J# vS (.- LETTERS I-KOM PORTUGAL, SPAIN, & FRANCE, WRITTEN DURING THE CAMPAIGNS OF 1812, 1813, &1814, ADDRESSED TO A FRIEND IN ENGLAND; DESCRIBING V!IF. LEADING FEATURES OF THE PROVINCES PASSED THROUGH, AND THE STATE OF SOCIETY, MANNERS, HABITS &C. OF THE PEOPLE. BY S, D. BROUGHTOX, LONDON: WU.VJLU FOB LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AM) BnOfl'N, PATERNOSTER ROW, LOAN STACK E. Blackader, Printer, Took's Court, Chancery Lane, Londoiu D C a ■ B76 PREFACE, The following Letters were written originally at the request of a domestic circle of friends. The Author is aware that they possess very slender claims only to literary merit, and anticipates many objections that may be raised on the score of presumption, against his of- fering them to the Public, which would probably have greatly swayed with him in entirely suppressing them, if the live- ly interest recently taken in every thing relating to the countries through which 835 IV PREFACE. he passed, joined to the wishes, and perhaps partial commendation, of his friends, had not induced him to adopt an opposite resolution. During the progress of a long march, commenced at Lisbon, and ter- minated at Boulogne, comprehending a tract of between fifteen hundred and two thousand miles, the .Author made it his unde via ting practice to note down faithfully, at the close of each day, every circumstance which appeared to him worthy of remark, and it was from these sources that he has been enabled to collect materials sufficient for the fol- lowing series of Letters to his Fneds. Whatever may be its merits in other respects, it is at least entitled to PREFACE. that of unbiassed veracity, as the Author has scrupulously abstained from record- ing any thing that did not immediately come within the sphere of his own ob- servation, or upon the truth of which his own experience had not taught him to rely. Throughout the Letters, the Au- thor, from very obvious reasons, has studiously avoided giving any informa- tion, or expressing any opinion, upon military affairs, any farther than was necessary to give a general idea of events which it was desirable to notice slightly. In conclusion, the Author feels it to be due to his own character to state, that the speculations and prospective VI PREFACE. observations, which from time to time he has been disposed to indulge in, re- lative to the ultimate consequences of our successes in Spain, and the occu- pation of Paris by the Allied Armies, were written, it is well known, at a pe- riod long prior to the melancholy events which have since actually occurred. LETTER I. Arrival at Lisbon — Principal Places of Resort — First View of the Town and Neighbourhood — Billetting. Bellem, November, 1812- As soon as I had recovered from the fa- tigues of a very boisterous voyage, and surmounted the various difficulties attend- ant upon a first arrival in a strange country, and among people of habits and language so very different from those of our own, I recollected our mutual promise to cor- respond, and accordingly began a regular journal of events. I commence my undertaking with the first opportunity that has occurred since our disembarkation, hoping to have closed it B 2 Portugal; many hundred leagues hence; but, after the disappointments which have happened at Burgos, I much fear that for a long time I shall be under the necessity of confining my remarks to Portugal alone. It is however to be wished, and probably to be expected, that the re-opening of the en- suing campaign will be more successful than the termination of the last, as our govern- ment must now feel convinced of the ne- cessity of the greatest exertion, or of re- linquishing the contest altogether. In the mean while as we shall no doubt move to- wards head-quarters by slow degrees, I probably shall have many opportunities of becoming acquainted with the principal features of the country which we shall have to traverse. Under the existing circumstances of the kingdom this is the most agreeable season of the year at Lisbon, when the breaking-up of the army and its getting into winter- quarters cause the town to be more fre- quented than during the spring or summer* PORTUGAL. 3 It is accordingly now excessively crowded, not only with officers, but also with visitors, merchants, tradespeople &c. of all ranks and descriptions. Large meetings for so- ciety and amusement are held at Sir Charles Stewart's (the ambassador's), where a very handsome suite of rooms is open every al- ternate Monday, for dancing and cards, in addition to the occasional dinner-parties and more select evening assemblies; while the theatres, hotels, and gambling-houses are all open and much resorted to. The consul, Mr. Jeffery, also gives very splendid balls and dinners, and some of the principal merchants follow his example; but the Port-admiral (Martin) does not enter- tain so much company as his predecessor, Admiral Berkeley. Water-parties up the Tagus and a few pleasant rides complete the principal sources of amusement. Upon all these I shall perhaps have occasion to remark in a subsequent letter, when I have had more time to pay attention to matters of this description. B 2 4> PORTUGAL. Lisbon is so well known that any minute description of it will be unnecessary; I cannot however refrain from endeavouring to give you an idea of the town and the adjacent country as they appear on entering the harbour, though it is difficult to do justice to the subject. On arriving, a short time before sun-set, in the broad mouth of the Tagus, the sudden contrast we expe- rienced was extremely striking. We had quitted England in the worst autumnal weather, encountering the severest equi- noctial gales, and suddenly we found our- selves transported to a mild and genial cli- mate, very similar to that which we expe- rience during the finest summer months in England. The sea was perfectly calm and the sky without a cloud, while the sun set- ting below the tops of the mountains cast a quiet shade upon their rocky surfaces, giving a delightful softness to the prospect, which, under a meridian sun, produces a sharpness of effect somewhat oppressive to an eye unaccustomed to southern latitudes. Upon our right rose the lofty and sombre hills of the Alentejo, and on our left the PORTUGAL. 5 magnificent rock of Lisbon, towering at different points to an immense height, and stretching over a vast extent of country. Groves of olive and orange-trees inter- spersed upon its sides, contrasted with the grey granite of the rock, produced a beau- tiful effect. A few convents are built in these gloomy regions, and various religious houses crown even the loftiest summits of the mountains. As we passed up the river, Cascaes, the Bugio Fort, Fort St. Julian, and Bellem with its castle projecting out towards the river upon the sands, Buenos Ayres, and Lis- bon successively came in sight; the three latter exhibiting the appearance of one con- tinued town which viewed at a distance from the extreme clearness of the atmos- phere and the whiteness of the houses, pro- duced altogether a splendor and brilliancy that was far from being realized on a nearer inspection; and the harbour, which is very spacious and convenient, being at this time crowded with ships, added much to the liveliness of the scene. Although I felt 6 PORTUGAL. very desirous to quit the ship, and once more get a footing upon terra Jirma, yet recollecting that no foreign country affords that certainty of a comfortable reception to strangers which is so uniformly to be met with in an English inn, I thought it pru- dent to remain where I was for the night. The difficulties which I encountered the following day fully convinced me of the propriety of my resolution. Hotels in all the three towns are to be met with, and by giving due notice a bad dinner, at a most extravagant price, maybe procured ; but at this time when the army was breaking up and reinforcements daily arriving from England, a bed was not easily to be found. When I had cleared my baggage from the ship I had to encounter various per- plexing difficulties in procuring a billet, which, after two fatiguing days spent in running about the town (before all par- ties concerned were accommodated) I at length effected, and obtained admission PORTUGAL, into an untenanted house (unless the rats mice, and smaller race of vermin with which it swarmed can be regarded as inha- bitants) possessing no other furniture than a few old chairs and tables, which however comprise all the domestic utensils absolute- ly indispensible to an officer's billet, when prepared for a campaign ; his own bedding and canteen (which always accompany him) supplying every other deficiency. I shall now close this letter in the ex- pectation of being shortly able to give you some account of the principal objects wor- thy of attention in this city. 8 PORTUGAL. LETTER II. Preparations for a Campaign — General Description of Lisbon, Buenos Ayres, Bellem. Bellem, November, 1812. No sooner are we comfortably settled in our billets tban we must turn our atten- tion to provisions for a march, a circum- stance which, from the instant of our setting foot upon dry land to the moment of our ad- vance, should always have been considered as hanging over our heads " in terrorem." Accordingly I lost no time in going to the mule market, constantly held near the Roscio in Lisbon upon appointed days, un- less any great saint's day or other church festival interfere. The demand being very TORTUGAL. great, and the venders monopolizing all the mules in the country for this market, cause the prices asked to be proportionably high: but as mules contribute so much to the comfort of officers while marching through desolated countries, it is advise- able to procure as many as you can per^ suade the commissary to feed. I have found these animals since my arrival pecu- liarly useful for riding, and probably shall in future become more sensible of their value in this point of view, as well as for the conveyance of baggage. They are gene- rally very well broken in, quiet and docile, while their hardiness and sureness of foot render them better adapted than English horses for rough and common work. I have rode through the town upon one of them, and from the nature of most of the streets have reason to feel grateful to him for the preservation of my neck. This excursion every where strongly re- minded me of Sterne's exclamation on en- tering Paris : — " The streets, however, are 10 PORTUGAL. nasty— but I suppose it looks better than it smells." From the quantity and heterogeneous quality of the filth which is thrown from every window into the streets, without far- ther ceremony than sometimes a warning (which by law ought to be repeated thrice) of " agua vai," meant to caution the pas- sengers that water is coming, you would naturally suppose that the people of Lis- bon cannot be healthy in so hot a climate, constantly inhaling effluvia, the sources of which even the multitude of dogs (amount- ing, by a computation formerly made, to 80,000) that enter the town in the night is not sufficient to consume ; and I assure you your supposition would be well founded, for the people in general appear very pallid and emaciated, arising, no doubt, from the above causes and their uncleanly mode of living. The prevailing nuisance of throwing every species of filth into the streets i^ rORTUG.-iX. 11 peculiarly striking to every one acquainted with the town as a most unpardonable negligence on the part of the police; a negligence the more extraordinary from Lisbon possessing so. extensive and intimate an intercourse with England, and so many of the other European powers. When Junot occupied Lisbon, I understand he took the law into his own hands, ordered the streets to be cleansed, the filth to be conveyed to appointed reservoirs con- structed for carrying it off into proper chan- nels, and the hungry race of dogs — " their occupation gone" — to be destroyed. This gave equal offence to all parties concerned, and the abolition of the custom appears to have shocked public feeling as much as the existence of such a nuisance would in a town of our country. When the British power was resumed, this, among others of their good old customs and privileges, was restored. It is to be hoped, however, that time may effect improvements in the in- ternal regulation of this great city, which policy alone, I conceive, has induced the British government to avoid attempting 12 PORTUGAL. hitherto, and that when the work of re- formation does begin it will be extended to other objects j for I suspect that the fullest account which has been given of the worst parts, and .the most abandoned inhabitants of St. Giles's or the Borough, cannot exceed, perhaps not equal the de- pravity and squalid wretchedness prevailing in most parts of Lisbon. But to turn to subjects of a different and more pleasing nature, I shall now proceed to give you a general description of the city itself. Ascending a very steep hill at the eastern end of the town you arrive at the castle, commanding a very fine and extensive prospect; but which, from its ruinous and imperfect state, has no other attraction. It was formerly a barrack, but is now a depot for prisoners. The houses of the Portuguese noblesse and rich merchants have an air of grandeur and splendor. But most of those form- ing the streets are in a very bad state of repair, though from their loftiness, bal- PORTUGAL. 13 conies, and whitened walls, they present an imposing appearance upon a cursory and general view. The streets are now better lighted than those of most Eng- lish towns ; though in former days they wanted this advantage, no lights beins: perceptible except some few' faint glimmer- ings which superstition placed before statues of the Virgin Mary. It is consequently not so dangerous as formerly to walk through Lisbon at night, when robbers infesting the streets under the protection of darkness, and the contents of various vessels from the windows, united with the hungry dogs awaiting their fall, conspired to assail you with no trifling alarms. It is true the lamps are rather scantily dis- tributed, but they are larger in size, and supplied with better oil than ours. Very lew streets have any path-way raised upon their sides, which makes it disagreeable to foot-passengers. The two finest squares are the Koscio, and the Praca de Commercio. The ibrmer is more spacious, and less regu- lar and handsome. The hulls, offices &c. of the Inquisition formerly occupied a part 14 PORTUGAL. of this square. The other square consists of lofty houses regularly and handsomely constructed, with piazzas to walk under, which take up three of the sides, the fourth being open to the river. In the centre stands a very fine equestrian statue, in bronze, of one of the Josephs of Portugal. Two hand- some streets also furnished with piazzas, called Gold and Silver-street, connect the two squares, and form what may be called the Bond-street of Lisbon. There are also some public gardens (somewhat resembling those of Lincoln's-Inn) near the Roscio, in which the fashionables of the town .occa- sionally walk. The arsenal is a tolerable building, but small and insignificant when compared with any structure of that nature in England. Horses are disembarked at this place, but (owing to the confined dimensions of the pier) only one ship at a time can be brought along side. The churches particularly attract the eye of a stranger from their majestic size, and, in some instances from their elegance. The church dedicated to St. Paul in Buenos PORTUGAL. 15 Ayres stands first in magnitude and beauty: it is composed of a kind of free-stone, which preserves its whiteness. The exterior is beautifully finished with carvings of scriptural histories, fret-work &c. It stands in a spacious open place railed round ; and adjacent to it, and formerly connected with it, is a very magnificent convent now em- ployed for hospital stores, and the offices &c. of the medical staff. The bridge which connects Lisbon with Bellem is a strong and handsome work, and is famous for a severe struggle when the French were driven away from the city. Bellem is a cleaner and piea- santer town to reside in than Lisbon. From the extremity of one to that of the other in- cludes a distance of about five or six miles. The prospect from the upper part of this town facing the entrance to the harbour is very fine, and from the neighbouring heights a cool and refreshing air is enjoyed. Bellem has always been the residence of the court. The Prince Regent has an old palace here in bad repair and dismantled of its furniture. The gardens are in some- what better condition, and laid our in {},<• IS £ORTUGA£. same formal style which we see represented in the old prints of the gardens of the last century. They contain abundance of de- lightful orange-trees, at this season of the year creating the most fragrant scent, and loaded with fruit, with which those who visit the gardens are allowed to regale themselves. A botanic garden is attached to it, though not kept in the highest order. There is also a less pleasing though more curious novelty here in the form of an ana- tomical collection, where dry and wet pre- parations exhibit specimens of nature in most of her stages, together with numerous instances of lusus naturae. Adjacent to the palace is a spacious and elegant riding- school, where the royal stud is exercised and horses are broken in. The manner in which the Portuguese break in their horses is somewhat curious, and has afforded me much amusement. These people appear to differ very deci- dedly from Englishmen in the ideas they entertain of the use which an horse should make of his legs. Weights are fixed to the PORTUGAL. 17 animal's feet, which, in order to avoid en- tangling with his legs, renders it necessary for him to twist them in a very peculiar mode; and, when he has acquired the habit of going in this manner, with a sort of up- and-down motion having the appearance of moving with rapidity without any of the reality (very well calculated for the duties of parade), he is dismissed the school. The horses have their mouths rendered ex- ceedingly tender, so as to require the light- est hand in exercising them to this singu- lar kind of amble. Upon the summit of the hill the Regent has a new palace in an unfinished state. It is built of a kind of white free-stone, or soft granite, and when completed will be one of the most magnificent buildings in Europe. But much is yet to be done, and very little I believe is in the royal coffers towards its completion. The ground and gardens surrounding the palace will be, when finished, very fine ; but the park stands at a distance, and some little wa\ from the town. It is well walled round c 18 PORTUGAL. and wooded, and forms a delightful ride. Instead of being supplied with deer it is stocked with pigs of a small black kind living chiefly upon sweet acorns, which gives their flesh a tenderness and delicacy of flavour unknown in our pork. I confess I should feel considerable alarm for their flavour if they should chance to make their escape from the park, and effect any altera- tion in their diet from the temptations they would encounter without the walls. The next object which excites attention is the convent of Saint Jeronimo, and the church attached to it. These are, very fine specimens of the gothic architecture. They are beautifully ornamented with carved work upon their porticos, arches &c. A few friars inhabit the former building, though the major part of it is assigned to the sick and wounded soldiers. Upon the sands at the side of the har- bour's mouth stands Bellem Castle, an an- cient building with a tower, situated in a particularly strong position. There are PORTUGAL. 19 gateways also indicative of fortifications formerly guarding this entrance to Bellem and Lisbon. I have now brought you to the end of a morning's tour, the account of which may be as fatiguing to you as the ride was to me. C2 20 PORTUGAL. LETTER III. Interior Description of Lisbon — Construction of the Houses — Domestic Arrangements — Diet — Carriages — Instances of Bigotry and Devotion — Procession of the Host. Bellem, December, 1812. Having endeavoured in my last letter to give you a general idea of Lisbon as it appears upon a cursory view, I shall now proceed to give you some notion of the in- terior construction of the houses, and of the domestic arrangements of their inha- bitants. The style of the old houses ap- pears for the most part to be Saracenic, but that of the more modern ones seems to deviate occasionally from the ancient mo- del ; the more fashionable houses partaking PORTUGAL. 21 somewhat of the refinement of Parisian elegance. In the oldest houses, dark, dir- ty and moth-eaten tapestry lines the walls, and covers the bedding and chairs. Al- most every house is furnished with a bal- cony, it forming one of the chief amuse- ments of the families to stand in it for hours looking into the streets. The panes of glass in the windows (always of a very inferior quality) are mostly broken to pieces, and are rarely as far as I can un- derstand repaired ; which indeed is the case with almost every thing in their houses. Their furniture seldom exceeds a few ta- bles and chairs, and some grotesque figures of the Virgin and Our Saviour carefully preserved, with abundance of small crosses dispersed about the room : one of the latter is commonly suspended over a bason of holy water, and placed by the head of the bed in order (as they informed me) to defeat the machinations of evil spirits. As the houses seem constructed entirely to alleviate the effects of heat, they are not calculated to preserve the inhabitants from 22 PORTUGAL. cold, and, as a substitute for a grate, a small iron vase is used into which charcoal is put previously burnt to a red heat to dissipate the noxious fumes : but the un- pleasant, and certainly unwholesome effect, which this mode of warming a room pro- duces, frequently counterbalances the ad- vantage derived from its heat. Wax being exceedingly dear, and tallow very indif- ferent, lamps are usually substituted for candles. The oil of the country is indeed very fine, and burns with a very bright flame. The table-lamps are usually made of brass, and are supported by a stem from one to two feet and an half high; but these are troublesome to manage, though when well trimmed they afford a very agreeable li , an old Portuguese nobleman, passing full dressed in his carriage and during an hard shower of rain, encountered this sacred PORTUGAL. *29 procession. Notwithstanding the incle- mency of the weather he stopped his car- riage, descended, and exposing his pow- dered head to the storm dropped upon one knee with the postillion in the street, and assuming his wonted dignity mounted again, and then drove on in full state to the place of his destination. The other instance to which I allude oc- curred in the case of a poor woman, who, being ignorant of the host's passing by, emptied unwarily the contents of an earthen vessel from one of the highest win- dows of the house which fell upon the ca- nopy borne over the priest. Discovering this sacrilegious ablution she uttered a scream, while her terrified hand let fall the vessel, and running down stairs sobbing and crying prostrated herself before the priest ; who, in spite of the apparent hein- eousness of the offence, instantly absolved her from the guilt of this unintentional ir- reverence. Such is still the awe in which the lower 30 PORTUGAL. orders stand of the priests, and the idolatrous faith with which they regard every thing that relates to priesthood and religious cere- mony, that, I am credibly informed, the market-people and shop-keepers in general give a visible preference in the best choice of their articles exposed for sale to any priest who favours them with a visit, the honour of which is considered as sufficient payment. It is also supposed that by the presence of a priest, or that of a crucifix or image, the charms of all evil spirits ar» destroyed, no boat can sink upon the water, nor the witches effect their spells. We will now turn to the more imposing and respect- able parts of the religion, which however time obliges me to defer till I can write to you again. PORTUGAL. 31 LETTER IV. The Churches — St. Rogue — Patriarchal Church — High Mass — St. Jeronimo — Church Ceremonies — Decay of Respect for the Clergy. BeHem, Dec. 1812 I have been highly gratified and some- what astonished from several visits I have been paying to the principal churches. The appearance of pomp, wealth, and splen- dor which they all exhibit in a greater or less degree, is calculated to have a striking effect upon those accustomed only to the more simple and modest discipline of the protestant church. The most interesting church in Lisbon is that dedicated to St. Roque. The ex- 32 TORTUGAL. terior of the building is heavy and without ornament ; the interior contains a collec- tion of church decorations the most valua- ble and magnificent in Portugal. Two large, massy, wrought silver gilt candlesticks, each ten feet high, stand before the prin- cipal altar. Junot robbed the church of these when he was driven from Lisbon, and took them to Almeida. They were afterwards brought back, and restored to their former situation by Lord Wellington's order. Candlesticks of silver gilt and less in dimensions, but beautifully worked, adorn the table of the altar, over which are suspended three large scriptural sub- jects in mosaic work. They appear upon a cursory view to be paintings of the first order in oil, but a closer inspection shows them to be composed entirely of small and beautifully coloured pieces of marble exquisitely arranged. Their value is in- estimable, as you may imagine when you consider the enormous price which is paid for a small medallion only of mosaic work. Much magnificence is displayed throughout the whole assemblage of furniture in this PORTUGAL. 33 altar. The curtains and hangings are of rich crimson velvet, ornamented with the finest broad gold embroidery, and lined with pale blue satin ; richly gilded carving and fretwork forming the general relief. The communion-table consists of one uni- form slab of lapis lazuli with a deep bor- der of gold, while its supporters and the different upright slabs and pillars around are formed of the most precious stones and marbles, such as verde antique, cor- nelion, porphyry, agate, alabaster &c. The floor and steps are composed of mosaic work. When I had sufficiently gazed upon all this magnificence my conductor took me to an obscure corner of the church, and opening a dirty wooden case shewed me a representation of the sacrifice of the lamb intended for an altar-piece ; but its value being very great it had prudently been concealed during the residence of the French in Lisbon, and had never since been brought out. Its dimensions are nine feet by three. It is worked in solid silver, and 34 PORTUGAL. gilt upon a ground of lapis lazuli. The figure of an anjrel about a foot and an half high, of silver gilt, supports the medallion in which the subject is worked on each side. There are several other churches dedi- cated to various saints, differing in the degree of grandeur exhibited in their orna- ments, though not materially in their general structure. They all produce, by the aid of crimson hangings and gaudiness, an imposing effect ; which, together with the golden ornaments, paintings, images, carving and fret-work, artificial flowers, enormous candlesticks &c. form a very striking and grand appearance. Besides the great altars they have minor ones for particular days and occasions. Confessional boxes are also placed in different parts of the church, where a priest listens through a small grating to the penitential secrets of females confessing upon their knees. The patriarchal church at Bellem is very mag- nificent, and the service is performed with all the strictness of religious ceremony. The PORTUGAL. 35 Prince Regent formerly attended this church, which being considered generally as the chapel royal is mostly frequented by people of the first fashion. Upon Christmas-eve it was lighted-up for the per- formance of grand mass, which lasted from about nine o'clock in the evening till two in the morning. — The splendor of the church was greatly increased by the lights, and produced a very brilliant effect. But the impression made upon my feelings was too theatrical, and I was more often re- minded of a spectacle in Covent Garden than of a religious ceremony. Imagine a spacious and lofty church adorned with gold carving and fret-work, paintings finely coloured, admirably exe- cuted and furnished with rich frames, mag- nificent long curtains of crimson velvet with deep gold embroidered borders ; walls lined with hangings of the same description; rich carpets thrown over the steps of the altar, the floor covered with baize : — the splendor of the whole heightened by bril- liant lustres, while the grand altar itself D 2 36 PORTUGAL. formed one blaze of light, and a pyramid of the brightest colours from the mixture of artificial flowers, brilliants, ribbons, silks, satins, and gold work, altogether exhibiting a scene of gorgeous magnifi- cence to which no description can do justice ; and you will probably have some idea of the sensations I experienced at such an exhibition. The bottom of the chancel is separated from the body of the church by very elegant gates of curiously wrought iron-work with gold ornaments. These were thrown open to give the concourse of people who thronged the church a view of the ceremony ; but beyond this limit they were not allowed to pass, with the exception of British officers, and some other strangers who were permitted to stand right and left of the altar. The former were principally upon their knees during the ceremony, and preserved a pro- found silence. A number of persons of fashion of both sexes attended, dressed in their most superb attire. On the right of the altar, towards the bottom of the chancel, the canons of the church were ranged in PORTUGAL. 37 the full parapharnalia of cardinals, with each his train-bearer at his feet. Opposite to these sat the bishops. At the front of the altar a chair of white satin, embroidered with gold, was placed for the patriarch, who officiates at this church as the Pope's representative dressed in every respect like his holiness on similar occasions. He was a mild and venerable looking old man, with a feeble voice, though impressive manner. He was supported and assisted in the ceremony by a numerous train of clergy, and a number of the lower orders of ecclesiastical attendants, whose formal entre and exit at different parts of the service reminded me rather too forcibly of a premeditated exhibition. The music, which seldom ceased during the rites, was solemn and affecting. The orchestra is furnished with a verysuperior organ, which, together with a band of Italian singers, produced the finest chorussesl ever heard. The band contained at this time several first-rate vocal performers who executed beautiful duets, solos &c. one of them being reckoned the finest singer in Europe, 38 PORTUGAL. and esteemed equal to Madam Catalani. I have before remarked that the whole of these ceremonies in the eyes of those of a different persuasion wears too much the appearance of affectation and mummery ; but, if it be ever possible to abstract the mind from feelings of this nature, it is during the consecration of the wafer, and the elevation of the host. Then, as Gibbon says, " I felt myself a catholic." On a sudden the music ceases — the profoundest silence reigns throughout the church, and every individual is upon his knees — the patriarch prays in silence — a deep and hollow-toned bell on the top of the church (by a signal from below) sounds twice or thrice at short intervals — the people cross them- selves, strike their breasts, and bow their heads to the ground — a pause ensues — the patriarch, with his eyes lifted to heaven, rises, and elevates the consecrated wafer — a beautiful swell of the full organ, ac- companied by a chorus, instantly bursts forth, producing the grandest and most awful effect. — This formed the conclusion of the ceremony, and I left the church, PORTUGAL. 39 with feelings which no language is adequate to describe. The following day one of the singers conducted me round the church, and through the various rooms adjoining, when I was surprised to find that all the larsre and glittering stones of the mitre and other parts of the costume were false; the French having taken away the real jewels, of which, however, these were said to be exact imitations. Great quantities of lace, the finest linen, silks, and gold embroidery were likewise at the same time pillaged to an immense amount : some part of these valuables, however, escaped the cupidity of the spoilers, many of which still remain. The finest church collection of paintings in the city is said to belong to this establishment. Several of the best are kept in private ; though Junot, according to his usual practice, carried off many specimens of the art. In one of the anti-rooms they exhibit a curious model representing the creation, in which almost every possible thing and being is imitated. The convent and church dedi- 40 PORTUGAL. cated to Saint Jeronimo are very fine specimens of ancient architecture. The former is now appropriated to sick and wounded soldiers, a few apartments being still inhabited by some friars: a great variety of single figures and scriptural histories beautifully carved ornament the porticos. At this season of the year a stage built before one of the altars displays the Nativity in figures larger than life, and literally agree- ing with the whole description of the situa- tion in which Our Saviour was found at his birth. During this representation a plate is placed upon the stage to receive donations for the convent. — On the night of Christmas-eve the ceremony of the different circumstances of the Nativity is performed. I have occasionally been present at some requiems, and other musical festivals. These are calculated to fill the mind with feelings very different from those inspired by the mere mummery of mass, and super- stitious processions ; the effect produced by PORTUGAL. 41 their harmony I shall never forget ; it was really sublime; and however much I may prefer in a devotional point of view the mild simplicity of the religious discipline of the church of England, yet it appears to me no way surprising that an immense mass of the people should continue pertinaciously attached to the imposing ceremonials of the catholic religion. Ignorant and unenlight- ened as they are, how can they be otherwise affected ? when power, pomp, and mystery surround the officers, and accompany the practice of religion, while the eye is dazzled with magnificence, and the ear delighted with the finest music. The ancient power and respectability of the Romish church has been, however, rapidly declining in Portugal ; the removal of the Inquisition by the French having opened the eyes of the inhabitants, and taught them to think with more freedom and liberality than before. A long continued connexion with England will no doubt render Catholicism still milder and more inoffensive, and probably lessen the ignorance and bigotry yet existing. 42 PORTUGAL. The clergy, upon their part, having got rid of the tyranny exercised by the French, it may be readily supposed want no inclination to restore their power and consequence in the eyes of the people, and the influence they held over their minds. But this there is little chance under existing circumstances of their bringing about to any considerable extent, though possibly among the least enlight- ened they may effect their purposes par- tially. Such was the terror, during the residence of the French in Portugal, which all religious orders felt in being recog- nised, that they suffered their tonsures to be obliterated, in order to avoid this cha- racteristic mark of their profession ; and such were the persecutions they sustained, that whatever may be our opinions re- specting the policy of priestcraft, so much cherished by the Catholic religion, yet the tales of woe related concerning these un- fortunate men must excite pity and com- miseration even among those who hold their principles in the utmost abhorrence. Thev have now, however, resumed their PORTUGAL. 43 tonsures and their accustomed clerical ha- bits, and with these some degree of re- spect is regained among the people, though not in the degree commensurate with their ambitious views. In the present davit is no unusual thing to meet with many Portuguese who will descant upon these subjects with a degree of freedom, which a few years past would have inevitably have exposed them to the severest chastisement of the Inquisition. An intelligent and respectable officer of artillery in the company of a party of British and Portuguese officers, who (like Mr. Shandy,) "hated a monk, and the very smell of a monk, worse than all the devils in hell," declared it to be his firm belief that all the misfortunes of his country were to be attributed to the prevailing sys- tem among the nobles and gentry of the land of breeding up their sons to the church, and under the direction of the priests, instead of introducing them to the secular duties of the sfeate ; by which means a large proportion of the 44 PORTUGAL. most important part of the community had their minds contracted, and were sub- jected to the influence of bigotry and su- perstition. He added (in a satyrical tone) so offensive to his feelings was the sight of a monk that he never encountered one without considering it as an ill omen, and that some misfortune would happen to him during the day on which so unlucky a meeting had occurred. PORTUGAL. 45 LETTER V. Portuguese Sunday — Tlie Theatres — Lord Welling- ton's Arrival — Sir Charles Stewart's Assemblies — Evening Amusements — Sccieiy of Lisbon. Bellem, Jan. 1313. 1 he instances which I gave } r ou in the former part of my last letter of devotion and respect for religion would naturally lead to a supposition that Sunday must be observed with a more profound reverence and abstinence from worldly pleasures and pursuits, than is customary in protestant countries. The tact, however, is quite the reverse. Pleasure and religion go hand in band, and the followers of both worship either with equal ardor. In the morning the churches are scarcely more crowded than 46 PORTUGAL. the theatres in the evening. When the bells have ceased ringing for mass the guitars give the signal for fandangos, boleros, and waltzing. Labour, indeed, of every description is at a stand, but it is merely to give a fuller scope to all sorts of recreation. Sunday is the gayest day of the week ; the prados are more crowded, and pleasure of all descriptions becomes the order of the day. The theatres in Lisbon are in general very indifferent, and scarcely worthy of notice ; I shall therefore confine myself to the principal one called " Teatro de San Carlos," which is open every night in the week. Operas, comedies, farces, ballets, and dancing, arc all performed here alter- nately. It is a large, gloomy, and very badly lighted house, somewhat in the form of our Opera-house, but not so large, and without any pretensions to vie with it in elegance or beauty. The boxes are ranged like ours, with the exception of the royal box, which is spacious, lofty, and placed in the centre of the circle. There is no gal- PORTUGAL. 47 lery, but a very large and commodious pit and an extensive orchestra. The stage is very spacious, and tolerably lighted, but the scenery is ill painted, and very in- differently managed. At one period per- haps this opera was unrivalled in Europe ; during the time that the court resided in Lisbon, and Junot was ambassador from the French court, when Catalan! and se- veral of the first singers were engaged, and the elder and the younger Vestris, and Angiolini were the principal supporters of the ballets. The Portuguese ladies usual- ly adopting black for their full dress, and the gentlemen not being very gay in their costume, gives a sombre appearance to the boxes, when contrasted with the gay and lively exhibition which a well-filled row of boxes presents in an English theatre. Sentries are placed at different points in the pit and lobbies, who controul every expression of approbation or discontent in the audience that affords the slightest in- terruption to what is going forward. The lobbies are furnished with a refectory, where lemonade, punch, liqueurs, coffee 48 PORTUGAL. and cakes are plentifully supplied. They have also, as the Portuguese are very fond of gambling, a lottery always open, where you pay a trifle for a handful of twisted lit- tle pieces of paper, which, after much time spent in unravelling, produce either a blank, or some trumpery prize not worth carrying away ; but such is the passion for this mode of amusing themselves among the Portuguese, that hundreds will spend their time in the lottery-room in this man- ner. Above stairs are gambling-tables of an higher description. These kind of places are well known in the army by the very appropriate term of hell, and I am sorry to say that I have witnessed here many a painful scene. You would scarcely be in- duced perhaps to believe that the desire of winning money is by no means in every instance the chief stimulus to play. The following anecdote will show that the practice of the vice of gambling is some- times more a matter of habit than an in- nate love of gain. A fidalgo in Lisbon (well known for his dwarfish appearance,) though he had no money to risk himself* PORTUGAL. 49 was yet always so eager to play, that he was in the habit of begging of one of the company to lend him a doubloon, with which he sat down. If he was successful he gave the person from whom he bor- rowed the money all his winnings, accom- panied with the warmest thanks ; and as our little nobleman was one of the most expert amateurs in gambling, it was deemed no bad speculation to lend him money in this manner, by those who were less confi- dent of their own proficiency, and had no objections to add to the little they might have to venture. Besides San Carlos there is a tolerable little theatre at Bellem, called the " Boa Hora," where operas, comedies, farces &c. are performed. I have usually recognized in the comedies and farces of the Portuguese either com- plete translations or partial imitations from our comic muse. It must be confessed that there is no great occasion for jealousy on our parts ; for when witticisms, only supportable from accidental and local cir- cumstances of the passing day, are literal- ly copied upon the Portuguese stage, you E 50 PORTUGAL. may readily conceive the brilliancy of their effect. Next to the theatres the different hotels are the chief places of public resort, pro- vided those who prefer them have no re- gard to ceconomy or comfort, neither of which in these places is to be expected. The most execrable of all are one or two kept by Englishmen, who go beyond even the Portuguese in extortion. One of the most celebrated hotels is that of Monsieur La Tour, which commands a fine prospect of the river and the sea. 13ut its various internal disadvantages so completely coun- terbalance its exterior beauties, that I have been rarely tempted by the persuasive and irresistible witticism, which the host has in- dulged himself in by placing (in the room of his name, as a pun upon it,) a large gilt Tower over the door. The many acci- dents however to which you are exposed in ascending the stairs would probably de- ter the most curious inquirer from any fur- ther research. PORTUGAL. 51 During three days the town has lately been rendered very gay by the presence of Lord Wellington. His arrival had been anxiously looked for some time pre- viously, as he had not been in Lisbon since the period of its complete liberation from the French yoke. The preparations for his reception were extensive and grand. He arrived from Cadiz at a small place in the Alentejo, about nine miles across the Tagus, and landed in Lisbon on the fol- lowing day. The weather was very fine, adding considerably to the general fes- tivity of the day. A large boat belonging to the Regent, splendidly decorated, was rowed across, to bring him and his stall to the steps of the great commercial square. Every ship in the harbour was dressed, and the broad part of the river- was covered with boats of all descrip- tions, gaily trimmed and adorned. The windows, balconies, and tops of the houses were rilled with well-dressed people, and the streets below were crowded to excess. The Life-Guards kept the ground from the landing steps, which they fruitlessly en* B 2 52 PORTUGAL. deavoured to guard from the interruptions of the populace, while the British and Portuguese infantry, with their bands and colours, formed a lane to the palace of the Necessidades, where Lord Wellington was to take up his residence. He was re- ceived at the landing-place by a very bril- liant assemblage in full dress, consisting of the British Ambassador, (Sir Charles Stew- art), the Members of the Regency, Marshal Beresford, and a concourse of British and Portuguese officers of all ranks and dis- tinctions ; some of the Prince's led horses and state carriages were in attendance, the former richly caparisoned, and the servants in their state liveries. About half-past two a salute from the flag-ship announced his Lordship's approach, which was the signal for the commencement of a scene of gro- tesque and tumultuous joy rarely parallel- ed : cheering and firing from the shipping, shouts of " viva" from the Portuguese, va- rieties of bands playing as many different tunes as there were instruments, squibs, crackers, and all kinds of fire-works, with horses, mules and donkies prancing and PORTUGAL. 53 braying in all directions, ushered the hero upon shore. Immediately as the Marquis stepped out of the boat the populace, mad- dening with joy, burst through all obstruc- tions, and rushed upon him with one ac- cord in an overwhelming torrent. Among them an old priest actually clung to him, and could with great difficulty be pulled away, calling him the preserver and sa- viour of the country, the deliverer of the church &c. As soon as he could disen- tangle himself from these friendly hugs and caresses he mounted his horse, dressed in a plain gray frock coat, with his generals and all the other great people glittering with stars and orders. Having passed round the line of the household troops, he proceeded to the palace of the Necessidades, attended by an escort of one of the regiments of Life-Guards. In this scene of national exultation it may be supposed that the ladies took no inconsiderable share, expressing their joy by waving their white handkerchiefs in the air, and casting flowers upon the head of 54 PORTUGAL. their adored champion, as he passed under their windows. I had never seen this great man before, but in a very casual way, and was much struck with his appearance. There is an animation and intelligence in his counte- nance, which, joined to the native dignity and simplicity of his deportment, was re- markably interesting and impressive. During the three days he remained in Lisbon every mark of esteem and honor was shewn to him. The city and the armed vessels in the harbour were illu- minated every night, as were even the convents and churches; a mode of rejoic- ing from which, as they formed the most splendid part of the exhibition, a beauti- ful effect was produced. Generally speak- ing, however, the illuminations in this country are very inferior to those which are common in England. ■&* The evening after the Marquis's arrival (Sunday.) the opera-house presented a PORTUGAL. 55 scene of novelty and magnificence to which the audience had been unaccus- tomed, the house being then more splen- didly lighted up and adorned than usual, and the performances of a superior kind. Lord Wellington, with some of his friends and the Members of the Regency, satin the Regent's box, and most of the general officers and staff were superbly dressed in boxes upon his right and left. Upon this occasion no ordinary exer- tions were made on the part of the citi- zens in general to prove the devoted and enthusiastic admiration in which they held (as they termed him) " Nosso Grande Lorde." All the talents of Lisbon united to get up a piece suitable to the event. The opera represented, or at least was in- tended to represent, the Elysian Fields, in which all the Portuguese heroes of anti- quity (exclusively) were seen to enjoy themselves. Fame descended amongst them, and proclaimed the glorious deeds of VcUngton, which the goddess (without any regard to the feelings of the heroes PORTUGAL. around her) declared to eclipse all others that were ever recorded, coupling with this declaration every epithet of love and adoration which a Portuguese imagination could conjure up. The departed spirits (jealous of this assumption of superiority) entered into a warm dispute with Fame upon the subject ; she, however, remained perfectly obdurate, while they, on their parts, did not appear the least inclined to resign the palm. Fame then boldly told them that none of them had done any thing which could bear a comparison with the deeds of the " Grande Lorde." Upon this the Marquis de Pombal (their fa- vourite hero and one of the principal figures in the group,) came forward with looks of astonishment at Fame's presump- tion, and exclaimed — " What! did I do no- thing ?" to which the deity, with evident anger at her authority being doubted, re- plied — " No, not even yoa!" and thus put an end to the dispute, upon which the au- dience testified their unanimous approba- tion, without the least regard to the honor of their own countrymen. It was intend- PORTUGAL. 57 ed to commence the spectacle by causing a crown of laurel to descend upon Lord Wellington's head as he entered the box ; but, lest by accident their good wishes should be perverted, and something ludi- crous produced by its falling on the wrong head, his Lordship declined this honor. On the Monday night following, Sir Charles Stewart gave a very splendid ball and supper to all the principal people in Lisbon, including a great portion of the officers in the town, but no one was ad- mitted without a ticket, (which on ordina- ry nights is not required,) in order to li- mit the company at the supper-tables. The entertainment was very sumptuous, and the whole well arranged. The am- bassador's residence is very spacious and handsome, and was built by a rich mer- chant for his own accommodation. At the assemblies held here you meet with all the fashionable society, which, after the emi- gration of the court, was left in Lisbon. Their manners, customs, and style of 58 PORTUGAL. dress are very different to those of the po- lished classes of our own country. The ladies both in person and manners are cer- tainly inferior to our own, though there is nothing peculiarly offensive in their con- duct and appearance : a roundish plump face, rather sallow complexion, with more or less colour, and lively hazle eyes, with long black eye-lashes, and dark hair, ap- pear to form the general character of their countenances, some of which are very in- teresting and pretty. They generally wear black, when dressed, intermixed with a little white; their waists short; and when they walk out, a long laced mantle is thrown over the head, which they hold with one hand under the chin, while the other is constantly employed in carrying a fan. Excepting at evening assemblies, in the theatres, and on their way to mass, the ladies are seldom or ever seen in public. Upon the latter occasion their duennas usually follow them, and their deportment is then grave, somewhat solemn and dignified. Upon other occasions they exhibit a de- gree of gaiety and vivacity which in the PORTUGAL. 59 eyes of a stranger rather borders upon levity ; and, you may rely upon it, that the character and disposition of the Por- tuguese ladies is in reality, by no means reserved and sedate. They are in private society inclined to be open and unreserved, often coquetish, and not inaccessible to flattery. They are not however to be taken by storm, but require a long siege, which, if the lover has patience to go through all the manoeuvres of it, is I be- lieve rarely unattended with ultimate suc- cess. This I conceive does not arise from any previous intention and disposition to refuse advances altogether, but rather, I believe, from a not uncommon inclination to increase by delay the pleasure derived from tormenting the besieger, and the gra- tification attendant upon a prolonged ad- dress. Whether this casual description of the Portuguese ladies differs much from that of the ladies of other countries of Europe I leave you to judge; but you must not forget that the national feeling is now strong and powerful in our favour, and that the general enthusiasm may well 60 PORTUGAL. be supposed to have increased the natural warmth and kindness of the softer sex. Dancing forms one of the principal amusements in all their parties. Their balls usually commence with country- dances, succeeded by waltzing, which is commonly kept up till the party separates. The Portuguese waltz faster than the Germans, and more in the French style. I have been to some private parties, the society of which gives you a more favour- able idea of the Portuguese than you would at first be impressed with. Many of the gentlemen imitate the English cos- tume, throwing off the enormous cocked hat, and dingy brown or black cloak in which the generality envelope themselves. I cannot say that I have met frequently with much learning and information among them, though a few individuals possess considerable intelligence : but much can- not be expected where education is so lit- tle attended to. TORTUGAL. 61 There is somewhat of elegance and taste occasionally displayed in the better kind of houses, but no attention is paid to com- fort, and still less to cleanliness in their general domestic arrangements. The men are universally addicted to smoking segars, while the women appear to have an equal predeliction for garlic, and the disgusting habit of spitting, often with- out regard to time or place. In my occasional intercourse with Por- tuguese society I have usually found some- thing peculiar to arrest my attention ; a ludicrous instance or two of which I will give you as specimens ; one, the most distinguished compliment that a Portu- guese can pay to a lady, by way of a salu- tation : as — " Adeosina, cada vez mais linda, mais alta, mais nova, mais blanca, et mais gourda:" — " Good morning, Ma- dam, you appear every time handsomer, taller, younger, fairer, and fatter:" and the other that, as it is considered no small indi- cation of wealth and importance, and conse- 62 PORTUGAL: quently a great compliment to notice it, if any one possesses a rotundity of person, such being considered a marked trait of a 'Fidalgo;' he is described as a perfect noble- man in his appearance, and to feed on 'buc- calaoY (salt fish,) beans, white bread, and plenty of oil with his herbs, luxuries not so much enjoyed by the vulgar. With these observations I shall conclude my remarks upon the capital, and here finish my letter. PORTUGAL. 63 LETTER VI. Qutluz Palace — Cintra — Aqueduct — JMafra. Lisbon, February, l81o. JSince I dispatched my last letter I have made some excursions to neighbouring places, and I have just time sufficient be- fore our removal from Lisbon to give you a short account of the most interesting- features of my tour. About six miles from Lisbon the Prince Regent has a palace in the village of Que- luz, which formed his country residence. The road leading to it is nearly straight, well paved, and lies for the most part over stoney hills. It is a neat and agreeable place^surrounded by forests and pasture G4 PORTUGAL. land. The latter part of the road from Lisbon is lined on each side with myrtles and geraniums, growing wild and in great perfection, the perfume of which extends to a considerable distance around, forming a striking novelty to those who have only been accustomed to more northern cli- mates. The palace is a large and very handsome building, and the rooms are spacious and numerous. It is built with red brick, and was fitted up and adorned principally by the French, and complete- ly in the Parisian style ; the Regent at his departure for the Braziles having taken with him all the more valuable and move- able part of the furniture. The paintings upon the cielings and walls are by the first artists. The couches, chairs &c. are light, costly, and elegant. The grand hall of audience is lined with large mirrors, and the pillars round the room are orna- mented in a similar manner. The carving of all the rooms is generally well done, and that of the banquetting-room is pecu- liarly rich and excellent, but the palace in general is out of repair. Great prepara- PORTUGAL. 65 tions were made here for the reception of Buonaparte, who however from the un- looked-for turn of affairs disappointed pub- lic expectation. In one of the rooms of an octagon shape I observed the history of Don Quixotte beautifully painted, and many very fine portraits and landscapes by the first mas- ters were interspersed throughout the other apartments. The gardens are agreeably laid out, though not perhaps in the very best taste. They are decorated with a variety of very handsome bridges, temples, water- falls, fish-ponds &c. The park, woods, and pleasure-grounds are extensive, and afford ample scope for the diversion of sportsmen, abounding with wild boars and game of many kinds. It is a singular cir- cumstance that the dignified clergy pos- sess the right of shooting in these, as well as (1 believe) in every other royal park in the kingdom, and have the additional ad- 66 rORTUOAL. vantage of extending this privilege to other persons. About fourteen miles from Lisbon, to- wards the sea, lies the town of Cintra, which will ever be in the remembrance of Englishmen, on account of the celebrated convention bearing its name. The road from Lisbon to this place is very rough and stony. In order to view the beauties of the sur- rounding country we found it necessary to quit our horses, and to hire mules and donkies, which from their sureness of foot are better calculated for surmounting the steep precipices and various difficulties with which the neighbourhood abounds. Imagination cannot, I think, conceive the sublimity of the scene from the heights, which include a most extensive prospect both by sea and land. Shakespear's Cliff is a mere mole-hill to them. The rock of Lisbon, formed by a PORTUGAL. 67 chain of stony mountains, reaches to these parts, and produces a most beautiful and striking effect. From this mountain- ous part of the country all the lower towns and villages are supplied with water by the different aqueducts, and the numerous plantations around are also irrigated by fruitful streams issuing from the rocks. The principal aqueduct is highly de- serving of attention as a magnificent and elegant work. Close to the suburbs of Lisbon, after emerging from the moun- tains, it is thrown across a broad valley* by lofty and beautiful arches composed of an handsome granite, and soon after again enters the earth, and deposits its stream into several finely-worked and spacious re- servoirs, furnished with delightful fountains; thus drawing water from rocks and moun- tains many leagues distant from Lisbon, and presenting a stupendous work worthy even the genius of the Romans. This noble aqueduct was built in the reign of John V. * Valley of Alcantera. F 2 6S PORTUGAL. during the early part of the last century. This monarch appears to have been one of the most public spirited that ever reigned in Portugal, many other remarkable work* being indebted to him for their origin. After we had satiated ourselves with the delightful scenery around us we returned to our inn, where a more substantial spe- cies of gratification awaited us in the shape of an excellent dinner dressed in the English style, for which however we paid pretty dearly ; a circumstance very usual when, as in this case, the inn was kept by a British subject. Following the example of others, before we quitted these parts we went on a little farther, in order to see the grand and ex- tensive convent of Mafra, built by the same patriotic monarch who erected the great aqueduct; and who also endowed this sumptuous monastery with a valuable li- brary. The convent of Mafra contains a royal palace beneath its roof; and thus, by the union of ministers both of church PORTUGAL. 69 and state, seems to have been intended to bring closer under the influence of the monks the bigotted sovereigns of Portugal. The length of the building in front is very considerable, and possesses an air of com- bined simplicity and grandeur in an high degree ; very few I believe in Europe ex- ceed it in size. The approach to it is fine, and you ascend a grand flight of steps to the entrance. A beautiful chapel, fur- nished with a good toned organ, forms a striking portion of the building. The monks had great influence over the pre- sent Regent, who is not, even by his own countrymen, famed for any of the higher virtues and qualities of the mind. During the invasion of the kingdom by Junot in 1807 (I believe,) at the time the enemy was almost at the gates of Lisbon, these devout men had complete possession of his Royal Highness's mind, and kept him em- ployed in chanting and prayer whilst the roar of French cannon was announcing the captivity of his subjects. Without the inter- ference of England the conquest of Portu- gal by France no doubt would have been 70 PORTUGAL. but the work of a day. Junot, like Caesar, might have said — " Veni, ridi, vici" But, when the incubus of a miserable priest- ridden government was removed, the Por- tuguese became more respectable at home, and more formidable (as we have seen from their tine army,) to their enemies. Having touched upon such subjects as I thought might interest you regarding the neighbourhood of the capital, I shall now conclude. Probably my next letter will be dated some distance hence. PORTUGAL. 71 LETTER VII. March from Lisbon up the Country — Lord Welling- ton's Lines — Santarem — Arrival at Chamusca. Chamusca, February, 1813. •Since writing my last letter we have moved from Bellem towards the head- quarters of the army j and I must say I felt no small gratification in getting clear of the dirt and effluvia of Lisbon, and once more enjoying a purer air together with the novelties incident to a march in this country, which during the delightful weather we have experienced is far prefer- able to the dull monotony attendant on a long residence in one place. Very few objects worthy of observation lay in our route. The country in general is fertile, finely variegated and pleasing. Olive and orange-groves flourish in abundance, and 72 PORTUGAL. in this neighbourhood are found very fine and extensive vineyards, yielding wine which is of the best quality, and retailed at about four-pence a bottle. In every town and village we have passed through the effects of the unprinci- pled conduct of the French army are con- spicuous, which has naturely caused their name to be held in utter abhorrence; and yet their barbarities are much less se- verely felt than I understand them to have been in more remote parts. A small por- tion of retail trade is carried on in most of the places through which we have passed, and in this neighbourhood in particular large quantities of wine are exported. The land also is daily improving in culti- vation, though the arts of agriculture are at a comparatively low ebb. About six leagues from Lisbon on the left my attention was of course attracted by a part of Lord Wel- lington's extensive lines coming in view; of which, as they constitute a very promi- nent feature in the history of the cam- paign, I shall endeavour to give you some PORTUGAL. <3 idea; particularly as I have obtained my information upon the subject from authori- ty on which I can most fully rely. After Lord Wellington had fought the battle of Talavera, the result of which was unques- tionably in our favour, he was obliged, from circumstances which it will be unne- cessary to enumerate in this place, to re- linquish his position, in consequence of Soult's bold and unexpected movement upon Placentia in conjunction with Mor- tier. The country upon which he was forced to retire was unfortunately of the worst description, and after a sickly so- journ in Estramadura, ever the grave of armies tarrying there, his Lordship fell farther back, and finally retreated to Por- tugal. This retreat, so bitterly lamented by the allied countries, and by Eng- land in particular, again roused the de- sponding bodings of opposition; and the firm belief in the never-failing ascendancy of the French arms, together with the idea of the almost absolute insanity attend- ant upon our endeavours to put a stop to their progress: — but the vigour of i k PORTUGAL. the masterly mind which directed these operations was only increased by the doubts thus cast upon its great military capacity. — His Lordship was aware of the tremen- dous means that could be employed to force the British army from the Continent; and he was equally convinced that the enemy would put every resource in motion to ac- complish this great object, well knowing that this important point once obtained, all minor difficulties would vanish. To this end he resolved on that plan of warfare that eventually proved the key-stone to his own glory and the deliverance of Europe. In 1809 he determined upon fortifying a position, which being unassailable in its flanks, would render the great superiority of the enemy's numbers of little avail; and by being far within the country would tend to draw the enemy rapidly to the extremity of the kingdom, where of course he could have no magazines, and where every re- source might be cut off even by the inha- bitants themselves ; so that his difficulties would be multiplied, his destruction ren- dered more probable, and the safety of the PORTUGAL. 15 allied army provided for. The position se- lected by his Lordship for the attainment of these great ends was one which covers Lisbon at a distance of more than six leagues from the city, defending every road to the capital through the great pro- vince of Beira, the very centre and heart of the kingdom, and which upon the best military opinions must always form the great object of attack. This celebrated position had its right resting upon the Ta- gus at Alhanda, whence it stretched across to Porte de Roll on the sea, and had con- sequently the most powerful apuis for both flanks, whilst its rear remained open and clear to all sorts of supplies. The posi- tion which I am now hastily describing, and which in 1810 occupied so important a point in the attention of Europe, was formed by a chain of hills running in the direction already mentioned ; the most com- manding of which, and particularly those principally overlooking the approaches to the capital, were occupied by strong re- doubts, that on the advance of Massena were garrisoned principally by the I'ortu- 76 PORTUGAL. guese troops ; the infantry (chiefly British) were judiciously posted in the long inter- vening spaces, to oppose the enemy should he attempt to penetrate, forming a chain of curtains to the redoubts. The grand redoubt of the position occupied the rear of Sobral ; and Torres Vedras also came within the line. This principal redoubt was occupied by 1500 men, and thither Lord Wellington came every morning, and thence could reconnoitre almost his entire position. The whole of this extensive line was not occupied : it was unnecessary that it should be so j for the direction in which the great Estrella mountains run through Beira, cutting that part of the kingdom in two, made it impossible for the enemy in front of the position to make any consider- able movement to either flank, in half the time that the army in the position could make a corresponding one. There was also, in addition, a second line taken up and occupied much in the same manner, fur- nished with redoubts that ran through Bu- cillas, Mafra &c. &c. &c. and military encampments were made near St. Julian, PORTUGAL. 7 / which would have assisted embarkation, in case of any unforeseen disaster occurring in front that might have called for such a measure. A strong position in like man- ner was fortified on the left bank of the Tagus, in order to ensure the safety of the ships in the river, in the event of the ene- my moving in force on that side ; and the whole military resources of the river being at Lord Wellington's disposal, the enemy could never have reached the capital from that quarter. The influence of the British general over the Portuguese nation was paramount, for he was to all practical pur- poses King of Portugal; and Sir Charles Stewart, our Envoy, having also a seat in the government, there was less difficulty in carrying into effect any arrangements in contemplation. The removing the sup- plies of the country out of the enemy's reach, thereby rendering the land through which he was to pass a waste, was part of this extensive plan; though much difficulty occurred in carrying this portion of it into execution ; for the Portuguese government could hardly be induced to ac- PORTUGAL. cede to any measure that would bring so powerful and dreaded an enemy close to their very gates. The firmness however of Lord Wellington prevailed; and it was, I am told, an heart-rending spectacle to see the poor inhabitants turning out of their dwellings with their children and move- ables, flying in all directions — to misery and death. The cavalry was stationed in the rear, and upon the left flanks, in which latter situation they were a great annoy- ance to the enemy, who was obliged to fo- rage extensively. Generals Silviera and Trant were posted in the north, and con- sequently during the enemy's sojourn be- fore our position operated successfully upon his rear. Such were the preparations for the great campaign of 1810, which in its immediate consequences overthrew one of the enemy's most powerful armies, and liberated the kingdom of Portugal. In its more remote consequences it held out a cheering exam- ple to the nations of Europe, and eventu- ally animated them to successful resist- PORTUGAL. 79 ance ; a campaign which completely falsi- fied the predictions of those who proplie- cied the most disastrous results, and in its sequel exceeded the most sanguine expec- tations ; a campaign which by the fair ope- ration of superior tactics, and the firm and steady perseverance in one great plan, cost the enemy the flower of one of his finest armies without a single general action. It is not my object to descant with mi- nuteness or military accuracy upon this extraordinary campaign ; and I only men- tion it from its forming so prominent and interesting a feature in the subject before us. The powerful means resorted to by the enemy, his selection of a general supposed to be the favoured child of fortune, his haughty boastings, and rapid strides to- wards the subjugation of the country, the sad predictions and fears of the people in England, and the invincible firmness with which Lord Wellington (who in opinion almost stood alone,) viewed the gathering storm on the frontier of that country en- trusted to his care, are still in the recollec- Id PORTUGAL. tion of the public. The rapid and im- posing advance of Massina very much alarmed the government and people of Lisbon ; and when it was known that his cannon was almost within hearing, terror arrived at its height. The applications for departures and passages to England, Ame- rica, and almost every part of the globe, became importunate and incessant. The packets, intended to accommodate thirty or forty, were bespoken for from two to three hundred, and confusion and alarm reigned throughout that populous city. At this time Marshal Beresford was ad- vanced to the Order of the Bath; and, though it may appear singular, the cere- mony of his investment and the gaieties at- tendant upon it actually allayed the storm of anxiety, and appeased the fears of the Portuguese. Lord Wellington gave a grand dinner and ball in the palace of Mafra to the officers and gentry, in honor of the ce- remonial of investment. The dinner was of course confined to persons of the highest description, though the invitations to the PORTUGAL. SI evening were nearly general. The enemy, amounting to upwards of 80,000 men, was then before us, the out-posts were close, and our allied videttes and his could shake hands. A very small portion of offi* cers only were left in the first line, all the rest being allowed to join in the festivities of the day. Arrangements were however made that every one should return to his post after the ball. The whole of this fearless and judicious measure inspired confidence, and produced a most happy ef- fect. The Portuguese naturally felt, that, if the Commander of the Forces could give a fete to the whole army w T hen a powerful enemy's advanced posts were almost within hearing of his revels, the danger could not be very pressing. It being usual on bespeaking a passage in the packet to pay half down in the event of not going, many of the captains, in consequence of the tranquillity and security diffused through- out the city by this w T ell«timed entertain- ment, acquired considerable property. One of them had absolutely received money from about 2J0 persons who were flying to G 82 PORTUGAL. England, but who subsequently to this ball altered their resolution; and the captain only carried thirty, the rest forfeiting their deposit rather than adhere to determina- tions made during the phrenzy of terror and despair. Having thus given you an hasty sketch of these celebrated lines and of the im- portant purposes they were intended to ful- fil, I shall now return to my narrative. Overhanging Villa Franca (a neat little town near the lines upon the high road,) stands a mountain which a day's halt gave me an opportunity of ascending, and my pains were well rewarded by the prospect it commanded. A mountainous tract stretching from east to west to an immense extent lay behind me, and the meanderings of the Tagus for many leagues, with a large morass in front, occupied a space farther than the eye could reach; altogether pre- senting to the view a country which, if pro- perly regulated, would produce a degree of wealth greatly exceeding the present wants PORTUGAL. #3 of its possessors. The flocks of wild fowl upon the morass, which is partially drained and very thinly peopled, surpass all belief. These parts are also said to be well stocked with game, and I observed numerous birds of prey, such as vultures, a very large spe- cies of kite &c. hovering about the cliffs. A telegraph is erected upon the moun- tain I have just described, forming an ex- tensive point of communication with Lis- bon and other important military stations. The principal town through which we passed was Santarem, the last stage but one to this place, where we crossed the river by boats. It is a considerable town situated partly upon the summit of an high hill, and partly below it, by the side of the ri- ver. From its elevated position it is consi- dered a very healthy spot, and accordingly i is appropriated as a depot for sick and wounded officers, and some large convents are made use of as hospitals in which six- teen hundred men can be accommodated if necessary. From its vicinity to the « 2 84 PORTUGAL. water also it forms a convenient dep6t for the business of the commissariat. I was much pleased with the beauty of a neighbouring view, which is remark- ably woody, and very much resembles the finest views in Surrey. Few of the houses of this town are in a perfect state, but the inhabitants carry on a considerable deal of internal commerce, and most of the neces- saries and comforts of life may be pur- chased among them. The streets are nar- row and dirty, but the churches and con- vents are magnificent. A fine old Moorish castle, still in good repair, overhangs a precipice adjacent to the town, and com- mands a beautiful and extensive prospect. This fortress possesses a subterraneous passage leading farther than I dared to pursue it, probably originally used as an ambuscade. I shall abstain from detailing an exact account of every village and town we may have passed through on our march, and shall reserve my remarks for those only PORTUGAL. 85 which are distinguished by any peculiarity, and refer you more particularly to the map for our route to this place. Chamusca is a pleasant little town, built in a very rich and fertile country, sur- rounded by hills covered with the most beautiful heaths flourishing with peculiar luxuriance, which, intermingled with wild lavender and other sweet herbs, spread a most agreeable perfume throughout the neighbouring atmosphere. The Tagus, which winds by the town, affords some small fish, and a species of salmon of a lesser kind than that known in England, altogether indeed of a dif- ferent species, and in great abundance. Its shape is less round than the English salmon, its colour paler, its flesh softer and more oily, and it contains innumerable small bones. It is however highly prized by the natives, and is not (in the absence of better) refused by us. The river at this place is for the most part shallow, though its depth varies considerably, being a few $6 PORTUGAL. leagues hence totally unnavigable, though very deep within short distances of the ob- structions. It is singular that in winter it has less water in it than at other seasons, excepting immediately following the heavy rains. In summer, owing probably to the great in- crease it receives from the melted snow which descends from the mountains, it is usually fullest. The inhabitants of this town, as well as those whom we met with on the march, are as hospitable and civil as the nature of their limited means will allow ; and they universally appear to be more simple in their manners, and inclined to good offices than those in and around the metropolis. A few persons of good property reside in this place and farm their estates, the chief produce of which is wine. As far as my experience goes beyond the capital, there is more of virtue, clean- liness and industry in the country than PORTUGAL. 87 in Lisbon and its environs. The manu- facture of coarse cloths forms the princi- pal employment of the people during the day, their evenings being spent in mirth and hilarity ; while the family, servants, and friends surround the crackling blaze of a cheerful fire-side in the kitchen, the younger persons amusing themselves with dancing to the sound of the guitar, play- ing at forfeits, or singing. This fortunate place has not experienced the immediate effects of the enemy's pre- sence ; the French army having rested on the opposite banks of the river, making only a few attempts upon their cattle, though never able to gain a footing in the town, I have now given you a general sketch of this place, and the principal objects on the route. I fancy we are doomed to re- main here some time. 88 PORTUGAL. LETTER VIII. General Fast — Religious Ceremonies and Processions — Sermons — Election of Saints — Bull Fights — Cos- tume of the Peasantry. Chamusca, March, 1813. During the last four or five weeks past the people have been most religiously ab- staining from every species of food, which, according to their persuasion, may tend hereafter to shut the door against their en- trance into the realms of everlasting hap- piness; while they have regarded with pity our devouring the lean rations of the com- missary as a sensual indulgence too heinous to admit an hope of salvation. I have ob- served that while my beef-steak was hiss- ing in the frying-pan they thought it no PORTUGAL. 89 sin to feast their eyes upon it, whatever deadly effects its digestion might have upon their souls; and the eagerness and joy with which they hailed the approach- ing conclusion of the fast testified the de- gree of self-denial that this long mortifica- tion of their appetites must have cost them. This fast, notwithstanding, is after all less formidable than one might have previously supposed, as the skill shewn in the cooking of eggs and fish exemplifies on these oc- casions. It is indeed proverbial that if you want a good dinner " dine with a priest upon a fast-day." Processions by torch-light, fire-works, dances, and the more substantial plea- sures of the table, awaited the anxious hour of midnight to welcome and usher in the morning of Easter-Sunday, when the fast terminates ; at which time the fisher- man lays by his net and the butcher re- sumes his knife. In the family on which I am billetted a couple of fowls, intended for their supper, performed their evolutions be- fore a blazing fire till the clock had struck 90 TORTUGAL. the joyful hour, a stewed kid being the first offering that was provided for me on the return of these gratifications; which were hailed with an anticipation of de- light scarcely surpassed by Dr. Franklin's friend Keimer, when, after a voluntary abstinence of nearly two years from animal food, he once more found a roasted pig at the free disposal of his knife and fork. The consequences of this long absti- nence and sudden repletion, as I have fre- quently noticed, is, that the people suffer in their health more or less according to the strength of their constitutions. The young and weak are not properly nou- rished during the fast, and this quick transition few stomachs can bear. During the interval of spare diet the priests continue to amuse the minds of the people by a variety of ceremonies and pro- cessions. Some of these I will relate to you as I literally saw them performed in this place, and which generally indeed pre- vail throughout the kingdom in a greater PORTUGAL. 91 or less degree of splendour, according to the wealth of those who celebrate them. On mid-lent day a long procession sets out from the main church as soon as divine service is finished, with large flags and banners bearing suitable devices; and a figure of Our Saviour larger than life, in the act of carrying the cross, is borne upon the shoulders of the attendants. Priests and assistants in various habits, bearing dif- ferent insignia and implements, accompa- nied by musicians, form the procession. Temporary altars are raised in the streets adorned with flowers, and lighted candles (although in broad day-light,) together with all sorts of tawdry tinselled stuff to add to the decoration of the altar. At these places the procession halts, mass is per- formed, and a pulpit is erected from which a sermon is preached. I have observed that in most of their discourses they endeavour, by gesticulation and argument, to interest the feelings of the auditors in a manner somewhat resem- bling that which is pursued by our popu- : *2 PORTUGAL. lar preachers; the whole being very artful- ly managed, till by gradual steps the priest works himself into a sort of climax al- most depriving him of utterance ; and the congregation, whether from sympathetic feeling or habit, or in compliment to the priest, seem inspired with an equal degree of enthusiasm, and indeed to a pitch that completely confounded me, and which from its suddenness rendered it absolutely impossible for me to controul an irresistible propensity to indulge my risible faculties. On these occasions I have seen the preacher unroll a painting during his discourse re* presenting the sufferings of Our Saviour, or the death of some martyr, and point to it with feelings that seemed completely to overwhelm him, producing a response of sighs and groans throughout the assem- bly somewhat resembling the chorus at Smithfield on a market-day. On one of these occasions, while a popular preacher (a monk of the order of Saint Antonio) was addressing a prostrate audience, the figure of an ugly old woman with a silver-leafed tiffany petticoat stretched out on an hoop, PORTUGAL. 93 and a crescent of tin foil surmounting her head, intended to represent the Virgin Mary, appeared (very apropos) coming round a corner supported upon men's shoulders from a neighbouring church. Instantly the monk in an impassioned strain, and point- ing to the figure, made some allusions which at first brought forth repeated and stifled groans from the congregation, suc- ceeded by a loud and sudden yell accom- panied with thumping of breasts and smiting of cheeks in a style truly ludi- crous. Each party appeared to me to im- pose equally on the other, and go through these regularly established manoeuvres in a studied and systematic manner; for I could u t perceive in this elaborate exhi- bition, either in the monk or his audience, any indication of having in reality suffered from the acuteness of their feelings. Perhaps you may not be aware that ser- mons are only preached at Christmas, and upon particular occasions; when the people from all parts of the country flock to the places where these discourses are deli- vered, dressed in their holiday clothes. 94 PORTUGAL* On the night preceding Good-Friday a procession was made by torch-light to all the churches in the town, the object of which appeared to consist in carrying a little figure of Our Saviour, kept in a particular church, to pay its respects to all the other places of worship in rotation ; while at every visit some portion of the service was performed, accompanied by music. At Lisbon I understand this procession is very grand. A silver Jesus is removed from the church of St. Roque to that of the Patriarchs at Bellem, and in former days was attended by the first nobles of the land bare-footed through the streets. On Good-Friday the procession of the Crucifixion was performed, upon the splendor of which the people greatly prided themselves. Every atom of gold and silver leaf, foil, tinsel, silk, and other finery, with beads, stones, and painted glass, that could be collected, was lent by the inhabitants for the occasion. Chil- dren from most families of the place, dressed fantastically with flowers &c. and in the cdstume of different scriptural cha- PORTUGAL. 95 racters, assisted at the ceremony. Among these a little urchin with a bundle of sticks at his back represented Isaac, in al- lusion to his sacrifice. However impos- sible it may be to suppress a feeling of contempt at such scenes, they must never- theless produce pity for the gross state of ignorance, and a just sense of indignation for the idolatrous worship which the priesthood inculcates among this supersti- tious people. Various other days throughout the year are celebrated in a similar manner, and as the saints are pretty numerous, there is no lack of festivals to keep alive the atten- tion of the people. These saints however (like all public personages) have their ex- istence depending upon popular favour, which, if at all remiss in their duty, is quickly lost. Should any calamity befall a village, the saint whose turn of service it may be for the time being is directly cashiered, and another elected in his room. I was once present at a contested elec- tion for the choice of a guardian of this 96 PORTUGAL. species; the inhabitants of the village being by no means unanimous in their opinion of the merits of the old representative, who was accordingly dismissed, and a new one appointed in his room. The holidays which succeed a fast have from time immemorial, among other amusements, been celebrated with bull- fights both in Portugal and Spain, and in- deed upon the occasion of any public fes- tival. One of these combats I was fortu- nate enough in having an opportunity of witnessing. The spirit with which they were conducted formerly has fallen off in modern times, and they now afford no specimens of the heroism frequently dis- played in ancient days. In Seville and Cadiz I understand they approach nearer to the original mode of managing these entertainments, which are there attended with great risk, and often end fatally. Having heard that a diversion of this spe* cies was about to be given by a Portu- guese gentleman in the neighbourhood, curiosity prompted me to join the fchrpng, PORTUGAL. 97 and the result surpassed my expectations. A ring was formed around the gentleman's house by stages, carts &c. the company principally consisting of the numerous peasantry of the neighbourhood. The master of the festival observing several British officers present politely invited us into his house, where an elegant collation was spread, and from the windows we ob- tained a good view of the combat. The bulls were of a small but strong African breed, and their horns were muffled with short leather caps. Several bulls were provided for the occasion which were brought forward in succession, the same animal in some instances making his ap- pearance more than once upon the stage. This re-entrance usually made the bull more watchful and impatient than others which appeared for the first time before the spectators, though all occa- sioned excellent sport, considering how much advantage was thrown into the scale of their antagonists. At first I observed that the bull kept the centre of the ring, aches nearer to the English taste. We march to-morrow, and you will hear from me when we take up our next quar- ters. PORTUGAL. 103 LETTER IX- March from Chamusca to the Frontiers— State of Agriculture and Society — Atrocities of the French Army and revengeful Disposition of the Portu- guese— Deficiency of medical and surgical Know- ledge — Prejudices among the Portuguese. Quadrazais, May, 1813. Soon after I dispatched my last letter we commenced another move towards head- quarters. I am stationed at present in a poor little half-deserted village upon the frontier, within a few miles of Spanish ground. Our march has been long and tedious. During a few days the weather was delightful, but was soon succeeded by almost perpetual hard rains and cold winds, which added to vile roads and bil- 104. PORTUGAL. lets at miserable habitations, scarcely de- serving the name of houses, diminished very greatly the pleasures of our inarch. The country throughout this route strongly exhibited the feeble efforts of a people (by nature slothful and prejudiced beyond example,) struggling to recover from the yoke which during many years had oppressed them, and to dissipate the ruin and desolation which the horrors of war have recently scattered over the coun- try, by attending to the arts of husbandry. The soil is naturally prolific and the cli- mate favourable j while the long and uninterrupted sunshine which the coun- try enjoys is relieved by the abun- dant quantities of water that periodical- ly fall during the rainy seasons, re- plenishing the numerous springs which perpetually flow through the vallies from the neighbouring rocks and hills. Here the simplest system of agriculture must flourish, in a land so highly favoured by nature ; and were the people industri- ous, the labour of a few years only would PORTUGAL. 105 no doubt open a source by which they might ameliorate their condition. But the Portuguese are disinclined to exertion, and suffer the cultivation of vines (of which we reap the advantage,) to occupy the land almost entirely, no great trouble being necessary to their culture. The soil every where also abounds with quanti- ties of stone admirably adapted for the purposes of building, and numerous woods of different species (such as oak, elm, ash, walnut, fir, pines, chesnut, cork &c.) afford timber sufficient in quantity and in quality to supply every purpose for which they can be required. The advantages of pasturage too are very considerable ; and the land, generally furnishing admirable feed to the extensive flocks which it is capable of maintaining, with the immense quantities of sweet acorns which every where abound, would, under proper ma- nagement, sustain innumerable herds of swine &c: good husbandry however must not be looked for in Portugal, till reform has penetrated to the inmost roots of that corruption which undermines the country. 106 PORTUGAL. Some few miserable individuals indeed may meritoriously struggle to obtain a livelihood, or even an independence, but there is generally a want of patriotic spi- rit and inclination towards improvement throughout the country. The genius of the people appears to be paralysed, and they seem to want energy to take advan- tage of the relief lately afforded them from French tyranny ; and instead of rousing themselves to assert and maintain their natural rights, they still remain a poor, wretched, and oppressed people. How happens it then that this country, pos- sessing such natural advantages and abun- dant resources in herself, a free trade, a flourishing capital, no enemy threaten- ing its invasion, but on the contrary, a powerful friend in the protection of Great Britain ; how happens it that this devoted country still continues so low in its general character and estimation? The answer is obvious — the corrupt govern- ment under which they have been so long oppressed has crushed the national pride, arid destroyed all emulation among the PORTUGAL. 107 people to rival other nations, and to adopt and cherish those acquirements, which by enlightening the mind and affording know- ledge would naturally augment their power and respectability. But it is not only among the peasantry that the distressed state of the country is observable, but in every other point also. Literature and general education are not merely at a stand, but actually can- not be said to exist ; the fine arts are ne- glected, and the useful are in practice very far below those of other nations. Accustomed as we are, and justly, to be proud of those eminent advantages which the active and enterprising disposition of the British lias insured to the nation, we are rather apt I am afraid to blame, and look down a little too much upon the un- fortunate Portuguese. A slight degree of observation and reflection would, I think, convince you that they are rather deserv- ing of pity and commiseration, than of cen- sure and contempt. There does not ap- 108 PORTUGAL. pear to be any peculiar deficiency of moral principle among the people ; and consider- ing the disadvantages under which they labour, their wretched and inefficient go- vernment, the haughty and contemptuous conduct of the aristocracy, and the conse- quent want of all reciprocal feeling be- tween the higher and lower orders, it is matter for astonishment that so many in- stances of a really virtuous disposition and of native goodness occur, especially in those parts remote from the capital. I think these people in many points of view excel their more proud and arrogant neighbours, who nevertheless affect to de- spise them. We have seen what the force of British example and discipline, and the appointment of British officers to the Por- tuguese army have effected. From a nation, heretofore considered as forming the very dregs of Europe, one of the finest, best dis- ciplined and most formidable armies on the Continent has been organised, which I trust will on some future day convince their late Gallic oppressors that they have only " scotched the snake, not killed it." PORTUGAL. 109 Here then is an instance of what the na- tion is capable when its power is judici- ously directed. May we not, from analo- gy, fairly suppose an equally beneficial result might attend the cultivation of lite- rature and the arts in general ? From what I have witnessed, I should be led to believe that, were a patriotic mo- narch placed upon the throne of this country, possessing the real interests of his people at heart, much might be ef- fected towards the amelioration of the nation; by cultivating, in the first in- stance, the friendship of the English, by attending to works of public utility, by stimulating the exertions of the people in the furtherance of arts and sciences, by cherishing literature, and by every possi- ble means holding out for their imitation those pursuits which have led to the crreatness of other nations ; and, above all, by giving that spring to industry by which these desirable ends can alone be accom- plished. Admitting that the government were 110 PORTUGAL. thus to interest itself in the welfare of the nation, there can be little doubt, I should conjecture, that the country would ulti- mately be placed in a sitution very oppo- site to its present degraded state. The dis- position of the Portuguese seems submis- sive and tractable, equally susceptible of a good or a bad direction, according to the nature of the impulse applied. The great fault, I am afraid, lies in the inherent defects of the government. The character of the present reigning Sovereign is perhaps too well known to call for a detailed description, and the conduct of those acting through his orders partakes of similar deficiencies. Under such cir- cumstances it is natural to suppose that no very great improvement can take place ; which indeed has been pretty clearly evinced, by the very slight alteration which the emancipation of the country from French tyranny has occasioned. It must be granted, that time and consi- derable attention are required to effect changes in a people placed under their PORTUGAL. 1 1 1 peculiar disadvantages ; but, I am con- vinced that, were a judicious reformation began among those who possess the supreme direction of the nation, the example must of necessity soon be fol- lowed throughout every ramification of society. The state of the criminal code is cer- tainly one of the first objects that should be considered, because among all their in- stitutions it is the one most eminently de- fective ; for it is no uncommon event for the innocent and the guilty to suffer alike; nay, the former not unfrequently have been exposed to severe punishment when the latter have wholly escaped. Their goals exhibit scenes of wretched- ness and filth the most repugnant to every feeling of humanity. No distinction in the degree of crime is observed among the unfortunate prisoners, but all are crowded together in the most loathsome and inhu- man manner. It is a prevailing notion of the uniu- 112 PORTUGAL. formed in this country that no faith is to be kept with heretics ; an opinion propa- gated by the ministers of a religion pro- fessing to be Christian, while they thus openly violate, by precept and example, the most charitable and essential doctrines of their great master 5 it is even supposed to be a meritorious act to deprive a Protestant of life, provided it be attended with al- ledged advantage to their religion. The use of the stiletto is I believe much less in vogue than in former days, and if a due attention were paid to the internal re- gulation of the country, no doubt it would soon altogether cease. With the exception of one or two large towns, all the places that we have passed through are in a state of excessive pover- ty and desolation; and the few miserable inhabitants that remain, appear to continue their residence more from inability to change than from any advantage attached to their homes. No persons of conse- quence live among them, in whose service they can advance themselves; and, thus PORTUGAL. 1 IS shut out from every stimulus to exertion, they mostly gain a precarious livelihood from the occasional wants of travellers or soldiers accidentally passing. The French army in its passage through this country has probably fully satiated its predominant propensity to rob, plunder, and commit every sort of atrocity which unrestrained military power is but too prone to license. The history of these atrocities is almost unparalleled, and shocks every feeling of humanity. During their retreat they set on fire cities, towns, and villages, and the allied armies in the course of their pursuit entered not only the beautiful city of Leireira in flames, but almost every town and village in the line of march ; while peasants hanging upon trees, priests and whole families murdered in their houses, and others lying dead by the road side, exhibited dreadful witnesses of the savage conduct of their relentless invaders. The Portu- guese on their parts however have occa- sionally not been backward in retaliation, i 114 PORTUGAL. when opportunities occurred of revenging their wrongs ; for revenge is a feeling in- nately connected with the Portuguese character, which their state of society is ill calculated to abate. Upon the break- ing up of the French army from before Lisbon, when it was closely pressed upon by the allies, the first care of those who were unable to keep up with the retreat- ins: columns was to endeavour to fall into the hands of the British, whose name they justly held in estimation for genero- sity and forbearance to their enemies ; while they well knew what they had to expect, and indeed richly deserved, from submitting themselves to the power of the Portuguese. The Portuguese peasantry were every where lying in wait for those unfortunate stragglers, many of whom fell into their hands, and deaths of the most cruel kind were on such occasions the in- evitable result. Two out of the numer- ous instances that occurred I will relate to you. During the retreat through the province of Beira some Frenchmen, un- able to keep up, were attacked by the in- PORTUGAL. 115 furiated peasantry armed with long sticks, fire-arms &c. who overpowered and cap- tured them; the mercy of instant death Mas denied, and so good an opportunity of satiating their revenge was not over- looked by the Portuguese. The prisoners were bound and conducted to the summit of the great Estrella, where they were tor- tured in various ways, and ultimately stoned to death. On another occasion, whilst the enemy was before our position in front of Lisbon, a French escort con- sisting of three dragoons with a female in company, and all mounted, was passing through the village of Faya ; the armed peasants surrounded them in the market- place and captured them. The unfortu- nate party supplicated for mercy on their knees, giving up their money, clothes and provisions to save their lives. Their re- lentless enemies kept them for a while alive, deriding their miseries, sporting with the horrors of their situation, and perpetually promising their lives as each boon was surrendered; till at length, stript i iked and lying prostrate before them, 1 2 1 1 V) PORTUGAL. they actually beat out all their brains, re- serving the woman as the last sufferer. This revengeful feeling was not unfre- quently gratified in Spain, but throughout Portugal it was universal, and though to be regretted certainly helped to further the great cause. The inveteracy of the peasantry proved an excellent ally to the British general j for the French by then- cruelties unquestionably worked against themselves ; and according to the establish- ed rules of retributive justice, the inhuma- nities of which they were guilty were thus ultimately visited upon their own heads. Dreadfully however as the Portuguese suf- fered under the tyranny of their late op- pressors, it would have been better for them to have remained in this lamentable situation than have continued under the imbecile and wretched despotism of their old government, not improved or ameli- orated by experience of the late striking events. In my professional capacity it has fallen to my lot to visit the poorest and most PORTUGAL. 117 distressed classes; and miserable as the state of this order of society appears to be upon a casual view of it, it is yet nothing when compared with that which is fur- nished by a more intimate acquaintance with its evils. Often destitute of hospitals, and without the aid of medical men, the un- fortunate victims linger in the most loath, some and deplorable state which poverty and disease can inflict, and are conse- quently doomed to drag out their miser- able existence a burthen to their families and to themselves. I found the little as- sistance I was enabled to afford them was eagerly sought and very gratefully ac- cepted, and as the intelligence of the opportunity of relief spread abroad, the numbers of the afflicted, and the excess to which their various diseases had reached by neglect, astonished me. Whenever I met with medical men I uniformly found their science limited to a degree which al- most exceeds belief. Their study is chief- ly confined to the perusal of a few old authors, whose practice among us has be- come obsolete; and they have consequent- ly few conceptions beyond the dogmas of 118 PORTUGAL. the latter. The surprise they evinced at the surgical apparatus of an English medi- cal officer, and at the commonest opera- tions, proved the lamentable state of the whole profession in Portugal. The people in general, as well as the medical practi- tioners, are in perpetual terror of infec- tion, for they are wholly ignorant of its nature and the most common ways of pre- venting it. Even to this day the Portu- guese cherish an invincible prejudice against the use of mercury, in cases where we know of no other remedy to check the progress of disease. Their prejudice against vaccination was equally strong, but by the interference of the legislature it has been introduced; and the arrival of vaccine matter from England is occasion- ally announced in the Gazette, and inocu- lation performed gratuitously. Prom what I have mentioned, you have probably by this time a pretty just idea of the extreme deficiency of this nation, in every essential which can tend to place it on a level with the more civilized states of modern Europe. PORTUGAL. 119 LETTER X. Natural Productions and Beauties of the Country—* Moorish Towers — Abrantes — Aiza — Pass of Villa Velha — Castel Branco — Sabugal — Arrival at the Frontiers. Quadrazais, May, 1813. I he picture which I have given in my last letter of the Portuguese is probably extremely different from the one which you have naturally imbibed in England, but it is nevertheless a true one. Let us however leave so disagreeable a subject, and proceeding to the more favourable side of the picture, turn to the numerous beauties every where to be met with in journeying through this delightful coun- try. Nature has been lavish in the distri- bution of her bounties over the face of the 120 PORTUGAL. land, which every where presents objects grateful to the senses. The eye is pleased with an infinite variety of verdure ?nd fo- liage, and the wild and irregular forms which she has bestowed upon the earth, present romantic as well as picturesque scenery in every direction. It would be well worth a botanist's while to make a tour through Portugal in the early spring. Many of the finest plants, preserved in our gardens with the nicest care, are here con- sidered of no account, and constantly li- able to be trodden under foot aB matters deserving no attention. When the flowers are in blossom the air is perfumed with a variety of aromatic plants, among which the heaths are most conspicuous, and grow for the most part with peculiar strength and luxuriance. The geranium, and some few others are met with only in detached spots, but the arbutus, the gum-cystus &c. arc almost every where to be found in great profusion. In the country about Niza (which place I shall have occasion to mention to you as lying in our late route,) the hills and PORTUGAL. 121 plains are covered with the latter plant, growing very luxuriantly and to a great height. The almond and wild peach-trees afford the strongest and sweetest scents and the most beautiful blossoms, far sur- passing those of any other description of plants, perfuming the air to a great ex- tent. The orange, lemon and lime-trees produce also blossoms of the most beauti- ful description. In addition to the com- mon acid lemon another sort is generally to be met with of a sweet but rather vapid flavour. The oranges in like manner dif- fer very materially in their qualities, but every sort is more pleasant and whole- some when eaten off the tree, than when kept in store for a long time. With this exception, and perhaps some few others, I think the generality of our fruits are more palatable, especially the grape, arising probably from the greater degree of attention which is paid to its cultiva- tion among us.* * This observation must be considered as applicable ily to ill' 1 grapes of the common vineyards. 122 PORTUGAL. There is very little corn grown in Por- tugal, and the bread is generally very bad. Indian corn is the most abundant, from its answering so great a variety of purposes. It is made into meal for bread and cakes, and in other respects forms a considerable article of diet. The horses and mules are also fed upon it, while the stalks and leaves maintain the oxen. Mats, beds &c. are likewise made with the straw. — Very little grass is grown in Portugal, the herds living chiefly upon the scanty pasturage of the mountains. Olive-groves and vineyards are almost every where common, oil and wine being ' the principal articles of consumption and exportation. In our passage up the country we met with several objects worthy of notice. Occasional vestiges of the Mocrs, and sometimes of the Romans, frequently ar- rested our attention. Towers of the for- mer construction are to be easily distin- guished from those of the latter by their square form, the others generally par- taking of the circular figure. Near the PORTUGAL. 123 village of Arripiado, three leagues from Chamusca, situated in the middle of the Tagus, I observed a very ancient speci- men of the former description. A few leagues from this place on the opposite side of the river stands the town of Tho- mar, celebrated for the beauty and rich- ness of the country around it, being in it- self a small and neat place. On the second day of our march we reached Abrantes, a large, populous, and in its general appearance an handsome town, built on the summit of a very lofty hill over the Tagus, and commanding fine and extensive views. The road to it winds through an interesting and roman- tic country. The river is broad and deep at this place, and a bridge of boats is thrown over it, which communicates with the town and its extensive suburbs on either side. It is by nature strong, and art has not been spared to improve its position. The best part of the town con- sists in an irregular open space where the market is held, but the streets are all nar- i24- PORTUGAL. row, dirty, and confined, and the houses ge- nerally bad. It forms a great depot for the army, which gives it an appearance of live- liness and bustle otherwise not natural to it. The next considerable town in our route is Niza, situated in a fine elevated plain, and formerly surrounded by a strong Roman fortification. It is now in bad repair and thinly peopled. The tower and parts of the chambers, and the wall of an ancient Roman castle are still left, and the remains of a strong wall nearly surround the town. It is a confined and dirty place, and contains only a few tole- rable houses. About this neighbourhood we found less cultivation than in those districts through which we had recently passed, and for a time we took our leave of olives, grapes, oranges, and almost every other produc- tion of the soil. The wine here is in con- sequence very bad and dear, being much adulterated with water and a strong ar- dent spirit, called, agua ardiente, made PORTUGAL. 125 from the grape after it has been pressed for the manufacture of wine, and consti- tuting the brandy of the Portuguese. This, combined with the pitchy flavor the wines often acquire from the pig-skins, creates a mixture which the stomach even of a British soldier cannot bear. During our march between this place and a little wretched deserted village called Sarnadas, we crossed the Tagus at the celebrated pass of Villa Velha, so called from a very neat little town of that name in the neighbourhood. Our road lay over a barren and craggy range of rocks, forming a constant succession of hill and dale, till we arrived at the edge of the precipices, beneath which the Tagus winds its serpentine course ; the country on the opposite side appearing verdant, woody and cultivated. The river has here evidently forced its way between a sierra, as the former connection between the two sides may be traced with the greatest ease, and many similar instances occur in Por- tugal. The descent of the above pass is 126 PORTUGAL. by a very narrow and circuitous path. The river is broad and deep about this place, and a temporary bridge of boats has been formed for the passage of troops. The boats with which the bridge was made were brought from Abrantes, over a country apparently impassible to any sort of carriage ; yet the quickness with which they were transported reflects the highest credit upon those employed in the undertaking, and forms one among many instances of the energy which characte- rized every thing emanating from the distinguished chief in command. On the opposite side of the pass we arrived at an elevation of about equal height with that which we had already descended, commanding a fine and extensive pros- pect from its summit. The appearance of this scenery strongly reminded me of the Severn and St. Vincent's rocks in the neighbourhood of Bristol. Eagles, vul- tures, storks,* and abundance of game * These birds are excessively numerous in Portugal, where as iu many other countries thev receive a kind PORTUGAL. 127 are seen in the neighbourhood of Villa Velha, which is beautifully diversified with sloping hills covered with wood and verdure, and backed by a lofty sierra of rocky mountains. Numerous neatly white- washed houses interspersed among the hills, and surrounded by groves, imparted a more cheering prospect than usually at- tends the great route by which the armies pass. A few leagues from Villa Velha the po- pulous and thriving town of Castel Bran- co, occupying a strong position, stands upon an eminence surrounded by exten- sive suburbs, and commanding a varie- gated and almost endless prospect. The roads entering the town are impassable in a carriage of any kind, except a bullock- of homage from the inhabitants. Such is the preju- dice in their favour that Lord Wellington has deemed it expedient in his public orders to prohibit their being molested by the army ; while the natives on their part consider any outrage committed upon them as sacreli- 128 PORTUGAL. car. The streets are mostly very narrow and dirty, but it possesses a fine open market-place, and the houses are above the ordinary size. The castle (which de- serves any thing but its present appella- tion,) is situated above the town, sur- rounded by a strong wall and moat. It is 1 believe from its appearance of Saracenic origin, but no accurate account can be obtained upon such subjects as these from the natives, as they are generally too ig- norant to afford any information upon matters more remote than those immedi- ately relating to their own times. Seve- ral churches of Gothic architecture are still to be seen in this town, the chief of which is very spacious and handsome, and adorned with some fine paintings. A very elegant palace of red brick with large gar- dens forms the residence of the bishop. Unfortunately this fine place became during the early periods of the war the seat of plunder and desolation, many traces of which are still visible, and among others a very valuable library, in common with the palace itself, suffered materially- PORTUGAL. 1S9 The fortifications surround the greater part of the town, and are furnished with draw-bridges &c. though not in the best repair. The country about this neighbourhood is better cultivated than that which we recently quitted on the other side of the Tagus ; and a large quantity of wine is made in the vicinity, notwithstanding the country becomes more mountainous, particularly approaching Sa- bugal ; which town about two years ago was the scene of a severe contest and much bloodshed. It stands (like most of the towns of Portugal) upon an eminence, in the midst of an open and hilly country, still retaining vestiges of ancient fortifica- tions, an old ruined castle, surrounded by a very deep fosse and a strong wall. The condition of the town occasioned me great disappointment. Before you enter the place it wears the appearance of prospe- rity and comfort ; but on a nearer ap- proach it is found to be a perfect ruin, nearly desolate, poor beyond description, and almost entirely incapable of affording accommodations in a sufficient state of re- K 130 rORTUGAL: pair to prevent the rain (which when I was there was intense,) from pouring on one's bed through the roof. I have now brought you nearly to the frontiers, and shall in my succeeding let- ter commence my remarks upon Spain; for were I to enter more at large upon a description of Portugal and its inhabitants, it would only prove a recapitulation of the disgusting, and unsatisfactory account which I have already given you of deso- lated and ruined houses, and an impover- ished and miserable people, with the means of happiness in their possession, though with a total incapacity to make use of the blessings and natural advantages they possess. In the sketch I have taken you will perhaps think me too laconic ; but to describe a country like this, under its present circumstances, must require a longer residence than I have had among the people, to enable me to enter more fully upon the subject. SPAIN. 131 LETTER XL Striking Distinction between Portugal and Spain on the Frontiers — Ciudad Rodrigo — Retreat of the En emy — Salama n ca — Colleges Sfc . Salamanca, May, 1813. 1 write to you from this celebrated, beau- tiful, and formerly flourishing city, where we have been a few days, and of which, when I have taken a little more time to examine it, I shall be able to give you a more perfect account. In the meanwhile let me lead you back to the frontiers, which I have so recently quitted, and over which I sincerely hope never to be obliged to re- trace my steps. It is an observation which I have very k 2 132 SPAIN. generally heard mentioned, by every one entering Spain directly from Portugal, that the difference between the general aspect of the two countries, and the manners and appearance of the natives, even close to their respective borders, is much more striking than it is possible to imagine; when it is considered that, the exact limits are so far from being defined as to be quite imagin- ary. The roads, the houses, and the gene- ral features of the country, all differ mate- rially in their appearance, with a very ma- nifest advantage in favour of Spain. The inhabitants of the latter are much cleaner, better dressed, and altogether neater and more industrious, and exhibit greater tokens of civilization in their domestic concerns. One of the chief objects worthy of notice, on entering the first village across the frontier, consists in the difference between the Spanish and Portuguese bread ; the latter being execrable, and the former very fine. Nature has evidently done much for the Spaniards, and they certainly SPAIN. 133 make a better use of her gifts than the Por- tuguese. The lower orders live in small, comfort- able, white-washed cottages, and instead of decayed and dirty old boarded floors, stone or brick ones are substituted, tending to keep their houses cool, and free from ver- min, which swarm in those of the Portu- guese. On all sides indications of industry are to be met with. Small gardens are at- tached to every house which can admit of such a convenience, and pains are taken in their cultivation, as well as in the care of poultry and flocks. It is nevertheless true that the country people are not very prosperous ; on the contrary, much pover- ty reigns among them ; but they have energy " to force the trade of life" to a degree very much above their neighbours, and are not sunk in despair like the miser^ able peasantry of the Portuguese. In giving this decided preference to the 134 SPAIN. Spaniards, I must be understood to em- brace objects merely relating to civilization and the comforts of life. The regard which the Portuguese entertain for the English is far from being equally felt by the Spaniards ; for in this point of view the Portuguese greatly excel their neigh- bours; and were they to live only a little more like civilized beings I should prefer their character to that of the Spaniards. The roads through which we have marched are all excellent, and are capable of being passed in carnages, with the ex- ception of some bye-roads, which are very similar to the stony lanes to be met with in some parts of England. The royal roads leading to this town and thence to Madrid, Burgos &c. are wide, smooth, and handsome, and scarcely excelled by any in our own country; all their roads are flanked, to a considerable distance round the town, with rows of fine trees, which form a great shelter from the in- tense heat to which this open part of the country is commonly exposed. SPAIN. 1 35 I have enjoyed this last march very much, the weather having been uninter- ruptedly clear, rendering bivouacking in the woods delightful, and the surrounding country much more pleasing to my eye than that to which it had recently been accustomed. The snow-topped mountains, rocks, ra- vines, and cataracts have gradually disap- peared from our view as we advanced into Spain, and are succeeded by abundance of wood, rich pasturage and fertile corn- fields, with no greater elevation of land than occasionally a gentle slope. A very elegant species of dwarf- oak, with a frosted silvery appearance, is much cultivated, and forms by far the greatest portion of the wood about these parts. The acorn they produce is very delicate in flavor, and is much used in deserts, and forms a principal article of food among the poorer classes, being finer than the common species of sweet acorn. The pigs which feed upon them are greatly 136 SPAIN. prized for the delicacy of their flesh. Firs, pines, poplars, beech, walnut-trees &c. are also very common. The first Spanish town of note which we passed was the celebrated Ciudad Rodrigo. It is a very handsome, neat little city, built upon a slight eminence. The streets for the most part are small and narrow, but very clean, and the houses in general are good. It has all the appearance internally of a thriving place, but its walls without still retain many vestiges of the dreadful convulsions in which it had been recently engaged. The churches, and other public build- ings, are very elegantly constructed ; and the former being ornamented with carving about their porticos, and surmounted with domes and turrets, give an imposing and pleasing appearance to the town ; while its position, and its strong fortifications, must ever render it an important station be- tween contending armies, under the cir- cumstances attendant upon those recently engaged in the Peninsula. SPAIN. 137 The suburbs of Ciudad Rodrigo are very extensive, and probably exceed the town itself in magnitude ; which added very much to the comforts of our armies lying before the town during the sieges. Lord Wellington honored this city with a visit on re-entering Spain, and was re- ceived with every demonstration of ex- ultation and respect. He gave a grand ball and supper to the inhabitants, and amused them with the ceremony of in- vesting General Cole with the Order of the Bath. On the day previous to our entering Sala- manca, three thousand of the enemy were surprised by our advanced posts, who charged them over the bridge, and drove them through the streets out of the town; and, following them over the downs on their way to Burgos, took three hundred pri- soners, and killed between fifty and sixty men, principally by means of the artillery. The French General commanding (Vil- 138 SPAIN. lette,) was leisurely walking through the streets with his mistress, when the alarm was given of the approach of the British. He made his escape with difficulty, but the lady and the carriage fell into our hands. Curiosity induced me to follow the tracks by which the enemy retired, and while thus employed I met with many of the bodies of the killed lying in different directions, mangled most dreadfully by cannon-shot. Many had been buried by the inhabitants of a neighbouring village, ard those which remained had become vic- tims to wolves and birds of prey. On my return I was much surprised by encountering a numerous flock of vultures, of a very large size. They appeared to have been disturbed by my approach, and had in consequence rendezvoused in a re- tired and sheltered position under a piece of rising ground, till my departure afforded them an opportunity of again regaling at their ease upon their horrible repast. My coming so suddenly upon them completely SPAIN. 139 deceived me as to their nature, for, till they arose into the air (literally darkening it by their numbers,) I supposed them to be an herd of goats. Some Spaniards informed me that similar bands of these depredators occasionally prove formidable to a solitary passenger, for that when they are pressed by hunger they are sometimes known to attack him, and without ceremony devour him. I leave you to judge of the truth of this, although I do not conceive it to be altogether impossible. Lord Wellington attended by his staff and several British and Spanish generals, with Castanos, (the Generallissimo of the Spanish army,) remained in Salamanca a short time; during which dinners, balls, and suppers were given, and the whole party appeared one evening at the theatre. The morning after the French had been driven away a grand c Te Deum' was per- formed at the cathedral; which was at- tended by Lord Wellington, the generals &c. and produced a very interesting effect. 140 SPAIN. This cathedral is usually considered as one of the first in Spain. It is built of a kind of white freestone, surmounted with elegant turrets, bastions, arches, and a large dome, and adorned with a profusion of carving and varieties of fancy-work, scriptural histories &c. in a most rich and elaborate style. It is a very lofty and spa- cious edifice, standing in an open square, surrounded by railing. Its external beau- ties exceed those of its interior, though the latter is very superior when compared with most others. The grand altar is very magnificent* opposite to which stands the chancel, greatly resembling those in our cathedrals. These are surrounded by a screen of stone-work exquisitely carved. The edifice contains two organs in the gallery, one of which is remarkable for its size and superior tone. The church also, fromi ts munificent endowments, is able to maintain a very superior band of singers from Italy. This venerable building was lately threatened with destruction by their late barbarous invaders. Some of the usu- ally levied contributions could not (from a SPAIN*. 141 total deficiency of means) be discharged, and the French general in consequence threatened by way of intimidation to de- stroy the cathedral, unless his unreasonable demands were complied with. The reply returned was — that, as it was public pro- perty, it did not effect the personal inte- rests of individuals like their other exorbi- tant levies, and that therefore no one would interfere ; the arrival however of the English prevented the accomplishment of this tyrannical threat of the French general, if indeed it were ever seriously intended to be put into execution. The situation of Salamanca for so large and populous a city commands many ad- vantages, and in whatever point of view it is taken, it wears the appearance of an handsome and flourishing town. The Tor- mes, which is a clear and wide river, but in many places very shallow, winds round two-thirds of the town, while the elevation of the western part of the city from its banks renders it an airy and very healthy place. An excellent light red wine called 142 SPAIN. 4 vino de Tonnes' is made on the banks of this river. Vines are not cultivated in the immediate vicinity of Salamanca, the land being chiefly dedicated in these parts to corn. The natural position of Salamanca is strong, and some pains have been taken to secure it by a substantial wall built around it, which in its most ex- posed situation is flanked by a strong bas- tion. The streets for the most part are narrow, but the houses are very lofty and generally pretty good. Some of the former are well paved, and kept tolerably clean. From the abundance of shops of all descriptions a great retail trade is appa- rently carrying on. The city contains also a very well supplied market, which is held in an open space where the municipal house is erected. The principal square forms one of the handsomest I have seen in Spain, the houses being constructed of white stone, built very high, with great re- gularity, and supplied with balconies and large green virandas to the windows, which add much to the liveliness of their appearance. Piazzas are erected over the spa ix. 143 broad pavement round the square, form- ing the great resort of fashionable society, when the weather will not permit prome- nading round the ' Prado del Toro,' situ- ated without the eastern walls of the town. Varieties of shops, excellent coffee-houses, billiard-rooms &c. are to be met with un- der these piazzas, which may be consi- dered as forming the Bond-street of Sala- manca. The general appearance of the city, and the number of large and hand- some houses which are seen in different parts, might lead to the supposition of its being very rich and well peopled. But 'his is far from being the case, for on a closer inspection it is found to be extreme- ly deficient, and indeed scarcely amounts to a third of its former wealth, and popula- tion. The inhabitants have become great- iv impoverished, and the owners of the principal residences have either absolutely left the country altogether, and followed the fortunes of Joseph Buonaparte, or have removed to other towns of greater safety, such as Valladolid &c. so that few people of the higher ranks of society are now re- sident in the place. 144- SPAIN. The towns-people are in general hospi- table and communicative. They have their ' tertulias,' or evening assemblies, when they converse, play cards, dance or sing ; and they also pretty constantly fre- quent the theatre, which is a light and elegant Luilding and fitted up somewhat in the style of the Opera-house in London, though very inferior with respect to size, while the actors and performances are be- low mediocrity. The present appearance of the town excites many melancholy re- flections, when contrasted with the ac- counts which we have been accustomed to receive of its former magnificence, and high reputation as a seat of learning. Neither Oxford, nor Cambridge, I am con- vinced, from the appearance of the col- leges (the walls of which are still stand- ing,) equal in any point of view what this once flourishing town exhibited in better days. Perhaps you will not think me guilty of exaggeration, when I tell you that there are still the remains of nine- teen splendid colleges, built of an hand- some white stone, most elaborately and classically ornamented, forming once one SPAIN. 145 of the chief repositories of ancient litera ture, which subsequently enlightened mo- dern Europe. Several of these colleges were dedicated entirely to Irish students, numbers of whom are to be met with in the church, the army, and various other departments of the state, who have now become naturalized, and constitute perhaps the best informed part of the community. The chief aim of the French, during their residence in this country, appears to have been the annihilation of the govern- ment of Spain, (of which they hoped to have obtained the entire controul), by in- troducing an alteration in the manners and customs of the people more congenial with their own views ; pursuing, in this re- spect, a very opposite policy from that which they practised in Portugal ; that, being a country over which they could scarcely ever hope to reign with unlimited sway, was treated more in the light of a conquered kingdom, and rapine and devas- tation were committed wherever they went. Thus, in the former instance, every L 1 46 BfrAItf . old establishment was destroyed; and, while they secured the King and frightened the government into obedience, they annihi- lated the influence of the priests, and abo- lished all religious and learned institutions with remorseless rigour. Those walls which, during the prosperous days of Spain, con- tained all that is estimable in science and literature, are now converted into recepta- cles for the passing armies, alternately preying upon the vitals of the country. What a lesson has Spain been taught; what a check given to the pride of a peo- ple, once the first in the world, and now sunk into poverty and meanness ! And yet, how has this lesson been thrown away! For, to hear a Spaniard talk, and to read the manifestos which are from time to time published, it would appear that Spain is now in the very zenith of its glory, and that the chivalrous high-mindedness of for- mer days still existed with undiminished lustre. But, it is lamentable to remark, that pride, selfishness, and what may be called the vices only of those illustrious SPAIN. 147 times, are all that remain to the once lofty and dignified character of the Spanish na- tion. Conscious of what they have been, the Spaniards are content to live upon their former reputation, retaining all their ancient pride without an atom of their for- mer merit. In addition to the ruined colleges, the town contains several convents and mo- nasteries equally spacious and magnificent, one or two of which are still in a sufficient- ly good repair to afford an asylum to a few religious and decayed orders. X2 ] 48 SPAIN. LETTER XII. Fine Appearance and Healthy State of the Army— A Spanish Review — Plains of Salamanca — Excel- lence of the Spanish Corn and Bread. Salamanca, May, 1813. We have been in daily expectation of an order to march, having understood that there is no probability of our halting before the army reaches Burgos, where it is gene- rally supposed the chief struggle will take place. The experience of the last year at this position has probably given the enemy more confident hopes and expectations than appear likely to be realized. So far as I can judge, from the very slen- der military knowledge which my limited SPAIN. 149 means of observation afford, no army ever sat o"ut in finer condition than ours on this occasion. It is exceedingly healthy, and has had time to refresh itself; while the unfortunate check it met with last year seems to have redoubled its ardor and confidence, instead of producing an oppo- site effect. The infantry are well provided with tents in the present campaign ; which so greatly adds to the health and comfort of the sol- dier, that it must necessarily prove a pow- erful assistance in preserving the strength of every regiment that, in former cam- paigns, was so greatly reduced by sickness, fatigue, and extreme exposure to the wea- ther. In addition to this may be added the sense that government now entertains of the necessity of considerably reinforcing this army; and that the Spaniards seem at last to be alive to the policy of adequately meeting the present emergency; though, I must say, with regard to the latter acquisi- tion, it is generally considered as a con- soling reflection, that, in case of accidents, we. 150 SPAIN. can do without their assistance. With the Portuguese army every one appears highly satisfied; but the general appearance of the Spanish forces is by no means prepos- sessing. Falstaff's troops which he was ashamed to conduct through Coventry form a tolerably fair picture of most of their corps. I had the curiosity to mingle with the admiring crowd yesterday assembled with- out the walls, to witness a Spanish review by Castanos. The Generalissimo, gorge- ously arrayed, was mounted upon a black Andalusian horse, in a full suite of white laced regimentals, surrounded by his staff in blue uniforms, and escorted by a troop of Royal Lancers clothed in yellow. There were from five to six thousand men upon the ground. An inspection of ne- cessaries formed one part of the ceremony, of which, from motives of curiosity alone, I wished to be a spectator. Had the men all been marched through Monmouth- street, in order that every one might suit himself according to his taste, it is hardly SPAIN. 151 possible to suppose a selection more ridi- culously happy, than the assemblage I then witnessed, as to shape, colour, and quality. I remember once hearing a story of the commandant of an Irish corps of volun- teers, who, after appointing a parade for in- specting the clothing of his regiment, or- dered that those who possessed shirts and breeches should form the front rank, those with breeches and no shirts the centre, and those without either the rear ; but I believe it would have puzzled the Irish co- lonel to muster any other rank, throughout the whole of this very picturesque review, than the last mentioned. Notwithstanding the great deficiency of appointment and discipline in this army, the men are naturally fine looking fellows, and if well organized, clothed, and offi- cered, would no doubt prove a formidable force. The officers in general are wretched and miserable in their appearance, their dress 152 SPAIN. is not often better than that of the men, and equally irregular and unmilitary. I have often seen them eating and drinking, and conversing familiarly with the pri- vates ; and it is not unusual to meet an officer riding, in good fellowship, with one of them upon the same mule, the animal bearing the personal baggage of his two riders, rarely equalling the scanty allow- ance even of the Honorable Mr. Dowlas in the ' Heir at Law/ Our stay at this place has given me time to wander about its vicinities, and I was much interested the other day on being shewn, by an officer who was present in the battle, the different positions of the two armies engaged last year upon these me- morable plains. The view of the engage- ment from the heights near the town must have been very grand and striking, as it comprehended, from the great expanse of country, the whole extent of the positions of the contending armies. The field of battle retains no apparent vestiges of this great engagement, as it is now entirely SPAIN. 153 covered with corn, in which the whole country abounds. This, among numerous other instances, shows the great fertility of the soil ; for no pains were spared by the enemy to prevent the re-growth of the corn. The wheat grown here is remarkable for its height, and is gene- rally of a very fine quality, far exceeding what I have ever seen before. The bread made from it is peculiar, somewhat in sub- stance between biscuit and cake, eats very short, and is close in its texture. It is sold in great abundance in the market-places, in all kinds of shapes, and keeps good a much longer time than any other bread I have ever tasted. In corn provinces it is exceedingly cheap, though very dear in those parts where corn does not form the stable commodity. You may not perhaps be aware that in Portugal and Spain they do not use barm in making their bread, but leven, which, while it binds the bread to a close texture, by no means creates heavi- ness. Rye is mixed occasionally in a greater or less degree with the wheat, and forms an inferior kind of bread, liable quick- ly to become assescent and unwholesome. 154 SPAIN. LETTER XIII. Concert f ration of the Army at Palencia — Description of that City — Convent of the Franciscans, and Murder of the Monks — Aspect of the surrounding Country — Advance from Salamanca — Fording the Douro — Toro. Palencia, June, 1813. An order suddenly arriving for the bri- gade to move on obliged me to finish my last letter abruptly. Our course has been along the road to Burgos, which being a ' camino real,' or royal road, was, as usual, in very excellent order. We marched into this town about two o'clock to-day j and the confusion, occa- sioned by the whole army concentrating at SPAIN. 155 this place, has hurried my ideas to a de- gree from which they are scarcely yet re- covered; bui, as we expect to move on to- morrow, I am desirous to finish this letter before I retire to rest. A large force of the enemy recently occupied the town, where their head-quarters were established, and which were removed by the flight only of King Joseph, so late as yesterday evening at live o'clock, and some of their cavalry even did not get clear of the town till twelve o'clock this morning. The people appear to be unfeignedly rejoiced at our arrival, as the enemy, during their stay, kept them in great awe and fear; and they have in this short interval been much busied in opening their shops and stores, where wines &c. were concealed, for the accom- modation of our troops ; a precaution very necessary, for had the French soldiers dis- covered those hordes, they would inevitably have seized them by force, and applied them to their own purposes, without trou- bling themselves to remunerate the unfor- tunate owners. IJ'S SPAIN. As it was expected that the enemy would make a stand at this place, the three great divisions of the army concentrated around the town, part of the cavalry and the staff being quartered within its walls, and the rest encamped on the plains around. The day was very fine, which, together with the extent and openness of the coun- try, presented a very grand and pleasing prospect, rendered more interesting from the liveliness occasioned by the arrival of the combined armies. The concourse of mules, carrying the baggage of the army, and the various camp followers, occupied more than treble the space of the army it- self, and presented a moving scene so far as the eve could reach on all sides. The town is large, but it has a shabby look and an air of poverty, though when viewed from a distance it assumes a fine appear- ance. It has a large cathedral church, which, though plain in its external appearance, is SPAIN. 157 nevertheless very handsomely and elabo- rately ornamented on the inside; the city contains also several convents, which have escaped injury, inhabited by nuns ; these buildings are spacious, but their establish- ments are very poor. Near the skirts of the town, aud occupy- ing a space little less than that of the town itself, stand the remains of the once mag- nificent, and wealthy convent of Saint Francisco ; which, about six years ago, at- tracted the jealousy and cupidity of Buona- parte, who w r as unwilling to suffer an order so rich and powerful to exist ; and accord- ingly, not content with ruining the splen- did establishment, caused eighteen unfor- tunate friars to be surrounded, and put to death in the cloisters. A lay-brother, a venerable old man, who was under-libra- rian to the house, and who still remains in charge of the little property left by the plunderers, related to me, with tears in his eyes, and a just expression of indignation, the account of this cruel murder, of which he himself was a melancholy witness. ! 5S SPAIN. If a monastic life can possess any charms, they certainly must be found in such a convent as the one I am now describing. Whatever may have been the self denial of its occupiers at particular times and occa- sions, the leading system bears no traces of abstinence and mortification, but rather resembles that of the palace of Epicurus himself. A large proportion of the convent still remains, in spite of the devastations it has sustained. Remnants of costly furniture, and beds, somewhat less hard than those I remember to have seen in a convent in Dorsetshire, which was inhabited by monks of the order of Le Trappe, are still in ex- istence, remaining in every quarter of the building. The establishment appears for- merly to have included an extensive li- brary, most of the books belonging to which have been recently carried away, the remainder lying about the rooms without order and in confused heaps. The offices are spacious and convenient, and the halls, refectory, and chapel bespeak the former SPAIN. 159 splendor of the institution. I have uni- formly found, on our advance from Sala- manca, that the population of the country increases. The district about Palencia is extensive and well peopled, villages are seen in all directions, and they are for the most part very thickly inhabited; which is far from being the case nearer the Portu- guese frontiers. The country we are now in is open, very much exposed, and fur- nished with little wood, though abounding with corn of every description. A small quantity of wine is also made in the neigh- bourhood. I was informed by the inha- bitants that the French officers went off in full confidence of a speedy return ; that they said, we should remain there a short time, and drink the favourite English be- verage rum, and then very shortly take our departure to the rear again. I think, how- ever, that they are mistaken, for the prob- ability is that they are not likely to see this place again, unless as prisoners. I am afraid you will think, while I am dwell- ing upon this town, that I am perhaps for- getting those which we must necessarily 160 SPAIN. have passed through upon our route from Salamanca j after quitting which, we occa- sionally halted among line woods and small villages. The most interesting military movement which occurred upon our march was the fording of the river Douro, under the walls of Toro. The city of Toro is to all appearance by nature impregnably for- tified on the western side, and certainly not deficient in defence on every other, the whole being surrounded by an exceeding- ly strong and high wall. The enemy a few days since destroyed the bridge, which, as they supposed, must secure them from our pursuit; and their astonishment could have been scarcely greater than our own, upon finding the many advantages which the city possessed no barrier to the progress of the allied forces; these formidable means of opposi- tion proving a very slight obstacle only to the advancing army ; for the enemy's right and left being quickly turned in succession, they were compelled instantly to retire before the overwhelming force of the SPAIN. 161 combined army. The river at this place is very deep, and flows with a rapid stream, the force of which is increased by a cir- cuitous course. A little below the bridge is a fordable passage for cavalry, the im- mense body of which passing at one time assisted greatly to stem the torrent, though it forced them to pursue a diagonal rather than a direct course. A small proportion only of the horses could keep their legs, the rest being obliged absolutely to swim through the torrent. Other portions of the army crossed the Ezla ; and these fordings proved fatal to many, though not perhaps to the degree which might reasonably have been expected, from the difficulties attend- ing this passage. The city of Toro is small, but neat, handsome, and compact, and its appearance when viewed from a distance is very imposing. From the spot on which the bridge lately stood, and which is again erecting, a wide and excel- lently gravelled road runs in a serpentine course to the summit of a very lofty pre- cipice, on the scite of which the city stands; from which all in front is a flat, verdant and M 1 62 SPAIN. quite level country, abounding in villages-, while on the opposite side the view is be- yond conception fine and extensive, owing to its being a very open and champagne country. In the course of our progress we were quartered in the ruins of the convent of Saint Espinos. This building, though in a ruined state, still bears many marks of an- cient magnificence. The neighbouring lands which formerly belonged to it are very beautiful, rich, and extensive. It certainly appears, upon a cursory view, very lamentable to see so many fine esta- blishments become a prey to the existing state of rapine and disorder ; though I am inclined to believe that the benefit arising to Spain, from its present disastrous situa- tion, may hereafter prove of essential ser- vice to the country. SPAIN. 163 LETTER XIV- Rapid Progress of the Campaign — General View of the Country — Pass of San Martino — Romantic Country beyond the Ebro — Battle of Vitoria. Salvatierra, June, 1815. Our advance has been so rapid, that little time has been allowed for observation; though, since I wrote to you from Palen- cia, a detail of the leading features of our progress may not be uninteresting. With the events that have recently oc- curred, you will probably have been made acquainted before the receipt of this let- ter, which I am sure must occasion you the most joyful sensations. m 2 1 64 SPAItf . On the 21st of May the army had not advanced beyond the frontier, the enemy occupying all the strong holds of the « oun- try. On the 21st of the following month the enemy was beaten and routed, almost as it should seem by magic, and driven to the pyrenees. Perhaps in no period of history have so many important, and unlooked-for events been crowded into so short a space of time. My hopes of seeing Burgos have been frustrated, as the news of the French ex- ploding the citadel and retiring, arriving while we were approaching towards the place, caused our course to be turned more directly northward, through a coun- try unknown hitherto to British troops. Every step we have advanced has brought daily into view a more mountain- ous country ; the roads however for the most part are very good, and the country generally fertile, while the innumerable spain. 1 65 villages scattered throughout the provin- ce , manifest & larger proportion of popu- lation; than could have been expected (in tLe present distracted state of the coun- try) to exist. Cultivation appears to be carried to a considerable height, though it falls very short of that practiced in England. The inhabitants of those places through which we have passed, regarded our ap- proach with a greater degree of enthusi- asm and curiosity, than I had observed in more southern districts; where the novelty of our appearance, from our long residence in the country, had lost much of its charms. In the course of our present march the people assembled in crowds, and hailed us with shouts of joy, spoke much of the tyranny and oppression of the French army, and acquainted us with many anecdotes respecting the enemy, which evinced the total disregard of the latter of every moral feeling and prin- ciple. 166 SPAIN. We have perceived a very sensible alter- ation in the climate, during our advance from Salamanca to this place ; and have uniformly observed, that it approaches nearer to the standard of England in its usual degree of temperature than we could have previously supposed. When howe- ver the sun shines in its full force, the heat is certainly more intense than is usual in the hottest weather in England. The mountainous nature of the land, and its approximation to the pyrenees and the sea, may account for the frequent altera- tions of temperature. These sudden variations produce a very decided effect upon vegetation, particu- larly upon corn and vines, when contrast- ed with the same productions in the more southern parts. Should Spain be finally liberated from the oppressors by whom she has lately been visited, (of which I indeed entertain very little doubt,) the people in the north- ern provinces, who are by no means sloth- SPAIN. 167 ful and disinclined to industry, may soon recover from the heavy losses they have sustained ; for this part of the country, like many of the other portions of Spain, enjoys great facility of communication with the sea, together with a variety of advantages peculiar to the nation at large. Upon the 15th of June we crossed the Ebro, and at the pass of San Martino en- tered what Buonaparte's aggrandizing sys- tem chose to hold out as annexed for ever to France, thereby rendering this river, instead of the pyrenees, the boundary be- tween the two countries. There is something so striking in this pass, that I must endeavour to give you an account of it ; though I sincerely regret my want of graphic power to furnish you with a drawing, in addition to the very im- perfect notion which language can convey of its singularity and sublimity. After a long and fatiguing march, through a bar- ren, rocky, and uninteresting country, over a rough stony road, from the early 168 SPAW. part of the morning till late in the even- ing, we arrived at the edge of a tremend- ous precipice, extending right and left beyond the reach of sight; and which, rising a little as you advance, prevents the deep and wide chasm through which the river flows from being seen, till you come immediately upon it; when a prospect suddenly bursts upon the view, of the most rich and interesting description that can be conceived, and additionally heightened from its contrast to the dreary region we had recently traversed. The Ebro is here very narrow though deep, and meanders in a serpentine form through fertile vallies of corn and mea- dow-land, occasionally intermixed with numerous woods and villages; while ei:ch side is flanked by stupendous chains of mountains, partly rocky and barren, and partly cultivated, and affording walks for sheep and goats, which brouse upon their steepest summits. A few leagues up the country northward, towards the source of this river, many of the loftiest rocks rise SPAIN. 1 69 perpendicularly one above the other, form- ing deep and extensive ravines, and some stupendous cataracts ; creating altogether an assemblage of grand and sublime scene- ry, probably not surpassed in any other part of the globe. Two divisions of the army crossed the Ebro at this place ; where the difficulties to be overcome, in traversing the steep de- scents, before you arrive at the paths which wind down the side of the moun- tain, (being very rugged, steep, and nar- row,) prevented more than one horse or mule to pass at a time ; and the artillery in particular, rinding the obstacles so very difficult to surmount, delayed the progress of the baggage, and occasioned it to be late before it arrived in the field where we were bivouacked, the village of San Mar- tino being too small to hold us. As we marched at three the following morning, several officers did not get their baggage long before it was time to repack it, which produced much inconvenience and some confusion. 1 70 SPAIN. Our march from the left bank of the Ebro was more unpleasant (nay even dan- gerous for cavalry) than our approach to it on the opposite side; but as no limbs were broken, what was suffered on the oc- casion was amply compensated by the no- vel and interesting scenery, of which in con- sequence we became spectators. Through- out the whole, indeed, of this part of our march it appeared as if we were traversing the very land of romance ; extensive ra- vines every where intersect this mountain- ous country; while the summits of the mountains themselves rear their barren and rocky heads to the clouds, where they attract vast masses of snow, which at certain seasons, when melted by the sun, flow in torrents down the rocks, forming cataracts, and swelling the rivers into which they fall. This wild and romantic scenery is pleasingly intermingled with rich corn- fields, vineyards, olive-groves, and a few woods; among which the Ebro irregularly winds its majestic course through some of SPAIN. 171 the finest parts of Spain, and passing by Saragcssa, empties itself into the Mediter- ranean at a small distance below Tortosa. The same species of country, as that which I have been describing, exists, though of a somewhat less striking descrip- tion with respect to the mountains and ra- vines, during the whole route to this place. All things considered, the north-eastern part of the country forms the most in- teresting I have yet seen; though much of this interest may be derived from the circumstance of my not having hitherto met with any sufficient description of it. Travelling about these parts cannot fail to afford a great deal of amusement, not- withstanding the dangers by which it might be attended to the solitary visitor of these almost unexplored regions. The whole of the country indeed wears an aspect of sa- vage loneliness, which might justly excite apprehension in the boldest breast of rob- bery and assassination ; particularly among a people so notoriously given to depreda- tions and atrocities of this description. 172 SPAIN. I observed in several places the usual signal indicating the commission of a mur- der; which consists in a cross stuck into the earth, furnished with a painting represent- ing the final state of retribution to which all earthly criminals are brought. My attention has recently been entirely diverted from reflecting upon this interest- ing country, by the sudden, unexpected, and most glorious events of the 21st. When we were about seven leagues from Vitoria, it was far removed from our con- templation that such important matters were in agitation, as we subsequently found had been actually accomplished; nor was it known even that any serious engagement was likely to take place, till we were far advanced upon our march. The com- mencement of firing of cannon and mus- quetry first instructed us with what was going on, and very shortly afterwards we arrived in the field of battle. The bustle of a decisive action between two such powerful contending armies form- SPAIN. 173 ed a novel and interesting scene to me, of which no time can obliterate the remem- brance. To my mind, unaccustomed to view things in a military point of view, the com- plete scene of confusion which took place in the evening, arising from the total rout of the enemy, who fled in all directions, leaving the plains strewed with every ma- terial which you may suppose a large army might possess, formed the most prominent part of the scene. The whole of the plains upon which the army moved were inter- sected by broad and deep dykes, where many an unfortunate soldier, and hundreds of horses and mules were lost in the gene- ral confusion. In consequence of an action of this mag- nitude, a scene of plunder soon com- menced, and was carried on in the manner usuallyattendingsuch circumstances; while the abundant supplies of various liquors, bread kc. which covered the ground, ena- bled the men to regale themselves copi- 174 SPAIN. ously, and furnished additional temptations to many irregularities incidental to similar situations ; the whole view presenting the appearance of a great fair, or public re- joicing, intermingled with scenes of distress which may be better conceived than de- scribed. With the general result of this decisive and distinguished action you must be al- ready acquainted, and I have nothing to add to what you will learn from the public papers. Of the town of Vitoria I hope to be able hereafter to give you some informa- tion ; at present every thing is in such a state of confusion, that it is impossible to attempt a description of the place, or the events which have passed. Our late suc- cesses were the more extraordinary, be- cause the enemy, from their occupation of Vitoria, possessed advantages which were ' not easily to be overcome. A number of the inhabitants of the town SPAIN. 175 are said to have followed the fortunes of Jo- seph, rather than stay to witness the triumph of the English, and many of their own countrymen. It is affirmed also, that Jo- seph Buonaparte, before the engagement, made so light of the matter, that he per- suaded numbers of the citizens to accom- pany him to the field of battle, in order to see how he would beat the English. These followers, however, upon get- ting an insight into the real state of things, soon left him and his army, as it may be readily supposed, to their fate; though not without some individuals meet- ing with the natural consequences of the erroneous prophecies of their favourite. I write this under canvass, in the woods, near to the small town of Salvatierra, and from which I dare not at present venture out, as it rains excessively, and the ground is knee deep in mud. Fortunately yester- day (the day of the battle) was very fine; but such weather as we have experienced ©n the present day, would have rendered 175 SPAIN. lying out at night upon the open ground extremely disagreeable and distressing. Where my next letter will be dated from is very uncertain; but you may rest as- sured that I shall take the first opportunity of continuing my narrative. SPAIN. 177 LETTER XV. Advance to Navarre, and Entrance into Logrono— Vitoria — Sierra betiveen Vitoria and Logrono — Camino Real — Reception by the Inhabitants — De- scription of the Town, and of the Manners of the People. Logrono, July, 1813. We have been proceeding over hill and dale with portions of the army, following different divisions of the enemy, till it has been at last found that cavalry are no longer necessary to the pursuit ; and we have accordingly been ordered to this town, stationed upon the right bank of the Ebro, within about nineteen leagues of Pamplona, and twelve of Vitoria, N 178 SPAIN. During the wet weather, when I last wrote, we were ordered into the town of Salvatierra for a few days ; and I was there told, that Joseph Buonaparte had passed through the town, in his precipitate flight from Vitoria, with nothing about him ex- cept what he carried upon his back, the whole of his royal paraphernalia &c. being plundered; and after an hasty refresh- ment, accompanied by reported atrocities upon which I shall not enter, departed for France. From Salvatierra we advanced to Penacerrada, which formed a long march, occupying the whole day, from six in the morning till half-past nine at night ; when, from want of accommodation in the town, we found a very comfortable bivouac in the midst of a fine wood, situated in a beauti- ful meadow. In the course of our route w r e marched through Vitoria j where the subsequent confusion, necessarily attendant upon the late action, was gradually giving way to that order and regularity which the change of circumstances naturally intro- duced. The majority of the wounded were brought in, and crowded in convents SPAIN. 179 converted into hospitals for the occasion The inhabitants and soldiery had been as- siduously engaged in burying the killed, and removing the dead horses and mules. The cannon, tumbrils, and various car- riages taken in the battle were collected together, and formed an immense mass of trophies wrested from the enemy. The greater part of the lighter and more move- able articles, money &c. having, as I un- derstand, been plundered in a most irre- gular and shameless manner. My stay at this place was necessarily short, so that I had no time to go about the town, or to visit its principal places. I could stay no longer a period than was re- quisite to procure a dejeune* at a posada, or eating-house; where the people, somewhat resembling the ass in the fable, showed an utter indifference as to which side they espoused, provided they had the furnishing of either with the articles of which they *tood in need. Many of the French, connected by w- N 2 180 st \m. termarriages with the inhabitants, and other ties, still remain in the town. The general appearance of the place is very respectable, and partakes more of comfort and affluence, than any I have seen since I left Salamanca. A very lofty chain of mountains intersects the country, from east to west, between Vitoria and the place from which I am now writing. We ascended this chain in the evening from the neighbourhood of Penacerrada. The road is wide and very smooth, and winds circuitously along the side of the moun- tains for three or four miles, among ravines and woods of a very picturesque charac- ter. While we were traversing these re- gions a thick fog envelloped the surround- ing heights, their tops being lost among the clouds, and over which we occasion- ally passed in partial obscurity; until gaining the summit, and descending into the plains below, an extent of country, farther than the eye could reach, burst suddenly upon the view ; the sun shining in the utmost splendor upon the expan- SPAIN. 18i sive valley stretched before us ; and inter- spersed throughout with fertile corn-fields, vineyards, and olive-groves; the Ebro run* ning through the whole district in a wind- ing direction, bordered by flourishing vil- lages on every side ; among which latter, about three leagues from Logrono, a neat and compact town stands upon an emi- nence, called La Guardia ; which formed our head-quarters for the night, after crossing the chain of mountains I have just described, and where the novelty of our appearance, coupled with the late suc- cesses, insured us much attention, civility, and respect. The road is here a ' camino real,' which is throughout in a generally good condition, with some few exceptions. These royal roads are usually constructed upon an elevated ground, probably after the Roman fashion, and are banked upon each side with a strong wall flush with the surface of the road. On our way hither we have occasioned great curiosity and admiration, as the peo- ple assembled in crowds at the entrance of 1 82 SPAIN. every town and village through which we passed, to hail our approach with the most extravagant demonstrations of joy, seem- ing satisfied, from the appearance and strength of our forces, that they were com- pletely emancipated from the French yoke. The inhabitants of the town in which I write w 7 ere resolved to lose no time in proclaim- ing the change of affairs, although it was humanely suggested to them, that, in case of the French returning, everyone of them would be oppressed, or hanged, who assist- ed in the ceremony ; yet they insisted upon proclaiming Ferdinand VII. immediately 5 and he was accordingly reinstated upon his throne by proxy, the ceremony being Attended by the civii authorities of the place, who formed a procession, escorted by our troops, to conduct his representa- tive to a stage erected for the occasion in the market-place. In the evening the town was illuminated, and fire- works were let off, and the day following was to have been dedicated to bull-fights, and other civic rejoicings. In the former representation, however, an immense concourse of specta- SPAIN. 183 tors was disappointed, by the bulls running away just previously to the period at which they were wanted, nor could they be in- duced to return by any endeavours of the peasants to bring them back ; and the pro- posed festivities ended in a crowd of shout- ing vagabonds hunting some poor misera- ble scared bullocks about the ring, who very prudently preferred decamping to the celebration of the deliverance of the country. Logrono is a populous and tolerably fine town, the streets are for the most part nar- row, but well lighted and paved, and the houses in general are good. The Ebro flows by the north side of the town, and is here very shallow, and forms a few small falls at intervals. An handsome bridge, with a gateway in its centre, is thrown over the river at the northern entrance of the town, and a wide and open space is allot- ted for the market, which is generally well supplied, and particularly so with fruits of various kinds. British goods are here ex- posed for sale, the communication with 1 84 SPAIN. Bilboa, and other parts whence these things are imported, being well established. A gravel walk, walled round, nearly encir- cles the town, and a square on its southern side is well planted with trees, and abounds with promenades formed in different di- rections, and amply furnished with gar- den seats. These walks afford an agree- able rendezvous, when the weather proves favourable, for the higher classes j who, un- der other circumstances, usually frequent a long row of piazzas, called the Portalis, where the principal shops are found. A large convent in ruins supplies the place of barracks, and attached to it is a crescent forming a convenient parade, the enclosed space of which having been originally de- signed for bull-fights. A neat small thea- tre has been erected on this spot, at which a company of comedians and dancers oc- casionally perform. The French, during their stay in this town, constructed a very spacious and con- venient building for a military hospital, well furnished with a kitchen, laboratory, SPAIN. 185 store-rooms, surgery &c. and on taking their leave left most of the furniture, such as bedding &c. behind them, which has proved a valuable acquisition to the Spa- nish army and ourselves. The town con- tains several handsome churches, the col- legiate church in particular being a very elegant building, and well adorned on the inside with paintings, and other usual deco- rations common to a Spanish church, and it possesses a fine toned organ and a good choir of singers. The town is very well supplied with water from a copious foun- tain, that is constantly surrounded by women, whose business it is to carry it to and fro in large pitchers, which they rest upon the head, and poise in so dextrous a manner, as to be able to walk with consi- derable rapidity through the streets, with- out holding the vessel with either hand, placing it on a towel wound round their heads, in a manner that forms an hollow for the reception of the vessel. When carried empty the pitcher is placed upon its side in the same situation. Notwithstanding the apparent satisfac- 1S6 Portugal: tion expressed at our arrival, it is very evi- dent, that, during the five years in which the French occupied this town, they in- gratiated themselves M'ith some of the people, who, in spite of the tyranny prac- tised towards many of their countrymen, experienced no peculiar personal inconve- nience from the general oppression and exaction. I am inclined to believe indeed, that, many of them, while praising the Eng- lish, are really expressing opinions very opposite from those which they enter- tain. Our arrival, however, certainly pro- duced a great sensation among them, but time must show, should we stay here long, to what extent their sincerity reaches. The inhabitants and the English have now begun to interchange civilities with each other, and balls and other parties have been mutually given and received. These entertainments, on their part, do not afford me any high idea of Spanish society. The men are for the most part vulgar, ve- hement and noisy, and the women defi- cient in delicacy and manners. Before a party has been long assembled segars are spain. 187 introduced, the smoak of which fills the room and creates an odour, that, as you may easily suppose, is not very agreeable to those unaccustomed to such practices ; to which may be added the constant efflu- via proceeding alike from both sexes. I have not yet observed, that the Spaniards possess a greater degree of intelligence, or information than their despised neighbours the Portuguese, nor could I discover any really good grounds upon which they can rest their boasted superiority. I believe tli^t time is not likely easily to reconcile me to this nation. I wish how- ever not to judge too hastily, although every day furnishes me with additional reasons for lamenting the present condition of Spain, when compared with the notions we have imbibed of this once distinguished country. J 88 SPAIN* LETTER XVI. Neighbourhood of Pamplona — Province of Navarre, its Productions and Population — Mode of beating out the Corn — Aqueduct — Feuds and Divisions among the Spaniards. Logrono, August, 1 8iS. Since my last letter we have undergone a precipitate march to the neighbourhood of Pamplona. Of the glorious and well-con- tested battles of the pyrenees, you have of course ere this been made acquainted. When we arrived we found the armies en- gaged among the hills close to the town, to the relief of which Souit had hastened in the most rapid and determined manner ; but, no doubt to the severe disappointment of his friends within the walls of Pamplona, SPAIN. 189 as well as mortification to himself, was beaten off just when they must have in- dulged confident expectations of his suc- cess. The two armies lying opposite to each other, upon the heights, produced at night an interesting and awful effect, each line being distinctly marked by the lights of its respective encampments. In one point of view a striking difference was observ- able between the two armies, the lights of the enemy being weak and thinly scat- tered, while those of the English w r ere vivid and numerous. Upon this occasion the baggage was left some time in the rear, and we were therefore compelled to pass the night upon the bare ground, on hills devoid of any species of shelter from the weather, which however fortunately proved favourable. We were less happy in the circum- stances attending our supply of food, than even in our lodging; for though there were several small villages in the neighbour- hood, most of the houses belonging to them were in a deserted and desolated 1 ° SPAIN. state, and furnished no description of sus- tenance whatever. Yet our march through this mountainous country was not devoid of interest, and indeed possessed con- siderable charms from the great beauty of the scenery. I was one morning, during our progress among the mountains, fortu- nate enough, through the help of a glass, to get a tolerably distinct view of Marshal Soult, who was reconnoitring from a great elevation, attended by a retinue of be- tween forty and fifty horsemen, consisting probably of his staff, orderlies &c. He ap- peared to be a very tall and stout man. — I rode over the ground after the last and most distinguished battle which occurred in these parts, and beheld with astonish- ment the great strength of the enemy's positions, and the almost insuperable dif- ficulties which our army had to surmount during the course of these most arduous achievements. Innumerable dead bodies., in a state of partial putrefaction, lay in all directions, a prey to wolves and vultures. We have lately been in what is esteemed SPAIN. 191 the finest and most productive part of the nortli of Spain. It is said that Navarre is not exceeded in fertility by any province in the country, unless it be some one among those bordering upon the Medi- terranean. Every article of food is more easily procured and at a cheaper rate than in any other I have past through. The town of Pamplona, the capital of Navarre, lies at the foot of the small pyrenees, and in an extensive valley surrounded by chains of verdant hills ; the mountains of the pyrenees rising at a distance, and lift- ing their rocky heads to the clouds, and assuming a great variety of grotesque and fantastic shapes. The greater part of the cavalry is can- toned in villages about this country, while the majority of the infantry has proceeded to Saint Sebastian, where the enemy still holds out in the most obstinate manner; the Spaniards being left in the mean while to watch the garrison of Pamplona, which occasionally makes sorties to procure forage, as well as for the purpose of cover- 192 SPAIN. ing the entrance of mules loaded with pro- visions for the supply of the town. He is however too closely watched to effect much in these attempts. I have ventured within about three quarters of a mile of the town, which appears to be large and handsome, and very strongly fortified. I trust I shall have an opportunity of seeing it more closely at a future period, when its present occupiers are tired of the con- finement and privations they endure. Corn, vines, and olive trees are very abundant. in these parts; and numerous vegetables, such as cabbages (of a very superior flavor) small but very indifferent potatoes, a large species of carrot, toma- toes &c. are greatly cultivated, with all of which the markets are very regularly sup- plied. The country also abounds with wood, and numerous villages and small towns, tolerably peopled, are scattered throughout the district ; more pasturage is likewise to be observed here, than in most other parts throughout the northern pro- vinces of Spain. Butter and cheese can be SPAIN. 193 procured in great plenty throughout the whole of Navarre, and of a better quality than in the adjacent districts. They are sometimes made from cow's milk, but more generally from that of the goat j in which latter case the butter generally imbibes an unpleasant flavor, that however by washing can be easily removed. The cheese is somewhat insipid and hard, and indeed greatly resembles that, for which Suffolk, and some other counties of Eng- land have long been celebrated. The red wine which is produced in Na- varre is esteemed the best in Spain, pos- sessing the richest flavor, and being of a stronger quality than any other. If drank from the barrel, when about two years old, it is often found to be an extremely grateful and generous wine, but the goat's and pigs-skins, in which it is conveyed from place to place, from the pitchy preparation with which the inner surfaces are lined, impart a disagreeable taste common to all Spanish wine. This fine province must nevertheless be at present in a very dif- o 194 SPAIN. ferent state to that which it enjoyed some years past, as the presence of the French armies has reduced its resources and greatly impoverished the inhabitants. In this ad- vanced state of the season, it being now about the middle of August, the corn wears a rich and beautiful appearance and pro- mises an abundant harvest. Nothing can show the slight advance, that this country has made in the arts of agriculture, in a stronger light, than the na- tion's still adopting the clumsy and primi- tive mode of beating out the corn, which we learn from the writings of Moses was in practice among the Jews, and other nations of antiquity, when the arts of husbandry were nearly in their infancy. A circular stage is raised above the level of the ground, supported by a frame of wooden planks, and horses or mules, harnessed to an heavy sledge, are employed to draw it briskly round the ring, the corn being strewed in layers, for the purpose of being beaten out by this species of rude machinery passing over it. Sometimes, a man holding the SPAIN". 195 reins, stands in the sledge to drive it round ; and the children are allowed to amuse themselves by riding in it, in order to in- crease the pressure. When a certain por- tion of grain is thus forced out, it is passed through different sieves ; the whole process is certainly slow and imperfect, and exposed to many inconveniencies, and occasion- ally to waste. The principal object of curiosity in this neighbourhood, is a very large and hand- some aqueduct, which is thrown across a wide valley between two chains of hills, emerging from the base of one and passing directly to that of the other. I counted ninety-seven arches supporting the canal. The centre arch is about fifty feet high, and the rest gradually diminish in height to the right and left. This work forms a conspi- euous and beautiful object in the midst of the surrounding and extensive valley. At the end of about three weeks we re- turned to our former quarters by slower de- grees than we advanced; where, a change in, o 2 196 SPAIN. the municipality unfavourable to our cause having taken place, we were not re- ceived with any of those enthusiastic de- monstrations of joy which announce an hearty welcome, but on the contrary, ex- perienced a coolness and indifference on the part of the inhabitants, which con- vinced me that they were more rejoiced at our removal than gratified by our return; though we find, as usual, the feelings of the populace a good deal divided. Of course, a great number of persons must de- rive benefit from the presence of our troops, and it may easily be imagined what an influence this circumstance alone neces- sarily produces upon the interests and feelings of the towns-people. The disposi- tion of this place seems to afford a tolerably fair specimen of the spirit of the nation at large, and of its feeling towards the libera- tors of their country That there are many sincere and grateful friends to the English T have little doubt, though I am equally persuaded that the majority, in their hearts, from a variety of causes and prejudices, prefer the French. SPAIN. 197 The people indeed are obviously divided in their opinion, as petty disturbances and contentions are eternally occurring, both parties on these occasions reviling and ac- cusing each other with the bitterest aspe- rity. Those who favoured the French with par- ticular indications of friendship, during their residence among the Spaniards, are now taunted by their opponents with show- ing an equal predilection for the English; while others, who from the pride of national character discover a coolness towards the English, bordering upon sulkiness, are de- nounced as traitors and friends of the French. In Vitoria, and other towns, I have heard that the same spirit of contention prevails, which indicates by no means that universal concordance of opinion upon pub- lic events, that I had been led to expect before my arrival in the country. I think that the experience we may gain of this nation will every day add strength to these ideas; and very probably, when the 198 . SPAIN*. great work of driving the French out of the country is completed, the nation will be torn by internal commotions, and look upon England with as jealous an eye, and afford her no better welcome, than usually falls to the lot of the unfortunate being who steps in to mediate between husband and wife. The time probably will not be long, before it will be fully seen how slight a value Spain will set upon her recent deliver- ance, and the small advantage she will de- rive from it. In the mean while I cannot but feel an interest in the cause, from the re- membrance of the greatness of the king- dom as it existed in better days; of which, the sudden burst of patriotism, when the insolent pretensions of the enemy were first made known, seemed to indicate a speedy renewal. The Portuguese are altogether unani- mous in their gratitude for the great ser- vices rendered them by the British; but, if the Spaniards possess this feeling at all, they are for the most part backward in ac- knowledging it ; and, with an arrogance SPAIN. 199 and self-sufficiency, peculiar to the na- tion, attribute much of the merit of every achievement that has been accomplished, during the various campaigns in the pe- ninsula, to themselves. This they seem to consider as indicating a proper sense of their own dignity and independence; and one ' most excellent Senor y compliments his most s illustrious friena* upon the vast ex- ploits of their brave and^we armies, and sums up the whole by wishing his excel- lency ' may live a thousand years.' Perhaps it might be carrying the matter too far to conclude by wishing you a similar blessing. <2CX) .SPAIN. LETTER XVII. Vine Harvest — Manufacture and Sale of Wine — Route through Biscay — Vitoria — Camino Real a Francia — Tolosa — Characteristic Appearance of the People of Biscay, and Peculiarity of the Basque Lan- guage. Passages, October, 1813. ►Since my last letter, circumstances have obliged me to quit the army for a short time, and to take up my abode in this place. When I commenced my journey hither the vine harvest was just began, and the wine countries through which I have passed pre- sented every where an interesting and lively scene. All hands of both sexes were put in requisition upon this occasion. The vines are universally dwarfish in appear- SPAIN. 201 ance, being cut down, and not suffered to grow much beyond the ordinary standard of a small gooseberry-tree. The purple is much more cultivated than the white grape, and their respective flavors vary greatly in excellence on different estates, though none, that I have hitherto met with, approach the richness of a well-ripened grape from our English hot-houses. A taller species, and one bearing what is called the Malaga grape, and growing as ours gener- ally do, is frequently cultivated in gardens, with superior care to that which is em- ployed upon the vines solely appropriated to the produce of wine. The fruit of the former require also more ripening than that of the latter, and when gathered is af- terwards hung up to dry, and potted with sugar. This, and some other of the Spanish sweet-meats, are very tine, such as pears, green-gages, the magnum-bonum plum, apricots &c. all are preserved with large quantities of syrup, and are handed about with wine and biscuit when the people are assembled in the evening, or during a morn- ing visit. As soon as the bunches of grapes 202 SPAIN*. destined for the making of wine are cut off from the vines, they are put into conical barrels, one of which, when filled, is placed upon each side of a mule, and thus trans- ported to the place allotted for the press- ing out of the juice. This last operation is not conducted in the most delicate man- ner, and indeed it requires no small share of philosophy to overcome the feeling of disgust naturally excited by the early part of the process it undergoes. The wine is usually kept three months before it is fit for use ; at which period, though it has passed the different stages of fermenting and refining, it is still considered to be ex- tremely new. A green bush, or a piece of red rag suspended over the door of an house, is the usual signal for the sale of vine; and I have always considered that the best criterion of its quality is the de- gree of crowding, riot, and confusion, ob- servable among the peasantry surrounding the place. Due notice of the opening of a wine- house is obliged to be sent to the alcalde. SPAIN. 203 or chief magistrate of the town ; when a deputation of civil authorities proceeds to the spot, carrying a silver cup, out of which they take the first taste of the wine, and according as they approve or condemn, the licence is granted or withheld. The nefarious practice of mixing new wine with old, and that of an indifferent quality with the wine of the best vintages, renders it very difficult to procure any that is tolera- ble ; and the only chance of obtaining it in good order is, to make interest to have a bar- rel or skin filled in the cellar when the shop is first opened. The overflowings, which must necessarily take place from this retail mode of disposing of the liquor, are cast in- discriminately into the same butt whence it was originally taken, with the occasional addition of no small quantity of water, and is then again retailed; and, as this is a ce- remony often repeated, the quality of the wine may be pretty easily conjectured with which the last customer is accommodated. An old skin, well saturated with wine, does not always impart a very strong 204 SPAIN. and disagreeable flavor to the liquor j but in general, and especially if the skin be new, the pitchy composition with which its inner side is lined, impregnates the wine with a most powerful and austere taste, common to the ordinary red wine of the country, usually known by the name of black-strap. An agreeable white wine is made from the Malaga grape, which is sweet, stronger bodied, and altogether a cleaner wine than the generality ; most of the common white wines being very light and acidulous. I shall now proceed to give you a de- scription of my route to this place. As I slept a night at Vitoria, I had an oppor- tunity of seeing more of the town, and to greater advantage than when I last visited it, as order and regularity had been long re-established, and the inhabitants had be- come reconciled to their visitors. The town lies upon the side of a steep hill, and possesses extensive suburbs ; it SPAIN. 205 appears very populous, and seems, by the profusion of shops, to have a considerable share of trade. It is, I think, inferior to Salamanca, both with respect to size and every other particular, excepting the faci- lity of procuring almost every article of life, — it enjoys a great advantage in the abundance of French goods which are ex- posed for sale, and it is exceedingly well furnished with hotels, caftes &c. A large and well-stocked market is held during the week days, but every thing sup- plied is exorbitantly dear: poultry, game &c. though of a very inferior quality, are disposed of at prices, to which even the dealers of Covent-Garden Market are en- tire strangers, and every species of wine, except that of the country, is nearly as dear as in England. Most of the streets are flagged, and some are open and handsome, with many good houses. The principal square is spacious, uni- £06 SPAIN. form, and elegant, and its piazzas form the usual promenade, when the weather does not permit the people of fashion to walk upon a fine stone-built terrace, fenced with handsome iron railings, which stands about the middle of the hill above the market- place, defended to the north by a long row of lofty houses. The house which Joseph Buonaparte was pleased to establish as his palace, is very large and handsome, and has some gardens attached to it. The churches and con- vents are splendidly ornamented, and much in the usual style. The camino real lead- ing, from the town is very good, and is fknked some way on both sides by rows of poplars. A depot for the commissariat and medi- cal departments is established in this place, and numbers of sick and wounded officers crowd the town. The road above- mentioned, which leads from the eastern gate of the town, is for the most part straight, and in excellent order; though SPAINl £07 after the bad weather, and the passing of the army, it is at present in many parts much cut up. The country through which this road takes its course abounds with small towns and villages. The land within a few miles of Vitoria is plain, and possesses a great deal of pasturage, though the road subse- quently shapes its course through lofty mountains, which are rocky and barren at their summits, but about half way down become convertible into arable land, or afford pasture for the herds. The quan- tity of snow, which during a great part of the year lies upon those mountains, is thought to enrich the neighbouring soil, and adapt it to vegetation. Vines are not much cultivated in this part of the province of Biscay, though corn (and Indian corn especially) abounds, while thick forests very generally clothe the sides of the mountains. The pumpkin and gore are frequently cultivated, of which much use is made in various articles of diet. 208 » SPAIN - . The size of this species of fruit is enor- mous. In the corner of a kitchen I one day observed a large pumpkin partially de- voured, which the people of the house told me they had been in the habit of employ- ing, for culinary purposes, during the space of two years. The principal town on this road, after leaving Vitoria, is Tolosa, a large and populous place, lying in a very fine and picturesque country, very hilly and fertile, and furnished with abundance of wood. The streets, houses &c. are neither neat nor handsome, nor does the town possess any striking beauties. . Farm-houses and quintas (gentlemen's seats) are occasionally scattered through the country, but their style of building is very deficient both in taste and comfort. In the towns and villages upon this road, there is much less appearance of cleanli- ness and neatness in the arrangements of the houses, than is to be noticed farther SPAIN. 209 south. The houses are mostly old, and in bad repair; the windows, where any thing of the kind occurs, are for the most part broken ; and the chambers are universally floored with wood, which affords shelter for all kinds of vermin, and does not offer that wholesome and cleanly appearance which the neat brick floors, I formerly noticed, produce. The towns and villages, though im- poverished and shabby in their appearance upon a close inspection, nevertheless, pre- sent, when cursorily viewed, a very respect- able, and often a very hanclsome air, which is probably in a great measure to be attributed to the fertile, diversified, and frequently romantic scenery which sur- round them. The whole of this part of the country is plentifully supplied with water j and as I passed along I noticed several fine falls, cascades &c. The country people of this province ap- p 210 SPAIN. pear to be generally more stout and athle- tic than those which I have hitherto seen. The women, like those of Wales and Corn- wall, seldom wear either shoes or stock- ings ; they differ also in their counte- nances, dress, and general appearance from the people of the other provinces, being fairer, and having a more florid co- lour ; wearing longer waists, and their hair platted together behind, and hanging down in enormously thick and long tails. Many of them use felt hats, stuck perpen- dicularly upon the top of their heads, over high caps; but this addition is adopted on holidays only. The language of this province which is called the Basqueueze, is very peculiar, and greatly differs from the Castilian, (which is generally considered the purest Spanish,) as well as from every other dialect. It is not universally spoken, even in Biscay, few beyond the lowest orders being founds who are not fully as well acquainted with the Castilian as the harsh and vulgar lan- guage of the Basques. SPAIN. 211 LETTER XVIII. Nature of the Climate — Autumnal Scenery — Pyre- nees—Description of the Country about Passages — Present State of St. Sebastian — Passages and Ren teria. Passages, Nov. 1813. Since I have been stationed here, I have had perpetual cause to regret the loss of a very accurate thermometer, which I brought from England, and which I have not been able to replace, as those offered for sale in the Spanish shops are calculated to answer any end, except that of giving an accurate idea of the state of tempera- ture. Under these circumstances, how- ever, though I cannot enter into the minu- tiae of degrees, my own feelings partake p 2 212 SPAIN. sufficiently of the properties of quicksilver to assure me that you are much mistaken if you fancy England the most changeable of climates. Notwithstanding it is now autumn, the weather has recently been much too hot to admit of exercise or ex- posure to the noon-day sun. While in this town, which lies between lofty hills, the heat has lately been suffocating; yet suddenly, from a degree of temperature equal to that which is experienced in the West Indies, we have suffered a transition to the bleak- est gales of an English October, succeeded by uninterrupted rains, which have de- luged the country, overflowed the banks of rivers, washed away bridges, and re- duced the bye-roads and lanes to a state that we should at home fairly condemn as impassable, but which are nevertheless, from the necessities of war, rendered to a degree accessable. The want of a snug fire-place is at this period severely felt ; the smoakey chimney-corners are very distinct from those of the English farmers' fire-side, be- ing no way inviting ; while the little occa- sional deficiencies in the roof and floors. SPAIN. 213 together with holes representing windows, render the iiouses somewhat too airy resi- dences at this season of the year, however cool and refreshing they may prove during the heats of summer. The weather just now having modera- ted, in spite of the terrible state of the bye-roads, and even parts of the royal roads, has enabled me to take frequent rides, and enjoy the surrounding beauties of the country, which are certainly very great. The leaves are beginning to decay and fall from the trees, but I can easily conceive how extremely fine this variega- ted and hilly country must be in summer, situated as it is so near to the sea, adorned with the finest woods, and every where dis- playing the highest cultivation. The lesser Pyrenees take their rise in this neighbour- hood, and extend towards Pamplona, uni- ting with the larger chain which runs from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean, and divides France from Spain. These mountains are extremely verdant, 814 SPAIN. and are covered in many places with wood of various descriptions; much game is fre- quently found upon them, and you would scarcely believe that hunting is even prac- tised in this mountainous district ; a pe- culiar breed of dogs, greatly resembling our terrier, being employed for this sport. Afew leagues from Tolosa, the royal road to France, by Yrun, is quitted on the left, in order to get to Passages in a more com- modious way; not that I think that any way can easily be worse, than what is called the road to Passages, for the last league, when the high water prevents your taking the advantage of passing by the river side. The first view, on gaining the summit of the hill near Tolosa, is very striking and extensive, and commands a wide prospect both by sea and land. The multitude of detached houses, (or quintas,) hamlets, and villages which abound in this neighbourhood, interspersed SPAIN. 2 1 5 with much wood, arid the undulating lines of verdant hills studded with corn fields, for::i altogether a very rich and picturesque scene. St. Sebastian with its castle, and a lofty light-house overhanging the sea, add much to the general effect of the prospect. This town, which once formed one of the finest places of Spain, and which still bears evi- dent marks of its former splendor, is about a league from Passages, and close to the sea. Though now in a dreadful state of ruin, you may still readily trace some of the streets j yet not above thirty inhabited houses have survived the late destructive siege. A sort of market is re-established, and some shops have very recently been opened. The houses appear to have been in ge- ral large and handsome, and the streets, for the most part, of a good width and uni- lormly built. There are several churches and chapels adorned with elegant towers, the chief of which possesses a very hand- 216 SPAIN. some exterior form, but on the inside it is less beautiful. The town stands in a very strong posi- tion, is well fortified all round, and two spacious gateways, approached by draw- bridges, form the entrances. Some out- works, under Lord Wellington's direction, are at present erecting, which will render it a very formidable obstacle in the way of the enemy, should he ever attempt regain- ing his lost ground. The castle, which is a low and awkward building, stands on the summit of a very high hill immediately over the sea, and commands an extensive prospect on every side. During the siege, the glare of light oc- casioned by the burning of the town, pro- duced, I am told, at night, a most awful and sublime appearance, still further in- creased by the tremendous explosions which were continually occurring. The town of passages is very singularly SPAIN*. 217 constructed, and is as detestable as it is peculiar. The sea flows through a defile of mountains, and forms a navigable river to a considerable extent inland, affording a very safe and convenient harbour for shipping, with which it is now exceedingly crowded. This, added to the perpetually bustling scene that is going on, from the town being the chief depot of the army, imparts an interest to the place, which, joined to the beauty of the surrounding country, compensates, in some degree, for the extreme wretchedness of its accom- modations. The whole of the town consists of two exceedingly narrow, dirty, and uneven streets, one of which lies on one side of the river, and the other on the opposite bank ; the communication between the two beino; carried on solelv bv means of boats? rowed by a delicate class of females, whose education appears to be much upon a par with that renowned seminary in our own country, which has so long been justly cele- brated for the excellence of its fish, tia- 218 SPAIN. grant air, urbanity of manners, and re- fined language. These daughters of Neptune despise the effeminate custom of wearing shoes and stockings; and, from their shortened petti- coat and sleeves, display a pair of bronzed legs and arms, which, in size and muscular strength, rival those of any boatman upon the Thames. Added to the petticoat, that is some- times an English blanket, (the curious workmanship of which excites their uni- versal admiration), a coarse linen, or cloth jacket, and a black beaver hat stuck straight upon the top of the head, form usually the simple attire with which these fair navigators are clothed. Some few of them can speak a little Cas- tilian. but, when a slight difference of opinion exists among them, the orators pre- fer arguing in the true Basqueueze. An unlucky wight, whose bed-room haplessly overhangs the river, needs no alarum bell SPAIN'. 219 to insure his early waking, as he is usually, with the rising sun, edified by these syrens of the neighbourhood with a few salutary modulations, which would render the ex- pedient of Ulysses not a little desirable. The population of Passages, under pre- sent circumstances, almost exceeds its ac- commodation, arising from the fugitives of St. Sebastian having taken refuge here, in addition to its former inhabitants ; and also, from the numerous officers of every depart- ment of the army, whose head-quarters are stationed in this place ; to which may be added that host of harpies, called sutlers, (who appear to follow the army solely for the purpose of putting it in mind of its wants), together with merchants and ad- venturers, of all descriptions. The houses on both sides of the water are universally very confined, though ge- nerally lofty, and crowded by different fami- lies occupying separate rooms and floors. Few tolerable accommodations are to be procured, and frequently none at all. The 220 SPA IK. width from the river side to the foot of the hills will not admit of broader streets than at present exist, though I know of no rea- son why they should be almost impassible to any other description of passengers than pedestrians. British goods of every description are profusely vended, at an immense price, in all parts of the town ; and the natives seem most cordially to unite with the English, who have come hither for profit, in imposing to the greatest possible extent upon the officers and men of the army. An excellent market is held twice a week, where game, poultry, meat, vegeta- bles, fruits &c. are well supplied, but at such prices as can seldom admit of the two first articles being indulged in. What do you think of an hare for three dollars, and a lean tough old fowl for nine shillings ; the worst tea, three dollars a pound; butter and cheese, three shillings and sixpence? and so on in proportion. About three miles up the river, situated SPAIN. 221 among the bills, stands the small town of Renteria, the receptacle for sick and wounded officers, with which it is at pre- sent greatly over-stocked ; and, as they are still daily arriving from the pyrenees, the accommodations, which they are obliged to put up with, are quite shocking to the feel- ings of humanity. As I am about to return to my old quar- ters through the province of Navarre, by the Pamplona road, I must shorten this letter, and refer you to another for a descrip- tion of every interesting particular which may occur. 222 SPAIN. LETTER XIX. The Road throtigh Navarre by Pamplona — Robbers — Disposition of the Natives — Spanish Leagues — In- habitants and their Mode of Life ■— Agriculture — Description of Pamplona. Pamplona, December, 1813 As the town of Pamplona is now in the possession of the allies, an opportunity has been afforded me of gratifying my curiosity in seeing the interior of this celebrated city ; and the road through it being for the most part remarkably fine, and the journey somewhat shorter than by the way of Vito- ria, induced me to give it a decided pre- ference, which the result has amply com- pensated. Travelling alone, in the very depth of SPAIN. 223 winter, along a less populous and fre- quented road than usual, and through a mountainous country, together with the accounts of robbery and plunder in which all the natives agree, made me entertain seme little fears for my own safety and that of my baggage. These reports however I find, on experience, to be greatly exag- gerated; for the few people that I have met with upon the road behaved with marked civility and attention, nor did I perceive any grounds whatever for the cautions I had received. That a disposition does exist, among some bravos and outlaws who infest the mountainous parts, to rob, plunder, and even assassinate, I have no doubt, though certainly not in the degree that has been represented. Deserters from the army form a consider- able portion, lam told, of these marauders, and among them some, I am sorry to say, have been occasionally recognized as Bri- tish subjects. 22 i- SPAIN'. Upon the Bayonne road, as it winds through the mountains towards Yrun, many robberies have recently been committed, the place being, from its lonely situation, peculiarly exposed to attempts of this na- ture; while the neighbourhood of our army, on the opposite side of the pyrenees, neces- sarily holds out a perpetual temptation to the plunderers who infest these defiles. The usual mode of attack practised by these robbers, very much resembles the one employed in the following instance, which came almost immediately under my own knowledge. A person passing this road, and entering upon a solitary part of it, was suddenly arrested in his progress by two robbers, who at first suffered him to pass them a short distance unmolested, when one of them, in opprobrious language, com- manded him to stop, at the same time making signs to him to let fall such valu- ables' as he had about him, while his com- panion, presenting his piece, pretty forci- bly seconded the demands of his associate. Unfortunately; the object of the attack SPAIN 1 . 225 paid little regard to this strong admonition, and quietly continuing his route, received the contents of the musket in his arm, but being well mounted was fortunate enough to effect his escape. As far as I have been able to discover, from conversing with the natives of this de- lightful province, they are unanimous in our favour, and by much the most de- termined people in the cause which I have met with in Spain. The English are held in very high consideration among them, while the French, for tolerably substantial reasons, are equally detested. The ani- mosity of the inhabitants towards the Por- tuguese, is by no means of the acrimonious description which I have noticed in the other provinces of Spain, though I have no where remarked a cordial feeling be- tween the two countries; although the Spaniards are assuredly under great obli- gations to the former nation, for the power- ful co-operation of its army in their own country; while the Portuguese have nothing on their part to thank the Spaniards for, Q 226 srAiN. having on the contrary, much cause to be dissatisfied with the whole of their pro- ceedings. It has often vexed me to have repeatedly heard the Portuguese distinguished by the Spaniards by the appellation of ' the bad na- tion,' and without reason, condemned for cowardice and want of enthusiasm, charges which might have been more justly retorted upon themselves ; and I have frequently noticed sneers and expressions of contempt fall from kAanish officers strongly indica- tive of hostility, when in the presence of Portuguese officers most highly distin- guished for their conduct and gallantry. r endered doubly galling by the extravagant assumption of the Spaniards, when com- paring themselves with the Portuguese. These, and many other characteristic traits, will furnish a general idea of the disposition and temper of this nation, and shows the utter impossibility of the two countries heartily concurring in the com- mon cause. SPAIN. 227 At Tolosa, the two great roads branch off, one for Vitoria through the province of Biscay, and the other by the way of Na- varre to this town, the latter altogether ex- tending to a distance of ten leagues. — Throughout this part of the country, the royal roads are all furnished with league- stones, pointing oat to travellers the exact distance from one place to the other, some- what resembling the mile-stones in our own country, though of a much larger descrip- tion. Notwithstanding the Spanish leagues are shorter and more accurately laid down than those in Portugal, yet they are still far from being perfectly correct ; as they are often measured by the people of the country, where no league-stones are to be found, by time, making an hour and a league synonimous terms; to which, as a far- ther inaccuracy, may be added, their being not unfrequently divided into large leagues, small leagues, and very short leagues, agreeably to the respective distances of the different towns and villages. should. Q. 2 228 SPAIN. however, doubt whether the distance of any description of Spanish leagues, exceeds three miles ; though it rarely happens, where there are no league-stones, that any information can be relied upon from the computations of the common inhabitants of the country ; for it is usual in collecting their different opinions to find them all disa- gree, and the answers to casual enquiries upon the road serve only to puzzle and disappoint you. The different halting-places upon the road, between Tolosa and this town, consist of very small and poor villages, which cir- cumstance, to a solitary traveller, becomes of less importance than to a regiment on its march; for, it must be hard indeed, if a tolerable accommodation cannot be afforded a single person. The civility and hospitable attentions which the inhabitants evinced, removed every unpleasant feeling that might have otherwise arisen from their very limited means of affording a comfortable recep- tion. Spain. 229 A decent kitchen-fire, cheerful counte- nances, and a room capable of excluding the inclemencies of the season, may here be considered indeed as the most essential requisites ; for you must remember, that in our mode of travelling in this country, we carry certain articles of diet and accom- modation about us, which render other de- ficiencies of minor consideration ; a prac- tice which conveys an idea of wealth and independence, to those who have not seen much of the British army, very advanta- geous to our cause, and often affording no small share of amusement. The curiosity of the inhabitants is strongly excited as each little article of the canteen is brought out, and their ad- miration at every contrivance belonging to the conduct of the baggage, resembles the effects produced upon savages when placed in a similar situation. Populous as this province appears, the people, remote from the towns seem to be very little acquainted with the civilization of other European countries. Their mode '230 SPAIN. of squatting themselves down in circles at their doors, their dress, or rather deficien- cies of dress, their extreme ignorance and want of information, their manners and habits of life, partake more of the nature and disposition of the Moors, in the earlier and barbarous periods of their history than of those of any other nations. Their daily diet consists generally of very simple materials, such as bread, cabbage, and some other vegetables, and herbs made into broth, roasted chesnuts &c. the latter forming, among those who are unable to afford a frequent indulgence in the luxuries of bread, meat, and vegeta- bles, the chief means of subsistence. Their manner of cooking is extremely good. Small earthen pots, called by them pinellos, and filled with their provisions, are placed by the side of a wood fire to stew ; and the advantage they possess over our metallic ones, is very conspicuous in the dressing of hashes, stews, soups &c. As I was sitting with my patrone (the master of the house, who was a curate,) one SPAIN. 231 evening, over a wood fire, in the kitchen, I observed a caldron containing a vast quantity of chesnuts roasting, and T con- cluded from their quantity that they must be for sale. When sufficiently done, how- ever, they were all thrown into an heap upon the floor, in the imdst of a family circle huddled round the fire, consisting of women and children, (inmates of the house,) who in a short time cleared away the whole, each person finishing the sup- per with a draught of cold water. This food to a stomach accustomed to such kind of diet, no doubt proves nourishing, for the inhabitants of this province all look healthy and fresh-coloured, and appear to be active and industrious. It is generally noticed indeed that the women and chil- dren for the most part to the north-east of Spain possess fairer complexions, and more colour in their cheeks, together with stouter bodies, than any other inhabitants of the kingdom. The men who labour in the fields are as brown as their neigh- bours, but I think have usually the advan- tage in point of strength and athletic limbs. The extreme vicissitudes of heat : ( yi spain. and cold to which they are exposed, prob- ably occasions this distinction, as the uni- formly scorching heats of more southern parts seems to diminish the stature of the labourers. The women, I observed, as I passed along, occasionally assist the men in the labours of the fields, which are upon this road dedicated chiefly to the cultivation of turnips, and, in some few instances, to corn and hemp. The mode of preparing the earth, when the harvest is over, for ensu- ing crops, is somewhat singular. Three or tour men abreast, each furnished with a large iron triplefork, with a cross-bar, somewhat resembling our dung-fork, turn up the earth as they proceed over the field, by driving the instruments into it with the assistance of their feet, and then withdrawing them, performing each motion together in as exact unison as accompanies the man- oeuvre's of a well drilled file of soldiers j a woman follows with the seed, which she casts into the earth as fast as it is turned up, succeeded by another, whose employ- ment, consists in beating down the sod, SPAIN. 233 and covering the grain. Here is evident- ly, speaking generally, a waste of ma- nual labour, which might be saved by the simplest piece of machinery used in our own country, and the employment of mules or oxen requiring the attendance of one man only ; though in many parts of Biscay and Navarre, where I have seen this method practised, it would be impos- sible to substitute a plough, from the na- ture of the country, as many of their corn-fields lie on the sides of mountains, so steep as to be inaccessible to mules and carriages of any kind. Generally speak- ing, however, nothing can show the very backward state of this country more fully, than such specimens as these of their abso- lute ignorance of one of the commonest and most important occupations of life. It may, notwithstanding, be a question whether the people would be benefitted, under present circumstances, by the intro- duction of the more perfect machinery commonly in use among our own agricul- turists. It now only remains for me to give you 234 SPAIN. an account of this city before I resume my jour, jy. Pamplona is certainly, in every point of view, by far the best town I have seen either in Spain or Portugal, and possesses greater sources of comfort and amuse- ment. Its vicinity to France, and the sea-ports upon the coast of Biscay, which, from the excellence of the roads are easy of access even to carriages, combined with a ready communication with the metropolis, and the fine country of Catalonia and Saragos- sa, all render this place eligible as a resi- dence for those engaged in the pursuit either of business or of pleasure. The town itself is spacious, airy, and handsome, the streets wider than those of most other towns, and the houses are ge- nerally high, and contain numerous apart- ments, kept usually in very excellent or- der. The entrance to the city is noble, and as a completely fortified town has a more imposing coup-d'oeil than Portsmouth. SPAIN. 235 Its elegant and lofty spires are seen from a great distance, which, together with its walls, bastions, and turrets, give it an appearance of great strength and gran- deur. The northern part of the town is much elevated, while the other quarters of it are nearly level with the land around ; the meanderings of the Ebro are seen ap- proaching the north end of the town from a considerable distance, and, after sweep- ing the foot of the walls, glide off to the southward. An handsome bridge is thrown over the river, which conducts you to the place through a spacious gateway, and by a draw- bridge, where a captain's guard is sta- tioned with very strict orders relative to the admission of strangers. A portion of the hussar brigade has recently been quar- tered here, but at present it is entirely a Spanish garrison. Several quintas and small rows of houses in the suburbs are scattered upon the banks of the river near the town, but the French have done them considerable injury; while within the town 286 spain. they appear to have confined their cupidity to the plundering only of almost every pri- vate house throughout the city. In the centre of the town, stands a large and usually crowded market-place, very abundantly, but not cheaply supplied, and containing an handsome municipal-house, adjacent to which lies a very spacious square with piazzas around the greater part of it. One side of the square is adorned by a row of elegant white stone houses, though the other sides are extremely de- ficient in uniformity, and beauty of ap- pearance. The theatre is a small and dirty building, and its arrangements are somewhat curious. Besides the pit, which consists of little boxes, each capable of holding one person only, and numbered to correspond with the ticket of admission, are three rows of gal- leries, where nothing but standing room is allowed the audience, there being no seats; with the exception of a few chairs in the centre row, where the higher classes of SPAIN. 237 ladies sit, and the official dignitaries of the town, who are in a separate portion of the circle, and parted from the rest. The lower circle admits the ' profanum vulgum,' and the upper, the intermediate class, while the generality of gentlemen sit in the pit ; though in all parts of the house the men are separated from the women. I observed a sufficient force of granadiers, stationed in different parts of the house, to take all the assembly prisoners, if requisite ; and they enforced silence most rigourously, and with an air of authority, which I perceived, in many instances, was very offensive to some of the audience, who had occasionally tres- passed by holding a conversation too loud for these mighty warriors to endure. There are a number of gambling-tables, posadas or eating houses &c. where the people gener- ally spend their evenings. Many public buildings are interspersed about the town, hospitals, and other charitable endow- ments, convents &c. some of which are \ ery handsome, spacious, and costly. The churches are generally very old and shabby in appearance, with the exception of the 238 SPAIN. collegiate church, which is a very large and handsome building, standing upon the top of an hill, at the northernmost end of the town, in the centre of a paved square, sur- rounded by iron railing. It appears very ancient, and of completely gothic archi- tecture, decorated, as is not uncommon with gothic edifices, by curious figures re- presenting monkies, pigs, dogs &c. in vari- ous uncouth attitudes. The front has been modernized, and is very finely ornamented with carvings of scriptural stories, and the portico is supported by plain massy pillars. A royal palace, built in former days, still exists, but it is more remarkable for its antiquity than its beauty. The next building of consequence is the citadel, at the southern side of the town. It occupies a large spac e of ground, and consists chiefly of a crescent of small houses, where the artificers &c. reside: it has no tower, or any thing indicating a castellated appearance above its walls. A walk round the ramparts, by a broad gravelled road 3 SPAIN. 239 which encircles the town, commands many fine views of the surrounding country. The fortifications are unusually strong, and doubly ditched, and are much fre- quented by the people of the town. Interposed between these works and the city, on one side, a large square, well gra- velled, ornamented with fine poplar trees, and furnished with seats for the company (resembling those in St. James's Park) forms a parade for the exercise of the troops, and t for the inhabitants to promenade in. The town, though still populous, is re- duced of late years to a smaller number of inhabitants than it formerly possessed, and these are much impoverished from their late connexion with the French. As they make their fires with wood only, they suffer grievously from the high price it bears, and the great deficiency of it in the neighbourhood. Owing to this scarcity, and their being obliged to obtain fire-wood from a considerable distance, they have a 240 SPAIN. method which lessens the expense that would otherwise be attendant upon land carnage. Contractors supply the town from the woods of the adjacent mountains, by means of the river, into which logs are thrown that float down a certain way, when their course is turned by a frame-work across the river into a small canal, which empties itself into a lake, where the wood is collected together, and sold to the people. The government of this town possesses a more extended jurisdiction than that of most others in Spain, and consists of a go- vernor, teniente rey, (king's lieutenant) with an alkalde, and the usual inferior train of officers. The dialect of the inhabitants appears to border a good deal upon the Basqueueze, with a considerable portion of the dialect of the province. In other parts of Na- varre, they mingle their dialect still more with that of Biscay. SPAIN* 241 LETTER XX. Return to Logrono — Puente la Reyna — Estella — Los Arcos — Viand — Disposition to faction among the Spaniards — Enmity to the Priests — Priestcraft — Instances of Devotion and Religious Enthusiasm — Ceremony of Christening — Burials — The Carnival — Rejoicings for the Liberation of Ferdinand — Cha- racter of the Spanish Women. Logrono, February, 1814, After encountering bad roads and severe weather, in retracing my steps from Pam- plona to this place, I have once more taken up my quarters in Logrono. The prin- cipal places upon the route hither are toler- ably good, for Spanish country towns, and the comforts and civilities I received from the inhabitants, upon whom I was quar- R 242 SPAIN. tered, compensated for the miseries of veiling slowly through a pari of the coun- try, which, though very fine in fair weather, must of course, lose a large portion of its attraction from the severity of the season at this period of the year. The first town which I stopped at, in my road to this place, Puente la Reyna, is very neat and populous, pleasantly situated on the banks of the Ebro, and surrounded by beau- tiful and picturesque scenery. This town is remarkable for the best Navarre wine, which is superior in flavor and quality to that of any other produced through- out the country, and is to be purchased at a very reasonable price. Estella, which forms the next stage, is also a very respectable town ; and Los Ar- cos, though less than either of the former, possesses many advantages which entitle it to attention : between the latter and Lo- grono, upon a very high hill, stands the small and agreeable town of Viana, the principal church of which is a very hand- some building, and throughout is very ela- spaix. 243 borately decorated. The inhabitants of all these towns are in better circumstances than the generality of those in the neigh- bouring district, and they uniformly evince very great friendship and hospitality to- wards the English. The disposition to faction, and party spirit, seems to be gathering strength in Logrono ; and ir appears, that those who support the established abuses of the Spanish government have pretty just rea- son for supposing, that, on our departure, they will become the victims of the in- herent bigotry, which, I am sorry to say, appears generally to pervade the majority of the Spanish nation; it not being un- usual for mobs to collect in the streets de- nouncing those as traitors who are favour- able to our cause. Among the parties chiefly marked out for persecution is the body of the clergy at large, all of whom, from self-interested motives, and an adherence to the stronger side, are of course devoted to our cause, it 2 24i SrAIN. The peasants and labourers, emancipated from the tyrannical laws of their old go- vernment, and the terrors of the inquisi- tion, naturally give their opinions with a degree of violence proportioned to the restraint under which they had so long suf- fered, and with a confidence, which in former days would have subjected them to the most dreadful ecclesiastical visitations. Their proceedings, as you may well sup- pose, are very galling to the priests, who, being anxious to restore their former power, take part with one side or the other, ac- cording as either may possess the greater preponderance to enforce their preten- sions. It is, however, most sincerely to be hoped, for the interests of humanity, that the dangers attendant upon priestcraft are not likely to take place again very speedily; and that the inquisition, so repugnant to the best feelings of human nature, and so subversive of all social enjoyments, is now permanently abolished. If ever their ex- iled monarch be permitted to revisit his spain. 245 native land, it is natural to suppose, and sincerely to be desired, that he will have learnt in the school of adversity, to which he has been exposed, a degree of liberality, sufficient to induce him to act upon some- what more lenient and enlightened princi- ples, than those which he might have been inclined to adopt, before disappointment and misfortune had opened his mind to the strong and indefeisible rights of man. — Should the priests, instead of their former violent and intolerant behaviour, be led, from the circumstances of the times, to pur- sue a different line of conduct from that which they have been accustomed to follow; and, like their great master, consider humi- lity and forbearance as a better means of subduing the passions of men, than violence and torture, in all probability they will soon reap the benefits which are ever at- tendant on reason and moderation, not only in regard to individual advantage, but also to that of the nation at large. Were it possible, from what has recently occurred, to produce any thing like a system of this nature, Spain would have no reason to re- 246 Spain. gret the sacrifices she has made, nor the dreadful. loss of blood and treasure which she has expended, during the lafce ..ierilous struggle. She has been, indeeu, plunged deeply in wretchedness, but it has taught her, or ought to have done so, a valuable lesson, from which she will in all proba- bility derive great ultimate benefit. I have occasionally given you some anec- dotes respecting the extent to which the craftiness of the priests is carried, in main- taining the great weight, authority, and in- fluence they possess over the minds of the ignorant and bigotted people; and of which perhaps, the following fact, which occurred to one of the principal inhabitants of this town, furnishes a striking example. An individual, possessing a large fortune, and some consideration in the place, and, who had in consequence, been very closely and piously attended by every description of religious orders; and who, according to the usual custom, had rested the salvation of his soul upon the opinions of ecclesiastics, be- queathed a coach to the church, adapted for SPAIN'. £47 the sole purpose of carrying the host, re- ligiously stylo I , tie carriage of God; upon s.oi riiich are displayed a repre- se r iti of tl v Deity, tlie heavens, angels & c. None but a priest dare sit in this car- [ , and the man who drives it is bare- headed in all states of the weather; while the family to which it belongs pride them- selves extremely upon this sacred vehicle, every member of which is, in consequence, considered as possessing great claims to piety in the estimation of the commu- nity. Another instance of devotion and enthu- siasm I shall now mention, which actually happened in this place, and which, occur- ring from the same spirit, might have pro- duced effects of a very tragical nature.— A solemn mass was performed for the re- pose of the souls of those heroes who had tallen in battle. An altar was raised in the aisle of the church, adorned with funeral and warlike trophies, and a quantity of swords were suspended round it- In the evening of the day of the ceremony, a mob 24S SPAIN. collected, and repaired to the house of the Spanish commandant, entreating his per- mission to gratify the holy and loyal zeal with which it was animated, by rushing to the church, seizing the arms which rested upon the altar, and plunging them into the bosoms of every one whom they chose to deem a traitor to the cause. The pusilani- mity of the commandant had nearly caused this barbarous project to be executed liter- ally. But the timely interference of the more reflecting, and better-disposed part of the citizens, prevented the horrible car- nage that might otherwise have ensued. Stationed as I am, at one place, and very likely to remain so for some time longer, I shall take up the various circumstances which are daily occurring, without any par- ticular regard to the order in which they may present themselves. A few days ago, I was at a Spanish christening, which of all the church cere- monies that I have witnessed, is assuredly, the most absurd and ridiculous. The ii> Spain. 249 fant is so hauled and pulled about that it really seems to be in danger of suffocation, not to mention the extreme risk it incurs of being poisoned or drowned. The family- party goes to the church dressed very finely, and the child is decked from top to toe with every description of finery, though judging from what I have witnessed, the unfortunate sufferer does not seem greatly to enjoy its " vests and tunics." Crosses are marked with sweet-oil upon its neck and face, and salt is put into its ears and mouth ; the greater part of its clothes are then re- moved, and a large chalice of cold water is soused upon its head, Which is held over the font ; ceremonies, which, as you may easily imagine, the devoted little creature combats to the utmost ofitsfaculties, making tiie most outrageous squalling, till the mise- ries it endures absolutely deprive it of the power of farther resistance. After under- going a change in its dress, it is made to hold a wax taper, about five feet in height, to a painting of the Virgin ; which ceremony being over, a kind of jig is played upon the organ, in honor of the new-made Christian. 2oO SPAIN 1 . The friends then depart, casting copper pieces among the crowd of boys assembled round the church door to await the ex- pected scramble. The ceremonies of burial differ material- ly from ours, and are not wholly devoid of solemnity, of which, however, the many in- stances of superstition accompanying them greatly diminish the force. A procession (and nothing can be done without one) goes from the church, attended by priests in their robes, and a train of assistants carrying large lights, banners, paintings, crosses &c. suitable to the occasion, and chanting as they pass along to the house of the deceased. The body is thence carried to the church, where a requiem is per- formed over it, and it is then interred. The funeral of a rich man is very splen- did, and attended by a larger concourse of people than is usual among the lower classes. The relations and friends of the deceased do not attend, though in some instances, where more state is observed, the. SPAIN. 251 domestics join the procession, in which case they are dressed in their best liveries, and carry large lighted candles in their hands. The Spaniards have a disgusting cus- tom, when a poor person dies who cannot afford to pay the expences of a funeral, of exposing the body at the door of an house, and a plate is placed upon its breast, to receive the contributions of the passengers, to defray the charges of burial. The priests and others, who are in daily terror of popular commotions, have been long dreading the carnival ; which, how- ever, has passed off without any violence being offered them ; though some of their windows have suffered, and a few of the more unpopular have had the alarming sa- tisfaction of seeing themselves represented dangling from a gallows upon the walls, or burning in effigy opposite their win- dows. The carnival has lasted three days, and the great concourse of people which 252 spaik. thronged the streets was kept in awe by a party of the Spanish foot-guards, that marched into the town for the express pur- pose. Pantomimes and processions, illus- trative of the times, furnished the chief morning amusements, and fire-works and illuminations those of the night. A figure of Buonaparte was carried about, striding a large globe, which was afterwards burnt with great eclat. The populace, during these festivities, took occasion to pass a sin- gular piece of justice and slur upon the priests, which no doubt caused the latter to lament very feelingly the loss of the In- quisition. Men dressed in the garb of the curas, ornamented with horns and feet resembling those with which Satan is usu- ally depicted, pranced about the streets in all directions, with vases of incense burning in their hands. A second effigy of Buonaparte was placed in a chair upon an high pole; and another of King Ferdi- nand sat in a neighbouring balcony, sup- ported by the British lion upon his right, which, at a given signal, was moved for- wards upon a line to the tip of one of Buo- spaix. £53 naparte's boots, spitting fire from its nos- trils, and communicating with the figure exploded a variety of fire-works, each leg and arm being blown off separately, till at length the whole of the body, chair, and the various paraphernalia were destroyed, to the great admiration of the populace. Among the various amusements of the carnival, one of the most frequent pleasan- tries in which the Spaniards delight to in- dulge themselves, is throwing handfuls of flour about at each other, and filling their mouths with water, in order to spit it into the faces of the bye-standers. This joke, though apparently much relished by the natives, did not appear to be equally so by their English friends. The playing the hohlee, an entertainment among the Ma- rhattas, which I have seen described in a work recently published relative to that people, seems to bear a great resemblance to this custom ; though the latter nation, on these occasions, employing syringes in- stead of their mouths, renders the game more decent and less objectionable; parti- cularly when we consider, that from the 254 SPAIN. habits of the Spaniards, the water which they spout forth must be pretty highly flavored with garlic, and other fragrant odours. A few d^ys after the intelligence ar- rived of the liberation of Ferdinand, which excited great commotion among the peo- ple, the town was again illuminated, and lire-works displayed, while the effigy of the King was drawn about the streets, seated in a phaeton, and attended by a band of music and a guard of honor. A short time will show whether the conduct of Ferdinand will justify these re- joicings ; for my own part I fear, that, like most other monarchs placed under his peculiar circumstances, he is more like- ly to recollect what he has been, than de- rive any advantage from the hard, though unpalatable lessons which misfortune might have taught more humble individuals ; for, from what I have heard of his character, I greatly apprehend that he is likely to be guided in his future government by the SPAIN. f 2j>> direction of the priests, and those who are interested in suppressing that spirit of li- berty and information, which, from a va- riety of causes has lately been engendered among the people. I must now begin to think of closing my remarks upon this country, as we :.re about to enter France ; and for many rea- sons that will be obvious to you, I hope I am not likely to visit it again, at least not till the country is placed under more aus- picious circumstances. I must, however, while I condemn the Spaniards, not be un- derstood to apply my censure universally. The fairer half of the nation certainly claims exemption ; for, with a little polish from more refined education than is at present within their reach, I cannot con- ceive (from the little observation I have been able to make among the better classes,) a more agreeable, fascinating, and beautiful race of females. They appear to me to differ very little from the Portuguese women in any respect, and if a distinction exists, the superiority rests with the former. 256 si'Aix. Their dress is becoming and simple, con- sisting principally of the black gowns and lace mantillas worn by the Portuguese ladies. In their disposition they are by no means inclined to distance and reserve. On the contrary, their principal failing consists in a species of lightness and co- quettishness of manner ; which, in their in- tercourse with the English, often affords but too solid grounds for those feelings of suspicion and jealousy inherent in the Spa- nish character. PRANCE. 257 LETTER XXI. March into France — Natural Advantages of the North-Eastern parts of Spain — Olives, c]'c. — St. Jean de Luz — Picturesque Scenery around French Biscay, and the small Pyrenees — Peculiarities of the Basques, their Language i Fuenterrabia overhanging tne sea, form the most dis- tinguished features. This fortress is very strong, and its ramparts are surmounted bv a 1 dfty castle. One of the principal pro- ductions of this part of the country is cyder ; and in consequence, extensive or- chards, well-stocked with apple-trees, every where abound, among which, a dwarfish kind bears most prolifically, the fruit being of a ruddy colour, and is that which is chiefly used for the making of cyder. After passing the bridge, recently erected for the passage of our troops, we arrived for the first time upon French ground, by the route of the Bayonne road ; which runs over an hill from the left bank of the river, and commands an extensive and beautiful view of the sea and coast upon one side, and the great chain of the pyrenees on the other. It being late in the evening when we entered France, the surrounding pros- pect was soon shut from our view. I(>1 FRANCE. Since we have been in this neighbour- hood, the weather (usually wet in these mountainous regions) has afforded me but few opportunities of gratifying my curio- sity, by observing the novel and interest- ing scenery around : I have, however, suc- ceeded in one or two instances between the showers, in rambling about St. Jean de Luz and the adjacent hills. The former is, at this time, crowded to excess, from its being the head-quarters of most of the staff, and the consequent resort of its innumer- able followers. The place itself is exten- sive and very populous. The houses, in general, are of a mean size, with but very few exceptions; yet they, notwithstanding, excel most materially even those of more imposing Spanish towns, in the superior air of comfort and neatness which they possess. Windows with unbroken panes of glass, and furnished with proper shutters, and doors made air tight ; together with a frequent custom of white-washing the walls of the houses, and painting the window-shutters and doors green, render them obviously preferable to the more lofty and spacious FRANCE. 265 mansions of the Spaniards; who are, in ge- neral, strangers to the above comforts, and, with the vilest taste, paint the walls of their houses, doors &c. with hideous and fan- tastic designs, in ill-combined and glaring colours. This peculiar neatness I have de- scribed in the style of their houses is cha- racteristic of the Basques, and prevails, I am told, throughout their territory. During rine weather St. Jean de Luz may no doubt assume a more lively and agreeable air than it does just now, owing to the bustle of trade, and quantity of ship- ping in the harbour. This flourishing town is extremely well supplied by an abundant, though at present expensive market, and hotels, cafes, restaurateurs &c. are almost as numerous as Sterne's barber's shops in Paris, and seem to command an almost equally extensive practice. Every description of sutlers appear to have set- tled in this place, who, from supplying the necessities of the army, of course derive a pretty thriving trade. The country surrounding St. Jean de 2 FRANCE. white cockade. The English mount it upon the black one worn by the military, while the French officers mount the black cockade upon the white, in compliment to us. I trust, that this sudden and universal assumption of the lily, springs from the heart, and does not arise from mere fashion and whim. I am inclined to believe, that the people about these parts are really sin- cere in their expressions of satisfaction at the restoration of the Bourbons, whatever may be the present state of the national feeling farther north. The usual demonstrations of joy have been taking place, viz. illuminations, pub- lic entertainments &e. and our illustrious hero receives honors, which, in pagan days, would have at least elevated him to the rank of a demigod. The present popula- tion of Toulouse is estimated at about fifty thousand, the chief portion of which is engaged in trade. FRANCE. 297 LETTER XXV. Description of the City continued — Females of Tov- fount— Principal Circumstances relative to Marshal Soult's Life — Gardes Rationales. Cantonments near Toulouse, April, 1814. I shall now renew the subjects which I was unable to finish in my last letter, rela- tive to Toulouse. The female part of the community in this town, lies under a some- what similar stigma to that which used to be visited upon their fair sisters in our renowned city of Bristol, who (it is said) were in former days celebrated for a proverbial deficiency of beauty and grace. I am not aware of the French legis- lature having deemed it necessary to in- terfere upon so serious an occasion, what- 298 TRANCE, ever might have been judged expedient by the English parliament, with respect to the latter devoted place ; where, it appears to have been thought politically adviseable, to offer certain extra rewards and incitements to marriage, lest the absence of other at- tractions should have condemned the town to perpetual celibacy. It certainly might seem hard to visit an whole race with this sweeping clause; but, I must say, from my own experience, I could not help cha- ritably hoping, -that, as Providence is ge- nerally impartial in his dispensations, he may have made up at Toulouse, in the score of amiability, for the lamentable de- ficiency of personal charms. And judg- ing by this rule, the shrine of virtue, at this place, must have no ordinary number of votaries. Their hideous mode of dressing themselves, also, by no means tends to as- sist in improving the parsimony of nature towards this much injured class. High- heeled and pointed shoes, long waists, and enormous bonnets, nearly one third of the height of the body, with several piles of ribbons, row above row, upon the crown, FRANCE. 299 and long streaming sashes about the middle, altogether create an appearance, which, in its toute ensemble, I should think abso- lutely without a parallel. You must not suppose, from this description, that I am so decided a John Bull, as to fancy there are no ladies deserving of praise out of our own country; although, for the most part, I have reason to believe, from what I have seen, that I am justified in giving an un- doubted preference to my own country- women. In spite, however, of all this, as is generally the case, some improvement might be gathered from a comparison even with decided inferiority. From what I have hitherto seen of the French ladies, they possess a quickness and vivacity of manner which render them amusing, not- withstanding the many defects of their character. This, and their minute atten- tion to what is termed ' les petits soins de la vie,' gives them attractions from which our ladies might learn an useful lesson. It may be objected, that this disposition, which indeed predominates among both 800 FRANCE* sexes, borders on in sincerity, and a lightness of character, totally incompatible with real feeling and integrity. I certainly should not for a moment venture to compare the ladies of the two nations together, but it does appear to me, that an union of the man- ners of both might be somewhat preferable to either of them, separately taken. To finish this general, though imperfect sketch of Toulouse, it only remains for me to remark, that there are abundance of hotels, cafes kc. many of which are very ele- gantly fitted up, and in a style greatly superior to those which are to be met with, generally, in London, and perhaps better adapted to the taste and manners of the French; for, an Englishman of busi- ness, wrapped up in mercantile specula- tions, who frequently enters a coffee-house for the double motive of gratifying his hunger and arranging his thoughts, would rind himself lamentably off in the cafe of a French restaurateur; and he would no doubt prefer a plain beef-steak at Doily's, or even at John-a-Groat's, where he might enjoy bis potatoes hot, and his thoughts undis- FRANCE. 301 turbed. The gay and lively inhabitants of France resort in crowds to these places of refreshment, apparently devoid of care, and more, as it would appear, from the desire of amusement, than the satisfying of their hunger. Of all the confusion of tongues I have ever experienced, a French coffee- house exhibits the most extraordinary dis- play, and certainly since the destruction of the Tower of Babel nothing can have ever been like it in the world. To this eternal jabbering, which is pretty general in these places throughout France, may be added, at Toulouse, a never-ceasing succes- sion of beggars, pedlars, tumblers, con- jurors &c. who are admitted into the cafes, from an importunity requiring no small share of resolution to resist. These gentry carry their impudence to the most extraor- dinary pitch, infesting your table while at dinner, and forcing their various sorts of merchandize upon you, consisting chiefly of toys, trinkets, laces &c. and often of articles more exceptionable though not less marketable. A similar species of persecu- tion is practiced by the jugglers, who are 302 FRANCE. equally numerous and importunate. Hap- pening to dine at one of these places, upon my first arrival, I was not a little astonished by a female, attended by two little girls, en- tering the room ; and, without ceremony, di- rectly proceeding to unburthen themselves of a considerable portion of their upper vestments, so as to give me some appre- hensions for the conclusion of the busi- ness, the meaning of which I was totally at a loss to conjecture. I was however soon relieved from my alarm, by perceiving the woman, accompanied by the two children, proceed to tumble over several times up and down the whole length of the room, between the tables, walk upon their hands, and per- form various other feats of agility, and concluding the whole, as usual, by a de- mand upon your purse. Gambling-houses, balls, and the theatre make up the principal public amusements of the evening. The latter is well built, neatly fitted up, and tolerably supported. The town contains a cathedral and ibiu FRANCE. 305 churches, all of which are handsome build- ings. The former is very ancient and spa- cious, and presents a more venerable aspect than the generality of those which I have hitherto noticed. The remainder are much in the usual French style. They are furnished and ornamented in a less heavy and tawdry manner than those of Portugal and Spain, though with less ap- pearance of grandeur, richness, and wealth. The country immediately in the vicinity of Toulouse possesses as little beauty as the town itself, being neither interesting in its general appearance, nor remarkable for fertility and cultivation, while all the vil- lages around are in a state of poverty and, partial devastation. The Garonne sweeps round a portion of the town, and in some spots affords pleasing views, but the chief beauties for which its banks are celebrated lie remote from the city. It is a broad, clear, deep, and rapid stream, and is na- vigable to a considerable distance. A wall encircles the remainder of the town, which i-i uot defended bv the river. 304 FRANCE. These advantages Soult had availed himself of, and kept the inhabitants in great terror by preparations for resistance, which, however, were certainly not of a nature to prevent its destruction, had our army found it necessary to carry it by as- sault. I had hoped that the arrival of the late intelligence from Paris would have pro- duced a permanent cessation of hostilities, especially considering the repeated defeats which Soult has latterly sustained, and the discontent which is said to prevail through- out his army. But this indefatigable and persevering general, whose exertions would have done honor to a better cause, does not appear at all inclined to avail himself of the fair opportunity he now has of relin- quishing this fruitless contest. Jt is said that he affects to doubt the authenticity of the news relating to his master's over- throw, and expresses a determination to hold out as long as he has any troops to stand by him. In consequence of this de- claration, his retreat in the direction of FRANCE, 30.! the pass of Perpignan is closely followed up, in order to bring him to terms, to which no doubt he will ere lon«; accede. o Putting aside all considerations of the master he serves, and the cause to which he is devoted, there is something noble, and certainly to be admired, in the prin- ciple of perseverance and determined re- solution, which has been so uniformly dis- played throughout the whole conduct of this distinguished general. I am told that Lord Wellington thinks very highly of him as a commander, and I believe the praises of his countrymen do not overrate his merits. Some of the leading circumstances of Soult's life, which I have obtained from authentic information, may not perhaps be uninteresting to you. It appears that he is now in about his forty- sixth year, and is one of the four generals of the Imperial Guard. It is said that hi? military pride is not less than his extreme x 306 FRANCE. professional ardor, and that he seems to be perfectly conscious of his great talents. He was born of mean parents, and is in- debted to his own exertions for his ad- vancement. At the age of sixteen he enlisted as a private in the army, and in 1792 was raised to the rank of Adjutant- Major of the National Guards. The fol- lowing year he was appointed Adjutant- General to the army of the Moselle, under Jourdan, and afterwards chief of the staff of Lefebre's division of that army which marched upon the Sambre. In 1794 he particularly distinguished himself at the battle of Fleures. uid was himself on that occasion the sole cause of victory to the French. This was followed by his being made General of Brigade, and ultimately he procured Lefebre's division, which he commanded at the battle of Leibtingen, 26th of March, 1799. He was afterwards employed in Switzerland, under Massena, whom he followed into Italy, and assisted at the siege of Genoa, where he was wounded. He next had an army of ob- servation at Naples, and was both beloved FRANCE. 307 and feared by his troops and the inhabit- ants. His next appointment was to the Colonelcy-General of the Foot Chasseurs of the Consular Guard; for his conduct in which situation, Buonaparte appointed him to the chief command of the Boulogne en- campment; and, when this was broken up, he crossed the Rhine at Sprie, in Septem- ber, 1805, and entered Germany crowned with success; receiving the most flattering approbations from Napoleon for his con- summate skill and perseverance, when al- most every other general, and even his master, was inclined to despair, After the peace of Tilsit, Soult com- manded the army of Spain. In Novem- ber, 1808, he attacked and destroyed the army of Estramadura, and penetrated into the Asturias, and afterwards fought the battle of Corunna with Sir John Moore. He next, by his march upon Placentia. with Mortier, obliged Lord Wellington to relinquish his position at Talavera ; and King Joseph employed him as chief of his staff, in the room of Jourdan. On the x 2 30S FRANCE. 19th of November, 1809, Joseph and Soult beat Arrizaja, with 50,000 Spaniards, at Ocana, while the French army did not amount to 30,000, although declared by Buonaparte, some time previously, to be 70,000 strong. On the 20th of January, 1810, Soult's celebrated passage of the Sierra Morena took place, which brings the chief circumstances of that great general's life up to a period, so recent and so well known as to need no farther remarks. It is gratifying to the feelings of Englishmen, and must be a source of proud exultation to our renowned and invincible general, that the former perpetual round of success, which encircled Soult, has been checked in its progress, when he had to contend with British arms. While I was at Toulouse I saw numbers of the Gardes Nationales, who, no doubt, were far from being displeased, from the nature of their services, in the opportunity lately afforded them of mounting the white cockade, and relinquishing their military habits; for which they do not appear. FRANCE. 309 either by natural or acquired taste, to be at all adapted. All are obliged to clothe and equip themselves. They are, how- ever, upon the whole, a fine looking body of men, and seem to be formed of a re- spectable class of citizens. 310 FRANCE. LETTER XXVI. Cessation of Hostilities— Return to Cantonments— Hospitality of the People— Popular Feelings on the Restoration of the Bourbons. Cantonments, May, 1814. Since I last addressed you from the neighbourhood of Toulouse, we have re- traced our steps, and are arrived in these, I presume, our last cantonments in France; where we shall probably remain till ar- rangements are concluded for our depar- ture for England. Our advance lay at first by the route which Soult had taken, whom our army was pursuing with the utmost ra- pidity. Upon our march the brigade was reviewed by Lord Wellington, in a field near Toulouse j and a number of the FRANCE. 311 townspeople, assembled on this occasion, saluted the Duke with the usual mode of approbation. A few days past they were> no doubt, equally vociferous in favour of Soult and Napoleon. While advancing, at a short distance from Toulouse, we met the second in command of the French army, very superbly dressed, in a coach and four, and escorted by a party of hus- sars, upon his way to our head-quarters, in order to make arrangements for a cessation of hostilities ; and, on the day following, we received the order to halt. A very splendid ball and supper was given in the Capitolium on this occasion, at which the Duke of Wellington presided, seated in the chair, and beneath the canopy which had been originally prepared for Buona- parte. The sight of the illustrious hero upon this truly gratifying event, when the enthusiasm of the people was at the highest pitch, produced the most anima- ting feelings ; and the company may lite- rally be said to have been intoxicated with joy, when his Lordship descended from the throne, and walked down the room, the 31'J, FRANCE. people shouting, clapping their hands, and flinging their hats in the air; while the fe- males waved their white handkerchiefs, and the room re-echoed with cries of " vive Lord Wellington" &c. Nothing can exceed the hospitality and kind attention with which we have been received every where on our march hither. Our way lay frequently through towns' and villages, unaccustomed to the dreadful visi- tation of the soldiery, in that degree to which many others have been exposed ; and this may in some measure account for the kindness we experienced. The people expressed no small astonishment in behold- ing the train of animals, and the quantity of baggage attendant upon our march. — They had been accustomed to see their own army live at almost free-quarters, in every place they marched through, upon the peaceful and unoffending inhabitants, as a matter of course ; rendering thereby the attendance of servants, and the incon- venience of baggage unnecessary, which, under our liberal and more politic system of FRANCE. 313 campaigning, became indispensably requi- site. While, however, this mode of pro- ceeding procured to the British army the esteem and respect of the inhabitants in general, it became an endless source of jea- lousy to our opponents' force; which not only found itself subdued in the field, but also completely out-done in generosity. "Wherever we went the people welcomed us, and hailed us as their deliverers and friends ; while the French troops, even in their native country, experienced a species of humiliation and degradation in the opinions of their own fellow-citizens. Their leader dethroned, and their more immediate prospects annihilated, I fear they mount the white cockade from feelings of necessity, rather than from a convic- tion of the justice of the cause; and this is a sentiment too natural to be easily and quickly removed. An immense mass of the population is interested in warfare, which neither the want of success, nor the destruction of their armies can spee- dily remove. Thousands have thriven 3 ] 4 TRANCE. from it, and they are, of course, attached to the cause of the person who supported it; putting aside that natural restlessness in- herent in the French character, which at no time can easily accommodate itself to the " piping times of peace," especially, when that peace has been forced upon them, which has originated in humbled pride and absolute defeat. Let not our friends at home congra- tulate themselves too fondly upon this general cry in favour of the Bourbons and of peace. However agreeable it may be to the English, and conducive to the repose of the world, to witness the late scourge of Europe fallen to the dust ; yet, a very slight acquaintance only with the French and their history, will sufficiently point out the absurdity of supposing that these ideas can meet the heart of every Frenchman, or by any means unite the feelings of the country in one general bond of amity favourable to the allies. In the midst of that chaos, which has FRANCE. 315 been the result of the breaking up of all parties, we can look for consolation alone, from the single circumstance arising out of the physical inability of the kingdom to make any farther resistance. I should very much doubt, whether, at this moment, France may not be laughing in her sleeves at the affected moderation of the Emperor Alexander, in sparing the city of Paris, and the lives of the extraor- dinary being and his associates, who have recently conducted the energies of this powerful nation ; and, from whose activity, ability, and disappointed ambition, the most formidable and decided hostility mav be apprehended. Nor will parti- zans be wanting, whenever opportunity offers of again rallying round the standard of one, whose exploits so greatly contri- buted to the gratification of the vanity, and nationality of the French character. Upon our road to this place, we met the Due d'Angoulemc, accompanied by the Count de Gramont, upon their journey to 316 FRANCE. Paris. Our brigade opened right and left to permit the procession to pass, and to pay the usual ceremonies due to a prince. Nothing could exceed the display of enthusiasm and affection which he experienced from the different towns and villages through which he passed. The people appeared really intoxicated with joy, and every in- dividual seemed to vie with the other in making all necessary preparations for the occasion. All the houses were decorated with white flags, intermixed with ever- greens ; and triumphal arches formed of festoons, and emblems of the lily were thrown over the entrances of the different villages through which he rode; the principal people uniformly going out on horseback, full-dressed, adorned with the croix de St. Louis, and white scarfs, to welcome his ap- proach. In the evening, illuminations, balls &c. followed. You have, no doubt, experienced, in the middle of all these prosperous events, a considerable damp, from the unfortunate FRANCE. 317 business that has occurred at Bayonne ; which, when considered as the final close of an unexampled career of victory and glory, is, from the circumstances under which it happened, peculiarly to be la- mented. 313 FRANCE. LETTER XXVII. Pkturesque Scenery in the Neighbourhood of the Ga- ronne — Agricultural State of the Country — Ex- hausted State of the internal Resources of France — Agen — Rejoicings for the Due d'Angouleme — Manners of the modern French contrasttd with those of former Days. Cantonments, May, 1314. I am very much pleased with the country about this place, which affords the most agreeable rides and walks, and delightful scenery. It is more diversified with hill and dale than any that I have hitherto seen, and the scenery is every where en- riched with fine woods, and whatever can constitute a pleasing prospect. The wind- ings of tbe Garonne every where form the / FRANCE. 319 leading features of the country, which is also enriched with a larger proportion of meadow land, than is generally found in these parts. It is, however, very obvious, that this apparently rich and fertile country is ca- pable of being considerably improved. A British farmer, unacquainted with the dreadful effects of an actual state of war, would feel much contempt at the appear- ance of the land and crops, when put in competition with those of his own country, flourishing under all the advantages of agri- cultural skill, and a free government, ac- companied by internal tranquillity. I understand that it is the intention of landholders, to turn their views, in future, more to the growth of corn than to the culture of vines, which is at present their principal object. If they can procure a sufficient market for the former, there will be a plentiful source of employment for the immens 'n crease in population, which the return .• the prisoners from Russia and 320 FRANCE. England, must unavoidably create. A con- siderable quantity of corn is every where grown, but it is for the most part poor and spare, from the very indifferent manner in which the land is tilled and manured. An inadequate demand, and the great scarcity of labourers, have hitherto been esteemed the causes of this general deficiency in cul- tivation. The internal resources of France are im- mense, and I think I may hazard the con- jecture, that they are fully adequate to. her consumption, if properly managed. While she has been grasping at extension of terri- tory, she has neglected her own internal advantages. Her population has been so drained, to secure foreign possessions, that she has impoverished those lands which alone are her rightful inheritance. Having resigned her ambitious projects upon the former, without securing the prosperity of the latter, she now finds herself in a state of poverty and misery, which must require many years to remove completely, and to restore her to that exhalted situation which FRANCE. 321 she formerly held among the nations of the world. The French are a people by no means calculated to rest quietly for any Length of time together, more especially when peace has brought with it neither victory nor advantage. I shall now quit these speculations, and return to the delightful country by which we are encircled. Upon the left bank of the river Garonne, near our present quar- ters, the city of Agen forms a very de- sirable place of residence, but which the terms of our treaty with Soult forbid British troops to occupy. The streets are neat though not wide, and there is the usual de- ficiency of pavement for the accommoda- tion of foot-passengers. The shops, and houses in general are above mediocrity, and many of the latter are of a very superior size and construction, forming the abodes chiefly of persons of rank and property. Agen possesses a very handsome cathedral church, and a fine old episcopal palace. The prefect of the department resides in this town, in a very magnificent building. V S22 FRANCE. The theatre is small but very neatly fitted up; and near the town stands a very ele- gant building, which is dedicated to the reception of the sick and wounded of the army, as well as the lower classes of the community. Its establishment, as well as its structure, is remarkable for its magnifi- cence. The approach to this town, which lies through a beautiful country admirably cultivated, and abounding in wood, verdure &c. is by means of an horse-ferry ; and the river Garonne, being very rapid, is not crossed without some difficulty and consi- derable inconvenience. It is indeed a sin- gular circumstance that there should every where, as far as I have observed, be so great a deficiency of bridges in France; whereas in Spain, so much behind France in other points, bridges are thrown over the rivers wherever they are required, while ferry-boats form the frequent sub- stitute for the former in this country. Be- fore you enter thetown,onthe south-western side, you have to pass along a very wide, straight, and excellent road, flanked on each side bv a row of fine elms, which is so FRANCE. 323 thickly planted as to form a delightful shade the whole way. This avenue extends nearly two miles, and is supposed to be one of the finest in the country. There are also, on each side, smaller roads, for the accommodation of horsemen and foot-pas- sengers. This noble avenue leads into the public walks, forming the most delightful promenade near the banks of the Garonne; altogether constituting the pride and boast of the town, and to which the inhabitants say there is nothing superior of the kind in France. The Due d'Angouleme, on his way to Bourdeaux, lately passed through this city, where the usual preparations of triumphal arches, and emblems of the lily, illumina- tions Sec. were prepared for his reception, accompanied by the most enthusiastic de- monstrations of joy. A ball was given in the theatre on this occasion, which was at- tended by all the principal people of the town and neighbourhood ; amongst whom were several of the old noblesse, and others, who seemed overcome with joy in being y2 S24 FRANCE. able once again to wear the decoration o the lily and the croix de St. Louis, after a lapse of more than twenty years, during which period they had not dared to exhibit these honors. In this neighbourhood the various sports of fishing, shooting, hunting &c. may be enjoyed in the most complete manner, by those who take delight in these diversions. I shall conclude this letter with a few obser- vations upon the manners of the French, so far as I have hitherto had an opportunity of observing them, and endeavour to give you a slight sketch of the state of society. — You probably have remarked that, upon quitting Spain, I spoke in raptures of the decided superiority of the French over the Spaniards; the former possessing more ease and vivacity, and exhibiting uniformly more hospitable and friendly attentions to stran- gers than the latter. I also noticed, that the French, while they possessed greater intellectual powers were more civilized and attentive to the domestic concerns of life, and certainly more industrious and active. FRANCE. 325 Though I am convinced, that, from all we have heard of France in former days the events of the last twenty years have diminished much of the respectability of their ancient character, and left little else remaining beyond the shadow of better times. Urbanity, and what is called the " savoir vivre" appear to be nearly ba- nished from French society; for it is im- possible to look upon their good humour, vivacity, and civil attentions in either of these lights. The men are negligent and dirty in their dress and persons, and possess a coarseness and vulgarity in their manners bordering often upon rudeness. The re- finement of the " t'ieil cour" seems alto- gether to have passed away, without having been succeeded by any thing more desira- ble. Boots, a coloured neck-cloth, hair without powder, and the hat seldom re- moved from the head, even in company, are indiscriminately worn in morning walks and evening parties. All the little nice- ties and distinctions in dress seem to be dis- regarded, and the coarse and absurd revo- lutionary system of equality seems to sane- 326 FRANCE. tion and excuse a boorishness and indiffer- ence to manner, approaching frequently to downright rudeness, and a total inattention to the feelings of others. "With respect to the other sex, whose habits and customs, from necessity, depend very much on those of the former, I have only to observe, that they derogate in a still greater degree from those refinements, both in dress and behaviour, which we are accustomed to consider as forming the great charm of the female character. Neither is there that selection, and distinction of rank kept up among them in their evening as- semblies, which common etiquette requires, and which alone can insure propriety and decorum of manners. From every thing that I can observe, the former excellencies of the French nation, with regard to the subject I have last dwelt upon, have fallen into decay and they are indeed no longer the same people, offering now but few pretensions to that fascinating character which once rendered them so FRANCE. 327 highly celebrated. The absence too of all heart and feeling, which, in former times, characterized the women of France, is now, from the extinction of their former blandish- ments, rendered still more unamiable and odious. When I say this, you must under- stand that I am speaking generally. There are, undoubtedly, numerous exceptions to be found, and I myself have, in the course of my journey, discovered many. 328 FRANCE. LETTER XXVIII. Return to England through the Country — Beaumont — Grenade — Grisolles — Mon tauban — Caussade — Cahors — Brives — Limoges — Chatteauroux — Arrival pi Orleans. Orleans, June, 1814 Since my last letter we have bid farewell to our cantonments, and friends among whom we had resided some weeks; who did not appear to relish the probability of our being succeeded by French troops, whose character does not seem to be held in very high estimation, even in the opinions of their own fellow-citizens. The necessary arrangements having been completed, for removing the British FRANCE. 329 cavalry from this part of the country to Boulogne and Calais, and thence to Eng- land, they were in consequence divided into two columns; in order to avoid the inconvenience attendant upon so large a body as the whole passing by the same route. Our brigade forms a division of that column which takes the road from Toulouse to Paris, to a certain distance ; when, leaving that city to the right, we are to pass to Boulogne, by a route here- after to be issued, which it is supposed wc may complete about the middle of July. The motives for this unexpected measure, are, as usual, unknown to us, but various con- jectures upon the matter are of course afloat ; among which, the avoiding a long sea voyage appears to be one of the most probable, as the injury sustained by horses in a protracted voyage, with all its nu- merous inconveniencies, is not to be put in competition with a long inarch, where troops can advance upon a regular system, without distressing either the horses or the men. Perhaps tco, in an economical point of view, this plan may have its ad- 330 FRANCJC. vantages. The route is sent, I understand, from the office of the French Secretary at War, and orders have been accordingly transmitted to the French troops, occupy- ing places through which we have to pass, to evacuate their stations, and afford every facility to our progress. The first part of our advance was long, tedious, and fatiguing, and peculiarly so as it was performed during very hot wea- ther. It has, however, latterly been at- tended with much less fatigue and inconve- nience, owing, in a great measure, to the weather having become much cooler. We rind that as we proceed the leagues vary, and becanie shortey. In the former parts of the country through which we tra- versed they were very long, and still less defined. By referring to the map, you will per- cch i that we have followed a veiy irregu- lar aiiu circuitous couise, and by no means pursued the duect v. ay ; for, after three or four days hard marching, we arrived at a FRANCE. 331 few miles distance only from the place from which we sat out. This probably arose in some respects from convenience, but more particularly (a circumstance that I have already pointed out in tra- velling through this country,) from the great scarcity of bridges which prevails in almost every department we have tra- versed. We have passed through several re- spectable towns upon our road, though at the same time we have occasionally been put to great shifts, by being forced to take up our quarters in small and ill-sup- plied villages. From the town of Beaumont (a very neat and considerable town, eight leagues from the place of our starting,) we passed through Grenade and Toulouse to Fennou- illet. At the first of these we experi- enced very hospitable attentions, but in the second we met with very different treatment; which, unfortunately, proved a sample only of that which we have subse- 'j'32 FRANCE. quently experienced. This place has been exhausted by the numerous soldiery re- cently quartered upon it. Most of the better houses (of which there are many,) are vacated; and in the few that are still inhabited, the people appear to care little about us, their chief anxiety being to get rid of us as quickly as possible. Fennou- illet turned out to be a miserable village, destitute of almost every comfort of life. We next passed through Grisolles and Moiitauban. The former is a tolerable country town, which we arrived at on the 4th of June, and celebrated the King's birth-day, with that degree of festivity and loyalty usual on such occasions. The lat- ter city is one of the finest I have seen, and certainly forms a very desirable resi- dence. It stands on an elevated position upon the river Tarn, which' winds beneath it, through verdant meadows and woods, in a most beautiful manner. The whole coun- try around is extremely fertile, and exhi- bits rich and extensive scenery. The city itself is somewhat less in size than Ton- FRANCE. S3'3 louse, but far superior in the neatness and beauty of the streets and houses, wearing altogether an appearance of respectability and fashion which does not belong to the latter. The collegiate church is a noble and spacious building. The theatre, ho- tels, cares, restaurateurs &c. are also upon a superior scale. An handsome bridge is thrown across the Tarn, by which the city is entered; and the river, making a sweep through the place, divides it into two parts, distinguished by the names of the new and the old town. The Tarn is less clear and wide than the Garonne, but its banks are peculiarly picturesque. We have found that the general aspect of the country has improved as we have ad- vanced from Toulouse ; and it approaches nearer to the beauty of that which I have already described in the neighbourhood of the pyrenees. The roads, in like manner, become better as we proceed farther into the country. The route to Caussade (which place has nothing in itself particularly to recommend 334- FRANCE. it,) is sheltered by rows of lofty poplars. In this small town the majority of the in- habitants are Protestants ; and a plain church is established there, built by some of our countrymen, and in which the ser- vice is performed according to the Protest- ant rites. To Cahors our road was again flanked by rows of fine poplars. This part of the country is celebrated for wine, and is of course surrounded on all sides by numer- ous vineyards, growing in an apparently barren soil, for the most part stony, and lying chiefly on the sides and tops of hills ; a species of land which I am told is very favourable to the growth of vines. The wine is the best I have met with in France, and very similar to that made about Bour- deaux. The generality of the country wine elsewhere is scarcely drinkable, being thin, light, and very acidulous. The wine which is generally in use in Portugal and Spain is far superior to that which is commonly drank in France. The coun- try around Cahors is not at all interest- FRANCE. 335 ing, being less productive in wood, grasses &c. than that which we have re- cently left. The next stage to Cahors the country improves again, and becomes daily more delightful and varied as you approach the town of Brives, previously to which We did not meet with any place of note. Brives is situated in a beautiful valley surrounded by one of the finest countries I have seen, consisting of verdant and woody hills, richly diversified with corn, vines, the variously coloured grasses (peculiar to France), and every other requisite tending to form an enchanting landscape. The view of the town, previously to descending from the hills, presents one of the most favourable prospects of it which can be afforded. — Mani of the houses are built completely in the country style, and detached from each other ; they are also generally roofed with blue slate, and arc neatly white- washed. It was no inconsiderable disap- pointment to me, to find this flattering prospect, of one of the prettiest looking 33 FRANCE. towns I have ever seen, when viewed from a distance, possessing nothing to recom- mend it within its walls ; the streets being; narrow, dirty, and confined, and most of the houses small and mean. This incon- venience is somewhat compensated, how- ever, by a very fine promenade, flanked with large trees on each side, encircling the town, while another favourite walk through a rich meadow, by the side of a clear ri- ver, contributes much to the beauty and comfort of the place. Hence, to Limoges, the general aspect of the country continues picturesque, interesting, and very abundant in wood ; the chessnut, the cherry-tree, and the oak, being the most common. The city of Limoges is very consider- able, spacious, and populous. A number of manufactories for cottons, silks, hosiery &c. of all kinds, are here established; which are in a more flourishing condition than those of any town I have visited in France. The streets are mostly wide, clean, and handsome; and it contains several open spaces, and tolerable squares. FRANCE. 337 The houses are generally very lofty, and many of them are built in a very superior style. The public buildings are all exten- sive, and possess some degree of gran- deur. Among the latter, the H6tel de Pre- fecture, and the bishop's palace, form the most distinguished, the last of which exhibits a noble appearance. Its apartments are spacious, and elegantly furnished in the antique style, and adorned with several fine paintings, and other appropriate ornaments; which, together with extensive gardens, and beautiful lawns, laid out in a very tasteful manner, render it a most delight- ful place. All the churches have an handsome ap- pearance without, but their interior decora- tions, with the exception of the cathedral, are less complete. The hotels, cafes, and restaurateurs, are all very elegantly fitted up, and have mostly attached to them gar- dens for promenades and refreshment. The chief object of curiosity, in this manufacturing town, and upon which the 7, 338 PRANCE. inhabitants principally pride themselves, is that for porcelain, where I observed many very beautiful and elegant specimens; the ornaments of which were admirably finish- ed, though the substance of the ware itself appeared to be of an inferior quality, in ge- neral, to that of our best manufactories. Hence to Chatteauroux, the next con- siderable town, the country still possesses its woody and picturesque scenery, with a considerable share of cultivation. Upon our road, we met with a squadron of the Imperial Guard of Maria Louisa, on its march to the southern provinces. It is a very fine regiment, and was the last which quitted the Empress's person. The mens* appointments are suitable to their esta- blishment, but they are not so well mount- ed, as might have been naturally expected in so distinguished a corps. They are all above the common stature, and wear brass helmets, ornamented with horse-hair ; their uniform is green, with buff-facings, jack- boots &c. As we advance towards the north, our TRANCE. 339 marches become shorter, and the leagues yet more definite and small. The town of Chatteauroux is large and straggling, and appears to be the most stupid and uninteresting place I have seen throughout the course of our journey. To Orleans, our route lay generally through a flat country, though not less agreeable than that which we had recently traversed. The immediate vicinity of this place is remarkably fine, and the country becomes again varied with hills, and beau- tiful and extensive woods. An opportu- nity occurring to dispatch this letter, I shall defer my description of this celebrated city, when I shall, by the leisure afforded from our halt to-morrow, have more time to examine the various circumstances be- longing to it worthy of remark. 22 340 FRANCE. LETTER XXIX. Description of Orleans- Chateau at Merriville — Ram- bouillet — Conclusion of the first Route. Cantonments, in the Neighbourhood of Paris, July, 1814. The extent of our original route is now completed, and we are, I understand, after a short halt, to shape our course by a fresh route (issued at Orleans) to Boulogne or Calais. It being my intention to spend a short time at Paris, before we embark, I shall occupy the interval, previously to my setting oft' for the capital, in concluding my account of our march to this place. The neighbourhood of Orleans is very populous, and indeed abounds with FRANCE. S41 more than common beauties. The ap- proach to the town is unrivalled by any thing I have yet seen, and would grace the finest capital. After crossing the Loire, which, though certainly inferior to the Ga- ronne, is nevertheless surrounded by very picturesque scenery, we entered upon what is called the north of France, this river, forming the boundary between the two great divisions of the country. A very ex- tensive, wide, and straight avenue leads, between rows of fine trees, to the entrance of the city, over a large and handsome bridge thrown across the Loire; which is succeeded by the main street, leading up to the cen- tre of the town, a spacious open place, and surrounded by well-built houses. The street is broad and regular, very long, and fur- nished with an excellent pavement for foot- passengers. The houses are all uniform and lofty, and reminded me very much of the finest parts of Bath. A great many shops, on an enlarged and showy scale, occupy the ground floors of most of the houses. At the north-east corner of the great central square is placed a bronzed statue of Joan of Arc, 342 FRANCE. upon a marble pedestal, embellished with bass reliefs illustrative of various circum- stances connected with the life of that ce- lebrated heroine. The remainder of the town is distributed into an infinity of streets, the whole form- ing the appearance of a large, populous, and flourishing city. The major part of the place is quite modern, the fury of the revo- lution having spread itself through the streets, and destroyed most of the houses. The present population is estimated at about forty-five thousand, which I believe, is much less than the number that it for- merly possessed. The society of Orleans appears to be one of its greatest advantanges. Many persons of gentility reside in the town and neighbourhood, and seem to be very so- ciably inclined. The English are held in very general estimation among them. There are two considerable manufactories in Orleans worthy of notice. The one for porcelain exhibits a fine assemblage of va- FRANCE. 343 rious specimens. That for the making of silk is the most interesting j consisting in the conversion of offal into good silk, which is then transmitted to Lyons to be made up into the various forms in which it is sold. This factory is worked by a steam engine, of a power equal to that of ninety horses. About a league and an half from the town, to the north-east, stands an old man- sion, built by the famous Lord Bolingbroke, which now exhibits a very imperfect speci- men only, of the exquisite taste of that ele- gant-minded and accomplished nobleman. The source of the Loire takes its rise in this neighbourhood, and forms an object of general interest. One of the principal buildings worthy of notice, in the town, is the cathedral, the most spacious and ele- gant edifice of the kind which I have seen in France. I entered it one morning, during the performance of high mass. The body of the church was excessively thronged, and the aisle was occupied by the different ministers of the church, and a company of soldiers under arms, who assisted at the 344 FRANCE. ceremony. This mixture of religious and military pomp was novel; yet, however contrary to our feelings and opinions it may appear, nevertheless, added much to the awe and solemnity of the scene. At the elevation of the host, the commanding of- ficer gave the word, and the men presented arms, dropt upon one knee, and rested the butt-end of their musquets upon the floor, supported by the left hand, while their right touched the peakes of their caps. A flourish of drums and trumpets accom. panied the full organ, and a chorus from the band of singers, echoing through the lofty and vaulted roof of the cathedral, pro- duced a very grand and sublime effect. On our journey from Orleans to our pre- sent head-quarters, we passed through no towns of note; but the country is exceed- ingly fine throughout, very interesting, and extremely populous. Many chateaus ap- pear in all directions, but none of them kept up in any style, and many of them falling into decay. Near the village of Merriville, I was lodged in a chateau of FRANCE. 345 great magnificence, which it would require a very ample fortune to support in a man- ner suitable to its scale. It is the property of a widow, whose husband was seized in thib mansion, during the phrensy of the re- volution ; and being a gentleman of wealth and power among the aristocrats, was dragged to the guillotine, where he for- feited his life to'the rapacious desires of the predominant party. His widow, unable to continue the necessary splendor of the chateau, retired to Paris, to live upon her broken fortune; leaving a trusty domestic in charge of the house, and such furniture, and other valuables, as had escaped the cupidity of the revolu- tionists. This magnificent chateau, is the finest I have seen in the country, and is well worthy of the notice of all travellers passing through these parts, as it prob- ably furnishes one of the best specimens of the remains of feudal grandeur to be met with in France. The rooms, which 346 FIIANCB. are numerous throughout the building, and admirably arranged, are spacious, costly, and elegantly furnished, while com- fort and convenience appear to be every where united. The various paintings which are distributed about the principal rooms, form no mean collection. A set of Claude Lorrain's, in particular, arrested my atten- tion as the finest I had ever seen. — The extensive grounds belonging to this de- lightful mansion are on a scale of beauty and magnificence commensurate with the ediiice itself. Though the country, from Orleans to the neighbourhood of the metropolis, is pleas- ing, from the variety and abundance of verdure and foliage with which it abounds, yet it is less cultivated than farther south. Corn and grapes are grown in less quanti- ties, and it contains a much greater pro- portion of waste land, and less inclosures. On our way hither, we passed through the small but handsome town of Rambouillet, where the celebrated hunting mansion of FRANCE. 347 Buonaparte, bearing his name, is situated. The house is spacious, and elegantly built of white stone, and stands in a beautiful park, surrounded by fine woods. It was at this place that the Emperor first met the Arch-duchess, previously to his marriage. A magnificent suite of stables, called " La Petite Ecurie," is attached to the pre- mises. I have noticed, I believe every thing, so far as my experience has gone, worthy of remark in this district, and shall again re- turn to our progressive march. The latter stages of our route have been confined to places of secondary import only, such as Montfbrt, Mantes, and Estampes j which, however, are situated in the midst of very beautiful scenery, though they have nothing particular to recommend them, be- yond what may be usually expected from small towns on the high road, in the neigh- bourhood of a metropolis. I shall, therefore, conclude this letter, and defer till I have reached the coast, 348 FRANCE, many general remarks which have oc- curred to me during my progress; in order that I may speak of the customs and man- ners of the nation at large, with more coolness and greater certainty than I am at present able to command. FRANCE. 349 LETTER XXX. Entrance into Paris — General Appearance of the City — The Louvre — Statues — Gallery of Paintings. Paris, July, 1814. Had I not been fully prepared to find the general aspect of Paris just what it is, I should certainly have felt disappointed upon a cursory view of it ; as, in regard to its size, and the appearance of its streets, it is upon a very inferior scale to that which the imagination might naturally form of the capital of so powerful and distinguished a nation as France. As I entered the city by the western barrier, when the setting sun, upon a beautiful summer's evening, shed a splendor over the surrounding scenery, and displayed the whole to the 350 FRANCE. greatest possible advantage, my first im- pression of the city was extremely favour- able; and my ideas of it were much raised, by the striking appearance of the Bois de Boulogne, and les Champs Elysees, having the chateau and gardens of the Thuilleries upon my right, and La Place Vendome upon my left; altogether certainly em- bracing the finest objects which this city can boast of, and fully calculated to afford the idea of a grand and magnificent metro- polis. But, as I passed more into the in- terior of the place, I could not avoid being reminded pretty forcibly of Sterne's ob- servations upon a similar occasion, and hoped with him, that the city might itself, upon a more extended acquaintance with it, " look better than it smelt," and wished that " the streets were but a thought wider." With respect to the generality of the streets, there are many to be found much more handsome in the best provin- cial towns ; nor is this celebrated city, in this respect, equal to the exterior appear- ance, even of the principal parts of Lisbon. It is also excelled, I am tolo), by Madrid, FRANCE. 351 in the general coup-d'ceil, and with Lon- don, it has not the smallest pretensions to vie. Notwithstanding these disadvantages, however, it has attractions to boast of in such infinite variety, as I believe, are scarcely to be rivalled in any other capital. In spite of the narrowness, and dirty state of the streets, and the almost entire defi- ciency of flagged pavement, it is impos- sible not to feel interest and delight in walking through them. To enter minutely into a detail of every novelty in this city, would require much more time than I can afford to devote for the purpose. I shall merely, therefore, at- tempt to give you the feelings and ideas with which some of the principal features have impressed me. For descriptions of Paris are so common, and every item has been so frequently described, that it would be an useless piece of tautology to dwell materially upon every thing which attracts and interests a stranger. The various cu- riosities, native as well as foreign, with which this city abounds, appear, upon in- 352 FltAVCE. specting the list, to be so multifarious unusual, that I scarcely know how. a residence of a few days, to reduce it to any sort of regular arrangement. The Galleries of Pictures and Sfatues in the Louvre, unquestionably demand pre- eminence of attention before every other ex- hibition. To give you any thing like an adequate description of those magnificent specimens of art would require volumes, a large portion of time, and an acquaint- ance with the subject, which I do not affect to possess. I shall, therefore, content my- self with endeavouring co present you with a very general view of those noble monu- ments of human genius. The Gallery of Statues is divided into several " salles," or halls, each of which derives its name from its containing some principal figure or figures of antiquity, — thus, there is the Salle des Saisons — de L'Apollon — du Laocoon &c. — from those celebrated statues peculiarly ornamenting the respective divisions of the gallery in FRANCE. 353 which they are placed. The effect pro- duced by these divisions, though it may partake somewhat of prettiness, is certainly deficient in grandeur; and in that imposing appearance, which might have been accom- plished by a more skilful arrangement of the statues in one spacious hall or tem- ple, classically designed, and appropriately decorated, for the reception of the illus- trious remains of former ages. In their present situation the general effect is poor and insipid, in comparison with that, which, I am told, they produced before French violence and rapacity had torn them from their magnificent and venerated abodes in the Italian States. Of the statues them- selves, whether individually or collectively considered, it is impossible to speak in suf- ficiently high terms. I believe I may safe- ly affirm, that there is not an indifferent piece of sculpture even throughout the collection ; and some of the specimens are so exquisitely graceful, and inimitably cor- rect and beautiful, that they equally defy the language of the author to describe, or the pencil of the artist to delineate them. A A 354 PRANCE. Those that chiefly attracted my atten- tion were the Group of the Laocoon ; the Meleager; the Mercury; the Crouching Venus ; the Venus de Medicis ; and above all, the Apollo Belvedere. The first of these, though certainly a very wonderful production, did not, I must confess, whether from the lowness of its present situation, or my own want of taste, come quite up to the ideas which the uniform accounts of travellers had led me to entertain of it; though I might per- haps find it difficult to point out in what particular it disappointed me. The body and thighs of the Mercury (called also the Belvedere Antinous,) surpass almost every thing in the Gallery, for fleshiness of effect, and beauty of form ; but the legs of the figure are too small, and the feet are sup- posed to have been supplied by some an- cient Roman artist. The Crouching Ve- nus is somewhat less than life, but is a beautiful little figure, and one of the most truly feminine characters I have ever seen. The front view of the Meleager is fine, but FRANCE. 355 in others different parts of the body appear very inferior. The Venus de Medicis is the loveliest figure of woman I can ima- gine; but it strikes me to be merely a wo- man, and to partake very little of the cha- racter of the goddess, It has been much injured by time. To attempt a description of the astonishing statue of the Apollo, would, in me, be perfectly absurd. It strikes me as by far the greatest effort of human genius to be met with in this Gal- lery, or I should suppose in any other part of the world. Those who have seen casts only of this figure may form some concep- tion of its beauties and general character, though their ideas must fall miserably short of that, with which a sight of the figure it- self would furnish them. The youth, the the majesty, the tremendous energy, and (if I may be allowed the expression,) downright motion of the figure, must be beheld first, before any just estimate can be formed of this- inimitable work. With this magical figure I shall con- clude my remarks upon the Gallery of a a 2 55$ FRANCE. Statues, and proceed to that of the Pic- tures ; the effect of which, even at the first entrance, is strikingly magnificent, and al- most bewilders the sense. The Gallery is divided into several com- partments, some of which are of an im- mense extent, and one of them really looks, from its length and width, like another Pall-Mail. The whole of the walls are co- vered with the finest paintings, many of which form the most celebrated produc- tions of the first masters of the art, and nearly all of the rest are greatly above me- diocrity. They are divided into distinct classes, according to their respective schools, and much pains and considerable taste appear to have been shewn in their arrangement. In speaking of the pictures (which I enter upon with great diffidence,) I shall confine myself merely to three or four, that struck me more particularly than the rest ; though, there are so many pos- sessing almost equal claims to excellence, FRANCE. S57 that I hardly know whether I am doing them justice by making so partial a selec- tion: but, what am I to do, surrounded as I am, by most of the best works of such artists as Raphael, Titian, Guido, Corre- gio, Poussin, Paul Veronese, Rubens, Do- menichino, &c. each of whose works it would require a volume to describe ? As it is impossible then to mention all, I must content myself with giving you an account of a few of the most striking productions, such as the Transfiguration, by Raphael ; the St. Peter, Martyr, by Titian ; and the Deluge, by Nicolas Poussin. The Transfiguration has been so often and so ably described, that I have little to add respecting it. It is certainly a very fine and uncommon picture, but I suspect that at Jirst you would not greatly admire it. It is so very different in its appearance from any of the pictures we are accus- tomed to see in modern times, and is formed upon such very opposite principles, that it is some time before the eye can ac. custom itself to the sharp accuracy of it* 358 FRANCE. outlines, and scattered nature of its effect. After I had, however, attentively contem- plated the picture, my eye became gradu- ally reconciled to its peculiarities. Of all the pictures I have ever seen, the Transfi- guration gives me the best idea of an as- semblage of men in the open air ; and no- thing can exceed the drawing of the figures, the strength of the characters, the truth of the expressions, and the dignified proprie- ty of the whole design. It is a picture to be studied deeply, and not merely seen. The Murder of St. Peter, Martyr, seems to be the most perfect picture in the Gal- lery; for it unites in an eminent degree almost every excellence of the art. The landscape part is wild, savage, and lonely, admirably suited to the subject, and most powerfully executed ; no sign of cultiva- tion appears throughout the scene ; but every thing seems remote from the foot- steps of civilized man. The landscape in itself, alone, is terrible ; with the addition of the figures, it forms a scene of horror, which I should think it scarcely within the FRANCE. 359 scope of painting to surpass. The hardy and unrelenting ferocity of the robber, the trembling fear, and convulsive agonies of the flying monk, and the calm and dig- nified resignation of the murdered saint, are master-pieces of expression, that, as far as I have seen, have never been equalled by any hand. The colouring and effect of the picture are also inimitable. The Deluge, by Poussin, though a com- paratively small picture, struck me (and I believe is generally considered) as one of the first in the collection. It has probably acquired its reputation more from the ex- traordinary medium diffused over the whole, than from any other of its admira- ble qualities. The heavens seem to de- scend in one continued deluge, which si- lently and gradually swallows up the world. There is nothing in the picture that gives the idea of a turbulent and transient storm j the whole seems to go forward with solemn and dreadful certainty; inevitable and uni- versal destruction seems at hand. The vari- 360 FRANCE. ous groups of distressed figures, incidentally introduced throughout the scene, are hap- pily conceived; butthe most surprising thing to me in the whole picture is, the bloated and saturated appearance which the artist has contrived to throw into every object throughout the painting. I mention these three pictures particu- larly, because I received more pleasure in looking at them than from most of the others ; many of which, however, if my li- mits would permit, I should have great pleasure in describing to you, particularly the magnificent paintings by Rubens, Paul Veronese, and Tintoret ; many of whose best works are here collected. Some pic- tures also, by Le Brun, of Alexander's Battles, are well worthy of notice, and make a figure among the wonders in art by which they are surrounded, that I should not have previously expected. With this slight sketch of the Galleries of Pictures and Statues I shall now con- FRANCE. 36 1 elude my letter, hoping that what 1 have written may serve to entertain you, and furnish you with some idea, however im- perfect an one, of these stupendous and magnificent collections. 362 FRANCE. LETTER XXXI. 'Ilie Court, and Thuilleries — Buonaparte's Improve' merits in Paris — Fountain of Elephants — Le Jar- din des Plantes — Hospital for Invalids — L'Ecole Milifaire Sfc. — Catacombs — Bastile — Bridge o/Au~ stcrlitz—Mustc des Monumens Francais — Notre Dame, Paris, July, 1814. Since I last wrote to you, I have been to court, according to the customary eti- quette of British officers in Paris ; where, as you may well suppose, a most gracious reception is insured. The attentions paid by the King, and the royal family in ge- neral, to our officers, is strongly marked; nor is the household at large deficient in this respect; not indeed, that their civilities FRANCE. 363 are confined to the military, * un Anglois* is a sufficient passport every where in Paris. No insolent police officers arrest your ap- proach to the interior of the palace when in an undress, nor powdered lacquies, and "les messieurs qui mangentle bceuf "(as the French term our beef -eaters') await, as with us, the indispensable fee. The anti-rooms, and state chambers of the Thuilleries are spacious, and magnificently furnished, and adorned with beautiful portraits and other paintings. The wholepalace is, indeed, worthy of the capital of a great nation, not only in its in- terior decorations, but also in its external form ; the extent, magnificence, and ele- gance of which are not to be easily paral- leled. The gardens of the chateau, tastily laid out, and ornamented with fine statues, inclosed within a cresent of handsome iron- railings, the top of each rail gilded, form, with the Elysian Fields, and La Place de Louis Quinze (ci-devant Place de la Revo- lution) a coup-d'ceil unrivalled by any thing of the kind in our country. Within 364 FRANCE. the chateau, on casting the eyes over the carved-work of the chambers, halls &c. as well as the stone-work without, monuments of Buonaparte's vanity are every where displayed, by the interposition of a large letter (N) between each medallion or com- partment of the bass reliefs. This magical letter is, indeed, pretty liberally bestowed upon most public buildings throughout the city; nor has any opportunity been ne- glected, by this extraordinary man, to stamp a memento for posterity of his reign. In the pursuit of his ambitious projects, Paris has undoubtedly gained much ad- vantage; and, it now wears, as I am as- sured by some who knew it before the re- volution, a very imposing aspect, compared with its appearance in former days. Mo- numents and bridges, illustrative of his vic- tories and fame, are perpetually to be met with; streets are widened, public build- ings repaired and newly adorned, and several edifices erected ; while institutions have been formed, and old ones improved, very greatly for the public benefit. Being driven about the town one day, FRANCE. S6.5 in an hackney-coach, I stopped to observe some objects of curiosity, in an unfinished state, and among them, the celebrated fountain of the elephant. My coachman, who possessed great acuteness, and much information, answered all my endless ques- tions with the usual vivacity of the French; and told me, that this fountain was a thought of Buonaparte's, to employ the spare bronze, made from the cannon taken at Austerlitz, which remained after casing the column erected in La Place de Ven- dome to commemorate the deeds of the grand army. I asked him, when it was commenced, and when Louis XVIII. would finish it. To the latter question he replied, with a significant shrug of the shoulders, and an indescribable and em- phatic puckering up of his mouth into a look of perfect contempt — " Jamais!" making, at least, four syllables of the word, of which the finest actor could not have given the whole meaning, and the feeling-: which accompanied its pronunciation, with fuller effect. His jamais seemed to " stretch out to the crack of doom." It is this S66 FRANCE. part of Buonaparte's character; hisattention to the greatness of his kingdom; his im- provements and endowments; and his vic- tories, the emblems of which, he omitted no opportunities of subjecting to the perpetual notice of the nation, that has gained him the hearts of Frenchmen ; while his weak- nesses and vices are obscured in the blaze of glory, which has ever surrounded his impe- tuous career. If any good befel, it was Buonaparte's; if evil — ' la mal fortune* was in fault, the season, the stars, or any thing, in short, but their Grand Em- pereur. Among the various exhibitions worthy of notice, one of the most interesting is ' Le Jardin des Plantes,' where the na- turalist may find abundant sources of amusement, in almost every branch of na- tural history. The gardens are spacious and finely laid out; the one appropriated to botany is preserved in exact and excellent order. A variety of animals have plats of ground FRANCE. 367 and dens allotted to them, while the most ferocious beasts are confined in cages. An elegant brick palace, with a spacious yard and a large pool of water attached to it, and every suitable accommodation, is erected for the residence of his serene high- ness, the elephant, who has hitherto lived in a less spacious and comfortable place. Several attempts have been recently made, to conduct his stupendous majesty from the old to the new palace; but, his attach- ment to the former is so strong, that it has baffled, hitherto, all efforts to remove him, and he obstinately refuses all notices to quit. A menagerie of rare and beautiful birds, forms another very attractive department of this grand national establishment. With- in doors, the inanimate treasures of nature are arranged in the most extensive and complete manner I ever witnessed. The collection of fossils, minerals, petre- factions, coralines, shells &c. as well as in- - r maintaining their offspring. 408 FRANCE. In Bourdeaux there were 2800 children put out to nurse at one time, by a single institution alone, while 400 were main- tained within doors, together with 60 in- fants newly born, by the same charity. The mode of receiving children into these asylums may appear to you some- what singular, a frame-work poised upon a swivel is placed at the outer door, in which the little foundling is laid, and this being turned round, presents the forsaken or- phan to the notice of those whose business it is to take it in, where it cannot long re- main unobserved, as its screams, acting in concert with the sound of a bell connected with the above machinery, quickly brings it assistance. During the reign of Napoleon, these institutions proved a fruitful nursery for the army ; and as these establishments perhaps contributed in no small degree to the fartherance of his favourite system of policy, they most probably (while the coun- try was under his sway) met with all due encouragement. FRANCE. 409 The asylums for the deaf and dumb are all constructed upon the ingenious prin- ciple of the Abbe" de la Pee, and his suc- cessor, the Abbe Sicard. I have always ob- served more intelligence marked in the features of his pupils than in the generality of those who are in the full possession of all their faculties. Yet notwithstanding the many charita- ble institutions which this nation affords, perhaps none exceeds France in the multi- plicity and importunity of its beggars. In the southern provinces the traveller is less infested with them than in the northern, and especially in the environs of the metro- polis, and on the road between Paris and Calais, where they swarm to a degree which is almost inconceivable. It is no uncommon thing for an whole village ap- parently to sally forth when strangers are approaching, while petitions from every mouth — " Pour Pamour du Dieu," ad- dressed most pathetically to " Mi Lord Anglois," and assail the hapless travellers, whose carriage they one and all surround e e 410 FRANCE. in the most importunate manner. In spite however of the apparent distress which is to be discovered in every individual that applies to you, it is curious to observe, that notwithstanding the unfortunate circum- stances in which the people of the country have for a long time been placed, the na- tural politeness of the French is still in a degree predominant over every other feel- ing. It is no uncommon thing to see per- sons in the predicament I have mentioned, whose appearance bears evident marks of the most abject poverty, giving place to fe- males, not perhaps in worse circumstances than themselves, and, in Sterne's language, crying out " place aux dames." I have witnessed scenes of this kind more than once ; and> in one instance in particular I recollect, when the carriage was surround- ed by a number of these mendicants, that an old woman, who had apparently been long bed-ridden, was brought down with some difficulty upon two men's shoulders, and, though the carriage at the time was pretty thickly surrounded, every other claimant instantly gave way, and a lane was FRANCE. 4 1 1 made by common consent for a passage to the vehicle, every man upon this occasion (as was pretty audibly expressed,) instantly resigning his own pretensions in favour of those of the other sex. With these remarks I shall now conclude my correspondence, and those reflections which have resulted from my march through the three kingdoms,which, from the recent and indeed present posture of affairs, may perhaps be considered as among the most interesting states of modern Europe. In the course of my progress I have en- deavoured to touch upon those subjects which my scanty means of obtaining infor- mation have afforded, taking it for granted, that nothing relating to Portugal, Spain, and France, agitated and convulsed as they have been during late years, can prove al- together devoid of interest and amusement. However much my endeavours may fall short of the subject, you will not, I trust, accuse me of vanity when I assume that 412 FRANCE. merit at least which arises from having studiously avoided setting down any thing with partiality, or which my own experience did not teach me to rely upon as absolutely authentic. FINIS. Printed by E. Blackadcr, Toole's Court, Chancery Lane. G> hi < m - w o 03 03 c+hl o ^:© 03 • ct- cr S c+ Qi O 3 H» 3<^ H« « VO •-* Oo © ->3 < 1 H>h» C CD £ U-> 03 ->3 s-^ O 03 < 3 0) •a to 0? 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