6W Woman's Work' Other Poems Fitz-Gerald UC-NRLF SB 2^7 773 GIFT OF i o r cA2fcZtfsUM3f-&g^M HEALED OF SIN, DISEASE AND ANGUISH, THROUGH THE PRECIOUS TEACHINGS, GRAND ! OF THAT "LITTLE BOOK" NOW SPREADING, "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" O'ER THE LAND. "WOMAN'S WORK" and OTHER POEMS BY NATHAN WARD FITZ-GERALD Los Angeles, California rV&J^lKZh Published by The Neuner Company Los Angeles. Cal. £Xt°U7 Copyrighted by- Nathan Ward Fitz-Gerald 1908 All rights reserved Lovingly DEDICATED TO THE ONE WOMAN, IN ALL THE WORLD, WHO IN THE 19th CENTURY, WAS PURE ENOUGH IN HEART, TO SEE GOD, AND REVEAL HIM, TO HER DAY AND GENERATION. 340129 "For he that is not against us,*is on our part." — Jesus. "Christian Science stands to us today and must ever stand as a monument of power to womanhood." — Alice Hub- bard in "WOMAN'S WORK." "God sends His singers, upon earth With songs of sadness, and of mirth, That they may touch the hearts of men, And bring them back to Heaven again." — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. UNTIL my eyes were OPENED to the beautiful Truth of CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, I had never, in my life, written a VERSE, or a LINE OF POETRY. With the TRUTH, I learned through the precious "Little Book," SCIENCE and HEALTH, with KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, by MARY BAKER G. EDDY, the flood-tide of Love filled my soul with such rapture that it could only be expressed in song, and spirit then DISCOVERED to me this FACULTY, through which, I now pour out my soul, to God. N. W. F. Index Page Foreword — An Explanation 14 Introduction 15 Woman's Work 19 The Little Book 23 What the "Little Book" Did for Me 29 God's Child 33 From Darkness to Light 34 Aspiration 39 Our Leader's Mission 40 The Star of Bethlehem 46 Birthday Verses 52 Meditation 54 Christian Science — the Rock of Ages 57 A Christian Scientist's Soliloquy 60 The Mother Church 66 The Land of Rest 69 Pure Thoughts 72 Truth 75 Humility 77 A- Proclamation 80 Understanding 84 Noon-tide Musings 87 Moving Along 89 Peace 93 Heirs of Abraham 95 When I Was Mother's Boy 99 To Stand 102 INDEX Page Sickness, Sin and Death Unreal 105 God's Allness and Power 110 The Master's Touch 112 The Sweetest Word 114 Decoration Day, Oak Hill 117 Memories of Boyhood 120 Ben-Hur 122 Dreams of Childhood 127 Ninety-first Psalm 129 The Heavenly Message 132 Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow 135 Time-Place 137 To Look at God 140 At-one-ment 144 God's Way 147 Be Still and Know That I Am God 149 The Silver Lining 153 The Patriot's Prayer 155 All is Well— Tip Top 159 The West Virginia Hills 162 The Spiritual Temple 165 De Fiddle Don' Have Any Say 167 Precious Statements of the Master 169 Christian Science Sentinel — an Acrostic 172 Alphabetic Admonitions 174 Matter a Dream — God the Reality 177 Bread on the Waters 179 Immortality 180 What Christian Science Is and Does 182-212 It Is Finished 213 Foreword — An Explanation Mrs. Alice Hubbard, a brilliant Writer and Lecturer, of East Aurora, N. Y., has recently published a book, entitled "WOMAN'S WORK." It is an exceedingly interesting, entertaining and instruc- tive volume, and is gotten up in the latest style of the ROY- CROFT, printing art. Mrs. Hubbard has treated her theme, in her own inimitable style, unique, versatile and brilliant, which cannot fail to interest every thoughtful woman. It is not that we desire in any manner, to infringe upon the "TITLE," which Mrs. Hubbard has given to her pub- lication "WOMAN'S WORK," that we have adopted it, (though in a different sense) as the TITLE for this book of Verse. Mrs. Hubbard uses the phrase "WOMAN'S WORK" as the title to her book, which treats of the great cause of womanhood generally. She has truly paid a beautiful and gracious tribute to the Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy for the wonderful influence she has exerted in the cause of woman. The Author of these VERSES has entitled his leading Poem, "WOMAN'S WORK," in which he refers to the GREAT WORK of Mrs. Eddy, and it is from this first POEM, that the book takes its name, which is intended in no way to infringe upon the title used by Mrs. Hubbard, for her splendid volume. N. W. F. Introduction IN the "VERSES" of this book, My MUSE hath sung in measure, Pertaining to the Precious message Of Life, Truth and Love, as Given to the world, in these Latter days, through the inspired pen Of our Beloved LEADER, MARY BAKER G. EDDY. The "Little Book," MENTIONED In "REVELATIONS," tenth chapter, Is "SCIENCE and HEALTH" with "KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES," and is GOD'S message To the world, which the Angel Messenger commands us to devour. That "Little Book" is the FOUNDATION STONE Of the greatest RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT Since the beginning of the CHRISTIAN ERA, Which is known to the world as "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE." 16 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Love for this PRECIOUS TRUTH was The inspiration which, through My pen, wrote every line of these verses, Filled with Truth Divine. These thoughts called mine, by Mortal Mind, were born of God: Of MIND IMMORTAL. Yea, in this blessed CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TRUTH, I did through wisdom FIND that ALL IS MIND : and my Beliefs were in Spirit, not matter; And in my joy I sung, Using my tongue in lays of praise to God. It made me marvel, wonder, That I should find A channel wherein whispers fine as zephyrs Breathed o'er beds of rarest flowers, 'Mid rosy bowers, Should come to me and teach me, Till I could see clearly That "THESE VERSES" were not mine; That all the praise, for poetic lays, Is due to God; WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 17 That He is the Author of every word and line Of WISDOM, TRUTH and LOVE, And that I am as nothing, only an atom In the populace of Science children. To God is due the praise, And to our BELOVED LEADER, For it was Her blessed teachings That led me first to see That all is Mind, and Mind is God, And God is Good, and Good is mine. Thanks to the Giver of all good, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE has come, through God's Chosen and appointed instrument; It is complete, perfect, whole; Cannot be augmented nor diminished, And is forever unassailed and unassailable: — As are all God's works, it is perfect. The author of these verses presumes Not for one moment to be able to Write or to teach CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. The written work is ALREADY FINISHED, And the ARK needs not to be Steadied by aid of other hands. 18 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Its votaries, however, in their consecrated Love for its precious truths, and through Their desire to benefit humanity, May erect finger boards along The routes of travel, through the Jungles of mortal Mind, to aid others Who have not yet found the way To the higher ground: — Finger boards which point To God's HIGHWAY of Health, Wholeness And Harmony, over which the unclean May not pass. In these verses the writer merely seeks To POINT THE WAY to that fountain Of ever-lasting Life, Truth and Love, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, which through The precious "LITTLE BOOK," Science and Health, With Key to the Scriptures, By Mary Baker G. Eddy, Is sending forth the waters of life Freely and sufficient for all mankind. NATHAN WARD FITZ-GERALD. "Woman's Work" Dedicated to Mary Baker G. Eddy IN this blessed age a WOMAN Has RE-GIVEN to the world Christ's great truth of CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, With TRUTH'S Banners, RE-UNFURLED :- All who understand her message, Law of BEING, God's truth GRAND ! Know that SHE is now commanding Truth's great hosts in every land. Come to rid the world of error, Deep engulfed in ways of wrong, While the "Truth of Christ" was hidden From mankind, for ages long: And the mission to uncover Error's stronghold, "Mortal mind," God has given this brave WOMAN, Through her works, to bless mankind. 20 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS She has struggled long and nobly, By the hand of God is led; "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" through her given Comes to bruise the serpent's head; Serpent of "Material Senses," Holding over man full sway, Till through "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" dawning, Truth reveals the perfect WAY. WOMAN brought Love's precious message, Thus obeying God's command, By His word doth this brave woman Faithfully and nobly stand. Woman, through her COURAGE, VALOR, Mortal sense is putting down, Risking all, for God's great Kingdom, Come to give its subjects CROWN. For God's will, in earth as Heaven, It was promised, should be done, And 'twas WOMAN through whose message Truth's great work was first begun: Opening seven seals of error, Led by WISDOM from above; In the face of sin-drunk mortals, Preaching LIFE, and TRUTH, and LOVE. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 21 Liberating RACE from mis'ry, Through its own debauch and sin, From the chains of its own forging, From its "Hell of vice" within; From the DEATH of its CONCEPTION, From its own, deep-dug, dark grave, From beliefs of "Life in matter," From all these HER TEACHINGS SAVE. This, indeed, is WOMAN'S hour, Who shall hinder, who shall dare To come forward and deny it, When her WORK is EVERYWHERE? Time has come, when love OMNISCIENT, Stretching forth its own right hand Over surging seas of error Gives, through WOMAN, GOD'S COMMAND. Sickness, sin and death must vanish, Dread forebodings, human woe, "Mortal mind" shall be no longer, Back to nothingness must go; God's own hand directs this hour, Through His wisdom, love and light, Trusting HER, with hosts of valiant Soldiers, with Truth's armor BRIGHT. 22 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Bringing blessed "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" To the world with love untold; When mankind shall dwell together With one Shepherd, IN ONE FOLD : When God's glory, it shall cover Earth, as waters cover sea, Yea, when ev'ry tongue confesses, And when boweth every knee. These predictions of God's prophets Now are being fast fulfilled, Through the WORKS of one great WOMAN, She, whose LOVE our hearts hath thrilled, She's God's messenger of Wisdom, Sent to heal SIN, SICKNESS, FEAR, Proving CHRIST'S GREAT HEALING POWER, NEVER ABSENT, ALWAYS HERE. Lines dedicated to "The Little Book" "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy. What It Is What It Is Doing What IT WILL DO IT'S the Christian Science text book, And the Scriptures' only key. It's that little book's pure pages, Through which Truth doth make us free. It was MARY BAKER EDDY, God's own prophet, wise and true; It was she who re-discovered CHRIST TRUTH HEALING, hid from view. 24 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS It was through her CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Was revealed to mortal's sight; It was her GREAT DEMONSTRATION Brought the TRUTH again to light: It doth teach us CHRIST TRUTH HEALING, Born of wisdom from above ; It's God's gracious REVELATION, Thro' the MOTHER-HEART of LOVE. It's "SCIENCE AND HEALTH" entitled, And it's known in ev'ry land; It's the language of the Spirit That a child may understand: It's "KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES" also, For 'tis thus the title reads; It doth teach us CHRISTIAN HEALING, How to prove our FAITH BY DEEDS. It is spiritual sight unveiling, For all nations 'neath the sun; It will drive out sin and sorrow From the heart of every one. It awakes the Dead in SINNING To all-seeing Love and Life; It is Truth and Wisdom given, Making free from mortal strife. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 25 It illuminates the pathway Where in darkness we have trod. It will make of all earth's dwellers The true children of one God. It reveals the light from Heaven, Shining thro' earth's darkness dense. It awakens understanding, Far above all mortal sense. It doth carry Truth's conviction To the once benighted soul ; It heals sin, disease and sorrow; It doth make man perfect, — whole: It's the star of hope now rising O'er the earth from West to East. It bids all its millions welcome To the LAMB'S great marriage feast. It's like she in REVELATIONS, Who is mantled with the SUN ; It is healing all the NATIONS Through its work, now well begun ; It will bring hope, peace and gladness Unto every human child; It is pointing out the pathway To inheritance, undefiled. 26 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS It brings life and love eternal, And all men within its fold; Its precepts were taught by Jesus, And Apostles all of old: It's God's love-approving message, Coming like a heavenly dove; It's the gospel of Salvation, Preaching LIFE and TRUTH and LOVE. It will make all mortals' troubles, Sins and sorrows ever cease; It will bring to all earth's Nations Never-ending love and peace; It will take from earth, forever, Strife, diseases, death and sin; It will help us all remember That GOD'S KINGDOM is within. It brings Love that doth enfold us In its arms forever more; It's the TRUTH the prophets told us, That would reach the farthest shore : It doth guide our thoughts and actions; It doth teach us in Love's school ; It shows man is GOD'S REFLECTION :— Bids him live the Golden Rule. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 27 It's "leaves of the tree for healing" All the nations, great and small; It's the word of God, revealing LIFE and LOVE and TRUTH for all: It's the "Prince the house of David," Conquering nations near and far. It's the "Lion, tribe of Judah!" It's the bright and morning star. It's the Prophet's declaration Of "the watchman on thy walls," It's thy CITY OF JERUS'LEM, Out of which the watchman calls; It's the peace that's never holden On thy walls, both day and night; It's the TRUTH, forever golden, Which doth lead us to the light. It will bring to all abundance, Will unveil and banish sin ; It reveals immortal spirit All around us and within: It brings spirit'l resurrection From false senses of belief; It doth teach us truth, perfection, — Heals the heart of every grief. 28 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS It will beat swords into plow-shares, And the Lion and the Lamb It will make lie down together; For thus saith the great I AM : It will make a child to lead them, Without any harm or fears; It will banish war and sorrow; It will wipe away all tears. It's GOD'S precious healing message, Sent to all the sons of men ; It's His word of TRUTH, and written By INSPIRED LEADER'S pen;— It's the only healing potion For SIN, SORROW, SICKNESS, PAIN; It's the proof in DEMONSTRATION, That CHRIST TRUTH has come to REIGN. What the Little Book Did for Me THE AUTHOR'S OWN EXPERIENCE. FN bygone years, when passions swayed, ■*■ And hopes seemed bright galore, Ambitions, with false charms arrayed, ATTRACTED ME FAR MORE Than other things, and plunging deep IN mortal mind ways, dark, Till through DISEASE, and loss of sleep, Life seemed a tiny spark. My hopes were shattered, dashed to earth, They soared no more on high : Instead my heart had given birth To one long-lasting sigh. The sun did seem to shine no more To light my darkened way, For hope on me had closed its door; It seemed closed tight, to stay. 30. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS I felt in mind and body, too, Like one that's surely lost; I knew not what to think or do, On billows dark was tossed. I hoped and prayed for Truth's pure light TO OPEN UP MY WAY, To put my anxious fears to flight, And bring me light of day. But shadows seemed to deeper fall Athwart my heart and door, And cast a broader, darker pall Where light had shone, before. The visions that had once entranced My soul, called me their own, Had ceased, and ne'er again advanced Toward me, but had flown. In this condition, sad, indeed, I prayed God's light to see, That I might to HIS TRUTH give heed, That Truth which maketh free. The prayer was answered, for God took The darkness from my soul, Placed in my hands the "LITTLE BOOK" That made me truly whole. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 31 That "LITTLE BOOK," SCIENCE AND HEALTH, Is also SCRIPTURES' KEY; Gold can't compute its LASTING WEALTH To those it HATH MADE free. I know its worth, it guides my feet To wisdom's pathway bright, All needs of life doth truly meet, AND FILLS MY SOUL WITH LIGHT. God's Child "Except ye become as a little child, ye shall in no wise enter into the Kingdom of God." T? ACH one is God's own perfect child, -^-' Hence each should recognize His own true self, pure, undefiled, And perfect in God's eyes : And knowing this, each one shall see Christ Truth, yea, understand, That Truth which maketh mortals free, Through CHRISTIAN SCIENCE grand. All who believed on Him of old, To them He gave the right And knowledge to his Truth behold, As children, sons of light. We constantly must keep in mind That each is God's own child, Have mind of Christ, through which we'll find Inheritance undefiled. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 33 The Mind of Christ, exalted thought ! Pearl of great price, untold, Can only with pure WORTH be bought, Its value more than GOLD. We should become as Jesus said, Same as a little child, On milk of God's own word be fed, Be meek, be humble, mild. In CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, ev'ry one Who learns its message grand, Must know himself as God's own son, And on that Truth must stand. May we attain that perfect stage, , PURE BEING, UNDEFILED. But whether gained in youth or age, We're always GOD'S PURE CHILD. From Darkness to Light "Lulled by stupefying illusions, the world is asleep in the cradle of infancy, dreaming away the hours." — Science and Health, by Mary Baker G. Eddy. THE age of darkness long has reigned supreme, O'er all earth's children, yea in ev'ry land: — Of light there's only shone a transient gleam, To make them when in trouble seek God's hand, And thus obey His love-ordained command. God's hand reveals His power, and His might, And is through CHRISTIAN SCIENCE in this day Leading the world from darkness into light, Teaching us how to live, to watch and pray, Guiding our feeble footsteps day by day. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 35 For all the daughters, and the sons of men, CHRIST'S TRUTH now comes on HEALING WINGS, Divine, To help us teach God's word, through tongue and pen; Its light from Heaven makes dark pathways shine, And fills our souls with love Supreme, Divine. The age of doubt and ignorance has passed, And Truth's bright star now shines in brilliant ray, HEALTH, HOPE and HAPPINESS have come at last For all who live CHRIST'S TEACHINGS day by day, And strive to do God's will, and watch and pray. Yea, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE shows to mortal man The WAY, the TRUTH, the LIFE, so long unknown; 36 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS It comes for ev'ry Nation, tribe and clan, For occupant of BEGGAR'S HUT or THRONE, And gives earth's children BREAD instead of STONE. 'Tis TRUTH'S bright watchword, coming fast apace, And LOVE UNENDING points the way DIVINE, For every Nation, tribe or tongue or race ; Where'er the moon doth glow or sun doth shine, For all are branches, of ONE LIVING VINE. Yea! CHRISTIAN SCIENCE wakes the world from sleep, And brings to view LOVE'S mighty HEALING POWER; It teaches us CHRIST'S great commands to keep ; WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 37 It guides our thoughts and actions every hour, And helps us DEMONSTRATE TRUTH'S SAVING POWER. 'Twill clear earth's darkened thought, and raise to life The dead in sin, oh precious truth, all hail : It will remove from earth all mortal strife, And bring all men, all lands, within its pale, Turn darkness into LIGHT, and sin unveil. Oh, Mortals, then, all brothers, sisters dear, Awake and catch this light of truth's clear gleam; It will remove from every heart all fear, And rouse to life from out SENSE mortal dream, And circle earth round with love's bright beam. 38 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS This mortal dream of SENSE is all a LIE, SENSE MAN is not God's image, we must see; This Truth on wings of LOVE and LIGHT will fly To every land and over ev'ry sea, At God's command, till ALL MAN'S RACE is free. 'Till all God's children born on earth shall know, Some day, some way, somewhere, somehow, sometime, That health, life, love, and peace doth ever flow For all, both great and small, in ev'ry clime, On this old planet earth and through ALL TIME. Aspiration D EAR Lord, hold my right arm today, Dwell with me ever, be my STAY, To Fountains of THY WISDOM, guide, And let me ever there abide. Thy GLORY, let o'ershadow me, Thine Angels on my right, let be, That I shall all Thy TRUTH behold, And see its splendors, great untold. To Thy immortal Truth, mine ears, Shall hearken, all the coming years, Thy presence e'er doth comfort bring, To me, Thy child oh God, my King. Oh Thou my strength, trust of my Soul, Thou art oh God, Thou mak'st me whole, And my desire, shall always be None else beside, NONE ELSE BUT THEE. Our Leader's Mission Lovingly inscribed to our revered Leader, Mary Baker G. Eddy OUR LEADER'S love hath filled our hearts With God's Truth grand: In quiet homes, and busy marts, Domestic lands, and foreign parts, Her fol'wers stand In every land On God's right hand, at her command. Illumined LEADER! God's pure Soul! Her words Divine Have rescued millions, made them whole, Attuned their thoughts to Heaven's goal, And we in fine Pursue this line With love Divine, to God's pure shrine. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 41 A mortal cry we sometimes hear On error bent, To make the skeptic scoff and sneer, To fill earth mind with doubt and fear, With malice sent To supplement Its dark intent, so evident. But error roused is part destroyed, Hence Truth don't care; Truth seeks and fills the aching void With peace and joy, unalloyed, And faith and prayer Makes free from care, From every snare, Yea EVERYWHERE. Our LEADER'S smile and love beams on With light intense, And ushers in Truth's precious dawn, While error's shadow soon is gone To darkness dense In mortal sense, Forever hence, in recompense. 42 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Her CHRISTIAN SCIENCE work will save Millions and more From fear of sin, death and the grave, While error's victims howl and rave The country o'er From shore to shore, Heartsick and sore, which all deplore. Her mind Divine doth lead the way To God's own fold, To purer life, and brighter day, To teach us how to watch and pray, With love untold Our hearts to hold, . . Richer than gold, ten thousand fold. Her hand in GOD'S our steps doth lead To Truth and Life, From sin and error we are freed, And LOVE supplies our every need, And wisdom rife Allays all strife, And leads to life, ETERNAL LIFE! WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 43 Scientists bow, in sweet acclaim, At Her dear feet, To kiss the hand, to bless the name That sets their thoughts with love aflame, With hearts that beat In union sweet, Her love to greet, GOD'S Love to meet. Christ Truth Divine, on every line, For all is meant, On wings of love it doth incline, It makes with LIGHT our faces shine, 'Tis evident It hath been sent To represent GOD'S Love intent. The clouds from out our sky have fled, We see Love's light Now over all the Nations spread; This Truth has come to RAISE THE DEAD, To heal the blight, Restore the sight, Drive out the night, reveal GOD'S might. 44 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS To teach EARTH'S children of the light, The precious goal, Of Truth to free from error's might, Changing to day the darkest night, To bless each soul, To make us whole, While ages roll! Oh! happy goal! Yes, Loving LEADER, precious dear, Through you we see The Truth that stays all doubt and fear Tells us the GOOD is always here; Bids error flee, Calls us to Thee, From sea to sea, and says be free. Tells us of peace, with skies so clear, Holds out thy hand To guide our footsteps, year by year, To shield from error's pointed spear, Helps us to stand In Christ Truth grand, In every land, at God's command. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 45 From now henceforth, we pass thy way, Under Love's rod, With Truth to guide, we watch and pray, And thus continue, day by day, While on we trod This earthly clod, Under Love's rod, WITH THEE, TO GOD. Christ — the Star of Bethlehem The Light of the World "Led by a solitary star * * * the MAGI of old fore- told the Messiahship of Truth."— S. & H., 95. THE Star of Bethlehem's bright gleam, Shone out from chaos, night, To light mankind from death's dark dream, To life eternal, bright. That same bright star which God had led, To glow in that dark day, NOW SHINES to wake the living, dead, From night's long darkened way. This light, the prophets had foretold, That all in earth's domain, Its shining glory would behold, When Truth should come to reign, This everlasting gospel light, Proclaimed through ev'ry land, Will all mankind on earth unite In one unbroken band. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 47 It points to Christ as Life and Truth, The way that God doth lead, For all man's race, for age and youth, And answers ev'ry need. It stills the strife in ev'ry breast; Through wisdom pure and true, Brings to the soul that peace and rest Which Truth alone can do. What Jesus knew and came to teach In ev'ry life is still That same great power, yet in reach, Of all who do God's will. For if we let Truth do its work In this, Truth's greatest day, Seek not its laws to baffle, shirk, 'Twill point for us the way. This wisdom, if 'tis dearly sought, Doth understanding bring; Then look and see what God hath wrought, Within the Christ, thy King. The Christ is Truth, thy life, thy soul, Love's principle Divine! By knowing this, you'll reach the goal, Where only light doth shine. 48 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Through all eternity we'll know That Christ did always live. Love's fountain from which life doth flow, He to the world didst give. Christ was the Spirit of the One Whom Jesus they didst call; Christ is the way, the Truth, God's Son, Reflecting God through all. If Christ we truly serve and love, With banners brave unfurled, We soon, like Him, will rise above Beliefs of "MATTER-WORLD." In CHRISTIAN SCIENCE all must find The Truth that makes man free; Life, health and peace flow thro' Christ mind From God, to you and me. Where fear of death ONCE bondage brought, Thro' all earth's saddened days, That fear hath NOW, thro' wisdom sought, Been changed to joyous praise. For Love and light doth point the way To life eternal grand; And SCIENCE HEALING in our day Fulfills Christ's great command. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 49 It brings to view the great I AM, Thro* wisdom pure and true, Explains the word that Christ, the Lamb, Didst speak for me and you. In old Judea's happy age, So in these latter days, Our LEADER pens CHRIST-SCIENCE page, For which we give God praise. We love, adore, with joy and praise, In Truth and sacred mirth, Our Lord, who in those far off days, We're told was born on earth. But Christ on earth was never born, Nor crucified: That lot Was Jesus' part. Ascension morn He proved that death IS NOT. He bravely met the anguish, grief, Of martyrdom's sad doom, — Gave to the world the new belief Of life, from out death's gloom. This faith of olden times, once more, Its STAR is shining bright, Through Heaven's newly opened door, With CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LIGHT. 50 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS For all God's children, young and old, Yea, for both great and small, This Truth, in gems more pure than gold "CHRIST SCIENCE" comes for all; And heals all sickness, sin and woe, And brightens hopes once sad; From this fount Truth's pure waters flow, To make the whole world glad! For Brahmin, Buddhist, Moslem, Jew, And Christian, it has come; To heal them all, this message true, "Heal sick and blind and dumb:" 'Til all earth's bounds, its wide domain, — Yea! ev'ry land and clime — Shall know that Truth has come to reign In God's appointed time. To unify in one great whole, Each sect and faith of man; To rule the earth from pole to pole, Then ev'ry tribe and clan Shall know the truth and bow the knee, And every tongue confess; This LIGHT shall cover earth and sea, And all the Nations bless. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 51 Oh, yearning one, thou, too, mayst be Released from paths once trod; — From sin, disease and death set free, Through CONSCIOUS WALK WITH GOD : Which CHRISTIAN SCIENCE now reveals— SAME AS TO ENOCH CAME, Through Christ it sin and sickness heals, AND STAYS DEATH, IN HIS NAME. Birthday Lines written in *"THE LITTLE BOOK," presented to my cousin, Mrs. Bessie Carr, on her birthday anniversary. T^ VERY day is your Birthday, dear, ■»-' Yes, every day in every year, Each day the Father gives to you, His precious gifts, all fresh and new. Eternal life, that cannot cease, His precious Truth, that bringeth peace, His Love unending, ever true, These bring just EVERYTHING to you. Every day is your Birthday, dear, All good is yours, you've naught to fear. Don't count the years the old time way, All life should be one long birthday. *Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker G. Eddy. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 53 There is no TIME, no years to fear, It's always NOW, — let hope and cheer, E'er keep you happy, young and gay, Make all the NOW one grand birthday. In this dear "LITTLE BOOK" you'll find The key to life: — to pure Christ mind, 'Twill guide your footsteps all the way, And make ALL TIME one SWEET BIRTHDAY. Through CHRISTIAN SCIENCE you'll attain The TRUTH, through "LITTLE BOOK" made plain ; This "LITTLE BOOK" is Scripture's key, Its TRUTH is making all men free. This "LITTLE BOOK" at God's command Is teaching TRUTH in ev'ry land, And written through our Leader's pen, Brings "PEACE ON EARTH, Good will to men." Meditation OH sweet, blessed MEDITATION, Help me, Lord, to apprehend, In my thoughts sincere endeavor, That which love and truth commend Through it, I would solve the mystery, Mentioned by Apostle Paul, Godliness and meditation Being greatest, over all. MEDITATION'S the refiner Come before his crucible, Like a tree in seed that's nestling Hidden fruit, in blossoms full. It is Bethlehem admiring Star, in radiant splendor bright, It is progress, duly measuring All the steps to Calvary's height. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 55 It is silence, ever healing Blows that come to sense of sound, It is thought in prayer, revealing, Light, where God is ever found. Meditation brings at-one-ment, Facing Truth, and Love, and Light, Makes the penitent forgetful Of his past mistakes — their blight. From long years of MEDITATION, Fraught with consecration, toil, Came the works of our dear Leader, Earth's true "BALM OF GILEAD" oil :— New-born Church of CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, Bright-winged Angel from above! Girding us with God's real armor, WISDOM, LIGHT, and TRUTH, and LOVE. From sweet silent MEDITATION To the couch of anguish go, Looking on life's DREAM IN MATTER With a higher sense ; to know Of Omnipotence and Power, Healing Truth, and Love Divine, In God's image, reinstating MAN, as branches of His vine. 56 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS MEDITATION is Love's teacher, With its lessons ever true, Like the loving Father watching Prodigals' return to view; Or the faithful mother holding To her breast the manger child, Saviour of mankind, enfolding, Babe of promise, undefiled. Or the Psalmist when exclaiming, "What is man, that Thou shouldst be Of him ever true and mindful, Making him THY LOVE TO SEE!" Or the PATRIARCH inquiring If a man shall live AGAIN, After death shall once have taken Him from off the mortal plane. Oh, sweet, blessed MEDITATION, Angel visitant of peace, Bringing hope and consolation, Causing fear and dread to cease; May thy precious Angel whispers To my soul, from realms above, Solace it with soothing vespers, From the perfect heart of LOVE. Christian Science, the Rock of Ages WITH mortal mind, to truth so blind, Enveloped all around me, When naught but gloom did seem my doom, 'Twas then God's message found me. Yea, mortal mind, within, without, In all its subtle stages; It held me fast, until at last I found the "Rock of Ages." That ROCK is Christ's dear, precious truth, As found in CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, Which bids all sickness, sin and death, All error, too, DEFIANCE. My steps were led upon that ROCK By Truth's sweet, precious leaven, And its dear words, they did unlock FOR ME the "GATES OF HEAVEN." 58 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Then marvel not that in my joy My tongue cannot be holden, For all my time I would employ In teaching Christ Truth, golden. Blest CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, God's truth grand, 'Tis reaching out already Proclaiming TRUTH in every land, Through MARY BAKER EDDY. God's wisdom pure, earth's ills to cure, Is found through all her writing, And TRUTH can boast a mighty host 'Gainst sin and sickness fighting. Her banners wave on every hand, O'er hosts too great to tally, In Truth, for right, she takes her stand, Christ's soldiers 'round her rally. She holds aloft Truth's standard bright, And tells anew Christ's story; Which will redeem the world from night, And USHER IN GOD'S GLORY. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 59 When all shall know the Truth of God, When Truth shall error leaven, And all upon this earthly clod Shall find that HERE is HEAVEN. A Christian-Scientist's Soliloquy "Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free. T F God's true perfect image I, ■* Then surely I must always try To ever be His Likeness true, In all I think or say or do : And living in Him, I must know Love is my guide where'er I go; With Christ my model, sinless, pure, If all life's ills I'd wish to cure. If HARMONY and health I'D know In all my actions, I must show A purely Christ-like perfect mind, And in my heart love all mankind: Thus let the mind of Christ e'er be Within, to make me same as He: And Love and Truth must ever dwell Within my heart, — then all is well. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 61 By living Truth, I've perfect health And harmony; God's boundless wealth Doth cover me and has supplied My every need, no thing denied; For those who live truth — all of them Have of Christ's garment TOUCHED THE HEM. If in the narrow way they plod, They may, like ENOCH, WALK WITH GOD. God's goodness, mercy, is at hand; His wisdom guides : — 'tis Love's command That all who know and do His will, Doth thus the law of Christ fulfill : — And this is what we all must do, Put off the old man, on the new; Live in His light, obey His truth, And this reveals age — lasting youth. God's ever-presence, always here, Gives me all good, with naught to fear; A present help in trouble sure, To all who live the life that's pure. Yea, God is with me, true, I see; He lives my life; He makes me free; And from my eyes the curtain draws, That I may understand His laws. 62 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS His truth my guide, my buckler, shield, Hence to the tempter I'll not yield; Yea, in God's secret place I dwell, And know, at all times, all is well. I know he orders all my ways, Directs my path through all life's maze; My mind on Him is stayed in peace, And all my troubles have release. The light of the Almighty Good Is the protecting Fatherhood: A refuge and a fortress strong To all in Truth's immortal throng. With absolute, implicit trust, I place my treasures where no rust Nor moths corrupt, nor thieves break in, Free from all fear, bereft of sin. Man's life is perfect. God doth move In each and all, and thus we prove That fear, through Love, must ever be Cast out, to all eternity. There's no such thing as fear, forsooth, For hearts well filled with love and truth: I understand, yea! well I know THAT SPIRIT LEADS, WHERE'ER I GO. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 63 Man is God's image, likeness, yea! In spirit, not in earthly clay; For spiritual life must be, And not material, as we Have heretofore been wrongly taught; And "back to dust" is not the lot Which to the spirit doth befall, For spirit's God, and GOD IS ALL. Such being true, I move and live In God, whose truth doth ever give Me perfect joy, with life and health, And love unending, boundless wealth. My heart and soul are filled with joy Too pure for earth, without alloy; Content and comfort, peace and ease, All vie my ev'ry wish to please. God is e'er with me taking care; He guards my life from ev'ry snare, And watching o'er, sustaining me, From wrong conditions, sets me free. HE GUIDES my footsteps and my thought, And brings my error ways to naught, Supplies my needs, yea, many fold, And gives me money, silver, gold. 64 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Gives me abundance, and I know He'll spread His truth where'er I go; Advance His kingdom here for good: Thus prove His Love, His Fatherhood: And in His everlasting way Shows me His light of perfect day. 'Tis God who THINKS through you and me. To know this truth will make man free. God gives me perfect liberty, And wisdom, too, through which I see That God is Love, is all in all, And ever present HEARS my call. No ill can circle me around, For I have in His kingdom found That all who truly live in love, Are led by wisdom from above. Naught but perfection comes to me, — God's child of TRUTH that maketh free ; In all conditions, every way, I ne'er can know but perfect day; For God and Truth, with all my heart I love, and from them ne'er can part; With love that's pure, no thought of pelf; Yea! love my neighbor as myself. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 65 My sun of happiness shines bright; My skies are clear; I know no night; My spirit mind is lifted up To help me now drink Christ's own cup. I have contentment, sure release From every woe, all joy and peace; And onward, upward, I will plod Till, I like Enoch, "WALK WITH GOD." The Mother Church Lines dedicated to The First Church of Christ, Scientist, BOSTON, MASS. CHRISTIAN Science Temple! Granite, Bears aloft its gilded dome, Monument to Christ Truth Healing, SCIENCE CHURCHES' natal home: Standing there a grand exponent Of truth- healing, HERE and NOW, Reared through faith of heart heroic, Our dear LEADER'S fulfilled vow. Consecration demonstrated ! Through HER FAITH and TRUST, Sublime, In the TRUTH of "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE," By her FOUNDED, for all time. If upon material senses She had LEANED, 'tis sure and true, Not a stone of that great building Ever could have come to view. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 67 But that ONE, who saw TRUTH clearly, Was so near to GOD that SHE Saw the needs of sin-sick mortals, Knew that LOVE DIVINE would free Them from ev'ry limitation, (Through beliefs in MORTAL MIND) Knew that TRUTH would bring fruition, Meet the wants of all mankind. May this PRAYER IN STONE, GOD'S TEMPLE, Strengthen us, through LOVE DIVINE, Rouse the weakling, the faint-hearted, Cause THEIR LIGHT to glow and shine; Hast'ning TRUTH'S grand HEALING progress, Greatest work the world has known, With beliefs of life in matter, (Sin's beliefs) through TRUTH, out-grown. We can ne'er repay our LEADER For the WORK that she has done Which has builded THIS GREAT TEMPLE Of TRUTH'S LIGHT for ev'ry oner- Prayer in stone! God's light reflecting! CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LANDMARK GRAND! Our LOVED LEADER'S hand directing TRUTH'S Grand March through EV'RY LAND. 68 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS GOD'S great SPIR-IT-U-AL TEMPLE, Not in this or other lands Is the temple of PURE BEING, And not made by human hands; We are with HIM, CO-EX-IST-ENT, Yea! ETERNAL, WITH GOD, ONE, Spirit pure, LIKE HIM, IMMORTAL, Life UN-ENDING, NE'ER BEGUN. The Land of Rest OH, the land of rest with vales that lie In the heart's belief, 'neath bending sky, A land of pleasure o'er dale and hill, Yea ! lotus land of the heart be still ; Spirit gatherings of young and old Are waiting there for love's enfold ; Yea ! sighing, longing and hailing thee, To the land of rest, where souls are free. Oh, the land of rest, yet no one knows The balmy way, that its soft wind blows In the joy of life, in hope and cheer; For the land of rest there's naught to fear, The waves that roll o'er a sighing breast, Are beating the joyful tune of rest, And heart is singing to heart : "some day, To the land of rest, we'll sail away." 70 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Oh, the land of rest, enchanting dream, Its hills and vales in the sun's bright gleam, Its joyous children, women and men, From crowded cities, and rural glen ; Yea ! night and noon, and for all time long, Their spirits joining in rythmic song, And calling thee, in a sweet refrain, To the land of rest, its hills and plain. Oh, the land of rest, of the olden time, With its grassy vales, and hills sublime, Mem'ries so dear, that they cannot fade, Like fairies dancing in sylvan shade; And resting there through the passing years, Where loved ones lost, in the mist of tears Have wandered away in days long flown, To the land of rest, its great white throne. Oh, the land of rest, to thy golden hills, Where the loved are gone, my heart it thrills To know that in Wisdom's coming day, Mists that divide will be cleared away, When they who have crossed, and those this side Will be joined in love, and there abide; For all the daughters and sons of men In the land of rest shall meet again. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 71 If "THE LAND OF REST" on EARTH we'd find, We must know the TRUTH, that "MORTAL MIND" On the human plane, with its belief, Is source of all sickness, pain and grief: — That "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE," we all must see, Is the truth from God that maketh FREE, That the pure Christ mind WE MUST ATTAIN IS "THE LAND OF REST" for EV'RY PLANE. Pure Thoughts As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. THE thoughts we think, they mould our lives, And make us what we be; And Truth in spirit always strives To make us pure and free; And thought controls our ev'ry move, And this we all will find, Pure thought is one with GOD and LOVE, If in us dwells CHRIST MIND. Then must our thoughts be ever pure, And Christ-like, truthful, free, And wafted to the farthest shore Of life's great boundless sea: With spirit wings their pure white sails, Life's burdens all shall lift, With peace of mind, that never fails, A CHRISTIAN SCIENCE gift. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 73 Oh, pure, true thought, oh bird of peace! Thou art a precious thing ; Love's ark has given thee release, To preen thy wings, and bring From out life's boundless, endless tide, To sick and weary hearts, Blest CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, long denied, Through error's piercing darts. The stars in Heaven brightly shine, And when we know God's good, Pure thought will glow with love Divine, And Truth be understood : Its rays beheld will gladden souls, Its words will catch the ear, Its power ev'ry life upholds With CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Cheer. The waves which buffet ev'ry soul, God's spirit all shall still, Weak, worn, despairing, be made whole, For all who DO HIS will. The faint, the falt'ring, grow more brave, The lame, the halt, the blind, Saved from beliefs, of death, the grave, Through CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MIND. 74 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS To think God's Truth, as all your own, Your heart shall feel its thrill, Your eyes shall gleam like sardis stone, Because you do God's will: The dullest eyes will see its gleam, And catch its promise true, And wake in Love from out their dream Of death, to LIFE, through you. Send CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Truth adrift O'er earth, and sea, and sky, For it the darkest clouds will lift As time goes rolling by: — 'Twill give to man God's light for all, Raise him above earth's clod, Through CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, Truth's last call, That makes man ONE WITH GOD. T Truth RUTH clears the mists of error's blight; Reveals the source of life and might; Leads us from wrong to ways of right, And fills the soul with pure delight. Awake! Night's darkened age is past, When right was veiled through priestly cast, Truth's "healing power" comes forth at last. And error trembles 'neath its blast. Christ truth reveals the Master's face, With matchless glow, of love and grace, And guides our footsteps in life's race, . To lead us to our destined place. The Father's hand, like silken glove, Is reaching forth from realms of love, To guide us like the spirit dove Approached our Master from above. 76 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Then follow on at God's command, Till every soul in ev'ry land Shall recognize Truth's message grand, In CHRISTIAN SCIENCE now at hand. Till all upon this earthly clod, As thrqugh life's journey they may plod, As o'er its rugged way they trod, Shall feel His love, His chast'ning rod, AND REACH AT LAST, A HOME IN GOD. Humility "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the EARTH." WHAT is Humility, dear Lord? Give us the answer through Love's word! " 'Tis Greatness bending, not to yield To storms that sweep o'er life's broad field. 'Tis power resting in its might, Its strength reserved to shield the right; 'Tis faith e'er ready for its test, In patience resting, ever blest. " 'Tis Love awaiting Angel's song, 'Tis wisdom, patient ever long, And parting with ambition's hold On worldly treasures, honor, gold: — Leaving for others in life's race The empty baubles, power, place, To wait in confidence the call Of Love, for service unto all. 78 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS " 'Tis Bud of Gentleness and Peace, Enfolding fruit of Love's increase, 'Tis Obligation ever true, And KNOWING good belongs to you: 'Tis Goodness, kneeling oft in prayer, With Peace of Mind forever there ; It is the Dove, in light or dark, Returning ever to Love's ark. " 'Tis Understanding, calm, secure, 'Tis Justice, ever bright and pure, Considering and weighing facts That point the moral of life's acts. 'Tis Mercy waiting day by day, For Love to point the perfect way. 'Tis Meekness, as the truth we see, Beholding God in purity. "Rebuking selfishness and pride, Its arrogance uncovered wide; It is the Fruit of Conquered sin, E'er teaching us to look within: — It is the Easter Morning bright That gladdens mourners' hearts with light; The Test by which we all can see The Truth that maketh all men free. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 79 " 'Tis Loyalty, unmoved by threats Of wrong, injustice and regrets, With courage steadfast, ever grand, In following our Lord's command: 'Tis CHRISTIAN SCIENCE pure and true, Pearl of Great Price, first brought to view When our loved LEADER of renown Placed it in mortal's long-lost crown. " 'Tis a Desire to bless the race, 'Tis letting others seek for place, 'Tis sowing GOOD, SOME ONE may reap, Allowing them the fruits to keep. 'Tis putting off Old man with deeds, On with the new, where spirit leads, E'er willing that the world should know The motives that our actions show. " 'Tis ceasing strife for worldly gain, 'Tis living Truth on every plane; 'Tis thus HUMILITY is shown, To live it makes God's Truth your own; 'Tis Light and Wisdom from above, 'Tis Life and Truth, 'tis Peace and Love, 'Tis CHRISTIAN SCIENCE lived each day, Thro' knowing HOW to WATCH and PRAY." A Proclamation CHRIST TRUTH has come to reign, Proclaim it from the mountains, From valley, hill and plain, And o'er the "great deep's" fountains, Till every one Beneath the Sun Shall shout, in joy and wonder, And tell the story, Proclaim His glory In tones distinct as thunder. MAY "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" reach Each soul, in ev'ry nation, Till all who hear shall teach This RE-BORN TRUTH Salvation; Let rapture, joy, Each mind employ, WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 81 Till thought no more shall wander; Till Truth's conviction, Love's benediction, Shall make each stop and ponder. Thou art my Christ and Lord, My living, risen Saviour; I love Thy Truth, Thy Word, I'll strive in good behavior To do Thy will, To serve Thee still, In love and faith unshaken, And will not borrow Trouble nor sorrow, Nor think myself forsaken. For I must ever know That Good is all around me; Life's waters for me flow, And mercy now has found me ; Long tempest tossed, On Life's sea lost, No chart my hopes to "leaven ;" That said condition Was my position Till SCIENCE showed me Heaven. 82 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Then join that Joyous throng, To Truth's great city going, And sing the happy song From hearts with love o'erflowing, That fills the land On ev'ry hand, And enters Heaven's portal ; His praises ringing, With joyful singing, Sounds like the "Choir immortal." For error, wrong and sin, (From any view that's taken,) Will find sweet solace in "Forgiven when forsaken ;" For that's God's law, Without a flaw, For ages without number ; Sin cannot borrow Joy of tomorrow, For Justice does not slumber. Then shout His praise, and sing His truth, now and forever; Our Saviour, Christ and King, We will deny Him, NEVER; WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 83 For he shall reign On every plane Within the soul's own portals ; Till every human, Both man and woman, Are known as GOD'S IMMORTALS. Understanding "Give me Understanding, and I shall keep Thy law: Yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart." — Psalm 119:34. YEA! give me UNDERSTANDING, LORD, And I shall keep Thy law; For UNDERSTANDING, from Thy word Doth Truth and wisdom draw. With UNDERSTANDING my whole heart Thy Truth I shall observe, And in Thy service do my part Thy gracious will to serve. With UNDERSTANDING perfect, we Would know all things belong To us; then we could ever be In Truth's immortal throng; This knowledge maketh all things new, MAKES ONE with him who owns The world, and everything in view From Beggar's huts to THRONES. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 85 The "LITTLE BOOK" that Angel brings In "REVELATIONS" ten, Is Truth, with "HEALING IN ITS WINGS" For all the Sons of Men: It gives us UNDERSTANDING, light, THROUGH "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" grand, And heals of sin, disease and blight, Man's race, in ev'ry land. "Have faith in God," our Master said, And prophets all agree That FAITH ENOUGH could raise the dead And set SENSE CAPTIVES FREE. In EVIL, WANT, in DEATH and SIN, We don't believe one STRAW ; Our UNDERSTANDING faith is in God's GOODNESS as HIS LAW. Christ said, "If YOU would follow me, You must your cross take up." If like the Master you would be, Must drink with Him the cup ; Must know that you are pure in heart, Be meek, and truly live In GOD, YOUR BEING, every part To HIM your whole life give. 86 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS The UNDERSTANDING of God's word We get through SCRIPTURE'S KEY, "SCIENCE and HEALTH;" that book has stirred The world, and makes men free; From Sense beliefs, its woes and ills, Brings UNDERSTANDING bright; With Love and Truth the heart it thrills, And fills the world with light. Christ's wondrous message comes for all, And saves from sin and woe, Through UNDERSTANDING God's last call Of TRUTH, through which we know That SIN, DISEASE and DEATH shall fade, Their Nothingness appear, And "TRUTH OF BEING" then be made To shine forth, bright and clear. Till every race, in every clime, Shall hear its message grand, And all mankind, throughout all time Shall bow to God's command: Till UNDERSTANDING'S rays so bright Shall shine o'er earth and sea, And fill mankind with wisdom's LIGHT, WITH TRUTH THAT MAKETH FREE. Noon-tide Musings A BUTTERFLY floats idly by, And lights upon a fragrant flower, The breezes in the tree-tops sigh A breath of peace, at noon-tide hour ; While in the far-expanse of sky, A hand-like cloud begins to lower. The butterfly then soars or springs Into the air, with startled fear, But gust of wind has caught its wings, 'Tis dashed to earth : — a fall severe ; A thing of beauty, and so rare, Again it rises in the air. The sun shines down, with light Divine, Landscape to gild, with morning's gleam The birds are warbling low and fine, And ripples flash on flowing stream, And little cloud, in far off sky, Has vanished like a flitting dream. I WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Heed oh ! My Soul ! this lesson taught, Let not misfortunes frighten thee! Whene'er you think that life is fraught With care, and grief: — uncertainty, Trust in a brighter time to be, And surely it will come to thee. Naught but the good CAN COME to thee : If life's right pathway thou pursue, Let butterflies nor clouds ne'er be Omen to MAR your journey through This MATTER WORLD, where you will see But dust of earth O'ER ALL YOU DO. Moving Along WHILE "moving along" on life's journey, There's many things often seem wrong; But dear one, as you didn't plan it, Don't mind it, keep moving along. If looking about you for sorrow, Just hear the sweet bird's happy song ; Your sadness won't last till the morrow, If you will keep moving along. Keep moving along on life's highway, While mingling in world's mighty throng; Your life will be just as you want it, If you will keep moving along. Instead of your FEARS for to-morrow, You'd better be humming a song, Instead of the trouble you'd borrow, Forget it while moving along. 90 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS It's true, but perhaps you don't know it, The thoughts which your memory throng Will point a bright future and show it, If you will keep moving along. The birds in the trees keep a singing, As if the whole earth did belong To them; don't you hear their notes ringing? To keep you a moving along. In making of world, were you present? To you did its progress belong? No! you were not even consulted, Then keep on a moving along. Be thankful for breath, and for sunshine, If snowing, keep singing a song; If it blows, the roses are growing, So keep on a moving along. Keep moving along as life's pilgrim, For flowers, and birds' sweetest song Will smother the past with their fragrance, If you will keep moving along. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 91 God's making the world's mighty progress, To Him all results they belong; Then don't ever fear what may happen, But keep on a moving along. Keep moving along all creation, Quit sighing and sing a glad song ; No matter what e'er the relation, Be brave and keep moving along. In Heaven the sun it keeps shining, Don't worry for fear you've done wrong, For clouds have a bright silver lining For those who keep moving along. There's nothing on life's rugged highway, No matter how short, or how long, But what the dear Lord's hand is in it, So keep on a moving along. Don't worry, for God he is running Just ev'rything, hear the glad song; He's sending the sunshine and showers, So keep on a moving along. 92 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Stop thinking you're running creation, Or may be that God's work is wrong; Just 'tend to your own little business, While cheerfully moving along. If Spring-like you'd have your "December," Keep heart full of sunshine and song; If you would be happy, remember, Just keep on a moving along. Your troubles and sorrows will vanish, Your courage be hopeful and strong, If anger and hate you will banish, And keep on a moving along. If you would have health and be happy, If life you would lengthen, prolong, TAKE UP CHRISTIAN SCIENCE and LIVE it, And keep on a moving along. Whenever your sins are "FORSAKEN," "FORGIVEN" will be your glad song ; And then CHRISTIAN SCIENCE will waken AND KEEP YOU A MOVING ALONG. Peace y A "T A WAS the white dove of peace ■V That came to my soul, And gave me surcease Of all sorrow; Through CHRIST SCIENCE, pure light, It has driven the night Of agnostic blight From out of my sight; And from sin made me whole, While the ages shall roll, For all NOW, brought me PEACE, And TO-MORROW. May that PEACE ever dwell Within me, alway, As deep as a well Or Old OCEAN ; Till I ever shall find The sweet PEACE of Christ mind . In all mankind; All seeing; none blind: For the young and the gay, For the old and the gray, In Christ PEACE may excel, Through DEVOTION. 94 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Then His PEACE I'll proclaim With love in my heart, And worship His name, Ever KNOWING That my sin in the past Can no more hold me fast, For it has at last Been overboard cast; Its power, a lost art, Cannot take any part To prevent PEACE the same OVER-FLOWING. God's pure PEACE, it shall reign Forever and aye! And I'll ne'er refrain From the STORY Of His love, sweet and pure, Which doth always endure, Life's ills all to cure, With CHRIST SCIENCE sure; And I'll strive, watch and pray, To live right ev'ry day, Give all life may contain To HIS GLORY. Heirs of Abraham "If ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs, according to the promise." — Paul. THE greatest object to attain Is wisdom pure and bright, For TRUTH and WISDOM makes path plain, And fills it with GOD'S light. 'Twas Abraham who climbed the hill, A sacrifice to make, Material consciousness to kill, He there did undertake. That he might only recognize The SPIR-IT-U-AL ONE, He offered for the sacrifice His precious, promised son. We, too, must climb the height, ascend To understanding's plane, (As did Old Abraham, God's friend, If we'd true wisdom gain). 96 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS And offer there the sacrifice, SENSE PLEASURES, MORTAL MIND, If Spirit life we'd gain; THE PRICE IT MUST BE PAID, we'll find. "Beersheba" means, "Well of an oath," And when OLD ABRAHAM Received God's blessing, he was loath In that sweet sense of calm: — To e'er forget that sacred spot Where he GOD'S promise heard, That in his seed, each NATION'S LOT Was BLESSING, through GOD'S word. So Abram, at Beersheba dwelt, That means HE KEPT HIS VOW; As we who know God's voice have felt Its Truth, through SCIENCE now:— Through which we know all things for good Are ours, no want, no lack; If this be TRULY UNDERSTOOD We'll never lose right track: But dwell in consciousness of TRUTH, God's TRUTH THAT MAKETH FREE, That blesses all, in age or youth, When they that TRUTH shall see. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 97 Yea, at Beersheba WE must dwell, — Keep in CHRIST SCIENCE thought, Which healeth sin, disease, makes well, Through wisdom it hath brought: For we have heard TRUTH'S HEALING voice, Of this we'll ne'er lose sight, But in OUR COVENANT, rejoice, In Truth's immortal light. Must know because we're Abram's seed, We're HEIRS to all things NOW, No want in FATHER'S house, no NEED, No frown on FATHER'S brow : Our God is Love, makes no mistakes, HIS CHILD can know no lack, Unless, like PRODIGAL he makes Misstep, and takes wrong track. Unfailing love, SUPPLY untold, With mercy always mild; And trammels they can never hold, NOR FETTERS BIND, GOD'S CHILD. Obedience is the cross we bear, And our reward, the crown! We gain thro' wisdom, faith and prayer, That Love which wears no frown. 98 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS We must in SPIR-IT-U-AL thought Keep constant, day by day; Must know pure thought is Angel brought, PREVAIL on it to stay: Until the "mortal mind" shall see That SPIRIT-GOD is all, This Truth will make all mortals free, WHEN THEY OBEY ITS CALL. When I Was Mother's Boy y ^~T^ WAS way back in the "forties," -*- So long, long ago, When the tablets of mem'ry, Were white as the snow: 'Twas then to the teachings Of Mother I turned, She from whom many lessons So precious were learned. And her tender caresses Still cling to me now, Altho' "two score and twenty" Are marked on my brow: And her soft, soothing accents, Low, gentle, and mild, Were forever endearing The heart of her child. 100 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS And her dear admonitions 'Bout God, Truth and right, Have e'er been to my footsteps A clear, shining light To protect them from pitfalls, That ever abound, Till the ladder that reaches To Heaven is found. With my unceasing prattle, And romping wild glee, Her endurance was lasting, To such a degree That its equal I never, No, never, have known, Since those days in the "forties" That long since have flown. How I fondly remember Her sweet, smiling face, And her touch, oh, so tender, Her movements all grace: And her love ! 'twas immortal, 'Twas perfect, 'twas whole, And will last like the Saviour's, While ages shall roll! WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 101 And the sweet, peaceful blessing, That steals o'er me now, Is that "Mother's" caressing, Her kiss on my brow: And the guidance of spirit, As onward I plod, Is the hand of her "Angel" That leads me to God. I but DIMLY REMEMBER Those years with their gleams, And now blest CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Shows MATTER mere DREAMS. I am living in Spirit, And gladly I know That Christ Truth, WHEN IT CLEANSES, MAKES WHITER THAN SNOW. I am ever so happy In finding the way, God bless CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, HIS LIGHT, for THIS DAY; Let me say, precious MOTHER, I shall ever enjoy Those dear truths that you taught me, WHEN I WAS YOUR BOY. To Stand "Having done all, to stand." — Paul. CHRIST TRUTH, of the ages, Is looming in view, And lights up life's pages, Bids darkness adieu; His Truth now appearing, Doth cover the land, And victory nearing, It calls us to S T A N D . TO STAND by our banners, For Truth and for right, To shout our hosannas! We're winning the fight 'Gainst error and sorrow, 'Gainst sickness and pain, And troubles that harrow The mortal mind brain. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 103 Its saving the troubled From sin and from woe, The error is doubled By FEAR, don't you know ; Yea ! precious Christ Science, God's word ever grand, It bids sin defiance, TRUTH ONLY can STAND. Christ Science doth arm us In valor to STAND, And no one can harm us, If led by God's hand. His TRUTH the causation, And love all combined, Is showing all nations Its power, Christ mind. CHRIST SCIENCE don't waver, STANDS facing the foe, While asking NO favor, It hath ALL to show ; 'Tis marching to power, Through victories great, And Truth every hour STANDS joyous, elate. 104 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Our ILLUMINED LEADER! STANDS firm at her post, Truth ever doth need Her To marshal its host; To guard it from sadness, From error and sin, Proclaiming with gladness God's kingdom within. She leads to the fountain Of wisdom and youth, The spiritual mountain, The source of all Truth ; Her steps never waver, In faith she doth STAND, Possessing God's favor, And led by HIS HAND. We stand at her calling, In Truth she doth lead; We've no fear of falling, To Her we give heed ; With love for Her, tender, Through all of our days, TO GOD we will render ALL HOMAGE AND PRAISE. Sickness, Sin and Death Unreal Founded on the Lesson for October 6, 1907 SICKNESS, sin and death are error, Merely mortal mind beliefs; Don't belong to mind IMMORTAL, But to earth mind, with its griefs; Are without a REAL EXISTENCE, Have no principle or place, But belong with all that's temp'ral To the errors of man's race. Are without a place or record In the ELOHISTIC plan, Where in GENESIS, first chapter, God made Heaven, earth and man : — And until the CONTRADICTION Of the Truth of Being's known, Evil has no truth existent, Its beliefs should be o'erthrown. 106 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS There was only ONE creation, It was Spir-it-u-al, GOOD, So pronounced in that FIRST chapter, Evil is misunderstood ; 'Tis a MIST, a false creation, Wherein sickness, death, sin, fear, Never had a REAL existence THERE, and hence, they can't be here. SCIENCE saith to MORTAL SENSES, Sense of sickness, death and sin, God ne'er made you, YOU'RE false witness, Without truth of God within ; If God-Good produces evil, If Truth e'er results in wrong, Then is SCIENCE really helpless; But to TRUTH THESE DON'T BELONG. There are no antagonistic Laws creating ruling man, Through a warfare made unending, God's not Author of such plan. Hence we must accept the statement That such discords don't exist, They are mere beliefs of mortals Which CHRIST SCIENCE shows mere mist. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 107 The true basis, or foundation, Of pure sinlessness and health, Is the fact, God is the only MIND; and this is spirit wealth; WEALTH OF SPIRIT, if not merely JUST BELIEVED, but understood; And to banish sin through SCIENCE, We must know that MIND IS GOOD. Sin can have no mind real'ty, No intelligence or pain, Has no power, life or pleasure, DON'T EXIST on any plane; SIN, DISEASE, before appearing, Must be manifest in thought, And must be controlled instanter, 'Fore their evil works are wrought. If we're CONSCIOUS of wrong doing, Strength to do the right is lost, If 'tis not regretted less'ning, Sin brings doom, at fearful cost. No encouragement for sinner In the fact that sin's not real, For the sinner makes real'ty Of that which he should not feel. 108 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS By so doing he is heaping Wrath against THAT WRATH'S own day, In conspir'cy he is joining 'Gainst himself, in ev'ry way; 'Gainst his own sure, rude awakening, For they only who repent Of their sins know the real'ty Of beliefs on evil bent. Sin is a divided kingdom, Should become unreal to each, It has no Divine foundation, This is truth we all should teach. Of sin and disease, says SCIENCE, In the language of our Lord, Let the DEAD their own dead bury, Let there be no more DISCORD :— Of whatever name or nature, Heard no more in any land, Let true sense of LIFE and BEING Reign supreme on ev'ry hand. Sickness is result of error, Through man's ignorance and fear, Through mere mortal mind delusion, JUST BELIEFS BRING PAINS SEVERE, WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 109 We should banish death, sin, sickness As unreal, no place in mind; Merely DREAMS, BELIEFS, DELUSIONS, This truth some day all will find: All beliefs of life in matter Back to nothingness must go, LIFE is SPIRIT, GOD ETERNAL THIS GRAND TRUTH WORLD YET MUST KNOW. God's Allness and Power THE SINGLE EYE "If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." — Jesus. GOD is the only power, yea! The ONE EXISTENT ALL, If you need help, learn how to pray, Then on Him rightly call. GOD'S love Divine, it doth supply, Yea ! ev'ry human need, His love, it heareth ev'ry cry, For help, and giveth heed. Each one is lovable, because Each is "reflection" bright, From God-eternal, first great cause, That fills our souls, with light. Each one's a thought of God, Divine, This Truth, we all should know, God's love for all, alike doth shine, For each, same love doth flow. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS m Christ is the truth of God, for all, Is always ever near, Doth answer each FAITH HEALING call, That knows no doubt, nor fear. God's child! HIS OWN pure image bright, Can ne'er get sick and die, To know this truth, doth fill with light Each soul, with SINGLE EYE. For, said the Christ, if single, yea, Thine EYE shall truly see :— Whole body FILLED WITH LIGHT OF DAY, IT SHALL MOST SURELY BE. B The Master's Touch THE HIDDEN IMAGE EAUTY lies unseen, yea, hidden In the quarry's marble block, And to manifest its glory, Touch of sculptor's hand, with knock Of the mallet, oft on chisel, With keen edge of hardened steel, Its rough surfaces to shapen, And its Soul, in Truth, reveal. Thus our Master's touch, like magic, Forms us, in Truth's splendor, grand, Bursting forth like bud and blossom From sweet TOUCH of nature's hand Precious Lord and Master, touch us Gently with Love's wand Divine, That all roughness there may vanish, That Thy light through us may shine. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS H3 Master Sculptor, hew and polish US : — nor let be hidden — lost In us thine own MATCHLESS IMAGE, As we're buffeted, and tossed On the waves of life's rough ocean, Through BELIEFS on matter plane, Spare us not the blows that shapen, Though receiving causeth pain. Let Thine image be completed In us : — neither broken — marred ; Let Love's purpose be accomplished, Though the mallet blows seem hard : That Thy perfect IMAGE, likeness, May resplendent through us shine, Till our ev'ry thought and action Shall reveal Thy touch DIVINE. The Sweetest Word "MOTHER" THE sweetest word on any tongue Is Mother; When spoken, whispered, thought or sung, No other Brings to the heart such sweet repose, Makes us forget our cares and woes, Love our friends and forgive our foes, Like Mother. To loving hearts, no word so dear As Mother; It doth remove from them all fear, None other: She stands for all that's pure and grand, Her every word is love's command, For truth and right she takes her stand, Our Mother. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS H5 Her children love and lisp the name Of Mother; If Error's wiles of fear, or blame, Or other Mortal foibles, or worldly cares, Keep them from God, through tempting snares, No one pities and no one cares, Like Mother. True Mother's hearts, as we do know, None other, Send forth their love as pure as snow ; Don't smother The noble yearnings in the mind, But love and bless all human kind, And always good in others find, Like Mother. Her faith the force of error smites, Yes, Mother; Its strength would set the world to rights ; And smother Every form of error and sin, Its mortal strife and noisy din, Which seeks to lure God's children in, From Mother. 116 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS With praise to God, we trust we may Uncover, Each phase of evil day by day; And other Forms of sin, as they may appear, Live CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Truth so dear, See only good, with naught to fear, Dear Mother. These precious words we fondly sing, None other Can such Joy to our whole life bring, As Mother. True happiness and peace divine, Love brings to all, on every line, As 'round our hearts these names entwine, God; Mother. The sweetest word on any tongue Is Mother; When spoken, whispered, thought or sung, No other Brings to the heart such sweet repose, Makes us forget our cares and woes, Love our friends and LOVE our foes, LIKE MOTHER. Decoration Day at Oak Hill TO THE MEMORY OF "DESSIE." J \T EATH "Oak hill" sod, at rest, in peace -*■ ^ She sleeps, where Angels never cease Their vigils hold, o'er grassy mound, 'Neath which the casket may be found. A precious Jewel, rich and rare, Of spirit pure. A form so fair And true, that none but God might mould, Which heartless arms of death enfold. Here on dame Nature's quiet breast She sleeps in peace, at perfect rest, 'Neath grassy sod ; where blooms of May Now veil her grave, "Dec'ration day." Here mighty oaks as sentries stand, To guard from touch of ruthless hand This spot, where birds of sweetest song Are warbling "DESSIE" all day long. 118 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Sweet hallowed spot, yet I must say SHE IS NOT HERE; she lives away In realms of light, from matter free, She's spirit, pure as God can be: — My thoughts of her light up to-day, Bright as the blooms of flow'ry May, And mem'ry echoes sweet refrain — "Dear DESSIE, we shall meet again." She knows the longings in my breast Which never cease; — won't let me rest; Says, while her arms 'round me entwine, "Life is eternal, and Divine; I'm born again, so all must be, Through spirit birth, which sets man free : Free from beliefs of life in clod, And makes him like his Father: — God." That SPIRIT BIRTH all may attain, While dwelling on this mortal plane, Through CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, wisdom grand, Now compassing both sea and land; And healing SIN, DISEASE and DEATH, Proclaiming Truth in every breath, O'er earth and sea, o'er vale and glen, With "PEACE ON EARTH, GOOD WILL TO MEN." WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 119 Those precious words, from CHRIST of old, Are through "CHRIST SCIENCE" now RE-TOLD, Through our dear LEADER'S GOD-MOVED pen, And proves CHRIST TRUTH has come again:— Though never absent, only VEILED, When ignorance the truth assailed; But "LITTLE BOOK'S" pure words so bright BROUGHT FORTH AGAIN THE CHRIST TRUTH LIGHT. ■ Memories of Boyhood and the Farm SWEET hopes and dreams of the past, That often loom into view, While time seems passing so fast, Like on wings of wind it flew : And about those dear old times, In the days of long ago, I'll scatter some passing rhymes, As the thoughts flit to and fro. My thoughts of harvest combine With the fields of Golden grain, And I wish the joys were mine, To gather bright sheaves again. To toil in the waving fields, With heart like in other days, To go to my daily meals, And pastry of Mother praise. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 121 But that was in years ago, When boyhood was on my brow, Still the waters of life yet flow, But the stream is rougher now. Where once the flowery shore Dipped down to the pebbled beach, Now I hear but the waters roar, As they dash through rocky breach. O'erhung with crags so gray, And broken in channels dark, Huge fragments impede my way, And threaten my tossing bark. But, oh! there's a haven fair, I shall reach when the storms are o'er, When my bark has escaped the snare Of the channels, rocks and shore. Through CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I know The way will become more bright, GOD'S LOVE and WISDOM to show, As it fills the WORLD with LIGHT. Ben-Hur A STORY OF THE CHRIST Lines written on seeing the "play" of Ben-Hur THERE has been given in this age, The hearts of all mankind to stir, A noted drama, ON THE STAGE, Known to the world by name, BEN-HUR, Which does with graphic force portray The Truth of Christ, the lowly one, Like CHRISTIAN SCIENCE in our day In its great work so well begun. It stirs men's hearts, and makes them feel The day of Christ, the Son of man; For on His words it sets the Seal Of truth, that all the ages span. For SPIRIT OF THE NAZARENE,— In light far-reaching, here is shown ; Yet Christ in person is not seen, Through HEALING is His presence known. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 123 To earnest seekers for Truth's light, That mighty power, here portrayed, Makes thousands flock to see the sight, Which from their minds can never fade; And gives these thousands a new sense Of what Christ's light and truth hath been, In scenes so vivid and intense, Their hearts respond in deep amen. That star, which did so brightly shine O'er desert hills, and MAGI then Who came to worship at HIS Shrine, Can't be portrayed by tongue or pen; And tells of that deep INNER LIGHT That shines in hearts, both pure and true, As brilliant as the star that night Sent forth its beams from Heaven's blue. It makes it easy now, it seems To use that lesson for our needs; For SIN and SICKNESS it still gleams Enough to silence all our creeds : For it sustains and GLORIFIES, And Truth of BEING, we shall find, When BEAMS have fallen from our eyes, And all is seen through Christ's pure mind. 124 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS But that can't be until we turn To CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, God's pure light, Which like that star doth brightly burn, That led the wise men on that night: Those adepts, who then sought its glow, Still journeyed onward, naught forlorn, Until at last it settled low O'er Bethlehem, where Christ was born. Prostrate before its shining light They fall, and in a vesture new Are robed in garments dazzling white, Beneath o'er-arching Heaven's blue: — We gaze upon these scenes and feel That we are living in those years With they who saw that star ; and kneel In thought, and brush away our tears. In Joy our hearts each feels the thrill Of Gladness when we realize That CHRISTIAN SCIENCE teachings will Lead us right on to PARADISE. In spirit we our oneness feel With Jesus Christ and SENSE His might, Which doth all SIN AND SICKNESS HEAL, And saves mankind — leads them to light. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 125 Both mother, sister of BEN-HUR, Come forth as lepers from the cell, And hear THAT which their hearts doth stir, Of Him who maketh lepers well ; They go to look upon His face, To Christ, the light that shines for all Who wisely seek it ; for each race That sees the TRUTH— obeys its call. His healing power quick they feel, And test its truth in great delight ; It HEALS THE LEPERS, sets its seal On DEATH, DISEASE, to prove HIS MIGHT. And we behold that brilliant scene 'Round David's city, Glorified; The hills and valleys robed in green, The paradise of Judah's pride. From far and near, from ev'rywhere, Come thousands, and hosannas sing ; While palms of victory they bear In honor of the Christ, their King. BEN-HUR, and kindred, in that day Had FAITH IN GOD, which never waned; Faith that sustains, and SO WE MAY Have just the SAME, THEN Heaven's gained. 126 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS FAITH that HIS promise doth fulfill; If we in patient silence wait : — And CHRISTIAN SCIENCE shining still Doth guide us to Truth's Golden gate. Dame Nature, in all phases great, Is here portrayed in living light; ROMANCE, and TRUTH, and hand of FATE, And honor true, are shown so bright. Chariots drawn by foaming steeds, Make thrilling dash, while thousands yell; BEN-HUR'S, first lagging, then SUCCEEDS, Too graphic for the tongue to tell. And MOTHER LOVE, so great, intense, In all its depth is here revealed ; And LOVERS TRUE, in OTHER sense, Make vows that are with kisses sealed. In drama of BEN-HUR, the scenes Are potent with that HEALING light Of CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TRUTH, the means, To lead mankind to choose the right. In all the years of all the past, — Of this and ev'ry other age, — NO DRAMA like BEN-HUR'S great CAST Has e'er been put upon the stage. Dreams of Childhood / T* A HEN I think of the days of my childhood, «■■ Forever and ever passed by, Of the hills, and the streams, and the wildwood, How it heaves my heart with a sigh. How it stirs my soul deep with emotion, To dwell on the scenes fading fast, While I'm sailing on life's troubled ocean, Caring not how soon it is past. For I've seen naught of life but its billows, Since over its seas left to roam; Yet my fancy brings back the soft pillows Of mother's fond breast: — childhood's home. And I yearn and I wail, in my weeping, For love that was mine, all alone, Which only God now hath in His keeping, At the foot of "His great white Throne." 128 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Oh, fond days of my childhood, forever Remain in my mem'ry, I pray ; Thy sweet DREAMS, oh, let me, ah, never! Forget, till that great "Judgment Day." But those "days of my childhood" so happy, Which back through my memory gleams, Were illusions THAT LIFE IS IN MATTER, Were naught but the dreamer, in dreams. This life is but the MORTAL MIND'S dreaming, The DREAM and the DREAMER are one, Through spirit we must wake from the SEEMING To the LIFE that NEVER BEGUN. 'Tis through "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" we awaken, From LIFE, which in MORTAL MIND SEEMS, With our sins blotted out when forsaken, Through birth of the spirit, FROM DREAMS. Ninety-first Psalm IF in secret place, oh, mortal, Of "MOST HIGH" thou truly dwell, If abiding 'neath the shadow Of "Almighty," all is well. Yea, the Lord, He is my refuge And my fortress; Him I trust; From the pest'lence, snare of fowler, He'll deliver thee: — He must: For He promises to cover Thee with feathers, 'neath His wings; — In His truth, thy shield and buckler, Trust 'thout fear of hurtful things: Nor shalt thou be ever fearful Of the terror in the night, Nor by day shall flying arrow Ever thy calm sense affright. 130 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Yea, the pestilence that walketh In the darkness, do not fear, Nor destruction, when it wasteth, At the noon-day, bright and clear; At thy side shall fall a thousand, Yea, ten thousand, at right hand. But it shall come nigh thee, never, If thou heed thy Lord's command. Only with thine eyes, thy vision Shall reward of wicked see, Thou hast made the Lord my refuge, Most HIGH, shall thy dwelling be; And no evil shall befall thee, Nor plague come thy dwelling near, He shall give CHARGE to His Angels, Keep thee, ALL THY WAYS, from fear. In their hands they'll bear thee upward, Lest thy foot dash 'gainst a stone : Thou shalt tread upon the adder, And the lion, that is grown; The young lion and the dragon Thou shalt trample under feet; And because his love upon me He hath set, therefore, 'tis meet : — WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 131 That I will deliver, set him, ('Cause he knows my name,) on high. And when he shall call upon me, I will answer him; — be nigh: — And will be with him in trouble, Will deliver, honor, yea ! With long life, and MY SALVATION, Satisfy him, ALL THE WAY. The Heavenly Message T IS Wisdom and Light Thro' the "Little Book" given, It comes thro' our LEADER, This message from Heaven: It awakes us to LIFE, To contentment and peace, It doth bid mortal strife, Sin and Sorrow to cease. It lights up the pathway To those living in night ; It makes of its DOERS, The true children of LIGHT ; It makes the thought bouyant, And uplifting the heart, Brings us wisdom and Love, And bids error depart. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 133 It's the proof in our hearts, From conviction we find That all our diseases Are healed thro' Christ Mind ; It's the star of Earth's hope, For the greatest and least, First seen in JU-DE-A By wise men, from the EAST. It's a message from GOD, Thro' His own chosen one, With Truth for all Nations Thro' the work SHE HATH DONE: 'Tis peace, health and Joy To its followers given, And opens the gateway To HARMONY, Heaven. It gives LIFE ETERNAL To the LAMBS of GOD'S fold. In WORDS of CHRIST JESUS, His SAME MESSAGE retold: 'Tis God's light and glory, It illumines within; 'Tis Gospel of Mercy, Of Salvation from Sin. 134 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Its LOVE, peace and power Are forever now here ; It makes us triumphant, For we've nothing to fear; With blest CHRISTIAN SCIENCE We pass under the rod, And prove our AT-ONE-MENT With PURE SPIRIT,— WITH GOD. Yesterday — Today — Tomorrow TO-DAY is LIFE, Yea! life indeed, Its hours are quickly going, Its progress swift as dashing steed, And rapid changes showing; Be your existence short or long, Re-al-i-ties ARE proving, And changes too, they come along, And keep things ever moving. The bliss of growth with magic thrill; The glory, too, of action Its beauty with its charms to fill, Increase its great attraction: — Which circles us on ev'ry hand, Our moments happy render, And makes all life a pageant grand, To fill its days with splendor. 136 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS The YESTERDAY is but a dream, TO-MORROW, just a glancing, We get from each but transient gleam, As we're TO-DAY advancing. If EACH TO-DAY we live, full well, Then YESTERDAY is shining, And each TO-MORROW'S proofs will tell That CLOUDS have silver lining. Then live each day, as if 'twere all, The only day, forever, Be ready always for TRUTH'S CALL, And fail to heed it, never. Each day should be a gala DAY, Life's path be bright before us, With LOVE, and TRUTH to point the way, WITH GOD'S LIGHT SHINING O'ER US. Time! Place! THE PLACE where God would have us bear, Our witness to HIS truth, Is just THAT PLACE where'er we are, TIME! NOW, in age or youth:— With God there is no time or place, Its EVER-PRESENT, HERE, In Him each soul of ev'ry race Can safely dwell — no fear. While Abraham in Egypt dwelt, We never read or know If he had altar where he knelt His faith in God to show; His time in Egypt counts as lost, For EGYPT, we must see, Means DARKNESS, and at any cost We must HAVE LIGHT, be free. 138 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS That we may walk through breadth and length Of Canaan's happy land, Thus we renew our spirit strength, Through wisdom, God's command: In walking there, we cannot stray, Forbidden paths to roam, For WHEN our FATHER has HIS WAY, We'll find that ALL is HOME. When Abram, on old Sodom's king And Goods, had turned his back, 'Twas then we hear God's promise ring Of PEACE! Fear not! No lack! He did in Canaan Altar build In spite of heathen's sneer, God's promise his great heart it filled With Love that knew no fear. OBEDIENCE and TRUST are one, They can't be torn apart, And when God says to us, "Go on," We must obey, and start: Must show that we are linked with God, Despite a sinsick world, Keep ever onward, truth's way trod, With banners high unfurled. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 139 Must know each moment GOOD is all; That life is GOD : Must see That CHRISTIAN SCIENCE is God's call Through Truth to make man free From SENSE BELIEFS of SIN and WOE, As shown in MORTAL MIND; These back to nothingness must go, This Truth WE ALL MUST FIND. 'T To Look at God The Story of the Blind Boy "They Shall See God."— Jesus. CHRIST'S HEALING Truth, To all a shield, Through "LITTLE BOOK" Is now made plain, "SCIENCE AND HEALTH," Christ's Truth revealed, Heals BLINDNESS, SIN, DISEASE and PAIN. WAS when all nature kindly smiled, With song-birds warbling sweetest lay, And air was filled with fragrance mild, On that most perfect summer's day. 'Twas then I strolled in pleasant thought, Thro' shady woods, 'mong green old trees, When, suddenly, my steps had brought Me close upon a sight to please — WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 141 Two children, lad and girl, were there, Who in their wanderings had strayed; Were seated, like a loving pair, Beneath a spreading oak tree's shade. The boy's hand reached out to find The curls that clustered round her head, 'Twas then I saw the lad was blind, As near I passed, with silent tread. I paused; my presence was not known,. The leafy boughs kept me concealed, Though I could hear each word and tone Which to my mind their thoughts revealed: "Dear sister," said the poor blind lad, "That bird I hear sings sweet and long, To see him, oh, I'd be so glad, Is he as charming as his song?" "Yes, brother dear," the girl replied, "He's beautiful — on yonder limb." The lad then answered, as he sighed: "I wish that I could look at him; I'm sure the birds and blossoms there, With bright green leaves upon the trees Are most enchanting, sweet and fair, And beautiful to one who sees. 142 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS "Yet, I can smell the flowers sweet, And I can feel the green tree's shade, Mine ears the notes of song-birds greet; And all these things, for us, God made, And he to me so good doth seem, Although, alas! I cannot see, Oh, is it true! or just a dream? Does truth from blindness make us free? "Do tell me are there any blind In Heaven, where God's children are" "No brother," answered she, in kind And loving words. "All see up there; Why do you ask such questions, Clyde, They seem so very strange and odd?" " 'Cause, Bernice," the dear lad replied, "I would so love to look at God." Those words I heard, distinct forsooth, As there in silent thought I trod ; Because, in "Christian Science Truth," I knew that all might "look at God." In Christian Science, too, I knew The truth, which Christ said maketh free, I knew that sight in mind was true, I knew the lad could always see. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 143 I knew the truth, and gave it voice, The lad's blind eyes then opened wide, He leaped and shouted, "Oh! rejoice! I see! I see! dear Lord," he cried — Christ's healing truth, to all a shield, Through "Little Book" is now made plain : "Science and Health" Christ's truth revealed, Heals blindness, sin, disease and pain. Relieves from worldly want and care, 'Tis self-same truth that Jesus taught, It frees from sin, and ev'ry snare, Does the same works that Jesus wrought; Through Spir-it-u-al law, all may, As o'er life's matter-way they trod, Through "Christian Science truth," each day, All truly come "To look at God." At-one-ment WHEN we true BEING understand, We'll then AT-ONE-MENT know; Love GOD, and honor HIS command Always, where'er we go. And then we'll know we're SPIRIT pure, That SENSE MAN only SEEMS, That this false sense that we endure Is merely WAKING DREAMS. " 'Tis finished," Christ our Master said, Suspended on the tree, Then meekly, gently bowed His head, From evil, death, to free All flesh, from dreams of sense and sin, In matters earthly clod; And waken us to LIFE WITHIN Our ever-present GOD. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 145 Where can we learn that mighty TRUTH Which opens wide the eyes Of all who heed it, age and youth, That TRUTH which never dies! THE "LITTLE BOOK" and SCRIPTURES TRUE Make plain the only way, Thro' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE truth, for you And all in this, God's day. Through it, we truly realize, That likenesses we be Of God, which opens Paradise, And makes us wholly free : 'Tis thus we close the door on sin, On sickness, death and fear, And KNOW that we are dwelling in God's Kingdom, ever here. Then death and sin no more abound, . To TRUTH have given place; In whose pure realm is ever found That which uplifts the race Of man from paths of want and woe, To wisdom pure and bright, Which from Christ Truth doth ever flow, Thro' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Light. 10 146 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS The universe, including man, Immortal! perfect, whole! Reveals to thought the wondrous plan Of God! Perfection! Soul! Which banishes the mortal sense That sways earth's man of clod, And gives instead the Joy intense, AT-ONE-MENT, true with GOD. The "LITTLE BOOK" AT-ONE-MENT sings Its way in every soul, A mighty tribute thus it brings To Christ whose TRUTH makes whole: It makes HIS LIFE shine like a star, Burn in our conscience bright, Its precious JEWELED PAGES are GOD'S TRUTH— A WORLD OF LIGHT. God's Way SOMETIMES the heart is filled with fear, The way seems dark and void of cheer, And doubts that tend to make life drear Make us forget that GOD IS HERE. But if thro* ignorance we stray And His great laws we disobey, We'll learn whate'er we do or say, "THE FATHER ALWAYS HAS HIS WAY!' His way is best, we should perceive, No matter what we may believe, Hence we should trust and cease to grieve, For God will not our souls deceive. Sometimes we think His way is slow, And doubt, as o'er life's path we go, Still yet His love doth ever flow, And fills our hearts ;— yes, THAT WE KNOW. 148 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS His work goes on, it cannot pause, 'Tis perfect, without any flaws, If at your heart a doubt still gnaws, That is no part of WISDOM'S laws. God's truth is perfect, precious, whole, To gain it is life's greatest goal: When found, its mountain billows roll In waves of peace upon the soul. It comes through CHRISTIAN SCIENCE blest, It brings us peace, and perfect rest, While on Truth's waves we keep the crest, And follow Christ WITH JOY AND ZEST. "Be Still, and Know that I am God!" Psalm 46-10 STAND still, my soul! Thy Lord commands, E'en though thy way is bolted, barred; Leave all thy cares to His wise hands ; 'Tis His command! It is not hard! For doth not His Almighty arm The tempest still? Divide the wave? My soul stand still! Free from all harm! Thy God is ever true to save. That which impossible might seem, 'Tis sure thy Lord can work for thee: He will deliver, yea, redeem, From ev'ry fear, and set thee free; From dangers 'round, on ev'ry hand, That He may work in thee His will ; Oh, then in patience meekly stand, He'll clear the way, when thou art still. 150 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Perhaps thou canst not comprehend The law of silence, yet be still ; Yea! let thy heart and will e'er bend In wisdom, that HE may fulfill The promises once made for all : — In ev'ry land, in ev'ry clime, That they who would not waver, fall, Must stand true still, and bide His time. Then stand thee still, my soul, 'tis best, Till God shall do, concerning thee, His will; for He will never rest Until from bonds He hath set free Thy spirit, bound with bands of steel, Through MORTAL MIND BELIEFS, and ways, Till thou through ev'ry pore shalt feel CHRIST SCIENCE TRUTH, in all thy days. God says be still to ev'ry one; Be quiet, at thy MASTER'S feet, Come in CHRIST SCIENCE, daughter, son, And learn of me, that I may greet The child I'll ne'er mislead, deceive, Then let thy willing heart e'er say, With doubt I ne'er again shall grieve Thee, Father Dear, I'll go Thy way. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 151 Be still ! for all that God hath planned, Thy longing soul through TRUTH shall know. Thou shalt be led by His right hand, Where knewledge, wisdom, love doth flow; For all in CHRISTIAN SCIENCE blest, Safe from life's worries, frets and cares, Be still and know God knoweth best, And thou'lt be freed from all life's snares. God will remove from thee all fear, If thou wilt e'er be still and know Thro' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, always dear, His TRUTH, through which doth ever flow, For all His children, ONLY LOVE; Oh, then, be still, thy cares and toil Shall be relieved, By God above, And all temptations snares He'll foil. In silence, then, be still, my soul! And God to thee shall soon reveal The way, that thou mayst know the whole Of truth, and in thy depths shalt feel His Love, His might, and thou shalt know, In conscience, where God's truth doth shine, Where light and life doth ever flow In purity and love, DIVINE. 152 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Cease then, my soul, thy mundane flight, Be still ! God worketh now in thee, Know thou the Lord, thy God, is right. Be still, and thou shalt be set free From all the ills and woes of sense, As on life's pathway thou shalt plod; Till thou awake, with joy intense, In LIKENESS of the SON OF GOD. 'T The Silver Lining IS said the inner side of clouds Are bright with SILVER LINING; Their darkness, we are told, enshrouds Effulgence ever shining : TRUTH'S LIGHT is there, 'tis only hid By shadows it enfolding, Hence, if we raise that dark'ning lid, WE'LL SEE! GOD'S LIGHT BEHOLDING! TRUTH'S LIGHT is sometimes covered up, Its rays are merely hidden, There's light for each in LIFE'S GRAND CUP, To sup which all are bidden: Then do not HESITATE or DOUBT, Keep Hope forever shining, Just turn your clouds right INSIDE OUT - And show their SILVER LINING. 154 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS We each must learn that GOOD IS ALL, There is no cause for sighing, We should obey each duty's call, All darkness thus denying; 'Tis thus we'll put the Blues to ROUT, Stop Fearing and Repining, By turning clouds all inside out, AND WEARING SILVER LINING. The Patriot's Prayer GOD ! of our own, our native land ! We recognize Thy Throne, — Thy hand: We want no empire, young or old, Except our own Republic's fold: Beneath whose flag, from sea to sea, It's humblest dweller may be free: We want no empire stained with gore, From this, oh! save us evermore. We want no tears in anguish shed, By foreign races o'er their dead, No subjects, no unwilling slaves, No foreign lands to fill with graves, Of patriot soldiers, sent afar, To fight in Conquest's cruel war, No Empire built by war and greed, To this our prayer, please, Lord, give heed. 156 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Great God! Shall our Republic's name, Where long has burned the patriot's flame, Of love of country, Noble, Grand, For all who 'neath its banners stand; Shall it for greed, for love of gold, Become as have empires of old, An object of all righteous scorn, And of its liberties be shorn? Let no more blood be needless shed Of OUR OWN SOLDIERS, or, THEIR DEAD, In other lands across the sea, Where Filipinos would be free, Who've pattern'd from OUR PATRIOT SIRES, And dare defend their altars, fires ; With life and liberty as dear, With homes and loved ones to revere. May such a curse not on us rest, Grant us, oh God ! this one request ; With our own land, OH! PRINCE OF PEACE! Make us content, give us release From wish to rule; give us content With this, our own broad continent, Where FREEDOM'S FLAG we have unfurled As "Beacon Light" to all the world. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 157 Oh may we ever hope to see All nations and all people free ; Let not our armies cross the waves To make of others serfs and slaves ; And let us ne'er forget to know That Nations, too, reap as they sow. May CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TRUTH, so grand, ENCOMPASS EARTH, both sea and land. Let hypocrites who in Thy name With blasphemy and lies proclaim That WAR, whose mildest term is HELL, That by war's crimes, we must compel Obedience to Thy law and love, With WAR and GOSPEL hand in glove ; Let all such know, we pray again, 'Tis PEACE that brings GOOD WILL TO MEN. Oh, God of freedom, when WE FIGHT, Give us TRUTH'S ARGUMENTS for right, But not to kill the brave who stand Defenders of their native land; Who, on the islands, 'cross the sea, Are fighting for their liberty, From SPOIL and BLOOD make us forbear, Please, GOD of Nations! HEAR OUR PRAYER. 158 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS May all earth's nations come to see, THY Truth that maketh all men free, When Nations shall learn war no more, When peace shall reign from shore to shore; With sin and sickness both destroyed, When PEACE and TRUTH reign unalloyed, When Christian Science, Christ Truth Grand, Has compassed earth, both sea and land. All is Well, Tip-top AN ancient youth was Johnny Bright, Some sixty-nine or more, His spirits ever happy, light, He never cursed or swore: But like a child abiding True, His FAITH did never flop, His pluck, it always pulled him through, By saying: I'M TIP-TOP. He'd always greet you with this thought At any time or place, If snow or storms had mis'ry brought, He'd say with smiling grace: — "Jes' rain er snow, it's all the same, Dry up er NEVER stop, Ye can't faze me with either game, For always I'm TIP-TOP." 160 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS The weather always suited Bright, No matter what you'd say, His path was bright, with this true light, His WINTER was like MAY. Bright was his name, these words his fame, And often did outcrop, He was ON DECK, whatever came, Because he was TIP-TOP. His nerve was tried in many ways, He'd never flinch or skip, This can be said in John Bright's praise, And when Lagrippe did GRIP, He'd say to cough and sneezes, too, Which made him dance Jig-hop, He'd show true grit, just loads of it, By shouting, I'm TIP-TOP. If ILLNESS, pain, was felt or seen, "I'm TIP-TOP," he would shout, He'd say: "I guess you think I'm green, But sure, I'll put you out;" Because he ne'er forgot his claim Of GOOD did ill out-crop, And ever happy, just the same, He'd "Hurrah! I'm TIP-TOP." WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 161 True wisdom we ought all to learn, From "TIP-TOP" Johnny Bright, Who every thought of ill did spurn, And put disease to flight : CHRIST MIND is all, it guards life's coast; Life needs no other prop, So like John Bright let's always boast, THAT ALL IS WELL, TIP-TOP. 11 Dedicated to The West Virginia Hills Written during my Gubernatorial campaign And they tried to 'lect me GOVERNOR, Of that state of fair renown, But the votes were short, when counted, And my "castles" tumbled down. WEST VIRGINIA'S hills of beauty, In my mem'ry loom in view. To the world I'd fail in duty, If I did not tell it true : And repeat my childhood's story, Tell of hills, majestic, grand, With their summits wreathed in glory, Like our dreams of fairy-land. Tell me, then, why should you wonder That this rapture thrills my heart, Makes it quiver, like doth thunder, When its sharp peals make you start : For in mind, with loved ones standing Where my heart, it felt the thrills At that old Cheat River landing, 'Mong those West Virginia hills. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 163 Yea, I dream o'er dreams of childhood, Where its happy days were passed, When I wandered thro' the wildwood. How I wish they yet did last. Tho sometimes those hours were lonely, Yet my youthful visions bright, Such as could be equaled only, When with "Sweetheart" Starry Night :— We would talk our future over, Listening to the Whip-poor-wills, Oh, how sweet to be a lover, On those West Virginia Hills. And I also well remember How all nature seemed at rest On those hills, in sweet September, When the world is at its best. West Virginia's hills and mountains, Still they stand, and never change, With their gurgling springs and fountains, From the hills in ev'ry range. Where the hill-tops point to Heaven, To that talked-of "promised land," Still if I were ninety-seven, West Virginia, "bird in hand" — 164 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Would be worth a dozen, twenty, Of such "birds in bush" to me, As a land of peace and plenty, Which no one can ever see, Till he shuffles off the mortal, When the eye with darkness fills, And must seek some other portal Not in West Virginia's hills. Ah, those hills of regal splendor, To the clouds their summits rise, And they waken thoughts so tender That these dim and weary eyes, Fill with moisture, tears, and glisten- And I'm sure, if God so wills, When in Heaven I'll still listen For the echoes from those hills. And my memory, still rejoicing, In these visions, evermore Will in Heaven keep re-voicing Scenes from hills and dales galore. And I'll ask St. Peter, certain, If my Heavenly Father wills, To quite often lift the curtain From those West Virginia hills — WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 165 That I may look on in rapture, 'Stead of taking just a glance, Then I'd skip, and risk re-capture, Should I get a half a chance. Then I'd hie me to the mountains, 'Mid their forest rocks and rills, Where I'd drink from life's pure fountains In those West Virginia hills. Then immortal: I would never, Leave those hills, that fairy-land — And if dear Saint Peter ever Called again for me I'd stand Still: and point to hills and woodland, Tell him (viewing landscape o'er) "I prefer this to your GOODLAND— Leave me here forevermore." "Here I'll worship God, the Giver Of the good in ev'ry land, For I love this side the 'river' With its hills, majestic, grand, And will oft repeat the story Which my heart with rapture thrills 'Bout the everlasting Glory Of the West Virginia Hills." The Spiritual Temple STONE masons, make use of the mallet, Removing superfluous part, Of stones to be used in the building, Of man-made construction, and art. The uses of stones, are when fitted, Each one for its place in the wall, As we in the SPIRITUAL TEMPLE, Will find there a place for us all. With blest CHRISTIAN SCIENCE our emblem, To LIVE IT, in purity sweet, We too, must make use of the "mallet" To smooth off OUR ROUGHNESS complete. To fit us, for use in that temple, Erected with stones from all lands ; The temple of SPIRIT IMMORTAL, And not the crude work, of flesh hands. De Fiddle Don' Have Any Say THE OLD COLORED UNCLE'S PHILOSOPHY D E rainy day, hit cum along An' sings a melumcholly song; De drippin' trees, dey trimble, shake, Seem cryin', like dere harts wud brake. An' den de sun cum out agane, Jes' lafs, an' drives away de rane, De flowers smilin' 'roun' yer feet, An' all de worl's a-singin' sweet. In sun er rane, in smiles er pane, Keep gwine along, an' don' complane, De fiddle don' have any say, About what tune hit's gwinter play. We're jes' like hit, we're only plade, Facs is, we do, jes' as we're made, An' rane er sunshine, in life's game, Hit keeps on cummin', jes' de same. 168 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Shore all dis worl', an' all its fuss Wuz made, 'thout ever askin' us; De fiddle has no say, dat's so, An' can't be plade without de bo'. Den don' be fussin' 'bout yer sole, (De fiddle, dat you don' controle), Hit's tunes are plade, "Head Bosses" way De fiddle don' hav' any say. Pore man jes' thinks he's sho nuff It, When he's de fiddle, can't play 'bit, Jes' by hisself — but gits plade soon, Yit nun kin tell, forehan' de tune. Him ner the fiddle, dey can't say, What tunes dere ever gwinter play, Dey're only plade upon, ye kno'! 'Cause nether one controls de bo'. Precious Statements of the Master JESUS saith to sick in temple, "Thou art whole, go sin no more, Lest a worse thing should befall thee." Sickness enters through sin's door! Jesus said all power was given Him in Heaven, earth and sea, And that power came from Heaven, Came to set SENSE CAPTIVES FREE. Jesus said to her who touched Him, To make calm her trembling soul, "Daughter, be thou of good comfort, For thy faith hath made thee whole." To the servant who was faithful, Said the Lord to him, "Well done; Over many things be ruler, Yea, thy joys and Mine are one." 170 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS Jesus saith to the Centurion, Asking servant might be healed, "I will come to him and heal him," When Centurion thus appealed, Saying: "Lord, I am not worthy That my roof should shelter thee, Merely speak the word, Oh ! Master, And my servant healed will be." "Heal the sick and cleanse the lepers, Cast out demons, raise the dead;" Give because you've gotten freely, Substance of the words He said. His instructions to disciples Was to preach, and sickness heal, Preach the gospel of the Kingdom, • Thus the HEALING TRUTH reveal. Jesus saith to RULER'S daughter, As he took her lifeless hand; "Maid, arise!" Then came her spirit, Quickly at HIS firm command. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 171 Jesus said: "These signs shall follow, Follow them that do believe, And the sick, they shall recover;" When Truth's power they receive. "You shall lay your hands upon them," This a symbol, you must see, "Laying on of hands" MEANS POWER God hath given you and me. If there's any sick among you, Call the Elders, let them pray Over him; upon GOD calling, THUS DOTH SCRIPTURES PLAINLY SAY. What you ask IN PRAYER, BELIEVING, Thou most truly shalt receive. FOR I AM THE RESURRECTION TO THEM THAT MY WORDS BELIEVE. We shall gain through CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, SPIRIT BIRTH, a boon untold, Resurrection from the mortal ... Mind's belief, WORTH MORE THAN GOLD. Christian Science Sentinel An Acrostic QHRISTIAN, thy MATCHLESS NAME so great UAS taught us love: — to banish hate; DEVERED and loved, in joy or pain, I N truth and Life, our hopes to gain ; gUNG in all climes, in ev'ry land, TO give us hope, 'tis God's command, |TS LIGHT and TRUTH to all so dear, ARE spread o'er earth, gives hope and cheer, M OR brings us any thought of fear. gCIENCE, now heard on ev'ry hand, OALLS hosts to arms in ev'ry land, IN ev'ry country, ev'ry clime, TVER with Truth's steps, keeping time; MOT wav'ring in, its firm command QHRIST Truth, unfurled, in ev'ry land rVER repeats, HIS great command. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 173 gENTINEL on the outposts far, |T VER guided by Truth's bright Star, |^EVER failing thy post to. guard, TRUTH ever being, thy sure reward; IN every danger, stand thy ground, N EVER to fear, let Truth resound, £VER to know, that GOD in power, LOVES AND SUSTAINS THEE, EV'RY HOUR, Alphabetic Admonitions CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TEACHINGS ATTEND to business, with great care ; — in all its details, everywhere: BE prompt in all engagements too; — observe this rule, in all you do: CONSIDER well, and then decide; — what stand to take, and there abide: DARE do the right, and fear no wrong; — and this will make you, firm and strong : ENDURE with patience, trials all; — and answer kindly, ev'ry call: FEAR not to battle, for the right; —stand up for TRUTH, both day and night GO not in error's ways, to bad; — seek wisdom, if you would be glad: HOLD sacred, your integrity ; — 'twill from aspersion, set you free : IN no event, don't smirch nor blame; — another's character, or name: JOIN hands with honest, pure and true; — and upright be, in all you do: WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 175 KEEP from your MIND, all error, naught; — *"stand porter, at the door of thought:" LIES never pay; are sure to bring; — pain, error, sickness, everything: MAKE FRIENDS, ASSOCIATES, OF BEST; — with morals, honor, truth, the test: NE'ER claim to be, what you are not; — please note this always, on the spot: OBSERVE good manners, act with care; — and be respected everywhere: PAY debts up promptly when you can; —if you'd be called GOOD BUSINESS MAN : QUESTION NEVER love of a friend; — observe this adage, we commend : RESPECT all righteous counsel sure; — in all your acts, be honest, pure : SEE that you never sacrifice —TRUTH, PRINCIPLE, at any price: TAKE care your CENTS, and DOLLARS will — soon all your pockets, duly fill: USE well your precious time to gain — truth, love and wisdom, might and main : *Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker G. Eddy. 176 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS VENTURE no more, on wrong's pathway ; —let LOVE your GUIDE BE, ev'ry day: WATCH carefully, each thought's portend; — and strive all error there, to mend: XTEND to ev'ry one you know, — love and good will, where'ere you go: YIELD not to error, have NO FEAR; —know that THY LORD is ever near: ZEAL for these things will lead the way — to peace and happiness, EACH DAY: Matter, a Dream God, the Reality OUR birth and growth, or age mature, On this material plane, The life and death that we endure, The sufferings and pain, Are things unreal, they only SEEM; (Mere concepts of earth mind, Mere phases of the MATTER DREAM), This truth we all must find. GOD is the REAL, for God alone Is always love Divine; From pauper to the king on throne, Same love for all doth shine. GOD'S LOVE will keep our armor bright, If we but do each day That which reflects HIS LOVE and light For all, on life's highway. 12 178 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS God is the only Substance, Mind, The One Existent All. This truth we some day all must find, All peoples, great and small. For life in matter, we must see, ts mere belief, not true; To know this TRUTH will make us free, THAT'S JUST WHAT TRUTH WILL DO. Bread on the Waters We keep no trace on books or blotters, Of those to whom this message goes, But cast our BREAD, upon the WATERS, And leaving all to GOD, who KNOWS, The heart's desire at which we're aiming, And give to HIM, all Love and praise, Faith in HIS promise, thus proclaiming, SHALL FIND IT, AFTER MANY DAYS. Immortality THE thought of IMMORTALITY In human heart doth ebb and flow Like waves of ceaseless ROLLING SEA; This thought doth ever come and go. Its countless WAVES of HOPE and FEAR 'Gainst SHORES and ROCKS of TIME and FATE Are ever beating loud and clear, Arousing LOVE and LULLING HATE. T F you'll hearken, saith the spirit, A To the teachings of thy Lord, And will do that which is righteous, Will give ear unto His word: — And obey all my commandments, The diseases I didst bring On Egyptians shall not touch thee, I doth heal thee, I'M THY KING. Christian Science What It is and Does On first taking up the study of Christian Science I was frequently asked by others, "What is Christian Science? What does it do?" I began jotting down answers to these questions, as they came to my con- sciousness while reading the Bible and Science and Health. Had Science and Health not been written, these statements could never have been formulated. I do not claim any originality in them whatever. The statements are answers to the question at the top of each page. They do not rhyme, but are statements in one form of blank verse. Each line forms a sen- tence, in reading which, let the voice fall and come to a full stop. There are more than five hundred lines, telling what Christian Science is and does, and no two lines are connected. They can be read from the bottom of the page up, as well as from the top down. The IT which begins each line refers to Christian Science and its mission to the world. These lines can be read in a variety of ways, numberless millions, all making sense and harmony. It appears to me that the state- ments in answer to "What Christian Science is and does," are limitless — could go on forever. The lines can be read "turn about" by any number of persons. THE AUTHOR. What is Christian Science AND WHAT DOES IT DO, OR ACCOMPLISH ? Its principle is GOD. It honors GOD only. It annihilates all fear. It requires self denial. It liberates humanity. It reveals God to man. It increases longevity. It declares God aright. It gives us eternal life. It casteth out all fear. It spiritualizes religion. It makes man God-like. It brings us all supply. It reveals Divine mind. It makes salvation free. It is founded on a rock. It has only ONE GOD. It requires a Divine life. 184 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? It is victory over 'error. It has no use for drugs. It reveals God and man. It liberates mortal mind. It means a full salvation. It leads mind up to God. It heals sin and sickness. Its principle is universal. It teaches that God is all. It is the realm of reality. It removeth all iniquities. It is Jesus Christ's Truth. It performs sudden cures. It is a promoter of virtue. It conquers every enemy. It extends to all eternity. It is the Holy Comforter. It makes us heirs of God. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 185 v What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? It makes man reflect God. It rights woman's wrongs. It does not recognize evil. It is the open door to life. It promotes human health. It gives to man dominion. It reaches mind and body. It destroys human discord. It establishes a holy faith. Its God never created evil. It proves that all is mind. It meets all human wants. It lifts the veil of mystery. It appeals to all mankind. It silences all human envy. It dishonors mortal beliefs. It plants our feet on truth. It gives us heaven NOW. 186 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? t makes our burdens light, t proves no truth in pain, t gives us HIS new name, ts truth frees all mankind, t is the only Christly way. t is the "Still small voice." t is the birth of the spirit, t strengthens human faith, t delivers from all sorrow, t is our impersonal Savior, t is the ever-present good, t obliterates past mistakes. t requires spiritual growth, t establishes eternal Truth, t controls the mortal mind, t makes God and man' one. t satisfies the hungry soul, t saves the world from sin. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 187 What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? It is life's great consolation. It conquers the human will. It has love in every feature. It makes us love God more. It is the only true theology. It declares God as all in all. It promotes all true reform. It is the poor man's money. It appeals to man physically. It allays the human passion. It demonstrates Christianity. It makes man one with God. It saves that which was lost. It follows Christ's teachings. It is the pearl of great price. It reproves, rebukes, exhorts. It agrees with the scriptures. It is no respector of persons. 188 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? It helps us resist temptation. It promotes human happiness. It rules us, ruling out all sin. It brings love to all our race. It is a cure for all earth's ills. Its God doth hear us, always. It is a warfare with the flesh. It is life to those that find it. It gives us life eternal NOW. It heals on the basis of mind. It appeals to man spiritually. It is the only remedy for sin. It breaks the dream of sense. It supplies every human need. It brings immortality to light. It is health to all man's flesh. It fills us with understanding. It lets the dead bury its dead. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 189 What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? It is the universal Christ idea. It makes the crooked straight. It is the baptism of the spirit. It is a crown of great rejoicing. It proves love the only power. Its promises are true and sure. It destroys the serpent's sting. It is the spiritual resurrection. It is good will toward all men. It destroys all bondage to sin. It reveals God to all mankind. It gives us the mind of Christ. It is the sermon on the mount. It has no consciousness of evil. It is the "SON unto us given." It is TRUTH for every Nation. It is revolutionizing the world. It is the source of all our joys. 190 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? It makes us take GOD'S hand. It proclaims the sense of spirit. It contends for minds' control. Its love meets all earthly needs. It covers all sin and its effects. It heals on the basis of Love. It is God's image and likeness. It makes us know GOD better. It leads us from night to light. It requires daily demonstration. It is the "Pillar of fire" nightly. It must be spiritually discerned. It makes truth destroy all error. It takes no counsel of a mortal. It will make the earth, a heaven. It is a rule that never changes. It is the light that cannot be hid. It is a "Pillar of cloud by day." WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 191 What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? It delivers us from all diseases. It appeals to the whole of man. Its man weds himself with God. It gives proof by demonstration. It reveals man's great dominion. It enriches mankind's affections. It proves the Divine revelation. It secures the success of honesty. It proclaims no sense in matter. It brings hope to every creature. It gives spiritual understanding. It breaks the chains of bondage. It is the only escape from death. It is begotten of pure spirituality. It awakes man in God's likeness. It reveals the glories of Heaven. It don't rely on things material. It is the watchman on thy walls. 192 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? It makes us the children of God. Its light shineth in the darkness. It deals with mental causes only. It annihilates space and distance. Its man is God's eternal likeness. It reveals God's perfect kingdom. It truly gives us life everlasting. It doesn't sentence man to death. It makes morals for all mankind. Its truth will consecrate mankind. It destroys the storms of passion. It brings us Peace and Harmony It bridges forever, the river of sin. Its perfect stature is Christ Jesus. It shows man God's omnipotence. It illumines our present existence. It explains and unlocks the Bible. It declares Good, the only creator. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 193 What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? t is the second coming of Christ, t stretches out our arms to God. t is the only remedy for sickness, t boms man of the great forever, t deprives disease of all its reality, t is the interpreter of the Bible. t proves MIND the only power, t realizes that God is ever present, t purifies and uplifts the thought, t puts no faith in things material t is the straight and narrow way. t is the life that conquers death. t is "Immanuel, or God with us." t beareth witness with our spirit, t is ever present help in trouble, ts truth declares there is no error, ts chief cornerstone alone, is Jesus, t shows man God's omnipresence. 13 194 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? It makes love reign in every heart. It makes all mortals of one kindred. It is the full coming of the Christ. It shows man his false dependence. It warns the standing, lest he fall. It spreads a table in the wilderness. It is man's SPIRITUAL dictionary. It inspires the teacher and preacher. It proves that error has no power. It restores to man, God's kingdom. It trusts love's recompense of love. It is harmony and it has no discord. It makes us sit at the feet of Jesus. It proves the nothingness of matter It gives man strength and wisdom. Its real man is not of dust created. It cultivates in us the Christ's ideal. Its God pitieth them who fear Him. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 195 What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? It is the evidence of things not seen. It guides all events of our careers. It denies the very existence of error. It has no faith in drugs or hygiene. It destroys false beliefs of mortals. It has no use for human philosophy. Its God does not see sin or sickness. It answers the human call for help. It is the Way; the Truth; the Life. Its Folk lose their sense of sickness. It has no use for human hypotheses. It makes us lay no other foundation. Its light and love reaches the earth. It teaches the spiritual sense of life. It denies any intelligence in matter. It makes us seek our Father's house. Its GOOD is the ONLY REALITY. It destroys our sense of imperfection. 196 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? ts offspring man, is truly spiritual, t's a rock of offense, if we pervert it. t corrects all phases of human error. ts mind is God, hence can't be evil, t makes us abide in our center, God. t bids us lean upon God's love, only. t works the works of absolute truth, ts Trinity is Life, Truth and Love, t proves MATTER an ILLUSION, ts acme of God is "Immortal mind." t is the spiritual leaven of the Bible, t turns man from darkness to light. t proves the nothingness of all error, t unlocks all the treasures of truth, ts God forbids us knowledge of evil, t makes us find our Father's house, t is the guidance of truth and love, t makes believers to sense, die daily. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 197 What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? t throws wide the gates of Heaven, t is the fulfilling of the law, eternal, ts radiant light dispels all darkness, t is God's presence, Love and power, t expresses the whole law of spirit, ts light that is in it, is not darkness. t makes man great and also mighty, t is the world's greatest reformation, t reveals the spiritual facts of Being, t is the sentinel on the watch tower, t does not serve God and Mammon, t is the chiefest among ten thousand. t is the learning of a new language, t is the living eternal PRESENCE. t is the science of physical harmony, t waits patiently on the Lord always, t destroys reality of sin and sickness, t vindicates "the way of God to man." 198 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? t is the second coming of the gospel, t makes him take heed that standeth. t is the "speaking with a new tongue." t kindles in us a love for the spiritual, t leads us to a world of light and life, ts cure for disease is wholly effectual. t is the child unto us born, promised, t makes us forget the things behind, ts God is too pure to behold iniquity, t proves OUR FAITH BY DEEDS, t makes way for health and holiness, t will restrain the thought from evil. t establishes in us the reign of truth, t teaches material life is only illusion, t is the substance of things hoped for. t equips the healer with power Divine, t's a help unfailing in time of trouble, t teaches spirit is the only substance. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 199 What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? It heals the body as well as the mind. It puts no reliance on things material. It destroys dishonesty, lust and envy. It brings us peace and plenty, always. It is the pure love that casteth out fear. It destroys all sense of sinning of soul. Its the understanding of perfect Love. It denies the claims of sense corporeal. It denies wholly all material causation. Its man is subject to God's love only. Its weapons of warfare, are not carnal. It loves and esteems all honest people. Its rare bequests are spirit and power. It shows the spiritual sense of the real. It destroys the life that leads to death. It bids us go to God in prayer, always. It demonstrates the nothingness of evil. Its man bows to the Infinite perfection. 200 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? It shows sin forgiven, when forsaken. It is the transforming of the body, fully. It fulfills the PROMISES of the Bible. It is the Christ man's rule of practice. It triumphs over the lusts of the flesh. Its the world's great Christian wonder. It extends throughout all time — forever. It makes us whole in "Mind and body." It gives knowledge of Truth and love. It has the freedom of all God's children. Its the gift of God to all His creatures. It gives us the glow of understanding. It gives us knowledge of pre-existence. It makes man hate and abhor injustice. It guides our every thought and action. It keeps the heart with all due diligence. It despoils error of its borrowed plumes. It is the WAY of health and holiness. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 201 What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? t is the long promised MILLENIUM, t is "Peace on earth, good will to men." t cleanses the heart of all uncleanness. ts theology and medicine are the same, t gives the spiritual sense of the Bible, t bridals the heart a spiritual existence. t teaches the Science of spiritual power, t tells us how to run, and not be weary, t relieves the sufferings of all humanity, ts Christ mind renews the entire body, t denies sin and disease have any reality, t leads us in the way of life everlasting. t is strict adherence to Truth and Love. t meets the broadest wants of humanity, t makes man approach God reverently, t is the re-appearing of the Divine Idea, t acknowledges God as the only reality, t banishes forever all material remedies. 202 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? It changes man's mortal nature silently. It shows the way is straight and narrow. It is the children's toy and strong tower. It's the work of GOD'S ANOINTED. It teaches that mind can't be in matter. It is all the life and mind, there can be. It removes shadows from God's sunlight. It extends to all time ; it inhabits eternity. It accepts the teachings and life of Jesus. It will make the EARTH A HEAVEN. It is attended by the power of the spirit. It is the renewing of the mind, immortal. It governs man through truth and love. It is the truth that destroys all ignorance. It sets us down at the right hand of God. It proves the unreality of matter and evil. It binds us to the one "altogether lovely." It denies the evidence of material senses. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 203 What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? t tells us how to walk, and not to faint, t meets the growing wants of humanity, t makes us know we are God's children, t is the establishment of God's kingdom, t heals the sick, and cleanses the sinful, t is infinite good and cannot know evil. t is ever present relief from human woe. ts man is God's child and image Divine, ts mind is good and can't drift into evil, t says in all things, seek God's guidance, t solves the problem of human existence, t seeketh not its own, but another's good. t denominates soul as the only substance, t destroys and melts away false witness, t makes man love his neighbor, always, t shows the might and majesty of God. t includes all moral and religious reform, t is the leaven transforming the universe. 204 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? t teaches that evil is delusion and illusion, t does not believe without understanding, t acknowledges perfection of the Infinite, t makes each build on his own foundation, t clothes its followers with power divine, t teaches the heart to know its Redeemer. ts gospel of healing is divinely appointed, ts brethren are children of but one parent, t demonstrates the healing power of Love. t is the destruction of flesh and its errors, ts God is divine principle, the only reality, t declares that the soul is pure and sinless. t separates wheat from chaff and stubble, ts life is all spirit, has no beginning or end. t is the beautiful way of peace and holiness, t casts out the lie, healing sickness and sin. t proves the supremacy of good over evil, ts God is the selfsame one that helps us. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 205 What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? It is not built on the sand of human reason. It keepeth all of the law, without offending. Its creature is governed by God the Creator. It wholly respects the rights of conscience. It touches the hem of the Christly garment. It makes us seek for the knowledge of God. It demonstrates the healing power of Truth. It diffuses the light of Truth, and wisdom. It proves "No man can serve two masters." It is the example, Christ bade us to follow. Its God is the Creator and preserver of man. It proves mortal mind the source of all ills. It shows the mortal sense of life an illusion. It is to one born of flesh, a Divine discovery. Its God cometh not at mortal man's calling. It shall be continued yea as long as the sun. It is a name to us given, it endureth forever. It denies the doctrine of heredity in mortals. 206 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? ts character of Christ is illumined by spirit, ts love and tenderness are always about us. t makes people live on the plan of Heaven, t enables us to see God's image spiritually, t reveals God and His ideas, as all and only, ts majesty of meekness is more than regal. ts hands shall be laid on them that believe, t walks after the spirit; not after the flesh, ts miracles, are Divinely wrought by spirit, t proves mortal mind the cause of diseases, t loves its neighbor and blesses its enemies, ts antidote for sickness is "mind immortal." t is the only sure basis, of perfect harmony, t supplies all mind by the reflection of God. ts principle of the Christ, is its love Divine, t reverses the teachings of popular theology, t aspires to the character of the "annointed.' t's the same mind that was in Christ Jesus. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 207 What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? ts Father and Mother are of the one spirit, t binds up the wounds of the broken-hearted, ts soul is a synonym for pure spirit, for God. t brightens and broadens its votaries' future, t bringeth glad tidings and publisheth peace, ts truth is the knowledge of spiritual power. ts work is accomplished by the power of God. t proves its utility by Truth's power Divine, ts fruits are the signs by which it is known, t makes all mortals of one universal kindred, t marks the perfect and beholds the upright, t's the knowledge of God's spotless selfhood. t teaches the human to manifest the Divine, ts reproofs of instruction are the ways of life, t's the most sacred power a human can wield, t tunnels the grave of materiality : of matter, t does not surrender, to beliefs of the senses, t teaches that death can be banished forever. 208 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? t reveals the great principle of science Divine, ts universe and man are spiritual phenomena, t brings forth fruits of health and happiness, ts man is found in God's image and likeness, t trys us and knows our thoughts, sincerely, t changes the universe from darkness to light. ts understanding is of God and His Goodness, t makes God care for our constant well being, t shows corporeal personality, eventually lost, ts mind is but one, and THAT Infinite Good, t demonstrates life, without beginning or end. ts words are bright with the light of salvation. ts health LAW, is the Christ Truth Science, ts stores of knowledge are mysteries of being, t forgives its enemies, returning good for evil, t brings to the light God's reflection in man. t gives to matter and evil no reality or power, ts Christ Truth healing, Bible truly confirms. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 209 What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? t takes from our thoughts, fear of evil and sin. ts overflowing truth is sweeping the universe, t says first of all, to seek ye God's Kingdom, t guides us always, when we seek its paths, ts man is the image and likeness of God, only, ts man is co-existent with God and with mind. t searches and knows, our hearts most surely, t proves drug practice a system of "guessing." t makes mention of God's righteousness, only, t teaches that "senses" are error and shadow, ts signs they DO follow, the sick DO recover, ts believers all know and acknowledge one God. t brings to our senses "the beauty of holiness." t makes things material but a record of dreams, t makes us forget the things that are behind us. ts immortal mind is the opposite of the mortal, t proves that sin and disease can be overcome, t has no pleasure in sin, no necessity for death. 14 210 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? It makes manifest a manhood, higher and purer. Its consciousness belongs to the sense of being. It demonstrates God's allness, love and power. It promotes purity, holiness, and God-like being. It teaches beyond ancient or modern philosophy. Its expression increases in power and perfection. It teaches us the language of the spirit, of God. Its man is not content with less than perfection. Its gospel of healing is a condition of salvation. Its mortal mind is treated, to improve the body. Its consciousness in man is inseparable from God. It puts on the new man, renewed in Christ Jesus. It gives the true sense of God and the universe. It makes us lean not on our own understanding. It makes us bear the cross, despising the shame. Its knowledge of truth is an open door to power. It reflects the Divinity of Life, Truth and Love. It is an outward sign, of inward grace dwelling. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 211 What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? t destroys the sense, that gives pain to mortals, t gives us PROOF of God's protecting LOVE, t fulfills the PROPHECIES OF THE BIBLE, t demands mighty wrestling with mortal beliefs, t makes man the image of his Creator, — Divine, t gives to God's man the true sense of existence. t subordinates matter, destroys sin and disease, t is proclaimed in the law, is figured with types, t's the Highway of God, the unclean cannot pass, ts mind is God, hence it can be GOOD ONLY. t is not condemnation, to those in Christ Jesus, t reveals the knowledge, of man's pre-existence. t whispers and sings through the oracles of God. ts teachings beard lions, of sense in their dens, t proclaims God is supreme, and sin an illusion, t proves the inseparability of God and mankind, ts language and voice are heard thro' the world, t is proof of the science of healing, through mind. 212 WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS What is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, and what does it do, or accomplish? It declares MATTER UNREAL— an ILLUSION. Its God possesses all wisdom, goodness and power. It is the fruit that grows on the TREE OF LIFE. Its message came through a CHOSEN WOMAN. It claims God is omnipotent, and no power in evil. It gives to us all the new old knowledge of God. It shows that BELIEF governs the action of drugs. It reveals the unity of man, with God so marvelous. It shows that error is destroyed, only through good. It shows sickness and death can be wholly destroyed. It shows us that evil, is not the medium of Good. It proves to God's man, the fulfillment of prophecy. It extends to all ages, yea to a WORLD WITHOUT END. WOMAN'S WORK AND OTHER POEMS 213 a > TIS FINISHED," CHRIST OUR MASTER SAID, SUSPENDED ON THE TREE, THEN MEEKLY, GENTLY BOWED HIS HEAD, FROM EVIL, DEATH, TO FREE ALL FLESH, FROM DREAMS OF SENSES, SIN, ... IN MATTERS EARTHLY CLOD; AND WAKEN US TO LIFE WITHIN OUR EVER-PRESENT GOD. 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