V K 555 yr ;-NRLF f. * ' " -' , . _.-.- . " s- REESE LIBRARY OF THB UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Received Accessions N. C 3 -SO . ' .: - e - m , - . , I .. , . i i . . : I . 5 ' I ' * . : . . H - . - . SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. BY LUCIEN YOUNG, U. S. Navy. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY & SONS, 53 EAST TENTH STREET. 1890. Copyright, 1890, BY JOHN WILEY & SONS. DRUMMONB & NETT, FERRIS BROS., Electrot t/pers, Printers, 1 to 7 Hague Street, 326 Pearl Street, New York. iNiew York. PREFACE. THIS little work is not intended to supply any presumed de- ficiency in other books treating of the same subject, but to preserve one common method throughout and to omit all complicated mathematical formulae and calculations beyond the reach of men of limited education. The most simple elements of navigation only are treated of, and the tables added to make the little work complete in everything necessary to navigate a vessel to any port of the globe. By a study of no other instructions than those contained in this little treatise, the nautical apprentice can soon n't himself for promotion; the merchantman make himself competent to conduct his vessel to his destination; and the owner of a yacht, with a little trouble, become able to co-operate with his captain. Other works are intended for the use of accomplished mathe- maticians or experienced navigators. 111 CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE DEFINITIONS, DESCRIPTION AND >USE OF INSTRUMENTS, .... 1 CHAPTER II. PILOTING OR COASTING, . . . .... 21 CHAPTER HI. FINDING THE POSITION BY DEAD-RECKONING, 24 CHAPTER IV. DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTS USED IN OBSERVATIONS, 35 CHAPTER V. To FIND THE LATITUDE BY OBSERVATION, ....... 40 CHAPTER VI. To FIND THE LONGITUDE BY OBSERVATION, . . . . . .45 CHAPTER VII. To FIND THE POSITION BY A SUMNER, . .... 52 CHAPTER VIII. To FIND THE TOTAL ERROR OF THE COMPASS BY OBSERVATION, . . GO CHAPTER IX. CAUSES THAT AFFECT NAVIGATION AT SEA, . . , , .65 CHAPTER X. AIDS TO NAVIGATION, . . 77 CHAPTER XI. REGULATIONS FOR. PREVENTING COUJSIONS AT SEA, . . . .98 v VI CONTEXTS. TABLE I. PAGE DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR DEAD-RECKONING, . 114 TABLE II. CORRECTIONS FOR ALTITUDE, . .160 TABLE III. DECLINATION OF THE SUN , . . .162 TABLE IV. EQUATION OF TIME, ....,,,,.. 172 TABLE V. SINES, COSINES, SECANTS, ETC., . .178 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION, CHAPTER I. DESCRIPTION AND USE OP INSTRUMENTS. Definitions. NAVIGATION is the science which treats of the determination of a ship's position at sea and the particular direction a vessel should steer to reach any given place. It may be said to consist of two kinds: Firstly, the science of navigation by which the position of the ship is determined from day to day by referring it to some other geographical spot, such as a known landmark, a deter- minate bottom, or a previously defined place. Secondly, the science by which the position of the ship is determined from observations of the heavenly bodies. The voluminous works on this subject are full of difficult and complicated calculations, which only an expert mathema- tician could understand They are beyond reach of the class f young men of limited education, who enter an apprentice- ship either in the merchant marine or the naval service. More- over, these works are filled with many methods by which the same problem is solved, embarrassing to the beginner instead of instructing him. In order to simplify this as much as possible it is proposed to imagine a vessel in port with everything stowed ready for sea, and to confine the problems to the most common methods in her voyage to some other port across the ocean. Use of Instruments. The first thing to do on going on board is to become acquainted with the use and application of such instruments as are necessary to determine the distance which the ship sails, the direction in which she is steered, and 2 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. to deduce, from the data these instruments furnish, the situa- tion of the ship at any time, and to find the distance and di- rection of any place to which it may be required that the ship should be taken. Hand-lead is used to obtain soundings in shallow water, with a view of safely guiding the ship over shoals, through channels to an anchorage, or to sea; it is in weight ranging from five to fourteen pounds. Deep-sea Lead is used to obtain soundings in deeper water and to ascertain the nature of the bottom; it is in weight ranging from twenty-five to one hundred pounds; is hollow at the bottom, for placing a lump of tallow called the Arming. The nature of the bottom is indicated by the portion of the bottom brought up in the arming. In heaving this lead the headway of the ship must be checked to get a cast; to obviate this many ingenious instru- ments have been invented by which the soundings can be taken from a ship running at full speed, in water of any depth not exceeding one hundred and fifty fathoms (a fathom is six feet). Some of these instruments register the depth of water descended through by wheel-work set in motion by a fly, and others by the condensation of air contained in a glass tube by the pressure of water ; but the most common one in use is the Thomson sounding-machine, which has a glass tube connected with a sinker, closed at the top and coated inside with chromate of silver ; the increased pressure at greater depths drives the water up the tube, and its action leaves a white mark, the position of which is estimated by a scale, and it is independent of the amount of line run out. A small steel wire is used instead of a line, and is coiled on a light reel. Log: and Glass are used to measure the rate of sailing, and a timepiece to note the interval. The log consists of several parts chip, bridle, line, and reel. Log-chip is a thin piece of wood, in the form of a sector of about five inches radius, weighted on the circular edge with lead sufficient to make it swim upright in the water. At each of the three corners is a hole, through which two of the legs of the bridle are rove and knotted ; the third leg has a peg of wood in the end, which, when the log is hove, is firmly pressed into the unoccupied hole : it remains thus while the line is running out, and pulls away when the line is being DESCRIPTION AND USE OF INSTRUMENTS. hauled in. The legs of the bridle are about two feet long, and bent to the outer end of the log-line. LOG-CHIP. Log-line is a small line of about 150 fathoms long, one end attached to the bridle and the other fastened to a " reel," over which the log-line is wound. At about 15 fathoms from LOG-REEL. the chip a white rag is placed to mark what is called the " stray-line," which permits the chip to clear the wake of the ship or swash of the propeller. From this rag inboard the line is divided into equal portions by bits of small line through the strands of the log-line, and designated by the number of knots in each; hence are called knots. The length of each of these divisions of the line bears the same ratio to the nautical mile that the glass does to an hour. The division of the line between the knots is divided into tenths, marked by a small string. SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. LOG-GLASS. Log-glass is an ordinary sand-glass constructed so as to permit the sand to run from one end to" the other in a certain time : those in common use are the long-glass, which requires 28 seconds, and the short-glass, 14 seconds, to run through. The line is graduated for the long-glass, and when the short-glass is used the knots indicated should be doubled. Heaving the Log. In using these it is called heaving the log. One man holds the reel in a horizontal position and another holds the glass with the sand down, while a third takes the log-chip and presses the peg into its place, then unwinds a quantity of line, and holding it faked in his hand, calls " Clear glass," repeated by the man holding the glass. The one with the line throws the chip over the lee quarter to clear the wake, and permits the line to run freely through his hand, feeding and checking if neces sary, and when the white rag passes his hand he cries out "Turn ;" the glass is then turned. The glass-holder answers Turn, and holds the glass up so as to permit the sand to run through. The moment the sand is run out the glass-holder calls out " Up," when the line is checked and the knots and tenths indicated. The log is hove every hour, and should be whenever the course is changed. Log Adjustments. The log requires to be frequently ad- justed, to do which the peg should be examined and found to fii sufficiently tight. The log-line shrinks unequally, and re- quires to be frequently verified. A convenient method is by having nails placed in the deck at proper distances to measure from, the line being wet at the time. In damp weather the sand in the glass becomes wet, and is not only retarded, but often hangs altogether : when this is the case the cork stopper in the end is removed, the sand taken out and replaced by dry, or the quantity of sand can be reduced or increased in this way when the glass is in error. The glass error is found by com- parison with the second hand of a watch or a small second pen- dulum. A pendulum for comparison can easily be constructed DESCRIPTION AM) USE OF INSTRUMENTS. by having hung from a nail a small bullet by a thread 'inches long from the centre of the bullet to the nail. Many and most efficient patent logs have been devised, and have been found very accurate, and have been frequently sub- stituted for the common log ; however, one acts as a check on the other, and both should be used. The most common of these is the Taffrail Log, which consists of a rotator or fly towed astern clear of the wake by a line, and the register is attached to the taff rail. As the fly is drawn through the water in a horizontal position, the motion is communicated by means of the connecting cord to the wheel-work within the register, and sets in motion the indices. By this means the rate of the ship can be read off at any time by simply going to the rail and noting the interval it takes the dial to make one mile. Ground-log is a log adapted for use in shoal water to ascer- tain when in doubt the set of the current ; it consists of a small lead and a line divided in the same manner as the common line. When hove, the lead remains on the bottom and the line gives the combined motion of the ship through the water and that of the current. Compass denotes the direction sailed, and indicates the future course. The compass is simply an instrument which utilizes the directive powers of the magnet. Card and Needle. The essential part of the mariner's com- pass consists of a circular card upon which are marked the various points, and is carried by a magnetized needle placed under the line joining the north and south points. The needle is freelj r balanced upon a fine pivot rising from the bottom of a brass or copper bowl by means of a small agate cup fixed in the centre of the needle. Compass Bowl, containing the needle and card, is carried on gimbals, so that it may at any time remain level in what- ever direction the ship may roll or pitch. The bowl has a glass cover, and is fitted to carry lights to illuminate the face of the card at night. This case and stand is called the Bin- nacle. Lubber's Point, Inside the bowl is painted a black ver- tical line, commonly called the lubber's point. The centre of the compass card and this lubber's point should be in a line with the keel of the vessel, and the point marked on the card 6 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. the ship is to be steered should be kept coincident with this point. Points of the Compass. The compass card is divided into four quadrants by two diameters perpendicular to the other ; the ends of these diameters are called north, south, east, and west, and are marked N., S., E., W.: they are termed the *' Cardinal points." Each of these quadrants is divided into eight equal spaces or points ; hence there are thirty-two points to the compass. These thirty-two points are in turn subdivided into half and quarter points. The following figure will show the names of these points. MARINER'S COMPASS. The half and quarter points are indicated from any of the 32 points towards one of the cardinal points, thus: N. \ E. means half a point from the north towards the east. SW. | W. means half a point from the southwest towards the west. DESCRIPTION AND USE OF INSTRUMENTS. 7 Boxing the Compass. To be able to repeat the names of these points consecutively is called boxing the compass. The compass card is also divided into degrees for the con- venience of taking bearings, and the following table will give the points, half and quarter points, with the corresponding degrees from which they can be easily converted one to the other. Degrees ts o PH 05 W H O w Q O H fc CO 03 H 525 i i O PH H - C5 Z i i g H > 5ZJ O O M O fa H J pa o 02 . . . H H W WWW CQ OJ QQ QQ C M aj CO 02 OQ (C O2 QQ QQ OQ QQ OP OJ OJ OQ.CQ CQ QQ QQ H H H H H W H H H H o HHH WWW According to the purpose for which the mariner's compass is especially adapted it is named the steering, standard, and azimuth compass. 8 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. Steering Compass is the one placed in the binnacle near the wheel to assist the man at the wheel in keeping the ship's head in the prescribed direction. Standard Compass is the one placed on a particular spot on deck or above it where the local influence of the iron in the ship is the smallest and to which the steering compass is always referred. Azimuth Compass is the one mounted on a stand in some commanding position for the purpose of taking bearings, and is provided with a pair of sight vanes for observing objects. The standard compass is usually an azimuth compass. Variation. The direction the horizontal needle assumes when uninfluenced by external causes is called the magnetic north, and at different times and places does not coincide with the true north. The difference between these two directions measured in degrees is called variation. It is said to be easterly when the north end of the needle is drawn to the east- ward, and westerly when it is drawn to the westward, cf the true north. The variation is found on the chart. Deviation is the term applied to indicate the effect pro- duced on the compass by objects within the ship, such as the ship being built of iron, laden with iron or having certain attachments made of iron, and local influences external to the ship. Vertical iron, such as boat-davits, iron stanchions, smoke- stack, etc., has the greatest effect when the ship's head is north or south and least when east or west; and the horizontal pieces of iron, such as deck beams, engine shafts, etc., will affect the compass most at the four points lying between the cardinal points and least at the north, south, east, and west points. The introduction of iron in shipbuilding has rendered the question of deviation most important, and the amount will depend upon the direction in which the ship's head lies while building; if built with her head north and south she will re- ceive a large amount of induced magnetism from the hammer- ing necessary and from the earth. This magnetism once driven in, may be increased or diminished by grating against piers, striking sunken rocks, or being struck by a heavy sea. It has also been found the deviation is different when the vessel heels over on either side to what it was when she is on an even keel: in northern latitudes the compass needle is drawn to windward as the vessel heels over, and whenever the DESCRIPTION AND USK OF IXsTlU M KN'TS. 9 vessel head is E. or W. the heeling error vanishes and is greater when it is N. or S. The deviation changes when the ship proceeds to a different latitude, hence should be frequently ascertained and tables constructed by the process of swinging ship not only on an even keel, but also when the ship is heeled over to starboard and when heeled over to port. To Find the Deviation. The standard compass is placed in its permanent position, and the ship is taken to some place in smooth water and caused to swing around that her head may be made to come to every point of the compass, and as she does the deviation is ascertained as follows: I. By means of buoys the true bearings of which, have been previously ascertained. II. When in an open harbor where some fixed object at a distance of eight or ten miles can be clearly seen. Write down the points of the compass, and as the ship swings around from one point to another write down the compass bearing of the object opposite the point of the compass towards which the ship's head is directed. The mean of two bearings on east and west by compass, or the mean of all these bearings, will be the magnetic bearing of the distant object from the ship, the difference of which from each of the bearings w r ill give the deviation for that point of the ship's head. It is thus that the majority of deviation tables are constructed. III. When the ship is in a closed harbor and no distant object can be seen, a standard compass is taken on shore and placed in such a position as to be free from the influences of magnetic attraction, and where it may be seen. As the ship swings around the bearing of the compass on shore is observed from the ship as her head comes to each point, and at the same instant, indicated by signals, the ship's compass is observed from shore. The observations on shore are first reversed to bring them into the same direction as those taken from the ship, and are compared w T ith the latter; the difference is the deviation. Should there be a suspicion of local attraction to the compass on shore a plane table may be used instead of the shore compass. IV. When at sea or out of sight of land if a distant sail be in sight, advantage may be taken of a calm or light airs to swing io SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. ship by it as in the second case or by the true bearing of the sun explained in Chapter VIII. The deviation for the ship's head at each of the points of the compass having been obtained by any of the processes which have been described, a table of the results should be con- structed, marking the deviation east when the north end of the needle has been drawn to the eastward, and west when it has been drawn to the westward, of the magnetic north. These tables should be constructed and made use of even though the compasses be or be not corrected by magnets or masses of iron as is the practice in iron ships. The following is the form of a deviation table: DEVIATION TABLE. Ship's head. Deviation. Ship's head. Deviation. North. 2 20 E. South. 2 40 W. N. by E. 3 40 E. S. by W. 3 50 W. NNE. 5 40 E. SSW. 5 SOW. NE. by N. 6 50 E. SW. by S. 6 00 W. NE. 8 00 E. SW. 6 30 W. NE. by E. 8 10 E. SW. by W. 7 30 W. ENE. 7 20 E. WSW. 7 SOW. E. by N. 7 30 E. W. by S. 8 10W. East. 6 40 E. West. 8 00 W. E. by S. 5 50 E. W. by N. 7 40 W. ESE. 4 30 E. WNW. 6 40 W. SE. by E. 3 40 E. NW. by W. 5 40 W. SE. 2 00 E. NW. 4 30 W. SE. by S. 1 00 E. NW. by N. 3 10W. SSE. 30 W. NNW. 1 SOW. S. by E. 1 30 W. N. by W. 30 E. Leeway is an apparent error to which the compass is sub- jected, and is due to the pressure of the wind and surge of the sea driving the vessel to leeward, when close hauled to, of the direction by compass it is intended she should sail. The amount depends upon the lines and trim of the ship, the draft and sails ussd, or whether the ship be as near the wind as she will lie. Leeway is estimated in points and quarter points by observing the wake astern. If the wind is on the starboard hand the leeway is to the left, and if on the port hand it is to the right. Course of a ship and the bearing' of an object are terms used with reference to the standard compass, to the magnetic meHdian, and to the true meridian. The course of the ship by DESCRIPTION AND USE OF INSTRUMENTS. 11 the standard compass, which is affected by both deviation and variation, is called the "compass course;" the course with reference to the magnetic meridian, or the course which would be shown by the compass on board affected by variation only and not by the deviation, is called the " correct magnetic course." The course with reference to the true meridian is called the ' true course." In the same way the bearing of an object may be distinguished as the compass bearing, correct magnetic bear- ing, or the true bearing, as the case may be. In any conversion from one compass course to another, or from one compass bearing to another, whether the correction is made by applying the variation or the deviation, both cor- rections are applied to the right if easterly, and to the left if westerly. Similarly, where the conversion is from one true course to another or from one true bearing to another, both are applied to the right if westerly, and to the left if east- erly. The method will appear in the following examples. A vessel heads by compass NKE. \ E. The variation shown on the chart is 21 14' E.; find the true course. The compass course NNE. \ E. or N. 28 07' 30" E. Variation E. . .- 21 14 00 right The magnetic course . . . . N. 49 21 30 E. From table deviation for NNE. \ E. 6 15 00 E. or to right. True course K 55 36 30 E. Again with the head of the vessel at ESE. the variation was shown on the chart to be 10 15' W.; find the true course. From compass table ESE. is . . S. 67 30' 00" E. Variation from chart W. ... 10 15 00 left. True magnetic course . . . . S. 77 45 00 E. Deviation for ESE. from table E. 4 30 00 right. True course S. 73 15 00 E. The variation being given by the chart may be considered as a constant quantity, but not so with the deviation, which may vary for every point of the ship's head. The frequent use of the deviation table might result in mistakes, to avoid which, it will be better to construct another table for the con- venience of the compass course or bearing to convert to the magnetic course or bearing and vice versa. The compass 12 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION". course or ship's head is written in the first column, the de- viation in the second as found from thb observations already described, and the magnetic course in the third column, thus: Ship's Devia- Magnetic Ship's Devia- Magnetic head. tion. Course head. tion. Course. / o / / / North. 2 20 E. N. 2 20 E. South. 2 40 W. S. 2 40 E. N. by E. 3 40 E. N. 14 15 E. S. by W. 3 50 W. S. 7 25 W. NNE. 5 40 E. N. 28 10 E. ssw. 5 20 W. S. 17 10 W. NE. by N. 6 50 E. N. 40 35 E. SW. by S. 6 00 W. S. 27 45 W. NE. 8 00 E. N. 53 00 E. SW. 6 30 W. S. 38 30 W. NE. by E. 8 10 E. N. 64 25 E. SW. by W. 7 30 W. S. 48 45 W. ENE. 7 20 E. N. 74 50 E. WSW. 7 50 W. S. 59 40 W. E. by N. 7 30 E. N. 86 15 E. W. by S. 8 10 W. S. 70 35 W. East. 6 40 E. S. 83 20 E. West. 8 00 W. S. 82 00 W. E. by S. 5 50 E. S. 72 55 E. W. by N. 7 40 W. N. 86 25 W. ESE. 4 30 E. S. 63 00 E. WNW. 6 40 W. N. 74 10 W. SE. by E. 3 40 E. S. 52 35 E. NW. byW. 5 40 W. N. 61 55 W. SE. 2 00 E. S. 43 00 E. NW. 4 30 W. N. 49 SOW. SE. by S. 1 00 E. S. 32 45 E. NW. by N. 3 10 W. N. 36 55 W. SSE. 30 W. S. 23 00 E. NNW. 1 50 W. N. 24 20 W. S. by E. 1 SOW. S. 12 45 E. N. by W. 30 E. N. 10 45 W. To obtain the correct magnetic course from the compass course, look in the first column for the compass course, the second column gives the deviation when the vessel's head is on that point, and the third column will be found the mag- netic course. In order to correct any bearings taken by the compass the table is to be entered with the direction of the ship's head at that time in the first column, and corresponding thereto in the second column will be found the amount of deviation to be applied, as per example : If a ship's head is NNE. the bearing of two islands be SE. and W. by S. by the compass. In the second column of the table and opposite to NNE. the deviation is 5 40' E. ; applying this deviation to the right the correct magnetic bearing of the two islands will be S. 39 20' E., and S. 83 55' W., or roughly in points SE. |E. and W.*S. The Chart is used to plot the position of the ship at any time and refer it to other known objects. Its construction has especial reference to the requirements of navigation. Thus the chart may be required for coasting purposes, in which case the harbor or coast charts are used, upon which are marked with great accuracy, the rocks, shoals, local cur- DESCRIPTION AND USE OF INSTRUMENTS. 13 rents, nature of the tides, soundings and channels as well as the different aids to navigation and their bearings. For off shore cruising the Mercator Chart possesses so many advantages that it is universally adopted for sea pur- poses. For the purposes of navigation and in order that the rela- tive positions of places on the earth's surface may be laid down and quickly found, certain lines are supposed to be drawn upon the sphere. These imaginary lines of reference are called Parallels of Latitude and Meridians, and when these are known for any given place its position upon the globe is precisely determined by their intersection. The extremities of the axes of the earth are called the Poles, and the great circles passing through these poles are called Meridians. It is customary with us to call that meridian which passes through Greenwich the First or Prime Merid- ian. The great circle drawn around the earth at equal distance from the poles, and perpendicular to the meridians, is called the Equator. The equator and the prime meridian are the first lines of reference from which latitude and longitude are measured. Latitude. The lines of latitude run due east and west, and are small circles of the sphere drawn parallel to the equator; we may conceive one of these drawn through every place. The portion of a meridian intercepted between a place and the equator is called the latitude, and is denomi- nated north or south as the place is north or south of the equator. Longitude. The longitude of a place is the portion of the equator intercepted between the prime meridian and the meridian passing over the place ; is east or west according as the place is situated east or west of the prime meridian. As every circle large or small is divided into 360 parts called degrees, it will be seen the equator and poles divide every meridian into four equal parts ; therefore the greatest latitude a place can have is 90 degrees, and again the prime meridian divides the parallels of latitude into two equal parts, making 180 degrees the greatest longitude a place can have. Each of these degrees is divided into 60 minutes and the 14 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION". minutes into 60 seconds. The minutes of the equator and of the meridians are each nearly 6080 feet long, and are called Nautical or Sea-miles. The parallels of latitude being small circles and decreasing in size the nearer they approach the poles, while the meridians come together at the poles, it would be difficult to construct a chart easy to use in practice. However, upon the principles of Mercator a chart is constructed upon which the meridians are represented as being parallel to each other during their whole length, and the distance between the parallels of lati- tude is increased in the same proportion the nearer they ap- proach the poles. This enables a course from one place to another to be laid down by a straight line between them, and the distance is obtained from the scale to the side of the chart as nearly opposite the two places as possible. All charts are engraved true north and south, east and west, and in all the charts furnished by the Hydrographic Office the true compass is engraved in various places and the bearings given are the true bearings. Lines of variation are drawn upon the chart or the variation is given marked with each compass on the chart. Currents are marked on the chart by an arrow with two feathers pointing in the direction towards which it sets 1K> > And the drift or rate per hour at which it moves is marked in knots close to the arrow. The set of the tide is marked on the chart by an arrow feathered on one side only for the flood '^mmtf > and by an arrow without feathers for the ebb tide > The tide is spoken of as flood when the water is rising, and as ebb when the water is falling; and to show when either occur, the time of high water at the full and change, that is to say at full moon and new moon, is given at the most impor- tant places on the chart. The hours are marked in Roman and the minutes in ordinary figures, thus, VII h. 50 m. For any particular spot this time of high water at the full and change may be considered practically constant. Any almanac will give the moon's age; but by a little practice it may be guessed within a day. When it looks like a D it is increasing or wax- ing, and when it looks like a C it is decreasing or waning. The rise of Spring: Tides or those which occur near the full and change of the moon, and the rise of the Neap Tides or those which occur near the 1st and 3d quarters of the TIME OF HIGH WATER. 15 moon, are given in feet. Sometimes this information about the tides is given in a table on the chart. Tides are caused chiefly by the moon, and as the moon is about 50 minutes later every 24 hours in comiug over the same spot of the earth, the time of high water will be about 50 minutes later every day. In most places the tide rises twice in every 24 hours, which would make a regular interval of 12 hours between the times of successive high water, and 25 minutes additional for the retardation of the moon. The calculations for finding the exact time of high water are puzzling, and require tables that may not be at hand. It is important to know the time, because in many channels it is only at high water that a vessel can get over the bar. First find the number of days from the last new or full moon, multiply this by 50, the number of minutes that the high tide is delayed each day, and add the product in hours and min- utes to the time of high water given on the chart, A.M or P.M., as the case may be. Or you can reckon forward the number of days to the next new or full moon, and then sub- tract the product from the time on the chart. The question whether you will reckon backwards or forwards depends on whether the last new or full moon, or the coming new or full moon, is furthest off. Of course you w T ill reckon to which- ever is nearest. The time of high water obtained in this way may be de- pended upon within the hour, yet it may be out at times as much as two hours. The greatest; error will occur during neap tides, hence by subtracting one hour from the time of high w r aterat neap tide, will diminish this error. The follow- ing table will show how the rule works : Before the new or full moon. Subtract. For 1 day hrs. min. 50 1 40 2 30 3 20 4 10 5 00 5 50* 2 " 3 " 4 " 5 " . 6 " 7 " After the new or full moon add the above times. * At neap tide subtract 1 h. from time of high water. 16 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. For example. The high water at full and change at Old Point Comfort is 8.46; at what time will it be high water on the 10th June, 1888 ? From any almanac we find that in June the new moon occurs on the 9th in the afternoon, and the full moon on the 23d in the afternoon. Now the 10th of June is one day after the new moon, therefore to the above table we must add 50 minutes to 8.46, which gives 9.36 P.M. as the time of high water on the 10th of June. Again, what time will it be high water on the 20th of June ? Now the 20th of June is three days before the full moon, therefore, from the abore table we must subtract 2.30 from 8.46, which gives 6.16 P.M. as the time of high water on the 20th of June. The soundings marked on the chart are reduced to mean low water, and are generally given on the plain section in fathoms (of six feet) and fractions of a fathom; and on the shaded surface in feet and fractions of a foot. Large charts are constructed for each ocean upon a too small scale for practical purposes when near shore, but to facilitate their use they are divided into marked sections ac- companied with an index chart. These sectional charts have engraved upon them at the most convenient places, divided from the rest of the chart, a plan of the most important har- bors upon a scale large enough for the various marks to be in- dicated and the nature of the channel understood. With the chart use is made of a pair of dividers and paral- lel rulers, the application of which will be shown in working some of the problems. 17 SIGNS AND ABBREVIATIONS MARKED ON THE CHART. Nature of the Bottom. General Abbreviation. b blue blk black br brown brk broken c coarse cl clay crl coral d dark f fine g gravel gn green grd . . .ground gj gray h hard m mud oys oysters oz ooze peb pebbles r rock rot rotten s sand sft soft sb shells spk speckled st stones stf stiff w. white wd weed y yellow An ... anchorage Bk bank C cape Ch church Chan channel Cr -creek Fms fathoms Ft feet or foot H. W high water H. W. F. & C high water, full and change I island Lat latitude Long longitude Lt light Lt. F light fixed Lt. Fl light flashing Lt. Int light intermittent Lt. Rev light revolving Lt . Fig light floating Lt. Occ light occulting Lt. Alt light alternating L. W low water Mt mountain Np neaps Obs . Spot observation spot Pk peak Pt point R river Rf reef R rock Sh shoal Sp spring Str strait Var variation Vis . visible 18 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. o I- : o ,_ oz ; o..' o, : o< S ::.'L: KQ (OC3 >n : ; I o I P o 3 s a o z V (Q _l 111 i o o o B I cr _ ^ " O a O 2 3J o 1C* O) 03 to CD W M EH p J Q ^ noon 20 SSE. r eparti ire. low 30 W. S. 33 00 E. S N h^ 1 6 5 SE. by E. NE. 1 pt. 9 3 40 E. S. 51 20 E. +=> no O e3 O Cg t q j-. Q 2 5 t b it ** it S. 51 20 E. 3 6 SE. ENE. 2pt. 9 2 00 E. S. 30 30 E. X ^ 5.S ~^' 4 5 5 ESE. S. >t 9 4 30 E. S. 28 00 E. "S r =- s ** 5 5 E. by N. SSE. it 9 7 30 E. N. 53 45 E. , t = S=' 6 5 ft b b it '' N. 53 45 E. S S*H"S S- * 7 5 44 tl " 99 1C N. 53 45 E. "^ x cS C 8 P.M. 5 3 NE. Current SE. , true 1 pt. >W. 8 00 E. N. 31 45 E. S. 45 00 W. "tiSl In this case the opposite point to the bearing of the light- house NNW. is SSE., which enter as the first course and the distance 20 miles as the first distance. The variation supposed to be found on the chart was 10 W.. and from the deviation table for the course SSE. we find 00 30' W., which, applied to the left as they are both westerly, gives the true course S. 33 00' E. Again, for the second course at 1 P.M. the log indicated the ship as making 5 miles the first hour and the compass course SE. by E. with the wind NE. or on the port tack, the leftside; hence the leeway of one point is to the right. The variation SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. of 10 degrees is west or left, and the deviation from the table 3 40' is east or right; hence the true course is S. 51 20' E. in the last column, and so on with the other courses. The drift of the current being one and a half miles per hour for the last two hours drove the ship 3 miles in the direction of the set SW. true, which enter as though the ship had sailed that the last course and distance. Having now obtained the true courses sailed, enter them in the table of the working-book with the sum of the distances made on each course: WORK-TABLE. DIPP. LATITUDE. DEPARTURE. Courses. Distances. N. S. E. W. / S. 33 00 E. 20.0 16.8 10.9 S. 51 20 E. 11.5 7.2 8.9 S. 30 30 E. 6.0 5.2 3.0 S. 28 00 E. 5.5 4.8 2.5 N. 53 45 E. 15.0 8.8 12.1 N. 31 45 E. 5.0 4.2 2.6 S. 45 00 W. 3.0 2.1 2.1 13.0 36.1 40.0 2.1 13.0 2.1 Diff. Lat. 23.1 37.9 Departure. Course made good S. 58 E. and distance made good 44 miles. Lat. Cape Henry Light 36 55' 05" N. Long, 76 00' 02" W. Difference of latitude 23' 06" S. Diff. Long. 47' 00" E. Latitude in . . Sum of latitudes Middle latitude . 36 31' 59" K Long, in 75 13' 02" W. . 73 27' 04" . 36 43 30" or 36|". The first course, 33, is found at the top of the page of Table I, and opposite to the distance of 20 the Lat. column gives 16.8 and the Dep. column gives 10.9, which place in their appro- priate column in the work-table; the difference latitude under S. and the departure under E. as the ship has sailed south and DEAD-BECKONING. east. Do the same way with each course to the nearest degree is sufficient. After adding up the different columns it will be seen there were more southings than northings, and their difference will give 23.1 S. as the difference of latitude made good. There are more eastings than westings, and their difference will give 37.9 E., the departure made good. In Table I the place where these come nearest in their respective columns is opposite 44 in the distance column, which is the distance made good. The departure being greater than the difference of latitude, the course made good is found at the bottom of the page, S. 58" E. The latitude of Cape Henry being north and the difference of latitude made good being south \ve take their difference and get the latitude in 36 31' 59 " K, the name of the greater. With the middle latitude 36| as a course in Table I, the de- parture made good is found in the Lat. column opposite the distance 47, which is the difference of longitude cf the same name as the departure, which is east, and as the longitude of Cape Henry is west we take their difference to find the longi- tude in 75 13' 02" W., the name of the greater. From this new position of the ship the bearing and distance of the designated place are again found, and the new course followed as nearly as possible. From 8 P.M., the time of the last position, the ship sailed on a course by compass ESE., with the wind free, 100 miles per log until 8 A.M. the following morning; the chart showing 2 points easterly variation and a constant drift of 2 miles per hour in a true SW. direction. Find the position again. In this case there would not be any leeway. LOG-TABLE. Hours. Knots. Courses. Wind. Lee. Var. Dev. True courses. 12 100 24 ESE. Set of NW. the cur rent 2 pts. E. SW. true. 4 30' E. SE. M S. SW. The variation 2 points being easterly and the deviation from the table 4 30' E. or nearly | point easterly, both are applied to the right to get the true course. 30 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. WORK-TABLE. Courses. Distance. DIFF. LATITUDE. DEPARTURE. N. S. E. W. 1 II S. 39 22 30 E. S. 45 00 00 W. 100 24 77.3 17.0 63.4 17.0 94.3 63.4 17.0 17.0 Diff. Lat. 94.3 46 4 Departure. Course made good S. 26 E., and 105 miles the distance made good. In this case, the nearest the difference of latitude and de- parture came together in their appropriate columns in Table I. was opposite to 105, the distance made good. As the de- parture was less than the difference of latitude the course S. 26 E. or SSE. i E. was found on top of the page as the course made good. Latitude of last position 36 31' 59" N. Difference of Latitude . 1 34' 18" S. Latitude in ... Sum of the Latitudes Middle Latitude . 34 57' 41" N. 71 29' 40". 35 44' 50" or 35f". With this middle, latitude 35f, enter Table I, and find de- parture in the Lat. column, and opposite to it in the distance column is 57 miles, the difference of longitude of the same name as the departure, which is east. Longitude of the last position 75 13' 02" W. Difference of longitude . . 57' E. Longitude in . ... . 74 16' 02" W. At noon of that day the ship was found by the log to have sailed 30 miles NE. by E. close to the wind on the starboard tack or right hand, making two points leeway. Variation by the chart 7 30' W. From the deviation table the deviation on a NE. by E. course is 8 10' E. The leewav will be to the left. DEAD-RECKOXING. 31 Compass course NE. by E. is N. 56 15' 00" E. Deviation E 8' 10" to the right. Magnetic course N 64 15' 00" E. Variation W 7' 30" to the left. True course N 56 45' 00" E. Or nearly N. 57 E. WORK-TABLE. Courses. Distance. DIFF. LATITUDE. DEPARTURE. N. S. E. W. N. 57 E. 30 16.3 25.2 16.3 25.2 16.3 Diff. Lat. 25.2 Departure. Course made good N. 57 E., and 30 miles the distance made good. With the middle latitude 35 and the departure 25.2 in the Lat. column, the difference of longitude is found to be: Diff. longitude 31' 00" E. Longitude left 74 16' 02" W. Longitude in 73 45' 02" W. From this position the ship sailed from day to day on the following courses and distances, taken from the log-book and stated in the following table: LOG-BOOK. Lat. Diff. Lat. Sum Mid. left Lat. in of Lats. Lat. 34 57' 16' 41" 18" N. 35 70 35 13' 11' 05' 59" 40" 50" N. Courses. Distances. 13 S a *J3 J 03 ^0 10 35 50 40 50 40 30 40 40 After determining the line of position by the forenoon ob- servation, the ship was headed due north, but at noon a merid- ianaltitude for latitude could not be got, and the latitude by dead-reckoning being too uncertain, another observation was taken about 4 P.M., the ship having made good 20 miles in the interval. The observed altitude of the sun's lower limb was 17 44' 10"; watch time of observation 4 !l 04 m 53 8 P.M., slow of 58 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. chronometer time 4 h 12 in 20 s ; chronometer correction 2 m 12 s ; height of the eye 17 feet; index correction -f- 2' 45". Find the second line of position and the position of the ship. The latitude by dead-reckoning being 35 N, ( assume the latitudes 34 30' and 35 30' N. PREPARATION OF DATA. W. Time 4 h 04 m 53 s Obs. Alt. 17 44' 10" C. W. 4 12 20 S. D. + 16 00 I. C. + 2 45 C. Time 8 17 13 P.M. Ref. - 3 01 C. Corr. - 2 12 Dip - 4 02 Par. -f -8 Gr.M. T. 8 15 01 P.M. Tr. Alt. 17 56 00 Dec. 17 00' 00" S. Diff. 1 hr. 43" Corr. + 6 54 G. M. T. 8 25 True Dec. 17 06 54 S. Corr. 354". 75 90 00 00 +6' 54" Pol. Dist. 107 06 54 SOLUTION. Alt. 17 56' 00" Lat, 34 30 00 sec 0.08401 P. D. 107 06 54 cosec 0.01968 Sum 159 32 54 Half Sum 79 46 27 cos 9.24927 Alt. 17 56 00 Rem. 61 50 27 sin 9.94529 2)19.29825 sin 9.64912 Alt. 17 56' 00" Lat. 35 30 00 sec 0.08931 P. D. 107 06 54 cosec 0.01968 Sum 160 32 54 A SUMKER. 59 Half Sum 80 16 27 cos 9.22737 Alt. 17 56 00 Rem. 62 20 27 sin 9.94730 2)19.28366 sin 9.64183 L. A. T. 3 h 31 m 47 s L. A. T. 3" 28 OO 8 Eq. T. - 16 01 Eq. T. - 16 01 L. M. G.M. T. 3 T. 8 15 15 46 P. 01 P. M. M. L. G. M. M. T. T. 3 8 11 15 59 01 P.M. P.M. Diff. T. 4 59 15 Diff. T. 5 03 02 or or Longitude 74 48' 45" W. Longitude 75 45' 30" W. From any point on the line of position AA, set off the true course north, and the distance 20 miles made good in the in- terval, and through the spot draw the parallel line BB. Then plot the two positions by the P.M. observation on the chart, and connect them by a straight line which will give a second line of position CO. The point D where it cuts the parallel line BB will be the position of the ship at the moment of the second observation. Had there been no other line of position, CG prolonged would give the bearing of the point of land or danger P and though its distance would not be accurately known, the soundings might give it : hence the danger could be avoided by shaping a course in a direction away from the line of posi- tion. Should it be intended to dodge the point of laud and make a port E on the other side, draw a parallel line O'C' to CG through E, and with the dividers measure the shortest dis- tance bb between OG and C' C' ; run that distance on a course perpendicular to CG ; then by changing the course in the di- rection of C'C' the vessel will make the port bright ahead. Had it been possible to obtain a meridian altitude for lati- tude, we could have laid off from the first line of position the course and distance made good from the time of observa- tion to noon, and then drawn a parallel to AA. The spot where 60 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. the noon latitude cut the parallel would have been the position of the ship at noon. It will be seen by an inspection of Table V that the cosine of 90 degrees and the sine of zero degrees are indeterminate; hence the nearer the half sum approaches 90 degrees or the remainder zero, the more indeterminate or uncertain the lon- gitude obtained will be. This will occur when the sun is near the meridian. Should the half sum exceed 180 degrees, or be less than the latitude, the assumed latitudes will be beyond the circle of equal alti- tudes, and other latitudes must be taken nearer the one that will give a resulting longitude! CHAPTER VIII. ERROR OF THE COMPASS. THE error to which the compass is constantly subjected, being compounded of variation and deviation, must neces- sarily be an ever-changing quantity. In some localities the variation is nearly stationary, but in others there is an annual change more than likely not corrected on the chart, and there are parts of the world where a trifling change in the position of the ship means a comparatively large change in the amount of the variation. The deviation table, as constructed in port, is liable to many changes after the vessel goes to sea. It is not uncommon, after a straight run for several days, to find the deviation change fully half a degree for every degree of alteration in the compass course, and in some instances the compass will jump a point or two without an alteration of the ship's head. This is due to a change of heel, loose iron placed near the compass, boat davits turned in that were before swung out, or the many causes mentioned in the first chapter. From this it will be seen nothing but constant watchfulness of the behavior of the compass can ensure safety; to this end the error of the compass is frequently determined. The compass bearing of the sun is taken and the true bear- ing for the same instant is calculated, the difference between ERROR OF THE COMPASS. Gl the two being the error, and is marked E. or W. according as the compass bearing falls to the left or right of the true bear- ing. Should the error be found to change much, it would be ad- visable to head the vessel so as to get the error on every few points in that half of the compass most likely to be used dur- ing the next few days, and especially so if approaching land. There are three ways of finding the true bearing of the sun at sea : by lines of position, by an amplitude, and by an observed altitude. By Line of Position. The most simple method of deter- mining the true bearing of the sun is by the lines of position plotted on the chart and sufficiently accurate for all purposes in navigation. It has been said the sun always bears at right angles to the line of position : so at any point on the line of position draw a perpendicular and refer it to the true compass on the chart. The direction of this perpendicular is the true bearing of the sun; comparing this with the compass bearing at the time of taking the observation from which the line of position was de- rived, will give the error. By an Amplitude. When the sun is rising or setting, its distance from the E. or W. points of the horizon is called its amplitude. As refraction causes the sun to appear higher than it actu- ally is, and its effect is greatest when the sun is in the horizon, being about equal to the apparent diameter of the sun, the bearing should not be taken for an amplitude when the cen- tre appears in the horizon, but when it is a little more than its diameter plus the dip above the horizon. Take from Table III the declination of the sun for the Greenwich date and correct it for the Greenwich time. Add together the sine of the declination and the secant of the lati- tude; from Table V the sum (rejecting 10 in the index) is the sine of the true amplitude, marked E. at rising and W. at set- ting, and N. or S. as the declination is N. or S. Should the compass amplitude and the true be of the same name, their difference will be the error; if of different names, their sum will be the error for the course the ship is heading. If this error be to the right of the variation on the chart, the deviation will be easterly; if to the left, westerly. 62 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. EXAMPLE. At sea Nov. 27, 1887, in latitude 40 27' N. , longitude 20 07' W., about 4 h 43 m P.M., the observed bearing of the sun at set- ting was W. 17 S. L. M. T. 4" 43 m P.M. Dec. 21 08' S. Long. 1 20 W. Corr. - 2.42 G. M. T. 6 03 P.M. True Dec. 21 05 18 S. sin 9.55597 Latitude40 27 N. sec 0.11863 sin 9.67460 Diff. 1 hr. 27" True amplitude W. 28 13 S. G. M. T. 6 h Compass " W. 17 S. Corr. - 162 or 2' 42" Error 11 13 W. If the variation by chart was 10 W. the deviation would be 1 13' W. for the point of the ship's head. By an Observed Altitude. At the time of taking the al- titude for time take also the bearing of the sun by compass, and note the heading of the ship; also the heel, and whether to port or starboard. The preparation of the data in this problem is the same as that, for finding the time by observation, and it is usual to combine the two. To find the true bearing, add together the true altitude, latitude, and the polar distance; take the differ- ence between the half sum and the polar distance, and note the remainder. Then add together the secant of the altitude, secant of the latitude (rejecting 10 in each index), cosine of the half sum, and the cosine of the remainder; half the sum of the four quantities will be the cosine of half the true bear- ing, which, being doubled, will give the true bearing reckoned from the north in north latitude and the south in south lati- tude. EXAMPLES. We will take the first example used in finding the time, and combine the two problems to illustrate the form used in practice. PREPARATION OF DATA. W. Time 8 h 51 m 57 s A.M. Obs Alt. 22 29' 20" C. - - W. 4 54 15 S. D. + 16 00 I. C. -f- 2 45. ERROR OF THE COMPASS. 63 C. Time 1 46 12 Ref. - 2 20 C. Corr. - 2 12 Dip 4 02 Par. + 8 Gr. M. T. 1 44 00 P.M. True Alt. 22 41 51 Dec. 17 00' 00" S. Diff. 1 hr. 43" Corr. -f 1 13 G. M. T. 1.7 True Dec. 17 01 13 S. Corr. 731 90 00 00 or -f 1' 13" Pol. Dis. 107 01 13 SOLUTION. Alt. 22 41 '51" sec 0.03500 Lat. 35 00 00 sec 0.08664 sec 0.08664 Pol. Dis. 107 01 13 cosec 0.01945 Sum 164 43 04 Half Sum 82 21 32 cos 9.12374 cos 9.12374 1st Rem. 59 39 41 sin 9.93604 2d Rem. 24 39 41 cos 9.95846 2)19.16587 2(19.20384 sin 9.58293 cos 9.60192 Local App. Time 8 h 59 m 58* A.M. Half of true bearing 66 26' 2 True bearing N. 132 52' E. Local App. Time 8 h 59 ra 58' A.M. True bearing N. 132 52' E. Equation of Time -16 01 Com. bearing N. 130 30 E. Local M. Time 8 43 57 A.M. Com. Error 2 22 E. Gr. M. T. 1 44 00 P.M. Diff. Time 5 00 03 or Longitude 75 00' 45" W. It will be seen from the above example that as it requires very little more work in the solution of the problem for time to obtain the compass error, it is always best to take the bearing of the sun by compass at the same instant the altitude is taken for time and combine the two, as shown in examples. On April 3, 1888, in the forenoon, in latitude 29 42' 30" S. and east longitude, the observed altitude of the sun's lower 64: SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. limb was 22 41' 30"; bearing per compass S. 89 E.; index correction 2' 30"; height of the eye 24 feet. Watch time of observation 8 h 06 m 20 s . 5; slow of chronometer time 8 h 08 m 14'; chronometer correction -- 6 m 19 s . Find the longitude and error of the compass. PREPARATION OP DATA. W. Time 8 h 06 m 20 S .5 A.M. Obs. Alt. 22 41' 30" C. - - W. 8 08 14 S. D. + 16 00 I. C. 2 30 Ref. 2 19 Dip 4 48 Par. -f 08 C. Time 4 14 34.5A.M. C. Corr. - 6 19 G.M.T.2d 16 08 15.5 or 3d -7 h .86 Dec. 5 35' 00" K Corr. -7 28 True Alt. 22 48 01 True Dec. 5 27 32 K. 90 00 00 Hr. Diff. G. M. T. Corr. Pol. Dist. 95 27 32 Alt. 22 48' 01' Lat. 29 42 30 Pol. Dist. 95 27 32 Sum 147 58 03 Half Sum 73 59 01 IstRem. 51 11 00 2d Rem. 21 28 31 SOLUTION. sec 0.06120 cosec 0.00198 cos 9.44077 sin 9.89162 57" -7.86 448.02 or - 7' 28" sec 0.03533 sec 0.06120 2)19.39557 sin 9.69778 cos 9.44077 cos 9.96875 2)19,50605 cos 9.75302 Local App. Time 8" 00 m 43 s A.M. Equation Time -f- 3 15 Local M. Time 8 03 58 A.M. Gr. M. Time 4 08 15 5 A.M. Diff. Time 3 55 42.5 Longitude 58^ 55' 37" E. CAUSES THAT AFFECT XAVIGATIOX AT SEA. 05 Eq. Time Table, IV.,+3-" 10" Half of true bearing 55 30' 37" Daily Variation 18" 2 Correction, Table IV a, 5 True bearing S. Ill 01 14 E. Equation of Time -f- 3 15 Compass bearing S. 89 E. Compass error 23 01 14 AV. CHAPTER IX. CAUSES THAT AFFECT NAVIGATION AT SEA. Clouds. The general appearance of the clouds tends greatly to assist the navigator in foretelling the state of the weather ; and according to their form they are divided into three classes, called cirrus, cumulus, and stratus. There are four other forms in which these are blended, known as cirro-cumulus, cirro- stratus, cumulO'Stratus, and nimbus. Though it is easy to distinguish the first three classes when their forms are well characterized, it is often very difficult to accurately designate the blended forms, as some observers will call cirro-stratus what others would designate curnulo-stratus. CIRRUS. The Cirrus are composed of thin filaments, resembling a brush, and at times woolly hair or slender network. These 66 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. are the most elevated clouds, and their appearance often pre- cedes a change of weather. In summer they announce rain ; in winter, frost or snow. The Cumulus appear in the form of a hemisphere resting on a horizontal base ; sometimes these hemispheres rest one CUMULUS. upon the other, and form those great clouds which accumu- late on the horizon, and look like distant mountains covered with snow. They predict warm southerly winds. The Stratus are the horizontal bands, which form fre- STRATUS. quently at sunset, and, combining with the other two forms, indicate what might be expected in the state of the weather moisture. CAUSES THAT AFFECT NAVIGATION AT SEA. 67 Cirro-cumulus appear as a number of little round, fleecy clouds, and foretell beat. CIRRO-CUMULUS. Cirro-stratus are composed of little bauds of filaments, more compacted than those of the cirrus, and not so high, of a grayish tint, and hardly ever fail to form rain. CIRRO-STRATUS. Ciimulo-stratus are formed from the cumulus clouds be- coming more dense, or heaped together. If they appear in the morning, rainfall may occur, but will cease near noon as a rule; and when they form about noon, rain may follow, but will cease towards evening. 68 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. CUMULO- STRATUS. Nimbus are the dense black clouds \vit-h gray-fringed edges, and are variously composed of the other forms, mainly NIMBUS. of the compacted cumulus, and are always accompanied by rain, wind, or storms. Storms and Currents are most uncertain causes that en- danger the position of the ship at sea, and should, be carefully guarded against. Storms. Wind is air in motion caused by difference of temperature, and the direction is designated by the point of the compass from which it blows. When this difference of temperature is great the motion of the wind is exceedingly heightened, and in some cases in the region of a mountainous CAUSES THAT AiTKCT NAVIGATION AT SEA. G'.> coast it rushes suddenly down with almost irresistible force. The wind blowing in great violence in one direction is called a straight-line gale. The most severe gales met with, however, at sea, are commonly known as revolving' storms, variously called hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones, according to the locality in which they blow. These revolving storms have two mofious one in a circle like a whirlwind, and the other a forward movement on a curved track. Knowing these two movements, the problem then to be considered in re- lation to the safety of the ship is . 1st. Ascertain the charac- ter of the storm and locate its centre. 2d. Determine which half of the storm -centre the ship is in. 3d. The di- rection in which the storm is moving. 4th. What to do with the ship to escape the centre, or take advantage of the fail- winds. The character of the storm is indicated by the weight of the atmosphere, and as heat and moisture are the principal causes of the variation in the weight of the atmosphere, it follows that the temperature and degree of moisture should be known at the time of observation. The barometer is an in- strument for measuring the weight, the thermometer gives the temperature, and the hygrometer the degree of moisture in the air. The Barometer. There are various forms of the barome- ter, but the one best suited for observations is the mercurial, consisting of a brass tube about 33 inches in length, the ex- tremity of which is inserted into a small cistern. In order to maintain the mercury in the cistern at the same level, the cis- tern is constructed partly of leather. By means of a screw at the bottom, the surface of the mercury in the cistern may be so adjusted as to have it always at the place from which the scale commences. The upper part of the tube is cut through so as to exaose the column of mercury. Attached to one side of this opening is a scale graduated in inches and parts ; and inside this slides a small tube carrying a vernier, which is moved up or down by a small thumb-screw. A thermometer is attached to the barometer to indicate the temperature of the mercury in the cistern. When suspended for use the barometer should hang freely in a vertical position, exposed in the shade where no local heat or cold is liable to affect it. SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF [NORTHERN HEMISPHERE] [SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE] THE Two MOTIONS OP A CYCLONE. CAUSES THAT AFFECT NAVIGATION AT SKA. 71 Whenever opportunity offers, the barometer should be com- pared \vith a standard, and the corrections noted. A want of absolute information as to the mean level of the mercury will not prevent advantage being taken of barometri- cal observations in practical navigation ; yet it is best to know the mean level at the position of the observer. Monthly charts issued by the Hydrographic Office of the Xavy Department, a branch office of which is located at all large maritime cities in the United States, gives the mean level of the barometer at a great many positions in the Atlan- tic and a few in the Pacific Ocean. In the absence of these charts, the following table, according to ]\Iaury, is most re- liable for each parallel of latitude in the North Atlantic, from the equator to seventy degrees North. North Height of North Height of North Height of latitudes. barometer. latitudes. barometer. latitudes. barometer. Inches. o Inches. Inches. Equator. 29.918 25 30.119 50 30.001 5 29.910 30 30.182 55 29.989 10 29.941 35 30.162 60 29.878 15 29.989 40 30.111 65 29.839 20 30.052 45 30.052 70 29.800 The Thermometer is an instrument founded on the prin- ciple that most bodies expand by heat and contract by cold. Its construction differs from the barometer in having the tube closed at both ends. There are three descriptions of ther- mometers in common use, constructed on the same principle, but differing in the division of their respective scales. Fahrenheit's thermometer is the one generally used in America, and is marked from melting ice at 82 degrees to boil- ing water at 212 degrees, the interval being divided into 180 equal parts. The same graduation is extended downwards to zero and below. The bulb should be kept dry, and exposed in the shade to the open air. The Hygrometer is simply a thermometer with the bulb wrapped in a little muslin bag, or a kind of wick reaching from it into a small cistern of water from one to three inches aw r ay. The difference in the reading of the wet and dry thermometers gives the evaporating power of the air, upon 72 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. which depends the amount of moisture present. The ther- mometer and hygrometer should be enclosed in a case having a lattice front. Approach of A Storm. The indications of the approach of a storm are : a restless state of the barometer ; a hard gray sky or one having a greenish tint ; a blood-red or bright-yellow sunset; a heavy swell, and a thick, lurid appearance of the sky, in connection with a general threatening condition of the weather. No great storm ever sets in with a steady rising barometer, and it will blow a storm whenever the barometer rises or falls suddenly. The barometer will not rise much in front of a slowly moving storm, but the banking up of air on the border in front of a rapidly moving storm will often cause it to rise suddenly. A very rapid fall of the barometer after fairly entering the storm may be regarded as evidence of a very violent storm of small diameter, while a gradual fall would indicate the contrary. In the North Atlantic, any- where between the equator and 30 degrees north latitude, when the barometer is observed to fall at the rate of .02 of an inch per hour and to reach a point from .2 to .3 below the mean level, precautions should betaken against the approach- ing storm. Gales will last a longer or shorter time, and are fore- told twelve hours at least and sometimes twenty-four hours in advance, according as the rise or fall of the barometer is more or less rapid. A northerly wind will produce a high or rising barometer, and a southerly wind a low or falling barometer ; hence, the barometer being very high, with northerly winds, a sudden fall accompanied by rise of the thermometer indicates that the wind will back with great force to the southward. Should the barometer be very low, a sudden rise with a fall- ing thermometer predicts a change of wind from the SW. to the NW. and a northerly gale. In winter a sudden fall of the barometer and the thermometer towards the freezing- point indicates snow. Off the coast of the United States the region traversed by the Gulf Stream is remarkable for its high temperature and for squally and uncertain weather, especially in winter. When the winds from W. to SW. blow a gale the heat of the atmosphere reaches its extreme, while beyond the northern and eastern limits of the storm is ex- tremely cold. Should a storm be blowing fiom the NE CAUSES THAT AFFECT NAVIGATION" AT SKA. 73 and the barometer begin to fall with a rise of the thermome- ter, the wind will haul to the K. ami SK.; but should the barometer suddenly rise more, with a falling thermometer, the wind is liable to shift suddenly and with great foree to the NW., and come out clear and cold. To Locale the Centre. When facing the wind the centre of the storm will bear eight points to the right in the northern or eight points to the left in the southern latitudes; because in the northern portion of the globe the wind within the storm revolves from the right to left or left-handed, and in the southern part the wind revolves from the left to right or right-handed. Hence, when north of the equator, at the west point of the storm-circle the wind is north and the centre bears east ; and south of the equator, at the west point of the storm- centre the wind is south and the centre bears east. If the barometer falls at the rate of .03 of an inch per hour and gets from .4 to .5 below the mean level, the indication is that the centre of the storm is about two hundred miles off ; with an hourly fall of .05 to a point .78 of an inch below the mean level, the vessel may be considered about one hundred miles off. With a fall of .09 to 1.5 per hour below the mean level, the vessel will be very close to the centre, if not in it. When the barometer begins to rise again, at first very quickly and afterward with a more moderate movement, the centre of the storm will be travelling away from the ship, and the danger is over. Semicircles of the Storm. The storm-circle is divided into two equal parts by the storm track, and that portion on the right side looking in the direction of the track is termed the right semicircle, while that portion to the left is called the left semicircle. In the right semicircle the change of wind will be to the right, and in the left semicircle the change will be to tie left , therefore the first change of wind will indicate which half of the storm-circle the ship is in. Should the vessel be directly on the track of the storm or near it on either side there would be no perceptible change of wind, but a falling barometer would indicate the vessel was in front and a rising barometer in rear of the storm. Direction of Storm Track. The approximate direction in which the storm is moving may be found by plotting on 74 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. the chart the position of the ship and centre of the storm on two or more bearings as the wind changes, using the distance of the centre by barometer, and keeping an accurate account of the distance made by the ship in the interval. To Avoid the Centre. Having ascertained the above data, it becomes necessary now to determine what to do with the ship to escape the centre or place the vessel in a position to incur the minimum amount of danger or take advantage of the fair winds as the case may be. The rules to be observed are given in the following storm- cards. EAST WIND CH.TO SD.H.STR.TACK ' : CH.TO ND.RUN WNW. PR H.P.TACK STORM CARD NORTHERN HEMISPHERE ABBREVIATIONS CH.: The courses here given are for the wind 2 points on the starboard quarter, but if sea and wind permit bring the wind broad on the quarter. If in either of these positions there be danger of broaching-to, run before the wind until more moderate, and then bring wind on starboard quarter. A ship hove-to hav- ing the wind steady is on the storm- track. Run before the wind ; note the course and keep it. CH.TO SD.RUN ESt. OR H.P.TACK Currents. A current is a progressive motion of the water, occasioned by prevailing winds and differences of temperature and density, and causes all floating bodies to move in the di- rection of its set. The set is that point of the compass towards CAl SKS THAT AI'FK which the waters run, and its drift is the rate it runs per hour. The effect of a constant or prevalent wind produces what is called a drift cm-rent, is generally shallow, ancj hardly ever exceeds half a mile per hour with a good breeze. The accu- mulation of the drift into a collective mass by the intervention of some obstacle produces what is called a stream current. It takes the direction imposed by the obstacle, and in many cases is a deep, powerful stream, not unlike a river in the ocean. These two forms of current cause a constant circulation to be going on in the waters of the globe, and are usually marked on WEST WIND CH.TOSD CH.TC NO.RL OR H.STR.J STORM SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE ABBREVIATIONS D.= NORTH WARD ED. EASTWARD. .= SOUTHWARD. WD. = WESTWARD. STARBOARD REMARKS. The courses here given are for the wind 2 points on port quarter, but if sea and wind permit bring the wind broad on the quarter. If in either of these positions there be danger of broaching- to, run before the wind until more moderate, and then bring the wind on the port quarter. A ship hove-to having the wind steady is on the storm-track. Run before the wind ; note the course and keep it. EAST WIND CH.TO NO.H.P,;TCK. CH.TO.SD.RUN WSW. OR H.STR.TACK. the charts with the set and drift given. As they are liable to vary in both speed and direction and temporary eddies not marked on the chart, their existence and influence may be found by a comparison between the position by dead-reckon- 76 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. ing and that by observation, corroborated by a change in the temperature or density of the water. Current Sailing". With the set and drift of a current known, it can be allowed for in the following manner : Draw a line AB on the chart in the direction of the set, and from the position of the ship A lay off on this line AB equal to the hourly drift, taking the meas- urement from any convenient scale, say an inch to the mile. With the A same scale at A erect a perpendicular to AB, and lay off on this perpendic- ular AC equal to the vessel's speed per hour ; draw CD paral- lel to AB, and BD parallel to AC. In order then to make good the intended course AD, and keep the objective point P constantly on the same line of bearing, the vessel will have to steer in the direction of A C. The scale on the chart will be found too small to give a working size to the figure ; however, it can be used by multiplying the drift of the current and the rate of the vessel by some convenient number. Iceberg's. The currents from the polar regions bring with them great quantities of floating ice, and the presence of these icebergs constitutes a very serious danger to navigation. The latitudes in which these floating islands are to be met with are generally marked on the chart, and when in those regions no precaution should be neglected to discover them before the danger becomes too great. A large iceberg will denote its presence, even on the darkest night, by a sort of whiteness or halo known as "ice blink." The echo of a gun or steam-whistle is liable to detect the presence of an iceberg ; and should one be to windward, the temperature of the air would indicate its proximity. The temperature of the water cannot be relied upon as a means of detecting the presence of ice. Should a berg be discovered, always endeavor to pass on the weather side on account of the loose pieces drifting more rapidly. AIDS TO NAVIGATION. 77 CHAPTER X. AIDS TO NAVIGATION. WHEN the vesse 1 on lier course leaves the deep water and comes upon soundings, the fact is at oiice known by a change in the temperature of the water and the blue appearance of the sea changing to a decided green color. The evidence of approaching shore is seen in the presence of birds, floating objects, nature of the swell of the sea, and the sense of smell. The land is rirst seen in an outline resembling a thick cloud, but which can hardly be mistaken. In making the proper point or working the way into port assistance is afforded in the nature of the shore, complexion of the land, and configuration of the coast-lines, as well as any isolated tree, church spire, windmill or prominent mountain. In addition to these, all maritime countries have established a well-concerted series of landmarks as aids to navigation, such as light-houses, light-vessels, buoys, beacons, and fog- signals. Light-houses. The light-house is not only a house or tower especially adapted for showing a light at night, but serves as a landmark by day. They are sufficiently diversified by different characteristics to properly define their respective positions. As we approach the shore from seaward the most salient points of the coast-line are marked by first-class light-houses having the greatest power and range. They are planted so close to each other as to prevent the vessel from getting within any outlying danger, except in a dense fog, without catching sight of one or more of them. They give warning of the position of the vessel, and enable au} r errors to be corrected before the ship shall have approached too near the coast for safety. The secondary capes, reefs, and sand-banks, to which it is prudent to give a good offing, are marked by second- and third class light houses, and the range is regulated by the distance at which it is necessary to see them. During thick weather 78 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. AIDS TO NAVIGATION. 79 the range of the first-class lights is greatly diminished in power and extent when those of the second class assist to fill up the vacancy thus caused in the primary illumination. Lights of these classes are also placed to mark the mouths of rivers and the entrance to ports only accessible by narrow channels, and to point out the exact course which should be steered. Near the port or anchorage a small harbor light is placed upon one or each of the banks, piers, or breakwater as a guide to a good berth. Many of these small lights belonging to tidal harbors are not exhibited until the tide has reached a certain determined height. Order of Lights. In the United States the lights are divided into six orders. Lights of the first order are those established to give warning of the approach to land ; those of the second, to mark the secondary points or headlands along the sea coast and the approach to bays and sounds ; third-order, lights are used in bays that are of considerable width and intricacy, and for the coast of lakes ; lights of the fourth, fifth, and sixth orders mark the most prominent points, headlands, or shoals in the long bays, sounds, or obstructions in rivers, and piers or wharves. Character of Lights. In addition to the division of lights according to their position for illumination, provision is made for their easy distinction so as to not mislead by a close resem- blance of one to the other. To this end lights are divided into several distinctive characters the fixed, revolving, flash or intermittent, and double light on one or two towers. The Fixed Light is one which exhibits a regular and steady appearance, and is not subject to any change. The Revolving Light gradually increases to a maximum and diminishes to a minimum until wholly extinguished at equal intervals of half a minute, one, two, or three minutes, and sometimes thrice a minute. It is produced by the revolution of a three- or four-sided frame having large reflectors grouped on each side, with their axes parallel. The revolving light is subdivided into other classes, such as revolving white, revolving red and white, revolving red with two whites, or revolving white with two reds, obtained by the revolution of a frame whose sides present red and white lights in succession. 80 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. LIGHT-HOUSE ON ALLIGATOR REEF, FLORIDA REEFS. AIDS TO NAVIGATION. 81 -- 1^-^^-~~ i--~I__' ^jl^~j=^- ^^^"^:" Jl' ; l~ *- ~ -~" j_- ^ &i~ *~ ""- ~"~" _1T r u -'"_- ^5 -- "' "- = ^-= ^- SIMPLE ELEMENTS OE NAVIGATION. w cc cc O tf 13 B H B O V M AIDS TO NAVIGATION. 83 The Flash or Intermittent Light is one in which the ray suddenly appears, remains visible for a moment, and afterwards is again suddenly eclipsed for a brief interval. This is due to the perpendicular motion of circular shades in front of the reflector by which the light is alternately revealed and hidden. This light and the revolving light are sometimes combined to form the revolving flash light. The Double Lights are seldom used except where a leading line is needed as a guide for taking some narrow channel or avoiding some danger. They are generally exhibited from two towers, one of which is higher than the other, and pro-' duce marked characteristic distinction or serve as a range to avoid danger. In the first case the distance between the lights is such as to prevent the two being blended into or supposed to be one lightt within the limits of their ranges. In the second case they are so arranged they will be seen to separate the moment of departure from the straight range line they are placed to mark. Frequently a very small arc is illuminated by one light which can be seen before encountering danger. Colored Lights. Another means of distinguishing the various lights is in their color : some are red, with an intense ruddy-like splendor ; others white, and some blue or green. However, colored lights should be observed with caution, as the use of coloring matter reduces in great proportions the in- tensity of the light ; and the atmospheric conditions sometimes determine the color, which may lead to mistake as to the real color of the light. It has been observed that during foggy weather white lights become of a reddish color or tinge ; green appears to approach in color or become white ; and blue lights are not visible or change to so pale a violet tint as to be mis- taken for white. But if there be two lights of different color, such as red and white, one becomes intensely red and the other a red tinge, both preserving their distinctive character. If green were in place of red, the two lights would appear to be red and white without a marked difference in color. Some heavy fogs, however, allow all the luminous rays to pass through them equally without coloring them, and only have the effect of diminishing their intensity. With equal intensity, the red light will be seen farther than the white light ; but if the two are used, the white light will cease to be visible before the red light. 84 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. The electric light possesses a great distinction of color, but very little superiority in penetrating power in thick weather, and at any time is blinding, or its distance hard to ascertain. Range of Lights. The distance at which a light may be seen depends upon its intensity and height above the sea or its luminous and geographical range. The luminous range de- CRAIGHILL'S GHA.NXEL RA.NGE LIGHTS. HIGH LIGHT. pends upon the state of the atmosphere and the acuteness of the eye of the observer. The geographical range depends upon the height above the level of the sea, upon the curvature of that part of the earth's surface at which it is placed, and upon the value of atmos- pheric refraction. AIDS TO NAVIGATION. 85 In the United States the heights of all light-houses are given in the lists and nautical books for mean low-water, together with range corresponding to different heights above the level of the sea both for the focal point and the eye of the observer. In some countries the tables are made out with, reference to the level of the highest water. J CRAIGHILL'S CHANNEL RANGE LIGHTS. Low LIGHT. By a reference to the chart, light list, and sailing directions a minute description and sketch of all light-houses will be found, their position accurately noted, the character and brilliancy of the light, the order or class, bearings on which the light is visible or obscured, height of the centre of the lantern above the high- water level or mean low tide ; height 86 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. also of the building from the base to the vane, and its form, color, and other peculiarities. Light-ships. The seas adjacent to the coast are some- times interspersed with extensive shoals and shifting sand- banks, upon which it is impossible to erect light-houses. Nor can those already built upon the mainland be made service- able in directing vessels their way through the narrow chan- nels running in all directions, distant perhaps fifteen or twenty miles off the coast. In approaching the sea immediately surrounding these dangers, light-ships or floating lights are used to indicate the exact points to be avoided. They also serve as beacons against variable currents and reefs which are hidden at cer- tain hours by the high tide. Each light-ship, like the light-house on shore, is dis- tinguished by its own peculiar aspect, various characteristics, and certain differences in telling not only one from another, but also from any neighboring light-house. How appear. When seen at some distance a light-ship closely resembles during the day an ordinary vessel, but upon approaching near a great difference between the two is seen. The short stout masts are without sails, and surmounted by large balls, cages, or other marks. LIGHT-SHIP. AIDS TO tf AVWATtOtf. 87 In Great Britain the bulls of light-ships are painted red and black. In the United States they are painted such color and in such a way as the Light-house Board may designate, with the name of the station painted on the sides and the number of the vessel on the stern. At night these vessels are provided with one or more lights, and are distinguished by their number and position as well as characteristic distinction such as single or double fixed lights, revolving lights with varying intervals of darkness be- tween the beams, or with colored beams alternating with white, or colored beams only. When two lights are used, it is usually the custom to place one higher than the other. Few instances are on record of a light-ship having broken loose from her moorings. If, however, the ship should be driven from its place by the force of the elements, so that its light may become a source of danger, means are provided for signalling by flags or the firing of a gun. No one except those belonging to the light-ships is ever permitted to live on board or to remain at night, unless necessarily detained by stress of weather, or wrecked persons who may be compelled to take temporary refuge on board. Buoys are the next very important marks that contribute greatly as aids to navigation. They are exceedingly numer- ous, and are invaluable as guiding marks by day through nar- row channels and warning marks for isolated dangers. They are not very serviceable at night, being unilluminated ; how- ever, buoys have been lit in many instances by the application of compressed gas confined within the buoy; and it has been proposed to connect them with wires all around the coast, and to light them simultaneously with electricity. Distinction. Their chief elements of distinction are the form, size, and color, which may be supplemented by the ad- dition of a shape such as globe, diamond, triangle, etc. mounted on top of the mast fixed in the head of the buoy. Names of Buoys. The names of the various forms are so unsettled, that but few persons can accurately state what con- stitutes the characteristic of each. However, the descriptive titles of buoj r s are: the nun, can, conical, convex, spiral, drum, cylinder, spherical, spar, mast, and cask. These terms are found to vary at different places, and are employed to give SIMPLE ELEMENTS OP NAVIGATION". exactly opposite indications ; also, intimations conveyed by colors vary at different places : hence, reference to name or disposition of colors is apt to lead to some confusion. In France a uniform system of coloring is used, and on each is painted either the entire or abridged name of tbe rock or bank that it marks ; those belonging to the same channel are numbered serially, commencing to seaward. Those to mark the starboard side are painted red, having a white crown a little below the summit, and bear the even numbers. Those to mark the port side are painted black, and bear odd num- bers. Those which may be left indifferently on either side are painted with horizontal stripes alternately red and black, bear names, but no numbers. The red and black are varied, as circumstances require, by painting in white designs of checks, vertical bands, etc. In England the entrances to channels or turning-points are marked by conical buoys with or without staff, and globe or triangle, cage, etc. Single-colored can-buoys, either red or black, mark the starboard side, and buoys of the same shape and color, either checkered or vertical-striped with white, mark the port side. Other distinctions are used, when re- quired, by the employment of conical buoys with or without staff, globe, or cage, globes being on the starboard side and cages on the port hand. Where a middle ground exists in a channel, each side of it is marked by a buoy of the color in use in that channel, but with annular bauds of white, and with or without staff, diamond, or triangle. In case of its being of such extent as to require intermediate buoys, they are colored as if on the side of a channel. At times the outer buoy is marked by a staff and diamond, and the inner end by a staff and triangle. Wrecks are marked by green nun-buoys placed on the wreck next to mid-channel, with " Wreck" painted thereon; also two balls or two lights, as the case maybe. Each buoy is marked with a running number, and the name of the locality where it belongs. In the Netherlands, with few exceptions, white buoys must be left on the starboard hand on entering the channel from seaward, and black buoys on the port hand. Outside buoys, and those indicating where the division of a channel begins, are painted red. In Belgium the same system prevails. In Norway and Sweden a white stake with a broom turned up- AIDS TO NAVIGATION. 89 wards denotes that Hie shoal lies to the north or east of the mark. A black stake with a broom turned downwards de- notes that the danger lies to tuc south or west of the mark. A stake with white and black horizontal stripes, surmounted by a ball or a pole with a cross at the top, may be passed on either side. In Russia the system is nearly the same as in Norway, with this addition for the open sea : a red broom open upwards on a red pole means that the danger lies to the north ; a black broom open downwards on awhile pole means that the danger lies to the south. Two black brooms on a black and white checkered pole mean that the danger lies to the west ; and a black pole with cross at the top surmounted by a ball means that a vessel can pass on all sides. In the United States the largest descriptions of buoys are used to mark approaches to channels, seaward bars, and iso- lated shoals or other obstructions to navigation which lie at considerable distance from the coast. First and second class buoys mark the approaches to, the obstructions in, and to point out and mark the limits of channels leading to the principal ports or harbors along the coast. They also mark the channels and obstructions adjacent to the coast and those in the large bays and sounds. Second and third class buoys mark the approaches to, and channels and obstructions of, the lesser harbors and bays. Nun and can buoys liable to danger or to be swept away by floating ice are removed on the approach of freezing weather, and spar- buoys put in their" places. Small spar-buoys mark channels and obstructions in shoal-water navigation. Special buoys, such as spherical and cask buoys, colored and numbered, are used to mark special localities. All buoj^s are placed in the best position to mark obstructions or define channels, and float as high and as nearly upright as possible during the strongest wind and tide. White serial numbers, as large as the class of buoy will permit, are placed on four sides of red and black buoys, and other distinguishing marks are made to show as prominently and at as great a distance as possible. Different channels in the same bay, sound, river, or harbor are marked as far as practicable by different descriptions of buoys. 90 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. AIDS TO NAVIGATION. 91 The main channel is marked by mm-buoys ; can-buoys indi- cate secondary channels, and spar-buoys minor channels. When there is but one channel, nun-buoys properly colored and numbered are placed on the starboard side and can-buoys on the port side. On entering the channel from seaward red buoys with even numbers are placed on the starboard side of the channel, and must be left on the starboard hand in passing in. Black buoys with odd numbers are placed on the port side of the channel, and must be left on the port hand in passing in. Buoys painted with red and black horizontal stripes without numbers are placed on rocks or other obstructions with chan- nels on either side of them, and maybe left on either hand in passing in. Buoys painted with black and white vertical stripes without numbers are placed in mid-channel, and must be passed close to avoid danger. Buoys to mark abrupt turn- ing-points in channels or obstructions requiring a specific and permanent mark are fitted with staves surmounted by balls, cages, triangles, or other distinctive marks, the color indicat- ing w T hich side they shall be passed. Yellow buoys without numbers are used to mark any danger at a quarantine station. The bearings from one mid-channel buoy to another in the order of passing to other buoys or objects, the name of the station or position occupied, the color, number, description, class, depth of water at mean low tide, kind of bottom, and such other marks to aid navigation will be found in the proper column of the buoy list. Beacons are small but durable structures of timber, mason- ry, or iron, placed on low, outstretching points of land, rocks and sand-banks, shoals or elsewhere, which at certain times of the tide are hidden from view, in estuaries and broad parts of rivers. They serve as leading marks through certain chan- nels for the avoidance of special dangers, and as a guide for entering harbors or anchorage ground. Every beacon set up has some especial characteristic, so that it may be recognized, being usually surmounted with a char- acteristic head in the form of a globe, diamond, cross, or tri- angle. Beacons are painted in such a manner that the color will cause them to be well denned upon the background, and those on sides of channels are painted the same as buoys. Some of these beacons are provided with a ladder leading up SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. c OJ H - K I 12; o PQ AIDS TO NAVIGATION. 93 to a refuge cage above the high-water mark, capable of hold ing several persons. As a general rule, beacons are not lighted up at night; yet several arrangements have been devised for lighting beacons on detached rocks which are inaccessible during rough weather. Sound-signals. The various marks so far dealt with are those which depend upon the sense of sight only , but when sight is unavailing, the sense of hearing naturally suggests it- self when sound-signals have to be used as aids to navigation, especially during fogs, mists, and snow-storms. These sound- signals are, with certain modifications : sirens, trumpets, steam-whistles, bell-buoys, whistling-buoys, bells struck by machinery, cannons, rockets, and gongs. Gong's are sometimes used on light-ships and for close quarters, having an effective range of about 500 yards. They are of most use in harbors, short channels, and like places, where a long range would be unnecessary. Rockets are used in light-houses as a signal where it would be impossible to mount large pieces of apparatus. It frequently happens that the sound-signal intended to be heard at a certain distance is obstructed or deflected by inter- vening" obstacles; the rocket in this case overcomes the diffi- culty. The charge, usually of gun-cotton, is fitted to the head, and the whole projected to the height of perhaps 1000 feet, when the charge is exploded, and sound scattered in all directions, with greater effect than the report of a gun. Some of these rockets have been heard at a distance of twenty- five miles. Cannon are used for various purposes in connection wiili signalling. The minute-gun at sea indicates that the vessel is in distress, and that assistance is required. On some light- ships the cannon is used to attract attention of shipwrecked life-boats. They are also used as warning signals on head- lands and dangerous points on a coast, as aids to navigation in foggy weather, as well as for signalling in accordance with an arranged code. Owing to the short duration of sound, the use of the cannon is not so great as it once was, as the observer, either through lack of attention or otherwise, may not hear unless prepared for it, the sound being liable to be quenched by local sounds, or even obliterated by a puff of wind. The interval between each shot was formerly fifteen 94 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. minutes, but recently it has been altered to ten ; owing, how- ever, to the severe labor and risks accompanying it, this inter- val is of considerable irregularity. Bells are in use at every light-station, and at many they are run by machinery actuated by clockwork. These bells weigh from 300 to 3000 pounds. The sound of a bell is curiously fluctuating, and the vibrations of the largest bells are not of sufficient intensity to yield a sound capable of over- coming opposing influences, even of a slight nature, and the effective range is at times very doubtful. However, it has been shown by experiments that the range of bell sounds can be increased with the rapidity of the stroke ; it has also been somewhat increased by the use of iron reflectors. By this it will be seen that the bell is only used, like the gong, for short distances, and is not efficient for fog-signals on the sea-coast. Owing to rough weather, the noises ol the surf will drown the sound to seaward altogether. OOURTENAY'S WHISTLING-BUOY. AIDS TO NAVIGATION. 05 The Whistling-buoy, devised by Mr. Courtenuy, is exten- sively employed in various parts of the world. It has a pow- erful whistle fixed at the top, and sounded automatically by the action of the sea, on the passage of any wave or undula- tion, which will cause the instrument to rise and fall six inches or more. It will emit a sound that can be heard dis- tinctly from one to fifteen miles, a mournful sound, which, though of great aid to navigation, is most obnoxious to those who live within ear-shot. They can be used on shoals, where a light-ship is needed but could not live ; and are well suited for broken and turbulent waters, as the rougher the sea the louder their sound : they are also employed for roadsteads and the open sea. The Bell-buoy consists of a buoy with a bell so attached that it will cause the bell to strike as the buoy is moved from side to side by the action of the sea. Like the whistling-buoy, the bell-buoy sounds the loudest when the sea is roughest, but is adapted to shoal water, where the whistling-buoy could not ride. It is preferred for harbors, rivers, and other places where the sound range needed is short. BELL-BUOY, 96 SIMPLE ELEMENTS Otf NAVIGATION. Steam-whistles for signalling in a fog are the same in- struments ordinarily used on steamboats and locomotives. They have been heard at distances, varying with their diame- ter, of from three to twenty-five miles. The Trumpet comes next in order, and is simply a horn that is capable of making shrieks which can be heard at a great distance, and is superior to the whistle, having greater penetrating effect. The Siren is beyond all doubt the most powerful fog-signal in use, and when operated under a pressure of seventy pounds of steam can be heard, under favorable circumstances, from twenty to thirty miles. Its density, pitch, and penetration render it dominant over noises after all other signal sounds have succumbed, especially under meteorological conditions unfavorable to the transmission of sound. The trumpet, siren, and whistle are capable of such arrange- ment that the length of blast and interval and the succession of alternating are such as to identify the location of each, so that the position may be determined by the sound. Double sirens of different pitch are sometimes used. There are in addition to these, in various parts of the world, several sound- signals made by utilizing natural orifices in cliffs, through which the waves drive the air in such force and velocity as to produce the sound required. Sound-signals constitute a large factor in the safety of navi- gation, and it is necessary that every signal should have its own characteristic to particularly indicate itself, as a light- house is made to proclaim its own individuality by some distinguishing feature. The effect of different atmospheric conditions upon the transmission of sound is very marked, and it has been found by repeated trials that the sound range varies on clear, calm days; hence the minimum range should always be taken as the guide when running by sound. A most important phenomenon, affording confidence in sound- signalling when a light is rendered ineffectual, is the fact that a foggy atmosphere appears to be a highly favorable condi- tion for the transmission of sound; while rain, hail, and snow offer no obstruction, but, on the contrary, have the effect of assisting the passage of sound. It will be seen from the above that a vessel coming to the coast from beyond the sea will pick up the proper coast-light AIDS TO NAVIGATION". 97 02 H fi 98 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. in fair weather, and in thick weather the fog-signal, and take either as a point of departure and feel the way to the harbor light or fog-signal in the port, thence to a safe anchorage, with comparative security. CHAPTER XI. REGULATIONS FOR PREVENTING COLLISIONS AT SEA. THE laws of all Maritime Nations require a strict observance of the following rules and regulations for the prevention of collisions at sea. " ART. 1. In the following rules every steamship which is under sail and not under steam is to be considered a sailing- ship, and every steamship which is under steam, whether un- der sail or not, is to be considered a ship under steam. " RULES CONCERNING LIGHTS. "ART. 2. The lights mentioned in the following articles numbered three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and eleven, and no others, shall be carried in all weathers, from sun- set to sunrise. "ART. 3. A sea-going steamship, when under way, shall carry " (a) On or in front of the foremast, at a height above the hull of not less than twenty feet, and if the breadth of the ship exceeds twenty feet, then at a height above the hull not less than such breadth, a bright white light, so constructed as to show a uniform and unbroken light over an arc of the hori- zon of twenty points of the compass, so fixed as to throw the light ten points on each side of the ship, namely, from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on either side, and of such a character as to be visible on a dark night, with a clear atmos- phere, at a distance of at least five miles. " (b) On the starboard side a green light, so constructed as to show a uniform and unbroken light over an arc of the hori- zon of ten points of the compass, so fixed as to throw the light from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on the starboard REGULATIONS FOR PREVENTING COLLISION'S. 99 side, and of such a character as to be visible on a dark night, with a clear atmosphere, at a distance of at least two miles. " (c) On the port side a red light, so constructed as to show a uniform and unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of ten points of the compass, so fixed as to throw the light from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on the port side, and of such a character as to be visible on a dark night, with a clear atmosphere, at a distance of at least two miles. " (d) The said green and red side-lights shall be fitted with inboard screens projecting at least three feet forward from the light, so as to prevent these lights from being seen across the bow. "ART. 4. A steamship when towing another ship shall, in addition to her side-lights, carry two bright white lights in a vertical line, one-over the other, not less than three feet apart, so as to distinguish her from other steamships. Each of these lights shall be of the same construction and character, and shall be carried in the same position, as the white light which other steamships are required to carry. "ART. 5. (a) A ship, whether a steamship or a sailing-ship, which from any accident is not under command, shall at night carry, in the same position as the white light which steamships are required to carry, and if a steamship, in place of that light, three red lights in globular lanterns, each not less than ten inches in diameter, in a vertical line, one over the other, not less than three feet apart, and of such a character as to be vis- ible on a dark night, with a clear atmosphere, at a distance of at least two miles, and shall by day carry in a vertical line, one over the other, not less than three feet apart, in front of but not lower than her foremast-head, three black balls or shapes, each two feet in diameter. " (b) A ship, whether a steamship or a sailing-ship, em- ployed in laying or in picking up a telegraph cable, shall at night carry, in the same position asa white light which steam- ships are required to carry, and if a steamship, in place of that light, three lights in globular lanterns, each not less than ten inches in diameter, in a vertical line, over one another, not less than six feet apart. The highest and lowest of these lights shall be red, and the middle light shall be white, and they shall be of such a character that the red lights shall be visible at the same distance as the white light. By day she shall carry, in a 100 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. vertical line, one over the other, not less than six feet apart, in front of but not lower than her foremast head, three shapes not less than two feet in diameter, of which the top and bottom shall be globular in sphae and red in color, and the middle one diamond in shape and white. "(c) The ships referred to in this article when not making any way through the water shall not carry the side-lights, but when making way shall carry them. "(d) The lights and shapes required to be shown by this article are to be taken by other ships as signals that the ship showing them is not under command, and cannot therefore get out of the way. The signals to be made by ships in dis- tress and requiring assistance are contained in article twenty- seven. "ART. 6. A sailing-ship under way or being towed shall carry the same lights as are provided by article three for a steamship under way, with the exception of the white light, which she shall never carry. " ART. 7. Whenever, as in the case of small vessels during bad weather, the green and red side-lights cannot be fixed, these lights shall be kept on deck, on their respective sides of the vessel, ready for use, and shall, on the approach of or to other vessels, be exhibited on their respective sides in suffi- cient time to prevent collision, in such manner as to make them most visible, and so that the green light shall not be seen on the port side nor the red light on the starboard side. To make the use of these portable lights more certain and easy, the lanterns containing them shall each be painted outside with the color of the light they respectively contain, and shall be provided with proper screens. "ART. 8. A ship, whether a steamship or a sailing-ship, when at anchor, shall carry, where it can best be seen, but at a height not exceeding twenty feet above the hull, a white light, in a globular lantern of not less than eight inches in diameter, and so constructed as to show a clear, uniform, and unbroken light, visible all round the horizon at a distance of at least one mile. "ART. 9. A pilot vessel, when engaged on her station on pilotage duty, shall not carry the lights required for other vessels, but shali*carry a white light at the mast-head, visible all round the horizon, and shall also exhibit a flare-up light REGULATIONS I'Oli I'KEY EXTlNU COLLISIONS. lUl or flare-up lights at short intervals, which shall never exceed fifteen minutes. A pilot vessel, when not engaged on her station on pilotage duty, shall carry lights similar to those of other ships. "ART. 10. Open boats and fishing- vessels of less than twenty tons net registered tonnage, when under way and not when having their nets, trawls, dredges, or lines in the water, shall not be obliged to carry the colored side-lights ; but every such boat and vessel shall in lieu thereof have ready at hand a lantern with a green glass on the one side and a red glass on the other side, and on approaching to or being approached by another vessel such lantern shall be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision, so that the green light shall not be seen on the port side nor the red light on the starboard side. "The following portion of this article applies only to fish- ing-vessels and boats when in the sea off the coast of Europe lying north of Cape Fiuisterre : " (a) All fishing-vessels and fishing-boats of twenty tons net registered tonnage or upward, when under way and when not having their nets, trawls, dredges, or lines in the water, shall carry and show the same lights as other vessels under way. "(6) All vessels when engaged in fishing with drift-nets shall exhibit two white lights from any part of the vessel where they can be seen. Such lights shall be placed so that the vertical distance between them shall not be less than six feet and not more than ten feet, and so that the horizontal distance between them, measured in a line with the keel of the vessel, shall be not less than five feet and not more than ten feet. The lower of these two lights shall be the more forward, and both of them shall be of such a character and contained in lanterns of such construction as to show all round the horizon, on a dark night, with a clear atmosphere, for a distance of not less than three miles. "(c) All vessels when trawling, dredging, or fishing with any kind of drag-nets shall exhibit, from some part of the vessel where they can be best seen, two lights. One of these lights shall be red and the other shall be white. The red light shall be above the white light, and shall be at a vertical distance from it of not less than six feet and not more than twelve feet ; and the horizontal distance between them, if any, shall not be more than ten feet. These two lights shall be of 102 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. such a character and contained in lanterns of such construc- tion as to be visible all round the horizon, on a dark night, with a clear atmosphere, the white light to a distance of not less than three miles and the red light of not less than two miles. " (d) A vessel employed in line-fishing, with her lines out, shall carry the same lights as a vessel when engaged in fish- ing with drift-nets. " (e) If a vessel when fishing with a trawl, dredge, or any kind of drag-net, becomes stationary in consequence of her gear getting fast to a rock or other obstruction, she shall show the light and make the fog-signal for a vessel at anchor. " (f) Fishing- vessels and open boats may at any time use a flare-up in addition to the lights which they are by this arti- cle required to carry and show. All flare-up lights exhibited by a vessel when trawling, dredging, or fishing with any kind of drag-net shall be shown at the af terpart of the vessel, ex- cepting that if the vessel is hanging by the stern to her trawl, dredge, or drag-net they shall be exhibited from the bow. " (g) Every fishing-vessel and every open boat when at an- chor between sunset and sunrise shall exhibit a white light, visible all round the horizon at a distance of at least one mile. " (li) In a fog a drift-net vessel attached to her nets, and a vessel when trawling, dredging, or fishing with any kind of drag-net, and a vessel employed in line-fishing with her lines out, shall, at intervals of not more than two minutes, make a blast with her fog-horn, and ring her bell alternately." Attention is called to paragraphs " a " and " c " of this ar- ticle, which have not been adopted by foreign governments. Paragraph "a" has been modified by the British Govern- ment to read as follows, viz.- " All fishing vessels and fishing-boats of twenty tons net registered tonnage or upwards, when under way and when not required by the following regulations in this article to carry and show the lights therein named, shall carry and show the same lights as oilier vessels under way." Paragraph " c" has been omitted. But these two provisions apply only to " fishing-vessels and boats when in the sea off the coast of Europe lying north of Cape Fiuisterre." " ART. 11. A ship which is being overtaken by another REGULATIONS FOK PREVENTING COLLISIONS. 103 shall show from her stern to such last-mentioned ship a white light or a flare-up light. " SOUND SIGNALS FOR FOG, AND SO FORTH. "ART. 12. A steamship shall be provided with a steam- whistle or other efficient steam sound-signals, so placed that the sound may not be intercepted by any obstructions, and with an efficient fog-horn, to be sounded by a bellows or other mechanical means, and also with an efficient bell. (In all cases where the regulations require a bell to be used, a drum will be substituted on board Turkish vessels.) A sailing-ship shall be provided with a similar fog-horn and bell. "In fog, mist, or falling snow, whether by day or night, the signals described in this article shall be used as follows, that is to say : " (a) A steamship under way shall make with her steam- whistle or other steam sound-signal, at intervals of not more than two minutes, a prolonged blast. " (b) A sailing-ship under way shall make with her fog- horn, at intervals of not more than two minutes, when on the starboard tack one blast, when on the port tack two blasts in succession, and when with the wind abaft the beam three blasts in succession. " (c) A steamship and a sailing-ship when not underway shall, at intervals of not more than two minutes, ring the bell. ( < SPEED OF SHIPS TO BE MODERATE IN FOG, AND SO FORTH. "ART. 13. Every ship, whether a sailing-ship or a steam- ship, shall in a fog, mist, or falling snow go at a moderate speed. " STEERING AND SAILING RULES. "ART. 14. When two sailing-ships are approaching one another so as to involve risk of collision, one of them shall keep out of the way of the other as follows, namely : " (a) A ship which is running free shall keep out of the way of a ship which is close-hauled. " (b) A ship which is close-hauled on the port tack shall keep ~ut of the way of a ship which is close-hauled on the starboard tack. 104 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF KAVIGATIOH. " (c) When both are running free, with the wind on differ- ent sides, the ship which has the wind on the port side shall keep out of the way of the other. " (d) When both are running free, with the wind on the same side, the ship which is to windward shall keep out of the way of the ship which is to leeward. " (e) A ship which has the wind aft shall keep out of the way of the other ship. " ART. 15. If two ships under steam are meeting end on, or nearly end on, so as to involve risk of collision, each shall alter her course to starboard, so that each may pass on the port side of the other. This article only applies to cases where ships are meeting end on, or nearly end on, in such a manner as to involve risk of collision, and does not apply to two ships which must, if both keep on their respective courses, pass clear of each other. The only cases to which it does apply are when each of the two ships is end on, or nearly end on, to the other ; in other words, to cases in which b} r day each ship sees the masts of the other in a line, or nearly in a line, with her own, and by night to cases in which each ship is in such a position as to see both the side-lights of the other. It does not apply by day to cases in which a ship sees another ahead cross- ing her own course, or by night to cases where the red light of one ship is opposed to the red light of the other, or where the green light of one ship is opposed to the green light of the other, or where a red light without a green light, or a green light without a red light, is seen ahead, or where both green and red lights are seen anywhere but ahead. " ART. 16. If two ships under steam are crossing so as to involve risk of collision, the ship which has the other on her own starboard side shall keep out of the way of the other. " ART. 17. If two ships, one of which is a sailing-ship and the other a steamship, are proceeding in such directions as to involve risk of collision, the steamship shall keep out of the way of the sailing-ship. "ART. 18. Every steamship, when approaching another ship so as to involve risk of collision, shall slacken her speed, or stop and reverse, if necessary. "ART. 19. In taking any course authorized or required by these regulations, a steamship under way may indicate that REGULATIONS FOR PREVENTING COLLISIONS. 105 course to any other ship which she has in sight by the follow- ing signals on her steam- whistle, namely : "One short blast to mean 'I am directing my course to starboard. ' ' ' Two short blasts to mean ' I am directing my course to port.' " Three short blasts to mean ' I am going full speed astern.' " The use of these signals is optional, but if they are used the course of the ship must be in accordance with the signal made. "ART. 20. Notwithstanding anything contained in any pre- ceding article, every ship, whether a sailing-ship or- a steam- ship, overtaking any other shall keep out of the way of the overtaken ship. " ART. 21. In narrow channels every steamship shall, when it is safe and practicable, keep to that side of the fairway or mid-channel which lies on the starboard side of such ship. "ART. 22. Where by the above rules one of two ships is to keep out of the way, the other shall keep her course. "ART. 23. In obeying and construing these rules due regard shall be had to all dangers of navigation, and to any special circumstances which may render a departure from the above rules necessary in order to avoid immediate danger. "NO SHIP, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, TO NEGLECT PROPER PRECAUTIONS. "ART. 24. Nothing in these rules shall exonerate any ship, or the owner, or master, or crew thereof, from the consequences of any neglect to carry lights or signals, or of any neglect to keep a proper lookout, or of the neglect of any precaution which may be required by the ordinary practice of seamen or by the circumstances of the case. "RESERVATION OF RULES FOR HARBOR AND INLAND NAVIGA- TION. "ART. 25. Nothing in these rules shall interfere with the operation of a special rule, duly made by local authority, relative to the navigation of any harbor, river, or inland navi- gation. 106 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. "SPECIAL LIGHTS FOR SQUADRONS AND CONVOYS. "ART. 26. Nothing iii these rules shall interfere with the operation of any special rules made by the Government of any nation with respect to additional station and signal lights for two or more ships of war or for ships sailing under convoy. "ART. 27. When a ship is in distress and requires assistance from other ships or from the shore, the following shall be the signals to be used or displayed by her, either together or separately, that is to say : "In the daytime "First. A gun fired at intervals of about a minute. " Second. The international code signal of distress indicated by N. C. " Third. The distant signal, consisting of a square flag, having either above or below it a ball, or anything resembling a ball. " At night " First. A gun fired at intervals of about a minute. "Second. Flames on the ship (as from a burning tar- barrel, oil-barrel, and so forth). "Third. Rockets or shells, throwing stars of any color or description, fired one at a time, at short intervals." TABLES. EXPLANATION OF TABLES. Table I contains the difference of latitude and departure corresponding to distances not exceeding 300 miles, and for courses to every degree of the compass. The manner of using this table is explained in the different problems of dead-reckoning. Table II gives the refraction, dip of the horizon, and the sun's parallax in altitude; the application of these is explained in the text under the definition of each on page 39. Table III gives the declination of the sun to the nearest minute for every noon at Greenwich from the year 1886 to 1901, and this table will answer for some years beyond that period, without any material error. This declination may be reduced to any other meridian in the following manner: Take from the table the declination of the same date as the local date and mark it -f- when north and - - when south, and ap- ply a correction equal to the " difference for one hour," mul- tiplied by the hours and part of an hour of the longitude, adding or subtracting the correction as the sign in the table indicates; for a time after noon if the longitude is west, for a time before noon if the longitude is east. EXAMPLE. At a place in longitude 81 15' W. on April 15, 1887, find the declination. Longitude 81 15' W. = -f 5". 42. Table III. Dec. + 9 45' Diff. one hour + 54" Corr. for -f 5 h 42 -f- 4 53 Long, -f- 5.42 Declination -f- 9 49 53 -f 292.68 Corr. + 4' 53" Had this longitude been east, we should get, longitude 81 15' E. = - - 5 h .42. Table III. Dec. -f 9 45' Diff. one hour + 54" Corr. for 5 h .42 4 53 Long. - 5.42 Declination -f 9 40 07 - 292.68 Corr. - - 4' 53" 109 110 EXPLANATION OF TABLES. To find the declination for a given mean time at a given place proceed as follows: From the given mean time find the astronomical time, and the corresponding Greenwich date. Take from the table the declination for the nearest preceding mean time date, and the corresponding difference for one hour, noting the sign of each. Multiply the difference for one hour by the hours and parts of an hour of the remaining Greenwich time, and apply the correction according to the signs, adding if they are alike, and subtracting if they are unlike. If the given Greenwich time is nearer a following than a preceding date, it may be convenient to interpolate back from, the following date. EXAMPLE. At a given place in longitude 81 15' W. on April 15, 1887, 10 A.M., find the declination. Local astronomical time 14 d 22 h 00 m Longitude -|- 5 25 Greenwich mean time 15 3 25 Table III. Dec. -f- 9 45' Diff. one hour -f 54" Corr. for G. M. T. -f 3.03 G. M. Time -f 3.4 Declination + 9 48.03 4- 186.6 Corr. + 3' 03" Table IV contains the equation of time for every noon at Greenwich, and is to be reduced to any other hour by means of Table IV. Thus, suppose the equation of time was re- quired for Feb. 21, 1888, at 10 A.M., corresponding to Feb. 20th, 22 hours, Table IV gives the equation of time for Feb. 20th, 14 m 00 s , and for the 21st, 13 m 53 s ; the difference between the two is a daily decrease of 7 s . Now enter Table IV, and with 7 at the top and 22 at the side, the corresponding 6 in the column is the number of seconds to subtract from 14 m 00 s to give the required equation of time, 13'" 54 s . This 6 seconds would have been added had the equation of time been increas- ing. The equation of time thus found is to be applied to the apparent time, as stated at the head of the column in Table IV. To obtain the apparent time from, the mean time, the equation of time is applied opposite to the heading in Table IV. Table V contains the quantities that are convenient for finding the time, or the total error of the compass, by an alti- tude of the sun. To find the sine, secant, etc., for the de- grees, minutes, and seconds of the date occurring in the prob- lems, look for the degrees at the bottom of the page when EXPLANATION OF TABLES. Ill between 45 and 135, otherwise at the top, the minutes being found in the column marked M., which stands on the side of the page on which the degrees are marked; and if the degrees are found at the top, the names, hour, sine, secant, etc., must also be found at the top; and if the degrees are found at the bottom, the names, hour, sine, secant, etc., must be found at the bottom. Opposite to the minutes will be found the sine, secant, etc., in the columns marked sine, secant, etc., respec- tively. Now, with the number of seconds in the left-hand column under M., take out the number in the nearest column marked "Diff.," which add to the sine, secant, etc., if increas- ing, or subtract if decreasing. Thus, to find the cosine of 30 20' 20", with 30 at the top of the page and opposite to 20' under M. in the column marked cosine, will be found 9.93606. Now, with 20" in the left col- umn of M., we find opposite in the nearest column of " Diff." the figure 2 to be subtracted from the cosine as it is decreas- ing, which gives the correct cosine, 9.93604. Should it be desired to find the degrees, minutes, and seconds correspond- ing to this cosine, we search in the column of cosines for the nearest figures to those given, which will be in the column under 30, and opposite to the nearest number in the column M. corresponding to 30, will be found 20. Take the differ- ence between the given number and the nearest in the column, which is 2. Now, with this 2, look in the nearest column of " Diff.," and as there are several numbers marked 2, take the middle one, opposite to which, in the left-hand column under M., will be found 16 or 30 20' 16", sufficiently near for all practicable purposes. The method of finding the hours, minutes, and seconds cor- responding to the sine, etc., is fully given in the text on find- ing the longitude. TABLE I. DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE, DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 1. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat Dep. Dist. Lnt. Dep. Dist Lat Dep. I 1.0 0.0 61 61. o !_. 121 121. 2. I 181 181.0 3- 2 241 241.0 4-2 2 2.0 o. o 62 62. o f. 22 122. O 2. I 82 182.0 3 2 4 2 242. o 4.2 3 3-0 o. 63 63. o I. 23 123.0 2. I 83 183.0 3-2 43 243-0 4.2 4 4.0 0. 64 64. o I. 24 124. o 2. 2 84 184. o 3- 2 44 244.0 4-3 S 5. o o. 65 65. o I. 25 125. o 2. 2 8 5 185.0 3-2 45 245.0 4-3 5 6. o o. 66 66.0 I. 2 26 126. o 2. 2 86 186. o 3-2 46 246". o 4-3 7 7.0 o. 67 67. o 1.2 27 127. o 2. 2 87 187.0 3-3 47 247.0 4-3 8 8.0 o. 68 68.0 I. 2 28 128.0 2.2 88 188.0 3-3 48 248. o 4-3 9 9.0 O, 2 69 69. o I. 2 29 129.0 2-3 89 189. o 3-3 49 249.0 4-3 10 lo. o O. 2 70 70. o 1.2 3 130.0 2-3 90 190. o 3-3 50 250. o 4-4 II II. O. 2 71 71.0 1. 2 131 131. o 2-3 191 191.0 3-3 251 251. o 4-4 12 12.0 0. 2 72 72.0 1-3 32 132. o 2.3 92 192. o 3-4 5 2 252.0 4-4 13 13-0 0. 2 73 73-o I. 3 33 133-0 2.3 93 193.0 3-4 53 253.0 4-4 '4 14. o O. 2 74 74.0 1-3 34 134.0 2-3 94 194.0 3-4 54 254.0 4-4 15 15. o 0-3 75 75.o i-3 35 135-0 2.4 95 195.0 3-4 55 255.0 4-5 16 16. o 76 70. o '3 36 136. o 2-4 96 196. o 3-4 56 256. o 4-5 17 17.0 . 3 77 77.0 i-3 37 137-0 2.4 97 197.0 3-4 57 257.0 4-5 18 18. o 0-3 78 78. o 1.4 38 138.6 2. "4 198.0 3-5 58 258.0 4-5 '9 19.0 o. 3 79 79.0 1.4 39 139.0 2.4 99 199.0 3-5 59 259.0 4-5 20 20. o o-3 80 80.0 1.4 40 140. o 2. 4 200 ICO. O 3-5 60 260. o 4-5 21 21. O 0.4 Si 81.0 1.4 141 141. o 2-5 201 OI. O 3-5 261 261. o 4.6 22 22. O 0.4 82 82.0 1-4 42 142. o 2-5 02 202. O 3-5 62 262. o 4.6 2 3 23.0 0.4 83 83. o 1.4 43 143.0 2-5 3 203. o 3-5 3 263. o 4.6 24 24. o 0.4 84 84.0 1-5 44 144.0 2-5 04 204. o 3.6 64 264. o 4-6 2 5 25,O 0.4 85 85.0 1-5 45 145.0 2-5 5 205. o 3-6 65 265. o 4.6 26 26. o 86 86.0 i-S 46 146.0 2. 5 06 206. o 3-6 66 266. o 4.6 27 27.0 0.5 87 87.0 47 147.0 2.6 07 207. o 3-6 67 267. o 4-7 28 28.0 -5 88 88.0 i. 5 48 148. o 2.6 08 208. o 3-6 68 268.0 4-7 29 29. o 0.5 89 89.0 1.6 49 149. o 2.6 09 209. o 3-6 69 269. o 4-7 3 30. o 0.5 90 90. o 1.6 5 150.0 2. 6 10 210. O 3-7 7 270.0 4-7 3' 31.0 0.5 91 91. o 1.6 IS' 151. o 2. 6 211 211. O 3-7 271 271.0 4-7 3 2 32.0 0.6 92 92. o 1.6 5 2 152. o 2.7 12 212. O 3-7 72 272. o 4- 7 33 33-0 0.6 93 93-0 1.6 53 153.0 2.7 13 213.0 3-7 73 273.0 4-8 34 34-0 0.6 94 1.6 54 154.0 2.7 214. o 3-7 74 274.0 4.8 35 35- 0.6 95 OS- 1-7 55 155-0 2.7 15 215.0 3-8 75 275.0 4.8 36 36.0 0.6 96 96. o i. 7 56 156. o 2.7 16 216. o 3-8 76 276. o 4.8 37 37-0 0.6 97 97-0 i. 7 57 157.0 2.7 17 217.0 3-8 77 277.0 4.8 38 38.0 0.7 98 98.0 1-7 58 158.0 2.8 18 218, O 3-8 78 278. o 4-9 39 39-0 0.7 99 C9- o 1-7 59 159.0 2.8 19 219.0 3-8 79 279.0 4.9 40 40. o 0.7 100 loo. o 1-7 60 1 60. 2.8 20 2 2O. O 3-8 80 280.0 4-9 4' 41. o 0-7 IOI IOI. O i.H IOI IOI. O 2. S 221 221.0 3-9 281 281.0 4-9 42 42. o o. 7 02 IO2. O 1.8 62 162.0 2.8 22 222. O 3-9 82 282. o 4-9 43 43-0 0.8 03 103. o 1.8 63 163. o 2.8 23 223.0 3-9 83 283.0 4-9 44 44-0 0.8 04 104 o 1.8 64 164. o 2.9 24 224. o 3-9 84 284.0 5.0 45 45.0 0.8 5 105. o 1.8 65 165.0 2.9 25 225. o 3-9 85 285.0 5- 46 46. o 0.8 06 1 06. O 1.8 66 1 66. o 2.9 26 2:6. o 3-9 86 286.0 47 47.0 0.8 07 107. o 1-9 67 167.0 2.9 27 227.0 4.0 87 287.0 5-o 48 48.0 0.8 08 1 08. O 1-9 es 168.0 2.9 28 228.0 4.0 88 288.0 5.0 49 49.0 0.9 9 109. o 1-9 69 169. o 2.9 29 229. o 4-0 89 289. o 5-0 5 50. o 0-9 10 no. o 1.9 70 170.0 3-0 30 230. o 4.0 90 290. o 5-1 5 r 51.0 0.9 III III. 1-9 i? 1 171.0 3-0 231 23I.O 4.0 291 291. o 5- 5 2 52.0 0.9 12 112. O 2.0 72 172.0 3- o 32 232.0 4.0 92 292. o 5- 53 53-0 0.9 13 113.0 2. 73 173.0 3-0 33 233.0 4- 93 293.0 5- 54 54-0 0.9 14 114. o 2. O 74 174.0 3-0 34 234. o 4- 94 294.0 5- 55 55-0 . o 15 115.0 2.0 75 175.0 3- 35 235-0 4- 95 295.0 5- 56 56.0 . o 16 116. 6 2. O 76 176. o 3- 3 236. o 4- 96 296. o 5- 2 57 57-0 .0 17 117.0 2. 77 177.0 3- 37 237.0 4- 97 297.0 5-2 58 58.0 .0 18 Mo. O 2. I 78 178.0 3- 38 238.0 4-2 98 298.0 5-2 59 59.0 .0 19 119.0 2. 1 79 179-0 3- 39 239. o 4-2 99 299. o 5.2 60 60.0 .0 20 120. o 2. I 80 180.0 3- 40 240. o 4-2 300 300.0 5-2 Dist. Dep. Lat Dist Dep. Lat Dist Dep Lat Dist Dep. Lat. Dist Dep. Lat [For 89 Degrees. 114 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 2. Dlst Lat. Dep. Dlst Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist Lat Dep. I I. O O. 61 61.0 2. I 121 120. 9 4-2 iSi 180.9 6-3 241 240.9 8.4 2 2.0 0. I 62 62. o 2. 2 22 121. 9 4-3 82 181.9 6.4 42 241.9 8.4 3 3-" O. I 63 63. o 2. 2 23 122. 9 4-3 83 182.9 6.4 43 242.9 8.5 4 4.0 0. I 64 64. o 2. 2 24 123.9 4-3 84 183.9 6.4 44 243-9 8.5 I 5. o 6.0 O. 2 O. 2 65 66 65.0 66.0 2-3 2-3 20 124.9 125.9 4-4 4.4 85 86 184.9 185.9 <" 5 6.5 45 46 244.9 245.9 8.6 8.6 7 7- O. 2 67 67. o 2 -3 27 126.9 4-4 S7 186.9 6-5 47 246. 8 8.6 8 8.0 0-3 68 68.0 2.4 28 127.9 4-5 88 187.9 6.6 48 247.8 8-7 9 9.0 -3 69 69. o 2. 4 29 128.9 4-5 89 188.9 6.6 49 248.8 8.7 10 IO. O -3 7 70. o 2.4 3 129.9 4-5 9 189.9 6.6 50 249.8 8-7 il II. O 0.4 7i 71.0 2-5 131 130.9 4.6 191 190.9 6.7 251 250.8 8.8 12 12. 0.4 72 72.0 2-5 3 2 J3I-9 4.6 92 191.9 6.7 5 2 251.8 8.8 '3 13-0 0.5 73 73- 2 -5 33 i3 2 -9 4-6 93 192.9 6-7 S3 252.8 8.8 4 14-0 0.5 74 74-o 2.6 34 '33-9 4-7 94 193-9 6.8 54 253.8 8.9 15 15. o 0.5 75 75.0 2.6 35 134-9 4-7 95 194.9 6.8 55 254.8 8.9 16 16. o 0.6 7^ 76.0 2.7 3 135-9 4- 7 96 195-9 6.8 5 6 255-8 8.9 17 17.0 0.6 77 77.0 2.7 37 136.9 4.8 97 196.9 6.9 57 256.8 9.0 18 18. o 0.6 7 78.0 2-7 38 137.9 4.8 98 197-9 6.9 58 257.8 9.0 19 19. o 0.7 79 79.0 2.8 39 138.9 4-9 99 198.9 6-9 59 258.8 9.0 20 20. O o. 7 So 80.0 2.8 40 139-9 4.9 200 199.9 7-o 60 259.8 9-1 21 21. O 0.7 81 81.0 2.8 141 140.9 4-9 201 200 9 7.0 261 260.8 9-1 22 22.0 0.8 82 82.0 2.9 42 141.9 5-o O2 201. 9 7.0 62 261.8 9-' 2 3 23 o 0.8 83 82.9 2.9 43 142.9 5-0 03 2O2. 9 7-i 63 262.8 9.2 24 24. o 0.8 84 83-9 2.9 44 143-9 5-0 4 203.9 7-1 64 263.8 9.2 25 25.0 0.9 8 5 84.9 3-o 45 144.9 5- 1 05 204.9 7.2 65 264.8 9.2 26 27 26. o 27.0 0.9 0.9 86 87 85.9 86.9 3-0 3-0 46 47 145-9 146.9 5-i 5-i 06 07 205.9 206. 9 7-2 7.2 66 67 265.8 266.8 9-3 9-3 28 28.0 . o 8 87.9 3- i 48 147-9 5- 2 08 207.9 7-3 68 267.8 9.4 29 29.0 . o 89 88.9 3-i 49 148.9 5-2 09 208. 9 7-3 69 268.8 9-4 3 30. o .0 90 89.9 3- ' 1 149.9 5- 2 10 209.9 7-3 7" 269. 8 9-4 3' 31.0 . I 9' 90.9 3-2 '5' 150.9 5-3 211 210.9 7-4 271 270.8 9-5 3 2 32.0 . I 92 91.9 S- 2 52 151.9 5-3 12 211. 9 7-4 72 271.8 9-5 33 33-0 . 2 93 92.9 3-2 53 152.9 5-3 '3 212. 9 7-4 73 272.8 9-5 34 34- . 2 94 93-9 3-3 54 '53-9 5-4 14 213.9 7-5 74 273.8 9.6 35 35-o .2 95 94-9 3-3 55 154-9 5-4 15 214.9 7-5 75 274.8 9.6 3 5 36. o 3 96 95-9 3-4 5 B '55-9 5-4 10 215. 9 7-5 76 275-8 9-6 37 37-o 3 97 96. o 3-4 57 156.9 5-5 '7 216. 9 7.6 77 276.8 9-7 38 38.0 3 98 97-9 3-4 58 '57-9 5-5 18 217.9 7-6 78 277.8 9-7 39 39-0 4 99 98.9 3-5 59 158.9 5-5 '9 218.9 7.6 P 278.8 9 ~l 40 40. o 4 IOO 99-9 3-5 DO >59-9 5- 6 20 219.9 7-7 80 279.8 9.8 4 1 41. o 4 101 100. 9 3-5 161 1 60. 9 5.6 221 220. 9 7-7 281 280.8 9.8 42 42. o 5 02 101.9 3-6 62 161.9 5-7 22 221. 9 7-7 82 281.8 9.8 43 43-0 5 3 102. 9 3-6 63 162. 9 5-7 23 222. 9 7-8 ! 3 282.8 9-9 44 44.0 5 4 103-9 3-6 64 163-9 5-7 24 223.9 7-8 8 4 283.8 9-9 45 45.0 .6 05 104.9 3-7 65 164.9 5-8 25 224.9 7-9 8 s 284.8 9-9 46 47 46. o 47-o .6 .6 06 07 105.9 1 06. 9 3-7 3-7 66 67 165.9 1 66. 9 5-8 5.8 26 27 225.9 226. 9 7-9 7-9 86 87 285.8 286.8 IO. O IO. O 48 49 48.0 49-o 7 . 7 08 09 107.9 1 08. 9 r* 68 69 167.9 168.9 5-9 5-9 28 29 227. 9 228. 9 8.0 8.0 88 89 287.8 288.8 IO. I 10. I 5 50.0 7 10 109.9 3-8 7 169.9 5-9 3 220. 9 8.0 90 280.8 0. I 5' 51.0 .8 III no. 9 3-9 i7 170.9 6.0 231 230.9 8. ! 291 290. 8 10. 2 5- 52.0 .8 12 in. 9 3-9 72 171- 9 6.0 32 231.9 8.1 92 291.8 IO. 2 53 53-o .8 '3 112.9 3-9 73 172.9 6.0 33 232.9 8. i 93 292. 8 IO. 2 54 54.0 9 14 "3-9 4.0 74 J73-9 6.1 34 233-9 8.2 94 293.8 10.3 55 55- 9 15 114.9 4.0 75 174-9 6.1 35 234-9 8.2 95 294-8 10.3 56 56.0 2. O 1 6 115.9 4.0 76 175-9 6. i 36 235-9 8.2 96 295.8 10.3 57 57.0 2. O '7 1 16. 9 4.1 77 176.9 6.2 37 236.9 8.3 n 296. 8 10. 4 58 58.0 2. O 18 117.9 4- i 78 177-9 6.2 3 237-9 8-3 98 297-8 10. 4 59 59.0 2. I 19 118.9 4-2 79 178.9 6.2 39 238.9 8-3 99 298.8 10. 4 60 60. o 2. I go 119.9 4-2 80 179-9 6-3 40 239-9 8.4 300 299.8 10.5 Dist Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. DUt. Dep. Lat. DUt. Dep. Lat Dist. Dep. UU. [For 88 Degrees. 115 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 3. Dist Lat Dep. Dist Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat Dep. I I.O O. I 61 60. 9 3- 2 121 120.8 6-3 181 180. 8 9-5 241 240. 7 12.6 2 2. O. I 62 61.9 3-2 22 121. 8 6.4 82 181.8 9-5 42 241. 7 12.7 3 3- 0. 2 63 62. 9 3-3 23 122.8 6.4 83 182. 7 9-6 43 242.7 12.7 4 4.0 0. 2 64 63. 9 3-3 24 123.8 6-5 84 183-7 9.6 44 243- 7 12.8 I I' 6. o -3 65 66 64.9 65.9 3-4 3-5 3 124.8 125. 8 6-5 6.6 II 184.7 185.7 9-7 9-7 45 46 244. 7 245- 7 12.8 12.9 7 7.0 0.4 67 06. 9 3-5 27 126.8 6.6 87 186.7 9-8 47 246.7 12.9 8 8.0 0.4 68 67.9 3-6 28 127.8 6.7 88 187.7 9.8 48 247-7 "3-0 9 9, o 0.5 69 68.9 3-6 29 128.8 6.8 89 1 88. 7 9-9 49 248. 7 13-0 IO IO. O 70 69.9 3-7 . 3 129.8 6.8 90 189-7 9-9 249.7 '3-1 II II. 0.6 7' 70.9 3-7 131 130.8 6.9 191 190.7 10. O 251 250.7 '3-' 12 12.0 0.6 72 71.9 3-8 3 2 131. 8 6.9 92 191. 7 IO. O 5 2 251.7 13 13-0 0.7 73 72.9 3-8 33 132.8 7.0 93 192.7 IO. I 53 252.7 13-2 14 14. o 0.7 74 73-9 3-9 34 133-8 7-o 94 '93-7 IO. 2 54. 253-7 13-3 IS 15.0 0.8 75 74-9 3-9 35 134.8 7-t 95 194-7 10. 2 55 254. 7 10 16.0 0.8 76 75-9 4.0 36 135-8 7-i 96 195-7 10.3 56 255-6 13-4 17 17.0 0.9 77 76.9 4.0 37 136.8 7-2 97 196. 7 10.3 57 256.6 Z3-5 18 18. o 0.9 78 77-9 4. i 3 137-8 7-2 98 197-7 io. 4 58 257.6 13-5 19 19.0 . o 79 78.9 4. i 39 138.8 7-3 99 198.7 10.4 59 258.6 13-6 20 20. O . o 80 79-9 4.2 40 139.8 7-3 200 199. 7 10^5 60 259-6 13.6 21 21. O . I 81 80.9 4.2 141 140. 8 7-4 2CI 200. 7 10.5 261 260. 6 13-7 22 22.0 . 2 82 81.9 4-3 42 141.8 7-4 O2 201. 7 io. 6 62 261.6 I3.7 2 3 23. o .2 83 82.9 4-3 43 142.8 7-5 3 202. 7 io. 6 63 262. 6 13-8 24 24. o 3 84 83-9 4.4 44 143-8 7-5 04 203.7 10.7 64 263.6 13-8 25 25.0 3 85 84.9 4.4 45 144.8 7-6 05 204. 7 10.7 65 264. 6 3-9 26 26.0 4 86 85-9 4-5- 46 145.8 7-6 06 205.7 10.8 66 265.6 >3-9 27 27.0 4 87 86.9 4.6 47 146.8 7-7 07 206. 7 10.8 67 266.6 14. o 28 28.0 5 88 87.9 4.6 48 147.8 7-7 08 207.7 io. 9 68 267.6 14.0 29 29. o 5 89 88. 9 4-7 49 148.8 7-8 09 208. 7 io. 9 69 268.6 14.1 3 30. o .6 90 89. o 4-7 5 149.8 7-9 10 209.7 II. 7 269.6 14.1 31 31.0 .6 9' 90.9 4.8 151 150.8 7-9 211 210. 7 II. 271 270. 6 14.2 3 2 32.0 7 92 91.9 4.8 5 2 151.8 8.0 12 211. 7 11. i 7 2 271. 6 14.2 33 33-0 7 93 92.9 4-9 53 152.8 8.0 13 212.7 n. i- 73 272. 6 14-3 34 34-o .8 94 93-9 4-9 54 153-8 8. i '4 213.7 II. 2 74 273.6 I4.3 35 35- .8 95 94-9 5- 55 154.8 8.1 15 214.7 "3 75 274.6 14.4 36 36. o 9 96 95-. 9 5- 56 155.8 8.2 16 215.7 "3 76 275-6 14.4 37 36-9 9 97 96.9 57 156.8 8.2 '7 216. 7 11.4 77 276.6 14-5 38 37-9 2. O 98 97-9 5-' 58 157.8 8-3 18 217.7 11.4 78 277-6 14-5 39 38-9 2. O 99 98.9 5-2 59 158.8 8-3 19 218. 7 11.5 79 278.6 14. 6 40 39-9 2. I IOO 99-9 5-2 60 159.8 8-4 20 219.7 "5 So 279.6 14-7 41 40.9 2. I 101 100.9 5-3 161 160.8 8.4 221 220. 7 II. 6 281 280.6 14-7 43 41.9 2. 2 02 101. 9 5-3 62 161.8 8-5 22 221. 7 n. 6 82 281.6 14. $ 43 42.9 2-3 3 102. 9 5-4 63 162.3 8-5 23 222. 7 11.7 83 282.6 14.8 44 43-9 2-3 04 163-9 5-4 64 163.8 8.6 24 223.7 II. 7 84 283.6 14.9 45 44-9 2-4 104.9 5-5 65 164.8 8.6 25 224.7 ii. 8 85 284.6 14.9 46 45-9 2.4 06 i5-9 5-5 66 165.8 8.7 26 225.7 n.8 86 285.6 15.0 47 46.9 2-5 7 106. 9 5-6 67 166.8 8- 7 27 226. 7 11.9 87 286.6 15.0 48 47-9 2-5 08 107.9 5-7 63 167.8 8.8 28 227.7 11.9 88 287.6 15.1 49 48.9 2.6 09 1 08. 9 5-7 69 168. 8 8.8 29 228. 7 12.0 89 288.6 15.1 5 49-9 2.6 IO 109. 8 5-8 70 169.8 8.9 3 227.7 12. O 90 289.6 15-2 5' 50.9 f. 7 III i io. 8 5-8 171 170.8 8-9 231 2:2.7 12. 1 291 290. 6 15.2 52 51.9 2-7 12 in. 8 5-9 72 171.8 9.0 32 231.7 12. I 92 291. 6 >5-3 53 52.9 2.8 13 112.8 5-9 73 172.8 9- i 33 2 3 2 - 7 12.2 93 292. 6 >5-3 54 53-9 2.8 14 113.8 6.0 74 173-8 9-1 34 233- 7. 12. 2 94 293.6 '5-4 55 54-9 2.9 15 114.8 6.0 75 174.8 9-2 35 234- 7 '2-3 95 294.6 5-4 56 55-9 2.9 16 115.8 6.1 76 175-8 9-2 36 235-7 I2. 4 96 295.6 '5-5 57 56.9 3-0 17 116.8 6.1 77 176.8 9-3 37 236. 7 12.4 97 296. 6 15-5 58 57-9 3- 18 117.8 6.2 78 177-8 9-3 38 2 37-7 I2. 5 98 207. 6 15. 6 '59 58.9 3-1 19 118.8 6.2 79 178.8 9-4 39 238.7 12. 5 99 298.6 15.6 60 59-9 . 3- ' 20 119.8 6-3 86 179.8 9-4 . 40 239-7 12. 6 300 299.6 '5-7 Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat Dist Dep. Lat. [For 87 Degrees. 116 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 4. Dist Lat. Dep. bist. Lat. Dep. Dist Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat Dep. Dist Lat Dep. I I.O 0. I 61 60. 9 4-3 121 120. 7 8-4 181 180.6 12.6 24' 240.4 16. 8 2 2. O 0. I 62 61.8 4-3 22 121. 7 8-5 82 181.6 12.7 42 241.4 16. 9 3 3- 0. 2 63 62.8 4-4 2 3 122.7 8.6 83 182.6 12.8 43 242.4 17.0 4 4.0 o. 3 64 63.8 4-5 24 123.7 8.6 84 183.6 12.8 44 243-4 17.0 5- o. 3 65 64.8 4-5 25 124.7 8-7 85 184-5 12.9 45 244.4 17.1 6 6.0 o-4 66 65.8 4.6 26 125.7 8.8 86 '85.5 13.0 46 245-4 17.2 7 7.0 (j-j 66.8 4- 7 27 126. 7 8.9 87 186.5 13.0 47 246.4 17-2 8 8.0 o!6 68 67.8 4-7 28 127.7 8.9 88 187.5 13.1 48 247-4 17.3 9 9.0 0.6 69 68.8 4-8 29 128. 7 9.0 89 188.5 13.2 49 248.4 17.4 10 10. O - 7 70 69.8 4-9 3 129.7 9-1 90 189.5 '3-3 50 249.4 17.4 ii 11. 0.8 71 70.8 5- 131 13. 7 9.1 191 190.5 '3-3 25' 250.4 17-5 12 12. O 0.8 72 71.8 5-o 32 '3'-7 9.2 92 191.5 '3-4 52 251.4 17.6 13 13-0 0.9 73 72.8 33 132.7 9-3 93 192. 5 '3-5 53 252.4 17.6 H 14.0 . o 74 73-8 5-2 34 133-7 9-3 94 193-5 '3-5 54 253-4 17-7 15 IO I|.0 16. o . o . I 9 74-8 75- 8^ 5-2 5-3 a 134-7 135-7 9-4 9-5 96- 194-5 195-5 13- 6 13-7 H 254.4 255-4 '7-8 '7-9 17 17.0 .2 77 76.8 5-4 37 136.7 9-6 97 '3-7 57 256.4 '7-9 18 18. o 3 78 77.8 5-4 38 137-7 9.6 98 '97-5 '3-8 38 257-4 18. o '9 19. o 3 79 78.8 5-5 39 138.7 9-7 99 198.5 '3-9 59 258.4 18. i 20 20. O 4 80 79-8 5-6 40 139- 7 9-8 200 199-5 14. o 60 259-4 18. i 21 20. 9 5 Si 80.8 5-7 141 140.7 9-8 ZOI 200. 5 14. o 261 260.4 18. 2 22 21. 9 5 82 81.8 5-7 42 141.7 9-9 02 201.5 14. i 62 261.4 18.3 2 3 22.9 .6 83 82.8 5-8 43 142.7 IO. O 3 202. 5 14.2 63 262.4 '8-3 24 23.9 7 84 83.8 5-9 44 143.6 IO. O 04 203.5 14.2 64 263.4 18.4 25 24.9 7 85 84.8 5-9 45 144.6 IO. I 5 204.5 '4-3 65 264.4 18.5 26 25.9 .8 86 85.8 6.0 46 145-6 IO. 2 06 205.5 14.4 66 265.4 18.6 27 26. 9 9 87 86.8 6. i 47 1^6.6 10.3 07 206. 5 14.4 67 266.3 18.6 28 27.9 2. O 88 87.8 6.1 48 147.6 IO. 3 08 207.5 14.5 68 267.3 18.7 2 9 28.9 2.0 89 SS. 8 6.2 49 148.6 lo. 4 09 208.5 14. 6 69 268.3 18. 8 3 29.9 2. I 90 89.8 6-3 50 149.6 10.5 IO 209. 5 14. 6 70 269.3 18.8 3i 3-9 2. 2 9' 90.8 6-3 '51 150.0 10. 5 211 2IO-. 5 14-7 271 270.3 18.9 32 3'-9 2. 2 92 91.8 6.4 52 151. 6 10. 6 12 211. 5 14.8 72 27'- 3 19. o 33 32.9 2-3 93 92.8 6-5 53 152. 6 10.7 13 212.5 14 9 73 272.3 19.0 34 33-9 2. 4 94 93-8 6.6 54 '53-6 10. 7 H 213.5 14.9 74 273-3 19.1 35 34-9 2.4 95 94-8 6.6 55 154-6 10.8 15 214.5 15.0 75 274-3 19.2 36 35-9 2.5 96 95-8 6.7 56 155.6 10. 9 16 215.5 IS-' 76 275-3 19-3 37 f. 3 6 -9 2.6 97 96.8 6.8 57 156.6 I I/O 17 216.5 15.1 77 276.3 19-3 38 37-9 2.-7 98 97-8 6.8 58 157.6 II. 18 217.5 15.2 78 277-3 19-4 39 38.9 2.7 99 98.8 6.9 59 158.6 II. I '9 218.5 15-3 79 278.3 19-5 40 39-9 2.8 100 99-8 7.0 60 159.6 II. 2 20 219.5 '5-3 80 279-3 19-5 41 40.9 2.9 IOI 100. 8 7.0 161 160.6 II. 2 221 220. 5 15.4 281 280.3 19.6 42 41.9 2.9 02 101. 8 62 161.6 11-3 22 221-5 15-5 82 281.3 19.7 43 42.9 3-o 03 102. 7 7-2 63 162.6 II.4 23 222. 5 15-6 83 282.3 19-7 44 43-9 3-1 04 103-7 7-3 64 163.6 II.4 24 223.5 15.6 84 283-3 19.8 45 44-9 05 104. 7 7-3 65 164. 6 ii. 5 25 224-5 15-7 !l 284.3 19.9 46 45-9 3-2 06 105.7 7-4 66 165.6 ii. 6 26 225.4 15-8 86 285.3 20.0 47 46.9 3-3 07 106. 7 7-5 67 166.6 ii. 6 27 226.4 15.8 I 7 286.3 20.0 48 47-9 3-3 08 107. 6 7-5 68 167.6 11-7 28 227.4 I5.9 88 287.3 20. I 49 48.9 3-4 09 1 08. 7 7.6 69 168.6 n. 8 29 228.4 16. o 89 288.3 2O. 2 5 49-9 3-5 IO 109.7 7-7 70 169. 6 11.9 3 229.4 16. o 90 289.3 20.2 5' 5-9 3-6 III no. 7 7-7 I7i 170. 6 II-9 23' 230.4 16. i. 291 290.3 20.3 5L9 3-6 12 111.7 7-8 72 171.6 12.0 32 231.4 16. 2 92 291.3 2O.4 53 52.9 3-7 13 112. 7 7-9 73 172.6 12, I 33 232.4 16.3 93 292.3 20.4 54 53-9 3-8 14 113.7 8.0 74 173-6 12. I 34 233- 4 16.3 94 293-3 20.5 55 54-9 3-8 '5 114.7 8.0 75 174-6 12.2 35 234.4 16.4 95 294-3 20. 6 56 55-9 3-9 16 115.7 8.1 76 175-6 12.3 36 235-4 16.5 96 295-3 20. 6 57 56-9 4.0 17 116.7 8.2 77 176.6 12-3 37 2.36.4 16.5 97 296.3 20. 7 58 57-9 4.0 18 117.7 8.2 78 177.6 12.4 38 237-4 16. 6 98 297.3 20.8 59 58.9 4-1 ?9 118. 7 8.3 79 178.6 12-5 39 238.4 16.7 99 298.3 20.9 60 59-9 4.2 20 119-7 8.4 80 17976 12.6 40 239-4 16.7 300 299-3 20. 9 Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist Dep. Lat. [For 86 Degrees. 117 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 5. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. I I. O 0. I 61 60.8 5-3 121 1 20. 5 10.5 181 180.3 I S .8 2 4 I 240. 21. 2 2. O 0.2 62 61.8 5-4 22 121. 5 10. 6 82 181.3 15-9 42 2 4 I. 21. 1 3 3- . 3 63 62.8 5.5 23 122.5 10.7 83 182.3 5-9 43 242. 21.2 4 4.0 o-3 64 63.8 5-6 24 123-5 10.8 84 183-3 16. o 44 243- 21.3 5. o 0.4 65 64.8 5-7 124.5 10. 9 85 184.3 16. i 45 244. 21.4 7 6. o 7.0 o. 6 66 67 a? 5-8 5-8 27 125-5 126. 5 II. n. i 86 87 &.J 16.2 16.3 47 245- 246. 21.4 21.5 8 8.0 0.7 68 67-7 5-9 28 127.5 II. 2 88 187.3 16.4 48 247- 21.6 9 y. o 0.8 69 03. 7 6.0 29 128.5 II. 2 89 188.3 16.5 49 248. 21.7 IO 10. O 0.9 70 69.7 6. i 30 129.5 "3 90 189.3 16.6 5 249.0 21.8 n II. O . 71 70. 7 6.2 131 130.5 II.4 191 190.3 16. 6 251 250. o 21.9 12 12. O .0 72 71-7 6-3 32 131. 5 ii. s 92 I9" 1 - 3 16. 7 52 251.0 22. O 13 13.0 . i 73 72.7 6.4 33 132.5 n. 6 93 192.3 16. 8 53 252.0 22. J '4 13-9 . 2 74 73-7 6-4 34 133- 5 "7 94 '93-3 16. 9 54 253.0 22. I '5 14.9 3 75 74-7 6.5 35 '34-5 ii. 8 95 194-3 17.0 55 254.0 22.2 16 15.9 4 76 75-7 6.6 36 3S-5 11.9 96 '95-3 17.1 5 6 255-0 22. 3 17 16.9 . 5 77 76.7 6-7 37 '36-S 11.9 97 196.3 17.2 57 256.0 22. 4 18 17-9 . 6 78 77-7 6.8 38 37-S 12. O 98 197.2 7-3 58 257.0 22.5 19 18.9 7 7Q 78.7 6.9 39 '38-5 12. I 99 198.2 '7-3 59 258.0 22. 6 20 19.9 7 80 79,7 7.0 40 '39-5 12. 2 200 199.2 17.4 60 259.0 22.7 21 20. 9 .8 81 80. 7 7- ' 141 140.5 12-3 201 200. 2 17-5 261 260. o 22. 7 22 21.9 9 82 81.7 7- * 42 141-5 I2. 4 O2 201.2 17.6 62 261. o 22.8 23 22.9 2. O 83 82.7 7-2 43 142-5 12.5 3 2O2. 2 17-7 63 262. o 22.9 2-1 23-9 2. I 84 83.7 7-3 44 '43-5 12.6 04 203. 2 17.8 64 263. o 23.0 25 24.9 2.2 85 84-7 7-4 45 144.4 12.6 05 204.2 17.9 6 5 264. o 23.1 |P zo 25.9 2-3 86 85.7 7-5 46 145-4 12.7 OO -205. 2 18. o 66 265. o 23-2 27 26.9 2-4 87 86. 7 7.6 47 146.4 12.8 07 2OO. 2 18.0 67 266. o 23-3 23 27.9 2.4 8S 87.7 7-7 48 147.4 12.9 08 207. 2 18. i 68 267.0 23-4 29 28.9 2.5 89 88. 7 7-8 49 148.4 13.0 09 208.2 18.2 69 268.0 23.4 3 29.9 2.6 90 89.7 7.8 5 149.4 I3-I IO 209. 2 iS-3 70 269. o 23-5 31 30.9 2.7 9' 90.7 7-9 151 150.4 "3-2 211 210. 2 18.4 271 270. o 23.6 33 3'-9 2.8 92 91.6 8.0 52 151.4 13-2 12 211. 2 18.5 72 271. o 23.7 33 32-9 2.9 93 92. 6 8.1 53 152.4 13. 3 13 212.2 18,6 73 272.0 23-8 34 33-9 3-0 94 93-6 8.2 54 153-4 3-4 14 213.2 18.7 74 273.0 23-9 35 34-9 3- 1 95 94-6 8-3 55 154.4 13-5 15 214.2 18.7 75 274.0 24.0 35-9 3- i 96 95-6 8.4 56 155-4 13-6 16 215.2 18.8 76 274.9 24.1 37 36.9 3-2 97 96. 6 8-5 57 156.4 13-7 17 2l6. 2 18.9 77 275-9 24. I 38 37-9 3-3 98 97-6 8-5 58 157-4 13-8 18 217.2 19.0 78 276.9 24,2 39 3-4 99 98.6 8.6 59 158.4 '3-9 19 218.2 19.1 79 277-9 24-3 40 59.8 3-5 100 99.6 8.7 60 '59- 4 J3-9 20 219. 2 19.2 So 278.9 24-4 41 40.8 3-6 101 100. 6 .8 161 160.4 14. o 221 22O. 2 19-3 281 279.9 24.5 42 41.8 3-7 02 101.6 8.9 62 161.4 14.1 22 221.2 19-3 82 280. 9 24.6 43 42.8 3-7 3 102. C 9.0 63 162.4 14.2 23 222.2 19.4 83 281.9 24. 7 44 43-8 3-8 4 103. 6 9.1 64 163.4 14-3 24 223. 19-5 84 282.9 24.8 45 44.8 3-9 5 104. 6 9-2 65 164.4 14.4 2 5 224. 19. 6 85 283.9 24.8 4 6 45-8 4.0 oo 105. 6 9-2 66 165.4 14- 5 26 225. I 9 .7 86 284.9 24.9 47 46.8 4-1 07 1 06. 6 9-3 67 166.4 14.6 2 7 226. 19.8 ll 285.9 25.0 48 49 47-8 48.8 4.2 4-3 08 09 107.6 108.6 9-4 9-5 68 69 167.4 168.4 14.6 14.7 28 29 227. 228. 19.9 20. o 88 89 286.9 287.9 25.1 25.2 49.8 4-4 IO 109.6 9.6 70 169.4 14.8 30 229. 20. o 9 288,9 25-3 Si 50.8 4-4 111 no. 6 9-7 171 170.3 14.9 231 230. 20. i 291 289.9 25.4 52 51.3 4-5 12 in. 6 9-8 7 2 I7I.3 15.0 3 2 23L 2O. 2 92 290.9 25-4 S3 52.8 4.6 13 112. 6 9.8 73 172.3 15. I 33 232. 20.3 93 291.9 2 5- 5 54 53-8 4' 7 H 113.6 9-9 74 173-3 15-2 34 233- 2O.4 94 202. 9 25.6 55 S-t-3 4.8 IS 114.6 10. O 75 174-3 >5-3 35 234- 20. 5 95 293-9 25. 7 56 17 55.8 55.3 4-9 16 17 115.6 116.6 10. I 10.2 70 n 175.3 176.3 iS-3 15.4 36 235- 20. 6 20.7 97 294.9 295.9 25.8 25.9 58 57-8 j. i 18 117.6 10.3 7* 177-3 15-5 3 237. 20.7 9 296.9 26.0 59 58.8 5- ' 19 118.5 10.4 178.3 15.6 39 2 3 8. 20..8 99 297-9 26. i 60 59.8 5-2 20 >i9-5 10.5 & 179-3 15-7 40 239. 20. 9 300 298.9 26. i Dbt. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lit. Dist. Dep. Lat. [For 85 Degrees. 110 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR G. Ulst. Lit. Dep. Dlst LaL Dep. DIsL Lat. Dep. Dlst. Lat. Dep. DisL LaL Dep. I I. O O. I 61 60. 7 6.4 121 120.3 12.6 181 180.0 18.9 241 239-7 25.2 2 2. o. 2 62 61.7 6-5 22 121.3 12.8 82 181.0 19. o 42 240. 7 25-3 3 3.0 o-3 63 62.7 6.8 23 122.3 12.9 83 182.0 19. I 43 241.7 25-4 4 4-0 0.4 64 63.6 6.7 24 '23.3 13-0 84 183. o 19.2 44 242. 7 25-5 I 7 fr 6.0 7.0 o. 5 o. 6 o- 7 3 67 64.6 65.6 66.6 6.8 6.9 7.0 11 27 124. 3 125.3 126. 3 I3-I 13-2 13-3 8 5 86 S7 184.0 185.0 1 86. 19-3 19.4 '9-5 45 46 47 243- 7 244. 7 245.6 25.6 25-7 25.8 8 8.0 o.S 68 67.6 7- i 28 127-3 I3.4 88 187.0 19-7 4 246. 6 25.9 9 9.0 0.9 bg 68.0 7-2 29 128.3 13-5 89 iSS. o 19. 8 49 247.6 26. o 10 9-9 I. 7 69.6 7-3 3 129-3 13-6 90 189. o 19.9 5 248.6 26. 1 II 10. 9 . I 7" 70. 6 7-4 131 i3 -3 13-7 191 190. o 20. o 251 249.6 26. 2 12 11.9 3 72 71.6 7-5 32 I3I.3 13-8 92 190.9 20. I 52 250. 6 26.3 13 12.9 4 73 72.6 7.6 33 132-3 13-9 93 191.9 20. 2 53 251. 6 26. 4 14 '3-9 74 73-6 7- 7 34 I33.3 14. o 94 192.9 20-3 54 252. 6 26.6 15 14.9 . 6 75 74.6 7-8 35 134-3 14. 1 95 193-9 20. 4 55 253-6 26.7 16 '5-9 7 T 6 75-6 7-9 36 135-3 14.2 96 194.9 20.5 56 254-6 26.8 17 16. 9 .8 77 76.6 8. o 37 136.2 14.3 97 195-9 20. 6 57 255-6 26. 9 18 '7-9 9 73 77-6 8.2 3 137-2 14.4 98 196.9 20.7 58 256. 6 27.0 19 18.9 2. 79 78.6 8-3 39 138.2 14. 5 99 197.9 20.8 59 257.6 27.1 20 19. 9 2. I So 79-6 8.4 40 139-2 14.6 200 198.9 20. 9 60 258.6 27.2 21 20. 9 2. 2 Si 80.6. 8-5 141 140. 2 14- 7 201 199.9 21. 261 259.6 27-3 22 21.9 2-3 82 81.6 8.6 42 141. 2 14.8 02 200. 9 21. I 62 260. 6 27.4 23 22.9 2-4 83 82-5 8.7 43 142.3 14.9 3 201. 9 21. 2 63 261.6 27-5 24 23-9 2. 5 8 4 83.5 8.8 44 143-2 i5-i 04 202. 9 21-3 64 262.6 27. 6 25 24-9 2.6 85 84.5 8.9 45 144.2 IS. 2 5 203.9 21.4 65 263-5 27.7 26 25.9 2- 7 86 85.5 9.0 46 145.2 I5.3 06 204.9 21. 5 66 264.5 27-8 27 26.9 2.8 87 86.5 9.1 47 146. 2 15.4 07 205.9 21. 6 67 265-5 27.9 28 27.8 2.9 88 87.5 9- 2 48 147-2 15- 5 08 206. 9 21.7 68 266. 5 28.0 19 28:8 3- 89 88.5 9-3 49 148.2 15.6 9 207.9 21.8 69 267.5 28. i 3 29.8 3-i 90 89-5 9-4 5 149.2 15.7 10 208.8 22. 70 268.5 28.2 3 ! 30.8 3-2 9" 90.5 9-5 151 150. 2 15.8 211 209.8 22. I 271 269.5 2*. 3 32 3>.8 3-3 92 91-5 9.6 S 2 I5I.2 15-9 12 210.8 22. 2 72 270.5 28. 4 ' 33 32.8 3-4 93 92.5 9- 7 53 152.2 16. o 13 211. 8 22.3 73 271.5 28.5 34 33-8 3- 6 94 93-5 9.8 54 153-2 16. I H 212.8 22.4 74 272.5 28. 6 35 34-8 3-7 95 94-5 9-9 55 154-2 16. 2 15 213.8 22. 5 75 273-5 28.7 36 35-8 3-8 96 95-5 10. O 56 155- 16.3 16 214.8 22.6 76 274.5 28.8 37 36.8 3-9 97 96.5 10. I 57 156. 16.4 17 215.8 22.7 77 275-5 29.0 3 37-8 4.0 98 97-5 10.2 5 157- 16.5 18 216.8 22.8 78 276-5 29. I 39 40 38.8 39-8 4- I 4-2 99 loo 98.5 99-5 10-3 10-5 59 60 I 5 S. '59- 16. 6 16.7 19 20 217.8 218.8 22. 9 23. o B 277-5 278.5 29. 2 29-3 41 40.5 4-3 101 100. 4 10. 6 161 1 60. 16.8 221 219.8 23-1 281 279-5 20. 4 42 41.8 4-4 02 101. 4 10.7 62 161. 16. 9 22 220.8 23.2 82 28,0.5 29-5 43 42.8 4-5 3 102.4 10. 8 63 162. 17.0 23 221.8 23-3 83 281.4 29. 6 44 43-8 4-6 04 103-4 10.9 64 163. 17. i 24 222.8 23-4 84 282.4 29-7 45 44-8 4-7 5 104,4 II. 65 164. 17.2 25 223.8 23.5 85 283.4 29.8 46 45-7 4-8 06 105.4 II. I 66 165. 17.4 26 224.8 23. 6 86 284.4 29.9 47 46.7 4-9 7 loo. 4 II. 2 6? 1 66. 17-5 27 225. 8 23-7 87 285.4 30. o 48 47-7 5- 08 107.4 II.3 68 167. 17.6 28 226.8 23-8 88 286. 4 30.1 49 48.7 5- ' 09 108.4 1 1. 4 69 1 68. 17-7 29 227.7 23-9 89 287.4 30.2 5 49- 7 5-2 10 109 4 11.5 70 169. 17.8 3 228. 7 24.0 90 288.4 3-3 5' 5-7 5-3 in 110.4 n. 6 171 170. 17-9 231 229. 7 24.1 291 289.4 3-4 52 5'- 7 5-4 12 ill. 4 ii. 7 72 171. 18. o S 2 230.7 24-3 92 290.4 30.5 53 52-7 5-5 13 112.4 n. 8 73 172. 18. i 33 231.7 24-4 93 291.4 30 6 54 53-7 5-6 14 "3-4 11.9 74 173-0 l&.Z 34 232.7 24-5 94 292.4 30. 7 55 54-7 5-7 15 "4-4 12. 75 174.0 18.3 35 233.7 24. 6 95 293-4 30.8 56 55-7 5-9 16 115.4 12. I 76 175.0 18.4 3 234- 7 24-7 96 294-4 3-9 57 56.7 6. o 7 116.4 12. 2 77 176.0 18.5 37 235-7 24-8 97 295-4 31.0 58 57-7 6.1 iB 117.4 12-3 78 177.0 18. 6 38 236.7 24,9 98 296.4 31-' g 58.7 59.7 6.2 6-3 19 20 118.3 >i9-3 12.4 12.5 e 178.0 179.0 IS. 7 18,8 39 40 237.7 238.7 25.0 25.1 99 300 297.4 298.4 3'-3 3'-4 DUt Dep. Lit. Dlit. Dep. Lit. Diet. Dep. Lac. Dlst. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lit [For 84 Degrees. DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 7. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. I I.O o. I 6l 6o. S 7-4 121 120. 14-7 181 79- 7 22. I 241 239-2 29.4 2 2. O 0. 2 62 61.5 7-6 22 121. 14.9 82 180.6 22.2 42 240. 2 29.5 3 3-0 0.4 63 62.5 7-7 23 122. 15.0 83 181.6 22-3 43 241. 2 29. 6 4 4.0 0.5 64 63.5 7-8 24 '23- I5.I 84 182.6 22.4 44 242. 2 29.7 5 5- 0.6 65 64.5 7-9 25 124. 15.2 85 183.6 22.5 45 243-2 29-9 6 6.0 0-7 66 65-5 8.0 26 125. 15.4 86 184 6 22.7 46 244.2 30.0 7 6.9 0.9 67 66.5 8.2 27 126. '5-5 87 185.6 22.8 47 245. 2 30.1 8 7-9 I. 68 67.5 8-3 28 127. o '5-6 88 186. 6 22.9 48 246.2 30. 2 9 8.9 I. I 69 68.5 8.4 29 128.0 '5-7 89 187.6 23.0 49 2 47 . 3-3 10 9-9 I. 2 70 69.5 8-5 30 129. o 15.8 90 188.6 23.2 So 248. 30-5 ii 10. 9 '3 7' 70.5 8.7 130.0 16. o 191 189.6 23-3 251 2 49 . 30.6 12 11.9 'I 72 7'-5 8.8 32 131.0 16. i 92 190.6 23-4 250. 3-7 '3 12.9 1.6 73 72.5 8.9 33 132.0 16. 2 93 191. 6 23-5 53 251. 30.8 '4 '3-9 '-7 74 73-4 9.0 34 '33-o '6-3 94 192. 6 2 3 .6- 54 252. 31.0 '5 14.9 1.8 75 74-4 9-' 35 '34-0 16.5 95 '93-5 23-8 55 253- 16 15.9 1.9 76 75-4 9-3 36 '35-o 16.6 96 '94-5 23-9 56 254. 31.2 '7 16.9 2. I 77 76.4 9-4 37 136. o 16.7 97 '95-5 24.0 57 255- 18 '7-9 2.2 78 77-4 9-5 38 '37-0 16.8 98 196.5 24. I 58 2 5 6. 31-4 '9 18.9 2-3 79 78.4 9-6 39 138.0 16. 9 99 '97-5 24-3 59 257- 3'-6 20 19.9 2.4 80 79-4 9-7 40 139.0 17. ' . 200 198.5 24.4 60 2 5 8.. 3'-7 21 20.8 2.6 81 80. 4 9-9 141 '39-9 17.2 20 1 >99-5 24-5 261 259.1. 3'- 8 22 21.8 2-7 82 81.4 10. o 42 140.9 '7-3 02 200. 5 24. 6 62 26o.O 3'-9 23 22.8 2.8 83 82.4 10. I 43 141.9 '7-4 3 201.5 24-7 63 26l.O 32-1 24 23.8 2.9 84 83.4 10.2 44 142.9 '7-5 04 202. 5 24.9 64 262.O 32-2 25 24.8 3- 85 84.4 10.4 45 '43-9 '7-7 5 203.5 25.0 65 263.0 32.3 26 25.8 3-2 86 85.4 10.5 46 144.9 '7-8 06 204.5 25.1 66 264. o 32-4 11 26.8 27.8 3-3 3-4 87 88 86.4 87-3 10. 6 47 48 '45-9 146.9 '7-9 18.0 2 205.5 206. 4 25.2 25-3 67 68 265.0 266. o 32.5 32-7 29 28.8 3-5 89 88.3 10.8 49 '47-9 18. 2 09 207.4 25-5 69 267.0 32-8 3 29.8 3-7 90 89.3 II. 5 148.9 18.3 10 208.4 25.6 70 268.0 32-9 3' 30.8 3-8 9' 90.3 II. i '5' 149.9 18.4 211 209.4 25-7 271 269.0 33- 31-8 3-9 92 9'- 3 II. 2 52 150.9 18.5 12 210. 4 25.8 72 27O.O 33-1 33 32.8 4.0 93 92-3 "3 53 151.9 18. 6 '3 211. 4 26.0 73 271.0 33-3 34 33-7 4.1 94 93-3 11.5 54 152.9 1 8. 8 '4 212.4 26.1 74 272.O 33-4 35 34-7 4-3 95 94-3 u.6 55 '53-8 18.9 15 213-4 26.2 75 273-0 33-5 36 35-7 4-4 96 95-3 M. 7 56 '54-8 19. o 1 6 214.4 26. 3 I 6 273-9 33-6 37 36.7 4-5 97 II. 8 57 155.8 19.' '7 215.4 26.4 n 274-9 33-8 38 37-7 4.6 98 97-3 11.9 58 156.8 '9-3 18 216. 4 26.6 78 275-9 33-9 39 38.7 4.8 99 98-3 12. I 59 '57-8 19.4 '9 217.4 26.7 79 276.9 34-.0 40 39-7 4-9 100 99-3 12. 2 60 158.8 '9-5 20 218.4 26.8 80 277.9 34-1 4' 40. 7 5- IOI 100. 2 12-3 161 139-8 19. 6 221 219.4 26. 9 281 278.9 34-2 42 41.7 S- 1 02 IOI. 2 12.4 62 160. 8 '9-7 22 220. 3 27-1 82 279-9 34-4 43 42.7 5-2 03 102.2 12.6 63 161.8 19.9 23 221. 3 27.2 83 280.9 34-S 44 43-7 5-4 4 103. 2 '2-7 64 162.8 20. o -24 222.3 27-3 84 281.9 34-0 45 44- 7 5-5 5 104. 2 12.8 65 163.8 20. I 25 223.3 27.4 85 282.9 34-7 46 45-7 5-6 06 105. 2 12.9 66 164.8 2O. 2 26 224.3 27.5 86 283.9 34-9 47 46.6 5-7 07 1 06. 2 13.0 67 165.8 20. 4 27 225.3 27-7 87 284.9 35- 48 47-6 5-8 08 107. 2 '3-2 68 166.7 20. 5 28 226, 3 27.8 88 285.9 35-1 49 5 48.6 49.6 6.0 6.1 09 10 108. 2 log. 2 '3-3 '3-4 69 70 167.7 168.7 20. 6 20. 7 29 30 227.3 228.3 27.9 28.0 89 90 286.8 287.8 35-2 35-3 51 50.6 6.2 III IIO. 2 '3-5 171 169.7 20.8 2 3 l 229.3 28.2 291 288.8 35-5 52 51.6 6-3 12 III. 2 '3-6 72 170.7 21.0 3 2 230.3 28.3 92 289.8 35-6 53 52.6 6.5 '3 112. 2 '3-8 73 171.7 21. I 33 23'- 3 28.4 93 290. S 35-7 54 53-6 6.6 '4 II3.2 '3-9 74 172.7 21. 2 34 232-3 28.5 94 291.8 35-8 ii 54-6 55-6 6.7 6. II 114. "5- 14.0 14.1 H 73-7 74-7 21. A 35 36 233-2 234.2 28.6 28.8 3 292.8 293.8 36.0 36.J 57 56.6 6.9 '7 116. '4-3 n '75- 7 21.6 3Z 235.2 28.9 n 294-3 36-* 58 8 57-6 58.6 59-6 7.2 7-3 18 '9 20 117. 118. 119. 14.4 14. S 14.6 76 11 176.7 177.7 178.7 "I 21.8 21.9 38 39 40 236.2 237.2 238.2 29.O 29. I 29.2 9 8 99 300 295-8 296.8 297-8 ft! DM. Dep. Ut. Dlit. Dep. Ut. Dirt. Dtp. Lit. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dfct, Dep. Ut [For 83 Decrees. 120 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 8. Dlst. Lat. Dep. Disl. Lat Dep. Oist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dlst. Lai Dep. I I. O 0. I 61 60. 4 8-5 121 119.8 1 6. 8 iSl 179.2 25.2 241 2j8.7 33-5 2 2. O o. 3 62 61.4 8.6 22 120.8 17.0 82 180. 2 25-3 42 239.6 33-7 3 3- o. 4 63 62.4 8.8 23 121. 8 I7.I 83 181.2 25-5 43 240. 6 33-8 4 4.0 0.6 64 63.4 8.9 24 122.8 '7-3 84 182. 2 25.6 44 241. 6 34-0 1 5- 5-9 0.7 0.8 a 64.4 65.4 9.0 9.2 11 123. 8 124.8 17.4 '7-5 183. 2 184. 2 25-7 25.9 45 46 242. 6 243- 6 34-' 34-2 7 6.9 . o 67 66.3 9-3 2? 125.8 '7-7 87 185.2 26. o 47 244- 6 34-4 8 7.9 . i 68 67.3 9- 5 28 126.8 17.8 88 186. 2 26.2 48 245.6 34-5 9 8.9 . 3 69 68.3 9-6 29 127.7 18. o 89 187.2 26. 3 49 246. 6 34-7 10 9-9 4 7 69- 3 9-7 3 128. 7 1 8. i 90 188.2 26. 4 5 247.6 34-8 II 10. 9 5 7' 7-3 9-9 '3' 129.7 1 8. 2 191 I8 9 . 26.6 251 248. 6 34-9 12 n. 9 7 72 71-3 10. O 32 '3- 7 >8. 4 92 190. 26.7 52 249- 5 35-i '3 12.9 .8 73 72.3 IO. 2 33 '3'-7 18.5 93 191. 26. 9 53 250.5 35-2 H 3-9 9 74 73-3 10-3 34 132-7 18. 6 94 192. 27.0 54 2 5'-5 35-3 15 14.9 2. I 75 74-3 10. 4 35 133-7 18. 8 95 193- 27.1 55 252.5 35-5 16 15.8 2. 2 76 75-3 lo. 6 36 34- 7 18.9 96 194. 27-3 56 253-5 35-6 17 16. 8 2-4 77 7 6 -3 10. 7 37 '35-7 19. i 97 195- 27.4 57 254-5 35-8 18 17.8 2- 5 78 77-2 10 9 38 '36.7 19. 2 98 196. 27.6 58 255-5 35-9 '9 18. 8 2.6 79 78.2 II 39 '37-7 '9-3 99 197. 27-7 59 256-5 36. o 20 19.8 2.8 So 79.2 u i 40 138.6 '9-5 200 19*. 27.8 60 257-5 36.2 21 20.? 2.9 Si 80.2 "3 '4' '39-6 19. 6 2O I 199.0 28.0 261 25 8 -5 3 6 -3 22 21.8 3- ' 82 Si. 2 11.4 42 140. 6 19.8 02 2OO. O 28.1 62 259-5 36.5 23 22.8 3.2 83 82.2 n. 6 43 141.6 19.9 3 2OI. O 28.3 3 260. 4 36 6 24 23.8 3-3 8 4 83.2 II. 7 44 142.6 20. o 4 202. 28.4 64 261. 4 .A 7 11 24.8 25- 7 3-5 3- 6 85 86 84.2 85.2 n. 8 12.0 45 46 '43- 6 144.6 20. 2 20.3 5 06 203. o 204. o 28.5 28.7 11 262. 4 263.4 3 6 -9 37-0 27 26. 7 3-8 87 86.2 12. I 47 145.6 20.5 07 205. o 28. 8 67 264.4 37-2 28 27. 7 3-9 88 87. 12. 2 48 146. 6 20. 6 08 206. o 28.9 68 265.4 37-3 29 28.7 4.0 89 88. 12.4 49 '47- 5 20. 7 09 207. o 29. i 69 266. 4 37-4 3 29. 7 4-2 90 89. 12.5 5 148.5 20. 9 10 208. o 29. 2 7 267.4 37-6 3' 30. 7 4-3 9' 90. 12.7 '5' '49-5 21. O 211 208. 9 29.4 271 268. 4 37-7 32 3'- 7 4-5 92 9'- 12 8 5 2 ISO'S 21. 2 12 209.9 29.5 73 269.4 37 9 33 32. 7 4-6 93 92. 12.9 53 151.5 21-3 '3 210.9 29. 6 73 270.3 7?.. 34 33-7 4-7 94 93- '3-' 54 152.5 21.4 '4 211. 9 29.8 74 27'- 3 3 8.1 35 34-7 4-9 95 94- '3-2 55 '53-5 21. 6 15 212. 9 29.9 75 272.3 3 8 -3 36 37 35-6 36.6 5.0 5- ' 96 97 s '3-4 '3-5 5 6 57 '54-5 '55-5 21.7 21.9 '7 2'3-9 214.9 30.1 30.2 76 77 273-3 2/4-3 38.4 38.6 38 37-6 5-3 98 97.0 '3-6 58 156.5 22. 18 215. 9 3-3 78 275-3 38.7 39 38.6 5-4 99 98.0 '3-8 59 '57-5 22. I '9 210. 9 3-5 79 2/6-3 38.8 40 39- 6 S.6 100 99.0 '3-9 60 158.4 22.3 20 217.9 30. 6 80 2-7-3 39-0 4' 40. 6 5-7 101 loo. o 14.1 161 159.4 22.4 221 218.8 30.8 281 278-3 39-1 42 41.6 5-8 02 IOI.O 14.2 62 1 60. 4 22-5 22 219.8 3-9 82 279-3 39-2 43 42.6 6.0 3 IO2. O '4-3 63 161. 4 22.7 23 220.8 31.0 83 280. 2 39-4 44 43-6 6.1 04 103.0 14-5 64 162. 4 22.8 24 221. 8 31.2 84 28l. 2 39-5 45 44.6 6-3 5 104. o 14. 6 65 163-4 23.0 25 222.8 3'-3 85 282.2 39-7 46 45.6 6-4 06 105. o 14.8 66 164.4 23.1 26 223.8 3'- 5 86 283. 2 39-8 47 46.5 6-5 07 IOD.O 14.9 67 165.4 23.2 27 224.8 3'.6 87 28 4 .2 39-9 48 47-5 6.7 08 106. 9 15.0 68 1 66. 4 23.4 28 225. 8 3'- 7 88 285. 2 40. i 49 48.5 6.8 09 107.9 15.2 69 167. 4 23-5 29 226.8 3'-9 89 2S6.2 40.2 5 49-5 7.0 10 1 08. 9 '5-3 70 168.3 23-7 3 227.8 32.0 90 287. 2 40.4 5' 5-5 7-1 III 109.9 15-4 '7' '69.3 23. 8 23' 228.8 32.1 291 288. 2 40.5 52 5'-5 7-2 12 110.9 '5-6 72 I70-3 23-9 S 2 229.7 32-3 92 289. 2 40. 6 53 52-5 7-4 '3 111.9 '5-7 73 I7I-3 24.1 33 230.7 32-4 93 290. 40. 8 54 53-5 7-5 H 112. J 15-9 74 "72.3 24.2 34 231.7 32.6 94 291. 40-9 55 54-5 I'l 15 113-9 IO. O 75 '73-3 24.4 35 232.7 32.7 95 292. 41. 5& 55-5 7-8 16 II4.9 16. I 76 174-3 24.5 36 233-7 32.8 96 293- 41.2 $ & 56.4 57-4 58.4 59-4 7-9 8.1 8.2 8-4 11 '9 20 II5.9 116, o 117.8 118.8 16.3 l6.,i 16.6 16.7 9 & 175.3 176.3 177-3 170.2 3'-4 20.8 93 190.6 30.2 53 249-9 39-0 '4 13-8 2. 2 74 73- n. 6 34 132.4 21. O 94 191.6 3-3 54 250.9 39-7 15 14.8 2-3 75 74- 11.7 35 "33- 3 21. I 95 192. 6 30-5 55 251.9 39-9 16 15.8 2-5 76 75- 11.9 3 6 '34-3 21-3 96 193.6 3-7 56 252.8 40.0 '7 16. 8 2.7 77 76. 12. O 37 '35-3 21.4 97 194.6 30.8 57 253-8 4O. 2 18 17.8 2.8 78 77.0 12.2 38 136-3 21. 6 98 195.6 31.0 58 254.8 40.4 >9 18. 8 3- 79 78.0 I2. 4 39 137-3 21. 7 99 196.5 31-1 59 255-8 40.5 20 19.8 3- ' 80 79.0 '2-5 40 138-3 21.9 200 197-5 31-3 60 256.8 40.7 21 20. 7 3-3 Ti 80.0 12.7 141 '39-3 22. I 20 1 198.5 3'-4 261 257-8 40.8 22 21.7 3-4 82 Si.o 12.8 42 140.3 22. 2 02 199-5 31-6 62 258.8 41.0 23 22. 7 3-6 83 82.0 13.0 43 141. 2 22.4 3 200. 5 31-8 63 259.8 41.1 24 23-7 3-8 84 83.0 '3-' 44 142. 2 22.5 04 201.5 31-9 64 260. 7 41.3 2 5 24.7 3-9 85 84.0 '3-3 45 143.2 22.7 5 202. 5 32.1 65 261. 7 41.5 26 25-7 4.1 86 84.9 13-5 46 144.2 22.8 06 23-5 32.2 66 262. 7 41.6 27 26.7 4-2 87 85.9 13-6 47 J45-2 23.0 07 204.5 32-4 6 l 263.7 41.8 28 27.7 4-4 88 86.9 13-8 48 146.2 23.2 08 205.4 32.5 68 264.7 41.9 29 28.6 4-5 89 87-9 '3-9 49 147.2 23-3 09 206. 4 32-7 69 265.7 42.1 3 29.6 4-7 90 88.9 14.1 5 148.2 23-5 10 207.4 32.9 70 266.7 42.2 3! 30.6 4.8 9' 89.9 14.2 151 149. 23-6 211 208. 4 33-0 271 267. 7 42.4 32 3i.6 5.0 92 90.9 14.4 S 2 150. 23-8 12 209.4 33-2 72 268.7 42.6 33 32.6 5- 2 93 91.9 14.5 53 151. 23-9 '3 210.4 33-3 73 269. 6 42.7 34 33-6 5-3 94 92.8 14.7 54 152. 24.1 14 211.4 33-5 74 270.6 42.9 35 34-6 5-5 95 93-8 14.9 55 '53- 24.2 15- 212.4 33-6 75 271.6 43-o 36 35-6 5-6 90 94.8 15.0 56 154. 24-4 16 213-3 33-8 76 272.6 43-2 37 36.5 5-8 97 95-8 15.2 57 155-- 24. 6 17 214-3 33.9 77 273.6 43-3 38 37-5 5-9 98 96.8 '5-3 58 156. 24.7 18 215-3 34-1 7 274.6 43-5 39 38.5 6.1 99 97.8 5-5 59 157.0 24.9 J9 216. 3 34-3 79 275.6 43-6 40 39-5 6-3 IOO 98.8 IS. 6 60 158.0 25.0 20 217-3 34-4 80 276.6 43-8 4' 40.5 6.4 101 99-8 15.8 161 159.0 25. 2 221 218.3 34-6 281 .277- 5 44-0 42 41.5 6.6 02 :oo. 7 16. o 62 160.0 25.3 22 2 '9- 3 34-7 82 278.5 44'- I 43 42.5 6-7 3 101. 7 16. i 63 161.0 25-5 23 220.3 34-9 83 279.5 44-3 44 43-5 6.9 04 102. 7 16.3 64 162.6 25-7 24 221.2 35-0 84 280.5 44-4 45 44-4 7.0 5 103.7 16.4 65 163.0 2 5 .8 25 222,2 35-2 fi 281.5 44:6 46 45-4 7-2 06 104.7 16.6 66 164. o 26.0 26 223. 2 35-4 86 282.5 44-7 47 46.4 7-4 07 105. 7 16. 7 67 564.9 26.1 27 224.2 35-5 87 283:5 44-9 48 47-4 7-5 08 106. 7 16.9 68 165.9 26.3 28 225.2 35-7 OQ 00 284.5 45.1 49 48.4 7-7 09 107.7 17-1 69 166.9 26.4 29 226. 2 35-8 89 285.4 45-2 5 49-4 7-8 10 108. 6 17.2 70 167.9 26.6 10 227.2 36.0 90 286.4 45-4 5' 50.4 S.o III 109. 6 17-4 171 168.9 26.8 231 228.2 3f.i 291 287.4 45-5 S 2 51.4 8.1 12 uo. 6 '7-5 72 169.9 26.9 32 229. 36.3 92 288.4 45-7 53 5 2 -3 8-3 *3 in. 6 17.7 73 170.9 27.1 33 230. 36.4 93 289.4 45. 8 54 53-3 8.4 4 112. 6 17. 8 74 171.9 27.2 34 231. 36.6 94 290.4 46.0 55 54-3 8.6 15 113.6 18,0 75 172.8 27.4 35 232. 36.8 95 291.4 46. i 56 53-3 8.8 16 114.6 i3. i 76 173-8 27-5 36 233- 36-9 96 292.4 46.3 57 56-3 8.0 7 115. 6 18.3 77 174.8 27- 7 37 234- 37-1 97 293-3 46.5 5 57-3 9.1 18 116. 5 18.5 78 175-8 27.8 38 235- 37-2 68 294-3 46. 6 59 58.3 9-2 19 117.5 18.6 79 576.8 28.0 39 236. 37-4 99 295-3 46. 8 60 59-3 9-4 20 118.5 18.8 So s 7,7- 8 40 237.0 37-5 300 296.3 46.9 Dist. Dcp. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. [For 81 Degrees. DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 10. Dlst. Lai. Dcp. Dist. Lat. Dcp. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dcp. Dlst. Lai. Dcp. I 1.0 0.2 61 60. I 10. 6 121 119. 2 21. 181 >7S-3 3'-4 241 2 37- 3 41.8 2 2. O o. 3 62 61. I 10.8 22 120. 21. 2 82 179.2 31.6 4 2 . -3 s - 3 42.0 3 3- 0.5 63 62. o 10. 9 23 121. 21.4 83 I So. 2 3'-8 43 2 39- 3 42.2 4 3-9 o. 7 64 63. o 11. I 24 122. 21.5 84 181. 2 32.0 44 240-3 42.4 5 4-9 0.9 65 64. o "3 25 I2 3- 21.7 85 182.2 3 2 - 1 45 2 4I-3 42.5 6 5-9 .0 66 65. o 11.5 20 124. 21.9 86 183.2 32-3 46 2 4 2 -3 42.7 7 6.9 . 2 67 66.0 n. 6 2 7 125. 22. I 8/ 184. 2 3 2 -5 47 243-2 42.9 8 7-9 4 68 67.0 11. 8 28 126. 22. 2 8S I8 5 . 32.0 48 244.2 43- 9 8.9 .6 69. 68.0 12. O 29 127. o 22.4 89 1 86. 32-8 49 245.2 43-2 10 9.8 7 70 68.9 12. 2 3 128.0 22. 6 90 187. 33- 5 246. 2 43-4 II 10.8 '9 7' 69.9 I2 - 3 '3' 129. o 22.7 191 1 88. 33- 2 251 247.2 43- 6 12 n. 8 2. I 7 2 70.9 12.5 3 2 130. o 22. 9 92 189- 33-3 5 2 248. 2 43-8 >3 12.8 2.3 73 71.9 12.7 33 131.0 2 3-' 93 190. 33-5 53 249.2 43-9 14 '3-8 2.4 74 72.9 12.8 34 132. o 2 3-3 94 191. 33-7 54 250. 44. i 15 14.8 2.6 75 73-9 '3- 35 132.9 2 3-4 95 192. o 33-9 55 251. 44-3 ID 15.8 2.8 76 74-8 3-2 36 33-9 23.6 96 '93- 34-0 5 6 252. 44-5 17 16.7 3- 77 75-8 13.4 37 '34-9 2 3-8 97 194.0 34-2 57 253- 44.6 18 19 '7-7 18.7 3-1 3-3 78 79 76.8 77-8 '3-5 '3-7 3 39 '35-9 i3 6 -9 24.0 24. i 98 99 195.0 196. o 34-4 34-6 58 I 9 2 54. 25 2' 44-8 45.0 20 9-7 3-5 So 78.8 3-9 40 137-9 24-3 200 197.0 34.7 60 256. 45-' 21 20. 7 3- 6 81 79.8 14. i 141 '38.9 24.5 20 1 197-9 34-9 261 257.0 45-3 22 21. 7 3-8 82 80.8 14.2 42 139-8 24.7 02 198.9 35-' 62 258.0 45-5, 23 22. 7 4.0 83 81.7 14.4 43 140. 8 24.8 3 199.9 35-3 63 259.0 45-7 24 23.6 4- 2 84 82.7 14. 6 44 141.8 25.0 04 200. 9 35-4 64 260. o 45-8 25 " ., 24. 6 4-3 85 83.7 14.8 45 142.8 25.2 5 201. 9 35-6 ^ 261. o 46. o 26 25. 6 4-5 86 84-7 14.9 46 143.8 25-4 06 202. 9 35-8 66 262. o 46. 2 27 28 26.6 27. 6 4-7 4-9 87 88 86! 7 15.1 '5-3 47' 48 144.8 145-8 25-4 25.7 07 oS 203. 9 204. tf 3>9 36.1 67 6S 262. 9 263.9 46.4 46.5 2.9 28.6 5- 89 87.6 '5-5 49 146.7 25.9 09 205.8 36.3 69 264.9 46. 7 ^0 29.5 5-2 9 88.6 iS-6 5 147-7 26. o 10 206. 8 36.5 70 265.9. 46.9 3 1 3-5 5-4 9' 89.6 15.8 5' 148.7 .~6. 2 211 207. 8 36. 6 271 266. 9 47. i 3 2 3>-5 5-6 92 90. 6 16. o 52 149. 7 26. 4 12 208.8 36.8 72 267.9 47.2 33 3 2 -5 5-7 93 91.6 16. i 53 150.7 26.6 3 209.8 37-0 73 268.9 47-4 34 33- 5 5-9 94 92. 6 16.3 54 151.7 26.7 14 210. 7 37- 2 74 269.8 47-6 35 34-5 6. i 95 93-6 16.5 55 152. 6 26.9 '5 211. 7 37-3 75 270. 8 47.8 36 35.5 6.3 96 94-5 16.7 56 153- 6 27.1 16 212. 7 37-5 70 271.8 47-9 37 3 6 -4 6.4 97 95-5 16. 8 57 154.6 2 7-3 '7 213-7 37-7 77 272.8 48.1 38 37-4 6.6 98 96.5 17.0 58 155.6 27.4 18 214. 7 37-9 78 273-8 4S.3 39 40 38-4 39-4 6.8 6.9 99 IOO 97-5 98.5 17.2 17.4 g 156.6 157.6 27. 6 27-8 19 20 215. 7 216. 7 38.0 38-2 79 80 274.8 275-7 4S.4 48.6 41 40.4 7- ' 101 99-5 '7-5 161 158.6 28.0 221 217.6 38.4 281 270.7 48.8 42 41.4 7-3 02 loo. 5 17.7 62 >59- 5 28.1 22 218.6 3S.5 82 277.7 49.0 43 42/3 7-5 3 foi.4 17-9 63 1 60. 5 28.3 2 3 219. 6 38.7 f 3 278.7 49- ' 44 43-3 7-6 04 1 02. 4 18. i 64 161. 5 28.5 24 220. 6 38.9 84 279.7 49-3 45 44- 3 7.8 05 i3-4 18.2 65 162. 5 28.7 25 221. 6 39- i 85 280. 7 49-5 46 45-3 8.0 06 104.4 18.4 66 ' 6 3-5 28.8 26 222. 6 39-2 86 281. 7 49- 7 47 46- 3 8.2 7 105.4 18. 6 67 164.5 29. o 27 223. 6 39-4 87 282.6 49-8 48 47-3 8-3 08 1 06. 4 18. 8 68 165. 4 29. 2 2S 224.5 39-6 SS 283. 6 50.0 49 48-3 8-5 09 '7-3 18.9 69 1 66. 4 29-3 29 225-5 39-8 89 284. 6 56. 2 5 49- 2 8.7 10 108. i 19. i 7 167.4 2 9.5 3 226. 5 39-9 9 285. 6 50.4 5' 50. 2 8-9 in 109.3 19-3 >7> 168.4 29.7 2 3 227.5 40. i 291 286. 6 5-5 5 2 51.2 9.0 12 no. 3 19.4 7 2 169.4 29.9 32 228.5 4-3 92 '287.6 50.7 53 52.2 9.2 >3 in. 3 19. 6 73 170.4 30. o 33 229.5 40.5 93 288. 5 50.9 54 S3- 2 9-4 14 112.3 19.8 74 171.4 30.2 34 230.4 40. 6 94 289.5 5I.I 55 54.2 9-6 15 "3-3 20. o 75 '7 2 -3 3-4 35 231-4 40.8 95 290.5 51.2 5 6 55- 9-7 16 114. 2 20. I 76 173-3 30. 6 3 6 232.4 41.0 96 291.5 5I< 1 57 5 6 - 9-9 17 115,2 20. 3 77 174-3 3-7 37 233-4 41.2 97 292.5 51. b 58 57- 10. I 18 1 1 6. 2 20. 5 7 175-3 3-9 38 234-4 4'- 3 98 293-5 S'-7 59 58. 10.2 19 117.2 20.7 79 176.3 31.1 39 235-4 41.5 99 294-5 5'-9 So 59- 10.4 20 I l8. 2 20.8' So 177-3 3-3 40 236.4 41-7 300 295-4 52.1 Dlst. Dcp. Lat.' Dist. Dep. Lat Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. [For So Degrees. 123 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 11. Dist LaL Dcp. Dist. LaL Dep. Dist. LaL Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. I I. O. 2 6l 59-9 II. 6 i2I IlS. 8 23.1 181 >77- 7 34-5 241 236. 6 46. O 2 2. 0.4 62 60. 9 II 8 22 119.8 23-3 82 178.7 34-7 42 237-6 46. 2 3 2.9 0.6 63 61.8 12. O 2 3 120. 7 23-5 83 179.6 34-9 43 238-5 46.4 4 3-9 0.8 64 62.8 12.2 24 121. 7 23-7 84 180. 6 35- ' 44 239- 5 46.6 5 4-9 .0 65 63.8 *2.' 4 2 5 122.7 23-9 85 181.6 35-3 45 240.5 46.7 6 5-9 . I 66 64.8 12.6 26 123-7 24. o 86 182.6 35-5 46 241.5 46.9 7 6.9 3 "7 65.8 12.8 27 124. 7 24.2 87 183.6 35-7 47 242. 5 47- I 8 7-9 5 t>8 66.8 13.0 28 125. 6 24.4 88 184-5 35-9 48 243-4 47-3 9 8.8 7 09 67.7 '3- 2 2 9 126.6 24. 6 89 185-5 3 b. i 49 244-4 47-5 10 9-8 9 70 68. 7 13.4 3 127. 6 24.8 90 186.5 36. 3 50 245.4 47-7 II 10. 8 2. I 71 69. 7 '3-5 131 128. 6 25.0 191 187,5 3 6 -4. 251 246.4 47-9 12 ii. 8 2-3 72 70.7 >3- 7 3 2 129. 6 25.2 92 188.5 36.6 5 2 247.4 48. i '3 12.8 2-5 73 71. 7 13-9 33 130. 6 25-4 93 189.5 36.8 53 248.4 48.3 14 13-7 2.7 74 72.6 14.1 34 I3I-5 25.6 94 190.4 37-0 54 249-3 48.5 '5 14.7 2.9 75 73-6 14-3 35 132-5 25.8 95 191.4 37-2 55 250.3 48.7 16 '5-7 3-1 76 74-6 M.5 3 6 133.5 26. o 96 192.4 37-4 56 251-3 48.8 17 16.7 3-2 77 75-6 14 7 37 '34-5 26.1 97 193-4 37-6 57 252.3 49.0 18 17-7 3-4 78 76.6 14.9 38 135-5 26.3 98 194-4 37-8 58 253-3 49-2 19 18.7 3-6 79 77-5 15. i 39 136.4 26.5 99 195-3 38.0 59 .254.2 49-4 20 19. 6 3-8 80 78-5 15-3 40 137-4 26.7 200 196-3 38.2 60 255.2 49-6 21 20. 6 4.0 Si 79-5 15-5 141 138-4 26. 9 201 "97-3 38-4 261 256. 2 49-8 22 21.6 4-2 82 80. 5 15.6 42 39-4 27. i O2 198.3 38.5 62 257-2 50. o 23 22. 6 4-4 83 81.5 15.8 43 140.4 27-3 3 199.3 38.7 63 258.2 50.2 24 23-6 4-6 84 82.5 16. o 44 141.4 27-5 4 200. 3 38.9 64 259. 50.4 25 24-5 4.8 85 83-4 16.2 45 142-3 27-7 05 201. 2 39-1 65 260. 50. 6 26 25-5 5- 86 84.4 16. 4 46 '43-3 27.9 06 202. 2 39-3 66 26l. 50.8 27 26. 5 5-2 87 85.4 16. 6 47 144-3 28.0 7 203.2 39-5 67 262. 50.9 23 27-5 5-3 88 86.4 16. 8 48 145-3 28.2 08 204. 2 39-7 68 263. 51.1 29 28-5 5-5 89 87.4 17.0 49 146-3 28.4 09 205. 2 39-9 69 264. 51-3 3 29.4 5-7 99 88.3 17.2 5 147.2 28.6 10 206. I 40. i 70 265.0 51-5 3' 3-4 5-9 9i 89-3 17.4 15" 148. 2 28.8 211 207. I 4-3 271 266. o 51-7 32 3'-4 6. i 92 9-3 17.6 52 149-2 29. o 12 208. I 40.5 72 267.0 5<-9 33 32-4 6-3 93 91-3 7-7 53 150. 2 29. 2 13 209. I 40. 6 73 268.0 52.1 34 33-4 6.5 94 92-3 17-9 54 I5I.2 29.4 14 2IO. I 40.8 74 269. o 52.3 35 34-4 6-7 95 93-3 18. i 55 152. 2 29. 6 15 211. 41.0 75 269.9 52.5 36 35-3 6.9 96 94. 2 18.3 56 I53-I 29.8 16 212. O 41.2 76 270.9 52.7 37 36.3 7- i 97 95-2 18.5 57 154. I 3. 17 213.0 41.4 77 271.9 52.9 3 37-3 7-3 98 96. 2 18.7 58 155-1 30.1 18 214. o 41. 6 78 272.9 53-0 39 38.3 7-4 99 97-2 18.9 5 9 156. I 30.3 19 215. o 41.8 79 273.9 53-2 4 39-3 7.6 loo 98. 2 19. i 60 I57.I 30.5 20 216. o 42.0 80 274.9 53-4 41 40. 2 7.8 101 99- 19-3 161 158.0 3-7 221 2 1 6. 9 42.2 281 275.8 53-6 42 41.2 8.0 02 100. "9-5 62 159-0 3-9 22 217.9 42.4 82 276.8 53-8 43 42.2 8.2 3 101. 19- 7 63 :6o. o 3I- 1 23 218.9 42.6 83 277.8 54.0 44 43-2 8.4 04 102. 19.8 64 161. o 3"-3 24 219-9 42.7 84 278.8 54-2 45 44-2 8.6 5 13- 20. o 65 162. o 3'-5 25 220. 9 42.9 85 279.8 54-4 46 45-2 8.8 06 I0 4 . 2O. 2 66 163. o 3i.7 26 221.8 43- ' 86 280. 7 54-6 47 46. 9-o 07 105. o 20. 4 67 > 6 3-9 3i-9 27 222.8 43-3 87 281. 7 54-8 48 47- 9. .2 08 1 06. O 20. 6 68 164.9 32-1 28 223.8 43-5 88 282. 7. 55.0 49 4 S. 9-3 09 107. o 20. S 69 165.9 32.2 29 224. 8 43-7 89 283.7 55-1 5 49- 9-5 10 1 08. O 21. 70 1 66. 9 32-4 3 225.8 43 9 go 284^7 55-3 51 5- 9-7 III 109. o 21. 2 171 167.9 32.6 231 22678 44. i 291 285-7 55-5 S 2 51.0 9-9 12 109.9 21.4 72 16?. 8 32.8 32 227.7 44- 3 92 286.6 55-7 53 52.0 10. I '3 1 10. 9 21.6 73 169.8 33-0 33 228. 7 44-5 93 287.6 55-9 54 53.0 10.3 14 111.9 21 8 74 170.8 33-2 34 229.7 44.6 94 288.6 56.1 ' 55 54-0 10.5 15 112 9 21.9 75 171.8 33-4 35 230. 7 44-8 95 289. 6 56.3 56 55- 10.7 16 113.9 22. I 76 172.8 33-6 36 23>.7 45- 96 290. 6 56.5 57 56. o 10. 9 17 114. 9 22-3 77 73- 7 33-8 37 232. 6 45-2 97 291.5 56.7 58 S 6 9 ii. i 18 115.8 22.5 73 174- 7 34-0 38 233.6 45-4 98 292.5 56.9 59 57-9 "3 19 116.8 22.7 79 175-7 34-2 39 234.6 45-6 99 293-5 57-i 60 58.9 11.4 20 117.8 22.9 So 170. 7 34-3 40 235-6 45-8 300 294-5 57-2 Dist. Dcp. Lat. DUt. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist, Dcp. Lat. [For 79 Degrees. 124: DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 12. DUt. Lot. Dep Dlst. Ut Dep Utst Lat Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. nist. Lit. Dep. i 1.0 O. 2 61 59-7 '2.7 121 118.4 25.2 iSi 177.0 37-6 241 2 35-7 50. I 3. 2.0 0.4 62 60. 6 12.9 22 '19-3 25-4 82 178.0 37-8 42 236-7 5-3 3 2.9 0.6 63 61.6 13.' 23 120. 3 25.6 83 1/9.0 38. o 43 237-7 5-5 4 3-9 0.8 64 62.6 3-3 24 121.3 2 5 .8 84 180. o 38.3 44 238-7 50.7 5 4-9 1.0 <>5 63.6 '3-5 25 122.3 26. o 85 181.0 38.5 45 239.6 50.9 6 5-9 I. 2 66 64.6 "3-7 26 123.2 26.2 86 181.9 38.7 46 240. 6 51 7 6.8 >-5 67 65.5 '3-9 27 124.2 26.4 87 182.9 38.9 47 241. 6 5'-4 8 7.8 ' 7 6S 60. 5 14. i 28 125.2 26.6 88 '83.9 39-1 48 242.6 51-6 9 8.8 1.9 69 67.5 14-3 29 126. 2 26.8 89 184.9 39-3 49 2*3- 6 51.8 10 9.8 2. I 70 68. 5 14. 6 3 127. 2 27.0 90 185.8 39-5 5 244- 5 52.0 ii 10. 8 2-3 7i 69.4 14.8 '3 1 123. I 27.2 191 1 86. 8 39-7 251 245-5 52.2 12 11.7 2-5 72 70.4 15.0 y- 129. I 27.4 92 187.8 39-9 52 246.5 52.4 '3 12.7 2.7 73 71.4 15.2 33 130. I 27.7 93 1 88. 8 40. i 53 247-5 52.6 >4 3-7 2.9 74 72.4 15-4 34 i3- 27-9 94 189.8 40.3 54 248.4 52.8 1C "4. 7 3-i 75 73-4 15.6 35 132.0 28. i 95 190. 7 40.5 55 249.4 53.0 10 '5-7 3-3 76 74-3 '5-8 3 6 '33- 28.3 96 191.7 40. 8 56 250.4 53-2 '7 16.6 3-5 77 75-3 16. o 37 134-0 28.5 97 192. 7 41.0 57 251.4 53-4 Io 17.6 3-7 78 76.3 1 6. 2 38 '35-o 28.7 98 '93-7 41.2 58 252.4 53-6 19 18. 6 4.0 79 77-3 16.4 39 136.0 28.9 99 194-7 41-4 59 253-3 53-8 20 19. 6 4.2 80 78.3 16. 6 40 '36.9 20. I 200 195.6 41. 6 60 254-3 54.1 21 20.5 4-4 Si 79.2 16.8 141 137.9 29-3 201 196.6 41.8 261 2 55.3 54-3 22 21.5 4.6 82 80.2 17.0 42 138.9 29.5 O2 197.6 42. o 62 256.3 54-5 23 22.5 4-8 83 81.2 '7-3 43 >39-9 29.7 3 198. 6 42.2 63 257.3 54-7 24 23-5 5- 84 82.2 17-5 44 140.9 29.9 04, 199.5 42-4 64 258. 2 54-9 25 24.5 5-2 85 83- '7-7 45 141.8 30.1 5 200. 5 42. 6 65 259.2 55- 1 2O 25.4 5-4 86 84. 17.9 46 142.8 3-4 06 201. 5 42.8 66 260. 2 55-3 27 26.4 5-6 87 85- 1 8. i 47 143-8 30. 6 7 202. 5 43- 67 26l. 2 55-5 28 27.4 5-8 88 86. '8-3 48 144-8 30.8 08 203-5 43-2 68 262. 55-7 29 28.4 6. o 89 87- 18.5 49 MS- 7 3'- 09 204.4 43-5 -69 263. 55-9 3 29-3 6.2 90 83.o 18.7 5 1-46. 7 31.2 IO 205.4 43-7 70 264. 56.1 3' 3-3 6.4 91 89.0 18.9 "5 147-7 3i-4 211 206.4 43-9 271 265. 56-3 32 .31-3 6-7 92 90. o 19. i 52 148-7 31.6 12 207.4 44- l 72 266. 56.6 33 32.3 6.9 93 91.0 '9-3 53 '49- 7 31-8 '3 208.3 44-3 73 267. o 56.8 34 33-3 7-1 94 91.9 9-5 54 150. 6 32.0 H 209.3 44-5 74 2&8.0 57-o 35 34-2 7-3 95 92-9 19.8 55 151. 6 32.2 '5 210. 3 44-7 75 269. o 57-2 36 35- 2 7-5 96 93-9 20. O 5 152. 6 32-4 16 211.3 44-9 76 270. o 57-4 37 36.2 7-7 97 94-9 20. 2 57 '53-6 32.6 17 212. 3 45-1 77 270.9 57-6 33 37-2 7-9 98 95-9 20.4 58 154.5 32-9 18 213.2 45-3 78 271.9 57-8 39 38-1 8. i 99 96.8 20. 6 59 '55-5 33-' '9 214. 2 45-5 79 272.9 58.0 40 39-1 8-3 ICO 97-8 20. 8 60 156-5 33- 3 20 215.2 45-7 80 273-9 58.2 4' 40. i 8.5 101 98.8 21. 161 157-5 33-5 221 2l6. 2 45-9 281 274-9 58-4 42 41.1 8-7. 02 99.8 21.2 62 158.5 33-7 22 217. I 46. 2 82 275.8 58.6 43 42. i 8-9 03 loo. 7 21.4 63 159.4 33-9 23 2iS. I 40.4 83 276.8 58.8 44 43- 9- i 04 101. 7 21.6 04 160. 4 34-1 2 4 219. I 46.6 84 277.8 59.0 45 44.0 9-4 5 102. 7 21.8 65 161.4 34-3 25 220. I 46. ft 85 278.8 59-3 46 45.0 9.6 06 i3-7 22. O 66 162.4 34-5 26 221. I 47.0 86 279.8 59-5 47 46. o 9.8 07 104. 7 22. 2 07 163.4 34-7 27 222. O 47. 2 87 280. 7 59-7 48 47.0 10. o 08 105-7 22.5 68 164.3 34-9 28 223, o 47-4 88 281. 7 59-9 49 47-9 IO. 2 09 106. 6 22. 7 69 '65.3 35-' 29 224. o 47-6 89 282. 7 60. i 5 48.9 10. 4 IO 107. 6 22.9 70 166. 3 35-3 3 225. o 47-8 90 283-7 60. 3 5 1 49-9 10. t> III 108. 6 2 3- 1 171 ' 6 7-3 35-6 23" 226. o 4!! o 291 284.6 60.5 5 2 50.9 10.8 12 109. 6 23-3 72 163.2 35-8 3 2 226. 9 48.2 92 285.6 60.7 53 SI'S 11. '3 no. 5 23-5 73 169. 2 36. o 33 227.9 48.4 93 286.6 60. 9 54 52.8 II. 2 '4 in. 5 23-7 74 I7O. 2 36.2 34 228.9 48.7 94 287.6 61.1 55 53-8 II. 4 15 112.5 23-9 75 I7I.2 3 6 -4 35 229. 9 48.9 95 288.6 6'-3 56 54.8 II. 6 IO "3-5 24. I 76 ?72.2 36.6 36 230.8 49- I 96 289-5 oi. 5 57 55-8 II. 9 '7 114.4 24.3 77 173-1 36.8 37 231.8 49-3 97 290.5 61.7 53 50.7 12. I 18 115.4 24.5 /8 174. i 37-o 38 232.8 49-5 98 291-5 62.0 5 9 57-7 12.3 19 110.4 24. 7 79 175.1 37.2 39 233.8 49- 7 99 292.5 62.2 60 58.7 12.5 20 117.4 24.9 So 176.1 37-4 40 234.8 49-9 300 293-4 62.4 Dlst. Dap. Lat. Dlst. Dop. Lat. Dlst. Dep Lat. Dlt, Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep Lat. [For 78 Degrees. 125 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 13. Ilist. Lat Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat Dep. I I.o 0. 2 61 59-4 13-7 121 II7.9 27.2 181 176.4 40. 7 241 234.8 54-2 2 1.9 0.4 62 00.4 13-9 22 118.9 27.4 82 177-3 40.9 42 235-8 54-4 3 2.9 o. 7 63 61.4 14.2 23 II9.8 27.7 83 178.3 4 1.2 43 236.8 54-7 4 3-9 0.9 64 62. 4 14.4 24 120. & 27.9 84 179-3 41.4 44 237-7 54-9 5 4-9 I. I 65 63-3 14. 6 2 5 121. 8 23. I 85 180.3 41. 6 45 238.7 55-1 6 5-8 1.3 66 64-3 14.8 26 122.8 28.3 86 181.2 41.8 46 239.7 55-3 7 6.8 1.6 67 65.3 15. i 27 123.7 28.6 87 182.2 42.1 47 240.7 55-6 8 7-8 1.8 68 66.3 15-3 23 124.7 28.8 88 183.2 42-3 48 241. 6 55-8 9 8.8 2. O 69 67.2 15-5 ?9 125.7 29. o 89 184. 2 42.5 49 242.6 56. o 10 9-7 2. 2 70 68.2 15-7 3 126. 7 2Q. 2 90 185. I <2.7 50 243.6 56-2 II 10.7 2-5 7 69. 2 16. o I3 1 127.6 29.5 191 1 86. i 43- 251 244.6 56.5 12 n. 7 2.7 72 70.2 16.2 3 2 128.6 29-7 92 187. i 43-2 52 245-5 56.7 13 12.7 2.9 73 7I.I 16. 4 33 129. 6 29.9 93 iSS. i 43-4 53 246.5 56.9 >4 13.6 3-> 74 72.1 16.6 34 130. 6 30.1 94 189.0 43-6 54 247-5 57-1 15 14. 6 3-4 75 73-1 16.9 35 13I-5 3-4 95 190.0 43-9 55 248.5 57-4 16 15.6 3-6 76 74-1 17.1 S 6 132-5 30. 6 96 191. o 44. i 56 249-4 57-6 17 16. 6 3-8 77 75-o 17-3 37 133-5 30.8 97 192.0 44-3 57 250.4 57-8 18 '75 4.0 78 76.0 17-5 38 134-5 31. o 98 192.9 44-5 58 251.4 58.0 19 18.5 4-3 79 77.0 17.8 39 135-4 3'-3 99 i'93- 9 44-8 59 252.4 58.3 20 '9-5 4-5 80 77-9 18. o 40 136.4 31-5 200 194.9 45- 60 253-3 58-5 21 20. 5 4-7 81 78.9 1 8. 2 141 137-4 3'-7 201 195.8 45.2 261 2 54.3 58.7 22 21.4 4-9 82 79-9 18.4 42 138.4 3'- 9 O2 196.8 45-4 62 255- 3 58.9 23 22.4 5-2 83 80.9 18.7 43 139-3 32.2 3 197-8 45-7 63 256.3 59-2 24 23-4 5-4 84 81.8 18.9 44 140-3 3 2 -4 4 198.8 45-9 64 257-2 59-4 25 24.4 5-6 85 82.8 19- l 45 141-3 32. 6 5 199-7 46. i 65 258.2 59-6 26 25-3 5-8 86 83.8 19-3 46 142.3 32.3 06 200. 7 46-3 66 259.2 59-8 27 26.3 6. i 87 84.8 19.6 47 143.2 33-' 07 201. 7 46. 6 67 260.2 60. i 28 27-3 6-3 88 85.7 19.8 48 144.2 33-3 08 202. 7 46.8 68 261. i 60.3 29 28.3 6-5 89 86.7 20. O 49 145.2 33-5 09 203. 6 47.0 69 262. i 60. 5 3 29. 2 6-7 90 87.7 20. 2 5 146. 2 33-7 10 204, 6 47-2 70 263. i 60. 7 3 1 30.2 7.0 9' 88.7 20.5 5i I47.I 34-0 211 205. 6 47-5 271 264. i 61. o 32 31.2 7.2 92 89.6 20. 7 S 2 148. I 34-2 12 206. 6 47-7 72 265. o 61.2 33 32.2 7-4 93 90. 6 20. 9 53 149. I 34-4 '3 207.5 47-9 73 266.0 61.4 34 33-' 7-6 94 91. 6 21. I 54 150. I 34-6 14 208. 5- 48. i 74 267. o 61.6 35 34-1 7-9 95 92. 6 21.4 55 151. o 34-9 15 209.5 48.4 75 268.0 61. 9 36 35-i 8.1 96 93-5 21.6 56 152. o 35-1 16 210. 5 48.6 76 268.9 62.1 37 36.1 8-3 97 94-5 21.8 57 153.0 35-3 17 211.4 48.8 77 269.9 62.3 3S 37-0 8-5 98 95-5 22. O 58 154.0 35-5 18 212. 4 49.0 78 270.9 62.5 39 38.0 8.8 99 96.5 22.3 59 154.9 35-8 19 213-4 49-3 79 271.8 62.8 40 39- 9.0 100 97-4 22.5 60 155-9 36. o 20 214.4 49-5 80 272.8 63. o 41 39-9 9.2 101 98:4 22.7 161 156.9 36.2 221 215-3 49- 7 281 273-8 63.2 42 40.9 9-4 02 99-4 22.9 62 157.8 36.4 22 216. 3 49-9 82 274.8 6>4 43 41.9 9-7 3 100.4 23. 2 63 158.8 36.7 23 217-3 50.2 83 275-7 63.7 44 42.9 9.9 04 101.3 23-4 64 159.8 36-9 24 218.3 5-4 84 276-7 63-9 45 43-8 10. I 5 102.3 23-6 65 160.8 37-1 25 219. 2 50. 6 85 277.7 64.1 46 44.8 10. 3 06 i3-3 23-8 66 161. 7 37-3 26 22O. 2 50.8 86 278.7 64-3 47 45-8 10.6 07 104.3 2 4 . I 67 162.7 37-6 27 221.2 51.1 87 279.6 64.6 48 46.8 10.8 08 105. 2 24-3 68 l6 3-7 37-8 28 222. 2 5'-3 88 280.6 64.8 49 47-7 II. O 09 1 06. 2 24-5 69 164. 7 38.0 2 9 223. I 5'-5 89 281.6 65. o 5 48.7 II. 2 :o 107. 2 2 4 .7 70 165.6 38.2 3 224. I 51-7 90 282.6 65. 2 5 1 49- 7 ii-5 in 1 08. 2 25. o 171 166. 6 3-S 231 225.1 52-0 291 283.5 65.5 5 2 5-7 n. 7 12 log. I 25.2 72 167.6 38.7 32 226. I 52.2 92 284.5 65.7 53 51.6 u. 9 13 I 10. I 25.4 73 168.6 38.9 33 227. o 52.4 93 285.5 65.9 54 52-6 12. I '4 III. I 2 5 .6 74 169.5 39-1 34 228.0 52-6 94 286.5 66. i 55 53-6 12.4 15 112. I 25.9 75 >7o.5 39-4 35 229. o 52.9 95 287.4 66.4 5 6 54-6 12.6 16 113. o 26. I 76 171.5 39-6 36 230. o 53-1 96 288.4 66.6 57 55-5 12.8 '7 114. o 26.3 77 172.5 39-8 37 230.9 53-3 97 289.4 66.8 58 56.5 13.0 18 II5.0 26. 5 78 173-4 40. o 38 231-9 53-5 98 290.4 67. o 59 57-5 13.3 39 u6. o 26.8 79 174-4 40.3 39 232.9 53-8 99 291.3 67.3 60 58.5 13.5 20 116.9 27.0 80 175-4 40.5 40 233.8 54.0 300 292.3 67.5 Dist. Dcp. Lat. Dist. "Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat [For 77 Degrees. DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 14. Dlst. Lat. Dep. Dlst. Lat. Dep. Dlst. Lat. Dep. Dlst. Lat. Dep. Ulsl. tut Dep. I I. O O. 2 61 59-2 14. 8 121 II7.4 29-3 181 175-6 43- * 241 233- s 58-3 2 1. 9 0.5 62 60. 2 15-0 22 118.4 29. 5 82 176. 6 44.0 42 234-8 5 s - 5 3 2.9 0.7 63 61. i 15-2 23 "9- 3 29.8 83 177.6 44- 3 43 235. 8 58 J 4 3-9 . O 64 62. I '5-5 24 120. 3 30.0 84 178.5 44- 5 44 230. 8 50. o 5 4-9 .2 63.1 "5-7 2 5 121.3 30. 2 85 '79- 5 44.8 45 237- 7 5* 3 6 5-8 5 66 64. o 16. o 26 122.3 3-5 So 180. 5 45.0 46 238. 7 5*5 7 6.8 7 67 65. c 16. 2 27 123.2 3?- 7 87 181.4 45-2 47 239- 7 59.8 8 7-8 9 68 65.o 16.5 28 124. 2 31.0 88 182.4 45-5 48 240. 6 bo. o 9 8-7 2. 2 69 67. o 16.7 29 135.2 89 183.4 45- 7 49 241. 6 60. 2 10 9-7 2. 4 70 67-9 1 6. 9 30 126. 1 3'-4 90 (84. 4 46. o 5 242. 6 60.5 ii 10.7 2- 7 7' 68.9 17.2 '3' 127. 1 3'-7 191 185.3 46. 2 251 243- 5 60. 7 12 n. 6 2.9 72 69.9 17.4 32 128. 1 3'-9 92 186.3 46.4 S 2 244- 5 61. o 3 12.6 3- 1 73 70.8 '7-7 33 129. o 32-2 93 '87.3 46.7 53 245-5 61. i >4 13-6 3-4 74 71.8 17-9 34 130.0 32-4 94- 188.2 46.9 54 246. 5 61.4 '5 14.6 3-6 75 72.8 18. i 35 131.0 32-7 95 I8g. 2 47-2 55 247-4 Oi. 7 16 >5-5 3-9 76 73-7 18.4 36 132.0 32.9 96 190. 2 47-4 5 s 248.4 61. 9 '7 16.5 4.1 77 74-7 18.6 37 132.9 33-' 97 191. I 47- 7 57 249. 4 62.2 iS '7-5 4.4 78 75-7 18.9 3 8 '33-9 33-4 98 192. I 47-9 25"- 3 62.4 19 18.4 4.6 Z 9 76.7 19.1 39 '34-9 33-6 99 193- 48. i 59 2 5'-3 62. 7 20 19.4 4-8 80 77-6 19.4 40 '35-8 33-9 200 194. I 48.4 60 252. 1 62. 9 21 20.4 5- ' 81 78.6 19. 6 141 136.8 34-1 201 195-0 48.6 201 253. 2 63.1 22 21.3 5-3 82 79.6 19.8 42 137-8 34-4 O2 196. o 48.9 63 254. 2 63.4 23 22.3 5-6 83 80:5 20. i 43 138.8 34-6 3 197.0 49.1 63 255-2 63. 6 24 23-3 5-8 84 81.5 20.3 44 '39. 7 34-8 04 197-9 49-4 64 256. 2 63.9 25 24-3 6. o 85 82.5 20. 6 45 MO. 7 . 35- i 5 198.9 49-6 65 257. 1 64. i 26 25. 2 6-3 86 83-4 20.8 46 141. 7 35-3 06 199.9 49-8 66 25! I 64-4 27 26. 2 6-5 87 84.4 21. O 47 142. 6 35-6 7 200. 9 50.1 67 259. I 64.6 28 27. 2 6.8 88 85.4 21-3 48 M3-6 35-8 08 201.8 50.3 68 260. o 64.8 29 28. I 7-0 89 86.4 21. 5 49 144.6 36. o 09 202.8 50. 6 69 261. o 65.1 3 29.1 7-3 90 87.3 21.8 50 45-5 36.3 10 203.3 50. 8 26-!. o 65.3 3' 30.1 7-5 9' 88.3 22. O '5' 146.5 3 6 -5 211 204. 7 51.0 271 263. o 65.6 3 2 31.0 7-7 92 89-3 22. 3 52 M7- 5 36.8 12 205.7 5'-3 72 263.9 6s. 8 33 32.0 8.0 93 90. 2 22.5 53 148.5 37-0 '3 206. 7 73 264. 9 G6. o 34 33-0 8.2 94 91.2 22.7 54 149.4 37-3 M 207. f> s!J 74 265.9 C6. 3 35 34-0 8-5 9 5 92. 2 23. o 55 150.4 37-5 15 208.6 52.0 75 266. 8 66'. 5 36 34-9 8:7 96 93- i 23. 2 5 6 '5>-4 37-7 16 209. 6 52.3 76 2&7.S 66.8 35-9 9.0 97 94.1 23-5 5Z 152. 3 38.0 '7 2IO. 6 52.5 77 263. & 67. o $ 9.2 98 95- ' 23-7 58 '53-3 38-2 18 211.5 52.7 269. 7 67.3 39 37- 8 9-4 99 96.1 24. o 59 154.3 38.5 '9 212. S 53- 79 270. 7 67.5 40 38.8 9-7 ICO 97.0 24.2 60 155.2 38.7 20 213-5 53-2 80 271. 7 67.7 4' 39-8 9-9 101 98.0 24.4" 161 156. 2 3-9 221 214,4 53-5 zSi 272. 7 68. o 42 40.8 10,2 02 99.0 24.7 62 157.2 39-2 22 215.4 53. 7 82 273- 6 63.2 43 41.7 10.4 03 9?- 9 24-9 63 IS8.2 39-4 23 216. 4 53-9 83 274.6 63. 5 44 42-7 10. 6 04 100.9 25.2 64 I59.I 39- 7 24 217.3 54-2 84 275.6 C8. 7 45 43-7 10. 9 OS 101.9 25.4 65 1 60. I 39-9 25 218. 3 54-4 8 5 2/6,5 03. 9 46. 44. 6 II. I 06 102. 25. 6 66 161. i 40. 2 26 219-3 54-7 86 69.2 47 45-6 11.4 z 103.8 25.9 67 162. o 40.4 27 220.3 54-9 87 278. 5. 69.4 43 46.6 M. 6 08 104. 8 26. i 68 163. o 40. 6 28 221. 2 55-2 83 279-4 69-7 49 47-5 11.9 09 105.8 26. 4 69 164. o 40.9 29 222. 2 55'. 4 89 280.4 69.9 50 48.5 12. I 10 1 06, 7 26.6 7 165. o 41.1 223.2 55. 6 90 sSl. 4 70. 2 5' 52 49-5 So.S 12. 3 12.6 III IZ 107.7 108. 7 26. 9 27.1 72 165.5 166,9 41.4 41. 6 23' 32 224* I 225.1 55-9 56.1 291 92 282.4 283-3 7- 4 70. 6 53 S'-4 12.8 3 loo. 6 27-3 73 167.9 41. 3 33 226. I 56.4 93 284.3 70.9 54 52.4 '3- 1 '4 I to. 6 27. 6 74 l6u. 42. i 34 S27. 56.6 94 285.3 71.1 55 53-4 '3-3 15 in. 6 27.8 169.8 42-3 35 228. o 56.9 2 86. -2 71.4 5 54-3 '3-5 16 us. 6 28.1 70 170.8 42. 6 30 229.O 57-1 96 287. 2 71. 6 57 55-3 13.8 17 "3-5 28.3 77 171.7 42.8 37 230.0 57-3 97 288.2 71.9 58 5 6 .3 It.. 18 "4-5 28.5 173. 7 43- 38 250* 9 57-6 96 289. I 72. I 59 60 57-2 5$. a H-3 14.5 '9 20 "S-S no, 4 28.8 20. ll I73.7 174-7 43-3 43-5 39 4 o 232.9 12:? 99 300 290. I 291. I 7*0 Dlst. Dep. . Lat. Dlst. Dep. Lat. I Dlst. Dep, Lat. bist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. [For 76 Degrees. Lt DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 15. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. I I.O 0-3 61 58.9 I 5 .8 121 1 16. 9 31-3 181 174.8 46.8 241 232.8 62.4. 2 1.9 o. 5 62 59-9 16. o 22 117.8 31-6 82 175-8 47-1 42 233-8 62.6 3 2.9 0.8 63 60.9 '6-3 23 118.8 31-8 83 176.8 4;. 4 43 234.7 62. 9 4 3, O I.O 64 61.8 16. 6 24 119.8 32- I 84 177-7 >7-6 44 235-7 63.2 5 A, O "3 65 62.8 16. 8 25 120.7 32-4 85 178.7 47-9 45 236. 7 63-4 6 5-8 1.6 66 63.8 17.1 26 121.7 32-6 86 179-7 48. I 46 237.6 63.7 7 6.8 1.8 67 64.7 '7-3 27 122.7 32-9 87 i Go. 6 48.4 47 238.6 6 3-9 8 7-7 2. I 68 65.7 17.6 28 123. 6 33- i 88 181.6 48.7 48 239.5 64, 2 9 8.7 2-3 69 66.6 17.9 29 124. 6 33-4 89 182.6 48.9 49 240.5 64.4 10 9-7 2.6 70 67.6 i&.i 3 125. 6 33-6 90 183-5 49- 2 5 24L5 64.7 ii 10. 6 2.8 7 1 68.6 18.4 '3' ic6. 5 33-9 191 184-5 49-4 2 5> 242.4 65.0 12 11. 6 3- i 72 69.5 18. 6 32 127-5 34-2 92 185.5 49-7 52 243-4 65.2 13 12. 6 3-4 73 7o-5 1 8. 9 33 128.5 34-4 93 186.4 50. o 53 244-4 65-5 14 "3-5 3-6 74 7L5 19.2 34 129.4 34-7 94 187-4 50. 2 54 245-3 65-7 15 H.5 3-9 75 72.4 19.4 35 J3-4 34-9 95 188.4 5-5 55 246.3 66.0 16 '5-5 4-1 76 73-4 19.7 j6 131-4 35-2 96 189-3 50.7 56 247-3 66.3 17 16.4 4-4 77 74-4 19.9 37 132.3 35-5 97 190.3 51.0 57 248.2 65. 5 Io 17.4 4-7 78 75-3 2O. 2 38 133-3 35-7 98 191-3 51-2 58 249.2 66.8 19 18.4 4-9 79 76.3 20-4 39 134-3 36. o 99 192. 2 51-5 59 250. 2 67. o 20 '9-3 5-2 So 77-3 20. 7 40 '35- 2 36. 2 200 193.2 5 I.S 60 25I.I 67.3 21 20.3 5-4 Si 78.2 21. O 141 136. 2 30-5 201 194-2 52.0 261 252. I 67.6 22 21.3 5-7 82 79.2 21. 2 42 137-2 36.8 O2 I95.I 52-3 62 253- 1 67.8 23 22. 2 6. o 83 80;2 2I.S 43 I3S.I 37-0 3 196. I 52.5 63 254.0 68. i 24 23.2 6.2 84 81. i 21.7 44 139. I 37-3 04 197.0 5 2.8 64 255-P 68.3 25 24. I 6-5 85 82.1 22. 45 140. I 37-5 05 198. o 53-1 65 256.0 68.6 26 25-1 6.7 E6 83.1 22.3 46 141. o 37-8 06 199.0 53-3 66 256.9 68.8 27 26. I 7.0 87 84.0 22. 5 47 142. o 38.0 7 199.9 53-6 67 257.9 69. i 28 27. o 7-2 88 85. o 22.8 43 143.0 38.3 08 200. 9 53-8 68 258. 9 69-4 2 9 28.0 7-5 89 86. o 23. o 49 143.9 38.6 09 201. 9 54-i 69 259-8 69.6 3 29. o 7-8 90 86.9 23-3 5 144.9 3 3.8 10 202. 8 54-4 70 260. 8 69.9 3' 29.9 8.0 91 87.9 23. 6 151 145.9 39-1 211 203.8 54-6 271 261.8 70.1 3 2 3-9 8-3 92 88.9 23.8 52 146.8 39-3 12 204.8 54-9 72 262. 7 70.4 33 3'-9 8.5 93 89.8 .24- i 53 147.8 39-6 13 205.7 55- 73 263-7 70.7 34 32.8 8.8 94 90.8 24. 3 54 148.8 39-9 14 206. 7 55-4 74 264.7 70.9 35 33-8 9-i 95 91.8 24.6 55 149.7 40. i 15 207.7 55-6 75 265.6 71.2 36 34-8 9-3 96 92.7 24.8 56 150. 7 40.4 16 208.6 55-9 76 266.6 71.4 37 35-7 9.6 97 93-7 25.1 57 'Si-? 40. 6 17 209. 6 56.2 77 267. 6 71-7 38 36-7 9-8 98 94>7 25-4 58 152. 6 40.9 18 210. 6 56-4 78 268.5 72.0 39 37-7 10. I 99 95.6 25. 6 59 '53-6 41.2 19 211. 5 56.7 79 269.5 72. 2 40 38.6 10.4 IOO 96.6 25-9 60 154.5 41.4 20 212.5 56.9 80 270.5 72-5 41 39-6 10. 6 101 97-6 26. i 161 55-5 4i-7 221 213-5 57-2 281 271.4 72.7 42 40. 6 10. 9 02 98.5 26. 4 62 156.5 41.9 22 214.4 57-5 82 272.4 73-0 43 41.5 ii. i 3 99-5 26. 7 63 157.4 42.2 23 215.4 57-7 83 273-4 73-2 44 42-5 11.4 04 loo. 5 26. 9 64 158.4 42.4 24 216. 4 58.0 8 4 274-3 73-5 45 43-5 ii. 6 05 101.4 27.2 65 159-4 42.7 25 217.3 58.2 85 275-3 73-8 46 44-4 11.9 06 102. 4 27.4 66 160.3 43-0 26 218.3 58.5 86 276.3 74.0 47 45-4 12. 2 7 l3-4 27.7 67 161. 3 43-2 27 219.3 58.8 87 277. 2 74-3 48 46.4 12.4 08 104-3 28.0 68 162. 3 43-5 28 22O. 2 59-0 88 278.2 74-5 49 47-3 12.7 09 l5- 3 28.2 69 163. 2 43-7 29 221. 2 59-3 89 279.2 74-8 5 4S.3 12.9 Io 106.3 28.5 70 164. 2 44.0 3" 222. 2 59-5 90 280. I 7S-I 5i 49-3 13-2 in 107. 2 28.7 I7i 165.2 44-3 231 223. I 59.8 291 28l. I 75-3 5 2 50. 2 '3-5 12 108. 2 29. o 72 1 66. i 44-5 3 2 224. I 60. o 92 282. I 75.6 53 51.2 '3-7 '3 109. I 29.2 73 167. i 44-8 33 225. I 60.3 93 283.0 75-8 54 52. 2 14.0 14 1 10. I 29.5 74 1 68. i 45.0 34 226. o 60. 6 94 284.0 76.1 55 53-i 14.2 15 III. I 29.8 75 169. o 45-3 35 227. o 60.8 95 284.9 76.4 56 54-1 14-5 IO 1 12. b 30.0 76 170. o 45- 6 36 228.0 61. i 96 285.9 76.6 57 55-1 14.8 17 113.0 30.3 77 171.0 45; 8 37 228.9 61.3 "97 286.9 76.9 58 56.0 15.0 18 114. o 30.5 78 171.9 46. i 38 229.9 61.6 98 287.8 77-1 59 57-0 '5-3 19 114.9 30.8 79 172.9 46-3 39 230. 9 61.9 99 288.8 77-4 60 58.0 '5-5 20 115.9 3I.I So 173-9 46.6 40 231.8 62. i 300 289.8 77-6 Dlst. Dop. Let. Pitt. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat [For 75 Degrees. 128 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 10. Dist Lat Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist Lat Dep. 1 1.0 - 3 6i 58.6 16. 8 121 1 16. 3 33-4 181 174.0 49-9 24 1 231.7 66.4 2 '9 0.6 62 59-6 17. I 22 "7-3 33-6 82 174- 9 50.2 42 232. 6 66.7 3 2. Q 0.8 63 60.6 7-4 23 1:8.2 33-9 83 175-9 5-4 43 233. 6 67.0 4 3-8 I. I 64 61.5 17.6 24 119. 2 34-2 84 176.9 50.7 44 234-S 67.3 5 4-8 1.4 65 62.5 >7-9 2 5 1 2O. 2 34-5 85 177.8 5>- 45 235-5 67.5 I 5- 8 1.7 66 63.4 IS. 2 26 121. I 34-7 86 178.8 5>-3 46 236-5 67 J 7 6.7 '9 67 64.4 18.5 27 122. I 35-0 87 179.8 5'- 5 47 237-4 68.1 8 7-7 2.2 63 65.4 iS-7 28 123.0 35-3 88 180.7 51.8 48 238-4 68.4 9 8.7 2. 5 69 66. 3 19. o 29 124. o 35-6 89 181. 7 52.1 49 239-4 68.6 10 9.6 2.8 70 67.3 '9- j 3 125. o 35- 8 90 182.6 52.4 5 240.3 68.9 11 10. 6 3- 7' 68.2 19. 6 '3' 125.9 36.1 191 183.6 52.0 251 241-3 69.2 12 "5 3-3 7 2 69. 2 19.8 32 126. 9 36.4 92 184.6 52.9 52 242. 2 69.5 '3 12.5 f 3.6 73 70.2 20. i 33 127.8 36.7 93 185.5 S3- 2 53 243.2 69.7 14 '3-5 3-9 74 7LI 20. 4 34 128.8 3 6 -9 94 186.5 53-5 54 244.2 70.0 15 14.4 4- i 75 72.1 20. 7 35 129. 8 37-2 95 187.4 53-7 55 245. I, 73.3 16 5-4 4-4 76 73-1 20. 9 36 130.7 37-5 96 188.4 54.0 5 6 246. I 70.6 17 '6-3 4-7 77 74.0 21. 2 37 131-7 37-8 97 189.4 54-3 57 247.0 70.8 ifi 17-3 5- 78 75.0 21.5 38 32.7 38.0 98 190.3 54.6 58 248. o 71.1 '9 '8-3 5-2 79 75-9 21.8 39 '33-6 38.3 99 '91-3 54-9 59 249.0 71.4 20 19.2 5-5 80 76.9 22. I 40 '34-6 38.6 200 192-3 55-' 60 249-9 71-7 21 2O. 2 5- 87~1 77-9 22. 3 141 135-5 3 y -9 201 193-2 55-4 261 250.9 7'-9 22 21. I 6.1 82 78.8 22. 6 42 '36.5 39- ' O2 194-2 55-7 62 25L9 72.2 2 3 22. I 6-3 8 3 79-8 22. 9 43 137-5 39-4 3 195- i 56.0 63 252.* 72.5 24 23-' 6.6 84 80. 7 23. 2 44 138.4 39-7 4 196. i 56.2 64 253-8 72.8 25 24. o 6.9 85 81.7 23-4 45 '39-4 40. o 5 197.1 5 !M 65 254-7 73-3 26 25.0 7-2 86 82.7 23-7 46 140.3 40. 2 06 198.0 56.8 66 255-7 73-3 27 26. o 7-4 87 83.6 24.0 47 '4'-3 40.5 07 199.0 57.' 67 256.7 73-6 28 26. 9 7-7 88 84.6 24-3 48 142-3 40.8 08 199.9 57-3 68 257.6 73-9 29 27.9 8.0 89 85.6 24.5 49 J43-2 41. 1 09 200. 9 57-6 69 258.6 74- ' 3 28.8 8-1 9 86.5 24-8 50 144.2 41.3 10 201. 9 57-9 70 259-5 74-4 3 29.8 8.5 91 87.5 25.1 >5' 145.2 41. 6 211 202. 8 5 o 2 271 260. 5 74-7 3 2 30. 8 8.8 92 88.4 25-4 S 2 146. i 41.9 12 203. 8 58.4 72 261 5 75-0 33 3'-7 9- ' 93 89.4 25. 6 S3 147.1 42.2 13 204.7 58.7 73 262. 4 75-2 34 32-7 9-4 94 90.4 25.9 54 148.0 42.4 '4 205.7 59.0 74 263.4 75- 5 35 33-6 9-6 95 9'- 3 26. 2 55 149.0 42.7 IS 206. 7 59-3 75 264.3 75-8 36 34-6 9-9 96 9 2 -3 26.5 56 150. o 43-0 16 207. 6 59-5 76 265.3 76.' 37 35-6 10. 2 97 93- 2 26. 7 57 150.9 43-3 17 208.6 59.8 77 266.3 76.4 38 36.5 10.5 98 94.2 27. o S 8 151.0 43-6 18 209. 6 60. i 7 267. 2 76.6 39 40 37-5 2LS to- 7 II. 99 100 a* 27 '1 27. 6 59 ixj 152.8 '53-8 43-8 44. i 19 20 210. 5 211. 5 6o. 4 60.6 79 80 268.2 269. 2 76.9 77-2 4' 39-4 "3 101 97- i 27.8 161 154-8 44-4 221 212.4 60. 9 2Sl 270. I 77-5 42 40.4 n. 6 02 98.0 28. i 62 '55-7 44- 7 22 213.4 61.2 82 27I.I 77-7 43 4'- 3 11.9 3 99.0 28.4 63 156.7 44-9 23 214.4 61.5 83 272. o 78.0 44 4 2 -3 12. I 04 100. o 28.7 64 157.6 45-2 24 215.3 61.7 84 273.0 78.3 45 43-3 12.4 5 100. 9 28.9 65 158.6 45-5 2 5 2j6.3 62. o 85 274.0 78.6 46 44.2 12.7 06 101.9 29.2 66 159.6 45.8 2O 2(7. 2 62., 86 274-9 78.8 47 45.2 Ij. 7 102. 9 29.5 67 1 60. 5 46. o 27 218.2 62.6 87 275-9 79-' 48 46.1 13-2 08 103.8 29.8 68 161.5 46-3 28 219. 2 62.8 88 276.8 79-4 49 47-' IJ.5 09 104.8 30. o 69 162. 5 46. 6 29 220. I 63.1 89 277.8 79-7 5 48.1 yj IO 105.7 3-3 70 163.4 46.9 3 221. I 6J.4 90 278.8 79-9 5' 49.0 14. i III I ob. 7 30. 6 171 164.4 47.1 231 222. I 03.7 291 279-7 80.2 5 2 50. o 14- 3 12 107.7 3-9 72 "65-3 47-4 32 223.0 63-9 92 280. 7 80.5 53 50.9 14.6 13 108. 6 3'-i 73 1 66. 3 47-7 33 224. o 64. 2 93 281.6 80.8 54 5'-9 14.9 H 109. 6 3'-4 74 ' 6 7-3 48.0 34 224.9 64-5 94 282.6 81.0 55 52.9 15.2 15 no. 5 3'- 7 75 168.2 48. 2 35 225.9 64.8 95 283.6 8i-3 56 53-8 '5-4 16 111.5 32.0 7 6 169. 2 48.5 36 226. 9 6 S .I 96 284.5 Si. 6 57 54-8 '5-7 17 112.5 32. 2 77 170. 1 48.8 37 227.8 65.3 97 285.5 Si. 9 5 8 55-8 16. o 18 II3-4 32.5 78 171.1 49.1 38 228.8 65.6 98 286.5 82. i g 56.7 57-7 16.3 16.5 19 20 114.4 115.4 32.8 33-' 79 So 172.1 73- 49-3 49-6 39 40 229. 7 230.7 65.9 66.2 99 300 287.4 288.4 82.4 82.7 Dist. Dep. Lat Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat [ For 74 Degrees. 129 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 17. Dist Lat. Dep. Dist Lat. Dep. 1 Dist Lat. Dep. 1 Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat Dep. I I. O - 3 61 58.3 17.8 121 II5.7 35-4 181 '73-1 52. < 241 230.5 70.5 2 '9 o. 6 62 59-3 18. i 22 116. 7 J5-7 82 174.0 53-2 42 231.4 70.8 3 2.9 0.9 63 60. 2 18,4 23 117. 6 36. o 83 175.0 53-5 43 232-4 71.0 4 3-1 1.2 64 6l. 2 18.7 24 118. 6 35.3 84 176. o 53-8 44 233-3 7L3 5 4.8 -5 65 62.2 19. o 25 "9-5 36.5 85 176.9 54-1 45 2 34.3 71.6 6 5-7 1.8 66 6 3 .I 19-3 26 120. 5 36.8 86 '77-9 54-4 46 235-3 71.9 7 6-7 2. O 67 6 4 .I 19. 6 27 121. S 37-1 87 178.8 54-7 47 236.2 72.2 8 7-7 2-3 68 65. o 19.9 28 122.4 37-4 88 179.8 55-0 48 237.2 72.5 9 8.6 2.6 69 66.0 2O. 2 29 123-4 37-7 S$ 1 80. 7 55-3 49 238. I 72.8 10 9-6 2-9 70 66.9 20. 5 3 124-3 38.0 90 181. 7 55- ^ 5 239- I 73- I n 10.5 S- 2 71 67.9 20.8 '3 125.3 38-3 191 182. 7 55-8 251 240. o 73-4 12 u. S 3-5 73 68.9 21. 1 S 2 126. 2 38.6 92 183.6 56.1 52 241. o 73.7 >3 12.4 3-8 73 69.8 21-3 33 127. 2 38-9 93 184. 6 56.4 53 241.9 74-o 4 13-4 4- i 74 70.8 21.6 34 128. I 39-2 94 185-5 56.7 54 242.9 74-3 '5 '4-3 4-4 75 7-7 21.9 35 129. I 39-5 95 186.5 57-0 55 243-9 74-6 16 '5-3 4-7 76 72.7 22. 2 36 130. I 39-8 96 187.4 57-3 56 244.8 74- 8 '7 16.3 5- 77 73-6. 22. 5 37 131. o 40. i 97 188.4 57-6 57 245.8 75-' 18 17.2 5-3 /8 74-6 22.8 38 132.0 40. 3 98 184. j 57-9 58 246.7 75-4 '9 18. 2 S 'S 79 75-5 2 3-> 39 132.9 40. 6 99 190.3 58.2 59 247.7 75-7 20 19.1 S- 8 80 76.5 23-4 40 133-9 40.9 200 >9'-3 58. s 60 248.6 76. o 21 20. I 6. i 81 77-5 23-7 141 134.8 41.2 201 192. 2 58.8 261 249.6 76.3 22 21. O 6-4 82 78.4 24. o 42 135-8 4"-5 02 193-2 59. i 62 250.6 76.6 23 22. O 6.7 83 79-4 24-3 43 136.8 41-8 3 '94- i 59-4 63 2 5'. 5 76.9 24 23.0 7.0 84 80.3 24. 6 44 137-7 42. I 4 195.1 59-6 64 252.5 77-2 25 23-9 7-3 85 8i-3 24-9 45 I38-7 42.4 5 196. o 59-9 6 5 253-4 77-5 2O 24.9 7.6 86 82.2 25.1 46 139.6 42.7 06 197.0 60. 2 66 254.4 77-8 2 7 2 5 .8 7-9 87 83.2 25.4 47 140. 6 43-o 7 198. o 60.5 67 255-3 78.1 28 26.8 8.2 88 84.2 25.7 48 141.5 43-3 08 198.9 60.8 68 256.3 78.4 29 27-7 8 '5 89 85.1 26. o 49 142.5 43- 6 09 199.9 61. i 69 257.2 78.6 3 28.7 8.8 90 86. i 26.3 5 >43-4 43- Q 10 200. 8 61. 4 70 258.2 78.9 3 1 29. 6 9- i 91 87.0 26.6 IS' 144.4 44. i 211 201.8 61.7 271 259.2 79-2 3 2 30. 6 9-4 92 88.0 26. 9 52 145.4 44-4 12 202. 7 62. o 72 200. I 79-5 S3 31-6 9.6 93 88.9 27. 2 53 146.3 44-7 '3 203. 7 62.3 73 26l. I 79-8 34 32-5 9-9 94 89.9 27.5 54 '47-3 45.0 '4 204. 6 62.6 74 262. o So. i 35 33-5 10.2 95 90.8 27.8 55 148.2 45-3 >5 205. 6 62. 9 75 263. o 80.4 36 34-4 10. 5 96 91.8 28. 1 56 149.2 45.6 16 206. 6 63. 2 76 263.9 So. 7 37 35-4 10.8 97 02.8 28.4 57 150. i 45-9 17 207.5 63.4 77 264.9 81.0 3 36.3 n. i 98 93-7 28.7 58 151.1 46. 2 18 208.5 63-7 78 265. 9 81.3 39 37-3 II. 4 99 94- 7 28.9 59 152.1 46.5 19 209.4 64. o 79 266.8 81.6 40 38.3 ii. 7 100 95-6 29. 2 60 153-0 46. 8 20 210. 4 64.3 So 267.8 8). 9 4' 39-2 12. O 101 96.6 29-5 Ibi 154.0 47.1 221 211.3 64. 6 281 268. 7 82.2 42 40. 2 12-3 02 97-5 2 9 .8 62 '54-9 47-4 22 212. 3 64. 9 82 269.7 82.4 43 4I.I 12.6 3 98.5 30.1 63 '55-9 47-7 23 213-3 65.2 83 270. 6 82.7 44 42. I 12.9 04 99-5 3-4 64 156.8 47-9 24 214. 2 65-5 84 271. 6 83.0 45 43-o 13-2 5 100. 4 3-7 65 157.8 48.2 25 215. 2 65. 8 85 272-5 83-3 46 44.0 3-4 06 101. 4 31.0 66 158.7 48.5 26 216. i 66.1 86 273-5 83.6 47 44-9 '3-7 07 102. 3 3>-3 67 159-7 48.8 27 217. I 66.4 8 Z 274-5 83-9 48 45-9 14. o 08 I0 3-3 3'- 6 68 1 60. 7 49.1 28 218.0 66. 7 88 275-4 84.2 49 46.9 '4-3 09 104. 2 3'-9 69 161.6 49-4 29 219.0 67. o 89 276.4 84.S 5 47-8 14.6 10 105. 2 32.2 70 162.6 49- 7 3> 22O. O 67.2 90 277-3 84.8 5' 48. 8 14.9 III 1 0&. I 32.5 I?' > 6 3-5 50. o 231 22O. 9 6 7-5 291 2/8.3 85.1 52 49- 7 15.2 12 107. I 32.7 72 164.5 5-3 32 221. 9 67.8 92 279.2 85.4 53 5-7 '5-5 13 1 08. 1 33-0 73 165.4 50. 6 33 222.8 68.1 93 280.2 85-7 54 Si.6 15.8 14 109. o 33-3 74 166.4 5-9 34 223". 8 68.4 94 281.2 86.0 55 52.6 16. i '5 no. o 33-6 75 167.4 5'-2 35 224- 7 68.7 95 282. I 86.2 56 53-6 16. 4 16 no. 9 33 9 76 168.3 5'-5 36 225.7 69. o 96 283. i 86.5 57 54-5 16.7 17 111.9 34-2 77 169.3 5'- 7 37 226.6 69-3 97 284. o 86.8 58 55-5 17.0 18 112. 8 34-5 78 I7O. 2 52.0 38 227. 6 69.6 98 2815.0 87-1 59 5 6 -4 17.2 19 113.8 34-8 79 171. 2 52.3 39. 228.6 69.9 99 285.9 87.4 60 57-4 '7-5 20 114.8 35- i So I72.I S2--6 40 229.5 70. 2 300 286.9 S7.7 Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. [For 73 Degrees. 130 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 18. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. DUt. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat Dep. Dist. Lat. Dtp. , I.o 0-3 61 58.0 IS. 9 121 II5.I 37-4 181 172.1 55-9 241 229. 2 74-5 2 1.9 0.6 62 59-0 19.2 22 1 1 6. o 37-7 82 173-1 42 230.2 74-8 3 2. 9 o-9 63 59-9 19.5 23 117.0 38.0 83 174.0 56.6 43 231. I 75-1 4 3.8 1.2 64 60. 9 19.8 24 117.9 38.3 84 175-0 5 6 -9 44 232. I 75-4 5 4.8 i. 5 65 61.8 2O. I 25 118.9 38.6 85 175-9 57-2 45 233.0 75-7 6 5-7 1.9 66 62.8 20.4 26 119.8 38-9 86 176.9 57-5 46 234-0 76.0 7 6-7 2.2 67 63.7 20. 7 27 120.8 39-2 87 177.8 57-8 47 234.9 76.3 8 7.6 2.5 68 64-7 21.0 28 121. 7 39-6 88 178.8 58.1 48 235-9 76.6 9 8.6 2.8 69 65.6 21.3 29 122.7 39-9 89 179-7 58.4 49 236.8 76.9 IO 9-5 3- i 70 66.6 21.6 3 123. 6 40.2 90 180.7 58.7 50 237-8 77-3 ii 10.5 3-4 7' 67.5 21.9 131 124.6 40. 5 191 lSl.7 59-0 251 238.7 77-6 12 II. 4 3-7 72 68.5 22. 2 32 125.5 40.8 182.6 59-3 52 239-7 77-9 13 12.4 4.0 73 69.4 22.6 33 126. 5 41.1 93 183.6 59-6 53 240. 6 78.2 14 13-3 4-3 74 70.4 22.9 34 127.4 41.4 94 184.5 59-9 54 241. 6 78- 5 15 14-3 4.6 71-3 23.2 35 128.4 41.7 95 i"5- 5 60.3 55 242.5 78.8 10 15. 2 4-9 76 72-3 23-5 36 129-3 42. o 96 1 86. 4 60.6 56 243-5 79- i 17 16. 2 5-3 77 73-2 23.8 37 130-3 42-3 97 187.4 60. 9 57 244.4 79-4 18 I7.I 5-6 78 74-2 24. I 38 131.2 42.6 98 188.3 61.2 58 245-4 79-7 "9 18. i 5-9 79 75-1 24.4 39 132.2 43-0 99 189-3 61.5 59 246.3 80.0 20 19. o 6. 2 So 76.1 24.7 40 I33.I 43-3 200 190.2 61.8 60 247-3 80.3 21 20. O 75. 5 81 77-o 25. o MI I34-I 43-6 201 191. 2 62.1 261 248.2 oo. 7 22 20. 9 6.8 82 78.0 25-3 42 I35-I 43-9 O2 192. I 62.4 62 249.2 81.0 23 21.9 7- 1 83 78.9 2 5 .6 43 136.0 44-2 03 193- 1 62.7 63 250. i 8'- 3 24 22.8 7-4 84 79-9 26. o 44 i37-o 44-5 04 194.0 63. o 64 251. i 81.6 25 26 23.8 24.7 7-7 8.0 85 86 80.8 81.8 26.3 26.6 45 46 137-9 138.9 44.8 45.1 % 195.0 195-9 63-3 63.7 65 66 252. o 253-0 81.9 82.2 11 25.7 26.6 8-3 8.7 87 88 82.7 83.7 26. 9 27.2 47 48 139.8 140. 8 45-4 45- 7 07 08 196.9 197.8 64. o 64.3 n 253-9 254.9 82.5 82.8 29 27.6 9.0 89 84.6 27-5 49 141.7 46. o 09 198.8 64.6 69 255.8 8;. i 30 28.5 9-3 90 8=.6 27.8 5o 142. 7 46.4 IO 199. 7 64.9 70 256.8 83-4 31 29.5 9.6 9' 86.5 28.1 151 143.6 46. 7 211 200. 7 65.2 271 257-7 83.7 3 2 30.4 9-9 92 87.5 28.4 144.6 47.0 12 201. 6 65.5 72 258.7 84.1 33 31.4 IO. 2 93 88.4 28.7 53 '45-5 47-3 13 202. 6 65.8 73 259.6 84.4 34 32-3 10. 5 94 89-4 29. o 54 146.5 47.6 H 203.5 66. i 74 260. 6 84.7 35 33-3 10.8 95 90.4 29.4 55 147-4 47-9 '5 204.5 66.4 75 261. 5 85.0 36 34-2 II. I 96 9'-3 29- 7 56 148.4 48.2 16 205.4 66.7 76 262. 5 85-3 37 35-2 11.4 97 92.3 30.0 57 149-3 48.5 17 206. 4 67.1 77 263.4 85. o 38 36.1 11.7 98 93-2 30-3 58 150.3 48.8 18 207.3 67.4 ?ij 264-4 85.9 39 37-1 12. I 99 94-2 30.6 59 151.2 49- i 19 208. 3 67.7 79 265- 3 -86.2 40 38.0 I2. 4 ioo 95-1 30-9 60 152.2 49-4 20 209. 2 68.0 OO 266. 3 86.5 41 39-0 12. 7 101 96. i 31.2 161 153- i 49-8 221 210. 2 68.3 281 267. 2 86.8 42 39-9 13-0 02 97.0 31-5 62 154.1 50.1 22 211. I 68. 6 82 268.2 87-1 43 40.9 '3-3 3 98.0 31.8 63 155-0 50.4 23 212. I 68.9 83 269. i 87-5 44 41.8 '3-6 04 98.9 32.1 64 156.0 5-7 24 213. o 69. 2 84 270. i 87.8 45 42.8 13-9 99-9 32-4 65 156.9 51.0 25 214. o 69. 5 85 271.1 88. i 46 43-7 14.2 06 loo.S 32-8 66 157-9 51-3 26 214.9 69.8 86 272. o 88.4 47 44- 7 14-5 07 101.8 33-i 67 158.8 51.6 27 215.9 70. 1 87 273.0 88.7 48 45-7 14.8 08 102. 7 33-4 68 159.8 5i-9 28 216. 8 70.5 88 273-9 89.0 49 46.6 I5-I 09 103-7 33-7 69 160. 7 52.2 29 217.8 70.8 89 274-9 89-3 50 47.6 '5-5 10 104. 6 34-0 70 161. 7 52-5 3 218. 7 71.1 90 275-8 89.6 51 48.5 15/8 III 105. 6 34-3 171 162. 6 52.8 231 219.7 71.4 291 276.8 89.9 5 2 49-5 16. i 12 1 06. 5 34-6 72 163.6 53-2 3 2 220. 6 7'-7 92 277-7 90. 2 53 ,50.4 16.4 13 107.5 34-9 73 164.5 53-5 33 221.6 72.0 93 278.7 90. 5 54 Si-4 16.7 14 108.4 35-2 74 165-5 53-8 34 222. 5 72.3 94 279.6 90.9 55 52.3 17.0 15 109.4 35-5 75 166.4 54-1 35 223.5 72.6 95 280. 6 91.2 56 53-3 ! 7-3 .16 no. 3 35-8- 76 167.4 54-4 36 224.4 72.9 96 281. 5 91.5 57 54-2 17.6 17 111.3 36. 2 77 168.3 54-7 37 225.4 73-2 97 282.5 91.8 58 55-2 17-9 18 112. 2 36.5 78 169.3 55-o 38 226. 4 73-5 98 283.4 92.1 59 56.1 IS. 2 19 113-2 36.8 79 170. 2 55-3 39 227-3 73-9 99 284.4 92.4 60 57. i 18.5 20 II4.I 37-1 80 I7I.2 55-6 40 228. 3 74-2 300 285-3 92.7 Dist. Dcp, Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lai. Dist. Dep. Lat [For 72 Degrees. 131 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 19. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lit. Dep. Dist. L^t. Dcp. Dist. Lat. Dep. I 0.9 0-3 61 57-7 19.9 12! 114-4 39-4 iSi J7LI 58.9 241 227.9 78.5 2 i; 9 0.7 62 58.6 2O. 2 22 115.4 39-7 82 I72.I 59-3 42 228.8 78.8 3 2.8 I. O 63 59-6 20.5 23 no. 3 40. o 83 173.0 59.6 43 229.8 79.1 4 3-8 i. 3 64 60. 5 20.8 24 117.2 40.4 84 174.0 59-9 . 44 230. 7 79-4 5 4-7 1.6 65 61.5 21.2 25 IlS. 2 40. 7 85 1 74- 9 60. 2 45 231.7 79-8 6 5-7 2.0 66 62.4 21. 5 26 119. i 41. o 86 175-9 60.6 46 232.6 80. i 7 6.6 2. 3 67 63-3 21.8 27 120. I 41-3 87 176.8 60. 9 47 233-5 80.4 8 7-6 2.6 68 64.3 22. I 28 121. O 41.7 88 177-8 61.2 48 234- 5 80.7 9 8.5 2-9 69 65.2 22. 5 29 122, O 42. o 89 178.7 61.5 49 235-4 81. i 10 9-5 3-3 70 66.2 22.8 30 122-9 42.3 90 179.6 61. 9 5 236.4 81.4 ii 10. 4 3-6 7i 67. i 23-1 131 123.9 42. 6 191 1 80. 6 62. 2 251 237.3 81.7 12 "3 3-9 72 68.1 23-4 32 I 4 .8 43- 92 181.5 62.5 5 2 238-3 82.0 13 12.3 4-2 73 69. o 23.8 33 25. 8 43-3 93 182.5 62.8 53 239.2 82.4 14 '3- 2 4.6 74 70. o 24- I 34 26. 7 43-6 94 183.4 63.2 54 240.2 82.7 15 14.2 4-9 75 70.9 24-4 35 27.6 44-o 95 184.4 63.5 55 241. I 83.0 16 15. i 5-2 76 71-9 24-7 28.6 44-3 96 185-3 63.8 56 242. 1 83-3 17 16. i 5-5 77 72.8 25-1 37 29-5 44.6 97 186.3 64.1 57 243.0 83-7 18 17.0 5-9 78 73-8 25-4 38 130.5 44-9 98 187.2 64.5 58 243.9 84.0 19 18. o 6 2 79 74-7 25-7 39 I3I-4 45-3 99 188.2 64.8 59 244.9 84-3 20 18.9 6.5 So 75-6 26. o 40 132-4 45-6 200 189. I 65. 1 60 245.8 84. 6 21 19.9 6.8 81 76.6 26.4 141 133-3 45-9 20 L 190. o 65.4 261 246.8 85.0 22 2 3 20.8 an. 7 7-2 7-5 82 83 77-5 78.5 26.7 27. o 42 43 134.3 135-2 46.2 46.6 O2 191. o 191.9 65.8 66. I 62 63 247.7 248.7 85-3 85.6 24 22. 7 7-8 84 79-4 27.3 44 136. 2 46.9 04 192.9 66.4 64 249.6 S6.o 25 23. 6 8.1 85 80.4 27.7 45 I37-I 47-2 05 193.8 66. 7 65 250. 6 86.3 26 24. 6 8- 5 86 Si. 3 28.0 46 138.0 47-5 06 194.8 67.1 66 2.5 '-5 86.6 27 25-5 8.8 8? 82.3 28.3 47 139-0 47-9 07 195.7 67-4 67 252-5 86.9 28 26.5 9- i 88 83.2 28.7 48 139-9 48.2 08 196.7 67-7 68 253-4 87-3 29 30 27-4 28.4 9-4 9-8 89 90 84.2 85.1 29. o 29.3 49 5 140. 9 141.8 48.5 48.8 09 io 197.6 198.6 68.0 68.4 69 70 254-3 255-3 87.6 87.9 31 29-3 10. I 91 86.0 29. 6 151 142.8 49-2 211 199.5 68.7 271 256.2 SS. 2 32 30-3 10.4 92 87.0 30. o 52 143-7 49-5 12 200. 4 69. o 72 257-2 88.6 33 31-2 10.7 93 87.9 30.3 53 144- 7 49-8 13 201. 4 69.3 73 258. i 88.9 34 32-1 II. I 94 88.9 30.6 54 145.6 50.1 14 202. 3 69.7 74 259. i 89:2 35 33-1 II. 4 95 89.8 30.9 55 146. 6 5-5 15 203.3 70. o 75 260. o S9-5 36 34-0 " 7 96 90.8 3'-3 56 147-5 50.8 16 204. 2 70.3 76 261. o 89.9 37 35-0 12. 97 91-7 31.6 57 148.4 5'- 1 17 205. 2 70.6 77 261. 9 90. 2 38 35-9 12.4 08 92-7 31-9 58 149.4 51-4 18 2OO. I 71.0 78 262. 9 90.5 39 3 6 - 9 12.7 99 93-6 32.2 59 I50-3 51.8 19 207. I 71-3 79 263.8 90. 8 40 37-8 I 3 .0 100 94-6 32.6 60 I5I-3 52.1 20 208. o 71.6 80 264.7 91.2 4i 38.8 13-3 101 95-5' 32.9 161 152. 2 52-4 221 209. o 72.0 281 265.7 91.5 42 39- 7 13-7 02 96.4 33-2 62 153-2 52.7 22 209.9 72-3 82 266. 6 91.8 43 40. 7 M.O 3 97-4 33-5 63 I54.I 53-i 23 210. 9 72. 6 83 267.6 92.1 44 41. 6 14-3 04 98.3 33-9 64 I55-I 53-4 24 211. 8 72.9 84 268.5 92.5 45 42.5 14-7 05 99-3 34-2 65 156. o 53-7 2 5 212.7 73.3 85 269.5 92.8 46 43-5 15.0 06 100. 2 34-5 66 157.0 54.0 26 213.7 73-6 86 270.4 93-1 47 44-4 15-3 07 IOI. 2 34-8 67 157-9 54-4 27 214.6 73-9 87 271.4 93-4 48 45-4 15.6 oS 102. I 35-2 63 158.8 54- 7 28 215.6 74-2 88 272. 3 93-8 49 46.3 16. o 09 103. I 35-5 69 159.8 55-o 29 216. 5 74-6 89 273-3 94- i 5 47-3 i6-3 10 104. o 35-<* 70 160. 7 55-3 3 217.5 74-9 90 274.2 94-4 5 1 48.2 16. 6 in 105. 6 36.1 171 161. 7 55-7 231 218.4 75-2 291 275.1 94- 7 52 49-2 16. 9 12 105.9 36.5 72 162. 6 56. o 32 219.4 75-5 92 276. i 95-1 53 50.1 17-3 13 106.8 36.8 73 163.6 56.3 33 220.3 75-9 93 277.0 95-4 54 51.1 17-6 14 107.8 37-1 74 iC^. 5 56.6 34 2-21.3 76.2 94 278.0 95-7 9 52.0 52.9 17-9 18. 2 15 l6 icS. 7 109. 7 37-4 37-8 11 165.5 166.4 57-0 57-3 9 222. 2 223.1 76.5 76.8 95 96 278.9 279.9 96. o 96.4 57 53-9 18. 6 17 no. 6 38-1 77 167.4 57-6 37 224. 1 77-2 97 280.8 96.7 58 54-8 18.9 18 in. 6 38.4 78 168.3 5-o 38 225. o 77-5 98 281.8 97.0 59 60 55.8 56.7 19. 2 19.5 19 20 112.5 II3-5 38.7 39-1 79 80 169. 2 170. 2 58.3 58.6 39 40 226. o 226. 9 n- 8 78-1 99 300 282. 7 283.7 97-3 97-7 Dist. Dcp. Lat. Dist. Dcp. Lat, Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dcp. Lat. ["1'or 71 Degrees. 132 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 20. Dist. Lot. Dcp. Dist Lat. Dcp. Dist. Lat. Dcp. Dist. I.at Dep. Dlst. L& 0^,. I 0.9 -3 61 57-3 20. 9 121 "3-7 41.4 181 170. I 6l. 9 241 226. 5 82.4 2 1.9 o. 7 62 5S-3 21. 2 23 114.6 41.7 82 171.0 62.2 4 2 227.4 82.8 3 2.8 I.O 63 59-2 21.5 23 115. 6 42. I 83 1/2. O 62.6 43 228.3 83.1 4 3-8 1.4 64 bo. i 21.9 24 lift. S 42.4 84 172.9 62. 9 44 229.3 83-5 5 4- 7 ' 7 65 61. I 22. 2 25 117.5 42.8 5 173-8 63-3 45 2jO. 2 83. S 6 5.6 2. I 66 62. o 22.6 26 118.4 43- I 86 174-8 63.6 46 231.2 84. 1 7 6.6 2. 4 67 63. o 22.9 27 "9.3 43-4 87 J75- 7 64. o 47 232. I 84.5 8 7-5 2-7 68 63.9 23-3 28 120. 3 43-8 88 176.7 64-3 48 233. 84. S 9 8-5 3-J 69 64.8 23.6 29 121. 2 44- > 89 177.6 6 4 .6 49 234.0 85.2 10 9-4 3-4 70 65.8 23.9 30 122. 2 44-5 90 178.5 65. o 50 234.9 85-5 11 10.3 3- 7> 66. 7 24.3 I3 I23-I 44-8 191 179.5 65.3 251 235.9 85.8 12 "3 4- I 72 67.7 24-6 32 124. o 45- ' 92 180.4 65.7 5 2 236. 8 86.2 13 12.2 4-4 73 68.6 25.0 33 125. o 45-5 93 181.4 66.0 53 237-7 86.5 M '3-2 4.8 74 69.5 25-3 34 125.9 45-8 94 182.3 66.4 54 238-7 86.9 IS I4.I 5-' 75 70-5 25.7 35 126. 9 46. 2 95 183.2 66. 7 55 239.6 87.2 10 15.0 5-5 76 71.4 26. o 3 6 127.8 46.5 96 184.2 67.0 5 240. 6 87.6 '7 16. o 77 72-4 26.3 37 128. 7 46.9 97 185. i 67.4 57 241.5 87.9 18 16. 9 6. 2 78 73-3 26. 7 38 129. 7 47-2 98 186.1 67.7 ss 242.4 bS. 2 19 17-9 6.5 79 74.2 27. o 39 130. 6 47-5 99 187.0 68. i 59 243-4 88.6 20 18. 8 6.8 80 75-2 27.4 40 131. 6 47-9 200 187.9 68.4 60 244-3 88.9 21 19.7 7-2 Si 76.1 27.7 141 132.5 4 S.2 2OI 188.9 r 68. 7 261 245-3 89-3 22 20. 7 7-5 82 77-1 28.0 42 133-4 48.6 O2 189.8 69.1 62 246.2 89.6 23 21. 6 7-9 3 78.0 28.4 43 >34- 4 48.9 3 190.8 69.4 63 247. l 90.0 24 22. 6 8.2 84 /8.9 28.7 44 '35-3 49-3 04 191.7 69.8 64 248. I 90-3 25 23-5 8.6 85 79-9 29. I 45 36.3 49.6 05 192. 6 70.1 65 249.0 90. 6 26 24.4 8.9 86 80.8 29.4 46 137-2 49-9 06 193-6 70.5 66 250. o 91.0 27 25.4 9.2 87 81.8 29. 8 47 138.1 5-3 07 '94-5 70.8 67 250.9 91-3 28 26.3 9-6 88 82.7 30.1 48 139. I 50. 6 08 95-5 71.1 .68 251.8 9-7 29 27-3 9-9 89 83.6 3-4 49 140. o 51.0 09 196.4 71-5 69 252.8 92.0 3 28.2 10.3 90 84.6 30.8 5 140. o 5'-3 IO 197-3 71.8 70 253-7 92.3 3' 2 9 . I 10.6 9 85.5 3'- ' '5' 141.9 51.6 211 "98.3 72.2 271 254-7 92.7 3 2 3-l 10. 9 92 86.5 3'- 5 5 2 142.8 52.0 I? 199.2 72.5 72 255-6 93- 33 31.0 "3 93 87.4 3-8 53 143.8 52-3 '3 200. 2 72.9 73 256.5 93-4 34 3'-9 11.6 94 88.3 32.1 54 144-7 52-7 14 201. I 73-2 74 257-5 93-7 35 32.9 12. O 95 89.3 32.5 55 "45-7 53.0 15 202. O 73-5 7 5 258.4 94- 36 33-8 I2. 3 96 90. 2 32.8 56 146.6 53-4 16 203.0 73-9 70 259.4 94-4 37 34-8 12.7 97 91.2 33-2 57 147-5 53-7 >7 203.9 74-2 77 260. 3 94- / 3 35-7 13-0 98 92.1 33-5 58 148.5 54-0 18 204.9 74.6 78 26l. 2 95. I 39 36.6 '3-3 99 93- 33-9 59 149.4 54-4 "9 205.8 74-9 79 262. 2 95-4 40 37-6 >3-7 100 94.0 34-2 60 150.4 54-7 20 206. 7 75-2 So 263. 1 95-8 4' 3S.5 14. o 101 94-9 34-5 161 >5'-3 55- i 221 207.7 75- 281 264. I 96. i 42 39-5 14.4 02 95-8 34-9 62 152. 2 55-4 22 208.6 75-9 82 265.0 96. ^ 43 40.4 '4-7 03 96.8 35-2 63 >53-2 55-7 23 209. 6 83 265. 9 96.8 44 41-3 '5-o 04 97-7 35-6 64 154.1 56.1 24 210. 5 76! 6 84 266. 9 97- ' 45 42-3 15.4 05 98.7 35-9 65 '55- 56.4 25 211.4 77.0 85 267.8 97 5 46 43-2 '5-7 06 99.6 36.3 66 156.0 56.8 26 212.4 77-3 86 268.8 97-8 47 44.2 76. i 07 100. 5 36.6 67 156.9 57- ' 27 213-3 77-6 87 269.7 98. 2 48 45.1 16. 4 08 101.5 36.9 68 '57-9 57-5 28 214. 2 78.0 88 270. 6 98.5 49 46. o 16. 8 09 102.4 37-3 69 158.8 57.8 29 215. 2 78.3 89 271.6 98.8 5 47.0 17.1 10 '3-4 37-6 70 '59- 7 58.1 3 2l6. 1 78.7 90 272.5 99. J 5i 47-9 17-4 III 104-3 3^-0 171 1 60. 7 58. c 23' 217. I 79.0 291 273-5 99- 5 52 48.9 17-8 12 105. 2 38.3 72 161.6 58.8 32 218.0 79-3 92 274-4 99-9 53 54 49.8 50.7 18. i 18.5 '3 14 106. 2 107. I 38.6 39-0 73 74 162.6 163-5 59-2 59-5 33 34 218.9 219.9 80.0 93 94 275-3 276. 3 100 .'. too. (> 55 5'-7 18. 8 15 108. i 39-3 75 164.4 59-9 35 220. 8 80. 4 95 277-2 loo. 9 56 52.6 19.2 16 109. o 39-7 76 '65.4 60. 2 36 231.8 80. 7 96 278. i 101. 2 57, 53-6 9-5 '7 109.9 40. o 77 166.3 60. 5 37 222.7 81. i 97 279- i 101. 6 5$ 54-5 19.8 18 110. 9 ^0.4 78 167-3 60. 9 38 223.6 81.4 98 280. o 101. 9 59 55-4 20. 2 19 in. 8 40. 7 79 168.2 61.2 39 224. 6 81.7 99 281.0 102- 3 60 56.4 20. 5 20 112.8 41. o 80 169. i 61.6 40 225-5 82.1 300 281.9 102. 6 Dlst. Dcp. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat Dist. Dep, Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. [For 70 Degrees. 133 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 21. Dist Lat Dep. Dist. Lat Dep. Dist. Lat. Dop Dist. Lat Dep. Dist. Lat Dep. I 0.9 0.4 61 56.9 21.9 121 113. o 43 4 IS! 169.0 04.9 241 225.0 86.4 2 1-9 0.7 62 57-9 22. 2 22 n 3-9 43-7 82 169.9 65.2 42 225.9 86.7 3 2.8 I. I 63 58.8 22.6 23 114.8 44-1 83 170.8 65.6 43 226. 9 87.1 4 3-7 1.4 64 59-7 22. 9 24 115.8 44-4 84 171.8 65.9 44 227.8 87.4 5 4-7 1.8 65 60. 7 23-3 2 5 116. 7 44.8 85 172.7 66.3 45 228.7 87.8 6 5-6 2. 2 66 61.6 23-7 26 117. 6 45.2 86 '73- 6 66. 7 46 229. 7 83. 2 7 6-5 2-5 67 62.3 24-0 27 118, 6 45-5 87 174.6 67. o 47 230. 6 88.5 8 Z ; 5 2.9 68 6.3-5 24.4 28 119.5 45-9 88 '75-5 67.4 48 23I-5 8S. 9 9 8.4 S- 2 69 64.4 24.7 29 120. 4 46. 2 89 176.4 67-7 49 232.5 89.2 10 9-3 3-6 70 65-4 25.1 3 121.4 46.6 90 1/7-4 68. i 5 233-4 89.6 II 10.3 3-9 71 66.3 25-4 13' 122. 3 46.9 191 178.3 68.4 251 234-3 90. o 12 II. 2 4-3 72 67.2 2 5 .8 32 123.2 47-3 92 179.2 68.8 5 2 235-3 9-3 13 12. I 4-7 73 68. 2 26. 2 33 124. 2 47-7 93 180.2 69.2 53 236.2 90. 7 14 I3-I 5- 74 69. i 26.5 34 I2 S .I 48.0 94 181. i 6 9-5 54 237- ' 91.0 15 14.0 5-4 75 70. o 26. 9 35 126. o 48.4 95 182.0 69.9 55 238.1 91.4 16 14.9 5-7 76 71.0 27.2 36 127.0 48.7 96 183.0 70.2 5 6 239.0 91.7 'Z 15.9 6.1 77 71.9 27.6 37 127.9 49- l 97 183-9 70. 6 57 239.9 92.1 18 16.8 6-5 78 72-8 28.0 38 128.8 49- 5 98 184.8 71.0 58 240.9 92.5 19 '7-7 6.8 79 73-8 28.3 39 129.8 40. 8 99 185.8 "1-3 59 241.8 92.8 20 18.7 7-2 80 74-7 28.7 40 130. 7 50.2 200 186. 7 71.7 60 242. 7 93-2 21 19. 6 7-5 81 75.6 29.0 141 131. 6 50.5 201 187.6 72.0 261 243- 7 93-5 22 20. 5 7-9 82 76. 6 29.4 42 132.6 50.9 02 188. 6 72.4 62 244.6 93-9 23 21.5 8.2 83 77-5 29.7 43 133-5 51.2 3 189.5 72.7 63 245-5 94-3 24 22.4 8.6 84 78.4 30.1 44 >34-4 51.6 04 190.5 73-1 64 246.5 94-6 25 23-3 9.0 85 79-4 3-5 45 135-4 52.0 5 191.4 73-5 65 247-4 95-o 2O 24-3 9-3 86 So. 3 30.8 46 '3 6 -3 52.3 06 192.3 73-8 66 248.3 95-3 27 25.2 9-7 87 81.2 31.2 47 '37-2 52.7 o? 193-3 74-2 67 249-3 95-7 28 26. i 10. O 88 82.2 3'-5 48 138.2 53-0 08 194.2 74-5 68 250.2 96. o 29 27.1 10.4 89 83.1 3'-9 49 139. i 53-4 09 195. I 74-9 69 251.1 96.4 3 28.0 10.8 90 84.0 32-3 5 140. o 53-8 10 196. i 75-3 70 252.1 96.8 3' 28.9 11. i .91 85.0 32.6 '5' 141.0 54.1 211 197.0 75-6 271 253.0 97-1 32 29.9 u. 5 9.2 85.9 33- o 52 141.9 54-5 12 197-9 76. o 72 253-9 97-5 33 30.8 11. 8 93 86.8 33-3 53 142.8 54-8 13 198.9 76.3 73 254-9 97-8 34 3'-7 12.2 94 87.8 33-7 54 "43-8 55-2 H 199-8 76.7 74 255-8 98.2 35 32-7 12.5 95 88.7 34-0 55 144-7 55-5 15 200. 7 77.0 75 256.7 98.6 36 33-6 12.9 96 89.6 34-4 56 145.6 55-9 16 201. 7 77-4 76 257-7 98.9 37 34-5 13-3 97 90.6 34-8 57 146. 6 56.3 17 202. 6 77.8 77 258.6 99-3 38 35-5 I 3 .6 98 91.5 35-1 58 147-5 56.6 18 203.5 78.1 78 259-5 99.6 39 3 6 -4 14.0 99 92.4 35-5 59 148.4 57.0 >9 204,5 78.5 79 260.5 IOO. O 40 37-3 14-3 IOO 93-4 35- 8 60 149.4 57-3 20 205.4 78.8 80 261. 4 loo. 3 4' 3*3 14.7 101 94-3 36.2 161 '5-3 57-7 221 206. 3 79.2 281 262. 3 loo. 7 42 39-2 IS.I 02 95-2 36.6 62 151. 2 58.1 22 207.3 79-6 82 263.3 101. I 43 40.1 15.4 03 96.2 36-9 63 152.2 58.4 23 208. 2 79-9 83 264. 2 101.4 44 41.1 I 5 .8 4 97.1 37-3 64 I53-I 58.8 24 209. 1 80.3 84 265. I 101.8 45 42. o 16. i 5 98.0 37-6 65 154.0 59-1 25 210. I 80.6 85 266. I 102. I 46 42.9 16.5 06 99.0 38.0 66 155-0 59-5 26 211. O 81.0 86 267. o 102. 5 g 43-9 44-8 16.8 17.2 7 08 99-9 100.8 38.3 38.7 % 155-9 156.8 59-8 60. 2 11 2II.9 212.9 81.3 81.7 87 88 267. 9 268.9 102.9 103.2 49 45-7 17.6 09 101.8 39-1 69 157.8 60.6 29 213.8 82.1 89 269.8 103. 6 5 46.7 >7-9 10 102. 7 39-4 70 158.7 60. 9 3 214.7 82.4 90 270. 7 103.9 5' 47.6 i. 3 MV 103. 6 39-8 i/i 159. 6 61.3 231 215.7 82.8 291 271. 7 104.3 52 48.5 18. 6 12 104. 6 40. I 7 2 160.6 61.6 3 2 216.6 83.1 92 272. 6 104. 6 53 49-5 19.0 3 >5-5 40.5 73 161. 5 62.0 33 217-5 83-5 93 273-5 105. o 54 5-4 19.4 H 106. 4 40.9 74 162.4 62. 4 34 218.5 83-9 94 274-5 105.4 55 5i-3 19.7 15 107.4 41.2 75 163.4 62.7 35 219.4 84.2 95 275-4 105.7 5 6 52-3 20. i 16 108.3 41. 6 76 164.3 63.1 36 220. 3 84.6 56 276-3 1 06. i 57 53-2 20.4 17 log. 2 41.9 n 165.2 63-4 37 221. 3 84.9 92 277-3 106.4 58 54.1 20.8 18 110. 2 42.3 78 166.2 63.8 38 222. 2 85-3 98 278.2 106. 8 So 55-1 56.0 21. I 2I.S 19 20 III. I 112. 42.6 43- 79 So 167. i 168. o 64. I 64.5 39 40 223. I 224. I 85.6 86.0 99 300 279. i 280.1 107.2 107.5 Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat Dist. Dep, Lat Dist. Dep. Lat Dist. Dep. Lat [For 69 Degrees. 13-i DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 22. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dcp. n:st. Lat. Dcp. Dist. Laf. Dcp. Dist. Lat Dep. I 0.9 0.4 6l 56.6 22.9 121 112. 2 45-3 181 167.8 67.8 241 223.5 90.3 2 1.9 0.7 62 57-5 23.2 22 H3- 45-7 82 I6S. 7 68.2 42 224.4 90.7 3 2.8 I. I 63 58.4 2 3 .6 23 114. o 46.1 83 169. 7 63. 6 43 225- 3 9I.O 4 3- 7 5 64 59-3 24. o 24 115. o 46.5 84 170. 6 68.9 44 226. 2 91.4 4-6 5-6 1-9 2. 2 U 60. 3 61.2 24-3 24. 7 3 115.9 116. 8 46. 8 47-2 85 86 171.5 172.5 69- 3 69.7 4 l 46 227.2 228. I 91.8 92. 2 7 6.5 2.6 67 62.1 25.1 27 117.8 47.6 87 173-4 70. i 47 229. o 92. 5 8 7-4 3- 68 63. o 2 5-5 28 118. 7 47-9 88 174-3 70.4 48 229.9 92.9 9 8-3 3-4 69 64. o 25.8 29 119. 6 48.3 89 175-2 70.8 49 230.9 93-3 10 9-3 3-7 70 64.9 26.2 3 120. 5 48.7 90 176. 2 71.2 5 2JI.8 93-7 II IO. 2 4- i 7i 65.8 26.6 3i 121. 5 49. I 191 I77-I 71-5 251 232.7 94-0 12 II. I 4-5 72 66.8 27.0 32 122.4 49-4 92 178.0 71-9 52 233-7 94-4 13 12. I 4-9 73 67.7 27-3 33 I2 3-3 49.8 93 178.9 72-3 53 234-6 94-8 M '3- 5.2 74 68.6 27-7 34 124. 2 50.2 94 179-9 72.7 54 235-5 95.2 15 '3-9 5-6 75 69.5 28.1 35 125.2 50. 6 95 l8o.8 73-0 55 236.4 95-5 10 14.8 6.0 76 70.5 28.5 3 I2b. I 50.9 96 181. 7 73-4 56 237.4 95-9 17 15.8 6.4 77 71.4 28.8 37 127. o 5i-3 97 182. 7 73-8 57 238.3 96.3 18 16.7 6.7 78 72.3 29. 2 38 128.0 r-7 98 183.6 74-2 58 239.2 96.6 19 17.6 7-' 79 73-2 29. 6 39 128.9 52.1 99 184.5 74-5 59 240. I 97.0 20 18. s 7-5 80 74-2 30. o 40 129.8 5-- 4 200 185.4 74-9 60 241. I 97-4 21 19-5 7-9 Si 75- 3-3 141 130.7 52.8 301 ibt>. 4 75-3 261 242. o 97-8 22 20. 4 8.2 82 76.0 3- 7 42 131-7 53-2 02 187-3 75-7 62 242.9 98.1 23 21.3 8.6 83 77.0 3'-' 43 132.6 53-6 3 ISS. 2 76.0 63 243.8 98.5 24 22.3 9.0 84 77-9 31-5 44 133-5 53-9 04 189. i 76.4 64 244.8 98.9 25 23. 2 9-4 85 78.8 45 134-4 54-3 >5 190. i 76.8 65 245.7 99-3 26 24.1 9-7 86 79- 7 32-2 46 135-4 54-7 06 191. o 77-2 66 246. 6 99-6 27 25. o 10. I 7 80. 7 32-6 47 136-3 55-1 7 191-9 77-5 67 247.6 IOO. O 28 26. o 10.5 88 81.6 33-o 48 37-2 55-4 08 192.9 77-9 68 248.5 loo. 4 29 26.9 10. 9 89 82.5 33-3 49 138.2 55-8 09 193-8 78.3 6 249.4 100.8 3 27.8 II. 2 90 83.4 33-7 5 I39.I 56.2 10 194. 7 78-7 7o 250-3 101. I 3' 28.7 ii. 6 91 84.4 34- i J5' 140. o 56. 6 211 195.6 79-o 271 251-3 101. 5 32 29 7 12. O 92 & 3 34-5 52 140.9 5 6 -9 12 196. 6 79-4 72 252. 2 101. 9 33 30. 6 12.4 93 86.2 34-8 53 141.9 57-3 13 197-5 79.8 73 253.I 102. I 34 3'- 5 12.7 94 87.2 35-2 54 142.8 57-7 14 198.4 80.2 74 254.0 102. 6 35 32-5 I3-I 95 88. i 35-6 55 143-7 58.1 15 199.3 So. 5 75 255.0 103. o 36 33-4 13-5 96 89.0 36. o 5 6 144.6 os- 9 44-9 75 161. i 68.4 35 2 1 6. 3 91.8 95 271.5 iiS-3 5 6 51-5 1-9 10 1 06. 8 45-3 76 162. o 68.8 3S 217. 2 92.2 96 272.5 115.7 SZ 5 a -S 2 -3 17 107.7 45-7 77 162.9 69. 2 37 218.2 92.6 97 273-4 no. o 58 53-4 2-7 .18 108. 6 46. I 78 163.8 69.6 38 219. I 93-o 98 274-3 116.4 59 54-3 3- I 9 i9-5 46.5 79 164.8 69.9 39 220. O 93-4 99 275.2 116.8 60 55- * 3-4 20 no. 5 46.9 86 165.7 70.3 40 220.9 93-8 300 276.2 117.2 Dlst. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dlst. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lt. [For 67 Degrees. 130 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 24. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep I 0.9 0.4 61 55-7 24.8 121 no. 5 49-2 181 165.4 73-6 241 220. 2 98. 2 1.8 0.8 O2 56.6 25.2 22 in. 5 49- 6 82 1 66. 3 74-o 42 221. I 98.4 3 2-7 I. 2 63 57-6 25. 6 23 112.4 50. o 83 167. 2 74-4 43 222. O 98.8 4 3- 7 1.6 64 58.5 26. o 24 "3-3 50.4 84 1 68. I 74-8 44 222. 9 99-2 6 4-6 5- 5 2. O 2-4 59-4 60.3 26.4 26.8 26 II4- 2 115. I 50.8 51.2 85 86 169. o 169. 9 75-2 75-7 46 223.8 224. 7 99- 7 IOO. I 7 6.4 2.8 67 61.2 2 7-3 27 lib. o 51-7 87 170. 8 fg.1 47 225.6 loo. 5 8 7-3 3-3 68 62.1 27-7 28 116. 9 52.1 88 171.7 76-5 48 226. 6 loo. 9 9 8.2 3-7 69 63. o 28. i 2 9 117.8 52-5 89 172.7 76.9 49 227.5 101. 3 10 9- 4-1 70 6 3- 9 28.5 30 118. 8 52.9 90 173-6 77-3 50 228.4 101. 7 ii 10. O 4-5 7' 64.9 28.9 '3' 119.7 53-3 191 174-5 77-7 251 229. 3 102. I 12 II. O 4-9 72 65.8 29-3 32 120. 6 53-7 92 175-4 78.1 52 330. 2 102. 5 13 II. Q 5-3 73 66. 7 29-7 33 121.5 54.1 93 176-3 78.5 53 23I.I 102. 9 H 12.8 5-7 74 67.6 30.1 34 122. 4 54-5 94 177.2 78.9 54 232. o I0 3- 3 15 13-7 6. I 75 68.5 30.5 35 123-3 54-9 95 178. i 79-3 55 233-0 i3- 7 to 14-6 6-5 76 69.4 30-9 3 6 124. 2 55-3 96 179. I 79-7 56 233-9 104. i 17 "5-5 6.9 77 70-3 3 r -3 37 125. 2 55-7 97 iSo. o 80. i 57 234-8 104.5 18 16.4 7-3 78 7'- 3 31-7 38 126. I 56.1 98 180.9 80. 5 58 235-7 104.9 rg 17.4 7-7 79 72.2 32.1 39 127. o 56.5 99 181.8 80. 9 59 236. 6 105-3 20 18. 3 8.1 So 73- ' 32-5 40 127.9 56.9 200 182. 7 Si- 3 60 237.5 105.8 21 19.2 8-5 81 74-o 3 2 -9 141 128.8 57-3 201 183.6 81.8 261 238-4 106. 2 22 20. I 8.9 82 74-9 33-4 42 129.7 57.8 02 184.5 82.2 62 239-3 106. 6 23 24 21.0 21.9 9-4 9-8 f 3 84 *! 33-8 34-2 43 44 130.6 I3I.6 56.2 58.6 3 04 185.4 186.4 82.6 83.0 63 64 240.3 241. 2 107.0 107-4 25 26 22.8 23.8 IO. 2 10. 6 85 86 %i 34-6 35-o 45 46 I32-5 133-4 59-o 59-4 05 06 187-3 188.2 8 3-4 83.8 8 242. I 243-0 107.8 108.2 27 24-7 II. O 87 79-5 35-4 47 '34-3 07 189. i 84. 2 67 243-9 108.6 28 25.6 11.4 88 80.4 35-8 48 '35-2 60. 2 08 190. o 84.6 68 244.8 109. o 29 26.5 11. 8 89 81.3 36. 2 49 136. I 60.6 09 iqo. 9 85.0 69 245-7 109. 4 3 27.4 12. 2 9 82. 2 36.6 So 137-0 61. o 10 191.8 85.4 70 246.7 109. 8 3 1 28.3 12.6 QI 83.1 37-o 151 137-9 61.4 211 192.8 85.8 271 247.6 no. 2 3* 29. 2 13.0 92 84.0 37-4 52 138.9 61.8 12 193.7 86.2 72 248.5 1 10. 6 33 3 O.I 13-4 93 85.0 37-8 53 139-8 62. 2 13 194.6 86.6 73 249. 4 III. O 34 13-8 94 85.9 38.2 54 140- 7 62.6 14 195-5 87.0 74 250-3 in. 4 35 32.0 14.2 95 86.8 38.6 55 141. 6 63. o IS 196.4 87.4 75 251. 2 in. 9 36 32-9 14. 6 96 87.7 39-o 56 142.5 63-5 16 197-3 87.9 76 252. I 112.3 37 33-8 15.0 97 88.6 39-5, 57 143-4 63. 9 17 198.2 88.3 77 253-1 112.7 38 34-7 98 89-5 39-9 58 144-3 64-3 18 199.2 GS-7 78 254.0 113-1 39 35- 6 15.9 99 90.4 40-3 59 145-3 64. 7 19 200. I 89. i 79 254.9 "3-5 40 36- 5 16.3 IOO 91.4 40. 7 60 146. 2 65.1 20 2OI. O 89-5 80 255.8 3.9 41 37-5 16.7 IOI 9 2 -3 41.1 161 147. I 65.5 221 201. 9 89.9 281 256.7 "4-3 42 3 s - 4 17. i 02 93-2 41.5 62 148.0 65.9 22 202. 8 90.3 82 257.6 114.7 43 39-3 "7-5 03 94- I 41.9 63 148.9 66.3 23 203.7 90. 7 83 258.5 115.1 44 40. 2 "7-9 04 95-o 42-3 64 M9- 8 66. 7 24 204. 6 91. i 84 259.4 "5-5 45 41. I 18.3 05 95-9 42- 7 65 150.7 67.1 25 205.5 91.5 85 260. 4 115.9 46 42. o 18.7 06 96.8 43-' 66 151. 6 67-5 26 206. 5 91.9 86 261. 3 116. 3 47 42.9 19. i 7 97-7 43-5 67 152. 6 67.9 27 207.4 92-3 87 262. 2 116. 7 48 43-9 19.5 08 98.7 43-9 68 153-5 68.3 28 208.3 92-7 88 263. i 117.1 49 44-8 19.9 09 99.6 44-3 69 154-4 68.7 29 209. 2 93-1 89 264. o 117.5 5 45-7 20. 3 10 loo. 5 44- 7 70 155-3 69. i 3 210. I 93-5 90 264.9 118.0 51 46.6 20. 7 III 101. 4 45. i 171 156. 2 69. 6 231 211. O 94.0 291 265.8 118.4 5 2 47-5 21. 2 12 1 02. 3 45-6 72 I57.I 70. o S 2 211. 9 94-4 92 266.8 118. 8 53 48-4 21.6 '3 103. 2 46. o 73 158.0 70.4 33 212. 9 94-8 93 267.7 119. 2 54 49-3 22. O 104. i 46.4 74 159.0 70.8 34 213.8 95-2 94 268.6 119. 6 55 50. 2 22.4 15 105. i 46.8 75 159.9 71.2 35 214. 7 95.6 95 269.5 1 2O. O 56 51.2 22.8 16 1 06. o 47-2 76 160.8 71.6 36 215. 6 96. o 96 270.4 1 20. 4 57 52.1 23.2 17 1 06. 9 47-6 77 161. 7 72. o 37 216. 5 96.4 97 271.3 120.8 58 23. 6 18 107.8 48.0 78 162. 6 72.4 38 217.4 96.8 98 272. 2 121. 2 59 53-9 24. o 19 loS. 7 48.4 79 163-5 72.8 39 218.3 97-2 99 273-2 121. 6 60 54-8 24.4 20 109. 6 48.8 So 164.4 73-2 40 219-3 97.6 300 274- t 122.0 Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. [For 66 Degrees. 137 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 25. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. I 0.9 0.4 61 55-3 2 5 .8 121 109. 7 SI-' 181 164.0 76-5 241 218.4 IQJ. 9 2 1.8 0.8 62 56.2 26. 2 22 no. 6 5'- 6 82 164.9 76.9 42 219.3 102.3 3 2-7 '3 63 57.i 26.6 23 in. 5 52.0 83 165.9 77-3 43 220. 2 102. 1 4 3-6 64 58.0 27.0 24 112. 4 52.4 84 166. 8 77-8 44 221. I 103. i 5 4-5 2. 1 65 58-9 27-5 2 5 "3-3 52.8 85 167.7 78.2 45 222. O 103-5 6 5-4 2-5 66 59-8 27-9 26 114. 2 53-2 26 168.6 78.6 46 223.0 104.0 7 6-3 3- 67 60.7 4 3 27 115. I 53-7 87 169-5 79-0 47 223. 9 104.4 8 7-3 3-4 68 61.6 28.7 28 1 16. 54-1 88 170.4 79-5 48 224. 8 104.8 9 8. 2 3-8 69 62.5 29. 2 29 1 16. 9 54-5 89 I7I-3 79-9 49 225.7 105. 2 10 9- i 4-2 7 63-4 29. 6 3 117.8 54-9 90 172.2 So. 3 5 226.6 105. 7 II IO. O 4.6 7' 64. 3 30. o. '3' 118. 7 55-4 191 1 73- i 80.7 251 227.5 1 06. i 12 10.9 5. I 72 65.3 30.4 3 2 119. 6 55-8 92 174.0 81. i 52 228.4 1 06. 5 '3 n. 8 5-5 73 66.2 3-9 33 120. 5 55.2 93 174.9 81.6 53 229.3 106. 9 H 12.7 5-9 74 67.1 3'-3 34 121.4 56.6 94 175.8 82.0 54 230.2 107-3 IS 13.6 6.3 75 68.0 3'- 7 35 122.4 57-1 95 176.7 82.4 55 231. I 107. 8 16 14.5 6.8 76 68.9 32.1 36 123.3 57-5 96 177.6 82.8 56 232. o 108.2 17 '5-4 7-2 77 69.8 32-5 37 124. 2 57-9 97 '7S-5 83-3 57 232.9 108.6 18 16.3 7.6 78 70.7 33- 38 125. I 58.3 98 179.4 83-7 58 233-8 109. o 19 17.2 8.0 79 71.6 33-4 39 126. o 58.7 99 180.4 84.1 59 234- 7 109.5 20 18. i 8- 5 80 72.5 33-8 40 126.9 59-2 200 181.3 84- S Bo 235.6 109.9 21 19. o 8.9 Si 73-4 34-2 141 127.8 59-6 201 182.2 84.9 261 236-5 110.3 22 19.9 9-3 82 74-3 34-7 42 1 2&. 7 60. o O2 183. i 5-4 62 237-5 no. 7 23 20.8 9-7 83 75-2 35-1 43 129. 6 60. 4 3 184.0 85.8 63 238-4 in. i 24 21.8 10. I 84 76.1 35-5 44 130-5 60. 9 04 184.9 86.2 64 239-3 in. 6 25 22.7 10. 6 85 77-0 35-9 45 61.3 5 185.8 86.6 65 240. 2 112. O 26 23.6 II. O 86 77-9 36.3 46 I 3 2 -3 61.7 06 186.7 87.1 66 241. I 112.4 27 24.5 II. 4 87 78.8 36.8 47 133-2 62.1 7 187.6 87-5 67 242. o II2.8 28 25.4 n. 8 88 79.8 37-2 48 I34-I 62.5 08 1 88. 5 87-9 68 242-9 "3.3 2 9 26.3 12.3 89 80.7 37-6 49 i35-o 63. o 09 189.4 88.3 69 243-8 "3-7 30 27.2 12.7 9 81.6 38.0 5 '35-9 6 3-4 10 190. 3 88. 7 70 244- 7 114.1 31 28.1 13. i 91 82.5 38.5 '5 1 136.9 63.8 211 191. 2 89.2 271 245-6 JI4-5 32 29. o 13-5 92 38-9 52 137-8 64. 2 12 192. I 89,6 72 246- 5 115. o 33 29.9 I3.9 93 84' 3 39-3 53 138. 7 64. 7 '3 193.0 90. o 73 247.4 115.4 34 3". 8 14.4 94 85.2 .39-7 54 139.6 65.1 "93-9 90.4 74 248.3 115.8 35 3'-7 14.8 95 86. i 40. i 55 140.5 65.5 15 194. 9 90-9 75 249.2 116. 2 36 32. 6 15.2 96 87.0 40. 6 5& 141.4 65.9 16 195.8 9'-3 76 250. i 116.6 37 33-5 15.6 97 87.9 41.0 57 142-3 66.4 '7 196- 7 91.7 77 251.0 117.1 38 34-4 16. i 98 88.8 4'-4 58 143-2 66.8 18 197.6 92.1 78 252. o 117.5 39 35-3 16.5 99 89-7 41.8 59 144. i 67.2 19 198-5 92. 6 79 252. 9 117.9 40 36-3 16.9 100 90. 6 42.3 60 145.0 67.6 20 199.4 93- 80. 253-8 1 18. 3 4' 37-2 '7-3 101 91.5 42-7 i&i 145.9 68.0 221 200. 3 93-4 281 254-7 118. 8 42 38.1 '7-7 02 92.4 43-1 62 146.8 6S. 5 22 201. 2 93-8 82 255-6 119.2 43 39-o 18. 2 03 93-3 43-5 63 147-7 68.9 23 202. I 94-2 83 256-5 119. 6 44 39-9 18. 6 04 94-3 44.0 64 148.6 6 9-3 2 4 203. o 94-7 84 257-4 120.0 45 40.8 19. o 05 95-2 44-4 65 149.5 69. 7 25 203. 9 95- 85 258-3 120.4 46 41.7 19.4 06 96. i 44-8 66 150.4 70.2 26 204. 8 95-5 86 259.2 1 20. 9 47 42. 6 19.9 07 97.0 45.2 67 15L4 70. 6 27 205-7 95-9 87 260. i 121.3 48 43-5 20. 3 08 97-9 45.6 68 '52-3 71.0 28 206. 6 96.4 88 261. o 121.7 49 44-4 20. 7 09 98.8 46.1 69 153.2 71.4 29 207.5 96.8 89 261. 9 122. I 50 45-3 21. I 10 99- 7 46.5 70 K4- ' 71.8 208.5 97-2 90 262.8 122. 6 51 46.2 27.6 III loo. 6 46:9 171 155-0 72.3 23' 209.4 97-6 291 263.7 123.0 52 47-' 22.0 12 101.5 47-3 72 '55-9 72.7 3 2 210. 3 98.0 92 264. 6 123-4 53 48.0 22.4 '3 102.4 47-8 73 156.8 73-' 33 211. 2 98.5 93 265. 5 123-8 54 48.9 22.8 '4 103-3 48.2 74 '57-7 73-5 34 212. I 98.9 94 266. 5 124.2 55 49-8 23.2 15 104. 2 48.6 75 158.6 74.0 35 213.0 99-3 95 267-4 124.7 56 50.8 23.7 10 IOC. I 49-0 76 '59-5 74-4 36 213. 9 99-7 96 268.3 125. I 57 5'- 7 24.1 '7 100. 49-4 n 160.4 74-8 37 214. 8 IOO. 2 97 269. 2 125. 5 58 52.6 24.5 18 1 06. 9 49.9 78 161.3 75.2 3 215. 7 100. 6 98 27O. I 125.9 11 53-5 54-4 2419 25-4 20 107. 108.8 50.3 50.7 79 So 162.2 163. i a; 39 40 216.6 217.5 101. 101.4 99 300 271.0 271.9 126.4 126.8 Plot. Dep. Ut. Diit, Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Diet. Dep. Lit. [I'* or 65 Degree*. 188 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 2G. Dist. Lat, Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. DisL Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. I 0.9 0.4 6l 54-8 26.7 121 108. 8 53- 181 162. 7 79-3 24" 216.6 105. 6 2 1.8 0.9 62 55-7 27.2 22 109.7 53- 5 82 163.6 79.8 42 217.5 1 06. I 3 2.7 I. 3 63 56.6 27.6 23 no. 6 53-9 83 164-5 So. 2 43 218.4 1 06. 5 4 3-6 i. 8 64 57-5 28.1 24 111.5 54-4 84 165.4 So. 7 44 219-3 107. o 5 4-5 2. 2 65 58-4 28.5 25 112. 3 54-8 85 166.3 81. i 45 220. 2 107.4 6 5-4 2.6 66 59-3 28.9 26 113.2 SS- 2 86 167. 2 8.. 5 46 221. I 107.8 7 6-3 3-' 67 60. 2 29.4 27 114. i 55-7 87 1 68. i 82.0 47 222. 108.3 8 7.2 3- 5 68 61. i 29.8 28 115. o 56.1 88 169. o 82.4 48 222. 9 1 08. 7 9 8.1 3-9 69 62. o 30.2 29 115.9 56-5 89 169.9 82. 9 49 223.8 109. 2 10 9.0 4-4 7 62. 9 3-7 3 116. 8 57-o 90 170.8 83-3 5 224. 7 109. 6 11 9-9 4.8 7' 63.8 31- ' 131 117.7 57-4 IO"I 171. 7 83-7 251 225. 6 HO. O 12 10.8 5-3 72 64.7 31-6 3 2 118. 6 57-9 5 2 172. 6 84.2 52 226. 5 HO. 5 13 u. 7 5-7 73 65.6 32.0 33 119.5 58-3 93 '73-5 84.6 53 227-4 HO. 9 4 12.6 6. i 74 66. 3 32-4 34 120. 4 58.7 94 174.4 85.0 54 228.3 in. 3 15 '3-5 6.6 75 67-4 32-9 35 121.3 59-2 95 75-3 85.5 55 229. 2 in. 8 16 14.4 7.0 76 68.3 33-3 36 122. 2 59-6 96 176. 2 85.9 56 230- 1 112. 2 '7 '5-3 7-5 77 69. 2 33-8 37 I23.I 60. i 97 I77.I 86.4 57 231.0 II2.7 18 16. 2 7-9 73 70..I 34-2 38 124. o 60. 5 98 178.0 86.8 58 23'-9 II3.I '9 "7- i 8.3 I 9 71.0 34-6 39 124.9 60. 9 99 178.9 87.2 59 232. 8 "3-5 20 18. o 8.8 So 71.9 35- i 46 125.8 61.4 200 179.8 87.7 60 233-7 114.0 21 iS. 9 9.2 81 7 2.S 35-5 141 126. 7 61.8 201 180. 7 88. i 261 234-6 114.4 22 19.8 9.6 82 73-7 35-9 42 127. 6 62.2 O2 181.6 88.6 62 235-5 114.9 23 20.7 IO. I 83 74.6 36-4 43 128.5 62.7 3 182.5 89.0 63 236.4 "5-3 24 21.6 10.5 84 75-5 36.8 44 129.4 63.1 04 183. 4 89.4 64 237-3 115.7 25 22.5 II. O 85 76.4 37-3 45 '3-3 63.6 05 184.3 89.9 65 238.2 116. 2 26 23-4 11.4 86 77-3 37-7 46 131.2 64. o 06 185.2 9-3 66 239- ' 116.6 27 24-3 n. 8 87 78.2 38-1 47 132.1 64-4 07 1 86. i 90.7 67 240. o 117. o 28 25. 2 12.3 88 79- i 38.6 48 33- 64.9 08 1 86. 9 91.2 68 240.9 '7-5 2 9 26. I 12.7 89 So. o 39-o 49 33-9 65-3 09 187.8. 91. 6 69 241.8 117.9 3 27. o n. 2 90 80.9 39-5 5 134.8 65.8 IO 1 88. 7 92. i 70 242.7 118.4 31 27.9 13. b 9' 81.8 39-9 '5' 35-7 66.2 211 189.6 92.5 271 243.6 nS. 8 32 28.8 14. o 92 82.7 4-3 5 2 136.6 66.6 12 190.5 92.9 72 244.5 119. 2 33 29.7 14.5 93 83.6 40. 8 53 37-5 67.1 13 191.4 93-4 73 245-4 119.7 34 30.6 14.9 94 84.5 41.2 54 138.4 67-5 14 192.3 93-8 74 246.3 120. I 35 3^-5 15-3 95 85.4 41.6 55 '39-3 67.9 IS 193.2 94-2 75 247.2 1 20. 6 36 3 2 -4 15.8 96 86.3 42.1 56 140. 2 68.4 16 194. i 94-7 76 248. 1 121. 37 33-3 1 6. 2 97 87.2 42.5 57 14:. I 68.8 17 195.0 95.1 77 249- I2I.4 38 34-2 16.7 98 88. i 43- 58 142. o 69-3 18 95-9 95-6 78 249-9 121. 9 39 35- > 17. 1 99 89.0 43-4 59 142.9 69.7 19 196. 8 96. o 79 250.8 122-3 40 36. o '7-5 IOO 89.9 43-8 60 I 43 .S 70. i 20 197.7 96.4 80 251.7 122.7 41 36-9 1 8. o 101 90. 8 44-3 161 144. 7 70. 6 221 198.6 96.9 281 252. 6 123.2 42 37-7 18.4 02 91-7 44- 7 62 MS' 6 71.0 22 J99-5 97-3 82 253-5 123. 6 43 38.6 18. 8 3 92. 6 45-2 63 146.5 71-5 23 200. 4 97.8 83 254.4 124. i 44 39-5 19-3 04 93-5 45-6 64 147.4 71.9 24 201. 3 98. 2 84 255-3 124-5 45 40.4 "9-7 5 94-4 46.0 65 148.3 72-3 25 202. 2 98.6 85 256. 2 124.9 46 4'-3 20. 2 06 95-3 46-5 66 149.2 72.8 26 203. I 99- i 86 257.1 125.4 47 42.2 20. 6 07 96. 2 46.9 67 150. i 73-2 27 204. o 99-5 87 258.0 125.8 48 43-i 21. 08 97- i 47-3 68 151. o 73-6 28 20 4 . 9 99-9 88 258.9 126.3 49 44- 21-5 OQ 98.0 47-8 69 151.9 74-1 29 205.8 loo. 4 89 259- 8 126. 7 5 44-9 21-9 10 98.9 48. 2 7 152.8 74-5 30 206. 7 100.8 9 260. 7 127.1 5' 45.8 22.4 I II 9-9. 8 48.7 171 153-7 75.0 231 207. 6 101. 3 291 261. 5 127. 6 S 2 46-7 22.8 12 loo. 7 49- ' 72 154.6 75-4 3 2 208.5 101. 7 92 262. 4 128.0 53 47-6 23.2 '3 101. 6 49-5 73 '55-5 75-8 33 209.4 102. I 93 263-3 128.4 54 48.5 23-7 H 102. 5 50. o 74 156.4 76-3 34 210. 3 102. 6 94 264. 2 128.9 55 49-4 24. I 15 103.4 5-4 75 J57- 3 76.7 35 211. 2 103. o 95 265.1 129-3 56 50.3 24-5 1 6 104.3 50.9 76 158.2 77-2 36 212. I 3-5 96 266. o 129. 8 57 51.2 25. o 17 105. 2 5'-3 77 159. i 77-6 37 213. o i3-9 97 266. 9 130. 2 58 52-1 25.4 18 1 06. I 5'-7 78 100. 78.0 38 213-9 104-3 9 267.8 130. 6 59 53- 25-9 "9 107. o 52.2 79 1 60. 9 78.5 39 214.8 104. 8 99 268.7 iji. i 60 53-9 26. 3 20 107.9 52.6 So, 161.8 78.9 40 215.7 105.2 300 269. 6 '3'-5 Dlst. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. [For 64 Degrees. loU DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 27. Dist. Lat. Dcp. Dibt. Lat. Dcp. Dist. I-at. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. I 0.9 0.5 61 54-4 27.7 121 107.8 54-9 181 161.3 82.2 241 214. 7 109.4 2 1.8 0.9 62 55-2 28.1 22 108. 7 55-4 82 162. 2 82.6 42 215. 6 109.9 3 2. 7 1-4 63 56., 28.6 23, 109. 6 55-8 83 163. I 83.1 43 216. 5 1 1 0-3 4 3-6 1.8 64 57.0 29. I 2.A **r no. 5 5 6 -3 84 163.9 83-5 44 217.4 no. 8 5 4-5 2-3 65 57-9 29-5 25 ill. 4 56.7 85 164.8 84. o 45 218.3 III. 2 6 5-3 2-7 66 58.8 30. o 26 112. 3 57-2 S6 165.7 84.4 46 219. 2 III.7 7 6.2 3- 2 67 59-7 3-4 27 113.2 57-7 27 i65. 6 84-9 47 22O. I 112. I 8 7-i 3-6 68 60.6 3-9 28 114. o 53. i S8 167.5 85-4 48 221. O 112. 6 9 8.0 4- i 69 61.5 3'-3 29 1 14. 9 58.6 89 168.4 85.8 49 221. 9 113. o 10 8.9 4-5 7 62.4 31.8 3 115.8 59-o 90 169. 3 86. 3 5 222.8 "3-5 II 9.8 5.0 ?i 63-3 32' 2 3> 116. 7 59-5 191 170. 2 86. 7 251 223. 6 114.0 12 10.7 5-4 72 64.2 32-7 32 117. 6 59-9 92 I7I.I 87.2 S 2 224-5 114.4 13 u. 6 5-9 73 65. o 33-i 33 118. 5 60. 4 93 172. o 87.6 5? 225.4 114.9 '4 I2 -5 6.4 74 65.9 33-6 34 119.4 60.8 94 172.9 88.1 54 226.3 iiS-3 15 13-4 6.8 75 66.8 34-o 35 120. 3 61.3 95 173-7 88.5 55 227. 2 115.8 16 14-3 7-3 76 67.7 34- 5 36 21. 2 61.7 96 174.6 89.0 5 6 228. I 1 16. 2 17 15. i 7-7 77 68.6 35- 37 22. I 62.2 97 '75-5 89.4 57 229. o 116. 7 iS 16. o 8.2 73 69.5 35-4 3 y 23.0 62.7 98 176.4 89.9 58 229.9 117.1 19 16. 9 8.6 79 70.4 35-9 39 23.8 63-1 99' 177-3 90.3 59 230.8 117.6 20 17.8 9- i So 7'-3 36- 3 40 24. 7 63.6 200 178. 2 90. 8 60 231- 7 118. o 21 18.7 9-5 Si 72.2 36.8 141 25.6 64.0 201 1/9- l 9i-3 261 232. 6 118.5 22 19. 6 lo. o 82 73- i 37-2 42 26.5 64.5 O2 i So. o 91.7 62 233-4 118.9 23 20. 5 10. 4 S3 74.0 37-7 43 127.4 64.9 3 I So. 9 92.2 6j 234-3 119.4 24 21.4 10. 9 84 74- S 38.1 44 128.3 65.4 04 181.8 92. 6 64 235-2 119.9 25 22. 3 "3 85 75- 7 38-6 45 129. 2 65.8 5 182. 7 93- i 65 236. i 120. 3 26 23.2 11.8 86 76.6 39-o 46 I3O. I 66.3 06 183-5 93-5 66 237-0 120. 8 27 24. I 12.3 7 77-5 39-5 47 I3I.O 66. 7 07 184.4 94.0 67 237-9 121. 2 28 24.9 12.7 SS 78.4 40. o 48 ' I3I-9 67.2 08 iSS-3 94-4 68 238.8 I2I.7 29 25.8 13.2 89 79-3 40.4 49 132.8 67.6 09 186,2 94-9 69 239-7 122. I 3 26. 7 13.6 90 80. 2 40.9 5 '33- 7 68. i 10 187. i 95-3 70 240. 6 122. 6 3' 27.6 14. i 9 1 Si. i 4'-3 IS 1 134.5 68.6 211 188.0 95-8 271 241-5 123. o 32 28.5 14-5 92 82.0 41.8 52 '35-4 69. o 12 188.9 96. 2 72 242.4 123-5 33 29.4 15.0 93 82.9 42.2 53 '3<5- 3 69.5 '3 189.8 96.7 73 243-2 123-9 34 3-3 15.4 94 83.8 42-7 54 137-2 69.9 H 190. 7 97-2 74 244.1- 124.4 35 31.2 15.9 95 84.6 43- ' 55 138. i 70.4 15 191. 6 97.6 75 245.0 124.8 3 6 32.1 16.3 96 85.5 43- 6 56 139.0 70.8 16 192-5 98. i 76 245.9 I2 5. 3 37 33- 16.8 97 86.4 44.0 57 '39-9 71-3 17 193-3 98-5 77 246.8 125.8 38 33-9 17-3 98 87-3 44-5 58 140. 8 71-7 18 194.2 99-o 78 247- 7 126. 2 39 34-7 '7-7 99 SS. 2 44-9 59 141.7 72.2 19 195. i 99-4 79 248.6 126/7 40 35- 6 IS. 2 IOO 89. I 4JM 60 142. 6 72.6 20 196. o 99-9 80 249-5 I27.I 4' 36.5 18. 6 101 90. o 45-9 161 ' 143-5 73- i 221 196.9 loo. 3 281 250.4 127. 6 42 37-4 19.1 02 90.9 4 6 - 3 62 144-3 73-5 22 197.8 loo. 8 82 251-3 128.0 43 38-3 19.5 3 91.8 46.8 63 145.2 71-0 2 3 198.7 IOI. 2 83 252. 2 128. 5 44 39-2 20. O 04 92-7 47-2 64 146. i 74-5 24 199.6 101. 7 84 253-0 128.9 45 40. i 20. 4 5 93- 6 47-7 65 147.0 74-9 25 200. 5 102. I 85 253-9 129.4 46 41. o 20. 9 06 94-4 48. i 66 147.9 75-4 26 201. 4 102. 6 86 254-8 129.8 47 41.9 21. 3 7 95-3 48.6 67 148.8 75-8 27 202. 3 103. I 87 255-7 130-3 48 42.8 21.8 08 96.2 49.0 68 149. 7 76-3 28 203. I 103-5 88 256. 6 130-7 49 43-7 22. 2 09 97.1 49-5 69 150. 6 76.7 29 204. o 104. o 89 257-5 131.2 5 44.6 22. 7 10 98.0 40.9 70 151.5 77-2 3 204.9 104.4 90 258.4 i3i-7 5' 45-4 23.2 III 98.9 50.4 I?' 152.4 77.6 231 205.8 104.9 291 259-3 132.1 52 46-3 23.6 12 99-8 50.8 y 2 153-3 78.1 32 206. 7 105-3 92 2CO. 2 132. 6 53 47.2 2 4 . I 3 loo. 7 5i-3 73 154.1 78.5 33 207. 6 105. 8 93 26l. I 133-0 54 48. i 24-5 14 loi. 6 Si-8 74 155- 79.0 34 208.5 1 06. 2 94 262. o 133-5 55 49.0 25. o IS 1 02. 5 52. .2 75 155-9 79-4 35 209.4 1 06. 7 95 262.8 133-9 56 49-9 25.4 16 103.4 52.7 76 156.8 79-9 36 210.3 107. 1 96 263.7 I34.4 57 50.8 25.9 17 104. 2 53- i 77 157- 7 80.4 37- 211. 2 107. 6 97 264. 6 134. 8 58 5'- 7 26. 3 18 105. I 53-6 78 158.6 80.8 38 212. I 108.0 98 265.5 135-3 59 52.6 26.8 19 1 06. o 31.0 79 159-5 81.3 39 213. o 1 08. 5 99 266.4 135-7 60 53-5 27.2 20 106. 9 54-5 80 1 60. 4 81.7 40 213.8 109. o 300 267.3 136. 2 Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Di5t. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dcp. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lot. [ For 63 Degrees. 140 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 28. Dist. Lat Dep. Dist. Lat Dep. Dist Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat Dep. Dist I-at Dep. I 0.9 0. 5 61 53-9 28. 6 121 Ic6. 8 56. 8 iSi 159.8 85. 241 212. 8 II 3 . I 2 1.8 0.9 62 54- 7 29. I 22 107. 7 57-3 82 1 60. 7 85.4 42 213. 7 113.6 3 2.6 1.4 63 55-6 29. 6 23 108. 6 57-7 83 161.6 85.9 43 214. 6 I 14. I 4 3-5 1.9 64 56- i 30. o 24 109. 5 58.2 84 162. 5 86.4 44 215.4 114. 6 5 4-4 2 - 3 65 57-4 3-5 25 1 10. 4 58.7 85 163-3 86.9 45 216. 3 115. o 6 5- 3 2.8 66 31.0 26 111.3 59-2 86 164. 2 87.3 46 217. 2 115.5 7 6. 2 3- 3 6? 59-2 31-5 27 112. I 59-6 87 165. I 87.8 47 218. i I ID. O 8 7- i 3-8 6$ 60. o 31-9 28 113. o DO. I 88 166. o 88-3 48 219. o 116. 4 9 7-9 4-2 69 60.9 32-4 29 H3-9 60. 6 89 166.9 88.7 49 219.9 116. 9 IO 8.8 4- 7 70 6!. 8 33-9 30 II4.8 61. o CO 167.8 80.2 50 220. 7 117.4 ii 9- 7 5- 2 7' 62.7 33-3 I 3 l II5.7 61.5 191 168. 6 89.7 251 221. 6 117.8 12 io.-6 5.6 72 63.6 33-8 32 116. 5 62. o 92 169.5 90. i 52 222. 5 118.3 13 H.J 6. i 73 64.5 34-3 33 117.4 62. 4 93 170.4 90. 6 53 223.4 118. 8 '4 12.4 6.6 74 65-3 34-7 34 118. 3 62. 9 94 I7I-3 91.1 54 224-3 Iig. 2 . \l 13-2 14.1 7-5 75 66. 2 67.1 35-2 35- 7 35 36 I 19. 2 120. I 63.4 63. 8 9 172. 2 173- ' 91.5 92. o 55 56 225. 2 220. O "9-7 120. 2 17 15.0 8.0 77 6S.o 36.1 37 121. O 64-3 97 1/3-9 92.5 57 226. 9 120. 7 18 '5-9 8-5 78 68.9 36.6 121. S 64.8 98 174.8 93- 58 227.8 121. I '9 20 16.8 17.7 8. 9 9-4 79 So 69.8 70. 6 37-1 37-6 39 40 122. 7 123. 6 65-3 65-7 99 200 1/5- 7 176. 6 93- 4 93-9 S 228. 7 229. 6 121. 6 122. I 21 18.5 9-9 Si 71-5 38.0 141 124.5 66.2 201 177-5 94-4 261 230-4 122.5 22 19.4 10.3 82 72.4 3-5 42 125.4 66. 7 O2 178.4 94-8 62 231-3 123. o 23 20.3 10.8 83 73-3 39-0 43 126.3 67.1 03 179. 2 95-3 63 232. 2 I2 3-5 24 Si. 2 "3 84 74-2 39-4 44 127.1 67.6 04 180. i 95.8 64 233- I I2 3-9 2 5 22. I 11.7 85 75- i 39- 9 45 128.0 68. i 5 181. o 96. 2 65 234.0 124.4 26 23.0 12. 2 86 75-9 40.4 46 128. 9 68. 5 06 181. 9 96.7 66 234-9 124.9 27 23.8 12-7 87 76.8 40.8 47 129.8 69. o 07 182.8 97- 2 67 235- 7 28 .24.7 "3-' 88 77-7 41-3 48 13- 7 69.5 08 183.7 97-7 68 236. 6 I2J8 2 9 25.6 13-6 89 78.6 41.8 49 131. 6 70. o 09 184.5 98. i 69 2 37- 5 126. 3 3 26.5 14. i 90 79-5 42-3 5 132-4 70.4 10 185.4 98.6 70 238.4 126. 8 3' 27.4 14. 6 9' 80.3 42. 7 I5 1 133-3 70. 9 211 186. 3 99- i 271 2 39-3 127.2 S 2 28.3 15.0 92 81.2 43-2 134-2 71.4 12 187. 2 99- 5 72 240. 2 127. 7 33 29.1 '5-5 93 82. i 43-7 53 135- i 71.8 13 1 88. i IOO. O 73 241. o 128. 2 34 30. o IO. O 94 83. o 44- i 54 136. o 72-3 14 189. o too. 5 74 241. 9 28.6 35 3-9 16. 4 95 83. 9 44- 6 55 136.9 72.8 15 lag. 8 loo. 9 75 242. 8 9. i 3 6 31-8 16. 9 96 84.8 45- i 56 137-7 73-2 IO 190. 7 101. 4 76 243- 7 29.6 37 32-7 17.4 97 5. 6 45-5 57 138.6 73- 7 17 191. 6 101. 9 77 244. 6 30.0 38 33-6 17.8 98 86.5 46. o 58 !39-J 74-2 18 192.5 102. 3 78 *45- 5 30-5 39 34-4 18.3 99 87.4 46-5 59 140.4 74-6 19 193-4 102. 8 79 246. 3 3 1 - 40 35-3 18. 8 IOO 88.3 46.9 60 141-3 75- i 20 194. 2 i3-3 80 247-2 131-5 41 36-2 19. 2 101 89. 2 47-4 161 142. 2 75-6 221 195. i 103.8 281 248. i 13I-9 42 37-i 19. 7 02 90. I 47-9 62 143.0 76.1 22 196. o 104. 2 82 249. o 132-4 43 38.0 20. 2 3 90. 9 48-4 63 143-9 76.5 23 196.9 104. 7 83 249. 9 132.9 44 38.8 20-7 04 91.8 48.8 64 144.8 77-0 24 197.8 105. 2 84 250. 8 133-3 45 46 39-7 40. 6 21. I 21.6 05 06 92.7 93.6 49-3 49-8 a 145-7 146. 6 77-5 77-9 25 26 198.7 199- 5 105. 6 1 06. I 8 5 86 251. 6 252-5 133-8 134-3 47 41.5 22. I 07 94-5 50. 2 67 147-5 78-4 27 200. 4 106. 6 87 253- 4 134- 7 48 42.4 22-5 08 95-4 50.7 68 148.3 78.9 28 201. 3 107. o 88 254-3 135-2 49 43-3 23. o 09 96. 2 51.2 69 149.2 79- 3 29 2C2. 2 107. 5 89 2 55- 2 135- 7 50 44- i 23-5 IO 97- Si. 6 70 150. i 79.8 30 203. I 1 08. o 9 2^6. I 136. i 5' 45.0 23-9 III 98. o 52. i 171 151. o 80. 3 231 204. o 1 08. 4 291 256. g 136.6 52 45-9 24.4 12 98.9 52.6 72 151.9 80. 7 32 204. 8 1 08. 9 92 257.8 137. i 53 46. 8 24-9 13 99.8 53-1 73 152.7 81.2 33 205. 7 109.4 93 258.7 137-6 54 47- 7 25.4 '4 loo. 7 53-5 74 153-6 81.7 34 206. 6 109.9 94 259. o 138.0 55 48. 6 25.8 15 101. 5 54-0 75 154-5 &2.2 35 207. 5 1 10. 3 95 260. 5 I38-5 56 49-4 26. 3 16 102. 4 54-5 76 155-4 82. 6 36 208. 4 1 10. 8 96 261. 4 139- o 57 50-3 :5.8 17 103.3 54- 9 77 156-3 83-1 37 209. 3 111.3 97 262. 2 139- 4 58 51.2 27. 2 18 104. 2 55-4 78 157.2 83-6 38 210. I in. 7 98 263. i 39-9 59 52.1 27.7 19 lOJ. 1 55-9 79 158.0 84.0 39 211. O 112. 2 99 264. o 140. 4 60 53-o 28. 2 20 loo. o 5-3 80 158.9 84.5 40 211. 9 112. 7 300 264. 9 140. 8 Dist. Dep. Lat. nist. Dep. Lat. Dist Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat Dist Dep. Lat [For 62 Degrees. 141 DIFFERENCE. OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 29. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. I 0.9 0. 5 6l 53-4 29. 6 121 105.8 58.7 181 158.3 87.8 241 210. 8 116.8 2 ' 7 I. O 6j> 54-2 30.1 22 106. 7 59.1 8= 159.2 88.2 42 211. 7 "73 3 2.6 '5 63 55- i 3-5 23 107. 6 59-6 83 1 60. I 88. 7 43 212. 5 117.8 4 3- ^ 1.9 64 56- 31.0 24 io3. 5 60. i 84 160.9 89.2 44 213-4 118.3 5 4-4 2.4 65 56.9 3'-S 25 "9-3 60.6 f5 161.8 89.7 45 24-3 118. 8 6 5. 2 2. 9 66 57- 7 32.0 26 IIO. 2 61. i 86 162. 7 90. 2 46 215.2 "9-3 7 6. i 3-4 67 50. 6 32-5 27 III. I 61.6 87 163.6 90. 7 47 216. o 119.7 8 7.0 3-9 68 59-5 33- 28 112. 62. i 88 164.4 91.1 48 216. 9 1 2O. 2 9 7-9 4-4 69 60. 3 33-5 29 112. 8 62.5 89 6 5-3 91. 6 49 217.8 120. 7 10 8-7 70 61.2 33-9 30 "3-7 63. o 90 166.2 92. i 5 218. 7 121. 2 II 9.6 5-3 71 62. i 34-4 13' 114.6 ^3-5 191 167. i 92. 6 251 219.5 I2I.7 12 10.5 72 63. o 34-9 32 115.4 64. o 92 167.9 93-' 52 220. 4 122. 2 13 11.4 6- 3 73 63.8 35-4 33 116. 3 64.5 93 168.8 93- 6 53 221. 3 122. 7 14 12. 2 6. 8 74 64.7 35-9 34 117. 2 65. o 54 169.7 94.1 54 222; 2 I2 3 .I 15 '3- i 7.3 75 65.6 36.4 35 118. i 65.4 95 170. 6 94-5 55 223.0 123. 6 16 14. o 7-8 76 66.5 36.8 36 118.9 65-9 96 171.4 95.0 56 223. 9 124. i 17 14.9 8.2 77 67-3 37-3 37 119. 8 66.4 97 1/2.3 95-5 57 224.8 124. 6 18 *5- 7 8.7 78 68.2 37-8 1 20. 7 66.9 98 "73-2 96. o 58 225.7 125.1 '9 1 6. 6 9.2 79 69. i 38.3 39 121. 6 67.4 99 174.0 96-5 59 226. 5 125.6 20 '7-5 9- 7 80 70. o 38.8 40 122. 4 67.9 200 '74-9 97.0 60 227-4 126. i 21 18.4 10. 2 Si 70.8 39-3 141 123-3 68.4 201 175.8 97-4 261 228.3 126. 5 22 19.2 10. 7 82 71. 7 39-8 42 124. 2 60.8 C2 176.7 97-9 62 229. 2 127.0 2 3 20. I II. 2 83 72.6 40. 2 43 125. I 69-3 3 '77-5 98-4 63 230. o 127.5 2 4 21. O ii. 6 84 73-5 40. 7 44 125.9 69.8 04 178.4 98.9 64 230.9 128.0 25 21-9 12. I 85 74-3 41.2 45 126.8 7-3 5 179-3 99-4 65 231. 8 128.5 26 22. 7 12. 6 86 75-2 41. 7 127.7 70.8 06 180.2 99-9 66 232. 6 129. o 27 23. 6 I3. I 87 76.1 42.2 47 128.6 7'-3 07 181.0 100. 4 67 233-5 129.4 28 24.5 1 3 .6 88' 77.0 42-7 48 129.4 71.8 08 181.9 100. 8 68 2 34-4 129.9 29 25.4 14. I 89 77.8 43-1 49 3-3 72.2 09 182.8 101.3 69 235-3 130.4 3 20. 2 H-5 90 78.7 43- 6 5 131.2 72-7 IO 183.7 101.8 70 236. i 1 30; 9 3' 27.1 15.0 9 79.6 44- ' '5 1 132. i 73-2 211 184.5 1 02. 3 271 237-0 '3-4 3 2 28.0 '5-5 .9 2 80.5 44-6 52 132-9 73-7 12 185. 4 102. 8 72 237-9 3'-9 33 28.9 1 6. o 93 81.3 45- I 53 '33-8 74.2 '3 186.3 103. -5 73 238-8 >3 2 -4 34 29. 7 16.5 94 82.2 45-6 54 134-7 74-7 '4 187.2 '3- 7 74 239.6 132.8 35 30. 6 17.0 S3-' 46. i 55 135-6 75-' '5 1 88. o 104. 2 75 240.5 133-3 36 3'-5 '7-5 96 84.0 46.5 136.4 75-6 16 188.9 104.7 76 241.4 133-8 37 32-4 17.9 97 84.8 47.0 57 '37-3 76.1 17 189. 8 105. 2 77 242-3 134-3 S 8 33-2 1 8. 4 98 85.7 47-5. 58 138. 2 76.6 18 190.7 105.7 78 2 43-' 134.8 39 34- i 18.9 99 86. 6 48.0 59 I39-I 77- 1 19 191.5 1 06. 2 79 244.0 '35-3 40 35- 19.4 loo 87- S 48.5 60 139-9 77-6 20 192.4 106. 7 80 244. -9 "35-7 41 42 35-9 36-7 19.9 20. 4 1OI 02 88.3 89.2 49.0 49-5 161 62 140. 8 141. 7 78.1 78.5 221 22 193-3 194.2 107.1 107. 6 281 82 245.8 246. 6 136.2 136-7 43 37-6 20.8 3 90. i 49-9 63 142. 6 79.0 2 3 195.0 1 08. i 83 2 47-5 137-2 44 45 38.5 39. 4 21.3 21. a 04 05 91. o 91.8 50.4 50.9 64 65 >43-4 "44-3 79-5 bO. O 2 4 25 195.9 196.8 1 08. 6 109. i 84 248.4 249-3 '37-7 138.2 46 40. 2 22. 3 06 92.7 51.4 66 145.2 80.5 26 "97-7 109. 6 86 250. i 138-7 47 41. I 22.8 07 93-6 51.9 67 146. i Si.o 27 198.5 no. i 87 251.0 '39- ' 48 42. o 23-3 08 94-5 52.4 68 146. 9 81.4 28 199. 4 no. 5 88 251.9 139.6 49 42. 9 23-2 09 95-3 52.8 69 147.8 81.9 29 200. 3 III. O 89 252.8 140. i 5 43-7 24.2 10 96.2 53-3 7 148. 7 82.4 3 201. 2 111.5 90 253-6 140. 6 51 44- 6 24. 7 in 97.1 53-8 171 149. 6 82. 9 231 202. O I 12. O 291 254-5 141. I 5 2 45-5 25.2 12 98.0 54-3 72 150.4 83-4 32 2O2. 9 II2.5 92 255-4 141. 6 53 46.4 25- 7 '3 98.8 54-8 73 '5'-3 83-9 33 203.8 113. o 93 256-3 142.0 54 47.2 20. 2 14 99- 7 55-3 74 152,2 84. 4 34 204.7 "3-4 94 257.1 142.5 55 48.1 26. 7 15 100. 6 75 I53. i 84.8 35 205.5 i ''3- 9 95 258.0 143-0 56 49- 27. i 16 101. 5 50! 2 76 153-9. 85.3 36 rob. A 114.4 96 258.9 '43-5 57 49-9 50. 7 27.6 28. I \l 102. 3 103.2 56.7 57-2 77 78 154.8 '55-7 85.8 86.3 37 38 207.3 208. 2 114.9 115.4 97 98 259-8 260.6 144.0 144.5 59 51.6 28.6 '9 104. i 57-7 79 156.6 86.8 39 209. o "5-9 99 261. 5 145.0 DO 52-5 29. I 20 105. o 58.2 80 I57.4 87-3 40 209.9 i id. 4 300 262.4 145.4 Dlst. Dep. Lat. DU. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dlst. Dep. Lat. Dlst. Dep. Lat [For 6 1 Degrees. DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 30. Dist Lt. Do,, Dlt Ut Uep Dit Lat. Dcp DM. I at. Dep. DM. Lat Dep. 1 0.9 o. 5 61 52.8 3-5 121 H>4. 8 60 5 iSl 156. 8 90.5 241 208. 7 120. 5 2 1-7 1. O 62 53-7 31.0 22 105. 7 61. o 82 157.6 91. o 42 209. 6 121. O 3 2.6 '5 63 54.6 31-5 23 1 06. 5 61.5 83 158.5 91.5 43 210. 4 I2I-5 4 3-5 2. 64 55- 4 32. o 24 107.4 02. O 84 159-3 92. o 44 211.3 122. O 5 4-3 * 5 65 5- 3 32-5 25 108. 3 62.5 85 l6o. 2 92 5 45 212. 2 122.5 6 5-2 3- 66 57-2 33- 26 109. i 63. o 86 161. i 93- 4 b 213. o 123. o 7 6. i 3- 5 67 58. o 33- 5 27 no. c 63.5 87 161. 9 93-5 47 213-9 123-5 8 6. 9 4.0 68 58 a 34- o 28 no. 9 64 o 83 162. 8 94-0 48 214. 8 124. o 9 7-8 4- 5 69 59. S 34- 5 29 111.7 64.5 89 163- 7 94- 5 49 215. 6 124. 5 10 8-7 7 60. 6 35-0 3 112. 6 65. o qo 164. 5 95.0 50 216. 5 125. o 12 9-5 10.4 5-5 6.0 72 61.5 62 4 35-5 36. o 131 3 2 "3-4 H4-3 65.5 66.0 191 92 165.4 1 66. 3 95-5 90. o 251 52 217.4 218.2 125- 5 126. o 13 "3 6.5 73 63. 2 36.5 33 115.2 66. 5 93 167.1 96.5 53 219. i 126.5 14 12. I 7-o 74 6 4 .I 37- 34 116. o 67. o 94 168.0 97-o 54 220. o 127. o 15 13.0 7-5 75 65 o 37-5 35 1 16. 9 67.5 95 1 68. 9 97-5 55 220. 8 127-5 16 13-9 8.0 76 65 8 38. o 36 117. 8 68. o 96 169. 7 98. o 221. 7 128.0 17 I 4 .7 8.5 77 66 7 38-5 37 118. 6 68.5 97 170. 6 98.5 57 222. 6 123. 5 iS 5-6 9.0 78 67-5 39- o 38 119.5 69. o 9 S 171-5 99.0 58 223.4 129. o 19 16.5 9-5 79 68 4 39-5 39 1 20. 4 69. 5 99 i"2-3 99-5 59 224-3 129. 5 20 7-3 10. o 80 ^9-3 40. o 40 121. 2 70. o 200 173-2 IOO. O 60 225. 2 130. o 21 IS. 2 10.5 Si 70 i 40.5 141 122. I 70.5 201 174. i ioo. 5 261 226. o ijO-5 22 19. I II O 82 71.0 41.0 42 123. o 71.0 02 174-9 101. o 62 226. 9 131. o 23 19.9 11.5 83 71 9 41-5 43 123. 8 03 175.8 101. 5 63 227. 8 I3I-5 24 20. 8 12. O 84 T 2 7 42.0 44 124- 7 72.0 4 176. 7 102. O 64 228.6 13= o 25 21-7 12-5 85 73 6 42-5 45 125.6 72-5 05 1/7-5 1 02. 5 65 229.5 132.5 26 22-5 13.0 86 74-5 43- 46 126.4 73-0 06 178.4 103. o 66 230-4 133-0 27 -23-4 '3-5 87 75 3 43-5 47 127-3 73-5 07 i 7 9-3 i3-5 67 231. 2 133.5 28 24.2 14. o 00 OO 76 2 44- 48 128. 2 74.0 08 1 80. i 104. o 68 232. I 134- 29 25.1 14.5 89 77- i 44-5 49 129. o 74-5 09 181.0 104. 5 69 233-0 134-5 3 26. o 15.0 90 77-9 45-0 50 129. 9 75.0 10 181. 9 105. o 7 233-8 '35-o 3i 26. 8 15-5 91 78. 8 45-5 151 130.8 75-5 211 182, 7 i5-5 271 234- 7 135-5 32 27-7 1 6. o 92 79 7 46. o S 2 131. 6 76.0 12 183.6 1 06. o 72 235- 136. o 33 28.6 16.5 93 80. 5 46.5 53 132-5 76-5 13 184.5 io6p5 73 236.4 136. 5 34 29.4 17.0 94 Si 4 47.0 54 133-4 77.0 185-3 107. o 74 2 37-3 137-0 35 3-3 ! 7-5 95 82.3 47-5 55 134-2 77-5 15 186.2 107-5 75 238.2 137-5 3 31-2 18. q 96 83.. 48. o 56 135-1 78.0 16 187. i 1 08. 230. o ,38.0 37 32. o 18.5 97 84. o 48.5 57 136. o 78.5 17 187.9 1 08. 5 77 239-9 138-5 38 32-9 19. o 98 84.9 49-0 58 136.8 79-o 18 iSS. 8 109. o 78 240. 8 i39-o 39 33-8 19-5 99 85.7 49-5 59 137-7 79-5 '9 189-7 109.5 79 241. 6 139-5 40 34-6 20. o loo 6. 6 50. o 60 138.6 So. o 20 190.5 110. So 242. 5 140. o 41 35-5 20.5 101 87.5 50-5 161 139-4 So. 5 221 191.4 no. 5 281 243-4 140.5 42 3 6 -4 21. 02 88.3 51.0 62 140. 3 Si.o 22 192-3 I1I.O 82 244. 2 141. o 43 37-2 21-5 3 89.2 5i-5 63 141. 2 81.5 23 193- i in. 5 83 245. i 141.5 44 38-1 22. O 04 go.'i 52.0 64 142. o 82.0 24 194.0 112. 84 246. o 142. o 45 39-o 22-5 o'5 90. 9 52.5 65 142.9 82.5 25 194.9 II2-5 85 246.8 142.5 46 39-8 23.0 06 91.8 53-o 66 143.8 83.0 26 195-7 II3-0 86 247- 7 143.0 47 40- 7 23-5 7 92-7 53-5 67 144.6 83-5 27 196. 6 "3-5 87 248.5 143-5 48 41.6 24. o 08 93-5 54-o 68 145-5 84.0 28 J97-5 114. o 88 249.4 144.0 49 42.4 24-5 09 94-4 54-5 69 146.4 84.5 29 198.3 114.5 89 250.3 144. 5 5 43-3 25-. o 10 91-3 55-o 7 147.2 85.0 3 199- 2 115. o 90 251.1 145.0 5' 44-2 25.5 III 96. i 55-5 171 148. I 85-5 231 200. I 115.5 291 252. o 145-5 52 45-o 26. o 12 97.0 56. o 72 149.0 86.0 3- 200. 9 116. o 92 252.9 146. o 53 45-9 26.5 13 97-9 56.5 73 149.8 86. 5 33 201.8 116. 5 93 253-7 146.5 54 46.8 27.0 H 98.7 57-o 74 150. 7 87.0 34 202. 6 117. o 94 254.6 147-0 55 47-6 27-5 15 99.6 57-5 75 151. 6 87-5 35 203- 5 117-5 95 255-5 147-5 56 48.5 28.0 1 6 100. 5 58. o 7 152.4 88.0 36 204.4 118. o 90 2 5 6 -3 148. o 57 49-4 28.5 17 101. 3 58.5 77 153-3 88. 5 37 205. 2 118. 5 97 257.2 148.5 58 50.2 29. o 18 IO2. 2 59.0 78 154.2 89. o 38 206. I 119. o 98 258. i 149.0 59 51.1 29-5 19 103. I 59-5 79 155.0 89-5 39 207. o 119. 5 99 258.9 149-5 60 52.0 30. o 20 103.9 60. o 80 155-9 90. o 40 207.8 1 2O. O 300 259.8 150. o Dist. Dep. Lat. DUt. Dep. Laf Dist Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat Dist. Dep. Lat. [For 60 Degrees. 143 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 31. Dist. Lat. .Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep I 0.9 0. S 61 52-3 31-4 121 I3-7 62.3 iSl 155.1 93- 2 24' 206. 6 124. I 2 1-7 I. O 62 53-1 3i-9 22 104. 6 62.8 82 156. o 93- 7 42 207.4 124. 6 3 2.6 i-5 63 54-0 3 2 -4 23 105.4 63-3 83 150.9 94- 3 43 208. 3 125.2 4 3-4 2. I 64 54-9 33-o 24 106. 3 63- 9 84 157-7 94.8 44 209. i 125. 7 5 4-3 2.6 65 55-7 33-5 25 107. i 64.4 85 158.6 95-3 45 210. 126. 2 6 5- ' 3- i 66 56. 6 31- 26 108. o 64-9 86 159-4 95.8 46 210. 9 126. 7 7 6. o 3-6 67 57-4 34-5 27 1 08. 9 65.4 87 160.3 96. 3 47 211. 7 127.2 8 6.9 4-1 68 SS-3 35- 28 109. 7 65.9 88 161. i 96.8 48 212. 6 127. 7 9 7-7 4.6 69 59-i 35-5 29 no. 6 66.4 89 162. o 97-3 49 213.4 128. 2 10 8.6 f.. 2 7 60. o 36.1 3 III. 4 67. o 90 162. 9 97-9 50 214. 3 1 28. S ii 9.4 5-7 7' 60. 9 36. 6 I3 1 112.3 67.5 191 i 6 3-7 98. 4 251 215. i 129.3 12 10.3 6.2 72 61.7 37-i 32 113. i 68. o 92 164. 6 98.9 5 2 216. o 129.8 '3 ii. i 6.7 73 62.6 37-6 33 114. o 68.5 93 165.4 99-4 53 216. 9 130-3 14 12. O 7-2 74 63-4 38.1 34 114.9 69. o 94 166.3 99-9 54 217. 7 130. 8 '5 12-9 7-7 75 64-3 38.6 35 115.7 69.5 95 167. i 100. 4 55 210. 6 I3I-3 1 6 13-7 8.2 76 65.1 39- i 36 116. 6 79 1 6. i 10. I 79 67. o 41.9 39 "7-9 73- 7 99 168. 8 105. 5 59 219. 6 '37- 2 20 17.0 10. 6 80 67.8 42. 4 4 118. 7 74-2 200 169. 6 106. o 60 220. 5 137.8 21 17.8 11. i 81 68. 7 42-9 141 119. 6 74- 7 201 170. 5 106. 5 261 221.3 38-3 22 18.7 11.7 82 69. 5 43-5 42 120. 4 75-2 02 '7'-3 107 o 62 222. 2 138.8 23 '9-5 12. 2 83 TO- 4 ^^. o 43 121.3 -i' 8 03 172. 2 107. 6 63 223. o '39- 4 24 20.4 12.7 84 7'.2 44-5 44 122. I 04 '73-0 108. i 64 223.9 '39-9 25 21. 2 '3-2 85 72. i 45- 45 123. o 76. 8 05 '73-8 1 08. 6 65 224. 7 140. 4 20 22. O 13.8 86 72.9 45. 6 46 123. 8 77-4 06 '74- 7 109. 2 66 225. 6 141. o 27 22. 9 '4- 3 87 73-8 46. i 47 124. 7 77-9 z '75-5 109. 7 67 226. 4 141.5 28 23- 7 14-8 88 74-6 46.6 48 I2 5-5 78.4 08 176. 4 I IO. 2 68 227- 3 142. o 29 24. 6 15.4 89 75-5 47.2 49 126.4 79-o 09 177.2 1 10. 8 69 228. i 142. 5 3 25.4 15.9 90 76.3 47-7 5 127. 2 79-5 IO 178. i 111.3 7 229. o 143. i 3' 26. 3 16. 4 9' 77-2 48. 2 151 128. I So. o 211 178.9 in. 8 271 229. 8 143.6 32 27. I 17.0 92 78.0 48. 8 5 2 128. 9 80.5 12 179.8 112. 3 72 230. 7 144. i 33 28.0 '7-5 93 78.9 49- 3 53 129. 8 81. i '3 1 80. 6 112. 9 73 23'- 5 '44- 7 34 28.8 18. o 94 79- 7 49. 8 54 130. 6 81.6 '4 181. 5 "3-4 74 232 4 145. 2 i 29.7 3-5 18.5 19. I 9 80.6 81.4 5-3 50. 9 55 5 131. 4 '3 2 -3 82. i 82.7 15 1 6 182. 3 183. 2 113. 9 "4- 5 9 2 33-2 234.1 '45- 7 146.3 37 3'-4 19. 6 97 82.3 51.4 57 '33- ' 83.2 '7 184. o 115.0 77 234.9 146.8 38 32-2 20. i 98 83-' 5'- 9 58 '34-0 83-7 18 184.9 "5-5 78 2 35-8 147-3 39 33- ' 20. 7 99 84. o 5 2 -5 59 '34-8 84.3 '9 185.7 79 236. 6 147.8 40 33-9 21. 2 IOO 84.8 53-0 60 '35-7 84.8 20 1 86. 6 116. b 80 237-5 148.4 4' 34-8" 2'-7 IOI 85.7 53-5 161 136-5 85-3, 221 187. 4 117. I 281 238-3 148.9 42 35-6 22. 3 02 86.5 54- ' 62 '37-4 85. 22 188.3 1 17. 6 82 239- ' 149.4 43 36.5 22. 8 3 87-3 54-6 63 138. 2 86.4 2 3 189. i I I 8. 2 83 240. o 150. o 44 37- 3 23-3 04 88.2 55- ' 64 '39- ' 86.9 24 190. o 118. 7 84 240. 8 150.5 45 38/2 23-8 89. o 139.9 87.4 2( 190. 8 119. 2 85 241.7 151. o 46 39-0 24.4 00 89-9 56. 2 66 140. 8 88.0 26 191. 7 119. 8 86 242. 5 151. 6 47 39-9 24.9 07 90. 7 56.7 67 141. 6 88.5 2 7 192.5 120. 3 87 243- 4 152.1 48 4- 7 25.4 08 91. 6 57-2 68 142.5 89.0 28 '93- 4 120. 8 88 244- 2 152. 6 49 41.6 26. o 09 92.4 57-8 69 '43-3 89.6 29 '94- 2 121. 4 89 245- ' '53- > 5 42.4 26.5 10 93-3 58. 3 70 144. 2 90. i 3 195. i 121. 9 90 2 45-9 '53- 7 5' 43-3 27.0 III 94- ' 58. 8 '7' 145.0 90. 6 23' 195.9 122.4 291 246.8 154-2- S 2 44- ' 27. 6 12 95.0 59-4 72 '45- 9 91.1 32 196. 7 122. 9 92 247.6 154-7 S3 44- 9 28 i '3 95.8 59-9 73 146.7 91.7 33 197.6 ' 2 3-5 93 248-5 '55-3 54 55 45.8 46.6 28. 6 29. i '4 15 96. 7 97-5 60.4 60. 9 74 147-6 148.4 92. 2 92.7 34 35 198.4 '99- 3 124. o 124. 5 94 95 249- 3 250. 2 155.8 '5 6 - 3 5 47- 5 29. 7 16 98-4 61.5 7 '49- 3 93-3 3 6 200. i 125. 1 96 251.0 156.9 57 48- 3 30.2 '7 99. 2 62. o 77 150. i 93-8 37 201 O 125. 6 97 251.9 '57-4 58 49- 2 3-7 18 IOO. I 62.5 78 151. o 94-3 38 201.8 126. I 98 252.7 '57-9 59 50. o 31. 3 '9 100. o 63.' Z 9 151. 8 94-9 39 202. 7 r2b. 7 99 253.6 158.4 BO 50.9 3'.8 20 lol. 8 63.6 So 152. 6 95-4 40 203.5 127.2 300 254.4 159.0 Dbt Dep, Lat Dlst Dep. Let Dikt Dep. Lat Dist Dep. Lat. Dlst Dep. I ^t [For 58 Degrees.' DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 33. Dlst Lat Dep. Dist Lat Dep. Dist Lat Dep. Dist. Lat Dep. Dist Lat Dep. I 0.8 0-5 61 51.2 33-2 121 101. 5 65.9 181 151. 8 98.6 241 202. 1 I3L3 2 i. 7 I. I 62 52.0 33-8 22 102.3 66.4 82 152. 6 99-1 42 203. o 131.8 3 2-5 1.6 63 5 2.8 34-3 *3 103. 2 67. o 83 153-5 99-7 43 203.8 132.3 4 3-4 2.2 64 53-7 34-9 24 IO4.O 67.5 84 154-3 ipo. 2 44 204. 6 132.9 5 4-2 2-7 65 54-5 35-4 25 104.8 68.1 85 155.2 loo. 8 45 205-5 133-4 6 5-o 3-3 66 55-4 35-9 26 105.7 68.6 So 156. o 101.3 46 206.3 134.0 7 5-9 3-8 6 l 56. 2 36-5 27 106. 5 69. 2 87 156.8 101. 8 47 207. 2 134-5 8 6-7 4-4 68 57-o 37-o 28 107. 3 69.7 88 157-7 102. 4 48 208. o I35-I 9 10 5 4-9 5-4 69 70 57-9 58.7 37-6 29 30 108.2 109. o 70-3 70.8 89 90 158.5 159-3 102. 9 49 208.8 209.7 135-6 136. 2 II 9-2 6.0 71 59-5 3-7 131 109.9 71-3 191 lt>0. 2 104. o 251 210. 5 136-7 12 10. I 6-5 72 60.4 39-2 32 no. 7 71.9 92 161. o 104.6 S 2 211. 3 137-2 13 10.9 73 61.2 39-8 33 111.5 72-4 93 161.9 105. 1 53 212. 2 137-8 14 ii. 2 l' 6 74 62.1 40-3 34 112.4 73-o 94 162. 7 105-7 54 213.0 138.3 15 12.6 8.2 75 62.9 40. 8 113-2 73-5 '63-S 1 06. 2 55 213. 9 138.9 1,6 13-4 8-7 76 63-7 41'. 4 3 114.1 74-1 96 164.4 106. 7 S 6 214.7 139-4 17 14-3 9-3 77 64.6 41.9 37 114.9 74-6 97 165.3 107-3 57 215-5 140.0 IS 15.1 9-8 78 65.4 42.5 38 115.7 75-2 98 1 66. I 107.8 5 216.4 140.5 19 20 15-9 16.8 10.3 ro. 9 e 66.3 67.1 43- P 43- 6 39 40 lib, 6 117.4 9.1 99 200 166.9 167.7 108.4 108.9 217. 2 2I& I 141. I 141. 6 21 17.6 11.4 81 67.9 44- i 141 118.3 76. 8~ 201 168. 6 109.5 261 218. 9 142. 2 22 18.5 12. O 82 68.8 44- 7 42 119. i 77-3 O2 169.4 IIO. 62 219.7 142.7 23 19-3 12-5 83 69.6 45-2 43 119.9 77-9 03 I70-3 no. 6 63 220. 6 143- * 24 20. I 13- I 84 70.4 45-7 44 1 20. 8 78.4 04 171.1 ill. 1 64 221.4 14^.8 % 21.0 21.8 13-6 14. 2 II 71-3 72.1 46-3, 46.8 4 2 46 121. 6 122.4 79-o 79-5 05 06 171.9 172. 2 111.7 112. 2 s 222. 2 223. I 144-3 144-9 27 22.6 14-7 87 73-o 47-4 47 123-3 80. i 07 173-6 112. 7 67 223.0 145.4 29 23-5 15-2 88 73-8 47-9 4 124. i 80.6 08 174.4 113-3 68 224.8 146. o 29 24-3 15-8 89 74-6 48.5 49 125.0 81.2 09 175-3 II3-8 69 225. 6 146.5 30 25. 2 I6. 3 90 75-5 49-0 5 125.8 81.7 10 176. I II4.4 70 226.4 147- ' 32 26.0 26.8 16.9 17.4 92 76-3 77-2 49-6 50.1 151 52 126.6 127-5 82.2 82.8 211 12 177.0 177,8 II4.9 II5.5 271 72 327.3 228. i 147.6 148. 1 33 27-7 18.0 93 78.0 50.7 53 128.3 83-3 13 178.6 1 1 6. o 73 229.0 148.7 34 28.5 18.5 94 78.8 51-2 54 129. 2 83-9 14 179-5 116.6 74 329. 8 149.2 29-4 30.2 19.6 9 80.5 Si-7 52.3 55 S 6 130.0 130.8 84.4 85.0 3 '180.3 181. 2 117.1 117. 6 75 76 230. 6 231-5 149.8 150-3 3Z 31.0 20.2 97 81.4 52-8 57 131.7 85.5 17 182.0 118.2 77 232-3 150.9 3 31.9 20. 7 98 82.2 53-4 58 I32-5 86. i 18 182.8 118. 7 78 233-2 151.4 39 40 32-7 33-5 21. 2 21.8 99 IOO 83.0 53-9 '54-5 133-3 134-2 86.6 87.1 19 20 183.7 184.5 "9-3 119.8 g 234-0 234.8 152.0 152.5 41 34-4 22. 3 101 84-7 55-0 161 135-0 87.7 221 185.3 1 20. 4 281 235-7 153-0 42 35-2 22.9 02 85-5 55-6 62 135-9 88.2 22 186.2 120. 9 83 236-5 153- 6. 43 36-1 23-4 03 86.4 56.1 63 88.8 23 187.0 121.5 83 237-3 I54-I 44 36-9 24.0 04 87.2 56.6 64 137-5 89-3 24 187.9 122. 84 238.2 154-7 45 37,- 7 24. 5 88.1 57-2 65 138.4 89-9 25 188.7 122.5 85 239.0 If?. 2 46 38.6 25-1 oo 88.9 57-7 66 139.2 90.4 26 189.5 I23-I So 239-9 155-8 47 39-4 25.6 07 89.7 58-3, 67 140. I 91.0 27 190.4 123.6 7 240-7 156.3 48 4- 3 26. i OB 90-. 6 58.8 68 140.9 91.5 28 191. 2 124. 2 3 441.5 I5.9 49 41. i 26.7 09 91.4 59-4 69 141. 7 92. o 29 192. I 124.7 89 242.4 157-4 50 41.9 27.2 10 92-3 59-9 70 142. 6 92. 6 3 192.9 125-3 CO 243.2 157-9 Si 42.8 27.8 III 93-1 60.5 171 143-4 93-1 231 193-7 125.8 391 244-1 158.5 52 43-6 28.3 12 93-9 61. o 72 144-3 93-7 194.6 126. 4 92 244.9 IS9-0 53 44-4 28.9 13 94-8 61.5 73 145.1 94-2 33 195.4 126.9 93 245-7 159. 6 54 45-3 29-4 14 95-6 62. I 74 J45-9 94-8 34 196. 2 127. 4 94 346. 6 160. i 55 46.1 30. o 15 96.4 62.6 75 146.8 95-3 35 197. I 128.0 95 247-4 160. 7 5 6 47-o 30-5 16 97-3 63. 2 76 147.6 95-9 36 197.9 128.5 96 248. 2 iSl. 2 57 47.8 31.0 17 98.1 63-7 77 148.4 96.4 37 198.8 129. I 97 49- I 161. 8 S 8 48.6 31-6 IB 99.0 64-3 78 149-3 96.9 38 199.6 129. 6 98 249.0 162.3 59 49-5 32.1 .19 99-8 64.8 150. i 97-5 39 200. 4 130. 2 99 250. 8 162.8 6q 50-3 * 32-7 2O joo. 6 65.4 to 151.0 98.0 40 sol. 3 130- 7 300 251.6 163.4 Dlst. Dep. Lat Dist. Dep. Lat Dist. Dep. Lat Dist. Dep. Lat Dlst Dep. Lat [For 57 Degrees. DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 34. Dist. Lai. Dcp. Pist. Lit. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dcp. Disl. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. I 0.8 0.6 61 50.6 34- 121 IOO. 3 67-7 iSi 150. I IOI. 2 24' 199.8 '34-8 2 1-7 I. I 62 51.4 34-7 22 IOI. I 68. 2 82 150.9 IOI.8 42 2OO. 6 '35-3 3 2.5 i-7 63 52.2 35-2 23 102.0 68. 8 83 15I.7 102. 3 43 201. 5 135-9 4 3-3 2. 2 64 53-1 35-8 24 102.8 69-3 84 '5 2 -5 102.9 44 2O2. 3 136. 4 5 4- i 2.8 65 53-9 36-3 25 103. 6 69. 9 85 '53-4 l3-5 45 203. 1 '37-o 6 5.0 3-4 66 54-7 3 6 -9 26 104.5 70.5 86 154.2 104. o 46 203.9 '37-6 7 5-8 3-9 67 55-5 37-5 27 i5-3 71.0 87 155.0 104. 6 47 204. 8 138. i 8 6.6 4-5 68 56.4 38-0 28 106. i 71-6 88 '55-9 105. i 48 205. 6 138-7 9 7-5 5.0 69 57-2 38.6 29 106. 9 72. i 89 156.7 105.7 49 206. 4 139.2 10 8 :3 5.6 70 58.0 39- I 3 107.8 72.7 90 "57-5 1 06. 2 5 207.3 '39-8 II 9-1 6.2 7> 5 s -9 39-7 13' loS. 6 73-3 191 '5 s - 3 106.8 251 208. i 140.4 12 9-9 6.7 72 59-7 4-3 3 2 109.4 73-8 92 159.2 107.4 S 2 208. 9 140.9 '3 10.8 7-3 73 60.5 40. 8 33 no. 3 74-4 93 1 60. O 107.9 53 209.7 141.5 4 11. 6 7-8 74 61-3 41.4 34 in. i 74-9 94 160.8 108.5 54 2IO. 6 142. o '5 12.4 8.4 75 62.2 41.9 35 111.9 75-5 95 161. 7 lOg.O 55 211. 4 142. 6 16 '3-3 8.9 76 63. o 42.5 3 6 112.7 76.1 96 162. 5 109. 6 56 212. 2 143.2 '7 14.1 .9-5 77 63.8 43- > 37 113. 6 76.6 97 >63-3 no. 2 57 2I3.I 43 7 18 14.9 10. I 78 64. 7 43- 6 38 114.4 77-2 98 164. i 1 10. 7 58 213-9 144-3 19 15.8 10. 6 79 65.5 .44-2 39 115.2 77-7 99 165. o 111.3 59 214. 7 144.8 20 1 6. 6 II. 2 So 66.3 44-7 40 1 16. i 78.3 200 165.8 in. 8 60 2'5-5 145.4 21 17.4 ii. 7 81 67.2 45-3 141 116. 9 78.8 201 166.6 112. 4 261 216. 4 '45-9 22 18.2 12.3 82 68.0 45-9 42 117. 7 79-4 O2 167.5 113.0 62 217.2 146.5 23 19-1 12.9 83 68. 8 46.4 43 118. 6 80.0 3 168.3 "3-5 63 215.0 147. I 24 19.9 13-4 84 69.6 47.0 44 119.4 80.5 04 169. I 114. i 64 218.9 147.6 25 20.7 14. o 85 70.5 47-5 45 120. 2 81. i 5 170.0 114. 6 65 219.7 148. 2 26 21.6 14.5 86 7'-3 48. i 46 121. O 81.6 06 170.8 115.2 66 22O. 5 148.7 27 22.4 15.1 87 72.1 48.6 47 121-9 82.2 07 171.6 115.8 67 221. 4 '49-3 28 23.2 15-7 88 73-0 49-2 48 122. 7 82.8 08 172.4 116.3 68 222.2 149.9 29 24. o 16. 2 89 73-8 49,8 49 123-5 83-3 09 173-3 116.9 69 223. o 150.4 3 24.9 16. 8 90 74.6 5-3 5 124.4 83-9 IO 174. I 117.4 70 223.8 151.0 3' 25.7 '7-3 91" 75-4 50.9 '5' 125.2 84.4 211 174.9 118.0 271 224. 7 '5>-5 32 26.5 17.9 92 7-3 51.4 52 126. o 85.0 12 175-8 118.5 72 225-5 152.1 33 27.4 18.5 93 77- > 52.0 53 126.8 85.6 '3 176.6 119. l 73 226.3 152.7 34 28.2 19. o 94 77-9 52.6 54 127.7 86. i 14 177-4 119.7 74 227.2 153-2 35 29.0 19. 6 95 78.8 S3-' 55 128.5 86. 7 15 178.2 120.2 75 228.0 '53-8 36 29.8 20. i 96 79.6 53-7 5 6 J-9-3 87.2 16 179.1 120.8 76 228.8 154-3 37 3-7 20.7 97 80.4 54.2 57 130. 2 87.8 17 179.9 I2I-3 77 22O.6 '54-9 3 3'-5 21. 2 98 Si. 2 54.8 58 131. o 88.4 18 1 80. 7 I2I-9 78 230-5 55- 5 39 32-3 21.8 99 82.1 55-4 59 I3I.-8 88.9 '9 181.6 122. 5 79 23'- 3 156.0 40 33-2 22-4 IOO 82. 9 55-9 60 132. 6 89.5 20 182.4 123. o 80 232. 1 156.6 4' 34-o 22. 9 IOI 83-7 56-5 161 '33-5 90. o 221 183.2 123. 6 281 233.0 157.1 42 34-8 23-5 02 84.6 57-o 62 '34-3 90. 6 22 184.0 124. I 82 233.8 '57-7 43 35-6 24. o 03 8.5-4 57-6 63 '35- ' 91.1 23 184.9 124.7 83 234.6 I5 ?-i 44 36-5 24. 6 04 86.2 58.2 64 136.0 91.7 24 185.7 125-3 84 235.4 158.8 45 37-3 25-2 05 87.0 58.7 65 136.8 92-3 25 186.5 125.8 85 236.3 159.4 46 38-1 25.7 06 87-9 59-3 66 137.6' 92.8 26 187.4 126.4 86 237.1 159.9 47 39-o 26.3 07 88. 7 59-8 67 138.4 93-4 27 188.2 126. 9 87 237.9 160. 5 48 39-8 26.8 08 89-5 60.4 68 '39-3 93-9 28 189.0 127.5 88 238.8 161.0 49 40. 6 27.4 09 90.4 61. o 69 140. i 94-5 29 189.8 128. i 89 239.6 161.6 5 41.5 28.0 10 91. 2 6i-5 70 140.9 9S-I 3 190. 7 128.6 90 240.4 162. 2 5' 42-3 2b. S III 92. o 02. I '7" 141-8 95-6 231 191-5 129.2 291 241. 2 162. 7 52 43-1 29. I 12 92.9 62.6 72 142. 6 95. 2 32 192.3 129.7 92 242. I 163.3 S3 43-9 29. 6 '3 93-7 63. 2 73 143-4 96- 7 33 193-2 '3-3 93 i42.9 163.8 54 44.8 30.2 14 94-5 63.7 74 144-3 97-3 34 194.0 130.9 94 243-7 164.4 55 45.6 30.8 15 95-3 64.3 75 145. i 97-9 35 194.8 131-4 95 244.6 165.0 56 46.4 3'- 3 16 96. 2 64.9 76 145.9 98.4 36 195-7 132.0 96 245.4 ?5-5 57 47-3 3i-9 17 57-o 65-4 77 146. 7 99.0 37 196.5 132-5 97 246. 2 166. i 58 48. i 32-4 18 97-2 66. o 78 147.6 99-5 38 197-3 '33- ' 90 247.1 166.6 59 48.9 33-o J9 98.7 66.5 79 148.4 IOC. I 39 198. i '33- 6 99 247.9 167. 2 60 49- 7 33-6 20 99-5 67.1 80 1*49-2 loo. 7 40 199.0 '34-2 300 248.7 167.8 Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat Dist. Dep. Lat [For 56 Degrees. 147 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE DEPARTURE FOR AND 35. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Cist. Lat. Dep. I 0.8 0.6 6l 50. o 35-0 121 99- I 69.4 181 148.3 103. 8 241 197-4 138.2 2 1.6 I. I 62 50. 8 35-6 22 99-9 70. o 82 149. I 104.4 42 198.2 IjS.S 3 2-5 '7 63 5'.6 36-1 23 100. 8 70.5 83 149.9 105. o 43 199. I 139-4 4 3-3 2-3 64 52.4 36-7 24 101. 6 71.1 84 I5 -7 105.5 44 199.9 (40. o 5 4.1 2.9 65 53-2 37-3 25 102. 4 71.7 85 I5I-5 1 06. i 45 200. 7 140.5 6 4-9 3-4 66 54- i 37-9 26 103. 2 72.3 86 152.4 106. 7 46 201. 5 141. I 7 5-7 4.0 67 54-9 3 8 -4 27 104. o 72.8 87 153-2 I0 7-3 47 202. 3 141.7 8 6.6 4.6 68 55-7 39-o 28 104. 9 73-4 88 154.0 107.8 48 203. I 142.2 9 7-4 5-2 69 56.5 39-6 29 105.7 74.0 89 '54-8 108.4 49 204. o [42.8 10 8.2 5-7 70 57-3 40. 2 3 1 06. 5 74.6 90 '55-6 109. o 5 204. 8 143-4 II 9.0 51 7' 58.2 40.7 '3' 107-3 75-' 191 '5 6 -5 109. 6 251 205.6 144.0 12 9.8 6.9 72 59.0 4'-3 32 108. i 75-7 92 '57-3 no. i 5 2 206. 4 144-5 13 10. 6 7-5 73 59.8 41.9 33 108. 9 76-3 93 158. i no. 7 53 207. 2 145.1 14 11.5 8.0 74 60.6 42-4 34 109. 8 76.9 94 158.91 in. 3 54 208. 1 145-7 15 12. 3 8.6 75 61.4 43- 35 no. 6 77-4 95 159- 7 in. 8 55 208. 9 146. 3 16 '3-i 9-2 76 62.3 43-6 36 111.4 78.0 96 160. 6 112. 4 56 209. 7 146.8 17 13-9 $.8 77 63.1 44.2 37 112. 2 78.6 97 It: I. 4 113. o 57 210. 5 147.4 18 14.7 10.3 78 63-9 44- 7 38 113. o 79-2 98 162. 2 113.6 58 211. 3 148. o 19 15.6 10. 9 79 64,7 45-3 39 '13-9 79-7 99 163. o 114. 1 59 212. 2 148.6 20 16. 4 11.5 80 65-5 45-9 40 114. 7 80.3 200 163.8 114.7 60 213. o 149.1 21 17.2 12. Si 66. 4 46.5 141 115.5 80.9 201 164.6 i5-3 261 2I 3 .8 149-7 22 18. o 12.6 82 67. 2 47-o 42 116. 3 81.4 02 l6 5-5 "5-9 62 214. 6 150-3 23 18. 8 '3-2 83 es. o 47.6 43 117.1 82.0 3 166.3 116. 4 63 215-4 150.9 24 19.7 13-8 84 68.8 48.2 44 118. o 82.6 04 167. i 117. o 64 216. 3 15I-4 25 20.5 H-3 85 69.6 48.8 45 118. 8 83.2 5 167.9 117. 6 65 217. i 152. o 26 21-3 14.9 86 70.4 49-3 46 119. 6 83-7 06 168.7 118.2 66 217-9 152. 6 27 22. I '5-5 87 7'-3 49-9 47 120. 4 84-3 7 169. 6 118. 7 67 218.7 153-1 2 22-9 16. i 88 72.1 5-5 48 121. 2 84.9 08 170.4 119-3 68 219.5 153-7 29 2 3 .8 16. 6 89 72.9 51.0 49 122. I 85-5 09 171. 2 119.9 69 220. 4 154.3 3 2 4 .6 17.2 90 73-7 51 .6 5 122. 9 86.0 IO 172. o 120. 5 70 221. 2 154.9 3i 25.4 17.8 9' 74-5 52.2 '5' 123-7 86.6 211 172.8 121. O 271 222. O 155-4 S 2 26.2 18.4 92 75-4 52.8 52 124.5 87.2 12 173-7 121. 6 72 222.8 156.0 33 27.0 18. 9 93 76.2 53-3 53 '25-3 87.8 13 "74-5 122. 2 73 223. 6 156.6 34 27.9 19.5 94 77.0 53-9 54 126. i 88.3 14 75-3 122.7 74 224.4 157.2 35 28.7 20. I 95 77.8 54-5 55 127. o 88.9 '5 176. i '23-3 75 225-3 157-7 3 6 29.5 20. 6 96 78.6 55-i 5 6 127.8 89.5 16 176.9 123-9 76 226. I i5-3 37 3-3 21. 2 97 79-5 55-6 57 128.6 90. i 17 177-8 124-5 77 226. 9 158.9 38 3'- 1 21.8 98 80.3 56.2 58 129.4 90. 6 18 178.6 125. o 78 227. 7 159-5 39 3'-9 22.4 99 81.1 56.8 59 130. 2 91.2 19 179-4 125.6 79 228.5 1 60. o 40 32-8 22. 9 loo 81.9 57-4 60 I 3 I.I 91. 8 20 180.2 120. 2 80 229.4 1 60. 6 41 33-6 23-5 101 82.7 57-9 161 I3I-9 92-3 221 181.0 126/8 281 230. 2 161. 2 42 34- 4 24- I 02 83.6 58-5 62 132.7 92-9 22 181.9 127-3 82 231. o 161. 7 43 35-2 24.7 03 84-4 59- ' 6 3 133-5 93-5 23 182. 7 127.9 83 231.8 162. 3 44 36. o 25.2 04 85.2 59-7 64 '34-3 94- i 24 183-5 128. 5 84 232. 6 162.9 45 j6. 9 2 5 .8 05 86.0 60. 2 65 35-2 94.6 25 184-3 129. i 85 233-5 l6 3-5 46 37-7 26. 4 06 86.8 60.8 66 136. o 95-2 26 185. i 129. 6 86 234-3 164. o 47 38.5 27.0 07 87.6 61. 4 67 136.8 95-8 27 185.9 130. 2 87 235- i 164.6 48 39-3 27-5 08 88.5 61. 9 68 I37- 6 96.4 28 186.8 130.8 88 235-9 165. 2 49 40. i 28. i 09 9-3 62.5 69 138.4 96.9 29 187. 6 '3'-3 89 236. 7 165.8 50 41. o 28.7 10 90. i 63., 70 '39-3 97-5 3 188.4 i3i-9 90 237.6 I66.J 5' 41.8 29-3 in 90.9 63-7 '71 140. i 98. i 2 3' 189.2 132-5 291 238.4 1 66. 9 52 42. 6 29.8 12 9'-7 64.2 72 140.9 98.7 32 190. o I33-' 92 239.2 167.5 53 43-4 3-4 '3 92. 6 64.8 73 141. 7 99.2 33 190.9 133- 6 93 240. o 1 68. i 54 44.2 31.0 14 93-4 65.4 74 142.5 99-8 34 191.7 134.2 94 240. 8 168.6 55 45- 3'-5 15 94.2 66.0 75 143.4 100. 4 35 192.5 134. 8 95 241.6 169. 2 56 45-9 32.1 16 95.0 66.5 76 144.2 TOO. 9 56 "93-3 135-4 96 242.5 169.8 57 46.7 32-7 17 95.8 67.1 77 145.0 101. 5 37 194. i 135-9 97 243-3 170.4 5 47-5 33-3 i* 96. 7 67.7 7 145.8 102. I 38 195.0 i3 6 -5 98 244-1 170.9 59 48-3 33-8 '9 97-5 68.3 79 146. 6 102. 7 39 195.8 i37-i 99 244-9 171.5 60 49. I 34-4 20 98.3 68. 8 80 147.4 103. 2 40 196. 6 137-7 300 245-7 172.1 Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat [For 55 Degrees. DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 36. Dirt. Lat. Dcp. Dlst. Lat. Dcp. Dlst Lat. Dep. Di-t Lat. Dcp. Dlst. Lat Dcp. I 0.8 0.6 Cl 49- 4 35-9 121 97-9 71. I iSi 146. 4 1 06. 4 241 195.0 141. 7 2 1.6 I. 2 62 50.2 36.4 22 98.7 71-7 82 147.2 107. o 42 195.8 142. 2 3 2-4 1.8 63 51.0 37-0 23 99- 5 72.3 83 I 4 S. I 107. 6 43 196. 6 142. S 4 3-2 2-4 64 51.8 37-6 24 loo. 3 72. 9 84 148.9 1 08. 2 44 197.4 '43- 4 s 4.0 2.9 65 52.6 38-2 25 101. I 73-5 85 149. 7 1 08. 7 45 198. 2 144.0 6 4-9 ' 3-5 66 53-4 38.8 26 101. 9 74- i 86 150.5 109.3 46 199. o 144.6 7 5- 7 4-1 67 54-2 39-4 27 102. 7 74-6 87 I5I-3 109.9 47 199.8 145.2 S 6.5 4-7 68 55.0 40. o 28 103. 6 75.2 88 152. i no. 5 48 200. 6 145-8 9 7-3 5-3 69 55.8 40. 6 29 104.4 75-8 89 152.9 in. i 49 201. 4 146. 4 10 8. i 5-9 7 56.6 41. i 3 105. 2 76.4 90 '53-7 in. 7 5 202. 3 146. 9 II 8.9 6.5 7' 57-4 41.7 '3 1 1 06. O 77.0 191 '54-5 112.3 251 203. I 147-5 12 9-7 7- i 72 58.2 42-3 32 106.8 77-6 92 '55-3 112. 9 52 203.9 148. I 13 10.5 7.6 73 59- 42.9 33 107. 6 78.2 93 156. i "3-4 53 204. 7 148.7 4 "3 8.2 74 59-9 43-5 34 1 08. 4 78.8 94 156.9 114. o 54 205.5 149.3 15 12. I 8.8 75 60. 7 44- ' 35 109. 2 79-4 95 157.8 114. 6 55 206. 3 149-9 1 6 12-9 9-4 /6 61.5 44- 7 36 no. o 79-9 96 158. 6 115.2 56 207. i 150.5 17 I 3 .8 10. o 77 62.3 45-3 37 no. 8 80. 5 97 159.4 115.8 57 207.9 151.1 18 14. 6 10. 6 78 63.1 45.8 38 in. 6 81. i 98 160. 2 no. 4 58 208. 7 151. 6 19 "5-4 II. 2 79 63-9 46. 4 39 112.5 81.7 99 161. o 117.0 59 209.5 152.2 20 1 6. 2 n. 8 80 64. 7 ^47.0 40 "3-3 82-3 200 161.8 117. 6 60 210.3 152.8 :i 17. o I2 - 3 81 65-5 47.6 141 114. i 82.9 201 162.6 nil i 261 211. 2 153-4 22 17.8 12.9 82 66.3 48. 2 42 114.9 83-5 02 163.4 118. 7 62 212. O 154.0 23 18.6 >3-5 83 67.1 48.8 43 115.7 84. i 03 164. 2 "9-3 63 212.8 154.6 24 19.4 14. i 84 68.0 49. 4 44 116. 5 84.6 04 165. o 119.9 64 213. 6 155.2 20. 2 14. 7 8S 68.8 50. o 45 "7-3 85.2 05 165.8 120. 5 65 214-4 155.8 26 21. O '5-3 86 69.6 5- 5 46 US. I 85.8 06 1 66. 7 121. I 66 215.2 156.4 27 21.8 15.9 87 70.4 51. i 47 118. 9 86.4 07 167. 5 121. 7 67 216. o 156.9 28 22.7 16.5 88 71.2 5- 7 48 119. 7 87.0 08 168. 3 122. 3 68 216.8 157-5 29 23-5 17.0 89 72.0 52-3 49 120. 5 87.6 09 169. i 122.8 69 217. 6 158. I 3 24-3 17.6 90 72.8 52.9 5 121.4 88.2 10 169.9 23-4 70 218. 4 158.7 3' 25. I 1 8. 2 9i 73-6 53-5 '5' 122. 2 88.8 211 170. 7 124. o 271 219. 2 159-3 32 25.9 18. 8 92 74-4 54- i 52 123. o 89-3 12 171-5 124. 6 72 220. I 159-9 33 26.7 19.4 93 75-2 54-7 53 123.8 89.9 '3 172.3 125.2 73 220. 9 1 60. 5 34 2 7-5 20. O 94 76. o 55-3 54 124. 6 90.5 '4 173- i 125. 8 74 221. 7 161. i 35 28-3 20. 6 95 76.9 55- 55 125.4 91.1 15 '73-9 126. 4 75 222. 5 161.6 36 29. i 21. 2 96 77-7 56.4 5 6 120. 2 91.7 16 174- 7 127. o 76 223.3 162. 2 37 29.9 21-7 97 78.5 57.0 57 127. o 92-3 17 175-6 127.5 77 224. I 162.8 38 3- 7 22-3 98 57.6 58 127.8 92.9 IS 176. 4 128. i 78 224.9 163.4 39 31-6 22. 9 99 80. i 56.2 59 128.6 93-5 19 177.2 128. 7 79 225.7 164. o 40 3-4 23-5 IOO 80. 9 58.8 60 129.4 94- 2O 178.0 "29-3 80 226. 5 164.6 41 33-2 24. I lot 81.7 59- 4 161 '3-3 94.6 221 178.8 129.9 281 227-3 165. 2 42 34- 24.7 02 82.5 60. o 62 131.1 95-2 22. 179.6 "3-5 -82 228. i 165.8 43 44 34-8 35-6 25-3 25.9 o 04 83.3 84.1 60.5 61. i 63 64 .131-9 132-7 95-8 96.4 23 24 180. 4 iSi. 2 131.1 IS'-? 3 84 229. o 229.8 166.3 166. 9 45 3 6 -4 26.5 05 84.9 61.7 65 133-5 97.0 25 182.0 '32-3 85 230.6 167.3 46 37-2 27.0 06 85.8 62.3 66 "34-3 97.6 26 182. 8 132.8 86 23'- 4 168.1 47 38.0 27.6 07 86.6 62. 9 67 135- i 98.2 27 183.6 "33-4 87 232.2 168. 7 48 38.8 28.2 08 87.4 63-5 68 '35-9 98.7 28 184.5 134.0 88 233-0 169.3 49 39-6 28.8 09 88.2 64. i 69 136' 7 99-3 29 '85-3 134.6 89 233-8 169.9 50 40. 5 29.4 10 89.0 64. 7 70 137-5 99-9 3 1 86. i '35-2 90 234.6 170-5 5' 41-3 30. o III 89.8 65.2 171 138-3 100. 5 23' iii6. 9 135- 3 291 235-4 171. o 52 42. i 30.6 12 90. 6 65.8 72 '39-2 IOI. I 32 187.7 136.4 92 236. 2 171. 6 53 42-9 3 1 - 2 3 91.4 66.4 73 140. o 101. 7 33 1 88. 5 137-0 93 237-0 172. 2 54 43'7 3i-7 14 92.2 67. o 74 140. 8 102. 3 34 '89-3 '37-5 94 237-9 172.8 55 44-5 32-3 15 93.0 67.6 75 141.6 102. 9 35 190. i 138.1 95 238.7 173-4 5 45' 3 32-9 10 93-8 68.2 76 142.4 J3-5 36 190.9 i3 8 -7 96 239-5 174.0 57 46. i 33-5 17 94-7 68.8 77 143-2 104. o 37 191.7 '39-3 97 240-3 174.6 53 46.9 34-1 18 95-5 69.4 78 144.0 104. 6 38 192.5 139-9 98 241. I 175.2 59 4 Z' 7 34-7- 19 96-3 69.9 P 144.8 105. 2 39 193.4 140.5 99 241.9 175- 7 60 48.5 35'3 20 97.1 70.5 So 145.6 105. 8 40 194.2 141. I 300 242. 7 1/6-3 Cist. Dep. Lat. Dlst. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dcp. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dlst. Dep. Lat. [For 54 Degrees. 149 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 37. Dist Lat Dep. Dist Lat J>ep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist Lat. Dep. Dist Lat Dep. I 0.8 0.6 6l 48.7 36.7 121 96.6 7 2.8 181 144.6 108.9 241 192.5 145-0 2 1.6 1.2 62 49-5 37-3 22 97-4 73-4 82 145.4 109.5 42 193-3 145.6 3 2.4 1.8 63 5-3 37-9 23 98.2 74-o 83 146. 2 no. i 43 194. I 146.2 4 3- 2 2.4 64 51.1 38.5 24 99-0 74-6 84 146.9 1 10. 7 44 194.9 146.8 5 4.0 3- 65 51-9 39-1 25 99-8 75-2 85 147-7 111.3 45 195.- 7 147-4 6 4.8 3-6 66 52.7 39- 7 26 100. 6 75-8 86 148.5 in. 9 46 196.5 148. o 7 5-6 4-2 67 53-5 40.3 27 101.4 76-4 87 149-3 112.5 47 197-3 148.6 8 6.4 4.8 68 54-3 40.9 28 102.2 77-o 88 150. I 113.1 48 198.1 149-3 9 7-2 5-4 69 55-i 41-5 29 103. o 77-6 89 150-9 113-7 49 198.9 149-9 10 8.0 6.0 70 55-9 42. i 30 103.8 78.2 90 I5I.7 II4-3 50 199-7 150-5 ii 8.8 6.6 71 56.7 42.7 131 104. 6 78.8 191 152.5 114.9 251 200. 5 151.1 12 9.6 7-2 72 57-5 43-3 32 105.4 79-4 92 153-3 "5-5 52 201. 3 151-7 13 10. 4 7-8 73 58-3 43-9 33 1 06. 2 80.0 93 I54.I 1 16. 2 53 202. 1 152.3 4 11.2 8.4 74 59-i 44-5 34 107. o 80.6 94 154-9 II6.8 54 2O2. 9 152.9 15 12. 9.0 75 59-9 45-1 35 107.8 81.2 95 155-7 "7-4 55 203.7 153-5 16 12.8 9-6 76 60. 7 45-7 36 108.6 81.8 96 156.5 118. o 56 204.5 154.1 17 13-6 10. 2 77 61.5 46.3 37 109.4 82.4 97 157-3 118.6 57 205.2 154.7 18 14-4 \o. 8 78 62.3 46.9 38 I 10. 2 83.1 98 158. I 119. 2 58 206. o 155-3 19 15.2 11.4 79 63-1 47-5 39 III. O 83-7 99 158.9 II9.8 59 206.8 155-9 20 16. o 12. O 80 63.9 48. i 40 in. 8 84-3 200 I59.7 120. 4 60 207.6 156-5 21 16.8 12.6 81 64.7 48.7 141 112. 6 84-9 20 1 160. 5 121. O 261 208. 4 157. i 22 17.6 1.3-2 82 65-5 49-3 42 "3-4 85-5 02 161.3 121. 6 62 209. 2 157-7 23 18.4 13-8 83 66.3 50. o 43 114. 2 86.1 3 162. i 122.2 63 210. O 158-3 24 19.2 14-4 84 67.1 50.6 44 115. o 86. 7 04 162.9 122.8 64 210.8 158.9 25 20. o 15.0 85 67.9 51.2 45 II5.8 87-3 05 163-7 123-4 65 211. 6 159-5 26 20.8 I 5 .6 86 68.7 51-8 46 116. 6 87.9 06 164.5 124,0 66 212. 4 160. i 27 21.6 16.2 87 69. 5 52.4 47 117.4 88.5 07 I65-3 124. 6 67 213.2 160. 7 28 22.4 1 6. 9 88 7-3 53-o 48 118.2 89.1 08 1 66. i 125. 2 68 214.0 161.3 29 23.2 17-5 89 71.1 53-6 49 119. o 89.7 09 166.9 125.8 69 214.8 161.9 30 24.0 18. i 9 71.9 54-2 50 119.8 90-3 10 167-7 126.4 70 215. 6 162. 5 31 24,8 18.7 91 72.7 54-8 151 120. 6 90.9 211 168.5 127.0 271 216.4 163. i 32 25.6 19-3 92 73-5 55-4 52 121.4 91-5 12 169-3 127.6 72 217. 2 163-7 33 26. 4 19.9 93 74-3 56.0 53 122.2 92.1 13 170. i 128.2 73 218. o 164-3 34 27. 2 20. 5 94 75-i 56.6 54 123.0 92.7 H 170.9 128.8 74 218. 8 164.9 35 28.0 21. I 95 75-9 57.2 55 123.8 93-3 15 I71-7 129. 4 ' 75 219.6 165-5 3 6 28.8 21.7 96 76.7 57. a 56 124.6 93-9 16 172.5 130.0 220. 4 1 66. i 37 29-5 22-3 97 77-5 58-4 57 125.4 94-5 17 173-3 130. 6 77 221. 2 166.7 38 30.3 22-9 98 78-3 59-0 58 126.2 95-i 18 174.1 131.2 78 222.0 167-3 39 40 3'-i 31-9 23-5 24. I 99 IOO 79-1 79-9 59.6 60.2 59 60 I27.O 127.8 1 19 20 174-9 175-7 131.8 132.4 79 80 222.8 223. 6 167.9 168.5 4' 32-7 24-7 IOI 80. 7 60.8 161 128.6 96.9 221 176.5 133-0 281 224.4 169. i 42 33-5 25-3 02 81.5 61.4 62 129.4 97-5 22 177-3 133-6 82 225. 2 169.7 43 34-3 25.9 03 82.3 62. o 63 130.2 98.1 23 178. i 134.2 83 226. o 1/0.3 44 35-1 26.5 04 83.1 62.6 64 I3I.O 98-7 24 178.9 134.8 84 226.S 170.9 45 35-9 27.3 5 83-9 63.2 65 I3I.8 99-3 25 1/9-7 '35-4 SS 227. 6 I7I-5 46 36-7 27.7 06 84.7 63.8 66 132.6 99-9 26 iSp. 5 136.0 86 228. 4 172.1 47 48 &3 28.3 28.9 07 08 85.5 86.3 64.4 65.0 67 68 133-4 134-2 loo. 5 IOI. I 27 28 181-3 182. i 136.6 37-2 87 88 229. 2 230.0 172-7 173-3 49 39-' 29-5 09 87. i 65.6 69 I35.0 101. 7 29 182.9 137-8 89 230.8 173-9 So 39-9 30. I IO 87.8 66. 2 70 135-8 102. 3 .1 183-7 138-4 90 231.6 174-5 5i 40. 7 3-7 III 88.6 66. a 171 136.6 102.9 231 184-5 i39.o 291 232-4 175.1 52 41-5 31-3 12 89.4 67.4 72 I37.4 103-5 32 i s 5-3 139.6 92 233-2 175-7 53 42-3 31-9 13 9O. 2 68.0 73 138.2 104. i 33 1 86. i 140. 2 93 234.0 176-3 54 43-1 32-5 14 91. o 68.6 74 139.0 104.7 34 186.9 140. 8 94 234-8 176.9 55 43-9 33-i 15 91.8 69. 2 75 139.8 105-3 35 187.7 141.4 95 235. 6 177-5 56 44- 7 33-7 It 92. 6 69.8 76 140. 6 105.9 36 188.5 142.0 96 236.4 178. I 57 45-5 34-3 17 93-4 70.4 77 141.4 106. 5 37 189-3 142.6 97 237-2 178.7 58 46-3 34-9 18 94.2 71.0 78 142/2 107. i 38 190. i 143-2 98 238.0 179-3 59 47.1 35-5 19 95-0 71. -6 79 143. o 107. 7 39 190.9 143-8 99 238.8 1/9-9 60 47-9 36.1 20 95.8 72.2 80 143.8 108.3 40 191. 7 144.4 300 239-6 180.5 Dist Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat Dist. Dep. Lat [For 53 Degrees. 150 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 38. Dlst. Lat. Dep. Dlst. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist Lat. Dcp. I 0.8 0.6 61 48.1 37-6 121 95-3 74-5 181 142. 6 III.4 241 189.9 148.4 2 1.6 I. 2 62 48.9 38-2 22 96. i 75- 1 82 143-4 112. I 42 190. 7 149.0 3 2.4 i.S 63 49.6 38.8 23 96.9 75-7 83 144. 2 II2.7 43 191.5 149.6 4 3- 2 2 -5 64 50.4 39-4 24 97-7 76-3 84 145.0 "3-3 44 192. 3 150. 2 5 3-9 3-i 65 51.2 40. o 2 5 98.5 77.0 85 145-8 "3-9 45 193- i 150.8 6 4-7 3-7 66 52-0 40. 6 26 99-3 77.6 86 146. 6 114.5 46 '93-9 151.5 7 5-5 4-3 67 S 2.8 41.2 27 100. I 76.2 87 147.4 II5-I 47 194.6 152. 1 8 6-3 4-9 68 53-6 41.9 28 100. 9 78.8 88 148. i 115.7 48 195-4 152.7 9 5-5 69 54-4 42-5 2 9 101. 7 79-4 89 148^9 I ID. 4 49 196. 2 153-3 10 7-9 6.2 7 55- 2 43- i 3 102. 4 80.0 9 149- 7 117. o 5 197.0 153-9 ii 8.7 6.8 71 55-9 43-7 131 103. 2 80. 7 191 150.5 117. 6 251 197.8 154-5 12 9-5 7-4 72 56.7 44-3 104. o 81.3 92 >5!-3 118.2 S 2 198.6 155.1 13 10. 2 8.0 73 57-5 44-9 33 104. 8 81.9 93 152.1 118. 8 53 199.4 155.8 4 II. 8.6 74 58-3 45.6 34 105. 6 82.5 94 152.9 119.4 54 2OO. 2 156.4 15 ii. 8 9.2 75 59-1 46.2 35 1 06. 4 83.1 95 153-7 120. I 55 200. 9 157.0 16 12.6 9-9 7 6 59-9 46.8 36 107. 2 83-7 96 154-5 120. 7 201. 7- 157.6 17 '3-4 10.5 77 60. 7 47-4 37 1 08. o 84-3 97 155.2 121.3 57 62. 5 158.2 18 14.2 n. i 61.5 48.0 38 1 08. 7 85.0 <* 156. o 121.9 58 23- 3 158.8 19 11.7 79 62.3 48.6 39 109.5 85.6 99 156.8 .122-5 59 204. i 159-5 20 15. 8 12-3 80 63. o 49-3 40 110. 3 86.2 200 157.6 123. I 60 204.9 1 60. 1 21 16.5 12.9 81 63.8 49-9 141 ii i. i 86.8 201 158.4 '23-7 261 205. 7 1 60. 7 22 17-3 '3-5 82 64.6 50.5 42 in. 9 87-4 02 150. 2 124.4 62 206. 5 161. 3 23 1 8. i 14.2 83 65.4 51.1 43 112.7 SH. o 3 1 60. O 125. o 63 207. 2 161. 9 24 18.9 14.8 84 66.2 51-7 44 113-5 8U. 7 04 1 60. 8 125. 6 64 208. o 162. 5 25 19.7 I5-4 67. o 5 2 -3 45 114-3 89-3 5 161. 5 126. 2 65 208. 8 163.2 26 20. 5 1 6. o 86 67.8 52.9 46 115. o 89.9 06 162. 3 126.8 66 209. 6 163.8 27 21.3 16. 6 87 68.6 53-6 47 115.8 90.5 7 163-1 127.4 67 210. 4 164.4 28 22. I 17.2 88 69. 3 54.2 48 116.6 91.1 08 163.9 128. 1 68 211. 2 165. o 29 22. 9 17-9 89 70.1 54-8 49 117.4 09 164. 7 128. 7 69 212. O i6<|. 6 3 23.6 ,8.5 90 70.9 55-4 5 118. 2 92-3 10 165-5 129.3 70 212. 8 i6b. 2 3i 24.4 19. i 91 71.7 56. o 151 119. o 93.0 211 166. 3 129.9 271 213. 6 166. 8 32 25.2 19-7 92 72-5 56.6 52 119.8 0.3. 6 12 167.1 I30-5 72 214-3 167.5 33 26. o 20. 3 93 73-3 57-3 53 120. 6 94. 2 13 167.8 131.1 73 2I5.I 1 68. I 34 26.8 20. 9 94 74-1 57-9 54 121. 4 94-8 14 168.6 131.8 74 215.9 1 68. 7 35 2 7 .6 2 '-5 95 74-9 58.5 55 122. I 95-4 15 169.4 132.4 75 216. 7 169.3 3 6 28.4 22. 2 96 75-6 59.1 5 6 122. 9 96. o 16 1/0. 2 133- 76 217.5 169.9 37 29.2 22.8 97 76.4 59-7 57 123-7 96.7 17 171. o !33- 6 77 218.3 170.5 38 29.9 2 3-4 98 77.2 60. 3 58 124.5 97-3 18 I7I.8 134.2 78 219.4 171. 2 39 3-7 24. o 99 78.0 61. o 59 125-3 97-9 19 172. 6 134. 8 79 210. 9 171.8 40 3'-5 24.6 100 78.8 61.6 60 136. I 98-5 20 173-4 "35-4 80 220. 6 172-4 4i 3 2 -3 25.2 101 79.6 62.2 101 126. 9 99- i 221 174.2 136. i 281 221. 4 173-0 42 33-1 25-9 02 80.4 62.8 62 127.7 99-7 22 174-9 i3 6 -7 82 222. 2 I73- 6 43 33-9 26.5 3 81.2 63-4 63 128.4 100. 4 23 175-7 137-3 83 223. o 174.2 44 34-7 27.1 4 82. o 6A. 64 129. 2 101. O 24 176.5 I37--9 84 223.8 174.8 45 35-5 27.7 5 82.7 64.6 65 130. o loi. 6 25 177-3 138-5 85 224. 6 '75-5 46 36.2 28.3 06 83-5 65-3 66 130.8 102. 2 26 178. i I39.I 80 225.4 176.1 47 37-o 28.9 7 84-3 65.9 6 Z 131. 6 102. 8 2 7 178-9 139. 8 87 226. 2 1/6-7 48 37-8 29. 6 08 85. I 66.5 68 132-4 103.4 28 179-7 140.4 88 226. 9 177-3 49 38.6 30. 2 09 85-9 67.1 69 133-2 104. o 29 1 80. 5 141. o 89 227.7 177-9 5 39-4 30. 8 10 86.7 67-7 70 134.0 104.7 3 181. 2 141. 6 90 228.5 178.5 5' 40. 2 31-4 in 87.5 68.3 I?' 134-7 i5-3 2 3i 182.0 142. 2 291 229.3 179.2 5 2 41.0 32.0 12 88.3 69. o 72 135-5 105.9 32 182.8 142. 8 92 230. I 179.8 53 41.8 32-6 13 89.0 69.6 73 136.3 1 06. 5 33 183.6 143-4 93 230.9 1 80. 4 54 42. 6 33-2 H 89.8 70.2 74 I3M 107. I 34 184.4 144. I 94 231- 7 181.0 55 43-3 33-9 1C 90. 6 70. 8 137-9 107.7 35 l8c. 2 144-7 95 232. 5 181.6 5 44- i 34-5 10 91.4 71.4 76 i3 8 -7 1 08. 4 1 86. o 145-3 06 233-3 182. a 57 44-9 35- i 17 92.2 72.0 77 139-5 109. o 37 186. 8 145-9 97 234.0 182. 9 58 45-7 35-7 18 93-o 72.6 78 140.3 109. 6 187-5 146.5 08 234.3 183.5 59 4 6 -5 36-3 19 93-8 73-3 79 141. I I 10. 2 39 188.3 147-1 99 235- 6 184. i 60 47-3 3 6 -9 20 94.6 73' 9 So 141. 8 110. 8^ 4 189. i 147.8 300 336. f. 184.7 Dist. Dep. Lat. Dlst. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat Dlst Dep. Lat [For 52 Degrees. 151 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 39. DUt Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Diet. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep .Dist. Lat Dep I 0.8 0.6 6l 47-4 38.4 121 94.0 7 6.1 181 140. 7 "3-9 241 137-3 151. 7 2 1.6 1-3 62 48.2 39- 22 94.8 76.8 82 141.4 114.5 42 IS3. I 152.3 3 2-3 1-9 63 49-o 39.6 23 95.6 77-4 83 142. 2 115.2 43 188.8 152.9 4 3-' 2-5 64 49-7 40-3 24 96.4 78.0 I 4 143.0 115.8 44 189. 6 153-6 5 3-9 3-J % 5-5 40.9 2j 97: i 78.7 85 J43-8 116.4 45 190.4 IC4. 2 6 4-7 3- 8 66 5'-3 41-5 20 97-$ 79-3 86 '44-5 117.1 46 191.2 154.8 7 5-4 4.4 67 52.1 42.2 27 98.7 79-9 87 '45-3 117.7 47 192. o 155-4 8 6.2 5.0 68 ^2.8 42.8 28 99-5 So. 6 o5 DO 146. i nS. 3 4 S 192.7 156. 1 9 7.0 5-7 69 53-6 43-4 2 9 100. 3 81.2 89 146.9 118.9 49 193 5 156.7 10 7.8 6 -3 70 54-4 44.1 3 IOI. O 81.8 90 H7-7 119.6 50 194. 3 157- 3. ii 8.5 6.9 71 55-2 44-7 '3' 101. 8 82.4 191 148.4 120. 2 251 195- i 150. o 12 9-3 7.6 72 56.0 45-3 32 102. 6 S3-' 92 149.2 120.8 52 .195. 8 158.6 13 10. I 8.2 73 56-7 45-9 33 103.4 83.7 93 150. o 121. 5 53 196. 6 159.2 14 10. 9 8.8 74 57-5 46.6 34 104. i 84-3 94 150.8 122. I 54 197.4 159.8 15 11.7 9-4 75 58-3 4^-2 35 104.9 85.0 95 15I-5 122.7 55 198.2 160.5 10 12.4 IO. I 7^ 59-' 47.8 36 105.7 85.6 96 'S2-3 1=3-3 56 198.9 161. 1 7 13.2 10. 7 77 59/8 48.5 37 1 06. 5 86.2 97 '53-1 124. o 57 199-7 161. 7 18 14. o II. 8 78 60.6 49-1 33 107.2 86.8 9 S 153-9 124.6 58 200. 5 162.4 J9 14.8 12.0 79 61.4 49-7 39 1 08. o 87.5 99 154-7 125.2 59 201. 3 I S3- 20 '5-5 12.6 80 62.2 50-3 40 icS. 8 88.1 200 155-4 125-9 60 202. I 163.6 21 16.3 13-2 81 62. 9 51.0 141 leg. 6 88.7 201 156. 2 126.5 261 202. 8 i4-3 22 17.1 13-8 82 63.7 51.6 42 110.4 89.4 02 157.0 127. I 62 203. 6 1^4-9 23 i>9 14-5 83 64-5 52.2 43 in. i 90. o <>3 I 5 7.8 I2 7 .8 63 204.4, 165.5 24 18.7 15.1 84 65-3 52.9 44 in. 9 90. 6 04 158-5 128.4 64 205. 2 1 56. i 25 19.4 '5-7 85 66.1 53 5 45 112. 7 91-3 "5 159-3 129. o 65 205. 9 165.8 26 20. 2 1 6. 4 86 65.8 54-' 46 113.5 91.9 06 1 60. I 129. 6 66 206. 7 167.4 27 21.0 17.0 87 67.6 54-8 47 114. 2 92.5 07 160.9 ij-3 67 207.5 163.0 88 21.8 17-6 88 68.4 55-4 48 115. o 93- ' 08 I6I.6 130.9 68 208. 3 i to. 7 29 22-5 18- 3 89 69. 2 56.0 49 II5.8 93-8 09 162.4 '31-5 69 209. i 169. 3 3 23-3 18.9 90 69.9 56.6 5 II6.6 94-4 10 163. 2 132. 2 /o 200. 8 169.9 3 1 24-1 19.5 9' 70.7 57-3 '5 1 "7-3 95.0 211 164. o 132.8 271 2IO. i/o-S 3 2 24-9 20. I 92 71-5 57-9 52 118. i 95-7 12 164. 8 133-4 72 211.4 171.2 33 25.6 20: 8 93 72-3 58-5 53 118.9 96-3 13 165.5 134-0 73 212.2 171.8 34 26.4 21.4 94 73- ' 59-2 54 119.7 96.9 H 166.3 134-7 74 212. 9 172.4 35 27.2 22.0 95 73-8 59-8 55 1 20. 5 97-5 15 167. 1 135-3 75 213-7 173-1 3 6 28.0 22.7 96 74-6 60.4 56 121. 2 98.2 16 167.9 >35- 9 ' 76 214.5 1 73- -7 37 .28.8 23-3 97 75-4 61.0 57 122.0 98.8 17 168.6 136.6 77 215-3 174-3 38 29.5 23-9 98 76.2 61.7 5 122.8 0-4 18 169.4 137-2 7? 216. o 175.0 39 3-3 24-5 99 76.9 62. 3 59 123. 6 IOO. I '9 I/O. 2 137-8 79 216.8 175.6 40 3'-' 2 5 .2 100 77-7 62.9 60 124-3 100. 7 20 , 171. o '38. 5 80 217.6 176. 2 4' 3i-9 2 5 .8 101 7-5 63.6 101 125.1 101. 3 221 171.7 I39-I 281 218.4 176. 8 42 32-6 26.4 02 64-2 62 125.9 101.9 22 172.5 '39-7 82 2lg. 2 177.5 43 3-3-4 27.1 3 80. o 64.8 63 126. 7 102. 6 .23 173-3 140.3 83 219-9 178. 1 44 34-2 27.7 04 80.8 65-4 64 127.5 103. 2 24 I74.I 141. o 84 220. 7 178.7 45 35-o 28.3 5 81.6 66. i 65 128.2 103.8 2 5 174.9 141,6 85 221. 5 1/9-4 46 35-7 28.9 06 82.4 66. 7 66 129.0 104.5 26 175-6 142. 2 86 222-3 I So. o 47 36-5 29. 6 07 83-2 6>3 67 129.8 105. 1 27 176.4 I42-9 87 223.0 1,80.6 48 37-3 30.2 oS 83-9 68.0 68 130. 6 105.7 28 177.2 143-5 88 223.8 !S.2 49 38.1 30.8 09 84-7 68. 6 69 I3I-3 106. 4 29 178.0 I44-I 89 224. 6 181.9 5 38-9 3'- 5 IO 85-5 69. 2 70 132.1 107. o 3 178.7 144-7 90 225.4 182.5 5' 39-6 32- III 86.3 69.9 i/i 132.9 1O7. t> 231 179-5 145.4 291 226. 1 183. 1 5 2 40.4 32-7 12 87.0 70.5 72 '3>7 1 03. 2 32 180.3 146. o 92 226. 9 183.8 53 41.2 33-4 '3 87.8 7I.I 73 134-4 108. 9 33 IS!. I 146.6 93 227-7 184.4 54 42. o 34-o '4 88.6 71-7 74 135-2 109.5 34 181.9 147-3 94 228.5 185.0 55 42.7 34-6 5 89.4 72.4 75 136. o 1 10. I 35 182.6 147-9 95 229.3 185.6 6 43-5 35-2 16 90. i 73- 76 136.8 1 10. 8 3& 183.4 148.5 96 230.0 186.3 57 44-3 35-9 17 90.9 73-6 77 137.6 111.4 37 184.2 149.1 97 230.8 186.9 58 45- * 36.S 18 91. i 74-3 78 138-3 112. 38 185.0 149.8 98 231. 6 'fZ-s 59 45-9 ->7-i 19 92.5 74-9 P I39-I 112. 6 39 185.7 i5 -4 99 232.4 iSS. 2 60 46.6 37-8 20 93-3 75-5 80 J39-9 "3-3 40 IS6.5 151. o 300 233-1 L8S. 8 Dlst. Dep. Lat. Dlst Dep. La. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat [For 51 Degrees. 152 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 40. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat Dep. Dist. Lat. l>ep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. I 0.8 0.6 61 46. 7 39-2 121 92.7 77.8 181 '3 s - 7 1 1 6. 3 241 184. 6 "54-9 2 '5 '3 62 47-5 39-9 22 93-5 78.4 82 '39- 4 1 17. 42 185.4 155- 6 3 2-3 1.0 63 48.3 40. 5 23 94-2 79- i 83 140. 2 1 17. 6 43 186. I 156. 2 4 3- ' 2.6 64 49-0 41. 1 24 95.0 79- 7 84 141. o 118.3 44 iS6. 9 156.8 5 3-8 3- 2 65 49-8 41.8 25 95-8 80.3 85 141. 7 uS. 9 45 187.7 157-5 6 4.6 3-9 66 50. 6 42.4 26 96.5 . Si. o 86 142-5 119. 6 46 188.4 158. I 7 5-4 4-5 67 5>-3 43- ' 27 97-3 81.6 87 '43-3 120. 2 47 189. 2 158.8 8 6. i 5- > 68 52. i 43- 7 28 98. i 82.3 88 144.0 120. 8 48 190. o 159.4 9 6.9 5-8 69 52.9 44- 4 29 98.8 82. 9 89 144- 8 121.5 49 190.7 160. i lu 7-7 6.4 7o 53-6 45.0 3 99.6 83.6 90 M5-5 122. I 5 191.5 160. 7 II 8.4 7- i 7 1 54-4 45.6 '3' 100. 4 84.2 191 146.3 122.8 25' '92-3 161. 3 12 9-2 7-7 72 55-2 46. 3 3 2 101. I 84.8 92 147. i 123.4 52 193. o 162. o 13 IO. O 8.4 73 55-9 46.9 33 101. 9 85-5 93 147.8 124. I 53 193-8 162.6 10.7 9.0 74 56.7 47-6 34 102. 6 86. i 94 148.6 124. 7 54 194.6 163-3 ii 11.5 9.6 10.3 75 76 57-5 58.2 48.2 48.9 35 36 103.4 104. 2 86.8 87.4 $ 149.4 150. i 125-3 126. o 55 56 195-3 196. i '63-9 164. 6 '7 13.0 jo. 9 77 59.0 49- 5 37 104. 9 88. i 97 150.9 126.6 57 196.9 165. 2 18 13.8 ii. 6 78 59-8 50.1 38 105.7 88.7 98 151.7 127. 3 58 197.6 165.8 9 14. 6 12. 2 79 60. 5 50. 8 39 1 06. 5 89-3 99 152.4 127-9 59 198.4 166.5 20 '5-3 12.9 So 61.3 51-4 40 107. 2 90. o 200 '53-2 128. 6 60 199.2 167. I 21 16. i "3-5 81 62. o 52.1 141 1 08. o 90. 6 201 154.0 129. 2 261 199.9 167.8 22 16. 9 14. i 82 62.8 5 2 -7 42 108. 8 9'-3 O2 154-7 129. 8 62 200. 7 168.4 23 17.6 14-8 83 63.6 53-4 43 109. 5 91.9 3 '55-5 130-5 63 20J. 5 169. 1 24 18.4 15.4 84 64- 3 54.0 44 no. 3 92. 6 4 '5". 3 131. i 64 202. 2 169. 7 25 26 19.2 19.9 16. i 16.7 85 86 65.1 65.9 54-6 55-3 45 46 in. i in. 8 93-2 93-8 s 157.0 157-8 131.8 132-4 203. o 203.8 I70-3 171. o 27 20. 7 17-4 87 66.6 55-9 47 112. 6 94-5 07 158.6 I33-I 67 204. 5 171. 6 28 21.4 18. o 88 67.4 56.6 48 "3-4 95- ' 08 159-3 133-7 68 205.3 172-3 29 22. 2 18. 6 89 68.2 57-2 49 114- i 95-8 09 160. i 134-3 69 206. I 172.9 3 23.0 "9-3 90 6S. 9 57-9 5 114.9 96.4 IO 160. 9 '35- 70 206.8 173-6 3' 23-7 19.9 9' 69. 7 58-5 151 115.7 97- i 211 161. 6 135- 6 271 207. 6 174.2 32 24.5 20. 6 92 70.5 59- i 52 1 1 6. 4 97-7 12 162. 4 '3 6 -3 72 208. 4 174-8 33 25-3 21. 2 93 71.2 59-8 53 117. 2 98.3 '3 163. 2 136.9 73 209. i '75- S 34 26. o 21-9 94 72.0 60. 4 54 118. o 99.0 14 163.9 '37-6 74 209.9 176.1 26.8 22.5 95 72.8 61. i 55 118. 7 99.6 '5 164. 7 138. 2 75 210. 7 176.8 36 27.6 23- ' 96 73-5 .61.7 56 119.5 100. 3 16 '63-5 138.8 76 211. 4 177-4 37 28-3 97 74-3 62.4 57 120.3 joo. 9 7 1 66. 2 139-5 77 212. 2 178. i 2 9 .I 24-4 75- ' 63. o 58 121. O 101. 6 18 167. o 140. I 7$ 213.0 178.7 39 29.9 25. I 99 75-8 63.6 59 121. 8 102. 2 '9 167.8 140. 8 79 213-7 179-3 40 30. 6 25.7 IOO 76.6 6 4- 3 60 J22. 6 102.8 20 168.5 141. 4 80 214. 5 i So. o 4' 3 ! -4 26. 4 101 77-4 64.9 161 '23-3 103.5 221 169.3 142. i 281 215-3 180.6 42 32.2 27. o 02 78.1 65.6 62 124. I 104. I 22 170. i 142- 7. 82 216. o 181. 3 43 32-9 27. 6 03 78.9 66.2 63 124.9 104. 8 23 170.8 143-3 83 216.8 181.9 44 33-7 28.3 04 79- 7 66.8 64 125. 6 105.4 24 171. 6 144. o 84' 217. 6 182.6 45 34-5 28. 9 5 80.4 67.5 65 126. 4 1 06. i 25 172.4 144.6 85 218.3 183. 2 46 35-2 29. 5 06 81.2 68. i 66 127. 2 1 06. 7 26 I73-I 145-3 86 219. i 183.8 47 36.0 30.2 7 82.0 68. 8 67 127.9 '07.3 27 173- 9 145-9 87 219.9 184-5 48 36.8 3- 9 08 82.7 69.4 68 128. 7 108. o 28 174-7 146. 6 88 220. 6 185. i 49 37-5 3'- 5 09 83.5 70. I 69 129-5 1 08. 6 29 1 75- 4 147.2 89 221.4 185.8 50 38.3 32.1 IO 84-3 70.7 7 130. 2 109.3 3 1/6. 2 147.8 90 222. 2 186.4 5' 39- ' 32.8 III 85.0 71-3 171 I3I.O 109.9 231 177.0 148.5 291 222. 9 187. i 52 39-8 33-4 12 85.8 72.0 72 I3I.8 no. 6 32 '77-7 M9- ' 92 223.7 187.7 53 40. 6 34- i "3 86.6 72.6 73 '3 2 - 5 III. 2 33 178.5 149- 8 93 224.5 188.3 54 41.4 34-7 87-3 73-3 74 '33-3 in. 8 34 1/9-3 150.4 94 225. 2 189. o 55 42. I 35-4 IS 88. i 73-9 75 i34-i 112.5 35 180.0 151.1 95 226. o 189.6 56 42. 9 36. o 88.9 74-6 7 5 134.8 113.1 36 180. 8 15'- 7 96 226. 7 190.3 57 43-7 36.6 17 89.6 75-2 77 '35- 6 113.8 37 181.6 '5-- 3 97 227.5 190.9 5 44-4 37-3 18 90.4 75-8 78 136.4 114.4 38 182.3 98 228. 3 191. 6 59 45.2 37-9 '9 91.2 76.5 79 137. i 115.1 39 183. i i S3- 6 99 229. o 192. 2 60 46. o 38-6 20 91.9 77-i So '37-9 115.7 40 183.9 '54-3 300 229. 8 192.8 Dist Dep. I -at. DUt. Dep. Lat Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat [For 50 Degrees. 153 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 41. Dlst. Lat. Dep. Dlst Lat Dep. Dlst Lat Dep. Dist. Lat Dep. Dlst. Lat Dep. I 0.8 0.7 61 46. 40. o 121 91-3 79-4 181 136.6 118.7 241 181.9 158. I 2 ' 5 62 46.8 40.7 22 92.1 80.0 82 137-4 119.4 42 182.6 158.8 3 2-3 2.0 63 47-5 41-3 23 92.8 80. 7 83 I38.I 120. I 43 183. 4 >59-4 4 3- 2.6 64 48.3 42.0 24 93-6 81.4 84 138.9 120. 7 44 184. i 1 60. I 5 3-8 3-3 65 49.1 42.6 25 94-3 82.0 85 139.6 I2I.4 45 184.9 1 60. 7 6 4-5 3-9 66 49-8 43-3 26 95- ' 82.7 86 140.4 122.0 46 185.7 161.4 7 5-3 4.6 67 50. 6 44.0 27 95.8 83-3 87 141. I 122.7 47 186.4 162.0 g 6.0 5-2 68 5'-3 44.6 28 96. 6 84.0 88 141.9 123-3 48 187.2 162. 7 9 6.8 5-9 69 52.1 45-3 2 9 97-4 84.6 89 142. 6 124. o 49 187.9 163.4 10 7-5 6.6 70 52.8 45-9 3 98.1 85.3 90 143. 4 124.7 50 188.7 164.0 it l>-3 7.2 71 53-6 46. 6 131 98.9 85-9 191 144.1 125-3 251 189.4 164.7 12 9- 7-9 72 54-3 47-2 3? 99.6 86.6 92 144.9 126. o S 2 190. 2 165-3 13 9-8 8-5 73 55-1 47-9 33 100.4 87-3 93 '45-7 126.6 53 190.9 166.0 '4 10. 6 9.2 74 55-8 48-5 34 101. I 87.9 94 146.4 127.3 54 I9I.7 166.6 IS "3 9.8 75 56.6 49.2 35 101.9 88.6 95 147.2 127.9 55 192.5 167-3 16 12. I 10.5 57-4 49-9 36 102. 6 89. -2 96 147.9 128.6 56 193-2 168.0 17 12.8 II. 2 77 58.1 50.5 37 103.4 89-9 97 148.7 129.2 57 194.0 168.6 18 13.6 n.8 78 5 3 -9 51.2 3 8 104. 1 90.5 98 149.4 129.9 58 194.7 169.3 19 14-3 12-5 79 59-6 51.8 39 104.9 91.2 99 150.2 130.6 '95-5 169.9 20 15.1 80 DO. 4 52.5 40 105.7 91.8 200 150.9 131.2 60 196. 2 170. 6 21 15.8 13-8 bi 61. i 53- i 141 106.4 92.5 20 1 151.7 131. 9 261 197.0 171.2 22 16.6 14.4 82 61.9 53-8 42 107.2 93-2 02 152.5 132-5 62 '97-7 71.9 23 17-4 15.1 83 62.6 54-5 43 107.9 93-8 3 ?53-2 '33-2 63 198.5 72.5 24 18. i 15-7 84 63-4 55-' 44 1 08. 7 94-5 04 154.0 '33-8 64 199.2 73-2 3 18.9 19.6 16.4 17.1 85 8.5 64. 2 64.9 55-8 56.4 a 109.4 no. 2 95-'i 95-8 06 '54-7 '55-5 '34' 5 I35-I 65 66 200. o 200.8 73-9 74-5 27 20.4 17-7 87 65.7 57-1 47 110.9 96.4 07 156.2 '35-8 67 201. 5 75-2 28 2!. I 1 8. .4 88 66.4 57-7 48 111.7 97.1 08 157.0 136-5 68 202. 3 75-8 29 21. 9 19. o 89 67.2 53.4 49 112. 5 97-8 09 I57.7 I37-I 69 203. o 176.5 3 22.6 19.7 90 67-9 59-o 5 113.2 98-4 10 158.5 137-8 70 203.8 177. i 3 1 23-4 20. 3 9' 68.7 59-7 151 114.0 99.1 211 159.2 138.4 271 204.5 177.8 32 24.2 21.0 92 69.4 60.4 52 114.7 99-7 12 160. o '39-1 72 205-3 178.4 33 24.9 21.6 53 70.2 61.0 53 i'5-5 100.4 '3 160.8 139-7 73 206. o 179.1 34 25.7 22.3 94 70.9 61.7 54 no. 2 IOI. O '4 161. 5 140.4 74 206.8 179-8 35 26.4 23.0 95 71-7 62.3 55 1 1 7. O 101. 7 15 162. 3 141. i 75 207.5 180.4 36 27.2 23. 6 96 72.5 63.0 56 117.7 102. 3 1 6 163. o 141.7 7 208.3 181. 1- 37 27.9 24-3 97 73-2 63.6 57 u8. 5 103. o 17 163.6 142.4 77 209. 1 181.7 38 28.7 24.9 98 74.0 64-3 S 8 119. 2 103.7 18 164.5 143.0 78 209. 8 182.4 39 29.4 25.6 99 74-7 64.9 59 1 2O. O 104.3 19 165-3 43-7 79 2IO/6 183.0 40 jj. 2 26. 2 100 75-5 65.6 DO 120.8 105.0 20 166. o '44-3 80 2ir. 3 183-7 41 3-9 26.9 101 76. 2 66.3 161 121. 5 105.0 221 1 66. 8 145.0 281 212. I 184.4 42 3'-7 27.6 02 77.0 66.9 62 122.3 106.3 22 167.5 145.6 82 212.8 185.0 43 44 32.5 33-2 28.2 28.9 03 04 77-7 78.5 67.6 68.2 63 64 123. o 123.8 106.9 107. 6 23 24 168.3 169. i 146.3 147.0 83 84 213.6 214-3 185.7 186.3 4 I 46 34-0 34-7 29-5 30.2 3 79.2 80.0 68.9 69.5 65 66 124-5 '25.3 1 08. 2 108. 9 20 169.8 170. 6 147.6 148.3 85 86 215. I 215.8 187.0 187. 6 47 35-5 30.8 07 80.8 70.2 67 126. o 109. 6 27 '7'- 3 148.9 87 216.6 188.3 48 36.2 3'-5 08 81.5 70.9 68 126.8 no. 2 28 172.1 149.6 88 217.4 188.9 49 37-JQ 32.1 09 82.3 7'-5 69 127.5 110.9 29 172.8 150.2 89 218. i 189.6 5 37-7 32.8 10 83.0 72.2 70 128.3 111.5 3 173-6 150.9 90 218.9 190.3 5 38-5 33/5 III 83.8 72.8 171 129. I 112. 2 231 174.3 151-5 291 219. 6 190.9 52 39-2 34-1 12 84-5 73-5 72 129.8 112. 8 32 175.1 152. 2 92 220.4 191.6 53 40. o 34-8 '3 85.3 74-' 73 130.6 "3-5 33 175.8 152.9 93 221. I 192. 2 54 40.8 35-4 86.0 74-8 74 131.3 114. 2 34 176.6 53-5 94 221.9 192.9 55 41-5 36.1 15 86.8 75-4 75 132.1 114.8 35 1 77. 4 154.2 95 222. 6 >93- 5 56 42-3 36.7 10 87.5 76.1 76 132. 8 115.5- 36 178. i 154.8 96 223.4 194.2 57 43- 37-4 '7 88.3 76.8 77 13"". 6 116. i 37 178.9 155-5 97 224.1 .194.8 58 43-8 38.1 18 89.1 77-4 78 '34-3 116.8 38 179.6 156.1 98 224-9 195-5 59 44-5 38.7 '9 89.8 78.1 79 '35-' 117.4 39 I So, 4 99 225.7 190. 2 00 45-3 39-4 20 90. 6 78.7 80 135-8 118. 1 40 181. i 57r5 300 226.4 196.8 Dlst Dep. Lat Dlst. Dep. Lat Dist. Dep. Lat Dist. Dep. Lat. Dfst. Dep. Lat. [For 49 Degrees. 154 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 42. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Di=t. Lat. Dtp. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat' Dep. I 0.7 -7 6l 45-3 40.8 121 89.9 81.0 181 '34-S 121. I 241 179. I 161. 3 2 '5 '3 62 46. I 41.5 22 90. 7 81.6 82 '35-3 121. 8 tS 179.8 161. 9 3 2. 2 2. 63 46.8 42.2 2 3 91.4 82-3 83 136.0 '22- 5 43 ibo. 6 162.6 4 3- 2- 7 64 47.6 42.8 24 92.1 83.0 84 136- 7 123. I 44 181.3 "63-3 e 3-7 3-3 65 48-3 43-5 25 92-9 83.6 85 137-5 123.8 45 182. i 163-9 6 4-5 4-Q 66 49.0 44- 2 26 93- 6 84-3 86 138. 2 124. 5 46 182.8 164. 6 7 5-2 4-7 67 49-8 44- s 27 94-4 85.0 87 139. o 125. i 47 183.6 '65-3 8 5-9 5-4 68 5-5 45-5 28 95- i 85.6 88 '39- 7 125.8- 48 184.3 165.9 9 6.7 6.0 69 Si-3 46. 2 29 95-9 86. 3 89 140. 5 126. 5 49 185. o 166.6 10 7-4 6-7 70 52.0 46.8 3 96.6 87.0 9 I-JI.2 127.1 5 185.8 "67-3 ii 8.2 7-4 7 1 52.8 47-5 "3 1 97-4 87.7 191 141.9 127.8 251 1 86. 5 168. o 12 8.9 8.0 72 53-5 48. 2 32 98. i 88.3 9 2 142.7 128. 5 52 i7-3 168.6 "3 9-7 8.7 73 54.2 48.8 33 98.8 89.0 93 143-4 129. i 53 188.0 169.3 '4 10. 4 9-4 74 55.0 49- 5 34 99.6 89*. 7 94 144. 2 129. S 54 iSS. 8 170. o '5 II. i 10. o 75 55-7 50.2 35 loo. 3 9-3 95 144-9 i3o-5 55 189-5 170. 6 16 II. 10. 7 76 56-5 50.9 36 IOI. I 91. o 96 '45-7 131. i 56 190. 2 I7I-3 >7 12.6 11.4 77 57.2 5'-5 37 101.8 91.7 97 146.4 131.8 57 191. o 172.0 18 13-4 12. 7 s 58.0 52.2 3 102. 6 92-3 98 147. i 132-5 53 191. 7 172. 6 19 14-1 12.7 79 58.7 52.9 39 103-3 93- 99 '47-9 '33-2 59 192.5 '73-3 20 14.9 13-4 80 59-5 53-5 40 104. o 93-7 200 148.6 1.13. 8 60 193.2 174.0 21 15. 6 14. I 81 60. 2 54-2 141 1 04. 8 94-3 201 149. 4 '34- 5 261 194.0 174.6 22 16.3 14.7 82 60. 9 54-9 42 105.5 95.0 02 150. i 135-2 62 194- 7 '75-3 23 17.1 15.4 3 61.7 55-5 43 1 06. 3 95-7 3 150.9 '35-8 63 '95-4 176.0 24 17.8 16. I 84 62.4 5 4.2 44 107. o 96.4 04 151. 6 '3 6 -5 64 196. 2 176.7 25 18. 6 I6. 7 85 63-2 56.9 45 107.8 97.0 5 '5 2 -3 137-2 65 196.9 "77-3 26 19-3 17.4 86 6 3-9 57-5 46 108.5 97-7 06 153- i 137-8 66 197-7 178.0 27 20. i 18. i 87 64. 7 58.2 47 log. 2 98.4 07 153-8 138-5 67 198.4 178.7 28 20.8 18.7 88 65.4 58-9 48 IIO. 99-o 08 154. 6 139.2 68 199.2 '79-3 29 21.6 19.4 89 66. i 59.6 49 no. 7 99- 7 09 155-3 139.8 69 199.9 i So. o 3 22.3 20. I 90 66.9 60. 2 5 111.5 100. 4 10 156. i 140. 5 TO 200. 6 i So. 7 3' 23.0 20-7 9' 67. 6 60. 9 i5' 112. 2 IOI. O 211 156. 8 141. 2 271 201. 4 .181.3 3 2 23-8 21.4 92 68.4 61.6 52 113. o 101. 7 12 J57-5 I4I.9 72 202. I 182.0 33 24.5 22. I 93 69. i 62. 2 53 i'3- 7 102. 4 '3 I58-3 142. 5 73 202. 9 182. 7 34 25-3 22.8 94 69.9 62. 9 54 114.4 103. o 4 159.0 143-2 74 203. 6 183-3 35 26. o 23-4 95 70. 6 63.6 55 115. 2 103- 7 15 159-8 143.9 75 204.4 184. o 3 6 26.8 24. I 96 7i-3 64.2 5 6 II5.9 104.4 Id 1 60. 5 144. 5 76 205. I 184.7 37 27.5 24.8 97 72-1 64.9 57 116. 7 105. i 17 161. 3 145-2 77 205.9 185-3 38 2$. 2 25-4 98 72.8 65.6 58 117.4 105. 7 18 162. o 145.9 78 206. 6 1 86. o 39 29. o 26. I 99 73-6 65. 2 59 118. 2 1 06. 4 J9 162. 7 146.5 79 207-3 1 86. 7 40 29. 7 26.8 IOO 74-3 66.9 60 118.9 107. i 20 l6 3- 5 147.2 80 208. i 187.4 4 1 3-S 27.4 101 75- i 67.6 161 119. 6 107. 7 221 164. 2 147-9 281 208.8 188. o 42 31.2 232-3 119. 1 38 176.9 '59-3 98 221. 5 199-4 59 43-8 39.5 '9 88.4 79. .6 79 '33-0 119.8 39 177.6 '59-9 99 222. 2 200. I 60 44.6 40. i 20 89.2 80.3 BO 133-8 izo. 4 40 178.4 loo. 6 300 222. 9 200. 7 Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dc ? . Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. 1 Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. [For 48 Degrees. 155 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 43. Dist. Lat Dep. Dist Lat. Dep. Dlst Lat Dep. Dist. Lat Dep. Dist. Lat Dep. I 0.7 o. 7 61 44- 6 41.6 121 88. 5 82. S 181 132.4 123.4 241 176.3 164.4 2 '5 1.4 62 45-3 42.3 22 89. 2 83. 2 82 I33. I 124. I 42 177-0 165. o 3 2. 2 2. O 63 40. i 43-o 23 90. o 8 3-9 83 133-8 124.8 43 177- 7 165. 7 4 2-9 2- 7 64 46.8 43- 6 2 4 90. 7 84.6 84 134.6 125.5 44 178.5 1 66. 4 5 3-7 3-4 65 47-5 44-3 25 91 4 85.2 85 135-3 126. 2 45 179.2 167. i 6 4-4 4- l 66 48-3 45 o 26 92. 2 85.9 86 136. o 126. 9 46 179-9 167.8 7 5- 1 4.8 6? 49- o 45-7 27 92.9 86. 6 87 136.8 127- 5 47 1 80. 6 168.5 8 5-9 5-5 68 49- 7 46. 4 28 93- 6 87-3 88 137.5 128. 2 48 181.4 169. i 9 6.6 6. i 69 50.5 47-1 29 94-3 88.0 89 138.2 128. 9 49 182. I 169.8 10 7-3 6.8 70 5 1 - 2 47- 7 3 95-i 88. 7 90 139.0 129. 6 5 182.8 170.5 ii 8.0 7-5 71 51.9 48. 4 131 95.8 89- 3 191 I39- 7 130-3 251 183.6 171.2 12 8.8 8.2 72 52.7 49- I 32 96.5 90. o 92 140.4 130.9 S 2 184.3. 171.9 '3 9-5 8.9 73 53-4 49-8 33 97-3 90. 7 93 141. 2 131. 6 53 185. o 172.5 14 10. 2 9-5 74 54-1 5-5 34 98.0 91.4 94 141.9 132-3 54 185.8 173-2 15 II. 10. 2 75 54-9 51 i 35 98.7 92. i 95 142. 6 133-0 55 186.5 173-9 16 ii. 7 10. 9 76 55-6 51 8 3 6 99- 5 92. 8 96 143-3 J33-7 56 187.2 174.6 17 12.4 ii. 6 77 56-3 52-5 37 100. 2 93-4 97 144. i I3V4 57 188. o 175. 3 18 13.2 I2 -3 78 57-o 53-2 38 loo. 9 94- i 98 144.8 135-0 58 1 88. 7 176. o 19 13.9 79 57.8 53-9 39 101. 7 9V 8 99 145-5 !35- 7 59 189.4 176.6 20 14.6 \ll 80 58-5 54.6 40 1 02. 4 95-5 200 146.3 136. 4 60 190. 2 177-3 21 15.4 14-3 81 59-2 55-2 141 103. i 96. 2 201 147 o 137- i 261 190.9 1/8. 22 16. i 15.0 82 60. o 55-9 42 103.9 96.8 O2 147- 7 137.8 62 191. 6 178.7 23 16. 8 15-7 83 60. 7 56.6 43 104. 6 97-5 03 148.5 138.4 63 192.3 179-4 24 17.6 1 6. 4 84 61. 4 57-3 44 105-3 98.2 4 149 2 139- i 64 193- i 1 80. O 25 18-3 17.0 85 62. 2 5! o 45 106. o 98.9 05 149.9 139.8 65 193-8 i So. 7 26 19. o 17.7 86 62. 9 58-7 46 1 06. 8 99.6 06 150- 7 140. 5 66 194-5 181,4 2 7 19. 7 18.4 87 63. 6 50-3 47 107-5 100.3 07 151-4 141. 2 67 195-3 182.- 1 28 20.5 19.1 88 6+- 4 60. o 48 loS. 2 loo. 9 08 152. i I4I.9 68 196. o 182.8 29 21. -2 19. 8 89 65.1 60.7 49 109. o 101. 6 09 152-9 142.5 69 196.7 183-5 3 21-9 20. 5 90 65.8 61.4 5 ic 9 . 7 1 02. 3 10 !53- 6 143- 2 70 1.97-5 184. i 3' 22. 7 21. I 9' 66. 6 62. i 15' no. 4 103.0 211 !54- 3 H3-9 271 198.2 184.8 32 23-4 21.8 92 67-3 62.7 52 III. 2 103-7 12 155.0 144. 6 72 198. 9 185.5 33 24. I 22-5 93 68. o. 63. 4 53 in. 9 104-3 13 155.8 145-3 73 199-7 186.2 34 24- 9 23-2 94 68. 7 64.1 54 112. 6 105. o 14 156.5 145-9 74 200. 4 186.9 35 25.6 23-9 95 69-5 64.8 55 113.4 105. 7 15 157.2 146. 6 75 201. I 187.5 36 2S. 3 24. 6 96 70.2 65. 5 56 114. I 1 06. 4 16 158.0 147-3 76 201. 9 188.2 37 27. i 25.2 97 70.9 66.2 57 ii .8 107. i 17 158-7 148. o 77 202. 6 1 88. 9 3 27.8 25.9 98 71.7 66.8 58 115. 6 107.8 18 159-4 148.7 78 203-3 189.6 39 28.5 26.6 99 72-4 67.5 59 116. 3 1 08. 4 19 1 60. 2 149.4 79 204. o 190-3 40 29-3 27-3 IOO 73- i 68.2 60 117. o 109. i 20 1 60. 9 150. o 80 204. 8 191. o 4' 30. o 28. o 101 73-9 68.9 161 117. 7 109. 8 22! 161.6 150.7 281 205.5 191. 6 42 3- 7 28.6 02 74.6 69.6 62 118. 5 no. 5 22 162.4 151.4 83 2o6. 2 192-3 43 3i-4 29-3 03 75-3 70.2 63 119. 2 ni. 2 23 163. i 152. 1 83 207. o 193-0 44 32.2 30.0 04 76.1 70.9 64 119.9 in. 8 24 163.8 152.8 84 207.7 193-7 45 3 2 -9 3- 7 05 76. 8 71.6 65 120. 7 112.5 25 164.6 153-4 85 208.4 194-4 40 33-6 31-4 06 77. 5 72-3 66 121. 4 113.2 20 165. 3 154. 1 86 209. 2 195- ' 47 34-4 32- i 07 7 s - 3 73-o 67 122. I "3-9 27 1 66. o 154.8 87 209. 9 195-7 48 35-i 32-7 08 79.0 73-7 68 122. 9 114. 6 28 1 66. 7 155-5 88 210. 6 196.4 49 35-8 33-4 09 79-7 74-3 69 123. 6 II5-3 29 167.5 156.2 89 211.4 197. i 5 36.6 34- I 10 80.4 75-0 124-3 115.9 3 168.2 156.9 9 212. I 197.8 51 37-3 34-8 in 81.2 75-7 171 I25.I 116. 6 231 1 68. 9 157.5 291 212.8 198.5 52 38.0 35-5 12 81.9 76.4 72 125.8 "7-3 32 169.7 158. 2 92 213. 6 199. i 53 38.8 36.1 13 82.6 7.7.1 73 126.5 118.0 33 170.4 158.9 93 214-3 199.8 54 39-5 36. 8 H 83-4 77-7 74 127-3 118. 7 34 171.1 159.6 94 215. o 200. 5 55 40. 2 37-5 15 84. i 78.4 75 128. o "9-3 35 171.9 160. 3 95 215. 7 201. 2 56 41. o 38.2 16 84.8 79- i 76 128. 7 1 2O. O 36 172. 6 161. o 96 216.5 201. 9 57 41. 7 17 85.6 79-8 77 129.4 1 20. 7 37 173-3 161.6 97 217. 2 202. 6 58 42.4 39-6 18 86.3 80.5 78 130. 2 121. 4 38 174. i 162. 3 98 217.9 203. 2 59 43- i 40.2 '9 87.0 81.2 79 130.9 122. I 39 174.8 163. o 99 218. 7 203.9 60 43-9 40.9 20 87.8 81.8 So 131 6 122. 8 40 '75-5 163- 7 300 219.4 204. 6 Dlst. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dlst. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dlst. Dep Lat. [For 47 Degrees. 156 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 44. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dkt. Lat. Dep. DiU. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. I o- 7 o. 7 61 43-9 4-- 4 121 87.0 84.1 iGl 130. 2 25-7 241 '73-4 167.4 2 1-4 1.4 62 4 ',6 43- I 22 87.8 84.7 82 130.9 26.4 42 174. i l6S. I 3 2. 2 2. I 63 45-3 43-8 23 83. 5 85.4 83 131. 6 27.1 43 174.8 I6S.8 4 2-9 2.8 64 46. o 44- 5 24 89.2 86. i 84 132.4 27.8 44 "75-5 169.5 5 3-6 3-5 65 46.8 45-2 25 89.9 86.8 S5 133- i 28.5 45 76.2 170. 2 6 4-3 4.* 66 47-5 45.8 26 90. 6 87.5 B6 '33-8 29. 2 46 77-o 170.9 7 5- 4-9 67 48.2 46. 5 27 91.4 88.2 87 '34-5 29.9 47 77-7 171-6 8 5-8 5-6 68 48.9 47.2 28 92.1 88.9 88 135-2 130. 6 48 78.4 172.3 9 6.5 6-3 6 9 49-6 47-9 29 92.8 89.6 89 136. o i3'-3 49 79- l 173-0 10 7-2 6.9 70 50.4 48.6 3 93-5 9-3 90 '3 6 -7 132. o 5 79.8 1/3-7 ii 7-9 7.6 7' 51.1 49-3 '3' 94.2 91. o 191 137.4 132-7 251 180. 6 174-4 12 8.6 8-3 72 51.8 50. o 32 95.0 91. 7 92 138. i 133-4 5 2 181.3 175- i >3 9-4 9.0 73 52-5 50.7 33 95-7 92.4 93 138.8 134- I 53 182.0 75 7 14 10. I 9-7 74 53-2 51.4 34 96.4 93- i 94 139.6 134-8 54 182. 7 176.4 IS 10.8 10.4 75 54-0 52-' 35 97- i 93-8 95 140.3 '35-5 55 83.4 177. i 16 "5 n. I 76 54-7 52-8 36 97.8 94-5 96 141.0 13^-2 56 184.2 177.8 >7 12. 2 ii. 8 77 55-4 53-5 37 98.5 95-2 97 141. 7 136.8 57 184.9 178.5 18 12. 9 '2-5 78 5 ^ 54-2 33 99-3 95-9 98 142.4 137-5 58 '85.6 179.2 19 '3-7 '3-2 79 56. 8 54-9 39 ICO. O 96. 6 99 143- i 133. 2 59 186.3 '79-9 -o 14.4 '3-9 80 57-5 55-6 4 loo. 7 97-3 200 143- 9 138.9 60 187, o 180.6 21 15.1 14. 6 81 5-3 56-3 I.} I 101. 4 97-9 201 144. 6 139. 6 261 187-7 lui. 3 22 15.8 15-3 82 59.0 57-0 42 102. I 98.6 O2 '45- 3 140.3 62 188.5 182. o 2 3 16.5 16. o 83 59-7 57-7 43 102. 9 99-3 3 146. o 141.0 63 189. 2 182.7 24 17-3 16.7 84 60. 4 58.4 44 103. 6 IOO. O 04 146.7 ML? 64 189.9 183.4 25 18. o '7-4 85 61.1 59.0 45 104.3 loo. 7 5 147-5 142.4 65 190.6 184. i 26 18.7 18. i 86 61. 9 59- 7 46 105. o 101.4 ob 148.2 143- ' 65 I9I.3 184.8 27 19.4 18. 8 87 62.6 60. 4 47 105.7 IO2. I 7 148. 9 M3.8 67 192. I '85.5 28 20. I 19-5 88 63-3 61. i 48 io5. 5 102.8 08 149.6 144-5 es 192.8 186.2 29 20. 9 20. I 89 64. o 61.8 49 107. 2 '3-5 09 I5.3 145-2 6 9 193-5 186.9 3 21.6 20.8 90 64.7 62.5 5 107.9 104.2 10 151.1 145-9 7 194.2 IS 7 .6 3' 22.3 21.5 91 65-5 63.2 >5i 108. 6 104.9 211 151.8 146. 6 271 194.9 188.3 32 23.0 22. 2 92 66.2 63-9 5 2 109. 3 105. 6 12 152.5 J47-3 72 195-7 iSS. 9 33 23.7 22. 9 93 66.9 64.6 53 110. I ic6. 3 '3 153-2 148. o 73 196.4 189.6 34 24.5 23-6 94 67.6 65.3 54 1 10. 8 107.0 14 153-9 148.7 74 197-1 190.3 35 25.2 24-3 95 68.3 66. o 55 111.5 107. 7 15 154- 7 149.4 75 197-8 191. o 3 6 25.9 25. o 96 69. l 66. 7 5 6 112. 2 lc3. 4 16 I55.4 150. o 76 198.5 191.7 37 26.6 2 5-7 97 69.8 67.4 57 112. 9 leg. i 17 156. i 150.7 77 '99-3 192.4 38 27-3 26. 4 98 70.5 68. i 58 "3-7 109.8 18 156.8 151.4 78 20O. O 193- i 39 28. I 27. I 99 71. c 68.8 59 114.4 no. 5 '9 157.5 152.1 P 200. 7 193-8 40 28.8 27.8 IOO 71.9 69.5 60 115.1 in. i 20 1 5 s - 3 152.8 80 2ol. 4 94- 5 41 29.5 28.5 101 72.7 70. 2 161 115.8 in. 8 221 -159. o 1530 281 02. 1 195. 2 4- 30.2 29. 2 02 73-4 70.9 62 1 1 6. 5 112.5 22 I59.7 154.2 82 2O2. 9 '95-9 43 3-9 29. 9 03 74- i 71-5 63 H7.3 113.2 23 160.4 154.9 83 203. 6 196. 6 '4 3-7 30. 6 04 74-8 72.2 64 I 10. O II3-9 24 161. 1 155.6 84 24- 3,. 197-3 45 32.4 3'- 3 5 75-5 72.9 65 118. 7 114. 6 25 161. o 156.3 85 205. o 158. o 46 33-1 32.0 06 76.3 73.6 6$ 119.4 II5-3- 26 162.6 157.0 86 205. 7 198.7 47 33-8 32.6 07 77.0 74-3 67 1:0. i 116. o 27 i 6 3-3 57-7 87 206. 5 199.4 48 34-5 33-3 08 77-7 75.0 68 120.8 116. 7 28 164. o 158.4 8S 207.2 200. I 49 35-2 34-0 09 78.4 75-7 69 121. 6 -U 7. 4 29 164.7 159. i 89 207.9 200. 8 5 36. o 34-7 10 79. i- 76.4 70 122.3 118. i 3 165.4 159.8 90 208.6 201. 5 51 3-7 35-4 III 79.8 77-' 171 123. o 1 1.3. 8 231 166. 2 1 60. 5 291 209.3 202. 1 52 37-4 36.' 12 80.6 77-8 72 '23.7 "9-5 32 1 66. 9 161. 2 92 210. 202.8 53 3.i 36.8 3 8'- 3 78.5 73 124.4 120. 2 33 167.6 161. 9 93 210.8 203.5 54 38.8 37-5 14 82.0 79-2 74 125.2 120. 9 34 168. 3 162.6 94 211. 5 204, 2 55- 39-6 38-2 15 82.7 79-9 75 125.9 121. 6 35 169. o 163. 2 9 5 212. 2 204.9 56 40-3 3S-9 16 83-4 80.6 76 126,6 122,3 36 169. 8 63.9 9 5 212. 9 205. 6 57 41. o 39-6 17 84. 2 81.3 77 ".27- 3 123. o 37 170.5 164.6 97 213.6 206. 3 58 41. 7 40-3 18 84.9 82.0 78 128.0 123. 6 3 s 171.2 1 6 5.3 98 214.4 207. o g 42.4 43-2 41. o 41.7 19 20 85.6 86. 3 82.7" 83.4 g 128.8 129.5 124.3 125.0 39 40 171.9 172. 6 1 06. O 1 66. 7 99 300 2I 5 .I 215.8 207.7 208.4 Dist. Dep. Lat. DUt. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. Dist. Dep. Lat. [ For 46 L)cgrees. 157 DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOR 45. Disk Lot. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. Dist. Lat. Dep. I 0.7 0.7 61 43- i 43-1 121 85.6 85.6 181 128.0 128.0 241 170.4 170.4 2 1.4 1.4 62 43-8 43-8 22 80.3 86.3 82 128.7 128. 7 42 I7I.I 171.1 3 2. I 2. I 3 44-5 44- S 23 87.0 87.0 ! 3 129.4 129.4 43 171.8 171.8 4 5 2.8 3-5 2.8 3-5 64 65 43-3 46.0 43-3 46.0 24 2 5 *7 7 88.4 87.7 88.4 84 I s 130. I IJ0.8 130. i 130.8 44 45 172.5 173-2 172.5 173-2 6 4.2 4.2 66 46.7 46. 7 26 89.1 89.1 86 131.5 131-5 4 '73-9 173-9 7 4-9 4-9 67 47-4 47-4 27 89.8 89.8 87 IJ2.3 132.2 47 '74-7 "74-7 8 5-7 5-7 68 48.1 48. I 28 90.5 90.5 88 132.9 132-9 48 J75-4 75-4 9 6.4 6.4 69 48.8 48.8 29 91.2 91.2 89 I33- 6 133-6 49 176.1 1/6. i 10 7- 1 7- 70 49- 5 49- S 3 9i-9_, 91.9 90 I34._4 134.4 S2 176.8 176.8 u 7-8 7-8 7' 50.2 50.2 131 92. 6 92.6 191 35- i I35-I 2 S' 177-5 177-5 12 8-5 8-5 72 5-9 5-9 32 93-3 93-3 92 135-8 '35-8 52 178.2 178.2 13 9.2 9.2 73 51.6 51.6 33 94.0 94-0 93 I36.S '36-5 S3 178.9 178.9 M 9-9 9-9 74 52-3 52-3 34 94.8 94.8 94 137-2 '37-2 5.4 179.6 179.6 >5 16 10. 6 "3 10. 6 "3 75 76 53-o S3- 7 3- 3-7 35 3 6 96.2 96.2 95 96 I37.9 138.6 '37-9 138.6 s$ 56 180.3 181.0 iSo. 3 iSi.o J7 12.0 12.0 77 54-4 54-4 37 96.9 96.9 97 >39-3 J39-3 57 181.7 181.7 J3 12.7 12.7 73 55-2 55-2 3 97.6 97.6 98 140. o 140.0 58 182.4 182.4 >9 1-6-4- 13-4 79 55-9 55-9 39 9^-3 98.3 99 140.7 140.7 59 183. i 183. i 20 1A. I 14- I 80 56.6 5&-6 40 99.0 99-0 200 141.4 141.4 60 183.8 183.8 ii 14. S 14.8 81 57-3 57-3 141 99-7 99-7 2O I 142. i 142. i 261 184.6 184.6 22 15.6 15.6 82 58.0 58.0 42 100.4 100.4 02 142.8 142.8 62 185-3 185.3 !3 16.3 16.3 3 53.7 53.7 43 101. I I'M I 3 H3-5 '43-5 ^3 l6. o 186.0 24 17.0 17.0 84 59-4 59-4 44 ioi.8 101.8 04 144.2 144.2 64 186.7 186.7 25 7-7 7- 7 85 60. i 60. I 45 102. 5 102. S OS 145.0 145.0 65 187.4 187.4 25 18.4 18.4 85 60.8 60.8 46 103.2 IO3. 2 06 145-7 145-7 66 iSS. i 183. 1 27 19. i 19. i 7 61.5 61.5 47 >3-9 103.9 7 146.4 146.4 67 188.8 iSS.8 28 19.8 19.8 88 62.2 62.2 48 104.7 104.7 08 147.1 147- ' 68 189.5 189.5 29 20.5 20. 5 89 62. 9 62.9 49 105.4 IOS.4 09 147.8 147.8 69 190.2 190.2 go 21.2 21.2 90 63.6 63.6 5 106. i ic5. i 10 148.5 148.5 7 190.9 190.9 3' 21.9 21.9 9i 64-3 64-3 15' 106.8 106.8 211 149.2 149.2 271 191.6 191.6 32 32.6 22.6 92 65.1 65.1 52 107.5 107.5 12 149.9 149.9 72 192.3 192.3 33 34 23-3 24.0 23-3 24.0 93 94 65.8 66. 5 65.8 66.5 53 54 108.2 108.9 108. 2 108.9 13 14 150.6 iSi-3 150.6 I5I-3 73 74 193.0 '93-7 193.0 193-7 35 24.7 24.7 95 67.2 67.2 55 109.6 109.6 5 152.0 152.0 75 '94-5 '94-5 35 25-5 25-5 96 67.9 67.9 5 6 110.3 II0.3 16 152.7 152.7 76 195.2 195.2 37 3* 26.2 26.9 26.2 26.9 9 68.6 69-3 63.6 69-3 P 1II.O 111.7 III.O III.7 17 18 153-4 154. i 153-4 J54-I JZ >95-9 196.6 '95-9 196.6 33 27.6 27.6 99 70. o 70.0 59 112.4 H2.4 '9 154-9 154-9 79 197-3 197-3 43 23. .1 28.3 IOO 70.7 70.7 60 in. i 113. I 20 '55-6 '55-6 80 198.0 198.0 7 29.7 02 72.1- 72.1 62 114.6 II4.6 22 i57.o 157.0 82 199-4 199.4 43 3^-4 33-4 C3 72.8 72.8 *3 "5-3 "5-3 23 57. 7 157-7 83 200. I 200. i 44 3*-i 3'-' 04 73- S 73- S 64 116. o no. o 24 158.4 158.4 84 200.8 200.8 45 31.8 31.8 05 74-2 74.2 ; 116. 7 116. 7 25 IS9- J 159.1 85 201.5 201.5 4 5 32-5 32-5 06 75-0 75.0 65 117.4 117.4 26 159-8 159.8 86 202.2 202. 2 47 33-2 33-2 7 75-7 75-7 67 I I'M 118. i 27 1 60. 5 160.5 87 202.9 202.9 43 33-9 33-9 08 76.4 76.4 63 II8.8 liS.8 28 161. 2 161.2 88 203.6 203.6 49 34-6 34-6 09 7M 77-1 69 "9-3 119.5 29 161.9 161.9 89 204.4 204.4 50 35- A 35-4 10 77-8 77.8 70 120.2 120.2 30 162.6 162.6 90 205. I 205. I 1 36.1 36.1 in 7^-5 7*. 5' 171 1'20. 9 120.9 231 6 3-3 163-3 291 205.8 205.8 52 36.8 36.8 12 79-2 79-2 72 121. 6 121. 6 32 164.0 164.0 92 206.5 206. 5 53 37-5 3Z-S 13 79-9 79-9 73 122.3 122.3 33 164.8 164.8 93 207.2 207.2 54 P 38.2 38.9 39-6 38.2 38.9 39-6 H IS 16 80.6 81.3 82.0 0.6 81.3 82..0 74 75 76 123.0 '23-7 124.5 123.0 123-7 124.5 34 3 165.5 166.2 166.9 165.5 166.2 166.9 94 9 207.9 208.6 209.3 207.9 208.6 209.3 57 40-3 40.3 i? 82.7 82.7 77 I?5.2 125-2 37 167.6 167,6 97 2IO. O 2IO. O 58 41.0 41.0 iS 83-4 83-4 73 I2;. 9 "25-9 38 168.3 168/3 98 210. 7 210.7 59 41.7 41.7 19 84. i 84. 1 79 126.6 126.6 39 169.0 169.0 99 2II.4 211.4 60 42.4, 20 84-9 84.9 80 IZ7-3 127- 3 40 169.7 169.7 300 212. I 212. I Dist. Dep. Lat. | Dist. Dep. Let. Dlst Dep. Lat. Dist Dep. Lat. Dist Dep. Lat. [For 45 Dep-ees. 158 TABLE II. REFRACTION, DIP, AND PARALLAX , AINU ^ 4_3 . -O - , . ~ rt" r- CD r^ ^ fl CD r- CD 0>T-j '2 6 g'O i O S- D 6 Is o DIP OP THE SEA |.l 03 a .2 SJ 03 S .2 EJ c3 3 .2 ^1 03 03 P .2 HORIZON. 0) *-> D *J i. <3<1 tf <^ 03 .t M f\ 55 8 34 55 4 53 50 2 59 50 1 50 40 53 14 j 40 15 3 48 6 8 28 11 4 51 18 2 57 28 1 49 48 52 16 3 55 5 8 22 5 4 49 10 2 56 20 1 48 49 9 50 17 4 02 10 8 16 10 4 47 20 2 54 40 1 46 50 49 18 T v<** 4 09 15 8 10 15 4 4-5 30 2 52 29 1 45 51 47 19 4 16 20 8 5 20 4 43 40 2 51 20 1 43 52 45 20 4 23 25 7 59 25 4 41 50 2 49 40 1 42 53 44 21 4 29 6 30 7 54 11 30 4 39! 19 2 48' 30 1 40 54 42 22 4 36 35 7 49 t? 4 37 10 2 46; 20 1 39 55 41 23 4 42 40 7 43 4 35 20 2 45 40 1 38 56 39 24 4 48 45 7 38 45 4 33 30 2 43 31 1 37 57 37 25 4 54 50 7 33 50 4 31 40 2 42 20 1 35 J 58 36 26 5 00 55 7 28 55 4 29 50 2 40 40 1 34 59 35 27 5 06 7 7 24 12 4 27 20 2 39 32 1 33 60 33 28 5 11 5 7 19 5 4 26 10 2 37 20 1 32 61 32 29 5 17 10 7 14 10 4 24 20 2 36 40 1 31 62 31 30 5 22 15 7 10 15 4 22 30 2 35 33 OA 1 29 63 30 20 7 6 20 4 20 40 2 33 20 1 2S 64 28 25 7 1 25 4 19 50 2 32 40 1 27 65 27 THE SUN'S PAR- 7 30 6 57 12 30 4 17 21 2 31 34 1 26 66 26 ALLAX IN ALTI- 35 6 53 35 4 15 10 2 29 20 1 25 t)7 25 TUDE. 40 6 49 40 4 13 20 2 28 40 1 24 68 23 45 6 45 45 4 12 30 2 27 35 1 23 69 22 50 6 41 50 4 10 40 2 26 20 1 22 70 21 Sun's Sun's 55 6 37 55 4 9 50 2 24 40 1 21 71 20 Alt. Parallax. 8 6 33 13 4 7 22 2 23 36 1 20 72 19 5 6 2!) 5 4 5 10 2 22 20 1 19 73 18 10 6 25 10 4 4 20 2 21 40 1 18 74 17 D. S. 6 22 15 4 2 30 2 20 37 1 17 75 ft i* 20 6 19 * i 20 4 1 40 (V iVV7 2 19 20 1 16 f *J \J 76 V J *J 14 25 6 15 25 3 59 50 2 17 40 1 15 77 .0 13 9 8 30 6 12 13 30 3 58 23 2 16 38 i 14 78 12 10 Ctf\ 9 35 6 s; 35 3 56 10 2 15 20 1 13 79 11 20 f)f\ 40 6 5 40 3 55 20 2 14 40 ! 1 12 80 10 30 7 45 6 2 45 3 54 30 2 13 39 1 11 81 91 t/i t 50 5 59 50 3 52 40 2 12 20 1 11 82 8 50 fr K 55 5 56 55 3 51 50 2 11 40 1 10 83 8 55 60 4 9 5 52 14 3 49 24 2 10 40 1 9 84 6 65 4 5 5 49 10 3 47 10 2 9 20' 1 8 85 005 70 3 10 5 46 20 3 44 20 2 8 40 1 8 86 4 75 2 15 5 43 30 3 41 30 2 7 41 1 7 S7 3 80 2 20 5 4l 40 3 39 40 2 6 20 1 6 SS 2 85 1 25 5 38 50 3 36 50 2 5 40 1 5 S!) 1 90 9 30 5 35 15 3 34 25 2 4 42 1 4 90 0| 160 TABLE III. DECLINATION OF THE SUN, 1886-1901. DECLINATION OF THE SUN FOR THE YEARS 1886, 1890, 1894, 1868. JAN. FEB. MAR. APRII,. MAY. JUNE. A 0) c . j-j a . ^ * O) c a 01 a a a ,. ^ 3 c | 5 _ i C SH O d o O ?H c5 ^ oj cJ ^ 0-02 a . A C A || fe . A CD s . 4-J O - o - 4-S -* ~ g o - o S3 3 3 3 . 3 3 . 3 t* 3 d o gjg do g-j o o c 1)02 O g| S2 gfc ^A p ' 5 Q^ Q Q 5~ Q Q Q 5~ P P w o / CO >> o3 / 1 f / // // / n / // o / n o3 Q Q 1 23.01 +12 17.06 +43 7.35 +57 4.32 +58 15.04 +45 22.03 +20 1 2 22.55 13 16.49 43 7.12 57 4.55 58 15.22 45 22.11 19 2 3 22.50 15 16 31 44 6.49 57 5.18 57 15.40 44 22.19 18 3 4 22.44 16 16 13 45 6.26 58 5.40 57 15.57 43 22.26 17 4 5 22.37 +17 15.55 +46 6.03 +58 6.04 +57 16.14 +43 22.33 +17 5 6 22.30 18 15.37 46 5.40 58 6.26 57 16.31 42 22.39 16 6 rt 22.23 19 15.18 47 5. 17 58 6.49 56 16.48 41 22.45 15 ft i 8 22.15 20 14.59 47 4.53 58 7.11 56 17.04 41 22.51 14 8 9 22.06 21 14.40; 48 4.30 59 7.34 56 17.21 40 22.56 13 9 10 21.58 +22 14.21 +49 4.06 +59 7.56 +55 17.36 +39 23 01 +12 10 11 21.48 23 14.01 49 3.43 59 8.18 55 17.52 39 23.05 10 11 12 21.39 24 13.41 50 3.19 59 8.40 55 18.07 38 23.09 10 12 13 21.29 26 13.21 50 2.56 59 9 02 54 18.22 37 23.13 8 13 14 21.18 27 13.01 51 2.32 59 9.24 54 18.37 36 23.16 7 14 15 21.08 +28 12.40+51 2.08 +59 9 45 +54 18.51 +35 23.19 +6 15 16 20.56 29 12.20 52 1.45 59 10.06 53 19.05 35 23.21 5 16 17 20.45 30 11.59 1 52 1.21 59 10.28 53 19.19 34 23.23 4 17 18 20.33 31 11.38 53 0.57 59 10.49 52 19.32 33 23.25 3 18 19 20.20 32 11.16 53 0.34 59 11.09 52 19.45 32 23.26 2 19 20 20.07 +32 10.55 +54 10 +59 11.30 +51 19.58 +31 23.27 +1 20 21 19.54 33 10.33 54 0.14 59 11.51 51 20.10 30 23.27 21 22 19.41 34 10.12 55 0.37 59 12.11 50 20.23 30 23.27 -1 22 23 19.27 35 9.50 55 1.01 59 12.31 50 20.34 29 23.26 2 23 24 19.12 36 9.28 55 1.24 59 12.51 49 20.46 28 23.25 3 24 25 18.58 +37 9.05 +56 1.48 +59 13.10 +49 20.57 +27 23.24 -4 25 26 18.43 38 8.43 56 2.12 59 13.30 48 21.07 26 23.22 5 26 27 18.27 39 8.20 56 2.35 59 13.49 48 21.17 25 23.20 6 27 28 18.12 39 7.58 57 2.59 59 14.08 47 21.27 24 23.18 7 28 29 17.56 40 7.35 57 3.22 59 14 27 47 21.37 23 23.15 8 29 30 17.39 +41 3.45 +58 14.45 +46 21.46 22 23.11 -9 30 31 17.23 42 4.09 58 15.04 45 21.55 21 23.08 10 31 32 17.06 43 4.32 58 22.03 20 32 164 DECLINATION OF THE SUN FOR THE YEARS 1887, 1891, 1895, 1899. JULY. AUG. SEPT. OCT. Nov. DEC. a G . a 3. c _ ^ OJ j o c j g h O ^ E3 " o :; H =" 3 5" g o fa 3 fa 1 ,1 ^iz; *d 2 g"j| o 02 id 2 o o 0,02 !SJ 6 o id w o 35 GO id 2 P P P P ft p p ' P"~ P p~ 'f. C? / o / n o / II / n / H o / n CC S3 p p 1 23.08 -10 18.03 -38 8.19 -54 3.10 -58 14.26 -48 21.49 -23 1 2 23.03 11 17.481 38 7.57 55 3.33 58 14.45 47 21.58 22 2 3 22.59 12 17.32 39 7.35 55 3.56 58 15.04 47 22.07 21 3 4 22.54 13 17.16 40 7.13 55 4.20 58 15.22 46 22.15 20 4 5 22.48 -14 17.00 -41 6.51 -56 4.43 -58 15.41 -46 22.23 -19 5 6 22.43 15 16.44 41 6.28 56 5.06 58 15.59 45 22.30 18 6 7 22^36 16 16.27 42 6 06 56 5.29 57 16.17 44 22.37 17 r* \ 8 22.30 17 16.10 42 5.43 56 5.52 57 16.34 44 22.44 16 8 9 22.23 18 15 53 43 5.21 57 6.15 57 16.52 43 22.50 15 9 10 22.15 -19 15.36 -44 4.58 -57 6.37 -57 17 09 -42 22.55 -13 10 11 22.08 20 15.18 44 4.35 57 7.00 57 17.25 41 23 01 12 11 12 22.00 21 15.00 45 4.12 57 7.23 56 17.42 41 23.05 11 12 13 21.51 22 14 42 46 3.49 57 7.45 56 17.58 40 ^3.10 10 13 14 21.42 23 14.24 46 3.26 58 8.08 56 18.14 39 23.13 9 14 15 21.33 --23 14.05 -47 3.C3 -58 8.30 -55 18.29 -38 23.17 -8 15 16 21.23 24 13.46 47 2.40 58 8.52 55 18.44 3T 23.20 n t 16 17 21.13 25 13.27 48 2.1 7 58 9.14 55 18.59 37 23.22 5 17 18 21.03 26 13 08 48 1.54 58 9.36 55 19.14 36 23 24 4 18 19 20.52 27 12.48 49 1.30 58 9.58 54 19.28 35 x'3.25 3 19 20 20.41 -28 12.29 -49 1.07 -58 10.20 -54 19.42 -34 23.26 2 20 21 20.30 29 12.09 50 0.44 58 10.41 53 19 55 33 23 27 1 21 22 20.18 30 11.49 50 0.20 58 11.02 53 20.08 32 23.27 +0 22 23 20.06 31 11.28 51 0.03 58 11.24 52 20.21 31 23.27 2 23 24 19.54 31 11.08 51 0.26 58 11 .45 52 20.33 30 23 26 3 24 25 19.41 -32 10.48 -52 0.50 -58 12.05 -52 20.45 -29 23 24 25 26 19.28 as 10.27 52 1.13 58 12.26 52 20.57 28 23 23 5 26 27 19.14 34 10.06 53 1.35 58 12.46 51 21.08 27 23.20 6 27 28 19.01 35 9.45 53 2.00 58 13.07 50 21.19 26 23.18 r* i 28 29 18.47 35 9.23 53 2.23 58 13 27 50 21.29 25 23.14 9 29 30 18.33 -36 9.02 -54 2.47 -58 13.47 -49 21.39 -24 23.10 +10 30 31 18.18 37 8.40 54 3.10 58 14.06 49 21.49 23 23.06 11 31 32 18.03 38 8.19 54 14.25 48 23.02 12 32 165 DECLINATION OF THE SUN FOR THE YEARS 1888, 1892, 1896, 1900. JAN. FEB. MARCH. APRIL. MAY. JUNE. A a j a . - A fi . J 9 . ,d a . rC a 73 o ^ IJ3 O '" c V O *-i O '" 73 O '~ A M 3 ' 3 3 3 3 g 3 H . M " 3 O O JH O "r SB 2 6 ^ 3, 'Jl O o O Q ft Q Q . w I / " / " o ' " / II b / " ' " 1 Q 1 23.04 -n 17.51 -38 8.02 -55 3.27 -58 14.40 -48 21.56 -22 1 2 23.00 12 17.36 39 7.40 55 3.51 58 14.59 47 22.04 21 2 3 22.55 13 17.20 40 7.18 55 4.14 58 15.18 46 22.13 20 3 4 22.50 14 17 04 40 6.56 56 4.37 58 15.36 46 22 21 19 4 5 22.44 -15 16.48 -41 6.34 -56 5.00 -58 15.54 -45 22.28 -18 5 6 22.38 16 16.31 42 6.11 56 5.23 58 16.12 44 2235 17 6 7 22.31 17 16 15 42 5.49 56 5.46 57 16 30 44 82.43 16 7 8 22 25 18 15.57 43 5.26 57 6.09 57 16.47 43 22.48 15 8 9 22.17 19 15.40 44 5.04 57 6.32 57 17.04 42 22.54J 14 9 10 22.10 -20 15.23 -44 4.41 -57 6.55 -57 17.21 -42 22.59-13 10 11 22.02 20 1505 45 4.18 57 7.17 56 17.38 41 23 04 11 11 12 21.53 21 14.47 45 3.55 57 7.40 56 17.54 40 23.09 10 12 13 21.44 22 14.28 46 3.32 58 8.02 56 18.10 39 23.12 9 13 14 21.35 23 14.10 47 3.09 58 8.25 56 18.25 38 23.16 8 14 15 21.26 -24 13.51 -47 2.46 -58 8.47 -55 18.41 -38 23.19 r- I 15 16 21.16 25 13.32 48 2.23 58 9.09 55 18.56 37 23.21 6 16 17 21.06 26 13.13 48 1.59 58 9.10 55 19.10 36 23.24 5 17 18 20.55 27 12.53 49 1.36 58 9.53 54 19.24 35 23.25 3 18 19 20.44 28 12.34 49 1.13 58 10.14 54 19.38 34 23.26 2 19 20 20.33 -29 12.14 -50 0.50 -58 10.36 -54 19.52 -33 23.27 -1 20 21 20.21 29 11.54 50 0.26 58 10.57 53 20.05 32 23.27 +0 21 22 20.09 30 11.34 51 0.03 58 11.18 53 20.18 31 23.27 1 22 23 19.57 31 11.13 51 0.20 58 11.39 52 20.30 31 23.26 2 23 24 19.44 32 1053 52 0. 44 58 12.00 52 20.42 30 23.25 4 24 25 19.31 -33 10.32-52 1.07 -58 12.21 -51 20 64 -29 23.23 +5 25 26 19.18 34 10.11 52 1. 31 58 12.41 51 21.05 28 23.21 6 26 27 19.04 34 9.50 53 1. 54 58 13.02 50 21.16 27 23.18 7 27 28 18.50 35 9.29 53 2. 17 58 13.22 50 21.27 25 23.15 8 28 29 18.36 36 9.07 54 2.41 58 13.42 49 21.37 25 23.12 9 29 30 18.21 -37 8.46 -54 3. 04 58 14.01 -49 21.46 -24 23.07 -1-11 30 31 18.07 37 8.24 54 3. 27 58 14.21 46 21.56 23 23.03 11 31 33 17.51 38 8.02 55 14.40 48 22.58 13 32 167 DECLINATION OF THE SUN FOR THE YEARS 1889, 1893, 1897, 1901. JAN. FEB. MARCH. APRIL. MAY. JUNE. ^ - A " <> A ^ G A A 03 c . ^ a . 4^ o -' O J -' -t_3 C* *" o jj +3 o s- 4 o '- 3 . 3 3 . 3 3 SH 3 m i-* , ^ FH d o d o ^| [ Q d o O ?H O ci ^ SH O d ^ CJ ^ te o S A OJCQ 5 r-^ Z S A i> ^\ S A '3 O '43 i* *p; . o*t o i . ~ O o . o . M S-, *^ -, ^ f 2 43 a C-, 43 a ** . a " a ^ p l *" a * a . a ^ a . a . 73 ^ 73 a 73 a 73 a 73 J3 & fi a j$ 73 a 73 a 73 a ,c a ,d a -c a pO 73 ~ 'w X 73 08 3 c3 3 73 S3 73 eg 73 oj 3 s3 3 fly p J"j c3 4 -4 4 <: CO co CO 03 cJ C E- a r* _ ->, S ^ Z S JE o*t *". 2 '* x 2- 2 o'-5 !-. +J . s . o'- 3 cr 9'Z S* 3 *- ft ~ ft 73 P. " p. 73 P. *- P. 73 P. PI 73 .0 P. ". P. > ft J= * ft ^ a. 73 ft ~ ft 73 ft *" ft ft ]=' ft *"" 9- "' ~ E ^ *C ert 73 S3 73 C5 < 02 3 CO 02 < <* 73 eg 73 CS 3 CS 02 co -2 * p s* wj 02 < 02 C? M. S. M.S. M. S. M.S. M.S. M.S. M. S. M. S. M.S. M.S. M. S. M. S. O 1 347 1349 1233 359 300 228 330 606 004 10 17 1618 1051 2 415 1357 1221 341 307 219 342 602 023 1036 1620 1028 3 443 1404 1209 323 314 210 353 558 042 1055 1620 1004 4 510 1409 11 56 305 320 200 404 552 102 11 13 16 19 940 5 537 14 14 1142 247 326 1 50 4 14 547 121 11 32 16 18 9 16 6 604 1418 1128 229 331 139 425 541 141 11 49 16 16 851 7 630 14 22 11 14 2 12 336 129 434 534 202 1207 1613 825 8 655 1424 1059 1 55 340 1 17 444 526 222 1223 1609 759 9 720 1426 1044 1 38 343 1 06 453 5 18 242 1240 1604 732 10 745 1427 1028 121 346 054 502 510 303 1256 1558 705 11 809 1427 1012 1 05 348 043 510 501 324 1311 1552 637 12 832 1427 956 049 350 030 518 451 345 13 26 15 45 609 13 855 1425 939 033 351 018 525 441 406 13 41 15 36 541 14 917 1423 923 018 352 006 532 430 427 1355 1527 512 15 938 1421 906 003 352 007 539 4 19 448 1408 1517 443 16 959 1417 848 012 351 020 545 407 509 1422 1507 414 17 1019 14 13 831 026 350 033 550 355 530 1433 1455 344 18 1038 1408 8 13 040 348 046 556 342 551 14 45 14 43 314 19 1057 1403 756 053 346 059 600 329 6 12 14 56 14 29 245 20 11 15 1357 738 107 343 1 12 604 3 15 633 15 06 14 15 215 21 11 32 1350 720 1 19 389 1 25 607 301 654 15 16 14 00 1 45 22 11 49 1342 702 131 335 1 38 6 10 246 7 15 1525 1345 1 15 23 1204 1334 643 143 331 1 51 613 231 736 1534 1328 045 24 12 19 1326 625 1 54 326 204 6 14 215 757 15 42 13 11 15 25 1233 13 16 607 205 320 217 6 15 200 817 15 49 12 53 015 26 1247 1306 549 216 314 230 616 1 43 838 1555 1234 045 27 1259 12 56 530 225 308 242 616 1 26 858 1601 1215 1 14 28 13 11 12 45 512 235 301 255 6 15 1 09 9 18 1606 1155 1 44 29 13 22 1233 4 53 244 253 307 6 14 051 938 16 10 11 34 2 13 30 13 32 435 252 245 319 612 033 958 1614 1113 242 31 1341 4 17 260 237 330 609 015 1017 1616 1051 311 173 EQUATION OF TIME FOR THE YEARS 1888, 1892, 1896, 1900. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY. AUG. SEPT OCT. Nov. DEC. e o5 ec C< o> i a g H 3 S c g a s g SS SS SS g g *r^ *^ 'r^ &M "*~^ g+3 o L- r- i^> *- g+3 0:5 o i -i o . . O ^t-H ^ _&H . <4H - ** a ** a 43 P, T* X C*> W . P. ' 4 ~ l 4-5 * "*" a Tl X 2- C . P. t|H a **"" a t| ~ l *~' a 73 Q, a a ^3 U 2 % -2 g. _Q *W Q_ 73 a T3 2 P. X Q, .da j-j 73 a 73 o3 T3 o3 T3 o3 3 OS S 'W TO" 73 03 02^ 3 o3 3 o3 3 3 ^j T! o3 ^ 608 1454 1434 253 19 10 54 1406 744 1 02 342 1 10 603 3 18 629 1505 1420 223 20 11 12 1400 726 1 15 339 1 22 607 3 04 650 1515 1406 1 54 21 1130 1353 708 1 27 335 1 35 610 2 49 711 1525 1350 1 24 22 1146 1346 650 1 39 331 1 48 6 12 2 34 732 1533 1334 054 23 1202 13 38 631 1 50 326 201 6 13 2 18 753 1542 13 17 24 24 12 17 1329 613 202 321 214 614 2 02 814 1549 1259 006 25 1231 1320 554 212 315 226 615 1 46 834 1556 1241 036 26 1245 1310 536 222 309 239 615 1 29 855 16 01 12 22 1 06 27 1257 1300 517 232 302 251 614 1 12 915 1607 1202 1 35 28 1309 1249 459 241 255 303 613 54 935 16 11 ' 11 41 205 29 1320 1237 440 250 247 3 15 611 36 954 16 15 11 19 234 30 1330 1225 422 258 239 327 609 18 1014 1617 1057 303 31 1339 404 305 231 338 606 00 1033 1619 1034 332 174 EQUATION OF TIME FOR THE YEARS 1889, 1893, 1897, 1901. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE. JULY. AUG. SEPT. OCT. Nov. DEC. e o oj 03 o ' OJ - * oJ o5 0) a a s cE SS S = g S S 5 S= = S H i * -i.ji *^ O '" O' O ~ 5 O '^ P'-S o o -.5 . . E* * Q i-i -^ ft *" ft "~ ft " *"* cL ~ 0. ~ a ^ ft ** & *~ ft : w a. ft o &. 'O e & ft "C r a 2 - j ft -C ft JS ft '** "O 2 O ei C o3 S3 T3 "H 53 "E "C ccl 3 S3 3 03 q <5 ^ ^ OQ CO X < ^ ^ cc CO CO CO < cc c. S M.S. M.S. M.S. M.S. M.S. M.S. M.S. M.S. 31. S. M.S 31. S. 31. S. 1 401 1354 1228 350 303 224 336 604 013 1027 1619 1039 2 429 1401 12 16 332 310 2 14 348 600 032 1046 1620 1016 3 456 1407 12 03 314 3 17 204 359 555 052 11 04 1620 952 4 524 14 13 11 50 257 323 ' I 54 4 10 550 1 11 11 22 16 19 928 5 551 14 18 1136 239 328 144 420 544 131 11 40 1617 903 6 617 1422 11 22 222 3 33 ] I 33 430 538 1 51 11 58 1614 838 r* i 643 1425 11 08 205 337 1 22 440 531 212 1215 16 11 812 8 709 1427 1053 J 1 48 341 ] I 11 449 523 232 12 32 1607 745 9 733 1428 1037 ] 31 344 059 458 515 253 1248 1602 7 19 10 758 1429 1022 ] [ 15 346 048 507 506 314 1304 1556 651 11 821 1429 1006 058 348 036 515 456 334 1319 1549 624 12 845 1428 949 042 350 024 522 446 356 1334 1541 555 13 907 1426 9:33 027 351 11 529 436 417 1348 15 33 527 14 929 1424 916 12 351 001 536 425 438 1402 15 23 458 15 950 1421 859 003 351 014 542 413 459 14 15 15 13 429 16 1010 1417 841 018 350 027 548 401 520 1428 1502 400 17 1030 14 12 823 032 349 039 553 348 541 1440 1450 330 18 1049 1407 806 046 347 052 558 335 603 1452 1437 301 19 11 07 1401 748 1 00 344 3 05 602 322 624 1502 1423 231 20 1124 1354 730 1 12 341 ] .18 605 307 645 1512 1409 201 21 11 41 1347 712 ] 25 337 ] 131 608 253 706 1522 1354 1 31 22 11 57 13 39 653 I 37 333 ] 44 611 238 727 1531 13 38 1 01 23 1212 13 31 635 1 49 329 1 57 613 223 747 1539 1321 031 24 1227 1322 617 200 3 23 210 6 14 207 808 1546 1303 001 25 1240 13 12 558 210 317 223 6 15 1 51 828 1553 1245 029 26 1253 1302 540 221 3 11 2 36 6 15 1 34 849 1559 1225 059 27 1305 1251 521 230 304 2 48 i 6 15 1 17 909 1604 1205 1 29 28 1317 1240 506 239 257 3 00 6 14 1 00 929 1609 11 45 1 58 29 1327 1228 445 248 249 3 13 6 12 042 948 1612 11 24 228 3U 1337 426 256 241 3 25 6 10 024 1008 16 15 11 02 257 31 1346 408 233 607 005 1618 1039 325 175 *s nco^o CCGO OSO T"H i 1 CO rj* iC C03CC-.0 CO -* iC 0*7*0*0* CO 00 OS O O* O* O* CO i OS 0* rHOJ^O r^ TI O* CO iC COi-OC OS i O* co rf 0*0*0*0* ic i- oo os 0*0*0*0* i oo n O* TJ< 1C so 1*000* n O* CO rf 1C CO 00 OS o -tm O* O* OJ O* iC CO t- OO o* o* o* o* i t- 0* .10JCOIC ot-ooos o i o? 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SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. SINES. TANGENTS. AND SECANTS. 179= M. [our A. . lour p. M. Sine. Diff. '. Cosecant. Tangent. DiQ. i . Cotangent. Secant. Cosine. M. I 2 3 4 200 I 59 S 2 59 44 59 36 59 aS O O O o 8 o 16 o 24 o 32 nf. neg. 6.40373 76476 94085 7.06579 30103 17609 12494 9691 Infinite. .3-53b27 23524 05915 [2.93421 Inf. neg. 6.46373 76476 94085 7- 6579 30103 17609 12494 9691 Infinite. 3- 53627 235=4 05915 2.93421 0. OOOOO ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo o. ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo 60 59 58 57 56 8 9 I 59 20 59 12 59 4 58 56 58 4 S o o 40 48 o 56 4 12 7. 16270 24188 - ggj 36682 4'797 7918 6694 5800 5"5 4576 12.83730 75812 69118 63318 58203 7. 16270 24188 v H ^ 36682 41797 7918 6694 5800 5 "! 4576 2.83730 75812 ' jn8 63318 5 $20 3 c . c : : ~-j ooooo ooooo' ooooo ooooo o. ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo 53 54 53 52 51 10 II 12 '3 H I 58 40 58 32 58 24 58 16 58 8 20 28 36 44 52 7-46373 50512 54291 577 6 7 60985 4i39 3779 347o 3218 2997 12.53027 49488 4579 42233 39 '5 7-46373 50512 54291 57/67 60986 4139 3779- 3476 3219 2996 2. SS 6 ^? 49488 4579 42233 39 1 4 o. ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo o. ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo DC 3OO 5" 49 48 47 46 '5 16 17 iS 19 I 58 o 57 52 57 44 57 36 57 28 020 2 8 2 16 2 24 2 32 7. 63982 66784 69417 71900 74248 2802 2633 2483 234* 2227 12. 36018 33216 35 S 3 28100 25752 7- 63982 66785 69418 71900 74248 2803 2633 2482 2348 2228 2. 36018 33215 30582 28100 25752 IO. ooooo ooooo 00001 OOOOI OOOOI o. ooooo ooooo 9-99999 99999 99999_ 45 44 43 I 20 21 22 23 24 ii 57 20 57 >2 57 4 5 ^ 5 56 4 S 2 40 2 48 2 56 3 4 3 '2 7- 76475 78594 80615 82545 84393 2119 2021 1930 1848 1773 12.23525 21406 I93 S 5 1/455 15607 7- 764/6 "8595 80615 82546 S 4394 2119 2O2O 1931 1848 773 2.23524 21405 '93 8 5 17454 15606 IO. OOOOI OOOOI OOOOI OOOOI OOOOI 9.99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 40 P \ 25 20 27 28 29 ii 56 40 S 6 , 32 56 24 56 r6 56 8 o 3 20 3 1 3 36 3 44 3 52 7.86166 87870 89509 o^oSS 52612 1704 ' 6 39 1579 1524 1472 2- 13834 12130 10491 08012 07325 -. 86167 87871 89510 91089 92613 1704 1639 '579 1524 H73 2. I3S33 12129 10490 08911 0/3S7 10. OOOOI OOOOI OOOOI OOOOI O0002 9.99999 999 , 99999 99999 9999 s 35 34 33 32 3 1 3 3' 3 2 ' 33 S4 ii s6 o 55 52 55 44 55 3 6 55 28 040 4 8 4 16 4 24 4 S 2 7- 94084 95508 96887 98223 99520 1424 1379 1336 1297 1259 12.05916 04492 03113 01777 00480 7.94086 95510 96889 98225 99522 1424 1379 1336 1297 1259 12.05914 04490 03III 01775 00478 IO. OOO02 OOOO2 oAo02 O0002 00002 9- 99993 99998 9999 s 99993 9999 s 3 29 28 27 26 35 36 P 39 ii 55 20 55 12 55 4 54 56 54 4 o 4 40 448 4 56 5 4 5 I2 8.00779 O2OO2 03192 435 05478 I22 3 II9O II5S 1128 IIOO 11.99221 97998 96808 95650 94522 8. oo-Si 02004 03194 4353 05481 1223 1190 1159 1128 IIOO 11.99219 97996 96806 95647 94519 IO. OOOO2 OOOO2 00003 00003 00003 9. 9999^ 9999 s 99997 99S97 99997 25 24 23 22 21 4 4' 42 43 44 II 54 40 54 32 54 24 54 16 54 8 o 5 20 S2 ? 5 36 5 44 5 S 2 S. 065 78 07650 08696 09718 10717 1072 1046 IO22 999 976 11.93422 9235 9 I 34 90282 89283 8. 06501 07653 c ? 7 . . 09722 10720 1072 1047 1022 998 976 H-934'9 92347 93P 90278 89280 10. 00003 00003 00003 00003 00004 9- 99997 99997 99997 99997 99996 20 19 18 17 16 45 46 47 4 S 49 II 54 o 53 52 53 44 53 3 6 53 28 060 6 8 6 16 6 24 6 32 8. 11693 12647 I358i 14495 I539I 954 934 9H 896 877 ii. 08307 87353 86419 85505 84609 8. 11696 12651 13585 14500 '5395 955 934 95 895 878 II. 88304 87349 86415 85500 84605 10.00004 00004 00004 00004 00004 9.99996 99996 99996 99996 90996 '5 M 13 12 II 5 M 52 53 54 ii 53 20 53 " 53 i 52 56 S 2 48 o 6 40 648 6 56 7 4 7 12 S. 16268 17128 1/971 18798 19610 860 843 827 Sl2 797 11.83732 82872 82029 81202 80390 8. 16273 I7I33 17976 18804 19616 S6o 843 828 812 797 11.83727 82867 &202J 81196 80384 lo. 00005 00005 00005 00005 00005 99995 99995 99995 99995 99995 10 I I 55 5 6 57 5 59 60 ii 52 40 52 S 2 52 24 52 16 52 8 52 o 7 20 728 7 36 7 44 1*0 8. 20407 21189 21958 2-713 23456 24186 702 769 755 743 73 7'7 i ; . ; - : . 78811 78042 77287 76544 75814 8.20413 21195 21964 22720 23462 24192 782 769 750 742 730 718 II.795S7 78805 78036 77280 76538 75808 10.00006 00006 00006 00006 00006 oooc 7 9-99994 99994 99994 99994 99994 99993 i 4 3 2 I M Hour r. Hour A. x Cosine. Diff. i' Secant. Cotangent Difl. i' Tangent Cosecant. Sine. M. SXP 89 178 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 1 ITS M. Hour A. M. Hour p. M. Sine. Diff. i'. Cosecant. Tangent. Diff. i'. Cotangent Secant. Cosine. M. O I 2 3 4 II 52 S I 52 5 1 44 5' 3 6 51 28 080 8 .8 8 16 8 24 832 8.24186 2493 25609 26304 26^88 7 1I 706 695 684 673 11.75814 7597 74391 73696 73012 8. 24191 24910 25616 26312 26996 718 706 696 684 673 II.7S8oS 75090 74384 73688 73004 10. 00007 00007 00007 00007 ooooS 9-99993 97993 99993 99993 99992 ' 59 5* 57 56 6 8 9 II 51 20 51 12 51 1 50 56 50 48 o 8 40 8 48 8 56 9 4 9 12 8.27661 28324 28977 29621 3 255 663 653 644 634 624 11.72339 71676 71023 70379 69745 8. 2-669 28332 28986 29629 30263 663 654 643 634 625 H. 7233 1 71668 71014 70371 <-">:.; 7 IO. 00008 ooooS 00008 ooooS 00009 9- 99992 99992 99992 99992 99991 55 54 53 5- 5' 10 ii 12 '3 14 11 50 40 5 32 50 24 50 16 50 8 o 9 20 9 2& 9 3 6 9 44 9 5 2 8. 30879 3 '495 32103 32702 33-92 616 608 599 590 533 11.69121 68505 67897 67298 66708 8.30888 3 '55 32112 32711 33302 617 607 599 59i 584 11.69112 68495 67888 67289 66698 10. 00009 00009 OOOIO OOOIO OOOIO 9- 99991 99991 99990 99990 2222; 5 49 4* 47 46 15 1 6 17 18 >9 II 50 o 49 52 49 44 49 36 49 28 IO O 10 8 10 16 10 24 10 32 8.33875 34-150 35018 35578 3613' III 560 553 .547 11.66125 65550 64982 64422 63869 8. 33886 34461 35029 35590 36143 575 &S 561 553 546 11.66114 65539 64971 64410 63857 10. OOOIO oooil OOOII OOOII OOOII \- ' 99989 99989 99989 99989 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 II 49 20 49 '2 49 4 48 56 48 48 o 10 40 10 48 10 56 ii 4 II 12 8. 36678 37217 37750 38276 38796 539 533 526 520 5H 11.63322 62783 62250 61724 61204 8. 36689 37229 37762 38289 38809 540 533 5*7 520 5'4 11.63341 62771 62238 61711 61191 IO. OOOI2 OOOI2 OOOI2 00013 00013 9- 99988 99088 99988 99987 99987 40 39 38 11 25 26 27 28 29 ii 48 40 48 32 48 24 48 16 48 8 II 20 II 28 II 36 ii 44 n 52 8- 393' 39818 40320 40816 41307 508 502 196 KM 485 11.60690 60182 59680 59184 58693 8- 393 2 3 39832 40334 40830 41321 509 502 496 491 486 11.60677 60168 59666 5917 58679 10. 00013 00014 00014 00014 0001^ 9. 99987 99986 99986 99986 99985 35 34 33 32 31 3 3' 32 33 34 II 48 o 47 5 2 47 44 47 36 47 28 O 12 12 8 12 16 12 24 12 32 8.41792 42272 42746 43216 43680 480 474 470 464 459 n. 5^208 57728 5/254 56/84 56320 8.41807 42287 42762 43232 43696 480 475 470 464 460 11.58193 57713 57238 56768 56304 10. 00015 00015 txx>i6 00016 00016 9.99985 99985 99934 99984 99984 3 29 28 11 35 3 6 9 39 H 47 20 47 12 47 4 46 56 46 48 12 40 12 48 12 56 13 4 13 12 8.44139 44594 45044 45489 4593 455 450 445 441 436 11.55861 55406 54956 545" 54070 8.44156" 44611. 45061 45507 4594S 455 450 446 441 437 11.55844 55389 54939 54493 54052 10. 00017 00017 00017 00018 oooiS 9- 999 S 3 99983 999S3 99982 99982 25 24 23 22 21 40 4' 42 43 44 ii 46 40 46 32 46 24 46 ID 46 8 a 13 20 13 28 '3 30 13 44 13 52 8. 46366 46799 47226 47650 433 427 424 419 416 H-S3 6 34 53201 52774 5?35o 5'93i 8. 46385 46817 47245 47669 48089 432 428 424 420 4l "536i5 53 '3 52755 52331 51911 10. 00018 00619 00019 00019 OOO2O o. 99982 99981 99901 99981 90980 IO 19 IS 17 16 45 46 47 48 49 II 46 45 52 45 44 45 36 45 28 o 14 o 14 8 14 16 14 24 14 32 8. 48485" 48896 4934 49708 50108 411 408 404 400 396 "51515 51104 50696 50292 49892 8. 48505 48917 49325 49/29 50139 412 408 404 401 397 11.51495 51083 5 675 50271 49870 IO. COD2O OOO2I OOO2I OOO2I OOO22 9.99980 99979 99979 99979 0:107$ '5 14 13 12 11 S u 51 S 2 53 54 ii 45 20 45 12 45 4 44 5 s 44 48 o 14 40 14 48 14 56 15 4 I 5 12 8. 554 50897 51287 51673 5 2 055 393 $ 370 11.49496 49103 48713 48327 47945 8. 50527 50920 5'3io 51696 52079 393 39o 386 3 ! 3 380 H-49473 49080 48690 48304 47921 IO. OOO22 ODO23 OO023 OO023 OOO24 9- 99978 99977 99977 99977 99976 ] : 6 55 5 P 59 60 II 44 40 44 32 44 24 44 16 44 8 44 o 15 20 15 28 15 36 15 44 15 52 16 o 8. 52434 52810 53183 53552 539'9 54282 375~ 373 369 367 363 360 11.47566 47190 46817 46448 46081 457i8 8. 52459 52835 53208 53573 53945 543 8 376 373 370 367 3 < 3 361 .4754 47165 46792 46422 46055 45692 10. 00024 00025 OO025 OOO25 00026 00026 9- 99976 99975 99975 99974 99974 99974 5 4 3 2 I O M. Hour P. M. Hour A. M. Cosine. Diff. i'. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. i'. Tangent. Cosecant Sine. M. 91 88 179 s SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 177 M. Hoia 1 A. M. Hour P.*I. Sine. Di i'. Cosecant. Tangent Diff. i'. Cotangent. Secant Cosine M. i 2 3 4 II 44 o 43 52 43 44 43 36 43 23 O 10 O' 16 8 16 16 16 24 16 32 8. 54282 54642 54999 55354 55705 360 357 355 35' 349 11.45718 45358 45001 44646 44295 8. 54308 54669 55027 55382 55734 36, 358 355 352 349 1 1. 45692 4533' 44973 44610 44266 lo. 00026 00027 00027 00028 00028 9 09974 99973 99973 99972 99972 60 52 5 57 S6 1 I 9 ii 43 20 43 12 43 4 42 56 42 48 o 16 40 16 48 16 56 17 4 17 12 8. 56054 56400 56743 57084 57421 346 343 341 337 336 11.43946 43600 43257 42916 42579 8. 56083 56429 56773 57"4 57452 346 344 341 338 3^6 11.43917 43571 43227 42885 42548 10. 00029 00029 00030 00030 __ 00031 9.99971 99971 99970 99970 99969 55 54 53 52 5' 10 ii 12 13 '4 ii 42 40 42 S 3 42 24 42 1 6 42 8 17 20' 17 28 1736 17 44 17 52 8-57757 58089 5 8 4i9 58747 59072 332 330 328 325 323 11.42243 41911 4I58I 41253 40928 8.57788 58121 58451 58779 59>o5 333 33 328 326 323 11.45212 41879 41549 41221 40895 10. 00031 00032 00032 00033 OOO 31 9. 99969 99968 99968 99967 99967 So 49 48 47 46 15 16 17 18 19 ii 42 o 41 52 41 44 41 3 6 41 28 o 18 o 18 8 i3 16 18 24 18 32 8. 59395 59715 60033 60349 60662 320 318 316 313. 3" 11.40605 40285 39967 39651 39338 8. 594=8 59749 60068 60384 60698 321 3'9 316 3H 3" 11.40572 40251 39932 39616 39302 10. 00033 00034 00034 00035 '00036 9. 99967 99966 99966 99965 99964 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 =3 =4 II 4! 20 41 12 41 4 40 56 40 48 o 18 40 J8 48 18 56 19 4 19 12 8. 60973 61282 61589 6.1894 62196 39 307 3=5 302 301 11.39027 38718 334" 38106 37804 8. 61009 61319 61626 61931 62234 310 307 303 33 301 11.38991 78681 28374 -,8069 37766 10.00036 00037 00037 00038 00038 9. 99964 99963 99963 99962 99962 40 ? 11 -5 CO ?3 7 29 ii 40 40 40 32 40 24 40 16 40 8 19 IJ 23 19 3 s 19 44 19-52 8. 62497 62705 63091 63385 63678 298 296 294 293 290 "3753 37205 36909 36615 36322 8.62535 62834 * 3 ' 3 I 63426 63718 299 237 295 292 291 11.37465 37166 36869 36574 .36=82 10. 00039 00039 00040 00040 00041 9- 9996i 99961 99960 99960 99959 35 34 33 32 3i 30 31 32 33 34 n 40 o 39 5 2 39 44 33 36 39 28 O 20 20 8 20 16 20 24 20 32 8. 63968 64256 64543 64827 65110 288 287 284 283 281 21.36032 35744 35457 35 '73 34890 8. 64009 64298 64585 64870 fcS'St 2Sg 287 285 284 281 1 1- 3599' 35702 35415 35130 34846 10. 00041 00042 00042 00043 00044 9- 99959 99958 99958 99957 99956- 3 2 9 28 27 26 35 3 % X* 39 ;i 39 20 39 12 39 4 38 56 3848 o 20 40 20 4" 20 56 21 4 21 12 8. 65391 65670 65947 66223 66497 279 277 276 274 272 11.34609 3433 34053 33777 3353 8. 65435 65715 65993 66269 66543 280 278 276 274 273 "34565 34285 34007 3373' 33457 10. 00044 00045 00045 00046 00046 9. 99956 99955 99955 99954 99954 25 24 23 22 21 40 4' 42 43 44 ii 38 40 38 32 38 24 38 1 5 38 8 O 21 2O 21 28 21 S 6 21 44 21 52 8. 66769 67039 67308 67575 67841 270 269 267 266 263 "33231 32961 32692 32425 32159 8.66816 67087 6 SI S6 67624 67890 2 r 269 268 266 264 11.33184 32913 32644 32376 32110 10. 00047 00048 00048 00049 00049 9- 90953 99952 99952 99951 99951 2O 19 18 17 16 4 I 46 47 48 49 ii 38 o 37 52 37 44 37 36 37 28 22 22 8 22 l6 22 24 22 32 8.68104 68367 68627 68886 69144 263 260 259 258 256 11.31896 31633 3'373 ' 3"'4 30856 8.68154 68417 68673 68938 69196 263 261 260 258 257 11.31846 31583 31322 31062 30804 lo. 00050 00051 00051 00052 00052 9- 9995 s 99949 99949 99948 09948 IS 14 13 12 II 50 5' 52 53 54 n 37 23 37 12 3 l i & 56 36 48 O 22 40 22 48 22 56 23 4 23 12 8. 69400 69654 69907 7 I59 70409 254 253 252 250 249 ii. 30600 30346 3 00 93 29841 29591 8. 69453 69708 69962 70214 70465 255 254 252 251 249 n. 3547 30292 30038 29786 29535 10. 00053 00054 00054 00055 00056 9. 99947 99946 99946 99945 99944 10 o. 8 6 !i !i g n 36 40 36 32 36 24 36 16 36 8 36 o 23 20 23 28 23 36 23 44 23 52 24 o 8. 70658 70905 71151 71395 71638 71880 247 246 244 243 242 240 11.29342 29095 28849 28605 28362 28120 8. 70714 70962 71208 71453 71697 71940 248 246 245 244 243 241 n. 29286 29038 28792 28547 28303 28060 10. 00056 00057 00058 00058 00059 00060 9. 99944 99943" 99942 99942 99941 99940 5 4 3 2 I O M. Hour p. M. Hour A. u. Cosine. Diff. i'. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. i'. Tangent. Cosecant. Sine. M. 92 81 180 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 3 110 11. Hour A. H. Hour P.M. Sine. Diff. i'. Cosecant. Tangent. Did. i'. Cotangent. Secan'. Cosine. M. o i 2 3 4 II 36 35 5 2 35 44 35 3 6 35 =8 o 24 o 24 8 24 16 24 24 24 ! 8. 71880 721:0 72359 72S97 7^34 240 239 23 237 235 II. 281:0 27SSO 27641 2/403 27166 8. 71940 72l8l 72420 7:659 7:896 241 2-39 239 237 236 1 1. 28060 27819 27580 27341 27104 IO. 00060 00060 00061 00062 00062 9- 90940 99940 90939 9993 s 99938 60 59 5 57 56 I 8 9 11 35 20 35 2 35 4 34 5 6 34 48 o 24 4 > 24 48 24 56 25 4 25 12 8. 73069 7333 73535 73 T" 7 73997 2 34 232 232 230 229 11.26931 26697 26465 26233 26003 8- 73 '32 7336 73600 73832 74063 234 234 232 23" 2:9 1 1 . 26868 26634 26400 26168 2 5937 10. 00063 00064 00064 00065 00066 9- 99937 99936 9993 6 99935 99934 55 54 53 52 SJ 10 ii 12 13 '4 II 34 40 34 32 34 24 34 16 34 8 o 25 20 25 2S 25 3 6 25 44 25 52 8. 74226 74454 74680 74906 75 '30 228 226 226 224 223 11.25774 25546 25320 25094 24870 8. 74:92 745 =! 74748 74974 75'99 229 227 226 225 224 II. 25708 25479 25252 250:6 2480! 10. 00066 00067 00068 00068 00069 9- 99934 99933 99932 99932 9993' 5 49 48 47 46 '5 16 \l iq ii 34 o 33 52 33 44 33 3 6 33 28 o 26 o 26 8 26 16 26 44 26 32 8- 75353 75575 75795 76015 7 6 234 222 220 22O 219 217 II. 24647 24425 24205 23985 23766 8- 75423 75 6 45 75867 76087 76306 222 222 22O 219 2IQ 11.24577 24355 24133 239 '3 23694 10. 00070 00071 00071 00072 00073 9- 9993 999:9 99929 999:8 909:7 45 44 43 42 4' 20 21 22 23 24 ii 33 20 33 '2 33 4 32 5 6 32 48 o 26 40 26 48 26 56 S7 4 27 12 8. 76451 76667 76883 7797 773 10 216 216 214 213 212 11.23549 23333 23H7 22903 22690 8. 76525 76742 76958 77'73 773 S 7 217 216 215 214 213 11.23475 23258 23042 22827 2:613 10. 00074 00074 00075 00076 00077 9- 999^6 99926 99925 99924 99923 40 39 38 37 36 25 26 27 28 29 ii 32 40 32 32 32 24 32 16 32 8 o 27 20 27 28 27 36 27 44 27 52 8. 77522 77733 77943 78152 78360 211 210 20 9 208 208 11.22478 22267 22057 2lS 4 S 21640 8. 77600 77811 78022 78232 78441 211 211 2IO 209 20S ii. 22400 22189 21978 21768 21559 10. 00077 00078 00079 oooSo 00080 9. 999:3 99922 99921 999:0 999:0 35 34 33 32 3J 3 3< 32 33 34 ii 32 o 3' 52 3 44 3' 3 6 31 28 o 28 o 28 8 28 16 28 24 28 32 8. 78568 78774 78979 79i8 3 793 86 206 205 204 203 202 11.21432 21226 2I02I 20817 20614 8. 78649 78855 79061 79266 7947 206 206 205 204 203 ii. 21351 21145 20939 20734 20530 10. 00081 00082 00083 00083 00084 9.99919 99918 99917 99917 99916 3 29 28 27 26 P i? 39 ii 31 20 31 12 31 i 3 56 30 48 o 28 40 28 48 28 56 29 4 29 12 8. 79588 797S9 79990 80189 80388 201 201 199 199 '97 II. 20412 202 1 1 200 1 igSlI 19612 8. 79 6 73 79875 80076 80277 80476 202 2O I 201 199 igS 11.20327 20125 19924 19723 19524 10. 00085 00086 1)0087 00087 oooSS 9.99915 99914 99913 999"3 99912 25 24 23 22 21 40 4' 42 43 44 II 30 40 3 3 2 3 24 30 16 30 8 o 29 20 29 28 29 3 6 29 44 29 52 8. 80585 80782 80978 8n73 81367 197 196 95 194 193 II. I94K I92IS 19022 18827 18633 8. 80674 80872 81068 81264 81459 108 196 196 '95 194 ii. 193:6 19128 18932 18736 18541 10. 00089 00090 00091 00091 00092 9.99911 99910 99909 99909 99908 :o 19 18 17 16 45 46 47 48 49 ii 30 o 29 52 29 44 29 36 29 28 o 30 o 30 8 30 16 3 24 30 32 8.81560 81752 81944 82134 82324 192 192 190 190 189 II. 18440 18248 18056 17866 17676 8. 81653 81846 82038 82230 824:0 193 192 192 190 190 11.18347 18154 17962 17770 I758o 10. 00093 00094 00095 00096 00096 9- 9997 99906 99905 99904 99904 15 '4 3 12 II 5 51 52 53 54 n 29 20 29 12 28 56 28 48 o 30 40 3 48 30 56 31 4 31 12 8.82513 82701 82888 83075 83261 188 187 187 1 86 185 11.17487 17299 I7II2 16925 16730 8. 82610 82799 82987 83'75 83361 189 188 iS8 1 86 1 86 ii. 17390 17201 7 '3 16825 16639 10. 00097 00098 00099 OOIOO OOIOI 9- 99903 99902 99901 99900 99899 10 6 55 5 6 ii II 28 40 28 32 28 24 28 16 28 8 28 o o 31 20 31 28 3' 36 3 44 31 S* 32 o 8. 83446 83630 83817 83996 84177 8435 184 183 '! 3 iSi 181 181 II.l655 4 16370 16187 I6OO4 15823 15642 8- 83547 83732 83916 84100 84282 84464 ^ S 184 184 182 ia 182 II. 16453 16268 16084 15900 I57I8 '5536 IO. OOI02 OOIO2 OOIO3 OOIO4 OOIO? OOIOO 9- 99898 99898 99897 99896 99895 99894 5 4 3 2 I M. Hour p, M. Hour A.M. Coa'.rc, Diff, i'. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. i' Tangent. Cosecant. Sine. M. 93 86 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 4 . 175 M. Hour A. M. Hour p. M. Sine. Dlff. i'. Cosecant. Tangent. Dlff. i'. Cotangent. Secant Cosine. M. I 2 3 4 II 28 27 52 27 44 27 3 6 27 28 O 32 o 32 8 32 16 .32 24 32 32 8. 84358 84539 84718 84897 8 575 181 179 179 I 7 8 177 II. 15642 15461 15282 '5'3 14925 8. 84464 84646 84826 85006 85185 182 1 80 i So 179 178 "15536 '5354 '5' 74 14994 14815 IO. 00106 00107 ooioS 00109 00109 9. 99894 99893 99892 99891 99891 60 59 58 11 8 9 II 27 20 27 12 27 A 26 56 26 48 o 32 40 32 48 32 56 33 4 33 12 8. 85252 85429 85605 85780 85955 177 I 7 6 175 175 173 II. 14748 I457I '4395 14220 14045 8. 85363 85540 85717 85% 86069 177 '77 176 176 '74 11. 14637 14460 14283 14107 I393I 10. oo no OOIII 001 12 00113 00114 9. 99890 99889 99888 99887 99886 55 54 53 52 5' 10 II 12 13 14 II 26 40 26 32 26 24 26 l6 26 8 o 33 20 33 28 33 36 33 44 33 S 2 8.86128 86301 86474 86645 86816 173 173 171 171 171 II. 13872 13699 '3526 '3355 13184 8. 86243 86417 86591 86763 86935 '74 '74 172 172 171 "'3757 '3583 '3409 '3 2 37 13065 10. 00115 001 ID OOII7 OOIlS OOII9 9. 99885 99884 99883 99882 99881 5o 49 48 47 46. ;? 17 18 19 II 26 O 25 52 25 44 25 3 6 25 28 34 o 34 8 34 '6 34 2 4 34 32 8. 86987 87156 87325 87494 87661 169 169 i6J> 167 168 ii. 13013 12844 12675 12506 12339 8. 87106 87277 87447 87616 87785 171 170 169 169 1 68 ii. 12894 12723 12553 12384 12215 10. 00120 OOI2I OOI2I OOI22 OOI23 9. 99880 99879 99879 99878 99877 45 44 43 42 4' 20 21 22 2 3 24 ii 25 20 25 12 25 2 24 5 6 24 48 o 34 40 34 43 34 5 6 35 4 35 '2 8. 87829 87995 88161 88326 88490 166 166 165 164 164 n. 12171 12005 11839 11674 11510 8- 87953 88120 88287 88453 88618 167 167 166 '65 '65 ii. 12047 1 1 880 "7'3 "547 11382 10. 00124 00125 OOI26 00127 OOI28 9- 99876 99875 99874 99873 99872 4 3 ?, 38 3 l 36 25 26 27 28 29 ii 24 40 24 3 2 24 24 24 16 24 8 o 35 20 35 28 35 36 35 44 35 52 8. 88654 88817 88980 89142 89304 '< 3 '63 162 162 1 60 ii. 11346 11183 1 1 020 10858 10696 8. 88783 88948 89111 89274 89437 165 '63 '63 '63 161 ii. 11217 11052 10889 10726 10563 10. 00129 00130 00131 OCH32 00133 9. 99871 99870 99869 99868 99867 35 34 33 3 2 3' 3 3i 3 2 33 34 ii 24 o 23 S 2 23 44 23 S 6 23 28 o 36 o 36 8 36 16 36 24 3 32 8. 89464 89625 89784 89943 90102 161 159 '59 '59 158 ii. 10536 l375 10216 10057 09898 8. 89598 89760 89920 90080 90240 162 1 60 1 60 1 60 '59 ii. 10402 10240 10080 09920 09760 10. 00134 00135 00136 00137 00138 9. 99866 99865 99864 99863 99862 3 29 28 2 l 26 3 ! 36 37 38 39 II 23 20 23 12 23 4 22 56 22 48 o 36 40 36 48 36 56 37 4 37 '2 8. 90260 90417 90574 90730 90885 '57 I5 I 156 '55 155 II. 09740 09583 09426 09270 09115 8. 90399 90557 90715 90872 91029 158 158 '57 '57 '56 ii. 09601 09443 09285 09128 08971 10. 00139 00140 00141 00142 00 '43 9. 99861 99860 99859 99858 99857 25 24 23 22 21 40 41 42 43 44 II 22 40 22 32 22 24 22 ID 22 8 o 37 20 37 28 37 3 6 37 44 37 52 8. 91040 91195 91349 91502 91655 '55 '54 '53 '53 152 II. 08960 08805 0865! 08498 08345 8.91185 9 '340 9'495 91650 91803 '55 '55 '55 '53 '54 11.08815 08660 08505 08350 08197 10. 00144 00145 00146 00147 00148 9- 99856 99855 99854 99853 99852 20 '9 18 17 16 45 46 47 48 49 II 22 O 21 52 21 44 21 36 21 28 o 38 o 38 8 38 16 3 24 38 32 S. 91807 9'959 92110 92261 92411 152 '5' '5' 150 150 II. 08193 08041 07890 7739 07589 8. 91957 92110 92262 92414 92565 '53 '52 152 '5' 'Si ii. 08043 07890 07738 07586 07435 10. 00149' 00150 00152 00153 00154 9.99851 99850 99848 99847 99846 IS H 13 12 II 5 5' 52 53 54 II 21 20 21 12 21 4 20 56 20 48 o 38 40 38 48 38 56 39 4 39 12 8. 92561 92710 92859 93007 93154 '49 '49 148 '47 147 11.07439 07200 07141 06903 06846 8.92716 92866 93016 93165 93313 150 150 '49 148 149 n. 0.7284 07134 06984 06035 06687 10. 00155 00156 00157 00158 00159 9- 99845 99844 99843 99842 99841 10 I 55 5 6 ii 59 60 II 2O 40 20 32 2O 24 20 10 20 8 20 o o 39 20 39 28 39 3 6 39 44 39 5 2 40 o 8. 93301 93448 93594 9374 93885 94030 H l 146 146 '45 '45 44 li. 06699 06552 06406 06260 06115 05970 8. 93462 93609 93 75 6 93903 94049 94195 '47 '47 147 146 146 '45 11.06538 06391 06244 06097 05951 05805 10. 00160 00161 00162 00163 00164 00166 9- 99840 99839 99838 99837 99836 99834 5 4 3 2 I O M. Hour p. M. Hour A. M. Cosine. Difi. i'. Secant Cotangent. Diff. i'. Tangent. Cosecant. Sine. M. 94 85 18. SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 5 174 M. Hour A. M. Hour p. M. Sine. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent Diff. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. O I 2 3 4 II 20 OO 1952 "9 44 '936 19 28 0.40 o 40 8 40 16 40 24 40 32 8. 94030 94' 74 943 '7 94461 94603 o 2 4 7 9 11.05970 05826 05683 05539 05397 8. 94195 94340 94485 94630 94773 O 2 4 7 9 II. 05805 05660 55'5 053/0 05227 10. 00166 00167 00168 00169 00170 o o o o 9- 99834 99 8 33 99832 99831 99830 60 59 58 57 56 8 9 II 19 20 19 12 19 4 18 56 18 48 o 40 40 40 48 40 56 41 4 4! 12 8. 94746 94887 95029 95170 953' ii '3 15 20 11.05254 053 04971 04830 04690 8. 94917 95060 95202 95344 95486 ii "3 18 20 n. 05083 04940 04798 04656 04514 10. 00171 00172 00173 00175 00176 o o o o o 9. 09829 99828 99827 99825 99824 55 54 53 5 2 5' 10 ii 12 '3 14 II 1 8 40 18 32 18 24 iS 16 18 8 O 41 20 41 28 41 3 6 41 44 41 52 8. 95450 955 8 9 95728 95867 96005 22 24 26 29 3' n. 04550 04411 04272 433 03995 8.95627 95767 95908 90047 96187 22 24 27 29 3 1 11.04373 04233 04092 03953 03813 10. 00177 00178 00179 00180 00181 o o o o o 9- 99823 99822 99821 99820 99819 So 49 48 47 46 15 10 17 18 19 ii 18 o 1752 '744 1736 17 28 o 42 o 42 8 42 16 42 24 42 32 8. 96143 96280 96417 96553 96689 33 35 37 39 42 11.03857 03720 03583 03447 03311 8. 96325 96464 96602 96739 96877 33 35 38 40 42 11.03675 03536 03398 03261 03123 10. 00183 00184 00185 00186 00187 o o o o 9.99817 99816 99815 99814 99813 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 II I 7 20 1712 17 4 16 56 16 48 o 42 40 42 48 42 5 6 43 4 43 I2 8. 96825 96960 9795 97229 97363 44 46 48 5 53 11.03175 03040 02905 02771 02637 8.97013 97150 97285 97421 9755 6 44 46 49 5' 53 n. 02987 02850 02715 02579 02444 10. 00188 00190 00191 00192 00193 o o o o 9. 99812 99810 99809 99808 99807 40 39 3* 37 3& 25 26 27 28 29 ii 16 40 16 32 16 24 16 16 16 8 o 43 20 43 28 43 3 6 43 44 43 52 8. 97496 97629 97762 97894 98026 55 57 59 61 64 ii. 02504 02371 02238 02106 01974 8. 97691 97825 97959 98092 98225 ii 60 62 64 ii. 02399 02175 02041 01908 01775 10. 00194 00196 00197 00198 00199 9. 99806 99804 99803 99802 99801 35 34 33 3 2 3' 3 3' 32 33 34 II 16 o 1552 >544 1536 15 28 o 44 o 44 44 6 44 24 44 32 8.98157 98288 98419 98549 98679 66 68 70 72 75 ii. 01843 01712 01581 01451 01321 8. 98358 98490 98622 98753 98884 6t> 69 71 73 75 ii. 61642 01510 01378 01247. on 16 IO. O0200 OO2O2 OO2O3 00204 00205 9. 99800 99798 99797 99796 99795 3 29 28 27 26 3 9 39 II 15 20 15 12 'S 4 14 56 1448 o 44 40 44 48 44 56 45 4 45 '2 8. 98808 9 S 937 99066 99194 99322 77 79 81 83 86 11.01192 01063 00934 00806 00678 8.99015 99145 99275 9945 99534 77 80 82 84 86 n. 00985 00855 00725 00595 004.66 lo. 00207 OO2o8 O0209 O02IO O02I2 9- 99793 99792 99791 99790 99788 25 24 23 22 21 40 4" 42 43, 44 11 14 40 1432 14 24 14 16 14 8 o 45 20 45 28 45 36 45 44 45 5 2 8. 9945 99577 99704 99830 99956 88 90 92 94 96 ii. 00550 00423 00296 00170 00044 8. 99662 99791 99919 9. 00046 00174 89 91 93 95 97 11.00338 00209 00081 10. 99954 99826 10.00213 O02I4 00215 O02I7 00218 ) 9- 99787 99786 99785 99783 99782 20 19 18 '7 16 45 46 47 48 49 ii 14 o 1352 '344 1336 13 28 o 46 o 46 8 46 16 46 24 46 3 2 9. 00082 00207 00332 00456 00581 99 101 3 105 107 16. 99918 99793 99668 99544 99419 9. 00301 00427 00553 00679 00801; IOO 102 104 1 06 108 10. 99699 99573 99447 99321 99'95 10. 00219 O0220 OO222 OO223 OO224 9- 9978i 99780 99778 99777 99776 '5 14 '3 12 II 5 5' 52 53 54 II 13 20 13 12 13 1 12 56 12 48 o 46 40 46 48 46 56 47 4 47 12 9. 00704 00828 -0095J. 01074 01196 no 112 114 116 118 10. 99296 99172 99049 98926 98804 9- 00930 01055 01 1 79 01303 01427 111 "3 "5 "7 120 10. 99070 98945 98821 98697 98573 10. 00225 CO227 00228 OO229 OO23I 9- 99775 99773 99772 99771 99769 10 6 55 5 11 8 II 12 40 12 32 12 24 12 l6 12 8 12 o 47 20 47 28 47 36 47 44 47 52 48 o 9. 01318 01440 01561 01682 01803 01923 121 123 125 127 129 '32 10. 98682 98560 98439 98318 98197 98077 9.01550 01673 01796 01918 02040 02162 122 124 126 128 3' 133 10. 98450 98327 98204 98082 97960 97838 10. 00232 00233 00235 00230 00237 00239 99768 99767 99765 99764 99763 99761 5 4 3 2 I It. Hour i". a. Hour A. M. Cosine. D1S. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. &MR6. M. 95 84 f SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. C .. m M. Hour A. M. Hour P.M. Sine. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent Diff. Cotangent. Secant, Diff. Cosine. M. o I 2 3 4. II 12 O II 52 1144 II 36 II 28 O 48 48 8 48 16 48 24 48 32 9- 01923 02043 02163 02283 02402 O 2 7 10. 98077 97957 9737 97717 97598 9.02162 02283 02404 02525 02645 O 2 4 6 8 10. 97838 97717 97596 97475 97355 10. 00239 00240 0024! 00243 00244 O O o o o 9- 9976i 99760 99759 99757 99756 60 59 58 11 I 9 II I I 2O II 12 ii 4 10 56 10 48 48 40 48 48 4 8 56 49 4 49 12 9. 02520 02639 0275.7 02874 02992 Q 11 3 '5 17 10. 97480 973 61 97243 97126 97008 9. os."66 02885 03005 03124 03242 9 ii '3 IS 7 13. 97234 97"5 96995 96876 96758 10, 00245 00247 00248 00249 00251 o o o o 9-99755 99753 99752 99751 99749 55 54 53 52 5 10 II 12 '3 14 II 10 40 10 32 10 24 10 16 10 8 o 49 20 49 28 49 3 6 49 44 49 5 2 9. 03109 03226 03342 03458 03574 19 20 22 24 26 10. 96891 96774 96658 96542 96426 9- 9336i 03479 03597 03^14 03832 19 21 23 24 26 10. 96639 96521 96403 96286 96168 10.00252 00253 00255 00256 00258 o o o 9- 99748 99747 99745 99744 99742 So 49 48 47 46 11 17 18 9 II 10 9 5 2 944 936 9 28 o 50 o 50 8 50' 1 6 50 24 50 32 9. 03690 03805 03920 04034 04M9 28 3 3 33 35 10.96310 96195 96080 95966 95851 9- 3948 04065 94181 04297 04413 28 3 32 3 t 36 10. 96052 95935 95819 95703 95-587 10. 00259 00260 00262 00263 00264 o o o 9- 99741 99740 9973 s 99737 99736 45 44 43 42 4' 20 21 22 23 24 II 9 20 9 12 9 4 856 848 o 50 40 50- 48 50 56 5' 4 51 12 9. 04262 0437 6 04490 04603 04715 37 39 Al 43 44 10.95738 95624 95510 95397 95285 9. 04528 04643 04758 04873 04987 3 39 4 43 45 10. 95472 9535,7 95242 95127 95'3 10. 00266 00267 00269 00270 00272 9- 99734 99733 9973' 9973 99728 40 39 38 9 II 12 29 II 8 40 832. 8 24 8 16 8 8 51 20 51 28 5" 36 51 44 5' 52 9. 04828 04940 05052 05164 05275 4 b 48 5 52 54 10.95172 95060 94948 94836 94725 9.05101 '05214 05328 05441 05553 47 49 5 53 54 10. 94899 94786 94672 94559 94447 10. 00373 00274 00276 00277 00279 9.99727 99726 99724 99723 99721 35 34 33 32 3i 3 Si 32 33 34 II 8 o 752 744 736 728 o 52 o 52 8 52 16 52 24 52 32 9. 05386 05497 05607 05717 05827 56 57 0? 3 10.94614 9453 94393 94283 94173 9. 05666 05778 05890 06002 06113 50 58 60 62 64 IP. 94334 94222 94110 9399 s 93887 10. 00280 00282 00283 00284 00286 9- 99720 99718 997' 7 99716 997M 3 20 28 27 26 35 36 37 38 39 ii 7 20 712 7 4 656 648 o 52 40 52 48 52 56 53 4 53 '2 9-05937 06046 6'5S 06264 06372 65 67 69 70 72 10. 94063 93954 93 8 45 93736 93628 9. 06224 06335 06445 06556 06666 66 68 69 7' 73 10. 93776 93665 93555 93444 93334 10. 00287 00289 00290 00292 00293 9-997I3 99711 99710 99708 99ro7 25 24 23 22 21 40 41 42 43 44 ii 6 40 632 624 6j6 6 8 o 53 20 53 28 53 36 53 44 53 52 9.06481 06589 06696 06804 06911 74 76 Si 10.93519 934" 9334 93196 93089 9- 06775 06885 06994 07103 07211 75 77 79 Si 83 10. 93225 93"5 93006 92897 92789 10. 00295 00296 00298 00299 00301 9- 99705 99704 99702 99701 99699 20 19 II 45 46 47 48 49 II 6 o 552 5 44 536 528 o 54 o 54 8 54 16 54 24 54 32 9.07018 07124 07231 07337 07442 3 85 87 89 9 10. 92982 92876 92769 92663 92558 9- 07320 07428 753 6 07643 07751 84 86 88 90 92 10. 92680 92572 92404 92357 92249 10. 00302 00304 00305 00307 00308 9- 99698 99696 99695 99693 99692 '5 '4 '3 12 II 5 51 52 53 54 ii 5 20 5 12 5 4 456 448 o 54 40 54 48 54 56 55 4 55 12 9- 7 I )43 0/653 07758 0786? 07968 93 94 96 98 100 10. 92452 92347 92242 92137 92032 9. 07858 07964 08071 08177 08283 94 96 98 99 IOI 10.92142 92036 91929 91823 91717 10.00310 00311 00313 00314 00316 9- 99690 99689 99687 99686 99684 10 6 P. U 59 60 ii 440 432 424 416 4 * 4 6 o 55 20 55 28 55 36 55 44 55 52 56 o 9. 08072 08176 08280 08383 08486 08589 102 104 106 107 109 in 10. 91928 91824 91720 91617 91514 91411 9. 08389 08495 08600 08705 08810 08914 '3 105 107 109 in 113 10.91011 91505 91400 91295 91190 91086 10.00317 00319 00320 OQ322 00323 00325 9- 99683 99681 99680 99678 99677 99675 5 4 3 2 I M. Hour p. M. Hour A. M. Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. Sine. M. 96 '88 s SIXES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 7 172 M. Hour A. M. Hour r. M. Sine. Did Cosecant. Tangent. Diff. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. O I 2 3 4 1140 362 3 44 336 3^2 O 56 O 56 8 56 16 56 24 56 32 9. 08589 08692 08795 08897 08909 : 3 6 10.9141! 91308 91205 91103 9IOOI 9. 08914 09019 09123 09227 09330 O 2 3 5 7 10.91086 90981 90877 9773 00670 10. 00325 .00326 00328 00330 00331 O o o. a o 9- 99675 99674 99672 $9670 99669 60 59 58 57 5* 6 8 9 ii 3 20 3 '2 3 4 256 2 48 o 56 40 56 48 56 56 57 4 J7 12 9.09101 09202 093 4 09405 09506 8 10 ii 13 '4 10. 00899 90798 90696 90595 90494 9- 09434 09537 09640 09742 09845 8 10 ii 13 15 10. 90566 90463 90360 90258 90155 10. 00333 00334 00336 00337 00339 o o o o o 9.99667 99666 99664 99663 99661 55 54 53 52 5i 10 ii 12 13 14 II 2 40 2 3 2 2 24 2 l6 2 8 o 57 20 57 28 57 36 57 44 57 5-2 o. 09606 09707 09807 09907 10006 16 18 9 21 22 10. 90394 90293 S3I93 90093 89994 9- 9947 10049 10150 10252 10353 16 18 20 21 2.3 10. 90053 89951 89850.. 89-48 89647 10. 00341 00342 00344 00345 00347 o o o o o 9. 99659 99658 99656 99655 99653 50 49 48 47 46 15 16 17 18 19 II 2 52 44 36 28 o 58 o 58 8 58 16 53 24 5^32 o. 10106 10205 10304 10402 10501 24 26 27 29 3 10. 89894 9795 89696 89598 59499 -0- 10454 i555 10656 10756 10856 24 26 28 2 9 3' TO. 89546 89445 89344 89244 89144 10. 00349 00350 00352 00353 00355 o o o I I 9.99651 99650 99648 99647 90645 45 44 43 42 4i 20 21 22 2 Z 24 II 20 12 4 o 56 048 o 58 40 58 48 58 56 59 4 59 12 9- "0599 10697 10795 10893 10990 32 34 35 ii 10. 89401 89303 89205 89107 89010 9. 10956 11056 11155 11254 "353 33 34 36 37 39 10. 89044 88944 88845 88746 88647 10.00357 00358 00360 00362 00363 9- 99643 99642 99640 99638 99637 40 39 38 37 3^ 2 l 26 27 28 29 II O 40 032 o 24 o 16 o 8 o 59 20 59 28 59 36 59 44 59 5 2 9. 11087 11184 11281 "377 11474 40 42 43 4 4 46 10.88913 SSSi6 88719 88623 88526 9. 11452 -"SSI 11649 "747 11845 4i 42 44 46 47 10. 88548 88449 88351 88253 88155 to. 00365 00367 00368 00370 00371 9- 99635 99633 99632 99630 99629 35 34 33 r- 31 30 31 32 33 34 II O O 10 59 52 5944 59'3& 5928 100 o 8 o 16 o 24 o 32 9.11570 ; II666 II76l Il8 57 II952 48 50 5! 53 54 10. 88430 88334 88239 88143 88048 9- "943 12040 12138 12235 12332 49 51 52 54 SS 10.88057 87960 87862 87765 87668 10. 00373 00375 00376 00378 00380 9- 99627 99625 99624 99622 99620 30 29 28 27 26 35 36 11 39 10 59 20 59 '2 59 4 5856 58-48 I O 40 o 48 o 56 4 12 9. 12047 I2I42 12236 12331 12425 56 58 59 6j 62 10. 87953 87858 87764 87669 87575 9. 12428 .12525 12621 12717 128-3 57 I 9 60 62 64 10.87572 87475 87379 87283 87187 10. 00382 00383 00385 00387 00388 9.99618 99617 99615 99613 99612 25 24 23 22 21 40 4i 42 43 44 10 58 40 5832 5824 58 16 58 8 I 20 28 36 44 S 2 9.12519 12612 12706 12799 12892 64 66 67 69 70 10. 87481 87388 87294 87201 87108 9. 12909 13004 13099 13194 13289 65 tl 70 72 10. 87091 86996 86901 86806 86711 10. 00390 00392 00393 00395 00397 9. 99610 99608 99607 99605 99603 20 19 18 i? 16 45 46 47 48 49 10 58 o 5752 5744 5736 5728 120 2 8 2 16 2 2 4 2 3 2 9. 12985 13078 '3'7i 13263 "3355 72 74 75 77 78 10.87015 86922 86-829 86737 86645 9- 3384 34/S '3573 13667 13761 73 75 I 1 So 10.86616 86522 86427 86333 86239 10. 00399 00400 00402 00404 00405 9.99601 99600 99508 99596 99595 '5 14 '3 12 II 5" Si 2 53 54 10 57 20 57 12 57 4 5656 5648 I 2 40 2 48 2 5 6 3 4 3 '2 9- '3447 '3539 I3 6 3o 13722 13813 So 82 f 3 85 8? 10. 86553 86461 86370 86270 86187 9- 13854 I394S 14041 I4I34 14227 fci 83 85 86 88 10.86146 86052 85959 85866 85773 10. 00407 00409 00411 00412 00414 2 9- 99&3 99591 99589 99588 99586 IO I i 58 s 10 56 40 5632 5&2 4 56 16 56 8 56 o i 3 20 3 28 336 3 44 3 52 4 o 9. 13904 13994 14085 I4I75 14266 I435 6 88 90 91 93 9 10.86096 86006 85915 85825 85734 85044 9- 14320 14412 14504 14597 14688 14780 90 91 93 21 Ob 98 10. 85680 S 55 S8 85496 854P3 85312 85220 10. 00416 004*8 00419 00421 00423 00425 2 2 2 2 2 2 9- 995 S 4 99582 9958i 99579 99577 99575 S 4 3 2 I O M. Hour P.M. HOU/A.M. Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent. D\a. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff Sine. M. 97 82 185 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 8 171 M. Hour A. M. Hour p. M. Sine. Diff. Cosecant Tangent. Diff. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. O I 2 3 4 10 56 o 55 S2 5544 55 3 6 5528 I 4 4 8 4 if) 4 24 4 3 2 9- I435 6 14445 I453S 14624 I47H O I 3 4 6 10. 85644 85555 85465 853/6 85286 9. 14780 14872 M963 5054 I5H5 O I 3 4 6 IO. 85220 85128 85037 84946 84855 IO. 00425 00426 00428 00430 00432 O o o o 9- 99575 99574 99572 9957 99568 60 59 5S H 6 8 9 10 55 20 55 12 55 4 5456 5448 I 4 40 4 48 4 5 6 5 4 5 i 2 9- 14803 14891 14980 15069 I5I57 8 IO ii '3 10. 85197 85109 85020 84931 84843 9- 15236 J5327 I54'7 15508 15598 7 9 IO 12 13 io. 84764 84673 84583 84492 84402 io. 00434 00435 00437 00439 00441 o o o o 9- 99566 99565 99563 99561 99559 55 54 53 S 2 S' 10 ii 12 13 14 10 54 40 5432 5424 54 16 54 8 I 5 20 5 28 5 36 5 44 5 52 9-15245 15333 15421 15508 15596 14 16 i? 18 20 10. 84755 84667 84579 84492 84404 9. 15688 15777 15867 15956 16046 H 16 17 19 20 io. 84312 84223 84133 84044 83954 io. 00443 00444 00446 00448 00450 o o o o o 9-99557 99S5 6 99554 99552 9955 50 49 48 47 46 3 \l '9 10 54 o 5352 5344 5336 5328 i 6 o 6 8 6 16 6 24 6 32 9- 15683 15770 15857 15944 16030 21 23 24 25 27 10.84317 84330 84143 84056 83970 9- 16135 16224 16312 16401 16489 22 23 25 26 27 io. 83865 83776 83688 83599 83511- io. 00452 00454 00455 00457 00459 o 9- 99548 99546 99545 99543 9954' 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 10 53 20 53 I2 53 4 S 2 5 6 5248 i 6 40 6 48 6 56 7 4 7 '2 9. 16116 16203 16289 i 6 374 16460 28 3 3i 32 34 10. 83884 83797 83711 83626 83540 9. 16577 16665 16753 16841 16928 2 9 3 S 2 33 35 io. 83423 83335 83247 8 3 '59 83072 io. 00461 00463 00465 00467 00468 9- 99539 99537 99535 99533 99532 40 39 38 12 25 26 27 28 29 10 52 40 5232 15224 52 16 52 8 I 7 20 7 28 736 7 44 7 52 9.16545 16631 16716 16801 16886 35 $ 39 4i 10.83455 83369 83284 83199 83114 9. 17016 17103 17190 17277 17363 36 37 39 40 42 io. 82984 82897 82810 82723 82637 io. 00470 00472 00474 00476 00478 9- 9953 99528 99526 99524 99522 35 34 33 32 31 3 3 1 3 2 33 34 10 52 o 5' 52 5 1 44 5' 36 51 28 i 8 o 8 8 8 16 8 24 832 9. 16970 17055 I7I39 17223 I73 7 42 44 45 47 48 10. 83030 82945 82861 82777 82693 9- 1 745 17536 17622 17708 17794 43 4 46 48 49 10.82550 82464 82378 82292 82206 io. 00480 00482 00483 00485 00487 9- 99520 99518 995 '7 99515 995 '3 3 29 28 27 26 3 36 37 38 39 10.51 20 51 12 5' 4 5056 5048 I 8 40 8 48 8 56 9 4 9 12 9- '7391 7474 1755^ 17641 I77 2 4 49 5i S 2 54 55 10. 82609 82526 82442 82359 82276 9. 17080 17965 18051 18136 18221 50 52 53 55 56 io. 82120 2035 81949 81864 81779 io. 00489 00491 00493 00495 00497 9.99511 99509 99507 99505 9953 25 24 2 3 22 21 40 41 42 43 44 10 150 40 53 2 524 50 16 50 8 I 9 20 9 28 9 3 6 9 44 9 5 2 9- 17807 17890 17973 18055 18137 5& 58 I 9 61 62 10. 82195 82110 82027 81945 81863 9. 18306 18391 18475 18560 18644 58 0? 62 63 io. 81694 81609 81525 81440 81356 io. 00499 00501 00503 00505 00506 9- 995 01 99;f99 99497 99495 99494 20 19 18 17 16 45 46 47 48 49 10 50 o 49 5 2 49 44 49 3 6 49 28 I IO O 10 8 10 rt 10 24 10 32 9. 18220 18302 18383 18465 18547 63 65 66 68 69 10. 81780 81693 81617 81535 81453 9. 18728 18812 18896 18979 19063 65 66 68 69 7> 10. 81272 81188 81104 81021 80937 io. 00508 00510 00512 00514 00516 2 9- 99492 99490 99488 99486 99484 15 14 '3 12 II 5 5' 52 53 54 10 49 20 49 12 49 4 4856 48 48 I 10 40 10 48 10 56 ii 4 II 12 9. 18628 18709 . 18790 18871 18952 71 72 73 75 76 io. 81372 81291 81210 81129 81048 9. 19146 19229 19312 19395 19478 72 74 9 78 io. 80854 80771 80688 80605 80522 10.00518 00520 00522 00524 00526 2 2 2 2 2 9- 994 S 2 99480 994/8 99476 99474 10 6 55 56 H 59 60 10 48 40 4832 4 8 24 48 16 48 8 48 o I II 20 II 28 II 36 II 44 II 52 12 9. 19033 19113 I9I93 19273 19353 '9433 7 79 80 82 83 85 io. 80967 80887 80807 80727 80647 80567 9- 19561 19643 19725 19807 19889 19971 79 Si 82 84 85 87 IO. 0439 80357 0275 80193 SOI I I 80029 io. 00528 00530 00532 534 00536 00538 2 2_ 2 2 2 2 9- 994/2 99479 99468 99466 99464 99462 5 4 3 2 I M. Hour p. M. Hour A. !>:. Conine. Diff. Secant Cotangent. Diff. Tangent Cosecant. Diff. Sine M 98 81 186 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 9 . 170 M. Hour A. M. Hour p. M. Sine. Diff Cosecant. Tangent. Diff Cotangent Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. i 2 3 4 IO 48 O 47 S 2 4744 4736 4723 I 12 O 12 8 12 16 12-24 12 32 9- '9433 I95I3 19592 19672 1975' O I 3 4 5 10. 80567 80487 80408 80328 80249 9- '997' 20053 20134 2O2I6 20297 O I 3 4 5 IO. 80029 79947 79865 79784 79703 IO. 00538 00540 00542 00544 00546 O O O o 9- 99462 99460 99458 99456 99454 60 59 5 57 56 1 9 10 47 20 47 12 47 4 4656 46 48 I 12 40 12 48 12 56 13 4 '3 l2 9. 19830 19909 19988 20067 20145 6 8 9 10 ii 10. 80170 80091 80012 79933 79355 9- 20378 20459 20540 20621 20701 b 8 9 10 12 10. 79622 7954' 7946o 79379 79299 10. 00548 00550 00552 00554 00556 o o o o 9. 99452 99450 99448 99446 99444 55 54 53 52 5' 10 ii 12 13 >4 10 46 40 46 32 46 24 46 16 46 S I 13 23 13 i3 '3 3 6 13 44 '3 52 9. 20223 20302 20380 20458 20535 13 H 5 16 18 10. 79777 79698 79620 79542 794 6 5 9. 20782 20862 20942 21022 2II02 '3 '4 10 17 18 10. 79218 79138 79058 78978 78898 10. 00558 00560 00562 00564 00566 o o o 9- 99442 99440 9943 8 99436 99434 5 49 48 47 46 II 11 19 10 45 o 45 52 45 44 45 36 4528 i 14 o 14 8 14 16 14 24 '4 32 9. 20613 - 20691 20768 20845 20922 '9 20 21 23 24 10. 79387 79309 79232 79155 79078 9. 2Il82 2I26I 21341 2I42O 21499 >9 21 22 23 25 10. 78818 78739 78659 78580 78501 10. 00568 00571 TO 573 00575 00577 9- 99432 99429 99427 99425 99423 45 44 43 4 2 4' 20 21 22 23 24 10 45 20 45 I2 45 4 4456 44 48 I 14 40 14 48 14 56 IS 4 I 5 12 9- 20999 21076 2"53 21229 21306 20 28 29 3 10. 79001 78924 78847 78771 78694 9.21578 21657 21736 21814 21893 26 27 28 3 31 10. 78422 78343 78264 78186 78107 10.00579 00581 00583 00585 00587 9- 994 2 ' 99419 994'7 994'5 99413 40 39 38 37 3 b 25 26 27 2S 29 10 44 40 44 3 2 44 24 44 '6 44 8 I Ij 20 15 28 5 3 6 '5 4-1 15 52 9. 21382 21458 21534 21610 21685 3' 33 34 35 37 10. 78618 78542 78466 78390 78315 9.21971 22049 22127 22205 22283 3 2 34 35 36 38 10. 78029 7795 ' 77S73 77795 77717 10. 00589 00591 593 00596 00598 9.99411 99409 99407 99404 99402 35 34 33 32 3' 3 3' 32 33 34 10 44 o 43 52 43 44 43 3 6 432S i 16 o 16 8 16 16 16 24 16 32 9. 21761 21836 21912 21987 22062 38 39 40 42 43 lo. 78239 78164 78088 78013 7793 s 9. 22361 22438 22516 22593 22670 39 40 4 1 43 44 10. 77639 775 6 2 77484 77407 7733 10. 00600 00602 00604 00606 00608 9- 994oo 99398 99396 99394 99392 30 29 28 11 9 37 38 39 10 43 20 43 '2 43 4 42 56 4248 i 16 40 16 48 16 56 17 4 17 12 9.22137 222II 22286 22361 22435 44 45 47 48 49 10. 77863 77/Sg 777'4 7/639 77565 9- 22747 22824 22901 22977 2354 45 47 48 49 50 '- 7/253 77176 77099 77023 76946 10. 00610 00612 00615 00617 00619 9- 9939 993 S 8 993 S 5 99383 9938i 25 24 23 22 21 40 4' 42 43 44 i o 42 40 4232 42 24 42 16 42 8 I 17 20 17 28 17 36 17 44 17 52 9- 225 9 22583 22657 22731 22805 5 52 53 54 55 10. 77491 774'7 77343 7/269 77195 9.23130 23206 23283 23359 23435 52 53 ii 57 10. 76870 /6794 76717 76641 76565 10. 00&2I 00623 00625 00628 00630 2 2 9- 99379 99377 99375 99372 9937 20 '9 18 17 16 45 40 47 48 49 10 42 o 4' 52 41 44 4' 3 6 41 28 I 18 o 18 8 18 16 18 24 18 32 9. 2^878 22952 23025 23098 23171 P 59 60 62 10. 77122 77048 7 6 975 76902 76829 9.23510 23586 23661 23737 23812 58 60 61 62 63 10. 76490 76414 76339 76263 76188 10. 00632 00634 00636 00638 00641 2 2 2 2 2 9- 99368 99366 99364 99362 99359 '5 M '3 12 11 5 5' 52 53 54 JO 41 20 4! 12 41 4 40 56 40 48 18 40 18 48 18 56 9 4 19 12 9- 23244 233"7 23390 23462 2 3S3< 63 64 65 67 68 10. 76756 76683 76610 76538 76465 9. 23887 23962 24037 24112 24186 65 66 67 69 7o 10. 76113 76-038 75963 758.88 75 S '4 10. 00643 00645 00647 00649 00652 2 2 2 2 2 99357 99355 99353 9935' 9934 s 10 9 8 6 55 5 6 H g 10 40 40 4 32 40 24 40 16 40 8 40 o I 19 2O 19 28 19 36 19 44 IQ 52 20 9- 23607 23679 23752 23823 23895 23967 69 7i 72 73 74 /6 'o- 76393 76321 76248 76177 76105 76033 9. 24261 24335 24410 24484 24558 24632 7' 73 74 75 76 7S '0- 75739 75665 75590 755i6 75442 753 6S 10. 00654 00656 00658 00660 00663 00665 2 2 2 2 2 2 9- 99346 99344 99342 99340 99337 99335 5 4 3 2 I O M. Hour p. M. Hour A. M. Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. Tangent Cosecant. Diff. Sine. M. 99 80 187 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 10 169 M. Hour A. M. Hour p. M. Sine. Diff Cosecant. Tangent. Diff Cotangent. Secant. Diff Cosine. M. o I 2 3 4 IO 40 o 3952 3944 3936 3928 I 2O o 20 8 20 16 20 24 20 32 9- 23967 24039 24110 24181 24253 I 2 3 5 10. 76033 75961 75890 75819 75747 9. 24632 24706 24779 24853 24926 I 2 4 5 lo. 75368 75294 75221 75147 7574 IO. 00665 00667 00669 00672 00674 O O O 9- 99335 99333 99331 99328 99326 60 59 58 57 56 1 9 10 39 20 39 12 39 4 3856 3848 I 20 40 2O 48 20 56 21 4 21 12 24395 24466 24536 24607 6 I 9 10 10. 75676 75534 75464 75393 9. 25000 25073 25H6 25219 25292 7 8 9, ii 10. 75000 74927 74854 74781 74708 lo. 00676 00678 00681 00683 00685 o a o o 9- 993 2 4 99322 993 '9 993'7 99315 35 53 2 <;i IO II 12 '3 14 10 38 40 3832 3824 38 16 38 8 I 21 20 21 28 21 36 21 44 21 52 9- 24677 24748 24818 24888 24958 ii 13 14 If ia. 75323 75252 75182 75"2 75042 9. 25365 25437 25510 25582 25655 12 13 14 15 16 10. 74635 74563 74490 74418 74345 10. 00687 00690 00692 00694 00696 o o o 9-993I3 99310 99308 99306 99304 5 49 47 40 15 16 17 18 19 10 38 o 3752 3744 3736 3728 I 22 22 8 22 16 22 24 22 32 9. 25028 25098 25168 25237 ;i 19 20 22 10. 74972 74902 74832 74763 74693 9.25727 25799 25871 25943 26015 18 19 20 21 22 10. 74273 74201 74129 7457 73985 10. 00699 00701 00703 00706 00708 9- 995i 99299 99297 99294 99292 45 44 43 4^ 4: 30 21 22 23 24 10 37 20 37 12 37 4 3656 3648 I 22 40 22 48 22 56 23 4 23 12 9- 25376 25445 25514 25583 25652 24 2 27 10 74624 74555 74486 74417 74348 9. 26086 26158 26229 26301 26372 24 25 26 27 28 10. 75914 73771 73699 73628 10.00710 00712 00715 00717 00719 9. 99290 99288 99285 99283 99281 40 P H 25 26 27 28 29 10 36 40 3632 36 24 3616 36 8 I 23 20 2 3 28 23 3 6 23 44 23 52 9.25721 25790 25858 25927 25995 3 31 32 33 10. 74279 74210 74142 74073 74005 9- 26443 26514 26585 26655 26726 29 31 32 33 34 10. 73557 73486 734I5 73345 73274 10. 00722 00724 00726 00729 00731 9.99278 99276 99274 99271 99269 35 34 33 32 3 32 33 34 10 36 o 35 5 2 3544 3536 3528 i 24 o 24 8 24 16 24 24 24 32 9. 26063 26131 26199 26267 34 ? 38 39 i- 73937 73869 73801 73733 73665 9- 26797 26867 26937 27008 27078 35 36 38 39 40 10. 73203 73 "33 73 6 3 72992 72922 lo. 00733 00736 00738 00740 00743 9- 99267 99264 99262 99260 99257 30 29 28 27 26 35 3 6 37 38 39 10 35 20 35 " 35 4 3456 3448 i 24 40 24 48 24 56 25 4 25 12 9- 26403 26470 26538 26605 26672 40 41 42 43 44 10. 73597 7353 73462 73395 73328 9. 27148 27218 27288 27357 27427 42 44 45 46 10. 72852 72782 72712 72643 72573 10. 00745 00748 00750 00752 00755 2 9- 99255 99252 99250 99248 99245 25 24 23 22 21 40 42 43 44 10 34 40 3432 3424 34 16 34 8 I 25 20 25 28 25 36 25 44 25 52 9- 26739 26806 26873 26940 27007 45 47 48 <9 5 10. 73261 73194 73127 73060 72993 9- 2/496 27566 27635 27704 27773 47 48 49 Si 52 10. 72504 72434 72365 72296 72227 10.00757 00759 00762 00764 00767 2 2 2 2 2 9- 99243 99241 99238 99236 99233 2O 19 IS 17 16 45 46 47 48 49 10 34 o 3352 3344 3336 3328 I 26 26 8 26 16 26 24 26 32 9- 27073 27140 27206 27273 27339 52 53 I 10. 72927 72860 72794 72727 72661 9. 27842 27911 27980 28049 28117 53 54 11 58 IO. 72 1 "jo 1 72089 72O2O 7I%I 71883 10.00769 00771 00774 00776 00779 2 2 2 2 2 9.99231 99229 99226 99224 99221 15 14 3 12 II 5 Si 52 53 54 10 33 20 33 12 33 4 32 56 3248 i 26 40 26 48 26 56 27 4 27 12 9. 27405 27471 27537 27602 27668 59 60 61 10. 72595 72529 72463 72398 72332 9.28186 28254 28323 28391 28459 00 61 62 63 16. 71814 71746 71677 71609 71541 10.00781 00783 00786 00788 00791 2 2 2 2 2 9.99219 99217 99214 99212 99209 30 6 U-\O t^-OO O O IO U"> w in IOVO 10 32 40 3232 3224 32 16 32 8 32 o I 27 2O 27 28 27 3 6 27 44 27 5 2 28 o 9- 27734 27799 27864 27930 2/995 28060 <>3 64 65 66 10. 72266 72201 72136 72070 72005 71940 9- 28527 28595 28662 28730 28798 28865 67 68 69 71 10. 7473 71405 7:338 71270 71202 7"3S 10. 00793 00796 00798 00800 00803 00805 2 2 2 2 2 2 9- 99-20? 99204 99202 99200 99197 99195 5 4 3 2 I O M. Hour t. it. Hour A.M. Cosine. Dint. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. Sine. M. 100 79 Ibb SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 11 ' 16cS M. Hour A. M. Hour r i. Sine. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent. Diff. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. O I 2 3 4 IO 32 3 1 52 31 44 3' 36 3128 I 28 28 8 28 16 28 24 28 32 9. 28060 28125 28190 28254 28319 O I 2 3 4 10. 71940 7'875 71810 71746 71681 9. 28865 28933 29000 29067 29134 O I 2 3 4 10.71135 71067 71000 70933 70800 IO. 00805 00808 008 1 o 00813 00815 O O 9.99195 99192 99190 99187 99185 Co 59 58 H 6 I 9 10 31 20 31 12 31 t 3056 3048 I 28 40 28 48 28 56 29 4 29 12 9- 28384 28448 28512 28577 28641 1 I 9 10. 71616 71552 71488 71423 7359 9. 29201 29268 29335 29402 29468 1 8 9 10 10. 70799 70732 70665 70598 70532 10.00818 OO22O 00^23 00825 C0o28 o o o 9.99182* 99180 99177 99175 99172 55 54 53 52 Si 10 ii 12 13 H 10 30 40 3032 3 24 30 16 3 8 I 29 20 29 28 29 36 29 44 29 52 9. 28705 28769 28833 28896 28960 IO II 12 '3 14 10. 71295 71231 71167 71104 71040 9- 29535 29601 29668 29734 29800 II 12 '3 4 15 10. 70465 70399 70332 70266 70200 io. 00830 00833 00035 00838 00840 o o 9.99170 99167 . 99165 99162 99160 50 49 48 47 46 5 16 12 19 10 30 o 29 52 2944 2936 29 28 i 30 o 30 8 30 16 30 24 3 32 9. 29024 ' 29087 29150 29214 29277 16 i? 18 19 20 10. 70976 70913 70050 70786 70723 9. 29866 29932 29998 30064 30130 10 11 19 20 10. 70134 70068 70002 69936 69870 lo. 00843 00845 00848 00850 00853 9-99I57 99155 99152 99150 99147 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 2 3 24 10 29 20 29 12 29 4 28 56 28 48 i 30 40 30 48 30 56 31 4 jl 12 9. 29340 29403 29466 29529 29591 21 22 23 24 25 10. 70660 70597 70534 70471 70409 9. 30195 30261 30326 30391 30457 22 23 24 2! 10. 69805 69739 69674 69609 69543 io. 00855 00858 00860 00863 00865 9.99145 99142 99140 99137 99135 40 39 38 37 36 25 26 27 28 29 10 28 40 2832 28 24 28 16 28 8 I 31 20 31 28 31 3 6 3' 44 3i 52 9- 29654 29716 29779 29841 29903 26 27 28 29 30 10. 70346 70284 70221 70159 70097 9- 30522 3 587 30652 30717 30782 27 28 29 30 31 10. 69478 69413 69348 69283 69218 io. 00868 00870 00873 00876 00878 9.99132 99130 99127 99124 99122 35 34 33 32 3i 3 3' 32 33 34 10 28 2752 2744 2736 27 28 I 32 o 32 8 3 2 16 32 24 32 32 9. 29966 30028 30090 30151 3 2I 3 31 32 33 34 35 10. 70034 69972 69910 69849 69787 9. 30846 30911 3975 31040 31104 32 33 35 36 37 10. 69154 69089 69025 68960 68896 io. ooSSi 00883 00886 00888 00891 9.99119 99117 99114 99112 99109 3 2 9 28 27 26 35 36 37 3S 39 IO 27 20 27 12 27 4 26 56 26 48 i 32 40 32 48 32 56 33 4 33 12 9.30275 3 336 30398 3459 30521 36 37 38 39 40 10. 69725 69664 69602 69541 69479 9.31168 3'233 3' 2 97 3'36i 31425 38 39 40 4i 42 10.68832 68767 68703 68639 68575 io. 00894 00896 00899 00901 00904 2 2 2 2 2 9. 99106 99104 99101 99099 99096 25 24 23 22 21 40 41 42 43 44 10 26 40 26 32 26 24 26 16 26 8 i 33 20 33 28 33 36 33 44 33 52 9- 35 82 30643 30704 30765 30826 4> 42 43 4 46 10. 69418 69357 69296 69235 69174 9- 3M89 31552 31616 31679 3'743 43 44 45 46 47 10. 68511 68448 68384 68321 68257 io. 00907 00909 00912 00914 00917 2 2 2 2 2 9-99093 99091 99088 99086 99083 20 : 9 8 17 16 4 46 47 48 49 IO 26 O 25 52 2544 2536 25 28 i 34 34 8 34 16 34 24 34 S 2 o. 30887 3947 31008 31068 31129 47 48 49 5 51 10.69113 69053 68992 68932 68871 9. 31806 31870 3'933 31996 3^59 49 5 51 S 2 53 10. 68194 68130 68067 68004 67941 io. 00920 00922 00925 00928 00930 2 2 2 2 9. 99080 99078 99075 99072 99070 5 4 13 12 II 5 5' 52 53 54 to 25 20 25 12 2 5 4 24 56 2448 i 34 40 34 48 34 56 35 4 35 '2 9.31189 31250 3I3IO 3'37 3M30 52 53 54 55 5 6 10. 68Sn 68750 68690 68630 68570 9.32122 32185 32248 323" 32373 54 55 56 1 10. 67878 67815 67752 67689 67627 io. 00933 00936 00938 00941 00944 2 2 2 2 2 9-99067 99064 99062 99059 99056 10 9 8 6 9 57 S3 , 59 Go 10 24 40 2432 2424 24 16 24 8 24 o i 35 eo 35 28 35 36 35 44 35 5 2 36 o 9. 31490 31549 31609 31669 31728 31788 H 59 60 61 62 10. 68510 68451 68391 68331 68272 68212 9- 32436 32498 32561 32623 32685 32747 59 60 61 I 3 64 65 io. 67564 67502 67439 67377 67315 67253 io. 00946 00949 00952 00954 00957 00960 2 2 2 2 3 3 9- 99054 99051 99048 99046 99043 99040 5 4 3 2 I M Hour p. M. Hour A. M. Cosine. Diff. Secant. -otangeiu. Diff Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. Sine. tf. 101 78 189 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 12 161 M. Hour A.M. Hour F. M. Sine. Did Cosecant. Tangent. Diff Cotangent. Secant. Diff Cosine. M. O I 2 3 4 IO 24 O 23 S 2 23 44 23 3 6 23 28 1 36 36 8 36 Iff 36 2 4 36 J2 9.31788 3^47 3'97 31966 32025 I 2 3 4 IO. 6^212 68153 68093 68034 67975 9- 32-747 32810 32872 3 2 933 32995 I 2 3 4 10. 67253 67190 67128 67067 67005 10. 00960 00962 00965 00968 00970 O O o o o 9- 99040 99038 99035 99032 99030 60 59 58 y i I 9 10 23 20 23 12 2 3 4 22 56 22 48 i 36 40 36 48 36 56 37 4 37 ' 2 9- 3 2o8 4 32143 32202 32261 32319 8 9 lo. 67916 67857 67798 67739 6760! 9- 3357 33"9 33180 33242 33303 6 9 10. 66943 66881 66820 66758 66697 10. 00973 00976 00978 00981 00984 o o o o o 9- 99027 99024 99022 99019 9.9016 55' 54 53 S 2 Si 10 11 12 '3 14 10 22 40 22 32 22 24 22 l6 22 8 i 37 20 37 28 37 36 37 44 37 52 9- 32378 32437 32495 32553 32612 10 10 II 12 '3 10. 67622 67563 67505 67447 67388 9- 333 6 5 33426 334S 7 33548 33609 10 ii 12 13 14 10. 66635 66574 66513 66452 66391 10. 00987 00989 00992 00995 00998 o 9- 99 I3 99011 99008 99005 99002 5 49 48 47 46 15 16 17 18 '9 IO 22 O 21 52 21 44 21 36 21 28 i 38 o 38 8 38 16 38 24 38 32 9- 326/0 32728 32786 32844 32902 H 15 16 ; 8 7 10. 67330 67272 67214 67156 67098 9- 33670 3373 1 33792 33853 33913 !i i? 18 19 IO. 66330 66269 66208 66147 66087 10. OIOOO 01003 01006 01009 OIOII 9. 99000 98997 98994 98991 98989 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 2 3 24 IO 21 2O 21 12 21 4 2O 56 20 48 i 38 40 38 48 38 56 39 4 39 '2 9. 32960 33018 33 75 33133 33i9 19 20 21 22 23 10. 67040 66982 66925 66867 66810 9- 33974 34034 3495 34155 34215 20 21 22 2 3 24 10. 66026 65966 65905 65845 65785 lo. 01014 01017 OI020 OIO22 01025 9. 98986 98983 98980 98978 98975 40 39 38 37 36 2 5 26 27 28 29 I o 20 40 20 32 2O 24 26 l6 20 8 i 39 20 39 28 39 3 39 44 39 52 9- 33 2 48 3335 33362 334 2 o 33477 24 25 2O 27 28 10. 66752 66695 66638 66580 66523 9-342/13 34336 34396 34456 345I 6 25 26 27 28 29 lo. 65724 65664 65604 65544 65484 10.01028 OI03I OI33 01036 01039 9- 98972 98969 98967 98964 98961 35 34 33 S 2 V 3 3' 32 33 34 IO 20 O 195 2 1944 1936 1928 I 40 o 40 8 40 16 40 24 40 32 9- 33534 33591 33 ( H7 33704 3376i 2 9 2 9 3 3i 32 IO. 66466 66409 66353 66296 4)6239 9-34576 34635 34695 34755 34814 3 3' S 2 33 34 10. 65424 65365 65305 65245 65186 10. 01042 01045 01047 01050 01053 2 ? 9- 98958 98955 98953 98950 98947 3 29 28 27 26 35 36 37 38 39 10 19 20 19 12 19 4 18 56 18 48 i 40 40 40 48 40 56 41 4 4! 12 9- 33 s ' s 33 S 74 33931 33987 3443 33 34 H 37 10. 66 1 02 66126 66069 60013 65957 9- 34S74 34933 3499 2 35051 35"i S $ 39 10. 65126 65067 65008 64949 64889 10. 01056 01059 01062 01064 01067 2 2 2 2 2 9- 98944 98941 98938 98936 9 S 933 25 24 23 22 21 40 4i 42 43 44 10 18 40 1832 18 24 18 16 18 8 I 41 20 41 28 4' 36 41 44 41 S 2 9. 34100 34156 34212 34268 34324 38 39 40 41 42 10. 65900 65844 65788 65732 65676 9-35I70 35229 35288 35347 3545 40 41 42 43 44 lo. 64830 64771 64712 64653 64595 10. 01070 01073 01076 01079 01081 2 2 2 2 2 9- 9893 9 S 927 98924 98921 9 S 9I9 20 19 18 7 16 45 46 47 48 49 IO 18 O 1752 1744 "7 3 6 17 28 i 42 o 42 8 42 16 42 24 42 3 2 9- 3438o 3443- 34401 34547 34602 43 44 45 46 47 10. 63620 65564 65509 65453 65398 9- 35464 35523 355Si 35 6 40 35698 4 I 46 47 48 49 10. 64536 64477 64419 64360 64302 10. 01084 01087 01090 01093 01096 2 2 2 2 2 9. 98916 98913 98910 98907 98904 IS '4 13 12 II 5 5' 5 2 53 54 10 17 20 17 12 I? 4 1656 16 48 i 42 40 42 48 42 56 43 4 43 12 9- 34 6 5 S 34713 347 6 9 34 82 4 34879 48 48 49 50 51 10. 65342 65287 65231 65176 65121 9-35757 35SI5 35873 3593' 35989 5 Si S 2 53 54 10. 64243 64185 64127 64069 64011 10. 01099 01 102 OII04 OII07 oiuo 2 2 2 2 3 9. 98901 98898 98896 98893 98890 10 | 55 56 57 5S 59 60 10 16 40 16 32 16 24 16 16 16 8 16 o I 43 20 43 28 43 36 43 44 43 52 44 9- 34934 34989 3544 3599 35154 35209 S 2 53 54 55- 56 57 10. 65066 65011 64956 64901 64846 64791 9- 36047 36105 36163 36221 36279 36336 55 56 57 58 59 60 10- 63953 63895 t>337 63779 63721 63664 10. 01113 OI5S6 01119 01 122 OII25 OII28 3 3 3 3 3 3 9. 9 SS8T 98884 oSSSi 98878 98875 98872 S 4 3 2 I O M. Hour r. M. Hour A. in. Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. Sine. M. 102 77 190 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 13 166 M. Hour A . Hour p. M. Sine. Diff. Cosecant: Tangent. Diff. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. O I 2 3 4 JO 16 IS S 2 15 44 5 36 15 28 I 44 o 44 8 44 16 44 24 44 3 2 9- 35209 35261 35318 35373 35427 O I 2 3 4 10. 64791 64737 64682 64627 64573 9- 36336 36394 3 6 452 3 6 59 36566 O I 2 3 4 10. 63664 63606 63548 63491 6.V134 IO. 01 1 28 01131 "33 01136 01139 O o O o o 9. 98872 98869 98867 98864 98861 60 59 58 57 56 I I 9 10 15 20 15 12 15 i 1456 1448 I 44 40 44 48 44 5 6 45 4 45 >2 9- 354i 35536 3559 35644 35^8 4 I lo. 64519 64464 64410 64356 64302 9- 36624 3 66Si 36738 3 6 795 36852 i 6 8 7 10. 63376 633 1 9 63262 63205 63148 lo. 01142 01145 01148 oi 151 01154 o o o o o 9. 9 SS 5 S 98855 98852 98849 98846 55 54 53 52 5i 10 II 12 '3 14 10 14 40 1432 14 24 14 16 14 8 I 45 20 45 28 45 36 45 44 45 52 9-35752 35806 35860 359H 35968 9 IO ii ii 12 ID. 64248 64194 64140 64086 64032 9. 36909 36966 37023 37080 37137 9 IO ii 12 13 10. 63091 63034 62977 62920 62863 io. 01157 01160 01163 01166 oi 169 9. 98843 98840 98837 98834 98831 So 4 1 48 4 I 11 17 18 9 10 14 o >3 52 '344 13 3j> 13 ^8 I 46 o 46 8 46 16 46 24 46 32 9. 36022 36075 36129 36182 36236 '3 H 15 16 17 10. 63978 639 2 5 63871 63818 63764 9-37I93 37250 3736 37363 37419 14 15 16 II 10. 62807 62750 62694 62637 62581 io. 01172 01175 01178 oi 181 01184 9. 98828 98825 98822 98819 98816 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 10 13 20 13 12 13 I 12 56 12 48 I 46 40 46 48 46 56 47 4 47 '2 9. 36289 36342 3 6 395 3 6 449 36502 18 18 19 20 21 lo. 63711 63658 63605 63551 63498 9- 37476 37532 37588 37 6 44 37700 19 '9 20 21 22 10. 62524 62468 62412 62356 62300 io. 01187 01190 01193 01196 01199 9.98813 98810 98807 08804 98801 40 38 37 36 % 11 29 10 12 40 12 32 12 24 12 l6 12 8 I 47 20 47 28 47 36 47 44 47 5 2 9- 3 6 555 36608 36660 36713 36766 22 23 24 25 25 10. 63445 6339 2 63340 63287 63234 9- 37756 37812 37868 37924 37980 23 24 25 26 2? 10. 62244 62188 62132 62076 62020 IO. 01202 OI205 OI208 OI2II 01214 9- 98798 98795 98792 98789 98786 35 34 33 32 3J 30 3' 32 33 34 IO 12 O " 52 II 44 II 36 II 28 I 48 48 8 48 16 48 24 48 32 9-36819 36871 36924 .36976 37028 26 27 28 29 30 10. 63181 63129 6307,6 63024 62972 9- 3 So 35 38091 38H7 38202 S 82 57 28 29 3 31 32 10. 61965 61909 61853 61798 61743 10. 01217 OI22O OI223 OI22 OI229 2 2 2 2 2 9. 98783 98780 9 S 777 98774 9 S 771 3 29 28 27 26 35 3 6 37 3 59 10 II 2O II 12 II 4 10 56 10 48 i 48 40 48 48 48 50 49 4 49 12 9- 378i 37133 37i85 37237 37289 3' 32 S 2 33 34 10. 62919 62867 62815 62763 62711 9.3 8 3i3 38368 38423 38479 3 8 534 3 3 33 34 35 36 10. 61687 61632 61577 61521 61466 io. 01232 OI235 01238 OI24I 01244 2 2 2 2 2 9. 98768 9 s /65 98-62 98759 98756 25 2* 23 22 21 40 4i 42 43 44 10 10*40 10 32 10 24 10 16 10 8 I 49 20 49 28 49 3 6 49 44 49 52 9- 3734' 37393 37445 374-37 37549 35 36 3 39 10. 62659 62607 62555 62503 62451 9. 38589 38644 38699 38754 3 SSo8 % 39 40 41 10. 61411 61356 61301 61246 61 192 io. 01247 01250 01254 01257 Olr6o 2 2 2 2 2 9- 98/53 98750 98746 98743 98740 20 19 IS 17 16 4 46 47 48 49 IO 10 9 5 2 9 44 9 3 6 9 28 I 50 o 50 8 50 16 5 2 4 5 32 9-37600 37652 377=>3 37755 37806 39 40 41 42 43 10. 62400 62348 62297 62245 62194 9- 38863 38918 3 8 972 39027 39082 42 43 44 45 45 10.61137 61082 61028 60973 60918 io. 01263 01266 01269 01272 01275 2 2 2 2 2 9- 98737 98734 98731 98728 98725 15 >4 13 12 II 5 5 1 52 53 54 10 9 20 9 12 9 4 856 848 i 50 40 50 48 50 56 51 4 5 I 12 9- 3/3S8 37909 37960 38011 38062 44 4 I 46 47 47 lo. 62142 62091 62040 61989 61938 9- 39136 39190 39245 39299 39353 46 47 48 49 5 lo. 60864 60810 60755 60701 60647 IO. OI2/S 01281 01285 01 2S8 01291 3 3 3 3 3 9. 98722 98719 98715 98712 98709 IO 6 55 5 6 57 58 I 9 60 to 8 40 832 824 8 16 8 8 8 o I 51 20 51 28 5' S 6 5 1 44 5' 52 52 o 9-38113 38j6 4 38215 38266 38317 38368 48 49 5 Si 52 53 10. 61887 618^6 61785 61734 61683 61632 9- 39407 39461 39515 39569 39623 39677 51 52 53 54 55 56 lo. 60593 60539 60485 60431 60377 60323 io. 01294 01297 01300 01303 0130(3 01310 3 3 3 3 3 3 9. 98706 98703 98700 98697 98694 98690 5 4 3 2 I O M. Hour v. M. Hour A. M. Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. Sine. M. 103 76 191 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 14 . 165 M. Hour A. M. Hour f. M. Sine. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent. Diff. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. o I 2 3 4 to 8 o 752 744 736 7 28 I 52 52 8 52 ID 52 24 S 2 32 9. 38368 38418 38469 3S5I9 3857 O I 2 2 3 IO. 61632 61582 6l53 61481 61430 9- 39677 3973' 39/85 39838 39892 O I 2 3 3 10. 60323 60269 60215 60162 60108 10.01310 0>3'3 01316 01319 01322 O O o o 9. 98690 98687 98684 98681 98678 60 59 58 57 56 i 9 10 7 20 7 12 7 4 656 648 I 52 40 S 2 48 52 56 53 4 53 12 9. 38620 38670 38721 3 8 77I 38821 4 I 7 7 10. 61380 61330 61279 61229 61179 9- 39945 39999 40052 40106 40159 4 I io. 60055 60001 59948 59894 59841 10.01325 01329 01332 OI 335 01 338 o o o o 9. 98675 9 S6 7I 98668 98665 98662 55 54 53 S 2 5' 10 it 12 '3 14 10 6 40 632 6 24 616 6 8 i 53 20 53 28 53 36 53 44 53 52 9- 3 88 7i 38921 3 S 971 39021 39071 8 9 10 II II 10. 61129 61079 61029 60979 6,0929 9. 40212 40266 40319 40372 40425 9 10 10 II 12 io. 59788 59734 59681 59628 59575 io. 01341 OI 344 01348 01351 '354 9- 98659 98656 98652 98649 98646 So 49 48 47 46 15 16 \l "9 10 6 o 55 2 5 44 536 528 i 54 o 54 8 54 16 54 24 54 3 2 9.39121 39170 39220 39270 39319 12 '3 14 5 15 10. 60879 60830 60780 60730 60681 9. 40478 40531 40584 40636 40689 '3 14 \l 17 io. 59522 59469 59416 59364 593" 10.01357 01366 01364 01367 01370 9- 9 S6 43 98640 98636 98633 98630 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 10 5 20 5 12 5 4 456 448 i 54 40 54 48 54 S 6 55 4 55 '2 9- 3939 394'8 394 6 7 39517 39; 6 6 16 '7 18 19 20 10. 60631 60582 60533 60483 60434 9. 40742 40795' 40847 40900 40952 17 18 '9 20 21 io. 59258 59205 59>53 59100 59048 10.01373 01377 01380 oi3?3 01386 9. 98627 98623 98620 98617 98614 40 11 1 26 28 20 10 4 40 43 2 424 4 16 4 8 i 55 20 55 28 55 3 6 55 44 55 52 9.39615 39664 39713 39/62 39811 20 21 22 23 24 10. 60385 60336 60287 60238 60189 9.41005 41057 41109 41161 41214 22 23 23 24 25 io. 58995 5 S 943 58891 58839 58786 io. 01390 01393 01396 01399 01403 2 2 9. 98610 98607 98604 98601 98597 35 34 33 32 3' 3 31 -11 J- 33 34 10 4 o 352 344 336 328 i 56 o 56 8 56 16 56 24 56 32 9. 39860 39909 3995 s 40006 455 24 2 5 26 27 28 10. 60140 60091 60042 59994 59945 9. 41266 41318 41370 41422 4M74 26 27 28 19 3 I- 5 8 734 58682 58630 58578 58526 io. 01406 01409 014:2 01416 01419 2 2 2 2 2 9- 98594 98591 98588 985,84 98581 30 29 28 26 ? 3 , 5 36 37 3 39 10 3 20 3 12 3 4 256 2 48 i 56 40 56 48 56 56 57 4 57 12 9. 40103 40152 40200 40249 40297 2 9 29 30 3 3 2 10. 59897 59848 59800 59751 59703 9- 41526 41578 41629 41681 41731 3 31 32 33 34 io. 58474 58422 58371 58319 1:8267 io. 01422 01426 01429 01432 01 435 2 2 2 2 2 9.98578 98574 98571 98568 98565 25 24 23 22 21 40 4' 4- 43 44 IO 2 40 232 2 24 2 l6 2 8 i 57 20 57 28 57 3 6 57 44 57 52 9- 434 6 40394 40442 40490 4053 8 33 33 34 $ 10. 59654 59606 59558 595!o L 59462 9.41784 41836 41887 41939 4199 3 $ $ io. 58916 58164 58113 58061 58010 io. 01439 01442 01445 01449 01452 2 ? 2 2 2 9. 98561 9 8 55 S 98555 98551 98548 2O II 11 45 46 47 4- 49 IO 2 O I 52 I 44 36 28 i 58 o 58 8 58 16 58 24 58 32 9. 40586 40634 40682 4 73 40778 37 37 38 39 40 10. 59414 59366 593 '8 5927 59222 9. 42041 42093 42144 42195 42246 39 40 4' 43 43 10.57959 57907 57856 57805 57754 10.01455 01459 01462 01465 01469 2 3 3 3 3 9. 98545 98541 98538 98535 98531 15 14 13 12 II 5 5' 5 2 53 54 IO 2O 12 4 o 56 048 i 58 40 58 48 58 56 59 4 59 2 9. 40825 40873 40921 40968 41016 4' 42 42 43 44 10.59175 59127 59079 Tf 58984 9.42297 42348 42399 42450 42501 43 44 4 2 46 47 10.57703 57652 576oi 57550 57499 io. 01472 01475 01479 01482 01485 3 3 3 3 3 9. 98528 98525 98521 98518 98515 1C 9 8 6 55 56 57 58 59 60 10 p 40 032 o 24 o 16 o 8 o o I 59 20 59 28 59 3 6 59 44 59 52 200 9. 41003 41111 41158 41205 41252 41300 45 46 46 47 48 49 10. 58937 58889 58842 58795 58748 58700 9- 42552 42603 42653 42704 42755 42805 4 S 49 5 5 5 5* io. 57448 57397 57347 57296 57245 57'95 io. 01489 01492 01495 01499 01502 01506 3 3 3 3 3 3 9.98511 98508 98505 98501 98498 98494 5 4 3 2 I M. Hour p. M. Hour A. M. Cosine. Diff Secant. Cotangent. Diff Tangent. Cosecant. Diff Sine. M. 104 M 192 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 15 164 M. Hour A. M Hour p. M. Sine. Dirt. Cosecant. Tangent. Did. Cotangent Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. i 2 3 4 1O O 95952 5944 5936 5928 200 o 8 o 16 o 24 o 32 9. 41300 4'347 41394 41441 41488 o i 2 2 3 10. 58700 58653 58606 58550 58512 9. 42805 42856 42906 42957 437 o I 2 2 3 10.57195 57"44 5794 5743 5 6 993 10.01506 01509 01512 01516 01519 O o o o o 9- 98494 9849 1 98488 98484 98481 60 II I 9 95920 59 12 59 4 5856 5848 2 O 40 o 48 o 56 4 12 9-4I535 4 i 5 ;i2 41628 41675 41722 4 5 7 10. 58465 58418 58372 58325 58278 9.43057 43108 43158 43208 43258 4 7 7 10. 56943 56892 56842 56792 56742 10.01523 01526 01529 01533 01536 o o o I 9- 98477 98474 98471 98467 98464 55 54 53 52 51 10 11 12 '3 14 95840 5832 5824 58 16 58 8 a 20 28 36 44 52 9.41768 41815 41861 41908 41954 8 8 9 10 ii 10. 58232 58185 58:39 5:092 58046 9- 433 8 43358 43408 4345 s 435 oS ;-, ? 1C II II jo. 56692 56642 56592 56542 56492 10.01540 01543 01547 01550 01553 9. 98460 98457 98453 98450 98447 5 49 48 4 I 46 15 16 ;; '9 958 o 5752 5744 5736 5728 220 2 8 2 l6 2 24 2 32 9. 4200 1 42047 42C?3 42140 42186 ii 12 '3 14 14 10.57999 57953 57907 57860 57814 9-43S5 8 43607 43657 43707 43756 12 '3 14 15 16 10. 56442 56393 56343 56293 56244 10.01557 01560 01564 01567 01571 9- 9 8 443 98440 S8436 98433 98429 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 95720 57 12 57 4 5656 5648 2 2 40 2 48 2 S 6 3 4 3 12 9- 42232 42278 42324 4237 42416 ;i i? i? 18 10. 57768 57722 57676 57630 57584 9. 43806 43855 43905 43954 44004 16 17 18 19 20 10. 56194 56145 56095 56046 55996 10-01574 01578 01581 01585 01588 9. 98426 98422 98419 98415 98412 40 3 ll 25 27 28 29 9 5640 5632 5624 56 16 56 8 2 3 20 3 28 3 36 3 44 3 52 9.42461 42507 42553 42599 42644 19 20 21 21 22 10-57539 57493 57447 57401 57356 9- 44053 44102 44151 44201 44250 20 21 22 23 24 10. 55947 55898 55849 55799 55750 10.01591 01595 01598 01602 01605 I 2 2 2 2 9. 98^09 98405 98402 93; ;& 92395 :5 24 33 32 31 30 3) 32 33 34 9 56 o 55 52 5S44 5536 5528 240 4 8 4 16 4 24 4 32 9. 42690 42735 42781 42826 42872 23 24 24 25 26 10.57310 57265 57219 57174 57128 9- 44299 44348 44397 44446 44495 25 2 5 26 27 28 10.55701 55652 55603 55554 55505 to. 01609 01612 01616 01619 01623 2 2 2 2 2 9- 9 s 39i 98388- 98384 98381 9S377 3 -9 28 27 26 35 36 37 3 39 9 20 55 12 55 4 54-56 54 48 2 4 40 4 48 4 56 5 4 5 '2 9.42917 42962 43008 4353 43098 27 27 28 29 3 10. 57083 57038 56992 56947 56902 9-44544 44592 44641 44690 4473 s 29 29 3 3i 3 2 10. 55456 55408 55359 553io 55262 10. 01627 01630 01634 01637 .-01641 2 2 2 2 2 9- 9S373 983/0 98366 98363 98359 25 24 23 22 21 40 4' 4^ 43 4A 9 544 54 32 54 24 54 16 54 8 2 5 20 5 28 5 36 5 44 5 52 9-43I43 43.88 43 2 33 432/8 43323 3 3i 32 33 33 10. 56857 56812 56767 56722 56677 9- 44787 44836 44884 44933 44981 33 34 34 35 10.55213 55i64 55H6 55067 55019 10. 01644 01648 01651 01655 01658 2 2 2 3 3 9- 98356 98352 98349 98345 98342 2O 19 18 17 16 45 46 4 48 49 954 o 5352 5344 5336 5328 260 6 8 6 16 6 24 6 32 9-. 4336 7 43412 43457 4352 43546 34 35 3 * 36 37 10. 56633 56588 56543 56498 56454 9- 45 02 9 45078 45126 45O4 452:2 37 IS 39 40 10. 54971 54922 54874 54826 54778 10. 01662 01666 01669 01673 01676 3 3 3 3 3 9- 98338 98334 98331 98327 98324 15 14 13 12 II 5 5i 52 53 <4 95320 S3 >2 53 4 5256 5248 2 6 40 6 48 6 56 7 4 7 12 9- 43591 43635 43680 43724 43769 38 39, 39 40 41 10. 56409 56365 56320 56276 56231 9-4527> 453'9 45367 45415 45463 41 42 43 43 44 10. 54729 54681 54633 54585 54537 10. 01680 01683 01687 01691 01694 3 3 3 3 3 9. 98320 98317 98313 98309 98306 IO 1 li [i II 95240 5232 524 52 16 52 8 52 o 2 7 20 7 28 736 7 44 7 52 8 o 9-43813 43857 43901 43946 43990 44034 42 43 43 44 4 I 46 10. 56187 56143 56099 56054 56010 55966 9-45511 45559 45606 45 6 54 45702 45750 45 46 47 % 49 10. 54489 54441 54394 54346 54298 54250 10.01698 01701 01705 01709 01713 01716 3 3 3 3 3 4 9- 98302 98299 98295 98291 58288 98284 5 4 3 2 I M, Hour p. M, Hour A. M. Cosine. Difi Secant. Cotangent Difi Tangent. Cosecant, DiS Sine. M. ios e w 193 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 16" 163 M. Hour A.M. Hour p. M. Sine. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent Diff. Cotangent. Secant. Diff, Cosine. a. o i 2 3 4 9 52 5 1 52 5 44 5' 3 6 51 28 280 8 8 8 16 8 24 832 9- 4434 44078 44122 44166 44210 I I 2 3 10. 55966 55922 55878 55834 5579 9-4575 45797 45845 45892 45940 O I 2 2 3 lo. 54250 54203 54'55 54108 54060 10. 01716 01719 01723 01727 01730 o o o o 9. 98284 98281 98277 98273 98270 60 H H 6 8 9 9 51 20 51 12 51 1 5 5 6 50 48 2 8 40 8 48 8 56 9 4 9 12 9- 44253 44297 4434' 44385 44428 4 4 1 6 10-55747 55/03 '55659 556i5 55572 9- 459 8 7 46055 46082 46130 46177 4 5 'I 7 10. 54013 53965 539'8 53870 53823 10. 01734 01738 01741 01745 oi749 o o o o I 9. 98266 98262 98259 98255 98251 55 54 53 52 5' 10 ii 12 b >4 9 5 4 50 32 5 2 4 50 16 50 8 2 9 20 9 28 9 3 6 9 44 9 5 2 9.44472 44516 44559 44602 44646 8 9 9 10 10. 55528 55484 55441 55398 55354 9. 46224 46271 463'9 46366 46413 8 $ 9 10 ii 10. 53776 53729 53681 53634 53587 10.01752 01756 01760 01763 01767 9. 98248 98244 98240 98237 9 S 233 50 49 48 47 46 '5 16 7 18 19 9 50 o 49 S 2 49 44 49 36 49 28 2 IO O 10 8 10 16 10 24 10 32 9- 4469 44733 44776 44819 44862 ii II 12 '3 '4 '0-553H 55 26 7 55224 55'8i 55'38 9. 46460 46507 46554 46601 46648 12 12 '3 14 '5 'o. 53540 53493 53446 53399 53352 10. 01771 01774 01778 01782 01785 9. 98229 98226 98222 98218 98215 45 44 43 42 4' 20 21 22 23 24 9 49 20 49 12 49 4 48 56 48 48 2 IO 40 lo 48 10 56 II 4 II 12 9- 44905 44948 44992 4535 45077 '4 !i 16 i? 10. 55^5 55052 55008 54965 54923 9- 46694 46741 46788 46835 46881 15 1 6 '7 18 '9 10. 53306 53259 53212 53165 53 "9 10. 017^9 01793 01796 01800 01804 9. 98211 98207 98204 98200 98196 40 3 S 25 26 27 28 29 9 48 40 48 32 48 24 48 16 48 8 2 II 20 II 28 II 36 II 44 II 52 9.45120 45" 63, 45206 45249 45292 18 18 19 20 21 10. 54880 54837 54794 5475' 54708 9. 46928 46975 47021 47068 47114 '9 20 21 22 22 10. 53072 53025 52979 52932 52886 10. 01808 01811 0181-5 01819 01823 2 2 2 2 2 9. 98192 98189 98185 98181 98177 35 34 33 32 3' 3 3> S 2 33 34 9 48 o 47 52 47 44 47 3 6 47 28 2 12 12 8 12 l6 12 24 12 3 2 9- 45334 45377 4549 45462 4554 21 22 23 23 24 10. 54666 54.623 545SI 54538 54496 9.47160 47207 47253 47299 47346 23 24 2 5 26 26 10. 52840 52793 52747 52701 52654 10. 01826 01830 01834 01838 01841 2 2 2 2 2 9.98174 98170 98166 98162 98159 30 29 28 27 26 3 ? 3 6 37 38 39 9 47 20 47 12 47 4 46 56 46 48 2 12 40 12 48 12 56 '3 4 13 12 9- 45547 455 8 9 45632 45674 45716 % 26 27 28 10. 54453 544" 54368 54326 54284 9- 4739 2 47438 47484 47530 47576 27 28 29 29 3 10. 52608 52562 52516 52470 52424 10.01845 01849 01853 01856 01860 2 2 2 2 2 9.98155 98151 98147 98144 98 1 40 25 24 23 22 21 40 41 42 43 '44 9 46 40 46 32 46 24 46 16 46 8 2 13 2O 13 28 >3 36 13 44 '3 52 9-45758 45801 45 8 43 45885 45927 28 29 30 3' 3 1 10. 54242 54'99 54'57 54" 5 54073 9. 47622 47668 477'4 47760 47806 3' 32 S 2 33 34 10. 523^8 52332 52286 52240 5 2 '94 10. 01864 01868 01871 01875 01879 2 3 3 3 3 9-98I36 98132 98129 98125 98121 20 '9 18 '7 16 4 r 5 46 47 48 49 9 46 o 45f52 45 44 45 36 45 28 2 14 14 8 14 16 14 24 U 3 2 9. 45969 ' 46011 46053 46095 46136 32 33 33 34 35 10.54031 5399 53947 5395 53864 9- 4/852 47897 47943 47989 48035 35 % 36 37 3 8 10. 52148 52103 52057 52011 5 '965 10. 01883 01887 01890 01894 01898 3 3 3 3 3 9.98117 98113 98110 98106 98102 '5 '4 '3 12 II 5 5' 52 53 54 9 45 20 45 I2 45 4 44 S 6 - 44 48 2 14 40 14 48 14 56 '5 4 15 12 9.46178 46220 46262 46303 46345 $ 1 10. 53822 5378o 53738 53697 53655 9. 48080 48126 48171 48217 48262 39 39 40 4' 42 10. 51920 51874 51829 5'783 5 '73 8 10. 01902 01906 01910 01913 01917 3 3 3 3 3 9. 98098 98094 98090 98087 98083 10 55 56 15 & 9 44 40 44 3 2 44 24 44 16 44 8 44 o 2 IJ 20 15 28 '5 36 IS 44 15 S 2 16 o 9- 46386 46428 46469 46511 46552 46594 39 40 4' 4i 42 43 10. 53614 53572 5353' 53489 53448 53406 9- 48307 48353 48398 48443 48489 48534 43 43 44 45 46 46 10.51693 51647 51602 5'557 51511 51466 10. 01921 01925 01929 01933 01937 01940 3 3 4 4 4 4 9- 98079 98075 98071 98067 98063 98060 5 4 3 2 I O M. Hour p. H. Hour A.M. Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. Sine. M. 106 W 194 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. \r 62 M. Hour A.M. Hour p. M. Sine. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent. Diff. Co'.anRent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. O 1 2 3 4 9 44 43 S 2 43 44 43 3 6 43 28 2 16 16 8 16 16 16 24 16 32 9- 46594 46"35 46676 46717 46758 o I I 2 3 10. 53406 53365 53324 532 8 3 53242 9- 48534 4 S 579 48624 48669 48714 I I 2 3 io. 51466 51421 5!37 6 5'331 51286 10. 01940 01944 01948 01952 01956 o o o 9. 98060 98056 98052 98048 98044 60 59 5 57 56 I 9 9 43 20 43 I2 43 4 42 56 42 4 2 16 40 16 48 16 56 >7 4 17 12 9. 46800 46841 46882 46923 46964 3 4 5 6 10. 53200 53" 59 S3" 8 5377 53 36 9- 4S759 48804 48849 48894 48939 4 4 7 io. 51241 5II9 6 5H5' 51106 51061 io. 01960 01964 01968 01971 01975 I I 9. 98040 98036 98032 98029 98025 55 54 53 S 2 SJ 10 II 12 '3 14 9 42 40 42 32 42 24 42 16 42 8 2 17 20 17 28 '7 36 17 44 >7 S 2 9. 47005 4745 47086 47127 47168 7 I 9 9 10. 52995 52955 52914 52873 52832 9- 48984 49029 49073 49118 49163 8 9 10 10 jo. 51016 50971 50927 50882 50837 lo. 01979 01983 01987 01991 01995 9. 9802 1 98017 98013 98009 98005 50 49 48 47 46 \ S 6 17 18 19 9 42 o 41 52 41 44 4i 3 6 41 28 2 18 li 8 i$ 16 18 24 18 32 9- 47209 47249 4729 4733 4737" 10 ii li 12 "3 10. 52791 5275> 52710 52670 52629 9- 49207 49252 49296 49341 49385 li 12 12 3 14 10. 50793 50748 50704 50659 50615 io. 01999 02003 02007 O2OII 02014 9. 98001 97997 97993 97989 97986 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 9 41 20 41 12 41 4 40 5 6 40 48 2 18 40 18 48 18 56 19 4 19 12 9.47411 47452 47492 47533 47573 '3 14 '5 5 it 10. 52589 52548 52508 52467 52427 9- 4943 49474 495 '9 49563 49607 15 15 16 "7 18 io. 50570 50526 50481 50437 50393 IO.020I8 O2022 O2O26 02030 02034 2 2 9. 97982 979/8 97974 97970 97966 40 39 38 37 36 25 26 27 2S 29 9 40 40 40 32 40 24 40 16 40 8 2 ig 20 19 28 19 36 9 44 19 52 9-476>3 47654 47694 47734 47774 "7 >7 18 19 19 10. 52387 52346 52306 52266 52226 9- 49652 49696 49740 49784 49828 io 19 20 21 21 io. 50348 50304 50260 50216 50172 io. 02038 O2O42 02046 O2050 02054 2 2 2 2 2 9. 97902 97958 97954 97950 97946 35 34 33 32 31 3 3' 32 33 34 9 40 o 39 S 2 39 44 39 3 6 39 28 2 2O O 20 8 20 16 20 24 20 32 9.47814 47854 47894 47934 47974 20 21 21 22 23 IO. r;2l86 52146 52106 52066 52026 9- 49872 49916 49960 50004 50048 22 23 24 24 25 io. 50128 50084 50040 49996 49952 10. 02058 02062 02066 02070 02074 2 2 2 2 2 9. 97942 793 8 97934 9793 97926 3 29 28 27 26 35 36 37 5* 30 9 39 20 39 12 39 4 38 56 38 48 2 2O 40 20 48 20 56 21 4 21 12 9. 48014 48054 48094 48i33 48173 23 24 25 25 26 10. 51986 5 "946 51906 51867 51827 9- 50092 50136 50180 50223 50267 26 26 27 28 29 Io. 49908 49864 49820 49777 49733 io. 02078 02082 02086 02090 02094 2 2 2 3 3 9. 97922 97918 979H 97910 97906 25 24 23 22 21 4 41 42 43 44 9 38 40 38 32 38 24 38 16 38 8 2 21 2O 21 28 21 36 21 44 21 S 2 9.48213 48252 48292 48332 48371 27 27 28 29 2 9 10.51787 51748 51708 51668 51629 9. '503 1 1 5355 5 398 50442 50485 29 3 3' 32 32 io. 49689 49645 49602 4955 s 49515 io. 02098 02102 O2I06 O2IIO 02II4 3 3 3 3 3 9- 9792 97898 97894 9? S 9 97886 20 '9 IS 17 16 45 46 47 48 4 1 ' 9 38 o 37 52 37 44 37 36 37 28 2 22 22 8 22 l6 22 24 22 32 9. 4841 1 48450 48490 48529 48568 3 31 3' 32 33 10. 51589 5155 51510 5i47i 5H32 9- 5 529 50572 50616 50659 50703 33 34 35 % 10.49471 49428 49384 49341 49 2 97 io. 02118 02122 O2I26 02130 02134 3 3 3 3 3 9. 97882 97878 97874 97870 97806 IS H '3 12 II 5 5' 52 53 54 9 37 20 37 12 37 4 36 56 36 48 2 22 40 22 48 22 $6 23 4 23 12 9. 48607 48647 48686 48725 48764 33 34 35 I io. 5 '393 5'353 5UI4 5'275 51236 9. 50746 507^9 50833 50876 50919 37 37 38 39 40 io. 49254 49211 49167 49124 49081 io. 02139 02143 02147 02151 02155 3 3 3 4 4 9. 97861 97857 97853 9*849 97845 10 7 6 55 56 2 59 60 9 3 6 4 3 6 32 36 24 36 16 36 8 36 o 2 23 2O 23 28 23 36 23 44 23 52 24 o 9. 48803 48842 48881 48920 48959 48998 37 37 38 39 39 40 10.51197 51158 51119 51080 51041 51002 9. 50962 51005 51048 51092 5H35 51178 40 4 42 43 43 44 io. 49038 48995 48952 48908 48865 48822 io. 02159 02163 02167 02171 02175 02179 4 4 4 4 4 4 9. 97841 97837 97833 97829 97825 97821 5 4 3 2 I O M. Hour p. M. Hour A.M. Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent Diff. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. Sine. M. 107 22 195 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 18 161 M. Hour*. M, Hour p. M. Sine. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent. Diff. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. O I 2 3 4 9 36 35 52 35 44 35 36 35 28 2 24 O 24 8 24 16 24 24 24 32 9. 48998 49037 49076 49"5 49153 J I 2 3 10. 51002 50963 50924 50885 50847 9.51178 5I22I 51264 51306 5 '349 O I I 2 3 10. 48822 48779 48736 48694 48651 10. 02179 02183 02188 02192 02196 o o o 9.97821 97817 97812 97808 97804 60 $ ll 6 8 9 9 35 20 35 12 35 i 34 5 6 34 48 2 24 40 24 48 24 56 25 4 2$ 12 9.49192 4923 1 49269 49308 49347 3 4 4 6 10. 50808 50769 50731 50692 50653 9-5I392 5 '435 51478 51520 51563 3 4 5 6 6 10. 48608 48565 48522 48480 48437 IO. O220O 02204 02208 02212 O22I6 o o 9. 97800 97796 97792 97788 97784 55 54 53 52 51 10 ii 12 '3 14 9 34 40 34 32 34 24 34 16 34 8 2 25 20 25 28 25 3 6 25 44 25 5 2 9- 493 S 5 49424 49462 4950 49539 6 8 9 lo. 506:5 50576 50538 50500 50461 9. 51606 51648 51691 51734 51776 8 9 10 10. 48394 48352 48309 48266 48224 10. O222I 02225 02229 02233 02237 9-97779 97775 97771 97767 97763 5 49 48 47 46 15 16 17 18 '9 9 34 o 33 52 33 44 33 3 6 33 28 2 26 O 26 8 26 16 26 24 26,32 9-49577 49 6 '5 49654 49692 4973 9 10 ll ii 12 10. 50423 50385 50346 50308 50270 9- 5 l8 i9 51861 5 '903 51946 51988 10 II 12 13 '3 10. 48181 48139 48097 48054 48012 to. 02241 02246 02250 02254 02258 9- 97759 97754 97750 97746 97742 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 9 33 2 33 '2 33 4 32 56 32 48 2 26 40 26 48 26 56 27 4 27 12 9. 49768 49806 49844 49882 49920 '3 '3 '4 H '5 10. 50232 50194 50156 50118 50080 9- 52031 52073 52H5 52157 52200 '4 >5 '5 16 "7 10. 47969 47927 47885 47843 47800 10. 02262 02266 02271 02275 02279 2 2 2 9.97738 97734 97729 97725 97721 40 39 38 37 36 ^ 26 27 28 29 9 3 2 4 32 32 32.24 32- 16 32 8 2 27 20 27 28 27 36 27 44 27 52 9- 4995 s 49996 50034 50072 50110 16 16 17 18 18 10. 50042 50004 49966 49928 49890 9. 52242 52284 52326 52368 52410 '7 18 '9 20 20 10. 47758 47716 47674 47632 47590 10. 02283 0228^7 02292 02296 02300 2 2 2 2 2 9-977I7 97713 97708 97704 ' 977oo 35 34 33 3 2 3i 3 31 32 33 34 9 32 o 3' 52 3" 44 3i 36 31 28 2 2S 28 8 28 16 28 24 28 32 9. 50148 5 OI 85 50223 50261 50298 19 20 20 21 21 10. 49852 49815 49777 49739 49702 9- 52452 5 2 494 5 2 536 52578 52620 21 22 22 23 24 10. 47548 47506 47464 47422 47380 10. 02304 02309 02313 02317 02321 2 2 2 2 2 9- 97696 97691 97687 9/683 97679 30 2 9 28 27 26 35 36 38 39 9 3' 20 3 I 12 3" 4 3 56 3 48 2 28 40 28 48 28 56 29 4 29 12 9- 5 336 50374 50411 50449 50406 22 2 3 23 24 25 10. 49664 49626 49589 49551 495 H 9. 52661 52703 52743 52787 52829 24 2 5 26 27 27 10- 47339 47297 47255 47213 47I7I 10. 02326 02330 02334 02338 02343 2 3 3 3 3 9- 976/4 9767 97666 97662 97657 25 24 23 22 21 4 4' 42 43 44 9 3 4 3 32 30 24 30 16 30 8 2 29 20 29 28 29 36 29 44 2 9 52 9- 5 523 50561 50598 50635 5 673 25 26 26 27 28 10. 49477 49439 49402 49365 49327 9. 52870 52912 52953 52995 53037 28 29 29 3 3 1 lo. 47130 47088 47047 47005 46963 10. 02347 02351 02355 02360 02364 3 3 3 3 3 9- 97 6 53 97649 97645 97640 97636 20 19 18 17 16 45 46 47 48 49 9 30 o 29 5 2 29 44 29 3 6 29 28 2 30 30 8 30 16 3 2"4 30 32 9.50710 50747 5 784 50821 50858 28 29 3 3 3' 10. 49290 49253 49216 49'79 49142 9- 53078 53120 53'6i 53202 53244 3' 32 33 34 34 10. 46922 46880 46839 46798 46756 10. 02368 02372 02377 02381 02385 3 3 3 3 3 9- 97632 97628 97623 97619 97615 IS 14 13 12 II 5 51 5 2 53 54 9 29 20 29 12 29 4 28 56 28 48 2 30 40 3 48 3 5 6 3' 4 31 12 9. 50896 50933 597 51007 5 '43 3i 32 33 33 34 10.49104 49067 49030. 48993 48957 9- 53285 53327 53368 5349 5345 3 I 36 36 37 38 10. 46715 46673 , 46632 46591 4655 10. 02390 02394 02398 02403 02407 4 4 4 4 4 9. 97610 97606 97602 97597 97593 IO 7 6 11 57 5^ 59 60 9 28 40 28 32 28 24 28 16 28 8 28 o 2 31 20 3 I 28 3' 36 3" 44 31 52 32 o 9. 51080 51117 5"54 51191 51227 51264 35 35 36 37 II 10. 48020 48883 48846 48809 48773 48736 9- 53492 53533 53574 536i5 53656 53697 t 39 40 41 41 42 10. 46508 46467 46426 46385 46344 46303 10. 02411 02416 02420 02424 02429 02433 4 4 4 4 4 4 9- 97589 97584. 97580 97576 97571 97567 5 4 3 2 I O M. Houri'. M. Hour A. M. Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. Sine. M. 108 11 196 SINKS, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 19 160 M. Hour A.M. Hour p. M. Sine. Diff. Cosecant. Tajigent. Diff. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. 0. I 2 3 4 9 28 o 27 S 2 27 4 2 27 3 6 27 28 2 32 O 32 S 32 16 3 2 24 32 3 2 9.51264 5'3> 5338 5>374 51411 o I I 2 2 10. 48736 48699 48662 4 26 48589 9- 53 6 97 5373S 53779 53820 53S6i O I I a 3 IO. 46303 46262 46221 46180 46139 o. 02433 02437 02442 02446 02450 o o o o o 9- 97567 97563 9755 s 97554 9755 60 59 5 s I! 9 9 27 20 27 12 27 4 26 56 26 48 2 32 40 32 48 3 2 56 33 4 33 >2 9- 5 '447 51484 51520 5'557 5 '593 3 4 4 5 5 10. 48553 48516 48480 4 8 443 48407 9- 53502 53943 53984 54025 54065 3 4 5 10. 46098 46057 46016 45975 45935 10. 02455 02459 02464 02468 02472 o o 9- 97545 97541 97536 97532 975-8 55 54 53 S 2 5' 10 ii 12 '3 14 9 26 40 26 32 26 24 26 16 26 8 2 33 20 33 28 33 36 33 44 33 S 2 9.51629 51666 51702 5 '738 5 '774 5 7 8 10. 48371 48334 48298 48262 48226 9. 54106 54M7 54187 54228 54269 7 7 S 9 9 10. 45894 45853 45 s '3 45772 4573 1 10.02477 02481 02485 02490 02494 9- 95523 97519 975'5 97510 97506 5 49 48 47 46 3 17 18 19 9 26 o 25 S^ 25 44 25 36 25 28 2 34 o 34 8 34 16 34 24 34 32 9. 51811 51847 51883 51919 51955 9 10 10 ii ii 10. 48189 48153 48117 48081 48045 9 5439 54350 5439 5443 1 5447' 10 II II 12 '3 10. 45691 45650 45610 45569 . 45529 10. 02499 02503 02508 02512 02516 9- 975' 97497 97492 97488 97484 45 44 43 42 4J 20 21 22 23 '24 9 25 20 2 5 12 25 4 24 5 6 24 43 2 34 40 34 48 34 5 6 35 4 35 '2 9-5'99 1 52027 52063 52099 52135 12 12 '3 14 H 10. 48009 47973 47937 47901 47865 9.54512 54552 54593 54 6 33 54673 13 H 15 y 10. 45488 45448 45407 45367 45327 10. 02521 02525 02530 02534 02539 I 2 2 2 2 9- 97479 97475 97470 97466 97461 40 39 38 37 36 'I 26 27 28 29 9 24 4 24 32 24 24 24 16 24 8 2 35 20 35 28. 35 36 35 44 35 S 2 9.52171 52207 52242 52278 523H '5 15 16 17 17 10. 47829 47793 47758 47722 47686 9-547H 54754 54794 54835 548/5 i? 17 18 19 '9 10. 45286 45246 45206 45165 45125 10. 02543 02547 02552 02556 02561 2 2 2 2 2 9-97457 97453 97448 97444 97439 35 34 33 32 3J 3 V 32 33 J4 9 24 o 23 52 23 44 23 3 6 23 28 2 36 36 8 36 16 36 24 3 6 32 9- 5235 52385 52421 52456 52492 18 iS 1 19 20 2O 10. 4/650 47 6I 5 47579 47544 47508 9-549I5 54955 54995 55035 55075 20 21 21 22 23 10. 45085 45045 45005 44965 44925 10. 02565 02570 02574 02579 02533 2 2 2 2 3 9- 97435 9743 97426 97421 97417 3 =9 28 27 26 35 36 9 39 9 23 20 23 12 23 t 22 56 22 48 2 36 40 36 48 36 56 37 4 37 12 9.52527 52563 52598 52634 52669 21 21 22 23 23 '0-47473 47437 47402 47366 4733 1 9.55"5 55155 55'95 55235 55275 23 24 25 25 26 10. 44885 44845 44805 44765 44725 10. 02588 02592 02597 02601 02606 3 3 3 3 3 9.97412 97408 97403 97399 97394 25 24 23 *2 21 40 41 42 43 44 9 22 40 22 32 22 Z4 22 l6 22 8 2 37 20 37 28 37 36 37 44 37 S 2 9. 52705 52740 52775 52811 52846 24 24 2 5 26 26 10. 47295 47260 47225 47189 47154 9-553'i 55355 55395 55434 55474 27 27 28 29 29 lo. 44685 44645 44605 44566 44526 10. 02610 02615 02619 02624 02628 3 3 3 3 3 9- 9739 97385 973Si 97376 97372 20 '9 18 \l 45 46 47 48 49 9 22 O 21 52 21 44 21 36 21 28 2 38 o 38 8 38 16 38 24 38 32 9- 52881 52916 52951 52986 532I 27 27 28 29 29 10. 47119 47084 47049 47014 46979 9-555'4 55554 55593 55 fa 33 55673 3 3i 3' S 2 33 10. 44486 44446 44407 44367 44327 10. 02633 02637 02642 02647 02651 3 3 3 4 4 9- 97367 97363 9735^ 97353 97349 15 H 13 12 II 5 5' 52 53 54 9 21 20 21 12 21 4 2O 56 2O 48 2 38 40 3 8 4 8 3856 39 4 39 '2 9- 53S6 53092 53 '26 53'6i 53196 3 3 3 1 32 32 10. 46944 46908 46874 46839 46804 9.55712 55752 55791 55S3I 55870 33 34 35 % 10. 44288 44248 44209 44169 44130 10. 02656 02660 02665 02669 02674 4 4 4 4 4 9- 97344 97340 97335 97331 97'- 10 6 55 56 57 58 59 60 9 20 40 20 32 20 24 2O 10 20 8 20 o 2 39 20 39 28 39 36 39 44 39 52 40 o 9-5323I 53266 533 01 53336 5337 5345 33 33 34 34 35 36 10. 46769 46734 46699 46664 46630 46595 9.55910 55949 55989 56028 56067 56107 37 P 39 39 40 10. 44090 44051 44011 43972 43933 43893 10. 02678 02683 02688 02692 02697 02701 4 4 4 4 4 4 9- 973-2 973 '7 973" 2 9730S 97303 97-99 5 4 3 2 I O M. Hour p. M. Hour A.M. Cosine. Did Secant. Cotangent Diff Tangent. Cosecant. Diff Sine. M. 109 70 197 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. '23 159 M. HOUI 1 A. M. flour p. M. Sine. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent. Diff Cotangent. Secant Diff Cosine. M. I 2 3 4 9 20 o 19 52 19 44 '9 36 19 28 2 40 40 8 40 j6 40 24 40 32 9- 53405 53440 53475 53509 53544 O I I 2 2 10. 46595 46560 46525 46491 46456 9- 56107 56146 56185 56224 56264 O I I 2 3 10. 43893 43854 43815 43776 43736 10.02701 02706 02711 02715 02720 O o o 9/97299 97294 97289 97285 97280 60 59 58 57 56 I 8 9 9 19 20 19 1.2 19 4 18 56 18 48 2 40 40 4O 48 4 56 41 4 41 12 9-535}S~ 53613 53647 53682 537i6 6 .3 4 5 5 10. 46422 46387 46353 46318 46284 9- 56303 56342 56381 56420 56459 3 4 4 6 10. 43697 43658 43619 43580 43541 10.02724 02729 02734 02738 -02743 o 9.97276 97271 97266 97262 97257 55 54 53 52 5' 10 II 12 13 14 9 18 40 18 32 18 24 18 16 18 8 2 4! 20 41 28 4' 36 41 44 4i 5 2 9-5375' 53785 53 8 '9 53 8 54 53888 6 6 7 8 lo. 46249 46215 46181 46146 46112 9- 56498 S ^ 53 7 565/6 56615 56654 6 8 9 10. 43502 43463 43424 43385 43346 10. 02748 02752 02757 02762 02766 9.97252 97248 97243 97238 97234 50 49 48 47 46 15 16 17 18 19 9 18 o 17 52 17 44 17 36 17 28 2 42 42 8 42 16 42 24 42 32 9. 53922 53957 5399' 54 2 5 5459 8 9 10 10 ii 10. 46078 46043 46009 45975 45941 9- 5 6 693 56732 567/1 56810 56849 10 10 ii 12 12 10. 43307 43268 43229 43190 43151 10. 02771 02776 02780 02785 02790 9. 97229 97224 97220 97215 97210 45 44 43 42 4' 2O 21 *> > 2 3 24 9 17 20 17 12 '7 4 16 56 16 48 2 42 40 42 48 42 5 6 43 4 43 I 2 9- 54093 541^7 54161 54195 54229 ii 12 12 "3 H 10. 45907 45873 45839 45805 4577" 9- 56887 56926 56965 57004 57042 '3 '3 '4 '5 >5 10.43113 43074 43035 42996 42958 10. 02794 02799 02804 02808 02813 2 2 2 2 2 9. 97206 97201 97196 97192 97187 40 "3Q 3^ 37 36 25 26 27 28 29 9 16 40 16 32 16 24 16 16 16 8 2 43 20 43 28 43 3^ 43 44 43 5 2 9- 54263 54297 5433' 54365 54399 14 15 11 16 10-45737 45703 45669 45635 45601 9.57081 57120 57158 57'97 57235 ib 17 II '9 to. 42919 42880- 42842 42803 42765 10.02818 02822 02827 02832 02837 2 2 2 2 2 9.97182 97178 97173 97168 97163 35 34 33 32 3' 3 3' 3- 33 34 9 16 o 15 52 '5 44 IS 36 15 28 2 44 o 44 8 44 16 44 24 44 3 2 9- 54433 54466 545 54534 54567 '7 17 18 19 '9 10. 45567 45534 45500 45466 45433 9-57274 573I 2 57351 57389 57428 "9 20 21 21 22 10.42726 42688 42649 42611 42572 10. 0284 1 02846 02851 02855 02860 2 2 3 3 3 9-97159 97>54 97M9 97145 97140 30 29 28 *l 26 35 30 H 39 9 15 20 15 12 15 1 14 56 14 48 2 44 40 44 .4 s 44 5 6 45 4 45 12 9. 54601 54635 54668 54 /o 2 54735 20 2O 21 21 22 10. 45399 45365 4S33 2 45298 45265 9-57466 57504 57543 5758i 576i9 22 2 3 24 24 25 JO. 42534 42496 42457 42419 42381 10. 02865 02870 02874 02879 02884 3 3 3 3 3 9-97I35 9713 97126. 97121 97116 25 24 23 22 21 40 41 42 43 <<4 9 H 4 H 32 14 24 14 16 14 8 2 45 20 45 28 45 36 45 44 45 5 2 9. 54769 54802 54836 54869 54903 23 23 24 24 25 10.45231 45198 45164 45'3' 4597 9- 57658 5/696 57734 57772 57810 26 6 27 28 28 10. 42342 42304 42266 42228 42190 10. 02889 02893 02898 02903 02908 3 3 3 3 3 9.97111 97107 97102 97097 97092 20 19 18 \l 45 <6 47 48 49- 9 14 o '3 5 2 '3 44 13 36 13 28 2 46 O 46 8 46 16 46 24 46 3 2 9- 54936 54969 55003 55036 55069 3 26 27 28 10. 45064 4S03 1 44997 "44964 44931 9.57849 57S87 57925 57963 58001 29 30 30 3' 3' 10.42151 42113 42075 42037 41999 10. 02913 02917 02922 02927 02932 4. 4 4 4 4 9- 9/087 97083 97078 97073 97068 '5 54 '3 12 II 50 5' 52, 53 54 9 '3 20 13 12 '3 4 12 56 12 48 2 46 40 46 48 46 56 47 4 47 '2 9.55102 55 '36 55169 55202 55235 28 29 29 30 30 10. 44898 44864 44831 44798 44765 9- 58039 58077 58115 58'53 58191 3 2 33 33 34 35 10. 41961 41923 41885 {M&47 41809 10. 02937 02941 02946 02951 02956 4 4 4 4 4 9- 9/063 97059 97054 97049 97044 10 6 55 56 H 59 60 9 12 40 12 3 2 12 24 12 16 12 8 12 2 47 20 47 28 47 36 47 44 47 5 2 48 o 9- 55268 553' 55334 55367 554oo 55433 31 32 32 33 33 34 10. 44732 44699 44666 44633 44600 44567 9. 58229 58267 58304 5834? 58380 58418 3 I 36 37 % 39 10.41771 4' 733 41696 41658 41620 41582 10.02961 02965 02970 02975 02980 02985 4 4 4 5 5 5 9- 97039 97035 97030 97025 97020 97015 5 4 3 2 I O M. Hour p. M. Hour A. M. Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. Sine. M. 110 69 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 21 158 M. Hour*. M. Hour p. M. Sine. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent. Dlff.j Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. O I 2 3 4 9 12 o II 52 II 44 II 36 II 28 2 48 48 8 48 16 48 24 48 32 9- 55433 5S4 6 55499 55532 SSS&4 I I 2 2 10. 44567 44534 44501 44468 44436 9. 58418 58455 58493 5853' 58569 O I I 2 2 10. 41582 41545 41507 41469 41431 IO. 02985 02990 02995 02999 03004 O o o 9.97015 9/OIO 97005 97001 96996 to 59 5 57 56 8 Q 9 II 20 II 12 II 4 10 56 10 4'J 2 48 40 4 8 48 48 5 6 49 4 49 '2 9- 55597 55630 55 66 3 55695 55728 3 3 4 4 5 10. 44403 443/0 44337 4435 44272 9. 58606 58644 58681 58719 58757 3 4 4 10.41394 41356 4I3I9 41281 41243 10. 03009 03014 03019 03024 03029 o 9. 96991 96986 96981 96975 96971 55 54 53 52 5i 10 ii 12 '3 H 9 10 40 lo 32 10 24 10 16 lo 8 2 49 20 49 28 43 3 5 49 44 49 52 9-55/61 55793 55826 55858 55891 I 6 7 7 ic. 44239 44207 44174 44142 44109 9- 58794 58832 58869 58907 58944 6 7 8 9 10. 41206 41168 41131 41093 41056 10. 03034 03038 03043 03048 353 9. 90966 96962 96957 96952 06947 50 "I 4 47 46 \i 17 18 9 9 10 o 9 52 9 44 9 36 9 2o 2 50 O 50 8 50 16 5 24 5 3 2 9- 55923 55956 S598 56021 56053 8 9 9 10 10 10. 44077 44044 44012 43979 43947 9. 58981 59019 59056 59094 5913 1 9 10 10 ii 12 lo. 41019 4093 1 40944 40906 40869 10. 03058 03063 03068 03073 03078 2 9- 9 & 942 96937 96932 96927 96922 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 2 4 9 9 20 9 12 9 4 856 8 48 2 50 40 50 48 5 56 5 4 51 12 9. 56085 56118 56150 55iC2 56215 ii ii 12 12 '3 10.43915 45882 43 8 50 43818 43785 9. 59168 59205 59243 59280 59317 12 13 "4 14 15 10. 40832 40795 40757 40720 40603 lo. 40640 40609 40571 40534 40497 10. 03083 03088 03093 03097 03102 2 2 2 2 2 9.96917 96912 96907 9 6 903 96898 40 11 g 2 5 26 27 2S 29 9 8 40 8 32 8 24 8 16 8 8 2 51 20 51 28 5' 3 6 5' 44 5' 5 2 9. 56247 56279 5631" 56343 56375 '3 '4 '4 15 ID '0-43753 43721 4369 43657 43625 9- 59354 59391 59429 59466 5953 I! 17 7 18 10. 03107 031 12 03"7 03122 0.3127 2 2 2 2 2 9. 96893 96888 96883 96873 96873 35 3+ 33 32 3' 3 3' 3"- 33 34 980 7 52 7 44 7 36 7 28 2 52 O 52 8 52 16 S 2 24 5 2 32 9. 56408 56440 56472 56504 56536 10 17 11 iS 10. 43592 435 6 43528 4349 43464 9- 59540 59577 59614 59651 59688 '9 '9 20 2O 21 10. 404(30 40423 40386 40349 40312 10. 03132 03137 03142 03147 03152 2 3 3 3 3 9. 96868 96863 96^50 96853 96848 3 28 3 3| 36 37 3 3 39 9 7 20. 7 12 7 4 6 56 6 48 2 52 40 52 48 52 56 53 4 53 12 9-56568 56599 56631 56663 5669 1 19 19 20 2O 21 lo. 43432 434i 433 6 9 43337 43J05 9- 59725 59762 59799 59835 59872 22 22 23 23 24 10. 40275 40238 40201 40165 40128 10. 03157 03162 03167 03172 03177 3 3 3 3 3 9. 96843 96838 9683? 96828 96823 25 24 23 22 21 4 4' 43 43 44 9 6 40 6 32 6 24 6 16 6 8 2 53 20 53 28 53 36 53 44 53 52 9- 5>/2 7 5J759 56790 56822 5|54 21 22 22 *3 2.1 IO-43273 43241 43210 43178 43 '46 9- 59909 59946 59983 00019 60056 25 11 27 27 10. 4.0091 40054 40017 39981 39944 10. 03103 03187 03192 03197 03202 3 3 3 4 4 9.96818 96813 96808 96803 96798 20 19 ii 45 46 8 49 960 5 52 5 44 5 36 5 28 2 54 o 54 8 54 "6 54 24 54 32 9. 50686 56917 56949 56902 57012 24 25 3 26 10.43114 43083 43051 43020 42988 9. 60093 60130 60 1 65 60203 60240 58 29 29 3 30 10. 39007 39370 39834 39797 397^0 10. 03207 03212 03217 03222 03228 4 4 4 4 4 9- 96793 96788 96781 96778 96772 15 u 3 12 II 5 5' 52 53 54 9 5 a 5 " 4 56 4 48 2 54 40 54 48 54 56 55 4 55 '2 9-57044 57075 57107 57i3 57169 27 2 28 29 10. 42956 42925 42893 42862 42831 9. 602 70 60313 60349 60386 60.1.22 3' 3' 32 33 33 10. 39724 39687 39651 39614 39578 10. 03231 03238 03243 03248 03253 4 4 4 4 4 9.96767 96762 96757 96753 96747 10 I 55 56 IS 59 bo 9 4 40 4 32 4 2* 4 10 4 8 4 o a 55 20 55 2 55 36 55 44 55 52 56 o 9-57201 57232 57264 57295 57326 57358 29 3 3 3> 33 32 10.42799 4 2 7 6 42736 42705 42674 42642 9- 60459 60495 60512 60568 60605 60641 34 35 9 36 37 10. 39541 3955 39468 39432 39395 39359 10. 03258 03263 03268 03273 03278 03283 5 5 S 5 5 5 9.96742 96737 96732 96727 96722 96717 5 4 3 2 1 M. Hour r. M. Hour A.M. Cislr.3. D15. Secant. Cotangent. DIC. Tancer.1. J Cosecant. Dia. Slue. It, 111 8 22 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. isr M. Hour A. M. Hour p. M. Sine. Dirt. Cosecant. Tangent. Diff. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. I 2 3 4 9 4 o 3 52 3 44 3 36 3 28 2 56 56 S 56 16 56 24 5 6 32 9- 5 735 s 573 8 9 574 2 o 57451 57482 I I 2 2 10. 42642 42611 42580 42549 42518 9. 60641 60677 60714 60750 60786 O I I 2 2 10. 39359 39323 39286 39250 39214 10. 03283 03289 03294 ' 03299 03304 o o o 9.96717 96711 96706 96701 96696 60 59 5< 57 56 6 8 9 9 3 20 3 12 3 4 2 56 2 48 2 56 40 56 4* 5 6 S 6 57 4 57 12 9-575H 57545 57576 57507 57638 3 3 4 4 5 10. 42486 42455 42424 42393 42362 9. 60823 60859 60895 60931 60967 3 4 4 5 5 10.39177 39MI 39105 39069 3933 lo. 03309 033H 03319 03324 03330 o 9. 96691 96686 96681 96676 96670 55 54 53 S 2 5i 10 II 12 13 '4 9 2 40 2 3 2 2 2 4 2 l6 2 8 2 57 20 57 28 57 36 57 44 57 52 9.57669 577 5773' 57762 57793 I 6 7 7 10.42331 42300 42269 42238 42207 .9. 61004 61040 61076 6III2 61148 6 7 8 8 10. 38996 38960 38924 38888 38852 10- 03335 03340 03345 03350 03355 9. 96665 96660 96655 96650 96645 5 49 48 47 46 '5 16 17 18 '9 920 52 44 36 28 2 58 58 8 58 16 58 24 58 32 9.57824 57855 57885 579'6 57947 8 8 9 9 10 10. 42176 42145 42115 42084 42053 9. 61184 6l22O 61256 61292 61328 9 10 10 ii ii 10. 38816 38780 38744 38708 38672 10. 03360 03366 03371 03376 03381 2 2 9. 96640 96634 96629 96624 96619 45 44 43 42 41 20 2\ 22 23 24 9 20 12 4 o 56 o 48 2 58 40 58 48 58 5^ 59 4 59 12 9-579/8 sSooS 58039 58070 58101 10 II II 12 12 10. 42022 41992 41961 41930 41899 9.61364 61400 61436 61472 61508 12 13 13 H H 10. 38636 38600 38564 38528 38492 10. 03386 03392 03397 03402 03407 2 2 2 2 2 9. 96614 96608 96603 96598 90593 40 39 38 37 3 25 26 27 28 2 9 9 o 40 o 32 o 24 O 10 o 8 2 59 20 59 2S 59 3 6 59 44 59 52 9. sSi }i 58162 58192 58223 58253 U 3 M 14 '5 10. 41869 41838 41808 41777 41747 9.61544 6 I579 61615 61651 61687 IS 11 17 17 10. 38456 38421 38385 38349 38313 10. 03412 03418 03423 03428 03433 2 2 2 2 3 9. 96588 96582 9 6 577 96572 96567 35 34 33 3 2 3i 3 3 1 32 33 34 900 8 59 52 59 44 59 3 6 59 28 300 o 8 ' o 16 o 24 o 32 9. 58284 583H 5 8 345 5 ! 37 I 58406 15 16 16 17 17 10. 41716 41686 41655 41625 41594 9. 61722 61758 61794 61830 61865 18 18 19 20 20 10. 38278 38242 38206 38170 38135 10. 03438 03444 03449 03454 03459 3 3 3 3 9. 96562 96"55 6 96551 96546 96541 30 29 28 27 26 9 H 39 8 59 20 59 12 59 4 S 56 58 48 3 o 40 o 48 o 56 4 12 9- 5843 6 58467 58497 58527 58557 18 18 19 '9 20 10. 41564 41533 41503 41473 41443 9. 6 1 90 1 61936 61972 62008 62043 21 21 22 23 23 10. 38099 38064 38028 37992 37957 10. 03465 03470 03475 03480 03486 3 3 3 3 3 9- 96535 9 6 530 96525 96520 96514 25 24 23 22 21 40 41 42 43 44 8 58 40 58 32 58 24 58 16 58 8 3 20 28 36 44 5 2 9. 58588 58618 58648 58678 58709 20 21 21 22 22 10. 41412 41382 41/52 41322 41291 9. 62079 62114 62150 6-2185 62221 24 24 25 26 26 lo. 37921 37886 37850 37815 37779 10. 03491 93496 03502 03507 03512 3 4 4 4 4 9- 96509 96504 96498 96493 96488 20 19 IS 17 16 45 46 47 48 49 8 58 o 57 5 2 57 44 57 36 57 28 320 2 8 2 16 2 24 2 32 9- 58739 58769 58799 58829 58859 23 23 2 4 24 25 lo. 41261 41231 41201 41171 41141 9. 62256 62292 62327 62362 62398 27 27 28 29 29 10. 37744 37708 37673 37638 37602 10.03517 03523 03528 03533 03539 4 4 4 4- 4 9- 96483 96477 96472 96467 96461 15 M 13 12 II 5 5' 52 53 S4 8 57 20 57 12 57 4 56 56 56 48 3 2 40 2 48 2 56 3 4 3 12 9. 58889 5 s 9i9 58949' 589/9 "," >oq 25 26 26 27 27 10. 41111 41081 41051 41021 40991 9- 62433 62468 62504 62539 62574 3 3 31 32 S3 10.37567 37532 37496 37461 37426 lo. 03544 03549 03555 03560 03565 4 4 5 5 5 9- 96456 96451 96445 96440 96435 10 9 8 6 55 56 57 58 59 60 8 56 40 5 6 32 5 6 24 56 16 56 8 56 o 3 3 20 3*8 3 36 3 44 2, 52 4 9- 59039 59069 59098 59128 59158 59188 28 28 29 29 3 31 10. 40961 4093! 40902 40872 40842 40812 9. 62609 6:645 62680 62715 62750 62785 33 33 34 35 35 36 10. 37391 37355 37320 37285 37250 37215 10.03571 03576 03581 03587 03592 03597 5 5 5 5 5 5 9- 96429 96424 96419 96413 96408 96403 5 4 3 2 I i M. Hour r. M. Hour A. M. Cosine. Diff Secant. Cotangent Diff Tangent. Cosecant. Diff Sine. M. 112" 6* SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 23 156 11. I lour .\. M. Hour t. ii. Sine. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent. Diff. Cotangent. Seen t. Dlf. Coanc. 11. o i 2 3 4 S 56 o 55 5 2 55 44 55 3 6 55 28 340 4 8 4 16 4 24 4 32 9. 59188 59218 59247 59277 5937 O o I I 2 10. 40812 40782 40753 40723 40693 9.62785 62820 62855 62890 62926 O I I 2 2 10.37215 37180 37'45 37"o 37074 10. 03597 03603 03608 03613 03619 O O O O 9- 96403 9 5 397 96392 06387 96381 Cry 59 53 57 56 I 8 ? Q 8 55 20 55 > 2 55 4 54 56 54 48 3 4 40 4 48 4 5 6 5 4 5 '2 9- 5933 6 59366 59396 59425 59455 2 3 3 4 4 10. 40664 40634 40604 40575 40545 9. 62961 62996 63031 63066 63101 3 3 4 5 5 10. 37039 . 374 36969 3 6 934 36899 10. 03624 03630 03635 03640 03646 O 9- 963/6 96370 96365 96360 9 6 354 55 54 53 S 2 5' 10 II 12 13 14 S 54 40 54 32 54 24 54 16 54 8 3 5 20 5 28 5 3 6 5 44 5 52- 9. 59484 595H 59543 59573 59602 5 I 6 7 10.40516 40486 40457 40427 40398 9-63I35 63170 63205 63240 6 3275 6 6. 7 8 ? 10. 36865 36830 36795 36760 3 6 725 10. 03651 03657 03662 03667 03673 9- 96349 963-53 9633 96333 96327 5 49 < ; -> 47 46 15 Ib 17 18 19 8 54 o 53 52 53 44 53 3 6 53 28 360 6 8 6 16 6 24 632 9- 59 6 32 59661 59690 59720 59749 8 8 9 9 10. 40368 40339 40310 40280 40251 9.63310 63345 63379 634'4 63449 9 9 10 10 II 10. 36690 36655 36621 36586 36551 10. 03670 03684 03689 03695 03700 2 2 2 e- 963=2 96316 96311 96305 96300 45 <4 43 42 4' 20 21 23 24 8 53 20 53 12 53 4 52 5 6 52 48 3 6 40 6 48 6 56 7 4 7 2 9- 5977 s 59808 59837 59866 59895 10 10 ii ii 12 10. 40222 40192 40163 40134 40105 9. 6348-4 635 '9 63553 63588 63623 12 12 13 13 H 10. 36516 36481 36447 36412 36377 10. 03706 03711 03716 03722 03727 2 2 2 2 2 9- 9 6 -94 96289 96284 96278 9 b 273 40 39 38 37 36 2 5 26 27 28 29 8 52 40 52 3 2 52 24 52 16 52 8 3 7 = 7 28 7 36 7 44 7 5 2 9- 59924 59954 59983 60012 60041 12 3 13 14 14 10. 40076 40046 40017 39988 39959 9.63657 63692 63726 63761 63796 H IS 16 16 17 10. 3 b 343 36308 36274 36239 36204 10-03733 03738 03744 03749 03755 2 2 2 3 3 9. 96267 96262 96256 96251 96245 35 34 33 52 3 3 3i 3 2 33 34 8 52 o 51 52 51 44 5' 36 51 28 380 8 8 8 16 8 24 8 32 9. 60070 60099 60128 60157 6oiS6 '5 15 IS 16 16 10. 3993 39901 39872 39843 39814 9. 63830 63865 63899 63934 63968 i? iS 18 19 20 10. 36170 36135 36101 36066 36032 10. 03760 03766 03771 03777 03782 3 3 3 3 3 9. 96240 96234 962:9 96223 96218 3 29 28 2 7 26 35 3 6 H 39 8 51 20 51 12 5' 4 5 56 50 48 3 8 40 8 48 8 56 9 4 9 12 9. 60215 60244- 60273 60302 6033 1 17 17 18 18 19 10. 39785 3975 39J27 39698 39669 9. 64003 64037 64072 64106 64140 20 21 21 22 22 10. 35997 35963 35928 35894 35860 10. 03788 03793 03799 03804 03810 3 3 3 3 4 9. 96212 96207 96201 96196 96190 25 24 23 22 21 40 41 42 43 -: ; 8 50 40 5 o 2 50 24 50 16 50 8 3 9 20 9 28 9 3 6 9 44 9 52 9. 60359 60388 60417 60446' 60474 19 20 2O 21 21 10. 39641 39612 39583 39554 39526 9- 641 75 64209 64243 64278 -5 43 i2 23 24 2 4 25 25 10. 35825 3579" 35757 35722 35688 10. 03815 03821 03826 03832 03838 4 4 4 4 4 9. 96185 96179 96174 96168 96162 20 '9 18 7 16 45 4& 47 4 49 8 50 o 49 5 2 49 44 49 3 6 49 28 3 lo o 10 8 10 16 10 24 10 32 9- 60503 60532 60561 60589 60618 22 22 2 3 23 24 10. 39497 39468 39439 394 1 1 39382 9- 64346 64381 64415 64449 64483 26 26 2 7 28 28 10. 35654 356i9 35585 35551 35517 10. 03843 03849 03854 03860 03865 4 4 4 4 4 9.96157 96151 96146 96140 96135 '5 H >3 12 II 5 C 5' S^ 53 54 8 49 20 49 12 49 4 48 56 48 48 3 i 4 10 48 10 56 ii 4 II 12 9. 60646 60675 60704 60732 60761 24 25 25 20 26 10. 39354 39325 39296 39-68 39239 9.64517 64552 64586 64620 64654 29 29 3 3t 31 10. 35483 35448 354'4 353So 3534 6 10. 03871 03877 03882 03888 3 S 93 5 5 5 5 5 9. 96129 96123 96118 96112 96107 IO ! 6 55 56 57 5 I 9 60 8 48 40 4 32 48 24 .-' i'. 48 8 48 3 II 20 II 28 II 36 11 44 II 52 12, O 9. 60789 60818 60846 60875 60903 60931 27 27 28 28 29 2 9 10. 39211 39182 39154 39125 39097 390 6 9 9. 64688 64722 64756 64790 64824 64858 S 2 32 33 33 34 35 IQ-353I2 35278 35244 35210 35176 35142 10. 03899 03905 03910 03916 03921 03927 5 5 5 5 Q. 96101 96095 96090 96084 96079 96073 5 4 3 2 : o M. Hour t-. M. Hour A.M. Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. Sine. M. 113 66 201 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 2* 155 M. Hour A. M Hour p. M Sine. Diff Cosecant. Tangent. Diff Cotangent Secant Diff Cosine. M. O I 2 3 4 8 48 o 47 5 2 47 44 47 S 6 47 28 3 12 o 12 8 12 16 12 24 12 32 9. 60931 60960 60988 61016 61045 O o I I 2 10. 39069 39040 39012 30984 38955 9. 648-8 64892 64926 64960 64994 I I 2 2 10.35142 35108 3574 35040 35006 lo. 03927 03933 03938 03944 03950 O o o o 9- 96073 96067 96062 96056 96050 60 9 I 8 9 8 47 20 47 12 47 4 46 56 46 48 3 '2 4 12 48 12 56 '3 4 13 12 9- 6l 73 61101 61129 61158 61186 2 3 3 4 4 10. 38927 38899 38871 38842 38814 9. 65028 65062 65096 65130 65164 3 3 4 4 s 10. 34972 34938 3494 34870 34836 10. 03955 03961 03966 03972 03978 o ( 9. 96045 96039 06034 96028 96022 55 54 53 5 2 Si 10 it 22 '3 >4 8 46 40 46 32 46 24 46 16 46 8 3 J3 20 13 28 '3 36 '3 44 '3 52 9. 61214 61242 61270 61298 61326 5 6 6 lo, 38786 38753 3 8 73 38702 38674 9.65197 65231 65265 65299 65333 6 6 7 8 lo. 34803 34769 34735 347i 34667 10. 03983 03989 3995 04000 04006 9.96017 96011 96005 96000 95994 5 49 48 47 46 *s 16 '7 18 n 8 46 o 45 52 45 44 45 3 6 45 28 3 '4 o 14 8 14 16 14 24 '4 3 2 9.61354 61302 61411 61438 61466 7 I 8 9 10. 38646 38618 38589 38562 3 3 534 9- 65366 65400 6 5434 65467 65501 8 9 9 10 ii 10. 34634 34600 34566 34533 34499 10. 04012 04018 04023 04029 04035 I 2 2 2 2 9- 95988 95982 95977 9597' 95965 45 44 43 42 41 CO 21 C2 -3 24 8 45 20 45 '2 45 4 44 56 44 48 3 '4 40 14 48 4 56 15 4 15 12 9- 6r 494 61522 61550 61578 61606 9 10 10 II II 10. 38506 3 8 478 3 3 450 38422 3 8 394 9- 6 5535 65568 65602 65636 65669 ii 12 12 13 '3 10. 34465 3443 2 34398 34364 3433 10. 04040 04046 04052 04058 04063 2 2 2 2 2 9- 959 bo 95954 95948 95942 95937 40 3 ? 38 3 3 "5 D 27 23 =9 8 44 40 44 32 44 24 44 16 44 8 3 IS 20 15 28 15 36 15 44 15 52 9. 61634 61662 61689 61717 61745 12 12 12 >3 13 10. 38366 38338 383" 38283 38255 9.65703 65736 65770 65803 65837 '4 '5 15 16 16 10. 34297 34264 3423 34197 34163 lo. 04069 04075 04080 04086 04092 2 2 3 3 3 9- 95931 95925 959:0 95914 95908 35 34 33 32 3 r 3 3Z 32 33 34 8 44 o 43 5 2 43 44 43 36 43 28 3 16 o 16 8 16 16 16 24 16 y. 9.61773 61^00 61828 61856 61883 '4 '4 >5 15 10. 38227 38200 38172 3 8 '44 S 8 "? 9. 65870 65904 65937 6597 66004 >7 11 18 '9 10.34130 34096 34063 34029 33996 10. 04098 04103 04109 04115 04121 3 3 3 3 3 9- 959 02 95897 95891 95885 95 8 79 3 29 28 27 26 35 S 6 M 39 8 43 20 43 >2 43 4 42 56 42 48 3 16 40 16 48 16 58 17 4 17 12 9. 61911 6'939 61966 61994 62021 16 '7 17 18 18 10. 38089 38061 38034 38006 37979 9. 66038 66071 66104 66138 66171 20 20 21 21 22 10. 33962 339=9 33 S 96 33862 33829 10.04127 04132 04138 04144 04150 3 3 4 4 4 MLl 95862 65856 9585 25 24 23 22 21 40 41 42 43 44 8 42 40 42 3 Z 42 24 42 16 42 8 3 '7 " 17 28 17 36 >7 44 17 52 9. 62049 62076 62104 62131 62159 18 J9 9 20 Jo. 3 795 ' 379 2 4 37896 37869 3784 9. 66204 66238 66271 66304 66337 22 3 =3 24 25 l- 33796 33.7 6 2 33729 33696 3.3663 10. 04156 04161 04167 04173 04179 4 4 4 4 4 9. 95844 95839 95833 95827 95821 20 19 18 '7 16 45 46 47 48 49 8 42 o 41 52 41 44 4' 3 6 41 28 3 i o 18 8 18 16 18 24 18 32 9. 62186 62214 62241 62268 62296 21 21 22 22 23 10.37814 37786 37759 37732 3774 9.66371 66404 66437 66470 66503 Z l 26 26 27 27 10. 33629 3359 s 33563 33530 33497 10. 04185 04190 04196 04202 04208 4 4 5 5 5 9-958I5 95810 95804 95798 95792 '5 H '3 12 II 5 5' 52 53 54 8 41 20 41 12 41 4 40 36 40 48 3 18 40 18 48 18 56 19 4 19 12 9- 62323 62350 62377 62405 62432 23 24 24 24 2 5 10. 37677 3765a 37623 37595 37568 9. 66537 66570 66603 08636 66669 28 28 29 30 30 i- 33463 3343 33397 333 6 4 33331 10. 04214 04220 04225 04231 04237 5 5 5 5 5 9.95786 9578o 95775 95769 95763 10 7 6 55 56 is 7 59 60 8 40 40 40 32 4 24 40 16 40 8 40 o 3 19 2 19 28 9 36 19 44 19 52 20 9. 62459 62486 62513 62541 62568 62595 26 26 27 27 28 10. 37541 37514 37487 37459 37432 37405 9. 66702 66735 66768 66801 60834 66867 3i 3i 32 32 33 33 10. 33298 33265 33232 33 '99 33 '66 3333 10. 04243 04249 04255 04261 04267 04272 5 5 6 6 9-95757 95751 95745 95739 95733 95728 5 4 3 2 I M. lour p. M. iour A. M. Cosine. DiS. Secant. otangent. Diff. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. Sine. M. 114= 65 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 25 154 M. Hour A.M. Hour p. M. Sine. Did Cosecant. Tangent. Diff Cotangent. Secant. Diff Cosine. M. O z z 3 4 8 40 O 39 52 39 44 39 3 6 39 28 3 20 O 20 8 20 16 20 24 20 32 9- 6 2595 62622 62649 62676 62703 O I I 2 10- 3745 3737 s 3735' 37324 37297 9. 66867 66900 66933 66966 66999 I I 2 2 io. 33133 33'00 SSO 6 ? 33034 33oi io. 04272 04278 04284 04290 04296 o o o 9.957:S 95722 95716 95710 95704 60 59 58 57 S6 9 8 39 20 39 12 39 4 3856 38 48 3 20 40 20 48 2O 56 21 4 21 12 9.62730 62757 62784 62811 62838 2 3 3 4 4 10. 37270 37243 37216 37189 37162 9- 67032 67065 67098 67'3' 67163 3 3 4 4 S 10. 32968 32935 32902 32869 32837 io. 04302 04308 043M 04320 04326 9- 95 6 98 95692 95686 95680 95674 55 54 53 52 S' 10 II 12 13 H 8 38 40 38 32 38 24 38 16 38. 8 3 21 20 21 28 21 36 21 44 21 52 9. 62865 62802 62918 62945 62972 4 5 1 6 10.37135 37108 37082 37055 37028 9. 67196 67229 67262 67295 67127 I 7 8 io. 32804 32771 32738 32705 32673 LO. 04332 04337 04343 04349 4355 9. 95668 95663 95657 95651 95 6 45 5 49 48 47 46 16 "7 18 19 8 38 o 37 52 37 44 37 3 6 37 28 3 22 O 22 8 22 l6 22 24 22 32 9- 62999 63026 63052 63079 63106 7 8 7 8 8 10. 37001 36974 36948 36921 36894 9. 67300 67393 67426 67458 67491 8 9 9 10 10 io. 32640 32607 32574 32542 32509 io. 04361 04367 04373 04379 043 8 5 2 2 2 2 2 9- 95639 95633 95627 95621 95615 45 44 43 42 4i 20 21 22 23 24 8 37 20 37 '2 37 4 36 56 36 48 3 22 40 22 48 22 56 23 4 23 12 9-63133 63 '59 63186 63213 63239 9 9 10 10 ii 10. 36867 36841 36814 36787 36761 9- 67524 67556 67589 67622 67654 n ii 12 12 3 io. 32476 32444 32411 32378 32346 io. 04391 04397 04403 04409 04415 2 2 2 2 2 9- 95609 95603 05597 95S9I 95_S|jS 40 39 38 37 36 s 12 29 8 36 40 3 6 32 36 24 36 16 36 8 3 23 20 23 28 23 36 23 44 23 52 g. 63266 63292 633'9 6,^5 633/2 ii ii 12 12 13 i- 3 6 734 36708 36681 36655 36628 9. 67687 67719 67752 67785 67817 14 14 >5 15 io. 32313 32281 32248 32215 32183 io. 04421 04427 04433 04439 04445 3 3 3 3 3 9-95579 95573 95567 95561 95555 35 34 33 32 21 3 3i 3 2 33 34 8 36 o 35 52 35 44 35 36 35 28 3 24 o 24 8 24 16 24 24 24 32 9- 63398 63425 63451 63478 635 4 3 14 H i5 'S 10. 36602 36575 36549 36522 36496 9. 67850 67882 67915 67947 67980 16 7 '7 18 18 10.32150 32118 32085 32053 32020 io. 04451 04457 04463 04469 04475 3 3 3 3 3 9- 95549 95543 95537 95531 955 2 5 30 29 28 27 26 i 38 39 8 35 20 35 '2 35 4 34 56 34 48 3 24 4 24 48 24 56 25 4 25 12 9-6353 1 63557 63583 63610 63636 !i 16 i? '7 10. 36469 36443 36417 36390 36364 9. 680 J'2 68044 68077 68109 68142 19 20 20 21 21 io. 31988 31956 35923 31891 31858 io. 04481 04487 04493 04500 04506 4 4 4 4 4 9-955I9 95513 95507 955oo 95494 2 5 24 23 22 21 40 4' 42 43 44 8 34 40 34 3 2 34 24 34 '6 34 8 3 25 20 25 28 25 3 6 25 44 25 52 9. 63662 63689 63715 63741 63767 18 18 9 '9 '9 10. 36338 363" 36285 36259 36233 9. 68174 68206 68239 68271 68303 22 22 23 23 24 io. 31826 31794 31761 3' 7 2 9 3i 6 97 io. 04512 04518 04524 0453 04536 4 4 4 4 4 9- 95488 95482 95476 95470 95464 2O 19 18 '7 16 45 46 4 Z 48 49 8 34 o 33 52 33 44 33 S 6 33 28 3 26 o 26 8 26 16 26 24 26 32 9- 63794 63820 63846 63872 63898 20 20 21 21 22 10. 36206 36180 36154 36128 36102 9 . 68336 68368 68400 68432 68465 24 25 2 5 26 27 io. 31664 31632 31600 31568 31535 io. 04542 04548 04554 04560 04566 5 5 5 5 5 9- 9545 s 95452 95446 95440 95434 15 14 13 12 II 5 51 S 2 53 54 8 33 20 33 12 33 4 32 50 32 43 3 26 40 26 48 26 56 27 4 27 12 9- 63924 63950 63976 64002 64028 22 2 3 2 3 2 3 24 10. 36076 36050 36024 35998 35972 9- 68497 68529 68561 68593 68626 27 28 28 29 29 10.31503 31471 31439 31407 3'374 10.04573 04579 045 S 5 04591 04597 5 5 5 5 S 9- 954=7 95421 95415 95409 95403 IO 9 8 7 6 55 5 6 P 59 60 8 32 40 32 32 32 24 32 16 32 8 32 o 3 27 20 27 28 27 36 27 44 Z 7 S 2 28 o 9. 64054 64080 64106 64132 64158 64184 24 25 25 26 26 26 10. 35940 35920 3^894 35868 35842 35816 9. CSojJ 68690 68722 68754 C37S5 68818 30 3 3' 3' 32 33 10.31342 33'9 3.278 31246 31214 31182 i o. 04603 04609 04616 04622 04628 04634 6 6 6 6 6 6 9- 95397 95391 95384 9537 s 95372 95366 5 4 3 2 I O M. Hour p. M. Hour A. M.I Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. Sine. M. 115 64 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 26 153 M. Hour A. M. Hour p. M. Sine. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent. Diff. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. o I 2 3 4 8 32 o 3' 52 3' 44 3' 3 6 31 28 3 28 28 8 28 16 28 24 28 32 9. 64184 64210 64236 64262 64288 O O I I 2 10.35816 35790 357 6 4 35738 35712 9. 68818 68850 68882 68914 68916 o I I 2 2 Jo. 31.182 31150 31118 31086 31054 IO. 04634 04640 04646 04652 04659 O o o 9- 95366 9536 95354 9534 9534' 60 59 58 57 56 6 8 9 S 31 20 31 u 31 t 3 5 6 30 48 3 28 40 28 48 28 56 29 4 29 12 9-643I3 6 4339 643 b 5 64391 64417 2 3 3 3 4 10. 35687 35661 35635 35609 35583 9. 68978 65010 69042 69074 69106 3 3 4 4 5 10. 31022 30990 30958 30926 30894 10. 04665 04671 04677 04683 04690 9-95335 95329 95323 953' 7 953'o 55 54 53 S 2 5' 10 II 12 '3 4 8 30 40 3 S 2 30 24 30 16 30 8 3 29 20 29 28 29 3 6 29 44 29 52 9.64442 64468 64494 64519 64545 4 5 5 6 IO-35558 35532 35506 354SI 35455 9- 6913* 69170 69202 69234 69266 6 7 7 lo. 30862 3083 30798 30766 30734 10. 04696 04702 04708 04714 04721 9- 95304 95298 95292 95286 95279 5 49 48 *1 46 '5 10 17 18 '9 8 30 o 29 52 29 44 29 36 29 28 3 3 o 30 8 3 '6 30 24 3 32 9. 64571 64596 64622 64647 64673 6 7 8 8 to. 35429 3544 35378 35353 35327 9. 69298 69329 69361 69393 69425 8 8 9 9 10 10. 30702 30671 30639 30607 30575 10. 04727 04733 04739 04746 04752 2 * 2 2 2 9- 95273 95 2 67 95261 95 2 54 95248 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 8 29 20 29 12 29 4 28 56 28 ft 3 3 40 30 48 30 56 3 4 31 12 9. 64698 64724 64749 f>4775 64800 8 9 9 10 JO 10. 35302 35 2 76 35251 35225 35200 9.69457 69488 69520 69552 69584 u ii 12 12 53 o- 30543 30512 30480 30448 30416 10. 04758 04764 04771 04777 04783 2 2 2 2 3 9- 95 2 42 95236 95229 95223 95217 40 S 11 25 26 27 28 29 8 28 40 28 32 28 24 28 16 28 8 3 3 20 31 28 3' 36 3 1 44 3' 52 9. 64826 64851 64877 64902 64927 U ii ii 12 12 10.35174 35149 35 '23 35 93 3S73 9.69615 69647 69679 69710 69742 13 *4 H IS 5 10. 30385 30353 30321 30290 30258 10. 04789 04796 04802 04808 04815 3 3 3 3 3 9.95211 95204 95198 95192 95185 35 34 33 32 o 3' 3 3' S 2 33 34 8 28 o 27 52 27 44 27 36 27 28 3 3 2 o 32 8 32 lo 3 2 24 33 32 9- 64953 64978 65003 65029 65054 13 '3 H '4 14 10. 35047 35022 34997 34971 34946 9- 69774 69805 69837 69868 69900 16 16 17 || lo. 30226 30195 30163 30132 30100 10.04821 04527 04833 04840 04846 3 3 3 3 4 9- 95 79 95'73 95167 95160 95 '54 30 29 28 27 26 ii 37 38 39 8 27 20 27 12 27 4 26 56 26 48 3 3 2 4 32 48 32 56 33 4 33 12 9. 65079 65104 65130 65155 65180 IS 15 10 16 16 10.34921 34896 348/0 34845 34820 9- 69932 69963 69995 70026 70058 18 19 20 20 21 10. 30068 30037 30005 29974 29942 10. 04852 04859 04865 04871 04878 4 4 4 4 4 9.95148 95141 95 '35 95129 95122 25 2 4 23 22 21 40 4! 42 43 44 8 26 40 26 32 26 24 26 16 26 8 3 33 20 33 28 33 3 6 33 44 33 S 2 9. 65205 65230 65255 65281 65306 17 17 18 18 19 10- 34795 34770 34745 34719 34694 9. 70089 70121 70152 70184 70215 21 22 22 23 23 lo. 29911 29879 29848 29816 29785 10. 04884 04890 04897 04903 04910 4 4 4 S S 9.95116 95110 95'03 95097 95090 20 19 >7 16 11 H 49 8 26 o 2 5 S 2 25 44 25 36 25 28 3 34 o 34 8 34 >6 34 24 34 32 9-6533I 65356 65381 65406 6 543' 19 "9 20 20 21 10. 34669 34644 34619 34594 34569 9- 70247 70278 70309 70341 70372 24 24 2 5 2 I 26 10. 29753 29722 29691 29659 29628 10.04916 04922 04929 04935 04941 5 5 5 5 S 9- 95084 95078 95071 95065 95059 '5 H J3 12 II 5 5' 52 53 54 8^25 20 25 12 25 4 24 5 6 24 48 3 3440 34 4 s 34 56 35 4 35 '2 9- 65456 65481 65506 65531 65556 21 22 22 22 2f >o. 34544 345" 9 34494 34469 34444 9- 70404 70435 70466 70498 70529 26 27 % 28 10. 29596 29565 29534 29502 29471 lo. 04948 04954 04961 ! 04967 049 7 j_ S 5 6 9- 95 52 95046 9539 95033 95027 10 9 8 6 55 56 H 11 8 24 40 24 32 24 24 24 16 24 8 24 o 3 35 20 35 28 35 36 35 44 35 52 36 o 9. 65580 65605 65630 65655 6j6So 65705 2 3 24 24 2S 25 25 10. 34420 34395 3437 34345 31320 3429S o. 70560 759 2 70623 7 654 70685 70717 29 3 30 3 3< 32 10. 29440 29408 29377 29346 zyj'5 29-83 10.04980 04080 04993 04999 05005 05012 6 6 6 6 6 6 9. OCO2O 950'4 95007 95001 94995 94988 5 4 3 2 I O M. Hour p. u. Hour A. M. Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. TanjCKt. Cosecant. Diff. Sine. M. 116 63 204 SINES, TAXGEXTS, AND 27 SECANTS. 152 M. Hour A. M. Hour p. M. Sine. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent. Diff Cotangent. Secant. Diflf Cosine. M. o i 2 3 4 8 34 o 23 52 23 44 23 36 2328 3 3 6 o 36 8 36 16 3 6 24 36 32 9- 65705 65729 65754 65779 65804 o o i 2 10. 34295 3427 1 34246 34221 34196 9- 70717 70748 70779 70810 70841 o I i 2 2 10. 29283 20252 29221 29190 29159 10. 05012 05018 05025 05031 05038 o o o o 9. 94988 94982 94975 94969 94962 60 59 5 57 56 I 8 9 8 23 20 23 12 23 4 22 56 22 48 J 3 6 4 3648 36 56 37 4 37 12 9. 65828 65S53 65878 65902 65927 2 2 3 3 4 10.34172 34H7 34122 3409S 34073 9. 70873 70904 70935 70966 7997 3 3 4 4 5 10. 29127 29096 29065 29034 29003 10. 05044 05051 05057 05064 05070 9. 94956 94949 94943 94936 94930 55 54 53. 52 5i 10 ii 12 '3 14 8 22 40 22 32 22 24 22 l6 22 8 3 37 20 37 28 37 3 6 37 44 37 52 9- 65952 65976 66001 66025 66050 4 4 5 6 10. 34048 34024 33999 33975 3395 9. 71028 71059 71090 7II2I 71153 6 6 7 7 10. 28972 28941 28910 ,28879 28847 10.05077 05083 95089 05096 05102 2 9- 94923 949 '7 94911 94904 94898 So 49 48 47 46 15 16 i" 10 !9 8 22 21 52 -21 44 21 36 21 28 3 38 o 38 8 38 16 38 24 38 32 9. 66075 66099 66124 66148 66173 6 6 7 1 10. 33925 339 i 33876 33852 33827 9. 711-84 71215 71246 71277 71308 8 8 9 9 10 10. 28816 28785 28754 28723 28692 10. 05109 05115 05122 05129 05135 2 2 2 2 2 9- 94891 94885 94878 94871 94865 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 8 21 2O 21 12 21 4 2O 56 20 48 3 3 s 4 38 48 38 56 39 4 39 12 9. 66197 66221 66246 66270 66295 8 8 9 9 10 10. 33803 33779 33754 33730 3375 9- 71339 7 ! 37o 71401 7H3I 71462 10 ii n 12 12 10. 28661 28630 28599 28569 28538 10. 05142 05148 05155 05161 05168 2 2 2 3 3 9- 94858 94852 94845 94839 94832 40 39 38 37 36 25 26 27 23 29 8 20 40 20 32 20 24 20 16 20 8 3 39 20 39 28 39 3 6 39 44 39 52 9.66319 66343, 66368 66392 66416 10 ii ii n 12 10. 33681 33657 33632 336o8 33584 9- 7H93 71524 71555 7I5S6 71617 3 13 >4 4 15 10. 28507 28476 28445 28414 28383 10.05174 05181 05187 05194 05201 3 3 3 3 3 9. 94826 94819 94813 94806 94799 35 34 33 32 3' 30 31 S 2 33 34 8 20 O 19 52 19 44 19 36- 19 28 3 40 o 40 8 40 16 40 24 40 32 9. 66441 66465 66489 66513 66537 12 '3 13 '3 14 i- 33559 33535 335" 334S7 33463 9. 71648 71679 71709 71740 71771 15 1 6 16 '7 '7 10. 28352 28321 28291 28260 28:129 10. 05207 05214 05220 05227 05233 3 3 4 4 4 9- 94793 94786 94780 94773 94767 30 29 28 27 26 ^ 3 6 37 3' J 39 8 19 20 19 12 19 4 18 56 18 48 3 4 4 40 48 40 56 41 4 41 12 9. 66562 66586 66610 66634 66658 14 5 '5 15 16 10. 33438 334H 33390 33366 33342 9. 71802 71833 71863 71894 71925 18 19 '9 20 2O 10. 28198 28167 28137 28106 28075 10. 05240 00247 05253 05260 05266 4 4 4 4 4 9. 94760 94753 94747 94740 94734 25 24 23 22 21 40 41 42 43 44 8 18 40 18 32 18 24 18 16 18 8 3 41 20 41 28 41 36 41 44 41 52 9. 66682 66706 66731 66/55 66779 16 17 '7 7 18 10.33318 33294 33269 33245 33221 9- 71955 7:986 72017 72048 72078 21 21 22 22 23 10. 28045 28014 27983 27952 27922 10.05273 05280 05286 05293 05300 4 4 5 5 5 9.94727 94720 94714 94707 94700 20 19 IS 11 8 47 43 49 8 18 o i? 52 17 44 '7 36 17 28 3 42 o 42 8 42 16 42 24 42 3 2 9. 66803 66827 66851 66875 66899 18 9 19 19 20 io.33i97 33173 33'49 33125 33101 9. 72109 72140 72170 72201 72231 23 24 24 25 2S 10. 27891 27860 27830 27799 27769 10. 05306 53'3 05320 05326 5333 5 5 5 5 5 9- 94694 94687 94680 94674 94667 '5 '4 13 12 II 55 3 6 15 28 3 44 44 8 44 16 44 24 44 32 9. 67161 67185 67208 67232 67256 c o * I I 2 10. 32839 32815 32792 32768 32744 9. 72567 72598 72628 72659 72689 O I I 2 2 10. 27433 27402 27372 2734' 27311 lo. 05407 05413 05420 05427 05433 o o o o 9- 94593 945S7 94580 94573 94567 60 59 58 11 8 9 8 15 20 IS 12 15 4 14 56 14 48 3 44 4 44 4 s 44 5 6 45 4 45 12 o. 67280 6 733 673 2 7 67350 67374 2 2 3 3 3 10. 32720 32697 32673 32650 32626 9. 72720 72750 72780 72811 72841 3 3 4 4 5 10. 27280 " 27250 27220 27189 27159 10. 05440 05447 05454 05460 05467 9- 9456o 94553 94546 94540 94533 55 54 53 5 2 5' 10 II 12 13 '4 S 14 40 M 3 2 14 24 14 16 14 8 3 45 20 45 28 45 36 45 44 45 52 9. 67398 67421 67445 67468 67492 4 4 5 S 5- 10. 32602 32579 32555 32532 32508 9. 72872 72902 72932 72963 72993 I 6 7 7 10. 27128 27098 27068 27037 27007 10.05474 05481 05487 05494 05501 2 9. 94526 945'9 945" 3 94506 94499 50 49 48 47 46 II '7 iS '9 8 14 o 3 52 '3 44 '3 3 6 13 28 3 46 o 46 8 46 16 46 24 46 32 9- 675 '5 67539 67562 67586 67609 6 6 7 7 7 10. 32485 32461 32438 32414 32391 9- 73023 73054 73 8 4 73i4 73 '44 8 8 9 9 10 10. 26977 26946 26916 26886 268^6 10. 05508 55 '5 0552,1 OSS 2 * 05535 < 2 2 2 2 2 9- 94492 94485 94479 94472 94465 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 8 13 20 13 12 13 4 12 56 12 48 3 46 40 46 48 46 56 47 4 47 12 9- 67633 67656 67680 67/03 67726 8 8 9 9 9 10. 32367 32344 32320 32297 32274 9- 73 '75 7325 73235 73265 73=95 10 ii ii 12 12 10. 26825 26795 26765 26735 26705 10. 05542 05549 05555 05562 05569 2 2 3 3 3 9. 94458 9445' 94445 94438 9443 ' 40 39 38 i 25 26 ^7 2S 2 9 8 12 40 12 32 12 24 12 l6 12 .8 3 47 20 47 28 47 3 6 47 44 47 52 9. 67750 677/3 67796 67820 67843 10 10 10 II II 10. 32250 32227 32204 32180 32157 9- 733=6 73356 73386 73416 73446 '3 '3 14 14 '5 10. 26674 26644 26614 26584 26554 10. 05576 05583 05590 05596 05603 3 3 3 3 3 9. 94424 94417 94410 94404 94397 35 34 33 32 3' 3 3' 32 33 34 8 12 11 52 II 44 II 36 II 28 3 48 o 48 8 48 16 48 24 48 32 9. 67866 67890 67913 67936 67959 12 12 12 "3 3 .10.32134 32110 32087 32064 32041 9- 73476 7357 73537 73567 73597 15 16 16 '7 17 10. 26524 26493 26463 26433 =6403 10. 05610 05617 05624 05631 05638 3 4 4 4 4 9- 94390 943S3 94376 . 94369 94362 3 29 28 11 3 I 36 37 38 39 8 II 20 II 12 II 4 10 56 10 48 3- 48 4 48 48 48 56 49 4 49 12 9. 67982 68006 68029 68052 68075 14 14 '4 '5 '5 10. 32018 3 '994 3'97i 3I94S 31925 9- 73627 73657 73687 73717 73747 18 18 '9 9 20 10. 26373 26343 26313 26283 26253 to. 05645 05651 05658 05665 05672 4 4 4 4 4 9- 94355 94349 94342 94335 9432 25 24 23 22 21 40 41 42 43 44 8 10 40 10 32 10 24 10 16 10 8 3 49 20 49 28 49 36 49 44 49 S 2 9. 68098 68121 68144 68167 68190 16 16 16 17 J 7 10. 31902 31879 31856 3'833 31810 9- 73777 73807 73837 73867 73897 20 21 21 22 22 lo. 26223 26193 26163' 26133 26103 10. 05679 05686 05693 05700 05707 5 5 5 5 5 9-94321 943M 9437 943 94293 20 '9 18 17 16 4 I 46 47 48 49 8 10 o 9 52 9 44 9 3 6 9 28 3 50 o 50 8 50 ?6 50 24 5 32 9. 68213 68237 68260 68283 68305 17 18 18 19 19 10.31787 3"763 31740 31717 3 '695 9- 73927 73957 73987 74017 74047 23 2 3 24 24 25 10. 26073 26043 26013 25983 25953 40.05714 05721 05727 05734 05741 5 5 5 9. 94286 94279 94273 942.66 94259 '5 14 >3 12 II 5 5' 52 53 54 8 9 20 9 12 9 4 8 56 8 48 3 5 40 50 48 50 56 S' 4 51 12 9. 68328 68351 68374 68397 68420 '9 20 20 21 21 10. 31672 31649 31626 31603 31580 9- 74077 74107 74137 74166 74196 2 5 26 26 27 27 10. 25923 25893 25863 25834 25804 10. 05748 05755 05762 05769 05776 6 6 6 6 6 9. 94252 94245 94238 94231 94224 10 6 55 5 6 57 59 60 8 8 40 832 8 24 8 16 8 8 8 o 3 5' 20 51 28 5' 3 6 51 44 51 52 52 o 9- 68443 68466 68489 68512 68534 68557 21 22 22 22 23 23 !0-3i557 3 '534 3'5'i 31488 31466 3'443 9. 74226 74256 74286 743I6 74345 74375 28 28 29 29 3" 3 10.25774 25744 25714 25684 25655 25625 10.05783 05790 05797 05804 05811 05818 6 6 7 7 7 7 9.94217 94210 94203 94196 94189 94182 5 4 3 z i M. Hour P.M. Hour A.M. Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. Sine". M. 118 61 206 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 29 150 M. Hour A. ll. Hour f. M. Sine. Dlff. Cosecant. Tangent. Diff. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. I 2 3 4 880 7 52 7 44 7 36 7 28 3 5 2 o 52 8 52 16 52 24 52 32 9.68557 68580 60603 68625 68648 O O I I I 10.31443 31420 3>397 3'375 3 '352 9- 7-5375 74405 74435 74405 74494 o O I I 2 10. 25625 25595 25565 25535 25506 10-. 05818 05825 05832 05839 05846 o O o o o 9. 94182 94175 94168 94161 94154 60 3 y 8 7 9 8 7 20 7 12 7 4 6 56 6 48 3 5 2 4 52 43 52 5 6 53 4 53 '2 9. 68671 6S&91 68716 68739 68762 2 2 3 3 3 10.31329 3 '306 31284 31261 3 '238 9. 745-4 74554 7453 74613 74643 2 3 3 4 4 10. 25470 25446 25417 25387 25357 10. 05853 05860 05867 05874 058^1 9.94147 94140 94133 94126 94119 55 54 53 52 y 10 ii 12 '3 14 S 6 40 6 32 6 24 6 16 6 8 3 53 20 53 28 53 3 6 53 44 53 5 2 9. 68704 <>SSo7 688:9 68852 68875 4 4 i 5 5 10. 3I2It> 31193 37i 31148 31125 9- 74673 74702 74732 74702 7479' 5 6 6 7 10. 25327 25298- 25268 25238 25209 10. 05888 05895 05902 05910 05917 2 2 9.94112 94105 94098 94090 94083 5 49 48 47 46 '5 16 '7 18 19 8 6 o 5-52 5 44 5 36 5 28 3 54 o 54 8 54 it> 54 24 54 32 9. 68897 68920 68942 68965 68987 6 6 6 7 7 10. 3" 3 31080 31058 3>35 3 IOI 3 9- 74i>2i 74851 71^80 74910 74939 8 8 9 9 10.25179 25149 25120 25090 25061 10. 05924 0593' 05938 05945 595 2 2 2 2 2 .2 9. 94076 94069 94062 94055 94048 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 8 5 20 5 I2 5 4 456 4 48 3 54 4 54 48 54 56 55 4 55 '2 9. 69010 69032 65^55 69077 69100 I 8 9 9 10. 30990 30968 309*5 30923 30900 9- "4969 74998 750:8 75058 75087 10 10 II II 12 10. 25031 25002 24972 2494* 24913 10. 05959 05966 05973 05980 05988 2 3 3 3 Jl_ 3 3 3 3 3 9. 94041 94034 94027, 94020 94012 40 39 38 ll 25 26 27 28 29 8 4 40 4 32 4 24 4 16 4 8 3 55 2 55 28 55 36 55 44 55 52 9. 69122 69144 69167 69189 69212 9 10 10 IQ II 10. 30878 30856 3 833 30811 30788 9-75"7 75146 75176 75*5 75235 12 '3 '3 >4 >4 10. 2.-,883 24854 24824 2 4795 2 4765 10. 05995 06002 06009 06016 06023 9. 9400! 93998 9399" 93984 93977 35 34 33 3 2 3 3 3' 32 33 34 840 3 S 2 3 44 3 36 3 28 3 5 6 56 8 56 16 56 24 5 6 32 9. 69234 69256 69279 69301 69323 II 12 12 12 13 10. 30766 3744 30721 30699 30677 9- 75264 75294 75323 75353 75382 >5 15 10 16 '7 10. 24736 24706 24677 24647 24618 10. 06030 06037 06045 06052 06059 4 4 4 4 4 9- 9397 939S3 93955 93948 9394" 3 2! 27 26 35 3 6 9 39 8 3 20 3 2 3 4 2 5 6 2 48 3 5 6 4 56 48 56 56 57 4 57 12 9- 69345 69368 69390 69412 69434 >3 '3 4 4 IS 10. 30655 30632 30610 30588 30566 9-754" 7544" 75470 75500 75529 \l 18 19 9 10. 2451:9 24559 2453 24500 24471 10. 06066 06073 06080 06088 06095 4 4 4 5 S 9- 93934 939 2 7 93920 939 12 93905 2 5 2 4 23 22 21 40 41 42 43 44 8 2 40 2 32 2 24 2 16 2 8 3 57 2 57 28 57 36 57 44 57 52 9- 6945 & 60479 69501 69523 69545 '5 15 16 16 16 to. 30544 30521 3499 30477 30455 9-75558 75583 75617 75647 75676 20 20 21 21 22 10. 24442 24412 24383 24353 24324 10. 0&I02 o6ic9 06116 06124 06131 S 5 5 5 5 9- 93 8 98 9389' 93884 93876 03X69 20 '9 is ll 45 46 8 49 820 52 44 i 28 3 jl I 58 16 58 24 58 32 9. 69567 69589 69611 69633 69655 7 7 \l 18 o. 30433 30411 30389 30367 30345 9.75705 7573S 75764 75793 758-2 22 23 23 24 24 10. 24295 24265 24235 24207 24178 10.06138 06145 06153 06100 06167 5 6 6 9- 93 S 62 93855 93847 9384 93 8 33 '5 M '3 12 II 5 5' 52 53 54 8 20 12 ' * o 56 f o 48 3 5 s 40 58 48 58 56 59 4 59 12 9. 69677 69699 69721 69743 69765 9 >9 19 20 20 10. 30323 30301 30279 30257 30235 9- 75852 75881 7^910 7593? 75969 i 25 27 10. 24148 24119 24090 24061 24031 10.06174 06181 06189 06196 06203 6 6 6 6 6 9. 93826 938i9 93811 93804 93797 10 j 55 56 12 59 60 8 o 40 o 32 o 24 o 1 5 o S O 3 59 20 59 28 59 36 59 44 59 S 2 400 9- 697 8 7 69809 69831 65853 69875 69897 20 21 21 21 22 22 10. 30213. 50191 30169 30147 30125 jo 1 03 9- 75958 76027 76056 56086 76115 76144 2 l 28 28 29 29 29 to. 24002 23973 23944 23914 23885 23856 10. 06211 06218 06225 06232 06240 06247 7 7 7 7 7 7 9- 93789 93782 93775 93768 937 6 93753 5 4 3 2 I O M. Hour i'. M. Hour A. M. Cosine. Dlff. Secant. Cotangent . Diff. Tangent. Cosecant. Dlff. Sine. M. 110 60' 207 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 36 149 M. Hour A. M. Hour p. M. Ens. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent. DifT. Cctsr;. Sfconi. Dif. Cidne. HI. o I 2 3 A 800 7 59 S 2 59 44 59 36 59 28 400 8 o 16 o 24 o 32 9- 9897 69919 69941 69963 69984 O O I I I ."0.30103 30081 30059 S0037 "OOl6 9- 7SI44 7^173 76202 76231 76261 O I I 2 lo.2 3 Ss5 S-J827 23793 23769 23739 10. cS247 08254 06262 06269 06275 O 9- 93753 S3746 93738 9573' -372.1 60 r 9 53 y I I 9 7 59 20 59 12 59 4 5* 56 53 48 4 ." 4 o 48 o 56 4 12 9. 7000(3 70028 70050 70072 70093 2 2 3 3 3 10. 25594 29972 29950 29928 2-9907 9. 76290 76319 76348 76377 76406 2 3 3 4 4 10. 23710 23681 23652 23623 23594 10. 06283 06291 06258 C^. T-." "jOj 06313 9-937I7 537=9 93J 93695 93687 5 54 3 r 2 ^ y 10 II 12 13 J4 7 5^ 40 53 32 5 s 24 58 16 cS 8 4 20 28 36 44 C2 9.70115 70137 7'59 70180 70202 4 4 4 5 5 10. 29885 29863 29841 29820 29798 9- 76435 76464 76493 76522 76551 5 6 7 10. 23565 23536 23507 23478 23449 10. 06320 06327 06335 06342 06350 2 2 Q. 9j6L,o 935/3 9366-, 9365-^ 936^0 3 O <3 <7 / 5 15 16 17 18 >9- 7 5ii o 57 52 57 4-] 57 36 57 28 42O 2 8 2 16 2 24 2 72 9. 70224 70245 70267 70288 70310 6 6 7 10. 29776 29755 29733 29712 29690 9. 76580 76609 76639 76668 76697 8 9 9 10. 23420 23391 23361 23332 23303 10.06357 06364 06372 06379 06386 2 2 2 2 2 9- 53643 956;3 95 5 - J 9-621 9.>6i4 <5 44 43 <2 41 20 21 -^ 2 3 24 7 57 20 57 12 57 4 6 5 6 48 4 2 40 2 48 2 56 3 4 3 12 9- /0332 7353 70375 70396 70418 8 8 8 9 10. 29660 29647 29625 29604 29582 9- 76725 76754 76783 76812 76841 10 10 ii ii 12 10.23275. 23246 23217 23188 23159 10. 06394 06401 06409 06416 06423 2 3 3 3 3 o. 53606 95Sr:> 93591 9:534 93577 <- D 3 J T / 5 2 3 29 7 P 43 <5 32 5 t 2 z 56 16 S 5 8 4 3 20 3 1 3 3 6 3 44 3 5" 9- "0439 70461 70482 70504 70525 9 9 10 10 10 10. 29501 29539 29518 29496 29475 9. 76870 768.99 76928 76957 76986 12 '3 13 13 14 10.23130 23101 23072 23043 23014 10. 06431 064-3 0^446 06453 06461 3 3 3 3 A 9- 93569 935 C 2 93554 93547 93539 5 4 -5 j 2 I 33 31 33 33 34 7 50 o 55 52 5 44 5 36 55 28 440 4 8 4 .6 4 24 4 32 9- 70547 70568 70590 70611 70633 II _ll 'n 12 12 10. 29453 29432 25410 29389 29367 9- 770J5 77044 77073 77101 77130 14 IS 15 16 16 ^10. 22985 22956 22927 22899 22870 10. 0646^ 06475 06423 06490 06408 4 4 4 4 A 9- 93532 93525 93517 935 10 93502 3 Cl> "7 J 35 3" 37 38 33 7 5 20 5 12 55 4 54 6 54 48 4 4 40 448 4 56 S 4 5 12 9- 70&54 70675 70697 70718 70739 '3 13 13 14 4 10. 29346 25-325 29303 29283 29261 9-77159 77IS3 77217 77246 77274 17 K 18 19 10. 22841 22812 22783 22754 22726 10. 06505 06513 065:0 06528 06535 4 4 5 5 5 9- 934S5 93487 934So 934/2 93465 ~5 24 =2f 12 rr 40 4' 42 43 43 7 54 40 54 32 54 24 54 16 54 8 4 5 20 528 5 36 5 44 ? C2 9. 70761 70702 "0803 70824 70846 14 IS IS 15 16 10. 29239 29218 29197 29170 29151 9- 77303 77332 7736i 77390 774'8 19 20 2O 21 21 to. 22697 22668 22639 22610- 22582 10. 06543 06550 06558 06565 06573 5 5 5 5 5 9-93457 93450 9344 2 93435 93427 :o 19 Io 17 16 45 46 47 48 49 7 54 o 53 52 53 44 53 36 53 28 460 6 8 6 *6 6 24 6 52 9. 70867 70SS3 70909 70931 70952 10 16 17 \l 10. 29133 29112 29091 29069 29048 9- 77447 774/6 77505 77533 77562 22 22 23 23 24 io. ,22553 22524 22495 22467 22438 10. 06580 06588 06595 06603 06610 6 6 6 6 6 9.53420 93412 93405 93397 93390 '5 U 13 12 II 5 5' 52 53 54 7 53 20 53 12 53 4 52 S 6 52 4& 4 6 40 6 48 6 56 7 4 7 12 9- 70973 "0994 71015 71036 71058 18 18 19 19 19 10. 29027 29006 28985 28964 28941 9- 7759' 77619 77648 77677 77706 24 25 11 26 10. 22409 22381 22352 22323 22294 10.06618 06625 06633 06640 06648 6 6 6 7 7 9- 933-2 93375 93367 93360 933.52 IO 9 8 6 55 56 11 59 60 7 52 40 52 32 S*24 52 16 52 8 52 o 4 7 20 728 736 7 44 7, S 2 8 o 9- 7^79 71100 71121 71142 71163 71184 20 20 20 21 21 21 10. 28921 28900 28879 28858 28837 2SSi6 9- 77734 77763 7779' 77810 7/349 77S77 26 27 11 28 29 10. 22266 22237 22209 22180 22151 22123 10. 06656 06663 06671 06678' o66S6 06693 7 7 7 7 7 7 9- 93344 93337 933-9 933P2 933'4 93307 S 4 ^ 2 I O M. Hour P.M. Hour A.M. Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent Diff Tangent. Cosecant. Dig. Sins. II. 120 59 20$ SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 31 = 148 M. Hour A. M. Hour p. M. Sine. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent. Diff. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. tt. o I 2 3 4 7 52 o 51 52 5 1 44 5' 36 51 28 480 8 8 8 16 8 24 8 32 9.71184 71205 71226 71247 71268 o o I I I IO. 28816 28795 2S/74 2^753 28732 9- 77S77 77906 77935 7 J963 77992 o o I I 2 10. 22123 22094 22065 22037 22008 IO. 06693 06701 06709 06716 06724 O o o I 9- 9337 93299 93291 93284 93276 60 59 58 57 56 6 8 9 7 51 20 51 12 51 4 50 56 50 48 4 8 40 8 48 8 56 9 4 9 '2 9- 71289 71310 7'33 71352 71373 2 2 2 3 3 10. 28711 28690 28669 28648 28627 9. 7&02O 78049 78077 78106 78135 2 3 3 4 4* 10. 21980 21951 21923 21894 21865 10.06731 06739 06747 06754 06762 9. 93269 93261 93253 93246 93^ 55 54 S3 52 t! 10 ii 12 '3 14 7 5 4 5" 32 5 2 4 50 16 50 8 4 9 20 9 28 9 36 9 44 9 52 9- 71393 714:4 7M35 71456 7H77 3 4 4 4 5 10.28607 28586 28565 28544 28523 9- 78163 78192 78220 78249 78277 5 6 6 7 io. 21837 21808 21780 21751 21723 io. 06770 06777 06785 06793 06800 2 2 2 9- 93^30 93223 93 2 i5 93 2 7 93200 5 49 48 47 46 15 :6 17 18 19 7 50 o 49 52 49 44 49, 36 49 28 4 10 o 10 8 10 16 lo 24 10 32 p 71498 71519 71539 71560 71581 5 1 6 7 10. 28502 28481 28461 28440 28419 9. 78306 78334 78363 78391 78419 7 8 8 9 9 io. 21694 21666 21637 21609 21581 10. 06808 06816 06823 06831 06839 2 2 2 2 2 9- 93192 93i 8 4 93177 93169 93161 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 7 49 20 49 '2 49 4 48 56 48 48 4 10 40 10 48 10 56 ii 4 II 12 9. 71602 71622 71643 71664 71685 7 8 8 8 10. 28398 28378 28357 28336 28315 9- 78448 78476 78505 7^533 78562 9 10 IO ii ii io. 21552 21524 21495 21467 21438 io. 06846 06854 06862 06869 06877 3 3 3 3 3 9-93IS4 93145 9313" 93131 93123 40 39 1 25 26 27 28 29 7 48 40 48 32 48 24 48 16 48 8 4 II 20 II 28 11 36 ii 44 n 52 9.71705 71726 7 "747 71767 71788 9 9 9 10 10 io. 28295 28274 28253 28233 28212 9- 78590 76618 78647 78675 78704 12 12 13 13 M io. 21410 21382 2-1353 213:5 21296 10.06885 06892 06900 06908 06916 3 3 3 4 4 9-93II5 93108 93100 93092 93084 35 34 33 32 3t 3 3' 32 33 34 7 48 o 47'52 47 44 47 36 1 47 28 4 12 12 8 12 l6 12 24' 12 32 9. 71809 71829 71850 71870 71891 10 n ii ii 12 io. 28191 28171 28150 28130 28109 9- 7732 78760 78789 78817 78845 14 IS 15 1 6 16 10. 21268 ' 11240 2I2II 2IlS 3 2"55 io. 06923 06931 06939 06947 06954 4 4 4 4 4 9- 93077 93069 93061 9353 93046 3 29 28 27 26 9 H 39 7 47 20 47 12 47 4 46 56 46(48 4 12 40 12 48 12 56 13 4 13 12 9.71911 71932 71952 71973 71994 12 12 13 13 13 io. 28089 28068 28048 28027 28006 9. 78874 78902 7 3 93o 78959 78987 17 17 17 18 18 io. 21126 21098 21070 21041 21013 10. 06962 06970 06978 06986 06993 5 5 5 5 5 9- 9303 8 93030 93022 93014 937 25 24 23 22 21 40 4i 42- 43 44 7 46 40 46 32 46 24 46 16 46 8 4 13 20 13 28 3 3 6 13 44. >3 52 9. 72014 72034 72055 72075 72096 14 14 H 5 15 io. 27986 27966 2/945 27925 27904 9. 79015 7943 79072 79100 79128 19 19 20 20 21 io. 20985 20957 20928 20900 26872 io. 07001 07009 07017 07024 07032 5 5 I 6- 9- 92999 92991 92983 92976 92968 20 19 18 17 16 4 46 47 48 49 7 46 o 45 52 45 44 45 36 45 28 4 14 o 14 8 14 16 14 24 14 3 2 9. 72116 72137 72157 72177 72198 15 16 16 16 '7 io. 27884 2/863 2/843 27823 27802 9. 79156 79185 79213 79241 79269 21 22 22 23 23 10. 2084.). 20815 20787 20759 20731 10. 07040 07048 07056 07064 07071 b 6 6 6 6 9. 92960 92952 92944 92936 92929 15 14 13 12 I I 5 5' 52 53 54 7 45 20 45 12 45 4 44 5 6 44 48 4 14 4 14 48 14 56 '5 4 15 12 9. 72218 72238 72259 72279 72299 17 18 18 18 19 10. 27782 27762 27741 27721 27701 9- 79297 79326 79354 79382 79410 24 24 25 2 5 26 io. 20703 20674 20646 20618 20590 10. 07079 07087 07095 07103 07111 6 7 7 7 7 9.92921 92913 92905 92897 02&JJ9 IO I P II 59 60 7 44 40 44 3 2 44 24 44 16 44 8 44 o 4 15 20 15 28 IS 3 6 5 44 15 52 16 o 9- 7232 72340 72360 72381 72401 72421 '9 19 20 20 20 21 10. 27680 27660 27640 27619 27599 27579 9- 79438 79466 79495 79523 79551 79579 26 26 27 11 28 io. 20562 20534 20505 20477 20449 20421 io. 07119 07126 07134 07142 07150 07158 7 .7 7 I 8 9.92881 92874 92866 92858 92850 92842 S 4 3 2 I M. Hour i 1 . M. Hour A. M. Cosine. DI. Secant. CousngeffL Diff. Tingent. Cococtint. Diff. Sine. M, 121 58 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 32 . _ _ 1 M. Hour A.M. Hour p. M. Sine. Difl. Cosecant. Tangent. Did. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. O I 2 3 4 7 44 o 43 5 2 43 44 43 36 43 28 4 16 o 16 8 16 16 16 24 16 32 9- 72421 72441 72461 72482 72502 o o I I 10.27579 27559 2/539 27518 27498 9- 79579 79607 79635 79663 79691 O o I I 2 10. 20421 20393 20365 20337 20309 10. 07158 07166 07174 07182 07190 o o o o I 9. 92842 92834 92826 92818 92810 60 59 53 57 56 6 8 9 7 43 20 43 '2 43 4 42 56 42 48 4 16 40 16 48 16 56 '7 4 )7 12 9. 72522 , 72542 72562 72582 72602 2 2 2 3 3 10. 27478 27458 27438 27418 2739S 9- 797'9 79747 79776 79804 79832 2 3 3 4 4 10. 20281 20253 20224 20196 20168 10. 07197 07205 07213 07221 07229 9. 92803 92795 92787 92779 92771 55 54 53 52 5' 10 ii 12 13 '4 7 42 40 42 32 42 24 42 16 42 8 4 '7 20 17 28 17 3 6 '7 44 17 52 9. 72622 72643 72663 72683 727 3 3 4 4 4 5 10. 27378 27357 27337 273'7 27297 9. 79860 79888 79916 79944 79972 5 6 6 7 10. 20140 201 12 20084 20056 20028 10.07237 07245 07253 07261 07269 2 2 2 9 .92 76 j 92755 92747 92739 92731 5 49 48 4 l 46 '5 16 17 19 7 42 o 41 5 2 41 44 41 36 41 28 4 18 o 18 8 18 16 18 24 18 32 9- 72723 72743 72763 7 2 783 72803 5 I 6 6 10. 27277 27257 27237 27217 27197 9. 80000 80028 80056 80084 80112 7 I 8 9 IO. 20OOO 19972 19944 19916 19888 10.07277 07285 07 2 93 07301 07309 2 2 2 2 3 9- 92723 92715 92707 92699 92691 45 44 43 42 4 20 21 22 23 24 7 41 20 41 12 41 4 40 56 40 48 4 18 40 18 48 18 56 19 4 19 12 9- 72823 72843 72863 72883 72902 7 7 I 8 10.27177 27157 27137 27117 27098 9. 80140 80 1 63 80195 80223 80251 9 10 10 II II 10. 19860 19832 19805 19777 '9749 10.07317 07325 7333 07341 07349 3 3 3 3 3 9- 92683 92675 92667 92659 92651 40 39 38 37 36 26 27 28 29 7 4 4 40 32 40 24 40 16 40 8 4 19 20 19 28 19 36 19 44 19 52 9. 72922 72942 72962 72982 73002 8 9 9 9 10 10. 27078 27058 27038 27018 26998 9. 80279 80307 80335 80363 80391 12 12 13 '3 '3 10. 19721 9 6 93 19665 '9637 19609 10.07357 07365 07373 07381 07389 3 3 4 4 4 9. 92643 92635 92627 92619 92611 35 34 33 32 3' 3 3' 32 33 34 7 40 o 39 52 39 44 39 36 39 28 4 20 o 20 8 20 l6 20 24 20 32 9. 73022 73 4i 73061 73081 73101 10 10 II ii ii to. 26978 26959 26939 26919 26899 9. 80419 80447 80474 8ojo2 80530 '4 14 '5 '5 16 10. 19581 19553 19526 19498 19470 10. 07397 07405 74 '3 07421 07429 4 4 4 4 5 9. 92603 92595 92587 92579 92571 30 29 28 27 26 35 36 H 39 7 39 20 39 12 39 4 38 56 38 48 4 20 40 20 48 20 56 21 4 21 12 9. 73121 73140 73160 73180 73200 12 12 12 '3 '3 10. 26879 26860 26840 26820 26800 9. 80558 80586 80614 80642 80669 16 17 17 18 18 10. 19442 19414 19386 19358 933' 10. 07437 07445 07454 07462 07470 5 5 5 5 5 9- 92563 92555 92546 92538 9253 25 24 23 22 21 40 4' 42 43 44 7 3 8 4 38 32 38 24 38 16 38 8 4 21 2O 21 28 21 36 21 44 21 52 9. 73219 73239 73259 73278 73298 13 H '4 14 "5 10. 26781 26761 26741 26722 26702 9. 80697 80725 80753 80781 80808 19 19 20 20 20 10. 19303 19275 19247 19219 19192 10. 07478 07486 07494 07502 07510 6 6 6 9.92522 925U 92506 92498 9249 2O '7 16 4 I 46 47 48 49 7 3 o 37 52 37 44 37 36 37 28 4 22 22 8 22 l6 22 24 22 32 9- 733 '8 73337 73357 73377 73396 '5 15 16 16 16 10. 26682 26663 26643 26623 26604 9. 80836 80864 80892 80919 80947 21 21 22 22 23 10. 19164 19136 19108 19081 19053 10. 07518 0752, 07535 07543 07551 6 6 6 6 7 9. 92482 92473 92465 92457 92449 IS '4 '3 12 II 5 5' 52 53 54 7 37 20 37 2 37 4 36 56 36 48 4 22 40 22 48 22 56 23 4 23 12 9- 734 6 73435 73455 73474 73494 17 >7 17 18 18 10. 26584 26565 26545 26526 26506 9- 8975 81003 81030 81058 81086 23 24 24 25 25 10. 19025 18997 18970 18942 18914 10.07559 -07567 07575 07584 07502 7 7 7 7 7 9- 9 2 44! 92433 92415 92416 92408 10 I I 55 56 11 59 60 7 3 6 4 3 6 32 3 6 24 30 16 36 8 36 o 4 23 20 -23 28 23 36 23 44 23 52 24 o 9.735:3 73533 735S 2 73572 73591 73611 lo 1 9 19 19 20 20 10. 26487 26467 26448 26428 26409 26389 9.81113 81141 81169 81196 81224 81252 26 26 26 27 \l 10. 18887 18059 18831 181:04 18775 18748 10. 07600 0760" 07616 07624 07533 07641 I 8 8 8 8 9. 92400 92392 92384 93370 923 6 7 92359 5 4 3 2 I M. Hour P. M. Hour A.M. Cosine. Dlff Secant. Cotangent. DIP. T?.ngt;nt.. Coeswnt. Dlff. Sine. M, 122 57 210 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 33 116 M. Hour A. M. Hour p. M. Sine. Diff Cosecant. Tangent. Diff. Cotangent. Secant. DiSf Cosine. M. I 2 3 4 7 3 6 35 52 35 44 35 36 35 28 4 24 o 24 8 24 16 24 24 24 32 9. 7361 1 73630 73 6 5 73669 73689 o I I I 10. 26389 26370 26350 26331 26311 9.81252 81279 81307 8J335 81362 O o i I 2 10. 18748 18721 18693 18665 18638 10.07641 07649 07657 07665 07674 O o o 1 9- 92359 92351 9*343 92335 92326 60 59 58 57 56 6 I o 7 35 20 35 '2 35 4 34 56 34 48 4 24 40 24 48 24 5 6 25 4 25 12 9- 73708 73727 73747 73766 73785 2 2 2 3 3 10. 26292 26273 26253 26234 26215 9- 81390 81418 8144-5 81473 81500 2 3 3 4 4 10. 18610- 18582 '8555 18527 18500 10. 07682 07690 07698 07707 07715 9. 92318 92310 92302 92293 92285 55 54 5? 52 5i 10 ii 12 S3 '4 7 34 4 34 32 34 24 34 '6 34 8 4 25 20 25 23 25 -3 25 44 25 52 9. 75805 73824 73843 73863 73882 3 3 4 4 4 10.26195 26176 26157 26137 26118 9.81528 &5S6 81583 81611 81638 5 5 6 10. 18472 18444 18417 18389 18362 10.07723 0773 07740 07748 07756 I 2 2 2 2 9.92277 92269 92260 92252 92244 So 49 48 47 46 .11 11 19 7 34 r o 33 52 33 44 33 3 6 33 28 4 26 o 26 8 26 J6 26 24 26 32 Q. 73901 73921 73940 73959 73978 5 5 1 .6 10. 26099 26079 26060 26041 26C22 9.81666 81693 81721 8 1 7,5.8 81776 7 8 S 9 10. 18334 18307 18279 18252 18224 io. 07765 07773 07781 07789 07798 2 2 2 3 3 9- 92235 92227 92219 92211 Q22O2 45 44 43 42 4' 20. 21 22 23 24 7 33 20 33 12 33 4 32 5 6 32 4 4 26 40 26 48 26 56 27 4 27 12 9- 73997 74i7 7403 6 740S5 74074 6 7 7 S 10. 26003 25983 25964 25945 23926 9. 81803 81831 81858 81886 81913 9 10 10 II ii 10. 18197 18169 48142 18114 18087 io. 07806 07814 07823 07831 07839 3 3 3 3 3 9. 92194 92IS6 92177 92169 92l6l 40 39 38 37 -<5 2 5 26 27 28 29 7 32 40 32 32 32 24 52 16 32 8 4 27 20 27 28 27.36 27 44 27 5- 9- 74093 74"3 74132 74'5* 74170 8 8 9 9 9 10. 25907 25887 25868 25849 25830 9. 81941 81968 81996 82023 82051 ii 12 12 3 '3 10. 18059 18032 18004 17977 17949 io. 07848 07856 07864 07873 07881 3 4 4 4 4 9.92152 92144 92136 92127 92119 35 34 33 S 2 31 30 3' 32 33 34 7 3 2 3 52 3' 44 31 36 31 28 4 28 o 28 8 28 16 28 24 28 32 9- 74189 74208 74227 74246 74265 10 IO IO 10 II 10. 25811 25792 25773 =5754 25735 9. 82078 82106 82133 82161 82188 H H IS 3 10. 17922 17894 17867 17839 17812 10. 07889 07898 07906 07914 07923 4 4 4 5 5 9. 92III 92IO2 92094 92086 92077 3 3 29 28 27 :6 35 36 37 3S 39 7 3' 20 3 I 12 31 1 3 5 6 3 48 4 28 40 28 48 28 56 29 4 29 12 9- 74284 74303 74322 7434' 7436o II , II 12 12 12 10. 25716 25697 25678 25659 25640 9.82215 82243 82270 82298 82325 16 16 17 17 18 10.17785 17757 17730 17702 17675 io. 07931 07940 07948 07956 07965 5 5 5 5 5 9. 92069 92060 92052 92044 92035 Z5 24 23 22 21 43 4i 42 43 44 Z, 3 40 '3032 3 2 4 30 16 30 8 4 29 20 29 28 29 3 6 29 44 29 52 9- 74379 74398 74417 74436 74455 13 13 13 14 4 10.25621 25602 25583 25564 25545 9. 8ae52 82380 82407 82435 82462 18 '9 19 20 2O 10. 17648 17620 17593 17565 17538 io. 07973 07982 07990 07998 08007 6 6 6 6 6 9.92027 92Ol8 92OIO 92OS2 9 '993 2O >9 18 12 45 46 47 48 49 7 30 a 29 52 29 44 29 3 6 29 28 4 30 o 30 8 30 16 3 24 3 32 9- 74474 74493 74512 7453 74549 '4 15 '5 15 16 10. 25526 25507 25488 25469 25451 9. 82489 82517 8254-1 82571 82599 21 21 22 22 22 10. 17511 17483 17456 17429 17401 10.08015 08024 08032 08041 0^049 6 6 7 7 7 9.91985 91070 919*3 9!959 9'95' 15 14 13 12 II 5 5' 52 53 J4 7 eg 20 29 12 29 4 28 56 28 48 4 3 4 3048 3 5 6 31 4 31 12 9- 74568 74587 74606 74625 74644 16 16 17 >7 17 10. 25432 25413 25394 25375 25356 9. 82626 8:653 82681 82708 82735 23 23 24 24 25 io. 17374 17347 >73'9 17292 17265 io. 08058 08066 08075 08083 08092 7 7 7 I 9.910.42 91934 91925 91917 91968 10 6 55 56 57 5^ 59 60 7 28 40 28 32 28 24 28 16 2*8 8 28 o 4 3' 20 31 28 31 3 6 3' 44 3' 52 32 o 9. 74662 74681 74700 74719 74737 74756 7 18 18 i3 19 '9 10. 25338 253'9 25300 25281 25263 25244 9.82762 82790 82817 82844 82871 82899 20 26 27 27 27 io. 17238 17210 17183 17156 17129 17101 10.08100 08109 08117 08126 08134 08143 8 8 8 8 8 8 9. 91000 91891 9 iS 3 91874 91866 91857 5 4 3 2 I O M. Hour v. M. Hour A.M. Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent. Did. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. Sine. M. 123 56 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 34 145 M. Hour A. M. Hour r. M. Sine. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent. Diff. Cotangent. Secant Diff. Cosine. M. I 2 3 4 7 28 o 27 5 2 27 44 27 36 27 28 4 32 o 32 8 32 16 3 2 24 32 32 9- 74756 74775 74794 74812 74^3' O I I I 10. 25244 25225 25206 25188 25169 9. 82899 82926 82953 82980 83008 O O I I 2 10. 17101 17074 17047 17020 16992 IO. 08143 08151 08160 08168 08177 O o o o I 9.91857 91849 91840 91832 91823 60 59 58 57 56 1 8 9 7 27 20 27 12 27 4 26 56 26 48 4 3 2 4 7: 48 32 56 33 4 33 12 9- 74 8 5o 74*68 74887 74906 74924 2 2 2 2 3 10.25150 25132 25113 25094 25076 9- 83035 83062 83089 83117 83144 2 3 3 4 4 10. 16965 16938 16911 16883 16856 10.08185 08194 08202 082II 08219 I I I I I 9-91815 91806 91798 91789 91781 55 54 53 S 2 5i 10 II 12 3 H 7 26 40 26 32 26 24 26 16 26 8 4 33 20 33 28 33 36 33 44 33 5 2 9- 74943 74961 7498o 74999 75017 3 3 4 4 4 10.25057 25039 25020 2500] 24983 9.83171 83198 83225 83252 83280 5 5 1 6 10. 16829 16802 16775 16748 16720 10. 08228 08237 08245 08254 08262 I 2 2 2 2 9.91772 91763 91755 91746 91738 So 49 48 47 46 15 16 17 IS 19 7 26 o 25 5 2 25 44 25 36 25 28 4 34 o 34 8 34 16 34 24 34 3 2 9- 75036 75054 75073 75091 75110 5 5 6 10. 24964 24946 24927 24909 24890 9- 83307 83334 83361 83388 83415 7 7 8 8 9 10. 16693 16666 16639 16612 16585 10.08271 08280 08288 08297 08305 2 2 2 3 3 9.91729 91720 91712 91703 91695 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 7 25 20 25 >2 25 1 24 56 24 43 4 34 40 3.4 48 34 5 6 35 4 35 '2 9- 75 '28 75M7 75 '65 75184 75202 6 6 7 7 7 10. 24872 24853 24835 24816 24798 9.83442 8347 83497 83524 83551 9 9 IO IO II 10. 16558 16530 16503 16476 16449 10. 08314 08323 08331 08340 08349 3 3 3 3 3 9. 91686 91677 91669 91660 91651 40 P H s 27 28 29 7 24 40 24 32 24 24 24 16 24 8 4 35 20 35 28 35 36 35 44 35 52 9- 75221 75239 75258 75276 75294 8 8 ,8 9 9 10. 24779 24761 24742 24724 24706 9-83578 83605 83632 83686 II 12 12 13 13 lo. 16422 '6395 16368 16341 16314 10.08357 08366 08375 08383 08392 4 4 4 4 4 9- 91643 91634 91625 916.17 91608 35 34 33 3 2 3i 3 3' -(2 33 34 7 24 o 23 52 2 3 44 23 3^ 23 23 4 36 o 36 8 36 16 36 24 3 6 3 2 9- 75313 75331 75350 75368 75386 9 9 10 10 IO 10. 24687 24669 24650 24632 24614, 9-83713 83740 83768 83795 83822 J4 14 '4 15 IS 10. 16287 16260 16232 16205 16178 10. 08401 08409 08418 08427 08435 4 4 5 5 5 9.91599 91591 91582 91573 91565 30 29 28 11 s 37 3 s 39 7 23 20 23 12 23 4 22 56 22 48 4 3 6 40 3 ^ 36 56 37 4 37 I 2 9. 75405 754 2 3 75441 75459 75478 II II II 12 12 10. 24595 24577 24559 24541 24522 9- 83849 83876 83903 8 393P 83957 16 16 17 17 18 10. 16151 16124 16097 16070 16043 10. 08444 08453 08462 68470 08479 5 5 5 9-9I556 9'547 91538 91530 91521 25 24 23 22 21 40 41 42 43 44 7 22 40 22^2 22 24 22 l6 22 8 4 37 20 37 28 37 36 37 44 37 S 2 9. 75496 755'4 75533 7555' 75569 12 13 '3 '3 13 10. 24504 24486 24467. 24449 24431 9- 83984 84011 84038 84065 84092 18 18 19 '9 20 10. 16016 15989 15962 15935 15908 10. 08488 08496 08505 08514 08523 6 6 6 6 6 9--9I5I2 91504 9H95 91486 91477 2O 19 17 16 45 46 47 48 49 / 22 O 21 52 21 44 21 36 21 28 4 38 o 38 8 38 16 38 24 38 3 2 9- 75587 75605 75024 75642 75660 H 14 14 >5 l.S 10.24413 24395 24-376 24358 24340 9. 84119 84146 84173 84200 84227 2O 21 21 22 22 10. 15881 15854 15827 15800 '5773 10. 08531 08540 08549 08558 08567 7 7 7 7 7 9-91469 91460 9M5I 91442 9H33 5 14 13 12 II 5 5' 5 2 53 54 7 21 20 21 12 21 4 20 56 20 48 4 38 40 3848 38 56 39 4 39 12 9. 75678 75696 75714 75733 7575' 15 16 16 16 17 10. 24322 24304 24286 24267 24249 9- 84254 84280 84307 84334 84361 23 23 23 24 24 10. 15746 15720 5 6 93 15666 15639 10.08575 08584 08593 08602 08011 7 8 8 8 9.91425 91416 91407 91398 91389 IO 6 55 56 H g 7 20 40 20 32 2O 24 20 16 20 8 20 4 39 20 39 28 39 36 39 44 39 S 2 40 o 9- 7S7&9 75787 75805 75823 75841 75 8 59 17 "7 >7 18 18 18 10. 2423 i 24213 24195 24177 24159 24141 9. 84388 84415 84442 84469 84496 84523 25, 2 5 26 26 27 27 10. 15612 I55S5 15558 15531 15504 15477 10. 08619 08628 08637 08646 08655 08664 8 8 8 8 9 9 9-91381 9I37 2 91363 91354 9!345 91336 5 4 3 2 I O M. Hour p. M. Hour A. M. Cosine. TJiff. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. Tangent. Cosecant. Did. Sihe. M. 124 55 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 35 nr M, I lou A. M. Hour p. M. Sine Dirt. Cosecant, Tangent. Dirt. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Conine. M. I 3 4 7 20 o 19 52 19 44 '9 3 a 10 S 4 40 O 40 8 40 TO 40 24 4 3 2 9. 75859 75877 75895 75913 7593" O O I I I IO. 24141 24123 24105 24087 24069 9- 845 2 3 8} 55 o 845/6 84603 84630 o O I I 2 10: 15477 "5450 15424 ^5397 '5370 lo. 08664 08672 08681 oSbgo 08699 O o o I 9-9I3j!6 91328 9'3'9 91310 91301 60 59 5 s 57 50 6 8 9 7 19 20 19 12 19 4 18 56 18 41 4 40 40 40 48 4 5 6 41 4 41 12 9- 75949 75967 759S5 76003 76021 I 2 2 2 3 10.24051 24033 24015 23997 23979 9.840^7 84684 847" 84738 84764 2 3 3 4 4 10. 15343 I53i 6 15289 15262 15236 10. 08708 08717 08726 8734 08743 I I I I I 9. 91292 91283 91274 91266 91257 55 54 53 52 5i Io 1 1 12 '3 H 7 18 40^ 18 32 18 24 18 16 18 8 4 41 20 41 2S 4i 3 6 41 44 4' 52 9. 76039 - 76057 76075 7 6 093 76111 3 3 4 4 4 10. 23961 23943 23925 23907 23889 9. 84791 S 4 8 1 S 84845 84872 84899 4 5 1 6 10. 1520; 15182 15155 15128 15101 10. 08752 08761 08770 08779 08788 2 2 2 2 2 9.91248 91239 91230 QI22I 9I2I2 5 49 48 47 46 '5 16 i? 18 IT 7 18 o >7 52 17 44 '7 3 6 17 28 4 42 o 42 8 42 16 42 24 42 32 9. 76129 76146 76164 76182 76200 4 5 5 6 10. 23871 23354 23836 23818 23800 9. 84925 84952 84979 85006 85033 7 8 8 8 10. 15075 15048 15021 14994 14967 10. 08797 08806 08815 08824 08833 2 2 3 3 j 9. 91203 91194 9"S5 91176 91167 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 7 "7 20 17 12 17 4 16 56 16 4 S 4 42 40 42 48 42 56 43 4 43 12 9. 76218 76236 76253 76271 76289 6 6 6 7 7 10. 23782 23764 23747 23729 23711 9. 85059 85086 85"3 85140 85166 9 9 10 10 II 10. 14941 14914 14887 14060 14834 10. 08842 08851 08859 08868 08877 3 3 j 3 4 9.91158 91149 9II41 91132 91123 40 39 3^ 37 36 2 5 26 27 28 29 7 1 6 40 16 32 16 24 16 16 16 8 4 43 20 43 2S 43 36 43 44 43 52 9- 76307 76324 76342 76360 7637S 8 8 8 9 10. 23693 23676 23658 23640 23622 9-85193 85220 85247 85273 85300 II 12 12 12 13 10. 14807 14780 14753 M727 14700 lo. 08886 08895 08904 08913 o8r)22 4 4 4 4 4 9- 9U14 91105 91090 91087 91078 35 34 33 32 ji 3 3' 32 33 34 7 16 o 15 S 2 15 44 '5 3 6 15 28 4 44 o 44 8 44 l6 44 24 44 32 9- /D395 764I3 743i 76448 76466 9 9 9 IO IO 10. 23605 235 S 7 23569 23552 23534 9- 8 53-7 85354- 85380 85407 85434 13 '4 H '5 15 10. 14673 14646 14620 14593 14566 lo. 08931 08940 08949 o8q 5 8 08907 5 5 5 5 5 o. 91069 9 1 061.1 91051 91042 91033 3 29 28 27 26 11 37 3* 39 7 15 20 IS 12 '5 4 H S 6 14 48 4 44 40 44 4 s 44 56 45 4 45, '2 9. 76484 76501 76519 76537 76554 10 II II II 12 10. 23516 23499 23481 23463 21446 9. 85460 85487 855H 85540 SSS 6 ? 16 16 16 '7 17 10. 14540 14513 14486 14460 '4433 lo. 08977 0X986 089(55 09004 09013 5 6 6. r. qio23 91014 91005 90090 90987 25 24 2j 22 21 40 4' 42 43 44 7 '4 4 '4 3 2 14 24 14 16 14 8 4 45 2 45 28 45 36 45 44 45 52 9- /657 2 76590 76607 76625 "6642 12 12 12 13 [3 10. 23428 23410 23393 23375 23353 9- 85594 85620 85647 85674 85700 18 18 19 "9 20 10. 14406 14380 14353 143-6 14300 10. 09022 09031 00040 oro 49 09058 6 6 6 b 7 9. 90978 90969 90960 995i 90942 2O 19 18 17 16 45 46 47 48 -") 7 14 o '3 52 "3 44 '3 3 6 13 28 4 46 o 46 8 46 16 46 24 46 32 9. 76660 76677 76695 76712 76730 13 14 '4 H H 10. 23340 23323 23305 23288 23270 9. 85727 85754 85780 85807 85834 2O 2O 21 21 22 10. 14273 14246 14220 14193 14166 lo. 09007 09076 09085 00094 09104 7 7 7 7 7 9- 933 90924 90915 90906 90896 15 M Ij 12 II 5 5' 52 53 54 7 IT, 20 13 12 >3 4 12 56 12 48 4 46 40 46 48 46 56 47 4 47 12 9. 76747 76765 76782 76800 76817 >5 >5 15 16 16 lo. 23253 23235 23218 23200 23 lS 3 9. 85860 85887 8 59I3 85940 85967 22 23 23 4 24 10. 14140 14113 14087 14060 iv33 10.09113 00122 09131 09140 09149 8 8 8 8 8 9.90887 90878 goSoq 90860 90851 10 9 8 1 55 56 57 53 I 9 60 7 12 40 12 32 12 24 12 l6 12 8 12 4 47 20 47 28 47 36 47 44 47 52 48 9. 76835 76852 76870 76887 76904 76922. 10 17 17 !7 12 10. 23105 23148 23130 23115 23053 23073 9- 85933 86020 86046 86073 86100 86126 24 25 25 26 26 27 10. 14007 13980 13954 13927 13900 13874 10. 09158 09168 09177 09186 09195 09204 8 8 9 9 9 9 9. 90842 90832 90^23 90814 90805 90790 5 4 3 2 I O M. Hour ?. M. Hour A.M. Coclno. Diff. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. Tangent Cosecant. DU. Sins M. 12: S4 313 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 36 - 143 M. Hour A.M. Hour p. M. Sine. Dlff. Cosecant. Tangent. Diff. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. O I 2 3 4 7 12 II 52 II 44 II 36 II 28 4 48 o 48 8 48 16 48 24 48 32 9. 76922 76939 76957 76974 76991 o .> I I I 10. 23078 23061 23043 23026 23009 9.86126 86153 86179 86co6 86232 . O O I I 2 10. 13874 I3 8 47 13821 13794 13768 10. 09204 09213 09223 09232 09241 o o o o I 9. 90796 90787 90777 90768 90759 60 59 58 y 8 9 7 ii 20 II 12 ii 4 10 56 lo 48 4 48 40 48 48 48 56 49 4 49 '2 9. 77009 77026 77043 77061 77078 I 2 2 2 3 10. 22991 22974 22957 22939 22922 9. 86259 86285 86312 86338 86365 2 3 n a 4 4 10. 13741 I37I5 13688 13662 '3635 10. 09250 09259 09269 09278 09287 9- 9 750 00741 90731 90722 97>3 55 54 53 52 5' 10 II 12 '3 14 7 10 40 10 32 10 24 10 16 10 8 4 49 20 49 28 49 3 6 49 44 49 5 2 9- 7795 77112 77"30 77H7 77164 3 3 3 4 4 10. 22905 22SS8 22870 22853 22836 9. 86392 86418 86445 86471 86498 4 5 6 6 10. 13608 13582 13555 13529 13502 10. 09296 09306 93 '5 09324 9333 2 2 2 2 2 9- 9 704 90694 90685 90676 90667 5 49 4 S 47 46 15 16 '7 iS 19 7 10 o 9 52 9 44 9 3 6 9 28 4 50 o 50 8 50 16 5 Z 4 5 32 9- 77l8l 77199 77216 77233 77250 4 S 5 5 5 10. 22819 22801 22784 22767 22750 9. 86524 86551 86577 86603 86630 7 7 8 8 10. 13476 13449 13423 13397 13370 10. 09343 09352 09361 09370 09380 2 2 3 3 3 9.90657 90648 90639 90630 90620 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 7 9 20 9 12 9 4 8 56 8 48 4 5 4 5 48 50 56 5' 4 51 12 9. 77268 77285 77302 773 '9 77336 6 6 6 7 7 10. 22732 22715 22698 22681 22664 9. 86656 86683 86709 86736 86762 9 9 10 10 ii 10. 13344 >33'7 13291 13264 13238 10. 09389 09398 094*8 09417 09426 3 3 3 4 4 9. 90611 90602 90592 90583 90574 40 39 38 37 36 25 26 27 28 29 7 8 40 8 32 8 24 8 16 8 8 4 5 1 20 51 28 51 36 5' 44 51 52 9- 77353 773/0 77387 77405 77422 7 8 8 10. 22647 22630 22613 22595 22578 9. 86789 86815 86842 86868 86894 ii ii 12 12 13 10. 13211 13185 I3'5 13 '32 13106 10. 09435 09445 09454 9 1 6 3 09473 4 4 4 4 5 9. 90565 90555 90546 90537 90527 35 34 33 32 3J 3 3' 32 33 34 780 7 52 7 44 7 36 728 4 52 o 52 I 52 16 5 2 24 S 2 32 9- 77439 77456 77473 77490 77507 9 9 9 9 10 10. 22501 22544 22527 22510 22493 o. 86921 ' 86947 86974 87000 87027 '3 H H 15 5 10. 13079 I3 53 13026 13000 12973 10. 09482 09491 09501 09510 09520 5 5 5 5 5 9. 90518 90509 90499 90490 90480 3 29 28 27 26 35 36 3^ 39 7 7 20 7 12 7 4 6 56 6 48. 4 S 2 4 52 4 s S 2 56 53 4 53 12 9- 775 2 4 77541 77558 77575 77592 10 10 II II II 10. 22476 22459 22442 22425 22408 9- 87053 87079 87106 87132 87158 15 16 16 '7 17 10. 12947 12921 12894 12868 12842 10. 09529 09538 09548 09557 09566 \ 6 6 6 9. 90471 90462 90452 9443 9434 2 5 24 23 22 21 40 41 42 43 44 7 6 40 6 32 6 24 6 16 6 8 4 53 20 53 28 53 36 53 44 53 52 9- 77609 77626 77643 77660 77677 II 12 12 12 >3 10. 22391 22374 22357 22340 22323 9.87185 87211 87238 87264 87290 18 18 18 19 19 10. 12815 12789 12762 12736 12710 10. 09576 09585 09595 09604 09614 6 6 7 7 7 9- 90424 94 ' 5 90405 90396 90386 2O J Q 7 16 46 47 48 49 760 5 5= 5 44 5 36 528 4 54 o 54 8 54 16 54 24 54 32 9- 77694 77711 77728 77744 7776i >3 13 '3 14 14 10. 22306 22289 22272 22256 22239 9- 873 7 87343 87369 87396 87422 20 20 21 21 22 10. 12683 12657 12631 12604 12578 lo. 09623 09632 09642 09651 09661 7 7 7 8 9- 90377 90368 935 S 90349 9 330 '5 M J3 12 II 5 5 52 53 54 7 5 20 5 '2, 5 4 4 56 4 48 4 54 4 54 48 54 56 55 4 55 12 9- 77778 77795 77812 77829 77846 "4 '5 5 >5 IS IO, 22222 22205 22188 22I7I 22154 9- S 744 S 87475 87501 87527 87554 22 22 23 23 24 10. 12552 12525 12499 12473 12446 10. 09670 09680 09689 09699 09708 8 8 8 8 8 9- 933 90320 90311 90301 90292 10 9 8 6 55 5 6 57 58 59 60 7 4 40 4 32 4 24 4 16 4 8 4 o 4 55 20 55 28 55 36 55 44 55 52 rfl o 9. 77862 77879 77896 779'3 77930 779^5 16 16 16 16 7 17. 10. 22138 22I2I 22104 22087 2207O 220^4 9. 87580 87606 8/633 87659 87685 87711 24 25 2 1 26 26 26 lo. 12420 12394 12367 1234' 12315 12289 . 10. 09718 09727 09737 09746 09756 09765 9 9 9 9 9 9 9. 90282 90273 90263 90254 90244 90235 5 4 3 2 I M. Hour p. M. Hour A. M. Cosins. Diff. Secant. iCotanent. DifT. Tangent. Cosecant. Did. Sine. M. 126 53 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 37 142 M. Hour A. M. Hour p. u. Sine. Did Cosecant. Tangent. Did Cotangent. Secant. Did Cosine. M. O 1 2 3 4 7 4 o 3 52 3 44 3 36 328 4 5 6 56 8 56 I& 56 24 5 6 32 9- 77946 77963 77980 77997 78013 O O I 10. 22054 22037 22O2O 22003 21987 9.87711 87738 87764 87790 87817 O I I 2 10. 12289 12262 12236 I22IO 12183 10. 09765 09775 09784 09794 09803 o O Q I 9- 90235 90225 90216 90206 90197 60 59 58 57 56 6 8 Q 7 3 20 3 12 3 4 2 5 6 2 48 4 56 4 56 48 56 56 57 4 57 12 9. 78030 78047 78063 78080 78097 I 2 2 2 2 10. 21970 21953 21937 2I92O 21903 9- 87843 87869 87895 87922 87948 2 3 3 3 4 10. 12157 I2I3I 12105 12078 12052 10. 09813 09822 09832 09841 09851 9- 90187 90178 90168 90159 90149 55 54 53 52 5' 10 II 12 >3 4 7 2 40 2 32 2 2 4 2 n. 2 8 4 57 20 57 28 57 36 57 44 57 5 2 9.78113 78130 78147 78163 78180 3 3 3 4 4 10.21887 21870 21853 21837 2l82O 9- 87974 88000 88027 88053 88079 4 S I 6 10. 12026 I2OOO "973 11947 11921 10. 09861 09870 09880 09889 09899 2 2 2 2 2 9.90139 90130 90120 90111 90101 5 49 48 47 46 15 1 6 17 18 '9 72O 5 2 44 3 28 4 58 o 58 8 58 if, 58 24 53 32 9- 78J97 78213 78230 78246 78263 4 4 5 5 5 10. 21803 21787 21770 2>754 2"737 9.88105 88131 88158 88184 88210 7 7 8 ? 8 10. 11895 11869 11842 11816 11790 10. 09909 09918 09928 09937 09947 2 3 3 3 3 9- 90091 90082 90072 90063 53 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 7 20 12 4 o 56 o 48 4 5 s 4o 58 48 5 8 56 59 4 59 12 9. 78280 78296 783 '3 78329 78346 I 6 6 7 10. 21720 21704 21687 21671 21654 9. 88236 88262 88289 883,5 88341 9 9 10 10 10 to. 11764 11738 11711 11685 11659 10.09957 09906 09976 09986 00995 3 3 4 4 4 9.90043 90034 90024 90014 90005 40 39 3 37 36 25 26 27 28 2 9 7 o 40 o 32 o 24 10 o 8 4 59 20 59 28 59 3 6 59 44 59 5 2 9- 7 8 3 6 2 78379 78395 78412 78428 7 7 8 8 10. 21638 21621 21605 21588 21572 9. 88367 88393 88420 88446 88472 II II 12 12 13 10. 11633 11607 11580 "554 11528 10. 10005 10015 10024 10034 10044 4 4 4 5 5 9.89995 89985 89976 89966 89956 35 34 33 32 3 3 3' 32 33 34 700 6 59 S 2 59 44 59 36 59 28 500 o 8 o 16 o 24 o 32 9. 78445 78461 78478 78494 78510 8 9 9 9 9 10.21555 21539 21522 21506 21490 9. 88498 88524 88550 88577 88603 '3 >4 14 14 5 I o. 1 1 502 11476 11450 "423 "397 10. 10053 10063 10073 10082 10092 5 5 5 5 5 9.89947 89937 89927 89918 89908 3 29 28 27 26 35 36 $ 39 6 59 20 59 12 59 4 58 56 58 48 5 o 40 o 48 o 56 4 12 9- 7 S 527 78543 78560 78576 78592 10 10 10 10 II 10. 21473 21457 21440 21424 21408 9. 88629 88655 88681- 88707 88733 15 16 16 "7 '7 10. 113.71 "345 "3"9 11293 11267 IO. 10102 101 12 I012I 10I3I 1014! b 6 6 6 6 9. 89898 89888 89879 89869 89859 25 24 '3 22 21 40 4i 42 43 44 6 58 40 58 32 58 24 58 16 58 8 5 20 28 36 44 52 9. 78609 78625 78642 78658 78674 II II 12 12 12 10. 21391 21375 21358 21342 21326 9- 88759 88786 88812 88838 88864 '7 Io IS 9 "9 10.1 1241 11214 11188 11162 11136 10. 10151 I0l6o IOI70 10IOO 10190 6 7 7 7 7 9- 89849 89840 89830 89820 89810 20 19 18 '7 16 45 46 47 48 49 6 58 o 57 52 57 44 57 36 57 28 5 2 2 8 2 16 2 2 4 2 32 9. 78691 78707 78723 78739 78756 12 13 '3 13 13 10. 21309 21293 21277 21261 21244 9. 88890 88916 88942 88968 88994 20 20 20 21 21 10. lino 11084 11058 11032 rtoo6 10. 10199 10209 I02I9 1O229 10239 7 I 8 B 9. 89801 89791 8978, 89771 89761 15 4 >3 12 II 5 5 5= 53 54 6 57 20 57 12 57 4 56 56 56 48 5 2 40 2 48 2 S 6 3 4 3 "2 9. 78772 78788 78805 78821 78837 '4 '4 >4 >5 >; 10. 21228 2I2I2 2II95 2II/9 21163 9. 09020 89046 89073 3099 C 9 I25 22 22 2 3 23 24 10. 10980 10954 10927 10901 10875 10. 10248 10258 10-68 10278 10288 8 8 8 9 9 9- 8975 2 89742 89732 89722 89712 10 9 8 . 6 55 56 ? 59 60 6 56 40 56 32 56 24 56 16 56 8 56 o 5 3 20 3 28 3 36 3 44 3 S 2 4 o 9- 78853 78869 78886 78902 78918 78934 5 "5 16 16 16 16 10. 21147 2II3I 2II14 21098 21082 2IO&6 9.89151 89177 89203 8 9 229 89255 SgCtii 24 24 2 5 25 26 26 10. 10849 10823 10797 10771 10745 10^19 10. 10298 10307 10317 10327 337 i347 9 9 9 9 10 10 9. 89702 89693 89683 896/3 89663 89653 5 4 3 2 I O M. Hour p. M. Hour A. M. Cosine. 1 Diff. Secant. Colaneut. Din. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. Sine. M. 1J 52 215 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 38 . m M. Hour A. M. Hour p. M. Sice. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent. Diff. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. O I 2 3 4 6 56 o 55 52 55 44 55 3 6 55 28 540 4 8 4 16 4 24 4 32 9- 7 S 934 78950 78967 78983 78999 O O I I I 10. 21066 21050 21033 21017 2IOOI 9 89281 893 7 89333 89359 89385 O o I I 2 10. 10719 10693 10667 1064! 10615 10. 10347 I357 10367 10376 10386 O O 9- 89653 89643 %633 89624 89614 60 59 58 57 S6 6 8 9 6 55 20 55 12 55 4 54 56 54 48 5 4 40 448 4 5 6 5 4 5 '2 9- 79' 5 793' 79047 79063 79'/9 I 2 2 2 2 10. 20985 20969 20953 20937 20921 9.89411 89437 89463 89489 89515 2 3 3 3 4 10. 10589 10563 >537 10511 10485 lo. 10396 10406 10416 10426 10436 2 9. 89604 89594 89584 89574 89564 55 54 53 52 SI 10 II 12 13 14 6 54 40 54 3 2 54 24 54 '6 54 8 5 5 20 528 5 36 5 44 5 52 9- 7995 79111 79128 79144 79160 3 3 3 4 10. 20905 20889 20872 20856 20840 9. 89541 89567 89593 89619 89645 4 5 1 6 10. 10459 10433 10407 10381 i355 10. 10446 10456 10466 10476 10486 2 2 2 2 2 9- 89554 89544 89534 89524 89514 5 49 47 46 >5 16 \l '9 6 54 o 53 52 53 44 53 36 53 28 560 6 8 6 16 624 6 32 9.79176 79192 79208 79224 79240 4 4 5 5 5 10. 20824 20808 20792 20776 20760 9. 89671 89697 89723 89749 89775 b 7 8 8 10. 10329 10 33 10277 10251 10225 10. 10496 10505 10515 10525 535 3 3 3 3 3 9- 895 4 89495 89485 89475 89465 45 44 43 42 4' 20 21 22 23 24 6 53 20 53 12 53 i 52 56 52 48 5 6 40 6 48 6 56 7 4 7 12 9- 79256 79272 79288 7934 793 '9 6 6 6 10. 20744 20728 2071? 20696 20681 9. 89801 89*27 89853 89879 89905 9 9 10 10 IO lo. 10199 10173 10147 IOI2I 10095 10. 10545 '0555 10565 10575 10585 3 4 4 4 4 9. 89455 89445 89435 89435 89415 40 39 I 2 5 26 27 28 2 9 6 52 40 52 32 52 24 52 16 52 8 5 7 20 7 28 7 36 7 44 7 52 9- 79335 79351 793 6 7 79383 79399 7 7 7 7 8 10. 20665 20649 20633 20617 20601 9- 89931 89957 89983 90009 90035 11 II 12 12 3 10. 10069 10043 10017 09991 09965 10. 10595 10605 10615 10625 10636 4 4 5 5 S 9- 89405 89395 89385 89375 89364 35 34 33 32 3i 3 31 32 33 34 6 52 o 51 52 5 1 44 5' 36 51 28 580 8 8 8 16 8 24 832 9- 794'5 7943' 79447 794 6 3 79478 8 8 8 9 9 10. 20585 20569 20553 20537 20522 9. 90061 90086 90112 90138 90164 '3 '3 4 H 15 10. 09939 09914 09888 09862 09836 10. 10646 10656 10606 10676 10686 5 5 6 9- 89354 89344 89334 89324 ^93 1 4 30 28 27 26 35 36 37 38 39 6 51 20 51 12 51 4 5 5 6 50 48 5 8 40 8 48 8 56 9 4 9 12 9- 79494 79510 79526 79542 79558 9 10 10 10 10 10. 20506 20490 20474 20458 20442 9. 90190 90216 90242 90268 90294 15 16 16 16 '7 10. 09810 09784 09758 09732 09706 10. 10696 10706 10716 10726 10736 6 6 6 6 7 9- 89304 89294 89284 89274 89264 25 24 2 3 22 21 40 41 42 43 44 6 50 40 5 32 50 24 50 16 50 8 5 9 20 9 28 9 36 9 44 9 52 9- 79573 79589 79605 79621 79636 II II II II 12 10. 20427 20411 20395 20379 20364 9. 90320 90346 90371 90397 90423 17 18 18 19 19 10. 09680 09654 09629 09603 09577 10. 10746 10756 10767 0777 10787 7 7 7 7 7 9- 89254 89244 89233 89223 89213 2O 19 18 17 16 45 4 4 47 48 49 6 50 o 49 5 2 49 44 49 36 49 28 5 10 o 10 8 10 16 10 24 10 32 9. 79052 79668 79684 79699 79715 12 12 12 '3 M 10. 20348 20332 20316 20301 20285 9. 90449 90475 90501 90527 90553 19 20 20 21 21 10. 09551 09525 09499 09473 09447 10. 10797 10807 10817 10827 10838 8 8 8 8 8 9. 89203 89193 89183 89173 89762 15 14 13 12 II 5 5' 2 53 5^ 6 49 20 49 12 49 4 48 56 48 48 5 10 40 10 48 10 56 ii 4 II 12 9- 7973' 79746 79762- 79778 79793 3 14 14 14 H 10. 20269 20254 20238 20222 2O207 9.90578 90604 90630 90656 90682 22 22 22 23 23 10. 09422 09396 09370 09344 09318 10. 10848 10858 10868 10878 10888 8 9 9 9 9 9. 89152 89142 89132 89122 89112 IO 6 5S 56 57 5 59 60 6 48 40 48 32 48 24 48 16 48 8 48 o 5 II 20 II 28 II 36 II 44 II 52 12 O 9- 79^09 79825 79840 79856 79872 79887 '5 15 IS 11 16 10. 20191 20175 2Ol6o 20144 2OI28 20II3 9. 90708 90734 90759 90785 90811 90837 24 24 25 % 26 10. 09292 09266 09241 09215 09189 09163 IO. 10899 10909 10919 10929 10940 10950 9 9 10 IO IO IO 9. 89101 89091 . 89081 89071 89060 89050 5 4 3 2 I M. Hour p. M. Hour A. M. Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. Sine. M. 128 51 310 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 39 1 J0 M. Hour A.M. Hour !. tl. Sine. DilT. Cosecant, Tangent. DilT Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine M. o i 2 3 4 6 48 o 47 S 2 47 44 47 3 6 47 28 5 12 o 12 8 12 16 12 24 12 32 9- 79SS7 7993 79918 79934 79950 o o I I I 10. 20113 20097 200^2 2O066 20050 9-90S37 90863 90889 90914 90940 o o I I 2 10. 09163 09'37 09111 09086 09060 10. 10950 logSo 10970 10980 10991 O o o 9. 89050 89040 89030 89050 89069 60 59 58 si I I 9 6 47 20 47 2 47 4 46 56 46 4 S 5 '2 4 12 48 12 56 13 4 13 12 9- 799' J 5 79981 79996 OOO 1 2 80027 I 2 2 2 2 10. 20035 20019 20004 19988 19973 9. 90966 90992 91018 9 '043 91069 2 3 3 3 4 10. 09034 09008 08982 08957 08931 10. I 1001 IIOII IIO22 II032 1 10.' 2 2 9- 88999 88989 88978 88968 88958 55 54 53 52 <;i 10 II 12 13 14 6 46 40 46 3 2 46 24 46 16 46 8 5 '3 20 I 3 28 13 36 "3 44 >3 52 9- 8o 43 80058 80074 80089 80105 3 3 3 3 4 10. 19957 19942 19926 I99II 19895 9.91095 91121 91 '47 91172 91198 4 5 6 10. 08905 08879 08853 08828 08802 10. 11052 IIO03 H073 11083 11094 2 2 2 2 2 9. 88948 88937 1,8927 88-917 88906 5 49 48 47 46 15 1 6 u 9 6 46 o 45 52 45 44 45 36 45 28 5 14 o 14 8 14 16 14 24 M4 32 9. 80120 80136 80151 80166 80182 4 4 4 5 5 10. 19880 19864 19849 19834 19818 9.91224 91250 91276 91301 91327 6 7 8 10. 08776 08750 0872+ 08699 08673 io. 11104 11114 11125 "135 11145 3 3 3 3 3 9. 88896 8SSCS 88875 88865 88855 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 6 45 20 45 12 45 4 44 56 44 48 5 '4 4 1448 14 56 IS 4 15 12 9. 80107 80213 80228 80244 80259 5 o 6 6 10. 19803 19787 19772 19756 19741 9-91353 91379 91404 9 '43 91456 9 9 9 10 10 10. 08647 08621 08596 08570 08544 io. 11156 11166 11176 11187 11197 3 4 4 4 4 9.88844 88834 88824 88813 88803 40 51 3 5 37 2& 25 26 28 7 29 (T 44 40 44 32 44 24 44 '6 44 8 S '5 20 15 28 15 36 '5 44 15 52 9. 80274 0290 80305 80320 80336 6 7 7 7 7 lo. 19726 19710 19695 19680 19664 9. 91482 91507 9'533 9'559 91585 II It 12 12 12 10.08518 08493 08467 08441 08415 10. 11207 11218 11228 11239 11249 4 S s 5 5 9. .88 793 88782 88772 88761 88751 35 34 33 J 2 3" 3 3' S 2 33 34 6 44 o 43 5 2 43 44 V 36 43 28 5 16 o 16 8 16 16 16 24 16 32 9- 80351 80366 80382 80397 80412 8 8 8 8 9 10. 19649 19634 19618 19603 19588 9. 91610 91636 91662 91688 9I7I3 13 13 '4 >4 IS 10. 08390 08364 08338 08312 08287 io. 11259 11270 11280 11291 11301 5 6 6 9. 88741 88730 88720 88709 88699 3 29 28 27 26 35 36 P 39 6 43 20 43 >2 43 4 42 s 6 42 48 S io 40 r6 48 16 56 17 4 17 12 9. 80428 80443 80458 80473 80480 9 9 9 10 10 10. 19572 19557 19542 19527 19511 9-9"739 Si/65 91791 91816 91842 '5 15 1 6 16 '7 10. 08261 08235 08209 08184 08158 io. 11312 11322 11332 M343 "353 6 6 6 7 7 9. 8S6S8 88678 8S668 88657 88647 25 24 23 22 21 40 41 42 43 44 6 42 40 42 3 2 42 24 42 16 42 8 5 '7 20 17 28 17 36 7 44 '7 52 9. 80504 80519 80534 80550 801565 10 10 II II II 10. 19496 19481 19466 19450 '9435 9. 91868 9 18 93 91919 9 '945 91971 '7 18 18 18 '9 10. 08132 08107 08081 08055 08029 io. 11364 "374 "385 '1395 11406 7 7 7 7 8 9. 88636 8862$ 88615 88605 88594 2O 19 18 '7 16 45 46 47 4 8 49 6 42 o 42 5 2 41 44 41 36 41 28 5 18 o 18 8 18 16 18 24 18 32 9. 80580 80595 80610 80625 80641 12 12 12 12 n 10. 19420 19405 >939 19375 >9359 9.91996 92022 92048 92073 92099 19 20 20 21 21 10. 08004 07978 07952 0/927 07901 io. 11416 11427 "437 11448 11458 8 8 8 8 9 9. 8^584 8S573- 88563 88552 88542 15 4 13 12 II 5 5' 52 53 54 6 41 20 41 12 41 4 40 56 40 48 5 18 40 18 48 18 56 19 4 19 12 9. 80656 80671 80686 80701 80716 13 13 13 14 '4 10. 19344 19329 '934 19299 19284 9.92125 92150 92176 92202 92227 21 22 22* 2 3 23 10. 07875 07850 07824 07798 07773 io. 11469 11479 11490 11501 11511 9 9 9 9 9 9.88531 88521 88510 88499 88489 IO 6 55 593 9. 92253 92279 92304 9233 92356 92381 24 2 4 24 25 S 5 26 10. 07747 07721 07696 07670 07644 07619 io. 11522 11532 "543 "553 11564 "575 IO IO 10 10 IO 10 9. 88478 88468 88457 88447 88436 88425 5 4 3 2 1 O M. Hour v, M. IIourA.M. Cosine Diff. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. Tangent. Cosecani,. Diff. Sine. M. 129 50 317 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 40' - 139 M. Hour A. M. Ho\ir p. M. Sine. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent. Diff. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. o I 2 3 4 6 40 o 39 5 2 39 44 39 3 6 39 28 .5 20 20 8 20 l6 20 24 20 32 9. 80807 80822 80837 80852 80867 I I 'o. 19193 19178 19163 19148 '9133 9- 923 S I 92407 92433 92458 92484 O O J I 2 IO. 07619 07593 07567 07542 07516 io. 11575 "585 11596 11606 11617 o 9. 88425 88415 88404 88394 88383 60 59 5 11 6 8 9 6 39 20 39 12 39 4 3** 5"6 38 48 5 20 40 20 48 20 56 21 4 21 12 9. 80882 80897 80912 80927 80942 I I 2 2 2 10. 19118 19103 19088 19073 19058 9.92510 92535 92561 92587 92012 2 3 3 3 4 io. 07490 07465 07439 74 '3 07388 io. 11628 11638 11649 11-660 11670 2 9- 88372 88362 88351 88340 88330 55 54 53 52 5i 10 1 1 12 3 14 6 38 40 38 32 38 24 38 16 38 8 5 21 20 21 28 21 36 21 44 21 52 9. 80957 80972 80987 81002 81017 2 3 3 3 3 10. 19043 19028 19013 18998 18983 9. 92638 92663 92689 92715 92740 4 5 I 6 io. 07362 7337 073" 07285 07260 io. 11681 11692 11702 "1713 11724 2 2 2 2 3 9.88319 88308 88298 88287 88276 5 49 48 47 46 15 16 17 18 19 6 38 o 37 S 2 37 44 37 3 6 37 28 5 22 O 22 8 22 16 22 24 22 3 2 9. 81032 81047 81061 81076 81091 4 4 4 4 5 10. 18968 18953 18939 18924 18909 9. 92766 92792 92817 92843 92868 6 7 7 8 8 io. 07234 07208 07183 7i57 07132 io. 11734 11745 11756 1 1 766 "'777 3 3 3 3 3 9. 88266 88255 88244 88234 88223 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 6 37 20 37 12 37 4 36 56 36 4 8 5 22 40 22 48 22 56 23 4 23 12 9. 8 1 106 81121 81136 81151 81166 5 5 6 6 10. 18894 18879 18864 18849- 18834 9. 92894 92920 92945 92971 92996 9 9 9 10 10 io. 07106 07080 07055 07029 07004 ID. 11788 11799 11809 11820 11851 4 4 4 4 4 9. 88212 88201 88191 'SSiSo 88169 40 39 38 37 3 11 27 28 2 9 6 36 40 3 f> 32 36 24 36 16 36 8 5 23 20 23 28 23 3 6 23 44 23 52 9. S 1 1 80 81195 81210 81225 81240 6 6 7 7 7 10. 18820 18805 18790 18775 18760 9. 93022 93048 9373 9399 93 12 4 ii II 12 12 12 io. 06978 06952 06927 06901 06876 io. 11842 11852 11863 11874 1 1 Sj 4 5 5 S 5 9. 88158 88148 88137 88126 88115 35 34 33 j 2 3' 3 3' 3 2 33 34 6 36 o 35 52 35 44 35 3 6 35 28 5 24 o 24 8 24 16 24 24 24 3 2 9.81254 81269 81284 81299 81314 8 8 8 8 lo. 18746 18731 18716 18701 18686 9.93150 93 '75 93201 93 2 27 93252 13 13 14 '4 14 Io. 06850 06825 06799 06773 06748 io. 11895 11906 1,1917 1 1928 I '939 I 6 6 6 9.88105 88094 88083 88072 88061 3 29 28 27 26 35 36 37 38 39 6 35 20 35 12 35 4 34 5 6 34 48 5 24 40 24 48 24 56 25 4 25 12 9. 81328 8i343 81358 S'372 81387 9 9 9 9 10 io. 18672 18657 18642 18628 18613 9.93278 933<>3 933 2 9 93354 933 8 15 15 16 16 17 io. 06722 06697 06671 06646 06620 IO N 11949 1 1960 11971 11982 1 1 993 6 6 7 7 7 9. 88051 88040 88029 88018 88007 25 24 2j 22 21 40 4' 42 43 44, 6 34 40 34 3 2 34 24 34 "6 34 8 5 25 20 25 28 25 3 6 25 44 25 52 9. 81402 81417 81431 81446 81461 10 10 10 II II io. 18598 18583 18569 18554 18539 9. 93406 93431 93457 93482 9358 17 17 18 18 9 IO. 06594 06569 06543 06518 06492 10. 12004 12015 12025 12036 12047 7 8 8 8 9- 8 799 A 87985 879-75 87964 87953 2O 1') iS '7 16 45 46 47 48 49 6 34 o 33 52 33 44 33 3 6 33 28 5 26 o 26 8 26 16 26 24 26 32 9.81475 81490 81505 81519 81534 II II 12 12 12 10. 18525 18510 18495 18481 18466 9- 93533 93559 93584 93610 93 6 3 6 19 20 20 20 21 io. 06467 06441 06416 06390 06564 io. 12058 12069 I2oSo I209I 1 2 1 02 8 8 8 9 9 9- 8 7942 87931 87920 87909 87898 '5 >4 '3 12 I I 5 5' 5- 53 54 6 33 20 33 12 33 4 32 5 6 3 2 48 6 26 40 26 48 26 56 27 4 27 12 9- 8 '549 81563 8 I57 8 81592 81607 12 '3 '3 13 13 io. 18451 "8437 18422 18408 '8393 9. 93" 6 i 93687 93712 9373 s 93763 21 22 22 23 IO. 06339 6,3 13 06288 06262 06237 10. 124 1 3 I2I23 12134 I2I45 12,56 9 9 9 10 IO 9. 87887 87877 87866 87S55 87844 10 9 S 7 6 55 5 6 ii 59 60 6 32 40 32 32 32 '24 32 16 32 8 32 o 5 27 20 27 28 27 36 27 44 27 5 2 28 o 9. 81622 81636 81651 81065 81680 81694 H '4 '4 H 15 15 io. 18378 18364 18349 8335 18320 18306 9-93/89 93814 93840 93865 93891 93916 23 24 24 2 5 25 26 io. 062 r i 06186 06160 06135 06109 06084 Io. 12107 12178 121X9 12200 I22II 12222 IO IO IO 10 II II 9- 87833 87822 87811 87800 87789 87778 5 4 3 2 I o M. Hour r. M HoUFA. M. Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent. biff. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. Sine. M. 130 4 218 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 41 138 M. Hour A. M. Hour p. M. Sine. Diff. Cobccant. Tangent. Diff. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. o I 2 3 4 6 32 o 3 5 2 3' 44 3> 3 6 3 28 5 28 o 28 8 28 16 28 24 28 32 9. 81694 81709 81723 81738 81752 O O O I I IO. 18306 18291 18277 18262 18248 9- 939'6 93942 93967 93993 94018 O O I I 2 IO. 06084 06058 06033 06007 05982 10. 12222 12233 12244 12255 12266 O O 9. 87778 87767 87756 87745 87734 60 59 58 57 56 I 8 9 6 31 20 31 12 31 i 3 56 3 48 5 28 40 28 48 28 56 29 4 29 12 9.81767 81781 81796 81810 81825 I I 2 2 2 10. 18233 18219 18204 18190 18175 9. 94044 94069 94095 94120 94146 2 3 3 3 4 10.05956 05931 595 05880 05854 10. 12277 12288 12299 I23IO 12321 2 9- 87723 87712 87701 87690 87679 55 54 53 52 5' 10 II 12 '3 '4 6 30 40 3 S 2 30 24 30 16 30 8 5 29 20 29 28 2 9 36 29 44 29 52 9.81839 81854 81868 81882 81897 2 3 3 3 3 10. 18161 18146 18132 18118 18103 9.94171 94197 94222 94248 942/3 4 5 I 6 10. 05829 05803 05778 05752 05727 10. 12332 12343 '2354 12365 12376 2 2 2 2 3 9. 87668 87657 87646 87635 87624 5 49 48 47 46 15 16 '7 18 '9 6 30 o 29 52 29 44 29 36 29 28 5 3 o 30 8 30 16 30 24 3 3 2 9.81911 81926 81940 81955 81969 4 4 4 4 5 lo. 18089 18074 18060 18045 18031 9- 94299 94324 9435 94375 94401 6 7 8 8 10. 05701 05676 05650 05625 05599 10. 12387 12399 12410 12421 12432 3 3 3 3 4 9.87613 87601 87590 87579 87568 45 44 43 42 4' 20 21 22 23 24 6 29 20 29 12 29 4 28 56 28 48 5 3 4 30 48 30 56 31 4 31 12 9. 81983 81998 82012 82026 82041 5 5 5 10. 18017 18002 17988 17974 17959 9. 94426 94452 94477 94503 94528 9 9 10 IO 10.05574 05548 05523 05497 05472 10. 12443 12454 12465 12476 12487 4 4 4 4 4 9- 8 7557 87546 87535 87524 87513 40 39 38 37 36 11 27 28 2 9 6 28 46 28 32 28 24 28 16 28 8 5 3' 20 31 28 31 36 3' 44 3i 52 9. 82055 82069 82084 82098 82II2 6 6 6 7 7 10. 17945 1 793' 17916 17902 17888 9- 94554 94579 94604 9463 94655 ii ii ii 12 12 10. 05446 05421 05396 05370 05345 10. 12499 12510 12521 12532 12543 5 5 S 5 5 9.87501 87490 87479 87468 87457 35 34 33 32 3 l 3 3i 32 33 34 6 28 o 27 52 27 44 27 3 6 27 28 5 32 o 32 8 32 16 32 24 32 32 9. 82126 82141 82155 82169 82184 7 8 8 10.17874 17859 17845 17831 17816 9. 94681 94706 94732 94757 94783 '3 13 4 H H 10. 05319 05294 05268 05243 05217 10. 12554 12566 12577 12588 12599 6 6 6 6 6 9. 87446 87434 8/423 87412 87401 30 29 28 27 25 35 3 6 37 38 39 6 27 20 27 12 27 4 26 56 26 48 5 3 2 40 32 48 32 56 33 4 33 12 9.82198 82212 82226 82240 82255 8 9 9 9 9 10. 1 7802 17788 17774 17760 '7745 9. 94808 94834 94859 94884 94910 15 15 16 16 17 10. 05192 05166 05141 05116 05090 10. 12610 12622 12633 12644 12655 7 7 7 7 7 9- 8739 87373 87367 87356 87345 25 24 23 22 21 40 41 42 43 44 6 26 40 26 32 26 24 26 16 26 8 5 33 20 33 28 33 36 33 44 33 52 9. 82269 82283 82297 82311 82326 10 10 IO 10 10 10.17731 I77I7 17703 17689 17674 9- 94935 94961 94986 95012 95037 >7 17 18 18 '9 10. 05065 05039 05014 04988 04963 10. 12666 12678 12689 12700 12712 I 8 8 8 9- 87334 87322 8/3" 87300 87288 20 i3 17 16 % 8 49 6 26 o 25 52 25 44 25 36 25 28 5 34 34 8 34 16 34 24 34 32 9. 82340 82354 82368 82382 82396 II II II II 12 10. 17660 17646 17632 17618 17604 9. 95062 95088 95"3 95139 95164 19 20 20 20 21 10. 04938 04912 04887 04861 04836 10. 12723 12734 12745 12757 12768 8 9 9 9 9 9.87277 87266 87255 87243 87232 15 14 '3 12 II 5 5> S 2 53 54 6 25 20 25 12 25 4 24 56 24 48 5 34 40 34 48 34 5 6 35 4 35 I2 9. 82410 82424 82439 82453 82467 12 12 12 13 y 10. 17590 17576 17561 '7547 7533 9.95190 95215 95240 95266 95291 21 22 22 22 23 10. 04810 04785 04760 04734 04709 10. 12779 12791 12802 12813 12825 9 IO IO 10 10 9. 87221 87209 87198 87187 871/5 IO 9 & 6 55 56 9 59 60 6 24 40 24 3 2 24 24 24 16 24 8 24 o 5 35 20 35 28 35 3 6 35 44 35 52 36 o 9. 82481 82495 82509 82523 82537 82551 13 '3 '4 14 4 4 10.17519 I75 5 17491 '7477 7463 J 7.449 9.953I7 95342 953 6S 95393 95418 95444 23 24 24 25 25 25 10. 04683 04658 04632 04607 04582 04556 10. 12836 12847 12859 12870 I -88 1 12893 10 IO II II II II 9. 87164 87153 87141 87130 87119 87107 5 4 3 2 I O M. Hour p H. Hour A. M. Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. Sine. M. m 48 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 42 137 M. HOUFA. M. Hour p. M. Sine. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent. Diff. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. I .2 3 4 6 24 o 23 5 2 23 44 23 36 23 28 S3 60 36 8 36 16 3 6 24 3 6 3 2 9.82551 82565 8*579 8 2 593 82607 O O O I I 10. 17449 '7435 17421 17407 '7393 9-95444 95469 95495 95520 95545 O I 2 10. 04556 0453' 04505 04480 04455 10. 12893 12904 12915 12927 12938 o 9.87107 ' 87096 87085 870/3 87062 60 P ! 6 9 6 23 20 23 12 23 4 22 56 22 48 5 3 4 36 48 36 56 37 4" 37 12 9. 8262^ 82635 82649 82663 82677 I 2 2 2 10. 17379 17365 '735' '7337 17323 9-9557' 95596 95622 95647 95672 2 3 3 3 4 10. 04429 04404 04378 04353 04328 10. 12950 12961 12972 12984 12995 2 2 9. 07050 87039 87028 87016 87005 55 54 53 5 2 5' 10 ii 12 "3 H 6 22 40 22 32 22 24 22 l6 22 8 S 37 20 37 28 37 3 6 37 44 37 5 2 9. 82691 82705 82719 82733 82747 2 3 3 3 3 10. 1 7309 17295 17281 17267 I7 2 53 9.95698 95723 95748 95774 95799 4 5 5 1 10. 04302 04277 04252 04226 04201 10. 13007 13018 13030 13041 13053 2 2 2 3 3 9- 86993 86982 86970 86959 86947 5 49 48 47 46 15 16 17 18 IQ 6 22 21 52 21 44 21 36 21 28 5 & 38 8 38 16 38 24 38 3 2 9. 82761 8 2 775 82788 82802 82816 3 4 4 4 4 10, 17239 17225 17212 17198 17184 9- 95 8 25 95850 95 75 95901 95926 t> 7 1 8 10. 04175 04150 04125 04099 04074 10. 13064 13076 13087 13098 13110 3 3 3 3 4 9. 86936 86924 86913 86902 86890 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 6 21 2O 2-1 12 21 4 20 56 20 48 5 3 8 40 38 48 38 56 39 4 39 12 9. 82830 82844 82858 82872 82885 5 5 5 6 10. 17170 17156 17142 17128 17115 9. 95952 95977 96002 96028 96053 o 9 9 10 10 10. 04048 04023 03998 03972 03947 10. 13121 13133 13145 13156 13168 4 4 4 4 5 9.86079 86867 86855 86844 86832 40 39 38 37 36 25 26 27 28 29 6 20 40 20 32 2O 24 20 16 20 8 5 39 20 39 28 39 3 6 39 44 39 5 2 9. 82859 82913 82927 82941 82955 6 6 6 6 7 10. 17101 17087 '7073 '759 17045 9. 96078 96104 96129 96i55 96100 ii ii II 12 12 10. 03922 03896 03871 03845 03820 10. 13179 13191 13202 13214 13225 5 5 5 6 9. 8682 1 86809 86798 86786 86775 35 34 33 32 3i 3 3' 3 2 33 34 6 20 o 19 52 19 44 19 36 9 28 5 40 o 40 8 40 16 40 24 4 3 2 9. 82968 82982 82996 83010 8 3 02 3 7 7 8 8 10. 1 7032 17018 17004 16930 16977 9. 96205 96231 96256 96281 96307 13 '3 '4 4 '4 10.03795 03769 03744 03719 03693 10. 13237 13248 13260 13272 13283 6 6 6 6 7 9. 86763 86753 86740 86728 86717 30 29 28 27 26 3 37 38 39 6 "19 20 19 12 19 4 18 56 18 48 5 4 4 40 48 40 56 41 4 4! 12 9- 83037 83051 83065 83078 83092 8 8 8 9 9 10. 16963 16949 16935 16922 16908 9- 96332 96357 96383 96408 96433 IS lo 16 16 10. 03668 03643 03617 03592 03567 10. 13295 13306 13318 1333 13341 7 7 7 8 9. 86705 86694 86682 86670 86659 25 24 23 22 21 40 4' 42 43 44 6 18 40 1 8 32- 18 24 18 16 iS 8 5 41 20 41 28 4' 3 6 41 44 41 52 9. 83106 83120 83'33 83M7 83161 9 9 10 10 10 10. 16894 16880 16867 16853 16839 9- 96459 96484 96510 96535 96560 '7 17 18 iS '9 10. 03541 03516 03490 03405 03440 10- 13353 13365 13376 13388 13400 8 8 8 8 8 9. 86647 6035 86624 86612 86600 20 19 1 8 '7 16 4 46 47 48 49 6 18 o 17 52 J7 44 17 36 17 28 5 42 o 42 8 42 16 42 24 42 32 9-S3I74 83188 83202 83215 83229 10 II II II II lo. 16826 16812 16798 16785 16771 9. 96586 96611 96636 96662 96687 19 19 20 20 21 10. 03414 03389 03364 03338 033J3 10. 13411 13423 13435 13446 13458 9 9 9 9 9 9. 86589 6577 86565 86554 86542 15 '4 13 12 11 50 5' 5 2 53 54 6 17 20 17 12 '7 4 16 56 16 48. 5 42 40 42 48 42 56 43 4 43 I2 9. 83242 83256 83270 83283 83-97 II 12 12 12 12 10. 16758 16744 16730 16717 16703 9.96712 96738 96763 96788 96814 21 22 22 22 23 10. 03288 03262 03237 03212 03186 10. 13470 13482 13493 13505 13517 10 10 10 10 10 9. 86530 86518 86507 86495 86483 10 9 8 6 55 56 P I 9 60 6 16 40 16 32 16 24 16 16 16 8 16 o 5 43 20 43 28 43 5 fj 43 44 43 5 2 44 o 9-83310 83324 83338 83351 83365 S33/8 3 13 13 13 14 14 10. 16690 16676 16662 16649 16635 16622 9. 96839 96864 96890 96915 96940 96966 23 24 24 25 25 .25 10. 03161 03136 031 10 03085 03060 03034 10. 13528 13540 13552 13564 13575 13587 II 11 II II II 12 9. 86472 86460 86448 86436 86425 80413 5 4 3 2 I O M. Hour p. M. Hour A. M. Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. .Sine. M. 132 47 220 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 43 ISO" H, Hour A. M. Hour p. M. Sine. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent. Diff. Totanpent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. I 2 3 4 6 16 o 15 52 15 44 '5 3 6 15 28 5 44 o 44 8 44 l 44 24 44 32 9- 8 33/8 83392 83405 834'9 S 3432 I I 10. 16622 16608 16505 16581 16568 9. 96966 96991 9701-6 97042 97067 O o I 2 IO. 03034 03009 02984 02958 2933 10. 13587 13599 13611 '3623 '3 6 34 O O 9.8*413 86401 8^389 86377 86366 60 59 5 57 56 5 6 7 8 9 6 15 20 IS 12 '5 4 14 56 14 48 5 44 40 44 48 44 56 45 4 45 12 9- 83446 83459 83473 83486 83500 I 2 2 2 10. 16554 16541 16527 16514 16500 9. 97092 97118 97'43 97168 97'93 2 3 3 3 4 10. 02908 02882 02857 02832 02807 10. 13646 13658 13670 13682 13 6 94 2 2 9- 86354 86342 86330 86318 86306 55 54 53 S^ 5i 10 1 1 I ** '3 14 o 14 40 '4 3 2 14 24 14 16 14 8 5 45 20 45 28 45 3 6 45 44 45 52 9- S 35I3 83527 83540 3554 83567 2 3 3 3 10. 16487 l6 473 16460 16446 16433 9.97219 97 2 44 97269 97295 97320 4 5 5 <; 6 10. 02781 02756 02731 02705 02680 10. 13705 13717 13729 13741 '3753 2 2 2 3 3. 9. 86295 86283 86271 86259 86247 5 49 4 S 47 46 '5 16 17 Io '9 14 o >3 5 2 3 44 13 3 6 13 28 5 46 o 46 8 46 16 46 24 46 32 9. 8 35 S, 83594 83608 83621 83634 3 4 4 4 4 10. 16419 16406 16392 J6379 16366 9- 97345 9737" 97396 97421 97447 6 7 7 8 8 10. 02655 02629 02604 02579 02553 10. 13765 13777 13789 13800 13812 3 3 3 4 4 9- 86235 86223 86211 86200 S6iSS 45 44 43 42 41 :o 21 22 -3 24 13 20 I 3 12 '3 4 12 56 12 48 5 46 40 46 48 46 56 47 4 47 12 9- 83648 83661 83674 83688 83701 4 5 5 5 5 10. 16352 '6339 16326 16312 16299 9-97472 97497 97523 97548 97573 8 9 9 10 10 10. 02528 02503 02477 02452 02427 10. 13824 '3836 13848 13860 '3872 4 4 4 5 5 9.^6176 86164 86152 86140 86128 40 39 38 37 36 25 26 o 29 6 12 40 12 32 12 24 12 l6 12 8 5 47 20 47 28 47 3 6 47 44 47 52 9-83715 83728 83741 83755 83768 6 6 6 6 6 10. 16285 16272 16259 16245 16232 9. 97598 97624 97649 97674 97700 n ii ii 12 12 10. 02402 02376 02351 02326 02300 10. 13884 13896 13908 13920 '3932 5 5 I 6 9. 86116 86104 86092 86080 86068 35 34 33 3 2 3' 3 3' 3- 33 34 6 12 O II 52 II 44 II 36 n 28 5 48 o 48 8 48 16 48 24 48 32 9.83781 83795 83808 83821 83834 7 7 7 8 10. 16219 16205 16192 16179 16166 9- 97725 9775 97776 97801 97826 '3 13 13 14 '4 10. 02275 02250 02224 02199 02174 10. 13944 13956 13968 13980 13992 b 6 6 7 7 9. 86056 86044 86032 86020 86008 30 29 28 27 26 35 36 37 3 s 39 II 20 II 12 n 4 10 56 10 48 5 48 40 48 48 48 56 49 4 49 12 9. 83848 83861 83874 83887 X V :. 'I 8 8 8 8 9 10. 16152 16139 16126 16113 16099 9.97851 97 S 77 97902 97927 97953 '5 II 16 16 10. 02149 02123 02098 02073 02047 10. 14004 14016 14028 14040 14052 7 7 8 8 9- 85996 85984 85972 85960 85948 25 24 23 22 21 40 4! 42 43 44 6 10 40 10 32 10 24 10 16 10 8 5 49 20 49 28 49 36 49 41 49 52 9.83914 83927 83940 83954 83967 9 9 9 10 10 10. 16086 16073 16060 16046 16033 9- 97978 98003 98029 98054 98079 '7 '7 18 18 '9 IO. O2O22 01997 OI97I 01946 OIO2I 10. 14064 14076 14088 14100 14! 12 8 8 8 9 9 9- 85936 85924 85912 85900 85888 20 '9 18 '7 1 6 45 46 47 48 49 6 10 o 9 52 9 44 9 3 6 9 28 5 5 50 8 5 16 50 24 50 32 9. 83980 83993 84006 84020 84033 IO 10 10 n i.i 10. 16020 16007 '5994 15980 15967 9. 98104 98130 98i55 98180 98206 '9 '9 20 20 21 IO. 01896 01870 01845 01820 01794 10. 14124 14136 14149 14161 '4'73 9 9 9 10 IO 9. 85876 85864 85851 85839 85827 '5 H 13 12 II SO 5" S 2 53 54 6 9 20 9 12 9 4 8 56 8 48 5 5 40 50 48 50 56 5' 4 51 12 9. 84046 84059 84072 84085 84098 II II 12 12 12 10. 15954 15941 15928 15915 15902 9-98231 98256 98281 98307 98332 21 22 22 22 23 10, 01769 01744 01719 01693 01668 10. 14185 14197 14209 14221 14234 10 IO 10 1 1 ii 9.85815 85803 85791 85779 85766 10 7 6 55 56 57 58 59 60 6 8 40 S3 2 8 24 8 16 8 8 8 o 5 51 20 51 28 5' 36 5' 44 5' 5-2 52 o 9- S4II2 8 4 t2 5 84138 84151 84164 84177 12 12 13 3 13 13 10. 15888 '5875 15862 15849 15836 15823 9-98357 98383 98408 9 S 433- 98458 98484 23 24 24 24 25 25 10. 01643 01617 01592 01567 01542 01516 10. 14246 14258 14270 14282 14294 14307 u n 1 1 12 12 12 9- 8 5754 85742 8573 85718 85706 85693 5 4 3 2 I M. Hour r. M. Hour A. M. Cosine. Diff Secant. Cotangent Diff Tangent. Cosecant. Diff Sine. M. 133 40 221 SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. 44 35 M. Hour A. M. Hour p. M. Sine. Diff. Cosecant. Tangent. Diff. Cotangent. Secant. Diff. Cosine. M. O I 2 3 4 680 7 52 7 44 7 3 6 7 28 5 52 o 52 8 52 16 S 2 24 S 2 32 9.84177 84190 84203 84216 84229 O I I 10. 15823 15810 '5797 15784 I577J 9.98484 98509 98534 98560 98585 O - o I I. 2 10. 01516 01491 01466 01440 OI 4 I5 10. 14307 I43I9 14331 14343 14355 O O o 9. 85693 85681 85669 85657 85645 60 Co 57 16 I 8 9 6 7 20 7 12 7 4 6 56 6 48 5 5 2 4 52 48 S 2 5 6 53 4 53 '2 9. 84242 84255 84269 84282 84295 I I 2 2 2 10. 15758 15745 573i 15718 15705 9.98610 98635 98661 98686 98711 2 3 3 3 4 10. 01390 01365 01339 01314 oi 289 10. 14368 14380 14392 14404 14417 2 2 9- 85632 85620 85608 85596 85583 55 54 53 52 5i 10 n 12 13 14 6 6 40 6 32 6 24 6 16 6 8 5 53 20 53 28 53 3 6 53 44 53 5 2 9. 84308 84321 84334 84347 84360 2 2 3 3 3 10. 15692 15679 15666 15653 15640 9-98737 98762 98787 98812 98838 4 5 5 lo. 01263 01238 01213 01188 01162 10. 14429 14441 14453 14466 14478 2 2 2 3 3 9.85571 85559 85547 85534 85522 5 49 48 47 46 15 16 17 19 660 5 52 5 44 5 36 5 28 5 54 54 8 54 16 54 2 4 54 3 2 9-84373 84385 84398 84411 84424 3 3 4 4 4 10. 15627 15615 15602 15589 15576 9.98863 98888 98913 98939 98964 6 7 8 8 10. 01137 OIII2 01087 Olo6l 01036 10. 14490 14503 14515 I45 2 7 14540 3 3 4 4 4 9.85510 85497 85485 85473 85460 45 44 43 42 41 20 21 22 23 24 6 5 20 5 '2 5 i 4 S 6 4 48 5 54 4 54 48 54 56 55 4 55 12 9- 84437 84450 84463 84476 84489 4 5 5 5 5 10. 15563 1555 15537 15524 15511 9.9%89 99015 99040 99065 99090 8 9 9 10 10 IO. 01011 00985 00960 00935 00910 10. 14552 14564 14577 14589 14601 4 4 5 5 S 9- 85448 85436 854 2 3 85411 85399 40 39 38 3 J 2 ? 26 27 28 29 6 4 40 4 32 4 t-4 4 16 4 8 5 55 20 55 28 55 3 6 55 44 55 S 2 9. 84502 84515 84528 84540 84553 6 6 6 6 10. 15498 15485 15472 15460 15447 9.99116 99141 99166 99191 99217 ii ii ii 12 12 10. 00884 00859 00834 00809 00783 10. 14614 14626 14639 14651 14663 5 I 6 6 9- 85386 85374 85361 85349 85337 35 34 33 32 3f 3 3' 3 2 33 34 640 3 S 2 3 44 336 3 28 5 56 o 56 8 56 16 56 24 56 32 9. 84566 84579 84592 84605 84618 6 7 7 7 7 ID. 15434 I542I 15408 15395 I538 2 9.99242 99267 99293 99318 99343 13 13 3 14 H 10. 00758 00733 00707 00682 00657 10. 14676 14688 14701 14713 14726 6 6 7 7 7 9- 85324 85312 85299 85287 85274 3 29 28 2 7 26 35 36 37 38 39 6 3 20 3 12 3 i 2 5 6 2 48 5 5 4 56 48 56 56 57 4- 57 12 9. 84630 84043 84656 84669 84682 8 8 8 8 3 10. 15370 15357 15344 15331 15318 9.99368 99394 99419 99444 99469 15 \l 10 16 10. 00632 00606 00581 00556 00531 10. H73 8 14750 14763 14775 14788 7 8 8 8 9. 85262 85250 85237 85225 85212 25 24 2 3 22 21 40 41 4 2 43 44 6 2 40 2 32 2 24 2 in 2 8 5 57 20 57 28 57 3 6 57 44 57 5 2 9- 84694 84707 84720 84733 84745 9 9 9 9 9 10. 15306 15293 15280 15267 15255 9-99495 99520 99545 99570 99596 17 17 18 18 19 10. 00505 00480 00455 00430 00404 10. 14800 14813 14825 14838 14850 8 8 9 9 9 9. 85200 85187 85-75 85162 85150 20 '9 1 8 17 16 45 46 4 48 49 62O 52 44 36 28 5 58 o 58 s 58 16 58 24 58 32 9. 84758 84771 84784 84796 84809 10 10 10 10 11 10. 15242 15229 i_;2io 15204 15191 9.99621 99646 99672 99697 99722 19 19 20 20 21 10. 00379 00354 00328 00303 00278 10. 14863 14875 14888 14900 4913 9 lo 10 10 10 9-85137 85125 85112 85100 85087 '5 '4 '3 12 II 5 5' 52 53 54 6 20 12 4 o 56 48 5 5 8 4 58 48 58 56 59 4 59 12 9. 84822 84835 84847 84860 84873 II II II II 12 10. 15178 15165 15153 15140 15 I2 7 9-99747 99773 99798 99823 99848 21 21 22 22 2 3 10. 00253 00227 00202 00177 00152 10. 14926 14938 14951 14963 14976 10 ii ii ii ii 9. 85074 85062 85049 83037 85024 10 '! 6 55 56 57 58 I 9 60 6 o 40 o 32 o 24 : o 1 6 o 8 O 5 59 20 59 28 59 36 59 44 59 52 600 9. 84885 84898 84911 84923 84936 84949 12 12 12 12 13 3 10. 15115 15102 15689 15077 15064 15^51 9-99874 99 S 99 99924 99949 99975 IO.OOOOO 23 24 24 24 2 5 2 5 10. 00126 OOIOI 00076 00051 00025 ooooo lo. 14988 15001 15014 15026 15039 15051 1 1 12 12 12 I2 . 12' 9. 85012 84999 84986 84974 84961 84949 5 4 3 2 i M. Hour P.M. Hour A. M. Cosine. Diff. Secant. Cotangent. Diff. Tangent. Cosecant. Diff. Sine. M. 134 45 222 INDEX A PAGE Altitude, apparent 39 circles of equal 3 correction for 39 meridian 41 to take an 38 true S9 Amplitude 61 B Barometer 69 mean level of 71 Beacon 91 Bearing 10 compass 11 conversion of one to the other 11 cross 21 bow and quarter 22 magnetic 11 of one object 22 sailing directions by 22 true 11 Bells 94 Buoys 87 distinction of 87 names of 87 whistling 95 bell 95 C Cannon . . , 93 Chart, characteristics marked on 18 currents how marked on 14 how engraved 14 Mercator's, advantage of 13 signs and abbreviations on 17 tide, how marked on H use of 12 use of different sizes ., 16 224 INDEX. PAGE Chronometer 35 error and rate of 36 Clouds 65 forms of 65 Collisions at sea, regulations for preventing 98 Compass 5 azimuth 8 bo ff\ 5 boxing the 7 card 5 cardinal points of the 6 deviation of the 8 lubber's point of 5 needle 5 points of the 6 points of the, in degrees 7 standard 8 steering 8 total error of ... GO Course 10 compass 1 1 conversion of one to the other 11 made good 26 magnetic 11 shaping the 24 true 11 Current 74 drift 75 sailing 76 stream 75 D Date, astronomical 40 civil 40 Declination 40 Departure 2(3 taking the 25 Deviation 8 table of 1-2 to find the 9 Dip 39 Distance made good 26 meridian zenith 41 E Equator 13 celestial 40 G Gale, straight line 69 Gongs 93 INDEX. 225 H PAGE Hygrometer 71 Instruments, use of 1 Icebergs 76 L Latitude 13 parallels of 13 Lead, deep sea 2 hand 2 Leeway 10 Light, character of 79 colored ... 83 double 1 83 fixed 79 flash or intermittent 83 house . . . 77 order of 79 range of 84 revolving 79 ship's 86 ships, how appear 86 Line of position 54 error of compass by 61 Log 2 adjustments 4 book 25 chip 2 glass 4 ground 5 heaving the 4 line 3 patent 5 slate 25 M Meridian 13 celestial < 35 first or prime 13 N Navigation, definition of 1 P Parallax 39 Poles of the earth 13 of the heavens . 35 226 R PAGE Refraction 39 Rockets 93 S Semi-diameter 39 Sextant 36 adjustment of the 37 index error of . . 38 to take an altitude with 38 Siren 96 Sound signals 93 importance of 96 effect of atmospheric conditions 96 Storm 68 approach of 72 centre of, to avoid 74 centre of, to locate 73 direction of track 73 revolving ... 69 semicircle of 74 T Tables, Explanation of 109 Thermometer 71 Tide, causes of ebb flood neap time of high tide, how found 15 Time, apparent equation of 46 mean 46 Trumpet V Variation W Whistles 96 Z Zenith.. 35 * *$ *^H . - I I , . . 1 m ,. 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