THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE LIFE AND WORK OP ST. PAUL BT FEEDEEIC W. FAEEAR, D.D., F.E.S. LATE FELLOW Of TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, DEAN OF CANTERBURY EJ KO! riafanl and Silas The Route by Land The Cilician Gates Derbe Where is Barnabas P Lystra " Timothy, my Son " His Circumcision and Ordina- tion The Phrygian and Galatian District Scanty Details of the Record The Galatians Illness of St. Paul Kindness of the Galatians Varied Forms of Religion Pessinus, Ancyra, Tavinm Their course guided by Divine intimations Troaa The Vision " Come over into Macedonia and help us" Meeting with St. Luke His Character and Influence . 256 VII. CHRISTIANITY IN MACEDONIA, CHAPTER XXV. PHILIPPI. The Sail to Neapolis Philippi The Place of Prayer Lydia Macedonian Women Characteristics of Philippian Converts The Girl with a Spirit of Python The Philippian Praetors Their Injustice Scourging The Dungeon and the Stocks Prison Psalms The Earthquake Conversion of the Jailer Honourably dismissed from Philippi ..... 273 CHAPTER XXVI. THBSSALONICA AND BEIUBA. Thessalonica and its History Poverty of the Apostles Philippian Generosity CONTENTS. XV PAOB Success among the .Gentiles Summary of Teaching St. Paul's State of Mind The Mob and the Politarcha Attack on the House of Jason Flight to Bercea " These were more noble " Sopater Escape to Athens . 285 VIII. CHRISTIANITY IN ACHAIA. CHAPTER XXVII. ST. PATO AT ATHENS. The Spell of Athens Its Effect on St. Paul A City of Statues Heathen Art Impression produced on the Mind of St. Panl Altar " to the Unknown God" Athens under the Empire Stoics and Epicureans Curiosity excited The Areopagus A Mock Trial -'Speech of St. Paul Its Power, Tact, and Wisdom Its many-sided Applications Mockery at the Resur- rection Results of St. Paul's Visit . . .; . . .. .295 CHAPTER XXVHI. ST. PAUL AT COBINTH. Corinth Its Population and Trade Worship of Aphrodite Aquila and Prisoilla Eager Activity Crispus Character of the Corinthian Converts Effect of Experience on St. Paul's Preaching Eupture with ths Jews Another Vision Gallic Discomfiture of the Jews Beating of Soathenes Superficial Disdain ... - ^ :. ... .. i. ." * . .313 CHAPTER XXIX. THE FIBST EPISTM TO THB THKSSALONIANS. Timothy with St. Paul Advantages of Epistolary Teaching Importance of bearing its Characteristics in Mind Vivid Spontaneity of Style St. Paul's Form of Greeting The Use of " we " and " I " Grace and Peace The Thanksgiving Personal Appeal against Secret Calumnies Going off at a Word Bitter Complaint against the Jews Doctrinal Section The Coming of the Lord Practical Exhortations Unreasonable Fears as regards the Dead Be ready Warning against Insubordination and Despondency Its Reception The Second Advent Conclusion of the First Epistle . 325 CHAPTER XXX. THB SECOND EPISTLB TO THE THESSALONIANS. News from Thessalonica Effects of the First Letter A New Danger Escha- tological Excitement " We which are alive and remain "St. Paul's Meaning The Day of the Lord Destruction of the Roman and the Jewish Temples Object of the Second Epistle The Epistles Rich in Details, but Uniform in Method Consist generally of Six Sections The Greeting Doctrinal and Practical Sections of the Epistle Moral Warnings Autograph Authentication Passage respecting " the Man ol Sin " Mysterious Tone of the Language Reason for this Similar Passage in Josephns What is meant by " the Checker " and " the Check " The rest incapable of present explanation ..', . . . . SiO IX. EPHESU8. CHAPTER XXXI. PAUL AT EPHKSUS, St. Panl leaves Corinth Nazarite Vow Ephesian Jews Fourth Viait to Jeru- salem Cold Reception Return to Antioch Confirms Churches of Galatia and Phrygia Re-visits Epheaus Its Commerce, Fame, and Splendour Its Great Men Roman Rule Asylum Temple of Artemia The Heaven-fallen Megabyzi Ephesian Amulets Apollonius of Tyana Letters of the Pseudo-Heraclitus Apollos Disciples of John School of Tyrannus " Handkerchiefs and Aprons " Discomfiture of the Ben! Sceva Burning of Magic Books Trials and Perils at Ephesns Bad News from Corinth The Ephesia Exasperation of the Artisans Artemis Demetrius Attempt to seize Paul Riot in the Theatre Gaiofc and MM Aristarohns Speech of the Recorder Farewell to the Church at Ephesus Present Condition of Ephesus . . . ... . . 851 CHAFFER XXXII. FIEST LSTTBB TO THE CHTJBOH AT COBIKTH. DifBculties of Converts from Heathenism Letter from Corinth Various En. qniries Disputes in the Church Apollos' Party Petrine Party The Judaic Teacher Disorderly Scenes in Church Assemblies The Agapso Desecration of the Encharistio Feast Condonation of the Notorious Offender Steps taken by St. Paul Sends Titna to Corinth Dictates to Sosthenes a letter to the Corinthians Topics of Letter Greeting Thanks- givings Party-spirit True and False Wisdom Sentence on the Notorious Offender Christ our Passover Christian and Heathen Judges Lawful and Unlawful Meats Marriage Celibacy Widows Divorce Meats offered to Idols Digression on his Personal Self-abnegation, and Inference from it Covering the Head Disorder at the Lord's Supper Glossolalia Charity Rules about Preaching The Resurrection Practical Directions Salutations Benediction ... ... 376 CHAPTER XXXIII. SECOND LBTTKB TO THB CHURCH AT OOBINTH. Anxiety of St.Paul Short Stay at Troas Meeting with Titus Effect of First Letter on the Corinthians Personal Opposition to his Authority Return of Titus to Corinth Trials in Macedonia Characteristics of the Epistle Greeting Tribulation and Consolation Self-defence Explanations Me- taphors Ministry of the New Covenant Eloquent Appeals Liberality of the Churches of Macedonia Exhortation to Liberality Sudden change of Tone Indignant Apology Mingled Irony and Appeal False Apostles Unrecorded Trials of his Life Vision at his Conversion Proofs of the Genuineness of his Ministry Salutation Benediction .... 401 CHAPTER XXXIV. SECOND VISIT TO COBINTH. Second Sojourn in Macedonia Brief Notice by St. Luke Ulyricum the furthest point of his Missionary Journey Institution of the Offertory His Fellow Travellers in the Journey to Corinth His Associates at Corinth Condition of the Church Two Epistles written at Corinth 420 CHAPTER XXXV. IMPOBTANCB OF THE EPISTLB TO THB GALATIANS. Judaising Opponents among the Galatian Converts Galatian Fickleness Arguments against St. Paul Circumcision the Battle-ground Christian Liberty at Stake Instances of Proselytes to Circumcision among the Heathen Royal Families Courage and Passion of St. Paul's Argument The Epistle to the Galatians, the Manifesto of Freedom from the Yoke of Judaism 425 CHAPTER XXXVI. THB EPISTLB TO THB GALATIAHS. Brief Greeting Indignant Outburst Vindication of his Apostolic Authority Retrospect Slight Intercourse with the Apostles Co-ordinate Position Eephas at Antioch Second Outburst Purpose of the Law Its Relation to the Gospel Boldness of his Arguments Justification by Faith Alle- gory of Sarah and Hagar Bondage to the Law Freedom in Christ Lusts of the Flesh Fruits of the Spirit Practical Exhortations Auto- graph Conclusion Contemplates another Visit to Jerusalem, and a Letter to Rome . . . . .^' ,431 CHAPTER XXXVII. THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS, AND THB THEOLOGY or ST. PAUL. The Jews at Rome Numbers of the Christian Converts Christianity Intro- duced into Rome Not by St. Peter Was the Church mainly Jewish or Gentile? Solution of Apparent Contradictions Note on the Sixteenth Chapter Probably Part of a Letter to Ephesus Main Object of ths OONTSHT6. rvH MMfl Epistle Written in Peaceful Mood Theory of Baur as to the Origin of the Epistle Origin and Idea of the Epistle Outlines of the Epistle . .445 II. GENERAL THESIS or THE EPISTLE. Salutation Thanksgiving Fundamental Theme The Just shall live by Faith Examination of the Meaning of the Phrase ...... 458 HI. UNIVEBSALITT OF SUT. Quilt of the Gentiles God's Manifestation of Himself to the Gentiles in His Works Therefore their Sin inexcusable Vices of Pagan Life The Jew more inexcusable because more enlightened Condemned in spite of their Circumcision and Legal Obedience . . . . . . . . 4G4 IV. OBJECTIONS AND CONFIRMATIONS. Has the Jew an Advantage ? Can God justly Punish P Repudiation of False and Malignant Inferences Jew and Gentile all under Sin Quotations from the Psalms and Isaiah 470 : V. JUSTIFIOATIOM BI FAITH. " The Righteousness of God " explained The Elements of Justification Faith does not nullify the Law Abraham's Faith Peace and Hope the Blessed Consequences of Faith Three Moments in the Religious History of Man-T kind Adam and Christ May we sin that Grace may abound ? The Con-j oeptiou of Life in Christ excludes the possibility of Wilful Sin The Law"f cannot Justify The Law Multiplies Transgressions We are not under \ the Law, but under Grace Apparent Contradictions Faith and Works ! Dead to the Law The Soul's History Deliverance Hope Triumph . 472 CHAPTER XXXVIII. PBEBBSTHfATIOK AUTO FBM WILL. Rejection of the Jews Foreknowledge of God The Resistance of Evil Th Potter and the Clay Man's Free Will Fearlessness and Conciliatoriness of St. Paul's Controversial Method Rejection of Israel Not Total nor Final Gleams of Hope Christ the Stone of Offence to the Jews Pro- phesies of a Future Restoration The Heave-offering The Oleaster and the Olive The Universality of Redeeming Grace Doxology . . . 491 CHAPTER XXXIX. FSurra OF FAITH. Break in the Letter Practical Exhortation Christian Graces Obedience to Civil Powers Value of Roman Law Functions of Civil Governors Pay- ment of Civil Dues Ebionitio Tendencies Advice to " Strong " and " Weak " Entreaty for the Prayers of the Church Benediction Reasons for concluding that the Sixteenth Chapter was addressed to the Ephesian Church Concluding Doxology . . . ... . . . 501 CHAPTER XL. THE LAST JOUBNET TO JEBOSALEM. Preparing to Start for Jerusalem Fury of the Jews Plot to Murder St. Paul How defeated Companions of his Journey He Remains at Philippi with St. Luke for the Passover Troas Eutychus Y, T alk from Troas to Assos Sail among the Grecian Isles to Miletus Farewell Address to the Elders of Ephesus Sad Parting Coos Rhodes Patara Tyre The Prayer on the Sea Shore Caesarea Philip the Evangelist The Prophet Agabns Warnings of Danger Fifth Visit to Jerusalem Guest of Mnason the Cyprian Assembly of the Elders James the Lord's Brother Presen- tation of the Contribution from the Churches St. Paul's Account of his Work Apparent Coldness of his Reception An Humiliating Suggestion Nazarite Vow Elaborate Ceremonies St. Paul Consents His Motives and Justification Political State of the Jews at this time Quarrels with the Romans Insolent Soldiers Quarrel with Samaritans Jonathan xviii CONTENTS. PAOB Felix Sioarii St. Paul recognised in the Court of the Women A Tumult Lysiaa Speech of St. Paul to the Mob Preparation for Scourging Civis Romanus sum Trial by the Sanhedrin Ananias the High Priest " Thou Whited Wall " Apology St. Paul assorts himself a Pharisee Was this Justifiable ? la told in a Vision that he shall go to Rome The Vow of the Forty Jews Conspiracy revealed by a Nephew St. Paul conducted to Csesarea Letter of Lysias to Felix In Prison . . . 510 CHAPTER XLI. PAUL AND FELIX. Trial before Felix Speech of Tertullus St. Paul's Defence The Trial post- poned Discourse of St. Paul before Felix and Drusilla Eiot in Csesarea Felix recalled Two Years in Prison . . .<-.>> . . .547 CHAPTER XLII. PAUL BEFORE FESTUS AND AGBIPPA II. Fresh Trial before Porcins Festus His Energy and Fairness St. Paul appeals to Caesar Visit of Agrippa II. and Berenice to Festus A Grand Occasion St. Paul' a Address Appeal to Agrippa II., and his Reply Favourable Impression made by St. Paul 552 CHAPTER XLIII. VOYAQK TO ROME AND SHIPWBECK. Sent to Rome under charge of Julius The Augustani Prisoners chained to Soldiers Plan of the Journey Luke and Aristarchus Day spent at Sidon Voyage to Myra The Alexandrian Wheat-ship Sail to Crete Windbound at Fair Havena Advice of St. Paul Rejected Julius decides to try for Port Phoenix The Typhoon Euroaqnilo Great Danger Clauda Securing the Boat Frapping the Vessel Other measures to save the Ship Misery caused by the continuous Gale St. Paul's Vision He encourages them They near Land Ras el Koura Attempted Escape of the Sailors The Crew take Food Final Shipwreck The Soldiers Escape of the Crew . ....... 661 X. ROME. CHAPTER XLIV. PAUL AT ROMB. Received with Hospitality by the Natives of Melita A Viper fastena on his Hand Three Months at Malta The Protos The Father of Pnblius healed Honour paid to St. Paul Embarks on board the Castor and Pollux Syracuse Rheginm Puteoli Journey towards Rome Met by Brethren at Appii Forum Tres Tabernaa The Appian Road Enters Rome Afranius Burrus Observatio Irksomeness of his Bondage Summons the Eldera of the Jews Their cautious Reply Its Consistency with the Epistle to the Romans The Jews express a wish for further Information A long Discussion Stern Warning from the Apostle Two Tears a Prisoner in Rome The Constancy of his Friends Unmolestedly . . 573 CHAPTER XLV. THE FIBST ROMAN IMPBISONMSNT. His hired Apartments His general Position His state of Mind His Life and Teaching in Rome Condition of various Classes in Rome I nprobability of his traditional Intercourse with Seneca " Not many noble ' Few Con- verts among the Aristocracy of Rome Condition of Slaves Settlement of the Jews in Rome First encouraged by Julius Caesar Their Life and Con- dition among the Roman Population The Character and Government of Nero The Downfall of Seneca Feniua Rnfns and Tigellinna, Praetorian Prefects 581 CHAPTER XLVI. THE EPISTLES OF THE CAPTIVITY. The History of St. Paul's Imprisonment derived from the Epistles of -the Captivity The four Groups into which the Epistles may be divided The CONTENTS. TIT PAGE Characteristics of those Groups Key-note of eaoh Epistle The Order of the Epistles Arguments in favour of the Epistle to the Philippians being: the earliest of the Epistles of the Captivity Parallels in the Epistle to the Philippians to the Epistle to the Eomans St. Paul's Controversy with Judaism almost at an end Happier Incidents brighten hia Captivity Visit of Epaphroditns His Illness and Eeoovery The Purity of the Philippian Church " Rejoice " the leading thought in tho Epistle .... 588 CHAPTER XLVIL THB EPISTLB TO ran Greeting Implied Exhortation to Unity Words of Encouragement Even Opposition overruled for good Earnest Entreaty to follow the Example of Christ His hopes of liberation Epaphroditus Sudden break Vehe- ment Outburst against the Jews Pressing forward Euodia and Syntyche Syzygus Farewell and Rejoice Future of Philippian Church . . 596 CHAPTER XL VIII. THB CHUBOHBS OF THE LYOUS VALLBT. Colossians, " Ephesians," Philemon Attacks on their Genuineness Epaphras Laodicea, Hierapolis, Oolosssa The Lyons Valley Onesimus Sad News brought by Epaphras A new form of Error An Essene Teaoher St. Paul develops the Counter- truth Christ alone Oriental Theosophy the germ of Gnosticism The Christology of these Epistles Universality and Antiquity of Gnostic Speculations Variations in the Style of St. Paul . 605 CHAPTER XLIX. EPISTLB TO THB OOLOSSIAHB. Greeting Christ the Eternal Son Grandeur of the Ministry of the Gospel The Pleroma Warnings against False Teaching Practical Consequences A Cancelled Bond A needless Asceticism The true Remedy against Sin Practical Exhortations Personal Messages Asserted Eeaotion against Pauline Teaching in Asia Papias Colossaa ..... 615 CHAPTER L. ST. PAUL AND ONESIMTJS. Private Letters Ouesimns Degradation of Slaves A Phrygian Eunaway Christianity and Slavery Letter of Pliny to Sabinianus A " Burning Question "Contrast between the Tone of Pliny and that of St. Paul . 622 CHAPTER LI. THE EPISTLE TO PHILEMON. Paraphrase of the Epistle Comparison with Pliny's appeal to Sabinianus Did St. Paul visit Colossse again ? ........ 628 CHAPTER LH. THE EPISTLK TO THE "EFHBSIANS." Genuineness of the Epistle Testimonies to its Grandeur Resemblances and Contrasts between " Ephesians " and Colossians Style of St. Paul Christology of the later Epistles Doctrinal and Practical Grandeur of the Mystery Recurrence of Leading Words Greeting " To the praise of His glory " Christ in the Church Resultant Duties Unity in Christ The New Life Christian Submissivenesa The Christian Armour End of the Acts of the Apostles St. Paul's Expectations The Neronian Persecution . . '. - , . . .,..-,.. . 630 CHAPTER LIII. THB FIBST EPISTLB TO TMOTHT. Did St. Paul visit Spain ? Character of the First Epistle to Timothy Pecu- liarities of the Greeting False Teachers Function of the Law Digres- sions Regulations for Public Worship Qualifications for Office in the Church Deacons Deaconesses The Mystery of Godliness Dnalistic Apostasy Pastoral Advice to Timothy Bearing towards Presbyters Personal Advice Duties of Slaves Solemn Adjuration Last Appeal . 650 CHAPTER LTV. THE EPISTLB TO TITOS. Probable Movements of St. Paul Christianity in Crete Missions of Tittw XX CONTENTS. Greeting Character of the Cretans Sobermindedness Pastoral Duties, and Exhortations to various classes Warnings against False Teachers Personal Messages " Ours also " Titus . ...... 659 CHAPTER LV. THB CLOSING DATS. Genuineness of the Pastoral Epistlea The Second Epistle to Timothy State of the Church in the last year of St. Paul His possible Movements Arrest at Troas Trial and Imprisonment at Ephesus Parting with Timothy Companions of his last Voyage to Rome Closeness and Misery of the Second Imprisonment Danger of visiting him Defection of his Friends Loneliness Onesiphorus The Prima actio St. Paul deserted " Out of the mouth of the Lion "The Trial Paul before Nero Contrast between the two St. Paul remanded ....... 664 CHAPTER LVL ST. PAUL'S LAST LBTTBB. The Greeting Digressions Christian Energy Warnings against False Teachers Solemn Pastoral Appeals Personal Entreaties and Messages Pudens and Claudia The Cloke The Papyrus Books The Vellum Bolls Parallel with Tyndale Triumph over Melancholy and Disappointment Tone of Courage and Hope . 67S CHAPTER LVII. THJE Em>. The Last Trial The Martyrdom Earthly Failure and Eternal Success Un- equalled Greatness of St. Paul " God buries His Workmen, but carries on their Work " . . .685 APPENDIX. EXCURSUS I. The Style of St. Paul as Illustrative of his Character . . 689 EXCURSUS II. The Rhetoric of St. Paul 693 EXCURSUS III. The Classic Quotations and Allusions of St. Paul . . .696 EXCURSUS IV. St. Paul a Hagadist 701 EXCURSUS V. Gamaliel and the School of Tubingen 704 EXCURSUS VI. On Jewish Stoning *. 706 EXCURSUS VII. On the Power of the Sanhedrin to Inflict Capital Punishment 707 EXCURSUS VIII. Damascus under Hareth 708 EXCURSUS IX. Saul in Arabia 709 EXCURSUS X. St. Paul's "Stake in the Flesh" ...... 710 EXCURSUS XI. On Jewish Scourgings . ...... 715 EXCURSUS XIL Apotheosis of Roman Emperors ...... 717 EXCURSUS XIIL Burdens hud on Proselytes 718 EXCURSUS XTV. Hatred of the Jews in Classical Antiquity . . . .719 EXCURSUS XV. Judgment of Early Pagan Writers on Christianity . . 720 EXCURSUS XVL The Proconsulate of Sergius Paulus ..... 721 EXCURSUS XyiL St. John and St. Paul 723 EXCURSUS XV ill. St. Paul in the Clementines ...... 724 EXCURSUS XIX. The Man of Sin 726 EXCURSUS XX. Chief Uncial Manuscripts of the Acts and the Epistles . .730 EXCURSUS XXI. Theology and Antinomies of St. Paul 732 EXCURSUS XXIL Distinctive Words and Key-notes of the Epistle. . . 733 EXCURSUS XXIII. Letter of Pliny to Sabinianua 734 EXCURSUS XXTV. TKe Herods in the Acts 734 EXCURSUS XXV. Phraseology and Doctrine of the Epistle to the Ephesians , 739 EXCURSUS XXVL Evidence as to the Liberation of St. Paul .... 741 EXCURSUS XXVII. The Genuineness of the Pastoral Epistles . . . . 743 EXCURSUS XX VIII. Chronology of the Life and Epistles of St. Paul . . 753 EXCURSUS XXIX. Traditional Accounts of St. Paul's Personal Appearance . 758 LIST OF STATTTB OP ST. PAUL .......... Fronttspwee GENERAL VIEW OP TARSUS ......... To face i>'i. 187 THE VALLEY o:? THK RIVEB CYDNUS, CILICIA ..... 243 SALONICA (THESSALONICA) . ........ -. 2SC SITE OF THE ABEOPAQUB, ATHENS ..... . . . 301 ViKW ON THE BOBDEBS OF CAEIA ....... . 365 EPHESTJS, PBOM AYaSALOUK . . ......... ,,360 STBEET IN EHODES ...... ..... 517 THE TOWEB OP ANTONIA, JEEUSALKM .......,, 528 THB RUINS OF GSSABEA . . . .,, f . ,, 546 QBEAT MOSQUE AT TABSUS ....... c . 683 SUBSTBUCTUBES OP THE COLOSSEtTM, ROME . . . , .. ,, 688 THE LIFE AND WORK OF ST. PAUL. 31. THE TRAINING OF THE APOSTLE. CHAPTER I. INTBODtrCTOBY. VOT inXoyrjs poi %