permit said Asso ciation to deposit its collections, manuscripts, books, pamph lets, and other material for history in the Smithsonian Insti tution or in the National Museum at their discretion, upon such conditions and under such rules as they shall prescribe. [Approved, January 4, 1889.] CONSTITUTION I. The name of this Society shall be THE AMERICAN HISTOR ICAL ASSOCIATION. II. Its object shall be the promotion of historical studies. III. Any person approved by the Executive Council may become a member by paying three dollars; and after the first year may continue a member by paying an annual fee of three dollars. On payment of fifty dollars, any person may become a life- member exempt from fees. Persons not residents in the United States may be elected as honorary members, and be exempt from the payment of fees. IV. The officers shall be a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, a Curator, a Treasurer, and an Executive Council consisting of the foregoing officers and 8 CONSTITUTION. of four other members elected by the Association with the Ex-Presidents of the Association. These officers shall be elected by ballot at each regular annual meeting of the Asso ciation. V. The Executive Council shall have charge of the general interests of the Association, including the election of members, the calling of meetings, the selection of papers to be read, and the determination of what papers shall be published. VI. This Constitution may be amended at any annual meeting, notice of such amendment having been given at the previous annual meeting, or the proposed amendment having received the approval of the Executive Council. LIST OF MEMBERS of the American Historical Association* ABBE, DR. CLEVELAND, U.S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D.C. *ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS, ESQ., Second Vice-Prest. Mass. Hist. Society, 23 Court Street, Boston, Mass. ADAMS, CHARLES KENDALL, LL. D., President of University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. ADAMS, DR. EPHRAIM D., 1301 Tennessee Street, Lawrence, Kan. ADAMS, F. G., Secretary Kansas Historical Society, Topeka, Kan. ADAMS, PROF. GEORGE B., Yale University, New Haven, Conn. *ADAMS, HENRY, ESQ., 1603 H Street, Washington, D. C. ADAMS, PROF. HENRY CARTER, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. *ADAMS, PROF. HERBERT B., Ph. D., LL. D., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. ADAMS, MRS. MARY NEWBURY, Dubuque, Iowa. ADEE, DAVID, ESQ., 146 Broadway, New York City. ADLER, DR. CYRUS, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. ALDEN, PROF. EDMUND K., Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. ALDERMAN, E. A., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. *ALGER, HON. R. A., Detroit, Mich. ALLEN, ANDREW H., Chief of Department of Rolls and Library, Department of State, Washington, D. C. * Life Members. 10 LIST OF MEMBERS ALLEN, CHARLES DEXTER, ESQ., P. O. Box 925, Hartford, Conn. ALLEN, J. M., ESQ., Hartford, Conn. AMES, HERMAN V., Ph. D., Ann Arbor, Mich. ANDERSON, REV. DR. JOSEPH, Waterbury, Conn. ANDREWS, CHARLES M., Ph.D., Associate in History, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. ANDREWS, REV. DR. WILLIAM G., Guilford, Conn. ANGELL, JAMES B., LL. D., President University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. APPLETON, WM. S., ESQ., 462 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. ARMOUR, GEORGE A., ESQ., Princeton, N. J. AVERY, ELROY M., Ph. D., 657 Woodland Hills Avenue, Cleve land, O. AVERY, SAMUEL P., ESQ., 4 E. 38th Street, New York City. *AYER, EDWARD E., ESQ., 301 Owings Building, Chicago, 111. BABCOCK, KENDRIC C, ESQ., 20 Mellen Street, Cambridge, Mass. BAGG, DR. M. M., Librarian of Oneida Historical Society, Utica, N. Y. BAGLEY, MRS. FRANCES NEWBURY, Detroit, Mich. BAILEY, REV. FREDERIC W., D. D., P. O. Box 587, New Haven, Conn. BAIN, JAMES, JR., Librarian Public Library, Toronto, Canada. BAIRD, PROF. HENRY M., 219 Palisade Avenue, Yonkers, N. Y. BAKER, WM. S., ESQ., 1722 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. *BALCH, THOMAS WILLING, ESQ., 1412 Spruce Street, Phila delphia, Pa. 'BALDWIN, PROF. SIMEON E., LL. D., President New Haven Colony Historical Society, 69 Church Street, New Haven, Conn. BANCROFT, FREDERIC, Ph. D., 527 i8th Street, N. W., Wash ington, D. C. BANCROFT, DR. F. J., 1639 Tremont Street, Denver, Col. 'BANCROFT, HUBERT H., ESQ., San Francisco, Cal. BANTA, THEODORE M., 144 St. James Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. II BARBER, REV. HENRY H., Meadville, Pa. BARRETT, JAY A., M. A., University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. *BARTON, EDMUND MILLS, ESQ., Librarian American Anti quarian Society, Worcester, Mass. BASSETT, PROF. J. S., Ph. D., Trinity College, Durham, N. C. BATES, FRANK GREENE, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. BATTLE, PROF. KEMP P., LL. D, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. BAXTER, HON. JAMES PHINNEY, Portland, Me. *BAYARD, HON. THOMAS F., LL. D., Wilmington, Del. BEACH, MYRON H., ESQ., 218 La Salle Street, Chicago, 111. BEARDSLEY, H. M., ESQ., care of H. C. Spalding Co., Elmira, N. Y. BEER, GEORGE LOUIS, ESQ., 38 Manhattan Square, South, New York City. BEER, WILLIAM, Librarian Howard Memorial Library, New Orleans, La. BELDEN, BAUMAN L., ESQ., 84 W. Jersey Street, Elizabeth, N. J. BEVAN, W. LLOYD, Ph. D., Concord, Mass. BIGELOW, HON. JOHN, LL. D., Highland Falls, Orange Co., N. Y. *BIGELOW, MELVILLE M., Ph. D., 209 Washington Street, Bos ton, Mass. *BISHOP, CORTLANDT F., Ph.D., 13 Madison Avenue, New York City. BISHOP, GEORGE R., ESQ., New York Stock Exchange, New York City. BLACK, PROF. J. WM., Colby University, Waterville, Maine. BLACKMAR, PROF. F. W., University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. BLATCHFORD, E. W., ESQ., 375 North La Salle St., Chicago, 111. BLISS, COL. ALEXANDER, Connecticut Ave., Washington, D. C. BLISS, CHARLES M., ESQ., Bennington, Vt. *BLISS, EUGENE F., A. M., 122 East sth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. BLISS, WILLIAM ROOT, ESQ., Short Hills, N. J. BLODGETT, JAMES H., ESQ., 1319 nth Street, N. W., Wash ington, D. C. 12 LIST OF MEMBERS BONAPARTE, CHARLES J., ESQ., Baltimore, Md. BOURINOT, JOHN GEORGE, C. M. G., LL. D., D. C. L., Clerk House of Commons, Ottawa, Canada. BOURNE, PROF. EDWARD G., 73 Mansfield Street, New Haven, Conn. BOURNE, PROF. HENRY E., Cleveland College for Women, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, O. BOUTELL, LEWIS H., LL. D., 29 Portland Block, Chicago, 111. *BOWEN, CLARENCE W., Ph. D., The Independent, 130 Fulton Street, New York City. *BRACKETT, JEFFREY R., Ph. D., 10 W. Madison Street, Balti more, Md. *BRADLEE, CALEB D., D. D., Ph.D., 57 W. Brookline Street, Boston, Mass. BRANTLY, WILLIAM T., ESQ., 12 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Md. BRINTON, D. G., LL. D., Media, Pa. BROCK, ROBERT A., ESQ., Secretary Southern Historical Soci ety, Richmond, Va. *BROWN, GENERAL JOHN MARSHALL, Portland, Me. *BROWN, JOHN NICHOLAS, ESQ., 50 South Main Street, Provi dence, R. I. BROWN, PROF. MARSHALL S., University of the City of New York, New York City. BROWNING, CHARLES H., ESQ., Ardmore P. O., Montgomery Co., Pa. BRUCE, PHILIP A., Corresponding Secretary and Librarian Vir ginia Historical Society, Richmond, Va. BRYMNER, DOUGLAS, LL. D., F. R. S. C, Dominion Archivist, Ottawa, Can. BUGBEE, JAMES M., ESQ., 24 Pinckney Street, Boston, Mass. BURGESS, PROF. JOHN W., Columbia College, New York City. BURR, GEORGE L., Professor of Ancient and Mediaeval History and Librarian of the White Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. BUTLER, DR. GEORGE H., 964 Fifth Avenue, New York City. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 13 *BUTLER, PROF. NICHOLAS MURRAY, Ph. D., Columbia Col lege, New York City. BUTTERWORTH, WM., ESQ., Moline, 111. CABELL, JAMES ALSTON, ESQ., nth and Bank Streets, Rich mond, Va. CABELL, WM. D., ESQ., Norwood Institute, Highland Terrace, Washington, D. C. CALDWELL, PROF. H. W., State University, 2400 Lynn Street, Lincoln, Neb. CALDWELL, JOSHUA W., ESQ., Knoxville, Tenn. CALLAHAN, J. M., ESQ., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. CANFIELD, JAMES HULME, President of State University, Co lumbus, O. CAREY, REV. JOSEPH, D. D., Saratoga, N. Y. CARHART, AMORY S., 126 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. CARR, LUCIEN, ESQ., 163 Brattle Street, Cambridge, Mass. *CARRINGTON, GEN. HENRY B., LL. D., U. S. A., 22 Bromfield Street, Boston, Mass. CARTER, WALTER S., ESQ., 96 Broadway, New York City. CHAMBERLAIN, HON. MELLEN, LL. D., 309 Washington Ave nue, Chelsea, Mass. CHAMBERS, PROF. HENRY K, Monroe, La. CHANNING, PROF. EDWARD, Ph. D., Harvard University, Cam bridge, Mass. CHEYNEY, PROF. E. P., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. CLARK, A. HOWARD, ESQ., Smithsonian Institution, Washing ton, D. C. CLARK, CLARENCE H., ESQ., S. W. Cor. 42d and Locust Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. CLARKE, PROF. GEO. P., 13 Monument Avenue, Dayton, O. CLARKE, ROBERT, ESQ., 61 West 4th Street, Cincinnati, O. COHEN, MENDES, ESQ., 825 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. COHN, PROF. ADOLPHE, Columbia College, New York City. I4 LIST OF MEMBERS COHN, MORRIS M., ESQ., Little Rock, Ark. COLE, THEODORE L., ESQ., Corcoran Building, Washington, D. C. COLLES, MRS. JULIA KEESE, Mt. Kemble Avenue, Morristown, N. J. CONE, MRS. KATE MORRIS, Hartford, Vt. *CONELY, EDWIN R, ESQ., Detroit, Mich. CONKLING, A. R., 170 Broadway, New York City. *CONSTANT, S. VICTOR, ESQ., 120 Broadway, New York City. COOLEY, HON. T. M., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. *COOLIDGE, PROF. ARCHIBALD C, 15 Ware Hall, Cambridge, Mass. *COOLIDGE, T. JEFFERSON, JR., ESQ., 93 Beacon Street, Bos ton, Mass. COPELAND, GEO. E., ESQ., 755 Marshall Street, Milwaukee, Wis. COTTIN, PROF. THOMAS L, Mayo High School, Darlington, S. C. COTTRELL, ORIN L., ESQ., 1313 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va. COURTENAY, HON. WILLIAM A., Newry, Oconee Co., S. C. COX, W. V., ESQ., U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. CRAWFORD, PROF. J. D., University of Illinois, Champaign, 111. CROCKER, MISS CAROLINE S., Gambier, Ohio. CRONAU, RUDOLF, ESQ., 1408 Stoughton Street, Washington, D. C. CROSS, F. C., ESQ., Luling, Texas. CRUIKSHANK, ERNEST, Fort Erie, Ont. CRUMP, HON. WM. W., Richmond, Va. CURRIER, PROF. CHARLES F. A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. CURRY, HON. J. L. M., LL. D., 1736 M St., N. W., Washington, D. C. CURTIS, WILLIAM E., ESQ., Post Building, Washington, D. C. GUSHING, HARRY ALONZO, A. M., Columbia College, New York City. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 15 *DABNEY, PROF. R. H., University of Virginia, Va. DAISH, JOHN B., ESQ., 1609 ipth St., N. W., Washington, D. C DALY, JUDGE CHARLES P., 84 Clinton Place, New York City. DARLING, GENERAL CHARLES W., Corresponding Secretary Oneida Historical Society, Utica, N. Y. *DAVIS, ANDREW McFARLAND, A.M., 10 Appleton Street, Cambridge, Mass. DAVIS, ARTHUR KYLE, A. M., President Southern Female Col lege, Petersburg, Va. DAVIS, MAJOR GEORGE B., U. S. A., War Department, War Records Office, Washington, D. C. DAVIS, GHERARDI, ESQ., 52 Wall Street, New York City. *DAVIS, HON. HORACE, LL. D., 1800 Broadway, San Francisco, Cal. *DAVIS, HON. J. C. BANCROFT, LL. D., 1621 H Street, Wash ington, D. C. DAVIS, MADISON, ESQ., 316 A Street, S. E., Washington, D. C. DAVIS, SAMUEL M., ESQ., 420 Temple Court, Minneapolis, Minn. *DAVIS, WILLIAM HENRY, ESQ., Cincinnati, Ohio. DAVIS, GENERAL W. W. H., Doylestown, Pa. DAWSON, B., ESQ., The Altamont, Baltimore, Md. DAWSON, S. E., Dr. Lit, Queen's Printer, Ottawa, Canada. DEANE, LEWELLYN, ESQ., 637 F St., N. W., Washington, D. C. *DEATS, H. E., Flemington, N. J. DE LANCEY, EDWARD F., ESQ., 20 E. 28th St., New York City. DE PEYSTER, GENERAL J. WATTS, Tivoli, Duchess Co., N. Y. DERBY, PROF. SAMUEL C, Ohio State University, Columbus, O. *DEXTER, PROF. FRANKLIN B., Yale College, New Haven, Conn. DODGE, MELVIN G., Assistant Professor in Chemistry and Libra rian Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. DODGE, COL. THEO. A., U. S. Army, 5 Winthrop Square, Bos ton, Mass. DOGGETT, SAMUEL BRADLEE, ESQ., 36 Hollis Street, Boston, Mass. DOOLITTLE, WM. S., ESQ., Utica, N. Y. !6 LIST OF MEMBERS DOW, EARLE W., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. DUDLEY, DR. CHARLES B., 1219 I2th Avenue, Altoona, Pa. DUNBAR, PROF. CHARLES F., LL. D., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. DUNN, J. P., JR., ESQ., Librarian Indiana State Library, Indiana polis, Ind. DUNNING, PROF. WM. A., Columbia College, New York City. DURAND, JOHN, ESQ., 164 Boulevard Montparnasse, Paris, France. DUREN, ELNATHAN F., Recording Secretary Bangor Historical Society, Bangor, Maine. DURRETT, REUBEN T., LL. D., Louisville, Ky. DWIGHT, THEODORE F., ESQ., P. O. address, 10 Charles Street, Boston, Mass. Send Reports to 94 North Street, Au burn, N. Y. EARLE, MRS. ALICE MORSE, 242 Henry Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. EATON, HON. JOHN, LL. D., The Concord, Washington, D. C. *EDES, HENRY H., ESQ., 28 State Street, Boston, Mass. EGGLESTON, EDW., Joshua's Rock, Lake George, N. Y.; winter address, The Chelsea, 222 West 236. Street, New York City. EGLE, DR. WILLIAM HENRY, State Library of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Pa. EGLESTON, MELVILLE, ESQ., 18 Cortlandt Street, New York City. ELIOT, SAMUEL, LL. D., 44 Brimmer Street, Boston, Mass. ELLIOTT, JUDGE CHARLES B., Court House, Minneapolis, Minn. ELLIS, THOMAS H., ESQ., 1929 K Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. ELTING, IRVING, ESQ., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. *ELY, HON. HEMAN, Elyria, O. ELY, PROF. R. T., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. EMERTON, PROF. E., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. ENDICOTT, HON. WILLIAM C, LL. D., Salem, Mass. ENDICOTT, WILLIAM C, JR., Danvers Centre, Mass. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ! 7 ENGLE, JOHN F., ESQ., 1948 Jackson Avenue, Ogden, Utah. ERWIN, JOHN B., ESQ., War Department, War Records Office, Washington, D. C. EVARTS, HON. WM. M., 231 Second Avenue, New York City. FAKE, A. JAMES, ESQ., 203 Broadway, New York City. FARMER, SILAS, ESQ., City Historiographer, Detroit, Mich. FARNAM, PROF. HENRY W., 43 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, Conn. FERGUSON, PROF. GEO. D., Queen's University, Kingston, Can. FERGUSON, PROF. HENRY, Trinity College, Hartford, Conn, FERNOW, B., ESQ., 4 Pine Street, Albany, N. Y. FICKLEN, JOHN R., Professor of History in Tulane University and Secretary of Louisiana Historical Society, New Orleans, La. FINLEY, JOHN H., President Knox College, Galesburg, 111. *FISHER, DR. EUSTACE W., University Club, Madison Square, New York City. FISHER, PROF. GEORGE P., D. D., LL. D., Yale University, New Haven, Conn. FISHER, WILLARD CLARK, ESQ., Wesleyan University, Mid- dletown, Conn. FITCH, CHARLES E., ESQ., 32 S. Washington Street, Rochester, N. Y. FLING, PROF. F. M., University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. FLINT, COL. WESTON, Secretary Anthropological Society, 1213 K Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. FOLLETT, MISS MARY PARKER, Quincy, Mass. *FORCE, GEN. MANNING F., Sandusky, O. FORD, PAUL L., ESQ., 97 Clark Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. *FOSTER, WILLIAM E., A. M., Librarian Public Library, Provi dence. R. I. FOSTER, WILLIAM H., ESQ., Geneseo, 111. FOULKE, WM. DUDLEY, Richmond, Ind. FOX, GEORGE L., Headmaster Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn. FRIEDENWALD, HERBERT, Ph. D., 915 N. i6th Street, Phila delphia, Pa. !8 LIST OF MEMBERS FULLER, PAUL, ESQ., P. O. Box 2559, New York City. FURMAN, McDONALD, ESQ., Ramsey, Sumter Co., S. C. FURNESS, WILLIAM ELIOT, 107 Dearborn 'Street, Chicago, 111. GALLAUDET, E. M., Ph.D., LL. D., President National Deaf- Mute College, Washington, D. C. GANO, JOHN A., ESQ., Cincinnati, Ohio. GARDINER, REV. F., JR., Pomfret, Conn. GARRARD, COL. JEPTHA, 44 Johnston Building, Cincinnati, O. GATES, MERRILL EDWARDS, Ph. D., LL. D., President Am- herst College, Amherst, Mass. GAY, FRANK BUTLER, Acting Librarian of the Watkinson Library of Reference, and Recording Secretary of the Connecti cut Historical Society, Hartford, Conn. GAY, MARTIN, ESQ., West New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y. *GERRY, HON. ELBRIDGE T., 261 Broadway, New York City. *GILMAN, ARTHUR, ESQ., Cambridge, Mass. *GILMAN, DANIEL C, LL. D., President Johns Hopkins Univer sity, Baltimore, Md. GILMORE, JAMES R., ESQ., Lake George, N. Y. GITTERMAN, JOHN M., Ph. D., 43 W. 46th St., New York City. GODDARD, HENRY P., ESQ., 210 East Lexington Street, Bal timore, Md. GOOCH, MRS. FANNY CHAMBERS, 1707 Guadalupe Street, Austin, Texas. GOODE, G. BROWN, LL. D., Assistant Secretary Smithsonian In stitution, Washington, D. C. GOODNOW, HAROLD P., Fort Snelling, Minn. GOODWIN, DANIEL, ESQ., 98 Washington Street, Chicago, 111. GOSS, ELBRIDGE H., ESQ., Melrose, Mass. GOULD, E. R. L., Ph. D., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. *GRAHAM, ALBERT A., ESQ., Secretary Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society, Columbus, O. GRAY, PROF. JOHN H., Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. *GREEN, HON. SAMUEL ABBOTT, Librarian Massachusetts His torical Society, 30 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 19 *GREEN, SAMUEL S., A. M., Librarian Free Public Library, Wor cester, Mass. GREENE, COL. FRANCIS VINTON, 33 East 3oth Street, New York City. *GREENE, COL. JACOB L., Hartford, Conn. *GREENE, JOHN, ESQ., Bradstreet's Editorial Rooms, New York City. GREENE, MISS M. LOUISE, 14 University Place, New Haven, Conn. GREENOUGH, WILLIAM W., ESQ., 299 Maryborough Street, Boston, Mass. GRIFFIN, A. P. C., ESQ., Boston Athenaeum, Boston, Mass. GRIFFIN, MARTIN I. J., Editor of The American Catholic His torical Researches, 711 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. *GRIFFIS, REV. WILLIAM ELLIOT, D. D., Ithaca, N. Y. GRIGGS, HERBERT S., ESQ., 1305 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, Wash. GROSS, DR. CHARLES, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. GROSVENOR, PROF. EDWIN A., Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. HADLEY, PROF. ARTHUR T., P. O. Box 358, New Haven, Conn. *HAGERMAN, JAMES J., ESQ., Colorado Springs, Col. HAGNER, JUDGE ALEXANDER B., 1818 H Street, Washington, D. C.^ HAINES, MISS JANE BOWNE, Cheltenham, Pa. HALDERMAN, GEN. JOHN A., LL. D., Metropolitan Club, Washington, D. C. HALE, HON. GEORGE S., 10 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. HALL, PROF. JOHN LESLIE, Ph. D., College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va. *HALL, THEODORE PARSONS, ESQ., Detroit, Mich. HALSEY, PROF. J. J., Lake Forest University, Lake Forest, 111. HAMILTON, REV. W. F., D. D., Achison Ave., Washington, Pa. HARBY, MRS. LEE C, 313 West 70th Street, N. Y. City. HARDING, PROF. SAMUEL B., A.M., Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. 20 LIST OF MEMBERS HARPER, DR. WM. R., Pres't University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. HARRIS, WILLIAM T., LL. D., Commissioner of Education, Washington, D. C. HARRIS, MISS EMMA GAYLORD, Woonsocket, R. I. HART, PROF. ALBERT BUSHNELL, Harvard University, Cam bridge, Mass. HART, CHARLES HENRY, ESQ., Drexel Building, Fifth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. HART, PROF. SAMUEL, D. D., Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. HARTLEY, HENRY, M. D., in Adam Street, Vicksburg, Miss. HASKINS, PROF. CHARLES H., Ph. D., University of Wiscon sin, Madison, Wis. *HASSAM, JOHN T., ESQ., 47 Court Street, Boston, Mass. HAUPT, PROF. PAUL, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. HAWLEY, GEN. J. R., U. S. Senate, Washington, D. C. *HAY, COLONEL JOHN, 800 Sixteenth Street, Lafayette Square, Washington, D. C. ' HAYDEN, REV. HORACE EDWIN, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. HAYES, WM. MORRIS, ESQ., 1801 Thirteenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. HAYNES, FRED. E., ESQ., 7 Vine Street, Marlboro, Mass. HAYNES, PROF. GEORGE H., Ph.D., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass. HAYNES, PROF. HENRY W., 239 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. *HAZARD, HON. ROWLAND, Peace Dale, R. I. HAZELTINE, HAROLD D., ESQ., Warren, Pa. HAZEN, CHARLES D., Ph.D., Smith College, Northampton, Mass. HELLEBERG, VICTOR E., ESQ., 227 Main Street, Cincinnati, O. HENNEMAN, PROF. JOHN BELL, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. HENRY, HON. WILLIAM WIRT, Richmond, Va. HIGGINSON, COLONEL THOMAS WENTWORTH, Cam bridge, Mass. HILD, F. H., Public Library, Chicago, 111. HILL, DON GLEASON, ESQ., Dedham, Mass. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 21 HINSDALE, PROF. B. A., Ann Arbor, Mich. HOAR, HON. GEORGE R, LL. D., Worcester, Mass. HODDER, PROF. F. H., State University, Lawrence, Kansas. HODGIN, PROF. CYRUS W., Earlham College, Richmond, Ind. HOES, ROSWELL RANDALL, U. S. Naval Home, Philadelphia, Pa. HOLDEN, L. E., ESQ., care The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, O. HOLT, HON. HENRY H., Muskegon, Mich. HOPPIN, PROF. JAMES M., D. D., Yale University, 47 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, Conn. HOWARD, CECIL HAMPDEN CUTTS, ESQ., Beebe, White Co., Ark. HOWARD, PROF. GEORGE E., Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal. HOWARD, JAMES Q., ESQ., 907 i3th Street, Washington, D. C. HOWE, JUDGE W. W., 3^ Carondelet Street, New Orleans, La. HUBBARD, PROF. OLIVER P., LL. D., 65 West ipth Street, New York City. HUBBARD, ROBERT J., ESQ., Cazenovia, N. Y. HUDSON, PROF. RICHARD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. HULBERT, PROF. ERI B., Morgan Park, 111. HUNT, GAILLARD, ESQ., Department of State, Washington, D. C. *HUTCHINSON, C. H., ESQ., 1617 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. *ILES, GEORGE, ESQ., Park Avenue Hotel, New York City. ISHAM, CHARLES, ESQ., 33 Wall Street, New York City. JACKSON, D. W., ESQ., 2967 Vernon Avenue, Chicago, 111. JAMES, EDWARD W., ESQ., 34 Fenchurch Street, Norfolk, Va. *JAMESON, PROF. J. F., Ph. D., Brown University, Providence, R. I. *JENKS, REV. HENRY F., Canton, Mass. JENNINGS, G. B., ESQ., Shenandoah, Iowa. JEROME, HON. DAVID H., Saginaw, Mich. JOHNSON, JAMES BOWEN, ESQ., Secretary Howard Univer sity, Washington, D. C. 22 LIST OF MEMBERS JOHNSON, ROSSITER, Ph. D., LL. D., Care Messrs. D. Appleton & Co., 72 Fifth Avenue, New York City. JOHNSON, REV. THOMAS CAREY, Union Theological Semi nary, Hampden-Sidney, Va. JOHNSTON, MISS ELIZABETH BRYANT, 1332 V Street, Wash ington, D. C. JOHNSTON, COLONEL WILLIAM PRESTON, President Tu- lane University, New Orleans, La. *JONES, MISS M. LOUISE, State Normal School, Emporia, Kan. JORDAN, FRITZ H., ESQ., Cumberland Club, Portland, Maine. JOSEPHSON, AKSEL G. S., Lenox Library, New York City. JUDSON, PROF. H. P., University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. KELLEY, J. E. H., ESQ., Bagg's Hotel, Utica, N. Y. *KELSEY, PROF. FRANCIS W., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. KING, CHARLES S., ESQ., Wabash, Ind. KING, HON. HORATIO, Washington, D. C. *KING, HON. JOHN A., President New York Historical Society, Great Neck, L. I., N. Y. KINGSBURY, HON. F. J., LL. D., Waterbury, Conn. KIRCHNER, OTTO, ESQ., 9-11 Bank Chambers, Detroit, Mich. KIRCHWEY, PROF. GEO. W., Law School, Columbia College, New York City. *KNIGHT, PROF. GEORGE W., Ohio State University, Colum bus, O. KNOX, CHARLES S., A. M., St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H. KRIEHN, GEORGE, Ph. D., Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal. LACEY, ROWLAND B., President Fairfield County Historical So ciety, Bridgeport, Conn. LADD, REV. HORATIO O., Fishkill, Duchess Co., N. Y. LAMBERTON, JAMES M., St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H. LANE, I. REMSEN, ESQ., 34 Pine Street, New York City. LANE, J. J., ESQ., 604 West I4th Street, Austin, Texas. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 23 LANGLEY, S. P., D. C. L., LL. D., Secretary Smithsonian Institu tion, Washington, D. C. LARNED, J. N., ESQ., The Buffalo Library, Buffalo, N. Y. *LEA, HENRY C., LL. D., 2000 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. LEE, COLONEL HENRY, Union Safe Deposit Vaults, Boston, Mass. *LEITER, LEVI Z., ESQ., 81 South Clark Street, Chicago, 111. LEVERMORE, PROF. CHARLES H., Ph. D., Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn, N. Y. LEWIS, ALLEN, ESQ., 42 Mt. Vernon Street, Boston, Mass. LEWIS, PROF. JESSE, State Normal School, Warrensburg, Mo. LINDSLEY, J. BERRIEN, M. D., State Board of Health, Nash ville, Tenn. LOCKWOOD, MRS. MARY S., 810 I2th Street, Washington, D. C. *LOGAN, WALTER S., ESQ., 58 William St., New York. LONG, COLONEL OSCAR F., U. S. A., 702 i;th Street, Wash ington, D. C. LONGYEAR, JOHN M., ESQ., Marquette, Mich. LORD, ARTHUR, ESQ., Plymouth, Mass. LORD, MISS ELEANOR L., Smith College, Northampton, Mass. LOTHROP, MRS. DANIEL, 1827 Q Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. (Summer address: The Wayside, Concord, Mass.) *LOW, PRESIDENT SETH, LL. D., Columbia College, New York City. LOWE, WALTER I., ESQ., 238 Whalley Ave., New Haven, Conn. LOWELL, FRANCIS C, ESQ., 709 Exchange Building, Boston, Mass. MACALISTER, JAMES, LL. D., President Drexel Institute, Phila delphia, Pa. McCABE, JAMES, ESQ., Council Bluffs, Iowa. McCAGG, E. B., ESQ., 67 Cass Street, Chicago, 111. McCLAIN, EMLIN, LL. D., State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. McCORMICK, HON. R. C., i Broadway, New York City. McCORVEY, PROF. T. C., University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala. 24 LIST OF MEMBERS. MAC COUN, TOWNSEND, ESQ., Englewood, N. J. McCRACKAN, W. D., ESQ., 376 Newbury Street, Boston, Mass. McCRADY, EDWARD, ESQ., 29 Broad Street, Charleston, S. C. MACDONALD, PROF. WILLIAM, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine. MACE, PROF. W. H., Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. McKENZIE, REV. ALEXANDER, D. D., Cambridge, Mass. McLAUGHLIN, PROF. A. C, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. McMASTER, PROF. JOHN BACH, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. McPHERSON, PROF. JOHN H. T., Ph. D., University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. MACVEAGH, FRANKLIN, ESQ., Cor. Lake Street and Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111. *MACVEAGH, HON. WAYNE, 139 S. 4th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MACY, PROF. JESSE, Iowa College, Grinnell, Iowa. MARTIN, FRANCIS, ESQ., Chattanooga, Tenn. MARTIN, WM. L., Carmel, Ind. MASON, PROF. OTIS T., U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. MATTHEWS, PROF. SHAILER, Colby University, Waterville, Me. MAURO, LEWIS J., Bureau of Construction and Repairs, Navy Dept, Washington, D. C. MEANY, EDMOND S., University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. MERRILL, MISS C., 227 N. Tennessee Street, Indianapolis, Ind. MIKKELSEN, M. A., Ph. D., 27 Hillside Avenue, Montclair, N. J. MONCRIEF, PROF. J. W., Franklin College, Franklin, Ind. MONTGOMERY, JAMES MORTIMER, ESQ., 146 Broadway, New York City. MOORE, JACOB B., Room 102, 39 Cortlandt Street, New York City. MOORE, PROF. JOHN BASSETT, Columbia College, New York City. *MOORE, JOSEPH, JR., ESQ., 1821 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 25 MORGAN, EDWIN VERNON, A. B., Adelbert Hall, Cleveland, O. MORRIS, HON. J. F., Hartford, Conn. MORSE, PROF. A. D., Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. MORSE, JOHN T., JR., ESQ., 16 Fairfield Street, Boston, Mass. MOSES, PROF. BERNARD, University of California, Berkeley, Cal. MOSES, JOHN, Secretary Chicago Historical Society, 140 Dear born Avenue, Chicago, 111. MOWRY, ARTHUR MAY, Hyde Park, Mass. MOWRY, WILLIAM A., Ph. D., 17 Riverside Square, Hyde Park, Mass. MUNRO, PROF. DANA C., University of Pennsylvania, Phila delphia, Pa. MURPHY, FRANK KENRICK, ESQ., 44 W. Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. MYERS, P. V. N., President Belmont College, College Hill, O. NELSON, CHARLES ALEXANDER, A.M., Harvard Club, 27 West 44th Street, New York City. NELSON, WM., ESQ., Corresponding Secretary New Jersey His torical Society, Paterson, N. J. NEWMAN, PROF. ALBERT HENRY, LL. D., McMaster Univer sity, Toronto, Ontario. NEWMAN, REV. S..M., D. D., loth and G Streets, N. W., Wash ington, D. C. NICHOLSON, MISS MARY E., 248 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind. *NICOLAY, JOHN G., ESQ., Washington, D. C. NORTON, CHARLES ELIOT, President American Institute of Archaeology, Cambridge, Mass. O'GORMAN, REV. THOMAS, Professor of Early Ecclesiastical History, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C. OSBORNE, JOHN H., Librarian Cayuga Historical Society, Au burn, N. Y. OSGOOD, DR. HERBERT L., Adjunct Professor of History, Columbia College, New York City. 26 LIST OF MEMBERS OWEN, THOMAS M., ESQ., Division of Post Office Inspectors and Mail Depredations, Washington, D. C. *PAGE, R. C. M., M. D., 31 West 33d Street, New York City. PAGE, THOMAS NELSON, ESQ., 911 Main St,, Richmond, Va. PAINE, NATHANIEL, ESQ., Worcester, Mass. PARKER, PROF. L. R, Iowa College, Grinnell, Iowa. PARKER, WALTER S., ESQ., Reading, Mass. *PATTERSON, J. WILSON, ESQ., 1012 N. Calvert Street, Balti more, Md. PATTISON, SALEM G., A. B., President Carthage Collegiate In stitute, Carthage, Mo. PEABODY, JUDGE CHARLES A., 60 West 2ist Street, New York City. PELLEW, HENRY E., ESQ., 1637 Massachusetts Avenue, Wash ington, D. C. PERKINS, HON. SAMUEL C, LL. D., 627 Walnut Street, Phila delphia, Pa. PERRIN, JOHN WM., Ph. D., Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa. PERRY, CAPT. LESLIE J., War Department, Washington, D. C. PERRY, RIGHT REV. WILLIAM S., D. D., LL. D., D. C. L., Bishop of Iowa, Davenport, Iowa. *PHILLIPS, HENRY, JR., Ph. D., 1811 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. PICKETT, CHARLES C., 526 Rialto Building, Chicago, 111. PIERCE, P. B., ESQ., 1119 Seventeenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. PIERSON, MRS. EMELINE G., 420 Linden Street, Elizabeth, N. J. PILLSBURY, W. L., ESQ., University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. PLATT, HON. O. H., U. S. Senate, Washington, D. C. POE, D. A., ESQ., Essex, Page Co., Iowa. POLLARD, JOHN, D. D., Professor of English, Richmond Col lege, Richmond, Va. POOLE, MURRAY E., ESQ., 19 E. State Street, Ithaca, N. Y. PORRITT, EDWARD, ESQ., Box 62, Farmington, Conn. *PORTER, REV. EDWARD G., Dorchester, Mass. POWELL, REV. E. P., Clinton, N. Y. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 27 POWELL, MAJOR J. W., U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. PRATT INSTITUTE LIBRARY, Brooklyn, N. Y. *PRESTON, HOWARD W., ESQ., Providence, R. I. PUBLIC LIBRARY, Cleveland, O. PUTNAM, REV. ALFRED P., D. D., Concord, Mass. PUTNAM, PROF. FREDERIC W., Peabody Museum of Arch aeology, Cambridge, Mass. PUTNAM, HERBERT, ESQ., Cambridge, Mass. RAMAGE, PROF. B. J., University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. RAND, BENJ., Ph. D., 12 Plympton Street, Cambridge, Mass. RANKIN, REV. J. K, D. D., LL. D., President Howard University, Washington, D. C. *READ, GENERAL JOHN MEREDITH, Care of Messrs. John Monroe & Co., 7 Rue Scribe, Paris, France. REAGAN, PROF. CHAS. M., 31 Thorpe Block, Indianapolis, Ind. REEVES, DR. JESSE SIDDALL, Richmond, Ind. REILEY, ALAN C., ESQ., 625 Asylum Street, Hartford, Conn. REYNOLDS, MRS. ANNIE B. D., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. RHODES, JAMES FORD, LL. D., 176 Newbury Street, Boston, Mass. RICE, DR. WILLIAM, Public Library, Springfield, Mass. RICHMAN, IRVING B., U. S. Consul-General, St. Gall, Switzer land. *ROBERTS, CHARLES, ESQ., 1716 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ROBERTS, HON. ELLIS H., LL. D., Care of Franklin National Bank, New York City. ROBINSON, PROF. E. V., Schoolcraft, Mich. ROBINSON, PROF. JAMES HARVEY, Columbia College, New York City. *ROBINSON, MRS. JANE BANCROFT, 425 Cass Avenue, Detroit, Mich. ROBINSON, MISS MARY, Library American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass. ROGERS, REV. J. W., P. O. Box 91, Walton, Boone Co., Ky. 28 LIST OF MEMBERS ROOSEVELT, THEO., 689 Madison Avenue, New York City. ROPES, JOHN C, ESQ., 50 State Street, Boston, Mass. ROSE, JOHN C., ESQ., Room 628 Equitable Bldg., Baltimore, Md. ROSENGARTEN, J. G., ESQ., 1532 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. ROSS, DR. DENMAN W., Cambridge, Mass. ROYCE, PROF. JOSIAH, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. SALISBURY, EDWARD E., LL. D., New Haven, Conn. *SALMON, MISS L. M., Professor of History, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. SANFORD, EDWARD T., ESQ., 43 Deaderick Building, Knox- ville, Tenn. *SANGER, WILLIAM CARY, ESQ., Sangerfield, N. Y. SCAIFE, WALTER B., Ph. D., 143 North Avenue, Allegheny, Pa. SCHENCK, MRS. E. H., 2026 R Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. *SCHOULER, JAMES, LL. D., 60 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. *SCOTT, AUSTIN, President Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. SCOTT, EBEN GREENOUGH, ESQ., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. *SCOTT, PROF. HENRY E., St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H. *SCOTT, LEWIS A., ESQ., 1806 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SCRIPPS, JAMES E., The Evening News, Detroit, Mich. SCUDDER, HORACE E., ESQ., Editor Atlantic Monthly, Cam bridge, Mass. SELIGMAN, PROF. E. R. A., Ph. D., Columbia College, 40 West 71 st Street, New York City. SENER, S. M., ESQ., 124 N. Prince Street, Lancaster, Pa. SEWALL, J. B., Headmaster Thayer Academy, South Braintree,j Mass. SEWALL, MRS. THEO. L., Classical School, Indianapolis, Ind. SEWARD, GENERAL WM. H., Auburn, N. Y. SEYMOUR, MORRIS WOODRUFF, ESQ., Bridgeport, Conn. SHAW, ALBERT, Ph. D., The Review of Reviews, 13 Astor Place, New York City. *SHEARER, HON. JAMES, Bay City, Mich. SHEPHERD, WM. R., ESQ., 325 Macon Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. SHEPPARD, PROF. ROBERT D., D. D., Northwestern Univer sity, Evanston, 111. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 29 SHOEMAKER, COLONEL M., Jackson, Mich. SHOREY, DANIEL L., ESQ., 5520 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111. SHOW, PROF. A. B., Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal. SIEBERT, PROF. W. H., 40 Shepard Street, Cambridge, Mass. SINTON, RICHARD BOHANNON, ESQ., 525 N. 4th Street, Richmond, Va. SIOUSSAT, MRS. ANNIE LEAKIN, Lake Roland P. O., Balti more Co., Md. SMITH, CHARLES C, A. M., 286 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. SMITH, PROF. CHARLES H., Yale University, New Haven, Conn. SMITH, PROF. CHARLES LEE, Ph. D., William Jewell College, Liberty, Mo. SMITH, GEN. GEO. W., Borden Block, Chicago, 111. SMITH, GEORGE W., ESQ., Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y. *SMITH, GOLDWIN, LL. D., Toronto, Canada. SMITH, JOHN W. F., ESQ., 816 Fourth Street, N. W., Washing ton, D. C. SMITH, PROF. MUNROE, Columbia College, New York City. SMITH, MRS. ROSA WRIGHT, 1203 N Street, N. W., Washing ton, D. C. SMITH, WILLIAM HENRY, ESQ., Lake Forest, 111. SMITHEY, PROF. R. B., Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, Va. SMYTH, PROF. ALBERT H., Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa. SMYTH, PROF. D. DeW., Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. SNOW, PROF. M. S., Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. SNYDER, DR. H. D., Fort Duchesne, Utah. SOLEY, JAMES RUSSELL, ESQ., 3 5 Wall Street, New York City. SPARKS, PROF. E. E., 5740 Monroe Avenue, Chicago, 111. SPEED, CAPT. THOMAS, Louisville, Ky. SPOFFORD, HON. AINSWORTH R., Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. *SPRAGUE, RUFUS F., ESQ., Greenville, Montcalm Co., Mich. SPRING, PROF. LEVERETT W., Williams College, Williams- town, Mass. STANCLIFT, PROF. H. C, Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. 30 LIST OF MEMBERS START, MISS CORA, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. STEERS, MRS. ANNA M., 2076 Fifth Avenue, New York City. STEINER, BERNARD C, Ph. D., Librarian Pratt Library, Balti more, Md. STEPHENS, PROF. H. MORSE, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. STEVENS, B. F., ESQ., 4 Trafalgar Square, London, W. C., Eng. STEVENSON, DR. E. L., Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. STEVENSON, REV. FRED. T., Rippey, Iowa. STEWART, HON. LISPENARD, 6 Fifth Avenue, New York City. STILLE, CHAS. J., LL. D., 2201 St. James Place, Philadelphia, Pa. STILLSON, HENRY LEONARD, ESQ., Bennington, Vt. STIMSON, HON. RODNEY M., Marietta College, Marietta, O. STOCKBRIDGE, HENRY, ESQ., 11 North Calhoun Street, Bal timore, Md. *STOKES, WILLIAM E. D., ESQ., 262 W. 72* Street, New York City. STONE, GEORGE H., ESQ., National City Bank, Cleveland, O. STORRS, RICHARD S., D. D., LL. D., 80 Pierrepont Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. STRAUS, HON. OSCAR S., 27 W. 74th Street, New York City. STRONG, HENRY, ESQ., 32 Borden Block, Chicago, 111. STRYKER, GENERAL WM. S., Trenton, N. J. SUMNER, JOHN OSBORNE, Care James O. Sargent, Cedar Square, Roxbury, Mass. SUTHERLAND, HON. JAMES, Janesville, Wis. SWAYNE, GEN. WAGER, 120 Broadway, New York City. TAFT, GOV. ROYAL C., Providence, R. I. *TALBOT, MISS MARION, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. TALBOTT, MRS. LAURA OSBORNE, 927 P Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. TALCOTT, MISS MARY K., 815 Asylum Avenue, Hartford, Conn. TAYLOR, HOBART CHATFIELD, 2201 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111. TAYLOR, JOHN M., Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn. *TENNEY, HENRY ALLEN, ESQ., 120 Broadway, New York City. TERRY, PROF. BENJAMIN S., 5835 Madison Ave., Chicago, 111. AMERICAN HISTORICAL, ASSOCIATION. 3! *THALHEIMER, MISS M. E., Avondale, Cincinnati, O. THOMAS, PROF. ALLEN C, Haverford College, Haverford, Pa. "THOMPSON, MISS ANNA B., Thayer Academy, Braintree, Mass. THOMPSON, PROF. ROBERT K, 1031 Walnut Street, Philadel phia, Pa. THWAITES, REUBEN G., Secretary Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wis. TILLEY, R. H., Secretary Newport Historical Society, Newport, R. I. TILLINGHAST, WILLIAM H., ESQ., Assistant Librarian Har vard University, Cambridge, Mass. TITUS, REV. ANSON, Tufts College, Medford, Mass. TOMPKINS, HAMILTON B., ESQ., 229 Broadway, New York City. TONER, DR. JOSEPH MEREDITH, Library of Congress, Wash ington, D. C. *TOPPAN, ROBERT N., A. M., Corresponding Secretary of the Prince Society, 10 Highland Street, Cambridge, Mass. *TRAYLOR, ROBERT LEE, ESQ., Box 274, Richmond, Va. TREMAIN, MISS MARY, 1318 R Street, Lincoln, Neb. TRENCHARD, EDWARD, ESQ., 56 Wall Street, New York City. TRENT, WILLIAM P., Professor of History and English Litera ture, University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. TROWBRIDGE, THOMAS R., ESQ., Corresponding Secretary New Haven Colony Historical Society, New Haven, Conn. TRUMBULL, J. HAMMOND, LL. D., Hartford, Conn. *TUCKER, GEORGE F., ESQ., 76 Equitable Bldg., Boston, Mass. TUCKERMAN, BAYARD, ESQ., 106 East 36th Street, New York City. TURNER, PROF. FREDERICK J., University of Wisconsin, Madi son, Wis. TYLER, LYON G., President William and Mary College, Williams- burg, Va. *TYLER, PROF. MOSES COIT, LL. D., L. H. D., Cornell Univer sity, Ithaca, N. Y. 32 LIST OP MEMBERS UKITA, KATZUTAMI, ESQ., 55 Clark Street, New Haven, Conn. *UPHAM, WILLIAM P., ESQ., Newtonville, Mass. VAIL, HENRY H., ESQ., 806 Broadway, New York City. VALENTINE, MAJOR ALONZO B., Bennington, Vt. VALENTINE, EDWARD P., ESQ., Richmond, Va. VAN SICLEN, GEORGE W., ESQ., 108 Fulton Street, New York City. VILLARD, OSWALD GARRISON, 65 Mt. Auburn Street, Cam bridge, Mass. VINCENT, JOHN M., Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, Balti more, Md. VOORHEES, JOHN H., ESQ., 2101 G Street, Washington, D. C. *WALKER, GENERAL FRANCIS A., LL. D., President Massa chusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. WALKER, WILLISTON, Ph. D., Professor of History, Hartford Theological Seminary, Hartford, Conn. *WALWORTH, MRS. ELLEN HARDIN, Saratoga, N. Y. WARFIELD, ETHELBERT D., President Lafayette College, Eas- ton, Pa. WASHBURN, HON. JOHN D., Secretary American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass. WATKINS, J. E., Curator Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. WATROUS, GEORGE D., ESQ., 153 Church Street, New Haven, Conn. *WATSON, PAUL BARRON, ESQ., 113 Devonshire Street, Bos ton, Mass. WATSON, COL. J. T., Clinton, /N. Y. WEAVER, GERRIT E. H., A.M., 203 De Kalb Square, Phila delphia, Pa. *WEEDEN, WILLIAM B., A. M., Providence, R. I. WEEKES, JOHN A., ESQ., 47 E. 20th Street, New York City. WEEKS, STEPHEN B., Ph. D., Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 33 WELCH, MISS JANE MEADE, Buffalo, N. Y. WELLS, PROF. CHARLES L., University of Minnesota, Minne apolis, Minn. WEST, MISS TERESA H., Public Library, Milwaukee, Wis. *WETMORE, GOVERNOR GEORGE PEABODY, Newport, R. I. WHEELER, PROF. ARTHUR M., Yale University, New Haven, Conn. WHEELER, MAJOR GEORGE M., U. S. A., 930 i6th Street, Washington, D. C. *WHITE, HON. ANDREW D., LL. D., L. H. D., U. S. Minister to St. Petersburg, Ithaca, N. Y. *WHITE, JULIAN LE ROY, ESQ., 18 Mt. Vernon Place, West, Baltimore, Md. WHITE, HON. PETER, Marquette, L. S., Michigan. WHITEHEAD, JOHN M., ESQ., Hillsboro, Montgomery Co., 111. WHITNEY, EDSON L., Ph. D., Acting President Benzonia Col lege, Benzonia, Mich. WHITNEY, ELI, ESQ., New Haven, Conn. WHITSITT, REV. WM. H., D. D., LL. D., Southern Baptist Theo logical Seminary, Louisville, Ky. WILGUS, JAMES ALVA, M. A., State Normal School, Platteville, Wis. WILLIAMS, ALFRED M., ESQ., 41 Whitmarsh Street, Providence, R. I. WILLIAMS, CHAS. R., A. M., Indianapolis, Ind. WILLIAMS, PROF. DAVID, 63^ Hampshire Street, Quincy, 111. WILLIAMS, FREDERICK WELLS, ESQ., 135 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, Conn. WILLIAMS, ROBERT S., ESQ., Utica, N. Y. WILLIAMS, TALCOTT, ESQ., 331 S. i6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. WILLIAMSON, HON. JOSEPH, Belfast, Me. WILLING, HENRY J., ESQ., Care of E. P. Sperry, 115 Monroe Street, Chicago, 111. WILLIS, PROF. HENRY, 4036 Baring Street, Philadelphia, Pa. WILLOUGHBY, W. W., Ph. D., 2826 Fourteenth Street, Washing ton, D. C. 34 LIST OF MEMBERS WILSON, GEN. JAMES GRANT, D. C. L., President New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 15 East 74th Street, New York City. WILSON, PROF. WOODROW, Princeton, N. J. WINSHIP, GEORGE PARKER, ESQ., 357 Benefit Street, Provi dence, R. I. *WINSLOW, REV. WILLIAM C, Ph.D., LL. D., L. H. D., D. C. L., D. D., Sc. D., Vice-President and Honorary Secretary of Egypt Exploration Fund, 525 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. WINSOR, JUSTIN, LL. D, Librarian Harvard University, Cam bridge, Mass. WINSTON, AMBROSE P., 6051 Madison Avenue, Chicago, 111. *WINTHROP, ROBERT C, JR., ESQ., 10 Walnut Street, Boston, Mass. WITHERBEE, FRANK S., ESQ., Port Henry, N. Y. WOODBURN, PROF. J. A., Ph. D., University of Indiana, Bloom- ington, Ind. WOODRUFF, MRS. M. C., 67 South Street, Auburn, N. Y. WOOLLEN, MRS. MARY A. E., 828 North Penn Street, Indiana polis, Ind. WRIGHT, COL. CARROLL D., Department of Labor, Washing ton, D. C. WRIGHT, GENERAL MARCUS J., War Records Office, War De partment, Washington, D. C. *YAGER, PROF. ARTHUR, Georgetown, Ky. YOUNG, REV. EDWARD J., D. D., Waltham, Mass. YOUNG, PROF. F. G., 734 Hoyt Street, Portland, Oregon. (Total, 629, including 102 Life Members.) DECEASED MEMBERS. AKINS, THOMAS B., D. C. L., Barrister at Law and Commissioner of Public Records of Nova Scotia, Halifax, N. S. Died May 6, 1891. ALDEN, MISS MARIA WEED, 12 W. I2th Street, New York City. Died January 26, 1896. ALDRICH, HON. P. EMORY, LL. D., Worcester, Mass. Died March 14, 1895. ALLAN, COLONEL WILLIAM, McDonogh P. O., Baltimore Co., Md. Died September n, 1889. ALLEN, PROF. W. R, Madison, Wis. Died December 9, 1889. ANDREWS, PROF. ISRAEL WARD, D. D., Marietta College, Marietta, O. Died April 18, 1888. ARCHIBALD, THE HON. SIR ADAMS G., K. C. M. G., D. C. L., President of Historical Society of Nova Scotia, Halifax, N. S. Died December 15, 1892. ATKINSON, PROF. WM. P., Massachusetts Institute of Techno logy, Boston, Mass. Died March, 10, 1890. BABSON, HON. JOHN J., Gloucester, Mass. Died April 13, 1886. BAIRD, REV. CHAS. W., D. D., Rye, N. Y. Died Feb. 10, 1887. *BALDWIN, HON. C. C., LL. D., President of Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, O. Died February 2, 1895. *BANCROFT, HON. GEORGE, LL. D., Washington, D. C. Died January 17, 1891. BAXTER, HON. WITTER J., Jonesville, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Died February 6, 1888. BEARDSLEY, REV. E. E., D. D., LL. D., New Haven, Conn. Died December 21, 1891. BELL, HON. CHARLES H., LL. D., Exeter, N. H. Died Novem ber n, 1893. 36 DECEASED MEMBERS BENNETT, PROF. CHAS. W., Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, 111. Died April 17, 1891. BERNHEIM, ABRAM C, ESQ., West 3d and Mercer Streets, New York City. Died July 24, 1895. BOWMAN, COL. J. B., Metropolitan Hotel, Little Rock, Ark. Died September 22, 1891. BRADLEY, WM. H., ESQ., 335 La Salle Avenue, Chicago, 111. Died March i, 1892. BREVOORT, J. CARSON, LL. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. Died Decem ber 7, 1887. *BRONSON, HENRY, M. D., Chapel Street, New Haven, Conn. Died November 26, 1893. BROOKS, RT. REV. PHILLIPS, D. D., 233 Clarendon Street, Bos ton, Mass. Died January 23, 1893. BROWN, COLONEL JOHN MASON, No. 2 Court Place, Louis ville, Ky. Died January 29, 1890. CALDWELL, S. L., LL. D., Ex-President Vassar College, Provi dence, R. I. Died September 26, 1889. CAMPBELL, DOUGLAS, ESQ., 10 Church Street, Schenectady, N. Y. Died March 7, 1893. CARTER, HON. CALVIN H., Waterbury, Conn. Died September 19, 1887. CHILDS, GEO. W., ESQ., Public Ledger, Philadelphia, Pa. Died February 3, 1894. *COXE, BRINTON, President of Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1300 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Died September 15, 1892. *CULLUM, MAJOR-GENERAL GEO W., U. S. Army, 261 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Died February 28, 1892. CURTIS, GEORGE WILLIAM, LL. D., L. H. D., W Street, New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y. Died August 31, 1892. DEANE, CHARLES, LL. D., Vice-President Massachusetts His torical Society, Cambridge, Mass. Died November 13, 1889. *DE WITT, JOHN E., ESQ., Portland, Me. Died August 31, 1893. *DEXTER, REV. HENRY MARTYN, D. D., LL. D., The Congre- gationalist, Boston, Mass. Died November 13, 1890. AMERICAN HISTORICAL. ASSOCIATION. 37 ENGLISH, HON. WM. HAYDEN, President Indiana Historical Society, Indianapolis, Ind. Died February 7, 1896. *FIELD, JOHN W., ESQ., 1400 New Hampshire Avenue, Washing ton, D. C. Died March 17, 1887. *FISH, HON. HAMILTON, Stuyvesant Square, N. W. cor. I7th Street, New York City. Died September 7, 1893. FOOTE, REV. HENRY W., 25 Brimmer Street, Boston, Mass. Died May 29, 1889. FORD, GORDON L., ESQ., 97 Clark Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Died November 14, 1891. GAMMEL, PROF. WM., LL. D., Brown University, Providence, R. I. Died April 3, 1889. GATES, BEMAN, ESQ., Marietta, O. Died December 17, 1894. GAY, SIDNEY HOWARD, ESQ., West New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y. Died June 25, 1888. GREEN, MISS HARRIET E., Boston Athenaeum, Boston, Mass. Died June 26, 1893. *GURNEY, PROF. E. W., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Died September 12, 1886. HAYES, HON. RUTHERFORD B., Fremont, O. Died January 17, 1893. *HEMENWAY, MRS. MARY, 40 Mt. Vernon Street, Boston, Mass. Died March 6, 1894. HILL, HAMILTON ANDREWS, LL. D., The Cluney, Copley Square, Boston, Mass. Died April 27, 1895. *HOCKLEY, THOMAS, ESQ., 235 South 2ist Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Died March 12, 1892. HOMES, HENRY A., LL. D., Librarian State Library, Albany, N. Y. Died November 3, 1887. *HORSFORD, PROF. E. N., 27 Craigie Street, Cambridge, Mass. Died January I, 1893. *JAY, HON. JOHN, LL. D., 5 Washington Place, New York City. Died May 5, 1894. ^8 DECEASED MEMBERS JENKINS, THORNTON ALEXANDER, Rear-Admiral, U. S. N., 2115 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. C. Died August 9, 1893. JOHNSTON, PROF. ALEXANDER, Princeton, N. J. Died July 20, 1889. JONES, HON. CHAS. C., JR., Augusta, Ga. Died July 19, 1893. KELLING, HENRY, ESQ., Walla Walla, Washington. Died July 8, 1895. KING, HON. RUFUS, Cincinnati, O. Died March 25, 1891. KIRKLAND, JOSEPH, ESQ., 161 Rush Street, Chicago, 111. Died April 29, 1894. KNOX, HON. JOHN J., President National Bank of the Republic, New York City. Died February 9, 1892. *LAMB, MRS. MARTHA J., Editor of the Magazine of American History, 743 Broadway, New York City. Died January 2, 1893 *LAMBERT, REV. T. R., D. D., Hotel Oxford, Boston, Mass. Died February 4, 1892. LAMBORN, ROBERT H., Ph. D., 32 Nassau Street, New York City. Died January 14, 1895. LATIMER, REV. JAMES F., Ph. D., D. D., Hampden-Sidney, Va. Died February 29, 1892. LATROBE, HON. JOHN H. B., Baltimore, Md. Died September n, 1891. LAWRENCE, ABBOTT, ESQ., 5 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. Died July 6, 1893. LAWTON, HON. GEORGE W., Lawton, Mich. Died December 15, 1884. LINCOLN, PROF. JOHN L., LL. D., Providence, R. I. Died October 17, 1891. LOGAN, HON. JOHN A., U. S. Senate, Washington, D. C. Died December 26, 1886. LORING, HON. GEORGE B., Washington, D. C. Died Septem ber 14, 1891. LOWELL, EDWARD J., ESQ., 709 Exchange Building, Boston, Mass. Died May n, 1894. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 39 McNAUGHTON, HON. DONALD, The Capitol, Albany, N. Y. Died July 30, 1893. MASON, DR. J. E., 2100 H Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Died March 4, 1892. MOOS, BERNHARD, ESQ., 1812 Oakdale Avenue, Chicago, 111. Died June n, 1895. MUSSEY, GEN. R. D., 2139 K Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Died May 29, 1892. NEILL, REV. EDW. D., D. D., 515 Portland Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. Died September 26, 1893. NEWELL, JOHN, ESQ., Detroit, Mich. Died November, 1885. ORCUTT, REV. SAMUEL, Bridgeport, Conn. Died January 14, 1893. PARKMAN, FRANCIS, LL. D., Vice-President Massachusetts His torical Society, Boston, Mass. Died November 8, 1893. PARSONS, CHARLES W., M. D., Providence, R. I. Died Sep tember 2, 1893. *PERKINS, AUGUSTUS T., ESQ., Boston, Mass. Died April 21, 1891. PHELAN, HON. JAMES, 56 Court Street, Memphis, Tenn. Died January 30, 1891. POOLE, WM. R, LL. D., Librarian Newberry Library, Chicago, 111. Died March I, 1894. POORE, BEN. PERLEY. Died May 10, 1887. POPPLETON, HON. O., President Oakland County Pioneer and Historical Society, Birmingham, Mich. Died March 18, 1892. POSTLETHWAITE, PROF. W. M., D. D., U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y. Died January 10, 1896. *PREBLE, REAR-ADMIRAL G. H., Cottage Farms, Mass. Died March i, 1885. RANKE, PROF. LEOPOLD VON, Berlin, Prussia. Died May 23, 1886. REEVES, ARTHUR M., ESQ., Richmond, Ind. Died February 25, 1891. 40 DECEASED MEMBERS REYNOLDS, SHELDON, President Wyoming Historical and Geo logical Society, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Died February 8, 1895. RICE, HON. ALEXANDER H., 91 Federal Street, Boston, Mass. Died July 22, 1895. *RIVES, WM. C, ESQ., Newport, R. I. Died April 7, 1889. ROBERTSON, RT. REV. C F., D. D., LL. D., Bishop of Missouri, St. Louis, Mo. Died May i, 1886. SALTONSTALL, HON. LEVERETT, 953 Exchange Building, Boston, Mass. Died April 15, 1895. SAUNDERS, HON. W. S., Secretary of State, Raleigh, N. C. Died April 2, 1891. *SCHAFF, REV. PHILIP, D. D., LL. D., 15 East 43d Street, New York City. Died October 20, 1893. SCHUYLER, HON. EUGENE. Died at Venice, Italy, July 16, 1890. SCHUYLER, HON. GEO. W., Ithaca, N. Y. Died February i, 1888. SESSIONS, F. C, ESQ., President State Historical Society, Colum bus, O. Died March 26, 1892. SHEAFER, P. W., ESQ., Pottsville, Pa. Died March 26, 1891. *SKINNER, HON. MARK, 100 Rush Street, Chicago, 111. Died September 16, 1887. SMITH, PROF. EDWARD P., 34 Boynton Street, Worcester, Mass. Died May 2, 1892. SNOW, DR. FREEMAN, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Died September 12, 1894. STOCKBRIDGE, HENRY, ESQ., n N. Calhoun Street, Baltimore, Md. Died March n, 1895. THOMAS, DR. J., 1312 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Died De cember, 1891. TORREY, PROF. HENRY W., LL. D., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Died December 14, 1893. TOWNSEND, GEN. E. D, 2011 I Street, Washington, D. C. Died May 10, 1893. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 4 ! TUTTLE, PROF. HERBERT, L. H. D., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Died June 22, 1894. WAITE, MORRISON R., LL. D.,' Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Washington, D. C. Died March 23, 1888. WARREN, WM. WILKINS, 14 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. Died January 23, 1890. *WELLING, JAMES C., LL. D., President Columbian University, Washington, D. C. Died September 4, 1894. WHEELER, PROF. N. M., University of South California, Los Angeles, Cal. Died December 5, 1886. WHEILDON, WM. W., ESQ., Concord, Mass. Died Jan. 7, 1892. WHITTLESEY, COL. CHARLES, President Western Reserve and Northern Ohio Historical Society, Cleveland, O. Died October 18, 1886. *WINTHROP, HON. ROBERT C, LL. D., 90 Marlborough Street, Boston, Mass. Died November 16, 1894. WOOD, MRS. R. A., 118 W. Main Street, Norwalk, O. Died May 3, 1895. WRIGHT, EBENEZER K., ESQ., 172 W. 58th Street, New York City. Died August 4, 1895. (114 Deceased Members.) Historical Societies in the United States/ ALABAMA Alabama Historical Society, Tuscaloosa. ALASKA Alaska Historical Society, Sitka. ARIZONA Arizona Historical Society, Prescott. ARKANSAS Historical Society of the State of Arkansas, Little Rock. CALIFORNIA California Historical Society, San Francisco. Historical Society of Southern California, Los Angeles. Pioneer Association of the Counties of Marin, Napa, Lake, and Mendocino, Petaluna. Society of California Pioneers, San Francisco. COLORADO State Historical and Natural History Society, Denver. * This list was prepared and arranged by Mr. A. P. C. Griffin, Boston Athenaeum. Additional information will be welcomed by him or by the Secretary of the Association. The names of some defunct societies are doubtless included for historical reasons. The dates of all such societies will be welcomed. They are printed when known, e. g. , American Historical Society, Washington, 1835-1840, which published papers of some value. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 43 CONNECTICUT Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford. Fairfield County Historical Society, Bridgeport. Litchfield County Historical and Antiquarian Society, Hartford (flourished 1856). Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury. New Haven Colony Historical Society, New Haven. New London County Historical Society, New London. Saugatuck Historical Society, Westport. Tolland County Historical Society, Tolland (flourished 1861). DELAWARE Historical Society of Delaware, Wilmington. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA American Historical Association, Washington. American Historical Society, Washington (flourished 1835 to 1840). American Jewish Historical Society, Washington. Columbia Historical Society, Washington. Columbian Historical Society, Washington (flourished 1833). National Geographic Society, Washington. Philosophical and Historical Society, Washington. Society of the Oldest Inhabitants of the District of Columbia, Washington. FLORIDA Historical Society of Florida, St. Augustine. South Florida Historical Society, Orlando. GEORGIA Georgia Historical Society, Savannah. Macon Public Library and Historical Association, Macon. ILLINOIS Antiquarian and Historical Society of Illinois (flourished 1828). Chicago Historical Society, Chicago. Illinois State Historical Society, Springfield. 44 SOCIETIES IN THE UNITED STATES. ILLINOIS (Continued) Franklin Society, Chicago. Historical Society of Joliet, Joliet (flourished 1873). McLean County Historical Society, Bloomington. Pioneer Association of Will County, Joliet (flourished 1886). INDIANA Borden Institute Historical Society, New Providence. Historical Society of the County of Vigo, Terre Haute (flour ished 1844). Indiana Historical Society, Indianapolis. Madison County Historical Society, Anderson. Old Settlers' Association of Lake County, Crown Point. Vincennes Historical and Antiquarian Society, Vincennes (flourished 1839). IOWA Hawkeye Pioneer Association of Des Moines County. Louisa County Pioneer Settlers' Association, Iowa City (flour ished 1861). Masonic Historical Society, Cedar Rapids. Muscatine Academy of Science and History, Muscatine. Old Settlers' Society of Muscatine County, Muscatine. State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa City. KANSAS Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka. Labette County Historical Society, Oswego. Marshall County Pioneer Association, Marysville. Old Settlers' Association of Clay, Riley, and Washington Coun ties, Clay Centre. KENTUCKY Boyle County Historical and Scientific Society, Maysville. Filson Club, Louisville. Historical and Scientific Society of Mason County. Kentucky Historical Society, Frankfort. Louisville Southern Historical Society, Louisville. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 45 LOUISIANA Louisiana Historical Society, New Orleans. MAINE Bangor Historical Society, Bangor. Gorges Society, Portland. Kennebec Natural History and Antiquarian Society, Bangor. Maine Genealogical and Biographical Society, Augusta (flour ished 1875-78). Maine Genealogical Society, Portland. Maine Historical Society, Portland. Pejepscot Historical Society, Brunswick. Sagadahoc Historical Society, Bath. York Institute, Saco. MARYLAND Anne Arundel Historical Society, Annapolis. Frederick County Historical Society, Frederick. Harford County Historical Society, Bel Air. Johns Hopkins University Historical Seminary, Baltimore. Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore. Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland, Baltimore. MASSACHUSETTS American Antiquarian Society, Worcester. American Congregational Association, Boston. American Statistical Association, Boston. Archaeological Institute of America, Boston Branch, Boston. Backus Historical Society, Newton Centre. Bedford Historical Society, Bedford. Berkshire Historical and Scientific Society, Pittsfield. Beverly Historical Society, Beverly. Boston Antiquarian Club, Boston. Boston Memorial Association, Boston. Boston Numismatic Society, Boston. Bostonian Society, Boston. Brookline Historical Publication Society, Brookline. 46 SOCIETIES IN THE UNITED STATES. MASSACHUSETTS (Continued) Canton Historical Society, Canton. Cape Ann Historical Society, Gloucester. Cape Cod Historical Society, Yarmouth. Clinton Historical Society, Clinton. Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Boston. Concord Antiquarian Society, Concord. Connecticut Valley Historical Society, Springfield. Danvers Historical Society, Danvers. Dedham Historical Society, Dedham. Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society, Dorchester. Dorchester Historical Society, Dorchester. Essex Institute, Salem. Fitchburg Historical Society, Fitchburg. Framingham Historical and Natural History Society, Framing- ham. Groton Historical Society, Groton. Harvard Historical Society, Cambridge (defunct). Historical and Antiquarian Society of Old Newbury, Newbury- port. Historical, Natural History, and Library Society of South Natick, South Natick. Historical Society of Watertown, Watertown. Hyde Park Historical Society, Hyde Park. Ipswich Historical Society, Ipswich. Lexington Historical Society, Lexington. Maiden Historical Society, Maiden. Manchester Historical Society, Manchester. Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston. Medfield Historical Society, Medfield. Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, Boston. Nantucket Historical Society, Nantucket. New-England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston. New England Methodist Historical Society, Boston. New England Numismatic and Archaeological Society, Boston. North Brookfield Historical Society, North Brookfield. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 47 MASSACHUSETTS (Continued) Old Colony Historical Society, Taunton. Old Folks Association of Charlemont, Charlemont. Old Residents' Historical Association of Lowell, Lowell. Old South Historical Society, Boston. Pilgrim Society, Plymouth. Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, Deerfield. Prince Society, Boston. Quincy Historical Society, Quincy. Rehoboth Antiquarian Society, Rehoboth. Roxbury Military Historical Society, Roxbury. Rumford Historical Association, Woburn. Universalist Historical Society, Tufts College. Wakefield Historical Society, Wakefield. Westborough Historical Society, Westborough. Weymouth Historical Society, Weymouth. Winchester Historical and Genealogical Society, Winchester. Worcester Society of Antiquity, Worcester. MICHIGAN Cass County Pioneer Association, Detroit. Old Residents' Association of the Grand River Valley, Grand Rapids. Historical Society of Michigan, Detroit, (flourished 1828). Houghton County Historical Society and Mining Institute, Houghton. Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society, Lansing. Muskegon County Pioneer Historical Society, Muskegon. Oakland County Pioneer and Historical Society, Birmingham. Pioneer Society, Detroit. Wayne County Historical and Pioneer Society, Detroit. MINNESOTA Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul. Old Settlers' Association of Hennepin County, St. Paul. Ramsey County Pioneer Association, St. Paul. 48 SOCIETIES IN THE UNITED STATES. MISSISSIPPI- Historical Society, University of Mississippi, Lafayette County. Mississippi Historical Society, Jackson. MISSOURI Franklin Society of St. Louis, St. Louis. Missouri Historical and Philosophical Society, St. Louis (flour ished 1848-53). Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis. St. Louis Historical Society, St. Louis. MONTANA Historical Society of Montana, Helena. NEBRASKA Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln. Nebraska University Historical Association, Lincoln. NEW HAMPSHIRE Dover Historical Society, Dover. Nashua Historical Society, Nashua. New Hampshire Antiquarian Society, Contocook. New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord. NEW JERSEY Burlington County Lyceum of History, Burlington. Hunterdon County Historical Society, Flemington. New Brunswick Historical Club, New Brunswick. New England Society of Orange, Orange. New Jersey Historical Society, Newark. Passaic County Historical Society, Paterson. Salem County Historical Society, Salem. Somerset County Historical Society, Somerville. Surveyors' Association of West New Jersey, Salem. Vineland Historical Society, Vineland. NEW MEXICO Historical Society of New Mexico, Santa Fe. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 49 NEW YORK Albany Historical Society, Albany (flourished 1832, 33). Albany Institute, Albany. American Ethnological Society, New York City. American Geographical Society, New York City. American Numismatic and Archaeological Society, New York City. M*Mri American Philological Society, New York City. American Society of Church History, New York City. Bradford Club, New York City (flourished 1859-66). Buffalo Historical Society, Buffalo. Cayuga County Historical Society, Auburn. Chautauqua Society of History and Natural Science, Jamestown. Farman Club, Brooklyn (flourished 1865). Genesee County Pioneer Association, Batavia. Herkimer County Historical Society, Herkimer. Historical and Philosophical Society of New York, Schoharie (flourished 1823). Historical Association of St. John's College, Fordham. Historical Club of the American [Protestant Episcopal] Church, New York City. Historical Society of Newburgh Bay and the Highlands, New- burgh. Holland Club, New York City (flourished 1859). Holland Society of New York, New York City. Huguenot Society of America, New York City. Jefferson County Historical Society, Watertown. Johnstown Historical Society, Johnstown, N. Y. Junior Pioneetf Association of the City of Rochester and Monroe County, Rochester (flourished 1860). Kings County Genealogical Club, Brooklyn. Livingston County Historical Society, Daveville. Long Island Historical Society, Brooklyn. Minisink Valley Historical Society, Port Jervis. Mohawk Valley Historical Society, Canajoharie. Monument Association of the Capture of Andre, Tarrytown. New Confederacy of the Iroquois, Rochester (flourished 1844-46). 50 SOCIETIES IN THE UNITED STATES. NEW YORK (Continued) New England Society of the City of New York, New York City. New England Society in the City of Brooklyn, Brooklyn. New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, New York City. New York Historical Society, New York City. ; New York Literary and Philosophical Society, New York City (flourished 1815). Northern New York Historical Society, Plattsburgh. Old Dominion Society of the City of New York, New York City (flourished 1860). Old Settlers' Association, Oswego County. Oneida Historical Society, Utica. Onondaga Historical Society, Syracuse. Pioneers' Association of Central New York, Syracuse. Protestant Episcopal Historical Society, New York City (flour ished 1850-53). Rochester Historical Society, Rochester. Rockland County Historical and Forestry Society, Nyack. Saint Nicholas Society of New York City (flourished 1849). Schoharie County Historical Society, Schoharie. Society of Old Brooklynites, Brooklyn. Suffolk County Historical Society, Riverhead, L. I. Tarrytown Historical Society, Tarrytown. Troy Conference Historical Society, Troy. Ulster County Historical Society, Kingston (flourished 1860). United States Catholic Historical Society, New York City. Waterloo Library and Historical Society, Waterloo. Westchester County Historical Society, White Plains. Yates County Historical Society, Penn Yan (flourished 1860). Yonkers Historical and Library Association, Yonkers. NORTH CAROLINA Historical Society, Chapel Hill. Historical Society of Trinity College, North Carolina. Historical Society of the University of North Carolina, Raleigh. Mecklenburg Centennial and Monumental Association, Mecklen burg. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 51 NORTH CAROLINA (Continued) Mecklenburg Historical Society, Mecklenburg. North Carolina Historical Society, Greensboro. Southern Historical Society, North Carolina Branch, Raleigh. OHIO Ashtabula County Pioneer Association, Jefferson. Battle of Lake Erie Monument Association, Sandusky (flour ished 1858). Cincinnati Historical Society, Cincinnati (flourished 1845). Cincinnati Pioneer Association, Cincinnati (flourished 1873-75). Deutscher Pionier-Verein, Cincinnati. Early Settlers' Association of Cuyahoga County, Cleveland. Firelands Historical Society, Norwalk. Franklin County Pioneer Association, Columbus. Geauga County Historical Society, Chardon. Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Cincinnati. Licking County Pioneer Historical and Archaeological Society, Newark. Logan Historical Society, Cincinnati (flourished 1841-43). Lorain County Historical Society, Elyria. Mad River Valley Pioneer and Historical Association, Spring field (flourished 1870). Mahoning Valley Historical Society, Youngstown. Mahoning Valley Pioneer Society, Cleveland. Maumee Valley Historical and Monumental Association, Toledo. Maumee Valley Monumental Association. New Century Historical Society, Marietta. New England Society of Cincinnati, Cincinnati (flourished 1847). Ohio Church History Society, Oberlin. Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, Columbus. Otterbein University Historical Society, Waterville. Pioneer and Historical Society of Muskingum County, Zanes- ville. Pioneer and Historical Society of Pickaway County, Circleville. Pioneer Association of Athens County, Athens. Pioneer Association of Montgomery County, Dayton (flourished 1874). 52 SOCIETIES IN THE UNITED STATES. OHIO (Continued) Pioneer Society, Madisonville. Pioneer Society, Marietta. Richland County Historical and Pioneer Society, Mansfield. Sandusky County Pioneer and Historical Society, Fremont. Seneca County Pioneer and Historical Society, Tiffin. Society of Ex-Army and Naval Officers, Cincinnati. Toledo Historical and Geographical Society, Toledo. Washington County Pioneer Association, Marietta. Western Methodist Historical Society, Cincinnati (flourished 1839). Western Ohio Pioneer Association, New Carlisle. Western Ohio Pioneer Association, Springfield (?) (flourished 1872-77). Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland. Whitewater and Miami Valley Pioneer Association. Cincinnati (flourished 1867). Williams, Defiance, and Paulding Counties Old Settlers' Asso ciation (flourished 1878). OREGON Oregon Pioneer Association, Butteville. Pioneer and Historical Society of Oregon, Astoria. PENNSYLVANIA American Baptist Historical Society, Philadelphia. American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, Phila delphia. American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. Bradford County Historical Society, Towanda. Bucks County Historical Society, Doylestown. Crawford County Historical Society, Meadville. Dauphin County Historical Society, Harrisburg. Franklin Club, Philadelphia (flourished 1857). Friends' Historical Association of Philadelphia, Philadelphia. Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Hamilton Library and Historical Association, Carlisle. Historical Society of Berks County, Reading. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 53 PENNSYLVANIA (Continued) Historical Society of Bradford County, Athens. Historical Society of Franklin County, Chambersburg. Historical Society of Montgomery County, Norristown. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Historical Society of the American Lutheran Church, Gettys burg. Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburg. Lackawanna Institute of History and Science, Scranton. Linnsean Scientific and Historical Society, Lancaster. Lutheran Historical Society, Harrisburg. Lutheran Historical Society, Gettysburg. Moravian Historical Society, Nazareth. Newport Historical Society, Newport. Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia, Phila delphia. Ohio Valley Catholic Historical Society, Pittsburg. Pennsylvania-German Society, Lancaster. Pionier-Verein of Philadelphia, Philadelphia. Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia. Religious Historical Society, Philadelphia (flourished 1817). Society for the Commemoration of the Landing of William Penn, Philadelphia (flourished 1824-36). University Archaeological Association, University of Pennsyl vania, Philadelphia. Washington County Historical Society, Washington. Wyoming Commemorative Association, Wilkes-Barre. Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkes-Barre. RHODE ISLAND Barrington Historical and Antiquarian Society, Barrington. Historical and Economic Science Association, Brown Univer sity, Providence. Narragansett Club, Providence (flourished 1866-74). Newport Historical Society, Newport. Rhode Islad Historical Society, Providence. Rhode Island Soldiers' and Sailors' Historical Society, Provi dence. 54 SOCIETIES IN THE UNITED STATES. RHODE ISLAND (Continued) Rhode Island Veteran Citizens' Historical Association, Provi dence. SOUTH CAROLINA Huguenot Society of South Carolina, Charleston. New England Society of Charleston, Charleston (flourished 1820-30). South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston. TENNESSEE Confederate Relief and Historical Association, Memphis. East Tennessee Historical and Antiquarian Society, Knoxville (flourished 1834). Historical Society of Tennessee, Nashville (flourished 1858, 59). Tennessee Historical Society, Nashville. TEXAS Historical Society of Galveston, Galveston. State Historical Society, Austin. VERMONT Bennington Historical Society, Bennington. Middlebury Historical Society, Middlebury. Orleans County Natural and Civil History Society, West Charleston (flourished 1854-60). Rutland County Historical Society, Rutland. Vermont Historical Society, Montpelier. Vermont Numismatic Society, Montpelier (flourished 1877). VIRGINIA Hampden-Sidney College Historical Society, Prince Edward Co. Historical and Geographical Society of Richmond College, Richmond. Historical Society Eastern Virginia, Eastville. Historical Society of Roanoke College, Salem. Jeffersonville Historical Society, Jeffersonville (flourished 1852). AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 55 VIRGINIA (Continued) Petersburg Historical Society, Petersburg. Richmond Literary and Historical Association, Richmond. Southern Historical Society, Richmond. Virginia Baptist Historical Society, Richmond. Virginia Historical Society, Richmond. WASHINGTON Thurston County Historical Society, Olympia. Washington State Historical Society, Tacoma. Whitman Historical Society, Walla Walla. WEST VIRGINIA West Virginia Historical and Antiquarian Society, Charleston. West Virginia Historical Society, Morgantown. WISCONSIN Archaeological Institute of America, Wisconsin Society, Madi son. Milwaukee Pioneer Society, Milwaukee. Old Settlers' Association of Sauk County. Old Settlers' Club of Milwaukee, Milwaukee. Old Settlers' Society, Racine County, Racine. Old Settlers' Society of Lafayette County. State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison. (Total 358, including 48 defunct.)