ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF VERY BEAUTIFUL EXAMPLES OF THE COSWAY BINDINGS WITH MINIATURES ON IVORY BY THE FAMOUS COPYIST 1 MISS CURRIE. INVENTED AND SOLD BY HENRY SOTHERAN, LIMITED, Booksellers and Bookbinders to H. M. the King, 43 PICCADILLY, LONDON, W.I. No. 895. GREENAWAY (Kate) : The LANGUAGE of FLOWERS, first edition, beautifully illustrated throughout in colours, square izmo. purple morocco, with MINIA- TURE of a LADY, seated on a grassy bank, arranging flowers; with side border incorporating the well-known lines of Pope : ' Where'er you tread, the blushing flowers shall rise, And all things flourish, where you turn jour eyes ' ; a little gem, 16. i6s 1884 of Book 6x5; Si^e of Miniature 3 x 2^. \ No. 896. FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI, R.A., by J. T. Herbert Baily, with coloured and other illustrations, 4to. blue morocco, with 2 large and most BEAUTIFUL MINIA- TURES ; on the obverse ' SPRING,' and on the reverse * VENUS CHIDING CUPID,' after engravings by BAR- TOLOZZI (a magnificent example), 42. 1907 Si^e of Book 11x9; of the extra large Miniatures 5f x 4^. See also illustration on last page. '^ ' <&*& '"~y * *& ,-, I'll No. 894. DICKENS (Charles) : THE PICCADILLY ANNUAL : con- taining the first issues in this country of DICKENS'S HUNTED DOWN, and BRET HARTE'S famous Poem, DICKENS IN CAMP, 4to. dark crimson morocco, with inlays in white morocco, to represent curtains ; with MINIATURE on the obverse of LITTLE NELL AN D HER GRANDFATHER IN THE CHURCHYARD, and on the reverse the DEATH OF LITTLE NELL, both after engravings by H. K. BROWNE, with a verse from * Dickens in Camp ' at foot, 42. 1 870 of Book 9^ x yj ; Si^e of Miniatures 4^ x 3 J. No. 898. DICKENS (Charles) : GREEN LEAVES : New Chapters in the Life of CHARLES DICKENS, by JOHN HARRISON STONEHOUSE, enlarged edition with 10 illustrations, 8vo. green morocco, with 2 extra large MINIATURES of DICKENS (each one side), as a young man, and late in life, 30. Piccadilly Fountain Press, 1931 Si^e of Book 9 x 5 4 ; Sfee of Miniatures 4^ x 3f . This, the first completed volume of the recently established Piccadilly Fountain Press, was limited to 500 signed and numbered copies. Copies can be supplied in boards, price i. is. No. 893. SHAKESPEARE (William) : A COLLECTION of POEMS, viz. Venus and Adonis ; The Rape of Lucrece ; The Passionate Pilgrim ; Sonnets to Sundry Notes of Musick [edited by Charles Gildon], with facsimiles of the original titles, small 8vo. brown morocco, with MINIATURE of SHAKESPEARE, after the DROESHOUT engraving on obverse, and THE DEATH of ADONIS, on the reverse (rare), 31. los Bernard Lintott [1709] of Vol. 7x4^; Si^e of Miniatures 2-| x 2f . No. 897. LAMB (Charles and Mary) : MRS. LEICESTER'S SCHOOL, illustrated in colours by Winifred Green, small oblong 4to. green morocco, with MINIATURE of CHILDREN PLAYING AT MARBLES (paper ends), 13. 13^ [1927] of Book 7^ x 7 j- ; Si^e of Miniature 8^ x 4^. No. 892. STERNE (Laurence) : SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY, beautifully printed in brown and green, with clever illustrations by Polia Chentoff, small 4to. purple morocco, with MINIATURE of the AUTHOR, 20. The Black Sun Press, Paris, 1929 of Book 8^ x 6f ; Sfee of Miniature 3^x2^. No. 847. BODLEY (Sir Thomas) : LETTERS TO THOMAS JAMES, First Keeper of the Bodleian, edited with an Intro- duction by G. Wheeler, royal 8vo. dark purple morocco, with large MINIATURE of SIR THOMAS BODLEY, 28. 1926 of Book 9^x7; Si^e of Miniature 4f x 3 . No. 891. MADONNA PICTURES: ONE HUNDRED FAMOUS PICTURES from Continental Galleries, 4to. lemon- coloured morocco, inlaid with large panels of blue morocco, on which are lilies inlaid in white and green morocco, with 2 MAGNIFICENT MINIATURES after BOTTICELLI (one each side), uncut, top edges gilt, 63. [1930] of Book iojx y|/ Step of Miniatures 4^ diam. No. 884. KIPLING (Rudyard) : JUNGLE BOOK SECOND JUNGLE BOOK, with illustrations by J. Lockwood Kipling, and others, 2 vols. post 8vo. grey morocco, gilt edges, gilt paper ends, with 2 MINIATURES copied from illustrations in the books, 22. los 1895 of Books 7 J x 5 ; Si%e of Miniatures 3 diam. No. 831. MIROIR de la MODE, 1803 ; Vol. I. only (? all published), containing the 12 Monthly Parts, complete with Text, title, half-titles, etc., with charming frontis- piece in bistre by P. W. Tomkins, and 24 very beautiful and delicately coloured costume-plates, being for the most part gracefully drawn single-figure studies, the flesh portions in stipple, /{.to. mauve- coloured morocco extra, with 8 MINIATURES (4 on each side) of fashionably dressed ladies, with gorgeous head-dresses (A MAGNIFICENT COPY OF A VERY RARE AND BEAUTIFUL BOOK), l2O. Madam Manchester, 17, New Bond Street, 1803 No. 899. LAMB (Mary and Charles) : TALES from SHAKESPEARE, with Introduction by F. J. Furnivall, illustrated by Harold Copping, 2 vol-s. roy. 8vo. in i, green morocco, with MINIATURES of CHARLES LAMB on obverse, and SHAKESPEARE on reverse, 27. of Book 9! x 7 ; Si%e of Miniatures 4| x 3 . No. 900. ELLIOTT (Grace Dalrymple) : JOURNAL of my LIFE during the FRENCH REVOLUTION, with portrait, 8vo. Venetian red morocco, with MINIATURES of the FAMILY of Louis XVI., and the DAUPHIN, 20. 1859 Si^e of Book 8f x 6 ; of Miniatures 2x2^ and z x ij. No. 901. SCOTT (W. Bell) : The LITTLE MASTERS, illustrated, post 8vo. olive brown morocco, with MINIATURE of the HOLY FAMILY in the Carpenter's Garden, after Jan Wierix, surrounded with a framework of blind- tooling, 16. i6j- 1879 of Book ~i\ x 5 i / Si%e of Miniature 3-^ x 2^. No. 902. MASSON (Frederic) : NAPOLEON and the FAIR SEX, with portraits, 8vo. crimson morocco, with oval MINIATURE of JOSEPHINE on obverse, and rectangular MINIATURE of NAPOLEON on reverse, -22. ios 1894 Si^e of Book 8 x 5 i ; of Miniatures zf x 2^ and 3 x zf . Beautiful Examples of the Cosway Bindings Invented by J. H. Stonehouse for HENRY SOTHERAN, LTD. With Miniatures by the famous copyist MISS CURRIE. * I ^HESE beautiful Books are bound by RIVIERE, -- in the finest Levant Morocco, richly tooled after special designs, with MINIATURES painted on Ivory by Miss CURRIE, glazed and inserted below the level of the morocco ; the bindings are finished in the finest possible manner, with morocco joints (unless otherwise described), tooled inside borders, and watered-silk linings and ends, and the volumes are provided with drop cases, so that they can be kept on the shelves without fear of breaking the glass, while the back of the volume shows in the ordinary way. COSWAY BINDINGS with Miss CURRIE'S MINIATURES can only be obtained from HENRY SOTHERAN, LTD., or their Agents. Each example is registered under a distinctive number, and contains a COLOPHON, as illustrated on the opposite page, signed both by the INVENTOR and the ARTIST. This is No. of the Cosway Bindings invented by J. H. Stonehouse, with Miniatures on Ivory by Miss Currie. Signed Artist. The si^es of the Books and of the Miniatures in this Catalogue are given in inches. Fore- Edge Paintings by Miss Currie ^T^HESE Books are specially bound for us by -*- MESSRS. RIVIERE & SON, in old-fashioned straight - grained morocco extra, tooled in blind and gold ; AND THE INVISIBLE PAINTINGS ON THE FORE-EDGES, UNDER THE GOLD, ARE ONLY SEEN WHEN THE EDGES ARE FURLED BACK IN A SLANTING POSI- TION, as shown in the following illustrations. Each example contains a COLOPHON (similar to the one on the opposite page] signed by the Artist, and is registered under an individual number ; none of these are duplicated (excepting Galsworthy's Forsyte Saga and Modern Comedy), thus the collector may be assured of purchasing a volume that is unique. Views of Customers' OWN HOUSES, or scenes in the localities , can be done to order from photographs, in the same manner. e\*> of > Fore-Edge Paintings : 162 GALSWORTHY (John) THE FORSYTE SAGA, crown 8vo. blue morocco extra, WITH A VIEW OF RICH- MOND BRIDGE (162), 8. 8j- 1929 ANOTHER COPY, dark green morocco extra, WITH A VIEW OF STANHOPE GATE (158), 8. 8j~ - - A MODERN COMEDY, first edition^ crown 8vo. maroon morocco extra, WITH A VIEW OF OLD RICH- MOND BRIDGE (159), 8. 8j- 1929 - ANOTHER COPY, dark green morocco extra, WITH A VIEW OF MAPLEDURHAM (l6o), 8. 8.T i - < s Fore-Edge Paintings : 75 GRAHAM (P. Anderson) HIGHWAYS AND BYWAYS IN NORTHUMBRIA, with numerous illustrations by Hugh Thomson, post 8vo. light blue straight-grained morocco extra, WITH A VIEW OF BELSAY CASTLE, 116 KIPLING (Rudyard) KIM; and the NAULAHKA : a Story of West and East, Pocket Editions, 2 vols. in i, WITH A VIEW OF THE BRITISH RESIDENCY AT HYDER- ABAD, 7. js 1925 109 PRIDDEN (William, Vicar of Broxted, Essex) AUS- TRALIA : its History and Present Condition . . . both of the Bush and Colonies, with map, nmo. red straight-grained morocco extra, WITH A VIEW OF PORT ARTHUR, TASMANIA, 6. i$s 1843 in WESTGARTH (William) AUSTRALIA: its Rise, Pro- gress and Present Condition, with folding map, post 8vo. blue straight-grained morocco extra, WITH A VIEW OF POINT PIPER FROM SHARK'S ISLAND, 8. 8j 1861 The map is contained in a separate linen case. A 000103537 7 \\ See description on page 4.