SWEDISH GRAMMAR EDW. J. VICKNER A BRIEF SWEDISH GRAMMAR BY EDW. J. VICKNER, M. A., PH. D. PROFESSOR OP SCANDINAVIAN LANGUAGES, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON REVISED EDITION ROCK ISLAND, ILL. AUGUSTAN A BOOK CONCERN 1914 COPYKIGHT, 1912, BY AUGUSTANA BOOK CONCERN. COPYRIGHT, 1914, BY AUGUSTANA BOOK CONCERN. ROCK ISLAND, ILL. AUOU6TAN4 BOOK CONCERN, PRINTERS AND BINDERS. PREFACE. The cause and aim of this book is to present in a clear and concise way the commonplace facts and principles of the Swedish language. It lays no claim to be a compen- dium of all forms and usages of either the spoken or writ- ten language. The introduction of Swedish into numerous high schools and universities in this country has created a demand for a book which may not only assist the exclusively English- speaking students to attain a fair reading and speaking knowledge of modern Swedish but which may also meet the demand of American born students of Swedish descent who desire to gain a more complete knowledge of the lan- guage of their fathers. The consideration that the majority of the students who will use his book are already more or less conversant with Swedish has led the author to make the lessons longer and the exercises rather more advanced than is the case in most beginners' books, to make the vocabularies unusually voluminous, and to devote consider- able attention to idiomatic expressions. The exercises have been made continuous wherever it was found practicable to do so; and it is to be hoped that this form of exercise will prove more interesting and less irksome to the student than the form that consists of de- tached sentences. The fact that each lesson thus contains words which are associated with one another in common use will undoubtedly encourage an acquisition of con- nected phrases rather than mere words. This form of exercise, moreover, facilitates a m-ethod which the author IV from his experience in the class room has found of great value for the attainment of a correct pronunciation and fluency, that of requiring the student to reproduce the contents of the exercises in his own words. The author feels confident that his grammar lends itself to conversa- tional practice. The vocabulary has been carefully selected from the language of everyday life and the phrases of the Swedish exercises are of a colloquial and idiomatic char- acter. In the method employed the teacher will naturally be guided by his own judgment and the character of his class; the author would, however, suggest that two hours be devoted to each lesson. During the first hour the gram- matical part should be thoroughly discussed, the teacher supplementing the examples given as illustrations, and the Swedish portion of the exercise thoroughly practiced; the second hour should be devoted to a rapid review, transla- tion of the English portion, and to conversation. The* conversational exercises are not intended to be exliaustive but suggestive for further drill. The value of the con- versational method cannot be overestimated. Unusually ample space has been accorded the treatment of the prepositions, which in all languages and especially in Swedish constitute one of the chief difficulties which confront the learner. The author's treatment of pronunciation and accent, especially the musical, which is one of the peculiarities of Swedish, may perliaps evoke criticism by reason of its brevity. The limitations of space in an elementary book forbid entering into minute details. The booJc is chiefly intended for class use and much is therefore left to the instructor to supplement. Moreover, a correct Swedish pronunciation and especially a mastery of the musical accent, or intonation, can be acquired only by constant imitation and practice. In conclusion the author desires to acknowledge his indebtedness to Professor A. A. Stomberg, University of Minnesota, for much valuable advice and encouragement; and to Professor Jules Mauritzson, Augustana College, Rock Island, for his extremely valuable services in revising the manuscript. E. J. VlCKNER. CONTENTS. PART I. ORTHOGRAPHY AND PRONUNCIATION. PAGE The Alphabet 1 Pronunciation: Quantity; The Vowels; The Consonants; Accentuation 1 Capitalization 12 Punctuation 13 Syllabication 14 PART II. THE PARTS OP SPEECH. LESSON I. Genders Articles Verbs 15 II. Definite Articles: Postpositive, Prepositive... 20 III. Inflection of Nouns: First and Second Declen- sion 25 IV. Third Declension 29 V. The Verb: First Conjugation 33 VI. Second Conjugation 38 VII. Inflection of Nouns: Fourth Declension Ad- jectives: Indefinite Declension 43 VIII. Nouns: Fifth Declension Adjectives: Definite Declension Use of Prepositive Definite Article 49 IX. Nouns: Irregularities in Declension Declen- sion of Proper Names Genitive Case 55 X. The Verb: Third Conjugation Pronouns: Personal 62 XI. The Verb: Future and Future Perfect Indica- tive; Imperative Pronouns: Reflexive.... 67 XII. The Verb: Fourth Conjugation 73 XIII. The Verb: Subjunctive 79 XIV. The Verb: .Irregularities; Unreal Conditions 86 XV. Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives Position of Adverbs . 92 VIII LESSON PAGE XVI. The Verb: Passive Voice 98 XVII. The Verb: Passive with Auxiliaries: Deponents 105 XVIII. Pronouns: Demonstrative Ill XIX. The Verb: Verb Compounds 117 XX. Interrogative Pronouns and Adjectives Rela- tive Pronouns and Adjectives 123 XXI. The Verb: Present and Past Participle 131 XXII. The Verb: Impersonal Verbs; Reflexive Verbs 137 XXIII. The Verb: Modal Auxiliaries 144 XXIV. The Verb: Modal Auxiliaries 150 XXV. Pronouns: Indefinite 157 XXVI. Pronouns: Indefinite 163 XXVII. The Verb: Tenses of Indicative; Uses of In- finitive 168 XXVIII. Adjectives: Comparison 176 XXIX. Adjectives: Comparison Adverbs: Compari- son 181 XXX. Numerals: Cardinals and Ordinals; Expres- sions of time, measure, and price 186 XXXI. Numeral Formations; Expressions of date and time 193 XXXII. Prepositions: Uses 201 XXXIII. Prepositions: Uses 208 XXXIV. Prepositions: Uses 214 XXXV. Prepositions: Uses 220 XXXVI. Adverbs: Uses 226 XXXVII. Conjunctions: Coordinating 233 XXXVIII. Conjunctions: Subordinating 239 XXXIX. Interjections 246 Appendix: Use of the Articles Rules of Gender Notes on Inflection of Nouns Irregularities in Conversational Pronunciation Irregularities in Conversational Gram- mar 248 253 Strong and Irregular Verbs: Principal Parts 254 Vocabulary : Swedish-English 258 English-Swedish 280 Condensed Index of Subjects 301 Swedish National Songs 305 BRIEF SWEDISH GRAMMAR PART I. ORTHOGRAPHY AND PRONUNCIATION. The Alphabet. 1. The Swedish alphabet is as follows: CHARACTERS A a B b Cc D d E e F f Gg H h I i J j K k L 1 M m 1SI n o NAMES CHARACTERS ah P p bay Q q say R r day S s a T t eff U u gay or yay V v hoh W w e X x yee Yy koh Z z ell A a emm A a enn O 6 00 NAMES pay ku (Swedish) err ess tay U (Swedish) vay vay ex U (German) saytah o ai (in fair) 6 ( German ) NOTE. Q, w, and z occur only in surnames and in words of foreign origin, especially geographical names. Pronunciation. REMARK. 1. Only general directions can be given here: pronunciation must be learned by imitation and practice. But if not learned correctly at first, it becomes more difficult after- wards. It is not, however, intended that the whole of this 2 PRONUNCIATION. chapter shall be studied in advance. The study of the Gram mar proper should begin as soon as possible, and constant reference, supplemented by such help as may be rendered by the teacher, should be made to the discussion of the sounds given below. 2. It must be borne in mind that the sounds of any two languages hardly ever correspond exactly; hence comparisons between Swedish and English are only approximate. QUANTITY. 2. The quantity of Swedish sounds is either long or short. For practical purposes the consonants offer no peculiar difficulties as regards length. The following rules will serve as a guide in determining the quantity of the vowels: (a) A vowel is long in an accented syllable when followed by a short consonant sound : fara, to travel : hdla, cave ; fel, error ; grdl, quarrel ; dra, honor. (b) A vowel is short in an accented syllable when followed by a long consonant sound: andas, to breathe; folia, to fall; allt, everything; fall, hem; tanda, to kindle; eld, fire; dygd, virtue. (c) In unaccented syllables both the vowel sound and the consonant sound are short: si ' rap, sirup; tall'rik, plate; mor'gon, morning. (d) A final accented vowel is always long. 3. The long and the short vowel sounds are indi- cated in the same manner in writing. The short consonant sound is generally indicated by a single consonant; the long by two or more consonants, especially a double consonant. NOTE. Sometimes the long consonant sound in an accented syllable is indi- cated by a single consonant, notably in the case of m and n: dom, sentence; kom, come ; man, man ; van, friend. With a few exceptions m is not doubled at the end of a word or syllable. PRONUNCIATION. 3 THE VOWELS. REMARK. The vowels must receive full and distinct utter- ance in all positions. No vowel is silent; only in the case of e in unaccented endings such as -en, -el, -er, -et, and -e is there a tendency towards slurring. 4. a. (1) When long this sound varies between the sound of a in far and the sound of o in foreign when this o-sound is prolonged : fader, father ; grad, grade; tola, to speak. NOTE. Avoid a as in fall. (2) When short like the first a in aha: malm, ore; salt, salt; tacka, to thank. 5. e. (1) When long this sound is an approxi- mation to the sound of a in day without the vanish. The exact sound is that of the German long e in mehr: ek, oak; fel, error; leda, to lead; ned, down. (2) When short it is (a) qualitatively the same as when long: hem, home; vecka, week; eld, fire; (b) like short a (see 11, 2) : den, the, that; mest, most; herr, Mister (avoid e as in her). 6. i. (1) When long like i in machine (avoid diphthong) : mig, me; tid, time; ila, to hurry; fir a, to celebrate; ni, you. (2) When short it is qualitatively the same as when long: min, mine; ingen, no one; viska, to whisper; silver, silver; stirra, to stare; (avoid i as in stir). 7. o. (1) When long, o has two sounds: (a) ap- proximately like oo in moon. The exact sound is formed by the tongue position for the Swedish long a, with the lips so constricted ("rounded") as to be nearly closed: olycka, misfortune; sko, shoe; sopa, 4 PRONUNCIATION. to sweep; ros, rose; (b) like o in hope (avoid diph- thong). This sound is identical with the Swedish long a (see 10, 1) : hov, court; Robert; kol, coal. (2) When short it has two sounds: (a) like the first o in oho! or like o in oil: om, if; hopp, hope; kropp, body; (b) like oo in moon shortened: ost, cheese ; blomma, flower ; moster, aunt. 8. u. (1) The sound of long u is produced by the tongue position for Swedish long e (see 5, 1) with the lips so extremely constricted (rounded) as to be nearly closed: gul, yellow; ut, out; duka, to set the table; mjuk, soft. (2) The sound of short u is more open than that of long u. It is approximately that of u in value (without the introductory consonantal ^/-sound) : under, under; guld, gold; kunna, to be able. 9. y. Y is identical in sound with German u and French u in une. Round the lips as if to pronounce u in rude, then pronounce ee in seen. It is either long or short. Ex. (long) : fyra, four; rysa, to shudder; ny, new; yr, dizzy; (short) : sylt, jam, yttra, to utter; fylla, to fill. 10. a. (1) When long like o in hope (avoid the diphthong) : ar, year; kal, cabbage; ga, to go; sara, to wound. (2) When short like short open o (see 7, 2) : dllon, acorn; fall, hem; holla, to hold; atta, eight; manga, many. 11. a. (1) When long approximately like a in care (avoid the diphthong) : dra, honor; lasa, to read ; dta, to eat ; dven, even, also. PRONUNCIATION. 5 (2) When short like e in met: an, than, yet; man, men; stalla, to put; angel, angel. 12. 6. d is identical with German 6 and French eu. Round the lips as if to sound o in so; then pronounce the Swedish long e (see 5, 1). It is long or short. Ex. (long) : oga, eye; rok, smoke; over, over; (short) : foil, fell; oppen, open; backer, books. NOTE. This vowel has a tendency to become more open when short and also before r, especially rr ; sot, sweet, long and close ; in soft (the neuter form of sot) the o is short and slightly open ; oga, eye, long and close ; hora, to hear, long and quite open ; dorr, door, still more open. 13. The vowels a, o, u, a are called hard vowels, and e, i, y, d, 6 are called soft vowels. 14. Vowel modification, which in English is very often referred to under its German name umlaut, is a process of considerable importance in Swedish inflection and derivation. Thus a change from a and a to d, or o to 6, or u to y, occurs in the inflec- tional forms of many words and in derivatives. Ex.: and, duck, pi. dnder; lang, long, comparative langre; bok, book, pi. backer; ung, young, comp. yngre; lang, long, langd, length; ga, to go, gdngse, current. GENERAL OBSERVATION. A vowel is usually pronounced as it is written. There are a few exceptions in words of foreign origin; thus, ou in a few French words sounds like u short, journal' (shurnal') ; eu sounds like oi in the word Preussen, Prussia, and its deriva- tives; u like y in a few French words: juste (shyst), just, fair. These exceptions are neither many nor important. 6 PRONUNCIATION. THE CONSONANTS. NOTE. Consonants not discussed here have the same sound as in English. 15. c. (1) Like English s before the soft vowels e, i, and y: cirkel, cylirider, cigarf'. (2) Before the hard vowels a, o, u, and before another c or other consonant like English k: Colum- bus, accent'. (3) Ch has the sound of sj (26) in a few words of foreign origin: choklad, chocolate; charmant, charming. 16. d. Like English d, but is silent before /: djup, deep; djur, animal. NOTE. Where d according to the old orthography stands before t in the same syllable it is either silent or pronounced like t; according to the new orthography (officially adopted in 1906) it is either eliminated or changed to t : gott (new form), neuter of god, good; godt (old form) ; ont (new form), neuter of ond, evil ; ondt (old form) . 17. f. Is identical in sound with English /: frdga, to ask ; kraft, power ; folia, to hem ; fotograf, photog- rapher. NOTE. In accordance with the old orthography / at the end of a syllable or word (except foreign words) has the sound of v and is silent before t; in the middle of a word except where v begins the succeeding member of a compound. In the new orthography v has supplanted / everywhere in marking the sound of v: tolv (new), twelve, tolf (old) : silver (new), silfver (old) ; lova (new), to promise, lofva (old). 18. g. (1) Like English g in go before the hard vowels a, o, u, a, and the consonants; and also be- fore the soft vowels e and i in unaccented endings; and in final positions, except after I and r: gd, to go ; gata, street; spegel, mirror; tagit, taken; krig, war. (2) Like English y in year (tongue closer to the palate) before the soft vowels e, i, y, d, 6 in accented syllables of native words and after I and PRONUNCIATION. 7 r: genom, through; giva, to give; gynna, to favor; korg, basket; svalg, throat. (3) Like k before t and occasionally before s: sagt, said; bragt, brought; krigsman, warrior. NOTE 1. G is not silent before n: gnaga, gnaw. 2. G before t, which occurred frequently in the old orthography, has now generally been replaced by k: vikt (new), weight, vigt (old) ; drdkt (new), dress, dragt (old). (4) Like sj (see below, 26) in a number of loan words of French origin: generos', generous; gene'- ra, to inconvenience; korrige'ra, to correct; gest, gesture. 19. h. Is strongly aspirated, but is silent before j: holla, to hold; hel, whole; hjul, wheel; hjdrta, heart. NOTE. The silent h before v in the old orthography has been dropped in the new: hvem, who, now vem; hvar, where, now var. 20. j. Like g (18, 2) or English consonantal y: jord, earth; jdmn, even; jag, I; jul, Christmas. NOTE. In a few French loan words like sj: jasmin' (shasmin'), jessamine; jalusi' (shalusi'), window shade. 21. k. (1) Like English k before consonants and hard vowels, also before e and i in unaccented end- ings, and before soft vowels in words of foreign origin : kalla, to call ; kula, ball ; rike, realm ; rynkig, wrinkled; arkiv', archives. (2) Like English ch before the soft vowels (e, i, y, a, 6) except as stated above: kedja, chain; kil, wedge; kylig, chilly; kar, dear; kott, meat. (3) Double k is written ck, except in och, and. NOTE. K is not silent before n: kniv, knife; knd, knee. 22. m. Has the same sound as in English. NOTE. In some words of French origin em is sounded like the Swedish ang: cmballe'ra (angballera.), pack, wrap; emblem' (angblame), emblem. 8 PRONUNCIATION. 23. n. Has the same sound as in English. NOTE 1. In some words of French origin en is sounded like the Swedish ang, and on like the Swedish ang: entusiasm' (angtusiasm), enthusiasm; pente (pangsOi pansy; fond (f&ngd), fund, background. 2. If g and n occurring together belong to the same radical syllable, they are pronounced with an n before, except at the beginning of a word : gnista, spark; lugn (lungn), calm; vagn (vangn), carriage. 3. Ng sounds like English ng in singer, not like ng in finger: Idng, long gang, song ; sjunga, to sing. 24. r. Is strongly trilled with the tip of the tongue: arm, arm; bdra, to carry; dorr, door. Observe that the vowels are pronounced distinctly before r not blurred as in English. NOTE 1. The uvular r which is made with the uvula vibrating against the back of the tongue is now regarded as permissible. 2. R in the combinations rl, m, rs and especially rd and rt is not pro- nounced, the /, n, s, d, and t become supradental, that is, pronounced w-ith the tip of the tongue touching the palate : sort, murmur ; drna, to intend ; kors, cross ; bord, table ; bort, away. 25. s. Is pronounced like s in so: sol, sun; sys- ter, sister; resa, to travel. 26. sch, sj, skj, ssj, stj. Before a vowel these are all pronounced with a sound that resembles English sh but is somewhat rougher. It must be carefully practiced with the teacher : schack, chess ; sjo, lake ; sju, seven ; sjdl, soul ; skjorta, shirt ; skjuta, to shoot ; hdssja, hayrack; stjarna, star. NOTE. In the endings -sion and -ssion the *t and ssi are sounded like sh. 27. sk. (1) Before the soft vowels (e, i, y, d, 6) sk has the same sound as sch, sj, etc., as described in the preceding section (26) : skena, to run away; skilja, to separate; skyla, to cover; skdl, reason; skold, shield. (2) Before the hard vowels (a, o, u, a) sk is pro- nounced like the English sk: skal, shell; sko, shoe; skuld, guilt; skal, bowl. PRONUNCIATION. 9 NOTE 1. Exceptions to this rule are the words marskalk, marshal, and mdnniska, human being, in which sk is pronounced like sj. 2. Before e and i of an ending sk is pronounced like English sk: disken (from disk, counter) ; flasket (from flask, pork). 28. t. Like English t in most words. NOTE 1. In the ending -tion ti is sounded like sj (26) : action, action : evolution, evolution. When -tion is preceded by a, o, and r in dissyllabic words, a t is generally inserted before the *;'-sound in pronunciation: nation' (natsjoon') ; motion' (motsjoon'); portion' (portsjoon'). 2. Like ts before t'a and ie in foreign words: aktie (aktsie), share; patient' (patsient, also pashent') ; profeti'a (profetsia), prophecy. 29. tj. Is pronounced like English ch: tjock, (chock), thick ;'tjdra (chairah), tar. 30. w. Is always pronounced like English v, never like English w. 31. x. Is pronounced as in English. NOTE. In words in -xion it is pronounced like ksj: reflexion 1 (rayflekshoon). 32. z. Always pronounced like s in so: zebra, (saybrah) . ACCENTUATION. 33. In Swedish a distinction must be made be- tween the accent-stress and the musical accent. ACCENT-STRESS. 34. Simple words. The accent-stress falls on the root syllable of all simple native words: le'va, to live; ha'ge, pasture; tan'ke, thought; mo'der, mother. 35. Compounds. Compound words of native origin, whether formed of noun-\-noun, prefix -\- noun, noun-\-suffix, adjective+adjective, or prefix-}- verb, have the main stress, as a rule, on the first syllable: skol'hus, schoolhouse; av r stand, distance; Swedish Grammar 2 10 PRONUNCIATION. man'lig, manly; dt'bar, eatable; bla'gul, blue and yellow ; till'sta, to admit ; an' fora, to cite ; har'komst, descent; prat'sam, talkative. 36. Exceptions, (a) The prefixes be-, e-, ent-, and ge- are always unaccented: beha'ga, to please; entle'diga, to discharge; gemal', consort; ehu'ru, al- though. So also the prefix for- is unaccented in most words: forta'la, to slander; forsta', to under- stand; but fo'r'dom, prejudice (see 211). (b) The following words have the main stress on the penult, or next to the last syllable: egent'lig, real; offent'lig, public; manat'lig, monthly; vasent'- lig, essential; ordent'lig, orderly; barmhar'tig, char- itable; fient'lig, hostile. (c) All words ending in -eri have the main stress on the ultima, or last syllable: tryckeri', printing office; fiskeri', fishery; slaveri' ', slavery. NOTE. Other exceptions will be indicated as they occur. 37. Compound words have in addition to the principal accent a strong secondary accent on the last member of the compound: skol'hus', school- house; trad'gard', garden. 38. Foreign words. Words of foreign origin tend to retain their original accent. Words from the Greek and the Romance languages, especially those ending in -ant, -ent, -al, -i, -ik, -il, -ist, -ur, -ark, are generally accented on the last syllable. NOTE 1. Nouns having the endings -tnno, -essa, -aker, -cter, -cum, -ikcl, -ifl, -itel; adjectives ending in -abel, -ibcl, -isk, and verbs ending- in -era are ac- cented on the penult. 2. Nouns ending in -turn, -to, and -ic have with a few exceptions the main stress on the antepenult, or third syllable from the end: privilc' gium, privilege; nola'rie, notary. 3. Foreign words ending in -or shift the accent when suffixes are added : dok'tor, dokto'rer, doktor'ska, profes'sor, professo'rer. PRONUNCIATION. 11 MUSICAL ACCENT. 39. Different from the stress accent is the mu- sical accent. There are two kinds of musical accent in Swedish employed in single words, the acute and the grave, or the monosyllabic and the dissyllabic. The acute, or monosyllabic, accent, which is approximately identical with the musical accent in English and German, is used in words which were originally monosyllables. NOTE. Many dissyllabic and polysyllabic words have this accent, since they were formerly monosyllabic or have become dissyllabic or polysyllabic by the addition of some ending, especially the definite postpositive article. 40. Foreign loan words often receive the acute accent since this approximately resembles the mu- sical accent employed by the mcfre important of the European languages. 41. The grave, or dissyllabic, accent belongs in most cases to words which were originally dissyllabic or polysyllabic. This accent is a peculiar feature of the Swedish (and Norwegian), and constitutes perhaps the greatest difficulty which confronts the foreigner wishing to acquire a correct pronuncia- tion. Although no rules can teach it, the following remarks may be useful : 42. We may call the highest pitch to which the voice rises in unaffected pronunciation the high tone, and the lowest to which it falls the low tone. The pitch which is usually employed lies midway between these two and may be designated as the normal tone. (Signs: I, low tone; n, normal tone). A word with acute accent has the normal tone on the first syllable and the loiv tone on the 12 CAPITALIZATION. n i n following syllable or syllables. Ex.: get'-ter, get'- i i ter-na. The word is originally monosyllabic. This intonation is practically the same as the English. 43. A word with grave accent, if dissyllabic, be- gins with a tone a little below the normal, which we may designate as n, the voice then glides down to the low tone within the same syllable, producing a slightly broken intonation, and rises to the normal -nl n tone on the second syllable. Ex. : ta-la, to speak. 44. A word of more than two syllables taking the grave accent has the n tone on the first syllable, the low tone on the second, and the normal tone on -n I n the third. Ex.: ta*la-re, speaker. In the case of words which do not take the stress accent on the first syllable, regard the stressed syl- lable as the first in applying these rules. Ex. : for- -nl n ta'la. REMABK. The accent mark used in this book merely indi- cates the syllable to be stressed. Capitalization. 45. Capitals are used less frequently in Swedish than in English. Thus Swedish uses a small initial letter in the following cases contrary to English usage : (a) In the names of the days of the week and in the names of months: tisdag, Tuesday; april, April. (b) In the names of certain festivals, holidays, and times of the year : jul, Christmas ; pask, Easter ; advent, Advent. PUNCTUATION. 13 (c) In adjectives and nouns derived from proper names: svensk, Swedish; engelsk, English; sveden- borgiansk, Swedenborgian ; darvinist, Darwinist; stockholmare, inhabitant of Stockholm. 46. In titles of books and headings of chapters only the first word, as a rule, is capitalized. 47. In compound names like Forenta staterna, United States, and Stilla havet, Pacific Ocean, only the first word is capitalized; so also in expressions like Karl den store, Charles the Great. 48. Personal titles are generally not capitalized except in direct address: herr Svensson; professor Bjorkman; hans majestdt, His Majesty; but, Bdsta Herr Professor! Dear Professor: Ers Maje- stat! Your Majesty (capitalization is optional). 49. The pronoun I (second person plural) is capitalized; ni (second person singular) and its dif- ferent cases are often capitalized in letters as a sign of respect. Punctuation. 50. The rules of punctuation are nearly the same in both English and Swedish. But Swedish punctuation is perhaps closer than ours, the comma especially being used more freely. Note examples in reading. OBSERVE. The comma is generally used to set off the different clauses of a sentence, whether inde- pendent or dependent, provided they contain a sub- ject and , predicate : ringen, som jag hade pa fing- ret, har kommit bort, the ring that I had on my 14 SYLLABICATION. finger has been lost; sag mig, vad du har gjort, tell me what you have done; gossen laser, och flic- kan syr, the boy reads and the girl sews. Syllabication. 51. A consonant between two vowels, except x in simple words of native origin, goes with the follow- ing vowel : a-ra, ce-der, Id-ra-re, re-gel, vax-a. 52. When two or more consonants occur between two vowels, the last consonant usually goes with the following vowel: fal-la, hop-pas, fladd-ra, myc- ket. 53. But sch and sk when used as signs for the s.?-sound (sh) are not separated but added to the following vowel : mar-schera, mar-skalk; ng is added to the preceding vowel unless n and g belong to different words: hang-a, sjung-a. 54. Compound words are divided according to their component parts: trdd-gdrd, garden; kyrk- torn, steeple; hand-skrift, manuscript; bak-om, behind. PART II. THE PARTS OF SPEECH. LESSON I. Genders. 55. The Swedish language has four genders: masculine, feminine, common, and neuter. 56. Masculine are generally names of living beings, especially persons, of the male sex. They require as pronoun of reference han. 57. Feminine are generally names of living beings, especially persons, of the female sex. They require as pronoun of reference hon. 58. Common gender comprises most names of inanimate objects which are not neuter. The pro- noun of reference is den. 59. Whether the name of an inanimate object is common or neuter depends variously on termina- tion or usage. A few practical rules for determin- ing neuter nouns will be given in the Appendix ; but the best plan for the beginner is to associate the indefinite article with every noun he learns. 60. The neuter gender requires det as pronoun of reference. 61. Formerly the distinction between the mas- culine and feminine genders of inanimate objects 16 ARTICLES. was more strictly observed ; now it is almost entirely discarded except in some dialects. The distinction is avoided by employing den as pronoun of reference for either. The tendency is to extend the province of the common gender. Thus we find that names of animals, even the higher, when no reference is had to sex, are generally regarded as common and referred to with the pronoun den. On the contrary, nouns ending in -a with plural in -or are often fem- inine even when they denote inanimate objects or living beings of either sex: Var dr klockan? Where is the clock? Hon hanger pa vdggen i sangkam- maren. It hangs on the wall in the bedroom. Vad blev det av den lilla vita duvan? What became of the little white dove? Hon flog sin vag. It flew away. NOTE. Masculine, feminine, and common nouns will be referred to as gender nouna. It is not deemed necessary to denote whether a noun is masculine, feminine, or commor ; rules given in 56, 57, and 58 will enable the student to make such a distinction whenever necessary. THE ARTICLES. 62. There are three articles: the indefinite article; the postpositive definite article, which is appended to the noun, and the independent or pre- positive definite article, which stands before the noun and is used only when the noun is qualified by an adjective. THE INDEFINITE ARTICLE. 63. The indefinite article which is equivalent to the English indefinite article a or an has two forms : (1) En, which is used before all gender nouns: VERBS. 1? en man, a man; en drottning, a queen; en dngare, a steamer. (2) Ett, which is used before all neuter nouns: ett oga, an eye; ett barn, a child. RULE OP SYNTAX. 64. The indefinite article corresponds in the main with that of English, with some important deviations. It must be omitted : (a) Before a predicate noun denoting profession or occupation when not qualified by an adjective. As: min van dr larare, my friend is a teacher; but min van dr en begavad larare, my friend is a talent- ed teacher. (b) Also in a number of phrases; as, jag har lust att Idsa, I have a desire to read; jag fick svar, I received an answer. 65. The verb att hava (short form, att ha), to have. PRESENT INDICATIVE. Sg. jag har, I have PI. vi ha(va), we have du har, thou hast (you / haven,han, you have have) ni ha(va), you have ni har, you have de ha(va), they have han har, he has NOTE. The shorter forms of the verb hava have practically supplanted the longer forms, which are limited to the solemn style. IMPERFECT INDICATIVE. Sg. jag hade, I had, etc. PI. vi hade, we had, etc. du hade / haden ni hade ni hade han hade de hade 18 VEBBS. ( 66. The verb att vara, to be. PRESENT INDICATIVE. Sg. jag dr, I am PL vi dro, we are du ar, thou art (you / dren, you are are) ni dro, you are ni dr, you are de dro, they are han dr, he is IMPERFECT INDICATIVE. Sg. jag var, I was, etc. PI. vi voro, we were, etc. du var I voren ni var ni voro han var de voro 67. REMARKS ON THE VERBS. (a) The singular du is used in very familiar address, to relatives, to intimate friends, and to children. The plural 7 is archaic except in elevated style. (b) Ni is used instead of du as the conventional form of address. In the plural it has supplanted 1 both in familiar and polite address (see 142 and note) . (c) The singular of the verb regularly takes the place of the plural in conversation and has begun to replace the latter in the written language: thus, vi har, ni har, vi dr, etc., are permissible. NOTE. In the beginning only the third person singular of the verbs will be given in the vocabulary ; this form can be used in all persons and both numbers. EXERCISE I. N. B. The student should be required to reproduce the contents of the exercises, wherever this is practicable, in his own words. A. 1. Karl ar en liten gosse, som (wlio) bor i en stor stad. 2. Han gar i skolan och har en snail liirare. 3. TTaii EXERCISE. 19 far ofta en lang laxa, som ar mycket svar. 4. Karl iir flitig och kan sin (his) laxa. 5. "Kan du din (your) laxa i dag?" fragar 1 Karls larare. 6. Karl svarar: "Ja, jag kan min (my) laxa." a The predicate precedes the subject if the clause is introduced by a modifier of the verb, which may be either adverb, phrase, clause, or object. B. Answer the following questions in Swedish: 1. Vem (who) ar Karl? 2. Var (where) bor han? 3. Vad (what) har han? 4. Ar hans larare snail? 5. Vad ger han Karl ofta? 6. Ar Karls laxa svar? 7. Vad fragar han Karl ofta ? 8. Vad svarar Karl sin larare ? WRITTEN EXERCISE. N. B. The teacher should read the English sentences, give the class a few seconds for mental translation, and then put the question to the individual student. The students should not be allowed to read the translation from their papers or to translate from their books. C. 1. Mary lives in a large and beautiful city. 2. She is a good girl. She writes a long (langt) letter to a friend. 3. She has a mother, who is very good. 4. Her (hennes) mother asks her (lienne), "What are 1 you writing?" 5. Mary answers her (sin) mother, "I am 1 writing a long letter to a friend who lives in Stockholm." 1 Swedish has no progressive nor emphatic verb-forms. Use the simple present. Do and did are not translated in interrogative and negative expres- sions. Use the simple present or imperfect. VOCABULARY. N. B. 1. The indefinite article before nouns shows whether they are gender nouns or neuter nouns. 2. Only the indefinite gender form of the adjective is given in the first few lessons. bor, lives din, thy, your ett brev, a letter en, a, one, (gender form) t kopa, Ha, to buy en sdng, -er, song (ut) pa landet, to (into) the siillan, seldom country soka, Ha, to seek, look for men, but trdffa, I, to meet, see, speak to en middag, -ar, noon; dinner trdkig, tedious, sad, unpleasant pd middagen, at noon sd trdkigt, too bad mycket, highly tror, believes ett mdl, meal; goal tvd ganger, twice mota, Ha, meet tycka, Ha, to think om'tala, I, tell, relate jag tycker, it seems to me plocka, I, to pick tdnka, Ha, to think predi'ka, I, to preach vagn, -ar, wagon, carriage en predi'kan, sermon vandra, I, to wander, stroll promene'ra, I, to take a walk viktig, weighty, important ringa pd' hos, lib, to ring up en vdg, -ar, road, way sedan (adv., prep, and conj.), ypperlig, excellent since tiga, lib, to own for... sedan, ago iinnu, yet IDIOMS. 1. for tvd ar sedan, two years ago; for Idnge sedan, long ago. 2. Jag ser pd, hor pd, I look at, listen to. 3 att trdffa (rdka) en person, to see (meet) a person. 4. hela dagen, the whole day. LESSON VII. Inflection of Nouns (Continued). FOURTH DECLENSION. 105. The nouns of this declension take -n in the plural. 106. The postpositive definite article is -t or -ei in the singular, -a in the plural, also -en for neuter monosyllables. 107. This declension contains: (a) A few neuter monosyllables ending in a vowel. 44 DECLENSION OF ADJECTIVES. (b) Most neuter nouns of more than one syllable ending in an unaccented vowel, generally -e. 108. Examples of nouns belonging to the Fourth Declension : ett hjdrta, a heart; ett rike, a realm; ett piano, a piano ; ett bi, a bee. INDEFINITE DEFINITE Sg. ett hjarta hjdrta-t PI. hjarta-n hjarta-n-a Sg. ett rike rike-t PI. rike-n rike-n-a Sg. ett piano piano-t PI. piano-n piano-n-a Sg. ett bi bi-et PI. 5i-n fci-wa (also bi-en) NOTE. 1. The words oga, eye, and ora, ear, have the plurals, ogon and 6'ron; def. form, ogonen and oronen. 2. Bf, 60, and similar neuter nouns, may also have the def. sing, form bi-t, bo-t, etc. Declension of Adjectives. 109. The adjectives have an indefinite and a definite declension. THE INDEFINITE DECLENSION. 110. The Indefinite Declension has the following endings : -t in the neuter singular. -a (-e, see 112, 1) in the plural for all genders. 111. NOTES ON THE SINGULAR. 1. Adjectives ending in -t preceded by a consonant do not take the ending -t in the neuter; as, salt, salt, neuter, salt; likewise foreign adjectives ending in -t: absolut neuter, absolut; TconTcret, neuter, konkret. INDEFINITE DECLENSION. 45 2. Adjectives ending in unaccented -en change n to the neuter t; as, trogen, faithful, neuter, troget; funnen, found, neuter, funnet. 3. Adjectives ending in -d preceded by a vowel change d to t in accented syllables before the neuter t: god, good, neuter, gott; in unaccented syllables d is dropped: Jcallad, called, kaUat; bred, broad, brett. 4. If the final d is preceded by a consonant it is eliminated: ond, evil, neuter, ont; brand, burned, neuter, brant. If the adjective ends in a double d, one is dropped and the other changed to t : trodd, believed, neuter, trott. 5. Adjectives ending in an accented vowel add -tt: fri, free, - neuter, fritt; bid, blue, neuter, bldtt. 6. Adjectives ending in a double n drop one n before the neuter t: sann, true, neuter, sant. 1. Adjectives ending in -e (especially present participles) do not change in the neuter: alskande, loving, neuter, iilskande; ode, desolate, neuter, ode. Some adjectives are not used in the indef. form of the neuter; as, lat, lazy; vanster, left, etc. 112. NOTES ON THE PLURAL. 1. The plural generally takes the ending -a for all genders, but -e is always used when the adjective ends in -ad (past participles of the First Conjugation) and sometimes, espe- cially in solemn style, when the adjective modifies a masculine noun. 2. Adjectives ending in an unaccented -al, -el, -en, -er elimi- nate the vowel of these endings when the plural ending, -a or -e, is added: gammal, old, gamla; ddel, noble, ddla; mogen, ripe, mogna. USE OF THE INDEFINITE DECLENSION. 113. The adjective is declined in the Indefinite Declension when used attributively with a noun in the indefinite sense, and also when it -is used predicatively: ett sndll-t barn ar sin moders frojd, a good child is the joy of its mother; barnet ar vac- 46 INDEFINITE DECLENSION ker-t, the child is pretty; Karl och Robert dro fti- tig-a gossar, Carl and Robert are industrious boys. 114. Examples of the Indefinite Declension: M. F. GENDER FORM NEUTER M. F. GENDER FORM NEUTER Sg. god gott ddel ddelt PI. goda ddla Sg. gammal gammalt trogen troget PI. gamla trogna Sg. ond ont dlskad dlskat PL onda dlskade Sg. absolut absolut trodd trott PI. absoluta trodda 115. PARADIGMS WITH NOUNS. Sg. en god gosse en god flicka ett gott barn PI. goda gossar goda flickor goda barn Sg. en ddel konung en ddel kvinna ett ddelt namn PI. ddla konungar ddla kvinnor ddla namn Sg. en dlskad man en dlskad moder ett dlskat land PI. dlskade man dlskade modrar dlskade lander RULES OF SYNTAX. 116. Adjectives agree with the nouns they quali- fy in number and gender but not in case: ett sndll-t barn, a good child; sndll-a barn, good children; ett sndllt barn-s moder, the mother of a good child; sndll-a barn-s modrar, the mothers of good children. 117. Most descriptive adjectives can be used in the indefinite form of the neuter singular as ad- verbs; thus, ddel, ddelt, noble, ddelt, nobly; tro- gen, troget, faithful, troget, faithfully. EXERCISE. 47 EXERCISE VII. A. Supply the proper endings : 1. I gar var det mycket kail men klar och vacker . 2. En haftig l nordan bias , och termometer vis atskillig grad under fryspunkt . 3. Hela dag arbet 2 jag trog (adv.), men pa kvallen ak 2 jag skridskor. 4*. Det gick (went) ypperlig (adv.), ty is var blank och hard . 5. Skrid- skoban var illuminerad, en stor musikkar spel . . . (proper form of munter) styck , och glad mannisk ak hastig (adv.) fram och tillbaka. 6. Pa is traff 2 jag en gammal van, som res (went) till Amerika for tva ar sedan, men nu har kommit (come) tillbaka. 7. Av alia . . . (noble) mannisk , som jag kann , ar 2 han den baste. 8. Han hade mycket att saga om forhallande i Amerika, som i manga hanseende behag honom. 9. I min vans tradgard vaxa 2 god apple . I gar var 2 jag dar och plock nagra. 10. Apple (def. pi.) aro . . . (red) och ... (yellow) och mycket ... (sweet). 11. Un- der traden (the trees) aro sate och i gren - (def. pi.) bygga fagl (def. pi.) sina bo . J In order to test the student's knowledge dashes are put even where no endings are to be supplied. 2 Xote inverted order. B. Answer in Swedish: 1. Hurudant var vadret i gar? 2. Var det lugnt (calm) ? 3. Huru manga (many) grader visade termometern under fryspunkten? 4. Vad gjorde (did ... do) ni under (during) dagen? 5. Vad gjorde ni pa kvallen? 6. Beskriv (describe) skridskobanan ? 7. Vem traffade ni dar? 8. Var hade han varit? 9. Vad talade han om? 10. Vem tillhor tradgarden, dar ni var i gar? 11. Var aro satena? C. 1. The weather is cold to-day, but cLar and beautiful. 2. I believe that the thermometer indicates several degrees 48 VOCABULARY below the freezing point. 3. I am tired because I have worked faithfully all ' day. 4. If the ice is good I wish (invert) to skate a couple (of) hours. 5. The ice is ex- cellent, very hard and r-mooth, and to-night a big baud will play 1 in the rink. 6. Do you know 2 if the rink is illumi- nated to-night? Surely (ja visst). 7. It is a great pleasure to skate rapidly back and forth. 8. The band plays merry pieces. 9. I like merry music and happy people. 10. There I see a couple (of) old friends. I wish to speak to (vid) them. 11. They have been in America and know the con- ditions there. a Use present tense and invert (104, 2) ; in, pa. 2 kno\v, vet. VOCABULARY. N. B. Two forms are given of the adjective: the gender and the neuter form; the latter is also the adverb. behaga, I, to please klar, -t, clear blank, -t, smooth, shiny munter, -t, merry bldsa, Ha, to blow en musik'kdr, -er, band ett 60, -n, nest mdnga, many bygga, lib, to build manniska (fern.) -or, man, fryspunkt, -er, freezing point human being eti forhdllande, -n, condition, ett noje, -n, amusement, pleas- relation ure, enjoyment gammal, -t, old plocka, I, to pick glad glatt, glad, happy rod, rott, red en grad, -er, degree en skridsko, 1 -r, skate en gren, -ar, branch en skridskobana, -or, skating gul, -t, yellow rink hastig, -t, rapid spela, I, to play (music) hard, hart, hard ett stycke, -n, piece hdftig, -t, violent, vehement ett sate, -n, seat ett hdnseende, respect sot, soft, sweet iUumine'rad, -rat, illuminated en termome'ter, -rar. ther- en is, -ar, ice mometer kail, -t, cold trogen, troget, faithful FIFTH DECLENSION. 49 ett viider, weather iidel, -t, noble visa, I, show, indicate ett apple, -n, apple uka, Ha, ride, travel IDIOMS: 1. aka skridsko, to skate. 2. from och tillbaka, back and forth. 'Generally pronounced skrisko. LESSON VIII. Inflection of Nouns (Continued). FIFTH DECLENSION. 118. The nouns belonging to this declension take no ending in the plural (cf. deer, sheep, swine, in English). 119. The postpositive article is -n, or -en for gender nouns and -et for neuter nouns in the sin- gular and -no, (sometimes -ne for masculines in -are) for gender nouns and -en for neuter nouns in the plural. 120. The Fifth Declension includes: (a) All gender nouns ending in -ande and -are. NOTE. Kammare, ha.mma.re, and kallare have also the plurals kamr-ar, liamr- or, and kallr-ar.. (b) Names of peoples and nouns of foreign origin ending in -er. (c) Most neuter nouns ending in a consonant, except those ending in -eum and -ium which belong to the Third Declension. (d) The nouns fader, father; broder, brother; man, man ; gas, goose ; lus, louse ; mus, mouse, which modify the vowel in the plural; pi. fader, broder, 50 DEFINITE DECLENSION. man, gdss, loss, moss; and a few common words of measure ; as,' fot, foot ; turn, inch ; mil, mile. NOTE. Fot has the plural fatter only when signifying a part of the body. Klein, gdss, loss, moss have the definite forms mannen, gdssen, lossen, mossen. 121. Examples of nouns of the Fifth Declen- sion: en bagare, a baker; en ordforande, a chair- man; en mu'siker, a musician; ett namn, a name; ett modus, a mode. INDEFINITE DEFINITE Sg. en bagare bagare-n PL bagare bagarna (ne)* Sg. en ordforande ordforande-n PL ordforande ordforande-na Sg. en musiker musiker-n PL musiker musiker-na Sg. ett namn namn-et PL namn namn-en Sg. ett modus modus 2 PL modus modus *Observe the elimination of the e of the ending -are. Such forms as doma- re.no, or domrarna from domare, judge, to distinguish its plural from the plural domarna of dom, sentence, are growing obsolete. The def. article is generally -na even for words like bagare, cf. 73, note 5. 2 Words in -us cannot take the postpositive article. The indef. form is used for the def. (73, note 4, c). Declension of Adjectives (Continued). THE DEFINITE DECLENSION. 122. In the Definite Declension the adjective has practically only one ending, -a, which is added to the original form (the indefinite singular of the gender form) ; sometimes, however, we find -e. 123. The ending -e takes the place of -a in the following instances: DEFINITE DKCLENSIOX. 51 (a) Often in the singular; occasionally in the plural when the adjective modifies a noun denoting a person of the male sex : den god-a (also god-e) gos- sen; den stor-e (never stor-a) Gustav Adolf, the latter expression is emphatic and formal ; den stor-e mannen means the great man. Stora would here because of its greater commonplaceness convey the sense of physical largeness. (b) When the adjective is used as a noun to denote human beings of the male sex; the adjective then has a genitive in -s: den gamle, the old man; but den gamla, the old woman; de rike, the rich; den gamles hus, the house of the old man. (c) Always when the adjective ends in -ad; as, den alskade drottningen, the beloved queen. NOTE. Adjectives ending in -a, -e (se), -om, -s (es) and -tals are indeclinable. USE OF DEFINITE DECLENSION. 124. The adjective is declined in the Definite Declension when used: (1) Before a noun with the postpositive article; as, den rike mannen, the rich man; svenska sprd- ket, the Swedish language (69). (2) After a noun in the genitive; as, min far- brors vackra hus, the fine house of my uncle; ko- nungens ddla upptrddande, the noble conduct of the king. (3) After the possessive and demonstrative adjec- tives and pronouns ; as, mina nya handskar, my new gloves; denne trogne tjdnare, this faithful servant. (4) In expressions of address and in apposition with a personal pronoun; as, Kdre van! Dear friend. Jag olyckliga manniskal I unhappy man. 52 EXERCISE. 125. Examples of the Definite Declension: ddel, noble; trogen, faithful; dlskad, loved. MASC. FEM. NEUTER Sg. ddl-a(e) ddl-a ddl-a PI. ddl-a (e) ddl-a ddl-a Sg. trogn-a(e) trogn-a trogn-a PI. trogn-a(e) trogn-a trogn-a Sg. dlskad-e dlskad-e dlskad-e PI. dlskad-e dlskad-e dlskad-e NOTE. Adjectives ending in unaccented -al, -el, -en, -er drop the vo\\t-l uf their last syllable before -a or -e of the def. form. THE USE OF THE PREPOSITIVE DEFINITE ARTICLE. 126. The prepositive definite article den, det, pi. de (70) is employed when the noun is qualified by an adjective or numeral ; in such a case the post- positive definite article must also be used; thus, den vackr-a flickan, the beautiful girl; det sndll-a barn-et, the good child; de tio flitigast-e gossarna, the ten most industrious boys. NOTE 1. The prepositive article is generally employed when the adjective is used as a noun; thus, den gamle, the old man; den lilla, the little girl; del tkona, the beautiful. 2. It is omitted in a number of set phrases, especially such as serve as names ; often before superlatives and adjectives of place ; before hel, whole, halv, half, sjalv, self ; thus, svemka gpr&ket, the Swedish language ; forsta dagen, the first day ; vdnstra sidan, the left side ; hela natten, the whole night. 'EXERCISE VIII. A. Supply the proper form of the Swedish equivalents of the adjectives given within parenthesis in the following : den (noble) mannen; min faders (beautiful) hus; de (faithful) lararna; de (ripe) applena; de (small) gossarna; ett (free) land; ett (wet) fait; det (wet) faltet; det (respected) namnet; den (little) flickan; ett -- (red) hus; ett (sweet} barn; EXERCISE. 53 (sweet) barn (pi.); ett (salt) bad; de - - (noble) mannen; (respected) lakare; den - (old [one], m. and f.) ; de -- (ripe [ones]); ett -- (small) barn; de (new) lararna; den (new one) ; den (free one, m. and f.). B. 1. I gar vaknade jag med en haftig huvudvark. 2. Jag kladde mig och promenerade i den vackra parken en timme fore frukosten. 3. Da jag kom (came) tillbaka, voro min far och mor otaliga, ty de hade vantat lange. 4. Jag madde inte (did not feel) alls bra och kunde (could) ej ata nagot av den goda maten. 5. Jag forsokte (att) dricka en kopp av det starka kaffet, men kunde inte. 6. Pa eftermiddagen gick jag till den skicklige lakaren dr Buren. 7. Denne (he, lit., this one) ar en gammal van till 1 min far. 8. Hans mottagningsrum ar i det nya huset pa hornet af Kungsgatan och Vasagatan. 9. Jag maste (had to) van- ta en hel timma, innan jag traffade honom, ty det var manga patienter fore mig. 10. "Vad fattas er?" fragade den gamle vanlige lakaren. 11. "Jag har ofta en mycket haftig hufvudvark", svarade jag. 12. "Ar aptiten god eller dalig?" 13. "Pa morgonen ar den mycket dalig." 14. "Hur sover ni?" "Daligt." 15. "Far (may) jag se pa er tunga?" 16. "Har har ni ett recept, det ar for aptiten." 17. Dessutom ordinerade han rorelse i friska luften (126, 2). i Till is sometimes used to express genitive relation ; translate of. C. Answer in Swedish : 1. Var ni bra, nar ni vaknade i gar ? 2. Vad f attades er ? 3. Vad gjorde ni fore frukos- ten ? 4. Varfor voro er far och mor otaliga ? 5. Hur lange hade ni promenerat? 6. Hum manga koppar kaffe drack (impf.) ni? 7. Kanner er far dr Buren? 8. Var har han sitt mottagningsrum? 9. Hur lange och varfor maste ni 54 VOCABULARY vanta? 10. Vad fragade den gamle vanlige lakaren er? 11. Vad ordinerade (prescribed) han? Z>. 1. My old father woke up to-day with a very violent headache. 2. He came down for (till) breakfast (def.) but could not eat anything (ndgot). 3. At (vid) noon (def.) his appetite was very poor and we had to 1 telephone for 2 the famous old physician, Dr. Buren. 4. Our dear father and he are old friends. 5. He came soon in the big red automobile, which he bought last year (i fjol). 6. When he came in, he asked (104, 2) my father, "What ails you, old friend?" 7. When he had examined him he wrote (sJcrev) two prescriptions, one for the violent headache, the other (andra) for the poor appetite. 8. Besides he prescribed exercise and fresh air. 1 Have to when it denotes compulsion is expressed by mdste, which is the same in the present and imperfect. 'For with the verbs like ask, send, write, call, telephone, is rendered efter. VOCABULARY. alls, at all eft horn, corner en aptit (no pi.) appetite inte, not en automobil', -er, automobile innan (conj.), before ett bad, bath kldda, lib, to dress ett barn, child en kopp, -ar, cup bra, well Kungsgatan, King's street dessutom, besides, in addition liten, -et (def. lilla, pi. smd), dricka (strong verb), to drink little, small ddlig, -t, bad, poor (en) luft (no pi.) air fattas (deponent verb), I, to en lakare, physician lack; to ail (en) mat (no pi.), food fri, fritt, free mogen, -et, ripe (18, 1) frisk, -t, fresh; well, healthy ett mottagningsrum, reception en frukost (pron. fruckost), room, doctor's office -ar, breakfast ny, nytt, new fore (prep, and adv.), before ndgot, anything en huvudvark (no pi.) head- ordine'ra, I, to prescribe ache otdlig, -t, impatient IRREGULAR DECLENSION. 55 en patient', -er, patient stark, -t, strong ett recept', prescription telefone'ra, I, to telephone ansedd, ansett, respected en tunga, -or, tongue en rorelse, -r, movement; ex- vakna, I, to wake up ercise Vasagatan, Vasa street salt, salt vdt, vatt, wet skicklig, -t, skillful vanlig, -t, friendly, kind sova (strong verb), to sleep vtinta, I, to wait IDIOMS: 1. en kopp kaffe, a cup of coffee. 2. inte alls, not at all. LESSON IX. Inflection of Nouns (Continued). 127. IRREGULARITIES IN DECLENSION. (a) For the syncopation of the vowel of an un- accented ending before the plural ending, see 81, notes 1 and 2 ; and 85, note 4. (b) For the elimination of the endings -us and -um after e and i before the plural ending, see 86, note. (c) A few nouns of the Second, Third, and Fifth Declensions modify the root vowel in the plural ; as, bonde, peasant; pi. bonder broder, brother ; pi. broder dotter, daughter; pi. dottrar fader, father; pi. fader man, man ; pi. man moder, mother; pi. modrar son, son; pi. so'ner (grave accent), and some others (see 85, notes 1 and 2). (d) A few nouns of the Third Declension double the last consonant. Often there is also a vowel modification; as, 56 THE CASES. bok, book; pi. backer fot, foot; pi. f otter get, goat; pi. getter not, nut; pi. notter (e) So also, gas, goose; pi. gdss. Ins, louse; pi. loss, mus, mouse; pi. moss. (f) Some nouns of the Third Declension take only -r in the plural; such are, nouns ending in unaccented -e, a few monosyllabic gender nouns end- ing in o, a, o, and some others; as, fi'ende, enemy; pi. fiende-r hustru, wife; pi. hustri(-r klo, claw; pi. klo-r ko, cow; pi. ko-r sko, shoe; pi. sko-r td, toe; pi. ta-r (g) Many loan words retain their foreign plural : faktum, fact; pi. fakta; examen, examination; pi. examina. DECLENSION OF PROPER NAMES. 128. Names of persons, countries, cities, rivers, mountains, and places take an -s in the genitive ; ex., jag laser Tegners dikter, I am reading the poetry of Tegner; Sveriges floder dro vackra, the rivers of Sweden are beautiful. (Exceptions 130, a.) NOTE. If a title precedes the name, the latter only takes the -* as in Eng- lish: herr Liners dotter dr hdr, Mr. LineVs daughter is here. THE CASES. 129. The nominative and the genitive are the only cases that need to be taken into account in the declension of nouns, the objective being identical with the nominative. THE GENITIVE. 57 130. The genitive is formed, as has been stated before, by the addition of an -s to the nominative, indefinite and definite, singular and plural. IMPORTANT OBSERVATIONS. (a) Proper nouns ending in an s-sound (s, x, 2) in the nominative have their possessive of the same form, adding only an apostrophe; as, Johannes' evangelium, the Gospel of St. John. Cb) In the case of a common noun ending in an s-sound, -st, or -xt in the nominative, the genitive relation is gener- ally expressed by the prepositions pd and till (rarely av) ; thus, taket p& ett hus, the roof of a house; vdggarna till ett hus, the walls of a house; sometimes by putting the noun in the definite form and suffixing an s; as, blixtens hastighet, the rapidity of a flash of lightning, instead of en blixts hastighet. (c) In certain expressions names of localities ending in a vowel use a nominative in apposition where other words would require a genitive; as, Uppsala universitet, the univer- sity of Upsala. (d) A Latin genitive in -i occurs with nouns in -us; as, Kristi liv, the life of Christ. Note also the genitive of Jesus, Jesu. (e) When several words are used to designate the same person or object, the last word in the group generally takes the -s: Karl den stores rike, the realm of Charles the Great; konungen av Sveriges (also konungens av Sverige) hov, the court of the king of Sweden. SYNTAX OF THE CASES. 131. The nominative and the objective need no illustration since their functions are the same as in English. THE GENITIVE. 132. In regard to the genitive it is of prime importance to notice that the form in -s is employed much more freely in Swedish than in English. The Swedish Grammar 5 58 THE GENITIVE. genitive relation is rarely expressed by the prepo- sition av, of; thus impersonal nouns, which in Eng- lish invariably would be construed with of to express the genitive relation, in Swedish take -s; as, bordets ben, the legs of the table; vid mdnadens slut, at the end of the month. 133. The following uses of the genitive should be noted: (a) The word modified by the genitive is omit- ted in expressions like: min klocka dr vackrare an min brors, my watch is prettier than my brother's; detta dr min systers hatt, min mors ligger ddr borta, this is my sister's hat, my mother's lies over there. (b) Somewhat analogous is the use of the geni- tive designating the house, family, or business of somebody: jag bor hos Lindholms, I live at Lind- holm's; Blombergs dro sjuka, the Blombergs are sick. (c) In a few expressions a genitive is used after the prepositions i and till: gd till sdngs, to go to bed; till lands, by land ; till sjoss, by water, to or at sea : gd till bords, to sit down at table; i sondags, last Sunday ; i hostas, last fall ; i varas, last spring. A temporal expression with i governing the geni- tive denotes a past period. NOTE. This use of t and till is limited to a few phrases, which, however, are of very common occurrence. 134. After quantitative nouns of measure and weight, and nouns of value, the nominative is used : en kopp kaffe, a cup of coffee; tio meter tyg, ten meters of cloth; ett kilo smo'r, a kilogram of but- ter; for tio kronor socker, ten 1 crowns' worth of sugar. EXERCISE. 59 135. The objective genitive is often expressed by till, sometimes by av; thus, kdrleken till j osier - landet, love of country; asynen av land, the sight of land. The possessive genitive is often expressed by till (or pa) when the possessor is an inanimate object: locket till ladan, the cover of the box; kryc- kan pa kappen, the crutch of the cane (never hatten till den unge mannen, but den unge mannens hati, the young man's hat). EXERCISE IX. A. Translate the following sentences and expressions. 1. Where is the leg of the table (in two ways) ? 2. The roof of the house (in two ways) is poor. 3. The history of Charles XII. 4. Mr. Lindgren's daughters. 5. The books of Strindberg, the author (place author first). 6. The university of Upsala is very old. 7. He is at sea. 8. Plato was a pupil of Socrates 1 . 9. I bought the shoes at Lind- holm's. 10. My house and my father's. 11. The literature of Sweden. 12. The speech of the emperor of Germany. 13. The banks of the Mississippi are beautiful. 14. He came (kom) last Monda}'. 15. A cup of good coffee. 16. The streets of Berlin. 17. The theaters of Paris. 18. The city (of) Berlin 2 . translate: one of Socrates' pupils. 2 Put Berlin in apposition with city. B. Supply endings where indicated: 1. Kanner ni till den svensk litteratur val ? 2. Tyvarr icke. Av de klas- sisk forfatt (pi. def. gen.) arbet har 1 jag last Tegners Fritiofs saga och Eunebergs episk dikt (pi. indef.), och av Sveriges modern forfattare kanner jag till August Strindberg och Selma Lagerlof. 3. Hur tyck ni om Strindberg, ar han ej mycket pessimistisk ? 4. Jo 2 , jag tyck mycket battre om Selma Lagerlofs bb'cker. 60 EXERCISE. 5. Var ni ej pa teater i gar kvall? 6. Nej, men jag hade amn att ga, ty jag hade hb'r , att man skulle (would) spela en' av Strindbergs dramer, men sa borj det att snb'a, och vi stann hemma. 7. Det var skada, ty fore- stallning var utmarkt; Blombergs och vi voro dar. 8. Roll (pi. def. gen.) utfb'rande var mycket gott (also, utfb'randet av rollerna). 9. Herr Palme, som i mandags spelade Fausts roll i Gb'thes dram, spelade nu Gustav Adolfs. 10. Har ni last i tidning om kejsarens av Tysk- land tal? 11. Kan ni saga mig vad Sokrates' berb'md 3 larjunge hette? *Note the inverted order. -Jo is used in answering a question containing a negative. *rhe def. form of the adjective is used after a possessive modifier (124, note 2). C. Conversation. 1. Vilka av de klassiska fb'rfattarna har ni last? 2. Vilka moderna fb'rfattare kanner ni till? 3. Varfor tycker ni battre om Selma Lagerlof an om Strindberg? 4. Hade ni ej amnat att ga pa teatern i gar? 5. Vad spelade man i gar kvall? 6. Hurudan var fore- stallningen? 7. Vem utfb'rde Gustav Adolfs roll? D. 1. Where are you going 1 to-night, Charles? i am going to Sandell's. 2. What do you wish, sir (min her re) ? I wish to buy the works of Topelius (130, d). 3. Does the green house belong to Mr. Williams' mother? No, it is his brother's, I believe. 4. Where do you pass your win- ters? Sometimes in Italy and sometimes in one of the towns of southern (def.) Prance (128). 5. I like the climate of Italy better than that of southern France (than southern France's). 6. Where is to-day's paper (the day's paper 2 ) ? I wish to read the latest (senaste) speech of the king of England. 7. Are you acquainted with Francis' (130, a) parents? Yes, I met them at Blomberg's last Monday. 8. Have you read Selma Lagerlof 's famous (def.) VOCABULARY. 61 book, "Jerusalem" ? 1). Unfortunately not, but I have heard that it contains an excellent portrayal of the peasants of Sweden. 10. Where have you bought the chickens and the geese? I have bought them at Lind's. Aren't they fine? 11. What do you wish, sir? I wish a cup of strong coffee, and (samt 3 ) bread and butter. 12. I believe you are sleepy, Mr. Brown. Yes, I am very tired. I went to bed so late last night. translate: Where do you intend to go to-night f 2 Also tidningen for i dag. 3 Samt is interchangeable with och to avoid repetition, though rarely used in con- versation ; med, with, could be used here. VOCABULARY. ett arbete, -n, work ett brod, bread en dikt, -er, poem en dram, -er, ett drama (no plur.), drama episk, -t, epic Frankrike (neuter), France Frans, Francis en Idrjunge, -ar, pupil lii-sa, Ila, to read modern', -t, modern en mdndag, -ar, Monday pessimis'tisk, -t, pessimistic en roll, -er, part (acting) sen, -t, late skada, -or, damage en fo'restdllning, -ar, perform- en skildring, -ar, description, ance en forfat'tare, author fo'rdldrar (plural only), parents gron, -t, green en gas, giiss, goose heta, Ila, to be called in'nehdlla (st. v., see Jidlla), to contain Ilalien (neuter), Italy jo, yes (used in answer to a negative question) klassisk, -t, classic ett klimaf, climate portrayal (ett) smor, butter snu'a, I, to snow stanna, I, to stay, stop Sverige (neuter), Sweden sitdra (def. only), .southern somnig, -t, sleepy en sang, -ar, bed ett tal, speech; number ett tak, roof en teater, -rar, tteater en tidning, -ar, newspaper trott, tired tyvlirr', unfortunately kiinna till', lib, to know about ett utforande, -n, execution, en kyckling, -ar, young chicken performance 62 THIRD CONJUGATION. IDIOMS. 1. att ga pa, teatern, pd en konsert, to attend the theater, a concert. 2. det iir skada, it is a pity. LESSON X. The Verb (Continued). THIRD CONJUGATION. 136. To the Third Conjugation, which may be considered a slightly modified form of the Second, belong all weak verbs which end in any other vowel than -a in the infinitive. This conjugation contains comparatively few verbs. 137. The Third Conjugation has the following endings : stem vowel in the infinitive : e, o, y, a not a. -r in the singular of the present indicative, stem vowel in the plural of the present indicative. -n in the archaic second plural. -dde in the imperfect indicative, both numbers. -ende in the present participle (111, note 7). -tt in the supine. -dd in the gender form of the past participle. -tt in the neuter form of the past participle (HI, 4). 138. Examples of verbs of the Third Conjuga- tion : att tro, to believe ; att sy, to sew. PRESENT INDICATIVE 1. Sg. fag] Sg. jag m I ni \ syr du [. du >tror han] han] PERSONAL PRONOUNS. 63 PI. vi 1 vi ] ni nro ni \sy de\ de\ I iron I syn IMPERFECT INDICATIVE. Sg. jag 1 jag } du {, j, du I ni ttrodde ni \sydde han\ han\ PI. vi ] vi ] ni ttrodde ni \sydde de J de J / trodden I sydden PERFECT INDICATIVE. /tar trott, etc. yagr Tiar ST/if, etc. PLUPERFECT INDICATIVE. jag hade trott, etc. jag hade sytt, etc. Personal Pronouns. 139. DECLENSION OF THE PERSONAL PRONOUNS. FIRST PERSON SECOND PERSON THIRD PERSON Masc. and Fern. Masc. and Fern. Masc. Fern. Neuter Sg. Nom. jag du han hon det Gen. (min) (din) hans hennes dess Obj. mig dig honom henne det PI. Gender Form Nom. den Gen. dess Obj. den Nom. vi ni (I) de Gen. (vdr) (eder, er) deras Obj. OSS eder, er dem 64 PERSONAL PRONOUNS. 140. REMARKS ON THE PERSONAL PRONOUNS. (a) The personal pronouns with the exception of the third person lack genitive forms ; these forms are supplied by the possessive adjectives. But a genitive form for the second person occurs in a few titles; as, Ers Majestat, Your Majesty; Ers excel- lens, Your Excellency. (b) Mig and dig are colloquially pronounced mdj and daj. (c) In conversational language 'en or 'n is some- times appended to the verb or to the pronoun subject in a question and used as a sort of enclitic pronoun for honom or den; likewise also 'et or 't for det and 'no, for henne. Ex. Jag sag 'en i gar. I saw him yesterday. Pick du't? Did you get it? 141. For the use of du and ni in address, see 67, a, b. 142. It is considered more polite in the singular to use the title of the person with or without herr or fru. The definite form of the title is generally used except when it occurs together with the name or is used in independent construction. Ex.: Kommer doktorn i kvall? Will you come to- night, Doctor? But Kommer doktor Lind i kvall? Are you coming to-night, Doctor Lind ? Ndr flyttar ni ut pa landet, herr doktor? When are you going to move out into the country, Doctor? Persons whose titles and names are unknown may be addressed with herrn, frun, or fro'ken (also da- men, the lady) ; it is impolite to omit name or title in speaking to persons we know : Vill herrn vara sa EXERCISE. G5 god och saga mig, var Kungsgatan ar? Will you kindly tell me, sir, where King's Street is? NOTE. To combine convenience with politeness one may judiciously intersperse the pronoun ni with the title. The existing objection to this convenient pronoun is gradually disappearing. EXERCISE X. A. Supply the endings of the verbs and nouns where indicated. 1. Var tillbring (impf.) ni era ferier i somras (133, c), herr doktor? 2. Vi bo pa landet som vanligt, vid en harlig liten insjo. 3. Nar sommar komm , forma jag inte att stanna i staden langre, jag maste fly ut i naturen for att hamta nya kraft (pi.) till mitt arbete. 4. Ni flytt ut ganska sent i ar, herr doktor, eller hur? 5. Ja, det bero pa olyckan, som han min hustru. Har ni ej hb'r om den? 6. Strax innan vi amna (att) lamna stad , voro (93, a) vi ute och kb'r i min nya bil; vi kollider med en sparvagn, och min hustru blev (was) skadad. 7. Nu ma hon ypperligt, men jag kan ej forma henne att aka i automobil mera. 8. Varfb'r besoker (93, b) ni oss aldrig, herr professor, medan vi bo pa landet? 9. Vi ha det sa trevligt, var villa ligger vid sjostrand , och fran dess veranda ha vi en harlig utsikt over sjb'n. 10. Vi ha bade (both) motorbat och segelbat och naturligtvis roddbat, om ni tyck om att ro. 11. Vag (pi. def.) aro fb'rtrafflig och passande for automobilakning. B. Conversation. 1. Var bodde ni i somras? 2. Varfor bor ni pa landet? 3. Flyttade ni ut tidigt i ar? 4. Varfor flyttade ni ut sa sent? 5. 7ad skedde, nar ni voro ute och akte ? 6. Vad kolliderade ni med ? 7. Varfor vill fru Ed- strom ej aka i automobil mera? 8. Var ligger er villa? 9. Hur har ni det pa landet? 10. Hum manga slags (kindi of) batar har ni? 11. Vad passa vagarna for? 66 VOCABULARY C. 1. Doctor Edstrom and his family lived at a beau- tiful little lake last summer. 2. Their villa is situated (Hgger) at (vid) the lake shore, and from the porch they have a charming view over the lake and its islands. 3. The doctor does not feel well if he does not spend his (sina) va- cation in (pa) the country, 4. Last summer they moved out later than usual, for an accident had occurred to Mrs. Edstrom. 5. They were out riding in their (sin) large new automobile and collided with a street car. 6. Mrs. Edstrom was seriously injured, and now the doctor cannot make her (Ex. X, A, 7) ride in an automobile. 7. Haven't you heard of that (ddrom) ? I thought you and the doctor were very good friends. 8. I have visited them several times at (i) their home in the country; they have such a pleasant home. 9. Once I stayed a whole week and was out rowing and fishing (ute och rodde ocli metade) on the lake every (varje) day. VOCABULARY. aldrig, never kollide'ra, I, to collide allvarsam, -t, serious en kraft, -er, strength en automobil'dkning, automo- kora, lib, to drive bile riding Idmna, I, to leave bero', III, to depend langre, longer, any longer en bil, -ar, colloquial abbrev. medan, while for automobile meta, I, to fish ferier (always plur.) vacation en motorMt, -ar, motor boat fly, III, to flee ma, III, to feel (well, ill, etc.) flytta, I, to move en natur', -er, nature forma', III, to be able; to in- natur'ligtvis, of course duce or compel en o'lycka, -or, accident, mis- ganska (adv.), quite fortune Jiamta, I, to fetch passande, suitable handa, lib, to happen, occur ro, III, to row en hustru, -r, wife en roddbdt, -ar, rowboat en insjo, -ar, lake en segelbut, -ar, sailboat INDICATIVE. 07 en sjostrand, sjiJstriinder, lake som vanligt, as usual shore en veranda, -or, porch skadad, -at, injured en villa, -or, villa, cottage i somras, last summer dka, Ha, to ride en spdrvagn, -ar, street car en o, -ar, island strax, soon over (prep, and adv.) over, trevlig, -t, pleasant, agreeable past IDIOMS. 1. att vara ute och kora, gd, rida, etc., to be out driving, walking, riding. 2. att gd ut och gd, to take a walk. 3. att ha det trevligt, to have a pleasant home or time. 4. att md bra, ilia, to feel well, bad, ill. LESSON XI. The Verb (Continued). FUTURE AND FUTURE PERFECT INDICATIVE. 143. The future indicative is formed by com- bining the present of the auxiliary skola, shall, which is skall (in conversation ska), with the present infin- itive; and the future perfect by combining the same auxiliary with the perfect infinitive. FUTURE INDICATIVE FUTURE PERF. INDIC. Sg. jag] jag] du \ i 7 , , 7 x T 17 du [skall (ska) ni fskall (ska) kalla ni h akaUat han] han] PI. vi ~\ vi 1 m \skola (ska) kalla ni I skola (ska) de J de j ha kallat I skolen kalla I skolen ha kallat NOTE 1. Pure future is generally expressed either by the present or by the infinitive together with the present of the verb komma, to come (296). 2. The double forms of the English future and future perfect, / shall call, I shall be calling, and / shall have called, I shall have been calling, are to be rendered by the single forms, jag skall kalla and jag skall ha kallat. 68 IMPERATIVE. THE IMPERATIVE. 144. The imperative is formed by attaching to the stem of the verb the following endings: SINGULAR PLURAL Second Person -a or First Person -om Second Person -en or -n NOTE. Only verbs of the First Conjugation take -a in the second person sin- gular ; all other verbs use the mere stem. 145. Instead of the form in -om, which is exceed- ingly rare, the imperative of the verb Idta, let, latom, generally shortened to lat, is used with the reflex- ive pronoun oss, us, of the first person plural and the infinitive. This form corresponds exactly to the English imperative with let; thus, Idt(om) oss kalla, let us call. 146. Instead of the second person plural in -en or -n the second person singular, with the pronoun ni understood, is used as an imperative for the second person plural. NOTE. The pronouns are generally omitted in the imperative. 147. The conversational language uses a num- ber of expressions which are more polite than the imperative ; the most common is vill ni vara sa god, will you be so kind; thus, vill ni vara sa god och komma (will you have the kindness to come), also, var sa god och, etc. ; or the expression, sa dr ni (du) snail (then you are kind), may be used after the imperative; as, kom, sa dr ni snail (please come), or, kan (can) may be used in a question: kan du komma mi? equivalent to, come now, please. INFINITIVE. 69 148. Examples of the imperative of the verbs kalla, to call; bdja, to bend; tro, to believe; ga, to go. kalla (du, ni), kallom, lat(om) oss kalla, kallen(I) bd'j (du, ni), bojom, Idt(om) oss bdja, bbjen(I) tro (du, ni), lat(om) oss tro, iron (I) ga (du, ni), lat(om) oss ga, gan (I) NOTE. Verbs the stem of which ends in a vowel lack the form in -07*1, and take -n in the second person plural. 149. REMARKS ON THE INFINITIVE. (a) The present active infinitive ends in -a, but verbs of the Third Conjugation and a few verbs of the Fourth Conjugation the stem of which ends in a vowel take no ending in the infinitive. The sign of the infinitive i? att, to. Ex.: att kalla, att tro, att ga. (b) The perfect infinitive is formed as in Eng- lish; thus, att ha kallat, to'have called; att ha trott, to have believed ; att ha gdtt, to have gone. (c) There is also a future infinitive formed by combining the present infinitive of the auxiliary verb skola, shall, with the infinitive of the verb; as, att skola kalla. This is rarely used. (d) The sign of the infinitive is omitted very much as in English. (Further particulars will be given later.) (e) An infinitive phrase expressing purpose is generally introduced by the preposition for, for; as, jag har rest till Tyskland for att studera tyska dar, I have gone to Germany in order to study Ger- man there. 70 EXERCISE. The Reflexive Pronoun. 150. There is only one distinctively reflexive form, the objective sig, which is used for all genders and numbers of the third person: himself, herself, itself, themselves; as, han (hon) sdtter sig, seats himself (herself) ; de sdtta sig, they seat themselves. 151. Elsewhere the objective case of the personal pronouns is used as reflexive; as, jag sdtter mig, I seat myself ; m sdtta oss, we seat ourselves. NOTE 1. In English the reflexive -self must be distinguished from the em- phatic -self. This is expressed in Swedish by sjalv; as, jag sjalv, I myself; han har gjort det sjalv, he has done it himself. 2. Sjdlva(e) preceding a noun means even ; as, sjdlva konungen kan inte .gora det, even the king cannot do it. EXERCISE XI. A. 1. Om m onska taga en liten tur pa sjon, barn, sa kom med mig. 2. Ga in till Ostermans pa vagen, Karl, och sag till dem, att jag b'nsk lana . . . (Iheir) bat. 3. Hop- pa nu i bat , goss , men forsiktigt, sa att ni ej stjalp . . . (it). 4. Vem skall ro? Jasa, du Erik, nej, lat Karl ro, jag tror ej, att det skall bli tungt for honom, ty sjon ligger som en spegel. 5. Sluta att ro, Karl, och slapp ned ankar . Lat oss nu kasta nt rev . 6. Se bara, hur mycket fisk det ar har! Karl har redan ett napp pa sin krok. 7. Tycker ni inte, att det ar roligt att meta, nar man far napp? 8. Var nu snail och ro i land, sa satta vi oss under det stor trad for att ata var middag. B. 1. Kara barn, oppna lasebockerna pa sidan tjugu, och lat oss lasa Tegners vackra dikt. 2. Sag mig, Karl, vad den handlar om, ar du snail. 3. Det var alldeles rik- tigt. Borja nu och las den hogt och val for oss, Maria. 4. Yar god och ursakta mig, froken Forsell, jag kan ej EXERCISE. ?'l lasa hogt; jag ar forkyld och har ont i halscn. 5. Det var ilia, da skall lilla Klara lasa den. 6. Sna.Ha froken, tillat mig att lasa den utantill ; jag bar lart hela dikten utantill. 7. Det var bra gjort, Klara. Hor nu pa uppmarksamt allesammans, medan Klara laser. 8. Sedan skall jag sjalv deklamera den for or. C. Conversation. 1. Vad b'nskar ni (att) gora i dag? 2. Vem ska vi lana baten av? 3. Varfor blir det ej tungt for Karl att ro? 4. Vad maste man gora, innan man kan borja (att) meta? 5. Vem av er bar napp pa sin krok? 6. Nar ar det roligt att meta? 7. Var skola vi ata var middag? 8. Varfor kan Maria ej lasa hogt? 9. Hur har Klara visat, att hon ar flitig? 10. Vad amnar froken Forsell (att) gora, nar Klara har last dikten? D. 1. The children wished to go out fishing (ut och meta) yesterday. 2. Since we do not have any boat, we had to (maste vi) borrow one from Osterman's. 3. The boys jumped carefully into the boat in order not to upset it. 4. Carl rowed the whole way 1 , and it was not very difficult, for the lake was like a mirror. 5. Stop rowing, Carl; and you, Eric, drop the anchor. 6. Let us throw out our lines here, boys, there is (A, 6) plenty of (much) fish here, I think. 7. If you are tired we shall (invert) row ashore and sit down (A, 8) under the big tree to eat our breakfast. 8. Please (B, 2) open the books on page ten, children. 9. Tell me, Carl, who the author of this (denna) beautiful poem is. 10. Quite right, my dear boy. And now Clara will recite the poem for us. 11. When she has done (gjort) this, I myself shall declaim it for you. 12. Why don't you begin, Clara ? Have you not learned it by heart? 13. Please excuse me (var god och ursakta mig}, Miss Forsell. I tried to learn it by heart yesterday, but VOCABULARY. could (kunde) not. I had such a sore throat (sa out i lial- sen). 14. Please open (var snail och ...) the window. Carl, I have a headache (huvudvark, or, out i huvudet). *Hela vagen: the prepositive article is omitted. VOCABULARY. alldeles, quite, entirely en lasebok, -bocker, reader allesammans, all en middag, -ar, noon; dinner ett ankare, , anchor ett napp, bite bara, only ndgon, nagot, any bra, well (often referring to ond, ont, bad, wicked; sore; angry redan, already en rev, -ar, line riktig, -t, right, correct rolig, -t, amusing health) deklame'ra, I, to declaim erne' dan, because, since en fisk, -ar, fish ett fonster, window forkyld' -kylt, having caught en sjo, -ar, lake a cold sluta, I, to cease forsik'tig, -t, cautious som (rel. pronoun, adv. and handla om, I, to treat about conj.), who, like, as hoppa, I, to jump en spegel, -lar, mirror hog, -t, high (as adv. also stjiilpa, Ha, to upset aloud) saga, (irr. v.), to say i gdr, yesterday til'lata (st. v.), to permit ilia (adv.), bad(ly), too bad tio, ten jasa', so, is that so kasta, I, to throw en krok, -ar, hook tung, -t, heavy en tur, -er, turn; trip; luck uppmarksam, -t, attentive (-ly) lara, lib, to learn; to teach ur'sakta, I, to excuse lasa upp', Ha, to recite utantill, by heart IDIOMS: 1. Det ar roligt, it is fun. 2. Jag ar forkyld, I have caught a cold. 3. Jag har ont i nalsen, I have a sore throat. Note that long m can be written double only when it is intervocalic. This principle causes sometimes a dropping of one m and sometimes a doubling : vppmarksam, becomes vppmarlcsamma in the plural m is here intervocalic; nummer becomes num-ret in the def. form m is no longer intervocalic. FOURTH CONJUGATION. 73 LESSON XII. The Verb (Continued). THE FOURTH CONJUGATION. 152. This conjugation contains all verbs that form their imperfect by means of a change of the vowel of the root without any added tense sign. There is frequently also a change of vowel in the supine and past participle. These verbs are called strong verbs. The verbs belonging to this conjugation are divided into two classes. 153. The first class contains verbs the root of which undergoes but one vowel change. In these verbs the vowel of the supine and past participle is the same as that of the infinitive and the vowel of the plural of the imperfect the same as that of the singular. Examples : INFINITIVE IMPERFECT SUPINE PAST PARTICIPLE SO. PL. hdlla, to hold holl hollo hallit hallen, -et gripa, to seize grep grepo gripit gripen, -et 154. The second class contains verbs the root of which undergoes two vowel changes. In these the vowel of the supine and the past participle is always different from that of the infinitive ; the vowel of the plural of the imperfect is in most cases the same as that of the supine, in the case of a few verbs like that of the singular of the imperfect and different from that of the supine. Swedish Grammar 6 FOURTH CONJUGATION. Example : INFINITIVE SUPINE PAST PARTICIPLE INFINITIVE IMPERFECT SG. PI* 1. i, c, e, i. bita, to bite bet beto 2. a, o, o, a. fara, to travel for foro 3. u, o, o, u njuta, to enjoy njot njoto 4. y, o, o, u. knyta, to tic knot knoto 5. i, a, u, u. finna, to find fann funno 6. a, a, u, u. skdra, to cut skar skuro IMPERFECT SG. PL. finna, to find fann funno funnit funnen, -et knyta, to tie knot knoto knutit knuten, -et 155. The following table of the most common of the vowel changes in the Fourth Conjugation may prove helpful : SUPINE bitit farit njutit knutit funnit skurit 156. The verbs of the Strong Conjugation have the following endings : -er (-r) in the singular of the present indicative. -a in the plural of the present indicative. -en in the archaic second person plural. No ending in the singular of the impf . indicative. -o in the plural of the imperfect indicative. -ande in the present participle. -en in the gender form of the past participle. -et in the neuter form of the past participle. -it in the supine. NOTE 1. The difference of vowel in the singular and plural of the imperfect indicative need not occasion the beginner any difficulty, since the singular is invariably used for the plural in conversation ; thus, vi fann is the common form, vi funno is rarely heard. 2. The past participle is declined like adjectives in -en, for which see 111, 2, 112, 2, and 125, note. 157. Examples of verbs of the first and second FOURTH CONJUGATION. 75 classes of the Fourth Conjugation: att gripa, to seize; att finna, to find. PRINCIPAL PARTS. INFINITIVE IMPERFECT SUPINE SG. PL. PAST PARTICIPLE I. gripa grep grepo gripit grip en, -et II. finna fann funno funnit funnen, -et PRESENT INDICATIVE. f*1 ^\ Sg. jag 1 ni \ griper han] Sg. jag } . \finner m han] PI. vi ] ni \gripa de ] I gripen PI. vi } ni \finna de J I finnen IMPERFECT INDICATIVE. Sg. jag 1 ni \ grep han] Sg. jag} . \fann m han] PI. vi ] ni \grepo de } I grep en PI. vi } ni \funno de } I funnen FUTURE INDICATIVE. Sg. jag skall (ska) gripa, finna, etc. PL vi skola (ska) gripa, finna, etc. PERFECT INDICATIVE. Sg. jag har gripit, funnit, etc. PI. vi ha gripit, funnit, etc. PLUPERFECT INDICATIVE. Sg. jag hade gripit, funnit, etc. PI. vi hade gripit, funnit, etc. 76 EXERCISE. FUTURE PERFECT. Sg. jag skall ha gripit, funnit, etc. PI. vi skola ha gripit, funnit, etc. IMPERATIVE. Sg. grip (du, ni) finn (du, ni) PI. gripom, lat(om)oss gripa finnom, lat(om) oss finna gripen (I) finnen (I) INFINITIVES. Present, gripa finna Perfect, ha gripit ha funnit Future, skola gripa skola finna EXERCISE XII. A. Change the present into imperfect in the following: 1. Min bror skriver ett brev till min far, som har farit till Amerika. 2. Jag bar brevet pa posten. 3. Han far svar (64, b) pa det. 4. Jag gar till stationen for att mb'ta min bror. 5. Han kommer pa besb'k hos oss. 6. Taget ankom- mer ej forran klockan sex, det ar forsenat. 7. Nar ban ser mig, stiger ban av taget. 8. Han ger sitt handbagage till en barare 1 och gar med mig. 9. Vi taga en droska och fara hem. 10. Den sjuke gossen ligger till sangs. 11. Han sover ganska gott. 12. Det ger honom krafter. 13. Karl ater for mycket. 14. Han blir sjuk, och vi maste tillkalla lakaren. 15. Vi ata frukten, som vi fa av Karl. 16. En haftig storm ntbryter. 17. Vagorna sla over skeppet. 18. Det sjunker pa oppna sjb'n. J In Stockholm called stadsbud (neuter). A porter in a hotel is called hotellvaktmastare. B. 1. Vi kommo ej till den lilla staden forran sent pa kvallen, ty vi voro forsenade. 2. Vart tag gick ej fort, och dessutom stannade det vid alia stationer. 3. Som (as) vi EXERCISE. 77 voro trotta, besago vi ej staden, utan gingo direkt till vart hotell, som lag nara stationen. 4. Vi sovo utmarkt hela natten, men maste stiga upp klockan sex for att fara vida- re. 5. Vi hade bett dem vacka oss i tid, men vaknade sja'l- va. 6. Nar vi hade atit frukost, begarde vi var rakning. 7. Den var ganska resonabel; vi betalade den samt gavo drickspengar. 8. Nar ni besb'ker staden X, bor (ought] ni ga till detta (this) hotell. Jag kan rekommendera det. C. Conversation. 1. Nar komma vi till Stockholm? 2. Hur manga minuter ar taget forsenat? 3. Tycker ni, att taget gar fort? 4. Hur manga minuter stannar taget vid Alvesta ? 5. Var ligger hotellet, dar ni brukar taga in? 6. Nar skall man va'cka oss i morgon? 7. Tror ni, att ni kan vakna sjalv? 8. Har ni sovit gott i natt, herr Arndt? 9. Ar rakningen for hog? D. I.I did not come to Vexio before ten o'clock in (pa) the evening. 2. The train which I was on did not run very fast, and I believe it stopped at all stations. 3. A friend of mine (en of mina vanner) had recommended a small hotel which lies near the station. 4. I gave my hand baggage to a porter and asked 1 him to show me the way to the hotel. 5. In the dining room of the hotel (gen. def.) I had 2 a good supper. 6. An hour later (scnare) I went to bed and slept well until six o'clock in (pa) the morning, when they (man) called 3 me. 7. I asked for the bill and found it very reasonable. 8. At this hotel one gives (invert) no tips. 9. It is not large but very good (bra), and I shall recommend it to all my (mina) friends who go (resa, fara) to Vexio. 10. Vexio is a pleasant little town. It is situated by (vid) a lake. 11. I did not have time to view the town for I arrived late (sent) and had to leave early in the morning. *To ask a question is fraga, to ask a favor is bedja. 2 Uae iHo, and invert. 'Use vdcka. 78 VOCABULARY. VOCABULARY. N. B. Of the strong verbs the following parts are given: the infinitive, the singular and plural of the imperfect, the supine, and the gender and neuter forms of the past par- ticiple, when found. ankomma, ankom, ankommo, ankommit, -en, -et, to ar- rive bedja, bad, bddo, bett, bedd, bett, to pray, to ask bega'ra, lib, to demand beta'la, I la, to pay bestf, besdg, besdgo, besett, besedd, -sett, to look at, view ett hotell', , hotel ligga, Mg, logo, legat, to lie, to be situated en matsal, -ar, dining room en natt, nutter, night ntira (adv. and prep.), near en post (in this sense no pi.), mail, post office rekommende'ra, I, to recom- mend bliva, blev, blevo, blivit, -en, -et, to become; to remain resona'bel, -t, reasonable en broder (bror), broder, en rdkning, -ar, bill brother se < s &9, Sa 9> sett > - dd > ~ ett > bdra, bar, buro, burit, -en, to see -et, to carry, to bear ett skepp, , ship en bdrare, , porter skriva, skrev, skrevo, skrivit, direkt', direct (ly) -en, -et, to write drickspengar (always pi.), tip, sjunka, sjonk, sjonko, sjunkit, tips en droska, -or, cab fara, for, foro, farit, -en, -et, to travel, to drive, to go fa, ftck, fingo, fdtt, to get, to receive forrdn (adv.), before forse'nad, -t, belated, late (train) giva (also ge), gav, gdvo, -en, -et, to sink sld, slog, slogo, slagit, -en, -et, strike sld over, to wash over sova, sov, sovo, sovit, to sleep en station', -er, station stiga, steg, stego, stigit, -en, -et, to step; to rise stiga upp', to rise, to get up givit (gett), -en, -et, to give en supe, supeer, supper gd, gick, gingo, gdtt, gdngen, taga, tog, togo, tagit, -en, -et, to -et, to go (run) take ett handbagage (-gash'; no tiU'kalla, I, to call (in) pi.), hand baggage ett tag, , train SUBJUNCTIVE. 79 ut'bryta, utbrot, utbroto, utbru-viicka (tr. v.), Ha, to wake tit, -en, -et, to break out Ufa, dt, dto, iitit, -en, -et, to eat vidare, further IDIOMS: 1. att bedja om en sale, to ask for a thing. 2. att Mra (lagga) pd posten, to mail. 3. Har posten Commit? Has the mail come? 4. Vad (ir Jclockan? What time is it? Klockan (ir sex. It is six o'clock. 5. att visa vagen, to show the way. LESSON XIII. THE SUBJUNCTIVE. REMARK. Note the tendency of substituting compound forms for the simple subjunctive. PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE. 158. The simple present subjunctive of all per- sons, except the archaic second person plural, is formed by adding -e to the stem. The archaic second person plural ends in -en. Much more common is the compound form with ma. NOTE. Verbs the infinitive of which ends in any other vowel than a lack the simple present subjunctive. These include all verbs of the Third Conjugation and a few others ; as, ga, to go ; std, to stand ; le, to smile ; etc. 159. Examples of the present subjunctive: att vara, to be; att alska, to love; att tro, to believe. ^} vare, . Imd vara, ?* matte vara Han] vi 1 vare, ni \ma vara, SINGULAR. r l ^ (ma alska, ^ matte alska, han] PLURAL. vi ] dlske, ni \ ma alska, f han v ni de } matte vara de } matte alska de tro tro [ T0 80 SUBJUNCTIVE. f varen, f dlsken, f m&n tro 1 4 man vara, 1 1 man alska, 1 1 matten { ro [ mdtten vara [ mdtten alska 160. IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE. (1) In verbs of the Fourth Conjugation the sim- ple imperfect subjunctive is formed by changing the ending -o of the plural of the imperfect indicative to -e (the archaic second person plural having the additional ending -n) . The vowel of both numbers of the imperfect subjunctive is thus the same as that of the plural of the imperfect indicative. NOTE. The singular of the imperfect indicative of the Fourth Conjugation is often used instead of the impf. subjunctive. (2) In the First, Second, and Third Conjugations the simple imperfect subjunctive is identical with the imperfect indicative. (3) Compound forms consisting of the imperfect of skall, skulle, are of very common occurrence. 161. Examples of the imperfect subjunctive of the verbs binda, to bind ; vara, to be ; alska, to love. INFINITIVE IMPERFECT SUPINE PAST PARTICIPLE SO. PL. binda band bundo bundit bunden, -et vara var voro varit alska alskade alskade dlskat dlskad, -at Sg. jag bunde, skulle binda, etc. PI. vi bunde, skulle binda, etc. Sg. jag vore, skulle vara, etc. PI. vi vore, skulle vara, etc. Sg. jag alskade, skulle alska, etc. PI. vi alskade, skulle alska, etc. SUBJUNCTIVE. 81 162. PERFECT AND PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE. (a) The perfect subjunctive is formed by com- bining the present or the imperfect of the auxiliary md with the perfect infinitive. (b) The pluperfect subjunctive is either identical with the indicative or formed by combining the im- perfect of skall, skulle, with the perfect infinitive. Examples of the perfect and pluperfect subjunc- tives of the verbs skriva and vara. PERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE. Sg. jag ma or matte ha jag ma or matte ha varit, skrivit, etc. etc. PL vi ma or matte ha vi ma or matte ha varit, skrivit, etc. etc. PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE. Sg. jag hade skrivit, or jag hade varit, or jag skulle ha skrivit jag skulle ha varit PI. vi hade skrivit, or vi hade varit, or vi skulle ha skrivit vi skulle ha varit USES OF THE SUBJUNCTIVE. 163. Classification of uses. The subjunctive which marks in general the absence of direct or positive assertion is used regularly in statements of doubtful reality; such as wish, request, purpose, concession, possibility. 164. SUBJUNCTIVE OF WISH. (a) A realizable wish is expressed by the simple present subjunctive, or by the compound form with md and matte, md implying greater and matte less confidence in the realization of the wish. 82 SUBJUNCTIVE. Ex. Give Gud dig hdlsa; also, ma or matte Gud giva dig hdlsa! May God give you health. Matte han vara hdr! Would he were here! Vi matte vdl komma i tid till tdget! I do wish we might come in time for the train. NOTE. The wish may sometimes have the force of a command : Gud sade : "Varde Ijus !" God said, "Let there be light." (b) A wish which refers to the present and which is not at least not immediately realizable is expressed by the simple imperfect subjunctive; a similar wish referring to the past, by the pluperfect subjunctive. Ex. Ack, om jag vore ung igen! Would I were young again ! 0, att han vore hdr! Would he were here ! Hade jag blott vingar! If I only had wings ! Hade jag blott haft en enda van! Had I only had a single friend! NOTE 1. The simple imperfect subjunctive may also express a very vivid wish referring to the future: Ack, om del snart vore vdr I O that spring were here! 2. Note the use of ack, om..., o, aft... with the sense of would (that) Closely related to the subjunctive of wish are the subjunctives of purpose and concession. 165. SUBJUNCTIVE OF PURPOSE. The compound subjunctive with ma and matte is used in clauses expressing purpose with the con- junctions att, pa det att, sa att, in order that. After a past tense the subjunctive with skulle may be used. Ex. Bed till Gud, att han ma (matte) beskydda oss, pray to God that he may protect us; han skyn- dade sig, sa att han skulle vara fdrdig, he hurried in order that he might be ready. EXERCISE. 83 NOTE 1. The compound subjunctive (sometimes the indicative) of fa, may (permission), and kunna, can (ability, possibilty), are often used in a purpose clause if permission or ability is implied: han bad barnen vara tysta, sa att han skulle fa sova, he asked the children to be quiet in order that he might sleep ; han studerade svenska flitigt, sa att han skulle kunna tala del flytande, he studied Swedish diligently in order that he might speak it fluently. 2. If the subject of the purpose clause ia the same as that of the principal clause the infinitive with for att (149, e) is used: herr Vallner or ej hemma. han har rest till Stockholm for att besoka sin sjuka bror, Mr. Vallner is not at home ; he has gone to Stockholm to visit his sick brother. 166. SUBJUNCTIVE OF CONCESSION. Concession is expressed by the subjunctive with ma (not matte) . Ex. : Det ma sa vara, that may be ; nu ma fienderna komma, now the enemy may come. NOTE. Note the concessive subjunctive in vare sig du vill eller ej, whether you wish or not ; vi skola ga, vare sig han kommer eller ej, we shall go whether he comes or not. The expression vare fig (let it be for itself) has practically become a conjunction meaning whether. 167. THE POTENTIAL SUBJUNCTIVE, or subjunc- tive of possibility, indicates merely the possibility that an action may occur, without any reference to its probability : kanhdnda vore det sa gott att borja arbetet med detsamma, perhaps it would be well to begin the work immediately ; med din hjalp formad- de jag nog go'ra det, with your help, I should be able to do it, no doubt ; det kunde vara sant, it might be true. NOTE. Absolute possibility is denoted by kan (sometimes ma). See Senses of Modals (255, b). Ex.: det kan vara sant, it may possibly be true; a very vivid probability is denoted by matte: det matte vara mamma, som kommer ; it must be mother who comes. EXERCISE XIII. A. 1. Nagon knackar pa db'rren; det matte 1 vara brev- bararen, ty han kommer alltid vid derma tid. 2. Jag 6ns- kar, att det vore han och att han hade med sig en postanvis- ning hemifran, sa att jag kunde 2 betala min inackordering 84 EXERCISE. och min skolavgift. 3. Vore 3 man bara rik och ej en fat- tig studerande! 4. Nej, det ar inte brevbararen, utan ett telegrambud. 5. Matte 4 de ej vara sjuka dar hemma! 6. Vem skulle 5 ha trott det! Min bror Kobert, som reste till Brasilien for att gb'ra 6 sin lycka, bar kommit tillbaka, och nu onska mina foraldrar, att jag matte 4 resa hem pa ett par dagar. 7. Ack, om jag bara kande 7 nagon, som ville lana mig hundra kroner, sa. att jag kunde 2 resa med detsamma. 8. Vore 1 det ej battre, att du sande dem ett telegram och bade dem- om pengar ? 9. Jag skulle sa garna vilja lana dig, nien jag bar tyvarr inga. 10. Har kommer brevbararen med ett rekommenderat brev. Matte 4 det bara innehalla nog pengar, sa att jag ma 2 kunna betala mina skulder och resa hem. ne?, note. ! 165, 1. r 164, b, 1. 4 164, a. B 167. 165, 2. T 164 b, 2. B. Conversation. 1. Vem tror ni det ar, som knackar pa dorren? 2. Varfor formodar (suppose) ni, att det ar brevbararen? 3. Vad b'nskar ni, att ban medforde (brought along) ? 4. Varfor ville 1 ni garna ha en postanvisning hem- if ran ? 5. Vad ville ni hellre vara an en f attig studerande ? 6. Vad nyheter (news) innehb'll telegrammet? 7. Varfor hade er bror rest till Brasilien ? 8. Vad ville era foraldrar, att ni skulle gora ? 9. Varfor kunde ni icke resa med det- samma? 10. Vad tjanst hade er kamrat gjort er, om ban hade haft pengar? 1 Impf. subjunctive (like the indicative) ; vilja giirna, to like. C. 1. Somebody must be knocking at the door. Would you go and open? 2. I wish it were (164, b, 1) the post- man, for I expect a money order or a registered letter from home. 3. Only a common letter! I wish that it might contain 1 money, for I am entirely without (any). 4. If my parents would only send 2 me some money soon so that I could pay (A, 2) my debts. I owe both for board and VOCABULARY. 85 tuition. 5. Who would (skulle) have believed that he would return so soon. 6. Father (min far) writes that brother Robert has returned from Brazil in order to cele- brate (165, 2) Christmas at home. 7. Mother wishes that I too might come (164, a) home, and they promise that they will send money in a few days (om ndgra dagar). D. 1. Let us study diligently so that our teacher may praise (165) us. 2. Let us hope that it may not rain 3 , for we have no umbrellas. 3. The old woman asked me to give her something 4 . 4. I did so and she said, "May God bless the good gentleman." 5. The children eat breakfast very early that they may be in school on time (i tid). 6. Be quiet, children, so that your poor father may sleep (far sow, 165, 1). 7. We wish that he might come (164, a) ; but whether (166, note) he comes or not, we shall go. 8. If we had only not gone out! But who could believe that he would (skutte) come. 9. Their father required (fordrade) that they come 5 home early. But he may (ma, kan) say what he will, they do not obey. 10. What he says might (167) be true. Would that what he says were (164, b, 2) true. 1 Use the impf. subjunctive of innehalla (164, b, 1). 2 0m minaforaldrar bara ville, etc. *Pres. indie, may be used, translate two ways: literally and "asked that I", etc. 5 After a verb of command Swedish often uses the modal auxiliary skola with the pres. inf. (not to be confused with skoltt in its use as an auxiliary of the future). VOCABULARY. alldeles, altogether, entirely en brevbdrare, , -arna (def. bara, only pi.) letter carrier befal'la, lib, to order, to com- darhemma, at home mand fattig, -t, poor beromma, lib, impf. beromde fira, I, to celebrate (see 103,- note 3), to Jiemifrdn, from home praise en herre, -ar, gentleman 86 IRREGULAR VERBS. hoppas, I, (deponent v.), to rekommende'rad, -rat, regis- hope tered en in'ackorde'ring, -ar, board , , , en skolavgift, -er, tuition and room (or board on- , . . , en skuld, -er, debt; guilt ly) ' boarder > -L.31T*. skyldig, -t, in debt; guilty tn'neMlla, -holl, -hollo, -halht, , . vara skyldig, to owe -en, -et, to contain . , m._t_i stackers (indeclinable), poor en jul, -ar, Christmas (in the sense of pitiable) komma, kom, kommo, kom- mit, -en, -et, to come. en studerande. , a student iova, I, to promise ett telegram', , telegram en lycka (no pi.), fortune, ett telegrambud, , telegraph happiness messenger lyda, lib, to obey en ^ ^ time med detsamma, immediately ,f ear i y nog, enough; I am sure; cer- tjug certainly tyst, , quiet, silent ndgon, some (one), pi. nagra, utan (ady prep ^ and CQnj }> some, any, a few butj without ocksd, also en postanvisning, -ar, postal vanlig, -t, common, usual money order valsigna, I, to bless IDIOM: Det ar nog han som kommer, it is very likely he that is coming. LESSON XIV. The Verb (Continued). IRREGULARITIES OF VERBS. 168. Some verbs of the second class of the Second Conjugation which are derived from other words by means of the suffix -ja drop j in the imperfect, supine, and past participle in which forms the cor- responding hard vowel generally reappears. The most common of these verbs are: INFINITIVE IRREGULAR VERBS. 8? PRESENT IMPERFECT SUPINE P. PART. gladja, to gladden gldder : gladde glatt gladd 2 salja, to sell saljer salde salt said skilja, to separate skiljer skilde skilt skild smorja, to grease, oil smorjer smorde smort smord sporja, to ask, learn sporjer sporde sport spord vdlja, to choose, elect vdljer valde valt vald vanja, to accustom vanjer vande vant vand ^lur. gladja. "The neuter is glatt, ST.lt, skilt, etc. (Ill, 3). 169. Such a change of vowel occurs also in the following very common verbs : INFINITIVE bringa, to bring gb'ra, to do Idgga, to lay saga, 2 to say sdtta, to set, put toras, to dare PRESENT IMPERFECT SUPINE P. PAET. bringar bragte bragt bragt ] gor gjorde gjort gjord lagger lade lagt lagd sdger sade sagt sagd sdtter satte satt satt tor(e)s tordes torts 1 The neuter is bragt, lagt, satt, etc., (Ill, 3). 2 Commonly pronounced sdja. 170. There are besides a small number of verbs which are entirely irregular. The most important of these are: INFINITIVE bedja, to ask, pray do, to die fd, to get, receive gd, to go komma, to come heta, to be called le, smile leva, to live ligga, to lie se, to see sZ<$, to strike PRESENT IMPERFECT SUPINE P. PART. su. bcder, ber bad dor dog far fick gdr gick kommer kom heter hette ler log lever levde ligger Idg ser sag sldr slog n, bddo dogo fingo gingo kommo hette logo levde Idgo sdgo slogo bett dott fdtt gdtt kommit hetat left levat legal sett slagit bedd [fdngen * fddd, 1 gdngen kommen ledd 1 levad 1 legad 1 sedd 2 slage* 88 UNREAL CONDITIONS. INFINITIVE PRESENT IMPERFECT SUPI sa. PL. sova, to sleep sover sov sovo sovit std, to stand stdr stod stodo stdtt tiga, to be silent tiger teg tego tegat veta, to know vet visste visste vetat P. PART. stddd 1 Only in compounds. 'The neuter is sett, belt, fanget (111, 2, 3). UNREAL CONDITIONS. 171. (a) In a conditional sentence where both the condition and the conclusion are contrary to fact the verbs of both clauses are put in the subjunc- tive. The imperfect subjunctive is used when the statement refers to the present, the pluperfect when it refers to the past. Ex. Om han vore hdr, skulle han ge mig rdtt, if he were here, he would agree with me; om han hade varit sparsam, sa hade han ej varit fattig, if he had been economical he would not have been poor. (b) In the conclusion the subjunctive forms with skulle are very often used, this usage corresponding exactly to the English usage of should and would (skulle translates both) . Ex. Jag skulle tro honom, om han.sade det, I should believe him, if he said it; jag skulle ha kopt huset, om jag hade haft pengar, I should have bought the house if I had had money. NOTE 1. If om is omitted, the conditional clause has the inverted order : hade jag pengar, sa vore jag glad, if I had money, I should be glad. 2. If the conclusion follows it is frequently introduced by so (translated by then or left untranslated). 3. The compound conjunction som om, as if, very often introduces an unreal or uncertain condition. If om is omitted, the clause must have the inverted order: Aon. talar, som om han skulle vara rik, or, som skulle han vara rik. EXERCISE. 81) EXERCISE XIV. A. Complete the following by adding a clause express- ing condition or conclusion. 1. Hade jag black och penna, sa . . . 2. Om ban hade tid, sa . . . 3. Om jag inte vore sa trott, sa . . . 4. Om hon icke vore f orkyld, sa . . . 5. Det skulle vara mycket trevligt, om . . . 6. Regnar det i morgon, sa . . . 7. De bade garna gatt med oss, om . . . 8. Jag skulle ha rest till Stockholm, om . . . B. 1. Skulle ni gora en resa till Sverige, om ni hade tillfalle? 2. Det skulle jag visst gora! Om min bror ej hade blivit sjuk sa hastigt, hade jag rest for en manad se- dan. 3. Om jag visste, att ban snart skulle bli bra, sa skulle jag losa biljett mi. 4. Senare blir det svart att fa en, ty batarna aro sa upptagna pa sommaren. 5. Vart liar Karl gatt? Han bar gatt for att kopa morgontidningen, som du bad om. 6. Jag bar en nyhet, som sakert skall gladja dig. Jag sag var gamle van Agrell pa gatan i mor- se. 7. Han hade just anlant med londonangaren och sade, att ban skulle balsa pa 1 hos dig i dag, om ban finge tid. 8. Han talade, som om ban hade gjort goda affarer i Eng- land och fortjant mycket pengar. 9. Vet du om herr An- derson bar salt sin lilla villa vid Djursholm ? 10. Ja, han salde den i gar och rick mer, an han hade betalt for den. 11. Om han ej hade salt den, sa skulle jag ha hyrt den for sommaren. 12. Hade Karl onskat det, sa hade man sakert valt honom till ordforande i foreningen. 13. Vein valde man i stallet? Det 2 vet jag ej, men Karl sade, att han skulle fb'resla herr Lindell. ^H'dlsa pa with main stress on pa, signifies to pay a visit, with stress on hatsa it means to greet. 2 Notice word order, det tror jag ej ; det generally comea first in expressions of this kind. C. Conversation. 1. Vad skulle ni gora, om ni hade till- falle? 2. Varfor reste ni ej for en manad sedan? 3. Var- Swedish Grammar. 7 90 EXERCISE. for skulle det vara fordelaktigt (advantageous) att losa biljett nu? 4. Nar aro batarna mest upptagna? 5. Vad vill du, att Karl skall gora for dig? 6. Var har du lagt tid- ningen ? 7. Vad har var van Anderson gjort med sin prak- tiga (fine) villa vid Djursholm? 8. Bor ban ej pa landet om somrarna langre? 9. Yad skulle du ha gjort, om ban ej hade salt den? 10. Varfor valde man ej Karl till ord- forande i klubben? 11. Hade man valt honom, om ban hade b'nskat det? D. 1. I should like 1 to take a trip (B, 1) to Sweden next summer. 2. If I had money and time I should cer- tainly go with you. 3. Would it not be fine (trevligt), if you could accompany me? 4. You could not choose a better (bdttre) occasion. 5. I should do it if I could only sell my house. 6. We should also of course visit Germany and England. 7. I think you would enjoy yourself very much in Stockholm. 8. My wife does not dare to go along ; she is afraid of 2 the passage. 9. I never get (bJir) sea-sick; I have grown accustomed 3 to (vid) the sea. 10. Have you heard whether Mr. Anderson will go 4 ? 11. He would have gone a month ago, if he had gotten a ticket. 12. Why did he not get a ticket? The boats were all full, I think (tror jag). 13. The news, which you brought me about Agrell made me very happy. 14. I thought that he had died long ago. 15. We used to be very good friends and I was sure (saker pa) that he would have written me, had he been alive 5 . 16. He has been in England ever (anda) since he left Stockholm, but now it looks as if he intended to stay in Sweden. 17. I am glad to hear that. I wish he would call so that we might have a chat. *Skvlle garna or skulle tycka om att. *To be afraid of- att vara radd for. 3 To grow accustomed att vanja sig vid; accustomed to, van vid. 'English go must often be translated by resa, fara, Ska. 5 Use the pluperfect subjunctive of leva. VOCABULARY. 91 VOCABULARY. en affar, -er, business arilanda, lib, -nde, -nt, -nd, -nt, to arrive ett black, , ink bruka, I, to use, make use of folja, lib, to follow folja med', to accompany en fore'ning, -ar, society fo'resld, -slog, -slogo, -slagit, -en, -et, to propose fortja'na, I, to earn, make (money) en gata, -or, street glcidja (168), to gladden, make happy hastig, -t, rapid, quick, sudden hastigt (adv.), rapidly, sud- denly hyra, lib, rent, hire i morse, this morning just (adv.), just en londondngare, -arna, Lon- don steamer med (prep, and adv.), with, along en mor'gontid'ning, -ar, a morning paper en mdnad, -er, month en nyhet, -er, news en ord'forande, , chairman en penna, -or, pen rtidd (no neuter), afraid, timid sjosjuk, -t, sea-sick i stdllet, in the place of svdr, -t, difficult sdker, -t, sure, certain helt sdkert, certainly ett tillfdlle, -n, chance, oppor- tunity; occasion trevlig, -t, pleasant, fine upptagen, -et, occupied, full visst (adv.), surely, certainly an, yet, than en overresa, -or, voyage, pas- sage IDIOMS: 1. Han har nyss kommit, he has just come 2. att ha mycket roligt, to enjoy oneself very much. 3. Det gldder mig, I am happy (or pleased) 4. Man har valt honom till president, he has been elected president 5. Han ar rddd for spoken, he is afraid of ghosts. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES AND PRONOUNS. LESSON XV. The Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns. 172. The possessive adjectives and pronouns are : SINGULAR MASC. FEM. NEUTER ram din (hans) (hennes) (dess) var eder (er) (deras) sin . mitt ditt (hans) (hennes) (dess) vdrt edert (ert) (deras) sitt PLURAL ALL GENDERS mina, my dina, thy, your (hans) , his (hennes), her (dess), its (gen. of den, det) vara, our . edra (era), your (deras), their sina, his, her, its, their 173. The genitive of the corresponding personal pronoun is used as a possessive in the third person masculine, feminine, and neuter. These forms are invariable. The other possessives are declined ac- cording to the Indefinite Declension of adjectives and agree in gender and number with the noun they modify. Ex. : ram son, my son ; mitt barn, my child ; mina backer, my books; hennes son, her son; hans backer, his books. 174. The reflexive possessive sin is used, for all numbers and genders of the third person but must be used only when the possessor is the subject of the verb ; as, Karl tog sin hatt, Carl took his (own) hat; but, Karl tog hans hatt, would mean that he took somebody else's hat. Gossarna visade sina lek- saker, the boys showed their (own) toys; gossarna visade deras leksaker, the boys showed the toys of some other children. POSITIONS OF ADVKKBS. 93 175. The possessives are used also as pronouns; as, hdr dr ram bok, din ligger ddr, here is my book, yours lies there; mina ogon tiro bid, era tiro bruna, my eyes are blue, yours are brown. FURTHER REMARKS ON THE POSSESSIVE. 176. The possessives are often combined with the adjective egen, eget, pi. egna, own; as, mina egna ord, my own words. 177. They are never preceded by the article except in such expressions as : de dina, your family, people; de mina, my family, people; de vdra, our family or our party. 178. SUBSTITUTE FOR THE POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES. The definite form is often used instead of the pos- sessive adjective, provided there is no ambiguity, particularly when the thing possessed is a part of the body or an article of clothing; as, han har fb'r- lorat hatten, he has lost his hat ; jag har ont i hjar- tat, 1 have a pain in my heart. NOTE. The possessor especially in reflexive constructions is often represented by an object pronoun : han brot av sig benet, he broke his leg 1 ; tag av dig hatten, take off your hat ; han foil och slog sig i huvudet, he fell and struck his head. POSITION OF ADVERBS. 179. The position of the adverb in a sentence depends largely on its relation to the verb and also on emphasis. Only a few special rules need be given. (a) There are in Swedish a number of adverbs which are called movable adverbs. In an independ- ent clause these follow the simple verb and stand between the auxiliary and infinitive or participle 94 EXERCISI:. in compound tenses. In a dependent clause these adverbs precede the simple verb and the auxiliary of a compound verb. Such movable adverbs are especially the adverbs of negation: ej, Icke, inte, not; aldrig, never; certain indefinite temporal ad- verbs, as, alltid, always; jdmt, continually; snart, soon; ndgonsin, ever; a number of other non- descriptive adverbs like vdl, I suppose; nog, possi- bly, to be sure ; tyvtirr, unfortunately. Ex. : han dr icke sjuk, he is not sick ; han sager, att han icke dr sjuk, he says he is not sick ; hans bror reste snart till Amerika, his brother soon went to America; hans bror, som snart reste till Amerika, his brother, who soon went to America ; han kan nog ha rdtt, he may possibly be right; jag medger, att han nog kan ha rdtt, I admit, that he may possibly be right. (b) Descriptive adverbs as a rule follow the in- finitive or the participle when the verb is a com- pound. No adverbs except those mentioned above can stand between the verb and the subject: he often used to come is in Swedish, han brukade ofta komma. EXERCISE XV. A. Turn ihe following sentences into dependent clauses by prefixing the parenthesized words, noting the change of position of the adverbs. 1. (Han sager, att . . .) Han har aldrig satt vete pa sin aker. 2. (Jag tror, att . . . ) De amna inte annu plantera sin potatis. 3. (Lantbrukaren sade, att . . . ) Man maste forst uppluckra jorden med en harv. innan man kan sa. 4. (Jag ar saker pa att . . . ) Vetet kan aldrig vaxa utan regn och solsken. 5. (Sager ni, att . . . ?) Ni skola sakert EXERCISE, 95 plantera er potatis och er majs nasta vecka. 6. (Vet ni om . . . ?) De skola snart sa sin havre. 7. (Jag fruktar, att . . . ) Det daliga vadret kommer mojligen att forhindra arbetet pa falten. B. Supply the possessive adjectives and pronouns indi- cated in the following. 1. Har ar . . . (our) hus, dar ar ... (his). 2. Herr Wallin ar en av ... (my) vanner. 3. Fonstren till . . . (her) rum aro stora. 4. Huru manga rum har . . . (your) hus? 5. Karl har givit mig . . . (his) 1 pengar. 6. Ha barnen fatt . . . (their) 1 laxor an? 7. Pas- sa . . . (your) skor? 8. ... (his) rock passar honom. 9. Jag har funnit . . . (my) bocker. 10. Var aro . . . (yours, polite). 11. ... (their) faders tradgard ar stor, men . . . (his) hus ar mycket litet. 12. Han tycker om . . . (our) matsal, men ej om . . . (his own) 1 . 13. De ha lagt 2 . . . (my) bocker pa ... (their) 1 bord (sing). 1 174. 2 Supine of lagga, to lay (169). C. 1. I morgon om vadret ar vackert, skola vi foretaga var utflykt. 2. Mamma skall packa vara korgar i kvall, pa det att (3d att and subj. or indie.) de ma vara fardiga tidigt i morgon. 3. Hennes syster, som ar pa besb'k 1 i vart hem med sin lilla 2 dotter, skall folja med oss. 4. Vi tycka mycket om deras sallskap och onska, att de matte stanna lange hos oss. 5. Vi skola stiga upp mycket tidigt och fara med den elektriska sparvagnen till jarnvagsstationen. 6. Na'r vi komma dit, gar en av oss till biljettkontoret och koper vara jarnvagsbiljetter, och sedan stiga vi pa taget. 7. Efter en halv timmes resa stiga vi av och ga till en vacker plats i skogen. Var och en bar sitt paket eller sin korg. 8. Dar packa vi upp vara korgar och duka pa graset, medan en av edra systrar kokar kaffet. 9. Nar vi atit och druckit, springa vi omkring och leka. 10. Flickorna ploc- 96 EXERCISE. ka blommor och pry da med dem sina 3 hattar. 11. Pa kval- len taga vi taget tillbaka till staden. 12. Matte det bara ej regna i morgon! 13. Min bror Erik klader (klar) sig. 14. Han tvattar sig om handerna 4 och i ansiktet, borstar tanderna samt kammar haret. 15. Sedan tar ban pa sig rocken, satter pa sig batten och ar fardig att ga ut. *Is visiting. 2 Plural and definite form of liten. 'Express the possessive idea in a different way (178). 4 Also, tvattar handerna och ansiktet. D. Conversation. 1. Nar gora ni er utflykt ? 2. Varfor packade er mor edra korgar pa kvallen? 3. Vem var pa besb'k hos er? 4. Behagar deras sallskap er? 5. Hur komma ni till stationen? 6. Ar det en hastsparvagn eller en elektrisk sparvagn? 7. Varfor gar ni till biljettkonto- ret? 8. Hur lange racker resan? 9. Tad gora ni med korgarna? 10. Vad gora ni efter maten? 11. Varmed pryda flickorna sina hattar? E. I.I wish that all our picnics might be as (sd) agree- able as (som) ours was yesterday. 2. The weather was not very pleasant when we woke up, but the sun soon 1 began to shine. 3. Mother had packed our baskets 'in (pa) the evening in order that they might be ready early in the morning 2 . 4. Her sister who is on a visit with (hos) us likes to go on (med pa) excursions. 5. We took the street car to the station since we had much to carry. 6. When we had bought our tickets we boarded (invert) the train and rode (for) half an hour (en lialv timma). 7. We un- packed our baskets in the woods and set the table in the grass. 8. Who made the coffee? My sister Mary. She makes (kokar) very good coffee. 9. When we had eaten we had a great deal of fun (mycket roligt), we played games and sang. 10. In the evening we returned to the city by train. 11. I wish that you had been with us. VOCABULARY. F. 1. Wash 3 your hands and brush your teeth, Eric. 2. Put on your coat and ^at. Carl, and let us go out. 3. Where do you have your hat? 4. Does he have his own (176) hat or mine? 5. Take off your (178, note) hat when you come into the room. 6. Eric struck Carl in the head. 7. Carl struck his head while ( medan) he was skating. J In English adverbs may often precede the simple form of a verb, in Swedish never, except as stated in 179, a. z lidigt pa morgonen; sent pa kvdllen, late in the evening. 3 Tviitta dig om handerna (B, 14). VOCABULARY. ett ansikte, -n, face ett besok, , visit en biljett', -er, ticket ett biljett'kontor', , ticket office borsta, I, to brush driclca, dracJc, drucJco, druc- kit, -en, -et, to drink dnka, I, to set the table elektrisk, -t, electric fara tillbaka, to return finna, fann, funno, funnit, -en, -et, to find fardig, -t, ready folja, lib, to follow folia med', to accompany (ett) gras, , grass en hand, hander, hand en hatt, -ar, hat ett hdr, , hair (ett) kaffe (generally no pi.) coffee kamma, I, to comb koka, I, to cook (to make), to boil en korg, -ar, basket leka, I la, to play en mamma, -or, mother mamma (in address), mama omkring (adv. and prep.) about, around packa, I, to pack packa upp', to unpack en plats, -er, place passa, I, to fit, to suit pryda, lib, to adorn en rock, -ar, coat ett rum, , room sedan, thereupon, then sjunga, sjo'ng, sjo'ngo, sjungit, -en, -et, to sing sld, slog, slogo, slagit, -en, -et, to strike snart, soon en skog, -ar, forest, woods springa, sprang, sprungo, sprungit, -en, -et, to run ett sallskap, , company satta, satte, satte, satt, satt, to put en tand, tander, tooth tidig, -t, early tvatta, I, to wash en utflykt, -er, excursion 98 PASSIVE. IDIOMS: 1. Vi hade mycket roligt, we enjoyed ourselves very much. 2. att tvatta sig om hdnderna, i ansiktet to wash one's hands, face. 3. att stiga pa (av) tdget, to get on (off) the train. 5. att koka kaffe, to mafce coffee. LESSON XVI. The Verb (Continued). THE PASSIVE. 180. The passive is formed from the active either by adding s to the corresponding form of the active, or by combining the corresponding tense of the auxiliary bliva (sometimes vara and varda) with the perfect participle of the verb. THE PASSIVE IN -S. 181. This passive is less common in conversation than that formed by means of the auxiliary verb bliva, for which see 188. This -s is a remnant of the reflexive pronoun sig (old form sik) extended by analogy to the first and second persons. NOTE 1. The r in the present indicative singular endings -or, -er, -r is al- ways eliminated and quite often the e in the ending 1 -er ; as, active jag kailar, passive jag kallas, I am called ; active jag griper, passive jag gripes, I am seized ; del finnes or del finns, there is found or there is. 2. The pres. ind. pi. (with the exception of the arnhaic second person in -en*) of the Second and Fourth Conjugations ends in -as (.s is added" to the corresponding active form) and not in -es, an error to which beginners are liable: mdnniskor finnas, there are. (are found) men. 3. In the compound forms s is added to the supine or infinitive: han har dodats, he has been killed ; rdgen skall sas (from *d) t morgon, the rye will be sown to-morrow. 182. Examples of the passive of the verbs att kalla, to call ; att gripa, to seize ; att binda, to bind. PASSIVE. 99 (I) kallas, to be called. INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE PRESENT Sg. jag kallas, etc. jag kalles or ma kallas, etc. PL vi kallas, etc. vi kalles or ma kallas, etc. IMPERFECT Sg. jag kallades, etc. jag kallades or matte, skulle kallas, etc. PI. vi kallades, etc. vi kallades or matte, skulle kallas, etc. FUTURE Sg. jag skall kallas PL vi skola kallas Sg. jag har kallats, etc. jag ma ha kallats, etc. PI. vi ha kallats, etc. vi ma ha kallats, etc. PLUPERFECT Sg. jag hade kallats, etc. jag hade kallats or matte ha kallats, etc. PI. vi hade kallats, etc. vi hade kallats, or matte ha kallats, etc. FUTURE PERFECT Sg. jag skall ha kallats, etc. PI. vi skola ha kallats, etc. INFINITIVES Present, att kallas Perfect, att ha kallats Future, att skola kallas (2) gripas, to be seized bindas, to be bound PRINCIPAL PARTS g*-ipa, grep, grepo, gripit, binda, band, bundo, gripen bun-dit, bunden 100 PASSIVE. INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE PRESENT Sg. jag gripes, bindes jag gripes, bindes PI. vi gripas, bindas vi gripes, bindes IMPERFECT Sg. jag greps, bands jag grepes, bundes PI. vi grepos, bundos vi grepes, bundes The compound forms are conjugated like kalla; thus, jag ma bindas, matte bindas; vi matte ha bundits; vi skola bindas; de ha gripits, etc. NOTE. In verbs with present in -er e is very often eliminated in conversa- tion ; thus jag grips, I am seized ; jag hijrs, I am heard. REMARKS ON THE PASSIVE. 183. The agent of a passive action is expressed by the preposition av. The agent may be either personal or impersonal. Instrument is usually expressed by med (medelst) : han dodades av sin fiende med ett svdrd, he was killed by his enemy with a sword. 184. SUBSTITUTE FOR THE PASSIVE. When some personal agent is implied but not expressed, Swe- dish prefers the indefinite pronoun man, one, they, with the active voice; as, man kallar mig, instead of jag kallas, I am being called; man sager or det sages, it is said. NOTE. Sometimes a reflexive construction is employed ; thus, blyet bojer sig Idtt (blyet bojes latt), lead is easily bent (can easily be bent). This con- struction generally conveys an idea of possibility. 185. THE APPARENT OR FALSE PASSIVE. Since English uses the verb to be and the past participle to represent the subject both as under- going the action of the verb, as in the door is shut PASSIVE. 101 (is being shut), which is a real passive, and also as being in the state or condition resulting from the action, as in the door is shut (has been shut before), which may be called a false passive, great care must be taken to distinguish between the true passive and the apparent or false passive. The latter is expressed in Swedish by vara, to be, and the past participle of the verb, which as any other adjective agrees with the subject in number and gender; as, dorr en ar stdngd, the door is (in the state of being) shut; do'rren stdnges, or man stdnger do'rren, the door is being closed. 186. IDIOMATIC MEANINGS OF THE PASSIVE. (a) The passive in -s has very often a reciprocal meaning. Ex. : de motas ofta, they meet one another often (literally, they are met often) ; barnen klap- pas och kyssas, the children caress and kiss one another (literally, are caressed, etc.). (b) Sometimes it is used absolutely, denoting habit, characteristics, etc. Ex.: Hasten bits (pro- nounced with short i) , the horse bites (has the habit of biting) ; pappa, Karl knuffas, papa, Carl is push- ing me. XOTE 1. It is best to avoid using the -s form of a verb which is often used in the reciprocal or even absolute sense when it is not accompanied by an agent or other modifier which obviates the ambiguity ; de knvffades can hardly mean anything else than they pushed one another, (reciprocal) or, they pushed (absolute); on the contrary, de knuffades. . .av honom, or, ...at sidan, they were pushed... by him, or... to the side, have passive force. In the first case \ve would invariably say, de blevo knuffade. (The teacher should give other examples.) 2. When used in the absolute sense verbs of the Second and Fourth Conjuga- tions take -s, not -es (181, 1) ; there is also a shortening of the vowel: katten rivs (pronounced with short t), the cat scratches ; rives would mean t* being torn. The passive in its true as well as its reciprocal use generally takes -es nd there is no shortening of the vowel. ] 02 EXERCISE. 187. IMPERSONAL PASSIVE. The passive voice, especially the form in -s, is often used impersonally. Even intransitive verbs that lack personal passive forms may thus be used: det tolas for mycket har, there is too much talking here; det har inte spelats i dag, there has been no playing to-day; har dies och soves jamt, here they eat and sleep all the time. NOTE 1. Man with the active would be less stiff in such cases. 2. Note such impersonal passive expressions as, det har berdttats mig, I have been told. EXERCISE XVI. A. Continue through all persons of the singular and plural. I. Man tackar mig, man tackar dig, etc. (I am being ihanked, etc., pres., impf., and perf.) 2. Man kallar mig, etc. (I am being called, etc., pres., future, and pluperf.). Turn the following sentences into the passive form. 3. Har ban salt huset 1 ? 4. Den store forfattaren von Heidenstam boll ett tal den forsta maj. 5. Jag har betalt rakningen. 6. Yem skall mota honom vid stationen? 7. En hund bet mig i benet. 8. En poliskonstapel skot hunden med en revolver. 9. Man arresterade agaren till hunden (also hundens agare). 10. Ratten (the court] botfallde (fined) honom. Turn into the active with man as subject : II. Skall huset 2 saljas? 12. Har ban valts till ordfo- rande? 13. Dansades det bar i gar? lP The subject in the active becomes the agent in the passive (183). *The subject becomes object ; for construction with man, see 184. B. 1. Detta ar ett vetebrods historia. 2. Pa bosten plojer bonden en del av sin aker och sar vetet ; detta kallas EXERCISE. 103 vintervete. 3. Medan vadret annu ar varmt, gror vetet. 4. Da vintern kommer med kold och sno, slutar vetet att vaxa. 5. Om den unga brodden ej tacktes med sno, sa skulle den frysa bort, men snb'n skyddar den mot kolden. 6. Pa varen, nar snon har smalts av solstralarna, borjar vetet att vaxa, och pa sommaren mognar det. 7. Da av- meja bb'nderna det och kora det till logen, dar det troskas. 8. Nar vetet har trb'skats, kb'res det till kvarnen, och dar males det till mjb'l, som sedan av bagaren forvandlas till brod. C. 1. Vill du ha en skiva av detta vetebrbd till ditt kaffe, Erik? 2. Nej, giv mig hellre en skiva av ragbrb'det, sa ar pappa snail. 3. Det har legat pa bordet sedan i gar och ar torrt. 4. Brodet ar ej sa gott, som det brukar vara, denna gang har Anna ej lyckats riktigt. D. Conversation. 1. Vad gor bonden pa hb'sten? 2. Plo- jer han hela sin aker? 3. Varfor gror vetet pa hosten? 4. Nar mognar vetet? 5. Vad tjanst (service) gor snon det unga vetet? 6. Vid vilken arstid borjar brodden ater att vaxa ? 7. Av vem har vetet avmejats ? 8. Vart forslar man vetet? 9. Yad gor man med det dar? 10. Till vem skall vetet saljas? 11. A r ad gor han med det? 12. Av vilket brod vill ni ha en skiva ? E. 1. The field has been plowed by the farmer. 2. I do not believe that the wheat has been sowed yet. 3. What is the wheat called that is sowed in the fall? 4. It is called winter wheat and it is regarded as (som) the best (Msta). 5. This wheat sprouts in the fall before (innan) the winter comes. 6. It is protected by the snow, which covers it; otherwise it would 1 be damaged by the frost. 7. It begins to grow again 2 in the spring and ripens in the summer. 8. The farmer savs that the wheat will be cut to-morrow 104 VOCABULARY. and he hopes that the weather will be (use pres.) fine. 9. The wheat which was threshed yesterday has been hauled to the flour mill to-day. 10. It has been bought by the miller, who will grind it to flour, which he will sell to the baker. F. 1. Is there any (nagot) bread in the house? I am so hungry. 2. Yes, there is (har ar) a loaf of white bread here, but it is dry. 3. This (delta) bread is excellent. Sister Anne has had good luck with (lyckats med) her bread this (dennd) time. 'Use skullc and invert. "Ater directly after main verb. NOTE. When the next lesson has been mastered, go back and substitute the passive with bliva wherever it is possible. VOCABULARY. anse, ansdg, -sago -sett, -sedd, en loge 1 , -ar, threshing floor, granary mala, lib, to grind (ett) mjol (no pi.), flour en mjolnare, , miller mogna, I, to ripen mot, against -it, to regard annars, otherwise arreste'ra. I, to arrest av'meja, I, to cut baka, I, to bake ett ben, , bone, leg bita, bet, beto, bitit, -en, -et, to bite en brodd, sprout frysa bort', fros bort, froso , en revolver, -rar, revolver frusit , bortfrusen, -et, en skiva, -or, slice plo'ja, lib, to plow en polis'konstapel, -lar, police- man to be killed by frost forste, -a, first forvandla, I, to transform gro, III, to sprout hellre, rather en hund, -ar, dog en host, -ar, fall en kvarn, -ar, flour mill (en) kold (no pi.) cold, frost ko'ra, lib, to drive, to haul skjuta, skot, skoto, skjutit, skjuten, -et, to shoot skydda, I, to protect sluta, I, to stop, close (also slot, sloto, slutit) (en) sno, snow smalta. Ha, or IV, to melt en solstrdle, -ar, sunbeam sa, III, to sow, to plant torr, -t, dry PASSIVE. 105 troska, I, to thresh en vAr, -ar, spring (ett) vete, wheat dter, again en vinter, -rar, winter en agare, , owner 1 g is hard in loge (g, k and sk are always hard before a soft vowel in an unaccented ending 1 .) LESSON XVII. The Verb (Continued) PASSIVE WITH AUXILIARIES. 188. The passive voice can also be formed by combining the corresponding tense of the auxiliary verb bliva (bli), to become (also, lo remain), with the past participle (not the supine) of the verb, which agrees in number and gender with the sub- ject. Occasionally the verbs varda, to become, and vara, to be, are used as auxiliaries. 189. Passive of the verbs tro, to believe; binda, to bind : INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE PRESENT Sg. jag blir trodd, bunden jag blive trodd, bunden vi bli(va) trodda, vi blive trodda, bundna bundna IMPERFECT Sg. jag blev trodd, bun- jag bleve trodd, bunden den PI. vi blevo trodda, vi bleve trodda, bundna bundna Sg. jag skall bli(va) trodd, bunden PI. vi skola bli(va) trodda, bundna Sicedish Grammar 106 PASSIVE. PERFECT Sg. jag har blivit trodd, jag ma ha blivit trodd, bunden bunden PI. vi ha blivit trodda, vi ma ha blivit trodda, bundna bundna PLUPERFECT Sg. jag hade blivit trodd, jag hade blivit trodd, bunden bunden PI. vi hade blivit trodda, vi hade blivit trodda, bundna bundna FUTURE PERFECT Sg. jag skall ha blivit trodd, bunden PI. vi skola ha blivit trodda, bundna PRESENT INFINITIVE att bli(va) trodd, bunden PERFECT INFINITIVE att ha blivit trodd, bunden _NOTE. The other subjunctives are formed as shown above ; thus, jag ma bli(va) trodd, vi skulle ha blivit bundna, etc. 190. OTHER AUXILIARIES OF THE PASSIVE. (1) Varda (vart, vordo, vorden), which is con- jugated with the verb vara instead of hava in the perfect tenses. Ex. : Jag varder kallad, I am called ; han vart kallad, he was called ; vi tiro vordna kallade, we have been called; du skall varda kallad, thou wilt be called. The beginner may disregard this for- mation of the passive entirely since it is obsolete; the imperfect tense, however, is of comparatively frequent occurrence. (2) Vara is generally used only in the apparent or false passive (185), that is, to express a condition or state; as, huset ar brunnet, the house is burnt. PASSIVE. 107 Sometimes, however, it comes very near expressing a true passive: han dr omtyckt av alia, he is liked by all ; jag dr plagad av mygg, I am troubled by mos- quitoes. 191. Too much stress cannot be laid upon the fact that in the overwhelming majority of cases passive action is not expressed in Swedish by vara, to be, and the past participle as in English, but by bliva and the past participle, or by the passive in -s (note also construction with man, 184) ; thus, the house was built in a month, is not huset var byggt pa en mdnad, but huset byggdes, or huset blev byggt (also, man byggde huset). NOTE. But since vara plus the past participle indicates a state or condition regarded as complete and permanent, and as resulting from the action of the verb (185) its present plus the past participle is often used as an equivalent for the English perfect passive and its imperfect plus the past participle as an equivalent for the English pluperfect passive. As: brevet dr skrivet, the letter has been written ; poslen var redan utburen, the mail had already been dis- tributed. FURTHER REMARKS ON THE PASSIVE. 192. The passive in -s is preferred to the passive with bliva in expressions denoting a common rule, a general fact, an injunction or direction; as, sadana brott straffas med fdngelse, such crimes are pun- ished with imprisonment ; flaskan forvaras pa is, the bottle should be kept on ice; de hdr skorna skola lagas, these shoes. are to be repaired; jag kallas Johan, I am called John ; but jag blir kallad feg, om jag ej gor det, I shall be called a coward if I do not do this ; on the contrary, han kallas feg av var man, he is called a coward by everybody. NOTE. The passive with bliva is more common in conversation than the -* form. These two passives are often interchangeable ; sometimes, however, 108 EXERCISE. they express different shades of meaning. For instance, when no agent is men- tioned, the passive with bliva seems to imply a definite agent, ,while the -s form very often imparts a sense of indefiniteness : floden fylldes seems to point to a slow natural process, whereas floden blev fylld would imply action on the part of some definite agent. If the agent is expressed, both forms may be used without any difference in meaning. 193. The present of bliva has generally a future sense; this is also the case in the passive: frukten blir skadad av frosten, the fruit will be damaged by the frost. To express the present, use either the present of the passive in -s, or man with the active, or make the agent the subject. Deponent Verbs. 194. Many verbs have only the passive -s form. These deponent verbs are active in meaning; many are even transitive. They are conjugated like the passive of other verbs except that some have imper- ative forms, which are wanting in the passive. Some have a present participle in -s, others one without. Most deponent verbs lack this form. Ex.: latas (from lat, lazy), to be lazy; vredgas (from vred, angry), to be (grow) angry; vdras (from var, spring) , to turn spring ; brottas, to wres- tle; andas, to breathe; lyckas, to succeed; minnas, to remember. EXERCISE XVIJ. A. Conjugate the following both as indicated and with the -s form of the passive. 1. Jag har blivit beromd av min larare; du har blivit beromd av din larare, etc. 2. Jag skall icke bli klandrad av min fader, etc. 3. Jag kom ej ; ty jag hade ej blivit EXERCISE. 10H kallad; du kom ej, ty du, etc. 4. Jag skulle ha blivit klandrad, om jag ej hade hjiilpt honom; du skulle ha blivit klandrad, om du ej hade hjalpt honom, etc. 5. Om jag hade blivit agad mera, nar jag var liten, sa hade jag blivit en battre manniska; om du, etc. Use also the active with man, leaving out "av min Idrare" and "av min fader." B. 1. Ar 1 hela huset forstb'rt? Ja, allt ar 1 uppbrant. Utom nagra gamla mobler liar intet blivit 2 ra'ddat. 2. Vet man hur elden uppstod? Icke sakert, men man tror, att den har blivit 2 anlagd. 3. Kan herrn saga mig, om museet ar 1 stangt hela sondagen? Nej, det ar det inte, men det cippnas 3 ej forran pa eftermiddagen. 4. Vill du taga de har 4 skorna till skomakaren, Karl, det har paret skall halv- sulas 3 , och pa det har skola klackarna lagas 3 . 5. Du ser sa trott ut. Har du ej sovit gott? Nej, jag har plagats av en sa svar tandvark hela natten. 6. Jag brukade ocksa plagas av tandvark, men nu ha alia mina ihaliga tander blifvit plomberade 5 . 7. Herr Lind dodades vid jarnvags- olyckan, som skedde i gar. 8. Jag skulle ha tagit samina tag, men man radde mig att ej resa. 9. Har aro vi hos ur- makaren, han har blivit rekommenderad 2 till mig av en van, och jag hoppas, att han lyckas laga min klocka. 10. Vad ar fatt med den? Den har stannat. Jag tror att fjadern ar 1 avbruten, dessutom behover verket nog att ren- goras. 11. Nu har den blivit rengjord, uppdragen och justerad; den saktar sig 6 ej mer. 12. I dag blev jag vackt av min van Berggren, innan det dagades. 13. Vi rodde ut pa sjon, fiskarna nappade bra, och innan klockan sju voro tjugu stora abborrar upptagna 1 . *See 190, 2, and 185. 2 -s form can be used. 192. 4 De hiir, these; de dar, those. 5 192, note. 'En klocka fortar sig or saktar sig, gains or loses time. C. I have heard that Mr. Anderson's house has been destroyed by fire. Has nothing been saved ? 2. I do not 110 VOCABULARY. believe that they succeeded in saving anything except some old pieces of furniture. 3. I have seen in the paper that Mr. Lind was killed in the railroad accident which happened yesterday. 4. I knew him well, but I was never introduced to him. 5. Just think (tank bara), I should have taken the same train if I had not been advised by a friend not to go. 6. Now I shall not be troubled 2 by toothache any longer, for my hollow tooth has been filled 3 . 7. Where does the shoemaker live? I have a pair of shoes that need to be repaired 2 . 8. These shoes are to be half- soled 2 . 9. My watch, which had stopped, has been repaired 3 by the watchmaker. 10. It has been cleaned and regulated 3 and I hope that it will keep good time 4 now. Mr. Hall din is an excellent watchmaker; he was recommended 3 to me by a friend. He is a man who deserves to be recom- mended 2 . ipresenterad for. 2 Passive in -. 'Passive with bliva. 4 Keep good time, gu raft. VOCABULARY. en ab'borre, -ar, perch fortjd'na, I (sometimes Ha), arilagga, -lade, -lagt, -lagd, -t, to deserve, earn to establish; anldgga eld, haWsula, I, to half-sole to cause arson hoppas (dep. v.), I, impf. hop- av'bruten (p. part, of av'bryta pades, to hope and bryta av', to break i'Jidlig, -t, hollow off), broken intet, nothing doda, I, to kill juste'ra (j=sh), I, to adjust, en eld, -ar, fire, conflagration regulate fatt, in expressions like taga en jdrn'vdgsolycka, -or, rail- fatt p&, to lay hold of; way accident vad ar det fatt? What is en Jclack, -ar, heel the matter? en klocka, -or, clock, watch; . en fjdder, -drar, feather, main- bell spring laga, I, to mend fo'rrdn (adv.), before en mobel, -ler, piece of fur- forsto'ra, lib, to destroy niture DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. Ill nappa, I, to bite (of fish) en land, tunder, tooth plombe'ra, I, to fill (teeth) (en) tandvdrk, toothache pldga, I, to pain, torment, upp'brant (p. part, of upp'brdn- trouble na and branna upp', to burn presente'ra, I, to introduce up), burnt up ren'gora, rengjorde, etc., to upp'dragen (p. part, of upp'dra- clean go, and draga upp', to pull rdda, lib, to advise up, wind up), wound up, radda, I, to save pulled up sakta, I, to reduce speed, slow upp'std, -stod, -stodo, -stdtt, to up originate; arise en sko'makare, , shoemaker en ur'makare, , watchmaker stanga, lib, to close, shut utom, beside stiker, -t, sure(ly), certain (ly) ett verk, , work; movement en sondag, -ar, Sunday vid, in LESSON XVIII. Demonstrative Pronouns. 195. The demonstrative pronouns are: den, det, this, that; denne(a), detta, this; densamme(a), det- samma, the same. They are declined as follows : SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. & FEM. GENDER FORM NEUTER ALL GENDERS Nom. den den det de Gen. dens dess dess deras Obj. den den det dem SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. FEM. & GENDER F. NEUTER ALL GENDERS N. denne(a) denna detta dessa G. dennes dennas deltas dessas N. densamme(a) densamma detsamma desamma G. densammes densammas detsammas desammas NOTE. Dens refers only to persons, dess only to things, except occasionally in poetry. Det is pronounced da or de in conversation. 112 DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. 196. These are used also as adjectives, but have then no genitive. There is besides a demonstrative adjective samme, same, which is used more fre- quently than densamme and inflects as follows : SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. FEM. & GEND. F. NEUTER ALL GENDERS samme (a) samma samma samma 197. The following adjectives partake of the nature of demonstratives and may also be used as pronouns in the plural and in' the neuter singular : sddan, sddant, sadana, such; likadan, -t, -a,, like, alike; dylik, -t, -a, such, similar. Ex.: en sadan gosse, such a boy; dylikt har jag aldrig sett forr, I have never seen such a thing (or things) before. 198. Den har, this, and den ddr, that, used orig- inally only in conversation, are rapidly finding their way into the written language. They are declined as follows: SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. FEM. GENDER FORM NEUTER ALL GENDERS Nom. and Obj.: den har, ddr det har, ddr de har, ddr (Genitive lacking.) Ex. Den har hasten dr vacker, den vill jag ko'pa, this horse is fine, I wish to buy it; det ddr huset tillhor visst herr Carlen, I think that house belongs to Mr. Carlen; de ddr rosorna tiro hdrliga, those roses are beautiful. (After den har and den ddr, the noun takes the definite form.) 199. The former and the latter are expressed by den forre(a) (neut. det forr a, pi. de forr a) and den DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. 113 senare (neut. det senare, pi. de senare) : Anna och Emma tiro systrar; den forra ar ljus, den senare mork, Anna and Emma are sisters; the former is a blonde, the latter a brunette. NOTE. When used substantively, these expressions take an -s in the genitive: den forras (Annas) lynne ar glattigare an den senares, the disposition of the former is merrier than that of the latter. 200. REMARKS ON THE DEMONSTRATIVES. (a) The forms in -e must be used when the demon- strative is used as a pronoun and refers to persons of masculine gender; they are generally preferred, at least in the written language, when the demon- strative is used adjectively before a noun denoting a person of masculine gender: denne ar min bror, this one is my brother; det ar samme man jag sag i gar, it is the same man I saw yesterday. (b) After samme a following adjective has always the definite form but a following noun generally the indefinite; after denne the adjective is always def- inite and the noun generally indefinite in the written language but very often definite in the spoken : jag har sett samme (a) lille(a) gosse forr, I have seen the same little boy before; denna stdtliga kyrka ar den nya Vasakyrkan, this stately church is the new Vasa church. (c) Sadan is regularly preceded by the indefinite article: en sddan man. NOTE. In exclamations, however, the order may be reversed in case of sddan and its equivalents sicken, slik, and tocken; thus, sddant ett elande ! oh, such misery ! Sicken en stackare ! Such a miserable creature ! (Never en sicken stackare /) 114 DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. (d) The demonstrative pronouns den, det, and denna, delta, referring to things in a general way, and depending upon a preposition, are sometimes translated by dar (sometimes hdr) , with the prepo- sition added: ddrmed, with that, or those; harmed, with this, or these ; jag har talat med honom ddrom, I have talked with him about that thing, or those things ; jag litar ddrpd, I rely on that. 201. SOME USES OF THE DEMONSTRATIVES. For they, this, that, these, those, when used as subjects and referring to a predicate noun, Swedish uses the neuter singular det, detta, det hdr, det dar, irrespective of the gender and number of the follow- ing noun, if the demonstrative idea is not very em- phatic or if one person or thing is not contrasted with another; as, detta dr min bror, this is my brother; detta dr vackra blommor, these are beau- tiful flowers ; but denne dr min bror, this one is my brother; de hdr dro -vackra blommor, de dar fula, these are beautiful flowers, those are homely ones. 202. Den is often used as antecedent to a restric- tive relative (he who) ; as, den, som sagt detta, talar icke sanning, he who said this does not speak the truth (222, d). NOTE. De is often used indefinitely ; de darhemma. the people at home. 203. Idiomatic expressions with demonstratives : En sadan dumbom han dr! (or, sddan en dumbom, etc.) Whafca stupid fellow he is ! Det gor detsamma, it does not matter ; med detsamma, immediately. EXERCISE. 115 EXERCISE XVIII. A. Fill out the blanks as suggested. 1. Smek ej ... (that) 1 katten, Anna, ... (it) rivs (186, b). 2. ... (it) ar visst . . . (the same) katt 2 , som rev ... (me) i gar. 3. Ar ... (this)* ... (your) gosse, fru Anderson? Ja, och . . . (detta or dessa) 3 ar . . . (my) flicker. 4. Vilka aro . . . (yours) ? ... (those) 1 i parken. 5. Aro ej Maria och Elisabet ganska lika? Nej, det ar . . . (such, 200, c) skillnad pa dem, att man ej kan se, att de aro systrar. 6. ... (the former) ar ljus, ... (the latter) mork. 7. Ar ... (this) 3 ... (your, familiar) ring? Ja, . . . (it) ar . . . (mine). 8. Av vem bar du fatt . . . (this) vackra ring 2 (def. or indef. ?) ? Jag bar fatt den av min far till julklapp. 9. ... (it) ar sa ovanlig; jag tror ej, att jag nagonsin sett en precis likadan. 10. Jag blev sa glad, nar jag fick . . . (it), jag hade lange b'nskat mig ... (a similar one, 197). 11. Ar . . . (this, 200, a) Smith, som du talar om, . . . (the same) person 2 , som vi larde kanna pa ... (that) 1 resa (def. or indef.?) till Stockholm for ett par ar sedan? Ja, han ar ... (the same one, 200, a). 12. ... (He who, 202) talade var . . . (the same) gamle herre 2 (use man), som vi traffade i gar kvall pa bjudningen hos Linds. 13. Vad sade han . . . (about that, 200, d) ? Han sade, att han var glad . . . (because of it, translate, over it). '198. 2 200, b. 3 201. B. 1. This 1 is a beautiful flower; where did you find it? I found it in that 2 little flower bed. 2. Please take a seat 3 . That chair 2 is not comfortable; take this one 2 . 3. I believe I shall take that one 2 by (vid) the window, thank you (tack sa mycket, first). 4. Doesn't that 2 little girl take after her mother? Yes, she has the same eyes 4 , 116 VOCABULARY. the same mouth 4 , and the same voice 4 . 5. Have you ever seen such a (200, c) sturdy old man? 6. He is almost eighty years old, but it does not matter (203) ; he does the same heavy work as he used to do. 7. Let us take a walk ; such a fine autumn day as (som) this is rare. 8. I must work till six o'clock; after that (sedan) I can take a walk. 9. Which (vilJcen) Mr. Smith do you mean? The one who (202) lives on King's Street. 10. That is the same Mr. Smith whom I used to know. He was such a good man. 11. Are these 1 your sisters? Yes, and those are my brothers. 12. You have such a beautiful ring, Anna; where (var. . .ifrdn?) did you get it? 13. Yes, it is very pretty. I got it as a Christmas present from my brother. 14. I wish I had one like it (197). 15. In that (200, d) you are right, Carl, but please do not talk any more about it. 16. Our teacher was angry with (ond pa) us yesterday. 17. He told us that he had never seen such compositions before. 18. Those who (202) had more than ten errors had to rewrite theirs. MJOl. *198. *Either var sd god och titt ner, or var sa god och salt er (also tag plats). 200, b. VOCABULARY. bekvam, -t, comfortable ganska, quite, .fairly en bjudning, -ar, reception, en hostdag, -ar, autumn day party en julklapp, -ar, Christmas en Wom'sterrabatt', -er, flower present bed en katt, -er, cat brds pd (dep v.) ( III, impf. lik, -t, like, alike brdddes, supine brdtts), ljus, -t, light, blonde to take after mena, I (sometimes I la), to duktig, -t, capable, sturdy mean ett fel, , error en mun, munnar, mouth fd, fick, fingo, fdtt (170), to mork, -t, dark, brunette get; be allowed ndgonsin. ever COMPOUND VERBS. 117 niistan, almost en skillnad, -er, difference o'vanlig, -t, unusual skriva om', to rewrite en person', -er, person smeka, Ha, caress precis', exactly en stol, -ar, chair en ring, -ar, ring sdllsynt, , rar, riva, rev, revo, rivit, -en, -et, tio, ten to scratch, tear en tunga, -or, tongue ratt, , right en upp'sats, -er, composition en rost, -er, voice dttio, eighty IDIOMS: 1. att ha ratt, to be right. 2. att bras pa ndgon, to take after somebody. 3. det iir visst, I think it is. LESSON XIX. The Verb (Continued) COMPOUND VERBS. 204. There are two kinds of verb compounds in Swedish: inseparable and separable. INSEPARABLE VERB COMPOUNDS. 205. The following prefixes always form insepa- rable verb compounds ; that is, compounds of which the component parts are never separated: be-, bi-, ent-, er-, for-, gen-, har-, miss-, sam-, um-, mid-, van-, veder-, a-. 206. Noun Prefixes. Verb compounds of which the first member is a noun are generally inseparable ; as, kors'fasta, to crucify; impf. korsfaste; supine, korsfast; past part., korsfast; land'satta, to put ashore; landsatte, landsatt, landsatt; hals'hugga, to behead; halshogg, halshuggit, halshuggen. NOTK. If the noun is compounded with a proposition, this compound prefix may be separated from the verb. Thus: landsatta, to put ashore, satte f land. 118 COMPOUND VERBS. etc. ; adagaldgga, to manifest, lade ddaga; lagt adaga; ddagalagd; the present and past participles of such verb compounds are always inseparable when used as attributive adjectives: den landsatte passageraren, the landed passenger; when equivalent to a clause or when used in the predicate, they are sometimes sepa- rable: satta i land vid kajen, skyndade m till tullhuset, landed at the pier, we hurried to the custom-house; vi ha bh'vit satta i land, we have been landed. SEPARABLE VERB COMPOUNDS. 207. Adjective Prefixes. Adjectives used as pre- fixes generally form separable verb compounds: fri'kopa or ko'pa fri', to ransom; frikopte or kopte fri, frikopt or kopt fri; but frikalla, to acquit, not kalla fri; frikallad, frikallat. For the present and past participle see 206, note. NOTE. If the adjective is separated it agrees with the object in gender and number; as, han vitmalade huset, he painted the house white; but han mdlade huset vitt. It is best for beginners to regard the adjective prefixes as in- separable. 208. Adverb and preposition prefixes. Adverbs and prepositions used as prefixes form both sepa- rable and inseparable verb compounds. Separable verb compounds of this class often change their meaning when the adverb or preposition follows the verb. (1) Separable, with no difference of meaning: u'teldsa or Idsa u'te, to lock out; fo'rega or ga fo're to precede; ge'nomldsa or Idsa ge'nom, to read through; fran'taga or taga fran', to take from or deprive of; av'hugga or hugga av', to cut off, etc. (2) With difference of meaning: the sense is liter- al when the parts of the verb compound are sepa- rated; figurative when not separated: av'ga, to re- sign ; graduate ; ga av', to break ; an'lagga, to estab- lish, organize ; lagga an', to aim ; fram'hdlla, to point out; holla fram', to stretch forth; un'derhalla, to COMPOUND VERBS. 119 entertain; hallo, un'der, to hold beneath; fram'gd, to appear, become evident; ga fram', to go forth. 209. Compound verbs are conjugated exactly like corresponding simple verbs. 210. If the separable affix is an adjective or phrase (206, 207) the object is placed between the verb and the affix; if an adverb or a preposition, often after ; as, man satte honom i land, they landed him ; but han hogg av handen, he cut off his hand. 211. The stress accent falls always on the prefix, if a phrase, on the noun, except in the case of be-, ent-, for- [see 36 (a)], which never take the accent. The musical accent is grave. NOTE. Care should be taken not to confuse for-, the inseparable prefix, and fore-, the separable prefix. The latter takes the accent and imparts an entirely different meaning to the verb. Thus: fordra' ga, to endure; fo'redraga, to prefer, present; forsta', to understand; fo'restd, to manage; to impend. 212. When the affix is separated and happens to stand before a noun, care must be taken not to confuse it with a preposition introducing a phrase; the affix is always accented, the preposition rarely. Ex. : han brot' av brodet och at, he broke a piece off the bread and ate, but han brot av' brodet, he broke the bread in two. 213. Synopsis of the verbs av'bryta, to interrupt, and stdnga in'ne, to shut in. ACTIVE Pres. jag av'bryter jag stdnger in'ne Impf. jag avbrbt jag stdngde inne Future jag skall avbryta jag skall stdnga inne 120 EXERCISE. Perf. jag har avbrutit Plupf. jag hade avbrutit Fut. P. jag skall ha av- brutit PASSIVE jag har stdngt inne jag hade stdngt inne jag skall ha stdngt inne Pres. jag avbrytes, or blir avbruten Impf. jag avbrots, or blev avbruten Future jag skall avbry- tas, or skall bli(va) av- bruten Perf. jag har avbrutits, or harblivit avbruten Plupf. jag hade avbru- tits, or hade blivit av- bruten Fut. P. jag skall ha av- brutits, or skall ha blivit avbruten jag stdnges inne, or blir innestdngd jag stdngdes inne, or blev innestdngd jag skall stdngas inne, or skall bli innestdngd jag har stdngts inne, or har blivit innestdngd jag hade innestdngts. or hade blivit innestdngd jag skall ha inne- stdngts, or skall ha blivit inne- stdngd EXERCISE XIX. A. Translate. 1. He has interrupted me. 2. I had broken off a piece. 3. Hold the glass beneath the water. 4. You must entertain your friends. 5. Which do you pre- fer, to stay here or to go with us ? 6. He will comply with my request. 7. He will come after. 8. They (man} have landed the passengers. 9. The landed passengers wished to view the city. 10. I can't endure that man. 11. Had you recognized (two ways) him? 12. He was (blev) recog- nized. 13. They ransomed him. 14. The ransomed one thanked his friends. Put the verbs in different tenses. EXERCISE. 121 B. Nikolaus den forste av Eyssland onskade att iakttaga sitt folks liv. For att kunna (165, 2) gb'ra detta bmkade ban foretaga langa spatserturer forkladd i en vanlig offi- cerskappa, sa att man ej skulle (165) igenkanna honom. En gang hade han gatt ut till en liten forstad. Nar han skulle atervanda, varseblev han (blev han varse), att han ej hittade. Nu aterstod for honom endast att anfb'rtro sig at en droska. Han ropade pa en, steg in och befallde kus- ken att kora honom till slottet. Da de hade anlant dit, steg tsaren ut. Da han skulle betala, blev han varse, att han givit ut alia sina pengar. "Var god och vanta", sade han till kusken och amnade ga in, "jag skall skicka ut pengarna genast." "Nej, lille far", avbro't kusken honom, "sa ha officererna redan ett par ganger bedragit mig, de ha underlatit att skicka ut pengarna. Kvarlamna din kappa som (as} pant; om du skickar ut pengarna, sa skickar jag in den." Kejsaren efterkom kuskens begaran och gav ho- nom sin kappa som pant. C. Conversation. 1. Varfor fb'retog kejsaren av Eyss- land langa spatserturer? 2. Varfor kande man ej igen honom? 3. Vart begav han sig en gang? 4. Vad varse- blev han, nar han skulle atervanda? 5. Vad gjorde han? 6. Vad befallde han kusken? 7. Varfor kunde han ej betala kusken genast? 8. Hur ville han uppgora saken (settle the matter) ? 9. Av vilka (whom) hade kusken forut blivit bedragen? 10. Varfor ville han, att kejsaren skulle kvarlamna kappan? 11. Efterkom kejsaren bans begaran ? D. 1. We must disguise ourselves 1 if we do not wish to be recognized 2 . 2. Have you observed the conduct of this man? 3. Yes, I have, and I do not understand how people can entrust money to 3 him; he spends 4 too much for amuse- Su-edish Grammar 9 122 VOCABULARY. ments. 4. Now we have arrived at (till) the palace. Please 5 step out of the carriage. 5. Get into the carriage. I shall order the cabman to drive to the theater. 6. I did not know that I had lost my money; I became aware (of) it when I was going (skulle) to pay for the ride (dJctur). 7. How did you settle the matter (C, 8) ? I settled it in this way, that I asked the cabman to wait and said that I should send out the money. 8. Did he comply with your request? In a way (pa satt och vis), but he asked for (bad om) my watch as security and said he would return it when he got the money. 9. The man had a good reason for this request, he had been cheated so often in the same way (pa samma satt). 10. He interrupted me while I was speaking and asked for the money which he had entrusted to me. 1 FSrkldda oss, reflex, verb. 2 Use passive with bliva, also construction with man; passive with -* would hardly ever be used in such a case. *An indirect object is often preceded by at or till, which are not always interchangeable: tSga at or till, but skriva till. 4 The separable forms are, as a rule, used more than the inseparable, at least in the simple tenses: han ger (giver) ut. f Var sa god och stig vr, or, stig w, car ni matt. VOCABULARY. N. B. The past participle is practically always inseparable, even when the verb is separable. The supine of a separable verb is separable. The teacher should point out the differ- ence in meaning of the two kinds of verbs, if any. an'fortro (insep.), Ill, to en- bedra'ga (insep.), -drog, -dro- trust go, -dragit, -dragen, -et, to an'ldnda (insep.), lib, impf. cheat - deceive anliinde, to arrive Defal'la (insep.), lib, to com- mand av'bryta (infep.), -brot, bro- efterkomma> ef terTcom, -Jcom- to, -brulit, -bruten, -et, ^ -kommit, kommen, to interrupt ^ to comply with ' bryta av', to break off icomma efter, to come after en bega'ran (no. pi.), request, fri'Jcppa, kopa fri', Ha, to demand ransom INTEHROGATIVES. 123 fordra'ga (insep., see bedra- ga), to endure, tolerate. fo'redraga (insep.), to prefer forkld'da (insep.), lib, to dis- guise en for'stad, -stdder, suburb forstd' (insep., see std), to un- derstand ut'giva, giva ut', utgav, -gdvo, -givit, -given, -et, to spend; publish, edit hitta, I, to find, find one's way i'akttaga (sep.), -tog, -togo, tagit, -tagen, -et, to ob- serve igen'kdnna, kdnna igen', lib, to recognize kvar'lamna, lamna kvar', I, to leave behind en klocka, -or, clock, watch land'sdtta, -satte, -satt, -satt, to land ett Hi, , life en officer', -er, officer IDIOM: att varsebliva en sak, en officers' kappa, -or, officer's cloak en orsak, -er, reason, cause en pant, -er, security ropa, I, to shout Ryssland (neuter), Russia ett slott, , castle, palace skicka in', ut', I, to send in, out en spatsertur, -er, walk ett stycke, -n, piece un'derhdlla (see hdlla), to entertain hdlla un'der, to hold beneath un'derldta (insep.), -Idt, -Idto, -Idtit, -en, -et, to neglect var'sebliva, bliva var'se, to be- come aware of d'terldmna, lib, to return lamna dter (unusual) a'terstd (sep., see std), to re- main d'tervdnda(sep.) , lib, to return vdnda dter (unusual) to become aware of a thing. LESSON XX. The Interrogative Pronouns and Adjectives. 214. The interrogative pronouns are: vem, who; vad, what; vilken, which, who; vilkendera, which one ; vad for en, what kind of, what. DECLENSION. SINGULAR r.-rit?: ?t = vem vad vilken vilket vilkendera vilketdera vems vilkens vilkets vilkenderas vilketderas 124 INTERROGATIVES. PLURAL Nom. vilka Gen. vilkas Vad for en has a neuter vad for ett and a plural vad for ena, but no genitive. 215. The interrogative adjectives are: vad, vil- ken, vilkendera, vad for en, and hurudan, of what nature, how. Their declension is identical with that of the interrogative pronouns but they lack the genitive case: hurudan has the neuter form hurudant and the plural hurudana. 216. REMARKS ON THE INTERROGATIVES. (a) Vem refers only to persons and is never used as an adjective. Ex.: Med vem talade du? (or vem talade du med?) With whom did you speak? Vems bok ar detta? Whose book is this? NOTE. When vem is subject in an indirect question it is followed by som : vet du vem som var hart do you know who was here? (b) Vad is used both as a pronoun and as an adjective ; when used pronominally it is always neu- ter; adjectively it may be used for all genders like the English what. This use being rather restrict- ed, the student should use vilken and vad for en: Vad talar han om? What is he talking about? Vad rdtt har du att gora detta? What right have you to do this? NOTE. When ichat is subject in an indirect question it is often represented by vad som in Swedish: jag vet ej vad som ar bast, I do not know what is best ; but jag vet ej, vad (object) han har sagt. (c) Vad for en is used both as a pronoun and as an adjective, the latter use prevailing. As an adjective it drops ena in the plural. Ex.: Vad for RELATIVES.. 125 blommor har du ddr? What kind of flowers have you there ? Sometimes it has the meaning of vilken : vad for en konung hade Sverige da? What king did Sweden have then? NOTE. For may be separated from vad: vad ar del for en blommaf What kind of (a) flower is that? (d) Vilken and vilkendera are used both as adjec- tives and as pronouns; hurudan (hurdan) only as an adjective. Ex.: Vilken har varit hdr? Who has been here? Vilket hus har du hyrt? Which house have you rented? Vilkendera o'nskar du? Which one (of several objects) do you wish? Vilketdera huset ar hans? Which house (of these houses) is his? Hurudant ar vddret? How is the weather (of what nature) ? 217. If the interrogative pronoun is governed by a preposition this may as in English either pre- cede or stand at the end of the clause: med vem talade du? or vem talade du med? with whom did you speak? 218. With prepositions, vad may in certain cases be replaced by prepositional compounds with var, where: varav, varmed, vartill, etc.: varmed har man belonat honom? With what have they rewarded him? Varav lever han? What does he live on? Relative Pronouns and Adjectives. 219. The relative pronouns are som, vilken, vad, den, and the genitive form vars. 220. For inflection of vilken and vad see 214, and for inflection of den see 195. 221. The relative adjective is vilken. 126 RELATIVES. 222. REMARKS ON THE RELATIVES. (a) Som is by far the most common of the rela- tive pronouns; it is indeclinable and is used for all genders and all cases with the exception of the genitive, which is supplied by vars and vilkens (vil- kets, vilkas). Ex.: min van, som dr hdr pa besok, skall resa i morgon, my friend who is here on a visit will leave to-morrow; mannen, vars barn dro sjuka, dr mycket fattig, the man whose children are sick is very poor. (b) Vilken when used as a pronoun often employs the genitive form vars instead of vilkens. It is not used very often in conversation except when the antecedent is a clause (when it is indispensable) or when a preposition must stand before the rela- tive. Ex. : han har blivit void, vilket forvanar mig, he has been elected, which fact surprises me (here som would be incorrect) ; fyra gossar, av vilka en var min kusin, drunknade i gar, four boys of whom one was my cousin were drowned yesterday. (c) Vad is used as a compound neuter relative including its antecedent, also after the indefinite pro- noun allt. It has no plural. Ex.: vad han sdger, dr sant, what he says is true; det dr allt, vad jag har sett, that is all I have seen (som may be used) . NOTE. When vad is the subject of the sentence or clause it is generally com- bined with som; thus, ft skolu saga vad som iir rdtt, we ought to say what is right. (d) Den is used as a definite relative only in the objective case; as* such it is of comparatively rare occurrence. In the nominative together with som it corresponds to he who, the one who (which), who- EXERCISE. 127 ever. In solemn style it is sometimes combined with ddr, den ddr, he who, whoever. Ex. : dessa dro de regler, dem (more common som) ni maste folja, these are the rules which you must follow; den som sdger detta, dr dum, whoever says this is stupid ; den ddr vet det rtitta, han gore det rdtt dr, he that knows the right, let him do right. 223. The prepositions which govern the rela- tives are generally placed at the end of the clause; when used with som, always. Ex.: damerna, som du talar om, kdnner jag, I know the ladies that you speak about; huset, vilket (i vilket) han bor i, dr gammalt, the house in which he lives is old. 224. In Swedish as in English the relative is often omitted when objective. Ex.: Vem var det, du mo'tte i gar? Who was it you met yesterday? 225. When the relative is governed by a prepo- sition and refers to things, a compound of the rela- tive adverb var, where, and the preposition may be used; as, bordet, varpa boken ligger, or bordet, som boken ligger pa, dr mitt, the table which the book lies on is mine; huset, som han bor i, or vari han bor, dr hans fars, the house which he lives in is his father's. EXERCISE XX. A. Translate orally. 1. Who goes there? 2. Who is he? 3. What do you have in your (178) hand? 4. Of whom 1 are you speaking? 5. Of what are you speaking? 6. What book do you mean? 7. What 2 new house is that? 8. Do you know at (vid) what time the train leaves (gar) ? 9. What sort of a man is he? 10. Do you understand what he says? 11. I do not know what is best (bast). 12. 128 EXERCISE. Which drama of Strindberg do you like best 3 ? 13. In what (218) does the difference consist? 14. Do you know what kind of teacher he is? 15. How is the weather? translate in two ways: preposition before and at the end of the clause. = Transl. : what kind of a new house is that? or which is that new house? *To like best, tycka bast om. B. Translate orally. 1. He is a man who knows every- thing. 2. That is the lady who has the pretty daughters. 3. That is not the man I mean. 4. He who (222, d) is rich is not always happy. 5. That is all 1 I know about the matter. 6. Whoever (222, d) does such a thing (nagot sadant) is not a good man. 7. The man whom (224) I spoke about is a professor at (vid) the University of Up- sala 2 . 8. The house in which (225) he lives is his father's. 9. There is 3 no poet whose life is so interesting. 1 Relative may be omitted ; see 222, c. -Uppsala universitet. *There is, there are, in a general sense must be rendered by det finnes (/inns), in a limited sense by det ar. C. En apotekare, som 1 hade rakat i tvist med en officer, blev av denne utmanad till duell. Den sak, om vilken de voro oense, var en obetydlighet, och apotekaren, som var en forstandig man, onskade att forhindra duellen. Tidigt pa morgonen av den dag, pa vilken duellen skulle utkampas, gjorde apotekaren ett besok i officerens bostad och sade helt lugnt till denne : "Emedan jag ar den, som liar blivit utmanad, sa 2 tillkommer det mig att valja vapnen. Har aro tva piller, av vilka det ena 3 ar forgiftat, det andra dar- emot oskadligt. Var sa god och valj det ena och svalj det ; jag svaljer det, som aterstar, och en av oss maste do." Officeren, som blev mycket overraskad av apotekarens for- slag, vars andamal naturligtvis var att forhindra duellen, kastade ut pillerna genom fonstret och forsonade sig med honom. J Note the frequent use of som. 2 Note the frequent use of sa to introduce the principal clause when it follows the dependent. *det ena. . . . det andra, one. . . the other. EXERCISE. 129 C. Conversation. 1. Med vem hade apotekaren rakat i tvist? 2. Vartill blev han ntmanad av officeren? 3. Niir gick apotekaren till officeren? 4. Varfb'r hade apotekaren beslutat forhindra duellen? 5. Vad tillkom honom och varfor?. 6. Vad for vapen foreslog (proposed) apotekaren? 7. Visste apotekaren, vilketdera pillret var forgiftat? 8. Vad skulle hans motstandare (opponent) gora med det piller, han valde? 9. Vad var andamalet med detta for- slag? 10. Vad gjorde officeren med pillerna? 11. Upp- nadde (attained) apotekaren sitt andamal? D. 1. Do you know what kind of a man the druggist is with whom the officer got into a quarrel? 2. Yes, I know him well (ml). He is a man whose friendship I esteem very highly. 3. I do not know what 1 the quarrel consisted in 1 , but according to what I have heard it was about a trifling matter. 4. The druggist, who was a very sensible man, wished to prevent the duel. 5. By what means (transl. : through what) did he succeed in preventing it? 6. He went to the house of the man who had challenged him and had a talk with him. 7. He reminded him of an old custom according to which it is the right of him (C, 5) who has been challenged to choose the weapons. 8. When the officer asked him what kind of weapons he would choose he held out a couple of pills. 9. Of these there was one which was poisoned 2 ; the other was harmless. 10. The druggist asked the officer which one of the two he would (ville) take and swallow. 11. He himself would (skulle) swallow the one that (222, d) remained. 12. The propo- sition which the druggist made surprised the officer and he threw the pills out through the window. 13. The druggist, whose (222, a) purpose it was to prevent the duel, suc- ceeded in this (200, d). translate in two ways (218). 2 True or apparent passive? 130 VOCABULARY. VOCABULARY. en apotekare, , druggist bestd' (insep., see std), to con- sist; endure; treat en bostad, bostdder, dwelling, home en duell', -er, duel ddr'emot, on the contrary do, dog, dogo, dott, , to die emedan, because enligt, according to er'inra (insep.), I, to remind fram'rdcka, rdckd frarn', Ha, to reach or hold out forgif'ta (insep.), I, to poison forhind'ra (insep.), I, to pre- vent ett forslag', , proposition, proposal . forso'na, I, to reconcile forstdn'dig, -t, sensible, intel- ligent hog, -t, high kasta ut' (rarely utkasta), (sep.), I, to throw out lugn, -t, calm(ly) lycklig, -t, happy mena, I, to mean en o'betydlighet, -er, insignifi- cance, trifle o'ense (indecl.), at variance o'skadlig, -t, harmless ett piller, , pill rdka, I, to come or get (into), to meet (with), to meet ett samtal, , conversation en sed, -er, custom, usage svdlja, lib, to swallow till'komma (insep., see kom- ma), to befit, be the right of somebody en tvist, -er, quarrel upp'skatta (insep.), I, to esteem ut'mana (insep.), I, to. chal- lenge ut'kdmpa, I, to fight out kdmpa ut', to cease fighting (i. e. die) ett vapen, , weapon en vdnskap, friendship o'verras'ka (insep.), I, to sur- prise IDIOMS: 1. att rdka i grill, svdrigneter, to get into a quarrel, difficulties. 2. att bliva overrasTcad av nagot, to become astonished at something. 3. Det tillkommer mig, I havr a right to it, or it is my privilege. LESSON XXL The Verb (Continued). PRESENT PARTICIPLE. 226. The present participle is formed by adding -ande to the stem of the verb if the infinitive ends in -a, otherwise -ende. Ex.: kallande, from kalla, to call; leende, from le, to smile; syende, from sy, to sew. NOTK 1. The present participle is indeclinable, but if used as a noun, it takes -s in the genitive: en doendes anger, the repentance of a dying person. 2. Deponent verbs form their present participle either with or without the -3j as, minnandes, remembering; aldrande, aging, from minnas and aldras, many lack a present participle. 227. The present participle is used: (1) as an adjective: ett sovande barn, a sleeping child; (2) as an adverb: han talte flytande, he spoke flu- ently ; (3) as an adverbial predicative: hon gick tiggan- de fran hus till hus, she went begging from house to house. NOTE. The conversational language often prefers a finite verb to the present participle used as an adverbial predicative. Ex. : hon yick frdn hus till hus och tiggde, instead of hon gick tiggande, etc. 228. The present participle is not used in Swe- dish to form a progressive tense as in English. When the idea of continued action is especially prominent, it is expressed by means of the verb hdlla pa', to keep on, continue, and the infinitive preceded by att : han hbll pa att skriva, da jag kom in, he was writ- ing when I entered. Sometimes the preposition mea, 132 PARTICIPLES. with, is inserted before the infinitive: han holl pa med att lasa. NOTE. Sitta, to sit ; ga, go ; sla, stand ; ligga, lie, and similar verbs are used with a finite form of some other verb to express progression: jag sitter och skrifver, I am writing ; ligga och lata sig, lounging 1 about, idling ; aid och hanga, hanging around (idly). Note the following use of halla pa: jag holl pa att falla, I came near falling. 229. The English present participle very often must be rendered by a subordinate clause either temporal, causal, or relative, according to the sense : the boy, hearing us come, ran away, gossen sprang sin vag, ndr han horde oss komma; being sick he had to go home, emedan han var sjuk, mdste han ga hem. 230. The English verbal in -ing is often equiva- lent to the infinitive: running is a useful exer- cise, att springa ar en nyttig o'vning; he went away without seeing me, han gick bort utan att se mig. NOTE. When the verbal is modified by a possessive adjective, Swedish uses a noun clause with att instead of att with the infinitive: He came without my seeing him, han kom utan att jag sag honom; their having come home was a surprise, att de hade kommit hem var en ofverraskning. 231. Nouns in -ning and -ande (added to the verbal stem) correspond to the English verbals and abstract nouns an -ing. Ex.: allt detta talande ar onodigt, all this talking is unnecessary; mycken skrivning ar trottande, much writing is tiresome. 232. After the verbs hora and se Swedish uses the infinitive, never the present participle, as in English: jag sag honom komma, I saw him coming. PAST PARTICIPLE. 233. The past participle is formed in five differ- ent ways according to the class or conjugation to which the verb belongs. PARTICIPLES. 133 234. In the First Conjugation the ending is -ad. In the Second Conjugation, Class I, the ending is -t. In the Second Conjugation, Class II, the ending is -d. In the Third Conjugation the ending is -dd. In the Fourth Conjugation the ending is -en (-n, -et). 235. These endings are added to the stem of the verb. In the Fourth Conjugation there may or may not be a change of vowel ; thus, kallad, bojd, kopt, sydd, shriven, funnen. NOTE 1. Deponent verbs as a rule lack the past participle, so do many in- transitive verbs. 2. It may be of assistance for the beginner to notice that the past participle of weak verbs may be found by dropping the e of the imperfect. 236. The past participle is used as an adjective and agrees in number and gender with the noun or pronoun which it modifies or of which it is a com- plement. It is declined in accordance with the rules governing the declension of adjectives. 237. STRONG DECLENSION. SINGULAR PLURAL GENDER FORM NEUTER ALL GENDERS I. dlskad dlskat dlskade II. Class i. kopt kopt kopta(e l ) II. Class ii. bojd bo'jt bojda(e) III. sydd sytt sydda(e) IV. skriven 'skrivet skrivna(e) 238. WEAK DECLENSION. dlskade dlskade dlskade kopta(e^) kopta kopta (e 1 ) bojda(e) bojda bojda(e) sydda(e) sydda sydda(e) skrivna(e) skrivna skrivna(e) 'Masculine nouns denoting persons often take the -e form of the adjective. 134 EXERCISE. 239. The past participle is used only adjectively as an attributive, an appositive, or a predicate modi- fier. In the last function it is used with bliva (varda) to form the compound passive and with vara in the apparent passive (185) : de slagna ryssarna flydde, the defeated Russians fled ; hdren, besegrad och upp- riven, drog sig tillbaka, the army, defeated and shattered, withdrew; huset har blivit mdlat, the house has been painted; brevet dr skrivet, the letter is written; rocken dr lagad, the coat is mended. 240. The past participle should not be confused with the supine, which is. used only with the auxil- iary verb hava to form the perfect tenses and is indeclinable. NOTE. With some verbs of motion vara may be used with the past participle to form the perfect tenses ; as, han dr bortrest, he has left ; han dr anldnd, hi? has arrived. EXERCISE XXI. A. Supply the present participle, the past participle, or the supine of the verbs indicated, according to the context ; also the definite and plural endings. 1. Den . . . (forlora) ring har blifvit . . . (finna) 2. Barn stod . . . (grata) 1 framfor den . . . (stanga) dorr . 3. Ester ar en ... (fb'r- tjusa) 1 liten flicka. 4. ... (sova) 1 hund (pi.) bitas ej. 5. Ert . . . (vanta lange) 2 brev har . . . (komma). 6. ... (vanda) 1 sig till mig, bad tiggar om en slant. 7. Jag har ... (hitta) alia de . . . (forlora) brev (def. pi.), edert . . . (inbegripa) 2 . Express in more idiomatic Swedish by expanding the participles into clauses. 8. I eke havande erfarenhet nog, vet jag ej vad jag bor gora. 9. Nyheterna mottagna i gar ha gjort oss alia glada. 10. Havande last brevet, kastade jag bort det. Translate: 11. I heard him EXERCISE. 135 singing 3 . 12. He came driving. 13. Reading and writing are taught at school. 1 Pres. part. 2 Past part. 'After verbs like se, hora, kanna, Swedish uses the infinitive of the dependent verb, not the pres. part. Note the inverted order in an independent clause following a dependent. B. 1. Nar jag gick hem fran kyrkan i gar, traffade jag froken Lind, dotter till en gammal skolkamrat. 2. Erne- dan det ar lange sedan jag sag henne, kande jag knappast igen henne. 3. Hon var fb'rtjusande vacker i sin nya vin- terhatt, vilken hon sade var en julklapp fran hennes far. 4. Hon omtalade for mig, att hennes far ofta hade ut- tryckt en b'nskan att fa traffa mig. 5. Jag svarade, att jag ej skulle lamna staden utan att ha besokt dem. 6. Det gladde mig, att han mindes mig. 7. Han ar en mycket in- tressant man, som talar manga frammande sprak flytande och .ar val belast. 8. Da vi hollo pa att samtala, kommo hennes vanner ut ur kyrkan. 9. Nar jag sag dem komma, sade jag adjo och lamnade henne. C. 1. Emedan jag ville rbka en cigarr, gick jag in i rok- kupen. 2. Mannen, som star dar borta, ar konduktb'rn, fraga honom, nar taget gar. 3. Han kom springande, men nar han sag mig, stannade han och halsade. Z>. 1. Going 1 home from church last Sunday, I met Miss Wallner. 2. Stopping 2 she wished me a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. 3. She looked 3 charming in her new winter hat. 4. Seeing 1 me look at it, she told me that it was a Christmas gift from her father. 5. Her father is a very learned and cultured man and a celebrated author. 6. He speaks fluently six foreign languages and is very well-read. 7. Not having 4 seen him for many years, I ex- pressed my desire of calling (inf.) on him. 8. Smiling 2 kindly she said that her father would like to see me, hav- 136 VOCABULARY. ing 5 often talked about me and wondered where I was. 9. Thanking 2 her I asked her to greet her parents from me. E. 1. Is this a compartment for smokers? No, smoking is prohibited here. 2. How much did you have to (maste ni) pay for overweight? Nothing; they checked my bag- gage without weighing (230) it. 3. Having asked 1 the conductor if it was the express train for (till) Stockholm, we boarded the train. 4. My stopping and talking (230, note) caused me to (gjorde att jag) come too late to the train. 5. Having bought 1 a time-table, I went into the waiting room. translate by a temporal clause. ! Expand into a coordinate clause. *To look (appearance) se ut. 4 Causal clause introduced by en'dr, emedan, or do. 'Clause introduced by ty. VOCABULARY. ad jo', good-bye en kupe, -er, compartment belast', -t, well-read (railroad) oildad, -at, p. p. (bilda), cul- le, log, logo, lett, to smile tured lange vantad, -at, p. p. (viinta en er'farenhet, -er, experience lange), long expected flytande, pres. p. (flyta), fluent lard, lart, p. p. (Idra), learned frammande, .foreign, strange (e)mot'taga, taga emot' (sep., forbjuden, p. p. (forbjuda), see taga), to receive prohibited om'tala, tola om' (sep.), to tell fortju'sande, pres. p. (for- polette'ra, I, to check (baggage) tjusa), charming en ro'kare, , smoker foriil'drar, parents en rokkupe, -er, compartment for sent', too late for smokers grata, grdt, grdto, grdtit, to rokning, smoking weep sju, seven hitta, I, to find en slant, -ar, coin hdlsa pa', to call on ett snalltdg, , express train in'begripa, -grep, -grepo, -gri- ett sprdk, , language pit, -en, -et, to include stanna, I, to stay, stop en konduktor', -er, conductor stiga pa', to board, enter IMPERSONAL VERBS. 137 i sondags, last Sunday en vinterhatt, -ar, winter hat en tid'tabell', -er, time table vaga, lib, to weigh en tiggare, , beggar vanda, lib (vande, vant), to tit'ta pA, I, to look at turn undra, I, to wonder en vantsal, -ar, waiting room ut'trycka (insep.), Ha, to ex- en overvikt, overweight press en onskan (no pi.), wish IDIOMS: 1. att onska ndgon en glad jul, to wish somebody a merry Christmas. 2. att onska ndgon ett gott nytt dr, to wish some- body a happy New Year. 3. att om'tala, or tala om' ndgot for ndgon, to tell somebody something. 4. Jag sade adjo till honom, I said good-bye to him. 5. att ha frammande, to have company. LESSON XXII. The Verb (Continued). IMPERSONAL VERBS. 241. The impersonal verb form, like the reflex- ive, is used more extensively in Swedish than in English. The impersonal subject is det, which is never omitted except in a few archaic expressions. 242. Important impersonals are: (1) Those referring to processes of nature: det regnar, it rains det fryser, it freezes det snoar, it snows det toar, it thaws det blixtrar, it lightens det dagas, it dawns (2) Those expressing merely abstract action; as, det knackar pa dorr en, there is a knock on the door ; det ror sig i skogen, something moves in the forest ; det gar i korridoren, somebody is walking in the hall. Swedish Grammar 10 138 IMPERSONAL VERBS. (3) Verbs in many idiomatic phrases, the person or thing referred to often appearing as object: det gdller mitt llv, my life is at stake det gdller honom, it concerns him det lonar modan, it is worth the while det gar mig vdl, I am doing well det gor mig ont om dig, I feel sorry for you hur star det till med dig? How are you? 243. THE IMPERSONAL PASSIVE. Many verbs, even intransitives, may form an impersonal passive either with det as the subject or with the subject omitted; as, det skrattades och s Jongs, there was laughing and singing; hdr dies, ser jag, you are eating, it seems (I see) ; det frdgas ofta, the ques- tion is often asked. 244. Other uses of det: Det corresponds in general to the English it, but has some idiomatic uses, as already shown in part. (a) Det stands for the introductory there and serves to bring the verb before the logical subject; as, det,levde en gang en konung, once there lived a king; det sprang ett par gossar over fdltet, literally, there ran a couple of boys across the field. NOTE. The verb does not as in English agree with the logical subject but is always in the singular. This form is often resorted to for emphasis. (b) Det finns, det gives, and det dr: 1. There is, and there are, expressing mere exist- ence, are rendered by det finns, det gives, and det dr. 2. Det finns, more seldom det gives, expresses existence within a space of extended or indefinite limits, whereas det dr expresses existence within REFLEXIVE VERBb. 139 a definite space of relatively small extent : det fanns dnnu drliga man, there were still honest men; det gives intet val, there is no choice ; det finns, or gives en Gud, there is a God; det dr ett par herrar vid dorren, there are a couple of gentlemen at the door. Note the singular of the verb, irrespective of the number of the following noun. (c) Det is used expletively to represent another word, phrase, or clause already used, and of which the repetition is avoided (it is then rendered by so or not translated) . Ex. : han var rik, nu dr han det ej Idngre, he was rich, now he is so no longer; vet du vad han sade? Ja, det gor jag; do you know what he said? Yes, I do; dr han hdr? Ja, det tror fag; is he here? Yes, I think so. REFLEXIVE VERBS. 245. Reflexive verbs "reflect" the action upon the subject. Hence the object is always the pro- noun corresponding to the subject. 246. A reflexive verb has no peculiarity of con- jugation. The pronoun object is placed immedi- ately after the verb. 247. The reflexive form is used much more wide- ly in Swedish than in English, often giving rise to secondary significations which require their own peculiar translations. Examples : erinra, to remind erinra sig, to remember inbilla, to make believe inbilla sig, to imagine uppfora, to perform, erect uppfora sig, to behave tro, to believe tro sig, to presume, dare fatta, to seize fat ta sig, to compose one- self 140 REFLEXIVE VERBS. Some verbs are used only reflexively ; as, befinna sig, to be (as to tilldraga sig, to take place health, condition) beflita sig, to apply one- begiva sig, to betake one- self self 248. Conjugation of the reflexive verb: att inbilla sig, to imagine. IMPERFECT INDICATIVE jag inbillade mig, etc. vi inbillade oss, etc. PRESENT INDICATIVE Sg. jag inbillar mig du inbillar dig han inbillar sig ni inbillar er (eder) PI. vi inbilla oss I inbillen er (eder) ni inbilla er (eder) ' de inbilla sig PERFECT PLUPERFECT jag har inbillat mig, etc. jag hade inbillat mig, etc. FUTURE FUTURE PERFECT jag skall inbilla mig, etc. jag skall ha inbillat mig, etc. IMPERATIVE 2nd Sg. inbilla dig (familiar) 2nd PI. inbillen er (archaic) 2nd Sg. and PI. inbilla er 1st PI. INFINITIVES Present : att inbilla sig Perfect : att ha(va) inbillat sig Future Perfect: att skola ha inbillat sig Idt(om) oss inbilla oss, etc. NOTE. The reflexives may be intensified by sjiilv: han alskade sig sjdlv och icke sina medmanniskor : he loved himself and not his fellow men. The student should, however, avoid the use of sjalv with the reflexives, this construction being very limited. EXERCISE. 141 249. Note such idiomatic reflexive constructions as: jag skar mig i fingret, I cut my finger; Karl har brutit av sig benet, Carl has broken his leg; satt pa dig hatten, put on your hat. The postposi- tive definite article is often used instead of the pos- sessive with nouns which denote parts of the body and articles of clothing. The possessor may be represented by an object pronoun. 250. THE RECIPROCAL PRONOUN is varandra, each other, one another, which is indeclinable : vi trdffade varandra, we met each other; vi dlskade varandra, we loved one another. NOTE. The reciprocal idea may, as has been stated before, often be expressed by the -s form of the verb : vi traffas, we meet one another ; hdstarna bitas, the horses bite one another ; sang och gladje foljas at, song and joy accom- pany one another. When no agent is mentioned the -s form of the passive must often be avoided since it may give a reciprocal meaning to the verb (186). EXERCISE XXII. A. Continue the following: 1. Jag skall klada mig varmt, sa att jag ej f orkyler mig, du . . . dig . . . , sa att, etc. 2. Innan jag mottog frammande, maste jag klada om mig, innan du . . ., maste du. . . dig, etc. 3. Om jag inte uppfor mig battre, sa maste jag skammas, om du, etc. 4. Jag hade befunnit mig battre, pm jag hade skyddat mig mot kolden, du, etc. 5. Om jag ej andrar mig, och det ej regnar, sa kommer jag, om du, etc. Translate: 1. I think so. 2. We shall see one another soon. 3. Hurry, Carl, we are waiting for (pa) you. 4. There are two industrious boys in this room. 5. Can you tell if there is a postoffice in (vid or pa) this street? 6. Stay at home, boys, it is freezing and snowing. 142 EXERCISE. B. 1. Det gar pa verandan, nu knackar det pa dorren; skynda dig, Anna, att oppna. 2. Jag inaste ga och klada om mig; det passar ej att taga emot frarnmande, kladd som jag ar. 3. Jag tror, att det ar herr Edgren, bed ho- nom stiga in i fb'rmaket och satta sig, det drojer endast ett par minuter, tills jag ar far dig. 4. Jag hoppas ni ursaktar, att jag bar latit er vanta, herr Edgren. 5. Hur star det till? S'a trakigt 1 , att min man icke ar hemma, det skulle ha glatt honom att fa traffa er. 6. Jag mar fortraffligt, fru Sterner. Men hur befinna ni er nu for tiden (nowa- days) ? 7. Jag horde for nagon tid sedan, att Karl hade fb'rkylt sig mycket svart. 8. Vi ma alia bra nu, men vadret iindrar sig sa hastigt nu for tiden, att det ar omb'jligt att skydda sig mot forkylning. 9. I gar snoade det, i dag reg- nar det, nu blixtrade det till och med, tror jag. 10. Sag till (at) gossarna, att de uppfora sig litet battre, Anna, Erik skriker ju, som om det gallde livet. 11. De kunna val 2 roa sig utan att vasnas sa; herr Edgren och jag kun- na knappast hora varandra. 12. Ad jo, fru Sterner; det var trakigt, att Karl ej var hemma, men vi traffas val senare. J It is too bad that, etc. ; boken ar trakig, the book bores me. 3 Val I suppose, I should think, very likely, etc. C. 1. I think the weather has changed 1 ; it is becoming cloudy, it looks as if it would (skulle) rain soon. 2. It is quite (ganska) chilly and we must dress warmly if we in- tend to go out, otherwise (annars) we shall catch cold. 3. Somebody is walking 2 on the porch; now there is a knock 2 . Please look and see (se efter) who it is, Anna. 4. Father, it is Mr. Lind. How are you, Mr. Lind ? I am very glad 3 to see you. 5. The pleasure is mutual, Mr. Len- nart, it is long since we met. 6. Why do the boys make such a noise (B, 11), Anna? Tell (B, 10) them to behave VOCABULARY. 143 better when there is company. 7. If I am not mistaken 1 , it is Carl that is yelling ; he ought to be ashamed to behave 1 so badly. 8. Who is that lady you greeted ? It is the wife of Mr. Brown. 9. We do not know one another well, but we always greet one another when we meet (250). 10. Who is Mr. Brown ? He is a man who always lacks 3 money and who wants to borrow from everybody. 11. He used to be much respected, but he is no longer so (244, c.). 12. There are not many (manga) in this town who would lend him money. 13. Has he presumed 4 to ask you to lend him? 14. No, he knows that it is not worth while 3 . 15. Good-bye, I must hurry; there is much work for me at home. 1 Use reflex, verb, siime tro sig. 2 242, 2. 3 Use an impersonal construction, 242, 3. 4 Pre- VOCABULARY. befin'na sig, to feel, to be (health) droja (intr.), lib, to delay, take time fattas (dep. v., often impers.) I, to lack frysa, fros, froso, frusit, -en, et, to freeze ftirdig, -t, ready forky'la siff, lib, to catch cold en forkyl'ning, -ar, cold (health) ett for'mak, parlor en glddje, joy giilla, lib, to have a value; concern hdl'sa pa, I, to greet kldda, lib, to dress (some- body) Jcltida sia, to dress (oneself) kldda om' (sig), to change dress knappast, hardly en kold, cold kylig, -t, cool ett liv, , life Idta, Idt, Idto, Idtit, to let, allow miss'taga (insep., see taga), to mistake misstaga sig, to be mistaken mulna (generally impers.), I, to become cloudy motas (used reciprocally), to meet one another passa, I, to fit; be proper roa sig, I, to amuse oneself senare, later skrika, skrek, skreko, skri- kit, to yell, cry skydda, I, to protect skynda sig, I, to hurry 144 MODAL AUXILIARIES. sfcummas (dep.), lib, to be trdkig, -t, boring, sad, bad ashamed uppfo'ra, lib, to erect; to per- snoa (impers.), I, to snow form std till', to be (health) uppfora sig, to conduct oneself svdr, -t, difficult, serious fora upp 1 , to bring up sd att (conj.), so that ur'sakta, I, to excuse till och med, even vasnas (dep.), I, to make noise tills (conj.), until dndra, I, to change (something) traffas (used reciprocally), to iindra sig, to change one's mind meet or see one another omsesidig, -t, mutual IDIOMS. 1. Varfor drojer han sd lunge? Why does he stay so long? 2. Myntet galler icke Idngre, the coin is no longer current; han galler icke mycket har, he is of small account here. 3. att skdmmas for ndgot, to be ashamed of something. 4. att ta emot' frdmmande, to receive company. 5. Hur star det till med er Itrorf How is your brother? LESSON XXIII. Verbal Auxiliaries. MODAL AUXILIARIES. 251. The modal auxiliaries are: INFINITIVE PRESENT IMPERFECT SUPINE SING. PLUR. SG. AND PL. kunna, can kan kunna kunde kunnat ma, may ma ma matte bora, ought to bor bora borde bort skola, shall skall (ska) skola(ska) skulle stcolat vilja, will vill vilja mile velat maste, must maste maste maste mast tor, is likely tor tora torde The modals are conjugated regularly; some of them, how- ever, are defective. The following remarks will suffice: (a) The archaic second person has the ending -en: I skolen (md takes only -n in 2nd pers. pi.: I man). (~b) The singular form is practically the only one used in conversation. MODAL AUXILIARIES. 145 (c) The compound tenses 'are formed regularly: jag har skolat, han hade kunnat. Skola, md, tor, mdste, and bora lack future and future perfect; md and tor lack perfect and pluperfect. fd) The subjunctives of the modals except of kunna and vilja are not formed with md, matte, and skulle. The im- perfect and pluperfect subjunctives only are in use (except in the case of vilja and kunna) and they are like the indica- tive: kunna and vilja may form a present subjunctive with md or matte and the present infinitive; an imperfect sub- junctive with skulle and the present infinitive; a perfect sub- junctive with md or matte and the perfect infinitive; a plu- perfect subjunctive with skulle and the perfect infinitive. The imperfect and pluperfect subjunctives generally used are identical with the imperfect and pluperfect indicative: im- perfect subjunctive, jag skulle kunna, vilja, or jag kunde, ville; perfect subjunctive, jag md, mdtte ha kunnat, velat; pluperfect subjunctive, jag skulle ha kunnat, velat or jag hade kunnat, velat. SOME USES OF THE MODAL AUXILIARIES. 252. The modal auxiliaries have more complete forms in Swedish than in English. The Swedish modal must for that reason sometimes be translated by a paraphrase; as, jag mdste arbeta i gar, I had to work yesterday; jag har kunnat gora det, I have been able to do it. 253. The modal auxiliaries govern, as in English, the simple infinitive: han sdger, att han ej kan komma, he says that he cannot come; jag maste ga nu, I must go now. NOTE. They are generally accompanied by an infinitive, but sometimes a complementary verb may be implied ; when an adverb of direction is used a verb of motion may be omitted after skola, vilja, and mdste: jag maste hem, I must go home ; jag vill in, I want to come in. 254. In the pluperfect subjunctive of skola and bora, Swedish prefers a construction made up of 146 SENSES OF MODALS. the imperfect subjunctive of the modal and the perfect infinitive of the verb to one consisting of the pluperfect subjunctive of the modal and the present infinitive, conforming thus with the Eng- lish usage. The treatment of kunna is identical, except that when we wish especially to empha- size the pluperfect time of the ability or possibil- ity we use the pluperfect subjunctive of kunna. Ex. : han skulle ha gjort det, he should have done it ; ni borde ha kommit, you ought to have come; jag kunde ha skrivit, I could have written; but jag hade kunnat skriva, I might have been able to write. NOTE. Vilja, on the other hand, would in a similar case always be put in the pluperf. and the depending verb in the present infinitive: jag hade velat skriva brevet, and not jag wile ha skrivit; han hade velat ga, om hans mor ej hade varit sjuk, he would have wished to go, if his mother had not been sick. SENSES OF MODAL AUXILIARIES. 255. Kunna. Originally it meant to know how, to be skilled in. This use is still retained in the verb when used independently : han kan svenska, sin liixa; he knows Swedish, his lesson. (a) Ability : han kan Idsa, men han vill ej, he can read but he does not want to. (b) Possibility: det kan nog hdnda, that may happen; jag kunde nog gora det, I could perhaps do it. (c) Permission: nu kan ni ga, now you may go. In this sense it is often used as a mild command. (d) Willingness : det kan jag giva (ge) er genast, I can give you that at once. (e) Habit, custom : hon kunde grata i timtal, nar EXERCISE. 147 hon tdnkte pa sitt doda barn, she would cry for hours when she thought of her dead child. NOTE. Habit and custom are more often expressed by the verbs bruka, and pliiga and the infinitive, or by the present or imperfect of the verb: ndr han sag mig, brukade lian jraga, or, frdgade han, whenever he saw me he would ask. 256. Ma. (a) Auxiliary: the present and imperfect are used as auxiliaries to form the present subjunctive. (b) Desire: ma Gud valsigna vart arbete, may God bless our work; vi matte vdl komma i tid till taget, may we only come in time to the train (would that we might etc.). NOTE 1. Matte expresses a more vivid wish than ma. Z. From this sense of ma springs its use in purpose clauses and some other clauses introduced by att: han badj att jag matte stanna (also, bad mig att stanna) he asked me to remain. (c) Permission, possibility: ma (not matte) may be used with the sense of kan: det ma sd vara, that may be so ; occasionally in the sense of fa (263, a) : det ma du ej gora, you may not do that. NOTE. Here belongs the expression mahdnda, perhaps. (d) Supposition, expressed by the imperfect of the modal matte (not ma) : det matte ha varit hemskt, it must have been uncanny; du matte vara mycket trott, I dare say, you are very tired. EXERCISE XXIII. A. Continue: 1. Jag visste icke, vad jag ville, du visste icke, vad du ville, etc. 2. Jag hade kunnat gora en resa, om jag hade velat, du hade, etc. 3. Jag skulle vilja ga ut, men jag maste stanna hemma, du skulle, etc. 4. Jag skulle ha spelat tennis, om jag hade kunnat, du, etc. 5. Om jag 148 EXERCISE. hade velat fara med tiotaget, sa hade jag mast skynda mig;, om du, etc. 6. Jag horde ha fragat min far forst, om han ville lata mig ga med, du horde, etc. 7. Jag ville giirna veta, om jag skulle kunna gora det, du, etc. 8. Matte jag ej ha kommit for sent ! matte du, etc. B. 1. Min van Karl fragade mig i gar morse, om jag ville fara med honom till staden. 2. Jag sade at honom, att jag hade mycket arbete, som jag horde gora, men att jag onskade, att han matte fraga min far, om jag kunde fara med. 3. Matte pappa bara tillata det! tankte jag, nar Karl avlagsnade sig foi att bedja honom om lov. 4. Vi skulle kunna ha sa roligt tillsammans. 5. Naturligtvis skulle vi bevista det stora fotbollspelet, som skulle utkam- pas mellan tva av de basta fotbollagen i staden. 6. Jag bar ofta bett pappa, att han matte lata mig spela fotboll, men jag bar ej kunnat overtyga honom om att det ar en nyttig idrott. 7. Jag brukar ofta saga, att om han blott forstodo spelet, sa maste han finna det intressant. 8. "Det ma sa vara", sade han en gang, "jag bar blott sett ett enda spel och kunde alls inte bli pa det klara darmed. 9. Det syntes mig vara litet for mycket for ett spel och litet for litet for ett slagsmal." 10. Karl kom tillbaka och sade, att han hade mast lova, att vi skulle vara tillbaka sa tidigt, att jag kunde vattna blomsterrabatterna och kiippa grasmattan. 11. Det matte ha varit svart for Karl att fa pappas tilla- telse. C. Conversation. 1. Vad fragade Karl er i gar morse? 2. Varfor trodde ni ej, att ni skulle fa folja med? 3. Vad onskade ni, att Karl skulle gora? 4. Varfor avlagsnade Karl sig. 5. Vad skulle ni ga till, om ni finge resa till sta- den ? 6. Mellan vilka skulle spelet utkampas ? 7. Vad bar ni ej lyckats overtyga er far om ? 8. Varfor tror ni ej, att VOCABULARY. 149 er far finner spelet intressant? 9. Hur manga fotbollspel har er far bevistat? 10. Har Karl lyckats att fa er fars tillatelse till resan? 11. Vad maste ni gora, nar ni kom- mer hem? D. 1. I should like to go to town with my friend Carl. 2. A football game will be played between the two best teams in town and I should like very much 1 to attend it. 3. But I do not know whether (om) I may 2 go, for my father has given me much work to do before evening. 4. But it seems to me that he ought to allow me to go this time (gang). 5. I have had (perf. of maste) to stay at home all summer 3 in order to take care of the garden, water the flower beds and cut the lawn. 6. I have always wished to play football, but my father does not think that it is a useful sport. 7. If Carl were only here, he would be able to get my father's permission. 8. I am so glad that you came, Carl. Would you go and ask father (pappa) whether I may 2 go? 9. You see, I ought (horde] really to work to-day. I should have done (254) this work yes- terday. 10. What did papa say? Did he give his per- mission? 11. Yes, you may 2 go with me; but you will have (pres. of maste} to be back early. 12. He must be very rich, for he spends much money. 13. I wish he would come soon so that we could 4 begin to eat. 14. Now I must say good-bye to you, but we might meet 5 again to-morrow. l Skulle mycket garna vilja... 2 Fdr (263). 'After hela, which is not preceded by the prepositive article, the noun takes the definite form. 'Imper- fect subjunctive of kunna. 5 s-form, 186a. VOCABULARY. atttid, always en Worn' 'sterrabatt' ', -er, flower av'ldgsna, I, to rerriove bed avlagsna sig, to go away blott, only bara, only fara, to travel, go bevista, I, to attend fara med, to accompany 150 SENSES OF MODALS. ett fotbollspel, , football game naturligtvis, of course ett fotbollag (lag), , foot- nyttig, -t, useful ball team ett slagsmdl, , fight forst, first skota, Ha, take care of for mycket, too much ett spel, , game, play en grasmatta, -or, lawn spela, I, play en gang, once tennis, tennis en i'drott, -er, sport tidigt, early igen, again tillsammans, together Tclippa, Ha, to cut, mow en tilldtelse, permission ett lov, , permission tillata (insep.), to permit lova, I, to promise ett tiotdg, ten o'clock train mellan, between vattna, I, to water i gar morse, yesterday morn- verkligen, really ing o'vertyga ( insep. ) , I, to convince IDIOMS: 1. att fara till staden, to go to town. 2. Jag vill gdrna fara med, I should like to accompany. 3. Det synes mig, or jag tyclcer, it seems to me. 4. bli pd det Jclara, understand. < % LESSON XXIV. Verbal Auxiliaries (Continued). SENSES OF MODAL AUXILIARIES (Continued). 257. Bora. (a) Duty: jag bb'r gb'ra vad som ar rtitt, I ought to do what is right. NOTE 1. The imperfect borde is generally used with present meaning and hag the same signification as bar (ought) if unaccented : du borde skammas. you ought to be ashamed of yourself. If accented it implies that one does not do what one ought to, for instance: jag borde ga hem och arbeta, I ought (that is, if I were to do my duty) to go home and work. 2. In the sense of duty bora is weaker than skola. (b) Calculation : taget bor vara har om tio minu- ter, the train ought to be here in ten minutes. (c) Fitness : sa bor det vara, thus it ought to be. 258. Skola. Originally it signified duty or obli- gation. SENSES OF MODALS. 151 (a) Auxiliary: 1. The present (skall) is used as an auxiliary with the infinitive to form the future tense : jag skall ga, I shall go ; jag skall hava gatt, I shall have gone. 2. The imperfect (skulle) is used with the in- finitive as one mode of forming the imperfect and pluperfect subjunctive. (b) Condition or contingency: om ni skulle se honom, sa hdlsa honom frdn mig, give him my greet- ings, if you should see him ; han sade, att han skulle komma, he said that he would come. (c) Duty or necessity, when proceeding from the speaker : du skulle ha gatt, ndr han bad dig, you should have gone when he asked you; du skall icke stjala, thou shalt not steal; om vi ska gora det, sa lat oss gora det snart, if we are to do it, then let us do it soon. (d) Threat or promise: det ska du inte ha gjort for inte, I will remember you for this (i. e. repay you in kind). (e) Intention: han skulle ha kommit i gar, he intended to come yesterday. (f) Report: han skall vara kolossalt rik, he is said to be enormously rich. (g) Wish: vi skulle allt ha en trddgard, i vilken alia slags blommor skulle vdxa, I wish we had a gar- den in which all kinds of flowers might grow. 259. Vilja. (a) Will, intention, purpose: han ville visst icke gora dig ond, he did not at a!l intend to make you 152 SENSES OF MODALS. angry; han vill hem, jag kan ej kvarhdlla honom, he is determined to go home, I cannot keep him. (b) Wish, entreaty or request: han ville garna hjalpa, he was anxious to help ; v ill ni komma ndr- mare or vill ni vara sd god och komma ndrmare, please come a little closer (vill is very often used thus to express a mild command) ; jag ville garna ha en kopp till, I should like another cup. NOTE 1. The imperfect subjunctive of vilja with the adverb garna, willingly, is generally used to express a request politely as above, sometimes with vdl and a negative: ni ville vdl inte gora del for migf Would you do that for me' 2. Vilja is often used with an object, especially a pronoun: Vad vill han dig t What does he have to say to you ? han vill mig vdl, he wishes me well, he is well disposed toward me. Its signification seems to forbid its use with any other than animate subjects, but it is often used figuratively with inani- mate: min klocka vill ej ga, my watch does not run (won't run) ; blommor 'vilja ej vaxa i sadan jord, flowers do not grow in such soil. REMARK. Do not translate will and would by vill, ville, if they are only a sign of the future or the subjunctive. Will and would denoting habitual action are generally expressed by the simple tenses, present and past, or by the verbs bruka and plaga (255, e). 260. Mdste. (a) Physical necessity: jag mdste ha mat, annars svdlterjag ihjal, I must have food, or else I shall starve to death. (b) Logical necessity: det mdste vara sant, that must be true. (c) Moral necessity: barn mdste lyda sina for- dldrar, children must obey their parents. 261. Tor. Probability, supposition: the imperfect torde is used with present sense and is of much more fre- quent occurrence than the present tor: det torde VERBAL AUXILIARIES. 153 vara ganska svdrt, very likely it is quite difficult; han torde vara sjuk, ty han lovade sdkert att komma, I suppose that he is sick, for he promised surely to come. OTHER VERBAL AUXILIARIES. 262. The causative auxiliary lata, to let, make, or cause (to do or to be done). It has three main significations : (a) to allow, to give permission : han lat pojkarna leka, he allowed the boys to play. (b) to have somebody do a thing: jag har latit Karl hdmta bro'det, I have had Carl fetch the bread. When the verb has this signification the subject of the infinitive is often omitted: jag har Idtit gora en rock, I have had a coat made. XOTE. In the latter case it is best to render lata, by have and the infinitive by the passive participle. (c) Lata is used to paraphrase the first person plural of the imperative : lat oss ga; also occasionally as a substitute for the passive ; as, det later sig gora, that can be done; han har latit overtala sig, he has been persuaded. NOTE. In this reflexive construction the passive infinitive is also permitted : the reflexive always precedes the infinitive: han har latit sig ofvertalas, he has been persuaded. 263. Fa, to get, to receive, is also used as an auxiliary in a variety of meanings. (a) Permission : nu far du ga, now you may go. Tn this sense it is more common than either kunna 255, c) or ma (256, c). (b) Necessity: som gosse fick han ofta gora en Swedish Grammar 11 154 EXERCISE. mans arbete, as a boy he often had to do a man's work. NOTE 1. Very often the word lov, permission, is used euphemistically with fa when it denotes necessity: du far lov alt studera nu, you must study now. 2. Mdstc has a more general and absolute meaning than fa; thus, we must all die, must be rendered by, vi mdste alia do. (c) With the verbs veta, hora, and se, fa is used in an inchoative sense resembling the English get; as, hon fick veta det i gar, she received news of it yes- terday (learned to know) ; kommer han? du far se, you will see (learn). NOTE. When used independently fa presents many striking analogies with gel. Fa tag pa, to get hold of ; fa igenom en sale, get a thing through, etc. 264. Lar is used only in the present indicative to denote a supposition based on report. In this sense it is more common than skola (258, f ) : han lar vara sjuk, they say he is sick. NOTE. The same idea is more commonly expressed by the use of the adverb visst, certainly, surely ; han ar visst sjuk. The adverbs allt, nog and vdl ex- press the idea conveyed by torde (261). EXERCISE XXIV. A. Continue: 1. Jag bor vara hemma om en timma, ty min far har sagt, att jag maste hjalpa honom, du bor vara, etc. 2. Om jag anda skall gora det, sa borcle jag gora det strax, etc. 3. Jag skulle garna vilja ha kaffe, om jag blott finge lov af min lakare att dricka det, du skulle garna, etc. 4. Som gosse hade jag nog fatt arbeta tungt, om jag hade kunnat, men jag var sa klen, som gosse hade du, etc. 5. Jag skulle ha latit gora mig en kostym, om min far hade velat ge mig pengar att betala den med, etc. 6. Om han hade velat avlagsna sig, sa kunde jag ha gatt till sangs tidigt, etc. 7. Jag lat honom vanta pa svar, ty jag var ej pa det klara med hvad han ville, du lat honom, etc. EXERCISE. 155 B. En bonde hade kommit till en marknad och ville kopa nagot. Han stod vid ett av marknadsstanden och sag, hur folk kopte glasbgon. Handlanden gav dem en bok med fin stil i, sedan satte de pa ett par glasogon och sago uppmarksamt i boken. "Kan ni lasa den liar sfilen bra?" fragade handlanden, och nar den andre svarade ja, sa kopte han glasb'gonen. Bonden ville ocksa kopa sig ett par glasogon. Han steg fram till disken, satte pa sig det ena paret efter det andra och sag i boken, man lade ater bort dem. Handlanden ville hjalpa honom och erbjb'd ho- nom olika glasogon, men bonden sade gang efter aiman: "Jag kan inte lasa med dem." Till sist fragade honom en annan bonde, som under tiden hade kommit dit: "Men sag mig, kan du verkligen lasa?" "En sadan dumbom du ar", svarade den forsta bonden, "skulle jag. val kopa mig glasogon, om jag kunde lasa?" (7. Conversation: 1. Vem hade kommit till markna- den? 2. Vad ville han garna gora? 3. Vad gjorde man vid ett av standen? 4. Vad gjorde handelsmannen for att kunna se, vad for glasogon han maste ge dem? 5. Av vem bor man lata undersoka sina ogon, innan man koper glas- ogon? (ogonlakaren). 6. Yad for stil kunna de, som ha svaga ogon, bast lasa? 7. Vad tyckte bonden, att han ocksa skulle ha? 8. Vad gjorde han alltsa? 9. Vad fick han- delsmannen lov att ge honom? (one pair after another). 10. Hade bonden velat kopa glasogon, om han hade kunnat lasa? 11. Vad trodde han, att glasb'gonen skulle satta ho- nom i stand 1 att gbra. *Satta i stand, to enable; roro i stand, to be able. D. 1. A peasant who was unable 1 to read wished to buy a pair (of) spectacles. 2. He thought (trodde) that all he had to have in order to be able (165, 2) to read was a 156 VOCABULARY. pair (of) spectacles. 3. He said to himself: "I ought to have spectacles, and if I can get a pair that fits me I shall be able to read." 4. The peasant would not have wished (254, note) to buy glasses, had he been able to read. 5. A wise man would (258, b) have had (262, b) his eyes ex- amined by an oculist before buying 2 glasses. 6. The dealer let him try one pair after another, thinking 3 that he would find a pair which would fit him. 7. The young man is not permitted (263, a) to read because his eyes are weak. 8. The doctor says that he may read a short while to-mor- row. 9. What do the children wish (to have) for Christ- mas ? They want many things, but we can't afford to give them much. 10. Then they will have (use pres. of modal) to be satisfied with little. 11. Carl asked my father, "May we go to town?" and my father answered, "You may go, but you must be back before six o'clock." 12. Your father must have a great deal to do now. Several times I have wished to see him, but I have not been able 1 to. 13. Yes, he is having (262, b) a house built in the country, and must superintend the work. 14. Where have you had your suit made? I should like (259, b) to have the address of your tailor. 15. He can make clothes that fit; he is said (258, g) to have studied his art in London. 1 Icke kunna in proper tense. : Expand into a temporal clause with innan. 3 Causal clause with emedan, endr or do. VOCABULARY. en adress', -er, address flere(a) more, several en bonde, bonder, peasant forstdn'dig, -t, wise, sensible bort'laggd 1 (sep.), to put away genom, through bygga, lib, to build glasogon, spectacles en disk, -ar, counter gdng efter annan, time and en dumbom*, -mar, fool again er'bjuda, -bjo'd, -bjodo, -bju- en handlande, , merchant dit, -en, ~et, to offer en Jiandelsman, -man, dealer INDEFINITE PRONOUNS. 157 kliider, clothes en skriiddare, , tailor en konst, -er, art atiga fram', to step forth kort, , short stil t -ar, style; print liten, -et, def. lilla(e), pi. en stund, -er, while smd, little wag, -t, weak en marknad, -er, fair under tiden, in the meantime ett marknadsstund, booth un'dersoka tinsep.), to examine mycket, much upp'marksam, -t, attentive nu, now vilja ha', to want nijjd, nojt, satisfied en ogonldkare, , oculist olik, -t, unlike, different overvaka (insep.), I, to super- ett rdd, , advice; means intend sex, six IDIOMS: 1. Jag har ej rdd, I cannot afford. 2. Vad vill du ha till julklappf What do you wish for Christmas (.present)? 3. att luta sy en rock, to have a coat made. J More commonly used separably. 2 Note how final m of a word when the preceding vowel is short is doubled on its becoming intervocalic by the addition of an ending (3). LESSON XXV. Indefinite Pronouns. I. USED AS PRONOUNS ONLY. 265. Man (indeclinable) is used only in the nominative as an indefinite personal subject and, lacking an exact equivalent, is variously translated one, they, you, we, people (cf. German man, French on} . Ex. : man sager, att han har skrivit en ny bok, they say that he has written a new book; man fb'r- talar mig, people slander me. (a) In the oblique cases the corresponding forms of en are used, ens for the genitive, en for the objective ; the reflexive is sig. Thus : vad man ger, bringar en lycka, what one gives brings one luck; 158 INDEFINITE PRONOUNS. man skulle icke beromma sig sjdlv, one should not praise oneself. The reflexive possessive is sin, sitt, otherwise ens is usedr ens vdnner dro ofta vdrre an ens fiender, one's friends are often worse than one's enemies; man bar vorda sina fordldrar, one ought to honor one's parents. (b) When man is the subject of a transitive verb it is usually best to render the sentence by a passive : man har behandlat honom ilia, he has been badly treated. 266. Allting (gen. -s; no plur.), everything. 267. Ndgonting (gen. -s; no plur.), something, anything. 268. Ingenting (gen. -s; no plur.), nothing, Ingenting as well as ndgonting in a negative sen- tence are often intensified by a following (sometimes preceding) alls; as, har du sett nagonting? Ingen- ting alls, have you seen anything? Nothing at all; jag sag alls ingenting, I saw nothing whatever. NOTE 1. Ingenting and ndgonting are followed by an adjective in the indef- inite form of the neuter: har ni nagonting gott alt ataf do you have anything good to eat? Likewise nagot and intet. 2. Ingenting is usually placed before the supine of a compound tense, ndgon- ting, after; likewise intet is placed before and nagot after; Jag har ingenting (intet) sett, jag har sett ndgonting (nagot). In a dependent clause ingenting and intet come immediately after the subject: han sager, att han ingenting har sett. 269. Envar (gen. envars; no plur.) ; var och en (neut. vart och ett, gen. vars och ens; no plur.), sometimes en och var, everybody, every one : var och en (envar) har sina fel, everybody has his faults; envars (vars och ens) rykte bor respekteras, every- body's reputation should be respected. NOTE. Var och en is sometimes used adjectively. INDEFINITE PRONOUNS. 151) II. USED AS BOTH PRONOUNS AND ADJECTIVES. 270. En (neut. ett, only as adj., gen. ens, plur. ena, def. form ene, ena), one, a, an: man tror ens egna vdnner bast, one has most confidence in one's own friends; han dr en av mina bdsta vdnner, he is one of my best friends. In less elegant conversa- tion en is used in the nominative with the same sense as man; in the oblique cases it always takes the place of man. It is not used after adjectives like the English one: the red apple and the green one, det roda applet och det grb'na. 271. Den ene (-a) (fern, den ena, neut. det ena) , the one, is often used in correlation with den an- dre (-a), etc., the other: den ene kommer, den andre gar, one comes, the other goes. 272. En och annan (neut. ett och annat, gen. en och annans; no plur.), one now and then, one here and there: en och annan sdger sd, one now and then says so (some say so). 273. Ende (-a) (plur. and def. enda), only, is used as an adjective: han var enda sonen, he was the only son. When used as a pronoun it is always preceded by the definite or indefinite article and takes an -s in the genitive : dessa voro de enda, som voro ddr, these were the only ones who were there; jag har ej sett en enda av dem, I have not seen a single one of them. 274. Nagon (neut. nagot, gen. ndgons, nagots; plur. nagra; gen. ndgras), some, some one, any, anyone, a few, something, anything: har du nagra 1 GO EXERCISE. pengar? have you any money? nagon har frag at efter dig, some one (has) asked for you; jag har ho'rt ndgot vackert om dig, I have heard something nice about you; nagons hatt ligger har, somebody's hat lies here. NOTE 1. The words for any and some when used in a partitive sense are often omitted: har ni tdndstickort do you have any matches? 2. Some when it means a little is translated by litet (lite). 275. Ingen (neut. intet, inget, gen. ingens, intets; plur. inga, gen. ingas), no one, none, nobody, nothing; as adjective, no: jag har inga pengar (also jag har icke nagra pengar), I have no money; ingens karaktdr kan vara renare an hans, nobody's character can be purer than his. NOTE. The paraphrase icke nagon, nagra is more common than ingen, inga; at the beginning of a statement ingen is preferred. Inget is becoming more and more common for intet. 276. All (neut. allt, gen. alias, allts; plur. alia, gen. alias), all, everything: Gud har skapat allt, God has created everything; alia hans dottrar voro vackra, all his daughters were pretty; all j or den dr Guds verk, all the earth is the work of God. NOTE 1. When all in English means whole it must be rendered by hela without the prepositive article : jag har arbetat hela doyen, I have worked all day ; hela Paris, all Paris. 2. For the use of alls see 268, for the use of allra see 316. 3. Observe the following idiomatic uses of hel: som ett hell, as a whole; helt och hallet, wholly, completely ; pd del hela taget, taken as a whole, on the whole. EXERCISE XXV. A. Supply the missing indefinites: 1. Ar . . . (anybody} dar? Jag ser ... (nobody}. 2. Men jag ser ... (some- body's) hatt hanga dar. . . . (nobody) har kommit, sa vitt 1 jag vet. 3. ... (one) horde lasa dorren, annars kan ju vem som heist komma in, och . . . (one) hb'r det icke. EXERCISE. 161 4. ... (somebody) kunde till och med komma ocli stjala bort . . . (one's) 2 saker, utan att man visste det. 5. Brev- bararen liar varit bar med ... (a few) brev for dig. 6. ... (one) var ofrankerat, och jag maste betala fyrtio ore, . . . (the other) var rekommenderat. 7. Har du . . . (any) fri- marken att lana mig? Jag bar skrivit brev . . . (all) da- gen till . . . (every one) i familjen, och jag bar inte . . . (a single) frimarke kvar. 8. Hur skall . . . (one) fa ... (one's) 2 post, nar ... (one) ar ute och reser? 9. Lat adressera dina brev poste restante till . . . (some) av de sta- der, du amnar besoka. 10. ... (everybody), som ar ute och reser, liar svarighet med posten. 11. Middagen maste vara fardig nu. Var god och tag plats bredvid mig. 12. ... (no) ceremonier, som ni ser; vi aro blott ... (some) vanner. 13. Behagar ni ... (some) soppa? Sop- pan iir utmarkt. Skulle ni vilja ge mig ... (a little more), li. Behagar ni en kopp kaffe till? l Sd vitt (vitt, neuter of vid), as far as; note omission of som (as). *Sin or ens (265, a). B. I am at home to no one 1 ; I wish to rest a little. 2. If anyone asks for me, say that I shall be 2 at home again at seven o'clock (klockan sju). 3. One (271) of those two Americans asked for (efter) you; he left no card, and I cannot recall his name. 4. Have you ever seen anything so annoying? Here I have waited for (pa) him all week, and now when I am out (for) a few minutes he comes. 5. Do you have anything good to eat? Yes, this chicken is excellent. 6. Should you like a wing or a leg? 7. If you will allow 2 me, I shall take a little of this fruit. 8. Take what you want without ceremony; here one helps oneself (248, note). 9. Try this wine; it is ten years old and of with (till) the fruit. 10. Thank you, not now; I shall the best quality. One generally 3 takes a glass (of) wine 162 VOCABULARY. taste your wine another time; but I shall take another apple. 11. One single apple like 4 this is worth more to me than all (the) wine in the world. 12. Now, when we have eaten, we shall see the sights of (bese) the city. I haven't seen anything of Stockholm yet. 13. Where shall we go? Everybody who visits Stockholm must of course visit the famous Skansen and the Northern Museum. 14. Let us all go there. What do you prefer, car, cab, or automo- bile? translated: not... for anybody. 2 Use the present tense. 'Adverbs cannot stand between subject and verb except adverbs of negation and a few others in a dependent clause (179, a). *Translate: one such apple as (som) this. VOCABULARY. adresse'ra, I, to address lasa, I la, to lock en amerikan', -er, American behaga, I (often impers.), to please; to desire bredvid, beside en brevbarare, , letter car- rier bast, best en ceremoni', -er, ceremony en familj', -er, family ett frimarke, -n, postage stamp fyrtio, forty furarglig, -t, annoying forsoka, Ila, to try Jiiinga, lib, to hang ett kort (visit'kort) , , card (visiting card) en kvalitet', -er, quality kvar, over, left mer, more minnas (dep.), lib, to remember ofrankerad, -at, without stamp poste restante, general delivery rekommende'rad, -at, regis- tered sju, seven smaka, I, to taste stjiila bort', bortstjula (sep.), -stal, -stulo, -stulit, -en, -et, to steal en svdrignet, -er, difficulty en soppa, -or, soup ito.-teo Vila sig (refl.), I, to rest ett vin, -er, wine en vinge, -ar, wing ett ore, -n, ore (coin worth 14 cent). lamna, I, to leave IDIOMS: 1. Vad behagar nif What would you like? 2. Var god och tag plats, please sit down. 3. Skulle ni vilja ha en kopp kaffe tillf Would you like another cup of coffee? LESSON XXVI. Indefinite Pronouns (Continued). 277. Mdngen (neut. mdnget, gen. mangens; pi. and def . manga, gen. mangas) , many a in the singu- lar and many in the plural. Ex.: manga vackra blommor vdxa i trddgarden, many beautiful flowers grow in the garden; mdngen rik dr olycklig, many a rich person is unhappy. 278. Mycket (indeclinable), much: hur mycket pengar har du pa dig ? how much money do you have about you? icke alls mycket, not very much. 279. Annan (neut. annat, gen. annans; pi. and def. andra, gen. andras), other. Like the English other it is preceded either by the definite or in- definite article in the singular: har ni en annan bok? Have you another book? Vad go'ra de andra? What are the others doing? NOTE 1. ffagon annan, ndgot annat means somebody else, something else. 2. En annan means another, a different one; en till means one more: var god och giv mig en annan bok, please give me another book ; jag ville garna ha en kopp till, I should like another cup. 3. Varannan signifies every other : varannan dag, every other day. 280. Somlig (neut. somligt; pi. somliga, gen. somligas), some, is used as a pronoun or an adjec- tive generally only in the neut. sing, and plur. of all genders: somliga mdnniskor, some people; som- liga o'nska det har, andra det ddr, some want this and some that. NOTE 1. Note the correlatives somliga. . . . andra, some. . . . others. 2. The English some is generally to be rendered by ndgon, nagra, in speak- ing of individuals or individual things; by litet (lite), in speaking of quantity. 281. Flera(e) (gen. fleras), more, several. 164 INDEFINITES. 282. Flesta(e) (gen. flestas) , most, the majority. Flera and fiesta are used as comparative and superlative of manga. When flera does not express comparison it signifies several, quite a few; fiesta is always preceded by the article, but the noun it modifies does not take the postpositive ar- ticle: flera voro hiir i dag an i gar, more were here to-day than yesterday; pd fieras begaran sjong han sdngen, at the request of several he sang the song; de fiesta rosta nog fur honom, the majority will doubtless vote for him. 283. Fa (gen. fas), few. It is very often pre- ceded by nagra: ndgra fa voro hdr, a few were here. 284. Varannan (neut. vartannat; no plur.), every other: varannan dag ha vi tyska, we have German every other day. NOTE. Om vartannat, topsy-turvy; var (vart) tredje, var (vart) fjdrde; every third ; every fourth. 285. Endera (neut. ettdera) , one of two, either; ndgondera (neut. nagotdera), either; ingendera (intetdera), neither; vardera (vartdera), each. These take an s in the genitive when used pro- nominally.- They are rarely used as adjectives. Ex. : ingendera av oss fick ndgot, neither of us got any- thing; han kan komma endera dagen, he may come one of these days ; hdr ha ni ett apple vardera, here you have an apple each. 286. Var (neuter vart; no plur.) 1 varje (indeclinable) Veach, every varenda (neut. vartenda, no pl.)J Varje is only used adjectively. Varenda used as a pronoun is followed by en, ett. Ex. : varje larjunge mdste go'ra sin plikt. every pupil must do his duty; INDEFINITES. 165 jag har givit bort vartenda ett, I have given away every one. NOTE. Varje may sometimes be used with the sense of any: varje penna dr god nog, any pen will do. 287. Vilken (neut. vilket, plur. vilka) som heist and vad som heist (neuter) are used pronominally and adjectively with the sense of whosoever, what- soever, whichsoever, anyone at all, anything at all, any at all; vem som heist, whosoever, anyone (at all), is used only pronominally. When these words are used as adjectives, som heist generally follows the noun ; when used as pro- nouns, som may be dropped before a relative clause. Ex. : vilken penna som heist dr god nog, any pen is good enough; vem som heist kan komma, anyone at all may come; Ids vad bok som heist, read any book you please; vid vilken tid som heist, at any time; vdlj hvad heist, som passar, chose anything that suits you. 1. Ndgon, ingen, hurudan, and conjunctive adverbs like nar, hur, sd, likewise form compounds with som heist to become especially indefinite; as, dr det ndgon som heist or sale, varfor du icke kan din Idxa? Nej, ingen som heist, is there any reason whatsoever why you do not know your lesson? No, no reason whatever; kom nar som heist, come at any time; kor sd fort som heist, drive as fast as you please. 2. The particle an is also used with the relatives and cer- tain conjunctive adverbs to impart an indefinite force: vem det an dr, whoever it may be; vad du an gor, gor det veil, whatever you do, do it well; vad svar han an gav, whatever answer he gave; hur fort det an gar, sd, hinna vi ej from i tid, no matter how fast we go, we won't be there in time. 3. Note the difference in meaning between han gjorde vad som heist, and vad han an gjorde. 166 EXERCISE. 288. Bdda, bdgge (gen. bddas, bdgges), both, are plural forms. When bada is preceded by the prepositive article it means two; as, de bdda flic- korna tiro systrar, the two girls are sisters; but bada systrarna kommo, both sisters came. OBSERVE. Vi bdda, ni bada, de bdda, both of us, both of you, both of them. EXERCISE XXVI. A. En grosshandlare behovde en gang en springpojke pa sitt kontor och satte fordenskull en annons i tidningen. Manga gossar infunno sig pa kontoret nasta dag. Somliga av dessa hade medfort goda rekommendationsbrev, men grosshandlaren skickade bort dem alia utan att se pa deras rekommendationer och beholl en enda liten gosse, som icke hade nagot som heist skriftligt intyg. En av hans vanner, som var narvarande, fragade varfor han just valde en, som ej hade nagon rekommendation, da de fiesta andra hade medfort sadana. "Jo", svarade grosshandlaren, "han hade ej sa fa rekommendationer, ehuru de ej voro skriftliga. Han torkade av fotterna vid db'rren och tog upp en knapp- nal fran golvet, foljaktligen maste han vara bade renlig och noggrann. Dessutom tog han av sig niossan och sva- rade raskt och riktigt, darfor maste han vara bade forstan- flig och uppmarksam. Han vantade stilla och tyst, medan var och en av de andra trangde sig fram, och ar foljakt- ligen ocksa bl}'gsam. En manniskas uppforande betyder mycket mer an vilken rekommendation som heist." B. Conversation. 1. Vad behovde grosshandlaren? 2. Vad gjorde han for att fa en springpojke? 3. Medforde hans annons nagot resultat? 4. Vad hade de fiesta med- fort? 5. Brydde sig grosshandlaren om deras rekommen- dationsbrev? (bry sig oni=o core for). 6. Vem valde han for platsen? 7. Vad var det. som forvanade en VOCABULARY. 167 av bans vanner, vilken var narvarande? 8. Vilka fern goda egenskaper (qualities) agde gossen? 9. Varigenom (through what) visade gossen, att han var renlig? Artig? Forstandig och uppmarksam? 10. Vad brydde sig gross- handlaren mer om an (than) om rekommendationsbrev ? C. 1. Are tbere 1 many advertisements in the paper to- day? No, only a few (283). 2. I should like to know if there is anyone who wants an errand boy. 3. It seems as if every other (279, 3) advertisement is about errand boys. 4. The next morning there were many boys in (pa) the office ; it was full of boys who wanted the place. 5. The letters of recommendation of most were very good. 6. Some of the boys had many recommendations each. 7. But the merchant dismissed every one of them and kept a small boy who did not have any 2 recommendation whatsoever. 8. Which one of you got the place? Neither. 9. Every boy who did not have any letter of recommendation was dis- missed, and neither of us had any. 10. I believe that he will 3 soon need another (279, 2) boy in his office; the one that (den som) he has is neither 4 polite nor 4 tidy. 11. The conduct of both boys was good, but it seemed as if the little boy behaved better. 12. Do you have any reason whatsoever 2 for not having 5 done this yet? 13. I did not know that it should be ready so soon; when I asked you, you said that I could do it at any time. 14. How fast shall I drive ? You may drive as fast as you please 2 . ijfr del or finns det (244, b). 2 287, 1. 3 Use present or kommer att and infinitive. 4 VarTcen. . . .eller. translate varfor du icke har, etc. VOCABULARY. en annons' (pronounced an- behdl'la (insep., see hdlla), to nongs') -er, advertisement retain artig, -t, polite lieho'va (insep.), lib, to need av'torka (sep., torka av'), to bety'da( insep.), lib, to signify wipe llygsam, -t, modest 168 USE OF TENSES. bort'skicka, skicka bor'(sep.) narvarande, , present to dismiss nnsta, , next bdde. . och (conj.), both. . and ocksd, also ehu'ru (conj.), although en plats, -er, place, position fort, fast rask, -t, quick foljaktligen, consequently renlig, -t, cleanly forderi 'skull, on that account en rekommendation', -er, re- ett golv, , floor commendation en grosshandlare, , whole- ett rekommendations'brev, , sale merchant a letter of recommendation in'finna sig, to appear, to pre- skriftlig, -t, written sent oneself en springpojke. -ar, errand boy ett intyg, , testimonial synas (dep.), Ha, to seem just, just torka av', I, wipe off en knappndl, -ar, pin trdnga sig from', lib, to crowd ett kontor, , office to the front, to press forward medan, while tyst, , quiet, silent med'fora (sep.), to bring along upp'taga, taga upp', to take up noggrann, -grant, careful ett uppforande (no pi.), conduct LESSON XXVII. Use of the Tenses. 289. In general the tenses are used as in Eng- lish, but the following points should be noticed. PRESENT. 290. The Present for the Future. In both lan- guages the present is used with the meaning of the future but this use is much more extensive in Swe- dish, and a Swedish present must often be rendered by the future. In fact Swedish employs the present instead of the future almost always when some ad- verbial expression of time accompanies the verb and prevents a misunderstanding : jag gar till posten och ar tillbaka om tio minuter, I am going to the post office and shall be back in ten minutes. NOTE. For the progressive present see 228 and note. USE OF TENSES. 169 IMPERFECT. 291. The Imperfect for the Present. The im- perfect of the verb v ara is used in a present sense, especially in exclamatory expressions, to denote intensity of feeling, such as pleasure, enthusiasm, disgust, etc. It is usually combined with the imper- sonal det. Ex.: Det var fortjusande vackert! How charmingly beautiful ! Det var forfdrligt, hvad det bldser! How fearfully it storms! Det var roligt, att du kommer, I am glad that you are coming. Det var da lojligt! Isn't that ludicrous? NOTE. For the progressive imperfect see 228 and note. 292. The imperfect is used in certain expres- sions with a present or imperative meaning to give a tinge of modesty or politeness: herrarna beha- gade komma in, please come in, gentlemen; jag on- skade veta om herr X dr tillbaka, I should like to know if Mr. X. is back. This might perhaps be regarded as a subjunctive (167). PERFECT. 293. The Perfect for the Future Perfect. As in English the perfect is often employed with the meaning of the future perfect when no misunder- standing can arise: ndr han har varit i Sverige ett dr, sd talar han svenska flytande, when he has been in Sweden a year, he will speak Swedish fluently. FUTURE. 294. For the present taking the place of the future see 290. .295. The future expressed by the auxiliary skola and the infinitive often conveys the idea of a reso- Swedish Grammar 12 170 USE OF TENSES. lution, decision, or even command: jag skall betala, I will pay, is equivalent to a promise ; du skall betala is equivalent to an exhortation or command. 296. Pure futurity is often expressed by the present of the verb fcowwa-f-the infinitive of the verb preceded by att: jag kommer att betala, I am going to pay. In this case the present could not be used since there is no adverbial expression of time to obviate the misunderstanding. We may say, jag betalar i morgon. If we wish to translate, for instance, you will laugh when you read the book, we must say ni kommer att skratta, nar ni laser boken and not ni skall skratta, nar ni laser boken, since the latter has almost the force of a command. The present of skratta may also be used but is not quite as good in this case as kommer, etc. 297. Sta i begrepp is occasionally used with the infinitive to express immediate futurity; it is equiv- alent to the English to be about to, or on the point of, but is used much less extensively: jag star i begrepp att resa till Europa, I am on the point of leaving for Europe. FUTURE PERFECT. 298. The future perfect is used very little in Swedish, its place being taken by the perfect (293). 299. Omission of the Auxiliary in the Perfect and Pluperfect. In a dependent clause the auxiliary hava is frequently omitted: nar du gdtt (har gatt), skall jag borja att arbeta, when you have gone, I shall begin to work. USE OF TENSES. 171 THE USES OF THE INFINITIVE. 300. The simple infinitive (without att) is used much more frequently in Swedish than in English. Thus, att is omitted : (a) With the future auxiliary skall, the modals, and lata, fa, Idr. (b) When the infinitive has a subject in the ob- jective, a construction very common in Swedish; as, jag bad honom komma, I asked him to come; jag horde honom sjunga, I heard him sing; jag sag ho- nom komma, I saw him coming. (c) Very often when the infinitive is used pred- icatively after a verb in the passive: han hordes saga, he was heard to say; han sages ha dott, he is said to have died ; de syna-s trivas, they seem to get along well. (d) After many verbs which in English require to before the infinitive which they govern, like, dmna, to intend; hoppas, to hope; bruka, to use; plaga, to use, etc., especially when euphony demands. 301 . The infinitive with att is used : (a) As subject or object of a sentence: att fela dr mdnskligt, to err is human. In this case the infinitive is often translated by a verbal noun or a gerund in English. (b) As a modifier of nouns and adjectives : kons- ten att bli rik, the art of growing rich ; detta dr latt att forstd, this is easy to understand. Note expressions like : rum att hyra, rooms for rent ; ved att saga, wood to be sawed, where the noun is really the object. (c) As predicate after vara, bliva, finnas, std, etc. Swedish uses here the active infinitive where 172 EXERCISE. either the active or the passive is used in English: Vad dr hdr'att gora? What is here to be done? Han star ej att overtala, he is not to be persuaded. 302. Prepositions with att Infinitive. When it refers to the subject of the leading verb the att infinitive may be preceded by almost any prepo- sition, in which case the English generally requires a verbal noun; as, han lekte i stdllet for att gora sitt arbete, he played instead of doing his work; genom att hjalpa andra hjdlper man ofta sig sjalv, by helping others, we often help ourselves; jag dr glad over att kunna hjdlpa dig, I am glad that I can help you. NOTE. When the subject of the infinitive is not the same as that of the leading verb, Swedish uses an att clause preceded by the preposition: genom att han Idnade mig pengar, kunde jag kopa huset, by his lending me money, I was able to buy the house ; han gick, utan att jag fick tala med honom, he went without my getting a chance to speak to him. EXERCISE XXVII. A. Ett skepp, som seglade fran Smyrna till Marseille med dyrbar last, forfoljdes av sjb'rovare och ansags vara forlorat. Kaptenen kom da pa den tanken att lata besatt- ningen ga ned under dack. Pa dacket lamnade han blott en enda matros, som han noga foreskrev, vad han skulle gora. Nar sjorovarnas skepp narmade sig och dess kapten be- fallde, att man skulle stryka flagg, ropade matrosen med jamrande rb'st: "Jag bar ej sa mycket styrka kvar; ni fa bemaktiga er skeppet; vi komma fran Smyrna, och kap- tenen samt halften av besattningen ha dott i pesten pa b'verresan. Sex man aro annu kvar, men komma sakert att do, om ni ej hjalper oss. Skynda er att stiga ombord. ty ni allena 1 kan radda oss." "Far din vag, din 2 dum- bom !'' ropade sjorovaren till svar, "tror du verkligen, att EXERCISE. 173 jag skulle vilja narma mig ditt fartyg!" Darpa avliigs- nade ban sig sa fort 3 ban kunde. J Note the weak form of the adjective after a personal pronoun. 2 Note the use of the personal pronoun of the second person in expressions denoting 1 con- tempt ; transl. you big fool. Other expressions of the same kind : din skurk, din asna, etc. , 3 Note omission of som, as. B. Conversation. 1. Varifran kom skeppet? 2. Vart seglade det? 3. Vad for slags last hade det? 4. Var det ett segelfartyg eller ett angfartyg (steamer) ? 5. Av vem forfoljdes det? 6. Kunde det undkomma (escape) sjo- rovaref artyget ? 7. Vart skickade kaptenen hela besatt- ningen med undantag av 1 en enda matros ? 8. Vad befall- de kaptenen pa det andra fartyget honom 'att gora? 9. Vad hade blivit av kaptenen? 10. Hur manga av besatt- niiigen voro kvar? 11. Vad gjorde sjorovarna, niir de horde detta ? 1 With the exception of. 0. Supply the proper Swedish equivalent for the Eng- lish future, namely, the present, future with sTcall, or ham- mer att, in the first six sentences. 1. I morgon . . . (resa, 1st plur.) till Stockholm. 2. Om en vecka . . . (vara, 1st plur.) tillbaka, och da ... (besb'ka, 1st plur.) dig. 3. Det dar gamla fartyget . . . sakert for- olyckas. 4. I morgon . . . (fara) till Chicago, och da ... (kb'pa, 1st sing.) en ring at dig. 5. Du . . . (gora) allt ditt arbete, Erik, innan du far ga ut och spela boll. 6. Nar ni laser min daliga svenska, sa . . . (skratta, 2nd sing., polite) at mina manga fel. 7. Hela besattningen ... (do, progressive present). 8. I gar nar min kusin kom for att besoka mig, . . . (packa, progressive imperfect, first person) min koffert. Change the following three sentences according to 299. 9. Om jag hade vetat, att ban var sjuk, sa hade jag besokt 174 VOCABULARY. honom. 10. Den gamle herrn, som nyss bar stigit i vagnen, ar min larare. 11. Vi sakna vara vanner, som nyss ha rest till New York. In the following supply the proper infinitive, the att infinitive or the simple, of the verbs indicated. 12. Genom . . . (narra) sjorovarna raddade kaptenen sitt fartyg. 13. Han bad matroserna ... (ga) ned under dack. 14. Han ansags . . . (vara) rik. 15. Sjorovaren hordes . . . (ropa) till matrosen pa dacket. D. 1. But say, this is (291) a beautiful ship! Do you know to what port it is going to sail ? 2. Shall 1 we go on board? I know the captain, and shall 1 introduce you to him, if you wish. 3. He is a fine man and I am sure (saker pa) that you will like 2 him. 4. He has just returned from America and the passage was very difficult. 5. It was only by maneuvering 3 the ship skillfully that (som) he saved it. 6. He does not believe that his trip will be 2 stormy. 7. He asked us to come on board, for (ty) he did not wish to leave the city without having 3 spoken to us. 8. When the sailor had (299) told the pirate that half of the crew had died of the plague, the pirate sailed away without taking 3 possession of the ship. 9. He was on the point (297) of going out when I entered. 10. Did he do all this work? Well, I call that working (301, a). 11. We must walk fast in order to get (Tcomma) home before night (def. form). 12. Mr. Lind was kind enough to lend me a book. 13. He is very much interested in playing 3 tennis. 14. The water is warm enough for bathing 3 (till att bada i). *Here the future implies a decision: skola or komma attf 2 Here pure futuri- ty. VOCABULARY. alle'na (only predicative, no bemak'tiga sig, to take pos- neut.), alone session of befal'la, lib, to command en besatt'ning, -ar, crew VOCABULARY. 175 dyrbar, -t, precious, costly ett ddck, , deck dilrpd, thereupon ett far'tyg, , vessel en flag g a (flagg), -or, flag fort, quickly, rapidly fo'reskriva (insep. v.), to pre- scribe fvrfol'ja (insep.), lib, to pur- sue en hamn, -ar, port, harbor en hedersman, -man, man of honor en hiilft, -er, half intresse'rad, -at, interested jiimrande, , plaintive en kapten', -er, captain komma in', to enter en last, -er, cargo; burden en matros', -er, sailor maniivre'ra, I, to maneuver ned, down nog, enough; certainly, to be sure noga (adj. and adv.), exact ndrma sig, I, to approach omoord, on board en pest, -er, pest, plague presente'ra, I, to introduce ropa, I, to cry, call en rost, -er, voice en sjorovare, , pirate skicklig, -t, skillful stryka, strok, stroko, stru- kit, -en, -et, to lower en styrka, strength, power en tanke, -ar, thought iinnu, yet IDIOMS: 1. Var sd god och Idna mig, be so kind as to (please) lend me; han var sd god och kom, he was kind enough to come. 2. att do i en sjukdom, to die of a disease. 3. att komma pd en ide, en tanke, to hit upon an idea, a thought. 4. att presentera en person for ndgon, to introduce a person to somebody. 5. att omtala ndgot for ndgon, to tell somebody some- thing. LESSON XXVIII. Comparison of Adjectives 303. Most adjectives form their comparative by adding -are to the stem of the positive, and the superlative by the addition of -ast. 304. Examples : rik rikare rikast rich ddel ddlare ddlast noble trogen trognare trognast faithful vacker vackrare vackrast beautiful ringa ringare ringast humble, small NOTE. Positive stems in unaccented -el, -en, -er, drop the e of these syllables in the comparative and superlative. Positive stems in -a drop the a. 305. The following adjectives form their com- parative and superlative by the addition of -re and -st and modify the stem vowel if it is strong: grov hog lag Idng stor trang tung ung NOTE. Grov, trdng and lag are also compared regularly ; lag then has a moral signification. 306. The following are compared irregularly: grovre hogre lagre Idngre storre trdngre tyngre yngre gro'vst ho'gst Idgst Idngst sto'rst trdng st tyngst yngst coarse high low long great, large narrow, tight heavy young dalig gammat god, bra liten mycken manga sdmre dldre bdttre mindre mera flera(e) stimst didst bast minst mest flesta(e) bad old good little, small much many NOTB 1. The plural of liten is sma and is compared like liten, but also has the comparative smtirre. 2. God and dalig are also compared regularly. COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. 177 307. Some adjectives derived from adverbs, especially such as designate place, have no posi- tive. These have a comparative in -re, generally inverted in the superlative -erst. bakre bakerst farther back, rear bortre bofrterst farther frdmre frdmst farther in front ftfrre(a) forst former inre innerst inner nedre nederst nether, lower undre under st under yttre ytterst outer o'vre overst upper 308. Adjectives which do not easily take the endings of comparison may be compared by using mera and mest together with the positive (such are adjectives in -e, -ad, -s, isk and all participles) . Ex. : ode, desolate, mera ode, mest ode; dlskad, mera dlskad, mest dlskad. NOTE. This is also the case when two qualities of the same object are com- pared with one another: han or mera trott an somnig, he is more tired than sleep}'. DECLENSION OF COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES. 309. The comparative is invariable except that it takes an -s in the genitive when used as a noun : den dldre brodern, the older brother; det dldre bar- net, the older child; den dldres rdttigheter, the rights of the older. 310. The superlative is not declined in the pred- icate when not preceded by the definite prepositive article; when preceded by this article it is declined like an adjective in the weak declension. Ex. : han 178 EXERCISE. var den flitigaste i klassen, he was the most diligent one in the class ; han var didst, he was the oldest. NOTE. Superlatives in -ast take only the ending -e: del vackraste barnet, but det yngsta barnet, den yngste gossen. 311. Than is rendered by an: han ar aldre an jag, he is older than I. EXERCISE XXVIII. A. Insert comparative and superlative forms respective- ly in the blanks. 1. Jag ar trogen, du ar . . . , han ar . . . 2. Vi aro adla, ni aro . . ., de aro ... 3. Detta huset ar stort, det dar ar . . . , och det grona dar borta ar . . . 4. Detta ar en fortjusande utsikt, men utsikten fran berget pa andra sidan floden ar . . ., och utsikten fran den hoga bergstoppen (peak) dar borta ar . . . 5. Karl ar liten, Erik ar . . ., Ernst ar . . . 6. I dag ar det manga i kyrkan, men forra sondagen var det ... 7. Han ar en lag manniska, jag bar sallan sett en ... 8. Vilken av de tva bergstopparna ar den . . . (lowest) ? 9. Hur gammal ar Erik? Det vet jag ej sakert, men han ar . . . (older) an Karl, och Alfred ar den . . . (oldest) av gossarna. 10. Vem ar . . . (most musical}, Anna eller Klara? 11. Anna ar . . . (compara- tive) an Klara. 12. H'ar du sett en ... (more desolate, ode) trakt an denna? E. 1. Ar icke katedralen i Koln en av de aldsta, storsta och hogsta kyrkor i varlden? 2. Jo, det finns endast fa, som aro aldre, storre och hogre. 3. Nar tycker ni, att det ar intressantast (310) att resa? Pa sommaren, ty da aro dagarna langre, man kan se mer, och det ar mycket ange- namare. 4. Hur lang tid tar det att komma fran New York till Liverpool? De snabbaste angarna gora over- resan pa mindre an sex dagar. 5. Det ar ett misstag, att EXERCISE. 179 de europeiska tagen skulle vara langsammare an de ameri- kanska. 6. I flere lander i Europa aro snalltagen bland de snabbaste, som det over huvud taget finns. 7. Har man ej flere klasser darborta an har? Jo, det ar vanligen tre klasser; i Tyskland har man till och med fyra. 8. I Sve- rige resa endast de allra rikaste (316) i forsta klass, och de fiesta fara i tredje. 9. Man reser bekvamare (318) i andra klass dar an i var forsta. 10. Vena bor i huset dar- borta? Tva av vara narmaste slaktingar, en farbror och en kusin. 11. Den forre bor i framre del en av den ovre va- ningen, den senare i den bakersta delen av den undre va- ningen; resten av huset star tomt. 12. Jag skulle garna vilja hyra huset, om dess yttre vore vackrare, dess inre dar- emot behagar mig. 13. Skulle du vilja gb'ra en langre 1 tur i min bil i eftermiddag? Ja, med stb'rsta nb'je 2 . 1 Translate: extended; langre means here rather long. 2 Note the indefinite form of the noun. C. 1. There are large and high churches in most cities, but there are business buildings in New York which are larger and higher than the largest and highest churches in the world. 2. My oldest brother is the most diligent boy in the class. 3. In point of 1 studies he is at the head (framst, 310), but in sports he is poorer than most of them. 4. We had the most beautiful weather on our trip to-day; it was less warm than on our former trip. 5. Have you no nearer and better friend in this city than he? No, he is my nearest and best friend. 6. I do not know whether I shall travel first or second class. Would you advise me? 7. If I were you (i ert stdlle) I should 2 rather travel second; that class is more comfortable than our first and only the wealthiest travel first class here. 8. The fastest steamers are not always to be preferred 3 ; a slower and larger steamer rocks less. 9. Don't you think 180 VOCABULARY. that the interior of this house is much more beautiful than the exterior? Yes, but it is more beautiful than modern (308). The house next to ours is for rent (301, b, note). Why don't you rather rent that ? It has many more modern improvements (nutida bekvamligheter). *Use impersonal form of gdlla. Translate so, (171, B, 2) skulle jag hellre, etc. *att foredraga (301, c). VOCABULARY. en affiirsbyggnad, -er, business en klass, -er, class building Idngsam, -t, slow '(not lone- angendm, -t, agreeable some; to be lonesome (en) bekvamlighet, -er, comfort att ha trdkigt) bekviim', comfortable ett miss'tag, , mistake bredvid', next to, at the side of modern' -t, modern ddrborta, over there ett noje, -n, amusement, pleas- endast, only ure europeisk, -t, European en rest, -er, remainder en farbror, -broder, uncle en slakting, -ar, relative fattig, -t, poor snabb, -t, quick, rapid fo'redraga (insep., see draga), ett studium, -er, study prefer till och med, even gunga, I, to rock, to swing torn, -t, empty, vacant gdlla, lib, to have a value; to en tur, -er, trip be a question of vanligen, usually Jiellre, rather en dngare, , steamboat i'drott 1 , -er, sport over huvud taget, on the whole en katedral', -er, cathedral en overresa, -or, trip across *ldrott is generally used collectively in the singular. LESSON XXIX. Comparison of Adjectives (Continued). 312. A comparison of equality is expressed by lika(sa) . . .som, (just) as. . .as; or by sa. . .sow, so (as) ... as, the latter generally after negatives ; lika or sa is occasionally omitted: han dr lika gam- mal som jag, he is just as old as I; hon dr ej sa lycklig, som hon brukade vara, she is not as happy as she used to be; han dr tapper som ett lejon, he is as brave as a lion. NOTE. A comparison of equality with adverbs is expressed in the same way ; where there is no equality the correlative as as must be rendered by d . . . . som only : han skriver lika bra som du, he writes as well as you ; kom id fort som mojligt, come as soon as possible. 313. The comparison below the positive is formed by using the adverbs mindre, minst (less, least) : han dr den minst framstdende av de tre brb'derna, he is the least prominent of the three brothers. 314. The adverb the with a comparative is ex- pressed by dess, desto (sometimes ju) ; the correla- tives the. . .the by ju (normal order) . . .dess, desto or ju (inverted order) ; as, jasa, han kommer, desto bdttre,so, he is coming, so much the better ; ju Idngre han stannade hdr, dess (ju) fattigare blev han, the longer he remained here, the poorer he became. 315. The comparative and the superlative are sometimes used absolutely; the comparative then denotes a rather high degree and the superlative a very high degree; as, en sto'rre penningsumma, a rather large sum of money ; jag gor det med storsta noje, I shall do that with the greatest pleasure ; min baste van, my dear friend (in speaking or writing 182 ADVERBS. to some one) ; kdraste du (kdra du is perhaps more common) , in speaking to very intimate friends. 316. Distributive Superlative. The superlative is often strengthened by the adverb allra (old gen. plural of all) : den allra storsta, den aUra vackraste, the greatest, prettiest of all (the very greatest, pret- tiest) . Adverbs. 317. The indefinite forms of the neuter singular of most descriptive adjectives can be used as ad- verbs. Ex.: adj., god, good; adv., gott; adj., vdnlig, friendly; adv., vdnligt; adj., hastig, rapid; adv., hastigt. NOTE. Some adverbs are formed from adjectives in -Kg by means of the ending -en; trolig-en, probably; mojlig-en, possibly. 318. COMPARISON OF ADVERBS. Adverbs form their degrees of comparison like the adjectives. Very few except those ending in -t can be compared. Examples : hovligt ddelt troget tungt 319. The bra, vdl gdrna ilia ndra Idnge fore fort ofta sakta fram hovligare ddlare trognare tyngre following bdttre hellre vdrre ndrmare langre forr fortare oftare saktare frdmre hovligast ddlast trognast tyngst adverbs are bast heist vdrst ndrmast Idngst forst fortast oftast saktast frdmst politely nobly faithfully heavily also compared well willingly badly near long before fast often slow forth EXERCISE. 183 320. The comparative and the superlative of adverbs are invariable. Apparent exceptions are a few idiomatic absolute superlatives; as, de voro i det narmaste ett hundra, they were very nearly one hundred; han kdmpade i det Idngsta, he fought as long as possible; han hdlsade mig pa det hov- ligaste, he greeted me most politely; han kom med det snaraste, he came as soon as possible. 321. So also the Swedish equivalent for the Eng- lish, as ... can, could : hon gick det tystaste hon kunde, she walked as quietly as she could; han Idste det tydligaste han kunde, he read as plainly as he could (also sa tydligt han kunde; note omission of som, as). 322. As. . .as possible is expressed by sa. . .som mojligt ; sa snart som mojligt, as soon as possible. 323. The English more and more=aUt+the re- peated comparative as in English (a single com- parative may be used) : stormen rasade allt hdfti- gare och hdftigare, the storm raged more and more violently. EXERCISE XXIX. A. 1. Gar du ofta pa 1 teatern, Karl? Hogst (at the most) fern eller sex ganger om aret (338, note). Jag gar mycket hellre pa forelasningar och konserter. 2. Konser- ten i gar var troligen den mest lyckade (308) sedan sa- songens bb'rjan, salongen var i det narmaste 2 fullsatt. 3. De olika numren pa programmet mottogos med det allra varmaste bifall. 4. Jag tyckte, att frb'ken Forsell sjb'ng lika bra som fm Jungstedt, fast den senare ar mera om- talad (308). 5. Vad skall ni gora under de stundande 184 EXERCISE. helgdagarna ? Jag skall avlagga ett kortare (315) besok hos min bror. 6. Halsa honom pa det hjartligaste 2 och sag honom, att jag skall skriva till honom med det allra sna- raste 2 . 7. Kara du, maste du verkligen resa? Jag ar sa ledsen; men kom igen sa fort du kan (321). 8. Ju oftare du kommer, och ju langre du gb'r ditt besok, desto battre, ty du ar alltid en mycket valkommen gast hos oss. 9. Hur gar det for Erik i skolan? Icke sa bra som det gjorde i bb'rjan; han var visserligen icke den allra basta i sin klass, men han var flitigare an nu och gjorde sitt basta. 10. Nu synes han mera lat an dum (308, note), han arbetar utan det ringaste intresse och ar alls icke uppmarksam i klassen. 11. Karl daremot studerar det flitigaste han kan och ar framst i sin klass. 12. Jag har hoppats i det langsta 2 , att Erik skulle bli uppflyttad i ar, men det troligaste ar, att han far sitta kvar. 1 Pa is used in the sense of to in a number of phrases: att go, fa tealern, pa target, to go to the theater, to market. 2 320. B. Conversation. 1. Vart gar ni heist, pa teatern eller pa en forelasning? 2. Var auditoriet vid konserten i gar talrikt? 3. Fann ni konserten lyckad? 4. Appladerade ahorarna de olika numren 1 ? 5. Vem sjong bast, froken Forsell eller fru Jungstedt? 6. Na'r amnar ni (att) avlagga (ett) besok hos er bror? 7. Har ni skrifvit till honom an? 8. Gor en jamforelse (comparison) mellan Eriks och Karls arbete i skolan. 1 Indef. form nummer ; one m is dropped in the def. form since the long m- sound is no longer intervocalic. G. 1. Do you attend the theater oftener now than you used to (do), Carl? 2. No, extremely 1 seldom, and when I do attend, I attend mostly 2 the opera. 3. I have never be- fore been as occupied as I am now; the more (314) I do, the more there is to do, it seems. 4. Aren't you working a VOCABULARY. 185 little (274, 2 ) harder than you used to? 5. Perhaps. I wish to have a certain work ready as soon as possible in order to get my vacation. 6. Where do you intend to spend it? At a watering place? 7. No, I have been at watering places several (flera) times before. This summer I prefer to take a trip to northern Sweden. 8. A friend of mine has given me a most (hogst) interesting account of the beautiful sceneries of Lapland. 9. Are you going alone? No, we shall be four, perhaps more (flera}. 10. Would (skutte) you permit me to go with you if I could be ready as soon as you? 11. With the greatest (315) pleasure, the (314) more we are, the merrier it will be. D. 1. Is Eric as diligent as he was in the beginning? 2. No, I do not know what is the matter with him, it seems as if he were growing lazier and lazier (323). 3. Is he not here yet ? Perhaps he will come a little later. 4. No, he wrote me most politely that he would rather come an- other time. 5. He sent the most cordial (316) greetings to all his friends. 6. My dear (315) friend, can't you come to see me a little ofterier than you do? Come as often as you please (287, 1). l Ytterst hogst, in the highest degree, very, and ytterst, extremely, ex- ceedingly, are often used to form an absolute superlative. *For del mesta (320). VOCABULARY. ett auditorium, -cr, audience for det mesta, for the most avlagga, insep., to make (a part visit) ; sep. lay, take off en forelasning, -ar, lecture en badort, -er, watering place en gdst, -er, guest ett bifall, approval, applause hjartlig, -t, cordial en torjan, beginning hard, h&rt, hard dum, -t, stupid intressant', interesting fast, although eft intres'se, -n, interest friimst, foremost karihan'da, perhaps full'satt, , crowded en Mass, -er, class Sivedish Grammar 13 186 NUMERALS. kvar (adv. and adj. in the sjunga, sjong, sjongo, sjungit, predicate) left, over sjungen, -et, to sing lat (no neut.), lazy en skildring, -ar, account ledsen, sorry snar, -t, rapid, quick; snart, lyckad, -at, successful soon norra (indeclinable), northern stundande (indecl.), coming ett nummer, , number synas (dep. v.), I la, to seem, om'talad, -at, mentioned; appear celebrated en sdsong', -er*, season en opera, -or, opera; opera tilldta (insep.), to permit house troligen, probably ett program', , program uppflyttad, -at, moved up, ringa (indeclinable) insig- promoted nificant upptagen, -et, occupied sceneri', -er, scenery verkligen, really en semes' ter 1 , -rar, semester; visserligen, to be sure, cer- vacation tainly ^Semester is a vacation from work, ferier a vacation from school. *Sasong is a social season, arstid, a natural season. IDIOMS: 1. att sitta kvar, not to be promoted. 2. att tli uppflyttad, to be promoted. 3. Hvad fattas honomf What is the matter with him? LESSON XXX. The Numerals. CARDINAL ORDINAL 1. en [neut. ett; (den) forste(a), 1st def. ene(a)'\ 2. tvd andre(a), 2nd 3. tre tredje, 3rd, etc. 4. fyra fjarde 5. fern femte 6. sex sjatte 7. sju sjunde 8. dtta dttonde 9. nio nionde 10. tio tionde 11. elva elvte NUMERALS. 187 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 30. 31. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. 90. 100. 101. 200. 250. 1,000. 1,150. 1,000,000. tolv tretton fjorton femton sexton sjutton aderton nitton tjugu (tjugo, tjuge) tjuguett tjugutva trettio (tretti) tretti(o)ett fyrtio (fyrti) femtio (femti) sextio (sexti) sjuttio (sjutti) attio (dtti) nittio (nitti) (ett) hundra hundra ett tva hundra tva hundra femtio (ett) tusen ett tusen ett hundra femtio en million tolvte trettonde fjortonde femtonde sextonde sjuttonde adertonde nittonde tjugonde tjuguforsta tjuguandra trettionde tretti(o)forsta fyrtionde femtionde sextionde sjuttionde attionde nittionde hundrade hundra forsta tva hundrade tva hundra femtionde tusende ett tusen ett hundra femtionde REMARKS ON THE CARDINALS. 325. The cardinals are indeclinable when used as adjectives with the exception of en, which has the neuter ett: det ar tjuguett barn i rummet; but tjuguen gossar. 326. When used as nouns they take an s in the genitive but are otherwise indeclinable: de fyras 188 NUMERALS. dsikt, the opinion of the four; de adertons samman- komst, the meeting of the eighteen (the Swedish Academy) . NOTE. The numbers, million, milliard, billion, etc., are declined as nouns of the Third Declension: tre millioner manniskor. Hundra and tusen may also be used substantively and then take the form hundrade and tusende with plural in -n: det tjvgonde arhundradet, the twentieth century ; del forsta tusendet, the first thousand. 327. The form tu is used for tva in certain set phrases; such as, pa tu man hand, in confidence between two ; de unga tu, the engaged or newly mar- ried couple ; ett, tu, tre (in counting time, also in the sense of suddenly) ; cf. adv. itu: riva itu, tear in two. 328. Tvenne and trenne are sometimes used for two and three but never in connection with other numerals. Bada and bagge are occasionally used with tva for the* sake of emphasis: bada tva, both; in such expressions as vi bada, de bagge, etc., we two, they two, bada and bagge have the force of numerals. 329. Hundra and tusen are always preceded by ett (in counting ett may be left out) : ett hundra femtioatta; ett tusen ett hundra sextiofem; och, and, is not used between the hundreds and the tens. 330. The forms tretti, fyrti, femti, etc. are used mostly in compounds: femtiatta, sextitre. NOTE. Fyrtio is pronounced as if it was written fortio. Aderton is generally pronounced arton. REMARKS ON THE ORDINALS. 331. The ordinals are used as indeclinable ad- jectives, except forste(a) and andre(a) which follow the weak declension. They are usually preceded by the prepositive definite article, but may sometimes NUMERALS. 130 be used without it : den forsta, den andra, den tred- je; but forsta dagen (also den forsta dagen) i veckan ar sondagen, the first day of the week is Sunday; det ar andra gdngen han ar har, it is the second time he is here. 332. In compound ordinals only the last number takes the ordinal ending, den ett tusen tvd hundra sextiofjarde. 333. The ordinals take the genitive -s: Karl den tolvtes dod, the death of Charles XII. 334. The cardirrals are occasionally used instead of the ordinals ; these follow the noun : pa sidan tio, on page ten. 335. The ordinals are often abbreviated, the last letter or letters being used with the numbers to in- dicate the ordinal. Ex.: den 5:e, den 8:e; the num- ber may be used alone after the article: den 5 februari. EXPRESSIONS OF TIME (O'CLOCK) . 336. The following phrases illustrate the man- ner of telling the time of day : Hur mycket ar klockan? what time is it? Klockan ar tio, it is ten o'clock. Klockan ar halv tio, it is half past nine. Klockan ar en kvart over fyra, it is a quarter past four. Klockan ar en kvart fore (till, i) fyra, it is a quar- ter of four. Klockan ar tre kvart pa fyra, it is a quarter of four. Klockan ar tjugu minuter fore tre, it is twenty minutes of three. 190 EXERCISE. Klockan dr tjugu -minuter over ire, it is twenty minutes past three. Klockan har jiLst slagit fyra, it has just struck four. Pa slaget ire, at three o'clock sharp. Precis tre, at three o'clock sharp. Vid niotiden, about nine o'clock. Fram at tiotiden, towards ten o'clock. Han kom klockan tio, he came at ten o'clock. EXPRESSIONS OF MEASURE AND PRICE. 337. After nouns of measure t*he thing measured is used without preposition: hon kopte fyra meter svart tyg, she bought four meters of black cloth; giv mig ett glas friskt vatten, give me a glass of fresh water. 338. After an expression of price a noun of measure requires the def. postpositive article in- stead of the indef. article in English: detta tyget kostar tre kronor metern, this cloth costs three crowns a meter; tio kronor stycket, ten crowns a- piece. NOTE. This distributive use of the def. article is found after other expres- sions of quantity, but the noun is then preceded by a preposition (generally om, pa, or <) : tvd ganger om aret, two times a year ; han fortjanar trettio kronor f veckan, he earns thirty crowns a week. EXERCISE XXX. A. 1. Practice orally. En gang ett ar ett, tva ganger ett ar tva, etc. En gang tva ar tva, tva ganger tva ar fyra, 3X2=6, 4X2=8, etc. 2. Eead in Swedish: 2X12=24, 3X12=36, 4X8=32, 6X7=42, 7X9=63, 7X10=70. 3. Addera 1,563, 2,348, 11,213. 4. Subtrahera 15,113 fran 19,213. 5. Multiplicera 580 med 213. 6. live the differ- EXERCISE. 191 ent expressions for: It is a quarter past 12 1 ; 12.30; 1.45; 3.15; 4; 5.25. 7. Name the numbers 40, 41, 50, 53, G4, 67, 78, 89, 94, 100, 104, 205, 209, 371, 498, 1,000, 1,001, 75,012, 2,098,427. 'At a quarter past twelve, klockan en kvart efter tolv; klockan is often abbreviated to kl. : kl. 12.15. B. I denna stad bo 2,656,342 manniskor, men den ar anda ej pa langt nar sa stor som London, ty dar bo nara 7,000,000 manniskor eller nara tre ganger sa manga. 2. Hur manga invanare bar staten Minnesota? Omkring 2,000,000, tror jag. 3. Minnesotas befolkning ar ej vidare 1 talrik, nar man tar i betraktande, att det ar en av de storsta staterna i Unionen. 4. Med vilket tag resa vi till Stock- holm i morgon? Det gar ett tag ... (a quarter past seven), om vi stiga upp ... (at six or half past five), sa kunde vi a'ta frukost pa hotellet. 5. Sag till uppassaren att vi onska rakningen. Har ar den, jag fick den for nagra minuter sedan. 6. Den ar val tamligen sa hog, formodar jag. Ah nej, icke sa varst, 22 kronor och 37 ore, 10 kronor for rumrnet, 8 kronor och 50 ore for supen och frukosten och resten for diverse smasaker. 7. Da aro naturligtvis icke drickspengarna till betjaningen inbegripna? Nej, dessa far man betala sarskilt. 8. Hur mycket belb'pa de sig till? 2 kr. eller 2.50 2 racker. 9. Skynda dig, ar du snail, annars forsumma vi taget. 10. Det bradskar ej, vi ha annu en kvarts timme pa oss (to spare), innan det gar; kloekan har just slagit sju. 11. Jag har kopt en hel del (en massa) saker pa torget i dag: 1 kilo mejerismbr, 4 tjog agg, en skinka pa fyra kilo och diverse gronsaker. 12. Vad kostar smoret och aggen? Smoret kostar 2.50 kilot 3 och aggen 1.50 tjoget. Widare means wider, further; it has an idiomatic use which is hard to render; sometimes it may be translated by very. *Tva och (pronounced d) femti. 3 Also per kilo, ver is abbreviated to pr- 192 VOCABULARY. C. 1. In the city of London live almost 7,000.000 people, or more than three times as many as (312) in our state. 2. Was your bill at the hotel very high ? No, it was not as high as I expected; it amounted (B, 8) to about thirty-six crowns, the tips not included 1 . 3. Did you have breakf ast at the hotel before you started ? No, we only had time to drink a cup of coffee and eat a sandwich. 4. Did you oversleep ? Yes, we slept to a quarter past six and the train was 2 to leave at ten minutes past seven. 5. How many minutes do we have to spare (B, 10) before the train leaves? 6. Let me see, only fourteen minutes; it is nine minutes of five by (enligt) mj watch. Hurry, please, or we shall miss the train. 7. (In a store.) What can I do for you? I should like to look at. some view cards of 2 Stock- holm. 8. We have cards at (till) various prices. This kind is ten ore apiece (338) or a crown a dozen, that, five ore apiece, or fifty ore a dozen. 9. I owe you three crowns and seventy-five ore, I believe; here is a fifty-crown bill, can you change it? 10. Yes, here are forty-six crowns and twenty-five ore in change (tillbaka) . 11. How much is a crown? A crown is one hundred ore; in American money a crown is about twenty-eight cents. 12. I wish to change one hundred and forty crowns into (i) American money. 'Use the plur. of the p. part, of inbegripa. *Skulle. 3 Use over or translate the whole expression stockholmstyer. VOCABULARY. en befolkning, -ar, population ett dussin, , dozen behaga, to please forso'va sig (insep., see beldpa sig till, Ila, to amount sova), to oversleep to forsum'ma (insep.), to neg- en betjaning (generally no lect; to miss (train) pi.), service, servants gronsaJcer (pi.), vegetables (ett)betraktande, consideration del, -ar, part brddska, I, to hurry en invanare, , inhabitant diver" se (pi.), diverse, various mejeri'smor, creamery butter NUMERAL FORMATIONS. 193 niira, near, almost en supe, supcer, supper olik, -t, unlike, different talrik, -t, numerous ett pris, , price tillbaka, back en sedel, -lar, bill; femti- ett tjog, , score kronesedel, fifty-crown ett torg, , market place bill tamligen, fairly, pretty en skinka, -or, ham en union, er, union en smdsak, -er, trifle uppassare, , waiter en smorgds, -ar, sandwich vtinta, I, to wait, expect en stat, -er, state vdxla, I, to change stiga upp' (see stiga), to get ett vykort, , souvenir postal up, rise ett dgg, , egg ett stycke, -n, piece andd, yet IDIOMS: 1. alt taga en sak i betraktande, to take a thing into consideration. 2. icke pd Idngt ndr, not by far. 3. icke vidare mycket, not very much. 4. utan vidare, without further ado. 5. Vad behagasf What do you wish? What can I do for you? 6. Jag ar skyldig honom tio .kronor, I owe him ten ten crowns. LESSON XXXI. The Numerals (Continued). NUMERAL FORMATIONS. 339. From the cardinals are formed : (a) The variatives by the use of slags (the geni- tive of slag, meaning kind) : tvd slags, two kinds of; tre slags, three kinds of; manga slags blommor, many kinds of flowers. (b) The multiplicatives by the addition of dubbel (neut. dubbelt, pi. dubbla) for the adjective and dubbelt for the adverb ; more rarely by the addition of -faldig (-t, -a) for the adjective and -fait for the 194 NUMERAL FORMATIONS. adverb: dubbel, double; tredubbel, triple; fyrdub- belt (neut. and adv.), quadruple; kragar av fyr- dubbelt linne, collars of four-ply linen; dubbelt sa manga, twice as many; mangfaldig, manifold; vetet avkastar trettiofalt, the wheat yields thirty-fold. (c) The iteratives by the use of gang, time ; plur. ganger: en gang, once or one time; tvd ganger, twice or two times ; tre ganger, tva dr lika med sex, three times two equals six. (d) The distributives by the repetition of the numerals : en och en, one by one, one at a time ; tva och tva, by twos, two at the time; de gingo tvd och tva, they went by twos, in pairs. (e) The collectives by suffixing the word tal to the numeral : 1. To denote a decade or a century ; thus, 80-talet, the eighties; han gar pa fyrtiotalet, he is in the forties; 1500-talet, the sixteenth century (1500 1599). 2. To denote an approximate number: ett tiotal, about ten; ett tjugutal, about twenty. NOTE. Observe expressions like hundratals, hundreds, tusentats, thousands. dussintals, many dozen ; tusentals manniskor voro narvarande, thousands of people were present. 340. From the ordinals are formed : (ct) Fractional nouns by compounding the ordinal with the noun del, part (plur. delar) : en tredjedel, a third; tva tion(de) delar, two tenths; en halv, one half ; en tjugutvaendel, a twenty-second part ; so also en tretti(o)tvaendel, etc. NOTE. Half, halv and hiilft. Halv is used as the denominator of fractions and as adjective, otherwise hiilft is used : ett halvt dussin, half a dozen ; ena hdlften av huset, one half of the house. (b) Fractional adjectives by prefixing halv to the EXPRESSIONS OF DATE. 190 next higher unit: halvannan, one and a half; halv- tredje, two and a half, etc. NOTE. Only the first is in common use. (c) Ordinal adverbs by using the preposition for with the ordinal : for det forsta, first ; for det andra, secondly, etc. (d) Distributives by prefixing var to the ordinal : varannan (neut. vartannat), every other; var tredje (neut. vart tredje), every third: varannan dag ha vi rakning, we have mathematics every other day. 341. EXPRESSIONS OF DATE. (a) In giving the day of the month the ordinal is used without any preposition ; as, det ar den sjatte augusti i dag, to-day is the sixth of August. In dating a letter the date is placed before the name of the month, not after, as in English: Boston den 5:e (or 5) oktober. Observe the following date idioms: Vad ha vi for ett datum i dag? What date is it to-day? Det ar den femtonde juni i dag. To-day is the fifteenth of June. I morgon ar det den sextonde. To-morrow will be the sixteenth. Vad for en dag ar det i dag? What day (of the week) is it to-day? Det ar onsdag i dag. To-day is Wednesday. (b)The date of the year is given by the cardinal number often preceded by ar, in the year of, espec- ially in the case of historical dates; as, Napoleon dog ar 1821, Napoleon died in the year of 1821. 196 EXPRESSIONS OF TIME. 342. With the names of the days of the week the prepositions pa (on), om (about), and i (in) are used ; pa requires the def . form, om the indefinite and i the genitive of the indefinite: pa mdndagen voro vi borta, on Monday we were away ; i mandags voro vi borta, last Monday we were away; pa son- dagskvdllen voro vi i kyrkan, on Sunday evening we were in church; i sondags kvdll for han till Neiv York, last Sunday evening he left for New York; om lordag, next Saturday; om so'ndag kvdll, next Sunday evening. NOTE 1. The day following t is the last day of that name, while the day after pa is any day of that name in the past or future ; the day after' om is the next day of that name (for other uses of f and om see 338, note, and 343). 2. Pa followed by the def. sing, and om followed by the def. plur. may denote indefinite or recurrent time: pa sondagen horde man ga i kyrkan, on Sunday one ought to go to church ; rod gor ni om sondagarnat What do you do on Sundays? 343. Note such expressions -of time as: pa morgonen, in the morning; pa fo'rmiddagen, in the forenoon; pa eftermiddagen, in the afternoon; pa middagen, at noon; vid middagen, at noon; pa kvdllen, in the evening ; pa natten, in the night; vid midnatt, at midnight ; i kvdll, to-night; i gar kvdll, last night; i morgon kvdll, to-morrow night ; i morse, this morning ; i gar morse, yesterday morning ; i morgon, to-morrow ; i b'vermorgon, the day after to-morrow; EXERCISE. 197 i morgon middag, to-morrow at noon ; tidigt i morgon, early to-morrow ; i morgon bittida, early to-morrow morning; i borjan\ in the beginning of April ; i slutet \pa april, the latter part of April ; i mitten) in the middle of April ; i sommar, this summer ; i fjol sommar, in the summer of last year ; i somras, the past summer (of the same year) ; i dag for ett arsedanl to _ d i dag ett ar sedan } i morgon om ett ar, a year from to morrow ; om mandag, next Monday ; om sommarn, in the summer; till sommarn, next summer. 344. (a) In addressing letters the street name is written as one word with -gatan (def. form of gata, street) ; the house number follows the street name: Herr Carl Lind, Storgatan 8, 4 tr., Stockholm. NOTE. tr. (trappa or trappor, stair or stairs) signifies story. (b) In giving an address, i nummer -\-ihe number generally precedes the street name : han bor i num- mer 11 Linnegatan (also i ll:an [elvari] Linne- gatan), he lives at number 11 Linne Street. EXERCISE XXXI. A. Supply in Swedish whatever is indicated. 1. Hur stor del av ett ar ar en manad? En manad ar en tolvtedel av ett ar. 2. Hur manga . . . (twelfths) inne- haller en hel. En hel innehaller . . . (|f) eller ... (|t) eller ... ({), alltsa gar det .. ('{fete.) pa en hel. 198 EXERCISE. 3. Hum adderar man ... () och ... () ? Man for- vandlar bada braken till . . . (twelfths) och adderar de bada taljarne. 4. Hur mycket blir det? Det blir . . . (ff ). 5. Vad gor man sedan ? Man dividerar taljaren med nam- naren och erhaller . . . (liV)- 6. Vad for 1 datum ha vi i dag? Det ar . . . (the sixth) november i dag. 7. I dag ha vi salunda arsdagen av Gustav Adolfs db'd vid Liitzen, han stupade . . . (the sixth) november . . . (in the year of) 1632. 8. Vid vilken tid pa dagen stupade konungen? . . . (in the morning), tror jag. 9. I dag fira vi pappas . . . (50th) fodelsedag; han foddes . . . (the ninth of) augusti 1861. 10. I gar for en vecka sedan kom min bror hem fran Tyskand for att deltaga i firandet. 11. Sverige ar mer an . . . (twice) sa stort som Minnesota och har nastan . . . (three times) sa manga invanare. 12. Hur langa aro feri- erna vid den svenska folkskolan ? Skolan slutar i mitten pa juni och borjar igen i slutet pa augusti. 13. Sommarferier- na racka alltsa omkring ... (2 |) manader. 14. Vilken ar den genaste vagen, den till vanster eller den till hb'ger, bag- ge leda till staden, eller hur? 15. Lit oss ta vagen till vanster, den ar bortemot en och en halv kilometer kortare. Den andra ar alltsa mer an diibbelt sa lang. 16. Vad ha vi for en dag i dag? Det ar fredag i dag, och om (342, note) lordag maste vi ha det har arbetet fardigt for att kunna ta i tu 2 (327) med nagot nytt i borjan pa nasta vec- ka. 17. Har du varit i herr Lindgrens tradgard nyligen? Ja, jag var dar i onsdags. 18. Eosorna aro utspruckna ; de aro de allra harligaste rosor, jag nagonsin har sett, dess- utom har han manga andra slags blommor. J The indef. article may be omitted, also vilket datum or vad ar det JOT datum, vi, etc. *Att ta itu med nagot, to go to work with something. B. Conversation. 1. Vad ar er brors adress nu? 2. Pa vilken vaning bor han ? 3. Han amnar ju att flytta, vet ni EXERCISE. 199 nar? 4. Vad ha vi for datum i dag? 5. Vad ar det for datum i morgon om en vecka? 6. Nar firar er bror sin fodelsedag? 7. Vilket ar och vilken dag ar han fodd? 8. Nar foddes Gustav den andre Adolf? 9. Nar stupade Karl den tolfte? C. 1. Have you studied fractions? Yes, we are studying (290, note) them now in school. 2. Can you tell me how to multiply 1 two-fifths by one-fourth ? i multiply the numer- ators and the denominators together and the result is two- twentieths. 3. How many units are there in seven-sixths? In seven-sixths there is one unit and one-sixth over. 4. Why are you in such a hurry 2 ? I am going 3 to the station to meet my sister. I must be there at a quarter of ten and it is half past nine now. 5. Is she coming so soon, it is only the 18th to-day; a week from to-day is Christmas. 6. Yes, I know, but my birthday is (on) the 20th and we shall have a family festival at home. 7. How old are you ? I am in (on) my 20th year. 8. You are the oldest in the family, L suppose. No, my sister Mary is a year and a half older than I, and I have a brother who is almost twice as old as I. 9. I hope that you will pardon (use pres.) my delay in writing 4 , but I received your letter, which was dated Monday, August 4th, only (forst) this morning. 10. You have been away very long, haven't you ? Not so very long 5 , I left the city at the beginning of August and came back at the end of September; so I was away a little over a month and a half 6 . 11. Does your brother have the same address as (som) before? No, he has moved; now he lives at num- ber 13 King's Street. ''How to followed by an infinitive must be rendered by a clause : here hur jag skall multiplicera or hur man mvltiplicerar. 2 To be in a hurry, att ha bratt or bruttom. IFuture with skall. 4 Translate att jag 'har drSjt med att skriva. 5 fcke sa varst Hinge; rdrst is colloquial. *En och en halv mdnad. 200 VOCABULARY. VOCABULARY. adde'ra, I, to add alltsd, thus (not also) bliva, to become (in mathe- matics, to equal) ett ftrdfc, , fraction (also trouble) brattom (att Jia brtittom), to be in a hurry ett datum, -a, date date'ra, I, to date del'taga (sep., see taga), to participate divide'ra, I, to divide ett drojsmdl, , delay en dod, -ar, (generally sing.), death er'hdlla (insep., see hftlla), to receive, get en familjefest, -er, family festival ferier (pi.), vacation ett ftrande, celebration folkskola, -or, public school fodas (pass, of foda, give birth to), lib, to be born en fodelsedag, -ar, birthday formo^da, I, to presume forvand'la, I, to transform gen, -t, near, short (of a road) en hel (-a), unit hoger (no neut., indef.), right innehdlla (insep.), to contain en kilome'ter, , kilometer leda, lib, to lead, conduct en mdnad, -er, month mitten (def. form or mitt), middle, midst multipUce'ra, I, to multiply en ndmnare, , denominator nastan, almost nyligen, recently omkring, about racka, Ha, to reach; last sedan (adv. and conj.), then, thereupon, after sluta 1 , I, to end ett slut, , close, end stupa, I, to fall (on the battle field) sd'lunda, thus . en tdljare, numerator ursdkta, I, to excuse utsprucken, p. part, of spricka ut', to open (of flowers) en vdning, -ar, story, apartment en drsdag, -ar, anniversary *Sluta when it means to shut and to conclude belongs to the Fourth Conjuga- tion; sluta, slot, slolo, slutil. sluten, -et. LESSON XXXII. Prepositions. 345. Prepositions govern the objective case which, except for a few of the pronouns, is the same as the nominative. NOTE. Till and i govern the genitive in a few idiomatic phrases: till sdngi to (in) bed ; i somras, last summer. 346. The following are the most important prep- ositions in Swedish: av, of, off bakom, behind bland, among efter, after, behind enligt, according to frdn, if ran, from framfor, in front of for, for, before fb'rbi, by, past fore, before, ahead of aenom, igenom, through, ' by hos, with, by, among i, in, into innan, before innanf&Tt within inom, in, within jcimte, by, beside kring, omkring, around, about med, with medelst, by means of mellan, emellan, between mot, emot, against, to- ward nara, near, close by nedanfor, below nedfor, down ovan, above ovanfb'r, above pa, a, on sedan, since till, to undan, away from under, beneath, below; during uppfor, up ur, out, out of utmed, along utefter, along utfor, down utom, outside of; beside, except utan, without utanfor, outside of vid, invid, by, at bredvid, by the side of at, to, for over, above 347. The following expressions with preposi- tional value are of common occurrence: Swedish Grammar 14 202 PREPOSITIONS. med avseende pa, with reference to med hdnsyn till, in regard to i kraft av, by virtue of i or till foljd av, in consequence of, because of med anledning av, on account of i trots av (trots), in spite of oaktat, in spite of Icings, langsmed, along rorande 1 angdende [concerning betraffande J i stdllet for, instead of undantagandes, excepting for .... skull, for the sake of for. . . . sedan, ago NOTE. For... skull and for... sedan take the expressions which they govern between the two parts. For... skull requires the genitive case: for min fars skull, for the sake of my father ; for hans skull, for his sake ; for ett dr sedan, for Idnge sedan, a year ago, long ago. USES OF THE PREPOSITIONS. 348. The following are the uses of some of the most common prepositions. Av, of, off, from, by, for: (a) Titles: konungen av Sverige, the king of Sweden. (b) Material: klockan dr av guld, the watch is of gold. (c) Agent: han beundrades av alia, he was ad- mired by everybody. (d) Cause=for, of: han grdt av glddje, he wept for joy; fian dog av hunger, he died of hunger. (e) Quality, description or characteristic: en PREPOSITIONS. 203 man av karaktdr, av ara, a man of character, of of honor. (f) Source : jag har fdtt boken av honom, I have received the book from him; det ar sndllt av dig, it is kind of you. (g) Partitive idea: onskar ni ett glas av detta vin? Do you wish a glass of this wine? en af mina v anner, one of my friends; den flitigaste av alia, the most diligent of all. 349. Efter, after, behind, according to, for, at: (a) Time or sequence: efter middagen ar det sko'nt att vila, it is nice to rest after dinner; vem kommer efter mig? Who comes after me (behind me)? (b) for: after verbs of asking, looking, sending,- striving, etc.: skicka efter lakaren, send for the doctor; jag har letat efter boken, I have hunted for the book; vem frdgar han efter? Whom does he inquire for? strdva efter, to strive for, etc. (c) according to : efter vad jag har hort, accord- ing to what I have heard (enligt is more common in this sense) . NOTE. Closely related expressions are found with certain verbs: att doma efter ndgot, to judge by something ; han rattar sig efter fin fan vilja, he is governed by his father's will. 350. For, for, to, before, etc.: (a) Advantage, reference, object: han har so'rjt for sina barns uppfostran, he has provided for the education of his children; tala om det for honom. mention it to him ; han har ingen forstaelse for ide- ella saker, he has no appreciation of ideal things ; for mig far du gora det, as far as I am concerned you 204 PREPOSITIONS. may do it; for mig dr han blott en vanlig mdn- niska, in my estimation he is only a common mortal. (b) Price: giv mig for en krona konfekt, give me a crown's worth of bonbons; hur mycket har du betalt for hatten? How much have you paid for the hat? (c) Place (especially figurative, a strictly literal before is generally expressed by framfor) : med do'den for b'gonen, with death staring one in the face; ndr faran star for dorr en, when danger is at hand (before the door) ; spdnn hasten for kdrran, hitch the horse to the cart. (d) Duration of time: det dr nog for en vecka, that is enough for a week (see pa and under). NOTE. The temporal before is rendered by fore and t'nnan. (e) Succession : han har o'versatt det ord for ord, he has translated it word for word; han blev varre dag for dag, he grew worse day by day, steg for steg, step by step. (f) With sedan, in the sense of ago : for en vecka sedan, a week ago; for lange sedan, long ago. (g) After verbs denoting flight, concealment, caution, fear, and the like: han ftydde for fienden, he fled from the enemy; han gomde sig for mig, he hid from me (with such verbs for is sometimes used together with undan) : att varna nagon for nagot, to warn somebody against something; att akta sig for nagot, to be on one's guard against something; att vara rddd for nagot, to be afraid of something; att skrdmma nagon for nagot, to frighten somebody for something. (h) In a number of idiomatic expressions: vad EXERCISE. 205 tar du mig for? What do you take me for? jag gick for mig sjalv, I walked by myself; han skrat- tade for sig sjalv, he laughed to himself; for att vara bara ett barn, spelar han icke sa ilia, to be only a child he does not play so badly. EXERCISE XXXII. A. 1. Under sommaren bor ni val ej i staden? Nej, da flytta vi ut pa 1 landet; vi aga ett litet lantstalle utmed 2 flo- den nedanfor 3 staden. 2. Aro era forbindelser med staden bekvama? Ja, de allra bekvamaste; vi ha angbatsforbin- delse med tva turer i timmen, och efter vad jag bar hb'rt, kommer automobilforbindelse snart att upprattas 4 . 3. Det ar mycket folk i denna restaurang, men darborta i hornet till hb'ger 5 ar ett bord, som ej ar upptaget av nagon. 4. Detta lar vara en ypperlig restaurang, jag bar fatt adres- sen av en av mina vanner. 5. Dar star han sjalv fram- for disken och talar med agaren. Vill ni, att jag skall pre- sentera er for 6 honom? Han ar en man av karaktar och bildning. 6. Jag skall ga ned i staden 7 i dag for att gora nagra uppkop for mig sjalv; vill du kanske, att jag skall ko- pa nagot at dig ? 7. Det var hyggligt av dig att tanka pa 8 mig, men jag ar alldeles utan pengar nu. 8. Pengarna kan jag fb'rskottera, jag bar fatt lana av dig sa ofta. 9. Om du gar forbi Lindgrens cigarrhandel, sa titta in och hor efter 9 , om de fatt in av mina favoritcigarrer an, i sa fall 10 kop en lada. 10. Sa sorgligt, att herr Liden skulle do sa hastigt. Vad dog han av 11 ? 11. Av hjartforlamning. Han blev haftigt sjuk efter middagen. Man skickade efter 9 lakaren, men han kunde ej utratta nagot. 12. Han var en praktig karl ; enligt ryktet bar han utovat en storartad valgorenhet. Hans dod kommer att fororsaka sorg inom vida kretsar. 1 Into; note use of ut. 'Also utefter. *Nedanfor, ovanfor, designate location upp/or, nedfSr denote direction. *Note use of kommer att; skall may also be 206 EXERCISE. used. "Note omission of article. 6 Not till. 'Down town. *Think of, tdnka pa, but if it means to have an opinion of it must be translated by tdnka om: vad tanker du om honom, what opinion do you have of him? 9 349, a. 10 In that case. 11 348, d. B. Conversation. 1. Vart flyttar ni, nar sommaren kommer? 2. Var ligger ert lantstalle? 3. Ar det svart att komna in till staden ? 4. Aro angbatsturerna taia ? 5. Pa vad satt kommer forbindelsen med staden att forbattras? 6. Varfor tror ni att den bar restaurangen ar ypperlig? 7. Vad for tjanst vill ni gora er van? 8. Vad lovar ni att gb'ra, nar ban siiger, att ban ar utan pengar? 9. Var kb'per ban sina favoritcigarrer? C. 1. Where do you live during 1 the summer? We live in a little country house, which we own along 1 the river a little above the city. 2. Is it not inconvenient to live out- side of 2 the city? No, we have connection by 3 steamer every half-hour 4 , and according to the paper we are soon to have connection by 3 automobile. 3. Let us ask that policeman for 5 a good restaurant; I have not had a bite to eat since twelve o'clock and it is now after seven. 4. This looks really cozy; shall we sit down by that table in the corner? 5. Who was the gentleman who just walked past us and saluted ? I met him about a week ago 6 when I took a trip up 7 Gotha canal from Gothenburg to Stockholm. 6. May 8 I give you a piece of this steak? If you please 9 . That is too much, give me only half of that. 7. After din- ner I shall have 10 to hurry home; I must be at the hotel before nine, I expect company between nine and ten. 8. Which is the best way of getting 11 to the hotel? By street car or by steamboat? 9. The little steamboat that lies there by the quay will land you right 12 in front of the hotel. 10. But it will leave within a few minutes. Now VOCABULARY. 207 it backs out from the quay. 11. There will soon come 13 another; I think a steamboat leaves every ten minutes. 12. If you are ready now, we shall go down to the quay ancl wait for 14 the boat. 13. Just in time 15 , there it comes out 16 between those two big boats. J See A, 1, above. z Utom or utanfor. 3 Medelst (med may also be used). 4 Far;'e halvtimme or far trettionde minut (note use of ordinal in such expressions). '349, a. 6 350, f ; for precedes omkring. T See A, note 3, above. *Use fa. Va, jag tackar or om ni bchagar. "Present of modal. "Use infinitive of komma. 12 Translate right by mitt; mitt, middle, is used with certain prepositions: mitt i rummet, in the middle of the room ; mitt under predikan, right in the middle of the sermon ; mitt pu fingrel, right on the finger. Det plus present. 14 P&. K I tid. 16 Fram. VOCABULARY. en automobilfurbindelse, -r, hoger (no neuter, indef.), right connection by automobile en kaj, -er, pier, quay bekvtim, -t, comfortable kan'ske, may be, perhaps en bildning, culture, educa- en karaktar', -er, character tion en krets, -ar, circle en bit, -ar, piece, bit (bite) ett lantstdlle, -n, country house en cigar rhandlare, , cigar en poliskonstapel, -lar, police-. dealer man en disk, -ar, counter prdktig, -t, splendid en favorit'cigarr', -er, favorite en sorg, -er, sorrow, grief cigar sorglig, -t, sad frummande, , strange en spdrvagn, -ar, street car en forbindelse, -r, connection en stek, -ar, steak for'orsaka (insep. v.), I, to storartad, -at, magnificent cause titta, I, to look forskotte'ra, I, to advance en tur, -er, trip; turn (also Gota kanal, Gotha canal luck) Goteborg, Gothenburg tilt, frequent en halvtimme, -ar, half hour ett uppkop, , purchase hemtrevlig, -t, cozy, homelike upp'ratta (insep. v.), I, to en hjartforlamning (-ar), heart establish, institute failure upp'tagen, -t, occupied hygglig, -t, nice, kind ut'rdtta (insep. v.), I, to ac- Mftig, -t, violent complish 208 PREPOSITIONS. utova (insep. v.), I, to exer- en dngbdtsforbindelse, -r, con- cise, practice nection by steamer en vulgiirenhet, charity en dngbdtstur, -er, steamboat ypperlig, -t, excellent, fine trip a " en iigare, , owner IDIOMS: 1. att ha frdmmande, to have company. 2. att Jia tur, to be in luck; det ur min tur, it is my turn. 3. att titta in hos nugon, to call on somebody. LESSON XXXIII. Uses of Prepositions (Continued). 351. Genom (igenom), through, by means of, on account of: (a) Direction: vi gingo genom skogen, we went through the forest. (b) Time (the preposition may follow the noun in this sense and has then the form igenom): han var olycklig hela livet igenom, he was unhappy throughout his whole life. (c) Means: han later hdlsa genom sin bror, he sends greetings through his brother; genom stora anstrdngningar har han uppndtt sitt mdl, by means of great exertions he has attained his goal. (d) On account of: genom sitt ddraktiga upp- forande har han forlorat vdrt fb'rtroende, on ac- count of his foolish conduct he has lost our con- fidence. 352. Hos, at the house of, in the shop of, in: han bor hos oss, he lives with us; hos skrdddaren, at the tailor's; vi Idsa hos Gothe mycket om kons- ten, in Goethe we read much about art. PREPOSITIONS. 209 353. 7, in, into: (a) Place (literal) : i rummet, in the room; place into which (literal) is denoted by in i, into: han kom in i rummet, he came into the room. NOTE. Observe the difference between expressions like ya in i kyrkan, go. in i skolan (go into the church, go into the' school [house]) and ga i kyrkan, go. i skolan (to attend church, to attend school)'. (b) Place (figurative) : att leva i fattigdom, to live in poverty; place into which (figurative) : att rdka i svarigheter, to get into difficulties. (c) Time (with seasons and days in the genitive to denote past time, translated by last) : i vdras, last spring ; i fredags, last Friday ; i gar, yesterday ; i dag, to-day ; i hundratals ar, for hundreds of years ; en gang i veckan, once a week. (d) Manner: skriva i hast, to write in haste; i vrede, in anger. (e) Change, transition: grddden forvandlas i smor och ost, the cream is changed into butter and cheese; ga i bitar, to go to pieces. 354. Med, with, by, to: (a) Accompaniment: mil ni ga med mig i kyr- kan? Will you go to church with me? han var med de forsta, som gingo, he was among the first who went. (b) Manner: att studera med flit, to study with diligence; med ett enda sprang, with (at) a single leap. (c) Instrument: skicka med posten, to send by mail ; skriva med penna, write with pen ; fara med jarnvag, travel by rail. 210 PREPOSITIONS. (d) In a number of set phrases; as, besldktad med, related to; tola med, speak to, etc. NOTE. As an adverb med means along: kom med I Come along! 355. Mot, emot, against, toward: (a) Direction: hdren marscherade emot fienden, the army marched against the enemy; var vdnlig emot din bror, be kind to your brother; han kommer nog fram mot kv alien, he will very likely come to- ward evening; gd emot nagon, go to meet somebody. (b) Exchange, comparison: jag bytte ut det gamla pianot mot ett nytt, I exchanged the old piano for a new; de vunno spelet med tio podng mot fyra, they won the game with ten points to four. (c) Hostility: arbeta mot nagon, work against somebody; sdtta sig emot nagot, oppose something. (d) Remedy: hdr dr ett bra medel mot huvud- vark, here is a good remedy for headache. 356. Om, about, around, in, for, of, a, etc.: (a) Subject or topic : han berdttade om sina dven- tyr, he told of his adventures; vad handlar boken om? What does the book treat about? jag vet ej nagot om den saken, I know nothing about that matter. (b) Time (at the end of which) : taget kommer om fem minuter, the train will be here in five min- utes; om en manad, in a month; om onsdag, next Wednesday. NOTE. Time within which is denoted by inom: jag skall ha det fdrdigt inom nagra dagar, I shall have it ready within a few days. (c) Time at which (indefinite) : om dagen, in EXERCISE. 211 the daytime; om vintern, in winter; tva ganger om dret, twice a year. (d) Interest, competition, with verbs of asking, contending 1 , etc. : bedja om ndgonting, ask for some- thing (inquire for=frdga ejter, see 349, b) ; spela om pengar, play for money; tdvla om ett pris, to compete for a prize; att anhdlla om ndgot, to re- quest something. (e) Motion past: ska vi forsoka att ga om honom? Shall we try to pass him? (here om may perhaps be regarded as a separable prefix ; it takes the main stress) . (f) Position: han har en bindel om huvudet, he has a bandage about his head ; med armen om nagon, with the arm around somebody; jag ar vat om fot- terna, my feet are wet; norr om Stockholm, north of Stockholm; till hoger om, to the right of. NOTE. Position or motion around, especially when the meaning is literal, is generally denoted by omkring or kring. EXERCISE XXXIII. A. 1. Jag skulle vilja vaxla en del 1 svenska pengar i amerikanska. Kan ni saga mig, var det narmaste vaxel- kontoret ligger 2 ? 2. Jag kanner ej till 3 nagot vaxelkontor i narheten, men darborta om hornet ligger en bank, och dar vaxlar man nog for er. 3. Det var bra, ty jag har sa bratt- om; jag skall lamna Stockholm om* ett par timmar. 4. Hur mycket kostar ett telegram om 5 tjugufem ord till Berlin? Det blir fyrtio ore per 6 ord, och dessutom maste ni betala for adress och namnteckning. 5. Avgar 7 tele- grammet i dag? Ja, med 8 forsta lagenhet. 6. Jag skulle vilja siinda ett tusen kronor per telegraf till Berlin, har ar adressen och telegi'ammet. Tors 9 jag be om 10 ett kvitto? 212 EXERCISE. 7. Du var val ej hos Bloms i gar ef teriniddag ? Nej, herr Carlen bad mig ga med honom till Idrottsparken, och vi kommo ej tillbaka forran fram mot 11 niotiden. 8. Hur av- lopte f otbollmatchen ? Idrottsklubben Kamraterna vann med tre mal mot ett. Kamraterna spelade med kraft och elegans. 9. Jag traffade var gamle van Agrell i mandags. Han talade om de ekonomiska svarigheter, i vilka han ra- kat, och anholl om 10 ett mindre Ian. 10. Stackars Agrell, allt synes ha sammansvurit sig mot honom. 11. Visst inte, han har adragit sig sina motgangar genom sitt slarv. Han hade kunnat vara valbargad for lange sedan 12 , om han 13 skb'tt sig. l En del is used colloquially in the sense of tome, a number of. *Also dr belii- get or or. *Kanna till, know of. 4 456, b. *0/. The Latin per is used after an expression of price with the meaning of a; we could also say fyrtio ore ordet. 'Note use of pres. ; also kommer att avga. "See 354, b ; also vid. 'Common form of polite request. I0 356, d. "355, a. "350, f. "Note omission of auxil- iary. B. 1. Here is a telegram for you. It is from my brother; I wish to answer immediately by 1 telegraph. 2. Could 2 you tell me where the nearest telegraph office is ? You will find one around the corner on the first cross street. 3. How much does a telegram of 3 twenty words to Paris cost? It costs forty-five ore a 4 word. 4. May I then send the ad- dress and signature for nothing 5 ? No, you will have to pay for them too. 5. Will you take 6 dinner with 7 us next 8 Wednesday ? I am so sorry, but it will not be 9 possible for me. 6. Why not? I have promised to take my friend Car- len along to the football game in the afternoon. 7. I should like to go with you myself ; they are going to compete for 10 the championship in football. 8. Get 11 into this compart- ment; the train will start 12 in a few minutes. Hurry up! 9. I shall 13 take these parcels with me into the car. It was so kind of you to check that valise for me. 10. That seat VOCABULARY. 213 will be 1 * very comfortable for you, if you are not afraid to ride 15 backwards. 11. Thank you, good-bye! Now they ring for the 16 third time. 12. How far 17 is it to Upsala? Upsala lies thirty miles north 18 of Stockholm. 13. You ought to visit it in 19 the spring, while the students are still there. 14. They will return within 20 a month, I think. 15. Now we are there. Who is this gentleman that comes to meet 21 us? 16. Over there, towards the west 22 , we have Old Upsala. 'See A, 6, above. 2 Sec A, 1, above. 3 See A, 4, above. 4 See A, 4, above, note 5. *Intet, not ingenting. 6 Use ata. 7 352. 8 356, b. 'Use present of bliva. 1P 356, d. "Use j;d. 12 Use pros, of ga. 13 Use skall since the future here denotes a determination. "Use kommer ait bli. 15 350, g. 18 Leave out the prepositive def. article. "Use langt. 18 356, f. 19 0m or pa. 20 356, 6, note. 21 358. a. ''-Vaster. VOCABULARY. an'Mlla (insep. v.), to request av'gA, to go out, depart; gd av' to break baklanges, backwards en bank, -er, bank ekonomisk, -t, financial elegans, 1 elegance en fotbollmatch, -er, football game genast, immediately en herre, -ar, gentleman en idrottspark, -er, athletic park Idrottsparken, Athletic Park in Stockholm inom, within en kraft, -er, force, strength ett kvitto, -n, receipt en Wgenhet, -er, opportunity en motg&ng, -ar, adversity ett mal, goal; meal ett mdsterskap, , champion- ship mojligt, -t, possible (ly) en namnteckning, -ar, signa- ture norr (adj. and noun, no indef.), north (en) narhet, nearness, vicinity ett ord, , word ett paket, -er, parcel polette'ra, I, to check en resviiska, -or, valise raka, I, to meet; encounter radd (no neut. indef.), timid, afraid sammansvarja sig (refl. v.), -svor, -svuro, -svurit, -en, -et, to conspire skota sig (refl. v.), Ha, to take care of oneself ett slarv, , carelessnosfi 214 PREPOSITIONS. elt sate, -n, seat vaxla, I, to change en telegraf, -er, telegraph ett vaxelkontor, exchange en tvargata, -or, cross street office Idvla, I, to compete . d'draga sig (refl. v.), to bring vdlMrgad, -at, well-to-do on, contract IDIOMS: 1. att rdka en person, to see, meet a person; att rdka i fattigdom, svdrigheter, to become poverty-stricken, to get into difficulties; jag rdkar inte hdr, I do not find my way here. 2. att ddraga sig en sjukdom, to contract a disease. 'Pronounced elegangs 1 . LESSON XXXIV. Uses of Prepositions (Continued). 357. Pa, on, upon, at, in, for, to. (a) Place in which: boken ligger pa bordet, the book lies on the table; jag mo'tte honom pa gatan (not i gatan); I met him in the street; han ar pa sitt rum, he is in his room ; ett hdl pa rocken, a hole in the coat; pa landet, in the country. (b) Place into which : gd pa target, pa posten, pa teatern, to go to market, to the post office, to the theater; gd ut pa faltet, pa landet, to go into the field, into the country. NOTE. Till teatern mean? only to the theater as a place ; pa teatern Implies attendance ; att skicka till posten, to send to the post office ; att skicka pd posten, to mail. (c) Direction toward an object: han riktade sin kamera pd mig, he pointed his camera at me; jag blickade (sag) pd honom, I looked at him ; han syf- iade pd mig, he alluded to me. (d) Time during which, for how long: han har rest till Sverige pd ett ar, he has gone to Sweden PREPOSITIONS. 215 for a year; han har ej skrivit pa en vecka, he has not written for a week. (e) Time at which : pa morgonen, in the morning ; pa varen, in the spring. NOTE. Om morgonen, om varen, etc. is much more indefinite: we must say i dag pa morgonen, this morning (not om morgonen), see om. (f) Response and expectation after certain verbs : 1. Response: svara pa, to answer; ho'ra pa, to listen to; giva akt pa, to pay attention to: ho'r pa vad jag sdger, listen to what I say; svara pa mitt brev, answer my letter. 2. Expectation : hoppas pa, to hope for ; lita pa, to rely upon; rdkna pa, to count on, etc.: jag hoppas pa regn, I hope for rain; jag rdknar pa din hjdlp; I count on your help; tank pa det! Think of it ! jag vdntar pa honom, I am waiting for him. (g) With certain adjectives : ond pa, angry with ; matt pa, tired of; avundsjuk pa, envious of; upp- mdrksam pa, attentive to; svartsjuk pa, jealous of, etc.: jag dr matt pa sddana saker, I am tired of (have had enough of) such things; han dr ond pa mig, he is angry with me. (h) In a number of idiomatic expressions: pa svenska, in Swedish ; soppa pa oxkb'tt, beef soup ; att leva pa tio dollars i veckan, to live on ten dollars a week; jag har inga pengar pa mig, I have no money about me; en vdxel pa (a) femtio kronor, a draft for fifty dollars; pa delta sdtt, in this man- ner; det gar hundra ore pa kronan, there are one hundred ore to the crown. 358. Till, to, in, for, of, etc.: (a) Motion to a place: ga till staden, till svarta tavlan, till posten, till himlen: go to town, to the 216 PREPOSITIONS. blackboard, to the post office, to heaven; sjunka till batten, sink to the bottom; fora till bords, conduct to the table; han kom till mig, he came to me. (b) Place at or in which: ligga till stings, to lie in bed ; sitta till bords, sit at table ; till sjoss, on sea. (c) Purpose, appointment, destination, transfor- mation: nyckeln ar till att Idsa upp med, the key is for unlocking; de ha kront honom till konung, they have crowned him king; bliva till sten, become stone; har ar ett paket till er, here is a package for you; vara till nytta, be of use; taga till hustru, to marry (lit. to take for wife) . (d) Specification, reference: god till karaktaren, of good character; vanlig till sattet, of a good dis- position ; skomakare till yrket, shoemaker by trade ; benet till bordet, the leg of the table ; han ar son till presidenten, he is the president's son. NOTE. Here may perhaps be classed the Swedish equivalent for the objective genitive : karleken till fosterlandet, love of country; Guds kdrlek till oss, God's love for us. (e) Addition : jag dricker kaffe till maten, I drink coffee with my meals; tag socker till kaffet, take sugar with the coffee. (f) In a number of idiomatic expressions: till hosten, next fall ; till pdsk far jag hem, I shall go home for Easter; vad fick du till julklapp? what did you get for Christmas present? vi hade lax till mid- dag, we had salmon for dinner ; gratulera till fb'delse- dagen, to congratulate on a birthday, etc. (g) till och med=to, up to, including : frdn sidan tjugu till och med sidan trettio, from page twenty to page thirty inclusive. As an adverb it means even: till och med han, even he. EXERCISE. 21? 359. Under, under, beneath, during, amid: (a) Place, direction: jag stod under trddet, 1 stood beneath the tree ; jag star under hans uppsikt, I am under his supervision; under omstdndigheter- na, under the circumstances; kom under mitt para- ply, come beneath my umbrella. (b) Time : under hans livstid, during his lifetime ; under tiden, in the meantime; under marschen, on the march; under middagen, in the course of the dinner. (c) Rank, value, age: kaptenen star under majo- ren i rang, the captain is below the major in rank; hans bok dr under all kritik, his book is beneath all criticism; vill ni salja huset under 10,000 kronor? Do you wish to sell the house for less than 10,000 crowns? under tjugu ar, under twenty years of age. (d) Manner: under tarar omtalade han vad som hdnt, weeping (with tears) he related what had happened ; under skratt och skdmt, amidst laughing and joking. EXERCISE XXXIV. A. 1. Pa 1 manga ar har ej en sa forfarlig jarnvagsolycka hant som i gar; till foljd av en felsignal ursparade natt- snalltaget mellan Stockholm och Uppsala. 2. Min kusin var bland passagerarne, han blev raddad pa 2 ett underbart satt. 3. Vad vantar du pa 3 ? Jag vantar pa att fa* en vaxel a ett tusen kronor inlost, som jag utstallde pa denna bank genom 5 dess korrespondent i Chicago. 4. Jag har mycket litet kontanta pengar pa mig, men jag har ett kreditbrev pa denna bank till belopp av tio tusen kronor. 5. Har du tagit ut 6 alia dina pengar? Nej, jag har till 7 princip att Sivedish Grammar 15 218 EXERCISE. alltid lata en mindre summa innesta; jag raknar pa att kimna satta in 6 mera senare. 6. Har du reda pa att ogynn- samma rykten rorande denna bank under de senaste veckor- na varit i omlopp. 7. Nu vanta vi ej langre 8 pa honom, utan 9 ga till bords; pa honom kan man da aldrig rakna. 8. Vad ha vi till middag i dag, Anna? Soppa pa lions, lammstek m. m. (etc.) Maken till middag ha vi ej haft pa 10 lange. 9. Vem och vad ar den dar unge mannen, som vi traffade pa 11 bjudningen i gar? Han ar en son till dr Liden och ar larare till yrket. 10. Lagg det har brevet pa posten, sa ar du snail. Du har glomt att satta frimarke pa. 11. Det var bra att du gav akt darpa. Adressaten hade nog blivit ond pa 12 mig, om han fatt 13 betala losen. ^57, A. 2 357, h. '357, f. *Fa can often be translated by get. 5 351, c. Generally separated; but de uttagna pengarna, de insatta pengarna; uttagare, insdttare. T 358, c. 8 Translate, any longer. 'Adversative conjunction ; trans- lates but after a negative. 10 357, d. "357, a. 12 357, a, f. "Fa, have to. B. Conversation. 1. Var gardagens jarnvagsolycka obetydlig? 2. Varigenom ursparade taget? 3. Vem befann sig pa taget vid tillfallet ? 4. Omkom han ocksa ? 5. Vad beloper sig er vaxel till ? 6. Varf or behover ni ej bara myc- ket kontanta pengar pa er? 7. Varf or later ni en mindre summa innesta i banken? 8. Varf or vore det sakrare att taga ut allt, som ni satt in? 9. Varf or har ni ej gatt till bords forut? 10. Vad ar er tanke 1 om middagen? ^Thought is here equivalent to opinion. C. What do you think of 1 the railroad accident which happened yesterday afternoon ? It is the most serious for 2 many years. 2. My brother, who is on a trip to Narvik, was among the passengers, but was saved. 3. How? He had gone into 3 the dining car and this was the only one of the cars which did not derail. 4. The accident hap- pened because of carelessness on 4 the part of the employees. 5. Could you tell me where Stockholms Enskilda Bank is? VOCABULARY. 219 I have a drjift on it foi 5 one thousand crowns. 6. All the banks are closed at three o'clock sharp 6 and you have only five minutes to spare 7 . 7. I must have the money, for I have very little cash about me. During 8 all my travels I have never been so short of money. 8. I believe that I must turn to 9 you and ask for help. You can count on me. 9. I shall gladly 10 advance the amount of the draft for you; to-morrow they will 11 cash it in the bank. 10. Now we have waited long enough for 12 him and the dinner is getting cold. He seems to have a habit 13 of always coming late. 11. What is your opinion about the book? According to my opinion it is badly written. 12. How is he as to 14 character? I observed only one fault in 15 him while he was under my supervision: too great a love of 16 money. 13. Is your coffee sweet enough? Take a little more sugar. No, thank 17 you. I have not used sugar with 18 my coffee for many years. 14. Mr. Lind will surely be envious of Carl when he hears that they have elected Carl chairman 19 . *356, a. ; tonka om, to have an opinion of ; tanka pa, to think of (have in mind), 357, f, 2. 2 357, d. 8 353, a. 4 A betjdningens sida; a is used instead of pa in a few set expressions ; the place is never literal. 5 357, h. 8 Pd slaget tre or precis klockan ire. To. er. 8 359, a. "Att vanda tig till, to turn to, address oneself to. 10 Garna; future with skall (the future here denotes a promise). "Use present; we have here a temporal adverb which obviates ambiguity. 12 357, f, 2. I3 /To till vana att ; 358, c. "358, d. "352. 18 358, d. note. "Nej, jag tackar. 358, e. I9 358, c. VOCABULARY. en adressat', -er, addressee gdrdag, yesterday all'varsam, -t, serious en Jijalp, help avundsjuk, -t, envious lions (collective), chickens, ett belopp, , amount poultry en bjudning, invitation, party in'nestd (generally insep. in ett fel, , error, mistake this sense), to remain en felsignal, -er, wrong signal (money) forfarlig, -t, terrible in'losa, losa in', to redeem; giva akt' (pa), to heed to cash 220 PUKI'OSITIOMJ. in'satta, satta in' (see sdtta) to deposit iMllna, I, to become cold kontant', , (adj.), cash en Correspondent', -er, corre- spondent ett kreditbrev, , letter of credit en lammstek, -ar, lamb steak en losen, ransom; postage due w ^rbar, -t, miraculous, won- en restaurangvagn, -ar, a din- ing car ett rykte, -n, rumor; reputation rakna, I, to count en sida, -or, side; page; part ett socker (def. sockret), sugar en soppa, -or, soup ett satt, , manner; way en make, -ar, mate, match ett nattsncilltag, , night ex- press o'betydlig, -t, insignificant ogynnsam, -t, unfavorable ett omlopp, , circulation om'komma (see komma), perish en princip', -er, principle derful en uppsikt, supervision ur'spara, spdra ur', to derail ut'stalla (generally insep. in this sense), lib, to draw (a draft) ut'taga, taga ut' (see taga), to take out en vilxel, -lar, draft en reda (-0 in compounds) order; knowledge vdrdslosJiet, carelessness ett yrke, -n, trade IDIOMS : 1. att ha reda pd nagot, to know something. 2. att gora reda for nagot, to give an account of . something. 3. till foljd af, in consequence of, because of. LESSON XXXV. Uses of Prepositions (Continued). 360. Vid, at, by, on, etc.: (a) Vicinity: slaget vid Breitenfeld, the battle of Breitenfeld; vid bordet, at the table; vid stranden, by the shore ; vid Stockholm, in the neighborhood of Stockholm ; fdstad vid vdggen, fastened to the wall. Also figuratively: fdsta sig vid nagon, fix one's affections on somebody ; vid lampan, by the lamp. (b) Time: vid jul, at Christmas; vid femtio ars PREPOSITIONS. 22 1 alder, at fifty years of age; vid forsta tillfdlle, at the first opportunity; vid Idsandet av detta brev. at the reading of this letter. (c) Condition: vara vid god hdlsa, to be in good health; vid stark hetta, at a great heat; vid gott lynne, in good humor; han dr vid armen, he is in the army. (d) Contact: taga vid handen, to take by the hand; rora vid saret, touch the wound; used thus with verbs like hdlla, to hold ; gripa, to seize ; leda, to lead; fora, to conduct; draga, to pull. (e) Penalty: vid livsstraff, at the penalty of death; vid tjugu kronors bb'ter, at a fine of twenty crowns. 361. At, toward, to: (a) Direction=toward, in the direction of, to. In this sense at does not necessarily imply attainment of the goal; the idea of direction is often strength- ened by till placed after the governed word: han har gatt at floden till, he has gone toward the river ; kasta ett ben at hunden, throw a bone to the dog; han skot stolen at sidan, he pushed the chair to the side; han sag inte ens at mig, he didn't even look at me (in my direction) . (b) Often before an indirect object (also till) : jag gav boken at Karl, I gave the book to Carl. (c) Cause (often with a touch of ridicule or con- tempt) : att skratta at, to laugh at; det dr sa man kan grata at det, it is enough to make one weep. 362. A, on, is used in a few common phrases; as, d andra handen. on the other hand ; d ena sidan, 222 PREPOSITIONS. on the one side; en vdxel a femtio kronor, a draft for fifty crowns ; a Hans vdgnar, in his behalf. When the expression is literal, pa must be used: pa ena sidan gatan, one one side of the street. 363. over, over, above, across, beyond, about, etc.: (a) Place (literal and figurative) =over, above, beyond: ett stort moln hanger over berget, a big cloud hangs over the mountain; lararen star over sina larfungar, the teacher is above his pupils; over havet, beyond the sea; han ar nog over trettio ar, I think he is above thirty. Related to this construc- tion is over after such verbs as regera, to rule ; rada, to hold sway (primarily to advise) ; segra, to gain a victory: Karl den tolvte regerade over ett vid- strdckt rike, Charles XII. ruled over an extensive realm; han segrade over sina fiender, he was vic- torious over his enemies. (b) Direction=over, across: bron, som leder over floden, har rasat, the bridge which leads across the river has collapsed. Related to this construction are expressions like han har rest till New York over Chicago, he has gone to New York by way of Chi- cago. (c) Excess: denna sak kostar over en krona, this thing costs over a crown; det gar over mitt for- stdnd, that surpasses my understanding. (d) Duration: han blev hos oss over sommaren, he remained with us during the summer ; over natten, over night. (e) Cause, topic=about, of, concerning, on, at: 1. With verbs like skriva, to write; tola, to EXERCISE. 223 speak ; yttra sig, express oneself : han skrev, talade over ett svart dmne, he wrote, spoke on a difficult topic; han yttrade sig over dagens frdgor, he ex- pressed himself concerning the questions of the day. NOTE. Om used with similar verbs may have a different meaning: att tain om ndgon, to speak of somebody (make a mention of), skriva om, to write about. 2. With verbs denoting feeling: sorja over, to mourn; klaga over, to complain of; gladja sig over, to rejoice at; vredgas over, to become angry at; fortvivla over, to despair of. 3. With adjectives denoting feeling: glad over, glad of; ond over, angry at; ledsen over, sorry on account of. NOTE. We say in Swedish, ond pa en person, angry with a person, but ond over en sak, angry at a thing. EXERCISE XXXV. A. 1. Din far ar visst ej vid synnerligen god halsa nu for tiden. Nej det ar han inte, men han klagar aldrig over nagot, och kan inte formas 1 att tala vid en lakare. 2. Jag har sagt at 2 honom mer an en gang, att vid bans hoga alder och med hans svaga kroppskonstitution maste han varda sig om sin halsa battre. 3. Ser ni anslaget darborta vid gangen ? Det dar under tradet med orden : "Det ligger i (is to) allmanhetens intresse att skona planteringarna ?" 4. Ja ! Det ar ett av de manga satt, pa vilka svensken uttrycker det amerikanska "Keep off the grass." Han faster 3 stor vikt vid hovlighet. 5. Under min vistelse i Sverige har jag ofta forvanats over den stora hovlighet, vanned 4 svenskarna vid alia tillf alien bemota varandra. 6. Har ni varit vid 5 Skansen, det beromda friluftsmuseet, som Hazelius har upprattat? Vi svenskar aro med ratta 6 stolta darover. 7. Nej, annu har jag ej haft tid, men vid 7 forsta tillfalle 224 EXERCISE. skall jag ga dit. 8. Doktor White, en av mina vanner i London, hb'll for ej sa liinge sedan ett hogst intressant fore- drag over 8 Skansen. 9. Har du traffat Karl? Han har fragat efter dig. Ja, jag traffade honom nyss ute pa va- gen ; han gick at staden till 9 , men sade, att ban skulle vara tillbaka vid 7 niotiden. 10. Har Klara blivit fardig med sin laxa an? Nej, hon var sa trott, stackars liten 10 , att bon somnade over boken. J Fd and forma are often used in the sense of make, cause : fa nagon att tro, to make somebody believe ; hon kan icke format, he can't be made to ; there is more compulsion implied in fd. 2 361, b; also till. *Att fasta vikt (av- seende) vid, attach importance to; att Idgga vikt pa, lay stress on. 4 Note the prepositional compound. "Also pa. c Med rdtta, rightly. '360, b. S 363. e. 9 361, a. "Note the irregularities of liten, neut., litet, def., Kile, -a, pi. amd. B. 1. What shall 1 we do to-night? I am going to 2 the theater; will you go with me? 2. No, I think I shall pass the evening over my books. I am in 3 such a humor to-night that I could not laugh at 4 anything. 3. I know that you are tired of 5 the theater ; I am not very fond 6 of it either ; you know how I have often expressed myself concerning 7 it. 4. At what time does the play begin? It begins as usual at eight o'clock, I suppose 8 . 5. Do you intend to re- main here over Christmas? No, I am going home for 9 Christmas. 6. Where is your home ? You have mentioned it to 10 me before, but I have forgotten it. I live in Djurs- holm, close by 11 Stockholm. 7. Is not Djursholm a suburb of Stockholm? Yes, and it has become famous by reason of the many prominent men that have lived there. 8. Vic- tor Eydberg died there not so very long ago and all 12 Sweden mourned his death. 9. Although -I have traveled across the ocean many times, the rolling and pitching of the ship always makes 13 me sick. 10. How quickly we glide over the water ! We shall 14 soon be at the mouth of the Elbe. 11. Were you at 15 the spring festival at Skansen yes- VOCABULARY. 225 terday ? No, on account of the bad weather we all stayed at home in the afternoon. We are so sorry 10 that we could not go there 17 . 12. Were you not out at all? Yes, during the evening the weather got better and we went to Berns and listened to 18 the music. 13. Your eyes look 19 very sore. Yes, I am quite worried about 20 them. 14. Have you con- sulted an eye doctor about them? Yes, and he told me to otudy only by daylight. 15. Take the little one 21 by the hand, he may be frightened at the sight of horses. 'Future with shall. Why? 2 357, b. 3 360, c. 4 361, c. 5 357, g. *Fastad fid. haller ej vidare pa, etc. 7 363, e, also angaende. 8 Use an adverb. 9 358, e, fid jul, at Christmas. 10 350, a. "Invid (nara invid), i narheten av. "What is the Swedish equivalent for all used in the sense of whole f 13 What order? "Present. Why not future with si-all f 15 360, a. 16 What preposition? In this case the preposition may also be left out. "Here and there used in the sense of hither and thither are hit och dit: kom hit, not kom heir. ^357. f. 1. "Se-f what? 20 363, e, 2. Den -\- what form of litenf VOCABULARY. en allmanhet, public, gen- klaga, to complain eralities en kroppskonstitution, -er, en anblick, , sight, aspect constitution (of body) ett anslag, , design, placard, ledsen, -et, sorry notice ett lynne, -n, humor, disposition bemci'ta, Ha, to treat, to re- en mynning, -ar, mouth (of riv- ceive er, cannon) ; nozzle ett dagsljus, daylight om'tala, tola om', to mention framstdende (invariable), ond, ont, angry; evil, sore prominent orolig, -t, uneasy, worried fiista, I and Ha, to fasten, en pj< svensk sprdkldrare would mean he is a Swedish teacher of langiiages ; han a, kungligt rad, he is a royal councilor. (b) Often in phrases: i hast, in haste, in a hurry; me& grdtande stamma, in a tearful voice; med darrande hand. with a trembling hand; jag har huvudvdrk, tandvdrk, etc., I have a headache, toothache; jag har fdtt svar, I have re- ceived an answer, etc. (c) Note such forms as nagra fd, a few; mdngen, -et, many a; en sddan, ett sddant, such a; vilken, -et, what a; vilken man han dr! What a man he is! Sivedish Grammar. 17 350 APPENDIX. Rules of Gender. REMARK. Only the rules for determining the neuter gender are given. In regard to masculine and feminine nouns it will suffice to say that sex names follow the sex male names being masculine, female names, feminine. Originally masculine or feminine names of inanimate objects or abstracts are now classed as common gender (Swedish realgenus or den-genus). 5. Neuter are: (a) Almost all names of continents, countries, places, metals, letters of the alphabet, and all words not real sub- stantives but used as such: det mdktiga Amerika, the powerful America; det vackra Stockholm, the beautiful Stockholm; jdrnet, the iron; det sko'na, the beautiful. (b) Verbal abstracts of the same form as the verb after dropping the infinitive ending -a, with or without change of vowel: fallet, the fall; kallet, the calling; skriket, the cry; derived from falla, kalla, skrika. (c) Nouns ending in -a (pi. -n), -an (in concrete nouns), ande 1 , ende 1 , at 1 , dome 1 , -e (pi. -n), -el and -er (plur.=sing) ! , eri, -ment, -on, -skap (plur.=sing.) 2 , -um, -eum, -turn. J In abstract nouns. 2 Other\vise common gender. Note* on Inflection of Nouns. VOWEL MODIFICATION IN THE PLURAL. 6. The following nouns modify the vowel in the plural, some also double the final consonant: en and, Under, duck en man, man (manner) man en bok, bocker, book en moder, modrar, mother en bot, boter, fine en mus, moss, mouse en brand, Grander, fire-brand en natt, natter, night en broder, broder, brother en rand, rander, border en dotter, dottrar, daughter en rot, rotter, root en fader, fader, father en son, soner, son en fot, fotter, foot en spdng, spanger, foot-bridge en gd$, gdss, goose en stad, stader, city en hand, hdnder, hand en stav, staver, stave en ledamot, ledamoter, member en stang. sttinger, pole en ZMS, loss, louse en tdng, tiinger, pincers APPENDIX. 251 DOUBLE PLURALS. 7. Some nouns have double plurals, corresponding to dif- ferent senses of the singular: en bors, borsar, purses borser, bourses en form, formar, molds former, shapes en gang, gdngar, paths gdnger, times en stav, stavar, staffs staver, staves SINGULAR LACKING. 8. Some nouns occur only in the plural, the following being the most important: FIRST DECLENSION. anor, pedigree snubbor, scolding bannor, scolding sndsor, snubbing hdvor, goods, gifts sddor, chaff inalvor, entrails dthdvor, gestures, manners SECOND DECLENSION. furaldrar, parents vagnar, behalf; pd (d) ndgons goddagar, easy life vagnar, in behalf of somebody THIRD DECLENSION. annaler, annals ranker, intrigues ferier, vacation skrofler, scrofula flnanser, finances specerier, groceries gronsaker, vegetables umgalder, dues musikalier, music (written) utskylder, taxes DOUBLE GENDER. 9. Some nouns may have either common or neuter gender: the most important of these are: blod, blood ndbb, beak, bill bolster, bolster paraply', umbrella borr, drill parasoll', parasol brarn, border, trimming redskap-, utensil, tool doft, fragrance snitt, cut 252 Al'PENDlX. finger 1 , finger span, shaving musslin', muslin tack, thanks 'Generally fingrar in the plural. 2 Always common gender when used in a collective sense : redskapen, the utensils. Irregularities in Conversational Pronunciation. 10. Conversational Swedish presents many peculiarities in pronunciation, among which are the following: (a) The words mig, dig, sig, and saga are practically always pronounced as if written maj, ddj, saj, and saja. (l>) Det often drops the t in pronunciation. Colloquially dem is always pronounced as if written dom. In certain parts of Sweden, especially in Stockholm, dom is used for de. An- other common colloquial form for de is di. (c) Adjectives ending in -ig generally drop g before the neuter -t in pronunciation: tro'ligt, probable, pronounced tro'litt; ste'nigt, stony, ste'nitt, etc. (d) Ar and aro, is, are, are often pronounced o or e. (e) Och is generally pronounced d, so is also att when it is the sign of the infinitive: jag skulle tycka om att (d) traffa honom, I should like to see him. (f) Vad very often drops d in conversation: Va(d) fbe)falls? I beg your pardon, what did you say? Va(d) menar duf What do you mean? (g) Final -t in the supine of verbs of the Fourth Conjugation is dropped in conversation in many parts of Sweden: tagi (hard or soft g) for tagit, skrivi for skrivit. So also final -t in mycket and litet. (h) Skall is generally pronounced ska; taga, bliva, draga, hava, 'bedja giva are generally shortened to ta, Wi, dra, ha, be, ge. (i) Verbs of the First Conjugation often drop the ending -de of the past tense in conversation: jag tala med honom i gdr, I spoke to him yesterday. (j) There are a number of familiar words which are softened in conversation by the dropping or assimilation of a consonant: tradgdrd, garden, tragg&rd; gastgivare, inn- keeper, where stg^= sJi. APPENDIX. 2o:> (Jc) The plural ending -or of the First Declension is often pronounced ~er: vecka(or), vecker. (I) For enclitic pronouns 'en, 'et ('t), and -na, see 140, c. Irregularities in Conversational Grammar. 11. The most common grammatical irregularities met with in the spoken language are here noted: (a) The singular of a verb regularly takes the place of the plural in conversation. (~b) Neuters of the Fifth Declension take -ena in the def. form of the plural instead of -en, thus becoming like nouns of the Fourth Declension: hus-ena, the houses; namn-ena, the names. (c) Gender nouns ending in -n preceded by a vowel often have the definite form the same as the indefinite: han stfir pa grdsplanen (pronounced grasplan), he stands on the lawn; fageln sitter pd grenen (pronounced gren), the bird sits on the branch. STRONG AND IRREGULAR VERBS. INFINITIVE PRES. IMPERFECT SING. PLUR. SUPINE PAST PART. bedja, ask, pray beder (ber)bad b&do belt bedd, bett binda, bind binder band bundo bundit bunden, - et bita. bite biter bet beto bitit biten, et bjuda, offer bjuder bjod bjodo bjudit bjuden, et bliva, become, re- main * bliver i blir blev blevo blivit bliven, et bringa 1 , bring bringar bragte bragte bragt bragt, bragt brista, burst brister brast brusto brustit brusten, et bryta, break bryter brot broto brutit bruten. et brinna, burn brinner brann brunno brunnit brunnen, et bara, bear bar bar buro bur it buren, et bora, ought bor bqrde borde bort dimpa, /o# dimper damp dumpo dumpit dumpen, - et draga, draw drager drog drogo dragit dragen, et dricka. drink dricker drack drucko druckit drucken, et driva, drive driver drev drevo drivit driven, et drapaS, A-i7/ drapa drap dripo drapit drapen, et do, die. dor dog dogo dott falla./otf faller foil folio fallit fallen, et fara, go, travel far for foro farit faren, et finna, find finner fann funno funnit f unnen, et flyga, fly flyger flog flogo flugit flugen, - et flyta, flow flyter flot floto flutit ftuten. et f rysa, freeze fryser fros froso frusit frusen, et \ -f&dd, fattS fa, get, may far fick fingo f&tt ' -fangen. et3 f orgata, forget gater gat - gatit gaten, et fornimma, perceive nimmer nam nummo nummit nummen, et forsvinna, disap- pear svinner svann svunno - svunnit - svunnen, et giva i giver ge f ff e ger gav g&vo givit given, et gitta, care gitter (gitte < gittade gitte gittade gittat gjuta, pour, cast gj uter got goto gjutit gjuten, et glida, glide, glider gled gledo glidit gliden, et gnida, rub gnider gned gnedo gnidit gniden, et gripa, seize griper grep grepo gripit gripen, et grata, weep grater grat grato gr&tit graten, et 3 gft, go gar gick gingo g&tt g&ngen, - et gora, do gor gjorde gjorde gjort gjord, gjort 1 Also First Conjugation. 2 Also Second Conj., Class I. 3 In compounds. Al'I'KNDIX. 255 beta, be named heter hette hette hetat hinna, have time hinner hann hunno hunnit hunnen, et hugga, hew hugger hogg hoggo huggit huggen, et h&lla, hold h&ller holl hollo hallit hallen, et Idas 1 , ids 3 iddes iddes j itts 1 idits klinga.'i, Round klingar klang klungo klungit klungen, et kliva, stride kliver klev klevo klivit kliven, et4 klyva, split klyver klov klovo kluvit kluven, et knipa, pinch kniper knep knepo knipit knipen, et knyta, tie knyter knot knoto knutit knuten, et komma, come kommer kom kommo kommit kommen, et krympa, shrink krymper krympte krympte 3 krympt 1 krumpit t krympt 1 krumpen, - et krypa, creep kryper krop kropo krupit krupen, - et le, smile ler log logo lett ledd, lett 4 ledas, be lonesome 1 ledes ' leds leddes leddes letts leva, live lever levde levde levat levad, at lida, suffer lider led ledo lidit ligga, lie ligger lag lago legat legad, - at* ljuda, sound Ijuder Ijod Ijodo ljudit ljuga, lie ljuger Ijog Ijogo ljugit ljugen. et 4 Ijuta5, suffer ljuter Ijot Ijoto ljutit ljuten, et lyss, listen lyss lyddes lyddes lata, sound later lat lato l&tit lata. let later lat lato latit l&ten. et4 lagga, /a,!/ lagger lade lade lagt lagd, lagt lasa, read laser laste laste \ last 1 lasit > last 1 lasen et 4 lopaC, mtn loper lopp lupo lupit lupen, et may ma matte matte must maste maste maste mast niga, curtsy niger neg nego nigit njuta, enjoy njuter njot njoto njutit njuten, et nysaG, sneeze nyser nos lliisn nysit pipa, pi IK' piper pep pepo pipit rida, ride rider red redo ridit riden, et rinna.Jiow rinner rann runno runnit runnen, et riva, tear river rev revo rivit riven, et radas, be afraid rades raddes raddes radits ae, see ser sag sago sett sedd, sett simmaS, swim simmar sam summo summit summen, et sitta, sit sitter satt sutto \ suttit 1 setat 5 -sutten, -et 4 < suten4 sjuda, seethe sjuder sjod sjodo sjudit sjuden, et sjunga. sing sjunger sjong sjongo sjungit sjungen, et 1 Att icke idas gora nd got = to be too lazy to do a thing. 2 Pronounced iss. 3 Also First Conjugation, 4 In compounds. 5 Only in the expression ljuta dSden, to suffer death Generally Second Conjugation, Class I. 25G sjunka, sink sjunker sjonk skina, shine skiner sken skjuta, shoot skjuter skot skola, shall skrida, move skall skrider skulle \ekred skrika, cry skriker skrek skriva, write skriver skrev skryta, boast skryter skrot skara, cut skar skar slinka, slink slinker slank slinta, slip slinter slant slippa, not to have to slipper slapp slita, tear sliter slet sluka 1 , devour sluker slok slutaS, shut sluter slot sla, strike sl&r slog smita, sneak smiter smet smyga, go stealthilysmyger smog snyta, blow the nosesnyter snot sova, sleep sover sov spinna, spin spinner spann spricka, crack spricker sprack springa, leap springer sprang spritta, start spritter spratt stickaS, stick sticker stack stiga, step stiger steg stinga, sting stinger stang stinka, stink stinker stank stjala, steal stjal stal stryka, stroke stryker strok stupa! .fall stupar stop sta, stand star stod suga, suck suger sog supa, imbibe super sop svida, smart svider sved svika, disappoint sviker svek svalta, starve svalter svalt svar(j)a, swear svar(jer) svor saga, say sager sade satta, set satter satte taga, take tager tog tiga, be silent tiger teg tjuta, howl tjuter tjot tryta, run short tryter trot tvinga 1 , force tvingar tvang sjonko sjunkit skeno skinit skoto skjutit skulle skolat skredo skridit skreko skrikit skrevo skrivit skrb'to skrutit skuro skurit slunko slunkit slunto sluntit sluppo sluppit sleto slitit sloko slukit sloto slutit slogo slagit smeto smitit smogo smugit snb'to snutit sovo sovit spunno spunnit sprucko spruckit sprungo sprungit sprutto spruttit stucko . stuckit stego stigit stungo stungit stunko stunkit stulo stulit stroke strukit stopo stodo sogo sopo svedo sveko svulto svuro sade satte togo tego tjoto troto tvungo st&tt sugit supit svidit svikit svultit svurit sagt satt tagit tegat tjutit trutit tvungit KJunken, et skjuten, et skriden, et skriken, et skriven, et skruten, et skuren, et slunken, et slunten, - et sluppen, - et sliten, et sluken, et sluten, et slagen, et smiten, - et smugen, et snuten, et spunnen, - et sprucken, et sprungen, et sprutten, et stucken, et stigen, - et stungen, et stulen, et struken, et _t-st&dd, tt4 i standen, et sugen, et supen, et sviken, et svulten, et svuren, et sagd, sagt satt, satt tagen, et tegad, - at 4 truten, - et4 tvungen, et Also First Conjugation. 2 Also First Conjugation in the sense of end. Also First Conjugation in the sense of to knit. 4 In compounds. APPENDIX. 257 tvi, wash tv&r tv&dde tv&dde ( tvait i tv&tt > tvagen i tv&dd be lilct'li/ tor torde toras, dare tors tordes tordes torts vara, be ar var voro var it varda. become varder vart vordo vorden, et veta, know vet visste visste vetat vetta, face vetter vette vette vettat vika, yield, fold viker vek veko vikit viken, et vilja, will vill ville ville velat vinna, win vinner vann vunno vunnit vunnen, et vrida, twist vrider vred vredo vridit vriden, et vidladal , adhere lader ladde ladde < -l&tt 'i -l&dit ta, eat ater at ato atit aten, et 1 Also First Conjugation. VOCABULARY. SWEDISH-ENGLISH. In the vocabulary, only the gender of neuter nouns is designated ; all nouns not marked (n.) are gender nouns. For the principal parts of irregular and strong verbs the list on page 254 should be consulted. Parts of speech are designated only in cases of ambiguity. abborre, -ar, perch adde'ra, I, add adjo', good-bye adress', -er, address adresse'ra, I, address adressat', -er, addressee affur', -er, business; store affdrsbyggnad, -er, business building aga, I, punish akt (invar.), notice alldeles, entirely, quite alle'na (gen. def.), alone allmdnhet, public; i , in general alls, at all alltid, always alltsd, consequently, thus, so allvarlig, sober, grave, serious allvarligt, adv., seriously amerikan', -er, American an-, accented var. prefix anblick, -ar, sight, spectacle anfortro, III, intrust angendm, agreeable, pleasant anhd.Ua, st. v., request ankare (n-* -^, anchor ankomma, st. v., arrive anliigga, irr. v., found, estab- lish anliinda, lib, arrive anse, irr. v., regard, consider, think ansikte (n.), -n, face anslag (n.), , plot, design; placard, notice anvdnda, lib, use ana, I, suspect; anticipate annars, otherwise annons' (annongs'), -er, ad- vertisement apote'kare, , druggist apt it', appetite arbeta, I, work arbetare, , workingman arm, -ar, arm arreste'ra, I, arrest artig, polite att, conj., that; to (infinitive sign) auditorium (n.),-ier, audience automobil', -er, automobile automobilforbindelse, -r, con- nection by automobile av, prep, and accented vari- able prefix, of, by, from, etc. avbryta, st. v., insep., inter- rupt; sep., break off VOCABULARY. 250 avgd, irr. v., sep., depart avlfigsna (sig), I, remove; refl., go away. avliJpa, lib, turn out avsiinda, lib, sep., send away, dispatch avundsjuk, envious B backa, I, back bad (n.), , bath badort, -er, watering place baka, I, bake bagare, , baker bakgrund, -er, background bakllinges, backwards bakom, behind bank, -er, bank bara, only barmhar'tig, merciful barn (n.), , child be-, unaccented insep. prefix bedja (om), irr., pray, ask for bedraga, st. v., cheat, deceive befalla, lib, command beftnna sig, st. v., be (health and place) befolkning, -ar, population begara, lib, demand, request begaran, no pi., demand behaga, I, please behandling, -ar, treatment behdlla, st. v., keep, retain behova, lib, need bekant, known, acquainted; en , an acquaintance bekvam, comfortable, conven- ient bekvdmlighet, -er, comfort, convenience belopp (n.), , amount beldten, -et, def. -lutna, satis- fied beliist, well-read beldpa sig (till), I la, amount to bemdktiga sig, I, take posses- sion of bemota, Ha, treat; receive ben (n.), , bone, leg berg (n.), , mountain beratta, I, relate beromd, n. -romt, famous beromma, lib, praise bestd, irr. v., exist; stand (a test); treat; av, consist of bestdlla, lib, order besdttning, -ar, crew besok (n.), , visit besoka, Ha, visit betala, I, Ha, pay betjaning, no pi., servants, attendance betraktande (n.), considera tion ; taga i , take into betyda, lib, mean, signify betunka, Ha, consider, delib- erate; sig, reflect bevista, I, attend bifall (n.), applause bil, -ar, "auto" bildad, n. -at, cultured bildning, culture, education biljett'kontor' (n.), ticket of- fice bit, -ar, piece bita, st. v., bite bjudning,- ar, invitation, party blank, smooth, shiny, glossy 3GO VOCABULARY. bliva, st. v., become; remain, be (aux. of passive) olixtra, I, lighten Momma, -or, flower blom'sterrabatt', -er, flower bed blott, only blygsam, def. -samma, modest bldsa, Ila, blow black (n.), ink bo, III, dwell, live boJc, bo'cker, book bonde, bonder, peasant, farmer bord (n.), , table borsta, I, brush bort, away borta, away from home; dar- , over there bostad, -stdder, dwelling, residence bota, I, heal, cure bra (adj. and adv.), good, fine; well, quite bredvid', by, at the side of brev (n.), letter brevbarare, , letter carrier brodd, sprout broder, bro'der, brother bruka, I, use bryta av', st. v., break off brddska, hurry brdk (n.), , trouble; frac- tions (math.) bras pd, take after, favor brdtt, brdttom, ha , be in -a hurry brod (n.), , bread by, -ar, village bygga, lib, build bdde. . .och, both. . .and bdra, st. v., carry biirare, , porter bust, best borja, I, begin borjan (no. pi.), beginning C ceremoni', -er, ceremony cigarr', -er, cigar cigarrhandel, cigar store cigarr Jiandlare, , cigar dealer D dag, -ar, day daglig (adj.), daily aagngen (adv.), daily dagsljus (n.), daylight dal, -ar, valley dam, -er, lady date'ra, I, date datum (n.), data, date del, -ar, part deltaga, st. v., sep., participate den(pron.), that, it; (art.) the dessutom, besides, in addition det (pron.), it; (art.) the dikt, -er, poem direkt', direct disk, -ar, counter; dish dit, thither diver' 'se (pi. only), diverse divide'ra, I, divide doktor, dokto'rer, doctor dotter, dottrar, daughter dram, -er, drama drama (n., no plur.), drama dricka, st. v., drink drickspengar (pi. only), tip(s) droska, -or, cab droja, lib, delay, take (time) drojsmdl (n.), , delay VOCABULARY. duell', -er, duel duka, I, set the table dum, def. dumma, stupid, foolish dumbom, -bommar, fool dussin (n.), , dozen dyrbar, expensive, precious dalig, poor, bad, wicked ddr, there durbar 1 ta, over there darhem'ma, at home darpd, thereafter, thereupon, on it (them) do, irr. v., die dod, dott (adj.), dead dod, (-or), death doda, I, kill dorr, -ar, door cfter, prep., adv., and accented variable prefix, after efterkomma, st. v., comply with, komma efter, come after eftermiddag, -ar, afternoon; i , this afternoon ehuru, although ej, not ekono'misk, financial eld, -ar, fire, conflagration elegans' (elegangs'), elegance elektrisk, electrical emedan, because emot (prep, and adv.), against, opposite en, ett, a, an, one endast, only en rat; everybody enligt, according to episk, epic er-, accented insep. prefix erbjuda, st. v., offer erfarenhet, -er, experience erhdlla, st. v., receive, get erinra, I, remind; sig, remember ersatta, irr. v., to replace, compensate europe'isk, European exporte'ra, I, export fabrik', -er, factory fader (far), fader, father familjefest, -er, family festival familj', -er, family fara, st. v., travel, drive, go fara med', go along (drive, travel ) farbror, -bro'der, uncle fartyg, , ship, vessel fast, n. fast, firm, solid, fast fast (conj.), although fattas, I, dep. impers. v., lack, ail; vad digf What is ailing you? fattig, poor fel (n.), , error, mistake felas, I, dep. impers. v., lack ferier (pi.), vacation fin. nice, fine, delicate finna, st. v., find; det ftnns, there is (are) fira, I, celebrate firande (n.), celebration fisk, -ar, fish flagga, -or, flag; hissa flaggan, hoist the flag Here, several, more 262 VOCABULARY. flicka, -or, girl flitig, diligent flod, -er, river fly, III, flee flyta, st. v., flow flytande, indecl., flowing, fluent flytta, I, move folk (n), , people, nation; also collectively, people folkskola, -or, public school forsla, haul fort (adv.), fast, quickly fortsatta, irr. v., continue fot, fotter, foot fotbollag (n.), , football team fotbollspel (n.), , or -match, -er, football game fram, adv. and accented var. prefix, forth, forward framdeles, in the future, later framme (adv.), at destination, at hand framracka, or rdcka fram', reach forth, hold out framstfiende, indecl., promi- nent framtid, future franke'ra, I, stamp (put on stamp) Frankrike (n.), France Frans, Francis, Frank fransk, French; franska, French language fri, fritt, free frikopa, sep., v., ransom, re- deem friluftsmuseum (n.), -er, open air museum frimarke (n.), -n, stamp / riser' salong, -er, barber shop frisk, fresh, healthy fru, -ar, lady, wife, Mrs. frukost (pronounced fruc'- kost), -ar, breakfast frukt, -er, also collective pi., frukt, fruit frysa, st. v., freeze frysa bort', perish by frost fryspunkt, -er, freezing point frdga (efter), I, ask a ques- tion, inquire jran, prep., adv. and accented variable prefix, from frammande, n., , strange, foreign, ha , have com- pany framst, foremost, first fullpackad, n. -at, crowded fullsatt, n. , crowded fylla, lib, fill; Ar, have a birthday fyrtio, forty fa, irr. v. (modal), get, re- ceive ; may fdgel, fdglar, bird fait (n.), , field fdrdig, ready fdsta, I and Ila, fasten fodas, lib, dep. v., be born fodelsedag, -ar, birthday; till fddelsedagen, for a birthday folja, lib, follow folja med', accompany foljaktligen, consequently foljande, n. , following fonster (n.), , window for (prep.), for, before for. . .sedan, ago VOCABULARY. for (adv.), too; mycket, too much for-, accented insep. prefix, before for-, unaccented insep. prefix forarglig, annoying, vexatious forbindelse, -r, connection; ob- ligation fiirbjuden, n. -bjudet, def. bjudna, prohibited fordraga, st. v., tolerate; varandra, bear with one an- other fore, prep., adv., and accented var. prefix, usually insep., before, first, ahead foredrag (n.), , lecture foredraga, st. v., prefer forelasning, -ar, lecture forening, -ar, union, society foreskriva, st. v., dictate, pre- scribe fore-Sid-, st. v., propose forestallning, -ar, performance foretaga (sig) , st. v undertake forfattare, , author forfiirlig, terrible forfolja, lib, pursue furgifta, I, poison forhindra I, prevent forhdllande (n.), -n, relation, condition; i till, relative to forklada (sig), lib, disguise (oneself) forkyla sig, lib, catch cold forkyld, n. -kylt, having a cold forkylning, -ar, cold (sick- ness) forlora, I, lose formak (n.), , parlor formiddag, -ar, forenoon; pd formiddagen, in the fore- noon formoda, I, suppose formd, III, intr., be able; tr., induce forolyckas, I, dep. v., perish for'orsaka, I, cause, occasion forr (adv.), before forre(a), former forran (conj.), before, until forsena, I, cause to be late, delay forsiktig, cautious forskotte'ra, I, advance (money) forslag (n.), , proposition forsona, I, reconcile; refl. v., become reconciled forsova, st. v., oversleep forst, first forstad, -stader, suburb forstd, irr. v., understand forstdndig, wise, sensible fiirstora, lib, destroy forsumma, I, neglect, miss (train, meal, etc.) forsoka, Ha, try fortjusande, n. , charming fortjdna, I, also Ila, earn fortrdfflig, excellent forvandla, I, change, trans- form forvdnas, I, dep. v., to be as- tonished fordldrar, pi. only, parents 264 VOCABULARY. gammal, def. gamla, old ganska, quite, entirely garante'ra, I, guarantee gata, -or, street gen (adj.), near (of a road) genast, immediately genom or ige'nom (prep, and adv.), through; as adverb it has the form igenom giva, st. v., give; akt' pd, notice, observe glad, n. glatt, glad, happy glas (n.), , glass glasogon, pi., spectacles glida, st. v., glide glddja, irr. v., gladden gladje, no pi., joy glomma, lib, forget golv (n.), , floor gosse, gossar, boy grad, -er, grade, degree; i ho'gsta , in the highest degree gren, -ar, branch gro, III, sprout grosshandlare, , wholesale merchant grata, st. v., weep, cry grds (n.), grass grasmatta, -or, lawn gron, green gronsaker, pi. only, vegetables gul, yellow gunga, I, rock, swing gd, irr. v., go, run; det gar icke, it won't work ; klockan gdr, the watch is running gd upp', rise gang, -er, time (in counting) ; en , once gang, -ar, walk, path gdr, i gdr, yesterday gdrdag, yesterday gds, gdss, goose galla, lib, concern; have a value; be a question of gdst, -er, guest gora (irr. v.), do, make Goto, kanal, Gotha Canal Goteborg (n.), Gothenburg H hals, -ar, neck, throat Jialv, half halvtimme, -ar, half hour halvsula, I, half-sole halvvags (adv.), halfway hamn, -ar, harbor, port han, he hand, hander, hand handbagage, hand baggage handla, I, act, trade; om, treat about handlande, , merchant harv, -ar, harrow hastig, quick, rapid, sudden hatt, -ar, hat havre (n.), oats hedersman, -man, man of honor hcl, n. -t, whole; en , a unit helgdag, -ar, holiday hellre, rather hem (n.), home hem (adv.), home; gd , go home VOCABULARY. 265 hemifrdn, from home hemma, at home hemtrevlig, cozy, homelike Jiennes, her, gen. case herr, Mister, in address herre, -ar, master, gentleman heta, irr. v., to be called; jag Jieter Karl, my name is Carl hinna, st. v., attain; have time to do or get to historia, -ier, history, story hitta, I, to find hjalp, help Jijalpa, Ha, help hjarta (n.), -n, heart hjartforlamning, -ar, heart failure hjartlig, hearty, cordial hon, she hopp (n.), , hope hoppa, I, jump hoppas, I, dep. v., to hope hos, with, by, in, in the house of honorar' (n.), , fee hotelV (n.), , hotel hund, -ar, dog hungrig, hungry hur, how hus (n.), , house hustru, -r, wife huvudvark, headache hygglig, nice, "kind, accommo- dating hyra, lib, rent, hire Mlla, st. v., hold, keep Mil (n.), , hold; direction; dt alia , in all directions Mr (n.), , hair hard,, n. Mrt, hard haftig, violent, vehement hiilft, -er (noun), half halsa, health halsa, I, greet Ml'sa pd, greet halsa pd' (hos), make a call (at somebody's home) halsning, -ar, greeting hamnas, I, dep. v., take re- venge hamta, I, fetch Mnda, lib, happen handelse, -r, event hdndelsevis (adv.), by chance htinga, lib, hang hanseende (n.), -n, respect Mr, here harlig. glorious, magnificent hast, -ar, horse hog, high hoger, def. hogra, right; till , to the right hojd, -er, height, hill hons (n.), , chicken, col- lective, chickens hora, lib, hear hora pd, listen to ; ho'r pd mig, listen to me horn (n.), , corner host, -ar, fall; i hostas, last fall hostdag, -ar, autumn day hovlig, polite hovlighet, politeness I i (prep.), in, into i'akttaga, st. v., observe ibland', sometimes Sicedish Grammar IS 266 VOCABULARY. i'drott, -er, sport idrottspark, -er, athletic field igen', adv. and accented var. prefix, again, back igenMnna, lib, sep. v., recog- nize i'hdliff, hollow ilia (adv.), bad; det var ilia, that was too bad illumine'rad, -at, illuminated in, prep., adv., and accented var. prefix, in, into inackordering, -ar, boarder, also board; Jiel , room and board inbegripa, st. v., include infinna sig, st. v., to come, arrive ingen, intet, or inget, no, no one, nothing inledp (n.), , purchase inlosa, Ila, sep., to redeem, * cash innan (conj.), before inne (adv.), inside inne-, accented var. prefix innehdll (n.), , contents innehdlla, st. v., contain innestd, irr. v., remain (mon- ey in a bank) inom (prep.), within inomhus (adv.), indoors insiitta, irr. sep. v., deposit inse, irr. v., to see, under- stand inte, not intet, n. of ingen, no, nothing intresse'rad, n. -at, interested intrcssant', n. , interesting intres'se (n.), -n, interest intyg (n.), , testimonial invdnare, , inhabitant is, -ar, Ice Ita'lien (n.), Italy ja, yes jasd (pronounced jas'sd), so; you don't say! Is that so? jo, yes ju, the (with the compara- tive), you "know, to be sure jul, -ar, Christmas; vid , at Christmas; till , for Christmas just, just juste'ra, I, adjust jdmrande, n., , plaintive jdrnvdgs'biljett, -er, railway ticket jdrnvdgsolycJca, -or, railway accident jdrnvdgsstation, -er, railway station K kaffe (n.), coffee kaj, -er, quay, pier kail, cold kallna, I, grow cold kalla, I, call kamma, I, comb kanhdn'da, perhaps kan'ske, perhaps kappa, -or, cloak karaktdr', -er, character kapten', -er, captain kasta, I, throw kasta ut', throw out VOCABULARY. katedral', -er, cathedral katt, -er, cat kilo, kilogram (n.), , kilo gram kilome'ter, , kilometer klack, -ar, heel (of shoe) klaga (over), I, complain klandra, I, criticise Jclar, clear klass, -er, class klassisk, classic klen, weak klimat' (n.), , climate klippa, Ha, cut, shear kldda, lib, dress kldda sig, dress (oneself) kldda om' sig, change dress kldder, pi. only, clothes knacka, I, knock; pd dor- ren, knock at the door knappast, hardly knappndl, -ar, pin knota (over), I, grumble koffert, -ar, trunk koka, I, cook, boil kollide'ra, I, collide komma, st. v., come komma in', come in konduktor', -er, conductor konsert', r er, concert konst, -er, art; pi. tricks konstndr', -er, artist kontant, n. , cash kontor (n.), , office kopp, -ar, cup korg, -ar, basket korrespondent' ', -er, corre- spondent kort (o long and close) (n.), , card kort (o short and open), n. , short kosta, I, cost kostym', -er, suit kraft, -er, strength, power krage, -ar, collar kredit'brev (n.), , letter of credit krets, -ar, circle, society krok, -ar, hook Arena, -or, crown kroppskonstitution, -er, con- stitution (of body) kulle, -ar, hill kunna, know; (modal) can, be able Kungsgatan, King's Street kupe, -er, compartment (rail- way) Tcusin' -er, cousin kusk, -ar, driver, cabman kvalitet', -er, quality kvar, adv. and accented var. prefix, left over, behind, re- maining kvarlamna, I, sep., leave be- hind kvarn, -ar, flour mill Kvart, -er, quarter; en kvarts timme, a quarter of an hour kvdll, -ar, evening; i gar , last night; pd kvdllen, in the evening kyckling, -ar, young chicken kylig, chilly kyrka, -or, church kdmpa ut', I, fight to a finish ; die kdnna, lib, know (acquainted with) 268 VOCABULARY. klinna till', be acquainted with kdrlek, love kold (n.), cold kopa, I la, buy kora, lib, drive laga, I, mend; bring to pass lammstek, -or, lamb steak land, lander, country; pd lan- det, in the country; i land, ashore landskap (n.), , landscape landsatta, irr. v., land lantstalle (n.), -n, country house lantbrukare, , farmer last, -er, load; vice lot, no neuter, lazy le, irr. v., smile leda, lib, lead ledsen, n. ledset, def. ledsna, sad, sorry lek, -or, play, game Zefca, Ha, play leva, irr. v., live lida, st. v., suffer ligga, irr. v., lie /ifc (adj.), like, alike lika (adv.), (just) as liten, n. litet, def. lilla, pi. sra4, little, small litteratur, -er. literature ttv (n.), , life ljus (n.), , light; candle I jus (adj.), light loge, logar, threshing floor londondngare, , London steamer lov (n.), permission; vacation (from school); fd lov, may have to lova, I, promise; praise lugn (adj.), calm, quiet lycka, happiness, fortune lyckad, n. -at, successful lyckas, I, dep. v., succeed lycklig, happy lyda. lib, obey lynne (n.), -n, humor; via gott , in good humor Idda, -or, box, drawer Una, I, lend; borrow Idng, long Idngsam, def. -samma, slow Idsa, I la, lock Idta, st. v., let, allow; cause to do or be done lagenhet, -er, opportunity Idgga bort', irr. v., put away lakare, , physician Idmna, I, leave lange (adv.), long Idngre, comp. of Idng, lange, longer Idra, lib, teach; learn Idrare, , teacher lard,' n. Idrt, learned Idrjunge, -ar, pupil Idsa, Ila, read Idsa upp', also upp'ldsa, recite Idsebok, -bocker, reader Idxa, -or, lesson Idsa (biljett), buy (ticket) losen, no pi., ransom VOCABULARY. 269 M maj, May majs, Indian corn make, -ar, match, mate mala, lib, grind man, man, man man (indef. pron.), one, they manschett', -er, cuff manovre'ra, I, maneuver marJcnad, -er, fair marknadsstdnd (n.), , booth at a fair mat, food matsal, -ar, dining room matsedel, -sedlar, bill of fare med, prep., adv., and accented var. prefix, with, along, etc. medfora, lib, bring, entail medan (conj.), while mejeri'smor (n.), creamery butter mellan (emellan), between men, but mena, I, mean mer(a), more meta, I, angle middag, -ar, noon; dinner; i middags, this (past) noon min, n. mitt, my minnas, lib, dep. v., remem- ber minut', -er, minute miss'taga, st. v., mistake misstaga sig, be mistaken misstag (n.), , mistake mitt, indecl. noun, middle; i mitten, in the middle mjol (n.), flour mjolnare, , miller moder, modrar, mother modern', modern mogen, n. moget, def. mogna, ripe mogna, I, ripen morgon, morgnar, morning; tidigt pd morgonen, early in the morning i morgon, to-morrow morgontidning, -ar, morning paper i morse, this morning mot, prep, and accented var. prefix, also emot, against motgdng, -ar, adversity mottaga, receive mottagare, , recipient mottagningsrum (n.), , re- ception room mo'torbdt, -ar, motor boat mulna, I, become cloudy multiplice'ra, I, multiply mun, munnar, mouth munter, def. muntra, merry museum (n.), museer, museum musik', music musikalisk, musical musikkdr, -er, band mycken, n. mycket, def. myck- na, much mycket (adv.), very mynning, -ar, mouth (of river, cannon) ; nozzle md (modal), may ma, III, feel; hur mar nif How are you? mdl (n.), goal; meal mdnad, -er, month mdndag, -ar, Monday mdtt (n.), , measure 270 VOCABULARY. mdnniska, -or, human being, person mdsterskap (n.), , champ- ionship mo'bel, mobler, piece of furni- ture mojlig, possible mojligen, possibly morJc, dark mossa, -or, cap m.ota, Ha, meet motas, reciprocal; meet (one another) N namn (n.), , name namnteckning , -ar, signature natt, natter, night; i , last night nattsndlltdg (n.), , night express nappa, I, bite natur', nature naturligtvis (adv.), of course ned, down nej (adv.), no ni, you (polite address) nog, enough nog, certainly; I suppose noga (adv. and predicate adj., indecl.), careful (ly) noggrann, n. -grant, careful, accurate norr (noun and adj., def. form only), north, northern nu, now nu for tiden, now-a-days nummer (n.), def. numret, , number ny, n. nytt, new nyhet, -er, newness, novelty; news nyligen, recently nyss, just now nag on, n. -ot, pi. ndgra (adj. and pron.), any, some ndgonsin, ever namligen, that is to say; namely namnare, , denominator ndr, when ndr (adj.), near ndra (adv. and prep.), near ntirhet, nearness, vicinity ntirma sig, I, approach ndrsluten, n. -slutet, def. -slut- na, inclosed ndrvarande, indecl., present ndsta, indecl., next, following ndstan, almost nod, distress nojd, n. no'jt, contented noje (ik), -n, amusement, pleasure o-, accented prefix of negation obetydlig, -t, insignificant obetydlighet, -er, insignifi- cance, trifle och, and ocksd, also oense (indecl. predicate adj.), at variance officer', -er or -are, officer officerskappa, -or, officer's cloak ofrankerad, n. -at, not stamped, not prepaid ofta, often VOCABULARY. 271 ogynnsam, def. -samma, un- favorable oliJc, unlike, different olycka, -or, misfortune olyckligtvis, unfortunately olympisk, Olympic om, conj., if; prep, and ac- cented var. prefix, around, about; concerning ombord, aboard om'komma (see komma), perish omkring (adv. and prep.), about, around omlopp (n.), circulation omtala. I, sep., relate, tell omtalad, n. -at, mentioned; celebrated omojlig, impossible ond, n. ont, bad, evil; sore; angry onsdag, -ar, Wednesday opera, -or, opera ord (n.), , word ordforande, , chairman ordine'ra, I, prescribe orolig, uneasy orsak, -er, reason otdlig, impatient oskadlig, harmless ovanlig, unusual packa, I, pack packa upp', unpack pallet' (n.), , parcel pant, -er, security; forfeit par (n.), , pair, couple; ett par, a couple of paraply (n.), -n, umbrella passa, I, fit, suit; be proper passagerare, , passenger, traveler passande, n. , proper patient', -er, patient pengar, pi., money penna, -or, pen person', -er, person pessimistisk pessimistic pest, -er, pestilence, plague piller (n.), , pill pjas, -er, play (theatrical) plan, -er, plan plane' ra, I, plan plante'ring, -ar, park; plant ing plats, -er, place; tag , sit down plocka, I, pick plaga, I, pain, torment, trouble polette'ra, I, check (trunk) polis'konstapel, -staplar, po- liceman post, mail; post office; skic- ka pa posten, mail poste restante, general de- livery postanvisning, -ar, money or- der pota'tis, (colloquially often -ar), potato precis', exactly; precis kloc- kan fern, five o'clock sharp predi'ka, I, preach predikan, no. pi., sermon presente'ra (for), introduce princip', -er, principle pris (n.), -er, price 272 VOCABULARY. program' (n.), , def. -gram- met, program promene'ra, I, take a walk proteste'ra, I, protest prov, -er, sample; test (pi. ) pryda, lib, decorate, adorn praktig, fine, magnificent, splendid punJct, -er, point, dot pa, on, upon pdminna, lib, remind R raka, I, shave rask, quick, brisk recept' (n.), , prescription redan, already regna, I, rain rekommendationsbrev (n.), , letter of recommendation rekommende'ra, I, recom- mend; register rekommenderad, n. -at, regis- tered reda (-0 in compounds), or- der; ha pd, know about; ta pA, find out regna, I, rain rengora, irr. v., clean resa, I la, travel, go resa, -or, journey, trip resona'bel, def. -abla, reason- able rest, -er, remainder restaurang', -er, restaurant restaurangvagn, -ar, dining car resultat (n.), , result resvdska, -or, valise rev, -ar, fish-line revolver, -rar, revolver rik, rich riklig, abundant rikta, I, aim, direct riktig, right, correct, quite (adv.) ring, -ar, ring ringa, indecl., humble, insig- nificant ringa, lib, ring ringa pd' (hos), ring up riva, st. v., tear, scratch ro, III, row roa sig, I, amuse oneself rock, -ar, coat roddbdt, -ar, rowboat rolig, amusing; ha roligt, have fun roll, -er, part (theatrical) ropa, I, call, shout; pd, call (somebody) ruin', -er, ruin rullning, -ar, rolling rum (n.), , room rykte (n.), -n, reputation; rumor Ryssland (n.), Russia rdd (n.), , advice; ha rdd, have the means to rdda, lib, advise rdgbrod (n.), , rye bread rddfrdga, I, consult raka, I, meet; get (into) ; i svdrigheter, get into diffi- culties; rdkas, to meet one another rlicka, Ha, reach, last, be suf- ficient rddd, no. n., timid, afraid; radd for, afraid of VOCABULARY. rddda, I, save rdkna, I, count rdkning, -ar, bill; calculating, counting rdtt (adj.), n. , right; ha rdtt, be right rod, n. rdtt, red ro'ka, I, smoke rokare, , smoker rokkupe, -er, compartment for smokers rokning, smoking riirande, concerning rorelse, -r, movement, motion, exercise rust, -er, voice S sak, -er, thing, matter sakna, I, lack, miss, feel loss of sakta (sig), slow down; lose time (watch) sakta (adv.), slowly sal, -ar, hall salong', -er, drawing room, auditorium salt (n.), salt sam-, accented, insep. prefix, together samma, (the) same sammansvdrja (sig), irr. v., conspire samtal (n.), , conversation samtala, I, converse, chat sceneri' (n.), -er, scenery se, irr. v., see; se' pd, look at; se ut', look (appearance) sed, -er. custom sedan, (conj.), after, when; (adv.), then, thereupon, af- ter; (prep.), since, after sedel, sedlar, bill segelbat, -ar, sailboat segla, I, sail semes' ter, -rar, semester; va- cation sen, late senare, later sex, six sida, -or, side; page sig, him-, her-, itself, them- selves sin, reflex, possessive, 3d pers. sist, last; till sist, at last sitta, irr. v., sit sju, seven sjuk, sick sjukdom, -ar, sickness sjunga, st. v., sing sjunka, st. v., sink sjo, -ar, sea, lake sjorofvare, , pirate sjosjuk, seasick sjostrand, -strdnder, lake shore skada, -or, injury, damage skadad n. -at, injured, dam- aged ske, III, happen skepp (n.), , ship skicka, I, send skicka ~bort', send away; dis- miss skicka in', send in skicka ut', send out skicklig, skillful skildring, -ar, description, portrayal 274 VOCABULARY. skillnad, difference; pd, difference between skina, st. v., shine skinka, -or, ham skiva, -or, slice skjorta, -or, shirt skjuta, st. v., shoot sko, -r, shoe skola, -or, school; gd i , go to school (attend) skolavgift, -er, tuition skolkamrat, -er, school-mate skog, -ar, forest skomakare, , shoemaker skona, I, spare skorsten, -ar, chimney, smoke- stack skratta, I, laugh skriftlig, written skrika, st. v., shout, cry skriva, st. v., write skriva om', rewrite skridsko, -r, skate; dka skrid- sko, skate. skridskobana, -or, skating rink skraddare, , tailor skuld, -er, guilt; debt skydda, I, protect skyldig, guilty; vara skyldig, owe skynda, I, hurry skynda sig, hurry skammas (for), lib, dep. v., be ashamed (of) skota, Ha, take care of; man- age slag (n.), , blow, stroke slagsmdl (n.), , fight slant, -ar, coin slott (n.), castle slut (n.), close, end sluta, I and st. v., close; end; shut slutligen, finally, at last sld, st. v., strike slakting, -ar, relative slarv (n), , carelessness sla, (irr. v.), strike slappa, Ha, let go; sltippa in, ut, let in, out slatt, -er, plain smaka, I, taste smeka, Ha, caress smutsig, dirty smdsak, -er, trifle smiilta, Ha, melt smor (n.), butter smorgds, -ar, bread and butter, sandwich. sna6&, quick, rapid, fast snar, quick, speedy snart, soon snitt (n.), , cut (fashion; snail, good, kind; var , please snulltdg (n.), , express train sno, snow socfcer(n.), def. sockret, sugar so/fa, -or, sofa, seat solsken (n.), sunlight solstrdle, -ar, sunbeam som (rel. pron.), who, which, that; (conj.) as sommar somrar, summer; i somras, last summer somna, I, fall asleep son, soner, son soppa, -or, soup sorg, -er, sorrow, grief sorglig, sad, sorry VOCABULARY. 275 sova, st. v., sleep spare, I, save spatser'tur, -er, walk; gora en , take a walk spegel, speglar, mirror; ne sig i spegeln, look in the mirror spel (n.), , play; game spela, I, play spratt (n.), , trick; spela ett , play a trick on springa, st. v., run springpojke, -ar, errand boy sprdk (n.), , language spdrvagn, -ar, street car stackars, indecl., poor, wretch- ed stad, stdder, city stampning, pitching (ship) stanna, I, stop, stay, remain stark, strong stat, -er, state station', -er, station stek, -ar, steak sten, -ar, stone stiga, st. v., step stiga from', step forth stiga pd', enter stiga upp', get up, rise stil, -ar, style; print stjdla bort', st. v., steal stjdlpa, Ila, upset stol, -ar, chair stolt. n. , proud stor, great, large storartad, n. -artat, grand, magnificent stormig, stormy strand, strdnder, shore strax, soon stria, -er, strife, struggle, fight stryka, st. v., iron; lower (of a flag) ; stroke strykning, ironing strykinrdttning, -ar, laundry stude'ra, I, study studium (n.), studier, study stund, -er, while; om en kort , in a short while stundande, indecl., coming stupa, I, fall; die (on the bat- tle field) stycke (n.), -n, piece styrka, strength, force std till', irr. v., be (with ref- erence to health), hur star det till? How are you? stdlle (n.), -n, place; i ert , in your place stdnga, lib, close, shut stdrk'saker, pi. only, laundry (washing) supe, -er, supper svag, weak svar (n.), , answer svara, I, answer svensk (adj.), Swedish; (n.), -ar, Swede Sverige (n.), Sweden svar, difficult; serious svdrighet, -er, difficulty svalja, lib, also svalde, svalt. swallow synas, Ila, dep. v., seem synnerligen, especially sysselsdtta, irr. v., busy; em- ploy syster, -trar, sister sd, III, sow sd, so sd att, so that 276 VOCABULARY. sdlunda, thus, consequently sdng, -er, singing, song saga, irr. v., say; dt (till), tell saker, def. sdkra, sure, cer- tain ; pd, sure of sallan. seldom siillskap, -er, society, club sullsynt, n. , rare sang, -ar, bed; gd till stings, go to bed sarskilt, separate sasong', -er, season sate (n). -n, seat; bench satt (n.), , manner, way satta, irr. v., set, put, place sutta sig, sit down sodra, def. only, southern soka, Ha, seek, look for som, sommar, seam somnig, sleepy sondag, -ar, Sunday sorja, lib, mourn, grieve sot, n. sott, sweet faga, ta, st. v., take taga upp', take up tal (n.), , speaking, speech; number tambur', -er, hall, vestibule talrik, numerous tand, tander, tooth; ha ont i tdnderna, have a toothache tandvark, toothache tanke, -ar, thought tappa, I, lose, drop 'tavla, -or, picture, painting tavelgalleri' (n.), -er, picture gallery teater, teatrar, theater; gd pd teatern, go to the theatre telegraf, telegraph telegram (n.), , telegram telegram'bud (n.), , mes- senger boy telefone'ra, I, telephone tennis, tennis termome'ter, -metrar, ther- mometer tid, -er, time; i , on time tidig, early tidtdbell', -er, time table tidning, -ar, newspaper tiggare, , beggar till, prep., adv., and accented var. prefix, to, until. tillbaka, back tillbringa, I and irr. v., pass, spend tillfdlle (n.), -n, chance, occa- sion; vid forsta , at the first occasion tillhora, lib, belong to tillkomma, st. v., befit, be the right of tilldta, st. v., allow, permit tilldtelse, -r, permission tillsammans, together tillverka, I, manufacture tills (conj.), until timme, -ar, hour titta, I, look; pd, look at tjog (n.), , score tjugu, twenty torn, def. tomma, empty, va- cant torg (n.), , market place torka, I, dry torka av', wipe off, dry VOCABULARY. 277 torr, dry trevlig, pleasant, nice; ha det trevligt, have a fine home, time, etc. tro, III, believe trogen, n. troget, def. trogna, faithful troligen, probably tr&kig, tedious, boring, un- pleasant trdng, narrow, crowded trad (n.), , tree trddgdrd, -ar, garden traffa, I, meet, see trdffas, reciprocal, meet, see one another trdnga sig from, lib, crowd up, make a way for one- self troska, I, thresh trott, n. , tired tu (tvd), two; itu, in twain, apart, asunder tung, heavy tunga, -or, tongue tur, -er, trip, turn; luck tveka, hesitate tvenne, two tvist, -er, quarrel tvd, two tvdrgata, -or, cross street tvdrs (over), across tvaft, -ar, wash (ing) tvdtta, I, wash ty, for, because tycka, Ila, think, fancy; om', like; ilia om, dis- like tyg (n.), -er, cloth tyngd, -er, weight tysk, German tyska, German language tyst, n. , silent tyvdrr', unfortunately tag (n.), , train tacka, Ila, cover taljare, , numerator tdmligen (adv.), quite, fairly tdnka (pa), Ila, think (of) tat, frequent tdvla (om), compete (for) to'ras (modal), dare; may U under, prep, and accented var. prefix, under, beneath, etc. underhdlla, st. v., entertain; support underldta, st. v., neglect underrdttelse, -r, information undersoka, Ila, examine, in- vestigate underbar, wonderful undra, I, wonder union', -er, union upp, adv. and accented var. prefix, up uppassare, , waiter uppbrand, n. -brant, burnt up uppdragen, n. -et, def. dragna, wound up iippflyttad, n. -at, moved up; promoted uppfora, lib, erect, build uppfora sig, conduct oneself, behave uppforande (n.), , conduct, performance uppldsa, Ila, sep., recite 278 VOCABULARY. uppluckra, I, sep., loosen (soil) uppmarksam, def. -samma, at- tentive upprndrksamhet, attention upprdtta, I, establish, found uppsats, -er, composition uppsikt, supervision uppsTcatta, I, esteem uppsta, irr. v., sep., to arise; originate upptaga, st. v., sep., to take up; to adopt upptagen, n. -et, occupied; busy; adopted urmakare, , watchmaker urspdra, I, derail ursakta, I, excuse ut, adv. and accented var. prefix, out (motion) utan, prep, and adv., with- out; att vara , lack utantill, by heart utbryta, st. v., sep., break out ute, out utflykt, -er, picnic, excursion utforande (n.), execution utgift, -er, expense utgiva, st. v., sep., publish; edit; spend utkdmpa, I, bring a contest to a close; play (a game) utmana, I, challenge utmarkt, n. , excellent utom, outside of, beside; ex- cept utrikes, adv. and indecl. adj., abroad, foreign utrdtta, I, to carry out, ac- complish utsikt, -er, view utsliten, n. -et, def. -slitna, worn out utsprucken, n. -et, def. -spruck- na, open (about leaves and flowers) utstdlla, lib, exhibit; draw (draft) uttaga, st. v., sep., take out uttrycka, Ha, express utvdg, -ar, expedient utova, I, practice; exercise vacker, def. vackra, pretty vagn, -ar, wagon, carriage vakna, I, awaken vaktmdstare, , janitor, waiter vandra, I, wander, stroll vanlig, usual, common vanligen, usually vapen (n.), def. vapnet, , weapon var, indecl. adj., each, every var och en, everyone vara, -or, ware, merchandise vara, I, to last, endure vara (v.), to be varaktig, lasting, durable varje, indecl. adj., each, every varm, warm varsebliva, st. v., sep., become aware of vart, whither Vasagatan, Vasa Street vatten (n.), water vattna, I, water VOCABULARY. 279 veranda, -or, porch verk (n.), , work verkligen, really vete (n.), wheat vetebrod (n.), , white bread, loaf of vid, prep., adv., and accented var. prefix, at, by vid, n. vitt, wide vidare, further; utan , with- out further ado, directly vikt, -er, weight; importance viktig, important vila, I, rest vilja (v.), will, wish, intend, etc.; ha, want villkor (n.), , condition vin (n.), -er, wine vinge, -ar, wing vinter, -rar, winter; i vint- ras, last winter vinterhatt, -ar, winter hat visa, I, show viss, sure, certain visst, adv., surely, certainly visserligen, to be sure vistelse, -r, sojourn vykort (n.), , souvenir pos- tal card vdning, -ar, story, apartment var, -ar, spring; i vdras, last spring vdrda, I, nurse, take care of vdrdslos, careless vdrdsloshet, carelessness vdrfcst, -er, spring festival vdt, n. vdtt, wet vdcka, I la, wake up viider (n.), , weather valbargad, n. -at, well to do vdlgorenhet, charity, oenevo- lence valja, lib, choose, elect vdlsigna, I, bless van, vanner, friend vdnda, lib, turn, turn back; sig, turn around vdnlig, friendly, kind; mot, kind to vdnskap, friendship vdnster, def. vdnstra, left; till vanster, to the left vdnta (pa), I, wait (for) vdntsal, -ar, waiting room vardefull, valuable vdrd (n.), vdrt, worth vdrld (I mute), -ar, world vasnas, I, dep. v., make noise vdxa, I la, grow vdxel, vdxlar, draft; utstdlla en , draw a draft vdxelkontor (n.) , exchange office vdxla, I, change, exchange Y ypperlig, excellent A d, prep, and accented insep. prefix, on ddraga sig, st. v., contract, incur Alder, dldrar, age dka, Ila, ride dker, dkrar, field dngare, , steamer dngbdtsforbindelse, -r, connec tion by steamer dngbdtstur, -er, steamboat trip dngmaskin, -er, steam engine 280 VOCABULARY. dr (n.), , year drsdag, -or, anniversary dsikt, -er, opinion dtaga sig, st. v., undertake dter, adv. and accented var. prefix, again; back dterldmna, I, sep., return dterstd, irr. v., remain itervdnda, lib, sep., return dtmins'tone, at least ditto, eighty ddel, def. ddla, noble iiga, lib, own agare, , owner dgg (n.), egg arnna, I, intend an, yet; than (after a com- parative) dndamdl (n.), , purpose tindd, yet, nevertheless dndra, change; sig, change one's mind dng, -ar, meadow dnnu, still, yet apple (n.), -n, apple urende (n.), -n, errand d'venledes, likewise tita, st. v., eat o, -ar, island 60a (n.), 60on, eye ogonblick (n.), , moment ogonldkare, , oculist omsesidig, mutual onska, I, wish onskan, indecl., wish oppna, I, open ore (n.), -n, Swedish coin over, prep., adv., and accented var. prefix, over overldgga, irr. v., deliberate dverraska, I, surprise overruskning, -ar, surprise overresa, -or, trip across, voy- age overtyga, I, convince overvaka, I, supervise overvikt, overweight ENGLISH-SWEDISH. For particulars of declension and conjugation, the Swedish-English vocabulary must be consulted. a, an, en, ett able, be , kunna about, om, omkring abroad, utrikes abundant, riklig accident, olycka, olycksfall accompany, folja med accomplish, utratta according to, enligt accordingly, foljaktligen account, skildring, rakning; on account of, med anled- ning av, till foljd av acquainted, bekant accustom, vanja across, tvars (over) add, addera VOCABULARY. 281 address, adress address, adressera addressee, adressat adopt, upptaga, antaga adorn, pryda advance (money), forskottera adversity, motgang advertisement, annons advice, rad advise, rada afternoon, eftermiddag; this , i eftermiddag; in the , pa eftermiddagen afraid (of), radd (for) after, efter again, igen against, emot, mot age, alder ago, for. ..sedan agreeable, angenam, behaglig ail (impers.), fattas aim, rikta air, luft alike, lika allow, tillata almost, nastan alone, generally def., allena along (as in come ), med already, redan also, ocksa although, ehuru, fastan altogether, alldeles always, alltid American (n.), amerikan, (adj.), amerikansk among, bland, ibland amount, belopp amount to, belopa sig till amuse, roa; to amuse oneself, ha roligt amusement, noje amusing, roande, rolig and, och angle, meta another, en annan anniversary, arsdag annoying, forarglig answer, svara any, nagon; any longer, langre anything, nagonting, nagot appetite, aptit applause, bifall apple, apple approach, narma sig approval, bifall arm, arm around, omkring, om arrest, arrestera arrive, ankomma, anlanda art, konst article, artikel; vara artist, konstnar as, som ashamed, skamsen; to be , skammas (for) ashore, i land ask, fraga (efter), bedja (om) astonished, forvanad; be , forvanas at, vid (time, place) ; at the house of, hos attain, uppna, hinna attend (visit), besoka, bevis- ta; church, ga i kyrkan attention, uppmarksamhet attentive, uppmarksam audience, auditorium author, forfattare automobile, automobil autumn day, hostdag Swedish Grammar 19 282 VOCABULARY. aware, varse; to become of, bliva varse away, bort, borta; to go away, ga bort; to be away (out), vara borta B back, tillbaka; back and forth, fram och tillbaka back (v.), backa background, bakgrund, fond backwards, baklanges bad, dalig, ond, elak badly, ilia bake, baka baker, bagare band, band, musikkar bank, bank barber shop, frisersalong basket, korg be, vara; how are youf Hur star det till? bear, bara beat, sla; besegra (in games) beautiful, skon, vacker because, emedan, ty become, bliva; what became of himf Hvad blev det av honom? cloudy, mulna bed, sang; go to , ga till sangs befit, passa; tillkomma before (prep.) fore; (adv.) forr, forut; (conj.) innan beg, tigga; for, bedja om beggar, tiggare begin, borja, begynna beginning, borjan; in the , i borjan behind, bakom being, vasen ; human , man- niska belated, forsenad, sen belief, tro believe, tro; in, tro pa bell, klocka belong (to), tillhora bench, bank, sate beside, bredvid, vid; utom (except) besides (prep.) utom; (adv.) dessutom, dartill best, bast between, (e)mellan big, stor bill, sedel; rakning bill of fare, matsedel bird, fagel birthday, fodelsedag bite, bita; nappa (of fish) bite, napp (of fish), bit. bless, valsigna blow, blasa blonde, ljus, blond board (fare), kost board and room, inackordering board (a train), stiga pa' boarder, inackordering boil, koka bone, ben book, bok booth, stand boring, trakig born, fodd; be , fo'das borrow, lana; borrow from, lana av both, bada, bagge; both... and, bade. . .och boy, gosse branch, gren bread, brod break, bryta VOCABULARY. 283 break off, bryta av, avbryta break out, bryta ut breakfast, frukost bring, bringa, hamta bring along, medfora, fora med brother, broder brunette, brunett, mb'rk brush, borsta build, bygga building, byggnad burn, branna burnt up, uppbrand business, affar; do a good , gora goda affarer business building, affarsbygg- nad but, men, (after a negative, utan) butter, smor buy, kopa by, vid, bredvid cab, droska cabman, kusk calculation, rakning call, kalla call on, balsa p, (hos), be soka called, be , beta calm (adj.), lugn can, kunna captain, kapten car, vagn, sparvagn card, kort care (noun), yard, skotsel, omsorg care (v.), varda, skota careful, aktsam, noggrann careless, vardslos, slarvig carelessness, vardslb'shet, slarv cargo, last carriage, vagn carry, bara cash (noun), kontant cash (v.), inlosa castle, slott cat, katt cathedral, katedral cause (noun), orsak cause (v.), fororsaka cautious, forsiktig cease, sluta, avsluta, upphora med celebrate, fira celebrated, firad, omtalad celebration, firande certain, saker, viss chair, stol chairman, ordforande challenge, utmana championship, masterskap chance, tillfalle; by chance. handelsevis change, andra; vaxla( money) character, karaktar charge, begara charitable, barmhartig, valgo- rande charity, barmhartighet, valgo- renhet charming, fortjusande chat (noun), samtal chat (v.), samtala cheat, bedraga check, polettera chicken, hons, kyckling child, barn chilly, kylig 284 VOCABULARY. choose, valja Christmas, jul church, kyrka cigar, cigarr; dealer, ci- garrhandlare circle, cirkel circulation, omlopp city, stad class, klass classic, klassisk clean, ren cleanly, renlig clear, klar olimate, klimat clock, klocka close (noun), slut close (v.), sluta, stanga cloth, tyg clothes, klader cloudy, mulen; become , mulna coat, rock coffee, kaffe coin, mynt, slant cold (adj.) kail, (noun) for- kylning collar, krage collide, kollidera comb, kamm come, komma come (to a place), infinna sig comfort, trost comfortable, bekvam coming, kommande, stundan- de command, befalla common, allman, vanlig company, sallskap, framman- de (guests) compartment, kupe" compensate, belona, ersatta compete, tavla complain, klaga (over) comply, efterkomma composition, uppsats concern, anga, galla concert, konsert condition, f orhallande ; till- stand conduct (noun), uppforande conduct (oneself), uppfora sig conductor, konduktor confidence, fortroende conflagration, brand, eldsvada connection, forbindelse consequently, foljaktligen consideration, betraktande consist, besta (av) conspire, sammansvarja (sig) consult, radfraga constitution, kroppskonstitu- tion contain, innehalla contents, innehall continue, fortsatta contract, adraga sig (as a sickness) converse, samtala conversation, samtal cook, koka cool, kylig correspondent, korrespondent cordial, hjartlig corner, horn cost, kosta costly, dyrbar, kostbar costume, kostym count, rakna counter, disk VOCABULARY. 285 country, land; in the , pa landet country house, lantstalle couple, par; a couple of, ett par course, gang, kurs; of course, naturligtvis cousin, kusin cozy, hemtrevlig creamery butter, mejerismb'r crew, besattning cross street, tvargata crowd, folkmassa crowded, fullsatt, fullpackad cuff, manschett culture r kultur cultured, bildad cup, kopp cure (v.), bota custom, sed cut (noun), snitt cut(v.), klippa, skara, avmeja D daily, daglig damage (v.), skada dark, mork date, datum date (v.), datera daughter, dotter day, dag daylight, dagsljus dead, dod deal, del; a great deal, myc- ket, en hel del dealer, handlande dear, kar, dyr (price) death, dod debt, skuld deceive, bedraga deck, dack degree, grad delay (noun), drojsmal deliberate, betanka, overvaga demand (noun), anhallan, be- garan demand (v.), anhalla denominator, namnare deposit, insatta derail, urspara description, beskrivning deserve, fortjana design, anslag; monster desire (noun), onskan, lust destroy, forstora die, do different, olik, annorlunda difference, skillnad difficult, svar difficulty, svarighet diligent, flitig dining car, restaurangvagn dining room, matsal dinner, middag direct, direkt direction, hall, riktning dirty smutsig disguise, forklada -dismiss, skicka bort dispatch, avsanda diverse, diverse divide, dividera do, gora doctor, doktor doctor's office, mottagningsrum doctor's fee, honorar dog, hund door, dorr dot, prick, punkt down (adv.) ned; (prep.) ned- for 286 VOCABULARY. .dozen, dussin draft, vaxel drama, dram, drama draw, draga; rita drawing room, salong dress, klada (sig) drink, aricka drive, kora drop, slappa ned, tappa (lose) druggist, apotekare dry, torr duel, duell durable, varaktig dwelling, bostad each, var, varje early (adj.) tidig; (adv.) ti-- digt earn, fortjana eat, ata economical, sparsam, ekono- misk egg, agg eighty, attio either (conj.), antingen elect, valja electric, elektrisk elegance, elegans emperor, kejsare employees, betjaning empty, torn end (noun), slut, ande endure, fordraga; besta; vara enjoyment, noje enough, nog entail, medfora enter, intrada, komma in entertain, underhalla, roa entertaining, roande, under- hallande entirely, belt och ballet entrust, anfortro envious, avundsjuk erect, uppfora, uppratta errand, arende errand boy, springpojke error, fel, misstag especially, isynnerhet establish, anlagga, uppratta esteem, uppskatta European, europS, europeisk even, till och med; afven evening, afton, kvall every, varje, var everybody, envar, var och en exact, noga, noggrann exactly, precis examine, examinera, undersoka excellent, fortramig, ypperlig except, utom exchange, byta, utbyta excursion, utflykt excuse (v.), ursakta execution, utforande exercise (noun), ovning, ro- relse exercise (v.), utova, ova, rora expect, vanta expedient, medel; rad expense, utgift expensive, dyr experience, erfarenhet export (v.), exportera express (v.), uttrycka express train, snalltag eye, oga VOCABULARY. 287 face, ansikte factory, fabrik fair (noun), marknad faithful, trogen fall, falla, stupa (fall on the battlefield) family, familj; festival, fa- miljefest famous, beromd, ryktbar farmer, lantbrukare fast (speed), fort, hastigt fast (immovable), fast father, fader fault, fel fee, honorar feel, kanna fetch, hamta feiv, fa; a few, nagra (fa) field, aker fight (noun), slagsmal, strid fill, fylla finally, slutligen, antligen find, finna, hitta fine, fin, trevlig, vacker fire, eld, eldsvada first, forst fish, fisk fit. passa flag, flagga flee, fly floor, golv flour, mjol flow, flyta floiver, blomma: bed, blom- sterrabatt fluent, flytande folloio, folja following, foljande food, mat fool, narr football game, fotbollspel football team, fotbollag for (prep.) for; (conj.) f or, ty force, kraft, styrka foreign, frammande; utrikes foremost, framst forenoon, formiddag; in the forenoon, pa formiddagen forest, skog forget, glomma fortune, lycka; formogenhet fraction, brak (arithmetic) France, Frankrike Francis, Frans free, fri freeze, frysa freezing point, fryspunkt French, fransk friend, van friendly, vanlig friendship, vanskap frightened, forskrackt from, (i)fran front, front; in front, framme frost, frost fruit, frukt full, full further, langre, vidare future, framtid game, spel, lek garden, tradgard general, allman, vanlig general delivery, poste re- stante generality, allmanhet generally, vanligen 288 VOCABULARY. German, tysk Germany, Tyskland get, fa, erhalla, bekomma get up, stiga upp girl, flicka give, giva glad, glad; I am glad, det gla- der mig glass, glas glide, glida glorious, harlig go, ga, resa, fara goal, mal God, Gud good, god, snail good-bye, farval, adjo goose, gas Gotha Canal, Gota kanal Gothenburg, Goteborg granary, lada , gras , stor green, gron greet, halsa greeting, halsning 0nef, sorg grind, mala grow, vaxa, blifva (become) grumble, knota guest, gast 0ttiZ, skuld guilty, skyldig H habit, vana Twiir, bar f, halv (adj.), halft (noun) w, halvtimme half-sole, halvsula halfway, halvvags hall, tambur ham, skinka hand, hand; at , till hands, framme hand baggage, handbagage hang, hanga happen, ske happiness, lycka happy, lycklig, glad ; make , gladja harbor, hamn hard, hard, svar harmless, oskadlig hat, hatt haul, forsla, kora he, han headache, huvudvark health, halsa healthy, frisk, halsosam hear, hora heart, hjarta; by , utantill heart failure, hjartforlamning heavy, tung heed, lyda, giva akt pa heel, hal; klack (of shoe) height, hojd help (noun), hjalp help (v.), hjalpa her (gen. and obj.), hennes, henne herself, sig here, bar hesitate, tveka high, hog highly, hogt, hogligen, mycket hill, hojd, kulle him, honom himself, sig hire, hyra 7m. bans VOCABULARY. 289 history, historia hold (noun), hall hold (v.), halla; out, rac- ka fram holiday, helgdag hollow, ihalig home (noun), hem; at , hemma home (adv.), hem honest, arlig hook, krok hour, timme hope (noun), hopp hope (v.), hoppas hotel, hotell house, bus; at the house of, hos human, mansklig; being, manniska humanity, mansklighet, humor, lynne hungry, hungrig hurry (noun), bradska; be in a , ha brattom hurry (v.), skynda, skynda sig hurry up, skynda pa I ice, is if, om ill, sjuk illuminated, illuminerad immediately, genast impatient, otalig important, viktig inclose, innesluta, narsluta inclosed, narsluten include, inbegripa inconvenient, obekvamt indicate, visa induce, forma. industrious, flitig information, underrattelse inhabitant, invanare injured, sarad, skadad ink, black insignificance, obetydlighet insignificant, obetydlig intend, amna, vilja interest (noun), intresse interested, intresserad interesting, intressant interrupt, avbryta introduce, presentera (for) invite, bjuda, inbjuda invitation, inbjuaning iron (v.), stryka ironing, strykning island, 6 it, det Italy, Italien journey, resa joy, gladje jump (v.), hoppa just, just K keep, behalla, halla kilogram, kilogram, kilo kilometer, kilometer kind (adj.), snail, vanlig kind (n.), slag king, konung, kung King's Street, Kungsgatan knock (v.), knacka know, veta, kanna, kunna know about, kanna till 290 VOCABULARY. lack, sakna; impers., fattas, felas lady, dam lake, sjo, insjo lake shore, sjostrand lamb steak lammstek land (noun), land land (v.), landa (intr.), land- satta (tr.) landscape, landskap language, sprak Lapland, Lappland large, stor last (v.), vara, racka last (adj.), sist; last night, i gar kvall; last year, i fjol; last Monday, i mandags late, sen, forsenad laundry, strykinrattning (place) laundry, stryksaker lawn, grasmatta lazy, lat lead (v.), fora learn, lara learned, lard least, minst; at , atminstone leave (v.), lamna, avresa, ga leave behind, kvarlamna lecture, forelasning left, vanster; to the , till vanster left, kvarlamnad leg, ben lend, lana less, mindre lesson, laxa; lektion let, lata letter, brev; of credit, kre- ditbrev; of recommenda- tion, rekommendationsbrev lie, ligga lie, ljuga life, liv like (adj.) lik; (adv.) as likewise, afvenledes like, tycka om line (fishing), rev listen, lyssna; to, hora p& literature, litteratur little, liten; a little, lite(t) live, leva, bo load, last, borda loaf, kaka lock, lasa long, lang; (adv.) lange longer, langre long (v.), langta long expected, lange vantad look, titta, blicka; se ut (ap- pearance) ; at, se pa; look for, soka efter, leta efter lose, forlora, tappa love, karlek lower, taga ned; stryka (flag) luck, lycka, tur M magnificent, harlig, storartad mail (noun), post mail (v), bara, lagga pa pos- ten make, gora; (induce) forma (att), fa (att) man, man, manniska maneuver (v.), manovrera manner, satt, vis manufacture, tillverka many, manga VOCABULARY. market place, torg mate, make may, ma, fa, kunna meadow, ang meal, mal mean (v.), mena, betyda means, medel ; by means of, medelst measure, matt meet, mota, traffa melt, smalta mend, laga mention, namna, omtala merchant, handlande merciful, barmhartig merry, glad, munter miraculous, underbar messenger boy, telegrambud middle, mitt (i mitten) mill, kvarn miller, mjolnare minute, minut mirror, spegel misfortune, olycka miss, sakna, forsumma mistake (noun), misstag mistake (v.), misstaga (sig) Mister (Mr.), herr modern, modern modest, blygsam moment, ogonblick Monday, mandag money, pengar; make , for- tjana pengar money order, postanvisning month, manad more, mer, flere morning, morgon; to-morrow, i morgon; this , i morse: paper, morgontidning most, rnest; most people, de fiesta mother, moder motor boat, motorbat mountain, berg mourn, sb'rja mouth, mun; mynning (can- non, river) move, flytta movement, rorelse ; verk much, mycken, mycket multiply, multiplicera museum, museum music, musik, spel mutual, omsesidig my, rriin N namely, namligen, that is to say nature, natur near (adj.) nar, (adv. and prep.) nara nearness, narhet need, behova neglect, forsumma, underlata nest, bo never, aldrig new, ny newness, nyhet news, nyheter newspaper, tidning next, nast next to, bredvid nice, hygglig, snail, trevlig night, natt; to-night, i kvall night express, nattsnalltag no (adv.), nej; (adj.) ingen noble, adel noise, vasen, larm 292 VOCABULARY. noon, middag; at , pa mid- dagen north (noun) norr, (adj.) norra (def. only) northern, norra (def. only), nordlig Northern Museum, Nordiska museet not, inte, icke, ej nothing, ingenting, intet notice (v.j, varsebliva now, nu number, nummer, tal numerator, namnare numerous, talrik O oats, havre obey, lyda observe, iakttaga occasion, tillfalle occupied, sysselsatt, upptagen occupy, sysselsatta, upptaga oculist, ogonlakare of, av, om offer (v.), erbjuda office, kontor office building, affarsbyggnad officer, officer often, ofta old, gammal Olympic, olympisk on, pa on board, ombord one, en, ett; (indef. pron.) man once, en gang only, bara, endast, blott open (adj.), oppen; utspruc- kep (flowers) open (v.), 6'ppna opera, opera opinion, mening, tanke opportunity, tillfalle, lagenhet or, eller, annars order (noun), ordning, reda order (v.), befalla, bestalla originate, uppsta otherwise, annars out, ut, ute over, over; kvar; there, darborta; sleep, forsova (sig) overweight, overvikt owe, vara skyldig own, aga owner, agare P pack, packa page, sida pain (v.), plaga; gora ont painting, malning, tavla pair, par palace, palats paper, papper, newspaper, tid- ning parcel, paket pardon, ursakta parents, foraldrar parlor, formak park, park part, del; roll (theater) participate, deltaga pass, tillbringa passage, overresa passenger, passagerare past (prep, and adv.), forbi patience, talamod patient, talig; patient pay, betala peasant, bonde VOCABULARY. 293 pen, penna people, folk perch, abborre performance, forestalling perhaps, kanske, kanhanda permission, tillatelse, lov permit, tillata person, person, manniska pessimistic, pessimistisk pest, pest physician, lakare picture gallery, tavelgalleri pick, plocka pick upp, taga upp piece, stycke, bit piece of furniture, mobel pill, piller pin, knappnal pirate, sjorovare pitching, stampning placard, anslag, plakat place, plats; in the of, i stallet for; take the of, ersatta plaintive, jamrande plan (noun), plan plan (v.), planera plant, plantera, sit play (v.), leka; spela play (noun), lek; spel; pjis (theater) pleasant, angenam, behaglig, trevlig please, behaga pleasure, behag, noje poem, dikt poet,, diktare, skald point, punkt, dot poison, forgifta policeman, poliskonstapel polite, hovlig, aitig politeness, hovlighet, artighet poor, fattig, stackars, dalig population, befolkning porch, veranda port, hamn porter, barare portrayal, skildring position, plats; stallning possible, mojlig postage stamp, frimarke post office, postkontor potato, potatis power, kraft; makt practice (v.), praktisera, ova, utova praise, beromma pray, bedja preach, predika preacher, predikant precious, dyrbar prefer, foredraga, hellre (heist) +verb prescribe, ordinera, foreskriva prescription, foreskrift, recept present (adj.), narvarande presentiment, aning; have a , ana presume, formoda, tro sig pretty, vacker; (adv.) tamli- gen, ganska prevent, forhindra price, pris . print, tryck, stil principle, princip probable, trolig probably, troligen program, program prohibit, torbjuda prohibited, forbjuden 294 VOCABULARY prominent, framstaende promise (v.), lova promoted, befordrad propose, fbresla proposal, forslag proposition, forslag protect, skydda protest, protestera proud, stolt public (noun), allmanhet, publik public (adj.), allman, offentlig public school, folkskola publish, utgiva pupil, larjunge purchase (noun), inkop purpose, avsikt pursue, forfolja put, lagga, satta put away, lagga bort Q quality, kvalitet quarrel (v.), trata quay, kaj quick, kvick, hastig, snabb, snar, rask quickly, fort quiet, tyst quite, ganska, riktigt, alldeles R railway, jarnvag; accident, jarnvagsolycka . rain (noun), regn rain (v.), regna ransom (noun), losen ransom (v.), frikopa rapid, hastig, snabb rather, hellre rare, sallsynt reach, racka; reach out, rac- ka fram read, lasa reader, lasebok ready, fardig realize, inse really, verkligen reason, orsak; by reason of, till foljd av reasonable, resonabel recall, minnas, komma ihag receive, erhalla, fa, mottaga recently, nyligen reception room, mottagnings- rum recipient, mottagare recite, upplasa reconcile, torsona recognize, igenkanna recommend, rekommendera recommendation, letter of, re- kommendationsbrev red, rod redeem, inlosa reduce, reducera reflect, betanka (sig) regard, anse, betrakta registered, rekommenderad regulate, justera relate, beratta, omtala relation, forhallande relative, slakting remain, bliva, forbliva; inne- sta (money in bank) ; stan- na; Mersta remainder, rest remember, minnas, erinra sig remind, erinra (om), paminna rent, hyra reputation, rykte VOCABULARY request (noun), begaran request (v.) anhalla, begara respected, respekterad rest (noun), vila rest (v.), vila sig restaurant, restaurang result, resultat retain, behalla return, aterlamna (tr. v.) ; komma tillbaka, atervanda revenge, hamnas revolver, revolver rewrite, skriva om rich, rik ride (noun), aktur ride (v.), rida (horse); aka right, ratt; be , ha ratt right, hoger; to the , till hoger ring, ring ring up, ringa pa hos rink, skridskobana ripe, mogen ripen, mogna rise, stiga upp river, flod; bank, flod- strand road, vag rock (v.), gunga rolling, rullning room, rum row, ro; boat, roddbat ruin, ruin rumor, rykte run, springa; ga (watch) Russia, Ryssland S sad, sorgsen, sorglig, trakig sail, segla; boat, segelbat sailor, sjoman salt, salt salute, halsa (pa) sample, prov sandwich, smorgas satisfied, belaten, nojd save, spara; radda (rescue) say, saga scenery, sceneri school, skola score, tjog scratch, riva seam, som sea, sjo, hav seasick, sjosjuk seat, sate, soffa, plats security, sakerhet; pant see, se, traffa seek, sb'ka seem, synas; it seems to me, det synes mig seldom, sallan sell, salja semester, semester; termin send, skicka send for, skicka efter send away, skicka bort sensible, forstandig serious, allvarlig, allvarsam, svar sermon, predikan servant, tjanare; servants (coll.), betjaning service, tjanst; betjaning (at- tendance) settle, avgora, uppgora seven, sju several, flera, atskilliga share (noun), del she, hon shine, skina 296 VOCABULARY shiny, skinande, blank ship, skepp, fartyg shirt, skjorta shoe, sko shoot, skjuta shore, strand short, kort shout, ropa, skrika show, visa shut, stanga shut, stangd sick, sjuk sickness, sjukdom side, sida; to the , at sidan sight, syn; anblick, asyn signature, namnteckning signify, betyda, mean since, sedan (time), emedan (cause) sing, sjunga sink, sjunka sister, syster six, sex sit, sitta situated, belagen; be , lig- ga, befinna sig skate (noun), skridsko skate (v.), aka skridsko skating rink, skridskobana skillful, skicklig sleep (noun), somn sleep (v.), sova sleepy, somnig slice (noun), skiva slow, langsam slowly, sakta slow up, sakta small, liten smile (v.), le smoker, rokare smokestack, skorsten smoking, rokning smooth, jamn, blank snow (noun), sno snow (v.), snoa so, sa, jasa so that, sa att society, societet; forening sofa, soffa sometimes, ibland some, nagon somewhat, nagot somewhere, nagonstades (-stans) son, son song, sang soon, snart, strax sore, 6m; ond sorrow, sorg sorry, ledsen soup, soppa southern, sodra, sydlig souvenir postal, vy^ort sow, sa spare, skona speak, tala spectacles, glasogon speech, tal spend (money), giva ut; time, tillbringa splendid, praktig sport, idrott spring, var spring chicken, kyckling spring festival, varfest sprout (noun), brodd sprout (v.), gro stamp, frimarke; without , ofrankerad start (v.), starta, borja, avresa VOCABULARY 29' state, stat station, station stay, stanna steak, stek steal, stjala, stjala bort steamboat, angare, angbat steam engine, angmaskin step (v.), stiga; up, forth, stiga fram still, annu stop, stanna store, bod, butik stormy, stormig story, berattelse; vaning (of a house) strange, frammande street, gata street car, sparvagn strength, styrka, kralt strife, strid, gral strike, sla stroll, vandra strong, stark student, student study (noun), studium study (v.), studera stupid, dum style, stil suburb, forstad succeed, lyckas successful, framgangsrik, lyc- kad sudden, hastig, haftig, snabb suddenly, plotsligt sugar, socker suffer, lida suit (noun), kostym suit (v.), passa suitable, passande summer, sommar; last , i somras summon, kalla sun, sol sunbeam, solstrale Sunday, sondag; last , i son dags superintend, b'vervaka supervision, uppsikt supper, kvallsmat, sup6 sure, saker; to be , nog, vis- serligen surely, sakert, sakerligen surprise (noun), overraskning surprise (v.), overraska swallow, svalja Sweden, Sverige sweet, sot, alsklig swing (v.), gunga table, bord; set the , duka tailor, skraddare take, taga; a walk, ga ut och ga, promenera; time, droja; after, bras pa talk (noun), samtal talk (v.), tala, samtala taste, smaka teach, lara teacher, larare tear, riva tedious, trakig telegram, telegram telegraph, telegrafera tell, beratta, omtala, tala om, saga at, till telephone, telefonera ten, tio tennis, tennis Swedish Grammar. 20 298 VOCABULARY terrible, forfarlig test (noun), prov than, an thank, tacka that, (rel.) som; (dem.) den- ne, den dar; (conj.) att theater, teater then, da, sedan there, dar therefore, darfor thereupon, darpa, sedan thermometer, termometer think, tanka, tycka this, denna, detta thought, tanke thresh, troska threshing floor, loge throat, hals through, genom throw, kasta thus, sa, salunda ticket, biljett; - - office, bil- jettkontor tidy, renlig, ordentlig time, tid; have , hinna time (counting), gang time table, tidtabell timid, radd tip, drickspengar tired, trott to-day, i dag together, tillsammans tolerate, tala, fordraga to-morrow, i morgon tongue, tunga to-night, i kvall too, for, ocksa tooth, tand toothache, tandvark town, stad torment (v.), plaga train, tag transform, forvandla travel, resa, fara travel (noun), resa treat, behandla; besta; bemo- ta; about, handla om treatment, behandling t'iee, trad trick, spratt trifle, smasak, obetydlighet trip, resa, tur trouble (noun), svarighet, brak trouble (v.), besvara, plaga true, sann try, forsoka tuition, skolavgift turn (v.) vanda (om) turn (noun), tur twenty, tjugu twice, tva ganger two, tva U umbrella, paraply uncle, farbror under, under understand, forsta undertake, foretaga, ataga sig uneasy, orolig unfavorable, ogynnsam unfortunate, olycklig unfortunately, olyckligtvis, tyvarr union, union unit, (en) hel unpack, packa upp unpleasant, trakig until, till, tills (conj.) VOCABULARY 299 unusual, ovanlig upon, pa upset, stjalpa usage, set! use (noun), bruk use (v.), bruka, anvanda useful, nytcig usual, vanlig; as- , som van- ligt usually, vanligen vacant, ledig, torn vacation, ferier; semester valise, resvaska valley, dal value (noun), varde; have a , galla valuable, vardefull variance, be at, oense various, olika Vasa Street, \asagatan vegetables, gronsaker vehement, haftig very, mycket; with negative vidare, varst vessel, fartyg vestibule, tambur vicinity, narhet vie iv, utsikt villa, villa village, by violent, haftig, valdsam, sud- den visit (noun), besok visit (v.), besoka, halsa pa (hos) voice, rost voyage, overresa W ic agon, vagn wait, vanta (pa) waiter, uppassare, vaktmasta- re ivaitlng room, vantsal wake up, vakna walk (noun), spatsertur wander, vandra want (v.), onska, vilja ha; sakna warm, varm wash (v.), tvatta u-ash, washing, tvatt, tvatt- ning watch, fickur, klocka watchmaker, urmakare water (noun), vatten water (v.), vattna way, vag; satt, vis weak, svag wealthy, rik weapon, vapen weather, vader Wednesday, onsdag week, vecka iveigh, vaga weight, vikt, tyngd weighty, viktig well, val, frisk, bra; off, valbargad; read, belast wet, vat wheat, vete when, nar where, var which, (interrog.) vilkeu; (rel.) vilken, som ivhile (conj.), medan while (noun), stund whither, vart 300 VOCABULARY who, (interrog.) vem; (rel.) som, vilken whole, hel wholesale merchant, gross- handlare wholly, belt och ballet wife, hustru wind up, draga upp window, fonster wine, vin wing, vinge winter, vinter; last winter, i vintras wipe, torka; off, torka av wise, klok wish (noun), onskan wish (v.), 6'nska with, hos, meet within, inom, innanfor without, utan wonder (noun), under wonder (v.), undra wonderful, underbar word, ord work (noun), arbete; verk work (v.), arbeta ivorkingman, arbetare world, varld worn out, utsliten worried, orolig worth (adj.), vard write, skriva Y year, ar yell (v.), skrika yellow, gul yes, ja, jo yesterday, i gar yet, an, annu; anda you, du, ni CONDENSED INDEX OF SUBJECTS. The reference is to sections. In general only the first of successive sections on the same topic is indicated. Accentuation, 33. Accent-stress, simple words, 34 ; com- pounds, 35 ; foreign, 38. Accent, musical, 39. Address, see Pronouns ; of letter, 344. Adjectives: declension, 109; indefi- nite, 110 ; use of indefinite declen- sion, 113 ; definite, 122 ; use of, 124 ; pronominal, see demonstra- tive, interrogative, etc. ; compared, 303. Adverbs: form, 317, 364; position, 179 ; compared, 318. Alphabet, 1. Apostrophe, 130, a. Articles, 62; definite, 68; postposi- tive, 69, 70, 71, 79 ; generic and ab- stract, 74 ; distributive, 338 ; syn- tax, app. ; prepositive, 73 ; use of, 126 ; indefinite, 63 ; syntax, 64 and app. Auxiliaries: hava, 65, 96; tiara, 66, 96 ; skola, 143 ; bliva, 188 ; varda, 190 ; modal, see modal auxiliaries ; omission of, 299. Capital letters, 45. Cardinal numbers, 324 ; remarks on 325 ; formations from, 339. Cases, 129 ; syntax of, 131. Causative, lata, 262. Comparison, adjective, 303 ; by auxil- iary, 308 ; of equality, 312 ; abso- lute, 315 ; adverbs, 318. Compound verbs, 204. Concord, gender, 56 ; adjectives, 116 ; sing, for plur. in verbs, 67, c. Conjugation: 87, 97, 136, 143, 152, 158, 180, 188. Conjunctions, coordinating, 371 ; gen- eral connectives, 372 ; adverbial conjunctions, 374 ; subordinating, 377. Date, expressions of, 341. Declension, of nouns, 76 ; first, 77 ; second, 80 ; third, 83 ; fourth, 105 ; fifth, 118; irregularities, 127 and app. ; foreign, 127, g ; proper, 128 ; v* adjectives, see adjectives ; of pronouns, see pronouns. Demonstratives, 195 ; remarks on, 200 ; uses of, 201. Dependent clauses, word order after, 104, 2 ; omission of the auxiliary in, 299. Deponent verbs, 194. Double forms, in nouns, app. Foreign words, pronunciation of, 18, 4, note ; 21, 1 ; 22, note, 23, note ; ac- centuation of, 38 ; nouns, 127, g. Future tenses: form, 143 ; use of 294 ; present used for future, 290 ; expresison of pure futurity, 296. Gender, 55. Genitive, 132 ; uses of, 133 ; with nouns of measure, 134 ; objective, 135. Imperative, 144 ; substitutes, 147. Imperfect, 291. Impersonal passive, 187, 243. Impersonal verbs, 241. Indefinite pronouns and adjectives, 265 ; pronouns only, 265 ; pronouns and adjectives, 270. Infinitive, 300; to express purpose, 165, 2 ; att omitted, 300 ; preposi- tions with infinitive, 302. Inseparable prefixes, 205. Interjections, 381, Interrogatives, 214 ; remarks, 216. Measure, nouns of, 134, 338. Modal verbs, forms, 251 ; uses of, 252 ; senses of, 255. 302 INDEX. Negatives, position, 179. Nominative case, 131, 130, c, 134. Nouns, declension, 76 : first, 77 ; sec- ond, 80 ; third, 83 ; fourth, 105 ; fifth, 118 ; irregularities, 127 and app. ; gender, 55 ; foreign, 127, g ; compound, 35; of measure, 134, 338 ; verbal, 230. Number, singular of verbs for English plural, 67, c. Numerals, cardinal, 324 ; 325 ; ordinal, 324, 331 ; formations from, 339. Omission, of auxiliary in dependent clauses, 299 ; of prepositive definite article, 126, 2. Order of words, of verb (normal, in- verted), 104, 1, 2; questions, 104, 2 ; adverbs, 179 ; object with vari- able verb-compounds, 210 ; nagon- ting, ingenting, 268, 2. Paradigms, see nouns, adjectives, etc. Participle, present, 226; past, 233: past participle and supine, 240. Passive, 180 ; in -s, 181 ; with auxili- aries fbliva, varda, vara) ; compar- ison of passives in -s and with bliva, 192 ; agent with passive, 183 ; substitute for, 184 ; apparent or false passive, 185 ; idiomatic mean- ings, 186 ; impersonal, 187. Past tense, 291. Perfect tense, form, 94, 6 ; use, 293. Personal, names, 128, 130, a ; pro- nouns, 139. Possessives, 172 ; reflexive possessive sin, 174; substitute for, 178. Prefixes, inseparable, 204 ; variable, 207 ; position of object, 210 ; ac- cent, 211; for and fore, 211, 1. Prepositions, 345 ; uses, 348 ; 351 ; 357, 360. Present tense, 290. Principal parts, of strong and ir- regular verbs, app. Pronominal adjectives, see demonstra- tives, indefinite, etc. Pronouns, personal, 139 ; in address, 67, a, b ; use of title instead, 142 ; reflexive, 150, intensified, 248, note; 'possessive, 172 ; demonstrative, 195 ; interrogative, 214 ; relative, 219 ; reciprocal, 250 ; indefinite, 265. Proper nouns, 128. Pronunciation, 2 42. Punctuation, 50. Quantity, 2 ; long m and n, 3, note. lieciprocal, pronoun, 250 ; reciprocal sense of the passive, 186, a. Relatives, 219 ; remarks 222 ; omis- sion of, 224. Separable prefixes, 207. Subjunctive, 158 ; uses of, 163 ; wish. 164 ; purpose, 165 ; concession, 166 ; potential, 167 ; (condition) unreal, 171. Supine, 91. Superlative, see Comparison ; distrib- utive, 316 ; absolute, 315. Syllabication, 51 ; compound words, 54. Tenses (forms), sec Paradigms; (uses), present, 290; imperfect, 291 ; perfect, 293 ; future, 294 ; in unreal conditions, 171 ; progressive-. 93 ; 290, note ; 292, note ; emphat- ic, 93. Time of day, 336; date, 335, 341. Umlaut, 14. Verbs, weak, 88 ; strong, 89 ; first conjugation, 90 ; second conjuga- tion, 97 ; third conjugation, 136 ; fourth conjugation, 152 ; irregular verbs, 168 ; passive, 180 ; imperson- al, 241 ; reflexive, 245 ; modal, 251 : number, 67, c ; list of principal parts, strong and irregular verbs, app. Verbal nouns, 230. Vowels, quantity, 2 ; hard and soft, 13 ; modification, 14. Weak verbs, 88. Weight, nouns of, 134, 338. SWEDISH NATIONAL SONGS Dane liksom askan, broder. Marcia. f J. H. STUNZ. Zgl.-J- j Hi '^' " * Da-ne lik sum as-kan, bro-der, hogt var fosterlandaka sang! rt U -*- -H TT b p p " Pul-sen briuner, hjUrtat gloder; marsch framat annu en gang! i. > , * * rte& afcfc H f +-4 .- 8ang-en ad- la kans-lor fo - der, hjar-tatanyckelhetersang. gff . . L L'STT - Di) i i " I I T g B " rp-T. . Sangen ad-la kanslor foder, Ma vi da i to - ner -pa. mm rrTTTTTJ !,_,_! -L C Ma vi da to - ner svii - - ra Ma vi da, i to - uer sva ra tro-hets-e - den hand i hand; ,3==:toi4g tro-hets-e - den hand i sva - - ra tro-hets - e - den hand i hand; hand; ~l F 1 1 f it t> t t 0" v \ p liv och blod for Sver-ges a - ra, hell ! vart dy - ra fos - ter- AiiMiJ. ^:\:\ r- f .r P f* ^^ira^a^ L . r ^=t /#f-H 4- r 1 ii J J ! * ^ ^^ ~ /^ J~* -r- ~r ^ land! Liv och blod for Sver-ges Liv och blod a - ra, J ^ -^ J. J * f 9"*fffr "~ *' * J^ b B I 1 ' i ^ ? "^ ^ /y ~ fc ~ ~ Liv och blod ri- I -*-*- b b sva - ra trog-na bro-der hand i hand! Ma vi hand! _^ ^~- Dine liksom Sskan, broder 2. J. JOLIB, efter GRUNDTVIG. Dalkarlasang. Marsch. 0. LlNDBLAD. ^fc-rriiizi^ rr H P Jag vet ett land langt upp h i h6 - ga nord, ej _fc_h b - n mm " s " * * i ' ZZS-OZIfi L m * * 1 i r H ^ 2 4 ! U 1 P -j -h r jf'\)' K j "1 r ^ H 3= E tr -l J vZC >- **-^S -T 9 -* 1 , I-!-*- 1 " -br5 J- 5H varmt och rikt som so-derns 12n-der, men h jar-tan klap-pa f ^ -J-- J 5 f ----- *-.*- J ^ + + f\* H n Ui >A F i* n ( * r r sQjijE * p r ) y ri r i J 1 1 1 1 ! t-5 _0_, J2 ^ s K K 1 P: hi h S K, yf U B -^ P H EX * _i a 5^ -m m * * -m- VVJJ 1^.^^ g ' n , 3 m hm- dar for fos-ter-jord,och man-d( (-1-: >mbc =? ; >r,ja, * man - dom bor pa 2 / ^~ v> * t a a*, u. L_ **. p l l 1 j * ^/ ^ i9 * F >^ H n ki M ^ (1_ n " ' . 5 u P U 1 v V s - - -\ v * ) j ^ p 1 K ,V i ^| J '1 J P P "5 h S (^y^ J ^ * ^\j 5 "^ =1= 3: i Li . ^ L --** Sil - jans gro - na stran - der; -fl* A. _ och v q* ; n c sko-gar su-sa *- f- -P r ^1 dar i ~\ U ^ * M A iijj-^-ii TJ l - P3--B W j PT r i D -i R- ' n U U H-^- z 3 dys -ter prakt, ocli ill - var bru -sa diir fran trakt till trakt. : j -*:_ -* --.-*- *-. -*- -Jn -t- --. -- -J- a~~; " " r !^r_rj 4-^L t=^ :^: ^t^_f5ZR lEiiEH Ett har - ligt land, ett bar - ligt land, I go - de da - la- "f f"f .r > :r p T T i decrease. X h _| H D K s Ifh 1" m m -^^- , R ^ 132 9 J J - i ! ~ . .j. _j. _j man, I go - de da - la-mftn! Och vem det 1 -- x I 1 l \ * K A A ^ m P r 1 =^1i - 1 > I go - de da la - mfln! Och vem det ^fc / . -*~' landet en gang sett, ban langtar dit,langtar dit i- gen. m m = r DalkarlasSne 2. G. NYBI.AEUS. Mitt hemlands dal. Andante. mf PFBIL. 5ita 1. Var dof - tar en blom - ma sa skon 2. Var tin - nes en him - mel (sa skon), (sa bla), var sjung - er en fa - gel sa nojd var stra - lar vftl so - len sa varm nojd), varm), fc4 * wm ^ y #11 K -. X. IL n E * 1 i m irh " < f- jj-iij * i I hf ts V/ . ##i i tf s tt var sor - lar en kal - la sa ren (sa ren), var kSn - de ditt hjSr - ta du sla (du sla) ^ .... ^ A ^. ^ ^ j ^4t .*. f\'^L . E ti z^" 5 ^; * n ^ ^* 1 r r * 1 sil klar ned fran klip - pi - ga hojd (fran hojd), sa friskt i din sval - Ian - de barm (din barm), ^ T- . ^- i rit. -j&f ft 1 ***-*- g- ^- 4 9^ \ $2 4 M f ' var flak - tar var &u - sar -* r ^' ^ val vin - den s& mild och sval sa ljuvt det i sko - gens sal -j : ^ * ^ ^ * | , i **^ P 1 -^ "Tj SOLO. Alt. el. Bas. n# mj ^ ^v^tf -3) -H- -\ f-j- J ; * h d j som i min dal, som i mitt hem-lands dal, \f T^^ i Jf 3 ^ ^ s 1 fn\ TI i -1 ^ I 11 - * * ^ * 1 ^=1 som i min dal, som i min dal, U. g - S * >* N* = ft h 1 J ^J J ^ 1 -f [ 1 \ <^ / -5^ I/ Tr^ ^^^ .^-^ 1 ^ s ii X" ^'jl -4- -& F H -^ R M^ ^- -H S-H icp Tl j v ~^-H ? som i min -*- * dal, som i mitt hem-lands dal < > f /T\ -^ 1 i 1 S K Nil il X ! - -i H ^ 1 3^ (fl) ** 1 -^ i - -t EErtE! S ^ **- -J som i min dal, som i mitt hem-lands dal? spa 1 r ' i II ^tftt ^ 1 -P X * =^H ^f-P H ^h ^^ 3 ^-^ ^ -r- .1 i Mitt hemlands dal 2. Du gaxnla, du fria. Andante maestoso. mf Folkmelodi fran Norrland. f* 1 -i-PU" fr-ft * J ' i 3 f= 3E* 1. Du gam - la, du fri - a, du fjiill-ho-ga Nord,du tys - ta, du 2. Du tro -nar pa min-nenf ran forn-sto ra-dar, da a - ratditt i^t^fefe! x 31 n_a NL i i ^ ' J n P fn\ <5 _P " ji Pa a * VJ/ 1 * L /ou 1 |; 1 *, m f. u# * i " >^g| gliid - je - ri - ka, sko namnflogo - \er jor , - J 5 - J^ - r r*^ - na! Jag hal - sar dig, vS - den; jag vet, att du iir ui nas-te och du . rv* S i ^ , m > I i f f f i r-* * i ;* JL ~s .-, ,j n 'UP ffl* I* land up-pajord,dinsol,dinhim-mel,di-na;ing-dergr6 - na! blir vad du var, ack, jag vill le va, jag vill do i Nor - den! "P~ ten. Ja, jag vill le - va, jag vill do i Nor - den! t-^Lr- > 1 n n 3 - m -f- -*- 5 ^= a5 S K. DYBECK Fjariln vingad syns pa Haga. C. M. BELLMAN. > W l 1) ' ^ m d m *m -^ iM C \ PI , \ ' r ) 1 1 1 m m m R 1 ^. 4 Ll OT 4 1 m m m V '^f-4--4--4--4--4--4- 1. Fjft-riln ving-ad syns pa Haga mellan dimmors frost och dun 2. Ha-ga, i dittsko-te ro-jes gra-sets brodd och gro-na plan. . . - - - - +--**- *?- -9- -+-&- 90 i i i r * L ' i u J \>\-L I) L- k lJ E t r ^* \ N L 1 1 j u . jj ' ^ ^ . \ft 1 C "\ J n 1 i l ^v ' (5J *" 1 ) 4 y * ^4 . - - Xu f. *. V b ' sig sitt g Stolt i c 4- -4- -4- ro-na akjul li - na rann-! 4- -4- -4- | j w {{* ' Jl - la - ga och i blom-man sin pau ar ho-jes, gung-an-de, den vi - ta -lun. svan. O ' z s < 1 m P i r w P i ^i i J v 1 s b ; ) u * u gj 1 1 V , t r , 1 1 \ R. ' 1 T\ ' \*T 1 ' i | 1 ; D ' _J 1 J J yl tfr * 1 -. II \ V fe ) * -h :S -0-^ -tf- J_ _ * P 1 . TI Tl Mins - ta krak i karr och sy ra, nyss av Langst ur skogens gle-sa kam-rar ho - ras -ff-4--t--*-+-+-.t-+- m + so - lens var-ma vackt, ta - ta a - ter-skall f- t*- -4- f - -- s i W m lii i HtU r - i \ b * > b U PZCSEI s n * U P r x L- E c 1 i > L r -B i ! . -I j ^-fc Sj N fl - n u \* 1 1 1 \ p ! ; h 1 '1 i i f: ^^3 7 * \' ! 1 4 H 9 _ 9 m fl i.4 2 till en ny hog-tid - lig y - ra el an fran den gra-ni -ten hamrar, an a . P N 1 ** J-i-rg-t-tf W R* r - das vid se - fi - rens flakt. fran yx' i bjork och tall. - \> b ff H i- 1 - ^f.^4 F- - P^* 2 p :iz*i| 1 . l^ pj_ 1 | Maestoso. F. PACIDS. i> p- & ' : 1. Vartland,vartland,vartfos-ter-land,ljudhogt,ody-raord! Ej 2. Vi al-ska va-ra strom-mars brusoch va-ra backarssprang,den 3. Din blom-ning,sluten an i knopp,skall mognaur sitttvang;ae, /z dim. dim. P ' P lyftsenh(3jdmothimlensrand,ejsauksendal,ejskolJ8eustrand,mer mor-ka sko-gens dyst ra sus, varstjarDenatt,vart8ommarljus, allt, urvar karlek skall gaopp ditt ljns,din glans,din frojd,ditthopp,och -r* fr^i rt<. 3& s -7- als - kad an var bygd i nord, allt, vad harsom syn, som sang hogre klinga skall en gang r> an va-ra fit ders jord. v&rt hjarta rort en gang, var fosterlandska sting. mer alskad an var bygd, an va-ra fii-ders jord. allt, allt, vad bar som syn, vart hjarta rort en gang. och hogre klinga skall var fosterlandska sang. J. L. Rl'XEBERG. Mandom, mod och morska man. Allegretto. Folkmarsch fran Orsa i Dalarne. Ill r\ 7 r P n (^ ^ ^ n ^ N . V i o 5 n m Si fl _P J n 5 K, yr Yj^ _i * Zm , ^ I ft\ - 1 f m * * 9 1 t f s i fr \>\) H- i f \ . 9 I 1 t^ p p- 1 j Mandom, mod och mors-ka man finns i gam-la Sver-ge an, ' { To-ner an fran for - na dar lju - da dar i skog och dal, +- -- -f- -P- -f- > - -- J> 1- -t - -F- V 5 -- -F- o* o P t 1 1 J*i 3 i M P P P I V ? Ss R PW ^ F 1 i ^_ ? kraft i arm och mod i barm, ungdomsvarm i bardalarm. vil - da som en storm pa hav, mil-da som en suck vid grav. == BS=gt. *& ^ -99- P P -0- -0- P P ( 0- gon bla da och da le i bloms-ter-da-lar dar! / Lyss-nen da, van-ner, pi, hemlandsk hund-ra-a-rig sSng! T-fr i f I -I--i-^|Jr l d*" fs " ^ Nord, du jor- dens jat - te - lem,Nord,dumildahjartanshem! Lyss-nen, als- ken, la- renden,sjungen,sjungdensjalvase'n! pn -3- i=c^: = $= R. DYBECK. Dalmarscti. Hurtigt. M. M. J = 100. IVAR WlD^BN. AIT. af toQsattaren. yrty/tr _ -I Mar-schen gar till Tu - na pa hed och bac-kar bru - na, f. \ 1 4- + 1 + i4 -T* i 1 I 1 I -*\ ^-Mk . H 1 1 I | ! 1_ ''1 ' ' 1 Mar-schen ar -Q A h- , | ; |/// h - v L V '^ u _^i j -j jj "SI ~lj s vO W i ' J 2 -*ri m mar-schen gar till Mo - ra och her - gen de bla. Med r\* K i - z & m \ \ )'\ v \ o fir' -ml S b . L 1 p m f *Z^ W < r P i x b ^ flsz EZJ 1 ^ Ed -f -0- <5> f *T r -w rTf i r i hac-ka och med spa - de vi dra-ga hem sa gla - de till i 1 -* . _--!--- f\ U 9 P--P -P ' ^ F- hv-T F -^ \) V f * --^rf-t-r- -^ i h 1 J J i h- 1 T h~ sko - gar - na de sto - ra och kul - lor - na de sma. P t?P . ~\*' P ,. P t tto m P- Lifligore. f PM-^^ mf ~f =f= f^f^ mf Hur latt det ar att vand-ra, I bro-der, med var-and-ra, nar L. -0 - m at ff >r c j B-T-OT a (flj J J J I J Z I ^**l w |.H>j "^ ^11 slan - tar - na i * : f r J 1 F flc - kan ala takt mot byx-ana skinn! Hur f\* h - ^ r i y J-i P P m I eZ3E2 Z-& * - P r b F C? r. * 1 1 p 1 h - ' ' i/ i ' \ 4 H fs J J 1 1 C>^ ah -P J- - -v* 3 3 S -^ * 1 - -^1 1 W i : $_ _*-^& * ^- L j. '-g j. i ' kla - ri-net-ten la - ter, da spel-man van-der a - termed X" ' ' ~^N X" ' ""~N ^X L ^ -.j ^ -^ ! . [7 ^ ^^ | ,^ r i ^^ tt i F. ^ ^ 17 1 1 P 1 i ii la - la - la, r i tra - la - la, la - la - la, tra - la - la, I/ ^ I i JVL n >. t \ \ -^ ^^ ^1 fn\ " P^ n * m -UsJ ^^ M HZZZ Jl* ^ i: -^ -* brudgumaskank al / flickan och brollopaluat i sinn! /^ *\ * hi AX^ A ^v 1 i [7 "--^ .^-^ ^ p ^- o 'vpx^ si i Z p i 1 -*-*-- 1 1 --<9- -*&-<&- -S 1 -^-! C L_^ 1 ^ n _-_ ^^ , TrrLf _ rn la la - la, tra-la-la, la - la - la, tra-la-la,tra-la-la, Dalmarsch 2. a tempo. A K Jr U 1 _ i l() 1 -4 ^)Z. 1 -I. J- L ft T I bergs-lags-man pa vre ten, som stra f)l \) | 1 [ 1- r r ' ven och ar- r U 1? 1 _ ^ i n K = -S= / I bergs-lags-man, ^ \ h 1 1 1 1 1 / , P p-d L J -J )' , j C) S -I *-* * * fit 1 4 ^ > i M -i 1 M 1 1 m 1 m- -s-fc-i > - 1 be - ten, gan med dit upp till Sil - jan i da-la-mar-schens - -P- * *: J> - fV h - * f? 1 B -s'\? " L tump i , ' p * L 1 C U kj B 1 t/ [ r i r , i i i p (/ L? Jf H ^^1 ^* /^\ " VK.!/ f^ ^ >> / * T f r r takt! Gan med ocb ska-den Ian- den, dar kyr-kor-na pa . __i _fi*- ^ 2 rx. L, 2 F r P i r ^ F ^t^TV^ v i Z ^ * f 1 ^ | b 1 r = . 1 jr j^ b ~~ S p Ui L. j ^ ' fl ^>^- ^Hs^ d. * a^l- ^g *^f - --r-< ( i ^^' ~si I i/,C? ^ t| > j^ | J.HJ__ stran - den sta glim-man-de som lil-jan u - ti sin vi -ta prakt! ^ i j rt-r-i i Dalmarsch 8. Lifligore. f m f m=f T Hur latt del &r att vand-ra, I bro-der, med var-and-ra, niir H * * ,-M z t ir J J |j. I' j fP^ m 5 *1 m H*/^ * * L r * ^s^ slan-tar-na i fie- kan sla takt mot byx-ans skinn! Hur ^ H ^^ : j. * it -*- I * kla - ri-net-ten la - ter, da spel-man vSn-der a - termed :i2: la - la - la, tra-la-la, la - la - la, tra-la-la, dim. e rit. -== n== ^^ ^ ^ ^&r T brudgumsskank at flickan och brollopslust i sinn! >-- la - la - la, tra-la-la, la - la - la, tra-la-la,tra-la-la, Dalmarsch 4. E. A. KARLFELDT. Svenska kungssangen. Maestoso, mf OTTO LINDKLAD. Ur svens-ka h jar-tans djup en gang en samfalld och en 1 -. /K r ^ m i-r^f h^^ 1 P^-H en-kel sang, som gar till kung-en fram! Var ho-nom tro-fast i ' f 8 ~ ~ _, npoztzp p , m e\ |t i ff 1 ^ ex . r J *l J I >. frv\ IT * * fl p sz J 2 2 tr -*- * -5-1 J- ^: och bans att, gor kro - nan pa hans hjas - sa latt, och n> "T" -> *- ' ^^^ \- S 3 3i5>' ' :; b 1 -1--- * P-s ! ^ w- r^ t ^=S ^ J I m all din tro till ho-nom salt, du folk av frej - dad stam. * try; a r K. V. A. STRASDBKRG. Varmiands-visan. Folkmeiodi. C^. h P*! h h J 1 *> 1 h. K f) ^ X J (* * J J 5 f\ 33 FS fe M- -- --i jfM- V '4 M_P ,," * -f- -Jy - -, 0- *j f ~\ ig:' t* P- ^ P| P ( Ack Var-me-land du, sko - na, du bar - li - ga land, du . \ Och komme jag an mitt i det for-lo - va -de land, till Aj5 . >- -F^V -- --. -^- o * m L. \ f C55HQ * P ft. * ^r F f r 2 \*A r .\ GF u L) CF n '-+ ^ rj w ^ K V !) T\ 1 1 J L) 1 V 3 K N h.' P ^ J A L ^ k. 5 S.I ,^ ;N A r& J +^- u , RI rfl i -t n :| h - ) j >- * -, *i '4 I..J. i M-i- * i kro - na bland 8ve-a ri - kes Ian - der! . . \ -, ,.. ,.,, . Varmland jag andock a - ter - van - der! . . ^ F C S F IF - i r b * * i 1 *r ~^r b P ^ I * ) b D ^ ' L - v V -j * 1 O ^ K I 1 L S, u._P | / b J i 1 ' N " , ^ *.\ i 1 k. K n 34 \ r f m P i - _i M ' ^1 h P J \ * i % L f J m m M ! . ! i * _r , r * * s* -^ *& 9 m P " P le - va, ja, dar vill jag do; om en gang i-fran Vfirmlaud jag J- -P^ . j""3 - - - J> b - fer- -- - - 1 II * 9 m \ t , r 1 lL)PrLr * *- i^S b F * JB* * ' ^ } .F > CF ) * it Tt ' t m f m ' * '1 V ' * 1.9 **'! ! -' gj. ^ ta-ger mig en mo, sa vet jag, att aldrig jag mig ang-rar. o L ii -P i 1 1 i m F F r -FT i K 111 z b * r 13*1 l ' l\ li _) _) 1 " ^ -! J v V * * " " ' 5 '. FRTXKLL. Langtan till landet. Tempo di marcia. f > 0. LlNDBLAD. Jr L 1 1 N 1 h\ K S 3 fH tfft^- &- J' 1J' R h -fl-d s 5^~i| SSZ 1 | 1 J J . * f i .: I I 1 j Vin-tern ra - sat ut bland va- ra fjal - lar, dri-vans blom-mor ' "j Ja, jag kom-mer! Halsen, glada viu - dar, ut till Ian - det, m . ftp p /- -f- -f-' -f- -*- *- -* -*- -P-' -* r\* SIT r III J*i ^ v V ZZHC * U | . Li ! U i i i \ ^ S L j ' n i tS p P b i i i N K K. k. h X. b RPR * M P C K H KTv J^J-J 1 v f * m I J _P P _P VMJ ** *| * J TI * m *i rf * J . * b *> b smiil - ta ner och do, ut till* fag - lar - ne, p-: 1 hp-: * -J- +--*- j w * -!- him -len ler i va- rens lju - sa att * jag ills - kar dem, till bjork och r\* j " - 8 8 Hr i 1 J., p p ,) p r~ m ' m -^ b S r u p . M 1 ! r n r n >> ^ P ^ p 7 | 1 J rV X b 1 J a -al, 'J s: h- ^7 1 ^~ "~^ -1 ^ h R- "f * ^" ' ^ r kval - lar, so - len kys - ser liv i skog och sjo. ) lin - dar, sjo och berg, jag vill dem a - ter - se; \ -*- -f- ftt r * +" - - ' ' ^r -rr F- -b-s to i^-- ~~* ii ra ^M! SB P - ? ^ y _ _ I_A_r| J I rg i r feH : h ^> > vi ^*H- 1 h Hh n- * ^r^* ^ v f * * ^y^y ^ Snart a*r so'mmarn har ; i pur - pur - va - gor, guld-be-lag - da, / se dem an som i min barndoms stun-der, fol-ja back -ens f) f) \ m. - m P*P "X 1 ^ ^ ^ m m ^"Vl* *~~~f t*vf r ^ -ft f P tt to b to Tl_iL_^_iL_p_L_J ^ P P a - zur - skif - tan - de, lig - ga ang - ar - na i dans till klar - nad sjo, tras-tens sang i fu - ru- ^f-Z ^ | 00000 S r^ ff 2 33 t-l 4.: X j-MSft^?: : i> I p da gens la - gor, och i lun - den dan-sa kiil-lor-ne. sko - gens lun-der, vat-teo-fa-gelnslekkringfjardocho. " T.^T "t i_:i_f J~ : tih"'>-p- jL f-f- Langtan till landet 2. H. SATHERBERG. Nackens polska. ^4ndan ' --. dt PP i EE*E 6 - ver skog, 6 - ver berg och dal. Kval-len har-lig star i so - ka fjar - ran en vag att do. Fast bans 6 - ga star at > P ft 9id?=F=F- -S K i. tt=4t :P=3= rfl. = : t *:r P P svartan hog-tids-skrud, nar och f jarran.ej en sus-ning, ii dunk-la him-me-len, ing-en stjar-na ba-dar nattens drottning an. f 5^5 - tnnnT- a tempo. *^*= ^ P P *c. 3= m fcdt ^ stor det lugn 6 - ver nejden rar, nar havets kung ur gyllne Fre-ja smyckar sitt gyll-ne bar, ocb nac-ken sa sin sorg pa f * y v t^t 35 ^fe=|b=ig ___Jjw_J5 L_i. p 1 bor-gen gar, nar havets kung ur gyll-ne bor-gen gar. bar-pan slar, och nac-ken sa sin sorg pa bar-pan slar. b ft . J> ft -&- % -r**- i v- mr Nackens polska 2. A. A. AFZELIUS. A 000 666 352