D 8 2 9 c: o o J3 3 9 5 3> 33 > p 3 "^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY X TREASURY DEPARTMENT UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE ^'■5/ lyi[h')^^i K Rtbunjar the monlh of^ -.19 I tU^mixM I L «t«W«. J (Eater lautM and adJ Um Jortioini saora rdanL SttmJ — .. . . ; — poKOTDETAcu WAR TAX ON ADMISSIONS ANd DUES (TlUo Vn, eectlQua 700 and 701, Act Oct 3, W17 ) NOTICE Bfatdbof^flf AeAcf pcyible oo tbe snbmBBtoa td cim retani do( laler ^an the lut dsy p4 the moDlli followiog the ojofuh (or which tha return b made Whoerei iaib Ic colloct or truly to acoxiat for u»4 pay over »Aid l^x AiW be Bibjtct to a pca<f of Qor more thv $' .000 or lo iinpnsoamuit lor cot moie tbui ooe yui. ot both, ud in Addititxi thereto to a penait; of double the tax doi collected o: accouotcd lot and p^ki ova, aad cucb peaalr/ of douhk ihc tai roust he Atidta to iKe uaofmi of the Uz vbeo paid. DANIEL C ROPER. (— Commlisiona of Internal Ratnoc [[] Anwunl of tax paij {enter amount in icorJs) OO NOT DETACH MONTH AND AMOUNT OP TAX to btt DSitd la by tsJon of persons twelve years of age or over to any 1 cent for each 10 cents or otbef place (including admii^sion by p^-afijo ticket or subecriptiou ). fraction thereof. (rf) Free admissions. — In the case of perwna (ewcpt bona-fide employees, municipal officere 1 cent for each 10 cents or' on offic ial business, and children uiider twelve ^ears of ace) admitted free to any place at a fraction thereof. lime when and under circumstancee under wmch an admission charge is made to other persong of the same class, the tax is imposed on the price so charged to other pereons for the same or similar accommodations. ((•) Children under twelve.— Admission of children under twelve years of age if an axlmiasion 1 cent on each admission. charge for such children is made. (/) Season tickets, etc.— In the case of persons having permanent use of boxes or seats in an opera house or any pisce of amuetmeat or a lea.'rs of the association conducting the same, (c) Amounts paid as dues or fees to a fraternal beneficiary society, order, or association operating imder the lodge sj^stcm or for the e.'^clusive benefil of the members of the fraternity itself operating under the lodge system, and providing fol- the payment of life, sick, accident, or otherbenefita to the members of such sodetj', order, or assodatiOD, or their depebdents.. 3. When tax lakes effect.— On November 1, 1917. 4. Who Is required to make returns and collect and pay over the tax. — Hh'ery person, corporation, psutnerehip, or associa- tion, receiving any payments forsuchaclruiEsions, dues, orfee.?, or admitting any person tree to any place for admission to which a charge, is made (except as pro\ ided iu paragraph 2) is required to collect the amount of the tax from the person making snch payment or from the person so admitted, and to make returns and pay over the full amount of the tax that ib required to be so collected. .■j. When must returns he made and tax paid over.— On or before the last day of December, 1917. and of each month there- after; a returu shall be made for the preccdir\g month and the tax required to be collected in that month shall be paid over. 6. To whom reliirns .shall be made and tax paid over. — To the Collector of Internal Revenue of the district in which » located tie principal office or place oI business of the person, corporation, partnership, or asacciatioa. The address of the Collectoi is stamped nn the face of the return 7. Computation of tax. — Note carefully with respect to all of thrae ta.'iea that the tax is imposed on each payment received and upon eoik free admission and Dol upon the total aruount of such admissions, and must be separately computed as to each payment or admission. The aggregate amoiml of tax upon all payments of admiasioiis within each class, computed aa above directed, should be entered in the return. In computing f ^ tax xipon each payment a fractional part of a rc-ntis tohedisre^rded.uuless it amounts to one-half cent or more, in which-Cftse it is to be incpdased to 1 -cent.- 8. Children under twelve years of age. — The tax upon adinisaious at the full rate uf 1 cent for each 10 cents or fraction thereo! must be collected in all cases, unless the ticket or other evidence of the right to admission is conspicuously stamped in such a manner as to indicate thai it is good only for the admission of a child under the age of twelve years, or unless the payment is made at the actual time of admission of a child under Iho age oi twelve years. 9. Cahar«ts.—TD the case of cabarets or other similar entertainments to which the charge for admission is wholly or in part included in the price paid for refreohmcnt, service, or merchandise, the amount faij for admission shall be (iecracd to be 20 per erf. of the amount paid for such refreshment, service, or merchandise, unless s;itisiacti>ry e^'idence is presented to the Tollivmr that a ilifferent percentage should be fixed. 10. Preparation of return. — Be careful to fill in every space which is applicable to your business, both in the original and dupbcate return aud in the receipt. Do not detach the duphcate or receipt. The receipt will be stamped and returned by tire Collector. 11. Penalties.— Whoever fails to submit a return within the time prescribed in pajaei8i>h 5 is subject to a penalty of stot mnre than $1,000 or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. For penalty lor failure to collect or to aceoimt for and pay over the tax, see " Notice'' on face of reoupt. DANIEL C. ROPER, Vommi33ic»ler of Inienal Rci^nue- AppROVEnr JAilES H. MOYLE, Acling Secretory of the Treasury. 18 *"" APPENDIX B. APPLICATION FOR REGISTRY. Form 752. U. S. Internal Revenue. Name of registrant , Address of registrant ... U. S. Registry No. Date of Registry . (Individual, corporation, partnership, or association.) (Street.) (City.) (State.) Natui'e of business Name, title, and address of each person intereeted in the business: (State.) Name of theater, hall, park, or place Location (Street.) (City.) Capacity Prices of admission Total receipts covering a period of 12 months prior to registration, 8. Number of performances for same period conducted by registrant . . by others State of , county of , city of , ss: I solemnly swear that the above statements are true and correct and that the cer- tificate of registry herein applied for ia to cover only the business and location above specified. Sworn to ana subscribed before me this day of , 19 Signed Title (If iadividual owner, so state.) (Title of offleer.) This return should be executed and forwarded to the collector of internal revenue before commencing business and before July 1 of each successive year. Received , 19 Collector. To Collector of Internal Revenue at 19 APPENDIX C. Form 753. U. S. Internal Revenue. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY. War tax on admissions. This certifies that , as a person receiving payments for admission to entertainments and required to collect the tax on such admissions, has registered with the undersigned collector of internal revenue with respect to his business located at , for the year ending June 30, 19 , as requu'ed by law and the regulations relating to the war tax on admissions and dues imposed by the act of October 3, 1917. Dated Collector of Internal Revenue, District. 20 APPENDIX D. Form 754. U. S. Internal Revenue, NOTIFICATION TO COLLECTOR BY LESSOR WHERE LESSEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COLLECTION OF TAX. Date ,19.... To Collector of Internal Revenue, Name (Lessee conducting amusement or entertainment.) (Address.)" (City.) District.) (State.) Name, title, and residence of each person interested in the business: (Name.) (Title.) (Residence.) on ^^^ll conduct at my theater, ( Date.) (Character of amusement or entertainment.) park, or hall,* and will be responsible for the collection and return of the tax. Name of lessor Title Address City State * Strike out words not applicable. 21 APPENDIX E. Form 755. U. S. Internal Revenue. AFFIDAVIT CLAIMING EXEMPTION FROM COLLECTION OF TAX ON ADMISSIONS. State of , county of , city of , ss: I, , do hereby swear that all the proceeds of admis- (Name of person making affidavit.) sions to the conducted on \rin inure (Character of amusement or entertainment. ) ( Date.) exclusively to the benefit of a religious, educational, or charitable {*) institution, society, or organization, exempt by law and regulation, such beneficiary being (Name.) (Address.) "(City.) (State.) This oath is taken by me with the full knowledge that, if false, I will be subject to the fines and penalties imposed by law. Name Title Address City State Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 19 (Official title.) * Strike out words not applicable. 22 INDEX TO REGULATIONS NO. 43. [References are to articles.] Article. Accident benefits, exemption of fraternal societies, etc., paying 22 Accommodations included in ' ' admissions " 18 Accounting for tax on excess over purchase price of admission ticket on resale 2, 3 "Admission, " definition 18 Advance payment of dues for calendar year 1917, computation of tax 19 Affidavit, exemption from collecting tax 16 Age of persons, admission tax dependent on 2, 7, 9 Agents, daily records of admissions 26 Sales of admission tickets tlu'ough 3 Agricultiual faii-s, definition 17 Taxability of admissions 17 Airdromes, admissions to 14 "All the proceeds, " definition 15 Amount of charge, taxability of admissions dependent on 14 Dues, tax dependent on 20 Amusement, taxability of admissions to places of 4 Application for registration of persons required to collect taxes on admissions . . 24 Assessments, amount of tax 20 Athletic clubs, what clubs constitute 21 Contests, school or college, admissions to 15 Attorneys for theaters, taxability 9 Audience, taxability of otherwise exempt persons occupying space in 9 Authority for making and promulgating regulations 31 Banquets, public, admissions to 12 Basetjall games, refund of tax on redemption of rain checks 25 Reporters and telegraphers, exempt admissions 9 Baths, Tm'kish, taxability of charges for use of 4 Bench shows, taxability of admissions 17 Beneficiary societies, fraternal, exemption of dues or fees 22 Benefit performances, taxability of admissions 15 Boating clubs, taxability of dues 21 Bona fide employees admitted free, taxability 9 Boxing clubs, taxability of dues 21 Box-office tickets, exchange of general admission tickets for 27 Brokers, admission tickets sold through 3 Records and returns 26 Registration of ticket brokers 24 Business, exemiation of person attending performance in line of 9 Organizations, taxability of duesT^ 21 Cabarets, computation of charge for admission 11 Coupon receipts 25 Definition 12 Entertainments included in word "cabaret" 12 Rate of tax- 10, 11 Retiu-n of admigsions, requirement 23 Cafes, admission to cabaret 10-12, 23 Cancellation of baseball game, refund of tax 25 Canoe clubs, taxability of dues 21 Carnivals, inclusion within "outdoor general amusement pai"ks " 14 Certificate by lessee of theater, etc., correctness of daily record of admissions. . 27 Registration, issuance to, and posting by, proprietor of place of entertain- ment 24 Chambers of commerce, taxajjility of dues 21 Charitable institutions, etc., admissions to entertainments for 15 Affidavit claiming exemption from collection of admission tax 16 Charity, admissions to entertainments given for 15 23 24 INDEX TO REGULATIONS NO. 43. Article. Children, admissions 2, 8, 9 Records and returns 26 Circus, filing of schedule of itinerary 24 Registration of proprietor or authorized officer 24 Clubs included in words "social, athletic or sporting " 21 Records as to dues and fees 29 Collection of tax on admissions, exemption affidavit 16 Person liable 6, 27 Collection of tax on dues, person liable 28 College entertainments, admissions to 15 Affida^dt claiming exemption from collection of admission tax 16 Collusion with seller of ticket, presumptive purchaser acting in 3 Commercial organizations, taxability of dues 21 Computation of charge for admission to cabarets 11 Tax on charges for admission and for use of seats or tables 18 Leased boxes and seats 13 Concessionaires selling refreshments, exempt admissions 9 Critics of performances, taxability of admissions 9 Custody of property necessary to performance, exemption of persons aiding in . . 9 Daily record of admissions 24, 26 Lease of theater 27 Daily record of dues and fees 29 Dancing, inclusion within "cabaret or other similar entertainment " 12 Schools, pavilions, etc., admissions to 4 Taxability of charges for, dependent on amount of charge 14 Date of admission as determining liability to tax 1, 5, 13 Payment of dues, taxability dependent on 19 Dealers in admission tickets, sales by 3 Declamation, inclusion within "cabaret or other similar entertainment" 12 Definitions: "Admission" 18 "Agricultural fairs " 17 "All the proceeds ■' 15 "Athletic club " 21 "Cabaret or other similar entertainment " 12 "Employees " 9 "Municipal officers '' 9 "Outdoor general amusement parks " 14 "Place " 4 "Social clubs" 21 "Sporting club " 21 Deposit of taxes collected in special account 26 Dining rooms, admissions to cabaret 10-12, 25 Doctors for theaters, taxability of admissions 9 Doorkeepers of amusement enterprises, violation of law 30 Educational institutions, etc., admissions to entertainments for 15 Affidavit claiming exemption from collection of admission tax 16 Employees admitted free, taxability 9 Amusement enterprises, violation of law 30 En bloc sale of admissions 2 Exchange of tickets for regular box-office tickets 27 Entertainment, taxability of admissions to places of 4 Evidence, agency or collusion in sale of admission tickets 3 Exchange of admission ticket for higher-priced ticket 2 Regular box-office ticket 27 Excursion boats providing opportunity for dancing, taxability of charges of 4 Exempt admissions 9 Entertainments 14, 15 Organizations, dues and fees 22 Exemption from collecting tax, affidavit 16 Extraordinary dues or assessment, amount of tax 20 Face value, admission tickets sold for use at less than 3 Fairs, agi'icultural, definition 17 Taxability ot admissions 17 Filing copies of oioiithly returns of collections of taxes on admissions 26 On dues and iees „ 29 INDEX TO REGULATIONS NO. 43. 25 Article. Firemen admitted free, taxaljility 9 Fishing clubs, taxability of dues'. 21 Foreign clubs, taxability of dues 21 Form, affidavit claiming exemption from collection of tax on admissions 16 Notice to collector of lease of theater, etc 27 Records and returns of admissions 26 Registry application 24 Fraternal beneficiary societies, etc., exemption of dues or fees 22 Fraternal orders, admissions to entertainments for 15 Free admissions, records 26 Return and payment of taxes 23 26 Taxation 8 9 General admission tickets, exchange for box-office tickets 27 Golf clubs, taxability of dues 21 Links, taxability of charges for use of 4 Government, entertainment enterprises conducted by or under direction of 15 Gross receipts, payment of tax on 6, 11 Hotels, admission to cabaret 10-12, 25 Hunting clubs, taxability of dues ' 21 Inconsistent rulings revoked 31 Independent brokers and dealers, sales of admission tickets by 3 Indoor exhibitions, inclusion in "agricultural fairs" 17 Initiation fees, amount of tax 20 Daily record of club members pa\dng 29 Itinerant shows, etc. , filing of schedule of itinerary 24 Inclusion within ' ' outdoor general amusement parks " 14 Registration of proprietor or authorized officer 24 Lady, taxability of admission on gentleman's ticket without extra charge 8 Leases of boxes and seats I3 Theaters, etc., collection of tax 27 Life benefits, exemption of fraternal societies, etc. , paying 22 Life membership fees paid prior to November 1, 1917, taxability 19 Time for paying tax 20 Live stock shows, taxability of admissions 17 Lodge system, exemption of fraternal beneficiary societies operating under 22 Mechanical shows, inclusion within * ' outdoor general amusement pai'ks " 14 Membership fees, liability for tax on, dependent on time of payment 19 Time when tax on, payable ^ 20 Monthly retui'ns and payment of collections of taxes on admissions 23, 24, 26 Dues and fees 28, 29 Motion-picture theaters, admissions to 14 Municipalities, entertainment enterpiises conducted by or under direction of. . 15 Officers admitted free, taxability 9 Music, orchestral, inclusion within '"cabaret or other similar entertainment " . . 12 Name of lessee of theater, etc., daily record of admissions 27 Newsboys selling papers to patrons of performance, exempt admissions 9 Newspaper reporters, critics, and newsboys, exempt admissions 9 Notice, persons liable for, and object of, admissions tax 6 Theater, notice to collector of lease of 27 War tax not charged, display of notice prohibited 6 Numbers, serial, on tickets of admission and cabaret checks 25 Officers, municipal, admitted free, taxability 9 Orchestral music, inclusion within * " cabaret or other similar entertainment " . . 12 "Outdoor general amusement parks," definition 14 Parks, definition of ' ' outdoor general amusement parlis " 14 Zoological, admissions to 15 Passes, baseball reporters, etc., exemption from tax 9 Payment of tax 8, 25 Payment, admission prior to November 1, 1917, effect 1 Dues, taxability dependent on time of 19 Tax on admissions, person liable 6, 11 Passes 8, 25 Pecuniary benefits, exemptioii of fraternal societies, etc., paying 22 Penalties, "violation of law and regulations 30 Physicians for theaters, taxability of admissions 9 Piers, admissions to outdoor amusement parks conducted on.^. 14 26 INDEX TO REGULATIONS NO. 43. Article. Placard that tax is not charged, displajdng prohibited 6 ' ' Place, ' ' definition 4 Policemen admitted free, taxability 9 Pool tables, taxability of charges for use of 4 Posting signs stating admission charged, tax due, and total thereof. 2, 6 Price paid for admission, tax on 3 Private dances given by a society, admissions to 12 Pri^•ilege of using equipment, taxability of admission charge as payment for... 4 Profit, necessity that performance be for, in order to tax admissions 12 Programs, notice in, as to persons liable for, and object of, adpissions tax 6 Public, necessity that performance be, in order to tax admissions 12 Officers admitted free, taxability 9 Rain checks, refund of tax on redemption of 25 Rate of tax on admissions 2, 7 Cabarets 10, 11 Dues 20 Record of admissions, daily 24, 26 Lease of theater 27 Performances claimed to be exempt 16 Record of dues and fees 29 Redemption of rain checks, refund of tax 25 Refreshments, cal)aret performances 10-12, 25 Concessionaiies selling, exempt admissions 9 Refund of tax on passes 8 Redemption of admission ticket before performance 6 Rain checks 25 Season admission tickets or subscriptions 5 Registration of persons required to collect taxes on admissions 24 Religious institutions, etc., admissions to entertainments for 15 Affidavit claiming exemption from collection of admission tax 16 Dues and fees of fraternal order having religious practices 22 Reporters, exempt admissions 9 Resale of admission tickets by brokers _. 3 Tickets sold en bloc, accounting for tax on excess over purchase price 2 Restaurants, admission to cabaret 10-12, 25 Return of admissions 23, 24 Dues or fees 28, 29 Revocation of rulings inconsistent with regulations 31 Riding devices j inclusion within ' ' outdoor general amusement parks " 14 Scalpers, sales of admission tickets through 3 Schedule of itinerary, filing by traveling shows, etc 24 School entertainments, admissiona to 15 Affidavit claiming exemption fi-om collection of admission tax 16 Season passes, payment of tax 8 Tickets of admission 5 Monthly return of taxes 25 Seats, use of, inclusion in "admission " 18 Serial numbers on tickets of admission and cabaret checks, requirement - 25 Sick benefits, exemption of fi-aternal societies, etc., paying 22 Sign stating admission charge, tax due, and total thereof, posting 2, 6 Tax not charged, displaying prohibited 6 Who liable for, and object of, tax on admissions 6 Signatm-es, daily records of admissions - 26 Singing, inclusion within "cabaret or other similar entertainment " 12 Social, fraternal orders in which practices are primarily 22 What clubs constitute ' ' social clubs " 21 Spectator, taxability of person when attending performance as 9 Sporting clubs, what clubs constitute •- 21 Stamp ' ' Tax paid " on passes 8, 25 Tickets of admission 25 State, entertainment enterprises conducted by or under direction of 15 Subscriptions 5 Swimming pools, taxability of charges for use of 4 Tables, use of, inclusion in admission 18 "Tax paid," stamp on passes 8, 25 Stamp on tickets of admission 25 INDEX TO EEGULATIOXS NO. 43. 27 Article. Telegraphers, baseball, exempt admissions 9 Temporary enclosui'ee, shows within, inclusion -w-ithin '"outdoor general amuse- ment parks " 14 Tennis clubs, taxability of dues 21 Courts, taxability of charges for nse of 4 Test applied to determine taxability of admissions 4, 15 Tickets of admission, exchange for higher-priced tickets 2 Exchange of general admission tickets for box-office tickets 27 Numbering 25 Procurement prior to November 1, 1917, effect 1 Ref imd of tax on redemption of before performance 6 Season 5 Monthly retxirn of taxes 25 Stamping ' ' Tax paid " 25 Uncalled-for, taxability 2 Time for filing affidavit of exemption from collecting tax 16 Filing application for registration of persons required to collect taxes on admissions 24 Liability to tax dependent on time of admission 1 Lease of boxes or seats 13 Season tickets or subscriptions 5 Making monthly retiu-ns as to admissions 26 Dues and fees 29 Payment of dues, taxability dependent on 19 Tax on passes 8 Total receipts, payment of tax on 6,11 Traveling shows, etc., filing schedule of itinerary 24 P^egistration of proprietor or authorized officer 24 Tm'kish baths, taxability of charges for use of 4 Uncalled-for tickets, taxability 2 Unpaid tax on dues or fees, covering period since October 31, 1917, collection. . 28 Vacant lots, shows on, inclusion within "outdoor general amusement parks" . . 14 Vaudeville, admission to cabaret 10-12, 25 Inclusion within ' ' outdoor general amusement parks " 14 Violation of law or regulations, penalties 30 Zoological parks, admissions to 15 o LAW LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF GAL»^RNU LOS ANQfllillg GAYLAMOUNT PAMPHLET BINDER Maoufoctured bv I GAYLORD BROS. Inc. Syracuse, N.Y. Stockton, Calif ',, - I ) I m iii J I ■ SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACIUTY D 000 829 395 3