■ ^? Ut5B LibKAKY Barnahce Itinerarium, BARNABEES JOURNAL. IN TWO VOLUMES. Vol. II. Barnabce Itinerarium^ OR BARNABEE'S JOURNAL; By RICHARD BRATHWAIT, A.M. WITH A LIFE OF THE AUTHOR, A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INTRODUCTION TO THE ITINERARY, AND A CATALOGUE OF HIS WORKS. EDITED FROM THE FIRST EDITIOK, B/ JOSEPH HASLEWOOD. E'en in our ashes live their wonted fires." LONDON. 1820. R. and A. Taylor, Printers, Shoe Lane. Barnab^ ITINERARIUM, MiRTILI & FauSTULI no- minibus insignitum : Viatoris Solatio nuperrime editum, aptilTanis numeris reda6lum , veterique Tono B A R N A B :?E publicc decantatum. Authore Corymb ceo. Efficit egregios fiohilis alia viros. Barn abac Itmcrarium, OR £arnahecs lournall -^ ^^ * Barnabees JOURNAL L, Under the Names of MiRTILUS & FauSTULUS shadowed : for the Travellers Solace lately publiflied, to mofl apt numbers reduced, and to the old Tune ofBARNABE commonly chanted. By Corymbceus, The oyle of malt and juyce ofjpritely ne5lar Have made my Mufe more valiant than Heftor. i^ff f^fp •yStf^Sff f^ 'ySffnlfr "^ff '^' ^r '^ff f^ft "ti)^ '^ff' t^f '^ff '^3ft* '^Sti* «fitV >4b '^E^ <-(x^ >fllS^ "filS^ >iX^ >-%^ >^<^ >.(X^ «4^ >''k^ >JXw vXk^ vtx^ >fX^ JXb JX^ 5 LOYALL PHEANDER to his RoYALL Alexander. T iHe title. Noble friend, of Ale- xander, Were it nought elfe, implyes a great Commander, And fo you fball be flill of me & mine. With Barnahe couch'd in a reeling ryme: Nor wonder, friend, if his dimenfions reele, Whofe head makes fuch Jambicks with his heele, A3 «4^ -sjen >^ >^ ■s^t «4^ <^sv iifiEV v^ ,^e;> «q|fi> ^t^ j|^ j^ j^ t(j^ j[^ ,;t^ Z)pon this JVorke., THis three dayes taske was once innpofed me, In the firft Spring of my minoritie ; No edge of Razer then had toucht my chin, Nor downy fhade approach'd my fupple Skin; I knew not th'poftures of this Indian 'uapoVy Nor made my Sacrifice unto my Taper ; I'd ne're feene any Curtaine nox partition. Which beget worke for Surgeon and Phyfician} I was a Novice in the Schoole of Sin, Nor yet did tafte, what others dived in. Excufe this Subje6l then, if 't doe not fit The nicenefleof this Age for weight and wit^ Birds flicker firft before they learne to fly, , And truft me on my credit fo did I. « Great Ta^ks when they'r to fhorter times confined " Will force a Worke mount lower than the mind. A 4 Oppida Ad Viatorem. OPpida dum peragras^ peragran* do Foematafpe&es , SpeBando titubes ^ Barnabe, nomen habes. To 7d? the "Traveller. TOwnes while thou walk'st, and seest this poetrie, And seeing stumblest, thou art Barnabe. Ad Ad Tranflatorem- PEJftmtis eft Cerdoy qui tranjlulit ordlne calvOy Non res fed voces perciitieftdo leves. Aft hie Tranflator corii peramahilis AElor^ ^ii rythmo pollens fit rationefatur. That To the Tranjlator. THat paltry Patcher Is a bald Tranflater Whofe aule bores at the Words but not the matter : But this Translator makes good ufe of le- ther By Hitching ryme and reafon both together. Mulciber^ Index Operis. MUlciber, Uva, Venus, redo- lens ampulla, Silenus, Effigiem titulis explicuer efuis , VuL ^he Index of this Tf^ork. VUlcane^ Grape^ Fenus^ Bottle^ Silens hooke, Have all explain'd the title of this Booke* Sic Sic me Parnafli defcrta per ardua dulcis Rapt at amor THus through vast Desarts, promontories wllde, Farnajfus love drav^es Bacchus onely childe. 1 6 Barnabx Itinerarium^ Anglo-Latinum. ItinerisBorealis: Pars Prima. MIRTILUS & FAUSTULUS Interlocutores. MiRTlL. tr^:\f^j(Z^^ Yaustule J tendepalmam, ^''y>\v Accipe calicem vitibus almam \ L—''^^' B \ ^^ '^^ vinclus es dolor e? ^,^^^^ . -\ Uve tinElus fis colore, bperne opes,Jperne aapes^ Merge curaSy reEle fapis. Bar- 17 Barnabees yournally EftgliJJj and Latlne : His Northerne Journey : Firft Part. MIRTILUS & FAUSTULUS inter-fpeakers, MiRTlL. Faustulus, flretch thy hand out, Take thy Liquor, doe not (land out; Art thou preft with griping dolour ? Let the grape give thee her colour. Bread's a binder, wealth's a mifer, Drinke down care, and thou art wifer. B Barnabae Itinerarium Pars prima. Fauftule, die amico ^w in locOy quo in vico^ Sive campOyJive teSloy Sine linieOifine leEiOy Propinajli, queis tabernisy An in Terris, an Avernii ? O Barnabees yournalL First part. O Fauflulus^ tell thy true hart, In what Region, CoaR, or New part, Field or Fold thou haft beene boufing. Without linnen, bedding, houfing, In what Taverne, pray thee (how us. Here on Earth, or elfe below us ? B 2 Fau. 20 Barnabse Itinerarium. Pars prima. Faustul. Mirtile, haculumfixi Mille Ions iihi vixi. In pijlrinis^ in popinisy In CcquiniSf in Culinisy Hue, ^ iL'uc, ijlicy ibif HauftpotuSyplus qiiam cibi, o Barnabees yournalL First part. Faustul. Mirtilusy 1 will {how thee, Thoufand places fince Ifaw thee, In the Kidcoat I had fwitching, In the Tap-houfe, Cook-fhop, Kitching, This way, that way, each way fhrunk I, Little eat I, deeply drunk I. B3 In 22 Barnabae Itinerarium, Pars prima. Jn progreJJiiBorealiy UtproceJJl ah Jujlrali^ Veni Banbery, prophanum I TJbi v'ldi Puritanuniy Felemfacientemfureniy ^lia Sabbathojiravit Muretn, In Barnabees yournall. First part* In my progrefle travelling Northward, Taking my farewell olh' Southward, To Banbery came I, O prophane one ! Where I faw a Puritane-one, Hanging of his Cat on Monday, For killing of a Moufe on Sonday. B 4 Veni Barnab^e Itinerarium. Pars prima. Veni Oxford, cut comes EJl Minerva,y^«/ Platonis 5 Undefcatetit peramoene Aganippe, Hippocrene ; TCotumfit Athenienfe, hno Cornu Reginenfe. To ~^ Barnabees yournalL First part* To Oxford C2.me I, whofe Copefmato Is Mifierva, Well of P/ato -, From which Seat doe ftreame mod feemlie, Aganippe, Hippocrene \ Each thing ther's the Mufcs M'mion, ^eenes College-Horn fpeakes pure Athenian. Inde Barnabas Itinerarium. Pars prima. Itide Godftow cum amids, Vidi Tumbam Meretricis ; Rosamund AM tegit humus, Puhis ^ umbra corporefumus : 5/V qui tegety qua tegetur^ Ordifie certo Jepelietur ^ Thence Barnabees yournalL First part. Thence to Godftoy with my Lovers, Where a Tombe a Strumpet covers ; Rosamund lies there interred, FleQi to dud and {hade's compared, Lye he 'bove, or lye (he under. To be buried is no wonder. Inde Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars prima. /W^ Wood flock, quo fpeEiandum Labyrinthum memorandum Ferunty fed JpeBare nollem^ Reperi vivam Hofpitem mollem ; Gratiorfociis ejljocundis^ Milk mortuis Rofamundis. Thence Barnabees yournalL First part. Thence to Woodjlock I re for ted, Where a Labyrinth's reported, But of that no 'count I tender, I found an Hoftefle quicke and (lender ; And her Guefts more fweetly eying, Than a thoufand Rofamunds dying. Veni Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars prima. Feni Brackley, uhi natus Stirpe vili MagiJlratuSy ^uem confpex'i reftdeniemy Stramine teEium contegentemy Et me vocansy " Male agisy '* Bibe minusy ede magis. From ;05 Barnabees yournaU. First part. From thence to Brackleyy as did befeeme one. The May'r I faw, a wondrous meane one, Sitting, thatching and beftowing On a Wind-blowne houfe a ftrowlng. On me, cald he, and did charme mee, " Drinke lefle, eat more, I doe warne thee. Vent Sz Barnabas Itinerarium. Pars prima. FeniDaintre cum puella^ Procerum celehre duello, Ihi h'lhi in Cauponay Not a muliere bona^ Cum qua vixifemper idem^ Donee cxtiTifregitJidem. Thence 33 Barnabee^s yournalL First part. Thence to Daintree with, my Jewel/, Famous for a Noble Due//, Where I drunk and took my Common In a Taphoufe with my Woman ; While I had it, there I paid it. Till long c/ialking broke my credit. Veni 34 Barnabse Itinerarium Pars prima, Veni Leifter ^^Campanam, Ubi mentem lafifanam \ Prima noSte m'llle modis Flagellartmt me Cujiodes^ Pellefparftfunt livores Meos cajligare mores. Thence 35 Barnabee* s yournall. First part ^ Thence I came to th* Be/I ^t Leijlery. Where my braines did need a plaifter 5 Firft night that I was admitted, By the Watchmen I was whipped, Black and blew like any tetter Beat I was to make me better. C 2 Veni 36 Barnabas Itinerarium. Pars prima. Feni Gottam, ubimultos Si non omnes vldijiidtosy Namfcrutando reperi unam Salient em contra Lttnam^ Alteram nitidam piiellam Offerentemporcojellam* Thence 37 Barnabee^s yournalL First part. Thence to Goitamy where fure am I, Though not all fooles I faw many; Here a She-gull found I prancing, And in Moon-fhine nimbly dancing, There another wanton madling Who her Hog was fet a fadling. C 3 Veni 38 Barnabseltinerarium. Pars i. yem^l>Jotting^my tyrones Sherwoodenks funt Lat rones y Injlar Robin Hood ^Servi Scarlet, ^JohannisParvi 5 Pajftm^fparftmpeculantury Cellisy Sylvis depradantur. ^Mortimeriados morii dos, gloria pulviSf Atria flint frondes, nobilis Aulafeges. I^unc gradus ayifra^us, cijlernafiuentafpadonisy Amplcxus "uermes, ofcula mijia rogis. Clamat tempus edo, 'vocemque repercutit Ecco, Sed Jiunquam redeo^ I'oce rejurgit Ego. O 'vos Heroes atteyidite fatafepulchris^ Heroum,patriis qui rediere thoris! Nof2 ejiis luti vielioris 171 or be Super bis ; Hi didicere mori^ dijcite mortefequi. Thence 39 Barnalees Journal I, Part i. Thence to ^Nottifigam,\v\\Qxc rovers. High-way riders, Sherwood drovers, Like old Robin- Hoody and Scarlet ^ Or like Little Johnhis varlet; Here and there they (hew them doughty. Cells and Woods to get their booty. a Brave Mortimer s now dead, his glory daft, His Courts are clad withgraffe, his Hall with ruft. His ftaires fteepe fteps, his Horfe-troughs cifterns VVormes his embraces, kiffes afties fhare, (are, Time cryes, I eat, and Eccoanfwers it: But gone, e're to returne, is held unfit. O Heroes of thefe Heroes take a view. They 'r to their fathers gone, and fo muft you ! Of better clay you are not than thefe men, And they are dead, and you muft follow them. D 4. Vrni Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars prima. Ven'i Mansfield, uhi nor am Mulierculam decoramy Cum qua nudum feci paBum^ Dedi iBtmiy egi aBumy Sed pregnantetn timens illamy Sprevi villam ^ afjcillam. Thence 41 Barnabee^s jfournalL First part. Thence to Mansfield^ where I knew one. That was comely and a trew one. With her a nak'd compact made I, Her long lov'd I, with her laid I, Towne and her I left, being doubtfull Left my love had made her fruitfull. Vent Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars prima. Vetii ^ Overbowles, ubi * Dani Habit arunt tempore Jani •, Patet oppidafius callis Circum circa claufus vallisy Caflrisyclatijtris^ ^fpeluncis Teclus coecisy textusjuncJs. ^ Temporibns Jani Sedes fuif ultima * Dani, Con fp cms 'vallis ohjitai fxa falls . Thence Barnabee's yournalL First part. Thence to ^ OverbowIes^wh&xC^ Danus Dwelt with's Danes in time of Janus ; Way to th'Towne is well difpofed, All about with trenches clofed, Pallifado's hid with bufhes, Rampires overgrowne with rufties. ^ In Janus time was Datius feated here, As by their pales and trenches may appeare. Sacra 44 Barnabx Itinerarium. Pars prima. Sacra die eo Vim, ^des San^iE erant plena, Quorum percitus exemplo, ^uia Hofpes erat Templo, Intrans vidi Sacerdotem, Igne htuopoculis notiinu On 45 Barnabee^s yournall. First part. On a Feaft day came I thether, When good people flockt together, "Where induc'd by their exemple, I repairM unto the Temple j Where I heard the Preacher gravely With his Nofe pot-tipt moft bravely, Glires 46 Barnabas Itinerarium Pars prima. Glires erant incola villa ^ Ifte clamatf dormiunt illi'y Ipfe tamen vixit ita. Si non corde^vejle trita ; Fortem pr^ jef evens gejlum^ Fregit pedibus ^ Siiggejlum, ^ Fragminafuggeftifacraruntferculafejli. Lucret. Dormife- 47 Barnabee^s jfournalL First part. Dormife-like the people feemed. Though he cride,they fleeping dreamed ; For his life, tho there was harme in't. Heart was lelTe rent than his garment 5 With his feet he did fo thunder As the "^ pulpit fell afunder. *= The fragments of which pulpit they were pleas't To facrifice to th'afhes of their Feaft. Lucret, 48 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars prima. ^la occaftone naEla^ Tota grex * expergefa&a, Sacerdote dereliElOy TabulisfraBis gravlter iSioy Pranfum redeunt^ wins horum^ Plebemfequor non Pajlorem, * O £l6 *i^ •%• *L/ •" 86 CoroUarium. NOn thyrfus^ thyafus ; cyathus tibi thyrfus Eff urfiis^ Thyrfus quo redoles , iirfus nt tntus oles. No 87 Corollarie. No bush, no garland ; pot's thy Bujh & Beare, Of Beare & BuJh thou smellest all the yeere. F 4 Bar- Barnab^ ITINERARIUM. Pars fecunda. Authore Corymb ceo. Fcecundi calices quern nonfecere dijertum ? Barfiabees JOURNAL L T'hefe c on d part. By Corymhceus. Ore-flowing Cups whom have they not made learn'd ? Barnabx Itinerarium, MiRTIL. Pars Secunda. Aujle (^Faustule^ redliflty Narra ( precor ) quo ventjlif VillaSy v'lcos vifttajliy CoetuSy Situs per agrajliy Cert e f CIS ab AquilonCy Multum malty parum bonu Bar- mmMMMM^^ 91 Barnabees yournall^ The Second Part. MiRTIL. y T-t^TS ^ AusTULus! happily returned; ^ ^w '^^^^ "^^' P^^y ^^^i where th'fl jour- WhatTownes,villages th'afl viewed, What Seats, Sites or States were fliewed \ Sure thou know'ft the North's uncivill, Small good comes thence,but much evill. Ilk V w V w © V V V V V V w V V V w w V V ^ Barnabas Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Faustul. L^^ L/e ego /urn qui quondam, ^© Crines, mores, veftes fiondmn § Simt mutate, nam recejjiy ^^^ Calceamentis quels difcejft^ NequepeSline ufusfuiy Sic me mois juvatfrui, Fau- 93 Barnahees yournall. Second part. Faustul. ^Hat I was once, fame I am now, Haire, conditions, garments fame too, Yea there's no man juftly doub- teth, Thefe the fame fhooes I went out with ; And for combe I ne're us'd any. Left I loft fome of my Meney, Sed Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. SedarreBis auribus audi, ^uiddilexij quicquid odi, ^Pontes ffontes^ monies, valles^ CaulaSy cellas, collesy calles^ ViaSyvil/aSyvicoSyviceSy Cajias cautaSy meretrices. 5 Angliay monsyfonsy ponsy 'Eccte/iay foeminay IdJia. But v©0©0©©0©© ©©©©©oo©© 95 Barnabees yournalL Second part n, But attend me, and partake it, What I loved, what I hated, s Bridges,fountaines, mountaines,valleis, Cauls,cells,hillocks,high-wayes,{hallows, Paths, towns, villages and trenches, Chafl-choice- chary-merry wenches. 8 England amongft all Nations, is moft-full Of hillsjwells, bridges, Churches,women,wooII. Dicam 96 Barnabse Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Dicam (quod mirandutn) veruniy Non pauperior ftim qiiam eram^ Vno nee quadrante ditior, Lautior^Utior, necfoeltciory Mollior, me/ior, potior, pejor^ Minus fanusy magis ager* Truth 97 Barnabees yournalL Second part. Truth rie tell thee, nothing furer. Richer am I not, nor poorer. Gladder, madder nor more pleafing. Blither, brisker, more in feafon, Better,worfer, thinner, thicker, Neither healthfuller nor ficker. Ego y8 Barnabae Itinerarium Pars fecunda. £go enim mundum totum ^anti ejfe quanti potum Semper duxi : mori mallem Nobilem quam vitare allam i ** Sobrius fimllis apparet Agm^ '* Ehr'ius Alexandre Magno. ^ For Barnahees yournalL Second part. For the world I fo farre prize it> But for Liquor I'd defpife it, Thoufand deaths I'd rather dye toO;^ Than hold Ale mine Enemy too : ** Sober, Lamb-like doe I wander^ ** Drunk, I'm flout as Alexander. G 2 LevjQre- Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Leviore nam Maandro Capite captOifum Lyfandro Multbfortior^^ ilUJum Puto me capturum Rhefum ; ^ed ne t'lh'i gravior ejfem, JSlunc dejcendam ad progrejfum. When Earnabees yournalL Second part. When my head feeles his Maeander, I am ftronger than Lyfander ; Th'Ile oiRee I little feare it Without wound to winne and weare it ; But left tedious I exprefle me, To my Frogrejfe I'le addreffe mCr G 3 Frimo Barnabse Itinerarium Pars fecunda. Prima occurrit peragranti ^ Oppidum Johannis Ganti, ^edes nota ^ vetujlay Mendicantibus onujlay Janitorem hahens qualem Mundus vix ojiendet talent, * Scinditur a clinjo Tunis ^ bitumine murus ; Moeniafic pYoprihfunt rediiura rogis. Firft 105 Barnabees yournall. Second part. Firft place where I firft was knowne-a, Was brave ^ohn a Gants^ old Towne-a, A Seat antiently renowned. But with {lore of Beggars drowned : For a Jay /or ripe and mellow, The world h'as not fuch a fellow. i^ An ancient Arch doth threaten a decline, And fo muft ftrongeft Piles give way to time. G 4 Feni 104 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. yeni Aihton yubi vinum, Militem, ^ Heroinam^ Clarumycharuniy ^formofatrty Damaniy domum fpeciofam Yidiy merft mero Mufam^ Donee pes amijit iifum. Thence Barnabees yournalL Second part* Thence to AJljton^ good as may be "Was the wine, brave Knight, bright Ladle, All I faw was comely fpecious, Seemly gratious, neatly precious ; My Mufe with Bacchus fo long traded. When I walk't, my legs denaid it. Veni V w V V V V V V w V V V w V w w V V V V V V 3^ io6 Barnabse Itinerarium, Pars fecunda. Vent Gareftang, uhi male hitrans forum Bejitale^ Forte vactllando vico Hue ^ illuc cum amico. In Juvenca dorfum rui, Cujus cornu lafusfui. Thence OOOQOOOOOQQQQOOOOQwOOw 107 Barnabees yournalL Second part. Thence to Garejlangy pray you harke it, Entering there a great Beaft-market, As I jogged on the ftreet-a 'Twas my fortune for to meet-a A young Heyfer, who before her Tooke me up and threw me o're her* Vent io8 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. VemTre{\.on, duBus eram Ad bacchantem Banifterum, Ac ft unajiirpe natiy Fratresfnimusjurati \ Septem dies ibi manfiy Multum bibi, tmnquam pranfu Thence 109 Barnabees yournalL Second part* Thence to Prejloriyl was led-a, To brave Banijlers to bed-a, As two borne and bred together We were prefently fworne brether; Seven dayes were me there afllgned. Oft I fupt, but never dined. Veni Barnabse Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Vent Euxfton,w^/ hofpes Succi plena, corpore fofpes^ Crine SparfoyVu/tu blando, At halitu (proh) nefandoy ^na reViBa cum ancillisy Me ad leElum duxit Phyllis. Thence III Barnabees yournalL Second part. Thence to Euxflon^^htxt mine Hoftefle Feeles as foft as any toft is, Jucy, lufty, count'nance toothfome. Braided haire,but breath moft loathfome; Her I left with locks of amber, Phyllis light me to my chamber. Veni Barnabse Itinerarium Pars fecunda. Veni Wigginprope ccenam. Ad hofpitulam ohfccenam ; Vot'is meis jit fecunda^ Ehriafiiit l^ jocunda ; Spar/it anus intelle&utn. Me reli&Oy minxit leSium, Thence lis Barnabees yournalL Seco7id part. Thence to Wiggln about Supper, To an Hoftefle, none more flutter, Buxome was fhe yet to fee to, She'd be drunk for companie too ; "Wit this Beldam foon did fcater. And in Bed diftill'd her water. H Veni 114 Barnabx Itinerarium Pars fecunda. r>/7/ Newton in Sali£tis, Vbi ludens chartis p'lBis Cum puellafpeciofay Ciijus nomen erat "^ Rofa, Centi-pede provocavi jld amafidum qiiam amavi. * ^am Rofa fpiravit ! fed odor i bus Aquilo favit, Et rugas retulit quas meminijfe dolet. Thence lu Barnabees yournalL Secondpart, Thence to Newton in the Willow Sy Where being boulftred up with pillows, I at Cards plaid with a girle "^Rcfe by name, a dainty pearle, At Cent-foot I often moved Her to love me whom I loved. • Frelli was my Rofe^ till by a Northivind toft. She fap, fent, verdure, and her vigour loft. H 2 Veni ii6 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Vetii W^Lxringtonyprofiuentes Rivos ripas tranfeuntes Specfansy multo fatius rat us Ji^ergi terris quam in aquisy Vixi laute, bibt UtCy Donee aquas ftgnant met a. Thence Barnabees yournalL Second part. Thence to Warrington^ banks or'eflowed,^ Travellers to th'Towne were rowed, Where fuppofing it much better To be drown'd on Land than Water, Sweetly, neatly I fojourned Till that deluge thence returned^ H 3 Veni ii8 Barnabas Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Feni Bud worth t/fque Galium, Vbi bibiforfem al/am, Sed ebrietate capitis. Ire leBumfum coa6ius ; M.ihi minis affuitJlatuSy A duohus fum portattis. Thence ^MMi^MM^M^M Hi) Barnabees yournalL Second part. Thence to Cod at Budworthy'whtxt I Drunk ftrong ale as browne as berry, Till at lad with deep-healths felled, To my bed I was compelled ; I for ftate was bravely forted, By two Poulterers fupported, H4 Bed Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Sedamore captus grandi Vifitandt Thorn am Gandi, Holmi petit Sacellum, Vbi conjugem ^ puellam Vidi pulchraS) licet fero Has neglexiy merjus mero* Where Barnabees yournalL Second part* Where no fooner underftand I Of mine honed Hoaft Tom.Gand'iy To Holme Chappell forthwith fet I, Maid and Hoftefle both were prety, But to drinke tooke I afFe6lion, I forgot foone their complexion.. Hnic Barnabx Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Hinc ad T2Luk2i'Hi\\ perventuwy Collem valde lutulentum^ Faher mih'i bene not us Mecum h'lhit donee poius, ^10 reliElo^ Cythex?ifponfe Cornuajixit Ij^mm^L front e. Thence Hi Barnabees yournalL Second part. Thence to Tauh-a- Hill rt(oxt I, An hill fteepy, lllppery,durty ; Smith with me being well acquainted Drunk with me till 's wits were tainted, Having left me, Venus fvvore it, She'd fliooe-horn her Vulcans forehead. Novo- Barnabse Itinerarium, Pars fecunda. Novo-Caftro Subter linum, M.uljum prop'mavi vinum \ Null us ibi fit fceleftusy Vox clamantis in fuggejlis \ Portas caftitatis fraJigunty ^as extinEia luce tangunt. At Barnabees yournalL Second part. At New- Cajile under line' a ^ There I trounc'd it in burn't wine-a ; None oth'^F'zV/^^^ there remained, Weekly Le£lures were proclaimed : Chaftity they roughly handle, While blind zeale fnuffs out the candle. Vent iz6 Barnabae Itinerarium, Pars fecunda. Vent Stone ^fi^Campanam, Vidi ^ Deliam non Dianam \ Hie fufpecfam hah ens vitam Paftorgregisy Jefuitam Me cenfebat,fed in certas Nil invenit prater chartas. 6 melleay mea Delia ! Thence 127 Barnabees yournall. Second part. Thence to th' Bell at ^tone flreight draw I, 'Delia no Diana faw I j By the Parfon I was cited Who held me for Jefuited ; In his fearch, the door faft locked, Nought but Cards were in my pocket* ' 6 my honey-fuckle Delia I Haywood ?( Barnabse Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Hdiywood properans malignam^ NoBe praparat aprugnam MihiHofpes s fed quid reflat ? Calices haurire prajiat : Nullum Baccho gratius libum, ^am mutarepotu cibum. Thence 129 Barnabees yournalL Second part. Thence to Haywood taking fllg{it-a. The Hoftefle gave me brawne at night-a; But what's that unto the matter ? Whiskins forted with my nature: To brave Bacchus no gift quicker Than oblations of ftrong liquor. I Vent k Barnabas Itinerarium Pars fecunda. F'eni Ridgelay, ubi Fahery Cut liquor Summus labor y Me cum bib it ; No Be data Mihi matula perforata^ Vafts crimine detecloy Fit Oceanus in Ucio, Thence 131 Barnabees yournalL Second part. Thence to Ridgelay^^htxQ a Black-fmith, Liquor being all hee'd take with, Boufed with me ; mid-night waking And a looking-glafle there taking, Chamber-pot was holM quite thorow. Which made me lye wet till morro\y. I 2 Veni Barnabx Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Veni Bruarton, Claudi domum^ JJhi querulum aiidiens foniimy Conjugem virum verherantem^ Et vicinum equttantem ; ^10 peraElOyfrontem lini Spuma byne injiar vim. Thence Hi Barnabees yournalL Second part. Thence to Bruarton^ old Claudus Did approve us and applaud us, Where I heard a wofull bleating, A curd wife her husband beating ; Neighbour rode for this default-a. While I dyde my front with malt-a» I 3 hide IJ4 Barnabx Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Inde ^ lAchfiddproperabamy Ubi quendam invitabam Perobfcaniim opibus plejiuiriy Adjumendum me cum coenam j Haujlo vinoy aEla ccena^ Solvit divitis crumena* k Cautibus, arboribus^ cinaris^ frondentibus berbis, Crcvit in Ecclejiam 'vallis opima tuam. Thence Barnabees yournalL Second part. Thence to ^ Lichjleldwcnt I right on, Where I chanced to invite one, A Curmudgeon rich but nafty To a fupper of a pafty. Having fipt, and fupt, and ended. What I fpent, the Mifer lended . •^ Inclos'cl with cliffsjtreeSjScienes, Artichokes, The fruitful! vale up to thy Temple lookes. I 4 Veni 136 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Vent Colefill, ad macellumy Ubiin cerviftam cellam . '^.Li Forte rtiens^ cellafordety '^\ Uxor mulcety urfa mordet \ Sed ut Lanius fecit focum , .i \ \ Le&umy dereliqui locum, ^ Thence 137 Barnabees yournall. Second part. Thence to Colefill^ to a Shamble Like an old Fox did I amble, To a cellar, troth Tie tell ye, Fu{ly,mufty,headlong fell I ; But the Butcher having made-a Th'fire his bed, no more I ftaid-a. Veni 138 Barnabse Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Vent Meredin, Meri-dte, Ubi longa fejfus via, Hofpitem in genu cepi, Kt ulterius furt'im repi; Cum qua propindndo manfiy Donee fponf am fponfumfenft. Thence 139 Barnabees yournalL Secojtd part. Thence at Meredin appeare I, "Where growne furfoot and fore weary, I repos'd,where I chuckt Jone-a, Felt her pulfe, would further gone-a ; There we drunk, and no gueft croft us, Till I tooke the Hoaft for th'Hoftefle. Veni 140 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Fern Co ventre, ubi dicunt ^od Cseruleum filum iexunt^ Ego autem hoc ignoro^ Nulhim etiim empfiforoy Nee difcernijuxta morem^ ^ Ligmimy lucemy nee coloretn. Thence '^ 141 Barnabees yournalL Second part* Thence to Coventre^ where 'tis faid-a Coventre blew is only made-a ; This I know not, for fure am I In no Market bought I any ; Bacchus made me fuch a Scholer, Black nor blew, I knew no colour. Vent Barnabae Itinerarium, Pars fecunda. Veni D unchurch per latrones Ad lurcones ^ lenones^ Nullum tamen timui horum. Nee latroneniy nee liquor em ; Etji Dives metufatur^ Cantet vacuus^ Viator, Thence 143 Barnabees jfournalL . Second part. Thence to Dunchurchy where report Is Of pimps, punks a great refort is, But to me none fuch appeared. Bung nor Bung-hole I ne*re feared ; Though the rich Chrone have feares plenty, Safe he fings whofe purie is empty. Mane Barnabx Itinerarium, Pars fecunda. Mane Dalntre w/ venijem, Corctilum quodreliquijffemy Avide quarens per mujaum^ Defponfatum ejfe earn Intellexif qua audita, " Vale fdixij Profelyta. At MS Barnahees yournalL Second part. At Baintre earely might you find me, But not th'Wench I left behind me, Neare the Schoole-houfe where I boufed. Her I fought but (he was fpoufed. Which 1 having heard that night-a, "Farewell (quoth I) Profelpa, K Vent ;d^ 146 Barnab^ Itinerarium, Pars fecunda. Vt-ni Wed on, w^/ varii Omnls gentis Tahellarii Cotivenijfent^dofiec mundus Citrrit cerehro rotundus : ** Solvit e Sodales lati^ ** Plus ^reliqiii quhn accepu ^ Naufeanti Jlomacho effluujit omnia. Thence 147 Barnabees yournall. Second part. Thence to Wedon^^txt I tarried In a Waggon to be carried ; Carriers there are to be found-a, Who will drink till th' world run round-a; '* Pay, good fellows, Fie pay nought heere, "I have ^ left more than I brought heere. • My queafy ftomach making bold. To give them that it could not hold. K 2 Vent 148 Barnab^ Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Veni Tofleter die Martisy Ubi Baccalaureum artis Bacchanalia celehrantem Ut invent tarn conjlanteniy Feci me confortemfejii Tot a no8eperhoneJli, Thence 149 Barnabees yournalL Second part. Thence to Tojfeter on a Tuefday, Where an artful! Batchler chus'd I To confort with; we ne're budged, But to Bacchus revels trudged; All the Night-long fat we at it Till we both grew heavy pated. K 3 Vent O wOOOOOOOO©000©©©00©00 ISO Barnabx Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. yeni Stratford, uhi Grenum Procis procam^ Veneris venaiUy Nulla tamen forma jugisy *» Verdor oris perit rugis \ Flos ut viretfemel arety Forma fpreta prods caret, "1 Fere fruor titulo, nonfanguine^fronteiCapillo; Bomine Ji 'vireo, Fere tamen pereo. Thence 151 Barnabees yournalL Second part. Thence to Sir afford whtxt Frank ^ Green-z^ Daintieft Doe that e're was feene-a, Venus varnifti me faluted, But no beauty long can fute it ; Beauty feedeth, beauty fadeth. Beauty loft, her wooer vadeth. *" Green is my name from him whom I obey. But tho my name be Greefi, my head is gray. K 4 Tenens Barnabx Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Veneris curfum ^ decorum^ Brickhill, ubi Juniorem Vefiiyvidi, propter metitem JJnum oEio Sapiefttum ; Sonat vox ut Philomela, Ardet nafus ut candela. Hoi- Hi Barnabees yournalL Second part. Holding on my journey longer, Streight at Brickhillwixh. Tom. Younger, I arriv'd *, one by this cheefe-a Styl'd the eighth wifeman of Greece-Zy Voyce more fweet than Prognes fifter. Like a Torch his nofe doth glifter. Hocklay- Barnabse Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Hocklayhole ut accejfijfemy Cell am Scyllam incidtjfeniy Antro fimilem Inferniy Aitt latihulo Lav em a \ Ih'i dill propinandoy Savior eram quam Orlando. To Barnabees yournalL Second part* To Hochlayhole as I approached, Scylla's barmy cell I broached, Darke as th' Cave of Pluto's ftation, Or Laverna^s habitation ; Quaffing there while I could fland-o, Madder grew I than Orlando, Veni IJ6 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Veni Dunftable,«^/ mures hitiis reptant^ extusfureSy Sed vacandum omni metu Furiitn temulento ccetUj Pars ingerin manftt nulla ^lam mil tenuit ampulla* Thence 157 Barnabees yournalL Second part. Thence to DunJIahk^ all about me ; Mice within, and Thieves without me 5 But no feare affrights deep drinkers, There I toft it with my Skinkers ; Not a drop of wit remained Which the Bottle had not drained. Vent 158 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars 2. VemKcAhuYnCy ubt Mimi Neqtie medii, neque primi : Prologus hedera redimkus Simia?w gej}u fitus^ "^Convivalem cecin'it odem. Hens tu corrige diploidem I Aftor. " Dapes Con'vi'vio, Japore 'vario, Auftor. Diplois Jpatio lataqiie medio. Corrige diploidem agregie '^cbulo. Thence »59 Barnahee s lournalL Part 2. Thence to Redburney'w'h^xQ. were Players, None of Rofcius a6liue heyres ; Prologue crownM with a Wreath of luy, Jetted like an Ape mod lively : I told them fitting at the " banket They fhould be canvas'd in a blanket. ASlor. ^ Even as in a ban-a-quet are difli-es Of Sun-dry ta-aft. Author, Even fo is thy doo-blet too long ith wa-aft ; Goe mend it thou knave, goe mend it. lUinc 1 60 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Illtnc Jiomacho tnani Petit opp'idum ° Albanl, Ubi tantum fecit viniimy Dirigentem ad Londinum Manum mafiu cepi me ay Acfifocia ejfet ea, o HU Albanus erat^tumidum^ titulumq\ reliquit ; Albion Albanum vixparit almaparem. From i6i Barnabees yournalL Second part. From thence with a ftomack empty- To the towne of ° Alhane went I, Where with wine I was fo undon. As the Hand which guides to London In my blind hand I receaved, And her more acquaintance craved. o Here Alban was ; his Tombe,his Title too ; *' All Albion fhevv me fuch an Alban now. Vent I 62 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Veni Barnet S'lgm Burfse, Ubi convenijfent Urfty Propinquanti duo horum Parumjludiofi mommy Suhllgacula dente petunty ^10 pojleriorafoetenty Thence i63 Barnabees yournalL Second part. Thence to th' Furfe at Bar net known -a. There the Beares were come to Town-a ; Two rude Hunks, 'tis troth I tell ye, Drawing neare them, they did fmell mc. And like two mif-fhapen wretches Made me, ay me, wrong my bretches, L 2 Ven'i ^r V V w O w V V V w V w V © w V w w V W © C^ .64 Barnabx Itinerarium. Pars fecunda. Veni Highgate, qiwprofpexi P Urbemperdite quam dilexi^ ate Tyrotiibiis exofiim Haufi Cornu tortuofum, Ejus memorans falutem Cujtis caput fit cornutum, V I'ot Colles Romse, qiiot fiint SfteSiacula Trojas, 9^a fepem numero^ digna labor e tuo. IJiamanent Trojae Spe£iacula ; 1 Bufta, z Gigantes, 3 Hiftrio, 4 Dementes, 5 Struthiones, 6 Urfa, 7 Leones. Thence i6j Barnabees yournalL Second part. Thence to Highgate^-vjhtxQ I viewed P City I fo dearely loved, And th' Home of Matriculation Drunk to th'freftimen of our Nation, To his memory faluted Whofe branch'd head was lad cornuted. P Seven Hils there were in 2?)'l 5VI >>'| iiiill ii Hi Barnab^ ITINERARIUM. Pars Tertia. Authore Corymb itiflatum Vidity lit mutando morem Reddant me fuperbiorem ? Fau- i89 Barnabees yournall. Thirdpart. Faustul. ^Eave delays and be not fearf till ! Why ; who e're faw me lefle cheerful! When I was by Fortune cuffed. Or by Fortunes fmiles fo puffed. As I fhewd my felfe farre prouder Than when (he more fcornfull fhewd her ? Afpernarer igo Barnabs^ Itinerarium, Pars tertla. Afperiiarer ego mundum^ Nift mundus me jucundum Bonis fociisy radiis vita Sociali tinElisfiti Celebraret ; adi^ audi, Et Progrejfu meogaude. For 191 Barnabees yournall. Thirdpart. For the world, I would not prize her, Yea, in time I fliould defpife her. Had (he in her no good fellow That would drinke till he grew mellow ; Draw neare and heare,thou {halt have all. Hearing, joy in this my travail. Primo 192 Barnabse Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Primo dlefatur vinoy Veni Iflington a Londino, Iter arduum ^ grave y Sero tamenfuperaviy Asia vefpertina Scena^ Siccior eram qtiam arena. Firft 193 Barnabees yournalL. 'Third part. Firft day having drunk with many. To IJltngton from London came I, Journey long and grievous v;^ether. Yet the Evening brought me thether, Having t'ane my pots by th' fier, Summer fand was never dryer, N Vent 194 Barnabas Itinerarium Pars tertla. Speciofam ccetu gregis^ Eqitum iihifatigantemy Vix iilterius fpat'iantemy Nee verberibus nee verbis Motunifgelidis dediherbis. Thence I9S Barnabees yournalL Thirdpart. Thence to KingJIandy^herc were feeding Cattell,Sheepe,and Mares for breeding 5 As I found it, there I feared That my Rozinant was wear'ed : When he would jog on no fader Loofe I turn'd him to the pafture. N 2 Veni 196 Barnabae Itinerarium Pars tertia. ^i?«iTotnam altam crucem, ^io difcejft ante lucem ; Hofpes fociis parutn caret y Nemo Y2i\x^\x\\imfpe5faret'y Tratum Jlratitm^ ^ Cubile Opiaculum ! ftfoetiile. Thence 197 Barnabees yournalL 'Third part. Thence to Totnam-high-crojfe turnin^^ I departed 'fore next morning ; Hoflefle on her Guefts fo doted Faujiulus was little noted ; To an Hay-loft I was led in, Boords my bed, and draw my bedding. N^ Tit lyS Barnabse Itinerarium, Pars tertia. Ut reliqui Crucem altam, Lento ciirfu petti Waltham, In hofp'itium Ofwaldi, ^11 mi regiam ^ Theobaldi, Monjlrat domum^quo confpeBo^ Haufi noElemfine leBo* De auguftiflima Domo Theohaldi, 1 Domus aiigujla radiantla limina nojlra ! An vejlriim ejl mioidi lumine claufa mori ? Regia quo Sponji pietas dedit ofcida Sponft^e : Etfpirare Sabae 'votafupremajua •' Having 199 Barnabees yournalh Third partn Having thus left High-Crojfe early, I to Walthatn travelled fairly, To the Hofpltall of Ofii>ald, And that Princely Seat of ^ Th'bald\ There all night I drunk old Sack-a With my bed upon my back-a. Of the Kings Houfe at Tibbah. Q This feat, this royall obje£l of the fight, Shall it for ever bid the World, good night ? Where our preceding Kings enjoy 'd fuch bliiTe, And feal'd their amorous fancies with a kiffe ! N4. Ft Barnabx Itinerarium Pars tertia. Vent 'i\oA{diOViiJ}ab ant fori s Chartis piBis Impoftores, ^leis deceptis , notis cauftSy y^«/^Eirenarcham pacis Eos duxiy ut tne videt, Laudat eoSy me deridet* Thence 201 Barnabees yournalL Third part. Thence to Hodfdon^vAxtxt ftood watching Cheats who llv'd by conicatching, Falfe Cards brought me,with them plaid I y Deare for their acquaintance paid I \ 'Fore a Jufiice they appeared ; Them he praifed, me he jeered.. Vent Barnabae Itinerarium Pars tertia. Veni Ware, uhi belli Saltus, Jitus, ^ Amwelli Amnes lenem dantes fonum^ ^ui ditarunt Middletonum SufitfpeBati more mitty ** Oji^^/7/ Aquavitse ! Thence iOJ Barnabees yournalL Third part. Thence to Ware^ where rn'MAtAmivell Mildly cuts the Southerne Chanell ; Rivers ftreaniing, banks refounding, Middleton with wealth abounding : Mightily did thefe delight me ; "01 wifh'd them Aq^iia vita ! Vent 204 Barnabse Itinerarium. Pars tenia. Veni Wade mill, uhi rite Pleno cyatho demptaftti, ^uidam cl cimit ant jocose y Me fpeElantes otiose y Co-emeniem hacflagella, ** Ubi EquiiSy iibi Sella P Thence 205 Barnabees yournalL Thtrdpart. Thence to WademillyVjhtrQ I reft me For a pot, for I was thirftie j On me cryde they and did hout me, And like Beetles flockt about me : *'BuyaWhipSM no, a Laddie; " Where's your Horfe S"" ? where your Saddle ? Veni 206 Barnabae Itinerarium, Pars tertia. F "Where a pious Prince frequented, "Which obferving, this I vented: ** Since all flefh to ^ Fate's a debter, " Retchlefle wretch, why liv'fl no better ? '■ Fields, floods, wafts, woods, Deaie, Dogs, with well- tun'd crye, Are fports for Kings, yet Kings with thefe muft dye. O 2 Vent Barnabae Itinerarium, Pars tertia. Feni Cz-:^^on, paupere ieBoy Sedpauperiore leBo ; ^utdam habent mefufpe&unty EJfe macuUs infeBum Pejiisy unde exui veflem, Vocam Hofpitem in tejlem. Thence 213 Barnabees yournall. Third part. Thence to Caxjloriy I was led in To a poor houfe, poorer bedding, Some there were had me fufpe£ted That with plague I was infe£led. So as I ftarke-naked drew me. Calling th'Hoftefle ftreight to viev/ me. O 3 Vent © w © V V V V w w V V V w V w V V ^ V w O ^r ai4 Barnab^ Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Feni CzmhridgCy pr ope Vitenij Ubi yi\i{2£,fatiantfttim ; Sicut Miifca circa Jimumy Aut feint ill £t hi Caminum^ Me clatiferuntjuxta murum^ Denegantes rediturum . Thence Barnabees yournalL Thirdpart. Thence to Camhridgeywhtre the Mufes Haunt the Vine-hujhy as their ufe is ; Like fparks up a Chimney warming, Or Flyes neare a Dung-hill fwarming, In a Ring they did inclofe me, Vowing they would never lofe me. O 4 Media 216 Barnabae Itinerarium, Pars tertia. Media noEte ftccior ejfem Ac fi nunquam ebibijjemy Sed pudore parum motusy Hinc difcejftfemi'potus : lauci, locipahidojty Sed Schohxcs fpeciofi^ 'Bout ai7 Barnabees yournalL Third part. 'Bout mid-night for drinke I call S% As I had drunk nought at all S"", But all this did little fhame me, Tipfy went I, tipfy came I : Grounds, greenes, groves are wet and homely. But the Schollers wondrous comely. Veni Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Vent ^ Godmanchefter, uhi Ut Ixion captus nubey Sic elufus apuella, Ctijus labra erant mellay LeEtumfe adire vellety Spondet,fpo?ifumfedfefellit, ^ ^ercus anilis erat^tamen eminus oppida JpeBat ; Stirpe 'viam monJirat,plumeafronde tegit. Thence 219 Barnabees yournall. Thirdpart. Thence to ^ Godmanchejleryh"^ one. With a Clowd as was Ixiofjy Was I gull'd J {he had no fellow, Her foft lips were moifl: & mellow, All night vow'd fhe to lye by me, But the giglet came not ny me. f An aged Oake takes of this Towne furvey ; Findes Birds their Nefts, tels Pallengers their way. Vent Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars tertla. Vent Huntington, ubi cella FaElo pa5lo cum puella^ Hofpes me Jujpecium hahenSy Et in cellam tac'tte lahens \ , ^uo audita^ vertens rotarn^ Finai tnemet peragrotum. Thence 2ZI Barnabees yournall. Thirdpart. Thence to Huntington^ in a cellar With a wench was there a dweller I did bargaine,but fufpeded By the Hoaft who her affe£led, Down the ftaires he hurr'ed quickly, While I made me too too fickly. Vent Barnabas Itinerarium Pars tertia. Veni Harrington, bonum omen I Vere amans illudnomen^ Harrington! dedi nummum, EtforttWdBpenefummumy Indigenti pojlulafjtiy Benedi^ionem dantim Thence Barnabees yournalL Third part. Thence to Harrwgtotiy be it fpoken I For Name- fake I gave a token To a Beggar that did crave it And as cheerfully receive it : More he need't not me importune For 'twas th'utmofl of my fortune. Vgni wwwQwwOQwwQQwQwOOOOQQQ 224 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Vent Stonegatehole nefandum JJhicontigit memorandum » ^uidam Servus Atturnati Vultupellicis delicate Captus, intrat nemus mere Ut coiret muiure* Thence 225 Barnabees yournall. Third part. Thence to Stonegatehole, V\ tell here Of a ftory that befell there, One who ferved an Atturney T'ane with beauty in his journey, Seeing a Coppice haftens thither Purpofely to wanton with her. Mo9t 226 Barnabse Itinerarium Pars tertia. 3Iox e dumo latro repit^ Improvifum eum cepit^ M.anticam vertitytncechum vicity Etpojl Herum nudum mifit : Manibus vbiBis Sella locate Hinnit EquuSy Servus vocat* As iZl Barnabees yournalL ^hird part. As thefe privatly conferred, A Rover tooke him unprepared, Search*t hisPort-mancua, bound him fafler. And fent him naked to his Mafter : Set on's Saddle with hands tyed, Th'Horfe he neyed,Man he cryed. P 2 Cogi' wVwVVVVVwV^wVmwwVVVwVw 2Z8 Barnabx Itinerarium. Ears tertia. Cogitemus Atturnatum Sufpicantem himc armatum.^ Properantem depradariy Utijlrenue calcari : Curr'tt Herus, metu tejle^ Currit Servus/tne vejie. Th' Barnabees yournalL Third part. Th'Atturney when he had difcerned One,he thought, behind him armed In nvhite Armour ^ ftoutly flurr'd him, For his Jade hee keenly fpurr'd him: Both run one courfe to catch a Gudgeon, This Nak*t,that frighted to their lodging. P 3 P fallens- 230 Barnabge Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Pfallens^ Szutry itumulum vem, Sacerdotts locum pcena^ Ubi Kd.insiord Jus feciffetf Et Paftorem condidijfet : Vidiy ridiy ^ avari Rogo rogosftc traElari, t Vrna Sacellani 'viveniis imago fep7ilti, ^iquealiis renuit bujia,fepidti{s eraf. Egregium illud Sautry Sacrar'ium Sacerdotts avari retinuit mer/ioriam. Singing i3i Barnabees yournall. Third part. Singing along down ^ Satiiry laning, I faw a Tombe one had beene laine in, And inquiring, One did tell it, 'Twas where i<^r//«j/^/Y/ buried tii^ Pre/at : I faw, I fmil'd, and could permit it. Greedy Priefls might fo be fitted. t Here of the whip a Covetous Pricjl did lick; Who would not bury th' dead, was buried quick. Nothing more memorable than that Chappell of Sautryy reteining ftill with her that Covetous Priefts memory. P 4 Feni 232 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Vent ad Collegium purum, Cujus hahent multi cur am ; Perhumanos narrant mores PatreSy Fratres ^ Sorores : Unum tenenty una tendunt^ Omnes omnia Sacris vendttnt. To Barnabees jfournalL Third part. To xK Newfounded College came I, Commended to the care of many ; Bounteous are they, kind and loving, Doing whatfoe're's behoving : Thefe hold and vv^alke together vrholly, And (late their Lands on ufes holy. An 2U Barnabx Itinerarium Pars tertia. Anfint ifli corde puro, Parumfcio, minus euro ; Sifmfy nonfunt Hypocrita Orbe melioris vii^ : Cellam, Scholam ^ Sacellum Fulchra vidifupra Stellam* Whether 235 Barnabees JournalL Third part^ Whether/)//r^ thefe are or are not, As I know not, fo I care not ; But if they be difiembling Brothers, Their life furpafleth many others : See but their Cell, Schoole and their Temple, You'l fay the Stars were their exemple. Vent 2j6 Barnabse Itinerarium, Pars tertia. Veni Stilton, kfito more^ ^inefronde^finejlorey Sine prutiisyfine pomisy Utt Jetiex fine comiSy Calvatellus,fedbemgmtm Monjlrat viatori Signum, Thence 237 Barnabees jfournalL Third part. Thence to Stilton^ llowly paced, With no bloome nor bloflbme graced, With no plums nor apples ftored, But bald like an old mans forehead; Yet with Innes fo well provided, Guefts are pleased when they have tride It. Veni 2J8 Barnabse Itinerarium, Pars tertia. Veni Wansforth-brlgs, immanem Vidi amtjem^ alnum^ aniim ; Amnem latujn, anum lautartiy Comptaniy cultaniy cafiam^ cautatn j PortaSf HortosfpeciofoSy Portusy Saltusfpatiofos, Thence 239 Barnabees yournalL Third part. Thence to Wansforth-hrigSy a river, And a wife will live for ever ; River broad, an old wife jolly, Comely, feemely,free from folly ; Gates and gardens neatly gracious, Ports and Parks and paftures fpatious, Sed Barnabse Itinerarium. Pars tertia» Sedfcribentem digit um Dei SpeBati! Miserere Mei, Atriis^ angulisy confejl'im Evitandi curapejleniy Fugiy mori licet natusy Nondum mori Jum par atus. Seeing 241 Barnabees yournalL Third part. Seeing there, as did become me, Written, Lord Have Mercy On Me, On the Portels, I departed. Left I fhould have forer fmarted ; Though from death none may be fpared, I to dye was fcarce prepared. Q^ Inde Barnabse Itinerarium, Pars tertia. Inde prato per-amoeiw Dormiens iemulente foenoy Rivusfurgit ^ me capity Et injlumen alte rapit j Quorfum ? clamant ; Nuper erro A Wansforth-brigsin Anglo-terra, On ^! 243 Barnabees yournalL Third part. On a Hay-cock fleeping foundly, Th' River rofe and cooke me roundly Downe the current ; people cryed. Sleeping, do wn the ftreame I hyed ; Where away i quoth thtyjfrom Greenland? No \from Wafisforth-brigs in England, 0^2 Vent 244 Barnabse Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Vent ^ Burleigh, licet Bruma^ Sunt fornaces fine fumo^ Promptuaria fine promo y Clara portay claufa domo \ ^ Caminifinefocoy Et culinafme Coquo ! « JJla domusfit Dafypodis dumus, Statius. "'"-^—^Heder^que trophaa camini. Thence Barnabees yournalL Third part. Thence to " Burleigh^ though 'twas winter, No fire did the Chimney enter, Buttries without Butlers guarded. Stately gates were dooble-warded ; Hoary ^^ Chimneyes without fmooke too, Hungry Kitchins without Cooke too. " This houfe the Levarets bufli, w Ivy the Chimneis trophy. P 3 Clamansy Vf ¥ f ¥ f ¥ f ¥ • • • f t • • • ¥ t B t ¥ Z4(> Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars tenia. ClamanSydomum o inanem ! Refofiabat * Ecco, famem ; ^uinam habitant intra muros P Refpirabat Ecco, mures ; Ditis omen, nomen habe 5 Mcco refpondebaty Abi. -CuJJos Domus Ecco relict a. Hal- Barnabees yournalL Third part. Hallowing loud, 6 empty wonder I ^Ecco ftrelght refounded, hunger. Who inhabits this vaft brick-houfe ? Ecco made reply, the Titmoiife-, Ominous Cell, no drudge at home Sir ! Ecco anfwer made,^^^o;7^ Sir, * Ecco 5 the keeper of a forlorne houfe. 0^4 Vctii 248 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Veni y Stamford, uhi bene Ontfiis generis crumena Sunt venalesjfedinfummo Sunt crumenafme nummo : Plures non in me reptantesy ^uamfunt ibi mendicantes, §>uo Schola r qiiopr^efes ? comites ? Academicafedes f In loculos liter as transpofuerefuas. Thence 249 Barnabees yournall. Thirdpart. Thence to ancient ^ Stamford C2in\e I, Where are pencelefle purfes many, Neatly wrought as doth become them, LefTe gold in them than is on them ; Clawbacks more doe not aflaile me. Than are Beggars fwarming dayly . y Where be thy MaJ?ers ? Fellows ? Scholers ? Bur/ers ? O Stamford X.0 thy fhame, they'r all turn'd Purfers, Licet Barnabse Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Licet curapreinant char ay Veniin ^ Foramen Sar^e ; Procafemel fiicci plenuy Lauta, lata ^ferenoy At veniiflafit vetiifiay Mundo gra vis ^ on ujla , * Sileni Antrum, eo etiim twmine cgregie notum. Though 2Sr Barnahees yournall. Third part. Though my cares were maine and many, To the ^ Hole of Sara came I, Once Tubona-robayUM^ me, Though now buttock-fhrunke and ruftie ; But though nervy-oyle and fat-a. Her I caught by you know what-a. z ThcDnmkarch ca've,{o\' fo it may becall'd, Where many Malt-iuorms have beene foundly mall'd, Sarse Barnabas Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Sarae antrum ut intrajfem, Et ampullas * gurgitajjemy * exiccaflem . In amore Sara certOy Ore hafia dat aperto ; Sape fedety quando furglt Cyathumpropinareurget, Having 253 Barnabees yournall. T^hird part. Having boldly thus adventur'd, And my Sara'sfocket enterM, Her I fued, futed, forted, Buffed, bouzed, fneefed, fnorted : Often fat (he, when (he got up All her phraze was, *• Drink thy pot up, Veni Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Veni Wltham, audiens illam Propter luhr'icam anguillam Vere claram^ nix us ramo Cospi expifcari hamo ; Et ingentem capiens unam^ Praceps trahor in ^lacunam, a Litiora Mseandriy/zw/ anxia limina lethi ; Flu£tus ubi cur^f ripa-memento mori. Thence 25 S Barnabees yournalL Third part. Thence to Witham^ having red there That the fatteft Eele was bred there, Purpofing fome to intangle, Forth I went and tooke mine angle, Where an huge one having hooked. By her headlong was I dooked. * Maayiden Ihores to Lethe s Ihadows tend j Where waves found cares, and banks imply our end. Veni 256 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Veni^ Gx^LnihTim. mlhi gratam^ Incite Pyramidatamy Ibi Pajlor cum uxore Coeundi uteris morey T)e cuhiculo defcendit^ ^ia Papa ibipendet. ^ Hinc canimns mirum I nonproiuUt Infula Spiram, l^alem nee not am I'idimus or be Ccetem. Thence 257 Bamahees yournalL Third part. Thence to ^ Grantham I retiring, Famous for a Spire afpiring, There a Paftor with his fweeting In a chamber clofely meeting ; In great fury out he flung there 'Caufe a Popijh pi£lure hung there. ^ I may compare this To\vne,an(l be no Iyer, With any fhire for Wbetjhnes and a Spire. R Oppida-^ ©©yOOOO©0©000©wO©00©©© as8 Barnabae Itinerarium Pars tertia. Oppidamtimerit dart Paulo Spirant afportari, Sctjfit antes (valde ml rum) Ubi praparent papyrumy ^d * maturius impHcetury * Stru£lura, Neportando "^ Uderetur. * Penetretur . Here 259 Barnabees yournall. Thirdpart. Here the Townfmen are amated That their 5p/r^{hould be tranflated Unto Pauls ; and great's their labour How to purchafe fo much paper To enwrap it, as is fitting, To fecure their Spire from fplitting. R 2 Vent 260 Barnabas Itinerarium : Pars -;. Veni ^ New-worke, uhi vivos Sperans merfos ejfe rivisy Irrui ccUamfuhamcenamy Generofis v'lnis plenam^ Donee Ll(Slor intrans cellam^ Me condux'it adjlagellum, <= Ulmtis arenofts pukherr'ima nafcitur oris, Ay CIS &" effii/ii 'vcjlit amoena comis. Hie Camfi 'virides, quos Txenti-^Jliimina rivis Fceeundare folent , uberei 'veris habent. Hie poneB'iore traHu dijle7iditur Bevaria vallis. Falles trina csf opima Dapes in/ula droina. Thence Barnahees loitrnall: Part 3.- Thence to ^ iV^w-iwr/^^jflood-furrounded, Where I hoping mod were drowned. Hand to hand I ftraightwayes fhored To a Cellar richly flored, Till fufpecled for a picklock, Th!Beedle led me to the whip -dock. c A Tandy plat a fliady Elme receaves, Which cloths thofe Turrets with her fhaken leaves. Here all along lyes Bevars fpatious Vale^ Neare which the ftreames of fruitfull Trent doe fall. Vallies three fo fruitfull be, They'r the wealth of Britannie. R 3 Vent 262 Barnabas Itinerarium. Pars tertia. FemTu^iwoYihJitam luto^ Ubi viatores (puto) Viatn vifcum ejfe credunty Sedes Syries ubifedent ; *Thyrfus pendety diupendity Bonum vinum raro vendit. Thence zbi Barnabees yournalL Thirdpart. Thence to Tuxworth in the clay there, Where poor Travellers find fuch way there ; Wayes like bird-lime fecme to fhow them, Seats are Syrts to fuch as know them; Th' Ivy hangs there, long has't hong there, "Wine it never vended ftrong there. R 4 Ve?ti 2-34 Barnabx Itinerarium, Pars tenia. Veni 'R.tt^or^fplfces ediy Et adagio locum dediy Coepijlatim propinare^ Utpifciculi natare Difcant^meo corpore vivo, Siciitinatarimt rive* Thence Barnabees yournalL Third part. Thence to Retford,R{h I fed on. And to th' adage I had red on, With caroufes I did trimme me. That my fifh might fwim within me, As they had done being living, And ith' River nimbly diving. Fern 266 Barnabae Itinerarium Pars tertia. Veni Scrubie, Deus bone ! CumVz^oxt ^Latrone Egi diemyfregi noBeniy Latro mefecijfet doBum : Ei nollem ajftdere^ Ne propinquior ejjet pera. Thence 267 Barnabees yournalL Third part. Thence to Scruhie, 6 my Maker ! With aP^crand a Taker Day I fpent, I night divided, Thiefe did make me well provided : My poor Scrip did caufe me feare him, All night long I came not neare him. Vent 268 Barnabse Itinerarium Pars tertia. Vefii Bzutr ee,angiportamf In dumetls vidi Scortam^ Gejlu levem^ lum'ine vivam, Vultu liztam tlf lafcivam ; Sedtnflixi carni pcsnam, Timens mi/ere crumenam. Thence Barnabees jfournalL 7hird part. Thence to Bautrecy as I came there From the bufhes neare the Lane there Rufh'd a Tweake In geflure flanting, "With a leering eye and wanton j But my flefli I did fubdue it, Fearing left, my purfe fliould rue it. Ftni Barnabas Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Veni ^ Donca{ler,yf JLevItam Aud'iens finiijfe vitamy 5/r^'ui Vcnerem, SpreviFmum, Perdite quiS dilexi primum : Nam cum Venus infenefcity In me carnis vim compefcit, ^ Major Cz^:i{\d\zo quo gr at i or ejfet ami CO f In cofnitem lento tramite ju7igit equo : Caufidicus renuit, renuente, Patibula, dixitf Commonftrabo tibi j Caus. tuque moreris ibi. Thence Barnahees lournalL Third fart. Thence to ^ Doncajlery where reported Lively Lev'it was departed. Love I loath'd and fpritely wine too. Which I dearely lov'd fometime too : For when youthful! Venus ageth, She my fleflily force aflwageth. ^ That curt'fie might a curtefie enforce, The Mayre would bring the Lawyer to his horfe : You Jhall not, quoth the Lawyer j M. nozu I fweare. Tie to the gallows goe. L./V*? leave you tberef Might not this Mayre for wit a iecond Pale-As Have nam'd the Town-end full as well as Gallows ? Nefclt 272 Barnabse Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Nefdtfii'is artem modi, Puteum Robert! Hoodi Veniy ^ liquente vena VitiHo ^ catino catena, Tollens fttim, parcum odi, Solvens oholum Cujiod'u * Vl'ventes njefia, Spina .^ catiniifque catena ^ Sunt Robin Hoodi nota irophaa Jul. Thirft 273 Barnabees yournalL Thirdpart. Thirfl: knowes neither meane nor meafure, Robin Hoods Well was my treafure, In a common ^ difh enchained, I my furious thirft reftrained : And becaufe I drunk the deeper, I paid two farthings to the keeper. <^ A JVell,thorne,diJb hung in an iron chainey For monuments oi Robin Hood remaine. Vent 274 Barnab^ Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Feni ^ Wentbrig, ttbiplag^ Terra y maris ^vivtintfagcEy Vultit tor to ^ atiiliy Et conditione vili : His inferno manentfedesy ^ua cum inferis ineuntfoedus, ^ Rupe cai'ediajlruxit inedia^ ^eis ofci lamer latuit accedia. Thence Barnabees yournalL Third part. Thence to ^ WentbrigiWhere vile wretches> Hideous hags and odious witches, Writhen countenance and mif-fhapen Are by fome foule Bugbear e taken : Thefe infernall feats inherit. Who contract with fuch a Spirit. f In a rock Want built her booth, Where no creature dwels but Sloth. S 2 Vent 2-6 Barnabse Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Veni Ycxnhxig^vletus^ Pede laJJiiSy mente latus^ Ut guftajfetn uvam vini, FriiBumfalubrem acini : Savior faBus fum quatn Aper^ Licet vini lenis fapor. Thence 277 Barnabees yournalL Thirdpart, Thence to Fen-ybrigy^ore wearied, Surfoot, but in fpirit cheered 5 I the grape no fooner tafted. Than my melancholy wafted : Never was wild Boare more felliih, Though the wine did fmally relifti. S3 278 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Veni s Pomfrait, tihi m'lram Arceniy ^ Anglis regthus diram \ ^ Laferis ortu cekbrandam^ Varus gejl'is memorandam : Nee in Pomfrait Repens certior, ^lampatiperculus inertior. «■ Hkrcpetunt or turn trijlljfma funera Reguniy ^a lachrymas oculis excutiere meis. ^ Regibiis Anglorum dedit arx ttia diva ruinamf Hoc titulofatum cerne S : : : : : tuiim. ^^ Latins in rupem Lafer ejljlta dulcis areniemf Vejle nova Feris foribus au8a 7wvis. Thence Barnabees yournalL Third part. Thence to s Pomfrait^ as long fince is, , Fatall to our ■^' Engllfi Princes ; For the choiceft ^ Licorice crowned, And for fundry a6ls renowned : A Loufe in Pomfrait is not furer. Then the Poor through floch fecurer. ^ The Tragick ftage oiEngUJh kings flood here, Which to their urns payes tribute with a tearc. * Here flood that fatall Theatre of Kings, Which for revenge mounts up with aery wings. 'i Here Licorice grows upon their mellowed banks, Decking the Spring with her delicious plants. Veni Barnabse Itinerarium, Pars tertia. Vent Sherburne, adamandumy Et ac'iculis fpeElandum ; Pqftor decimas ceraforum ^laritplus qiiam animorum : Certe nefc'io iitrum mores ^ An fort una: meliores. Thence Earnabees yournalL Third part. Thence to Sherhurneydezrdy loved. And for Pinners well approved ; Cherry tenths the Pallor aymeth More than th' foules which he reclaimeth; In an Equi-page conforting Are their manners and their fortune. Fern 282 Barnabae Itinerarium Pars tertia. Vent Bramham,fo ventus, Vidi Peclites currentes \ ^u'ldam auribiis fufurratj ** Crede Fauftule, hie pracurrety ** Nam probantur : ^uinarratur PejoVy melior aufpicatiir. Thence 283 Barnabees youn^alL Third part. Thence to Bramham^ thither comming, I faw two Footmen ftrlpt for running j One told me, " th' match was made to cheat ** Truft me FauJIuluSy *Th'is will beat'em, (the, " For we've tride them : but that Courfer He prizM better, provM the worfer. Veni k 284 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars tertia. yeni Tadcafter, iibiponte7n Zinejlumine^ p r^lucentemy PlateasfraElas^^pJlantes Omni loco mendicantes SpeBanSiiUinc divagarery Ne cum Hits numerarer. Thence iSs Barnabees yournalL Third part. Thence to Tadcafler^ where flood reared A faire Bridge, where no flood appeared, Broken Pavements, Beggars waiting, Nothing more than labour hating. But with fpeed I haftned from them, Left I (houldbe held one of them. Veni 286 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Vetii Eboracum, j/?(?r^ Juventut'is cum Tex tore Fruensy conjux Jlatim venit, ^^Lupum verb auribus tenet ', Ilk clamat aperirey Ilia negat exaudire. Thence 287 Barnabees yournall. Third part. Thence to 21?ri^,fre{h youth enjoying With a wanton TTeaver toying. Husband fuddenly appeares too ** Catching of the Wolfe by th'Eares too j He cryes open, fomething feares him, But th'deafe Adder never heares him. Sic 288 Barnabx Itinerarium- Pars tertia. Sic ingrejfus mlhi datur. Cum Textori denegatur\ ^d dum voce importune Strepitf matulam urinct Sentit ',fapienter tacefy Dum Betricia mecumjacet. Thus 289 Barnabees yournalL Third part. Thus my entrance was defcrled, While the Weaver was denied, Who as he fumed, fret, and frowned. With a chamber-pot was crowned ; Wifely filent he ne're grudged While his Betty with me lodged. Ihi 290 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars tertia* Mi Tihicen apprehenfuSy Judicatus l^fufpettfusy Flatiftro coaptatofuriy Ubi Tibia, clamant pueri? Nunquam ludes amplius Billie 5, At nefcitiSji/z^'^^V ille^r A I 291 Barnabees yournalL Third part* A Piper being here committed. Guilty found, condemn'dand titted. As he was to Knavefmyre going, This day, quoth Boyes, willfpoile thy blowing ; From thy Pipe tF art novf departing^ Wags, quoth th' Piper, ^^owV not certaine* T 2 ^lod 293 Barnabse Itinerarium, Pars tertia, §uod cofittger'tt memet tejte^ Nam ahfcijfa jugulo rejiey lit infojfam Furctfer vexity Sem't-mortuus refurrexit : Arce veducem occludlty Ubi valet yvivity ludit. Ail 29i Barnabees yournalL Third part. All which happen'd to our wonder, For the halter cut afunder. As one of all life deprived Being buried, he revived : And there lives, and plays his meafure, Holding hanging but a pleafure. X 3 Vent 5;^d;dxG;o:cr.^d;^^ 194 Barnabse Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Veni Towlerton, Stadiodromi Retinentes fpem corona^ Duciint equos ea die Juxta tramitem nota via ; Sequens autemfolitam venanty 5/>rmprimum ^poftremum. Thence 29s Barnabees yournalL Third part* Thence to Toiulertouy where thofe Stagers Or Horfe-courfers run for wagers ; Neare to the high way the courfe is, Where they ride and run their horfes 5 But (till on our journey went we, Firftyox Lq/If did like content me, T 4 Feni v)6 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Fefii Helperby defolatum, Igfie nuper concrematuniy Ne tahernafit intaEla^ Non in cineres redaBa j ^•/(? difceffi ocyor Euro, ReJiinguendiftUm cur a. Thence 297 Barnabees yournalL Third part. Thence to Helperby, I turned Defolate and lately burned. Not a Taphoufe there but mourned. Being all to afhes turned, Whence I fwiftly did remove me For thirft-fake,as did behove me. 398 Barnabse Itinerarmm. Pars tertia. Vent ^^ TopcllfFe, mujtcam vocatis^ Et decora ordine loca?iSy Ut expeElaiit hi mercedeniy Tacite fubtraxi pedem ; Par urn hahiii quodexpendarn^ Linquens eos adfolve?idum, *' Labenles rivi refonant fub 'vertice cllviy ^cs tittdum 'villa primo dedere tU£S. Alias. Infra Jitum Ri'vi faliunt fuh acumine cli'vij ^iofedes civi fplendida, nidla nivi. Thence I ffft ;d. 199 Barnabees yournalL Third parU Thence to ^ Topdiffe, mufick callM I, In no comely pofture fail'd I, But when thefe expelled wages, To themfelves I left my Pages ; Small being th' curtTy I could fliew them Th'reckning I commended to them. h Topcliffe from tops of cliffs firft tooke her name, And her cliffe-mounted feat confirms the fame : Where ftreames with curled windings overflowne Beftow a native beauty on the towne. Vein Barnabse Itinerarium- Pars tertia, Veni ' Thyrske, Thyrfis hortum^ UbiVh'^lWs floribus fportam Injlriiit^ at nihil horum Nee pajlorem^ neqtie Jlorem Ego ciirOi Bacchum /^^/?a HortOy campOfforOj teclo^ ' Thyrfis oves pafcens perapric^ pafciianjalUsy Prima dedit Thyrfco nomina nolafucu Sycomorigelidis Tityrus umbris Diftumbens, Phyllidi Serta paravitj Et 7tivea5 greges gr amine pa'uit. Thence 301 Barnabees yournalL Third part. Thence to ' Thyrskey rich Thyrfis casket, Where faire Phyllis fils her basket With choice flowers, but thefe be vaine things, I efteeme no flowers nor Swainlings ; In Bacchus yard, field, booth or cottage I love nought like his cold pottage, ' Here Thyrfis fed his Lambkins on the Plaine, S.o Thjrske from Tiyrjrs tooke her ancient Name. Here Tityrus and Phyllis made them Bovvers Of tender Ofyers,f\veet-breath'd Sycomours. Veni 3oa Barnabas Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Vent AlertOTiiUbi oves, Tauri, vaccayvituliy boveSy. Aliaqiie Campi pecora Oppidana erant decora r Forumfuitjumentorum^ Mihiautem cellaforum*^ Thence :a^ 303 Barnabees yournalL Third part* Thence to Alerton^XTX^t in battel!^ Sheepe,Kine,Oxen,other Cattell, As I fortun'd to pafle by there Were the Towns beft beautifier : Faire for Beafts at that time fell there. But I made my Fayre the Celler. Vent 304 Barnabx Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Veni Smeton, perexofum Collem quern pedlculofum Vulgb vo canty tamen mire Mcechafolent lafcivirey Ad alendum debilem Jlatuniy Aut tegendam nuditatem* Thence 3^5 Earnabees yournalL ThirdparL Thence to Smefon, I aflailed Lonvfy Hilli for fo they call it, Where were dainty Ducks, and gant ones, Wenches that could play the wantons. Which they pradlife, truth I'le tell ye, For reliefe of back and bellie. V Veni 30.6 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars tertia. F^m'^NefliamjDei donum, Jn Coenobiarcha domum ; Uber^tn vallemyfaltibrem venam^ Curfu jlumims amosnam^ Latamfylvis isffrondofam^ Herse vultufpeciofam^ ^ Littora lentiJc'is,gemmdruntgerminagemfnU, Murenulis concha, muricibufque comes. Thence 30y Barnabees yournalL Third part. Thence to '^ Nejhamy now tranflated, Once a Nunnery dedicated ; Vallies fmiling, Bottoms pleafing, Streaming Rivers never ceafing, Deckt with tufty woods and (hady. Graced by a lovely Lady* ^ Where fhores yeeld Lenticks,braches pearled gems. Their Lamprels Ihells, their rocks foft molTy ftems. V 2 Vent 308 Barnabx Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Feni DTLxVington, prope vicum Conjugem dux i per a m tea m \ Nuptiis celehranturfejlay Nulla admittuntur mcejla ; P&cula noElis dant progrejfum^ Ac ft nondum nuptus ejfetn. Thence 309 Barnabees yournalL Third part. Thence to Darlington^ there I boufed Till at lad I was efpoufed ; Marriage feaft and all prepared, Not a fig for th' world I cared ; All night long by th' pot I tarried As if I had ne're beene married . V 3 Vent 3JO Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars tertia* Veni ^ 'Rlchmundjfed amicos Generofos ^ antiquoSy Mobiles fociosyfortis mira^ Cum neqmjfem invenirey Sepelire curas ibi, ^ota noBe mecum bihu * Nomen habes mundi, nee er'itfinejure^ fecundi, Namque Jitus titulum co?72prcbat ipfe tuum. Thence 3IX Earnabees yournalL Third part. Thence to * Richmund^tTiV^ fentence ! There were none of my acquaintance. All my noble Cumrads gone were, Of them all I found not one there. But left care fliould make me ficker, I did bury care in liquor, 1 From a Rich mound thy appellation came. And thy rich feat proves it a proper name. V 4 T(£na iiz Barnabae Itinerarium, Pars tertia. Posnafequifolet culpanty ^mRedmeere «6?Subulcum, Ilia mefifiefert porci?iay Prifca minis intejiinay §^ia ni calices ahlmjfenty Adhuc gurgite inhajljfent* Penance 31? Barnahees yournaU. Third part* Penance chac'd that crime of mine hard. Thence to Redmeere to a Swine-heard Came I, where they nothing plafl me But a Swines-gut that was naftie, Had I not then wafh'd my liver. In my guts't had (tuck for ever. Vent 314 Barnab^ Itinerarium, Pars tertia. Veni Czrperhic peravarutrif Ccetufrequens^ viBu carum \ Septem Solidorum cosna Redit levior crumena : Nummo citius haurierisy ^uam Hquore ebrieris. Thence l^v 31 i Barnabse Itinerarium. Pars tenia. Thence to Carperhie very greedy, Conforts frequent, vidluals needy ; After Supper they fo toft me As feven {hillings there it coO: me : Soone may one of coyne be foaked, Yet for want of liquor choaked. Feni Barnabas Itinerarium Pars tertia. Vent Wenclily, vallefttum, Prifca vetujlate tritumy Amat tamen propinare Pajlor cum agnellis chare^ §uo effafcwati mcrey Dormiunt Agni cum PaJIore, Thence m Barnahees jfournalL Thirdpart. Thence to ?Fui tremuld mulcet 'voce, foporefonjet. Thence 329 Barnabees yournalL Third part. Thence to ° Hardrawy'wh.QXQh hard hunger, Barraine cliffs and clints of wonder •, Never here Adonis lived, Unleffe in Coles Harbour hived : Ins are nafl:y,du{ly,fu{tie, Both with fmoake and rubbifli muflie. ° A (hallow Rill, whofe ftreames their current keep, With murrn'riog voyce & pace procure fweet lleep. Vent 330 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Vent Gaftile, uh'i cellaniy Cellamfitam ad Sacelltim Intransy bibi Stingo Jhrf em. Habeas Lanium in confortem, Et P PaJIorem parva gregiSf Rudem moris^artisy legis, P ^ota ejl hora^refert ? Solem fpeculando refpondet. Ecce Sacer dotes quos tua terra parit I Thence 3JI Barnabees yournall. Third part. Thence to Gajlile^ I was drawne in To an Alehoufe neare adjoining To aChappell, I drunk Stingo With a Butcher and Domingo Th' P Curat, who to my difcerning Was not guilty of much learning. P I askt him what's a Clock ? He look'd at th' Sun But want of Latin made him anfwer Mum. Vent %\ 332 Barnabae Itinerarium Pars tertia. Veni ^Sedhcrgh,/edem quondam Lautamy lataniy ^' jocundaniy Sed mutatiir mundus totuSy ** Vix In anno iinus potus : Ibi propria prope lari Non audebam vulpinari, •^ Projpides thyri'nm Jlnuqfius arte roiundum, Organa quo cerebri merfafuere mei. Thence 333 Barnabees yournalL Third par L Thence to "^ 5^J/5i'r^/:',fometInies joy-all, Gamefome, gladfome, richly royall, But thofe jolly boy es are funken, ** Now fcarce once a ycare one drunken : There T durft not well be merry, Farre from home old Foxes werry. * Here grows a huJJj in artfull mazes round, Where th' a6tive organs of my braine were drownd. Veni 3J4 Barnabx Itinerarium. Pars tenia. Vem ^ Klllington, f JzVww collemy Fronde Utiore mollem^ Ihi tamen parum harem y Semper altiorafperansy Hifce dixi longum valcy Solum repetens n at ale, •i ArhoYibus gelidam texens Coriatius umhram^ MJlatem atqiie Hyememfronde repelle gravem. Thence 335 Barnabees yournalL Thirdpart. Thence to ^ KtlUngton I pafled, Where an hill is freely grafled, There I flaid not though halfe-tyred, Higher dill my thoughts afpired : Taking leave of Mountains many. To my native Country came I. *J Here the retyred Tanner builds him bovvrs, Shrowds him from Summers heat and winters Ihowrs. Veni 336 Barnabx Itinerarium. Pars tertia. Venl Kendall, uhijlatus Fraftans^prudens ^ MagiJIratuSy Puhlicis fejlis purpuratuSy Ab Elizabetha datus \ Hie me juvat habit are ^ Propinare ^ amare* ' Nunc Saturnius apptdii annus, Major fiet Aldermannus. FINIS, Thence 337 Barnabees yournalL 'Third part. Thence to Kendall^ pure her ftate is, Prudent too her Magiftrate is, In whofe charter to them granted Nothing but a ^ Mayor wanted ; Here it likes me to bee dwelling, Boufing, loving, ftories telling. "■ Now Saturns yeare h'as drench'd down care, And made an Alderman a Mayre. FINIS. Y Bar- V V w © V V V V w V V w V w V V V V Cr w w © Barnab^ ITINERARIUM. Pars O^^^ta. Authore Corymbceo, Si vitulum JpeSies , nihil eft quod pocula laudes. Barnabees JOURNAL L 'The fourth part. By Corymbceus. If thou doeft love thy flock, leave off to pot. 340 ' EarnabiC * ITINERARIVM. Itineris Borealis : Pars Quarta. MiRTlL. F A u s T u L E, J/V quo jure Spreta urbeyvivis rure F §^w tot lepidos confortesy GeniofauJloSy gurgite fortes ^ Reliqutfiijfocios vita, Gravi labor antes fiti P MiRTlL. 341 Barnabees JOVRNALL. His Northerne Journey : The Fourth 'part. MiRTIL. Faustulus, takes't no pitty For the Field to leave the City ? Nor thy Conforts, lively Skinkers, Witty vt^ags, and lufty Drinkers, Lads of life,who wafli their liver And are dry and thirfly ever ? Y 3 Vale 342 Barnabae Itinerarium Pars quarta. Vale dices tot amicis^ Tot Lyelvini vicisy Tot Falerni rofcidi cellisy Tot pelliculisytot puellis F §tiidtemovety dicfodaliy Urhi longum dicer e vale ? Wilt 343 Barnabees yournall. Fourth part^ Wilt thou here no longer tarrie With thefe Boyes that love Canarie ? Wilt thou leave thefe nectar trenches. Dainty Doxes, merry wenches ? Say, what makes thee change thy ditty, Thus to take farewell oth'City ? Fau- 344 Barnabae Itinerarium. Faustul. Pars quarta. Uid me movet ? Nonne cerms Me tarn diu in Tab erf its Propinajfe^ donee m'llle Clamatity Ecce Faujlulus ille, Qui per orbem ducens iter, Titulo jfi"^r/7infignitur ! FaU' 345 Barnahees yournall. Fourth part, Faustul. l^Hat isU makes me P doeft not note it How I have ith'Taverne floted, Till a thoufand feeke to fliame me, There gci} FauJluluSy fo they name me, Who through all the IVorld traced, And with Stile ^'^ Malt worme graced ! 346 Barnabas Itinerarium. Pars quarta. Qui natali bibit more Orturofeseab Aurorse Ufque vefpram, & pudorem Vultus, quseflusSc odorem Sprevit ! audi culpa pcenamy Scenam Fault uli extremam. Wk 547 Barnabees yournalL Fourth part. Who caroufeth to his hreed'ing From Auroral s heamelins fpreding To the Ev'ningy and defpifeth Favour y thrift which each manprizeth ! Now heare Faujlulus melancholly, Th' dozing Scene of all his folly. Vale 348 Barnabae Itinerarium Pars quarta. Vale Banbery, vale Brackley, VaIe\lo\\oW''<^t\\^vaIe Hockley, Vale Damtre,«u^/^Lei{ler, Vale ChichefterJ^'^/^ Chefter, Vale'NoX.tmgTLYn^vale Mansfield, Vale Wetherbe,i^^/^ Tanfield . Farewell 349 Barnabees yournalL Fourth part. Farewell Banher^^izxf^tW Bradley, Farewell Hollow'ivel/yhrevjdl Hockley , Farewell D^/.7/r^, fare well Leljlery Farewell C/jir/6£/?^r, fare well Chejler, Farewell Nottingam,{2irtwe\\ Mansfield, Farewell J^*?^/?'^^^^, fare well Tanfield, Vale 350 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars quarta. Vale Aberford, vale Bradford, Vale ToKQttr yvale Stratford, Vale Prefton,i;^/^ Euxfton, Vale Wiggln, vale Newton, Vale Warrington, ^'^/^ Bud worth, Vale Kighley, vale Cud worth. Farewell 3ji Barnahees yournalL Fourth part. Farewell Aherford^i-dXt^-tW Bradford y Farewell ToJJeter, farewell Stratfordy Farewell Prefion^ farewell EuxJIotiy Farewell Wigging hreweW Newton, Farewell Warrhigton, farewell Budworthy Farewell Kighleyy farewell Cudworth* Vale 352 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars quarta. FakHog^donyVak Totnain, Fak Glgglefwick,-!;^/^ Gottam, Vale Harrington,^'^/^ Stilton, Fak Huntington,iW^ Milton, Fale Roiftonj-u^/^Puckridge, Fak Caxfl;on,W^ Cambridge. Farewell 353 Barnabees yournall. Fourth part. Farewell Hogfdonyhrewdl Tofnam, Farewell Gigg/efivickjhreyyeW Gottam, Farewell Harrington^ farewell Sti/ton^ Farewell Huntingtcn, {^tqwqW Mi/ton, Farewell i?«'//?i7«, fare well Puck ridge , Farewell Caxjlon^ farewell Cambridge, Vale 354 Barnabse Itinerarium. Pars quarta. Vale WarajW^Wademill, Valelli^gaittyvale Gadfhill, Vale Stamford, vale Sautree, Vale Scrubie, vale Bautree, Vale Caftrum fubter Linum, Uhi Vates, Venus i Virium, Fare- 35S Barnabees yournalL Fourth part. Farewell Ware^ farewell Wademilly Farewell iiT/g-^j/^, farewell Gadjhill^ Farewell Stamford,hrewe\\ Sautree^ Farewell Scrubie^ farewell Bautree^ Farewell Caflle under Line too. Where are Pf?^//, Wenches, Wine too. Z 2 Vale ?v97v?7v7??i 356 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars quarta. Vale Tauk-hill,^«^;« confpexiy Lemnia Lydia, quam dilexiy Ardu£ vi£ quas tranfiv'i^ Et amicula quels coivi, Fnhery'Taberyfocia lata^ Et conviva. vos valete. Farewell 3 57 Barnabees yournall. Fourth part* Farewell 5n3«/^-/?'/7/,which I viewed, Lemnian LydioywYiom. I fewed, Steepy wayesby which I waded, And thofe Trugs with which I traded, Faber,Taber, penfive never. Farewell merry Mates for ever. Nunc m 358 Barnabx Itinerarium. Pars quarta. Nunc longlnquos locos odi, Vale Fons Roberti Hoodi, Vale Rofington,i;^/^ Retford, Et antiquafedes Bedford, r'«/^Dunchurch,Dunftable,BrickhilI, Alban, Barnet,Pimlico,Tickhill. Now i*/^*/^* 359 Barnabees yournall. Fourth part* Now I hate all forraine places, Rohin Hoods Well and his chaces, Farewell Rofmgton^izxt^€^ Retfordy And thou ancient feat oiBedfordf Farewell Dunchurch^ Dunjlahle^ Brickhilly Albany Barnet^ Pimlico,TickhilL Z 4 Vale 360 Barnabae Itinerarium, Pars quarta. F«/.u& Sedbergb* Aa 2 ytfr- 37» Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars quarta. ArmentariusjamfumfaduSy Rure manens incoaEiuSy Suavis odor lucrl tenet y Par urn euro unde venity CampOy choroy teBoy thoroy Caul ay cellayfylvayforo. a7J Barnahees yournall. Fourth part. I am now become a Drover, Countrey-liver, Countrey-lover, I Smell of gaine my fenfebenummeth, Little care I whence it commeth, Bee't from Campe, chore, cottage, carpet. Field, foldjcellar, forreft, market. Aa 3 Vent 374 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars quarta. EqueftriaFora. Vendens Equumfine cauda. Morbid urn, mancinn^ claudum^ ccecutJiy Forte ft manerct mecumy Proboyvendoyprethim daiur, ^iidftjlathn nioriatur ? To 375 Barnabees yournalL Fourth part. Horfe-Faires. To Malton come Ijpraifing th'faile Sir, Of an horfe without a taile Sir, BehemaIm'd,lam*ci,bUnd,difeafed, If I fell him,rm well pleafed ; Should this Javell dye next morrow, I partake not in his forrow. Aa 4 M 370 Barnabse Itinerarium. Pars quarta. Adforenfem Rippon tendoy Eqiiiftftnt cariyvendoy Si minore pretlo dempti, Equi a me erunt empti \ ** lit alacriorjlat ille, ** Ilia mordicant anguilU, Then Barn a bees yournall. Fourth part. Then to Rippon I appeare there To fell horfe if they be deare there. If good cheape, I ufe to buy them. And ith*Couiitry profit by them ; " Where to quicken them, Tie tell ye, " I put quick Eelesin their bellie. Vent Barnabse Itinerarlum. Pars quarta. Septentrlonalia Fora. Vem Pomfrait, uherem venaniy '^Virgis lajerpitiis plenam \ Veni To p c 1 i fFe r ^^ mfodaliy Non adVinumJedVenale\ Veni Thy rske, tihi Boves Sunt venules pinguiores. '* Virgulta Lafn is florent amoenula, In bac Angelica latiUs Infuld. Thence 379 Barnabees yournalL Fourth pai^t. Nortberne Faires, Thence to Pomfrait, frefhly flowred. And with "^ rods of Licorice ftored ; Thence to Topcliffe with, my fellow. Not to bouze Wine but to fell-lo ; Thence to nyrsheyVjhQx& Bullocks grazed, Are for fale ith'market placed. '* Rods of Licorice fweetly fmile In that rich Angehck I'le. iS^tfBook3.Stanz.48. Vent 380 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars quarta. VemAWtxtonlatamJatam^ Mercatort perquam gratam. In utiliorem aElumy Eligo locum pecori aptum ; Vent T^dxWngton^ fervans leges In cujlodiendo greges , Thence, 38^ Barnabees yournalL Fourth parU Thence to Allerton cheerefull, fruitful!, To the Seller very gratefull, There to chufe a place Fm charieft. Where my beafts may ftiew the faireffc ; Thence to Darlingtoriy never fwarving From our Drove-lawes,v;^orth obferving. Iftde I 38z Barnabx Itinerarium. Pars quarta. Jnde Middlam curfumJleEloy Spe lucranditramite nElOy 'Nullum renuo labor ettiy ^ajlus fapiens odorem ; ^^ Nulla via mcdo vera, ^^EJl ad boms mores /era. Thence 383 Barnabees yournall. Fourth part. Thence to Middlam am I aiming In a direct courfe of gaining, I refufe no kind of labour. Where I fmell fome gainfull favour ; " No way, be it ne're the homeliefl ^4s rejected being honeft. Hifce % / 384 Barnab^ Itinerarium. Pars quarta. Tra-montana Fora. Hifceforis nullum honum Capiensy Septentrionem Ocyorepetopede^ Ditmefruifede : Jlfpera cautesy ardui collesy Lucrl gratia mihi molles. In 385 Barnabees yournalL Fourth part. Tra mcntane Faires, In thefe Faires if I finde nothing Worthy (laying, Tm no flow thing. To the North frame I my paflage Wing'd with hope of more advantage : Ragged rocks, and fteepy hillows Are by gaine more foft than pillows. Bb Feni Vw YwVtVii V^^i Tift ¥ fit • 386 Barnabx Itinerarium. Pars quarta. Vent Applebie, uhinatusy Prtmamfedem Comltatus ; Illittc Fenrith Jpecio/amy Omnimerce copiofani'y Illinc Roflay, uhi tota Grex a gente venit Scota . Thence 387 Barnabees yournalL Fourth part. Thence to native Applehie mount I, Th'antient Seat of all that County ; Thence to pearelefle Penrith went I, Which of Merchandize hath plenty ; Thence to Rojlay^'whtxt our Lot is To commerce with people Scotufh, Bb 2 Hinc cW;d;3^a;d;^3;d;o^^^^ 388 Barnabas Itinerarium. Pars quarta. Hlncper Hm'item obltquam Veni RavinglaiTe antiquam ; IIiincT)2\ton peramcenum ; Hinc Ou Honum/ri/ge plenum ; DonecH2LUX\dcfpe^o/efj/im ; Illincfedem Lancaftrenfem. By 389 Barnabees yournalL Fourth part. By a paflage crooktly tending, Thence to Ravinglajfe I'm bending ; Thence to D^/Zowmoftdelightfull; Thence to oaten Oujlon fruitful!; Thence to Hanxides marifh pafture ; Thence to tVSeat of old Lancajler, Bb 3 Vent i 390 Barnabae Itinerarium, Pars quarta. Feni Gareftang, ubi nata Sunt armentafronte lata ; Hinc adlngXQ^onh. utdefcendi^ Pulchr'i vitulifunt emendi ; Illinc Burton liminapeto^ Grege lautdyfronde lata* Thence 391 Barnabees yournalL Fourth part. Thence to Garejlang^'^htxc are feeding Heards with large fronts freely breeding; Thence to ///^/^/or/^I defcended, Where choice BuU-calfs will be vended ; Thence to Burtons boundiers pafle I, Faireinflocks,in paftures graffie. Bb 4- yeni fMiM^MMMMM 392 Barnabae Itinerarium Pars quarta. VeniHornehiej/edem claram^ ** Spes lucrandifert avarum j Cceca-facra fames aur'i Me confortemfecit Tauri ; Sprevi Veneris amor em ^^ Lucrum fummum dat odor em. Thence 393 Barnabees yournalL Fourth part. Thence to ii/(7r«^^/V, Seat renouned, " Thus with gaine are worldlings drowned j Secret-facred third of treafure Makes my Bullocks my beft pleafure ; Should Love wooe me, Fd not have her, ** It is gaine yelds fweeteft favour. Veni 394 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars quarta. Feni Loneidzle^vementem Laticemfocli prapotentem HaurienteSf hafttafites^ FluBuanieSy tituhantes^ Allicerent^ (narro verum) Sednonfum quifemeleram. Thence 39S Barnabees jfournall. Fourth tart^ Thence to Lonefdaky whc'e were at it Boyes that fcorn'd quart-ale by ftatute. Till they ftagger'djftammer'd, {tumbled. Railed, reeled, rowled, tumbled, Mufing I fhould be fo (hanged, I refolv*d them, I was changed. Me 1 39A Barnabse Itinerarium, Pars quarta. 3Ie adlimen trahunt Orciy Uti lutum pettint porciy Aut ad vomitumfertur Canisy Sed intejitiojit inanis ; OcuHs claufis hos confortes Prater ire didici mortis » To 397 Barnabees yournalL Fourth part. To the finke of fin they drew me, Where like Hogs in mire they tew me, Or like Dogs unto their vomit, But their purpofel o'recommed \ With {hut eyes I flung in anger From thofes Mates of death and danger. Mtror 398 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars quarta. MiRTlL. ■Iror (Faustule) mirorvere, Bacchi te dientem heri^ Spreto geiiio jucundoy JMentem immerjtjfe mundo \ Die quidagis, ubi vivis, Semper eris mundo civis ? MiRTIL, I* I t1 399 Barnabees jfournali. Fourth part. MiRTIL. Urely (Faustulus) I doe wonder How thou who fo long llv'd under Bacchus yVfhtxQ choice witsrefouded, Should'ftbe thusithVorld drowned. What do'fl,where Iiv'ft,in briefe deliver, Wilt thou be a worldling ever ? Fau- V W « VV W ■ W W ■ M ■ W W W VV Y V Y VV MMM^Mk 400 Barnabse Itinerarium. Pars quarta. Faustul. ^■"^"^^ f i?r<3fj- (Mlrtile)y/ me credas m r^S-J' ■^^"^^^^'''^ Bacch'i peter efedes ; MJp^;^ Thy r f u s vinous erit colloy * * kernel in anno ridet Apollo \ Pellens animi dolor es^ Miitem crines^nunquam mores. Thou 401 Barnabees yournall. Fourth part. Faustul. Hou err'fl ( MirtUus) fo doe mo too, If thou think'ft 1 never goe to j5j6T>6/^j- temple, which I follow, " Once a yeare laughs wife Apollo ; Where I drench griefes, fleight Phy fitians, Hayre I change, but no conditions. C C Socm VVVVVwVvOVwVVVVwVVwVVV 402 Barnabse Itinerarium. Pars quarta. Sochs habeo vere gratosy Oppidanos props natosy Intrayextraycirca muroSy §ui mor daces tollunt cur as : Hifcejuvatfociariy Et^apricisjpatiari, ^ Sic per apricos fpatiari locos Gaudeat^mentem relevare meam Anxiam curisfjiudiif^ue gravem. 403 Barnabees yournalL Fourth par tj. CheerefuU Cumrades have I by me, Townfmen that doe neighbour ny me. Within, withoutjwhere e're I reft me, Carking cares doe ne're moleft me : With thefe I pleafe to confort me, And in" open fields to fport me. " Thus through the faire fields , when I have beft Diapred richly, doe I take my pleafure, (leafure. To cheere my ftudies with a pleafmg meafure. Cc 2 l^unc w&wOwWwwwwwOwWwWQwwQQQ 404 ^ Barnabas Itinerarium. Pars quarta. Nufjc ad Richmund, pritfjojor^y Nunc <2^ Ne fli am cum uxore, Lato curfu properamusy Et amamur ^ amamus ; Pollentjloribus amhulachray Vera Ytxisfimulachra, Now 405 Barnabees yournalL Fourth part. Now to Richmundy when Spring's comming, Now to NeJJjam with my woman, With free courfe we both approve it. Where we live and are beloved ; Here fields flower with frefheft creatures Reprefentingi^^r^V features. Cc 3 Nunc vOO V V w V V V w © V w w V V V V w V V^r 406 Barnabas Itinerarium. Pars quarta. Nutjc ad Afliton invltato Ahamico ^^ cognato^ Dant hofpitium ahdita celU^ Radiantes orbisJIelUy Men/a, mera^ omnia plena^ Gratafronte ^ferena. Now 407 Barnabees yournalL Fourth part. Now to AJhton Tm invited By my friend and kinfman cited. Secret cellars entertaine me, Beauteous-beaming Stars inflame me, Meat, mirth, mufick, wines are there full, "With a countenance blith and cherefull. Cc 4 "i^unc 408 Barnabae Itinerarium, Pars quarta. Niwc ^^Cowbrow, ubi laiuSy Una me?tte cotifluit coetusy Nefcit locus lachrymarey Nofcit hofpes ofcularly Facit in amoris tejlem Anfer velGallinafeJlum* Now k 409 Barnabees yournalL Fourth part. Now to Ccw^r^w, quickly thither Joviall boyes doe flock together. In which place all forrow loft is, Guefts know how to kifle their hoftefle, Nought but love doth border neare it, Goofe or Hen will witnefle beare it. Nunc Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars quarta. Nunc ^JNatland, «^/ Florem Convivalem ^Paflorem SpeBoyfpiro or a rofea, A quels NeiSlar ^ Ambrofea ; Cajlitatis autem cura Me intaBumfervant rure. Now 411 Barnabees yournalL Fourth part. Now to Natlandywhtxt choice beauty And a ShepheardAot falute me, Lips I relifh richly rofeack, Purely Necfar and Amhrofeack ; But Tmchafte, as doth become me, For the Countreys eyes are on me. Nunc 412 Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars quarta. Nunc ^JKirkland, ^ de eo I **Prope Ternplo,procul Deo DtcipoteJljfpeBent Templum^ Sacerdotis ^ exemplum, Audient tamen citiusfomim Tibia quamconcionem. Now ;3; 413 Barnabees yournalL Fourth part. Now to Kirllandy truly by it May that Say be verified, ^^Farfrom God^ but neare the Temple^ Though their Paftor give exemple, They are fuch a kind of vermin, Pipe they'd rather heare than Sermon. Nunc Barnabae Itinerarium. Pars quarta. Nunc ad Kenddllf propter ^ Patinum, Coetum,Jitum, ^^ Aldermannum, Virgwespulchras^ pias matreSy Et viginti quatuorfr aires y Vere clarum ^heaturtiy Mihi naEfuWy notum^ natum, * Lanificii gloria^ c£f mdujlria ita pracellensy ut eo no- mine fit celeberrimum. Camb. in Brit. Pannus mihi panis. Mot. w iv^(9w/V/(f Major easynecjis minor otnineJediS) Compeiat ut titulo civica 'vita novo. Now 415 Barnabees yournall. Fourth part. Now to Kendall^ for * Cloth-making, Sight, {\Kq^^ Alderman awaking, Beauteous Damfels, modeft mothers, And her foure and twenty brothers. Ever in her honour fpreading, Where I had my native breeding. ■■* A Towne fo highly renouned for her commodious cloathing, and induftrious Trading, as her name is become famous in that kind. Camb. in Brit. Cloth is my bread. Mot. w Now haft thou chang'd thy title unto May re j Let hfe,ftate,ftyle improve thy charter there. Uhi 4i6 Barnabx Itinerarium. Pars quarta. Ubt dicam (pace vejlra) ^eElum mittitur efeneflray Cura lucriy ctira forty Saltant cum Johanne Dori: SanBifratres cum Poeta, Lata canunt l5ffaceta» Where 417 Barnabees yournalL Fourth pur t. Where I'le tell you (while none mind us) We throw th'houfe quit out at windows. Nought makes them or me ought fory, They dance lively with John Dori : Holy Brethren with their Poet Sing, nor care they much who know it. D d Nunc 418 Barnabx Itinerarium. Pars qviarta. NtitJc ^JStaveley,«^/ aves MeloSy modos cantant f naves ^ Sub arbujiis ^' vlrgultis Molliore mtifco fult'is : Cel/iS) Sylvis, ^ Taberfilsy Anfceliciorem certiis F New 419 Barnahees yournalL Fourth part. Now to Stavehy ftreight repaire I, "Where fweet Birds doe hatch their airy, Arbours>Ofyers fredily (howing With foft moffie rinde or'e-grovving : For woods, ayre,ale, all excelling, Would'ft thou have a neater dwelling ? o Dd 2 EJo 420 Barnabx Itinerarium. Pars quarta. MiRTIL. ^^£l§^ ^^0 Fauftule ! recumbe, m Bfe| Riire tuo carminafunde \ kp. ^^ Vive^vale^proficeycrefcey Arethufse alma mejfe -y Tibi ZcTphyrus /lib /ago Dtilciter afflet^ Faust. Gratias ago^ FINIS, % MiRT, Barnahees yournall. Fourth part. MiRTlL. -^I^f EE't fo Faujlulus! there repofc thee, Cheere thy Country with thy pofie ; Live, fare-well, as thou deferveft, Rich in Arethufa's harveft ; Under th' Beach while Shepheards ranke thee, Zephyr us blefle thee. Faust. I doe thanke thee. FINIS. Dd 3 Aurea f i fe i fe § k mh ife fe k i il i 1 1^ 42a A Urea rure m'lhi funt fecula^ po- cula Tmoli, iJtP tSSt 'tig' "tip* 'tit \mmmi Friiges adde Ceres, ^ frugihus adde race- mos^ Vitibus y Vates^ Vatihus adde dies. riv- ^^ IIP mm fifliii ^ Wfl ^ 423 '4M 5^11' li HEre in the Couiitrey live I with my Page, Where I'molus Cups I make my golden age. •tift^ -^ ^^ ^n 'tifcr -^ JPV^ p»^V» *vJ5^» r^^* •>4!^» r^i^ 426 In Errata. ^id fthrQves fiant long! ? -6"/ voLalesy/;^/ dipthongi ? ^idfi gxdNQsfmt acuti ? Si accentus fiant muti ? ^idfiplacide,plene, plane y Fregi front em Prifciani ? ^^^ v/tiN »/2P" ff\ ff\ f^ 7^ j^ f^ f^ f^ 446 Ood Reader, if this Impreflion have errors in it, excufe it : The Copy was obfcure ; neither was the Author^ by reafon of his diitance, and imployments of higher confe- quence, made acquainted with the pub- lifhing of it. His Patavinus erravitprelis^ Author em Juis lacerando telis. Philander^ fj^ 7^ }^ Tp> fj^ rj\ Jf^ TfK 7^ 7J^ 7J\ rj\ JfJX IfX 7^ 7f\ IfK 7^ 7J\ 7J\ 7J\ 7J\ 448 Errata. INter Barnabje errores. Hi mutdrunt preli more;, " Delirans ijle Sapiens Gottam " Reddii Coetum propter Cotem. Tertia parte fXlde Granthcmi, Amongfl other faults in print, Youfhall find this Error in't. " Did not that Sage of Gottam ftrangely faile, " Who for a Whetjloiie rendered him a Whale ? In the Third part, fee Grantham^ F INIS. ktr lie >i£ >li At "^ \lf \tfU/^\t{U^U^UfibU