^sne' &L;. ^/yur&e- ^/4&i>A&rt6 THE EFFECT OF SUPERHEATED STEAM ON CYLINDER CONDENSATION IN A CORLISS STEAM ENGINE EXPERIMENTAL THESIS TO* 3raf FACULTY OF SIBLE'Y COLLEGE - CORNELL UNIYETCSITY JUKE, 1904 FOR THE DEGREE OF "MECHANICAL ENGINEER" EY WALTER STEVENSON FINLAY, JIU t AND JOHN FRANCIS BORDEN. OQO- r f In ths following thesis and reports upon a series of tosts conducted ?*'ith a view to obtaining the practical working results of the uso of superheate4 stoar?. upon a : / gt - : .1 "': ; . '; ; s of* - ; i "' the I: .'C c* '.: ; siatple oondensing jdarric Corliss engine, data and graphical reprosntationo tiro cerrled out tc .ths extent that they nay fully demonstrate thost practical resulte alone. Tho thoo- r*tioal eido of tho prp,bi^.a . hsi* ;hot been dealt v/ith. Tho unxLBUAlly^^Pge; o^ii^4?\ ;:c ondencation necessarily present in tno type of engine eraployod, provonteO any act- L att^iru-iorit of high theruodynaoio efficiency; ncvortheless; the B ## tern of graphical relationr holdr. true?* For purpcsas of comparison of tho rocults of thi6 tost th tho- assumptions:, end thaory of precont practico tho jjtato^ente of x v eco^inzed authorities upon the subject v;ill be quoted in tli Eubosquenw pages* 515083 SUPERHEATED STEAM AS A ttORKING FLUID Dr. Iiobert Henry Thurston In his work, M A Manual of t)y"i>.;t-lC ."' t firmly 0. i\\.i '.' > : the Steam Engine, w has given expression to the ideas of the highest authorities of the day, with regard to the working qualities of superheated steam. His introductory state- ments to the subject are as follows: "superheated Steam * can probable never be used in the ordinary steam engine, and even superheating , in its legitimate function of reducing liability to interior \7astes, is employed comparatively infrequently. It is not used as a working substance for the, reason that, in order Deri od that it nay rofcain the gaseous state throughout tho expansion A it must be superheated initially to a higher temperature than is found ordinarily safe or practicable; or, otherwise, a ^ray, as yet undiscovered, r,iust be found to so aodify the engine itself as to pernit its safe use, and at the same time to prevent those wastes of heat which now so promptly convert the steam, at entrance, fron the superheated to the saturated or wet condition* 1 * The above statement is hov?ever qualified by this; "Could it be employed, its characteristics would be those of f "^ >^ v - ;.' * ,~; t \ ; .1.,,. * r I/ : 1 * 'I ~ C3 O tl 1(1 .:;,; * /s.. r>rf. t. yj 1C; Xi I <-r ,-\ tfx f r' ," r-. f * I V- i < VI *,- f iV,' T W ,. W i > ^ i 'Kt oT .() tho steam is passed through superheating tubos, and raised to a very high temperature, and then injected amongst the remainder of the steam at or near the cylinder ports. (G)* Superheating in the cylinder by noans of a flue or furnace." Bescriptlon of the 6 x 15 Karris Corliss engine used in the tost:- ho engine is of a siz not adactod to commercial use, being of a special build, but modeled, howovor* to secure good working result * A8 a detailed description of the machine is unnecessary, particular attention v/ill b-o givan only to the points r/hich involve any effective bearing upon tho case in hand. rhe construction of the frame irorfc is heavy and non-con- ducive to shook or vibration. Ihe cylinder IB lagged with sheet steel, the ctoan and exheuet valves boln;.* somewhat @xT>08d A3 3 s .'aechanlcally requisite in a smalj, engine, the clearanca 1s proportionally large. The Valve *}aajj- '3 Brown roloacing gos.r is esrploycd. Ihe hook ongago- nent 5.3 positive, and is due alon to gravity action, role- being effected by c, looked-^edge cam, onernting between the arms of the stoa.n crank* the cam caussm out-*off by a sharp shoulder, a recurve causing a slow positive- steam cut-off due to governor action. The governor is of the Porter type, running at a nor R. >'or the tost- '3, the ?<*ost-?r rtroerhoater vras e- to . i sterna* The origins! isupply of taas sras at i*, fr*> I a Roberts Water Tube toiler, and also frr. \7 line of Sibley College, hl -itor steam passes through a serior; of two vertlcfil oteel pipos, whose heating surface it My 1 by noans cf lar^o iron washers fitting about t Thr -;.:harr; ^ive a corrupted effect to the ap- paratus The construction and ^.onoral arrnn^e^ont of the super- heater is shown In accompanying: diagrams* Hi control of degreo of zmperhoat was? acco;r ; plished by :ms of draia;ht an. SIDE. OF RE/TURN HELADEIR FOSTER SVJPERH ELATE. R. X'..- , For th$ sake of connarteon four runs, of an hour and a half each, undor conditions of saturation and atraospheric ,exhauflt, ware trade. In the main tostj, sixteen actual hour and one half runs, * r " -*\ y^i " - * $ 'A. *' 4 - * % . iv **- '.'-'-,, I 4 ~ EM> vl 4. W C *.'V* -. -. Jk wero made f ton readings at ten ninuts intervale* The tost cl ;: .:',"->"; _ " pho^rr , was subdivided into four divisions, as to degree of euparhaat. i'he first at satUJratlon* the coccnd at fifty f the third at ono hundred, and the fourth at one-hundred fifty, These divisions '.-/ere of four runs oach, th*? runs aver- aging a developed horsepower of .5, 5, 7 and . <3 gcvornor action being poor, with a tendmcy to "hunting 1 * 9 a dovics of controlling springs assisted to 00^0 x^., dogrea, but not KO rc to -aaintalr. a very constant spoed, * * i^ ** * Steoa presEuros also varioc* fro i the d&sir&d 130 -J gaugo, but it vrae not possible for the operator to control this. CONCLUSIONS, Ae has beon stated In the Introductory roitiarlvs, tha conclusions and results of the test are best oxpreesed by tho graphical iuathod. The object in view of ths operator "X *l-.p has b on not at all to obtain results boarin^ upon the although those results have been graphically ehowru v,ith th inoras In degree of sup&rgeat the expected results of XescozidU cylinder condensation occurred, and a general improvement in the operation of the engine v/as'not- ioable up to 100 degree ais-rk. At 150, continued running emphasized a tendency upon tho part of the valves to heat tip and stick. Valves, pipe- joints, and unions wore affected by the hif-h dOjre^3 f and great leakage resulted* iorcarda tho conclusion of the tost, conditions becar^o oo bad, that were a continuance to be considered, entire new gae&eting ami repacking would liave been necessitated, steam. For oonstant use of miparheated A dccidsd change and i. 'improvement in those features in imperative. DATA. In the following pages of data the nvr.abers designating the different runs will have the following meaning. S - V - 2 Saturated Steam-Vacuum-^ D.H.P, (approx.) S - V - 5 - " " " 5 " " ^ . f 50 - V - 50 Superheat -Vacuum - $ n " 100 - V - 9 100 P " " w " " 150 - V - 9 * 150 w M - t ^ S - A - 7 a Saturated f;teara-Atmoshpere-7 D.H.P. For every sheet of data there will be found corresponding curve sheets sho^ing f-raphioally all the results obtained. While the data sheets are classed by the approximate D,H.P!s.of each run, the actual D.ll.P's. are used in all computations and curves. M } \ T -x KG If S - V - 2 temperatures Barom. * 9.076" * 14.3 Calorimeter Height ** * * No, KPM $au Vac ng. Con Inj Dis aau. Pres^ .i'emp Con. Inj r f * S water water S water * \.~i *i ~ ''-a 1 .... 102 25,5 82 72.0 46 67.0 2 94.5 115 23.5 . . 72.0 45 65.0 3 95.2 110 28.5 .. 72.0 46 66.0 4 94.5 101 27.0 . . 73.5 43 66.5 5 94.2 113 27.3 84 74.0 46 66.0 6 93.5 101 27.3 .. 74.8 45 65.0 7 94.4 113 27.2 .. 75.0 45 83*8 8 94.9 110 27.3 .. 75.0 44 67.5 9 93.3 107 27.3 84 75.0 43 63.0 10 94.1 107 27.5 75.0 43 32.0 36.5 1810 104 15.1 20S 33.2 1870 ... ., .* ,*. 29.3 -1870 110 15*2 272 32.5 1870 110 15.2 270 34.2 1370 117 15.3 270 55 .8 1810 . 36.2 2000 107 15.1 266 35.7 1930 o5.0 1870 35.5 1930 Av. 94 108 26.6 83 74.0 45 65.0 111.8 15.2 268 34.4 1883 I H ? S.40 Brake Load = 62 1/2 # net. Water rate per D.H.?.73,0 D H ? 2.8 rr i.ii.P.60.2 Mech. eff. 82.4 % Quality 99 % o*nv o. sr O^p o, M o.ev . e.s?. ci a.Cf 31 8.KJ S a. as oi.*: ^.2$ s c-,v 01 e.K > i\?;. ? --.u -:.>c e : \ V L 01 o, -^Q 5 n .04 A .sit 1 " *. VK> A .] . ' i.. . f V C /. I * Ot P.I 1 ii .' .fic 8 * V - o HEAD K D. Absolute Pressure. Ho, 1 Area ME*P I.HtP* s.oe snd of OOTSp 13.4 Gut 10$ Rol Daok 20 *T%* o\it-off if '' f 7* - w. "jf'-ffws.^-'taf i '^ it iC* . q> 1.10 2f*e j& 1.13 30, au I'.Q 11<3 2Q 4 ^ * O 3 0.93 26$ 1.30 13,6 11? ?0 4 1*7 1.04 28.2 1*95 13. $ 105 ^0 4 'S.3 5 0*06 20. i.eo 13.. 5 108 20 4 1.1 4 in O*94 23.5 1.77 13.0 104 T P A- U *. Jl ^ 2. 4 '''. ! , ' <4 1V? " 7 1.00 27.1 1.37 1S.G 113 10 4 1.3 6 0.90 24.4 " 1.69 13.5 108 19 4 1.0 9 0.94 2S*C 1.73 15 .5 108 20 4 1.4 10 Av. . .-- 20j3 j^Qg 1"*$ 103 4 Pt? 2*3*0 i.as 13.3 IS 4 1*9 1 0.32 K A 1 1*54 1 K E K D* 100 1-3.4 4.0 0.0 13.0 %. * fi& T * ,' 2 0,02 00 * C//> .<:j 1.54 is. a 108 IS .4 4.8 0.0 ; : Sfcj* 0.71 19.2 '^1*33 13 .ft 100 14.3 4.0 0.0 4 0.75 20.4 Ml 1*0 100 1.0 4,0 0.0 5 0.35 C5.0 1.59 1-.6 104 16.8 4*0 0.3 ' ' zm 0.7? 81.1 1,46 13.0 100 10.0 4.0 1.4 7 0.75 20.3 1.41 13.3 10R 1-3.4 4.0 1.0 , TT * 1.00 27*1 1.B7 13. Q 109 20.0 4.0 1*4 9 .* SI 22.0 1.50 13.0 104 1^,4 4 .0 1*4 10 Av. 0.90 24^1 1.70 13*0 104 18.4 4.0 1.7 0.33 S4.3 1*S4 13. 6 104 16.1 4*1 0*8 Total I.K.P* 3.40. - V - 5 Temperature No. RPi? uau Vac ling. Con Inj Dis r' v a S watei water Barom. 29.076" 14.35 -# . Calorimeter Weight Pres. Temp Con inj S water 1 " t't) 2 91.9 3 92.0 4, 93.2. 5 93.2 6 93.4 7. 93.9 8 r .? 9, 92.0 i n c*^ p X- V " *> *-' *-^ rc.r4tg.Tir^t^srr;jfc&jpi&.^^a.^ 98 26,0 85 72 100 26.1 .. 75 10S 26.2 .. 75 112 R8>0 .. 77 103 26.0 85 7P 77 1.15 26.0 .. 77 111 ?6,.3 .. 78 97 26.1 86 78 97 26.4 78 110 23.0 .., 42.0 63.7 42.0 63.0 41.5 36.0 41.0 66.0 41.0. 55.5 41.0- 34,0 41.0 65.0 40.3 65.0 40.8 66.0 I . w ~A " ;,' 40.8 65. 5 .& ^^aj&iJKtfcSi^i 15.1 . 260 43.0 1375 ... 44.0 1875 262. 45.0 1876 ... 42.7 1810 250 44.0 1750 .... 4P.5 1750 260, 43.0 1^75 40 *r i 7*rn -. n.) i I \J\) 270 43.3 1010 Av. 92.B 104 26.0 85 77.3 41 65.2 106 15.2 202 43.0 16MT 117 15 . . . '. 105 15.2 . . ' . . 97 15.1 I.K.P. 5.85 Brake load 112 ^ net D.H.P. a 4.95 L'lech, eff. 84.5 % Quality * 90.2 % Y/ater rate per D.H.P. 51.3 " w I.K.P. * 43.4 ' r> . . . :. > VI O.I f .38 ?* r .< cj :': ^v , fc 0.1 ^'v . , c.r: arr ^ v ' ?: f v v r S - V - 5. A D .-< Ko, Aroa fcUE.P. i UUP rtd Tilt of off Kol Ml St. 1 1.05 44.7 3.08 1-%0 104 83. Q 4.B 10.2 2 1.87 46.2 vl.lS 15.6 103 3 .0 4.8 12,2 5 1.60 43.5 5,00 15,6 10S 28.0 4.0 8,1 4 1.S4 44.9 3.07 in. 6 iin ne.o 4.8 7.5 5 1.66 "42.5 2,92 13.3 112 28 .0 4,0 7.8 1 1.81 41.0 2.83 13,6 IIS 24,0 4 ,0 a .a 7 1.60 45,0 5.00 13. S 120 26.0 4.0 o.s 8 1.63 44.2 3.05 15.5 120 25.4 4.0 7.5 9 1.39 45.3 %15 15.6 104 23.4 4,0 10,2 10 1.57 42.5 2 .94 15. 6 104 26.4 .* 9,2 Av. 1.61 43.7 5.02 IS. 6 110 26.9 4.5 8*7 C R A M K S M D, 1 1.57 42.5 ..95 13.3 10< 24.0 4.0 G.77 2 1.50 40,0 P/.*0 15. G 104 25,3 4.0 0.47 5 1*55 41.5 2.06 13. C 108 26.4 4 .8 7.4S 4 1.5-3 42.5 2.02 13.0 1^0 26*4 5.4 6.42 5 1.01 43.5 3.00 T ^ rt IIP j. ' '. j ..- 1- f ^ 23, 4.0 G.10 'I 1+2 S8.5 2. 30 1^.6 116 20.4 4,0 5.10 7 1.51 41.0 2.83 15.6 120 28.4 4,0 5.10 P 1.46 39,3 2*75 13.6 117 28.0 4,0 5.80 V 1.51 41.0 2,83 13.0 101 26.4 4.9 P. 40 io_ 1.44 59*0 2.89 13*6 104 23.4 4,0 6.40 AvT"" Ti5 41.0 2.83 15.6 111 26.2 4*3 6.70 Total I.li.P. * 5.85. S - V - 7 Barom. 29.152" 14.4 #. 3auge Reading Temp era turos Calorimeter Weight !4o. RPM aau Vao Eng. Con InJ Dis ttau. Free. Xeap Con Inj. r* water crater S water ... * ... 1 .... 120 3.4 81 9.0 40.5 73.5 2 89.S 112 26.3 .. 07.5 40.5 75.7 ,. ... 3 90 ;'0 116 26.7 .. 90.0-40.5 75.0 112 15.4 262 4 8$.e* no 2s.a .. ae.o 40.5 74.5 5 90.2 112 27.1 ..103.0 40.5 70*5 115 15.4 6 90.2 114 27.0 S3 90.7 40.2 64.0 7 89.5 110 27.2 .. 84.5 40.2 65.0. 120 15.4 264 8 90.7 118 27.5 .. 83.0 40.2 65.0 9 90.6 114 27.5 .. Hl.O 40.2 65.0 117 15.4 268 10 90.7 115 27.4 80 ni.O 40.2 65.0 ... . ...... .......... .* .... 54.5 1626 58.0 1625 59.5 1625 54,5 1750 57.5 1QB5 54 .8 1585 5?. 5 2180 54.0 2320 54.5 1550 Av. 90.0 114 27.0 88 88. 40.0 69.0 116 15.4 2S2 55.6 1705 Brake load 155 # net. Quality K 97,7 % D.H.P. 3.64 Heoh. eff. R7.1 % I.H.P. 7.62 Water rate per D.H.P. 49.1 * M n I.H.P 42.7 * * *" V a. 9 r. r r r p o ^, j. <-. *. . * * us . rc - V - 7 81 A P m in < I Absolute Pressure. MO, Arsa K*,P i.H.P. End Gut off Jaei Cut-< % rv ^^OfycatSt^li wflSifsrff -.^r-- ?r?')tsS6?rnsrts'.yi iMsesSHee*-, ::: '^^-*-l . 1 *> ?>> IV ./jiC 30.5 1.02 20 125 36. 8 4,8 15,5 n 50. -3 * 20 llfl 33.0 ( 4,? IfM p s : * *^ :. w;0 .9 125 56.0 9.9 17.0 4 o or c> 61.0 4.06 20 115 ?7.S 5.G 17. G i.Sl* -JJ'J 60.2 a.Wr*'- .5>0 124 :f,3' 5.3' 14,8 , 6 "3.12 57.5 5 ^J8* ii 12-5 ? n V.- ,^ . / 5.6 15,5 7 -I V.' 5^.9* '3.*8- W-" lltf '56 ,0 ts / 15,2 8 f? T"> B . iv f 57.4 %^ D 15 125 36.0 5. isi rv ", ^ 57. * -s^ 1 15 ir>5 ia,o 3.6-" 14.2 10 ^S f\ff d ,VO 55.0 "-5.W- w- 124 56.0 5.V is .e AvT -'"*. IB a?. 5 5 '^ : .l 12S "?S,4 5.4 15,3 C H A 1 :i A 2 2JJ D, i 1 2,03 55 .ft .1.72 13 IK- 33 4 t ,q 13.5 o 1,98 53.7 3.58 117 ^3 '.- 15,5 i .05 crq / OO , J %70 20 124 a 5.6 13.5 4 1.97 O L) . - 3,53 20 117 M .4 '5.3 13.5 3 2.10 57,0 3,30 13 irs :^5 5. '3 11.0 3 2.00 54 .3 3, -52 13 124 33 5.6 11.9 7 1,94 52.0 .3X7 16 117 30 5,0 13,5 ; ,^ H 2, 54 .2 5*il 10 126 33 5.6 11. ? 9 2,07 R .A 1 0^ v> 0. T5.74 13 124 33 5.5 IS*S 10 1.98 tS'T 1 . 4. 3.54 10 124 36 5,6 11.8 AV. .00, *\A % J^B .<;/ 3,65 17.2 123 36 5,44 12,9 Total I.ii.P. 7.02. S- V - 9* Barora. * 29.152* 14.4 Oaugc o. RPJJ c. r'sa sis S water water 1 83.8 120 25.0 80 B9.0 40.2 69.0 2 0.5 123 "28*0 ., 80.0 40.0 60.0 3' 03.1 115 25.4 .. SO.O 40.0 69.0 4 fi4. 106 25.0 .. 89.0 40.0 70.0 5 *!5.7 114 25.0 .. 90.0 40.1 00.5 6 55*3 114 25.1 00 90.0 40.0 75.0 7 33.9 120 25.2 .. 90.0 40.2 66.0 8 H5.3 120 25.2 .. 3S.O 40.0 07.0 9 8R.8 120 25.0 ,. G,0 40.0 87.5 10 83.9 120 25.4 00 89.0 40.0 88.0 Cal art t , Press Temp' Con Inj g water 120 15.4 264 69.3 ... .. 37 . J n'*" i r ^ ^ri /trfj *> J,vJ.-J> 45 vV O -v . vj ftf* *t * . QU *M 115 15.4 250 69.0 ... . . . i . . . 30 .0 122 15.4 234 1*** 2500 : 5 3io 23BO 2440 2510 2500 25f>0 2500 117 25.2 BO 50.040.0 S2.0 117 T5" ^8.5 2423 Brake load 215 $ net. D.H.P, S,B >ech* eff. Quality 90 $ I.E. P. 10.01 ftatar ra^o por D.li.P. 45.7 H * w JL.H.P. * 40.3 1C, 01 ~ K E A fit ; K Q. , i/ ~ ' Absolute Pressure no, i Area M.K.P. 1HP* Of COTJJP Cut off sir, 54 Baok 5,6 Cut-Qf % St. 27.1 2.93 ao.o 5.10 H: 128 2 3.12 84.3 5,37 16 132 50 4.C 27.1 3 3.00 81.0 5.13 19 122 52 5.G 31.2 4 2.90 .73.5 5.00 1C, 113 52 5,0 33.9 1 5 3.01 31.5 5,19 w 124 52 5.6 30.5 6 5.03 9Q& 3 ../*. la 124 52 5, a 31.2 7 .1.04 C*O O 5.23 10 130 52 5,6 '"^ ^ ft KV tO 2. 96 80.0 5.10 15 128 50 5.fl 27.2 9 2.95 80.0 5.10 10 124 52 5,G 28.8 10 Av. 2.07 80.2 5.11 5, 1C 13 128 125 49 52 5,5 27 , 1 2P.7 2*90 81.0 Total. !.i; .p. : C A A K ii E K D. 1 2.75 74.4 4,74 13 *f ^? *"^ 48 5,6 21.2 S 2.P4 77.0 4.01 ' 10 ^ "* ^^ ii 4.8 O Oi /^ *' *^ . U 3 2.88 7P.O 4.*7 1C 124 46 4.8 25.4 4 2 .80 75. S 4.82 1G no 43 4.8 o0.5 5 2.P3 73.5 4 .36 16 124 48 4,8 25.4 6 ?.95 77.0 4,31 1G 125 50 4.8 23.1 7 2.05 77.0 4.91 19 130 49 5, a 25 .4 8 2.77 75.0 4 .7H W 128 48 5.6 23.7 2.35 77.0 < .91 16 12* 48 5.6 25.4 10 Av, 2.74 74.0 * 76.2 4.72 1 129 48 5.0 5.1 22.4 24 ,! 10.01 50 - V - 2. Baroia. * ?9.45" 14. 52 #. v RPM St. vac. Ent Eng Con In;) Dis Exh. Super Con Inj gau *S r'm S Crater w$tar heat S water ;--.z. .....^--.-^!AS t^:j^vx*Siir-?ft v> 95 8 109 26 .0 406 14 92 02. 5 99 V. 95 .7 117 28 .3 7 61. 5 82 114 54.1 ^0 1G30 Brake load * 62.5 ^ net. Y/ater rate psr I.H.r 1 . = 48.7 Wech. o^r. 77 # ' M D.ii.P. = 33.2 D.H.P. .= 2.P4 I.H.P. 7.89 1 II .? 50 - V - 2 HEAD L ) Absolut ?r e PGUP o. No. Area M,E,P, I,H,P, End of Cut off llel Back Cut-off % Et. cc 1 ".82 22,2 1,56 12.0 122 16*0 4,8 1.3 2 .80 21.6 1.54 12.0 120 1(3.0 4,0 1.7 8 ,80 2UiT 1.54 16,0 **o ;:f*o 1.4 4 ,RO 21.6 1.53 IT ,0 IP! 16.0 4.0 1.7 5 .:t;30-;- .fUTs >*34 ,0 1&,0 130 1-5.0 4.0 1.0 ' .i*wi 23,0 1.04 1C .8 119 16.8 4,0 1.7 7 .84V cfe , . 1*58 18,0 119 16.8 4.0 pgi 3 ,80 21.7 1.54 12,0 114 lo.O 4.0 .7 .82 22,2 1.5C 9.3 100 17,6 4,0 ,) ' 7 AV. 5 /"I '. ' 2i>e j t 33 PrO 104 MjJ 4.0 1,3 ,81 ?2 .0 1,53 12.2 11* 1G,4 4,2 *^'-'i .7 %;-... ;>,>* r x r. , 3 ^: ! - r ^0 *> ^*i *? '.; ';'/ 'A fe 1 ^ 1 1,12 SO .4 C K A N k E H D* 10.1 4,8 1.0 ,0 1?.0 a 1.11 30.1 2,14 12.0 121 20.4 4.0 1.0 3 1,15 51.2 2,22 12.0 120 20,4 4.0 1.0 10 ''*- j,3? *$"*'" :** ^>~ s /\ e; ( i j '& ^ * 1 ;'' f 'f "\ 4 1,10 30.0 3,12 12.0 122 20 14 4.0 .7 5 1,07 2S.9 a. os 12.0 132 Sl*0 4,8 * tx- ^^; 5 $ 5 1.12 30 .4 2.15 8.0 139 20.0 3.2 .7 -* ^' ^ " 7 1.07 29.0 2.0 . 12.0 11 20.0 4.0 1.0 8 1.15 31.2 2.22 ^,0 120 20.0 4.0 ,. 9 1.10 29.9 - * i'.> 12,0 : 103 44*0 20.0 3.2 .. 10 Av. 1.10 29,9" S.13 10.0 . 112 20.0 4.3 ,1,0 1.11 30.1 2,13 11.0 122 10,3 4,2 .13 Total I.H,P, 50 - V - 5 Barons. ?.3 W Temperatures. Ho EPU t. Vac. gnt ng Con Inj Dls Exh Cupor Con In} gau 3 r f a S wtr wtr heat S water ' >* .uaBxt-^swssftA.Aii CC^^^^L\a(ittC^r.^%av^^^ ---.^x-jr^, :v^-;^u' -.- -...;,; ,..-,r-:r. >:. v-^Xir,;- '/, -.:.--* --: .'A.-.^-.;^:^ -^T-. 1 ..., 118 23.3 404 04 ^5,0 53,1 71*0 110 55.7 } * ?. . <*" ' s * -. , ' 2 03.0 117 26.0 426 .. 85.0 55.5 72.0 110 77. 8 40.0 2250 3 03.3 113 23.5 390 .. Oa.O 53,0 70.0 109 53.1 45.5 2500 4 93.4 114 23.6 420 85 84.3 53.0 71.0 110 73.5 33.0 2380 5 93,5 124 28,6 410 .. 84 .0 62.8 71.0 110 57.8 40.0 2380 95.1 110 2$. a 414 .. 64,5 52.8 71.0 122 65.2 38.5 3440 7 92. S 120 20.7 430 Q6 85.0 55.0 74.0 128 80.0 39.5 2120 TV * -' * ' 8 93.0 109 25.0 4'52 .. 35.7 53*0 73.6 113 88.5 42.5 2060 9 32.3.12S 2S.3 418 9S.8S.O 53.1 73.5 111 36.3 41.7 2120 10 93.2 125 20. G 434 .. 97,0 5S.2 74.0 113 01,2 41.5 2120 Av. 95.0 118 23.5 420 09 5.0 53.0 72.0 115 70.0 0.7 22 SO load 125 net* D.H.P. 5.53 j.iooh. eff. 85.5 ?S Vmtar rate per D.il.P. 44.0 *^ f ' n I.K.P. 37.0 i.K.?, 6.4S 50 - V - 5 HEAD ; N ). Absolute Pressure, . > fl of off oorap &el Back Cut-off ?J st. ' *- '-< Pi .1 1 1*87 <5 .3 3 *14 12 120 23 4 8*5 2 1.7-; 4G . * 1. 115 O|f^ ^f : ; sa 3 1.72 4-6 . '3 O .^:., 11 .3 112 28 4 o*# 1 i.ao 48 *8 8 *36 S .a lid - '*? 4 0*5 5 I.*-WPB 48 *- "a ,54 12 .0 128 28 4 0,8 5 1.75 47 .5 as a *28 18 .0 125 30 4 8.5 7 1.74 47 .2 ** .3R 12 ,0 128 20 4tf^ 7.5 11 1.75 47 .5 ;j .38 12 .0 108 30 4.0 10.3 9 1.30 48 .3 rs SO 12 .0 128 23 4 8.1 10 1.73 47 ,0 3 *sa 12 .0 133 2^ 4 8*1 Av. 1*74 47 *3 3 O'3 12 *o 121 26, ,-l 4 8,3 > ^.4 i ^ 7 C H A K - K .11 !<>...! ..> & w D. 1 1*70 46 a 3 .20 11 *^ 123 28 4 7.1 2 l - 1*64 14 . ' .08 10 .4 120 20 4 7.5 3 1*65 47 .7 . *30 8 *0 112 29 4 sr.n : 1.74 47 o 3 S3 3 .0 120 28 4 o.a 5 1*G5 44 .7 a ao J* *0 lit Cf* 4 0*1 8 1*67 45 *2 3 a.*s 3U3 .0 125 2^ 4 fi.8 7 ** 1.38 44 *7 5 .09 ^12 .0 124 2(^ 4 1.8 8 1 ftf j^* 48 a 3 .34 11 l-~l 100 2B 4 $8 1 1.67 45 .3 3 *14 12 *o 123 29 4 6,0 10 1.75 47 *5 *!C OO O **">O 12.0 125 29 4 6.3 AV; 1,70 46 .0 3 *20 10 . Hi 20 4 7.1 50 - V - 7 baroaa, 3.21S W 14.4 #. > eihts 1 ilPH St. Vac Siting" Con inj st.r'a.st. wtr . 40S 83 82 54 Dls wtr I*T*^ Exh Supsr heat M- 1 Cond St. Inj 2' M ,4 m 26 40B ., .OS 54 n 113 4 A 46 * . 42 3 94,0 128 23 405 * 03 54 7? US 40.6 47 44 4 94.1 137 20 597 88 83 54 7*^ IB 11G 47,0 4S 43 5 03,8 120 2$ 404 ,, 35 54 70 112 50 3 43 45 6 02 *B 126 23 408 ..33 54 73 114 50.9 44 42 7 . 09 ,B 115 20 425 n .9 54 54 72 119 76*0 44 41 8 80*9 120 26 3t?0 ** G 54 78 117 41.7 44 58 9 89.4 117 23 436 *. 87 54 76 114 R04 44 33 .0 90.7 150 25 42-3 ** 5 54 75 114 76*4 41 34 Av. 91 ,8 125 26 411 C?0 84 54 73 114.5 58,7 44.5 40*2 Brake load 155 # net. uater rate per l.ii.P, 34 .(? f. IK,P* 7.68 w ff w D.li.P. * 3?. 9 #. D.H*P. 6*7 Mech. off* 07.5 50 - V - 7 : A END. Pressure, Mo. Area M.E.P, 69.7 I.li.P, 4,07 t Of comp 12 Cut Off 153 Rel 36 Back Cut-off % St. 1 2.20 ' .0 11 .0 2 2.10 50.0 4.02 12 132 36 4 .0 12 . . 2 .2.3 50.5 4. & 140 23 4 .0 10 .0 4 2*34 58 .0 3.95 d l!?n 36 I id ,4 11 .0 5 2 B r>o 62,5 4.25 12 132 40 4 .0 12 .3 ,6 2.20 56*4 4.1? 12 125 36 " .2 10 .0 7 2.00 54.2 5.70 12 128 33 ,' .0 10 .0 8 . 2-.05 55.5 3 .70 G 124 36 3 o *- 10 .0 9 2.05 55.0 3. 78 8 138 33 -: .0 8 .5 10 2.10 57.0 3.88 8 124 36 ~33 ' liJ. 5 3 .2 .6*"" 10 .0 .4 AV. 2.14 57.7 3.93 10.4 130 10 C R A N K E K D. 1 1.95 53.0 3.61 8 134 32. } ' .0 8 .5 2 2.03 55.0 3,75 136 33. I -' *0 8 .5 f .> 2.00 54.2 3.70 8 140 34. 4 4 .0 7 .0 4 1.93 52.2 5.56 12 124 36. 4 .0 8 .0 5 2.05 55.5 3*78 12 132 36. > 3 .-> > 8 .5 5 I'.P* 55 .4 4 .00 11 128 36. 4 .0 8 .0 7 1.00 51.5 3.51 8 120 32. : .0 7 .0 3 2.00 54.2 3,70 8 124 36. < .0 12 .0 o M 2.05 55.5 3.78 S 136 36. 3 4 .0 7 .0 10 2.00 54.2 3.70 S ' 128 35. ;. 4 .0 8 .8 Av. 1. 54.0 '3.70 9.1 131 34. 9 ' ! .9 8 .3 Total I.L.P. * 7.G6. 0.01 50 - V - x'onu * 29. 10* 14.4 f, iteKr ature o ' ^ No, RPH St. Vac irit ng on ;nj" is Exh Super Con Inj aau 8 r'ra 6 srtr wtr heat S water 42 41 41 41 42 42 41 43 45 1 ...,117 264155 89. $5 .73 116 S7.7 .. t' 'f(*. S' 83,3 117 2 420 . 80 ^5 78 IIP 71.7 82 3 83.3 115 36 414 ,, 90 55 77 11 67.0 52 4 82,9 112 9423 .. 90 55 77 110 80.7 52 5 81*7 110 86 417 90 00 55 7P 118 75.0 52 6 0gB 112 2^-392 ** 90 56 7B 110 4d.7 53 7 82.7 115 26 414 .. SI 50 77 lin 37.0 53 8 Sg.7 122 28415 ,. 9153 70 121 32*0 55 9 B3.7 120 26 415 00 90 56 70 117 05.0 35 10 83.0 119 20 402 ... 00 53 70 118 5S*6 53 AY 413 90 90.5S.*7,3 118 67.3 3,8 41.8 load ? l,i|i.P. , 9.48 D.1UP. * 8. 56 aeoh. cff. * 90. Vator rat per I.H.P. 33.4 " f> D.il.P. 37.0 I jj. Absolute Pressure. No. Area M.E.P. I.H.P. 2nd of comp Cut Eel off :rs:.rr--. 4.0 Cut-off % St. 1 2.78 75.5 4.80 12,0 124 4H 28 2 2 !$ 78.0 4 .o2 12.0 124 52 4.0 2G 3 2.85 77.5 4,80 12.0 124 50 4.0 20 4 2.86 77.5. 4. HO 12.0 120 50 3.2 29 5 2,92 79.2 4,90 12.0 117 62 4.0 32 6 3.85 77.2 4 .HO 16.0 lin 5P 3.2';'. 1 28 7 .83 75.7 4.77 12.0 122 52 t *?' 27 9 ".85 77.2 4.30 12.0 128 50 2.4 24 9 2. no 75.0 4.71 12.0 125 4fi 4,0 24 10 2.85 77.2 77.2 4 .80 4. 30 9.3 12,0 125 123 52 50. <3 4.0 3,3 25 25.3 Av. 2 .34 1 2.a9 73.0 vjT C R A 4.52 K K E 11 D, 125 i 48 4,0 24 8,0 2 2 .80 75,0 4.72 fl.O 124 50 2,4 25 9 2.75 74.5 4.Q2 8.0 124 48 4,0 25 4 2.nr 76,5 4.75 9.3 120 50 4.0 29 5 2.85 77.5 4*80 12.0 120 5? 4.0 29 G 27^ . / w 74 .C 4. 62 12.0 120 50 4.0 27 7 2.83 70.7 * ^W^W**-**"* ^W^HtpOKAtM*^^ M^r^fbUMi^^ 130 26.8 421 95 93.5 55.7 65*5 130 71.0 2 f<8.0 115 6,6 425 .. 02*0 55.5 66.0 133 70.0 25.5 2500 <'"! > '> .' * ' ' 3 ^3.0 120 S6*9 430 .. 79.5 OS.8 67*5 134 80.0:24.5 4 98 ! 120 27.0 4S8 95 7r,5 54.4 6B.5 133 89.0 S9.0 5 07. B 112 27.1 445 .. 77.5 54.0 (55.0 154 09.7 27.0 S2Q ?? - >'' .V- 1M" ' 6 07.7 108 H7.0 452 ..77.0 5,0 55 .0 134109.0 5.5 2440 t < 4 . 7 97.7 118 37.1 448 M 76.5 54.0 35.0 ' 134 99.0 ?7.5 ^750 ^ 97.0 112 7.0 441 .. 715 C4-.0 65.0 134 95.7 26.0 530 9 97.9 1U? P7.0 45?-? . 7^.0 54.0 ^5.0 133 109 T4.5 25->0 10 97.9 115 H7.0 461 06 7-5.0 54,0 64.0 1M 114 "M.5 2690 ^T^T." '. ^*'^"^i&^-&''&~^z''~z^^-Xi^''i<-'^^'~'s*^~vr?K ^j^yv^jxyr3i!yy^{yc?..ry^SK^^y*Si^^ AY. 97.9 113 2^.0 442 95 78,5 S3.9 133 94. 1 23.0 2549 Brake load 62.5 f net* D.H.P* a 2.91 U00h. Eff. * 7$ .7 % Water rate p0r D.ii.P. 53.6 * w I.H.P. 42.2 I.ii.P * 3.7 ioo - v * 2 ; Absolute Pressure, l v <0. Area XE.P. I.H.P. of Cut off Kil F lack Gut-off JJ St. oomp -,--. ... ttwwxsr* K"*SJf. iiGS'-A.J -'a^*uiar*-rrrli 1 .90 34.4 1.77 12 109 iaa 3.2 0.0 2 1.00 27,1 1,97 12 100 ?4.0 i.a : 5 .88 33*9 1,74 15*3 iw , i.e 4.0 4 .es tojj i.sr^ 12.0 nr 17. 4.0 S .85 05 ,0 1.37 12.0 10^> 17,0 4,0 a .82 f""**" 1 ; 0*N 45J3 =** fete ?' S.OO 112 15.4 3.U Av. 1.00 S5.3 1.92 B.S 112 1.0 3.3 Total l.il.P. 3.70. 100 - V - 5 Baroia. = 29.3" = 14.65 #. Tempo ratures ^eights No. RPM t, Vao Lnt Eng Con InJ Die Exh Super Con in;) gau rS . r f m $ water water heat S water ^ 1 .... 122 29,5 448. 89 H4 .0 53.5 72 .8 2 93.0 129 20.6 448 . . 85*0 53.5 72.5 3 91.3 122 26.6/432 .. 84.5 53.6 72 .2 4 93.4 105 28.7 432 .. 84.0 54.0 73.0 . 5 93.2 120 2-3.7 432 09 S4.5 54,0 70.0 ' 0' 93.5 119 28.7 427 .. 86.2 53.5 70.0 7 .03.3 113 26.7 443 .. H5 .0 54.0 72.0 8' 93.0 112 26. 3 446 94 04.5 54.0 71.0 9 93.6 115 23.3 447 .. 84.0 54.0 70.5 10 94.3 127 28.7 434 .. 34.5 53.6 70,5 120 93.9 31*5 2000 110 91.5 37.5 2300 130 00.9 35.5 2250 137 91.0 38.5 2310 131 '82.0 37.0 2300 108 77.6 110 95.4 121 100 39.5 2380 129 100 37.0 2440 132 80.0 Av. 93.5 118^ 28.5 438 90 85.0 54.0 72.0 123 90.0 26. S -2306 Brake load 125 # net. D.H.P. * 5.56 ;,iech. eff . * 83.5 J{ I.H.P. $.43 Water rate per D.H.P. 39.5 " M I.H.P. 34.3 100 - V - 5 HEAD END. .HO. Area .i.^.P, Av* 1*70 46.0 1 1.73 1.75 5 1 .70 4 1.65 5 1.75 5 1.58 7 1.70 1.73 1.7P 10 1.73 glut -3 ?r e_o sur Q . i,P. nd Out Hoi " : ack Cut-off of off % St. co&p '* "^A 1O A *1Of^ Of* fl *!*> JU; y J.K3D .'?( . 3.23 12.0 130 28.0 4,0 '12.0 120 28 .0 4.3 7.4 0,0 G.8 * 12.0 :e.o 4,0 10.3 8.1 122 28.8 3.2 124 23 .0 .4 5.10 If:.? 120 20.0 4.8 3.10 12.0 113 28,0 4,0 3.10 12,0 120 8.0 4.0 3.05 12,0 130 28.0 4.0 .20 11.6 122 8.0 3.3 CRANK IS K D 7.1 8.5 0.5 G.I 7.7 47.0 S.26 0.6 124 SB.O 5.2 5.8 47.4 3.50 n.s 132 P8 .0 4.0 5,8 46.1 s.r>o 10.4 13ft 20.0 4.8 5.4 44.7 5.10 8,0 116 28.0 4 .8 6.8 47,0 *y *"^ ^* '^- ^"- v 9. >3 122 2B.B 4.0 S.I 45,5 3.16 12.0 124 88.0 3.2 9.8 43.0. 3.19 0.0 120 28.0 3.2 S.5 47.0 3.26 0,0 114 0.0 1.6 6.5 4B.2 ^3.r>4 6.0 120 23 .0 4.0 0.5 47.0 3,2$ 7,2 iaa 28.0 4.B 3.3 46.7 5.23 9.6 122 2-3.0 5.7 7.0 I.H.P. 5.45. 100 - V - 7 Te^eratures, So. RPM St. G&u Vac li!?it '^n- f 7 St. r'tt CoTid 9%. In j wtr Dis wtr m heat Cond ft* w * Iftj v.'tr 1 127 ^3 455 H4 34 7n 101 2 33, 120 25.0 4*ni * * 54 70 113 oo 43 ,9.0 3 95 ,l 114 25.0 42S * . OS 54 71 115 82.5 '42 2050 4 91, G IIP 25.0 453 .. 82 54 inro lie 104 41 2533 5 03.1 120 O?s O 450 86 82 54 72 113 100 -: 34^,0 6 94.5 117 23 .8 448 ,* IS 55 72 110 90.7 41 201 7 S4.0 03 K 120 120 fifl.Q *St } >,.' * 4 5*1 34 55 56 71 75 114 113 1Q/J 41 2530 n 03 .5 25. > 404 07 84 30 72 120 111 40 2500 10 93.5 119 S8.0 456 .. 83 53 75 135 107 "9 MOO Av. 93.5 120 2S.O 450 oG 82.7 55 72 118 100 40.7 25P>5 trake load 155 ^ net. Water r&to per 1. 11. P. * 32.3 #, I.H.P. 7.5G n " " D.li.P. 35.4 , 3L^^ S^ .k>oh. eff . !. 100 - V - 7 * *'* E N D ' Absolute Prer< suro Ho. /TOO M.E.1% . L.K.P, . nd Cut Hel 1'GOk Cut-off of off fit O w , coup r ** 1 3.03 55.0 3.82 3 154 32 502 8*0 o ^,04 3C.O fct 118 35 4.0 11.0 4 f!.01 04*1 7,, no e 124 33 4.0 10.0 5 n*oo 54.2 5.73 8 120 33 4.0 8*8 8 2.02 55.0 :^.ns 8 124 50 i **.> 10,0 7 2*00 54.2 3.7R 8 12$ 36 4.0 9.0 8 l.?5 83*0 3.Ge 8 120 55 4*0 8.5 ^> 1.90 JKJ fclSJ ruas e 132 33 4.0 3.5 10 2.05 - - 55*7 3*87 124 32 3*2 10.0 Av. 54*5 - .._.. 127 55 3*7 "'"9*5 -fotal I,H*P* 7.56. - V - - ~ 29.436* * j\eadin,n:s. i, r o. BPf.i leap 1 .,,. 440 2 87. S 447 3, P7.9 - 455 4 'OB.7 -'447 5 09.0 478 3 B8.3 494 7 87.4 454 30. -3 474 9 S75 45< 10 30.0 432 team Sup^r Vao heat 90.0 93 *S 120 113 1S5 135 130 125 113 118 117 ir.4 .2 20 132.4 111.2 100,9 125.3 105.7 74.5 20 20 28 ~n Cons r?a rt. Inj. Water Dis. water , ^xn. Con Q+ OB water ^atite-rfe ftS PS 59 J?l 110 * . ..w. .. 95 50 R8 120 61 2330 .. f ^5 !I9 81 198 50 2380 P*> O*J, V.H . fc*^* 39 00 138 40 2440 .. 94 59 7 n 138 40 2500 .. 03 59 79 142 40 2500 .CO 9;5 50 83 143 47 2250 .. 05 (ft) 83 146 . 2000 .. 5 68 83 142 40 2060 pg 94 01 84 139 50 P310 AV. ?.7.?> 45" 12310^.0 20 04 83 136 Brake load C15 .^ not. .-.'at or rate par D.H.P. ~ 3^.0 D.K.?. 0. ttM " " I.ii.P. "0.2| . cff. a 100 - V - 9 HEAD END. No. 1 Area 2 .70 M.E 7^ .?. I. H.P. ,78 End of comp Cut off Rel Back Cu' 24 .2 4 12.0 124 45.0 4 2 2 .73 75 .0 1 .89 12.0 UN 46.0 K^f 24 3 2 401 72 .2 4 ,72 9.3 132 45. G 4 21 4 .no 7G .0 4 .95 12.0 150 48.0 4 22 5 2 .70 75 .2 4 ,77 9.5 133 44.0 4 20 ,6 2 .05 72 .0 4 .19 9.6 W* 44.0 4 21 7 2 .70 n .2 4 .78: 9,6 120 45, 5 4 26 8 2 .70 n ,2 4 .78 9.0 It.'i'' 44.0 4 25 9 2 .73 74 ,0 4 .82 9.3 124 48.0 4.8 25 10 2 .65 73 .4 4 .65 9.5 138 44.0 4. 18 Av. o .70 73 FT * 4 .73 10.0 127 45.4 4 22 1 2 .8,3 73 .0 C 5 K A .00 N h ii Jbl D 43.0 3.2 25 0.0 2 2 .R7 7ft .0 5 ,09 9.6 12G 49.0 4.0 26 3 2 .85 77 . 5 .04 P.'> 134 48.0 4 ^2 4 2 ,P5 no .0 5 .21 1 '^ U 133 48.0 4 24 5 2 ,80 76 ,0 4 .95 9.0 137 45.0 4 21 G * .85 77 .4 K V .04 9.3 13? 4a.o < .. 22 7 r> .85 77 .4 6 .04 9.6 121 48.0 4 "' 28 8 2 .80 76 .0 1 .46 9.6 127 48.0 4 27 V 2 .85 77 ,4 5 .04 12,0 125 51.0 4.P 27 10 2 ,86 J77 _!.. 5 .04 12.0_ JL40. J8..CL JL JO Av. 2 .85 77 .3 5 .00 10.0 130 47.8 4.0 24 St. .6 Total I. H.P. 9.73. 150 - V - 2 Baroni. = 2P.6f'" . WeU Ko. KPM St, Vao Lnt "ng Con Inj Dis Zxh Super Con inj *nia R r'a Hater r/ater heat S water ,-r^.TTrr: ivs-a.:;:--:... : . r-firsrjfi;- ->jA*i. '.-jr-rs* 1 97.0 118 28.2 478 92.0 83.5 50.0 68. 129 26.0 1930 95. B 110 2S.2 510 .. 84.1 51.0 58.0 97.1 120 28.1 532 .. "82.0 54.6 65.0 182 21.5 1930 4 "7.7 109 28.1 540 .. 79.8 49.5 60.5 I-?" 22.5 1930 5 97.5 120 28.1 528 92 77.5 ^n.7 60.0 17^ 21.0 1930 *9Q ;4*4' .3.77 IV A *VS: 6 97.8 120 28 500 .. 75.5 49.0 00.0 150 21.0 2180 3 96.0 115 28.5 470 ., 74.0 <9.0 60.5 123 22.0 2120 8 93.0 111 28.6 458 .. 73*0 49.0 31.3 114 22.5 2180 9 97.2 118 28.4 464 9 73.0 <9.0 51.C 115 24.1 2060 10 97.2 102 28.? 470 .. 72.5 49.0 31.0 L32 25.0 2180 ' ^5?.l. Av 07 f) T I^J pn 4^^ <^O 77 4 ^0 fi^ .^ 1/t^ 7 '' ''O^O , . f .'.7 X ASP <^'.,i . C> .xj i . ' ' *T| OV^ .v/ Qi..' .O Jr. . f <* O <_.-v/ .i .? Brake load =67.5 f net. Water rate per D.H.P. =49.4 P as P 7O jj . * . 1 * t . F B Water rate ;.-lech. efr. = 78 JS per I.li.P. = 38.7 J.H.P. 3.37 i-t4 !-> f r /-r-t K . . v. > *' rr o.ra o. 150 - V - 2 it E A D END. Absolute Pressure. NO. re& . .P. I.iUP. nd Cut Eel of off coiap Back Out-off % St. **?" sxssoKsa c.Tsnr-.-t.-'SP Tnc-vr-. r- ssrr *- Msrar'.tr cr 1 1.00 .7 1 .96 8 3109 17.6 4 .00 o .91 24 .3 1 .78 C 104 13.0 4 .00 I 3 .90 24 *4 1 .76 108 16.8 4 .00 4 ,30 24 .4 1 .77 8 102 13.8 4 .00 5 ? 9 * .90 24 .4 1 .77 8 110 id.o 4 .00 .90 24 .4 1 .77 8 108 10.0 4 .00 7 .91 24 .6 1 .78 8 104 17.9 4 .00 3 .97 26 .3 3? .91 8 104 19.4 4 .00 0' 9 .90 24 .4 1 .77 12 109 18 .4 4 .00 10 .87 S3 .6 1 .71 8 100 10.0 4 .00 AV. .93 24 .0 1 .80 .4 105 17.0 4 .00 C R A M K K D, 1 .91 24 .6 1 .78 8 109 19.2 4 .00 2 .87 23 .8 1 .72 8 104 17.6 4 .00 3 .95 25 .7 1 .80 8 109 16.0 4 .00 4 .90 24 .4 1 .77 8 100 15.2 4 .00 5 .90 24 ,4 1 .77 8 108 17.5 4 p 6 .90 24.4 1 .77 8 104 15.0 4 .00 7 .91 24 .5 1 .78 8 102 16.8 4 .00 8 .95 25 .7 1 .88 o 9 100 17.3 ' -.00 9 .33 23 .3 1 .39 s 104 17.0 4 .00 10 .85 23 .0 1 .67 8 96 16.0 3 .20 Av. .90 24 .4 1 .77 Q 104 17.0 4 ,00 Total I.H.P. 3.57. 0*DI 0X1 *.W3 V 7 8. VI 150 - V - 5. Earom. = 2 r '.62" . _ _ jitirap era tares. __ ___ * eights. Ko* RPM St. v'ao 2nt " ~5on in;|~ Sis Super ^on in j ~ gau r'm S water T7ater heat S ?/ater ' - -^a^;-a8*-aatt.Jt.^- i .aB(fx-'-ss:/: gavsjs^vpsss^&ii^sabsdBSd&s^^ 1 .... 129 23.0 4-55 8fl 7<5.* 4<3.1 6J? *B 110 ...... .. 2 93.6 130 2P.O 4H4 .. 76.2 45.2 65.5 129 75,1 2310 3 *92.4 12? 27. P 494 .. 70.5 4-1.2 S3.1 14335.0 ?OQO 4 93,4 130 28.0 41 .. 75.5 /i.3.5 64.0 135 34.5 2250 93.5 120 2^.0 4?0 np^ 75.5 4G.. r > 34.0 140 3^.5 2180 6 93.5 127 rn.2 49? .. 75.1 45.0 '35.0 139 23.5 2120 7 ?3..0 11?* 2P.4 4^ ., 75.5 r>.0 149 35.0 2120 8 93.6 105 2f..l 4P3 n%7 75.0 4G.9 52.0 145 3^.7 2310 9 93.6 130 '.?*.l 470 .. 77.0 49.7 -35. 114 30. 2310 10 Ci 3.0 118 23.1499 .. 7(3.5 43.7 34.0 149 34.5 2250 Av. 93.2 123 2H.O 407 B^.G 76.0 46.4 63.8 135 34.5 2212 Brake load = 125 # net. Water rate per D.U.P. 37.4 D.ii.P. .54 " " " i.iu?. 32.1 - V. -' * ;/.ech. eff. a no ^ I.H.P. = 0.45 e. 150 * ? *> 5 K .absoluto Prsssui . !to* .Area WB*P, i. a.?. na Cut Hel Back Cut~< of off f, i - coup 1 ,^ -44*5- 5.0S 8 r-wr 2* ST" 5*1 2 1.75 47.5 3.30 12 132 29 4 6.0 3 1.60 *au3 %3S 12 124 28 4 -3.5 4 1 .75 47,5 5.80 IB 128 29 4 6.* 5 1.75 47*5 3.50 ,8 ir-i 28 4 5.7 fT **! 1.7S 47*0 * .a* 3 g tea ;rn.c > 4 *4* 7 1.76 47.5 ?.30 Is 120 2B 4 ^.5 8 ' 1,76 47.7 *.s r> 112 2^ 4 10 .r p 1,70 45.0 ?.80 12 ms 2$ 4 5.1 10 1.49 45. 8.115 ic no 2P 4 7.4 AV. "l*73 47.0 .-)6 10 125 20 4 7.1 C R A K K 2-K B, 1 1.75 47,0 V 12 12? 2B 4 6.8 2" "i.sa' 1 44,7 r^.io ^' _____ _.. Weights , No, BPM Temp Steam Super Vac Eng Cond inj.~ DlsV xlu Con. In 3 Gaugo heat r f ia St. water watar St. water - ft:^:sM^rt^B|e. a ------ #s*s?.- -r^r- - -,r--*t;8*v;j* 1 te-:.^, : - : !i|'5|?%?r-: ^r^^yrr'vr-vfe^^eV' _ - ,- ^-f*. -: -.r. :-:? r" 1 .... 504 110 150.9 26*0 77 87 58 76 14f* *. ., 2 89.5 482 110 137.9 29.1 . 87 5f? 77 123 35 20-30 5 0.2 470 120 126*0 26.1 .* 87 58 76 130 Sfl 2J50 4 90.0 494 107 151.7 ?61 .. 88 5B 76 135 38 2100 5 as. 9 494 122 142.9 26.1 79 66 5* 76 138 55 2500 6 90.3 500 11$ 150.3 2G.2 ., 96 5fl 75 140 30 2190 7 90*1 502 110 152.6 2S.3 .. 88 56 75 140 38 210 8 90.1 501 115 155.0 26*2 32 06 58 75 140 55 2250 9 89.0 500 114 153.5 23*3 .. fl8 58 77 13$ 35 21 10 90.4 501 109 157.3 26.3 S3 8S 58 76 132 55 2190 A*. 89.8 495 115 148*6 26.2 00 87 58 7G 137 3d 2203 Brake load * 155 # net. Water rate per D.J3.P. 32*3 # D.K.P, a.64. " * * l.H.P. * 29.8 , i.H.P. 7.25 . off. 91*3 S 150 - V - 7 H N D. Absolute Pressure. No. Area M.E*?* I.Ii.P, Knd cf Cut off Eel Back Cut -of % St. COnip --!',-*; :.tsri;Hi':.vf.v-x ; - ?.""?-*" i:.. w:- -T v ; I 2 .00 54*3 3.54 8.0 110 32*0 3*2 13 2 O '"N/l /; * JvJ 54.," .'* ,: IK o*s< *o 4 .0 14 3 1.97 55 1 3 s,so 12.0 128 32*8. 4.0 11 4 1.96 53.0 ^.45 12*0 112 3^.0 4.0 15 5 1.92 52.0 5,40 ^ 130 sr .0 4.0 11 14 3, 4 s 1.07 55. 5 3,r-o 9.0 126 32.0 4.0 12 "' ,..". *.* *i 7 1.95 53,0 o .46 0.0 121 y^ A Ot. .v 3*P 12 8 1.90 61.6 , J 9.3 . 104 sr.o 4,0 10 'l^- : < 9 1.95 D4 5: '* 3,46 8,0 120 32.0 4,0 12 10 2.03 54*2 -I 54 9*6 110 53.0 3jj2 14 Av, 1.S4 *.3 3'^ i.3 121 32.0 3*7 TO *^ .-4 -6 " *5 4 2*14 .3 CQ C K A 3*?8 1 v i\ li D 320 :^.o 4*0 , 15 r.o P. 10 57.0 3,72 0.0 116 ?6.0 4*0 15 cr 2,17 . 5.S5 8,0 :.w 5$.0 <*0 11 4 2 .05 , BO^ 3*30 8.0 11'5 55,.G 4.0 18 ' .- '2.00 54 .2 3.54 r.a 134 or. .0 4.0 11 8 ^12 57.5 5.7^ 12,0 126 3tS.O 12 7 2*10 37.0 ^ *TO 8.0 1C4 34.2 3.2 12 * c 2,10 57.0 3*72 e^.o 125 33.0 4*0 10 9 2*10 57.0 1.72 9.0 122 55.0 4*0 12 10^ AV. 2.10 57.0 3.72 a.o 113 3S.O .o 14 53.4 5.73 8.7 123 55,2 3.B 12 Xotal I.JUP* 7.25* 150 - V - 9 Barom. 29.486 M = 14.55 #. Headings Temperatures. Weights* No. R P . iA . Temp Steam Super Gauge heat Vac ng r'm Cond St. 89 90 Inj. Qis B^xh water water Cos In 3 St wate: 1 o 86.9 510 502 117 129 131.7 147.0 26.1 83 26.1 .. 58 58 79 79 117 132 45 2250 3 86.0 504 103 162.3 26.2 .. 90 58 7S 141 43 2380 4 87.1 502 140 131.3 Of? > 3T aok Out' of Off | corap "*; "' 'vr.i: 1 : -':"5T""^f{:>^- 1 2.35 77.4 < .9 12.0 12*5 4n 27 2 2 .75 74.5 4 '^ 12.0 134 44 19 3 2 .$5 77 .4 4 .*'' 9.6 lit 4B 1 54 4 .73 74.0 4 .77 7O J . / i ,/ 7.^.1 72 M 140 44 : .0 18 O *"7 i" 1 < .5 - .f^r> 10,2 125 40 3 .0 1 2,06 77.5 ,. ' .99 H K Ei'31 B 124 45 a -: 27 9.8 } ^^ ^^ '^ 4 7-3.4 - .45 1^.0 137 44 .B 4 .0 21 5 2.05 76 .5 4 . *-. S^ 110 43 .0 g > 32 4 2.75 74.5 4 . r >0 s.o 146 4q .0 ' ; (P) .A, IB 5 2.75 74.7 4 .82 e.o 124 45 .6 *!C o *- 25 <3 2.75 /'' ^' \ * : 74.5 4 .BO 9^ 124 45 .4 / .0 27 7 2.00 "75.S : .88 9* 11- 40 .0 -' .0 30 2 .83 73 .0 B .03 9 f j 127 45 r; ' .3 27 P 2.74 74 ,3 ^.n^ 4 .79 9.6 112 43 .0 .0 34 10 2,05 79.2 i 4 .11 - 9.6 144 " i: 46 .0 4 .'^ 19 2. 7G.1 4a ,8 Total I.K.P. P. 67. I D '; D. Absolute Pressure, NO. Area M.JS.P. I.H.P. End of Comp Cut off Rel Back Cut-oj . ?*..-.*. - . ... ,,. . ,- .. - _ . , . , Mff y...^ 1 0.98 26.6 . 1.62 36 114 28 14.4 3.4 2 ' 1.00 27.1 1.55 M 114 26 14.4 3.4 3 0-.9S 26.0 1.58 36 114 26 14,4 3 .4 4 0.96 26.0 1.58 36 116 28. 14.4 3>4 5 1.02 27.6 ; .1.00 '. ,36 107 28 14.4 5.1 6 0.95 25.7 1.58 40 113 28 14.4 3.7 7 0.98 6.3 1.6? 32 116 28, 14.4 3. .7 8 0.88 23 .8 1.45 40 117 24 14 .4 2, .4 9 0.94 25.5 1.35 36 106 24 14.4 3.. 4 10 0.96 26.0 1.50 36 120 24 14.4 2.4 ~~AvT" 0.96 26*1 1.59 36 114 26 14,4 3.4 G H A K il E N D. i 1.00 27.1 1.65 22 115 28 14.4 1.7 2 1.10 29.8 i.ai 24 116 28 14.4 3.4 3 1.10 29.8 1.81 28 123 28 14.4 3.4 4 1.09 29,5 1.80 24 118 28 14.4 4.8 5 1.10 29.8 1.80 24 111 28 14.4 5,4 3 1.05 28.4 1,73 27 116 28 14 .4 4.1 7 1.34 28.2 1.73 24 116 28 14,4 3.4 8 1.20 32.5 1.98 24 127 2G 14,4 3.7 9 1.16 31.5 1.92 24 108 29 14.4 6.8 JLQ-_ L*l__ J^L^L 1,92 24 !_ 28 14 f 4 3.7 Av. 1.10 2?.8 T.82 25 117 28 14.4 4.0 Total I.H.P. * 3.41. i . -. S - A - S Barom. 3.11*5* 14,35 _ror;^er attires, ,, r S?o. R??; ':tca ".:"v> ;en. irij* 3is' Oau. Press gaugo r'ra 8 water trater 1 9?2 111 S 'S^tS - 109 3 32.4 IIS 4 02.2 . Ill 5 62*7 102 3. -814)1 108 7 82.0 113 81*5 111 (it B1.5 101 10 ei5 115 ^,JH 72 3^*0 5^*0 34 71.4 39*0 57.0 84 70.0 S9.0 57.0 84 09. S 39*0 57.0 84 09.0 30.5 87.0 .34 69 .0 59-* 5 5$.Q 94 6B-.0 58^5 5^*5 n 4 68 . ?9 * ^ C -3 . ") R4 08.5 30.0 55.? . . Av. no 94 Oau. Preee Temp Got: InJ. S water Ill 15*3 278 73 59 .P 16: 15SO 1SCO 15GO 1560 . , 15.4 272 31,5 103 1^*2* r^ui .^0*0 J. V' . *.- * -J^ -' .* f Tf' rt ... f ..... i-'- * J 1530 11? 1 ^ "^ O'if* < 5t 1 ^ ^ Xv f O d\) ? J UQO .** ^,, ,., ^3;o 15 105 15.? 250 27.9 1560 .... ... *2.3 16I?0 ixgrnym 1 ^^v- 110 15.^ >!57 50.8 157*1 ) (Total) 3.41 D.H.P. -ater rate per O.u.P. w " " i.li.P, 53.5 Quality * 08.8 J$ .l^OlU Off. 77.1 ^ Brake load 07*5 ? r net, - A - 5 Earoou 29.153* 14,4 #. I 1 gaper at urea Calorimeter weight Ho. a ?u Steaift j-*ue .<-!ng . Con r*m S . i wa nj. ter D we is. c-au. ter Press Temp Co: S n. wt. 2 7 .4 114 105 82 7(5 74 3? 3f? .5 .5 62 so .0 110 .8 15.2 246 49 .... . , . 46 ,0 ,o 1690 1750 13 79 .6 114 73 3R ,0 so .0 5 1690 4 5 79 RO .3 .7 115 111 82 72 72 37 37 .5 .0 30 33 .8 110 .0 15.2 258 42 44 .0 ,f> 1620 1560 <3 70 *3 71 37 .0 31 .0 43 S 1560 7 R SO QO .5 .2 104 113 31 70 . . 71 37 ^7 ,0 .0 33 30 .0 104 .0 15.2 253 41 .... ... 41 .0 5 1690 1G90 ^0 .8 114 70 ^7 .0 .0 1530 10 eo .1 111 00 70 37 .0 63 .0 113 15.3 282 42 .0 15GO AY. 80.0 111.5 1 72 37.4 62 .0 109 15.2 255 43.5 I.H.P. * 5.57 Brake Load * 125 net. D.H.P. 4.75. Meoh. eff . 84 % Quality * 97.7 % ./ater rate per D.H.P. 55.6 " " M I.E. P. = 45.0 on re * nv 5,.^ O.TT- cv 0-7 i -.2* KV-: i c.ri S - A - 5 HEAD E h* D. Ko* ATOft U.E.P. U*UP. md of cotap Gut off K@r r-aol Cut-off % St. 1 -.-; rP^,w:^?^freW'.^KWi'*-?* : "!.1i ". j^fcrr.' 8 1 1 ,93 62 .3 3.12 36 120 40,0 14.3 13 * 5 2 1 .00 51 .5 3.07 R %BC 112 40.0 14 .S ia .9 ; 1 ,82 49 .3 2.94 36 120 30.0 1^.5 13 .5 1 .80 40 .3 *f 01 36 120 33. 8 14.3 11 .8 5 1 .55 42 .0 2.50 3^5 116 56.0. 14*3 10 .2 I 1 .76 47 .3 , 2.H3 33 X20 7S..3 14.1 11 .8 : ? i V X *' S V.- * i~ 7 1 .81 49 . >jr 2*02 S6 112 40.0 14 .3 15 2 e 1 .'30 4H .9 2,01 55 120 3^*4 X.3 11 .0 1 .80 48 C > 2,n 36 *i ^ *^ 33.4 14.3 11 **:' 1Q -V. JL *93, 5 o *2L 3U21 ^0 111 41^6 14.3 1C .9 4p .1 2.&S 59 113 36.3 14.5 13 .5 1 1 .72 48 1 C K A N K J si S D 120 * 3G.O 14.3 11 .2 ^ 2 1 .56 42 .3 2.9^ 24 112 38.0 14,5 11 .9 3 1 *70 46 .1 2 .74 24 1-2 t f\ f) t>9 .v 14 ,3 11 4 1 .6B 45 ,5 2*71 64 124 36,0 14 .1 10 .2 5 1 ,52 41 S 2.46 24 316 58.0 14.5 e .5 6 1 .75 47.5 2,33 24 K">Oi H0 40.0 14.3 10 .&' 7 1.83 49.3 2.94 24 112 40.0 14.3 15 .2 8 1 .84 50 .1 3.02 24 120 40,0 14.3 11 ,B 9 1 .BO 48 .0 2.91 24 120 40.0 14.5 11.8 10 Av. 1 .30 43 ,5 SLtflS 24 120 4Q.O JWuiJL. I it 1 .70 43 .1 2.75 24 119 38.0 14.3 11 .1 i^dtal X.iUP. 5.G7. S - A - S Earom. 29.123" 14.3 Ho. KPM Steam i!,rig. Con. Inj. Dis. -Gsu. Press temp. Con. Inj. gauge r'ra S wafer water 3 1 ... 103 2 70,15 100 3 79. G 108 4 79.5 110 5 79.0 112 6 B0.2 10B 7 79.9 107 8 79,3 112 72 0.0 3$. 5. 67.0- .. 77.6 S9.S 6S.5 .. 76.0 39,5 67.0 ... ..* . . . . 15.1 229 48..S 1690 , ... ... 49.7 1620 . 75.5 3P.5 37.0 108 15.2 251 46.01870 78 75.5 39.5 G8 .0 ... .-."$ ... 42.7 1500 .?. 75.5 39.5 8^.r 76*0 39.5 68. 105 15.2 240 49.7 1620 50.5 1690 76.0 39.5 67.5 109 15.2 241 49.0 1690 9 10 77 79 .7 ,0 109 108 ao . . 76.0 76.0 39 59 .5 .5 63.0 68.0 *.. .... ... ' . *.. .0 .0 1690 1690 , Av. 79.5 108 77 76.0 39.5 37.0 103 15. H 253 47.5 1673 I.H.P m 6.63 Brake load 153 -# net Quality 96.5 % D.H.P. 5.91 Mech. eff . -39.1 ^ ^'ater rate per D.H.P. 46.5 ft f "Pat/l"* J. ii s. * *i a. . *J i . - * c 8.6 ~, r '., r c i 01 S - A - 6. iiEAD Absolute Pressure. No Araa i,: . P . I.n,P. of Cut Off Rol Back Cut-off % St. coinp rESTOvsezTzTTftsses ssersKr.TBaBRaeJSK. !3KS??r .. ssassyira: .~S3B3.. , "*^rnxv"* srr^srrarrArKsr-. 1 2.00 54,3 3.19 24 112 40 14.3 21.4 2 2.03 55,2 3*24 40 112 40 14,3 21.0 3 2.00 54.5 3.20 40 120 38 14.3 17.3 4 1.90 31,3 3,02 36 116 40 14. '*> 16.3 5 2.18 59*2 3.4? 40 120 44 14,3 18.6 6 2.33 63.2 3,71 36 116 48 14,3 25.4 7 2.13 57.5 3.38 33 116 43 14.3 20.4 5 2.12 57.2 3.36 36 130 44 14.3 IB .7 9 2.16 50.4 3.43 36 1W 44 14.3 20.4 10 AT 2.10 * 2.10 53,7 3.33 40 116 44 14.3 20.4 5G.8 3.33 36 116 43 14.3 20.0 1 2.06 56.0 C R A N K N D. 112 40 14.3' 22.4 ** 32 2 2,05 55.7 3.27 26 116 40 14.3 19.3 3 2.04 55.5 3.26 24 120 40 14.3 17.0 4 2.15 58,8 3 .44 24 113 42 14.3 20.4 I 1.94 5 f ? O fj . ...' 3.07 24 117 40 14,3 15.3 6 1.95 53,0 5*11 24 116 455 14.3 17.0 7 2.13 57,8 3.40 24 114 46 14 .3 18.7 8 2.10 56.7 3,33 24 120 44 14.3 17.0 9 2.15 58.0 3.40 24 116 44 14.3 19.3 10 2.15 58 .0 3.40 3.30 24 116 44 14.3 20 ,4 18.7 Av 2.07 56,1 25 116 40 Total I.H.P. a 6.63. f . r i' en D/VI M CV C C 'I < t tLl -MI DXI V - < *:.: r A.O h\ ; ".;."?. r< * ^ k T^ >T.^ r *;?! r= r - - 1" ^. s> J o. r ai. f * ' * "> r" ?* r ' * \ C&lorirsatar 1 R?K , Steacr gauge , . . 105 . A Si fcjv'o 1 51 0,0 Inj vat a 1 40.0 Dis &au. r water '* ,^ iOini f :> Con s Ihj ^yat6r .: 2080 38,0 .... 3$v"-'i'-ri. 62 .0 s 27.1 4 '2.55 99.2 4,45 .' ST4 117 ^ 97.0 114,0 14H .7 3.57 3e .7 2.79 ^9.4 34.3 4B600 -*5 93.S 123.0 135.0 G.45 32*1 5.54 57.4 41*0 40200 *7 39.3 115.0 14**. fl 7.25 20.0- 0*64 32*W of comp off 114 , 14 .4 S*A 2 0.93 26 .1 1.5$ 8 .0 SWi-8 i*ei 40 .1 2.92 *::C .0 118 3H.^ 14 *T5 13.3 S-A-6 2.10 50 .0 3,33 36 .0 116 45.0 14 *3 20 .0 SHfc-4 f> JSBS Aw . Wv/ 71 A 4.40 32 .0 110 49.4 14 M .3 20.0 S-V-2 0.90 26 *Q 1.00 1^ ,a 100 19.0 4 .0 1.0 S-~e 1*62 43 .7 3 .02 13 .6 110 27.0 < <,* . -.' ty .7 S-Y-7 2.15 53 ,3 ?.90 13 a 123 : .5 20.4 50-V-* o.ei 22 .0 1.91 12 *i ..-> 119 IS .4 4 .2 1*5 50~V-5 3,74 47 .3 3.2n 1? .0 121 28.3 -' o 8*3 50-V-7 2.14 57 .7 3.00 10 .4 130 30.0 S .6 10*4 5Q-V-9 8*84 77 .2 4*80 12 .0 123 50.3 '1 S PS.G 100-V-fi 0.90 24 a 1.70 12 .0 111 18*4 5 5 0.0 100*VW0 1.70 3 ^ VJ 5*20 11 .3 icr 2S.O 7 S 7.7 100-V-7 n.oo 54 .2 5*77 8 .0 1H7 35.0 5 .6 i' O 100-V-3 f^ f \j> 75 .3 4*715 10 .0 127 45.4 41 .0 22 *3 150-V-2 0.92 4 o *w 1.00 a .4 103 17.0 4 *0 0.0 130 -V~5 i*T3 47 .0 r^.SG 10 *0 125 20 .0 - .0 7.1 150-Y-7 1. Qi no ACTUAL INDICATOR CARDS. 150 SUPERH AT- VACUUM- 2 D.H.P. 150 SUPERHEAT - VACUUM- 5 D.HP. ^ & ACTUAL INDICATOR CARDS. 150 SUPERHEAT- VACUUM- 7 D.H.P bo 150 SUPERHEAT- VACUUM- 9 D.H.P. cQ X ACTUAL INDICATOR CARDS. SAT T J? k AT^D-ATI.IOn?HERS- 5 D.II.P. (L SATimATED-:mK)S?KEKE- 2 D.H.P t.o ACTUAL INDICATOR CARDS SATURATED- ATMOSPHERE- 7 D.H.P. SATURATED- ATI-IOSPHERE- 9 D.H.P. X Tl '. P ii 1 A R A i C I X) * <0 K) trrrj-h -" -r 31 s .' I 1 as 71s 1 T ' ' _ ,. .A. - : . o $ 11 9 -HiR 'Wft * ttt H '(j R V L 8, ft Sis .._.,_... .. ...,,.^... ,^.^_ FEF '- 'i e ft -' -.' ill s 1 5 im ii I i H Lt R -': : ; j.u.;_.. H 'P V . : FTP yi -fr M 1 ;H . :., . . , J i . -'.- c j. : J & I g i a i 10 , g I P-H-H - : - 1 & g - 1 - ;j7Trrrrrrnr: - ' ",irrj ,.22 V 1 8 3333353533 m lo H33" p ft SEE ! I ^i]t IL I 1 ''t'H'l ; | Ifi . i { W *: G A L I E R A r I C II c u :; v E 8 S \ :S X o * o I : I 1 o^ vO (ft LOAN DEPT. LD 62A-50w-7,'65 (F5756slO)9412A .General Library University of California Berkeley r YE 10496