LIBRARY I UNIVERSITY OF V CALIFORNIA 7 ENTOMOLOGY LIBRARY LIST OF CHALCIDITES LONDON E. NEWMAN, PRINTER, DEVONSHIRE STREET, BISHOPSGATE. LIST SPECIMENS HYMENOPTEROUS INSECTS THE COLLECTION "BRITISH i~* PART I.^-CHALCIDITES. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. LONDON, 1846. - <(f KBTOMOLOGl INTRODUCTION. THE principal object of the present Catalogue has been to give a complete list of the specimens of Hymenopterous In- sects contained in the collection of the British Museum, indi- cating at the same time the peculiarities of each, as regards variations in colour, locality, and the source from whence it has been derived. With this view, the different individuals of each species contained in the collection are indicated by the letters a, b, c, &c., following the name of the species, and its synonymes. The habitat is given as particularly as the materials pos- sessed by the Museum permit ; but it is often impossible to give the place from whence they are derived, except in the most general terms. Those specimens which have been presented to the Mu- seum have the name of the donor marked immediately after 193 INTRODUCTION. the habitat, and in general, the collection from whence the specimen has heen purchased, or procured in exchange, is also marked ; as it often gives some authenticity to its history. In the adoption of generic and specific names, it has been thought right to use, wherever it was possible, that which was first applied to the species. As far as regards the specific names, there is comparatively little difficulty in the applica- tion of this simple rule ; but generic names have been used by different authors in senses so widely different, and the groups which they were meant to designate have been so va- riously extended or restricted, that it is no easy matter to determine, where several names have been used, which of them ought to be preferred. If the generic name adopted be different from that first employed for the species after the establishment of the Lin- nean system of nomenclature, the name under which it was first described follows as a synonyme, and where the Insect has received more than one specific name, those names are also given, as being sufficient for all purposes of identification. These are followed by a reference to a few of the best ori- ginal figures of the species. In those cases where the two sexes of the same species, or any particular individual state or variety belonging to it, have been differently named, the name or figure exclusively apper- taining to the state or individual is placed after the indication of the specimen to which it applies. INTKODUCTION. This part containing the Chalciditous Insects of this order has heen kindly prepared by Francis Walker, Esq., F.L.S., &c., who has devoted his attention to these Insects, has been the original describer of the greater number of the species, and has presented to the Museum the major part of the collection. The Appendix of this part, written by Mr. Walker, contains the descriptions of the hitherto undescribed species contained in the collection. The part containing the other families will follow as soon as they are prepared. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. British Museum, February IZth, 1846, LIST OF DONORS. Admiralty, (The Lords of the) 2. Barnston, (George, Esq.) 20, 59, 80. Brebissori, (M.) 11, 41, 43, 50, 57, 66. Cooper, (Abraham, Esq., R.A.) 3. Dale, (J. C., Esq.) 61. Darwin, (Charles, Esq.) 181. Doubleday, (Edward, Esq.) 3, 4, 7, 10, 20, 32, 35. Elliott, (Walter, Esq.) 2. Entomological Club, (The) 184. Haliday, (A. H., Esq.) 8. Hardwicke Bequest 83. Maclean, (Dr.) 3. Morgan, (Bev. D. F.) 5, 22, 23 Passerini, (Signor) 1, 2. Saunders, (W. W., Esq.) 1, 3. Smirke, (Lady) 23. Walker, (Francis, Esq.) 196. Waterhouse, (G. K., Esq.) 71. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. Order. CHALCIDITES. Family 1. LEUCOSPID^E. 1. LEUCOSPIS, Pabr. LEUCOSPIS grandis, King, Act. Nat. Cur. Berl. vi. 66, 1. L. gi- gas, Rossi, Faun. Etrusc. ed. III. ii. 130. Fonsc. Ann. Sci. Nat. xxvi. 273. L. gallica, Rossi, Mant. 135, 298. L. dorsigera, var. Hochemvarth, Schrift. Berl. Ges. vi. 341, t. 8, /. 1,2. Christ. Bienen. 225, t. 19, /. 9. a. Italy. Presented by Signer Passerini. b. Albania. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. Albania. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. LEUCOSPIS gigas, Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 245, 1. L. gallica, De Vil- lers, Ent. lii. 261, t. 8, f. 18. L. dorsigera, Fab. Syst. Ent. 361, 1. Gmel. 2739, 1. Oliv. Enc. Hist. Nat. vii. 352, 1, t. 100, /. 8, 9. Fuessly, Archiv. 2, t. 18, 51, /. 110. Leucopsis gi- gas, Lam. Anim. sans Vert. iv. 151. Dumeril, Diet, des Sci. Nat. xxvi. 169. Cynips nigra, &c. De la Tourette, Acad. des Sci. ix. 730, /. 15. Cynips lugdunaea, Gmel. i. 5, 2653, 26. Sphex dorsigera, Sulzer, Gesch. 196, t. 27, /. 11. a d. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. e. LEUCOSPIS Shuckardi, Westwood, Ent. Mag. ii. 214. a. North America. From Mr. Shuckard's collection. b. North America. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LEUCOSPIS varia, Klug, Act. Nat. Cur. Berl. vi. 67, 3. Leucopsis intermedia, Lam. Anim. sans Vert. iv. 152. a, b. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club, e. Italy. From Mr. Birch's collection. d. e. France. From Dr. Leach's collection. B 2 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. LEUCOSPIS intermedia, Illiger, Edit. Faun. Etr. ii. 130. L. dor- sigera, Rossi, Mant. 134, 297. De Villers, Ent. iii. t. S.f. 17. Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. 15, t. 17. a. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. LEUCOSPIS Biguetina, Jurine, Nouv. Meth. Hym. 307, t. 13, 45. L, gibba, Klug, Act. Nat. Cur. Berl. vi. 68, 5. a. Italy. Presented by Signor Passerini. b. Paris. Presented by the Entomological Club. c. Gibraltar. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. LEUCOSPIS dorsigera, Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 246, 2. L. dispar? Fab. Syst. Piez. 169, 6. L. intermedia, Fonsc. Ann. Sci.Nat. xxvi. 274. L. dubia, Schrank, Fauna Boica, ii. 2, 222, 1981. L. ccelogaster, Schrank, Schrift. Berl. Gesell. i. 301, t. 8,/. 46. Leucopsis dorsigera, Lam. Anim.sans Vert. iv. 151. Dvmeril, Diet, des Sci. Nat. xxvi. 169, t. 34, /. 2. a, b. Bretagne. c. Paris. Presented by the Entomological Club. d. Italy. From Mr. Birch's collection. ej. Malta. From Mr. Children's collection. k. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. LEUCOSPIS subnotata, Westwood, Ent. Mag. ii. 215. L. fraterna, Say, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. i. 269. a. Ohio, North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. LEUCOSPIS miniata ? Klug, Symbolce Physicce, fyc. Decas 4a. t. xxx vii./. 1. a. Voyage of the Blonde. Presented by the Lords of the Admi- ralty. LEUCOSPIS atra, Fab. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 259, 3. Syst. Piez. 169, 4. a, b. Madras. Presented by Walter Elliott, Esq. 2. MARRES, Walker. MARRES Dicomas, Walker, Entomologist, 217. a. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's collection, Fam. 2. CHALCID^. 1. SMIERA, Spinola. SMIERA nigrifex, Walker, Ent Mag. ii. 22. S. sispes, Spin. Ann. du Mus. d?Hist. Nat. xvii. S. petiolatus, Curt. Brit. Ent. 472. Chalcis sispes, Fab. Mant. Ins. i. 272, 1. Chrysis sispes, Fab. Syst. Ent. 359, 15. Sphex sispes, Fab. Sp. Ins. i. 466, 61. De Villers, Ent. \. 222, 6. Vespa dearticulata, Fourc. Ent. Par. ii. 437, 16. Vespa, &c. Geoff. Ins. Par. ii. 380, 16. Sphex nigrifex, Sulzer, Hist. Ins. 191, I,/. 27, 1. a,b. France, c. Paris. Presented by the Entomological Club. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 3 d, e. Georgia, North America. From Mr. Abbot's collection. fh. England. Presented by A. Cooper, Esq. ik. SMIERA sispes, Linn. Curtis, Brit. Ent. 472. S. clavipes, Spin. Ann. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat. xvii. Chalcis clavipes, Fab. Mant. Ins. i. 272, 2. C. sispes, Dalm. Act. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. Sphex fissipes, De Villers, Ent. Lin. iii. 222, 6. Sph. sispes, Linn. Syst. Nat. xii. 2, 943, 13. a. Albania. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. b. Paris. Presented by the Entomological Club. SMIERA melanaris, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 24. Chalcis melanaris, Dalm. Act. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. Smiera Mac- leanii, Curt. Brit. Ent. 472. a e. England. Presented by Dr, Maclean. d. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. SMIERA xanthostigma, Dalm. Ent. Mag. ii. 25. Chalcis xantho stigma, Dalm. Act. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. SMIERA Side, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 2me Serie, i. 145. a. St. John's Bluff, East Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. SMIERA Masus. Walker, Entomologist, 134. a. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. b. Brazil. c. Brazil. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. SMIERA Pylas, Walker, Entomologist, 337. a. Mexico. From Mr. Shuckard's collection. SMIERA Pielus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 470. a. Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. SMIERA Dares, Walker, Entomologist, 338. a. Brazil. From Mr. Shuckard's collection. SMIERA punctata. S. subpunctata, Lansdoivn Guilding, MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 25, v. 469. Chalcis fasciata, Oliv. Enc. Meth. Hist. Nat. Ins. v. 439. C. punctata, Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 196, 5. Sphex punctata, Fab. Spec. Ins. i. 446, 22. a. Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. b, c. St. Vincent's Island, West Indies. Presented by the Ento- mological Club. d. Brazil. From Mr. Shuckard's collection. e. Jamaica. From Mr, Gosse's collection. / Brazil. <7, h. From Mr. Sowerbv's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. SMIERA fulvescens, Lansdown Gmlding, MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 25. a, b. St. Vincent's Island, West Indies. Presented by the Ento- mological Club. c. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. SMIERA maculata, Walker, Entomologist, 217. Chalcis maculata, Fab. Ent. Syst.ii. 198, 11. a. New York, North America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 2. EPITRANUS, Walker. EPITRANUS fulvesceiis, Lansdown Guilding, MSS. Walker Ent. Mag. ii. 26. a c. St. Vincent's Island, West Indies. Presented by the En- tomological Club. EPITRANUS Teleute. Smiera Teleute, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 471. a, b. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Dar- win, Esq. 3. CHALCIS, Fab. CHALCisflavipes, Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 197, 10. Syst. Piezat. 167,32. a. Paris. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. CHALCIS femorata, Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. Fasc. 84, /. 16. C. flavipes, Latr. Gen. Crust, et Ins. iv. 26. a. Paris. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. Germany. From Dr. Klug's collection. CHALCIS distinguenda, De Laporte, MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 29. a c. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. d. Malta. From Mr. Children's collection. e. CHALCIS tibialis, De Laporte, MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 29. C. intermedia ? Nees ab Ess. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 29. a. Paris. Presented by the Entomological Club. CHALCIS annulipes, De Laporte, MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 29. C. flavipes, Fab, Ent. Syst. ii. 197, 10. a. St. Vincent's Island, West Indies. Presented by the Entomo- logical Club. b. Georgia, North America. From Mr. Abbot's collection. c. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. CHALCIS cingulata, De Laporte, MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 30. a c. Paris. Presented by the Entomological Club, LIST OF CHALCIDITES. O CHALCIS minuta, Fab. Syst. Piezat. 165, 24, 23. C. femorata, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. Brachyuaeria minuta, Westwood, Lond. $- Edin. Phil Mag. 3rd Series, i. 127. Ves- pa femoralis, Fourc. Ent. Par. ii. 437, 15. Vespa, &c. Geoff. Ins. ii. 380, 15. V. minuta, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2, 952, 28. a d. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. e g. h. Georgia, N. America. From Mr. Abbot's collection. i. CHALCIS podagrica, Fab. Syst. Piezat. 166, 24. C. minuta, var. Rossi, Faun. Etr. App. 99. C. femorata, fern. Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, Nees ab Ess. Hym.. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 28. a, b. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. CHALCIS parvula, De Laporte, MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 32. C. minuta, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. Nees ab Ess. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 30. C. pusilla, Rossi, Faun. Etr. Mant. 272, 6. Spin. Ins. Lig.fasc. iii. 164, 7. a e. South of France, Presented by the Entomological Club. /. France. CHALCIS Orseis, Walker, Entomologist, 338. a,b. Brazil. From Mr. Shuckard's collection. CHALCIS Mnestor, Walker, Entomologist, 219. C. villosa? Oliv. Enc. Meth. Hist. Nat. Ins. v. 438. a. Brazil. From Mr. Shuckard's collection. CHALCIS Cabira, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 472. a. Charles's Island, Galapagos. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. CHALCIS Phya, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 471. a, b. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. CHALCIS See Appendix. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. CHALCIS See Appendix. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. CHALCIS Amphissa. See Appendix. a. Nepal. CHALCIS Xerxena. See Appendix. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Wood's collection. CHALCIS Alexion. See Appendix. a. Italy. B 3 6 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 4. PHASGONOPHOKA, Westwood. PHASGONOPHORA sulcata, Westw. Griff. Transl. Cuv. Regne An. xv. 432, *. 77, /. 2. a. Georgia, North America. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 5. HALTICHELLA, Spinola. HALTICHELLA pusilla, Spin. Ann. Mm. Hist. Nat. xvii. Chalcis pusilla, Fab. Syst. Piezat. 167, 29. a. Paris. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. HALTICHELLA bispinosa, Spin. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. xvii. Hoc- keria bispinosa, De Lap. MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 35. Chalcis bispinosa, Fab. Syst. Piezat, 166, 28. Fonsc. Ann. Sci. Nat. xxvi. 279, 9. a, b. France. HALTICHELLA bifasciata. Hockeria bifasciata, De Lap. MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 35. Chalcis bimaculata, Fonsc. Ann. Sci. Nat. xxvi. 280, 11. a. Paris. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. France. HALTICHELLA Dargelasii, Spin. Class. Dipl. Ann. Mus. vii. 148. Hockeria nigra, De Lap. MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 36. Chalcis clavipes, Rossi, Mant. 272, 2. Faun. Etr. ed. III. ii. 86, 803. C. rufitarsis, 111. Rossi, Faun. Etr. ii. 87. C. Dar- gelasii, Latr. Hist. Nat. des Crust, fyc. xiii. 221, 6. a. Paris. Presented by the Entomological Club. HALTICHELLA nigripes. Hockeria ni gripes, De Lap. MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 36. Chalcis nigripes, Fonsc. Ann. Sci. Nat. xxvi. 280, 10. a. Paris. Presented by the Entomological Club. HALTICHELLA rufipes. Hockeria rufipes, De Lap. MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 36. Chalcis rufipes, Oliv. Ent. Meth. v. 440, 11. Latr. Hist. Nat. des Crust, fyc. xiii. 221, 5. Spin. Ins. Lig. fasc. i. 63. C. armata, Panz. Krit. Rev. 98. Spin. Ins. Lig. fasc. iii. 163, 5. Latr. Gen. Crust, fyc. iv. 26. Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. a. Paris. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. From Mr. Shuckard's collection. HALTICHELLA unicolor. Hockeria unicolor, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 37. a. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. France. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. HALTICHELLA Mitys. See Appendix. a. Isle of France. HALTICHELLA Amage. See Appendix. a. HALTICHELLA Proxenus, Walker , Mon. Chal. ii. 8. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. b. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. HALTICHELLA Eracon, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 473. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. HALTICHELLA Nyssa, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 474. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. HALTICHELLA Dexius, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 473. a. King George's Sound, Australia. . Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. HALTICHELLA Onatas, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 2me Serie, i. 146. a- e. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. HALTICHELLA Xan tides, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 2me Serie, i. 146. a c. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 6. DIRHINUS, Dalman. DIRHINUS hesperidum, Nees ab Ess. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 36. D. cornigerus, Ent. Mag. ii. 38. Chalcis hesperidum, Rossi, Faun. Etr. App. 100, t. 7, f. D. C. cornigera, Jur. Hym. 315, t. 13, 47. Latr. Gen. Crust, frc. iv. 26. Spin. Ins. Lig. fasc. iii. 164, 8. Chrysis hesperidum, ///. Rossi, Faun. Etr. ii. 126, 832. a. Paris. Presented by the Entomological Club. DIRHINUS Anthracia. See Appendix. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Wood's collection. 7. NOTASPIS, Walker. NOTASPIS formiciformis, Lansdown Guilding, MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 38. a. St. Vincent's Island, West Indies. Presented by the Entomo- logical Club. 8. AGAMERION, Holiday. AGAMERION Gelo, Haliday, Trans. Ent. Soc. iii. 298. Misco- gaster Gelo, Walk. Mon. Chal. ii. 27. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 8 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. Fam. 3. EURYTOMID.&. 1. EURYTOMA, Illiger. EURYTOMA plumata, mas, Illiger, Rossi, Faun. Etr. ii. 127, 853. E. Serratulae, Latr. Gen. Crust, et Ins. iv. 27. Bouche, Nat, der Ins. i. 166, 58. E. verticillata, Ent. Mag. i. 23. E. tibi- alis, Zett. Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1835, 232. Chrysis plumata, Rossi 1 Faun. Etr. C. Adonidum, fern. Rossi, Faun. Etr. ed. III. ii. 128. Cynips Serratulae, Fab. Ent. Syst. Supp. 214, 15-16. C. Adonidum, fern. Rossi, Faun. Etr. App. 75. C. compressa, fern. Fab. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 213, 1. C. plu- mata, mas, Rossi, Faun. Etr. App. 79, t. 7,/. F. C. aterrima, Schrank, Enum. Ins. Austr. 645. De Vill. Ent. Lin. iii. 75, 19. Diplolepis Adonidum, fern. Spin. Ins. Lig.fasc. iv. t. 3, /. 10. Decatoma Adonidum, fern. Spin. Ann. du Mus. vii. 151. Eucharis compressa, fern. Fab. Syst. Piez. 157, 3. E. Serratulae, mas, Panz. Krit. Rev 69. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. South of France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. France. EURYTOMA longipennis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 23. a. Paris. Presented by the Entomological Club. EURYTOMA tumida, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 18. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EURYTOMA platyptera. Systole platyptera, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 158. a. Ireland. Presented by A. H. Haliday, Esq. EURYTOMA curta, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 24, 5. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. EURYTOMA Abrotani, Illiger, Rossi, Faun. Etr. ii. 128. Latr. Gm. Crust, et Ins. iv. 27. Chalcis Abrotani, Panz. Faun. Germ. 76, 14. Eucharis Abrotani, Panz. Krit. Rev. 97. Cynips atra ? Enc. Meth. Hist. Nat. Ins. v. 781, 7. Mull. Faun. Frid. 595? a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. France. EURYTOMA apicalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 24. E. Rosaa ? Nees ab Ess. Hym. Ich. affin. Mon. ii. 415. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EURYTOMA nodularis, Boheman, Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1835, 230. E. Argele, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 19. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. EURYTOMA collaris, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 24, 6. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EURYTOMA Scultenna, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 20. E. sea- bra ? Foerster, Monog. Pteromalinen, i. 31 . a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EURYTOMA Micipsa, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 21. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EURYTOMA brevicollis, Holiday, MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 24. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EURYTOMA annulipes, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 25, 9. E. pubicor- nis, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1835, 247. E. punctulata? Foerster, Mon. Pteromal. i. 31 . E. atra ? Nees ab Ess. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 42. a. England. Presented by F, Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. EURYTOMA gracilis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 25, 8. E. minor, Dal. Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1835, 235. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EURYTOMA minuta, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 25, 10. E. pumila ? Foerster, Mon. Pteromal. i. 31. a. France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EURYTOMA rufipes, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 25, 11. Dalm. Boh. KongLVet. Acad. Handl. 1835,235. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EURYTOMA aethiops, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1835, 240. E. Sittace, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 19. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EURYTOMA appendigaster, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1835, 231. Dalm. Kongl. frc. 1820. Pteromalus appendigaster, Swed.Kongl. fyc. 1795. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EURYTOMA flavimana, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1835, 237. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EURYTOMA nigrita, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1835, 238. Dalm. Kongl. fyc. 1820. Pteromalus nigritus, Swed. Kongl. Sec. 1795. Eurytoma flavipes, De Laporte, MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 155. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EURYTOMA Salicis, De Laporte, MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 155. E. gibba, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1835, 244. a. Sweden. Presented bv F. Walker, Esq. 10 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. EURYTOMA squamea, De Laporte, MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 154. a. France. Presented by the Entomological Club. EURYTOMA acuminata, De Laporte, MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 154. E. morio, Boh. Kongl Vet. Acad. Handl 1835, 241. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EURYTOMA Cretheis, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 2me Serie, i, 150. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. EURYTOMA Hecale, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 2me Serie, i. 151. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. EURYTOMA Abatos, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 2me Serie, i. 152. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. EURYTOMA Teredon, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 2me Serie, i. 153. E. studiosa ? Say, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. i. 272. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. EURYTOMA Pythes, Walker, Ann. Ent. Soc. France, 2me Serie, i. 154. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. EURYTOMA Iphis, Walker. See Appendix. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. EURYTOMA Pidytes, Walker, Man. Chal. ii. 2. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. b. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. EURYTOMA Tellis, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 2. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. EURYTOMA Aretheas, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 3. a. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. EURYTOMA Menon, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 62. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. EURYTOMA Euclus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 62. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. EURYTOMA Philager. Decatoma Philager, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 81. a. Isle of Chiloe, Chili Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 11 2. SYSTOLE, Walker. SYSTOLE albipennis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 22. Eurytoma brevi- cornis, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1835, 245. E. nitida, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 25. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 3. ISOSOMA, Walker. ISOSOMA verticillata. I. longulum, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 14. I. fumipenne, var. Ent. Mag. i. 15. I. simile, var. Ent. Mag. i. 16. Eurytoma verticillata, ///. Rossi, Faun. Etr. ii. 128. Diplolepis verticillata, Fab. Syst. Piezat. 153, 23. Spin. Ins. Lig.fasc. i. 62, 6. Ichneumon verticillatus, Fab. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 232, 235, 236. .. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. France. Presented by M. Brebisson. ISOSOMA crassicorne, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 15. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ISOSOMA lon^icorne, Walker 9 Ent. Mag. i. 17. . England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ISOSOMA angustipeune, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 16. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ISOSOMA brevicorne, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 16. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ISOSOMA hyalipenne, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 17. Eurytoma afra, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1835, 242. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ISOSOMA minor, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 18. I. elongatum, var. Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 18. Eurytoma pusilla, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1835, 232. a, England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. IOSOSMA petiolatum, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 19. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ISOSOMA cornutum, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 19. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ISOSOMA breve, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 18. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ISOSOMA angustatum, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 20. a. England, Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 12 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. ISOSOMA dissimile, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 20. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ISOSOMA fulvieolle, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 21 . a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ISOSOMA flavicolle, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 153. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ISOSOMA depressum, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 21. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ISOSOMA lineare, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 22. Eurytoma longula, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1835, 248. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ISOSOMA attenuatum, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 22. Eurytoma gut- tula, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1835, 250. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ISOSOMA Laothoe, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 103. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ISOSOMA brevipenne, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 24. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ISOSOMA Hordei, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 103. Eurytoma Hordei, Harris. New England Farmer, July, 1830. a. Philadelphia, North America. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ISOSOMA Volux. Eurytoma Volux, fem. Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 3. E. Eleuther, mas, Mon. Chal. ii. 3. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. b. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ISOSOMA Olbus. Eurytoma Olbus, Walker, Mon. Chal, ii. 4. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ISOSOMA Ravola, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 4. a. Hobart Town, Van Diernen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ISOSOMA Oritias, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 5. a. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ISOSOMA Egesta, Walker, Entomologist, 334. a. Europe. 4. DECATOMA, Spinola. DECATOMA semifasciata, De Laporte, Ent. Mag. ii. 156. a. France. Presented by the Entomological Club. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 13 DECATOMA biguttata, Walker, JEnt. Mag. i. 26. D. Cooperi, var. ? Curtis, Brit. Ent. 345. Eurytoma biguttata, Nees ab Ess. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 44, 1. Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1835, 227. Zett. Ins. Lap. 419. Pteromalus bigut- tatus, Swed. Kongl. fyc. 1795, iv. 216, 5. Eurytoma Cooperi, Guerin, Icon. Reyne. Anim. t. 67, f. 11, texte 416. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. DECATOMA obscura, Walker, Ent. Mag. \. 26. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. South of France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. DECATOMA immaculata, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 27. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. DECATOMA variegata, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 28. Eurytoma sig- nata, Nees ab Ess. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 43. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. DECATOMA flavicollis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 156. Eurytoma xan- thomelas, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1835, 226. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. DECATOMA mellea, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 27. Eurytoma concinna, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1835, 225. Cynips binotata et rufa ? Boyer de Fonsc. Ann. Sci. Nat. 1832, 289, 290, 16, 17. Chrysolampus ? binotatus et rufus, Nees, Hym. Ich. off. ii. 427. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. DECATOMA imicolor, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 28. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. DECATOMA cynipsea. D. aspilus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 25. Eu- rytoma cynipsea, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1 835, 229. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. DECATOMA minuta Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 28. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. DECATOMA Oretilia, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 46. a. St. Vincent's Island, West Indies. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. DECATOMA Diphilus, Walker, Mon. dial. ii. 63. a. Bahia, Brazil, Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 14 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. Fam. 4. TORYMID.E. 1. MEGASTIGMUS, Spinola. MEGASTIGMUS collaris, Boheman, Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 332. M. transversus, Walker, Ent. May. i. 117. Torymus punctum ? Foerster Mon. Pterom. i. 31. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. MEGASTIGMUS dorsalis, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 334, Torymus chloronotus, Dalm. Kongl. fyc. 1820. Cinips dorsa- lis, 'Fomc. Ann. Sci. Nat. xxvi. 282. Diplolepis dorsalis, Fab. Syst. Piezat. 151, 11. Icbneumon dorsalis, Fab. Ent. SysL Suppl. 231, 218. Coqueb. Illustr. Icon. i. t t 5,f. 3. ? Reaum. iii. t.39,f. 11. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. MEGASTIGMUS bipunctatus, Boheman, Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 331. Torymus pictus ? Foerster, Mon. Pterom, \. 31. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. MEGASTIGMUS Drances, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 5. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin Esq. MEGASTIGMUS Borus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 5. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. MEGASTIGMUS lamenus. Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 6. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 2. PALMON, Dalman. PAL MON pachymerus. Priomems pachymerus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 118. Entomologist, pi. F.fig. 3. a. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. PALMON Olenus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 7. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 3. TORYMUS, Dalman. TORYMUS caliginosus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 118. Entomologist, pi. I. fig. 4. a. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. TORYMUS Phormio, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 113. a. Valparaiso, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 4. MONODONTOMERUS, Westwood. MONODONTOMERUS stigma, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 158. Calli- LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 15 mome stigma, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 139. Cynips stigma, Fonsc. Ann. Sci. Nat. xxvi. 289. .Diplolepis stigma, Fabr. Syst. Piezat. 152, 21. Ichneumon stigma, Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 188, 229. a. France. Presented by the Entomological Club. MONODONTOMERUS cleiitipes. Torymus dentipes, Boheman, Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 335. Monodontomerus obscurus, Westwood, Land. $ Edin. Phil. Mag. 3rd series, ii. 443. Cal- limome pubescens, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 138. Torymus cu- preus, Nees ab Ess. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 67. Diplolepis cuprea, Spinola, Ins. Lig.fasc. iv. 212. Ixix. t. 3,/. 11. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. 5. DIOMORUS, Walker. DIOMORUS armatus. Torymus armatus, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 337. T. chrysis, Nees ab Ess. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 67. Diomorus nobilis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 159. Entomologist, pi. I. jig. 5. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 6. CALLIMOME, Spinola. CALLIMOME cynipedis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 119. Torymus fulgi- dus, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 345. T. fulgens, Nees, Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 61. Diplolepis cynipedis, Fab. Syst. Piezat. 152, 17. Ichneumon cynipedis, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 939, 68. Faun. Suec. 409, 1639. Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 187, 223. I. Erucarum, Schrank, Enum. Ins. Austr. 375. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 6. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME nobilis. Torymus nobilis, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 339. Callimome Koboris, Walker, Ent. Mag. \. 120. C. subterraneus, Curtis, Brit. Ent. 552. Cinips ventralis, Fonsc. Ann. Sci. Nat. 1832, 286. Torymus conjunctus, Nees, Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 63 ? a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F, Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME quadricolor, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 120. Torymus affinis, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. 31. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME cingulatus. C. Geranii, Curtis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 121. Torymus cynipedis, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 342. T. cingulatus, Nees, Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 62, 6. Diplolepis cynipedis, Spin. Ins. Lig.fasc. iv. 213. Torymus medius, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. 31. c2 16 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME Bedeguaris, Spinola, Ann. Mus. vii. 148 Walker. Ent. Mag. \. 121. Torymus Bedeguaris, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 350. Cinips Bedeguaris, Latr. Hist. Nat. xiii. 225, 10. Oliv. Enc. Meth. Fonsc. Ann. Sci. Nat. xxvi. 283. Misocampus Bedeguaris, Latr, fyc. Pteromalus Be- deguaris, Swed. Kongl. fyc. 1795. Diplolepis Bedeguaris, Fab. Syst. Piezat. 150, 6. Ichneumon Bedeguaris, Lin. Syst. Nat. ii. 993, 63. Faun. Suec. 408, 1634. Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 185, 215. Geoff. Ins. ii. 296, 1. Roes. Ins. iii. t. 53, /. F. A. Act. Nat. Cur. dec. ii. ann. ii. obs. 10. Reaum. Ins. iii. t. 41 ,/. 13, 14. Rossi, Faun. Etr. 279, 291. F. Sp. 438, 110. De Geer, Ins.ii. 186, 10. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME Hederae, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 123. Torymus com- pressus ? Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. 32. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME elegans. Torymus elegans, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 352. Callimome varians, Walk. Ent. Mag. i. 122. Torymus pubescens ? Foerster, Mon. Pterom, i. 32. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. e. Paris. Presented by the Entomological Club. CALLIMOME amcenus. Torymus amoenus, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833,348. Callimome scutellaris, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 123. Torymus auronitens ? Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. 32. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME Drupamm. Torymus Druparum, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 361. Callimome Arundinis, Curtis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 154. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME flavipes, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 124. Cynips Urticae ? Perris. Ann. Soc. Ent. ix. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 6. Fontainbleau, France. 'Presented by the Entomological Club. CALLIMOME auratus. Torymus viridissimus, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 358. Callimome Dauci, Curtis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 124. Cynips auratus, Enc. Meth. Boyer de Fonscol. Ann. Sci. Nat. 1832, 284, 5. Torymus Muscarura. Nees, Hym. Ich. off. ii. 58. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. CALLIMOME basalis, Walker, JSnt. Mag. i. 125. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME confinis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 125. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME inconspectus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 133. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME quercinus. Toryrnus quercinus, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 373. Callimome tarsalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 134. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME fastuosus. Torymus fastuosus, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 347. Callimome notatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 134. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME minutus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 137. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Alten, Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME Galii. Torymus Galii, Boh. Kong. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 344. Callimome gracilis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 137. , a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME chlorinus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 129. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME terminalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 132. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME nigricornis. C. affinis, Ent. Mag. i. 133. Torymus caudatus, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833. Cinips affi- nis, Fonsc. Ann. Sci. Nat. xxvi. 283. Diplolepis nigricornis, Fab. Syst. Piezat. 150, 7. Ichneumon nigricornis, Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 185, 216. Torymus admirabilis, Foerster, Monogr. Pterom. i. 32, 16,/. 2. T. caudatus, Nees ab Ess. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 60. Diplolepis longicauda, Spinola, Ann. du Mus. vii. 148. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME saphirinus. Torymus saphirinus, Boh, Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833. 371. Callimome littoralis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 134. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME mutabilis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 127. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME microstigma, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 127. a. England. Presented .by F. Walker, Esq. c3 18 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. CALLIMOME abbreviates. Torymus abbreviatus, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 357. Callimome chloroinerus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 128. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. Alten, Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME latus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 128. a. England. Presented by F. Walker Esq. CALLIMOME, bicolor, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 130. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME euchlorus. Torymus euchlorus, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 359. Callimome aequalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 129. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME curtus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 131. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME purpurascens. Torymus purpurascens, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 353. Callimome hfitus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 136. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME parellinus. Torymus parellinus, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 372. " Callimome posticus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 137. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. Hammerfest, Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME exilis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 138. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME pallidicornis. Torymus pallidicornis, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 363. Callimome nitidulus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 138. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME apicalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 133. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME chrysocephalus. Torymus chrysocepbalus, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 340. Callimome rudis, Wal- ker, Ent. Mag. iv. 25. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 19 CALLIMOME nigritarsus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 135. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME inconstans, De Laporte, Ent. Mag. ii. 159. Torymus nigricornis, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 355. Eva- ma Bedeguaris? Cuvier, Silberman, Rev. Ent. i. 154. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME antennatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 135. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME abdominalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 126. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME leptocerus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 129. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME leucopterus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 130. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME auturanalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 125. Cynips pa- paveris ? Ferris. Ann. Soc. Ent. ix. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME versicolor, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 136. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME fuscicornis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 138. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME spilopterus. Torymus spilopterus, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 364. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME cyaneus. Torymus cyaneus, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad, Handl 1833, 366. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME cyaninus. Torymus cyanirius, Bohem. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 367. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALLIMOME Nonacris, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 113. a. Valparaiso, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. CALLIMOME Eumelis, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 114. a. Valparaiso, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. CALLIMOME Daonus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 474. a. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. CALLIMOME Osinius, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 6. a. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 20 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. CALLIMOME Vibidia, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 7. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. CALLIMOME Caburus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 63. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. CALLIMOME Sulcius, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 64. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. CALLIMOME splendidus, Barnstone, MSS. Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 14. a. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnstone, Esq. CALLIMOME Cecidomyge, Barnstone, MSS. Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 15. a. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnstone, Esq. CALLIMOME Theon, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 2me Serie, i. 149. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. CALLIMOME Cissus, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 2me Serie, i. 150. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. CALLIMOME ^Ea, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 104, a. New York, North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. 7. ORMYRUS, Westwood. ORMYRUS tubulosus, Ent. Mag. ii. 161. Cinips tubulosa, Fonsc. Ann. Sci. Nat. xxvi. 290, 18. Cyrtosoma Papav6ris, Ferris, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, ix. a, b. France. Presented by the Entomological Club. ORMYRUS punctiger, Westwood, Phil. Mag. 3rd series, ii. 127. Entomologist, pi. O.fig. 1. Periglyphus gastris, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1833, 379. Siphonura brevicauda, Nees. Hym.Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 83. a. Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ORMYKUS Labotas, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 2de Serie, i. 148. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. LIST OF CHALC1DITES. 21 Fam. 5. EUCHARID^E. 1. EUCHARIS, Latreille. EUCHARIS Volusus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 9. Entomologist, pi. P. fig. 1. a. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. EUCHARIS Fausta, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 10. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. EUCHARIS Valgius, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 11. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. EUCHARIS Theocles, Walker. Mon. Chal. ii. 11. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. EUCHARIS lello, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 12. Entomologist, pi. P. fig. 3. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. EUCHARIS Zalates, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 13. Entomologist, pi. P. fig 4. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. b. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. EUCHARIS Eribotes, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 14. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. b. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. jk EUCHARIS Xeniades, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 15. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. EUCHARIS Rapo, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 66. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. EUCHARIS adscendens, Latr. Hist. Nat. Crust, et Ins. xiii. 210. Cynips adscendens, Fab. Mant. i. 251. Ent. Syst. ii. 100, 1. Panz. Faun. Germ.fasc. 88, 18. Vill. Ent. Linn. iii. 77, 26. a, b. England. EUCHARIS ^Eginetus. See Appendix. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Wood's collection. EUCHARIS Larymna. See Appendix. a. Australia. EUCHARIS Pyttalus. See Appendix. a. Adelaide, Australia. Presented by the Entomological Club. 22 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 2. THORACANTHA, Latreille. THORACANTHA furcata. Eucharis flabellatus, mas, Fab. Syst. Piezat. 158. Eucharis furcata, fern. Fab. Syst. Piezat. 158. Entomologist, pi. P. Jig. 2. a, 5. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. c e. Sierra Leone, Africa. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. THORACANTHA striata, Perty, Del. t. 28, /. 15, 16. a. Minas Geraes, Brazil. From M. Parzudaki's collection. THORACANTHA Latreillii, Guerin, Icon. Regne An. Insectes, pi. 67. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. THORACANTHA Nasua. See Appendix. a. Philippine Islands. ^ From Mr. Wood's collection. 3. SCHIZASPIDIA, Westwood. SCHIZASPIDIA furcifer, Westw. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1835. 69. a, b. Bengal. 4. PERILAMPUS, Latreille. PERILAMPUS Entellus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 103. a/. Ohio, North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. g. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. PERILAMPUS Alexinus. See Appendix. a. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's colleetion. PERILAMPUS violaceus, Latr. Gen. Crust. $-c. iv. 30. Cinipsillum violaceum, Lam. Anim. sans Vert. iv. 157. Cynips violacea, Latr. Hist. Nat. des Ins. xiii. 222, 3. Chalcis vio&cea, Panz. Faun. Ins. 88, 15. Diplolepis violacea, Fab. Syst. Piezat. 149, 4. Perilampus pallipes, Curt. Brit. Ent. 158. Ent. Mag. i. 141. P. nigricornis, Newman, Ent. Mag. i. 141. P. rufi- cornis, Latr. Gen. fyc. iv. 30. Gimps rulicornis, Latr. Hist. Nat. fyc. xiii. 222, 2. Diplolepis ruficornis, Fab. Syst. Piez. 149, 1. Coquib. III. Icon. i. t.l.f. 8. a. England. PERILAMPUS Italicus, Latr. Gen. Crust, et Ins. iv. 30. Diplolepis Italica, Fab. Syst. Piezat. 149, 3. Cynips Italica, Fab. Ent. Syst. a. England. PEEILAMPUS laevifrons, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1822. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PERILAMPUS Saleius, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 16. a. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 23 5. CRATOMUS, Dalman. CRATOMUS megacephalus, Dalm. Konyl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. Caratomus megacephalus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1822. Cynips megacephala, Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 103, 17. Di- plolepis megacephala, Fab. Syst. Piezat. 149, 21, 2. , b. England. Fam. 6. AGAONID^S. 1. AGAON, Dalman. AGAON paradoxum, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1818. 69. t. xi. A. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 2. IDARISES, Walker. IDARNES Carme, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 47. a. St. Vincent's Island, West Indies. Presented by the Entomo- logical Club. Fam. 7. SPALANGIID^E. 1. SPALANGIA, Latr* SPALANGIA nigra, Latr. Hist. Nat. dcs Crust, et des Ins. xiii. 228. S. Endius, Walker, Man. dial. ii. 96. a. James' Isle, Galapagos. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. b. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. d. Jersey. Presented by the Entomological Club. 2. CEROCEPHALA, Westwood. CEROCEPHALA formieiforaiis. Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 149. Ento- mologist, pi. N.fg. 4. Theocolax formiciformis, Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. Third Series, i. 127. Lcesthia vespertina, Haliday, Ent. Mag. i. 335. a. b. England. Presented by Lady Smirke. c. France. Fam. 8. PTEROMALID^E. 1. ASAPHIS, Walker. < ASAPHIS aenea. A. vulgaris, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 152. Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 114. Eurytoma aenea, Nees. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 42. 24 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. Valparaiso, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 2 MACROGLENES, Westwood. MACROGLENES penetrans, Ent. Mag. ii. 150. M. oculatus, West- wood^ Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. Third Series, i. 127. Ichneumon penetrans, Kirby, Linn. Trans V. pi. 4 fig. 10. Stenophrus compressus, Foerster, Mon. Pteromal, i. 40. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Jersey. Presented by the Entomological Club. MACROGLENES umbellatarum, Haliday, Trans. Ent. Soc. Ill, 295. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. MACROGLENES microcerus, Haliday, Trans. Ent. Soc. Ill, 295, Pirene graminea, Haliday, Ent. Mag. i. 338. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 3. CALYPSO, Haliday. CALYPSO serratulae, Haliday, Trans. Ent. Soc. Ill, 296. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 4. PIRENE, Haliday. PIRENE varicornis, Haliday, Ent. Mag. i. 337. Entomologist, pi '. N. /. 3. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PIRENE rubi, Haliday, Trans. Ent. Soc. Ill, 296. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PIRENE chalybea, Haliday, Ent. Mag. i. 338. Corynocere brevi- comis ? Nees. ab. Ess. Hym. Teh. aff. ii. 124. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PIRENE eximia, Haliday, Ent. Mag. i. 338. Corynocere de- plana ? Nees. ab. Ess. Hym. Ich. aff. ii. 123. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 5. GASTRANCISTRUS, Westwood. GASTRANCISTRUS fuscicornis. Walker, Ent. Mag. xi. 171. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. GASTRANCISTRUS compressus, Walker, Ent. Mag. xi. 172. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 25 . GASTRANCISTRUS, tenuicornis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 172. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. GASTRANCISTRUS vagans, Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. 3rd Series, ii. 444. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. GASTRANCISTRUS atropurpureus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 173. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. GASTRANCISTRUS laticornis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 174. Ento- mologist, p.D.f. 2. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. GASTRANCISTRUS fumipennis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 174. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. GASTRANCISTRUS unicolor, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 175. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esp. GASTRANCISTRUS vulgaris, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 175. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. GASTRANCISTRUS tenninalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 176. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. GASTRANCISTRUS annulipes, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 176. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. GASTRANCISTRUS erassus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 177. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. GASTRANCISTRUS angulus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 177. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. GASTRANCISTRUS acutus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 177. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. GASTRANCISTRUS Loelianus, Walker. See Appendix. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. GASTRANCISTRUS Polles, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 186. a. Coquimbo, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. GASTRANCISTRUS Cephalon, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 30. a. Coucepcion, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. GASTRANCISTRUS? Menoetes. Miscogaster Menoetes, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 20. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. GASTRANCISTRUS autumnalis. Glyphe autumnalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 171. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 26 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 6. MICRADELUS, Walker. MICRADELUS rotundus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 170. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 7. UROLEPIS, Walker. UROLEPIS maritimus. Ormocerus maritimus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 169. Miscogaster Stygne, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 201. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 8. ORMOCERUS, Walker. ORMOCERUS vernalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 169. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ORMOCERUS latus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 168. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ORMOCERUS simplex, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 169. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ORMOCERUS Trasullus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 207. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 9. CYRTOGASTER, Walker. CYRTOGASTER vulgaris, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 383. Chrysolam- pus tristis ? Nees. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 128. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CYRTOGASTER rufipes, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 383. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 6. Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 10. PACHYLARTHRUS, Westwood. PACHYLARTHRUS smaragdinus. Walker^ Ent. Mag. i. 457. Phagonia smaragdina, Curtis, Brit. Ent. 427. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PACHYLARTHRUS flavicornis. Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 457. Pha- gonia flavicornis, Holiday, MSS. Curt. Brit. Ent. 427. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PACHYLARTHRUS patellanus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 458. Diplo- lepis patellana, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1 8-80. Pa- chylarthrus insignis, Westwood, Phil. Mag. Third Series, ii. 127. Phacostomus patellanus, Nees. ab Ess. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 121. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 27 a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. Jersey. Presented by the Entomological Club. d. Clermont, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. PACHYLARTHRUS Sariaster, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 271. a. Valdivia, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PACHYLARTHRUS Cleodoxa, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 116. a. Lima, Peru. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PACHYLARTHRUS Suilius. Miscogaster Suilius, Walker, Mon. dial. i. 202. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PACHYLARTHRUS Tyrrhaeus. MiscogasterTyrrhaeus, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 204. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PACHYLARTHRUS Eurybia. Miscogaster Eurybia, Walker, Mon. Choi. i. 203. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PACHYLARTHUS Mustela, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 194, 1. a. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 11. DICYCLUS, Walker. DICYCLUS aeneus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 456. Mon. Chal. i. 277. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. DICYCLUS fuscicornis, Walker. Ent Mag. i. 456. Mon. Chal. i. 277. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. DICYCLUS Lynastes, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 271. a. Valdivia, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. DICYCLUS Arduine, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 115. a. Lima, Peru. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. DICYCLUS tristis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 456. Mon. Chal. i. 277. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. DICYCLUS circulus, Walker, Ent* Mag. i. 456. Mon. ChaL ii. 277. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. DICYCLUS cinctipes. Miscogaster cinctipes, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 462. Mon. Chal. i. 287. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. DICYCLUS nigroseneus. Miscogaster nigroaenea, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 462. Mon. Chal. i. 288. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. D2 28 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. DICYCLUS Deione. Miscogaster Deione, Walker, Mon. Chat, i. 199. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. 12. TOXEUMA, Walker. TOXEUMA Ericae, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 379. The Entomologist, pi. D.fig. 1. T. fuscicornis Var. Ent. Mag. i. 462. M. lugu- bris Var. Ent. Mag. i. 462. . England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 13. SPHEGIGASTER, Spinola. SPHEGIGASTER aculeata. Merismus aculeatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 375. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. SPHEGIGASTER fronto. Merismus fronto, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 376. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. SPHEGIGASTER megapterus. Merismus megapterus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 377. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. SPHEGIGASTER flavicornis. Merismus flaricornis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 377. The Entomologist, pi. C. fig. 1. Sphegigaster pallicornis ? Spinola. Ann. Mus. vii. 149. Diplolepis palli- cornis? Spin. Ins. Lig. Fasc. 4, 227, 78. Chrysolampus pallicornis ? Nees. Hym. Ich. off, Mon. ii. 132. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 14. PROSODES, Walker. PROSODES ater, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 374. The Entomologist, pi. V.fig. 3. a. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 15. SYNTOMOPUS, Walker. SYNTOMOPUS incurvus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i, 372. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. SYNTOMOPUS Cyzicus, Walker. Miscogaster Cyzicus, Mon. Chal. i. 200, 7. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 29 16. MEGORISMUS, Walker. MEGORISMUS Daiphron. Miscogaster Daiphron, Walker, Mon. Chal i. 198. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 17. PANSTENON, Walker. PANSTENON Oxylus. Miscogaster, Oxylus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 196. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 18. PAPHAGUS, Walker. PAPHAGUS Sidero, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 48. a. St. Vincent's Island, West Indies. Presented by the Entomo- logical Club. 19. COEYNA, Walker. CORYNA clavata, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 380. The Entomologist, pi. C.fig. 2. Chrysolampus suspensus, Nees. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 127. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 20. LAMPROTATUS, Westwood. LAMPROTATUS gibbus. Miscogaster gibba, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 459. Mon. Chal. i. 278. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS eleofans. Miscogaster elegans, Walker. Ent, Maq. i. 459. Mon. Chal. i. 278. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS rufipes. Miscogaster rufipes, Walker, Ent. Mag. \. 459. Mon. Chal. i, 278. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS obscurus. Miscogaster obscura, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 459. Mon. Chal. i. 280. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS maculatus. Miscogaster maculata, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 459. Mon. Chal. i. 279. a. England. Presented by F.Walker, Esq. b. Alten, Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS notatus. Miscogaster notata, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 459. Mon. Chal. i. 280. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. D 3 30 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. LAMPROTATUS hortensis. Miscogaster hortensis, Curtis' Guide, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 460. Mon. Chal. i. 282. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS antennatus. Miscogaster antennata, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 460. Mon. Chal. i. 281. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS lucidus. Miscogaster lucida, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 460. Mon. Chal. i. 282. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS fuscipes. Miscogaster fuscipes, Walker, Ent. May. i. 460. Mon. Chal. i. 281. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Babilus. See Appendix, a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS splendens, Westwood, London's Mag. Nat. Hist. vi. 121. Miscogaster chrysochlora, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 461. Mon. Chal. i. 283. a. England. Presented by F, Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS chrysochlorus, Haliday. See Appendix. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS annularis. Miscogaster annularis, Curtis' Guide, Walker, Ent. Mag. i.461. Mon. Chal. i. 284. ft. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS annulipes, Curtis' Guide, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 461. Mon. Chal. i. 285. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS tumidus. Miscogaster tumida, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 463. Mon. Chal. i. 288. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS fuscipennis. Miscogaster fuscipennis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 459. Mon. Chal. i. 280. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS obscuripennis. Miscogaster obscuripennis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 460. Mon. Chal. i. 281. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS viridis. Miscogaster viridis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 461. Mon. CM. i. 284. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS tarsalis. Miscogaster tarsalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 461. Mon. Chal. i. 285. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 31 LAMPROTATUS diffinis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 460. Mon. Chal. i. 283. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS dissirailis. Miscogaster dissirailis, Walker, Enti Mag. i. 463. Mon. Chal. i. 289., a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS semiauratus. Miscogaster semiaurata, .Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 463. Mon. Chal. i. 289. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPKOTATUS philochortoides. Miscogaster philochortoides, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 463. Mon. Chal. i. 290. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS brevis. Miscogaster brevis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 464, Mon. Chal. i. 291. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS linearis. Miscogaster linearis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 464. Mon. Chal. i. 291. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS filicornis. Miscogaster filicornis, Walker, Ent. Mag.'i. 464. Mon. Chal. i. 291. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPKOTATUS femoratus. Miscogaster femorata, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 464. Mon. Chal. i. 291. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS seneus. Miscogaster aenea, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 461. Mon. Chal. i. 285. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Scoticus. Miscogaster Scotica, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 461. Mon. Chal. i. 285. a. Scotland. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Alcander, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 30. a. Concepcion, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Tubero, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 185. a. Coquimbo, Cbili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Nsevolus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 185. a. Coquimbo, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Natta, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 271. a. Valdivia, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Bisaltes, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 272. a. Valdivia, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 32 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. LAMPROTATUS Orobia, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 272. a. Valdivia, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Coecina, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 114, a. Valparaiso, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Dio3iis, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 16. a. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Habis, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 2me. Serie, i. 155. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Salemus, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 2me. Serie. i. 156. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Cyrnus, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 2me. Serie i. 157. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Trypherus, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 2me. Serie i. 158. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Numitus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 184. a. Isle of Chonos, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Ciron. Miscogaster Ciron, Walker, Mon. ChaL ii. 16. a. Hobart Town, Van Dieman's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Nelo. Micogaster Nelo, Walker, Mon. ChaL ii. 17. a. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Nicon. Miscogaster Nicon, Walker, Mon. ChaL ii. 17. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Thera. Miscogaster Thera, Walker, Mon. ChaL ii. 18. a. Hobart Town, Van Diernen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Hecatoeus. Miscogaster Hecataeus, Walker, Mon. ChaL ii. 19. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Myeon. Miscogaster Myeon, Walker, Mon. ChaL ii. 19. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 33 LAMPROTATUS Damia. Miscogaster Damia, Walker, Mon. Chat. ii. 21. a Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Bato. Miscogaster Bato, Walker, Mon. Chat. ii. 22. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Dioxippe. Miscogaster Dioxippe, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 67. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Hages. Miscogaster Hages, Walker 9 Mon. Chal. ii. 83. a. Isle of Chiloe, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LAMPROTATUS Eleus. Miscogaster Eleus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 85. a. Isle of Chiloe, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 21. SELADERMA, Walker. SELADERMA laetum, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 289. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. SELADERMA bicolor, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 289. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. SELADERMA convexum, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 290. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. SELADERMAMazares, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 337. a. Alten, Fiumark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. SELADERMA Athanis. Miscogaster Athanis, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 26. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. b. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. SELADERMA Letus. Miscogaster Letus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 26. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Dar- win, Esq. SELADERMA Cernus. Miscogaster Cernus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 22. a. Hobart Town, Van Dieman's Land. Presented by C. Dar- win, Esq. SELADERMA Epulo, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 86. a. Isle of Chiloe, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 34 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 22. SEMIOTUS, Walker. SEMIOTUS clams, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii.291. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. SEMIOTUS tarsalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 292. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. SEMIOTUS varians, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 293. Entomologist, pi . I. /. 2. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Clermont, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. SEMIOTUS praestans, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 293. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. SEMIOTUS diversus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 294. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Jersey. Presented by the Entomological Club. SEMIOTUS quadratus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 295. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. SEMIOTUS moerens, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 295. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. SEMIOTUS Dice. Miscogaster Dice, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 24. b. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. SEMIOTUS Theope. Miscogaster Theope, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 25. a. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Dai win, Esq. SEMIOTUS Merula. Miscogaster Merula, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 25. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 23. SYSTASIS, Walker. SYSTASIS encyrtoides, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 296. Entomologist, pl.B.f.l. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. SYSTASIS tenuicornis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 297. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 24. ISOCYRTUS, Walker. ISOCYRTUS laetus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 466. Mon. Chal. i. 292. Miscogaster breviventris, Ent. Mag. i. 462. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 35 ISOCYRTUS collaris. Pteromalus collaris, Walker, Ent. Mag. i\\. 472. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 25. PACHYNEURON, Walker. PACHYNEURON formosum, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 380. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PACHYNEURON Albutius, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 2me. Serie i. 158. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 26. MICROMELUS, Walker. MICROMELUS ruforaaculatus, Walker, Ent. Mag, i. 465. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. MICROMELUS pyrrhogaster, Holiday, MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 465. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. MICROMELUS Silanus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 46. a. Mount Wellington, Hobart Town, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. MICROMELUS Cyrene, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 2me Serie. i. 154. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 27. MERAPORUS, Walker. MERAPORUS graminicola, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 299. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. MERAPORUS alatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 300. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 28. NORBANUS, Walker. No RB AN us Dy sanies, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 2me Serie, i. 159. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. NORBANUS Pisias, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 2me Serie, i. 163. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 36 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 29. PSILOCERA, Walker. PSILOCERA Deiphon, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 2me Serie, i. 161. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PSILOCERA verticillata. Pteroraalus verticillatus, Foerster, Mon. Pteromal. i. 24, 175. a. France. 30. PTEROMALUS, Swederus. PTEROMALUS cincticornis. Platyterma cincticorne, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 306. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS teliformis. Platyterma teliforme, Walker, Ent. Mag. xi. 305. a. England. Presented by F. Walker Esq. b. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. PTEROMALUS nobilis. Platyterma nobile, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 304. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS comptus. Platyterma comptum, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 341. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS decorus. Platyterma decorum, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 342. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS prasinus. Platyterma prasinum, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 305. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS femoralis. Platyteima femorale, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 341. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Nephele. Platyterma Nephele. Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 186. a. Coquimbo, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS fasciiventris. Mesopolobus fasciiventris, Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. Third Series, ii. 12, 445. Eutelus fulvicornis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 363. Pteromalus fasciculatus, Foerster, Mon. Pteromal. i. 11. a. England Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS tibialis. Platymesopus tibialis, Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. Third Series, ii. 12, 444. a. England Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 37 PTEROMALUS dilectus. Eutelus dilectus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 356. Amblymerus amoenus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 307. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS validus. Amblymerus validus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 308. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS ruralis. Amblymerus ruralis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 343. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS linearis Amblymerus linearis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 349. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS temperatus. Amblymerus temperatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 349. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS placidus. Eutelus placidus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 359. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS jucundus. Eutelus jucundus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 358. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS platycerus. Eutelus platycerus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 360. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS sobrinus. Eutelus sobrinus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 362. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS stenomerus. Amblymerus stenomerus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 350. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS stupidus. Amblymerus stupidus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 348. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS tenuicornis. Amblymerus tenuicornis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 347. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS pusillus. Amblymerus pusillus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 347. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS albitarsus. Amblymerus albitarsus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 346. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 38 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. PTEROMALUS fuscipes. Amblymems fuscipes, Walker, Ent. May, ii. 346. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS modestus. Amblyraerus modestus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 344. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS truncatellus. Amblymerus truncatellus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 344. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS ^nicus. Walker, MSS. Amblymerus latus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 343. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS campestris. Amblymerus campestris, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 343. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS dubius. Amblymerus dubius, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 308. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS eximius. Eutelus eximius, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 360. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Clermont, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. c. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. PTEROMALUS fuscipennis. Eutelus fuscipenriis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 368. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS chlorospilus. Eutelus chlorospilus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 368. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS semotus. Eutelus semotus, Walker, Ent, Mag. ii. 367. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS altus. Eutelus altus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 367. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS intermedius. Eutelus intermedius, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 366. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS elevatus. Eutelus elevatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 366. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS posticus. Eutelus posticus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 366. a, England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 39 PTEROMALUS gracilis. Eutelus gracilis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 365. . England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS planus. Eutelus planus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 356. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS aequus. Eutelus aequus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 364. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS flavipes. Eutelus flavipes, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 364. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Clermont, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. PTEROMALUS bicolor. Eutelus bicolor, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 361. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS inornatus. Eutelus inornatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 363. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Alten, Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS platynotus. Eutelus platynotus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 361. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS diffinis. Eutelus diffinis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 358. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS signatus, Eutelus signatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 357. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS immaculatus. Eutelus immaculatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 357. The Entomologist, pi. B. /. 4. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS cavus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 477. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. PTEROMALUS decedens, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 478. . England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS patulus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 479. a, b. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS amplus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 480. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. E2 40 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. PTEROMALUS catillus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 480. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS deplanatus, Nees d y Essmbeck, Hym. Ich. off. ii. 110. Pteromalus domesticus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 481. Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 182. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS sylvicola, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 481. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Alten, Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS discus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 482. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Endomychi, Curtis, MSS. Ent. Mag. iii, 496. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS gynetelus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii, 483. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS bracteatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 483. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS herbidus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 484. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS lucidus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 484. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS aspilus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 485. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS flammiger, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 485. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS conspersus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS oxygene, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 486. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS grandis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 487. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS robustus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 488. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS nubilus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 488. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS perfectus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 488. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS dives, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 489. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS obtusus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 490. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 41 PTEROMALUS chalceus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 491. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS brevicornis, Walker , Ent. Mag. ii. 491. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS affinis, Walker , Ent, Mag. ii. 492. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS fumipennis, Walker, EnL Mag. ii. 492. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS redactus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 492, a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS epistenus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 493. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS semifascia, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 494. a. England. Presented by. F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS venustus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 494. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS varius, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 495. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS sequester, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 495. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS decorus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 496. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS famulus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 496. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS perpetuus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 497. . Pt. com- munis. Nees. Hym. Ich. off. Man. ii. 103 ? a. England. Presented by F! Walker, Esq. b. France. Presented by M. Brebisson. PTEROMALUS viridulus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 497. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq., PTEROMALUS tenuis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 498. Mon. Chal. i. 236. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS inops, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 499. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS inscitus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 499. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS tristis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 499. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. E 3 42 LIST OF CHALC1QITES. PTEROMALUS microcerus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 500. a, England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS repandus, Walker , Ent. Mag. ii. 501. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS quadrinota, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 501. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS longicornis, Walker ; Ent. Mag. iii. 94. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS subniger, Walker, Ent. Mag, iii. 95. Pt. caligatus, Var, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 494. a, b. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS imbutus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 96. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS junceus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 182. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS spicatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 97. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS filicornis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 183. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS muscartim, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 185. Ichneu- mon muscarum, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 938, 62. Faun. Suec. 1636. Cleptes muscarum, Fab. Syst. Peizat. 156-7. Cynips viridis, nitens, &c. Geoff". Ins. ii. 308, 31. a. England. Presented by F.Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS placidus, Walker, Ent. Mag.m. 187. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS ovatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 187. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS contractus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 188. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUslinearis. Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 189. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS formosus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 189. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS fuMventris, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 190. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS tricolor, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 190. a. z. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS maculipennis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 191. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 43 PTEROMALUS congruus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 194. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS nubilipennis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 195. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. PTEROMALUS rufiventris, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 192. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS transiens, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 192. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS apicalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 196. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTFROMALUS hemipterus, Walker, Ent. Mag. a, b. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS cingulipes, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 197. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS albipennis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 198. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS cupreus, Walker, Ent. Mag,, iii. 200. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS puparum, Swederus Kong. Vet. Acad. HandL 1795. Ichneumon pupamro, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 939, 66. Diplole- pis puparum, Fab. Syst. Piezat. 151, 15. Cynips puparum, Fourc. Ent. Par. ii. 387, 24. Ich. Antiope, Scop. Ent. Cam. 765. Cynips viridisericeus, &c. Geoff. Ins. ii. 305. 24. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. France. Presented by M. Brebisson. c. Italy. Presented by Dr. Leach. PTEROMALUS mesochlorus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 201. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS lugubris, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 205. - a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq, PTEROMALUS micans, Olivier, Mem. Soc. d' Agriculture, xvi. 477. p. 3./. 12. Pteromalus bellus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 466. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. France. Presented by M. Brebisson. PTEROMALUS chloris, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 467. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS constans, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 468. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS impar, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 469. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 44 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. PTEROMALUS brevivitta, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 470. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS pulchripes, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 470. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS continuus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 471. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS lera, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 339. a. Alten, Finmark Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Pyttalus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 340. a. Alten, Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS nanus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 472. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS discolor, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 473. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS gaudens, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 473. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS moerens, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 474. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS laticorais, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 475. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS chalcomelas, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 476. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS terminalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 476. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS compressus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 477. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS attenuatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 479. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS mundus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 479. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS ampins, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 480. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS divisus, Walker. Ent. Mag. iii. 480. a, b. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS cephalotes, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 481. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS eupterus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 482. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS conifer, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 484. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 45 PTEROMALUS sobrius Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 484. a. England, Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS fuscicornis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 484. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS bifrons, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 485. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS epimelas, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 486. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS stenotelus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 487. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS concisus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 488. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS balux, Walker, Ent. Mag. iu. 418. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS hilaris, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 489. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS orbiculatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 490. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS fulvipes, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 490. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS chrysos, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 491. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS vitripennis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 492. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEEOMALUS obscuratus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 493. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS iiiclusus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 493. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS conterminus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 494. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Ariomedes, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 210. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Cabarnos, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 211. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Orsetes, Walker, Mon. Chal, i. 211. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Elymus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 212. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Deucetius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 245. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 46 LIST OF CHALCIDITES PTEROMALUS Codrus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 249. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Crotus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 252. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Daimenes, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 250. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Mutia, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 246. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Vindalius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 256. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Emathion, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 243. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Laogore, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 267. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Lentulus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 232. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Mycale, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 253. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Cerpheres, Walker, Mon, Chal. i. 255. a. England. -Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Ergias, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 238. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Janira, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 248. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Ortalus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 241. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Toxicrate, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 226. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Deiochus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 240. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Hedymeles, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 215. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Zipaetes, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 213. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Ceropasades, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 214. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Charops, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 242. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Cosingas, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 263. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 47 PTEROMALUS Alcman, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 265. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Artembares, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 257. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Apharetus, Walker. Mon. Chal. i. 228. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Cabades, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 264. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Jsarchus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 216. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Thessalus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 268. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Artemon, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 218. a, b. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Pirus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 219. a, b. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Sisenna, Walker. Mon. Chal. i. 227. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Lucilla, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 231. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Crocale, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 239. . England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Alten, Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Telon, Walker, Mon. Chal. \. 216. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Merope, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 219. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Pione, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 224. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Ortbia, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 223. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Saptine, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 224. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Deudorix, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 225. . England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Zonaras, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 227. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club, PTEROMALUS Ornytus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 238. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 48 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. PTEROMALUS Leodocus, Walker, Mon. dial. i> 237. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Amphimedon, Walker, Mon. Chal.i. 235. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Irus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 235. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Sunides, Walker. See Appendix. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Odites, Walker. See Appendix. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Leogoras, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 269. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Nestocles, Walker. See Appendix. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Amyntor. See Appendix. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Cercides, Walker. See Appendix. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS Bebryce, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 273. a. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. PTEROMALUS Nypsius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 274. a. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. PTEROMALUS Vitula, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 187. a. Coquimbo, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Ornoe, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 187. a. Coquimbo, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Megareus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 272. a. Valdivia, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Gryneus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 115. a. Valparaiso, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Archia, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 116. a. Lima, Peru. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Unca, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 28. a. Hobart Town, Van Dieman's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Niphe, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 20. a. Hobart Town, Van Dieman's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Thestor, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 29. a. Hobart Town, Van Dieman's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 49 PTEROMALUS Oceia, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 30. a. Hobart TOWD, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Europs, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 30. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Euctemou, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 31. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Bebius, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 31. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Baton, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 32. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. b. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Fabia, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 33. a. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Gorgias, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 34. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Cosis, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 68. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Driopides, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 68. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Prothous, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 87. a. Island of Chiloe, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Mydon, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 87. a. Island of Chiloe, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Traulus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 88. a. Island of Chiloe, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Rhaeo, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 88. a. Island of Chiloe, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Vulso, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 89. a. Island of Chiloe, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEEOMALUS Lelex, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 95. a. New Zealand. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Calenus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 31. a. Concepcion, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Toxeus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 186. a. Coquimbo, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Sestius, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 186. a. Coquimbo, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 50 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. PTEKOMALUS Rhoebus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 187. a. Coquimbo, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS, lambe, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 95. a. New Zealand. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Ipsea, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 97. a. St. Helena. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. PTEROMALUS Helice, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 46. a. St. Vincent's Island, West Indies. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROMALUS? Oxynthes, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 184. a. Island of Chonos, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 31. HETROXYS, Westivood. HETROXYS pulcherrimus, Westwood, Mag. Nat. Hist. v. 121. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. HETROXYS scenicus. Pteromalus scenicus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 10. Entomologist, pi. G./. 1. Diplolepis bicolorata, Spinola. Ins. Lig. Fasc. iv. 221 ? Cleonymus bicoloratus, Spin. Ann. Mus. vii. 149. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. HETROXYS stenogaster. Pteromalus stenogaster, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 11. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. HETROXYS fuscescens. Pteromalus fuscescens, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 12. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 32. CHEIROPACHUS, Westwood. CHEIROPACHUS quadrum, Westwood, Zool. Journ. iv. pi. 2.f. 2. Ichneumon quadrura, Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 186, 219. Diplo- lepis quadrum, Fab. Syst. Piez. 152, 16. Spinola, Ins. Lig. Fasc. iii. 161, 14. Cynips quadrum, Boyer de Fonscol. Ann. Sci. Nat. 1832, 298, 1. Pteromalus biniaculatus, Nees. Hym. leh. aff. Mon. ii. 96 ? Cleonymus maculipennis, Curtis, Brit. Ent. iv. 194. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. France. Presented by M. Brebisson. CHEIBOPACHUS tutela, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 14. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALC1DITES. 51 ' 33. MACRONEURA, Walker. MACRON E u RA maculipes, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 354, Entomolo- gist, pi. O./. 3. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 34. PROSOPON, Walker. PROSOPON moutanum, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 356. Entomologist, pi D. /. 4. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 35. TRIGONODERUS, Westwood. TRIGONODERUS pulcher, Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. Third Series, i. 127. Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 16. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TRIGONODERUS filatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 17. . England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TRIGONODERUS ductilis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 17. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TRIGONODERUS affinis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 19. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TRIGONODERUS linearis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 19. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TRIGONODERUS figuratus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 20. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TRIGONODERUS elegans, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 21. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TRIGONODERUS obscurus, Walker, Ent. Mag.iv. 21. Entomologist, pi. E./. 1. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TRIGONODERUS deductor, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 20. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TRIGONODERUS dolosus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 23, a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TRIGONODERUS hirticornis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 23. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 36. MEROSTENUS, Walker. MEROSTENUS Phedyma, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 355. Entomologist, pl.C.f.4. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. F2 52 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 37. LELAPS, Holiday. LELAPS Sadales, Haliday, Trans. Ent. Soc. iii. 292. Merostenus Sadales, Walker, Mo'n. Chal. ii. 93. a. Charles' Island, Galapagos. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LELAPS pulchricornis, Haliday, Trans. Ent. Soc. iii. 300. a. St. Vincent's Isle, West Indies. Presented by the Entomolo- gical Club. 38. EPISTENIA, Westovood. EPISTENIA casruleata, Westwood. Griffith's Anim. Kingdom, pi. 77. f. 3. a. Georgia, North America. From Mr. Abbot's collection. EPISTENIA Feretrius. See Appendix. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Wood's collection. Fam. 9. EUPELMID^;. 1. CLEONYMUS, Latreille. CLEONYMUS depressus, Latreille, Gen. Crust, et Ins. iv. 29. Ich- neumon depressus, Fab. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 231, 220, 221, Coqueb. Illus. Icon. i. 21. Tab. 5. /. 5. Diplolepis depressa, Fab. Syst. Piez. 151. 13. Spin. Ins. Lig. Fasc. iv. 220. Cy- nips depressus, Lamarck, Hist. Nat. Anim. sans Vertebr. iv. 156, 7. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 2. CALOSOTER, Walker. CALOSOTER vernalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv, 359. Entomologist, pl.O.f.2. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALOSOTER aestivalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 359 a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CALOSOTER Eneubulus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 475. a. Charles' Island, Galapagos. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. CALOSOTER Anemetus. See Appendix. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Wood's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 53 3. EUPELMUS, Dolman. EUPELMUS urozonus, Dalman, Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. ii. 378,2. Tab. 8./. 34, 37. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. d. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. EUPELMUS Degeeri, Dolman, Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, ii. 379, 3. Entomologist, pi. F. /. 2. Ichneumon vesicularis, De Geer, ii. 909. Tab. 31. f. 22. Diplolepis vesicularis, Spinola, Ins.Lig.Fasc. iii. 161, 13. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. EUPELMUS atropurpureus, Dalman, Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, ii. 381,4. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EUPELMUS Amillarus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 475. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. EUPELMUS Dodone. Calosoter Dodone, Walker, Mon. ChaL ii. 35. a. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 4. METAPELMA, Westwood. METAPELMA spectabilis, Westwood, Zool. Soc. Proc. Pt. 3, 1835, 69. a. Georgia, North America. From Mr. Abbot's collection. Fam. 10. ENCYRTID^E. 1. ERICYDNUS, Holiday. ERICYDNUS strigosus. Encyrtus strigosus, Nees. Hym. Ich off. Mon. ii. 227. Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 364. Entomologist, pi. H./. 1. a. England Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ERICYDNUS chryscus. Pteromalus? chryscus, Walker, Mon. Choi. ii. 34. b. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. F3 54 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. ERICYDNUS Megalarus. Eulophus Megalarus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 477. a. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 2. CHEILONEURUS, Westwood. CHEILONEURUS elegans, Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. iii. 343. Encyrtus Paralia, Walker, EnL Mag. iv. 446. Var. E. argentifer, Holiday, Ent. Mag. iv.444. E. elegans, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 151. Eupelmus elegans, Dalm. Kongl., fyc. 1820, 384. Cleonymus elegans, Nees. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 88. a. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 3. CERCHYSIUS, Westwood. CERCHYSIUS urocerus, Westivood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. Third Series, \. 127. Entomologist, pi. H. /. 3. C. stigmati- calis Var. Westivood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. i. 127. Encyrtus urocerus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1823,368. E. caudatus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. \. 45. a. England Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 4. CERCOBELUS, Holiday. CERCOBELUS Jugoeus. Encyrtus Jugoeus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 48. Entomologist, pi. N./. 1. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 5. ENCYRTUS, Dalman. ENCYRTUS cyaiieus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 160. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Batillus, Walker, Ent. Mag, iv. 442. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. c. Clermont, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. ENCYRTUS Celadus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 427. a. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Fadus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 429. a. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 55 ENCYRTUS Gabinius, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 443. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Imandes, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 449. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS fuscipennis, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 354. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS hemipterus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. 160. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. Auvergne, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. ENCYRTUS Lindus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 451. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Anceus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 452. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS melanopus, Holiday, MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 453. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Glaphyra, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 454. a. England. Presented by F. Walker,' Esq. ENCYRTUS serricornis, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Aralius, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 457. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Teuteus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 458. a. England. Presented by F. Walker Esq. b. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. ENCYRTUS Spherus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 459. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS subcupratus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Clermont, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. ENCYRTUS Tiliaris, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 171. E. coniferae, Holiday, MSS. Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 461. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS barbarus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 158. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Anebus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 457. a. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. 56 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. ENCYRTUS subplanus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 362. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Aithyia, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 458. a. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. ENCYRTUS chalconotus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 169. E. Mitreus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 35. a. Englandc Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Phitbra, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 36. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS geniculatus, Dalm. KongL Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 361. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS tmncatellus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 168, a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. c. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Liriope, Walker, Ent. Mag. \. 40. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Auvergne, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. ENCYRTUS chalcostomus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 341. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS interpunctus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 157. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS cyanifrons, Dalm. KongL Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 159. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS sylvius, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. 154. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS paradoxus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 163. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS filicomis, Dalm. KongL Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 351. E. Didius, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 452. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. ENCYRTUS Sweden, Dalm. KongL Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 152. E. lunatus, Dalm. KongL Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 164. E. hirticornis, Dalm. KongL Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. E. Vitis, Curtis. Brit. Ent. 395. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 57 a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. France. Presented by the Entomological Club. ENCYRTUS tessellatus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. HandL 1820, 342. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS aeruginosus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. HandL 1820, 170. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS flaminius, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. HandL 1820, 340. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. France. Presented by the Entomological Club. ENCYRTUS Erginus, Walker ', Ent. Mag. v. 53. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS scutellaris, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. HandL 1820, 150. Pteromalus scutellatus, Swedenu, Kongl. Vet., fyc. 1795. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. France. Presented by the Entomological Club, ENCYRTUS obscurus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. HandL 1820, 164. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Morio, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. HandL 1820, 164. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS apicalis, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. HandL 1820, 153. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 6. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS sericeus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. HandL 1820, 357, a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. France. Presented by M. Brebisson. ENCYRTUS Pappus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 107. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS fulvifrons, Holiday, Ent. Mag. v. 109. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS punctipes, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. HandL 1820, 154. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Bohemanni, Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. Third Series, x. 63,441. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 58 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. ENCYRTUS Zetterstedii, Westwood, Land, and Edin. PhiL Mag. Third Series, x. 63. 440. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Scythis, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 118. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. ENCYRTUS fusciollis, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS atricollis, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 358. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS nubilipennis, Curtis* Guide. Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 113. E. Dalmanni ? Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag, Third Series, x. 440. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Lambinus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 422. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Cypris, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 419. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Thebe, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 418. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Ilithyia, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 418. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Elpis, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 117. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Piso, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 423. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Mysus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 424. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Aretas, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 425. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Syllaeus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 426. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Euryclea, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 184. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS aestivus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 368. E. Cleone, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 407. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Zephyrinus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 167. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES, 59 ENCYRTUS Odacon, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 476. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENCYRTUS Gargaris, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 47. a. St. Vincent's Island, West Indies. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Bolus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 17. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. ENCYRTUS Zebina, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 36. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Dar- win, Esq. ENCYKTUS Lucetius, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 36. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Dar- win, Esq. b. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENCYRTUS Salacon, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 37. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENCYRTUS Cheles, Walker. Mon. Chal, ii. 37. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENCYRTUS Arsanes, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii.38. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENCYRTUS Xuthus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 38. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 6. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENCYRTUS Pacorus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 39. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENCYRTUS Zameis, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 39. a. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENCYRTUS Epytus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 69. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENCYRTUS ineptus, Dalm. Konyl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820, 367. Sphenolepis inepta. Nees. d'Ess. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 258. Choreius ineptus, Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. Third Series, x. 63, 442. Choreia nigro-aeuea, Wcstivood, 60 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. Mag. Nat. Hist. vi. 122. Grantor, Holiday. Ent. Mag. i. 268. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 6. APHELINUS, Dalman. APHELINUS basalis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 2. Entomologist, pi. K. /. 2. Agonioneurus basalis, Westivood, London's Mag. Nat. Hist. vi. 122. Myina facialis, Foerster, Pterom. i. 44, 7. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. APHELINUS Asychis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 2. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. APHELINUS Euthria, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 3. Myina abdomina- lis ? Nees. ab Ess. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 190. Myina fusci- scapus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. 45, 8. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. APHELINUS, Chaonia, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 4. Myina varipes, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. 45, 9. Myina tibialis? Nees. ab Ess. Hym. Teh. aff. Mon. ii. 191. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by tbe Entomological Club. APHELINUS Mseris, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 5. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. France. Presented by the Entomological Club. Aphelinus Proclia, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 9. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. APHELINUS Inaron, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 10. a. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. APHELINUS Lycimnia, Walker. Mon. Chal. i. 11. Myina semi- circularis, Foerster, Monogr. Pterom. i. 44, 2. a. France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 7. COCCOPHAGUS, Westwood. COCCOPHAGUS scutellaris, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 6. Entomologist, pi. K. /. 1. Entedon scutellaris, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1825, 365. Coccophagus pulchellus, Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. iii. 1833. Eulophus flavovarius, Nees. ab. Ess. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 164, 428. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. COCCOPHAGUS insidiator. Eutedon insidiator, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1825, 365. Cocophagus obscurus, Westwood, LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 61 Land, and Edin. Phil. Mag. iii. 1833. Eulophus impeditus, Nees. ab. Ess. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 178,438. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presente^by F. Walker, Esq. e. France. Presented by the Entomological Club. Fam. 11. EULOPHID^E. 1. TRICHOGRAMMA, Westwood. TRICHOGRAMMA evanescens, Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. ii. 12, 144. Entomologist, pi K. /. 4. Calleptiles lati- pennis, Haliday, Ent. Mag. i. 339. Pteroptrix evanescens, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 13. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 2. PTEROPTRIX, Westwood. PTEROPTRIX dimidiatus, Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. iii. 344. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROPTRIX Doricha, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 15. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROPTRIX Menes, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 18. Entomologist, pi. M./.3. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. PTEROPTRIX Celsus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 16. a. Paris. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 3. EL ASM us, Westwood. ELASMUS flabellatus, Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. Third Series, iii. 17, 343, 1833. Eulophus flabellatus, Boyer de Fonscol. Ann. Sci. Nat. 1832, 298. Aneure rhipicerus, Foerster, Mon. Pteromal. i. 45. /. 16. a. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. ELASMUS Anius. See Appendix. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 4. ENTEDON, Dolman. ENTEDON Ochus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 21. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Acestor, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 21. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 62 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. ENTEDON Lanassa, Walker, Mon. Chal. i.22, a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON formosus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 26. Closterocerus for- mosus, Westwood, Mag. Nat. Hist. vi. *0. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON trifasciatus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 26. Closterocerus trifasciatus, Westwood, London's Mag. Nat. Hist. vi. 420. Eulophus bifasciatus, Nees. ab Ess. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 156,6. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Cercius. Closterocerus Cercius, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 31. a. Coucepcion, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENTEDON Xenodice. Closterocerus Xenodice, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 273. a. Valdivia, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENTEDON Pelor. Closterocerus Pelor, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 185. a. Island of Chonos, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENTEDON Ufens, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 184. a. Island of Chonos, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENTEDON Agamedes, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 29. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON gemmeus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i.30. Derostenus gem- meus, Westwood, London's Mag. Nat. Hist. vi. 495. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Latreillii, Walker, 'Mon. Chal. i. 31. Eulophus La- treillii, Curtis, Brit. Ent. iii. 133. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Atys, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 34. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Metella, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 35. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Varus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 35. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Pentheus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 38. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Amanus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 39. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 63 ENTEDON Polyzo, Walker, Mon. Chal i. 40. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Acerbas, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 40. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Prodice, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 41. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Amyclas, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 42. Entomologist, pi. L./.4. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Daunus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 43. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Assis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 43. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Erigone, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 44. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Larina, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 46. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Noenia, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 48. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Tamus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 49. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Laomedon, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 50. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Matho, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 51. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Inarus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 52. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Nitetis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 52. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Sartainus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 54. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON gemma, Curtis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 53. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Novellus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 55. a. England. Presented by C. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Amyrtoeus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 57. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Cydon, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 58. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological C 4 lub. G 2 64 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. ENTEDON Acoris, Walker, Man. Chal. i. 59. b. Clermont, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. ENTEDON Calitov, Walker, Hon. Chal. i. 60. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Bibulus, Walker. Mon. Chal. i. 62. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Amyite, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 65. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Alten, Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Enephes, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 67. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Eutropius Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 69. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Altadas, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 70. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Alten, Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Parmys, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 71. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Lycoris, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 72. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Lycambes, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 73. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Zanara, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 95. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Mera, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 97. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Busiris, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 99. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Merion, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 100. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Diotimus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 101. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Pharnus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 102. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Argon, Walker, Mon. Chat. i. 102. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Sparetus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 103. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Hercyna, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 104. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 65 ENTEDON Euphorion, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 105. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Nephthe, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 108. a, England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Arisba, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 121. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Chthonia, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 122. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Bedins, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 115. a. Valparaiso, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENTEDON Flacilla, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 115. a. Valparaiso, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENTEDON Eubius, Walker, Mon. Chal.i. 109. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Amyntas, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 111. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Epigonus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 112. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. h. Alten, Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Coenus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 113. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Saulius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 1 15. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Corytus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 116. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Sosarmus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 116. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. ENTEDON Clita, Walker, Mon. Chal. i, 117. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Pyrgo, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 1 19. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Lysis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 114. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Telephe, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 75. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON admirabilis. Smaragdites admirabilis, Westwood, Mag. Nat. Hist. vi. 35, 418. Omphale Salicis, Haliday, Ent. May. i. 339. Entedon Salicis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 76. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. G3 66 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. ENTEDON ^Etius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 78. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Alien, Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Theana, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 81. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Ithonus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 82. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Acamas, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 83. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Lyoeus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 84. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Anthylla, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 85. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Loelius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 86. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Clinius, Walker, Mon. Chal, i. 90. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Kubigus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 91. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Navius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 92. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Diocles, Walker, Mon Chal. ii. 40. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENTEDON Alcoeus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 94. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. c. France. Presented by M. Brebisson. d. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Cleodora. Horismenus Cleodora, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 117. a. Lima, Peru. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENTEDON Pronapis, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 40. a. Sydney, New South Wules. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENTEDON Hestia. Eulophus Hestia, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 46. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENTEDON Emperamus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 70. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENTEDON Hegelochus, Walker, Mon. Chal.ii. 70. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDTES. 67 ENTEDON Antander, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii.70. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ENTEDON Thestius. Cirrospilus Thestius, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 74. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 5. EUDERUS, Holiday. EUDERUS Amphis. Entedon Amphis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 106. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Alien, Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EUDERUS Mestor. Eulophus Mestor, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 42. E. Capio, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 44. a. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 6. LOPHOCOMUS, Holiday. LOPHOCOMUS Anaitis. Cirrospilus Anaitis, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 91. a. Isle of Chiloe, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 7. OPHELIMUS, Holiday. OPHELIMUS Ursidius, Holiday, Trans. Ent. Soc. iii. Eulophus Ursidius, Walker, Mon, Chal. ii. 44. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. OPHELIMUS Sabella. Eulophus Sabella, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 41. Cirrospilus Prynmo, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 50. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 8. EUPLECTRUS, Westwood. EUPLECTRUS bicolor. Pteromalus bicolor, Swederus, Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1795, 204, 2. Elachestus albiventris, Spinola, Ann. Mus. vii. 151. Nees. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 146. Eu- plectrus Furnius, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 48. Euplec- trus maculiventris, Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. Third Series, i. 2. 128. Eulophus bicolor, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 173, Spalangia ? flavipes, i%/er de Fonscol. Ann. Sci. Nat. 1832,299, 1. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. St. Vincent's Island, West Indies. Presented by the Entomo- logical Club. d. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 68 LIST OF CHALCIDITES 9. ELACHESTUS, Spinola. ELACHESTUS dimidiatus. Eulophus dimidiatus, Nees. Hym. Ich, aff. Mon. ii. 160. Eulophus Artaeus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 172. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. ELACHESTUS Charondas. Eulophus Cbarondas, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 174. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ELACHESTUS Orsus. Eulophus Orsus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 174. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ELACHESTUS Floriauus. Eulophus Florianus, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 176. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ELACHESTUS Eucrate. Eulophus Eucrate, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 176. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ELACHESTUS Erse. Eulophus Erse, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 177. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. ELACHESTUS Argissa, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 172. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. ELACHESTUS Neleus. Eulophus Neleus, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 1 77. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ELACHESTUS Suada. Eulophus Suada, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 178. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ELACHESTUS Amelon. Eulophus Amelon, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 179 a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ELACHESTUS rufescens. Ichneumon rufescens, Rossi. Faun. Etr. Mant. App. ii. 113, 94. De Geer, Ins. ii. 189, 1 1 . t. 30. f. 22. VilL Ent. Lin. iii. 211, 248? Diplolepis rufescens, 'Spin. Ins. Lig. Fasc. iii. 160, 12. Cleonymus rufescens, Lat. Gen. Crust, et Ins. iv. 29. Eulophus rufescens, Nees. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 161. Stenomesius pulchellus Mas. Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. iii. 343. St. maculatus, Fein. Westivood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. iii. 343. Cirrospilus Acesius, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. 200. E. maculatus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 193. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 69 ELACHESTUS Gyes. Eulophus Gyes, Walker, Mon. Chat. ii. 89. a. Isle of Chiloe, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ELACHESTUS Catta. Eulophus Catta, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 71. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. ELACHESTUS. See Appendix. Eulophus Art03us, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 41. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 10. EULOPHUS, Geoffroy. EULOPHUS ramicornis, Geof. Lat. Gen. Crust et Ins. iv. 28. Di- plolepis ramicornis, De Gen. ii. 313, pi. xv. /. 3. Fab. Syst. Piezat. 153. Eulophus damicornis. Kirb. Linn. Trans, xiv. 112. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Tyrrhenus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 147. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Clermont, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. EULOPHUS Laogonus, Walker, Mon. Chal. \. 151. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Sandanis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 130. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Ehianus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 116. a. Valparaiso, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. EULOPHUS Thespius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 127. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Callidius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 144. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Cosconius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 145. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Faula, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 148. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS lapetus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 144. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Hedila, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 143. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Nycteus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 128. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Gonippus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 132. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCJDITES. EULOPHUS Gordius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 129. 0. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Menyllus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 131. a. England. Presented by. F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Myodes, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 136. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS lanthea, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 135. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. EULOPHUS Dercynus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 139. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Nonus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 142. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Hegemon, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 140. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Boeotus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 151. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EuLOPHUsTrachalus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 152. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Dropion, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 150. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Catreus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 148. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Ttea, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 43. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. EULOPHUS Cicuta, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii, 43. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. EULOPHUS Telestas, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 42. a. Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. EULOPHUS Pisidice, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 158. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Laodochus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 164. a. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Soemias, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 170. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Lucumo, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 169 a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Cromus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 165. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 71 EULOPHUS Agraules, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 166. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Artynes, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 163. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 1). Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. EULOPHUS Alaparus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 163. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. c. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Ccecilius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 166. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq, b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Faustitas, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 167. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Mandron, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 168. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Meriones, Walker, Mon Chal. i. 171. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Pisenor, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 153. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Villius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 154. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS fulvicollis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 190. Hemiptar- senus fulvicollis, Westwood, London's Mag. Nat. Hist. vi. 123. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Waterhousii. Hemiptarsenus Waterhousii, Westwood, Mag. Nat. Hist. vi. 123. a. England. Presented by G. R. Waterhouse, Esq. EULOPHUS Anementus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 191. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Metalarus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 187. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Clermont, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. EULOPHUS Amempsinus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 186. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Clermont, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. EULOPHUS Isadas, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 168. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Rhoecus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 182. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 72 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. EULOPHUS Hippia, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 185. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Westwoodii, Mon. ChaL i. 157. Dicladocerus West- woodii, Stephens, Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. Third Series, i. 2, 128. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Battis, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 162. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS Eneugamus, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 160. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. EULOPHUS Euedoreschus, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 188. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. EULOPHUS ? Laonome, Walker, Mon. ChaL ii. 90. a. Isle of Chiloe, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 11. BELLE RUS, Holiday. BELLE RUS Anaitis, Holiday, MSS., Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 32. a. Concepcion, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 12. CIRROSPILUS, Westwood. CIRROSPILUS vittatus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 308. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CIKROSPILUS flavovarius. Eulophus flavovarius, Nees, Hym. Ich. aff.Mon.u.164. Cirr. Thasus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist.i.309. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CIRROSPILUS elegantissimus, 'Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. i. 128. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CIRROSPILUS Diallus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 317. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CIRROSPILUS Salatis, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 311. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 73 CIRROSPILUS Singa, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 383. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CIRROSPILUS Crino, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 382. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CIRROSPILUS Lyncus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 381. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CIRROSPILUS Buselus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 96. a. James 1 Island, Galapagos. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. CIRROSPILUS Isaea, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 386. Eulophus leu- carthros ? Nees. Hym. Ich. off. ii. 172. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CIRROSPILUS Lycophron, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 449. Var. Isaea? a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CIRROSPILUS Coronis, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 450. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CIRROSPILUS Clinias, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 451. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CIRROSPILUS Medidas, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 386. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CIRROSPILUS Minoeus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 385. C. Abron, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 385. Eulophus Amelon, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 179. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CIRROSPILUS Lycomedes, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist, i, 450. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CIRROSPILUS Chabrias, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 451. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. CIRROSPILUS Acasta, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 328. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 13. TETRASTICHUS, Haliday. TETRASTICHUS Evonymellse. Eulophus Evonymellae, Bouche, Naturges. der Ins. i. 172, 68. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Lagus. Cirrospilus Lagus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 454. a. England Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Articas. Cirrospilus Articas, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 199. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. H 74 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. TETRASTICHUS Acesius. Cirrospilus Acesius, Walker, Ann. Nat, Hist. ii. 200. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Armoeus. Cirrospilus Armceus, Walker, Ann. Nat Hist. ii. 200. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Mandanis. Cirrospilus Mandaiiis, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 202. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Eurytus. Cirrospilus Eurytus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 202. a. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. TETRASTICHUS Anysis. Cirrospilus Anysis, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 203. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Zeuxo. Cirrospilus Zeuxo, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 194. a. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. TETRASTICHUS Ecus. Cirrospilus Ecus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 204. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Attalus. Cirrospilus Attalus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 353. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F. W'alker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Adalia. Cirrospilus Adalia, Walker, Ann. Nat. 351. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Orithyia. Cirrospilus Orithyia, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 352. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Agathocles. Cirrospilus Agathocles, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 353. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Idithyia. Cirrospilus Idithyia, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 135. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Molo. Cirrospilus Molo, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 179. a. England. Presented by F. Walker Esq. TETRASTICHUS Epicharmus. Cirrospilus Epicharmus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 180. a, England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 75 TETRASTICH us Aristceus. Cirrospilus Aristoeus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 416. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Rhipheus. Cirrospilus Rhipheus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 416. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Menius. Cirrospilus Menius, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 179. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Endemus. Cirrospilus Endemus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 180. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Achaemenes. Cirrospilus Achaemenes, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 419. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Lycippe. Cirrospilus Lycippe, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 419. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Charoba. Cirrospilus Charoba, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 30. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Zosimus. Cirrospilus Zosimus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 297. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Upis. Cirrospilus TJpis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 297. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Clermont, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. TETRASTICHUS Monesus. Cirrospilus Monesus, Walker, Mon. Chal i. 297. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Xeuxes. Cirrospilus Xeuxes, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 301. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Prosymna. Cirrospilus Prosymna, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 304. a. England* Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club, a. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. TETRASTICHYS Xixuthrus. Cirrospilus Xixuthrus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 306. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. H 2 76 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. TETRASTICH us Quercens. Cirrospilus Quercens. Walker, Mon. Choi. i. 307. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Ligus. Cirrospilus Ligus, Walker. Mon. Chal. i. 300. a. England Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Lacaena. Cirrospilus Lacsena, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 302. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Orodes. Cirrospilus Orodes, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 303. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Orsedice. Cirrospilus Orsedice, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 308. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Tenerus. Cirrospilus Tenerus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 308. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Sucro. Cirrospilus Sucro, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 308. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Sandace. Cirrospilus Sandace, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 311. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Novatus. Cirrospilus Novatus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 312. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Athyrte. Cirrospilus Athyrte, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 178. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Bunus. Cirrospilus Bunus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 179. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Khaeius. Cirrospilus Rhacius, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 181. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Sotades. Cirrospilus Sotades, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 417. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Rapo. Cirrospilus Eapo, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 415. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. TETRASTICHUS Nerio. Cirrospilus Nerio, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 295. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Sweden. Presented by F., Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Paralus. Cirrospilus Paralus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i.296. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Tymber. Cirrospilus Tyrnber, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 298. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Nymphis. Cirrospilus Nymphis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 299. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Deipyms. Cirrospilus Deipyrus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 299. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Eupolis. Cirrospilus Eupolis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 302. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Phineus. Cirrospilus Phineus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 303. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Fontainbleau, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. c. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. TETRASTICHUS Mazceus. Cirrospilus Mazceus, Walker. Mon. Chal. i. 302. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Hippis. Cirrospilus Hippis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 304. a, England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Rabirius. Cirrospilus Babirius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 305. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Asopus. Cirrospilus Asopus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i.314. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Pronomus. Cirrospilus Pronomus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 312. Pteroptrix Actis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 20. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Amynus. Cirrospilus Amynus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 313. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. H 3 78 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. TETRASTICHUS Amenon. Cirrospilus Amenon, Walker, Mon. Chal. i, 315. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Deioces. Cirrospilus Deioces, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 315. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Diaphantus. Cirrospilus Diaphantus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 327. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Isander. Cirrospilus Isander, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 326. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Lamius. Cirrospilus Lamius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 327. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Rhceo. Cirrospilus Rho30, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. Hi. 417. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Alcithoe. Cirrospilus Alcithoe, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 418. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Phalis. Cirrospilus Phalis, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 418. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Catius. Cirrospilus Catius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 323. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Anteius. Cirrospilus Anteius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 324. Eulophus ater ? Nees. ab Ess. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 186. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS caudatus. Aprostocetus caudatus, Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. ii. 444. Cirrospilus caudatus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 324. Eulophus glabellus ? Nees. ab. Ess. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 186. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Emesa. Cirrospilus Emesa, Walker, Mon. dial. i. 324. a. England, Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Zoilus, Cirrospilus Zoilus, Walker, Mon. Chal, i. 325. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 79 TETRASTICHES Leucone. Cirrospilus Leucoue, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 325. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Clermont, France. Presented by the Entomological Club. TETRASTICHUS Daira. Cirrospilus Daira, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 330. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Orsillus. Cirrospilus Orsillus, Walker , Mon. Chal. i. 318. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Xenares. Cirrospilus Xenares, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 54. a. HobartTown, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 6. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Arses. Cirropilus Arses, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 55. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Dar- win, Esq. b. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Hippasus. Cirrospilus Hippasus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 51. a. Hobart Town, Van Diernen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Lelaps. Cirrospilus Lelaps, Walker. Mon. Chal. ii.51. a. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Fannius. Cirrospilus Fannius, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 49. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Zaleucus. Cirrospilus Zaleucus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 52. o. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Valens. Cirrospilus Valens, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 46. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Dymas. Eulophus Dymas, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 45. 80 LIST OF CHALCIDITES. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Dar- win, Esq. TETRASTICHES Otys. Cirrospilus Otys, Walker. Mem. Chal. ii. 48. . Sydney, New South Wales. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Proto. Cirrospilus Proto, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 47. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Baucis. Cirrospilus Baucis, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 53. a. King George's Sound, Australia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHES Glycon. Cirrospilus Glycon, Walker, Mon. Chat. ii. 54. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Autonae. Eulophus Autonse, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 45. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Neis. Cirrospilus Neis, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 49. a. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS granulatus, Barnstone, MSS., Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist.xiv. 17. a. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnstone, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Daimachus. Cirrospilus Daimachus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 73. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Februus. Cirrospilus Februus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 73. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Valerus. Cirrospilus Valerus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 72. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Athenais. Cirrospilus Athenais, Walker^ Mon, Chal. ii. 72. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Cacus. Cirrospilus Cacus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 75. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 81 TETRASTICHUS Archideus. Cirrospilus Archideus, Walker, Man. Chal. ii. 75. a. Bahia, Braxil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Deilochus. Cirrospilus Deilochus, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 74. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Cleonica. Cirrospilus Cleonica, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 76. a. Bahia, Brazil. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Xenocles. Cirrospilus Xenocles, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii, 90. a. Island of Chiloe, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Scadius, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 116. a. Valparaiso, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Polybaea, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 116. a. Valparaiso, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Naueles, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 32. a. Concepcion, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Norax, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 32. a. Concepcion, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Narcoeus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. T88. a. Coquimbo, Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. APPENDIX. Page 5. CHALCIS. Chalcis Visellus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. February, 1846. Chalcis Amphilochus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist., February 1846. Page 5. CHALCIS Amphissa, Walker, MSS. Nigra, pedibus luteis, coxis femoribusque nigris, his apice luteis, tibiis nigro- vittatis, alis limpidis. Black, dull, punctured: antennae black : scutellum with a rim along its hind border : abdomen smooth, shining : legs luteous ; coxae and thighs black, tips of the latter luteous ; a black stripe along each tibia : wings limpid ; squamulae yellow ; nervures piceous. Length of the body 2 lines ; expansion of the wings 5 lines. a. Nepal. From the Hardwicke bequest. Page 5. CHALCIS Xerxena, Walker, MSS. Nigra, antennis piceis basi rufis, pedibus piceo-rufis, alis limpidis. Black, dull, punctured : antennae dark piceous ; first joint dull red: hind-border of the scutellum armed with two very short teeth : abdomen smooth, shining, rather longer than the thorax : legs dull-red, slightly piceous : wings limpid ; squamulae brown ; nervures piceous. Length of the body 2 lines ; expansion of the wings 3 lines. Page 5. CHALCIS Alexion, Walker, MSS. Nigra, metafemo- ribus rufis, metatibiis piceis rufo variis, alis subfuscis. Body black, dull, punctured : antennae black : scutellum slightly furrpwed; its hind border armed with two very short 84 APPENDIX. teeth ; propodeon mgulose, slightly spined on each side : abdomen shining, finely punctured, pubescent towards the tip : legs black ; hind thighs red ; hind tibiae dark piceous, varied with red : wings slightly fuscous ; squamulae black ; nervures dark piceous. Length of the body 2J lines ; expansion of the wings 5 lines. a. Italy. From Mr. Birch's collection. CHALCIS Almon. Nigra, trochanteribus, genubus, tibiis apice tarsisqueflavis, alls limpidis. Body convex, black : head and thorax dull, punctured, pubes- cent : antennae black : scutellum with a rim along its hind bor- der : abdomen oval, smooth, shining, pubescent towards the tip, shorter and narrower than the thorax : legs black ; trochanters, knees, tips of the tibiae and tarsi yellow : wings limpid ; squamu- lae yellow; nervures fuscous. Length of the body Inline; expan- sion of the wings 2 lines. a. Isle of France. CHALCIS Amenocles, Walker, MSS. Nigra, pedibus rufis, coxis nigris, femoribus apice tibiisque albis, his rufo cinctis, alls limpidis. Black, dull, punctured : hind border of the scutellum armed with two very short teeth : abdomen smooth, shining, rather lon- ger than the thorax : legs red ; coxae black ; tips of thighs white ; tibiae white, each traversed by a broad red band : wings limpid ; squamulae white ; nervures black. Length of the body 3 lines ; expansion of the wings 4 lines. a. Sierra Leone. CHALCIS Ucalegon, Walker, MSS. Nigra, antennis pedibus- que rufis, profemoribus et mesofemoribus nigris apice albis, metafemoribus apice albis, subtus dentibus nigris armatis, alis limpidis. Body convex : head and thorax black, roughly punctured : antennae bright pale red ; first and second joints black : tip of the scutellum bituberculate : propodeon roughly excavated . abdomen wanting : legs red ; fore-thighs and middle thighs black, their tips white, as are also those of the hind-thighs, which are armed beneath with many little black teeth : wings limpid ; nervures piceous ; humerus more than twice the length of the ulna ; radius and cubitus very short ; stigma very small. Length of the body 2^ lines ; expansion of the wings 8-5- lines. a. Adelaide, Australia. Presented by the Entomological Club. Page 7. HALTICHELLA Mitys, Walker, MSS. Nigra abdo- mine apice rufo, antennis pedibusque ferrugineis, femoribus ciSyalis limpidis fusco maculatis. APPENDIX. 85 Body convex, finely punctured, slightly shining : antennae ferruginous, nearly filiform, as long as the thorax ; first joint slightly dilated at the tip : scutellum slightly furrowed, armed with two very short teeth at its tip : metapodeon slightly carinated: podeon very short : abdomen smooth, shining, as long as the thorax, red towards the tip which is somewhat attenuated : legs ferruginous ; thighs slightly fuscous : wings nearly limpid ; a large fuscous spot beneath the stigma of each fore-wing ; nervures piceous ; ulna, radius, and cubitus very short ; stigma very small. Length of the body 2 lines ; expansion of the wings 3 lines. a. Isle of France. Page 7. HALTICHELLA Amage. H, Proxenus. Page 7. Page 7. DIRHINUS A nthracia, Walker, MSS. Nigra, pedibus rufs, metapedibus nigris, alls limpidis. Body black, dull, punctured : antennae black : head clothed beneath with silvery down : tip of the scutellum dentate : abdo- men smooth, shining, much shorter than the thorax : legs red ; hind legs black : wings limpid ; squamulae and nervures piceous. Length of the body 2 lines ; expansion of the wings 2-J lines. Page 8. EURYTOMA fumipennis, Walker, Ent. Mag.iv.24. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. Page 10. EURYTOMA Iphis, Atra, yenubus tarsisque rufis, his apice piceis, alls subfuscis. Female ; Body convex, black ; head and thorax roughly punc- tured, sparingly clothed with white hairs : head broader than the thorax ; antennae clavate, much shorter than the thorax ; first joint long, slender ; second cyathiform ; third and fourth very mi- nute ; fifth and following joints to the ninth nearly cyathiform, successively shorter and broader; club long, conical, near thrice the length of the ninth joint, its joints not being more closely fitted to each other than are the preceding joints : thorax long obconical : prothorax large, subquadrate, not narrower than the mesothorax ; its breadth rather more than twice its length : scutum of the me- sothorax short, broad ; sutures of the parapsides distinct, approach- ing each other ; axillae large triangular, not decumbent ; scutel- lum nearly rhomboidal: metathorax or propodeon large, transverse, decumbent : podeon very short : abdomen elliptical, smooth, shin- ing, shorter and a little narrower than the thorax ; its length a little more than twice its height; metapodeon conical, decumbent in front, less than one fourth of the length of the abdomen ; octoon short, less than half the length of the metapodeon ; ennaton much longer than the octoon ; decaton as long as the ennaton ; protelum, I 00 APPENDIX. paratelum and telum very short; oviduct enclosed in a sheath which only just pusses the tips of the abdomen: legs slender; knees and tarsi red, tip of the latter piceous : wings slightly fuscous ; nervures piceous ; humerus much less than half the length of the wing ; ulna thick, hardly more than one third of the length of the humerus ; radius a little shorter than the ulna ; cu- hitus much shorter than the radius ; stigma very small, emitting a short branch. Page 21. EUCHARIS JEginetus, Walker, MSS. Viridis abdo- mine rufo, antennis piceis 9-ramosis, pedibus fulvis, coxis viridibuSj alisfusco nebulosis. Male; Head and thorax convex, punctured, bright green: head transverse, short ; vertex broad ; front large, abruptly decum- bent : mouth fulvous : eyes piceous, oval, of moderate size : an- tennae filiform, slender, piceous, pubescent, adorned with nine branches, rather longer than the head and thorax ; first joint ful- vous, long ; the following joints long, those towards the tip longer : thorax oval: prothorax extremely short, not visible above: scu- tum of the mesothorax broad ; sutures of the parapsides indistinct ; scutellum obconical, abruptly decumbent beyond the tip which has no spines : propodeon large, obconical, abruptly decumbent : podeon green, cylindrical, very slender, as long as the abdomen : abdomen fusiform, red, smooth, shining, fusiform, slightly com- pressed, narrower and rat'.ier shorter than the thorax ; metapodeon very large, occupying all the dorsum, and hiding the ventral seg- ments : legs very slender, fulvous, pubescent; coxae small, green; spines of the tibiae small ; first joint of the tarsi nearly as long as the other four : wings limpid ; fore-wings slightly clouded with fuscous, each having a large fuscous spot beneath the stigma ; nervures piceous ; humerus much longer than the ulna ; radius rather shorter than the ulna; cubitus extremely short; stigma small. Length of the body 2i lines ; expansion of the wings 4^ lines. Page 21. EUCHARIS Larymna, Walker, MSS. Cuprea, abdo- mine rufo, antennis nigris, pedibus rufis, coxis cupreis, alls subfuscis. Male and Female; Head and thorax transversely rugulose, convex, bright cupreous, varied with bright green : eyes black, of moderate size: mouth pale red : antennae black, filiform, pubes- cent: antennae of the male nearly as long as the body; joints long and linear : antennae of the female shorter : thorax slightly gibbous: prothorax extremely short, not visible above : scutum of the mesothorax large, transverse ; sutures of the parapsides indis- tinct, converging towards the scutellum ; axillae remote ; scutellum APPENDIX. $7 large, obeonic above, abruptly decumbent at tbe tip ; meta thorax very short : propodeon large, obconic, declining, roughly punc- tured : podeon dark purple, extremely long and slender : abdo- men elliptical, slightly compressed, smooth, shining, dull red, shorter than the podeon, much shorter and smaller than the tho- rax ; metapodeon extremely large, occupying the whole of the dor- sum and almost hiding the ventral segments: legs pubescent, red, very slender ; coxae small, cupreous, rugulose ; spines of the tibiae small, black ; first joint of the tarsi very long, equal in length to the other four joints ; claws and pulvilli small : wings very slightly fuscous ; nervures piceous ; humerus much longer than the ulna ; radius much shorter than the ulna ; cubitus extremely short. Length of the body 4 lines ; expansion of the wings 6 lines. Page 21. EUCHARIS Pyttalus, Walker, MSS. Fern. Viridis, abdominis disco cupreo, antennis piceis, pedibus flavis, alls limpidis. (Corp. long. lin. 1^ ; alar. lin. 3.) Body convex, bright-green, here and there aneous : head and thorax rugulose : head transverse, very short, tuberculate, as broad as the thorax : eyes small, round, prominent : ocelli near together on the vertex, the middle one a little in advance of the other two : mandibles fulvous, long, arcuate, armed with long sharp teeth, two on one mandible and one on the other : antennae piceous, filiform, a little shorter than the thorax ; first joint long, slender, yellow ; second cyathiform ; third and fourth extremely minute ; fifth and following joints to the twelfth successively de- creasing in length ; thirteenth joint somewhat fusiform, slender to- wards the tip, nearly twice the length of the twelfth joint : thorax elliptical : prothorax extremely short, hardly visible above, trans- versely striated : scutum of the mesothorax of moderate size, rather broader than long, very slightly furrowed along the disk; sutures of the parapsides very distinct, approaching each other ; axillae large, triangular, almost conniving, approaching much nearer to each other than in the Eurytomidae and the Torymidae ; scutellum subrhomboidal, rather large, declining behind: metatho- rax transverse, very short : propodeon large, obconical, decum- bent, having a rim on each side : podeon short, stout: abdomen conical, minutely squameous, concave above, keeled beneath, cupreous on the disk, nearly as broad as the thorax but much shorter ; metapodeon occupying all the dorsum : legs yellow, slen- der ; coxae blue, scaly ; joints of the tarsi from the first to the fourth successively decreasing in length ; fifth joint longer than the fourth : wings ample, limpid ; nervures fuscous ; humerus about one-third of the length of the wing; ulna fully as long as the humerus ; radius extending to the tip of the wing, nearly i 2 88 APPENDIX. as long as the ulna; cubitus very short, not one-sixth of the length of the radius ; stigma rather large, emitting no branch. THORACANTHA Anchurus, Walker, MSS. Nigrocyanea anten- nis nigris, basi fulvis,pedibusjlavis, alls iimpidis. Body bluish-black, gibbous, shining : head and thorax trans- versely rugulose : head not so broad as the thorax ; front smooth, shining : mouth fulvous : antennae black ; first joint fulvous : scutellum longitudinally furrowed, and armed with two striated very long and slightly bent spines : propodeon very large, rugu- lose, slightly furrowed : podeon cylindrical, very slender, as long as the propodeon : abdomen compressed, smooth, shining, shorter and narrower than the thorax; metapodeon hiding all the other segments: legs yellow, very slender; coxa? black; wings limpid; nervures pale-yellow ; humerus nearly twice the length of the . ulna ; radius none; cubitus very short; stigma extremely small. Length of the body 2 lines ; expansion of the wings 4 lines. a. Brazil. Page 22. THOROCANTHA Nasua, Walker, MSS. Viridis cupreo et cyaneo varia, antennis ferrugineis, 8-ramosis, basi fulvis, pedibus fulvis, coxis cyaneoviridibus, alls Iimpidis , proalis fusco subnebulosis. Male; Body convex, bright green, slightly varied with blue and cupreous : head transverse, short ; vertex broad, minutely punctured ; front large, almost smooth, abruptly decumbent : mouth fulvous : eyes piceous, oval, of moderate size : antennae filiform, ferruginous, pubescent, adorned with eight branches, as long as the head and thorax ; first joint fulvous, long and stout ; the following joints very short ; those towards the tip longer: tho- rax gibbous, coarsely punctured : prothorax extremely short, not visible above : scutum of the mesothorax large ; sutures of the parapsides distinct, approximating near together on the fore- border of the scutellum ; scutellum two-lobed ; the first lobe trans- verse, narrow ; the second prominent, obconical, abruptly decum- bent behind, furrowed lengthwise above, the tip divided into two long spines which are slightly curved inwards : metathorax very short : propodeon large, obconic, abruptly declining : podeon stout, nearly smooth, less than half the length of the abdomen : abdo- men 'oval, bluish-green, smooth, shining, slightly compressed, much shorter and narrower than the thorax ; metapodeon ex- tremely large, occupying all the dorsum, and hiding the ventral segments : legs very slender, fulvous, pubescent ; coxae small, bluish-green ; spines of the tibiae small ; first joint of the tarsi nearly as long as the other four ; third joint shorter than the second, but longer than the fourth ; fifth joint nearly as long as APPENDIX. 89 the second : wings limpid ; fore-wings slightly clouded with fus- cous; nervures piceous ; humerus very much longer than the ulna which is thick at the tip ; radius shorter than the ulna ; cu- bitus very short. Length of the body 2 lines ; expansion of the wings 4 lines. Page 22. PERILAMPUS Alexinus, Walker, MSS. Nigroceneus, anyustus, antennis piceis , pedibus fulvis piceo variis, alis lim- pidis. JEneous black, convex, coarsely punctured, more slender than is usual in this genus : antennae piceous : tip of the scutellum armed with two teeth : propodeon rugulose : abdomen oval, smooth, shining, thinly clothed with hairs, much shorter than the thorax ; metapodeon occupying more than half the dorsum ; octoon, enna- ton and decaton short ; protelum and following segments very short : ventral segments not hidden by those of the dorsum ; me- tapodeon large ; the following segments short and successively de- creasing in length : legs fulvous ; coxae and thighs piceous, tips of the latter fulvous ; tibiae irregularly encircled with fulvous : wings limpid ; squamulae yellow ; nervures fulvous ; humerus thrice the length of the ulna ; radius and cubitus extremely short; stigma very small. Length of the body 2^ lines ; expansion of the wings 4 lines. PERILAMPUS Lepreos, Walker, MSS. Niyro(eneus,latus,anten- nis pedibusque piceis, tarsis fulvis, alis Limpidis. yEneous black, gibbous, neatly punctured, broader than the preceding species: head almost smooth: antennae piceous: scu- tellum prominent, having a rim along its hind border whence it is abruptly decumbent : propodeon almost smooth with a longitudinal furrow: abdomen smooth, shining, broader than long, not half the length of the thorax ; metapodeon occupying the whole of the dorsum : legs piceous ; knees and tarsi fulvous : wings limpid , squamulae and nervures fulvous. Length of the body H line; expansion of the wings 3 lines. a. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. Page 30. LAMPROTATUS Babilus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. February, 1846. Body stout, gibbous, shining, bluish-green : head and thorax finely squameous : head a little broader than the thorax : anten- nae black, subclavate, not longer than the thorax ; the joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club co- nical : prothorax of moderate size : scutum transverse ; sutures of the parapsides very distinct ; scutellum prominent, with a trans- i3 90 APPENDIX. verse suture near its tip : propodeon large, obconic, declining:, not furrowed : podeon stout, moderately long : abdomen smooth, keeled beneath, thinly clothed with white hairs, shorter than the thorax ; metapodeon deeply excavated ; octoon, ennaton and de- caton rather large ; the rest very short : legs piceous ; coxae and thighs green , knees and base of tibiae fulvous : wings fuscous ; nervures piceous ; humerus more than twice the length of the ulna ; radius much longer than the ulna; cubitus nearly as long as the ulna; stigma rather large. Length of the body 1J line; expansion of the wings 2 lines. Page 30. LAMPROTATUS chrysochlorus, Haliday. JEneomridit\ antennis nigris, pedibus flavis fusco vuriis, alls limpidis. Male ; Body convex : head and thorax squameous : head a lit- tle broader than the thorax : antennae slender, filiform, rather longer than the thorax ; first joint long, slightly dilated beneath ; second nearly round ; third and fourth very minute ; fifth and following joints to the tenth long, linear, successively decreasing in length ; club linear, very long, acuminate, thrice the length of the tenth joint : thorax elliptical : prothorax transverse, short, rather small, narrow in front: scutum of the mesothorax large, having a distinct channel across the middle ; sutures of the parapsides distinct, ap- proaching each other ; axillae large, triangular, not conniving ; scutellum conical, not impressed in front, but having a transverse channel near the tip: metathorax large, obconical, decumbent: podeon stout, very short, much less than the length of one-sixth of the abdomen : abdomen fusiform, depressed, very finely squa- meous, rather shorter and narrower than the thorax ; metapodeon large, conical, smooth, covering nearly one half of the dorsum ; octoon shorter than one-fourth of the metapodeon ; ennaton more than twice the length of the octoon ; decaton as long as the oc- toon ; protelum, paratelum, and telum very short: legs slender: wings ample ; humerus less than one-half the length of the wing ; ulna about half the length of the humerus; radius very much longer than the ulna ; cubitus hardly more than half the length of the ulna ; stigma rather large, pyriform, emitting a short branch towards the radius. Female; Antenna slender, filiform, as long as the thorax; first joint long, slender; second cyathiform ; third and fourth very minute ; fifth and following joints to the tenth long, linear, successively decreasing in length ; club linear, acuminate, twice the length of the tenth joint : scutum of the mesothorax not chan- nelled: abdomen smooth, oval, acuminated, depressed above, deeply keeled beneath, shorter but hardly narrower than the thorax ; metapodeon large, conical, occupying nearly one-half of the dor- sum ; octoon, ennaton, and decaton equal in size, each rather APPENDIX. 91 shorter than one-third of the metapodeon ; protelum shorter than the metapodeon ; paratelum and telum very short : sheaths of the oviduct just appearing beyond the tip of the abdomen. Length of the body 2 lines ; expansion of the wings 4 lines. Page 48. PTEROMALUS Sunides. Viridis cupreo varius, anten- nis piceis,pedibusjlavis, alls limpidis. Male; Green, varied with cupreous, shining ; head and thorax finely squameous : head broader than the thorax : antennae slender, filiform, piceous, longer than the thorax ; first joint yellow ; the joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club fusiform, more than twice the length of the tenth joint: tho- rax fusiform : prothorax of moderate size : sutures of the parap- sides indistinct ; scutellum exhibiting no traces of the transverse suture : propodeon large, with a slight keel along the middle : podeon extremely short : abdomen fusiform, smooth, shorter than the thorax ; metapodeon large ; octoon, ennaton and decaton of moderate size ; protelum and following segments very short : legs yellow : wings limpid ; nervures fulvous ; humerus much longer than the ulna ; radius shorter than the ulna ; cubitus shorter than the radius; stigma very small. Female ; Dull-green : head as broad as the thorax : antennae subclavate, rather shorter than the thorax ; first joint piceous, ful- vous at the base ; club oval : abdomen oval, a little shorter and broader than the thorax, concave above, keeled beneath. Length of the body 1 J line ; expansion of the wings 2 lines. Page 48. PTEROMALUS Odites. Purpureus, abdomine cyaneo basi viridi, antennis piceis, pedibusjlavis, femoribus piceo vittatis, alls limpidis. Female ; Dull purple, head and thorax finely squameous ; head a little broader than the thorax : antennae subclavate, slen- der, piceous, much shorter than the thorax ; first joint fulvous : the joints from the filth to the tenth successively decreasing in length; club conical, much longer than the tenth joint : thorax fusiform: prothorax of moderate size : sutures of the parapsides very indistinct ; no traces of the suture across the scutellum : pro- podeon green, keeled lengthwise: podeon extremely short: abdo- men oval, smooth, shining, concave above, keeled beneath ; shorter and broader than the thorax ; disk chiefly blue ; metapodeon large, bright-green, varied with cupreous; octoon and following segments of moderate size: legs yellow ; a pale piceous stripe along each thigh : wings limpid ; nervures yellow; humerus much longer than the ulna ; radius shorter than the ulna ; cubitus shorter than the radius ; stigma fulvous, very small. Length of the body l line ; expansion of the wings 2 lines. 92 APPENDIX. Page 48. PTEROMALUS Nestocles. Viridis, abdomine cupreo, antennis piceis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus viridibus, alls lim- pidis. Male; Body stout, dull green: head 'and thorax finely squa- meous: head broader than the thorax : antennae filiform, slender, piceous, hardly longer than the thorax ; joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club fusiform, twice the length of the tenth joint: thorax oval : prothorax short: sutures of the parapsides indistinct, scutellum with no traces of a trans- verse suture : propodeon large, not keeled : podeon extremely short : abdomen nearly linear, depressed, smooth, shining, shorter than the thorax ; disk cupreous; metapodeon large ; octoon and following segments of moderate size : legs fulvous ; coxae and thighs green, tips of the latter fulvous : wings limpid ; nervures fulvous ; humerus much longer than the ulna ; radius shorter than the ulna ; cubitus shorter than the radius ; stigma very small. Length of the body 1J line; expansion of the wings If line. Page 48. PTEROMALUS Amyntor. Cyaneoviridis, ihora.ce ceneo, antennis fuscis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus viridibus, alis subflavis. Female; Bright-bluish-green: head and thorax finely squa- meous: head as broad as the thorax: antennae clavate, fuscous, shorter than the thorax ; first joint fulvous ; joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club conical, twice the length of the tenth joint : thorax oval, bright seneous : pro- thorax very short ; sutures of the parapsides very indistinct ; no traces of the transverse suture on the scutellum : propodeon short, keeled : podeon extremely short : abdomen fusiform, concave above, keeled beneath, longer than the thorax ; hind-border of each segment cupreous; metapodeon large ; octoon and following segments of moderate size : legs bright fulvous ; coxae and thighs green, tips of the latter fulvous ; tips of the tarsi piceous : wings slightly tinged with yellow; nervures yellow; humerus rather more than twice the length of the ulna ; radius a little longer than the ulna; cubitus shorter; stigma fuscous, very small. Length of the bodyf 1 line; expansion 1J Inline. Page 48. PTEROMALUS Cercides, Mas. et Fern. Viridis, ab- domine cupreo, antennis nigris, pedibus fulvis, femoribus viri- dibus, alls limpidis. (Corp. long. lin. 1 ; alar. lin. l.) Body nearly linear: head and thorax dark-green, finely squa- meous : head broader than the thorax : antennae black, subcla- vate, slender, as long as the thorax, first joint long, very slender; second cyathiform ; third and fourth very minute ; the following APPENDIX. 93 joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length; club fusiform, more than twice the length of the tenth joint : tho- rax oval : prothorax transverse, very short : scutum of the meso- thorax broad ; sutures of the parapsides indistinct ; scutellum ob- conic, having a slight trace of a transverse suture near the tip : propodeon obconic, declining, bluish-green : podeon very short : abdomen dark cupreous, depressed above, increasing in breadth from the base to the tip, shorter and narrower than the thorax ; metapodeon of moderate length, varied with green ; octoon and fol- lowing segments short : legs fulvous ; coxae and thighs green ; tips of the latter fulvous: wings limpid; nervures fuscous ; ulna rather more than half the length of the humerus; radius much shorter than the ulna ; cubitus nearly as long as the radius ; stig- ma very small. Female ; Abdomen oval, keeled beneath. Page. 52. EPISTENIA Feretrius, Walker, MSS. Nigra, anten- nis basi rufis, pedibus rufis, coxis femoribusque niyro cyaneis, tarsis fulvis, alis limpidis. Body convex, black, with a very slight metallic tinge, dull, punctured, pubescent : head transverse, short, a little broader than the thorax ; vertex broad ; front abruptly declining, excavated : eyes of moderate size : ocelli 3, disposed in a triangle on the ver- tex : antennae black, subclavate, mutilated ; first joint long, slen- der, red towards the base : thorax oval : prothorax transverse, very short : scutum of the mesothorax large; sutures of the parapsides indistinct ; scutellum large, obconical : metathorax and propodeon very short, almost hidden by the scutellum : podeon extremely short : abdomen subulate, finely punctured, slightly shining, nar- rower than the thorax, and nearly twice its length ; hind-borders of the segments almost smooth ; octoon, ennaton and decaton short ; protelum much longer ; paratelum and telum dart-shaped ; oviduct projecting a little beyond the tip of the latter : legs slender, pubes- cent ; coxae and thighs bluish-black ; trochanters, knees, and tibiae dull-red ; tarsi fulvous : wings limpid ; nervures piceous ; hume- rus nearly twice the length of the ulna; radius rather shorter than the ulna ; cubitus not half the length of the radius ; stigma very small. Length of the body 4^ lines ; expansion of the wings 5 lines. EPISTENIA Ania, Walker, MSS. Purpurea, antennis nigris basi rufisj coxis, r/wtafemorumque vittis purpureis, alis subfuscis. Female ; Body convex, dull, punctured , purple, pubescent, head transverse, short, blue, as broad as the thorax ; vertex broad ; front green, excavated, abruptly declining : antennas black, fili- 94 APPENDIX. form, shorter than the thorax ; first joint bluish-green, long, slen- der, red towards the hase : thorax elliptical : prothorax transverse, very short : scutum of the mesothorax large ; sutures of the parap- sides indistinct; scutellum large, obconical : metathorax and pro- podeon transverse, short : abdomen cylindrical, very long and slen- der, about twice the length of the thorax : legs red ; coxa? purple ; a purple stripe along each hind-thigh : wings with a slight fuscous tinge; nervures piceous ; humerus much longer than the ulna; radius shorter than the ulna; cubitus short ; stigma very small. Length of the body 9 lines ; expansion of the wings 6 lines. Page 52. CALOSOTER Anemetus, Walker, MSS. Purpureus cyaneo et viridi varius, antennis nigris, pedibus rufis, alis limpidis. Body convex, long, very slender, purple, tinged with blue and green ; head and thorax punctured : head transverse, short, not broader than the thorax ; vertex rather narrow ; front abruptly de- clining, excavated , eyes of moderate size, prominent : ocelli form- ing a small triangle on the vertex: antennae black, mutilated: thorax elliptical : prothorax very narrow, almost smooth, attenu- ated in front, much lower than the mesothorax : scutum of the mesothorax large; sutures of the parapsides very indistinct ; scu- tellum obconical, of moderate size : metathorax and propodeori very short, transverse, declining: abdomen dart-shaped, shining, very finely squameous, keeled beneath, much longer and narrower than the thorax, slightly compressed ; segments rather long oviduct red, not passing the tip of the abdomen : legs red, slender, slightly pubescent : wings limpid ; nervures piceous ; humerus rather more than twice the length of the ulna ; radius shorter than the ulna ; cubitus curved towards the radius, but less than half its length ; stigma extremely small. Length of the body 5 lines ; expansion of the wings 6 lines. EUPELMUS lopas, Walker, MSS. Fern. Purpureus, capite viridi, abdomine cyaneo et aeneo vario, antennis nigris basi fulvis, omductu abdomine breviore, pedibus fulvis, alis lim- pidis. (Corp. long. lin. 2 ; alar. lin. 2^.) Head dark-green, transverse, pubescent, bluish in front, as broad as the thorax : antennae slender, subclavate, black, a little longer than the thorax; first joint long, slender, dull fulvous; second long-cyathiform ; third and fourth very minute; fifth and following joints to the tenth long, successively shorter and broader; club fusiform, compressed diagonally at the tip, twice the length of the tenth joint: thorax elliptical, purple, brighter beneath, in structure like that of E. urocerus : podeon very short : abdomen fusiform, purple varied with blue and aeneous, longer and a little narrower than the thorax, in structure like that of E. urocerus : APPENDIX. 95 oviduct exerted ; its sheaths fulvous, a little shorter than the abdo- men, black along one-third of their length from the base ; legs ful- vous ; tarsi pale yellow: middle-legs long and dilated as usual ; wings rather small, limpid from the base till near the middle, thence fuscous till near the tips ; nervures piceotis ; humerus much less than half the length of the wing ; ulna as long as the hume- rus ; radius not more than one-fourth of the length of the ulna ; cubitus as long as the radius ; stigma very small, emitting a short branch. ENCYRTUS Polylaus, Fern. Viridis, abdomine cupreo, antennis fuscis, metapedibus fuscis aut piceis, alls limpidis. (Corp. long. lin. f ; alar. lin. l.) Body rather long ; head and thorax convex, bright-green, finely squameous ; head transverse, as broad as the thorax ; vertex rather broad ; front not impressed ; eyes of moderate size, not pro- minent ; ocelli disposed in a triangle on the vertex ; antennae slen- der, fuscous,subclavate, rather longer than the thorax ; first joint long, slender, yellow ; second piceous, cyathiform ; third and fol- lowing joints to the club successively increasing in breadth ; club fusiform ; thorax elliptical ; prothorax transverse, short, rounded in front, straight behind ; scutum of the mesothorax large, trans- verse; parapsides united to the scutum ; axillae large, complete ; scutellum large, obconic ; metathorax, propodeon, and podeon very short, declining; abdomen cupreous, obconic, depressed, smooth, shining, narrower and much shorter than the thorax ; metapodeon bright-green, of moderate size; octoon and following segments short; legs fulvous, stout; middle-thighs and middle-tibiae di- lated, and the former armed with long spines ; hind thighs and hind tibiae slightly fuscous ; wings limpid ; nervures fulvous ; hu- merus much less than half the length of the wing ; nlna and radius extremely short; cubitus longer than the radius; stigma very small. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS, Nasidius, Walker, MSS. Fern. Ater, abdomine eeneo, antennis fuscis aut piceis, pedibus fulvis aut piceis, alis limpidis. (Corp. long, lin ^ ; alar. lin. f.) Body stout, pubescent : head and thorax slightly convex, deep- black, dull, squameous ; head transverse, very short, not narrower than the thorax ; vertex broad; front impressed, abruptly declining; eyes of moderate size, not prominent; ocelli near together in a tri- angle on the vertex ; antennae clavate, fuscous, as long as the tho- rax ; first joint piceous, long, slender ; second piceous, long-cya- thiform ; third and following joints to the eighth successively in- creasing in breadth ; club fusiform, broader than the eighth joint 96 APPENDIX. and more than twice its length ; thorax short, nearly oval ; pro- thorax very short ; scutum of the mesothorax broad ; parapsides united to the scutum ; axillae complete ; scutellum large, obconic ; propodeon short ; podeon extremely short ; abdomen obconic, de- pressed, aeneous, smooth, shining, a little shorter and broader than the thorax ; metapodeon and following segments short ; legs ful- vous; protibiae and protarsi dilated, and the former armed with long spines ; coxae black ; thighs and tibiae piceous, tips of the latter fulvous; wings limpid, rather large ; nervures fulvous; hu- inerus much less than half the length of the wing; ulna and radius broad, very short; cubitus of moderate length ; stigma very small. Var. B. Antennae piceous ; abdomen aeneous-black ; tibiae altogether piceous ; tarsi fuscous. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Proculus, Walker, MSS. Fern. Viridis, abdomine antennis pedibusque nigris, genubus tarsisqueflavis, alis lim- pidis. (Corp. long. lin. i f ; alar. lin. J 1.) Body thick ; head and thorax convex, squameous, bright-green ; head a little broader than the thorax; vertex broad; front not impressed, abruptly declining ; eyes of moderate size, not promi- nent ; ocelli disposed in a triangle on the vertex : antennae clavate, black, inserted near the mouth, nearly as long as the body ; first joint slender, very long ; second lorig-cyathiform ; the following joints from the third to the eighth successively shorter and broader; club fusiform, broader than the eighth joint and thrice its length ; thorax short, oval; prothorax very short; scutum of the mesotho- rax very large, narrower in front; parapsides united to the scutum ; axillae complete ; scutellum somewhat obconic ; propodeon short, declining; podeon extremely short ; abdomen oval, depressed, shining, finely squameous, aeneous black, narrower than the tho- rax and hardly more than half its length ; metapodeon, octoon, ennaton and decaton of moderate size ; the other segments very short ; oviduct exerted, as long as one-fourth of the abdomen ; legs black, stout ; mesotibiae and mesotarsi dilated, and the former armed with long spines ; coxae green ; knees yellow ; tarsi yellow, their tips piceous ; wings limpid ; nervures piceous ; humerus much less than half the length of the wing ; ulna and radius broad, extremely short ; cubitus of moderate length, pointing to- wards the disk of the wing ; stigma very small. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ENCYRTUS Fundulus, Walker, MSS. Mas. Cupreus scuto viridi, abdomine nigro^ antennis fuscis basi piceis, pedibus fusco-flavis, nigro cinctis, alis limpidis. (Corp. long. lin. ; alar. lin. 1.) Body linear, rather narrow ; head and thorax convex, finely APPENDIX. 97 squameous : head transverse, aeneous, broader than the thorax vertex broad ; front abruptly declining, not impressed : eyes of moderate size, not prominent : ocelli forming a triangle on the vertex : antennae subclavate, slender, fuscous, longer than the thorax : first joint long, stout, piceous ; second piceous, long- cyathiform ; the following joints from the third to the eighth successively increasing in length ; club fusiform, broader than the eighth joint, and more than twice its length : thorax oblong- subquadrate, dark cupreous: prothorax transverse, very short: scutum of the mesothorax broad, bright green : parapsides united to the scutum ; axillae complete ; scutellum obconic : pro- podeon subquadrate, declining, rather large : podeon extremely short : abdomen linear, depressed, black, minutely squameous, rather shorter and narrower than the thorax ; metapodeon of mo- derate length ; octoon and following segments short : legs black ; mesotibia3 and mesotarsi slightly dilated, and the former armed with long spines ; tips of the tibiae yellow ; trochanters, protibiae, protarsi, and metatarsi fuscous ; knees and mesotarsi yellow, tips of the latter fuscous : wings limpid, rather narrow ; nervures fus- cous ; humerus much less than half the length of the wing ; ulna and radius broad, very short ; cubitus of moderate length, pointing towards the disk of the wing ; stigma very small, a. Scotland. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. Page 61. ELASMUS Anius. Fern. Niger , capite viridi, anten- nis piceis,pedibus fuscis,femoribus nigris, protibiis fulvis, alis subfuscis. (Corp. long. lin. J ; alar. lin. 1^.) Body black: head and thorax convex, dull, roughly punc- tured : head green, very short, nearly as broad as the thorax : eyes of moderate size, not prominent: antennae piceous, subclavate, as long as the thorax ; first joint long, slender ; second long-cyathi- form ; third and fourth very minute ; fifth, sixth, and seventh linear, nearly equal in size ; club fusiform, twice the length of the seventh joint : thorax oval : puthorax transverse, very short : scu- tum of the mesothorax broad ; sutures of the parapsides indistinct ; scutellum obconic: metathorax transverse, very short: podeon very short : abdomen lanceolate, smooth, shining, compressed, con- cave above, keeled beneath, narrower and much longer than the thorax ; metapodeon of moderate length ; octoon and following segments short: legs fuscous, long, slender; coxae and thighs black; mesotibiae fulvous: wings slightly fuscous, narrow; ner- vures fuscous; ulna nearly twice the length of the humerus; ra- dius short ; cubitus not more than half the length of the radius ; stigma very small. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 98 APPENDIX. Page 69. ELACHESTUS Idomene, Walker, MSS. Eulophus Arta3us, Walker, Mon. Chal. ii. 41. JEneoviridis, abdomine basi flavo maculato , antennis nigris, pedibus fulvis, alls lim- pidis. Female ; Body depressed : head and thorax finely squameous, aeneous green : antennae black, filiform, more than half the length of the hody ; first joint fulvous, long, slender : prothorax well- developed, narrower in front : sutures of the parapsides indistinct ; axillae large : metathorax furrowed : abdomen elliptical, aeneous, smooth, much shorter than the thorax, with a large pale yellow spot near its base: legs pale fulvous: wings limpid; nervures piceous ; humerus much longer than the ulna ; radius much shorter than the ulna; cubitus shorter than the radius; stigma very small. LIST OF GENERA. Agamerion, 7. Agaon, 23. Agonioneurus, 60. Amblymerus, 37, An cure, 61. Aphelinus, 60. Aprostocetus, 78. Asapkes, 23. Bellerus, 72. Brachymeria, 5. Callimome, 15, Calliptiles, 6L Calosoter, 52, 92. Calypso, 24. Caratomus, 23. Cerchysius, 54. Cercobelus, 54. Cerocephala, 23. Chalcis, 4, 83. Cheiloneurus, 54. Cheiropachus, 50. Choreus, 59. Chrysolampus, 13, 29., Cinipsyllum, 22. Cirrospilus, 72. Cleonymus, 52. Cleptes, 42. Closterocerus, 62. Coccophagus, 60. Coryna, 29. Corynocere, 24. Cratomus, 23. Cyrtogaster, 26. Cyrtosoma, 20. Decatoma, 12. Derostenus, 62. Dicladocerus, 72. Dicyclus, 27. Diomorus, 15. Dirhinus,7, 85. Elachestus, 68, 96. Elasmus, 61, 96. Encyrtus, 54, 93. Entedon, 61. Epistenia, 52, 91. Epitranus, 4. Ericydnus, 53. Eucharis, 21, 85. Euderus, 67. Eulophus, 69. Eupelmus, 52, 93. Euplectrus, 67- Eurytoma, 8, 85. Eutelus, 36. Gastrancistrus, 24. Glyphe, 25. Haltichella, 6, 84. Hemiptarsenus, 71. Hetroxys, 50. Hockeria, 6. 100 LIST OF GENERA, Horismenus, 66. Idarnes, 23. Isocyrtus, 34. Isosoma, 11. Lamprotatus, 29, 89. Lelaps, 52. Leucospis, 1. Loesthia, 23. Lophocomus, 67. Macroglenes, 24. Macroneura, 51. Marres, 2. Megastigmus, 14. Megorismus, 29. Meraporus, 35. Merismus, 28. Merostenus, 51. Mesopolobus, 36. Metapelma, 53. Micradelus, 26. Micromelus, 35. Miscogaster, 7, 25. Monodontomerus, 14. Myina, 60. Norbanus, 35. Notaspis, 7. Omphale, 65. Ophelimus, 67. Ormocerus, 26. Ormyrus, 20. Pachylarthrus, 26. Pachyneuron, 35. Palmon, 14. Panstenon, 29. Paphagus, 29. Periglyphus, 20* Perilampus, 22, 88. Phacostoraus, 26. Phagonia, 26. Phasgonophora, 6. Pirene, 24. Platyterma, 36. Priomerus, 14. Prosodes, 28. Prosopon, 51. Psilocera, 36. Pteromalus, 36, 89. Pteroptrix, 6L Schizaspidia, 22. Seladerma, 33. Semiotus, 34. Siphon ura, 20. Smaragdites, 65. Smiera, 2. Spalangia, 23. Sphegigaster, 28. Sphenolepis, 59. Stenomesius, 68. Stenophrus, 24. Syntomopus, 28. Systasis, 34. Systole, 11. Tetrastichus, 73. Theocolax, 23. Thoracantha, 22, 87. Torymus, 14. Toxeuma, 28. Trichogramma, 61. Trigonoderus, 51. Uvolepis, 26. E. NEWMAN, PRINTER, DEVONSHIRE STREET, BISHOPSGATE. LIST SPECIMENS HYMENOPTEROUS INSECTS THE COLLECTION BRITISH MUSEUM. PART II. CHALCIDITES. ADDITIONAL SPECIES. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. LONDON, 1848. LONDON : PRINTED BY EDWARD NEWMAN, 9, DEVONSHIRE ST. BISHOPSGATE. INTRODUCTION. THE principal object of the present Catalogue has been to give a complete list of the specimens of Hymenopterous Insects contained in the collection of the British Museum, indicating at the same time the peculiarities of each, as regards variations in colour, locality, and the source from whence it has been derived. With this view, the different individuals of each species contained in the collection are indicated by the letters , b, c, c., following the name of the species, and its synonymes. In the adoption of generic and specific names, it has been thought right to use, wherever it was possible, that which was first applied to the species. As far as regards the specific names, there is com- paratively little difficulty in the application of this simple rule ; but generic names have been used by different authors in senses so widely different, and the groups which they were meant to designate have been so variously extended or restricted, that it is no easy matter to determine, where several names have been used, which of them ought to be preferred. IV INTRODUCTION. If the generic name adopted be different from that first employed for the species after the establishment of the Linnean system of no- menclature, the name under which it was first described follows as a synonyme, and where the Insect has received more than one spe- cific name, those names are also given, as being sufficient for all purposes of identification. These are followed by a reference to a few of the best original figures of the species. In those cases where the two sexes of the same species, or any particular individual state or variety belonging to it, have been differently named, the name or figure exclusively appertaining to the state or individual is placed after the indication of the specimen to which it applies. This part, containing the Chalciditous Insects of this order which have been procured chiefly from Mr. F. Walker since the former part was published, has been kindly prepared by that gentleman, who has devoted his attention to these Insects, and has been the original describer of the greater number of the species. The Ap- pendix of this part, also written by Mr. Walker, contains the de- scriptions of the hitherto undescribed species contained in the col- lection. The part containing the other families will follow as soon as they are prepared. JOHN EDWARD GEAY. British Museum, April 20th, 1848. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. SUPPLEMENT. Order. CHALCIDITES, Family. LEUCOSPID.E. LEUCOSPIS, Fair. LEUCOSPIS Cayennensis? Westwood, Germar. Zeit. Ent, t. 4,/. 4. a. Isle St. Thomas. From Mr. Walker's collection. Fam. CHALCID^:. SMIERA, Spinola. SMIERA nigrifex, Walker, Cat. Chalc. B. M.p. 2. /. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. m. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. CHALCIS, Fabr. CHALCIS intermedia, Cat. Chalc. B. M.p. 4. Nees. Hym. Ich. ajf. Mon. ii. 29, 8. a. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. Fam. EURYTOMID^E. EURYTOMA, III. EITRYTOMA atra. Isosoma atrum, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 14. #. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. L 100 SUPPLEMENT TO EURYTOMA Cestius, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EURYTOMA Mucianus, Walker, MSS, See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ISOSOMA, Walker. ISOSOMA tenuicorne, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 19. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ISOSOMA pusillum, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 20. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ISOSOMA breviventre, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 20. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ISOSOMA vacillans, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 23. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ISOSOMA Nepe, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 21. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. DECATOMA, Spin. DECATOMA plana, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 27. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. DECATOMA tenuieornis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 28. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. DECATOMA mesomelas, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 24. a. England- From Mr. Walker's collection. DECATOMA flavicornis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 25. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. DECATOMA Nicaeae, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 22. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. Fam. TORYMUXS;. MEGASTIGMUS, Spin. MEGASTIGMUS dorsalis, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 14 Torymus stigma, Nees. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 65, 15. T. giganteus, var. ? Kollar. c. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. d. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 101 MONODONTOMERUS, WeStW. MONODONTOMERUS stigma. Torymus ater, Nees. Hym. Ich. (iff. Mon. ii. 69,21. a. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. MONODONTOMERUS cupreus. Torymus cupreus, Nees. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 67, 18. Monodontomerus aereus, De Laporte, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 158. a. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. MONODONTOMERUS obsoletus. Torymus obsoletus, Nees. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 68, 19. PDipl. obsoleta, Fabr. Syst. Piezat. 150, 10. Spin. Ins. Lig. Fasc. iii. 159, 8. Fasc. iv. 213. Ann. Mus. vii. 148. Cynips obsoleta, Latr. Gen. Cr. et Ins. iv. 28. Ich. obsoletus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 218, 230 ? Coqueb. III. con. i. 21. Tab. 5, /. 2. Ich. rodophthalmus, Rossi, Mant. i. 125, 276. a. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME, Spin. CALUMOME cynipedis, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 15. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME cingulatus, Cat. Chalc.B.M.p. 15. c. Prussia. Presented hy E. Doubleday, Esq. d. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME regalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 119. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME Bedeguaris, Cat. Chalc.B.M.p. 16. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME elegans, Cat. Chalc.B.M.p. 16. Torymus auronitens, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xxx. 14. d. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME nigricomis, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 17. c. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. d. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME mutabilis, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 17. Torymus compres- sus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xxxii. 6. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia, From Mr. Walker's collection. L2 102 SUPPLEMENT TO CALLIMOME regius, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 19. C. inconstans, De Lap., Sfc. Torymus regius, Nees. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 55, 1. De Geer, Ins.ii. T. incertus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. 1. xxxi. 25, 187. t. 31, /. 21. T. pubescens, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. 1. xxx. 15. a. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME Easaces, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 181. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME formosus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 122. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME macropterus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 124. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME nitens, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 126. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME brevicauda, Walker, Ent. Mag.'i. 126. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME microcerus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 128. a. France. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME micropterus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 130. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME viridiaeneus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 131 a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME moestus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 133. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME stramineitarsus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 135. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME ater, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 138. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME fuscipennis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 137. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME nigritarsus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 134. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME Angelicas, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 25. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME ^Erope, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 182, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME meridionalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 131 a. France. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 103 CALLIMOME arvernicus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 134. a. France. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME Euphorbiae, DeLaporte, Ent. Mag. i. 131. a. France. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME eurynotus. Torymus eurynotus, Foerster, MSS. Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. a. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME chrysis. Torymus chrysis, Nees. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 67, 17. a. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME Nepthys, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1848. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CALLIMOME Solinus, Walker. See Appendix. a, England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ORMYRUS, Westw. ORMYRUS punctiger, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 20. Siphoneura vario- losa, Nees. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 82, 1. d. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. e. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. ORMYRUS cseruleus. Siphonura casrulea, Foerster, MSS. Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1848. a. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. ORMYRUS nigrocyaneus, Walker. Ent. Mag. i. 140. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. Fam. EUCHARID^E. EUCHARIS, Latr. EUCHARIS adscendens, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 21. c. Germany. From Mr. Walker's collection. PERI LAMP us, Latr. PERILAMPUS micans, Dalm, Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1822. a. Germany. From Mr. Walker's collection. L3 104 SUPPLEMENT TO Fain. ELATUS, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. ELATUS Thenae, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. Fam. SPALANGIID^E. SPALANGIA, Latr. SPALANGIA nigra, Cat. Chalc. B.M.p.23. S. nigripes. S. ni- groaenea, Curtis, Brit. Ent. 140. e. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. SPALANGIA hirta, Holiday, Ent. Mag. i. 334. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CEROCEPHALA, Weslw. CEROCEPHALA cornigera. C. cornigera, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 149, a. Germany. From Mr. Walker's collection. Fam. PTEROMALID^. ASAPHES, Walker, ASAPHES senea. Chrysolampus suspensus, Nees. Hyrn. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 127. C. altiventris, Nees. Hym. frc. ii. 127. Poda- grion splendens? Spin. Ann. Mus. vii. 147, 2. Pteromalus petiolatus ? Zett. Ins. Lapp. xiv. 332. Colax Aphidii, Curtis, 'Journ. Roy. Agric. Soc. iii. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRAMESA, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. TETRAMESA Larbas, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. GASTRANCISTRUS, Westw. GASTRANCISTRUS viridis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 173. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. GASTRANCISTRUS tenebricosus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 174. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. GASTRANCISTRUS obscurellus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 17 a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 105 GASTRANCISTRUS Acontes, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 32. a. Scotland. From Mr. Walker's collection. GASTRANCISTRUS longicornis, Holiday, MSS. See Appendix. a. Ireland. Erorn Mr. Walker's collection. GASTRANCISTRUS Dryas, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 209. a. South of France. From Mr. Walker's collection. GASTRANCISTRUS Panares, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 339. a. Alten, Finmavk. From Mr. Walker's collection. GASTRANCISTRUS Amaboeus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. GASTRANCISTRUS Accia. Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. GASTRANCISTRUS Hamillus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. GASTRANCISTRUS Geganius, Walker, MSS. See Appendix, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. GASTRANCISTRUS Fidenas, Walker. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. GASTRANCISTRUS Alectus, Walker. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. GASTRANCISTRUS Hierocles, Walker. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. GASTRANCISTRUS Iriarte, Walker. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. GASTRANCISTRUS Amnisos, Walker. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. GASTRANCISTRUS Pacilus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. GASTRANCISTRUS Lcelianus, Cat. Ckalc. B. M. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PSILONOTUS, Walker. PSILONOTUS Adamas, Walker, Ent.Mag.n. 179. The JEntomolo- gist, pi. B. fig. 2. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PSILONOTUS Hortensia, Holiday, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1846. a. Ireland. From Mr. Walker's collection. PSILONOTUS Achaeus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. 106 SUPPLEMENT TO ACRIAS, Walker. ACRIAS Nileus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1848, 29. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. RHAPHITELUS, Walker. RHAPHITELUS maculatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 179. The En- tomologist, pi. K,fiy. 2. Pteromalus subulifer, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xxviii. 264. Stylocerus subulifer, Erichson, Be- richt. 1847. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. MACEOMESUS, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. MACROMESUS Amphiretus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. MEROMALUS, Walker. MEROMALUS flavicornis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 178. Ormocerus Drymo, Mon. Choi. i. 205. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. MACROGLENES, Westw. MACKOGLENES penetrans, Cat. Chal. B. M.p. 24. Trans. Ent. Soc. iii. 295. Curtis, Journ. Roy. Agric. Soc. v. c. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. d. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. Pi RENE, Holiday. PIRENE Scylax, Walker, MSS. See Appendix, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PIRENE varicornis. Hal. Trans. Ent. Soc. iii. 296. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PIRENE chalybea, Hal. Trans. Ent. Soc. iii. 296. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PIRENE eximia, Hal. Trans. Ent. Soc. iii. 296. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ORMOCERUS, Walker. ORMOCERUS Sabbas, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 107 ORMOCERUS Aletes, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ORMOCERUS Borges, Walker, Man. Chal. i. 208. a. Ireland. From Mr. Walker's collection. ORMOCERUS Bambyce, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 208. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ORMOCERUS Vibulenus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 205. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ORMOCERUS Mandrocles, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 206. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ORMOCERUS Pisuthrus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 207. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. UROLEPIS, Walker. UROLEPIS maritima, Cat. Chalc. B. M.p. 26. Pteromalus salinus ? Von Heyden. Ent. Zeit. 1847. b. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CYRTOG ASTER, Walker. CYRTOGASTER vulgaris, Cat. Chalc. B. M.p. 26. Dicormus aquis- granensis, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xxxvi. c. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. d. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. CYRTOG ASTER Scotica, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 382. a. Scotland. From Mr. Walker's collection. CYRTOGASTER thoracica, Walker, Ent. Mag. i.383. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CYRTOGASTER pusilla, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 383. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CYRTOGASTER clavicornis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 383. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CYRTOGASTER obscura, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 383. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CYRTOGASTER tennis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 383. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CYRTOGASTER cingulipes, Walker , Ent. Mag. i. 384. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CYRTOGASTER Pcesos, Walker, MSS. See Appendix, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. 108 SUPPLEMENT TO TITYROS, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. TITYBOS Poreia, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PACHYLARTHEUS, Westw. PACHYLARTHRUS flavicornis. Phacostomus patellanus, Nees. Hym. Ich.aff. Mon.ii. 121. a. From Mr. Walker's collection. PACHYLARTHRUS patellanus. Phacostomus similis, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xxxii. 2. Pteromalus palpigerus, Zetterstedt, Ins. Lapp. 3. a. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PACHYLARTHRUS Elyces, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 195. a. France. From Mr. Walker's collection. DICYCLUS, Walker. DICYCLUS brevicornis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 456. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TOXEUMA, Walker. TOXEUMA Ericae, Cat. Chalc. B. M.p. 28. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. SPHEGIGASTER, Spinola. SPHEGIGASTER flavicornis, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 28. Chrysolampus coronatus, Foerster Mon. Pterom. i. 35, 5. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. SPHEGIGASTER clavicornis. Merismus clavicornis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 377. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. SPHEGIGASTER rufipes. Merismus rufipes, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 378. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. SPHEGIGASTER Agriope, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. SPHEGIGASTER Lasthenes, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 109 SYNTOMOPUS, Walker. SYNTOMOPUS thoracicus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 372. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. SYNTOMOPUS Dirce, Walker. Miscogaster Dirce, Mon. Chal. i. 195. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. MEGORISMUS, Walker. MEGORISMUS Aon, Walker -, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1848. a. From Mr. Walker's collection. MEGORISMUS Nicaeae Miscogaster Nicaeae, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 197. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CORYNA, Walker. CORYNA clavata, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 29. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. DIPARA, Walker. DIPARA petiolata, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 373. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. MERISUS, Walker. MERISUS splendidus. Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 167. a. France. From Mr. Walker's collection. MIC ROME LUS, Walker. MICROMELUS pyrrhogaster. Pteromalus mntilus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xxvii. 254. a. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. MERAPORUS, Walker. MERAPORUS grarninicola, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 35. Curtis, Journ. Roy. Agric. Soc. vii. 97. pi. P,fig. 19. 6. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS, Walker. LAMPROTATUS macnlipes. Miscogaster maculipes, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 460. Mon. Chal. \. 282. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. 110 SUPPLEMENT TO LAMPKOTATUS aeneus. Miscogaster aeneus, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 461. Mon. Chal. i. 285. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS nitidipes. Miscogaster nitidipes, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 462. Mon. Chal. i. 286. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS ovatus. Miscogaster ovata, Walker. Ent. Mag. i. 462. Mon. Chal. i. 287. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS convexus. Miscogaster convexa, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 463. Mon. Chal. i. 288. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS apicalis. Miscogaster apicalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 463. Mon. Chal. i. 288. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS tristis. Miscogaster tristis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 463. Mon. Chal. i. 288. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS costalis. Miscogaster costalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 463. Mon. Chal. \. 290. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS cyaneus. Miscogaster cyanea, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 463. Mon. ChaL i. 290. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS contiguus. Miscogaster contigua, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 464. Mon. Chal. i. 291. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Rubrius, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1846, 111. a. Scotland, From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Helenor, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1846, 111. a. Scotland. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Venilia, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1846, 113. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Phlegias, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 332. a. Alten, Finmark. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Mazaeus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 333. a. Alten, Finmark. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Brises, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 333. a. Alten, Finmark. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. Ill LAMPROTATUS Cleta, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 334. a. Alien, Finmark. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Sccea, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 335. a. Alten, Finmark. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Leucon, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 335. a. Alten, Finmark. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Lesches, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 336. a. Alten, Finmark. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Icelos, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 337. a. Alten, Finmark. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Mallius, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Zipoetes, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS GEbares, Walker, MSS. See Appendix, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Phylander, Walker, MSS. See Appendix, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Acarnas, Walker, MSS. See Appendix, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Acilius, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Amulius, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Labaris, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Bolgius, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Methymna, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Pycnos, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LAMPROTATUS Coretas, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. SELADERMA, Walker. SELADERMA breve, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 296. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. M 112 SUPPLEMENT TO SELADERMA Capreae. Cynips Capreae, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 919, 14. Faun. Suec. 1531. Vill. Ent. Linn. iii. 74, 14. Fabr. Syst. Ent. ii. Ent. Syst. ii. 102, 13. Syst. Piez. 146, 15. Ptero- malus Salicis, Nees. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 105, 20. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. SELADERMA Saurus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 338. a. Alten, Finmark. From Mr. Walker's collection. SEMIOTUS, Walker. SEMIOTUS Tauriscus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. METASTENUS, Walker. METASTENUS concinnus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 302. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PACHY NEURON, Walker. PACHYNEURON Pruni, Foerster, MSS. Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1848. a. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PACHYNEURON concolor, Pteromalus concolor ? Foerster y Mon. Pterom. i. xxvi. 236. a. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. MERAPORUS, Walker. MERAPORUS exiguus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 301. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EUNOTUS, Walker. EUNOTUS cretaceus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 298. The Entomologist, pi. A, fig. 4. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. SPANIOPUS, Walker. SPANIOPUS dissimilis, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 466. Mon. Chal. i. 292. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 113 PSILOCERA, Walker. PSILOCERA obscura, Walker, Ent. Mag. i. 374. Metopon atrum, Fern. Ent. Mag. ii. 303. The Entomologist, pi. B, fig. 3. Merismus obscurus ? Blanchard, Goureau, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr* 2me. Serie, iv. 478, pi. II, f. 3. . England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEBOMALUS, Swederus. PTEROMALUS fasciiventris, Cat. Chalc. B. M.p. 36. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PTEROMALUS tibialis, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 36. P. sodalis, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xi. 24. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS dilectus, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 37. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS catillus, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 40. P. multicarinatus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. \. xv. 83. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS bracteatus, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 40. P. chalcolampus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xvi. 103. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEEOMALUS herbidus, CaL Chale. B. M. p. 40. P. dilectus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xxiv. 205. b. Prussia, From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS affinis, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 41 . P. statutus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xviii. 126. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEEOMALUS fumipennis, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 41. P. nubeculosus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. L xxviii. 260. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS microcerus, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 42. P. reconditus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xi. 25. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS subniger, Cat. Chal. B. M. p. 42. P. subniger, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xx. 150. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. M 2 114 SUPPLEMENT TO PTEROMALUS muscarum, Cat. Chalc. p. 42. P. psittacinus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xv. 86. P. larvarum, Nees. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 95, 3. P. Thessalus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 268. Diplolepis larvarum, Spin. Ins. Lig. Fasc. iii. 162, 16. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS puparum, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p, 43. d. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. e. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS mesochlorus, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 43. P. acuminatus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xiv. 70. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS micans, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 43. P. varians, Nees. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 101, 15. c. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PTEROMALUS divisus, Cat. Chalc. B.M.p. 44. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS hilaris, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 45. P. quaesitus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xi. 30. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Mutia, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 46. P. vorax, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xiv. 74. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Lucilla, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 47. P. foveolatus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xiii. 48. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS terminalis. Platyterma terminale, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 306. a. England. From Mr, Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS remotus. Platyterma remotum, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 342. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS laticornis. Platyterma laticorne, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 304. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS fulvipennis. Amblymerus fulvipennis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 344. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES 115 PTEROMALUS humilis. Amblymerus humilis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 346. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS nitescens. Amblymerus nitescens, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 347. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS hebes. Amblymerus hebes, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 348. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS tenellus. Amblymerus tenellus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 348. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS fulvipes. Amblymerus fulvipes, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 348. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS nanus. Amblymerus nanus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 349. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS iners. Amblymerus iners, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 50. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection, PTEROMALUS trossulus. Amblymerus trossulus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 350. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS tenebricus. Amblymerus tenebricus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 351. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS mirus. Amblymerus mirus, Walker, Ent. Mag ii. 350. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS pygmaeus. Eutelus pygraaeus, Walker, Ent. Mag. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS ocellus. Eutelus ocellus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 359. a. Scotland. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS catenatus. Eutelus catenatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 362. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS helvipes. Eutelus helvipes, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 365. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. M 3 116 SUPPLEMENT TO PTEROMALUS politus. Eutelus politus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 369. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS vagans. Eutelus vagans, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 369. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS perversus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 479. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS extentus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 480. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS megachlorus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 486. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS aurifer, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 487. a. England. From. Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS apertus, Walker, Ent. May. ii. 489. P. chalcophanes, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xxv. 220. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS cuprinus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 489. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS curtus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS pinguis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 490. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS despectus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 491. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS purpureus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 493. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS anticus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 494. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS rufiuus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 495. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS saturatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 495. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS futilis, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 496. P. operosus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xi. 28. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS ovatus, Nees. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 103, 18. a. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 1 17 PTEROMALUS praetermissus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xvii. 107. a. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS inclytus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xix. 145. a. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTERQMALUS tibialis, Foerster, MSS. a. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PTEROMALUS laticeps, Foerster, MSS. a. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS distinguendus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xv. 84. a. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS sulphuripes, Foerster, MSS. a. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS sparsus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. x. 18. a. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS communis? Nees. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 103, 17. a. Prussia. Presented by E. Donbleday, Esq. PTEROMALUS pexatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 499. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS detritus, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 499. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS latifrons, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 501. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS latipennis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 96. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS mediocris, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 97. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS basalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 185. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS decisus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii 185. P. opulentus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xxiv. 213. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS lautus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 186. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection, PTEROMALUS infectus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 186. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. 118 SUPPLEMENT TO PTEROMALUS impeditus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 187. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS grandiclava, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 193. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS fucicola, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 194. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS plenus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 199. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS solutus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 199. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS herylli, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 199. Foerster. Mon. Pterom. i. xxv. 218. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS thoracicus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 200. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS omnivorus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 204. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS nigroseneus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 206. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS cliens, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 469. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS illudens, Walker, Ent. Mag. in. 470. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS gracilis, Walker, Ent Mag. iii. 477. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS dorsalis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 478. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS subquadratus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 478. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS signatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 479. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS servulus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 481. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS rusticus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 482. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 119 PTEROMALUS diversus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 483. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS thalassinus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 485. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS confinis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 486. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS exilis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 487. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS chrysammos, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 487. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS pervasus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 489. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS longulus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 491. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS comes, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 492. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS gentilis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 493. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS equestris, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 495. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS simulans, Walker, Ent. Mag. iii. 495. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Empoclus, Walker, Mon. dial. i. 214. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Docimus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 217. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Pronax. Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 220. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Samus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 221. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Vibullius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 221. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Calligetus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 222. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Japis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 222. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Carcinus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 229. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. 120 SUPPLEMENT TO PTEROMALUS Gargasus, Walker, Mon. Choi. i. 229. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Flavius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 230. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Gonatas, Walker, Mon. Chal. i.231. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Druso, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 232. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Aper, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 234. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Tigasis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 232. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Vala, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 234. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Styrus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 243. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Ariovislus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 244. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Boreus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 246. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Hippo, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 247. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Sophax, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 249. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Faustina, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 251. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Tiburtus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 251. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Abila, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 252. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Automedon, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 254. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Tereus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 255. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Nyctimus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 257. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Crotopus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 258. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 121 PTEROMALUS Dercyllus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 259. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Archidemus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i.259. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Orsippus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 260. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTERROMALUS Aglaope, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 261. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Erasippus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 261. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Fontanus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 262. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Favorinus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 263. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Coryphe, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 266. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Acrcea, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 266. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Ormenus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 269. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Sophron, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 270. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection PTEROMALUS Zelus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 270. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Hecato, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 271. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Phyllus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 272. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Caelius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 272. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Promulus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 232. a. Scotland. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Varro, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 233. a. Scotland, ^rom Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Khinthon, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 341. a. Isle of Soroe, Finmark. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Musaeus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 340. a. Alten, Finmark. From Mr. Walker's collection. 122 SUPPLEMENT TO PTEEOMALUS Mazaees, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 341. a. Alten, Finmark. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Lausus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. 392, 1. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PTEEOMALUS Cratylus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. 392, 2. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PTEROMALUS Cassotis, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. 393, 3. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PTEROMALUS Euthymus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. 393, 4. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PTEEOMALUS Dipsas, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. 394, 5. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PTEEOMALUS Hermeas, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. 394, 6. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PTEROMALUS Epicles, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. 394, 7. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PTEEOMALUS Damo, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. 395, 8. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PTEEOMALUS (Eax, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. 395, 9. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PTEEOMALUS Doryssus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. 395, 10. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PTEROMALUS Timaea, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. 396, 11. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PTEROMALUS Orontas, Walker, Ann. Soc. Ent. xix. 396, 12. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida, Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PTEROMALUS Dymuus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. 397, 13. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PTEROMALUS Eryx, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. 397, 14. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PTEEOMALUS Hybreas, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. 397, 15. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PTEROMALUS Eurypon, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. 398, 16. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. PTEROMALUS Acrotatus, Walker, Trans. Linn. Soc. xx. 153. a. Scotland. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Bubaris, Walker, Trans. Linn. Soc. xx. 154. a. Scotland. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 123 PTEROMALUS Ection, Walker, Trans. Linn. Soc. xx. 154. a. Scotland. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Xanthe, Walker, Trans. Linn. Soc. xx. 155. a. Scotland. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Aollius, Walker, Trans. Linn. Soc. xx. 156. a. North Wales. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Antho, Walker, Trans. Linn. Soc. xx. 156. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEKOMALUS Learchus, Walker, Trans. Linn. Soc. xx. 157. . Scotland. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Autorides, Walker, Trans. Linn. Soc. xx. 157. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Saravus, Walker, Trans. Linn. Soc. xx. 157. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Anaxenor, Walker, Trans. Linn. Soc. xx. 158. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Tedanius, Walker, Trans. Linn. Soc. xx. 158. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Naubolus, Walker, Trans. Linn. Soc. xx. 159. P. larvarum ? Nees. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 94, 422. Diplo- lepis larvarum? Spin. Ins. Lig. Fasc. iii. 162, 16. Dipl. Braconidis ? Bouche, Natur. Gesch. der. Ins. i. 171,65. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Aglaus, Walker, Trans. Linn. Soc. xx. 160. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Urgo, Walker, Trans. Linn. Soc. xx. 160. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Orinus, Walker, Trans. Linn. Soc. xx. 161. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS JEson, Walker, MSS. See Appendix, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Gamma, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Phasis, Walker. See Appendix, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Cyamon. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Hyloe, Walker. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. N 124 SUPPLEMENT TO PTEROMALUS Acco, Walker. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Tychon, Walker. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Cerycus, Walker. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Arestor, Walker. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Eulimene, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Dipaenos, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Glautias, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEEOMALUS Suia, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Amnisos, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Zagreus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Opheltes, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Mese, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Alopius, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Phylacis, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Caeno, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Corion, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Hermachus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Temesa, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Drepanon, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 125 PTEROMALUS Belesis, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Lebadeia, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Berycynthos, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Lebene, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Cercaphrus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Cytoeum, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Lampe, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Anchinoe, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Gallonius, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Eleuthera, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Lyttus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Bienna, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Patro, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Lissos, Walker, MSS. See Appendix.' a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Morys, Walker. MSS. See Appendix, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Elyros, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Rhytiura, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Myle, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Loeta, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. N2 126 SUPPLEMENT TO PTEROMALUS Androhius, Walker, MSS. See Appendix, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEBOMALUS Inatos, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Axos. Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Otos, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Carma, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Sybritia, Walker, MSS. See Appendix, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Mesapos, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Larymna, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Etearchus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Phalasurna, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Themiso, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Allutius, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Priansos, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Gigon, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Orthagus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Diomedon, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Alimentus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Coelius, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS JSacus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 127 PTEROMALUS Alope, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Cepio, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Hyrtacina, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. F*rom Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Leuce, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROMALUS Hyrtacus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. HETROXYS, Westwood. HETROXYS invenustus. Pteromalus invenustus, Walker, Ent. Mac/. iv. 11. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. HETROXYS macromerus. Pteromalus macromerus. Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 11. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. HETROXYS pra^pileus. Pteromalus praspileus, Walker, Ent. May. iv. 12. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. HETROXYS dimidiatus. Pteromalus dimidiatus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 12. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. HETROXYS Aponius. Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CHEIROPACHUS, Westwood. CHEIROPACHUS Colon. Sphex Colon, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, 945, 28. Faun. Suec. 1656. Diplolepis quadrum, Fabr. Ptero- malus qua drum, Zetterstedt, Ins. Lapp. 421. Cheiropachus quadrum, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 50. c. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. d. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. MACRONEURA, Walker. MACRONEURA maculipes, Cat. Chalc. B.M.p, 51. 6. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. N 3 128 SUPPLEMENT TO TRIGONODERUS, Westwood. TRIGONODEEUS tristis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 17. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TRIGONODEEUS amabilis, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 20. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TRIGONODERUS contemptus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 22. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TRIGONODERUS atrovirens, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 22. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TRIGONODERUS Lappa, Walker, MSS. See Appendix, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TRIGONODERUS Tarrha, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TRIGONODERUS Alebion, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TRIGONODERUS Polichna, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PLATYNOCHEILUS, Westwood. PLATYNOCHEILUS Erichsonii, Westwood, Ent. Mag. iii. 437. Steno- cera Erichsonii, Walker, Mon. Ckal. i. 276. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PLATYNOCHEILUS Derceto. Stenocera Derceto, Walker, Mon. Chal i. 275. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. STENOCERA, Walker. STENOCERA Walkeri, Curtis, Brit. Ent. 596. Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 357. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. NOTANISUS, Walker. NOTANISUS versicolor, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 352. a. South of France. From Mr. Walker's collection. CLEONYMUS, Latr. CLEONYMUS obscurus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 352. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 129 EUPELMUS, Dalman. EUPELMUS Degeeri, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 53. d. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. EUPELMUS Fonteia, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 19. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. EUPELMUS Lamachus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 20. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. EUPELMUS, Epicaste, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 20. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. EUPELMUS Acron, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EUPELMUS excavatus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. Nees. ab. JEss. Hym. Teh. aff. Mon. ii. 79. Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 362. Urocryptus excavatus, Westwood. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ER ICY ONUS, Holiday. ERICYDNUS strigosus, Cat. Chalc. B.M.p. 53. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. CHEILONEURUS, Westwood. CHEILONEURUS elegans, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 54. a. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. METALLON, Walker, MSS. METALLON Acacallis, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CERCHYSIUS, Westwood. CERCHYSIUS Vulso, Walker , Ann.Nat. Hist. xix. 114. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CERCHYSIUS Flaccus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 21. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. ENCYRTUS, Dalman. ENCYRTUS cyaneus, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 54. c. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. d. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. 130 SUPPLEMENT TO ENCYRTUS Glapiiyra, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 55. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS barbarus, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 55. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS subplanus, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 56. E. sceptriger, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xliv. 3. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS truncatellus, Cat. Chalc. B. M.p. 56. d. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Swederi, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p, 56. d. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. e. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS tessellatus, Cat. Chalc. B.M.p. 57. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS sericeus, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 57. d. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. e. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS punctipes, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 57. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. d. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS fuscicollis, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 58. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS atricollis, Cat. Chalc. B.M.p. 58. Ratzeburg, Forst. Insekten, iii. t.8,f. 13. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. ENCYRTUS ineptus, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 59. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Marsus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 444. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Sipylus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 445. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Comara, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 446. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Zarina, Holiday, Ent. Mag. iv. 447. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 131 ENCYRTUS aeneiventris, Holiday, Ent. Mag. iv. 447. a. Isle of Bute. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Jalysus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 448. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Madyes, Walker, Ent. Mag. 448. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EtfCYRTUsChcerilus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 450. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Gellius, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 454. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Mattinus, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 455. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Machaeras, Walker, Ent. Mag. iv. 460. Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 185. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Ancharus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 36. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Atheas, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 37. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Dins, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 39. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Sosius, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 39. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Corybas, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 40. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Sosares, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 41. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Pertiades, Walker, Ent. Mag. \. 42. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Thinaeus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 42. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Dercilus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 43. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Babas, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 44. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Ariantes, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 44. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Elbasus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 45. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. 132 SUPPLEMENT TO ENCYRTUS Scaurus, Walker. Ent. Mag. v. 45. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Jancirus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 46. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Sitalces, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 47. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walkers collection. ENCYRTUS Tennes, Walker. Ent. Mag. v. 47. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS cyanoeephalus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. a. Sweden. " From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS cyanellus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. a. Sweden. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS brevicornis, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. a. Sweden. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS melanacis, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. a. Sweden. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS lunatus, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. a. Sweden. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS longicornis, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. a. Sweden. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Parus. Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 47. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS clavicornis, Dalm. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. Nees. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 225. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Eupales, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 51. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS clavellatus, Dalman, Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1820. 355,41. a. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Arceanus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 52. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Tanais, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 52. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES 133 ENCYRTUS Dahlbomii, Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. 3rd Series, x. 63, 441. Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 53. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS hederaceus, Westwood, Lond. and Edin. Phil, Mag. 3rd Series, x. 63, 441. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Erylus, Walker, Ent. May. v. 518. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Dores, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 419. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Amathus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 421. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS corniger, Holiday, Walker. Ent. Mag. v. 114. a. France. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYKTUS mirabilis, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 114. Cerapterocerus mirabilis, Westwood, Mag. Nat. Hist. vi. 495. Encyrtus mira- bilicornis, Foerster, Man. Pterom. 1. xliii. 2. Encyrtus podu- roides, Kollar. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS fulvescens, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 115. Ectroma fulves- cens, Westwood, Lond. and Edin. PhiL Mag. 3rd Series, 111, 344. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Gabestus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 116. a. Ireland. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Barca, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 116. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Caris, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 422. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Nadius, Walker. Ent. Mag. v. 423. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Cainirus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 425. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Telesto, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 425. a, England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Meon, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 426. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Epona, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 184. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. 134 SUPPLEMENT TO ENCYRTUS Pyttalus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 184. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYBTUS Nicippe, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist.iv. 234. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Thyra, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 427. a. France. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Obodas, Walker, Ent. May. v. 428. a. France. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Baleus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 428. a. France. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Cedrenus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 112. a. South of France. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Myrlea, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 112. a. South of France. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Arene, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 429. a. South of France. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Fadus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 429. a. South of France. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Sagillus, Walker, Ent. Mag. v. 430. a. South of France. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYBTUS Gastron, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 21. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. ENCYRTUS Vectius, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist., xx. 21. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. ENCYRTUS Reate, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 22. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. ENCYRTUS Cervius, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xvii. 177. a. Scotland. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Meges, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xvii. 178. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Prcecia, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xvii. 178. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Peticus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xvii. 179. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Metharma, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xvii. 179. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Genutius, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xvii. 180. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 135 ENCYRTUS Mamertus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xvii. 180. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Alycceus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Molos, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Phrosime, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. . England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYETUS Tylissos, Walker, MSS, See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS lophon, Walker, MSS. See Appendix, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Acratos, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Hydramon, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Philotis, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. Hammerfest, Finmark. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Idmon, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. Alten, Finmark. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Alcmon, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. E. aenescens ? Zetterstedt. Fauna Lapponica. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Genetyllis, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Anthores, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. Ireland. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENCYRTUS Idya, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. Alten, Finmark. From Mr. Walker's collection. MYINA, Nees. MYINA flava. Aphelinus flavus, Walker, Man. Chal. i. 8. Eulo- phus flavus, Nees. Hym. Ich off. Mon. ii. 167. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. MYTNA Argiope. Aphelinus Argiope, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 9. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. O 136 SUPPLEMENT TO MYINA Idseus. Aphelinus Idaeus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 12. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. MYINA Aco3tes. Aphelinus Accetes, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 185. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROPTRIX, Westwood. PTEROPTRIX Hemera, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 14. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROPTRIX Janias, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 17. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROPTRIX Acestes, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 19. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. PTEROPTRIX Thione, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 19. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON, Dolman. ENTEDON viridis. E. Prodice, Walker, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 63. Elachestus viridis, Nees. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 138, 2. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Zanara, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 64. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON cothurnatus. E. Argon, Walker, Cat. Chale. B. M. p. 64. Elachestus cothurnatus, Nees. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 141,8. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON metallicus. E. Epigonus, Walker, Cat. Chalc. B. M. Eulophus metallicus, Nees. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 176, 34. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON turcicus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 23. Eulophus turcicus, Nees. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 155, 5. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Dimas, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 24. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Phaenna, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 25. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 137 ENTEDON Damastes. Closterocerus Damastes, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 22. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. ENTEDON Mento, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 28. . England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Tegar, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 28. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Coesius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 30. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Alcetas. Derostenus Alcetas, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 31. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Butus, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 32. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Imbrasus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 23. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. ENTEDON Proclea, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 33. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Nautes, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 33. . England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Nephereus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 36. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Amasis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 37. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EETEDON Cilia, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 37. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Idyia, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 39. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Thorns, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 44. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Parsodes, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 45. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Phryne, Walker, Mon. Chal.i. 46. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Meloenis, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 47. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Thersamon, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 48. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. 0-2 138 SUPPLEMENT TO ENTEDON Ocyalus, Walker, Mon. Ckal. i. 56. a. England. Erom Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Pontinus, Walker, Mon. Ckal. i. 60. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Leucippus, Walker, Mon. Ckal. i. 61, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Abrota, Walker, Mon. Ckal. i. 62. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Chilo, Walker, Mon. Ckal. \. 63. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Alphenus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 64. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Afranius, Walker, Mon. Ckal. i. 65. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Aso, Walker, Mon. Ckal. i.66. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Thoe, Walker, Mon. Ckal. i. 68. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Charaxus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 68. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Tanis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 73. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON jEsopus, Walker, Mon. Ckal. i. 74. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Eropus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 75. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Coilus, Walker, Mon. Ckal. i. 79. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Phruron, Walker, Mon. Ckal. i. 87. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Epaphus, Walker, Mon. Ckal. i. 89. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Ehesus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 88. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Marica, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 88. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Phaola, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 89. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES, J39 ENTEDON Metius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 90. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Clymene, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 91. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Charino, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 96. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection . ENTEDON Termerus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 96. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Abdera, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 98. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Syma, Walker, Mon. Chal.'i. 98. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Ergias, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 100. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Methion. Eulophus caniculatus, Foerster, Mon. Pteront. i. xl. 18. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Beon, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 107. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Acantha, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 108. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Carne, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 123. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Vagellius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 123. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Erginnus, Walker, Mon. Chal.i. 124. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. A ENTEDON Hersilia, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hwf.iv.235. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON rutilans, Haliday, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 235. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Acantha, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 107. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Epeus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 118. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Alaspharus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 109. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. o3 140 SUPPLEMENT TO ENTEDON Linus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 119. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Fufius, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xvii. 182. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Coedicius, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xvii. 183. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Nautias, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xvii. 183. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Glabrio, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xvii. 184. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Clinus. Horismenus Clinus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 408. a. Alien, Finmark. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Isander, Walker, MSS. See Appendix, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Nurscia, Walker) MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Sauros, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Axia, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Antaradus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Erxias, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Neenia, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Stennos, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Amadocus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Temena, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Metagenes, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Ergeteles, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ENTEDON Adreus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 141 ENTEDON Icetas, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. * EPICLERUS, Holiday. EPICLEBUS Panyas. Entedon Panyas, Walker ', Mon. Chat. i. 120. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EPICLERUS Temenus. Entedon Temenus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 322. e. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EUDERUS, Holiday. EUDERUS Mithras, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 93. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EUDERUS Herillus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 23. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. ELACHESTUS, Spinola. ELACHESTUS Saon. Eulophus Saon, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 175. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ELACHESTUS Eurybates. Eulophus Eurybates, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 178. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ELACHESTUS Ticida. Eulophus Ticida, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 179. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. ELACHESTUS Levana, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 27. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. EULOPHUS, Geoffroy. EULOPHUS ramicornis, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 69. a. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Gonippus, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 69. a. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. 142 SUPPLEMENT TO EULOPHUS gallarum, Nees. Hym. Ich. off'. Mon. ii. 170, 24. E. Euedoreschus, Walker, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 72. Ichneumon gaftarum, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 939, 65. Faun. Suec. 16,35. Vill. Ent. Linn. iii. 206, 232. Fabr. Syst. Ent. iii. Ent. Syst. ii. 186, 218. Diplolepis Gallarum, Fabr. Syst. Piez. 150, 8. Spin. Ins. Lig. Fasc. iv. 227. Pteromalus Gallarum, Latr. Gen. Crust, et Ins. iv. 31. c. Prussia. Presented by E, Doubleday, Esq. d. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Orsinus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 126. a. England. From Mr. Walkers collection. EULOPHUS Drupes, Walker -, Mon. Chal. i. 127. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Anatole, Walker , Mon. Chal. i. 126. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Gobryas, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist, xx.26. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. EULOPHUS Florus, Wal/cer, Mon. Chal. i. 127. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Calavius, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 24. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. EULOPHUS jEpulo, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 141. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Iphinoe, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 25. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. EULOPHUS Eucritus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 142. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Cyriades, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 25. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. EULOPHUS Minio, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 25. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. EULOPHUS Leodamas, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 130. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Thespius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 127. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Sancus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 138. a. England. From M r. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Carbo, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 138. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCID1TES. 143 EULOPHUS Pronoe, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 140. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Tidius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 146. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Folia, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 147. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Mania, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 154. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Piscus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 155. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Drusilla, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 156. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Euryalus, Haliday, Trans. Ent. Soc. iii. a. Ireland. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS ^Epytus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 159. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Docilis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 159. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Prothenor, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 180. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Attis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 181. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Sithon, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 181. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPFIUS Croton, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 182. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Zeugma, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 183. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Metanira, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 183. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Cleopater, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 184. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Diyllus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 185. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Minyas, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 25. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. EULOPHUS Anaxippus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xvii. 182. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. 144 SUPPLEMENT TO EULOPHVS Agathyllus, Walker, Zoologist, iv. 1458. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Idrieus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 409. a. Alten, Finmark. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Mamurius, Walker, MSS. See Appendix, a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EOLOPHUS Rbamnius, Walker. MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS stygius, Boheman, MSS. See Appendix. a. Sweden. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Pythodorus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Acalle, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Veturius, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. EULOPHUS Scyllis, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CIRROSPILUS, Westwood. CIRROSPILUS Eunapius, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 27. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. CIRROSPILUS flavovarius. Eulopbus arcuatus, Foerster, Man. Pterom. i. xxxix. 8. E. 4-maculatus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xxxix. 6. a. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq, b. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. CIRROSPILUS Pacuvius, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 383. . a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CIRROSPILUS Pborbas, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 384. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CIRROSPILUS Arsames, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 384. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CIRROSPILUS Orelia, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 450. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CIRROSPILUS Eudora, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist, i.452. a. England From Mr. Walker's collection. CIRROSPILUS Procles, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 453. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 145 CIRROSPILUS Abastor, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 453. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CIRROSPILUS Srailis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i.317. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CIRROSPILUS Myron, Walker , Mon. Chal. i. 294. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CIRROSPILUS Deldon, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 294. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. CIRROSPILUS Aratus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 453. a. Ireland. From Mr. Walker's collection. DJGLYPHUS, Holiday. DIGLYPHUS Poppaea, Holiday, MSS. See Appendix. a. Ireland. From Mr. Walker's collection. DIGLYPHUS Aculeo, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. TETRASTICHUS, Holiday. TETRASTICHUS Evonymellae, Cat. Chalc. B. M.p.73. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Armaeus, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 74. Eulophus setise- ries, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xxxix. 2. 6. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. o. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS miser. T. Attalus, Walker, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 74. Eulophus miser, Nees. Hym. Ich. off. Mon. ii. 173,28. c. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. d. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Prosymna, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 75. Eulophus crinicornis ? Ferris. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, ix. TETRASTICHUS Quercens, Cat. Chalc. B. M.p. 76. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Rapo, Cat. Chalc. B. M. Diplolepis Microgastri, Bouche, Naturgesch. Ins. i. 168, 61. Pteromalus Microgas- teris, Nees. Hym. Ich. aff. Mon. ii. 423, 17. b. b. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. 146 SUPPLEMENT TO TETBASTICHUS Nerio, Cat. Chalc. B. M. p. 77. Eulophus Ericae ? Dufour, Ann. Soc. Ent. vii. TETRASTICHUS Leucone, Cat. Chalc. B. M.p. 79. Eulophus longi- caudatus, Foerster, Mon. Pterom. i. xl. 19. c. Prussia. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. d. Prussia. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Metra. Cirrospilus Metra, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 201. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Euedochus. Cirrospilus Euedochus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 204. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Cyrrhus. Cirrospilus Cyrrhus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 350. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS aeneus, Haliday, MSS. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1848. a. Ireland. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Mycerinus. Cirrospilus Mycerinus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 350. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Tachos. Cirrospilus Tachos, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 352. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Tulis. Cirrospilus Tulis, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 354. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETBASTICHUS Murcia. Cirrospilus Murcia, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. Hi. 177. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Abantidas. Cirrospilus Abantidas, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 179. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Euagoras. Cirrospilus Euagoras, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 1 79. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Chares. Cirrospilus Chares, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 180. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 147 TETRASTICHUS Beroe. Cirrospilus Beroe, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 181. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection TETRASTICHUS Khacius, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 181. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETEASTICHUS JSga. Cirrospilus ^Ega, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 181. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETEASTICHUS Anticlea. Cirrospilus Anticlea, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 182. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETEASTICHUS Sotades. Cirrospilus Solades, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 417. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection TETRASTICHUS Anyta. Cirrospilus Anyta, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 417. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Zenocia. Cirrospilus Zenocia, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 418. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETEASTICHUS Zopyrus. Cirrospilus Zopyrus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 29. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETEASTICHUS Arathis. Cirrospilus Arathis, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 29. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Rhode. Cirrospilus Rhode, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 29. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Clito. Cirrospilus Clito, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 30. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Rhosaces. Cirrospilus Rhosaces. Walker, Man. Chal. i. 293. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Myron. Cirrospilus Myron, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 294 a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. P 148 SUPPLEMENT TO TETRASTICHUS Deldon. Cirrospilus Deldon, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 294. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Lycidas. Cirrospilus Lycidas, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 295. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Sinope. Cirrospilus Sinope, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 295. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Myrsus. Cirrospilus Myrsus, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 296. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Conon. Cirrospilus Conon, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 296. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Voranus. Cirrospilus Voranus, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 298. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Simo. Cirrospilus Simo, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 298. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Plangon. Cirrospilus Plangon, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 298. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Vaccus. Cirrospilus Vaccus, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 299. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Oxathres. Cirrospilus Oxathres, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 299. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Eleuchia. Cirrospilus Eleuchia, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 301. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Dotus. Cirrospilus Dotus, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 301. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Xeuxes. Cirrospilus Xeuxes, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 301. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES 149 TETRASTICHUS lone. Cirrospilus lone, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 301. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Vacuna. Cirrospilus Vacuna, Walker, Mon. Chal. i, 305. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Oropus. Cirrospilus Oropus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 305. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Agrus. Cirrospilus Agrus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 306. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICH us Tyrtceus. Cirrospilus Tyrtceus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 306. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Vicellius. Cirrospilus Vicellius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 307. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Epidius, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 28. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Lyridice. Cirrospilus Lyridice, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 307. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Gaus. Cirrospilus Gaus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 308. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Lachares. Cirrospilus Lachares, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 309. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Apama. Cirrospilus Apama, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 310. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Faucula. Cirrospilus Faucula, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 310. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Eacilla. Cirrospilus Racilla, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 312. . England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Pamyles. Cirrospilus Pamyles, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 313. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. P2 150 SUPPLEMENT TO TETRASTICHUS Hypsistus. Cirrospilus Hypsistus, Walker, Man. Chal. i. 316. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Smilis. Cirrospilus Smilis, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 317. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Vincius. Cirrospilus Vincius, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 317. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Eratus. Cirrospilus Eratus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 318. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Leocrates. Cirrospilus Leocrates, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 319. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Totis. Cirrospilus Totis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 320. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Natras. Cirrospilus Natras, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 320. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Heemon, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 28. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Numeria. Cirrospilus Numeria, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 321. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Anodaphus. Cirrospilus Anodaphus, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 321. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Mutilia. Cirrospilus Mutilia, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 322. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Gala, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 28. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. TETRASTICHUS Trabea, WalJeer, Mon. Chal i. 323. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Suevius. Cirrospilus Suevius, Walker, Mon. ChaL i. 323. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF CHALCIDITES. 151 TETRASTICHUS Bhceo. Cirrospilus Rhoeo, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 417. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Teridae. Cirrospilus Teridae, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 236. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Brunchus. Cirrospilus Brunchus, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 236. a. Scotland. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Idothea, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 409. a. Alten, Finmark. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Pausiris. Cirrospilus Pausiris, Walker, Mon. dial. i. 327. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Marbis. Cirrospilus Marbis, Walker, Mon. Chal. i. 330. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Abydenus, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Bermius, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Axia, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a. England. From Mr. Walker's collection. TETRASTICHUS Triarius, Walker, MSS. See Appendix. a, England. From Mr. Walker's collection. P3 APPENDIX. DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES COMMUNICATED BY FRANCIS WALKER, ESQ., F.L.S., &c. EURYTOMA Cestius. Fern. Nigra, gracilis, genubus, tibiis apice tarsis, propedibusque rufis, alis limpidis. Page 100. The slender body of this species easily distinguishes it from all other described Eurytomee ; E. atrum comes nearest to it in this respect, but is very different in structure. Black, narrow, linear, convex : head and chest or thorax thickly punctured, not shining : head a little broader than the chest : feelers or antennae subclavate, slender, shorter than the chest; club spindle-shaped, more than twice the length of the preceding joint: fore-chest or prothorax large ; its breadth slightly exceeding its length : hind-chest or melathorax well developed, obconic, declining, having a large furrow down the middle : petiole short : abdomen spindle-shaped, smooth, shin- ing, keeled beneath, a little longer and narrower than the chest; metapodeon and octoon of moderate size ; ennaton shorter ; deca- ton much longer; protelum, paratelum, and telum of moderate size : legs black ; knees, feet or tarsi, and tips of shanks or tibias red ; fore-legs nearly all red : wings white ; veins tawny ; ulna rather thick, about one- third of the length of the humerus ; ra- dius shorter than the ulna. Length of the body l line ; of the wings 2 lines. Page 100. EURYTOMA Mucianus. Mas. Nigra, genubus, tar- sis propedibusque fulvis, alis limpidis. It resembles E. platyptera, but is distinguished from that spe- cies by its more nodose feelers. Black, convex : head and chest thickly punctured : feelers black, beset with whorls of hair, piceous APPENDIX. 153 towards the tips, rather longer than the chest : hreadth of the fore- chest ahout twice its length : petiole rather long : abdomen gib- bous, very much shorter than the chest ; its height is somewhat less than its length : legs black ; knees and feet tawny, as are also the whole of the fore-legs except the base of the thighs : wings colour- less ; veins tawny ; ulna not very broad, about one-fifth of the length of the humerus ; radius longer than the ulna, a character wherein this Eurytoma differs from all the other British species, with the exception of E. plumata and rufipes. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings l line. CALLIMOME Solinus. Mas. Viridis, abdomine purpureo, an- tennis nigris, tibiis piceis, tarsis fulvis, alis subfuscis. Page 103. Allied to C. nigricornis, but having a more slender body, with narrower and darker wings. Dark green, rather long and narrow : eyes dark red : feelers black, about half the length of the body, nearly filiform, moderately thick ; first joint green : abdomen purple, rather narrower and shorter than the chest: hips, or coxas, and thighs green ; shanks piceous ; knees, feet, and tips of the shanks tawny : wings narrow, and slightly tinged with brown ; veins black; ulna nearly as long as the humerus ; radius not more than one-third of the length of the ulna ; cubitus less than one-half the length of the radius. Length of the body If lines; of the wings 3 lines. ELATUS, Walker, (n. g.) Page 104. This genus has a peculiar form, and somewhat resembles Perilampus and Callimome. Male. Body convex, arched: head and chest shagreened: head large, broader than the chest : feelers broad, subclavate, inserted in the middle of the front, much shorter than the chest ; first joint long, slender ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very minute ; fifth and following joints to the tenth short, broad, of nearly the same size, their breadth about twice their length ; club conical, more than twice the length of the tenth joint : chest almost gibbous : fore-chest subquadrate, of moderate size; its breadth about twice its length : shield or scutum of the middle chest broad; sutures of the parapsides strongly marked ; scutcheon or scutellum large, almost conical : hind-chest large, obconical, de- clining: petiole ralher stout, shorter than the hind-chest : abdomen shorter and much narrower than the chest, smooth, shining, nearly elliptical, very convex, and forming a transverse ridge at the tip of 154 APPENDIX. the metapodeon which extends over half the back ; octoon also very large, and occupying the other half of the back, so that the follow- ing segments are not visible : ulna a little shorter than the humerus ; radius about one-fourth of the length of the ulna ; cubitus a little shorter than the radius, and hardly longer than in Callimome and Perilarapus. ELATUsThense. Cyaneo-viridis, abdomine teneo-viridi, anten- nisnigris,genubus tarsisque fuscis, tibiis apicefulvis,alis lim- pidis. Page 104. Bluish green: eyes red: feelers black; first joint green: ab- domen tinged with bronze: legs green; tips of shanks tawny; knees and feet brown : wings colourless, of moderate size ; veins brown ; wing-brand or stigma, very small. Length of the body 1 line; of the wings If line. TETRAMESA, Walker, (n. g.) Page 104. Female. Convex : head and chest punctured, dull : head broader than the chest: feelers clavate, rather hairy, 13-jointed, as long as the chest ; first joint long and slender ; second nearly cup- shaped ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and following joints to the tenth slightly cup-shaped, successively increasing in breadth and decreasing in length ; club 3-jointed, conical, full twice the length of the tenth joint ; breadth of the fore-chest rather less than twice its length: sutures of the parapsides of the middle-chest strongly marked ; axillae large, separated from each other by a small interval : hind-chest obconical, declining, well developed : petiole short: abdomen nearly elliptical, smooth, shining, deeply keeled beneath, elevated at the tip, shorter but hardly narrower than the chest; metapodeon very large; octoon very short; ennaton long; decaton and following segments very short : wings rather narrow ; ulna about one-fourth of the length of the humerus ; radius shorter than the ulna ; cubitus as long as the radius ; wing-brand very small. TETRAMESA larbas. Fern. Nigra, genubus tarsisque rufa, alls subfuscis. Page 104. Black : knees and feet red ; tips of the latter brown : wings slightly brown ; veins piceous. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings Ijline. APPENDIX. 155 GASTRANCISTRUS longicornis. Fern. Nigro-viridis, antennis pedibmque piceis, yenubus, tarsis tibiisque apice fulvis, alls limpidis. Page 105. Very dark green, almost black: head and chest very finely shagreened : head a little broader than the chest : eyes dark red : feelers clavate, slender, piceous, longer than the chest ; first joint long and slender ; second slightly cup-shaped ; third and following joints to the seventh linear, nearly equal in size ; club spindle- shaped, rather broader than the seventh joint and more than twice its length : chest oval, rather flat : fore-chest extremely short : shield of mid-chest broad ; sutures of the parapsides indistinct; ax- illae remote from each other ; scutcheon nearly elliptical : hind- chest rather large, obconical, declining : petiole very short : abdo- men very much compressed, knife-shaped, longer than the chest : sheaths of the oviduct about one-sixth of the length of the abdo- men : legs piceous ; knees, feet, and tips of the shanks tawny : wings colourless ; veins tawny ; ulna shorter than the humerus ; radius more than one-third of the length of the ulna ; cubitus shorter than the radius ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings 1^ line. GASTRANCJSTRUS Amabceus. Fern. Cyaneo-viridis, terebra ab- dominis dimidii longitudine, antennis niyris, pedibus Jlavis, alls limpidis. Page 105. Very nearly allied to G. Dry as, but the radius is somewhat shorter, and the colour of the legs is somewhat different. Bluish green : head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head as broad as the chest: feelers black, clavate, shorter than the chest ; first joint stout, linear, tawny ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small; fifth and following joints short, broad; club conical, about twice the length of the tenth joint : chest short, elliptical, very broad : fore-chest very short, not visible above : shield of middle- chest very large ; sutures of the parapsides strongly marked, ap- proaching each other behind ; scutcheon rhomboidal, rather large ; axillae separated from each other by one-third of the breadth of the shield: hind-chest short, transverse, declining: petiole very short : abdomen spindle-shaped, greenish blue, compressed, smooth, shin- ing, concave above, keeled beneath, a little longer than the chest, but hardly more than half its breadth, rather hairy towards the tip : sheaths of the oviduct black, hairy, full half the length of the ab- domen : legs yellow ; tips of the feet brown : wings colourless ; fore- wings broad ; veins brown ; ulna but little shorter than the hume- 156 APPENDIX. rus ; radius not half the length of the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the radius; wing-brand of moderate size. Length of the body f line ; of the wings l line. GASTRANCISTRUS Accia. Fern. Viridis, terebra brevissima, antennis nigris, tibiis fuscis, genubus tarsisque flavis, alls limpidis. Page 105. Allied to G. annulipes, but more slender. Bright green : head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head as broad as the chest : eyes red : feelers clavate, black, a little shorter than the chest ; first joint long, slender; second cup-shaped; third aud fourth very mi- nute; fifth and following joints transverse, short, successively in- creasing in breadth ; club ovate-conical, broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length : chest elliptical; fore-chest very short ; shield of the middle-chest large : sutures of the parap- sides strongly marked, approaching each other ; scutcheon rhom- boidal: hind-chest obconical, declining, of moderate size : petiole very short : abdomen slender, spindle-shaped, smooth, shining, con- cave above, keeled beneath, longer and narrower than the chest ; sheaths of the oviduct black, hairy, hardly one-fifth of the length of the abdomen : legs green ; shanks brown ; knees and feet yellow, tips of the latter brown : wings colourless ; veins brown ; ulna much shorter than the humerus ; radius a little shorter than the ul- na ; cubitus much shorter than the radius; wing-brand small. Length of the body J line ; of the wings 1 J line. GASTRANCISTRUS Hamillus. Fern. JEneus, capite viridi, an- tennis fulvis, alls limpidis. Page 105. Allied to G. autumnalis. Brassy : head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head green, broader than the chest : feelers sub- clavate, tawny, as long as the chest; first joint long, slender, yel- low ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and following joints closely joined together, successively increasing in breadth till the tenth ; club spindle-shaped, pointed, not broader than the tenth joint, but more than twice its length, narrower than that of G. autumnalis : chest brassy, nearly elliptical ; fore-chest short, just visible above ; shield of the middle-chest rather broad ; sutures of the parapsides strongly marked ; axillae separated from each other by at least one-third of the breadth of the shield ; scutcheon nearly conical ; hind-chest obconical, declining, of mode- rate size ; petiole very short : abdomen elliptical, smooth, shining, concave above, slightly keeled beneath, narrower and a little longer APPENDIX. 157 than the chest ; metapodeon long ; octoon and following segments shorter: legs bright yellow ; tips of feet brown: wings colourless; fore-wings broader ; veins yellow ; ulna about half the length of the humerus; radius shorter than the ulna ; cubitus still shorter ; wing- brand small. Length of body J line ; of the wings H line. GASTRANCISTRUS Geganius. Mas. Purpureus, abdomine lad viridi, antennis femoribusque fuscis, pedibus flaws, alis lim- pidis. Page 105. Purple: head and chest broad, convex, finely sha greened ; head a little broader than the chest, inclining to bronze colour : eyes and eyelets or ocelli dark red : feelers 13-jointed, brown, clavate, much shorter than the chest; first joint spindle-shaped, long, yellow ; second cup-shaped, pale brown ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and following joints transverse, slightly cup-shaped, successively decreasing in^ length ; club oval, broader than the tenth joint, and more than twice its length : chest oval, thick, broader in front than behind; fore-chest very short, just visible above; shield of the middle-chest broad; sutures of the parapsides rather indistinct ; ax- illae separated by less than one-third of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon rhomboidal ; hind-chest small, short-obconic, slightly de- clining, nearly smooth, with a brassy tinge, having a slight ridge along the middle; 'petiole very short: abdomen flat, linear, smooth, shining, green towards the base, hairy at the tip, a little longer than the chest, but not more than half its breadth ; metapodeon long ; octoon shorter ; ennaton and following segments still shorter : legs yellow ; thighs and shanks rather stout, the former brown : wings colourless ; veins yellow ; ulna not half the length of the humerus ; radius a little longer than the ulna ; cubitus as long as the ulna ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings Inline. GASTRANCISTRUS Fidenas. Mas. Niger, antennis piceis, pe- dibus flams, alis limpidis. Page 105. Black : head and chest black, convex, shagreened, dull ; head large, broader than the chest: eyes piceous: eyelets red: feelers piceous,submoniliform, as long as the chest ; first joint yellow, long and slender ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very minute ; fifth and following joints to the tenth of moderate size, subquadrate ; club ovate-conical, a little broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length : chest nearly elliptical : fore-chest short, just visible above; shield of the middle-chest broad ; sutures of the pa- rapsides not very distinct, approaching each other behind ; scutcheon 158 APPENDIX. conical ; hind-chest large, obconical, declining : petiole short, stout : abdomen obclavate, flat, smooth, shining, a little shorter than the chest and not more than half its breadth ; metapodeon long ; oc- toon and following segments shorter : legs yellow : wings colourless ; veins pale tawny ; ulna much shorter than the humerus ; radius a little shorter than the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the radius ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body J line ; of the wings 1 J line. GASTRANCISTRUS Alectus. Mas. Niger, abdomine nigro-ceneo, petiolo fnlvo, pedibus flaviS) alls limpidis. Page 105. Head and chest convex, black, finely shagreened : head slightly tinged with green, broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers brown, stout, filiform, longer than the chest ; first joint yel- low, long, linear; second cup -shaped ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and following joints to the ninth of moderate size, loosely joined together ; club spindle-shaped, more than twice the length of the ninth joint; chest somewhat oval, thick, very convex, and having a slight brassy tinge ; fore-chest short, just visible above ; shield of the middle-chest broad ; sutures of the parapsides strongly marked ; axillae separated by one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon large, rhornboidal, with a transverse suture before its tip ; hind-chest rather large, obconical, declining, with a transverse ridge along its middle *. petiole short, tawny : abdomen dark bronze, smooth, shining, depressed, oval, green towards the base, shorter and narrower than the chest ; metapodeon rather long ; oc- toon and following segments shorter ; legs yellow ; feet paler, their tips tawny : wings colourless ; veins yellow ; ulna much shorter than the humerus ; radius as long as the ulna ; cubitus near one half the length of the radius ; wing-brand small. Length of the body f line ; of the wings l line. GASTRANCISTRUS Hierocles. Mas. Viridis, abdomine aneo basi subtus fulvo, antennis piccis, pedibus Jlavis, alis Limpi- dis. Page 105. Green : head and chest convex, shagreened ; head a little broader than the chest ; eyes red; feelers piceous, filiform, rather longer than the chest ; first joint long, slender ; second cup-shaped; third and fourth very small; fifth and following joints of nearly equal size : chest oval, rather short ; fore-chest very short; shield of the mid-chest broad ; sutures of the parapsides very distinct ; axillae separated by about one-third of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon obconical ; hind-chest short ; petiole very short : abdomen dark APPENDIX. 159 bronze, smooth, flat, nearly linear, lawny at the base beneath, nar- rower and a little longer than the chest ; legs yellow ; wings colour- less ; veins tawny ; ulna much shorter than the humerus ; radius as long as the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the radius ; wing- brand of moderate size. Length of the body J line ; of the wings 1 line. . GASTRATSCISTRUS Iriarte. Mas. Viridis, abdomine aneo, an- tennis nigris, pedibus flams, alls limpidis. Page 105. Bright green : head and chest convex, finely shagreened ; head as broad as the chest, bright blue in front ; feelers black, fili- form, rather stout, about half the length of the body ; first joint green, robust; second cup-shaped; third and fourth very small; fifth and following joints of nearly equal size : chest oval ; fore- chest very short ; shield of the middle-chest rather flat ; sutures of the parapsides distinct ; axillae separated by nearly one half the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon nearly obconical ; hind-chest ra- ther short, obconical, slightly declining : petiole very short : abdo- men smooth, flat, nearly linear, dark bronze-colour, rather shorter and narrower than the chest ; metapodeon rather long ; octoon and following segments of moderate size : legs yellow ; hips green : wings colourless ; veins tawny ; ulna much longer than the hume- rus ; radius not one-fourth of the length of the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the radius ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body J line ; of the wings 1 J line. GASTRANCISTRUS Amnisos. Mas. JEneo-viridis, abdomine purpureo ban subtus fulvo, antennis nigris, tibiisfuhis, tar- sis flaviS) alls subfuscis. Page 105. Brassy green : head and chest convex, shagreened ; head very little broader than the chest ; eyes dark red : feelers black, slightly moniliform, full as long as the chest ; first joint green, slender, slightly curved ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and followingjoints of nearly equal size : chest spindle-shaped ; fore-chest short; shield of the middle-chest rather flat, much nar- rower in front; sutures of the parapsides indistinct; axillae ap- proaching very near to each other ; scutcheon somewhat convex, nearly elliptical ; hind-chest rather long, obconical, slightly de- clining: abdomen slightly increasing in breadth from the base to the tip, flat, smooth, dark purple, tawny beneath at the base, a little shorter and much narrower than the chest; metapodeon rather longer than the following segments, which are of moderate and 160 APPENDIX. nearly equal size ; legs yellow ; hips and thighs green ; shanks tawny ; wings slightly brown ; veins brown ; ulna much shorter than the humerus ; radius a little longer than the ulna ; cubitus rather long, about half the length of the radius ; wing-brand small. Length of the body 1^ line ; of the wings If line. GASTRANCISTRUS Pacilus. Fern. Purpureus viridi varius, tere- bra abdominis trientis longitudine, antennis nigris, femo- ribus (Eneis tibiis fuscis t tarsis Jlavis, alls limpidis. Page 105. Purple, rather hairy : head and chest convex, finely sha- greened ; head not broader than the chest ; crown tinged with green ; eyes and eyelets dark red ; feelers black, clavate, rather hairy, 13-jointed, a little shorter than the chest; first joint long, linear, brassy ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and following joints successively decreasing in length; club conical, broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length *. chest nearly elliptical, tinged with green ; fore-chest very small, hardly seen above ; shield of the middle chest rather long ; sutures of rhe parapsides strongly marked ; axillae separated by full one-third the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon nearly rhomboidal ; hind-chest transverse, short, slightly declining ; petiole very short : abdomen smooth, shining, rather hairy, nearly elliptical, slightly varied with green, depressed above, keeled beneath, a little nar- rower but not shorter than the chest ; metapodeon long ; oc- toon and following segments shorter ; sheaths of the oviduct black, hairy, nearly one-third of the length of the abdomen ; hips and thighs brassy ; shanks brown ; knees and feet yellow, tips of the lat- ter brown : wings colourless ; veins brown ; ulna about half the length of the humerus; radius shorter than the ulna; cubitus shorter than the radius, very slender ; wing-brand rather large. Length of the body f line ; of the wings 1 J line. GASTRANCISTRUS Loelianus. Fern. Viridi-cyaneus, abdominis disco ceneo, oviductu brevi, antennis nigris^ tarsis flavis, alis limpidis. Page 105. Greenish blue : head and chest convex, finely shagreened ; head a little broader than the chest: eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, clavate, shorter than the chest ; first joint green, long, slen- der ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and following joints short, transverse, successively decreasing in length ; club conical, broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its APPENDIX. 161 length : chest nearly oval ; fore-chest very short, hardly seen above; shield of the middle-chest broad ; sutures of the parapsides strongly marked ; scutcheon nearly rhomboidal ; hind-chest obconic, declin- ing, of moderate size : petiole very short : abdomen smooth, shin- ing, bronze on the disk, depressed above, keeled beneath, decreasing in breadth from the base to the tip, narrower 'end much longer than the chest ; sheaths of the oviduct black, hairy, nearly one-fourth of the length of the abdomen : legs green ; knees yellow ; feet brown : wings veiy slightly tinged with brown ; veins brown ; ulna half the length of the humerus ; radius as long as the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the radius ; wing-brand of moderate size. Length of the body f line ; of the wings 1 line. PSILONOTUS Achaeus. Fern. Aureo-viridis, antennis tibiisque piceis, tarsis flavis, genubus et protarsis fulvis, alis limpidis. Page 105. Head and chest bright golden green, shining, convex, finely shagreened : head as broad as the chest ; front large, flat, produced into a small obtuse tooth between the feelers ; the latter are inserted by the mouth, piceous, subclavate, very slender, longer than the chest; first joint long, slender, tawny, very slightly curved; second long cup-shaped ; third and fourth small, but more distinct than is usual in this family; fifth and following joints subquadrate, succes- sively decreasing in length ; club spindle-shaped, a little broader than the ninth joint and more than twice its length ; chest elliptical; fore-chest very short ; shield of the middle-chest broad, flat ; sutures of the parapsides indistinct ; axillae large, separated by nearly one- third of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon flat, nearly rhomboidal ; hind-chest short, declining; petiole very short: abdomen lanceo- late, much compressed, smooth, shining, concave above, keeled be- neath, as long as the chest, but not more than one-third of its breadth : hips and thighs green ; knees and fore feet tawny ; shanks piceous, their tips and the four hinder feet yellow : wings colour- less ; veins brown ; ulna full half the length of the humerus ; radius shorter than the ulna ; cubitus shorter than the radius ; wing- brand small. Length of the body f line ; of the wings l line. MACROMESUS. Page 106. Female. Head and chest convex, finely shagreened ; head as broad as the chest ; feelers 14-jointed, subclavate, pubescent ; first joint long, slender; second very long, cup-shaped; third and fourth very short ; fifth and following joints long, linear ; club long, Q2 162 APPENDIX. conical, more than twice the length of the eleventh joint : chest el- liptical ; fore-chest very short, hardly seen above ; shield of the middle-chest rather long ; sutures of the parapsides strongly marked ; axilla? separated by nearly one half the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon long, nearly rhomboidal : hind-chest short, transverse, declining : petiole very short : abdomen spindle-shaped, smooth, shining, depressed above, hardly keeled beneath : leos long ; middle shanks twice the length of the fore-shanks and a little longer than the hind-shanks ; middle-feet a little longer than the other feet. MACROMESUS Amphiretus. Fern. jtEneus cyaneo viridi pur- pureoque varius, antennis piceis, pedibus fulvis, alis subfuscis. Page 106. Body rather slender : head and chest bronze, slightly varied with green : feelers very slender, piceous, a little longer than the chest : first joint reddish yellow : front of the head varied with purple, blue and green : abdomen purple-bronze, slightly tinged with green at the base, rather hairy towards the tip, longer and a little broader than the chest : legs reddish yellow ; tips of the feet brown ; wings very slightly tinged with brown ; veins brown ; ulna rather more than half the length of the humerus ; radius much shorter than the ulna ; cubitus a little shorter than the radius ; wing- brand of moderate size. Length of the body H line ; of the wings 2j line. Allied to Merosteuus and the Eupelmidse ? Pi RENE Scylax. Mas. Viridis, antennis nigris, genubus, tar- sis tibiisque apice fulvis, tibiis propedibusque piceis, alis limpidis. Page 106. Dark green : head broader than the chest : eyes red : feelers black, clavate, shorter than the chest ; first joint much dilated ; se- cond cup-shaped ; third and following joints very small ; club large, oval : abdomen compressed, nearly as long as the chest : hips and thighs dark green ; knees, feet, and tips of shanks tawny ; shanks and fore-feet piceous : wings colourless ; veins piceous ; ulna nearly as long as the humerus ; radius not more than one-fourth of the length of the ulna ; cubitus a little shorter than the radius ; wing- brand small. Length of the body f line ; of the wings 1^ line. OBMOCEBUS Sabbas. Fern. Cyaneo-viridis, antennis fuscis basi viridibus, tibiis viridi-piceis, tarsis flams, alis limpidis. Page 106. Bright bluish green: head and chest convex, finely shagreened ; APPENDIX. 163 head a little broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers brown, clavate, rather slender, a little longer than the chest ; first joint green, long, slender ; second cup-shaped, green ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and following joints successively, but very slightly decreasing in length ; club elliptical, broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length : chest oval, broader in front than behind ; fore-chest very short, just seen above ; shield of the middle-chest rather long ; sutures of the parapsides rather strongly marked ; axilla? separated by rather less than one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon nearly rhomboidal, of moderate size, having a transverse suture near the tip ; hind-chest short, transverse, declining ; petiole very short ". abdomen spindle-shaped, smooth, shining, concave above, slightly keeled beneath, longer and much narrower than the chest ; disk slightly tinged with bronze ; hips and thighs green ; shanks piceous, tinged with green ; knees and feet yellow, tips of the latter piceous ; fore-feet brown : wings colourless; veins brown ; ulna full half the length of the hurnerus; radius much longer than the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the ulna ; wing-brand small. Length of the body J line ; of the wings 1 J line. ORMOCERUS Aletes. Fern. Aureo-viridis, abdomine cyaneo- viridi, anterinis piceis? tibiis fulvis, pedibus flavis, alls lim- pidis. Page 107. Body thick and broad: head and chest golden-green, convex, finely shagreened : head very large, broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers 12-jointed, piceous, clavate, stout, short, not more than half the length of the chest ; first joint long, linear, tawny, piceous at the tip ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small; fifth and following joints short, transverse, successively decreasing in length ; club elliptical, a little broader than the ninth joint and more than twice its length : chest deep, very robust ; fore- chest very short ; shield of the middle-chest very broad ; sutures of the parapsides very indistinct; axillae separated by one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon truncate-conic, having a very slight trace of a transverse suture near its tip ; hind-chest of mode- rate size, obconical, declining, with a ridge along the middle and one on each side by which it is divided into two compartments ; petiole extremely short : abdomen bluish green, smooth, shining, concave above, very deeply keeled beneath, narrower but hardly shorter than the chest ; the disk is slightly tinged with bronze; me- tapodeon rather large ; octoon and following segments of moderate size*, legs green ; shanks tawny; knees and tips of shanks yellow ; feet yellow, their tips piceous : wings colourless ; veins brown ; ulna Q3 164 APPENDIX. rather more than half the length of the humerus ; radius shorter than the ulna ; cubitus shorter than the radius ; wing-brand small. Length of the body Ij line ; of the wings 2 lines, CYRTOGASTER Poasos. Fern. Viridis, abdomine &neo, anten- nis nigris, pedibus luteis, metatarsis flavis, alls limpidis. Page 108. Head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head bluish green, a little broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, clavate, a little shorter than the chest ; first joint green ; second cup- shaped ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and following joints short, and successively decreasing in length ; club elliptical, broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length: chest green, nearly oval, not veiy convex ; fore-chest very short ; shield of the middle-chest rather short ; sutures of the parapsides very indistinct ; axillae separated by rather more than one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon nearly rhomb oidal ; hind-chest large, obconi- cal, declining, rather roughly shagreened : petiole moderately long : abdomen dark bronze, oval, smooth, shining, convex above, keeled beneath, a little shorter and broader than the chest ; metapodeon and octoon rather large ; ennaton and following segments short : legs luteous ; hips green ; middle-feet and hind- feet yellow, their tips piceous : wings colourless ; veins tawny ; ulna rather more than half the length ol the humerus ; radius much shorter than the ulna ; cubitus a little shorter than the radius ; wing-brand small. Length of the body f line ; of the wings 1J line. TITYROS, Walker. Page 108. Male. Head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head very large and thick, much broader than the chest: feelers clavate, as long as the chest ; first joint nearly linear, very long and slender, nearly as long as all the following joints ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth joints very small : fifth and following joints very short ; club elliptical, much broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length : chest short-oval, deep, broad ; fore-chest very short ; shield of the middle-chest large ; sutures of the parapsides indistinct ; scutcheon nearly conical ; hind-chest large, obconical, declining, nearly smooth : petiole short : abdomen nearly conical, depressed, smooth, shining, much shorter than the chest and not more than half its breadth ; metapodeon occupying most of the back ; octoon and following segments very short : ulna not more than half the length of the humerus ; radius a little shorter than the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the radius ; wing-brand very small. APPENDIX. 165 TITYROS Poreia. Mas. Viridis, antennis fuscis basi viridibus, tibiis tarsis que flams, illis fulvo cinctis, protibiis et protarsis luteis, alls limpidis. Page 108. Green : eyes and eyelets red : feelers brown ; first joint green, yellow at the base ; second piceous, tinged with green : hips and thighs green ; tips of the latter yellow ; trochanters tawny ; shanks and feet of the four hinder legs yellow, the former traversed by a broad tawny band, tips of the latter piceous ; fore-shanks and lore- feet luteous, tips of the latter brown : wings colourless ; veins tawny ; humerus brown. Length of the body f line ; of the wings 1J line. SPHEGIGASTER Agriope. Mas. Cyaneo-viridis, antennis niyris, pedibus luteis, alis limpidis. Page 108. Bright bluish green, convex : head and chest finely shagreened : head blue, much broader than the chest: eyes red : feelers black, filiform, slender, much longer than the chest ; first joint yellow, slender, linear ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and following joints long, linear ; club spindle-shaped, much longer than the preceding joint : chest nearly elliptical : fore-chest short : shield of the mid-chest much narrower in front; sutures of the parapsides distinct ; axillae large, meeting on the back ; scutcheon nearly rhomboidal : hind-chest long, obconical, declin- ing : petiole slender, cylindrical, nearly half the length of the abdo- men : abdomen oval, smooth, a little narrower and very much shorter than the chest ; metapodeon concave on the disk, occupy- ing nearly half the back ; octoon and ennaton of moderate size ; decaton and following segments short : legs luteous ; hips green : wings colourless ; veins tawny ; ulna very much shorter than the humerus ; radius longer than than the ulna ; cubitus about half the length of the ulna; wing-brand small. Length of the body 1-1 J line ; of the wings 2-2J lines. SPHEGIGASTER Lasthenes. Fern. Viridis, abdomine purpu- reo-ceneo basi cyanen, antennis nigris, pedibus luteis, femori- bus viridibus tarsis flavis, alis limpidis. Page 108. Dark green, convex : head and chest shagreened : head much broader than the chest : eyes dark red : feelers black, clavate, nearly as long as the chest ; first joint slender, linear, luteous, black at the tip ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and following joints to the tenth successively increasing in 166 APPENDIX. breadth ; club conical at the tip, a little broader than the tenth joint, and more than twice its length : chest elliptical : fore-chest very short : shield of the mid-chest much narrower in front ; sutures of the parapsides indistinct ; axillae large, approaching near to each other ; scutcheon somewhat rhomboidal : hind-chest long, ob- conical, declining, with a rim on each side : petiole stout, cylindri- cal, shagreened, about one-sixth of the length of the abdomen : ab- domen smooth, nearly elliptical, purplish bronze on the disk, blue towards the base, deeply keeled beneath, nearly as broad as the chest but very much shorter ; metapodeon long, occupying nearly half the back ; octoon of moderate size ; ennaton and following segments very short : legs luteous ; hips and the greater part of the thighs green ; middle-feet and hind-feet yellow, their tips and those of the fore-feet piceous : wings colourless ; veins piceous ; ulna little more than half the length of the humerus ; radius very little longer than the ulna ; cubitus more than half the length of the ulna ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings 2 lines. LAMPKOTATUS Mallius. Mas. jEneo-viridit, antennis nigris, pedibus fulvis^ femoribus viridi cinctis, metatibiis apice tar- sisque piceis, alis fuscis. Page 111. Coppery green, convex : head and chest very finely shagreeiied, appearing almost smooth : head a little broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, filiform, longer than the chest ; first joint long, slender, green ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and following joints long, linear, of nearly equal length ; club spindle-shaped, much longer than the tenth joint : chest oval : fore-chest transverse, narrower in front ; its length above one-fourth of its breadth ; the hind border concave : shield of the mid-chest rather long ; parapsides much developed, their sutures very strongly marked ; axillae rather large, parted by about one-fifth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboi- dal, with a transverse suture near its tip, a longitudinal furrow on each side, and a slight trace of a furrow proceeding from the middle of the base towards the disk : hind-chest rather large, obconical, de- clining ; its fore-shield distinct : petiole about one-seventh of the length of the abdomen : abdomen oval, smooth, a little narrower and much shorter than the chest ; metapodeon occupying nearly half of the back, its disk concave from the base till near the tip : oc- toon about half the length of the metapodeon ; ennaton much shorter ; decaton and following segments still shorter : legs tawny ; hips green ; feet piceous, the joints paler towards the base ; fore- thighs and hind-thighs traversed by a broad green band ; tips APPENDIX. 167 of hind-shanks piceous: wings brown; veins piceous; humerus hardly twice the length of the ulna ; radius very much longer than the ulna ; cubitus about half the length of the ulna ; wing-brand large. Length of the body Ij line ; of the wings 2J lines. LAMPROTATUS Zipoetes. Fern. Cyaneo-viridis, abdomine aneo- viridi, antennis nigris, tibiis piceis, tarsis flams, alls subfus- cis. Page 111. Convex : head and chest finely shagreened : head bluish green, much broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, clavate, much shorter than the chest; first joint long, linear, green ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the fol- lowing joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length; club spindle-shaped, more than twice the length of the tenth joint : chest elliptical, greenish blue, tinged with purple ; fore- chest transverse ; its length above about one-sixth of its breadth : shield of the mid -chest long; parapsides well developed, their su- tures strongly marked ; axillae parted by about one-fifth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, with a transverse suture near its tip : hind-chest rather large, obconical, declining, with a slight furrow along the middle and a rim on each side : pe- tiole about one-seventh of the length of the abdomen : abdomen brassy green, elliptical, smooth, keeled beneath, a little narrower and much shorter than the chest ; metapodeon rather more than one- third of its length ; octoon about half the length of the metapodeon ; ennaton as long as the octoon ; decaton a little shorter ; the follow- ing segments very short : hips and thighs green ; shanks piceous ; knees, feet, and tips of shanks yellow ; tips of feet brown ; fore- shanks and fore-feet tawny : wings slightly tinged with brown ; veins brown ; ulna hardly half the length of the humerus ; radius much longer than the ulna ; cubitus more than half the length of the ul- na ; wing-brand piceous, rather large. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings 2 lines. LAMPROTATUS (Ebares. Fern. Cyaneo-viridis, antennis ni- gris, tibiis tarsisque fulvis apice piceis, alls limpidis. Page Bluish green, convex : head and chest finely shagreened : head a little broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, clavate, a little longer than the chest ; first joint green, long, slender ; second cup-shaped ; third apd fourth very small ; fifth and following joints to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; 168 APPENDIX. club long-oval, broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length : chest oval : fore-chest very short ; its length above hardly one- fourth of its breadth : sutures of the parapsides strongly marked ; axillae approaching near to each other ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, with a transverse suture near its tip : hind-chest large, obconical, declining : petiole short : abdomen oval, smooth, keeled beneath, a little broader and much shorter than the chest ; metapodeon occu- pying about half of the back ; octoon and following segments of moderate size : legs tawny ; hips and thighs green, tips of the lat- ter tawny ; shanks and feet of four hinder legs with piceous tips : wings colourless ; veins brown ; ulna about half the length of the humerus ; radius very much longer than the ulna ; cubitus full half the length of the ulna ; wing-brand small. Length of the body | line ; of the wings 1J line. LAMPROTATUS Phylander. JEneo-viridis, pedibus piceis, tar- sis flavis, protarsis fulvis, alls limpidis. Page 111. Head wanting : chest coppery green, convex, finely shagreened : fore-chest rather short ; its length about one-third of its breadth ; sutures of the parapsides indistinct ; axillae parted by one-fourth of the breadth of the chest; scutcheon subrhomboidal; hind-chest obconical, declining, with a slight ridge along the middle : petiole moderately long: abdomen deep, oval, smooth, convex, brassy green, slightly keeled beneath, much shorter but not narrower than the chest ; metapodeon occupying more than one-third of the back ; octoon and ennaton of moderate size; decaton and following seg- ments very short : legs piceous ; hips green ; knees and feet yel- low, tips of the latter brown ; fore-shanks and fore-feet tawny : wings colourless ; veins pale brown ; ulna much shorter than the humerus ; radius nearly as long as the ulna ; cubitus not half the length of the radius ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body f line ; of the wings l line. LAMPROTATUS Acarnas. Fern. Viridis, abdominis disco pur- pureo, antennis nigris, pedibus flams, alis limpidis. Page Green, convex : head and chest finely shagreened : head bluish green, a little broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, clavate, a little shorter than the chest ; first joint yellow, long, linear, piceous at the tip ; second long cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and the following joints to the tenth sue- APPENDIX, 1G9 cessively decreasing in length ; club long-conical, broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length: chest oval: fore-chest very short : shield of the mid-chest broad ; sutures of the parapsides indistinct ; axilla parted by about one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, having a slight transverse suture near its tip : hind-chest of moderate size, obconical, declining : pe- tiole rather short : abdomen elliptical, smooth, almost flat above, slightly keeled beneath, much narrower and shorter than the chest ; metapodeon occupying about half the back ; octoon dark purple, large ; ennaton and following segments extremely short : legs yel- low ; hips green ; four hinder-feet pale yellow with brown tips : wings colourless ; veins tawny; ulna about half the length of the humerus ; radius much longer than the ulna ; cubitus more than half the length of the ulna ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body f line ; of the wings 1 line. LAMPROTATUS Acilius. Mas. Viridis, antennis fuscis, pedibus flaws, alis limpidis. Page 111. Bright green, convex, narrow : head and chest finely sha- greened : head much broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers pale brown, filiform, rather shorter than the chest ; first joint green, long, slender ; second long-cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints from the fifth to the tenth succes- sively decreasing in length ; club spindle-shaped, more than twice the length of the tenth joint : chest spindle-shaped : fore-chest very short, much narrower than the middle-chest, with the hind-border nearly straight ; its length above about one-fourth of its breadth : shield of the middle-chest rather long ; sutures of the parapsides very distinct ; axilla? parted by about one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhombiform : hind- chest rather long, ob- conical, declining, with a ridge along the middle and a rim on each side : petiole short : abdomen oval, smooth, hardly half the length of the chest; metapodeon occupying half of the back; octoon short ; ennaton and following segments very short : legs yellow ; hips green ; four hinder-feet pale yellow with piceous tips : wings colourless, rather narrow ; veins yellow ; ulna about half the length of the humerus ; radius as long as the ulna; cubitus more than half the length of the ulna ; wing-brand extremely small. Length of the body f line ; of the wings 1J line. LAMPROTATUS Amulius. Fern. Viridi-ceneus, antennis ni- gris, pedibus luteis, femoribus basi viridibus, tar sis flavis, alis limpidis. Page 111. Greenish blue, convex : head and chest shagreened : head not 170 APPENDIX. broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, subclavate, a little longer than the chest ; first joint green ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth veiy small ; fifth and following joints to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club spindle-shaped ; much more than twice the length of the tenth joint : chest oval : fore-chest very short, narrow in front, slightly concave behind ; its length above not more than one-sixth of its breadth : shield of the middle-chest broad ; sutures of the parapsides very distinct ; axillae rather large, parted by about one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, with a transverse suture near its tip : hind-chest large, obconical, declining : petiole very short : abdo- men short-elliptical, smooth, keeled beneath, a little narrower and very much shorter than the chest ; metapodeon occupying full half of the back, concave at the base ; octoon and following segments short : legs luteous ; hips and the lower part of the thighs green ; four hinder-feet yellow with brown tips : wings colourless ; veins brown ; ulna about half the length of the humerus ; radius very much longer than the ulna ; cubitus full half the length of the ul- na ; wing-brand rather large. Length of the body J line ; of the wings H line- LAMPROTATUS Labaris. Mas. Viridis cyaneo varius, abdominis disco ceneo, antennis nigris, pedibus fulvis, tarsis flavis, pro- femoribus piceo vittatis, alls limpidis. Page 111. Bright green : head and fore-chest bluish green : head and chest convex, shagreened : head a little broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, filiform, longer than the chest; first joint green ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and following joints successively decreasing in length ; club spindle-shaped, more than twice the length of the tenth joint : chest oval : fore-chest short, narrow in front, concave behind ; its breadth above more than twice its length : sutures of the parapsides very distinct ; axillae large, approaching each other ; scutcheon sub- rhomboidal, with a transverse suture near the tip : hind-chest large, obconical, declining : petiole short : abdomen smooth, flat, nearly linear, slightly contracted at the base, narrower and very much shorter than the chest ; disk bronze colour ; metapodeon large ; oc- toon and following segments short : legs tawny ; hips green ; each fore-thigh with a piceous line along its whole length ; knees and feet of four hinder-legs yellow, tips of the latter brown : wings co- lourless ; veins piceous ; humerus much longer than the ulna ; ra- dius hardly longer than the ulna; cubitus full half the length of the ulna; wing-brand very small. Length of the body 1^ line ; of the wings 2J lines. APPENDIX. 171 LAMPROTATUS Bolgius. Fern. JEneus, abdomine viridi vario, antennis nigris, pedibus fulvis, tarsis flavis, metafemoribus basi piceis, alls limpidis. Page 111. Brassy, convex : head and chest shagreened : head tinged with green, hardly broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets dark red : feelers black, pubescent, subclavate, not longer than the chest ; first joint long, slender, green ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and following joints to the tenth succes- sively decreasing in length ; club spindle-shaped, more than twice the length of the tenth joint : chest oval : fore-chest short ; its breadth above more than twice its length : sutures of the parapsides distinct ; axilla rather large, parted by about one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon nearly conical: hind-chest large, obconical, declining, with a ridge along the back : petiole short : abdomen oval, smooth, tinged with green, keeled beneath, much shorter but not narrower than the chest; metapodeon occupying about one-third of the back ; octoon and three following segments of moderate size ; paratelum and telum very short : legs tawny ; hips brassy ; base of the hind-thighs piceous ; middle-feet and hind- feet yellow with brown tips : wings colourless ; veins tawny ; ulna rather more than half the length of the humerus ; radius much longer than the ulna ; cubitus more than half the length of the ul- na ; wing-brand small. Length of the body J lines ; of the wings H line, LAMPKOTATUS Methymna. Mas. et Fern. Viridis, ceneo aut cyaneo varius, antennis nigris, pedibus piceis, alis fuscis. Page 111. Male. Dark green, with a slight bluish tinge : head and chest convex, very finely shagreened, appearing almost smooth : head large, broader than the chest : feelers black, filiform, pubes- cent, much longer than the chest ; first joint long, slender, green ; second cup-shaped; third and fourth very small ; fifth and follow- ing joints to the tenth long, linear, of equal length ; club spindle- shaped, much longer than the tenth joint : chest oval, well de- veloped : fore-chest short ; its breadth above about four times its length ; sutures of the parapsides very strongly developed ; axilla large, and nearly meeting on the back; scutcheon subrhomboidal, with a transverse suture near its tip : hind-chest large, obconical, declining ; its fore-shield transverse, short, distinct : petiole short : abdomen brassy green, smooth, depressed, increasing in breadth from the base to the tip, shorter and much narrower than the chest - 172 APPENDIX. metapodeon occupying much more than half of the back ; octoon and ennaton of moderate size ; decaton and following segments very short : legs piceous ; hips green ; knees and fore-shanks pale pi- ceous : wings brown, long and large ; veins dark piceous ; ulna about half the length of the humerus ; radius nearly twice the length of the ulna ; cubitus full half the length of the ulna ; wing- brand large. Length of the body 1-lJ line ; of the wings 2-2-J lines. Var. a. Head and chest green. Var. /3. Head and chest brassy green. Female. Head broader than the chest: feelers subclavate, longer than the chest ; joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length : abdomen oval, convex above, keeled beneath, as broad as the chest, but much shorter; metapodeon occupying more than half the back ; octoon rather large ; ennaton and follow- ing segments very short. LAMPROTATUS Pycnos. Mas. Cyaneo-viridis, abdomine cupreo vario, antennis nigris, tibiis fulvis apice tarsisque piceis, alls subgriseis. Page 111. Bluish green : head and chest convex, shagreened : head a little broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, filiform, longer than the chest; first joint green, long, slender; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and follow- ing joints successively decreasing in length ; club spindle-shaped, much longer than the tenth joint: chest oval: fore-chest short; its breadth above more than twice its length : sutures of the parap- sides distinct ; axillae large, approaching near to each other ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, with a very slight transverse suture near its tip : hind-chest blue, rather large, obconical, declining : petiole very short : abdomen smooth, flat, nearly linear, contracted at the base, varied with blue and copper-colour, shorter and rather narrower than the chest ; metapodeon occupying about half of the back ; oc- toon and ennaton of moderate size ; decaton and following segments short : legs tawny ; hips and thighs green, the latter and especially the fore-thighs tawny towards their tips ; middle-shanks and hind- shanks with piceous tips, each having also a broad brown band near the base ; feet piceous, hind-feet somewhat paler than the other feet : wings with a very slight gray tinge ; ulna rather more than half the length of the huinerus ; radius much longer than the ulna; cubitus more than half the length of the ulna ; wing-brand of moderate size. Length of the body Ij line ; of the wings 2 lines. APPENDIX. 173 Var. a. Head and chest green : abdomen brassy brown : no bands across the hinder-shanks. Female P Greenish blue : head a little broader than the chest : feelers clavate, a little longer than the chest ; joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club nearly elliptical, much longer than the tenth joint : abdomen elliptical, smooth, purple, blue at the base, convex above, keeled beneath, much shorter but not narrower than the chest; metapodeon occupying one-half of the back ; octoon and ennaton of moderate size ; deca- ton and following segments very short. LAMPROTATUS Coretas. Mas. Cyaneo-viridis, abdominis disco purpureo-cupreo, antennis nigris, tibiis tarsisque piceis, pro- tibiis fulvis piceo vittatis, alls subfuscis. Page 111. Dark green, with a slight bluish tint: head and chest convex, shagreened: head broader than the chest: eyes and eyelets dark red : feelers black, filiform, a little longer than the chest; first joint green ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and following joints to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club spindle-shaped, very much longer than the tenth joint : chest oval : fore-chest short ; its breadth above about twice its length : sutures of the parapsides distinct ; axillee rather large, parted by about one- fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, with a distinct transverse suture near its tip : hind-chest rather large, ob- conical, somewhat mgulose, slightly declining : petiole very short : abdomen linear, smooth, depressed, purplish copper on the disk, shorter and very much narrower than the chest; metapodeon occu- pying most of the back ; octoon and following segments short : legs piceous ; hips and thighs green ; knees and fore-shanks tawny, the latter having a piceous line along their whole length : wings rather narrow, with a very slight brownish tint ; veins brown ; ulna about half the length of the humerus ; radius much longer than the ulna ; cubitus full half the length of the ulna; wing-brand piceous, rather small. Length of the body 1^ line ; of the wings 2 lines. SEMioTUsTauriscus. Mas. Viridis, abdominis disco purpureo, antennis nigris,pedibus piceis, femoribus viridibus, protibiis et protarsis fulvis, alis subgriseis. Page 1 12. Dark green: head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head not broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets dark red : feelers black, filiform, not longer than the chest ; first joint long, slender, green ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the fol- B2 174 APPENDIX. lowing joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club long-conical, much longer than the tenth joint : chest elliptical : fore-chest very short ; its length ahove not more than one-eighth of its hreadth ; hind-border very concave : shield of the mid-chest rather long ; sutures of the parapsides distinct ; axillae parted by nearly one-third of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal : hind-chest rather broad, short-obconical, slightly declining : petiole very short : abdomen oval, smooth, depressed, dark purple on the disk, a little shorter but hardly narrower than the chest ; metapodeon occupying more than half of the back ; octoon about one-third of the length of the metapodeon ; ennaton shorter ; decaton and the following segments very short : legs tawny; hips and thighs green ; four hinder-shanks and feet piceous : wings very slightly tinged with gray ; veins piceous ; ulna a little shorter than the humerus ; radius shorter than the ulna ; cubitus about half the length of the radius; wing-brand very small, forked. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings 1 J line. PTEROMALUS ^Eson. Mas. Viridis, abdomine purpureo-ceneo, antennis fuscis, pedibus flavis, femoribus viridibus, alls sub- fulvis. Page 119. Body nearly linear : head and chest green, convex, finely sha- greened : head broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feel- ers brown, filiform, as long as the chest; first joint yellow, long, linear ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and following joints oblong-quadrate, but successively decreasing in length ; club conical, more than twice the length of the tenth joint : chest nearly linear : fore-chest very short : shield of the middle- chest rather long ; sutures of the parapsides indistinct; axillae se- parated by rather less than one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, having a very slight trace of a transverse suture before its tip : hind-chest of moderate size, obconical, declining : petiole very short : abdomen aeneous-green, flat, smooth, shining, shorter than the chest ; the disk is purplish brown ; meta- podeon occupying nearly one-third of the back ; octoon and follow- ing segments of moderate size : legs bright yellow ; hips and thighs green ; tips of the feet brown : wings with a slight tawny tinge, especially beneath the ulna and the radius ; ulna hardly half the length of the humerus ; radius a little longer than the ulna ; cubi- tus shorter than the ulna ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body 1J line; of the wings 2 lines. APPENDIX. J75 PTEROMALUS Camma. Fern. Viridis, abdomine aneo, basi viridi-fulvo, antennis nigris, pedibus flavis, alls limpidis. Page 119. Body convex : head and chest dark green, finely shagreened : head broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers hlack, very slightly clavate, much longer than the chest; first joint long, slender, linear, yellow ; second cup-shaped, piceous ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and following joints oblong, successively decreasing in length ; club spindle-shaped, piceous, hardly broader than the tenth joint but more than twice its length : chest ellipti- cal : fore-chest very short : shield of the middle-chest of moderate size ; sutures of the parapsides very indistinct ; axillffi separated by one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon nearly rhomboi- dal : hind-chest of moderate size, obconical, declining : petiole short : abdomen elliptical, bronze, smooth, shining, greenish tawny at the base, pointed at the tip, rather deeply keeled beneath, a little narrower and longer than the chest ; metapodeon rather large ; oc- toon and following segments shorter : oviduct yellow : legs yellow ; hips green ; tips of feet brown : wings colourless ; veins pale yel- low ; ulna very much shorter than the humerus ; radius longer than the ulna ; cubitus shorter than the ulna ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body f line ; of the wings 1 J line. PTEROMALUS Phasis. Mas. Cyaneo-viridis, abdominis disco purpureo-cupreo, antennis tibiisque piceu,femoribus viridibus, tarsisflavis,alis limpidis. Page 119. Head and chest bluish green, convex, finely shagreened : head a little broader than the chest ; front blue : eyes and eyelets piceous : feelers filiform, piceous, longer than the chest ; first joint long, slen- der, green ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints from the fifth to the tenth linear, of nearly equal size ; club spindle-shaped, more than twice the length of the tenth joint: chest elliptical : fore-chest very short; its length above not more than one-tenth of its breadth ; hind-border concave : shield of the mid-chest broad ; sutures of the parapsides indistinct ; axillae parted by nearly one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal : hind-chest broad, declining, with a ridge along the middle and a rim on each side ; petiole very short : abdomen green, purplish copper on the disk, flat, smooth, increasing in breadth from the base till near the tip, a little narrower and much shorter than the chest ; metapodeon occupying nearly one-third of the back ; octoon and following segments of moderate length : hips and thighs green ; R3 176 APPENDIX. shanks piceous ; knees, feet, and tips of shanks yellow ; tips of four hinder feet brown : wings colourless ; veins pale tawny ; ulna about half the length of the humerus ; radius a little shorter than the ul- na ; cubitus a little shorter than the radius ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body J line ; of the wings l line. PTEROMALUS Cyamon. Mas. Viridis, abdomine purpureo,an- tennis pedibusque fulvis, femoribus piceo vittatis, alls limpi- dis. Page 11 9. Head and chest bright green, convex, finely shagreened : head a little broader than the chest : feelers dark tawny, subclavate, as long as the chest ; first joint tawny, long, linear; second cup- shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club elliptical, broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length : chest elliptical, rather long, with a slight brassy tinge : fore-chest very short; its length above not more than one-tenth of its breadth; hind-border concave :. shield of mid-chest rather long ; sutures of the parapsides very indistinct ; axillae parted by about one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal : hind-chest short, declining, with a rim on each side : petiole very short : abdo- men linear, flat, smooth, dark purple, a little narrower and much shorter than the chest ; metapodeon occupying more than one-third of the back; octoon rather long; the following segments short : legs pale tawny ; hips green ; thighs with a piceous line above, which line in the hind-pair extends over the whole surface of the thighs ; middle- feet and hind-feet yellow with brown tips : wings colourless ; veins pale yellow ; ulna about half the length of the humerus ; ra- dius as long as the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the ulna ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body f line ; of the wings li line. PTEROMALUS Hyloe. Fern. Viridis, abdomine ceneo-purpureo basi viridi micante, antennis nigris, pedibus luteis, femoribus viridibus, alis subfulvis. Page 119. Head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head dark green, a little broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, clavate, rather stout, not longer than the chest ; first joint long, tawny, black at the tip ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length; club long-conical, not broader than the tenth joint but more than twice its length : chest nearly spindle- APPENDIX. 177 shaped : fore-chest very short ; its length above less than one-tenth of its breadth ; hind-border concave : sutures of the parapsides in- distinct ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, with a suture along each side : hind-chest of moderate size, obconical, declining: petiole very short : abdomen oval, smooth, coppery-purple, bright green at the base, depressed above, slightly keeled beneath, shorter but not broader than the chest ; metapodeon occupying about one-fourth of its length ; octoon and following segments of moderate and nearly equal size : legs bright luteous ; hips and thighs green ; four hinder feet yellow with piceous tips : wings slightly tawny ; veins tawny ; ulna more than half the length of the humerus ; radius longer than the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the ulna ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body 1J- line ; of the wings 2f lines. PTEROMALUS Acco. Fem. jEneo-viridis, abdomine purpureo ceneo, basi viridi, antennis nigris, femoribus ceneis, alii ful- vis. Page 120. Allied to P. deplanatus. Body dull brassy green : head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head hardly broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, clavate, rather shorter than the chest; first joint tawny, very long; second long-cup- shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints from the fifth to the tenth short, closely joined together and successively de- creasing in length ; club conical, more than twice the length of the tenth joint : chest nearly elliptical : fore-chest very short ; its length above less than one-tenth of its breadth ; hind-border rather con- cave : shield of the mid-chest rather short and broad ; sutures of the parapsides very indistinct ; axilla? parted by about one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, with a suture along each side : hind-chest of moderate size, obconical, declining, with a ridge along the middle and a rim on each side : petiole very short : abdomen nearly round, smooth, purplish bronze, green at the base, depressed above, hardly keeled beneath, much shorter than the chest, its length scarcely exceeding its breadth ; metapo- deon occupying hardly one-third of the back ; octoon and two fol- lowing segments of moderate length; the rest very short: legs tawny ; hips and thighs brassy : wings tawny, rather narrow ; veins dull tawny ; ulna hardly half the length of the humerus; radius a little shorter than the ulna ; cubitus shorter than the radius ; wing- brand very small. Length of the body f line ; of the wings 1^ line. 178 APPENDIX. PTEROMALUS Tychon. Fern. Niger, abdomine csneo macula basali fulva, antennis nigris^ pedibus fulvis, alis limpidis. Page 120. Body very broad : head and chest black, convex, shagreened : head large, broader than the chest: eyes and eyelets dark red : feel- ers black, subclavate, much longer than the chest ; first joint long, slender, tawny ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreas- ing in length ; club spindle-shaped, a little broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length : chest short-elliptical, robust : fore-chest extremely short ; its length above less than one-tenth of its breadth ; hind-border slightly concave : shield of the mid-chest broad and short; sutures of the parapsides very indistinct; axillae parted by nearly one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, with a slight transverse suture near its tip ; hind- chest large, declining, slightly obconical, with a ridge along the middle: petiole very short: abdomen short-elliptical, smooth, flat above, keeled beneath, brassy with an indistinct tawny spot near the base which is green, much shorter but hardly narrower than the chest ; its length slightly exceeding its breadth ; metapodeon occu- pying about one-third of the back ; octoon full half the length of the metapodeon ; ennaton and all the following segments short but distinct : legs tawny ; hips brassy : wings colourless ; veins tawny; ulna rather less than half the length of the humerus ; radius a little longer than the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the ulna ; wing- brand very small. Length of the body lj line ; of the wings 2 lines. PTEROMALUS Cerycus. Fem. Viridis, abdomine cyaneo pur- pureoque vario, antennis nigris, pedibus fulvo-flavis, alis lim- pidis. Page 120. Body bright green, rather narrow : head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, clavate, slender, nearly as long as the chest ; first joint lon, antennis nigris, pedibus fulvis, femoribus viridi-ceneis , alls subfulvis. Page 126. Head and chest convex, coppery, finely shagreened : head a little broader than the chest : eyes piceous : feelers black, subcla- vate, shorter than the chest ; first joint long, tawny till near the tip; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club long-conical, more than twice the length of the tenth joint : chest short-oval : fore-chest very short ; its length above not more than one-tenth of its breadth ; hind-border slightly concave : su- APPENDIX. 201 tures of the parapsides very indistinct ; axillsB parted by rather less than one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboi- dal : hind-chest rather short, obconical, declining, with a ridge along the middle and a rim on each side : petiole very short : abdo- men coppery-purple, smooth, nearly oval, rather slender towards the tip, depressed above, very much keeled beneath, rather broader and very much longer than the chest ; a large triangular bright bluish green spot on each side of every segment ; metapodeon golden green towards the base, occupying hardly more than one-eighth of the back : hind-border convex ; octoon and ennaton of moderate size ; decaton and the following segments rather longer : legs taw- ny ; hips and thighs brassy green ; mid-feet and hind-feet yellow with piceous tips : wings with a slight tawny tinge ; veins dark tawny ; ulna not more than half the length of the humerus ; radius a little shorter than the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the radius ; wing-brand piceous, very small. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 3 lines. PTEROMALUS Axos. Fern. Viridis, abdominis disco cupreo- purpureo, antennis piceis, pedibus flavis, alis limpidis. Page 126. Bright green ; head and chest convex, finely shagreened " head broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers clavate, dark piceous, shorter than the chest ; first joint tawny, long, slen- der ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the follow- ing joints from the fifth to the tenth hardly decreasing in length ; club nearly oval, pointed at the tip, a little broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length : chest elliptical, with a blu- ish tinge : fore-chest very short ; its length above not more than one-tenth of its breadth ; hind-border slightly concave : sutures of the parapsides very indistinct ; axillaB parted by one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, with a suture along each side, and a very indistinct transverse suture near the tip : hind-chest of moderate size, obconical, declining, with a ridge along the middle and a rim on each side : petiole very short : ab- domen long-oval, smooth, depressed above, very slightly keeled be- neath, a little broader but hardly longer than the chest ; disk cop- pery purple, which colour spreads more along the hind-border than along the fore-border of each segment ; metapodeon not occupying more than one-sixth of the back ; hind-border slightly concave ; all the following segments of moderate and nearly equal length : legs yellow ; hips green ; tips of feet brown ; middle-feet and hind-feet pale yellow : wings colourless ; veins tawny ; ulna full half the 202 APPENDIX. length of the humerus ; radius a little shorter than the ulna ; cubi- tus much shorter than the radius; wing-brand small, brown. Length of the body 1^ line ; of the wings 2 lines. PTEROMALUS Otos. Fern. Viridis, abdomine cupreo-purpureo, antennis nigrit, pedibusfulvis, femoribus viridibus, alls sub- fulvis. Page 126. Head and chest dark green, convex, finely shagreened : head large, broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets dark red : feelers black, clavate, nearly as long as the chest ; first joint long, slender, tawny, black towards the tip ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints from the fifth to the tenth short and successively decreasing in length ; club short, nearly conical, broader than the tenth joint and about twice its length : chest oval : fore-chest very short; its length not more than one-tenth of its breadth ; sutures of the parapsides very indistinct ; axillae parted by nearly one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon sub- rhomboidal, having a suture along each side, and a slight trace of a cross furrow near its tip : hind-chest rather large, obconical, slightly declining, with a ridge along the middle and a rim on each side : petiole very short : abdomen oval, smooth, coppery-purple, bright green at the base, flat above, keeled beneath, shorter and a little broader than the chest ; metapodeon occupying full one-fourth of the back ; octoon and all the following segments of moderate and nearly equal size : legs tawny ; hips and thighs green ; tips of the latter tawny ; middle-feet and hind-feet yellow with brown tips : wings with a slight tawny tinge ; veins tawny ; ulna about half the length of the humerus ; radius a little shorter than the ulna ; cubi- tus shorter than the radius ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body 1 J line ; of the wings 2 lines. PTEROMALUS Carma. Fern. Viridis, abdominis disco purpu- reo, antennis fulvis, pedibus flavo-fulvis, femoribus basi pi- ceis, alls limpidis. Page 126. Bright green : head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head a little broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers dark tawny, filiform, hardly longer than the chest ; first joint long, slender, yeUow, piceous towards the tip ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints from the fifth to the tenth equal in size and rather broader than long; club spindle- shaped, thrice the length of the tenth joint : chest nearly elliptical : fore-chest very short ; its length above less than one- tenth of its APPENDIX. 203 breadth ; hind-border very slightly concave : shield of the mid-chest rather short ; sutures of the parapsides very indistinct ; axillae parted by about one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal : hind-chest short, slightly obconical, declining, with a ridge along the middle a.nd a rim on each side : petiole very short : abdomen oval, smooth, depressed above, hardly keeled be- neath, scarcely longer or broader than the chest ; disk purple, which colour mingled with a brassy tinge extends along the hind-border of each segment ; metapodeon occupying full one-sixth of the back ; hind-border slightly convex ; octoon and following segments of mo- derate and equal size : legs bright pale tawny ; hips green ; thighs piceous towards the base ; four hinder-knees and feet pale yellow, tips of the latter piceous : wings colourless ; veins pale tawny ; ul- na hardly half the length of the huraerus ; radius a little longer than the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the ulna ; wing-brand pale brown, very small. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings 2 lines. PTEROMALUS Sybritia. Fern. Viridis, cyaneo cupreo purpureoque varius, antennis nigris, pedibus flavo-fulvis, femoribus piceo- vittatis^ alis limpidis. Page 126. Head and chest convex, finely shagreened : green slightly tinged with blue and copper colour : head large, broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets dark red : feelers black, subclavate, rather slender, piceous towards the tip ; first joint long, slender, tawny to- wards the base ; second long-cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club long-conical, more than twice the length of the tenth joint : chest elliptical : fore-chest very short ; its length above less than one-tenth of its breadth ; hind-border slightly concave : sutures of the parapsides indistinct ; axillae parted by ra- ther less than one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, with a suture along each side : hind-chest rather short, declining, golden green, almost smooth, with an impression on each side of the fore-border : petiole very short : abdomen long- oval, smooth, bright bluish green, depressed above, keeled beneath, very little narrower and shorter than the chest ; disk purple ; angle of the keel very near the base ; metapodeon occupying about one- fourth of the back ; octoon and three following segments of mode- rate size ; paratelum and telum rather short : legs bright tawny ; hips green ; thighs with piceous stripes ; four hinder-shanks and feet bright pale yellow ; tips of the latter piceous : wings colourless ; veins pale tawny ; ulna about half the length of the humerus ; ra~ 204 APPENDIX. dius nearly as long as the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the radius; wing-brand very small. Length of the body Ij line; of the wings 2j lines. PTEROMALUS Mesapos. Fern. Cupreus, abdomine cupreo-pur- pureo basi viridi, antennis nigris, pedibus flams, femoribus fulvis piceo vitlatis, alls Limpidis. Page 1 26. Head and chest coppery, convex, finely shagreened : head broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets dark red : feelers black, clavate, thick, a little longer than the chest ; first joint bright taw- ny, long, linear, black at the tip ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small; the following joints from the tifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length; club conical, much broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length : chest nearly oval : fore-chest very short ; its length above less than one-tenth of its breadth; hind -border very concave: sutures of the parapsides very indistinct ; axillae parted by one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal : hind-chest rather large, obconical, de- clining, with some excavations along the fore-border and a slight ridge along the middle : petiole very short : abdomen oval, smooth, coppery purple, bright green at the base, depressed above, very deeply keeled beneath, so as almost to form a right angle, shorter and a little narrower than the chest ; metapodeon occupying about one-fourth of the back, slightly excavated at the base ; octoon and the following segments of moderate and nearly equal size ; parate- lum and telum rather long ; legs yellow, rather stout, hips brassy ; thighs tawny, with piceous stripes ; each middle-thigh with a spine beneath near the tip ; four hinder-feet with piceous tips : wings co- lourless, rather short ; veins pale tawny ; ulna more than half the length of the humerus ; radius a little shorter than the ulna ; cubi- tus much shorter than the radius ; wing-brand very small, pale brown. Length of the body 1 J line ; of the wings 2 lines. PTEROMALUS Larymna. Fern. Viridis, abdomine viridi-cyaneo, antennis viigris, pedibus fulvo-piceis, femoribus viridibus, alls limpidis. Page 126. Bright green : head and chest convex, shagreened : head hardly as broad as the chest : eyes and eyelets bright red : feelers black, clavate, slender, much shorter than the chest ; first joint long, green, slightly increasing in breadth from the base to the tip ; second long cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints from the fifth to the tenth short and successively decreasing APPENDIX. 205 in length ; club oval, much broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length : chest elliptical : fore-chest very short ; its length above about one-eighth of its breadth ; hind-border very slightly concave : shield of the middle-chest rather long ; sutures of the parapsides rather indistinct on each side and almost obsolete be- fore they reach the hind-border; axillae parted by about one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal : hind-chest short, transverse : petiole very short : abdomen oval, smooth, green- ish blue, depressed above, hardly keeled beneath, a little longer and broader than the chest ; metapodeon occupying about one-sixth of the back ; octoon and following segments of moderate and nearly equal length : hips and thighs green ; shanks and tips of four hinder- feet piceous ; knees, feet, and tips of shanks tawny : wings colourless ; veins brown ; ulna less than half the length of the hu- merus ; radius much longer than the ulna ; cubitus shorter than the ulna; wing-brand small. Length of the body Ij line ; of the wings 2J- lines. PTEROMALUS Etearchus. Fern. Viridis, abdomine purpureo- viridi, antennis nigris, pedibus flavo-luteis, alls subfulvis. Page 126. Body green : head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, sub- clavate, rather slender, not longer than the chest ; first joint long, slender, tawny, black at the tip ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club oval, much broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length : chest elliptical : fore- chest very short ; its length less than one-tenth of its breadth ; hind- border slightly concave : shield of the middle-chest rather long ; sutures of the parapsides very indistinct ; axilla? parted by rather less than one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon sub- rhomboidal, with a suture along each side : hind-chest rather short, declining, with a ridge along the middle and a rim on each side : petiole very short : abdomen spindle-shaped, smooth, depressed above, keeled and tawny beneath, narrower and very much longer than the chest ; disk tinged with purple ; metapodeon occupying about one-sixth of the back; octoon and three following segments of moderate and nearly equal size ; paratelum and telum shorter : legs luteous ; four hinder-shanks and feet bright yellow ; tips of the latter brown : wings with a tawny tinge ; veins tawny ; ulna rather broad, about half the length of the humerus ; radius a little longer than the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the ulna ; wing- brand small. Length of the body ] line; of the wings If line. 206 APPENDIX. PTEROMALUS Phalarsarna. Fern. Viridis, abdomine purpureo- cupreo, basi viridi, antennis nigris, pedibus fulvis, femoribus anticis piceo-vittatis, alls subfuscis. Page 126. Allied to Trigonoderus. Body rather narrow : head and chest green, convex, finely shagreened : head rather large, broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets dark red : feelers black, subclavate, nearly as long as the chest; first joint green, long, slender ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very short ; the following joints, from the fifth to the tenth successively, decreasing in length ; club long- conical, more than twice the length of the tenth joint : chest spin- dle-shaped, well developed : fore-chest rather large ; its length about one-fourth of its breadth ; hind border concave : shield of the mid- chest narrower in front : sutures of the parapsides distinct ; axillae parted by about one-sixth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, nearly conical in front, with a suture along each side and a transverse suture near the tip : hind-chest well developed, obconical, declining, roughly sculptured : fore-shield distinct : peti- ole very short : abdomen spindle-shaped, smooth, purplish copper, green at the base, depressed above, slightly keeled beneath, very lit- tle shorter and narrower than the chest ; metapodeon occupying about one-fourth of the back ; octoon and all the following segments of moderate and nearly equal size : legs tawny ; hips green ; fore- thighs striped with green ; four hinder feet with piceous tips : wings slightly tinged with brown ; veins dull tawny ; ulna a little more than half the length of the humerus ; radius a little longer than the ulna : cubitus much shorter than the ulna ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body 1 1 line; of the wings 2 2| lines. Var. #. Thighs green ; four hinder feet much paler than the shanks. PTEROMALUS Themiso. Fern. Viridis. abdomine cupreo-pur- pureo, basi viridi micante, antennis nigris, pedibus fulvis, fe- moribus viridi mttatis^ alis fulvis. Page 126. Body rather narrow : head and chest dark green, convex, finely shagreened : head rather large, broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets dark red : feelers black, clavate, rather thick, nearly as long as the chest ; first joint, long, linear, tawny, piceous at the tip ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very short ; the following joints to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club conical, hardly broader than the tenth joint, but more than twice its length : chest spindle-shaped : fore-chest of moderate size ; its length about one-fourth of its breadth : shield of the mid-chest rather long : su- tures of the parapsides very indistinct ; axilla parted by rather less APPENDIX. 207 than one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhom- boidal : hind-chest large, obconical, declining, with a ridge along the middle and a rim on each side: petiole very short : abdomen spindle-shaped, smooth, coppery purple, bright green at the base, depressed above, keeled beneath, as long and as broad as the chest ; metapodeon occupying nearly one-fourth of the back ; octoon and three following segments tolerably long, nearly equal in size ; pa- ratelum and telum short : legs tawny ; hips green ; thighs striped with green ; four hinder-knees and feet yellow, tips of the latter tawny : wings tawny, rather narrow ; veins of the same colour ; ul- na more than half the length of the humerus ; radius a little shorter than the ulna; cubitus much shorter than the radius; wing-brand very small. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings IJline. PTEROMALUS Allutius. Fem. Viridis, cyaneo cupreo purpu- reoque varius, antennis nigris, pedibus fulvis, alls subfulvis. Page 126. Body rather short : head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head green, a little broader; than the chest: eyes and eyelets red: feelers black, clavate, a little shorter than the chest; first joint tawny, long, and very slender ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club oval, much broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length : chest elliptical, purplish copper, not much developed : fore-chest very short ; its length less than one-tenth of its breadth ; hind-border slightly concave : shield of the mid-chest short ; sutures of the parapsides very indistinct, almost obsolete ; axillas parted by one-third of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, with a short suture along each side : petiole very short : abdomen oval, smooth, varied with blue, purple, green, and copper-colour, flat above, slightly keeled beneath, broader but scarcely longer than the chest ; meta- podeon occupying about one-fifth of the back ; octoon and all the following segments of moderate and nearly equal length : legs taw- ny ; hips coppery ; four hinder-knees and feet yellow ; tips of the feet brown : wings rather small, with a very slight tawny tinge ; veins pale yellow ; ulna less than half the length of the humerus ; radius a little longer than the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the radius ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body J line ; of the wings 1 J line. 208 APPENDIX. PTEROMALUS Priansos. Fern. Viridi-cyaneus, abdominis disco nigro purpureo, antennis pedibusque fulvis , femoribus cyaneo- viridibus, tibiis piceo fasciat is, alls limpidis. Page 126. Greenish blue : head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head as broad as the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers piceous, clavate, slender, rather shorter than the chest ; first joint long, slen- der, tawny at the base; second cup-shaped; third and fourth very small ; the following joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club oval, much broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length : chest short-elliptical : fore-chest short ; its length about one-eighth of its breadth : shield of the mid-chest rather long ; sutures of the parapsides indistinct ; axilla? parted by one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon sub- rhomboidal, with a suture along each side : hind-chest transverse, short, declining, with a ridge along the middle and a rim on each side : petiole very short : abdomen spindle-shaped, smooth, de- pressed above, deeply keeled beneath, narrower and much longer than the chest ; disk blackish purple ; metapodeon occupying ra- ther less than one-fourth of the back ; octoon and ennaton of equal size ; decaton and protelura longer ; paratelum and telum shorter : legs tawny ; hips and thighs bluish green ; a broad piceous band across each of the four hinder-shanks ; four hinder-feet pale tawny with piceous tips : wings colourless ; veins pale tawny ; ulna hardly half the length of the humerus ; radius about as long as the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the radius: wing-brand very small. Length of the body lj line ; of the wings 2 lines. Var. /3. Head and chest green. PTEROMA.LUS Gigon. Fern. Viridis, abdomine purpureo-aneo , antennis nigris, pedibus fulvis, alls limpidis. Page 126. Allied to P. domesticus. Body rather short : head and chest green, convex, finely shagreened : head very little broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, clavate, shorter than the chest; first joint green, long, slender; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints to the tenth short, trans- verse ; club conical, hardly broader than the tenth joint but more than twice its length : chest elliptical, not much developed : fore- chest extremely short ; its length above much less than one-tenth of its breadth : shield of the mid-chest short ; sutures of the parapsides very indistinct, almost obsolete ; axillae parted by full one-fourth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal : hind-chest transverse, rather short, slightly declining, with a slight ridge along the middle and a APPENDIX. 209 rim on each side : petiole very short: abdomen elliptical, smooth (that is, comparatively, for in this and several other species of Ptero- malus, it appears slightly shagreened when highly magnified), dark purplish bronze, brassy at the base and at the tip, depressed above, hardly keeled beneath, very little longer and broader than the chest ; metapodeon as long as the octoon, hind-border slightly convex with anotch in the middle ; octoon and four following segments of mode- rate and nearly equal size; telum very small: legs tawny ; hips green; tips of the feet brown : wings colourless, rather short ; veins pale tawny ; ulna rather less than half the length of the humerus ; radius a little shorter than the ulna ; cubitus shorter than the radius ; wing-brand extremely small. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings 1^ line. PTEROMALUS Orthagus. Fern. Cyaneo-viridis, abdomine cu- preo-purpureo, antennis nigris, tibiis piceis, tarsis fulvis, alis limpidis. Page 126. Head and chest bluish green, convex, finely shagreened : head as broad as the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, shorter and more clavate than those of P. Priansos ; first joint green, long, slender ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the fol- lowing joints to the tenth short, transverse ; club nearly oval, broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length : chest oval : fore-chest very short ; its length not more than one-tenth of its breadth : shield of the middle-chest rather large ; sutures of the parapsides very indistinct; axilla parted by one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, with a suture along each side : hind-chest transverse, rather short, with a slight ridge along the middle and a rim on each side : petiole very short : abdo- men spindle-shaped, smooth, blue, coppery purple on the disk, bright green at the base, depressed above, slightly keeled beneath, longer and much narrower than the chest ; most of the segments of moderate and nearly equal length : hips and thighs green ; shanks piceous ; knees and feet tawny ; tips of four hinder- feet piceous : wings colourless ; veins pale tawny ; ulna hardly half the length of the humerus ; radius as long as the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the radius ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body 1 J line ; of the wings 2 lines. PTEROMALUS Diomedon. Fern. Purpureo-viridis, abdomine viridi-cyaneo, antennis nigris, pedibus flavo-piceis, femoribus viridibus, alis limpidis. Page 126. Head and chest dark green tinged with purple : head very little U 2 210 APPENDIX. broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets dark red : feelers black, subclavate, rather slender, a little longer than the chest ; first joint green, long, linear ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small; the following joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club long-oval, a little broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length : chest short-elliptical : fore- chest very short ; its length above less than one-tenth of its breadth : shield of the mid-chest rather short ; sutures of the parapsides indis- tinct ; axilla? parted by little more than one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, with a suture along each side : hind-chest golden green, short, transverse, with a slight ridge along the middle and a rim on each side : petiole very short : abdomen spindle-shaped, smooth, greenish blue, depressed above, keeled be- neath, a little narrower and very much longer than the chest ; me- tapodeon occupying nearly one-iifth of the back ; octoon short ; en- naton and following segments longer : hips and thighs green ; shanks piceous ; fore-knees and fore-feet tawny ; knees, feet, and tips of shanks of four hinder-legs yellow : wings colourless ; veins pale yellow; ulna about half the length of the humerus; radius as long as the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the radius ; wing- brand very small. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings 2 lines. PTEROMALUS Aliraentus. Fern. Nigro-aneus, abdomine pur- pureo basi viridi^ antennis femoribusque, piceis pedibus flavis, alls subfulvis. Page 126. Head and chest convex, dull black, with a very slight brassy tinge, finely shagreened : head hardly broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets dark red : feelers dark piceous, subclavate, not longer than the chest ; first joint long, slender, yellow, piceous at the tip ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club spindle-shaped, more than twice the length of the tenth joint : chest nearly oval : fore-chest very short : shield of the middle- chest nearly flat; sutures of the parapsides very indistinct ; axillae parted by nearly one-third of the breadth of the chest; scutcheon subrhomboidal : hind-chest short, hardly obconical, declining : pe- tiole very short : abdomen spindle-shaped, smooth, dark purple, green at the base, depressed above, keeled beneath, narrower and very much longer than the chest ; metapodeon occupying about one- fifth of the back ; octoon and following segments of moderate size and of nearly equal length : legs bright yellow ; hips black ; thighs except the tips, piceous ; middle-feet and hind-feet pale yellow with APPENDIX. 211 black tips : wings pale tawny ; a large brown spot on the disk of each fore-wing; veins pale brown; ulna hardly half the length of the bumerus ; radius a little longer than the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the ulna ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body J 1 line; of the wings Ij 1^ line. Yar. j3. Feelers black. PTEROMALUS Coelius. Fern. neus, abdomine purpureo, an- tennis nigris, pedibus fulvis, femoribus piceo-vittatis, proatis fusco submaculatis. Page 126. Brassy : head and chest convex, shagreened : head a little broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, almost filiform or very slightly clavate, not longer than the chest ; first joint tawny, long, slender ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints from the fifth to the tenth succes- sively decreasing in length ; club spindle-shaped, more than twice the length of the tenth joint : chest oval : fore-chest extremely short : sutures of the parapsides tolerably distinct ; axillae parted by about one- fifth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhornboi- dal with a transverse suture near its tip : hind-chest rather large, short-obconical, declining, with a ridge along the middle and a rim on each side ; its fore-shield distinct : petiole extremely short : abdomen spindle-shaped, smooth, dark purple, depressed on the disk, hardly keeled beneath, a little narrower and much longer than the chest ; metapodeon occupying about one-sixth of the back, notched in the middle of the hind-border ; octoon like the following segments of moderate size, and nearly equal to the metapodeon in length : sheaths of the oviduct black, hairy : legs pale tawny ; hips brassy ; a piceous line along the upper border of each of the fore- thighs and of the hind-thighs ; tips of the feet brown : wings colourless ; each fore-wing with a brown spot beneath the brand ; veins tawny ; ulna about half the length of the humerus ; radius very much longer than the ulna ; cubitus more than half the length of the ulna ; wing-brand small. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 3 lines. PTEROMALUS ^Eacus. Fern. Cyaneo-viridis, abdomine purpu- reo nigro, antennis piceis, pedibus piceo-fulvis, a Us limpidis. Page 126. Head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head dark blue with a purple tinge, not broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets dark red : feelers piceous, clavate, not longer than the chest ; first u3 212 APPENDIX. joint long 1 , slender, green ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; fifth and following joints very short; club oval, much broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length : chest oval, dark green with a blue tinge : fore-chest very short ; its length above not more than one-tenth of its breadth ; shield of the mid- chest flat; sutures of the parapsides very indistinct; axilUe parted by about one- fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon sub- rhomboidal : hind-chest of moderate size, obconical, declining, with a suture on each side : petiole piceous, very short : abdomen nearly oval, smooth, purplish black, dark bluish green at the base, de- pressed above, slightly keeled beneath, a little shorter and narrower than the chest ; metapodeon occupying less than half of the back ; octoon and two following segments of moderate size ; the other segments very short : legs pale tawny ; hips dark green ; thighs and shanks of four hinder-feet slightly piceous ; middle-feet and hind-feet yellow with brown tips: wings colourless; veins pale tawny ; ulna full half the length of the humerus ; radius longer than the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the ulna ; wing-brand small. Length of the body J line ; of the wings 1 J line. PTEROMALUS Alope. Fern. Purpureo-niger, abdomine viridi- vario, antennis nigris^ pedibus piceis, alls subfuscis. Page 127. Head and chest convex, finely shagreened, black with a slight purple tinge : head not broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets piceous : feelers black : chest short-elliptical : fore-chest very short ; its length above not more than one-tenth of its breadth ; hind-border hardly concave : sutures of the parapsides indistinct ; axillae parted by nearly one-fifth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal : hind-chest of moderate size, nearly obconical, de- clining, with a ridge along the middle and a rim on each side : pe- tiole very short : abdomen nearly elliptical, smooth, dark purple slightly tinged with green, depressed above, keeled beneath, a little broader but not longer than the chest ; metapodeon nearly half the length of the back ; octoon and following segments short : legs pi- ceous ; hips black : wings pale brown ; veins pale brown ; ulna not more than half the length of the humerus ; radius longer than the ulna ; cubitus more than half the length of the ulna ; wing-brand small. Length of the body J line ; of the wings 1 J line. APPENDIX. 213 PTEROMALUS Cepio. Fern. Cyaneo-viridis, abdominis disco purpureo, antennis piceis^pedibus fulvis^ alls limpidis. Page 127. Dark green : head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head dark bluish green, broader than the chest ; feelers piceous ; first joint tawny, slender, very long ; second darker, cup-shaped ; third and fourth veiy small ; fifth and the following joints to the tenth trans- verse, very short; club long-conical, more than twice the length of the tenth joint : chest nearly elliptical : fore-chest very short ; its length above about one-eigbth of its breadth ; hind-border concave : shield of the mid-chest rather flat ; sutures of the parapsides very indis- tinct ; axillae parted by about one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal : hind-chest rather short, slightly obconical, declining, with a ridge on each side : petiole very short : abdomen smooth, dark green, dark purple on the disk, depressed above, slightly keeled beneath, a little narrower and shorter than the chest ; metapodeon occupying about one-third of the back ; oc- toon and following segments of moderate size : legs pale tawny ; hips dark green ; thighs darker towards the base ; middle-feet and hind-feet yellow with tawny tips : wings colourless ; veins pale tawny ; ulna about half the length of the humerus ; radius not longer than the ulna; cubitus much shorter than the radius; wing- brand very small. Length of the body f line; of the wings lj line. PTEROMALUS Hyrtacina. Fern. Viridis, abdominis disco cu- preo-purpureo, antennis pedibusque fulvis, metafemoribus fusco vittatis, alls limpidis. Page 127. Green : head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red: feelers tawny, sub- clavate, rather longer than the chest ; first joint long, slender, taw- ny, piceous at the tip ; second cup-shaped, piceous ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club spindle-shaped, rather broader than the tenth joint and about thrice its length : chest nearly oval, rather short : fore-chest very short ; its length less than one-tenth of its breadth : shield of the mid-chest broad ; su- tures of the parapsides very indistinct ; axillae parted by one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, with a suture along each side : hind-chest transverse, rather short, with a slight ridge along the middle and a rim on each side : petiole very short : abdomen spindle-shaped, smooth, depressed above, slightly keeled 214 APPENDIX. beneath, longer and much narrower than the chest ; disk coppery purple ; metapodeon occupying about one-fourth of the back ; oc- toon and following segments of moderate length : legs pale tawny ; hips green ; hind-thighs striped with brown ; four hinder-knees and feet yellow, tips of the latter brown : wings colourless, ample ; veins pale tawny ; ulna hardly half the length of the humerus ; ra- dius a little longer than the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the ulna ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body f line ; of the wings 1J line. PTEROMALUS Leuce. Fern. &neo-viridis, abdominis disco purpureo, antennis fulvis, pedibus fulvo-ftavis , alia limpidis. Page 127. Body nearly linear, brassy green : head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head as broad as the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers tawny, clavate, a little longer than the chest ; first joint long, linear, yellow at the base ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints from the fifth to the tenth successively decreasing in length; club nearly oval, much broader than the tenth joint and more than twice its length : chest short- elliptical : fore-chest very short ; its length above less than one- tenth of its breadth : sutures of the parapsides very indistinct ; ax- illae parted by one- fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal : hind-chest transverse, short : petiole very short : abdomen long-oval, smooth, depressed above, keeled beneath, much longer but not narrower than the chest ; disk dark purple ; metapo- deon and all the following segments of moderate and nearly equal size : legs very pale tawny ; hips green ; four hinder-shanks and feet yellow, tips of the latter tawny : wings colourless, rather nar- row ; veins very pale yellow ; ulna about half the length of the hu- merus ; radius longer than the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the ulna ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body J line ; of the wings 1 J line. PTEROMALUS Hyrtacus. Fern. Viridi-ceneus, abdomine pur- pureo, antennis ni gris, pedibus fulvis, feinoribm piceo-vittatis , alis subfulvis. Page 127. Head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head very dark green, a little broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feel- ers black, slightly subclavate, a little longer than the chest ; first joint tawny, long, slender, linear ; second cup-shaped, piceous ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints from the fifth to APPENDIX. 215 the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club long-conical, a little more than twice the length of the tenth joint : chest brassy, nearly elliptical : fore-chest very short ; its length above not more than one-tenth of its breadth; hind-border concave: shield of the mid-chest narrower in front ; sutures of the parapsides indistinct ; axillae parted by about one-fifth of the breadth of the chest ; scutch- eon subrhomboidal : hind-chest rather long, obconical, declining, with a ridge along the middle and a rim on each side : petiole very short : abdomen almost spindle-shaped, depressed above, very slightly keeled beneath, smooth, coppery purple, slender towards the tip, tawny beneath and at the base above, a little longer but hardly narrower than the chest ; metapodeon tinged with green, oc- cupying about one-fourth of the back ; octoon and all the following segments of moderate and nearly equal length ; telum slender and pointed : legs tawny ; hips brassy ; a brown streak along each of the four hinder-thighs : middle-feet and hind-feet yellow with brown tips : wings slightly tawny, rather narrow ; veins brown ; ulna a little more than half the length of the humerus ; radius longer than the ulna ; cubitus rather long, about half the length of the radius ; wing-brand very small. Allied to Hetroxys. Length of the body 1^ line ; of the wings 2 lines. Var. /3. Chest green. HETEOXYS Aponius. Mas. JEneo-viridis, abdomine purpureo- cupreo fulvo maculato, antennis pedibusque fulvis, femoribus piceis, alis iimpidis. Fern. Abdomine immaculate, basi cy- aneo-viridi, antennis nigris. Page 127. Male. Body slender: head and chest convex, shagreened : head dark green, a little broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers dark tawny, slender, subclavate, much longer than the chest ; first joint long, slender, tawny ; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints to the tenth of equal breadth, but successively decreasing in length ; club long-conical, a little broader than the tenth joint and nearly twice its length : chest spindle-shaped, dark coppery green : fore-chest very short ; its length above not one-tenth of its breadth: shield of the mid-chest long, rather flat above ; sutures of the parapsides very indistinct ; axillae parted by one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, with a suture along each side, and a very indistinct transverse channel near the tip : hind-chest well developed, obconi- cal, declining, with a ridge along the middle and a rim on each side: petiole very short : abdomen depressed, smooth, dark purplish copper, with a tawny spot near the base, slightly increasing in 216 APPENDIX. breadth from the base till near the tip, shorter and much narrower than the chest ; metapodeon not occupying more than one-sixth of the hack ; octoon and following segments of nearly equal size : legs tawny ; hips green ; thighs piceous towards the base ; four hinder feet yellow with brown tips : wings colourless ; veins tawny ; ulna more than half the length of thehumerus ; radius much longer than the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the ulna ; wing-brand large. Female. Feelers black, a little longer than the cbest ; first joint tawny : abdomen long spindle-shaped, smooth, bluish green, pur- plish bronze on the disk, concave above, slightly keeled beneath, much longer and narrower than the chest, hairy towards the tip ; metapodeon not occupying more than one-eighth of the back : oc- toon and ennaton short ; decaton and three following segments longer. Length of the body 1 If line ; of the wings 2 2| lines. TRIGONODERUS Lappa. Mas. Cyaneo-mridis, abdomine pur- pureo-cupreo, antennis nigris, pedibus piceis, tarsis flams, alis limpidis. Page 128. Body narrow : head and chest convex, finely shagreened, dark bluish green : head much broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets dark red : feelers black, filiform, rather broad, shorter than the chest ; first joint long, spindle-shaped; second cup-shaped; third and fourth very short; the following joints to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club spindle-shaped, rather more than twice the length of the tenth joint : chest long-elliptical : fore-chest long ; its length more than one-half of its breadth : shield of the mid-chest short and rather flat ; sutures of the parapsides strongly marked ; axillce parted by one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, rather flat, with a suture along each side, and a slight transverse channel near the tip : hind-chest large, obconical, slightly declining, with no ridge nor rim : petiole very short : abdo- men depressed, smooth, dark purplish bronze-colour, slightly in- creasing in breadth from the base till near the tip, much shorter and narrower than the chest ; metapodeon long : legs piceous ; hips green ; fore-feet pale tawny ; four hinder-feet yellow with brown tips : wings colourless, rather short ; veins pale tawny ; ulna full half the length of the humerus ; radius much longer than the ulna; cubitus a little more than half the length of the ulna ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body J 1 line ; of the wings 1 J 1 line. Var. /3. Aut species distincta. Thighs and shanks dull tawny ; veins of the wings dark tawny. APPENDIX. 217 TRIGONODERUS Tarrlia. Mas. Cyaneo-viridis, abdomine pur- pureo-cupreo basi viridi, antennis nigris, pedibus fulvis, fe- moribus piceo vittatis, alls limpidis. Page 128. Body narrow : head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head bright blue, much broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, slender, hairy, very slightly subclavate, a little longer than the chest ; first joint long, slender, dark tawny; second cup- shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following segments to the tenth successively decreasing in length ; club spindle-shaped, a little broader than the tenth joint, and rather more than twice its length : chest spindle-shaped, bluish green : fore-chest rather long, narrower in front ; its length above more than half its breadth : shield of the mid-chest long ; sutures of the parapsides strongly marked ; axillae parted by one-sixth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhom- boidal, with a suture along each side, and a slight transverse chan- nel near the tip : hind-chest large, obconical, declining, with a ridge along the middle and a rim on each side : petiole very short : abdo- men depressed, smooth, purplish copper, green at the base, very slightly increasing in breadth from the base till near the tip, shorter and a little narrower than the chest ; metapodeon occupying rather more than one-fourth of the back ; octoon and following segments of nearly equal length : legs pale tawny ; hips green ; a piceous line along each thigh ; four hinder-feet yellow with brown tips : wings colourless; veins piceous; ulna much more than half the length of the humerus ; radius a little longer than the ulna, reach- ing- almost to the tip of the wing ; cubitus not half the length of the ulna ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body l line ; of the wings 2 lines. TRIGONODERUS Alebion. Mas. Viridis, capite cyaneo, abdomi- nisj disco purpureo-cupreo, antennis nigris, pedibus piceo-fui- visfemoribus, viridibus, alis limpidis. Page 128. Head and chest convex, shagreened : head blue, broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, subclavate, a little longer than the chest ; first joint long, slender, green ; second cup- shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints to the tenth of equal thickness but successively decreasing in length ; club spindle-shaped, a little broader than the tenth joint and nearly twice its length : chest green, spindle-shaped : fore-chest rather long ; its length more than half its breadth : shield of the mid-chest long ; su- tures of the parapsides rather distinct ; axillae parted by hardly one- sixth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, with a 218 APPENDIX. suture along each side, and a slight transverse channel near the tip : hind-chest large, obconical, declining, with a slight ridge along the middle and a rim on each side, and having also a transverse ridge near the tip : petiole very short : abdomen depressed, smooth, nearly linear or rather narrower at the base than at the tip, green, dark purplish copper-colour on the disk, much narrower than the chest, and hardly more than half its length ; metapodeon occupying about half the back ; octoon and following segments successively decreas- ing in length : legs tawny ; hips and thighs green ; four hinder legs with yellow knees and feet, and with piceous shanks and tips of feet : wings colourless ; veins piceous ; ulna hardly half the length of the Immerus ; radius much longer than the ulna ; cubitus more than half the length of the ulna ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings J line. TRIGONODERUS Polichna. Mas. Viridi-cyaneus , antennis ni- gris pedibus Jlavis, mesotibiis fulvis, alls limpidis. Page 128. Head and chest convex, finely shagreened, very dark bluish green : head much broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets dark red : feelers black, slender, subclavate, hairy, a little shorter than the body ; first joint long, slender; second cup-shaped; third and fourth very small ; the following joints to the tenth long, but suc- cessively decreasing in length ; club spindle-shaped, a little broader than the tenth joint, and nearly twice its length : chest long, spin- dle-shaped : fore-chest narrow and declining in front ; its length above about one-eighth of its breadth : shield of the mid-chest long ; sutures of the parapsides indistinct ; axillae parted by rather less than one-fourth of the breadth of the chest; scutcheon sub- rhomboidal, with a suture along each side, and a transverse indis- tinct channel near the tip : hind-chest large, obconical, declining, with no ridge nor rim : petiole very short : abdomen depressed, finely shagreened, bluish green, very slightly increasing in breadth from the base till near the tip, narrower but not shorter than the chest; metapodeon occupying about one-fifth of the back; octoon and following segments rather shorter and of equal length : legs yellow ; hips green ; fore-shanks and fore-feet dull yellow ; middle shanks and tips of four hinder feet dark tawny : wings colourless ; veins tawny ; ulna rather stout, a little more than half the length of the humerus ; radius a little longer than the ulna ; cubitus not half the length of the ulna ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body 1 J line ; of the wings 2 lines. APPENDIX. 219 EUPELMUS Acron. Fein. JEneo-viridis, capite purpureo, an- tennis nigris, pedibus fulvis,femoribus tibiisque anticis piceis, alisfulvis. Page 129. Connects Eupelmus with Trigonoderus. Head finely shagreened, nearly smooth, dark purple varied with green, clothed with white hairs in front, rather broader than the chest : eyes dark red, rather large : feelers fourteen-jointed, black, clavate, hairy, much longer than the chest ; first joint green, yellow towards the base; second cup-shaped ; third and fourth very small ; the following joints to the eleventh successively increasing in breadth and decreasing in length ; club spindle-shaped, concave, broader than the eleventh joint and more than twice its length : chest spindle-shaped, coarsely shagreened, brassy green along the disk: fore-chest conical, ab- ruptly narrower in front, much lower than the mid-chest ; its length about half of its breadth : shield of the mid-chest nearly square, flat; sutures of the parapsides quite obsolete; axillae parted by ra- ther less than one- fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, with a suture along each side : hind-chest and pe- tiole very short : abdomen lance-shaped, brassy green, concave on the disk, slightly keeled beneath, hairy towards the tip, about twice the length and half the breadth of the chest ; metapodeou occupy- ing about one-sixth of the back ; the following segments of nearly equal length : legs tawny ; hips green ; tips of feet brown : fore- legs short and stout with piceous thighs and shanks ; middle-legs dilated as usual : wings tawny ; veins also tawny ; ulna much more than half the length of the humerus ; radius a little shorter than the ulna ; cubitus about half the length of the ulna, slightly curved ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 3 lines. METALLON (n. g.) Body narrow : head a little broader than the chest : feelers 10-jointed ; first joint long, slender ; second cup-shaped ; third and following joints broader and successively decreasing in length : fore- chest of moderate size, short-conical, slightly wrinkled across the fore-part; its length about one-half of its breadth: shield of the mid-chest short ; axillae parted by a very short interval on the back ; scutcheon subrhomboidal : hind-chest of moderate size, obconical, slightly declining : petiole very short : abdomen convex, smooth, elliptical ; metapodeon short, hind-border slightly convex ; octoon much longer ; ennaton and decaton much shorter ; paratelum and telum short. 220 APPENDIX. METALLON Acacallis. Fern. Fulvus, viridi varius, abdomine cupreo, antennis nigris apice fulvis, pedibus fulvis Page 129. Body tawny : eyes and eyelets dark red : head smooth, shin- ing ; crown tinged with green : feelers black, clavate, hairy, tawny at the tips and towards the hase, a little shorter than the chest ; the four basal joints, the fifth joint beneath, and the tenth joint are tawny : chest convex, smooth, shining, with a few punctures ; ax- illae green ; scutcheon with a green line along the middle : abdo- men shorter but hardly broader than the chest, copper-colour, taw- ny towards the base which is bright green : legs tawny ; hind-feet pale yellow with piceous tips : wings rudimentary. Length of the body f line. ENCYRTUS Alycoeus. Fern. Viridis, abdomine nigro-ceneo, an- tennis femoribusque nigris, tibiis piceis. tarsisflavis, alis sub- griseis. Page 135. Body short, broad : head and chest convex, dark green, punc- tured, rather hairy : head as broad as the chest : eyes dark red : feelers black, clavate, not longer than the chest ; first joint long, slender, slightly spindle-shaped : abdomen depressed above, smooth, shining, bronze-black, dark green at the base, much shorter but not narrower than the chest ; its length not exceeding its breadth : legs black ; shanks piceous ; knees and feet dull yellow ; tips of the lat- ter piceous: wings slightly tinged with gray; veins piceous. Length of the body ^ line ; of the wings f line. ENCYRTUS Molos. Mas. Cyaneo-viridis, abdomine ceneo, an- tennis pedibusque nigris, tarsis flavis, alis limpidis. Page 135. Head and chest bluish green, convex, shagreened : head as broad as the chest : eyes dark red : feelers black, nearly filiform, rather broad, much longer than the chest ; first joint long, slender ; second cup-shaped ; the following joints nearly equal in length ; club spindle-shaped, full twice the length of the eighth joint : shield of the middle-chest long ; scutcheon also long, nearly obconical : abdomen dark bronze colour, smooth, shining, depressed above, narrower than the chest and hardly more than half its length : legs black ; knees and feet yellow ; tips of the latter piceous ; fore-feet tawny : wings colourless ; veins piceous. Length of the body i J line ; of the wings 1 li line. APPENDIX. 221 ENCYRTUS Phrosime. Fern. Ater, capite viridi, oviductu ab- dominis dimidii longitudine, tarsis flams, protibiis et protar- sisfulvis, alls limpidis. Page 135. Head and chest convex : head green, as broad as the chest ; crowti narrow: eyes piceous, rather large: feelers black, clavate, not longer than the chest : chest broad, of a velvet-like black co- lour : abdomen black, much compressed, pointed, not more than one-half of the length of the breadth of the chest : sheaths of the oviduct projecting beyond the tip of the abdomen for about half its length : legs black ; fore-shanks and fore-feet tawny ; four hinder- feet pale yellow with brown tips : wings colourless ; humerus tawny ; cubitus yellow, forming a very acute angle with the radius, which like the ulna is almost black. Length of the body i line; of the wings 1 line. ENCYRTUS Tylissos. Mas. Fuscus, pedibus fulvis, alls limpi- dis perangustis. Page 135. Body brown : head very short, as broad as the chest, which is rather flat: eyes piceous: feelers brown, hairy, filiform, nearly as long as the body ; first joint stout, almost spindle-shaped : abdo- men linear, flat, a little paler and longer but not narrower than the chest : legs tawny : wings colourless, very narrow ; veins tawny. Length of the body i line ; of the wings f fine. ENCYRTUS lophon. Mas. Niger, tarsis fulvis, alls limpidis. Page 135. Body black, stout : head a little narrower than the chest : eyes piceous : feelers black, subclavate, longer than the chest; first joint long, slender; second cup-shaped; the following joints from the fourth successively decreasing in length : chest broad, coarsely punctured : abdomen nearly linear, smooth, much shorter and nar- rower than the chest : legs black ; knees and feet tawny : wings colourless ; veins tawny. Length of the body % line ; of the wings 1 line. ENCYRTUS Acratos. Niger, abdomine nigro-ceneo, pedibus pi- ceis, alis limpidis. Page 135. Body black, short, broad : head nearly as broad as the chest which is slightly convex : eyes piceous, rather large : feelers black, 222 APPENDIX. slender, subclavate, not longer than the chest ; first joint long, slen- der; second cup-shaped ; the following joints successively decreas- ing in length ; cluh spindle-shaped, a little broader than the eighth joint and nearly thrice its length : head and chest dull, punctured : abdomen depressed, smooth, shining, bronze-black, much shorter but hardly narrower than the chest ; its length scarcely exceeding its breadth : legs piceous : wings colourless ; veins tawny. Length of the body J line ; of the wings J line. ENCYBTUS Hydramon. Fern. Viridis, abdomine &neo, anten- nis pedibusque nigris, tar sis fulvis, alis Iimpidis. Page 135. Head and chest convex, shagreened, bright green : head a little broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, clavate, hardly longer than the chest ; first joint long, slender, green ; second cup-shaped ; the following joints from the third to the eighth successively decreasing in length ; club spindle-shaped, a little broader than the eighth joint and more than thrice its length : chest short-elliptical : shield of the mid-chest long, conical ; axilla just meeting on the back ; scutcheon large, subrhomboidal : abdomen obconical, depressed, shagreened, dark bronze colour, greenish towards the base, a little narrower and very much shorter than the chest : legs black ; feet dark tawny ; middle-feet and four hinder-knees pale yellow : wings colourless ; veins piceous. Length of the body f line ; of the wings 1 J line. ENCYRTUS Philotis. Mas. Niger, antennis tarsisque fulvis, alis Iimpidis. Page 135. Body black, rather narrow: head and chest convex, thickly punctured, rather hairy : head as broad as the chest : eyes and eyelets piceous : feelers dull tawny, filiform, rather hairy, nearly as long as the body ; first joint long, slender, black ; second cup- shaped, black; the following joints from the third to the eighth long, linear, of nearly equal length ; club spindle-shaped, nearly twice the length of the eighth joint : chest nearly elliptical : shield of the mid-chest long ; axillae parted by a short interval on the back; scutcheon nearly obconical : abdomen obconical, depressed, smooth, a little narrower and very much shorter than the chest ; seg- ments of nearly equal size : legs black ; knees black ; knees and feet dark tawny, middle-feet pale tawny : wings colourless ; veins piceous. Length of the body | line ; of the wings 1-J- line. APPENDIX. 223 ENCYRTUS Idmon. Fern. Niger, tarsis fulvis, alls limpidis. Page 135. Black: head and chest convex, shining, coarsely punctured, clothed with a few scattered hairs : head as broad as the chest : eyes dark red : feelers black, clavate, a little longer than the chest ; first joint long, slender; second cup-shaped ; the following joints from the third to the eighth short, successively and rapidly increasing in breadth ; club elliptical, very much broader than the tenth joint and full thrice its length : chest short-elliptical : shield short and broad ; axillae nearly meeting on the back ; scutcheon obconical ; abdomen spindle-shaped, depressed, smooth, a little narrower and very much shorter than the chest : legs black ; feet dark tawny, with piceous tips : wings colourless ; veins piceous. Length of the body 1^ line ; of the wings 2 lines. ENCYRTUS Alcmon. Fern. Nigro-viridis, abdomine nigro-ceneo, antennis pedibusque fulvis, alls subfulvis. ENCYRTUS aenes- cens ? Zetterstedt, Ins. Lapp. Body narrow : head and chest convex, greenish black, with a bronze tinge, almost smooth : eyes and eyelets piceous : feelers sub- clavate, tawny, a little longer than the chest ; first joint short and stout ; second also short ; third long ; fourth and following joints short and successively decreasing in length ; club conical : chest el- liptical : shield rather flat ; axillae meeting on the back ; scutcheon subrhomboidal : hind-chest short : abdomen elliptical, brassy blacJ , flat, shining, a little shorter than the chest : legs piceous ; middle- feet pale tawny ; fore-legs and hind-feet dark tawny : wings slightly tawny, rather short and narrow ; veins yellow ; ulna and radius pi- ceous. Length of the body % line ; of the wings f line. . ENCYRTUS Genetyllis. Fern. Nigro-ceneus, capite abdominis- que basi viridibus, antennis pedibusque nigris, tarsis fulvis, alis limpidis. Page 135. Body rather narrow : head and chest convex : head dark green, as broad as the chest : eyes dark red : feelers black, thick, hairy, clavate, shorter than the chest; first joint stout, spindle-shaped; second long cup-shaped ; the following joints very short, but with a successive increase in breadth and length ; club elliptical, very much broader than the preceding joint, and about five times its length : chest nearly linear, brassy-black, coarsely punctured ; axillae quite x3 224 APPENDIX, meeting on the back : abdomen long-obconical, depressed, smooth, shining, dark bronze, bright green at the base, a little narrower but hardly shorter than the chest : legs black ; knees yellow ; feet taw- ny; middle-shanks and middle-feet luteous: wings colourless, ra- ther narrow ; veins tawny ; ulna piceous. Length of the body 1-J- line ; of the wings 1 line. ENCYRTUS Anthores. Fern. Nigro-viridls, antennis fuhns, pe- dibus nigris, tarsis luteis, alls fuscis. Page 135. Allied to Epicopterus choreiformis, Eunotus cretaceus, Encyr- tus encopiformis and E. (^Enasius) Hyettus. Body greenish black, very stout and short: head hardly broader than the chest, very coarsely excavated : eyes piceous : feelers tawny, slender, subcla- vate, a little longer than the chest ; first joint long, slender, dull yellow, traversed by a broad piceous band ; second piceous ; third small ; the following joints successively increasing in breadth ; club spindle-shaped, flat, a little broader than the preceding joint and about twice its length : chest broad, thickly punctured : fore-chest very short, but visible above : shield of the mid-chest very short ; its length less than one-half of its breadth ; scutcheon short-obconical ; axillae parted from each other by a short interval : abdomen obconi- cal, depressed, thinly punctured, a little shorter but not narrower than the chest ; its length slightly exceeding its breadth : legs deep black : feet luteous ; shanks slightly curved : fore-wings brown, hairy, broad, rather short ; veins piceous ; radius a little longer than the ulna ; cubitus a little longer than the radius, with which it forms a very acute angle : hind-wings colourless, narrow. Length of the body line ; of the wings f line. ENCYRTUS Idya. Fern. Niger, capite nigro-ceneo, antennis m- gro-piceis fulvo cinctis, tibiis intermediis tarsisque fulvis, alis limpidis. Page 135. Body short : head and chest convex : head dark copper-colour, finely punctured, as broad as the chest : eyes and eyelets piceous ; the former rather large : feelers clavate, a little longer than the chest ; first joint black, long, spindle-shaped ; second long cup- shaped, piceous ; the following joints to the seventh tawny, very short ; club spindle-shaped, black, as long as the six preceding joints : chest short-oval, black, coarsely punctured : fore-chest short, visible above ; its length about one-fourth of its breadth : shield of the mid-chest short, broad ; axillae nearly meeting on the back ; scutcheon nearly obconical : hind-chest extremely short : abdomen APPENDIX. 225 oval, black, smooth, depressed above, deeply keeled beneath, a little shorter but hardly narrower than the chest : legs black ; feet and middle-shanks tawny : wings colourless ; veins tawny, piceous to- wards the tips. Length of the body f line ; of the wings 1 J line. ENTEDON Isander. Mas. Niger, antennis pedibusque flavis, alls limpidis. Page 140. Body black, slender, shining : head and chest convex ; head a little broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets piceous : feelers fili- form, very slender, pale yellow, a little darker towards the tips, not much shorter than the body ; first joint long and slender ; second a little thicker ; third and following joints long and linear : chest el- liptical : petiole short : abdomen depressed, a little narrower and shorter than the chest : legs pale yellow, long and slender ; hind- thighs piceous : wings colourless, rather long and narrow ; veins pale tawny ; ulna longer than the humerus ; radius and cubitus ex- tremely short. Length of the body i line ; of the wings f line. ENTEDON Nurscia. Mas. Cyaneo-vindis purpureo varius, ab- domine ceneo basi viridi, antennis piceis, pedibus luteis, alis limpidis. Page 140. Head and chest convex, almost smooth: head green, short, im- pressed in front, a little broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers piceous, filiform, a little longer than the chest ; first joint lawny, dilated, with a piceous line above ; second small ; third and following joints long, linear, of nearly equal size : chest bluish green with a purple tinge : sutures of the parapsides very distinct and deeply marked ; axillae parted by one-third of the breadth of the chest; scutcheon subrhomboidal, rather long: hind-chest of moderate size, obconical, declining, ridged : petiole not very long : abdomen nearly oval, dark bronze, smooth, depressed, bright green at the base, narrower arid much shorter than the chest ; metapodeon occupying about one-third of the back ; octoon and following seg- ments of moderate and nearly equal size : legs luteous ; hips green : wings colourless or with a very slight brown tinge ; veins piceous ; ulna full twice tie length of the humerus ; radius about one-third of the length of the ulna ; cubitus very short, not half the length of the radius. Length of the body f line ; of the wings lj line. 226 APPENDIX. ENTEDON Sauros. Fern. Viridis, micans, cyaneo aneoque va~ rius, antennis nigris, pedibus flavis, alis limpidis. Page 140. Brilliant green : head and chest convex, finely shagreened, with a slight bluish tint : head very short, impressed in front, hardly so broad as the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, filiform, much shorter than the chest; first joint long, tawny towards the base ; second cup-shaped ; the following joints succes- sively decreasing in length ; club pointed, longer than the preced- ing joint : chest long-elliptical : fore-chest hardly seen above : shield of the mid-chest long ; sutures of the parapsides distinct : ax- illae parted by half the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboi- dal, with a slight suture on each side ; these sutures converge together and form an angle near the tip : hind-chest rather long, obconical, declining, nearly smooth ; its fore-shield distinct : petiole very short : abdomen elliptical, smooth, with a brassy tinge, de- pressed above, hardly keeled beneath, much shorter but hardly nar- rower than the chest ; segments of nearly equal size : legs very pale yellow; hips green : wings colourless ; fore- wings broad ; veins pi- ceous ; ulna rather more than twice the length of the humerus ; ra- dius full half the length of the ulna, reaching very near the tip of the wing ; cubitus very short ; Wing-brand small. Length of the body f line ; of the wings 1 ^ line. ENTEDON Axia. Mas. Viridis, capite cyaneo, abdomine ccneo- viridi, antennis nigris, pedibus flaws, alis limpidis. Page 140. Head and chest convex, beset with a few scattered bristles : head thick, blue, almost smooth, a little broader than the chest, not impressed in front : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, filiform, very much shorter than the chest ; first joint long, slender, pale tawny, white at the tip ; second long cup-shaped ; third and follow- ing joints short ; club ending in a bristle, about twice the length of the preceding joint : chest green, oval, well developed, very finely shagreened : fore-chest very short : shield of the mid-chest rather roughly shagreened ; sutures of the parapsides very distinct ; axillae parted by one-fourth of the breadth of the chest \ scutcheon sub- rhomboidal, rather large : hind-chest large, bluish green, obconical, declining, roughly excavated : petiole long, slender, finely punc- tured, a little longer than the hind-chest : abdomen aeneous green, smooth, depressed, a little longer than broad ; metapodeon occupy- ing about one-fourth of the back ; octoon and ennaton of moderate APPENDIX. 227 size; decaton and protelum short; paratelum long; telum very small : legs bright yellow ; hips green : wings colourless ; fore- wings broad ; veins tawny ; ulna about twice the length of the hu- merus ; radius not one-sixth of the length of the ulna ; cubitus shorter than the radius : wing-brand very small. Length of the body J line; of the wings Ij line. ENTEDON Antaradus. Mas. Niger, abdomine nigro-ceneo basi cyaneo-viridi, antennis pedibusque nigris, tar sis fulvis, alis limpidis. Page 140. Body short, black : head and chest convex : head very short : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, moniliform, very slender, longer than the chest ; first joint very long and slender ; second and fol- lowing joints elliptical, slightly petiolated ; club slender, pointed, much longer than the fifth joint : chest smooth, very short, hardly broader than long : fore-chest not visible above : petiole very short : abdomen bronze-black, depressed, smooth, nearly conical, bluish green at the base, a little longer and narrower than the chest: legs black, slender; feet tawny: wings colourless; fore- wings very broad ; veins tawny ; ulna much longer than the hume- rus ; radius and cubitus extremely short ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body \ line ; of the wings J line. ENTEDON Erxias. Mas. Niger, abdomine basi cyaneo-viridi , antennis pedibusque piceis, tarsis flams, alis limpidis. Page 140. Body short: head and chest black, smooth, convex: head very short, impressed in front, as broad as the chest : eyes and eyelets dark red : feelers piceous, setaceous, a little longer than the chest ; first joint long, stout, tawny : chest elliptical : petiole very short : abdomen short-elliptical, black, depressed, shorter but hardly nar- rower than the chest, bluish green at the base : legs piceous ; feet and tips of the shanks yellow : wings colourless ; veins pale tawny ; ulna much longer than the humerus ; radius and cubitus extremely short. Length of the body J line ; of the wings J line. ENTEDON Naenia. Mas. JEneus, abdomine viridi-ceneo, anten- nis nigris, pedibus flams, alis subfulvis. Page 140. Body brass colour : head and chest convex, finely shagreened : head very short, impressed in front, hardly broader than the chest 228 APPENDIX. eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, slender, hairy, filiform, a little shorter than the chest; first joint long and slender, pale tawny to- wards the base ; second cup-shaped ; the following joints linear, ra- ther long ; club pointed, nearly twice the length of the last joint : chest oval : fore-chest extremely short : shield of the mid-chest less finely shagreened than are the other segments ; sutures of the pa- rapsides very distinct ; axillae parted by less than one-third of the breadth of the chest : scutcheon subrhomboidal, rather long : hind- chest obconical, declining, rather large, nearly smooth, with a ridge along the middle and a rim on each side : petiole very short : abdo- men depressed, smooth, greenish brass colour, increasing in breadth from the base till near the tip, rather shorter and narrower than the chest ; metapocleon occupying less than one-third of the back ; oc- toon and following segments of nearly equal size : legs yellow ; hips brassy ; tips of the feet brown : wings slightly tawny ; veins taw- ny ; ulna rather more than twice the length of the humerus ; radius not one-fourth of the length of the ulna ; cubitus very short, not half the length of the radius : wing-brand extremely small. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings 2 lines. ENTEDON Stennos. Mas. jffineo-viridis, cupreo- purpureoque varius, antennis nigris^ pedibus luteis, femoribus piceis, alls limpidis. Page 140. Head and chest convex, shagreened, bronze-green, varied with copper-colour and purple ; the latter colours predominate towards the head and the fore-part of the chest : head thick, not impressed in front, a little broader and more finely shagreened than the chest ; crown broad : eyes and eyelets dark red : feelers setaceous, black, slender, much shorter than the chest ; first joint long, rather stout ; second cup-shaped ; the following joints slightly petiolated ; club pointed, very much longer than the preceding joint : chest long- oval, well developed : fore-chest very short ; its length not more than one-tenth of its breadth : sutures of the parapsides distinct, especially towards the hind border of the shield ; axillae parted by nearly one-half of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhom- boidal : hind-chest long-obconical, declining, with a ridge along the back and a rirn on each side : petiole shagreened, stout, nearly one- third of the length of the abdomen, greenish brass colour, depressed, smooth, nearly conical, hardly more than half the length of the chest ; metapodeon long ; the following segments of moderate length: legs luteous; hips brass colour; thighs piceous ; fore- shanks, fore-feet and tips of four hinder-feet tawny : wings colour- less ; veins piceous ; ulna nearly twice the length of the humerus ; APPENDIX. 229 radius less than one-third of the length of the ulna ; cubitus not half the length of the radius ; wing-brand extremely small. Length of the body J line ; of the wings lj line. ENTEDON Amadocus. Fern. Cyaneo-viridis, scutello purpureo- ceneo, antennis nigris^ tibiis tarsisque flaws, alis subfuscis. Page 140. Head and chest convex, dark bluish green : head very finely shagreened, slightly impressed in front, hardly broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets dark red : feelers black, slightly setaceous, not longer than the chest, rather hairy ; first joint long ; second very small ; the following joints successively decreasing in length ; club conical, pointed, much longer than the preceding joint : chest long-oval : fore-chest not visible above : shield of the mid-chest rather long ; sutures of the parapsides distinct towards the hind border of the shield ; axillae parted by nearly one-half of the breadth of the shield ; scutcheon purplish bronze colour, nearly obconical : hind-chest well developed, obconical, declining ; its fore-shield as long as the following segment : petiole very short : abdomen bluish green, smooth, rather hairy, depressed above, hardly keeled beneath, much shorter and a little narrower than the chest ; metapodeon oc- cupying nearly two-thirds of the back ; octoon and ennaton of mo- derate size ; the following segments very short : legs yellow ; hips and thighs bluish green ; fore-feet and tips of four hinder-feet tawny : wings slightly brown ; veins piceous ; ulna rather more than twice the length of the humerus ; radius full one-third of the length of the ulna; cubitus much less than half the length of the radius, but longer than is usual in this genus ; wing-brand of moderate size. Length of the body J line ; of the wings If line. ENTEDON Temena. Mas. Viridis, capite aureo-viridi, abdo- mine cyaneo-aneo basi viridi, antennis nigris, pedibus albis, alls limpidis. Page 140. Head and chest convex : head bright golden green, smooth, not impressed in front, bluish green behind, a very little broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, filiform, not more than half the length of the chest; first joint long, rather slen- der; second long cup-shaped; the following joints linear, rather long; club pointed, much longer than the preceding joint: chest green, long-oval, well developed : fore-chest very short, but distinct : sutures of the parapsides deeply marked ; axillae parted by rather more than one-third of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon sub- 230 APPENDIX. rhomboidal, rather long 1 and large : hind-chest long, obconical, de- clining, with a ridge down the middle and a rim on each side ; fore-shield very short : petiole slender, cylindrical, shagreened, al- most as long as the hind-chest : abdomen bluish bronze, depressed, smooth, a little longer than broad, narrower than the chest and hardly half its length ; metapodeon green, occupying full one-third of the back ; octoon and following segments very short : legs white ; hips green ; tips of the feet brown : wings colourless ; veins dark tawny ; ulna about twice the length of the humerus ; radius one- fourth of the length of the ulna ; cubitus not half the length of the radius ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body f line ; of the wings 1 J line. ENTEDON Metagenes. Mas. Purpureo-cyaneus, capite scutel- loque viribibus, abdomine nigro basi viridi, antennis pedibus- que nigris, tarsis fulvis, alls limpidis. Page 140. Body smooth, shining : head and chest convex : head green, very short, impressed in front, as broad as the chest : eyes and eye- lets dark red : feelers black, nearly filiform, hardly longer than the chest ; first joint long, rather slender, slightly curved ; second some- what dilated ; the following joints long, linear : club pointed at the tip, much longer than the preceding joint : chest elliptical, very dark blue, tinged with purple ; scutcheon green : petiole very short : abdomen short-elliptical, depressed, black, green at the base, a little shorter and broader than the chest *. legs black ; feet tawny ; tips piceous : wings colourless ; veins piceous ; ulna nearly twice the length of the humerus ; radius and cubitus extremely short. Length of the body i line ; of the wings 1 line. ENTEDON Ergetelis. Fern. Cyaneo-viridis, capite aureo-viridi, abdomine ceneo, antennis nigris, pedibus albis, alis limpidis. Page 140. Head and chest convex : head golden green, very finely sha- greened, slightly impressed in front, hardly as broad as the chest : eyes red, rather large : feelers black, filiform, much shorter than the chest ; first joint pale tawny ; second rather short ; the following joints long, but successively decreasing in length ; club pointed, longer than the preceding joint : chest elliptical, bluish green, rather coarsely shagreeued : fore-chest very short, just visible above: su- tures of the parapsides rather distinct ; axillae parted by half the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal ; sutures inclined towards each other near the tip, but not meeting : hind-chest short : APPENDIX. 231 petiole very short : abdomen smooth, depressed, bronze colour, hardly keeled beneath, shorter but scarcely narrower than the chest : segments of nearly equal size : legs white ; hips green : wings co- lourless ; veins piceous ; ulna full twice the length of the humerus ; radius about one-third of the length of the ulna ; cubitus one-fourth of the length of the radius ; wing-brand small. Length of the body ^ line : of the wings 1 line. ENTEDON Adreus. Mas. Cyaneus. abdomine viridi, anteimis nigris, pedibus jlavis, femoribw viridibus, alis limpidis. Page 140. Head and chest convex, blue, finely shagreened : head broader than the chest, short, impressed in front : eyes and eyelets dark red : feelers black, nearly moniliform, hardly longer than the chest ; first joint long, dilated; second short; third and following joints longer ; club long, pointed, much longer than the preceding joint : chest elliptical : sutures of the parapsides distinct : petiole rather long : abdomen dark green, convex, smooth, shorter and narrower than the chest : legs pale yellow ; hips and thighs green ; tips of feet brown ; fore-shanks and fore-feet tawny : wings colourless ; veins tawny ; ulna nearly twice the length of the humerus ; radius hardly one-half the length of the ulna ; cubitus short, but longer than usual in the genus. Length of the body J line : of the wings 1 line. ENTEDON Icetas. Mas. ^Eneo-viridis^ abdomine ceneo, anten- nis nigriS) pedibus flavis, femoribus fulvis, alis subfulvis. Page 141. Head and chest convex : head bright green, very short, im- pressed in front, very finely shagreened, a little broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, setaceous, shorter than the chest; first joint long, rather stout ; second long cup-shaped ; the following joints slightly petiolated ; club pointed, ending in a bristle, much longer than the preceding joint : chest elliptical, brassy green, finely shagreened : fore-chest extremely short : shield of the mid-chest short, roughly shagreened ; sutures of the parap- sides very distinct ; axillae parted by one-third of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, long : hind-chest long, obconical, declining: petiole very short: abdomen copper-colour, smooth, de- pressed, slightly increasing in breadth from the base till near the tip, shorter but hardly narrower than the chest ; metapodeon rather long ; octoon and following segments of moderate size : legs pale Y 232 APPENDIX. yellow ; hips brassy ; thighs tawny : wings slightly tawny ; veins tawny ; ulna about twice the length of the humerus ; radius not near one-fourth of the length of the ulna ; cubitus very short ; wing- brand very small. Length of the body f line ; of the wings 1^ line. EULOPHUS Mamurius. Mas. Viridis, aldomine nigro-aneo basi viridi, antennis nigris, tarsis piceis basi flavis, alis sub- griseis. Page 144. Head and chest green : head a little broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, hairy, 3-branched, subclavate, a little longer than the chest; first joint green, spindle-shaped : chest long-elliptical, very finely shagreened : shield of the mid-chest rather flat ; sutures of the parapsides indistinct ; axillae parted by full one-third of the breadth of the chest : hind-chest nearly smooth, obconical, declining ; its fore-shield of moderate length : abdomen linear, depressed, bronze-black, green at the base, narrower but not shorter than the chest : legs green ; feet piceous ; knees and base of four hinder-feet yellow : wings slightly gray ; veins tawny ; ulna a little shorter than the humerus ; radius less than one-half of the length of the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the radius ; wing- brand very small. Length of the body f line ; of the wings 1 line. EULOPHUS Bhamnius. Mas. Viridis, capite cyaneo, scutello nigro, abdomine nigro-ceneo, basi fulvo maculato, antennis pedibusque nigris, tibiis anticis tarsisque piceis , alis subgriseis . Page 144. Head blue, as broad as the chest: eyes and eyelets piceous: feelers black, hairy, subclavate, a little longer than the chest ; first joint spindle-shaped : chest long-elliptical, dark green, shagreened : fore-chest very short : shield of the mid-chest broad ; sutures of the parapsides indistinct ; axillae parted by one-third of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal, black : hind-chest rather large, obconical, declining, finely shagreened, with a ridge along the back : petiole very short : abdomen shorter and much narrower than the chest, very slightly increasing in breadth from the base to near the tip, depressed, smooth, bronze-black, with a dark tawny spot near the base which is green : legs black ; knees, feet, and fore-shanks piceous : wings slightly gray ; ulna full as long as the humerus ; radius more than half the length of the ulna ; cubitus less than one-half the length of the radius ; wing- brand small. Length of the body J line ; of the wings Ji line. APPENDIX. 233 EULOPHUS stygius. Fern. Niger, pedibus fulvis, femoribus ni- gris, alisfuscis. Page 144. Black, hairy, very finely shagreened, almost smooth : head convex : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, clavate, hairy, shorter than the chest ; first joint long, slender ; second cup-shaped ; the following joints successively decreasing in length ; club conical, a little longer than the preceding joint; abdomen long-elliptical, smooth, depressed, hairy, much shorter and a little broader than the chest ; metapodeon occupying nearly one-fourth of the back ; the following segments of moderate size : legs tawny ; hips and thighs black ; tips of the latter tawny : wings brown ; veins piceous ; ul- na much longer than the humerus ; radius more than half the length of the ulna ; cubitus not half the length of the radius ; wing- brand very small. Length of the body 1 J line ; of the wings 2J- lines. EULOPHUS Pythodorus. Fern. Mneus, capite viridi, abdomine purpureo basi viridi, antenms femoribusque nigris, tibiis pi- ceis, tarsisjlavis, alls limpidis. Page 144. Body short and broad : head and chest convex, very finely sha- greened : head short, dark green, much impressed in front : eyes and eyelets dark red : feelers black, clavate, shorter than the chest ; first joint long, slender ; second cup-shaped ; three following joints successively decreasing in length ; club long, pointed, full twice the length of the preceding joint : chest bronze colour, short-elliptical : fore-chest very short : shield of the mid-chest broad ; sutures of the parapsides indistinct ; axillae parted by nearly half the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal : hind-chest short, transverse, declining, with a ridge along the middle : petiole very short : abdo- men short-elliptical, dark purple, very finely shagreened, green at the tip, bright green at the base, depressed above, hardly keeled be- neath, a little shorter and broader than the chest ; metapodeon oc- cupying full one-sixth of the back ; the following segments of moderate and nearly equal size : hips and thighs black ; shanks piceous ; feet yellow with piceous tips ; fore-shanks and fore-feet tawny : wings colourless ; humerus longer than the ulna ; radius less than half the length of the ulna ; cubitus shorter than the ra- dius ; wing-brand small. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings 2 Mhes. 234 APPENDIX. EULOPHUS A call e. Mas. Cyaneus, abdomine purpureo-tsneo flavo-maculato basi viridi, antennis niyris, pedibus albis, femoribus nigris, tibiis apice piceis, alis limpidis. Page 144. Head and chest blue : feelers black, hairy, a little shorter than the chest : shield of the mid-chest flat ; scutcheon black : hind- chest nearly smooth, obconical, declining ; its fore-shield of mode- rate length : abdomen nearly linear, depressed, smooth, purplish bronze, yellow towards the base which is green : legs white ; hips and thighs black; tips of the shanks piceous ; fore-shanks and fore- feet tawny: tips of the four hinder-feet brown : wings colourless; fore-wings broad ; veins tawny ; ulna shorter than the humerus ; radius much shorter than the ulna ; cubitus about one-third of the length of the radius; wing-brand small. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings If line. EULOPHUS Veturius. Mas. Viridis, abdomine pur basi viridi, antennis tibiisque piceis, tarsis fulvis alis limpidis. Page 144. Green : head broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets dark red : feelers piceous, 3-branched, a little longer than the chest ; first joint green, spindle-shaped : chest oval, finely shagreened : shield of the mid-chest broad, rather short ; sutures of the parapsides indistinct; scutcheon subrhomboidal : hind-chest nearly smooth, obconical, declining, its fore-shield of moderate length : abdomen linear, depressed, purplish bronze, smooth, green at the base, hardly shorter but very much narrower than the chest : hips and thighs green ; shanks piceous ; knees and feet tawny ; base of four hinder- feet pale yellow : wings colourless ; fore-wings rather broad ; veins tawny ; ulna a little longer than the humerus ; radius less than half the length of the ulna ; cubitus much shorter than the radius ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body f line ; of the wings H line. EULOPHUS Scyllis. Fern. Viridis, abdomine ceneo, antennis nigris, pedibus fulvis, alis subfulvis. Page 144. Head and chest green, convex, finely shagreened : head as broad as the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, clavate, shorter than the chest ; first joint long, slender ; second cup-shaped ; the four following joints successively decreasing in length ; club APPENDIX. 235 conical, longer than the preceding joint : chest long-elliDtical : fore-chest rather long, short-conical, its length full one-half of its hreadth : sutures of the parapsides very distinct ; axillae parted by one-fourth of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon subrhomboidal : hind-chest well developed, obconical, declining, almost smooth, with a ridge along the back ; its fore-shield rather long : petiole very short : abdomen bronze colour, slightly tinged with green, smooth, elliptical, depressed above, slightly keeled beneath, about as long and as broad as the chest ; metapodeon occupying about one-sixth of the back ; the following segments of moderate size : legs tawny ; hips green : wings slightly tawny ; veins tawny ; ulna as long as the humerus ; radius much shorter than the ulna ; cubitus not half the length of the radius ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body 1 \ line ; of the wings 2j lines. DIGLYPHUS Poppoea. Fern. Viridis, cyaneo purpureo ceneoque varius, antennis nigris basi albis, pedibus viridibus albo-cinc- tis, alls limpidis. Page 145. Head blue, nearly smooth, bronze on the crown, impressed above, prominent in front, not broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers black, stout, clavate, shorter than the chest ; first joint long, slender, white towards the base ; second of moderate size ; third and fourth broader ; club long-conical, twice the length of the preceding joint : chest green, elliptical : fore-chest extremely short : shield broad, nearly flat above ; sutures of the parapsides obsolete ; axillse parted by nearly one-half of the breadth of the chest ; scutcheon nearly obconical, with a suture along each side : hind-chest well developed, obconical, slightly declining, nearly smooth, with a slight ridge along the back ; fore-shield large, about one-half of the length of the following segment : petiole very short : abdomen smooth, elliptical, purplish bronze, green at the base, blue at the tip, depressed above, slightly keeled beneath, shorter but hardly broader than the chest ; metapodeon occupying full one-half of the back ; octoon and ennaton rather large ; the following seg- ments extremely short : hips and thighs green ; shanks piceous with a green tinge ; feet and tips of thighs and of shanks white ; fore- shanks, fore-feet, and tips of four hinder-feet tawny : wings colour- less ; veins piceous ; ulna nearly as long as the humerus ; radius much shorter than the ulna ; cubitus not half the length of the ra- dius ; wing-brand small. Length of the body J- line ; of the wings 1 J line. 236 APPENDIX. DIGLYPHUS Aculeo. Fern. Viridis, abdomine fulvo, antennis pedibusque flavo-fulvis, alis subfulvis. Page 145. Body very slender : head and chest green, rather flat : head broader than the chest : eyes and eyelets red : feelers pale tawny, clavate, a little shorter than the chest ; club much broader than the preceding joint and more than twice its length: chest long-ellipti- cal : petiole very short : abdomen elliptical, tawny, smooth, de- pressed, a little shorter but not narrower than the chest : legs pale tawny : wings narrow, nearly colourless or slightly tawny ; veins tawny ; ulna a little longer than the humerus ; radius and cubitus very short. Length of the body ^ line ; of the wings f line. Var. /3. Feelers and legs yellow. TETRASTICHUS Triarius. Mas. Niger, abdomine nigro-aneo, antennis fulvis, pedibus piceis, tarsis flavis, alis limpidis. Page 151. Body rather short: head and chest black, convex, smooth: head short, as broad as the chest : eyes and eyelets bright red : feelers tawny, adorned with long hairs, not longer than the chest ; first joint piceous : chest elliptical : fore-chest very short : shield of the mid-chest broad and long, with a suture along the back ; sutures of the parapsides distinct ; axillae parted by more than one- third of the breadth of the chest; scutcheon subrhomboidal : hind- chest transverse, declining : petiole very short : abdomen bronze- black, depressed, linear, shorter and narrower than the chest : legs piceous ; four hinder-knees and feet pale yellow ; tips of the latter brown ; fore-shanks and fore-feet tawny : wings colourless ; veins tawny ; ulna longer than the humerus ; radius next to none ; cubi- tus about one-fourth of the length of the ulna ; wing-brand ex- tremely small. Length of the body J line ; of the wings J line. TETRASTICHUS Abydenus. Mas. Niger, abdomine fulvo macu- lato, antennis fulvis, pedibus flavis, alis limpidis. Page 151. Head and chest black, convex, shining : head smooth, very short, hardly as broad as the chest : eyes and eyelets red ; feelers filiform, tawny, slender, a little longer than the chest, adorned with long hairs ; first joint piceous ; second yellow : chest nearly oval, very finely punctured : fore-chest extremely short : shield of the mid-chest very long, with a slight suture along the middle ; sutures of the parapsides strongly marked ; scutcheon nearly obconical, APPENDIX. 237 with a suture along each side : hind-chest rather large, obconical, declining, with a ridge along the middle; its fore-shield tolerably long : petiole very short : abdomen black, smooth, shining, de- pressed, nearly linear, with a large tawny spot near the base, a little longer and much narrower than the chest : legs pale yellow ; hips black ; tips of feet tawny : wings colourless, ample ; veins tawny ; ulna a little longer than the humerus ; radius next to none ; cubi- tus not one-fourth of the length of the ulna ; wing-brand very small. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings 2j lines. TETRASTICHUS Bermius. Mas. Niger, abdomine