LIBRARY OF W. H. LAN6E INSECTA BRITANNICA. D I P T E R A, VOL. I. FRANCIS WALKER, RL.S. LONDON : KEEVE AND BENHAM, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1851. PRINTED BY EEEVE AND NICHOLS, HEATHCOCK COURT, STRAND. PREFACE. THE following descriptions are prepared from British or Irish specimens ; and the species which are doubtful natives of Great Britain and Ireland, or which I have not had the means of examining, are omitted. The Diptera are here divided into Suctoridea, Proboscidea, and Eproboscidea : the Proboscidea com- prise the Nemocera, Brachycera, and Hypocera ; and this volume contains the families of Brachycera in which the Diptera are most highly organized, or have their characters most developed. Mr. Haliday has contributed the characters and synoptical tables of the Diptera) of the Empidte, and of the SyrpMda, and the whole of the Dolichopidte -, and I am also indebted to him for his kind assistance in other parts of the volume. The ten plates are prepared by Mr. Westwood ; two others, by Mr. Haliday, illustrating the wings of Diptera generally, will appear in the next volume. The last volume will contain an introduction and general observations on these insects. FRANCIS WALKER. December, 1851. EXPLANATION OF THE CONTEACTIONS IN THE REFERENCES. Ags. Agassiz. Ahr. f. e. and fn. Ahren9, Fauna In- sectorum Europse. Be. Bouche. Brm. and Bms. Burmeister. Brulle exp. m. Brulle, Expedition Scientifique de la Moree. Carlier, ann. soc. ent. fr. Carlier, Annales de la Societe Entomolo- gique de la France. Ct. b. e. Curtis, British Entomology Den. and DC. Duncan. Dg. and Deg. ins. and i. De Geer, In- sectes, &c. Dmr. and Dml. Dumeril,Dict.Nouv. de 1'Histoire Naturelle. Dnv. and Dnvn. Donovan, British Insects. Duf. and Df. Leon Dufour. Fb. s. e. ; sp. i., sp., and s. i. ; mnt. ; e. s. ; s. a. Fabricius, Systema Entomologiae, Species Insectorum, Mantissa Insectorum, Entomolo- gia Systematica, Systema Antlia- torum. Fin. d. s. ; spl., sppl., suppl. ; anthr. ; asil. ; dol. ; emp. ; str. ; syrph. Fallen, Diptera Sueciae; Supple- ment; Anthracides ; Asilici ; Do- lichopodes ; Empidse ; Stratio- mydae ; Syrphici. Fischer progr. Fischer von Waldheim ; Programme. Ftr. and Frst., s. sp., and ct. Forster, Cent. ; Novae Species Insectorum. Gf. and Gfr. ; ins. ed. Fcry. Geoffroy, Histoire des Insects ; Insecta edente Fourcroy, or Entomologia Parisiensis. Gm. s. n. Gmeliii, Systema Naturae, ed. 13. Gmtl. Gimmerthal. Gn., Gr. } and Grn. ; ic. Guerin, Ico- nographie du Regne Animal. Hal. and A. H. H. ; a. n. h. ; e. m. ; z. j. Haliday, Annals of Natu- ral History ; Entomological Ma- gazine ; Zoological Journal. Harris, or Hrs. Harris, Exposition of English Insects. Hbst Herbst. Hms., Hfg., and Hffg. Hoffmansegg in Meigen. Illig. and 111. ; mag. Illiger ; maga- zine. Kby. Kirby. L. and Lin. ; s. n. ; fn., and f. 8. Linnaeus, Systema Naturae; Fauna Suecica. Lch. ; comp., Sam. Comp., and Sm. cp. Leach in the Entomologist's Useful Compendium, by Samou- elle. Lhm. ; n. act. ac. dec., and act. acad. dec. Lehmann, Nova Acta Aca- demies, Decade, &c. L. and Latr. ; f . n. ; d. h. n. ; g. c., and gen. ; h. n. ; r. a. Families Naturelles ; Dictionnaire de 1'His- toire Naturelle ; Genera Crust, et Insectorum; Histoire Naturelle des Insectes ; Regne Animal ; Precis des Caracteres, &c. Lm. Lamarck, Animaux sans Ver- tebres. VI CONTRACTIONS. Lw. ; d. b., and bytr. ; e. z. ; 1. e. Loew ; Beytrage ; Entomologischc Zeitung; Linnsea Entomologica. Mg. ; kl. ; zw. ; ill. mag. Meigen ; Klassifikazion, &c. ; Zweifliige- ligen Insekten ; Illiger's Magazin fiir Insektenkunde. Mgrle. and Mgle. Megerle in Meigen. Mk. ; m. b. Mikan ; Monographia Bombyliorum Bohemise. Mir. ; pr. Miiller ; Fauna Friedrichs- dahliensis ; Prodromus Zoologise Danicse. Mq. ; d., and d. i. ; d. n., and d. n. fr., emp. ; d. e. ; a. s. e. Mac- quart ; Histoire Naturelle des Insectes Dipteres ; Dipteres du Nord le la France, Empides, c. ; Dipteres Exotiques ; Annales de la Societe Entomologique de la France, serie 2. Nwm. Newman. Ol. enc. Olivier, Encyclopedic Me- thodique. Prylsr. Preysler, Insekten, &c. Pz. ; fh. Panzer ; Fauna Insectorum Germanise. Rdn. Rondani. Rfnq. and Rfn. Rafinesque. Rgb. See Leptis lineola, p. 66, in Errata. Rm, Reaumur, Insectes, &c. Ro., Ros., and Rsi. ; etr. Rossi; Fauna Etrusca ; edente Illigerio, Roser ; Wurt. zw. Verzeichniss Wiir- temberg. Zweifliigeligen. Rs. Rossi; Systematisches Verzeich- niss der zweifliigelichten Insecten (Diptera) des Erzherzogthums Oesterreich. (Wien, 1848.) Rtz. Ratzburg. Sch., Schf., Schff., and Shf. ; ic. Schseffer ; Icones Insectorum, &c. Sd. ; ent. Shuckard in The Entomo- logist. Shi., Schlb., and Schll. Schellenberg, Shr. ; i. a., and in.; f. b. and fn. Schranck; Insecta Austrise ; Fauna Boica. Sib. Sahlberg. Spl. ; e. c., and i. c., and earn. Sco poll ; Entomologia Carniolica. St. and Steph. ; b. e. ; ill. Stephens ; Illustrations of British Insects, Haustellata ; Illustrations of Bri- tish Entomology. St. F. et Srv. St. Fargeau et Serville in the Encyclopedic Methodique. Stg. and Stseg. ; e. z. Stseger ; Ento- mologische Zeitung, and in Kroy- er's Naturhistorische Tidsskrift. Stn. Stannius in Oken's Isis. Wd., Wdm., and Wdn. ; z. m., and mag. Wiedemann ; Zoologische Magaziu. Wlbg. ; act. holm. Wahlberg ; Kongl. Sveuska Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar. Ofversigt, ditto. Wlk. e. m. ; c. d. b. m. Walker, in the Entomological Magazine ; Ca- talogue of Diptera in the British Museum. Wtw. and Wstw. ; cl., elf., and class. "Westwood ; Classification of In- sects. Zll.; and Zlr. ZeUer, in Oken's Isis. Ztt. ; d. s. ; i. 1., and lap. ; a. holm. Zetterstedt ; Diptera Scandinavia ; Insecta Lapponica; Kongl. Sven- ska Vetenskaps Academiens Hand- liugar. INSECTA BRITANNICA. D I P T E R A. 0* suctorium, proboscide, setis inclusis, palpisque. Ala Una ; halteres bini pone alas. Tarsi pentameri. Oken, 1821. Burmeister; Strauss Durckheim ; Erichson ; Siebold. Antliata ; Schioedte, 1841. Diptera et Suctoria : Degeer, 1778 ; Latreille, 1797 ; Savigny ; Duges. Diptera et Aptera : M'Leay, 1821. Diptera et Siphonaptera : Latreille, 1825. Diptera et ApJianiptera : Kirby, 1826; Westwood. Diptera, Omaloptera et Aptera-. Leach, 1819. Diptera, Pupipara et Suctoria: Latr., 1821. Diptera, Homaloptera et ApJianiptera : Stephens, 1827 ; Curtis. Diptera, Omaloptera et Pulicarii : Kondani, 1841. * The synonyms are arranged in the following gradations : 2 . costive. " 7 3. Supplementary . An entire group and part of another co-ordinate . . 11-17 4. Indefinite . . . Portions only of groups ... ...... 18, 19 5. Ancient, before the distinct gradations of groups were observed . . . 20-22 VOL. I. B DIPTERA. Diptera et Aptera p.\ Linnaeus, 1753; Geoffrey; Muller; Olivier; Cuvier ; Dumeril ; (Meigen ; Fallen ; Zetterstedt.) Halierata et Pedestria p. : Scopoli, 1763. Muscoides et Oniscoides p. : Laicharting, 1781. Halteriptera et Rophoteira p. : Clairville, 1798. Diptera et Antennidia p. : Rafinesque, 1815. Aptera et Diptera p. : Lamarck. Angioptera p . : Linnaeus, 1735. Antliatap. et Ryngota p. : Fabricius, 1775; Illiger. Diptera et Aptera p. : Aristoteles. Bipennia et impennia p. : Plinius. Anelytra bipennia, &c. : Lister. Mouth suctorial ; with a proboscis, or sheath, closed on the under- side (Labium), usually shut above by a slighter piece (Labrum), and enclosing (generally an odd number of) lancets, varying between one and five, (Lingua, Maxillae, Mandibulae :) a pair of palpi (maxillary); rarely there are the rudiments of another pair (labial), or there are none at all. Sometimes the mouth is obsolete, or even closed. Thorax compact ; prothorax very short, immovably attached to the mesothorax, which is the largest segment. A pair of wings (the anterior), the membrane not clothed with scales ; divided into a moderate number of areolets, by interlaced veins ; the base of the wing continued, more or less, in sinuous folds (Alulae), below the sides of the scutellum. A pair of small clavate appendages, filled with air (Halteres), behind them, in place of the posterior wings. Sometimes the wings, or both wings and halteres, are wanting. Tarsi pentamerous, rarely tetramerous.* No nipping jaws ; no wing-cases. This order is not liable to be confounded with almost any other, as regards the winged species, which form the vast majority. Only the male Coccidce, when they have compound eyes (some Dorthesia, &c.), resemble Chironomida with the proboscis ob- solete ; but their tarsi, of one joint and with a single claw, are sufficient to distinguish them. The very superficial resemblance which some NEUEOPTERA (Cloeon spp. &c.), wanting the hind wings, bear to dipterous insects, is not likely to mislead : these have not halteres, and both the shape and the veining of the * Only two instances are recorded, viz., Dicera furcata (Germar), in which the posterior pairs, and Echinomyia tetramera (Zett.), in which all the tarsi, are tetra- DIPTEKA. 3 wings differ from DIPTEEA. Still more remote is the relation to the male Stylopidce, in which it is the metathorax, with the hinder wings alone, that are developed, and the position of the seeming halteres (fore wings) is relatively the inverse. Among HYMENOPTERA, the genus Mymar has the hinder wings only rudimental, but they take the form of a bristle merely. The wingless species of Diptera may be distinguished from those of most other orders, (HEMIPTEEA and NEUROPTEEA p., sc. Forficulidce, Podurella, Mallophaga, Termitida, Psocidte, Phy- sapoda, spp. &c.,) by the 5-jointed tarsi ; and where this mark fails (from COLEOPTEEA, HYMENOPTEEA, and the other wingless NEUEOPTEEA), by the want of nipping jaws, or of the maxillary spiral sucker (of LEPIDOPTEEA) ; without going into the other distinctive characters. In Diptera, the labiurn seems to be the true pump, or instru- ment of suction. Accordingly, where the fly merely imbibes excreted juices of plants, &c., we find the labium much longer than the rest of the oral organs (e. g. Conops, Siphona, Musca, Hydrotaa, Tephritis, and most of the Mutcida, the Syrphidce, PipunculiddBj &c.). But where the fly preys on other insects, there is a borer (composed of labrum, tongue, and usually also maxillae) nearly as long as the labium (Asilicfa, Empida, Scato- phaga, Ccenosia, Cordylura, &c.) ; and where they have to pierce the skin of larger animals, to make the blood flow to the sucker, this development is more evident (Stomoxys), sometimes the borer being reinforced with mandibular lancets (Tabanida, Culex, Phlebotomus, Ceratopogon, Simulium*). The comparative short- ness of the labrum and tongue in some of the family Dolichopida, which are all predaceous, is only apparently an exception; see further under that head. The length of the labium is not an obstacle to the borer going deep; for while its extremity con- tinues to embrace and steady the lancets of the borer, the inter- mediate length may be detached from them, in a loop, allowing the liplets to slide back as the borer penetrates (e. g. Culex], * The entire mouth forming a cupping apparatus. B 2 DIPTERA. DIPTEEA. lying flat in cavities at the sides of the head . 1. SUCTORIDEA. seated in front of f^se side by side . . . 2. PROBOSCIDEA. the head : Legs {^^ ...... 3 EPEOBOSCIDEA. SUCTOEIDEA. Suctoria, Degeer ; Latr. Aphaniptera, Kirby ; Stephens ; Curtis ; Westwood. Siphonaptera, Latr. Aptera, Lamarck ; M'Leay. Aptera p., Linn. ; Dumeril. Ehophoteira p., Clairville. Diptera p., Oken ; Burmeister ; Erichson ; Siebold. Eyngota p., Fabr. Antliata p., Schioedte. Antennae pone oculos, laterales, distantes, recumbentes. Oculi bini, laterales, simplices. Mandibulse extricate, serratse. Lingua nulla. Palpi labiales non semper obsoleti. Alae et halteres nulla. Epimera prothoracis libera, porrecta. Corpus compressum, ad juncturaa thoracis cum capite et abdomine non constrictum. PEOBOSCIDEA. Proboscidea, Latr. Diptera, Leach; Melgen. Antennae in fronte inter oculos. Labium apice bilobo. Lingua labro inclusa. Palpi maxillis affixi, vel fulcro proboscidis. Alee et halteres in plerisque. . Pedes cujusque paris inter se fere contigui. Head attached to the front of the thorax by a slender neck. Large compound facetted eyes at the sides of the head ; on the vertex often three simple eyes. Antenna inserted in front of the head, between the large eyes. Proboscis attached to a fleshy prop inserted in a cavity in DIPTERA. 5 the lower and anterior part of the head. Labium ending in a thicker bilobed piece (the "labella"), traversed internally by radiating tracheae; sheathing the mandibles and maxillae when these are developed. La- drum closing this sheath above, embracing the lingua. Palpi attached to the base of the maxilla, or, if these are wanting, seated on the prop of the proboscis. Pro thorax very small, immovably joined to the meso- thorax, which is the largest piece. Wings and halteres developed, almost always. Abdomen at the base much more slender than the thorax, its dorsal segments at least distinct (4 or more). Legs of each pair close together, and the posterior two pairs to each other ; the fore pair usually farther from the intermediate. Ungues and onychia symmetrical pairs. PROBOSCIDEA. rwith distinct joints, at least 6, g I (usually more than 10) . . . 1. NEMOCERA. --complete 11. RHYPHOXE. ' two or three : I Discal areolet j^ ["conspicuous . 4. BIBIONID^. Pronotum -s (.inconspicuous . 2. MYCETOPHILID.E. ending near the ("broad, compressed . . 5. tip of the wing : I Tibiffi and Me- j tatarsi Ulender, subcylindrical 6. CniRONOiriD.E. II 11 " not more than six .3. CECIDOMYZID^E. ovate or lanceokte, deflected or divaricated .... 8. PHLEBOTOMID^;. oblong, rounded ("scales . 7- CULICID.E. at the tip, incum- 1 bent : Hind mar- J gin fringed with Lhairs . 9. HETEEOCLIT^E. * For Simuliada, the proper etymological form (framed after the analogy of Deucalida from Deucalion), to preserve the uniformity of the termination idT&%. ; Dnv.; Stg. pulckella, Mg. ; Mq. ; Stg. ; Lw. ! d. b. 14. 3. f. 5, 6. Nigra, scutello flavo, alis limpidis, abdominis maculis quinque ventreque flavis, pedibus Jlavisy femoribus nigris ; Mas. antennis fuscis, thorace flavo-bivittato ; Fcem. antennis fulvis, thorace flavo-quadrivittato. Long. 2^ 2f ; alar. 5-6 lin. Black. Head and thorax clothed with pale hairs. Proboscis tawny. Thorax with a broad interrupted yellow stripe on each side ; scutellum yellow. Wings colourless. Halteres very pale yellow. Abdomen with 2 yellow converging rays on each side and a yellow spot at the tip ; disc beneath yellow. Legs yellow ; femora and tips of the tarsi black. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 2. Palleni, Stg. e. z. v. 410. 3 (1844) ; Lw. ! d. b. 13. 2. f. 3, 4. hypoleon, Ztt. ; Dnv.? Gm. ? Nigro flavoque varia, pedibus flavis t fe- moribus anticis basi nigris. Long. 2f ; alar. 6 lin. OXYCERA. 21 Black, varied with yellow. Legs yellow ; fore femora black at the base. Rare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (I.) 3. dives, Lw. 1 d. b. 15. 4. f. 7, 8 (1846). hypoleon, Shr. P Nigra, capite flavo-quadrimaculato, thorace interrupte flavo-bivittato, scutello flavo, alis subcinereis ad costam subfulvis, abdomine flavo-quinque- maculato, pedibus nigris, tibiis basi apiceque fulvis, tarsis fuscis ; Mas. thorace interrupte flavo-bivittato; Fcem. thorace flavo-quadrivittato. Long. 2; alar. 6 lin. Blacjs:. Head and thorax clothed with pale hairs. Head with four large yellow spots, one on each side of the crown, and one on each side behind the eyes. Proboscis tawny. Antenna black. Thorax with a much interrupted yellow stripe on each side ; scutellum yellow. Wings pale grey, with a slight tawny tinge along the fore border. Halteres pale yellow. Abdomen with 2 nearly round yellow spots on each side and with a transverse yellow spot at the tip. Legs black ; tibia tawny at the base and at the tips ; tarsi dark brown. Jem. Thorax with 2 slightly interrupted yellow stripes in the disc. Bare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 4. trilineata, L. s. n. ii. 980. 6 (1767) ; Fb. ; Shr. j Pz. ! fn. i. 13; Mg.; LI.; Pin.; Mq. ; Ztt. hypoleon v., L. Viridis, peristomate nigro, antennis fulvis, thoracis disco nigro mridi-bivittato, metathorace nigro, alis albis, abdominis disco nigro viridi-trimaculato lateribus nigro-quinquemaculatis, pedibus fulvis. Long. 2^3 ; alar. 5-6 lin. Green, clothed with short whitish hairs. Head yellowish-green ; peristoma black. Eyes purple and green. Proboscis yellow. Antennae tawny. Disc of the thorax black, with 2 green stripes. Metathorax black. Wings white ; veins pale yellow. Halteres bright green. Disc of the abdomen black, including 3 green spots, emitting 2 narrow black bands on each side, and succeeded by a narrow black band near the tip. Legs tawny. Male. Eyes above coppery, and composed of large facets. Generally distributed. (E.L) 6. pardalina, Mg. ! zw. iii. 128. 6. pi. 25. f. 30, 31 (1822); Ztt. Nigra, antennis fulvis apice nigris, thoracis vittis maculisque duabus scutelloque fiavis, alis limpidis ad costam subfulvis, abdomine flavo- quinquemaculato, pedibus fulvis, tarsis anticis fuscis; Fcem. capite flavo-bivittato et sex-maculato, thoracis disco flavo-bivittato. Long. 2-2| . alar. 4^-5 lin. Black. Proboscis tawny. Antennae tawny, with black tips. TJiorax with a yellow stripe on each side, and with a yellow spot near the base of each wing ; scutellum yellow, armed with 2 tawny teeth. Wings colourless, with a tawny tinge along the fore border ; veins tawny. Halteres yellow. Abdomen with 2 pale yellow spots on each side and one at the tip. Legs tawny ; coxae, fore tarsi, and tips of the other tarsi 22 STRATIOMID.E. brown. Male. Eyes hairy. Fern. Head with 2 yellow stripes in front, with 4 yellow spots on the crown, and with a yellow spot on each side behind the eyes. Thorax with 2 yellow stripes on the disc. Not rare. (E.I.) 6. formosa, Wdn. ; Mg. zw. iii. 127. 6 (1822); Mq. Nigra, thoracis lateribus interrupte flavo-vittatis, scutello flavo, alis limpi- dis, abdominis apice pedibusque flavis ; Mas. abdominis maculis utrin- que duabus connexis flavis ; Fcem. capitis vittis duabus fasciaque inter- rupta flavis, abdominis maculis utrinque tribus connexis flavis, ventre plerumque flavo. Long. 1-J-; alar. 3^ lin. Black. Head and thorax clothed with short whitish hairs. Pro- boscis yellow. Thorax with a broad interrupted yellow stripe on each side ; scutellum yellow. Wings colourless ; veins pale buff. Halteres yellow. Abdomen with a yellow spot at the tip. Legs yellow. Male. Abdomen with two yellow connected spots on each side. Fern. Head with a yellow stripe on each side of the crown, and with an interrupted yellow band behind the eyes. Thorax with 2 slender yellow stripes on the disc. Abdomen with 3 yellow connected spots on each side ; underside mostly yellow. Not rare. (E.I.) 7. muscaria, Fb. e. s. iv. 268. 21 (1794); Pz. ! Mg.; Mq. pygmcea, Fin. ; Mg. ; Ztt. qffinis, Dale ; Ct. Nigra, tJiorace flavo-bivit- tato, alis limpidis, abdomine jftavo-quinguemaculato, ventre plerumque flavo, pedibus fulvis, tibiis posticis femoribusque nigris, tibiis anterio- ribus nigro-cinctis, tarsis nigris posterioribus basi flavis ; Fcem. capitis vittis duabus fasciaque interrupta flavis. Long. \\ ; alar. 3 lin. Black. Head covered in front with silvery down. Proboscis yellow. Thorax with a yellow stripe on each side. Scutellum yellow, sometimes partly or wholly black. Wings colourless ; veins pale tawny. Halteres pale yellow. Abdomen with 2 connected yellow spots on each side, and 1 at the tip ; underside mostly yellow. Legs tawny ; femora and hind tibiae black ; a black band on each of the anterior tibias ; tarsi black ; posterior tarsi yellow towards the base. Fern. Head with two yellow stripes on the crown, and with a yellow interrupted band behind the eyes. Not rare. (E.I.) 8. Morrisii, Ct. ! b. e.x. (1833). Nigra, thorace interrupte albido- bivittato, scutelli apice ochraceo, abdomine flavo-quinquemaculato, pe- dibus flavis, tibiis posticis femoribusque plerumque nigris, tarsis nigris posterioribus basi albidis. Long. 2^- ; alar. 5 lin. Black, shining, thickly and minutely punctured, covered with very short grey down. Proboscis ochreous. Thorax with a whitish stripe on each side, forming a minute spot in front, a larger spot before the base of each wing> and a third spot behind it. Hind border and spines of the scutellum ochreous. Wings colourless ; stigma yellowish-brown ; veins brown along the costa. Halteres white. Abdomen with an oblique CLITELLARIA. 23 yellow spot on each side of the third and fourth segments, and with a triangular yellow spot at the tip. Legs yellow ; femora black, yellow at each end ; hind tibiae black, yellow at the base ; tarsi black ; pos- terior tarsi whitish at the base. Eare. (E. I.) In Mr. Curtis's and Mr. Dale's collections. 9. terminata, Mgrle.; Mg. zw. iii. 130. 9 (1822). Nigra, tho- race flavo-bivittato, scutello flavo, alis limpidis, abdominis vittis duabus posterioribusjlavis, tarsis posticis basi femoribusque fulvis j Fcem. capite vittis 2 maculisque 4 flavis. Long. 2^- ; alar. 5 lin. Black. Head and thorax clothed with a few short whitish hairs. Proboscis tawny. Thorax with a yellow curved stripe on each side ; scutellum yellow. Wings colourless; veins tawny. Halteres pale yellow. Abdomen with a narrow yellow border from tJie middle to the tip. Femora tawny ; hind tarsi tawny towards the base. Fern. Head with a short yellow stripe on each side of the antennas, and with 4 yellow spots behind the eyes. Eare. In Mr. Curtis's collection. (E.) 10. analis, Mgrle.; Mg. zw. iii. 130. 10 (1822). Nigra, Horace ad alas fulvo, alis subcinereis fusco unimaculatis, abdominis apice Jlavo, pedibus flavis, tibiis posticis femoribusque nigris. Long. 2 ; alar. 4 lin. Black. Head and thorax thickly clothed with short hoary hairs. Eyes hairy. Proboscis tawny. Thorax dark tawny at the base of each wing ; spines of the scutellum yellow. Wings very slightly tinged with grey / a brown spot on each beneath the stigma ; veins tawny. Halteres yellow. Abdomen with a yellow tip. Legs yellow ; femora and hind tibia? black ; tarsi tawny towards the tips. Eare. In Mr. Curtis's collections. (E.) 11. longicornis, (Hal. MSS.) Atra, nitens, antennis capite longio- ribus ; thoracis vittis duabus lateralibus scutelloque flavis, alis limpidis, pedibus piceis, tibiis basi femoribusque fulvis. Long. 1 ; alar. 3-|- lin. Black, shining. Antenna? longer than the head. Thorax with a yellow stripe on each side ; scutellum yellow. Wings colourless. Hal- teres yellow. Legs tawny ; tibia? and tarsi piceous, the former tawny towards the base. Eare ; inhabits Dorsetshire. In Mr. Dale's collection. (E.) Genus V. CLITELLARIA. CLITELLARIA, Mg. zw. iii. 119 (1822). Muscap., Sch.; Hbst.; Shr.; Gm. ; Gf. Stratiomys p., Fb. ; Shr. ; Pz. Ephippium, LI. ; Mq. Corpus oblongo-ovatum. Antennae 9-articulata? ; articuli primus et se- cundus a?quales; tertius et sequentes ad septimum flagellum obclavatum 24 STRATIOMID^l. fingentes; octavus brevis ; nonus stylatus. Alarum venae longitu- dinale% usque ad alse marginem summum descendentes. Mas. Oculi approximati. Foem. Oculi remoti. Body nearly oval, generally rather large, mostly black. Head almost semicircular. Proboscis withdrawn. Labrum short, flat. Palpi tri- articulate, clavate, hairy. Labium short, thick, cylindrical. Antenna 9 ] -jointed, porrect, almost as long as the head, approximate at the base, diverging upwards ; first and second joints bristly ; first short, almost cylindrical, somewhat thicker at the tip ; second cyathiform, as long as the first ; third and following a long obclavate flagellum ; eighth short; ninth long, stylate. Thorax almost oval; scutellum semicircular, armed with spines. Wings lanceolate, incumbent, parallel, finely pubescent. Alula3 very small. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen oval, with five segments, stightly convex. Male. Eyes contiguous. Fern. Eyes remote. These flies are rare ; they dwell on tbe trunks of trees ; their larvae live on decayed wood. 1. ephippium, Fb. sp. i. 417. 2 (1781); Sch. ; Hbst. ; Shr.; Gm. ; Gfr.; Pz. ! fn. viii. 23; Mg. Inda, Shr. thoracicum, LI. ; Mq. Atra, thoracis disco ferrugineo-hirto, alis nigricantibus, halteribus flavis. Long. 5f; alar. 12 lin. Deep black. Body clothed with short black hairs. Head clothed above with dull tawny hairs. Thorax thickly clothed with bright fer- ruginous hairs. Wings blackish, palest along the hind borders. Hal- teres bright yellow. Very rare ; has been found in Coombe wood, Surrey, and in Darenth wood, Kent. In the British Museum, and in Mr. Des- vignes's collection. (E.) Genus VI. NEMOTEI.US. NEMOTELUS, Gfr. ins. ii. (1784); Fb.; Mg.; Pz.; LI.; Fin ; Mq. ; Ct. ; Ztt. Musca p., L. ; Gm. Stratiomys p., Fb.; Shr. Corpus oblongum, minoris magnitudinis, tenuiter pubescens, nitidum. Color niger ; pictura albo fasciata vel punctata. Epistoma porrectum, conicum. Oculi nudi. Antenna 8 -articulate, porrectaB; articuli tertius et sequentes flagellum fusiforme fingentes ; septimus brevis ; octavus stylatus. Scutellum inerme. Alarum areola discoidalis venas 4 emit tens, fere in marginem interiorem summum descendentes. Body shining, oblong, rather small, finely pubescent. Colour black, often with white bands or spots. Head as broad as the thorax or nearly so. Epistoma porrect, conical. Eyes bare. Proboscis withdrawn. NEMOTELUS. 25 Labrum horny, stout, small, hollow, acute. Labium long, slender, geniculated near the base, terminating in 2 very long lobes with mem- branaceous and slightly bristly edges. Antennae 8 -jointed, porrect, con- tiguous, seated close to the tip of the epistoma, diverging, shorter than the head, clothed with very short hairs ; first and second joints bristly, cylindrical or somewhat clavate ; second longer than the first ; third and following joints forming a fusiform flagellum; seventh short; eighth stylate. Thorax almost quadrangular, very slightly convex. Scutellum semicircular, unarmed. Wings lanceolate, incumbent, parallel, not pubescent. Alulae small. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen with 5 segments, short, elliptical, flat or but slightly convex, incurved at the tip, broader than the thorax. Legs slender ; ungues short and stout. Male. Eyes approximate, red and composed of large facets above, green and of small facets in front. Fern. Eyes remote, of small facets. Epistoma longer than that of the male. These flies are slow in their movements ; they inhabit flowers or rushes and grasses oil marshy ground during the spring and the summer. 1. uliginosus, L. s. n. 11. 982.22(1767); Fb.j Mg.; Fin.; Mq. ; Ztt. muticw t T?b. bifasciatus, Mg. ; Ztt. Niger, ihoraee albo- bivittato, alis albis, pedibus fulvis, tibiis posticis femoribusque nigris ; Mas. capite flavo unimaculato, abdomine albo ad apicem nigro-bi- fasciato subtus nigro-marginato ; Fcem. abdomine albo-marginato maculis albis vittato. Long. 2 ; alar. 4 lin. Black ; a white irregular stripe along each side of the thorax. Wings white ; veins pale tawny. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; femora black, with tawny tips ; hind tibiae black, tawny at the base and at the tips. Male. Head with a triangular yellow spot above the antennae. Abdo- men white ; 2 black bands near the tip ; underside, excepting the disc, black. Fern. Abdomen black above ; border white ; a row of white spots along the back ; sometimes a row of short white bands along each side. Generally distributed. Common in salt marshes by the sea- shore. (E. S. I.) 2. pantherinus, L. fn. 1783 (1761); Gm. ; Mg. ! zw. iii. 115. 2. pi. 25. f. 20; Mq. ; Ztt. marginatns, Fb. ; Pz. ! LL ; Fin. uliginosus, Mg. ; LI. ; Pz. ! muticus, Shr. marginellus, Gm. ; Fin. Niger, alis albis, pedibus fulvis, tibiis posticis femoribusque nigris; Mas. ca- pite flavo-unimaculato, abdomine albo ad apicem nigro-maculato subtus nigro-marginato ; Fcem. abdomine supra nigro albo-marginato maculis albis vittato. Long. If ; alar. 3^- lin. Very nearly allied to N. uliginosus. Black. Wings white ; veins pale tawny. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; thighs black, with tawny tips ; hind tibiae black, tawny at the base and at the tips. Male. Head with VOL. I. E 26 STRATIOMID^E. a triangular yellow spot above the antennae. Abdomen white, with a black spot near the tip-, underside black, excepting the disc. Fern. Abdomen black above ; border white ; a row of white spots along the back, and sometimes a row of short white bands along each side. Not very common. 3. brevirostris, Mgrle.; Mg. zw. iii. 117. 6 (1822); Mq. Cy- aneo-niger, antennis nigris, thorace albo-bivittato, alis albis, abdomine maculis fulvis trivittato, pedibus fulvis, femoribus nigris, tibiis nigro- cinctis. Long. %\ ; alar. 4 lin. Bluish-black. Proboscis and antenna black. Thorax with a white irregular stripe along each side. Wings white ; veins pale tawny. Halteres yellow. Abdomen with 3 rows of tawny spots, which are con- nected along each side. Legs tawny ; femora black, with tawny tips ; a black band on each hind tibia. Bare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 4. nigrixms, Fin. str. 6. 3 (1814) ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ct. ! b. e. 729 ; Ztt. nigritus, Pz. ! fh. cvii. 17. Niger, alis albis, tibiis tarsisque basi fulvis. Long. \\ ; alar. 3 lin. Black. Wings white ; veins pale tawny. Halteres yellow. Tibiae and tarsi tawny towards the base. Generally distributed, but not common. (E. I.) Genus VII. PACHYGASTER. PACHYGASTER, Mg. kl. i. 146 (1804) ; Mq. ; Ct.; Duf.; Ztt. Fappo, LI. ; Fb. Nemotelus p., Pz. Sargus p., Fin. Corpus parvum, ovatum, glabriusculum, punctulatum. Color niger, absque pictura. Epistoma decline. Antennas 7-articulatae, clavatae ; articuh' tertius et sequentes flagellum globosum fingentes ; octavus setiformis, subterminah's. Scutellum inerme. Alarum areola dis- coidalis venas 3 obsoletissimas fere usque in marginem interiorem descendentes emittens. Body small, oval, wholly black, shining, almost bare. Epistoma perpendicular. Eyes dark green. Proboscis withdrawn, shorter than the head. Labrum small, robust, cylindrical, hollow beneath, dilated at the base, obtuse and notched at the tip. Tongue acute, attenuated from the base, half the length of the labrum. Maxillae filiform, long, slender, acute, as long as the labrum. Palpi very minute, oblong, cylindrical, subclavate, slightly pilose, diverging. Labium large, oval. Antenna %- jointed, hairy, porrect, approximate at the base, seated rather low on the head, not far from the peristoma, diverging upwards ; first and second joints very short ; first almost cylindrical ; second cya- CHRYSOMYIA. 27 thiform, broader than the first; third and following much broader than the second, forming a globose somewhat compressed flagellum ; seventh extremely minute ; eighth setiform, rather hairy at the base, seated near the tip of the flagellum. Thorax obovate, rather long, with a transverse suture. Scutellum unarmed. Wings long, lanceolate, finely pubescent, incumbent, parallel ; veins indistinct. Alulae small. Halteres large, ovate. Abdomen with 5 segments, large, nearly glo- bular, bare, convex above, flat beneath, broader than the thorax. Legs slender. Male. Eyes contiguous. Fern. Eyes remote. Ocelli more in front of the head than those of the male. These flies move slowly, and inhabit flowers, hedges, and thickets, in the summer ; their larvae feed on decayed wood ; one species on that of the elm, 1. ater, Fb. s. a. 254. 1 (1805); LI. ; Pz. ! fn. iv. 5; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. -pacJiyg aster, Fin. Niger, alls albidis basi nigris, pedibus flavis, femoribus nigris ; Mas. antenriis nigris ; Fcem. antennis fulvis. Long. 1-| ; alar. 3 lin. Black, shining. Proboscis tawny. Wings whitish, tinged with black for half the length from the base ; veins pale yellow. Halteres dark brown. Legs yellow; femora black. Male. Antennae black. Jem. Antennae tawny. Eare. (E.) 2. Leachii, Ct. ! b. e. 1. 42 (ISZty.pallipennis, Mq.; Ztt. Ni- ger, antennis fulvis, alls albis, pedibus flavis, tibiis posticis apice fusco- maculatis. Long. 1^ ; alar. 3 lin. Black, shining. Proboscis and antenna tawny. Wings white ; veins and halteres pale yellow. Legs yellow ; a brown spot near the tip of each hind tibia. Eare. (E.I.) Genus VIII. CHRYSOMYIA. CHRYSOMYIA, Mq. d. 1. 262 (1834) ; Ztt. Musca p., Fb. ; Shr. Ne- motelus p., Deg. Rhagio p., Shr. Sargus p., Fb. ; Mg. ; Fin. ; Ct. Chloromyia, Den. Corpus mediae aut minoris magnitudinis, oblongum, parum pubescens. Color metallicus, aureo-viridis. Pictura nulla. Epistoma declive. Ocelli in vertice approximati. Antennae 6-articulatse ; articuli tertius et sequentes flagellum ellipticum fingentes ; sextus setiformis, termi- nalis. Scutellum inerme. Alarum areola discoidalis venas 4 obso- letas emittens, vix in summum marginem interiorem extensas. Ab- domen ovale. Mas. Oculi contigui. Fcem. Oculi remoti. 28 STRATIOMID^E. Body of middle or small size, oblong, smooth, shining, slightly pubescent, wholly metallic, bluish or golden green. Head semicircular, sometimes rather depressed in front. Epistoma perpendicular. Eyes large, green, often with purple bands. Ocelli 3, close together on the crown. Proboscis concealed. Labruin very short, flat, hollow, rounded and emarginate at the tip. Palpi 3-jointed, diverging ; first and second joints cylindrical, short; second thicker and shorter than the first; third oval, pubescent. Labium large, cylindrical, short. Antennae 6 -jointed, porrect, short, pilose, seated on the middle of the head in front, approximate at the base, inclined upwards, diverging towards the tips; first joint almost cylindrical; second cyathiform, bristly, somewhat compressed, thicker than the first ; third and three following forming an elliptical flagellum; sixth setiform, seated on the tip of the fifth. Thorax oval, pubescent; scutellum semicircular, unarmed. Wings lanceolate, pubescent, incumbent, parallel. Alulae none. Hal- teres uncovered. Abdomen with 5 segments, flat, rather short and broad. Legs slender ; metatarsus almost as long as the other 4 joints. Male. Eyes contiguous. Fern. Eyes remote. The Chrysomyia are sluggish ; inhabit flowers and the leaves of trees ; the larvae of tbe second division feed on decaying vege- table matter, and the flies are not uncommon about hot-beds. a. Body of middle size. Eyes hairy in both sexes. Species 1. a a. Body small. Eyes bare in both sexes. Abdomen nearly round. Male. Eyes reddish-cupreous and composed of large facets above, aeneous and with small facets in front. Fern. Eyes wholly aeneous and composed of small facets. Species 2-4. 1. formosa, Shr. ia. 899 (1781); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. cupraria, Spl. ? (1763). jlavo-geniculata,T)g. aurata, Fb. ; Mg. xanthoptera, Mg. ; Fb. ; Latr. ; Fin. Cyaneo-viridis, capite antennisque nigris, alis fulvis, pedibus nigris, femoribus apice tibiisque basi fulvis. Long. 3-4 ; alar. 6-8 lin. Head black. Eyes golden-green ; upper part purple, between which colour and the green there is a narrow blue ani purple band. Pro- boscis and antennae black. Thorax bright bluish-green. Wings tawny; veins darker. Halteres luteous. Legs black; tips of the femora and tibiae towards the base tawny. Male. Body thickly clothed with tawny hairs. Eyes thickly clothed with short black hairs. Ab- domen golden-green, dark green beneath. Fern. Less hairy than the male. Abdomen purple, blue along each side; rarely bluish-green, aeneous-green along each side. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. polita, L. s. n. ii. 894. 93 (1767); Fb. ; Mg. ; Fin. ; Mq. ; Ztt. aurata, Beg. splendens, Mg. cyanea, Fb. ,/Eneo-viridis vel cyaneo- CHilYSOMYIA. 29 viridis, antennis nigris, alis limpidis, pedibus nigris, genubus tarsisque fulvis, tibiis tarsisque anticis subfuscis ; Mas. proboscide fulvo ; Fcem. proboscide fusco. Long, l-2 ; alar. 4-4 lin. Body bright coppery-green or bluish-green, clothed with very short whitish hairs. Eyes green, here and there reddish-purple. Antenna black. Wings colourless, sometimes pale brown along the fore border ; veins pale brown. Halteres yellow or tawny. Abdomen sometimes purple. Legs black ; knees and tarsi tawny ; fore tibia tawny ; fore tarsi pale brown. Male. Proboscis tawny. Fern. Proboscis brown. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 3. pallipes, Mg. zw. vi. 311. 31 (1830); Ztt.politus var., Mn. Viridis, antennis fuscis basi fulvis, thoracis lateribus flavo-vittatis, alis limpidis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus posterioribus nigris, tibiis posticis apice fuscis. Long. 1^-lf ; alar. 3^-4 lin. Bright green, sometimes coppery or bluish-green. Proboscis tawny. Ardennes brown ; first and second joints tawny. Thorax with a yellow stripe along each side. Wings colourless; veins pale tawny. Hal- teres yellow or tawny. Legs tawny ; posterior femora mostly black or greenish-black ; hind tibiae brown towards the tips. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 4. flavicornis, Mg. zw. iii. 112. 10 (1822); Mq. -polita v., Ztt. pallipes v., Ztt. Viridis, antennis fulvis, thoracis lateribus flavo-vittatis, alis limpidis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus posterioribus nigris, tibiis posticis apice fusco- cinctis. Long. 1 J-l ; alar. 3-3^ lin. Bright green or bluish-green. Proboscis and antennae tawny. Thorax with a yellow stripe along each side. Wings colourless, some- times pale tawny along the fore border ; vein pale tawny. Halteres yellow or tawny. Abdomen sometimes bright cupreous or cupreous- black. Legs tawny ; posterior femora more or less black ; hind tibia most frequently with a brown band near each tip. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 5. cyaneiyentris, Ztt. d. s. i. 156. 4 (1842). Aureo-viridis, antennis halteribus pedibusque flavis, abdomine violaceo, femoribus pos- terioribus late nigro-cinctis ; Fcem. fronte violacea. Long. 1 ; alar. 3 lin. Golden-green. Antenna? and halteres yellow. Abdomen violet. Legs yellow ; a broad black band on each of the posterior femora. Fern. Front violet. Rare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (I.) . : ; _; Z~ 1 32 XYLOPHAGID.E. white spot on each side above the antennae. Eyes without bands. Proboscis tawny. Antenna black. Wings brownish-grey ; stigina darker ; veins black. Halteres tawny. Male. Body clothed with pale tawny hairs. Abdomen cupreous towards the tip. Legs black ; tibia and hinder tarsi tawny towards the base. Fern. Body clothed with whitish hairs. Head black ; a purple ridge on the crown. Abdomen cupreous, purple towards the tip, which is tinged with blue. Legs tawny ; a black band on each femur ; tips of the tarsi blaok. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 5. bipunctata, Spl. i. c. 341. 916 (\lW).Reaumuri, Fb. ; Mg.; Mq.; Ct. ! b. e. 305 ; Ztt. Antennis nigris, alis cinereo-fulvis, pedibus fulvis ; Mas. cyaneo-viridis, thorace cupreo-quadrivittato, abdomine seneo ; Foem. viridis vel cupreo-viridis, abdomine purpureo-cyaneo basi rufo-fiilvo. Long. 4-6 ; alar. 9-13 lin. Head with a shining white spot on each side above the antennae. Eyes bronzed. Proboscis tawny. Antennae black. Wings pale greyish tawny ; stigma pale brown ; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres tawny. Legs tawny ; tips of the tarsi brown. Male. Body clothed with tawny hairs. Head bright bluish-green, clothed in front with black hairs. Thorax bright green, with 4 cupreous stripes ; hind part bluish-green. Abdomen aeneous. Fern. Head clothed in front with tawny hairs. Thorax bright green or cupreous-green. Abdomen blue, with a purple stripe ; first and second segments reddish-tawny, with a purple stripe. Local. (E.S.I.) FAMILY II. X YLOPHAGID^l. XYLO?HAGII p., Mg. zw. ii. 1 (1820); LL; Fin.; Ztt. Stratio- mydee p., Lm. Xylophagidce p. et Xylophaga p., Bms. Xylopha- gites p., Nwm. Stratiomince p., Rdn. Xylophagei p., Ags. Corpus medium, angustum. Ocelli 3. Proboscis retracta, setis quatuor. Antennae IQ-articulata, porrecta3, basi approximates, apice acuta3 ; articuli tertio ad decimum subaequales, flagellum cylindricum fingentes stylo terminali nullo. Scutellum muticum. Alee incumbentes. Ab- domen segmentis 7. Pedes simplices, nudi. Mas. Oculi cohaerentes, aut approximati. Fcem. Oculi remoti. Segmenta analia vaginata. Body of middle size or rather small, narrow, cylindrical. Ocelli 3. Proboscis withdrawn. Antennae 10-jointed, inserted in the middle of the face, porrect, approximate at the base, with acute tips ; joints from the third to the tenth compact, nearly equal, forming a cylin- drical flagellum without a terminal style. Scutellum unarmed. Wings XYLOPHAGUS. 33 incumbent, parallel. Alulae small. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen with 7 segments. Legs simple, bare. Male. Eyes almost contiguous. Fern. Eyes remote. Anal segments tubular. The species are few, and of rare occurrence. The larvae live in decayed wood. The flies appear in the summer, and rest on the trunks of trees, and are sluggish except in fine calm weather. f longer than the second : Palpi clavate . . . . 1. XYLOPHAGUS. First joint of J the Antennae j |_as long as the second : Palpi cylindrical ... 2. SUBULA. Genus I. XYLOPHAGUS. XYLOPHAGUS, Mq. i. 229 (1834). Atilm p., Sib. Empis p., Pz. Rhagio p., Pz. Xylophagus p., Mg. ; Fb. ; LI. ; Ztt. Palpi biarticulati, clavati. Antennas subfiliformes ; articulus primus secundo longior. Alarum venas 4 longitudinales, prater areolam analem acutam in marginem interiorem alee descendentes. Tibiae apice spinosaa. Body narrow, cylindrical, thinly clothed with short hairs. Colour black, often partly red or yellow. Head depressed. Eyes prominent. Labrum short, thick, with an obtuse tip, shorter than the labium. Palpi biarticulate, clavate, longer than the labium, curved upward; first joint very small ; second large, oval, pubescent. Labium short, cylindrical. Antennas subfiliform, 10-jointed, porrect, approximate, diverging; first joint longer than the second, cylindrical; second cyathiform, short ; third and following joints forming a long almost cylindrical flagellum. Scutellum semicircular. Alulas entire, very small. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen rather long. Tibias armed with spines at the tips. Male. Abdomen cylindrical. Fern. Abdomen obconical, with a tubular-jointed oviduct. 1. ater, Fb. s. a. 64. 1 (1805); Mg. ; Mq. ; Zit.subulata, Pz. ! fn. L. iv. 23. Niger, thorace cinereo-trivittato, alis fusco-fasciatis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus posticis apice tibiis tarsisque fuscis. Long, lin. 6 ; alar. 10 lin. Black, shining. First joint of the palpi yellow. Antennas a little shorter than the thorax. Thorax with three grey stripes. An indis- tinct brown band across each wing. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; hind tibiae, hind tarsi, and tips of the hind femora brown. Very rare. In Mr. E. Brown's collection. (E.) VOL. I. 34 XYLOPHAGID^E. Genus II. SUBULA. SUBULA, Mgrle. ; Mg. zw. 12. 15 (1820) ; Mq. Nemotelus p., Dg. Xylophagus p., Mg. ; Fb. ; LI. ; Ztt. Corpus angustum. Color niger ; pictura saepe rufa vel flava. Palpi biarticulati ; articulus secundus longus, cylindricus. Antennae subfili- formes ; articuli primus et secundus aquales ; flagellum longum, sub- cylindricum. Alse areola analis clausa, retracta. Body narrow, cylindrical, thinly clothed with short hairs. Colour black, often partly red or yellow. Labrum short, thick, with an obtuse tip, snorter than the labium. Palpi biarticulate, longer than the labium, curved upward ; first joint slender ; second long, cylindrical, as if annu- lated. Labium short, cylindrical. Antennae porrect, approximate at the base, diverging ; first and second joints of equal length ; second cyathi- form ; third and following forming an almost cylindrical flagellum. Scu- tellum semicircular. Wings finely pubescent. Alulae entire, very small. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen rather long. Tibiae armed with spurs. Male. Eyes approximate, but not contiguous. Abdomen cylindrical. Fern. Eyes remote. Abdomen obconical, with a tubular-jointed oviduct. 1. maculata, Fb. s. a. 65. 3 (1805); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt.; Steph. ! b. e. pi. 46. fig. 3. Nigra, antennis ferrugineis basi piceis, thoracis lateribus flavo-vittatis et quadrimaculatis, scutello flavo, ah's sublimpidis, abdominis basi maculis duabus et segmentorum marginibus posticis flavis, pedibus Jlavis nigro-cinctis. Long. 4^; alar. 10 lin. Cylindrical, black, shining. Head clothed above with tawny down, and in front with hoary down ; a scapula above the antennae. Eyes large, prominent. Mouth luteous. Antenna ferruginous ; first joint pitchy. Thorax with two yellow spots on each side ; the second pair forming an interrupted band ; a yellow scapula on each shoulder, forming a ridge, which widens towards the base of the wing; a yellow spot beneath the latter on each side. Scutellum yellow. Wings almost colourless. Halteres luteous. Abdomen with the hind borders of the segments and a large spot on each side of the base yellow. Legs yellow ; tips of the femora, of the tibiae, and of the tarsi, and the whole of the fore tarsi, black ; metatarsus very long. This species resembles the Ctenophorce in colour, and the Xylophagidce seem to connect the Brachycera with the Nemocera. Very rare; inhabits the New Forest, Hampshire. In Mr. Stephens's collection. (E.) 2. varia, Mgrle. ; Mg. zw. ii. 14. 5 (1820) ; Mq. Nigra, tho- racis lateribus scutelloque fulvis, ah's subcinereis, ventris segmentorum marginibus posticis pedibusque fulvis. Long. 3-4 ; alar. 6-8 lin. Black. Body slender, thinly clothed with tawny hairs. Antennae slender, much more than half the length of the thorax. Thorax with TABANUS. 35 a tawny scapula along each side, widening from the shoulder to the base of the wing. Scutellum tawny. Wings pale grey. Halteres luteous. Hind borders of the abdominal segments tawny beneath. Legs tawny. Very rare. In the British Museum. The larva feeds on the wood of the oak. (E.) FAMILY III. TABANIDJB. , Lch. ; Ct. ; Wtw. Tabanii, LI. ; Fin. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Ags. Tabanii p., LI. h. n. ; Lm. Anthracina p., Rfnq. Sclerostoma p., Dmr. Tabanica, Brm. Tabinites, Nwm. Tabanina, Rdn. Os maris setis 4, feminae setis 6, armatum. Antenna porrectae, approximates ; tertius et sequentes flagellum compact um fingentes. Ala3 incumbentes, deflexae. Structure robust, much developed. Body rather broad, of large or middle size. Head semicircular, generally somewhat depressed. Eyes large, generally golden-green, of various shades, often with purple or brown bands. Mouth projecting. Palpi porrect, inserted at the base of the maxillae. Antennae porrect, inserted in front of the face, approximate at the base, with 6, 8, or 10 joints ; third and following joints forming a compact flagellum, whose tip is not setiform. Wings incumbent, deflexed. Alulae large, half-covering the halteres. Abdo- men with seven segments. Legs stout ; hind legs longer than the anterior ; tips of middle tibiae armed with two spines. Male. Eyes contiguous. Mouth without mandibles. Palpi hori- zontal, with obtuse tips. Abdomen obconical, much narrower towards the tip. Fern. Eyes remote. Mouth armed with mandibles. Palpi de- flexed, acute. Abdomen broad, depressed, hardly narrower towards the tip. These flies appear in summer, chiefly abound in woods, and are most frequent in the hottest weather. Their flight is power- ful ; the males frequent flowers ; the females with their sharp mouths pierce the skins and feed on the blood of quadrupeds. The larva is apod, long, cylindrical, grey, with twelve seg- ments ; it lives in the earth, and feeds on decaying vegetable and animal matter. r7-jointed 1. TABANUS. , none : Antennae < o ,,.1 l-6-jointed 2. H^MATOPOTA. * three . . 3. CHRYSOPS. TABANID.E. Genus I. TABANUS. TABANUS, Fin. d. s. (1817) ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Ct. ; Zll. Tabanm p., L.; Fb.; LI.; Wd. Corpus magnum, oblougum, pubescens. Color niger, pubescentise cinerascens aut subflavescens, raro obscurus. Ocelli nulli. Palpi maris capitati, foeminae subulati. Antenna 7 -articulates, subretusas : articulus primus cylindricus, subclavatus, apice truncatus ; secundus cyathiformis ; tertius compressus, supra excisus. Alee divarfaatce ; areola analis retracta. Body of large size, generally black-brown or tawny, pubescent. Head semicircular. No ocelli. Mouth porrect, as long as the head. Labrum small, long, slender, lanceolate, linear on each side. Lingua small, thin, channelled, pointed. Maxillae long, slender, acute. Palpi hairy, biarticulate, curved inward ; first joint short, somewhat clavate. Labium large, thick, cylindrical, hairy. Antennae 1-jointed, not longer than the head : first and second joints bristly ; second shorter than the first ; third notched or forked above ; flagellum long, com- pressed, curved upward ; fourth joint longer than the following, which are small and cylindrical ; seventh pointed. Thorax large, subqua- drate, slightly rounded on each side, somewhat convex, and generally striped above, having before the base of each wing a slight swelling or indentation, from whence a deep transverse line extends to the middle of the disc, and then ceases ; a crooked fold on each side before the scutum, and in the middle a like one, which encloses a small part of the thorax. Wings lanceolate, finely pubescent, diverging ; anal areolet closed far from the border. Tarsi short. Male. Upper region of the eyes composed of large facets. Second joint of the palpi short, capitate. Fern. Mandibles horny, flat, knife-shaped, pointed, seated on the under base of the labium, by which they are covered. Second joint of the palpi long, attenuated. These flies frequent woods during the summer ; they are com- paratively scarce in England, but very abundant in warm countries. Their flight is accompanied by a humming, which varies in dif- ferent species. Those with hairy eyes appear to be chiefly northern. The fork of the vein between the cubital and submarginal areolets is a constant character of the two last and somewhat aberrant species, and it occasionally, but rarely, occurs as an irregularity in the structure of some of the preceding kinds. The genus may be divided as follows : a. Vein between the cubital areolet and the submarginal areolet simple. b. Eyes bare. c. Abdomen with one stripe. Species 1. TABANUS. 37 c c. Abdomen with three stripes. Species 2-7. b b. Eyes hairy. (Therioplectes, Zeller.) c. Body rather broad. d. Abdomen tawny on each side. Species 8-10. dd. Abdomen black, with grey spots. Species 11, 12. c c. Body narrow. Species 13. a a. Vein between the cubital areolet and the submarginal areolet forked. Eyes hairy. Species 14, 15. 1. Bovinus, L. s. n. ii. 1000. 4 (1763); Fb.; Pz. ! ; Mg.; Mq.; Ztt. Nigro-fuscus, capite flavo-albo, antennis nigris basi fulvis, thorace cinereo quinquevittato, alis subcinereis basi et ad costam fulvis, abdomiue maculis trigonis cinereis univittato, segmentorum marginibus posticis fulvis, pedibus fuscis, tibiis flavis. Long. 10-11 ; alar. 20-22 lin. Dark brown. Head yellowish- white, clothed in front with pale yellow hairs. Eyes bronzed, not striped. Antennae black, tawny at the base; notch of the third joint large. Thorax with five grey stripes. Wings pale grey, tawny at the base, and thence along three- fourths of the fore border. Halteres brown, with pale yellow tips. Abdomen with a row of whitish triangular spots ; hind borders of the segments tawny on each side. Legs brown ; tibiae yellow. This, the largest British Tabanus, is not common ; when on the wing it may be distinguished by its loud hum, by its rapid flight, and by the large circles in which it wheels round its prey. (E. S. L) 2. autumnalis, L. s. n. ii.1000. 5 (1763); Mg.; DC.; Mq.; Ztt. Nigro-fuscus, capite flavo-albo, antennis nigris, thorace cinereo-quinque- vittato, alis cinereis bad et ad costam subfulvis, abdomine maculis canis quinquemttato, pedibus nigris, tibiis flavis apice nigris. Long. 7^-9 ; alar. 14-18 lin. Brownish-black. Head yellowish-white, clothed in front with pale yellow hairs. Eyes bronzed, not striped. Antenna? black. Thorax with five grey stripes. Wings grey, with a slight tawny tinge at the base and along three-fourths of the fore border. Halteres brown, with yellow knobs. Abdomen rather long, with five rows of hoary spots. Tibia? yellow, with black tips. Male. Abdomen ferruginous on each side. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 3. anthracinus, Hfg.; Mg. zw. ii. 36. 7 (1820). Nigro-fuscus, capite flavo-albo, antennis nigris, articulo tertio basi ferrugineo, thorace cinereo-quinquevittato, alis subcinereis, abdomine maculis trigonis canis trivittato, pedibus nigris, tibiis fulvis apice nigris. Long. 7 ; alar. 14 lin. Brownish-black. Head yellowish-white, clothed in front with pale yellow hairs. Eyes purplish-green. Antenna black, dark ferruginous 38 TABANID.E. towards the base of the third joint. Thorax with five grey stripes. Wings pale grey. Halteres tawny, their knobs brown, with yellowish- white tips. Abdomen rather short and broad, with three rows of tri- angular hoary spots. Tibiae tawny, with black tips. Male. Abdomen tawny on each side towards the base. Bare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 4. glaucopis, Mg. zw. ii. 48. 13. f. 18 (1820) ; Mq.; Ztt. Nigro-cinereus, antennis rujis apice nigris, thorace cano-quinquevittato, alis vix cinereis, abdomine maculis trigonis canis trivittato, tibiis fulvis apice nigris. Long. 7 ; alar. 12 lin. Dark grey. Head clothed in front with pale yellow hairs. Eyes bronzed; facets of the fore part very small. Antenna black ; first joint testaceous ; second dark red ; third slender, dark red at the base, very slightly notched. Thorax with five hoary stripes ; tip and under- side hoary. Wings very slightly tinged with grey. Alulae greyish, with tawny borders. Halteres brown, with whitish tips. Abdomen with three rows of hoary somewhat triangular spots. Tibiae tawny, with black tips. Male. Spots on each side of the abdomen mostly tawny towards the base. Yery rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 5. bromius, L. s.n. ii. 1001. 12 (1763) ; Mg.; Mq.; Ztt. macula- tus, Dg. Niger, capite flavo-albo, antennis fulvis, thorace cinereo-quin- quevittato, alis cinereis, abdomine nigro-fusco maculis trigonis fulvis trivittato, tibiis fulvis. Long. 5-7 ; alar. 10-12 lin. Black. Head yellowish-white, clothed in front with pale yellow hairs. Eyes bronzed, purple in front. Antenna dark tawny ; third joint paler. Thorax with five grey stripes. Wings grey. Halteres tawny, with brown knobs. Abdomen dark brown, with three rows of dull, pale, tawny, triangular spots. Tibiae tawny. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 6. atricornis, Mg. zw. vii. 59. 47 (1838); Ztt. Nigro-cinereus, antennis nigris, thorace subvittato, alis subcinereis, abdomine maculis trigonis canis trivittato, segmenti secundi lateribus fulvis, tarsis poste- rioribus tibiisque ferrugineis apice nigris. Long. 6-7 ; alar. 12 lin. Greyish-black. Head clothed in front with whitish hairs. Antenna black. Thorax indistinctly striped. Wings pale grey. Alulae grey, with tawny borders. Halteres pitchy, with ferruginous tips. Abdo- men with three stripes of nearly triangular hoary spots ; middle spots small ; a tawny spot on each side of the second segment. Tibiae and posterior tarsi ferruginous, with black tips. Male. Eyes reddish-bronze, black, and composed of very small facets in front. Female. Eyes blackish-bronze. Rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 7. glaucus, Mgrle.; Mg. zw. ii. 51. 28 (1820). Nigro-cinereus, antennis rujis apice nigris, thorace cano-quinquevittato, alis subcinereis, TABANUS. 39 abdomine cceruleo-fusco maculis trigonis canis trivittato, tibiis fulvis apice nigris. Long. 4-5 ; alar. 8-10 lin. Greyish-black, hoary beneath. Head covered above with fawn- coloured down, whitish, and clothed with white hairs in front and beneath. Eyes bronzed, blackish-bronze in front. Antenna rather deep red,, with black tips. Thorax with five indistinct hoary stripes ; underside hoary. Wings pale grey ; stigmata dark brown. Alulas grey, with tawny borders. Halteres brown, with pale tips. Abdomen dark brown, slightly tinged with blue, with three stripes of nearly triangular hoary spots, tawny on each side and along the hind borders of the segments beneath. Tibias tawny, with black tips. Rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. 8. tropicus, L. s. n. ii. 1001 (1763); Dg. ; Pb.; Shr. ; Gm. ; LI. ; Pz. ! fn. xiii. 22 ; Fin. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Niger, capite flavo- albo, antennis ferrugineis basi et apice obscurioribus, thorace cinereo- subtrivittato, alls cinereis basi et ad costam fulvis, abdomine fulvo maculis trigonis flavis univittato, tibiis fulvis. Long. 7-7-g-; alar. 14-15 lin. Black. Head yellowish- white, clothed in front with pale yellow hairs. Eyes aBneous-green, with three purple bands. Antennae ferru- ginous ; first, fourth, and following joints darker. Thorax with three very indistinct grey stripes. Wings grey, tawny at the base, and thence along three-fourths of the fore border. Halteres brown, tawny at the base. Abdomen tawny, with a row of triangular yellow spots, which are sometimes indistinct. Tibiae tawny. Generally distributed, but not common. (E. S. I.) 9. luridus, Fin. d. s. tab. 5.4 (1817) ; Mg. ; Mq.; Ztt, Niger, capite albido, antennis ferrugineis et apice nigris, thorace cinereo-sub- trivittato, alis cinereis basi et ad costam subfuscis, abdomine maculis canis univittato, lateribus anterioribus fulvis, tibiis fulvis apice obscurioribus. Long. 6-7 ; alar. 12-14 lin. Black. Head whitish, clothed in front with pale yellow hairs. Eyes aeneous-green, with three purple bands. Antennae black ; second and third joints ferruginous. Thorax with three indistinct grey stripes. Wings grey, brownish at the base, and thence along three-fourths of the fore border. Halteres brown, tawny towards the base. Abdomen dark tawny on each side, for about half the length from the base, and with a row of triangular hoary spots on the disc. Tibice tawny, darker towards the tips. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 10. signatus, Wdm.; Mg. zw. 34. 4 (1820). Niger, capite cano, antennarum articulo tertio fulvo, thorace vix vittato, alis cinereis basi et ad costam fuscis, abdomine maculis trigonis canis univittato fasciisque abbreviatis canis bivittato, tibiis fulvis apice nigris. Long. 7 ; alar. 14 lin. 40 TABANID.E. Black. Head hoary, clothed in front with pale yellow hairs. Eyes aeneous-green, with 3 purple bands. Third joint of the antenna tawny. Thorax hardly striped. Wings grey, tinged with brown at the base and thence along two-thirds of the fore border. Halteres brown, tawny at the tips and towards the base. Hind borders of the abdo- minal segments with a triangular hoary spot in the middle, and with a short hoary band on each side. Tibiae dark tawny, with black tips. Eare. (E.) 11. austriacus, Fb. s. a. 96. 17 (1805). micans, Mg. ; Mq. Niger, capite cano, thorace vix vittato, alis cinereis basi et ad costam et ad venas disci nonnullas fuscis ; Mas. abdomine maculis canis uni vit- tato ; Fcem. abdomine maculis canis trivittato, lateribus anterioribus cano-maculatis. Long. 6-7 ; alar. 14-16 lin. Black. Head hoary, clothed in front with pale yellow hairs. Eyes seneous-green, adorned with 3 purple bands. Thorax hardly striped. Wings grey, brown at the base and thence along three-fourths of the fore border and along some of the veins in the disc. Halteres black. Male. Abdomen with one row of hoary spots. Fore tarsi fringed with long hairs. Fern. Abdomen with 3 rows of hoary spots, and with a larger hoary spot on each side near the base. Eare. (E.) 12. cordiger, Wdn.; Mg. zw. ii. 47. 23 (1820). Nigro-fuscus, capite flavo, antennis ferrugineis apice nigris, thorace cinereo-trivittato ad alasfulvo, alis subcinereis basi et ad costam fulvis, abdomine maculis trigonis cinereis trivittato, segmentis primo ad tertium fulvo-bivittatis, pedibus nigris, tibiis anticis basi fulvis, tibiis posterioribus et tarsis fulvis. Long. 6 ; alar. 12 lin. Dark brown, narrow. Head yellow, clothed in front with yellow hairs. Eyes seneous-green, with 3 purple bands. Antenna? ferru- ginous, black towards the tips. Thorax with 3 grey stripes, tawny above the base of each wing. Wings pale grey, tawny at the base and thence along two-thirds of the fore border. Halteres brown, yellow at the tips and towards the base. Abdomen with a row of cinereous triangular spots along the disc and with a tawny stripe along each side of the first, second, and third segments. Legs black ; fore tibiae towards the base, posterior tibiae and tarsi, tawny. Eare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 13. rusticus, L. s. n. ii. 1000. 11 (1763); Fb.; Fin.; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Cinereus, capite cano, antennis fulvis basijlavis apice ferru- gineis, alis sublimpidis, pedibus nigris, tibiis fulvis apice nigris ; Mas. abdomine basi fulvo-bivittato ; Fcem. abdomine maculis cinereis trivit- tato. Long. 6 ; alar. 12 lin. Grey. Head hoary, clothed in front with pale yellow hairs. Eyes yellowish-green. Antennae tawny, yellow at the base, ferruginous towards the tips. Thorax not striped. Wings almost colourless. H^EMATOPOTA. 41 Halteres pale yellow, with white knobs. Legs black ; tibia pale tawny, with black tips. Male. Abdomen with a short tawny stripe on each side near the base. Fern. Abdomen with 3 rows of large indistinct cinereous spots. Not common. (E. S.) 14. alpinus, Shr. f. b. iii. 2534 (1798); Ct. ! b. e. IS.rmticus, Shr. i. a. ; Pz. ; Fin. -fulvus, Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Fuscus, capite cario, antennis luteis basi flams, alis limpidis basi et ad costam subfulvis, abdo- minis lateribus basi fulvis, pedibus fulvis, tarsis anticis nigris. Long. 6-7 ; alar. 12-14 lin. Brown, thickly clothed with short tawny hairs. Head hoary, clothed in front with yellow hairs. Eyes pale green. Antennae luteous ; first and second joints yellow. Thorax not striped. Wings colourless, with a tawny tinge at the base and thence along two-thirds of the fore border. Halteres yellow, with whitish tips. Abdomen tawny on each side near the base. Legs tawny ; fore tarsi black. Not common. (E. S.) Genus II. HJEMATOPOTA. HJSMATOPOTA, Mg. kl. i. 162 (1804); Fb. ; LI. ; Fin.; Mg. ; Ztt, Tabanus, L. ; Fb. ; Dg. ; Pz. ; Shr. ; Gm. ; Gfr. Corpus mediocre, lineare, pubescens. Color obscurus. Ocelli nulli. Palporum articulus secundus conicus. Antenna -articulata, por- rectae, lanceolatae, subretusae ; articulus primus cylindricus, sat longus ; secundus cyathiforrnis, perbrevis ; tertius et sequentes com- pacti, flagellum subulatum fingentes. Ala parallels, deflexte ; areola analis angulo acuto usque in marginem summum interiorem descen- dens. Body narrow, linear, generally black or grey. Head contracted, semicircular, somewhat depressed. Eyes depressed. Ocelli none. Mouth projecting. Labrum small, stiff, pointed, as long as the labium. Lingua lanceolate., pointed, as long as the labium. Maxillae curved, acute, as long as the lingua. Labium thick, tumid beneath, channelled above. Antenna Q-jointed, inserted in front of the face, longer than the head; first and second joints bristly; first somewhat long, elliptical or cylindrical; second short, cyathiform; third and three following joints compressed, almost bare ; third attenuated, rather stout, nearly as long as the first ; fourth and fifth small, quadrate ; sixth a little longer, rounded at the tip. Thorax oval, narrower than the head; scutellum semicircular. Wings lanceolate, rather narrow, finely pubes- cent, parallel, deflexed, adorned with ringlets ; anal areolet extending to the border. Alulae small. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen rather VOL. I. G 42 TABANIDjE. long, linear, depressed. Legs of equal length ; tibias compressed, not thicker than the femora. Male. Mouth horizontal. Labrum lanceolate, hollow. Palpi very hairy ; first joint clavate ; second nearly oval, much broader than the first. First joint of the antennas very much incrassated. Fern. Head with two black spots and a black dot, forming a tri- angle on the crown. Mouth perpendicular. Labrum rather broad and stout. Mandibles lanceolate, as long as the labrum, seated on the under base of the labium. Palpi pubescent ; first joint short ; second long, conical, slightly curved, not broader than the first. First joint of the antennas oval, scarcely stouter than the third. These flies are much more abundant than the Ta&ani; their flight is silent. 1. pluvialis, L. s. n. ii. 1001. 16 (1763) ; Dg. ; Fb. ; Shr. ; Gm. ; Gfr.; LI. ; Pz. ; Mg. ; Fin. ; Mq. ; Ztt. kyetomantis, Shr. equorum, Fb. ; Mg. tenuicornis, Mq. italica, Mg. ; Gt. ! b. e. longicornis, Mq. grandis, Mgrle. ; Mq. Capite cano, antennis nigris, articulo tertio basi ferrugineo, alis cinereis confertim albido-subocellatis, tibiis poste- rioribus fulvis nigro-bicinctis, tibiis anticis et tarsis posterioribus basi fulvis. Mas. Niger, abdominis lateribus nonnunquam fulvis. Fcem. Fuscus, thorace cinereo-trivittato, abdomine maculis cinereis trivit- tato, segmentorum marginibus posticis canis. Long. 3-^-5 ; alar. 7-10 lin. Head hoary. Eyes green, with 3 or 4 crimson bands. Antennas black ; third joint more or less ferruginous towards the base, sometimes quite black. Wings dark grey, with numerous whitish curved lines and imperfect circlets. Halteres tawny. Legs black ; fore tibiae and tarsi tawny at the base ; posterior tibias tawny, with 2 black bands. Male. Black. Head clothed in front with pale yellow hairs. Sides of the abdomen sometimes tawny. Fern. Brown. Head clothed in front with white hairs, black and shining about the base of the an- tennas, above which there are 2 dark brown spots. Thorax with 3 grey stripes. Abdomen with 3 rows of grey spots ; hind borders of the segments hoary. Generally distributed, and excessively abundant in the summer; the warmth of a hothouse will develope the fly in the beginning of March. (E. S. I.) Genus III. CHRYSOPS. CHRYSOPS, Mg. kl. (1804); Fb. s. a.; Fin. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Tabanm p., L. ; Fb. ; Pz. Corpus mediocre, pubescens, oblongum, sat latum. Color obscurus ; CHRYSOPS. 43 pictura abdominis saepe rufa, alarumque albo-maculata. Ocelli 3. Antennae 7 -articulate, porrectse, cylindric8e,subretus8e; articuli primus et secundus hirti, sequales ; tertius et sequentes flagellum subulatum fingentes. Alse divaricatse ; areola analis marginem attingens, sub- aperta. Abdomen depressum. Body of middle size, pubescent, rather broad. Head semicircular. Eyes resplendent gold-green, with purple-brown spots and lines. Ocelli 3. Mouth projecting, as long as the head. Labrum stiff, pointed, as long as the labium. Lingua slender, stiff, pointed. Maxillae slender, acute. Palpi hairy, biarticulate ; first joint short, cylindrical ; second long, conical. Labium slender, cylindrical. Antenna?, 7 -jointed, inserted in the middle of the front, porrect, cylindrical, a little curved upward, tapering towards the tips, rather longer than the head ; first arid second joints cylindrical, hairy, of equal length ; third and following forming a subulate flagellum ; third of moderate length ; fourth and following joints short. Thorax rather flat, hairy on each side. Wings almost lanceolate, divaricate, finely pubescent, more or less coloured; anal areolet extending to the border, almost open. Abdomen flat. Male. Palpi horizontal. Fern. Head with 2 black scapula, one above the antennae, the other on the crown. Mandibles thin, lanceolate, as long as the labrum. Palpi perpendicular. Thorax striped. These flies are common, but do not swarm like the Hematopota ; their flight is silent. 1. caecutiens, L. s. n. ii. 1001. 17 (1763); Dg. ; Fb. ; Gm. ; Fin.; Mg. ! ii. 67. 2. pi. 14. f. 6; Mq. ; Zit.lugubris, L. ; Fb. ; Mg. viduafus, Fb. Thoracis lateribus fulvo-hirtis. Mas. Niger, alis nigro-fuscis cinereo-bimaculatis, abdomine basi fulvo-bimaculato. Fosm. Nigro-fuscus, thorace cinereo-bivittato, alis fuscis limpido-bimaculatis, abdomine basi fulvo maculisque trigonis fulvis vittato. Long. 3^-4^ ; alar. 7-9 lin. Eyes golden-green ; 5 spots and the hind border purple. Halteres dark brown. Male. Black. Thorax clothed with bright tawny hairs on each side at the base of the wings. Wings dark brown ; hind border at the base, and a large angle on the hind border near the tip, pale grey ; a small whitish spot in the disc. Abdomen tawny on each side towards the base. Fern. Dark brown. Thorax with 2 cinereous stripes, clothed with bright tawny hairs, which are thickest on each side. Wings brown, with 2 large colourless spots, one extending almost across the wing from the hind border near the base, the other forming an angle on the hind border near the tip. Abdomen with a very broad and often inter- rupted tawny band at the base, and with a row of tawny triangular spots along Hie back, the first largest and most distinct. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 44 ACROCERID.E. 2. relictus, Hfg.; Mg. zw.ii. 69. (1820.) 3; Mq.; Mg.; Fb. Tabanus cacutiens, Pz. ! Thorace fulvo-hirto, abdomine maculis trigonis cinereis univittato maculisque fulvis trivittato, tibiis fulvis. Mas. Niger, alls nigro-fuscis cinereo-bimaculatis. Fcem. Nigro-fuscus, thorace cinereo-quadrivittato, alls fuscis albido-bimaculatis, abdominw lateribus basi fiavis segmentorum marginibus posticis cinereis. Long. 3|_4 ; alar. 7-9 lin. Eyes golden-green. Thorax clothed with tawny hairs. Halteres brown. Abdomen with a row of cinereous triangular spots along the back, and with a tawny spot on each side of every segment from the first to Hie fourth. Tibiae dark tawny. Male. Black. Eyes with 4 cupreous spots, which join together, and form a band in the middle. Wings dark brown, with 2 very large irregular pale grey spots on the hind border, one near the base, the other near the tips. Fern. Dark brown. Head covered with yellow down, with 8 black shining scapulae ; 2 on the crown, quadrate ; 6 in front. Eyes with purple or brown marks. Wings brown, with 2 very large irregular whitish spots on the hind border, one near the base, the other near the tip. Abdomen with a very large angular yellow spot occupying the sides of the first and second segments ; hind borders of the segments cinereous. Not very common. (E. S. I.) FAMILY IV. A C R C E R I D^E. ACROCERID^E, Lch.'comp. (1809); Ct. ; Wtw. Bombyliarii p., Lm. Aplocera p., Dmr. Inflate, LI. Inflata, Mg. Stratiomyda p., Fin. Fesiculosa, Mq. Asiphonia p., Efn. Cyrtites, Nwm. Ogcodina, Edn. Inflata (Henopii), Ags. Acrocerince, Ztt. Corpus latum, globosum. Caput parvum, rotundum. Oculi magni. Ocelli 3. Antennae triarticulatae, brevissimse, stylatse. Alee divari- catse. Abdomen magnum, segmentis 5. Pedes simplices. Body broad, globose. Head small, almost wholly occupied by the eyes. Ocelli 3. Antennae 3-jointed, very small, porrect, approximate at the base. Wings diverging, deflexed. Abdomen very thick, trans- parent, with 5 segments. Legs slender; onychia 3. (forked 1. ACROCERA. simple 2. HENOPS. ACKOCERA. 45 Genus I. ACROCERA. ACROCERA, Mg. ; Illig. mag. (1806) ; LI. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Syrphm p., Pz. Henops p., Fin. Corpus minoris magnitudiuis, subglobosum, gibbum, breviter pubescens. Color nigricans. Oculi nudi, obscure fusci, unicolores. Antennae prope verticem insert*. Alee vena tertia longitudinal! furcata. Body small, gibbous, almost globose, downy. Head small, oval, contracted in front. Eyes bare, almost contiguous. Ocelli 3, on the crown. Proboscis concealed. Antennas small, upright, 3-jointed, seated near the crown ; first joint patelliform ; second cyathiform ; third long, setiform. Thorax almost round, gibbous, much broader than the head. Wings lanceolate, diverging, oblique, bare ; third longitudinal vein forked. Alulae large, convex, hiding the little halteres. Abdomen round, broader and thicker than the thorax, with 5 segments. Legs delicate ; metatarsus as long as the other four joints. The Acrocerae are very sluggish, and are often seated in groups on the withered trunks and branches of oak and other trees, about which they fly when the sun shines in warm weather ; they also frequent thickets and herbage beneath trees. 1. globulus, Pz. ! fn. xxxvi. 20; LI.; Fin.; Mg.; Mq. ; Ztt. Nigra, thoracis lateribus navo-maculatis et fasciatis, alis limpidis, abdo- minefulvo apice flavo-fasciato, pedibus fulvis. Long. If; alar. 5 lin. Black. Head clothed with hoary hairs. Thorax clothed with very short yellow hairs ; a pale yellow spot on each side of the fore border, and a short oblique pale yellow band at the base of each wing. Wings and alulae colourless ; veins and halteres yellow. Abdomen tawny ; an irregular pale yellow band near the tip. Legs tawny ; ungues black. Appears during the summer, and frequents the withered branches of the alder, the ash, the aspen, and other trees, (E.) 2. albipes, Mg. zw. iii. 96. 4 (1822). globulus var., Fin.; Ztt. Nigra, antennis fulvis apice nigris, thoracis lateribus navo-maculatis et fasciatis, scutello flavo, alis limpidis, abdomine luteo basi nigro-fasciato lateribus nigro-maculato, pedibus flavis. Long. 1| 2 ; alar. 4-5 lin. Black. Head and thorax clothed with pale, very short, yellow hairs. Antennae tawny, black towards the tips. Thorax with a pale yellow spot on each side of the fore border, and with a short oblique pale yellow band at the base of each wing ; scutellum pale yellow. Wings and alulae colourless; veins and halteres yellow. Abdomen luteous ; a black band at the base, and on each side a row of black spots, which successively decrease towards the tip. Legs yellow ; tips of the tarsi black. May be a variety of the preceding species. (E.) 46 ASILIDi. Genus II. HBNOPS. HENOPS, Dl: mag. (1806); Mg. ; Fb. ; Fin.; Ztt. Mwca p., L. SyrphiH p., Pz. Ogcodes p., LI. Ogcodes, Mq. Corpus minoris magnitudinis, subglobosum, gibbuin, breviter pubesceus. Color nigricans. Oculi nudi, obscure fusci, unicolores. Antenna ad peristoma inserta. Ala vena tertia longitudinali simplici. Body small, gibbous, almost globose, downy. Head much con- tracted in front. Eyes bare, almost contiguous. Ocelli 3, on the crown. Peristoma small, round. Proboscis concealed. " Palpi short, filiform. Labium very small " (Fb.). Antennae 3-jointed, very small, seated close to the upper border of the peristoma, nutant, inclined almost perpendicularly downwards, slightly diverging ; first joint very short, patelliform ; second more oval ; third subulate, somewhat thickened at the tip, which bears two little bristles. Thorax almost round, much broader and thicker than the head ; scutellum rounded. Wings lan- ceolate, incumbent, oblique, longer than the abdomen, not pubescent nor fringed; third longitudinal vein simple. Alulae large, rounded, quite concealing the little halteres. Abdomen oval, gibbous, very large, with 5 segments, convex above, flat beneath. Legs slender. These flies resemble the Acrocera in general structure and in habits. 1. gibbosus, L. fh. 1815 (1761); Fb. ; Gin.; Pz. ; Mg.; Fin.; LL ; Mq. ; Ztt. leucomelas, Mg. ; Fin. marginatus, Mg. ; Ct. ! b. e. 110 ; Ztt. limbatuz, Mg. I>igro-fuscus, antennis nigris, thoracis late- ribns fulvo-maculatis et fasciatis, alis limpidis, abdomine fusco, seg- mentorum marginibus posticis ventreque flavis, pedibus fulvis, femo- ribus nonnunquam nigris. Long. 2^-3 \; alar. 7-9 lin. Blackish-brown. Head prominent above the antennas. Peristoma tawny. Thorax clothed with yellow hairs, having a tawny spot on each side of the fore border, and an oblique tawny band at the base of each whig. Whigs and alulae colourless ; veins and halteres pale yellow. Abdomen brown ; hind borders of the segments pale yellow ; underside pale yellow, with a brown border. Legs tawny ; femora sometimes black, with yellow tips. Not rare. (E.) FAMILY Y. ASILIDJE. Lch. comp. (1819); Ct. ; Wtw. Eombyliarii p., Lm. Empidia p., Ufa. Asilici, LI. ; Fin. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Ags. ; Lw. Sclerostomap., Dmr. Asilica, Brm. Asilites,T$wm. Asilina, Rdn. Corpus magnum aut medium, hirsutum. Frons et vertex impressa. LAPHRIA. 47 Epistoma barbatum. Oculi remoti. Proboscis valida, brevis, por- recta aut obliqua. Ala3 incumbentes. Abdomen segmentis 8. Pedes saepissime validi, spinis armati. Mas. Anus biungulatus. Fcem. Ungulis analibus nullis. Body narrow, cylindrical, of large or of middle size, most often bristly. Crown and front impressed. Epistoma armed with bristles. Eyes remote. Proboscis projecting, horny, short, stout, very sharp, horizontal or oblique. Antennae porrect, approximate at the base, erect ; third joint developed, long, distinct from the succeeding joints, which are very small or obsolete ; fourth seated on the tip of the third. Wings incumbent, parallel. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen cylindrical, with 7 or 8 segments. Legs stout ; tibiae and tarsi armed with bristles and spines. These flies are all carnivorous, and are the most powerful and generally the largest of the Diptera. They destroy Coleoptera and Hymenoptercij as well as the insects of their own class, and are most frequent in woods and sandy situations ; their flight is silent. The larvae are apod, smooth, cylindrical, and undergo their metamorphose in the earth or in decayed wood. The genera may be thus divided : f not striated 1. LAPHEIA. with onychia : J Antennae | { stylated : ( closed before the border . . 2. ASILUS. Mediastinal areoleU oblique . .3. DASYPOGON. open to the border : Proboscis I horizontal . 4. DIOCTRIA. without onychia 5. LEPTOGASTER. Genus I. LAPHRIA. LAPHBIA, Mg. kl. (1804) ; Fb. ; Ll. ; Fin.; Mq.; ZU. ; Ct. ; Lw. Asilus p., L. ; Fb. ; Dg. ; Gm. ; Shr. ; Pz. ; Hbst. ; Gfr. Corpus magnum, robustum, oblongum, hirsutum. Color niger, hirsutie nitente, interdum albescente vel flavescente. Proboscis porrecfa. Antenna triarticulata, non stylatce ; articulus tertius obtusus. Areola mediastinalis clausa. Onychia compicua. 48 ASILID.fJ. Mas. Abdomen angustius ; lamellae 2 magnae cornea? genitalia snpra tegentes. Fcem. Abdomen latius, magis obtusum ; lamellae anales nullae. Body rather large, stout, hairy, bristly. Head contracted, flat, very hairy, as broad as the thorax; epistoma prominent, bristly. Eyes green, flat, and composed of large facets in front. Ocelli 3, on a little tubercle of the crown. Proboscis almost horizontal, about twice the length of the head. Labrum short, conical, channelled beneath some- what membranaceous at the tip. Lingua small, pointed, as long as the labium, beset above with stiff, thick, revolute hairs along two- thirds of the length to the tip. Maxillae small, pointed, flat, late, cylindrical, short, hairy ; joints of equal length. Labium fringed internally, almost as long as the lingua. Palpi biarticu- cylindrical, with a tubercle beneath at the base. Antennae porrect, triarticulate, not stylate, approximate at the base, diverging, inclined upward to the height of the head ; first and second joints bristly ; first cylindrical ; second small, cyathiform ; third long, bare, subfusiform, compressed, narrow at the base, somewhat dilated in the middle, obtuse at the tip, much longer than the first and second. Thorax oval, rather gibbous; scutellum semicircular. Wings lanceolate, minutely wrinkled, very finely pubescent ; mediastinal areolet closed before the border. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen with 7 segments ; seventh segment very small. Legs stout, hairy ; femora thick ; tibiae curved ; tarsi rather long ; ungues long ; onychia conspicuous. Male. Abdomen almost cylindrical, inflected beneath ; tips armed with stout hairy pincers. Jem. Abdomen obclavate, obtuse. These flies appear in summer, inhabit woods, and their larvae live and change to pupae in the decayed branches. The head, the thorax, the rudiments of the wings, and eight segments of the abdomen are distinctly formed on the outside of the case. The head and the thorax are smooth, and there are a few bristles on the sides of the abdomen. There are four large and four small spines on the head, and the tip of the abdomen is armed with eight spines, which are close together. The back of each segment of the abdomen is beset with a transverse row of small spines. 1. marginata, L. s. n. ii. 1008. 10 (1763); Dg. ; Shr. ; Gm. ; Fb. ; Fin. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Zll. ; Ztt. ; Lw. nigra, Mg. ; Ct. ! b. e. ii. $4}.fulgida? Mg. Nigra, fulvo-hirta, capite aureo, alls fusco-cinereis basi subcinereis, abdomine purpureo-nigro-aeneo. Long. 5-6 ; alar. 8-10 lin. Black. Head partly gilded, clothed with long black hairs, and in front with tawny hairs. First and second joints of the antennae clothed AS1LUS. 49 with long black hairs. Thorax tinged with white on each side. Wings brownish-grey, pale grey towards the base. Halteres bright yellow. Abdomen bronze-black, with a slight purple tinge, clothed with short tawny hairs ; hind borders of the segments covered on each side with tawny down. Legs clothed with tawny hairs and black bristles ; onychia tawny. Male. Abdominal appendages large, black, clothed with black hairs. Not common. (E.) Genus II. ASILUS. ASILUS, Mg. kl. (1804) ; LI. ; Fin. ; Wd. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Ct. ; Lw. Asi- lusp., L.; Fb.; Dg. ; Grm. ; Shr. ; Gfr. ; Hbst. Dasypogon p., Fb. Corpus majoris aut mediae magnitudinis, elongatum, hirsutum. Color saepissime niger, hirsutie cinerascente ; raro lutescens. Oculi uni- colores. Antenna 5 -articulate, stylatae. Areola mediastinalis clausa. Tibiae pilosae et spinulosae. Onychia conspicua. Mas. Geiiitalia prominula ; cauda forficata cornea. Fcem. Anus stylis 2 corneis acuminatus, productus. Body narrow, cylindrical, bristly. Head rather small, semicircular, transverse, much compressed between the eyes, with a small deeply de- pressed front, very hairy beneath the mouth ; epistoma prominent, beset with bristles. Eyes green. Ocelli 3, seated on a little tubercle. Proboscis projecting, oblique, somewhat curved, as long as the head. Labrum short, broad, arched, obtuse, half the length of the labium, coriaceous at the base, membranaceous and obliquely truncated at the tip. Lingua stiff, flat, pointed, clothed above with reverted velvet-like hairs, as long as the labium. Maxillae stiff, truncated, linear, rather dilated and membranaceous towards the tips, ex- ceeding the labrum in length. Palpi cylindrical, clavate, obtuse, hairy, curved upwards. Labium thick, hairy, tumid beneath. Antennae 5-jointed, porrect, stylate, hardly larger than the head, in- serted in the middle of the face, approximate at the base, diverging, inclined upward ; first and second joints bristly ; first cylindrical ; second cyathiform, short; third long, subulate, compressed, bare; fourth and fifth very short. Thorax most often with dark and some- times divided stripes, of which the middle one is shortened in front, and those on the sides are interrupted. Scutellum small. Wings lanceo- late, very finely pubescent ; mediastinal areolet closed. Alulae small, very narrow ; their borders fringed. Halteres long, uncovered. Ab- domen with 7 segments, long, lanceolate ; hind part gradually tapering. Legs stout, bristly ; tibiae straight, spinose. Onychia conspicuous. The Asili are more generally distributed than the other genera of this family, and are most frequent in sandy situations ; their VOL. i. H 50 ASILIDvE. food is chiefly small Diptera, which they hold between their fore legs. The larva lives in the earth; it has 12 segments ; is apod, rather long, somewhat flat, smaller at each end, with a horny head ; it sheds its skin during the change into a pupa. The head of the pupa is armed with two robust spines in front, and on each side with 3 smaller spines, which are connected at the base ; the abdominal segments are fringed with spines. The British species comprise the following groups or subgenera of Loew : a. Ovipositor compressed. b. Thorax bristly to the front. Group LOPHONOTUS. Species 1. b b. Thorax bristly to the middle. c. Terminal lamellae oval, compressed. EUTOLMUS. Species 2. c c. Terminal lamellae free, almost stylate. d. Hind border of the eighth abdominal segment of the male widened. MACHIMUS. Species 3-8. d d. Hind border of the eighth abdominal segment of the male not widened. e. Body yellowish-grey, or ash-grey. Legs striped or banded with reddish-yellow. EPITRIPTUS. Sp. 9. e e. Body more or less blackish-grey. Legs black ; tibiae generally red. /. Abdominal appendages of the male very thickly clubbed. Ovipositor formed of the sixth and seventh segments. ITAMUS. Species 10. //. Appendages of the male not thickly clubbed. CERDISTUS. Species ? a a. Ovipositor not compressed. b. Abdomen without bristles on the sutures. c. Abdomen with moderately long straggling hairs. PAMPO- NEBUS. Species 11. c c. Abdomen pubescent, depressed. d. Large bright-coloured species. ASILUS. Species 12. d d. Small blackish-grey species. EHADIURGUS. Sp. ? b b. Abdomen with bristles on the sutures. c. First joint of the anterior tarsi unusually short. ECHTHIS- TUS. Species ? c c. First joint of the anterior tarsi not shortened. d. Ovipositor very compactly clubbed, closely contracted beneath. ANTIPALUS. Species 13. d d. Ovipositor conical, beset with spines at the tip. PHI- LONICUS. Species 14. 1. cristatus, Hffg.; Mg. zw. ii. 322. 24 (1820). Fuscus, capite cano, antennis nigris, thorace cinereo-subtrivittato lateribus cano, alis limpidis, pedibus nigris. Long. 5-6 ; alar. 9-] lin. ASILUS. 51 Brown. Head hoary, covered with pale tawny down, thickly clothed beneath with yellowish-white hairs ; a fringe of black bristles behind the eyes ; epistoma convex, beset with yellowish-white bristles, on each side and above with fewer black bristles. Proboscis, palpi, and an- tennae black ; first joint of the latter clothed with tawny hairs and black bristles. Thorax with 3 indistinct cinereous stripes, clothed with long black hairs, beset on each side with yellowish- white bristles ; sutures and sides hoary. Wings colourless ; veins black, slightly clouded, tawny at the base. Halteres tawny. Hind borders of the abdominal segments beset with yellowish-white bristles. Legs black, clothed with short pale tawny hairs, and with a few long black hairs, armed with pale yellow spines ; tarsi armed with black spines. Not rare. (E.) 2. rufibarbis, Mg. zw. ii. 311. 6 (1820). Cervinus, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-quadrivittato, alis subcinereis, apicibus margini- busque posticis obscurioribus, abdomine supra fusco segmentorum mar- ginibus posticis cervinis, pedibus nigris. Long. 9; alar. 16 lin. Pawn-colour. Head thinly clothed on the crown with black hairs, thickly clothed beneath with pale yellow hairs; a fringe of black bristles behind the eyes ; epistoma convex, beset with black bristles above, and more thickly with pale yellow bristles below. Proboscis, palpi, and antennae black ; first and second joints of the latter clothed with black hairs ; tips of the second joint and base of the third joint tawny. Thorax thinly clothed with black hairs, beset with 4 rows of black bristles, having 4 brown stripes, the inner pair partly united, the outer pair short and interrupted. Wings pale grey, darker along the hind borders and at the tips ; veins black, tawny towards the base and along the fore border. Halteres tawny. Abdomen brown above, clothed with short tawny hairs ; hind borders of the segments fawn- colour, beset with pale yellow bristles; tips black, shining. Legs black, clothed with tawny hairs, armed with black spines ; a tawny spine on each hind tibia. Bare. In Mr. Saunders's collection. (E.) 3. b as alis, Lw. 1. e. iv. 16. 26. Var. ? Cervinus , antennis nigris, tkorace fusco cervino-subtrivittato, alis subfuscis limpido ad discum subvittatis, abdomine subcinereo cano-fasciato, apice pedibusque nigris. Long. 6 ; alar. 11 lin. Fawn-colour. Head clothed beneath with white hairs, beset behind with white and with a few black bristles ; epistoma prominent, beset with white bristles, and towards the antennae with a few black bristles. Antennae black; first and second joints beset with black bristles. Thorax thinly clothed with short black hairs, beset on each side and on the hinder part with a few white and black bristles ; disc brown, excepting 3 indistinct stripes. Wings pale brown, colourless along the veins in the disc. Halteres luteous. Abdomen greyish, clothed with short 52 whitish hairs ; hind borders of the segments hoary, beset with white bristles. Legs black ; femora and tibiae clothed with short white hairs, beset with white bristles ; tarsi beset with black and white bristles. Very rare. In Mr. Stephens' s collection. 4. forcipatus, L. fn. 1914 (1761); Fb. ; Gm. ; Shr. ; LI. ; Fin. ; Mg. ; Mq. cinereus, Dg. -forcipula ? Zll. ; Ztt. Cinereus, an- tennis nigris, thorace fusco-quadrivittato, alis basi et ad costam fulvis ad apices et ad margines posticos cinereis, abdominis apice nigro, pedibus nigris. Long. 8 ; alar. 13 lin. Cinereous. Head thickly clothed beneath with pale yellow hairs ; a few black hairs on each side of the crown; behind the eyes a fringe of white bristles, with which a few black bristles are mixed ; epistoma convex, beset with black bristles above, and with more pale yellow bristles below. Proboscis and palpi black, the latter clothed with tawny hairs. Antennae black ; first and second joints clothed with black hairs. Thorax clothed with short black hairs, beset on each side and behind with black bristles, having 4 dark brown stripes ; the middle pair partly united ; the outer pair short, broad, and interrupted. Wings grey towards the tips and along the hind borders, tawny along the fore borders towards the base ; veins black, tawny towards the base and along the fore borders. Halteres tawny. Abdomen clothed with short tawny hairs ; sides of the hind borders of the segments beset with pale yellow bristles ; tip black, shining. Legs black, clothed with tawny hairs, armed with black spines. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 5. fimbriatus, Mg. zw. ii. 320. 20 (1820) ; Mq. -pilipes? Mg. ; Mq. colubrinus ? Hffg. Mg. ; Lw. Cervinus, capite albido, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-vittato, alis sublimpidis, abdominis segmentorum marginibus posticis canis, alls nigris. Long. 9 ; alar. 16 lin. Fawn-colour. Head whitish behind and beneath, clothed with white hairs beneath, fringed behind with white bristles and with a very few black bristles ; epistoma rather prominent, beset with white bristles, and towards the antennae with a very few black bristles. Antennas black ; first and second joints beset with black bristles. Thorax thinly clothed with black hairs, beset on each side with a few black bristles and with very few white bristles, having 3 broad brown stripes, the middle stripe divided along the fore half. Wings almost imperceptibly tinged with grey, colour less in the disc and towards the base. Hal- teres yellow. Hind borders of the abdominal segments hoary, beset with white bristles; tip black, shining, compressed. Legs black, shining, clothed with short hoary hairs ; femora and tibiae beset with white bristles ; tarsi beset with black bristles. Bare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 6. obscurus, Mg. zw. ii. 315. 12 (1820); Mq.gonalistes? Zll. ; Lw. Canus, antennis nigris, tfiorace fusco-trivittato, alis sub- ASILUS. 53 cinereis, abdominis disco interrupte fusco, pedibus nigris. Long. 7-8 ; alar. 12-13 lin. Hoary, very slightly tinged with fawn-colour. Head clothed beneath with white hairs, fringed behind with white bristles ; epistoma very prominent, beset with a few black bristles, and towards the peristoma with more white bristles ; sides of the peristoma beset with slender white bristles. AntennaB black ; first and second joints beset with black bristles. Thorax clothed with short black hairs, beset on each side with long white bristles, having 3 broad brown stripes, the middle one imperfectly divided by a paler stripe. Wings pale grey. Halteres tawny. Disc of the abdomen brown, except the hind borders of the segments, which are hoary and beset with white bristles. Legs black, clothed with hoary ; femora and tibiae beset with white bristles ; tarsi beset with black bristles. Rare. In Mr. Stephens' s collection. (E.) 7. rusticus, Mg. zw. ii. 311. 7 (1820) ; Iw.genualis, Ztt. Cinereus, capite fnlvo, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-quadrivittato, alis ad apices et ad margines posticos cinereis, abdominis apice nigro, pedibus nigris. Long. 8-^-9 ; alar. 13-14 lin. Cinereous. Head with a pale tawny covering, thickly clothed beneath with yellowish-white hairs ; a few black hairs on each side of the crown, and a fringe of white bristles behind the eyes ; epistoma very convex, beset with yellowish-white bristles ; a few black bristles above and on each side. Palpi black, clothed with pale hairs. Antenna? black; first and second joints clothed with yellowish-white hairs. Thorax clothed with short black hairs, beset on each side and behind with white bristles, having 4 brown stripes ; middle pair partly united ; side pair broader, interrupted. Wings grey at the tips and along the hind borders; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres tawny. Abdomen clothed with short tawny hairs ; sides and hind borders of the segments brown; tip black. Legs black, clothed with tawny hairs, armed with yellowish-white spines ; hind tarsi armed also with black spines ; tibia3 red at the base. Rare. In Mr. Saunders's collection. (E.) 8. atricapillus, Fin. d. s. 10. 5 (1814); Mg. ; Ztt.; Lw. opacus, Mg. ; Mq. calceatus, Mg. bicornis, Zll. subulatus, Lw. rufi- manus ? Mg. ; Mq. plebeius ? Mg. ; Mq. Cervinus, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-quadrivittato, alis cinereis basi limpidis, abdominis segmen- torum margmibus posticis fuscis, pedibus runs nigro-vittatis ; Mas. abdominis apice ferrugineis ; Fcem. abdominis apice nigro. Long. 4-8 ; alar. 7-13 lin. Dark fawn-colour. Head clothed with pale tawny hairs, which are thick beneath ; a few black hairs on the crown, and a fringe of black bristles behind the eyes ; epistoma slightly convex, beset with black bristles above, and with a nearly equal number of pale yellow bristles 54 ASILID^E. below. Palpi black, clothed with black hairs. Antennae black ; first and second joints clothed with tawny hairs, beset with black bristles. Thorax clothed with short black and tawny hairs, beset on each side and behind with a few black bristles, having 4 brown stripes, the inner pair partly united, the outer pair short and interrupted. Wings grey, colourless at the base and in part of the disc ; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres tawny. Abdomen clothed with short tawny hairs, beset along each side with a few black and whitish bristles ; hind borders of the segments brown. Legs red, clothed with short pale tawny hairs, armed with black spines ; femora and tibiae striped with black ; a few whitish spines on the hind femora ; ungues red at the base. Male. Tip of the abdomen ferruginous. Fern. Tip of the abdomen black. Bare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 9. cingulatus, Fb. s. a. 172. 36 (1805); Shr. ; Mg. ; Fin.; Mq. ; Zll. ; Lw. annulatus, Mq. Cervinus, antennis nigris, thorace subvittato, alis subcinereis, abdomine cano-fasciato, pedibus ferrugineis, tibiis apice femoribusque nigris. Long. 5^ ; alar. 9 liri. Dark fawn-colour. Head clothed behind and beneath with white hairs, beset behind the eyes with a fringe of black bristles ; epistoina prominent, thickly beset with white bristles, and more thinly towards the antennae with black bristles. Antennae black ; first and second joints bristly. Thorax clothed with black hairs and bristles, indis- tinctly striped. Wings pale grey, a little darker at their tips. Halteres tawny. Abdomen thinly clothed with short black hairs, not bristly ; a hoary band on the hind border of each segment. Legs ferruginous, clothed with short white hairs; tibiae and tarsi beset with black bristles ; femora and tips of the tibiae mostly black. Male. Appendages of the abdomen ferruginous, shining, curved, not large. Rare. (E. I.) 10. sestivus, Shr. i. A. 996 (1781); Mg.; Mq. ; Zll.; Ztt. niger? Dg. tibialis, Fin. tabidus? Mg. cyanurus, Lw. Nigro- fuscus, antennis nigris, thorace cinereo nigro-quadrivittato, alis limpidis apice subcinereis, abdominis apice nigro, segmentorum marginibus posticis canis, pedibus nigris, tibiis luteis; Mas. abdomine apicem versus cyaneo. Long. 7-8 ; alar. 12-14 lin. Blackish-brown. Head covered with pale tawny shining down, clothed on each side of the crown with black hairs, and more thickly beneath with white hairs ; a fringe of black bristles behind the eyes ; epistoma convex, beset above with black bristles, and more thickly below with yellowish-white bristles. Palpi black, clothed with black hairs. Antennae black ; first and second joints clothed with long black hairs. Thorax with 4 rows of black bristles ; its cinereous covering interrupted by 4 black stripes ; the outer pair short, broad and interrupted. Wings colourless, pale grey towards the tips ; veins ASILUS. 55 black. Halieres tawny. Abdomen clothed with short pale tawny hairs ; segments beset on each side with tufts of tawny bristles ; hind borders hoary ; tip black, shining. Legs black ; femora clothed with short pale tawny hairs, beset with pale tawny and black bristles ; tibias luteous with black tips, clothed like the tarsi with black hairs and bristles. Male. Abdomen blue towards the tip. Not common. (E. I.) 11. germanicus, L. s. n. ii. (1763); Fb. ; Shr. ; Pz. ; Gm. ; Fin. ; Mg. ; Ct. ! b. e. i. 46 ; Mq. ; Zll. ; Ztt. ; Lw. tibialis, Fb. Niger, antennis nigris, thorace fulvo fusco-quadrivittato apice cano, alis fuscis basi albis, pedibus luteis, tibiis tarsisque apice femoribusque nigris. Long. 7-8 ; alar. 13-15 lin. Black, clothed with tawny hairs, covered here and there with tawny down. Head thickly clothed beneath with pale tawny hairs ; epistoma very convex, beset with black bristles, and towards the peristoma with tawny bristles. First and second joints of the antennas clothed with black hairs. Thorax with a tawny covering, which is interrupted by 4 dark brown stripes, the inner pair of stripes almost united, the outer pair interrupted ; hind part with a hoary covering ; sides and scutellum beset with a few black bristles. Wings brown, white for nearly half the length from the base ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres yellow. Legs luteous ; femora and tips of the tibia3 and of the tarsi black. Male. Facets of the fore parts of the eyes smaller than in the other species. Bare. (E. S.) 12. crabroniformis, L. fn. 1008 (1761); Fb.; Gfr. ; Mg. ; LI. ; Fin. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Lw. Fulvus, capite aureo, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-quadrivittato, alis fulvis, areolarum discis margine postico fuscis, abdomine nigro, segmentorum marginibus posticis utrinque albidis, ventre apiceque ferrugineis, femoribus rufo-fuscis. Long. 11-12; alar. 20-22 lin. Bright tawny, clothed with tawny hairs. Head gold-colour, thickly clothed beneath with golden hairs ; epistoma very convex, beset with numerous tawny bristles ; a fringe of tawny bristles behind the eyes. Antenna? black ; first and second joints tawny ; first joint beset with black bristles ; second with a few tawny bristles. Thorax with 4 brown stripes, the outer pair shorter, broader, and less distinct than the inner pair ; pectus and metathorax reddish-brown. Wings tawny ; discs of the areolets brown along the hind border; veins tawny. Halteres tawny, with black tips. First, second, and third segments of the abdomen black, clothed with black hairs, whitish and clothed with pale hairs on each side of the hind borders of the segments ; underside ferruginous. Femora and hind tibiae reddish-brown, the latter sometimes tawny. Male. Tip of the abdomen ferruginous. Fern. Tip of the abdomen brown. Generally distributed. (E.) 56 ASILIDJE. 13. varipes, Mg. zw. ii. 328. 33 (1820). Cervino-canus, an- tennis nigris, thorace nigro-trivittato, alis limpidis apice margineque postico subfascis, abdomine fusco-univittato, pedibus nifis nigro-cinctis. Long. 6-6|; alar. 11-12 lin. Hoary, tinged with fawn-colour. Head fringed behind and above with black bristles, thickly clothed beneath with white hairs ; epistoma rather prominent, thickly beset with black bristles and having a few slender white bristles towards the peristoma. Antennae black ; first and second joints beset with black bristles. Thorax beset along the borders with black bristles ; its disc black, with the exception of 3 slender stripes, the middle one not extending half the length from the fore border. Wings colourless, pale brown towards the tips and along the hind borders. Halteres tawny. Abdomen with a broad brown stripe ; hind borders of the segments pale hoary, interrupting the brown stripe, beset with white bristles. Legs red, beset with black bristles ; femora black above, with red tips ; tips of the tibia? black ; tarsi black, red at the base. Not rare. (E.) 14. albiceps, Mg. zw. ii. 312. 8 (1820). Cinereus, capite al- bido, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-quadrivittato, alis albidis, abdo- minis segmentorum marginibus posticis albidis apice nigro, pedibus nigris. Long. 8-f-; alar. 12 lin. Cinereous. Head whitish, thickly clothed beneath with white hairs ; a few black hairs on each side of the crown, and a fringe of white bristles behind the eyes ; epistoma very convex, beset with whitish bristles and alx>ve with 4 or 6 black bristles. Palpi thinly clothed with pale hairs. Antennae black; first and second joints beset with black bristles. Thorax thinly clothed with short black hairs, beset on each side and behind with a few black bristles, having 4 brown stripes, the inner pair nearly united, the outer pair short, broad, and interrupted. Wings whitish ; veins tawny, slightly clouded. Halteres yellow, tawny at the base. Abdomen clothed with short white hairs ; hind borders of the segments whitish, beset with a few white bristles; tip black, shining. Legs black, clothed with short white hairs ; femora and tibiae armed with white spines ; tarsi armed with black spines, clothed beneath with tawny down. Bare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) Genus III. DASYPOGON. DASYPOGON, Mg. kl. (1804); Pz.; Fin.; LI. ; Mq. ; Ct. ; Ztt. ; Lw. Stilus p., L. ; Fb. ; Gm. ; Pz. Dasypogon p., Fb. Dioctria p., Mg. kl. ; Fb. Corpus magnse aut mediae magnitudinis, oblongum, hirsutulum. Color DASYPOGON. 57 niger, abdominis pictura saepe albo-maculata vel fasciata. Proboscis obliqua. Antenna quinque-articulata, stylate. Areola discoidalis aperta. Tibia? pilosae et spinulosae. Onychia conspicua. Mas. Anus obtusus, subglobosus; lamellae scilicet laterales breves, corneas, convexae, genitale obtegentes. Fcem. Anus acutior, mucronulatus, seu spiimlis brevibus semicirculum fingentibus posticis armatus. Body narrow, almost cylindrical. Head short, nearly semicircular, as broad as the thorax, compressed in the front, which is broad ; epi- stoma convex, beset with bristles ; underside and hind part of the head hairy. Eyes green, elliptical. Ocelli 3, on the crown. Proboscis porrect, oblique, as long as the head, or a very little longer. Labrum small, very short, conical, flat, pointed, very slightly widened in front, clothed above towards the tip with thick, retracted hairs. Lingua long, acute. Maxilla? long, linear, flat, pointed, submem- branaceous towards the tips. Palpi biarticulate, short, hairy, of various form. Labium large, tumid, narrow at the base, chan- nelled above, hairy beneath and at the obtuse tip. Antenna? porrect, 5 -jointed, stylate, inserted in the middle of the face, as long as the head, approximate at the base, diverging, inclined upward ; first and second joints hairy, almost equally long, subcylindrical, somewhat more slender at the base ; third lengthened, pubescent, compressed, some- what smaller at each end ; fourth very short ; fifth like a style. Thorax oval, very convex ; scutellum rounded. Wings moderately broad, ob- tusely lanceolate, very finely pubescent; mediastinal areolet open. Alulae small, entire. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen with 7 segments, cylindrical, convex, in some species slightly depressed ; first segment short, arched ; tip obtnse. Legs stout, bristly ; tibiae straight. Onychia conspicuous. The habits of the insects of this genus are similar to those of the Asili, and the species are more peculiar to warm regions. The two British species are comprised in the following groups or subgenera of Loew : a. Tips of the fore tibiae armed with spines. DASYPOGON, Species 1. a a. Tips of the fore tibiae without spines. ISOPOGON, Species 2. 1. punctatns, Fb. s. i. ii. 463. 15 (1781) ; Gm. ; Pz. ! fh. xlv. 24; LI.; Mg.; Mq.; Zll. diadema, Fb.; Gm.; Pz. ! fn. xlv. 23; Lw.~ nervosus, Pz. fh. cv. 9 ; Mg. Ater, capite antico albo-pnbescente ; Mas. epistomate nigro-setoso, alis nigris ; Fcem. epistomate albo-setoso, alis subcinereis apice fuscis, abdominis lateribus albo-maculatis apice rufo. Long. 9-11 ; alar. 16-19 lin. Black. Front of the head clothed with white shining down. Male . Epistoma beset with black bristles. Wings black, paler along the hind borders. Fern. Epistoma beset with white bristles. Wings pale grey ; their tips tinged with brown. A row of white spots along the sides VOL. I. j 58 ASIL1D.E. of the abdomen, whose fourth and following segments are more or less red. Very rare; has been found near Bristol. In the British Museum. (E.) 2. brevirostris, Mg. kl. i. 255. 1 (1804) ; Ct. ! b. e. 153 ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Lw. armillatus, Fin. longitarsis, Fin. Niger, capite cano, alis limpidis, tibiis plus minusve runs; Mas. alis apice fuscis, tarsorum posticoruin articulo primo longissimo ; Fcem. alis basi fuscis. Long. 4-4 ; alar. 8-9 lin. Black. Head hoary ; epistoma hardly convex. Palpi cylindrical. Wings colourless, extending beyond the abdomen. Veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres tawny, with yellow knobs. Abdomen thickly punctured, clothed with short hoary hairs. Tibiae more or less red. Male. Head thickly clothed with whitish hairs behind and beneath ; crown clothed with black hairs. Epistoma thickly clothed with long black hairs. Fore part of the eyes nearly flat, composed of large facets. First and second joints of the antennas clothed with black hairs. Thorax clothed with long hoary hairs. Tips of the wings brown. Legs clothed with short black hairs; tibiae towards the base and femora clothed with hoary hairs ; tibiae red towards the tips ; fore tibiae sometimes quite black; hind metatarsus as long as the hind tibiae. Fern. Crown clothed with pale yellow hairs. Epistoma thickly clothed with tawny hairs. First and second joints of the antennas clothed with pale yellow hairs. Thorax thickly clothed with tawny hairs. Wings brown towards the base. Tibiae clothed with yellow hairs ; hinder tibiae red, with black tips. Hind metatarsus nearly half the length of the hind tibia. Generally distributed. (E. S.) Genus IV. DIOCTRIA. DlOCTRIA, Mg. kl. (1804); Fb.; LL; Fin.; Mq.; Ct. ; ZU. ; Ztt.; Lw. Asilus p., Fb. ; Gm. ; Gfr. ; Shr. Corpus majoris vel mediae magnitudinis, sublineare, glabriusculum. Color niger, obscurus ; abdominis latera nonnunquam flavo-picta. Oculi unicolores, non lineati. Proboscis vix obliqua. Antennae quinque-articulata, non stylata; articulus tertius longus, linearis; quartus et quintus breves. Areola mediastinalis aperta. Tibiae parce spinulosae, posticae intus villosae sen ciliatae. Onychia conspicua. Mas. Abdomen medio gracilius, magis coarctatum. Fcem. Abdomen paullo crassius, sublineare. Body slender, black, shining, somewhat bare, of large or middling size. Head very flat, compressed in front ; front broad in both sexes. DIOCTRIA. 59 Epistoma flat, broad, clothed with shining down on each side, beset with a few bristles in front. Eyes generally green, rarely violet ; fore part flat, composed of large facets. Three ocelli on the crown. Pro- boscis porrect, short, almost horizontal. Labrum conical, very short. Lingua subulate, flat, clothed towards the tip with short velvet-like retracted hairs, as long as the labium. Maxillae subulate, flat, pointed, almost as long as the lingua. Palpi short, cylindrical, truncated, bristly. Labium bristly, arched beneath, channelled above, small in front. Antenna porrect, 5-jointed, not stylate, seated on a tu- bercle, closely approximate at the base, curved, diverging, longer than the head ; first and second joints bristly ; first joint cylindri- cal ; second shorter than the first ; almost cyathiform ; third long, compressed ; fourth and fifth very ' short, forming an obtuse tip. Thorax oval, almost bare, often striped on the back, and gilded or silvery on each side. Wings lanceolate, narrow, obtuse, very finely pubescent ; mediastinal areolet open. Alula? small, entire. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen with 7 segments, bare, almost cylin- drical, sometimes marked with yellow on each side ; first segment broader and more arched than the following. Legs slender, slightly bristly or quite bare ; femora and tibiae straight ; hinder tibiae finely fringed with hairs ; fore tibiae slightly hairy by the spurs ; hind tarsi slightly clavate. Onychia conspicuous. . These flies inhabit meadows, trees, and bushes, during the summer, and are more abundant than those of the preceding genus ; they feed chiefly on small Diptera ; some species prey upon Uymenoptera. 1. oelandica, L. s. n. ii. 1008. 1.5 (1763); Fb. ; Shr. ; Gfr.; Gm. ; Mg. ; LI. ; Fin. ; Mq. ; Zll. ; Ztt. ; Lw. Nigra, thorace albido- quadrivittato, alis nigricantibus, pedibus mfis, tibiis apice tirsisque nigris. Long. 6-7 ; alar. 10-12 lin. Black, shining, clothed with black hairs. Head with a white covering beneath, and on each side of the front. Epistoma convex, beset with yellow bristles. Palpi clothed with long black hairs. First and second and the base of the third joint of the antennae clothed with black hairs. Thorax with 2 whitish stripes on the back, and with an oblique yellowish white stripe on each side. Wings blackish ; discs of the areolets paler towards the tips and along the hind border ; veins black. Halteres yellow. Legs red, clothed with short tawny hairs ; tibiae and tarsi armed with tawny spines ; tarsi and tips of the tibise black ; claws tawny, with black tips ; onychia yellow. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 2. cothurnata, Mg. zw. ii. 244. 6 (1820). Meigenii, Sd. ent. 141. 26. Atra, thorace cinereo-trivittato, lateribus abdominisque seg- mentorum marginibus posticis ferrugineis, alis limpidis, pedibus fulvis, tibiis apices versus tarsisque piceis. Long. 7-j ; alar. 1 3 lin. 60 Black, shining. Head clothed in front with shining yellowish-white down; epistoma beset with yellowish-white bristles. Thorax with 3 grey stripes, more or less ferruginous on each side. Wings colourless ; veins piceous, tawny towards the base and along the fore border. Halteres tawny. Hind borders of the abdominal segments ferruginous. Legs tawny ; tibia towards the tips and tarsi piceous. Bare. In the collections of Mr. Desvignes and of Mr. Stephens. (E.) 3. rufipes, Dg. i. vi. 97. 6 (1752); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Lw. frontalis, Mg. kl. ; Fb. ; IA.fampes var., Fin. Nigra, thorace cano- bivittato, lateribus jlavo-albo notatis, alis fulvo-subcinereis, pedibus runs, tarsorum articulis apice pedibusyue posticis nigris. Long. 5-7 ; alar. 8-10 lin. Black, shining. Head with a shining pale yellow covering, clothed beneath and behind with whitish hairs. Epistoma convex, clothed with long pale yellow hairs. Palpi clothed with tawny hairs. First, second, and the base of the third joint of the antennae clothed with black hairs. Thorax clothed with short tawny hairs, with 2 hoary stripes on the back, and with some yelloicish-white shining marks on each side. Wings pale grey, with a very slight tawny tinge ; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres yellow. Legs red, clothed with short tawny hairs ; tibiae and tarsi armed with a few tawny spines ; tips of the joints of the tarsi and of the claws black ; hind legs black ; femora and tibia red at tlie base. Generally distributed. (E.) 4. flavipes, Mg. kl. i. 257. 2 (1804) ; Fin. ; Mq.; Ztt. ; Lw. hya- lipennis, Fb. varipes, Mg. ; Mq. ; -frontalis, Mg. ; Mq. rufipes, Zll. ; Lw. Nigra, thorace cinereo-trimttato, alis limpidis, abdominis segmentis apice fulvis, pedibus fiavis nigro-variis, tarsis fulvis ; Mas. abdomine segmentis tertio et quarto basi fulvis. Long. 4-5 ; alar. 8-10 lin. Black, shining. Head clothed beneath and behind with short white hairs. Epistoma almost flat, silvery, beset with a few bristles. Palpi clothed with a few black hairs. First, second, and the base of the third joint of the antennae clothed with a few short black hairs. Thorax with 3 cinereous stripe*, the middle one narrow and linear, the other 2 broad and irregular ; sides cinereous. Wings colourless ; veins black, yellow towards the base. Halteres yellow. Abdomen very slender ; hind borders of tJie segments tawny. Legs yellow, armed with a few yellow spines ; tarsi tawny tips of the claws black ; hind legs thickly clothed beneath with short pale yellow hairs ; hind femora striped with black above, with brown beneath ; hind tibiae black, yellow at the base. Male. Third and fourth abdominal segments tawny at the base ; appendages tawny. Generally distributed. (E.) DIOCTBIA. 61 5. foscipexmis, Fin. d. s. asU. 7. 3 (1814); ZU. ; Ztt.; Lw. atricapilla, Mg. ; Fin. ; Mq. ; Lw. atrata, Mg. nigripes, Mg. ; Mq. Fallenii, Mg. rufimana, Lw. geniculata, Mg.; ~Lw.fuscipes, Mg. ; Mq. Nigra, capite antico utrinque ferrugineo, thorads lateribus aureo- vittatis ; Mas. alls nigricantibus apice fuscescentibus ; Fern, ihorace bivittato, alls fuscescentibus. Long. 4-5^ ; alar. 7-10 lin. Black, shining. Head ferruginous on each side in front. Epistoma nearly flat. Palpi clothed with black hairs. First, second, and base of the third joint of the antennae clothed with a few black hairs. Thorax with an oblique gilded stripe on each side. Veins of the wings black. Male. Head clothed behind and beneath with black hairs. Epistoma beset with 8 or 10 black bristles. Wings blackish for full half the length from the base, brownish from thence to the tips. Hal- teres luteous, tawny towards the base. Legs clothed with very short tawny hairs, armed with black spines. Fern. Head clothed behind and beneath with dark tawny hairs. Epistoma pale gold-colour or almost white, beset towards the peristoma with a few pale yellow bristles. Thorax clothed with very short tawny hairs, which are inter- rupted by 2 stripes. Wl,ngs brownish, darkest towards the base. Hal- teres tawny. Hind borders of the abdominal segments lurid. Legs thickly clothed beneath with very short pale yellow hairs, armed with tawny spines. Generally distributed. (E.) 6. Reinhardi, Wd.; Mg. zw.! ii. 247. 13. pi. 19. f. 19, 24 (1820) ; Mq. ; Zll. ; Lw. Nigra, thorace cinereo-bivittato, alls subcinereis ad costam et ad venas subfuscis, femoribus tibiisque basi fulvis. Long. 6 ; alar. 1 lin. Black, shining. Head clothed beneath and behind with tawny hairs. Epistoma slightly convex, partly gilded, thickly beset with pale yellow bristles. Palpi clothed with tawny hairs. First, second, and the base of the third joint of the antennae clothed with a few black hairs. TJiorax with 2 cinereous stripes; sides and metathorax partly cinereous. Wrings pale grey, slightly clouded with brown on the fore border and along the sides of tlie veins ; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres tawny. Abdomen clothed at the tip with short tawny hairs. Legs armed with tawny spines, clothed with very short tawny hairs ; femora and tibue tawny at tJie base. Rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 7. Baumhaueri, Mg. zw. ii. 245. 9 (1820) ; Mq. ; Lw. Nigra, thoracis lateribus pectoreque argenteis, disco cinereo nigro-bivittato, alts subcinereis, abdomine nigro-ceneo, segmentortim marginibus posticis apicem versus fulvis, pedibus rufa nigro-vittatis. Long. 4-5 ; alar. 7-9 lin. Black, shining. Head clothed beneath and behind with short pale yellow hairs. Epistoma gilded, almost flat, beset with a few pale 62 ASILIDJ2. yellow bristles. Palpi clothed with tawny hairs. First and second joints of the antennae clothed with a few black hairs. Thorax silvery on each side and beneath, ; the disc cinereous, with 2 slender black stripes. Wings very slightly grey; veins black, slightly clouded with brown towards the base, where they are tawny. Halteres yellow. Abdomen bronze-black ; hind borders of the segments towards the tip dark tawny. Legs red, armed with tawny spines ; femora and anterior tibiae striped with black ; hind tibia black, red at the base ; tarsi black at the base of each joint. Not rare. (E.) Genus V. LEPTOGASTER. LEPTOGASTER, Mg. kl. (1804); Fin.; Mq. ; Zll.; Ztt.; Lw. Asilusp., Dg. ; Grfr. ; Fb. ; Shr. Dasypogon p., Fb. Gonypes, LI. ; Mq. Corpus medium aut minus, glabriusculum, angustum. Color cinereus, opacus. Oculi virides, unicolores. Proboscis porrecta. Antenna quinque-articulatce, stylatce ; articulus tertius longus ; quartus brevis- simus. Alae breves ; areola mediastinalis aperta. Abdomen fragile, elongatum, sublineare. Pedes inermes, glabriusculi ; tibiae recta3. Onychia nulla. Body of middle size, slender, almost bare. Head flat, semicircular ; front contracted. Epistoma flat, furnished with a few bristles. Eyes large, green, in front nearly flat, and composed of large facets. Ocelli 3, seated on a tubercle. Proboscis short, horizontal. Labrum short, clavate. Lingua flat, narrow, pointed, as long as the labium, beset above towards the tip with retracted hairs. Maxilla3 flat, narrow, linear, pointed, as long as the lingua. Palpi calvate, almost bare, probably one-jointed ; the tips beset with some short bristles. Labium tumid, excavated above, somewhat dilated in the middle, obtuse and hairy at the tip. Antenna -jointed, porrect, stylate, approximate at the base, diverging upwards ; first and second joints short, equally long, almost cylindrical, somewhat more slender at the base, hardly bristly; third long, clavate, compressed, bare; fourth very short; fifth cylindrical, hairy, pointed. Thorax nearly globose, almost without bristles. Wings narrow, lanceolate, very finely pubescent, with fringed hind borders; mediastinal areolet open. Alulae small. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen with 7 segments, bare, slender, very long. Legs slender ; hind legs long, with clavate femora and tibiae. Onychia none. Male. Abdomen cylindrical. Fern. Abdomen somewhat widened towards the tip. These flies inhabit meadows during the summer ; their move- ments are slow ; they are remarkable on account of the great length and slenderness of the abdomen. LEPTID^E. 63 1. cylindricus, Dg. i. vi. 99. 10 (1752) ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Zll. ; Ztt.; Lw. lividus? Gfr. tipuloides, Fb. ; LI.; Mg. ; Fin. fuscus, Mg. ; Mq. Cervinus, capite subtus albo-piloso, epistomate aurato, thorace fusco-trivittato, alis subcinereis, abdomine fusco-univittato, pedibus fulvis nigro-vittatis, tibiis apice .tarsisque nigris. Long. 2| 6 ; alar. 4-7 lin. Fawn-colour. Head clothed beneath and behind with whitish hairs. Epistoma gilded, convex, beset with many pale yellow bristles towards the peristoma. Thorax with 3 broad brown stripes, beset with 2 or 3 black and yellow bristles. Wings very slightly tinged with grey, rather more than half the length of the abdomen ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny, with pale brown knobs. Abdomen striped with brown along the back, about four times the length of the thorax. Legs tawny, more or less striped with black, beset with a few yellow bristles; tips of the tibiae black; tarsi black, tawny at the base. Generally distributed. (E.) FAMILY YI. LEPTID^E. LEPTID.E, Wtw. elf. (1840). Leptides, Mg. ; LI. f. n. ; Mq. ; Ags. ; Ztt. Rhagionides, LI. gen. Tabanii p., Lm. Stratiomydce p., Rfn. Aplocera p., Dmr. Leptidoides, Brm. Leptites, Nwm. Anthracides p., Fin. Rhagiomdae, Lch. ; Ct. Leptina., Rdn. Proboscis et palpi porrecti. Ocelli 3. Antennae 4-articulatae, por- rectae, basi approximates, setiformes. Abdomen segmentis 7. Ocelli 3. Proboscis and palpi projecting. Antennae 4-jointed, porrect, approximate at the base ; fourth joint setiform. Alulae small. Halteres uncovered. The genera of this family may be thus divided : conical or round : fopen . . 1. LEPTIS. Anal areolet< long: SrdjointJ loosed > . 2. CHRYSOPILA. transverse . , 3. ATHERIX. 4th joint of the antennae {short 4. PTIOLINA. long ........ 5. SPANIA. 64 LEPTIDJE. Genus I. LEPTIS. LEPTIS, Fb. s. a. (1805); Mg.; LI.; Fin. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Lw. ; Gmtl. Musca p., L.; Gm.; Shr. Nemotelus p., Dg. Rhagio p., Fb. ; Shr.; Mg. kl. ; Pz. ; LI. Corpus majoris vel mediae magnitudinis, parum pubescens, elongatum, posterius attenuatum. Color obscurus, ferrugineus, vel cinereus. Oculi senei aut virescentes, unicolores. Antenna articulo tertio conico vel rotunda ; quarto longo. Areola analis aperta. Abdomen plerumque flavcscens, subpellucidum, fasciis vel punctis obscuris. Mas. Oculi conjunct!. Anus obtusus. Fcem. Oculi remoti. Anus acuminatus. Body rather narrow, tapering, grey, ferruginous or black, of large or of middle size, rarely small. Head semicircular, somewhat depressed in front ; epistoma with 2 deep furrows, which are somewhat curved downward at the base of the antennae. Eyes generally green; all the facets small. Ocelli 3, on the crown. Proboscis and palpi pro- jecting. Labrum lanceolate, stout, rather short, obliquely truncate at the tip. Lingua slender, very flexible, almost membranous, nearly as long as the labrum. Maxillae slender, acute, as long as the labrum. Palpi subfusiform, biarticulate, very large, decumbent, curved, much longer than the maxillae. Labium very thick, short, cylindrical, furrowed above. Antennae 4-jointed, small, porrect, approximate, seated in the middle of the face ; first and second joints bristly ; first short, cylin- drical ; second cyathiform ; third transverse ; fourth setiform, pubescent, muck longer than the 3 preceding. Thorax globose, with a scapula on each shoulder, and with a transverse suture, which is interrupted beneath ; most often with 3 or 4 darker stripes. Wings lanceolate, moderately large, finely pubescent, diverging ; anal areolet open. Alulae small, entire. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen long, obconical or tapering, pubescent, with 7 segments. Legs slender, moderately long ; tibiae armed with 2 spurs ; tarsi with 3 onychia. Male. Eyes contiguous above. Abdomen obtuse. Fern. Eyes remote. Abdomen attenuated towards the tip ; 3 apical segments tubuliform, retractile. These flies appear in summer, and dwell in meadows, hedges, thickets, and woods, and the larger and most common species may be often seen on the trunks of trees, sitting with their heads downward ; they sometimes feed on smaller insects. Their larvae live in the earth, in sand, in manure, and in decayed wood. The pupa of L. scolopacea is brown, cylindrical, bare, with 11 segments, of which the 5 posterior are furnished with a series of little teeth. LEPTIS. 65 1. scolopacea, L. fn. 1788 (1761) ; Bg. ; Fb.; Shr. ; Gm. ; Pz. ! fn. xiv. 9 ; Mg. ; LI. ; Fin. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Lw. ; Gmtl. Cinerea, capite cano, antennis ferrugineis apice nigris, scapulis flavis, scutello apice fulvo, alls limpidis fusco-quadrimaculatis basi et ad costam sub- fuscis, apice et margine postico cinereis, abdomine fulvo interrupte nigro- mttato apice nigro, pedibus fulvis, tarsis nigris ; Mas. thorace cinereo cano-trivittato ; Fcem. thorace cervino fusco-trivittato, abdomine subtus plerumque nigro. Long. 5-6 ; alar. 10-13. Grey. Head hoary, clothed beneath and behind with white hairs ; epistoma convex. Proboscis ferruginous, clothed with tawny hairs. Palpi yellow, curved, clothed with whitish hairs. Antennae tawny ; fourth joint black. Thorax hoary ; scapula yellow, extending from the fore border to the base of the wing ; tip of the scutellum tawny. Wings colourless, pale brown at the base and along the fore border, grey at the tips and along the hind border ; 4 brown spots on the transverse veins ; stigma dark brown. Halteres tawny. Abdomen tawny ; an interrupted black stripe along the back ; tip black. Legs tawny ; tarsi black, dark tawny towards the base. Male. First and second joints of the antennae ferruginous. Thorax grey above, with 3 hoary stripes. Fern. Thorax fawn-colour, with 3 pale brown stripes. Abdomen beneath black, tawny towards the base and on the hind borders of the segments. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. tringaria, L. s. n. ii. 782 (1763); Gm. ; Fb. ; Shr.; LI. ; Fin. ; Mg. ; Lm. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Gmtl. scolopacea var., Dg. Cinerea, capite cervino, antennis fulvis apice nigris, thorace cervino-trivittato, scutello fulvo, alls subfulvis, abdomine maculis nigris trivittato, pedibus fulvis, tarsis nigris ; Mas. thorace subtus cano, abdominis apice nigro ; Fcem. thorace subtus cervino abdomine fulvo-fasciato apice cinereo. Long. 4-6-i; alar. 10-13 lin. Grey. Head fawn-colour, clothed beneath and behind with pale yellow hairs. Proboscis tawny. Palpi yellow, curved, clothed with pale yellow hairs. Antennae tawny ; first joint ferruginous ; fourth black. Thorax with 3 fawn-coloured stripes. Scutellum tawny, shining, darker towards the base. Wings pale tawny ; veins black, tawny towards the base and along the fore border. Halteres yellow. Abdomen with 3 rows of black spots, clothed with short black hairs. Legs tawny, clothed with very short black hairs ; tarsi black, tawny towards the base. Male. Thorax hoary beneath. Tip of the abdomen black. Fern. Thorax pale fawn-colour beneath. Spots of the abdo- men more variable and often less distinct than those of the male ; four last segments grey, with tawny hind borders, much attenuated. - Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 8. vanellus, Fb. s. a. 76. 3 (1805); Fin.; Mg.; Ztt. Cinereo-cervina, antennis nigris fulvo-cinctis, thorace flavo-bivittato, scapulis scutelloque VOL. I. K 66 LEPTID.*. fulvis, alia subcinereis ad costam fulvis, abdomine fusco fulvo-fasciato, pedibus fulvis, tarsis fuscis. Long. 4- 5 ; alar. 11-12 lin. Greyish fawn-colour. Head clothed beneath with pale yellow hairs. Proboscis tawny. Palpi yellow, clothed with long pale yellow hairs. Antenna black; third joint tawny. Thorax with 2 slender yellow stripes ; scapulae and scutellum tawny ; underside hoary. Things pale grey, tawny along the fore border. Halteres tawny. Abdomen brown ; hind borders of the segments tawny. Legs tawny ; tarsi, tips of the hind femora and of the hind tibias brown ; spines of the hind tibia3 red. Rare. In Mr. Stephens's collection. (E.) 4. notata, Giirtl; Mg. zw. ii. 95. 11 (l82Q).Heyskami, Ct. ! 1). e. xvi. 705. Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-quadrivittato subtus cano, alts subcinereis basi et ad costam fulvis, abdomine nigro lateribus basi fulvis, pedibus nigris, femoribus anterioribus apice fulvis, tibiis fulvis apice nigris. Long. 4 ; alar. 10 lin. Grey. Head cinereous, clothed beneath and behind with whitish hairs ; epistoma slightly convex. Proboscis black. Antennas black. Thorax with 4 brown stripes, the inner pair hardly divided ; underside and scutellum hoary. TPings pale grey, tawny at the base and along the fore border ; stigma dark brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Abdomen black, tawny on each side towards the base. Legs black ; tips of the anterior femora tawny ; tibiae tawny, black towards the tips. Rare. (E. S.) In the collection of the Entomological Club. 5. strigosa, Mg. kl. i. 299. 3 (1804); Mq. ; Be.; Gmtl. Cana, antennis ferrugineis apice nigris, thorace fusco-trivittato, scu- tello apice fulvo, alis limpidis basi et ad costam subfulvis, apice et mar- gine postico fuscis, venis transversis fusco-nebulosis, abdomine fulvo maculis nigris trigonis vittato subtus nigro, pedibus fulvis, tarsis nigris. Long. 4 ; alar. 9 lin. Hoary. Head clothed beneath and behind with white hairs ; crown cinereous ; epistoma slightly convex. Proboscis black. Palpi dark tawny, clothed with black hairs. Antenna? ferruginous ; third joint tawny ; fourth black. Thorax with 3 brown stripes ; tip of the scu- tellum tawny. Wings colourless, pale brown at the base and along the fore border ; brown towards the tips and along the hind border ; stigma dark brown ; transverse veins clouded with brown ; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres tawny. Abdomen tawny ; a large black triangular spot on each segment ; underside black, tawny towards the base. Not rare. (E.) 6. lineola, Fb. e. s. iv. 275. 17 (1792) ; Fin. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Rtz. ; Ztt. ; Egb. albifrons, Mg. Cinerea, capite subtus albo, antennis nigris, thorace subtus cano, scutello fulvo, alis limpidis, abdomine CHBYSOPILA. 6? fulvo maculis trigonis nigris vittato apice nigro, femoribus flavis apice fuscis, tibiis fulvis apice nigris, tarsis nigris. Long. 2|-3^ ; alar. 6-8 lin. Grey. Head white, clothed beneath and behind with white hairs ; epistoma convex. Proboscis black. Palpi black, clothed with white hairs. Antennae black. Thorax hoary beneath; scutellum tawny. Wings colourless ; stigma large, dark brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Abdomen tawny, black towards the tip ; a large triangular black spot on the back of each segment. Coxae hoary, femora yellow, with brown tips ; tibiae dark tawny, with black tips ; tarsi black. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 7. inutilis, Wlk. c. d. b. m. i. 213 (1848). Fulva, thorace fusco vittis tribus pallidis, pectore cano, alis fulvo-subcinereis, ventre piceo bivittato ; Mas. abdomine maculis piceis vittato. Long. 3 ; alar. 6 lin. Tawny. Thorax pale dull brown, with 3 paler stripes ; breast hoary. Wings slightly grey, with a tawny tinge along the fore borders ; wing- ribs and veins ferruginous ; no stigmata. Halteres tawny. Abdomen piceous at the tip and with 2 piceous stripes beneath. Tarsi fen- uginous. Male. Abdomen with a small piceous spot on each segment. Fern. Thorax paler than that of the male. Eare. In the British Museum. (E.) Genus II. CHRYSOPILA. CHBYSOPILA, Mq. d. n. (1827) ; Ztt. d. s. Musca p., L. ; Fb. sp. ; Gf. ; Gml. ; Shr. in. ; Dnv. Bibio p., Shr. fn. Styrex, Spl. Rhagio p., Fb. ; Mg. kl. ; LI. ; Shr. fn. Athene p., Fb. Leptis p., Mg. ; Fin. ; Ct. ; Ztt. i. 1. Corpus mediae magnitudinis, tenuiter flavo- vel aureo-tomentosum, elongatum, posterius attenuatum. Color niger, cinereus, flavescens. Oculi aenei, unicolores. Antenna articulo tertio conico vel rotundo ; quarto longo. Areola analis clausa. Pedes graciles. Mas. Oculi conjuncti. Anus obtusus. Fcem. Oculi remoti. Anus acuminatus. Body slender, of middle or rather small size, black, grey, or tawny, attenuated towards the tip of the abdomen. Head transverse, broad, half elliptical. Epistoma convex. Ocelli 3, seated on a tubercle. Proboscis short. Labram rather long, hollow, broad, rounded at the tip. Lingua nearly as long as the labrum, but narrower, thickened or reflexed on each side, obtuse at the tip. Maxillae stylate, slightly curved, nearly as long as the lingua. Palpi exserted, cylindrical, stout, 68 LEPTIDjE. clavate, bristly, recurved, longer than the maxillae. Labium short, thick, composed of 2 large oval lobes with a few hairs or quite bare. Antennae inserted near the middle of the face, porrect, ap- proximate, compressed ; first joint cyathiform ; second transverse, much shorter than the first ; third short, conical ; fourth setiform, long, pubescent, seated on the tip of the third. Thorax ovate-qua- drate ; scutellum semiorbicular. Wings ample, diverging ; anal areolet closed. Alulae small. Halteres long. Legs long and slender, espe- cially the hind pair; tibiae longer than the femora, with 2 distinct spurs at the tips of the middle pair, and with 2 minute spurs on the hind pair. Male. Eyes large, contiguous, composed above of large facets. Abdomen rather short and slender. Fern. Eyes smaller, remote ; all the facets small. Abdomen stout, obconical, with a tubuliform tip. Moist meadows, marshes, and the leaves of shrubs are the habitation of these insects. 1. holosericea, Spl. e. c. 998 (1763). aurata, Fb. ; Mg. ; Mq. atrata, Eb. (mas) ; Gml. (mas') ; LI. ; Eln. ; Ztt. ; tomentosa, Fb. (foem.) cingulata, Dnv.! 465. fig. Antennis nigris, alls subfuscis, pedi- bus fulvis. Mas. Atra, aureo-pilosa, pectore cinereo, femoribus nigris. Foem. Cinerea, thorace fusco-trivittato, femoribus fuscis. Long. 3-5 ; alar. 6-8 lin. Proboscis, palpi, and antennae black ; palpi clothed with black hairs. Wings slightly tinged with brown ; veins black, pale brown towards the base ; stigma dark brown. Legs tawny, clothed with very short dark tawny hairs. Male. Deep black, thinly clothed with gilded hairs. Thorax dark grey beneath. Halteres black. Tarsi towards the tips and femora black. Fern. Cinereous, thickly clothed with hairs. Thorax with 3 brown stripes, the middle one very slender. Wings often paler than those of the male. Halteres tawny, with black knobs. Femora brown, clothed with gilded hairs ; tips of the tarsi brown. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. aurea, Mg. kl. i. 302. 9 (lSQ3).diadema, Fb.; Mg.; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Ct. ! b. e. 713. longipes, Gf. tipuliformis, Shr. Cinerea, aureo- pilosa, capite cano subtus albo-piloso, antennis nigris, pectore cano, alis limpidis, pedibus fulvis; Foem. abdominefulvo-bivittato, apicefulvo- trifasciato. Long. 2-3 ; alar. 4-6 lin. Cinereous, clothed with gilded hairs. Head hoary, clothed beneath and behind with white hairs. Proboscis yellow. Palpi dark tawny with brown tips, clothed with white hairs. Antenna? black. Thorax hoary beneath. Wings colourless; veins black, yellow towards the base. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; tarsi brown towards the tips. Male. Stigma brown. Halteres with brown knobs. Fern. Stigma pale brown or tawny. Knobs of the halteres pale brown. Abdomen ATHERIX. 69 with a tawny stripe along each side ; 3 last segments attenuated, with tawny hind borders. Generally distributed. (E.) Genus III. ATHERIX. ATHERIX, Mg. kl. (1804); Fb. ; LI. ; Mq. Musca p., Gm. ; Fb. sp. ; Mq. Ehagio p., Fb. ; Mg. Leptis p., Fb. Anthrax p., Fb. ; Mg. kl. Corpus mediae magnitudinis, subpubescens, elongatum, postice attenu- atum. Color obscurus. Oculi rufo-fusci vel virides, parum aeneo-mi- cantes, unicolores. Antenna articulo tertio transverse ; quarto longo. Mas. Oculi conjunct!. Foem. Oculi remoti. Body of middle size, downy, nearly obconical. Head transverse, semicircular, somewhat depressed in front. Epistoma not prominent. Eyes large, green. Ocelli 3, on the crown. Proboscis porrect, not so long as the head. Labrum small, robust, flat, pointed, as long as the labium. Lingua slender, subulate, very acute, nearly as long as the labrum. Maxillae small, rather broad, attenuated, acute, somewhat shorter than the labium, seated beneath the labrum. Palpi much longer than the maxillae, biarticulate, porrect, hairy, curved downward, subcylindrical ; first joint short ; second more than twice the length of the first. Labium thick, submeinbranaceous, hairy, longer than the palpi, tumid beneath, channelled above. Antennae porrect, approxi- mate, much shorter than the head ; first joint cylindrical ; second cya- thiform ; third transverse, flat, oval, larger than the second ; fourth long, setiform, bare, seated on the third near the tip. Thorax a little broader, than the head, with a scapula on each shoulder, and with a transverse suture on the back ; hind angles slightly tuberculated. Wings diverging, finely pubescent. Alulae entire. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen hairy, with 7 segments. Legs rather long; tibiae armed with slender spurs. Male. Eyes almost contiguous ; facets above a little larger than those in front. Abdomen almost obconical. Hind legs robust. Fern. Eyes more remote ; all the facets small. Abdomen broader and more flat. These flies inhabit fields and woods, and are slow in their movements. 1. Ibis, Fb. e. s. iv. 556 (1792); Mg.; Ct. ! b. e. i. 26; Mq. ; Gr.; Lw.; Gmtl. maculata, Mg. kl. ; LI. Titanus, Fb. (fcem.) ; Mg. kl. Cinerea, thorace fusco-trivittato, alia limpidis fusco confertim maculatis ad costam obscurioribus, pedibus fulvis ; Mas. capite subtus cano, antennis nigris, abdomine fulvo maculis nigris trivittato basi nigro apice nigro-bifasciato, femoribus anticis basi nigris ; Foem. capite 70 LEPTID^E. fulvo, antennis ferrugineis, abdomine cinereo maculis trigonis nigris univittato apice fulvo. femoribus anticis fusco-vittatis. Long. 3^5 ; alar. 8-11 lin. .Cinereous. Epistoma slightly convex. Proboscis black, with a cinereous covering, clothed with short black hairs. Palpi black, clothed with long black hairs. Thorax with 3 brown stripes, thinly clothed with tawny hairs. Wings colourless, with many large irregular brown spots, which are darker and more confluent towards the fore border ; veins black. Halteres tawny, with brown knobs. Legs tawny, clothed with short black hairs. Femora clothed with tawny hairs ; tarsi black towards the tips. Male. Head clothed with black hairs, hoary and clothed with whitish hairs beneath. Antenna? black, cinereous at the base. Abdomen tawny, clothed with tawny hairs, black at the base ; 3 rows of black spots along the back ; spots in the middle row large, triangular ; 2 black bands near the tip ; underside with 3 black spots and 2 black blands. Anterior femora black towards the base. Fern. Head pale yellow, clothed with pale yellow hairs beneath. Antenna? ferruginous, cinereous at the base. Abdomen cinereous ; a transverse black spot on the fore border of every segment whose hind border is tawny. Fore femora striped with brown towards the base. Generally distributed. (E. S.) The female of this fly is gregarious, and attaches its eggs in large clusters to boughs hanging over streams, and there re- mains, and shortly dies. The cluster is generally pear-shaped, and sometimes contains many thousands of dead flies, and con- tinually receives accessions by new comers settling upon it. When the larva is hatched it falls into the water, its future residence ; it has a forked tail about one-third of the length of the body, and has the power of raising itself in the water by an incessant undulating motion in a vertical plane. 2. marginata, Fb. s. i. ii. 413. 6 (1781); Gml. ; Mg.; Mq. ; Zw. ; Ztt. ; Ghntl. Cinerea, antennis nigris, alis fuscis ad costam obscurioribus disco maculatis, abdominis segmentis cano-fasciatis, pedi- bus nigris. Long. 4 ; alar. 8 lin. Grey, clothed with black hairs. Epistoma slightly convex. Pro- boscis and palpi black, the latter clothed with long black hairs. An- tennse black. Wings dark brown along two -thirds of the fore border, pale brown at the tips and along the hind border ; some almost colourless spots in the disc; veins black. Halteres tawny, with black knobs. Hind borders of the abdominal segments hoary. Legs black, clothed with very short black hairs. Hare. (E.) 3. crassicornis, Hms. ; Pz. ! fn. cv. 10 ; LI. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. griseola, Fin. Cinerea, subtus cana, antennis ferrugineis apice nigris, PTIOLINA. 71 thorace bivittato, alls limpidis basi et ad costam fulvis, pedibus nigris, genubus fulvis. Long. 3 ; alar. 7 lin. Cinereous. Head hoary in front and beneath, clothed with pale yellow hairs. Epistoma flat, broad. Proboscis black, clothed with a few tawny hairs. Palpi cinereous, thickly clothed with tawny hairs. Antenna? ferruginous, black towards the tips. Thorax with 2 darker stripes; underside hoary. Wings colourless, tawny at the base and along the fore border ; stigma pale brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny, with darker knobs. Legs black ; knees tawny. Rare. (S.) Genus IV. PTIOLINA. PTIOLINA, Stager; Ztt. d. s. i. 226 (1842). Leptis p., Mn. ; Ztt. Atherix p., Mg. Corpus minoris magnitudinis, subpubescens, oblongum, postice parum attenuatum. Color niger, cinerascens. Oculi fusci, parum seneo- micantes. Antennae articulo quarto brevi. Alas abdomine paullo longiores. Mas. Oculi conjuncti. Fcem. Oculi remoti. Body of small size, slightly pubescent, oblong, cinereous or black ; hinder part not much attenuated. Eyes slightly metallic; facets of moderate size. Ocelli seated on a tubercle. Fourth joint of the an- tennae short. Wings a little longer than the abdomen. Male. Eyes contiguous. Fern. Eyes remote. These flies inhabit fields and woods during the summer, and often rest on leaves and trunks of trees; their movements are slow. 1. melsena, Hms. ; Mg. ii. 109. 6 (1820). Alis fuscis. Mas. Atra, thorace subvittato subtus cinereo, abdomine subtus fusco. Fcem. Cinerea, capite ferrugineo, thorace nigro-bivittato, pedibus fuscis. Long. 1^- ; alar. 4 lin. Wings brown. Male. Deep black, thinly clothed with short black hairs. Thorax grey beneath. Stigma dark brown ; veins black. Hal- teres large, dark brown. Abdomen beneath brown. Fern. Dark ci- nereous. Head ferruginous. T/torax with 2 indistinct black stripes. Halteres dark tawny, with brown knobs. Legs brown. Eare. (E. S.) 2. immaculata, Fb. s. a. 74. 10 (1805); Mg. Oinerea, capite cano, alls subcinereis, pedibus nigris, tibiis basi fulvis, tibiis anticis pal- lidioribus ; Mas. tfiorace subvittato ; Foem. subtus cana, thorace fusco- trivittato. Long. l-J-2 ; alar. 3-4 lin. 72 BOMBYLID.E. Grey. Head hoary and clothed with white hairs beneath. Proboscis and palpi black. Palpi clothed with whitish hairs. AntennaB black. Wings very pale grey ; stigma pale brown ; veins black, tawny at the base. Abdomen clothed with short black hairs. Legs black ; tibia? dark tawny towards the base ; fore tibia? paler. Male. Thorax indis- tinctly striped. Halteres yellow. Pern. Paler than the male. Thorax with 3 brown stripes, hoary beneath. Halteres tawny. Common in Darenth wood, Kent. (E.) Genus V. SPANIA. SPANIA, Mg. zw. vi. 335 (1830) ; Hal. ; Mq. Corpus parvum, nigrum. Proboscis exserta. Palpi longi, lineares. AntennaB stylata? ; articulus tertius longm ; quartm indistinctm vel ob- soletus. Halteres longissimi, clavati. Mas. Oculi contigui. Antenna? articulo tertio stylato. Fcem. Oculi remoti. Antenna? articulo tertio lineari, basi crasso. Body small, black, rather dull. Proboscis prominent. Palpi exserted, long, linear. Antenna sty late, longer than the head ; first joint short ; second very short ; third long ; fourth indistinct or obsolete. Halteres clavate, very long. Abdomen tapering from the base to the tip. Legs rather short. Male. Eyes contiguous. Third joint of the antenna? stylate. Fern. Eyes remote. Third joint of the antennae linear, thick at the base. 1. nigra, Mg.! zw. vi. 335. 1. pi. 66. f. 12 (1830); ^. (famjy Hal. e. m. i. 162. Atra, subtus cinerea, alis nigricantibus, abdomine nigro-fusco, pedibus piceis. Long. 2 ; alar. 5 lin. Male. Black, grey beneath, clothed with short black hairs. Wings blackish. Halteres, abdomen, and legs piceous. Bare; frequents woods. "In moist places of open groves, hovering about and alighting on leaves of evergreens. North of Ireland and Wicklow." Haliday, MSS. (E. I.) FAMILY VII. BOMBYLID./E. BOMBYLIARII p. et Tabanii p., Lm. Bombyliarii, Anthracii, et Myda- sii (quoad Tkerevd), LI. gen. Tanystoma p., LI. r. a. Anthracina p., E-fn. Sclerostoma p. et Aplocera p., Dmr. Bombyliarii et Anthra- cides, Fin. ; Ztt. Homfylida, Anthracida, et Mydasydts (quoad The- THEREVA. 73 reva), Lch. Bombyliarii et Xylotomes, Mg. ; Mq. d. e. ; Ags. ; Lw. Bombylica, Brm. Bombyliites, Anthracites, et Therevites, Nwm. Bombylida, Anthracidce, et Therevidce, Ct. ; Wtw. Bombyliarii, Anthracii, et Xylotoma, Mq. d. Bombylince, Anthracmce> et There- vines, Edn. Caput rotundatum aut subtransversum. Frons et vertex non impressa. Antennae 4-articulatae ; articulus quartus apicalis. Alas divaricatse. Pedes tenues. Body hairy, rather narrow, of moderate breadth, or broad. Head snbtransverse or rounded. Crown and front not impressed. Ocelli 3. Antennae 3- or 4 -jointed ; fourth joint apical, very short. Wings half- den 1 exed. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen with 7 segments. Legs slender. The genera may be thus divided : Wings { ( short : f remote . . Antennae at the base< [long: Proboscis/ UpP roxii nate . 2. ANTHRAX. . 3. LOMATIA. I long : f long . First joint of the antennse-j L short . . 4. BOMBYLIUS. . 5. PHTHIRIA. Genus I. THEREVA. THEREVA, LI. g. c. iv. (1809) ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Lw. Musca p., L. ; Gin. Nemotelus p., Dg. Tabanus p. ? Gf. Bibio p., Fb. ; Mg. kl.; Fin.; Pz. Mydasp., Lm, Corpus majoris vel mediae magnitudinis, cylindrico-conicum, sat angus- tum, villosum. Color cinerascens, obscurus, pictura abdominis fas^ ciata. Caput subtransversum. Oculi nudi, virescentes, unicolores. Ocelli 3. Proboscis occulta. Antennae porrectae, 5-articulatae, basi approximatae. Aloe mediocre*, semideflexa. Abdomen obconicum. Mas. Oculi contigui. Fcem. Oculi remoti. Body cylindric-conical, of moderate or rather large size, clothed with brown, tawny, or white hairs. Eyes green. Ocelli 3, on the crown. Proboscis withdrawn into the peristoma when at rest. Labrum small, flat, as long as the labium. Lingua small, acute, channelled above. Maxillae small, acute, somewhat shorter than the labrum. Palpi cy- lindrical, one-jointed, hairy on the outside, with a knob at the tip, somewhat longer than the labrum. Labium tumid beneath, chan- nelled above. Antennae 5 -jointed, porrect, as long as the head, VOL. I. L 74 BOMBYLID^E. closely approximate at the base, diverging towards the tips ; first and second joints bristly ; first cylindrical, moderately long ; second cya- thiform, very short ; third conical, bare, somewhat longer than the first ; fourth and fifth extremely small. Thorax oval, hairy, with bristles intermixed, generally with 3 darker stripes; no transverse suture; scutellum semicircular. Wings lanceolate, of moderate length, half- deflexed, very finely pubescent ; longitudinal veins almost straight. Alulae entire, very small. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen obconical, finely pubescent. Legs bristly, rather slender ; tips of the tibise armed with spines. Male. Head almost semicircular. Eyes contiguous. Fern. Head spheroidal. Eyes more or less parted. The Thereva often settle on the ground in sandy spots, and in- habit the leaves of shrubs, the trunks of trees, and flowers ; and sometimes prey on other insects. They are not rare, but never very numerous; their flight is sudden, short, and very swift; the males also sometimes dance together in the air. The larvae are vermifprm, with twenty segments, and live in the earth. The pupae are Dare, pale, nearly cylindrical, with many segments, hardly furnished with bristles, armed in front with 2 subulate little horns, and have been found under stones in sandy plains. The sexes differ in the colour of the pubescence. 1. bipunctata, Mg. zw. ii. 121. 9 (1820) ; Ztt. ; Lw. Mas. Nigri- cans,flavido-cinereo-tomentosa, abdominis segmentis secundo et sequentibus flavo-marginatis obscure flavido-cinereo-fasciatis, fasciis latis non bene determinatis, alis hyalinis stigmate fusco. Fcem. Cinerascens, frontis maculis duabus nigris nitidis, tJioracis vittis tribus dorsalibus fusco-cine- reis, abdominis segmentis cinereo-fasciatis, apicem versus pilis pallidis rni- nutis. Long. 4-4-- ; alar. 7-8 lin. Black. Body with a tawny covering, thickly clothed with tawny hairs. Head with a few black hairs behind the eyes and on the crown. Eirst and second joints of the antennae clothed with tawny hairs, beset with black bristles. Thorax hoary beneath. Wings pale grey, tinged with brown at the base, and beneath the fore border, and along the borders of the veins ; veins black, tawny towards the base and along the hind border. Halteres tawny. Abdomen cinereous beneath. Legs beset with black bristles ; femora clothed with tawny hairs ; tibiaa tawny, with black tips ; first and second joints of the hind tarsi tawny, with black tips ; third joint of the hind tarsi and first joint of the anterior tarsi tawny at the base. Male. Epistoma with a few black hairs on each side. Halteres with black knobs. Abdomen gilded on the hind borders of the segments ; a few black hairs at the tip. Fern. Head clothed with yellow hairs, whitish beneath ; 2 black shining united spots on the crown. Thorax with two pale tawny stripes. Wings a little THEREVA. 75 paler than those of the male. Knobs of the halteres brown towards the base. Abdomen gilded above, thinly clothed with tawny hairs ; fore borders of the segments black ; tip black, shining, armed with short tawny spines. Not rare. (E.) 2. fulva, Mg. kl. i. 215. 5 (1804) ; Mq. ; Lw. Mas. Fulvo- tomentosa, abdomine immaculato, pilis nigris ante incisuras nullis. Fcem. Breviter fulvo-tomentosa, abdomine immaculato, segmentis septimo et octavo atris nitidis. Long. 5; alar. 10 lin. Fern. Body clothed with bright tawny hairs. Head tawny, beset with a few black bristles behind and above the antennae, having in front of the crown a shining black band whose fore border is notched. Mouth ferruginous. Antennae grey ; first and second joints beset with black bristles. Thorax dark fawn-colour ; scutellum paler. Wings pale grey, slightly tinged with pale brown along the borders of the veins, and with tawny along the fore border. Halteres tawny. Abdo- men tawny ; hind borders of the third and following segments black, shining ; underside grey, ferruginous and shining at the tip ; hind borders of the segments yellow. Legs tawny, beset with black bristles ; femora grey, clothed with tawny hairs ; tips of the tibiae and of the tarsi black. Bare. In Mr. Stephens' s collection. (E.) 3. cincta, Mg. zw. ii. 117. 2 (1820). Nigra, alls subcinereis, abdomine maculis trigonis cervinis bivittato, tibiis fulvis, tarsis basi fulvis ; Mas. abdominis segmentorum marginibus posticis auratis ; Foem. thorace cervino cinereo-trivittato, scutello cinereo-maculato, abdominis segmento- rum marginibus posticis fulvis. Long. 46 ; alar. 711 lin. Black, clothed with tawny hairs. Head whitish, clothed with yellow hairs ; hind part, crown, and sides of the epistoma clothed with black hairs. First and second joints of the antennae clothed with black hairs. Sides and hind part of the thorax beset with some black bristles. Wings pale grey ; veins black, tawny at the base and along the fore border. Halteres tawny, with black knobs. Abdomen with a fawn-coloured spot on each side of every segment. Legs black, beset with black bristles ; femora clothed with tawny hairs ; tibiae tawny, with black tips ; first and second joints of the tarsi tawny at the base ; onychia tawny. Male. Hind borders of the abdominal segments gilded. Fern. Two black shining united spots on the crown. Thorax fawn-colour, with 3 grey stripes ; a grey spot on the scutellum. Hind borders of the abdominal segments fawn-colour. Not rare. (E.) 4. funebris, Mg. zw. ii. 121. 8 (1820). lugubris, Mg. kl. Ni- gra, flavo-hirta, alis limpidis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus fuscis. Long. 3 ; alar. 6 lin. Male. Black, clothed with long yellow hairs. Head clothed with 76 BOMBYLID2E. black hairs above the antennae, and with pale yellow hairs below. Wings colourless; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny, with black knobs. Legs tawny, beset with black bristles ; femora, fore tarsi, hinder tarsi towards the tips, and tips of hind tarsi brown. Bare. In Mr. Stephens' s collection. 5. plebeia, L. fn. 1779 (1761); Fb. ; Ll. ; Mg. ; m.fasciata, Dg. ; Mg. kl. strigata, Fb. rustica, Fin. Nigra, antennis articulo tertio basi ferrugineo, alls subcinereis basi et ad costam fulvis, abdominis segmentorum marginibus posticis auratis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus nigris. Long. 4-i- ; alar. 8 lin. , Black, thickly clothed with tawny hairs. Head clothed beneath with yellow hairs, on the crown and on each side of the epistoma with black hairs. Proboscis ferruginous. First and second joints of the antennas clothed with tawny hairs, beset with black bristles ; third joint ferru- ginous at the base. Wings very pale grey, tawny at the base and along the fore border. Halteres tawny ; knobs ferruginous, with a black ring at the base. Hind borders of the abdominal segments gilded. Legs tawny, beset with black bristles ; femora black, clothed with pale tawny hairs ; tips of the tarsi black. Not rare. (E.S.I.) 6. annulata, Fb. s. a. 68. 11 (1805); Fin.; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt.; Lw. anilis, Fb. s. i. ; Shr. ; Mg. kl. ; LI. Mas. Undique niveo- tomentosus. Fcem. Albicans, fronte antice nivea postice fusca, alis albidis, abdomine nigro-annulato. Long. 4 ; alar. 8 lin. Body hoary. Head silvery white ; a Jfew black bristles behind the eyes. Proboscis and antennas black ; first and second joints of the antennae clothed with white hairs and with a few black bristles. Wings whitish ; veins black, tawny towards the base and along the fore border. Halteres tawny. Legs black, beset with black bristles; femora hoary, clothed with white hairs; tibias tawny. Male. Body thickly clothed with white hairs. Knobs of the halteres yellow, with a black ring at the base. Metatarsus tawny, with a black tip ; second joint tawny towards the base. Fern. Crown cinereous. Thorax clothed with cinereous hairs. Knobs of the halteres tawny. Abdomen clotJied with hoary hairs. Metatarsus tawny at the base. Not rare. It has much resemblance to T. anilis, L., which is distinguished from it and from the preceding species by the open fourth posterior areolet. (E. S. I.) Genus II. ANTHRAX. ANTHRAX, Mg. zw. ii. 141 (1820) ; LI. ; Wdm. ; Fin. ; Ztt. Musca p., L. ; Gm. ; Hbst. Asilus p., L. Nemotelus p., Dg. Bibio p., ANTHRAX. 77 Fb. ; Shr. Anthrax p., Fb. ; Pz. ; Mg. kl. Anthrax et Exopro- sopa, Mq. Caput magnum, obtuse ovatum, subdepressum, hirsutum. Color niger, hirsutie nigra vel flava. Alee long a. Proboscis brevis. An- tenna basi remotcB. Mas. Oculi approximati. Anus obtusus. Fcem. Oculi magis remoti. Anus acutior. Body large or of middle size, of moderate breadth, black, sometimes partly red, clothed with various-coloured hairs and down. Head globose, somewhat contracted behind ; epistoma bearded. Eyes reni- form, green. Ocelli 3, on the crown. Proboscis either quite withdrawn into the peristoma, or porrect inclined upward and as long as the head. Labrum small, acute, channelled beneath, as long as the labium. Lingua setiform, stiff, acute, somewhat shorter than the labrum. Maxilla? setiform, stiff, acute, somewhat shorter than the lingua. Palpi short, cylindrical, hairy. Labium cylindrical, channelled above. Antenna 4- or ^-jointed, short, porrect, remote at the base ; first joint cylindrical; second cyathiform; third variously formed; fourth very small; fifth very small when present. Wings long, lanceolate, very finely pubescent, expanded when at rest, generally adorned with spots, stripes, or bands; longitudinal veins much curved. Alula? small. Halteres uncovered, but often hidden by the hairs of the abdomen. Abdomen elliptical or cylindrical, rather long, with 7 segments, slightly convex or almost flat. Legs long, slender; hind legs the longest. Onychia small, wanting in some species. Male. Eyes almost contiguous. Abdomen obtuse at the tip. Jem. Eyes a little more remote. Abdomen less obtuse. These flies are among the most beautiful of the Diptera-, they are mostly inhabitants of warm climates, appear only in summer, fly very swiftly in the hot sunshine, and feed on the nectar of flowers. They inhabit open parts of woods, pastures, fields, paths, dry spots, and often bask in the sunshine with expanded wings. Some of their larvae live in the earth ; others are parasitic in Lepidopterous larvae. The species may be thus grouped : a. Third joint of the antenna? tapering gradually from the base to the tip. Species 1, 2. a a. Third joint of the antenna? very slender, thick at the base. Species 3, 4. 1. lacchus, Fb. s. a. 123. 21 (1805); Mg.; Mq. ; GmtL Pan- dora, Fb. ; Mg. ; Ct. Megara, Hms. ; Mg. italica, Esi. ; Mg. picta, Wdm. ; Mg. Nigra, ferrugineo-hirta, alls nigricantibus maculatis ferrugineo-variis apice margineque postico limpidis, abdominis lateribus argenteo-maculatis. Long. 4^-5^; alar. 11-13 lin. Black. Body clothed with ferruginous hairs. Wings blackish, with 78 BOMBYLIDJS. some pale spots, which are most ferruginous at the base, colourless along the hind borders and at the tips ; the outline of the black hue is very irregular, and it extends twice nearly to the hind border : hind borders of the abdominal segments adorned on each side with patches of silvery down. Very rare. In the British Museum. (E.) 2. fenestrata, Fin. d. s. anthr. 8. 4 (1814); Mg. ; Mq.; Ztt. ; Zll. ; Gmtl. morio,~L. maura, Hbst.; Mg.; Lin. ornata, Ct. ! b. e. i. 9. 4. Nigra, capite supra nigro-piloso subtus fulvo-piloso, an- tennis basi fulvis, thorace fulvo-piloso ad alas albo-fasciculato, scu- tello rufo, alls nigro-fuscis fulvo et limpido maculatis apice et margine postico limpidis, abdomine nigro-piloso albo-bifasciato et apice fascicu- late basi utrinque et subtus rufo, pedibus fulvis. Long. 4-^; alar. 11 lin. Black. Head clothed above with black hairs, beneath with tawny hairs ; sides of the epistoma and of the peristoma tawny ; epistoma very prominent. First and second joints of the antennae clothed with short black hairs. Thorax clothed with tawny hairs ; a large tuft of white hairs at the base of each wing; scutellum red. Things dark brown for three-fourths of the length, colourless towards the tips and along the hind border ; 5 or 6 colourless and 2 pale tawny spots in the brown part; veins black, partly ferruginous. Halteres tawny. Abdomen clothed with black hairs ; 2 interrupted bands of short white hairs on the back, and a tuft at the tip ; sides towards the base and underside red. Legs tawny, covered with yellow scales, beset with short black bristles ; tips of the tarsi black. Bare; appears in the south and south-west of England during August and September. (E.) 3. hottentotta, L. fn. 1787 (1761); Shr. ; Fb. ; Fin.; LI.; Lm. ; Ct. circumdata, Hms. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Grmtl. cingulata, Ahr. ! f. e. iii. f. 19. Nigra, fulvo-pilosa, alls limpidis basi et ad costam fuscis, abdominis apice nigro-trifasciculato ; Mas. alis basi argenteo- squamosis, abdominis apice albo-unifasciculato ; Fcem. abdominis apice flavo-unifasciculato. Long. 5-6 ; alar. 11-13 lin. Black, thickly clothed with tawny hairs. Head clothed with some black hairs on the crown and on the epistoma. First and second joints of the antenna? clothed with black hairs. Wings colourless, pale brown at the base and along three-fourths of the fore border; the latter is black, and near the base is tufted with black bristles. Three tufts of black hairs on the tip of the abdomen. Male. A cluster of silvery scales on the base of each wing. A tuft of white hairs on each side of the middle black tuft at the tip of the abdomen. Fern. Abdomen with 2 two tufts of yellow hairs at the tip. Rare. (E. L) 4. cingulata, Mg. zw. ii. 145. 3 (1820); Mq.; Ct.; Zll.; Ztt. LOMATIA. 79 Nigra, fulvo-pilosa, alis subcinereis, basi et ad costam nigro-fuscis, abdo- minis apice nigro-trifasciculato flavo-albo-unifasciculato. Long. 4^-5 ; alar. 10-12 lin. Black, smaller and narrower than A. hottentotta, clothed with tawny hairs; crown of the head clothed with black hairs. Wings pale grey ', dark brown at the base and along four-fifths of the fore border-, the latter is black and near the base is tufted with black bristles. The tawny hairs of the abdomen are less thick than those of A. hottentotta, and hide the bands of shorter pale hairs ; 3 tufts of black hairs at the tip, and a tuft of yellowish- white hairs on each side of the middle black tuft. Bare. (E.) Genus III. LOMATIA. LOMATIA, Mg. zw. vi. 324 (1830); Ct.; Mq.; Zll. ; Ztt. Bibio p., Fb. Musca p., Gm. Anthrax p., Fb. ; Mg. ; Pz. Stygia, Mg. Corpus media? magnitudinis, oblongum, sublineare, parum pubescens. Color niger, pictura abdominis flavo-fasciata. Proboscis brems. Antenna basi approximate. Alas longa. Mas. Oculi connexi. Fcem. Oculi discreti. Black, narrow, linear, almost cylindrical, of middle size. Head globose, somewhat contracted Behind. Eyes reniform. Ocelli 3, on the crown. Proboscis nearly as long as the head. Labrum curved, acute, channelled beneath, somewhat contracted in front, shorter than the labium. Lingua stiff, setiform, longer than the labrum. Maxilla stiff, setiform, shorter than the labrum. Palpi short, almost cylindrical. Labium slender, cylindrical, channelled above. Antenna 3-jointed, short, porrect, closely approximate at the base, diverging upwards ; first joint short, thick, bristly, dilated above, obliquely truncate; second cyathiform, shorter than the first; third long, conical, bare, finely pointed at the tip. Thorax oval, without a transverse suture. Wings long, narrow, lanceolate, very finely pubescent, expanded in repose; longitudinal veins curved. Alulas very small, with fringed borders. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen long-elliptical, slightly con- vex, with 7 segments, which have yellow bands. Legs slender ; hind legs long ; onychia 2. The habits of these flies appear to be similar to those of the Anthraces-, they frequent dry and sandy spots. 1. Belzebul, Fb. e. s. iy. 260. 14 (1792) ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ct. ; Lw. ; Gmtl. Nigra, aHs subcinereis costa bistrientefusca, abdominis segmentis interruptefulvo-fasdatis. Long. 5-* 6 ; alar. 13-14 lin. Black. Head clothed above with black hairs. Thorax clothed with ferruginous hairs ; a tuft of white hairs behind the base of each wing. 80 BOMBYLID.E. Wings pale grey ; a brown stripe along the fore border extending from the base to full two-thirds of the length, where it occupies half the breadth of the wing ; veins black, mostly ferruginous towards the base. Hal- teres ferruginous, with yellow tips. Abdomen clothed with pale yellow hairs ; a tawny interrupted band on the hind border of each segment. Male. Sides of the thorax and of the abdomen clothed with black hairs. Fern. Face clothed with white hairs. A tuft of tawny hairs on each side of the base of the abdomen. Very rare ; has been found near Bristol ? (E.) 2. lateralis, Mg. zw. ii. 140. 3 (1820); Ct. ; Mq.; Z1L; Ztt.; Gmtl. Belzebul, Pz. Nigra, alis subcinereis, costce plus bistriente fusca, abdomine basi luteo-bimaculato, segmentis vix interrupte fulvo- fasciatis. Long. 3-| ; alar. 9 lin. Black. Head clothed above with black, in front with pale yellow hairs. Thorax clothed with tawny hairs ; a tuft of white hairs on each side in front and another behind the base of each wing. Wings pale grey ; a brown stripe extending and widening from the base along the fore border of the wing:, veins black, ferruginous towards the base. Halteres tawny. Abdomen thinly clothed with black hairs ; a luteous spot on each side of the second segment, and on the hind border of each segment a half-interrupted band. Male. Stripe of the wings less than three-fourths of the length and than half of the breadth. Spots on the abdomen small ; hind borders of the segments yellow. Jem. Stripes of the wings more than three-fourths of the length and than half of the breadth. Spots on the abdomen large ; hind borders of the segments luteous. Very rare in Britain ; has been found near Bristol ? In the British Museum. Genus IV. BOMBYLIUS. BOMBYLIUS, L. fn. (1761); Dg.; tfb.; Shr. ; Gm.; Ll. ; Mk. ; Mg.; Mq.; Ztt.; Ct. Corpus majoris aut mediae magnitudinis, breviter ovatum, tomento denso tectum. Color corporis niger. Oculi asnei, unicolores. Pro- boscis longa. Antennarum articulus primus longus. Alee long as. Pedes longi, graciles. Mas. Oculi connexi. Fcem. Oculi contigui. Body broad, thick, compact, clothed with long woolly hairs. Head rounded ; front flat, narrow, projecting ; epistoma bearded, prominent ; peristoma very large. Eyes elliptical, dark green or seneous ; all the facets very small. Ocelli 3, on the crown. Proboscis long, porrect, slender, horizontal. Labrum very long, lanceolate, acute, channelled BOMBYLIUS. 81 beneath, shorter than the labium. Lingua attenuated, broadest at the base, channelled above, very slender and acute at the tip, longer than the labrum. Maxillae entire on both sides, setiform, stiff, acute, curved at the base, shorter than the labrum. Palpi short, cylindrical, curved, clavate, clothed beneath with long hairs. Labium cylindrical, linear, rather stout, channelled above, somewhat thickened at the base, as long as the lingua, terminating in 2 long narrow recurved lobes, which are united at the base by a horny plate ; the latter has 2 points and a slender process in the centre. Antenna 6-jointed, slender, porrect, approximate at the base, diverging, almost as long as the head ; first and second joints clothed with long hairs; first joint long, stout, cylin- drical; second short, cyathiform; third bare, compressed, subulate, more than twice the length of the first ; fourth very short ; fifth longer; sixth nearly oval, much shorter than the fifth. Thorax large, sub- globose; scutellum transverse. Wings lanceolate, long, very finely pubescent, expanded when at rest. Alula3 small, entire. Halteres uncovered, but concealed by* the hairs of the body. Abdomen short, elliptical or cylindrical, with 7 segments ; the last very small, com- pressed. Legs long, very slender, beset with minute bristles; first, second, and third joints of the anterior tarsi armed beneath with spines ; onychia long, slender. Male. Eyes generally connected. Fern. Eyes parted. These flies are generally distributed, and appear during the spring and the summer in gardens and woods, or on sandy heaths and plains ; their flight is rapid, flitting, and humming, and they suck the nectar of flowers while hovering on the wing. The larvae are supposed to live on the roots of plants. 1. major, Lin. s. n. ii. 1009. 1 (1763); Fb.; LI.; Pin.; Dnv.; Mg.; Kby.; Mq.; Ct. ! b. e. 613. 1; ZU. ; Ztt. ; Gmtl. variegatus, Dg. sinuatus, Mk. vicinus, Mq. Niger, pilis fulvis dense hirtus, capite et thorace subtus albo-pilosis, thorace utrinque pilis albis vit- tato, alls limpidis costa usque ad discum sinuatim fuscis, abdomine subtus pilis albis nigrisque fasciato, pedibus fulvis. Long. 4i 5 ; alar. 12-13 lin. Body black, most thickly clothed with hairs. Head clothed with tawny hairs, on each side of the epistoma with a few black hairs, and beneath with white hairs. Proboscis nearly as long as the body. Palpi clothed with a few long black hairs, as are also the first and second joints of the antennae. Thorax clothed above with tawny hairs, be- neath with white hairs. Wings colourless ; a dark brown stripe occu- pies the base, extends beneath the fore borders nearly to the tip, and forms 3 curves along the disc. Halteres brown. Abdomen clothed with tawny hairs, among which are a few black hairs ; underside clothed VOL. I. M 82 BOMBYLID^E. with bands of alternate black and white hairs. Legs tawny, beset with a few bristles ; tarsi black towards the tips. Generally distributed ; appears in the spring. (E. S. I.) 2. medius, Lin. s. n. ii. 1009. 2 (1763); Dg. ; Fb. ; Shr. ; Dnv. ; LI. ; Mg. ; Fin. ; Mq. ; Ztt. discolor, Mk.; Mg. ; Mq. concolor, Mk. ; LI. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Zll. Niger, pilis flavis dense hirtus, thorace subtus fulvo-piloso, alls subcinereis basi et ad costam flavo-fuscis fusco- \4f-maculatis, abdomine fulvo-piloso basi flavo-piloso subtus nigro- piloso, dimidio dorsali apicali vittatim argenteo-piloso, pedibus fulvis. Long. 5-6; alar. 12-14 lin. Body black, most thickly clothed with hairs. Head clothed with yellow hairs, and on each side of the epistoma with a few black hairs. Proboscis nearly as long as the body. Palpi clothed with a few black hairs, as are also the first and second joints of the antennae. Thorax clothed above with yellow hairs, and beneath with tawny hairs. Wings slightly tinged with grey, yellowish-brown at the base, and along the fore border, beneath which are 14 brown spots. Halteres brown. Abdomen clothed with tawny hairs, at the base with yellow hairs, at the tip and beneath with black hairs, and along half the length to the tip with a stripe of short silvery hairs. Legs tawny ; tips of the tarsi blackish. Generally distributed ; appears in the spring. (E.) 3. ctenopterus, Mk. ! m. b. 45. 8. pi. 3. f. 8 ; Mg. minor? Mg. Niger, pilis flavis vel fulvis dense hirtus, alls limpidis vel subcinereis basi ad discumplus minusve fuscis, pedibus fulvis, tarsis nigris. Long. 2|_3i; alar. 7-9 lin. Black, very thickly clothed with yellow or tawny hairs ; some black hairs on the crown and on each side of the epistoma. Proboscis much shorter than the body. Palpi clothed with a few long tawny hairs. First and second joints of the antennaB clothed with a few long black hairs. Wings colourless or pale grey, brown at the base, and from one- third to two-thirds of the length beneath the fore border. Halteres tawny. Abdomen with a few black hairs towards the tip. Legs tawny, beset with short black bristles ; tarsi black ; onychia yellow. Bare. (E. S. I.) The darker variety of this species seems to correspond with the B. venosus of Mikau or the B. minor of Meigen. 4. minor, L. s. n. ii. 1009. 4 (1763); Fb. ; Fin.; Ztt. Niger, pilis flavis dense hirtus, palpis fulvis, alls subcinereis basi et bistriente antica basali fuscis, pedibus fulvis, tarsi nigris. Long. 3 ; alar. 8 lin. Black, very thickly clothed with yellow hairs. Proboscis shorter than the body. Palpi tawny. First and second joints of the antennae clothed with a few long tawny hairs. Wings pale grey, brown at the base and along two-thirds of the fore border. Halteres yellowish-white. Legs tawny, beset with short black bristles ; tarsi black. Bare. (E. S.) PHTHIEIA. 83 Genus V. PHTHIRIA. PHTHIRIA, Mg. kl. (1804); LI. ; Mq. ; Ct. ; Zll.; Ztt. Folucella p., Fb. ; Fin. Bombylius p., Ol. ; Mk. Corpus parvum, oblongum, pubescens. Color obscurus, ciuereus. Proboscis longa. Antenna? articulo jprimo btevi. Alee longce. Mas. Oculi connexi. Fcem. Oculi remoti. Body short, hairy. Head circular. Ocelli 3, on the crown very minute. Proboscis long, porrect, slender, horizontal. Labrum stout, slightly incurved, acute, channelled beneath, as stout as the labrum and longer. Lingua acute, channelled above, as long as the labrum ; its margin membranous except at the tip. Maxillae slender, a little thicker towards the tips, acute, rather shorter than the labrum. Palpi short, slender, clavate, pubescent. Labium semicylindrical, terminated by 2 oval articulated lobes. Antenna 5-jointed, porrect, closely approximate at the base, diverging upwards, somewhat shorter than the head ; first and second joints short, of equal length, beset with a few bristles ; first cylindrical, almost cyathiform ; second transverse ; third large, fusiform, compressed, truncated, twice the length of the first and the second ; fourth and fifth extremely small. Thorax oval, convex; scutellum rather large, transverse, semiovate. Things long, diverging, rather large, much longer than the abdomen, very finely pubescent. Alulae small, entire. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen with 7 segments. Legs long, slender; femora short; hind femora the longest; tarsi much longer than the tibiae ; ungues and onychia very distinct. Male. Head as broad as the thorax, very hairy in front. Eyes con- tiguous. Abdomen obconical, obtuse. Fern. Head a little narrower, more depressed. Eyes remote. Ab- domen stout, elliptical, flat. These flies much resemble the Bombyln in structure and habit ; they inhabit sandy situations, and feed on the nectar of flowers. 1. gibbosa, 01. enc. iv. 329 (llSty.pulicaria, Mk. ; Mg. ; Ct. ! b. e. 521; Zll. ; Ztt. nigra, Mg. kl. pygmcea,1$\).; LI. cam- pestris, Fin. ; LI. Nigra, capite albido, alis limpidis, halteribus flavis ; Mas. pilis albidis erectis hirta, halteribus nigro-maculatis, abdomine obconico ; Foem. pilis ciriereis incumbentibus hirta, halteribus imma- culatis, abdomine lato ovato. Long. 1-1^ ; alar. 2^-3^- lin. Black, with a cinereous covering. Head whitish, and clothed with white hairs beneath. Proboscis more than half the length of the body. Wings colourless. Halteres yellow. Male. Body clothed with whitish erect hairs. Epistoma very prominent, clothed with black hairs. Halteres with a large black spot on the knob. Abdomen tapering from the base to the tip, narrower and a little longer than the thorax. Fern. 84 SCENOPINID^E. \ Body clothed with cinereous incumbent hairs. Epistoma slightly pro- minent, with very few black hairs. Abdomen oval, as broad as the thorax. Eare. (E. I.) FAMILY VIII. SCENOPINID^. SCENOPINID^:, Ct. ; Wtw. Muscides p., Lm. ; LI. Musddia p., Rfn. Scenopinii, Fin. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Ags. ; Lw. Scenopina, Rdn. Epistoma brevissimum, latum, excavatum. Oculi rotundati. Ocelli 3 in vertice. Proboscis nuda, retracta. Palpi subcylindrici vel sub- clavati. Antennae triarticulatae ; articulus tertius longus. Alae venis validis ; venae longitudinales 2 in marginem interiorem alae fere descendentes, 2 in ipso alae apice conjunctae ; vena interior mar- ginalis nulla. Epistoma very short, broad, excavated. Eyes round. Ocelli 3, on the crown. Proboscis bare, withdrawn. Palpi subcylindrical, sub- clavate. Antennae 3-jointed; third joint long. Wings with robust veins ; 4 longitudinal veins almost reaching the interior border, 2 of them uniting at the tip of the wing ; no interior marginal vein. Genus I. SCENOPINUS. SCENOPINUS, LI. d. h. n. xxiv. (1803) ; Fb. ; Mg. ; Fin. ; Mq. ; Ct. ; Ztt. Musca p., L. ; Spl. Nemotelus p., Dg. AtricJiia, Shr. Corpus parvum, elongato-lineare, subopacum, glabriusculum. Epistoma minime prominens. Oculi nudi, linea media transversa purpurea saepe notati. Proboscis occulta. Antennae subdeflexae, capite paullo breviores ; articulus tertius elongatus, subcylindricus, truncatus. Alae incumbentes. Areola discoidalis subretracta, basalis. Halteres nudi. Abdomen depressum, segmentis 8. Pedes validi, nudi, mutici. Body black, small, long, linear, smooth, rather dull. Head large, semicircular, somewhat compressed in front. Peristoma small, round, at a moderate distance beneath the base of the antennae. Proboscis withdrawn, small, widened at the base. Labrum small, short, broad, hollow, not more than half the length of the palpi. Lingua pointed, very short, hardly one-third of the length of the labrum. Palpi large, clavate, as long as the labium, pubescent, with a few bristles on the inside. Labium short, broad, cylindrical, hollow above. Antennae 3-jointed, small, inserted near the middle of the face, porrect, slightly deflexed, approximate at the base ; first and second joints small, some- SCENOPINUS. 85 what bristly ; first cyathiform ; second transverse ; third long, pointed, nearly cylindrical, slightly compressed, thickest at the base, obliquely truncated at the tip. Thorax oblong, pubescent, somewhat matted ; scutellum small, transverse, semioval. Wings lanceolate, finely pubes- cent, parallel. Halteres uncovered, with large knobs. Abdomen with 8 segments, long, linear, marginated ; first segment very short ; second the longest, with 2 oval hairy spots on the back ; third and following short, transversely wrinkled. Legs short, simple, unarmed. Male. Eyes with blackish-blue bands ; facets in the upper part larger than those below. These flies are very sluggish; they are found during the summer on the leaves of plants, on walls, and on windows, especially of stables. The two British species may be divided into two sections : a. Eyes of the male contiguous. Legs red. Hind tibire simple in both sexes. Species 1. a a. Eyes remote in both sexes. Legs black. Hind tibias of the male dilated. Species 2. 1. fenestralis, L. fn. 1845 (1761); Dg.; Fb. ; LI. ; Fin.; Mg. ! iv. pi. 36. f. 17; Mq. ; Ct. ; Zii.spoliata, Shr.sulcicollis, Mgrle. ; Mg. ; Ct. vitripennis, Mg. ; Mq. ; Ct. senilis, Fb. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ct. domesticus, Mg. ; Mq. ; Ct. Niger, antennis piceis, alis subcinereis, halteribus pedibusque fulvis ; Mas. thorace sulcato. Long. 2-21 . alar. 3|-4| lin. Black. Antenna? piceous. Wings slightly grey. Halteres and legs tawny. Male. Thorax furrowed. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 2. fasciatus, Spl. e. c. (1763.) niger, Dg. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ct.; Ztt. rugosus, Fb. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ct. ! b. e. 609. 7. tarsatus, Pz. ater, Fin. nigripes, Mgle. ; Mg. ; Ct. Niger, alis nigricantibus, tarsis ferrugineis. Long. 2-2f; alar. 31-5. Black. Wings blackish. Tarsi ferruginous. Generally distributed. (E. I.) FAMILY IX. EMPIDJB. EMPLOYE, Leach, Sam. Comp. 1819. Empides, LI., 1804. Empidii, Fallen, 1810. Empidue, Fallen, 1817. Empides et Hybotides, Mcq. Empidina et Hybotina, End. Empidia, Tacky dromides, Hyboiidce, Ztt. Empidice, Tacky dromia, Hybotince, Mg. Antenna porrectse ; articulo tertio exannulato ; stylo vel arista apicali, biarticulate aut exarticulata, rarius subdorsali aut obsoleta. Epi- 86 EMPID^E. stoma muticum. Proboscis mento recondite. Alae lobo axillari obsolete ; areola brachiali utraque completa ; anali a margine posteriore distante, nonnunquam obsoleta ; venis externo-mediis binis aut ternis. Abdomen segmentis septem (aut ultra). Although this family seems sufficiently defined by the essential characters, it is not easy to give a more extended description that will be applicable generally, so many are the modifications of the secondary characters. They are generally small insects, and rather slender : the head more or less globose, and usually much narrower than the thorax : the vertex not impressed ; the front narrow, sometimes entirely occupied by the eyes meeting above the anteniiee ; the epistoma without moustache or bristles, and without a defined orbit : the cheeks vary. The proboscis is often long, and usually rigid, the pointed horny labrum being the most conspicuous part : the development of the other organs varies ; the maxillae at first being found almost as well developed as in the BombyUda, and bearing the palpi attached to their base (Empis, &c.) ; but in the greater number of genera the maxillae become obsolete, and even where small rudiments of them remain, as in Hybos, the palpi are detached from them and inserted at the sides of the mentum.'* The palpi are usually of one piece, rarely presenting another small joint at the base ; their propor- tions, form, and direction vary.f The antennae are horizontally extended, and present the ordinary 3 joints, the last being undi- vided : but the first is sometimes so short and so closely attached to the second, that it may be overlooked, unless the antennas are removed from the head. At the end of the third joint, which is often elongated, there are usually two much more slender joints forming a style or arista, the first of the two joints being very short. Sometimes this first joint disappears. More rarely the arista is placed a little before and above the tip of the third joint (Ocydromia) or disappears entirely (Euthyneura myricce). The thorax is usually compressed, the vertical diameter equalling or exceeding the longitudinal. The transverse suture of the meso- notuin before the wings is widely interrupted in the middle, or is merely commenced at each side. The mesosternum is but little inclined out of the vertical plane, and is covered by the fore coxae. The wings present considerable variation in the veining. In many the cubital vein is forked, as in the series of families pre- * Wiedemannia, and a few allied genera, differ most widely from the first type of structure, and approach that of the Dolichopida. t The mcntum being short and withdrawn into the oval cavity ; the proboscis has no apparent joint at the base. 87 ceding; but the anal areolet is small and not prolonged towards the posterior margin. Sometimes the costal vein is continued more faintly round the posterior margin, in others it vanishes about the tip of the wing. In the remaining genera of the family the cubital vein is simple, as in the families which follow ; and sometimes (as in most of them) there are but two externo- medial veins, more frequently, however, three. But the most important distinctive character of the wings of the Empidte is to be found in the disappearance of the rounded axillary lobe, a condition which prevails among the Nemocera, but which this family has in common with the Dolichopidte and Lonchopterida only among the Brackycera. Some genera of the Platypezida (Platycnemia, Opetia) nearly agree with the Empida in this, and form the transition. And the same peculiarity re-appears among the Asilida in one genus (Leptogaster) , which in other respects, even as to the wings, is abundantly distinguished from the Empida. Among the Syrphida, also, this lobe is scarcely apparent in the genera Ascia, Sphegina, and Baccha ; but the two families differ so widely in most respects, that it seems needless to particularize the characters which remove them from a place here. The scutellar alulae are undeveloped. The legs vary much in form and clothing. The fore coxse, though inserted at some distance from the inter- mediate pair, are long enough to pass beyond the base of these, and in some genera (Hemerodromia, Phyllodromia], they are as long as the femora. The abdomen, of 7 or 8 segments, is usually compressed in the male, and nearly linear, or subclavate, the appendages of the hypopygium being directed upwards and towards the back. In the female the last segments are generally much attenuated, and the tentacles of the vagina protruded. As has been observed, the want of the axillary lobe to the wings distinguishes the Empidcs from most of the other families of Brackycera. From the Dolichopida they differ in the greater amplitude and completeness of the brachial areolets, and in the number of abdominal segments. The smaller head, with convex vertex, and the slender and often elongated proboscis, destitute of the remarkable cavity at the end, afford subsidiary characters. The unarmed epistoma, rounded tip of the wings, and fewer joints of the aristae, separate them from the Lonchopteridee* 88 EMPLOYE. I ' (* much longer than the head 1. EMPIS. < about as long as the head, straight 2. HILARA. I much shorter than the head, incurved 3. RAG AS. f vanishing at the tip of the wing ...... .: 4. 3 r interrupted by f oblong ovate, in- a 11 notch under I dining forwards 5. the posterior margin : Cheeks- the eyes : Head | oblate spheroidal, 'S3 rl 11! get [S3 g ** L vertical . .prolonged under the eyes . shorter than the terminal arista . "S^-2 Tlonger than the head-j J J I- hori r perpendicular L horizontal . . 10. shorter than thehead: r curved, shorter than femora 11. Hind tibiae ( * straight, as long as femora 12. 1st and 2nd forming a fork; no discal areolet 13 very short: r conical, with the arista at the tip 14. 3rd joint of anten.-j ^ oval, with the arista above the tip 1 5 . longer than the head, horizontal 16. apparent . . 17. shorter than rmuch shorter ("elongated, co- proboscis : than pobrachial: 1 nical . 18. Prsebrachial J 3rd j. of anten. 1 short ovate, areolet I L or round 19. .none : Palpi Mahout as long as pobrachial . 20. long as proboscis 21. {simple 22. forked . , ,23. BKACHYSTOMA. ARDOPTERA. HELEODROMIA. WlEDEMANNIA. SCIODROMIA. RHAMPHOMYIA. EUTHYNEURA. (EDALEA. MlCROPHORUS. CYRTOMA. LEPTOPEZA. OCYDROMIA. HYBOS. PLATYPALPUS. ELAPHROPEZA. DRAPETES. CHERSODROMIA. TACHYDROMIA. PHYLLODROMIA. HEMERODROMIA. * The discal areolet is sometimes incomplete between the first and second externo-medial veins ; so that these are detached, but the second and third are connected in a fork : the reverse of what happens in Cyrtoma. EMPIS, 89 Genus I. EMPIS. EMPIS, Mq. zw. iii. 15 (1822). Asilus p., L. Empis p., L. ; Dg. ; Fb. ; Shr. ; Fin. Empis et Paehymerina, Mq. Corpus majoris, mediae, aut minoris magnitudinis, oblongum, saepe pilosum, parum nitidum. Color niger, raro testaceus. Caput rotundum. Proboscis tenuis, capite multo longior. Antennae 5- articulatae, porrectae, capitis longitudine ; articulus tertius conicus, compressus, quinto longior ; quartus brevissimus ; quintus setiformis. Thorax ovatus. Alae longae, obtusae ; vena tertia cubitalis furcata ; areola discoidalis venas 3 in marginem interiorem emittens. Pedes plerumque simplices, non incrassati ; posteriores elorigati ; coxae femoribus breviores. Mas. Oculi contigui. Abdomen cylindricum; anus obtusus, saepe filatim appendiculatus aut vesiculosus. Pedes quam in foemina ple- rumque longiores. Fcem. Oculi remoti. Proboscis quam in mare saepe longior. Abdomen oblongum, apice acuminatum. Femora posteriora interdum pennata. Body of large, middle, or small size, oblong, often hairy, seldom shining, black, rarely testaceous. Head round, small, somewhat con- tracted behind. Ocelli 3. Proboscis much longer than the head, slender, perpendicular or inclined downward, most often applied to the breast. Labrum arched, as long as the labium, or rather shorter. Lingua slender, as long as the labrum. Maxillas bristly, shorter than the labrum. Palpi clavate, short, recurved, hairy. Labium almost cylindrical. Antennae 5-jointed, porrect, approximate at the base, as long as the head; first and second joints bristly; first cylindrical; second cyathiform, about half the length of the first ; third subulate, compressed, longer than the fifth ; fourth very short ; fifth stylate. Thorax oval. Wings rather long, obtuse, very finely pubescent, incum- bent, parallel ; cubital vein forked, costal vein vanishing about the tip of the wing ; discoidal areolet emitting 3 veins to the interior border. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen with 7 segments, with rows of punc- tures along the sides, sometimes four on each segment. Legs slender, of various structure ; coxa shorter than the femora. Male. Eyes contiguous. Abdomen cylindrical, obtuse, and often with long curved filaments at the tip, which is sometimes tumid. Legs generally longer than those of the female. Fern. Eyes parted by a narrow front. Proboscis often longer than that of the male. Abdomen oblong, acuminated at the tip, with an articulated oviduct. Hind femora sometimes feathered. These insects inhabit woods, hedges, fields, moors, and other localities, where they find their prey, which chiefly consists of small Diptera ; they also feed on the lesser Ephemerida, and the VOL, I. N 90 EMPIDJS. female of the larger species is always preying on some little insect during the pairing. The species may be thus grouped : a. Hind femora slender. b. Body black or grey. c. Legs not fringed nor clavate. Body generally large. Species 1-6. cc. Legs fringed or clavate. Body small. Species 7-19. b b. Body pale. Species 20-24. a a. Hind femora thick. Species 25. 1. tessellata, Fb. e. s. iv. 405. 10 (1792); Fin.; LL; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt.; Ct. livida, Fb. Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace nigro- trivittato, alis cinereis basi et ad costam ferrugineis, abdomine tessellato, pedibus ferrugineis. Long. 4| 5 ; alar. 11-12 lin. Grey, thickly clothed with black hairs and bristles. Proboscis black ; lancets ferruginous. Antennae black ; first and second joints clothed with long black hairs ; third long-conical, much longer than the first and the second; fifth about half the length of the third. Thorax with 3 linear black stripes. Wings dark grey, ferruginous at the base and along the fore border ; veins black, ferruginous towards the base. Halteres bright ferruginous. Abdomen cinereous, tessellated. Legs ferruginous, clothed with long hairs and bristles ; tibiaa beset with long stout bristles ; tips of the tarsi black. Generally distributed ; appears in the spring. (E. S. I.) 2. borealis, L. fn. 1895 (1761); Dg. ; Shr. ; Fb.; Fin.; Mg. Ztt.; Mq. ; Ct. ! b. e. 18. Mgra, thorace cinereo nigro-quadrivittato, alis latis ferrugineo-fuscis, pedibus ferrugineis, femoribus tibiisque posterioribus apice tarsis posterioribus pedibusque anticis rufo-fuscis. Long. 3-3 ; alar. 7 -9 lin. Black, hairy. Lancets ferruginous ; palpi beset with a few black bristles. First and second joints of the antenna beset with black hairs ; third lanceolate, much more than twice the length of the first and the second ; fifth very short. Thorax grey, with 4 black stripes. Wings ferruginous-brown ; stigma dark brown ; veins brown, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Legs ferruginous, clothed with black hairs ; coxae grey ; fore legs, except the base of the femora, posterior tarsi, and tips of posterior femora and tibias reddish-brown. Male. Wings broad. Legs darker than those of the female. Jem. Wings very broad, but varying in breadth. Eare ; appears in the spring ; has been found in Lancashire andWicklow. (E.I.) 3. livida, Lin. s. n. ii. 1003. 3 (1763); Dg. ; Shr.; LI. ; Fin.; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Ct. lineata, Fb. Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace nigro-trivittato, halteribus pedibusque fulvis, tarsis nigris ; Mas. alis EMPIS. 91 ferrugineo-cinereis, abdomine ferrugineo ; Foem. alis limpidis, abdomine fusco. Long. 3^; alar. 9 lin. Cinereous, thinly clothed with black hairs and bristles. Lancets pale yellow. Antennae black. Thorax with 3 black stripes. Stigma dark brown, very slender ; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres tawny. Legs tawny, clothed with short black hairs and bristles ; tarsi black, dark tawny at the base. Male. Facets of the eyes rather larger than those of the female. Proboscis black, much longer than that of the female, tawny towards the base. Wings ferruginous, grey. Abdomen ferruginous. Fern. Proboscis ferruginous, black at the base. Wings colourless. Abdomen brown. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 4. opaca, Fb. s. a. 138. 7 (1805) ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ct. rujipes, Fb. Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace nigro-quadrivittato, alis subferrugineis, halteribus fulvis, abdomine nigro, pedibus rufis, femoribus tibiisque apice tarsisque nigris. Long. 3-3-i- ; alar. 8-8-J lin. Cinereous, thinly clothed with black hairs and bristles. Proboscis black ; lancets ferruginous ; palpi yellow, beset with a few black bristles. Antennae black ; first and second joints clothed with black hairs ; third lanceolate, as long as the first and the second. Thorax with 4 black stripes. Wings slightly ferruginous ; no stigma ; veins brown, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Abdomen black and shining above. Legs pale red, thinly clothed with black hairs and bristles ; coxaa, tarsi, and tips of the femora and of the tibiae black. Generally distributed. (E. I.) The larva and the pupa live in the earth, and the latter is armed with spines. 5. unicolor ? Brulle, exp. m. 639 (1832); Mq. d. i. 327. 1 (1834). Nigra, thorace cinereo-subtrivittato, alis subcinereis ad costam subfulvis, halteribus fulvis. Long. 3-4 ; alar. 6-8 lin. Black, shining. Thorax with 3 indistinct grey stripes. Wings very pale grey, with a slight tawny tinge along the fore border ; veins brown, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Male. Clothed with black hairs. Fern. Clothed with pale hairs. Very rare. In the collections of the Entomological Club and of Mr. Saunders. (E.) 6. lucida, Ztt. i. 1. 561. 3 (1840). Nigra, alis subfuscis, halteri- bus luteis. Long. 2-2-i ; alar. 5-6 lin. Black, slightly shining, thickly clothed with black hairs and bristles. Third joint of the antenna? lanceolate, very much longer than the first and the second ; fifth not more than one-fourth of the length of the third. Wings pale brown-, stigma black, very narrow; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres luteous. Metatarsi very slightly dilated. Generally distributed, especially abundant on moors and moun- tains of the north. (E. S.) 92 EMPIDJE. 7. brnnnipennis, Mg. zw. iii. 32. 30. (1822); Ct. Nigra, alls fuscis, halteribus fulvis, pedibus non clavatis vix ciliatis. Long. l|-2 ; alar. 3^-4^- lin. Black, slightly shining, very slightly tinged with grey, thinly clothed with black hairs and bristles. First and second joints of the antennae clothed with short black hairs ; third longer than the first and second ; fourth much more than half the length of the third. Wings brown ; stigma dark brown ; veins black. Halteres tawny. Male. Hind legs slightly ciliated, not clavate. Fern. Hind legs hardly ciliated. Not rare. (E.) 8. Bistortse, Mg. zw. iii. 29. 22(1822); Mq.; Ct. Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-quinquevittato, alls limpidis, halteribus flavis, pedibus nigro-fuscis, tarsis nigris. Long. 2 ; alar. 44 lin. Grey, thinly clothed with black hairs. Lancets dark ferruginous. Palpi pale yellow. Antennae black; first and second joints clothed with short black hairs ; third much longer than the first and second ; fifth more than half the length of the third. Thorax with 5 brown stripes. Wings colourless ; no stigma ; veins black, yellow towards the base. Halteres pale yellow. Legs dark brown; tarsi black. Male. Hind tibiae slightly clavate. Hind metatarsi slightly dilated. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 9. chioptera, Tin. d. s. emp. 21. 31 (1815); Mg.; Mq. ; Ztt.; Ct. crassipes, Shr. dnerea, antennis halteribus pedibusque nigris; Mas. alis lacteis; Foem. alis cinereis. Long. 1^-li; alar. 3-3^ lin. Gri'ey, clothed with white hairs and a few black bristles. Proboscis and lancets black. Antennae black ; first and second joints thinly clothed with short black hairs ; third conical, longer than the first and second ; fourth and fifth like a short spine, not more than one-fourth of the length of the third. Halteres black. Legs black, thinly clothed with whitish hairs. Male. Wings milk-white ; fore border black along nearly half the length to the tip ; veins pale yellow. Fore metatarsi and hind metatarsi dilated, fusiform. Fern. Wings grey ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Hinder femora compressed, fringed. Generally distributed; appears in the spring. (E. S. I.) 10. decora, Mg. zw. iii. 22. 9. pi. 22. f. 8 (1822); Mq.; Ct. Ci- nerea, antennis nigris, alis limpidis, venis basifiavis, abdomine pedibusque nigris. Long. 2^-3 ; alar. 6 lin. Grey, clothed with white hairs. Proboscis black, much more than half the length of the body. Antennae black. Wings colourless ; veins bright yellow towards the base. Halteres yellow. Abdomen and legs black, shining. Male. Tip of the abdomen clothed beneath with tawny hairs. Fern. Legs fringed with black hairs. Bare. In Mr. Stephens's collection. (E.) 11. pennipes, L. s. n. ii. 1003. 2 (1763); Fb.; Pz. ! fn. kxiv. EMPIS. 93 18; LI.; Mg.; Mq.; Ztt.; Ct- pennata, Shr. -ciliata, Mg. kl. ; Fin. longirostris, Mg. kl. Nigro-cinerea, antennis nigris, tkorace niffro- quadrivittato, alls nigro-fuscis, halteribus fulvis, abdomine pedibusque nigris. Long, ly-lf-; alar. 4^-5 lin. Greyish-black, clothed with black hairs and bristles. Proboscis, lancets, and palpi dark brown. Antennae black; first and second joints clothed with short black hairs ; third longer than the first and second ; fifth like a spine, nearly half the length of the third. Thorax with 4 black stripes ; outer pair indistinct. Wings dark brown ; stigma blackish ; veins black. Halteres tawny. Abdomen black, shining. Legs black, thickly clothed with short black hairs. Fern. Tibiae and posterior femora fringed with long black hairs. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 12. pennaria, Fin. d. s. emp. 20. 9 (1815); Mg.; Mq.; Ztt.; Ct. Cinerea, antennis nigris, alis sublimpidis, halteribus ftavis, pedidus nigro-fuscis. Long. 2 ; alar. 4 lin. Cinereous, clothed with black hairs. Proboscis black ; lancets pale yellow. Antennas black ; first and second joints clothed with short black hairs ; third conical, much longer than the first and the second ; fifth stylate, hardly half the length of the third. Wings almost colour- less; no stigma; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres pale yellow. Legs dark brown, clothed with black hairs. Male. Hind tibiae slightly clavate ; hind metatarsi slightly dilated. Fern. Posterior femora and hind tibiae fringed. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 13. vemalis, Mg. zw. iii. 27. 19 (1822); Ztt.; Ct. Cinerea, antennis nigris, halteribus flavis, pedibus fulvis, tarsis fuscis ; Mas. alis albo-hyalinis, pedibus posticis subincrassatis ; Fcem. alis subeinereis, femoribus posterioribus tibiisque posticis ciliatis. Long. 1| ; alar. 3 lin. Grey, thinly clothed with black hairs. Proboscis black; lancets tawny. Antennae black; third joint longer than the first and the second ; fifth much more than half the length of the third. Halteres yellow. Legs dark tawny, clothed with short black hairs ; tarsi brown. Male. Wings white. Hind legs slightly incrassated. Fern. Wings slightly grey ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Posterior femora and hind tibiae ciliated. Generally distributed. (E.) 14. lepidopus, Mg. zw. iii. 23. 12 (1822) ; Ct. Nigro-cinerea, antennis nigris, alis nigro-fuscis, halteribus fulvis, pedibus nigris. Long. If ; alar. 3^ tin. Greyish-black, thinly clothed with black hairs. Proboscis black; lancets tawny. Antennae black ; first and second joints clothed with short black hairs ; third longer than the first and the second ; fifth more than half the length of the third. Wings dark brown ; stigma 94 EMPID.E. blackish; veins black. Halteres tawny. Legs black, clothed with short black hairs ; posterior femora and tibiae deeply ciliated. Generally distributed. (E.) 15. albinervis, Mg. zw. iii. 26. 16 (1822). Cam, antennis nigris, alls albis, abdomine nigro nitido, pedibus piceis. Long. 1J; alar. Silin. Hoary. Proboscis black, near half the length of the body. An- tennae black. Wings white ; veins yellowish- white. Halteres yellow. Abdomen black ; shining. Legs pitchy. Male. Fore metatarsus slightly dilated. Rare. In Mr. Stephens's collection. (E.) 16. leucoptera, Mg. zw. iii. 27. 18 (1822); Ct. Cinerea, an- tennis nigris, halteribus fulvis, pedibus nigris ; Mas. alis albidis ; Item. alls subfusds. Long. 1-j- If ; alar. 3-3^ lin. Dark grey, thinly clothed with black hairs. Proboscis black. An- tennae black ; third joint a little longer than the first and the second ; fifth nearly as long as the third. No stigma ; veins black, yellow to- wards the base. Halteres tawny. Legs black. Male. Wings wliitish. Hind tibiae very slightly clavate ; hind metatarsi very slightly dilated. Fern. Wings slightly tinged with brown. Legs hardly ciliated. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 17. vitripennis? Mg. zw. iii. 25. 15 (1822); Mq.; Ct. Cinerea, antennis nigris, alis subfuscis, pedibus fulvis, tibiis apice tarsisque nigris. Long. 1^-1-J; alar. 3|-4 lin. Cinereous, thinly clothed with black hairs. Proboscis black ; lancets dark ferruginous ; palpi pale yellow. Antennae black ; first and second joints clothed with short black hairs ; third longer than the first and the second ; fifth more than half the length of the third. Wings pale brown-, no stigma; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Legs tawny ; tarsi and tips of the tibice black. Male. Hind tibiae very slightly clavate ; hind metatarsi very slightly dilated. Fern. Posterior femora and hind tibiae ciliated. Generally distributed. (E.) 18. pilipes, Mg. zw. iii. 31. 29 (1822); Ct. Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-quinquevittato, alis limpidis, halteribus luteis, pe- dibus fulvis ; Mas. abdomine fulvo aut fusco. Long. 2-2 ; alar. 5-5| lin. Light grey, thinly clothed with black hairs. Proboscis dark tawny, with a black tip ; lancets tawny. Antennae black ; first and second joints tawny, clothed with black hairs ; third as long as the first and the second ; fourth very short. Thorax with 5 brown stripes. Wings colourless ; no stigma ; veins black, yellow towards the base. Halteres luteous. Legs tawny. Male. Abdomen tawny or dark brown. Fern. Abdomen black. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) EMPIS. 95 19. nigritarsis, Mg. zw. iii. 32. 31 (1822); Mq.; Ct. Nigra, alls limpidis, halteribus flavo-albis, abdominis basi utrinque albo-piloso, pedibus fulvis albo-hirtis, coxis posterioribus genubus posticis tarsis et tibiis apice nigris. Long. 2 ; alar. 4 lin. Black, shining. Head and thorax thinly clothed with hairs, grey be- neath. Lancets ferruginous. First and second joints of the antennae clothed with a few short hairs ; third lanceolate, much more than twice the length of the first and of the second ; fifth about one-fourth of the length of the third. Wings colourless; stigma brown; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres yellowish-white. Abdomen clothed with long whitish hairs on each side towards the base. Legs tawny, thinly clothed with long whitish hairs, which are most prevalent on the tibiae ; posterior coxa, hind knees, tarsi, and tips of the tibiae black ; hind tarsi towards the base and tips of the hind tibiaa dilated, especially in the male. Not rare. (E.) 20. stercorea, L. fn. 1899 (1761) ; Shr. ; Fb. ; LI. ; Fin. ; Mg. ; Ct. Lutea, capite cinereo, antennis nigris, thorace nigro-univittato, alis limpidis, halteribus flavis, abdomine nigro-trivittato, pedibus flavis, tarsis ferrugineis. Long. 3^ ; alar. 9 lin. Luteous, shining, clothed with a few black hairs and bristles. Head cinereous. Proboscis luteous, black towards the tip. Antenna black ; first and second joints clothed with black hairs; first long, linear; second very short ; third tapering much longer than the first ; fifth about half the length of the third. Thorax with a black linear stripe. Wings colourless ; stigma pale brown, very narrow ; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres yellow. Abdomen with 3 black stripes. Legs yellow, long, slender ; tarsi ferruginous. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 21. ignota, Mg. zw. vi. 338 (1830) ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Vl.punctata, Fin. ; Mg. dorsalis ? Ct. Lutea, capite supra cinereo, antennis nigris, thorace cinereo fusco-trivittato, alis subcinereis, halteribus flavis, abdo- mine nigro-trivittato, pedibus luteis, tarsis nigris. Long. 2f ; alar. 7 lin. Luteous, clothed with a few black hairs and bristles. Head grey above. Lancets luteous, with black tips. Palpi yellow. Antenna? black ; first and second joints clothed with short black hairs. Disc of the thorax grey, with 3 brown stripes. Wings pale grey ; stigma very pale brown, very narrow ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Hal- teres yellow. Abdomen with 3 black stripes ; the middle ,one much broader than the outer pair. Legs luteous, clothed with very short black hairs ; tarsi black. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 22. trigramma, Hms. ; Mg. zw. iii. 38. 42 (1822) ; Ztt.ptmctata var. y, Fin. Lutea, antennis nigris, thorace cinereo-trimttato fusco- 96 EMPID^E. univittato, metathoracis disco nigro-cinereo, alls sublimpidis, halteribus flavis, abdomine nigro-trivittato, pedibus luteis, tarsis nonnunquam nigris. Long. 2-3 ; alar. 6-8 lin. Luteous, clothed with a few black hairs and bristles. Head with a large black spot behind the eyes. Proboscis black, lancets luteous. Antennas black ; first and second joints clothed with short black hairs. TJwrax with 3 greyish-black stripes ; the middle one including a brown stripe; the side pair short. Disc of the metathorax greyish-black. Wrings colourless or very pale grey ; stigma very pale brown, very narrow ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres pale yellow. Abdomen, with 3 black stripes; the middle one much broader than the side pair. Legs luteous; tarsi black, sometimes tawny, with black tips. Generally distributed. (E.) 23. testacea, Tb. s. a. 141. 20(1804); LL; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ct. scutellata? Ct. Lutea, antennis nigris basi flavis, thorace nigro-uni- vittato ferrugineoque bimttato, alis limpidis, halteribus flavis, abdominis segmentorum marginibus posticis nonnunquam nigris aut nigro-maculatis, pedibus fulvis. Long. 2 ; alar. 6 lin. Luteous, hardly shining, clothed with a few black hairs and bristles. Proboscis black, tawny towards the base. Lancets luteous, with black tips. Palpi yellow. Antenna black; first and second joints yellow; third yellow towards the base. Thorax with a slender black stripe, on each side of which there is a slender ferruginous stripe ; a brown spot on each side before the base of the wing. Wings colourless ; stigma tawny, very indistinct ; veins brown, yellow towards the base. Halteres pale yellow. Fore borders of the abdominal segments sometimes black, or with a black spot on each side. Legs tawny; tibias darker than the femora ; tarsi darker than the tibiae, their tips brown. Generally distributed. (E.S.I.) 24. lutea, Mg. zw. iii. 37. 40 (1822); Ct. ochracea? Ct. Lutea, antennis nigris, alis limpidis, halteribus flavis, pedibus fulvis, tarsis fuscis. Long. 2-2^ ; alar. 6-7 lin. Luteous, shining, clothed with a few black hairs and bristles. Pro- boscis brown ; lancets tawny, with black tips. Antennas black. Wings colourless ; no stigma ; veins brown, tawny towards the base. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; tibias darker than the femora ; tarsi pale brown. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 25. femorata, Fb. s. a. 140. 14 (1804); LI. ; Mg. ! iii. pi. 22. f. 20. ; Mq. ; Ct. ruralis, Mg. Scotica, Ct. Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-quinquevittato, halteribus fulvis, pedibus ferrugi- neis, femoribus nigris crassis ; Mas. alis subfuscis ; Fcem. alis limpidis. Long. 3 ; alar. 6 lin. Cinereous, clothed with black hairs and bristles. Proboscis black, brown at the tip ; lancets ferruginous ; palpi black. Antennas black ; HILAKA. 97 first and second joints clothed with black hairs ; third conical, rather broad, much longer than the first and the second ; fifth like a spine, less than half the length of the third. Thorax with 5 brown stripes. Stigma small, pale yellowish-brown ; veins brown, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Legs ferruginous, clothed with short black hairs ; femora black, with ferruginous tips ; hind femora thick, beset with black bristles; knees tawny; tips of the tarsi black. Male. Wings very slightly tinged with brown. Hind tibiae and hind tarsi pale yellow. Fern. Wings colourless. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) Genus II. HILARA. HlLARA, Mg. zw. iii. 1 (1822); Ct. ; Mq. ; Hal.; Ztt. Eb. ; Mn. ; Mg. Bibio p., Pz. Tacliydromia p., Fb. Corpus parvum aut minutum, raro mediae magnitudinis, oblongum, subpilosum. Color uiger vel cinerascens, rarissime ferrugineus. Oculi in utroque sexu disjunct!. Proboscis crassa, recta, capitis longitudine. Palpi recurvi. Antennae 5 -articulate, porrectaB; arti- culus tertius subnlatus, supra compresaus, quinto longior; quartus minimus ; quintus setiformis, gracilis, brevis. Alarum vena costalis furcata ; areola discoidalis venas 3 in marginem interiorem emittens. Coxa femoribm breviores. Mas. Oculi approximate Abdomen cylindricum ; anus obtusus, crassus, appendiculatus. Metatarsi antici saspissime incrassati. Fcem. Oculi inagis remoti. Abdomen oblongum, apice acuminatum. Metatarsi antici simplices. Body small, rarely of middle size, oblong, slightly hairy, black or greyish, very rarely ferruginous. Head small, spheroidal. Eyes parted. Ocelli 3, on the crown. Proboscis straight, perpendicular, thick, about as long as the head. Labrum semicircular, clavate, cleft at the tip, as long as the labium. Lingua lanceolate, as long as the labium. MaxillaB flat, obtuse, thin along the edges, half the length of the labium. Palpi formed of one fleshy joint, clavate, curved up- wards, very pilose beneath, as long as the maxillee. Labium long, large, very membranous on the upper surface. Antenna 5 -jointed, porrect, approximate at the base ; first and second joints bristly ; first short, cylindrical, longer than the second; second cyathiform; third subulate, compressed above, more than twice the length of the second, longer than the fifth ; fourth very minute; fifth setiform, slender. Thorax oval, with humeral scapula? ; scutellum small. Wings ciliated, incumbent, parallel ; cubital vein forked, costal vein attenuated around the posterior margin of the wing ; discoidal areolet emitting 3 veins to the interior border. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen with 7 seg- VOL. i. o 98 EMPID^. ments. Legs slender, almost equal in length. Coxae shorter than the femora. Male. Eyes more contiguous than those of the female. Abdomen cylindrical, compressed and recurved at the tip. Fore metatarsi most often dilated. Fern. Eyes more remote. Abdomen oblong-, pointed at the tip. Fore metatarsi slender. The Hilarae feed on smaller insects, chiefly on Diptera, and also on the nectar of flowers. They assemble in swarms, and dance together over water during the fine summer evenings ; sometimes myriads may be seen near the surface of a river, flying in continual succession and in opposite directions, and appearing like a stream of light. " The myriads of Hilarte, which fill the air over rivulets hi summer, form a pretty spectacle. Their evolutions in the air are graceful and regular. At one time they revolve in circles, horizontal or oblique, so that the spectator sees two or more streams crossing each other, and seeming to inter- lace. At another time, without perceptible cause, the whole multitude sweep away simultaneously in one direction (as if a rush of wind had borne them off), and then return more leisurely to their former station. . It is difficult to single out any indi- vidual among the multitude, so as to trace its course." Haliday, MSS. The genus may be thus divided : a. Fore metatarsus of the male incrassated. Species 1-19. a a. Fore metatarsus of the male simple. Species 20. 1. cilipes, Mg. zw. iii. 3. 1 (1822) ; Ct. ! b. e. 130. Nigro- cinerea t antennis nigris, alia fuscis, halteribus fuscis basi fulvis, pedibus nigris, genubus ferrugineis. Long. 2 ; alar. 5 lin. Greyish-black, hairy. Proboscis, palpi, and antenna? black. Wings brown ; stigma blackish ; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres brown, tawny towards the base. Legs black ; knees ferruginous. Male. Fore metatarsus and following joint dilated, clothed with long black hairs. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. matrona, Hal. e. m. i. 158 (1833). spinipes, Ztt. Nigricans, alis fumatis, halteribus et femoribus luteis ; Mas. metatarso antico dilatato elliptico, margine ciliato. Long. 2 ; alar. 5^ lin. Black. Wings blackish-brown ; stigma darker. Halteres, coxae, femora, and half of fore tibia, as well as the base of the posterior tibiae, dingy yellow. Male. Fore metatarsus and following joint dilated, clothed with long black hairs. Rare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (I.) 3. maura, Fb. s. i. ii. 471. 4 (1781); FJn. ; Mg.; Zii.globu- HILARA. 99 lipes, Hms. ; Mg. Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace nigro-trivittato, alls cinereis, halteribus fuscis basi fulvis, pedibus nigro-fuscis. Long. 2 ; alar. 5 lin. Grey, hairy. Proboscis, palpi, and antenna black. Thorax with 3 black stripes. Wings grey ; stigma brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres brown, tawny towards the base. Legs blackish- brown ; knees tawny. Male. Fore metatarsus and following joint dilated. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 4. chorica, Fin. d. s. emp. 24. 18 (1815); Mg. ; Ztt. Nigra, alis fuscis, halteribus pedibusque nigro-fuscis. Long. 1^- ; alar. 3^ Hn. Black, hairy. Wings brown ; stigma blackish ; veins black. Hal- teres and legs blackish-brown. Male. Fore metatarsus dilated, oval. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 5. clypeata, Mg. zw. iii. 4. 4 (1822); Mq. ; Ztt. Nigra, pectore cinereo, alis limpidis. Long. 1 ; alar. 2^ lin. Black, hairy. Thorax tinged beneath with grey. Wings colourless ; stigma dark brown ; veins black ; apical transverse vein almost straight at the base. Male. Fore metatarsus dilated, oblong. Eare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E. I.) 6. nigrina, Fin. emp. 24. 19 (1815) ; Mg. zw. pi. 22. f. 5 ; Mq. ; Ztt. Nigra; Mas. alis nigricantibus ; Fcem. alis sublimpidis. Long. 1 ; alar. 2f Hn. Black, hairy. Stigma dark brown ; veins black. Male. Wings blackish. Fore metatarsus slightly dilated. Fern. Wings nearly colour- less. Hind tibiae slightly clavate. Eare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E. I.) 7. manicata, Mg. zw. iii. 5. 6 (1822); Mq. ; Ztt. Nigro-fusca cinereo suffusa, antennis nigris, alis subcinereis, halteribus fuscis, pedi- bus ferrugineis. Long. H ; alar. 3| lin. Blackish-brown, tinged with grey, hairy. Proboscis, palpi, and an- tennaB black. Wings slightly grey ; stigma dark brown ; veins black. Halteres dark brown. Legs ferruginous. Male. Fore metatarsus di- lated, oval. Not common. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 8. pilosa, Ztt. d. s. i. 342. 9 (1842). interstincta, Mg. senilis? Pz. fn. liii. 3. Nigra, thoracis vittis tribus pectoreque cinereis, alis sublimpidis, halteribus fuscis, genubus ferrugineis. Long. 1; alar. 3 lin. Black, hairy. Thorax with 3 grey stripes ; underside grey. Wings nearly colourless', stigma dark brown; veins black. Halteres very dark brown. Knees ferruginous. Male. Fore metatarsi dilated, oval. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 100 EMPLOYE. 9. interstincta, Pin. d. a. emp. 24. 17 (1815) ; Ztt. modesta, Mg. Nigro-fusca, dnerascens, antennis pedibusque nigris, thorace fusco- trivittato ; Mas. alis limpidis ; Fosm. alis fuscis. Long. 2^; alar. 6 lin. Blackish-brown, tinged with grey, hairy. Proboscis, antennae, and legs black. Thorax indistinctly striped. Stigma blackish-brown; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres pitchy, with black knobs. Male. Wings colourless. Pore metatarsus slightly dilated. Fern. Wings brown. Hare. In Mr. Stephens's collection. (E. I.) 10. fuscipes, Pb. e. s. iv. 4. 6. 14 (1792); Mg.; Mq.; Ztt. plumbea, Pb. ; Mg. albida, Mg. Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-bivittato, alis subcinereis, halteribus flavis ; Mas. pedibus nigris ; Fosm. pedibusfuscis. Long. 1^-2; alar. 3-4 lin. Grey, hairy. Proboscis, palpi, and aritennse black. Thorax with 2 brown stripes. Wings very slightly tinged with grey ; stigma brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres yellow. Legs ferru- ginons. Male. Legs black', fore metatarsi dilated, fusiform. Fern. Legs dark brown. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 11. pminosa, Mgrle. ; Mg. zw. iii. 7. 10 (1822). Cana, antennis nigris, alis albidis, halteribus flavis apice fuscis, pedibus fuscis. Long. 1 ; alar. 3^ Hn. Fern. Hoary, slightly hairy. Proboscis, palpi, and antennae black. Wings whitish ; stigma dark brown, long and narrow ; veins brown, yellow towards the base. Halteres pale yellow, with brown knobs. Legs pale brown ; knees yellow. Generally distributed. (E.) 12. quadrivittata, Wd. ; Mg. zw. iii. 7. 11 (1822) ; Mq. ; Ztt. intermedia, var. minor, Pin. Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace fusco- quadrivittato, alis subcinereis costts versus apicem obscurioribus, halteribus fuscis, pedibus nigro-fuscis. Long. If ; alar. 4^ lin. Dark grey, haiiy. Proboscis, palpi, and antennae black. Thorax with 4 brown stripes. Wings slightly grey, darker along the fore border towards the tips ; stigma brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres brown. Legs blackish-brown ; knees tawny. Male. Pore me- tatarsus dilated, long-oval. Bare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E. S.) 13. lurida. Pin. d. s. emp. 22. 13 (1815); Mg.; Ztt. Nigro- cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-bivittato, alis subcinereis, halteribus fuscis basi ful vis, abdomine basifulvo,ped$usfulvis, tarsis nigris. Long. If ; alar. 5 lin. Greyish-black, hairy. Proboscis, palpi, and antennae black. Thorax with 2 indistinct brown stripes. Wings pale grey ; stigma brown ; veins black, dark tawny at the base. Halteres brown, tawny at the base. HILARA. 101 Abdomen dull tawny towards the base. Legs dull tawny ; tarsi black ; metatarsi dull tawny. Male. Fore metatarsi slightly dilated. Generally distributed. (E.) 14. litorea, Fin. d. s. emp. 24. 20 (1815); Mg. ; Mq.; Ztt. univitatta, Mg. Atto-dnerea, antennis nigris, alis limpidis, halteribus ferrugineis, pedidus fulvis. Long. If ; alar. 4^ lin. Cinereous-white, clothed with pale hairs and black bristles. Proboscis dark ferruginous. Antenna3 black. Wings colourless ; stigma pale brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres ferruginous. Legs tawny. Male. Fore metatarsus fusiform, dilated. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 15. tenella, Fin. d. s. emp. 25. 21 (1815); Mg.; Ztt. Caw, antennis nigris, alis subferrugineis, halteribus flavis apice fuscis, abdo- mine cano-fulvo, pedibus fulvis vel flavis, tarsis fuscis. Long. If ; alar. 3 lin. Hoary j slightly hairy. Proboscis, palpi, and antennae black. Wings with a very slight ferruginous tinge ; stigma brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base, Halteres pale yellow, with brown knobs. Abdomen dull tawny, with a hoary covering. Legs tawny, sometimes yellow ; tarsi brown. Male. Fore metatarsi slightly dilated. Generally distributed. (E.) 16. nana, Mq. d. n. 111. 4 (1827) ; Mg. Atra, alis nigricantibus. Long. \\ ; alar. 2^ lin. Deep black, hairy. Wings blackish ; stigma and veins black. Male. Fore metatarsi dilated, nearly round. i Not very common. (E.) 17. recedens, n. Cinerea, capite antennisque nigris, thorace fusco-bivittato, alis cinereis, halteribus flavis, pedibus nigris. Long. 1 ; alar. 2 lin. Grey, slightly hairy. Head, proboscis, and antennae black. TJtorax with 2 brown stripes. Wings grey ; stigma and veins black. Halteres pale yellow. Legs black. Bare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 18. rufipes? Mq. d. n. 114. 13 (1827); Mg. Nigro-cinerea, antennis nigris, alis subcinereis, halteribus fuscis basi fulvis, tarsis nigris ; Mas. pedibus fuscis ; Fcem. pedibus fulvis. Long. 2-2| ; alar. 5-5f lin. Greyish-black, hairy. Proboscis, palpi, and antenna black. Wings pale grey ; stigma dark brown ; veins black, dark tawny at the base. Halteres brown, tawny at the base. Tarsi black. Male. Legs brown ; knees tawny ; fore metatarsi much dilated. Fern. Legs tawny ; tarsi tawny towards the base. Rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 102 EMPID.E. 19. thoracica, Mq. d.n. 115. 14 (1827); Mg. Fulva, antennis nigris, alls cinereis, tarsis fuscis ; Mas. abdomine fusco. Long. 2 ; alar. 5 lin. Tawny, shining >, slightly hairy. Proboscis, palpi, and antenna black ; fourth joint of the antenna longer than the third. Wings grey ; stigma brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base ; fork of the third longi- tudinal vein long, much curved near the base. Tarsi brown. Male. Abdomen brown. Fore metatarsi very long, slightly dilated. Common in woods ; not gregarious. (E.) 20. obscura, Mg. zw. iii. 11. 20 (1822). Nigra, alls sublimpidis, halteribus pedibmque fuscis, tarsis nigris. Long. 1J ; alar. 3 lin. Black y hairy. Wings almost colourless ; stigma dark brown ; veins black. Halteres dark brown. Legs brown ; knees tawny ; tarsi black. Rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) Genus III. RAGAS. BAGAS, Wlk. e. m. iv. 229 (1837). Proboscis incurva, capite multo brevior. Antenna 5 -articulates ; arti- culus tertius quinto longior. Alarum vena cubitalis furcata. Coxae femoribus breviores. Proboscis incurved, much shorter than the head. No maxilla. Palpi obovate. Antenna with the first joint shortest ; third joint longer than the fifth. Wings with the cubital vein forked. Coxa slwrter than the femora. Male. Proboscis shorter. Middle femora with an erect spine at the* middle of the underside. 1. unica, Wlk. e. m. iv. 229. 1 (1837). Atra, pubescens, alis nigro-fuscis ad costam obscurioribus. Long, f-1 ; alar. 1 J 1 lin. Black, dull, rather short, not hairy. Proboscis slender, twice the length of the head. Wings dark brown ; no stigma. Abdomen tapering, a little longer than the thorax. Legs moderately long. Bare ; appears in woods. In the collections of the Entomo- logical Club and of Mr. Haliday. (E. I.) Genus IV. BRACHYSTOMA. BEACHYSTOMA, Mg. zw. iii. 12 (1822); Mq. Brachystoma^., Ztt. Proboscis capitis longitudine. Antenna 4-articulata3 ; articulus primus cylindricus ; secundus cyathiformis ; tertius conicus, quarto brevior ; quartus longissimus, setiformis. Alarum vena cubitalis furcata; costalis ad ala apicem desinens. Coxa femoribus breviores. ABDOPTERA. 103 Proboscis projecting, perpendicular, as long as the head. Antennae porrect, 4-jointed ; first joint cylindrical ; second cyathiform ; third conical, shorter than the fourth ; fourth very long, setiform. Wings incumbent and parallel in repose ; cubital vein forked ; costal vein vanishing at the tip of the wing. Coxes shorter than the femora. 1. longicornis, Mg. ! zw. iii. 12. 1. pi. 22. f. 6, 7 (1822) ; Mq. ; Ztt. Nigra, gracilis, subtus nigro-chalybea, alis subcinereis, halteribus pedibusque fulvis, tarsis fuscis. Long. 2-| ; alar. 5 lin. Body very slender, black, with a slight tinge of chalybeous, which prevails most beneath. Proboscis dark tawny. Antennae black, very long and slender. Wings pale grey ; stigma pale brown. Halteres tawny. Legs tawny ; tibia3 much darker than the femora ; tarsi brown ; hind tarsi black. Very rare. In Mr. Stephens's collection. (E. I.) Genus V. ARDOPTERA. ARDOPTERA, Mq. d. n. (1827). Leptosceles, Hal. Corpus gracile. Caput nutans, oblongo-ovatum ; gence sub oculis inter- rupts ; epistoma lineare, attenuatum. Oculi magni, ovati, approxi- mati. Proboscis brevis, crassa, palpis incumbentibus. Antenna 4-articulatae ; articulus primus minutus ; tertius ovatus, compressus, quarto brevior ; quartus longissimus, setiformis. MSB incumbentes ; vena cubitalis furcata ; vena costalis marginem posticum attingens. Pedes graciles ; coxce femoribus breviores ; coxae anticae longae. Body slender. Head oblong-ovate, inclining forwards ; cheeks inter- rupted by a notch under the eyes ; epistoma linear, attenuated. Eyes large, oval, approximate. Proboscis short, thick; palpi incumbent. Antennae 4-jointed ; first joint small ; third oval, compressed, shorter than the fourth ; fourth very long, setiform. Wings incumbent and parallel in repose; cubital vein forked; costal vein attenuated around the posterior margin. Coxa shorter than the femora ; fore coxae long ; onychia and empodium small, this scarcely thickened. 1. irrorata, Mn. d. s. emp. 13. 17 (1815); Hal.; Mg. Nigro-aenea, capite argenteo, antennis nigris, thorace albo fasciato et utrinque notato, alis cinereis albo-guttatis ad costam subfuscis, halteribus flavis, pedibus fulvis, tibiis tarsisque apice fuscis. Long. 1-1 \ ; alar. 2-2^ lin. Body aeneous-black. Head silvery. Eyes black when dead. Pro- boscis, palpi, and antennas black ; third joint of the antennae conical, compressed, a little longer than the two preceding ; fourth more than twice the length of all the preceding. A whitish stripe on the thorax, and some white marks in front and on each side. Wings grey, brownish along the fore border, chequered with white spots, which are largest and 104 EMPID^. most distinct near the fore border, and are almost wanting in the middle of the disc; veins black, slightly waved. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; hinder coxae and tips of the tibiae and of the tarsi brown. Inhabits damp woods. (E. I.) 2. guttata, Hal. irrorata, Mg. zw. iii. 66. 9 (1822). exokta v., Hal. Nigro-aenea, capite argenteo, antennis nigris, thorace albo fas- ciato et utrinque notato, alis cinereis, margine postico apiceque maculis sex limpidis, venis fusco-nebulosis, halteribus flavis, pedibus fulvis, tibiis tarsisque apice fuscis. Long. 1-1 ; alar. 2-2|- lin. Male and Fern. Body aeneous-black. Head silvery. Proboscis, palpi, and antennae black; third joint of the antennae conical, com- pressed, a little longer than the two preceding ; fourth more than twice the length of all the preceding. Thorax with a white stripe, and with some white marks in front and on each side. Wings grey, brownish along the borders of the veins, with 6 colourless spots along the hind border and at the tips. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; tips of the tibiae and of the tarsi brown. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) Genus VI. HELEODROMIA. HELEODROMIA, Hal.; Wtw. class. (1840). Empis p., Fin. suppl. Hemerodromia p., Mg. Heleodromia p., Hal. e. m. i. 159; Ct. Hydrodromia, Mq. Paramesia, Mq. Brachystoma p., Ztt. Caput verticale, oblato-orbiculatum, genis infra oculos non continuis, epistomate indiscreto. Proboscis crassa, descendens, palpis incumbenti- bus. Antenna b-articulata ; articulus tertins quinto brevior, apice attenuatus ; quintus setiformis, breviuscula, curvata. Ales vena cubi- tali furcata, externo-mediis 3 ex areola discali oblongo hexagona excurrentibus. Coxae femoribus breviores ; empodium incrassatum ut onychia. Body slender. Head small, vertical, oblato-orbiculate. Genes inter- rupted by a notch under the eyes. Face long, attenuated; clypeus apparently divided. Eyes small, oval, remote. Proboscis thick, de- clining. Labrum transverse, very broad at the tip. Lingua broad, lanceolate, with an obtuse tooth on the upper side at the base. Palpi incumbent, large, clavate, pilose. Labium short, thick, pubescent. Antennae 5 -jointed, small, porrect, pubescent, inserted between the eyes near the middle of the face ; first, second, and third joints stout ; first clavate, obliquely truncate ; second cyathiform ; third nearly round, attenuated on one side of the tip, shorter than the fifth ; fourth very minute ; fifth setaceous, rather short, curved. Thorax almost fusiform ; scutellum semicircular, Wings long, narrow, incumbent and parallel HELEODROMIA. 105 in repose; cubital vein forked; 3 externo-medial veins proceeding from an oblong hexagonal discal areolet ; costal vein attenuated round the posterior margin. Legs long, slender ; coxae shorter than the femora ; fore coxae large ; empodium thickened in a brush like tJie onychia. Male. Abdomen linear, terminated by a conical, compressed process. Fern. Abdomen fusiform, terminated by two small lobes. The Heleodromice frequent moist ground, ponds, lakes, and rivulets. The species may be grouped thus : a. Wings with a stigmatical spot. Species 1. a a. Wings with dusky clouds. Species 2, 3. a a a* Wings immaculate. Species 4. 1. stagnalis, Hal. e. m. i. 159 (1833) ; Qi.Westermanni, Ztt. Cinerea, subtus schistacea, epistomate subquadrato argenteo, antennis nigris, alis subcinereis, vents transversis obsolete fusco-limbatis, halteri- bus fuscis, abdomine supra nigricante maculis cinereis bivittato, femori- bus apice testaceis. Long. If ; alar. 4^ lin. Male and Fern. Body olive, slate-colour beneath ; epistoma silvery. Eyes red. Proboscis and antennas black. Wings pale grey; veins black ; transverse veins slightly clouded with brown. Halteres brown. Abdomen blackish above, with a row of grey spots along each side. Legs black ; thighs slate-colour, their tips pale red. The most common species ; appears in small flights, on ponds, swamps, and running streams, among the crowded starwort (Cattitriche verna), and on duckweed (Lemna). (E. S. I.) 2. Zetterstedti, Fin. suppl. (1827) ; Zii.bipunctata, Hal. ; Ct. Cinerea, subtus schistacea, vitta dorsali fusca, hypostomate lineari ar- genteo, alis puncto stigmaticali fuscescente, pedibus pallide ferruginei*. Long, 1; alar. 4 lin. Cinereous. Hypostoma narrow, silvery. Antennas black. Thorax with a dusky stripe down the middle ; sides pearly grey. Wings greyish, with a brown dot beyond the middle of the costa. Discal areolet more attenuate-elongated than in the other species, thus somewhat approaching the genus Wiedemannia \ anal areolet linear and not oval, with an abbreviated but distinct rudiment of the anal vein con- tinued from its apex; stigmatical dot fusco-ferruginous, somewhat oblong (not round, as in Wied. bistigma). Bare ; occurs about rivulets. In Mr. Halida/s collection. (I.) 3. fontinalis, Hal. e. m. i. 160 (1833); Ci.W"esm b. Halteres white or pale. Species 1-6. b b. Halteres brown or black. Species 7, 8. a a. Body partly or wholly pale. Species 9, 10. 1. nigripes, Fb. e. s. iv. 405. 13 (1792); Mg.! zw. iii. pi. 23. f. 2 ; Mq. ; Ztt. crassirostris, Fin. Antennis nigris, tkorace nigro- quadrivittato, alls limpidis, halteribus flavis. Mas. Cinerea, pedibus nigro-fuscis. Fcem. Cana, pedibus nigris. Long. 2-| 3 ; alar. 6-7 lin. Clothed with black hairs. Proboscis, palpi, and antenna black; first and second joints of the antennse cinereous ; third lanceolate, longer than the first and the second ; fifth about one-third of the length of the third. Thorax with 4 black stripes, the outer pair indistinct. Jfings colourless; stigma dark brown, narrow; veins black, tawny RHAMPHOMYIA. 109 towards the base. Halteres pale yellow. Male. Cinereous. Legs blackish-brown. Fern. Hoary. Legs black. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. sulcata, Mg.kl. i. 229. 26 (1804); Fin.; Mq.; Ztt. Oinerea, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-trivittato, alis subcinereis basi et ad costam subfuscis, fyalteribus flavis, pedibus nigris. Long. 3 ; alar. 8 lin. Cinereous, clothed with black hairs. Antennae black; third joint lanceolate, more than twice the length of the first and the second ; fifth not more than one-fourth of the length of the third. Thorax with 3 dark brown stripes. Wings pale grey, dull tawny at the base and along the fore border ; no stigma ; veins brown, black along the fore border, tawny towards the base. Halteres yellow. Legs black ; hind femora armed with black spines ; hind metatarsi slightly dilated. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 3. spinipes, Fin. d. s. emp. 26. 21 (1815) ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. carbonaria ? Hms. ; Mg. Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace fusco- trivittato, alis ferrugineo-fuscis, halteribus luteis, pedibus nigris ; Mas. femoribus posticis subtus fasciculato-setosis ; Fcem. abdomine schistaceo, tibiis posticis subciliatis. Long. 3-3^ ; alar. 7-8 lin. Cinereous, clothed with short black hairs, and with a few black bristles. Proboscis and antennae black; third joint of the antennas much longer than the first and the second ; fifth not one-fourth of the length of the third. Thorax with 3 very slender brown stripes. Wings ferruginous-brown; stigma dark brown. Halteres luteous. Male. Hind femora armed beneath with a cluster of bristles. Fern. Ab- domen slate-colour. Hind tibia3 slightly ciliated. Bare. (E. S.) 4. cinerascens, Mg. kl. i. 230. 28 (1804), Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-trivittato 3 halteribus flavis, pedibus nigris ; Mas. alis albidis ; Fcem. alis subcinereis. Long. 2 ; alar. 4 lin. Grey, clothed with short black hairs. Proboscis and antennas black, Thorax with 3 brown stripes. Stigma brown. Halteres pale yellow. Legs black. Male. Wings whitish. Fern. Wings pale grey. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 5. caesia, Hms.; Mg. zw. iii. 56. 29 (1822). Cana, antennis nigris, alis sublimpidis, halteribus flavis, pedibus fuscis. Long. 1 ^-2 ; alar. 5-6 lin. Male. Hoary, thinly clothed with black hairs. Proboscis black, reaching the fore coxae. Antennae black ; fifth joint much shorter than the third. Wings almost colourless; stigma brown. Halteres pale yellow. Legs brown; hind femora and hind tibiae slightly dilated, armed with teeth beneath ; hind femora hairy beneath. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 6. variabilis, Fin. d. s. emp. 29. 33 (1815); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt, 110 EMPID.E. Cinerea, antennis m'gris, tJwrace fusco-trivittato, halteribus fulvis, abdo- mineferrugineo, pedibus fulvis ; Mas. alis ferrugineis ; Fcem. alls limpidis. Long. 2 ; alar. 5 lin. Cinereous, clothed with black hairs and bristles. Proboscis black, reaching the fore coxae. Antennae black ; third joint lanceolate, very much longer than the first and the second ; fifth less than one-fourth of the length of the third joint. Thorax with 3 brown stripes. Stigma brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Abdo- men ferruginous. Legs slender, tawny ; tarsi brown towards the tips. Male. Things ferruginous. Fern. Wings colourless. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 7. longipes, Mg. kl. i. 231. 34 (1804) ; Mq. ; Mg. ; Ztt. Nigra, alis albidis. Long. If 2 ; alar. 4-4- lin. Black, shining, thinly clothed with black hairs and bristles. Pro- boscis reaching the middle coxae. Third joint of the antennae lanceo- late, much longer than the first and the second ; fifth much shorter than the third. Wings whitish ; no stigma ; veins tawny, black along the fore border. Hind tibiae slightly clavate ; hind metatarsi slightly dilated. Generally distributed. (E.) 8. sethiops? Ztt. d. s. i. 436. 60 (1842). Nigra, alis subcinereis. Long. 1 ; alar. 3 lin. Slack, shining, clothed with short black hairs. Proboscis reaching the hind coxae. Third joint of the antennae very much longer than the first and the second ; fifth a little more than half *the length of the third. Wings very pale grey ; stigma black, very narrow. Hind femora and hind tibia ciliated on both sides. Not rare. (E.) 9. pennata, Mq. d. n. emp. 133. 6 (1827); Mg. ; Ct. ! b. e. 517. Cana, antennis nigris basi fulvis, thorace fusco-trivittato, alis subferrugineo-cinereis, halteribus flavis, abdomine pedibusque fulvis, femoribus tibiisque posterioribus ciliatis. Long. 2 ; alar. 5 lin. Fern. Hoary, thinly clothed with black hairs. Proboscis ferruginous, reaching the fore coxae. Antennae black; first and second joints tawny ; third nearly twice the length of the first and the second ; fifth much less than half the length of the third. Thorax with 3 brown stripes. Wings slightly ferruginous-grey ; no stigma. Halteres pale yellow. Abdomen tawny. Legs tawny ; posterior femora and tibiae ciliated with brown hairs. Not common. (E.) 10. flava, Fin. d. s. emp. 30. 35 (1815); Mg. ; Ztt. Flam, an- tennis nigris basi flavis, thorace fusco-univittato, metathoracis disco subcinereo, alis limpidis, halteribus fulvis, abdominis segmentorum marginibus posticis apiceque fuscis, pedibus flavis, tarsis fuscis. Long. 2 ; alar. 4 lin. CEDALEA. Ill Yellow, slender, thinly clothed with black hairs and bristles. Head black. Proboscis pale yellow, blackish towards the tip. Antennae black ; first joint yellow ; second brown ; fifth rather more than half the length of the third. Thorax with an indistinct slender pale brown stripe ; disc of the metathorax greyish. Wings colourless ; no stigma. Halteres tawny. Tip and hind borders of the segments of the abdo- men brown. Legs yellow, long and slender ; tips of the tibiae darker ; tarsi brown. Not common. (E. S.) Genus X. EUTHYNEURA. EUTHYNEURA, Mq. a. s. e. iii. (1836). Proboscis porrecta, capite longior. Antennarum articulus tertim quinto longior. Alarum vena cubitalis simplex ; vena externo-media 3. Coxae femoribus breviores. Proboscis horizontal, longer than the head. Third joint of the an- tenna longer than the fifth. Cubital vein simple ; externo-medial veins 3, arising from a ducal areolet. Coxa shorter than the femora. 1. myrtilli, Mq. a. s. e. iii. (1836). Nigra, antennis apice subu- latis, alls limpidis, tibiis basi femoribusque fulvis. Long. 1 ; alar. 31in. Black, shining, not hairy. Tips of the antenna subulate. Wings colourless ; stigma pale brown. Tibiae towards the base and femora tawny. Eare. In Mr. Holiday's collection. (E. I.) 2. myricse, Hal., MSS. Nigra, gracilis, antennis apice ootusis, alis limpidis, abdomine attenuato t pedibus fuscis > tarsis nigris. Long. 1^ ; alar. If lin. Black, long, slender, not hairy. Tips of the antenna obtuse. Wings colourless. Halteres tawny. Abdomen attenuated, about thrice the length of the thorax. Legs brown, long, slender ; tarsi black. Eare. In Mr. Halida/s collection. (E. I.) Genus XI. CEDALEA. (ED ALE A, Mg. zw. ii. 355 (1820) ; Mq. ; Ztt. Empis p., Fin. dicera, Mq. Corpus minutum, subelongatum, glabriusculum, nitidum. Color cor- poris niger, pedum pallidus. Proboscis capite brevior. Palpi dilatati, compressi. Antennae 5-articulatse, porrectae, capite longiores, basi 112 EMPIDvE. approximate ; articuli primus et secundus brevissimi ; primus sub- cylindricus; secundus cyathifonnis ; tertius longus, compressus, subuliformis, quinto longior ; quartus et quintus brevissimi ; quintus stylatus. Thorax ovatus, gibbosus. Vena cubitalis simplex ; vence externo-media 3. Alulae integrae, angustae, ciliatae. Coxae femoribus breviores. Pedes postici anterioribus paullo longiores, femora postica subincrassata, subtus plerumque spinulosa; tibia postica arcuata, femoribus breviores. Mas. Oculi connexi. Anus obtusus. Fcem. Oculi paullo discreti. Anus acuminatus. Body black, rather long, smooth, shining. Head round. Eyes red, parted above by a suture ; all the facets very small. Ocelli 3, on the crown. Proboscis horizontal, shorter than the head. Palpi dilated, compressed. Antenna? 5-jointed, porrect, longer than the head, ap- proximate at the base ; first and second joints very short, of equal length ; first almost cylindrical ; second cyathiform ; third compressed, subuliform, longer than the fifth ; fourth and fifth very small, hardly visible; fifth stylate. Thorax oval, gibbose. Wings large, obtuse, very finely pubescent ; cubital vein simple ; 3 externo-medial veins arising from a trapeziform discal areolet. Alulae entire, narrow, fringed. Halteres uncovered, with large knobs. Abdomen with 7 segments, cylindrical, pubescent. Coxa shorter than the femora ;' anterior legs slender, of equal length ; hind legs long ; hind femora thick, bristly beneath from the middle to the tips ; hind tibia curved, shorter than the femora. Male. Eyes united. Abdomen obtuse at the tip. Fern. Eyes parted by a narrow interval. Tip of the abdomen acuminated. These flies inhabit the leaves of shrubs, and herbage in woods ; they move slowly; their flight is heavy, and they often hover in the air. The female lays its eggs in the decayed trunks of trees. The difference between (Edalea and the typical Micropkori con- sists in the shorter curved hind tibiae, and somewhat thicker and spined hind femora, and rather longer proboscis of the former. 1. stigmatella, Ztt. d. s. i. 216. 2 (1842). Nigra, antennis fuscis, alis subfuscis, abdominis basi fusca subtus fulva, pedibus fulvis, tibiis posticis tarsisque fuscis. Long. If ; alar. 3-J lin. Black, shining, thinly clothed with tawny hairs. Proboscis and antenna brown. Wrings slightly tinged with brown ; stigma brown. Halteres yellow. Abdomen glossy at the base, brown above, tawny beneath. Legs tawny, clothed with short yellow hairs ; hind femora armed beneath with black spines; tarsi and hind tibiae brown; an- terior tibiae sometimes dark tawny. Male. Abdomen silky. Hind femora brown on nearly half the length from the tips. Fern. Pleurae MICROPHORUS. 1 13 partly pale. Abdomen glabrous, pale beneath. Tips of the hind femora brown. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 2. minuta, Fin. d. s. emp. 32. 40 (1815); Mg. -flampes, Ztt. ti&ialis? Mq..d. i. 321. 1. nifipes? Mq. zw. Nigra, antennis fuscis, alls limpidis ad costam fmcis, pedibus fulvis, tibiis saepissime tarsisque fuscis. Long. If-lf ; alar. 3-3^ lin. Black, shining, thinly clothed with tawny hairs. Proboscis and antennae brown. Wings colourless, more or less tinged with brown beneath the fore border ; transverse vein more oblique than that of (E. stig- matella; stigma brown. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny; tarsi and posterior tibiae brown. Tar. Fore tibiae brown. Far. Hind tibia? tawny. Not very common. (E. S. I.) Genus XII. MICROPHORUS. MICROPHORUS, Mq. d. n. (1827); Ztt. Trichina, Mg. Platypeza p., Mg. CEdalea p., Ztt. Corpus minutum, vel minutissimum, glabriculum, nitidum. Color niger. Oculi connexi. Proboscis capite brevior, subocculta. Palpi cylindrici. Antennae 5 -articulate, capite longiores ; articuli primus et secundus brevissimi, contigui ; tertius longissimus, conicus, com- pressus, quinto longior ; quartus brevissimus ; quintus brevis, stylatus. Thorax gibbus. Alarum vena cubitalis simplex ; vena externo-media 3. Pedes aut simplices aut tibiis posticis dilatatis ; coxa femoribus breviores ; tibia postica recta, femoribus non breviores. Mas. Anus obtusus. Fcem. Anus acutus. Body black, small, or very small, smooth, shining. Eyes red, con- nected. Proboscis shorter than the head, almost hidden. Palpi cylin- drical. Antennae 5 -jointed, somewhat longer than the head ; first and second very short, approximate ; third very long, conical, com- pressed, longer than tne fifth ; fourth very short ; fifth short, stylate. Thorax gibbous. Wings lanceolate; cubital vein simple; externo- medial veins 3, arising from a discal areolet. Legs either simple or with dilated hind tibiae. Coxa shorter than the femora ; hind tibia straight, shorter than the femora. Male. Tip of the abdomen obtuse. Fern. Tip of the abdomen acute. This genus differs from (Edalea by the conical third joint of the antennae, by the longer and more distinct seta, and by the simple and unarmed hind femora. The Microphori appear in VOL.1. Q 114 EMPIDjE. summer, and frequent the leaves of shrubs, and herbage in fields and woods. 1. flavipes, Mg! zw. vi. 336. 1. pi. 60. f. 10 (1830) ; Mq. ; Ztt. Niger, abdomine basi fulvo, pedibus subfulvis ; Mas. alls subfuscis ; Fcem. alls limpidis. Long. 1-1 ; alar. 2^-2f lin. Black, shining, clothed with a few hairs. Facets of the eyes rather large. Stigma brown ; veins of the wings black. Abdomen dark tawny towards the base. Legs pale tawny, slender, simple. Male. Wings pale brown. Halteres pale brown. Jem. Wings colourless. Halteres tawny. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 2. clavipes, Mg. zw. vi. 336. 2 (1830) ; Mq. ; Zit.minutus p., Ztt. Niger, pedibus fuscis ; Mas. thorace nigro-ceneo, alis halteribusque fuscis, pedibus validis, femoribus anterioribus et tibiis intermediis fulvis, femoribus posticis tibiis anticis et tibiis posticis basi fulvis, femoribus posticis crassis, tibiis posticis clavatis ; Fcem. alis limpidis, halteribus flavis, tarsis basi fulvis, femoribus posticis tibiis anticis et tarsis non- nunquam fulvis apice fuscis. Long. 1-1^ ; alar. 2i-2f lin. Black. Legs brown. Male. Facets of the eyes of moderate size. Thorax aeneous-black. Wings brown ; stigma dark brown ; veins tawny towards the base. Halteres brown. Legs stout ; anterior femora and middle tibia? tawny ; hind femora, fore tibia?, and hind tibiae tawny at the base ; hind femora thick ; hind tibia clavate. Fern. Shining. Facets of the eyes very small. Wings colourless ; stigma pale brown ; veins yellow at the base. Halteres yellow. Tarsi tawny at the base ; hind femora, fore tibia?, and tarsi sometimes tawny, with brown tips. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 3. velutinus, Mq. d. n. 140. 2 (1827) ; Mg. Antennis pedibus- que nigris. Mas. Ater, alis cinereis, halteribus nigris. Fcem. Cinereus, alia limpidis, halteribus tibiis anticis genubusque fulvis. Long. 1-1 ; alar. 2^-3 lin. Proboscis, antenna?, and legs black. Legs slender. Male. Deep black, clothed with black hairs and bristles. Wings grey ; stigma brown ; veins and halteres black. Legs clothed with black hairs. Fern. Grey. Wings colourless ; veins and halteres tawny ; knees and fore tibia? dark tawny. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 4. crassipes, Mq. d. n. 140. 1 (1827) ; Mg. anomala, Mg. tarsella, Ztt. Mas. Ater, alis limpidis, pedibus posticis subciliatis, tibiis posticis apice tarsisque posticis basi dilatatis. Long. 1 ; alar. 2^- lin. Deep black, thinly clothed with black hairs and bristles. Wings colourless ; stigma pale brown ; veins and halteres black. Legs clothed with short black hairs ; hind legs slightly ciliated; hind tibia much CYRTOMA. 115 dilated towards the tips ; first joint of the hind tarsi very broad and long. Very rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 5. fuscipes, Ztt. i. 1. 540. 1 (1839). Gracilis, pedibus fuscis. Mas. Ater, alls nigro-fuscis, abdomine subtus fusco, tarsis nigris. Fcem. Niger, alls subcinerei*, abdomine fusco subtus basi fulvo, femoribus fulvis apice fuscis. Long. 1J ; alar. 2i lin. Slender. Legs long, slender, dark brown, not hairy. Male. Deep black, thinly clothed with short black hairs. Wings dark brown; stigma indistinct ; veins and halteres black, the latter very large. Abdomen brown beneath. Tarsi black. Fern. Black. Wings pale grey. Halteres brown. Abdomen dark brown, dark tawny beneath towards the base. Femora tawny, with brown tips. Not common. (E.) 6. pusillus, Mq. d.n. 140. 3 (1827); Mg. ; Ztt. Ater, alis limpi- dis, halteribus fuscis, pedibus validis non pilosis, tibiis posticis subclavatis. Long. |- ; alar. 2 lin. Fern. Deep black, smooth, shining, clothed with very few hairs. Wings colourless-, veins black. Halteres brown. Legs rather stout, not hairy ; hind tibi(S slightly clavate. Hare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 7. minutus, Mg. zw. vi. 336. 2 (1830); Mq.; Zii.elongatus, Hal. Niger, nitidus, gracilis, genubus fulvis ; Mas. alis fuscis ; Fcem. alis limpidis. Long. 1 ; alar. If lin. Slender, narrower than M. clavipes. Black. Legs slender ; knees tawny. Male. Thorax bronzed. Wings brown. Hind tibiae some- what clavate. Fern. Wings colourless. Abdomen very much produced and pointed. Fore femora pale, as well as the base of the other femora and of the tibiae. Bare; generally appears on larches. In Mr. Haliday's col- lection. (I.) Genus XIII. CYRTOMA. CYRTOMA, iv. 1 (1824); Mq. ; Hal.; Ztt. Empis p., Fin. Corpus minutum, molle, gibbum, totum pubescens. Color niger. Caput parvum, globosum. Oculi nudi, contigui. Proboscis declivis, brevissima. Palpi compressi, incumbentes. Antennae 5-articulatae, porrectse, basi approximatae ; articulus primus brevissimus ; se- cundus parvus, cylindricus ; tertius longus, obclavatus, compressus ; quartus et quintus stylati. Alae obtusae ; vena cubitalis simplex ; vence externo-media 3 ; prima et secunda furcam Jingentes ; areola discoidalis nulla. Coxa femoribus breviores ; pedes postici longi, tibiis apice subincrassatis. 116 EMPID^E. Mas. Abdomen brevius ; anus obtusus, appendiculatus. Fcem. Abdomen longius ; anus vaginatus. Body black, small, soft, pubescent. Head small, semicircular. Eyes contiguous ; facets rather large. Ocelli 3, on the crown. Pro- boscis projecting, hardly perpendicular. Labram narrow, curved, tubercular at the base, as long as the labium. Lingua slender, curved, somewhat longer than the labrum. Labium cylindrical. Antenna?. 5 -jointed, porrect, approximate at the base, diverging upwards ; first joint very short ; second small, cylindrical ; third long, obclavate, com- pressed, pubescent ; fourth very short ; fifth sty late, curved upward. Thorax gibbous. Wings oblique, finely pubescent, incumbent and parallel in repose. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen long, cylindrical, pubescent. Legs slender; coxae sJwrter than the femora ; hind legs long. Male. Tip of the abdomen obtuse, with 2 short points. Fern. Tip of the abdomen acute. The Cyrtoma appear in spring and summer, and inhabit herbage in woods and fields. 1. spuria, Fin. d. s. emp. 33. 43 (1815); Ztt. aim, Mg. ; Mq. Atra, opaca, pilosa, alis nigricantibus, halteribus fuscis. Long. 1^-lf ; alar. 3^-3 lin. Deep black, hairy, not shining. Wings blackish ; veins black. Halteres dark brown. Abdomen cylindrical, nearly twice the length of the thorax. Legs hairy; hind tibiae slightly clavate; hind tarsi slender. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 2. nigra, Mg. zw. iv. 3. 2 (1824); Mq. ; Ztt. Nigro-fusca, opaca, pilosula, antennis nigris, alis pedibusque fuscis. Long. 1^-1 {; alar. 2^-3 lin. Brownish-black, clothed with a few hairs, not shining. Proboscis, palpi, and antennae black. Wrings brown, large. Abdomen rather more than twice the length of the thorax. Legs dark brown, rather hairy ; hind tibiae dilated ; first and second joints of the hind tarsi long, dilated. Male. Halteres dark brown. Fern. Halteres pale yellow. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 3. meleena, Hal. e. m. i. 158 (1833). Mas. Atra, alis cinereis, femoribus ferrugineis, tibiis posticis subclavatis. Fcem. Nigra, alis sub- limpidis, tibiis posticis gracilibus. Long. 1^ ; alar. 3 lin. Hind tibiae longer than in the two preceding species. Male. Deep black. Wings grey. Femora ferruginous ; hind tibiae slightly clavate. Fern. Black. Wings almost colourless. Hind tibite very slender. Rare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (T.) LEPTOPEZA. 117 Genus XIV. LEPTOPEZA. LEPTOPEZA, Mq. d. n. (1827) ; Ztt. Empis p., Mn. Ocydromia p., Mg. ; Ztt. Corpus parvum, glabriculum, nitidum, subincurvum, molliculum. Color niger aut rufo-testaceus. Proboscis brevissima. Antenna? 4-articulata? ; articuli primus et secundus breves ; tertius conicus ; quartus longus, setiformis, apicalis. Thorax gibbosus, glaber. Ala3 longa?, angusta? ; vena cubitalis simplex ; vena exter no-media 2. Pedes omnes simplices, tibiis anticis muticis; coxa femoribus breviores. Mas. Plerumque longior, magis pilosus. Abdomen lineare. Anus param clavatus. Fcem. Glabricula. Oviductus exsertus, compressus, gladiiformis, arcua- tim recurvatus. Body small, smooth, shining, soft, slightly curved, black or reddish- testaceous. Proboscis very short. Antennae 4 -jointed ; first and second joints short ; tliird conical ; fourth long, setiform, apical. Thorax gibbous, very smooth. Wings long, rather narrow ; cubital vein simple ; externo-medial veins 2, arising from the discal areolet. Halteres clavate. Abdomen cylindrical. Legs slender, without spines or bristles ; hind tibia? slightly clavate ; hind metatarsi long, stout ; coxae shorter than the femora. Male. Body generally longer and more hairy than that of the female. Abdomen linear, hardly clavate at the tip. Fern. Abdomen elongate-fusiform ; oviduct exserted. This genus may be distinguished from Ocydromia by the short, oblique, or less perpendicular proboscis, by the thick, porrect, almost cylindrical palpi, by the oblong- conical third joint of the antennae, by the setiform apical joint, and by the ensiform ovi- duct of the female. It is like Ocydromia in its habits. The structure of the veins is almost similar in both genera, but Leptopeza has more often the rudiment of a third externo-medial vein. 1. ruficollis, Mg. zw. ii. 353. 3 (1820) ; T&t.glabricula 0, Fin. Nigra, thorace rufo-testaceo, alis sublimpidis, abdomine subtus testaceo, pedibus flavis, tibiis posticis apice tarsisque fuscis. Long. 2 ; alar. 4* lin. Black. Thorax reddish-testaceous, very shining. Wings almost colourless ; veins and halteres tawny. Abdomen testaceous beneath and on each side. Legs yellow ; hind tibia? towards the tips and tarsi brown. Eare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (I.) 2. flavipes, Mgle. j Mg. zw. ii. 353. 4 (1820) ; Mq. ; Ztt. Nigra, 118 EMPID.E. alls limpidis, abdomine piceo, pedibus flavis, tibiis posticis apice tarsisque obscurioribus. Long. 2 ; alar. 4^ lin. Black. Thorax very shining. Wings colourless; veins tawny. Halteres yellow. Abdomen piceous. Legs yellow ; hind tibiae towards the tips and tarsi rather darker. Perhaps the male of L. rujicollis. Rare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (I.) Genus XV. OCYDROMIA. OCYDROMIA, Hms.; Mg. zw. ii. 351 (1820) ; Mq. ; Ztt. Tachydro- mia p., Fb. Empis p., Fin. Corpus parvum, glabriculum, nitidum, subincurvum. Color niger aut rufo-testaceus. Oculi rufo-fusci, parum aeneo-micantes, in utroque sexu connexi. Proboscis brevissima, subocculta. Antennae 4-arti- culatae ; articulus tertius ovatus ; quartus setiformis, subdorsalis. Alarum vena cubitalis simplex ; vena externo-media 2 ; areola discoi- dalis una. Pedes aut omnes simplices, aut postici raro tibiis apicem versus incrassatis ; tibiis anticis latere interiore prope basin denti- culo minuto semper armatis ; coxa femoribus breviores. Mas. Corpus obscurius, gracilius ; anus obtusus. Fcem. Corpus pallidius, robustius ; anus acutior. Oviductus occultus. Body small, black or reddish-testaceous, smooth, shining, slightly incurved. Head round ; epistoma extremely narrow. Eyes large. Ocelli 3, on the crown. Proboscis very short, almost horizontal. Palpi small, cylindrical, hairy, obtuse. Antennae 4 -jointed, porrect, shorter than the head, closely approximate at the base, diverging upward ; first and second joints almost cylindrical, beset with short bristles ; third joint oval ; fourth setiform, seated on the third near the tip. Thorax oval, gibbous, depressed on the hinder part of the back, hardly bristly, without a suture; scutellum narrow. Wings longer than the abdomen, incumbent and parallel in repose, rounded at the tips, finely ciliated, very finely pubescent ; cubital vein simple ; externo- medial veins 2 ; discal areolet one. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen pubescent, compressed, incurved. Legs simple, slender, pubescent ; coxa shorter than the femora ; hind legs somewhat longer than the anterior ; first joint of the tarsi almost as long as all the 4 following. Male. Eyes parted by a suture. Fern. Eyes parted by a very narrow interval. The Ocydromia appear from the spring to the autumn, and inhabit meadows, flowers, the leaves of shrubs, and especially woods ; they are agile, but their flight is slow. 1. glabricula, Fin. d. s. emp. 33. 42 (1815) ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. nigripennis, Fb. Mas. ^Eneo- vel purpureo-nigra, an tennis nigris, alis OCYDROMIA. 119 nigricantibus, abdominis lateribus ventreque fuscis, pedibus fulvis, coxis flavis, tibiis anticis tarsisque fuscis. Fcem. Testacea, thorace antico capiteque nigris, alls subfusco-cinereis, abdomine maculis nigris vittato. Long. 1-1 ; alar. 3-4 lin. Body clothed with very few tawny hairs. Proboscis and antennae black. Scutellum beset with a few black bristles. Legs tawny, clothed with very short black hairs ; tarsi and fore tibiae brown. Male. Body ceneous or purplish-black. Wings blackish, very iridescent ; veins and halteres black. Abdomen brownish on each side and beneath. Coxa3 yellow ; posterior tibiae dark tawny ; hind tibiae long, slightly clavate. Fern. Body testaceous. Head and disc of the fore part of the thorax black. Wings very slightly tinged with brownish-grey ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres yellow, with pale brown knobs. Abdomen, with a row of black spots. Posterior tarsi tawny at the base. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. scutellata, Mg. zw. ii. 354. 5 (1820); Mq.; Ztt. Nigro- fusca, antennis nigris, pectore pleuris scutelloque testaceis, alis fusco- cinereis ; Mas. abdomine maculis fulvis bivittato, pedibus fuscis, coxis flavis, femoribus fulvis ; Fcem. thorace testaceo, disco anteriore nigro- fusco, tibiis tarsisque posterioribus fulvis. Long. H-lf ; alar. 3^-4 lin. Body blackish-brown, clothed with very few tawny hairs. Head, proboscis, and antennae black. Thorax beneath, pleurae, and scutellum testaceous. Wings brownish-grey; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres tawny. Abdomen blackish-brown, having along each side a row of tawny spots which sometimes form bands. Legs brown, clothed with very short tawny hairs; coxae yellow; femora tawny. Fern. Thorax testaceous; disc of the fore part blackish-brown. Posterior tibiae and tarsi dark tawny. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) Var. glabricula ? 3. rufipes, Mg. zw. ii. 353. 2 (1820) ; Ztt. Fcem. Testacea, capite antennisque nigris, thorace nigro-vittato, pleuris scutelloque flavis, alis subfuscis, abdomine maculis nigris vittato, pedibus fulvis, coxis flavis, tarsis fuscis. Long. If ; alar. 4 lin. Testaceous, clothed with very few tawny hairs. Head, proboscis, and antennae black. Thorax with a short black stripe. Pleurae and scutel- lum yellow. Wings very slightly tinged with brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Abdomen with a row of large black spots. Legs tawny, clothed with very short tawny hairs ; hips yellow ; tarsi and tips of fore tibiae brown; posterior tarsi tawny towards the base. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 120 EMPID.E. Genus XVI. HYBOS. HYBOS, Fb. s. a. (1805); LL; Mg.; Fin.; Mq. ; Ct. ; Ahr. ; Gr. ; Ztt. Musca p., L. Asilus p., Mbr. ; Gm. ; Shr. ; Fb. Empis p., Fb. Dasypogon p., Fb. Stomoxys p., Fb. Corpus parvum, nigrum, subpilosum, incurvum, nitidum, firmum. Oculi in utroque sexu conjunct!. Proboscis porrecta, capite longior. Antennarum articulus tertius breviter conicus ; quartus setiformis, apicalis. Alarum vena cubitalis simplex; vents externo-medice 2; areola discoidalis una. Pedes ssepe flavi ; coxa femoribus breviores ; femora postica subclavata, subtus spinulosa. Mas. Anus subclavatus. Femora postica valde incrassata. Fcem. Anus acutior. Femora postica modice incrassata. Body black, slender, shining, slightly hairy. Head small, round ; face very narrow. Eyes large, dark red, slightly notched internally. Ocelli 3, on a tubercle of the crown. Proboscis horizontal, longer than the head. Labrum long, lanceolate, as long as the labium. Lingua setiform, as long as the labrum. Maxillae rudimentary. Palpi fusiform, pubescent, with a few bristles inside, as long as the labrum, detached from the maxillae. Labium long, rather stout, tapering. Antennae 5 -jointed, porrect, approximate at the base, diverging upwards ; first and second joints cylindrical, somewhat bristly ; third oval ; fourth very minute ; fifth setiform, long, pubescent, bare at the tip. Thorax globose, gib- bous, without a suture, somewhat depressed on the hinder part of the back; scutellum lunate, smaH, narrow. Wings obtuse, very finely pubescent, incumbent and parallel in repose; cubital vein simple; externo-medial veins 2 ; discal areolet one. Halteres uncovered. Ab- domen with 7 segments, cylindrical, incurved, pubescent. Legs slender ; ungues and onychia large ; coxa shorter than the femora ; hind legs long, with thick and spinose femora ; anterior tibiae beset with bristles ; hinder tibiae stouter and more hairy ; hind tarsi shorter than the rest ; first joint long, very pubescent beneath. Male. Head larger. Eyes parted by a suture. Abdomen clavate at the tip. Hind femora much incrassated. "Fern. Head smaller. Eyes parted by a narrow interval. Abdomen more acute at the tip. Hind femora slightly incrassated. These flies appear in spring and summer in grassy spots, flowers, on the leaves of shrubs, and especially in woods ; they feed on small Diptera. They move slowly, their flight is heavy, and they often hover in the air. 1. grossipes, L. s. n. ii. 988. 59 (1767). /b^m, Fb.; LI. ; Fin. ;" Mg. ; Ct. ; Mq. ; Ztt.culiciformis, Fb, ; Gin. ; Shr. ; Mg. kl. clavipes, ~Fb.pilipes, Ct. ! b. e. 661. Nigra, cinereo-suffusa, alis cinereis. Long. 2-2i; alar. 4-5 lin. Black, with a cinereous covering, thinly clothed with black hairs. PLATYPALPUS. 121 Labrum and lingua tawny. Palpi clothed with short black hairs. Wings grey \ stigma brown. Halteres yellow. Legs clothed with short black hairs, beset with black bristles. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. vitripennis, Mg. zw. ii. 348. 2 (1820); Ct.; Mq.; Ztt. -fu- nebris v., Fin. Niger, cinereo-suffusus, alls limpidis, tarsis pedibusque anterioribus nonnunquam fuscis. Long. 1| 2 ; alar. 4-4 1- lin. Black, with a cinereous covering, thinly clothed with black hairs. Labrum and lingua tawny. Palpi clothed with very short black hairs. Things colourless-, stigma very pale brown. Halteres pale yellow. Legs clothed with short black hairs, beset with black bristles ; tarsi and anterior legs often brown. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 3. femoratus, Mir. pr. 2135 (lll^.flampes, Fb. ; Mg. ; Fin. ; Ct. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Gr. ! ic. pi. 94. f. 6. Niger, cinereo-suffusus, alls lim- pidis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus tibiisque posticis nigris. Long. If- 2 ; alar. 4-4^ lin. Black, with a cinereous covering, thinly clothed with black hairs. Labrum and lingua tawny. Palpi clothed with very short black hairs. Wings colourless; stigma indistinct. Halteres pale yellow. Legs tawny; hind femora and hind tibias black, beset with black bristles, clothed with rather long whitish hairs. Generally distributed. (E.S.I.) 4. fumipennis, Mg. zw. ii. 319. 4 (1820); Ahr. ; Ct. Niger, cinereo-suffusus, alia subfusco-cinereis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus tibiisque posticis nigris. Long. 2 ; alar. 4|- lin. Black, with a cinereous covering, thinly clothed with black hairs. Labrum and lingua tawny. Palpi clothed with very short black hairs. Wings pale brownish-grey ; stigma pale brown. Halteres tawny. Legs tawny ; hind femora and hind tibia3 black, beset with black bristles, clothed with rather long whitish hairs. Generally distributed. (E. I.) * Genus XVII. PLATYPALPUS. PLATYPALPUS, Mq. s. n. (1827). Musca p., Fb. Empis p., Fb. Tacliy- dromia p., Mg. ; Fb. ; Fin. ; Ztt. Corpus parvum, sa3pe minutissimum, oblongum, glabrum, parum setu- losum. Color corporis niger, fuscus, flavus ; pictura prseter annulos pedum nulla. Caput parvum. Oculi fusci, unicolores, interdum a3neo-micantes, in utroque sexu remoti. Proboscis capite brevior. Palpi compressi, squamaBformes, incumbentes, apice ciliati. Antenna 4-articulata3, capite sa3pius breyiores ; articulus tertius ovatus, acutus, 122 EMPLOY. aut conicus; quartus longus, setiformis. Alae subdilatatse ; vena cubitalis simplex ; vents externo-medice 2 ; vena subanalis apparem ; areola discoidalis nulla. Pedes cursorii ; coxae femoribus breviores ; femora anteriora crassa, intermedia subtus spinulosa. Mas. Anus obtusus. Fcem. Anus acutus ; oviductus bifidus. Body small, often very minute, oblong, smooth, hardly bristly. Colour black, brown, or yellow; legs most often banded. Head small. Eyes brown, sometimes aeneous, remote. Proboscis shorter than the head. Palpi flat, broad, almost conical, ciliated at the tips. Antennae 4-jointed, generally shorter than the head ; third joint oval, acute, or conical ; fourth long, setiform. Wings slightly widened ; cubital vein simple ; externo-medial veins 2 ; subanal vein apparent ; dis- coidal areolet none. Legs formed for running ; coxes shorter than the femora. Anterior femora thick; intermediate femora generally pec- tinated beneath. Male. Tip of the abdomen obtuse. Fern. Tip of the abdomen acute. Oviduct bifid. The Platypalpi dwell among herbage, and on the leaves of shrubs and of trees, from the spring to the autumn; they are very active, and run with great swiftness. The species may be grouped thus : a. Antennae shorter than the head ; palpi pale yellow or white. b. Legs for the most part all yellow. c. Thorax cinereous or hoary. Species 1-22. c c. Thorax black, shining. Species 23, 24. c c c. Thorax tawny or yellow. Species 25-31. b b. Legs for the most part black or obscure. Species 32-36. a a. Antennae longer than the head. Species 37-41. 1. flavipes, Fb. e. s. iv. 406. 19(1794); LI. ; Mg.; Mq. ; Ztt. vulgaris, Mg. kl. Cinereus, capite cano, antennis nigris, alis lim- pidis, abdomine nigro, pedibus fiavis, tarsorum articulis apice genubusque posterioribus nigris. Long. 1J 1^; alar. 3^4 lin. Cinereous. Head hoary, clothed above with black hairs, beneath with white hairs. Eyes red ; facets larger on each side than above. Palpi yellow. Antennae, black, nearly as long as the head. Wings colourless ; veins brown, tawny at the base. Halteres yellow. Abdo- men black, shining. Legs yellow, clothed with very short black hairs ; tips of the tibia3 darker ; hinder knees and tips of the joints of the tarsi black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibias curved, tips of their apical spines black. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. maculipes, , Mg. d. iii. 79.27(1822); Ztt. Cinereus, anten- nis nigris, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro, segmentorum suturis cams, pedi- bus fulvis, tarsorum articulis apice nigris. Long. 1 ; alar. 3} lin. PLATYPALPUS. 128 Grey, beset with a few black bristles. Palpi yellow. Antennae black ; third joint broad, conical, a little shorter than the first and the second ; fourth much longer than the third. Wings colourless ; stig- ma brown, long, narrow ; veins brown, tawny at the base. Halteres pale yellow. Abdomen black, shining ; sutures of the segments hoary. Legs tawny, stout ; tips of the joints of the tarsi black ; middle femora very thick ; middle tibiae curved. Generally distributed. (E.) 3. agilis, Mg. zw. iii. 80. 29 (1822) ; Ztt. Cinereus, capite an- tico albo, antennis nigris, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro, pedibus fulvis, tarsis fuscis bad fulvis, femoribus anterioribus fusco-vittatis, femoribus posticisfuscis. Long. 1^-1^-; alar. 3-*-- 4 lin. Grey. Head shining white in front. Palpi yellow. Antennae black ; third joint conical, rather short ; fourth much longer than all the pre- ceding. Wings colourless ; veins brown, tawny towards the base ; third and fourth longitudinal veins very slightly curved towards each other. Halteres yellow. Abdomen black, shining. Legs tawny; tarsi brown, tawny towards the base ; anterior femora slightly striped with brown ; hind femora mostly brown ; fore femora nearly as thick as the incrassated middle femora. Not very common. (E.) 4. bicolor, Fb. s. a. 143. 2 (1804); Mg.; Mq. ; Zit.JZavi- pes, Pin. Cervinus, capite cano antice albo, antennis fuscis basi flams, pectore cano, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro, pedibus fiavis, tarsorum ar- ticulis apice nigris. Long. 1-li ; alar. 33$ lin. Head hoary, white and shining in front. Palpi yellow. Antenna brown ; first and second joints yellow ; third short ; fourth black, slightly pubescent. Thorax fawn-colour, clothed with pale yellow hairs, hoary beneath. Wings colourless ; veins yellow, tawny towards the tips. Halteres pale yellow. Abdomen black, shining, with a triangular cinereous spot on each side of every segment. Legs yellow ; tips of the joints of the tarsi black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved ; tips of their apical spines black. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 5. paUidiventris, Mg. zw. iii. 82. 35(1822); Mq. ; Ztt.JZavipes var. minor, Fin. Cinereus, capite cano antice albo, antennis fuscis basi fulvis, pectore cano, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro subtus fulvo, pedibus flavis, tarsorum articulis apice fuscis. Long. 1^ ; alar. 3 lin. Cinereous. Head hoary, shining white in front. Palpi yellow. Antennae brown, slender, rather short ; first and second joints tawny. Thorax hoary beneath. Wings colourless ; veins and halteres yellow ; third and fourth longitudinal veins slightly curved towards each other. Abdomen black, shining, tawny beneath. Legs yellow ; tips of the joints of the tarsi brown ; middle femora thick ; middle tibias slightly curved, tibiae rather thick. 124 EMPID^E. Rare. In Mr. Saunders's collection. (E.) 6. albicornis, Ztt. d. s. i. 279. 9 (1842). Canus, capite antico albo, antennis alls halteribusque albis, abdomine nigro, pedibus flavis, tarsorum articulis apice obscurioribus. Long. 1^1^; alar. 3 lin. Hoary. Head shining white in front, clothed behind with white hairs. Palpi white. Antennae white; third joint conical, a little shorter than the first and the second ; fourth darker and longer than the third. Wings whitish ; veins pale yellow ; third and fourth longi- tudinal veins nearly parallel. Halteres white. Abdomen black, shining. Legs pale yellow ; tips of the joints of the tarsi darker ; tip of the fifth joint blackish; middle femora rather thick; middle tibiae slightly curved ; fore femora nearly as thick as the middle femora. Not rare. (E.) 7. cursitans, Fb. s. i. 11. 447. 60 (1781); Mg. ; Mq.; Ztt. Cinereus, capite cano antice albo, antennis nigris basi luteis, alis sub- fulvis, abdomine subtus fulvo, pedibus fulvis, tarsorum articulis apice nigris. Long. 1^-2 ; alar. 4-15 lin. Cinereous, thinly clothed with pale yellow hairs. Head hoary, shining, white in front, clothed behind with whitish hairs. Palpi yellow. Antennae black, pubescent ; first and second joints luteous ; third conical, a little longer than the first and the second ; fourth very much longer than all the preceding. Thorax grey beneath. Wings sligJitly tawny ; veins tawny ; fourth; longitudinal vein slightly curved, not parallel with the third. Halteres yellow. Abdomen tawny beneath. Legs tawny, clothed with tawny hairs, and with a few black bristles ; tips of the joints of the tarsi black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved ; fore femora rather thick ; fore tibiae slightly curved. Generally distributed. (E.) 8. calceatus, Mg. zw. iii. 87. 45 (1822); Mq.; m.flavipes var. y, Fin. Cinereus, capite cano antice albo, antennis nigris basi fulvis, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro, pedttus flavis, tarsis apice nigris. Long, j-1 ; alar. 1 J-2 lin. Cinereous. Head hoary, shining white in front. Palpi white. Antennae black ; first and second joints tawny ; third conical, a little shorter than the first and the second ; fourth as long as the three pre- ceding. Thorax beset with a few black bristles. Wings colourless ; veins and halteres yellow ; third and fourth longitudinal veins nearly parallel. Abdomen black, shining. Legs yellow ; tips of the tarsi black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved. Generally distributed. (E.) 9. ecalceatus, Ztt. i. 1. 550. 6 (1839). Cinereus, capite cano antice albo, antennis flams apice nigris, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro, pedibus flavis. Long. 1 ; alar. 2i lin. Cinereous. Head hoary, shining white in front. Palpi white. PLATTPALPUS. 125 Antenna yellow ; third joint conical, as long as the first and the second ; fourth black, longer than the third. Wings colourless; veins and halteres yellow ; third and fourth longitudinal veins nearly parallel. Abdomen black, shining. Legs yellow ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved. Not common. (E.) 10. articulatus, Mq. d. n. 98. 10 (1827); Mg. ; Ztt. Cinereus, capite cano antice albo, antennis nigris basi fulvis, pectore cano, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro, pedibus fiavis, tarsorum articulis apice nigris. Long, li-H ; alar. 2^-3 lin. Cinereous. Head hoary, shining white in front, clothed behind with white hairs. Palpi white. Antennae black, pubescent ; first and second joints tawny ; third conical, longer than the first and the second ; fourth a little longer than the third. Thorax beset with a few yellow bristles, hoary beneath. Wings colourless ; veins and halteres yellow ; third and fourth longitudinal veins nearly parallel. Abdomen black, shining. Legs yellow ; tips of the joints of the tarsi black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved. Generally distributed. (E.) 11. candicans, Fin. d. s. emp. 10. 11 (1815); Mg. ; Ztt. fasciata? Mg. Cinereus, antennis nigris basi fulvis, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro, segmentis anterioribus utrinque cinereis, pedibus flams. Long. H-H ; alar. 2|-3 lin. Cinereous. Palpi white. Antenna black; first and second joints pale yellow ; third joint conical, longer than the first and the second ; fourth much longer than the third. Wings colourless; veins and halteres pale yellow; fourth longitudinal vein slightly curved, not parallel to the third. Abdomen black, shining; anterior segments cinereous on each side. Legs pale yellow ; tips of the tarsi brown ; middle femora thick ; middle tibia3 slightly curved. Not rare. (E.) 12. fulvipes, Mgrle.; Mg. zw. iii. 78. 25 (1822). Cinereus, capite cano antice albo, antennis nigris, alis sublimpidis ad costam sub- fulvis, abdomine nigro, pedibus fulvis, tarsorum articulis apice fuscis. Long. 1^ ; alar. 4 lin. Cinereous. Head hoary, shining white in front. Palpi yellow. Antenna black ; third joint conical, a little longer than the first and the second ; fourth much longer than the third. Wings almost colour- less, with a slight tawny tinge along the fore border ; veins tawny, brown towards the tips ; third and fourth lorigitudinal veins slightly converging. Abdomen black, shining. Legs tawny ; tips of the joints of the tarsi brown ; middle femora thick, more or less brown ; middle tibiae curved. Generally distributed. (E.) 126 EMPID.E. 13. infuscatus, Mq. ; Mg. d. iii. 84. 39 (1822) ; Mq. Cinereus, capite cano antice albo, antennis nigris basi fulvis, alls fusco-cinereis ad costam flavis, abdomine nigro, pedibus fulvis, tarsorum articulis apice nigris. Long. 1-1 i ; alar. 2^-3 lin. Cinereous. Head hoary, shining white in front, clothed with white hairs behind. Palpi yellow. Antenna black ; first and second joints tawny ; third tapering, much longer than the first and the second ; fourth much longer than the third. Wings brownish-grey ', yellow along the fore border for two-thirds of the length from the base ; veins black, yellow along the fore border. Halteres yellowish-white. Abdomen black, shining. Legs tawny ; tips of the joints of the tarsi black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved. Generally distributed. (E.) 14. varius, n. Cinereus, capite albo, palpis flavo-albis, antennis nigris basi flavis, pectore albido, alis limpidis, abdomine fulvo maculis fuscis bivittato, pedibus flavis. Long. If ; alar. 4 lin. Hoary. Head white. Palpi yellowish-white. Antenna black ; first and second joints yellow ; third tapering, much longer than the first and the second ; fourth as long as all the preceding. Thorax beset with a few yellow bristles, whitish beneath. Wings colourless ; veins pale yellow ; fourth longitudinal vein much curved towards the third. Halteres yellowish- white. Abdomen tawny, with 2 rows of brown spots, which are sometimes united and cover the whole back. Legs yellow ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiaa slightly curved ; fore femora a little thicker than the hind femora. Not common. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 15. fascipes, Mg. zw. iii. 78. 22 (1822). Cinereus, antennis nigris, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro, pedibus flavis, femoribus inter- mediis fusco-cinctis, femoribus posticis fulvo-cinctis, tibiis apice non- nunquam fulvis, tarsorum articulis apice nigris. Long, li; alar. 3 lin. Grey. Palpi yellow. Antenna black ; third joint lanceolate, longer than the first and the second ; fourth as long as the third. Wings colourless ; veins brown, yellow towards the base ; fourth longitudinal vein very slightly curved towards the third. Halteres yellow. Abdo- men black, shining. Legs yellow ; a broad brown band on each of the very thick middle femora, and a narrow tawny band on each of the hind femora ; fore femora thick ; tips of the tibia? sometimes tawny ; middle tibia? curved ; tips of the joints of the tarsi black. Generally distributed. (E.) 16. fasciatus, Mg.! zw. iii. 86. 43. pi. 23. f. 22 (1822). 'Cer- vinus, capite cano antice albo, antennis nigris basi fulvis, alis limpidis, abdomine cinereo nigro-fasciato, pedibus fulvis, tarsorum articulis apice fuscis. Long. 2 ; alar. 4 lin. Fawn-colour. Head hoary, shining white in front, clothed with PLATYPALPUS. 127 white hairs behind. Palpi tawny. Antenna black, pubescent ; first and second joints tawny ; third conical, a little longer than the first and the second ; fourth much longer than all the preceding joints. Wings colourless ; veins and halteres yellow ; third and fourth longitudinal veins slightly converging. Abdomen cinereous, with a more or less interrupted shining black stripe along the back. Legs tawny ; tips of the joints of the tarsi brown ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved ; fore femora nearly as thick as the middle femora. Bare. (E. I.) 17. laticinctus, n. Cinereus, capite antico albo, antennis nigris basi fulvis, alls sublimpidis, abdomine nigro, pedibus fulvis, femoribus fusco-cinctis, tarsis apice fuscis. Long. If ; alar. 4 lin. Cinereous. Head shining white in front. Palpi yellow. Antenna black, pubescent ; first and second joints dark tawny ; third conical, a little longer than the first and the second ; fourth much longer than the third. Thorax beset with a few tawny bristles, grey beneath. Wings nearly colourless ; veins brown, yellow towards the base ; third and fourth longitudinal veins slightly converging. Halteres pale yellow. Abdomen black, shining. Legs tawny, stout ; tips of the tarsi brown ; femora brown, tawny at the base and at the tips ; middle femora thick ; middle tibia? hardly curved ; fore femora rather thick. Bare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 18. dichroa, Mg. zw. iii. 83. 36 (1822). Cinereus, antennis nigris, alis limpidis, halteribus flavis, abdomine nigro, pedibus fulvis, tarsorum articulis apice genubusque intermediis nigris. Long. 1^; alar. 3i lin. Grey. Palpi yellow. Antennae black ; third joint long-conical, longer than the first and the second ; fourth longer than the third. Thorax beset with a few black bristles. Wings colourless ; veins black, tawny towards the base ; third and fourth longitudinal veins nearly parallel. Halteres yellow. Abdomen black, shining. Legs tawny ; tips of the joints of the tarsi black ; middle legs with thick femora, black knees, and curved tibiae. Not rare. (E.) 19. divisus, n. Cinereus, capite cano antice albo, antennis flams apice nigris, alis subflavis apice subcinereis, abdomine nigro, pedibus flavis. Long. \\ ; alar. 3 lin. Cinereous. Head hoary, shining white in front, clothed behind with white hairs. Palpi white. Antenna yellow ; third joint black towards the tip, conical, longer than the first and the second ; fourth black, longer than the third. Wings tinged with pale yellow, slightly grey at the tips; veins and halteres pale yellow ; third and fourth longitudinal veins nearly parallel. Abdomen black, shining. Legs yellow ; tips of the tarsi black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiaa curved. Bare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 128 EMPID^E. 20. commiles, n. Cinereus, antennis nigris, alls sublimpidis, abdomine nigro subtus fulvo, pedibus fulvis, tarsis fuscis basi fulvis, genubus posterioribus fuscis. Long, li-li ; alar. 3^-4 lin. Grey. Head clothed above with black hairs, beneath with white hairs. Palpi yellow. Antennas black, pubescent, nearly as long as the head ; fourth joint long, slightly pubescent. Wings nearly colour- less ; veins brown, tawny at the base. Halteres yellow. Abdomen clothed with short whitish hairs, black and shining above, tawny beneath. Legs tawny, clothed with very short pale yellow hairs ; tarsi brown ; first joint tawny, with a brown tip ; second joint tawny at the base ; tips of the hind tibia3 dark tawny ; hinder knees brown. Rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 21. compungens, n. Cinereus, capite cano, antennis fuscis apice nigris, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro basi subtus fulvo, pedibus flavis. Long. 1|- ; alar. 3 lin. Cinereous, clothed with pale yellow hairs. Head hoary. Palpi yellow. AntennaB brown; third joint as long as the first and the second ; fourth black, longer than all the preceding. Wings colourless ; veins brown. Halteres yellow. Abdomen black, shining, tawny towards the base beneath. Legs yellow ; tips of the tarsi black ; middle femora very slightly thickened ; middle tibia? very slightly curved. Eare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 22. robustus, Wlk. e. m. iv. 228 (1837). Cinereus, capite cano, palpis albidis, antennis nigris basi fulvis, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro, pedibus fulvis. Long. 1 ; alar. 2 lin. Cinereous, rather stout. Head hoary. Palpi whitish. Antenna black ; first and second joints tawny ; third tapering, longer than the first and the second ; fourth much longer than the third. Wings co- lourless ; veins and halteres yellow ; third and fourth longitudinal veins very slightly converging. Abdomen black, shining. Legs tawny, stout; middle femora very thick; middle tibia3 curved; fore femora thick. Eare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 23. ciliaris, Fin. d. s. emp. 33. 1,2 (1815); Mg.; Ztt. Niger, thoracis lateribus canis, alis sublimpidis, halteribus albis, pedibus flavis. Long. 1-3 i; alar. 3-4 lin. Black, shining, slender. Palpi pale yellow. Antennae pubescent ; third joint tapering, longer than the first and the second ; fourth longer than the third. Thorax hoary on each side. Wings nearly colourless ; veins brown, tawny towards the base ; second longitudinal vein nearly straight; third and fourth almost parallel. Halteres white. Legs yellow ; tips of the tarsi black ; middle femora very little thicker than the other femora ; middle tibiae very slightly curved. Generally distributed. (E. S.) PLATYPALPUS. 129 24. mundus, Wlk. e. m. iv. 228 (1837). Niger, palpis flavis, alls limpidis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus posterioribus nigris, tarsis apice fuscis. Long. 1^ ; alar. 2 lin. Black, shining. Proboscis rather long, Palpi yellow. Third joint of the antennae short-conical, broader but not longer than the first and the second; fourth longer than all the preceding joints. Wings colour- less ; veins brown, tawny towards the base ; second longitudinal vein almost straight ; third and fourth nearly parallel. Halteres pale yellow. Legs tawny ; posterior femora black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved ; tips of the tarsi pale brown. Rare. In the collection of the Ent. Club. (E.) 25. luteus, Mq.; Fin. d. s. emp. 10. 10 (1815); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Luteus vel ferruginous, antennis fuscis basi flavis, alls limpidis, venis nigris, pedibus fulvis, tarsorum articulis apice obscurioribus. Long. H-2; alar. 3-4^ lin. Luteous or ferruginous, stout, smooth, shining. Head yellow. Proboscis luteous. Palpi yellow. Antennae brown ; first and second joints yellow ; third conical, a little longer than the first and the se- cond ; fourth black, pubescent, much longer than all the preceding joints. Wings colourless; veins black, tawny towards the J)ase. Halteres tawny. Legs tawny; tips of the joints of the tarsi ^darker ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 26. glaber, Mg. zw. iii. 89. 52 (1822); Ztt.? Luteus, capite cano, antennis fuscis basi flavis, alis limpidis, venis fulvis, pedibus flavis. Long, li; alar. 3 lin. Pale luteous, smooth, shining. Head hoary. Proboscis tawny, with a black tip. Palpi whitish. Antennae brown ; first and second joints pale yellow ; third conical, a little longer than the first and the second ; fourth pubescent, a little longer than the third. Wings colourless; veins tawny; third and fourth longitudinal veins parallel. Halteres yellow. Legs yellow ; tips of the tarsi black ; middle femora a little thickened ; middle tibiae slightly curved. This species does not quite agree with Zetterstedt's P. glaber, whose middle femora are described as being very thick. Eare. In the collection of the Ent. Club. (E.) 27. pectoralis, Fin. d. s. emp. 9. 8 (1815); Ztt.gilvipes, Mg. Luteus, capite cinereo, antennis nigris, thorace nigro-vittato, alis sub- cinereis, stigmate nigro, abdomine fusco vel nigro subtus nonnunquam fulvo, pedibus fulvis. Long. li-l; alar. 3-3^ lin. Luteous, smooth, shining. Head grey. Proboscis black. Palpi whitish. Antennae black; third joint conical, as long as the first and the second; fourth pubescent, as long as all the preceding joints. Thorax with a black stripe. Wings slightly grey ; stigma black, long and narrow ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. VOL. i. s 130 EMPID^E. Abdomen brown or black, sometimes tawny beneath. Legs tawny ; tips of the tarsi black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 28. stramineipes, Ztt. d. s. i. 296. 29 (l%W).pectoralis, Mg. ; Mq. Luteus, capite cinereo, antennis nigris, thorace nigro-vittato, alls limpidis, stigmate flaw, abdomine nigro, pedibus fulvis. Long, li ; alar. 3 lin. Luteous, smooth, shining. Head grey. Proboscis black. Palpi whitish. Antennas black ; third joint conical, a little shorter than the first and the second ; fourth pubescent, longer than all the preceding. Thorax with a Hack stripe. Wings colourless ; stigma yellow, long and narrow ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Ab- domen black, sometimes tawny towards the tip. Legs tawny ; tips of the tarsi brown ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved. Not rare. (E. I.) 29. flavipennis, n. Luteus, capite cano antice argenteo, an- tennis fuscis basi fulvis, alis Jlavescentibus, pedibus fulvis. Long, li ; alar. 3 lin. Luteous. Head hoary, silvery-white in front. Proboscis tawny, with a black tip. Palpi pale yellow. Antennae brown; first and second joints tawny ; third conical, as long as the first and the second ; fourth black, pubescent, longer than all the preceding. Wings yellowish, especially along the fore borders ; veins and halteres yellow ; third and fourth longitudinal veins parallel. Legs tawny ; tips of the tarsi black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved. Bare. In the collection of the Ent. Club. (E.) 30. pulchellus, n. Luteus, antennis nigris basi fulvis, thorace nigro-vittato, alis sublimpidis, abdomine nigro cano-quadrivittato, pedibus fulvis. Long. 1^ ; alar. 2^ lin. Luteous. Head and proboscis black. Palpi whitish. Antennae black ; first and second joints dark tawny ; third conical, as long as the first and the second ; fourth very much longer than all the pre- ceding joints. Thorax with a broad black stripe on the back, partly black beneath. Wings nearly colourless ; veins brown, pale yellow to- wards the base ; fourth longitudinal vein very slightly inclined towards the third. Halteres yellowish- white. Abdomen black, with four broad hoary bands. Legs pale tawny ; tips of the tarsi brown ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved ; fore femora rather slender. Bare. In the collection of the Ent. Club. (E.) 81. formalis, n. Fulvus, antennis apice nigris, alis limpidissimis, pedibus flavis. Long. 1^ ; alar. 3 lin. Tawny, slender. Proboscis with a black tip. Palpi pale yellow. Antennas tawny ; third joint brown towards the tip, as long as the first and the second ; fourth black, pubescent, as long as all the pre- PLATYPALPUS. 131 ceding. Wings quite colourless, very transparent', veins black, yellow towards the base. Halteres yellow. Legs yellow; tips of the tarsi brown ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved. Bare. In the collection of the Ent. Club. (E.) 32. annulatus, Lin. emp. 7. 2 (1815); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Cine- reus, capite cano antice albo, antennis nigris basi fulvis, pectore cano, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro, pedibus fulvis, femoribus tibiis apice tarsorumque articulis plerumque apice nigris. Long. !- 1^; alar. 3-31 lin. Cinereous, Head hoary, clothed behind with white hairs ; epistoma shining white. Proboscis black. Palpi yellow. Antennae black, pu- bescent ; first and second joints tawny ; third conical, a little longer than the first and the second ; fourth longer than all the preceding joints. Thorax hoary beneath. Wings colourless; veins yellow, brown towards the tips ; fourth longitudinal vein inclined towards the third. Halteres yellow. Abdomen black, shining. Legs tawny; anterior femora mostly black ; hind femora slightly tinged with black, sometimes quite black ; middle femora very thick ; middle tibiae curved ; tips of the hind tibia and of the joints of the tarsi black, the latter, especially the hind pair, sometimes all black excepting the base. Male. Fore femora and fore tibia3 thick ; fore tibiae black at the tips, some- times all black excepting the base. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 33. minutus, Mg. zw. iii. 76. 20 (1822); Mq. ; Ztt. annula- tus var. )3, Fin. Niger, capite thoracis lateribus pectoreque canis, alis limpidis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus nigro-cinctis, tibiis posteriori- bus basi apiceque nigris, tarsis flavis nigro-cinctis. Long. 1-1 i ; alar. 2-2> lin. Black, shining. Head hoary. Palpi yellow. Third joint of the antennas conical, nearly as long as the first and the second ; fourth as long as all the preceding. Thorax hoary on each side and beneath. Wings colourless ; veins black, yellow at the base ; third and fourth longitudinal veins very slightly converging towards the tips. Halteres tawny ; femora black^ tawny at the base and at the tips ; middle femora thick ; fore femora rather thick ; tibife tawny / posterior tibia black at the base and at the tips ; middle tibiae curved, sometimes black ; tarsi yellow ; tips of the joints black. Male. Fore tibiae thick. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 34. castanipes? Mg. zw. iii. 79. 26 (1822). Cinereus, antennis nigris, alis limpidis, abdomine pedibusque nigris, tibiis posterioribus fuscis, tarsis basi tibiisque anticis fulvis. Long. 1^; alar. 2^ lin. Grey. Proboscis black. Palpi yellow. Antennae black; third joint conical, as long as the first and the second ; fourth a little longer than the third. Wings colourless ; veins black, tawny at the base ; third and fourth longitudinal veins slightly inclined towards each other. 132 EMPIDvE. Halteres yellow. Abdomen black, shining. Legs black; posterior femora thick ; posterior tibia brown ; middle tibiae slightly curved ; fore tibia tawny ; tarsi tawny at the base* Rare. In the collection of the Ent. Club. (E.) 35. exiguus? Mg. zw. iii. 81. 31 (1822). Niger, palpis flavis, thorace subcinereo, ah's limpidis, halteribus albis, pedibus fulvis, femo- ribus nigris, tibiis posticis apicefuscis, tar sis basifulvis. Long, f; alar. 21in. Black, shining. Palpi yellow. Third joint of the antennae conical, a little longer than the first and the second ; fourth much longer than the third. Thorax slightly grey, Wings colourless; veins brown, tawny towards the base ; third and fourth longitudinal veins almost parallel. Halteres white. Legs tawny ; femora black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibia? slightly curved ; tips of the hind tibia brown- ; tarsi black, tawny towards the base. This may be distinct from Meigen's P. exiguus, whose tarsi are ferruginous, with black tips to the joints. Rare. In the collection of the Ent. Club. (E.) 36. dubius, n. Cinereus, capite pectoreque canis, antennis nigris, alis limpidis, halteribus albis, abdomine pedibusque nigris, tibiis anticis basi genubusque anterioribus fulvis, tarsorum anticorum articulis basi flavis. Long. 1^ ; alar. 3^ lin. Grey. Head hoary. Palpi yellow. Antennae black ; third joint conical, longer than the first and second ; fourth much longer than the third. Thorax hoary beneath. Wings colourless ; veins brown, tawny towards the base ; fourth longitudinal vein slightly inclined towards the third. Halteres white. Abdomen black, shining. Legs black ; middle femora thick ; fore femora rather thick ; anterior knees tawny ; middle tibiae slightly curved ; fore tibia tawny at the base ; joints of the fore tarsi yellow at the base. Rare. In the collection of the Ent. Club. (E.) 37. pallipes, Fin. d. s. emp. 8. 6 (1815); Mg.; Ztt. Cams, antennis nigris, ah's limpidis, halteribus flavis, abdomine nigro, pedibus flams. Long. 1 ; alar. 3 lin. Hoary. Proboscis black. Palpi yellow. Antennae black; third joint tapering, longer than the first and the second ; fourth longer than the third. Abdomen black, shining. Wings colourless; veins and halteres yellow; third and fourth longitudinal veins nearly parallel. Abdomen black, shining. Legs pale yellow; middle femora thick; middle tibiae slightly curved. Not rare. (E. S.) 38. comptus, Wlk. e. m. iv. 228 (1837). stigmatellus, Ztt. d. s. i. 306. 41. pallipes, var. a, Ztt. i. 1. 553. 16. Niger, palpis flavis, alis limpidis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus posterioribiis tibiisque posticis apice tibiis anticis tarsisque nigris. Long. 1-li ; alar. 2^-3 lin. PLATYPALPUS. 133 Black y smooth, shining. Palpi yellow. Antennae long; second joint a little longer than the first ; third linear, about twice the length of the first and the second ; fourth much shorter than the third. Wings colourless ; veins black, tawny at the base ; third and fourth longitudinal veins almost parallel. Halteres pale yellow, black towards the base. Legs tawny ; femora compressed; tips of the posterior femora and of the hind tibia black ; middle femora very broad ; middle tibiae curved ; fore tibiae black ; tarsi black, tawny towards the base. Male, Antennae longer than those of the female. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 39. nigritarsis, Fin. d. s. emp. 34. 1, 2 (1815); Mg.; Ztt. Niger, alis subcinereis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus posticis apice tibiis anticis tar- sisque nigris. Long. | J; alar. 1| 2 lin. Black, shining. Palpi yellow. Antennae slender; fourth joint rather short. Wings very slightly tinged with grey ; veins black ; third and fourth longitudinal veins almost parallel. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; tarsi, fore tibiae, and tips of the hind femora black ; posterior tarsi tawny at the base ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved. Not rare. (E. I.) 40. dissimilis, Mn. d. s. emp. 9. 9 (1815) ; Mg. ; Ztt. Cinereus, capite cano antice albo, antennis fuscis, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro basi et subtus fulvo, pedibus flavis, tarsorum articulis apice nigris. Long. H ; alar. 3 lin. Cinereous. Head hoary, shining white in front. Proboscis black. Palpi yellow. Antennae brown. Wings colourless ; veins and halteres yellow ; third and fourth longitudinal veins nearly parallel. Abdomen black, shining, tawny beneath and towards the base. Legs yellow ; tips of the joints of the tarsi black ; middle femora a little thicker than the fore pair ; middle tibiae slightly curved ; fore femora rather thick. Rare. In the collection of the Ent. Club. (E.) 41. longicomis, Mg. zw. iii. 73. 12. pi. 23. f. 17 (1822). Cams, antennis nigris, alis limpidis, halteribus flavo-albis, abdomine nigro, pedibu* fulvis, tarsorum articulis apice fuscis. Long, li; alar. 2^-3 lin. Hoary, clothed with pale yellow hairs. Proboscis black. Palpi yellow. Antennae black ; third joint pubescent, linear, conical at the tip, longer than the first and the second ; fourth half the length of the third. Wings colourless ; veins brown, yellow at the base ; third and fourth longitudinal veins almost parallel. Halteres yellowish-white. Abdomen black, shining. Legs pale tawny, pubescent ; tips of the joints of the tarsi pale brown ; middle femora very slightly thickened ; middle tibiae very slightly curved. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 134 EMPLOYE. Genus XVIII. ELAPHROPEZA. ELAPHROPEZA, Mq. d. n. (1827); Ztt. Tackydromia p., Fin. Heme- rodromia p., Mg. Corpus minutum, oblongum, glabrum, parum setulosura. Color luteus. Oculi fere connexi. Proboscis brevis, verticalis. Palpi lati, pro- boscide breviores. Antennae 4-articulatae ; articulus tertius lonyus, conicus ; quartus setiformis. Alae sublatiores ; vena cubitalis sim- plex ; venae externo-medice 2; areola discoidalis et vena subanalis nullce ; areola prtebrachialis pobrachiali multo brevior. Pedes sim- plices, valid! ; coxa femoribm breviores. Mas. Anus obtusus. Fcem. Anus acutus. Body minute, oblong, smooth, shining, luteous. Head globose. Eyes almost connected beneath and above. Proboscis short, perpen- dicular. Palpi broad, shorter than the proboscis. Antennae 4-jointed ; first and second joints short ; third long, conical, much longer than the first and the second ; fourth setiform, a little longer than third. Wings rather broad; cubital vein simple; externo-medial veins 2; discoidal areolet and subanal vein none ; prcebrachial areolet much shorter than the pobrachial; longitudinal veins simple; second short; third and fourth very slightly diverging from each other ; fifth slightly curved to the hind border. Legs simple, slender ; coxce shorter than the femora. Male. Tip of the abdomen obtuse. Fern. Tip of the abdomen acute. Elaphrojpeza and Platypalpus seem to be alike in habit. 1. ephippiata, Fin. d. s. emp.ii. 14 (1815) ; Mg.; Ztt. Lutea, capite nigro, antennis fuscis basi flavis, thoracis vittis duabus scutel- loque nigris, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro, pedibus flavis. Long. 1 ; alar. 2 lin. Luteous, smooth, shining, thinly clothed with very short black hairs, beset with a few black bristles. Head black. Proboscis yellow, with a brown tip. Palpi yellow. Antennae brown ; first and second joints yellow ; third yellow towards the base. Thorax with 2 broad short black stripes ; scutellum black. Wings colourless ; veins tawny, yellow towards the base. Halteres yellow. Abdomen black. Legs yellow ; tips of the tarsi pale brown. Generally distributed ; appears in summer on herbage and on the leaves of shrubs. (E. I f ) DRAPETIS. 135 Genus XIX. DRAPETIS. DRAPETIS, Mg. zw. iii. 91 (1822); Mq.; Hal.; Ct.; Ztt. Tachy- dromia p., Fin. ; Mg. Corpus minutissimum, atrum, oblongo-ovatum, nitidum, glabrum. Oculi hirsutuli, in utroque sexu parum remoti. Proboscis verti- calis. Palpi lati, compressi, proboscide breviores. Antennae 4-arti- culatae, capite breviores, ascendentes ; articulus tertius brevi-ovatus vel rotundatus-i quartus longus, setiformis. Thorax gibbus, non lobatus. Alae sublatae ; vena cubitalis simplex ; venae externo-medice 2 ; areola discoidalis et vena subanalis nullce ; areola prcebrachialis pobrachiali multo brevior ; venae longitudinales simplices ; secunda brevis, incurva ; quinta in marginem interiorem descendens. Pedes nudi, simplices ; coxa femoribus breviores. Mas. Abdomen subcylindiicum. Anus obtusus. Fcem. Abdomen subovatum. Anus acutus. Body very small, oblong-ovate, black, smooth, shining, beset with a few black bristles. Head almost round ; epistoma very narrow. Eyes somewhat parted in both sexes. Oculi 3, on a tubercle of the crown. Proboscis very short, perpendicular. Palpi broad, shorter than the proboscis. Labrum long, very stout, broad-ovate and convex at the base, lanceolate and curved at the tip. Palpi incumbent, large, ovate, furnished with a few bristles, shorter than the proboscis. Labium rather small. Antennae 4-jointed, porrect, inserted between the eyes in the middle of the face, approximate at the base, diverging, curved upwards, as long as the head ; first joint very short ; second slightly cyathiform, bearing a few bristles ; third short-oval or round, compressed ; fourth setiform, pubescent, as long as all the preceding, forming an angle with the third. Thorax gibbous; scutellum semicircular. Wings rather broad, incumbent and parallel in repose, finely pubescent, rounded at the tips ; cubital vein simple ; externo-medial veins 2 ; discal areolet and subanal vein none ; prcebrachial areolet much shorter than the pobrachial; longitudinal veins simple; second short, incurved, scarcely extending .beyond the middle of the fore border ; fifth de- scending to the interior margin. Legs long, simply pubescent, beset with a few black bristles ; coxae shorter than the femora ; femora rather thick ; tibiae slender ; anterior tibiae with spines at their tips ; hind tibiae slightly curved. Male. Abdomen rather long, almost cylindrical ; tip obtuse. Fern. Abdomen more oval, acute. These flies appear from the spring to the autumn ; they run with extreme rapidity, and frequent herbage, trunks of trees, hot- beds, and sea-weed. In hot-beds they are much infested with mites. The genus may be thus divided : a. Third joint of the antennae ovate. Radial vein extended beyond 136 EMPLOYE. the middle of the costa. Hind tibiae ending in a spoon-shaped lobe. Species 1-4. a a. Third joint of the antennae small, orbicular, much more com- pressed than the second. Radial vein ending about the middle of the costa. Hind tibiae simple. Species 5, 6. 1. aterrima, Hal.; Ct. 1 b. e. 397 (1832). Atra, alis sublimpidis, halteribus flavis, genubus ferrugineis. Long. J; alar. 1^ lin. Broad, deep black. Wings nearly colourless ; veins black, nearly equally distant from each other. Halteres yellow. Knees ferruginous. Rare. (E.I.) 2. nigra, Mg. zw. vi. 344. 2 (1830); Mq. Nigra, alis limpidis, halteribus flavis, tibiis basi apiceque fulvis, tarsis anterioribus fuscis. Long, i-f; alar. 1-1 i lin. Black. Wings colourless; veins black. Halteres yellow. Tibice tawny at the base and at the tips ; anterior tarsi brown. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 3. exilis, Mgrle. ; Mg. zw. iii. 91. 1. pi. 23. f. 27. 28(1822) ; Mq. ; Ztt. Nigra, alis limpidis, halteribus flavis, pedibm fulvis, femoribus nigris, tibiis posticis nonnunquam fuscis. Long, i- f; alar. 1-1 ^ lin. Black. Wings colourless; veins black. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; femora black, with tawny tips; hind tibiae sometimes brown. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 4. assimilis, Fin. d. s. emp. 8. 5 (1815). -flavipes, Mq. ; Mg. exilis var., Mg. minima, Mg. ; Ztt. Nigra, alis limpidis, halteribus pedibusque fulvis. Long. J ; alar. 1 lin. Black. Wings colourless ; veins black. Halteres and legs tawny. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 5. graminum, Em. d. s. emp. 15. 31 (1815) ; Mg. ; Hal. Nigra, antennis fuscis basi flavis, alis albidis, halteribus flavis, abdominis basi pedibusque fulvis. Long. ^ ; alar. |- lin. Body black, hardly shining. Epistoma white. Proboscis black. Palpi yellow. Antennae brown ; first and second joints yellow ; third nearly round, hardly longer than the second; fourth nearly four times the length of all the preceding. Wings whitish ; veins brown ; second lon- gitudinal vein much nearer to the third than the costa ; third and fourth almost parallel ; fifth slightly curved to the hind border. Hal- teres yellow. Abdomen tawny towards the base. Legs tawny; fore femora thick ; fore tibiae rather thick. On herbage. (E. I.) 6. lunata, Hal. MSS. graminum var. & Fin. Fusco-cinerea, an- tennis basi abdomine pedibusque ferrugineis, alis fusco-ferrugineis basi apice et litura costali pallidis, femoribus anticis crassissimis. Long. ; alar. { lin. Differs chiefly in its figured wings from C. graminum. Brownish- CHERSODROMIA. 13? grey. Eyes contiguous beneath the antennae. Antennae ferruginous at the base ; third and fourth joints brown. Wings brownish-ferrugi- nous, pale at the base and at the tips, and with a pale costal mark ; prsebrachial areolet very narrow, three-fourths of the length of the po- brachial. Abdomen and legs ferruginous ; fore femora very thick. Bare. On sandy coasts near Dublin. In Mr. Haliday's col- lection. (I.) Genus XX. CHERSODROMIA. CHERSODROMIA, Hal. MSS. Tachydromia p., Fin. Empis p., Ztt. Palpi proboscide breviores. Alarum vena cubitalis simplex ; venae exter- no-medice % ; areola discoidalls et vena subanalis nullce ; areola prae- brachialis pobrachiali aequalis. Coxa femoribus breviores. Palpi shorter than the proboscis. Wings often short ; cubital vein simple ; externo-medial veins 2 ; discal areolet and subanal vein none ; prcebrachial areolet about as long as the pobrachial. Legs formed for running; COXCB shorter than the femora. The Chersodromm mostly inhabit the sea-shore, and in their habits resemble Drapetis ; they may be thus divided : a. Third joint of the antennae ovate-orbiculate, as long as the second. Species 1-3. a a. Third joint of the antennae orbiculate, shorter than the second. Species 4. a a a. Third joint of the antennae more acute, almost as long as the second. Species 5. 1. hirta, Wlk. e. m. iii. 180 (1836). Niyra, antennis nigris, alls albidis ad costam subfuscis, halteribus ferrugineis, pedibus nigris. Long. If ; alar. 3^ lin. Black, hardly shining, clothed with black hairs and with a few black bristles. Proboscis and palpi black. Antennae black; third joint nearly round, a little longer than the second; fourth twice the length of all the preceding. Wings whitish, indistinctly tinged with pale brown along the fore border ; veins dark brown ; second longitu- dinal vein much nearer to the costa than to the third ; third and fourth very slightly diverging from each other; fifth straight. Halter es fer- ruginous. Legs black, stout, hairy, beset with a few black bristles ; an- terior femora and fore tibiae rather thick. Eare. Appears in summer and autumn on sandy sea-coasts, among fuci. (E. I.) 2. cursitans, Ztt. a. holm. 82 (1819); Fin. Nigra, obscura, alis infumatis fusco-venosis, halteribus fuscis, tibiis posterioribus praesertim pilis longioribus. Long, f- ; alar. 2 lin. VOL. I. T 138 EMPLOYE. Black, dull. Wings clouded ; veins and halteres brown. Posterior tibiae bristly. Bare. Inhabits the sea-coast. (E. I.) 3. incana, Hal. MSS. Canescens, facie et palpis albicantibus, alls albis, abdomine nudo, pedibus fuscis. Long. -| ; alar. 1 lin. Hoary. Face and palpi whitish. Antennae with the second and third joints of equal length ; fourth a little longer than all the preceding. Thorax with a thin and very fine pubescence. Wings white:, veins yellowish. Halteres pale, with brown tips. Abdomen bare. Legs brown ; tibiae with a few hairs towards the tips. Rare. On sandy coasts of the sea and of lakes. In Mr. Ha- liday^s collection. (I.) 4. arenaria, Hal. e. in. i. 161 (1833). brevipennis, Ztt. Nigra, antennis nigris, alls brevissimis fuscis ad costam albidis, pedibus piceis. Long, ^-f ; alar. J lin. Male and Fern. Body black, not shining. Proboscis black. Palpi brown. Antennae black ; third joint nearly round, not longer than the second ; fourth full twice the length of all the preceding. Things ru- dimentary, brown, whitish along the hind border ; veins black ; second longitudinal vein a little nearer to the third than to the first ; third and fourth almost parallel ; fifth slightly inclined to the hind border. Legs pitchy, stout. Local, but very abundant on some parts of the sea-coast in the autumn. (E. I.) 5. speculifera, Hal. MSS. Cana, facie alba, antennis basi palpis pedibusque totis flavis, pleuris macula rotunda atra nitida supra coxas medias, alis hyalinis. Long. 1 ; alar. 2-f lin. Hoary. Face of the head white. Eyes very minutely pubescent. Palpi yellow. Antennae yellow at the base ; third joint almost oval, as if triannulated ; fourth joint long, setiform, on the tip of the third. Thorax with a few scattered hairs. Pleurae with a black round shining spot above the middle coxae. Wings colourless ; veins very pale. Hal- teres pale, with brown tips. Legs yellow, pubescent, with a few scat- tered hairs ; hind tibiae furnished with some longer hairs. Very rare. In Mr. Halida/s collection. (I.) Genus XXI. TACHYDROMIA. TACHYDROMIA, Mq. d. n. (1827) ; Ct. Tachydromia p., Fb. ; Fin. ; Mg. Musca p., L. ; Fb. Calobata p., Fb. Sicus p., LI. Tachypeza, Mg. ; Ztt. Corpus minutum, elongatum, glabrum. Color niger, nitidus ; pictura alarum interdum fusco-fasciata. Oculi fusci, aeneo-micantes, in utroque sexu supra paullo disjuncti, infra conjunct!. Proboscis TACHYDROMIA. 139 capite brevior. Palpi oblongi, proboscidis longitudine. Antennae 4-articulatae, parvae; articulus primus brevissimus inconspicuus, tertius compressus, ellipticus ; quartus longus, setiformis. Alarum vena cubitalis simplex ; vena externo-media 2 ; areola discoidalis et analis nulla. Pedes cursorii ; coxes femoribus breviores ; femora antica crassa. Mas. Anus obtusus. Fcem, Anus acutus. Body black, minute, long, slender, smooth, shining ; dull in the last two species. Head oval, narrower than the thorax. Eyes aeneous or green, slightly parted above, connected beneath. Ocelli 3, in front. Proboscis perpendicular, shorter than the head. Labrum acute. Lingua setiform. Maxillae setaceous, as long as the lingua. Palpi generally as long as the proboscis, oblong, large, drooping, bristly at the tips, fringed on the outer border with short hairs. Labium cylindrical. Antennae 4 -jointed, porrect, inserted in the middle of the face, ap- proximate at the base, diverging upwards, as long as the head ; first joint very short, inconspicuous; second short, cylindrical, somewhat bristly ; third rather long, elliptical, compressed, hairy beneath ; last long, setiform. Thorax long-oval ; scutellum semicircular, rather nar- row. Wings pubescent, obtuse, incumbent, longer than the body ; cubital vein simple ; externo-medial veins 2 ; discal areolet and anal vein none. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen cylindrical, rather long. Legs slender ; coxa shorter than the femora ; fore femora incrassated, with a double row of minute spines beneath ; fore tibiae clavate, with a series of spines on the inside ; tarsi longer than the tibiae ; meta- tarsus as long as all the other joints ; ungues and onychia distinct. Male. Tip of the abdomen obtuse. Fern. Tip of the abdomen acute. The Tachydromm run with great swiftness, and appear from the spring to the autumn, on trunks of trees, palings, stones, leaves of shrubs, and about the shores of lakes and the banks of rivers. The species may be thus distributed : a. Palpi as long as proboscis. Species 1-4. a a. Palpi shorter than proboscis ; a trace of subanal vein. Sp. 5, 6. "The last two, according to the synoptic table of the genera, would belong to Platypalpus. They do not perfectly agree with either of the two genera, and perhaps require the formation of a new one, to which Meigen's name Tachypeza might be applied restrictedly." A. H. H. 1. arrogans, L. fn. 1857 (1761) ; Fb. ; Gm. ; Fin. ; LI. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Ct. ! b. e. 477. Nigra, antennis basi fulvis, thorace ni- gro-aeneo vel nigro-viridi, alia olbis fusco-bifosciatis, venis secunda ter- tiaque approximatis, halteribus flavis, coxis femoribus anterioribus basi subtusque genubusque fulvis, tarsis flams apice nigris. Long. f-1 ; alar. H-2 lin. 14CL Black, shining. Head and thorax beset with a very few bristles. First and second joints of the antennae tawny ; third nearly round, very little longer than the second ; fourth very long, more than four times the length of all the preceding joints. Thorax more or less aeneous or greenish-black. Wings white, with 2 very broad dark brown bands ; veins black, tawny towards the base ; second longitudinal vein hardly more remote from the third than from the costa. Halteres yellow. Coxae tawny ; anterior femora tawny beneath and at the base ; knees tawny ; tarsi yellow, black towards the tips. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. cimicoides, Fb.Psp. i. 447. 61 (1781); Gin.; Mg.umbrarum, Hal. albitarsis, Staeg. ; Ztt. d. s. i. 313. 2. Nigra, antennis basi fulvis, thorace nigro-a3neo, alis albis fusco-bifasciatis, venis secunda tertiaque remotis, halteribus flavis, coxis femoribus anterioribus basi subtusque genubusque fulvis, tarsis Jlavis apice nigris. Long. 1 ; alar. 2^ lin. Black, shining. Head and thorax beset with very few spines. First and second joints of the antennae tawny ; third nearly round, very little longer than the second; fourth very long, more than 4 times the length of all the preceding. Wings white, with 2 brown bands, which are rather narrower and paler than those of T. arrogans ; veins black, yellow towards the base ; space between the second and third longitudinal veins twice that between the second and the costa. Halteres yellow. Coxae tawny ; anterior femora tawny beneath and at the base ; knees tawny ; tarsi yellow, black towards the tips. The male has the intermediate tibiae at the tip produced into a compressed lobe, and the legs more black. Bare. In the collections of the Entomological Club and of Mr. Haliday. (E. S. I.) 3. connexa, Mg. zw. iii. 70. 3. pi. 23. f. 24 (1822); Mq. cimicoides, Mg. kl. Nigra, antennis fuscis basi flavis, thorace nigro- seneo, alarum fasciis duabus connexis fuscis, halteribus albis, pedibus fulvo flavoque variis. Long. li ; alar. 2 lin. Black, shining. Head and thorax beset with very few black bristles. Antennae brown ; first and second joints yellow ; third nearly round, very little longer than the second ; fourth more than 4 times the length of all the preceding.' Thorax aeneous-black. Wings wfdte, mostly occupied by 2 very broad dark brown bands, which are connected beneath the costa, and nearly so on the hind border ; veins black, tawny towards the base ; second longitudinal vein as near to the third as to the costa. Halteres white. Coxae, posterior femora and fore tibiae at the base, and fore femora tawny ; anterior tibiae, excepting the tips and anterior femora, sometimes tawny. Legs sometimes yellow, excepting the hind femora and hind tibiae, which are brown. Generally distributed. (E. I.) PHYLLODROMIA. 141 4. morio, Ztt. i. 1, 546. 2 (1839). Nigra, alls hyalinis fusco- bifasdatis, tarsis fuscis basi supra flams. Long, f- ; alar. \\ Kn. Black, shining, very small. Palpi whitish, covered with whitish pubescence ; apical bristle black. Wings colourless, with 2 broad brown bands, parted by a broader colourless interval. Anterior coxas brownish- ferruginous, with silvery-white pubescence ; tibiae brownish-black, ferru- ginous at the base ; tips of middle tibiae unarmed ; tarsi brown, yellow at the base. Male. Hypopygium terminated by a stout obliquely reflexed claw without cirri. Fern. Vagina with 2 contiguous small linear valves, which proceed from the last oblong slender segment. Rare. A pair found among shingle in the bed of the river Dodder, near Dublin. In Mr. Halida/s collection. (I.) 5. fuscipennis, Fin. d. s. emp. 14. 19 (1815); Mg.; Mq.; Ztt. Nigra, antennis fuscis basi flavis aut fulvis, alis fuscis apice albidis, halteribus flavis, pedibus fulvis, tibiis tarsisque posticis fuscis. Long. 1-H ; alar. l-2 lin. Black, hardly shining. Head and thorax beset with very few black bristles. Palpi yellow; their bristles black. Antennas brown; first and second joints yellow or tawny ; third joint short-conical ; fourth nearly 4 times the length of all the preceding joints. Wings brown, whitish at the tips ; stigma black ; veins brown, tawny towards the base ; second longitudinal vein as near to the third as to the costa ; third and fourth almost parallel ; fifth slightly curved downward. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; fore femora very thick ; fore tibias and middle femora rather thick, the former slightly curved ; hind tibiae and hind tarsi brown, tawny towards the base. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 6. nervosa, Mg. zw. iii. 72. 8 (1822); Ztt. Nigra, antennis fuscis basi flavis, alis albis fusco-vittatis, halteribus flavis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus nigro-vittatis, tibiis apice nigris. Long, li-lf ; alar. 2i-3 lin. Black, hardly shining. Head and thorax beset with very few black bristles. Palpi yellow; their bristles black. Antennas brown; first and second joints yellow ; third conical, longer than the second ; fourth black, nearly 4 times the length of all the preceding. Wings whitish, brown along the borders of the veins ; stigma black ; veins black, tawny towards the base ; second longitudinal vein as near to the third as to the costa ; third and fourth almost parallel ; fourth slightly curved to the hind border. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; femora striped with black; tips of the tibiae black; fore femora thick; fore tibiae and middle femora rather thick. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 142 EMPLOYE. Genus XXII. PHYLLODROMIA. PHYLLODROMIA, Ztt. d. s. i. 269 (1842). Empis p., Fb. Tackydromia p., Fb. ; Pz. Hemerodromia p., Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Corpus minutum, angustum, subcylindricum, parum nitidum, glabrum, molle, tenerum. Color flavus, raro niger. Proboscis capite paullo brevior. Antennae articulo tertio ovato ; quarto setiformi, longissimo, deflexo. Vena cubilalis simplex. Coxa antica femoribus non bre- mores ; femora antica crassa. Body minute, narrow, nearly cylindrical, hardly shining, smooth, soft. Proboscis a little shorter than the head. Antennae with the third joint oval; the fourth setiform; very long, deflexed. Cubital vein simple. Fore coxa as long as the femora, which are thick. The Phyllodromia appear in spring and summer, and inhabit the leaves of trees and shrubs ; they run quickly, but their flight is slow. 1. melanocephala, Fb. e. s. iv. 407. 21 (1794); Fin.; Ztt. mantispa, Pz. ; Mg. ; Mq. obsecratoria, Wlk. Ferruginea, capite cinereo, antennis nigris basi flavis, thorace nonnunquam nigro-vittato, alis limpidis, abdominis dorso fusco, halteribus pedibusque flavis, femo- ribus anticis nonnunquam nigro-vittatis. Long. 1 ; alar. 2i lin. Ferruginous. Head grey. Proboscis tawny. Antennae black; first and second joints yellow. Thorax sometimes with a short black stripe. Wings colourless; veins tawny, yellow towards the base. Halteres pale yellow. Abdomen brown on the disc. Legs pale yellow ; tips of the tarsi brown ; fore femora sometimes striped with black. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) Genus XXIII. HEMERODROMIA. HEMERODROMIA, Hms. ; Mg. kl. (1804); LI.; Mq. ; Ztt. Tacky dro- mia p., Fin. Corpus parvum, saepe minutum, elongatum, angustum, glabrum, paruni nitidum. Color corporis cinereus, flavus, raro niger ; pedum pallidus. Oculi virescentes, in utroque sexu per lirieam angustam in fronte disjuncti. Proboscis capite paullo brevior. Antennae articulo primo brevissimo, tertio ovato subacuto, quarto setiformi, perbrevi. Vena cubitalis furcata. Coxae antica femoribus non breviores ; fe- mora antica crassa. Mas. Anus obtusus, interdum incrassatus. Fcem. Quandoque aliter coloratus ; anus acutus. Body small or minute, long, slender, smooth, hardly shining. Colour HEMERODEOMIA. 143 of the body cinereous, yellow, rarely black ; of the legs pale. Head round. Eyes green, parted in both sexes by a very narrow front. Ocelli 3, on the crown. Proboscis perpendicular, a little shorter than the head. Labrum acute. Palpi subulate or cylindrical, bristly at the tips. Labium cylindrical. Antennas 4-jointed, porrect, approxi- mate at the base, diverging upwards ; first joint very small ; second short, cylindrical ; third oval, somewhat pointed in front ; fourth seti- form, very short. Thorax rather long, or almost cylindrical. Wings long, with obtuse tips, very finely pubescent, incumbent and parallel in repose. Cubital vein forked. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen cylin- drical. Legs long, slender. Fore coxae as long as the femora ; fore femora thick in most species, spinose beneath ; metatarsi as long as the other 4 joints. Male. Tip of the abdomen obtuse, sometimes incrassated. Fern. Occasionally differing from the male in colour ; tip of the abdomen acute. The Hemerodromia prey on minute Diptera, and inhabit the leaves of shrubs, hedges, and grassy spots, and are most frequent on the banks of rivers and of lakes ; aU their movements are slow. The genus may be thus divided : a. A discal areolet ; prsebrachial areolet longer than the pobrachial. b. Stigma black. Species 1, 2. b b. No stigma. Species 3. a a. No discal areolet ,* pobrachial areolet longer than the prasbrachial. Species 4-6. l.praecatoria, Fin. d. s. emp. 10. 12 (1815); Ztt. monostigma, Mg. ; Mq. ; Steph. ill.! pi. 45. f. 3. Cinerea, antennis nigris basi flavis, alis lirnpidis, halteribus pedibusque flavis. Long. 2-2 ; alar. Grey. Proboscis yellow, with a black tip. Antennas black, yellow towards the base. Wings colourless ; stigma black ; veins black, yellow at the base. Halteres yellow. Legs yellow ; tips of the tarsi brown. Fern. Abdomen tawny beneath, sometimes also above with a row of grey spots along each side. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. monostigma, Hms.; Ztt. d. s.i. 267.8 (1842). Fulva, capite albo, antennis flavis, thorace cinereo-bivittato, pectore albo, alis limpidis, stigmate nigro, halteribus pedibusque flavis, abdomine maculis nigris vittato. Long. H; alar. 3 lin. Smaller, paler, and more slender than H. praecatoria. Tawny. Head white. Eyes red. Proboscis yellow, with a black tip. Antennae yellow. Thorax with 2 grey stripes; underside tinged with white. Wings colourless ; stigma black ; veins brown, yellow towards the base. 144 I>OLlCHOPID,fJ. Halteres yellow. Abdomen with a row of black spots along the; back. Legs yellow ; tips of the tarsi black. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 3. flavella, Ztt. i. 1. 543. 4 (1842). -prcecatoria, Mg. melanoce- phala, Hal. Testacea, capite nigro, tJwrace albido-univittato, alis lim- pidis, abdomine supra fusco, pedibus flavis. Long. 1-H ; alar. 3^ 41in. Testaceous. Head black. Antennae yellow. Thorax with a whitish dorsal stripe. Wings colourless ; no stigma ; veins pale. Halteres white. Abdomen brownish above. Legs yellow. Rare. In Mr. Haliday/s collection. (I.) 4. unilineata, Ztt. d. s. i. 263. 3 (1842). oratoria, Mg. ; Mq. Testacea, capite nigro, antennis flavo-albis, thorace nigro-vittato, alis limpidis, halteribus pedibusque flavo-albis, abdominis disco nigro. Long. li ; alar. 3 lin. Testaceous. Head black. Proboscis, antennae, halteres, and legs yellowish- white. Thorax with a black stripe. Wings colourless ; veins pale. Disc of the abdomen black. Eare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (E. I.) 5. albicornis, Hms.; Mg. zw. iii. 64. 4 (1822). raptoria, Fin. Nigra, antennis flavis, thorace nigro-cinereo /wZt-o-trivittato, alis limpi- dis, pedibus flavis. Long. 1^ ; alar. 3^ lin. Black. Antennas yellow. Thorax greyish-black, with 3 tawny stripes. Wings colourless; veins brown, yellow towards the base. Halteres white. Legs yellow. Eare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (E. I.) 6. oratoria, Fin. d. s. emp. 11. 13, 34. 13 (1815) ; Ztt. Nigra, antennis flavis, thorace cinereo-testaceo, alis limpidis, pedibus flavis. Long. 1J-H; alar.- 2^-3. Black. Antennae yellow. Thorax greyish-testaceous. Wings colourless, veins brown. Halteres and legs yellow. Not rare. (E.I.) FAMILY. XXL DOLICHOPID M. DOLICHOPID^, Leach p. (1819) ; St.; Ct.; Wstw. Dolichopodes, Fin. p. (1823); Mg. ; Lp. ; LI.; Mq. ; Ztt.; Stg. ; Lw. Dolico- pina, Edn. Rhagionida p. et Dolichopodes p., LI. gen. (1809). MydasidcB p. et Stratiomydae p., Efnq. (1815). Proboscis deflexa ; palpis compressis, incumbentibus ; maxillis nullis. Antenna porrecta, articulo tertio compresso, arista biarticulata. DOLICHOPID^E. 145 Alae lobo axillari obsolete, vena costali circa apicem alas abrupta, cubitali simplici ; areolis prtebrachiali et anali minutmimis, pobrachiali effusa in discalem elongatam, vena transversa simplici clausam. Abdomen segmentis 5 (aut pluribus in mare). The Dolichopidte are in general small flies, rarely exceeding three lines in length ; distinguished by the prevalence of metallic tints, with a partial coating of tomentum, repelling water, which communicates a hoary gloss particularly to the lower parts ; this is composed of excessively minute, short, compressed, pellucid hairs, laid flat, and often so thickly set as to overlap in several layers. The head is nearly as broad as the thorax, usually repre- senting a segment less than a hemisphere ; the occiput flat and vertical, its orbit towards the vertex with a row of bristles (" supercilia," Bouche), another row, often of a different colour, or else a beard of soft hair, along the lower orbit. The eyes mostly pubescent, large, occupying the sides of the head entirely, so as to form part of the peristoma, scarcely ever leaving a narrow line of cheek between. On the front they are distant, except in the males of the genus Diaphorus. The vertex is usually more or less sunk between the eyes, leaving a prominent tubercle, which bears the three ocelli in a triangle guarded by long bristles. The face is riot expanded into cheeks below; the lower region not inflected to the peristoma, but separated from the upper by an elevated line or by a tubercle at each side. Sometimes, especially in the males, the face becomes extremely narrow, or the eyes meet below the antennse. There are no vibrissse. The cavity of the rnouth is nearly round, filled by the proboscis, which is directed downwards, in general projecting little, but larger in the female than the male, not forming a visible angle with the short retracted mentum. The palpi of one piece, broad, compressed, inserted on the base of the proboscis, meeting in front, and incumbent on it, like a bibbed epistoma. The labrum is unusually stout, and its deflected sides are furnished with one or two sharp teeth; these are separated by deep incisions, but are not free, as has been represented (Hal. z. j. v. 354), nor does there seem to be ground for considering them as representing the maxillae (LI. gen. iv. 290). The tongue, which is abruptly enlarged at the base, is by this means prevented from fitting closely into the groove of the labrum, and lies lower down between the toothed edges of it. There is no trace of maxillae. The genera Orthochile and Aphrosylus present modifications of ttiis structure, noticed in their proper places. The antenna are extended forwards, usually shorter than the head, VOL. i. u 146 DOLICHOPID^. with three distinct joints besides the slender ones which compose the arista, the second joint usually the shortest of these three, and most closely attached to the third, intromitting a slender tubular process into an oblique sinus in the base of the third joint, which is rather thick in this part, but elsewhere compressed, without any trace of division, bearing a two-jointed arista, usually on its upper edge, sometimes at its extremity, the arista in the latter case being sometimes contracted to a style. The thorax is convex, the suture of the mesonotum before the wings merely traced in its commence- ment at each side. The bristles are chiefly disposed in longitudinal lines : the scutellum has commonly two unequal bristles at each side, and the disc rather flat and naked. The wings of them- selves afford very definite characters of the family, although at first sight like some of the Muscidae. The costal vein terminates where the prsebrachial meets it : the subcostal is short, rarely ap- proaching the middle of the anterior margin ; the mediastinal is very faint and lies close to the subcostal ; the radial springs from this almost close to the humeral transverse vein, and the cubital vein, which is simple, parts from it almost immediately, its origin forming a thickened dot, close to which a very short and oblique transverse vein connects it with the prsebrachial ; the prcebrachial areolet, which is thus bounded, is close to the root of the wing, and very minute. So also is the anal areolet (" angular, area," Pin.), which is scarcely circumscribed behind, the anal vein being here very faint, and in its outer course appearing rather as if a continuation from the subanal, which returns back from the po- brachial in a strong curve. The pobrachial areolet is merely indi- cated in position as very minute, but is not separated from the discal ; which is oblong, closed, at about the half length of the wing, or nearer to the posterior margin, by an unbranched trans- verse vein ; only two veins proceeding from it to the margin, as continuations of the prsebrachial and pobrachial veins, the former of which sometimes approaches the cubital thenceforth in a curve, or is bent abruptly, or even branched (g. Psilopus}. No axillary lobe, the sinus straight; the axillary alulse are small, deflected, fringed with long hairs, the colour of which sometimes affords subsidiary specific characters; the scutellar alulse are obsolete. The abdomen is composed of five segments above, the inflected sides of which nearly conceal the ventral plates, and are marked with a row of small polished foveolse. Besides the silvery white tomentum so conspicuous in some (e. g. Argyrd], the abdomen is usually clothed with pubescence pale especially on the sides, and DOLICHOPID.E. 147 beset with longer bristles chiefly towards the incisures. The ventral portion of the first segment is obsolete. In the male often a sixth, rarely even a seventh segment appears above, before the hypopygium, which is usually large, bent in under the belly, sometimes imbedded or concealed in a cavity behind the fourth ventral segment, at other times entirely disengaged from it, and is furnished with a number of appendages varying greatly in size and form : these have been particularly examined in several species, and described, by Cuvier, in the second volume of the 1 Journal de Physique ' (Bosc's) . In the female the vagina is retracted, very short, its upper lid armed at the edge with a row of (about 8) teeth, or short flattened spines, implanted in distinct sockets, almost concealing the very short tentacula below them, which consist each of one ovate piece. The legs are generally long and slender ; the intermediate pair usually the longest, the hind pair the thickest ; the fore pair seated at some distance from the intermediate, but their coxae long enough to touch the latter. There are usually some scattered spines or bristles on the sides of the tibiae, as well as at the tips at least of the posterior pairs, and the posterior femora mostly bear a single spine in front near the tip. The males are often distinguished from the other sex by the form and pubescence of the legs, particularly of the tarsi. The onychia are of moderate size, flat, membranous, pubescent; the em- podium recurved, usually slender, almost setaceous, and finely pubescent ; in ApJirosylus more thickened. The present family, being one of the most distinct among the Erachycera > was early indicated by the consecutive position of the species in general in the works of Fabricius. Harris, in his 'Exposition of English Insects' (1782), seized with a keen eye the distinctive veining of the wing for the type of a subdivision of the Linnsean genus Musca (Order V. section 3). The genus Doliehopus was first characterized by Latreille in 1796, and converted into a family (Dolichopodes) in 1809; but the true limits of it were not accurately defined until the appearance of the fourth volume of Meigen's great work in 1824, since which time there has been no difference of opinion in this respect. The affinities of the family are more difficult to determine with certainty, on account of the strong characters which separate it from the rest. On the whole, it seems to make the nearest ap- proach to those Empidfs in which the maxillae become obsolete ; and in particular the genus Chersodromia in that, and ApJirosylus in the present family, offer points of resemblance. Agreeing with the Empida and Lonchopterida in the disappearance of the axillary 148 DOLICHOPID^. lobe, the Dolichopida differ from the former in the veining of the wings, and particularly in the minute pobrachial areolet not being separated from the discal. Usually also the head evidently larger in proportion, the abdomen of fewer segments, the spines at the end of the posterior tibiae, the different direction of the external sexual organs, and . the metallic tints, assist to characterize them. The Lonchopterida differ evidently by the bristly face and cheeks, and the form and veining of their wings, which want the discal areolet. The Platypezida have the ternate areolets (i. e., prse- brachial, pobrachial, and anal) all complete, and in general a rounded axillary lobe to the wings. Among the Muscida some of the groups towards the end present partial resemblances to the Dolichopida ; in particular the EpJiydrini, with which they were originally united by Fallen ; but the porrected proboscis of these, forming a visible angle with the mentum, the face expanded below into the cheeks, and usually also the deflected antennae, will pre- vent their being confounded with the present family. With respect to the internal anatomy, the Dolichopida present some peculiarities so great that Dufour treats of them as excep- tional cases in the Order ; concerning which, see his summary in ' Annales des Sciences Naturelles/ 3 me serie, tome i. The Dolichopidce are all predaceous. They can run on the sur- face of the water, like the Gerrida among the Hemiptera, and in this manner many of them catch their prey, consisting of smaller insects, Annelida, and even small conchiferous Gasteropoda. The gaping orifice at the end of the proboscis, formed by the intro- verted labella, admits and holds fast the prey until its juices are sucked out : but the structure of the mouth seems incompatible with what Fischer supposed he saw, viz., that Medeterus diadema swallows its prey whole by this aperture. The groups which have naked eyes (Psilopus, &c.) usually frequent dry places. With respect to the earlier states of these insects, we know even now little more than what Degeer observed eighty years ago. In the middle of the month of May he got under ground some slender cylindrical larvae, of twelve segments, white and smooth, pointed at the anterior extremity ; the head variable in form and retractile; the mandibles appearing externally as two tubercles, that meet and part, with a smaller point enclosed between them, their internal continuations separate, long, and much thickened at the root ; on the underside of the segments some protuberances, serving as feet ; the last segment rather thicker, ending with two recurved hooks, and below these two conical fleshy protuberances, in which the trunks of the tracheae seem respectively to have their DOLICHOPID.E. 149 outlet (vi. pi. xi. fig. 14-16). The first week in June they changed into pupse, casting their skin. The head of the pupa was armed with several points; the ends of the legs, in their sheaths, somewhat detached from the body ; the thorax bearing on each side, near the head, an S-shaped process, probably serving for respiration in this stage (fig. 17, 18). Out of these pupa3 Dolichopus aneus proceeded in a little more than three weeks' time. From this account, the transformations appear to be most like those of the Empida, among the families of Brachycera which have the pupa stripped of the old skin ; the head of the larva being variable in form, and destitute of jointed appendages : see the transformations of RJiamphomyia spinipes, figured by Bouche ('Naturgeschichte/ pi. 4. fig. 26-30). SYNOPTIC TABLE OF THE GENERA. incurved, unguiculated ......... , ...... . . 15. APHROSYLUS. rforked ............. ;* ;./<- ...... 1. PSILOPUS. ,2 co nearly unarmed ...... . . .'".'* .- T . . 14. MEDETERUS. 'H i ( verv s ^ ort an< * rounded ......... 13. CHRYSOTUS. tapering to a point: f S raduaU y enlar S ed RHAPHIUM. bruptly enlarged . . , 9. MACH^RIUM. near the hind margin of the wing .......... 5. HYDROPHORUS. f very narrow . . . .6. CAMPSICNEMUS. | ' "S) Face broad 7. THINOPHILUS. conical or com- f distant on the front 1L P ORPHYROPS. of the male [ meeting on the front 12 D IAPHORUS .more than one-third of the length of the wing . 10. ARGYRA. I shorter than the head :f dusk y- ' 3. DOLICHOPUS. I completely free : J Hypopygium of male j pale ^ a. SYBIBTEOKA. Proboscis longer than the head 4. ORTHOCHILE. 150 DOLICHOP1DJE. Genus I. PSILOPUS. PSILOPUS, Mg. zw. (1824); Mq.; Ztt. Leptopus, Fin. Sciapus, Zlr. Dolichopus p., LI.; Fb. s. a; Wd. z.m; Lhm. Musca^., Fb.; Gm. Antenna articulo tertio patelliformi, ante apicem arista deflexa. Oculi glabri. Vena prabrachialis furcata, ramo anteriore oblique Jlexo prope cubitalem exeunte. Hypopygium marls extricatum, appendicibus tenuibus. Very slender. Eyes apparently glabrous, separated in both sexes ; the lower orbit fringed with soft white hairs ; the face usually broad, more so in the female. Third joint of the antennae short and rounded, the slender pubescent arista placed on its upper edge ; the penultimate joint short, but usually extending beyond the end of the third, and forming an angle with the last, which is drooping and often very long. (In P. platypterus the fourth joint is particularly short, and less distinct.) Wings usually broad, with the anal angle rounded away : the prabra- chial vein in its last or subapical tract forked, the posterior branch running on straight, but becoming faint, and usually vanishing before the margin, the anterior branch distinct (in P. platypterus faint), in- clined forwards, with a strong flexure, and reaching the margin close to, without however meeting, the cubital vein. The alula3 have a narrow denticulated black edge and a radiating fringe of hairs. The abdomen of the males is very long and slender, nearly cylindrical, and a little arched, showing six segments above ; the hypopygium disengaged from the ventral cavity, broad, compressed, with a number of slender ap- pendages of various form and length. In the female the spines of the vagina are longer than usual. The legs are very long and slender, the spines of the tibiaa few and slight. In the females of all, the fore coxae, and the lower edge of the fore femora in their first half, are pectinated with a few long pale spines ; which are slighter in the males, if found at all in this sex. The warmer climates of both hemispheres abound in the species of this genus ; some of them, with variegated wings, among the handsomest of the family. The few species that occur in the British islands have the wings spotless, the first two joints of the antennae and the greatest part of the legs pale yellowish. They may be distributed as follows : a. First joint of hind tarsi twice as long as the second. Species 1. a a. First joint of hind tarsi little longer than the second. 6. Abdomen with narrow indistinct bands only. c. Fore tarsi with peculiar marks in the male. Species 2, 3. c c. Fore tarsi alike in both sexes. Species 4, 5. b b. Abdomen with broad dark bands. Species 6. 1. platypterus, Fb. s. a. 270. 20(1805); Mg.; Mq.; Zlr.; St. ill. h. pi. 45. f . 4 ! tipularius, Fin. ; Ztt. Pallide aneo-viridis, capite albido, pedibus pallidis, metatarsis omnibus elongatis ; Mas. alis divari- catis, femoribus anticis sub apice crinitis, tarsis intermediis ante apicem atrum albis. Long. 2-3 ; alar. 5 lin. PSILOPUS. 151 Pale metallic green, somewhat shining. Front and face glossy white. Face long and narrow, in the male very narrow. Wings broad, in the male very broad, rounded and divaricated. Abdomen with dusky incisures. Hypopygium of the male with a pair of hairy oblong valves shorter than itself, the other appendages very minute. Legs pale yellow, only the tips of the tarsi darker. In the male the fore femora are fringed beneath with fine soft hairs, particularly towards tJie tip, the third and fourth joints of the fore tarsi are each longer than the second, the fifth very short ; the middle tarsi have the third and fourth joints compressed, white, the fifth with the tip of the fourth black. TJie first joint of the hind tarsi is twice as long as the second, scarcely so much in the female. The most abundant species in these islands ; fond of resting on the shady side of gates and palings, in small troops, chasing each other about very playfully. 2. Wiedemannii, Fin. d. s. dol. 24. 2 (1823); Ztt. Pallide ceneo-viridis, capite albido, pedibm pallidis, tarsis fuscis ; Mas. tarsorum anticorum articulo quarto lobato, femoribus anticis subtiliter pilosis. Long. 2-3 ; alar. 5 lin. Pale metallic green, somewhat shining. Face glossy white, rather broad, front yellowish-white. Abdomen with dusky incisures, the transparent pale colour of the belly sometimes extending to the sides in spots. Hypopygium of the male with four appendages that end nearly at the same length, the uppermost ("aculeus," Zlr.) very slender, springing almost from the base, then a pair of incurved ones forming the forceps, the undermost one compressed and dilated towards the base ; under this last again a shorter obtuse one, with some longer hairs at the tip of it, as well as of the forceps. Legs pale yellow ; tarsi dusky, except at the base ; the first joint of the hind pair scarcely longer than the second. The male has the tip of the fourth joint in tlie fore pair compressed, and produced in a lobe over the fifth, and black like it, and there are a few long fine hairs on the underside of the fore femora towards the base. The female is usually more yellowish-green, sometimes almost ochre, with little of metallic tinge. Not uncommon on some tracts of sandhills close by the sea. (E. S. I.) Obs. P. nervosus, Lhm. (Nov. Act. Acad. dec. 2. xii. 242), as synonymous with which Meigen cites P. Wiedemannii, Fin., erroneously, is distinguished by the strongly bent discal trans- verse vein, and the longer first joint of the hind tarsi : the male has a tuft of five long hairs at the base of the fore femora, the first of them longer than the thigh, and the hypopygium furnished with a pair of very long hairy appendages. This species has been introduced into British lists, probably by error for P. Wiedemannii. 152 DOLICHOPID.E. 3. obscurus, Mg. zw. iv. 39. 7 (1824). JEneo-mridis, fronte et hypostomate albo-micantibus, pedibus pallidis, tarsorum anticorum arti- culo ultimo albo-micante, Mas. Long. 2 lin. Shining metallic green ; like P. -lugens, but the fore legs are entirely yellow, only the last joint of the tarsus glossed with white in the male, which has the fore femora pectinated. The other legs are yellow, with the tarsi somewhat brownish. This description is derived from Meigen, who received his spe- cimen from England. In the collection of Mr. Clifton. (E.) 4. longulus, Fin. d. s. dol. 24. 4 (1823); Mg. ; Ztt. Obscure aeneo-mridis, hypostomate parum albo-micante, pedibus pallidis, tarsis fuscis simplicibus,femoribus anticis pectinatis. Long. 1^-2 ; alar. 4| lin. Dull metallic green, shining. Face very broad, with a faint shifting white gloss ; front green or cyaneous. 'Abdomen not distinctly banded, belly pale. Legs pale yellow, posterior coxae with the base grey in the male only ; tarsi dusky except at the base ; they are simple, and the fore femora pectinated, in both sexes. Bare. In Messrs. Curtis and Haliday's collections. (E.) Obs. The number and length of the appendages of the hypo- pygium, in this and the species which follow, are nearly as in P. Wiedemannii, with some differences in form and pubescence. 5. lugens, Mg. zw. iv. 38. 6 (1824) ; Mq. ; Ztt. Late