»«^>«^'^ --^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hllgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which It was borrowed. ^HIM-NtWeVllAP ilUF2WKSFmM„,? CATALOGUE OF OF His Grace the Duke of Tortlaxd. CATALOGUE or THE PRINTED BOOKS IN iltjj librarii OF His Grace the Duke of Portland, Welbeck Abbey, and in London. WITH INDEX OF SUBJECTS. ]£onboii: PRIXTKD FOR PRIVA'I'K C'lRCULATinX, By C. K. KOWORIII, 5-1 i. GREAT NEW STREET, FETTER I.ANE. E.C. 1893 Thii Catalogue, and the Index of Subjects, ivere compiled by Mr. John Nicholson, Librarian of the Hon. Society of Lincoln^ s Inn. May, 1893. G167G1 POSITION of the BOOK-CASES. Cases. I — 17. Blue Library. 17(0.17(2)- Swan Drawing Room. 18. Boudoir. ig 2 1 . Corridor at commencement of Oxford Wmg. 22. Small North Room, Oxford Wing. 23. State Boudoir. 24 — 26. Smoking Room. 27 — 29. Lord Henry's Room. 30 — 34. The Duke's Room. 35 — 38. Ante-Room. 39. Small Horsemanship Room. 40. Corridor of North Wing, ^o — 87. Titchfield Library. S_ H. I.— X. These References refer to the Storehouse. CORRIGENDA ET ADDENDA. PAGE. 44. — BiNET (Estienne), ecrit sous le pseud, de Ren6 Francois, 1626, q. v. 53.— BouRKE (Hon. Algernon). The History of White's Club, q. v. 6g.— Line 1 1 from the top, /or " Ashby " read " Ashley." 77. — Line z from top, insert "Carlisle (Charles Howard, Earl of). Relation of three Embassies from Charles H. to the Great Duke of Rluscovie, &c. 1663-4: j(£' MiEGE (Guy), 1670; page 282 of Catalogue." 77. — Carne (EUz. T.) wrote under the pseudonym of John Altrayd Wittitterly, q. v., page 459 of Catalogue. 103. — Insert " Coventry (Sir William). Appel de I'Angleterre touchant la Secrete Cabale, 1673 : see England, p. 142 of Catalogue." 105. — Line 18 from the top, insert " Craik (George L.) Pursuit of Knowledge under Diflflculties, 1830-1 : see Library of Entertaining Knowledge; p. 248 of Catalogue." 1 16. — Line 4 from bottom, for " Delaney " nad " Delany." 150. — Insert " [Ferguson, Robert]. Representations des Malheurs Horribles qui menacent les Protestans de la Grande Bretagne, 1689: v. Protestants, 1689; p. 345 of Catalogue." 213. — Insert " Hugo (Louis). Defense de Lorraine, 1697 : i: Louis (Jean Pierre)." 248. — Line 8 from the bottom, " Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties " is by George L. Cr.«k. 322. — Line 17 from lop, /or "1900 " read " 1800." 377-— Line 6 from bottom, /or " Schottius " read " ScHOTTUS " ; and /or " Itine- rarum " read " Itinerarium." Catalogue of the Library OF His Grace the Duke of Portland, AT Welbeck Abbey, and in London. Abbott (Edwin). A Concordance to the Works of Alexander Pope ; with an introduction by Edwin A. Abbott, D.D. 8vo. Loud. 1875 Abercrombie (John, M.D.) Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers and the Investigation of Truth. 8vo. Edinb. \%io Abernethy (John, IM.D., F.R.S.). Surgical Works. 2 vols. 8vo. LoJid. 1827 About (E.). La Question Romaine. 8vo. Brux. 1859 (Another issue.) 8vo. Ibid, i860 Abu Jaafar Ebn Tophail. The Improvement of Human Reason exhibited in the Life of Hai Ebn Yokdhan. Translated from the original Arabick, by Simon Ockley. 8vo. Loud. 1708 Abudacnus seu Barbatus (Josephus;. Historia Jacobitarum, seu Cop- torum, in ^gypto, Lybia, Nubia, .Ethiopia tota & parte Cypri insulae habitantium. i2mo. Oxon. 1675 [Bound with Fr-Vnce, L'Orabre de Charles V., 1688.] ACADf MIE ROYALE DES INSCRIPTIONS ET BELLES LETTRES. Histoire et Memoires, depuis son 6tablissement. 32 vols. 4to. Part's, 1736-68 Accords (Le Seign. des) : z.e. Etienne Tabourot, ^. v. Adair (James). The History of the American Indians. 4to. Loud, i-j-j^ *-^ B 2 ADA — yEN Adaii (Alexander, LL.D.). Roman Antiquities: or, an account of the manners and customs of the Romans. Eighth edition. 8vo. Land. 1819 Adams (H. G.). Cyclopaedia of Poetical Quotations: consisting of choice passages from the Poets of every age and country. Svo. Land. 1853 Adams (Wm. Bridges). English Pleasure Carriages ; their origin, history, varieties, materials, &c. Svo. Lond. 1837 Addison (Rt. Hon. Joseph). Works. Third edition. 4 vols. 4to. Lo7id. 1 74 1 Miscellaneous Works, in prose and verse ; with an account of the life and writings of the author, by Thomas Tickell. 4 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1765 The Free-Holder, or Political Essays. Svo. Ibid. \-]e^% Adelung (Joh. Christoph). Handworterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Fiinfte Auflage. Svo. Wieii, 1846 Adolphus (John). Memoirs of John Bannister, Comedian. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1839 The History of England from the Accession to the Decease of King George III. Vols. I — 7. [No more published.] Svo. Ibid. 1840-5 Adventurer (The). Beauties of: see Rambler, 1787. Adye (Lieut.-Col. John). A Review of the Crimean War, to the Winter ofiS54-5. Svo. Limd. id,bo ^LiANUS Tacticus. The Tacticks of ^lian, or the Art of embattailing an Army after the Grecian manner ; Englished by J. B. [John Bingham]. Fol. Lond. i6i6 -^MILIUS (Paulus). Histoire des Faicts, Gests et Conquestes des Roys, Princes, Seigneurs et peuple de France, composee premi^rement en Latin par Paul .^myle, et depuis mise en Fran9ois par Jean Regnart. Fol. Paris, 1598 -^NEAS Tacticus. Commentaires sur la Defense des Places ; traduits du Grec d'JEnes.s le Tacticien, par le Comte Beausobre ; avec notes, &c. 2 vols, [in i] 4to. Atnst. 1757 ^S — AGA 3 ^SCHTNTES. ^schines in Ctesiphontem : see Demosthenes, i8oi. ^SCHYLUS. ^schyli Tragoedias VII. [Gr.], Petri Victorii cura et dili- gentia. 8vo. Ex off. Hen. Stephani, Parts, 1557 Tragcediae septem [Gr. et Lat.], cum scholiis Graecis omnibus, versions et commentario Thomae Stanleii. Fol. Loud. 1663 The Choephorae. New edition of the text, with notes by the Rev. T. W. Peile. 8vo. /<^/^/. 1840 The Prometheus chained, the Supplicants, the Seven Chiefs against Thebes, and the Agamemnon ; translated into English prose, from the text of Blomfield. 8vo. Oxf. \?>2Z ".^sop : " see Sporting Reminiscences of Hampshire, 1745 — 1862. .^SOPUS. The Fables of .^sop, paraphras'd in verse and adom'd with sculpture, by John Ogilby. 4to. Loud. 1 65 1 Fables of ^sop, and other eminent Mythologists ; with morals and reflexions, by Sir Roger L'Estrange. Fol. Ihid. i6g2 Fables of ^sop, and other eminent Mythologists, with morals and reflexions, by Sir Roger L'Estrange. With the Life of .^sop. Second edition. Fol. Ibid. 1694 Fables and Storyes moralized : being a second part of the Fables of .^sop and other eminent ]\Iythologists, &c., by Sir Roger L'Estrange. Fol. Ibid, ibgg Fables ; avec celles de Philelphe. Traduction nouvelle, par M. de Bellegarde. [Vol. 2 missing.] 2 vols. i2mo. Amst. 1708 Agassiz (Louis). Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles. Texte. 5 vols, in 18 livr. 4to. Ncuchatel, 1833-43 Planches. 5 vols, in 18 livr. Obi. 4to. Ibid. 1833-43 — liistoire Naturelle des Poissons d'Eau Douce de I'Europe Centrale. Livr. I et 2 [sur papier velin surfin]. 2 pts. fol. Ibid. 1839-42 le. Livr. contient tous les planches [27] represent.-mt les espiccs dcs genres Salmo et ThjTnallus avec leur explication en Francjais, en Allemand et en Anglais. 2e. Livr. Embryologie des Salmones, par C. Vogt. [14 planches.] Texte de Livr. 2. 8vo. Ibid. 1842 B 2 4 AGL — AIT Aglionby (William). Painting illustrated, in three dialogues, containing choice observations upon the Art ; with the Lives of the most eminent Painters, from Cimabue to Raphael and Michael Angelo. 4to. Lond. 1685 Agostini (Didon Antonio, Archivescovo di Tarracona). Dialoghi intomo alle Medaglie, Inscrittioni et altre antichitk; tradotti di Lingua Spagnuola in Italiana, da Dionigi Ottaviano Sada. Fol. Rotiia, 1592 Discorsi sopra le Medaglie et altre anticaglie, divisi in XL dialoghi ; tradotti della lingua Spagnuola nell' Italiana. 4to. Ibid. 1592 Agriculttjral Society of England: see Royal Agricultural Society. Agricultural Society of Scotland : see Scotland. Agriculture. Quarterly Journal of Agriculture (The), May, 1828 — March, 1842. Vols, i — 12, 8vo. Edinb. 1829-42 The Principles of: see Thaer (Alb. D.), 1844. Cyclopaedia of: see Morton (John C), 1855. The Farmer's Encyclopsedia : see Johnson (Cuthb. W.), 1842. Encyclopedic d' Agriculture XIX. cent. : v. Maison RUSTIQUE, 1842-50. Aguesseau : V. Daguesseau. AiCARD (J.), F. BOURQUELOT, A. Bravais, et autres. Patria. La France ancienne et moderne, morale et materielle, ou Collection encyclopedique et statistique de tous las faits relatifs a I'histoire physique et intellectuelle de la France et de ses colonies, par J. Aicard, F. Bourquelot, A. Bravais, et autres. 2 pts. in 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1847 Airy (George Biddell). A Treatise on Trigonometry. New edition, by Hugh Blackburn. (Encyclop. Metrop.) i2mo. Giasg. 1855 AlTON (William). Hortus Kewensis : or, a Catalogue of the Plants cultivated in the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew. Second edition, by William Townsend Alton. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 18 10- 13 AKE — ALC 5 Akenside (Mark). Poems. [Edited by the Rt. Hon. J. Dyson, to which is prefixed an account of his life.] 4to. Lond. 1772 Poetical Works. With a life of Akenside, by the Rev. Alex. Dyce. (Aldine Poets, vol. 32.) i2mo. Ibid. 18^^ ALBfeRI (Eugenic). Relazioni degli Ambasciatori Veneti al Senate; raccolte, annotate, ed edite da Eugenio Alb^ri. 4 vols. 8vo. Fircnzc, 1839-40 Albert (H.R.H. Prince). The Principal Speeches and Addresses of H.R.H. the Prince Consort ; with an introduction giving some out- lines of his character. 8vo. Lond. 1862 The National Memorial to His Royal Highness the Prince Consort. [L. P.] fol. Ibid. 1873 Life of H.R.H. Prince Albert : see Martin (Theodore), 1875-9. The Prince Consort's Farms : see Morton (John Chalmers), 1863. See also Victoria (Queen). Albert: de Villeneuve (Fran9ois d'). Grand Dictionnaire Fran9ois- Italien et Italien-Fran9ois. Troisi^me edition. [Blue paper.] 2 vols. fol. Bassa7io, 1 8 1 1 Troisi^me Edition Italienne. 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 181 1 Grand Dictionnaire Fran9ais-Italien et Italien-Fran9ais. Seconde Edition. 2 vols, in 4, fol. Milan, 1840-1 Albicius (Antonius). Principum Christianorum Stemmata. Editio tertia. Fol. Kampiduni, Christ. Kraus, 1619 Albin (Eleazar). Natural History of Birds. 3 vols. 4to. Loud. 173 1-4-8 [Two vols, lettered " N.it. Hist, of Birds," no titles, and imperfect. Coloured plates. Vol. 3 missing.] Another copy. 2 vols. 410. Ibid. 1738 Albrizzi (Isabella, nata Teotochi) : v. Canova (Ant.), 182 1-4. [AlcAFORADA, Mariane]. Lettres d' Amour d'une Religieuse Portugaise, Sorites au Chevalier de C, Officier Fran9ois en Portugal ; trad, en Fran9ais par Lavergne de Guilleragues. Nouvelle Edition. 2 vols. i2mo. La Ilayc, 1742 6 ALC — ALE Alcedo (Colonel Don Antonio de). The Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies. Translated from the Spanish, by G. A. Thompson. 5 vols. 4to. Land. 181 2-15 Atlas, by A. Arrowsmith. [Missing.] Ibid. 1 8 1 6 Alcock (Sir Rutherford). The Capital of the Tycoon: a narrative of a three years' residence in Japan. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1863 Alcuinus de Pontificibus Eccles. Ebor. : v. Gale, Hist. Brit. Script, vol. I. Alcwinus : see Alcuinus. AxDnsTE Poets. 55 vols. i2mo. Lojid., Pickering, 1830-50 See Akenside (M.), 1845. Kirke-White (H.), 1840. Beattie (James), 183 1. Milton (John), 1845. Burns (Robert), 1839. Parnell (T.), 1833. Butler (Sam.), 1835. Pope (Alex.), 1843-4. Chaucer (Geoff.), 1845. Prior (Matth.), 1835. Churchill (C), 1844. Shakespeare, 1842. Collins (W.), 1830. Surrey (Hen. Howard, Earl of), COWPER (W.), 1843. 1 83 1. Dryden (John), 1844. Swift (Jonathan), 1833. Falconer (W.), 1836. Thomson (James), 1847. Goldsmith (O.), 1839. White: see &rke-White. Gray (Thomas), 1847. Wyatt (Sir Thomas), 1831. Herbert (G.), 1848-50. Young (Edward), 1844. Aldrich (Henry, D.D.). Elementa Architecture Civilis ad Vitruvii veterumque disciplinam et recentiorum praesertim a Palladii exempla probatiora concinnata. [English translation by the Rev. Philip Smyth.] 8vo. Oxon. 1789 Alexander (Sir James Edward). Life of Field Marshal His Grace the Duke of Wellington, embracing his civil, military, and political career to the present time. [Vol. 2 missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839 L'Acadie : or, Seven Years' Explorations in British America. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1849 Canada : see BONNYCASTLE (Sir R.), 1852. ALF — ALI 7 Alfieri (Vittorio). Tragedie. 6 vols. 8vo. Firenze, 1820-1 [Two copies.] 6 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1824 Vita di Vittorio Alfieri da Asti, scritta da esso. 2 vols, in I, 8vo. Ibid. 1822 [Another copy, bound in 2 vols.] 2 vols. 8vo. Jbid. 1822 M^moires de Victor Alfieri dAsti, ecrits par lui-meme, et traduits de ritalien par Antoine de Latour. 8vo. Paris, 1840 Algebra. The First Principles of Algebra; compiled for the use of Mechanics and others. By a Member of the Spitalfields Mechanics' Institution. i2mo. Lo7id. 1825 Algiers : v. Barbary, i 704. Ali Ebn Abi Talebi. Sententiae Ali Ebn Abi Talebi Arabic^ et Latinfe, 6 codicibus manuscriptis descripsit, Latin6 vertit, et annotationibus illustravit Cornelius van Waenen. 4to. Oxon. 1 806 " Aliph Cheem," Lays of Ind, 1888 : pseud, of Walter Yeldhajvi, g.v. Alison (Rev. Archibald). Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1820-25 Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste. Sixth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1825 Alison (Sir Archibald, Bart.). History of Europe from the commence- ment of the French Revolution, in 1789, to the Restoration of the Bourbons in 1815. [Vol. 5 missing.] 10 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833-42 Atlas, by Alexander Keith Johnston ; with a concise vocabulary of military and marine terms. 4to. Ibid. 1848 Atlas to the Epitome of Alison's History of Europe. 8vo. obi. Edinb. 1848 — History of Europe from the Fall of Napoleon in 1815 to the Accession of Louis Napoleon in 1852; with index. [Vols, i — 6 missing.] 8 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1852-7 — Lives of Lord Castlereagh and Sir Charles Stewart, the Second and Third Marquesses of Londonderry. 3 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1861 Alitophilus (Stupen.), i.e. Barth. MORISOTUS, or Is. de Pas, IMarq. de Feuquifere : v. BRANDENBURG. 8 ALL— AME Allegri (Antonio; : v. Corregio (Ant. Allegri), 1800. Alletz (Edouard). Tableau de I'Histoire g6nerale de I'Europe, depuis 1814 jusqu'en 1830. [Vol. 2 missing.] 3 vols. i2mo. Brux. 1835 Allibert (J.). Guide de I'Eleveur de Poules, Poulets, &c. [Bound with ESPANET, Basses-Cours. J 8vo. Paris, iS^^ Allibone (S. Austin). Critical Dictionary of English Literature, and British and American Authors. 3 vols. 8vo. Pliilad. 1859-71 Supplement, by John Foster Kirk. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1891 Almanacks. Various Almanacks : (Ladies' Diary, Wing, Parker, Moore, Stationers', Poor Robin's, &c.) for the years 1767-9, 1773-6, 1778-83, 1785, 1786, 1798, 1801, 1803, 1807. 16 vols. i2mo. Almay, D' : V. Bois d'Annemets. Almon (John). Correspondence of John WiLKES ; with Memoirs of his Life, 1805, q. v. Parliamentary Debates, 1774-96: J(?£ Parliament, 1775-80, 1796. See also Parliamentary Register. Alsace. Information sommaire et historique touchant les dix villes imp6riales en Alsace, &c. i2mo. s. I. 1697 [Bound «-ith ScHLESWiG, Factum pour S. A. S. le Due, 1677.] Althorp. ^des Althorpianae : 5^^ DiBDiN (T. F.), 1822. Amand : V. Saint Amand. Amari (Michele). History of the War of the Sicilian Vespers; translated from the Italian, edited with an introduction and notes, by the Earl of Ellesmere. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1850 America. Nouvelles de I'Amerique, ou le Mercure Ameriquain. 1 2 mo. Cologne, 1678 [Bound with Bouvet, L'Empereur de la Chine, 1699.] The History of the British Dominions in North America from the first discovery of that continent by Sebastian Cabot in 1497, to its present establishment, as confirmed by the Treaty of Peace in 1763. 4to. Loud. 1773 AME — AND 9 America. Codice Diplomatico Colombo-Americano, ossia Raccolta di Document! original! e inediti, spettanti a Cristoforo Colombo, alia scoperta ed al governo dell' America. 4to. Genova, 1823 Atlas of the United States, by H. D. Rogers and A. Keith John- ston : 5tf Atlas, 1861. AilES (Joseph). Tj^pographical Antiquities; or the History of Printing in England, Scotland, and Ireland : containing ]\Iemoirs of our Ancient Printers, and a Register of Books printed by them ; enlarged, with copious notes by the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin, D.D. 4 vols. 4to. Lmid. 1809-19 [The Marquis of Blandford's copy, No. lo of 65 copies printed upon paper of this size (14I in. high). MS. note by T. F. Dibdin in vol. i.] Ammianus Marcellinus. The Roman Historie, containing such acts and occurrents as passed under Constantius, Julianus, Jovianus, Valenti- nianus and Valens, Emperours. Translated from the Latin by Philemon Holland. Fol. Lo7id. 1609 Amyraut (Moyse). De I'elevation de la Foy et de I'abaissement de la Raison en la creance des mysteres de la Religion. 8vo. Saiimur, 1642 An'ACHARSIS the Younger, Travels of: see Barthelemy (Jean- Jacques), 1806. AXACREOX. Odes (Grr.) [3^ by 2^ in., printed on straw-coloured silk.] Edinb. ap. Hainilto)i, Balfour & Neill, 1754 Odes, traduites en vers, avec le texte Grec en regard, suivies de cinq traductions aussi en vers, par divers auteurs, dans les langues Latine, Italienne, Espagnole, Anglaise et AUemande. 4to. Paris, 1833 Poesie, recate in versi Italian!, da Eritisco Pilenejo [L. A. Pagnini, Gr. et Ital.] 8vo. Parma, i-jq^ Anastasius : or, Memoirs of a Greek: sec Hope (Thomas), 1827. AxDERSON (Adam). An historical and chronological deduction of the Origin of Commerce, from the earliest accounts to the present time. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1764 containing an history of the great commercial interests of the British Empire. 3 vols, bound in 4. 4to. Ibid. 1787 C lo AND Anberson (James, Advocate). Collections relating to the History of Mary Queen of Scotland. 4 vols. 4to. Edinh. & Land. 1727-8 Anderson (James, D.D.). A Genealogical History of the House of Yvery ; in its different branches of Yvery, Luvel, Perceval, and Gournay. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. y^a^z [The second vol. was revised and partly written by W. WTiiston. Privately printed. Said to be principally -^Mitten by J. Perceval, first Earl of Egmont]. Anderson (Rev. James Stuart :Murray, Preacher of Lincoln's Inn). Dis- courses on Elijah and John the Baptist. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Anderson (Colonel R. P.). Victories and Defeats : an attempt to explain the causes which have led to them. 8vo. Lond. iS-jt, Anderson (Rev. Robert) . Practical Religion exemplified by letters and passages from the Life of the Rev. Robert Anderson. By the Hon. Mrs. Anderson. Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Anderson (Walter, D.D.). The History of France during the Reigns of Francis II. and Charles IX. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1769 The History of France fi-om the commencement of the Reign of Henry III. and the rise of the Catholic League to the Peace of Vervins, and the Establishment of the famous Edict of Nantes, in the Reign of Henry IV. 4to. Ibid. 1775 Andrea de Jorio : v. Jorio. Andres (Giovanni). Dell' origine, progressi e stato attuale d'ogni Lette- ratura. 8 vols. 4to. Parma, 1785 — 1822 Andrews (Henry C). The Botanist's Repository, comprising coloured engravings of new and rare Plants, with botanical descriptions, &c. [Vols. 7 — 10 missing.] 10 vols. fol. Lond. 1797 — 1814 Coloured Engravings of Heaths ; in Latin and English. [Vols. 2 and 3 missing.] 3 vols. fol. Ibid. 1802-9 Andronicus Rhodius. Ethicorum Nicomacheorum Paraphrasis [Gr.] cum interpretatione Danielis Heinsii. 8vo. 0x011. e typog. Clarend. 1809 ANG — ANS II Angelo : V. Michael Angelo. Angelo (Dominico). L'Ecole des Armes, avec I'explication generale des principales attitudes et positions concernant TEscrime ; avec des figoires. [Two copies.] Obi. 4to. Land. 1763 Angelo (Henry, son of the preceding). A Treatise on the utility and advantages of Fencing ; illustrated by 47 engravings ; with a dis- sertation on the use of the Broadsword, with six plates. Obi. 4to. Land. 181 7 Angeloni (Francesco). L' Historia Augusta di Giulio Cesare a Costan- tino il Magno, illustrata con la verita dell' antiche medaglie. Seconda impressione, con 1' emendatione postume del medisimo autore, e con un supplimento de' rouesci, tratti dal Tesor delle ]\Iedaglie della Regina Christiana, descritti da G. Pier Bellori. Fol. Roma, 1685 Angerstein Collection of Pictures. Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures of John Julius Angerstein, containing an etching of every picture, with historical and biographical notices, by John Young. 4to. Land. 1823 Animal Locomotion : .r^'e Muybridge (E.), 1887. Annemets : V. Bois d'Annemets. Annual Register, 1758— 1780, with a General Index. 24 vols. 8vo. Loud. Dodslcy, 1764-81 New Annual Register, 1780 — 1817 [1784 missing]. 38 vols. 8vo. Loud. Robinson & Stockdalc. Annual Register, 18 18 — 1873. 55 vols. 8vo. Loud. Baldwin, Rivinglon, &c. General Index to Dodsley's Annual Register, 1758 — 1819. 8vo. Lond. 1826 Annual Retrospect of Public Affairs for 1831. (Lardner's Cabinet Library.) 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1831 Anson (George, Lord). A Voyage round the World in the years 1740-4. Compiled from papers and other materials of the Rt. Hon. George, Lord Anson, by Richard Walter. 4to. Lond.\-]\% [This work was virtu.illy written by Anson, but p.irtly compiled and edited by Benjamin Robins.] C 2 12 ANS — APO Alv^STlS (John). The Register of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, from its cover in Black Velvet usually called the Black Book, with notes and an introduction. 2 vols. fol. Loud. 1724 Anthologia Gr^eCA. Florilegium diversorum epigrammatum veterum in septem libros divisum. [Gr.] 8vo. Hen. Stcpha^ms, 1566 Anti- Jacobin (The), or Weekly Examiner. Fourth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1799 Poetry of the Anti- Jacobin. Fourth Edition. 4to. Ibid. 1801 Fifth edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1807 Antiquarian Repertory (The) : a IMiscellany intended to preserve and illustrate several valuable Remains of Old Times ; adorned with sculptures. [By Francis Grose, Thomas Astle, &c.] 4 vols. 4to. Lo7id. F. Blythe, 1775-84 Antiquaries, Society of, London : see Vetusta Monumenta, i 747 — 1842. Antwerp. An Historicall Discourse, or rather Tragicall Historie of the Citie of Antwerpe, since the departure of King Philip, King of Spaine, out of Netherland, till this present yeare. 8vo. Loud. J. Windet, 1586 [Bound with Mary, Queen of Scots, Brief Historj', fol. 1681.] An accurate Description of the principal Beauties in Painting and Sculpture belonging to Churches, Convents, &c., in and about Antwerp. i2mo. Lond. 1765 Anville : V. d'Anville. Apocrypha : sec Biblia Sacra. Apollonius Rhodius. Argonauticorum libri quatuor; interpretatione illustravit, notas adjecit, necnon indices tres addidit Joannes Shaw. 2 vols. 4to. 0x071. e typog. Clarcnd. 1777 Apollonius Tyanensis. Vita et Epistolae : v. Philostratorum quae supersunt omnia, 1709. Apostles. Paraphrastic Translation of the Apostolic Epistles : see Shuttleworth (P. N.), 1831. APO — ARC 13 Apostolical Constitutions or Canons of the Apostles (The), in Coptic, with an English Translation by Henry Tattam. Printed for the Oriental Translation Fund. 8vo. Loud. 1848 [Apperley, Charles James]. Remarks on the Condition of Hunters, the Choice of Horses, and their management. By "Nimrod." Third edition. 8vo. Loud. 1837 [ ] Memoirs of the Life of John Mytton, Esq., of Halston, Shropshire, &c. ; with notices of his hunting, shooting, driving, racing, eccentric and extravagant exploits. By " Nimrod." Second edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1837 Nemrod, ou I'Amateur des Chevaux de Course. [Fr. and Germ.] Svo. Bnix. 1838 Appianus Alexandrinus. Historia delle Guerre esterne de' Romani ; tradotta da M. Alessandro Braccio e da ]\I. Lodovico Dolce. 2 vols. i2mo. Vincgta, 1559 APRfeS DE Mannevillette (Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d'). Neptune Oriental. Texte. [Missing]. Fol. Parts e( Brest, i-j^j 58 Cartes. 4to. Ibid. Arbuthnot (Charles). Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights and Measures, explain'd and exemplify'd in several dissertations. [Two copies.] 4to. Loud. 1727 Arbuthnot (John, :M.D.). Miscellaneous Works. 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgozo, 1751 [These volumes were pronounced by the Doctor's son not to be the work of his father, but a gross imposition on the pubhc]. Arcilt:ologia : or. Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. Pub- lished by the Society of Antiquaries of London. Vols. I — 28, in 31 vols. 4to. Lond. 1770 — 1840 Index to the first fifteen volumes of the Archacologia. 4to. Ibid. i8og Archimedes. Quae supersunt omnia [Gr.], cum Eutocii AscalonitJe commentariis ; ex recensione Josephi Torelli, cum nova versione Latina. Fol. Oxon. c typog. Clarcnd. 1792 14 ARC Architects. Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages des plus c^I^bres Archi- tectes, XI. — XVIII. slides : v. QuATREMfeRE DE QuiNCY, 1830. Dizionario degli Architetti, Scultori, &c., d'ogni et^ : v. TiCOZZI (Stef.), 1832. Architectural Magazine (The), and Journal of Improvement in Archi- tecture, Building, and Furnishing. Conducted by J. C. Loudon. Vols. I — 5, 8vo. Loud. 1834-8 Architectural Societies, York, Lincoln, &c. Reports and Papers read at the Meetings of the Architectural Societies of the County of York, Diocese of Lincoln, Archdeaconry of Northampton, County of Bedford, Diocese of Worcester, and County of Leicester, during the year 1857. 8vo. Lincoln, 1857 during the year i860. 8vo. Ibid, i860 Architecture. Rudiments of Ancient Architecture, containing an account of the five orders, &c. ; with a dictionary of terms. Fifth edition. 8vo. Land. 1821 English Architecture : or, the Public Buildings of London and Westminster, with plans of the streets and squares. Fol. Ibid. s. a. Villa and Cottage Architecture : select examples of country and suburban residences recently erected, with a full descriptive notice of each building. Fol. Ibid. 1868 Idea dell' Architettura Universale: v. SCAMMOZZI (Vine), 1695. Origin and progress of Architecture : see Smith (Will. J.), 1831. Exemplars of Tudor Architecture: see Hunt (T. F.), 1830. — Domestic Architecture in England, during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth: j^^ Palmer (Charles J.), 1838. — Account of Domestic Architecture in England, to the end of the 13th century: see Turner (T. Hudson), 1851, 1853. — Illustrations of Architecture and Ornament, by J. B. Waring, [circa 1850], q. v. ARC — ARG 15 Architecture. Studies and Examples of the Modern School of English Architecture : see Barry (Sir Charles), 1839. Dictionnaire Historique: v. QuATREJlfeRE DE QtJiNCY, 1832. — Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture: j^^ PARKER (J. H.), 1846. — The Seven Lamps of Architecture : see Ruskin (John), 1849. — Cottage Architecture, by Henry Weaver, 1848, q. v. Examples of Architectural Art in Italy and Spain, by J. B. WARING and T. R. ]\Iacquoid, 1850, q.v. Gothic Architecture in Spain : 5^1? STREET (Geo. Edm.), 1865. See also Palladio ; Vitruvius. Archivio Storico Italiano : see Italy. Aretino (Benedetto Accolti). La Guerra fatta da Christiani contra Barbari per la ricuperatione del Sepolcro di Christo et della Giudea. i2mo. Vincgia, 1549 Aretino (Leonardo). Libro della Guerra di Ghotti ; fatto vulgare da L. Petroni. i2mo. Ibid. 1542 La Prima Guerra di Carthagenesi con Romani ; nuovamente tradotta. i2mo. Ibid. 1545 [All three bound in one vol.] Argenis : V. Barclaius (Joannes), 1630. [Argexville, Dezallier d']. Abreg^ de la Vie des plus fameux Peintres, avec leurs portraits graves en taille douce, les indications de leurs principaux ouvrages, reflexions sur leurs caract^res, et la mani^re de connoitre les desseins des grands maitres. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, \-^^ Supplement. Troisi^me partie. 4to. Ibid, i--, 2 Argyll (George Douglas, Duke of). " Presbytery Examined " : an essay, critical and historical, on the Ecclesiastical History of Scotland since the Reformation. 8vo. Loid. 1848 1 6 ARG — ARN Argyll (George Douglas, Duke of). The Eastern Question, from the Treaty of Paris, 1856, to the Treaty of Berlin, 1878, and to the Second Afghan War. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1879 Ariosto (Ludovico). Orlando Furioso. [Ital.] 4 vols. 8vo. Birm. G. Baskervtlle, i-j-j^ L' Orlando Furioso. 4 vols. 8vo. Firenze, 1821 Rime e Satire. 8vo. Ibid. 1822 Aristenete, Lettres Galantes d' : v. Le Sage (Alain Rene), 1752. Aristippe, ou le Bon Ministre ; avec le portrait des Esprits. i2mo. Cologne, 1682 [Bound w-ith FRANCE. La France sans bomes, 1684.] Aristophanes. Comoediffi novem [Gr.], cum commentariis antiquis. [Recensuit Sigism. Galenius]. Fol. Basilecz, 1547 Comoediae undecim, Graec^ et Latin^, cum notis Is. Casauboni, Ezech. Spanhemii, Rich. Bentleii ; omnia recensuit etc. Ludolphus Kusterus. Fol. Ainst. 17 10 Comoediae ; emendatae a Philippo Invernizio ; accedunt animad- versiones, indices, etc. 13 vols. 8vo. Lips. 1794— 1826 Aristoteles. The Rhetoric, Poetic, and Nicomachean Ethics of Aris- totle. Translated from the Greek by Thomas Taylor. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 18 18 De Rhetorica libri tres. [Gr.] 8vo. Oxon. \'&oi — Treatise on Rhetoric ; translated from the Greek, with notes, by a Graduate of the University ; with an Analysis of the Rhetoric, by Thomas Hobbes, of Malmesbury. 8vo. O;^/. 1823 — De Poetica liber [Gr. et Lat.] ; textum recensuit, versionem re- finxit, et animadversionibus illustravit Thomas T)rrwhitt. 4to. Oxon. e typog. Clarcnd. 1794 Editio tertia. 8vo. Ibid. 1806 Arnold (Edward). The Marquis of Dalhousie's Administration of British India ; containing the acquisition and administration of the Punjab, annexation of Oudh, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1862-5 ARN — ART 17 Arnold (Matthew). The Popular Education of France; with notices of that of Holland and Switzerland. 8vo. Lond. 1861 Arnold (Thomas, D.D.). Sermons. [Vols, i and 2 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Lo7id. 1834 History of Rome. Second edition. [Vol. 3 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1840-43 Arnot (Hugo). Collection and Abridgement of Celebrated Criminal Trials in Scotland, from A.D. 1536 to 1784, with historical and critical remarks. 4to. Edinb. 1785 Arriaxus. Arriano di Nicomedia, chiamato Nuovo Xenofonte. De i fatti del Magno Alessandro Re di Macedonia. Nuovamente di Greco tradotto in Italiano per Pietro Lavro. i2mo. Venetia, 1544 Arrian on Coursing. The Cynegeticus of the Younger Xenophon, translated from the Greek, by a Graduate of Medicine. [Rev. William Dansey.] 4to. Loud. 1831 Sec also Epictetus, 1630. Arrowsmith (Aaron): 5^^ Atlas, 1828. Art (L') de verifier les Dates des Faits Historiques, des Chartes, des Chroniques, et autres anciens Monumens depuis la naissance de Notre-Seigneur jusqu'en 1769, [commence par M. F. d'Antine, C. Clemencet, et U. Durand, continue et publie par F. C16ment]. Troisieme edition. 3 vols. fol. Paris, I'j^yj Art Jouiocal (The), 1849-71. 23 vols. 4to. Loud. 1849-71 The Industry of all Nations, 1851. Illustrated Catalogue. 4to. Ibid. 1851 [Two copies, one with frontispiece — Dancing Girl reposing ; the other with St. George.] Art-Uniox (The). Monthly Journal of the Fine Arts. Vols. 4 — 10, 1842-48. 4to. Loud. Artaud de Montor (Alex. Fr.) Peintres Primitifs : collection de tableaux rapportee d'ltalie et publi^e par lui, reproduite par nos premiers artistes sous la direction de M. Challamel. 4to. Paris, 1843 Artillery Company (The 1 lonourable). Lists of the Chiefs, Officers, &c., of the Hon. Artillery Company, 1883, 86, 87, 88; Lieut. -Col., His Grace the Duke of Portland. 4 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1883-88 D •1-8 ART — ATL Artillery Compaxy, Massachusetts. The Two Hundred and Fiftieth Annual Record of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, Massachusetts, 1887-8. 8vo. Boston^ 1888 Arts : see Galerie des Arts, 1836. ASCHAM (Roger). English Works ; with notes and observations, and the author's life, by James Bennet. 4to. Lond. [1761] Ashley (Hon. Evelyn). The Life of Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston, 1846-65; with selections from his speeches and corre- spondence. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1876 ASHMOLE (Elias). The Institutions, Laws and Ceremonies of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Fol. Lond. \b-]2 The History of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. 8vo. Ibid. 1 7 15 The Antiquities of Berkshire. 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 17 19 ASSELINEAU (Leon Auguste). Meubles et Objets divers du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance. Fol. Paris, [1854 ?] ASSERIUS (Joannes) IVIenevensis. Annales Rerum gestarum .^Ifridi Magni : v. Gale, Hist. Brit. Script, vol. i. ASTLE (Thomas). The Origin and Progress of Writing, as well hiero- glyphic as elementary. 4to. Lond. 1784 See also Antiquarian Repertory, 1775-84. "Astrolabe, L'," Voyage de: v. Dumont d'Urville, 1830, 1841. Atkinson (Thomas Witlam). Oriental and Western Siberia : a nar- rative of seven years' explorations and adventures in Siberia, Mon- golia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and part of Central Asia. 8vo. Lond. 1858 Atlas. The English Atlas, Vol. i, containing a description of the places next the North Pole ; as also of Muscovy, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, &:c., with a general introduction to Geography, and a large index. Imp. fol. Oxf. 1680 A comparative Atlas of Ancient and Modern Geography, for the use of Eton School, by Aaron Arrowsmith. [Missing.] 4to. Lond. 1828 Index to the Eton Comparative Atlas of Ancient and Modern Geography, by A. Arrowsmith. 8vo. Ibid. 1S2& ATL — ATT 19 Atlas. Maps of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 2 vols. Imp. 4to. Lond. 1844 New Edition. 2 vols. Imp. 4to. Ibid. 1846 An Atlas of the English Counties, divided into hundreds, &c. Fol. Ibid. 1830 Scotland, by W. Blackwood : see SCOTLAND. — The American Atlas : or, a geographical description of the whole Continent of America. Engraved on forty-eight copper plates by Thomas Jefferys. Fol. Loud. 1776 — Atlas of the United States of North America, Canada, New Bruns- wick, Xova Scotia, Newfoundland, Mexico, Central America, Cuba, and Jamaica, by Henry Darwin Rogers, of Boston, U.S., and A. Keith Johnston. 4to. Lond. Stanford, \%b\ Atlas Classica : see WILKINSON (R.) General Atlas : see WiLKlNSOX (R.) — New Universal Atlas, 1 8 1 9 : see Cary. Comprehensive Atlas: see BRADFORD (T. G.), 1835. — Atlas Complet du Precis de la Geographie Universelle : v. Malte- Brux, 1837. — Gilbert's Modern Atlas of the Earth, with descriptive letterpress, by Robert Mudie : see Gilbert. — Le Petit Atlas Maritime : v. Bellix. — Nouvel Atlas du Royaume de France : v. ROBIQUET, 1 84 1 . — Denmark, 1777 — 1806, q.v. — Atlas Chinensis: see MONTANUS (Arn.), 1671. See also Silesia. Maps. Attendoli (Dario). Discorso intorno all' honore ed al modo d'indurre le Querele per ogne sorte d'ingiuria alia pace. 8vo. Vinegia, 1562 II Duello, diviso in tre libri, con le autoriti delle leggi e de i dottori poste nel margine. 8vo. Ibid. 1562 [Bound in I vol.] D 2 20 AU — AUL Au (Die Vorstadt). Abbildungen der Glasgemalde in der Pfarrkirche der Vorstadt Au, Miinchen. (Copies des Peintures sur verre, &c.) Lief. I — 7, fol. \_Munchen, 1845 ?] AuBER (Peter). China, an outline of its government, laws, and policy; and of the British and Foreign Embassies to that Empire. 8vo. Land. 1834 AuBERY (Ant.). L'Histoire du Cardinal Due de Richelieu. Fol. Paris, 1658 Memoires pour I'Histoire du Cardinal Due de Richelieu. 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 1660 AUBIGNE : V. MERLE D'AuBIGNE. AUBIGNE (Theodore Agrippa d'). Histoire Universelle [de I'an 1550 jusqu'a la fin du 16'= sifecle]. 3 vols. fol. MailU, 1616-20 Seconde edition. 3 vols, in i, fol. Geneve, ibib Aubrey (John). The Natural History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey. 5 vols. 8vo. Land. 17 19 AUCKLAKD (William, Lord). Journal and Correspondence; with a preface and introduction by the Bishop of Bath and Wells. 4 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1 86 1 -2 AUDRAN (G.) : V. CABINET DU ROI, 1672. Audubon (John James). The Birds of America. 4 vols, eleph. fol. Lond. 1827-38 The Birds of America, fi-om drawings made in the United States and their territories. 7 vols. 8vo. Nezv York, 1840-4 Ornithological Biography, or an account of the Birds of the United States of America ; with descriptions of the objects represented in the work entitled "The Birds of America." 5 vols. 8vo. Edinh. 183 1-9 and Rev. John Bachman, D.D. Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America. [150 plates.] 3 vols. fol. Neiv York, \%i,^-% AuLD (Rev. Alexander). Life of John Kennedy, D.D. 8vo. Lond. i?,?,-] AuLUS Gellius : see Gellius. AUM — AYT 21 AUJIALE (Due d'). History of the Princes de Conde in the i6th and 17th centuries. Translated from the French, by Robert Brown Borthwick. 2 vols. 8vo. L&nd, 1872 [Austen (Jane)]. Mansfield Park : a novel. 3 vols. i2mo. Land. 1814 Austin (Sarah). Goethe and his Contemporaries; from the German of Falk, Von Miiller, &c., with biographical notices, and original anecdotes illustrative of German Literature. Second edition. 3 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1836 Austria. Les affaires qui sont aujourd'huy entre les Maisons de France et dAutriche. i2mo. i-. /. 1648 AuTON (Jean d'). Histoire de Louys XIL, Roy de France 6s annees 1499 — 1502. Mise en lumi^re par Theodore Godefroy. 2 pts. 4to. Paris, 1620 d^s I'an 1506 jusques en I'an 1508. 4to. Ibid. 1615 [Bound in i vol.] AVELING (James H.). The History of Roche Abbey, from its foundation to its dissolution. Fol. Lond. 1870 AvoCATS DES Pauvres (Les), ou Sermons de Bossuet, Bourdaloue, JMas- sillon, Flechier, La Colombi^re, La Rue, Neuville, Le Chapelain Elisee, et De Beauvais, Eveque de Senez, sur les Richesses, sur I'Avarice et sur I'Aumone. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1814 " Avon : " pseud, of J. A. Handy, q. v. AVONS (The). Of the Opening of Rivers for Navigation, the benefits exemplified by the two Avons of Salisbury and Bristol, with a Medi- terranean Passage by Water for Billanders of thirty tun, between Bristol and London. [The Dedication signed Francis Matthew.] 4to. Lond. 1660 Ayliffe (John). The antient and present state of the University of Oxford. [Vol. I missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1714 Ayloffe (Sir Joseph, Bart.). Calendars of the Ancient Charters, and of the Welch and Scotish Rolls now remaining in the Tower of London. 4to. Lond. 1774 AytoUN (William Edmondstoune). Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, and other poems. Tenth edition. 8vo. Edinb. 1856 2 2 AYT — BAC Aytoxin (William Edmondstoune). The Ballads of Scotland, edited by William Edmondstoune Aytoun. [Vol. i missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Edmb. 1858 AZEGLIO (Massimo Taparelli, Marchese d'). Ettore Fieramosca, o la Disfida di Barletta. i2mo. Parigi, iS^T, La Politique et le Droit Chretien au point de vue de la Question Italienne. 8vo. Ibid, i860 AZEGLIO (Roberto d'). La Reale Galleria di Torino, illustrata da Roberto d' Azeglio. Vols. 1—3, fol. Torino, 1^,2,6-^1 [Plates — India proofs before letters.] Reale Galleria di Torino. Fasc. 31 and 32, fol. B. (H.). Political Sketches, 1829-47 : see H. B. Babington (Lieut.-Col.). Records of the Fife Fox-Hounds. 4to. Edinb. 1883 Babo (L. von) und J. Metzger. Die Wein- und Tafeltrauben der deutschen Weinberge und Garten. 8vo. Mannheim, i?>ib Bachaumont (Mons. de). Voyage: z>. La Chapelle, Voyage, 1697. Bacon (Francis, Baron of Verulam, Vise. St. Albans). Opera: Historia Regni Henrici VII. Regis Angliae ; Sermones Fideles ; De Sapientia Veterum ; Dialogus de Bello Sacro ; Nova Atlantis ; in hoc volumine includuntur, Tractatus de Augmentis Scientiarum ; Historia Ven- torum ; etc. Fol. Lond. E. Griffin, 1638 Works, [with his Life by D. Mallett] 5 vols. 4to. Lo7id. i-]b^ Works. New edition, by Basil Montagu. 16 vols, in 17, 8vo. Ibid. 1825-34 Life of K. Henry VII. : in Kexnett's History of England, vol. i . Bacox (Rev, Thomas). Laws of Maryland at Large. Fol. Atinapolis, 1765 BAD — BAL 23 Badminton Library. Athletics and Football: see SHEARMAN (Mont.), 1887. Cycling: see Bury (Vise.) and G. Lacy Hillier, 1887. Fishing: .y,?^ Pennell (H. Cholmondeley), 1887. Hunting: see BEAUFORT (Duke of), and Mowbray MORRlS, 1885-6. Mountaineering: 5^^ Dent (C. T.), 1892. Paper Chasing, by Walt. Rye : see Shearman (Mont.) on Athletics, 1887. Racing: see Suffolk (The Earl of), 1887. Shooting : see Walsingham (Lord) and Sir R. Payne Gallwey, 1886-7. Steeple Chasing, by A. Coventry and A. E. T. Watson : see Suffolk (Earl of), on Racing, 1887. Bagster (S.). Comprehensive Bible : i-^g BiBLLA. SACRA, 1827. Bailey (N.). Dictionarium Britannicum : or, a more compleat universal Etymological Dictionary than any extant. Fol. Lond. 1730 [Baillet, Adrien]. Des Enfans devenus cel^bres par leurs 6tudes ou par leurs Merits : traits historique. i2mo. Paris, 1688 Histoire de Hollande, depuis la Paix de Nim^gue jusqu'a celle de Rys\\'yk, ou suite de I'Histoire de Hollande de AL de la Neuville [Adrien Baillet.] 2 vols, in i, i2mo. Anist 1704 Baillie (Joanna). Dramatic and Poetical Works. 8vo. Lond. iH^i Baily'S Magazine of Sports and Pastimes. Vols. I — 20, 8vo. Lond. 1860-71 Racing Register, from the earliest records to the close of the year 1842. 3 vols. 8vo. Iliid. 1845 Baker (Henry Barton). Our Old Actors. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. i8-j8 Baker (Sir Richard). A Chronicle of the Kings of England from the time of ye Romans Government unto the Death of King James. Fol. Lond. 1684 Baker (S. W.). The Rifle and Hound in Ceylon. 8vo. Lond. 1854 Baldassarri (Antonio). Compendioso ristretto delle vite di personaggi alcuni illustri per la scienzia, ed altri celebri per santiti e dottrina. 1 2 mo. Folig)io, 171 1 24 BAL— BAN Baldinucci (Filippo). Opere: [L'arte di intagliare in rame — Notizie de' professor! del disegno — Vocabolario Toscano dell' arte del disegno — Lezione]. 14 vols. 8vo. Milano, 1808-12 Bale (John, Bp. of Ossory). Scriptonim Illustrium Majoris Britanniae Catalogus. 2 vols, in i, fol. Bastlecs, 1557-9 A brefe Chronycle concernynge the Examynacyon and Death of the Blessed Martyr of Christ, Syr Johan Oldecastell, the Lorde Cobham. 8vo. Lond. 1729 Ballads. Early Ballads illustrative of History, Traditions, and Customs ; edited by Robert Bell. i2mo. Lond. i%ib Old Heroic Ballads: see Percy (Thomas, Bp. of Dromore). Old Ballads, historical and narrative: see Evans (Thomas), 1777. Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of the Peasantry of England : see Bell (Robert), 1857. Bentley Ballads, Songs and Poems, 1862, q. v. Ballads of Scotland: see KxTOxn^i (Wm. Edmondstoune), 1858. Ballad Poetry of Ireland, edited by C. G. Duffy, 1845, q.v. Book of Irish Ballads: see McCarthy (D. F.), 1846. Ballades et Chants Populaires (anciens et modernes) de I'AUe- magne ; traduction nouvelle, par Seb. Albin. 8vo. Paris, 1841 [Bound with Petrarque, Poesies, 1842] Ancient Spanish Ballads : see LOCKHART (J. G.), 1842. See also SoNGS. Bally (Alexander von). Ueber Pferdzucht, Reitkunst, Wettrennen und Rennpferde. 8vo. Siuffgart, 1836 Balmez (Jaime Luciano). Le Protestantisme compare au Catholicisme dans ses rapports avec la Civilisation Europeenne. [Vol. 3 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1842 Bancroft (George). History of the American Revolution. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1852-4 Bandello (Matteo). Novelle. [Vols. 3 and 4 missing.] 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1740 [Banesius, Theophilus]. De postremis motibus Galliaj varia utriusque partis scripta scitu dignissima. Ex Gall, in Lat. conversa, per T. B. JE,. 1 2 mo. Fraticof. 1586 BAN — BAR 25 Banks (Sir Joseph, Bart.). Causes of the Diseases in Corn: sec Curtis (Will.) Meadow and Pasture Land, 1834. Bara (Hierosme de). Le Blason des Armoiries, auquel est monstree la manifere que les anciens et modemes ont use en icelles. Fol. Paris, 1628 Barbary. Etat des Royaumes de Barbarie, Tripoly, Tunis et Alger ; contenant I'histoire naturelle et politique de ces pais, etc. [(?«. par le Pfere J. B. de La Faye]. i2mo. La Haye, 170^ Barbatus : V. Abudacnus. Barberi (J. Ph.). Grand Dictionnaire Fran9ais-Italien et Italien-Fran9ais continue et termine par AOL Basti et Cerati. Partie ifere, Fran9aise- Italienne. [Part 2 not in Library.] 4to. Paris, 1838 Barbier (A. A.). Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anonymes et Pseudo- nymes composes, traduits ou publics en Fran9ais et en Latin. Seconde edition. 4 vols. 8v'o. Paris, 1822-27 Barbieri da Cento, detto il Guercino, q. v. Barchou de Penhoen (Auguste Theodore Hilaire, Baron). Histoire de la Conquete et de la Fondation de I'Empire Anglais dans ITnde. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris et Leipz. 1841 Barclaius (Joannes). Argenis. Editio novissima. i2Tno. Litgd. Bat. ex off. Elzev. 1630 Bardi (Luigi). L' Imperiale e Reale Galleria Pitti ; illustrata per cura di L. Bardi 4 vols, in 8 parts, fol. Fircnzc, 1837-42 Baretti (Joseph). A Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages. Seventh edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lo>id. 1824 Ninth edition, by Charles Thomson. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1839 A new Dictionary of the Italian and English Languages based upon that of Baretti. Compiled by John Davenport and Guglielmo Comelati. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1834 [Barham, Rev. R. H.]. The Ingoldsby Legends : or, Alirth and Marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby. Eighteenth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1847 Barker- Webb (P.) et Sabin Berthelot. Histoire Naturelle des lies Canaries. [Planches colorizes.] 3 vols, [in 106 livr.] 4to, et Atlas, fol. Paris, 1835-49 E 26 BAR [Barletius Scodrensis, IMarinus]. Histoire de Georges Castriot, sur- nomme Scanderbeg, Roy d'Albanie, recueillie par Jacques de Lavardin. 8vo. S. Gervais, 1604 Barlow (Edward, M.D.). An Essay on the Medicinal Efficacy and Employment of the Bath Waters. 8vo. Baih, 1822 [Bound with Spry on the Bath Waters.] Barnard (John, D.D.). Theologo-Historicus, or the true life of the most Reverend Divine and excellent Historian, Peter Heylyn, D.D. ; also an answer to Mr. Baxter's false accusations of Dr. Heylyn. i2mo. Lond. 1683 Barnes (Joshua). The History of that Most Victorious Monarch Edward IH., and of his son Edward, Prince of Wales, sirnamed the Black Prince. Fol. Cambr. 1688 BarocCI (Luigi). Collezione di Costumi Sacri Romani; descritti dal Cav. Francesco Fabi ]\Iontani. [Some coloured, loose, in a portfolio.] Fol. Ro7)ia, 1 84 1 Barr (Rev. John). The Scripture Student's Assistant : being a complete Index, and concise Dictionary to the Holy Bible. lamo. Glasg. 1839 Barrett (T. B. Brydges), List of Pictures at the Seat of, at Lee Priory, Kent, 181 7, q. v. Barri : V. Giraldus de Barri. Barrington (Daines). Observations on the more Ancient Statutes, from ]Magna Charta to 21 James I. cap. 27. Third edition. 4to. Loud. 1769 Barrow (Isaac, D.D.). Works (being all his English works) ; published by Abp. Tillotson. Fifth edition. 2 vols. fol. Loud. 1741 Contents. Vol. I. The Lord's Prayer ; Creed; Pope's Supremacj-. Vol. 2. Articles of Religion ; The Apostles' Creed. Barrow (John). A Chronological History of Voyages into the Arctic Regions, undertaken chiefly for the purpose of discovering a North- East, North-West, or Polar Passage, between the Atlantic and Pacific. 8vo. Lond. 181 8 Barrow (Sir John, Bart.). The Life of George, Lord Anson, Admiral of the Fleet, Vice- Admiral of Great Britain, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Barrow (John Henry). The Alirror of Parliament, 29 Jan., 1828 — Aug., '^^2>'1>- [Vols. I and 2, 1829, missing.] 23 vols. fol. Lond. 1828-33 BAR 27 Barry (Rev. Alfred, D.D.). The Life and Works of Sir Charles Barry, R.A., F.R.S. 8vo. Land. 1867 Barry (Sir Charles). Studies and Examples of the Modem School of English Architecture. The Travellers' Club House, by Charles Barry. Fol. Land. 1839 Barry (Sir Edward). Observations historical, critical and medical, on the Wines of the Ancients, and the analogy between them and Modern AVines. 4to. Land. 1775 Barry (Marie Jeanne Gomard de Vaubemier, Comtesse du). Letters to and from the Countess du Barry, the last ^listress of Lewis XV. of France. Translated from the French. Second edition. 8vo. Loud. 1779 Barsaz-Breiz : seeTKTLOTA. (Tom), 1865. Barthelemy (The Abb6 Jean-Jacques). Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece, during the middle of the fourth century before the Christian aera ; translated from the French, by W. Beaumont. Fourth edition. 7 vols. 8vo. Land. 1806 Vol. 8, ]\Iaps, Plans, &c. 4to. Ibid. 1806 [Bartlett, William Henry]. Pictures from Sicily. 8vo. Lond. 1853 Views of Switzerland : see Beattie (William), 1836. Illustrations of the Beauties of the Bosphorus: ^^^Pardoe (Julia). Views of the Danube : see Beattie (William). Bartoli (Pietro Santi). Le Antiche Lucerne Sepolcrali figurate, raccolte dalle cave sotterranee e grotte di Roma, disegnate cd intagliate da Pietro Santi Bartoli, con 1' osservationi di Gio. Pietro Bellori. 3 pts., in I vol. fol. Roma, 1691 Gli Antichi Sepolcri, overo Mausolei Romani et Etruschi trovati in Roma, etc. ; raccolti, disegnati ed intagliati da Pietro Santi Bartoli. Fol. Ibid. 1697 [Another edition]. Fol. Ibid. 1704 [Another edition]. Fol. Ibid. 1^68 E 2 28 BAR — BAU Bartoli (Pietro Santi). Antiquissimi Virgiliani Codicis Fragmenta et Picturae, ex Bibliotheca Vaticani. Fol. RomcB, 1742 Le Pitture Antiche del Sepolcro de' Nasonii : v. Bellori (G. P.), 1702. Colonna Trajana: v. CIACCONIUS (Alphonsus). See also Bellori (Jo. Pet.). Bartsch (Adam). Le Peintre-Graveur. 21 vols, bound in 11, i2mo. Vicmie, 1803-21 Le Peintre-Graveur Francjais : ouvrage faisant suite au " Peintre- Graveur," de M. Bartsch, par A. P. F. Rob. DUMESNIL, 1835-44, q. V. Barwick (John, D.D.). IEP0NIKH2, on the Fight, Victory, and Triumph of St. Paul, accommodated to the Right Rev. Father in God, Thomas Morton, late Bishop of Duresme, in a sermon preached at his funeral on Michaelmas Day, 1659; with the life of the said Bishop. 4to. Lond. 1660 Barwick (Peter). The Life of the Rev. John Barwick, D.D. 8vo. Lond. 1724 Bassano : V. Gamba di Bassano. Bassompierre (Fran9ois de, Mareschalde France). M^moires, contenant I'histoire de sa Vie. 2 vols. i2mo. A7nst 1692 Ambassade du IMareschal de Bassompierre en Espagne, I'an 162 1. 1 2 mo. Cologne, 1668 Negociation du Mareschal de Bassompierre envoye Ambassadeur Extraordinaire en Angleterre de la part du Roy trfes Chrestien, I'an 1626. i2mo. md. 1668 [Bound with the preceding " Ambassade "]. [Batesius, Gulielmus]. Vitae Selectorum aliquot Virorum qui doctrina, dignitate, aut pietate inclaruere. 4to. Lond. \tZ\ Bath. History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of Bath : see Rawlinson (Rich.), 1 7 19. Baucher (F.). Methode d'Equitation. 8vo. Paris, i%ii^ [Baudot de Juilly, Nicolas]. Histoire Secrette du Connestable de Bourbon. i2mo. Paris, 1696 BAU — BAZ 29 BaxxdoUIN (J.). Iconologie: v. RlPA (C^sar), 1677. Baudrillart (J. J.). Dictionnaire des Chasses, avec Atlas : ouvrage revu, corrig6 &c. par M. de Quingery. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1834 Bavaria. IManifeste de I'Electeur de Bavi^re. [<2//. par rAbb6 J. B. Du Bos]. i2mo. s. I. 1704 [Bound with Netherlands. Sentimens Veritables, 16S9.] Baxter (Willielmus). Glossarium Antiquitatum Britannicarum ; acce- dunt Eduardi Luidii de fluviorum, montium, urbium &c. in Britannia nominibus adversaria posthuma. 8vo. Lond. \-]\() Bayard (Le Chevalier). Histoire du Chev. Bayard: voir Godefroy (Theodore), 16 19. Bayardi (Ottavio Antonio). Antichiti di Ercolano, g. v. Bayldon (J. S.). Art of Valuing Rents and Tillages, and the Tenant's Right on entering and quitting Farms explained. Fifth edition, by John Donaldson. Svo. Loud. 1840 Bayle (Pierre). Dictionnaire Historique et Critique. 2 vols. fol. Rotterdam, it^jg Cinqui^me Edition, avec la vie de I'auteur, par INI. Des Maizeaux. 5 vols. fol. Amsf. 1734 Dictionary, historical and critical : in which a new and accurate translation of that of Mr. Bayle is included ; by the Rev. John Peter Bernard, Rev. Thomas Birch, John Lockman, and others. 10 vols. fol. Loud. 1734-41 • Second edition, with the life of the author, revised and enlarged by Mr. Des Maizeaux. 5 vols. fol. Ibid. 1734-38 [ ] Ce que c'est que la France toute Catholique sous le R6gne de Louis le Grand. i2mo. S. Oincr, i686 [Bound with PiQUETIERRE, Portugal, 1674.] Baylis (Edward). The Arithmetic of Annuities and Life Assurance, or Compound Interest simplified. 8vo. Lo)id. iB,\^ Bazancourt (C^sar, Baron de). L'Exp^dition de Crim6e, jusqu'^ la prise de S6bastopol. Chroniques de la Guerre d'Orient. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1856 L'Expedition de Crim^e. La Marine Fran9aise dans la Mer Noire et la Baltique. Chroniques Maritimes de la Guerre d'Orient. 2 vols. Svo. Ibid, \circa 1856J 30 BEA " Beacon," /j^«^. of Joseph Osborn, q. v. Beaconsfield (Benj. Disraeli, Earl of) : see DiSRAELl (Rt. Hon. Benj.). "Beagle," H.M.S., Voyage of: see Darwin (Charles), 1843. BeAjMES (Thomas). The Rookeries of London, past, present and pro- spective. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Beatson (Maj.-Gen. Alexander). New System of Cultivation, without lime, or dung, or summer fallows, as practised at Knowle Farm, Sussex. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1^21 Supplement. 8vo, Ibid. 1^21 Beatson (Robert, LL.D.). A political Index to the Histories of Great Britain and Ireland : or, a complete Register of the Hereditary Honours, Public Offices and Persons in Office, from the earliest period to the present time. Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1 806 Political Index modernised: see Haydn (Joseph), 1851. Beattie (James, LL.D.). Poetical Works. With a memoir of Beattie, by Rev. A. Dyce. (Aldine Poets, Vol. 12.) i2mo. Lond. 18^1 Poetical Works of James Beattie, LL.D., and William Collins ; with memoirs of their lives and writings, by Thomas Miller. 8vo. Idz'd. 1846 Beattie (William). Switzerland; illustrated in a series of views by W. H. Bartlett. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1836 The Danube, its history, scenery, and topography ; illustrated from sketches by Abresch, and drawn by W. H. Bartlett. 4to. Ibid. s. a. Beauchesne (A. de). Louis XVIL, sa vie, son agonie, sa mort; cap- tivite de la Famille Royale au Temple. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1852 Beaufort (Duke of) and Mowbray Morris. Hunting : with contribu- tions by the Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire, Rev. E. W. L. Davies, Digby Collins, and Alfred E. T. Watson. (Badminton Library). 8vo. Lond. 1885 Third edition. 8vo. /did. 1886 Beaulieu (Le Chev. de) : v. Cabinet du Roi. BEA — BEH 31 Beaumont (Vicomte Adalbert de). Sketches in Denmark, Sweden, Lap- land, and Norway. Fol. Loiid. 1840 Beaumont (Francis) and John Fletcher. Fifty Comedies and Tragedies ; published by the authors' original copies. Fol. Loud. 1679 The Works of Beaumont and Fletcher, the text formed from a new collation of the early editions ; with notes and a biographical memoir, by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. 11 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1843-6 Account of the Lives and Writings of: see Dyce (Alex.), 1850. Beaurain fils (Le Chev. Jean de) . Histoire de la Campagne [du Prince de Cond6] de 1674, en Flandre [parle Marq. Daguesseau]. Fol. Paris, 1 774 Beausobre (Jean Jacques de Beault, Comte de). Commentaires sur la Defense des Places ; traduits du Grec d'^neas le Tacticien ; accom- pagnes de notes, &c. 2 vols, [in i] 4to. Amst 1757 Becker (Karl Friedrich). Weltgeschichte ; sechste Ausgabe neu bear- beitet von Johann Wilhelm Loebell, mit den Fortsetzungen von J. G. Woltmann und K. A. Menzel. 3 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1828 Beckett (Sir Edmund, Bart.) A Book on Building, civil and eccle- siastical ; with the theory of Domes, and of the Great Pyramid. 8vo. Lond. 1876 Beckford (William). Memoirs of William Beckford, of Fonthill, author of "Vathek." 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1859 Beda (Venerabilis). Historiae Ecclesiasticae Gentis Anglorum Libri V. Fol. Cantab. 1644 Biographical Writings and Letters ; translated from the Latin, by J. A. Giles, LL.D. 8vo. Lo7id. 1 845 Bedford Level. History or Narrative of the Great Level of the Fenns, called Bedford Level ; with a Map of the said Level, as drained, sur- veyed and described by Sir Jonas ^loore. 1 2 mo. Lond., Mos. Pitt, 1685 BEGERUS (L.) : vide BRANDENBURG, 1 696. Behlen (Stephan). Real- und Verbal-Lexicon der Forst- und Jagd- kunde, mit ihren Hiilfswissenschaften. 6 vols. 8vo. Frankfurt-am-Maiii, 1840-43 32 BEI — BEL Beilhaven (John, Lord). Acts and Orders of the Meeting of the Estates of Scotland, i68g : ^^^ Scotland, i6go. Belcarius Pegulio (Franciscus). Rerum Gallicarum Commentarii, ab anno Christi 1461 ad annum 1580. Fol. Lngd. 1625 Belfast (Fred. Rich. Chichester, Earl of). Two Generations, or Birth, Parentage and Education, a novel. 2 vols. Bvo. Loud. 1851 Poets and Poetry of the Nineteenth Century. i2mo. Ibt'd. 1852 Bell (James Stanislaus). Journal of a Residence in Circassia during the years 1837-8-9. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1840 Bell (John). British Theatre, consisting of the most esteemed English Plays. 20 vols. 8vo. Lond. i-]-jb-2, Bell (John, Surgeon). Observations on Italy. 4to. Edinb. 1825 Bell (Robert). Life of the Rt. Hon. George Canning. 8vo. Land. 1846 Works of the English Poets. 22 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 1854-7 See Ballads, Early, 1856. Butler (Samuel), 1855. Chaucer, 1854-6. COWPER (Will.), 1854. Dryden (John), 1854. Greene (Robt.) and Chr. Marlow, 1856. JONSON (Ben.), 1856. Oldham (John), 1854. Poems, Ancient, &c., 1857. Sackville (Thomas, Lord Buckhurst), 1854. ShajvESPeare, Poems, 1855. Songs from the Dramatists, 1854. Surrey (Earl of), 1854. Thomson (James), 1855. Waller (Edm.), 1854. Wyatt (Sir Thomas), 1854. — Early Ballads illustrative of History, Traditions and Customs, edited by Robert Bell. i2mo. Ibid. 1856 — Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of the Peasantry of England, edited by Robert Bell. i2mo. Ibid. 1857 BEL 33 Bell (Robert). Songs from the Dramatists, edited by Robert Bell. i2mo. Loud. 1854 Bell (Thomas). A Monograph of the Testudinata. Parts i — 8. [No more published.] Fol. Lond. [1832-6] History of British Quadrupeds, including the Cetacea. 8vo. Ibid. 1837 History of British Reptiles. 8vo. Ibid. 1839 Bellay (IMartin du). Les ^lemoires de Alartin du Bellay, Seigneur de Langey ; contenant le discours de plusieurs choses advenues au Royaume de France depuis 15 13 jusques au trespas du Roy Fran- 9ois I. ; ausquels I'autheur a insere trois livTes, et quelques fragmens des Ogdoades de Guillaume de Bellay, son frere ; oeuvre mis nou- vellement en lumiere par Rend du Bellay. Troisifeme Edition. Fol. Paris, 1588 Belle Arti : v. Fixe Arts. Bellin (Jacques Nicolas). Le Petit Atlas Maritime : recueil de cartes et plans des quatre parties du Monde. 5 vols. 4to. s. I. 1764 Bellori (Giov. Pet.). Veteres Arcus Augustorum triumphis insignes, ex reliquiis quae Romse adhuc supersunt ; cum imaginibus triumphalibus restituti, antiquis nummis notisque Jo. Petri Bellorii illustrati ; nunc primum per Jo. Jacobum de Rubeis aeneis typis vulgati. Fol. Roma:, 1690 Fol. Ibid. 1^2^ Admiranda Romanarum Antiquitatum ac Veteris Sculpturae Vestigia, a Petro Sancti Bartolo delineata, incisa, notis Jo. Petri Bellorii illustrata. [Two copies.] Obi. fol. Ibid. \b()2> Columna Antoniniana, a Petro Sancti Bartolo delineata et incisa, cum notis excerptis ex declarationibus Jo. Pet. Bellorii. Obi. fol. Ibid. n. d. Descrizzione delle Imagini dipinte da Rafaelle, nelle Camere del Palazzo Apostolico Vaticano. Fol. Ibid, itq^ Le Pitture Antiche del Sepolcro de' Nasonii, disegnate da Pietro Santi Bartoli, e descritte ed illustrate da Gio. Pietro Bellori. Fol. Ibid. 1702 [Bound with BARTOLI, Anticlii Sepolcri, 1697.] F 34 BEL — BEN Bellori (Giov. Pet.). Picturae Antiquae Cryptarum Romanarum et Sepulcri Nasonum delineatae et expressse, a Petro Sancti Bartholi et Francisco ejus filio, descriptae et illustratae a Johanne Petro Bellorio et Michaele Angelo Causseo. Fol. Rovics, i?>iq Columna Cochlis M. Aurelio Antonino Augusto dicata, ejus rebus gestis in Germanica atque Sarmatica expeditione insignis ex S. C. Romse ad viam Flaminiam erecta ac utriusque belli imaginibus anaglyphice insculpta, brevibus notis Jo. Petri Bellorii illustrata, et a Petro Sancti Bartolo incisa. Fol. Ibid. 1 704 [Lettered Bartoli.] • Veterum illustrium Philosophorum, Poetarum, Rhetorum et Ora- torum Imagines, ex vetustis nummis, &c. desumptae. Fol. Ibid. 1739 Colonna Trajana : v. ClACCONIUS (Alphons.) See also Bartoli (Pietro Santi). Bellot (J. R.) Journal d'un Voyage aux ]\Iers Polaires execute a la recherche de Sir John Franklin, en 1851 et 1852. 8vo. Paris, 1854 Belon (Pierre, du Mans). Les Observations de plusieurs singularitez et choses memorables, trouvees en Grece, Asie, Jud6e, Egypt, &c. 4to. Paris, 1588 Beltz (George Frederick). Memorials of the Order of the Garter, from its foundation, with biographical notices of the Knights in the reigns of Edward III. and Richard II. 8vo. Lo7id. 1841 BeMBO (P.) : V. VeNETIA, 1 722. Benard (Nicolas). Le Voyage de Hierusalem et autres lieux de la Terre Saincte. 8vo. Paris, 1621 Bennett (John Whitchurch). A selection from the most remarkable and interesting of the Fishes found on the Coast of Ceylon. 4to. Lond. 1830 Second edition. 4to. Ibid. 1834 Ceylon and its capabilities ; with illustrations. 4to. Ibid. 1843 Benserard (M.) : V. Cabinet du Roi, 1678. Bentham (James). History and Antiquities of the Conventual and Cathedral Church of Ely, from the foundation of the Monastery, a.d. 673, to the year 1771. 4to. Cambridge, 1771 Supplement, with notes, addenda, and memoirs of the Rev. James Bentham, by W, Stevenson. [Missing.] 4to. A^f?^"*^. 1817 BEX — BER 35 Bentinck. Catalogxie d'une Collection de Medailles Antiques faite par la Csse. Douair. de Bentinck, nee Csse. d'AIdenbizrg, Dame de Varel, Kniephausen et Doorwerth. Premiere partie. 4to. Awsf. i-jSj Rechtliches Erachten betrefFend den gegenwiirtigen faktischen Besitzstand der Reichsgraflich Aldenburg-Bentinck'schen Fideikom- missherrschaften Kniphausen und Varel, mit Zubeh5rungen, von Dr. Christ. Friedr. jMiihlenbruch. 8vo. Gottingen, 1841 Revisionsschrift des Reichsgrafen Wilh. Friedr. Christian von A. Bentinck, konigl. Xiederlandischen Kammerherrn, Klagers, wider s. b. Reichsgrafen Gustav Adolph von Bentinck, Beklagten. Suc- cessionsstreit betrefFend. 8vo. Bcrl. 1843 Die Entscheidungsgriinde des Juristenfacultat zu Jena zu ihrem Erkenntnisse im Reichsgraflich Bentinck'schen Successionsstreite. 8vo. Oldenburg, 1843 Bentinck (Carolus Aldenburg). Carmina. 8vo. Bafh, i^S^ BentesXK (Lord George), a political Biography: see Disraeli (Rt. Hon. Benj.) Racing Life, and other Reminiscences : see Kent (John), 1892. Bentdjck (Lord William). Lord William Bentinck and the Company as a Governing and Non-Trading Power, [Rulers of India Series], by Demetrius C. BOULGER, 1892, q. v. Bentivoglio (Cardinal Guido). Opere, cio h le Relationi di Fiandra e di I->ancia, 1' Historia della Guerra di Fiandra, e le lettere scritte nel tempo delle sue nuntiature. Fol. Parigt, 1648 [Opere Storiche]. Relazioni : Storia della Guerra di Fiandra ; memorie, con le quali descrive la sua vita ; coUa vita dell' autore, scritta dall' Abate Lorenzo Barotti. 5 vols. 8vo. Alilaiw, 1806-7 The History of the Wars of Flanders. Translated from the Italian by Henry, Earl of Monmouth. Fol. Lond. ib-]8 Bentley (R.). Designs for six poems by IMr. T. Gray. Fol. Land. 1753 Bentley (Richard, D.D.). Correspondence. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1842 Bentley Ballads (The) : Songs and Poems. 8vo. Lo/id. 1 86 2 BfiRANGER (Jean Pierre de). CEuvres completes. 8vo. Pan's, 1840 Chansons. Edition complete. i2mo. Briix. 1820 F 2 36 BER Berexger (Richard). The History and Art of Horsemanship. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1771 Beresford (General, Lord Viscount). Refutation of Colonel Napier's Justification of his third Volume. 8vo. Lond. \%i/^ iMilitary Opinions and Conduct of, in the Peninsular War : see Napier (Lieut.-Gen. Sir William), 1835. Berger de Xivrey (J.). Tradition Fran9aise d'une Confederation de ITtalie, rapprochement histori que, (1609 — 1859). 8vo. Pan's, i%bo [Berington, Simon]. The Adventures of Sig. Gaudentio di Lucca, giving an account of an unknown country in the Deserts of Africa, fi-om a MS. in St. Mark's Library at Venice, with notes by Sig. Rhedi. Translated from the Italian. 12 mo. Lond. 1776 Berjeau (Philibert Charles). The Varieties of Dogs, as they are found in old sculptures, pictures, engravings, and books ; with the names of the artists by whom they are represented, showing how long many of the breeds now existing have been known. 4to. Lond. 1863 Berkeley (Hon. Grantley F.). The English Sportsman in the Western Prairies. 8vo. Lond. 1861 My Life and Recollections. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1865 Anecdotes of the Upper Ten Thousand : their legends and their lives. 2 vols. 8vo. Ihid. 1867 BERXfeSE (L'Abb6). Iconographie du Genre Camellia : ou, description et figures des Camellia les plus beaux et les plus rares, peints d'apr^s nature, par J. -J. Jung. 3 vols, in 6 pts. fol. Paris, 1 841-3 Berlin. Berlin and its Treasures : being a series of views of the prin- cipal buildings, churches, monuments, &c., with a selection of subjects firom the Royal Picture Gallery. 6 Divisions. 4to. Leipz. and Dresden, A. H. Payne. \_S. a., circa 1845] Die Gemalde Gallerie des konigl. Museums in Berlin ; in Litho- graphien der vorziiglichsten Gemalde derselben. ler Lieferung, pts. 2 — 12. Large 4to. 1841 Berlioz (Hector). Voyage Musical en Allemagne et en Italic. 2 vols, (in i) 8vo. Paris, 1844 BER — BET 37 Bernal (Ralph). Sale Catalogue of the Celebrated Collection of Works of Art from the Byzantine Period to that of Louis Seize, of Ralph Bernal, Esq. With an introduction by J. R. Planch^. 8vo. Lond. 1855 Guide to the knowledge of Pottery, Porcelain, and other Objects of Vertu, comprising an Illustrated Catalogue of the Bernal Collection of Works of Art, &c., by Henry G. Bohn. 8vo. Ihid. 1857 Bernard (John). The Lives of the Roman Emperors, from Domitian to Constantine the Great. [Vol. i missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1698 Bernard (Rev. John Peter), Rev. Thomas Birch, John Lockm.vx, and others. A General Dictionary, historical and critical, in which a translation of that of Mr. Bayle is included. lovols. fol. Lond. 1734-41 Bernays (A.). German Prose Anthology. i2mo. Lond. \^-i,\ German Poetical Anthology. Second edition. i2mo. Ibid. 1831 Berry (]Mary). Extracts of the Journals and Correspondence of Miss Berry, from the year 1783 to 1852. Edited by Lady Theresa Lewis. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1865 Bertin (Capt. Joseph). The noble Game of Chess ; containing rules and instructions for the use of those who have already a little knowledge of this game. 8vo. Lond. 1735 Bertrand de Moleville (Ant. Fr.). Private Memoirs relative to the last years of the reign of Louis the Sixteenth, King of France. Translated from the original MS. of the author. 3 vols. 8vo. Lo7id. 1797 Bescherelle (Louis Nicolas). Dictionnaire National, ou Dictionnaire Universel de la Langue Fran9aise. Deuxi^me edition. 2 vols, [in 4 parts]. 4to. Paris, 1853 "Besieged Resident in Paris" (The), Diary of: see Labouchere (Henry), 187 1. Beste (J. Richard). Modern Society in Rome : a novel. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1856 Betant (E. A.) : V. Capodistrias (Comte J.), 1839. Betham (Rev. William). Genealogical Tables of the Sovereigns of the World, from the earliest to the present period. Fol. Lond. 1795 38 BEU — BIB Beurrier (Le P. Louis). Sommaire des Vies des principaux fonda- teurs et reformateurs des Ordres Religieux, avec leurs pourtraicts, ensemble leurs institution et confirmation. 4to. Paris, Mich, van Lochom, 1635 Bewick (Thomas). A History of British Birds ; the figrires engraved on wood. [Fourth edition.] 2 vols. 8vo. Neivcastle, 18 16 Beza (Theodorus). Icones, id est Verse Imagines Virorum doctrina simul pietate illustrium ; accedunt Emblemata. 4to. Geneva, 1580 BlAGIOLI (G.) : V. PeTR.\RCA, I 82 I. BlANCHiNi (Francesco). Camera ed Inscrizioni Sepulcrali de Liberti, Servi ed Ufiiciali della Casa di Augusto scoperte nella Via Appia, ed illustrate con annotazioni. [Two copies.] Fol. Roma, ijzj BiBLlA Sacra. Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum [sine punctis] cum variis lectionibus, edidit Benjaminus Kennicott, S. T. P. 2 vols. fol. Oxon. 1776-80 Vetus Testamentum ex versione Septuaginta interpretum ; juxta exemplar Vaticanum ex editione Lamberti Bos. [Gr.] 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1805 Libri Apocryphi. [Gr.] 8vo. Ibid. i8os — Cranmer's Bible. Fol. [Incomplete, pages wanting at beginning and end; begins with "Prologue," sign. **, ends Revel, c. l8, v. I, last word " mightily."] — The Bible : that is, the Holy Scriptures conteined in the Olde and New Testament. 4to. Loud. Chr. Barker, i^g^ — The Bible : that is, the Holy Scriptures conteined in the Olde and New Testament. 8vo. Ibid. isqS — The Holy Bible : containing the Old Testament and the New, newly translated out of the originall tongues. 4to. Loiid.R. Barker, \b:^i [Bound with Book of Common Prayer, 1633.] — The Holy Bible : containing the Old Testament and the New. Newly translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. 8vo. Camb. 1661 [Presented by Edw. Harley to liis son Robert, 28 Dec, 1667. Autograph Inscrip- tion on fly-leaf.] — The Holy Bible. Fol. Ox/. 1680 BIB 39 BlBLlA Sacra. The Holy Bible: containing the Old Testament and the New ; newly translated out of the original tongues. 1 2 mo. Oxf. 1680 The Holy Bible. 2 vols. fol. s. /., n. d. [Presented by the Crown to the Rt. Hon. Robert Harley, Speaker of the House of Commons, 1704.] The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New. 8vo. Edinb. 17 15 [MS. note on fly-leaf: "This book was produced in the House of Peers, at the Trial between Mr. Watson and Mr. Baskett, the 14th and (.') 19th of February, 1718."] The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New ; newly translated out of the original tongue.s, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Fol. Oxf. J. Baskett, 1 7 1 6 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments. 4to. Oxf. Wright & Gill, 1770 The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New, translated out of the original tongues. Fol. Oxf. Clarcnd. Press, 1781 The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1802 — The Holy Bible according to the authorized version ; with notes prepared and arranged by the Rev. George D'Oyly, B.D., and the Rev. Richard IMant, D.D. [Three copies.] 2 vols, [in 3 parts] 4to. Oxf. 181 8 — The Comprehensive Bible ; containing the Old and New Testa- ments, according to the authorized version, with various readings and marginal notes ; the parallel passages contained in the Rev. T. Scott's Commentary, Canne's Bible, &c., systematically arranged ; with philological and explanatory notes, &:c. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. S. Bagster, 1827 — The Pictorial Bible ; being the Old and New Testaments, accord- ing to the authorized version. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1838-g — The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, accord- ing to the authorized version : with notes, &c., by the Rev. Thomas Scott. New edition. 6 vols, [in sheets] 4to. Ibid. 1850 — The Poem of Job ; translated from the Hebrew, with notes, &c., by the Rev. John Noble Coleman. Second edition. (Printed for private circulation.) 8vo. Edinb. \%-j\ 40 BIB BiBLlA Sacra. La Sainte Bible, qui contient le Vieux et le Nouveau Testament, expliquez par David Martin": 2 vols. fol. Afiisf. 1707 Biblia : das ist, Die ganze heilige Schrifft des Alten und Newen Testaments, Teutsch, Doct. Martin Luther. 4to. Herborn, Nassau, 1622 Novum Testamentum. Novum Testamentum, auctore Joh. Leusden. [Gr.] i2mo. Ltigd. Bat. 1716 Appendix ad editionem Novi Testament! Grseci e codice MS. Alexandrine a Carolo Godof. Woide descripti, in quo continetur Fragmenta Novi Testament! juxta interpretationem dialecti Supe- rioris yEgypti, quae Thebaidica vel Sahidica appellatur ; e codicibus Oxoniensibus maxima ex parte desumpta, cum dissertatione de versione Bibliorum ^gyptiaca ; quibus subjicitur Codicis Vatican! collatio ; edidit Henricus Ford. Fol. Ox. e typog. Clarend. 1799 The Greek Testament, with English notes. 2 vols. 8vo. Camhr. 1832 — Novum Testamentum Graece ; textum recensuit et lectionis varie- tatem adjecit D. Jo. Jac. Griesbach. Editio secunda. 2 vols. 4to. Land, et HalcB Saxonum, 1796, 1806 [On fly-leaf of Vol. I : "From the Dulce of Grafton to His Grace the Duke of Portland, Chancellor of the University of Oxford."] — Novum Testamentum Vulgatae Editionis, juxta exemplum Parisiis editum apud Fratres Barbou. i2mo. Oxon. 1796 — The New Testament, translated out of the Latin Vulgate, by John Wiclif, 1378: .y^i? LE\Aas (John), 1731. — The Text of the New Testament, translated out of the Vulgar Latine by the Papists of the traiterous Seminarie at Rhemes ; where- unto is added the translation out of the original Greeke, commonly used in the Church of England. With a confutation of all such glosses, &c., as contain manifest impietie or heresie against the Catholike Church of God, by W. Fulke, D.D. Fol. Loud. 1633 — The New Testament, newly translated out of the original Greek. 4to. Land. J. Bill, &c. 1678 BIB 41 BiBLiA Sacra. Novum TESXAirENXUJi. The New Testament, with obser\'ations and practical instructions : being an abridgment of the work of the Rev. Will. Burkitt, by the Rev. Samuel Glasse, D.D. 2 vols. 4to. Lotid. 1806 Le Nouveau Testament. i2mo. Amst. ib-f-j 8vo. Londrcs, 1706 — Textus Sacrorum Evangeliorum versionis simplicis Syriacse juxta editionem Schaafianam collatus cum duobus ejusdem vetustis codd. mss. in bibliotheca Bodleiana repositis, nee non cum cod. ms. com- mentarii Gregorii Bar-Hebraei ibidem adservato a Ricardo Jones. 4to. 0x0)1. 1805 — Harmonia quatuor Evangeliorum [Gr.], juxta sectiones Ammo- nianas et Eusebii canones. 4to. Oxon. e typog. Clarend. 1805 Actuum Apostolorum et Epistolarum tam Catholicarum quam Paulinarum Versio Syriaca Philoxenia, ex cod. MS. Ridleiano in Bibl. Coll. Nov. Oxon. reposto, nunc primum edita, cum interpretatione et notis Joseph! White. 2 vols. 4to. Oxo/i. ijgg — 1803 BiBLiA Sacra. Apocr}'pha. (Soc. for Prom, of Chr. Know.) 8vo. ?i. d. Les Livres Apocryphes. i2mo. [^Ams^. n. d. circa 1677] [Bound with Nouv. Test. i2mo. Amst. 1677.] L'Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament : v. ROYAUMOND (Sieur de), 1701. — Histoire du Nouveau Testament, enrichie d'un grand nombre de figures en taille-douce, &:c. ; avec privilege de nos Seigneurs les Etats de HoUande et de West-Frise. 2 vols. fol. [Vol. i missing]. AmsL 1700 — Historie des Ouden en Nieuwen Testaments, verrykt met meer dan vierhonderd printverbeeldingen in kopper gesneeden ; met privilegie van de Heeren Staaten van Holland en Westfriesland. 2 vols. fol. Amst. P. Morticr, 1706 — An Abstract of the Historical Part of the Old Testament; with references to other parts of the Scripture, especially to the New Testament, by Edward Harley [second Earl of Oxford]. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1730 ■ G 42 BIB BiBLiA Sacra. Dissertation sur la Chronologie du Vieux Testament. 1 2 mo. Amst. 1698 [Bound mth Choisy, Hist, de Da\'id, 1692.] The Old and New Testament connected in the History of the Jews, by Humphry Prideaux, D.D., 1720, q. v. The Old and the New Testaments arranged in historical and chronological order: sec Toa\'NSEND (Rev. George), 1827-8. Key to the Old Testament and Apocrypha : see Gray (Rob., D.D.), 1805. — Recensio Synoptica Annotationis Sacrae : see Bloomfield (Rev. S. T.), 1826-8. — Undesigned Coincidences in the "Writings of the Old and New Testament, by the Rev. J. J. Blunt, 1850, q.v. — Analecta Theologica : a Compendium of Commentaries on the New Testament : .yre Trollope (William), 1830-5. — Practical Exposition of the Gospels of St. IMatthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John : see Sumner (John Bird, Bp. of Chester), 1831, 1832, 1835. Synonyms of the New Testament : see Trench (Richard Chenevix, D.D.), 1858. — Paraphrastic Translation of the Apostolic Epistles : see Shuttle- worth (P. N.), 1 83 1. — Concordance to the Old and New Testament : see Cruden (Alex.) — Concordance to the Holy Scriptures : see Smith (Rev. Thomas), 1820. — Dictionary of the Holy Bible: see Brown (Rev. John), 1828. — Calmet (Aug.), 1 84 1. — Smith (William, LL.D.), 1860-3 — Index and Dictionary to the Holy Bible, by Rev. John Barr, 1839, ^.z/. BIB — BIN 43 BiBLlA Sacra. Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament : see Robinson (Edward, D.D.), 1839. Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai, &c. : see ROBINSON (Edward, D.D.), 1841. Imagines Veteris ac Novi Testamenti : v. Raphael, 1674. The Bible Cyclopsedia : or, illustrations of the civil and natural history of the Sacred Writings, by reference to the manners, customs, rites, traditions, antiquities and literature of eastern nations. 4to. Lond. 1 84 1 BiCKERSTAFFE (Isaac), i.e. Richard Steele, q. v. BlE (Jacques de). Les %T-ais Portraits des Rois de France. Fol. Paris, \bii^ tirez de ce qui nous reste de leurs monumens, sceaux, medailles, ou autres effigies, conser\-ees dans les plus rares et curieux cabinets du royaume. Seconde edition. Fol. Ibid. 1636 La France IMetallique, contenant les actions celfebres des Rois et RejTies remarquees en leurs IMedailles. Fol. Ibid. 1636 Explication ou description sommaire des IMedailles contenues en I'oeuvre de la France Metallique. Fol. Ibid. 1636 [BlLAiN, Antoine]. Dialogue sur les droits de la Reyne tres-Chrestienne, [Marie Therfese d'Autriche]. i2mo. s. I. ibbj [Bound \rith Rome, Conjectures Politiques, 1700.] BillixCtS (Robert William). Architectural Illustrations : History and Description of Carlisle Cathedral. [L. P.] 4to. Lond. 1840 Illustrations of Geometric Tracery from the Paneling belonging to Carlisle Cathedral. Fol. Ibid. 1842 [L. P., 19J inches high ; one of six copies printed this size.] Architectural Illustrations and Description of the Cathedral Church at Durham. [L. P.] 2 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1843 [Bindley, Charles]. Stable Talk and Table Talk, or Spectacles for Young Sportsmen. By Harry Hieover. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1845-6 [ ] The Hunting Field, by Harry Hieover. 8vo. Ibid, i^^o [ ] A Treatise on the Proper Condition for all Horses, by Harry Hieover. 8vo. Ibid. 1852 G 2 44 BIN — BIR [Bindley, Charles]. Hints to Horsemen ; showing how to make Money by Horses. By Harry Hieover. 8vo. Loud. 1856 [ ] Precept and Practice, by Harry Hieover. 8vo. Idzd. 1857 [BiNViLLE, De]. Les veritez Frangoises opposees aux calomnies Espagnoles. 4to. Part's, 1643 BlOGRAPHiA Britannica: or, the lives of the most eminent persons who have flourished in Great Britain and Ireland, from the earliest ages down to the present times. 6 vols, in 7. fol. Loud. 1747-66 Biography. A new and general Biographical Dictionary ; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond. 176 1-7 [Two copies.] Dictionary of National Biography, edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. Vols, i — 31, 8vo. Loud. 1885-92 Biographie Universelle, ancienne et moderne. 52 vols. 8vo. Paris, 181 1-28 Nouvelle Biographie Gen^rale depuis les temps les plus recul^s jusqu'a nos jours. Publiee par MM. Firmin Didot Fr^res sous la direction de M. le Dr. Hoefer. 46 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1857-66 Naval Biographical Dictionary: see O'Byrne (W. R.), 1849. New General Biographical Dictionary, by Rev. Hugh J. Rose, 1857, t,o ]\Iemoir of: see BLOMFIELD (Alfred), 1864. Bloxdelle : a story of the day. Svo. Lond. iS^z Bloomfield (Rev. S. T.). Recensio Synoptica Annotationis Sacrae, being a Critical Digest and Synoptical Arrangement of the most important annotations on the New Testament. 8 vols. Svo. Land. 1826-8 48 BLO — BOC [Blouin de la Piquetierre]. Relation des Troubles arrivez dans la Cour de Portugal, 1667-8. lamo. Amst i6j 4 [Bound with Esprit (L') des Hommes Illustres, 1699.] Bloxajm (Matthew Holbeche). The Principles of Gothic Architecture elucidated. i2mo. Lojid. 1829 [Bound with Algebra, First Principles of, 1825.] A Glimpse at the Monumental Architecture and Sculpture of Great Britain, from the earliest period to the eighteenth century. 8vo. I6id. 1834 Blume (Car. Lud.). Rumphia, sive Commentationes Botanicae imprimis de Plantis Indiae Orientalis, turn penitus incognitis turn quae in libris Rheedii, Rumphii, Roxburghii, Wallichii aliorum recensentur. Scripsit C. L. Blume, cognomine Rumphius. 4 vols. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1835-48 Blunt (Rev. John James). Vestiges of Ancient Manners and Customs discoverable in Modern Italy and Sicily. 8vo. Loud. 1823 — Sketch of the Reformation in England. i2mo. Ibid. 1832 — Undesigned Coincidences in the writings both of the Old and New Testament, an argument of their veracity. Third edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1850 — The Acquirements and Principal Obligations and Duties of the Parish Priest : being a course of lectures delivered at the University of Cambridge to the Students in Divinity. 8vo. Ibid. 1856 BOADEN (James). Memoirs of the Life of John Philip Kemble, including a history of the Stage from the time of Garrick to the present period. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1825 Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons ; interspersed with anecdotes of authors and actors. Second edition. 2 vols 8vo. Ibid. 1831 Boccaccio (Giovanni). II Decameron. 4to. Lond. 1725 II Decamerone. Nuovamente corretto. 2 vols. 12 mo. Ibid. 1727 II Decameron. 4 vols. 8vo. Fircnze, 1822 Another copy, bound in two vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1822 BocCALixi (Trajano). La Bilancia Politica di tutte le opere di Trajano Boccalini : parte prima, dove si tratta delle osservazioni politiche sopra i sei libri degli Annali Cornelio Tacito, il tutto illustrato dagli auver- timenti del Sig. Ludovico du May. 4to. Castellana, 1678 BOC — BON 49 BOCCALIXI (Trajano). Advices from Parnassus, with the Political Touch- stone; with a Continuation of the Advices, by Girolamo Briani, of RIodena. Translated from the Italian by several hands ; revised by J. Hughes. Fol. Loud. 1706 [BoiD, Captain Edward]. The History of the Spanish School of Painting. 8vo. Lond. 1843 BOIGXE : V. DE BOIGNE. BoiLEAU Despreaux (Nicolas). CEuvres. Nouvelle edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Ainsf. 1713 CEuvres, avec des ^claircissemens historiques donnez par lui-m6me. Nouvelle edition augmentee de diverses remarques [par CI. Brossette et Du Monteil]. Two copies. 2 vols. 4to. Ibid. 17 18 The Art of Poetry ; made English. [Inverse.] 8vo. Loud. 1683 Bois d'Annemets. Memoires d'un Favory [_i.e. Bois d'Annemets ou d'Almay], de son Altesse Royale Monsieur le Due d'Orleans. i2mo. Leyde, 1668 BoiSSEREE (Sulpitz). Die Sammlung alt- nieder- und oberdeutscher Gemalde der Briider Sulpitz und Melchior Boisseree und Johann Bertram. Bound in 2 vols. fol. Stuttgart, 1821-33 (?) Verzeichniss der Steinzeichnungen. Fol. BoiSSlER (Edmond). Voyage Botanique dans le Midi de I'Espagne pendant I'annee 1837. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1839-45 BOLINGBROKJE (Henry St. John, Lord Viscount). Works; published by David Mallet. 5 vols. 4to. Loud. 1754 A Letter to Sir William Windham. II. Some Reflections on the present State of the Nation. HI. A Letter to Mr. Pope. 8vo. Ibid. 1753 BONAIR (Henri Stuard, Sieur de). La Politique de la Maison d'Autriche, avec un Discours sur la conjuncture presente des Affaires d'Alle- magne. 12 mo. Paris, 1658 BONANNI (Philippus). Numismata summorum pontificum Templi Vaticani fabricam indicantia, chronologica ejusdem fabricae narratione ac mul- tiplici eruditione explicata. Fol. Romce, \bi^b, et iterutn anno Magni Jubilcci, 1700 Numismata Pontificum Romanorum quae a tempore RIartini V. usque ad annum 1 699, vel authoritate publica, vel privato gcnio in lucem prodiere explicata et illustrata. 2 vols. fol. Romcc, 1699 H 50 BON — BOR Bonaparte : v. Napoleon I. Bonaparte (Carlo L.) Iconografia della Fauna Italica per le quattro classi degli Animali Vertebrati. 3 vols, in 4 pts. fol. Roma, 1832-41 et H. SCHLEGEL. Monographie des Loxiens. 4to. Leiden et Dusseldorf, \%^o Bonaparte (J6rome) : v. Jerome, Roi de Westphalie, 186 1-6. Boner (Charles). Chamois Hunting in the Mountains of Bavaria. Svo. Land. 1853 "BONITE, La," Voyage de, autour du monde, 1840: v. Vaillant (M.). BONNARD (Camille). Costumes des XIIP XIV'= et XV^ si^cles, extraits des monumens les plus authentiques de peinture et de sculpture. Premiere edition Fran9aise. 2 vols. 4to. Parts, 1829-30 [This copy has two sets of plates, one of which is coloured.] BONNYCASTLE (Lieut. -Col. Sir Richard H.) Canada, as it was, is, and may be ; with additions, and an account of recent transactions, by Sir James Edward Alexander. 2 vols. Svo. Lojid. 1852 BONViciNi (G. A., Baron). Compendio Storico delle Belle Arti con piacevoli erudizioni e teorie importanti, raccolte da celebri autori ed artisti antichi e moderni. 8vo. Firenze, 1844 Booth (Rev. John). Epigrams, ancient and modern. i2mo. Lotid. 1865 Booth (" General" W.). In Darkest England, and the way out. 8vo. Lond. 1890 BORGET (Auguste). Sketches of China and the Chinese. Fol. Lond. 1838 [BORLACE, Edmond]. The History of the execrable Irish Rebellion, traced from many preceding acts to the grand eruption, 23rd Oct., 1 64 1, and thence pursued to the Act of Settlement, 1662. Fol. Lond. 1680 BORLASE (William, LL.D.). Observations on the Antiquities, historical and monumental, of the County of Cornwall ; with a Vocabulary of the Cornu-British Language. Fol. Oxf.i-j^^ Antiquities historical and monumental of the County of Cornwall ; with a Vocabulary of the Cornu-British Language. Second edition. Fol. Lotid. 1769 The Natural History of Cornwall. [Two copies.] Fol. 0.r/". 1758 BOR — BOS 51 Borrow (George). The Zincali : or, an account of the Gypsies of Spain. Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1846 The Bible in Spain : or, the journeys, adventures and imprison- ments of an Englishman in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula. Bvo. Ibid. 1847 LavengTO : the Scholar, the Gypsey, the Priest. [Vols. 2 and 3 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1851 Bos : V. Du Bos. BOSIO (Antonio). Roma Sotterranea, opera postuma, compita e disposta da Giov. Severani da S. Severino, nella quale si tratta de' sacri cimi- terii di Roma, del sito, forma, et uso antico di essi, nuovamente visitati, e riconosciuti dal Sig. Ottavio Pico ; publicata da Carlo Aldo- brandino. Fol. Roma, 1632 [Bosio, Giacomo]. Histoire des Chevaliers de I'Ordre de S. Jean de Hierusalem, cy-devant escrite [traduite de ITtalien] par lefeu S[ieur] d[e] B[oissat], S[ieur] d[e] L[ucieu] ; avec les annotations de Jean Baudoin, et les Statuts et Ordonnances du meme Ordre ; comme encore un Sommaire des Privileges de cet Ordre, par Anne de Naberat. 2 vols, in I, fol. Paris, 1629 BOSSI (Giuseppe). Del Cenacolo di Leonardo da Vinci libri quattro. Fol. iMilano, iSio BOSSOLI (Carlo). Drawings of the War in Italy : src Italy, 1859. BOSSUET (Jacques-Benigne, Eveque de Meaux). Discours sur I'Histoire Universelle. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1804 Discours sur THistoire Universelle. Edition augment^e des nouvelles additions et des variantes de texte. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1823 R6ponse au Livre intitul6 Exposition de la Doctrine de I'Eglise Catholique sur les mati^res de controverse [par Bossuet], par Dav. Aug., IMons. de Brueys, 1682, q. v. BOSWELL (James). The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. ; with notes and biographical illustrations, by Malono. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. \^2\ The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., including a Journal of his Tour to the Hebrides; edited by J. W. Croker. 10 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1835 Life of Johnson. Edited by the Rt. Hon. John Wilson Croker. 8vo. Ibid. 1848 H 2 52 BOS — BOU BOSWORTH (Rev. J.). A Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language. 8vo. Loud. 1838 Botanist's Repository: .y^^ Andrews (Hen. C), 1797. Botany. The Journal of Botany, British and Foreign. Edited by Berthold Seemann. Vols, i — 7, 8vo. Land. i^bT,-q Theatrum Botanicum : see Parkinson (John), 1640. BOTTA (Carlo). Storia d' Italia, continuata da quella del Guicciardini, sino al 1789. 10 vols. 8vo. Parigi, 1832 See also GuiCCiARDiNi. BOTTARi (Giovanni). Raccolta di Lettere suUa Pittura, Scultura ed Architettura, scritte da' piu celebri professori dal secolo XV. al XVII. [publ. da Giovanni Bottari]. 7 vols, in 3. 4to. Roma, 1754-73 Bouchard (Giuseppe). Architetture della Citta di Firenze : v. Ruggieri (Far.), 1755. Bouchard (Louis). Traits des Constructions Rurales, et de leur dispo- sition. 2 parts in 3, 8vo. Paris, 1858 BouCHET (Jean Du). La veritable Origins de la seconde et troisifesme Lignee de la Maison Royale de France. Fol. Paris, 1646 "BouDEUSE, La," Voyage de: v. Bougainville (L. Ant.), 1771. Bougainville (Louis Ant.). Voyage autour du Monde, par la Fregate du Roi "La Boudeuse" et la Flute "L'Etoile," en 1766, 67, 68 & 69. 4to. Paris, 1771 Bougainville (Le Baron de). Album Pittoresque de la Fregate "La Thetis " et de la Corvette " L'Esperance." Collection de Dessins relatifs a leur voyage autour du monde en 1824, 5, 6, sous les ordres de M. le Baron de Bougainville. Recueillis et publics par M. le Vicomte de La Touanne. [35 pi., lithog.] Fol. Paris, 1828 Journal de la Navigation autour du Globe de la Fr6gate " La Thetis" et de la Corvette "L'Esperance," pendant les annees 1824, 5, et 1826. Publi6 par M. le Baron de Bougainville. 2 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1837 Atlas, contenant 56 pi. Fol. Ibid. 1837 BOU — BOW 53 BoxiHOURS (Le P^re Dominique). La Vie de Saint Ignace [de Loyola], fondateur de la Compagnie de Jesus. 4to. Pan's, \bic) Pensees Ingenieuses des Anciens et des Alodemes. Nouvelle Edition. i2mo. Ibid. 1683 The Life of St. Francis Xavier, of the Society of Jesus, Apostle of the Indies and Japan ; translated from the French, by John Dryden. 8vo. Lo)id. 1688 BouiLLET (Marie Nicolas). Dictionnaire universel d'Histoire et de Geo- graphie. Nouvelle edition. (Bound in 2 vols.) 8vo. Parts, 1856 Vingt-septieme edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1880 B0ULA^^•A^LLIERS (Henri de, Comte de Saint-Saire). Etat de la France ; dans lequel on voit tout ce qui regarde le gouvernement ecclesiastique, le militaire, la justice, les finances, &c. et en general tout ce qui peut faire connoitre a fond cette monarchic. [Vol. 3 missing.] 3 vols. fol. Loud. 1727-8 BOULGER (Demetrius C.) Rulers of India. Lord William Bentinck, and the Company as a Governing and Non-Trading Power. 8vo. Ox/., Clarend, Press, 1892 BotiRBON Museum, Naples. Real Museo Borbonico. 16 vols. 8vo. Napoli, 1824-57 BOURGUIGXON IXTERESSE (Le). i2mo. Cologne, n. d., circa 1670 [Bound with JIadrid, Jlercure Espagnol, 1670.] BOURJNE (Henry). Antiquitates Vulgares : 5^g Brand (John), 1777. BOURXE (Vincent). ^liscellaneous Poems, consisting of originals and translations. [Two copies.] 4to. Land. I'jjz BOUTCHER (William). A Treatise on Forest Trees. 4to. £diud. i-jjs BOUVET (Le P6re J.) Histoire de I'Empereur de la Chine. i2mo. La Haye, 1699 BOWDICH (Mrs. T. Edward). The Fresh-Water Fishes of Grreat Britain. 4to. Loud. 1828 BO'tt^R (iVrchibald). The History of the Popes, from the foundation of the See of Rome to the present time. Third edition, 7 vols. 4to. Land. 1750-66 Bowers (G.) Leaves from a Hunting Journal. Obi. fol. Loud. 1880 BOWRING (Sir John). The Kingdom and People of Siam ; with a narrative of a ]\Iission to that country in 1855. - vols. 8vo. Land. 1857 54 BOY — BRA BOYDELL (John). Collection of Prints engraved after the most capital Paintings in England. Vols. 1—3, atl. fol. Lond. 1769-73 [This Collection is complete in 9 volumes.] BOYBELL (John Jos.) Prints illustrating the Dramatic Works of Shake- speare : .r^e Shakespeare, 1803. BOYER (Abel). The History of the Reign of Queen Anne, digested into Annals. Year the Eighth ; containing a relation of all affairs, civil and military, both at home and abroad, during the year 1709. \jDedi- cated to the Rt. Hon. Henry Bcntinck, Earl of Portland, (2ft. ] 8vo. Lond. 17 10 Boyle (Henry). The Universal Chronologist and Historical Register, from the Creation to the close of the year 1825; comprising the elements of general history, from the French of M. St. Martin. 8vo. Lond. 1826 Boyle (John, Earl of Orrery), q. v. Boyle (Hon. Robert). Works ; to which is prefixed the life of the author [by Thomas Birch]. New edition. 6 vols 4to. Lond. \-]-] 2 Brackenbury (George). The Campaign in the Crimea: an historical -sketch. 8vo. Lond. 1855 Descriptive sketches illustrating W. Simpson's Drawings of the Seat of War in the East, 1855. Eirst Series [in sheets]. 4to. Ibid. 1855 Bracton (Henricus de). De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae, libri quinque. Fol. Lond. Rich. Tottell, 1569 Bradford (T. G.) A comprehensive Atlas, geographical, historical, and commercial. [Two copies.] 4to. Boston and New York, \%2,^ Bradley (Rev. James, D.D., Astronomer Royal). Astronomical Obser- vations made at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, fi-om 1750 to 1762 ; with a continuation by the Rev. N. Bliss, Astronoiner Royal. 2 vols. fol. Oxf. 1798 — 1805 Bradley (John W.) A Dictionary of Miniaturists, Illuminators, Calli- graphers, and Copyists, with references to their works, and notices of their patrons, from the establishment of Christianity to the eighteenth centurj'. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1887-9 Brady (Robert). An Introduction to the old English History, compre- hended in three several tracts. Fol. Lojid. 1684 BRA — BRE 55 Brand (Adam). Relation du Voyage de ^I. Evert Isbrand, envoye de Sa Majeste Czarienne k I'Empereur de la Chine, 1692-4. i2mo. Atnsi. 1699 Brand (John). Observations on Popular Antiquities; including the whole of iSIr. Henry Bourne's Antiquitates Vulgares, with addenda to every chapter of that work. 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, \i--} Brande (W. T.), assisted by Joseph Cauvin. Dictionary of Science, Literature and Art. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Brandenburg. Alitophili ad Censorinum Epistola, qua justitia armorum Brandenburgicorum per oratorem Gallicum Feuquierium sermone publico Holmiee habito impugnata adseritur. [Probably by CI. Barth. Morisotus, who wTote sub nom. Stupen. Alitophili ; or by Isaac de Pas, Marquis de Feuqui^re]. i2mo. Cologne, 1674 [Bound with LisoLA, Le Politique du Temps, 167 1.] Thesaurus Brandenburgicus Selectus : sive Gemmarum et Xumis- matum Graecorum in Cimeliarchio Electorali Brandenburgico Series ; commentario illustratae a L. Begero. Fol. ColomcB March, ibqb Brandt (Gerard). The History of the Reformation and other Ecclesias- tical Transactions in and about the Low-Countries, from the beginning of the eighth century to the Synod of Dort. Translated from the Low- Dutch. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1 720-1 Brasse (Rev. John). Greek Gradus : or, Greek, Latin and English Prosodial Lexicon, by the Rev. John Brasse. 8vo. Lond. 1828 [Bray, Thomas, D.D.] Papal Usurpation and Persecution ; to which is appended a translation of Perrin's History of the old Waldenses and Albigenses. Fol. Lond. 1 7 1 2 Brayley (Edward Wedlake). History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster: sec Ne^vle (John Preston), 1818-23. Bredow (J. C. L.) Gartenfreund. Fiinfte Auflage. 8vo. Berlin, 18^7 Bree (John). The Cursory Sketch of the state of the Naval, Military, and Civil Establishment, Legislative, Judicial, and Domestic Economy of this Kingdom, during the fourteenth century. Vol. i. [No more published.] 4to. Lond. 1791 Brees (S. C.) The Portfolio of Rural Architecture ; a series of drawings in the Italian Style, for Villas, &c. Fol. Lond. 1841 56 BRE — BRI Bremner (Robert). Excursions into the Interior of Russia; including sketches of the character and policy of the Emperor Nicholas. Second edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Lo/id. 1840 Brjemond (Le Sieur de). Memoires de Mad. Marie MAJsrCEsri, 1678, ^. v. Brescia. Museo Bresciano illustrato. Fol. Brescia, 1838 Brettixghaji (Matthew). Plans, elevations and sections of Holkham, in Norfolk, the Seat of the late Earl of Leicester ; with the ceilings and chimney-pieces, &c., not in the former edition. [Two copies.] Imp. 4to. Loud. 1773 Breval (J.) Remarks on several parts of Europe ; relating chiefly to the history, antiquities and geography of those countries through which the author has travel'd. 2 vols. fol. Loud, i-] 2b Breves (Savary de). Relation des Voyages de Monsieur de Breves, faits en Hierusalem, Terre Saincte, Constantinople, -.^igjrpte, Affrique, Barbarie, qu'aux royaumes de Tunis et Arger, qu'autres lieux. Recuilly par S. D. C. [Jacques du Castel]. 4to. Paris, 1630 Brialmont (A.) History of the Life of Arthur, Duke of Wellington ; translated from the French, by the Rev. G. R. Gleig. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1858-60 Briaxi (Girolamo, of Modena) : see BOCCALINI (Trajano), 1706. Brickwood (Edwin Dampier). Boat Racing: or, the arts of rowing and training. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1876 Bridges (John). History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire ; com- piled from his manuscript collections, by the Rev. Peter Whalley. 2 vols. fol. Oxf. 1791 Bright (Rt. Hon. John). Speeches on Questions of Public Policy; edited by James E. Thorold Rogers. 2 vols. Svo. Lmid. 1868 Brinvilliers (Marie, Marquise de). Memoire du Proces Extraordinaire contre Made, de Brinvilliers et de La Chaussee, Valet de Mons. Sainte- Croix. i2mo. Amst. 1676 [Bound with Ganges (Marquise de), ilort de, 1667.] British Almanack of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, for the years 1835 — 1874 [1865, 68, 72, 73 missing]. i2mo. Lond. British Farmer's Magazixe (The). New Series. Vols. I — 4, 8\'o. Lond. 1837-40 BRI 57 British Gallery of Contemporary Portraits, 1822 : see Portraits. British Gallery of Pictures (The) ; the historical part by W. Young Ottley, F.S.A. ; the descriptive part by H. Tresham, R.A., and W. Y. Ottley ; the executive part under the management of P. W. Tomkins. Second Series, Parts I — 17. Coloured. Fol. Loud, circa \^\o I. Woman taken in Adultery. Rubens. II. Virgin and Child, Elizabeth and Saint John. Andrea del Sarto. III. Madonna and Child. Raffaello. rv. Gaston de Foix. Giorgione. * V. Gerard Dow. Ger. Dow. VI. The Madonna del Gatto. Baroccio. VII. Christ in the Sepulchre. Guercino. VIII. Lot and his Daughters. Guido. IX. Bonnet Verd. Tenters. X. Aquatic Fete on the Canal of Dort. Cuyp. XI. The Marriage of St. Catharine. Parmigiano. XII. Landscape and Cattle. Evening. Paul Potter. XIII. Interior of a Cottage. Ostade. XrV. BeUeVierge. Raffaello. XV. Noonday. Claude Loraine. XVI. Girl with a Horn-Book. Schidone. XVn. The Happy Shepherds. Berghem. British Husbandry : see Burke (J. F.), 1834-7. British Museum. Display of Antiquities and Natural Curiosities in the British Museum : see Rymsdyk (John and Andrew van), 1791. British Plutarch (The) : see Mortimer (Thomas), 1762. British Theatre : see Bell (John), British Theatre. Britton (John). Catalogue Raisonne of the Pictures belonging to the Most Hon. the jMarquis of Stafford, in the Gallery of Cleveland House. 8vo. Lond. 1808 The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury. [L. P.] Imp. 4to. Ibid. 18 14 The History and Antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church of Norwich. [L. P.] Imp. 4to. Ibid. 181 6 [In I volume.] The History and Antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church of Winchester. [L. P.] Imp. 4to. Ibid. 181 7 The History and Antiquities of the Metropolitical Church of York. [L. P.] Imp. 4to. Ibid. 181 9 [In I volume.] 58 BRI — BRO Brixton (John). The History and Antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church of Lichfield. [L. P.] Imp. 4to. Land. \%20 The History and Antiquities of the Metropolitical Church of Canterbury. [L. P.] Imp. 4to. Ibid. \^2\ [In I volume.] The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Oxford. [L. P.] Imp. 4to. Ihid. 182 1 The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Wells. [L. P.] Imp. 4to. Ihid. 1824 [In 1 volume.] The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Exeter. [L. P.] Imp. 4to. Ihid. \%2t The History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Cathedral Church of Peterborough. [L. P.] Imp. 4to. Ibid. 1828 [In I volume.] The History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Cathedral Church of Gloucester. [L. P.] Imp. 4to. Ihid. i?,2() The History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Cathedral Church of Bristol. [L. P.] Imp. 4to. Ihid. \%io The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Hereford. [L. P.] Imp. 4to. Ibid. 1831 [In I volume.] The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Worcester. [L. P.] Imp. 4to. Ihid. 1835 — A Companion to the third edition of a Glossary of Terms used in Gothic Architecture, [by J. H. Parker]. 8vo. Oxf. 1841 — and A. PUGIN. Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London, with historical and descriptive accounts of each edifice. Second edition, by W. H. Leeds. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Brogden (James). Catholic Safeguards against the errors, corruptions and novelties of the Church of Rome. 3 vols. Svo. Land. 1846-51 Bromley (Sir George, Bart.) A Collection of original Royal Letters, written by King Charles the First, and Second, King James the Second, and the King and Queen of Bohemia ; together with original Letters by Prince Rupert, and other distinguished persons, from 161 9 to 1665. 8vo. Lond. 1787 BRO 59 Bromley (Robert Anthony). A Discourse on the Consideration of our Latter End. \_Dcdicated to His Grace the Duke and Earl of Portland, Marquis of Titchjicld, Viscount Woodstock, &c.'\ 8vo. Lond. 1771 Brojiley-Da\^nport : j^e Davenport (AV. Bromley-). Brongniart (Alexandre). Traite des Arts C6ramiques, ou des Poteries considerees dans leur histoire, leur pratique et leur theorie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1844 Atlas. 4to. Ibid. 1 844 et D. RiOCREUX. Description methodique du Musee Ceramique de la Manufacture Royale de Porcelaine de SfevTes. 2 pts. 4to. Ibid. 1845 Broxner (Joh. Ph.). Der Weinbau in Siid-Deutschland. [Pt. 6 not found.] 7 parts, 8vo. Heidelberg, 1833-42 Karten. [BRONTfi, Charlotte]. Jane Eyre : an Autobiography, by Currer Bell. Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Brooke (Fulke Greville, Lord). Certain learned and elegant Workes, written in his youth and familiar exercise with Sir Philip Sidney. Fol. Lond. 1633 [On title — My boucke, E. Southampton.] Brooke (James, Rajah of Sarawak). Extracts from the Journals of: see Keppel (Capt. Henry), 1846, 1853. Brooke (James Williamson). The Democrats of Marylebone. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Brooke (Ralphe). A Discoverie of certaine Errours published in print in the much-commended Britannia, 1594 ; to which are added Mr. Camden's Answer to this book, and Mr. Brooke's Reply. 4to. Lond. 1724 Brooke (William). Ireland's True Survay ; maps and plans, with descriptions. MS. Dedicated to King Charles I. Fol. " Brooksby," /^^z/df. of Capt. E. Pennell-ELMHIRSX, q. v. Brookshaw (George). Pomona Britannica : or, a collection of the most esteemed Fruits at present cultivated in this country, together with the blossoms and leaves of such as are necessary to distinguish the various sorts from each other. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 181 2 Broom (Herbert). A Selection of Legal Maxims, classified and illus- trated. Second edition. 8vo. Zc?W(/. 1848 I 2 6o BRO Brougham (Henry, Lord). Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the time of George III. ; to which are added Remarks on Party, and on the French Revolution. First, second, and third series. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839-43 Lives of Men of Letters and Science, who flourished in the time of George HI.; with portraits. 2 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1845-6 Contributions to the " Edinburgh Review." [Two copies.] 3 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1856 Translation of the Oration of Demosthenes upon the Crown, 1 840, q. V. Review of, by George BURGES, 1 840, q. v. and E. J. ROUTH. Analytical View of Sir Isaac Newton's Principia. 8vo. Lond. 1855 Broughton (John Cam Hobhouse, Lord). Italy: remarks made in several visits from the year 1 816 to 1854. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1859 Broughton (William Robert). A Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean. 4to. Lo7id. 1804 Brown (Edward). Poultry Keeping. 4to. Lond. i^q\ Brown (James). The Forester: a practical treatise on the planting, rearing, and general management of Forest Trees. Second edition. [Two copies.] 8vo. Edinh. 1851 Third edition. 8vo. Ibid. i85i Fifth edition. 8vo. Ibid. \%^2 Brown (Rev. John). A Dictionary of the Holy Bible. New edition. 4to. Loiid. 1828 BRO^\'N (Richard). The Rudiments of drawing Cabinet and Upholstery Furniture. 4to. Lond. 1822 Bro\\tj (Robert E.) The Book of the Landed Estate; containing direc- tions for the management and development of the resources of Landed Property. 8vo. Edinb. \?,bc) Brown (Thomas, M.D.) Inquiry into the relation of Cause and Effect. Fourth edition. 8vo. Lo7id. 1835 Brown (Thomas, the younger) : i. e. Thomas Moore, q. v. BRO — BRU 6i BRO^VNE (James, LL.D.). History of the Highlands, and of the Highland Clans. 4 vols. 8vo. Glasgmv, 1840 With an extensive selection from the hitherto inedited Stuart Papers. New edition. 4 vols. Svo. Edmd. 184^-51 BRO^\TsrE (John). Myographia Nova; or, a graphical description of all the ]\Iuscles in Humane Body as they arise in dissection. Fol. Lo7id. 1697 Browxe (R. AV.) a History of Classical Literature. 2 vols. Svo. Lou J. 1 85 1 Bruce (James), the African Traveller, Life of, by Major F. B. Head, 1830, q.v. [Bruce, John]. Report on the Arrangements which were made for the Internal Defence of these Kingdoms, when Spain, by its Armada, projected the Invasion and Conquest of England ; and apjolication of the wise proceedings of our ancestors to the present crisis of public safety. [No title.] Svo. j. /. 1798 [This Report was drawn up for the use of Ministers at the time of Napoleon's threatened Invasion, and was privately printed for distribution among their friends.] Bruce (Peter Henry). Memoirs of Peter Henry Bruce, a military officer in the services of Prussia, Russia, and Great Britain ; containing an account of his travels in Germany, Russia, Tartary, Turkey, the West Indies, &c. 4to. Lotid. 1782 Brueys (Dav. Aug., Mons. de). Reponse au Livre de M. de Condom [J. B. Bossuet] intitule, Exposition de la Doctrine de I'Eglise Catho- lique sur les matiferes de controverse. i2mo. La Hayc, ibBz [Bound mth Spain. Entretien de Marphorio et de Pasquin, 1 700.] Brulliot (Fran9ois). Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, IMarques figu- rees, Lettres initiales, Noms abr6g6s, etc. avec lesquels les Peintres, Dessinateurs, Graveurs et Sculpteurs ont dessigne leurs noms. 3 pts. bound in i vol. 4to. Afuiitcli, 1832-4 Brumoy (Pierre). Th^dtre des Grecs ; traduit par le P. Brumoy. Seconde Edition, revue, corrig^e, et augment^e d'un choix de fragmens des Poetes Grecs, par M. Raoul-Rochette. 16 vols. Svo. Parts, 1826 Translated by Mrs. Charlotte Lenno.x., [assisted by the Earl of Cork and Orrery, Dr. Samuel Johnson, and others]. 3 vols. 4to. Loud. 1759 Brun : V. Le Brun. 62 BRU — BUC Brune : V. De la Brune. Brtjnet (Jacques Charles). Manuel du Libraireet de 1' Amateur de Livres. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820 Nouvelles Recherches Bibliographiques pour servir de Supplement au Manuel du Libraire. 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1834 IManuel du Libraire et de 1' Amateur de Livres. Quatri^me edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Ihid. 1842-4 Cinquifeme edition ; avec Table Methodique. 6 vols, [in 12] 8vo. Ibid. 1860-5 [Brusoni, Girolamo]. Le Glorie de gli Incogniti, o vero gli huomini illustri deir Accademia de' Signori Incogniti di Venetia. 4to. Venet. 1647 ["Descritte da Girolamo Brusoni," MS. on Title.] Bryan (Michael). A biographical and critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, from the revival of the art under Cimabue, and the alledged discovery of engraving by Finiguerra, to the present time ; with the cyphers, monograms and marks used by each engraver ; and a list of their principal works. 2 vols. 4to. Lo7id. 1816 New edition, continued to the present time, by George Stanley. 8vo. Ibid. 1 849 New edition, by George Stanley. 8vo. Ibid. 1853 Bryant (Jacob). A New System, or an Analysis of Ancient Mythology, wherein an attempt is made to divest Tradition of Fable, and to reduce truth to its original purity. [Two copies.] 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1774-6 Buchanan (Robert). Idyls and Legends of Inverburn. 8vo. Lond. \%b^ Buchanan (W.) Memoirs of Painting, with a chronological history of the importation of pictures by the great Masters into England, since the French Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 BuchananuS (Georgius) Scotus. Rerum Scoticarum Historia. 8vo., bound in 2 vols. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1697 Buck (George). Life of K. Richard III. : in Kennett's History of England, vol. i. BuCKHURST (Thomas Sackville, Lord). Poetical Works, edited by Robert Bell, 1854; with Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey's Poetical Works, q. v. BUC — BUL 65 BuCKTNGHAJi (James Silk). Belgium, the Rhine, Switzerland, and Holland: an autumnal toiu". 2 vols. 8vo. Lcnid. [1845] France, Piedmont, Italy, Lombardy, the Tyrol, and Bavaria : an autumnal tour. [Two copies.] 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. [1847] Buckingha:m (John Sheffield, Duke of). Works. 2 vols. 4to. Land, i-] 2^ Works [in verse and prose]. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1729 BuCKiXGHAJi a:n-d Chaxdos (Richard Greville, Duke of). IMemoirs of the Court and Cabinets of George the Third ; from original family documents. 4 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1853-5 Memoirs of the Court of George IV., 1820-30 ; from original family documents. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1859 Memoirs of the Courts and Cabinets of William I\^ and Victoria ; from original family documents. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1 86 1 Private Diary. 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1862 BUFFON (George Louis Leclerc, Comte de). Histoire Xaturelle, g^n^rale et particuli^re, avec la description du Cabinet du Roi. 15 vols. 4to. Paris, 1749 Histoire Naturelle, generale et particuli^re. Nouvelle edition. 13 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 1769-70 Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux. 10 vols, in 20 pts. Fol. Ibid. 1771-86 Correspondance inedite de Buffon, recueillie et annotee par M. Henri Nadault de BufiFon. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid, i860 Bullet (Jean Baptiste). Memoires sur la Langue Celtique, contenant : I. L'Histoire de cette Langue, et une indication des sources oil I'on peut la trouver aujourd'hui ; 2. Une Description Etymologique des villes, rivieres, montagnes, forets, curiosites naturelles des Gaules ; de la meilleure partie de I'Espagne et de ITtalie, de la Grande Bretagne, dont les Gaulois ont 6t6 les premiers habitants ; 3. Un Dictionnaire Celtique renfermant tous les termes de cette langue. 3 vols. fol. Besanfo?i, 1754-60 Bulletins and other State Intelligence for 1849-52, compiled and arranged from the official documents published in the London Gazette, by I*" rancis Watts. 4 vols. i2mo. Loud. 1850-53 64 BUL — BUR BuL'W'ER (Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Lytton, Lord Bailing). The Life of Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston, [1784 — 1847], with selec- tions from his diaries and correspondence. Vol. 3 edited by the Hon. Evelyn Ashley. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. i8j 0-4 BuNBURY (Lieut. -Gen. Sir Henry). Narratives of some passages in the Great War with France, from 1799 to 1810. 8vo. Loud. 1854 BUNBURY (Selina). Russia after the War ; the narrative of a visit to that country in 1856. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1857 BuNN (Alfred). The Stage: both before and behind the curtain; from " Observations taken on the spot." 3 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1840 Old England and New England, in a series of views taken on the spot. 2 vols. 8vo. Ihid. 18^1 BUNYAN (John). The Pilgrim's Progress, compared with "Le P^lerinage de I'Homme," par Guillaume de GuiLEVlLLE, 1858, q. v. Buonaparte : v. Bonaparte. BUONAROTTI : V. MICHAEL AnGELO. BxiRCHETT (Josiah). A Complete History of the most remarkable Trans- actions at Sea, from the earliest accounts of time to the conclusion of the last War with France. [Two copies.] Fol. Loiid. \-,zo Bure : V. De Bure. Burger (Johann). Lehrbuch der Landwirthschaft. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Vien, 1838 Burger (W.). Tresors d'Art exposes a IManchester en 1857, et provenant des Collections Royales, des Collections publiques et des Collections particuli6res de la Grande-Bretagne. 8vo. Paris, 1 85 7 [Burges, George]. A Review of Lord Brougham's Translation of the Oration of Demosthenes on the Crown. Reprinted from the "Times" newspaper. 8vo. Lond. 1840 [Bound with DEMOSTHENES on the Crown, Brougham.] Burgess (Rev. Richard). Description of the Circus on the Via Appia, near Rome ; with some account of the Circensian Games. 8vo. Lond. 1828 The Topography and Antiquities of Rome ; including the recent discoveries made about the Forum and the Via Sacra. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1831 BUR 65 BURGHLEY. A Collection of State Papers, relating to affairs in the reigns of K. Henry VIII., K. Edward VI., Q. Mary, and Q. Elizabeth, from the year 1542 to 1570 ; transcribed from original letters and other authentic memorials, left by William Cecill, Lord Burghley, and now remaining at Hatfield House ; edited by Samuel Haynes, and from 1571 to 1596, by William Murdin. 2 vols. fol. Loud. 1740-59 Burke (Rt. Hon. Edmund). Works. New edition. 8 vols. 8vo. Lotid. 1826 Articles of Charge of High Crimes and Misdemeanors against Warren Hastings, late Gov.-General of Bengal, presented to the House of Commons, 1786. Second edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1786 ■ Reflections on the Revolution in France and on the proceedings in certain societies in London relative to that event. Seventh edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1790 Speeches in the House of Commons and in AVestminster Hall. 4 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 18 16 [Burke, J. F.] British Husbandry ; exhibiting the Farming Practice in various parts of the United Kingdom. Library of Useful Knowledge. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1834-7 Burke (John). General and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire, 1854, 5, 7, 8, 9, 60, i, 2, 3. 8vo. A genealogical and heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage. Fifty-first edition, by Sir Bern. Burke. 8vo. Lond. i88g Burke (John) and John Bernard BuRKE. A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, with supplement and index. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1846-9 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1850 BURKE (Peter). The Romance of the Forum : or. Narratives, Scenes and Anecdotes from Courts of Justice. Second series. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1854 Celebrated Naval and Military Trials. 8vo. Ibid. 1866 Burlington (Richard, Lord) : see Palladio, 1730. Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhibition of Portrait Miniatures. 4to. Loud. 1889 Burmeister (Dr. Hermann). Manual of Entomology ; translated from the German, by W. E. Shuckard. Svo. Lond. 1836 K 66 BUR Burn (Richard). The Ecclesiastical Law. Ninth edition. By Robert Phillimore. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. \%a,z BXJEINABY (Captain Fred.) On Horseback through Asia INIinor. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1877 BuRjSTES (Lieut. Alexander). Travels into Bokhara ; being an account of a Journey from India to Cabool, Tartary, and Persia. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1834 Burnet (Gilbert, D.D., Bishop of Salisbury). History of the Reformation of the Church of England. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1681, 17 15 3 vols, in 7. 8vo. Oxf. 1829 — History of His Own Time; from the Restoration of King Charles II. to the Conclusion of the Treaty of Peace at Utrecht ; with the author's life. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1724-34 From the Restoration of King Charles II. to the Conclusion of the Treaty of Peace at Utrecht in the reign of Queen Anne ; with the author's life, and notes, by Thomas Burnet. [L. P.] 4 vols. 4to. Ihd. 1 809 With notes by the Earls of Dartmouth and Hardwicke, Speaker Onslow, and Dean Swift. Second edition. 6 vols. Svo. Ox/. 1 833 — The Memoires of the Lives and Actions of James and William, Dukes of Hamilton and Castleherald, &c. Fol. Lond. 1677 — Some Passages of the Life and Death of the Rt. Hon. John, Earl of Rochester. 8vo. Ibid. 1680 Lettres de Citation a M. Burnet, pour comparoitre en Ecosse le 27 Juin, vieux stile; avec Reponse du Docteur. i2mo. s. I. 1687 [Bound with Papaute en Angleterre.] D6fense pour r6futer les Calomnies d'un Livret intitule Parlia- mentum Pacificum, imprime a Londres, 1688. i2mo. s. I. 1688 [Bound with Parliamentum Pacificum.] Burnet (John). A Treatise on Painting. 4to. ZoW. 1837 Practical Essays on various branches of the Fine Arts. Svo. Ibid. 1848 Rembrandt and his Works. 4to. Ibid. 1 849 — The Progress of a Painter in the nineteenth century : containing conversations and remarks upon Art. Svo. Ibid. iS^^ BUR — BUS 67 [Burnett, James, Lord Monboddo]. Of the Origin and Progress of Language. [Vols. 2 — 6 missing.] 6 vols. 8vo. Edinb. i-]-]^ BURNEY (Chas., Mus. Doct.) The present state of Music in Germany, the Netherlands, and United Provinces. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1773 A general History of Music, from the earliest ages to the present period. [Vols. 3 and 4 missing.] 4 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1776-89 Burns (Robert). Poetical "Works. With a life of Burns. (Aldine Poets.) 3 vols. 1 2 mo. Lojid. 1839 Works, with life by Allan Cunningham. New edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1847 Burton (Rev. Edw.) Description of the Antiquities and other curiosities of Rome. 8vo. Ox/. 1821 [Burton, Robert]. The Anatomy of Melancholy. By Democritus Junior. Fifth edition. Fol. Oxf. 1638 The Anatomy of Melancholy, what it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptomes, prognostics, and the causes of it, by Democritus Junior. Thirteenth edition, with an account of the author. 2 vols. 8vo. Lo?id. 1827 Burton (Thomas). [Parliamentary] Diary, from 1656 to 1659 ; now first published from the original autograph MS. ; with an introduction, containing an account of the Parliament of 1654, from the Journal of Guibon Goddard, Esq., ]\LP. Edited, with notes historical and bio- graphical, by J. T. Rutt. 4 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1828 Burton (William). Description of Leicestershire ; containing matters of antiquity, history, armoury, and genealogy. Second edition. Fol. Lytm, 1777 Burton Abbey ; Annales : v. Fulman (G.), i 684. Bury (Rt. Hon. Lady Charlotte). The three great Sanctuaries of Tuscany, Valombrosa, Camaldoli, Laverna ; a poem, illustrated by engravings from drawings by the Rev. Edward Bury. [Two copies.] Obi. 4to. Loud. 1S33 Bury (Viscount) and G. Lacy Hillier. Cycling. (Badminton Library). 8vo. Loud. 1887 Busbequius (M.) Ambassades et Voyages en Turquie et en Asie de Mr. Busbequius, nouvellement traduites en Fran9ois par S. G[audon]. 8vo. Paris, 1646 K 2 68 BUS — BYR [BuSHBY, Henry Jeffreys]. A Month in the Camp before Sebastopol, by a Non-combatant. Third edition. 8vo. Lofid. 1855 Butler (Frances Anne). Journal. 2 vols. 8vo. Lo?id. 1835 Butler (George). Principles of Imitative Art; four lectures delivered before the Orford Art Society, Lent Term, 1852. i2mo. Land. 1852 Butler (Major John). Travels and adventures in the province of Assam. 8vo. Lond. 1855 Butler (Samuel). Hudibras. 3 pts. in i vol., 8vo. Lond. 1674-8 Hudibras, in three parts, written in the time of the late wars. Corrected and amended with annotations and a preface by Zachary Grey. 2 vols. 8vo. Camb. 1744 Poetical Works. With a life of Butler, by the Rev. John jNIitford. (Aldine Poets, vols. 33 and 34.) 2 vols. lamo. Loud. 1835 [Two copies.] Poetical Works, edited by Robert Bell. [Vol. 3 missing.] 3 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 1855 Buttura (A.) Dictionnaire Fran^ais-Italien et Italien-Fran9ais a I'usage des deux nations. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1832 [Byrne, Mrs. W. Pitt]. A Glance behind the Grilles of Religious Houses in France, with an insight into the working of the Roman Church System as compared with our own. 8vo. Lotid. 1 855 Byron (George Gordon Noel, Lord). The Works of Lord Byron : with his letters and journals, and his life by Thomas Moore. [Vols. 5, 6, 7 wanting.] 17 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1833 Poetical Works. 8vo. Ibid. 1 846 Poetical Works. 6 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1855-6 English Bards and Scotch Reviewers : a satire. Fourth edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1811 Childe Harold's Pilgrimage ; a romaunt. 8vo. Ibid. n. d. ■ Second edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1812 — Sardanapalus, a tragedy. The Two Foscari, a tragedy. Cain, a mystery. 8vo. Ibid. 1821 BYR — CAB 69 Byron (George Gordon Noel, Lord). Letters and Journals; with Notices of his Life, by Thomas ISIoore. [Vol. i missing.] 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1830 Lord B3T-on juge par les Temoins de sa vie: v. GuicciOLi (Countess), 1869. Cabala : sive Scrinia Sacra, Mysteries of State and Government : in Letters of Illustrious Persons and great IMinisters of State as well foreign as domestick in the reigns of King Henry VIII. , Queen Elizabeth, King James and King Charles. Fol. Lond. 1663 [The "Cabal" was a Council which consisted of five Lords of Administration, from the initials of their names: Lord Chfford, Lord Ashby, George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, Lord Arlington, and the Duke of Lauderdale.] Cabinet (Le) des Princes. i2mo. Brux. 1672 Cabinet du Roi Louis XIV., Collection d'Estampes connue sous le nom de, Previiere edition. Tableaux du Cabinet du Roy. Statues et Bustes antiques des Maisons Royales : avec explications, par Andr6 Felibien. Tome I, fol. Paris, 1677 Batailles d'Alexandre. Cinq gr. pieces, gravees d'apr^s Le Brun, les quatre premieres par G. Audran et la cinquieme par G. Edelinck. Gr. fol. Ibid. 1672-8 [Lettered " Grand Tabl. Galerie et Plafond."] Medallions Antiques, depuis Aug^ste jusq'aux Enfants de Con- stantin. 41 pi. [Missing.] Fol. Vues des Maisons Royales et des Villes conquises par Louis XIV. [46 pieces.] - Fol. [Lettered "Maisons Royales, Villes et Chasteaux."] Ornements de Peinture et de Sculpture, dans la Galerie d'Apollon du Lou\Te, etc. [29 pieces.] Fol. — Vues, Plans, etc. du Chateau de Versailles, avec les Statues, Termes et Vases. [83 plates.] Fol. Pam, 1672-84 — Description de la Grotte de Versailles. Fol. Ibid, it-] () [Both bound in I vol. Lettered " Veues, Fontains, et Omam. de Versailles."] — Description de la Grotte de Versailles. [Another copy, in a separate form.] Fol. Ibid. 1679 — Labyrinte de Versailles [avec I'explication en prose par Ch. Perrault, et 39 fables en vers par Benserade]. 8vo. Ibid. 1679 70 CAB Cabinet du Roi Loins XIV. Statues et Bustes Antiques. Premiere partie. i8 pi. [Missing.] Fol. Paris, \ti\,q.v. Charles Augustus, Grand Duke of Saxony, q. v. t Charlevoix (Pierre Fran9ois-Xavier de). Histoire du Paraguay. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, I-] ^b Journal of a Voyage to North America, containing a geographical 1^ description and natural history of that country, particularly Canada ; translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1761 Charlton (John). Twelve Packs of Hounds : being a Collection of Sketches of some of the Hounds and their Masters that I have seen. Obi. 4to. Lond. 1891 [Charpantier, Frangois]. Relation de I'etablissement de la Compagnie Fran9oise pour le Commerce des Indes Orientales. i2mo. Paris, 1666 [Bound with Ireland. Histoire de la Revolution, 1691.] Charron (Pierre). De la Sagesse, trois livres. 5 8vo. Paris, R. Fugc [1607 ?] -— • [Date altered in ink to 1642.] """ Charron (William). A description of the Freedom Box voted by the l City of London to the Lion. Augustus Keppel, Admiral of the Blue. % 4to. L07ld. l-]-]() k Charter-House : je^ Herne (Samuel), 1677. *" Chassepol (M. de). Histoire des Grands Vizirs Mahomet Coprogli Pacha et Achmet Coprogli Pacha. i2mo. Paris, 1676 Chateaubriand (Fran^. Aug., Vicomte de). Memoires d'Outre-Tombe. 6 vols. Svo. Brux. 1849-50 Chateauvieux (Fred. Lullin de). Voyages Agronomiques en France. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1845 Chatham (William Pitt, Earl of). Letters written to his Nephew, Thomas Pitt (afterwards Lord Camelford). 8vo. Lond. 1804 Third edition. i2mo. Ihid. 1804 i CHA — CHE 89 Chatsworth : a poem ; dedicated to Her Grace the Duchess of Devon- shire. 4to. n. p., 71. d.y [circa 1802] Chaucer (Geoffrey). Works, compared with the former editions and many MSS., out of which three tales are added, which were never before printed ; by John Urry, together with a glossary, [by J. Thomas], &c. Fol. Loud. 1721 [Two copies.] Poetical Works ; with a memoir of Chaucer, by Sir Harris Nicolas. (Aldine Poets, vols. 47 — 52.) 6 vols. i2mo. /(^/(/. 1845 Poetical Works. vo. I6id. i8^y Poetical Works ; edited by Robert Bell. 8 vols. i2mo. lii'd. 1854-6 The Canterbury Tales ; to which are added an essay on his language and versification, and an introductory discourse, by Thomas Tyrwhitt. Second edition. 2 vols. 4to. Ox/. 1798 Chauchard (Captain). General Map of the Empire of Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the Grisons, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia. Fol. Lond. 1800 Chaulmer (Le Sieur Charles). Le Tableau de I'Afrique. 1 2 mo. Paris, 1654 Abrege de I'Histoire de France, depuis Pharamond, jusques h. Louis XIV. 2 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 1655 Chausse : V. La Chausse. " Cheem, Aliph," pseud, of Walter Yeldham, q. v. Chenu (A.) Les Conspirateurs. Les Soci^tes Secretes, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1850 Chesterfield (Philip, Second Earl of). Letters to several celebrated individuals in the time of Charles II., James II., AVilliam III., and Queen Anne ; with some of their replies. With a memoir of his life. 8vo. Loud. 1837 Chesterfield (Philip Dormer Stanhope, Fourth Earl of). Letters written to his son, Philip Stanhope; published by Mrs. Eugenia Stanhope. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1774 Letters ; including numerous letters now first published from the original manuscripts. Edited, with notes, by Lord Mahon. 4 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1845 N 90 CHE — CHO Chesterfield (Philip Dormer Stanhope, Fourth Earl of). Letters to his Godson and Successor ; now first edited from the originals, with a memoir of Lord Chesterfield, by the Earl of Carnarvon. [L. P.] 8vo. Oxf. 1890 Miscellaneous Works, consisting of Letters and other articles ; with memoirs of his Life, by M. Maty, M.D. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1777 Chesterton (George Laval). Revelations of Prison Life; with an enquiry into Prison Discipline and Secondary Punishments. [Vol. i missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1856 Chevalier (Michel). Des Int6rets Materiels en France. Travaux Publics, Routes, Canaux, &c. Sixifeme edition. 8vo. Paris, \%\i Chevalier (Nicolas). Histoire de Guillaume III., Roy d'Angleterre, &c. contenant ses actions les plus memorables, depuis sa naissance jusques k son elevation sur le trone, et ce qui s'est passe depuis jusques k I'enti^re reduction du Royaume d'Irlande, par medailles, inscriptions, arcs de triomphe et autres monumens publics. Fol. Amst. 1692 [Two copies.] Child (Sir Joshua, Bart.). A New Discourse of Trade. Fourth edition. i2mo. Lond. [circa 1751] Childrey (Joshua). Histoire des Singularitez Naturelles d'Angleterre d'Escosse, et du Pays de Galles ; traduite de I'Anglois par P. B[riot]. i2mo. Paris, 1667 [Bound with Peyrat. Cardinaux, 1669.] Chillingworth (William). Works. Tenth edition. Fol. Loud. 1742 China. Ambassade de Pierre de Goyer et Jacob de Keyser : v. Nieuhoff (Jean), 1665. Embassy of the Earl of ]Macartney to China : see Staunton (Sir George, Bart.), 1797. Chitty (Joseph). The Practice of the Law in all its departments ; with a view of rights, injuries, and remedies. [Vol. 2 missing.] 2 vols, in 3 parts, 8vo. Lond. 1833 Chodzko (Alexander). Specimens of the Popular Poetry of Persia, as found in the Adventures and Improvisations of Kurroglou, the Bandit- Minstrel of Northern Persia, and in the Songs of the People inhabiting the Shores of the Caspian Sea. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Choisy (L'Abbe de). Histoire de la Vie de David. i2mo. Amsf. ib()2 CHO — CHR 91 Cholmondeley-Pennell (H.) : sec Pennell (H. Cholmondeley). Choul (Guillaume du). Discorso della Religione antica de Romani, con un discorso della castrametatione, bagni antichi, ed essercitii de Romani ; tradotti in Toscanb da Gabriel Simeoni. 8vo. Lione, 1559 Christ Jesus. Life of: see Farrar (F. W.) See also Jesus Christ. Christian Piety. The Causes of the Decay of Christian Piety, written by the Author of the Whole Duty of Man. 8vo. Loud, itb-j [The "Whole Duty of Man " has been attributed to Archbishop Sancroft, Bishop Fell, and many others.] Christian Religion. The Principles of the Christian Reliq-ion. Trans- lated from the French, by the Rev. Thomas Lally. [Vols. 2 and 3 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1749 Christian Sects in the Nineteenth Century, in a series of letters to a Lady. Svo. Lond. 1846 Christine, Reine de Sufede. Recueil de quelques pieces curieuses, servant k Teclaircissement de I'histoire de la vie de la Reyne Christine. i2mo. Cologne, 1668 Chronicon Saxonicum, ex MSS. Codicibus nunc primum integrum edidit ac Latinum fecit Edmundus Gibson. 4to. Oxon. 1692 Chronology. Chronological Tables : comprehending the Chronology and History of the World, from the earliest records to the close of the Russian War. First Division. Ancient and Mediaeval History, a.jl I to A.D. 1500. [Encyclop. IMetrop.] i2mo. Glasg, 1857 Second Division. Modern History, A.D. 1501 to a.d. 1856. 1 2 mo. Ibid. 1857 New Analysis of Chronology and History, by W. Hales, D.D., 1830, q. V. — Chronology of History : see NICOLAS (Sir Harris), 1833. — The Chronological Historian : see Toone (W.), 1828. — Universal Chronologist : see BOYLE (Henry), 1826. — Dictionnaire de Dates : (j. v. — Dictionary of Dates: see Haydn (Joseph), 1841, 1844, 1853. See also Art (L') de verifier les Dates, 17S3-7. N 2 92 CHU — CIC Church Militant : see Ecclesi^ Militantis Triumphi, [1670]. Churchill (Awnsham and John) . A Collection of Voyages and Travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, &c. With an introductory discourse supposed to be written by Mr. Locke, intitled the whole history of Navigation. Third edition. 6 vols. fol. Lond. 1744-6 Vols. 7 and 8. Collection of Voyages and Travels from the Library of the Earl of Oxford. 2 vols. fol. Lond. T. Osborne, 1747 Churchill (Charles). Poems. 4to. Lond. 1763 Poetical Works, with a life of the author, by W. Tooke. (Aldine Poets, vols. 44 — 46.) 3 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 1844 Churton (Ralph). The Life of Alexander Nowell, Dean of St. Paul's, chiefly compiled fi-om registers, letters, and other authentic evidences. 8vo. Oxf. 1809 ClACCONius (Alphonsus). Colonna Trajana, scolpita con 1' historie della Guerra Dacica, ec, disegnata da Pietro Santi Bartoli, con 1' esposi- tione Latina d' Alfonso Ciaccone, compendiata nella vulgare lingua, accresciuta da Gio. Pietro Bellori. Fol. Roma, s. a. ClBBER (CoUey). The Character and Conduct of Cicero considered from the History of his Life by the Rev. Dr. !Middleton. 4to. Lond. 1747 Cicero (Marcus TuUius). Opera ; ex Petri Victorii codicibus maxima ex parte descripta. 2 vols. fol. Paris, ex off. Rob. Stephani, 1538-g Opera omnia qua? exstant, emendata studio J. Guil. et Jani Gruteri ; cum notis. Vo\. Hamb. 1618 Opera quae supersunt omnia, ad fidem optimarum editionum expressa. 20 vols. i2mo. Glasgnw, R. et A. Foulis, 1749 Opera, cum delectu commentariorum ; edebat Josephus Olivetus. Editio tertia. 9 vols. 4to. Geneva, x-]'^^ CEuvres completes de M. T. Ciceron, publiees en Fran9ais, avec le texte en regard, par Jos. -Vict. Le Clerc. Seconde edition. 35 vols, in 36, i2mo. Paris, 1827 Le Epistole Famigliari di Cicerone, tradotte secondo i veri sensi deir auttore et con figure proprie della lingua volgare. 8vo. Vi?tegia, figliuoli di A Ido, 1545 CIC — CLA 93 Cicero (Marcus TuUius). Les Epistres Famili^res de Marc Tulle Cicero, traduites en Fran9ois par Estienne Dolet. i2mo. Lyon, 1549 Le Pistole di Cicerone ad Attico, fatte volgari da M. IMatteo Senarega. 8vo. Vinegia, Aldus, 1557 Letters to Titus Pomponius Atticus, in sixteen books ; translated into English, with notes by William Heberden. 2 vols. 8vo. Lo7id. iBz^ De Natura Deorum libri tres ; cum notis Paulli Manutii, Petri Victorii at alt. ; recensuit, suisque animadversionibus illustravit Joannes Davisius. Editio nova. 8vo. Oxon. e typog. Clarend. 1 807 De Officiis ad Marcum Filium libri tres ; notis illustravit Zacharias Pearce. lamo. Oxon. 1803 Le Orationi di Marco TuUio Cicerone, tradotte da RL Lodovico Dolce. 3 vols. 8vo. Vmegta, 1562 Orationes, a Caelio Secundo curione. 2 pts. 8vo. Antv. 161 2 De Philosophia. [Vol. i missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Venet. apud Aldi Filios, 1541 Clavis Ciceroniana : v. Ernesti (Jo. Aug.) ]\Iiddleton's (Rev. Dr.) Life of Cicero: see Tunstall (Jacobus), 1741. 1744- The Character and Conduct of Cicero considered from the History of his Life by the Rev. Dr. Middleton, by Colley ClBBER, 1747, q. v. CicOGNARA (Leopoldo). Catalogo ragionato dei Libri d' Arte e d' Anti- chiti, posseduti dal Conte Cicognara. 2 vols. 8vo. Pisa, 1821 Clanricarde (Ulick Burgh, Marquis of). The Memoirs and Letters of Ulick, IMarquis of Clanricarde and Earl of St. Albans. Printed from an authentic manuscript, and now first published by the present Earl of Clanricarde. Fol. Loud. 1757 ClareN'CE : i. e. Edmund Tattersall, i 849, q. v. Clarendon (Edward Hyde, Earl of). The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, begun in the year 1641. 3 vols. fol. Oxf. 1704 [Vol. L, pt. I, missing.] 3 vols, (in 6 pts.) 8vo. Ibid. 1707 [Vol. n., pt. 2, or Vol. IV. as bound, missing.] 3 vols, (in 6 pts.) 8vo. Ibid. 1717 3 vols, (in 6 pts.) 8vo. Ibid. 1807 94 CLA Clarendon (Edward Hyde, Earl of). Complete Collection of Tracts; containing, Vindication of himself from impeachment in regard to the Sale of Dunkirk ; Essays on the faculties and passions of the Mind, &c. Published from his original MSS. Fol. Lond. 1747 State Papers from the year ibii : containing the materials from which his History of the Great Rebellion was composed, and the authorities on which the truth of his relation is founded. [Vol. 3 missing.] 3 vols. fol. Oxf. 1767-86 Clarendon (Henry Hyde, Earl of). The State Letters of Henry, Earl of Clarendon, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland during the Reign of K. James the Second; and His Lordship's Diary for the years 1687, 1688, 1689, 1690. 2 vols. 4to. Oxf. iibi Clarke (Charles). Architectura Ecclesiastica Londini : or, graphical survey of the Cathedral, Collegiate and Parochial Churches in London, Southwark, and Westminster, with the adjoining parishes. Fol. Lond. 1820 Clarke (Mrs. Cowden). The complete Concordance to Shakespeare : being a verbal index to all the passages in the dramatic works of the poet. Svo. Lond. 1845 Clarke (John Algernon). On the Farming of Lincolnshire. 8vo. Lond. 1852 Clarice (T. H.) The Domestic Architecture of the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and James I., illustrated by a series of Views of English Mansions, with brief historical and descriptive accounts of each subject. Svo. Lond. 1833 Classical Manual : or, a mythological, historical, and geographical Commentary on Pope's Homer, and Dryden's .^neid of Virgil. 8vo. Land. 1827 Claude (J.) L'Examen de soy-mesme pour bien se preparer i la Com- munion. i2mo. La Haye, \b'&i Clausewitz (General Carl von). The Campaign of 1812 in Russia; translated from the German. 8vo. Lond. 1^,4^ Clayton (Ellen Creathorne). Queens of Song: being memoirs of some of the most celebrated Female Vocalists who have appeared on the Lyric Stage from the earliest days of Opera to the present time. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1863 CLA — COC 95 Claytox (J. W.) Personal Memoirs of Charles II. ; with sketches of his Court and times. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1859 Cleieence (M.) Le Veritable Amateur de sa Patrie : ou Traite de la Souverainete. French and English. i2mo. Land. 1801 Clement (Nicolas). La Paix de Munster, 17 10, q. v. [Clements, L.] Modern Wildfowling. By " Wildfowler." 8vo. Land. 1880 Clerc : V. Le Clerc. Clery (M.) Journal de ce qui s'est passe a la Tour du Temple, pendant la Captivite de Louis XVI, Roi de France. 8vo. Lond. 1798 A Journal of Occurrences at the Temple, during the Confinement of Louis XVI. King of France. Translated from the original Manuscript by R. C. Dallas. 8vo. Ibid. 1798 Journal de Clery ; suivi des Demi^res Heures de Louis XVI, par j\I. Edgeworth de Firmont ; &c. 8vo. Paris, 1825 Cleveland (John). Works, containing his poems, orations, epistles ; with the life of the author. 8vo. Loud, ib^-] [Clive, Hon. Robert H.] Documents connected with the History of Ludlow and the Lords Marchers. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Cloncurry (Valentine, Lord). Personal Recollections of the Life and Times, with extracts from the Correspondence of Valentine, Lord Cloncurry. Second edition. 8vo. Diibl. 1850 Cluverius (Philippus). Germanise antiquae libri tres. Fol. Liigd. Bat., apud L. Elzev. 1616 Introductionis in Universam Geographiam tam veterem quam novam libri VI., accessit P, Bertii Breviarium Orbis Terrarum. 1 2 mo. Ibid. 1 64 1 i2mo. Ainst. 1677 COBBETT (William). Parliamentary History : see Parliament. Cochrane (Alexander Baillie). The Theatre Fran9ais in the Reign of Louis XV. 2>vo. Lond. 1879 COCKERELL (C. R.) : see MlCHAEL AnGELO, 1 857. Cocks (C.) Bordeaux ; its Wines, and the Claret Country. 8vo. Lond. 1846 96 COE— COL COEFFETEAU (F. N.) Histoire Romaine, contenant tout ce qui s'est passe de plus memorable depuis le commencement de I'Empire d'Auguste jusques k celuy de Constantin le Grand. Fol. Paris, 1637 COESVELT (W. G.) Collection de Monsieur W. G. Coesvelt de Londres. Fol. Lond. 1836 CoiNTE : V. Le Cointe. Coke (Sir Edw.) Institutes of the Lawes of England, Fourth Part of; Animadversions on, and Amendments of, by William Prynne, 1669, q. V. Colchester (Lord). The Diary and Correspondence of Charles Abbot, Lord Colchester, Speaker of the House of Commons, 1802 — 1817. Edited by his son, Charles, Lord Colchester. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1861 Colchester. Surrender of, 1648: 5^^ Lucas (Sir Charles), 1648. Cold EN (Cadwallader). History of the five Indian Nations of Canada, which are dependent on the Province of New York in America, and are the barrier between the English and the French in that part of the world. 8vo. Lond. 1747 [Two copies.] Cole (Christian). Memoirs of Affairs of State, containing Letters written by Ministers employed in Foreign Negotiations from 1697 to 1708. Fol. Lond. 1733 Cole (John William). Memoirs of British Generals distinguished during the Peninsula War. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1856 Colenso (John W., Bp. of Natal). The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua critically examined. Second edition. [Pts. 5 — 7 missing.] 7 parts. 8vo. Lond. 1862-79 [COLLETET, Fr.] Le Parnasse Fran9ois, ou I'Escole des Muses ; dans laquelle sont enseignees toutes les regies qui concernent la Poesie Fran9aise. i2mo. Paris, 1664 [Bound \vith Ireland. Histoire de la Revolution, 1691.] COLLETTA (Gen. Pietro). Storia del Reame di Napoli, dal 1734 sino al 1825. Terza edizione. 2 vols, in i, i2mo. Fir enze, 18,^6 Translated from the Italian, by S. Horner ; with a supplementary chapter, 1825 — 1856. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1858 COL 97 Collier (Jeremy). The great historical, geographical, genealogical, and poetical Dictionary. Second edition. 2 vols. fol. Loud, \-joi Supplement. Fol. Ibtd. 1 705 Appendix. Fol. Ibid. 1721 An Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, chiefly of England, from the first planting of Christianity to the end of the reign of King Charles II. 2 vols. fol. Ibtd. 1708-14 [COLLIKS, Arthur]. The Peerage of England : or, an historical and genealogical account of the present Nobility. Second edition. 8vo. Land. 17 10 Peerage of England. Second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1741 A Supplement to the four volumes of the Peerage of England. 2 vols. Bvo. Ibid. 1750 — The Peerage of England. Third edition. [Vol. i, pt. i, missing.] 4 vols, ins parts. Svo. Ibid. 1756 — Proceedings, Precedents, and Arguments on Claims and Contro- versies concerning Baronies by Writ, and other Honours. Fol. Ibid. 1734 [Two copies.] — Historical Collections of the Noble Families of Cavendishe, Holies, Vere, Harley, and Ogle ; with the lives of the most remarkable persons. \_Dedicatcd to the Duchess of Portla7id.~\ Fol. Ibid, \-jiz [Two copies.] Collins (C. J.) Sackville Chase. Second edition. 3 vols. Svo. Loud. 1863 Collins (David). An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales ; with remarks on the dispositions, customs, manners, &c. of the native inhabitants of that country. 4to. Lond. i-jgS Collins (W. Wilkie). Memoirs of the Life of William Collins, Esq., R. A., with selections from his journals and correspondence. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1848 Collins (William). Poetical Works. Fol. G/asg. ijS-j [Bound with Gray (T.) Poetical Works, 1787.] Poetical Works ; with a Memoir of Collins. (Aldine Poets, vol. 5.) i2mo. Land. 1830 Poetical Works ; with James Beattie's Poetical Works, 1846, q. v. o 98 COL — COM [COLMAN, George, and Bonnel Thornton.] The Connoisseur. By Mr. Town, Critic and Censor-General. Fifth edition. [Vol. i missing.] 4 vols. i2mo. Oxf. 1767 Beauties of the Connoisseur: see Rambler, 1787. Cologne. La Paix traictee k Coulogne : v. Flanders, 1580. COLOMBifeRE (Marc de Vulson, Sieur de la). De I'Office des Roys d'Armes, des Herauds, et des Poursuivans ; de leur antiquite, de leurs privileges, et des principales ceremonies ou ils sont employez par las Roys et par les Princes. 4to. Paris, 1545 COLQUHOUN (John). The Moor and the Loch; with an essay on Loch- Fishing. 8vo. Edinb. 1840 Columbus (Christopher). Letters, &c., relating to his four Voyages to the New World : see Hakluyt Society Publications, No. 2. [COMBAULD, Charles de, Baron d'Auteuil.] Histoire des Ministres d'Estat qui ont servi sous les Roys de France de la troisiesme lign^e. Fol. Paris, 1642 Combe (Taylor). A Description of the Collection of Ancient Terracottas in the British Museum ; with engravings. 4to. Lotid. 18 10 Comedies : see Theatre. COMINES (Philippe de, Seigneur d'Argenton). M6moires sur les princi- paux faicts et gestes de Louis XL, et de Charles VIII. , son fils, Rois de France. Fol. Paris, 1615 IMemoires, contenans 1' Histoire des Roys Louys XL et Charles VIII. depuis I'an 1464 jusques en 1498; revues et corrigez par Denys Godefroy. Fol. Ibid. 1649 COMMELYN (J.) Histoire de la Vie et Actes memorables de Frederic Henry de Nassau, Prince d' Orange ; translat^e du Flamand en Fran9ois. Fol. AmsL 1656 Common Prayer, Book of: see Liturgy. Commons, House of. Journals : see Journals. Reports from Committees of the House of Commons, 17 15 — : see House of Commons. See also House of Commons. Commonwealth (The) : see Cromwell (Oliver), 1650. COM — CON 99 Communion. The Orthodox Communicant, by way of Meditation on the Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper, or Holy Com- munion, according to the Liturgy of the Church of England. [By Laurence Howell, with vignettes from Scripture subjects, by J. Sturt. Engraved text and borders. Dedicated to the Rt. Hon. the Lady Henrietta Cavcndishe Holies Harley.'\ i2mo. Lo7id. engraven by J. Sturt, 1721 COMTE : V. LE CoMTE. COMYN (Sir Robert). The History of the Western Empire, from its restoration by Charlemagne to the accession of Charles V. 2 vols. 8vo. Loitd. 1 84 1 CONDE (Louis Joseph de Bourbon, Prince de). Essai sur la Vie du Grand- Conde. Svo. Lond. 1807 CONDER (Josiah). Italy. 3 vols. i2mo. Lond. \%2,\ Coney (John). Engravings of Ancient Cathedrals, Hotels de Ville, and other public buildings of celebrity in France, Holland, Germany, and Italy. Fol. Lond. 1832 CoNGNARD (P.) Traite contre I'eclarcissement donne par ]M. Blondel en la question " Si une femme a este assise au Siege Papal de Rome entre Leon IV. et Benoist IV." Svo. Saumur, 1655 Connoisseur (The) : see Colman (G.), 1767. Beauties of: see Rambler, 1787. Constable (C. R., R.A.) Memoirs of: see Leslie (C. R.), 1845. Constantini (Le Sieur Angelo). La Vie de Scaramouche. 1 2 mo. Paris, 1695 [Bound with Tasso. La Vie duTasse, 1695.] Constantinople. Le Voyage de M. Quiclet a Constantinople par terre ; [edit^] par le Sieur P[rome] M[archand] L[ibraire]. i2mo. Paris \_s. a., circa 1665] CoNTEMPORAiNS Etrangers, ou Recueil Iconographique des Etrangers les plus cel^bres dans la politique, la guerre, les lettres, les sciences et les arts, depuis 1790 jusqu'i nos jours. Dessin6s sur pierre par MM. Mauzaize et Grevedon ; publics par MM. Quenot et Charles Motte. Fol. Paris, 1826 [Ce recueil devait se composer de vingt-cinq livraisons, chacun de quatre portraits accompagnes d'une notice biographique pour chaque pcrsormage et d'un fac-similt. H n'a paru que huit li\Taisons contenant ensemble 32 portraits ; les notices qui les accompagnent sont de M. Paulin Richard.] O 2 loo coo Cook (James). A Voyage towards the South Pole, and round the World, performed in His Majesty's Ships the " Resolution" and " Adventure," in the years 1772, 73, 74, and 75. 2 vols. 4to. Loud. 1777 Plates to the Voyages. [No title.] 2 vols. fol. s. I., v. y. A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, undertaken by Command of His Majesty, for making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere. Performed under the Direction of Captains Cook, Clerke, and Gore, in His Majesty's Ships the " Resolution " and " Discovery," in the years 1776, 77, 78, 79, and 80. In three volumes. Vols, i and 2, written by Captain James Cook, and Vol. 3, by Captain James King. Third edition. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1785 See also FORSTER (George), 1777. Cook (Colonel John). Observations on Fox-Hunting, and the Manage- ment of Hounds in the Kennel and the Field. 8vo. Lond. 1826 Cook (Capt. S. E.) Sketches in Spain during the years 1829-32. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834 Cooke (Alexandre). La Papesse Jeanne : ou, Dialogue entre un Protes- tant et un Papiste, prouvant qu'une femme nomm^e Jeanne a est^ Pape de Rome ; mis en Francois par I. de la Montagne. 1 2 mo. Sedan, 1533 [Cooke (John) and John Maule]. An historical account of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich. 4to. Lond. 1789. Cookery. AUgemeines Kartoffel-Kochbuch fiir jede Haushaltung, sowohl reich als arm. Herausgegeben von einer Wiener Kochin. Zweite Auflage. lamo. W/en, n. d., circa 1830 Die Kartoffel- und Obst-Kochin. 12 mo. Number g, 1840 — A Manual of HomcEopathic Cookery. By the Wife of a Homoeo- pathic Physician. i2mo. Lond. 1846 — Le Cuisinier Royal, par Viart, 1842, q. v. — Les Secrets de la Cuisine Fran9aise : v. GOGUE (A.), 1856. — Good Cookery illustrated, by Lady Llanover, 1867, q. v. See also Francatelli (C. E.), 1877. Reynolds (Rob.), 1849. Stockel (Elis.), 1846. Ude (L. E.), 1 84 1. COO — COR loi COOLEY (W. D.) The World surveyed in the XlXth Centurj^ : or, Narra- tives of Scientific and Exploratory Expeditions ; translated, and (where necessary) abridged. Vol. i. PARROT'S journey to Ararat. [No more published.] 8vo. Zow^. 1845 Cooper (Thomas). Thesaurus Linguae Romanae et Britannicae. Fol. (bound in 2 vols.) Lond. 1584 COPLESTON (Mrs. Edward). Canada; why we live in it, and why we like it. i2mo. Lond. 1861 " COQxnLLE, La," Voyage autour du monde sur la Corvette, 1822-5: V. DUPERRY (L. I.) CORDIER (Joseph). La France et I'Angleterre, ou Recherches sur les causes de prosp^rites et les chances de decadence des deux nations. 8vo. Paris, 1843 CORDINER (Rev. Charles). Antiquities and Scenery of the North of Scot- land, in a series of Letters to Thomas Pennant. 4to. Lond. 1780 CoRMERius (Thomas, Alenconius). Rerum gestarum Henrici II., Regis Galliae, libri quinque. 4to. Partsu's, 1584 CORNARO (Loms). Conseils et Moyens pour vivre plus de cent ans dans une parfaite sant6 ; trad, de ITtalien. i2mo. Afusf. i-jot, CORNEILLE (Pierre) . Theatre ; avec des commentaires et autres morceaux interessans. Nouvelle edition. 8 vols. 4to. Gen'eve, \-ji\ Cornelius Nepos .- v. Nepos. Corxu-British Language, Vocabulary of: see Borlase (W.) Antiqui- ties, &c. of Cornwall, 1754 and 1769. Cornwall (Captain Henry). Obser\'ations upon several Voyages to India out and home ; as also remarks on the ports and places touched at in that voyage. Obi. fol. Land. 1720 Corpus Jltris Civilis, cum variorum commentariis et notis. 4to. GenevcB, 1626 Editio nova. 2 vols, in i. 8vo. Amst. 1681 CORREGIO (Antonio Allegri, surnamed). Pitture di Antonio Allegri detto il Corregio, esistenti in Parma nel Monistero di San Paolo. Fol. Parma, 1800 I02 COR — COU CORSI (Faustino). Delle Pietre Antiche libri quattro. 8vo. Roma, 1828 Cory AT (Thomas). Crudities hastily gobled up in five moneths Trauells in France, Sauoy, Italy, Rhetia comonly called the Grisons Country, Heluetia alias Switzerland, some parts of High Germany, and the Netherlands. 4to. Lond. 161 1 [Two copies.] COSTE (Pascal). Architecture Arabe, ou Monuments du Kaire. 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1839 COSTELLO (Louisa Stuart). The Rose Garden of Persia. 8vo. Lond. 1845 COTGRAVE (Randle). A Dictionarie of the French and English Tongues. Fol. Lond. 1632 COTMAN (John Sell). Architectural Antiquities of Normandy ; accom- panied by historical and descriptive notices by David Turner. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1822 COTTA (Heinrich). Grundriss der Forstwissenschaft. Dritte Auflage herausgegeben von seinen Sohnen. 8vo. Dresden u. Leipz. 1843 Cotton (Lieut.-Col. A.) Public Works in India : their importance. 8vo. Lond. 1854 Cotton (Charles). Poems on several occasions. 8vo. Lond. 1689 Complete Angler : see Wai-TON (Izaak). Cotton (Sir Rob.) An exact Abridgment of the Records in the Tower of London, from the reign of King Edward the Second unto King Richard the Third, of all the Parliaments holden in each King's reign, and the several Acts in every Parliament ; collected by Sir Robert Cotton. Revised, with a preface, notes, &c., by William Prynne. Fol. Lond. 1657 COTTONIAN MSS. ; i-^fi CATALOGUES, l6g6, 1 802. Couch (Quiller) ; see Troy Town, 1888. COURMENIN (Baron de) : v. Hayes (Louis), 1645. COURTENAY (Rt. Hon. Thomas Perigrine). Memoirs of the Life, Works, and Correspondence of Sir William Temple, Bart. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 COU — cow 103 [CotiRTlLZ de Sandras, Gatien]. R6ponse au Livre intitule " La Conduite de la France depuis la Paix de Nimigue," [also by Courtilz]. i2mo. Cologne, 1683 [Bound with France. La Declaration Juste, 1678.] [ ] Nouveaux Int^rets des Princes de I'Europe. Seconde Edition. 1 2 mo. Ibid. 1686 [ ] Remarques sur le Gouvemement du Royaume durant les r^gnes de Henri IV, Louis XIII, et Louis XIV. [Imperfect, pp. i — 36 (Henri IV) cut out.] i2mo. Ibid. 1688 [Bound with CoRNARO (Louis), 1703.] [COLTRTIN, Antoine de]. Nouveau Traite de la Civilite qui se pratique en France parmi les honnestes gens. 12 mo. Amst. ib-ji Cousin (Victor). Report on the State of Public Instruction in Prussia ; translated by Sarah Austin. i2mo. Lo/id. 18^4 Madame de Sable ; Etudes sur les Femmes Illustres et la Societe du XVII" sifecle. 8vo. P^rw, 1854 Madame de Longueville. Troisieme edition. 8vo. Ibt'd. 1855 Madame de Hautefort et Madame de Chevreuse. 2 vols. 8vo. lii'd. 1856 COVEL (John, D.D.) Some Account of the present Greek Church ; with reflections on their present doctrine and discipline. Fol. Cavibr. 1722 Co\'ENTRY (Arthur) and Alf. E. T. Watson. Steeple Chasing : see Suffolk (Earl of). Badminton Library, 1887. COWELL (John). The Interpreter of Words and Terms, used either in the Common or Statute Law of this Realm, and in Tenures and Jocular Customs; continued by Tho. Manley. Fol. Loud. 1701 [Interleaved, with large additions in MS., probably by Humfrey Manley.] Co'VSXEY (Abraham). Works; with an account of the Life and Writings of Cowley, by T. Sprat. Eighth edition. Fol. Loud. \bqi Works. Tenth edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid, i-jo-j-% Prose Works. i2mo. Ibid. 1826 COWPER (Mary, Countess). Diary of Mary Countess Cowper, Lady of the Bedchamber to the Princess of Wales, 1714-20. Edited by the Hon. Spencer Cowper. 8vo. Loud. 1864 Second edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1 865 I04 COW — COX COWPER (William). Works; with a Life of the author, by the editor, Robert Southey. 15 vols. 8vo. Lo>id. 18^5-j Poems; with a biographical and critical introduction, by the Rev. Thomas Dale. 2 vols. 8vo. Idi'd. 1841 Poetical Works ; with a memoir of the author. (Aldine Poets, vols. 7—9.) 3 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 1843 Works, edited by the Rev. T. S. Grimshawe. 8vo. Hid. 1849 Poetical Works, edited by Robert Bell. 3 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 1854 The Task ; a poem, illustrated by Birket Foster. 4to. I6id. 1855 Life and Letters ; with remarks on Epistolary Writers, by William Hayley. New edition. [Vol. i missing.] 4 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 181 2 Letters ; with notes by John S. Memes. Fourth edition. 8vo. 3id. 1846 Cox (Edward W.) The Advocate ; his training, practice, rights, and duties. Vol. i. 8vo. Lotid. 1852 Cox (F. A., D.D.) Biblical Antiquities, with some collateral subjects illustrating the language, geography, and early history of Palestine. [From the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.] 8vo. Land. 1852 Cox (Rev. George W.) The Tale of the Great Persian War from the Histories of Herodotus. 8vo. Land. 1861 Tales of the Gods and Heroes. Second edition. 8vo. Ibid. 186? Cox (Homersham). Antient Parliamentary Elections ; a history showing how Parliaments were constituted, and Representatives of the People elected in antient times. 8vo. Land. 1868 COXE (William). Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden and Denmark; interspersed with historical relations and political inquiries. 2 vols. 4to. Land. 1784 Travels in Switzerland, and in the Country of the Grisons. Third edition. 2 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1794 Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford. 3 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1798 New edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1816 cox — CRA 105 CoxE (William, Archdeacon of Wilts). Account of the Russian Disco- veries between Asia and America ; to which are added the Conquest of Siberia, and the History of the Transactions and Commerce between Russia and China. 4to. Lotid. 1780 Memoirs of Horatio, Lord Walpole, selected from his correspond- - ence and papers. 4to. Ibid. 1802 Coyer (L'Abb6 Gabr. Fr.) Histoire de Jean Sobieski, Roi de Pologfne. 3 vols. i2mo. Varsovic \_Paris\ 1761 Crabb (George, ISI.A.) English Synonymes explained in alphabetical order, with illustrations and examples. 8vo. Loud. 18 16 Crabbe (Rev. George). Life, and Poetical Works, edited by his son. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Craig (Sir Thomas). The Right of Succession to the Kingdom of England, in two books ; translated from the Latin, by James Gatherer. Fol. Lond. 1703 Craik (George L.) IManual of English Literature, and of the History of the English Language, from the Norman Conquest. 8vo. Loud. 1862 CRAJrER (Rev. J. A.) Geographical and historical Description of Ancient Italy; with maps. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1836-8 Geographical and historical Description of Ancient Greece ; with a map and plan of Athens. 2 vols. 8vo. Hid. 1838 " Craven," i. e., Capt. John W. Carleton : see Sporting Review, 1839-42. Craven (W. G.) Racing and Steeple-Chasing : see Suffolk (Earl of), 1887. Crawford (F. Marion). Mr. Isaacs : a tale of Modern India. 8vo. Lond. 1883 Saracinesca. Third edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1887 Crawford (Mabel Sharman). Life in Tuscany. 8vo. Zowrf. 1859 Crawfurd (George). The Peerage of Scotland : containing an historical and genealogical account of the Nobility of that Kingdom. Fol. Edinb. 17 16 The Lives and Characters of the Officers of the Crown and of the State in Scotland from the beginning of the reign of King David I. to the Union of the two Kingdoms. Vol. I [no more published], fol. Ibid. 1726 P io6 CRE — CRI Creasy (Edward S.) Memoirs of Eminent Etonians; with notices of the early history of Eton College. 8vo. Land. 1 850 Crequi (Charles, Due de), Ambassade de. — Les Risees de Pasquin, ou I'histoire de ce qui s'est passe a Rome entre le Pape et la France, dans I'ambassade de M"^- de Crequi. i2mo. Cobgne, xt-j^ Crequy (Fran9ois, Marechal de France). Les Incendies Infernaux, ou Description de I'entreprise funeste du Mar6chal de Crequy sur la Ville de Luxembourg. i2mo. Cologne, n. d. [circa 1684] [Bound \vith France. La France Intriguante, 1677.] Crescimbeni (Geo. Mario). Commentarj intorno all' Istoria della Poesia Italiana. Ripublicati da T. J. Mathias. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. iBo^ Crespi (Luigi). Vite de' Pittori Bolognesi non descritte nella Felsina Pittrice. [With a life of C. C. Malvasia.] 4to. Rotna, i-]bq See also Malvasia (Carlo Cesare), 1678. Cretineau-Joly (J.) Histoire de La Vend6e Militaire. 4 vols. 8vo. Part's, 1840-2 Histoire religieuse, politique et litteraire de la Compagnie de Jesus, composee sur les documents inedits et authentiques. [Vol. i missing.] 6 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1844-6 Histoire du Sonderbund. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1850 Crimea. Deuxi^me M6moire adresse au Gouvernement de S. M. I'Em- pereur Napoleon III, sur I'Expedition de Crim^e et la Conduite de la Guerre d'Orient, parun Officier G6n6ral, [Tavemier]. 8vo. Geneve, 1855 The War, by W. H. Russell, 1855, q. v. The British Expedition to the Crimea, 1854 ; by W. H. RusSELL, 1877, (7. ». — The Seat of War : see SiMPSON (Wm.), 1855. — L'Expedition de Crim6e : voir Bazancourt (Baron de). Lives of our Heroes of the Crimea : see Ryan (George), 1855. See also Sebastopol. Crisp (Samuel). Christ made Sin : 2 Cor. v. xxi, evinc't from Scripture, upon occasion of an exception taken at Pinners' Hall, 28 Jan. 1689, at reprinting the Sermons of Dr. Tobias Crisp. 4to. Lojzd. ibqi [An autograph letter of Samuel Crisp, son of Dr. Tobias Crisp, to the Queen, 30 May, 1691, is at the beginning of the vol.] CRI — CRU 107 Crivelli (Domenico). L'Arte del Canto, ossia Corso completo d' insegna- mento suUa coltivazione della Voce. Fol. Loud. s. a. Croker (Rt. Hon. John Wilson). The Croker Papers ; the Correspond- ence and Diaries of the Rt. Hon. John Wilson Croker, Secretary to the Admiralty from 1809-30. Edited by Louis J. Jennings. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1884 Crompton (Richard). A short Declaration of the Ende of Traytors, and false Conspirators against the State, and of the Duetie of Subjectes to theyr Soueraigne Gouernour. 4to. Lo)id. 1587 Cromwell (Oliver). Acts of Parliament passed during the Protectorate, from Nov. 1649 to Feb. 1650. Fol. Lond. 1650 Ratio constitutes nuper Reipublicae Angliae, Scotiae et Hiberniae, etc. penes D. Protectorem et Parliamentum ; ex Anglico in Latinum versa. 12 mo. HagcB-Cotn. 1654 [Bound with May (T.) Hist. Pari. Angl. Brev. 1651.] Memoirs of the Life and Actions of Oliver Cromwell : see PECK (Francis), 1740. Cross (Maurice). Selections from the Edinburgh Review, q. v. Crowe (J. A.) and G. B. Cavalcaselle. New History of Painting in Italy, from the second to the sixteenth century. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1864 Croy (Charles Alexandre, Due de). ]\Iemoires guerriers de ce quy s'est pass6 aux Pays Bas depuis le commencement de I'an 1600, jusques k la fin de I'ann^e, 1606. 4to. Anvcrs, 1642 Croyland: v. Fulman (G.), 1684. [Crozat, Joseph Antoine]. Recueil d'Estampes d'apr^s les plus beaux Tableaux, etc., qui sont en France dans le Cabinet du Roi, dans celui de Monseigneur le Due d' Orleans et dans autres Cabinets, [connu sous le nom de Cabinet de Crozat], avec une description historique [par P. J. Mariette]. Seconde Edition. 2 vols. fol. Paris, \-jbT, Cruden (Alexander). A complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament : or, a Dictionary and Alphabetical Index to the Bible ; with a concordance to the Apocrypha. Eighth edition, with a life of the author, by Alex. Chalmers. 4to. Berwick, 1817 Concordance to the Old and New Testament, to which is added a Concordance to the Apocrypha. 4to. Lond. 1848 p 2 io8 CRU — CUN Cruickshank (Thomas). The Practical Planter; containing directions for the Planting of Waste Land, and Management of Wood ; with a new method of rearing the Oak. 8vo. £di)i6. 18^0 Crtjise in the " Undine " : see Our Cruise, 1854. Cucheval-Clarigny (Athanase). Constitutions des Jesuites : v. Jesuits, 1843. CULLEN (Dr. Edward). Isthmus of Darien Ship Canal : with a full history of the Scotch colony of Darien, several maps, views of the country, and original documents. Second edition. 8vo. Land. 1853 Cumberland (George). An essay on the utility of collecting the best works of the Ancient Engravers of the Italian School ; accompanied by a critical Catalogue of a chronological series of rare and valuable prints, from the earliest practice of the art in Italy, to the year 1549, now deposited in the British INIuseum and Royal Academy in London. 4to. Loud. 1827 Cumberland (Richard). Anecdotes of eminent Painters in Spain, during the 1 6th and 17th centuries ; with remarks on the present state of arts in that kingdom. 2 vols. i2mo. Land. 1782 CUMJIING (W. F.) Notes of a Wanderer in search of Health through Italy, Egypt, Greece, Turkey, up the Danube, and do%vn the Rhine. Second edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1840 Cunningham (Alan). Life of Sir David Wilkie ; with his journals, tours, and critical remarks on Works of Art; and a selection from his correspondence. 3 vols. 8vo. Land. 1843 Cunningham (G. G.) Lives of eminent and illustrious Englishmen, from Alfred the Great to the present time. 8 vols. 8vo. Glasg. 1 840 Cunningham (Sir H. S.) Earl Canning. (Rulers of India Series.) 8vo. Oxf. 1891 Cunningham (Rev. John). The Church History of Scotland, from the commencement of the Christian era to the present century. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinl. 1859 Cunningham (Peter). Handbook for London, past and present. 2 vols, in I. 8vo. Lond. 1849 New edition. 8vo. Ibid. \8^o CUN — CUR 109 CUNYNGHAJIE (Gen. Sir Arthur Thurlow). My Command in South Africa, 1847-78; comprising experiences of travel in the colonies of South Africa and the independent states. 8vo. Loud. iS-]C) Curie (P. F., M.D.). Principles of Homoeopathy. Svo. Lcmd. 1837 Practice of Homoeopathy. Svo. /3(V/. 1838 [Bound with Curie. Princip. of Homoeopathy.] CxiRRAX (John Philpot). Speeches on interesting State Trials, &c., with a memoir of his life. New edition. Svo. Loud. 181 7 Curran and his contemporaries : see Phillips (Charles), 1850. " CuRRER Bell," psetidonyvi for Charlotte Bronte, q. v. Curtis (John). British Entomology : being illustrations and descriptions of the Genera of Insects found in Great Britain and Ireland ; with coloured figures from nature. 8 vols. Svo. Lond. 1823-40 Curtis (William). The Botanical Magazine : or, Flower Garden dis- played. Vols. I — 104 [bound in 84]. Svo. Lond. 1793 — 1879 General Indexes to Vols, i — 53, by Samuel Curtis. Svo. Ibid. 182S Practical Observations on the British Grasses, especially such as are best adapted to the laying down or improving of Meadows and Pastures. Fourth edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1805 Seventh edition, by John Lawrence, with the causes of the diseases in Corn, by Sir Jos. Banks, Bt. Svo. Ibid. 1834 [Bound with Beatson. New Syst. of Cultivation.] — Flora Londinensis : containing a History of the Plants indigenous to Great Britain, illustrated by figures of the natural size. New edition, enlarged by George Graves and William Jackson Hooker. 5 vols, in 10 pts. Fol. Ibid. [1817-35] CURTIUS (Quintus, Rufus). Historiarum libri accuratissime editi. 1 2 mo. Lugd. Bat. ex offic. Elezcv. 1633 History of Alexander the Great ; translated from the Latin, with notes, by Peter Pratt. 2 vols. Svo. Loud. 1821 Histoire d' Alexandre le Grand, tir^e de Q. Curse et autres, par B. Lesfargues. 8vo. Paris, 1639 no CUR — DAL Ctjrzon (Hon. Robert, jun.) Visits to Monasteries in the Levant. 8vo. Lond. 1849 CUSTINE (Le Marquis de). La Russie en 1839. Seconde Edition. 4 vols, in 2. 8vo. Paris, 1843 Ctrv'iER (Le Baron Georges Leop. Chret. Fred. Dagobert). The Animal Kingdom arranged in conformity with its organization, by the Baron Cuvier, with additional descriptions by Edward Griffith and others. 16 vols, in 17 pts. 8vo. Lond. 1827-35 The Animal Kingdom, arranged according to its organization. 8vo. Edinh. 1859 Cyclopedia. The National Cyclopaedia of Useful Knowledge. 12 vols, in 6. 8vo. Lond. 1847-51 The Imperial Cyclopaedia ; subdivision — the Cyclopaedia of the British Empire. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. C. L-Cm'ght, 1852 Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts : see TOMLINSON (Charles), 1854. See also Encyclopedia. English Cyclopedia. Penny Cyclopedia. Dabistan (The), or School of Manners ; translated from the original Persian, with notes and illustrations by David Shea and Ant. Troyer. (Publ. of Oriental Translation Fund.) 3 vols. 8vo. Parts, 1843 Dabney (Professor R. L., D.D.) Life of Lieut. -Gen. Thomas J. Jackson, [Stonewall Jackson]. Edited by Rev. W. Chalmers. [Vol. 2 missing]. 2 vols. 8vo. Loitd. 1864-6 Daguesseau (Le Marq.) Histoire de la Campagne du Prince de Conde en Flandre, 1674 : v. Beaurajn fils (Le Chev.), 1774. \ Dale (Robert). An exact Catalogue of the Nobility of England, and Lords Spiritual, according to their respective precedencies, with all their Titles of Honor, and the particular times of their several pro- motions. 8vo. Lond. 1697 Dallaway (James). Of Statuary and Sculpture among the Antients ; with some account of specimens preserved in England. 8vo. Lond. 1816 DAL — DAN 1 1 1 Balling (Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Lytton BULWER, Lord) : q. v. Dalrymple (Sir John, Bart.) Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, from the dissolution of the last Parliament of Charles II. until the sea-battle off La Hogue ; continued to the capture of the French and Spanish fleets at Vigo. 3 vols. 4to. Edinb. \i-j\, 73, 88 Observations on a late publication entitled " Memoirs of Great Britain, by Sir John Dalrymple," in which some errors, misrepre- sentations, and the design of that compiler and his associates are detected. 4to. Loud. 1773 [Bound M-ilh Russell (Lady R.) Letters.] Vindication of the Character of William, Lord Russell, against Sir John Dalrymple : see Russell (Lady Rachel), 1773, 1853. Dalrymple (Major William). Travels through Spain and Portugal in 1774 ; with a short account of the Spanish Expedition against Algiers in 1775. 4to. Lond. \-j-]i Damer (Hon. Mrs. G. L. Dawson). Diary of a Tour in Greece, Turkey, Egypt, and the Holy Land. 2 vols. 8vo. Lofid. 1841 Damm (Christianus Tobias). Novum Lexicon Grsecum etymologicum et reale; cura Joannis M. Duncan. 2 vols. 8vo. GlasgucB, 1825 Dandini (Jerome). Voyage du Mont Liban. Traduit de ITtalien par R[ichard] S[imon] P[retre]. i2mo. Paris, 1685 Danet (L'Abb6 Pierre). Grand Dictionnaire Fran9ois et Latin. 4to. Amst. 1 7 ID Magnum Dictionarium Latino-Gallicum. 4to. Ibid. 1 7 1 1 Dangeau (Philippe de Courcillon, Marquis de). Abr^g6 des Memoires, ou Journal, extrait du IManuscrit original, avec des notes et un abr^ge de I'histoire de la Regence, par M"^- de Genlis. [Vol. i missing.] 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1 8 1 7 Daniel (Gabriel). Histoire de France, depuis I'dtablissement de la Monarchie Fran9oise dans les Gaules. Nouvelle Edition. 7 vols. 4to. Paris, 1722 Daniel (Samuel). History of England from the Conquest to the end of K. Edward III. : in Kennett's History of England, vol. i. 112 UAN Dante Alighieri. Opere di Dante, con varie annotazione [di Pomp. Venturi e di Giov. Ant. Volpi], e di copiosi rami adornata dal Conte Don Cristoforo Zapata de Cisneros. [Vol. 2 missing.] 4 vols. 4to. Venez. 1757 La Divina Commedia, col comento di G. Biagioli. 3 vols. 8vo. Parigi, 181 8-19 La Divina Commedia ; col comento del P. Baldassarre Lombardi. 5 vols. 8vo. Padova, 1822 Another copy. [Vol. 4 missing.] 5 vols. 8vo. Idt'd. 1822 La Divina Commedia, giusta la lezione del Codice Bartoliniano. 3 vols, in 4. 8vo. Udine, 1823-8 Le prime quattro edizioni della Divina Commedia letteralmente ristampate per cura di G. G. Warren, Lord Vernon. Fol. Loud. 1858 Another copy. [L. P.] Fol. Ibid. \8^8 — L' Inferno ; coUa interpretazione dei passi oscuri e difificili, da J. C. Tarver. [Ital. et Fran9.] 2 vols, in i. 8vo. Londra, 1826 — Lo Inferno della Commedia, col comento di Guiniforto delli Bargigi tratto da due manoscritti inediti del secolo decimo quinto, con intro- duzione e note dell' Aw. G. Zacheroni. 8vo. Firenze, 1838 — L 'Inferno (i primi sette canti), secondo il testo del P. Baldassarre Lombardi ; disposto in ordine grammaticale e corredato di brevi dichiarazioni per uso degli stranieri di Lord Vernon. 8vo. Firenze, 1842 — Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, Invenzioni : v. PiNELLi, 1826. — The Vision : or Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise ; translated by the Rev. Henry Francis Cary ; with the life of Dante. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819 — The Divine Comedy : or, the Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradise ; rendered into English by W. Frederick Pollock. 8vo. Hid. 1854 — The Inferno ; translated by Ichabod Charles Wright. 8vo. Hid. 1833 — The Purgatorio ; translated by Ichabod Charles Wright. 8vo. Hid. 1836 — The Paradiso ; translated by Ichabod Charles Wright. 8vo. Hid. 1840 — The Divine Comedy : the Inferno ; a literal prose translation, by John A. Carlyle. 8vo. Hid. iS^g Early Life of Dante : see Garrow (Jos.), 1846. DAN — DAV 113 D'Anvtlle (Le Sieur). Atlas. Fol. Paris, i-jCii-z D'APRfes DK Manxevillette : V. Apb±s de Manvillette (D'). Dares Phrygius : v. Dictys Cretensis. Darjianson (J.) La Beste transformee en Machine ; divisee en deux dissertations prononcees a Amsterdam. i2mo. j. /. 1684 [Bound with Fontenelle. Pluralite des Mondes, 1686.] Dart (John). Westmonasterium : or, the History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's, Westminster. 2 vols. fol. Loiid. 1723 Darvill (Richard). A Treatise on the care, treatment, and training of the English Race Horse ; in a series of rough notes. [Vol. i , second edition.] 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1840-34 Darwin (Charles). The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, under the Command of Captain Fitzroy, during the years 1832-6. Edited by Charles Darwin. 5 pts. 4to. Loud. 1838-43 I. Fossil Mammalia, by Richard Owen. II. Mammalia, by G. R. Waterhouse. m. Birds, by John Gould. rv. Fish, by the Rev. Leonard Jenyns. V. Reptiles, by Thomas BeU. The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1868 DascHKAW (Princess). Memoirs of the Princess Daschkaw, Lady of Honour to Catherine II., Empress of all the Russias. Edited from the originals, by ]\Irs. W. Bradford. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1 840 [Two copies.] D'AUBIGNE : V. MeRLE D'AuBIGNE. Daudiguer (Henry). Histoire des Amours de Lysandre et de Caliste. i2mo. Ainst. 1679 D.\umas (E.) Les Chevaux du Sahara, et les Moeurs du Desart. Nouvelle Edition, avec des commentaires par I'Emir Abd-el-Kader. 8vo. Paris, 1862 D'AUTON : V. AUTON. D'AvENANT (Charles). Political and Commercial Works, collected and revised by Sir Charles Whitworth. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1771 Davenport (W. Bromley-). Sport .- Fox-Hunting, Salmon-Fishing, Covert-Shooting, Deer-Stalking. 8vo. Load. 1885 Q 1 14 DAV Davidson (G. F.) Trade and Travel in the far East : or, Recollections of twenty-one years passed in Java, Singapore, Australia, and China. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Davidson (S. C.) The King of Saxony's Jovirney through England and Scotland, 1844 : see Carus (Dr. C. G.) Davies (David). The Case of Labourers in Husbandry stated and con- sidered. 4to. Bath, 1795 Davies (Sir John). A Discourse of the true causes why Ireland was never entirely subdued nor brought under obedience of the Crowne of England until the beginning of His Majesties happie raigne. 4to. Lond. 1 61 2 Discourse of the cause why Ireland was no sooner reduced to obedience to the Crown of England : in Ware's (Sir James) Antiqui- ties and History of Ireland, No. 5, 1705. The Original, Nature, and Immortality of the Soul : a poem. Third edition. i2mo. Lond. 17 15 Davies (Thomas). Dramatic Miscellanies ; consisting of critical obser- vations on several Plays of Shakespeare. New edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1785 Da VILA (Henrico Caterino). Historia delle Guerre Civili di Francia. [Vol. 2 missing.] 2 vols. fol. Venet. 1733 The History of the Civil Wars of France ; translated out of the Italian, [by Sir Charles Cottrell]. Second edition. Fol. Land. \t>-j% Davis (Sir John) : see Davles. Davis (John Francis). The Chinese: a general description of the Empire of China and its inhabitants. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 D'AviTY (Pierre). Le Monde, ou la Description Generale de ses quatre parties, avec tous ses empires, royaumes, estats et republiques. Seconde edition, par F. Ranchin. 5 vols. fol. Paris, 1643 lere partie. Asie. 2de „ Afrique. )i„i^oi. 3me „ Amenque. J 4rae ,, Europe. 3 vols. Davy (Sir Humphry, Bart.) Researches, chemical and philosophical, chiefly concerning Nitrous Oxide or Dephlogisticated Nitrous Air and its Respiration. 8vo. Lond. 1800 Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. Fifth edition. 8vo. Ihid. 1836 Plates, Nos. i — 17. In 8vo case. Ibid. 1836 DAY — DED 115 Day (William) . The Racehorse in Training ; with hints on Racing and Racing Reforms. Second edition. 8vo. Loud. 1S80 D'AZEGLIO : v. AZEGLIO. Debates : see Parliament. De BOIGNE (Charles). Petits Memoires de 1' Opera. 8vo. Paris, iS^-j Debranz (Louis). La Paix de Villafranca et les Conferences de Zurich. 8vo. Part's, 1850 Debrett (John). The Peerage of England, Scotland, and Ireland ; with the Extinct and Forfeited Peerages of the three Kingdoms. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. W. Owen & y. Debrett, 1790 Genealogical Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland, by H. Collen. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Debates in Parliament, 1743 — 1801 ; see Parliament, 1792 — 1801. See also Parliamentary Register. De Bure (Guillaume Fran9ois). Bibliographie Instructive ou Traite de la Connoissance des Livres rares et singuliers. 7 vols, bound in 5. 8vo. Paris, 1763-8 Supplement, ou Catalogue des Livres du Cabinet de M. Louis Jean Gaignat, par Guill. Fran9ois de Bure, lejeune. 2 vols, in I. 8vo. Ibid. 1769 [De Cerdan, Jean Paul, Comte]. L'Europe Esclav6 si I'Angleterre ne rompt les Fers. i2mo. Col. 1677 [Bound with Veridicus GalUcus, 1671.] L'Empereur et I'Empire trahis, et par qui et comment. 1 2 mo. Ibid. 1680 [Two copies, one bound \\ith Veridicus Gallicus, 1671 ; the other with LisoLA. Le Politique du Temps, l6;i.] Dechales CClaude Fran9. Millet). L'Art de Naviger. 4to. Paris, ib-]-] Decker (P.) Chinese Architecture, civil and ornamental. [36 plates.] 2 parts, obi. Lond. 1759 Gothic Architecture decorated ; consisting of Temples, Banqueting, Summer and Green Houses, Gazebos, &c. [24 plates.] 2 parts, obi. Ibid. 1759 [Bound with Decker. Chinese Ajrchitecture.] Dedaux (M.) Chambre de Marie de M6dicis au Palais du Luxembourg : ou, Recueil dArabesques, Peintures et Ornements qui la d^corent ; dessine par Dedaux. Fol. Paris, iSt,B Q2 ii6 DEE — DEL Deering (C.) Catalogus Stirpium, &c. : or, a Catalogue of Plants natu- rally growing- and commonly cultivated in divers parts of England, more especially about Nottingham. 8vo. Nottingham, i-j^fi Nottinghamia Vetus et Nova : or, an historical account of the ancient and present state of the town of Nottingham. \_Dedicated to Thomas Holies, Duke of Newcastle^ 4to. Ibid, i-j^i [Two copies.] De Felice (M.) Encyclopedie, 1770-79, q.v. De Fer : V. Fer. Defferrari (T. B.) Selections of Classic Italian Poetry from the most celebrated works of Tasso, Ariosto, Dante, and Petrarch, for the use of Students in the Italian language. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1820 De Foe (Daniel). La Vie et les Avantures surprenantes de Robinson Crusoe ; le tout ecrit par lui-meme. Traduit de I'Anglois [par H. Cor- donnier de Saint Hyacinthe et J. van Effen]. Seconde Edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Amst. 1721 The History of the Union between England and Scotland. 4to. Lond. 1786 De Forster : v. Forster. [De la Brune, Jean]. La Vie de Charles V, Due de Lorraine et de Bar. Seconde edition. i2mo. Amst. 1681 Relation de la Campagne d'Irlande en 1 691, sous le commandement de M. le General de Ginkel. i2mo. Ihid. 1693 [Bound mth JlAY (T.) Hist. Pari. Angl. Brev. i6Sl.] De la Force : v. Force. De la Fouleresse : v. Foltleresse. De la Londe (M.) Parallfele de I'Arithmetique Vulgare, et d'une autre inventee par Mons. De la Londe. Seconde Edition, par L. Gougeon. 1 2 mo. Liege, 1695 Delaney (Mrs.) : see Granville (Mary), i86i. [Delaney, Patrick]. Observations upon Lord Orrery's Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift. 8vo. Lond. i-]^^ [Written under the signature J. R.] Delecluze (E. J.) Louis David, son ecole et son temps. 8vo. Paris, 1855 DEL — DEM 1 1 7 Delepierre (Octave). Macaron6ana Andra, overum Nouveaux Melanges de litterature ]Macaronique. [L. P.] 8vo. Lond. iZt2 [Tire a 250 excmplaires settlement.] Delessert (Benjamin). Recueil de Coquilles, d6crites par Lamarck dans son Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vert^bres, et non encore figur^es ; publi6 par M. Benj. Delessert. [Figures coloriees.] Public en 4 livr., fol. Paris, 1841 De Liaxcourt ; v. Liaxcourt. Delille (Jacques). L' Homme des Champs, ou les G^orgiques Fran9oises. 4to. Strasbourg, an X. (1802) Delpech (F. S., et Madame) : v. Celebrites Contemporaixes, 1842. ICONOGRAPHIE DES CONTEMPORAINES, 1 83 2. ICONOGRAPHIE FRAJM- 9AISE, 1840. De Maistre : V. Maistre. Dejiidoff (Anatole de). Voyage dans la Russie IMeridionale et la Crim6e, par la Hongrie, la Valachie, et la Moldavie, execute en 1837 sous la direction de M. A. de D^midofF. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1840-2 I. Histoire du Voyage, par MM. A. Demidoff, De Sainson, et Du Ponceau. II. — IV. Obser\-ations Scientifiques [Geologie, Mineralofpe, Botanique, Zoologie, &c.] par MM. Le Play, Iluot, Leveille, Rousseau et Nordmarm. [Vol. 2, part I, missing.] Album du Voyage, dessin^ d'aprfes nature et lithographic par Raffet. Fol. Ibid. 1839 Atlas d'Histoire Naturelle, Cartes, &c. Fol. Ibid. 1842 — Travels in Southern Russia and the Crimea ; through Hungary, Wallachia, and Moldavia, diu-ing the year 1837. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1853 — Voyage Pittoresque et ArchCologique en Russie, exCcutC en 1839 sous la direction de M. Anatole de Demidoff; dessins faits d'aprfes nature et lithographies par AndrC Durand. Album, livr. i — 4. [No text published.] Fol. Ibid. iS^o ct ann. seqq. Democritus Junior : 5^e Burton (Robert), 1638. 1827. Demosthenes, .^schines in Ctesiphontem, et Demosthenes de Coron4 [Gr.] ; cum delectu annotationum preecipue a Taylero, Marklando, Reiskio. 8vo. Oxon. e typog. Clarciid. 1801 ii8 DEM— DEN Demosthenes. Demosthenis quae supersunt [Gr.], edidit Joannes Jacobus Reiske ; Latine vertit Hieronymus Wolfius. Editio correctior curante Godofredo Henrico Schaefero. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822-6 Apparatus criticus et exegeticus. [Vols. 4 — 6.] 3 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1824-26 Indices. [Vol. 7.] 8vo. Ibid. 1823 Orations pronounced to excite the Athenians against Philip, King of Macedon ; translated by Thomas Leland, D.D. New edition. 2 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1 8 19 The Oration of Demosthenes upon the Crown, translated into English, with notes, and the Greek text, by Henry, Lord Brougham. 8vo. Ibid. 1840 Review of Lord Brougham's Translation of, by George BURGES, 1 840, q. V. De Mouhy (M. le Chev.) Tablettes Dramatiques, contenant I'abr^g^ de I'Histoire du Theatre Fran9ois, r6tablissement des Theatres a Paris, un dictionnaire des pieces, &c. i2mo. Paris, i-j^z Denhaji (Sir John). Poems and Translations ; with the Sophy, a tragedy. Fifth edition. 8vo. Loud. 1709 Denina (Carlo). Delle Rivoluzioni d' Italia libri venticinque. [Vol. 5 missing.] 5 vols. Svo. Firenze, 1820 Denison (Edward). Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. Svo. Oxf. 1836 Denmark. Lettre k Monsieur le Marquis de L. C, sur ce qui s'est passe dans I'affaire de I'empoisonnement arrive a la Cour de Dannemark, le 27 Mars, 1699. i2mo. Cologne [1699] [Bound with Cornaro (Louis), 1703.] Atlas of Denmark, C. Wessel og H. Shanke, &:c. Fol. Aar, 1777 — 1806 Dennis (George) . The Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S48 Dennis (J.) The Landscape Gardener : comprising the history and prin- ciples of tasteful Horticulture. Svo. Lond. 18^5 Dennistoun (James). Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, illustrating the arms, arts, and the literature of Italy, from 1440 to 1630. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1851 Memoirs of Sir Robert Strange, Engraver, and of his Brother-in- law, Andrew Lumisden, Private Secretary to the Stuart Princes, and author of "The Antiquities of Rome." 2 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1855 DEN — DES 119 Denon (Le Baron Vivant). Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte, pendant les Campagnes du G6n^ral Bonaparte. [Pap. Vel.] 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1802 [Two copies.] Monuments des Arts du Dessin chez les peuples, tant anciens que modemes, recueillis par le Baron Vivant Denon, pour ser\dr a I'his- toire des Arts ; decrits et expliqu^s par M. Amaury Duval. 4 vols, in 8 pts. Fol. Ibid. 1829 De NORVINS : V. NORVINS. Dent (C. T.) Mountaineering. With contributions by W. M. Conway, D. W. Freshfield, C. E. Mathews, C. Pilkington, Sir F. Pollock, H. G. Willink, and an introduction by Mr. Justice Wills. (Badminton Librarj'.) 8vo. Loud. 1892 D'EON (Le Chevalier). Lettres, M^moires et N^gociations particuli^res du Chevalier D'Eon, IMinistre Plenipotentiaire de France auprfes du Roi de la Grande Bretagne. 4to. Loud. \-]b:^ De Piossens : v. Piossens. De Quincy (Le Marquis). Histoire IMilitaire de Louis le Grand, Roy de France; avec un trait6 particulier de pratiques et de maximes de I'Art Militaire. 7 vols. 4to. Paris, 1726 Des Accords (Le Seign.) : i. e. Etienne Tabourot, q. v. D£saugiers (Marc Antoine Madeleine). Chansons et Poesies. iSmo. Paris, 1848 De Saxjlcy : V. Saulcy. Desbordes-VaI-MORE (Madame). Poesies ; avec une notice par M. Sainte-Beuve. 8vo. Paris, 1842 Descamps (J. B.) La Vie des Peintres Flamands, AUemands et Hol- landois, avec des portraits. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1753-64 Descartes (Rene). Specimina Philosophic : seu, dissertatio de methodo rect^ regendae rationis et veritatis in scientiis investigandse. Ex Gallico translata. 4to. Amst. 1656 Passiones Animae ; Lat. donatae ab H. D. M. 4to. Ibid. 1656 [Bound with Descartes. Spec. Philos.] Copie d'une lettre, pour montrer : I. Que le syst^me de RL Descartes, et son opinion touchant les bestes, n'ont rien de dangereux. II. Et que tout ce qu'il en a 6crit semble estretir6 du premier chap, de la Gen^se. Par A. P. D. L. F. i2mo. Paris, 1668 [Bound with Fontenelle. Plurality des Mondes, 1686.] I20 DES — DIB De Sevigne (Marie de Rabutin-Charital, Madame). Lettres ; avec notes. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1 843 Desgodetz (Antoine). Les Edifices Antiques de Rome; publi6s par George INIarshall, Architecte. [Texte Angl. et Fran9.] Vol. 2 missing. 2 vols. fol. Land. 177 1-5 Les Edifices Antiques de Rome, mesures et dessines trfes exacte- ment. Fol. [bound in 2 vols.] Ro7iia, 1822 Des Hayes : v. Hayes. Desormeaux (Jos. L. Ripault). Histoire de la INIaison de Montmorencie. [Vol. 2 missing.] 5 vols. 8vo. Parts, 1764 [De Straatman, Henri]. Testament Politique de Charles, Due de Lorraine et de Bar, depose entre les mains de I'Empereur L6opold, a Presbourg, le 29 Nov. 1687, en faveur du Roy d'Hongrie. i2mo. Lipsic, [1687] [Bound with Schleswig. Factum pour S. A. S. le Due, 1677.] Another edition. i2mo. \_Paris, \t:)(i\ De Villars .- v. Villars. D'E^VES (Sir Simonds). A Compleat Journal of the Votes, Speeches and Debates, both of the House of Lords and House of Commons, through- out the whole reign of Queen Elizabeth of glorious memory. Second edition. Fol. Lond. 1693 Dezallier d'Argenville : v. Argenville. D'Hakjmonville (A. L.) Dictionnaire des Dates, 1842-3, q. v. DiBDiN (Rev. Thomas Frognall, D.D.) Bibliotheca Spenceriana : or, a descriptive Catalogue of the books printed in the fifteenth century, and of many valuable first editions, in the Library of Earl Spencer. [L. p.] 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 18 14-15 Supplement. [L. P.] 8vo. Ibid. 1822 .^des Althorpianae : or, an Account of the Mansions, Books, and Pictures at Al thorp. [L. P.] 8vo. Ibid. 1S2 2 The Library Companion : or, the Young Man's Guide and the Old Man's Comfort in the choice of a Library. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1825 An Introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin Classics ; with an account of Polyglot Bibles, Hebrew Bibles, Greek Bibles and Testaments, and the Greek and Latin Fathers. Fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1827 Die— DID 121 DicclONARio DE LA Lengua Castellaxa, por la Acadeiiiia Espauola : V. Spaxish Language. DiCETO (Radulphus de) : v. Gale, Hist. Brit. Script., vol. i. Dicey (Edward). Rome in 1 860. 8vo. Cainhr. \%b\ Dickens (Charles). Sketches by Boz : illustrative of Every-day Life and Every-day People. Second edition. 2 vols, in i. 8vo. Loud. 1836 Second series. 8vo. Ibid. 1837 Pictures from Italy. Second edition. 8vo. Ibid, i^^^b — Household Words, a Weekly Journal. Vols, i — 19 (bound in 10). March, 1850, to May, 1859. 8vo. Ibid. 1850-59 — Household Narrative of Current Events. 5 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1850-54 Charles Dickens by pen and pencil, by Fred. G. KiTTON, 1890-2, q. V. Dickinson (William). Antiquities, historical, architectural, &c., in Nottinghamshire, and the adjacent counties ; interspersed with bio- graphical sketches. Vol. I. [History of Southwell.] 4to. Newark, 1801 [No more published.] Dickson (R. W.) Practical Agriculture : or, a complete system of Modem Husbandry. New edition. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1807 Dictionary of National Biography : see Biography, 1885-92. DiCTIONNAIRE DE L'ACADEillE FR^VNgAISE : V. FRENCH LANGUAGE, 1835-6. DiCTIONNAIRE DES DATES, des Faits, des Lieux et des Hommes Histo- riques, ou les Tables de I'Histoire. Public par une Soci^te de Savants et de Gens de Lettres, sous la direction de M. A. L. D'Harmonville. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1842-3 DiCTIONNAIRE DES DiCTlONNAiRES, ou Vocabulaire Universel de la Langue Fran9aise, 1837 : v. French Language, 1837. DiCTYS Cretensis et Dares Phrygius. Ditte Candiotto et Darete Frigio della Guerra Troiana, tradotti per Thomaso Porcacchi da Castiglione Arretino. 4to. Vineiia, i^-jo DiDiER (Eugene L.) The Life and Letters of Madame Bonaparte. 8vo. Lond. 1879 R 122 DIG— DIO DiGBY (Sir Kenelm). Private Memoirs of Sir Kenelm Digby, Gentleman of the Bed-chamber to King Charles I., written by himself; now first published from the original manuscript, with an introductory Memoir [by Sir Harris Nicolas]. 8vo. Lond. 182-] Dilettanti Society. Specimens of Antient Sculpture, Egyptian, Greek and Roman, selected from different sections in Great Britain. 2 vols, in 4 pts. Fol. Lond. 1809-35 The Unedited Antiquities of Attica : comprising the Architectural Remains of Eleusis, Rhamnus, Sunium and Thoricus, by the Society of Dilettanti. Fol. Ibid. 1817 Antiquities of Ionia, published by the Society of Dilettanti. 3 pts. [Part I, new edition.] Fol. Ibid. 1821, 1797, 1840 See also Chandler (Richard, D.D.), 1769, 1775. DiLKE (Sir Charles Wentworth, Bart.) Greater Britain : a record of travel in English-speaking countries, during 1866 and 1867. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1868 DiODORUS Siculus. Bibliothecae historicae libri quindecim de quadra- ginta ; decem ex his quindecim nunquam prius fuerunt editi. Fol. Heiir. Stcphanus, 1559 Historia overo Libraria Historica ; tradotta di Greco da M. Fran- cesco Baldelli. 2 vols. 4to. Vinegia, 1574-5 Diogenes. La Vie d'Aristippe ; ecrite en Grec, par Diog^ne, et mise en Fran9ois par M. Le Fevre ; avec notes et observations. i2mo. Paris, 1668 [Bound with Choisy. Hist, de David, 1692.] Dion Cassius. Dionis Romanarum historiarum libri XXIIL, a XXXVI. ad LVIII. usque. [Gr.] Ex Bibliotheca Regia. Fol. LuteticB, ex off. R. Stepha7ii, 1548 [This is the first edition of this Historian.] Historiae Romanae quae supersunt, cum annotationibus Jo. Alb. Fabricii paucis aliorum ; Graeca ex codd. mss. et fragmentis supplevit, emendavit Latinam versionem Xylandro-Leunclavianam limavit, varias lectiones, notas doctorum et suas cum apparatu et indicibus adjecit Harm. Sam. Reimarus. 2 vols. fol. Hamb. 1750-2 — Epitome della Historia Romana di Dione Niceo di XXV. Imper. Romani da Pompeo Magno fino ad Alessandro figliuolo di Mammea, tradotte per M. Francesco Baldelli. 4to. Venetia, 1584 DIO — DOD 123 DlOX Cassius. Dione Cassio Niceo Historico Greco, tradotto di Greco in Latino per Guglielmo Xilandro d' Augusta, e novamente nella nostra lingua ridotto per Francesco Baldelli. 4to. Veneiia, \-)&$ DIOXYSIUS Halicamassensis. Antiquitatum Romanarum libri X. Fol. Ltitctia;, ex off. Rob. Stephani, 1546 DIONYSIUS Periegetes. Guida per lo Mondo; volgarizzamento ed illus- trazione inediti di Francesco Negri, Veneziano. Col teste Greco, a riscontro. [Edited by Count Antonio Papadopoli]. 8vo. Vcnez. 1838 Disraeli (Rt. Hon. Benjamin, Lord Beaconsfield). Lord George Ben- tinck : a political biography. [Inscribed to Lord Henry Bentinck.] 8vo. Loud. 1852 [Another copy.] 8vo. Ihid. 1852 Eighth edition. 8vo. Ihid, 1872 The Revolutionary Epick. 8vo. Ibid. 1 864 Lothair. 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1870 On the Constitution. " WTiat is he ? " 1833, and "A Vindication of the English Constitution," 1835. Edited, with an anecdotal preface, by Francis Hitchman. 8vo. obi. Loud. Field & Tuer, [1884] The Rt. Hon. Benjamin Disraeli and his times : see EWALD (Alex. C), 1883. Disraeli (Isaac). Commentaries on the Life and Reign of Charles I., King of England. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1 85 1 Dixie (Lady Florence). Across Patagonia. 8vo. Loud. 1880 Dixon (\Villiam Hepworth). History of Two Queens. I. Catherine of Aragon. II. Anne Boleyn. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1873 DiziONARio DELLA LiXGUA Italiana, da Franc. Cardinali, Franc. Orioli, e Paolo Costa, 1819-26 : q. v. DOD (Charles R.) A Manual of Dignities, Privilege and Precedence ; including lists of the Great Public Functionaries from the Revolution to the present time. 8vo. Loud. i2,.\2 Electoral Facts, from 1832 to 1852. i2mo. Ibid. 1852 DODART (Denys). M6moires pour servir k riiistoire des Plantes. Fol. Paris, 1676 R 2 124 DOD — DOM DODERIDGE (Sir John). Magazine of Honour: see BiRX) (Dr. William), 1642. DODINGTON (George Bubb, Baron of Melcombe Regis). Diary from March 8, 1749, to Feb. 6, 1761. Published from his Lordship's original manuscripts, by Henry Penruddocke Wyndham. Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1809 DODSLEY (Robert). A select Collection of Old Plays. [Vol. 2 missing.] 12 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1744 Miscellanies. Trifles. 2 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1745 A Collection of Poems, by several hands. 6 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1765 DODWELL (Edward). A Classical and Topographical Tour through Greece, during the years 1801, 1805, and 1806. 2 vols. 4to. Lo7id. 18 iq Dogs. L'Education du Chien, par Adr. Leonard, 1842, q. v. Kennel Stud Book: see Vyner (R. T.), 1841. Management of: see Mayhew (Edward), 1854. Dogs of the British Islands: see Walsh (J. H.), 1878. Our Canine Companions, by J. W. Hill, 1891 ; q.v. See also Kennel Club, 1874. DOLGOROUKY (Prince Paul). A Hand-book of the Principal Families in Russia ; originally written in French, translated into English by F. Z. Svo. Lond. 1 85 8 DOMAT (Jean). The Civil Law in its natural order; together with the Publick Law. Translated from the French by William Strahan. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1722 [Domesday Book : seu, Liber Censualis Wilhelmi primi regis Angliae, inter archivos regni in domo capitulari Westmonasterii asservatus. Edited by A. Farley.] 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1783 [The two volumes of Domesday-Book were printed by command of K. George III. in consequence of an Address of the House of Lords.] Domesday : or, an actual Survey of South Britain by the Com- missioners of William the Conqueror, completed in the year 10S6; translated, with an introduction, notes and illustrations by Samuel Henshall and John Wilkinson. Pt. i. Counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey. 4to. Ibid. 1799 DON — DOY 125 Donne (John, D.D., Dean of St. Paul's). Letters to severall Persons of Honour. 4to. Loud. 1651 Poems, &c., with Elegies on the Author's Death. 8vo. Ibid. 1669 DONNEGAN (James, D.D.) New Greek and English Lexicon. Second edition. 8vo. Loud. 1831 DORAN (John, LL.D.) " Their Majesties' Servants : " Annals of the English Stage, from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1864 "Mann" and Manners at the Court of Florence, 1740-86 ; founded on the Letters of Horace J\Iann to Horace Walpole. 2 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1876 D'Orleans : V. Orleans. D'OSTERVALD (J. F.) Voyage Pittoresque en Sicile. [L. P.] 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1822-6 DOUBDAN (J.) Le Voyage de la Terre-Sainte : contenant une veritable description des lieux plus considerables que Nostra Seigneur a sanctifie de sa presence, predications, miracles et souffrances. Seconde Edition. 4to. Paris, 1661 DouCE (Francis). Illustrations of Shakespeare, and of ancient manners ; with dissertations on the Clowns and Fools of Shakespeare, on the English Morris Dance, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1807 Douglass (William). A Summary, historical and political, of the first planting, progressive improvements and present state of the British Settlements in North America. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, printed; London, reprinted, 1755 Dow (Alexander). The History of Hindostan, from the earliest account of time to the complete settlement of the Empire under Aurungzebe. 3 vols. 4to. Land. 1768-72 DoYLE (James E.) A Chronicle of England, B.C. 55 — a.d. 1485. 4to. Lond. 1864 DOYLE (John), Painter and Caricaturist, born 1797, died 1868; he pro- duced the Series of Political Sketches known popularly as the Caricatures of H. B. : see H. B.'s Political Sketches. 126 DOY — DRE Doyle (Richard). Manners and Customs of ye Englyshe, drawn from ye quick by Rychard Doyle ; to which be added some extracts from Mr. Pips hys Diary, contrybuted by Percival Leigh. 4to. Lond. 1849 The Foreign Tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones, and Robinson ; being the history of what they saw, and did, in Belgium, Germany, Switzer- land and Italy. 4to. Ibid. 1854 D'Oyly (Rev. G.) and the Rev. R. Mant. Holy Bible : see BiBLIA Sacra, 1818. Drake (Sir Francis). Voyage in 1595 : see Hakluyt Society Publica- tions, No. 4. Drake (Nathan). Shakspeare and his times. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. i^i"] DRAiiATiSTS. Songs from the Dramatists, edited by Robert Bell. i2mo. Lond. 1854 Drawings. Drawings by the Italian Masters, reproduced by the Auto- type process from the originals in the collection in the British Museum; with critical notes, by J. Comyns Carr. Fol. Lond. 1877 See also Paintings. Pictures. Drayson (Capt. Alfred W.) Sporting Scenes among the Kaffirs of South Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1858 Dray'TON (]\Iichael). Works ; with an historical essay on his life and writings. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1753 Dreghorn (Lord) : see jMaclaurin (John, Lord Dreghom). Drelincourt (Charles). Traitte des Justes Causes de la Separation des Protestans d'avec I'Eglise Romaine. 4to. /'am, 1649 Dresden. Recueil d'Estampes d'apres les plus cel^bres Tableaux de la Galerie Royale de Dresde; contenant 100 pieces, avec descriptions en Fran9ois, en Italien. 2 vols. fol. Dresde, 1753-7 [Fine impression of the plates, 2 ft. S3 in. by 183 in.] Another copy, [inferior.] 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 1753-7 I — Neues Sach- und Ortsverzeichniss der koniglich Sachsischen Gemalde-Gallerie zu Dresden. 8vo. Dresden, 182b DRE — DRY 127 Dresden. Dresden Gallery. Die vorziiglichsten Gemalde der koniglichen Galerie in Dresden nach den Originalen auf Stein gezeichnet : heraus- gegeben von Franz Hanfstaengl. [Text in French and German. Plates on India Paper.] Parts i — 60. Fol. ZJrc^t/^;?, 1836-48 Royal Dresden Gallery : see Pa\"ne (A. H.) The Green Vaults, Dresden : Illustrations of the choicest works in that Museum of Art: see Gruner (Lewis), 1862. Drift (Adrian). A State of the Proceedings in the House of Commons with relation to the Impeached Lords, and what happened thereupon between the two Houses ; with the Tryal of the Earl of Oxford. Fol. s. I. et a. [A Collection of papers and extracts from various sources, mounted and arranged, and presented by A. Drift to Edward, Lord Harley.] Drummond (Alexander). Travels through different Cities of Germany, Italy, Greece, and several parts of Asia, as far as the banks of the Euphrates. Fol. Loud. 1754 Drummond (Henry). History of Noble British Families, with bio- graphical notices of the most distinguished individuals in each. Vols. I and 2. Fol. Land. 1846 Vol. I. — Ashbumham. Vol. 2. — Perceval. Arden. Dunbar. Compton. Hume. CecU. Dundas. Harley. Drummond. Bruce. Neville. Drury (Dm). Illustrations of Exotic Entomology; containing upwards of six hundred and fifty figures and descriptions of Foreign Insects, interspersed with remarks and reflections on their nature and pro- perties. New edition, by J. O. Westwood. 3 vols. 4to. Loud. 1837 Dryden (John). Comedies, Tragedies and Operas ; now first collected. 2 vols. fol. Loud. 1701 Dramatick AVorks. [Vols, i, 2, 6, missing.] 6 vols. i2mo. Lbid. 17 17 The First Part of Miscellany Poems ; containing variety of new translations of the ancient Poets, with several original poems. Fifth edition. \_Dedtcated to Llis Grace the Diike of Navcastle.'] Vols. 2 — 6 missing. 6 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 1727 128 DRY — DUB Dryden (John). Critical and IMiscellaneous Prose Works; now first collected, with notes and illustrations, with an account of the life and writings of the author, by Edmond Malone. 3 vols, [in 4.] 8vo. Land. 1800 Works ; now first collected, illustrated with notes, and a life of the author, by Walter Scott. 1 8 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1 808 Poetical Works. With a life of Dryden, by the Rev. John Mitford. (Aldine Poets, vols. 21 — 25.) 5 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 1843-4 Poetical Works, with notes by the Rev. Joseph Warton, D.D., the Rev. John Warton, and others. 8vo. Ibid. 1 85 1 Poetical Works, edited by Robert Bell. 3 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 1854 Miscellaneous Works, containing original poems, tales and trans- lations. {Dedicated by S. Derrick to His Grace the Duke of New- castle.'] 4 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1760 — Fables ancient and modern, translated into verse, fi-om Homer, Ovid, Boccace, and Chaucer ; with original poems. Fol. Ibid. 1700 — Selections from the Poetry of Dryden ; including his plays and translations. 8vo. Ibid. 1852 — Examen Poeticum : see Poems, 1693. DuBERLY (Mrs. Henry). Journal kept during the Russian War. 8vo. Lojid. 1855 Du Bois (Nic.) Histoire de I'emprisonnement de Charles IV., Due de Lorraine, detenu par les Espagnols dans le Chateau de Tol^de. i2mo. Cologne, 1688 [Bound with Laurens (Hon. du), Discours, 1593.] Dubois (Urbain). Artistic Cookery. A Practical System suited for the use of the Nobility and Gentry, and for public entertainments. With eighty engraved plates. 4to. Lond. \?>-]o Du BOISSON, Baron de Granas : v. Tabourot (Et.), 1608. Du Bos (L'Abbe J. B.) Reflexions critiques sur la Poesie et sur la Peinture. Sixieme edition. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, x^^s See also Bavaria, i 704. Du BOUCHET : V. BOUCHET. DUC — DUD 129 Du Casse (A.) Memoires et Correspondance Politique et ^lilitaire du Roi Joseph ; publies, annotes et mis en ordre par A. Du Casse. [Tomes i et 2, Deuxifeme edition.] 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1855-4 Histoire des Negociations Diplomatiqucs relatives aux Traites de Mortfontaine, de Luneville et d' Amiens, pour faire suite au Memoires du Roi Joseph ; precedee de la Correspondance In^dite de I'Empereur Napoleon I"'' avec le Cardinal Fesch. 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1855 Precis historique des Operations Militaires en Orient, de Mars 1854 a Septembre, 1855. 8vo. Ibid. 1856 Du Castel (Jacques). Voyages de jSIons. de Bre\TES, 1630, q.v. Du Chaillu (Paul B.) Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1861 Du Chain'TREAU (Lannel, Sieur). Histoire de D. Jean, deuxiesme Roy deCastille; recueillie de divers autheurs. 8vo. Paris, 1622 DUCHESKE (Andreas). Histoire Generals d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse, et d'Irlande. Fol. Paris, 16 14 Historiae Normannorum Scriptores Antiqui, res ab illis per Galliam, Angliam, Siciliam, etc. gestas explicantes, ab anno Christi 838 ad annum 1220. Insertae sunt monasteriorum fundationes variae, series episcoporum ac abbatum ; genealogiae regum, ducum, comitum et nobilium ; ex MSS. codd. omnia fere nunc primum edidit Andreas Duchesnius. Fol. Ibid. 161Q Du Choul : V. Choul. Duck (Stephen). Poems on several occasions. 4to. Lond. \-]ib Du Cros (Simon). Lettre de Mons. Du Cros h. Mylord * * * * ^ afin de ser\'ir de r^ponse aux impostures de Mons. le Chev. Temple, cy-devant Ambassadeur d'Angleterre k la Haye et k Nimfegue. i2mo. Cologne, 1693 [Bound with Rome. Conjectures Politiques, 1700.] [DUDEVANT, Mad. Armandine L. A., nee Dupin]. Lettres d'un Voyageur, par Georges Sand. (Tome 9, (Euvres.) Svo. Paris, 1 843 [ ] La Mare au Diable. 2 vols, in i. 8vo. Ibid. 1846 [ ] La Mare au Diable; suivie de Fanchette. i2mo. Briix. 1846 [ ] Fran9ois le Champi. i2mo. Ibid. iSj^S [Bound with the preceding book.] I30 DUD — DUG [DUDEVANT, Mad. Armandine L. A., nee Dupin.] Consuelo. 4 vols, in 2. 8vo. Paris, 1845 [ ] Mont-Reveche. 2 vols. i2mo. Brux. 1853 [ ] Histoire de ma Vie, par Georges Sand. 20 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1 854-5 [Madame Dudevant ecrit sous le nom de Georges Sand] . Dudley (John William Ward, Earl of). Letters to the Bishop of LlandafF. 8vo. Lond. 1840 Duff (Alexander, D.D.) The True Nobility : Sketches of the Life and Character of Lord Haddo, Fifth Earl of Aberdeen, and of his son, the Hon. J. H. H. Gordon. Svo. Lond. 1868 Duff (Mountstuart E. Grant). Elgin Speeches. 8vo. Ediiib. i2i-]i DUFFERIN (Sir Frederick Temple Hamilton Temple Blackwood, Lord). Letters from High Latitudes ; being some account of a Voyage in the Schooner Yacht "Foam," 85 O. ]\I., to Iceland, Jan IMayen, and Spitzbergen, in 1856. 8vo. Lond. 1857 Duffy (Charles Gavan). The Ballad Poetry of Ireland, edited by Charles Gavan Duffy. Fifth edition. i2mo. Duhl. 1845 Dufief (N. G.) Nature displayed in her mode of teaching Language to Man : being a new and infallible method of acquiring languages with unparalleled rapidity ; adapted to the French. Thirteenth edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1833 A universal pronouncing, and critical French-English Dictionary. 8vo. Ibid. 1833 DuGDALE (Sir William). Monasticon Anglicanum, sive PandectEe Cce- nobiorum Benedictinorum, Cluniacensium, Cisterciensium, Carthusi- anorum, a primordiis ad eorum usque dissolutionem, per Rogerum Dodsworth et Gulielmum Dugdale. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1655 — 1673 jMonasticon Anglicanum ; a history of the Abbies and other Monasteries, Hospitals, Frieries, and Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, with their dependences in England and Wales. New edition by John Caley, Henry Ellis, and the Rev. Bulkeley Bandinel. [L. P. cojjy, with proof plates.] 9 vols, in 17 pts. Fol. Ibid. 1817-30 — The History of Ancient Abbeys, Monasteries, Hospitals, Cathedral and Collegiate Churches ; being two additional volumes to Sir William Dugdale's JMonasticon Anglicanum, by Capt. John Stevens. 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 1722-3 DUG — DUH 131 DUGDALE (Sir William). The History of St. Paul's Cathedral in London, from its foundation. Fol. Loud. 1658 The History of St. Paul's Cathedral in London, from its foundation ; with a continuation and additions, including the republication of Sir William Dugdale's Life, from his own manuscript, by Henry Ellis. [L. P., with proof plates.] Bound in 2 vols. Fol. Ibid. 18 18 The Antiquities of Warwickshire illustrated ; from records, leiger books, manuscripts, charters, evidences, tombes, and armes. Fol. Ibid. 1656 Second edition, augmented and continued by William Thomas, D.D. 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 1730 Origines Juridiciales : or, historical Memorials of the English Laws, Courts of Justice, Forms of Tryal, Punishment in Cases Criminal, Grants and Settlements of Estate, Law Writers, Law Books, Degree of Serjeant, Inns of Court and Chancery ; also a Chronologie of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal, Lords Treasurers, Justices of the King's Bench and Common Pleas, &c. Third edition. Fol. Ibid. 1680 The Baronage of England : or, an historical Account of the Lives and most memorable actions of our English Nobility in the Saxons time, to the Norman Conquest; and from thence, of those who had their rise before the end of K. Henry the Third's reign. 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 1675-6 The Antient Usage in bearing of such Ensigns of Honour as are commonly call'd Arms ; with a Catalogue of the present Nobility of England ; to which is added a Catalogue of the present Nobility of Scotland and Ireland, &c. 12 mo. Oxf. 1682 [This copy is mounted, and bound as a folio volume.] A perfect Copy of all Summons of the Nobility to the Great Councils and Parliaments of this Realm, from the 49th of King Henry III. until these present times. Fol. Lond. 1685 [ ] A short View of the late Troubles in England. Fol. Oxf. 1681 The History of Imbanking and Drayning of divers Fenns and Marshes, both in foreign parts and in this kingdom. Fol. Loud. 1662 Du Halde (Jean Baptiste), Description g^ographique, historique, chro- nologique, politique et physique de I'Empire de la Chine, et de la Tartaric Chinoise. 4 vols. 410. La Ilayc, 1736 S 2 132 DUH — DUM Du Hajiel (Le Comte). L'ltalie, I'Autriche et la Guerre. 8vo. Paris, 1859 DUHAMEL Dti jMoxxeau (Henri Louis). Traite des Arbres et Arbustes, qui se cultivent en France en pleine terre. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1755 Traite des Arbres et Arbustes que Ton cultive en pleine terre en Europe, et particuli^rement en France. 7 vols., in 15 parts. Fol. Ibtd. 1825 La Physique des Arbres, ou il est traite de I'anatomie des plantes et de r6conomie vegetale ; pour servir dTntroduction au Traite com- plet des Bois et des Forests. 2 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1758 Elemens de 1' Architecture Navale, ou traits pratique de la con- struction des VaisseauK. Seconde edition. 4to. Ibid. 1758 Des Semis et Plantations des Arbres, et leur culture. 4to. Ibid. 1760 Du transport, de la conservation, et de la force des Bois, ou I'on trouvera des moyens d'attendrir les Bois, de leur donner diverses courbures, surtout pour la construction des Vaisseaux. 4to. Ibid. 1767 Traite des Arbres Fruitiers (compose sur les memoires de Duhamel du Monceau et de son frfere, par Leberriays). 2 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1768 Nouvelle edition, augment^e d'un grand nombre d'esp^ces de Fruits, par A. Poiteau et P. J. F. Turpin. 6 vols, in 10 pts. Fol. Ibid. 1835 Traite de la Fabrique des Manoeuvres pour les Vaisseaux, ou I'art de la Corderie perfectionne. Seconde 6dition. 4to. Ibid. 1769 [DuiLLlER, Nicholas Fatio de]. Fruit-Walls improved by inclining them to the horizon : or, a way to build walls for Fruit Trees whereby they may receive more sunshine and heat than ordinary. By a Member of the Royal Society, [N. F. D.] 4to. Loud. 1699 Du Jarric (Pierre). L'histoire des choses plus memorables advenues tant ^s Indes Orientales, qu'autres pays de la descouverte des Portu- gais en I'establissement et progrez de la Foy Chrestienne et Catho- lique, depuis qu'ils y sont entrez jusques 1 600. 8vo. Valenchieime, 161 1 Dumas (Alexandre). Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1877 DUM i^^ [Dumas, HilaireJ. Ilistoire des cinq Propositions de Jansenius. 1 2 mo. Liege, 1699 Du May (Louis). Causes de la Guerre d'Hongarie, 1665 : v. Recueil, 1666. Du Mersan (Theophile Marion). Chansons Nationales et Populaires de la France. i8mo. Paris, \2,\-] DuilESNiL (A. P. F. Robert). Le Peintre-Graveur Fran9ais : ou, Catalogue Raisonne des Estampes gravees par les Peintres et les Dessinateurs de I'Ecole Fran9aise. Ou\Tage faisant suite au " Peintre-Graveur " de M. Bartsch. 7 vols, [in 4]. 8vo. Paris, 1835-44 See also V>P^T%Cii. (Adam), 1803-21. DUMESNIL (M. J. B. Gardin). Latin Synonyms ; translated from the French, by the Rev. J. ]\I. Gosset. Second edition. 8vo. Land. 1819 DUMONT (Jean). Batailles gagnees par le Ser^nissime Prince Fr. Eugfene de Savoye, depeintes et gravees en taille-douce par le S"" Jean Huch- tenburg, avec des explications historiques par M"' J. Du Mont. Fol. La Hay e, 1720 et Jean ROUSSET. Histoire Militaire du Prince Eugene de Savoye, du Prince et Due de Marlborough, et du Prince de Nassau-Frise ; ou I'on trouve un detail des principales actions de la derniere guerre, et des batailles et sieges commandez par ces trois generaux. [Vol missing.] 3 vols. fol. Ibid. 1729-47 J DuiiONT d'Urville (Jules Sebast. Cesar). Voyage de la Corvette " I'Astrolabe," execute par ordre du Roi pendant les ann6es 1826, 27, 28, 29, sous le commandement de Isl. J. Dumont d'Urville. 1 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1 830 et ami. suiv. Texte. Histoire du Voyage, redigee par J. S. C. Dumont d'Ur\iUe. 5 vols, in 10 pts. 8vo. 1830-4. Botanique, par MM. A. Lesson et A. Richard. 2 pts. 8vo. 1832-4. Zoologie, par MM. Quoy et Gaimard. Vols, i, pt. i, 2 in 2 pts., 3 in 2 pts., 4, 2 pts. in I. 8vo. 1830-4. Faune Entomologique dc I'Ocean Pacifiquc, par le Docteur Boisduval. 2 pts. 8vo. 1832-S. lire Partie. Lepidopteres. 2ine „ Coleopttres et autres ordres. Philologie, par J. S. C. Dumont d'Urville. 2 pts. 8vo. 1833-4. Observations Nautiques, Meteorologiques, Hydrographiqucs, et de Physique, I vol. in 4 pts. 4to. 1833-5. 134 DUM — DUN DUMONT d'Urville (Jules Sebast. C6sar). Voyage de la Corvette " I'Astrolabe," execute par ordre du Roi pendant les annees 1826, 27, 28, 29, sous le commandement de M. J. Dumont d'Urville — conftmied. Planches. Atlas Hydrographique. 45 planches. Fol. 1833. Atlas Historique, 243 planches. Fol. Atlas Zoologique, 198 planches. Fol. Atlas de Botanique, 78 planches. Fol. Entomologie, 12 planches. Fol. Voyage au Pole Sud et dans I'Oceanie, sur les Corvettes "L' Astro- labe " et " La Zelee," execute par ordre du Roi pendant les annees 1837, 8, 9, 40, sous le commandement de M. J. Dumont D'Urville, Capitaine. 23 vols. 8vo. Pan's, 1841-54 Texfe. Histou-e du Voyage. 10 vols. (Vol. 2, pt. 2, and vol. 3, missing.) 1841-6. Zoologie, par MM. Hombron et Jacquinot. 5 vols. 1846-54. Botanique, par MM. Hombron et Jacquinot. 1845-53. Anthropologic et Physiologic Humaine, par M. le Docteur Dumoutier. 1854. Geologic, Mineralogie et Geographic Physique du Voyage, par M. J. Grange. 2 parts. 184S-54. Physique, par MM. Vincendon-Dumoulin et Coupvent-Desbois. Vol. i. (No more published.) 1842. Hydrographie, par M. Vincendon-Dumoulin. 1843-51. Planches. Atlas Pittoresque. 2 vols. fol. 1846. Zoologie. 140 planches. Fol. 1842-53. Botanique. 66 planches. Fol. 1852. Anthropologic. 51 planches. Fol. 1842-7. Geologie. 13 planches. Fol. 1847. Hydrographie, par M. C. A. Vincendon-Dumoulin. 57 planches. Fol. 1847. Du Moulin (Pierre) . Decade de Sermons. 8vo. Sedan, ib^,"] Deuxiesme Decade de Sermons. 8vo. Queuilly, 1638 Duncan (Daniel) . Avis salutaire h. tout le monde contra I'abus des choses chaudes, et particuliferement du Cafe, du Chocolat, et du Th6. i2mo. Rotterdam, 1705 Duncan (Gulielmus). Clavis Homerica : sive. Lexicon Vocabulorum omnium quae in Homeri Iliade et potissima parte Odysseae con- tinentur. 8vo. Editib. 1831 DUNCOMBE (Thomas Slingsby). Life and Correspondence; edited by his son Thomas H. Duncombe. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. i868 DUN — DUP 135 DxnOJONALD (Thomas, Tenth Earl of). The Autobiography of a Seaman. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud, i860 DUNLOP (John). History of Roman Literature from its earliest period to the Augustan Age. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1824-7 DuNSFORD (Harris, jNI.D.) The Pathogenetic Effects of some of the principal Homoeopathic Remedies ; translated from the German, with introductory and practical observations. 8vo. Loud. 1838 Du Paz (Fr. Augustin). Histoire Genealogique de plusieurs Maisons lUustre de Bretagne. Fol. Paris, i6go DUPERREY (Louis Isid.) Voyage autour du Monde, execute par ordre du Roi sur la corvette "La Coquille," pendant les ann^es 1822-5. [Papier velin, epreuves doubles des planches.] Fol. Pan's, 1828 et ann. suiv. Zoologie. Li\T. I — 28. Botanique. Livr. I — 15. [No more issued.] Histoire du Voyage. \Jkx. \ — 15. Du Petit-Thouars (Abel). Voyage autour du Monde sur la fregate " La Venus " pendant les annees 1836-9. Publi6 par ordre du Roi par Abel Du Petit-Thouars, Capitaine de vaisseau. Paris, 1840-55 Relation Historique. Tomes I — 4. 8vo. 1840-3. Zoologie, i"e partie. 1855. Tome 5. Physique et Hydrographie, par U. de Tessan. Tomes 6 — 10. 1843-4. Atlas Pittoresque. Fol. 1841. Atlas de Botanique. Fol. 1846. Atlas de Zoologie. Fol. 1846. DuPlN (Le Baron Charles). Des Comices Agricoles, et en general des Institutions d' Agriculture. i2mo. Paris, 1849 Forces productives et commerciales de la France. 2 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1827 DUPLEIX (Scipion). Histoire de Henry III, Roy de France et de Pologne. Fol. Paris, 1650 — Histoire de Henry le Grand, IV du nom, Roy de France et de Navarre. Fol. Ibid. 1650 [Bound with Dupleix. Hist, de Hen. IH.] — Histoire de Louis le Juste, XIII du nom, Roy de France et de Navarre. Fol. Ibid. 1643 136 DUP — DUV Du Plessis-Marli : V. MORJSTAY (Philippe de), 1624. DUPPA (R.) The Life of Michel Angelo Buonarroti. Second edition. _ 4to. Land. 1807 Du Prat (Marquis). Histoire d'Elisabeth de Valois, Reine d'Espagne (1545-68). 8vo. Paris, 1859 [Du PuY, Pierre]. Histoire des plus illustres Favoris anciens et modernes, recueillie par Monsieur P. D. P. i2mo. Leyde, J. Elscv. 1660 Traitez touchant les Droits du Roy tres-Chrestien sur plusieurs estats et seigneuries possedees par divers Princes voisins. Nouvelle edition. Fol. Rouen, 1670 DURAND (Jean-Baptiste-Leonard). Voyage au Senegal. Avec figures et Atlas. [Figures et Atlas missing.] 4to. Paris, an 10 (1802) D'Urfe (Honore). Astrea : a Romance written in French by IMessire Honore D'Urfe, and translated by a Person of Quality. 2 vols. fol. Land. 1657 Durham (John George Lambton, Earl of). Speeches delivered at Public Meetings in Scotland in 1834. Eighth edition. 8vo. Loud. 1838 [Bound ^^^th WALSH (Sii- John). Chapters of Contemp. History.] Du RUAU (Florentin). Le Tableau de la Regence de Blanche Marie de Medicis, Royne M6re du Roy et du Royaume. 8vo. Poidiers, 1615 Du Sommerard (Alexandre) . Les Arts au Moyen Age. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838-46 Album. Series i — 10, bound in 5 vols. Fol. \Circa, 1838-46] Atlas, Chap, i — 28. Fol. s. I. et a. DussELDORF Gallery : .r^e Pictures, 1793. Du TiLLET (Les Fr^res). Recueil des Roys de France, leurs Couronne et Maison : ensemble, le Rengs des Grands de France, par Jean Du Tillet, Sieur de la Bussi^re ; plus une chronique abregee [des Rois de France] par Jean Du Tillet, Evesque de Meaux. Fol. Paris, 1580 Duval (Amaury) : v. Denon (Le Baron Vivant), 1829. Duval (P., d' Abbeville). L' Alphabet de la France, pour trouver sur les cartes geographiques toutes ses provinces, villes et autres places con- siderables. Seconde edition. i2mo. Paris, 1658 DYC — ECC 137 Dyce (Rev. Alexander). Remarks on Mr. ]. P. Collier's and ]\Ir. C. Knight's editions of Shakespeare. 8vo. Lo/id. 18^4 Some Account of the Lives and Writings of Beaumont and Fletcher, by A. D. 8vo. [w. E\VIN'G (Greville). Greek and English Lexicon ; originally a Scripture Lexicon, and now adapted to the Greek Classics. Third edition. 8vo. G/asgo7i', 1827 Exchequer. Liber Niger Scaccarii : jet Hearne (Thomas), 1771. Exhibition, 1851. Official Description and Illustrated Catalogue of the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations. 3 vols. 8vo. Lo7id. 1 85 1 Supplementar)^ Volume. 8vo. //vi/. [1852] New edition. 3 vols, bound in 5 pts. 8vo. Ibid. [1851] Supplementary Volume. Svo. //'/y. [1852] u 2 148 EXH — FAR • Exhibition, 1862. The International Exhibition of 1862. The Illustrated Catalogue of the Industrial Department. British Division. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. [1862] The Art Journal Illustrated Catalogue of the International Exhi- bition, 1862. Fol. Ibid. [1862] Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of Works of Art of the iMediaeval, Renaissance, and more recent Periods, on loan at the South Kensington Museum, June, 1862. Edited by J. C. Robinson. 8vo. Ibid. 1863 Facciolatus (Jacobus). Totius Latinitatis Lexicon : vide FoRCELLlNUS (^gid.), 1805. Fairholt (F. W.) Miscellanea Graphica : representations of ancient, mediaeval, and renaissance remains in the possession of Lord Londes- borough ; drawn, engraved, and described by F. W. Fairholt, the historical introduction by Thomas Wright, F.S.A. 4to. Loud. 1857 Faithhorn (John, M.D.) Facts and Observations on Liver Complaints, and Bilious Diseases in general. Fifth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1823 Falconer (William, M.D.) An Essay on the Bath Waters. 8vo. Lond. 1770 Falconer (William). New Universal Dictionary of Marine ; with a Vocabulary of French Sea Phrases, &c., modernized and enlarged by AVm. Burney, LL.D. 4to. Lond. 18 15 Poetical Works. With a life of Falconer, by the Rev. John Mitford. (Aldine Poets, vol. 37.) i2mo. Ibid. 1836 Falconry : see Chace, La, 1560. Falkener (Edward). Daedalus : or, the causes and principles of the Excellence of Greek Sculpture. 8vo. Loud. 1B60 Fallersleben (Hoffmann von). Unpolitische Lieder. 2 vols, in I. 8vo. Hamburg, 1840-2 Politische Gedichte aus der deutschen Vorzeit. 8vo. Leipz. 1843 FARCES: Jiffi Inchbald (Elizab.), 1815. Farini (Luigi Carlo). Lo Stato Romano, dall' anno 1815 al 1850. Seconda edizione. 4 vols. 8vo. Firenze, 1850 FAR — FEL 149 Farini (Luigi Carlo). Lo Stato Romano, dall' anno 18 15 al 1850 ; trans- lated from the Italian, by the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. 4 vols. Svo. Land. 185 1-4 Farm (The), Book of: see Stephens (Henry), 1871. Farm Reports : or. Accounts of the Management of Select Farms : see Flanders, 1833. Farmer's Magazine: see British Farmer's Magazine, 1840. Farjiing. British Husbandry: see Burke (J. F.), 1834-7. Farrar (Frederic W., D.D.) The Life of Christ. Ninth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Land, [circa 1870] Fauchet (Claude). L'Origine des Dignitez et Magistrats de France. i2mo. s. I. 1584 [Bound with Laurens (Hon. du). Discours, 1593.] Origines des Chevaliers, Armories et Heraux. Seconde Edition. 1 2 mo. Paris, 1606 [Bound \ritli Laurexs (Hon. du). Discours, 1593.] " Favorite, La," Voyage de, autour du monde, 1839 : v. Laplace (C. P. T.) Faye : V. La Faye. Febure (N. le). Discours sur le Grand Cordial de S"" Walter Rawleigh. i2mo. Lo7id. 1665 FECIALIS GaLLUS : V. FRANCE, 1 689. Felibien (Andre) : v. Cabinet du Roi, 1677, 1679. Felibien (Jean Fran9ois). Des Principes de I'Architecture, de la Sculp- ture, de la Peinture, et des autres Arts qui en dependent ; avec un Dictionnaire des Termes propres a chacun de ces Arts. Seconde Edition. • 4to. Paris, 1690 Recueil Historique de la Vie et des Ouvrages des plus c615bres Architectes. Seconde edition. 4to. Ibid. 1696 Felice : v. De Felice. Felkjn (Mrs. R. W.) EMrN Pasha in Central Africa, 1888, ^. f. Fellows (Charles). A Journal written during an Excursion in Asia INlinor, 1838. 8vo. Land. 1839 An Account of Discoveries in Lycia ; being a journal kept during a second excursion in Asia ]\Iinor, 1840. Svo. Ibid. 1841 I50 FEN — FER Fenelox (Francois de Salignac de La Mothe, Archeveque de Cambrai). The Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses ; translated from the French, by John Hawkesworth, LL.D. 4to. Land. 1768 Le A\'^^enture di Telemaco. 2 vols. 8vo. Vcnez. 1768 Awenture di Telemacus. Invenzioni : v. Pestelli (B.), 1828. Fexx (Charles). Compendium of the English and Foreign Funds, &c. Third edition. i2mo. Lond. 1840 Fenn (John). Original Letters written during the Reigns of Henry VL, Edward IV., and Richard III., by various persons of rank or conse- quence. [Vols. I and 2, second edition.] 4 vols. 4to. Loud. 1787-9 Fenton (Elijah). Oxford and Cambridge Miscellany Poems. 8vo. Lond. \circa 1723] Fenton (Roger). Photographs of the Seat of War in the Crimea, taken in the spring and summer of 1855. Incidents of Camp Life Series, pts. i — 10. Portrait Series, pts. i — 5. Landscape Series, pts. i — 10. Fol. Manchesfer, 1856 Panorama of the Plateau of Sebastopol, photographed in the Crimea during the spring and summer of 1855. Fol. Ibid. 1856 Panorama of the Plains of Balaklava and Valley of Inkermann, photographed during the spring and summer of 1855. Fol. I3id. 1856 Fer (Nicolas de). Les Forces de I'Europe, ou description des principales villes, avec leurs fortifications. Obi. 4to. Paris, 1694 Ferentilli (Agostino). Discorso universale, nel quale discorrendosi per le sei eta & le quattro monarchic, si raccontano tutte 1' historie, & 1' origine di tutti gl' imperii, regni, nationi, &:c. sino all' anno 1569. 4to. Vinegia, 1578 Fergusson (James). The Palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis restored ; an essay on ancient Assyrian and Persian architecture. 8vo. Loud. 1 85 1 History of the Modern Styles of Architecture, being a sequel to the " Handbook of Architecture." 8vo. Ibid. 1862 Fergusson (John). A Dictionary of the Hindostan Language. 4to. Lond. i"/"]^ FER — FIE 151 Ferrar^v (Duchess of). Some Memorials of Rene of France, Duchess of Ferrara. By I. M. B. 8vo. Land. 1859 Ferrario (Dottore Giulio). Storia ed Analisi degli Antichi Romanzi di Cavalleria e dei Poemi Romanzeschi d' Italia, con bibliografia. 4 vols. 8 vo. Milaiio, 1828-9 Ferriol (M. de). Recueil de cent Estampes repr^sentant diflF6rentes Nations du Levant: v. Le Hay (M. de), 17 14-15. Festa : V. Festival. Festival. Liber Festivalis. Quatuor Sermones. [The last leaf is wanting.] 8vo. Lofid. per Rich. Pynson, i^()q Feuillet (Octave). La Petite Comtesse. 8vo. Pun's, 185-] Scenes et ComMies. Nouvelle 6dition. Svo. I5td. 1857 Scenes et Proverbes. Dixi^me Edition. Svo. /6zd. 1857 FEUQUltRE (Isaac de Pas, Marq. de) : v. BRANDENBURG, 1674. Fezensac (Due de). Souvenirs Rlilitaires de 1804 k 1814. 8vo. Pan's, 1863 FlDDES (Richard, D.D.) The Life of Cardinal Wolsey. Fol. Lond. 1-^24 Field (Barron). An Analysis of Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England. Second edition. 8vo. Lojid. i8i-j Field (The), the Farm, the Garden : the Country Gentleman's Newspaper, Jan. 1858 — Dec. 187 1. Bound in 28 vols. fol. Loud. 1858-71 [This paper was first established in 1853.] Fielding (Henry). Works ; with a life of the author, by Arthur iMurphy. Third edition. 12 vols. i2mo. Loud. 1766 Works ; with an essay on his life and genius, by Arthur Murphy. [Vols. 4 and 5 missing.] 14 vols. 12 mo. Ibid. 1808 The History of Tom Jones, a foundling. 3 vols. 8vo. Ediiib. 1791 Fielding (T. H.) Synopsis of Practical Perspective, lineal and aerial. Second edition. 8vo. Loud. 1836 Plates, in Svo case. The Theory of Painting ; to which is added an index of mixed tints, and an introduction to painting in water colours. Second edition. Svo. Ibid. 1S36 [Bound with FlFXDlNG. Practical Perspective.] 152 FIE — FIT Fielding (T. H.) On Painting in Oil and Water Colours, for Landscapes and Portraits ; including the best methods of cleaning and repairing old paintings, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1839 FlGTJEROA (Garcia de Silva). Ambassade en Perse ; traduite de I'Espagnol, par ]\Ions. De Wicqfort. 4to. Paris, 1667 FiLHOL (Antoine Michel) . Galerie du Musee de France : v. France, 1814-28. Finden's Royal Gallery of British Art ; with descriptive text by E. and W. Finden and J. Hogarth. [India proofs.] Fol. Lond. 1849 Fine Arts. !Memorie originali Italiane risguardanti le Belle Arti. Serie i — 3, in i vol. 8vo. Bologna, 1840-2 Serie 4. " 8vo. Ibid. 1844 FiNGAL : an ancient epic poem : see OssiAN. Finland. Narrative of the Conquest of Finland by the Russians in 1808-9, from an unpublished work by a Russian Officer of Rank; edited by Gen. Monteith. 8vo. Lond. 1854 FiRENZE. Reale Galleria : e;. FLORENCE, 1817-33. Fish and Fisheries : a selection from the Prize Essays of the Inter- national Fisheries Exhibition, Edinburgh, 1882. Edited by David Herbert. 8vo. Edinb. 1883 Fisher (R. Swainson). Select Translations from the Greek Minor Poets, with notes ; and specimens from the Anthologia Graeca. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Fitzgerald (Percy). " Le Sport " at Baden : a picture of Watering-place Life and Manners. 8vo. Lond. 1864 The Kembles : an Account of the Kemble Family, including the Lives of Mrs. Siddons and her brother John Philip Kemble. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. [1871] Fitzherbert (Anthony). The new Natura Brevium. Eighth edition ; to which is added a commentary by Lord Chief Justice Hale. 4to. Lond. 1755 FITZPATRICK (William John). Memoirs of Richard Whately, Archbishop of Dublin ; with a glance at his contemporaries and times. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1864 FIT -FLO 153 FiTZROY (Rear Admiral Robert). The Weather Book: a Manual of practical Meteorology. Second edition. 8vo. Land. 1863 Flanders. Recueil de la Negotiation de la Paix traict^e k Coulogne, entre les Ambassadeurs du Roy Catholique et de I'Archiduc Matthias & les Estatz du Pais Bas. lamo. Anvers, 1580 Outlines of Flemish Husbandry. Farm Reports, or Accounts of the jManagement of Select Farms — North Hampshire, Kyle, Netherby, Sutherland, Ross-shire, Scoreby, Gloucestershire. 8vo. 1832-3, &c. "Flaneur (A). " : v. Eber (General), 1862. FLAXiiAN (John ; R.A.) Lectures on Sculpture ; with a memoir of the author. Svo. Lond. 1829 Flechier (Valentin Esprit, Eveque de Nisme). La vie du Cardinal Jean Fran9ois Commendon. [Translated from the Latin work of A. ]\L Graziani.] 8vo. Paris, 1695 Fleming (Charles) et J. Tibbins. Grand Dictionnaire Fran9ais-Anglais et Anglais-Fran9ais. Tome II. Fran9ais-Anglais. 4to. Paris, 1 84 1 [Vol. I of this edition not in Library.] Royal Dictionary, English and French, and French and English. 2 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1852 Fleming (George). Travels on Horseback in Mantchu Tartary. Svo. Lond. 1863 Fletcher (Lieut. Col.) History of the American War. [Vols. 2 and 3 missing.] 3 vols. Svo. Loud. 1865-6 Florence. Tableaux, Statues, Bas-Reliefs et Camees de la Galerie de Florence et du Palais Pitti. [Fine proof copy.] 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1789 — 1807 Reale Galleria di Firenze illustrata. 13 vols. Svo. Firenze, G. Molini, 1817-33 Serie I. Quadri di Storia. 3 vols. 1817-28. II. Quadri di vario genere. 1S24. III. Ritratti di Pittori. 4 vols. 1817-33. IV. Statue, Bassirilievi, Busti e Bronzi. 3 vols. 1817-24. V. Cammei ed Intagli. 2 vols. 1824,31. X 154 FLO — FOL Florence. Galerie de Florence graves sur cuivre et publi6e par una societe d'amateurs sous la direction de L. Bartolini, J. Bezzuoli, et S. Jesi, avec un texte en Frangais par Alexandre Dumas. Livraisons I — g8. Fol. Florence, 1841-62 [This collection was intended to be in 150 livr.] Museum Florentinum, 1731-66, q.v. Vedute delle Contrade, Piazze, Chiese e Palazzi di Firenze, 1 744 : V. Gerini (A.) Florentius Wigorniensis. Chronicon ex Chronicis : v. IMattileus Westmonasteriensis, 1601. Florus (L. Annaeus). L. Annaeus Florus, CI. Salmasius addidit Lucium Ampeliura e cod. MS. nunquam antehac editum. i2mo. Lugd. Bat. ap. I. Elzevir uim, 1657 Epitome Rerum Romanarum ; cum excerptionibus et indice juxta editionem C. And. Dukeri, Lugd. Bat. 1722. Editio nova. i2mo. Oxon. e typog. Clarcnd. 1807 CEuvres, trad, en Fran9ais : v. Sallust, 1837. Floyer (Sir John). L'Oriuolo da Polso de Medici, ov\'ero un saggio per ispiegare V arte antica di tastare il Polso, e per megliorarla coll' ajuto d' un oriuolo da polso. 4to. Venezia, 1 7 1 5 Flugel (Dr. J. G.) A complete Dictionary of the English and German and German and English Languages. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1838 Vol. I. Engl, and Germ, by Fliigel. Vol. 2. Germ, and Engl, by Sporschil. Dictionary of the German and English Languages. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Second edition. 2 parts in i vol. 8vo. Ibid. 1843 Complete Dictionary of the German and English Languages ; adapted to the English Student by C. A. Felling, A. Heimann and John Oxenford. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1853 Foix (Paul de). Les Lettres de Messire Paul de Foix, Archevesque de Tolose, et Ambassadeur pour le Roy aupr^s du Pape Gregoire XIII. escrites au Roy Henry HI. [Publiees par Mauleon de Granier]. 4to. Paris, 1628 FOLKES (]\Iartin). Tables of English Silver and Gold Coins : reprinted with plates and explanations by the Society of Antiquaries. 4to. Lond. 1763 FON — FOR 155 Fontaine (N.) : v. Royaumond (Sieur de), 1701. FONTANINI (Giusto). Biblioteca dell' Eloquenza Italiana, con le annota- zioni del Signer Apostolo Zeno. 2 vols. 4to. Parma, 1803-4 [FONTENELLE, Bernard Le Bouyer de]. Entretiens sur la Plurality des Mondes. i2mo. Amst. \_n. d., circa 1686] Forbes (A. P., Bp. of Brechin). A short Explanation of the Nicene Creed, for the use of persons beginning the study of Theology. 8vo. Oxf. 1852 Forbes (Archibald). Chinese Gordon ; a succinct record of his life. Eighth edition. i2mo. Loud. 1885 Forbes (Edward). A History of British Starfishes, and other animals of the class Echinodermata. 8vo. Loud. 1841 Forbes (John, M.D.), Alex. Tw'EEDiE, M.D., and John Coxolly, M.D. Cyclopa?dia of Practical Medicine ; comprising the nature and treat- ment of Diseases, Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Medical Juris- prudence, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1833-5 Forbes (Sir John). Sight-seeing in Germany and the Tyrol, in the autumn of 1855. 8vo. Lond. 1856 Forbes (Patrick). A Full View of the Public Transactions in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth : or, a particular account of all the memorable affairs of that Queen. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1 740-1 Force : v. Caumont de la Force. FORCELLIXUS (^gidius). Totius Latinitatis Lexicon Jac. Facciolati ; opera et studio .^gidii Forcellini lucubratum. Editio altera locu- pletior. 4 vols. fol. Patavii, 1805 ■ Another copy. 4 vols, bound in 2, fol. Ibid. 1805 Totius Latinitatis Lexicon, consilio et cura Jacobi Facciolati, opera et studio yEgidii Forcellini lucubratum ; edidit, Anglicam inter- pretationem in locum Italicae substituit, appendicem Patavinam Lexico passim intertexuit, auctarium denique et Horatii Tursellini de Parti- culis Latinae orationis libellum, Gerrardi Siglarium Romanum et Gesneri Indicem Etymologicum adjecit Jacobus Bailey. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1828 Totius Latinitatis Lexicon ; secundum tertiam editionem, curd Jos. Furlanetti. 4 vols, in 2, fol. Sclmeebergcr, 183 1-3 X 2 156 FOR Ford (Richard). Gatherings from Spain. 8vo. Land. \^i,t> FORDUN (Joannes). Scotichronicon : v. Gale. Hist. Brit. Script., vol. i. Forester (Thomas). Norway in 1848 and 1849, containing rambles among the fjelds and fjords of the central and western districts ; including remarks on its political, military, ecclesiastical, and social organisation. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Forrester (Mrs.) My Lord and My Lady. [Vol. 2 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1882 FORSTER (Charles de). Paris et les Parisiens. 2 vols. 8vo. P^ra, 1848 FORSTER (George). A Voyage round the World in H. M. Sloop "Reso- lution," commanded by Capt. James Cook, during the years 1772-5. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1777 FoRSTER (John). Sir John Eliot : a biography, 1590 — 1632 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1864 The Life of Jonathan Swift. Vol. i . [No more published.] 8vo. Ibid. 1875 Forsyth (Joseph). Remarks on Antiquities, Arts and Letters, during an Excursion in Italy in 1802-3. Fourth edition. i2mo. Lond. 1835 Forsyth (William). History of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena, from the Letters and Journals of the late Lieut. -Gen. Sir Hudson Lowe and official documents not before made public. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853 Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. [Vol. i missing. ] 2 vols. 8vo. Ihid. 1864 [FORTIN, Francois]. Les Ruses Innocentes ; dans lesquelles se voit comment on prend les oiseaux passagers et les non passagers, et de plusieurs sortes de betes a quatre pieds. Far F[r^re] F[ran9ois] F[ortin] R[eligieux] D[e] G[rammont]. 8vo. Amsi. 1695 Fortune (Robert). Two Visits to the Tea Countries of China, and the British Tea Plantations in the Himalaya. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853 A Residence among the Chinese ; inland, on the coast, and at sea. 8vo. Ibid. 1857 Yedo and Peking : a narrative of a Journey to the Capitals of Japan and China. 8vo. Ibid. 1863 FOS — FOX 157 FOSBROKE (Rev. Thomas Dudley). Encyclopaedia of Antiquities, and Elements of Archaeology, classical and mediaeval. 2 vols. 4to. Land. 1825 Foreign Topography : or, an Encyclopedick Account of the Ancient Romans in Africa, Asia, and Europe ; forming a sequel to the Encyclopaedia of Antiquities. 4to Ibid. 1828 FOSCARTNI (Michele) : v. Venetia, 1722. FOSS (Edward). Tabulae Curiales : or. Tables of the Superior Courts of Westminster Hall, showing the Judges who sat in them, from 1066 to 1864 ; with the Attorney, and Solicitor-Generals of each reign, from the institution of those offices. 8vo. Loud, lib^ Foster (Birket). Illustrations of the Rhine: i-f^MAYHEW (Henry), 1856. Foster (Sir Michael). A Report of some Proceedings on the Commis- sion of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery for the trial of the Rebels in 1746, in the County of Surrey, and of other Crown Cases; with discourses on the Crown Law. Fol. Oxf. 1762 Foster (Thomas Campbell). Letters on the Condition of the People of Ireland. Reprinted, by permission, with additions and notes, from " The Times " Newspaper. 8vo. Lo/id. 1846 FouiLLOUX (Jacques du). La Venerie; nouveau reveue et augment^e du Aliroir de Fauconnerie, par Pierre Harmont, dit Mercure. 4to. Rozicn, 1650 [Fouleresse, De la]. L'etat present des differens entre le Roi de Dane- mark et le Due de Holstein-Gotorf. i2mo. Amst. 1697 [Bound with Trials. Ilistoire des Procedures Criminelles, 1672.] Foundling Hospital for Wit (The) ; containing all the satires, odes, ballads, epigrams, &c., that have been wrote since the change of the Ministry. Nos. i — 6. 2 vols. 8vo. Lo)id. 1743-9 Fountainhall (Sir John Lauder of). The Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, from June 6th, 1678, to July 30th, 17 12. 2 vols. fol. Edinb. 1759 Fox (Rt. Hon. Charles James). A History of the early part of the Reign of James the Second ; with an introductory chapter and an appendix. [Published by Lord Holland.] L. P. 4to. Loi/d. 1808 .Speeches in the House of Commons. 6 vols. 8vo. /bid. 18 15 158 FOX — FRA Fox (Rt. Hon. Charles James). Memorials and Correspondence of Charles James Fox. Edited by Lord John Russell. 4 vols. 8vo. Lo7id. 1853-7 Life and Times of, by Lord John RussELL, 1859, g. v. The Age of Charles James Fox : see PiTT (Rt. Hon. William), 1846. Fox Hunting. Notitia Venatica : see Vyner (R. T.), 1841. FOY (General Max. Seb.) Histoire de la Guerre de la Peninsule sous Napoleon ; preced6e d'un tableau politique et militaire des Puissances Belligerantes. Publies par la Comtesse Foy. Avec un Atlas. Deuxi6me edition. [Vol. 4 and Atlas missing. "L'auteur a laisse cet ouvrage inacheve."] 4 vols. 8vo. Part's, 1827 History of the War in the Peninsula, under Napoleon. Translated from the French. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1829 FOY DE LA Neuville. Relation curieuse et nouvelle de Moscovie. i2mo. La Haye, 1699 [Bound with Trials. Histoire des Procedures Criminelles, 1672.] Fran^AIS (Les) peints par eux-memes. Vols, i — 3. 8vo. Paris, 1840-1 Francatelli (Charles Elme). The Modern Cook : a practical Guide to the Culinary Art in all its branches. Twenty-fifth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1877 France. Negotiation de la Paix, ^s mois d'Avril et Mai, 1575 ; contenant la requeste et articles present^s au Roy par le Prince de Cond6, &c. lamo. J. /. 1576 [Bound \rith Banesius. De Postremis Motibus Gallice, 1586.] La Contre Ligue, et Responce a certaines Lettres envoy^es k ]\Iess. de Renes par un Ligueur, se disant Seign. de la Valee du Mainne et Gentilhomme de la suite de feu Mons. de Guyse. i2mo. s. I. 1589 [Bound with France. Advertissement au Roy (Hen. IH.) 1589.] Advertissement au Roy [Hen. III.], ou sont deduictes les raisons d'estat pour lesquelles 11 ne lui est pas biens^ant de changer de religion. i2mo. s.l. 1589 An Historical Collection of the most memorable Accidents and Tragicall Massacres of France, under the Raignes of Hen. II., Francis II., Charles IX., Hen. III., Hen. IV. Translated out of French. Fol. Lond. T. Crecde, 1598 Histoire de France, avec les Pourtraits des Roys depuis Pharamond jusques au Roy Louys XIII. 8vo. Paris, 1 6 1 7 FRA 159 France. Recueil de Memoires et Instructions, servans a I'Histoire de France. 4to. Paris, 162b Recueil de diverses pieces pour servir a I'Histoire, [par Paul Hay, Sieur Du Chastelet]. 4to. s.l. 1640 Les Affaires qui sont aujourd'huy entre les Maisons de France et dAutriche. i2mo. s. I. 1648 Recueil general des estats tenus en France sous les Rois Charles VI, Charles VIII, Charles IX, Henry III, et Louis XIII. 4to. Paris, 1651 Le fidele Conducteiir pour le Voyage de France. i2mo. Avignon, 1660 La France demasquee, ou ses irregularitez dans sa conduite et maximes. 12 mo. La Hayc, id'^o — Le Pot aux Roses des Fran9ois decouvert, par un Amateur de la Verite. i2mo. Cologne, n. d. [circa 1670] [Bound with France. La France demasquee, 1670.] — Veridicus Gallicus. i2mo. Adrianop. \bi\ — De I'Etat de la France. i2mo. Cologne, it-ji [Bound mth Messina, 1676.] — Entretien sur les Tragedies de ce temps, [par lAbbe P. de Villiers]. 1 2 mo. Jotixle la copie d Paris, i6-]b [Bound irith Helvetius (A.) Fie\Tes.] — La France Intriguante, ou Response aux Manifestes de quelques Princes, sur I'etat present de lAlemagne. i2mo. Ville-Franche, 1677 — La Declaration Juste, ou Discours sur la Guerre d^claree h. la France par M. le Comte de Monte-Rey I'an, 1673. i2mo. Ibid. 1678 — Negotiations de la Paix et de I'Armistice entre Sa jNIajest^ trfes- Chretienne, les Couronnes du Nord et Mons. I'Electeur de Branden- bourg. i2mo. Ibid. 1679 [Bound with France. La Declaration Juste, 1678.] — Proems Verbal entre les Procureur des deux Roys [de France et d'Hollande], devant les Commissaires de leurs Majestez deputez h. la Conference de Courtray. i2mo. s. I. 1681 [Bound with Charles II., Testament.] — Aristippe, OU le Bon Mini.stre. i2mo. Cologne, ib&i [Bound with Helvetius (A.) Fidvres.] i6o FRA France. Edit du Roy [Louis XIV.] sur la Declaration faite par le Clerge de France, de ses sentimens touchant la puissance ecclesiastique, 23 Mars, 1682. i2mo. Paris, 1682 [Bound with LisoLA. Le Politique du Temps, 1671.] — Entretien d'un Fran9ois avec un HoUandois, sur les affaires presentes. i2mo. Cologne, 1683 [Bound with France. La France sans homes, 1684.] — Actes of the General Assembly of the Clergy of France, 1682, concerning Religion. Translated into English for the satisfaction of curious inquisitors into the present French persecution of Pro- testants. 4to. Lo?id. 1682 — La France sans bornes, comment arrivee a ce pouvoir supreme, et par la faute de qui. i2mo. Cologne, 1684 — Lettre d'un Protestant sur le sujet de I'estat present des Reform^s en France. i2mo. Leyde, 1685 [Bound with Charles II., Testament.] — La Cour de la France turbanisee, et les Trahisons demasquees, par Mons. L. B. D. E. D. E. i2mo. Cologne, 1686 — Le Roi predestine par I'esprit de Louis XIV. Roi de France, avec plusieurs lettres concernant I'accouchement de la Reine, et les affaires d'Angleterre. i2mo. Ibid. [1688] [Bound \rith Piquetierre. Portugal, 1674.] — Les Intrigues Politiques de la France. i2mo. Ibid. ib8& [Bound with France. La Pohtique Francjaise demasquee, 1695.] — L'Ombre de Charles-Quint apparue a Volcart, ou Dialogue sur les affaires du tems. i2mo. Ibid. 1688 — Fecialis Gallus. [A Criticism on the Policy of France.] i2mo. Franco/. 1689 [Bound with Hen. V., of Navarre. Epist. 1679.] — La France Calomniatrice, ou Reponse au Memoire des raisons qui ont port6 le Roi de France k reprendre les armes, &c. i2mo. Cologne, 1690 [Bound with Netheriands. Sentimens Veritables, 1689.] — Le Salut de la France. A Mons. le Dauphin. i2mo. Ibid. 1690 [Bound with France. La Cour de la France turbanisee, 1686.] Seconde Edition. i2mo. Ibid. 1690 [Boimd with Helvetius (A.) Fi&vres.] FRA i6i France. Pieces sen-^ant a I'esclaircissement des affaires de la Rupttire entre la Couronne de France et la Savoye. izmo. s./.ibgo L'Etat present de la France. Traduit de I'Anglois. i2mo. s. I. 1691 [Bound with France. Rupture avec la Savoye, 1690.] — Etat present de la France et de ses finances ; ofi Ton prouve qu'il lui est impossible de se maintenir, si la gnerre que les Alliez lui font, continue. i2mo. Geneve, 1692 [Bound with Xetherijvnds. Sentimens Veritables, 1689.] i2mo. Ibid. 1692 [Another copy, bound with France. Rupture avec la Savoye, 1690.] L'H6raclite Fran9ois. i2mo. CologTie, 1692 [Bound with France. La Cour de la France turbanisee, 16S6.] — R6ponse a I'ecrit de M. le Comte d'Avaiox, touchant les conditions de Paix que la France offre aux Alliez. i2mo. s. I. 1694 [Bound with Rome. Conjectures Politiques, 1700.] — La Politique Fran9aise demasqu^e. i2mo. Utrecht, 1695 — Histoire de la Decadence de la France prouv6e par sa conduite. i2mo. [No title, circa 1695] [Bound with FRANCE. La Politique Fran(;aise demasquee, 1695.] — Reponse a une Deduction presentee par M. de Bonrepos a la Cour de Danemark, par laquelle il pretend prouver que sur les conditions offertes par la France, le repos pent etre ratably dans la Chretient6, &c. Par I'auteur du Salut de I'Europe. i2mo. Cologne, ibq^ [Bound with France. La France demasquee, 1670.] — Reflexions sur le Projet de Paix dresse par la France, par I'autheur du " Salut de I'Europe." i2mo. IbiJ. ibq-j [Bound with France. Veridicus Gallicus, 1671.] — Avertissement pour tous les Alli6s, qu'avant que de venir aux Traites de Paix, on ne poura pas prendre assez de precautions par preliminaires sur la declaration que la France k fait faire. Trad, de TAllemand. i2mo. Maicncc, 1697 [Bound with Schleswig. Factum pour S. A. S. le Due, 1677.] — Relation du Service solennel fait dans I'eglise royale et nationale de Saint Louis k Rome pour Monseigneur Louis, Dauphin de France, le Vendredi, 1 8 Septembre 1 7 1 1 . Fol. Rome, 1 7 1 3 1 62 FRA France. Biographical Anecdotes of the Founders of the French Republic, and of other eminent characters who have distinguished themselves in the progress of the Revolution. 8vo. ZoW. 1797 A Residence in France during the years 1792-95 ; described in a series of Letters from an English lady, with remarks on French character and manners ; prepared for the press by John Gilford [/. e. John Richards Green]. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1797 Galerie du Musee de France, publiee par Filhol, graveur, et redigee par Joseph Lavallee. Tomes i — 11. Roy. 8vo. Paris, \%\\-2'^ Les Fran9ais peints par Eux-memes. Vols, i — 3. 8vo. Ibid. 1 840-1 Etudes Historiques sur la Revolution Fran9aise de 1789. Par un Etranger. [Vol. i missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1857 — Academie Royale des Inscriptions : v. Academie. — L' Alphabet de la France, poiu: trouver sur les cartes geogra- phiques, toutes les provinces, villes, &c. : v. DuvAi (P., d' Abbeville), 1658. — Cabinet du Roi Louis XIV., q. v. L'Estat et Succez des Affaires de France : v. GiRARD (Bernard de), 1619. — France Protestante, La, par Eug. et Em. Ha\g, 1846-59, q. v. — Histoire Diplomatique: v. Sorel (Albert), 1875. — !Memoires sur la Vie Privee de ]Marie Antoinette : v. Cajmpan (Mad.) 1823. — Memorials of R6ne of France: see Ferrara (Duchess of), 1859. — Ordonnances de Louis XIV., 1667 et 1673 : v. Louis XIV. — Stud Book Fran^ais, q. v. — Typographia Galliae: v. Zeiller (Martinus), 1657. — Veues des Belles Maisons de France: v. Perelle (Gabriel), 1620. Francis (Francis). Fish Culture : a practical guide to the modern system of breeding and rearing fish. 8vo. Lojid. iBb^ and A. W. CoOPER. Sporting Sketches with Pen and Pencil. 4to. Ibid. 1878 FRA— FRE 163 Francis (George Henry). Maxims and Opinions of the Duke of Wellington. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Orators of the Age ; comprising Portraits, critical, biographical, and descriptive. 8vo. Ibid. 1847 Francis (John). A history of the English Railway; its social relations and revelations, 1820-45. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 185 1 Chronicles and characters of the Stock Exchange. Second edition, 8vo. Ibid. 1 85 1 Francois (Ren6, pseud. d'Estienne Binet). Essay des Marveilles de Nature, et des plus nobles artifices. Sixi^me 6dition. 4to. Rotten, 1626 [Frankland, Thomas.] The Annals of King James, and King Charles the First. Fol. Loitd. 1681 Franqueville (Charles de). Les Institutions Politiques, Judiciaires et Administratives de I'Angleterre. 8vo. Paris, \?,b2, Eraser (Mrs. Alexander). A Professional Beauty. Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1882 Eraser (Colonel Hastings). Memoir and Correspondence of General James Stuart Eraser, of the Madras Army. Bvo. ZoW. 1885 Eraser (Louis). Zoologia Typica : or, Figures of new and rare Mammals and Birds described in the proceedings or exhibited in the collections of the Zoological Society of London. Fol. ZOT^r/. 1845-9 Frata et Montalbano (Marco de la). II Nobile Ragionamento di Nobilita. 8vo. Ftorenza, 1548 Fream (W.) Soils and their properties. 8vo. Lond. 1890 Freart (Roland, Sieur de Chambray). A Parallel of the Ancient Archi- tecture with the Modern. Translated from the French, by John Evelyn. Fourth edition. Fol. Zw/(/. 1733 Freeholder (The) : see Addison (Rt. Hon. Joseph). Freer (Martha "Walker). The Life of Marguerite d'Angouleme, Queen of Navarre, Duchesse d'Alen9on and de Berry, .Sister of Francis I., King of France. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1854 Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1856 The Life of Jeanne d'Albret, Queen of Navarre. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1855 Y 2 164 FRE— FRI Freer (Martha Walker). The Married Life of Anne of Austria, Queen of France, and Don Sebastian, King of Portugal : historical studies. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1864 French Dictionary. Dictionnaire de I'Academie Fran9aise. Sixi^me edition. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1835 Supplement. 4to. Ihid. 1836 — Dictionnaire des Dictionnaires, ou Vocabulaire Universel et Com- plet de la Langue Fran9aise ; publi6 sous la direction d'un IMembre de rAcad6mie Fran9aise. 2 vols. 8vo. Bruxdles, \%t,-] French Marriage, 1849 : see Montpensier (Due de). [Freschot, Casimir]. Remarques historiques et critiques faites dans un Voyage d'ltalie en HoUande en 1704. 2 vols, in i. 8vo. Cologne, 1705 [ ] M6moires de la Cour de Vienne, ou remarques faites par un Voyageur sur I'^tat present de cette cour, et sur ses interets. i2mo. Rnd. 1705 Freycinet (Louis Claude de). Voyage autour du Monde, fait par ordre du Roi sur les corvettes "L'Uranie" et " La Physicienne," pendant les ann6es 18 17 h. 1820. [Papier velin, avec planches sur papier de Chine.] 9 vols. 4to. Paris, 1824-44 Botanique, par M. Gaudichaud. i vol. 410, et Atlas de 120 planches, fol. 1826. Zoologie, par MM. Quoy et Gaimard. I vol. 4to, et Atlas de 96 planches, fol. 1824. Histoire du Voyage. 2 vols. 410, et Atlas de 112 planches, fol. 1S25-37. Navigation et Hydrographie. 2 parts, 4to, et Atlas de 22 cartes, fol. 1826. [This work is not quite complete. "Figure du Globe," "Magnetisme Terrestre," et " Meteorologie " are missing.] Frezier (A. F.) A Voyage to the South Sea, and along the Coasts of Chili and Peru, in the years 17 12, 1713, and 17 14. 4to. Lond. i-ji-j Friderici (Fortunato). Degli Scrittori Greci e delle Italiane versioni delle loro opere. Notizie raccolte dall' Ab. Fortunato Friderici. 8vo. Padova, 1828 Friends, Society of : see Quakers. FRO — FUL 165 Froissart (Sir John). The Cronycles of England, Fraunce, Spayne, Portingale, Scotlande, Bretayne, Flaunders, and other places adioyn- ynge ; translated oute of Frenche into oure Englysshe tongue by Johan Bouchier, Knyghte, Lorde Berners. [The title, preface, table, and S. I — 7, and 67 — 72 of vol. i, and ff. 296 — 320, the end, in IMS.] 2 vols, bound in i, fol. Loud. R. Pyiison, 1523-5 Le premier (le second, le troisieme et le quart) volume de messire Jehan Froissart, lequel traicte des choses dignes de memoire advenues tant es pays de France, Angleterre, Flandres, Espaigne que Escoce, et autres lieux circonuoisins. Nouvellement oultre les precedentes impressios. 4 vols, in 2, fol. Paris en la houfiqiic dc Galliot du pre librairc, au premier de la grand sallc du Palais, 1530 Histoire et Chronique, reveu et corrig6 sus divers exemplaires, par Denis Sauvage. 4 vols, in i, fol. Lyon, 1559 Histoire et Chronique Memorable, reveu et corrige sus divers exemplaires, et suivant les bons auteurs, par Denis Sauvage. 4 vols, in I, fol. Paris, 1574 Chronicles of England, France, and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II. to the coronation of Henry IV. ; translated by Thomas Johnes. 4 vols. 4to. The Ha fod Press, by James Henderson, 1803-5 Frommel (C.) Tyrol Scenery. Fol. [^BerLI s. a. Fryer (John, M.D.) A New Account of East India and Persia, being nine years' Travels, 1672 — 1681. {Dedicated to John Holies, Duke 0/ Newcastle, &c.) Fol. Loud. 1698 FtTLKE (W., D.D.) Rhemish Testament: see BiBLiA Sacra, 1633. FuLLARTON (A.). Gazetteer of the World, 1856 : see Gazetteer. Fuller (Thomas, D.D.) History of the Worthies of England. Fol. Land. 1662 Fuller (William). Discours succinct touchant la ddcouvcrte de la veri- table mhre du pretendu Prince de Galles, connue sous le nom de Marie Grey. Par Guillaume Fuller. Trad, de I'Anglais. i2mo. Suiv. la copic iiiipr. H Landres, 1696 [Bound with Galardi. La Tyranaic Heurcuse, 1671.] FULLERTON (Lady Georgina). Ellen Middleton ; a tale. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Grantley Manor; a tale. 3 vols. 8vo. Jbid. 1847 m i66 FUL — GAI [FULMAN, Gulielmus]. Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores Veteres. Fol. Oxon. 1684 Contents. — I. Ingulfi ^Croylandensis Historia. 2. Petri Blesensis Continuatio. 3. Chronica de MaUros. 4. Aimales Monasterii Burtonensis. 5. Historic Croylandensis Continuatio. FURETIERE (Antoine). Lettre h. M. Doujat, Doyen de I'Academie Fran- 9oise, avec la Reponse de Mons. Doujat. i2rao. La Haye, 1688 [Bound with Helvktius (A.) Fievres.] Dictionnaire Universel, contenant g^neralement tous les Mots Francois, tant vieux que modernes, et les termes des sciences at des arts ; augment^ par MM. Basnage de Beauval et Brutel de la Riviere. 4 vols. fol. Ibid. 1727 FUSSLI (Wilhelm). Zurich und die wichtigsten Stadte am Rhein. 2 vols. 8vo. Zurich, 1842-3 Gaal (Georg von). Spriichworterbuch in sechs Sprachen, Deutsch, Englisch, Latein, Italienisch, Franzosisch und Ungrisch. i2mo. Wien, 1830 Gaffarel (Jac.) Curiositez inouyes sur la Sculpture Talismanique des Persans : horoscope des Patriarches et lecture des Estoilles. 8vo. \_Paris\, 1750 Gage (Thomas). The English- American, his travail by sea and land : or, a new Survey of the West Indies. Fol. Lond. 1648 A new Survey of the West Indies : being a Journal of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America. Fourth edition. 8vo. Hid. 1699 Gaimard (Paul). Voyage en Islande et au Groenland execute pendant les ann6es 1835-6, sur la Corvette "La Recherche" commandee par M. Trehouart, Lieutenant, dans le but de decouvrir les traces de " La Lilloise ;" publie par ordre du Roi, sous la direction de M. Paul Gaimard. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838-52 Histoire du Voyage, par M. Paul Gaimard. 2 vols [in 3 pts.] 1S38-50. Journal du Voyage, par M. Eugene Mequet, 1852. Histoire de I'lslande, par M. Xavier Marmier, (paged on). 1840. Litterature Islandaise. 1843. Physique, par M. Victor Lottin. 1838. Mineralogie et Geologic, par M. Eugene Robert. 1840. Zoologie et Medecine, par M. Eugene Robert. 1851. Atlas. Fol. GAI — GAL 167 Gaimard (Paul). Voyages de la Commission Scientifique du Nord, en Scandinavie, en Laponie, au Spitzberg et aux Faroe, pendant les annees 1838, 9, et 40, sur la Corvette "La Recherche," commandee par M. Fabvre, Lieutenant, publics par ordre du Gouvemement, sous la direction de M. Paul Gaimard. 17 vols. Svo, and Atlas, fol. Paris, 1842-56 Histoire de la Scandinavie, par M. Xavier Marmier. Litterature Scandinave, par M. X. Marmier. Relation du Voyage, par Jl. X. Jlarmier. 2 vols. Aurores Boreales, par ilM. V. Lottin, A. Bravais, C. B. Lilliehiiok et P. A. Siljcstrom. Astronomie et Hydrographie, par SIM. Lottin, A. Bravais et autres. Geographie Physique, Geographie Botanique, Botauique et Physiologie, par MM. Ch. Martins, J. Vahl et autres. 2 vols. Geologie, Mineralogie et Metallurgie, par M. Eugene Robert. 2 vols. et Chimie, par M. J. Durocher. Magnetisme terrestre, par MM. V. Lottin, A. Bravais et autres. 3 vols. Meteorologie, par MM. V. Lottin, A. Bravais, C. B. LiUiehook. 3 vols. [Atlas.] Planches, 78 li\Taisons. Fol. [1856.] Galardi (Le Sieur Ferd. de). La TjTannie Heiireuse, ou Cromwel Politique, avec ses artifices et intrigues dans tout le cours de sa conduite. i2mo. Leyde, 1671 Gale (Frederick). Life of the Hon. Robert Grimston. 8vo. Loud. 1885 Gale (Thomas). Historise Britannicae, Saxonicae, Anglo-Danicae, Scrip- tores XV. ex vett. codd. ]\ISS., editi opera Thomae Gale. Fol. Oxon. 1 69 1 Vol. II. Historiae Anglicanae Scriptores V. ex vett. codd. MSS., editi opera T. Gale. Fol. Ibid. i6gi Tom. I. I. Gildas. n. Eddius. III. Nennius. IV. Asserius. V. Ranulphus Higden. VI. Gulielmus Malmesburiensis. VII. Anonymus Malmesburiensis. VIII. Anonymus Ramesiensis. IX. AnonjTnus Elyensis. X. Thomas Elyensis. XI. Joannes Wallingford. XII. Radulphus de Diceto. XIII. Anonymus de partitione Pro\'inciK. XTV. Joannes Fordun. XV. Alcwinus. Tom. II. I. Aimales de Margjin. II. Chrouicon Thoma; Wikes. III. Annales Waverleienses. IV. Galfridus Vinesal^•us. V. Walterus Hemingford. Galen (Christof. Bern. van). La Vie et les Faits mdmorables de Christofle Bernard Van Galen, Eveque de Munster, par M. G. i2mo. Leidc, 1679 [Bound w-ith Tasso. La Vie de Tasse, 1695.] Galeioe de Florence : v. Florence. Galerie des Arts et de l'Histoire, compos^e des tableaux et statues les plus remarquables des I\Ius6es de I'Europe. 8 vols. i2ino. Paris, 1836 I 1 68 GAL — GAN GALFRIDUS VINESALVUS : V. VrNESAXVUS. Galignani's Messenger, Jan. 1849 — Sept. 1870. Fol. 1849-52. Afternoon edition. 1853-70. Country and Foreign edition. Galilei (Galileo). Opera. 15 vols. 8vo. Fireiize, 1842-56 Supplemento. 8vo. Ibid. 1856 Gallenga (Antonio). History of Piedmont. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud. \%^i Italy Revisited. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. i%-j^ Gallerxa. Giustiniana del Marchese Vincenzo Giustiniani. [322 plates.] 2 vols. fol. Roma, 1640 [These are not the first rare proofs.] Gallery of Art : see Royal Gallery of Art, 1854-61. Gallery of Portraits, 1833-5 : ^^^ Portraits. Gallesio (Giorgio). Pomona Italiana, ossia trattato degli alberi frutti- feri. 6 vols, in 7 parts. Fol. Pisa, 1817-39 Gallonius (Ant.) De SS. Martyrum Cruciatibus Liber. i2mo. Antv. 1668 [Galt, John.] The Spaewife : a tale of the Scottish Chronicles. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1823 The Lives of the Players. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1 83 1 Gamba di Bassano (Bartolommeo). Serie dei testi di Lingua Italiana, e di altri esemplari del bene scrivere. 2 pts. in i vol. 4to. Veiiez.\\^i?>~\ Gambarello (II) : V. RoccA (Bern. Piacent.), 1566-70. Gambarjni (C.) a Description of the Earl of Pembroke's Pictures. 8vo. Westm. 1731 Ganges (Anne Eliz. de Rossan, Alarquise de). — Les v6ritables et princi- pales circonstances de la mort deplorable de Madame la Marquise de Ganges, empoisonnee et massacr6e par I'Abbe et le Chev. de Ganges ses Beaux-Fr^res, 13 Mai, 1667. Escrites par un Ofificier de Languedoc. i2mo. Rouen, ibbi Ganiarre (Claude, dit de Saint Paul). Proposition faite a Mons. le Due de Wirtemberg et a son Conseil pour I'avantage de ses 6tats. i2mo. Avist. 1682 [Bound with Lisola. Le PoUtique du Temps, 167 1.] GAR — GAS 169 Garcilasso de la Vega (L'Ynca). Le Commentaire Royal, ou I'Histoire des Yncas, Roys du Perou ; traduite de la version Espagnolle, par J. Baudoin. 4to. Paris, 1633 Histoire des Yncas, Rois du Perou. Traduite de I'Espagnol par J. Baudoin. [Vol. i missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Amsf. 1704 The Royal Commentaries of Peru. Rendered from the Spanish into English by Sir Paul Rycaut. Fol. Loud. 1688 Gardener's Magazine (The) : see Loudon (J. C), 1828-42. Gardening. The Flower Garden: jf (William S.) Practical Hints on Landscape Gardening; with remarks on Domestic Architecture as connected with scenery. Second edition. • Svo. Loud. 1835 GiNGUENE (Pierre Louis). Histoire Litteraire d'ltalie. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811-23 GiRALDUS DE Barri (Silvester) Cambrensis. The Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales, A.D. 1 188 ; translated into English and illus- trated with views, annotations, and a life of Giraldus, by Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart. 2 vols. 4to. Loud. i8o6 GiRARD (Bernard de). De I'estat et succez des affaires de France. Svo. Paris, 1619 GiRARD (Guillaume). Histoire de la Vie du Due d'Espernon. Fol. Paris, 1655 GiRARDiN (Mad" Emile de). Lettres Parisiennes. Svo. /', 1843 GiRAULT DE PrANGEY : V. PrANGEY. 176 GIR — GOE GiRONi (Robustiano). Pinacoteca del Palazzo Reale delle Scienze e delle Arti di Milano, pubblicata da Michele Bisi incisore, col testo di Robustiano Gironi. [L. P.] 3 vols. 4to. Milano, 1812-33 GiSBORNE (Thomas). Essays on Agriculture. Second edition. 8vo. Loud. 1854 GiusTiNiANi (]\Iarch. Vincenzo) : v. Galleria GrusTiNiAisrA, 1640. GiZEH, The Pyrajiids at. Operations carried on at, in 1837 : secNxs'E (Col. Howard), 1840-2. Gladstone (Rt. Hon. William Ewart). Financial Statements of 1853, 1860-63. 8vo. Land. 1863 Glascock (Capt. W. N.) The Naval Service : or, Officers' Manual for every grade in His Majesty's Ships. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1836 Glass. Manufacture of Glass : ^^'^ PORCELAIN, 1832. Glass, Paintings on : see Au (Die Vorstadt), 1845. Eggert (Fr. X.), 1845. [GleiCt, Rev. George Robert]. The Chelsea Pensioners : a tale. [Vols, i and 3 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829 Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary, visited in 1837. 3 vols. i2mo. Hid. 1839 Glover (Richard). Leonidas, a poem. 4to. Lond. 1737 Glover (Stephen). History and Gazetteer of the County of Derby, edited by Thomas Noble. Vol. i, part i, and vol. 2, part i. [No more published.] 4to. Derby, 1831-3 GODDARD (Guibon). Account of the Parliament of 1654 ; with Burton's (Thomas) Parliamentary Diary, 1828, q. v. GoDEAU (Antoine). La Vie de Saint Charles Borromee, Cardinal du titre de Sainte Praxede, et Archev. de Milan. i2mo. Paris, 1663 Godefroy (Theodore). Histoire du Chevalier Bayard et de plusieurs choses memorables du r^gne des roys Charles VIII, Louys XII et Fran9ois I., 1489 — 1524. Seconde edition. 4to. Paris, 1619 GOD-\\TN (Francis, Bp. of Hereford). Life of Queen Mary : in Kennett's History of England, vol. 2. GOETZE (Adolph). The Campaign of 1870-71. Operations of the German Engineers and " Technical Troops " during the Franco-German War of 1870-71. Translated from the German by Col. G. Graham. 8vo. Lond. 1875 GOG — GOO 177 [GrOGOL, Nicolas]. Home Life in Russia, b}^ a Russian Noble. Revised by the Editor of " Revelations of Siberia." [This is a translation of Gogol's Russian novel entitled " Dead Souls."] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1854 GOGUE (A.) Les Secrets de la Cuisine Fran9aise. 8vo. Paris, \%~)b Goldsmith (Oliver). Works ; edited by Peter Cunningham. 4 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1854 Poetical Works. With a memoir of Goldsmith, by Rev. J. ]\Iitford. (Aldine Poets, vol. 16.) i2mo. Ibid, i^^c) Poems by Goldsmith and Parnell. 4to. Ibid. \-]()^ [Printed on WTiatman paper, and illustrated by Bewick.] — The Deserted Village ; illustrated by the Etching Club. [Proofs on India paper.] Fol. Ihid. 1841 — The Deserted Village ; illustrated by the Etching Club. 8vo. Ibid. 1855 — The Vicar of Wakefield ; illustrated by Thomas. 8vo. Ibid. 1854 GoilARA (Francois Lopez de). Histoire generalle des Indes Occidentales et terres neuves, qui jusques a present ont ete descouvertes. Traduites en Fran9ois par le S. de Genill6 ilart. Fumee. 8vo. Paris, 1584 GONDON (Jules). De I'Etat des choses a Naples et en Italie : lettres a Georges Bowyer, Esq. 8vo. Paris, 1855 GONON (Benoist). Histoires Pitoyables et Tragi ques, ou les actions ver- tueuses et vicieuses de quelques illustres Payens et Chrestiens sont amplement representees. 8vo. Lyon, 1646 GONZAGA (Jo. Franciscus). Sigismundi Augusti Mantuam adeuntis Pro- fectio ac Triumphus ; opus cum notis Jo. Petri Bellorii, a Petro Sancti Bartoli aeri incisum. Fol. RomcB, curd ac typis J. Jac. de Rubcis, 1680 [Goodman, John, D.D.] The Old Religion demonstrated in its prin- ciples, and described in the life and practice thereof. i2mo. Lond. 1684 GOODMAX (^largaret). Experiences of an English Sister of Mercy. 8vo. Lond. 1862 GoODWix (Francis). Domestic Architecture : being a second Series of Designs for Cottages, Lodges, Villas, &;c. 4to. Lond. 1834 A A 178 GOR — GOU Gordon (George), assisted by Robert Glendikning. The Pinetum ; being a synopsis of all the Coniferous Plants at present known, with descriptions, history, and synonyms. 8vo. Loud. 1858 Supplement. 8vo. Ibid. 1862 New edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1880 GoRius (Antonius Franciscus). Inscriptiones Antiquae in Etruria ex- stantes ; cum notis integris Antonii Francisci Gorii. 3 parts, in 4 vols. Fol. FlorenttcB, 1726-43 Monumentum, sive Columbarium Libertorum et Servorum Livise Augustae et Caesarum Romse detectum in Via Appia, 1726; adjectis notis Ant. Mar. Salvinii. Fol. Ibid. 1727 [GORSE, M. de la]. Souvenirs d'un Homme de Cour, ou memoires d'un ancien Page ; contenant des anecdotes secretes sur Louis XV. et ses ministres, etc. Ecrits en 1788 par *****. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1805 GOSCHEN (George J.) The Theory of the Foreign Exchanges. Second edition. 8vo. Loiid. 1863 Gospels. The Harmony of the Four Gospels, wherein the different manner of relating the facts by each Evangelist is exemplify'd ; with the History of the Acts of the Apostles. 8vo. Lo7td. J. Dozvnii/g, 1733 The Harmony of the Gospels displayed, in a series of questions and answers, selected from the works of the best authors. Edited by a Clergyman of the Church of England. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1851 Discussions on the Gospels: see Roberts (Alex., D.D.), 1864. See also EVANGELISTS. GOSTLING (William). A Walk in and about the City of Canterbury. New edition. 8vo. Canterbury, 1825 GOTTA (Heinrich). Grundriss der Forstwissenschaft. Zweite Auflage. i" und 2" Abth. in i vol. 8vo. Dresden, 1836-8 GOTTSCHALK (Ferdinand). Die Feldzixge Friedrich des Grossen im siebenjahrigen Kriege. 8vo. Zerbsf, 1847 GOUFFE (Jules). Le Livre de Patisserie. 8vo. Paris, 1873 GOUGEON (L.) Arithm^tique : v. De la Londe. GOU 179 [GOUGH, Richard]. Anecdotes of British Topography : or, an historical account of what has been done for illustrating the topographical antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland. 4to. Lo)id. 1768 Sepulchral INIonuments in Great Britain, applied to illustrate the history of families, manners, habits, and arts, at the different periods from the Norman Conquest to the XVII"^ century, with introductory observations. 3 vols, in 5, fol. Ibid. 1786-96 [GOULART DE Seklis, Simon]. Recueil des Choses Memorables avenues en France sous le r^gne de Henri II, Fran9ois II, Charles IX, Henri III, et Henri IV, 1547-97. Deuxiesme edition. i2mo. j. /. 1598 Histoire des Pays-Bas : sec Le Petit (Jean Fran^.), 1604. Gould (John). The Birds of Europe. 5 vols, bound in 9 pts., fol. Lond. 1837 The Birds of Australia. 7 vols, bound in 13 pts., fol. Ibid. 1848 Supplement. i vol. bound in 2 pts., fol. Ibid. 1848-69 A Synopsis of the Birds of Australia and the adjacent Islands. Imp. 8vo. Ibid. 1837-8 Handbook of the Birds of Australia. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1 865 The Mammals of Australia. 3 vols, bound in 6 pts., fol. Ibid. 1863 A Century of Birds from the Himalaya Mountains. I vol. bound in 2 pts., fol. Ibid. 1832 The Birds of Great Britain. 5 vols, bound in g pts., fol. Ibid. 1873 A Monograph of the Trochilidse, or Family of Humming Birds. 5 vols, bound in 10 pts., fol. Ibid. i86i Supplement. Fol. Ibid. 1861 A Monograph of the Ramphastidae, or Family of Toucans. Fol. Ibid. 1834 — A Monograph of the Ramphastidae, or Family of Toucans. [Second and better edition.] Fol. Ibid. \%^\ — A ^Monograph of the Trogonidae, or Family of Trogons. Fol. Ibid. 1838 — A Monograph of the Trogonidae, or Family of Trogons. [Second and better edition.] Fol. Ibid. iS-]$ — A Monograph of the Odontophorinae, or Partridges of America. Fol. Ibid. 1850 - — The Birds of Asia. 7 vols, bound in 13 pts., fol. Ibid. 1850-83 A A 2 i8o GOU — GRA Gould (John). The Birds of New Guinea and the Papuan Islands. 5 vols. fol. Land. 1875-88 Icones Avium, or Figures and Descriptions of new and interesting species of Birds from various parts of the globe. 2 pts. fol. [No more published.] Ibid. 1837 A ]\Ionograph of the Macrapodidae, or Family of Kangaroos. 2 pts. fol. [No more published]. Ibid. 184 1-2 [Bound -with GoULD. Icones Avium.] A Monograph of the Pittidae. Part I, fol. [No more published.] Ibid. 1880 A Monograph of the Paradiseidse, or Birds of Paradise ; and Ptilonorhynchidae, or Bower Birds, by R. Bowdler Sharpe, F.Z.S., &c. Fol. Ibid. 1891- See also Darwin (C.) Zoology of H.M.S. " Beagle," part 3. GOVEA (Ant.) Histoire Orientale des Grans Progrfes de I'Eglise Cathol. Apost. et Rom. en la reduction des Anciens Chrestiens, dits de S. Thomas, par les bons devoirs de D. Alexis de Meneses, Arche- vesque de Goa. Composee en langue Portugaise par le R. P. F. Antoine Govea, et puis mise en Espagnol par P. F. Fran9ois Munoz, et tournee en Fran9ois par F. Jean Baptiste de Glen. 8vo. Anvers, 1609 GOZLISKI (Laurence Grimald). The Accomplished Senator; in two books. Written originally in Latin, done into English, from the edition printed at Venice in the year 1568, by ]\Ir. Oldisworth. 4to. Loud. 1733 Gracian (Baltasar). L'Homme de Cour; traduit de I'Espagnol par le Sieur Amelot de la Houssaie. i2mo. Prfm, 1684 Gradus ad Parnassum : sive, Nov^s synonymorum,epithetorum, versuum, ac phrasium poeticarum Thesaurus ; hanc editionem recensuit Adamus Dickinson. i2mo. Editib. 181 6 Greek Gradus : see Brasse (Rev. John), 1828. Gr^VIUS (Joannes Georgius). Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum, congestus a Joanne Georgio Grsevio. 12 vols. fol. Traj. ad Rhen. et Ltigd. Bat. 1694-99 Graham (Thomas John, ]\I.D.) Observations illustrative of the nature and treatment of disorders of the Stomach and Liver. 8vo. Loud. 1824 [Bound w-ith Faithhorn on Liver Complaints.] Modern Domestic Medicine. Sixth edition. 8vo. Ibid. 18^5 m m GRA i8i Grammont (Comte de). IMemoires du, par Comte A. HAiULTOX, q. v. Grandineau (F.) Grammaire Royale, ou recueil des rfegles grammati- cales de la Langue Fran9aise. 8vo. Land. 1836 Grandmont (Gillet de) : v. Journal des Connoissances Usuelles, 1832. Granger (Rev. J.) A Biographical History of England, from Egbert the Great to the Revolution. 2 vols, in 4 pts. 4to. Loud. 1769 Supplement. 4to. Hid. 1774 Granter (Mauleon de) : v. Foix (Paul de), 1628. Gramt (James). The Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery performed in His Majesty's Vessel the "Lady Nelson " in the years 1800, i, 2, to New South Wales. 4to. Loud. 1805 Grant-Duff : see Duff. Granville (A. B., ^I.D.) Guide to St. Petersburgh; a journal of travels to and from that capital. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Autobiography : being eighty-eight years of the life of a physician. Edited by Paulina B. Granville. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1874 Granville (Mary, Mrs. Delaney). The Autobiography and Correspond- ence of Mary Granville, IMrs. Delaney : with interesting reminiscences of King Geo. III. and Queen Charlotte. Edited by the Rt. Hon. Lady Llan over. 3 vols. 8vo. L&nd. 1861 [Two copies.] Second series. 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1862 Grattan (Thomas Colley). Civilized America. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1859 Grattan (William). Adventures of the Connaught Rangers. Second series. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853 Gravesande (Gulielmus Jacobus). Physices Elementa Mathematica experimentis confirmata : sive, Introductio ad Philosophiam New- tonianam. Editio secunda. 2 vols, [in i] 4to. Ljigd. Bat. 1725-21 Gray (John). Lectures on the Nature and Use of Aloney. 8vo. Edinb. i&.\2> Gray (Robert, D.D.) A Key to the Old Testament and Apocrypha. Fifth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1805 1 82 GRA — GRE Gray (Thomas). Poems. 4to. Glasgow, 1768 Poems ; to which are prefixed memoirs of his life and writings, by W. Mason. 4to. Land, i-j-j^ Poetical Works. Fol. Ghs£ow, i-]8-j Poetical Works ; with a life of Gray, by the Rev. John Mitford. (Aldine Poets, vol. 38.) i2mo. Load. 1847 Elegy wTitten in a Country Churchyard ; with versions in the Greek, German, Italian and French Languages. 8vo. lit'd. 1839 Illustrated by the Etching Club. Proofs on India paper. Fol. I6zd. 1847 Designs by Mr. R. Bentley for six Poems by Mr. T. Gray. Fol. Idzd. 1753 Graziani (A. M.) Vie du Cardinal Commendon : v. Flechier (Valent. Esprit), 1695. Greek Gradus : see Brasse (Rev. John), 1828. Green (Benj. Rich.) A series of Heads after the Antique, illustrative of the Ideal Beauty of the Greeks. Fol. Land. 1836 Green (John Richards), wrote under the name of John Gifford, q. v. Greene (Robert). Poems of Robert Greene and Christopher Marlowe; edited by Robert Bell. i2mo. Land. 1856 Greener (William). The Gun : or, a treatise on the various descriptions of Small Fire-arms. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Greenhow (Robert). The History of Oregon and California, and the other Territories on the North-West Coast of North America. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Greenwich Hospital. Historical Account of: see Cooke (John) and John Maule, 1789. Greg (Thomas). A System for managing Heavy and Wet Lands without Summer Fallows. Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. \8\\ Greg (William R.) Essays on Political and Social Science ; contributed chiefly to the " Edinburgh Review." [Vol. i missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853 Gregory (John, M.D., Edinb.) A Father's Legacy to his Daughters. 1 2 mo. Lond. 1808 GRE — GRO 183 Grenville Papers (The) : being the Correspondence of Richard Gren- ville, Earl Temple, K.G., and the Rt. Hon. George Grenville, their friends and contemporaries. Edited by William James Smith. 4 vols. 8vo. Land. 1852-3 GREVEDON (M.) : V. CONTEMPORAINS EtraNGERS, 1 82 6. [Greville, C. C] Past and present Policy of England towards Ireland. 8vo. Land. 1845 Greville (Charles C. F.) The Greville Memoirs : a Journal of the Reigns of King George IV. and King William IV. [1818-37]. Edited by Henry Reeve. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. i^-ja, [Two copies.] (Second Part.) A Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1852. 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1885 (Third Part), 1852-60. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1887 Grey (Lieut. Gen. Hon. C.) Some Account of the Life and Opinions of Charles, second Earl Grey. 8vo. Lond. 1861 Grey (Mrs. Elizabeth Caroline). Mary Seaham ; a novel. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1852 Grey (Sir George). Polynesian Mythology, and ancient traditional history of the New Zealand race. 8vo. Lond. 1855 Grey (Henry George, Earl). The Colonial Policy of Lord John Russell's Administration. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853 Parliamentary Government considered with reference to Reform. New edition, containing suggestions for the improvement of our re- presentative system, and an examination of the Reform Bills of 1859 and 1 86 1. 8vo. Ibid. 1864 Griffith (Edward). The Animal Kingdom : see Citvter (Le Baron), 1827-35. Grimble (Augustus). Shooting and Salmon Fishing: hints and recol- lections. 8vo. Loid. 1892 Grognier (Louis Farcy). Cours de Multiplication et de Perfectionne- ment des principaux Animaux Domestiques. Troisi^me Edition, par H. Magne. 8vo. Paris, 1841 11 1 84 GRO — GRU Gronow (R. H.) The Reminiscences and Recollections of Captain Gronow : being anecdotes of the Camp, Court, Clubs, and Society, i8io — 1860. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. iSSg [Copy No. 528 of 850 copies printed with illustrations in duplicate, one on plate paper, proofs before letters ; the other on Whatman paper, with titles, and \ coloured by hand.] -, Grose (Francis). The Antiquities of England and Wales: being a ' Collection of Views of the most remarkable Ruins and Antient Build- "__ ings, drawn on the spot. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. i-j-ji-t ■■; ^ct' «/i-o Antiquarian Repertory, 1775-84. !i'' 'f.'. [Grosvenor, Lord Robert, Baron Ebury]. Leaves from my Joixrnal '\ during the Summer of 185 1, by a Member of the late Parliament. 8vo. Lond. 1852 ■':: Grote (George). A History of Greece. 12 vols. Svo. Lond. 1846-56 ;', Plato, and the other companions of Sokrates. 3 vols. Svo. I^z'd. 1865 Grote (Mrs. Harriet) . The Personal Life of George Grote. , , Svo. Lond. 1873 ' ■ Grotius (Hugo). Annales et Histoires des Troubles du Pays-Bas. Fol. AvisL 1662 ; [Two copies.] De Jure Belli ac Pads libri tres ; cum notis J. F. Gronovii. ^^ Svo. Ibid. 1689 -^ Responsio ad Dissertationem secundam Hugonis Grotii de "" Origine Gentium Americanarum : v. Laet (Joannes de), 1644. V Grouner (Theoph. Sigismond). Histoire Naturelle des Glaciers de Suisse ; traduction libre de 1' Allemand, par M. de Keralio. Svo. Paris, 1770 •,; I Grove (J.) The History of the Life and Times of Cardinal Wolsey, M Prime ISIinister to King Henry VIII. [Vol. i missing.] 4 vols. Svo. Lond. J. Purser, 1743-4 Grun (Anastasius). Gedichte. Vierte Auflage. i2mo. Leipzig, 1843 Schutt, Dichtungen. Sechste Auflage. i2mo. Ibid. 1S44 Der letzte Ritter, Romanzenkranz. Dritte Auflage. 1 2 mo. Ibid. 1844 [Bound with the preceding book.] GRU — GUI 185 Gruner (Lodovico). I IMosaici della Cupola nella Cappella Chigiana di S. Maria del Popolo in Roma, inv^entati da Raffaelle Sanzio d' Urbino, incisi ed editi da Lodovico Gruner, illustrati da Antonio Grifi. Fol. Roma, 1839 Fresco Decorations and Stuccoes of Churches and Palaces in Italy during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, with descriptions. Fol. Loud. 1844 Descriptions of the Plates of Fresco Decorations and Stuccoes of Churches and Palaces in Italy during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. 4to. Ibid. 1844 The Decorations of the Garden-Pavilion in the grounds of Buckingham Palace. 4to. Ibid. 1846 The Green Vaults, Dresden. Illustrations of the choicest works in that Museum of Art. Edited by Lewis Gruner. Fol. Dresden, 1862 GUALANDI (Michelangelo). Nuova Raccolta di Lettere sulla Pittura, Scultura ed Architettura scritte da' piu celebri personaggi dei secoli XV. a XIX., con note, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Bologiia, 1844-5 Guardian. Beauties of the Guardians: see Spectator, &c., 1787. GuARlxi (Battista). II Pastor Fido, tragicomedia pastorale. 1 2 mo. Amst. s. a. GUARNACCI (Mario). Origini Italiche, o siano Memorie Istorico-Etrusche sopra I'antichissimo regno d' Italia e sopra i di lei primi abitatori nei secoli piu remoti. 3 vols. fol. Lucca, 1767-72 GuERCixo (Barbieri da Cento, detto il). Prints by, engraved by Barto- lozzi : see Prints. GUERNiER (Jo. Frantz). Eigentliche Abbildung des nahe be}' der Residentz-Stadt Cassel gelegnen Berges insgemein der Winterkasten, nun aber der Karls-Berg genant. 4to. Cassel, i-] 2-] GuiBELET (Jourdain). Examen de I'Examen des Esprits. 8vo. Paris, ib^i GuiCCiARDixi (Francesco). Della Istoria d' Italia Hbri XX. 2 vols. fol. Vetiezia, 1738 [Two copies.] Storia d' Italia, continuata da quella del Guicciardini, sino al 1789 di Carlo Botta. 10 vols. 8vo. Parigi, 1832 B B 1 86 GUI GuiCCiARDiNi (Francesco). Storia d' Italia di Francesco Guicciardini alia miglior lezione ridotta dal professor Giovanni Rosini con una prefazione di Carlo Botta. 6 vols. 8vo. Partgi, 1832 The History of Italy from 1490 to 1532 ; translated into English by Austin Parke Goddard. Second edition. 10 vols. Svo. Loud. 1755-6 Guicciardini (Lodovico). Description de tout le Pais Bas, autrement diet la Germanic Inferieure ou Basse-AUemagne, avec diverses cartes geographiques dudit pais, &c. Fol. Auvers, 1567 Description de touts les Pais Bas, autrement appell^s la Germanie Inferieure. Fol. Anvers, C. Plaiitin, 1582 [Last leaf of " Table" mutUated.] GUICCIOLI (Countess). Lord Byron juge par les t6moins de sa vie. My Recollections of Lord Byron and those of eye-witnesses of his life. [Vol. 2 missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1869 GuiLEViLLE (Guillaume de). The ancient Poem of Guillaume de Guile- ville entitled " Le Pelerinage de I'Homme " compared with the "Pilgrim's Progress" of John Bunyan ; edited from notes collected by Mr. Nathaniel Hill. 4to. Lottd. 1858 Guillaume II, Roi des Pays-Bas, &c. Catalogue des Tableaux anciens et modernes, &:c., formant la Galerie de feu Sa Maj. Guill. II, mis a vente Aout, 1850. Svo. AmsL id>^o GuiLLEMARD (N.) La Peche a la Ligne et au Filet dans les eaux douces de la France. Svo. P^m, 1857 GUILLEVILLE: V. GUILEVILLE. GuiLLiM (John). A Display of Heraldrie. Third edition. Fol. Loud, ib^i A Display of Heraldry. Sixth edition, with Sir Geo. Mackenzie's Tract of Precedency. Fol. Ibid. 1724 GuizOT (Fran9ois Pierre Guillaume). De la Democratic en France. Svo. Paris, 1849 [Bound with Thiers. Discours.] Democrac)^ in France. January, 1849. Svo. Loud. \%\i^ GUI — GUL 187 GuizOT (Francois Pierre Guillaume). Histoire de la Revolution dWngle- terre depuis I'avenement de Charles I. jusqu'a sa mort. Quatrieme Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1850 — History of Oliver Cromwell and the English Commonwealth, from the Execution of Charles I. to the Death of Cromwell. Translated by- Andrew R. Scoble. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1854 — Pourquoi la Revolution d'Angleterre a-t-elle reussi ? 8vo. Bnix. 1850 — jMonk. Chute de la Republique et Retablissement de la IMonarchie en Angleterre en 1660. 8vo. Paris, 185 1 — Corneille et son temps. Etude litteraire. 8vo. Ibid. 1852 — Shakspeare et son temps. Etude litteraire. Svo. Ilnd. 1852 — Sir Robert Peel. Etude d'histoire contemporaine. 8vo. Ibid. \%^t — jMemoirs to illustrate the Historj' of my Time ; translated by J. W- Cole. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1858-61 — An Embassy to the Court of St. James's in 1840. New edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1863 — The Last Days of the Reign of Louis Philippe. 8vo. Ibid. 1867 GUIZZARDI (Giuseppe). Le Sculture delle Porte della Basilica di San Petronio in Bologna ; publicate dal Giuseppe Guizzardi, e incise da Franc. Spagnuoli. Fol. Bologna, 1834 GuLiELMUS Malmesburiensis : v. Gale. Hist. Brit. Script , vol. i. GULIELMUS Neubrigensis. Historia sive Chronica Rerum Anglicarum libris quinque ; e codice MS. pervetusto in Bibliotheca Thomae Sebright, Baronetti, additionibus locupletata studio T. Hearnii, qui, praeter J. Picardi annotationes, suas etiam notas et spicilegium sub- jecit. Accedunt homiliee tres eidem Guilielmo a viris eruditis ad- scriptee. [Vol. 3 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Oxoii. 17 19 GULLICK (Thomas John) and John Timbs. Painting popularly explained; with historical sketches of the progress of the art. 8vo. Loud. 1859 GxiLSTON (Alan James) . Warren Knowles : a novel. 3 vols. 8vo. Lo/zd. 18S5 GULSTOX (A. Stepney). Aphrodite, and other poems. 8vo. Zc;/;/. 1S84 B B 2 1 88 GUR — HAA GURLT (Ernst Friedrich). Anatomy of the Horse. Plates. Fol., s. I. eta. [70 plates, bound in I vol. without title or text.] GuSTAVE III, Roi de Su6de. CEuvres Politiques; suivies de sa corres- pondance. [Vols. 2, 3, and 5 missing.] 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1805-6 Guthrie (William), John Gray, and others. A general History of the World, from the Creation to the present time. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1764-7 A new Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar. Twenty-first edition. 8vo. Ibid. \%o% Guy de Monceaux. Histoire de Charles VI, Roy de France, 1663, q. V. Guyenne (Huon de Bordeaux, Due de) : v. HUON DE BORDEAUX. GwiLT (Joseph). Examination of Grecian Architecture : see CHAMBERS (Sir William), 1825. H. (J.) : see HODDESDON (John), 1652. H. B.'s Political Sketches, &c. 18 vols. fol. Lmid. T. McLean, 1829-51 [Subscriber's copy. One of eight sets printed on India paper ; with Publisher's and Printer's Certificate ; this copy contains the exceedingly rare plates, Nos. 901-17.] An Illustrative Key, Nos. i — 800. [Two copies.] 2 vols. 8vo. Hid. 1 84 1 -4 [This Series was produced by John Doyle, Painter and Caricaturist, born 1797, died 1868 ; the signature is contrived by the juncture of two I's and two D's— thus [ |D ] Haag (Eug. et Em.) La France Protestante, ou vies des protestants Fran9ais qui se sont fait un nom dans I'histoire. 9 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1846-59 Pieces Justificatives. 8vo. Ibid. 1858 Haas (Charles). Galerie Imperiale Royale au Belvedere a Vienna, d'aprfes les dessins de Sigism. de Perger, avec des explications his- toriques de Charles Haas, en Allemand et en Frangais. Tomes i — 6. Fol. Vicnne et Prague, Haas, 182 1-8 [Some of the latest parts of this copy are missing ; the complete work is in 60 h\T., usually bound in 4 vols., 1821-30.] HAB — HAI 189 Habershon (Matthew). The ancient Half-timbered Houses of England. 4to. Loud. 1836 Habington (John). Reign of King Edward IV. : in K-ENNETT's History of England, vol. i. Hacket (John, Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry). Scrinia Reserata: a memorial offer'd to the great deservings of John Williams, D.D.,Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, Lord Bishop of Lincoln, and Lord Archbishop of York. 2 parts, in i vol. fol. Loud. 1693 Hacklander (F. W.) Austrian Campagne in Piedmont, 1849: see Soldier. Hackney Stud Book (The) ; with an historical introduction by Henry F. Euren. Vol. i. Stallions from 1755 to i88i. 8vo. Norwich, 1884 Stallions and IMares. Vols, i and 7. 8vo. 1884-90 Hackney Stud Society. London Show, 1889, Catalogue. 8vo. 1889 Hadden (R. H.) Reminiscences of the Rev. William Rogers, Rector of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, i888, q. v. Haddon (Gualterus, LL.D.) Lucubrationes passim collectae et editae, studio et labore Thomse Hatcher, Cantabr. 4to. Land. 1567 Haestens (Henry). La Nouvelle Troye, ou memorable histoire du Sifege d'Ostende, le plus signale qu'on ait veu en I'Europe. Recoeuillie des plus asseur^s m^moires, par Henry Haestens. 4to. Leyde, L. Ehev. 16 15 Haggard (John, LL.D.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Consistory Court of London ; containing the Judgments of the Rt- Hon. Sir AVilliam Scott [Lord Stowell]. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1822 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty during the time of the Rt. Hon. Lord Stowell, 1822-38. [Vol. 3 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1825-40 Haghe (Louis). Picturesque Sketches in Belgium and Germany. [Vols. 2 and 3 missing.] 3 vols. fol. Land. 1840-50 Hahn-Haiix (Ida, Grjifin). Orientalische Briefe. (Interleaved with an English translation). 3 vols. 8vo. Berl. 1844 Hai Ebn Yokdhan : see Abu Ji\A_FAR Ebn Topilvil. I go HAK Haiceavill (James). Attempt to determine the exact character of Eliza- bethan Architecture. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Hakluyt (Richard). The principall Navigations, Voiages and Dis- coveries of the English Nation made by Sea or over Land within 1500 yeeres. 3 parts, bound in 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1589 — 1600 Another edition. 3 vols, bound in 2, fol. Ibid. 1599 — 1600 Voyages touching the Discovery of America, 1582 : see Hakluyt Society Publications, No. 7. Hakxuyt Society (The), Works issued by. Lond., printed for the Society. 1. Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins in his Voyage into the South Sea, in 1593; reprinted from the edition of 1622. Edited by C. R. Drinkwater Bethune. 8vo. 1847 [This is the first edition, now out of print, see No. 57.] 2. Select Letters of Christopher Columbus, with other original docu- ments relating to his four Voyages to the New World ; translated and edited by R. H. Major. 8vo. 1847 3. Discovery of the Empire of Guiana, with a relation of the City of Manoa (called El Dorado), performed in the year 1595, by Sir -W. Ralegh; reprinted from the edition of 1596; edited with notes and a biographical^ memoir, by Sir Robert H. Schom- burgh. 8vo. 1848 4. Sir Francis Drake, his Voyage, 1595, by Thomas Maynarde; with the Spanish account of Drake's Attack on Puerto Rico ; edited from the original ISLS. by W. D. Cooley. 8vo. 1849 5. Narratives of Voyages towards the North- West, in search of a passage to Cathay and India, 1496 — 1631 ; with selections from the early records of the East India Company, and from MSS. in the British Museum. By Thomas Rundall. 8vo. 1849 6. Historic of Travaile into Virginia Britannia, by William Strachey. Now first edited from the original MS. in the British Museum, by R. H. Major. 8vo. 1849 7. Divers Voyages touching the Discovery of America and the Islands adjacent, collected and published by Richard Hakluyt, 1582. Edited with notes and an introduction by John Winter Jones. 8vo. 1850 HAK — HAL igi Hakluyt Society (The), Works issued by. Lond., printed for the Society. 8. jNIemoirs of the Empire of Japon in the i6th and 17th centuries. Edited, witli notes, by Thomas Rundall. 8vo. 1850 9 — 56. Not in the Librar3\ 57. The Hawkins' Voyages during the reigns of Henry VIII., Queen Elizabeth, and James I. Edited, with an introduction, by Clem. R. Markham, C.B. 8vo. 1878 [This is a reprint of No. i.] 58. The Bondage and Travels of Johann Schiltberger, a native of Bavaria, in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 1396 — 1427; translated from the Heidelberg MS. edited in 1859, by K. F. Neumann, by J. Buchan Telfer ; with notes by P. Brunn. 8vo. 1879 [The Publications of the Hakluyt Society are still being issued.] Hales (William, D.D.) A New Analysis of Chronology and Geography, History and Prophecy; in which their elements are attempted to be explained, harmonized, and vindicated upon scriptural and scientific principles. Second edition. 4 vols. Svo. Land. 1830 HaI-FORD (Sir Henry, Bart., AI.D.) Essays and Orations read and delivered at the Royal College of Physicians ; to which is added an account of the opening of the Tomb of King Charles I. Second edition. i2mo. Lond. 1833 Halicarnassus. Discoveries at: see Newton (C. T.), 1863. Hall (Edward). The Union of the two Noble and lUustre Famelies of Lancastre and York ; whereunto is added to every Kyng a several! table. Fol. Lond. R. Grafton, 1550 [This edition was prohibited by Act of Parliament in 1555.] Hall (Sir James, Bart.) Essay on the origin, history, and principles of Gothic Architecture. 4to. Lond. 1813 Hall (Robert). Works, with a brief memoir of his life, by Dr. Gregory; and observations on his character as a preacher, by John Foster. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833 Hallam (Henry). The Constitutional History of England, from the Accession of Henry VII. to the Death of George H. Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832 A'iew of the .State of Europe during the Middle Ages. Sixth edition. 3 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1834 .Supplemental Notes. [Missing.] 8vo. Ibid. 1848 192 HAL — HAR Halliday (Sir Andrew, M.D.) Annals of the House of Hanover. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826 Hamel : V. Du Hamel. Hamilton (Comte Antoine). M^moires du Comte de Grammont. 2 pts. in 2 vols. i2mo. s.l. 1749 Memoirs of Count Grammont. Edited, with notes, by Sir Walter Scott. [L. P.] Svo. Lond. 1889 [Hamilton, Capt. Thomas]. Men and Manners in America. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinh. 1833 Hamilton (Sir William). Antiquites Etrusques, Grecques et Romaines, tirees du Cabinet de M. Hamilton, Envoye Extraordinaire de S. M. Britannique en Cour du Naples, [par le Sr. d'Hancarville, en Anglais et en Fran9ais]. [Vols. 3 and 4 missing.] 4 vols. fol. Naples, i-;tb--j Campi Phlegrsei. Observations on the Volcanos of the two Sicilies, as they have been communicated to the Royal Society of London, [in English and French] ; with 54 plates, coloured. Fol. Ibid. 1776 Hammond (James). Poetical Works. Fol. Glasgmu, i-]S-j [Bound wnth Lord Lyttelton's Poetical Works.] Hampshire. Sporting Reminiscences of Hampshire, 1745 — 1862. By ^sop. 8vo. Lond. 1864 Hangar viLLE (Le Sieur d'). Antiquites Etrusques, Grecques, &c. : V. Hamilton (Sir William), 1766-7. [Handy, J. A.] How I became a Sportsman : being early reminiscences of a Veteran Sportsman, by " Avon." Svo. Lond. 1882 Hanmer (M.) Chronicle of Ireland : see Ireland, 1809. Hanna (Rev. William, LL.D.) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D. 4 vols. Svo. Edinb. 1S49-52 Hannay (James). Essays from "The Quarterly Review." Svo. Lond. 1 86 1 Hanrott (P. A.) Sale Catalogue of the Library of P. A. Hanrott. Svo. Lond. I S3 3 Hansard's Parliamentary Debates : see Parliament. [Harcourt, Rt. Hon. Sir William]. Letters by " Historicus," on some Questions of International Law. Reprinted from "The Times." Svo. Lond. 1863 HAR 193 Hardixg (G. p.) Ancient Historical Pictures. [Portraits, 13 plates; engravers' proofs.] Fol. Land. 1845-8 Harduinus (Joannes). Nummi antiqui populorum et urbium illustrati. 4to. Parisiis, 1684 Hardavicke (Philip Yorke, second Earl of). Miscellaneous State Papers from 1 50 1 to 1726. 2 vols. 4to. Land. 1778 Hardy (Thomas Duffus). Alemoirs of the Rt. Hon. Henry, Lord Langdale. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1852 Hard\'XG (John). The Chronicle of Jhon Hardy ng, from the firste begynnyng of Englande, unto the Reigne of Kyng Edward IV. wher he made an end of his Chronicle ; and from that t3'me is added a continuacion of the storie in prose to this our tyme. 8vo. Lond. R. Grafton, 1543 Hare (Augustus J. C.) Walks in London. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1878 Harford (J. S.) : see Michael Angelo, 1857. Harington (Sir John). Nugae Antiquee : being a miscellaneous collection of original papers in prose and verse ; written in the reigns of Henry VHL, Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, James I., &c., by Sir John Harington, and others who lived in those times. 1 2 mo. Loud. 1769 Selected from authentic remains by the Rev. Hen. Harington. 3 vols. 12 mo. Ibid. 1779 Harleian MSS., 108 vols. fol. and 4to. see also CATALOGUES, 1759, 1812. Catalogus Bibliothecae Harleianae: see CATALOGUES, 1743-4 Harley (Edward, second Earl of Oxford), q. v. Harlow (G. H.) Court Scene from the Trial of Queen Catharine [Shake- speare's Henry VIII., 1534], including the portraits of the Kemble Family, (etchings of this plate in ten different states), and three plates of Mrs. Siddons ; painted by G. H. Harlow, engraved by (ieorge Clint. Large fol. Lond. 1819 Harmoxt dit Mercure (Pierre). Miroir de Fauconnerie : v. Fouilloltx (Jacques du), 1650. C C 194 HAR — HAU Harmonvxlle : V. D'Harmonville. Harmony. Harmony of the Gospels, 1733, \?>^\,q.v. Harrington (James). Oceana, and his other works; collected, methodized, and reviewed, with an account of his life, by John Toland. Third edition. Fol. Land, ly^j Harris (George). The Life of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke; with selec- tions from his correspondence, diaries, speeches, and judgments. 3 vols. 8vo. Loiid. 1847 Harris (John). History of Kent ; in five parts. [No more published.] Vol. I. Fol. Loud. 1 7 19 [Harris, Joseph, Assay Master of the Mint]. An Essay upon Money and Coins. 2 pts. in i vol. 8vo. Loud. 1757-8 Harris (Moses). The Aurelian : a Natural History of English Moths and Butterflies, together with the figures of their transformations and of the plants on which they feed. New edition, by John O. Westwood. 4to. Land. 1840 " Harry Hieover " : pseud, of Charles Bindley, q. v. Harte (Francis Bret). Tales, Poems, and Sketches. 8vo. Loiid. 1887 Hartshorne (Rev. C. H.) The Book Rarities of the University of Cambridge. 8vo. Lond. 1829 Hastings (Francis Rawdon, Marquess). The Private Journal of the Marquess of Hastings, edited by his daughter, the Marchioness of Bute. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1858 Hastings (Warren). Articles of Charge against Warren Hastings : see Burke (Edmund), 1786. Hatsell (John). Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons, with observations. New edition. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1 8 1 8 [Haultin, J. B ] Histoire des Empereurs Romains depuis Jule Caesar jusques a Postumus : avec toutes les Medailles d'argent qu'ils ont faict batre de leurs temps. Fol. Paris, 1645 Haurisius (Ben. Casp.) : v. Scriptores Historle Romans, 1743. HAU — HAY 195 Hauterive (Le Sieur de). Ambassade Extraordinaire de Mylord Fau- conberg, Lieutenant de sa Alajeste Britannique, vers quelques Princes et Estats d'ltalie. i2mo. Amst. 1671 [Bound with Madrid. Mercure Espagnol, 1670.] Another copy. i2mo. Ibid. 1671 [Bound with Ireland. Histoire de la Revolution, 1691.] Hautpoul (M"^ la Comtesse d'). Charades mises en action, melees de Couplets et de Vaudevilles, ou Nouveau Theatre de Societe. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1823 Havelock (Capt. Henry). Narrative of the War in Afghanistan, in 1838-9. 2 vols. i2mo. Land. 1840 Hawker (Lieut.-Col. P.) Instructions to Young Sportsmen in all that relates to Guns and Shooting. Eighth edition. 8vo. Land. 1838 Hawkesworth (John). An Account of the Voyages undertaken by the order of his present Majesty for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, and successively performed by Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret, and Captain Cook, in the "Dolphin," the "Swallow," and the "Endeavour." 3 vols. 4to. Loud. 1773 HAWKING: J^^ ChACE, 15 60. Hawkixs (F. W.) The Life of Edmund Kean, from published and original sources. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1869 Hawkins (Sir John). A general History of the Science and Practice of Music. 5 vols. 4to. Loud. 1776 Hawkins (Sir Richard). Observations of, in his Voyage to the South Sea, in 1593 : see Hakluyt Society Publications, No. i. Voyages during the reigns of Hen. VHL, Q. Elizabeth, and James I. : see Hakluyt Society Publications, No. 57. Haxthausen (Baron August von). Transcaucasia : sketches of the nations and races between the Black Sea and the Caspian. Trans- lated from the German, by J. E. T. 8vo. Loud. 1854 The Russian Empire, its people, institutions, and resources. Trans- lated from the German, by Robert Farie. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1856 Hay : V. Le Hay. c c 2 196 HAY— HE A Hay (D. R.) The Laws of Harmonious Colouring, adapted to Interior Decorations, &c. Fifth edition. 8vo. Land. 1844 [Hay, Paul, Seigneur da Chastelet]. Histoire de Bertrand Du Guesclin, Connestable de France ; composee par P. H. Seigneur D. C. Fol. Paris, 1666 [ ] Traite de la Politique de France, par Monsieur P. H., Marquis de C. Reveii, corrige et augmente d'une seconde partie. i2mo. Utrecht, chez P. Elzev. 1670 [ ] Recueil de diverses pieces pour servir a I'Histoire [de France]. 4to. s. I. 1640 Haydn (Joseph). Dictionary of Dates and universal reference relating to all ages and nations. Sixth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1853 Nineteenth edition, by Benj. Vincent. 8vo. Ibid. 1889 Beatson's Political Index modernised. The Book of Dignities ; containing rolls of the official personages of the British Empire, civil, ecclesiastical, judicial, military, naval, and municipal, from the earliest periods to the present time ; with the Sovereigns of Europe, the Peerage of England and of Gt. Britain, &c. 8vo. Ibid. 1851 Continued to the present time, by Horace Ockerby. 8vo. Ibid. 1890 Haydon (Benjamin Robert). Life of Benjamin Robert Haydon, His- torical Painter, from his autobiography and notes. Edited and compiled by Tom Taylor. 3 vols. 8vo. Land. 1853 Haye : V. La Haye. Hayes (Louis, Baron de Courmenin des). Voyage de Levant, fait par le commandement du Roy en I'annee 162 1, par le Sr. D. C[ourmenin]. Troisi^me edition. 4to. Paris, 1645 Haym (Niccola Francesco). Biblioteca Italiana, ossia notizia de' libri rari Italiani. 4 vols, in 2. 8vo. Milaiio, 1803 Hayward (Sir John). Life of K. Edward VI. : i7i Kennett's History of England, vol. 2. Hazlitt (W. Carew). Shakespeare Jest Books, 1864, q. v. Head (Sir Edmund Walker, Bart.) Handbook of Painting. German, Flemish, Dutch, Spanish, and French Schools : see Kugler (Dr. Franz), 1854. HEA — HEB 197 Head (Sir Francis Bond, Bart.) The Life of James Bruce, the African Traveller. 8vo. Lond. 1830 [ ] Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau. By an Old ]Man. Third edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1835 Seventh edition. 8vo. Ihid. 1866 A Fortnight in Ireland. 8vo. Ibid. 1852 Head (Sir George). Rome; a tour of many days. 3vols. 8vo. Lond. iB^q Hearne (Thomas). Itinerary of John Leland, the Antiquary, 1768-9, q.v. Liber Niger Scaccarii, nee non Wilhelmi Worcestrii Annales Rerum Anglicarum, cum praefatione et appendice Thomae Hearnii ad editionem primam Oxoniae editam. Editio altera ; accedunt chartae antiquae et opuscula varia historiam et antiquitates Angliae spectantia, et antehac inedita. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1771 Lrvius (Titus), Foro-Juliensis. Vita Henrici V., q. v. Life of Thomas Hearne: sec Huddesford (Will.), 1772. Heath (Francis George). The English Peasantry. 8vo. Lond. 1874 Our Woodland Trees. Second edition. 8vo. Ibid. \%-j^ Heath (James). A Chronicle of the late Intestine War in the three Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland ; with the intervening affairs of treaties and other occurrences relating thereunto. Second edition. Fol. Lond. 1676 Heather (W.) Complete Pilot for the Northern Navigation from London to St. Petersburg. Fol. Lond. 1801 Heber (Reginald, Bp. of Calcutta). Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India, from Calcutta to liombay, 1824-5, (with Notes upon Ceylon). Fourth edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829 Heber (Richard). Bibliotheca Heberiana. Catalogue of the Library of Richard Ileber, Esq., sold April, 1834 — April, 1836. [Priced copy.] II pts. in 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834-6 igS HEE — HEM Heeren (Arnold Herman Louis). A Manual of Ancient History, parti- cularly with regard to the constitutions, the commerce, and the colonies of the states of antiquity. Translated from the German. Second edition. 8vo. Oxf. 1832 Manual of the History of the Political System of Europe and its Colonies, from its formation at the close of the fifteenth century to its re-establishment upon the fall of Napoleon. Translated from the fifth German edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Fbid. 1834 Held AN (Abraham). Oratio ad Principem Auriacum. [Jurid. Diss.] 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1674 [Heidegger, J. H.] Histoire du Papisme, ou abrege de I'histoire de I'Eglise Romaine depuis sa naissance jusqu'a Innocent XL Pape. [Traduite du Latin de J. Henri Heidegger, Ministre de Zurich, par Aubert de Verse.] 2 pts. in i vol. i2mo. Amst. 1685 Heineccius (Jo. Gottl.) Antiquitatum Romanarum Jurisprudentiam illustrantium Syntagma secundum ordinem Institutionum Justiniani digestum. Editio secunda. 2 pts. in i vol. 8vo. Argent. 1724 Stili Cultioris Fundamenta. 8vo. Franeq. 1729 Heinsius (Dan.) Rerum ad Sylvam-Ducis atque alibi in Belgio aut a Belgis anno 1629 gestarum historia. Fol. Lugd. Bat. ex off. Ehev. 1631 Heliodorus. The Adventures of Theagenes and Chariclia. [A Romance, translated from the Greek. Vol. i missing.] 2 vols. i2mo. Loud, i"]!"] Helvetia. Helvetiorum Respublica, diversorum autorum quorum non- nuUi nunc primum in lucem prodeunt. i2mo. Lugd. Bat. Elzcv. ibz-j Helvetius (A., M.D.) Methode pour guerir toute sorte de Fi^vres, sans rien faire prendre par la bouche. i2mo. Pan's, ib()^ Hemans (Felicia). Poems. 8vo. Edinb. 1849 Hemingford (Walter). Historia Edw. I., Edw. II., Edw. III., &c. : v. Gale. Hist. Brit. Script., vol. 2. Hempel (Georg Carl Ludwig). Der Fruchtgewinn beim Obstbau iiber das Doppelte erhoht. 8vo. Leipzig, 1847 [Bound with "Walker (W.) Erziehung der Obstbiiume, 1847.] HEN 199 Hennepin (Louis). Nouvelle Decouverte d'un tr^s grand Pays situ6 dans TAmerique entre le Xouveau Mexique et la Mer Glaciale. i2mo. Utrecht, 1697 A new Discovery of a vast country in America between New France and New Mexico. [Translated from the French.] 8vo. Land. 1698 [Henningsen, C. F.] Revelations of Russia : or, the Emperor Nicholas and his empire in 1844. By One who has seen and describes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Henricsonius (Jonas). De ratione et via regiones septentrionales ad cultum Sedis Romanae reducendi. i2mo. s, I. et a. [circa 1620] [Bound w-ith Schleswig. Factum pour S. A. S. le Due, 1677.] Henrietta ArARiA, Queen of Charles I. Oraison Funebre, prononcee par ^lonseigneur I'Evesque d'Amiens. 4to. Pan's, 1670 prononcee par R. P. I. F. Senault. 4to. Ihtd. 1670 prononcee par ^lons. I'Abb^ Bossuet. Seconde edition. 4to. Ibid. 1670 [The three pieces are bound in one volume.] Henry FV. The Chronicles of the White Rose of York : a series of historical fi-agments, proclamations, letters, &:c. relating to the Reign of Henry IV. ; with notes and illustrations. Edited by W. Giles. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Henry VIH. The Pilgrim : a Dialogue on the Life and Actions of K. Henry Vm. : .j<:^ Thomas (William), 1861. Henry III, Roi de France. Recueil de diverses pieces servant a I'His- toire de Henry III., Roy de France et de Pologne : contenant — I. Journal du R^gne de Henry III. [par M. Servin, ou plutot extrait des Memoires de Pierre de I'Estoile, par Ser^'in]. II. Discours mar- veilleux de la Vie de Catherine de Medicis [par Henri Estienne]. III. Histoire des Amours du Roi Henry IV. escrite par Louyse de Lorraine, Princesse de Conty. IV. Divorce Satyrique, ou les Amours de la Reine Marguerite de Valoys [par Pierre Victor Palma Cayet]. V. Confession Catholique du Sieur de Sancy, [par D'.Vubign^]. 12 mo. Cologne, 1663 Histoire de Henry III. : v. DUPLEIX (Scipion), 1650. Henry IV, King of France. Histoire de: v. Dupleix (Scipion), 1650. Henry V. of Navarre. Henrici Navarrorum Regis Epistolac, de Pace Ecclesiastica constituenda, etc. i2mo. Ultraj. 1679 200 HEN— HER Henschel (G. a. L.) Dictionnaire des Langnes Fran9aise et Allemande. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1839 Henshall (Samuel) and John Wilkinson. Domesday of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey: ji?g Domesday, 1799. Hentzner (Paul). Journey into England in 1598; edited by Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford. 8vo. Strawberry Hill, \-]^-] Herbert (George). Works ; with a Life of Herbert, by Isaac Walton. (Aldine Poets, vols, i and 2.) 2 vols. i2mo. Land. 1848-50 Poetical Works. 8vo. Ibid, x^^-j Herbert (W.) Antiquities of the Inns of Court and Chancer}' ; contain- ing historical and descriptive sketches relative to their original foundation, customs, ceremonies, buildings, government, &c. 8vo. Loud. 1804 Herbert of Cherbury (Edward, Lord). History of K. Henry VIII. : in Kennett's History of England, vol. 2. Herculaneuxi : see Ercolano. Hermannus (Paulus). Paradisus Batavus, continens plus centum Plantas affabre eere incisas et descriptionibus illustratas. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1598 Herne (Samuel). Domus Carthusiana : or, an Account of the most noble Foundation of the Charter-House, near Smithfield in London, both before and since the Reformation ; with the Life and Death of Thomas Sutton, the Founder thereof, and his last will and testament. 8vo. Loud. 1677 Herodianus. Herodiano delle Vite Imperiali : tradotte di Greco per M. Lelio Carani. 8vo. Vincgia, \s,s^i Herodotus Halicarnasseus. Historiarum libri IX. ; ejusdem Narratio de vita Homeri ; cum Vallae interpretatione Latina Historiarum Herodoti ab Hen. Stephano recognita. Ctesiae quaedam de reb. Pers. et Ind. Editio secunda. Fol. Exciid. Hoir. Skphaniis, 1592 Historiarum libri IX. ; Gr. et Lat. cum interpretatione Laurentii Vallae ; industria Jac. Gronovii, cujus accedunt notae. Fol. Liigd. Bat. 11 \^ Geographical System of: see Rennell (James), 1800. Tale of the Great Persian War, by G. W. Cox, 1861, q.v. Heron (Sir Robert, Bart.) Notes. 8vo. Grantham, \%^\ HER — HEY 20I Herrera (Antoine de). Description des Indes Occidentales, qu'on appelle au'jourdhuy le Nouveau Monde ; translatee de TEspagnol. P'ol. Aiiisf. lb 2 2 Hersart de la Villexiarque (Vicomte). Barsaz-Breiz : see Taylor (Tom), 1865. Herschel (Sir John, Bart.) A Treatise on Astronomy. (Gardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia). i2mo. Loud. 1835 Outlines of Astronomy. 8vo. Ibid. 1849 Hervey (Rev. Lord Arthur K Sermons for the Sundays and principal Holy days throughout the year, preached in the Parish Churches of Ickworth and Horringer. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1850 Hervey (Charles). The Theatres of Paris ; illustrated with original portraits of eminent living actresses, by Alexandre Lacauchie. 8vo. Paris, 1846 Hervey (John, Lord). Memoirs of the Reign of George the Second, from his accession to the death of Queen Caroline. Edited from the original manuscript at Ickworth, by the Rt. Hon. John Wilson Croker, LL.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Herzen (A.) : V. Catherixe II. Hess (Heinrich). Die Fresco-Gemalde der koniglichen allerheiligen Hofkapelle zu iMiinchen, von Professor Heinrich Hess. Fol. Miinchen, 1837 [No title — 43 plates, and Uebersicht uber Anordnung und Iiihalt, i — 8 only.] Hessemer (F. M.) Arabische und Alt-Italienische Bauverzierungen gesammelt, gezeichnet und mit erlaiiternden Texte begleitet ; mit 120 in Farben gedruckten Tafeln. Fol. Birliii, 1837-42 Hesychius [Grammaticus Alexandrinus]. Lexicon Grsecum, cum notis doctorum virorum integris, edidit, suasque animadversiones perpetuas adjecit Joannes Alberti. [L. P.] 2 vols. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1746-66 Hetzel (J.) 6crit sous le nom de P. .S. SxAHL, 1842, q. v. Hewitt (W.) An Essay on the Encroachments of the German Ocean along the Norfolk Coast, with a design to arrest its further depreda- tions. 8vo. Nonv. 1844 Heylyn (Peter, D.D.) Cosmography ; in four books containing the Chorography and History of the whole World. Fol. Land, i-jo^ D D 202 HEY— HIL Heywood (Thomas). England's Elizabeth ; her life and troubles, during her minoritie, from the Cradle to the Crown. 12 mo. Cmnlr. 1632 The Life of Merlin, sirnamed Ambrosius ; his prophesies, and pre- dictions interpreted and their truth made good by our English Annalls : being a Chronographicall History of all the Kings, and memorable passages of this kingdome, from Brute to the Reigne of our Royall Soveraigne King Charles. 4to. Loud. 1641 Hezecques (Felix). Recollections of a Page at the Court of Louis XVI. by Felix, Count de France d' Hezecques. Edited from the French by Charlotte M. Yonge. 8vo. Lond. 1873 " HiEOVER (Harry) " : pscihi. of Charles BnSTDLEY, q. v. HiGDEN (Ranulphus). Polychronicon : v. Gale. Hist. Brit. Script., vol. i. Highland Society of Scotland. Prize Essays and Transactions. New Series. Vols, i — 7. 8vo. Edinb. 1829-41 [The First and Second Series, Vols, i — 14, 8vo. Edinb. 1799 — 1843, were issued between those dates.] — Journal of the Agricultural Society of Scotland (Highland Society), New Series, July, 1845 — 1866. Transactions. [Incomplete.] 8vo. Ibid. Third Series. Nos. i — 6, ig — 24. 1866-8. 8vo. Ibid. — Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Fourth Series. Nos. I — 6, and Vols. 4 — 17. 8vo. Abcrd. & Edinb. 1866-85 Fifth Series. Vol. i. 8vo. Ibid. \i Report on the present State of the Agriculture of Scotland. 8vo. Ibid. 1878 Hildreth (Richard). The Histor}^ of the United States of America, from the discovery of the continent to the organization of government under the federal constitution. 3 vols. 8vo. Neiv York, 1850 Hill (Sir John, M.D.) A general Natural History : or, new and accurate descriptions of the animals, vegetables, and minerals of the different parts of the world. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1748-52 Eden : or, a Compleat Body of Gardening. Second edition. Fol. Ibid. 1773 Hill (J. Woodroffe). Our Canine Companions in health and disease. \JDcdicatcd to the Duke of Portlandi\ Fol. Lond. 1891 HIL — HOD 203 HiLLARD (George Stillman). Six Months in Italy. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1853 HiLPERT (Dr. Joseph Leonhard). Worterbuch der Englisch-Deutschen und Deutsch-Englischen Sprache. 2 vols. 4to. Karlsruhe, 1828 Dictionary of the Engli.sh and German, and the German and English Language. 2 vols. 4to. New York, 1846 HCs'DS (Samuel, D.D.) The Rise and Early Progress of Christianity. (Encyclop. Metrop.) 8vo. Glasg. 1850 HiRTIUS (A.) : V. C^SAR (C. Julius). Historical Register (The) ; containing an impartial relation of all transactions foreign and domestic, 1714-38. 25 vols. 8vo. Loitd. 1716-38 "Historicus" : pseud, of the Rt. Hon. Sir William Harcourt, q.v. Hive (The). A Collection of the most celebrated Songs. Third edition. [Vols. 3 and 4 missing.] 4 vols. i2mo. Land. 1726-7 HOADLY (Benjamin, Bp. of Winchester). Works ; published by his son, John Hoadly. 3 vols. fol. Loud. 1773 HOARE (Clement). Practical Treatise on the Cultivation of the Grape Vine on open walls. Second edition. 8vo. Loiid. 1837 HOARE (Sir Richard Colt, Bart.) A Classical Tour through Italy and Sicily ; tending to illustrate some districts which have not been described by Mr. Eustace in his Classical Tour. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819 HOBBES (James R.) The Picture Collector's Manual : being a Dictionary of Painters, with an alphabetical arrangement of the scholars, imitators, and copyists of the various masters; and a classification of subjects. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1849 HOBBES (Thomas, of Malmesbury). Analysis of the Rhetoric of Aristotle, 1823, g.v. HOBHOUSE (John Cam) : see BrouGHTON (Lord;. HoDDE (Lucien de la). Histoire des Soci6t6s Secretes et du Parti Repu- blicain de 1830 b. 1848. 8vo. Briix. 1850 D D 2 204 HOD — HOH [HODDESDON, John]. Tho. Alori Vita et Exitus : or, the History of Sir Thomas More, sometime Lord High Chancellor of England. Collected out of several authors, by J. H., Gent. lamo. Land. 1652 Hodgson (Christopher). Instructions for the use of Candidates for Holy Orders and of the Parochial Clergy. Seventh edition. 8vo. Lond. 1850 HOFLAND (T. C.) A descriptive Account of the Mansion and Gardens of White-Knights, a seat of His Grace the Duke of Marlborough, illus- trated by T. C. Holland. [The letterpress was written by ]\Irs. Bar- bara Holland.] Fol. Loud. [18 19] The British Angler's Manual : or, the art of Angling in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. 8vo. Ihid. 1839 HOFMAXNUS (Joh. Jacobus). Lexicon Universale, historico-geographico- chronologico-poetico-philologicum. 2 vols. fol. Basil. 1677 Continuatio. 3 vols, in 2, fol. Ibid. 1683 Hogarth (George). Memoirs of the Opera in Italy, France, Germany and England. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1851 -^ Hogarth (William). The Analysis of Beauty, written with a view of fixing the fluctuating ideas of taste. 4to. Lond. 1753 ; Works, from the original plates. Fol. Ibid. 1822 Works : 69 plates, some mounted, bound in i vol. fol., many very fine impressions, and original issues. Fol. Ibid. v. y. Hogg (Robert, LL.D.) The Fruit Manual : containing the descriptions, synonyms and classification of the Fruits and Fruit Trees of Great Britain. Fourth ed tion. 8vo. Lond. 1875 HOHE (Friedrich). Neue Maler-Werke aus Miinchen. Fine Auswahl von acht und vierzig neuen Gemalden vorziiglicher Kiinstler in Miinchen in lithographirten Nachbildungen von Friedrich Hohe und Andere, mit einer Einleitung liber Entwicklung und Gang der neuen Malerei in Aliinchen und biographischen Skizzen einzelner Kiinstler. [Text in Fr. and Germ.] Heft, i — 11. Fol. \_MiincJicii, 1838-42] HOHENADEL (W.) Taschenbuch fiir Forstmanner. 8vo. Augsburg, 1843 HOL 205 Holbein (Hans). Imitation of Original Drawings by Hans Holbein in the Collection of His Majesty, for the Portraits of Illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII., with biographical tracts. Published by John Chamberlaine. Fol. Lond. ijqi Another copy. 4to. /did. 1812 [This volume contains one copy of the plates, some coloured, others tinted.] Another copy. Bound in 2 vols. 4to. /did. 1812 [These volumes have two copies of each plate, one copy plain, the other tinted or colomed.] Portraits of Illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII., en- graved in imitation of the original drawings of Hans Holbein, in the Collection of His Majesty ; with biographical and historical memoirs by Edmund Lodge. 4to. /d/d. 1828 HOLINSHED (Ralph). Chronicles: comprising, i. The description and historic of England. 2. The description and historie of Ireland. 3. The description and historie of Scotland. First collected and published by Raphaell Hollinshed, William Harrison and others ; now augmented and continued to 1586, by John Hooker alias Vowell. 2 vols. fol. s. I. 1585-7 • Another copy, with some differences of printing ; it is defective as to titles, and in other respects. 2 vols. fol. 5. /. 1585-7 HOLKHAM, Norfolk: 5^e Brettinghajm (M.), 1773. Holland (Henry, M.D.) Medical Notes and Reflections. 8vo. Z^W. 1839 Holland (Henry Richard, Lord). Foreign Reminiscences; edited by his son, Henry Edward, Lord Holland. 8vo. Loud. 1850 Memoirs of the Whig Party during my time. [Vol. i missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1852-4 Holland (Saba, Lady). Memoir of the Rev. Sidney Smith. With a selection from his Letters, edited by ]\lrs. Austin. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1855 Holland. Lettre d'un Depute des Estats d'HoUande, sur ce qui s'est pass6 en I'Assemblee du 16 F6v. 1684. 12 mo. s. I. 1684 [Bound with Fra.nce. La France Intri^^iiantc, 1677.] Le Secret de la Haye, en Hollande : ou, I'Entretien du Due d'Alanson et de ]\Iarguerite, Reine de Navarre. i2mo. Cologne, ib()i [Bound with Fkance. Rupture avec la Savoye, 1690.] MERCURK IIOLLAXDULS, 1673-84, q. V. 2o6 HOL — HOM Hollar (Wenceslaus) : seeYERTXTE (George), 1745. Mollis (Thomas). Memoirs. [Privately printed.] 2 vols. 4to. Land, ij 80 Home (Henry, Lord Kames), ^. v. HOMERUS. Ilias et Odyssea, [Gr.] 4 vols. 8vo. Oxon. 1801 Ilias et Odyssea, Graecfe. 2 vols. i2mo. Oxon. etypog. Clarend. 1808 Ilias et Odyssea, [cura Grenvilliorum ; Odysseae accedit Porsoni collatio Codicis Harleiani 5674. L. P., with three engravings]. Superb edition. 4 vols. 4to. Oxon. ^d. Clarend. 1801 Ilias, [Gr.] 2 vols. 4to. Oxon. 1801 Odyssea, [Gr.] 2 vols. sm. 4to. Ibid. 1801 — Ilias, Gr., [edit. Jacobo Moor et Georgio Muirhead]. 2 vols. fol. GlasgucB, 1756 — Odyssea, Gr., [edit. Jacobo Moor et Georgio Muirhead]. 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 1758 — Ilias, Gr. et Lat., edidit Samuel Clarke. Editio septima. [Vols. 2 — 5 missing.] 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1768 — Odyssea, Gr. et Lat., edidit Samuel Clarke. Editio secunda. [Vol. I missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1758 — Carmina [Ilias, Gr. et Lat.] cum brevi annotatione ; accedunt variae lectiones et observationes veterum grammaticorum cum nostrse aetatis critica, curante C. G. Heyne. 8 vols. 8vo. Lipsice et Lond. 1802 — The Iliad; translated by Mr. Pope. 6 vols. 4to. Loiid. 1715-20 — Iliad ; translated into English prose, with notes, by a Graduate of the University of Oxford. 2 vol. 8vo. Oxf. 1821 — Commentary on Pope's Homer: see Classical Manual, 1827. — The Iliad of Homer, translated into blank verse by Ichabod Charles Wright. Vol. I. [Books 1 — 12; no more published.] 8vo. Cainb. 1861 — The Iliad ; rendered into English blank verse, by Edward, Earl of Derby. Fourth thousand. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1864 Iliade, traduction nouvelle, accompagnee de notes, d'explications et de commentaires, et prec^dee d'une introduction par Eugfene Bareste. 8vo. Paris, 1843 HOiM — HOO 207 HOiXERUS. Iliade d' Omero rappresentata in figure da Giovanni Flaxman. Fol. Ftrenze, 1826 The Odyssey; translated by Mr. Pope. 5 vols. 4to. Lotid. 1725-6 Odyssey, translated into English verse, in the Spenserian stanza, by Philip Stanhope Worsley. Vol. I. Books I — XII. [No more published.] 8vo. Edinb. 1861 Odyssde, traduction nouvelle, accompagnee de notes, d'explica- tions, et de commentaires, par Eugene Bareste. 8vo. Parts, 1842 Clavis Homerica : see Duncan (Guil.), 1831. WxVLKER (John), 1833. Nova Clavis Homerica: v. SCHAUFELBERGERUS (Jo.), 1765 Galleria Omerica : v. iNGHlRAiii (Francesco), 1831. Essay on the Original Genius and Writings of Homer : see WoOD (Rob.), 1775. HOMCEOPATHIC COOKERY : SCe COOKERY, 1 846. HOMCEOPATHY : See PHARilACOPCEIA HOilCEOPATHICA. HONAN (Michael Burke). The Court and Camp of Don Carlos ; being the results of a late tour in the Basque Provinces, and parts of Catalonia, Aragon, Castile, and Estramadura. Svo. Loud. 1836 The Personal Adventures of " Our Own Correspondent " in Italy. 2 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1852 HONDius (Henry). Nineteen Plates representing Death, Hi invent, et sculpsit. Fol. 11. d. circa 1600 [Bound with Cesars. Effigies, 1600.] HoOK (Rev. Walter Farquhar, D.D.) Five Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo. Oxf.i^n HOOKE (Nathaniel). The Roman History, from the Building of Rome to the Ruin of the Commonwealth. New edition, revised by the Rev. J. R. Pitman. 6 vols. 8vo. Lotid. 1821 Hooker (Joseph Dalton, M.D.) Himalayan Journals : or, Notes of a Naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1854 Hooker (Richard). Works, containing eight books of the Laws of Eccle- siastical Polity ; with the life of the author, by Isaac Walton. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxf. Clarciid. Press, 1793 Of the Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie ; five books, and other pieces. l'"ol. Lund. Stansby, \b\~i-iz 2o8 HOO — HOR Hooker (Sir William Jackson). Flora Boreali-Americana : or, the Botany of the Northern Parts of British America. 2 vols. 4to. Loud. 1840 Hooper (George). The Italian Campaigns of General Bonaparte in 1796, 7, and 1800. Svo. Lo>id. 1859 Waterloo : the Downfall of the First Napoleon ; a history of the Campaign of 1815. Svo. Ibid. 1862 Hooper (Robert, M.D.) Lexicon Medicum : or, Medical Dictionary. Sixth edition. 8vo. (bound in 2 vols.) Lond. 1831 Hope (J., M.D.) Principles and illustrations of Morbid Anatomy. 8vo. Loud. 1834 A Treatise on Diseases of the Heart and great vessels. Second edition. 8vo. Lbid. 1835 Hope (Thomas). Anastasius : or, Memoirs of a Greek; written at the close of the eighteenth century. Fourth edition. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1827 Historical Essay on Architecture. Second edition. Svo. Ibid. 1S35 HoRATius (Quintus) Flaccus. Opera, cum commentariis Dionysii Lam- bini ; accesserunt Adriani Turnebi commentarii. [Title in MS.] 2 pts. in I vol. fol. Franco/, ad Mcenum, 1577 Opera, grammaticorum XL. [Acronis, Porphyrionis, etc.] com- mentariis illustrata. Bound in 2 vols. fol. Basilca, 1580 Opera omnia, cum notis, argumentis, etc. i2mo. Scdani, 1627 — Poemata, scholiis sive annotationibus, quag brevis commentarii vice esse possint, a Joanne Bond illustrata. Sexta editio. Svo. Lond. 1637 — Opera ; interpretation e et notis illustravit Ludov. Desprez, in usum Serenissimi Delphini. Svo. Ibid. 1694 Editio decima. Svo. Ibid. 1740 - — Q. Horatius Flaccus, ex recensione & cum notis atque emenda- tionibus Richardi Bentleii. 4to. Cantabrigia:, 1 7 1 1 — Opera. 2 vols. Svo. Lofidini, ceneis tabulis incidii Johannes Pine, 1733-7 Another copy. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1733-7 Opera. 2 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1749 HOR 209 HORATIUS (Quintus) Flaccus. Opera ; illustravit Christ. Guil. Mitscherlich. [Vol. 2, pt. 2 missing.] 2 vols, in 5 pts., 8vo. Lips. 1800 Eclogae, una cum scholiis perpetuis ; cura AVillielmus Baxter. Svo. Loud. 1725 Works ; translated into English prose, with the Latin ; begun by D. Watson, revised, carried on and published by S. Patrick, LL.D. Fourth edition. 2 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1760 Works ; translated into English prose, with the Latin ; by David Watson. New edition, by W. Crakelt. 2 vols. Svo. Ibid. i-]q2 — The Works of Horace ; translated literally into English prose, by C. Smart. [Vol. i missing.] 2 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 181 8 — CEu\Tes ; traduites en Fran9ois, avec des notes et des remarques critiques sur tout I'ouvrage, par M. Dacier. 10 vols. i2mo. Paris, i6gi [Two copies.] — CEu\Tes d'Horace; en Latin, traduites en Francois par M. Dacier et le P. Sanadon. 8vo. Aiiisf. 1735 — CEuvTes Completes ; traduites en prose, par MM. Amar, Andrieux, Leon Hale\y, et autres. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 183 1-2 — CEu\Tes completes d'Horace ; traduites en Fran9ais et en prose par J. B. IMonfalcon, en vers Espagnols par Burgos, en vers Italiens par Gargallo, en vers Anglais par Francis, en vers AUemands par Wie- land et Voss (texte Latin en regard). Edition Pol3'glotte. Svo. Paris cf Lyon, 1S34 — CEuvres completes d'Horace, de Juvenal, de Perse, de Sulpicia, de Turnus, de Catulle, de Properce, de Gallus et ^laximien, de Tibulle, de PhMre, de Syrus ; avec la traduction en Fran9ais, publiees sous la direction de M. Xisard. Svo. Paris, 1839 Epitres, et Art Poetique. Edition Polyglotte. 2 vols, in I, i2mo. Lyon e( Paris, 1832-3 2 vols. i2mo. Lyon, 1832 Le Ode di Q. Orazio Flacco, tradotte in versi Toscani da Giuseppe Ottavio Nobili Savelli. i2mo. /;/ Z/r'orw/i?, 1784 HORE (J. P.) The History of Newotiarket, and the Annals of the Turf [Vols. 2 and 3 missing.] 3 vols. Svo. Kaomarkct, 1885-6 E E 2IO HOR HOREAU (Hector). Panorama d'Egypte et de Nubie; avec un Portrait de Mehemet-Ali, et un texte orne de vignettes [planches coloriees]. [i2 livraisons], fol. Paris, 1841 [HORLOCK, K. W.] The Master of the Hounds. By " Scrutator." [Vols. I and 3 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1859 HORNE (Philippe, Conte de, Baron de Montmorency, &c.) La deduction de son innocence contre la malicieuse apprehension, indeue detention, injuste procedure, fausse accusation, iniques sentences, et t^Tannicque execution en sa personne a grand tort, par voye de faict perpetrees. 8vo. .r. /. 1568 HORNE (Thomas Hartwell). An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. Seventh edition. 4 vols, in 5, 8vo. Loud. 1834 Horner (Francis). Memoirs and Correspondence; edited by his brother, Leonard Horner. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1853 HORNIUS (Georgius). A folio vol. (igi by \z\ in.) lettered "Introduction a la Geographie Ancienne," engraved title, no letter-press ; introduc- tion signed George Hornius. Avist., apiid Joaniiaii Jansonium \circa 1654] [About 1200 pp., parts separately paged, maps by various authors and engravers.] Horse (The). Anatomy of the Horse. Plates: see GuRLT (Ern. Fr.) The Foot of the Horse : see Turner (James), 1832. The Horse, in the Stable and the Field : see Walsh (J. H.) and I. J. LUPTON, 1 86 1. — The Horse, with a treatise on Draught : see Youatt (W.), 1831. — The Horse and his Master: see Hunt (V. D.), 1859. — Black Beauty : autobiography of a Horse: see SE^\'ELL (Anna). Horse Breeding. Royal Commission on Horse Breeding. First, Second, and Third Reports. Minutes of Evidence and Digest. Zw/^/. 1888-90 Horsemanship. LTnstruction du Roy en I'Exercice de jMonter h. Cheval, par Ant. de Pluvinel, 1627, 1668, q. v. Description du Manege moderne : v. EiSENBERG (Le Baron d'), 1727. — History and Art of: see Berenger (Richard), 1771. HOR — HOU 211 Horsemanship. Methode d'Equitation, par F. Baucher, 1854, q. v. The Functions of the Hands, by Count Cesaresco, 1888, q. v. See a/f(? Newcastle (^Vm. Cavendishe, Duke of), 1667, 1737, 1743- NOVE (Pierre de la), 1621. Horse-Racing : its history and early records of the principal and other race meetings. 8vo. Loud. 1 863 Horses. On the deteriorated Condition of our Saddle Horses ; the cause and the remedy. i2mo. Lond. 1853 La Parfaite Connoissance des Chevaux, leur Anatomie, &:c. : v. Saunier (J. de), 1734. Newmarket and Arabia : see Upton (Roger D.), 1873. Horticultural Register and General Magazine ; edited by Joseph Paxton, Joseph Harrison, [and James INIain]. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 183 1-6 Horticultural Society, London. Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London. 7 vols. 4to. Lond. 1820-30 [There is nothing between this and the Second Series.] Second Series, vol. i. 4to. Ibtd. 1835 Horticulture. The Annals of Horticulture, and Year-Book of Informa- tion on Practical Gardening. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Hoseason (John Cochrane). Remarks on the late War with Russia; together with plans for the attack on Cronstadt, Sweaborg, and Helsingfors. 8vo. Lond. 1857 HOSKINS (G. A.) Spain, as it is. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1851 HOSKYNS (Chandos Wren). Talpa : or, the Chronicles of a Clay Farm ; an agricultural fragment. Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1857 Houbraken. The Heads of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain, engraved by Houbraken, and \"ertue ; with their lives and characters, by Thomas Birch. [Vol. 2 missing ; two copies of vol. i.] 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1743-52 Houghton (Richard Monckton Milncs, Lord). Selections from his Poetical Works. 8vo. Lond. 1863 Life, Letters, and Friendships, by T. Wemyss Reid. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1890 E e 2 212 HOU — HOW Houghton (Rev. W.) British Freshwater Fishes. 2 divisions. Land. [1879] House of Commons. Journals of the House of Commons, q. v. Reports from Committees of the House of Commons, which have been printed by Order of the House, and are not inserted in the Journals, from 17 15 to 1800. 15 vols., with General Index, i vol. 1803. [Vols. 5 — 15, and Gen. Index, missing.] 16 vols. fol. Loud., v. y. House of Lords. Journals of the House of Lords, q. v. Household Book: see Northumberland Household Book, 1770. " Household Words " : 5^^ Dickens (Charles), 1850-59. Households, Royal. A Collection of Ordinances and Regulations for the Government of the Royal Household, made in divers reigns from King Edw. III. to King William and Queen IMary, also receipts in ancient cookery. 4to. Loud. 1790 HouzE (A.) Atlas Universel Historique et Geographique. 4to. Pan's, 1837, ei aim. suiv. Howard (G. E.) A Treatise on the Exchequer and Revenue of Ireland. 2 vols. 4to. Dubl. 1776 Howard (Henry). Indication of IMemorials, Monuments, Paintings, and Engravings of Persons of the Iloward Family, &c. [No title.] Fol. J. /. 1834 Howard (John). An Account of the principal Lazarettos in Europe. 4to. Warrington, 1789 Howarth (Henry). The Liturgy as it is: illustrated in a series of practical Sermons. Second edition. 8vo. Land. 1847 HOWEL (William). An Institution of General History, or the History of the World. Second edition. 3 vols. fol. Land. 1680-5 Howell (Francis). The Characters of Theophrastus ; translated from the Greek, and illustrated by physiognomical sketches. 8vo. Lond.i^zc^ Howell (Laurence). The Orthodox Communicant : see Communion, 172 i. HowiTT (William). Visits to Remarkable Places : Old Halls, Battle Fields, and scenes illustrative of striking passages in English history and poetry. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1840 Second series. 8vo. Ibid. 1842 HUB — HUN 213 HUBAINE (Em.) Le Gouvemement Temporel des Papes juge par la diplo- matie Frangaise. Deuxi^me edition. 8vo. Paris, 1862 HUBER (M.) et C. C. H. ROST. Manuel des Curieux et des Amateurs de I'Art, contenant une notice abregee des principaux Graveurs, et un Catalogue Raisonne de leurs meilleurs ouvrages ; depuis le com- mencement de la Gra\-ure jusques a nos jours. 8 vols, in 4. 8vo. Ztiridi, 1797 — 1804 Tome I., II. Ecole Allemande. III., IV. Ecole Italienne. v., VI. Ecole des Pays-Bas. VII., \ail. Ecole de France. [HuDDESFORD, William, D.D.] The Lives of those eminent Antiquaries John Leland, Thomas Hearne, and Anthony a Wood. [The Life of Leland, by William Huddesford, D.D. The whole edited by him.] 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf. I'll 2 Hughes (Rev. Griffith). Natural History of Barbados. Fol. Loud. 1750 Hughes (Rev. T. S.) The History of England from the Accession of George III. 176010 1835. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Hugo (Victor). Napoleon le Petit. i2mo. Lond. 1852 HuiiBOLDT (Alexander von). Briefe an Varnhagen von Ense, 1827-58. Dritte Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig, 1 860 Hume (Sir Abraham). Notices of the Life and Works of Titian. 8vo. Lond. 1829 Hui£E (David). The History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688. 8 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1826 Humphreys (Henry Noel). The Illuminated Books of the Aliddle Ages, illustrated by Owen Jones. Fol. Lond. 1849 Hundeshagen (Dr. J. Ch.) Forstliche Produktionslehre. Dritte Auflage. 8vo. Tubingen, 1835 Hungary. Scenes of the Civil War in Hungary in 1848 and 1849; trans- lated from German, by F. Schoberl. Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1 850 Hunt (Leigh). Imagination and Fancy : or. Selections from the English Poets. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Stories from the Italian Poets ; with lives of the writers. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1846 Correspondence ; edited by his eldest son. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1862 214 HUN — HUT Hunt (Robert). Photography. (Encyclop. Metrop.) i2mo. Lond. 1851 Hunt (T. F.) Exemplars of Tudor Architecture, adapted to modern habitations; with illustrative details selected from ancient edifices, and observations on the furniture of the Tudor period. 4to. Land. 1830 Hunt (Vere D.) The Horse and his Master. i2mo. Loud. 1859 [Hunter, Henry, D.D.] The History of London and its environs. 2 vols. 4to. Lo7id., printed for John Stockdale, 1796 [This work is uot highly esteemed, it was carelessly compiled.] Hunters' Improvement Society (The). Record of Prize Mares, &c. Vols. I and 3. 8vo. Land. 1887-9 Hunting. The Cream of Leicestershire : see Elmhirst (Captain Pennell), 1883. See also Chace, 1560. Huon de Bordeaux. L'histoire et faits du tr^s-preux, noble et vaillant Huon de Bordeaux, Pair de France et Due de Guyenne. 8vo. Rozien, chez Louys Cosie [circa 1625] HiTRTERN (Jo. Christoph.) Geographica Provinciarum Sueviae descriptio ; Schwaben, in XXVIII. iibereintreffenden Tabellen vorgestellet. Obi. 4to. Augsburg, \_n. d., circa 1600] [Bound mth Stridbeck, Johann.] Husbandry. British Husbandry ; exhibiting the Farming Practice in various parts of the United Kingdom. Published under the super- intendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge; with a Supplement, comprising Modern Agricultural Improvements, by Cuthbert W. Johnson. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. R. Baldwin, \_n. d., circa 1845] HuSENBETH (F. C.) A Guide for the Wine Cellar : or, a treatise on the Cultivation of the Vine, and the management of the different Wines consumed in this country. 8vo. Lond. 1839 HUSKISSON (Rt. Hon. William). Speeches, with a biographical memoir. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1 83 1 HUTCHINS (John). History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1774 HUT — INC 215 Hutchinson (Lucy). Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson, with original anecdotes of many of the most distinguished of his contem- poraries, and a summary review of public affairs ; published from the original manuscript, by the Rev. Julius Hutchinson, to which is pre- fixed the Life of ^Irs. Hutchinson, written by herself. 4to. Loud. 1806 Hutchinson (William). History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham. 3 vols. 4to. Nezvcasi/e, i-jSyg^ HUTT (William). State and Prospects of British Agriculture; being a compendium of the Evidence given before a Committee of the House of Commons, appointed in 1836 to inquire into Agricultural Distress. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1837 HUTTON (Charles). A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1796-5 HUXTABLE (Rev. A.) A Lecture on the Science and Application of Manures. Sixth edition. 8vo. Zw/^. 1848 ICONOGRAPHTE DES CONTEMPORAINS, ou Portraits des Personnes dont les noms se rattachent plus particuli^rement, soit par leurs actions, soit par leurs Merits, aux divers evenements qui ont eu lieu en France depuis 1789 jusqu'en 1829. Publiee par F. S. Delpech. [206 pi.] 2 vols. fol. Paris, Dclpcch, 1823-32 ICONOGRAPHiE Fran(;;aise, ou Choix de deux cents portraits d'hommes et de femmes qui se sont acquis en France, depuis le r^gne de Charles VII jusqu'^ la fin de celui de Louis XVI, le plus de c61ebrit6, soit dans le gouvernement, I'^glise, les armees, les sciences, les lettres et les arts. Fol. Paris, Veiivc Dclpcch, 1840 Idler (The), Beauties of: see Rambler, 1787. Imperial Cyclopaedia: see Cyclop.^dia, 1852. Inchbald (j\Irs. Elizabeth). The British Theatre: or, a collection of Plays acted at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, Covent Garden, and Haymarket ; with biographical and critical remarks. [Vol. 9 missing.] 25 vols. i2mo. Lond. i8o8 A Collection of Farces and other Afterpieces which are acted at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, Covent Garden, and Hay-Market. [Vol. 3 missing.] 7 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 18 15 2l6 IND — INS India. De Imperio Magni Mogolis, sive India Vera : Commentarius e variis auctoribus congestus. i2mo. Lngd. Bat. Elzev. 1631 — Transactions in India from the commencement of the French War in 1756 to the conclusion of the late Peace in 1783; containing a History of the British Interests in Indostan, during a period of near thirty years. [Said to be by John Moir.] 8vo. Land, i-j&b — The War in India. Despatches of the Rt. Hon. Lt.-Gen. Viscount Hardinge, G.C.B., the Rt. Hon. Lord Gough, G.C.B., Major-Gen. Sir Harry Smith, Bart., G.C.B., and other documents ; comprising the Engagements of Moodkee, Ferozeshah, Aliwal, and Sobraon. 8vo. Ibid. 1846 — Tribes on my Frontier : an Indian Naturalist's Foreign Policy, by E. H. A. Third edition. 8vo. Calc. 1887 — Lays of Ind, by Aliph Cheem, i.e. Walter Yeldham, 1888, q. v. — Abridgment of the History of India : see Marshman (John Clark), 1880. Gazetteer of India : j^e Thornton (Edw.), 1857. Ingelo (Nath., D.D.) Bentivolio and Urania. The second part. Fol. Lond. 1664 [The complete work is in sLx books, but it is frequently found incomplete.] Inghirami (Francesco). Galleria Omerica, o Raccolta di Monumenti antichi esibita dal Cav. Francesco Inghirami per servire alio studio deir Iliade e dell' Odissea. 3 vols. 8vo. Poligrafia Ficsolaiia, Fircuzc, 183 1-6 Pitture di Vasi Fittili esibite dal Cav. Francesco Inghirami. 4 vols. 4to. Ihid. 1835-7 INGLIS (Henry D.) Spain in 1830. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831 Ingulfi Croylandensis Historia: v. Fulman (G.), 1684. Inman (Rev. James, D.D.) An Introduction to Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry. 8vo. Portsea, 1829 Inscriptiones GraecBe Vetustissimae ; coUegit, et observationes tum aliorum tum suas adjecit Hugo Jacobus Rose. 2 vols. 8vo. Cantab. 1825 Inscriptiones Antiquaj in Etruria : v. GORIUS (Ant. Fr.) 1726-43. & INT — IRE 217 "Intercepted Letters" : 5^ib. 1871 Jobez (Alphonse). La France sous Louis XV. [Vol. 6 missing.] 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1864-73 JOII 223 Johnson (Cuthbert William). On Fertilizers. 8vo. Lottd. 1839 Third edition. Svo. Ihid. 1851 On Increasing the Dep {_sic\ of Soils. 8vo. Ibid. 1 840 — The Farmer's Encyclopa?dia, and Dictionary of Rural affairs; embracing Agricultural Chemistry. 8v'o. Ibid. 1842 — On Guano as a Fertilizer. 8vo. Ibid. 1843 — British Husbandry, [1845] = ^^^^ HUSBANDRY. Johnson (James, M.D.) An Essay on Indigestion. Seventh edition. Svo. Loud. 1 83 1 [Bound with Johnson on Change of Air.] Change of Air : or, the Diary of a Philosopher in pursuit of health and recreation. Second edition. Svo. Ibid. 1831 Johnson (Rev. Samuel, Chaplain to the Rt. Hon. AVilliam, Ld. Russel). Works. Fol. Lond. 17 10 Johnson (Samuel, LL.D.) Works ; with an essay on his life and genius, by Arthur Murphy. 12 vols. Svo. Loud. 1823 Debates in Parliament. [These are vols. 13 and 14 of Johnson's Works, by Murphy.] 2 vols. Svo. Ibid. iSii Works of the English Poets; with prefaces. [Vols. 6, 24, 39, 59, 66 missing.] 68 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1779-81 Prefaces, biographical and critical, to the works of the English Poets. [Vols. I — 4 missing.] 10 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 17S1 Lives of the most eminent English Poets, with critical observations on their works, 4 vols. Svo. Ibid. \-j2i\ New edition. 4 vols. Svo. Ibid. 17S3 — Prefaces to the Dramatic Works of Shakespeare : see Shake- speare, 1S30. — A Dictionary of the English Language ; to which are prefixed, a history of the language and an English Grammar. 2 vols, (bound in 4), fol. Lond. 1755 Third edition. 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 1765 224 JOH — JON Johnson (Samuel, LL.D.) A Dictionary of the English Language ; with a history of the Language, and an English Grammar ; with corrections and additions by the Rev. H. J. Todd. 4 vols. 4to. Loiid. 1818 [Two copies.] Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. : see Boswell (James). JOINVILLE (John, Lord de). INIemoirs of John, Lord de Joinville, Grand Seneschal of Champagne, written by himself, containing a History of part of the Life of Louis IX., King of France, surnamed Saint Louis ; with the notes and dissertations of M. Du Cange, &c. ; translated by Thomas Johnes, Esq. 2 vols. 4to. Printed at the Hafod Press, iZo-j Joinville (Le Prince de). Essais sur la Marine Fran9aise. 8vo. Brux. 1852 JOLY : V. CrETINEAU-JOLY. [JOLY, Claude]. Histoire de la Prison et de la Liberte de Monsieur le Prince. 4to. Paris, 1651 JOLY (Jules de). Plans, Coupes, Elevations et Details de la Restauration de la Chambre des Deputes. Fol. Paris, 1 840 JOMARD (M.) : V. EGYPT. Description de I'Egypte. Jones (Ben. Charles, Capt.) Allegories, Discourses, Legends, Proverbs, &c., on Fact and Fiction, past and present, and the World. First Series. 8vo. Lo7id. [n. d., circa 1886] Jones (Edward). Musical and Poetical Relicks of the Welsh Bards. Fol. Lond. 1784 Jones (George). Sir Francis Chantrey, R.A., Recollections of his life, practice, and opinions. i2mo. Lo)id. 1849 Jones (Inigo). Designs, consisting of Plans and Elevations for Publick and Private Buildings ; published by William Kent. 2 vols, in I, 4to. s. I. iiz-j Jones (Owen). The Grammar of Ornament ; illustrated by examples from various styles of ornament. Bound in 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1856 Jones (Thomas Rymer). A general Outline of the Animal Kingdom, and Manual of Comparative Anatomy. 8vo. Lond. 1841 JON — JOU 225 Jones (Sir William). Poetical Works ; with the life of the author. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1807 Memoirs of Life, Writings, and Correspondence of: see Teign- MOUTH (John Shore, Lord), 1804. JONSON (Ben). Workes. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1640 Another copy. 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 1640 Poetical Works ; edited by Robert Bell. i2mo. Ibid. 1856 JOPLTOG (T.) Outlines of a System of Political Economy ; with an Essay on the Principles of Banking. 8vo. Lond. 1823 JORIO (Andrea de). Rletodo per rinvenire e frugare i Sepolcri degli Antichi. 8vo. Napoli, 1824 JOSEPHUS (Flavius). Di Flavio Giuseppe della Guerra de' Giudei libri VII. ; libri due contra Apione ; tradotti per Francesco Baldelli. 4to. Vinegia, 1582 libri XX. ; tradotti per Fr. Baldelli. 4to. Ibid. 1583 Histoire des Juifs ; traduite par Arnauld d'Andilly. Fol. Amst. 1700 Works ; to which are added three dissertations concerning Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, &c. ; translated by William Whiston. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1806 JOUBERT (F. E., Pfere). Manuel de I'Amateur d'Estampes, faisant suite au Manuel du Libraire. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821 JOURDAN (Adrien). Histoire de France, et I'origine de la Maison Royale. 3 vols. 4to. Parts, 1679 Journal Amoureux (Le), parties i, 2, 4. 3 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1670-1 Journal des Connoissances Usuelles et Pratiques, public par M. Gillet de Grandmont et M. C. de Lasteyrie. Troisieme 6dition. Vols. I — 4, and g — 28, bound in 6. 8vo. Paris, 1832-40 Planches. 8vo. Ibid. Journal of Botany : see Botany. (JG 226 JOU — JUS Journals. Journals of the House of Lords, from i Hen. VHI. to 7 Geo. III. 1509 — 1767. Vols. I — 35. Fol. Land. v.y. Journals of the House of Commons, from Nov. 8th, 1547 (i Edw. VI.) to 24tli March, 1784 (24 Geo. III.) Vols, i — 39. Fol. Land. v.y. General Index to Vols. 8 — 1 1, compiled by R. Flexman, D.D. Fol. 1780 to Vols. 12 — 1 7, compiled byN. Forster. Fol. 1778 to Vols. 18 — -34, compiled by Edw. Moore. Fol. 1778 [Jouy, Victor Joseph Etienne]. L'Hermite de la Chaussee-d'Antin, ou observations sur les moeurs et les usages Parisiens au commencement du XIX"^ si^cle. Quatrieme edition. [Vol. 2 missing.] 5 vols. 1 2 mo. Pm-is, 18 14- 15 L'Hermite en Province, ou observations sur les moeurs et les usages Fran9ais au commencement du XIX'' si^cle. Quatrifeme edition. 4 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 1818-22 JUBINAL (Achille). La Armeria Real, ou Collection des principales Pieces de la Galerie d'Armes Anciennes de IMadrid ; dessins de Gaspard Sensi, texte de M'' Achille Jubinal. Fol. /'(/r/'5, [1839] du Musee d'Artillerie de Madrid. Fol. Ibid. [1839] [Bound with the preceding volume.] Junius : including Letters by the same writer, under other signatures ; to which are added, his confidential Correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and his private Letters to Mr. H. S. Woodfall ; with a preliminary essay, notes, &:c. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 18 14 Letters to a Nobleman, proving a late Prime Minister to have been Junius ; and developing the secret motives which induced him to write under that and other signatures ; with an Appendix containing the Case of the Duke of Portland [published by Almon in 1768], respecting two leases granted by the Lords of the Trea- sury to iSir James Lowther, Bart. 8vo. Ibid. 18 16 JuRlEU (Pierre). Prejugez Legitimes contre le Papisme. 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4to. Aiust. 1685 [ ] Presages de la Decadence des Empires, ou sont melees plusieurs observations curieuses touchant la religion et les affaires du temps. i2mo. Mcckclboiirg^ 1688 JUSTINUS (Marcus Junius). Giustino historico illustre, ne le Historic Esterne di Trogo Pompeo. Tradotto da Bartolom^o Zucchi da Monza. 4to. Venet 1590 Justus (Pascasius). De Alea libri duo. i2mo. Amsf. Ehev. 1642 JUY — KAY 227 JUVENALIS (Decius Junius). D. Junii Juvenalis et Auli Persii Flacci Satyras. 4 to. Birm. typis Jo. Baskerzn'lle, 1761 8vo. Cantab. 1763 The Satires of Decius Junius Juvenalis, translated into English verse by William GifFord. 4to. Loud. \^oz New and Literal Translation of Juvenal and Persius, with notes by the Rev. M. Madan. New edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1 8 1 3 See also HORAxius, 1839. Kajies (Henry Home, Lord). The Decisions of the Court of Session, from its first institution to the present time. 2 vols. fol. Edinb. 1741 ■ Vols. 3 and 4, by F. Tytler. [Vol. 4 missing.] Fol. Ibid. 1797-8 Kaist; (Sir Robert John, ]\LD.) The Industrial Resources of Ireland. Second edition. 8vo. Duhl. 1845 Kapodistrias : V. Capodistrias. Kater (Captain Henry) and Rev. Dionysius Lardner. A Treatise on Mechanics. (Lard. Cab. Cyclop.) 8vo. Land. 1830 Kathleen. [A Novel.] Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud. iStq KlAVANAGH (Julia). Nathalie; a tale. 3 vols. 8vo. Lo?id. 1850 Ad61e;atale. 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1858 Kaye (John William). History of the War in Afghanistan. 2 vols. 8vo. Lo?id. 1 85 1 The Life and Correspondence of Charles, Lord Metcalfe, late Governor-General of India, &c. ; from unpublished letters and journals. 2 vols. 8vo. 3id. 1854 Selections from the Papers of Lord Metcalfe, Governor-General of India. 8vo. Ibid. 1855 The Life and Correspondence of Henry St. George Tucker, late Accountant-General of Bengal, and Chairman of the East India Company. 8vo. Ibid. 1854 Christianity in India : an historical narrative. 8vo. Ibid. 1859 G G 2 2 28 KAY — KEN Kaye (John William). A History of the Sepoy War in India. Third edition. [Vols. 2 and 3 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1865 ^Memorials of Indian Government : see Tucker (Henry St. George), 1853. See also Knight (Cornelia), 1861. Keats (John) . Poetical Works ; with a memoir by Richard Monckton Milnes. 8vo. Lond. 1854 Keeling (William). Liturgiae Britannicse, or the several editions of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England, from its compila- tion to its last revision. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1851 Keightley (Thomas). The Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy. 8vo. Lond. 1831 Keith (Robert). The History of the Affairs of Church and State in Scotland, from the beginning of the Reformation in the reign of King James V., to the retreat of Queen Mary, 1568. Fol. Edinb. 1734 Kelly (James). A complete Collection of Scotish Proverbs, explained and made intelligible to the English reader. 8vo. Lond. i"] 21 Kelly (Walter K.) Proverbs of all nations, compared, explained and illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 1859 Kemble (John M.) Horse Ferales : or, Studies in the Archaeology of the Northern nations ; edited by R. G. Latham, IM.D., and A. W. Franks. 4to. Lond. 1863 Kempis (Thomas a). Of the Imitation of Jesus Christ; translated from the Latin original, with an introduction and notes by the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin, D.D. 8vo. Lond. 1828 Kennedy (James). A Description of the Antiquities and Curiosities in Wilton House. 4to. Salishiry, 1769 Kennedy (Richard Hartley). Narrative of the Campaign of the Army of the Indus, in Sind and Kaubool, in 1838-g. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1840 Kennel Club Calendar and Stud Book, vols. 12 and 13. 8vo. Lond. 1855-6 The Kennel Club Stud Book : a Record of Dog Shows and Field Trials, (1859 — 1874). Edited and compiled by Frank C. S. Pearce. 8vo. Ibid. 1874 KEN — KEP 229 Kjennett (Basil). Romae Antiquae Notitia: or, the Antiquities of Rome. Tenth edition. 8vo. Loud, i-j^-j Keistnett (White, Bp. of Peterborough) . A complete History of England, with the Lives of all the Kings and Queens thereof, from the earliest account of time to the death of K. William III. Second edition. 3 vols. fol. Loiid. 1 7 19 Contents : — Vol. I. — I. History' of Britain to William the Conqueror. By Mr. John Milton. 2. From the Conquest to the end of K. Edward III. By Samuel Daniel. 3. Reigns of K. Richard II. K. Henry IV. V. and VI. ; writ in Mr. Daniel's method. 4. Reign of K. Edward IV. By John Habington. 5. Lives of K. Edward V. and Richard III. By Sir Tho. Moore. Translated from the Latin original. 6. Life of K. Richard III. By George Buck. 7. Life of K. Henry VII. By Francis, Lord Bacon. Vol. U.— I. History of K. Henry VIII. By Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury. 2. Life of K. Edward VI. By Sir John Haj-ward. 3. Life of Queen Mary. By Francis Godwin, Bp. of Hereford. 4. History of Queen Ehzabcth. By William Camden. 5. Annals of K. James I. By W. Camden. 6. History of K. James I. By Arthur Wilson. Vol. III. — Reigns of Charles I. — Wilham HI. Writ by a learned and impartial Hand. [White Kennett.] [ ] Reigns of Charles I. — Will. III., writ by a Learned and Impartial Hand: in Kennett's History of England, vol. 3. Kennicott (Benj.) Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum : vide BiBLlA Sacra, 1776-80. Kenrick (Rev. John). Exercises in Latin Syntax, adapted to Zumpt's Grammar. Svo. Lond. 1825 Kent. Ordnance Map of Kent. Folded, in Svo. case. Lond. i%oi Kent (John). Racing Life and other Reminiscences of Lord George Bentinck, by John Kent, Private Trainer to the Goodwood Stable ; edited by the Hon. Francis Lawley. \^Dedicated to the Duke of Portland.'] 8vo. Lond. 1892 Kent (William). Designs for Buildings : i-r^ Jones (Inigo), 1727. Keppel (iMajor, the Hon. George). Narrative of a Journey across the Balcan by the two Passes of Selimno and Pravadi ; also of a Visit to Azani and other newly-discovered ruins in Asia Minor, in the years 1829-30. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831 230 KEP — KIN Keppel (Capt. the Hon. Henry, R.N.) The Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. "Dido," for the suppression of piracy; with extracts from the Journals of James Brooke, of Sarawak. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1846 A Visit to the Indian Archipelago in H.M.S. "Maeander"; with portions of the private journal of Sir James Brooke. 2 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1853 Keratry (Auguste Hilarion). Voyage de vingt-quatre heures. 1 2 mo. Paris, an VIII. [1800] Kerr (Robert). The Gentleman's House: or, how to plan English Residences, from the Parsonage to the Palace ; with tables of accom- modation and cost, and selected plans. Svo. [bound in 2 vols.] Lond. 1864 Plates. IMounted, fol. Kerviler (Rene). Le Chancelier Pierre Seguier, second protecteur de I'Academie Fran9aise. Etudes sur sa vie privee, politique et litte- raire, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1874 Kew. Hortus Kewensis : see Kno^ (William), 1810-13. Keysler (John George). Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy and Lorrain. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1756-7 KlELMANN (C. E.) Das Ganze des Futterbaus nach den Anforderungen der jetzigen Zeit. 8vo. Leipz. 1843 KiLLiGREW (Anne). Poems. 4to. Lond. 1686 King (Edward). Munimenta Antiqua : or, Observations on Antient Castles ; including Remarks on the whole progress of Architecture, Ecclesiastical as well as Military, in Great Britain, and on the corre- sponding changes in ]Manners, Laws, and Customs. 4 vols. fol. Lond. 1799 — 1805 King (Captain James). Voyage to the Paciiic, 1779-80 : see CoOK (James), 1785. King (Richard John). Handbook to the Cathedrals of England. Northern Division. 2 pts. 8vo. Lond. 1869 Pt. I. York; Ripon ; Carlisle. Pt. 2. Durham ; Chester ; Manchester. King (William, LL.D.) Works. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. [circa 1709] Vol. I. The Art of Cookery, in imitat Love, in imitation of Ovid de Vol. 2. Miscellanies in prose and verse, Vol. I. The Art of Cookery, in imitation of Horace's Art of Poetry. The Art of Love, in imitation of Ovid de Arte Amandi. KIN — KNI 231 KXNGLAKE (Alexander William). The Invasion of the Crimea: its origin, and an account of its progress down to the death of Lord Raglan. [Vols. 5 — 8 missing.] 8 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1863-87 KlXGSBOROUGH (Lord). Antiquities of ^Mexico : comprising Fac-Similes of Ancient Mexican Paintings and Hieroglyphics. 7 vols. fol. Loud. 1 83 1 KiNGSLEY (Charles). The Water Babies : a fairy tale for a Land Baby. 8vo. Loud. 1883 KiRCHER (Athenase). La Chine, illustree de plusieurs monuments tant sacres que profanes ; traduite du Latin, par F. S. Dalquie. Fol. Amst. 1670 Kirk (John Foster). History of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1863 KiRKE White (Henry) : see White (Henry Kirke). KiRKWOOD (Rev. J.) Troon and Dundonald, with their siu-roundings, local and historical. 8vo. Kilmarnock, iB-]^ KiTTON (Frederic G.) Charles Dickens by pen and pencil ; including anecdotes and reminiscences collected from his friends and contem- poraries. 3 vols. 4to. Land. 1890-92 Klapka (General George). IMemoirs of the War of Independence in Hungary ; translated from the original MS. by Otto Wenckstern. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1850 JClexze (Leo von). Aphoristische Bemerkungen gesammelt auf seiner Reise nach Griechland. 8vo. Bcrl. 1838 Klettenberg (Car. Henr. de) : v. Scriptores Historle Romance, 1743. Knapton (George), Engraver: see Pond (Arthur), 1740. Knight (Charles). Cyclopaedia of London. 8vo. Loud. 1851 Passages of a Working Life during half a century ; with a prelude of early reminiscences. 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. \%b\-^ Half-Hours with the Best Authors ; selected and arranged with short biographical and critical notices. 4 vols, in 2, 8vo. Ibid. [1884] Cyclopaedia of the British Empire : see Cyclopaedia. See also Libr.aj^y of Entertaining Knowledge. 232 KNI — KOC Knight (Cornelia). Autobiography of Miss Cornelia Knight, Lady Com- panion to the Princess Charlotte of Wales ; with extracts from her journals and anecdote books. Edited by J. W. Kaye. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1861 Knight (Henry Gaily). An Architectural Tour in Normandy; with some remarks on Norman Architecture. i2mo. Lond. \?>ib Saracenic and Norman Remains, to illustrate the Normans in Sicily. Fol. Ibid. 1840 The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Italy, from the time of Constan- tine to the fifteenth century. 2 vols. fol. /(^/(/. 1842-4 [Two copies.] Knight (Richard Payne). An account of the remains of the Worship of Priapus, lately existing at Isernia in the Kingdom of Naples. 4to. Lond. 1786 The Landscape, a Didactic Poem in three books. Second edition. 4to. Ibid. 1795 An analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste. Fourth edition. 8vo. Ihid. 1808 Knightley (Thomas Edward). Stable Architecture. 4to. Loud, i-jbz Knip (Madame, nee Pauline Courcelles). Les Pigeons : v. Temminck (C.J.), 181 1-38. Knolles (Richard). The Generall Historie of the Turkes, from the first beginning of that nation to the rising of the Othoman Familie ; with the lives and conquests of the Othoman Kings and Emperours. Fifth edition. Fol. \s.l., Lond. A. Islip, 1638] Knox (A. E.) Game Birds and Wild Fowl ; their friends and their foes. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Knox (Robert). An historical Relation of the Island of Ceylon, in the East Indies ; with an account of the author's captivity there, and of his miraculous escape. Fol. Land. 1681 Koch (Christ. Guill. de). Histoire abregee des Traites de Paix entre les Puissances de I'Europe depuis la Paix de Westphalie ; augmentee et continuee jusqu'au Congres deVienne et aux Traites de Paris de 1815 par F. Schoell. 15 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1817-18 KOCK (Ch. Paul de). Taquinet, le Bossu. 2 vols, in i, i2mo. Briix. 1848 Cerisette. 4 vols, in 2, i2mo. Ihid. 1850 Madame Tapin. Deuxi^me edition. 8vo. Paris, \%b% KOC — KRU 233 KOCK (Henry de). Brin-d'Amour. 3 vols, in i, i2mo. Bnix. 1851 KoLGES (B.) Handbuch der deutschen Weincultur und Weinausbildung. 2 vols, in I, 8vo. Frankfurt am Alain, 1837 KoLLAR (Vincent). Treatise on Insects injurious to Gardeners, Foresters, and Farmers. Translated from the German, by J. and ]\I. Loudon ; with notes by J. O. Westwood. i2mo. Lotid. 1840 KOOPS (Matth.) Historical Account of the substances which have been used to describe events, and to convey ideas, from the earliest date to the invention of paper. Printed on the first useful paper manufactured solely from straw. Fol. Land. 1800 KORFF (Baron M.) The Accession of Nicholas I., Emperor of Russia, q. v. KOTZBUE (August von). Lustspiele. lamo. Leipzig. Rehbock, 1815. Don Ranudo de Colibrados, 1803. Schauspieler wider WiUen, 1803. Johanna von Montfaucon, 1809. Lustspiele. i2mo. Ibid. Belagerung von Saragossa, 1812. Wildlang, 1825. Eduard in Scliottland, 1804. Schauspiele. i2mo. Ibid, Die Hussisten vor Raumburg, 1803. Das Schreibepult, 18 12. Die Kreuzfahrer, l8og. Die beyden KJingsberg, 1 8 1 9. KRACHENINNIKOW (M.) : v. Chappe d'Auteroche (M. I'Abb^), 1768. Krasixski (Count Valerian). Panslavism and Germanism. 8vo. Land. 1848 Krusenstern (A. J. von). Reise um die Welt in den Jahren 1803, 4, 5 und 6, auf den Schiffen " Nadeshda " und " Newa " unter dem Com- mando des Capitains von der kaiserlichen Marine A. J. von Krusen- stern. 3 vols. 4to. .5"/. Petersburg, 18 10-12 An edition in Russian. 3 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1809-12 Atlas zur Reise um die Welt. Fol. Ibid. 1814 Atlas de rOc6an Pacifique. Fol. Ibid. 1^21 Recueil de IMemoires Hydrographiques pour servir d' Analyse et d'Explication a I'Atlas de l'0c6an Pacifique, par le Commodore de Krusenstern. 4to. Ibid. 1824 Supplemens. 4to. Ibid. 1835 11 II 234 KUG — LAB KuGLER (Dr. Franz). Handbuch der Geschichte der Malerei, von Con- stantin dem Grossen bis auf die neuere Zeit. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1837 Band I. Geschichte der Malerei in Italian. „ II. • in Deutschland, den Niederlanden, Spanien, Frank- reich und England. Hand-book of the History of Painting, from the age of Constantine the Great to the present time ; translated from the German by a Lady [Lady Eastlake]. In two parts. Part I. The Italian Schools of Paint- ing; edited, with notes, by C. L. Eastlake, R.A. i2mo. Lo7id. 1842 Handbook of Painting. The Italian Schools. Translated from the German, by a Lady [Lady Eastlake]. Edited, with notes, by Sir Charles L. Eastlake. Third edition. 2 pts. in 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1855 Handbuch der Kunstgeschichte. 8vo. Stuttgart, \%i,2 — Handbook of Painting : the German, Flemish, Dutch, Spanish and French Schools ; partly translated from the German of Kugler, by a Lady ; edited, with notes, by Sir Edmund Head, Bart. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1854 — Geschichte Friedrichs des Grossen. 8vo. Lcipz. 1842 KURROGLOU, the Bandit Minstrel of Northern Persia : see Chodzko (Alex.), 1842. [Kytfin, Maurice]. A Defence of the honourable Sentence and Execu- tion of the Queen of Scots. 8vo. Lond. J. Windet, n. d. \circa 1587] [Bound with Mary, Queen of Scots, Brief History. Fol. 1681.] Labarte (Jules). Handbook of the Arts of the Middle Ages and Re- naissance ; translated from the French, with notes. 8vo. Lond. 1855 Labbe (Philippus). Eruditse Pronuntiationis Catholic! Indices; ab Edw. Leedes aucti. i2mo. Zd?W. 1787 LABiLLARDifeRE (Jacq. Julien Houton de). Voyage de "La Perouse" autour du Monde, public conformement au decret du 22 Avril, 1791, et r^dige par M. L. A. Milet-Mureau. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, an V. (1797; LAB — LAD 235 LABn-LARDlfeRE (Jacq. Julien Houton de). Relation du Voyage a la recherche de " La Perouse" fait par ordre de I'Assemblee Constituante, 1 79 1, Q2, &c. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, an VI 11. (1800) Atlas pour ser\ar i la relation du Voyage a la recherche de " La Perouse." 4to. Ibid, an VIII. (1800) Laborde (Leon Emmanuel Simon Joseph, Comte de). Voyage en Orient (Asie Mineure et Syrie) par ^OL Alex, de Laborde, Becker, Hall, et L6on de Laborde. Redige et public par L6on de Laborde. 2 vols, [in 39 livraisons], fol. Paris, 1837-45 [A 40th li^T. is said to have been issued.] [Labouchere, Henry]. Diary of the Besieged Resident in Paris. Re- printed from " The Daily News," with several new letters and preface. 8vo. Lond. 1871 Labourexjr : V. Le Laboureur. La Bruxe : V. De la Brune. La BRlA'feRE (Jean de). Caract^res ; suivis des Caract^res de Theophraste ; traduits du Grec par La Bruyfere, avec des notes et des additions, par Schweighaeuser. 8vo. Paris, 1843 La Chaise (Fran9ois de, d'Aix). Lettre du P^re La Chaise, Confesseur du Roy de France, au P^re Peters, Confesseur du Roy d'Angleterre ; comprenant une felicitation sur le bon succfes qu'il a eu ^ inventer et faire le jeune Prince de Galles. i2mo. s. I. 1688 [Bound with England. Lettre de Mr. • • * •, 1687.] La Chapelle (Mons. de), i.e. Claude Emmanuel Louillier. Voyage de Mess, de Bachaumont et La Chapelle ; avec poesies. i2mo. Cologtic, 1697 [Bound with Recueil de diverses Pieces, 1669.] La Chausse (Michel Ange de). Le Grand Cabinet Romain, ou Recueil d'Antiquitez Romaines que I'ou trouve k Rome ; avec les explications de Michel Ange de La Chausse. Fol. Amsl. i-job Laconics : or, the Best Words of the Best Authors. [Collected by John Timbs.] Fourth edition. 3 vols. i2mo. Lond. 18:^1 Lacroix (Paul). Notice d'EM^RlC-DAVlD, «r/. 1843 [The first series is not in the Library.] Nineveh and its Remains : with an account of a visit to the Chal- daean Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis, or Devil-worshippers ; and an enquiry into the manners and arts of the ancient Assyrians. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1849 I I 242 LAY — LEC Layard (Austen Henry, D.C.L.) Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon ; with travels in Armenia, Kurdistan, and the Desert : being' the result of a second expedition, undertaken for the Trustees of the British Museum. 8vo. Land. 1853 Lays of Ind, by Aliph Cheem : pseud, of Walter Yeldhaji, q. v., 1888. Lear (Edward). Views in Rome and its environs, drawn from nature and on stone. Fol. Land. [1842] Le Blanc (Vincent). Voyages fameux qu'il a faits aux Indes Orientales et Occidentales, en Perse, &c. redigez sur ses memoires, par Pierre Bergeron. 2 pts. in i vol. 4to. Paris, 1649 Le Brun (Ch.) La Petite Gallerie [d'Apollon] du Louvre, du dessein de feu Mr. Le Brun, Premier Peintre de Sa Majeste ; dessinee et gravee par St. Andr6. Fol. Paris, \b^^ Recueil de divers Desseins de Fontaines, et de Frises Maritimes, inventez et dessignez par Mons. Le Brun. Fol. Ibid, [circa 1695] [Bound with Le Brun. Petite Gallerie du Louwe.] Le Brun (Corneille). Voyage au Levant, c'est k dire dans les principaux endroits de I'Asie Mineur, &c., traduit du Flamand. Fol. Delft, 1700 Le Brxjn (J. Bapt. Pierre). Galerie des Peintres Flamands, Hollandais et Allemands. [Vol. 3 missing.] 3 vols. fol. Paris, i-]()2 Le Carpentier (Jean). Histoire Genealogique des Pais-Bas, ou Histoire de Cambray et du Cambresis. 2 vols. 4to. Leide, 1664 Lechevalier (J. B.) Voyage de "La Troade" fait dans les annees 1786-7. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, an X. [1803] [This text is not in the Library.] Recueil des Cartes, Plans, Vues et Medailles pour ser\'ir au Voyage. 4to. Ibid., an IX. [1802] Lecky (William Edward Hartpole). History of England in the Eigh- teenth Century. 8 vols. 8vo. Land. 1878-90 [Le Clerc, Jean]. Bibliotheque Universelle et Historique. [Vols. 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 26, missing.] 26 vols. i2mo. Amst. 1687 — 1718 LEG — LEH 243 Le Coixte (Gideon). La Science des Postes Alilitaires, ou Traite des Fortifications de Campagne. i2mo. /V/r/j, 1759 Lecomte (Ferdinand). Relation historique et critique de la Campagne d'ltalie en 1859. [Vol. 2 missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, i860 L'ltalie en i860; esquisse des 6venements militaires et politiques. 8vo. Ibid. 1 86 1 Le Comte (Noel). Mythologie : c'est k dire, Explication des Fables. Extraite du Latin de Noel Le Comte, par Jean de Montlyard. 4to. Lyon, 1600 Lediard (Thomas). The Naval History of England in all its branches, from the Norman Conquest in 1066 to 1734. Fol. Loud. 1735 The Life of John, Duke of Marlborough, Prince of the Roman Empire ; illustrated with maps, plans of battles, original letters and papers, &c. Second edition. [^Dedicated to Charles Spencer, Duke of Marlborough.'] 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1743 Lee (Edwin). The Mineral Springs of England, and their curative efficacy. i2mo. Land. 1841 Lee Priory, Kent. List of Pictures at the Seat of T. B. Brydges Barrett, Esq., at Lee Priory, in the County of Kent. 8vo. Printed at the Private Press at Lee Priory, by J. Warwick, 1 8 1 7 [Only 60 copies printed, of which 20 were resen-ed for private use.] Le Fevre (N.) Traite de la Chymie. Tome premier. Seconde Edition. 1 2 mo. Paris, 1669 Legexdre (J. J.) Guide de I'Eleveur et de I'Engraisseur de Moutons. 8vo. Paris, 1856 [Bound with Thier. La Laiterie.] Leger (Jean). Histoire G^n6rale des Eglises Evang^liques des Valines de Pi^mont, ou Vaudoises. 2 vols, in i, fol. Leyde, 1669 Legoyt (Alfred). Ressources de I'Autriche et de la France. 8vo. Paris, 1859 Le Hay (M. de). Recueil de cent Estampes repr^sentant differentes Nations du Levant, tir6es sur les tableaux peints en 1707 & 1708, par les ordres de M. de Ferriol, et grav6es par les soins de ^L le Hay; avec de nouvelles Estampes de Ceremonies Turques, avec explica- tion. Fol. Paris, 17 14-15 112 244 ■ LEI — LEM [Leibnitz, Gothof. Guill.] Entretien de Philar6te et d'Eug^ne sur la question du temps agitee a Nimw^gue, touchant le droit d'Ambassade des Electeurs et Princes de I'Empire. i2mo. Duisbourg, 1677 [This small and rare volume has not been included in the works of Liebnitz, pub- lished by Duteus.] [Bound with France. La France Intriguante, 1677.] Leigh (Charles). The Natural History of Lancashire, Cheshire, and the Peak in Derbyshire. Fol. Oxford, 1700 Le Laboureur (Jean). Histoire du Mareschal de Guebriant, contenant le recit de ce qui s'est passe en AUemagne dans la guerre de France et de Su^de, et des estats alliez contre la Maison d'Austriche. Fol. Parts, 1676 Histoire de CHARLES VI, Roy de France, 1663, q. v. Leland (John). Itinerary; published from the original MS. in the Bodleian Library, by Thomas Hearne. Third edition. 9 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1768-9 Another copy. 9 vols, [bound in 3] 8vo. Ibid. i~j-;o-bq De Rebus Britannicis Collectanea ; cum Thomae Hearnii praefa- tione, notis et indice. Editio altera, accedunt de Rebus Ariglicanis opuscula varia. 6 vols. 8vo. Land. 1770 Another copy. 6 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1770 Life of: see HUDDESFORD (William, D.D.), 1772. Leland (Thomas, D.D.) The History of Ireland, from the Invasion of Henry II. ; with a discourse on the ancient state of that kingdom. 3 vols. 4to. Loud. 1773 Another copy. 3 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1773 Lempriere (John, D.D.) Universal Biography ; containing a copious account, critical and historical, of the life and character, labors and actions of eminent persons, in all ages and countries, conditions and professions. 8vo. Loud. 1808 A Classical Dictionary ; enlarged and corrected, by F. D. Lem- priere, A.M. 4to. Ibid. \%2b Bibliotheca Classica : or, Classical Dictionary; re-edited by E. H. Barker ; third edition, corrected, &c. from the seventh American edition by Charles Anthon. 8vo. Ibid, i^^^ A Classical Dictionary : containing a copious account of all the proper names mentioned in ancient authors, &c. Twentieth edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1844 LEN — LES 245 Lengerke (Dr. Alexander von). Encyklopadie der Landwirthschaft auf ihrem gegenwiirtigen Standpunkte. 2 vols. 8vo. Braunschivcig, 1 843 Anleitung zum praktischen Wiesenbau. Zweite Axiflage. Svo. Prag, 1844 [Lennox, Charlotte, nee Ramsay.] Lady's Museum (The), by the Author of the Female Quixote. Vols, i and 2. Svo. Land. \_n. d., circa 1758] [No more published.] Lennox (Lord William) . ^Nlerrie England : its sports and pastimes. 8vo. Loud. 1858 Pictures of Sporting Life and Character. [Vol. i missing.] 2 vols Svo. Ibid. i860. Lenorma:s'T (^Madame) : v. Recajmier (Jeanne Fran9oise Adelaide), i860. Lenz (A. F.) Die Wild-Baumzucht. Svo. Stuttgart, 1843 Leo (John). A Geographical History of Africa, ^\Titten in Arabicke and Italian, translated and collected by John Pory. Fol. Lotid. 1600 Leonard (Adrien). Essai sur I'Education des Animaux, le Chien pris pour type. Svo. Lille, 1842 Leonardo da Vinci : v. Vinci. Leonida (Fabio). Ritratti et Elogii di Capitani Illustri : see ROSCIO (Giulio), 1648. Le Petit (Jean Fran9ois). L'Histoire des Pays-Bas, depuis 1560 jusqu'i la fin de 1602 [tir6e de I'Histoire de Jean Fran9ois le Petit, par S. Goulart de Senlis]. 2 vols. Svo. S. Gervais, 1604 Le Roux de Lincy (A. J. V.) Le Li\Te des Proverbes Fran9ais ; precede d'un Essai sur la Philosophie de Sancho Pan9a, par Ferdinand Denis. 2 vols, (in i) Svo. Paris, 1842 Lery (Jean de). Histoire memorable de la Ville de Sancerre. Svo. s. I. 1574 Histoire d'un Voyage fait en la terre du Bresil dite Amerique. Cinqui^me edition. i2mo. Gentve,itii Le Sage (Alain Rene). Le Th^4tre de la Foire, ou I'Opera Comique : contenant les meilleures pieces qui ont 6te representees aux Foires de S. Germain et de S. Laiu-ent, par M" Le Sage et d'Orneval. 5 vols. Svo. Avist. ij2^-6 246 LES — LET [Le Sage, Alain Rene]. Lettres Galantes d'Aristenete, traduites du Grec. 1 2 mo. Cologne, 1752 Gil Bias. Fourth edition. [Vols, i and 3 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1773 Fifth edition. [Vols, i and 2 missing.] 3 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 176; Lesfargues (B.) Histoire d' Alexandre le Grand : v. CURTIUS (Quintus, Rufus), 1639. Leslie (Charles Robert, R.A.) Memoirs of the Life of John Constable, R.A., composed chiefly of his letters. Second edition. 4to. Lond. 1845 Handbook for Young Painters. 8vo. Ibid. 1855 and Tom Taylor. Life and Times of Sir Joshua Reynolds ; with notices of some of his contemporaries. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1865 [L'ESTRANGE, Hammond]. The Reign of King Charles I. : an history faithftilly and impartially delivered and disposed into annals. By H. L. Fol. Lond. 1655 L'ESTRAJSTGE (Sir Roger). Morals and Reflexions on the Fables of .^sop : JCe ^SOPUS, 1694, 1699. Letarouilly (Paul ]\Iarie). Edifices de Rome Moderne, ou Recueil des Palais, Maisons, Eglises, Couvents, &c., les plus remarquables de la Ville de Rome ; dessines, mesur^s, et publies par P. Letarouilly. 3 vols, [in i] 4to. Paris, 1840-50 Planches. 3 vols. fol. Ibid. 1840-57 [Leti, Gregorio]. La Juste Balance des Cardinaux Vivans. Traduite de ITtalien [de Gregorio Leti, par Pierre Scevole de Sainte-Marthe]. i2mo. Paris, 1652 [ ] L' Amore di Carlo Gonzaga, Duca di ISIantoa, e della Contessa Margarita della Rovere, da Giulio Capocoda, pseud, for Greg. Leti. i2mo. Ragusa [_Gencva^, 1665 [ ] II Cardinalismo di Santa Chiesa. 3 vols. lamo. s. I. 1668 [ ] II Nipotismo di Roma, o vero relatione delle raggioni che muovono i Pontefici all' aggrandimento de Nipoti. i2mo. [Amsi.'] 1667 [ ] II Nipotismo di Roma ; or, the History of the Pope's Nephews, from the time of Sixtus IV. to the death of Alexander VII. ; Englished by W. A. i2mo. Lond. 1673 LET — LEW 247 Leti (Gregorio). Dialogues Politiques, ou bien la Politique dont se servent au temps present les princes et republiques Italiennes, pour conserver leurs etats et seigneuries. Trad. dTtalien en Fran9ois. Premiere partie. 12 mo. Paris, i68i La Vie d'Elizabeth, Reine d' Angleterre ; traduite de ITtalien. 2 pts. in 2 vols. i2mo. Atnst. 1694 II Prodigio della Natura e della Gratia ; poema heroestorico sopra la miracolosa intrapresa d' Inghilterra del real Principe d' Orange. 4to. Ibid. 1695 Vita di Sisto V. Pontefice Romano, [1521-90]. Vol. 3 missing. 3 vols. 1 2 mo. Ibid. 1721 Letters. A Select Collection of Original Letters, wTitten by the most eminent persons on various entertaining subjects, from the reign of Henry VIII. to the present time. [Vol. 2 missing.] 2 vols. i2mo. Lmid. 1755 Le Vassor (Michel). Histoire du Regne de Louis XIII, Roi de France et de Navarre. 3 vols. i2mo. Ainsf. 1 700-1 Nouvelle Edition. 6 vols, (in 7) 4to. Ibid. 1757 Leven and Melville Papers. Letters and State Papers, chiefly addressed to George, Earl of Melville, Secretary of State for Scotland, 1689-91. From the originals in the possession of the Earl of Leven and Mel- ville. [Edited by the Hon. W. L. Melville.] Bannatyne Club Publication, No. 79. 4to. Edinb. 1843 Levy (Matthias). The History of Short -hand Writing. 8vo. Land. iSbz Lewin (John William). Natural History of the Birds of New South Wales. 4to. Land. 1838 Lewis (Sir George Cornewall). An Inquiry into the Credibility of the early Roman History. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1855 Lewis (James). Original Designs in Architecture; consisting of plans, elevations, and sections of villas, mansions, town houses, &c. 2 books, in i vol., fol. Lond. 1797 Lewis (John). The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the Latin Vulgate by John Wiclif, about 1378 ; with a history of the several translations of the Holy Bible and New Testament, &c., into English. Fol. Lond. i-j^i 248 LEW — Lie [Lewis, John Delaware]. Across the Atlantic. By the author of " Sketches of Cantabs." 8vo. Lmtd. 1 85 1 Lewis (Matthew Gregory). Journal of a West India Proprietor, kept during a residence in Jamaica. [Title missing.] Svo. Loud. 1 834 Lewis (vSamuel). A Topographical Dictionary of England: comprising the counties, cities, boroughs, &c., and the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, and Man; with maps. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1831 Lexington Papers : or, some Account of the Courts of London and Vienna, at the conclusion of the seventeenth century. Extracted from the official and private correspondence of Robert Sutton, Lord Lexington, British Minister at Vienna, 1694— 1698. Selected from the originals at Kelham, and edited with notes, by the Hon. H. Manners Sutton. 8vo. Lond. 18,51 LlANCOURT (Sieur de). Le Maitre d'Armes, ou I'exercice de I'epee seule dans sa perfection. Obl. 8vo. Paris, 1692 Liber Veritatis : v. Lorrain (Claude Gel^e), 1777. Library of Entertaining Knowledge. i 2mo. Lond., C. Knight. Vegetable Substances used in the Arts, and in Domestic Economy. Second edition. 1830. Insect Transformations. 1830. New Zealanders. 1830. Historical Parallels, vol. i. 1831. Architecture of Birds. 1 83 1 . Menageries: — Quadrupeds, vols, i and 2. 1830-31. Pursuit of Knowledge under difficulties. 2 vols. 1830-31. Insect Miscellanies. 1831. Vegetable Substances used for the Food of Man. 1832. Criminal Trials. [Throckmorton, Duke of Norfolk, Parry, Essex, Raleigh.] Vol. i. 1832. Pompeii. 2 vols. 183 1-2. LiCHTENTHAL (Pietro). Dizionario e Bibliografia della Musica. 2 vols. Svo. Milano, 1826 LIE — LIN 249 LlEBlG (Baron Justus). Chemistry in its applications to Agriculture and Physiology. Fourth edition, by Lyon Plaj^air and AVilliam Gregory. 8vo. Loud. 1847 Letters on ]\Iodern Agriculture ; translated and edited by John Blyth, M.D. 8vo. Hid. 1859 LrfeGE. Lettre d'un Gentilhomme Liegeois a Messieurs de Li^ge. i2mo. s. I. 1672 [Bound with France. Veridicus GaUicus, 1671.] Life's Hazard, A, or the Outlaw of Wentworth Waste, by Henry Esmond, /5«/(/. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1878 LiGOX (R.) Isle de Barbades: v. VOYAGES, 1684. LiGUORO (Ottavio). Ristretto Istorico dell' Origine degli Abitanti della Campagna di Roma, delle Medaglie, Gemme, Intagli d' Imperadori, Imperadrici, Donne Auguste, e de' Tiranni sino a Postumo. Sesta edizione. 8vo. Roma, 1753 LlNCKE (C. A.) Die belgische und flandrische Landwirthschaft. 8vo. Leipzig, 1843 LiMDLEY (Captain Augustus F.) Adamantia : the truth about the South African Diamond Fields. 8vo. Lond. 1873 LiXDLEY (John). Flora Medica : a botanical account of all the more important plants used in medicine. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Sertum Orchidaceum ; a Wreath of the most beautiful Orchidaceous Flowers. Fol. Ibid. 1838 School Botany. i2mo. Ibid. 1839 and Thomas MoORE. The Treasury of Botany : a popular dic- tionary of the Vegetable Kingdom, with which is incorporated a Glossary of Botanical Terms. 2 pts. 8vo. Ibid. 1 866 Lindsay (Alexander Wm. Crawford, Lord). Letters on Egj^pt, Edom, and the Holy Land. Third edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1839 Sketches of the History of Christian Art. 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1847 LiNGARD (John, D.D.) History of England, from the first invasion by the Romans. Third edition. 14V0IS. 8vo. Lond. \Zii-},\ LiNNELL (John). Royal Gallery of Pictures, 1840, q. v. K K 250 LIN — LIT LlNSCHOTEN (Huygen van). Histoire de la Navigation de Jean Hughes de Linschot, Hollandois, aux Indes Orientales ; avec annotations de B. Paludanus. Troisi^me edition. Fol. Amst. 1638 LiPPMANN (Friedrich). The Art of Wood-Engraving in Italy in the fifteenth century. 8vo. Lo?id. i888 LiQUES (David de). Histoire de la Vie de Messire Philippes de Momay, Seigneur du Plessis Marly, &:c. [par David de Liques et deux Secre- taires de Momay]. 4to. Leydc, Elsev. \tl^,1 Lisle (Sir George). Execution of: see Lucas (Sir Charles), 1648. [LisOLA, Le Baron de]. Le Politique du Temps, ou le Conseil Fidelle sur les mouvemens de la France. ismo. Charleville, ib^i LiTTA (Conte Pompeo). Famiglie Celebri Italiane. 10 vols. fol. Milaiio, 1819-74 Liturgy. The Booke of the Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments. [Commonly called the first Book of Edward VI.] Fol. Londini, in offlciiia Edouardi Wliitcliarclie, 1549 The Boke of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacra- mentes. [Commonly called the second book of Edward VI.] Fol. Loud., ill off. Edw. Whytcliurchc, 1552 [Bound \rith the preceding book.] Liturgia Inglesa ; o Libro del Rezado Publico de la Administra- cion de los Sacramentos, &c. de la Yglesia de Inglaterra. 4to. Augusta Trijiolmnfui/i, [1593] The Booke of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacra- ments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England. 8vo. Loud. R. Barker, 1631 Fol. Ibid. 1633 4to. Ibid. 1633 [Autograph Inscription on fly-leaf, " Mathew Prior, His Book, i67^-"] The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacra- ments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the Use of the Church of England. Fol. Loud. 1662 The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacra- ments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England. Fol. Land. H. j\I. Printers, 1669 \_Iiiscription on fly leaf. — The Gifl't of Marke Anthony Benoyst, Esq., to My Lord Henry Duke of Newcastle, at the New Building of his Chapell, at Wellbeck, Octo. 1677. He was Governor to my Lord, to his elder Brother, and to my Lord's only sonne. F. Newcastle.] LIT — LIV 251 Liturgy. The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacra- ments. 4to. Land. J. Bill, &c. 1678 The Book of Common Prayer. 8vo. Loud. i68i The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacra- ments. Fol. Lond. y. Bill, 1683 Fol. Lond. C. Bill, &c. 1687 — The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacra- ments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the Use of the Church of England. 8vo. Ox/. \-]o\ Fol. Ibid. i-]oi — The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacra- ments. Fol. Loud. C. Bill, 1706 The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacra- ments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the Use of the Church of England. 8vo. Loud, i-jio — The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacra- ments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England, 4to. Lond. y. Baskctt, 17 15 Svo. Oxf. y. Basket t, 17 16 8vo. Lond. y. Basketf, 1 7 1 7 Svo. Oxf. 1707 4to. Oxf. Wright & Gill, 1770 [Bound mth Bible, 1770.] Fol. Oxf. 1799 The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacra- ments ; with notes by the Rt. Rev. Richard Mant, D.D. Fifth edition. 4to. Lond. 1840 — The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacra- ments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church. Svo. Ibid. 1863 — Liturgiae Britannicse : see ICef.ling (William), 1S51. — Commentary on the Liturgy and Ritual of the United Church of England and Ireland, by the Rev. Will. Trollope, i 86 i , 17. jv. Liverpool (Charles, Earl of). A Treatise on the Coins of the Realm ; in a letter to the King. 4to. C:r/". 1805 K K 2 252 LIV — LOC Liverpool (Rob. Banks, second Earl of), Life and Administration of: see YONGE (Charles D.), 1868. Liverpool. Missions held at, i860 : see Missions. Livius (Titus) Foro-Juliensis. Vita Henrici Quinti Regis Angliae. Accedit Sylloge Epistolarum a variis Angliae principibus scriptanim. E codicibus calamo exaratis edidit T. Hearnius, qui et appendicem notasque subjecit. 8vo. Oxoji. 17 16 Livius (Titus, Patavinus). Historiarum quae supersunt; ex recensione Arn. Drakenborchii, cum indice rerum ; accedunt gentes et familiae Romanorum auctore R. Streinnio, necnon Ernesti glossarium Livia- num. 6 vols. lamo. Oxon. e typog. Clarend. 1800 Deche delle Historic Romane ; tradotte da ]\I. Jacopo Nardi, ed accresciute del supplimento della seconda Deca da M. Francesco Turchi. Fol. Venctia, 1575 — Histoire Romaine; traduction nouvelle, par MM. A. A. J. Liez, N. A. Dubois, V. Verger. 1 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1 830-3 Discorsi sopra la prima Deca di Tito Livio : v. Machiavelli (Nicolo), 1540. Llanover (Rt. Hon. Lady Augusta). Good Cookery illustrated, and recipes communicated by the Welsh Hermit of the Cell of St. Gover. 8vo. Loud. 1867 [Lloyd, David]. The Statesmen and Favourites of England since the Reformation, their prudence and policies, successes and miscarriages, advancements and falls. 8vo. Loud. 1665 State Worthies : or, the Statesmen and Favourites of England from the Reformation to the Revolution. With the characters of the Kings and Queens of England, during the above period ; and other additions, by Charles Whitworth. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1766 Lloyd (H. E.) Alexander I., Emperor of Russia, or a sketch of his life and of the most important events of his reign. 8vo. Lo/id. i&ib Local Government and Taxation in the United Kingdom. A Series of Essays, published under the sanction of the Cobden Club. Edited by J. W. Probyn. 8vo. Loud. \%%2 LOC — LON 253 LOCCENIUS (Johannes). Rerum Suecicarum Historia a rege Berone Tertio usque ad Ericum Decimum quartum deducta, et pluribus locis quam antehac auctior edita ; accedunt Antiquitates Sueo-Gothicae. 8vo. HolmicB, 1654 Locke (John). Works. Fifth edition, with a life of the author. 3 vols. fol. Loud. 1751 LOCKHART (J. G.) Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. 7 vols. 8vo. Ed i lib. 1837-8 Second edition. 10 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1839 [Another edition.] 8vo. Ibid. 1845 Ancient Spanish Ballads ; historical and romantic. 4to. Loud. 1842 Lodge (Edmund). Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain. 4 vols, in 8 pts. Fol. Loud. 1821-34 Biographical and historical memoirs of Illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII. : see Chajiberlaine (John), 1828. Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire, 1845, 6, 51, 53 — 62, 79. 8vo. Land. Genealogy of the British Peerage and Baronetage. 8vo. Ibid. 1859 Lodge (Mrs.) Lady Ottoline ; a novel. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1881 LOGGAN (Dav.) Oxonia lUustrata, sive omnium celeberrimae istius Uni- versitatis Collegiorum, Aularum, Bibliothecae Bodleianae, Scholarum publicarum, Theatri Sheldoniani nee non urbis totius scenographia. Delin. et sculpsit Dav. Loggan. Fol. Oxon. 1675 LOJIBARDI (Antonio). Storia della Letteratura Italiana nel secolo XVIII. 4 vols. 8vo. Modetm, 1827-30 LOMBARD! (G.) Saggio deir Istoria Pittorica d' Inghilterra. 8vo. Firenze, 1843 LONDE : V. De LA LONDE. LONDESBOROUGH (Lord). Ancient Remains in the possession of: see Fairholt (F. W.), 1857. London. Calendar of Letters from the Mayor and Corporation of the City of London, circa a.d. 1350-70, in the Archives of the Corporation at the Guildhall. Edited, with an introduction, by Reg. R. Sharpe. 8vo. Lond. 1885 London's Roll of Fame : being Complimentary Notes and Ad- dresses from the City of London on presentation of the Honorary Freedom of that City, from 1757 — 1884. 4to. Ibid. 1884 254 LON London. The City of London. " Strike, but hear." 8vo. Zwzf/. 1844 Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster : see Stow (John), 1599, 1603, 1720. see also ROCQUE (John), 1748. — History of: see PENNANT (Thomas), 1791, &c. — History of London and its Environs : see HuNTER (Henry, D.D.), 1796. — Descriptive Account of the Guildhall, by John Edw. Price, 1886, q. V. London's Armory : see "W AULIS (Richard), 1677. — Cyclopaedia of London: see KNIGHT (Charles), 1851. — Walks in London, by Aug. J. C. Hare, 1878, q. v. — The Environs of London : see Lysons (Rev. Daniel), 1792-6. London Gazette (The), from 1742 — 1808. [1749, 52, 61, 66, 71, 72, 73 missing.] 75 vols. fol. Land. 1742 — 1808 Londonderry (Lieut. -Gen. Charles William Vane, Marquess of). Narra- tive of the War in Germany and France in 18 13 and 18 14. 4to. Lond. 1830 LONDONIO (Francesco). Collezione completa di tutte le Stampe Original! rappresentanti in belle scene campestri, bestiami e gruppi di con- tadini, disegnate dal vero ed incise a bulino e all' acqua forte da Fr. Londonio. Obi. fol. Parma, 1837 [Long, Edward]. The History of Jamaica, or general survey of the antient and modern state of that Island. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1774 Long (George). An Essay on the Moral Nature of Man. 8vo. Lond. 1841 The Conduct of Life, a series of essays. 8vo. Lbid. 1 845 Longfellow (H. W.) Poems. i2mo. Lond., n. d. [LONGIANO, Sebastiano Fausto da]. Histoire de la Vie et Faits d'Ezzelin III, surnomm6 da Romano, par Pietro Gerardo, pseud, de Longiano. Composee en Italien, nouvellement mise en Fran9ois [par — Cortaud]. 8vo. Paris, 1644 LON — LOU 255 LONGUS. Les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et de Chlo^ ; double tra- duction du Grec en Fran9ois, de M. Amiot et d'un anonime, [Le Camus.] 4to. Paris, 1757 Lonsdale (John, Lord Viscount). Memoir of the Reign of James II. 4to. York, 1808 Lord's Prayer. Penitential IMeditations of a Soul touch'd with remorse for having a long time recited the Lord's Prayer, without due atten- tion and reflection. Written in French, and translated by W. S. Second edition. i2mo. Lond. s. a. Lords, House of : see House of Lords. Lords' Protests: see Protests, 1767. Journals : see Journals. LORRAIN (Claude Gelee, surnamed). Liber Veritatis : or, a collection of two hundred prints after the original designs of Claude de Lorrain, in the collection of His Grace the Duke of Devonshire. 2 vols. fol. Lo)id. 1777 Lorraine. Eclaircissements sur les AflFaires de Lorraine. 1 2 mo. S trash. 1671 [Bound with France. Veridicus Gallicus, 1671.] Conference Infhictueuse de Windisgrats, ou Violence de la France a retenir la Lorraine. i2mo. Charleville, it-fi [Bound with Madrid. Mercure Espagnol, 1670.] Lothian (Wm. Schomberg Robert, 8th Marquess of). The Confederate Secession. 8vo. Edinb. 1864 Loudon (Mrs. Jane Webb). Botany for Ladies : or, a popular introduction to the natural system of plants, according to the classification of De CandoUe. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Loudon (John). A Treatise on forming, improving and managing Country Residences. 2 vols. 4to. Lo>id. i8o6 Loudon (John Claudius). The Gardener's Magazine. Vols. I — 18. 8vo. Lond. 1828-42 Encyclopaedia of Plants. 8vo. Ibid. 1829 Encyclopaedia of Agriculture. Second edition. 8vo. Ibid. iS^i Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture and Fur- niture. 8vo. Ibid. 1833 The Suburban Gardener, and Villa Companion. 8vo. Ibid. 1838 256 - LOU Loudon (John Claudius.) Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum : or, the Trees and Shrubs of Britain pictorially and botanically delineated, and scientifically and popularly described. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Vols. 1—4, Text. 5—8, Plates. Another copy. 8 vols. 8vo. Ihid. 1838 Second edition. 8 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1844 Architectural Magazeste, q. v. LouiLLiER (Claude Emmanuel) : nom veritable de Mens, de LA Chapelle, q. v., 1697. Louis XII. Histoire de Louis XII : v. AuTON (Jean d'), 1615-20. Sainct Gelais (Jean de), 1622. Seyssel (CI. de), 1615. Louis XIII. Histoire de: v. Dupleix (Scipion), 1643. Histoire du R6gne de Louis XIII : v. Le Vassor, 1701. Louis XIV. Ordonnance de Louys XIV, Roy de France et de Navarre ; donnee a S. Germain en Laye au mois d'Avril 1667. i2mo. Paris, 1667 Ordonnances de Louis XIV, Roy de France et de Navarre, sur le Commerce des Negotians et ]\Iarchands. Donnees a S. Germain en Laye au mois de Mars 1673. lamo. Ibid. 1673 Journal du Voyage du Roy en Flandre ; avec une relation de ce qui s'est pass6 sur le vaisseau I'Entreprenant, et au combat des deux Fregates, k la Rade de Dunkerque. i2mo. Ibid. i68o [Bound with France. La France demasquee, 1670.] Copie du M6moire present6 au Roy, par Mons. Savile, Envoy6 Extraordinaire du Roy de la Grande Bretagne, 27 Juin, 1680. 1 2 mo. Cologne, 1680 [Bound with France. La France demasquee, 1670.] Suite des Pieces touchant les differens qui sont entre sa Majeste et son Altesse Electorale Palatine. i2mo. Ibid, it&o [Bound vni\i France. La France demasquee, 1670.] Lettre escrite au Roy par les Archevesques, &:c. assembles a S. Germain en Laye, au sujet de la Regale. i2mo. Ibid. 1680 [Bound with FRANCE. La France demasquee, 1670.] LOU 257 Louis 'KIV. Les Amours d'Anne d'Autriche, Epouse de Louis XIII, avec Mons. le C. D. R.,.le v6ritable pfere de Louis XIV. 1 2 mo. s. I. et a. [circa 1700] [Bound with Esprit (L'.) des Homines Ulustres, 1699.] Histoire de la Vie et du R^gne de Louis XIV, Roi de France et de Navarre ; redigee sur les !Memoires de feu IMons. le Comte de * * * ; publiee par M. Bruzen de La ]Martini6re. 5 vols. 4to. La Haye, 1740-2 [Attribuce au P. La Mothe, dit De la Hode, ex-Jesuite.] Memoire du Roy tr^s-Chrestien ji I'Abbe de Gravel, envoye avec la depesche du Camp de ]\Iastricht, i8 Juin, 1673. Trad, de lalangue Allemande. lamo. Cologne, 1673 [Bound with FRANCE. La France dcmasquee, 1670.] Histoire du Palais Royal. i2mo. s. I. et a., circa 1680 [Bound with Spain. Entretien de Marphorio et de Pasquin, 1700] Memoires de Louis XIV, Merits par lui-meme, composes pour le Grand Dauphin, son fils, et adress^s a ce Prince ; mis en ordre et publies par J. L. M. de Gain-Montagnac. 2 parts, in i vol., 8vo. Paris, i8o6 CEuvres, [de la redaction de M. Grouvelle.] Vol. 4 missing. 6 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1806 Histoire de Louis le Grand : v. Menestrier (C. F.) 1691. Memoires de : v. Saint Simon (Le Due de), 1788. See also Cabinet du Roi. Louis XV. Le Sacre de Louis XV, Roy de France et de Navarre, dans I'Eglise de Reims, le Dimanche, 25 Octobre, 1722. [Redige par Danchet.] Fol. ^. I. et a. R^gence durant la Minorite : v. PIOSSENS (Le Chev. de), 1729. Memoires sur la Cour de Louis XV : v. Luynes (Le Due de), 1862. Histoire Philosophique du Rfegne de Louis XV : v. TOCQUEVILLE (Alexis de). LOUIS XVI. La Captivity de Louis XVI : v. Cl£ry (M.) 1798. Derni^res Heures de : v. Cl^ry (M.) 1825. Louis XVII : v. Beauchesne (M. A. de), 1852. L L 258 LOU — LUC Louis (Jean Pierre, i.e. Louis Hugo). Defense de la Lorraine centre les Pretentions de France; trad, du Latin. i2nio. La Haye, 1697 [Bound with France. Veridicus GaBicus, 1671.] LouYSE DE Lorraine, Princesse de Conty. Amours du Roi Henry IV : V. Henry III, Roi de France, 1663. Low (David). Elements of Practical Agriculture. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Fifth edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1847 The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands. 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 1842 Lowe (Robert). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Nottingham, with observations on the means of its improvement. 8vo. Lond. 1798 Lower (Mark Antony). A Dictionary of Family Names of the United Kingdom. 8vo. Lond. i860 [Lowndes, Thomas]. A method to prevent, without a register, the run- ning of Wool from Ireland to France and to other foreign parts, in order to re-establish the Woolen Manufacture of England. Fol. s. I. 1745 Loavndes (William). A Report containing an Essay for the Amendment of the Silver Coins. 8vo. Land. 1695 Lowndes (William Thomas). The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. 4 vols. 8vo. Lotid. 1834 [Two copies.] The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. New edition, with an appendix ; containing an account of books issued by Literary and Scientific Societies and Printing Clubs, books printed at private presses, principal literary and scientific serials, &c. 6 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1857-64 LOWTH (Robert, Bp. of Oxford) . The Life of William of Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester. Third edition. 8vo. Oxf. 1777 Lubersac (L'Abbe de). Journal historique et religieuse de I'Emigration et Deportation du Clerge de France en Angleterre. 8vo. Lond. 1802 LuCANUS (M. Annteus). De Bello Civili libri decem ; ejusdem vita. 1 2 mo. Liitdia, 1545 Pharsalia, cum commentario Petri Burmanni. 4to. Lcidz, i-j i,o Pharsalia, cum notis Hugonis Grotii et Richardi Bentleii. 4to. Stni'vb. Hill, 1760 LUC — LUD 259 Lucas (Sir Charles). — The Loyall Sacrifice: presented in the lives and deaths of those two eminent-heroick pattemes Sir Charls Lucas and Sir George Lisle, Knights, being both shot to death at Colchester, five hours after the surrender. i2mo. 5. /. 1648 [Lucas, Samuel]. IMomings of the Recess, 1861-64 ; a series of bio- graphical and literary papers, reprinted, by permission, from "The Times," and revised by the author. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1864 LUCIANUS Samosatensis. Opera omnia quae supersunt [Gr.] cum Latina doctiss. virorum interpretatione, Jo. Bourdelotius, cum Regiis Codd. aliisque MSS. contulit, emendavit, supplevit. Fol. LtcL Paris. 1615 [Two copies.] Timon, sive de Divitiis et Paupertate [Gr. et Lat.] ; dialogus festi- vissimus nunc editus a Lamberto Barlaeo. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1652 Lucien, de la traduction de N. Perrot, Sr. d'AUancourt. 3 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1674 LuciNGE (Rene de) : v. Lusinge. Lucretius (Titus, Cams). De Rerum Natura libri sex ; quibus interpre- tationem et notas addidit Thomas Creech. Editio nova. 8vo. 0x0)1. e typog. Clarcnd. 1 807 De Rerum Natura libri sex ; with a translation and notes. 2 vols. Cambr. 1864 Of the Nature of Things ; in six Books, translated into English verse by Thomas Creech. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1715, 14 The Nature of Things ; a didactic poem translated fi-om the Latin of Titus Lucretius Carus, by John Mason Good. 2 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1805 De la Nature des Choses ; poeme, traduit en prose par do Ponger- ville. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1 82 9-3 2 — Delia Natura delle Cose libri sei ; tradotti dal Latino in Italiano da Alessandro ]\Iarchetti. 2 vols. 8vo. Avist. 1754 — Lucr^ce, Virgile, Valerius Flaccus, ceuvres completes avec la traduction en Fran9ais, publi^es sous la direction de M. Nisard. 8vo. Paris, 1843 Lucy (Henry W.) A Diary of two Parliaments. 8vo. Lond. \%%^ Ludlow (Edmund). Memoirs ; with a collection of original papers, and the Case of King Charles L 4to. Loud. i-]-]i L L 2 26o LUD — LYS Ludlow (John Malcolm). British India, its Races and its History, considered with reference to the Mutinies of 1857. [Vol. 2 missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Cambr. 1858 LUMLEY (Benjamin). Reminiscences of the Opera. 8vo. Land. 186^ LUPTON (James Irvine). The Horse : as he was, as he is, and as he ought to be. 8vo. Loud. 1881 LusiNGE (Ren6 de, Sieur des Alymes). Histoire de I'origine, progrez, et declin de I'Empire des Turcs. i2mo. Pan's, 151 ^. LUTFULLAH, Autobiography of: see Eastwick (Edw. B.), 1857. LUYNES (Due de). Memoires sur la Cour de Louis XV. (1735-58) ; publies par MM. L. Dussieux et Eud. Soulie. 17 vols. 8vo. Pan's, 1860-2 Lyall (Rev. Alf ), Rt. Rev. R. D. Hampden, D.D., and others. History of the Christian Church from the thirteenth century to the present day. (Encyclop. Metrop.) 8vo. Glas^: 1858 Lyall (Edna). The Autobiography of a Slander. i2mo. Loud. 1888 Lye (Edvardus). Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum. Accedunt Fragmenta Versionis Ulphilanse, necnon Opuscula qusedam Anglo- Saxonica. Edidit, auxit, plurimis exemplis illustravit, et Gram- maticam utriusque Linguae prsemisit Owen Manning. 2 vols. fol. Land. 1772 Lyell (Sir Charles). The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man ; with remarks on theories of the origin of species by variation. 8vo. Loud. 1863 Lynch (W. F.) Narrative of the United States' Expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea. 8vo. Lond. i8i^q Lysons (Rev. Daniel). The Environs of London: being an historical Account of the Towns, Villages, and Hamlets within twelve miles of that capital, interspersed with biographical anecdotes. 4 vols. 4to. Loud. 1792-6 Vol. I. Surrey. 2 and 3. Middlesex. 4. Herts, Essex, Kent. An historical Account of those Parishes in the county of Middlesex which are not described in the Environs of London. 4to. Ibid. 1 800 [Lettered Lyson's En\ir. of Lond., vol. 5.] LYS — MAC 261 LysONS (Rev. Daniel) and Samuel Lysons. Magna Britannia : being a concise topographical account of the several counties of Great Britain. Vol. I, Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire. 4to. Loud. 1806 Vol. 2, pt. I. Cambridgeshire. 4to. Rid. 1808 [The complete work consists of 6 vols.] Lyttelton (George, Lord). The History of the Life of King Henry the Second, and of the age in which he lived. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1767 Notes on the fourth and fifth books of the History of the Life of Henry IL ; with an appendix to each. 4to. Ibid. 1771 Poetical AVorks. Fol. Glasg. A. Faults, 1787 [Two copies.] Lyttox (Lord). Eugene Aram : a tale. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. \2>t,z McAlpixe (Neil). A Pronouncing Gaelic Dictionary. Third edition. 8vo. Edinb. 1847 McArthur (John, LL.D.) Principles and Practice of Naval and Military Courts Martial. Fourth edition, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 18 13 Macartxey (George, Earl of). — An authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China; taken chiefly from the Papers of the Earl of INIacartney, by Sir George Staunton, Bart. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1797 Plans, &c. Fol. Ibid. [With the MSS. at Welbeck Abbey, there is a fair copy, in a folio volume, of "A Journal of the Embassy to China, in i;92, 1793, 1794," apparently compiled by Lord Macartney.] Macaulay (Catherine). The History of England from the Accession of James I. to that of the Brunswick Line. [Vols. 6 — 8 missing.] 8 vols. 4to. Lond. 1763-71 Macaulay (James, :^LD.) Victoria, R.I. ; her Life and Reign. 8vo. Lond. 1887 Macaulay (Thomas Babington, Lord). The History of England from the Accession of James II. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849-61 Critical and Historical Essays, contributed to the " Edinburgh Review." New edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1850 New edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1853 Lays of Ancient Rome; with Ivryand the Armada. 8vo. Ibid. 1874 262 MAC McCarthy (D. F.) The Book of Irish Ballads, edited by D. F. M'Carthy. i2mo. Diibl. 1846 McCarthy (Justin). Dear Lady Disdain. Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1876 A History of Our Own Times, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the Berlin Congress. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1879 A History of the Four Georges. Vol i . 8vo. Ibid. 1 884 [No more issued.] M'Clintock (Captain). The Voyage of the "Fox" in the Arctic Seas. A Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions. 8vo. Lond. 1859 [MacCormick, C] The Secret History of the Court and Reign of Charles the Second, by a IMember of his Privy Council. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1792 McCuLLOCH (J. R.) A descriptive and statistical account of the British Empire. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Macdiarmid (John). Lives of British Statesmen. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820 Vol.1. Sir Tljomas More. Lord Burleigh. 2. Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford. Earl of Clarendon. Macdonald (Duncan George Forbes). Cattle, Sheep, and Deer. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1872 Grouse Disease ; its causes and remedies. 8vo. Ibid. 1883 Macdonnel (D. E.) a Dictionary of Quotations in most frequent use — Latin, French, Greek, Spanish and Italian. i2mo. Lond. 1809 MacDougall (Colonel). Modern Warfare as influenced by INIodern Artillery. 8vo. Lond. 1864 MacFarlane (Charles). Constantinople in 1828; a residence of sixteen months in the Turkish Capital and Provinces, with an account of the present state of the naval and military power, and of the resources of the Ottoman Empire. 4to. Lond. 1829 MacGahan (J. A.) Campaigning on the Oxus, and the Fall of Khiva. 8vo. Lond. 1874 McHenry (L. J. A.) New and Improved Spanish Grammar. 1 2 mo. Lond. 1852 MAC 263 Machia\'ELLI (Xicol6). Discorsi sopra la prima Deca di Tito Li\4o. Xuovamente corretti. i2mo. Vincgia, in casa dc figlivoli di Aldo, 1540 [Inscription on side, "Jo. Grolierii et aniicorum."] Tutte r Opere, con una prefazione di Giuseppe Baretti. 3 vols. 4to. Loud. 1772 Opere. 3 vols. 410. Firaizc, 1782 Opere. 10 vols. 8vo. Italia, 1826 Macintosh (j\Iaj. Gen. A. F.) A Military Tour in European Turkey, the Crimea, and on the Eastern Shores of the Black Sea ; with maps. 2 vols, in 3, 8vo. Land. 1854 MTntosh (Charles). The Book of the Garden. 2 vols. Lofid. iS^ys Vol. I. Structural. 2. Practical Gardening. [Missing.] Mackenzie (Alexander). Voyages from Montreal on the River St. Lau- rence, through the Continent of North America to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans in the years 1789 and 1793. 4to. Lond. 1801 Mackenzie (George, M.D.) The Lives and Characters of the most eminent Writers of the Scots Nation. 3 vols. fol. Ediiib. 1708-22 Mackenzie (Sir George). Tract of Precedency: with John Guillim's Display of Heraldry, 1724, q. v. Mackenzie (Robert). America: a history. 8vo. Lond. 1882 Mackintosh (Rt. Hon. Sir James). History of England (from the In- vasion of Caesar) : continued by William Wallace, and by Peter Bell, to the death of George II. [Lardner's Cabinet of History]. 10 vols, bound in 5. i2mo. Lond. 1830-40 Miscellaneous Works. 3 vols. 8vo. Ihid. \%ii,b Memoirs of the Life of the Rt. Lion. Sir James Mackintosh. Edited by his son Robert James IMackintosh. Second edition. 2 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1836 Mackintosh (Robert James). IMemoirs of the Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir James Mackintosh. 1836, q. v. [Macknight, Thomas.] The Right Honourable Benjamin Disraeli, M.P. ; a literary and political biography. Svo. Z(?W. 1854 [ ] Thirty Years of Foreign Policy : a history of the Secretaryships of the Earl of Aberdeen and Viscount Palmerston, by the author of "The Right Hon. B. Disraeli, M.P., a literary and political bio- graphy." 8vo. Ibid. 1855 264 MAC — MAD Maclachlan : see Campbell-Maclachlajst. Maclaurin (John, Lord Dreghom). Arguments and Decisions in re- markable Cases before the High Court of Justiciary, and other Supreme Courts in Scotland. 4to. Edinh. i-j-^a, McPherson (Duncan). Antiquities of Kertch, and researches in the Cimmerian Bosphorus. 4to. Land. 1857 Macpherson (James). An Introduction to the History of Grreat Britain and Ireland. 4to. Lond. 1771 The History of Great Britain from the Restoration, to the Accession of the House of Hanover. 2 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1775 Original Papers, containing the secret History of Great Britain from the Restoration, to the Accession of the House of Hanover ; to which are prefixed extracts from the Life of James II. as written by himself 2 vols. 4to. 7^/^.1775 Critical Dissertation on the Poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal : see Ossian, 1763. ■ Poems of Ossian ; translated by James Macpherson : see OSSIAN, 1 1773- Madden (Daniel Owen). Revelations of Ireland in the past generation. 8vo. Dubl. 1848 Chiefs of Parties, past and present, with original anecdotes. 2 vols. Svo. Lojtd. 1859 Madden (R. R.) The Literary Life and Correspondence of the Countess of Blessington. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 185s Maddyn : see Madden. Madox (Thomas). The History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England. Second edition. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1769 Madrid. Le Mercure Espagnol, apportant quelques Memoires et Nou- velles Curieuses de Madrid. lamo. Suiv. la copie impr. d, Paris, 1670 Madrid Gallery. Coleccion Lithographica de Cuadros del Ray de Espafia, el Senor Don Fernando VII., lithographiada por habiles artistas bajo la direccion de Jos6 de Madrazo. [203 plates.] Fol. Madrid, 1826-36 MAF — MAI 265 Maffei (Andrea). Opere edite ed inedite. 7 vols, bound in 2. 8vo. Mtlaiio, 1842-7 [These volumes consist of translations, in Italian, of Schiller's Don Carlos, Maria Stuarda, Gughelmo Tell, Wallenstein, I Piccolomini, Mort de "Wallenstein, &c.] Maffei (Jean Pierre). Histoires des Indes ; traduict par Fran9ois Arnault de la Boirie. 8vo. Lyon, 1 604 Magaillans (Gabriel de). Nouvelle Relation de la Chine, composee en 1668; traduite du Portugais, par le Sr. B. 4to. Parts, 1688 Magrini (Antonio). Memorie intorno la Vita e le Opere di Andrea Palladio. 4to. Padova, 1845 Magxjtre (John Francis). Father Mathew : a biography. 8vo. Loud. 1^6$ Mahon (Ph. Hen., Lord, Earl Stanhope). Miscellanies, collected and edited by Earl Stanhope. Second edition. 8vo. Land. 1863 The Life of Louis, Prince of Cond^, sumamed the Great. 8vo. Ibid. 1846 Maidstone (George James, Viscount). Abd-el-Kader : a Poem in six. cantos. \Dcdication, to the Memory of Lord George Bentinck\ 8vo. Lojid. 1 85 1 Maillard (Marie). Relation veritable de la Guerison miraculeuse de Marie Maillard, qui avait et6 boiteuse presque d^s sa naissance, arrivee 26 Nov. 1693. Trad, de I'Anglois. i2mo. Avist. 1694 [Bound with Ganges (Marq«. de), Mort de, 1667.] Maillard de Chambltre (Ch.) Dijon ancien et moderne; recherches historiques tiroes de monumens contemporains, la plupart in6dits. 8vo. Dij'on, 1840 Maimbourg (P. Louis). Histoire du Schisme des Grecs. [Vol. i missing.] 2 vols. i2mo. Stiivant la copie imprimce a Paris, 1682 Main (J.) The Forest Planter and Pruner's Assistant. Third edition. 8vo. Lond. [ctrca 1844J MaisON Rustique du XIX" si^cle. Encyclop^die d' Agriculture pratique etc., par M^L Bailly, Alalpeyre aine, Ysebeau et Bixio. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1842-51 [Vols. I — 4 arc bound in 2 vols. Vol. 5 is missing.] M M 266 MAI — MAL Maistre (Le Comte Joseph de). Du Pape. Huiti^me edition. 8vo. Lyon, 1845 Les Soirees de Saint P^tersbourg, ou entretiens sur le Gouverne- ment Temporel de la Providence ; suivies d'un Traite sur les Sacri- fices. 2 vols, in I. 8vo. Ibid. 1850 Lettres et Opuscules inedits ; precedes d'une notice biographique par son fils le Comte Rodolphe de Maistre. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1851 Maitlajstd (Rev. S. R.) The Dark Ages : a series of Essays intended to illustrate the state of Religion and Literature in the Ninth to the Twelfth Centuries. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Maitlajjd (William). History and Antiquities of Scotland, from the earliest account of time to the death of James I. anno 1437 '■< 3-"^ from that period to the accession of James VI. to the Crown of England, by another hand. 2 vols. fol. Lond. \-]^-j Maittaire (Michael). Annales Typographici ab origine artis inventae ad annum 1557. [L. P.] 5 vols, in 7 pts. 4to. Hagce-Comtt. 1719-41 Greek Dialects ; abridged and translated into English, from the edition of Sturzius, by the Rev. John Seager. 8vo. Lond. 1831 ]\lAius (Thomas) : see May (Thomas). Major (Richard Henry). The Life of Prince Henry of Portugal, surnamed the Navigator, and its results ; comprising the discovery, within one century, of half the world. 8vo. Lond. 1 868 iVlAjOR (Thomas). The Ruins of Psestum, otherwise Posidonia in Magna Grsecia. Fol. Lond. 1768 [Two copies.] Malcolm (James Peller). Londinium Redivi\^m : or, an antient history and modern description of London. [Vol. 4 missing.] 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1802-7 Mallet (Allain ]\Ianesson). Description de I'Univers ; contenant les differents systemes du monde, les cartes generales et particulieres de la geographic ancienne et moderne. 5 vols. 4to. Francf curt sur le Alain, 1685-6 La G6om6trie Pratique. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1702 MAL — I\IAN 267 Maljiesbxiry (James Harris, first Earl of) . Diaries and Correspondence ; containing an account of his IMissions to the Courts of Madrid, Frederick the Great, Catherine the Second, &c. Edited by his grandson, the third Earl. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844 MALifESBURY (James Howard, third Earl of). Memoirs of an Ex- Minister: an autobiography. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1884 Malmesbury (William of) : see Gale. Hist. Brit. Script., vol. 1. Malone (Edmond). An Inquirer into the authenticity of certain miscel- laneous papers and legal instruments, published December 24, 1795, and attributed to Shakspeare, Queen Elizabeth, and Henrys Earl of Southampton. 8vo. Lond. 1796 See also Shakespeare. Plays and Poems, 1790, 1821. Malte-Brux (Conrad). Precis de la Geographie Universelle, ou description de toutes les parties du monde. Quatri^me Edition, par J. J. N. Huot. 12 vols. 8vo. Part's, 1836-7 Atlas Complet du Precis de la Geographie Universelle. 4to. Ibtd. 1837 Malthus (Rev. T. R.) Principles of Political Economy, considered ^vith a view to their practical application. 8vo. Lond. 1820 Malton (Thomas). A compleat Treatise on Perspective, in theory and practice. Fol. Lond. 1775 Malvasia (Co. Carlo Cesare). Felsina Pittrice ; Vite de' Pittori Bolognesi. 2 vols. 4to. Bologna, 1678 Vite de' Pittori Bolognesi non descritte nella Felsina Pittrice: v. Crespi (Luigi), 1769. [MANrEROT, Sebastien]. Les Passaiges doultremer faitz par les Fran9oys. Nouvellement imprime. Fol. Part's, par Michel le Not'r, i^iB. Man (Isle of). Report of the Commissioners of Inquiry for the Isle of Man ; with Appendices A — D. Fol. s. I. 1792 ^^^ a/w Robertson (Dav.) 1794. M M 2 268 MAN Manchester (William Drogo Montagxi, Duke of). Court and Society from Elizabeth to Anne. Edited from the Papers at Kimbolton. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1864 Majstchester Art Exhibition, 1857. Catalogue of the Art Treasures of the United Kingdom collected at Manchester in 1857. 8vo. Lond. 1857 The Art Treasures Examiner : a pictorial, critical, and historical record of the Art Treasures Exhibition at Manchester in 1857. 4to. Manchester, 1857 Photographs of the "Gems of Art Treasures Exhibition," 1857 : see Caldesi. See also BURGER (W.) 1857. Mancini (Hortense) : i.e. Madame la Duchesse de Mazarin, it^^, q.v. Mancini (Marie). Apologie, ou les veritables M^moires de Madame Marie Mancini, Connestable de Colonna, ecrits par elle-meme [ou plutot composes par le Sieur de Bremond]. i2mo. Leide, \bi% [Bound with Mazarin (Mad. la Duchesse de}. Memoires, 1675.] [Mandeville, Bernard de]. The Fable of the Bees : or. Private Vices, Publick Benefits. Sixth edition. 8vo. Lond. i-j^z Part 2. Second edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1733 Manley (Roger). The History of the late Warres in Denmark. Fol. Lond. 1670 MANNEVILLETTE : V. APRfeS DE MANNEVILLETTE. Mansfield. Map of the Country twenty miles round Mansfield, by George Sanderson, 1835. [Cut up, unmounted, in 8vo case.] Manstein (Baron de). IMemoirs of Russia from the year 1727 to the year 1744. Second edition. 4to. Lond. i-j-jj, Mant (Richard, D.D., Bp. of Down and Connor). Scriptural Narratives of those passages in Our Blessed Lord's Life and Ministry which are subjects of annual commemoration in the Church. 8vo. Oxf. 1830 Book of Common Prayer; with notes. Fifth edition. 4to. Lond. 1840 Mantua. [Effigies Marchionum Mantuse, Sec, by various artists and engravers, circa 1600.] Fol. MAN— MAR 269 Mantz (Paul). Les Chefs d'cEU\Tes de la Peinture Italienne; ou\Tage contenant vingt planches chromolithographiques executees par F. Kellerhoven, et trente planches gravees sur bois. 4to. Paris, i%-jo Another copy. 4to. Ibid. 1870 jMaxuel y Vascoxcelos (Don Augustin). Histoire de la Vie et des Actions de D. Jean II. treizi^me Roy de Portugal. Traduite de I'Espagnol. 8vo. Paris, 1641 Manxjzzi (Giuseppe). Vocabolario della Lingua Italiana. 2 vols, in 4 pts. 8vo. Fircnze, 1833-40 Manzoni (Alessandro). Operevarie. 8vo. Jl/iiaiio, 1845 Tragedie, ed altre poesie. Edizione seconda Fiorentina. lamo. Firenzc, 1827 I Promessi Sposi. 3 vols. 8vo. Livorno, 1827 The Betrothed ; from the Italian. i2mo. Lo?id. 1834. Translated from the Italian. 2 vols. 8vo. I6id. 1844 Maps : see Atlas. Ordxaxce Survey. Maraldi (M.) Carte de la France : v. Cassini, 1744. Marana (John Paul) : see Turkish Spy, i 708. Marattus (Carolus) : v. Prints, 1705. Marcellus (Le Comte de). Politique de la Restauration en 1822 et 1823. 8vo. Paris, 1853 [Marcet, Mrs. Jane]. Conversations on Natural Philosophy. By the author of " Conversations on Political Economy," and " Conversations on Chemistry." Second edition. 8vo. Loud. 1820 Marchan'D (Etienne). Voyage autour du Monde, pendant les ann6es 1790, 91 & 92 ; precede d'une introduction historique, avec cartes et figures, par C. P. Claret Fleurieu. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, an. VI — VIII, [1797-9] Marchaxd (Fran9ois la Fleche). Les Noms, Surnoms, Qualitez, Armes et Blasons de tous les Princes, Seigneurs, Commandeurs, Chevaliers et Oflficiers, de I'Ordre et Milice du Benoist Sainct Esprit, depuis la premiere institution, creez par Hen. Ill, Roy de France, &c. avec les statuts, ordonnances et r^glements dudit ordre. [Graves &c. par Fran9ois la Fleche Marchand, Paris.] Fol. Paris, 1643 2 70 MAR Marche : V. La Marche. Margan, Annales de : v. Gale. Hist. Brit. Script., vol. 2. Mariana (Joannes). Historiae de Rebus Hispaniae libri XXX. 4to. Mogimtia;, 1605 The General History of Spain. Translated from the Spanish by Capt. John Stevens. Fol. Lond. 1699 Marie Antoinette, Reine de France, M^moires sur la Vie privee de : V. Camp AN (Mad.) 1823. Memoires de: v. Weber, 1822. Life of, by C. D. YONGE, 1877, q. v. Marie de Medicis. Chambre de, au Palais du Liixembourg : v. Dedaux, 1838. Mariette (P. J.) Description d'Estampes dans le Cabinet du Roi, &c. : V. Crozat, 1763. Marion Dumersan (Theophile) : v. Du Mersan. Mariot-Didieux (Simon). Guide de I'Eleveur de Pigeons, de Colombier et de Volifere. 8vo. Paris, 1854 [Bound with Espanet. Basses-Cours.] Guide de I'Eleveur de Dindons et de Pintades. 8vo. Ibid. 1%^^ [Bound with Espanet. Basses-Cours.] Markham (Clements R.) Travels in Peru and India, while superintend- ing the collection of Chinchona plants and seeds in South America, and their introduction into India. 8vo. Lond. 1862 IMARivEiAM (Col. Fred.) Shooting in the Himalayas ; a journal of sporting adventures and travel in Chinese Tartary, Ladac, Thibet, Cashmere, &c. 8vo. Lotid. 1854 Markland (J. H.) Remarks on English Churches, and on the expe- diency of rendering Sepulchral Memorials subservient to pious and Christian uses. 8vo. Oxf. 1 843 Marlborough (George Spencer, Duke of). — Gemmarum Antiquarum Delectus ; Choix de Pierres Antiques gravees du Cabinet du Due de ^Marlborough. 2 vols. fol. [1781-90] ILVRLBOROUGH (John Churchill, First Duke of). Letters and Dispatches from 1702 to 17 12. Edited by General the Rt. Hon. Sir George Murray. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1845 MAR 27 r Marlborough (Sarah, Duchess of). Letters; now first published from the original manuscripts at ]\Iadresfield Court : -n-ith an introduction. 8vo. Land. 1875 Marleburrough (H.) Chronicle of Ireland : see Ireland, 1809. Marllani (Emmanuel). Histoire Politique de I'Espagne Modems. Deuxifeme edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1841 Marlou"E (Christopher). Poems of Robert Greene and Christopher Marlowe; edited by Rob. Bell. i2mo. Lofid. 1856 Marmont (Marshal, Due de Raguse). The present State of the Turkish Empire ; translated with notes and observations on the relation of England with Turkey and Russia, by Lt.-Col. Sir Frederic Smith. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Marot (Jean). Recueil des Plans, Profils et Elevations des plusieurs Palais, Chasteaux, Eglises, Sepultures, Grotes et Hostels batis dans Paris et aux environs. Fol. s. I. et a. Marryat (Florence). Phyllida : a life drama. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1882 Marryat (Frank). IMountains and ^Molehills, or recollections of a burnt journal. 8vo. Lond. 1855 Marryat (Frederick, Capt.) Japhet, in search of a father. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Marryat (Joseph). Collections towards a History of Pottery and Por- celain in the 15th, i6th, ijtli, and i8th centuries. [L. P.] 4to. Lond. 1850 Second edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1857 Mars (Le) h. la Mode de ce temps. i2mo. Liege, ib-]2 [Bound with Galardi. La Tyrannie Heureuse, 167 1.] Marschall a Bieberstein (L. B. Frid.) Centuria Plantarum Rariorum Rossiae ^leridionalis, preesertim Taurise et Caucasi, iconibus descrip- tionibusque illustrata cura L. B. Friderici Marschall a Bieberstein. Pars I, fol. CharkovicB, typis Academ. 18 10 [Guvrage de luxe. Only 70 copies were printed for the public. Three p.irts of a second volume, containing pi. 51 — 80, with 60 pages of text, were published at St. Petersburg, 1832-43.] 272 MAR Marsh (Rev. Herbert, D.D.) Lectures on the Authenticity and Credi- bility of the New Testament ; and on the Authority of the Old Testa- ment. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1840 Lectures on the Criticism and Interpretation of the Bible ; with two preliminary lectures on theological study and theological arrange- ment. 8vo. I6id. 1842 A Comparative View of the Churches of England and Rome. 8vo. /6zd. 1 85 1 [Marshall, William]. A Review of " The Landscape, a didactic poem," by Uvedale Price ; also of " An Essay on the Picturesque ; " together with practical remarks on Rural Ornament. By the author of " Planting and Ornamental Gardening." 8vo. Loud, i-jg^ Marshall (W., LL.D.) Registers of Edweststow, 1634 — 1758, ^.v. Marshman (John Clark). The Life and Times of [AVilliam] Carey, [Joshua] Marshman, and [William] Ward ; embracing the history of the Serampore Mission. 2 vols. Svo. Land. 1859 Abridgment of the History of India, from the earliest period to the present time. , Svo. Ihid. 1880 Marshman (Joshua). Life and Times of: see Marshman (John Clark), 1859. Marsuzi de Aguirre (C.) LTtalie apr^s Villafranca : considerations sur I'etat present et sur 1' avenir des peuples Italiens. Svo. Paris, 1859 Martelli (Charles). The Naval Officer's Guide for preparing Ships for Sea. 1 2 mo. Lond. 1834 Martl\lis (M. Valerius). Epigrammatum libri XV.; cum variorum commentariis, notis, etc., et indice Josephi Langii. Fol. Luf. Paris. 1617 Epigrammatum Libri XV. interpretatione et notis illustravit Vin- centius CoUesso ad usum Delphini. 4to. Paris. 1680 Tutti gli Epigrammi di M. Val. Marziale ; trasportati in Italian© da Giuspanio Graglia. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1782-91 Martin (David). La Sainte Bible: v. Biblia Sacra, 1707. Martin (Robert Montgomery). History of the British Colonies. 5 vols. Svo. Lond. 1834-5 MAR ■10 Martin (Theodore). The Life of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort 1819 — 1861. [Vol. 5 missing.] 5 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1875-80 " Martin TouTROND " : 5^^ Morier (J.) 1849. Martineau (Harriet). Biographical Sketches, 1852-68. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1869 " Martingajle." Sporting Scenes and Country Characters : 5(fe White ( ), 1840. MARTINlfeRE : V. LA MARTINiSrE. Martorelli (Jac.) : V. Vargas jMacciucca (Duca M.), 1764. [Mar\'ELL, Andrew]. Relation de I'Accroissement de la Papaute et du Gouvemement Absolu en Angleterre. Trad, de I'Anglais. i2mo. Havih. 1680 Works, poetical, controversial, and political ; with a new life of the author, by Capt. Edw. Thompson. 3 vols. 4to. Loud. \']~ib Marvy (Louis). Sketches after English Landscape Painters, with short notices by W. JNI. Thackeray. 4to. Lond. \s.a., circa 1850] Mary (Queen, Wife of Will. III.) Lettres et Memoires de Marie Reine d'Angleterre, Epouse de Guillaume IIL Collection de documents authentiques inedits, conserves aux archives des Comtes d'Aldenbourg Bentinck et du Baron de Heeckeren de Wassenaer. 4to. La Hayc, 1 880 Laudatio Funebris Sereniss. ac Potentiss. Mariae IL, Mag. Brit. &c. Reginae. Fridericus Spanhemius dixit. Fol. Lugd. Bat. 1695 Mary, Queen of Scots. A Brief History of the Life of Mary, Queen of Scots, and the occasions that brought her, and Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, to their tragical ends ; with an account of the tryals of that Queen, and of the said Duke, as also the trial of Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel. From the Papers of a Secretary of Sir Francis Walsing- ham. Fol. Lond. 1681 [MSS., on the affairs of Scotland, are bound with this volume.] The Copie of a Letter sent by R. C. to the Earle of Leycester, with certain petitions to Her Majestie [Q. Elizabeth], and Her Majesties Answer thereto. Respecting the Condemnation of IMary, Queen of Scots. Sm. 4to. Lond. C. Barker, 1685 Inquiry into the Evidence against : see Tytler (William), 1772. History of: see MiGNET (F. A.), 1861. N N 2 74 MAR — MAT Maryland. Laws of: see Bacon (Rev. Thomas), 1765. Mascardi (Agostino). Ritratti et Elogii di Capitani lUustri : see Roscio (Giulio), 1646. Maseres (Francis, Baron). Select Tracts relating to the Civil Wars in England, in the reign of Charles I. ; with prefaces and notes by Baron Maseres. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826 Mason (Arthur James). The Persecution of Diocletian, a historical essay. 8vo. Cambr. 1876 Mason (Finch). Country Sketches. Obi. fol. Lond. s. a. Mason (J. A.) A Treatise on the climate and meteorology of Madeira, edited by James Sheridan Knowles ; with a review of the state of agriculture and of the tenure of Land, by George Peacock, D.D., and an account of the island, by John Driver. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Mason (W.) The English Garden : a poem ; book the first. Second edition. 4to. Loid. i-]-]z Massachusetts Artillery Company : see Artillery Company, 1888. Masse (J. N.) Petit Atlas Complet d'Anatomie descriptive du Corps Humain. 8vo. Paris, 1843 Massinger (Philip). Plays ; with notes critical and explanatory, by W. Gifford. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1805 Masson (A1. le). Les Limites de la France. 8vo. Paris, 1853 Mathematics. Recueil de plusieurs Traitez de Mathematique de I'Academie Royale des Sciences. Fol. Paris, 1676 Mathews (Charles James). Life, chiefly autobiographical, with selections from his correspondence and speeches. Edited by Charles Dickens. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1879 Mathias (T. J.) Componimenti Lirici de' piii illustri Poeti d' Italia. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1802 Mathieu : V. ]\Iatthieu. jMathison (John) and Alexander Way Mason. The East India Register and Directory for 1808. i2mo. Lond. [1808] i2mo. Ibid. [1809] MAT — MAX 275 Matth^uS Westmonasteriensis. Flores Historiarum pr^ecipue de Rebus Britannicis ab exordio mundi usque ad annum Domini 1307 ; et Chronicon ex Chronicis, ab initio mundi usque ad annum Domini 1 1 1 8 deductum, auctore Florentio Wigorniensi ; cui accessit continuatio usque ad A. C. 1163. Fol. Franco/. 1601 Matthew (Francis). Opening of Rivers : see AvONS (The), 1660. Matthews (Henry). The Diary of an Invalid : being the Journal of a Tour in pursuit of Health in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland and France, in 1817, 18 and 19. Second edition. 8vo. Lo)id. 1820 Matthle (Augustus). Copious Greek Grammar; translated from the German, by Edward Valentine Blomfield. Fifth edition, by John Kenrick. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1832 Matthteu (Pierre). Histoire generale des derniers troubles arrivez en France sous les regnes des Roys Henry III, Henry IV, et Louys XIII ; ensemble I'histoire de la Guerre entre les deux maisons de France et d'Espagne. 4to. Paris, \biz Histoire de Louys XI, Roy de France, et des choses memorables advenues en 1' Europe durant vingt et deux annees de son r^gne. 4to. Ibid. 1628 [Maxxl^on de Granier, Auger]. Les Memoires de la Roine Marguerite. 8vo. Paris, 1628 Lettres de Messire Paul de Foix, Arch^vesque de Tolose, 1628, q. v. Mautstdrell (Henry). Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, at Easter, A.D. 1697. Second edition. 8vo. Oxf. 1707 [Bound with this is a MS. Account of the Author's Journey from Aleppo to the River Euphrates, the City Beer, and to Mesopotamia ; il pp.] Maupas du Tour (Henry de). La Vie de Fran9ois de Sales, Evesque et Prince de Geneve. 4to. Paris, 1657 Maurice (Thomas). Richmond Hill: a descriptive and historical poem. ^ 4to. Loud. 1807 MaUZAIZE (M.) : V. CONTEMPORAINS EtRANGERS, 1826. Maximilien (Prince de Wied-Neuwied). Voyage dans ITnt^rieur de I'Am^rique du Nord, ex6cut6 pendant les ann6es 1832, 1833 et 1834. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1840-43 Max'^'ELL (W. H.) Life of Field-]\Iarshal his Grace the Duke of Wel- lington. 3 vols. 8vo. Loitd. 1839-41 N N 2 2 76 MAY — MAZ May: v. Du May. May or Maius (Thomas). Supplementum Lucani Libri VII. Editio secunda. lamo. Land. 1646 [Bound mtli Laurentius VaUensis.] Historiae Parliamenti Angliae Breviarium, tribus partibus expli- citum, authore T. M. 12 mo. Jiixta exemplar Londmi, 1651 May (Sir Thomas Erskine). A Treatise upon the Law, Privileges, Pro- ceedings, and Usage of Parliament. 8vo. Land. 1844 The Constitutional History of England since the accession of George the Third, 1760 — 1860. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. litd. 1863 Mayer (John). Sportsman's Directory, and Park and Gamekeeper's Companion. Sixth edition. i2mo. Lond. 1838 Mayer (Luigi). Views in Egypt. Fol. Lond. 1801 Views in the Ottoman Empire, chiefly in Caramania, a part of Asia Minor hitherto unexplored. Fol. Ibid. 1803 Views in Palestine. Fol. Ibid. 1804 [Bound with the preceding work.] Views in the Ottoman Dominions in Europe, in Asia, and some of the Mediterranean Islands. 2 parts, fol. Ibid. 18 10 Mayhew (Edward). Dogs: their management. 8vo. Lond. 1854 Mayhew (Henry). The Rhine and its Picturesque Scenery, illustrated by Birket Foster. 8vo. Lond. 1856 IMayn'E (R. C.) Four Years in British Columbia and Vancouver Island : an account of their forests, rivers, coasts, gold-fields, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1862 Mayo (Herbert, M.D.) Letters on the Truths contained in Popular Superstitions. 8vo. Frankfort-on-Main, 1849 Mazarix (JMad"^ la Duchesse de). Memoires de iNIadame la Duchesse de Mazarin, Hortense Mancini. i2mo. Cologne, \bi^ [Faussement attribues a une Madame de Rhut ; ces Memoires sont d'Hortense Ma:ncini elle-raeme.] Mazois (F.) Les Ruines de Pompei ; dessinees et mesurees par Fr. Mazois pendant les annees 1809, 18 10, 181 1 [et depuis] ; continue par M. Gau. 4 vols. fol. Paris, \8i2-i^ ME A — MEN 277 Mead (Richard, ]\I.D.) A mechanical account of Poisons, in several essays. Third edition. 8vo. Loud. 1745 [Meason, Gilbert Laing]. The Landscape Architecture of the Great Painters of Italy. By G. L. M. 4to. Lond. 1828 Meaume (Edouard). Recherches sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de Jacques Callot ; suite au Peintre-Graveur Fran9ais de M. Robert-Dumesnil. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, i860 Catalogue de I'Qiuvre. 8vo. Ibid, i860 ^Medals. Introduction a I'Histoire par la connoissance des Medailles : V. Patin (C), 1665. jMedaglie de gli Antichi : v. Vico (Enea), 1558. See also Numismata. !Medicis (Marie de). Chambre de, au Palais de Luxembourg: v. Dedaux, 1838. Meiffren Langier de Chartrouse (Baron). Oiseaux: v. Temminck (C.J.) 1838. Melito : V. jNIiot de IMelito. jMelrose Abbey, Chronicles of: v. Fulman ;^G.) 1684. Melvil (Sir James). The Memoirs of Sir James Melvil, of Hal-Hill ; published from the original manuscript, by George Scott. Fol. Lond. 1683 Melville : see Whyte-Melville. Melville Papers : see Le\'en ai^d Melville Papers, 1843. Memor (Andreas). L'Allemagne Nouvelle, 1863-67. 8vo. Paris, iSyg Menagio (Egidio). Le Origini della Lingua Italiana, colla giunta de' modi di dire Italiani, raccolti, e dichiarati dal medesimo. Fol. Geneva, 1685 Mexestrier (Claude) : r. Mexetreius (Claudius), 1688. jMexestrier (Le Pere Claude Fran9ois). Trait^ des Tournois, Joustes, Carrousels, et autres spectacles publics. 4to. Lyon, 1669 Histoire du Roy Louis le Grand, par les medailles, embl^mes, deuises, jettons, inscriptions, armoiries, et autres monumens publics. Fol. Paris, i6gi [Two copies.] 278 MEN — MER Menestrier (Le P^re Claude Francois). La Sience de la Noblesse, ou la Nouvelle Metode du Blason. i2ino. Paris, 1691 Les Divers Caract^res des Ouvrages Historiques, avec le plan d'une Nouvelle Histoire de la Ville de Lyon. i2mo. Lyon, i6q4 Menetreius (Claudius). Symbolica Dianse Ephesiae Statuta exposita. Fol. Roma:, 1688 Mengotti (Francesco). II Colbertismo, dissertazione coronata dalla Reale Societa Economica Fiorentina detta de' Georgofili, 13 Giugno 1792. Nuova edizione. 8vo. Firenze, 1 8 1 9 Mengs (Antonio Raffaello). Opere, pubblicate da D. Giuseppe Niccola d'Azara. 2 vols. 4to. Parma, 1780 Works of Anthony Raphael Mengs, first Painter to His Catholic Majesty Charles III., of Spain ; translated from the Italian published by J. N. D'Azara. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1796 Menzel (Wolfgang). Geschichte der Deutschen bis auf die neuesten Tage. Bound in 2 vols. 8vo. Stuttg. u. Tiihingcn, 1843 Menzies (Sutherland). Turkey Old and New: historical, geographical, and statistical. 2 vol. 8vo. Lo7id. 1880 Merck (Johann Heinrich). Briefe an Johann Heinrich Merck, von Gothe, Herder, Wieland und andern bedeutenden Zeitgenossen ; heraus- gegeben von Dr. K. Wagner. Svo. Darmstadt, 1835 "Mercxire" : voir Harmont (Pierre), 1650. Mercure Ameriquain : z^. America, 1678. Mercure Espagnol (Le) : v. Madrid, 1670. Mercure Hollandois (Le) : contenant les choses les plus remarquables de toute la terre, arrivees en Van 1672, jusqu'a 1684. 17 vols. i2mo. Avist. 1675-84 Mere (George Brossin, Chev. de). De 1' E sprit : discours de IVIonsieur le Chevalier de Mere, a Madame * * *. i2mo. Paris, 1677 Merian (Maria Sibylla). iSIetamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium. [With 60 plates.] Fol. Amst. i-jo^ Merimee (J. F. L.) The Art of Painting in Oil and in Fresco ; translated from the French, by W. B. Sarsfield Taylor. i2mo. Loud. 1839 MER — MET 279 Mertmee (Prosper). Episode de I'Histoire de Russie — Les Faux D6m6- trius. 8vo. Paris, 1854 Meria'ALE (Charles). Histor}^ of the Romans under the Empire. New edition. [Vols. 3 — 8 missing.] 8 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1865 Mertvale (Herman). Historical Studies. 8vo. Loud. 1865 Mertv^ale (John Herman). Poems, original and translated. Xew edition. 3 vols. i2mo. Loud. 1844 Merxe d'Aubigxe (Jean Hen , D.D.) Histoire de la R6formation du seizi^me si^cle. Deuxi^me edition. 5 vols. 8vo. P^r/i, 1838-53 Merlin. Life of, by Thomas Heyavood, 1641, q. v. Merrifield (Mrs.) Original Treatises, dating from the 13th to i8th centuries, on the Arts of Painting. 2 vols. Svo. Land. 1 849 Mersan : v. Du Mersan. :Mery (Joseph Pierre Agnes). Contes et Xouvelles. 8vo. Paris, 1852 Messixa. Relation des Mouvements de la Ville de Messina depuis I'annee 1 67 1. i2mo. Cologne, 1676 Charpente de la Cathedrale de Messine : v. MOREY (P.) 1841. Metastasio (Pietro). Opere. [Vol. 14 missing.] i6vols. 8vo. F/rt/iz£, i8iq Metcalfe (Charles Theophilus, Lord). Life and Correspondence of Charles, Lord Metcalfe, late Governor General of India, &c. by John William Kaye. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1854 Selections from the Papers of Lord Metcalfe, edited by John William Kaye. Svo. Idi'd. 1855 Meterex (Emanuel de). L'Histoire des Pays-Bas ; traduit de Plamend en Fran9oys par J. D. L. Haye, avec la vie de I'autheur. Fol. La Haye, 1618 Meteyard (Eliza). The Life of Josiah WedgAvood, from his private correspondence and family papers ; with an introductory' sketch of the Art of Pottery in England. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1865-6 Wedgwood and his Works. A selection of his plaques, cameos, medallions, vases, &c. Fol. Ibid. 1873 28o MET — MEZ Meteyard (Eliza). IMemorials of Wedgwood: a selection from his fine- art works in plaques, medallions, figures, and other ornamental objects. Fol. Lond. 1874 The Wedgwood Handbook : a Manual for Collectors. 8vo. Ibid. 1875 Metzger (Joh.) Gartenbuch fiir Gartenliebhaber, Gutsbesitzer und an- gehende Gartner. Zweite Ausgabe. i2mo. Heidelberg, \%ib Die Kernobstsorten des siidlichen Deutschlandes nach den ange- stellten Untersuchung der wandernden Gesellschaft der Wein- und Obstproduzenten, 1839-46. 8vo. Frankf. a. M. \^\-] Meulen : V. Van der Meulen. [Meursius Joannes]. Illustris Academia Lugd-Batava : id est Virorum Clarissimorum Icones, Elogia, ac Vitae qui eam scriptis suis illus- trarunt. 4to. Ltigd. Bat. 16 13 Opera omnia ; Joannes Lamius recensebat at scholiis illustrabat. 12 vols. fol. FlorenticB, 1741-63 Meyer (H. L.) Illustrations of British Birds. 4 vols. gr. 4to. Lond. \circa 1 844] [This copy has been coloured by me, and the eggs which I obtained since the publication of the work I have drawn on the plates at the foot. The plates of the Swallow and Martin and the Bearded Titmouse I have drawn and printed on purpose for this copy ; this is consequently the best and most perfect copy that has been sold by me of the only six copies on large paper in existence. H. L. Meyer, Chertsey, Jan. 1844.] The above MS. note is in the Author's handwriting ; the six possessors of L. P. copies were H. M. the Queen, Prince Albert, Lord Midleton, King of Holland, the Author, and the Duke of Portland. Meyrick (S. R.) Engraved Illustrations of Antient Arms and Armour from the Collection of Llewelyn Meyrick, after the drawings, and with the descriptions of Dr. Meyrick, by Joseph Skelton. 2 vols, in 4 pts. 4to. Lond. 1830 [Mezeray, Fran9ois Eudes de]. Pasquini et Marphorii curiosae inter- locutiones. i2mo. s.l. 1683 [Bound with France. La France Intriguante, 1677.] Entretien de Marphorio et de Pasquin sur le Testament de Charles II, Roi d'Espagne. i2mo. Cologne, 1700 [Bound with Spain. Testament de Charles II. 1701.] [Mezeray wrote also sub nom. Sandricourt.] MIC — MID 281 Michael Angelo (Buonarotti'). Rime, col comento di G. Biasfioli. 8vo. Parigi, 1821 Illustrations, Architectural and Pictorial, of the Genius of Michael Angelo Buonarroti, with descriptions of the plates by the Commendatore Canina, C. R. Cockerell, and J. S. Harford. Fol. Loiitf. 1857 Life of: see DuPPA (R.) 1807. Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de : v. QuATREMfeRE DE QuiNXY (A. C.) 1835. MiCHAUX (F. Andre). Histoire des Arbres Forestiers de rAm6rique Septentrionale. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 18 10-13 The North American Sylva, or a description of the Forest Trees of the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia. Translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. Hid. 1819 Michel (J. P. A.) Guide Pratique du Cultivateur de Muriers ; suivi d'une Instruction sur la mani^re d'elever les Vers-a-Soie. 8vo. Valence, 1839 MiCHELET (Jules). Precis de I'Histoire Moderne. Septieme edition. 8vo. Paris, 1842 Histoire Romaine. — Republique. Troisi^me edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1843 Des J6suites. Par Michelet et M. Quinet. Quatrieme 6dition. 8vo. Ibid. 1843 Histoire de France. Deuxi^me edition. [Vols. 7 — 12 missing.] 12 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1835-58 Histoire de France au seizi^me sifecle. La Ligue et Henri IV. 8vo. Ibid. 1856 [This Histoire formed vol. 10 of the preceding reprint.] Histoire de France au dix-septi^me sifecle. Louis XIV. et le Due de Bourgogne. 8vo. Ibid. 1862 MiCHlELS (Alfred). Histoire Secrete du Gouvernement Autrichien. Quatrieme Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1879 MiDDLETON (Conyers, D.D.) Life of Cicero: see Tunstall (Jacobus), 1741, 1744- The Character and Conduct of Cicero considered from the History of his Life by the Rev. Dr. Middleton, by Colley ClBBER, 1747, q.v. o o 282 MIE — MIL MiEGE (Guy). La Relation de trois Ambassades de Mons. le Comte de Carlisle [Charles Howard], de la part de Charles II, Roy de la Grande Bretagne, vers Alexey Michailovitz, Czar de Moscovie, Charles, Roy de SuMe et Frederic III, Roy de Dannemarc, 1663-4. i2mo. AmsL 1670 MiGNET (F. A.) The History of Mary, Queen of Scots. 8vo. Lond. 1861 Milan. Description de la Cathedrale de Milan. 4to. Milan, 1823 Arco della Pace : v. Voghera (Giov.), 1838. Military Orations : see Orationi Militari. MILIZIA (Francesco). Memorie degli Architetti antichi e moderni. 2 vols, [bound in i]. 8vo. Bologna, 1827 The Lives of Celebrated Architects, ancient and modern ; trans- lated from the Italian, by Mrs. Edward Cresy, with notes and addi- tional lives. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1826 Mill (James). The History of British India. Fourth edition, with notes and continuation by Horace Hayman Wilson. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840-8 IMlLL (John Stuart). Essays on some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy. 8vo. Lond. 1844 An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy. 8vo. Ibid. 1865 Autobiography. Third edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1874 ISIlLLAiS (J. G., F.Z.S.) Game Birds and Shooting Sketches ; illustrating the habits, modes of capture, stages of plumage, and the hybrids and varieties which occur amongst them ; with frontispiece by Sir J. E. Millais, R.A. Imp. 4to. Lond. 1892 Millet (German). Le Tresor Sacr^, ou Inventaire des Sainctes Reliques, &c., qui se voyent en I'Eglise et au Thresor de I'Abbaye Royale de S. Denys en France. Troisifeme Edition. i2mo. Paris, \b^,o MiLLOT (L'Abbe Claude Fran9ois Xavier). E16mens de I'Histoire d'Angleterre, depuis la Conquete des Romains jusqu'au r^gne de Georges II. 3 vols. i2mo. Paris, \-]8q-% et depuis Georges II, jusqu'a la Paix de 1783. Septifeme edition. [Vols. 1 — 3 missing.] 4V0IS. i2mo. Jbid. 1802 MIL 283 Mills (Arthur). India in 185S: a Summarj'- of the existing Administra- tion, political, fiscal, and judicial, of British India. Second edition. 8vo. Loud. 1858 MiLMAN (Rev. H. H.) Poetical Works. 3 vols. i2mo. Land. 1839 Life of Edward Gibbon, with selections from his correspondence, and illustrations. 8vo. Ibid. 1839 MiLiiAN (Rev. R.) The Life of Torquato Tasso. 2 vols, in I. 8vo. Lond. 1850 MiLXER (Joseph, D.D.) History of the Church of Christ ; with additions and corrections by the Rev. Isaac Milner, D.D. New edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834 Continuation, by J. Scott. 3 vols. 8vo. Tbid. 1828, 32, 31 MIL^rER (Rev. Thomas). The Baltic, its gates, shores, and cities ; with a notice of the White Sea. 8vo. Loiid. \%i^ Milton (John). Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio contra Claudii Anonj-mi alias Salmasii Defensionem Regiam. i2mo. Lond. 1651 History of Britain to William the Conqueror : in KIenxett's History of England, vol. i. Literae Pseudo-Senatus Anglican! Cromwellii reliquorumque per- duellium nomine ac jussu conscriptae a Joanne Miltono. i2mo. s. I. 1O76 [Bound with Cornaro (Louis), 1703.] Panegj-rics of Oliver Cromwell : see Peck (Francis). Memoirs of Oliver Cromwell, 1740. 'EIKONOKAASTHS, in answer to a book entitled EIKflN BA2IAIKH, the Portraiture of His Sacred Majesty in his solitudes and sufferings. New edition, corrected by the Rev. Rich. Baron. 8vo. Land. 1770 Works, historical, political, and miscellaneous, to which is prefixed an account of his Life and Writings, [by T. Birch]. 2 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1753 [Prose] Works. Fol. s. I. 1697 — Poetical Works, with notes of various authors by Thomas Newton, D.D. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1761 — Poetical Works ; with the principal notes of various commentators, to which are added illustrations, with some account of the Life of Milton, by the Rev. Henry John Todd. 6 vols. 8 vo. Ibid. 1801 002 284 MIL — MIN ]\IlLTON (John). Poetical Works, with notes of various authors. The third edition, with other illustrations, and some account of the Life and Writings of jMilton, derived principally from documents in his Majesty's State Paper Office, by the Rev. H. J. Todd. 6 vols. 8vo. Lo7id. 1826 Poetical Works ; with a memoir and critical remarks on his Genius and Writings, by James Montg.omery. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1 843 Poetical Works ; with a Life of jMilton, by the Rev. J. Mitford. (Aldine Poets, vols. 17 — 19.) 3 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 1845 Poetical Works ; edited by Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart. 8vo. Ibid. 1848 Poems, &:c. upon several occasions, both English and Latin ; with a small Tractate of Education. 8vo. Ibid. 1673 L' Allegro : illustrated by the Etching Club. Fol. Ibid. 1849 [Two copies.] Paradise Lost ; a poem. Fol. Glasg. R. & A. Foiilis, 1770 — Paradise Regain'd ; to which is added Samson Agonistes, and poems on several occasions. New edition, with notes, by Thomas Newton, D.D. 4to. Loud. Tonson, 1752 [Half bound, vellum, lettered vol. 3, but it is probably a separate copy.] — Paradise Regain'd ; to which is added Samson Agonistes, and poems upon several occasions ; from the text of Thomas Newton, D.D. 8vo. Bin/ 1. J. Baskerville, 1758 Memoirs of: see Peck (Francis), 1740. jMiniatures. Burlington Fine Arts Club Exhibition of Portrait Minia- tures. [With a preface signed, J. L. P., i. e. J. L. Propert.] 4to. Lond. 1889 [His Grace tbe Dulse of Portland was a Contributor to the Exhibition.] History of Miniature Art : see Propert (J. L.), 1887. Dictionary of Miniaturists, Illuminators, &c. : see Bradley (John W.) 1889. jMinority. The History of the late INIinority : exhibiting the conduct, principles, and views of that party during the years 1762-65. 8vo. Lond. reprinted, i-jbb MiNTO (Countess of). A Memoir of the Rt. Hon. Hugh Elliot. 8vo. Edinb. 1868 MIN — MOI 285 MlNTO (Sir Gilbert Elliot, First Earl of). Life and Letters, from 1751 to 1806. Edited by his great-niece, the Countess of Alinto. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1874 MiNUCros (M. Felix). L'Octavius ; de la traduction de '\l. d'Ablancourt. i2mo. Pans, 1664 MiOT DE Melito (Comte de). Memoires de ]\Iiot de !Melito, Ancien Ministre, Ambassadeur, &:c. [Edited by General de Fleischmann.] 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1858 MIRABELLIUS (Dom. Nanus), Bart. AJIANTIO, et Fr. TORTIUS. No\'issima Polyanthea ; opus suavissimis floribus celebriorum sententiarum, cum Graecarum, turn Latinarum refertum. Xunc repurgatum, auctum etc. studio Josephi Langii. Fol. Franco/. ibiT, MiRECOURT (Eugene de). Napoleon III. 8vo. Lojtd. i860 MiROUR FOR ^lAGISTRATES : see jAillESON (Alex.) 1587. MiSSALE Romanum, ex decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum, Pii V. Pont. Max. jussu editum, et Clementis VIII. auctoritate recog- nitum ; in quo ]\Iiss£e propriae de Sanctis omnes ad longum positae sunt pro faciliori celebrantium commoditate. Fol. Antvcrpia:, 1626 Missions. Conference on Missions held in i860 at Liverpool ; including the papers read, the deliberations, and the conclusions reached. 8vo. Loud, i860 MiSSON (F. ^Maximilian). A New Voyage to Italy ; done into English. [Vol. I missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1695 [Misson's Travels are found also in the second volume of Harris's Collection.] Mitchell (D. M.) Ten Years in the United States : being an English- man's views of men and things in the North and South. 8vo. Lond. 1862 MiTELLi (Agostino). Freggi dell' Architettura. Fol. Paris, s. a. MiTFORD (Mary Russell). Recollections of a Literary Life : or, books, places, and people. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1852 MiTFORD ^William). History of Greece, revised by William King ; with a memoir of the author by his brother, Lord Redesdale. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Mogul (The Great) : see India, i 63 i . MoiR (George) and William SPALDING. Poetry, Modern Romance, and Rhetoric. 8vo. Edinb. 1851 286 MOI — MON MoiR (John). Transactions in India, 1756 — 1783 : see India, 1786. MoiSE (Filippo). lUustrazione storico-artistica del Palazzo de' Priori, oggi Palazzo Vecchio, e dei Monumenti della Piazza. i2mo. Firetize, 1843 MoiVRE (A. de). The Doctrine of Chances: or, a method of calculating the Probabilities of Events in Play. Second edition. 4to. Loud. 1738 MOLEVILLE: V. BERTRAND DE MOLEVILLE. MOLrfeRE (Jean Baptiste Poquelin). CEuvres; avec des remarques gram- maticales, des avertissemens et des observations sur chaque pi^ce, par M. Bret. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1773 CEuvres, pr^cedees d'une notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages, par M. Sainte Beuve. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1835-6 Sammtliche Werke ; herausgegeben von Louis Lax. 5 vols. i2mo. Aachen u. Leipzig, 1837-8 MoLiN^us (Petrus) : v. Du Moulin. MOLINI (Giuseppe). Documenti di Storia Italiana copiati su gli original! autentici e per lo piu autograft esistenti in Parigi, da Giuseppe Molini. 2 vols. 8vo. Firenze, 1836-7 MOLLER (Dr. George). An Essay on the origin and progress of Gothic Architecture, 8th — i6th centuries. Translated from the German. i2mo. Lo7id. 1824 IMemorials of German-Gothic Architecture ; with notes and illus- trations by W. H. Leeds, and tables of continental lineal measures, by W. S. B. Woolhouse. 8vo. Ibid. 1836 Denkmaler der Deutschen Baukunst. Zweite Auflage. Fol. Leipzig u. Darmstadt, \ji. d., circa 1840] MOLLEVILLE : V. BERTRAND DE MOLEVILLE. MoNBODDO (Lord), i.e. James Burnett, q.v. [Mondenard, M. de]. Considerations sur I'Organisation Sociale, ap- pliquees a I'etat civil, politique et militaire de la France et de I'Angle- terre, k I'epoque de la Paix d' Amiens. [Vol. i missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, an X. [1802] MONETA. Delia Moneta, libri cinque. 4to. Napoli, i-j^o MON 287 MOXK (James Ilenrj-, Bp. of Gloucester). The Life of Richard Bentley, D.D., with an account of his writings. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833 [MONNET, Jean J. Anthologie Fran9oise, ou Chansons Choisies, depuis le 13"' siecle jusqu'a present. 3 vols. 8vo. s. I. 1765 Chansons Joyeuses, mises au jour par ane-onyme, onissime [Colle]. Nouvelle edition. 2 pts. in i vol. Svo. Paris, [1765] [Lettered as Vol. 4 of preceding.] AIONS. Lettre Merita de Paris au sujet du Siege et de la Prise de Mons. 1 2 mo. Cologne, 1691 [Bound witli France. Rupture .ivec la Savoye, 1690.] Montagu (Airs. Elizabeth). Letters ; with some of the letters of her correspondents. Part the first, containing her letters fi-om an early age to the age of twenty-three. Published by Matthew jMontagu. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1809 [Correspondence with ttie Duchess of Portland, in 1734, and later years, is found in these volumes. Part the second was pubUshed, in 2 vols., 1813, but it is not in the Library.] Montagu (Lady Mary Wortley). Letters and Works, edited by her Great Grandson Lord Wharncliffe. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1837 Montagu (Lord Robert). Naval Architecture: a treatise on Ship-build- ing, and the Rig of Clippers, with suggestions for a new method of laying down vessels. Svo. Lond. 1S52 Montaigne (Michel, Seigneur de). — Supplement aux Essais de Michel de Montaigne, contenant la Vie de Montaigne, par M. le President Boucher ; le Caractere et la Comparaison d'Epictfete et de Montaigne, par M. Pascal ; &c. 4to. Lond. 1740 Montalembert (Le Comte de). Un Debat sur I'lnde au Parlement Anglais. Svo. Lond. 1858 AIONTANI (Cav. Francesco Fabi) : v. Barocci (L.) MONTANUS (Arnoldus). Atlas Chinensis: being a Second Part of a Relation of remarkable passages in two Embassies from the East India Company of the United Provinces to the Vice-Roy Singlamong and General Taising Lipovi, and Konchi, Emperor of China and East- Tartary. English'd by John Ogilby. [Vol. i missing.] 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1 67 1 -3 I 288 MON MONTBAS (Le Comte de). IMemoires sur les Affaires de Hollande. i2mo. Col. 1673 [Bound with England. Lettre de Mr. » » » *, 1687.] Another copy. i2mo. Ibid, ibi:^ [Bound with Galardi. La Tyrannic Heureuse, 1671.] MONTEMAIOR (Jorge de). La Diane ; divisee en trois parties. [Part i, by J. de Montemayor, part 2, by A. Perez, and part 3, by Gasp. G. Polo]. Traduites d'Espagnol en Fran9ois, [part i, by N. Colin, parts 2 and 3, by G. Chapuis]. 3 pts. in i vol. i2mo. To^irs, 1592 Montesquieu (Charles de Secondat, Baron de). Considerations sur les Causes de la Grandeur des Romains et de leur Decadence. 2 vols, in I, 8vo. Parts, 1795 CEuvres, [avec des pieces inedites]. 5 vols. 4to. Ibid. I'jgb MONTETH (Robert, of Salmonet). History of the Troubles of Great Britain : containing an account of the most remarkable passages in Scotland from 1633 to 1650; with a relation of the wars carried on and the battles fought by the Marquis of Montrose ; with an account of the Restoration of King Charles II., written in French by D. Riordan de Muscry. Translated into English by James Ogilvie. Fol. Lo7id. 1735 MONTFAUCON (Bernard de). L'Antiquite expliquee et representee en figures. 10 parts, in 5 vols. fol. Paris, 1719 Supplement. 5 vols. fol. Ibid, i-j^-j Les Monumens de la Monarchic Fran9oise qui comprennent I'his- toire de France. 5 vols. fol. Ibid, i-jzq-n [MONTFAUCON DE ViLLARS, L'Abbe dej. Le Comte de Gabalis, ou Entretiens sur les Sciences Secretes. i2mo. Amst. \t-}\ [Bound with FONTENELLE. Plurahte des Mondes, 1686.] Montgomery (James). Poetical Works. 8vo. Loud. i?>^o ]\IONTHOLON (Jaques de). Plaidoye faict en Parlement, 17 & 20 Dec. 161 1, pour les Pferes Jesuites, demandeurs, et requerens I'ent^rinement des lettres patentes a eux octroyees par sa ]\Iajeste, de pouvoir en- seigner toute sorte de sciences selon leur Institut en I'Universite de Paris. i2mo. Paris, 161 2 MONTLYARD (Jean de). Mythologie : see Le Comte (Noel), 1600. MONTOR : V. ARTAUD DE MONTOR. Montpensier (iVntoine Marie Philippe d' Orleans, Due de). — Further Considerations on the Marriage of the Due de Montpensier, with reference to the Treaty of Utrecht ; with a postscript. 8vo. Loud. 1 849 8vo. Lond. 1843 lo vols. 1 2 mo. Ibid. 1844 8vo. Ibid. 1848 8vo. Ibid. 1846 8vo. Ibid. 1849 MOO — MOR 289 Moore (Edward). Poems, Fables, and Plays. 4to. Loud. 1756 Moore (James). A Narrative of the Campaign of the British ^Vrmy in Spain, commanded by His Excellency Lieut.-General Sir John IMoore. Second edition. 4to. Lond. 1809 Moore (Sir Jonas) : see Bedford Level, 1685. Moore (Sir Thomas) : see More. Moore (Thomas). Poetical Works. Poetical Works, collected by himself. Poetical Works. Lalla Rookh, an Oriental Romance. Another edition. [ ] Intercepted Letters : or, the Twopenny Post -Bag ; to which are added, Trifles reprinted. By Thomas Brown, the younger. Seventh edition. i2mo. Ibid. 18 13 [ ] Sixteenth edition. 8vo. Ibid. 18 18 Irish Melodies. 8vo. Ibid. 1849 Irish ]\Ielodies ; illustrated by D. Maclise, R. A. 8vo. Ibid. 1 846 [Two copies.] The Life of Lord Byron, with his Letters and Journals. 8vo. Ibid. 1847 Travels of an Irish Gentleman in search of a Religion. 8vo. Ibid. 1853 ]\Iemoirs, Journal and Correspondence of Thomas Moore ; edited by the Right Hon. Lord John Russell. 8 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1853-6 Mora (Domenico). II Soldato. 4to. Venet. 1570 MORANT (Philip). History and Antiquities of the County of Essex. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1768 More (Hannah). Life and Correspondence : see Roberts (William), 1834. More (Sir Thomas). Workes, wrytten in the Englishe Tonge. Fol. Lond. J. Cawood, J. VValy, & R. Toff ell, 1557 [The volume consists of 1458 pages ; the title is missing.] Lives of K. Edward V. and Richard III. : in Kennett's History of England, vol. i. — Vita et Exitus Tho. Mori : v. HODDESDON (John), 1652. p P 290 MOR More (Thomas). The Life of Sir Thomas More, Kt., Lord High Chan- cellour of England under K. Henry the Eighth. 8vo. Loud. 1726 MOREA. Isole, Spiaggie, Porti, Citta, Fortezze Litorali della Morea. [32 plates.] Obi. fol. s. I. ct a. Exp6dition Scientifique de Moree, ordonnee par le Gouvernement Fran9ais. 3 vols, in 6 pts., fol. Paris, 183 1-8 Section des Sciences Physiques. 3 vols, in 4 pts., 4to. Ihid. 1836 Atlas, 183 1-5. 2 pts. fol. Ibid.\%i^ MORELL (John Reynell). Algeria : the topography and history, political, social, and natural, of French Africa. 8vo. ZfWi/. 1854 MORELL (Thomas). Lexicon Grseco-prosodiacum ; permultis in locis correxit, Latinam versionem subjecit, &c. Edv. Maltby. 4to. Cantab. 1815 MORERI (Louys). Le Grand Dictionnaire Historique, ou le Melange curieux de I'Histoire sacree et profane. Troisieme edition. 2 vols. fol. Lyon, 1683 Nouvelle edition. 6 vols. fol. Paris, 1732 Supplement. 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 1735 Nouveau Supplement. 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 1 749 ]\IORET (M.) : V. CHAPUY et MORET. ]\IOREY (P.) Charpente de la Cathedrale de Messine, dessinee par ]NL Morey, gravee et lithographiee par H. Roux, aine. Fol. Paris, 1841 IMORGAGNI (John Baptist). The Seats and Causes of Diseases investigated by Anatomy ; translated from the Latin, by Benj. Alexander, M.D. 3 vols. 4to. Land. 1769 MORGHEN (Raffaello.) Opere d' Intaglio, raccolte ed illustrate da Niccolo Palmerini. Terza edizione. 8vo. Fircnze, 1824 [MORIER, J.] Martin Toutrond : a Frenchman in London in 1831. Translated from an unpublished French MS. 8vo. Lond. i2>^c) [MORIN, Louis, dit Crome]. Dialogue d'entre le IMaheustre et le jNIanant contenant les raisons de leurs debats et questions en ces presens troubles au Royaume de France. i2mo. s. I. 1595 MORisoTUS (Barth.) : V. Brandenburg. MOR 291 MORLEY (Henry). Palissy the Potter. The Life of Bernard Palissy, of Saintes, his labours and discoveries in art and science. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1852 Jerome Cardan. The Life of Girolamo Cardano, of Milan, Physician. 2 vols. 8vo. Hid. 1854 MORNAY (Philippe de, Sieur du Plessis-Marli). IM^moires, contenant dis- cours, instructions, lettres, &c. aux Rois, Roines, &c. depuis I'an 1572 jusqu'en 1589 [99]. 2 vols. 4to. La Forest, 1624-5 Vie de: v. LiQUES (David de), 1647. MoROSixi (Andrea) : v. Venetia, 1722. MORRJS (Rev. F. O.) A series of Picturesque Views of Seats of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain and L-eland, with descrip- tive and historical letterpress. 6 vols. 4to. Lond. s. a. Fac-simile of Autographs of Subscribers. 4to. Ihid. s. a. History of British Birds. Second edition. 6 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1870 Morris & Go's Commercial Directory and Gazetteer of Nottinghamshire, with Grantham, Chesterfield, and Gainsborough. 8vo. Nott. 1869 MORRITT (J. B. S.) A Vindication of Homer and of the Ancient Poets and Historians who have recorded the Siege and Fall of Troy ; in answer to two late publications of Mr. Bryant. 4to. York, 1798 [MoRTiiiER, Thomas]. The British Plutarch, or Biographical Enter- tainer ; being a select collection of the lives at large of the most eminent men, natives of Great Britain and Ireland from the reign of Hen. VHI. to Geo. II. both inclusive. 12 vols. i2mo. Lo)id. 1762 Morton (John). The Natural History of Northamptonshire; with some account of the Antiquities. Fol. Lond. i-jiz Morton (John) and Joshua Trimmer. An Attempt to estimate the effects of Protecting Duties on the Profits of Agriculture. Sixtli edition. 8vo. Loud. 1846 Morton (John C.) Cyclopaedia of Agriculture, practical and scientific. Edited by John C. Morton. [Vol. 2 missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgcnu, 1855 The Prince Consort's Farms : an agricultural memoir. 4to. Lond. 1865 P P 2 292 MOR — MUF Morton (John Lockhart). The Resources of Estates; being a Treatise on the Agricultural Improvement and general management of Landed Property. 8vo. Loud. 1858 MORUS (Alexander). Sermons choisis de Monsieur INIorus sur divers textes de I'Ecriture Sainte. 8vo. Geneve, ibgj^ MORYSON (Fynes). Containing his ten Yeeres Travell through the twelve Dominions of Germany, Bohmerland, Sweitzerland, Netherland, Den- marke, Poland, Italy, Turky, France, England, Scotland and Ireland. Fol. Loud. 1 61 7 ]\IOSCARDO (Ludovico). Note overo Memorie del suo Museo, in tre libri. Fol. Padoa, 1656 MoscoviA: see Russia. Moss (Joseph William). A Manual of Classical Bibliography. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 MOTRAYE : V. LA MOTRAYE. MOUBRAY (Bonington). A practical Treatise on breeding, rearing, and fattening all kinds of Domestic Poultry, Pheasants, Pigeons, &c. Seventh edition. i2mo. Lond. 1834 Moulinex (Nicolas de, Sieur Du Pare). La Vraye Histoire Comique de Francion. 8vo. Rouen, 1641 MoZESr (Abbe), J. Th. Biber, u. andere. Neues voUstandiges AVorterbuch der deutschen und franzosischen Sprache. Deutsche Theil. 2 vols, [in i]. 4to. Stuttgart u. Tubingen, 1823-4 Partie Fran9aise. 2 vols, [in i]. 4to. Ibid. 1826-8 Dictionnaire Complet des Langues Fran9aise et Allemande. Troisi^me edition, par A. Peschier. 2 vols. 4to. Stuttgart, 1842 INIudie (Robert). The Feathered Tribes of the British Isles. Second edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1835 JMiJFFLiNG (Baron). Passages from my Life ; together with Memoirs of the Campaign of 1813 and 1814 ; edited with an introduction and notes by Col. Philip Yorke. 8vo. Lond. i9>^t^ \ MUG — AIUR 293 MiJGGE (Theodor). Die Schweiz und ihre Zustande. 3 vols. 8vo. Hannoz'cr, 1847 Switzerland in 1847, and its condition, political, social, moral, and physical, before the war ; translated and edited by i\Irs. Percy Sinnett. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1848 MuiRHEAD (James Patrick). The origin and progress of the mechanical inventions of James Watt. 3 vols. 8vo. Loiid. 1 854 MiJLLER (Johannes von). Vier und zwanzig BUcher allgemeiner Ge- schichten, besonders der europaischen Menschheit. Herausgegeben nach des Verfassers Tode durch dessen Bruder Johann Georg Miiller. Band i, vierte Auflage. Band. 2 u. 3, dritte Auflage. 3 vols. 8vo. Stiittg. u. Tiibingen, 1817-28 Robert G. Blotzheiji, und Johann Jakob HOTTINGER. Der Geschichte Schweizerischer Eidgenossenschaft. Vols. I — 6 [in 7]. 8vo. Letpz. 1825 MULLER (AVilliam). Sketches of the Age of Francis I. Fol. Zti«^. [1841] MiJLLNER (A. Godfr. Adolph). Dramatische Werke. 8 vols, in 4. i2mo. Braunschweig u. Wo l/enh~dte I, 1S2& Munich. Auswahl der vorziiglichsten Gemalde der Pinakothek in Miinchen. 3 vols. fol. s. I. ct a. — Auswahl der vorziiglichsten Gemalde der herzoglich leuchten- bergischen Gallerie in Miinchen. Fol. s. I. et a. — Neue Maler-Werke : v. HOHE (Fr.), 1842. — Book of Art, with the Galleries of Munich : v. Payne (A. H.) MUNSTER (Treaty of;. Memoires et N^gociations secretes de la Cour de France touchant la Paix de Munster [mis en ordre par Nicolas Clement, et publics par Jean Aymon]. Fol. Ajiist. \-j\o Mure (Lieut.-Col. William). A critical History of the Language and Literature of Antient Greece. 5 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1 850-7 Murray (Andrew). Pines and Firs of Japan. 8vo. Lond. 186^ Murray (Hon. James Erskine). A Summer in the Pyrenees. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 Murray John). The Official Handbook of Church and State. New edition. &vo. Lond. 1855 294 MUR — MUS Murray (Lindley). An English Grammar. Fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. York, 1824 Sixth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Ihid. 1834 Murray (Hon. R. Dundas). The Cities and Wilds of Andalucia. Third edition. 8vo. Loud. 1853 MuRTADl. L'Egypte de Murtadi, fils du Gaphiphe, ou il est trait6 des Pyramides, du debordement du Nil, et des autres merveilles de cette province, selon les opinions et traditions des Arabes. Traduite en Fran9ois par Pierre Vattier. i2mo. Paris, 1666 MusEE FRAN9AIS (Le) : V. Robillard-Peronville, 1803-9. MuSEO Campana : V. Campana (Giov. Pietro), 1842. Museum Capitolinum, 1748-55 : v. Capitolium. Museum Florentinum, exhibens insigniora Vetustatis JMonumenta, quae Florentiae sunt in Thesauro Mediceo [cum observationibus Antonii Francisci Gorii, et aliorum]. 12 \ols. in ii,fol. Florentice, 1731-66 Contents: — Gemmx antiquae, cum observationibus A. F. Gorii. 2 vols. 1731-32. StatuEe antiquae, cum obsen'ationibus ejusdem. 1734. Antiqua Numismata maxirai moduli, cum observationibus ejusdem. 3 vols. 1740-42. Serie di Ritratti degli Pittori, colle vite in compendio de' medesimi descritte da Francesco Moiicke. 4 vols. 1752-62. Serie di Ritratti di Pittori, esistente appresso 1' Abate Antonio Pazzi, con brevi notizie intomo a' medesimi, compUate dall' Abate Orazio Marrini. 2 vols, in I. 1765-66. [Not in the Library.] Museums. Tableaux et Statues les plus remarquables des Musses de I'Europe : v. Galerie des Arts, 1836. MuSGRAVE (Rev. George M.) A Pilgrimage into Dauphine ; comprising a Visit to the Monastery of the Grande Chartreuse. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1857 MuSGRAVE (Sir Richard, Bart.) Memoirs of the different Rebellions in Ireland from the arrival of the English. 4to. Dubl. 1801 MUSKAU (Prince Puckler). Egypt under Mehemet Ali. (Interleaved with the German text.) 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Vol. I. Lower Egj-jit. II. Upper Egypt. III. Nubia and the Soudan. MUX — NAP 295 :Mutio Justinopolitano (Girolamo). La Faustina ; delle Arme Caval- leresche. 12 mo. Ilrw. Vincenzo Valgn'st, 1560 II Gentiluomo. 4to. Vejietia, \^-]i MUYBRIDGE (Eadweard). Animal Locomotion : an electro-photographic investigation of consecutive phases of animal movements. II vols. fol. Philad. 1887 Mytton (John). Life of: see Apperley (C. J.), 1S37. " Nadeshda " und " Newa," Reise um die Welt auf den Schiffen : V. Krusenstern, 1809-14. Xalsox MSS. Collection of Original INIanuscripts, and of Transcripts, 17th century, made by the Rev. John Nalson, LL.D. 22 vols, folio, and a 23rd vol. containing a List of the Papers. [A full account of the contents of this Collection is found in the Appendix to the 13th Report of the Historical MSS. Commission, 1891.] Nam (Batista) : v. Venetia, 1722. Napier (Admiral Sir Charles). An Account of the AVar in Portugal between Don Pedro and Don ]\Iiguel. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1836 The Xa\y : its past and present state. In a series of letters. Edited by Alajor-General Sir "William Napier. 8vo. Ihid. 185 1 Napier (Lieut.-Gen. Sir Charles J.) Remarks on Military Law, and the punishment of flogging. 8vo. Lotid. li^-j Defects, civil and military, of the Indian Government ; edited by Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. F. P. Napier. Second edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1853 Napier (Major E.) Scenes and Sports in Foreign Lands. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840 Napier (James). Electro-^iletallurgy. (Encyclop. jMetrop.) i2mo. Lond. 1851 Napier (Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph, Bart., ex Lord Chancellor of Ireland). Life of, from his private correspondence, by Alex. C. Ewald. 8vo. Lond. 1887 296 NAP Napier (Lieut. -Gen. Sir William, F.P.) History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France, from the year 1807 to the year 1 814. With various justificatory pieces. (Vols, i and 2, second edition.) 6 vols. 8vo. Land. 1832-40 Strictures on those passages in the second and third volumes of Col. Napier's History of the Peninsular War which relate to the Military Opinions and Conduct of General Lord Viscount Beresford, G.C.B., &c. &c. Second edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1835 Life of General Sir William Napier, K.C.B., author of " History of the Peninsular War " ; edited by H. A. Bruce. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1864 Naples. Istoria Civile del Regno di Napoli : v. GiANNONE (Piet.), 1723, 1821 Napoleon I. Correspondance de Napoleon I^r, publiee par ordre de I'Empereur Napoleon in. Vols, i — 32. 8vo. P^rzi, 1858-70 Commentaires de Napoleon I. 6 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1867 Vie Politique et Militaire de Napoleon, recontee par lui-meme au tribunal de Cesar, d' Alexandre et de Frederic. 4 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1827 Histoire de : v. Norvins (J. M., Bar. de Montbreton de). 1829. — Napoleon in Exile : see O'Meara (Barry E.), 1822. — Captivity at St. Helena: see Forsyth (William), 1853. Napoleon III. Histoire de Jules C^sar. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1865-6 Atlas. 2 parts. [Missing.] Royal 4to. Ibid. Geschichte Julius Casars. Erster Band. 8vo. IVien, 1865 Napoleon III. on England. Selections from his own writings, edited and translated by John Hawkins Simpson. 8vo. Loud, i860 Napoleon the Third : Review of his Life, Character, and Policy ; with extracts from his WTitings and speeches, by a British Officer. 8vo. Ibid. 1857 Sire, rassurez-nous : reponse h. I'Empereur Napoleon III. 8vo. Paris, 1859 [Bound mth La GnfRONNlfeHE. Nap. HI. et I'ltalie, 1859 ] A Biography of Napoleon III. : see St. John (J. Aug.), 1857. Life of: .y^^ Jerrold (Blanchard), 1874-7. NAS — NEC 297 Nash (Joseph). Architecture of the IMiddle Ages. [Coloured and mounted.] Imp. fol. Lo7id. 1838 The ]\Iansions of England in the Olden Time. [Coloured and mounted.] Imp. fol. Ibid. 1839 Second series. Imp. fol. Ibid. 1 840 ■ Third series. Imp. fol. Ibid. [«. «/.] Fourth series. [Missing.] Imp. fol. Ibid. \?>^<) Nash (Threadway, D.D.) Collections for the History of Worcestershire. 2 vols. fol. Land. 1 781-2 Supplement. [Missing.] Fol. Ibid. 1799 Nassau. La G6n6alogie des Comtes de Nassau, par Jean Orliers, q. v. National Biography, Dictionary of : see Biography. Natioxal Cyclopaedia (The) of Useful Knowledge. 12 vols, in 6. 8vo. Land. C. Knight, 1847-51 Natiox^vl Portraits: see Portraits, 1868. Nature (Law of). Dissertationes de Origine Juris Naturalis et Societatis Civilis. i2mo. Ultraj. 1684 [Bound with Choisy. Hist, de David, 1692.] Naud6 (Gabriel). Considerations sur les Coups d'Estat. i2mo. Sur la copie de Rome, 1667 Neale (John Preston). The History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster ; including notices and biographical memoirs of the Abbots and Deans of that foundation. Illustrated by John Preston Neale ; the whole of the literary department by Edward Wedlake Brayley. [L. P.] 2 vols. 4to. Land. 1818-23 Views of the Seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. 6 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1822-3 Second series. 5 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1824-9 Necker (Jacques). CEuvres completes. 6 vols. 8vo. i./. 1784-5 Tomes i — 3. De rAdministration des Finances de la France. 4. Compte rendu au Roi et Mcmoire sur les Administrations Provindales. 5. Sur la Lujjislation et le Commerce des Grains. 6. Memoirc sur la Compagnie des Indcs, et filoge de Jean Baptists Colbert. QQ 298 NEE — NEU [Neel, Louis Balthazard]. Histoire de Maurice, Comte de Saxe. 2 vols. 8vo. Drcsde, 1755 Neison (Adrian). Practical Boat Building for Amateurs. 8vo. Lond. [1879] Nelli (G. Bat. and G. Bat. Clem.) Piante dell' Insigne Chiesa di S. Maria del Fiore INIetropolitana Fiorentina : v. Ruggieri (F.) 1755. Nelson (Horatio, Lord Viscount). Dispatches and Letters ; with notes by Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844-6 Nelson (Robert). A Companion for the Festivals and Fasts of the Church of England ; with Collects and Prayers for each solemnity. Ninth edition. 8vo. Lond. 17 15 Nennius. Historia Britonum : see Gale. Hist. Brit. Script., vol. i. Nepos (Cornelius). VitEe Excellentium Imperatorum ; observationibus et notis [curis Hackiorum fratrum]. 8vo. Amst. 1707 Excellentium Imperatorum Vitae. 1 2 mo. Oxonn, e typog. Clarend. 1803 De gli Huomini Illustri di Grecia. Tradotto per Remigio, Fio- rentino. Svo. Vinegia, 1550 Neptune FRANgois (Le), ou Atlas Nouveau des Cartes Marines ; reveu par les Sieurs Pene, Cassini, et autres. Fol. Paris, 1693 Neptune Oriental : see Apr^s de Mannevillette. Netherclift (J.) Autograph Letters, characteristic extracts and signa- tures, from the correspondence of illustrious and distinguished Women of Great Britain, from the 14th to the 19th century. Collected and copied in fac-simile from original documents, by J. Netherclift. Fol. Lond. 1838 Netherlands. Sentimens Veritables des Flamands pour faire voir I'in- justice de la declaration de guerre du Roi de France contre Sa Majeste; &c. i2mo. s. I. 1689 See also Pays-Bas. Neufville (Nicolas de) : v. Villeroy. Neuhusius (Reinerus). Thalia Alcmariana sive Poematum posteriorum liber. i2mo. Amst. 1661 Epistolarum Familiarium Centuriae quatuor novae. i2mo. Lbid. 1678 NEU — NEW 299 Neuman (Henr>') and J. Baretti. Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. Ninth edition, by M. Seoane. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1831 NEIATLLE : V. FOY DE LA NeUVILLE. Neuville (iM. de la) : v. Baillet (Adrian), 1704 Neville (Hon. R. C.) Saxon Obsequies illustrated by Ornaments and Weapons discovered in a Cemetery near Little Wilbraham, Cam- bridgeshire. Fol. Lond. 1852 New Sportestg Magazine (The) : see Sporting Magazine. New Testajxient ; see Biblia Sacra. New York. Laws of New York from the year 1691 to 1751 inclusive. Fol. New York, 1^52 Newburgh (William of) : v. Gltlielmus Neubrigensis. Newcastle (Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham Clinton, Duke of). Thoughts in times past tested by subsequent events. i2mo. Lofid. 18^7 Newcastle (Margaret, Duchess of). Works. 6 vols. fol. Lond. Vol. I. Philosophical and Physical Opinions. 1663. 2. Philosophical Letters : or Modest Reflections upon some opinions in Natural Philosophy maintained by famous and learned authors of this Age. 1664. 3. CCXI. Sociable Letters. 1664. 4. Orations of divers sorts. 1662. 5. Poems and Phancies. Second impression. 1664. 6. Playes. 1662. The Life of the Thrice Noble, High and Puissant Prince, William Cavendishe, Duke, Marquess, and Earl of Newcastle, Earl of Ogle, Viscount Mansfield, and Baron of Bolsover, of Ogle, Bothal and Hepple, &c. &c. Fol. Ibid. 1667 De Vita et Rebus Gestis Nobilissimi Illustrissimi Principis Gulielmi Ducis Novo-Castrensis commentarii ; ab Margareta ipsius uxore conscripti, et ex. Anglico in Latinum conversi [a Gualtero Charletono, M.D.] Fol. Ibid. 1668 — Plays, never before printed. Written by the Thrice Noble, Illus- trious and Excellent Princesse, the Duchess of Newcastle. Fol. Ibid. 1668 Letters and Poems in honour of the Incomparable Princess Margaret, Dutchess of Newcastle. Fol. The Savoy, 1676 QQ2 300 NEW Newcastle (William Cavendishe, Duke, Marquess and Earl of). A New- Method and Extraordinary Invention to dress Horses, and work them according to nature, as also to perfect nature by the subtilty of art. Fol. Loud. i66-j Methode et Invention Nouvelle de Dresser les Chevaux. Seconde Edition. Fol. Idi'd. 1737 l_A^ote. — The original MS., in two volumes, on wliich this work was founded, is with the Manuscripts at Welbeck Abbey.] A General System of Horsemanship in all its branches. 2 vols. fol. Jdt'd. 1743 The Humorous Lovers : a Comedy acted by His Royal Highness's Servants. 4to. I6id. 1677 [Inscribed, Henr)' Duke of Newcastle his booke, 1676.] Newman (Edward). A History of British Ferns. 8vo. Loud. 1840 A familiar Introduction to the History of Insects : being a new edition of the Grammar of Entomology. 8vo. I5/d. 1841 Newman (John Henry, D.D.) History of my Religious Opinions. Svo. Lond. 1865 Newspapers. The Companion to the Newspaper ; and Journal of Facts in Politics, Statistics and Public Economy, 1833-37. Bound in 2 vols. fol. Lond. C. KnigJit, 1834-7 Spirit of the Metropolitan Conservative Press : being a Selection of the best Leading Articles from the London Conservative Journals during the year 1839. 2 vols. i2mo. Loud. J. Walter, 1840 Newton (C. T.) History of Discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus, and Branchidse. By C. T. Newton, M.A., Keeper of the Greek and Roman Antiquities, British IMuseum; assisted by R. P. Pullan, F.R.I.B.A. Vol. I. Plates. Folio. 1862. Vol. 2, (in 2 parts). Text. Svo. 1862-63. Lond. 1862-3 Travels and Discoveries in the Levant. 2 vols. 8vo. Lhid. 1865 Newton (Sir Isaac). Opera quae exstant omnia ; commentariis illustrabat Sam. Horsley, Episc. Lond. 5 vols. 4to. Lond. 1779-85 Analytical View of the " Principia," by Henry, Lord Brougham, 1855,^. V. NIB — NIC 301 NlBBY (Antonio). Viaggio Antiquario ne' contorni di Roma. 2 vols. 8vo. Roma, 1819 Itinerario di Roma e delle sue vicinanze, compilato secondo il metodo di j\I. Vasi. 2 vols. 8vo. Fbid. 1827 NiCCOLlNi (Cav. Antonio). Quadro in Musaico scoperto in Pompei a di 24 Ottobre 1S31, descritto ed esposto in alcune tavole dimostrative. Seconda edizione. 8vo. Prafo, iS^z NiCCOLEsri (Fausto e Felice). Le Case ed i Alonumenti di Pompei, Napoli, designati e descritti. Fasc. i — 45, fol. Lit. Richtcr e Co. in Napoli, 1854 [This copy is not complete ; later parts were issued in 1855.] NiCCOLlxi (Giov. Batista). Opere in verso e in prosa. 2 vols. 8vo. Firenze, 1831 Nice [Bithj^nia], Councils of. Histoire des Conciles Gen^raux, commen- 9ant par le premier Concile de Nicee. 4to. Paris, itqz Nicholas I. The Accession of Nicholas I. Compiled by special com- mand of the Emperor Alexander II. by Baron j\I. KorfF, and translated from the original Russian. 8vo. Land. 185 j NiCHOLLS (Sir George). History of the English Poor Law, in connexion with the legislation and other circumstances affecting the condition of the people. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1854 Nichols (John). A Select Collection of Poems; with notes, biographical and historical. 4 vols. 8vo. Loud. i-jSiO Vols. 5 — 8 ; with a general poetical index, by M. Macbean. [Vols. 2, 4, 6, 8 missing.] 4 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1782 Index to the English Poets. 2 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 1780 The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth. [Vols. I and 3 missing.] 3 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1788 — 1807 Nicholson (Peter). An Architectural and Engineering Dictionary, form- ing a complete guide to the science of Architecture and the art of Building. 2 vols. 410. Loud. 1835 Nicolas (Sir Nicholas Harris). The Chronology of History. (Lardner's Cabinet of History). i2mo. Lo;/d. 18^^ 302 NIC — NOA NiCOLSON (Joseph) and Richard Burn, LL.D. History and Antiquities of the Counties of Westmoreland and Cumberland. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1777 NiCOLSON (W., Bp. of Carlisle). The English Historical Library. Second edition. Fol. Lojid. 17 14 The English, Scotch, and Irish Historical Libraries ; giving a short view and character of most of our Historians, either in print or manu- script. New edition. 4to. Ibid. 1776 NiEBUHR (Barthold George). History of Rome; translated by Julius Charles Hare and Connop Thirlwall. 2 vols. 8vo. Canibr. 183 1-2 [Again issued with a 3rd vol. translated by Smith and Schmitz, 1837-42.] NiEL (Gen. Adolph.) Si6ge de Sebastopol. Journal des Operations du G^nie. 4to. Paris, 1858 Atlas. Eleph. fol. Ibid. \%^^ Niemann (A.) The French Campaign, 1870-71; Military Description. Translated from the German by Colonel Edward Newdigate. 8vo. Lojid. 1872 NiEUHOFF (Jean). L'Ambassade de la Compagnie Orientale des Pro- vinces Unies vers I'Empereur de la Chine faite par Pierre de Goyer et Jacob de Keyser, le tout recueilli par Jean Nieuhoff et mis en Fran9ois par Jean le Charpentier. 2 pts. in i vol. Fol. Lcyde, 1665 NiMEGUEN (Treaty of) . Motifs pour la Paix G6nerale ; avec una Remon- trance de Mons. le President Canon, Plenipotentiaire du Due de Lorraine, aux P16nipotentiaires des Allies. i2mo. Liege, 16-] d> [Bound with Helvetius (A.) FievTcs.] " NiMROD " : pseud, for Charles James Apperley, q. v. Nineveh : see'LAYAKD (Austen Henry), 1849, 1853. NiOBE. Le Statue della Favola di Niobe, della Imp. e R. Galleria di Firenze. 8vo. Pisa, 1821 NiSARD (Charles). Le Triumvirat Litteraire au XVI' si^cle : Juste Lipse, Joseph Scaliger et Isaac Casaubon. 8vo. Paris, 1852 NOAILLES (Due de). Histoire de Madame de ]\Iaintenon, et des principaux dvenements du Regne de Louis XIV. [Vol. 4 missing.] 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1848-59 NOD — NOR 303 NODIER (Jean Emmanuel Charles). Voyages Pittoresques et Romantiques dans I'Ancienne France, par AOL Ch. Nodier, J. Taylor, et A. de Cailleux [ayant pour collaborateurs MM. Amedee de Gayet de C6s6na, J. de Gaulle, et Adrien de Courcelles]. Serie I. La Haute Normandie. Vols. I and 2 in 4 pts. Fol. Paris, 1820-5 [Vol. 3 was issued in 1878 ; it is missing.] Serie II. La Franche-Comte. Fol. lii'd. 1825-9 Serie m. L'Auvergne. 2 vols, in 4 pts. Fol. /l/iJ. 1829-33 Serie IV. Le Languedoc. Tome I. [Imperfect. Vols. 2 — 4 missing.] Fol. /bid. 1833-7 [Series V. Picardie, 3 vols., 1835-45 > Series VI. Bretagne, 2 vols., 1845-6; Series VII. Dauphine, 1854; Series VIII. Champagne, 2 vols., 1857 ; Series IX. Bourgogne, 1863, were issued, but they are not in the Librarj-.] [NOIR, J. le]. Les Nouvelles Lumiferes Politiques pour le Gouvernement de I'Eglise, ou I'Evangile Nouveau du Cardinal Palavicin rev616 par lu)-, dans son Histoire du Concile de Trente. 12 mo. Paris, 1676 Nolan (Capt. L. E.) Cavalry, its history and tactics. 8vo. Land. 1853 Second edition. 8vo. /did. 1853 NOLLEKEXS (Joseph, R.A.) and his Times : see Smith (John T.), 1828. Noon (Edward). Brachyarithmia : or, the Rules of Arithmetick in a short and easie method, written in a variety of useful hands. 4to. Covent Garden, n. d. \circa 1750] NORDBERG (J. A.) Histoire de Charles XII, Roi de Suede ; traduite du SuMois. 3 vols. 4to. La Haye, \-]^,% NORDEN (Frederic Louis). Voyage d'Egypte et de Nubie. 2 vols. fol. Copenhague, 1755 Travels in Egypt and Xubia ; translated from the Danish, and enlarged by Dr. Peter Templeman. 2 vols. fol. Loud. 1757 NORMANBY (Marquis of). A Year of Revolution ; from a Journal kept in Paris in 1848. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1857 NoRT : V. Olivier du Nort. North (Hon. Roger). The Life of the Rt. Hon. Francis North, Baron of Guilford, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, under King Charles II. and King James II. 4to. Lond. i-j^z 304 NOR — NOT North (Hon. Roger). The Life of the Hon. Sir Dudley North, Knt., Commissioner of the Customs and afterwards of the Treasury to his Majesty King Charles II., and of the Hon. and Rev. Dr. John North. 4to. Land. 1744 [Bound with the preceding book.] The Lives of the Rt. Hon. Francis North, Baron Guilford, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal ; the Hon. Sir Dudley North, Commissioner of the Treasury ; and the Hon. and Rev. Dr. John North, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. A new edition, with notes and illustra- tions, historical and biographical. 3 vols. 8vo. Ihid. 1826 North America : see America. [NORTHLEIGH, John, M.D.] Parliamentum Pacificum, 1688 ; q. V. Northumberland Household Book. The Regulations and Establish- ment of the Household of Henry Algernon Percy, the First Earl of Northumberland, at his Castles of Wresill and Lekinfield in Yorkshire, begun a. D. 1512. 8vo. Lond. 1770 Norton (Hon. Mrs.) The Lady of La Garaye. 4to. Camb. xidi NORVINS (Jacques Marquet, Baron de Montbreton de). Histoire de Napo- leon. Deuxieme Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829 Notes and Queries : a Medium of Intercommunication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, &c. 12 vols. 4to. Lond. 1850-55 Second Series. [Vols, i — 4 missing.] 12 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1856-61 Third Series. [Vols. 3 — 12 missing.] 12 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1862-8 Fourth Series. [June — Aug. 1872, missing.] 12 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1868-74 Fifth Series. [1877, and Jan. — March, 1878, missing.] 12 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1874-9 Sixth Series. 12 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1880-6 Seventh Series. 12 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1886-91 Eighth Series, vols, i and 2. Ibid. 1892 [The Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Series are not in the Library.] General Indexes to Series i — 6. 6 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1856-86 [Not in the Library.] Nottinghamshire. Antiquities of, by Rob. Thoroton, 1677, q. v. Commercial Directory and Gazetteer, by MORRIS & Co., 1 869, q. v. NOU — OCK 305 NOUVEAU RIagasin (Le), des Enfants, par Ch. Nodier, George Sand [jMad. Dudevant], Leon Gozlan, Alfred de Musset et P. J. Stahl. 8vo. Pan's, i860 NoxjvELLES Gajlantes, CojnQUES et Tragiques (Les). 3 vols in I, 1 2 mo. Sur la copie a Paris, 1680 NOVE (Pierre de la). La Cavalerie Fran9oise et Italienne, ou I'art de bien dresser les Chevaux selon les preceptes des bonnes ecoles des deux nations, [with 43 illustrations by hand, chiefly of bits]. Fol. Lyon, 1621 NOVELLE. Scelta di Novella de' piu eleganti scrittori Italiani ad uso de' Giovinetti. Vols, i — 3. 12 mo. Alilano, 1813 NOZEMAN (Cornelius). Nederlandsche Vogelen. 5 vols. fol. Amsterdam, 1770 — 1829 NUMlSilATA. Prontuario de le Medaglie de piii Illustri et Fulgenti Huomini et Donne, dal principio del mondo insino al presente tempo, con le lor vite in compendio raccolte. 2 pts. in i, 4to. Lione, 1553 Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata: v. OCCO (A.) 1683. Numismata Romana: v. Vaillant (Joannes), 1743. See also Moi^^TK, 1750. NtTMMUS : see Moneta. Oakleigh Shooting Code (The), by Tom Oakleigh ^pseud7\ Edited by the author of "Nights at Oakleigh Manor-Hall." Third edition. 8\o. Loud. 1838 O'Brien (Patrick). Journal of a Residence in the Danubian Principalities in the Winter and Autumn of 1853. 8vo. Land. 1854 O'Byrne (William R.) A Naval Biographical Dictionarj'. 8vo. Lojid. 1 849 Occo (Adolphus). Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata a Pompeio Magno ad Heraclium, studio et cura Francisci Mediobarbi Biragi. Fol. Mcdiolani, 1683 Ockley (Simon). The Conquest of Syria, Persia, and .^Egypt, by the Saracens. 8vo. Loitd. 1708 The History of the Saracens. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 17 18 R R 3o6 OCR — OLI O'Croly (Rev. David). An Inquiry into the principal points of differ- ence, real or imaginary, between the two Churches, with a view to religious harmony or forbearance. Second edition. 8vo. Diibl. 1836 Ogilby (John). The Entertainment of His ISIost Excellent IMajestie Charles II. in his passage through the City of London to his Coro- nation. Fol. Loud. 1662 Britannia, Vol. the first : or, an Illustration of the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, by a geographical and historical description of the principal Roads thereof. Fol. Ibid, itjs [No more published.] Atlas Chinensis: see MONTANUS (Arnoldus), 1671-3. OCtILVIE (John, D.D.) Rona, a poem in seven books ; illustrated with a map of the Hebrides, and engravings. 4to. Land. 1777 Oke (George C.) A Handy Book of the Game and Fishery Laws. 8vo. Loud. 1 86 1 O'Keefe (John). Dramatic Works, [i, 3, and 4 missing]. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1798 OLDHAii (John). Poetical Works, edited by Robert Bell. 1 2 mo. Loiid. 1854 Oldmixon (John). Gleanings from Piccadilly to Pera. 8vo. Loud. 1854 Olearius (Adam). The Voyages and Travells of the Ambassadors sent by Frederick Duke of Holstein to the Great Duke of Muscovy, and the King of Persia; begun in the year 1633 and finished in 1639. Faithfully rendered into English by John Davies. Second edition. Fol. Loud. 1699 Voyages faits en Moscovie, Tartarie, et Perse ; traduits et aug- mentez par le S"" de Wicquefort. 2 vols, in i, fol. Lcide, 17 19 Olearius (Gottfridus) : v. Phelostratorum quae supersunt omnia, 1709. Oliphant (Laurence). The Russian Shores of the Black Sea in the autumn of 1852. Third edition. 8vo. Edinh. \B$^ Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's Mission to China and Japan in the years 1857, 58, 59. 2 vols 8vo. Ibid. 1859 Oliphant (Mrs. Margaret). Squire Arden. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud. \%i\ Olivier de la Marche. ]\I6moires : v. Sauvage (Denis), 1567. OLI — ORF 307 Olivier du Xort (Le Sieur). Description du penible Voyage fait entour de rUniv^ers ou Globe Terrestre, par S"' Olivier du Xort d'Utrecht. Translate du Flamand en Fran9ois. Fol. Avisf. 1610 O'INIe.vra (Barry E.) Napoleon in Exile ; or a Voice from St. Helena. The opinions and reflections of Xapoleon on the most important events of his life and government, in his own words. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1822 Opera Box (The). Nos. i— 63. 8vo. Lond. iS^g Operas. Xumitor, by Rolli, 1720. Radamistus, Handel, 1720, &c. &c. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. T. Wood, 1720-30 Operas, Plaj^s, &c., English, Italian, German, &c. 49 vols. 8vo. Or Potable Levain. Premier extrait d'un li\Te intitule " Or Potable Levain," ou discours de I'Or Potable Levain. i2mo. Paris, 1674 Oraxge. Testam ens des Princes d' Orange. i2mo. La Haye, i"] 02 [Bound with Spain. Testament de Charles II. 1701.] "Oraxie, L' " : i>. Voyages, 1826. Orationi MilitarI; raccolte per M. Remigio, Fiorentino, da tutti gli Historici Greci e Latini, antichi e moderni. 4to. Vincgia, 1660 Oratores. Oratorum Veterum Orationes, .^schinis, Lysiae, Andocidis, Isaei, et aliorum ; cum interpretatione Lat. quarundam. Fol. Hoir. Stephanus, 1575 Orbigny (Alcide Dessalines d'). Voyage dans FAmdrique Meridionale (le Bresil, la R6publique Orientale de 1' Uruguay, la Patagonie, la R^publique Argentine, la Republique du Chili, la R6publique du Perou, la Republique de Bolivia) execute dans le cours des ann^es 1826-33. 7 vols, in go livr. Large 4to. Paris, 1834-47 [Two foUo volumes, completing this work, are missing.] Ordxance Survey Maps, Nos. 9, 10, 11, 12. W. Sussex and Hants. Mounted, folded, in 8vo. case. [Early issues.] O'Reilly (Bernard). Greenland, the adjacent Seas, and the North-West Passage to the Pacific Ocean, illustrated in a Voyage to Davis's Strait during the summer of 181 7. 4to. Lof/d. 1818 Orford (Earl of) : see Walpole (Horace, Earl of Orford). R R 2 3o8 ORI — OSI Orinda, The Matchless : i. e. Mrs. Katherine Philips, I'jio, q.v. Orleans (Jos. Pierre, P^re d'). Histoire de Monsieur Constance, Pre- mier Ministre du Roy de Siam, et de la derniere Revolution de cet Etat. i2mo. Paris, 1692 [Bound with BouvET. L'Empereur de la Chine, 1699.] Orleans (Madame la Duchesse d'). Memoires, Fragmens Historiques et Correspondance de Madame la Duchesse d'Orleans, Princesse Pala- tine, M^re du Regent ; precedes d'une notice par Philippe Busoni. Premiere 6dition. 8vo. Paris, \%iz [Orliers, Jean]. La Genial ogie des Illustres Comtes de Nassau ; avec la description de toutes les victoires sous la conduite de Son Excellence, le Prince Maurice de Nassau. Deuxsiesme edition. Fol. Ley den, Jean Orliers, 16 15 [OrjME, Robert]. History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan, from the year 1745. [Vols. 2, 3, missing.] 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1763-78 Ormonde (James, Duke of). Life and Letters : see Carte (Thomas), 1736. Orrery (John Boyle, Earl of). Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, in a series of Letters to his son, the Hon. H. Boyle. Fifth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1752 Observations on, by Patrick Delaney, 1754, q. v. \m\ Observations on the Letters of Pliny the Younger : see Plinius (Caius) Caecilius Secundus, 1751. Orrery (Roger Boyle, Earl of). Dramatic Works. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1739 Ortelius (Abrahamus). Deorum Dearumque Capita ex vetustis numis- matibus edita. 4to. Antuerpice, 1573 [Bound wath Vico. Medaglie, 1558.] OSBORN (Joseph, "Beacon"). The Horse-Breeders' Handbook: em- bracing ninety-four tabulated pedigrees, with full particulars of the principal sires advertised to cover during the season 1889. 8vo. Epsom, [1889] Second Edition. 8vo. Lond. 1 890 OsiO (Carlo Cesare). Architettura Civile. Fol. Lione, 1686 OSS — OVI 309 OssiAN. Fingal, an ancient epic poem in six books ; with several other poems composed by Ossian the son of Fingal ; translated from the Gaelic language, by James Macpherson. Second edition. [Vol. i.] 4to. Lond. 1762 A Critical Dissertation on the Poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal, by James Macpherson. [Vol. 2.] 4to. Hid. 1763 Poems ; translated by James Macpherson. New edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. i^T^ OSTERVALD : V. D'OSTERVALD. Ottley (William Young). An Inquiry into the Origin and early History of Engraving upon Copper and in Wood, with an account of engravers and their works. 2 vols, in 3 pts. Fol. Lond. 1 8 1 6 The Italian School of Design : being a series of fac-similes of original drawings by the most eminent painters and sculptors of Italy. Fol. 3id. 1823 A Collection of Fac-Similes of Scarce and Curious Prints by Early Masters of the Italian, German, and Flemish Schools ; illustrative of the History of Engraving. [No more published.] Vol. I. Fol. 3id. 1826 A series of Plates engraved after the Paintings and Sculptures of the most eminent Alasters of the Early Florentine School. Fol. Ibid. 1826 Collection of the Pictures of the Marquis of Stafford, in London : see Stafford (Marq. of), 181 8. See also British Gallery of Pictures. Our Crxhse in the " Undine" : the journal of an English pair-oar expe- dition through France, Baden, Rhenish Bavaria, Prussia, and Belgium. By the Captain. 8vo. Lond. 1854 OUSELEY (Sir Gore, Bart.) Biographical Notices of Persian Poets, with critical and explanatory remarks, to which is prefixed a ]\Iemoir of the Rt. Hon. Sir Gore Ouseley, Bart., by the Rev. James Reynolds. 8vo. Land. 1846 Ouseley (William). Persian ^Miscellanies : an essay to facilitate the reading of Persian Manuscripts. 4to. Lond. i-jq^ OviDlus (Publius, Naso). Opera omnia, cum notis Heinsii et aliorum, studio Petri Burmanni, qui et suas notas adjecit. 4 vols. 4to. Amsi. 1727 Ovide, oeuvres completes, avec la traduction en Fran9ais, publiees sous la direction de M. Nisard. 8vo. Paris, iSi% 3IO OVI — OXF OviDlus (Publius, Naso). Les Epistres et toutes les Elegies Amoureuses ; traduites en vers Fran9ois. i2mo. La Haye, i^2,^ Metamorphoses Englished, mythologized, and represented in figures, by G. S[andys]. Fol. Ox/. 1632 Metamorphoses, in fifteen books. Translated by the most eminent hands. Fol. Land. 17 17 Metamorphoses, translated into English prose, with the Latin text, and notes. Fifth edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1822 Les Metamorphoses ; en Latin et Fran9ois, de la traduction de M. Pierre Du Ryer. Edition nouvelle, enrichie de figures. Fol. Brux. 1677 L'Ovide BoufFon : v. Richer (L.) 1651. [Oxford, Edward Harley, Second Earl of]. An Essay for composing a Harmony between the Psalms and other parts of the Scripture ; but especially the New Testament. 4to. Loud. 1724 An Abstract of the Historical Part of the Old Testament ; with references to other parts of the Scripture, especially to the New Testament. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1730 Voyages and Travels fi-om the Library of : see Churchill (Awnsham and John), 1744-7. Oxford (Robert, Earl of). Articles of Impeachment of High Treason and Misdemeanors against Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer, July 9, 17 15, with his Lordship's Answer, paragraph by paragraph. 8vo. Lond. 1727 Trial of: see also Drift (Adrian). Oxford (University of). Vota Oxoniensia pro Serenissimis Guilhelmo Rege et Maria Regina M. Britannite etc. nuncupata. Fol. Oxon. 1689 Statuta Collegii Pembrochiae. MS., on parchment. Imp. 4to. \_Copied, circa 1761] Athenae Oxonienses : see WOOD (Ant. a), 1721. History and Antiquities of the University of Oxford : see WOOD (Ant. a). — Oxonia Illustrata : see LOGGAN (David), 1675. — Marmora Oxoniensia : see Chandler (Ricardus), 1763. OXF— PAI 311 Oxford Essays, contributed by Members of the University, 1855, 6, 7, 8. 4 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1855-8 Oxford and Cambridge Miscellany Poems. [Collected, edited, and dedicated by Elijah Fenton]. 8vo. Lotid. circa i-]2t, Pagan (Comte de). Relation historique et geographique de la Grande Riviere des Amazones dans I'Amerique. 8vo. Pan's, 1655 Paget (John). Hungary and Transylvania ; with remarks on their condition, social, political, and economical. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Paget (Thomas Tertius). A Letter to the Lord Lieut, of Ireland on the Judgment of the High Court of Delegates in the case of Talbot v. Talbot. 8vo. Loud. 1856 Paillot (Pierre). Le Parlement de Bourgongne, son origine, son ^tablissement et son progrfes. Fol. Dijon, \ta,<^ Paine (James). Plans, elevations, and sections of Noblemen and Gentle- men's Houses, and also of Stabling, Bridges, Temples, and other Garden Buildings. Parts i and 2, illustrated by plates. [Part 2 missing.] Imp. 4to. Loud. 1767-83 Painters. Pictorum aliquot celebrium praecipufe Germaniae Inferioris Effigies, Pars I. A small folio volume, lettered " Pictorum Effigies," containing 32 portraits, by Torre, Willeborts, and others ; with 32 additional portraits mounted on the reverse of each page. Fol. HagcB Com. ex off. Lien. Hondii \_n. d. circa 1 600] Lives of: see Vasari (Giog.), 181 1, 1838. Dictionary of Painters and Engravers : see Bryan (Mich.), 1816, 49, 53. Dictionary of Painters : see PiLKlNGTON (Rev. M.), 1770, 1829, 1852. — Catalogue Raisonne of the Works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters ; with biographical notices, the prices at which their pictures have been sold, &c. : see Smith (John), 1829-37. See also Portraits. 312 PAI — PAL Painting. Nuova Raccolta di Lettere sulla Pittura, Scultura ed Archi- tettura scritte da' piu celebri personaggi dei secoli XV. a XIX., con note ed illustrazioni di Michelangelo Gualandi in aggiunta a quella data in luce da Mons. Bottari e dal Ticozzi. Vols. I and 2, in i vol. 8vo. Bologna, 1844-5 The Epochs of Painting, by Ralph N. WORNUM, 1864, q. v. Anecdotes of Painting in England : see WalpoLE (Horatio, Earl of Orford), 1762-71. See also Vmci. Paintings. The Royal Gallery of Pictures : being a selection of the Cabinet Paintings in Her Majesty's Private Collection at Buckingham Palace. Published under the superintendence of John Linnell. Fol. Lotid. 1840 Paintings on Glass : see Au (Die Vorstadt), 1845. Eggert (Fr. X.), 1845. Sec also Pictures. Portraits. Pais-Bas : V. Pays-Bas. Palais Royal, Histoire du : v. Loxns XIV., 1680. Paleographie Universelle, par J. B. Silvestre, 1841, (7. ». Palgrave (Francis). History of the Anglo-Saxons. 8vo. Loud. i?>i& Palissy (Bernard, the Potter). Life of: see MoRLEY (Henry), 1852. Palladio (Andrea). I quattro libri dell' Architettxira. Fol. Venet. 1581 L' Architettura, divisa in quattro libri. Fol. Ibid. 1 642 Architecture ; containing a treatise of the Five Orders ; with notes and observations by Inigo Jones ; revised, &c. by Giacomo Leoni ; translated from the Italian, by Nicholas Du Bois. Four Books. 4 vols. fol. Lond. 17 15 Fabriche Antiche disegnate da Andrea Palladio Vicentino, e date in luce da Riccardo Conte di Burlington. Fol. Ibid. 1730 First Book of Architecture ; with all the plates exactly copied from the first Italian edition printed in Venice, 1570; revised by Colen Campbell. [Engraved title.] Fol. Ibid, i"] 2^ Vita e Opere: v. Magrini (Ant.), 1845. PAL -PAP 313 Pallas (Pierre Simon). Voyages en differentes provinces de I'Empire de Russie, et dans I'Asie Septentrionale ; traduits de I'Allemand, par M. Grauthier de la PejTonie. 5 vols. 4to. and Atlas, fol. Paris, 1788-93 Palliot (Pierre). Science des Armoiries: v. Geliot (Louvan), 1664. Palmer (Charles John). Illustrations of Domestic Architecture in Eng- land, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. [Printed for private distribution.] Fol. Land. 1838 Palmerin of England. Le premier (et le second) livre du preux, vaillant et tr^s victorieux Chevalier Palmerin d'Angleterre ; traduit du Cas- tillan en Fran9ois, par Maistre Jaques Vincent, du Crest Arnauld en Dauphigne. 2 parts, in i vol., fol. Lyon, Thibauld Paycn, 1552-3 Palmerston (Hen. John Temple, Viscount). Selections from Private Journals of Tours in France in 1815 and 18 18. 8vo. Lond. 1871 Life of: sec Ashley (Hon. Evelyn), 1876. Pamiers (M. I'Eveque de) : v. Regale. Pamphleteer (The), a Collection of the best pamphlets of the day. [Vols. 22 — 26 are missing.] 26 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1813-28 Panofka (Theodor). Manners and Customs of the Greeks. Translated from the German, by C. T. Newton. 4to. Lond. 1849 Paoli (Paolo Antonio). Antichiti di Pozzuoli [Cuma e Baja] : Puteo- lanae Antiquitates. [Engraved text, Ital. et Lat.] Fol. FlorcnticB, 1768 [Second Title : " Avanzi delle Antichitil esistenti a Pozzuoli, Curaa e Baja : Antiqui- tatum Puteolis, Cumis, Bajis existentiura reliquiae." The work is often catalogued under both titles.] Paolo Diacono : v. Paulus Warnefridus Diaconus. Papists. Lettre d'un Eccl6siastique de Londres contenant les raisons pour lesquelles la plupart des Ministres de Londres ont refus6 de lire la derni^re Dticlaration du Roi [James IL] touchant la Tolerance des Papistes. i2mo. s. I. 1688 [Bound with May (T.) Hist. Pari. Angl. Brev. 165 1.] See also Roman Catholics. s s 314 PAR Pardoe (Julia). The Beauties of the Bosphorus ; illustrated in a series of views of Constantinople and its environs from drawings by W. H. Bartlett. 4to. Loud. s. a. Parelle. Veues de Chantilly, ^. v. Paris. Journal contenant ce qui s'est fait et passe en la Cour de Par- lement de Paris, toutes las chambres assemblees et autres lieux, 1648 et 1649. 4to. Part's, 1649 Paris (J. A., M.D.) A Treatise on Diet. Fourth edition. 8vo. Loud. 1729 Paris (]\Iatthseus, Monachus Albanensis Anglus). Historia Major. Edit. Will. Wats. Fol. Loud. 168^ Park (Mungo). Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa: performed under the direction and patronage of the African Association in the years 1795, 1796 and 1797. Second edition. 4to. Loud. 1799 Parker (John Henry). A Companion to the third edition of John Britton's Glossary of Terms used in the Gothic Architecture. Bvo. Ox/. 1 84 1 [ ] A Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. Fourth edition. 8vo. /did. 1845 Plates. 8vo. Ibid. iSi\^ Companion to the fourth edition. 8vo. Jiid. 1846 [ ] Fifth edition. 2 vols, (in 3), 8vo. Ibid. 1850 ■ Domestic Architecture in England, Edw. I. — Ric. II. : see Turner (T. Hudson), 1853. Parker's Almanack: see Almanacks. Parkin (Rev. Charles). History of Norfolk: sec Blomefield (Rev. Francis), 1739-75- Parkinson (John). Theatrum Botanicum : the Theater of Plants, or an Herball of a large extent. Fol. Lond. it^o Parkinson (Sydney). Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, in His ]\Iajesty's Ship, the " Endeavour." 4to. Loud. 1773 PAR 315 Parliament. Rotuli Parliamentorum, ut et Petitiones et Placita in Parliamento, temp. Edw. I. — 19 Hen. VII. [1278 — 1503.] Vol. 6 missing. 6 vols. fol. [Loud. n. dl\ Placita Parliamentaria, Edw. I. and Edw. II. : see Ryley (Guliel- mus), 1 66 1. A Collection of all the publicke Orders, Ordinances and Declara- tions of both Houses of Parliament, from 9th March 1642, untill December 1646. Fol. Lond. 1646 Journals of the House of Lords : see Journals. Journals of the House of Commons : see JOURNALS. — The History and Proceedings of the House of Lords from the Restoration to 1742. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. Ehcn. Timberland, 1742-3 — The Parliamentary or Constitutional History of England from the earliest times to the Restoration of King Charles II., with a General Index. Second edition. [Vols. 3,7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16 — 18, 20, and 21 are missing.] 24 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1762-3 — History and Proceedings of the House of Commons, from the Restoration to the present time. [Vols, i, 3, 5, 9, 10, 12 — 14 missing.] 14 vols. 8v'o. Lond. R. Chandler, 1742-4 Proceedings and Debates in the House of Commons, in 1620 and 162 1 ; collected by a Member of that House [Thomas Tyrwhitt], and now published fi-om his MS. in the Library of Queen's College, Oxford. [Vol. 2 missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1766 — A Collection of the Parliamentary Debates in England, from 1668 to 1741 ; with index. [Vols, i, 2, 5, 6, 9 — 11, 14, 20 missing.] 21 vols. 8vo. s. l. 1739-42 — The History, Debates, and Proceedings of both Houses of Parlia- ment of Great Britain, from 1743 to 1774. [Vols, i, 3 — 5, and 7 missing.] 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. Dcbrctf, \'i(ii The Parliamentary Register : or, History of the Proceedings and Debates of the House of Commons from 1774 to 1780. 1 7- vols. 8vo. Lond. J. Almon, 1775-80 S S 2 3i6 PAR Parliajiext. The Parliamentary Register: or, History of the Pro- ceedings and Debates of the House of Commons from 1780 to 1796. [Vols. 14, 16, and 35 missing.] 45 vols. 8vo. Lond. J. Almon and J. Dcbrctt, 1781-96 from 1796 to 1802. [Vols. 13, 16, 17 missing.] 17 vols. 8vo. Lond. J. Dehrdt, 1797 — 1802 The Parliamentary Register: or, an impartial Report of the Debates that have occurred in the two Houses of Parliament, from 1 80 1 -3, by William Woodfall. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1802, 3 Parliamentary Register : or, an impartial Report of the Debates that have occurred in the two Houses of Parliament, from Nov. 1803 to July, 1813. [Vols. 9, 10, and 15 — 30 missing.] 30 vols. 8vo. Lond. J. Stockdale, 1804-13 The Parliamentary History of England from the earliest period to the year 1803. [Edited by William Cobbett.] 36 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1806-20 The Parliamentary Debates, 1 803-20. Published by T. C. Hansard. 41 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1812-20 New Series, 1820-30. [Vols. 15 and 19 missing.] 25 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1820-30 Third Series. From October, 1830, to August, 1891. 356 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1831-91 Fourth Series. From February, 1892, to vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1892 — The ]\Iirror of Parliament, 1828-33 : sec Barrow (John Henry). Debates, 1740-43: 5cc Johnson (Sam., LL.D.), 181 1. Parliamentary Papers : consisting of a complete Collection of Kings Speeches, Messages, Addresses of both Houses to the Throne, Speeches of the Lords Chancellors, &c., from 1660 to 1796 ; Lords Protests, from 1242 to 1796 ; List of the Speakers of the House of Commons, from the earliest account to the present time, &:c. [Vols. 2 and 3 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. Debrett, 1797 Parliamentum Pacificum, ou Parlement Pacifique, [by John Northleigh, M.D.] Traduit de I'Anglois. i2mo. Siiiv. la cop. iiiipr. a Lond. 1688 Refutation du Libelle difamatoire nomm6 Parliamentum Pacificum ; compose en Flammand par Mons. E. W., & traduit par L. M. i2mo. Cologne, 1688 [Bound -nnth Parliamentum Pacificum.] Defense pour refuter les Calomnies d'un livret intitule " Parlia- mentum Pacificum " [written by John Northleigh, I^LD.], par Gilbert Burnet, Bp. of Salisbury, 1688, q. v. PAR — PAS 317 Parma. Le piu insigni Pitture Parmensi indicate agli amatori delle belle arti. Fol. Parma, 1809 Parnell (Sir Henr)"-, Bart.) A Treatise on Roads ; wherein the prin- ciples on which Roads should be made are explained and illustrated, by the plans, specifications, and contracts made use of by Thomas Telford, on the Holyhead Road. 8v-o. Z(?«(/. 1833 Parnell (Thomas, Archdeacon of Clogher). Poetical Works. Fol. Glasgow, 1786 Poetical Works. With a life of Parnell, by the Rev. John jNIitford. (Aldine Poets, vol. 26.) i2mo. Lond. i^n Parr (Richard, D.D.) The Life of the Most Reverend James Usher, Ld. Archbishop of Armagh, Primate and Metropolitan of all Ireland. Fol. Loud. 1686 Parr (Samuel, LL.D.) Works ; with memoirs of his life and \\Titings, and a selection from his correspondence, by John Johnstone, M.D. [Vol. I missing.] 8 vols. 8vo. Loid. 1828 Bibliotheca Parriana. A Catalogue of the Library of the Rev. S. Parr, LL.D. [Compiled by Henry Bohn.] 8vo. Ibid. 1827 Parrot (Dr. Fried.) Journey to Ararat, 1845 : see Cooley (W. D.) World sur\'eyed. Parry (Captain William Edward). Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a Xorth-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific ; performed in the years 1819-20, in His Majesty's Ships "Hecla" and " Griper." Second edition. 4to. Loud. 1821 Journal of a Second Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific ; performed in the years 1821, 22, 23, in His Majesty's Ships "Fury" and "Hecla." 4to. Ibid. 1824 Appendix containing the Natural History. [Missing.] 4to. Ibid. 1825 Parsons (Abraham). Travels in Asia and Africa. 4to. Lo//d. 1808 Paruta (Paolo) : V. Venetia, 1722. Pas (Isaac de, Marquis de Feuqui^re) : v. Brandenburg, 1674. Pasquier (Estienne). Les Recherches de la France. Fol. /'am, 1633 Pasquin. Les Ris^es de Pasquin : v. Crequi (M. de), 1674. 3i8 PAS — PAT Pasquin (Antoine Claude), plus connu sous le nom de Valery, 1839, q. v. Fasquini et Marphorii Curiosae Interlocutiones : v. Mezeray (Fr. Eudes de), 1683, 1700. Passavant (Johann David). Kunstreise durch England und Belgien nebst einem Bericht iiber den Bau des Domthurms zu Frankfurt am Main. 8vo. Frankfurt am Main, 1833 — Tour of a German Artist in England, with notices of Private Galleries, and remarks on the State of Art. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1836 — Rafael von Urbino und sein Vater Giovanni Santi. [Vol. 3 missing.] 3 vols 8vo. Leipzig, 1839 Atlas. [Missing.] Fol. 7l>id. 1858 Passerius (Joh. Bapt.) Picturee Etruscorum in Vasculis nunc primum in unum coUectae, explicationibus et dissertationibus illustratse. [Vol. 3 missing.] 3 vols. fol. Romcr, 1767-75 Vite de' Pittori, Scultori ed Architetti dal 1641 sino al 1673. Prima edizione. 4to. /did. 1772 Pastor Fido .- ?'. Guardji. Pater Noster : see Lord's Prayer. Paterculus (C. Velleius). Historiae Romanae libri duo; cum selectis variorum notis ; Antonius Thysius edidit et recensuit. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1659 CEuvres, trad, en Fran9ais : vide Sallust, 1837. Paterson (Daniel). Paterson's Roads ; being a description of all the direct and principal cross Roads in England and Wales, and part of the Roads of Scotland. Sixteenth edition, by Edward Mogg. 8vo. Loud. 1822 Paterson's Roads ; being an entirely original and accurate de- scription of all the direct and principal cross Roads in England and Wales, with part of the Roads of Scotland. Eighteenth edition, by Edward Mogg. 8vo. Ibid. 1829 Patin (Charles). Introduction a I'Histoire, par la Connoissance des ]\Iedailles. i2mo. Paris, 1665 — Relations historiques et curieuses de Voyages en AUemagne, Angleterre, HoUande, Boh^me, Suisse, &c. i2mo. Amst. 1695 PAT — PAY 319 Patriarcale Basilica Lateranense, Liberiana, Vaticana : v. Valentdji (Agostino), 1836-46. Patrizi (Francesco). Parallel! Militari, ne quali si fa Paragone delle Milizie Antiche in tutte le parti loro con le INIoderne. 2 pts. in I vol. Fol. Roma, 1594-5 PATTISOX (Mrs. IMark). The Renaissance of Art in France. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1879 Pattison (William, of Sidney Coll., Cambr.) Poetical Works. 8vo. Land. 1728 Paul (Jean) . Geist : oder, Chrestomathie der vorziiglichsten, kraftigsten u. gelungensten Stellen aus seinen Schriften. 4 vols, [bound in 2], i2mo. Erfurt, 1825 Deutsche Lieder aus der Schweiz. i2mo. Zurich, \^i,i Paullus : V. Paulus. Paulus seu Paullus Diaconus Aquilegiensis, cognom. Wixfridus seu Warxefridus. L' Historie di Paolo Diacono seguenti a quelle d' Eutropio, de i fatti de' Romani Imperatori ; tradotte di Latino in Italiano. i2mo. s.l. 1547 [This book begins mth Lib. XII. and ends w-ith Lib. XXIV.] Delia Origine et Fatti de i Re Longobardi. Tradotto per M. Lodovico Domenichi. 8vo. Vinegia, 1548 Pausanias. Description of Greece ; translated from the Greek, with notes. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1824 Paxton (Joseph) : see Horticultural Register, 183 1-6. Payke (A. H.) Royal Dresden Gallery : being a selection of subjects engraved after pictures by the Great IMasters. 2 vols. 4to. Dresden & Leipzig [1845] Berlin and its Treasures : being a series of Views of the principal Buildings, Churches, Monuments, &c. ; with a selection of subjects from the Royal Picture Gallery. 6 divisions, 4to. Ibid, {circa 1845] Book of Art ; with the Galleries of Munich ; being a selection of subjects engraved after pictures by Old and Modern Masters. [Vol. 3 missing.] 3 vols. 4to. Dresden, [circa 1 849] Pays-Bas. Histoire abregee des Provinces-Unies des Pai's-Bas, ou Ton voit leurs progr^s, leurs conquetes, leur gouvemement et celui de leurs compagnies en Orient et en Occident. Fol. Amst. 1701 320 PAY — PEE PayS-Bas. Nouvelle Carte Chorographique des Pays-Bas Autrichiens, y compris les Principautes de Lifege et de Stavelot ; gravee par L. A. Dupuis. Fol. \_circa 1780] See also Netherlands. Peacock (George, D.D.) Life of Thomas Young, M.D., F.R.S., &c. 8vo. Lond. 1855 Pearce (Frank C. S.) The Kennel Club Stud Book, 1874, q. v. Pearce (Robert Rouiere). Memoirs and Correspondence of the Most Noble Richard Marquess Wellesley. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1846 Pearson (John, Bp. of Chester). An Exposition of the Creed. New edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1797 Peck (Francis). New Memoirs of the Life and Poetical Works of John Milton. 4to. Land. 1740 ]\Iemoirs of the Life and Actions of Oliver Cromwell, as delivered in three panegyrics of him, written in Latin ; the first, as said, by Don Juan Roderiguez de Saa Meneses ; the second by a certain Jesuit, yet both thought to be composed by John Milton, as was the third. With an English version of each ; to which is added a Collection of divers curious historical pieces relating to Cromwell and a great number of other remarkable persons. 4to. Ibid. 1740 [Two copies, one bound \rith Peck's Milton.] Pedley (James L.) Antiquities of Ashby Castle, from nature and on stone. Fol. Birmingham, [1853] Peel (Rt. Hon. Sir Robert, Bart.) Memoirs by the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart., M.P., &c. Published by the Trustees of his Papers, Lord Mahon (now Earl of Stanhope), and the Rt. Hon. Sir Edward Card- well. Vols. I and 2. i2mo. Loud. 1856-7 Speech in the House of Commons, 24th Feb., 1835, on the Motion of an Address of Thanks to His Majesty in answer to his Speech. 8vo. Ibid. 1835 Speech in the House of Commons, loth March, 1835, on the Motion relating to the Repeal of the Malt Tax. 8vo. Ibid. i%i^ Speech in the House of Commons, 2nd April, 1835, on the present state of the Church Establishment in Ireland. 8vo. Ibid. 1 835 PEE — PEL 321 Peel (Rt. Hon. Sir Robert, Bart.) Speech at the Dinner in honour to him, given by the jMerchants, Bankers, &c., of the City of London, nth May, 1835; also his Speech in the House of Commons, 8th April, 1835, announcing the resignation of His Majesty's Ministers. Svo. Loud. 1835 [This and the three preceding Speeches are bound in one volume.] Life and Times of: see Taylor (W. Cooke, LL.D.) 1851. Sir Robert Peel : 6tude d'histoire contemporaine, par GuizOT (Fran9ois), 1856, ^.z". Peerage. The New Peerage, or the present state of the Nobility of England, Scotland and Ireland. [Vol. 2, Scotland, missing.] 3 vols. i2mo. Lojtd. R. Davis, 1769 The Peerage of Ireland. 2 vols. Svo. Land. J. Ahnon, 1768 Peerage of England, Scotland and Ireland, 1790: see Debrett (John). Peez (A. H.) Traite sur les Eaux Thermales de Wiesbade ; traduit de r Allemand par J. P. Grafifenauer. 8vo. Wiesbade, [circa 1 830] The Mineral Wells of Wiesbaden and their sanative efficacy. i2mo. Darmstadt, 1833 Pegge (Samuel). The Life of Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln. 4to. Loud. 1793 PeGULIO : V. BeLCARIUS. Peignot (Etienne Gabriel). Manuel du Bibliophile, ou Traite du Choi.x. des Livres. 2 vols. 8vo. Dijoii, 1823 [ ] Amusements Philologiques, ou varietes en tous genres, par G. P. Philomneste. Troisieme edition. Svo. Ibid. 1842 Peith>Li\:n' (L. Edward). Practical Latin Grammar. 2 parts [in i vol.] i2mo. Loud. 1S30 " PfeLERIN ESPAGNOL," i.c. Jos. de Texeira, q. V. PfeLERINAGE DE L'HOMME : V. GUILEVLLLE (Guill. de), 1858. Pellew (Hon. George). The Life and Correspondence of the Rt. Hon. Henry Addington, first Viscount Sidmouth. 3 vols. Svo. Loud. 1S47 Peltier (J.) The late Picture of Paris : or, a faithful narrative of the Revolution of the Tenth of August. 2 vols. Svo. Loud. 1792-3 T T 322 PEM — PEN Pembroke College, Oxford. Statuta Collegii Pembrochiae. MS., on parchment. Imp. 4to. [circa 1761] Penhoen: v. Barchou de Penhoen. Peninsula. ]\Iaps and Plans showing the principal Movements, Battles and Sieges, in which the British Army was engaged during the War from 1808 to 1 8 14, in the Spanish Peninsula and the South of France. Fol. Land. s. a. PENNi\NT (Thomas). British Zoology. 4 vols. Svo. Land. & Chester, 1768-70 British Zoology. 2 vols. Svo. Warrington, 1776 A Tour in Scotland, 1769. Third edition. 3 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1774-6 A Tour in Wales, 1773. 4to. Loud, i-j-ji — The Journey to Snowdon. 4to. Ibid. \i%\ [Lettered Tour in Wales, Vol. 2.] — The Journey from Chester to London. 4to. Ibid. 1782 — History of the Parishes of Whiteford and Holywell. 4to. Ibid. 1796 — Outlines of the Globe. 4 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1798 — 1900 Vol. I. View of Hindoostan. 2. Eastern Hindoostan. 3. India citra Gangem, China, and Japan. 4. Malayan Isles, New Holland, and the Spicy Islands. — A Tour from Downing to Alston -Moor. 4to. Ibid. 1801 — A Tour from Alston-Moor to Harrowgate and Brimham Crags. 4to. Ibid. 1804 [Bound with Pennant. Tour from Downing to Alston-Moor.] — A Journey from London to the Isle of Wight. 2 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1801 — Some Account of London, Westminster, and Southwark, illustrated with views, kc. 4to (bound in 2 parts, 442 pages). Ibid. n.d. — Some Account of London. Second edition. 4to. Ibid. ii^\ Third edition. 4to. 1793 [This copy is mounted, and has very large additions of portraits, plates, plans, &c. It is bound in lour folio volumes.] The History of London and its environs. Fourth edition. 4to (bound in 2 parts). Land. 1805 [This copy has a very large number of additional portraits and \iew3, inserted throughout the parts.] PEN — PER 323 Pennant (Thomas). A Collection of Plans, Plates, &c., to illustrate Pen- nant's History of London. [Mounted, inlaid, &:c.] 2 vols. 4to. Loud. 1805 Literary Life of Thomas Pennant, by himself 4to. Ibid, i-jcjj, Pennell (H. Cholmondeley). The Angler Naturalist; a popular History of British Fresh-Water Fish, with a plain explanation of the rudiments of Ichthyology. 8vo. Lond. \%ti Fishing ; with contributions from other authors. (Badminton Library.) 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1887 Vol.1. Salmon and Trout. Third edition. Vol. 2. Pike and other Coarse Fish. Second edition. Pennell-Elmhirst (Captain) : see Elmhirst. Pennington (Rev. Montagu). Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, with a new edition of her Poems, &c. 4to. Loud. 1 807 PenTs'^sylvania. The Charters and Acts of Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania. 2 vols, in i, fol. Philad. 1762 Penny Cyclop..edia (The) of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 27 vols. fol. Loud. C. Knighf, 1833-43 Supplement. [Missing.] 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 1845-6 Penny Magazine (The) of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Know- ledge, 1832-40. 9 vols. fol. Lond. C. Kiiigki, 1832-40 New Series, 1841-42. 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 1841-42 Pepys (Samuel). Memoirs of Samuel Pepys, Esq., F.R.S., Secretary to the Admiralty, comprising his Diary, from 1659 to 1669, deciphered by the Rev. John Smith, from the original shorthand MS. in the Pepysian Library, and a selection from his private Correspondence. Edited by Richard, Lord Braybrooke. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1825 Second edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1828 PerceVjVL (George). The History of Italy, from the Fall of the Western Empire to the commencement of the Wars of the French Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. Lund. 1825 T t 2 324 PER Percy (Thomas, Bp. of Dromore). Reliques of Ancient English Poetry; consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other pieces of our earlier poets, (chiefly of the lyric kind). 3 vols. 8vo. Lmd. 1765 Perelle (Gabriel). Veiies des Belles Maisons de France. Obi. 4to. Parts, chez TV. Langlois, circa 1620 Perez de Villa-Amil (Don Genaro). Espafia Artistica : v. ESCOSURA (Patricio de la), 1850. Perezius (Antonius). Praelectiones in duodecim libros Codicis Justiniani Imp. Editio tertia. Fol. Amsf. ap. Ludov. Elzevirium, 1653 Perger (Sigism. de). Galerie Imperiale au Belv^d^re h. Vienna : v. Haas (Ch.), 1828. Perier (Casimir). Le Traite avec I'Angleterre. Seconde edition. 8vo. Paris, i860 Perkins (Charles C.) Tuscan Sculptors ; their lives, works, and times. 2 vols. 8vo. Lovd. 1864 Italian Sculptors ; being a history of Sculpture in Northern, Southern and Eastern Italy. 8vo. Ibid. 1 868 Pernitzsch (Heinrich Gottlob). Untersuchungen iiber Zuwachs, Be- wirthschaftung. Rente und Kapitalwerth der Walder. 8vo. Frank/, am Main, 1842 Anleitung zur Einrichtung und Benutzung der Forste, vorziiglich der Privatforste. Zweite Ausgabe. 8vo. Leipzig, 1843 "Perouse, La," Voyage de : v. LABlLLARDlfeRE, 1797, &c. Perrault (Charles). Les Hommes Illustres qui ont paru en France pendant ce si^cle ; avec leurs portraits au naturel. Fol. Paris, itq^j See also Cabinet du Roi, 1670, 1679. Perrin (Jean Paul). History of the Old Waldenses and Albigenses : j^e Bray (Thomas, D.D.), 1712. Perring (J. E.) The Pyramids of Gizeh, from actual survey and mea- surement. 3 pts. bd. in 2 vols. fol. Loud. 1839-42 Perry (Charles, M.D.) A View of the Levant, particularly of Constanti- nople, Syria, Egypt, and Greece. Fol. Loud. 1743 Perry (Frederick). DulceDomum; essays on Home Life. 8vo. Loud. 1873 PER — PFE 325 Persius Flaccus (Aulus). Satyrae: v. HORATius, 1839. JUVENALIS. Pescetti (Orlando). Proverbi Italiani, raccolti, e ridotti sotto a certi capi e luoghi communi per ordine d' alfabeto. i2mo. Vcnet. 1618 Peter the Great. Equestrian Statue of: see Carburi (Comte), 1777. Petherick (John). Egypt, the Soudan, and Central Africa, with explora- tions from Khartoum on the White Nile to the regions of the Equator. 8vo. Edinh. 1861 Peto (Sir S. Morton, Bart.) Taxation, its levy and expenditure, past and future; an enquiry into our financial policy. 8vo. Zc«af. 1863 Petrarca (Francesco). Opera quae extant omnia [Lat. et Ital.] ; adjec. ejusdem authoris quae Hetrusco sermone scripsit carmina sive rythmos. Fol. BastlecB, 1554 Le Rime del Petrarca brevemente esposte, per Lodovico Castel- vetro. 2 vols. 4to. Venez. 1756 Rime di F. Petrarca, col comento di G. Biagioli. 2 vols, in 3, 8vo. Pari'gi, 1821 Poesies ; traduction complete, par le Comte F. L. de Grammont. Sonnets, canzones, triomphes. 8vo. Paris, 1842 M6moires pour la Vie de Fr. P^trarque : v. Sade (L'Abbe de), 1764-7. Petty (Sir William). Hiberniae Delineatio quoad hactenus licuit per- fectissima. 4to. s. /., 1683 Petyt (William). Miscellanea Parliamentaria : containing Presidents, I. Of Freedom from Arrests. II. Of Censures. With an Appendix, containing several instances wherein the Kings of England have consulted their Parliaments in Marriages, Peace and War, Leagues, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1680 [Peyrat, Guillaume du]. Traits de I'Origine des Cardinaux du Saint Siege et particulierement des Fran9ois, avec deux Traittez curieux des L6gats ^ Latere. i2mo. Cologne, ibbc) [ ] Nouvelle Edition. i2mo. Ibid. \t-,o Pfeffel (J. A.) Veduta di Roma, 1600, q. v. 326 PFE — PHI Pfeil (Dr. W.) Die Forstwirthschaft. Dritte Auflage. 8vo. Zez}^:?^, 1843 Die Forsttaxation in ihrem Umfange. Zweite Auflage. Svo. Berl. 1843 Phledrus. Fabulffi ^sopiae : 7;7'^^ HORATius, 1839. Terentius, 1726. Pharmacopceia Homoeopathica, edidit F. F. Quin, M.D. Svo. Loud. 1834 Philelphe. Fables: v. Mso^vs, 1708. Philip II., of Spain. Recueil des Actions et ParoUes Memorables de Phillipe Second, Roy d'Espagne, surnomme le Prudent ; traduit de I'Espagnol. i2mo. Cologne, 1621 Philipott (Thomas). Villare Cantianum, or Kent surveyed and illus- trated. To which is added an historical Catalogue of the High Sheriffs of Kent, collected by John Philipott, Esq. Second edition. Fol. Lynn, 1776 Philippes de Villette, Abbez de S. Denys. Histoire de Charles VI, Roy de France, 1663, q. v. Philips (John). Poems, attempted in the style of IMilton. Tenth edition. i2mo. Land. 1744 Philips (Katherine). Poems by the most deservedly admired Mrs. Katherine Philips, the Matchless Orinda ; with Corneille's tragedies of Pompey, and Horace, &c. 8vo. Lond. 17 10 Phillips (Charles). Curran and his contemporaries. 8vo. Edinh. \%^o Phillips (Henry). Floral emblems : or, a Guide to the Language of Flowers. Svo. Lojtd. 1831 Phillips (John). Manual of Geology, practical and theoretical. [Ency- clop. Metrop.] i2mo. Glasg. 1855 Phillips (Mrs. Teresia Constantia). An Apology for the Conduct of Mrs. Teresia Constantia Phillips, more particularly that part of it which relates to her Marriage with an eminent Dutch merchant. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1748-9 Philostratorum quae supersunt omnia, Graece et Latine ; recensuit notisque perpetuis illustravit Gottfridus Olearius. Fol. Lipsia, 1709 [Contents ;] Vita Apollonii Tyanensis. Vit:e Sophistarum. Imagines. Heroica. Epistols. Apollonii Tyanensis Epistolae. Eusebius adversus Hieroclem. CaUistrati Descriptiones Statuarum. PHI — PIG 327 Phipps (Constantine John). A voyage towards the North Pole, undertaken by His Majesty's Command. 4to. Loiid. \-]-]^ " Physicienne, La," Voyage autour du ]\Ionde : v. Freycixet (L. C. de), 1824. PiCTON (Sir Thomas). ]\Iemoirs of Lieut. Gen. Sir Thomas Picton, G.C.B., including his Correspondence, from originals in possession of his family, by H. B. Robinson. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1836 "PiCTOR Ignotus," i.e. William Blake : see GILCHIUST (Alex.), 1863. PiCTUKES. Varie Pitture a Fresco de' principali Maestri Veneziani ; ora la prima volta con le stampe pubblicate. Fol. Venez. i-jto Another copy, tinted. Fol. Ibid. 1760 The Royal Gallery of Pictures, being a selection of the Cabinet Paintings in Her ]\Iajesty's Private Collection at Buckingham Palace. Published under the superintendence of John Linnell. Fol. Loud. 1840 — Picture Collector's Manual, by J. R. HOEBES, 1849, ?■ ^- — Description of the Pictures at Houghton Hall, Norfolk, by Hor. AValpole, Earl of Orford, 1752, ^. v. — The British Gallery of Pictures, circa 1 840, ^. v. — Tableaux les plus remarquables des Musses de I'Europe : v. Galerie des Arts, 1836. — Pitture Parmensi : v. Parma, 1809. Raccolta delle piu celebri Pitture esistenti nella Citti di Siena, 1825, f. V. See also Plates. Portraits. Prints. PlERl (Giuseppe). Componimenti Poetici Nazionali. 8vo. Firenze, \?,bo Pierotti (Ermete). Jerusalem explored; being a description of the Ancient and Modern City, with numerous illustrations. Translated by Thomas George Bonney. 2 vols. 4to. Loud. 1864 Piety : see Christian Piety. Pigna (Gio Battista). II Principe, libr. tre. 4to. Venet. 1561 328 PIG — PIN PiGNEYRA (Louys). La nouvelle Histoire du Japon. Traduicte en Fran- 9ois par J. B. 8vo. Parts, \6i^ Pigs. Du Traitement des Pores aux difFerentes epoques de I'ann^e, suivant leur age, en sant6 et maladies ; extrait des meilleurs ouvrages Anglais, et traduit par J. A. G. 8vo. Part's, 1855 [Bound with Thier. La Laiterie.] PiLKiNGTON (Rev. Matthew). The Gentleman's and Connoisseur's Dic- tionary of Painters. 4to. Land. \-]']o A general Dictionary of Painters. 2v0ls.ini. 8vo. Ibid. id,2<) General Dictionary of Painters ; containing memoirs of the lives and works of the most eminent professors of the art of Painting from its revival by Cimabue, in 1250, to the present time; with an intro- duction, by Allan Cunningham. New edition, by R. A. Davenport. 8vo. Ibid. 1852 PiLOTj (F.) Sketches, &c., mounted and bound in 4 vols. fol. See also SXRIXNER (J. N.), 1821. PlNDARUS. Olympia, Nemea, Pythia, Isthmia [Gr.], cum Latina versione per Nicolaum Sudorium. Fol. Oxon. 1597 The Odes of Pindar translated from the Greek, with notes critical and explanatory by Abraham Moore. 2 parts. 8vo. Loud. 1822-31 Pine (John) . The Tapestry Hangings of the House of Lords, representing the several engagements between the English and Spanish Fleets in the year 1588 ; with charts shewing the places of action ; &c. Imp. fol. Land. 1739 PiNELLi (Bartolomeo). Istoria Romana, incisa all' acqua forte. Fol. Roma, 1819 Invenzioni sul Poema [Inferno] di Dante Alighieri. Obi. fol. Ibid. 1825 Invenzioni sul poema dell' Inferno di Dante Alighieri. [65 pi.] Fol. ibid. 1826 deir Purgatorio di Dante. [42 pi.] Fol. Ibid. 1826 deir Paradiso. [34 pi.] Fol. Ibid. 1826 [This and the t%\o preceding boolcs are bound in one volume.] Invenzioni sul poema dell' Go&edo di Torquato Tasso. [72 pi.] Fol. Ibid. 1826 Awenture di Telemacus. Invenzioni. [100 pi.] Fol. Ibid. i%2%-t PIN — PIR 329 PiXETUJi Brjtaxxicxjm : a descriptive account of all hardy trees of the Pine Tribe cultivated in Great Britain, with facsimiles of the original drawings made for the work. Parts i — 37, [all published]. Fol. P. Laivson & Son, Edinb. & Lond. [1866-75] PlNETUM WOBURNENSE : or, a Catalogue of Coniferous Plants in the collection of the Duke of Bedford at Woburn Abbey. [Privately printed.] 8vo. Lofid. 1839 Pinto (Femand Mendez). Voyages adventureux ; traduits de Portugais par Bern. Figuier. 4to. Paris, it j^^ [PIOSSEXS, Le Chevalier de]. M^moires de la R^gence de S. A. R. Mgr. le Due d'Orleans durant la Minorite de Louis XV. Roi de France. [Vols. I and 2 missing.] 3 vols. i2mo. Avisf. 1729 [PiQUETlERRE, Blouin de la]. Relation des Troubles arrivez dans la Cour de Portugal en I'annee 1667 et en I'annee 1668. i2mo. Anisf. 1674 PiRAXESi (Giovanni Battista). Antichita Romane de' tempi della Re- pubblica, e de' primi Imperatori. [25 pi.] 2 parts, fol. Roma, 1748 Le Antichita Romane. [216 pi.] 4 vols. fol. Ibid. \-]^b — Opere varie di Architettura, prospettive, grottesche, Antichiti sul gusto degli antichi Romani. [28 pi.] Fol. Ibid. 1750 — Troffei di Ottaviano Augusto, innalzati per la vittoria ad Actium e conquista dell' Egitto. Obi. 4to. Ibid. 1 75 o — Trofei di Ottaviano Augusto, innalzati per la vittoria ad Actium e conquista dell' Egitto, con vari altri ornamenti antichi. [32 pi.] Fol. 5. /. ct a. [Bound with Piranesi. Cammini.] — Lapides Capitolini, sive Fasti Consulares Triumphalesq. Roma- norum, ab urbe condita usque ad Tiberium Ca^sarem. Fol. Roma, 1761 — Della Magnificenza d' Architettura de' Romani. [37 pi.] Fol. Ibid. 1 76 1 — Campus ]Martius Antiquae Urbis. [Description in Latin and Italian.] 48 pi. 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 1762 — Antichita d' Albano e di Castel Gandolfo. [50 pi.] Fol. Ibid. 1764 — Le Rovine del castello dell' Acqua Giulia situato in Roma in presso S. Eusebio. [20 pi.] Fol. Ibid, i-; 6 5 u u 330 PIR — PLA PiRANESI (Giovanni Battista). Diverse Maniere d' adornare i Cammini ed ogni altri parte degli edifizi. [Ital., Engl, and French.] 73 plates. Fol. Roma, 1769 Vedute di Roma disegnate ed incise da Giambattista Piranesi. [80 plates, folded, including title ; Roman impressions.] 2 vols. fol. Ibid. s.a. \circa 1770] Carceri. [16 pi.] Fol. Ibid. s. a. Pise (Joseph de la). Tableau de I'Histoire des Princes et Principaute d'Orange. Fol. La Haye, 1639 PiSTOLESi (Erasmo). II Vaticano descritto ed illustrato. 8 vols. fol. Roma, 1829-38 PiTAVAL (Frangois Gayot de) : v. Causes Cel^bres. Pitt (Moses) : see Bedford Level, 1685. Pitt (William, Earl of Chatham), q. v. Pitt (Rt. Hon. William). Speeches in the House of Commons. 4 vols. 8vo. Land. 1806 Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1 8 1 7 The Age of Pitt and Fox. [Vols. 2 and 3 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1846 Memoirs of the Life of Pitt : see Tomline (Geo., Bp. of Win- chester), 1 82 1. PiTTi, Palais : v. Florence, 1789— 1807. Planche (J. R., Somerset Herald). Recollections and Reflections: a professional autobiography. 2 vols. 8vo. Lo7id. 1872 Planting. Useful and Ornamental Planting. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) 8vo. Lo7id. 1832 Plates, ig plates representing Death ; the first " Post funera Vita," the second " Memento mori," |-|n invent, et sculpsit, [Qy. Henry Hondius. Folio. \_n. d., circa 1600 [Bound with CAESARS. EiEgies, 1600.] See also Pictures. Prints. PLA-PLI 331 Plato. Opera quae extant omnia, Greece at Latine, ex nova Joannis Serrani interpretatione, perpetuis ejusdem notis illustrata. Accedunt H. Stephani annotationes. [With the Dedications to Q. Elizabeth, K. James I., and the Republic of Berne.] 3 vols. fol. Exc. H. Stcplianus, 1578 (Euvres de Platon, traduites par Victor Cousin. 13 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822-40 Plautus. Theatre ; traduction nouvelle, accompagnee de notes et du texte Latin, par J. Naudet. [Vol. 9 missing.] 9 vols. 8vo. Paris, 183 1-7 Plays : see Bell (John). British Theatre. Inchbald (Mrs. Eliz.) Plescheef (Capt. Sergey). Survey of the Russian Empire. Third edi- tion, translated from the Russian, by James Smirnove. 8vo. Loud. 1792 PlesSIS-Marli (Philippe de Mornay, Sieur du), q. v. Plinius (Caius) Secundus. Historiae Naturalis libri XXXVII, quos interpretatione et notis illustravit Joannes Harduinus, in usum Del- phini. 2 vols, [in 3] fol. Parisiis, 1723 The Historj' of the World, commonly called the Natiarall Historie ; translated into English by Philemon Holland. 2 vols, [in 1], fol. Lond. 1601 L'Histoire du Monde, raise en Fran9ois par Antoine du Pinet. 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1615 Historia Naturale di C. Plinio Secundo di Latino in volgare tra- dotta per Christophoro Landino, et corretta per Antonio Brucioli. 8vo. Vcnet. 1543 Plinius (Caius) Caecilius Secundus. Epistolae et Panegyricus. Editio nova. Marcus Zuerius Boxhornius recensuit et passim emendavit. i2mo. Amsf. ex off. Elzev. it^g The Letters of Pliny the Younger, with observations on each letter by John [Boyle], Earl of Orrery. [Edited by George Faulkner.] [Vol. I missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Diihl. 1751 Panegyricus liber Trajano dictus, cum annotationibus Dominici Baudii; accedunt commentarius Justi Lipsii ac notae variorum. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1675 Gaio Cecilio, cognominato poi Plinio Secondo, de gli Huomini valorosi et illustri. Tradotto di Latino in lingua Toscana, da Paulo del Rosso. i2mo. Vinegia, 1546 uu 2 332 PLO — PLU Plot (Robert, LL.D.) The Natural History of Oxfordshire, being an essay toward the Natural History of England. Fol. Oxford, ib-]-] The Natural History of Staffordshire. Fol. Ibid. it?,b Plukenett (Leonard). Ph}^ographia, sive stirpium illustriorum et minus cognitarum icones. Fol. Lond. 1691 Amaltheum Botanicum. Fol. Ibid, x-jo^ Plutarchus. Opera quse extant, cum Latine interpretatione Henr. Stephani edita. 13 vols. 12 mo. Hen. Stephanus,\^-j2 Moralia, Gr. 3 vols. 1572. , Lat. 3 vols. 1572. Vitae Parallels, Gr. 3 vols. , Lat., Interprete Herm. Cruserio, 3 vols. Appendix complectens \'itas imperatonim, etc. Opuscula LXXXXII. [First edition, Gr.] Fol. Veil, in ad. Aldi & AndrecB Asulani Soceri, 1509 — Liber quomodo juveni audienda sint Poemata ; [Gr.] cum Lat. interpretatione Hugonis Grotii, variantes lectiones et notas adjecit Joannes Potter. 12 mo. G/asg. Fouh's, 1753 — Moralia, id est opera, exceptis vitis, reliqua ; Grasca emendavit, Latinam interpretationem subjunxit, etc. Daniel Wyttenbach. 6 vols. 4to. Oxon. e typog. Clarend. 1795 — 1810 — CEuvres Morales et meslees ; translatees de Grec en Fran9ois, revues et corrigees par le translateur, Jacques Amyot E. d'Auxerre. Fol. Paris, 1582 — Plutarchi quae vocantur Parallela, hoc est, Vitae lUustrium Virorum, Grseci nominis ac Latini. Fol. Venet. in ccdib. Aldi ei Andrea; Asulani Soceri, 15 19 — Vies des Hommes lUustres ; traduites du Grec, par D. Ricard ; ornees de cartes, de bas-reliefs et de portraits d'apr^s I'antique. [Vols. 5—8, 13 — 15, missing.] 15 vols, in 28, et Table. 4to. Paris, 1830 [Cet ouvrage, d'un luxe aussi dispendieux que mal entendu, a commence a parattre en 1827, quoique le titre du tome i soit date de 1830; les volumes ont ete publies sans aucun ordre.] Brunei. — Les Vies des Hommes Illustres, traduites du Grec, par Dominique Ricard, avec notes. Nouvelle edition. lo vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1829 PLU — POE 333 Plutarchus. Seconda parte delle Vite de gli Huomini lUustri, Gr. et Rom., trad, per M. L. Domenichi et alt. 4to. Vend. 1568 Gioje istoriche : aggiunte alia prima e seconda parte delle Vite di Plutarco, da Orazio Toscanella. 2 pts. 4to. Vmegia, 1567 Pluvinel (Antoine de). L'Instruction du Roy en I'Exercice de Monter a Cheval. Fol. Part's, 1627 Another edition. Fol. Avtsf. 1668 [Pnitz, ] Censiir-Fluchtlinge : zwolf Freiheitlieder. 8vo. Zurich, 1843 POCOCKE (Richard). A Description of the East, and some other countries. 2 vols. fol. Land. 1743-5 Poems. Rliscellany Poems, by several hands. [Pope, King, Rowe, &c.] Fifth edition. [Vol. i missing.] 2 vols. i2mo. Loud. 1727 Examen Poeticum : being the third part of IMiscellany Poems, containing variety of new translations of the ancient poets, together with many original copies, by the most eminent hands. [Dedication signed John Dryden.] 8vo. Ibid. 1693 The Annual Miscellany for the year 1694, being the fourth part of Miscellany Poems, containing great variety of new translations and original copies by the most eminent hands. 8vo. Ibid. 1694 A Collection of Poems by several hands. Svo. Ibid, ibq^ A Select Collection of Poems, with notes biographical and his- torical : 5^:^ Nichols (John), 1780-2. Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of the Peasantry of England, edited by Robert Bell. i2mo. Land. iS^-] Gedichte eines Lebendigen. Sechste Auflage. 2 vols, in I. i2mo. Ziirich u. Winterthur, 1843-4 See also Poetry. P0ET.,E Gr^CI Principes, Gr. 2 vols. fol. Hen. Stephanus, 1666 Poetry. Reliques of Ancient Poetry : see Percy (Thomas, Bp. of Dromore). 334 POE — POL Poets, English. The Works of the English Poets, with prefaces, bio- graphical and critical, by Samuel Johnson, LL.D. [Vols. 6, 24, 39, 59, 66 missing.] 68 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1779-81 Aldine Edition of the Poets. 55 vols. 1 2 mo. Lond. Pickering, 1830-48 ^■ee Akenside (M.) 1845. Kjrke-White (H.) 1840. Beattie (James), 1831. Milton (John), 1845. Burns (Robert), 1839. Parnell (T.) 1833. Butler (Samuel), 1835. Pope (Alex.) 1843-4. Chaucer (Geoff.) 1845. Prior (Matth.) 1835. Churchill (C.) 1844. Shakespeare, 1842. Collins (W.) i 830. Surrey (Hen. Howard, Earl COAVPER (W.) 1843. of), 1 83 1. Dryden (John), 1844. Saaift (Jonathan), 1833. Falconer (W.) 1836. Thomson (James), 1847. Goldsmith (O.) 1839. White (Henry Kirke), 1840. Gray (T.) 1847. Wyatt (Sir Thomas), 1831. Herbert (G.) 1848-50. Young (Edw.) 1844. The Book of the Poets ; with an essay on English Poetry. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Lives of the Poets : see Johnson (Sam., LL.D.) Specimens of Early English Poets, by George Ellis, 1801, q. v. Index to the English Poets. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. J. Nichols, 1780 POGGIALI (Gaetano). Serie de' testi di lingua stampati che si citano nel Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca. 2 vols. 8vo. Livorno, 1813 POLIDORI (Gaetano, da Bientina). Novelle Morali. Quarta edizione. [Vol. I missing.] 2 vols. i6mo. Londra, i8ii POLITZ (Karl Heinrich Ludwig). Das Gesammtgebiet der teutschen Sprache). 4 vols. 8vo. Leipz. 1825 Die Weltgeschichte fiir gebildete Leser und Studierende. Fiinfte Auflage. 4 vols. 8vo. Lbid. 1825 Die Staatswissenschaften im Lichte unsrer Zeit. Zweite Auflage. 5 vols. 8vo. Ihid. 1827- POLKO (Elise). Reminiscences of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy : a social and artistic biography. Translated from the German by Lady Wallace. 8vo. Lond. 1869 POL -PON 335 POLYANDER (Joannes, a Kerckhove). Dispute centre 1' Adoration des Reliques des Saincts trespasses. i2mo. Dordrecht, \t\\ [Bound with Choisy. Hist, de David, 1692.] POLYBius ^legalopolitanus. Historiarum libri qui supersunt [Gt.] Isaacus Casaubonus Latine vertit et commentariis illustravit. .^neae commentarius de toleranda obsidione eodem interprete. Fol. Parisiis, 1609 Another copy. Fol. Ibid. 1609 Historico Greco dell' imprese de' Greci, de gli Asiatici, de' Romani, et d' altri, con due fragment! delle republiche et della grandezza di Roma, e con gli undici libri ritrovati di nuovo tradotti per Lodo\'ico Domenichi. 8vo. Vinegia, 1564 — General History ; translated from the Greek, by James Hampton. Fourth edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1809 — Histor}% [an English translation, in ^IS.] 2 vols. fol. 1724-5 POMET (Pierre). Histoire generale des Drogues. Fol. Paris, \bqi, POMOLOGICAL MAGAZINE (The) : or, Figures and descriptions of the most important varieties of Fruit cultivated in Great Britain. [Vol. 3 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830-9 Pompadour (Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de). Suite d'Estampes gravees par IMadame la Marquise de Pompadour d'apres les Pierres de Guay, Graveur du Roi. 4to. Paris, 1782 POArPEn. [Library of Entertaining Knowledge.] Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833-4 Les Ruines de Pompei : v. Mazois (F.) 1812-38. Le Antichita di Pompei, da Luigi Rossixi, 1830, q. v. Case 6 Monumenti: v. Xiccolini (F.) 1854. POMPEIUS (Trogus) : v. JuSTlNUS (Marcus Junius), 1590. POJIPONTUS L^iETUS: V. LjETUS. Pond (Arthur). "Prints from Drawings," containing Etchings by Pond, of subjects by various Masters. [Published in conjunction with George Kjiapton.] (64 pp.) Fol. Lond. circa i; \o PONTANO (Architto Carlo) : see Raffaello, 1845. 336 PON — POP PONTOPPIDAN (Rt. Rev. Erich, Bp. of Bergen). The Natural History of Norway; translated. 2 pts. in one vol. Fol. Zwz^/. 1755 Poor Robin: see Almanacks. Pope (Alexander). Works. 4to. Land, lyiy [Autograph inscription on fly-leaf: "To the Right Honorable, the Earl of Oxford. From his most obliged, most obedient and faithful serv', A. Pope."] Works. 2 vols. 4to. /i5/rt'. 1717-34 — Works. Vol. 3. Letters of A. Pope and several of his friends. 4to. lii'd. 1737 — Works. 9 vols. 8vo. /did. 1736 [This is Pope's own edition ; vols. 6 — 9 are missing.] — Works. 10 vols. i2mo. /did. 1754 — Works ; with notes and illustrations by Joseph Warton, D.D., and others. 9 vols. 8vo. I6id. 1797 — Works, with a memoir of the author by the Rev. G. Croly. Vols. I — 4. [No more of this edition published.] 8vo. Ik'd. 18^5 [Vol. I missing.] Poetical Works. 3 vols. fol. Ghsg. A. Foulis, 1785 [Two copies.] Poetical Works, edited by the Rev. H. F. Cary. 8vo. Loud. 1841 Poetical Works. With a memoir of Pope, by the Rev. A. Dyce. (Aldine Poets, vols. 1 3 — 15.) 3 vols. i2mo. /?/id. 1657 The first part of the Signal Loyalty of God's true Saints, and pious Christians (as also of Idolatrous Pagans) towards their Kings. 4to. Ibid. 1660 Y Y 346 PRY Prynne (William). The second part of the Signal Loyalty, &c., together with Forms of Prayer, Supplications, Votes, &c. used at the Corona- tions of Emperors and Kings. 4to. Loud. 1660 [Bound with the preceding book.] [Records.] The First Tome of an exact Chronological Vindi- cation and Historical Demonstration of our British, Roman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, English Kings Supreme Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction in, over all spiritual or religious affairs, &c. within their dominions, from the original planting of Christian Religion to the death of King Richard I. ann. iigg. Fol. Ibid. 1666 [Records.] The Second Tome of an exact Chronological Vindica- tion, &c., fi-om the first year of King John, 11 99, to the death of King Henry III. in the year 1273. Fol. Ibid. 1665 [Records : the Third Volume.] The History of King John, King Henry III. and King Edward I., wherein the ancient Sovereign Dominion of the Kings of England, &c. is asserted and vindicated against all Incroachments and Innovations whatsoever. Fol. Ibid. 1670 [Records.] The Fourth Volume, containing the Introduction. [Not in the Library.] This volume, unkno^vn to bibliographers untQ a recent period, was acquired by the Hon. Society of Lincoln's Inn at the sale of the Stowe Librarj' in 1849. " The first volume of the work commences with Book the Second. The fourth volume is called Book the First, and consists of the Introduction described by Prynne in the first volume, ' as not yet completed, swelling to an entire tome,' and designed, as stated by the author in the Epistle to the Readers prefixed to the second volume, to embrace the period extending ' from Adam till Christ's ascension into Heaven ; and from thence in relation to the Roman, Greek and German Emperors, and other Christian Kings, in foreign parts, till our modem age.' The volume terminates unfinished, at page 400, with the words : coepiscopi tui et coma — It is without title-page, but has the same head- line over the pages as the other volumes, viz. An Exact History of Pope's intoUerable Usurpations upon the Liberties of the Kings and Subjects of Eng- land and Ireland. " It is supposed that not more than twenty-five sets of the three volumes exist, most of the copies of the first volume, and a great number of the second, together with the Introduction, hanng perished at the house of the printer in the Great Fire of London. It is probable that the copy of the introductory volume now in the possession of the Society of Lincoln's Inn had been reserved in the author's hands for his own use during the progress of the work through the press ; and that, if any other copies were rescued from the flames, not having been issued to the public, they have since perished, from the circumstance of their being unfinished and without title-page, and having consequently been disregarded by persons into whose hands they may have fallen." — Spilsbury's Lincoln's Inn, pp. 283-7. A complete list of Proline's works is found in the Appendix to the Sale Catalogue of Wr. Purton Cooper's Library, 1857 ; a copy of this very rare Sale Catalogue is in the Library of the Hon. Society of Lincoln's Inn. PRY — PUG 347 Prynne (^Villiam). Aurum Reginac : or, a compendious Tractate and Chronological Collection of Records in the Tower, and Court of Ex- chequer concerning Queen Gold. 4to. Land. 1668 Brief animadversions on, amendments of, and additional explana- tory Records to the Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Lawes of England, concerning the Jurisdiction of Courts, compiled by the late famous lawyer Sir Edward Cooke. Fol. Ibid. 1669 [PSEAUME, Etienne]. Dictionnaire Bibliographique, ou Nouveau Manuel du Libraire et de I'Amateur de Livres. Par jM. P * * * *. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824 Ptolomjeus. Geografia, cio6 descrittione universale della terra, nel primo de quali si contengono gli otto libri della Geografia di CI. Tolomeo nuovamente corretti da Gio. Ant. Magini. Dal Latino nell' Italiano tradotta dal R. D. Leonardo Cernoti. Fol. Void. 1598 La seconda parte, la quale contiene le moderne ancora, che mos- trano la faccia di tutta la terra infino a questa nostra eta conosciuta. Fol. Ibid. 1598 [Both parts bound in one volume.] Public Records : see Records. PUFENDORFF (Baron Samuel). The Law of Nature and Nations: or, a General System of the most important principles of Morality, Juris- prudence and Politics. Done into English by Basil Kennet, D.D. Fifth edition. Fol. Lond. i-j^q Introduction h I'Histoire Moderne, G6n6rale et Politique de I'Uni- vers; commences par le Baron de Pufendorff, augment6e par M. Bruzen de la Martini^re. Nouvelle Edition par M. De Grace. 8 vols. 4to. Paris, 1753-9 PuGH (John). A Treatise on the Science of Muscular Action. 4to. Land. 1794 PUGIN (Augustus Welby Northmore). Specimens of Gothic Architecture, selected from various Ancient Edifices in England. 2 vols. 4to. Land. 1821-3 Gothic Furniture, in the style of the 15th Century, designed and etched by A. W. N. Pugin. 4to. Ibid. 18:^5 Designs for Gold and Silver Smiths. 4to. Ibid. 18 ^b Designs for Iron and Brass Work, in the style of the 15th and lOth Centuries. 4to. Ibid. 1836 Y Y 2 ,-^48 PUG — QUA PuGiN (Augustus Welby Northmore) . Details of Antient Timber Houses of the 15th and i6th Centuries, selected from those existing at Rouen, Caen, Beauvais, Gisors, Abbeville, Strasbourg, &c. 4to. Lond. 1836 Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London : see Britton (John), 1838. Punch : or, the London Charivari. Vols. I — 77, [in 39 vols.] 4to. Lond. 1841-79 Cartoons from " Punch" : see Tenniel (John). Contributions to " Punch" : see Thackeray (W. M.), 1886. PuRCELL (John, M.D.) A Treatise of the Ch click. 8vo. Lond. \-j\/\ PuRSH (Frederick). Flora Americee Septentrionalis : or, a systematic arrangement and description of the Plants of North America. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 18 14 PuTEANUS (Erycius). De Stipendio Militari apud Romanes Syntagma. i2mo. Colonicc, 1620 [Bound with Laurentius Vallensis.] Putnam (George Palmer). American Facts : notes and statistics relative to the government, resources, engagements, manufactures, commerce, religion, education, literature, fine arts, manners and customs of the United States of America. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Pybus (Charles Small). The Sovereign. [A poem.] Addressed to His Imperial Majesty, Paul, Emperour of all the Russias. Imp. 4to. Lond. 1800 Pyrard (Fran9ois, de Laval). Voyage, contenant sa Navigation aux Indes Orientales, au Bresil, &c. Nouvelle edition, avec observations geographiques, &c. par le Sieur Du Val. 4to. Parts, 1679 " Q." qu. pseud, of A. T. Quiller CouCH : see Troy T0"VVN. QuATN (Jones, M.D.) The Muscles of the Human Body ; in a series of plates. Fol. Lond. 1836 and William J. E. WiLSON. The Vessels of the Human Body ; in a series of plates. Fol. 3td. 1837 QUA 349 QUAIN (Jones, M.D.) and William J. E. WlLSOX. The Ner\-es of the Human Body, including the Brain and Spinal Marrow, and Organs of Sense; in a series of plates. Fol. Land. 1839 [Bound with Quatn on the Muscles, 1836.] QuAiN (Jones, M.D.) The Viscera of the Human Body, including the Organs of Digestion, Respiration, Secretion, and Excretion ; in a series of plates. Fol. Ibid. 1840 [Bound is-ith QuAiN and Wilson on the Vessels of the Human Body, 1837.] QuAlN (Richard). The Anatomy of the Arteries of the Human Body, and its application to Pathology and Operative Surgery ; with a series of Lithographic Drawings, by Joseph Maclise, Surgeon. 8vo. Land. 1844 [Drawings, mounted.] Fol. Ibid. 1844 Quakers. A Collection of Acts of Parliament and Clauses of Acts of Parliament, relative to those Protestant Dissenters who are usually called by the name of Quakers, from the year 1688. 8v^o. Land. 1777 Quarterly Journal of Agriculture (The), May, 1828 — IMarch, 1842. Vols. I — 12. 8vo. Edinb. 1829-42 Quarterly Review (The), February, 1809, to the present time [October, 1892]. 175 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1809-92 General Indexes to Vols. \ — 139. 1809 — 1875. 7 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1820-76 General Index to Vols. 141 — 159. [Missing.] 8vo. Ibid. 1885 Essays from the Quarterly Review, by James Haknay, 1861, q. v V. QuATREMfeRE BE QuiNXY (Ant. Chrysostome). Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de Raphael. 8vo. Paris, 1824 Deuxifeme edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1833 — Istoria della Vita e delle Opere di Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino ; voltate in Italiano, corretta, illustrata, ed ampliata per cura di Francesco Longhena. 4to. Jlli/ana, i82g [Two copies ; one printed on green paper.] — Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages des plus cel^bres Architectes du XI' si^cle jusqu'a la fin du XVIIP. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1830 [Two copies.] 350 QUA — QUI QuATREMfeRE DE QuiNCY (Ant. Chrysostome). Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de Michel-Ange Bonarroti. 8vo. Pam, 1835 Monuments et Ou\Tages d'Art Antiques restitues d'apres les descriptions des ecrivains Grecs et Latins. 2 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1829 Dictionnaire Historique d' Architecture. 2 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1832 — Canova et ses Ouvrages, ou memoires historiques sur la vie et les travaux de ce cel^bre artiste. 8vo. Ibid. 1834 — Recueil de Notices Historiques lues dans les seances publiques de I'Academie Royale des Beaux-Arts ^ rinstitut. 8vo. Ibid. 1834 QuENARD (J. A.) Le Fumier de Ferme 61eve k sa plus haute puissance de Fertilisation et n'etant insalubre. 8vo. Paris, 1854 [Bound w-ith Thier. La Laiterie.] QuER (Don Joseph). Flora Espanola 6 historia de las plantas que se crian en Espana. 4 vols. 4to. Madrid, 1762-4 • Continuacion, ordenada, suplida, y publicada por Casim. Gomez de Ortega. 2 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1784 QUERARD (J. RI.) La Litterature Fran9aise Contemporaine, 1827 — 1849 = Continuation de la France Litteraire, par C. Louandre, F. Bourquelot et A. Maury. 6 vols, in 12 parts, 8vo. Ibid. 1840-57 [Imperfect. II. pt. 2, III. pts. I and 2, IV. pt. 2, V. pts. I and 2, VI. pt. i, are in the Library.] QuEVEDO ViLLEGAS (Francisco de). Les CEuvres de Quevedo; traduc- tion nouvelle. 2 vols, in i. i2mo. Paris, 1664 QuiCLET (M.) Voyage a Constantinople, 1665, q.v. OuiETiSTS. La Condamnation du Docteur Molinos, et de la Secte des Quietistes; Decret de la Sainte Romaine Inquisition, 28 Aoust, 1687. i2mo. s. I. 1687 [Bound with Helvetius (A.) Fie^Tes.] Quiller Couch : see Troy Town. QuiN (F. F., ]\LD.) Pharmacopoeia Homoeopathica. 8vo. Loud. 1834 QmNCY : V. De Quincy. QuiNCY : V. QuATREMfeRE DE QuiNCY. QUI — RAC 351 QUINTILIANUS (Marcus Fabius). De Oratoria Institutione libri XII., ex recensione et cum notis Claudii Capperonerii. Fol. Parts, 1725 De Institutione Oratoria Libri XII. juxta editionem Gottingensem Job. Matth. Gesneri. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxon. 1806 Institution Oratoire, [Lat., avec] traduction nouvelle, par C. V. Ouizille. 6 vols. 8vo. Prtm, 1829-35 Quotations. Dictionary of Quotations — Latin, French, Greek, Spanish and Italian, by D. E. Macdonnel, 1809, q. v. See also Adajms (H. G.) 1853. Proverbs. R. (J.) Observations upon Lord Orrery's Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift: see Delany (Patrick), 1754. Racehorses. Pedigree — Description — History. History of celebrated English and French Thorough-bred Stallions and French Mares which appeared on the turf from 1764 to 1887. By S. F. Touchstone, psettd. ; translated from the French, by C. B. Pitman. Obi. fol. Land. 1890 [1889] Newmarket and Arabia, by Roger D. Upton, 1S73, q. v. Portraits of Celebrated Racehorses, 1702 — 1870, by Thomas Henry Taunton, 1888, q.v. See also Horses. Racing. Racine (Jean). CEuvres; avec des commentaires par M. Luneau de Boisjermain. 7 vols. 8vo. Part's ct Lo7td. i-]b& CEuvres complettes ; avec le commentaire de M. De Harpe. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1807 Racing. History of the British Turf, by James Christie Whyte, 1840, q.v. Racing Register, to 1842 : see Baily, 1845. 352 RAC — RAI Racing. Laws and Practice of Horse-Racing, by the Hon. Capt. Rous, 1850, q.v. See also Horses. Racehorses. Racing Calendar (The). Races Past. By James, Edward, Charles, and J. P. Weatherby. Vols. 3 — 115. 1775— 1887. 8vo. Land. 1775 — 1887 Racing Calendar abridged, vol. 1, from the earliest time to 1750. i2mo. Lond. C. Weatherby, 1829 The Racing Calendar. Steeple Chases Past ; for the seasons 1866-71. By C, J., E., and J. P. Weatherby. [Vol. 4 missing.] Vols. I — 5. 8vo. Lond. 1867-71 RaczynSKI (Comte Athanase). Histoire de I'Art Moderne en Allemagne. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1836-41 Plates. Fol. \_Ibid. n. ^.] Radcliffe (F. p. Delme) . The Noble Science : a few general ideas on Fox-Hunting. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Radulphus de Diceto: v. Gale. Hist. Brit. Script., vol. 1. Raffaelo Sanzio : v. Raphael. Raglan (Fitzroy J. H. Somerset, Lord). — Life of Field-Marshal Lord Raglan ; with a review of the military operations in the Crimea. Reprinted from the " United Service Magazine." i2mo. Land, i?,^^ Raguse (Le Due de) : v. Marmont (Marshal), 1839. Raikes (Captain G. A.) The History of the Honourable Artillery Company. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1878-9 Raikes (Thomas). A portion of the Journal kept by Thomas Raikes, Esq., from 1831 — 1847, comprising Reminiscences of Social and Political Life in London and Paris during that period. Second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1856-7 Private Correspondence of Thomas Raikes with the Duke of Wellington, and other distinguished contemporaries ; edited by his daughter, Harriet Raikes. 8vo. Ibid. 1861 RAL — RAN 353 Ralegh (Sir Walter). Works, political, commercial, and philosophical, tog-ether with his letters and poems ; to which is prefix'd a new account of his life by Tho. Birch. 2 vols. 8vo. Lo7id. 1751 The History of the World : the second part, in six books, being a continuation of the History of the World, by Alexander Ross. Fol. Ibid. 1 65 2 The History of the World, in five books. Eleventh edition ; to which is prefix'd the life of the author, and his trial, by William Oldys. 2 vols. fol. rbid. 1736 [Two copies.] Discovery of the Empire of Guiana : see Hakluyt Society Publi- cations, No. 3. [Ralph, James]. Of the Use and Abuse of Parliaments ; in two historical discourses. [Vol. i missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1744 Rambler (The), &c. The Beauties of the Rambler, Adventurer, Connoisseur, World, and Idler. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. i-jS-j Rammler (Otto Friedrich). Universal -Briefsteller, oder Musterbuch zur Abfassung aller im Geschafts- und gemeinen Leben, so wie in freund- schaftlichen Verhiiltnissen vorkommenden Aufsiitze. 8vo. Leipzig, 1838 Ramon de la Sagra (D.) Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de rile de Cuba. Livr. i — 80. 8vo. and fol. Paris, \%},% ct ami. suiv. Texte, 8vo. Planches, fol. [The complete work is in 90 parts.] Ramsay (John). Woodnotes of a Wanderer. i2mo. ^_>r, 1848 Ramsay (Mich. And.) Histoire du Vicomte de Turenne, Mar^chal Gen6ral des Armies du Roy. 2 vols. 4to. Pam, 1735 Ramsey (Abbey of) : see Gale. Hist. Brit. Script., vol. i. Ranke (Leopold). The Ecclesiastical and Political History of the Popes of Rome during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries ; translated from the German by Sarah Austin. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1 840 Neun Biicher preussischer Geschichte. 3 vols. 8vo. Bcrl. 1847-8 z z 354 RAN — RAW Ranke (Leopold). Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg, and History of Prussia, during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries ; trans- lated from the German by Sir Alexander and Lady Duff Gordon. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Ranken (]\Iajor George). Six Months at Sebastopol, being Selections from a Journal and Correspondence ; edited by W. Bayne Ranken. 8vo. Lond. 1857 Rankesje (William John Macquorn). A Manual of Civil Engineering. 8vo. Lond. 1862 Raphael Sanzio di Urbino. Imagines Veteris ac Novi Testament! a Raphaele Sanctio Urbinate in Vaticani Palatii xystis mira picturae elegantia expressae, Jo. Jac. de Rubeis cura, ac sumptibus, delineatae, incisse, ac typis editse. Obi. fol. Roma [1674] Indicazione de' Fatti del Vecchio e Nuovo Testamento, nelle Volte delle Logge Vaticane. Nuovamente disegnati et incisi da Buoni Bulini. 4to. Ihid. 1818 I Mosaic! della Cupola nella Cappella Chigiana di S. Maria del Popolo in Roma, inventat! da Raffaele Sanzio d' Urbino ; incisi ed edit! da Lodovico Gruner, illustrati da Antonio Grifi. Fol. Hid. 1839 Opere Architettoniche ; incise e dichiarate dal Architetto Carlo Pontano. Fol. Lbid. 1845 Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de Raphael : v. QuATRE- MfeRE DE QUINCY, 1 824, &C. Rapin (Rene). La Foy des derniers si^cles. ismo. Paris, 1679 Rapin Thoyras (Paul de). The History of England, written in French ; translated into English, with notes, by N. Tindal. Third edition. 4 vols, bound in 5, fol. Lond. 1743-7 Raspe (R. E.) Catalogue of Ancient and Modern Engraved Gems, &c. : 5^1? Tassie (James), 1791. Raumer (Friedrich von). Geschichte der Hohenstaufen und ihrer Zeit. 6 vols. 8vo. Leipz. 1823-5 Italy and the Italians. [Translated from the German.] 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1840 Ramo-INSON (George). The Historical Evidences of the Truth of the Scripture Records, stated anew, with special reference to the doubts and discoveries of modern times ; in eight lectures, delivered in the Oxford University Pulpit, at the Bampton Lecture for 1859. 8vo. Oxf. 1859 RAW — REF 355 [RA'VSIXNSON, Richard]. The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury, and the Abbey Church of Bath. [Ascribed to the celebrated antiquary Richard Rawlinson, by Gough.] 8vo. Loud. 1 7 19 Real Museo Borboxico : see Boxjrbox IMuseum. Recamier (Jeanne Fran9oise Julie Adelaide). Souvenirs et Correspon- dance tires des papiers de Madame Recamier [par jNIme. Lenormant]. Troisifeme edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, i860 " Recherche, La," Voyage sur, en Islande et au Groenland, Scandinavie, Laponie, &:c. : v. Gaimard (Paul), 1838-52. 1842-56. Record COMinssiOX, Ireland. Reports [Sixth to Fifteenth] from the Commissioners respecting the Public Records of Ireland ; with sup- plements and appendixes, 1816 — 1825. Ordered b)'- the House of Commons to be printed. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1824-29 Recueil. Recueil general des questions traictees fes conferences du bureau d'adresse sur toutes sortes de mati^res, par les plus beaux esprits de ce temps. Tome i. 8vo. Paris, 1656 Recueil Historique contenant diverses pieces cvirieuses de ce temps. [Projet pour I'entreprise d' Alger. Relation des Voyages faits k Thunis par le Sieur de Bricard, etc.] i2mo. Cologne, 1666 [Ou trouve dans ce volume, depuis la page 193 jusqu'a 350, les Discours historiques et poUtiques (de Louis Du May), sur les causes de la guerre d'Hongarie, publics a Lyons, 1665, avec le nom de I'auteur.] — Barb, Recueil de diverses pieces faites par plusieurs personnes illustres. i2mo. La Haye, 1669 Redout£ (Pierre Jos.) Les Liliacees. 8 vols, in i6 pts. Fol. Paris, an VIII. [1802-16] Les Roses, avec le texte par CI. Ant. Thory. 3 vols, in 6 pts. Fol. Hid. 1817-24 Reed (Henry). English History and Tragic Poetry, as illustrated by Shakspeare. 8vo. Lond. s. a. Introduction to English Literature, from Chaucer to Tennyson. 8vo. Ibid. 1855 Rees (L. E. Runtz). A Personal Narrative of the Siege of Lucknovv, from its commencement to its relief by Sir Colin Campbell. 8vo. Lond. 1858 Refuge (Eustache de). Traicte de la Cour, ou Instruction des Courtisans. 12 mo. Leide, chcz Elscv. ib-\c) z z 2 356 REG — REP Regnault (Elias). Histoire Politique et Sociale des Principaut^s Danu- biennes. 8vo. Paris, 1855 [Regxier, Louis, Sieur de la Planche]. Histoire de I'Estat de France tant de la republique que de la religion, sous le rfegne de Francois II. 8vo. Geneve, \^ib Reid (T. Wemyss). Life of the Rt. Hon. William Edward Forster. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1888 Reider (J. C. von). Die Geheimnisse der Kunstgartnerei in alien Zweigen. 8vo. Aarau, 1843 Reiskius (J. J.) Indices Graecitatis, quos in singulos Oratores Atticos confecit J. J. Reiskius, passim emendati et in unum corpus redacti opera T. Mitchell. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxon. 1828 Religion. A Gentleman's Religion: see Synge (Edw., D.D.), 1752. Remigius (M.): v. Orationi Militari, 1660. Rene of France. Memorials of: see Ferrara (Duchess of), 1859. Rennell (James). A Map of Hindoostan, or the Mogul Empire, from the latest authorities. [Folded, in case.] Fol. Lond. i-]S& The Geographical System of Herodotus, examined and explained by a comparison with those of other ancient authors and with modem geography. 4to. Ibid. 1800 Repetti (Emanuel). Dizionario Geographic© - Fisico - Storico della Toscana. 5 vols. 8vo. Firenze, 1833-45 Supplemento. 8vo. Ibid. 1845 Appendice. 8vo. Ibid. 1846 Introduzione. 8vo. Ibid. 1846 Repton (Humphry). Sketches and Hints on Landscape Gardening. Obi. fol. Loiid. 1794 Observations on the theory and practice of Landscape Gardening. 4to. Ibid. 1803 Landscape Gardening and Landscape Architecture. New edition, by J. C. Loudon. 8vo. Ibid. 1840 assisted by J. Adey Repton. Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening. 4to. Ibid. 1816 Sketches and Hints for a new House, proposed to be situated on a Knoll in Welbeck Park, with some general observations concerning Architecture. [MSS.] Fol. 1803 RER-RIC 357 Reresby (Sir John, Bart.) Travels and Memoirs, the former exhibiting a View of the Governments and Society in the principal States and Courts of Europe during the time of Cromwell's Usurpation ; the latter containing Anecdotes, and Secret History of the Courts of Charles II. and James II. 8vo. Loud. 1 8 1 3 Retrospect of Public Affairs, i 83 i : see Annual Retrospect. Retz (Jean Fran9ois Paul de Gondy, Cardinal). Memoires, contenant ce qui s'est pass6 de remarquable en France pendant les premieres ann^es du r^gne de Louis XIV. [Vols. 2 — 4 missing.] 4 vols. i2mo. Avis/. 1 73 1 Retzsch (Moritz). Outlines to Shakspeare. First series, Hamlet, 17 plates. 4to. Lcipsic, 1828 Reusnerus (Nicolaus). Icones, sive Imagines virorum literis illustrium. 8vo. Argcntorati, 1590 Icones, sive Imagines vivae literis cl. virorum, Italiae, Graeciae, Germania?, Galliee, Anglise, Ungariae. i2mo. Basilece, 1589 [BounJ with REUSNERUS. Icones vir. literis illust. 1590.] Reynolds (Sir Joshua). Literary Works ; to which is prefixed a memoir of the author, by Henry William Beechey. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1835 Reynolds (Sir Joshua). Life and Times of: see Leslie (C. R.), 1865. Reynolds (Robert, Cook to H. G. the Duke of Portland). The Professed Cook ; adapted to the families of Noblemen, Gentlemen, or Citizens. Third edition. 8vo. Loud. 1849 Ribier (Guillaume). Lettres et Memoires d'Estat, des Roys, Princes, Ambassadeurs, et autres ministres, sous les r^gnes de Francois I., Henry II. et Fran9ois II. 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1677 RiCARDO (David). On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 18 19 [RiCCOBONi, Marie Jeanne Laboras de M^zi^res, Madame.] Lettres de Milady Juliette Catesby, k jMilady Henriette Campley, son amie. 8vo. Fratic/. et Leips. 1 759 Richard HI. Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of Richard HI. : 5^^Walpole (Horace), 1768. 358 RIC Richard (Louis Claude Marie). Commentatio Botanica de Coniferis et Cycadeis. Opus posthumum, ab Achille Richard filio perfectum et in lucem editum. Fol. Stutg. 1826 Richard (jNI. Paulin) : v. Contemporains Etrangers, 1826. Richards (Alfred Bate). Poems, Essays and Opinions. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1851 Second series. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1852 Richardson (Charles). A New Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1836-7 A new Dictionary of the English Language, combining explanation with etymology, and illustrated with quotations from the best autho- rities. 2 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1844 New Dictionary of the English Language. Third edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1849 Richardson (Charles James). Architectural Remains of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I., from accurate drawings and measurements taken from existing specimens. Pts. I and 2, and Appendix, in i vol. fol. Lond. 1840 [Four parts of this work were published.] Studies from Old English Mansions, their furniture, gold and silver plate, &c. Fol. Ibid. 1841 Second series. Fol. Ibid. 1842 Richardson (George). New Designs in Architecture; consisting of plans, elevations and sections for various Buildings, comprised in 44 plates. [In English and French.] Fol. Lond. 1792 Richardson (James). Travels in the great Desert of Sahara, in the years 1845 and 1846. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Richardson (John). A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic and English; with a Dissertation on the Languages, Literature and Manners of Eastern Nations. Fol. Oxf. 1777 Richardson (John) assisted by William Swainson and the Rev. William KiRBY. Fauna Boreali-Americana ; or, the Zoology of the Northern parts of British America. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. & Nonvich, 1829 Richardson (Jonathan). Traite de la Peinture, et de la Sculpture. [Traduit de I'Anglais par Uytwerf, et revu par Rutgers le jeune et Tenkate.] 3 vols, in 4. 8vo. Avist. 1728 Richardson (Joseph). The Rolliad, \^i2,q.v. RIC-RIT 359 Richelieu (Jean Armand Du Plessis, Cardinal Due dc). Les principaux poincts de la Foy Catholique, defendus centre I'escrit address^ au Roy par les quatre Ministres de Charenton. 4to. Pan's, 1642 Instruction du Chrestien. Fol. /did. 1642 Richelieu (Louis Fran9ois Armand du Plessis de). Vie Priv6e du Mar6- chal de Richelieu, contenant ses amours et intrigues. Nouvelle edition. [Vols, i and 3 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Pan's, 1 790-1 Richer (L.) L'Ovide Bouffon, ou les IMetamorphoses burlesques. Livres i — 3, in i vol. 4to. Part's, 1 650-1 RlCHJlONT) (Charles Gordon Lennox, fifth Duke of). I\Iemoir. 8vo. Lond. 1862 RiCHTER (Jean Paul Fr.) Flower, Fruit and Thorn Pieces : or, the mar- ried life, death, and wedding of the advocate of the poor, Firmian Stanislaus Siebenkas. Translated from the German by Edward Henry Noel. 2 vols. 8vo. Lcipz. 1871 RiCKMAN (Thomas). An attempt to discriminate the styles of Archi- tecture in England, from the Conquest to the Reformation. Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Rider (Cardanus). British Merlin, 1704. i2mo. Lond. 1704 RiDOLFl (Carlo). Le Maraviglie dell' Arte, overo le vite degl' illustri pittori Veneti e dello stato. 2 parts, in i vol. 4to. Vcnetia, 1648 RlGHETTl (Pietro). Descrizione del Campidoglio. 2 vols, in 4 pts. fol. Roma, 1833-6 RiNGUELET (Ph.) Systfeme M^trique. 8vo. Chalon, i^j,^ RlPA (C^sar). Iconologie, ou Nouvelle Explication de plusieurs images, emblfemes, et autres figures hyerogliphiques des vertus, des vices, &c. moralisees par J. Baudouin. 4to. Pan's, ib-j-j RiSSO (A.) et A. Poiteau. Histoire Naturelle des Grangers. 2 parties, fol. Pan's, 1818 RiTSON (Joseph). A select Collection of English Songs, with their ori- ginal airs ; and a historical essay on the origin and progress of National Song. Second edition, by Thomas Park. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1813 36o RIV — ROB RrvERS (Thomas). The Rose Amateur's Guide. Fourth edition. 8vo. Loud. 1846 Ninth edition. 8vo. Ibid, i^b-j The Miniature Fruit Garden : or, the culture of Pyramidal and Bush Fruit Trees. Fourteenth edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1867 The Orchard House : or, the cultivation of Fruit Trees under glass. Thirteenth edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1867 Roberts (Alexander, D.D.) Discussions on the Gospels, in two parts. Part I. On the language employed by Our Lord and his Disciples. Part II. On the original language of St. ]\Iatthew's Gospel, and on the origin and authenticity of the Gospels. Second edition. 8vo. Cambr. 1864 Roberts (Barre Charles). Letters and Miscellaneous Papers. 4to. Lond. 1 814 Roberts (David, R.A.) The Holy Land : Syria, Idumea, &c., from drawings made on the spot by David Roberts, R.A., with historical descriptions by the Rev. George Croly. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1842 [Two copies. Proof and coloured.] Egypt and Nubia from drawings made on the spot by David Roberts, R.A., with historical descriptions by William Brockedon. 3 vols. fol. Ibid. 1846-9 [Two copies. Proof and coloured.] Roberts (I.) The Young Cook's Guide. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Roberts (William). Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Mrs. Hannah More. Second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834 Robertson (David). A Tour through the Isle of Man ; with a Review of the Manks History. 8vo. Lond. 1794 Robertson (Hon. Patrick, Lord). Leaves from a Journal, and other fragments in verse. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Robertson (William, D.D.) Works. 8 vols. 8vo. Oxf.\%z;^ The History of Scotland, during the reigns of Queen Mary and of King James VI., till his accession to the Crown of England. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1759 The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. [Vols. 2 and 3 missing.] 3 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1769 ROB 361 Robertson (William). Dictionary of Latin Phrases. New edition, with additions. 8vo. Loud. 1829 Robillard-P£roxville. Le Musee Fran9ais : recueil complet des Tableaux, Statues, Bas-Reliefs qui composent la Collection Xationale; public par Robillard-Peronville et Laurent. 4 vols, in 8 pts. Fol. Paris, 1803-9 Le Mus6e Fran^ais. Discours Historique par Robillard-Peronville et Laurent. [No title.] Fol. [s. I. eta., circa 18 ii] Seconde Serie. Le Mus^e Royal, public par Henri Laurent, ou Recueil de Graviires d'apr^s les plus beaux Tableaux, Statues et Bas-Reliefs de la Collection Royale. 2 vols, in 4 pts. Fol. Paris, 181 6-1 8 Robin, Poor : see Almanack. ROBDJ Hood Society. The History of the Robin Hood Society, in which the origin of that illustrious body of men is traced. 8vo. Loud. \-]b\ Robins (Benjamin) : 5^e Anson (George, Lord), 1748. Robinson (Edward, D.D.) Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testament. New edition, by S. T. Bloomfield, D.D. 8vo. Zo«(/. 1839 Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai and Arabia Petreea ; a journal of travels in 1838, by E. Robinson and Eli Smith. With maps and plans in five sheets. 3 vols., and a case of maps, 8vo. Ibid. 1841 Robinson (Frederick). Diary of the Crimean War. 8vo. Lofid. iS^b Robinson (H. B.) Memoirs of Lieut. -Gen. Sir Thomas Picton, 1836, q. v. Robinson (J. C.) South Kensington Museum. Italian Sculpture of the ^liddle Ages and Period of the Revival of Art. A descripti\-e Catalogue of the Works forming the above Section of the Museum. 8vo. Loud. 1862 Robinson (John, D.D.) Archseologia Grasca, or the Antiquities of Greece. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. iSz-j Robinson (P. F.) Vitruvius Britannicus. History of Woburn Abbey, illustrated, &c. [Plates on India Paper.] Fol. Lond. 185^ — History of Hatfield House, illustrated, &c. [Plates on India Paper.] Fol. /l>id. 1833 3 A 362 ROB — ROG ROBIKSON (P. F.) Vitruvius Britannicus. History of Hardwicke Hall, illustrated, &:c. [Plates on India Paper]. Fol. Land. 1835 History of Castle Ashby ; illustrated by plans, elevations, and internal views, from actual measurement. [Plates on India Paper.] Fol. Ibid. 1841 Robinson (William Davis). Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution, in- cluding a narrative of the expedition of General Xavier Mina. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1821 ROBIQUET (F.) Nouvel Atlas du Royaume de France. Obi. fol. Part's, 1841 ROBSON (William). The Old Play-Goer. 8vo. Lond. 1846 ROCCA (Bernardin Piacentino, detto il Gamberello). Imprese, Strata- gemi, et Errori Militari. 4to. Vincgia, 1566 La seconda parte del Governo della Militia. 4to. Ibid. 1570 La terza parte del Governo della Militia. 4to. Ibid. 1570 [The three parts bound in i vol.] ROCCHEGGIANI (Lorenzo). Raccolta di cento Tavole rappresentanti i Costumi Religiosi, Civili e Militari, degli Antichi Egiziani, Etruschi, Greci e Romani. 2 vols. fol. Roma, 1804 ROCHEFORT (Le Pfere Cesar de). Histoire Naturelle et Morale des lies Antilles de I'Amerique. 4to. Rotter d. 1681 ROCHEFOUCAULD: V. La ROCHEFOUCAULD. [RoCHE-Gun,HEM, Mademoiselle de la]. Histoire des Favorites sous plusieurs r^gnes, par Mademoiselle D * * *. i2mo. Avist. 1697 ROCOLES (Jean Baptiste de). Abreg6 de THistoire de I'Empire d'Alle- magne, son origine, ses revolutions. i2mo. Cologne, i6-jg [Bound with MESSINA, 1676.] La Fortune Marastre de plusieurs Princes et Grands Seigneurs de toutes nations. i2mo. Lcjde, 1683 RocQUE (John). A new and accurate Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, the Borough of Southwark, with the country about it for nineteen miles in length and thirteen in depth. Fol. Lond. 1748 Rogers (Elisa). The Lives of the Twelve Caesaxs. 5 vols. 8vo. Lo7id. 181 1 ROG — ROM 363 Rogers (Henry). Essays, selected from contributions to the " Edinburgh Review." 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Rogers (]Major Robert). Journals; containing an account of the Excur- sions made under the Generals who commanded upon the Continent of North America during the late War. 8vo. Lond. 1765 Rogers (Samuel). Recollections of the Table-Talk of Samuel Rogers; to which is added Porsoniana. Third edition, by A. Dyce. 8vo. Lond. 1856 Recollections. 8vo. Ibid. 1859 Rogers (William). Reminiscences of William Rogers, Rector of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate; compiled by R. II. Hadden. 8vo. Lond. 1888 Roget (Peter Mark) . Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1855 Rolandi (Giambattista). Saggio del Teatro Italiano Modemo. 2 vols. i2mo. Lotidra, 1822 Vol. I. — Coramedie. ,, II. — Tragedie. Rolle (Henry). Un Abridgment des plusieurs Cases et Resolutions del Common Ley. 2 vols, in i, fol. Lond. 1668 ROLLIAD (The), in two parts : Probationary Odes for the Laureatship and Political Eclogues and Miscellanies. [By Joseph Richardson and others.] Twenty-second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1812 ROLLIN (Charles). Histoire Romaine depuis la fondation de Rome jusqu'a la Battaille d'Actium, c'est a dire jusqu'a la fin de la Repu- blique. 16 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1738-48 De la IManifere d'enseigner et d'etudier les Belles Lettres. 4 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 1748 Rolls of Parliament, Edw. I.— 19 Hen. VII. : see Parliament. Roma. Veduta di Roma, Joseph. Zocchi delin. Florent., J. A. Pfeifel sculp. 24 folded plates. 4to. [Circa \bo6] Discorsi molto curiosi e politichi intomo all' interessi di Roma, di Francia e di Spagna. i2mo. Co/vgtiia, ibb& [Bound with CoRNARO, Louis, I703-] 3 A 2 364 ROM — ROQ Roma. L' Ambasciata di Romolo a Romani, nelle quale vi sono annessi tutti Trattati, &c. sopra gli interessi di Roma, durante la sede- vacante cominciando da giorno della morte di Clemente Nono sino al giorno della creatione di Clemente Decimo, con la vita, processo, e sentenza di Francesco Borri. lamo. Coloma, 1676 Conjectures politiques sur le Conclave de 1700, et sur ce qui s'est passe a Rome, pendant la maladie, et apr^s la mort du Pape Innocent XII, pour I'election d'un successeur. i2mo. Par7iic, i-joo Descrizione di Roma Antica. Tomo I. 8vo. Roma, i-]iq Tomo II. Roma Moderna. 8vo. Ibid. 17 19 Roma, antica e moderna. 3 vols. 8vo. Ibtd. 1750 SCRIPTORES HiSTORLE ROMANS LATINI VETERES, 1743-8, g. V. Le Grand Cabinet Romain : v. La Chausse (Mich. Ange de), 1706. Guglia di S. Pietro : v. St. Peter, Rome, 1723. Musei Capitolini : v. Capitolium, 1748-55. Vedute di Roma : v. PiRANESi (G. B.), 1770. Roman Catholics. Debates in both Houses of Parliament in April, 1 812, on motions made by the Earl of Donoughmore and the Rt. Hon. Henry Grattan for a Committee to inquire into the State of the Laws imposing Civil Disability on His Majesty's Roman Catholic Subjects. 8vo. Land. [181 2] Rome : v. Roma. ROMILLY (Sir Samuel). Memoirs of the Life of Sir Samuel Romilly, written by himself; with a selection from his correspondence, edited by his sons. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1 840 ROOKE (Hayman). Description and Sketches of some remarkable Oaks in the Park at Welbeck, in the County of Nottingham, the Seat of His Grace the Duke of Portland. 4to. Lond. \-]()o [Two copies.] ROQUES (Joseph). Histoire des Champignons comestibles et ven^neux. Deuxi^me edition. 8vo. Parts, 1841 Atlas. 4to. Ibid. 1 84 1 ROS 365 Rosa (Salvator). Satire ; con le note di Anton Maria Salvini, e di altri. 1 2 mo. Londra, 1781 ROSASPDJA (Francesco). La Pinacoteca della Pontificia Accademia delle Belle Arti in Bologna, disegnata ed incisa da Francesco Rosaspina. Bound in 2 vols. fol. Bologna, 1830 ROSCIO (Giulio), ed altri. Ritratti et Elogii di Capitani lUustri, descritti da Giulio Roscio, Monsig. Agostino RIascardi, Fabio Leonida, Ottavio Tronsarelli & altri. 4to. Roma, 1646 ROSCOE (Thomas). Lives of the Kings of England from the Xorman Conquest. Vol i [William the Conqueror]. Svo. Land. 1846 [No more published.] RoscoE (William). RIonandrian Plants of the Order Scitamineae; chiefly drawn from living specimens in the Botanic Garden at Liverpool. I vol. in 2 pts. Fol. Liverpool, 1828 Roscommon (Wentworth Dillon, Earl of). Works, [poetical]. 1 2 mo. Glasg. 1753 Rose (Rt. Hon. George). The Diaries and Correspondence of the Rt. Hon. George Rose ; containing original letters of the most distin- guished statesmen of his day. Edited by the Rev. Leveson Vernon Harcourt. 2 vols. Svo. Land, i860 Rose (Rev. Hugh James). A New General Biographical Dictionary. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1857 Inscriptiones Graecae Vetustissimae : vide INSCRIPTIONES, 1825. RoSELLESa (II Dott. Ippolito). Monumenti dell' Egitto e della Nubia, disegnati dalla Spedizione Scientifico Letteraria Toscana in Egitto, illustrati dal Cav. Prof Ippolito Rosellini. Parts i — 38 ; [parts 39 and 40 missing.] Plates. 3 vols. fol. Pisa, 1832-44 Texte — Parte I. Monumenti Storici, 4 vols, in 5 parts, Svo. 1832-41. II. Monumenti Ci^ili, 3 vols. Svo. 1834-6. III. Monumenti del Culto, I vol. Svo. [This part is missing.] [The plates reproduce the same designs as the Monuments de I'Egyptc de Champollion le Jeune, but the text was written for this Italian publication.] ROSINI (Giovanni). Storia della Pittura Italiana esposta coi monumenti da Giovanni Rosini. 7 vols, bound in 6, 8vo. Pisa, 1839-47 Plates. 4 vols, (in 2) fol. Ibid. 1839-47 Supplemento. Fol. Ibid. 1847 366 ROS — ROW ROSMINI ROVERETANO (Carlo de). Dell' Istoria di Milano. 4 vols. 4to. Milano, 1820 Ross (Alexander). The History of the World, the second part, in six books ; being a continuation of the famous History of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight. Fol. Lond. 1652 See also Ralegh (Sir Walter). Ross (Rev. John Lockhart). Traces of Primitive Truth in the principal Nations of the World. 8vo. LoJid. 1858 Ross (Uilleam). Collection of Pipe Music. New edition. 4to. ^. /. 1875 Rossi (Dom. de). Romanae Magnitudinis Monumenta, quse urbem illam velut redivivam exhibent, a Dom. de Rubeis. Fol. Romm, 1699 Raccolta di Statue antiche e moderne, colle sposizioni di Pauolo Alessandro Alaffei. Fol. Ibid. 1 704 [Vol. 2] Sposizioni soprale Statue, coll' indice delle materie. Fol. Ibid. 1 704 [Two copies.] Rossi (Gius. Ign.) La Libreria Mediceo-Laurenziana : v. RuGGiERl (F.) 1755- Rossini (Luigi). Le Antichita di Pompei. Fol. Roma, 1830 ROTULI PARLIAMENTORUil : see PARLIAMENT. ROUARGUE (A.) Venise, ses principaux Monuments. Fol. Paris, s. a. Rous (Admiral the Hon. Henry John). On the Laws and Practice of Horse Racing. i2mo. Land. 1850 Rousseau (Jean Jacques). Recueil des CEuvres de Musique. 8vo. {Paris, circa 1760] Rowlands (Henry). Mona Antiqua Restaurata : an archaeological dis- course on the antiquities of the Isle of Anglesey, the antient seat of the British Druids. 4to. Diibl. 1723 [Two copies.] The History of the Island of Anglesey, serving as a Sup- plement to Rowlands' Mona Antiqua Restaurata ; with memoirs of Owen Glendowr. 4to. Lond. 1775 ROX — RUF 367 Roxburgh (William). Plants of the Coast of Coromandel ; selected from drawings and descriptions presented to the Hon. Court of Directors of the East India Company. 3 vols, in 6, fol. Land. 1795 — 181 9 Royal Agricultural Society. Journals, vols. 1—25. Zo«(/. 1840-64 Second Series, vols, i — 24, and vol. 25, pt. 2. 8vo. Ibid. 1865-89 General Index, vols. 1 1 — 20, Second Series. 8vo. Ihid. 1885 Third Series. Vol. i, pt. 3. 8vo. Ihid. 1890 Royal Gallery of Art (The) : ancient and modern engravings from the private collections of Her Majesty the Queen, and H.R.H. Prince Albert, and the Art Heirlooms of the Crown at Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace, and Osborne. Edited by S. C. Hall. Proof copy, on India paper. Fol. Land. 1854-61 Another copy. Royal Artist's Proofs, on India Paper. 100 copies only printed. Half grand Eagle paper. Folio. Ibid. 1854-61 Royaumond (Sieur de). L'Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament. 8vo. Paris, 1701 [Cet ouvTage a etc attribue a L. Is. Le Maitre de Sacy ; mais il est plutot de Nic. Fontaine.] Brunet, IV. 1433. Royle (J. Forbes, M.D.) The Fibrous Plants of India fitted for cordage, clothing and paper ; with an account of the cultivation and prepara- tion of flax, hemp, and their substitutes. 8vo. Loud. 1855 RUAU : V. Du RuAU. RUBEIS (Dom. de) : v. R0S.SI. RUBEIS (Jo. Jac. de) : v. Bellori (G. P.), 1690, 1824. Rubens (Sir Peter Paul) . — Papers illustrative of the Life of : see Sains- bury (W. Noel), 1859. [Ruffini, Giovanni]. Lorenzo Benoni ; or passages in the life of an Italian. Edited by a Friend. Svo. £din6. 185s 368 RUG — RUS RUGGIERI (Ferdinando). Scelta di Architetture antiche e moderne della citta di Firenze. Edizione seconda, pubblicata ed ampliata da Giu- seppe Bouchard. Vols. I — 3, fol. Firenze, 1755 Tomo 4, pt". I. Piante ed alzati dell' insigne Chiesa di S. Maria del Fiore metropolitana Fiorentina, misurati e delineati dal senatore Gio. Batista Nelli, composta da Gio. Batista Clemente Nelli. Fol. Ibid. 1755 Tomo 4, pt''. 2. La Libreria Mediceo-Laurenziana : archi- tettura di Michel Agnolo Buonarroti, disegnata e illustrata da Giuseppe Ignazio Rossi. Fol. Hid. 1755 RULLMANN (Dr. G. C. W.) Description de la Ville de Wiesbade et de ses eaux thermales ; traduite de rAllemande par M. Graffenauer. i2mo. Wieshade, 1827 RUMFORD (Benjamin [Thomson or Thompson], Count of). Essays, poli- tical, economical and philosophical. Fourth edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Land. 1798 RUMPHIUS : ^v. Blume (C. L.) 1848. RUPERTI (G. Alex.) Commentarius in Taciti Annales. 8vo. Lojid. 1825 RUPPELL (Dr. Eduard). Zoologische Atlas zu der Reise im nordlichen Afrika. Herausgegeben von der Senkenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft. [20 pts.] Fol. Frmikfurt a. Alain, \%2b-io Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehorig, entdeckt und beschrieben von Dr. Eduard Riippell. Fol. Ibid. 1835-40 Systematische Ubersicht der Vogel Nord-Ost-Afrikas. 8vo. Ibid. 1845 Rush (Richard). The Court of London from 1819 to 1825. Edited by Benjamin Rush. 8vo. Lond. 1873 RuSHWORTH (John). Historical Collections of Private Passages of State, Weighty Matters in Law, Remarkable Proceedings in five Parliaments, from 1 61 8 to 1648 ; also the Tryal of Thomas Earl of Strafford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, upon an Impeachment of High Treason. 8 vols. fol. Lond. ib^q — 1701 Another edition. [Fine copy.] 8 vols. fol. Ibid, it 21 RUS 369 [RUSKIN, John]. Modem Painters : their superiority in the art of land- scape painting to all the ancient masters, proved by examples of the true, the beautiful, and the intellectual from the works of modem artists. By a Graduate of Oxford. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1 844 [ ] Modem Painters. 5 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1846-60 [\'ol. I, 3rd edit. ; vols. 2—5, ist edit.] The Seven Lamps of Architecture. [First edition]. Svo. /^/t/. 1849 — Examples of the Architecture of Venice ; selected and drawn to measurement from the edifices. [India proofs.] Parts i — 3, [no more published]. Fol. Ibid. 1851 — The Stones of Venice. [First edition.] 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. \%^\-i Russell (Rt. Hon. John, Earl). Memorials and Correspondence of Charles James Fox, 1853-7, q. v. The Life and Times of Charles James Fox. [Vols. 2 and 3 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1859-66 Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence of Thomas MOOPIE, 1853, q.v. Recollections and Suggestions, 1813-73. 8vo. Lond. 1875 Russell (Rev. John). — A Memoir of the Rev. John Russell, and his out- of-door life. By the author of " Dartmoor Days." Svo. Lond. 1878 Russell (Lady Rachel). Letters, from the manuscript in the Library at Woburn Abbey; to which is prefixed an introduction vindicating the character of Lord Russell against Sir John Dalrj^mple. 4to. Lond. 1773 Letters. 2 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 1S19 Letters. 2 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1853 Observations on the Memoirs of Great Britain, by Sir John DALRYJIPLE, \-]-il,q.Z'. Russell (Robert). Xorth America, its agriculture and climate; con- taining observations on the agriculture and climate of Canada, the United States, and the Island of Cuba. Svo. Edinb. i2>^-] 3 B 370 RUS — RYS Russell (William, Lord). Vindication of the Character of, against Sir John Dalrymple : see Russell (Lady Rachel), 1773, 1853. Russell (William Howard, LL.D.) The War : from the landing at Gallipoli to the death of Lord Raglan. 8vo. Lojid. 1855 General Todleben's History of the Defence of Sebastopol, 1854-5: a Review by W. H. Russell. 8vo. Idt'd. 1865 The British Expedition to the Crimea. 8vo. lii'd. iSj-j My Diary in India, in the year 1858-9. 2 vols. 8vo. Hid. i860 Canada; its defences, condition and resources. 8vo. Ik'd. 1865 Russia. Russia seu INIoscovia, itemque Tartaria, commentario topo- graphico atque politico illustratae. i2mo. Lugd. Bat., Elzev. 1630 The Armed Strength of Russia. [A translation of " Die Wehr- craft Russlands," published at Vienna, 1871, by the Austrian War Department.] 8vo. Lond. {War Office), 1873 RuTHERFORTH (Thomas, D.D.) An Essay on the Nature and Obligations of Virtue. 4to. Cainb. 1744 Ryan (George). The Lives of our Heroes of the Crimea. 8vo. Lond. 1855 Rycaut (Sir Paul). Histoire de I'Etat present de I'Empire Ottoman; traduite de I'Anglais de Mons. Ricaut, par Mons. Briot. i2mo. Ainst 1671 Rye (Walter). Paper Chasing. (Badminton Library) : see Shearman (Mont.) Athletics and Football, 1887. Ryley (Gulielmus). Placita Parliamentaria : Pleadings in Parliament, with the Judgments thereon, in the reigns of Edward I. and Edward II. With an Appendix, containing copies of Statutes, Ordinances, Forms of Writs, Petitions in Parliament, &c. Fol. Loud. 1661 Rymsdyk (John and Andrew van). Museum Britannicum : or, a display in thirty-two plates, in antiquities and natural curiosities in the British Museum, after the original designs from nature. Second edition, revised and corrected by P. Boyle. Fol. Lond. 1791 Ryswick, Peace of. Noms et Qualitez des Ambassadeurs, Plenipoten- tiaires, &c. qui se trouvent au Congr^s de la Paix G^nerale a Ryswyk. i2mo. La Haye, 1697 [Bound mtli Framce. Veridicus Gallicus, 1671.] SAC — SAI 371 Sabellico (Marcantonio) : v. VE>rETiA, 1722. Sackwlle (Thomas, Lord Buckhurst). Poetical Works; edited by Robert Bell, 1854; with Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey's Poetical Works, 1854, q.v. Saddle Horses. On the Deteriorated Condition of our Saddle Horses ; the causes and the remedy. i2mo. Lond. 1853 [Sade, Jacques Fran9ois Paul Aldonce, Abb6 de]. Memoires pour la Vie de Fran9ois Petrarque ; tires de ses CEuvres et des auteurs contempo- rains, avec des notes. 3 vols. 4to. Anist. '[/ivignon'\ 1764-7 Sadler (P.) The Art of Polite Correspondence, English and German. i2mo. Leipzig & Laiid. \ji. d., circa 1830] [Sage, John, Bishop of the Episcopal Church of Scotland.] A Vindica- tion of a Discourse [by John Sage], entituled. The Principles of the Cyprianic Age, with regard to Episcopal Power and Jurisdiction. 4to. Lond. 1 701 Sagra : V. Ramon de la Sagra. Sail-Making. The Art of Sail-making, as practised in the Royal Navy, and according to the most approved methods in the Merchant Servnce. Third edition. 8vo. Lojtd. 1821 [Bound with Shipwright's Vade-Mecum.] Sainsbury (W. Noel). Original unpublished Papers illustrative of the Life of Sir Peter Paul Rubens, as an artist and a diplomatist ; pre- served in H. M. State Paper Office. With an appendix of documents respecting the Arundelian Collection ; the Earl of Somerset's Collec- tion ; the Great Mantuan Collection ; the Duke of Buckingham, Gentileschi, Gerbier, Honthorst, Le Sueur, Myttens, Torrentius, Van- derdoort, &c. 8vo. Lofid. 1859 Saint Amand (]Marc Antoine de Gerard, Sieur de). La Rome Ridicule. [Fr. et Ital.] i2mo. s. I., s. a. [circa 1645] [Bound with Laurentius Vallensis.] Saint- Arnaud (Arnaud Jacques Leroy de). Lettres du Marechal de Saint-..\rnaud. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1855 Saint-Evremond (Charles Margotelle de Saint-Denys, Sieur de). Miscellaneous Essays, translated out of the French. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1692-4 Reflexions sur les divers g^nies du peuple Remain dans les divers temps de la Republique. 8vo. Paris, i-jgs 3 B 2 372 SAI Saint Gelais (Jean de). Histoire de Louys XII, Roy de France, jusques enl'ani5io. 4to. Paris, ibzi Satnt-Hilaire (J. Barthelemy). Egypt and the Great Suez Canal: a narrative of travels. 8vo. Loud, i?,^-] St. John (Bayle). The Louvre, or Biography of a ]\Iuseum. 8vo. Lond. 1855 St. John (James Augustus). Louis Napoleon, Emperor of the French : a biography. 8vo. Lond. 1857 St. John (Spencer). Life in the Forests of the Far East. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1862 Saint Julien (Pierre de). De I'Origine des Bourgongnons et antiquite des estats de Bourgongne. Fol. Paris, \b^\ St. Leonards (Lord) : see Sugden (Sir Edward Burtenshaw). Saint Martin (M.) Universal Chronologist : j^e Boyle (Henry), 1826. Saint Michael, Order of. Le Livre des Statuts & Ordonnances de rOrdre Sainct Michel, estably par le treschrestien Roy de France Loys unzieme de ce nom. 4to. [Paris, vers 1550] St. Peter, Rome. Discorso sopra il Nuovo Ornato della Guglia di S. Pietro, all' Eminentiss. e Reverendiss. Sig. Cardinale Albani, del tit. di S. Clementi. Fol. Roma, 1723 Saint-Remy (Surirey de) : see Surirey de Saxnt-Remy (Pierre). Saint-Simon (Louis de Rouvroi, Due de). Memoires, ou I'Observateur v^ridique sur le R^gne de Louis XIV. [Vol. 3 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Lojid. 1788 Supplement. 4 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1789 Memoires ; publies par MM. Ch^ruel et Ad. Regnier fils ; avec une notice de M. Sainte-Beuve. [Vols. 20 and 21 missing.] 21 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1873-86 Saint-Victor (J. B. de). Tableau Historique et Pittoresque de Paris, depuis les Gaulois jusqu'i nos jours. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1808-9 SAI-SAN 373 Saint Vincent. Notice et Justification du tiltre et bonne foy avec la- quelle Ton a estably la colonie du Sacrement de S. Vincent k S. Gabriel, sur les bords du Rio de la Pratta. i2mo. Suivaiit la copie de Lishonne, 1681 [Bound with NETHERLANDS. Sentimens Veritables, 1689.] Sainte-Beua^e (C. a.) ' Causeries de Lundi. [Vol. 9 missing.] 15V0IS. 8\'o. Paris, 1852-62 Nouveaux Lundis. Vols, i — 5, 7 — 10, and 13. 8vo. Ibid. 1863-72 Portraits de Femmes. Nouvelle edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1858 Derniers Portraits Litteraires. 8vo. Ibid. 1858 Portraits Litteraires. Nouvelle edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1862 Sainte-Palaye (Jean Baptiste de la Cume de). Memoirs of the Life of Froissart, with an essay on his works and a criticism on his histor)^ Translated from the French by Thomas Johnes. 8vo. Land. 1801 Sale (Lady). A Journal of the Disasters in Affghanistan, 184 1-2. 8vo. Land. 1843 Salisbury. History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of: see Rawlestson (Richard), 17 19. Sallust. Observations sur Saluste et Tacite. i2mo. [_s. I. et a., circa 1670] [Bound with Recueil de diverses Pieces, 1669.] Salluste, Jules Cesar, C. Vell^ius Paterculus et A. Florus ; ceuvres completes, avec la traduction en Fran9ais, publiees sous la direction de M. Nisard. 8vo. Paris, 18 t,-] Salmon (Nicholas). The Chronological Historian. Third edition. [Vol. 2 missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1747 Salnove (Robert de). La V^nerie Royale. 4to. Paris, 1665 Salvini (Anton. Maria). Raccolta di Prose Italiane. 3 vols. 8vo. Milano, 1808 SAilMES (Aylett). Britannia Antiqua Illustrata : or, the Antiquities of Ancient Britain, derived from the Phcenicians. Fol. Loud, ib-b Sanctius (Franciscus), Minerva, sive de Causis Latinae Linguae Com- mentarius ; cum animadversionibus Gasp. Scioppii et Jac. Perizonii. 8vo. Franeq. 1693 374 SAN Sand (Georges), pseud, for Madame A. L. A. Dudevant, nee Dupin, q. v. Sanders (William Bliss). Examples of Carved Oak Woodwork in the Houses and Furniture of the 1 6th and 1 7th Centuries. Fol. Loud. 1883 Sanderson (George) . Map of the Country twenty miles round Mansfield, 1835. [Cut up, unmounted, in 8vo case.] Sanderson (G. P.) Thirteen Years among the Wild Beasts of India. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1879 Sandford (Francis). A Genealogical History of the Kings of England, and Monarchs of Great Britain, &c. from the Conquest, anno 1066, to the year 1677. Fol. The Savoy, \t'Ti A Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of England, from the Conquest anno 1066; continued to the year 1707, with additions and annotations, by Samuel Stebbing. Fol. Lond. 1 707 The History of the Coronation of James II. and of his Royal Consort Queen Mary, 23 April, 1685. Fol. Ihid. 1687 Sandford (John). Parochialia : or, Church, School, and Parish. The Church System and Services practically considered. 8vo. Lond. 1 845 Sandoval (Prudencio de). The Civil Wars of Spain, in the beginning of the reign of Charles V., Emperor of Germanie, and King of that nation ; put into English from the Spanish, by Cap. James Wads- worth. Fol. Lond. 1652 Sandrart (Joach. von). Sculpturae veteris admiranda, sive delineatio vera perfectissimarum statuarum. Fol. Norimb. 1680 Academia nobilissimae artis pictoriae, sive de veris et genuinis hujusdem proprietatibus, etc. Fol. Ibid. 1683 Sandricourt, i.e. F. Eudes Mezeray, q. v. Sandwith (Humphry, M.D.) A Narrative of the Siege of Kars, and of the six months' resistance by the Turkish Garrison under General Williams to the Russian Army. 8vo. Lond. \%^t Sanford (John Langton) and Meredith Townsend. The Great Governing Families of England. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1865 SAN — SAV 375 [Sanson, Jacques]. L'Histoire G6n6aIogique des Comtes de Pontieu et Maieurs d' Abbeville, par I. D. J. M. C. D. [Ignace de J^sus Maria, Carme d^chausse, ne Jacques Sanson]. Fol. Paris, 1657 Santa Cruz de Marzenado (Le Marquis de). Rt^flexions Militaires et Politiques. 12 vols. i2mo. La Hay e, 1735-40 Sarpi (Fra Paolo). Opera, con vita. [Vols. 2 — 6 missing.] 6 vols. 1 2 mo. Ve7ict. 1688 [ ] The History of the Quarrels of Pope Paul V. with the State of Venice ; translated out of the Italian, by C[hristopher] P[otter]. 4to. Land. 1626 Histoire du Concile de Trente ; traduite de I'ltalien, par Jean Diodati. Seconde Mition. Fol. Troyes, \t^^ traduite de I'ltalien, avec des notes, &c., par Pierre Fran9ois Le Courayer. 2 vols. 4to. Anist. 1736 Sartoris (Adelaide). A Week in a French Country-House. 8vo. Lond. 1867 Saturday Magazine (The). Vols, i — 20, [bound in 10]. July, 1832 — June, 1842. Fol. Lond. Soc. for Prom. Chrtsdati Knoxv., 1832-42 Saulcy (Louis Felicien Joseph Caignart de). Narrative of a Journey round the Dead Sea and in the Bible Lands, in 1850 and 1851 ; trans- lated from the French, and edited by Count Edward de Warren. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853 Saumaise (Claude de). Apologie Royale pour Charles I, Roy d'Angle- terre. 4to. Paris, 1650 Saunter (J. de). La Parfaite Connoissance des Chevaux, leur anatomie, leurs bonnes et mauvaises qualitez, &c., continu^e par Gaspard de Saunier. Fol. La Hayc, \ii\ [Sau\'AGE, Denis]. Les Memoires de Messire Olivier de la Marche [mis en lumiire par Denis Sauvage], avec les annotations et corrections de J[ean] L[autens] D[e] G[and]. 8vo. Gand, 1567 Annales et Chroniques de France : v. GiLLES (Nicole), 1560. Savage (William). Practical Hints on Decorative Printing. [L. P.] 4to. Lond. 1822 A Dictionary of the Art of Printing. 8vo. Ibid. 1 84 1 376 SAV — SCH Savary Desbrulons (Jacques) : see Postlethwayt (M.), i75i-5- Savi (Gaetano). Flora Italiana, ossia raccolta delle piante piu belle che si coltivano nei giardini d' Italia. 3 vols. fol. Pisa, 1818-24 Saxe (Le Marechal de). Esprit des Lois de la Tactique at de differentes Institutions Militaires, ou notes contenant plusieurs nouveaux syst^mes sur I'art de la Guerre ; comment^es par M. de Bonneville. 2 vols. 4to. La Haye, 1762 Saxon Chronicle : see Chronicon Saxonicum, 1692. Saxony (Charles Aug., Grand Duke of). Briefwechsel des Grossherzogs Carl August von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach mit Goethe in den Jahren von 1775 bis 1828. 2 vols. Bvo. Weimar, 1863 Scaffold (The) lately erected in Westminster Hall. A poem. Fol. Land. 1701 SCAMOZZi (Vincenzo). Idea dell' Architettura Universale. 2 vols, [in i], fol. Venet. 1695 Scapula (Joannes). Lexicon Graeco-Latinum. Editio nova, cui accesse- runt D'Orvillii animadversiones, selectissimae etiam D. Scotti, et Appendix Askeviana dicta, consilio et cura J. Bailey, opera et studio J. R. Major. 4to. Lond. 1820 Lexicon Graeco-Latinum, e probatis auctoribus locupletatum. Fol. Ox. e iypog. Clarcnd. 1820 Scaramouche, La Vie de : v. Constantini (Le Sieur Angelo), 1695. Scarron (Paul). Le Virgile travesty en vers burlesques. 2 pts. in 2 vols. i2mo. Suivant la copie imprimee d, Paris, 1668 The whole Comical Works of Mons. Scarron, translated by ]\Ir. Thomas Brown, Mr. Savage, and others. Third edition. Fol. Lond. 1 7 12 Scharf (George). List of Pictures in Blenheim Palace, 1862, q. v. Schaufelbergerus (Joannes). Nova Clavis Homerica; cujus ope aditus ad intelligendos sine interprete Iliadis libros omnibus recluditur. 4 vols, [in 2]. 8vo. Ttirici, 1 761-5 SCHEDEL (J. C.) VoUstandiges allgemeines Waaren-Lexicon fiir Kauf- leute, u. s. w. Fiinfte Auflage, 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1834-5 SCHEFFER (J.) Histoire de la Laponie, sa description, I'origine, les moeurs, &c., traduite du Latin par L. P. A. L. [Le P. Augustin Lubin]. 4to. Paris, 1678 [La traduction des cinq premiers chapitres de cet ouvTage est de P. Richelet.] SCH 377 SCHELLERUS (Imman. Jo. Gerh.) Prsecepta Styli bene Latini inprimis Ciceroniani, seu Eloquentiae Romanaj quatenus hsec nostris tempo- ribus in dicendo et scribendo usurpari potest. Editio tertia. 2 parts, 8vo. Lipsim, 1797 Schiller (Friedrich von). Sammtliche Werke, mit Stahlstichen. 12 Bande, 8vo. Stuttgart u. Tubingen, 1835-6 Sammtliche Werke. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1 840 Sammtliche Gedichte. (Interleaved with Sir Edw. Bulwer Lytton's English translation.) 2 vols. 8vo. Miinchen & Lond. 1831, 1844 CEuvres Dramatiques. Traduction de M. de Barante. 8vo. Paris, 1842 History of the Thirty Years' War in Germany. Translated from the German by James Marriott Duncan. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1828 William Tell, a play; translated from the German. 8vo. Ibid. 1829 Italian Translations of several of his works : v. Maffei (Andr.) 1842-7. Schilling (Gustav.) Franz Liszt, sein Leben und Werken. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1844 SCHILTBERGER (Johann). Bondage and Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 1396 — 1427 : see Hakluyt Society Publications, No. 58. SCHLESWlG. Factum pour Son Alt. Seren. jNIons. le Due de Slezwick et Holstein contre le Traite de Rensbourg, 10 Juillet, 1675. Trad, du Latin. i2mo. J. /. 1677 SCHLIPF (J. A.) Populares Handbuch der Landwirthschaft. Dritte Auflage. 8vo. Rcutlingen, 1847 SCHOEPFLINUS (Jo. Dan.) Alsatia lUustrata Celtica, Romana, Francica. 2 vols. fol. Colmari(£, 1751-61 SCHOON^BECK (Adrien). Histoire des Ordres Religieux de I'un et de I'autre sexe, avec figures. 2 vols. 8vo. Avist. 1688 SCHOTTIUS (Andreas). Itinerarum Italiae. 2 vols, [in i] 12 mo. Amst. 1555 SCHREVELius (Comelius). Lexicon manuals Graeco-Latinum et Latino- Graecum. 8vo. Amst. 1685 Greek Lexicon, translated into English. Second edition, with an English and Greek Lexicon, edited by Rev. J. R. Major. 8vo. Land. 1831 3C 378 SCH — SCO Schubert (Dr. Gotthilf Heinrich von). Reise in das Morgenland, in den Jahren 1836 u. 1837. 3 vols. i2mo. Erlangen, 1838-9 Reminiscences of the Life, with some of the Letters, of Her Royal Highness, H^l^ne Louise, the late Duchess of Orleans. Translated from the German. Svo. Bath, 1859 Schuyler (Eugene). Turkistan: notes of a journey in Russian Turkistan, Khokand, Bukhara, and Kuldja. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1876 Scotland. Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland, from the first Parliament of King James I. of Scotland, to the fourth Session of the first Parliament of Queen Anne, 1424 — 1706. [Commonly called the " Scots Acts."] 3 vols. i2mo. Edinh. 1682-3, 1731 [There is a dup. copy of vols, i and 2.] The Acts and Orders of the Meeting of the Estates of the Kingdom of Scotland, holden and begun at Edinburgh, 14 March, i68g; col- lected by John, Lord Beilhaven, and others. Fol. Ibid. 1690 An Index, or Abridgement of the Acts of Parliament, from K. James I., of Scotland, to K. Charles IL i2mo. Ibid. 1685 [Bound with the second vol. of the dup. copy of " Scots Acts."] Political State of Scotland, 1788 and 1789. MS. 6 vols. 8vo. The New Statistical Account of Scotland ; by Ministers of the respective parishes under the superintendence of a Committee of the Society for the Benefit of the Sons and Daughters of the Clergy. 15 vols. Svo. Ediiib. 1845 The Atlas of Scotland, containing Maps of each County. Fol. W. Blackwood, Edinb. & Lond. 1832 Rerum Scoticarum Historia: v. Buchananus (Georgius), 1697. — History of the Kingdom of Scotland, to the Union : see Wallace (James), 1724. — Relations Politiques de la France et de I'Espagne avec I'Ecosse au XVI'' sifecle : v. Teulet (Jean B. A. T.), 1862. — Episcopacy in Scotland, 1849, q. v. — Journal of Agriculture : see HIGHLAND SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND. — Ballads of Scotland : see Aytoun (Wm. Edmondstoune), 1858. SCO 379 Scott (Adam Cunningham). " Our Brigade": a sketch of the formation and history of the ist Lanarkshire Artillery Volunteers. 8vo. Glasg. 1886 Scott (Charles Henry). The Baltic, the Black Sea, and the Crimea : comprising travels in Russia, a voyage down the Volga to Astrachan, and a tour through Crim Tartary. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1854 ScOTT (Sir George Gilbert). Remarks on Secular and Domestic Archi- tecture, present and future. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. i8$8 Personal and Professional Recollections, edited by his son G. Gilbert Scott. 8vo. Idid. 1879 ScOTT (John). History of the Church of Christ ; intended as a continua- tion of the work of the Rev. Jos. Milner, and the Very Rev. Isaac Milner, D.D. 3 vols. 8vo. Lofid. 1828, 32, 31 See also Milner (Rev. Jos., D.D.), 1834. Scott (Rev. Thomas). The Holy Bible : see Biblia Sacra, 1850. Scott (Sir Walter, Bart.) The Waverley Novels. The Border edition. With introductory essays and notes, by Andrew Lang, supplementing those of the Author. Vols. 1 and 2, [to be completed in about 48 vols.] 8vo. Loud. Nimmo, 1892- Poetical Works. 12 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1833-4 [Two copies.] [Another edition]. 8vo. Ibid. 1847 8vo. Ibid. 1848 The History of Scotland. (Lardner's Cabinet Hi.story.) 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1832-5 Periodical Criticism. 5 vols. i2mo. Edinb. 1835-6 Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott : by J. G. Lockhart, q. V. 7 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1 83 7 Second edition. 10 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1839 Another edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1845 3C2 38o SCO — SEB Scott (Mrs. Ware). Lamington past and present. (Privately printed.) 4to. \_£(iliul).'] 1878 SCOTTO (Francesco). Itinerario d' Italia. 8vo. Roma, i-](>i Scribe (Eugene). Tonadillas, ou Historiettes en action. Premiere s^rie. 2 vols. i2mo. Brux. 1838 SCRiPTORES HiSTORLs; ROMANS Latini Veteres qui extant omnes, notis variis illustrati, a Car. Henr. de Klettenberg et Wildeck in unum redacti corpus ; edente et accurante Bennone Casp. Haurisio. 3 vols. fol. HeidclbergcB, 1743-8 Scripture Truth confirmed and cleared. i2mo. s. I. 1676 SCRIVERIUS (Petrus). Principes Hollandiae et Westfrisise, ab A.C. 863 usque ad ultimum Philippum Hispaniarum Regem, aeri omnes incisi et descripti. Imp. 4to. Harlemi, P. Sotdmaii, it^o SCROPE (G. Poulett). Memoir of the Life of the Rt. Hon. Charles, Lord Sydenham, with a narrative of his Administration in Canada. Second edition. 12 mo. Loud. 18-14 ScROPE (William). The Art of Deer-Stalking. 8vo. Lond. iS^g " Scrutator " : pseud, of K. W. Horlock, ^. v. SCRYMGEOUR (Daniel). The Poetry and Poets of Britain, from Chaucer to Tennyson ; with biographical sketches, &c. 8vo. Edinb. 1 850 SCUDERY (Geo. de). Les Femmes Illustres, ou les harangues h6roiques de Monsieur de Scudery. 2 vols, in i. 4to. Paris, 1644 [This work is by Mad"" de Scudery, wlio published it under the name of her brother.] ScuDERY (Magdeleine de). Artamenes, or the Grand Cyrus ; an excellent new romance ; Englished by F. G. 3 vols, bound in i, fol. Loud. 1653-4 Seamanship, both in theory and practice. Second edition. 8vo. Land. 1807 Sebastopol. Siege de Sebastopol. Journal des Operations du Genie, publie avec I'autorisation du Ministre de la Guerre, par le General Niel. 4to. Paris, 1858 Atlas. Eleph. fol. 72/^.1858 Guerre d'Orient. Si^ge de Sebastopol. Historique du Service de I'Artillerie 1854-6, publie par ordre de Son ExcelP le IMinistre de la Guerre. Tomes i et 2. 4to. Strasb. 1859 Atlas. Obi. 4to. Paris, iS^g SEB — SEG 381 Sebastopol. Journal of the Operations conducted by the Corps of Royal Engineers. Published by Order of the Secretary of State. 2 vols. 4to. Lojid. 1859 Part I. From the Invasion of the Crimea to the Close of the Winter Campaign, 1S54-5, by Capt. H. C. Elphinstone, R.E. 2. From Feb. 1855 to the fall of Sebastopol, Sept. 1855, by Maj.-Gen. Sir Harrj- D. Jones, R.E. An Account of the Artillery Operations conducted by the Royal Artillery and Royal Naval Brigade before Sebastopol, 1854, 55, com- piled under the direction of Maj.-Gen. Sir R. Dacres, by W. Edmund M. Reilley. 4to. Ibid. 1859 Lettres du IMar^chal de Saint-Arnaud, 1855, q. v. Life in the Trenches, by Major Whitworth Porter, 1856, q. v. Six Months at Sebastopol, by Major George Ranken, 1857, q. v. Engineers' Operations — Maps and Plans. In a 4to case. L'Expedition de Crimee : v. BAZA^'COt^RT (Baron de). Gen. Todleben's History of the Defence of: see Russell (Will. Howard), 1865. See also Crimea. Sebright (Sir John Saunders, Bt.) Observations upon Hawking ; de- scribing the mode of breaking and managing the several kinds of Hawks used in Falconry. 8vo. Loud. 1828 SECTS: sec Christian Sects, 1846. Seemann (Berthold) : see Botany, Journal of, 1863-9. Segar (Sir W.) Baronage: j^'^ Edmondson (Joseph), 1784. Segur (Louis Philippe, Comte de). Histoire Ancienne, comprenant I'histoire des Egj'ptiens, des M^des, des Perses, &c. Septieme edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1843 Histoire Romaine, depuis la fondation de Rome jusqu'i la fin du r^gne de Constantin. Septieme edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1843 Histoire du Bas-Empire, comprenant I'histoire des empires d'Occi- dent, d'Orient, Grec, Latin, &:c. Septieme edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1843 Memoires ou souvenirs et anecdotes. Deuxi6me Edition. [Tome 1, no more of this edition published ; there is a complete edition in 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827.] 8vo. Ibid. 1825 382 SEG — SEN Segur (Le G^n^ral Comte Philippe Paul de). Histoire de Napoleon et de la Grande- Armee pendant I'annee 1812. Sixi^me edition, aug- mentee de I'examen critique de M. le General Gourgaud. 2 vols. 8vo. Briix. 1825 Selby (Prideaux John). Illustrations of British Ornithology. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1833 Plates. 2 vols. fol. Ibid. [1834] Selden (John). Of the Dominion, or Ownership of the Sea, two books ; translated from the Latin, and set forth with some additional Evidences and Discourses, by Marchamont Nedham. Fol. Lond. 16^2 [Title cut out.] Titles of Honor. Third edition. Fol. Ibid, it"] 2 — The Reverse, or Back-Face of the English Janus : to wit, all that is met with in story concerning the Common and Statute Law of English Britanny. Rendered into English by Redman Westcot l_z.e. Adam Littleton]. Fol. Ibid. 1672 — England's Epinomis. Fol. Ibz'd. 1683 [Bound with Selden. Janus Anglonim.] Two Treatises, the first of the Original of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Testaments : the second, of the Disposition or Administration of Intestates' Goods. Fol. Ibid. 1683 [Bound with Selden. Janus Anglonim.] Senior (Nassau William). Political Economy. [Encyclop. Metrop.] i2mo. Glasg. 1850 A Journal kept in Turkey and Greece, 1857-8. 8vo. Loud. 1859 Biographical Sketches. 8vo. Ibid. 1863 — Journals kept in France and Italy, from 1848 to 1852 ; with a sketch of the Revolution of 1848 ; edited by his daughter, M. C. M. Simpson. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1871 SEN — SEW 383 Sexior (Nassau William). Conversations with M. Thiers, M. Guizot, and other distinguished persons during the second empire. Edited by M. C. ]\I. Simpson. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1878 Correspondence and Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with N. W. Senior, 1834-59: see Tocqueville (Alexis de), 1872. SeNLIS : V. GOULART DE SeXLIS. Sensi (Gaspard). La Armeria Real: -'. Jubinal (Achille), 1839. Serampore Mission: see Marshman (John Clark), 1859. Sergeant (Lewis). New Greece. 8vo. Lond. [1878] Serradifalco (Domenico Lo Faso Pietrasanta, Duca di). Del Duomo di Monreale e di altre Chiese Siculo-Normane ragionamenti tre. Fol. Palermo, 1838 Serranus (Joannes). Gasparis Colinii Castillonii, Magni quondam Franciae Amarillii vita. 12 mo. s.l. 1575 [Bound with B^vnesius. De Postremis Gallire, 1586.] De rimmortalite de I'Ame, representee par preuves certaines et par les fruicts excellens de son vrai usage. 8vo. Lyon, 1596 Inventaire general de I'Histoire de France depuis Pharamond jusques a present. Fol. Paris, 1 63 1 Serres (Jean de) : v. Serranus (Joannes). Servin (M.) : V. Henry III, Roi de France, 1663. Settle (Elkanah). Rebellion display'd : or, our present distractions set forth in their true light. An heroic poem. Fol. Loud. i-]i^ SEUiiE (J. G.) Sammtliche Werke. 12 vols. 4to. Let'pz. \?,2b-^ Severani da S. Severino (Giov.) Roma Sotterranea : v. Bosio (Ant.) 1632. SfiviGNE : V. De Sevign£. SfeVRES, La Manufacture Royale de Porcelaine de : v. BroNGNIART (Alex.) 1845. Sewtel (William). The History of the rise, increase, and progress of the Christian People called Quakers. Fol. Lo7id. \-] 22 Dictionary, English-Dutch and Dutch-English. 2 vols, in I, 4to. Arnst. 1735 384 SEW— SHA Sewell (Anna). Black Beauty : the autobiography of a Horse. Thirty- first edition. 8vo. Land, {circa 1877] Sewers. Statutes relative to the Sewers within Westminster, and part of Middlesex. Svo. Lond. i-]qb Seyd (Ernest). California and its resources. Svo. Lond. 1858 Seyssel (Claude de), Jean d'AuTON et autres. Histoire de Louys XII, Roy de France, depuis I'an 1498 jusques a I'an 15 15. Mise en lumi^re par Theodore Godefi-oy. 4to. Paris, 1 6 1 5 Shaftesbury (Anthony, Earl of). Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. Fifth edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Birtn. J. Baskerville, 1773 Shakespeare (William). Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, His- tories and Tragedies. Published according to the true Originall Copies. The Second Impression. Fol. Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Robert Allot, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Blacke Beare in Pauls Church-yard, 1632 Second impression. (Another copy.) Fol. Ibid. 1632 — Mr. William Shakespear's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies ; published according to the true original copies, unto which is added, seven Plays never before printed. Fourth edition. Fol. Lond. ib?,^ — Works ; with an account of the life and writings of the author, by N. Rowe. 6 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1709 — The Works of Shakespear ; collated and corrected by Mr. Pope. 6 vols. fol. Ibid. 1725-3 — The Works of Shakespear ; by Mr. Pope and IVIr. Warburton. [Vols. 5 and 8 missing.] S vols. Svo. Ibid. 1747 — Works ; collated and corrected, with notes, explanatory and critical, by Lew. Theobald. 7 vols. Svo. Ibid.\-]ii — Works. [Vols. 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 missing.] 9 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 1760 Plays and Poems. Edited by Edmond Malone. [Vol. 9 missing.] 10 vols, in II. Svo. Ibid. 1790 SHA 385 Shakespeare CWilliara). Plays and Poems, with the corrections and illustrations of various commentators ; comprehending a life of the Poet and an enlarged History of the Stage, by Edmond IMalone. 21 vols. 8vo. Loiid. 1 82 1 Dramatic Works, revised by George Steevens. 9 vols. fol. Ihid. 1 802 Plays and Poems ; with a life, glossarial notes, &c. Edited by A. J. Valpy. 15 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1832 [Vols. 14 and 15 missing.] The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspere. Edited by Charles Knight. 8 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1838-43 The Family Shakspeare, by Thomas Bowdler. Seventh edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1839 Shakespeare, von G. G. Gervinus. 4 vols, in 2. 8vo. Leipzig, 1849-50 Poems. With a memoir of Shakespeare, by the Rev. Alex. Dyce. (Aldine Poets, vol. 20.) i2mo. Loud. 1842 Poems, edited by Robert Bell. i2mo. Ibid. 1855 The Prefaces of Pope and Johnson to the Dramatic Works of Shakespeare. 4to. s. I. et a. [circa 1 830] — A Collection of Prints fi-om Pictures painted for the purpose of illustrating the Dramatic Works of Shakespeare, by the Artists of Great Britain. 2 vols, in i, large fol. Lond. John Jos. Boydell, 1803 — Illustrations of, by Francis DouCE, q. v. — Outlines to Shakespeare— Hamlet : see Retzsch (Moritz), 1828. — Critical Observations on several Plays of Shakespeare : see Davies (Thomas), 1785. — Shakespeare's Dramatic Art, and his relation to Calderon and Goethe: see Ulrici (Dr. Herm.) 1846. — Inquiry into the authenticity of certain papers attributed to Shake- speare : 5^:1? Maloxe (Edmond), 1796. 3 D 386 SHA Shakespeare (William). The Wisdom and Genius of Shakespeare: see Price (Rev. Thomas), 1S38. Legal Acquirements of: see Campbell (John, Lord), 1859. Shakespeare and his Times, by Nathan Drake, 181 7, ^. v. Shakspeare et son temps : v. GuizOT (Frangois P. G.) 1852. Remarks on J. P. Collier's and Charles Knight's editions of Shakespeare : see Dyce (Rev. Alex.), 1844. Complete Concordance to Shakespeare : see Clarke (Mrs. Cowden), 1845. — Dictionary of Shakespeare Quotations : see Walbran (C. J.) 1849. Shakespeare Jest Books ; reprints of the early and very rare Jest Books supposed to have been used by Shakespeare. I. A Hundred Mery Talys. II. Mery Tales and Quicke Answeres. Edited with introduc- tion and notes, by W. Carew Hazlitt. 8vo. Lond. 1864 Shakespeare Society's (The) Papers. Vol. 4. 8vo. Lond. 1849 [This volume contains 19 miscellaneous articles on Shakespearian and other dramatic subjects.] Sharp (Richard). Letters and Essays in prose and verse. Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1834 Sharpe (R. Bowdler, F.Z.S., &c.) Monograph of the Paradiseidae, or Birds of Paradise; and Ptilonorhynchidae : see GouLD (John), 1891- Sharpe (Samuel). The History of Egypt, from the earliest times till the Conquest by the Arabs, A.D. 640. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Shaw (Henry). Illuminated Ornaments selected from Manuscripts and Early Printed Books from the sixth to the seventeenth centuries, with descriptions by Sir Frederick Madden. Fol. Lond. 1833 Specimens of Ancient Furniture drawn from existing authorities, with descriptions by Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick. Fol. Ibid. 1836 Details of Elizabethan Architecture. Fol. Ihid. 1839 Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages. 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 1 843 SHA — SHI 387 Shaw (Henry). Alphabets, Numerals and Devices of the Middle Ages. Fol. Loud. 1845 [Two copies.] The Decorative Arts, Ecclesiastical and Civil, of the Middle Ages. Fol. Ibid. 1 85 1 Shaw (Lachlan). The History of the Province of Moray. 4to. Edinb. 1775 Shaw (Patrick). Digest of Cases decided in the Supreme Courts of Scotland, 1800-52. Vols, i — 3. 8vo. Edinb. 1843-52 [This Digest has been continued in a Liter edition to July, 1885.] Shaw (Thomas, D.D.) Travels, or Observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant. Fol. Loud. \-j^& Shaw (Thomas B.) Outlines of English Literature. Sv^o. Loud. 1849 Shaw (Thomas George). Wine, the Vine, and the Cellar. 8vo. Land. 1863 Second edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1864 Shearman (Montague). Athletics and Football; with a contribution on Paper-Chasing, by W. Rye. (Badminton Library). Svo. Lo/id. iSS'] Sheil (Richard Lalor). Sketches, legal and political, edited with notes, by M. W. Savage. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1855 Shelley (Percy Bysshe). Poetical Works, edited by ISIrs. Shelley. 3 vols. i2mo. Land. 1847 Works, edited by Mrs. Shelley. 8vo. Ibid. 1850 Shelvocke (Captain George). Voyage round the World, by the way of the great South Sea, perform'd in the years 1719, 20, 21, 22. Svo. Land. 1726 [Sherer, Major Moyle]. Recollections of the Peninsula. By the author of " Sketches of India." Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1^24 Sheridan (Right Hon. Richard Brinsley). Speeches, edited by a Con- stitutional Friend. 5 vols. Svo. Loud. \8 lb Works. 2 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1821 Sheridan (Thomas). The Life of the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin. Svo. Lo>td. i-j 84 Shipwright's Vade-mecum (The) : a clear and familiar introduction to the principles and practice of Ship-building. Second edition. Svo. Lu?id. 1822 3T> 2 388 SHI — SIE Shire Horse Stud Book. Vols. 6, 7, ii ; 1885, 86, go. 8vo. Shuttleworth (Philip Nicholas, Bp. of Chichester). A paraphrastic Translation of the Apostolic Epistles ; with notes. Second edition. 8vo. Oxf. 1 83 1 Sibthorp (Johannes). Florae Grsecae Prodromus : sive Plantarum omnium enumeratio quas in provinciis aut insulis Graeciae invenit Joh. Sib- thorp. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1806 Flora Graeca: sive Plantarum Rariorum Historia, quas in pro- vinciis aut insulis Graeciae legit, investigavit, et depingi curavit. Characteres omnium, descriptiones et synonyma elaboravit Jacobus Edvardus Smith. 10 vols. fol. Ihid. 1806-40 [This book is very rare ; the impression was limited to 25 copies.] Sicily. Narrazione delle Solenni Reali Feste fatte celebrare in Napoli da sua Majesta il Re delle Due Sicilie Carlo, Infante di Spagna, Duca di Parma, &c., per la nascita del suo primogenito Filippo Real Principe delle Due Sicilie. Fol. Napoli, 1 749 SiDMOUTH (Hen. Addington, first Viscount). Life and Correspondence : see Pellew (Hon. G.), 1847. Sidney (Sir Philip). The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. Thirteenth edition. Fol. Lotid. 1674 [Two copies.] Memoirs of the Life and Writings of: see ZOUCH (Thomas, D.D.), 1808. Sidney (Samuel). Gauge Evidence: the history and prospects of the Railway System illustrated by the evidence given before the Gauge Commission. 8vo. Loud. 1846 See also Sydney. SiEBOLD (Dr. Ph. Fr. de). Flora Japonica, sive Plantae quas in Imperio Japonico coUegit, descripsit, ex parte in ipsis locis pingendas curavit Dr. Ph. Fr. de Siebold. Sectio prima, continens plantas ornatu vel Usui inservientes ; digessit Dr. J. G. Zuccarini. 2 vols. fol. Lzigd. Bat. 1835-70 SlENA. Raccolta delle piu Celebri Pitture esistenti nella citta di Siena. Fol. Firenze, 1823 SIG— SIN 389 SiGOXros (Carolus, Mutiensis). Fasti Consulares, ac Triumphi Acti, a Romolo Rege usque ad Ti. Csesarem. i2mo. Oxon. 1801 Silesia. Atlas Silesiae, id est Ducatus Silesise, auctoritate publica emis- sus ab Homannianis heredibus. Fol. Norimb. \-]^o SiLHON (Jean de). Divers M6moires concernant las derniferes Guerres d'ltalie ; avec trois trait6z qui n'ont point encore este viis. Tome premier. [No more published.] i^mo. Pan's, ibbq SiLVA Y FiGUEROA (Garcia de) : v. Figueroa. SlLVESTRE (J. B.) Paleographie Universelle: Collection de Fac-Simile d'Ecritures de tous les peuples et de tous les temps. 4 vols, in 8 pts., fol. Pan's, 1841 SiMCOE (Lieut.-Col.) A Journal of the Operations of the Queen's Rangers from the end of the year 1777 to the conclusion of the late American war. 4to. Excfcr, [1787] SiMOND (L.) Switzerland : or a journal of a tour and residence in that country in the years 181 7, 18, and 19. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1822 Simpson (John Hawkins). Napoleon III. on England. 8vo. Loud, i860 Simpson (AVilliam). The Seat of War in the East, from Drawings taken on the spot by William Simpson. First and second series. [Part 4 of I St series missing.] Fol. Lond. 1855-6 Descriptive Sketches illustrating William Simpson's Draw- ings of the Seat of War in the East. First series, [in sheets], by George Brackenbury. 4to. /did. 1855 SiNCERUS (Jodocus). Itinerarium Galliae. i2mo. Gmcvic, \b2-; Sinclair (Catherine). Scotland and the Scotch : or, the Western Circuit. 8vo. Edinb. 1840 Shetland and the Shetlanders : or, the Northern Circuit. 8vo. Ibid. 1840 Popish Legends, or Bible Truths. 8vo. Lond. 1852 Sinclair (George). Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis. Fourth edition, to which is added the Weeds of Agriculture. 8vo. Lond. \8^,2, 390 SIN — SME Sinclair (Sir John, Bt.) Code of Agriculture ; including observations on gardens, orchards, woods and plantations. Fifth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1832 SiSSON (F.) Beauties of Sherwood Forest : a Guide to the Dukeries and Worksop. i2mo. Worksop, 1888 SiXTUS v., Pope. Vita : v. Let: (Gregorio), 1721. Skelton (Joseph). Engraved Illustrations of Ancient Arms and Ar- mour : see Meyrick (S. R.) 1830. Skinner (Stephanus). Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanse. Fol. Lond. \bi\ Slade (Adolphus). Travels in Germany and Russia ; including a steam voyage by the Danube and the Euxine from Vienna to Constantinople, in 1838-9. 8vo. Lond. 1840 Slave Trade. The Jamaica Movement for promoting the enforcement of the Slave Trade Treaties, and the Suppression of the Slave Trade. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Sleeman (Maj.-Gen. Sir W. H.) A Journey through the Kingdom of Oude, in 1849-50. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1858 Sleidan (Jean). Commentaires tou chant les quatre principaux Empires du monde, a s9avoir de Babylone, Perse, Grfece, Rome ; le tout traduit par Rob. le Prevost. [Title missing.] Fol. \Gcncve, 156 1-3] CEuvres ; traduits de nouveau en Fran9ois par Pierre Fran9ois le Courrayer. 3 vols. 4to. La Haye, 1767 Slezer (John). Theatrum Scotiae ; containing the prospects of their Majesties Castles and Palaces, together with those of the most con- siderable Towns and Colleges, the Ruins of many Ancient Abbeys, Churches, Monasteries and Convents, with a short description of each place. Fol. Lond. 1693 Sloane (Hans, M.D.) A Voyage to the Islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, St. Christophers and Jamaica ; illustrated with figures. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1707 Smeaton (John). Reports made on various occasions in the course of his employment as a Civil Engineer. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1812 SME — SMI 391 S-NffiDLEY (Rev. Edward), W. Cooke Taylor, Rev. Henry Thompson', and Elihu Rich. The Occult Sciences : sketches of the traditions and superstitions of past times, and the marvels of the present day. (Encyclop. Metrop.) i2mo. Glasg. 1855 Smles (Samuel). Lives of the Engineers, with an account of their principal works. 3 vols. 8vo. Land. 1861-2 S>nTH (Adam, LL.D.) An Inquiry into the nature and causes of the Wealth of Nations. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. \-j-,t> New edition ; with a life of the author. 3 vols. Svo. Edinb. 181 7 S.\nTH (Albert). A Month at Constantinople. Third edition. Svo. Loud. 1851 The Story of Mont Blanc. i2mo. Ibid. i9>S2, Smith (Alexander). Poems. Second edition. 8vo. Lo7id. 1853 Smith (Andrew). Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa. 5 vols. 4to. Lond. 1849 Smith (Charles H. J.) Parks and Pleasure Grounds : or, practical notes on Country Residences, Villas, Public Parks, and Gardens. 8vo. Lond. 1852 SiHTH (Charles John). Historical and Literary Curiosities, consisting of Fac-similes of original documents, scenes of remarkable events and interesting localities, and the birth-places, residences, portraits and monuments of eminent literary characters, &c. 4to. Lond. 1840 SiOTH (George, Bishop of Victoria, Hongkong) . Ten Weeks in Japan. 8vo. Lond. 1 86 1 Smith (James). Memoirs, Letters, and Comic Miscellanies in prose and verse of James Smith, one of the authors of " The Rejected Ad- dresses" ; edited by his brother Horace Smith. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1840 Smith (John). A Catalogue Raisonne of the Works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters ; with biographical notices, the prices at which the pictures have been sold, &c., &c. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829-37 SiHTH (John Thomas). Nollekens and his times: comprehending a life of that celebrated sculptor, and memoirs of several contemporary artists. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1828 i 392 SMI Smith (L.), H. Hamilton, and E. Legros. International English and French Dictionary. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1865 Vol. I. English-French. II. French-English. Smith (Maj.-Gen. IMichael W.) A Treatise on Drill and Manoeuvres of Cavalry, combined with Horse Artillery. Svo. Lond. 1865 Smith (Philip Anstie). A History of Education for the English Bar; with suggestions as to subjects and methods of study. Svo. Lond. i860 Smith (R. Baird). Italian Irrigation : a Report on the Agricultural Canals of Piedmont and Lombardy. With Maps. 2 vols, [bound in 3] 8vo. Lond. 1852 Smith (Rev. Sidney). Works. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839-40 New edition. Svo. Ihid. 1850 Smith (Rev. Thomas). A new and complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. 4to. Lond. 1820 [Bound with Brown's (Rev. J.) Diet, of the Bible.] Smith (Thomas). Extracts from the Diary of a Huntsman. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Smith (William). A New Voyage to Guinea. Svo. Lond. \-ji,i The History of the Province of New York from the first discovery to the year 1732. 4to. Ibid. 1757 Smith (William, LL.D.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Svo. Lond. 1842 Second edition. Svo. Ihid. 1 848 Second edition ; another copy. Svo. [bound in 2 parts]. Ibid. 1S53 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. 3 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1844-9 New Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and Geo- graphy. Svo. Ibid. 1S50 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. 2 vols, [bound in 5 pts.] Svo. Ibid. 1S54-7 Dictionary of the Bible ; comprising its antiquities, biography, geography, and natural history. 3 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1860-3 Smith (William J.) Synopsis of the Origin and Progress of Architecture ; with a dictionary of general terms. 8vo. Lond. 1 83 1 SMI — SOM 393 Smithers (Rev. W. Collier). The Classical Student's Manual. Second edition. 8vo. Loud. 1827 SillTHSON (David J.) Elocution and the Dramatic Art. 8vo. Loud. \^%-j Smollett (Tobias, M.D.) Miscellaneous Works ; with memoirs of his life and writings, by Robert Anderson. Sixth edition. [Vols. 3 — 6 missing.] 6 vols. 8vo. Edinh. 1820 The History of England. 5 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1827 Smyth (Coke). Sketches in the Canadas. Fol. Ztjwof. [1839] SjnfTH (George Lewis). Ireland; historical and statistical. [Vol. 3 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1844, 7, g Smyth (Warington W.) A Treatise on Coal and Coal Mining. 8vo. Land. 1867 S^nfTH (Rear-Admiral William Henry). The Mediterranean ; a memoir, physical, historical, and nautical. 8vo. Land. 1854 Smythe (Hon. George Sydney). Historic Fancies. 8vo. Loud. 1844 SOAXE (Sir John). Plans, elevations, and sections of Buildings executed in Norfolk, Suffolk, Yorkshire, &c. Fol. Land. 1788 S0A\^ (Pierre), i.e. Sarpi, q. v. Soldier. Scenes from the Life of a Soldier on active service. I. The Austrian Campaign in Piedmont, 1849, translated from the German of F. W. Hacklander. II. Notice of the Defence of Temeswar. HI. The Camp of the Ban. 8vo. Loud. 1850 SOLEMNE (David de). La Charge du Mareschal des Logis tant general que particulier, soit de toute une arm^e de cavallerie et infanterie en g^n^ral que d'une brigade et regiment de pied et k cheval. P'ol. Hagcc Com. 1632 SOLIER (Fran9ois). Histoire Ecclesiastique des Isles et Royaumes du Japon. 4to. Paris, ibzj [SOMERS, John, Lord]. Histoire brieve de la Succession de la Couronne d'Angleterre ; ^crite pour la satisfaction du Comte de H [alifax] ; trad. de I'Anglois. i2mo. Scion la copy de Londrcs, \bi\ [Bound with Galardi. La TjTannie Heurcuse, 1671.] 3 E 394 SOM — SOP SOMERS (Robert). The Southern States [of America] since the War, 1870-1. 8vo. Lo7id. 1871 SOMERVILE (William). The Chace : a poem. 4to. Land. \ii^ SOMNER (William). Antiquities of Canterbury. Second edition, revised and enlarged by Nicolas Battely. Fol. Zowrf. 1703 Songs. Songs from the Dramatists, edited by Robert Bell. i2mo. Land. 1854 English Songs : see RiTSON (Jos.) 18 13. Ancient Ballads and Songs of the Peasantry of England : see Bell (Robert), 1857. — Scots Songs, set to music, by William Thomson, 1733, q. v. Anthologie Fran9oise, ou Chansons choisies, 13" — 17^ si^cle : V. MONNET (Jean), 1765. See also Ballads. SONNERAT (Pierre). Voyage ^ la Nouvelle Guinee. 4to. Paris, i-]-]t Sophocles. Quas exstant omnia, cum veterum Grammaticorum scholiis ; superstites Tragcedias VII. recensuit, versione et notis illustravit Rich. Franc. Phil. Brunck. [Vol. i missing.] 2 vols. 4to. Argeniorati, 1786 Tragcedias septem, [Gr.] cum animadversionibus Samuelis Mus- gravii ; accedunt praeter variantes lectiones, fragmenta, necnon index verborum. 2 vols. 8vo. Ox. e typog. Clarcnd. 1800 — Tragoediae septem, cum versione Latina, notis et deperditorum dramatum fragmentis ex editione Rich. Franc. Phil. Brunck. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxon. 1812 — Scholia Graeca in Sophoclem, ex editione Brunckiana. Editio altera. ' 8vo. Ihid. 18 10 — Tragedies ; translated from the Greek, with notes, by George Adams. New edition. 8vo. Loud. 1 8 1 8 — Tragedies ; translated into English prose, from the text of Brunck, with notes. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1823 — The Ajax ; with English notes, by the Rev. J. R. Pitman. 8vo. Lond. 1830 — Elettra, volgarizzata ed esposta [da Mich. Ang. Giacomelli]. 4to. Roma, 1754 SOR — SPA 395 SoREL (Albert). Histoire Diplomatique de la Guerre Franco-Allemande. 2 vols. 8vo. Part's, 1875 SoiTTH Kensington Musexjii. Italian Sculpture of the Middle Ages, &c. : see Robinson (J. C.) 1862. See also Exhibition, 1863. SOUTHEY (Robert, LL.D.) Poetical Works, collected by himself. I o vols. i2mo. Lond. 1847-5 Poetical Works. 8vo. Ihid. 1847 Common-Place Book. Edited by John Wood Warter. 4 vols. 8vo. Ihid. 1849-51 Series I. Choice passages. Collections for English Manners and Literature. 2. Special Collections. 3. Analytical Readings. 4. Original Memoranda, &c. Life and Correspondence, edited by his son, the Rev. Charles Cuthbert Southey. Second edition. 6 vols, in 3, 8vo. Hid. 1849-50 and Robert Bell. Lives of the British Admirals ; with an intro- ductory view of the Naval History of England. (Lardner's Cabinet of Biography.) 5 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 1833-40 SouvESTRE (Emile). Causeries Historiques et Litteraires. 2 vols. 8vo. Geneve, 1854 SOWERBY (John E.) British Poisonous Plants ; illustrated by John E. Sowerby, described by Charles Johnson and C. Pierpoint Johnson. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1861 Spagnuoli (Franc.) Le Sculture delle Porte della Basilica di San Petronio in Bologna: v. GUIZZARDI (Giuseppe), 1834. Spain. Speculum Consiliorum Hispanicorum : in quo Regis Hispaniorum machinationes variae contra Evangelicos pro nova monarchia fundata repraesentantur. Productum in lucem a J. M. 12 mo. Lttgd. 161 7 [Bound with ScHLESWiG. Factum pour S. A. S. le Due, 1677.] Response a la Lettre d'un Premier Ministre dun Prince d'Empire, sur les causes principales et circonstances de la Guerre presente entre les Couronnes d'Espagne et de la France ; traduite de I'Allemand. 1 2 mo. Cologne, 1684 [Bound with Christine, La Reine.] Another copy. i2mo. Ibid. 1684 [Bomid with France. La France Intriguante, 1677.] 3E2 396 SPA Spain. Reflexions sur une escrit d'Anvers, 29 Dec. 1700, par Mons. N. k Mons. P. en Hollande, sur les affaires de la Couronne d'Espagne. i2mo. s. I. 1 701 [Bound with Spain. Testament de Charles II, 1701.] Le Testament de Charles II, dernier Roi d'Espagne, et le Traits fait touchant le partage de la Monarchie Espagnole rapportez et con- siderez. Trad, de I'Anglois. i2mo. Stciv. la cop. de Loiidres, \-jo\ [Bound with Mezehay. Entretien de Marphorio et de Pasquin, 1700.] Another copy. i2mo. Ibid, i-] 01 See also Mezeray (Fr. Eudes de), 1700. Remarques sur la Succession du Due d'Anjou. Trad, de I'Anglois. i2mo. Suiv. la copie de Loud. 1701 [Bound with Spain. Testament de Charles II, 1701.] Memoirs of the Queens of Spain: see GEORGE (Anita), 1850. Flora Espanola: v. QuER (Jos.), 1762-84. Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage, 1617-23 : see Gardiner (Samuel Rawson), 1869. The French Marriage: see MONTPENSIER (Due de), 1849. See also SPANISH LANGUAGE. Spanheim (Frideric). Le Souvenir Salutaire : ou, Sermon sur les paroles de S. Jean, Apocal. II. 5, prononce en I'Eglise de la Haye, 14 Mars, 1674. 8vo. Lcyde, 1674 Laudatio Funebris Mariae II., Magn. Brit. Reginae : v. Mary II., Queen, 1695. Spanish Language. Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana, por la Academia Espanola. Septima edicion. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824 Spanish Marriages. Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage, 1617-23 : see Gardiner (Sara. Rawson), 1869. Spanish Marriage, 1849 = •^'^'^ Montpensier (Due de). Sparrmann (Andrew). A Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, to the Antarctic Polar Circle, and round the World ; but chiefly into the country of the Hottentots and Caffres, fi-om the year 1772 to 1776. Second edition. 2 vols, in i. 4to. Lond. 1786 SPA — SPE 397 Spaun (Anton Ritter von). Die osterreichischen Volksweisen dargestellt in einer Auswahl von Liedem, Tanzen und Alpenmelodien. 8vo. JVun, 1845 Spectator (The). 8 vols. Svo. Land. 17 12-15 The Beauties of the Spectators, Tatlers, and Guardians ; collected and digested under alphabetical heads. 2 vols. i2mo. Il/id. 1787 Speechly (William). A Treatise on the Culture of the Vine ; with Hints on the formation of Vineyards in England. \_Dedicatcd to His Grace (he Duke of Portland.'] 4to. York, 1790 Speed (John). Theatrum Imperii Magnae Britanniae ; a Philemone Hol- lando Latinitate donatum. Fol. Land. 161 6 Speke (Capt. John Manning). Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile. Svo. £d/>i6. 1863 Spelman (Sir Henry). English Works, with the life of the author, by Edmund Gibson. Fol. Land. 1723 Glossarium Archaiologicum, continens Latino-barbara, peregrina, obsoleta, et novatae Significationis Vocabula, scholiis et commentariis illustrata. Editio tertia. Fol. Ibid. 1687 [With the Manuscripts in the Library of Lincoln's Inn there is a copy of Spelman's Glossary (second edition, 1664), interleaved, with large manuscript additions, apparently designed for a new edition of the work, by the Rev. Nicholas Sam- brook Russell, Rector of Saddington, in Leicestershire, who assisted Mr. Nichols in his history of that county.] Spence (James). The American Union — its effect on national character and policy ; with an inquiry into Secession as a constitutional right, and the causes of the disruption. 8vo. Lond. 1861 Fourth edition. Svo. Hid. 1862 Spence (Rev. Joseph). Polymetis : or, an Enquiry concerning the Agree- ment between the Works of the Roman Poets and the Remains of the Antient Artists. Fol. Lond. ij 47 [Two copies.] Second edition. Fol. Hid. 1755 — Observations, Anecdotes, and Characters of Books and Men. Arranged, with notes, by Edm. Malone. Svo. /did. 1820 398 SPE — SPO Spencer (E.) View of the State of Ireland : see Ireland, 1809. Spencer (Edmund). Travels in Circassia, Krim-Tartary, &c., including a steam voyage down the Danube, &c. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Travels in European Turkey, in 1 850. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1 85 1 A Tour of Inquiry through France and Italy ; illustrating their present social, political and religious condition. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1853 Spenser (Edmund). Works; with a glossary explaining the old and obscure words ; published by John Hughes. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 17 15 Works ; with the principal illustrations of various commentators, to which are added notes, some account of the life of Spenser, and a glossarial and other indexes, by the Rev. Henry John Todd. 8 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1805 Works. 8vo. Ibid. 1846 — Poetical Works ; with a life of Spenser, by the Rev. John Mitford. (Aldine Poets, vols. 39 — 43.) 5 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 1839 — The Faerie Queene. New edition, with notes by Ralph Church. [Vol. I missing.] 4 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1759-58 Spon (Jacob) et George Wheler. Voyage d'ltalie, de Dalmatie, de Grece et du Levant, fait aux annees 1675 et 1676. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. Amsf. 1679 Spooner (W. C.) Veterinary Art : a practical treatise on the Diseases of the Horse. Second edition. (Encyclop. Metrop.) i2mo. Lond. 18 •ji Sport (Le), 1858-70. i3vols. fol. Paris. Sporting Kalendar (The) ; containing a distinct account of what Plates and Matches have been run for in 1751. By John Pond. 8vo. Lond. 1751 The Sporting Calendar ; containing an account of the Plates, Matches, and Sweepstakes that have been run for in Great Britain and Ireland. By William Tuting and Thomas Fawconer. Vols, i — 6, 1769-74. 8vo. Ibid. 1770-4 SPO — STA 399 Sporting Magazine. The New Sporting Magazine. [Vol. 3 missing]. 19 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831-40 New Series, vols, i — 4. Svo. Ibid. 1841-2 Sporting Reminiscences of Hampshire, from 1745 to 1862. By ^sop. 8vo. Lond. 1864 Sporting Review (The) : a Monthly Review of the Turf, the Chase, and Rural sports in all their varieties. Edited by " Craven." [Capt. John W. Carleton.] Vols, i — 8. 8vo. Lojid. 1839-42 Spry (Joseph Hume). Practical treatise on the Bath Waters. 8vo. Lond. 1822 Stafford (Geo. Granville Leveson Gower, Marquis of). Engravings of the Marquis of Stafford's Collection of Pictures in London, arranged by William Young Ottley. [Plates on India Paper.] 4 vols, in 5 pts. fol. Lond. 181 8 Catalogue of Pictures belonging to, by John Britton, 1808, q.v. Stafford (Thomas). Pacata Hibernia : Ireland appeased and reduced, or an Historie of the late Warres in Ireland in the Province of Mounster; with mappes. Fol. \_Lond.'\ 1633 Stahl (P. S., J. Hetzel, sous le nom de). Scenes de la Vie Privee et Publique des Animaux ; Vignettes par Grandville. Etudes des Moeurs Contemporaines, publiees sous la direction de j\I. P. J. Stahl, avec la collaboration de MM. de Balzac, L'Heritier (de I'Ain), Alfred de Musset, Paul de Musset, Ch. Nodier, etc. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1842 Standish ( ), and NOBLE. Practical Hints on Planting Ornamental Trees, with particular reference to Coniferae. 8vo. Lond. 1852 Stanhope (John Spencer). Topography illustrative of the Battle of Plataea, the Plain of Olympia, and the Ruins of the City of Elis. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Olympia : or Topography illustrative of the actual state of the Plain of Olympia and the Ruins of the City of Elis. 8vo. Ibid. 1835 [Bound mth the preceding book.] Plates of Plateea, Olympia, and the Ruins of the City of Elis. Fol. Ibid. [s. a., circa i^T)()] Stanhope (Philip Henry, Lord Mahon, Earl) : see Mahon (Lord). Stanley (Arthur Penrhyn, D.D.) Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey. Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1868 400 STA Stanley (Arthur Penrhyn, D.D.) Life and Correspondence of Thomas Arnold, D.D. Fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Historical Memorials of Canterbury. 8vo. Ibid. \^^^ Stanley (Edward, D.D.) Addresses and Charges ; with a Memoir by his son Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. 8vo. Lond. 1 85 1 Stanley (Thomas). History of Philosophy; containing the Lives, Opi- nions, Actions and Discourses of the Philosophers of every sect. Second edition. Fol. Lond. 1687 [Stanyan, Temple.] An Account of Switzerland ; written in the year 1714. 8vo. Lond. 1714 Stapleton (Augustus Granville). Political Life of the Right Hon. George Canning, from his acceptance of the Seals of the Foreign Department, in Sept. 1822, to the period of his death, in Aug. 1827. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831 Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1 83 \ George Canning and his Times. 8vo. Ibid. 1859 Stark (James). Picturesque Views on and near the Eastern Coast of England ; comprising the romantic scenery of the Yare, the Waveney, and the Bure, rivers of Norfolk. 4to. Zo;^^. 1834 State Papers. British and Foreign State Papers, 1823-26. Compiled by the Librarian and Keeper of the Papers, Foreign Office, [L. and E. Hertslet]. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825, 6, 7 [Part of a long series, extending from 1812 to 1878, in 69 volumes.] State Tracts. A Collection of State Tracts, publish'd on occasion of the late revolution in 1688, and during the reign of King William HI. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1705-7 State Tracts : being a farther Collection of several choice treatises relating to the government from the year 1660 to 1689. Fol. Ibid. 1692 State Trials : see Trials. Stationers' Company. Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers' Company of works entered for publication between 1570 and 1587; with notes and illustrations by J. Payne Collier. [Shakespeare Soc. Publ., Nos. 38 and 41.] 2 vols. 8vo. Loiid. 1848-9 Statistical Account of Scotland (New) : see Scotland, 1845. STA — STE 401 Statistical Society (The). Journal. [Vol. 13 missing.] Vols. I — 27. 8vo. Lond. 1839-64 General Index to vols, i — 15. Svo. Ibid. 1854 StatIUS (Publius Papinius). Silvarum libri quinque ; recensuit et notas atque emendationes adjecit Jer. Marklandus. 4to. Lond. 1728 Statues. Statues les plus remarquables des Musses de I'Europe : v. Galerie des Arts, &c., 1836. Statutes. A Digest of the Public General Statutes from Magna Carta^ A.D. 1224-5, to I & 2 Geo. IV. A.D. 1821, inclusive, by Robert Philip Tyrwhitt and Thomas William Tyndale. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1822 Statutes (Public General), 17 — 28, 43, 49 & 50 to 54 & 55 Vict., 1854-gi. 4to, fol. & 8vo. Statutes, Irelaxd. The Statutes at Large passed in the Parliaments held in Ireland from 3 Edw. II. 1310, to 40 Geo. III. 1800, inclusive, with marginal notes and an index. [Vols. 1 1 — 20 missing.] 20 vols. fol. Diihl. i-]b^ — 1801 StaXTNTON (Sir George, Bart.) An authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China ; taken chiefly from the Papers of the Earl of jNIacartney. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1797 Plans, &c. Fol. Ibtd. [With the MSS. at Welbeck Abbey, there is a fair copy, in a folio volume, of " A Journal of the Embassy to China, in 1792, 3, 4," apparently compiled by Ld. Macartney.] Stedman (Edmund Clarence). Victorian Poets. Svo. Lond. \?>ib Steele (Richard). The Tatler, q. v. Steeple Chase Calendar (The), a consecutive Chronicle of the Sport in Great Britain, 1826— 1844. izmo. Lond. 1845 See also RACING CALENDAR. Steeple Chase Calendar, [Ireland], 1848-50, by Joseph Osborne. Vols. I and 2. i2mo. Dnbl. 1849-50 3 F 402 STE— STI Steinbach (Lieut.-Col.) The Punjaub ; being a brief account of the Country of the Sikhs. 8vo. Lojid. 1845 Steinlen (Aim^). Charles-Victor de Bonstettin : etude biographique et litteraire. Svo. Lmisanne, 1 860 Stephanus (Henricus). A World of Wonders : or, an Introduction to a Treatise touching the Conformitie of Ancient and Moderne Wonders ; or a Preparative Treatise to the Apologie for Herodotus. Translated by R. C. Fol. Edinb. 1608 Thesaurus Grsecae Linguae. [Vols. 5 — 8 missing.] 8 vols. fol. Pans, 1831, ct ann. seqq. Vie de Catherine de Medicis : v. Henry III, Roi de France, 1663. Stephen (Henry) and Horace E. Miller. The County Council Com- pendium. Svo. Loud. 1888 The County Councillor's Vade Mecum. 8vo. Ibid. i88g Stephen (Rt. Hon. Sir James). Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Stephens (Henry). Manual of Practical Draining. Third edition. 8vo. Edinb. 1848 The Book of the Farm, detailing the labours of the Farmer, Farm Steward, Ploughman, Shepherd, Hedger, Farm Labourer, Field- Worker, and Cattleman. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1871 Sterne (Laurence). A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. By Mr. Yorick. [Vols. 2 and 3 missing.] 3 vols. i2mo. Loud. 1775 Stevens (Capt. John). History of Ancient Abbeys, Monasteries, &c. : see DuGDALE (Sir W.) 1723. Stevenson (Robert Louis). Virginibus Puerisque, and other papers. 8vo. Lond. 1881 Stewarts (The). Genealogical History of the Stewarts: see Stuart (Andrew), 1798. Stiles (William H.) Austria in 1848-49: being a history of the late political movements in Vienna, Milan, Venice, and Prague ; with details of the campaigns of Lombardy and Novara, and an account of the Revolution in Hungary. 2 vols. Svo. Nc-iX) York, 1852 STI — STO 403 SxiLLrNGFLEET (Edward, Bp. of Worcester). Origines Sacree : or, a rational Account of the Grounds of Natural and Revealed Religion. To which is added part of another book upon the same subject, left unfinished by the author ; together with a Letter to a Deist. New edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1797 Reply to John Sergeant, his Third Appendix : with TiLLOTSON'S (John, D.D.) Rule of Faith, 1676, q. v. Stirling (William, afterwards Sir William Stirling-Maxwtill). Annals of the Artists of Spain. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1848 The Cloister Life of the Emperor Charles the Fifth. i2mo. ///id. 1852 Velasquez and his Works. 8vo. 3id. 1855 Stockdale (John). Parliamentary Register, 1803-13: i-^e Parliament. Stockel (Elisabeth). Die biirgerliche Kiiche. Siebente Auflage. 8vo. IVien, 1846 Stocqueler (J. H.) The Military Encyclopaedia : a technical, bio- graphical, and historical dictionary. 8vo. Loud. \8^T, Memoirs and Correspondence of Major-General Sir William Nott, G.C.B., Commander of the Army of Candahar, and Envoy at the Court of the King of Oude. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1854 StoDDART (Sir John, LL.D.) The Philosophy of Language ; compre- hending Universal Grammar, or the pure science of Language. Second edition, edited by W. Hazlitt. (Encyclop. Metrop.) 1 2 mo. Lond. 1849 Glossology : or, the historical relations of Languages. First Division. (Encyclop. Metrop.) i2mo. Ibid. i8$8 " Stonehenge," I. e. Walsh (J. H.) q. v. Stothard (C. a.) The Monumental Effigies of Great Britain. 2 vols. fol. Lotid. 181 7 3 F 2 404 STO — STR Stoav (John). The Annales of England ; faithfully collected out of the most authenticall authors, records, and other monuments of antiquitie, lately corrected, encreased, and continued from the first inhabitation untill this present yeere 1601. 4to. Lond. [1601 ?] A Survay of London ; contayning the originall, antiquity, increase, moderne estate, and description of that citie, written in the yeare 1598. 4to. Ibid. 1599 — Survay of London, written in the yeare 1598 ; increased by the author. 4to. Ibid. 1603 [Two copies.] — Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster ; corrected, im- proved and enlarged by John Strype. 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 1720 Stowe (Harriet Beecher). A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin ; presenting the original facts and documents upon which the story is founded. Svo. Lond. 1853 Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands. [Vol. 2 missing.] 2 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1854 Straatman : V. De Straatman. Strabo. Rerum Geographicarum libri XVII, Greece et Latine, cum variorum, preecipue Casauboni, animadversionibus, juxta editionem Amstelodamensem ; annotationes et tabulas geographicas adjecit Thomas Falconer. Subjiciuntur Chrestomathiae, Greece et Latine. 2 vols. fol. Oxon. e typog. Clarend. 1807 Strachey (William). Historie of Travaile into Virginia Britannia: see Hakluyt Society Publications, No. 6. Strada (Famianus). Histoire de la Guerre de Flandre; traduitte par P. Du Ryer. 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1644-9 Strafforde (Thomas Wentworth, Earl of). Letters and Dispatches; with an essay towards his life by Sir George Radcliife, published from the originals by William Knowler, LL.D. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1739 Strahlexberg (Philip John von). An historico-geographical Descrip- tion of the North and Eastern Parts of Europe and Asia, but more particularly of Russia, Siberia, and Great Tartary. Written ori- ginally in High German and now translated into English. 4to. Lond. 1738 STR 405 Strange (Sir Robert). A Collection of Historical Prints, engraved from Pictures by the most celebrated Painters of the Roman, Florentine, Lombard, Venetian and other schools. Fol. [Zf«^. 1750-go] Strangford (Viscountess). The Eastern Shores of the Adriatic in 1863 ; with a Visit to Montenegro. 8vo. Loud. 1864 Street (George Edmund). Brick and Marble in the Middle Ages : notes of a tour in the North of Italy. 8vo. Lond. \%i^ Some Account of Gothic Architecture in Spain. 8vo. Ibid. \%b Strein'Z (Dr. Wenceslas). Les Bains de Gastein. i2mo. Zz«c, 1831 Stridbeck (Johann, jun.) Unterschiedliche dieser Zeit beruffene Lander, Gegenden, Stadte, Platze und Oerter, &:c. in kleine geographische Carten, Abrisse und Tabeln zu bequasmen Gebrauch vorgestellet. Erste, andre, dritte, fiinffte Theile. Obi. 4to. Augspurg, \n. d., circa 1600] Guida de Passaggieri : oder, Curioser Reis-Geferthe, in Carten, Abrisse und Tabellen die Lander, Wage, Stadte, u. s. w., wardurch die Passage gehet mit deren Obrigkeiten vorstellende. Obi. 4to. Ibid. [71. d.l Unterschiedliche geographische Divisions, wie auch chronologische Zeit und Successions, item genealogische Geschlects und progono- logische Ahnen, desgleichen heraldische wapen Tabellen. Obi. 4to. Idid. [«. d.'] [Tlie three worlds bound in one volume.] Strixner (Johann Nepomuck) and PiLOTY. Koniglich Baierischer Gemalde-Saal zu Miinchen und Schleissheim. Zweihundert Bilder in Steindruck, von Strixner, Piloty, und anderen. 2 vols. fol. MiincJicn, 1817-21 Sketches, &c. mounted on large paper, in 3 vols. Vol. I, Imp. 4to. ; vols. 2 and 3, 4to. \circa 1830] Strutt (Jacob George). Sylva Britannica : or, Portraits of Fore.st Trees, distinguished for their antiquity', magnitude, or beauty. Imp. 4to. Lotid. 1822 [Another copy.] Imp. 4to. Ibid. 1825 Strutt (Joseph). The Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England. 4to. Loud. 1773 New edition. 4to. Ibid. 1793 4o6 STR — STU Strutt (Joseph). Horda Angel-cynnan : or, a compleat view of the Manners, Customs, Arms, Habits, &c. of the Inhabitants of England, from the arrival of the Saxons till the reign of Henry VIII. ; with an account of the Britons during the government of the Romans. \pedicated to Her Grace Margaret Cavendish, Duchess Dowager of Port- land.'] 3 vols. 4to. Land. 1775-6 Chronicle of England, from the arrival of Julius Caesar to the Norman Conquest. 2 vols. 4to. Idid. 1777-8 The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. 4to. Idz'd. 1 80 1 Struys (John). Voyages and Travels through Italy, Greece, Muscovy, Tartary, Media, Persia, East India, Japan, and other countries in Europe, Africa and Asia. Done out of Dutch, by John Morrison. 4to. Loud. 1684 Strype (John). Life of Sir Thomas Smith, principal Secretary of State to King Edward VI. and Queen Elizabeth. 8vo. Lond. 1698 Stuart (Andrew). Genealogical History of the Stewarts, from the earliest period of their authentic history to the present times. 4to. Lond. 1798 Stuart (James) and Nicholas Revett. The Antiquities of Athens. [Vols. 2 — 5 missing.] Vols, i — 5. Atl. folio. Lond. 1762 — 1830 Stud Book. The General Stud Book, containing Pedigrees of Race Horses from the earliest accounts to the year 1884. 15 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1858-85 See also Hackney Stud Book. Shire Horse Stud Book. Stud Book Fran9ais. Registre des Chevaux de Pur Sang nes ou importes en France. Vols, i — 5. 8vo. Paris, 1838-47 Premier Supplement, 1851, 2, 3. 8vo. Jbid. 1854 Registre des Chevaux de Pur Sang, importes ou nes en France. Tome 5. 1875-7. 8vo. Ibid. 1878 Stukeley (William, M.D.) Itinerariura Curiosum : or, an account of the antiquitys and remarkable curiositys in nature or art observ'd in travels thro' Great Britain. Fol. Lond. 1724 Stonehenge, a Temple restored to the British Druids. Fol. Ibid. 1740 [Two copies.] Abury, a Temple of the British Druids. Vol. 2, fol. Ibid. 1743 [Vol. I was not published.] sue — SUM 407 Suckling (Sir John). Works ; containing his poems, letters and plays. 8vo. Land. 1709 SUETOXIUS. Le Vite dei Diece Imperatori, incominciando dal fine di Suetonio ; nella lingTia Italiana tradotte per Mambrino Roseo da Fabriano. 8vo. Vcnet. 1544 Suffolk (Hen. Charles Howard, iSth Earl of). Racing and Steeple- Chasing. Racing, by the Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire, and \V. G. Craven, with a contribution by the Hon. F. Lawley. Steeple-Chasing, by Arthur Coventry and Alfi-ed E. T. Watson. Second edition. (Badminton Library.) 8\'o. Land. 1887 SuGDEX (Rt. Hon. Sir Edward, Ld. St. Leonards). Treatise of the Law of Vendors and Purchasers. loth edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Land. 1839 Handy Book on Property Law. Second edition. 8vo. JEdnid. 1858 SuiDAS, [Lexicon Graecum]. Fol. Mediolani, tmpcnsa et dexteritaie D. Devietrit Chalcondyli, Joaiinis Bissoli, Benedidi Alangii Carpetishiin, 1498. [First edition, copies are not rare.] Sumner (John Bird, Bp. of Chester, afterwards Abp. of Canterbury). Sermons on the principal Festivals of the Christian Church ; with three Sermons on Good Friday. Third edition. 8vo. Loud. 1828 A Series of Sermons on the Christian Faith and Character. Eighth edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1829 The Evidence of Christianity, derived from its nature and reception. Fifth edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1830 A practical Exposition of the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. IMark, in the form of lectures. Third edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1831 A practical Exposition of the Gospel of St. Luke, in the form of lectures. 8vo. Ibid. 1832 Apostolical Preaching considered in an examination of St. Paul's Epistles. Seventh edition. 8vo. /bid. 18^2 A Treatise on the Records of the Creation, and on the Moral Attributes of the Creator. Fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 185 ^ — A practical Exposition of the Gospel according to St. John, in the form of lectures. 8vo. Ibid. 18^5 4o8 SUR — SWE SuRiREY DE Saint Remy (Pierre). M6moires de TArtillerie. 2 vols. 4to. Parts, 1697 Surrey (Henry Howard, Earl of). The Works of Henry Howard Earl of Surrey and of Sir Thomas Wyatt the elder. Edited by George Fred. Nott. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1 815-6 Poems. With a memoir of the Earl of Surrey. (Aldine Poets, vol. 10.) i2mo. Ibid. 1831 Poetical Works of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, minor contem- poraneous poets, and Thomas Sackville, Lord Buckhurst ; edited by Robert Bell. i2mo. /i5/(/. 1854 [Surtees, Robert Smith.] Hawbuck Grange : or, the Sporting Adven- tures of Thomas Scott, Esq. 8vo. Lond. iS^-j Surtees (William Edward, D.C.L.) Sketch of the Lives of Lords Stowell and Eldon ; comprising, with additional matter, some corrections of Mr. Twiss's work on the Chancellor. 8vo. Lond. 184b Sutton (Thomas), Founder of the Charter-House : see Herne (Samuel), 1677. Sweden. Recueil de quelques peces concernant 1' affaire des Quartiers k Rome. i2mo. Cologne, 1687 [Bound with Laurens (Honore du). Discours, 1593.] Relation veritable du succez de la Demission que la Reine de Su^de fit de son quartier a Rome, le 30 Avril, 1687 ; avec suite, de ce qui s'est passe a Rome entre le Pape et la Reine de Suede. 1 2 mo. Rome, 1687 [Bound with LAURENS (Honore du). Discours, 1593-] See also Christine, Reine de Sufede, 1668. Sweet (Robert). Geraniaceae; the natural order of Gerania, illustrated by coloured figures and descriptions. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820-30 Cistineae ; the natural order of Cistus or Rock- Rose, illustrated by coloured figures and descriptions. 8vo. Idi'd. 1825-30 Hortus Britannicus : or, a catalogue of all the plants indigenous or cultivated in the Gardens of Great Britain. Third edition, edited by George Don. 8vo. lii'd. [1839.] SWI — SYM 409 [Swift, Jonathan, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's]. A Tale of a Tub, written for the universal improvement of mankind ; to which is added an account of a Battel between the Antient and Modern Books in St. James's Library. Fifth edition. 8vo. Lond. 17 10 [ ] Travels into several remote Nations of the World ; in four parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, first a Surgeon, and then a Captain of several ships. [First edition.] 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1726 Miscellanies. 4 vols. 1 2mo. Ibid. 1 73 1 -2 — Poetical Works. With a Life of Swift, by the Rev. John Mitford. (Aldine Poets, vols. 27 — 29.) 3 vols. i2mo. Ibid. 1833 Remarks on the Life and Writings of Swift, by John Boyle, Earl of Orrery, 1752, q. v. Life of Swift, by Thomas Sheridan, 1784, q. v. Sybel (Heinrich von). History of the French Revolution. Translated from the third edition of the original German work, by Walter C. Perry. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1867-9 Sydney (Algernon). Works, [containing Discourses concerning Govern- ment, Memoirs of his Life, his Trial, &c.] 4to. Lond. \ii2 Sydney (Sir Henry). Letters and Memorials of State, in the reigns of Q. Mary, Q. Elizabeth, K. James, K. Charles I., part of the reign of K. Charles II., and Oliver's Usurpation ; written and collected by Sir Henry Sydney, Sir Philip Sydney, and others of the Sydney family. Published fi-om the originals by Arthur Collins. 2 vols. fol. Loiid. 1746 [Another copy, very fine.] 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 1746 Sydney : see also Sidney. Sydney MORCOM, a novel. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. i9>4^ Sykes (Sir Mark Masterman, Bart.) Catalogue (5 parts) of the Collection of Prints, sold in 1824. 4to. Lond. i2,2^ Symonds (John Addington). Renaissance in Italy. The Age of the Despots. 8vo. Lond. 1875 The Fine Arts. 8vo. Ibid, i^-^ The Revival of Learning. 8vo. Ibid, \8-j-j 3G 4IO SYM — TAG Symonds (Sir William). Memoirs of the Life and Services of Rear- Admiral Sir William Symonds, Kt., Surveyor of the Navy from 1832-47. Edited by James A. Sharp. 8vo. Lond. i?,^^ [Synge, Edward, Abp. of Tuam.] A Gentleman's Religion, in three parts ; the first contains the Principles of Natural Religion, the second and third the Doctrines of Christianity both as to Faith and Practice. Seventh edition. i2mo. Land. 1752 [Tabourot, Etienne, dit le Seign"" des ACCORDS]. Les Touches du Seigneur des Accords. i2mo. Parts, ibo% [ ] Les Bigarrures et Touches du Seigneur des Accords ; avec les Apophthegmes du Sieur Gaulard; et les Escraignes Dijonnoises. 1 2 mo. Ibid. 1608 [Bound with Tabourot. Touches, 1608.] [ ] Le Quatriesme des Bigarrures du Seigneur Des Accords. i2mo. 3td. 1608 [Bound with TABOUROT. Touches, 1608.] [ ] Les Escraignes Dijonnoises, recueillies par le Sieur des Accords. [Composees par Du Boisson Baron de Granas, recueillies par le Sieur des Accords, i.e. Tabourot.] i2mo. Ibid. 1608 [Bound with Tabourot. Touches, 1608.] Tacitus (C. Cornelius). Works, vol. i, containing the Annals [translated]; to which are prefixed political discourses upon that author, by T. Gordon. Fol. Land. 1728 [No more of this folio edition published, but the complete book was pubUshed in 4 vols. 8vo. 1737 : see next entry.] Works, [translated by T. Gordon] ; with political discourses upon that author. Second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1737 Les CEuvres de Tacite, de la traduction de N. Perrot, Sieur d'Ablancourt. Quatrifeme Edition. 4to. Paris, 1658 CEuvres ; traduites par Charles Louis Fleury Panckoucke. Histoires. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1830-1 Commentarius in Taciti Annales, conscriptus a G. Alex. Ruperti. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Obser\'ations sur Tacite: v. Sallust, 1670. TAF — TAS 411 Tafilette (Le Prince). Histoire de Tafilette, le Grand Conquc^rant et Empereur de Barbaric. Par * * * Agent de Sa M. Britannique en Afrique. Traduite de I'Anglois. i2mo. Paris, ib-jo Vera Historia del Principe Tafiletto, il Gran Vincitore et Impera- tore di Barbaria ; tradotta dall' Inglese. i2mo. Bologna, 1670 [Bound with France. L'Ombre de Charles V. 1688.] TALFOxnu) (T. N.) Vacation Rambles and Thoughts; comprising the recollections of three continental tours in the vacations of 1841, 42, and 43. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Supplement to "Vacation Rambles" consisting of recollections of a tour through France, to Italy, and homeward by Switzerland, in the vacation of 1846. 8vo. Ibid. 1854 Tragedies ; to which are added a few sonnets and verses. i2mo. Ibid. 1846 The Castilian, an historical tragedy, in five acts. 8vo. Ibid. 1853 Talon (Denis). — Refutation du Plaidoyer de Monsieur Talon. i2mo. La Haye, 1688 [Bound with Esprit (L') des Hommes Dlustres, 1699.] Tanner (Thomas, Bp. of St. Asaph). Notitia Monastica : or, an Account of the Abbies, Priories, and Houses of Friers heretofore in England and Wales ; and also of all the Colleges and Hospitals founded before A.D. 1540. Published by John Tanner. Fol. Lond. 1744 Tanski (Joseph). La Pologne devant I'Europe. 8vo. Paris, \%b2 Tapestry. The Tapestry Hangings of the House of Lords : see Pine (John), 1739. Tartaria: 5f<; Russia. Tarver (J. Ch.) The Royal Phraseological English-French, French- English Dictionary. 2 vols, bound in i. 8vo. Lond. 1845-50 Another edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1850-3 Tassie (James). A descriptive Catalogue of a General Collection of Ancient and Modem Engraved Gems, Cameos as well as Intaglios, taken from the most celebrated Cabinets in Europe, and cast in coloured pastes, white enamel and sulphur, by James Tassie, arranged and described by R. E. Raspe. 2 vols. 4to. Lojid. 1791 3G2 412 TAS — TAT [TASSm, Dom Ren6 Prosper, et Dom Charles Fran9ois Toustain]. Nouveau Trait6 de Diplomatique, par deux Religieux B^nMictins. 6 vols. 4to. Paris, Desprez, 1750-65 Tasso (Bernardo). L' Amadigi, al' Invittissimo e Catolico Re Filippo. 4to. Vinegia, Gab. Giolito dc' Ferrari, 1560 Tasso (Torquato). II Goffredo, overo Gierusalemme Liberata. [Vol. i missing.] 2 vols. i2mo. Parigi, 1678 La Gerusalemme Liberata ; con le figure di Giambatista Piazetta. Fol. Venez. 1745 La Gerusalemme Liberata. [Vol. 2 missing.] 2 vols. i2mo. Parigi, 1805 La Gerusalemme Liberata. 2 vols. 8vo. Firenze, 1824 — Godfrey of BuUoigne, or the Recoverie of Jerusalem. Done into English heroicall verse, by Edward Fairefax. [First edition.] Fol. Lond. 1600 — Jerusalem Delivered, or Godfrey of Bulloigne, an heroic poem. Done into English by Edward Fairfax. Fourth edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1749 — Godfrey of Bulloigne, or Jerusalem Delivered. Translated by Edward Fairefax. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 181 7 — The Jerusalem Delivered ; translated into English verse, by John Kingston James, Knt. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1865 — Jerusalem D61ivr6e; nouvelle traduction. 5 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1785 — La Jerusalem d^livr^e ; traduction nouvelle, et en prose, par M. V. Philipon de la Madelaine, augmentee d'une description de Jerusalem, par M. de Lamartine. 8vo. Ibid. 1841 Life of Tasso : see MiLMAN (Rev. R.), 1850. La Vie du Tasse, Prince des Poetes Italiens, [par I'Abbe Jean Antoine de Charnes]. i2mo. Paris, i6g5 II Goffredo — Invenzioni: v. PiNELLI, 1826. Tate (Thomas) . On the Strength of Materials. 8vo. Lond. 1 850 Tatler (The). The Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaffe, [Rich. Steele.] [Vols. 2 and 3 missing.] 4 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1843 Beauties of the Tatlers: see SPECTATOR, &c. 1787. [Tattersall, Edmund]. A Tribute of Respect to the Memory of Lord George Bentinck ; by Clarence. 8vo. Lond. 1849 TAU — TCH 413 Taunton (Thomas Henry). Portraits of Celebrated Racehorses of the past and present centuries, 1702 — 1870, together with their respective pedigrees and performances recorded in full. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1887-8 Ta VERNIER (John Baptista, Baron of Aubonne) . Six Voyages in Turkey, Persia, and in the Indies, made English by J. P[hillips]. At the end, Japan, &c. 66 pages ; Tunquin, &c. 85 pages. [No title to vol. i ; vol. 2 dated 1684.] 2 vols, in i, fol. \_Loiid. 1684] [Tavernier, M.] Deuxifeme Memoire adress6 au Gouvemement de S. M. I'Empereur Napoleon III, sur I'Expedition de Crim^e : v. Cruiea, 1855. Tayler (William). The History of the Taxation of England, with an Account of the Rise and Progress of the National Debt. 8vo. Lond. 1853 Taylor (G. L.) and Edward Cresy. The Architectural Antiquities of Rome. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1821-2 Taylor (Le Baron Isidore Justin Severin). Voyages Pittoresques et Romantiques dans I'Ancienne France: v. NODIER (Ch.), 1820-33. Taylor (Rt. Rev. Jeremy, Bp. of Down and Connor). Whole Works; with a life of the author, and a critical examination of his wTitings by the Rt. Rev. Reginald Heber, D.D., Bp. of Calcutta. 15 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1828 Taylor (Richard). Index jMonasticus: or, the Abbeys and other Monas- teries, Alien Priories, Friaries, Colleges, Collegiate Churches, and Hospitals, formerly established in the Diocese of Norwich and the ancient kingdom of East Anglia, systematically arranged and briefly described. [L. P.] Fol. Lo?id. 182 1 Taylor (Tom). Life of Benjamin Robert Haydon, Historical Painter, fi-om his autobiography and notes. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853 Ballads and Songs of Brittany ; translated from the " Barsaz- Breiz" of Vicomte Hersart de la Villemarque. 4to. /did. 1865 Taylor (W. Cooke, LL.D.), and Charles Mackay, LL.D. Life and Times of Sir Robert Peel. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1 85 1 TCHIHATCHEF (P. de). La Paix de Zurich, et le Nouveau Congr^s Europeen. 8vo. Paris, 1859 414 TEG — TEM Tegetmeier (W. B.) Pheasants for coverts and aviaries. 4to. Loud. 1873 [Two copies.] Tegoborski (M. L. de). Commentaries on the Productive Forces of Russia. [Vol. 2 missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1855 Teignmouth (Charles John Shore, Lord). Reminiscences of many years. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1878 Teignmouth (John Shore, Lord). Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Correspondence of Sir William Jones. 4to. Lotid. 1 804 Teixeira : V. Texeira. Telemachus : V. Fenelon. Telford (Thomas). Plans, specifications, &c. of Roads : see Parnell (Sir H.), 1833. Tellez (Balthazar). Histoire d'Ethiopie : v. VOYAGES, 1684. Temminck (C. J.) Les Pigeons, par Madame Knip, n6e Pauline de Courcelles ; le texte par C. J. Temminck et Florent Provost. 2 vols, in 4 pts. Fol. Paris, 1 8 1 1 cf ami. suiv. Nouveau Recueil de Planches coloriees d'Oiseaux, publie par C. J. Temminck et le Baron Meiffren Tangier de Chartreuse. 5 vols, in 10 pts. fol. Ibid. 1838 [One of four copies coloured and signed by the Artists — MS. note in vol. i.] Verhandelingen, over de Natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Neder- landsche Overzeesche Bezittingen, door de Leden der Natuurkundige Commissie in Oost-Indie en andere Schrijvers. 3 vols. fol. Leiden, 1839-47 Botanie, Nos. i — 7. Zoologie, Nos, 1 — 12. Land- en Volkenkunde, Nos. i — 10. Temple (Richard Grenville, Earl) : see Grenville Papers, 1852. [Temple, Sir William, Bart.] L'Etat des Provinces-Unies, et particu- li^rement de celle de Hollande. [Trad, de I'Anglois, par Le Vasseur.] i2mo. .y. /., Pan 1690 [Bound with Netheriands. Sentimens Veritables, 1689.] [ ] Memoirs of what is passed in Christendom, from the War begun 1672 to the Peace concluded 1679. 8vo. Land. 1692 Works. 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 1720 TEM — TES 415 Temple (Sir William, Bt.) Works ; with the life and character of the author. [Vols. 2 and 3 missing.] 4 vols. 8vo. Edinb. Hamilton, Balfour, &c. 1754 Works. [Vols. 3 and 4 missing.] 4 vols. 8vo. Land. Brotherton, Sewell, &c. 1770 Tenison (Lady Louisa). Castile and Andalucia. 8vo. Lond. 18 5^ TE>fNENT (Sir James Emerson). Wine, its use and taxation. Svo. Land. 1855 Tenniel (John). Cartoons from Punch. Fol. Land. s. a. Texnyson (Alfred, Lord). Works. 7 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1877 The Holy Grail and other poems. 8vo. /ii'd. 1870 Terentius (Publius, Afer). Comoediae ; ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensitae. 4to. Cantab. 1701 Terentii Comoediae ; Phaedri Fabulae .zEsopiae ; Publii Syri, et alionim Veterum Sententiae, ex recensione et cum notis Richardi Bentleii. 4to. Ibid. 1726 Comoediae, ex recensione Danielis Heinsii ; cum variantibus lectionibus, Italica versione ; recensuit Carolus Cocquelines. 2 vols, [in i] fol. RomcB, 1767 Comedies ; translated into familiar blank verse, by George Col- man. New edition. 8vo. Latid. 1810 Les Comedies de P. Terence ; traduction nouvelle, par. M. J. A. Amar. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1 830-1 Terlon (Hugues de). Memoires du Chevalier de Terlon pour rendre compte au Roy de ses negociations, depuis I'annee 1656 jusqu'en 1 66 1. 2 vols, in i. i2mo. Paris, 1 682-1 TESSfi (Mar6chal de). Memoires et Lettres, contenant des anecdotes et des faits historiques inconnus sur partie des r^gnes de Louis XIV et de Louis XV. [Vol. i missing.] 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1806 Testament, New : see Biblia Sacra — Novum Testamentum. 4i6 TEU — THA Teulet (Jean Baptiste Alexandre Theodore). Relations Politiques de la France et de I'Espagne avec I'Ecosse au XVP sifecle : papiers d'etat, publies par Alexandre Teulet. Nouvelle edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1862 [Texeira, Jos. de]. Traicte Paraenetique, c'est i dire Exhortatoire, auquel se montre par bonnes et vives raisons, argumens infallibles, &c. le droit chemin et vrais moyens de resister h. I'efFort du Castillan. Par un Pfelerin Espagnol [vraisemblablement le P. Jos. de Texeira]. Traduict de langue Castillane en langue Fran9oise par J. D. Draly- mont, Seigneur de Yarleme [vraisemblablement Jean de Montlyard, Seigneur de Meleray]. Second edition. i2mo. Agen. 1598 [Dralymont de Yarleme is an anagram for Montlyard de Meleray.] [ ] Another issue. i2mo. s. I. 1598 [Bound with France. Advertissement au Roy [Hen. Ill] 1589]. [ ] Another edition, with title as follows, Fuora Villaco : c'est a dire la Liberte de Portugal, auquel se montre le droit chemin et vrais moyens de r6sister a I'efFort du Castillan, rompre la trace de ses desseins, abbaisser son orgueil, et ruiner sa puissance. Traduit de langue Castillane en langue Fran9oise [par J. D. Dralymont, i. e. Jean de Montlyard.] i2mo. .r. /. 1641 Texier (Charles). Description de I'Asie Mineure, faite par ordre du Gouvernement Fran9ais de 1833-7 et publi6e par le Ministere de rinstruction Publique. Beaux-Arts, Monuments Historiques, Plans et Topographie des Cites Antiques. 3 vols, [in 50 livraisons], fol. Part's, 1839-47 Thackeray (William Makepeace). The History of Pendennis, his for- tunes and misfortunes, his friends and his greatest enemy. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849 The Newcomes. Memoirs of a most respectable family, edited by Arthur Pendennis. 2 vols. 8vo. I6/d. 1854. Another edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Hid. 1879 — The Virginians, a tale of the last century. 2 vols. 8vo. Mid. 1879 — The Adventures of Philip on his way through the world, shewing who robbed him, who helped him, and who passed him by. 2 vols. 8vo. Hid. 1879 — The Book of Snobs ; and Sketches and Travels in London. 8vo. Hid. 1879 — Burlesques. 8vo. Hid. 1879 THA — THE 417 Thackeray (^Villiam Makepeace). The Paris Sketch Book of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh ; and Little Travels and Roadside Sketches. 8vo. Zf«c/. 1879 The Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush; the Fitz-Boodle Papers; Cox's Diary ; and Character Sketches. 8vo. /did. i8-jg The Four Georges. The English Humourists of the eighteenth century. 8vo. /6id. 1879 Lovel the Widower ; The Wolves and the Lamb ; Denis Duval ; to which is added an Essay on the Writings of W. M. Thackeray, by Leslie Stephen. 8vo. Ibid. 1879 The History of Samuel Titmarsh, and the Grreat Hoggarty Dia- mond ; A little Dinner at Timmins's ; and Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. 8vo. Ibid. 1879 Ballads; and the Rose and the Ring. 8vo. Idi'd. i8-jg Roundabout Papers ; to which is added the Second Funeral of Napoleon. 8vo. I&id. 1879 Contributions to " Punch." 8vo. /6i'd. \ 886 Miscellaneous Essays, Sketches, and Reviews. 8vo. Ibid. 1886 Thaer (Albert D.) Grundsatz der rationellen Landwirthschaft. 4 vols, in 2, 8vo. Berlin, 1837 Tafeln. In an 8vo case, [13 pieces]. The Principles of Agriculture. Translated by William Shaw and Cuthbert W. Johnson. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1 844 Theatre. The English Theatre ; a Collection of Tragedies and Comedies, collected from the most celebrated authors. Vols. I — 7. i^mo. Land. W. Fcales, 1731 [The complete Collection is in 26 vols. I73I-3-] Bell's British Theatre ; consisting of the most esteemed English Plays. [Vols. 21 — 24 missing.] 24 vols. 8vo. Loud. i-]-]b-8o The British Theatre : see INCHBALD (Eliz.), 1808. Memorials of Ancient Playhouses, Modern Theatres, &c. in London and Westminster, by Robert WILKINSON, 1825, q. v. — Theatres of Paris : see Hervey (Charles), 1846. 3 H 4i8 THE — THI Theatrum Urbium. [Engraved title, no words.] Fol. [s. I. da., circa 1650] First plate — Altorf. Last plate — Tartaria. Themminck : V. Temminck. Theophrastus. Characteres Ethici: J/. Epictetus, 1804. La Bruy£;re. The Characters of: see HowELL (Francis), 1824. " Thetis, La," Voyage de, 1824-6 : v. Bougainville. Theuet : V. Thevet. Theuss (Theodor). Handbuch des gesammten Gartenbaues nach monat- lichen Verrichtungen. Zweite Auflage. 8vo. Halle, 1838 Thevenot (Melchisedech). Relations de divers Voyages curieux qui n'ont point este publiees ou qui ont este traduites d'Hacluyt, de Purchas et d'autres voyageurs. [Part 4 is missing.] 4 parts, fol. /'(/m, 1663-72 Thevet (Andr6, d'Angoulesme). Cosmographie du Levant. 4to. Lyon, 1556 Les Singularitez de la France Antarctique, autrement nommee Amerique, et de plusieurs terres et isles decouvertes de nostre temps. 4to. Parts, 1557 Thiebaut de Berneaud (Ars6ne). Manuel du Vigneron Fran9ais, ou I'Art de cultiver la Vigne. Quatrieme edition. i2mo. Paris, i&^t Thiele (J. M.) The Life of Thorvaldsen ; collated from the Danish, by Rev. M. R. Barnard. 8vo. Land. 1865 Thier (P. A. de). La Laiterie. Notions pratiques sur I'Art de faire le Beurre, et de fabriquer les Fromages. 8vo. Paris, 1855 Thiers (Louis Adolphe) et Felix Bodin. Histoire de la Revolution Fran^aise. [Vols. 9 and 10 missing.] 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823-7 The History of the French Revolution. Translated, with notes and illustrations from the most authentic sources, by Frederick Shoberl. 5 vols. 8vo. Land. 1854 — Discours prononces k I'Assemblee Nationale dans la Discussion de la Constitution, Septembre et Octobre 1 848. — Droit au Travail — Papier- Monnaie. Remplacement Militaire. 8vo. Paris, 1848 — De la Propriete. 8vo. Ibid. 1848 THO 419 THO>rAS (John, IM.D.) Practical Observations on chronic affections of the Digestive Organs, and on Bilious and Nervous Disorders. Third edition. 8vo. Chelknhatn, 1829 [Bound with Faithhorn on Liver Complaints.] THOilAS (Robert, J\I.D.) Modern Practice of Physic. Tenth edition. 8vo. Loud. 1834 Thomas (William). The Pilgrim : a Dialogue on the Life and Actions of King Henry VIII. Edited with notes from the Archives at Paris and Brussels, by J. A. Froude. 8vo. Loud. 1861 ThojMPSOn or Thomson (Benj.), Count of Rumford, 1798, q. v. Thompson (Robert). The Gardener's Assistant, practical and scientific : a guide to the formation and management of the Kitchen, Fruit and Flower Garden, and the cultivation of conservatory, greenhouse, and stove plants. 8vo. Land. 1859 Thomson (Col. Anstruther). Three Great Runs. — The Waterloo Run ; The Greatwood Run ; The Harlequin Run ; with illustrations. 4to. Ediuh. 1889 Thomson (Benj.), Count of Rumford, 1798, q.v. Thomson (David). Handy book of the Flower Garden. Second edition. 8vo. Ediiib. 1 87 1 Thomson (H. Byerley). The Military Forces and Institutions of Great Britain and Ireland ; their constitution, administration, and govern- ment, military and civil. 8vo. Land. 1855 Thomson (James). Poetical Works. 2 vols. fol. Glasg. i-jS,^ Poetical Works ; with a memoir of Thomson, by Sir Harris Nicolas. (Aldine Poets, vols. 3 and 4.) 2 vols. i2mo. Loud. 1847 Poetical Works ; with a life of the author, by the Rev. Patrick Murdoch, D.D. i2mo. Hid. iS^g Poetical Works, edited by Robert Bell. 2 vols. i2mo. Hid. 1855 The Seasons, and the Castle of Indolence ; with a biographical and critical introduction by Alan Cunningham. 8vo. /did. 1841 Thomson (William). Orpheus Caledonius: or, a Collection of Scots Songs, set to musick by W. Thomson. [Vol. 2, second edition.] 2 vols. 8vo. Lofid. 1733 3 h 2 420 THO — THU Thomson (William). Two Journeys through Italy and Switzerland. i2mo. Lond. 1835 Thornbury (Walter). The Life of J. M. W. Turner, R.A., founded on letters and papers furnished by his friends and fellow Academicians. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1862 Thornton (Edward). A Gazetteer of the Territories under the Govern- ment of the East India Company, and of the Native States on the Continent of India. 8vo. Lond.\\%^i'\ Thornton (Elmond Garth-). For Love and Duty : a romance of the Peerage. [Vol. i missing.] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1884 Thoroton (Robert). The Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, extracted out of records, original evidences, leiger books, other manuscripts, and authentick authorities. Fol. Lond. ib^i Thou, De : v. Thuanus. Thuanus (Jacobus Augustus). Histoire de Monsieur de Thou des choses arrivees de son temps, mise en Fran9ois par P. Du Ryer. 3 vols. fol. Paris, 1659 Historiarum sui temporis libri CXXXVIIL, ab anno 1543 ad annum 1607, curante S. Buckley. Accedunt ejusdem de vita sua commentariorum libri sex, et N. Rigaltii Continuatio ; necnon Sylloge Scriptorum varii generis et argumenti, in qua plurima de vita, moribus, gestis, scriptis, et familia Thuani, scitu dignissima conti- nentur. 7 vols. fol. Lond. 1733 Memoires de la Vie de Jacques- Auguste deThou, Conseiller d'Etat. Premiere edition, traduite du Latin. 4to. Rotkrdam, 1 7 1 1 Thucydides. De Bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo, Gr. et Lat., cum adnotationibus H. Stephani et J. Hudsoni ; recensuit et notas suas addidit J. Wasse ; editionem curavit, suasque animadversiones adjecit C. A. Dukerus. Fol. AtnsA ij^i De Bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo ; cum versione Latina et variis lectionibus ex editione C. Ludov. Baveri expressi. 3 vols. [bd. in 4]. 8vo. Oxon. 181 1 History ; newly translated into English, with annotations, and a life of Thucydides, by the Rev. S. T. Bloomfield, D.D. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829 Historico Greco delle Gurre fatte fra i popoli della Morea et gli Atheniesi ; tradotto dal Greco per Francesco di Soldo Strozzi. 4to. Vinegia, 1563 THU — TIN 421 Thudichum (J. L. W.) and August Dupre. A Treatise on the Origin, Nature and Varieties of Wine : being a complete manual of Viti- culture and CEnology. 8vo. Lond. 1872 Thummel (A. M.) Sammtliche Werke. 5 vols. i2mo. Leipzig, 1820 TmjRLOE (John). A Collection of State Papers ; containing authentic Memorials of the English Affairs from the year 1638 to the Restora- tion of K. Charles II. Published from the originals, with the life of Mr. Thurloe, by Thomas Birch. 7 vols. fol. Loiid. 1742 TiBULLUS: V. HORATIUS, 1 839. TiCKNOR (George). History of Spanish Literature. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1849 Life of William Hickling Prescott. 4to. Boston, U. S. 1 864 Ticozzi (Stefano). Dizionario degli Architetti, Scultori, Pittori, Intaglia- tori in rame ed in pietra, Coniatori di medaglie, Musaicisti, Niellatori, Intarsiatori d' ogni eta e d' ogni nazione. 3 vols. 8vo. Alilatw, 1 830-2 TlLLET : V. DU TlLLET. TiLLOTSON (John, D.D., Abp. of Canterbury). The Rule of Faith: or, an Answer to the Treatise of IMr. J.[ohn] S.[ergeant], entituled, Sure- footing, &c. : to which is adjoined a Reply to Mr. J.[ohn] S.[ergeant] his 3rd Appendix, &c. by Edward Stillingfleet, B.D. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1676 TiLLOTSON (John). Lives of Eminent Men. 8vo. Lond. [s. a., circa 1858] Lives of Illustrious Women of England. 8vo. Ibid. \_s. a., circa 1858] TiMBERLAXD (Eben.) : see Parllajvient — Debates in the House of Lords, 1742. Times (John). Laconics : or, the Best Words of the Best Authors. Fourth edition. 3 vols. i2mo. Lond. 18^1 A Century of Anecdote, from 1760 to i860. 2 vols. 8vo. /did. 1864 TiNDAL (Nicholas). History of England : see Rapin, 1743-7. TiNGRY (P. F.) The Painter and Varnisher's Guide : or, a treatise on the art of making and applying Varnishes on the different kinds of Painting. Second edition. 8vo. Lofid. 18 16 422 TIR — TOO TiRABOSCHi (Girolamo). Storia della Letteratura Italiana. 9 vols, [bound in i6]. 8vo. Milano, 1822-6 TisSOT (P. Fr.) Etudes sur Vergile. 4 vols, [bound in 2]. Svo. Paris, 1825-30 TiTiANUS Vecelli. Notices of Life and Works of: see Hume (Sir Abraham), 1829. TOCQUEVILLE (Le Comte Alexis de). Histoire Philosophique du Rfegne de Louis XV. Deuxieme edition. 2 vols, [in i]. 8vo. Paris, [1847] L'Ancien Regime et la Revolution. Deuxieme edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1856 Democracy in America ; translated by Henry Reeve. 4 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1835-40 Correspondence and Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior, from 1834-59. Edited by M. C. M. Simpson. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1872 TODLEBEN (Gen. Eduard Ivanovich). History of the Defence of Sebas- topol, 1854-5. Review of: see RusSELL (Wm. Howard), 1865. Toleration OF Papists : see Papists, 1688. TOMLINE (George, Bp. of Winchester). Memoirs of the Life of the Rt. Hon. William Pitt. 2 vols. 4to. Land. 1821 TOMLINS (Sir Thomas Edlyne). Law Dictionary, explaining the rise, progress, and present state of the British Law ; defining and inter- preting the terms or words of Art, &c. ; originally compiled by Giles Jacob. The fourth edition, with additions, by Thomas Colpitis Granger. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1835 TOMLINSON (Charles). Cyclopsedia of Useful Arts, mechanical and chemical. Manufactures, Mining and Engineering. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1852-4 Tommaseo (N.) Nuovo Dizionario dei Sinonimi della Lingua Italiana. 4to. Firettze , 1838 Tony Butler. [Vols, i and 2 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1865 TOOKE (John Home). EHEA HTEPOENTA : or, the Diversions of Purley. Second edition. 2 pts. 4to. Lond. 1798 — 1815 ToOKE (William). The Life of Catherine II., Empress of Russia; an enlarged translation from the French, [of Castera]. [Vols, i and 3 missing.] 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1798 TOO — TOW 423 TOOXE (W.) The Chronological Historian : or, a Record of Public Events, historical, political, biographical, literary, &c. principally illustrative of the History of Great Britain, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the present time. Second edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1828 TORELLI (Pomponio). Trattato del Debito del Cavalliero. 4to. Parma, 1596 Torino : v. Turin. TORRENS (Robert). The Principles and Practical Operation of Sir Robert Peel's Bank Act of 1844, explained and defended. Third edition. 8vo. Lo7id. 1858 TORREXS (Torrens McCullagh). The Life and Times of the Rt. Hon. Sir James R. C. Graham, Bart., G.C.B., M.P. 2 vols. Svo. Loud. 1863 Torrens (W. M.) Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. William [Lamb], Second Viscount Melbourne. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1878 TOSI and Becchio (M.) Altars, Tabernacles, and Sepulchral ]\Ionuments of the 14th and 15th centuries existing at Rome; descriptions in Italian, English, and French, by Mrs. Spry Bartlet. Imp. 4to. Lagny, 1843 Touchstone (S. F.), psacdonyju : see Racehorses. History of English and French Thoroughbred Stallions, &c. 1889. Tounefort (Jos. Pitton). A Voyage into the Levant, perform'd by command of the late French King ; with the author's life, and his elogium ; translated from the French, by John Ozell, and others. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1 7 1 8 TOURNER (Henry Marius). A new Introduction to the Italian Lan- guage. Svo. Edinb. 1794 TOURZEL (Mad'' la Duchesse de). Memoires de Madame la Duchesse de Tourzel, gouvemante des enfants de France pendant les annees 1789-95. Publics par le Due Des Cars. Deuxi^me edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1884 TOVEY (Charles). Wine and Wine Countries. i2mo. Lond. \%b2 TOWERSON (Gabriel, D.D.) An Explication to the Catechism of the Church of England. Part I. : containing an Explication of the Pre- liminary Questions and Answers of it, and of the Apostles' Creed, with an introduction. Fol. Lond. 1685 [The complete work is in five parts, i6;8-88.2 424 TOW — TRE TowNSEND (Rev. George). The Old Testament arranged in historical and chronological order. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1827 The New Testament arranged in chronogical and historical order ; with notes. Third edition. 2 vols. Svo. Ihid. 1828 TowNSEND (William C.) The Lives of Twelve Eminent Judges of the last and of the present century. 2 vols. Svo. Land. 1 846 TOWNSHEND (Heywood). Historical Collections : or, an exact Account of the Proceedings of the four last Parliaments of Q. Elizabeth. Fol. Lond. 1680 Tracts : see State Tracts. Tragedies : see Theatre. Train (Karl v.) Des gerechten und voUkommenen Waidmanns neue Practica zu Holz, Feld und Wasser ; oder die edle Jagerei nach alien ihren Theilen. 8vo. Weimar, 1838 Traites : V. Treaties. Treaties. Recueil des Traictes de Confederation et d' Alliance entre la Couronne de France et les Princes et Estats Estrangers, depuis 1621 jusques a present. 8vo. s.l. 1651 Recueil des Traites, Conventions et Actes Diplomatiques concemant I'Autriche et ITtalie. Svo. jP«m, 1859 Trench (Mrs. Richard). — The Remains of the late Mrs. Richard Trench, being selections from her journals, letters, &c. Edited by her son, [R. Chenevix Trench], Dean of Westminster. Svo. Lond. \%b2 Trench (Richard Chenevix, Abp. of Dublin). Synonyms of the New Testament. Fourth edition. Svo. Loud. 1858 Trent. II Decreto del Sacrosanto Universale Concilio di Trento, sopra la materia della Giustificatione ; tradotto dal Latino. 1 2 mo. Vinegia, 1648 [Bound with Plinius Secundus. Vin. 1546.] Treval (J. B. de). Reflexions importantes pour parvenir i la connoissance de la veritable Religion. i2mo. Lond. 1718 Trevor (George). The Convocations of the Two Provinces [Canterbury and York], their origin, constitution, and forms of proceeding; with a chapter on their revival. Svo. Lond. i&^2 TRI 425 Trials. A complete Collection of State Trials, and Proceedings for High Treason, and other Crimes and IMisdemeanours ; from the reign of K. Richard II. to the end of the reign of K. George I. The second edition. [With Preface by S. Emlyn.] 6 vols. fol. Lond. 1730 Celebrated Naval and Military Trials : see BuRKE (Peter), 1866. Remarkable Cases before the High Court of Justiciary, Scotland : sec Maclaurin (John, Ld. Dreghorn), 1774. Collection and Abridgement of Celebrated Criminal Trials in Scotland, 1536 — 1784, by Hugo Arnot. 4to. Edinh. 1785 Histoire des Procedures Criminelles et de I'Execution des trois Contes Fran9ois Nadasti, Pierre de Zerin et Frans Christof Fran- gespau [Franciapani] ; trad, de I'Allemand. i2mo. Amst. 1672 Criminal Trials [Throckmorton, Duke of Norfolk, Parry, Essex, Raleigh] : sec Library of Entertaining Kjmowledge. — Causes Cel^bres, 1737-59, q. v. Trials. Annesley v. Anglesey. The Trial in Ejectment (at Large), between Campbell Craig, Lessee of James Annesley, and Richard, Earl of Anglesey, before the Barons of the Exchequer in Ireland, Nov. 1743. Fol. Lond. 1744 Arundel (Philip Howard, Earl of) : see Mary, Queen of Scots, 168 1 ; sup. p. 273. Bentinck Succession: see Bentinck; sup. p. 35. Cadiere and Girard. Thirty-two Pieces never before translated, of the Proceed- ings upon the trial. i2mo. Lond. 1732 Castlemain. The Earl of Castlemain's Manifesto, 7 March, 168?. i2mo. J. /. 1 68 1 Charles I. : see Charles I. Basilika, 1687 ; sup. p. 87. Egerton ». Earl Brownlow, in the House of Lords, 1853. 4to. Essex (The Earl of) : see Library of Entertaining Knowledge ; sup. p. 248. Handcock v. Delacour. An Inquiry into the Truth of the Accusations made against the Marquis of Clanricardc, in the cause of Handcock v. Delacour, in the Irish Court of Chancery. 8vo. Zo«rER's Bibliographical Guide to American Literature, compiled and edited by Nicolas Triibner. 8vo. Lond. iSsg Tucker (Henry St. George). Memorials of Indian Government : being a selection from the papers of Henry St. George Tucker. Edited by John William Kaye. 8vo. Lo>id. 18^3 Tunis : v. Barbary, i 704. 3 12 428 TUN — TUR TuNSTALL (Jacobus). Epistola ad Virum Eruditum Conyers Middleton vitae M. T. Ciceronis scriptorem, in qua, ex locis ejus operis quam- plurimis, recensionem Ciceronis Epistolarum ad Atticum et Quintum Fratrem desiderari ostenditur ; accedit Joannis Chapman dissertatio chronologica de aetate Ciceronis librorum de Legibus. 8vo. Cantab. 1741 Observations on the present Collection of Epistles between Cicero and M. Brutus, representing marks of forgery in those Epistles ; in answer to Dr. Conyers Middleton. 8vo. Land. 1744 TuRCHi (Adeodato). Prediche alia Corte. 4to. Bassano, 1820 TuRENNE (Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, Vicomte de). — Le Juste Dueil de la France sur la iMort de Monsieur de Turenne. i2mo. j. /. 1675 [Bound mth Christine, La Reine.] Turin. La Reale Galleria di Torino : v. Azeglio (Roberto d'), 1841. Turkish Spy. Letters ^\Tit by a Turkish Spy, who lived five and forty years undiscover'd at Paris : giving an impartial account to the Divan at Constantinople, of the most remarkable transactions of Europe. [By John Paul JMarana.] Translated from the Italian. [Vol. i missing.] 8 vols. ismo. Loud. 1691 — 1708 TURNBULL (Peter Evan). Austria. 2 vols. 8vo. Loiid. 1840 TuRKER (David). Architectural Antiquities of Normandy : see COTMAN (John Sell), 1822. Turner (James). Treatise on the Foot of the Horse, and a new system of shoeing by one-sided nailing. 8vo. Loud, i&^z Turner (J. M. W., R.A.) Life of: see Thornbury (Walter), 1862. Turner (T. Hudson). Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England, from the Conquest to the end of the 13th century. 8vo. Ox/ 1 85 1 Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England, fi-om Edward I. — Richard II., by the Editor of the " Glossary of Archi- tecture," [John Henry Parker]. 8vo. Ibid. 1853 TxiR-PiN DE Crisse (Comte Lancelot Theodore). Souvenirs du Vieux Paris, exemples d' architecture de temps et de styles divers. Trente \Ties dessinees d'apr^s nature par le Comte T. Turpin de Crisse. Deuxi^me edition. Fol. Parts, 1836 TUR — TYT 429 TURSELLINUS Romanus (Horatius). Historiarum ab Origine Mundi, usque ad annum a Christo nato 1598, epitome. 8vo. Ultraj. 1718 Twining (Henry). The Philosophy of Painting. 8vo. Loud. \%i^q Twiss (Horace). The Public and Private Life of Lord Chancellor Eldon, with selections from his correspondence. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1844 Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1844 Twiss (Richard). Travels through Portugal and Spain in 1772 and 1773- 4to. Lo7id. 1775 Twiss (Sir Travers, D.C.L.) The Letters Apostolic of Pope Pius IX. considered, with reference to the Law of England and the Law of Europe. 8vo. Lond. 1851 Two Sicilies (The) : see Sicily. TWYSDEN (Sir Roger). Historiae Anglicanae Scriptores X. ex vetustis manuscriptis nunc primum in lucem editi. Adjectis variis lectionibus, glossario indiceque copioso. Fol. Lo)id. 1652 Tyrol (The). Tyrol Scenery : after Paintings by C. Frommel. Fol. \_Bcrlm, s. «.] Tyrwhitt (Rob. P.) and T. W. Tyndale. Digest of Public General Statutes, from Magna Carta to i & 2 Geo. IV., 182 1. 2 vols. 4to. Loud. 1822 Tyson (Edward, M.D.) Orang-Outang, sive Homo Sylvestris : or, the Anatomy of a Pygmie, compared with that of a Monkey, an Ape, and a Man ; with a philological essay concerning the pygmies, satyrs, &c. of the ancients, wherein it will appear that they are all apes or monkeys, and not men. 4to. Lofid. 1699 [Signature of John Locke on inside of cover.] Tytler (Alex. Eraser, Lord Woodhouselee). An Essay on Military Law, and the Practice of Courts Martial. Third edition, by Charles James. 8vo. Loud. 1814 Elements of General History ancient and modern. Tenth edition, by Edward Nares, D.D. Vols, i and 2. 8vo. Ibid. 1831 Vol 3, being a continuation terminating at the demise of His Majesty King Geo. HI. 1820, by Rev. Edward Nares, D.D. Second edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1824 Universal History, from the creation of the world to the beginning of the eighteenth century. 6 vols. i2mo. /<5/a^. 1834 430 TYT — URQ Tytler (Alex. Fraser, Lord Woodhouselee). Decisions of the Court of Session : see Kaisces (Henry Home, Lord). Tytler (Patrick Fraser). History of Scotland. 9 vols. 8vo. Edtnb. 1B2B Lives of Scottish Worthies. 3 vols. 8vo. Land. 1831 [Tytler, William.] An Inquiry, historical and critical, into the Evidence against Mary Queen of Scots, and an Examination of the Histories of Dr. Robertson and Mr. Hume with respect to that evidence. Third edition. 8vo. Edinh. 1772 Ubicini (A.) La Question d'Orient devant I'Europe. 8vo. Pam, 1854 Ude (Louis Eustache). The French Cook : a system of Cookery adapted to the use of English Families. Fourteenth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Uhland (Ludwig). Gedichte. Neunte Auflage. i2mo. Stuttgart 2c. Tubingen, 1835 Ulrici (Dr. Hermann). Shakespeare's Dramatic Art, and his relation to Calderon and Goethe. Translated from the German. 8vo. Lond. 1846 " Undine, The " : see Oxtr Cruise in the " Undine." Universal History (An), from the earliest account of time; compiled from original authors, illustrated with maps, cuts, notes, &c. ; with a general index, and chronological tables. 21 vols. 8vo. Lond. T. Osborne, 1747-54 Upton (Roger D.) Newmarket and Arabia, an examination of the descent of Racers and Covu*sers. 8vo. Lond. \8'ji "Uranie, L'," Voyage autour du Monde: v. Freycestet (L. C. de), 1824, &c. UrBIUM THEATRUil : V. THEATRUM URBIUM. Urfe : V. D'Urfe. Urquhart (David). Progress of Russia in the West, North, and South. Fifth edition. 8vo. Lond. \%^i The Portfolio : a Collection of State Papers, 1836-7, q. v. URS — VAI 431 Ursins (Jean Juvenal des). Histoire de Charles VI, Roy de France, et des choses memorables advenues de son rhgne d^s I'an 1380 jusques en I'an 1422. ]\Iisc en lumi^re par Theodore Godefroy. 4to. Pan's, 1614 Ursinus (Fulvius). Virgilius coUatione scriptorum Graecorum illustratus. 8vo. Leovardice, 1747 USSHER (John). A Journey from London to Persepolis. 8vo. Lofid. 1865 Vaillant (Clement). De la Commodite de 1' Appanage, ou Panage de Messieurs les Enfans puisnez de la Royale Maison de France. i2mo. Pan's, 1585 [Bound with Banesius. De Postremis Galliae, 1586.] Vaillant (Joannes). Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum Praestantiora a J. Caesare ad Postumum usque [ad Constantinum Magn., perducta studio Jo. Fr. Baldini]. 3 vols. 4to. Roz/ia; 1743 Vaillant (M.) Voyage autour du Monde ex6cut6 pendant les ann6es 1836 et 1837 sur la Corvette " La Bonite," command6e par M. Vaillant, Capitaine. Public par ordre du Roi. 8vo. Pan's, 1 840 c^ ann. sutv. Relation Historique du Voyage, par A. de La Salle. 3 vols. 1845-52 Album Historique. Fol. Zoologie, par MM. Eydoux et Souleyet. 2 vols, [in 3 pts] . 1841-52 Atlas. Fol. Botanique, par MM. Gaudichaud et C. D'Alleizette. 4 vols. 1844-66 Physique, par ]\L B. Darondeau et M. E. Chevalier. Observa- tions M^teorologiques et Magn6tiques. 4 vols, [in 6 pts], 1840-6 Observations Meteorologiques, 2 vols. Observations Magnetiques, 2 vols. G^ologie et Min6ralogie, par M. E. Chevalier. 1844 Zoophytologie, par M. Laurent. 1844 432 VAL — VAN Valentia (George, Viscount). Voyages and Travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea, Abyssinia, and Egypt in the years 1802, 3, 4, 5, and 6. 3 vols. 4to. Loud. 1809 Valentini (Agostino). Le quattro principali Basiliche di Roma, de- scritte ed illustrate per cura ed a spese di Agostino Valentini. 5 vols. fol. Roma, 1836-55 La Patriarcale Basilica Lateranense. 2 vols. 1836-7. La Patriarcale Basilica Liberiana. 1839. La Patriarcale Basilica Vaticana. 2 vols. 1845-55. Valentini (Dr. Francesco) . Gran Dizionario. Italiano-Tedesco, Tedesco- Italiano. 2 vols. 4to. Z?)^««, 1831-4 Tedesco-Italiano. 2 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1832-6 Valerius Flaccus. Traduit en Fran9ais : v. Lucretius, 1843. Valerius Maximus. Valerio Massimo de i Detti et Fatti memorabili ; tradotti di Latino in Toscano, da Giorgio Dati. i2mo. [Roma], 1539 Valery (Antoine Claude Pasquin plus connu sous le nom de). His- torical, literary and artistical Travels in Italy. Translated by C. E. Clifton. 8vo. Pan's, 1839 Vallancey (Major-Gen. Charles). Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis. [Containing Dissertations on the Laws of the antient Irish, with parts on the Brehon Laws.] 6 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1786 — 1804 [Vol. I, 1770 only, found.] Vall£e : V. La Vallee. Vallone (Mons. de). Profession de Foi de Monsieur de Vallone, pre- cedee de I'Histoire de sa Conversion. 8vo. La Haye, i-joi Valmore : V. Desbordes-Valmore. Valpy (Rev. Edward). Elegantis Latinae : or, Rules and Exercises illustrative of elegant Latin style. Tenth edition. i2mo. Land. \%i\ Valpy (Rev. F. E. J.) Fundamental Words of the Greek Language. 8vo. Loud. 1826 An Etymological Dictionary of the Latin Language. 8vo. Ibid. 1828 Vandam (Albert D.) Amours of Great Men. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1878 Van der Meulen (M.) : v. Cabinet du Roi. VAN — VAT 433 Van der Velde : v. Velde. [Vanel, M.] Histoire des Conclaves depuis Clement V. jusqu'i pr6sent. [Troisifeme Edition.] 2 vols, in i. i2mo. Cologne, 1694 [Le Catalogue Manuscrit de la Bibliothoque du Roi m'a appris le nom du premier auteur. Son travail n'etait, pour ainsi dire, que la traduction d'uu ouvrage Italien public en 1667, in 4to Si le Baron de Huyssen a eu part a cet ou\Tage il n'a du s'en occuper que lors de la troisi^me edition, donnee en 1694. Barbier, Diet, des Anon. 7829.] Van Galen : v. Galen. Van Hulle (Anselmus). Pacificatores Orbis Christian!, sive Icones Principum, Ducum et Legatonim qui Monasterii atque Osnaburgae pacem Europae reconciliarunt, quosque singulos ad nativam imaginem expressit A. Van Hulle ; nunc demum post viri illustris mortem in lucem editae, et descriptione recens auctae. 131 Portraits, engraved by P. de Jode, P. and C. Galle, &c. Large fol. Rottcrodami, typis Pd. Van dcr Sfaart, ib()-] Van Mildert (William, Bp. of Durham). Sermons preached before the Hon. Society of Lincoln's Inn, from 1812 to 181 9. Second edition. 2 vols. Svo. Oxf. 1832 Van Rymsdyk : see Rymsdyk. Vansleb (Le P. J. M.) Nouvelle Relation en forme de Journal, d'un Voyage fait en Egypte, en 1672-3. i2mo. Paris, 1677 Varennes (Marc Gilbert de). Le Roy d'Armes, ou I'Art de bien former, charger, briser, timbrer, parer, expliquer, et blasonner les Armoiries. Seconde Edition. Fol. Parts, 1640 Vargas Macciucca (Duca Michel e). Dell' antiche colonie venute in Napoli, ed i primi si furono i Fenici, ed i secondi si furono gli Euboici. 2 vols. 4to. Napoli, 1764 [Although this work bears the name of Vargas, it is by Jac. Martorelli. Vide Brunei.] Vasari (Giorgio). Vite de' piu eccellenti Pittori, Scultori e Architetti. 16 vols. Svo. JSIilano, 1807-11 Opere. 2 pts. Svo. Fircnze, 1S32-8 Vassor : V. Le Vassor. Vatican. II Vaticano descritto ed illustrato da Erasmo Pistolesi, 1829-38, q.v. 3 K 434 VAT — VEN Vattier (Pierre) : v. MURTADI. Vaxiban (S^bastien Lepretre de). De I'Attaque et de la Defense des Places. 4to. La Haye, xin Vauchelle (Andre Jean). Cours d' Administration Militaire. Troisieme edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854 Vaughan (Thomas Wright). A View of the Present State of Sicily; its rural economy, population, and produce, particularly in the County of Modica. 4to. Lond. 1 8 1 1 Vega : v. Garce^asso de la Vega. Vega (Lope de, Carpio). Romantische Dichtungen ; aus dem spanischen iibersezt, von C. Richard, q vols, in 8. Svo. Aacheti u. Leipzig, 1826-8 Veit (Raimund). Handbuch der Landgiiter-Venvaltung oder der Ein- richtungs- und Betriebskunde des landwirthschaftlichen Gewerbes. 3 vols. Svo. Augsburg, 1838 Velde (Carl Franz van der). Schriften. 25 vols. i2mo. Dresden, 1824-7 Venegas (Miguel). A Natural and Civil History of California; trans- lated from the Spanish. 2 vols. Svo. Lo7id. 1759 Venetia. Degli Istorici delle cose Veneziane, i quali hanno scritto per pubblico decreto, c\oh Marcantonio Sabellico, P. Bembo, Paolo Paruta, Andrea Morosini, Batista Nani, e Michele Foscarini. 10 vols, in II. 4to. Venez. 1718-22 Le Fabriche piii cospicue di Venezia misurate, illustrate, ed intagliate dai membri della Veneta Reale Academia di Belle Arti. 2 vols. fol. Ibid. 1S15-20 Venice. The Stones of Venice : see Ruskdj (John), 185 1-3. Ventouillac (L. T.) The French Librarian, or Literary Guide. Svo. Lond. 1829. •' Venus, La," Voyage autour du Monde sur la Fregate : v. Du Petit- Thouars (A.), 1840. Venuti (Ridolfino). Accurata e succinta Descrizione Topografica delle Antichita di Roma. 2 pts. in i vol. 4to. Roma, 1763 Edizione terza. 2 pts. in i vol. 4to. Ibid. 1824 VER 435 Verdier (F.) Histoire des Actions extraordinaires de Sampson, en quarante feuilles ; tir^e de I'Ecriture Sainte. Invent^e par rVan9ois Verdier. Fol. Paris, 1698 Vere (Sir Francis). The Commentaries of Sir Francis Vere, being diverse pieces of service, wherein he had command, wTitten by himself in way of commentary. Published by William Dillingham, D.D. Fol. Camb. 1657 Verle (Gio. Battista). Anatomia Artifiziale dell' Occhio Umano. i2mo. Firenz. 1679 Vermiglioli (Gio. Battista). Di Bernardino Pinturicchio, Pittore Peru- gino del secolo XV. — XVI., Memorie. 8vo. Perugia, 1837 Vernon (The House of). Historical Memoirs of the House of Vernon. [Privately printed; edition limited to 100 copies. No title.] 4to. \circa 1848] Vernon (G. G. Warren, Lord) : see Dante. Vernon (Robert). Vernon Gallery of British Art : Engravings from the works of British Artists in the National Gallery, presented to the Nation by Robert Vernon. {/Ir lists' proofs on India paper, before let(ers.'\ 5 vols. fol. Land. 1849-53 V£ron (Dr. L.) M^moires d'un Bourgeois de Paris ; comprenant la Fin de I'Empire, la Restauration etc., jusqu'au Retablissement de I'Empire. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1853-5 Versailles. Pieces diverses. La Feste de Versailles, du 18 Juillet, 1668, a Mons. le Marq. de la Fuente. i2mo. 5. /. el a. [Bound with Recueil de diverses Piices, 1669.] Galeries Historiques de Versailles: v. Gavard (Ch.), 1838. See also Cabinet du Roi. Vers£ (Aubert de) : v. Heidegger (J. H.) 1685. [Vertot, L'Abb^ Ren6 Aubert de]. Histoire de la Conjuration de Portugal en 1640. i2mo. A?nsl. 1689 [Bound with Ireland. Histoire de la Revolution, 1691.] Histoire des Chevaliers Ho.spitaliers de S. Jean de Jeru.salem, appelez depuis les Chevaliers de Rhodes, et aujourd'hui les Chevaliers de Malte. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 112b 3 K 2 436 VER — VIC Vertue (George). The Heads of the Kings of England, proper for Mr. Rapin's History, drawn by George Vertue. Fol. Land. 1736 A Description of the works of the ingenious Delineator and Engraver Wenceslaus Hollar, disposed into classes of different sorts ; with some account of his life. \^Dcdicated to Margaret Cavendishe- Hollis Beiitinck, Duchess of Portland^ 4to. Ibid, i-]i^^ Medals, Coins, Great-Seals, Impressions from the elaborate Works of Thomas Simon. 4to. Ibid. 1753 [Two copies.] Catalogue of Engravers: see Walpole (Horace, Earl of Orford). Veterinarian (The), 1828 — 1842. Edited by Messrs. Percivall and Youatt. Vols. I — 15. 8vo. Loud. 1828-42 Veterinary Medical Association. Abstract of the Proceedings, during the First to Fifth Sessions, 1836-41. 3 vols. 8vo. Land. 1837-41 Vetusta Monumenta, quae ad Rerum Britannicarum memoriam conser- vandam Societas Antiquariorum Londini sumptu suo edenda curavit. Fol. Lond. Vol. I. 70 plates and letterpress. 1747. III. 44 plates and letterpress, n. d, [The complete work is in 6 vols. 1747 — 1842.] ViARDOT (Louis). Notices sur les principaux Peintres de I'Espagne. 8vo. /^aw,i839 Les Musees d'ltalie. 8vo. Ibid. 1842 Les Musees d'Espagne, d'Angleterre et de Belgique. 8vo. Ibid. 1 843 [Bound with VlARDOT. Musees d'ltaUe.] VlART (M.) Le Cuisinier Royal. Dix-huiti^me edition, augmentee par MM. Fouret et Delan. 8vo. Paris, 1842 ViCO (Enea). Discorsi sopra le Medaglie de gli Antichi. 4to. Vinegia, 1558 Victoria (Queen). Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands, from 1848 to 1861 ; to which are prefixed and added, extracts from the same Journal giving an account of earlier visits to Scotland, and tours in England and Ireland, and yachting excursions. Edited by Arthur Helps. Illustrated edition. 4to. Lond. 1868 More Leaves from the Journal of a Life in the Highlands, from 1862 to 1882. Fifth edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1884 [The two preceding works were given by Her Majesty the Queen to His Grace the Duke of Portland, and inscribed by H.M. as presentations. Balmoral, 2ist Oct. 1892.] See also Albert (H.R.H. Prince). VIC-VIL 437 Victoria Cross (The) : an Official Chronicle of the Deeds of Personal Valour achieved in the presence of the Enemy during the Crimean and Baltic Campaigns, the Indian Mutinies, &c. Second edition. 8vo. Lofid. 1865 ViDA (jMarcus Hieronymus, Cremon.) De Arte Poetica ; De Bombyce ; De Ludo Scacchorura ; Hymni ; Bucolica. 8vo. RomcB,apudL. Vicentimim, i^i-j VlDEL (Louis). Histoire de la Vie du Connestable de Lesdiguieres, depuis sa naissance jusqu'a sa mort. Fol. Parts, \bi^ Viel-Castel (Louis de). Histoire de la Restauration. [\''ols. 9 — 20 missing.] 20 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1860-78 ViGERUS (Fr.) Greek Idioms abridged and translated into English, from Professor Hermann's last edition, with notes, by the Rev. John Seager. Svo. Lond. 1828 ViGNE (Godfrey T.) Six Months in America. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1832 ViGNTER (Nicolas). Sommaire de I'Histoire des Fran9ois. Fol. Part's, 1579 ViLLARS (Pierre, Marquis de). M^moires de la Cour d'Espagne, sous le r^gne de Charles II, 1678-82. Svo. Londrcs, \%b\ ViLLEDlEU (Marie Hortense Des Jardins, Madame de). Les Amours des Grands Hommes. 2 vols in i. i2mo. Ainst. 1688 ViLLEGAS (Alfonso de). Flos Sanctorum : the Lives of the Saints. Written in Spanish ; translated out of Italian into English, and compared with the Spani.sh, by W. and E. K[insman] B[rothers]. First tome. 4to. s. I. [1609] [This work was to have been in 3 tomes, but no more of this edition appears to have been published.] ViLLEMATN (Abel Fran9ois). Souvenirs Contemporains d'Histoire et de Litterature. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1854-5 Souvenirs Contemporains d'Histoire et de Litterature. Troisi^me Edition. 2 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1S55 ViLLEMARQUE: V. HeRSART DE LA VlLLEMARQUE, 1865. ViLLEROY (Nicolas de Neufville, Seigneur de). M^moires d'Estat par Monsieur de Villeroy. Svo. Sedan, 1622 Recueil de plusieurs M^moires d'Estat k la suite de ceux. de Monsieur de Villeroy, contenant la Conferance faicte avec les Princes et Estats Catholiques assemblez k Paris, 1593. Svo. s. I. 1623 438 VIL — VIR ViLLlERS (L'Abbe Pierre de). Reflexions sur les defauts d'autruy. 8vo. Amsf. 1695 [ ] Entretien sur les Tragedies de ce temps. i2mo. Jouxte la copie a Paris, 1676 [Bound with Helvetius (A.) Fie\Tes.] Vincent (Edgar) and T. G. Dickson. A Handbook to Modern Greek. 8vo. Land. 1879 Vinci (Leonardo da). Treatise on Painting; translated from the Italian by John Francis Rigaud ; with a life of the author by J. W. Brown. i2mo. Land. 1835 ViNESALVUS seu Vines AUF (Galfridus). Itinerarium Richardi Regis: V. Gale. Hist. Brit. Script., vol. 2. Viollet-Le-Duc (Eugene Emmanuel). Dictionnaire raisonne du Mobilier Fran9ais de I'epoque Carlovingienne a la Renaissance. 8vo. Part's, 1858 VIRGILIUS Maro (Publius). Opera, cum Servii commentariis. [Title missing.] Fol. Venei. 1480 Opera, cum notis variorum ; quibus accedunt observationes Jacobi Emmenessii, cum indice Erythraei. 3 vols. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1680 Opera, interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruseus, ad usum Delphini. 8vo. Lo7id. 1687 Opera, cum integris commentariis Servii, Philargyrii, Pierii ; ad cod. MS. Regium Parisiensem recensuit Pancratius Masvicius. 2 vols. 4to. Leovardta, 17 17 Bucolica, Georgica et ./Eneis, ex cod. Mediceo-Laurentiano de- scripta ab Ant. Ambrogi, Italico versu reddita, adnotationibus atque variantibus lectionibus. 3 vols. fol. Roma;, i-jby^ P. Virgilius Maro, varietate lectionis et perpetua adnotatione illustratus a Chr. Gottl. Heyne ; accedunt indices. 6 vols. 8vo. Lipsia:, 1800 P. Virgilius Maro in usum scholarum, ad novissimam Heynii editionem exactus. 8vo. Lotid. 1809 Works, translated by John Ogilby. Fol. Ibid. 1654 Works, containing his Pastorals, Georgics, and .^neis; translated into English verse by Mr. Dryden. Second edition. Fol. Ibid. ib()?i Commentary on Dryden's .^neid : see CLASSICAL MANUAL, 1827. VIR— VIT 439 VIRGILIUS Maro (Publius). Virgil's ^neis, translated into Scottish verse by the famous Gawin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld. New edition. Fol. Edinb. 1710 The Eclogues of Virgil, with an English translation and notes, by- John Martyn. 8vo. Loud. 1813 Works, translated into English prose, with the Latin text. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1826 Les CEuvres de Virgile, traduites en prose, par Michel de MaroUes. Fol. Paris, 1649 CEuvres de Virgile, traduites en vers Fran9ais par Tissot et Delillei en vers Espagnols par Guzman, Velasco et Luis de Leon ; en vers Italians par Arici et Annibal Caro ; en vers Anglais par Warton et Dryden ; en vers AUemands par Voss ; (texte en regard, d'aprfes Heyne). Edition Polyglotte. 8vo. Paris et Lyon, \%i^ Virgile traduit en Fran^ais : see LuCRExrus, 1843. L' Eneide, tradotto dal Commendatore Annibal Caro, 1812, q.v. Etudes sur Vergile : v. TiSSOT (P. F.), 1825-30. Virgilius collatione scriptorum Graecorum illustratus : v. Ursinus (Fulv.), 1747. ViSCONTi (Ennio Quirino). Iconographie Grecque. 3 vols. fol. Paris, 1 808-11 Iconographie Romaine. 4 vols. fol. Ibid. 1817-26 ViSlONi POLITICHE (Le), sopra gli interessi piu reconditi di tutti prencipi e republiche della Christianity. Divise in varii sogni e ragionamenti tra Pasquino e il Gobbo di Rialto. i2mo. Germania, 1671 VlTRUVlUS PoUio (Marcus). Les dix Livres d' Architecture de Vitruve, corrigez et traduits nouvellement en Fran9ois, par M. Perrault. Seconde Edition. Fol. Paris, ib^^ [Two copies.] Architectura ; textu ex recensione codicum emendato, cum exercita- tionibus notisque novissimis Joannis Poleni, et commentariis variorum additis, nunc primum studiis Simonis Stratico. [L. P.] 4 vols, in 8 pts. 4to. Utini, 1825-30 Architecture ; in ten books, translated from the Latin, by Joseph Gwilt. 4to. Loud. 1826 440 VIT — VOY ViTRUvius Britannicus : see Campbell (Colen), 17 15-17. RoBmsoN (P. F.) 1833-41. VoCABOLARio degli Accademici della Cnisca. Fol. Venez. 161 2 VOESIN (Lancelot du, Sieur de La PoPELiNitRE), q. v. VOET (Paul). Origine, progr^s, et gestes memorables des illustres Seigneurs de Brederode. Traduit du Flamand par B. Pailhot. 4to. Afiist. 1663 VOGHERA (Giovanni). lUustrazione dell' Arco della Pace in Milano. [4 pp. of preface, and 28 plates.] Obi. fol. Milano, 1838 VOGT (C.) Embryologie des Salmones : v. Agassiz (L.) Hist. Nat. des Poissons, livr. 2. VOGT (Carl) and Friedrich Specht. The Natural History of Animals, (Class Mammalia — Animals which suckle their young), in word and picture. Translated and edited with additions, by George G. Chisholm. 2 vols. 4to. Lmid. [1891 ?] VoiTtm^ (Vincent de). Les CEuvres de Monsieur de Voiture. Seconde Edition. 4to. Paris, 1650 Voltaire (Fran9ois Marie Arouet de). CEuvres. Vols. I — 24. 4to. Geneve, 1768-74 [This edition is complete in 45 vols.] VOSMERUS (Michaelis). Principes HoUandiae et Zelandiae. Fol. Antv. 1578 Voyages. Recueil de divers Voyages faits en Afrique et en I'Amerique, qui n'ont point este encore publiez ; enrichi de figures, cartes, &c. 4to. Paris, Veuve d'' Ant. Cellier, 1684 [LiGON (R.) Isle des Barbades. Relation de la Riviere du Nil. Tellez (Balth.) Histoire d'Ethiopie. Jamaique, &c.] Voyage de M. Quiclet a Constantinople, 1657, q. v. Voyages Curieux : v. Thevenot (Melch.), 1663-6. — Principall Navigations, Voiages and Discoveries of the English Nation made within 1500 yeeres : see Hakluyt (Richard), 1589 — 1600. — Narratives of Voyages towards the North- West in search of a passage to Cathay and India, 1496 — 163 1 : see Hakluyt Society Publications, No. 5. — Voyage into the Levant: see Tounefort (Jos. P.), 17 18. VOY 441 Voyages. Voyage round the World by way of the Great South Sea, 1719-22: see Shelvocke (Capt. George), 1726. Voyages in the Southern Hemisphere : see Hawkesworth (John), 1773- — Voyages en differentes provinces de I'Empire de Russie, &c. : V. Pai-las, 1793. — Chronological History of Arctic Voyages: see Barrow (John), — Voyage dans rint6rieur de TAm^rique du Nord, 1832-4: v. Maxtmilien (Prince de Wied-Neuwied), 1843. — Voyage dans la Russie M6ridionale et la Crim6e, 1837: v. DfiMl- DOFF, 1840. Voyage en Orient: v. Laborde (L^on, Comte de), 1845. Voyage de " La P^rouse," 1791, &c. : v. Labillardi£re, 1797, &c. Recueil des Cartes, Plans, Vues, &c. pour servir au Voyage de " La Troade" : v. Lechevalier (J. B.), 1802. Voyage autour du IMonde, par la Fregate " La Boudeuse," &c., 1766-69 : see BouGArNTiLLE (L. Ant.), 1771. Voyage autour du Monde, 1790-92 : v. Marchand (Etienne), An. \a— Vni, [1797-99.] Reise um die Welt auf den Schiffen " Nadeshda " und " Newa," 1803-5: V. Kj^usenstern, 1809-14. — Voyage autour du Monde sur "L'Uranie" et "La Physicienne," 1820 : see Freycinet (Louis CI. de), 1824-44. — Voyage autour du monde sur la Corvette "La Coquille," 1822-5 ; V. Duperrey (Louis I.), 1828. Voj^age de "La Thetis," et de " L'Esp6rance" autour du monde. 1824-6: 7J. Bougainville, 1828, 1837. — Voyage autour du Monde sur " La Favorite," 1830-32 : v. Laplace (C.P.T.), 1833-39. — Voyage autour du Monde sur " La Venus" : v. Du Petit-Thouars (A.), 1840. 3 L 442 VOY — WAA Voyages. Voyage autour du Monde sur "La Bonite," 1840: v. Vaillant (M.), 1840-52, H.M.S. "Beagle," 1832-6: j^g Darwin (Charles), 1838-43. — Voyage en Islande et au Greenland, 1835-6, snr " La Recherche" : V. Gaimard (Paul), 1838-52. — Voyages en Scandinavie, Laponie, &c. 1838-40, sur " La Re- cherche" : V. Gaimard (Paul), 1842. — Voyage de " L' Astrolabe," 1826-9 : v. Dtoiont d'Urville, 1830. Voyage au Pole Sud sur " L' Astrolabe" et "La Zelee," 1840: V. DuMONT d'Urville," 1841. Vredius (Oliverus) : v. Wree. Vrigny (M. De) . Defense du Parlement d'Angleterre dans la cause de Jaques II. i2mo. Rotter d. \t')i [Bound with Rome. Conjectures Politiques, 1700.] VULSON (Marc de). Le vray Theatre d'Honneur et de Chevalerie, ou le Miroir Heroique de la Noblesse. 2 pts. in i vol. Fol. Parts, 1648 Vyner (R. T.) Notitia Venatica, a Treatise on Fox-Hunting ; to which is added a compendious Kennel Stud Book. 8vo. Land. 1841 New edition, to which is added a Compendious Kennel Stud Book ; edited by W. C. A. Blew. Roy. 8vo. Ibid. 1892 Vyse (Col. Howard). Operations carried on at the Pyramids of Gizeh in 1837 ; with an account of a voyage to Upper Egypt ; and appendix. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1840-2 Waagen (Dr. Gust. Friedr.) Kunstwerke und Kxinstler in England und Paris. 3 vols. 12 mo. Berlin, 1837-9 Works of Art and Artists in England. 3 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1838 [Two copies.] — Kunstwerke und Kiinstler in Paris. 8vo. Berlin, iST,g — Uber den Maler Petrus Paulus Rubens. [From Histor. Taschen- buch, IV.] i2mo. n. d. WAA — WAL 443 Waagen (Dr. Gust. Friedr.) Peter Paul Rubens, his life and genius. Translated from the German by Robert R. Noel. Edited by Mrs. Jameson. 8vo. Lond. 1840 Kunstwerke und Kiinstler im Erzgebirge und in Franken. Svo. Lcipz. 1843 Treasures of Art in Great Britain : being an Account of the chief Collections of Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, illuminated MSS., &c. 3 vols. Svo. Loiid. 1854 Galleries and Cabinets of Art in Great Britain : being an Account of more than forty Collections of Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, MSS. &c. visited in 1854 and 1856, and now for the first time described; forming a supplemental volume to the Treasures of Art in Great Britain. Svo. Ibid. 1857 Wagner (Georg). Die Aesthetik der Baukunst. Svo. Dresden, 1%^?, Figuren. Svo. /did. 18^8 [Waha, Le P6re de]. Le Fidelle et Vaillant Gouvemeur, represente dans I'Histoire de la vie et de la mort de Messire Jean d'AUamont, par un Patriot Luxembourgeois. Seconde Edition. i2mo. Liege, 1668 Wake (William, Abp. of Canterbury). Preparation for Death. Second edition. i2mo. Lond. 1688 Wakefield (Edward). An Account of Ireland, statistical and political. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1812 Walbran (C. J.) A Dictionary of Shakspere Quotations, arranged in alphabetical order. Svo. Lond. 1849 WaldecK (Frederic de). Voyage Pittoresque et Arch6ologique dans la Province d' Yucatan (Amerique Centrale), pendant les annees 1834 et 1836. Fol. Paris, 1838 Waldegrave (James, Earl of). Memoirs from 1754 to 175S. 4to. Lond. 182 1 Wales (George Fred. Aug., Prince of). — Gratulatio solennis Universitatis Oxoniensis ob celsissimum Georgium Fred. Aug. Walliae Principem Georgio III. et Charlottae Reginae auspicatissime natum. Fol. Oxon. 1762 3L2 444 WAL Walford (Edward). Photographic Portraits of living Celebrities, exe- cuted by Maull and Polyblank ; with biographical notices by E. Walford. Vol. i [40 numbers]. 410. Land. 1856-9 County Families of the United Kingdom. 8vo. Ibid. i860 Fifteenth annual publication. 8vo. Ihtd. 1875 Walker (Sir Edward). Historical Discourses upon several occasions: viz. the happy progress and success of the arms of K. Charles I. in 1644; his Majesty's unfortunate success in the year following; the Life of Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel and Surrey ; Answer to a Book entituled Monarchy or no Monarchy, by W. Lilly ; with copies of the Votes, Letters, &c. in the treaty held at Newport, Isle of Wight, Sept. — Nov. 1648, between Charles I. and a Committee of the Lords and Commons of Parliament. Fol. Land. 1 705 Walker (John). A Key to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names. Sixth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1818 Clavis Homerica : or. Lexicon of all the words which occur in the Iliad. Fourth edition. lamo. Ihid. 1833 Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language, by B. H. Smart. Second edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1846 Walker (Wilhelm). Die Erziehung der Obstbaume und ihre Behand- lung bis ins hohe Alter. 8vo. Rctitlingen, i&^^-j Wallace (Alfred Russel). The Malay Archipelago, the land of the Orang-Utan, and the Bird of Paradise ; a narrative of travel, with studies of man and natiu-e. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. iSbg [Wallace, James, M.D.] The History of the Kingdom of Scotland, from Fergus the first King to the commencement of the Union of the two Kingdoms of Scotland and England. ByJ. W., M.D. 4to. Dubl.\-]2/\ Wallace (W.) The History of the Life and Reign of George IV. (Lardner's Cabinet Library.) 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 183 1-2 Wallen (William). The History and Antiquities of the Round Church at Little Maplestead, Essex, formerly belonging to the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem ; with an historical sketch of the Crusades. 8vo. Lond. 1836 WAL 445 Waller (Edmund). Poems, &c. Eighth edition, with the author's life. 8vo. Loud. 1 7 1 1 Poetical Works, edited by Robert Bell. i2mo. Ibid. 1854 Works in verse and prose. Published by Mr. Fenton. 4to. Hid. 1729 [Two copies.] Works, in verse and prose ; published by Mr. Fenton. {Dedicated by Fenton to Lady Margaret Cavendishe Harley.) i2mo. Glasg. i-j^z Wallhausen (Jean Jaques de). La Milice Romaine, traicte auquel est monstre comment devant quelques mill annees on enseignoit les nobles arts militaires es escholes publiques ; avec la traduction de Flave Vegece en langne Fran9oise. Fol. Franc/, sur le Main, 1616 Wallich (Nathaniel). Plantae Asiaticae Rariores : or, descriptions and figures of a select number of unpublished East Indian Plants. 3 vols, in 6 pts. fol. Land. 1830 Wallingford (Joannes). Chronica: v. Gale. Hist. Brit. Script., vol. i. Wallis (Richard). London's Armory ; delineating the arms, crests, sup- porters, mantles and mottos of every Company and Corporate Societie in the City of London. 4to. Lond. ib-;-] Walpole (Horace, Earl of Orford). .^des Walpolianse : or, a Description of the Collection of Pictures at Houghton Hall in Norfolk, the Seat of the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford. Second edition. 4to. Lond. 1752 A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, with lists of their works. Second edition. 2 vols. Svo. Ibid. 17 sg — A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and L-eland ; with lists of their works. Enlarged and continued to the present time by Thomas Park. [L. P.] 5 vols. Svo. Ibid. 1806 — A Catalogue of Engravers, who have been bom, or resided, in England, digested by JMr. Horace Walpole, from the MSS. of Mr. George Vertue ; to which is added an account of the Life and Works of the latter. 4to. Strawberry Hilt, I'jbi — Anecdotes of Painting in England ; with some account of the principal Artists, collected by G. Vertue ; to which is added the History of the Modem Taste in Gardening. 4 vols. 4to. Ibid. 1762, 3, 71 446 WAL Walpole (Horace, Earl of Orford). Anecdotes of Painting in England; with some account of the principal artists, collected by G. Vertue ; and incidental notes on other arts, with additions by the Rev. James Dallaway. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 ■' Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard the Third. 4to. Ibid. 1768 Private Correspondence [1735-97], now first collected. [Vols, i and 2 missing.] 4 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1820 Letters to Sir Horace Mann [1741-60], British Envoy at the Coirrt of Tuscany. Now first published from the originals in the possession of the Earl of Waldegrave. Edited by Lord Dover. 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1833 The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford ; including numerous letters now first published from the original manuscripts, 1735-07. 6 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1840 — Letters ; edited by Peter Cunningham ; now first chronologically arranged. [Vol. 3 missing.] 9 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1857-9 — Memoirs of the Reign of King George the Third ; now first pub- lished fi-om the original MSS. ; edited, with notes, by Sir Denis Le Marchant, Bart. 4 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1 845 Second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1851 Joiirnal of the Reign of King Geo. IH. from the year 1771 to 1783. Edited, with notes, by Dr. Doran, 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1859 Walpole (Spencer). The Life of the Rt. Hon. Spencer Perceval, including his Correspondence with numerous distinguished persons. 2 vols. 8vo. Loiid. 1874 A Manual of the Law of Salmon Fisheries in England and Wales. 8vo. Ibid. 1877 A History of England, from the conclusion of the Great War in 1815. 5 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1878-86 Walsh (Sir John, Bart.) Chapters of Contemporary History. Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1836 [Walsh, John Henry, " Stonehenge"]. The Greyhound : being a treatise on the art of breeding, rearing, and training of Greyhounds for public running ; their diseases and treatment ; containing also rules for the management of coursing meetings, &c., by " Stonehenge." Svo. Lond. 1853 WAL — WAR 447 [Walsh, John Henry, "Stonehenge"]. The Greyhound in 1864: being the second edition of a treatise on the art of breeding, rearing, and training greyhounds for public running ; their diseases and treatment. By " Stonehenge." 8vo. Lojid. 1864 The Dogs of the British Islands : being a series of articles on the points of their various breeds, and the treatment of the diseases to which they are subject. Reprinted from " The Field " newspaper. Third edition. 4to. Ibid. 1878 and I. J. LUPTON. The Horse, in the Stable and the Field ; his varieties, management in health and disease, anatomy, physiology, &c. 8vo. Ibid. 1 86 1 Walsinghaji (Sir Francis). M^moires et Instructions pour les Ambas- sadeurs, ou Lettres et Negotiations de Walsingham, Ministre et Secretaire d'Etat, sous Elisabeth, Reine d'Angleterre. Traduit de I'Anglois [par Louis Boulesteis de la Contie]. 4to. Anist. 1700 WALSns'GHAii (Lord) and Sir Ralph PAYXE-GALL^^'EY, Bart. Shooting ; with contributions by the Hon. Gerald Lascelles, A. J. Stuart-Wortley, Lord Lovat, and Lord Charles Lennox Kerr. Second edition. (Bad- minton Library). 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1887 Walter (Richard) : j^e Anson (George, Lord), 1748. Walther (J. Karl Wilh.) Recept-Taschenbuch fiir praktische Aerzte und Wundarzte. 2 vols. i2mo. Leipzig, 1847 Walton (Izaak) and Charles Cotton. The Complete Angler, or Con- templative Man's Recreation : being a Discourse on Rivers, Fish- Ponds, Fish and Fishing. Second edition, by Sir John Hawkins. 8vo. Lond. 1766 Seventh edition, with the lives of the authors, by Sir John Hawkins. [L. P.] 8vo. Ibid. 1 808 Seventh edition. [L. P.] 4to. Ibid. 1 808 Wanley (Nathaniel). The Wonders of the Little World: or, a General History of Man. Fol. Lond. \b-,Z Warburton (Eliot). Hochelaga : or, England in the New World. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1846 The Crescent and the Cross: or, Romance and Realities of Eastern Travel. Thirteenth edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1857 448 WAR Warburton (Lieut.-Col. Robert). The Race Horse: how to buy, train, and run him. 8vo. Loitd. i^()2 Ward (Robert). A Treatise on the relative Rights and Duties of Belligerent and Neutral Powers in Maritime Affairs. Reprinted from the original edition, with a Preface by Lord Stanley of Alderley. 8vo. Lond. 1875 Ward (Robert Arthur). A Treatise on Investments. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1852 Ward (William). Life and Times of: see Marshman (John Clark), 1859. Ware (Sir James). The Antiquities and History of Ireland; now first Englished, with the life of the author. Fol. Dubl. 1 705 Contents. — i. Antiquities of Ireland. 2. Annals of Ireland. 3. Prelates, &c., to the year 1704. 4. Writers of Ireland. 5. Sir John Davis's Discourse of the cause why Ireland was no sooner reduced to obedience to the Crown of England. The History and Antiquities of Ireland, with the history of the I Writers of Ireland ; translated from the Latin, revised and improved, with additions, and continued to the beginning of the present century by Walter Harris. 2 vols, [in i], fol. Ibid. 1764 Ware-Scott: see SCOXX (Mrs. Ware). Warendorp (F. de). La Sauce au Verjus repr6sent6e k Son Altesse Mons. le Prince d'Osnabrug. lamo. Col., n. d. [circa 1680] [Bound with LISOLA. Le Politique du Temps, 167 1.] Waring (J. B.) Illustrations of Architectiire and Ornament. Fol. Lond. [1864] and T. R. Macquoid. Examples of Architectural Art in Italy and Spain, chiefly of the 13th and i6th centuries. Fol. Ihid. 1850 Waring (Thomas). A Treatise on Archery, or the Art of Shooting with the Long Bow. 8vo. Lond. 1814 Warnefridus: V. Paulus Diaconus, 1547. Warner (Ferdinando, LL.D.) The History of the Rebellion and Civil War in Ireland. 4to. Lofid. i-jti Warner (William). Albion's England ; a continued historic of the same Kingdome from the originals of the first inhabitants thereof 4to. Lond. 161 2 WAR — WAT 449 Warren (Samuel). Miscellanies, critical, imaginative and juridical. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1855 Wartensleben (Count Hermann von). The Campaign of 1 870-1. Operations of the South Army in Jan. and Feb. 1871. Translated bj'^ Colonel C. H. von Wright. 8vo. Loud. 1872 Warton (Rev. Thomas). The History of English Poetry, from the close of the eleventh to the commencement of the eighteenth century ; with two dissertations — i. On the Origin of Romantic Fiction in Europe. 2. On the Introduction of Learning into England. 3 vols. 4to. Loud. 1774-81 Second edition. Vol. I. 4to. (No more of this edition issued.) Ibid. 1775 Rev. J. Bexthaji, Captain Grose, and the Rev. J. IMilner. Essays on Gothic Architecture. Third edition. 8vo. Ibid. \%o^ Wassexbergius (Everardus). Aurifodina Gallica ordinibus Imperii Romani, reserata et obstructa. 12 mo. s. I. 1672 [Bound with France. L'Ombre de Charles V., 1688.] Waterhous (Edward). Fortescutus illustratus, or a Commentary on that nervous treatise " De Laudibus Legum Angliae," written by Sir John Fortescue, Knt. Fol. Lcmd. 1663 Waterton (Charles). Essays on Natural History, chiefly Ornithology, with an autobiography of the author. 8vo. Lond. 1854 Second series. 8vo. Ibid. 1854 Wathen (George H.) Arts, Antiquities and Chronology of Ancient Egypt, from observations in 1839. 8vo. Lo?id. 1843 Watson (Rev. John). The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Halifax, in Yorkshire. 4to. Loiid. i-]-]^ Watson (Rev. John Selby). The Life of Richard Porson, RI.A. 8vo. Lond. 1861 Watt (Robert, M.D.) Bibliotheca Britannica : or, a General Index to British and Foreign Literature; in two parts — Authors, and Subjects. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1824 Watts (Francis). Bulletins and State Intelligence, 1849-52: see Bul- letins. Watts (W.) The Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, in a collection of the most interesting and picturesque views, with descriptions of each view. 4to. Chelsea, 1779 450 WAV — WED Waverleia, Monasterium de, Annales: v. Gale. Hist. Brit. Script., vol. 2. Weatherby (James, Edward, Charles, and J. P.) : see Racing Calendar (The). Weaver (Henry). Hints on Cottage Architecture. Obi. 4to. Bath, 1848 Webb (Daniel). An Inquiry into the Beauties of Painting, and into the merits of the most celebrated painters, ancient and modern. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1761 Webber (Byron). Pigskin and Willow, with other Sporting Stories. 8vo. Lond. 1883 Weber (Dr. C.) Der Sonderbund und seiner Auflosung von dem Stand- punkte einer nationalen Politik. 8vo. St. Gallen, 1848 Weber (Carl Julius). Deutschland, oder Briefe eines in Deutschland reisenden Deutschen. Dritte Auflage. [Vols, i and 2 missing.] 4 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1843 Weber (F. A.) Kritisch-erklarendes Handworterbuch der deutschen Sprache. 8vo. Leipzig, 1838 Weber (Joseph). M6moires concemant Marie- Antoinette, Archiduchesse d'Autriche et Reine de France et de Navarre ; par MM. Berville et Barri^re. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822 Webster (Daniel). Works. 6 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1851 Webster (Noah). Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1832 Revised and enlarged by Chauncey A. Goodrich. 4to. Ibid. 1848 Wedgwood (Josiah). Description of the Portland Vase, the manner of its formation, and the various opinions hitherto advanced on the subjects of the Bas-Reliefs. 4to. Lo>id. i-jqo [" The Vase was bought by Margaret, Second Duchess of Portland, from Sir William Hamilton."] — MS. Inscription on half title. Catalogue of Cameos, Intaglios, Medals, Bas-Reliefs, Busts, and small Statues; reprinted from the edition of 1787. Edited by Eliza Meteyard. 8vo. Ibid. 1873 Life and Works: see Meteyard (Eliza), 1865-75. WEL 451. Welbeck Abbey. Sketches and Hints for a New House proposed to be situated in Welbeck Park: see Repton (Humph.) 1803. Plan of Gothic Hall [Dining Room], showing the position of Shields bearing Arms and Crests numbered in rotation for reference. Atlas fol. Prints to verify Portraits at Welbeck. [A folio volume lettered as above — only four prints mounted at present.] Description and Sketches of remarkable Oaks in the Park, by Hayman Rooke, 1790, q. v. Weld (Charles Richard). A Vacation in Brittany. 8vo. Loud. 1856 Wellesley (Marquess). Despatches, Minutes, and Correspondence, during his Administration in India. Edited by Montgomery Martin. 5 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1836-7 Despatches and Correspondence during his Lordship's Mission to Spain, as Ambassador Extraordinary to the Supreme Junta in i{ Edited by Montgomery Martin. 8vo. Idi'd. 18^8 Wellington (Field Marshal Arthur, Duke of). The Dispatches of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, during his various Campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries and France, from 1799 to 1818; compiled from official and authentic documents by Lieut. -Col. Gunvood. With Index. 13 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834-39 Supplement to vols, i — 3. 8vo. Ibid. 1837 New edition. 13 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1837-9 The Dispatches, during his various campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries, and France. Compiled from official and other authentic documents, by Col. Gurwood. New edition, with additions. 8 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1844-7 — Supplementary Despatches and Memoranda ; edited by his son the Duke of Wellington. With Index, [but Index missing]. 15 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1858-72 — Despatches, Correspondence and Memoranda, [1819-32]; edited by his son. [In continuation of the former series.] Vols. 4 — 8 missing. 8 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1867-80 — Maxims and Opinions, selected from his Writings and Speeches ; with a biographical memoir by George Henry Francis. Second edition. Svo. Ibid. 1845 3 M 2 452 WEL — WHE Wellington (Field Marshal Arthur, Duke of). Speeches in Parliament, collected and arranged by Colonel Gurwood. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1854 History of the Life of Arthur Duke of Wellington, from the French of M. Brialmont, with emendations and additions by the Rev. G. R. Gleig. 4 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1858-60 Life of: see Alexander (Sir J. E.) 1839. Maxwell (W. H.) 1841. YONGE (C. D.) i860. Welsted (Leonard). Epistles, Odes, &c. written on several subjects; with a dissertation concerning the perfection of the English Lan- guage, the state of poetry, &c. Second edition. i2mo. Lond. i-ji^ West (Thomas). The Antiquities of Furness : or, an account of the Royal Abbey of St. Mary, in the Vale of Nightshade, near Dalton in Furness. [Dedicated to Lord George Cavendis/i]. 4to. Lond. \-ji\ Another copy, without the " Map of the Liberty of Furness." 4to. Ibid, ijj^ Westminster. Survey of the City of Westminster : see Stow (John), 1599, 1603, 1720. Wey (Francis). Le Bouquet de Cerises ; roman rustique. 8vo. Paris, 1852 Wh ALLEY (Rev. Peter). History of Northamptonshire : see Bridges (John), 1791. Wharncliffe (Rt. Hon. Edward, Lord). Sketches in Egypt and in the Holy Land, taken in 1855. Fol. Lond. n. d. [Two copies.] Whartonus (Henricus). Anglia Sacra, sive Collectio Historiarum de Archiepiscopis et Episcopis Angliae, a prima Fidei Christianas suscep- tione ad annum 1540. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1691 Wheeler (Gervase). The Choice of a Dwelling: a practical handbook of useful information on all points connected with hiring, buying, or building a house, with its stables and garden outbuildings. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1872 Wheler (George). A Journey into Greece, in company of Dr. Spon of Lyons. Fol. Lond. 1682 WHE — WHI 453 WhE'5\^ll (Rev. William, D.D.) Architectural Notes on German Churches. New edition, with notes written during an architectural toiu- in Picardy and Normandy. 8vo. Camir. 18^5 Of a Liberal Education in general ; and with particular reference to the leading studies of the University of Cambridge. 2 pts. 8vo. Lond. 1850 [ ] Of the Plurality of Worlds : an essay. 8vo. Ibid. 1853 Whiston (Rev. Robert). Cathedral Trusts, and their fulfilment. Fourth edition. 8vo. Rochester, 1850 Whitaker (Rev. John). The History of Manchester. 3 vols, in 2, 4to. Lond. 1771, 3, 5 [White, ] Sporting Scenes and Country Characters, by " Mar- tingale." 8vo. Lond. 1840 White (Lieut. George Francis). Views in India, chiefly among the Himalaya Mountains. Fol. Lond. 1836 White (Henry Kirke). Poetical Works ; with a memoir of Kirke AXTiite. (Aldine Poets, vol. 6.) i2mo. Lond. 1840 White (Walter). On Foot through Tyrol, in the summer of 1855. 8vo. Lond. 1856 White's Club. The History of White's ; with the Betting Book from 1743 to 1878, and a List of Alembers from 1736 to 1892. Edited, and published by the Hon. Algernon Bourke. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1892 [Whitehead, Mrs. Sarah R.] Nelly Armstrong : a story of the day. 2 vols. 8vo. Lo7id. 1853 Whitehead (William). A Poem on the Battle of Waterloo. Bvo. Lond. 1820 Whitehurst (Fred Field). Tallyho : sketches of Hunting, Coaching, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1878 Whiteside (James). Italy in the Nineteenth Century, contrasted with its past condition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1848 The Vicissitudes of the Eternal City : or. Ancient Rome. 8vo. Ibid. 1849 Whittington (Rev. G. D.) An historical Survey of the Ecclesiastical Antiquities of France ; with a view to illustrate the rise and progress of Gothic Architecture in Europe. Second edition. 8vo. Lo7id. 1 8 1 1 454 WHO — WIL Whole Duty of Man (The), laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all. Fol. La?id. 1684. [Another edition.] 8vo. /6zd. 17 18 [This work has been attributed to Abp. Sancroft, Bishop Fell, and many others.] Whyte (James Christie). History of the British Turf, from the earliest period to the present day. 2 vols. Svo. Land. 1840 Whyte-Melville (G. J.) Katerfelto : a story of Exmoor. Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1875 Wicherly (William). Dramatic Works. ismo. Lo7id. i-jt8 Wickes (Charles). Illustrations of the Spires and Towers of the Mediaeval Churches of England. 2 vols. fol. Land. iS^y^ Supplemental volume. Atl. fol. /did. 1858-9 WiCQUEFORT (Abraham de). The Ambassador and his functions ; translated by J. Digby. Fol. Lond. 1 7 1 6 Ambassade en Perse: v. FiGUEROA (Garcia de Silva). Voyages en Moscovie, Tartary et Perse : v. Olearius (Adam), 1719. WiED-NEUWaED (Prince de) : v. Maximilien (Prince), 1843. WiELAND (C. M.) Oberon, a poem ; translated from the German, by William Sotheby. Third edition. 2 vols, [in i] i2mo. Lond. 1826 Wiggins (John). The " Monster" ]\Iisery of Ireland ; a practical treatise on the relation of Landlord and Tenant. 8vo. Lond. 1 844 Wight (Alexander). An Inquiry into the Rise and Progress of Parliament, chiefly in Scotland. {Dedicated to the Most Noble William Henry Cavcndishe, Duke 0/ Portland, &c.) 4to. Edinb. i^^i^ Wires (Thomas). Chronicon Salisburiensis Monasterii : J^e GALE. Hist. Brit. Script., vol. 2. WlLBERFORCE (William). A Letter on the Abolition of the Slave Trade, addressed to the freeholders and other inhabitants of Yorkshire. Svo. Lond. 1807 WIL 455 Weld (Charles). An Illustration of the Architecture and Sculpture of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln. [L. P. — Proofs of the plates on India paper.] Fol. Lond. 1819 The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln ; illustrated by a series of engravings of views, elevations, plans, sections, &c. Second edition, by John Britton. [L. P.] 4to. Ibid. 1837 [Plates [16] missing.] " WiLDFOWLER," i. e. L. CLEMENTS, q. V. WiLDMAN (Thomas). A Treatise on the Management of Bees ; wherein is contained the Natural History of those Insects. 4to. Lcnid. \-]bi WiLHELMUS Worcestrius. Annales Rerum Anglicarum : v. Hearne (Thomas). Liber Niger Scaccarii, 1771. Wilkes (Charles). Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838, 39, 40, 41, 42 ; with Atlas. 5 vols, bound in 6. 4to. Lojid. 1845 Wilkes (John). Correspondence with his Friends, printed from the original manuscripts, in which are introduced memoirs of his life, by John Almon. 5 vols. 8vo. Lo?id. 1805 WiLKlNS (David, S. T. P.) Concilia Magnae Britanniae et Hibemiae, a Synodo Verolamiensi A.d. 446 ad Londinensem A.D. 1717. Accedunt Constitutiones et alia ad Historiam Ecclesiae Anglicanae spectantia. 4 vols. fol. Lond. 1737 Wilkinson (Sir John Gardner). Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. 3 vols. 8vo. Land. 1837 Dalmatia and Alontenegro : with a Journey to ^lostar in Herze- govina, and remarks on the Slavonic nations ; the History of Dalmatia and Ragusa; the Uscocs, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1848 On Colour, and on the necessity for a general diffusion of taste among all classes ; with remarks on laying out dressed or geometrical Gardens. 8vo. Ibid. 1858 Wilkinson (Robert). Londina Illustrata: graphic and historical me- morials of Monasteries, Churches, Chapels, Schools, Charitable Foundations, Palaces, Halls, Courts, Processions, places of early amusement and modern and present Theatres, in the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster. [L. P. inlaid.] 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1819-25 456 WIL Wilkinson (Robert). Theatrum Illustrata : graphic and historic memo- rials of Ancient Play-houses, modem Theatres, &c. in the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster. [L. P. inlaid.] 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1825 Atlas Classica. 4to. Ibid. 12,2,0 General Atlas. 4to. Ibid, [circa 1842] WiLKS (G. A. F., M.D.) The Popes : an historical summary, comprising a period of 1784 years, from Linus to Pius IX. 8vo. Lond. 1851 WiLLEMiN (N. X.) Monuments Fran9ais in^dits, pour servir a I'Histoire des Arts depuis le VI"' sifecle jusqu'au commencement du XVIP. 2 vols, in 4 pts. fol. Paris, 1839 William III. Le Procez de Grand-Val, fait aux Enfers, sur la deposition des trois Parques, et sur le rapport de Belphegor. [Plot to assassinate William III.] i2mo. s. I. 1693 [Bound TOth Ganges (Marquise de), Mort de, 1667.] L'Art d'assassiner les Rois, enseign^ par las Jesuites a Louis XIV et Jaques II ; oil Ton d6couvre le secret de la conspiration form^e a Versailles, Sept. 1695, centre la vie de Guillaume III. 1 2 mo. Lond. 1696 [Bound with Ganges (Marquise de), Mort de, 1667.] Original Letters from King William III., then Prince of Orange, to King Charles II., Lord Arlington, &c. ; translated, together with an account of his reception at Middleburgh, and his speech on that occasion. 8vo. Ibid. 1704 Letters of William III. and Louis XIV., and of their Ministers ; illustrative of the domestic and foreign politics of England, from the Peace of Ryswick to the Accession of Philip V. of Spain, 1697 to 1700. Edited by Paul Grimblot. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1848 William of Malmesbury : see Gale. Hist. Brit. Script., vol. i. William of Newburgh : v. Gulielmus Neubrigensis. Williams (H. W.) Travels in Italy, Greece, and the Ionian Islands. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1820 Select Views in Greece, with classical illustrations. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1829 ■'m WIL 457 WiLLlCH (Charles M.) Popular Tables arranged in a new form, giving information at sight for ascertaining, according to the Carlisle Table of Mortality, the value of lifehold, leasehold and church property, renewal fines, &c. Fourth edition. i2mo. Lottd. i&^c) Willis (Browne, LL.D.) A Survey of the Cathedral Church of St. David's, and the edifices belonging to it, as they stood in the year 1 7 15. 8vo. Lo7id. 17 17 History of the Mitred Parliamentary Abbies, and Conventual Cathedral Churches. 2 vols. 8vo. /did. i-j 18-1 g A Survey of the Cathedral Church of St. Asaph, and the edifices belonging to it. 8vo. /did. 1720 A Survey of the Cathedral Church of Llandaff. Svo. Ibid. i-ji& — A Survey of the Cathedral Church of Bangor, and the edifices belonging to it. Svo. Ibid. i-]2\ — The History and Antiquities of the Town, Hundred, and Deanry of Buckingham. 4to. Ibid. 1755 Willis (N. P.) American Scenery, illustrated in a series of views by W. H. Bartlett. 2 vols. 4to. Land. 1840 Willis (Rev. Robert). Remarks on the Architecture of the Middle Ages, especially of Italy. Svo. Cambr. 18^5 The Architectural History of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. 8vo. Lo/id. 1849 Wilson (Alexander). American Ornithology : or, the Natural History of the Birds of the United States; with a continuation by Charles Lucian Bonaparte, the illustrative notes, and life of Wilson, by Sir William Jardine, Bart. 3 vols. Svo. Loftd. 1832 Wilson (Andrew). The Abode of Snow. Observations on a Journey fi-om Chinese Tibet to the Indian Caucasus, through the Upper Valleys of the Himalaya. Second edition. Svo. Lond. i8-]b Wilson (Arthur). The History of Great Britain : being the Life and Reign of King James I., relating to what passed from his first access to the Crown till his death. Fol. Loud, ib^i History of K. James I. : in Kennett'S History of England, vol. 2. 3N 458 WIL — WIN Wilson (Sir Charles). Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt. 4 vols. 4to. Land. [1880-84] Supplement : Social Life in Egypt, a description of the country and its people, by Stanley Lane-Poole. 4to. Ibt'd. 1884 Wilson (Mrs. C. Baron). Our Actresses : or, Glances at Stage Favourites, past and present. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1844 Wilson (Horace Hayman). The History of British India, from 1805-35 : see Mill (James). Wilson (Rt. Hon. James). Capital, Currency and Banking. 8vo. Land. 1847 Second edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1859 Wilson (James) and — Oakxeigh. The Rod and the Gun : being two treatises on Angling and Shooting. 8vo. Edinh. 1 840 Wilson (General Sir Robert). Life, edited by the Rev. Herbert Ran- dolph. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1862 Wilson (Robert Thomas). History of the British Expedition to Egypt. Second edition. 4to. Lotid. 1803 [Wilson, T.] A Catalogue Raisonnd of the select Collection of En- gravings of an Amateur. 4to. Lond. 1828 Wilson (Thomas, Bp. of Sodor and Man). Sermons. Twelfth edition. [Vol. 3 missing.] 4 vols. 8vo. Bath, 1822 Wilton House. Description of the Antiquities and Curiosities in : see Kennedy (James), 1769. [WiNCHELSEA, Anne Finch, Countess of]. Miscellany Poems on several occasions. Written by a Lady. 8vo. Loud. 17 13 WiNCKELMAKN (John). The History of Ancient Art among the Greeks ; translated from the German, by G. Henry Lodge. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Windham (Rt. Hon. William). Speeches in Parliament; to which is prefixed some account of his life, by Thomas Amyot. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 181 2 Windsor Castle. Illustrations of: see Wyatville (Sir Jeffry), 1841. WIN— woo 459 Wine. Gatherings from Wine Lands. 8vo. Lond. Fosicr & Ingle, \S^^ Origin, Nature and Varieties of Wine : see Thudichum (J. L. W.), 1872. — Wine and Wine Countries, by Charles Tovey, 1862, q. v. — Wine — use and taxation, by Sir J. Emerson Tennent, 1855, q. v. WrNFRiDUS: V. Paulus Diaconus, 1547. 1548. Wing (Vincent). Almanack: 5i'\ An Account of His Excellence Roger Earl of Castlemaine's Embassy from King James II. to His Holiness Innocent XI. ; formerly published in Italian, now made English. Fol. Lond. ibH Wright (Thomas). Louthiana : or, an Introduction to the Antiquities of Ireland. 4to. Dubl. 1748 462 WRI — XEN Wright (Thomas). England under the House of Hanover; its history and condition during the reigns of the three Georges, illustrated from the Caricatures and Satires of the day. With illustrations by W. Fairholt. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1848 and R. H. EvANS. Historical and descriptive Account of the Caricatures of James Gillray. 8vo. Ibid. 1 85 1 Writ (Giov. Mich.) : see Wright (Giov. Mich.) Writing. Paleographie Universelle, par J. B. Silvestre, \Z\\,q.v. Wyatt (Sir Thomas). Poetical Works. With a memoir of the author, by T. W. (Aldine Poets, vol. II.) i2mo. Lond. \%i\ Poetical Works, edited by Robert Bell. lamo. Hid. 1854 Poetical Works : see Surrey (Hen. Howard, Earl of), 1815-16. Wyatville (Sir Jeffry). Illustrations of Windsor Castle. 2 vols, [in I,] fol. Lond. 1841 WyCHERLY : see WiCHERLY. Wylie (Rev. James Aitken, LL.D.) The History of Protestantism. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. [1874-7] Wyndham (Henry Penruddocke). A Tour through Monmouthshire and Wales. Second edition. 4to. Salisbury, \-j%\ Wyon (Frederick William). The History of Great Britain during the Reign of Queen Anne. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1876 Xenophon. Quae extant omnia ; cum annotationibus Henrici Stephani. Editio secunda. Fol. Hen. Stephanus, \^%\ Le Opere di Senofonte, tradotte dal Greco da Marc Antonio Gandini. 4*0. Vemt. 1588 De Cyri Expeditione Commentarii [Gr.], juxta editionem Thomae Hutchinson ; accedunt variantes lectiones et index Graecitatis ex editione Zeunii. 8vo. Oxoji., e typog. Clarend. iS,os XEN — YOR 463 Xenophon. Cyrus's Expedition into Persia, and the Retreat of the Ten Thousand Greeks ; translated with notes, by E. Spelman. 1 2 mo. Lond. 1806 Andbasis ; newly translated into English, from the Greek text of Schneider. By a Member of the University of Oxford. 8vo. Ox/. 1822 Xenophon, The Younger. Cynegeticus : v. Arrianus, 1831. XlVREY : V. BERGER DE XTVREY. Yarrell (William). History of British Birds. Fourth edition, by Alfred Newton and Howard Saunders. [Vol. 4 missing.] 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1871-85 Supplement to the first edition of the History of British Birds. 8vo. Hid. 1845 A History of British Fishes. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1836 Yates (Mrs. Ashton). Letters written during a Journey to Switzerland in the autumn of 184 1. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1843 A Winter in Italy ; in a series of letters to a friend. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1844 [Yeldham, Walter]. Lays of Ind, by Aliph Cheem. Eighth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1888 YONGE (Charles Duke). The Life of Field Marshal Arthur, Duke of Wellington. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. i860 The History of the British Navy, from the earliest period to the present time. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1 863 The Life and Administration of Robert Banks, Second Earl of Liverpool, K.G., compiled from original documents. 3 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 1868 The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France. Second edition. 8vo. Ibid. 1877 York and Lancaster Regiment. Roll of the Officers of the York and Lancaster Regiment, by Maj. G. A. Raikes. The First Battalion, 1756— 1884. 8vo. Lond. 1885 Second Battalion, 1756— 1884. 8vo. Ibid. 1885 464 YOR — ZAH YORKE (Philip) : see Hardwicke (Earl of). [You ATT, William]. The Horse ; with a treatise on draught. [Library of Useful Knowledge]. 8vo. Lorid. 18^1 Cattle : their breeds, management and diseases. [Library of Useful Knowledge]. 8vo. Idt'd. 1834 Sheep : their breeds, management and diseases ; with the Moun- tain Shepherd's Manual. [Library of Useful Knowledge]. 8vo. Jdzd. 1837 The obligation and extent of Humanity to Brutes, principally considered with reference to the Domesticated Animals. i2mo. Ibid. 1839 Young (Arthm-). Travels during the years 1787, 88, and 89; undertaken more particularly with a view of ascertaining the Cultivation, Wealth, Resources and National Prosperity of the Kingdom of France. Second edition. 2 vols. 4to. Land. 1794 Young (Rev. Edward). Poetical Works. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1741 Poetical Works. With a life of Young, by the Rev. J. Mitford. (Aldine Poets, vols. 30 and 31.) 2 vols. i2mo. Idzd. 1844 The Complaint : or, Night-Thoughts on Life, Death and Immor- tality. 8vo. /5zd. 1750 Young (John). Notices of the Angerstein Collection of Pictures : see Angerstein, 1823. Zahn (Wilhelm). Die schonsten Ornamente und merkwurdigsten Gemalde aus Pompeji, Herkulanum und Stabiae, nebst einigen Grundrissen und Ansichten nach den an Ort und Stelle gemachten Original- zeichnungen, von Wilhelm Zahn. [Mit deutsch. u. franzos. Texte.] Heft. I — 10. Fol. Berlin, 1828-9 Zweite Folge. Heft, i — 10. Fol. Ibid. 184 1-5 Dritte Folge. Heft, i — 10. Fol. Ibid. 1849-59 Ornamente aller klassischen Kunstepochen. Fol. Ibid. 1 843 ZAX — ZUM 465 Zanetti (Ant. Mar., Girolamo ed Alessandro). Delle Antiche Statue Greche e Romane che nell' Antisala della Libreria di San Alarco, e in altri luoghi pubblici di Venezia si trovano. 2 pts. fol. Vinczia, 1740-3 Zaxi (Pietro). Enciclopedia metodica critico-ragionata delle Belle Arti. 29 vols, in 15, 8vo. Parma, 1817-28 Zanotti (Francesco). Pinacoteca della Imp. Reg. Accademia Veneta delle Belle Arti illustrata. Fol. Venezia, \%i\ Zaxotti Cavazzoni (Gio. Pietro). Le Pitture di Bologna. i2mo. Bologna, 1706 Zayas y Sottomaior (Dona Maria de). Les Nouvelles Amoureuses et Exemplaires. Traduites en Fran9ois, par Antoine de Methel Escuier, Sieur Douville. 8vo. Paris, 1656 Zeiller (Martinus). Topographia Galliae. 8 parts. 3 vols. fol. Franco/., C. Merianus, 1655-7 " Zelee, La," Voyage de : v. DuMONT d'Urville, 1841. ZOCCHI (Giuseppe). Vedute delle Ville e d' altri luoghi della Toscana. [50 plates.] Obi. fol. Fircnzc, i-j^-] Veduta di Roma, Joseph. Zocchi delin., Fioraif., J. A. PfefFel sculp. [24 folded plates.] 4to. [circa iboo] ZOXARAS (Joannes). Historie di Giovanni Zonara Monaco, diligentissimo scrittore Greco, dal cominciamento del mondo insino all' Imperadore Alessio. Tradotte da ]\I. Lodovico Dolce. 4to. Vinegia, 1564 ZOUCH (Thomas, D.D.) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Sir Philip Sidney. 4to. York, 1808 ZUMPT (C. G.) A Grammar of the Latin Language; translated from the German, by the Rev. John Kenrick. .Second edition. 8vo. Lond.\%z-] Exercises in Latin Syntax, adapted to Zumpt : see Kexrick, 1825. 3 o SUPPLEMENT. AiTCHiSON (Sir C. U.) Lord LawTence : and the Reconstruction of India under the Crown, 1892 : see India — Rulers of India. (In this Supp.) BouLGER (Demetrius). Lord William Bentinck : and the Company as a Governing and Non-trading Power, 1892 : seeli^lA — Rulers of India. (In this Supp.) BURNE (Maj.-Gen. Sir Owen Tudor, K. C.S.I.) Clyde and Strathnairn : and the Suppression of the Great Revolt, 1 89 1 : see IxDiA — Rulers of India. (In this Supp.) Chambers (William and Robert). Encyclopaedia : a Dictionary of Uni- versal Knowledge. New edition. 10 vols. 8vo. Land. 1893 Cotton (J. S.) IMountstuart Elphinstone : and the Making of South- western India, 1892 : see India — Rulers of India, 1892. (In this Supp.) CuNNlNGHAil (Sir Henry S., K.C.I.E.) Earl Canning : and the Transfer of India from the Company to the Crown, 1891 : see India — Rulers of India. (In this Supp.) Dixon (Henry Hall). The Law of the Farm : including the Cases and Statutes relating to the subject, and the Agricultural Customs of England and Wales, together with the Small Holdings Act, 1892. Fifth Edition, by Aubrey J. Spencer. 8vo. Lond. 1892 Gould (John). Analytical Index to the complete series of Gould's Orni- thological Works ; with a biographical memoir of Gould, and a biblio- graphy, by R. Bowdler Sharpe, F.Z.S., &c. [L.P.] Imp. 4to. Z w^. 1 893 468 SUPPLEMENT. Griffin (Sir Lepel, K.C.S.I.) Ranjit Singh : and the Sikh Barrier between our growing Empire and Central Asia, 1892 : see India — Rulers of India. (In this Supp.) HardixCtE (Rt. Hon. Viscount). Viscount Hardinge : and the Advance of the British Dominions into the Punjab, 1891 : see INDIA — Rulers of India. (In this Supp.) Hunter (Sir W. W., K.C.S.I.) The Marquess of Dalhousie : and the Final Development of the Company's Rule, 1890 : see India — Rulers of India. (In this Supp.) The Earl of Mayo : and the Consolidation of the Queen's Rule in India, 1891 : see India — Rulers of India. (In this Supp.) A Brief History of the Indian Peoples, from the earliest period to ( the present time. 8vo. Oxf. Clarcnd. Press, 1893 India — Rulers of India. The Clarendon Press Series of Indian Historical Retrospects. Edited by Sir W. W. Hunter, K.C.S.I., CLE. Akbar : and the Rise of the Mughal Empire. By Colonel Malleson, C.S.I. 8vo. Ox/. Clarcii. Press. Dupleix : and the Struggle for India by the European Nations. By Colonel Malleson, C.S.I. 8vo. Warren Hastings : and the Founding of the British Administration. By Captain L. J. Trotter. 8vo. The Marquess Cornwallis : and the Consolidation of British Rule. By W. .S. Seton-Karr. 1890 The Marquess of Dalhousie : and the Final Development of the Company's Rule. By Sir W. W. Hunter, K.C.S.I. 8vo. 1890 Earl Canning : and the Transfer of India from the Company to the Crown. By Sir Henry S. Cunningham, K.C.I.E. 8vo. 1891 Clyde and Strathnairn : and the Suppression of the Great Revolt. By Major-General Sir Owen Tudor Burne, K.C.S.I. 8vo. 1891 Viscount Hardinge : and the Advance of the British Dominions into the Punjab. By the Right Hon. Viscount Hardinge. 8vo. 1891 Madhava Rao Sindhia : and the Hindu Reconquest of India. By H. G. Keene. 8vo. 1891 SUPPLEMENT. 468* India — Rulers of India. The Earl of Mayo : and the Consolidation of the Queen's Rule in India. By Sir W. W. Hunter, K.C. S.I. 8vo. i8qi Albuquerque : and the Early Portuguese Settlements in India. By H. Morse Stephens. 8vo. 1892 Lord William Bentinck : and the Company as a Governing and Non- trading Power. By Demetrius Boulger. 8vo. 1892 Lord Lawrence : and the Reconstruction of India under the Crown. By Sir Charles Umpherston Aitchison, K.C. S.I. 8vo. 1892 Mounstuart Elphinstone : and the Making of South-Western India. By J. S. Cotton. 8vo. 1892 Ranjit Singh : and the Sikh Barrier between our Growing Empire and Central Asia. By Sir Lepel Griffin, K.C. S.I. 8vo. 1892 The Marquess of Hastings : and the Final Overthrow of the Mardtha Power. By Major Ross of Bladensburg, C.B. 8vo. 1893 James Thomason : and the British Settlement of North-Western India. By Sir Richard Temple, Bart. 8vo. 1 893 A Brief History of the Indian Peoples, from the earliest period to the present time. By Sir W. W. Huxter, K.C. S.I. , kc. 8vo. Ox/. Clar en. Press, 1893 Karr : see Seton-Karr. (In this Supp.) Keene (H. G.) Madhava Rao Sindhia : and the Hindu Reconquest of India, 1891 : see India — Rulers of India. (In this Supp.) M.\LLESON (Colonel). Akbar, and the Rise of the Mughal Empire : sec India — Rulers of India. (In this Supp.) Dupleix, and the Struggle for India by the European Nations ; see India — Rulers of India. (In this Supp.) Ouphant (Geo. Henry Hewitt). The Law of Horses ; including the Law of Innkeepers, Veterinary Surgeons, &c. ; and of Hunting, Racing, Wagers, and Gaming. Fourth Edition, by C. E. Lloyd. 8vo. Loud. 1882 Ross OF Bladensburg (Major). The Marquess of Hastings: and the Final Overthrow of the ]\Iardtha Power, 1893 : sec India — Rulers of India. (In this Supp.) 468** SUPPLEMENT. Rulers of India Series : see India, in this Supplement. Seton-Karr (W. S.) The Marquess Cornwallis : and the Consolidation of British Rule in India, 1890 : see India — Rulers of India. (In this Supp.) Stephens (H. Morse). Albuquerque : and the Early Portuguese Settle- ments in India, 1892 : see India — Rulers of India. (In this Supp.) Stewart (D. Ross). The Law of Horses: a Handbook for Lawyers, Country Gentlemen, Farmers, Veterinary Surgeons, and Horse Dealers, comprising the Law of Sale, Warranty, Unsoundness, Hiring, Loan, Carriage of Horses by Rail and Sea, the Rule of the Road, Negligence in Riding and Driving, Custody of Horses at Livery and at Grass, Responsibilities of Veterinary Surgeons, Insurance, &c. 8vo. Edt'nb. 1893 Temple (Sir Richard, Bart.) James Thomason : and the British Settle- ment of North-Western India, 1893 : see India — Rulers of India, 1893. (In this Supp.) Trotter (Capt. L. J.) Warren Hastings : and the Founding of the British Administration in India : see India — Rulers of India. (In this Supp.) Walter (James). Shakespeare's True Life; illustrated by G. E. Moira. [L. P.] 4to. Loud. 1890 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. INDEX OF SUBJECTS, Abbeys. Dugdale, 1655, 1723, 1830. Mitered Parliamentary Abbia. Willis (Browne), 1719- Norwich. Taylor (Rich.), i»2i- Notitia Monastica. Tanner, 1744- Abbots of Westminster. Neale, 1818-23. Abbotsford, Library at. Catalogue of. Catalogues, 1838. Abd-el-Kader, a poem. Maidstone (Vise), 1851. Aberdeen (Lord Haddo, fifth Earl of). Life and Character of. Duff(Ale.K., D.D.), 1868. Aburv, a Temple. Stukeley, 1743. Abyssinia. Fauna. Riippell, 1835-40. Voyage to, 1802-6. Valentia (Geo., Vise), 1809. Acacia Tree. Withers, 1842. Achmet Caprogli Pacha. Chassepol, 1676. Actors : see Stage. Actresses. Stage Favourites. Wilson (Mrs. C. B.), 1844. Portraits of Paris Actresses. Hervey (C), 1846. Acts of the Apostles. Lectures on. Blomfield (Charles J., Bp. of London), 1829. Adages. Erasmus, 1617. Addington (Henry, Vise. Sidmouth). Lfe and Correspondence. Pellew, 1847. Admirals, British. Lives of. Southey and Bell, 1833-40. Admiralty, High Court of. Reports, 1822-38. Haggard, 1825-40. Adriatic, The. Eastern Shores of Strangford (Viscountess), 1864. Adventurer, The. Beauties of. Rambler, 1787. Advocate, The. Training, Duties, Gfc. Cox (E. W.), 1852. i^NEIS. Virgilius. Italian Translation. Caro, i8i2. Afghanistan. War, 1838-9. Havelock, 1840. Kaye, 1851. Campaign in Cabul. Kennedy (R. H.), 1840. foumal of Disasters, 1 84 1 - 2 . Sale (Lady), 1843. 3P 470 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Africa. D'Avity, 1643. Ancient Romans in. Fosbroke, 1828. Tableau de l^Afrique. Chaulmer, 1654. Geographical History of. Leo, i5oo. An unknmvn country in the Deserts of. Berington, 1776. Voyage. Breves, 1630. Travels. La Motraye, 1723-32. Park (Mungo), 1799- Parsons, 1808. Explorations and Adventures in Equa- torial Africa. DuChaillu, 1861. Central Africa. Petherick, 1861. Eniin Pasha in. Emin Pasha, 1888. Africa, North. Reise-Zoologische Atlas. Ruppell, 1826-30. ijbersicht der Vogel Nord-Ost-Afiikas. Ruppell, 1826-30. Fauna von Abyssinien. Ruppell, 1835-40. Africa, South. Travel in South Africa, 1847-78. Cunynghame, 1879. Zoology of. Smith (Andr.), 1849. See also South Africa. Age, Old. Conseils pour vivre plus de cent ans. Comaro, 1703. Agricultural Society : see Royal Agricultural Society. Agriculture. Blome, 1686. Principles of. Thaer, 1837, 1844. Code of Agriculture. Sinclair (Sir John), 1832. Essays on. Gisborne, 1854. Agriculture — continued. Practical Agriculture. Dickson, 1807. Low (D.), 1838, 1847. Heavy and Wet Lands. Greg(T.), 1841. Encyclopccdia of. Loudon (J. C), 1831. ■ Morton (John C), 1855. Encyclopedic d' Agriculture Pratique. Maison Rustique, 1842-51. Agriculturist'' s Manual. Lawson (P.), 1836. Handbuch fur Landwirthe. Block (A.), 1839. Chemistry. Davy (Sir Humph.), 1836. Johnson (C. W.), 1842. Liebig, 1847. Modern, Letters on. Liebig, 1859. Bn'tish Agriculture, State and Pro- spects of. Hutt, 1837. English Agriculture, 1 850- 1 . Caird, 1852. Protecting Duties on the Profits of Agriculture. Morton (John), 1846. Nottingham, County of. Lowe (Rob.), 1798. Cultivation ivithout lime, dung, &c. at Kncrwle Farm. Beatson (A.), 1821. The Prince Consort'' s Farms. Morton (John C), 1863. Quarterly foumal of. Quarterly Journal of Agriculture, 1829-42. Scotland. Highland Society. Georgiques Francoises. Delille, 1802. Voyages Agronomiques en France. Chateauvieu.x, 1845. Des Cornices Agricoles. Dupin (Le Bar. C), 1849. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 471 Agriculture — continued. La Petite Culture. Espanet, 1856. Futterhau. Kielmann, 1843. Air, Change of. Johnson (James), 1831. Albania. Hist, de G. Castnot, sumonune Scan- derbeg, Roy d' Albanie. Barletius, 1604. Albert, H.R.H. Life of, 1 819-61. Martin (Sir Theodore), 1875-80. The Prince Consort's Farms. Morton (John C), 1863. Speeches arid Addresses. Albert (H.R.H. Prince), i86z. National Memorial to. Albert (H.R.H. Prince), 1873. See also Victoria (Queen). Albigenses. Bray, 17 12. Aleppo. fourneyfrom Aleppo to Jerusalem, 1 697. IMaundrell, 1707. Alexander the Great. Arrianus, 1544. Curtius (Quintus). Batailles d' Alexandre. Cabinet du Roi, 1678. Alexander I., Emperor of Russia. Life and Reign. Lloyd (H. E.), 1826. Algebra. Algebra, 1825. Inman, 1829. Algiers. Recueil Historique, 1666. Etat d'Algier. Barbary, 1704. Voyage. Breves, 1630. Spanish Expedition against. Dalr}mple (Maj. \V.), 1777. Topography and History. Morell (J. R), 1854. Alhambra, L'. Ornements Moresques. Prangcy, 1842. Allamont (Jean d'). Vie et Mart. Waha, 1668. Allegories. Jones (B. Charles), 1886. Alman.\cks, q. V. Alphabets. Middle Ages. Shaw (Henr)-), 1845. Alsace, q. v. Alsatia Illustrata. Schoepflinus, 1 751 -61. Alston Moor. Tour from, to Harrogate and Brim- ham Crags. Pennant, 1804. Tour from Downing to Alston Moor. Pennant, 1801. Althorp, q. V. Amadigi, L'. Tasso (Bern.), 1560. Amaltheum Botanicum. Plukenett, 1705. Amazon, The River. Pagan, 1655. Ambassadors. Droit d' A mhassade. Leibnitz, 1677. The Ambassador and his functions. Wicquefort, 1718. Ambrosius : see Merlin. America. D'Avity, 1643. Mackenzie (Rob.), 1882. Discovery of. Haklu)t Soc, No. 3. Discoveries in. Hennepin, 1697, '698. De origine Gentium Americanarum. Laet, 1644. Atlas. Atlas, 1776, 1 86 1. 3 P2 472 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. America — continued. First Planting and present state of Brit. N. America. Douglass, 1755- Buccaneers 0/ America. Esquemeling, 1684. History of the U. S. Hildreth, 1850. Codice Diplomatico Colombo- Americano. America, 1823. fournals during the War. Rogers (Maj. Rob.), 1765- The Revolution. Bancroft, 1854. The A?nerican Union. Spence (James), 1861, 1862. Democracy in America. Tocqueville, 1835-40. Geographical and Historical Dictionary . Alcedo, 1815. United States Exploring Expedition, 1838-42. Wilkes (C), 1845. Voyage to North America. Charlevoix, 1761. North America, Travels in the Interior. Carver, 1781. North America, Voyage through. Mackenzie (A.), 1801. Voyage dans V Amerique Meridionale, 1826-33. Orbigny, 1834-47. Voyage dans V Interieur de V Amerique du Nord, 1832-4. Maximilian (Prince de Wied- Neuwied), 1840-3. British America, Explorations in. Alexander, 1849. North America — Agriculture and Climate. Russell (Rob.), 1857. American Indians. Adair (J.), 1775. North American Indians, Drawings of. Catlin, 1855. Birds of America. Audubon, 1827-44. Wilson (Alex.), 1832. Zoology of North America. Richardson (John), 1829. America — continued. Viviparous Quadrupeds. Audubon, 1848. Flora Boreali- Americana. Hooker (Sir W. J.), 1840. New York, History of the Province of. Smith (W.), 1757. Six Months in America. Vigne, 1832. Men and Manners. Hamilton (Capt. Th.), 1833. Ten Years in the United States. Mitchell, 1862. The Confederate Secession. Lothian (Marq. of), 1864. History of the War. Fletcher, 1865-6. Southern States since the War. Somers (Rob.), 1871. Singularitez de la France Antarclique. Thevet, 1557. Nouvelles de V Amerique. America, 1698. American Scenery. Willis (N. P.), 1840. Territories on the N. W. Coast. Greenhow, 1844. American Facts : Gcmemment, Re- sources, Commerce, dfc. Putnam, 1845. Civilized America. Grattan(T. C), 1859. English Sportsmen in Western Prairies. Berkeley, 1861. See also Canada. United State.s. American Literature. Bibliographical Guide to. Triibner, 1859. American War. The Confederate Secession. Lothian (Marq. of), 1864. History of. Fletcher, 1865-6. Southern States since the War. Somers (Rob.), 1871. Amiens, Paix d'. Mondenard, i8oz. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 473 Amours des Grands Hommks. Villedieu, 1688. Amours of Great Men. Vandam, 1878. Anabasis. Xenophon. Anacharsis the Younger. Travels in Greece. Barthdlemy, 1806. Anastasius : Memoirs of a Greek. Hope (Thomas), 1827. Anatomy. Comparative. Jones (T. R.), 1S4.1. Morbid. Hope (J., M.D.), 1834. Seats and Causes of Diseases investi- gated by. Morgagni, 1769. Anatomic du Corps Humain. Mass6, 1843. Andalucia. Cities and Wihis of. Murray (Hon. R. Dund.), 1853. See also Castile. Anecdotes. Literary. Spence (Rev. Jos.), 1820. A Century of. Timbs, 1864. Camp, Court, Clubs, and Society. Gronow, 1889. Anglesey, Island of. History and Antiquities. Rowlands, 1723, 1775. Angling. Walton (Izaac), 1766, 1808. Wilson (James), 1840. Art of, in Enghi7id. Holland, 1839. Angler Naturalist. Pennell(H. C). 1863, 1887. France. Guillemard, 1857. See also Fishing. Salmon Fishing. Anglo-Saxon Language. Grammar. Elstob, 1715. Anglo-Saxon Language — continued. Dictionary. Bosworth, 1838. Anglo-Saxons. History of. Palgrave, 1838. Animal Kingdom. Cuvier, 1827-35, 1859. Outline of. Jones (T. R.), 1841. See also Natural History. Animal Locomotion. Muybridge, 1887. Animals. Animali Parlanti. Casti, 1824. Variation of, under Domestication. Darwin, 1868. See also Domestic Animals. Animaux. Vie Privk et Puhlique des. Stahl, 1842. Anna Boleyn. History of. Dixon (W. Hepw.), 1873. Anne, Queen. Reign of; ?>th year. Boyer, 17 10. History of Gt. Britain during the Reign of. Wyon, 1876. Anne d'Autkiche. Amours. Louis XIV., 1700. Married Life of. Freer (Martha), 1864. Annuities. Tables. Price (Rich.), 1792- Anonymous Literature. Dictionnaire d'ouvrages en Franfais et en Latin. Barbier, 1822-7. Anson (George, Lord, Admiral). Barrow (Sir John), 1839. 474 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Ant-Thrushes. Elliot (D. G.), 1867. Gould, 1880. Antarctic Polar Circle. Voyage to. Sparnnann, 1786. See also VOYAGES. Anthologie FRAN901SE: ji. Songs, 1765. Anthology : see Germany. Antilles, The. Hisioire Naiurelle et Morale. Rochefort, 1681. Antiquaries, Society of, London. Vetusta Monumenta, 1747 — 1842. Antiquitates : see Roma. Antiquities. Agostini, 1592- Antiquarian Repertory, 1784. Archaeologia, 1770 — 1840. England and Wales. Grose, \'ji2-i>. Encyclopadia of Antiquities. Fosbroke, 1825. Popular Antiquities. Brand (J.), 1777. Glossarium Antiquitatinn Britanni- carum. Baxter, 17 19. Ancient Names of Rivers, Mountains, Towns, &€., in England. Baxter, 17 19. L'Antiquite cxpliquk et representee en figures. Montfaucon, 1719, 1757. See also Greece ; Rome ; and the Names of other Countries. Antoniniana Columna. Bellori. Antwerp. Tragical History of the City. Antwerp, 1586. Painting, Sculpture, Qfc. Antwerp, 1765 Apocrypha. Biblia Sacra. Concordance. Cniden, 1817, 1848. Apostles, The. Acts of. Biblia Sacra, 1799 — 1803. Paraphrastic Translation of the Epistles. Shuttleworth, 1831. Canons of the Apostles. Apostolical Constitutions, 1 848. Lives, Acts, Qfc, of contemporaries of the Apostles. Cave (W.), 1677. See also Acts of the Apostles. Apostles' Creed. Explication of. Towerson, 1685. See also Creed. Appanage. Vaillant (Clem.), 1585. Arabia. Voyage on the Coasts of. Irwin, 1780. Monumettis Arahes et Moresques de Cordova. Prangey, 1836-46. A rahische Bauverzierung. Hessemer, 1837-42. Architecture Arahe. Coste, 1839. Arabic Language. Diccionario Espanol Latino Arabigo. Canes, 1787. Dictionary. Richardson (John), 1777. Arable Land. CoJiversion into Pasture. Blaikie, 1833. See also Agriculture. Ararat. Parrot'' s fourtiey to. Cooley (W. D.), 1845. Arbres : V. Trees. Arcadia, Countess of Pembroke's. Sidney (Sir Philip), 1674. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 475 Archeology. Glossariu m A rchaiologkum . Spelman, 1687. Elemenls of. Fosbroke, 1825. Northern JValiotu. Kemble, 1863. Archbishops of England. Whartonus, 1691. Archery. Waring (Thomas), 18 14. Architects. Histoire des plus celebres Archikctes, Xl'—XVIII'sikks. Quatremere de Quincy, 1830. Lives and Works. F61ibien, 1696. Vite, 1641-73. Passerius, 1772. Lives of. Vasari, 1 807-1 1. Lives of Cekbralid Architects, ancient and modern. Milizia, 1826, 1827. Dictionary of. Ticozzi, 1830-2. Architecture. Architectural Magazine, 1838. Architectural Societies, i860. Palladio, 1581 — 1728. Vitruvius, 1684, 1825-30, 1826. Origin, History, and Principles. Hall (Sir James), 1813. Origin and Progress of. Smith (Will. J.), 1831. Elements of Aldrich, 1789. Principles of. F61ibien, 1690. Original Designs. Lewis (James), 1797. Opere Architettoniche. Raphael, 1845. Illustrations of. Waring (J. B.), 1864. Book of. Gibbs (James), 1728. Historical Essay. Hope (Thomas), 1835. Architecture — continued. Lettere sulla Architettura. Bottani, 1754-73. Letters on. Painting, 1844-5. Aesthetik der Baukunst. Wagner, 1838. Letters on i^th — 19/A centuries. Gualandi, 1844-5. Architettura Universale. Scamozzi, 1695. Ancient Architecture. Architecture, 1821. Moyen Age, Monumental, Archeologique, Pittoresque, 6fc. Chapuy, 1837, 1841. Parallel of Ancient and Modern. Freart, 1733. Ereggi dell' Architettura. Mitelli. A rch itettu ra Civile . Osio, 1686. Ecclesiastical and jMilitary. King(E.), 1799—1805. Grecian Architecture. Chambers (Sir W.), 1759, 1825. Degli antichi Romani. Piranesi, 1750. The Seven Lamps of Architecture. Ruskin, 1849. Gothic Architecture. Warton (Rev. Thomas), 1808. Gothic Architecture, Principles of Bloxam, 1829. Ancient Gothic Architecture. Langley, 1742. Ancient Gothic Edifices in England. Pugin, 1821-3. English Gothic Architecture. Gibbs (John), 1855. Gothic Architecture decorated. Decker (P.), 1759. Gothic Architecture, 8th — i6th cen- turies. MoUcr, 1824. German Gothic Architecture. Moller, 1836, 1840. Gothic Architecture in Europe. Whittington, 181 1. in Spain. Street (G. E.), 1865. 476 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Architecture — continued. Gothic, Glossary of Terms. Britton, 1841. English Architecture. Architecture. Vitruvius Britannicus, or the British ' Architect. Campbell (Colen), 17 17. English Styles, from the Conquest to the Reformation. Rickman, 1835. Of the Middle Ages. Nash (Joseph), 1838. Exemplars of Tudor Architecture. Hunt (T. F.), 1830. Elizabethan Architecture, Character of . Hakewill, 1835. Details of Elizabethan Architecture. Shaw (Henry), 1839. English Mansions, Eliz. and fames I. Clarke (T. H.), 1833. Remains, Eliz. ami fames I. Richardson (Ch. J.), 184.0. Dcsig7is. Richardson (G.), 1792. Designs for Public and Private Build- ings. Jones (Inigo), 1727. Civil Architecture. Chambers (Sir W.), 1759, 1825. English Domestic Architecture, Con- quest to i}(h century. Turner (T. Hudson), 1851. Ediv. I.—Ric. II. Turner (T. Hudson), 1853. Domestic Architecture in England, temp. Eliz. Palmer (C. J.), 1838. Domestic, connected with scenery. Gilpin (W. S.), 1835. Modern Styles of. Fergusson (James), 1862. The Gentlenmti' s House. Kerr (R.), 1864. Domestic. Goodwin (Francis), 1834. Secttlar and Domestic. Scott (Sir G. G.). 1858. Villa and Cottage. Architecture, 1868. Architecture — continued. Cottage, Farm, and Villa. Loudon (J. C), 1833. Cottage Architecture. Weaver, 1848. Country Architecture. Birch (John), 1874. Rural Architecture. Brees, 1841. Stable Architecture. Knightley, 1762. Grammar of Ornament. Jones (O.), 1856. Dictionary of A rchitecture. F61ibien, 1690. Dictionary of Terms. Nicholson, 1835. Parker (John H.), 1841-50. Smith (Will. J.), 1 83 1. Dictionnaire Historiqjie. Quatremere de Quincy, 1832. Plans, Elevations, &'c. of Buildings in Norfolk, Suffolk, (Sff. Soane (Sir John), 1788. Modern English School of. Studies of. Barry (Sir C), 1839. Architectura Ecclcsiastica Londini. Clarke (Charles), 1820. Monumental Architecture of Great Britain. Bloxam, 1834. Souvenirs du Vieux Paris. Turpin de Criss6, 1836. Letters from an Architect — France, Italy, and Greece. Wood's (Joseph), 1828. Picardy and Normandy. Whewell, 1835. Architectural Antiquities of Normandy. Cotman, 1822. Architectural Tours in Normandy. Knight (Hen. Gaily), 1836. German Churches, Notes on. Whewell, 1835. Italy, Middle Ages. Willis (Rev. Rob.), 1835. Brick and Marble in the Middle Ages —N. Italy. Street (G. E.), 1855. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 477 Architecture — conlinued. Architectural Art in Italy and Spain, \^tk and ibth centuries. Waring (J. B.) and Macquoid, 1850. Examples 0/ the Architecture of Venice. Ruskin, 185:. Church of the Holy Sepulchre, feru- salem. Willis (Rev. Rob.), 18+9. Architecture Arahe. Coste, 1839. Assyrian and Persian. Fergusson (James), 1851. Chinese, Civil and Ornamental. Decker, 1759. Landscape Architecture of Italian Painters. Meason, 1828. See also NaVAX ARCHITEC- TURE. Arctic Regions. Voyages, History of. Barrow (John), 181 8. See also Voyages. Argenis. Barclaius, 1630. Aristenete. Lett res Galantes d'. Le Sage, 1752. Aristippe, Vie d'. Diogenes, 1668. Aristocracy: ^^UpperTenThousand. Arithmetic. De la Londe, 1695. Inman, 1829. Lardner, 1834. Noon, 1750. Armada, Spanish. Bruce (John), 1798. Poem on the Armada. Macaulay (Lord), 1874. Arme Cavalleresche. Mutio Justinopolitano, 1560. Armory. Analysis of. Carter (M.), 1673. La Vraye Science des Armoiries. Geliot, 1664. Nouvelle Met ode du Blason. Menestrier (CI. Fr.), 1691. See also Arms. Heraldry. Armour, Ancient. Meyrick, 1830. Arms. Origine des Armories. Fauchet, 1606. Le Roy d^ Amies. Varennes, 1640. Usage of Bearing. Dugdale, 1682. Arms of London Companies and Cor- porate Societies. Wallis, 1677. See also Armory. Heraldry. Arms, Ancient. Jubinal, 1839. Ancient Arms and Armour. Meyrick, 1830. Army. Art of Embat tailing. ^lianus, 1616. The British Army. Campbell (Lieut.-Col. J.), 1840. Arnold (Thomas). Life and Correspondence of. Stanley (Arth. P.), 1845. Art. Art Journal, 1871. Encyclopsedia. Fine Arts. Arts and Sciences. Blome, 1686. Histoire des Arts, 6-17 siecles. Willemin, 1839. Engravings, Pictures, Gfc. Finden, 1849. Royal Gallery of Art, 1854-61. Sacred and Legendary Art. Jameson (Mrs. A.), 1848, 1852. 3 Q 478 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Art — continued. History of Our Lord as exemplified in works of Art. Jameson (Mrs. A.), 1864. Ancient Art among the Greeks. Winckelmann, 1850. Mouuments des Arts du Dessin, anciens et 7>iodernes. Denon, 1829. Monuments et Ouvrages d'Art antiques rcstitues. Quatremere de Quincy, 1829. Memoirs and Essays. Jameson (Mrs. A.), 1846. Les Arts au Rloyen Age. Du Sommerard, 1838-46. Middle Ages and Renaissance. Labarte, 1855. Christian Art, History of. Lindsay (Lord), 1847. Art and Artists in England and in Paris. Waagen, 1837, 38, 39. Treasures of Art in Gt. Britain. Waagen, :854. Galleries and Cabiiiets of Art in Gt. Britain. Waagen, 1857. London Galleries. Jameson (jMrs. A.), 1842. Tour of a Ger?nan Artist in England and Belgium. Passavant, 1833, 1836. Imitative Art, Principles of. Butler (G.), 1852. Dictionary of. Brande and Cauvin, 1842. Bernal Collection of Works of Art. Bernal, 1855. Renaissance in France. Pattison (Mrs. Mark), 1879. V Art Moderne en Allemagne. Raczynski, 1836-41. Omamente alter klassischen Kimst- epochen. Zahn, 1843. Kunsiwerke und Kilnstkr im Enge- birge u. ift Franken. Waagen, 1843. Artamenes, or the Grand Cyrus. Scudery (Magd. de), 1653-4. Arteries of the Human Body. Quain (Richard), 1844. See also Anatomy. Articles of Religion. Barrow (Is.), 1741. See also Thirty-nine Arti- cles, 1835. Artillery. Memoires de I'Artillerie. Surirey de S. Remy, 1697. Musee d^Artillerie de Madrid. Jubinal, 1839. Modern Warfare as influenced by. MacDougall, 1864. Artillery, Horse : see Cavalry. Artillery Company, The Hon. Raikes (Capt. G. A.), 1878-9. Massachusetts Artillery Company. Artillery Company, Mass., 1888. Artists. English. Walpole (Horace, Earl of Or- ford), 1762-71, i8z8. Art and Artists in England ajid Paris. Waagen, 1837, 38, 39. Kunsiwerke und Kiinstler im Erzge- birge u. in Franken. Waagen, 1843. Engravings from the works of British Artists in the National Gallery. Vernon (Rob.), 1849-53. Artists of Spain, Annals of. Stifling (W.), 1848. See also PAINTERS. AsHBY Castle. Antiquities of. Pedley, 1853. Asia. D'Avity, 1643. Ancient Romans in. Fosbroke, 1828. Singularitez, (s'c. Belon, 1588. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 479 Asia — continued. Ambassades en. Busbequius, 1646. Travels. La Motraye, 1723-32. Travels in. Parsons, 1808. Voyages in Northern Asia. Pallas, 1788-93. Travels in Asia Minor. Chandler (R.), 1775- Azani. Keppel (Hon. G.), 1831. Description de I'Asie Mineure. Texier, 1839-47. Asia Minor, Journal of an Excursion in. Fellows, 1839, 1841. On Horseback through. Bumaby, 1877. Assam. Travels and Adventures. Butler (Maj. J.), 1855. Assyria. Manners and Arts of Ancient Assyrians. Layard, 1849. Astrea, a Romance. D'Urfe, 1657. " Astrolabe, L' " : v. Voyages. Astronomy. Herschel, 1835, 1849. Observations made at Greenwich, 1750-62. Bradley (Rev. James), 1798 — 1805. Christian Ra'clation in connection with Astronomy. Chalmers, 1830. Athens. Antiquities of. Stuart (James), 1762 — 1830. Journal of a Residence. Wordsworth (Chr., Bp. of Lin- coln), 1837. Athletics. Pugh, 1794. Shearman, 1887. Atlantic, The, Across. Lewis (J. D.), 1 85 1. Atlas. Charles de tons les Pais de la Terre. Blaeu, 1650. D'Anville, 1761. Universal. Cary, 1819. Comprehensive Atlas. Bradford, 1835. Classic, and General. Wilkinson (Rob.), 1830, 1842. Atlas Universel Historique et Gio- graphiqtie. Houz^, 1837. Genealogical, Historical, Chronological, and Geographical. Lavoisne, 1840. Modern Atlas. Gilbert (James), 1840. Atlas des Cartes Marines. Neptune Francois, 1693. Petit A this Maritinu. Bellin, 1764. Nouvelle Carte de la France. Cassini de Thury, 1744- Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, Sfc. Chauchard, 1800. Denmark. Denmark, 1777 — 1806. See also title Atlas, p. 18 of Catalogue, and the names of various Countries in this Index. Attica. Unedited Antiquities. Dilettanti Society, 1817. Journal of a Residence. Wordsworth (Chr., Bp. of Lin- coln), 183". See also Greece. Au, Vorstadt. Glasgemdlde. Eggert, 1845. Auckland (Will., Lord), q. v. Augustus. Memoirs of the Court of. Blackweli, 1764. 3 Q 2 48o INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Auricular Confession SIGNAL, The. see CoNFES- AUSTRALIA. Trade and Travel. Davidson (G. F.), 1846. Sellkmcnls, Farms, and Gold Fields. Lancelott, 1852. Mammals of. Gould, 1863. See also New South Wales. Austria. Tumbull, 1840. Affaires entre les Maisons de France et d'Aiilriche. Austria, 1648. La Politique de la Maison d'' Autriche. Bonair, 1658. Guerre de France contre Autriche. Le Laboureur, 1676. La Gourde Vienne, 1705. Freschot, 1705. History of Political Movements, 1 848-9 . Stiles, 1852. Ressources de V Autriche et de la France. Legoyt, 1859. Histoire secrete du Gouvemement. Michiels, 1879. Auswahl von Liedern, Tdnzen, u. s. w. Spaun, 1845. See also Marie Therese. Authors, Royal and Noble. Walpole (Horace, Earl of Or- ford), 1759, 1806. Autographs. Of Illustrioics Women of Gt. Britain, i\th — 19//2 centuries. Netherclift, iSjS. Auvergne. Voyages dans. Nodier, 1829-33. Aviary. Mariot-Didieux, 1854. Avon, The Rivers. Avons, 1660. AzANi, Asia Minor. Keppel (Hon. G.), 1831. Babylon. Commentaires sur, Sleidan, 156 1-3. Baden. "Le Sport" at. Fitzgerald (Percy), 1864. Bag-pipes : see Pipe Music. Bahama Islands. Natural History. Catesby (M.), 1731- Baja. Antichita di. Paoli, 1768. Balaklava : see Crimea. Balbec, Ruins of. Wood (Robert). 1757- Balcan, The. Journey across. Keppel (Hon. G.), iSji. Ballads. Ballads. Thackeray, 1879. Old Ballads. Evans (T.), 1777. Old Heroic Ballads. Percy (Thomas, Bp. of Dromore), Early English Ballads. 'Bell (Rob.), 1856. Ballads of the Peasantry of England. Bell (Rob.), 1857. Ballad Poetry of Ireland. Duffy (C. G.), 1845. Irish Ballads. McCarthy (D. F.), 1846. Scotland. Aytoun, 1856, 1858. Of Brittany. Taylor (Tom), 1865. Spanish Ballads, Ancient. Lockhart, 1842. See also SoNGS. Baltic, The. Gates, Shores, and Cities. Milner (Rev. Th.), 1854. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 481 Bangor, Cathedrai, Church of. Willis (Browne), 1721. Bank Act, i 844. Torrens (Rob.), 1858. Banking. Gilbart, 1849. Wilson (Rt. Hon. James), 1847, 1859. Principles of. Jopling, 1823. Bannister (John). Memoirs of. Adolphus, 1839. Bar, The. History of Education for. Smith (Philip A.), i860. Barbados. Voyages, 1684. Natural History of. Hughes (Rev. Griffith), 1750. Barbary. Etat de. Barbar)', 1704. Histoire de I ^ Empereur Tafilette. Tafilette, 1670. Travels in. Shaw (T.), 1738. Voyage. Breves, 1630. Baronage. Dugdale, 1675, 1682. See also Peerage. Baronetage. Burke (John). Lodge (Edm.), 1845. Genealogy of the British Baronetage. Lodge (Edm.), 1859. Baronies BY Writ. Collins (A), 1734. Barry (La Comtesse du) : q. v. Barry (Sir Charles). Life and Works. Barry (Rev. A.), 1867. Bartholdy: v. Mendelssohn -Bar- tholdy. Barwick (Rev. John, D.D.). Life of. Barwick (P.), 1724. Bas Empire : v. Rome. Bas-Reliefs. Catalogue of. Wedgwood, 1873. Basilica. Le quattro principali Basiliche di Roma. Valentini (Agostino), 1836-55. Basque Provinces. Social and Political State. Carnarvon (Earl of), 1837. Basses-Cours. Espanet, 1856. Bassompierre (Frangois, Mareschal). Mimoires. Bassompierre, 1692. Amhassade en Espagne. Bassompierre, 1668. Ambassade en Angle terre. Bassompierre, 1668. Batavia. Plantcx Batav. illustratcB. Hermannus, 1598. Bath. The Bath Waters. Barlow, 1822. Falconer (W., M.D.), 1770. Spry, 1822. Bath Abbey Church. History and Antiquities. Rawlinson (R.), 1719- Baths. Ancient Roman Baths. Cameron, 1772. Choul, 1559. 482 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Bavaria. Manifcsie de I ^Electeur. Bavaria, 1704. K. Baierischer Gemdlde-Saal zu Miinichen, &c. Strixner, 1807-21. Tour in. Buckingham (J. S.), 1847. Chamois Himting in. Boner, 1853. Bayard (Le Chevalier). Histoire. Godefroy, 16 19. Beaconsfield (Earl of): see Disraeli. "Beagle," H. M. Ship. Zoology of the Voyage of. Darwin (C), 1838-43. Beaumont (Francis). Life and Writings of. Dyce, 1850. Beauty. Heads — Greek Ideal Beauty. Green (B. R.), 1836. Analysis of. Hogarth (W.), 1753. Beckford (William, of Fonthill). Memoirs of. Beckford, 1859. Beda (Venerabilis). Biographical Writings and Letters. Beda, 1845. Bedford Level, q. v. Bedfordshire. History of. Lysons, 1806. Bees. Management of. Wildman, 1768. Bees, The, Fable of. Mandeville, 1732-3. Belgium. Theatrum urbium Belgica: LihercB ac FoederatcB. Blaeu, 1649. BelgiccE RegicB. Blaeu, 1649. Museums of. Viardot, 1843. Tour in. Buckingham (J. S.), 1845. Picturesque Sketches. Haghe, 1840-50. Husbandry. Lincke, 1843. Belles Lettres. Acad^mie Royale, 1768. Blair (H.), 1783, 1818. Rollin, 1748. Bentham (Rev. James). Memoirs of. Bentham, 18 17. Bentinck. Bentinch^ schcn Successionsstreite. Bentinck, 1841, 1843. Bentinck (Lord George). Tribute to the Memory of. Tattersall, 1849. A Political Biography. Disraeli (Rt. Hon. Benj.), 1852, 1872. Racing Life, and Reminiscences. Kent (John), 1892. Bentinck (Lord William). Boulger, 1892. Bentivolio and Urania. Ingelo, 1664. Bentley (Richard, D.D.) Life of. Monk (James, Bp. of Glouces- ter), 1833. Correspondence. Bentley (Rich., D.D.), 1842. Berkeley (Hon. Grantley F.) Life and Recollections. Berkeley, 1865. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 483 Berkshire. Ashmole, 1719- Lysons, 1806. Berlin. Berlin and its Treasures. Berlin, 1845. Gemdlde Gallcrie dcs k. Museums. Berlin, 1841. Bernal Collection of Works of Art. Catalogue, 1855. Berry (Rlary). Journals and Correspondence. Berry (Mar)-). 1865- Bestes, Les. Opinion touchant. Descartes, 1668. BfeTES : V. Bestes. Betting Book, 1743 — 1878 White's Club, 1892. Bible, The. Dictionary of. Smith (Will., LL.D.), 1860-3. See also Biblia Sacra, p. 484. Bible, The, in Spain. Borrow, 1847. Bible Lands. A Journey in. Saulcy, 1853. Bible Truths, or Popish Legends. Sinclair (Cath.), 1852. Biblia Sacra. Authority of the Old Testanunt. Marsh, 1840. Criticism and Interpretation of. Marsh, 1842. Old Testament arranged in chronological order. Townsend (Rev. G.), 1827. Introduction to the Study and Know- ledge of the Holy Scriptures. Home (T. Hartw.), 1834. Biblia Sacra — continued. Chronology of the Old Testament. Biblia Sacra, 1698. Abstract of the Historical Parts of the Old Testament. O.xford (Edw. Harley, Earl of), «730- Harmony between the Psalms and the other parts of the Scripture. O.Kford (Edw. Harley, Earl of), 1724. Job, The Poem of. Job, 1 87 1. The Pentatauh and the Book of Joshua critically examined. Colenso, 1862-79. History of the Old and New Testa- ment. Biblia Sacra, p. 41, in Catalogue. Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Testa- ment. Royaumond, 1701. The Old and New Testament connected in the History of the fews, Gfc. Prideau.x (Humph.), 1720. Undesigned Coincidences in, an argu- ment of their veracity. Blunt, 1850. Imagines Veteris ac Novi Testamenti. Raphael, 1674, 1818. Authenticity and Credibility of the N^av Testament. Marsh, 1840. New Testament arranged in chrono- logical order. Townsend (Rev. G.), 1828. Gospels, The, Discussions on. Roberts (A.), 1864. Critical Digest and Synoptical A rrange- ment of the most important Anno- tations on the A'tW Testament. Bloomfield (S. T.), 1826-8. Commentaries on. Compendium of. TroUope (Rev. W.), 1830-5. Synonyms of the New Testament. trench (Rich. Chenevi.x), 1858. 484 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. BiBLiA Sacra — continued. Vulgate Edition. Lewis (John), 1731. History of the several translations of. Lewis (John), 1731. Rare and valuable editions, Introduction to the Knowledge of. Dibdixi, 1827. Concordance to the Bible. Craden, 1817, 1848. Smith (Rev. Thomas), 1820. Dictionary of the Bible. Barr, 1839. Brown (Rev. J.), 1828. Calmet, 1841. Smith (W., LL.D.), 1860-3. Bible Cyclopccdia. Biblia Sacra, 1841. Greek and English Lexico?i. Robinson (Edw.), 1839. A'y to the Bible. Gray (Rob.), 1805. Key to the Apocrypha. Gray (Rob.), 1805. See also Biblia Sacra, p. 40, in Catalogue ; and Scripture, in this Index of Subjects. Biblical Antiquities. Cox (F. A.), 1852. Biblical Researches. Palestine, 3fount Sinai, and Arabia Pet ma. Robinson (Edw.), 1841. Bibliography. Library Companion. Dibdin, 1825. Bibliotheca Britatmica. Watt (Rob.), 1824. Bibliographer's IManual, English Lite- rature. Lowndes (W. Th.), 1834, 1857- 64. Dictionary of British and American Authors. Allibone, 1859-91. Manuel du Libraire. Brunet, 1820-65. Manuel du Bibliophile. Peignot, 1823. Bibliography — continued. Dictionnaire Bibliographique. Pseaume, 1824. Littirature Fran^aise Contemporaine, 1827-49. Qu6rard, 1840-57. Bibliographic Instructive. De Bure, 1763-9. Classical Bibliography. Moss, 1837. Rare editions of Greek and Latin Clas- sics, Bibles, &c. Dibdin, 1827. Law Writers. Dugdale, 1680. Book Rarities, Univ. of Cambridge. Hartshorne, 1829. Bibliotheca Parriana. Parr (Sam.), 1827. JEdes Althorpiance : Books, &c. at Althorp. Dibdin, 1822. Bibliotheca Spenceriana : Catalogue of Books printed in the 15M cen- tury. Dibdin, 1815, 1822. Biblioth£que Univrrselle et His- TORIQUE. Le Clerc, 1687 — 1718. Bigarrures, Les. Tabourot, 1608. bilancia politica : v. politics. Bilious Diseases. Faithhorn, 1823. Thomas (John), 1829. Biography. Para I Ida, sive VitcB Illustrium Virorum. Plutarchus. VitcB Sclectorum Virorum. Batesius, 1681. Biographical Dictionary. Biographia Britannica, 1766. Universal Biography. Lempriere, 1808. Biographic Univcrselle. Biography, 181 1-28. Nouvclle Biographic Generate. Biography, 1857-66. Biographical Dictionary. Rose (Rev. Hugh J.), 1857. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 485 Biography — continued. Dictionary of National Biography. Biography, 1885-92. The British Plutarch: Hen. VIII.— Geo. II. Mortimer, 1762. Ecclesiastical Biography, Essays in. Stephen (Sir James), 1850. Ecclesiastical Biography. Wordsworth (Chr., D.D.), 1839. Naval Biography. O'Byrne, Z849. Lives of Illustrious Englishmen. Cunningham (G. G.), 1840. Eminent Men, Lives of. Tillotson (John), 1858. Illustrious Women. Tillotson (John), 1858. Sketches. Senior, 1863. Biographical Sketches, 1852-68. Wartineau (Harriet), 1869. See also BaldassARRI, 1 7 1 1 , p. 23 in Cat. Bird Catching. Fortin, 1695. Birds. Darwin, 1838. General History of. Latham (John), 1821-4. Figures of. Edwards (G.), 1806. Planches coloriees Ton (Lord), 18 12. Children, Enfans ceVehres. Baillet, 1688. See also Enfans. Chili. Coast of. Frezier, 1717- China* Histoire de PEmpereur de la Chine. Bouvet, 1699. Nouvelle Relation. Magaillans, 1688. View of Pennant, 1798— 1800. Description ghgraphiqiie, historique, &c. Du Halde, 1736- Description of the Empire. Davis (J. Fr.), 1836. Pekin, fourney to. Fortune, 1863. Illustrated. Kircher, 1670. Sketches of China and the Chinese. Borget, 1838. Residence among the Chinese. Fortune, 1857. Gmemment, Laws, and Policy. Auber(P.), 1834- Transactions and Commercewith Russia. Coxe(W.), 1780. Trade and Travel. Davidson (G. F.), 1846. Ambassade. Nieuhoff, 1665. Two Embassies from the East India Company to China. Montanus, 167 1-3. Russian Embassy to, 1692-4. Brand (A.), 1699. Embassy to. ^Macartney (Earl of), i797- Staunton, 1797- Earl of Els^in's Mission, 1857-9- Oliphant (L.), 1859. ■57- INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 495 C H I N A — continued. Designs of Chinese Buildings, Furni- ture, Dresses, &c. Chambers (Sir W.), 1757. Civil and Ornamental Architecture. Decker, 1759. Chincona. Markham (Clem. R.), 1862. Chivalry. Theatre de Chevalerie. Vulson, 1648. Chocolate. Duncan CD.), 1705. Cholick, The. Purcell, 1714. Christ, The Life of. Farrar(F., D.D.), 1870. See also Jesus Christ. Christian Church. History, 2nd and ^rd centuries. Jeremie, 1852. History, ^th to 1 2th century. Cam-ithen, 1856. History of. Lyall (Rev. A.) and Hampden, 1858. See also Church. Christian Faith and Character. Sumner (J. B., Bp. of Chester), 1829. Christian Piety. Causes of the Decay of. Christian Piety, 1667. Christian Religion. Principles of. Christian Religion, 1749. Christian Revelation. In connection with Astronomy. Chalmers, 1830. Christian Sects. In i^th century. Christian Sects, 1846. Christianity. Evidence of. Sumner (J. B., Bp. of Chester), 1830. Evidence of Christian Revelation. Chalmers, 1824. Rise and Early Progress of. Hinds, 1850. Application of to the affairs of life. Chalmers, 1820. Instruction du Chrestien. Richelieu (J. A., Card, de), 1642. /;; India. Kaye, 1859. Christine, Reine de Su^de. Histoire de la Vie de. Christine, 1668. Chronicles. Chronicle, to the reign of Edw. IV. Hardyng, 1543. England, Ireland, Scotland. Holinshed, 1785. England, Prance, Spain, &'c. Froissart, 1523, 30, 59, 74, 1803. & also Names of various Countries. Chronology. Art de Verifier Dates, 1787. Nicolas, 1833. Opus Chronologicum. Calvisius, 1650. Chronological Historian. Salmon, 1747. Toone, 1828. Universal Chronologist. Boyle (Hen.), 1826. Analysis of. Hales, 1830. Tables. Blair (J.), 1856. Tables, a.m. i — .a.d 1856. Chronology, 1857. Tables de r Histoire. Dictionnaire des Dates, 1843. Legal Chronology. Dugdale, 1680. 3 S 2 496 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Church. Gouverm?ncnt de VEglise. Noir, 1676. The Church of Christ, History of. Lyall (Rev. A.) and Hampden, 1858. Milner (Joseph, D.D.), 1828, 183+. Scott (John), 1828-32. History, znd and -^rd centuries. Jeremie, 1852. History, \th to izth century. Carwithen, 1856. Church of England. Concilia, A.D. 446 — lyiy- Wilkins, 1737. Constitutiones. Wilkins, 1737. Statutes, Constitutions, Canons, Ku- bricks, and Articles. Gibson (Edmund, Bp. of Lond.), 1761. Doctrine and Discipline : 39 Articles. Car>' (Rev. H.), 1835. Ecclesiastical Law. Burn (R.), 1842. Reformation. Burnet (Bishop), 1681, 1829. Restoration to Episcopacy. Gauden, 1661. Points of difference with Romish Church. O'Croly, 1836. Comparative Vinv of the Churches of England and Rome. Marsh, 1851. Archbishops and Bishops, History of. Whartonus, 1691. Erastianis?n. Pretyman, 1854. Parochialia. Sandford (John), 1845. Festivals and Fasts, Companion for. Nelson (Rob.), 17 15. Church of Rome. Doctrine sur les matilres de controverse. Brueys, 1682. Insight into the Working of the Romish Church, in France. Byrne (Mrs.), 1855. Points of difference with the Church of Eni;land. O'Croly, 1836. Comparative Vinv of the Churches of England and Rome. Marsh, 1851. See also RoMA — Church of Rome, infra. Church of Scotland : see Scotland. Church Militant, The. Triumphs. Ecclesias Militantes Triumphi, 1670. Church and State. Official Handbook. Murray (John), 1855. Churches. Architt'cttira Ecclcsiastica Londini. Clarke (Charles), 1820. Cicero. Clavis Ciceroniana. Ernesti, 1776. Epistles of. Tunstall, 1741, 1744. Character and Conduct of. Cibber, 1747. Life of Cicero. Forsyth (W.), 1864. CiRCASSIA. Travels in. Spencer (Edm.), 1839. founial of a Residence in, 1837-9. Bell (J. S.), 1840. Circensian Games. Burgess, 1828. CisTUS or Rock Rose. Order of. ' Sweet (Rob.), 1825-30. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 497 Civil Engineering. Reports on. Smeaton, 1812. Manual of. Rankine, 1862. Civil Engineers. Lives of. Smiles, 186 1-2. Civil Law. Corpus Juris Civilis, 1626, 16S1. Domat, 1722. Civil Wars in England. History of. Clarendon (Edw. Hyde, Earl of), 1704, 1707, 1717, 1807. See also Charles I. England. Clanricarde (Ulick, Marq. of). JMemoirs and Letters. Clanricarde (Marq. of), 1757. Clarendon (Edward Hyde, Earl of). Lif of Macdiannid, 1820. Claret Country, The. Cocks, 1 846. See also Wines. Classical Bibliography. Moss, 1837. Classical Dictionary. Dymock, 1833. Lempriere, 1826, 1838, 1844. Classical Liter.\ture. History of. Browne (R. W.), 1851. Classics. Classical Sludenfs Manual. Smithcrs, 1827. Greek and L.atin Classics, Rare and \ 'a I liable Editions of. Dibdin, 1827. Cleopatra. Bisaccioni, 1673. Clergy, The. Instructions for Candidates. Hodgson (C), 1850. Cloncurry (Valentine, Lord). Life and Times of. Cloncurr)' (Val., Lord), 1850. * Clowns and Fools of Shakespeare. Douce, 1807. Cnidus. Discoveries at. Newton (C. T.), 1862-3. Coaching. Sketches of Coaching. Whitehurst, 1878. Coal and Coal Mining. Sm}'th (Warington W.), 1867. Cobham, Lord. Life of Gilpin (W.), 1765. Cock-fighting. Blome, 1686. Coffee. Duncan (D.), 1705. Coins. Ancient, Tables of. Arbuthnot (C), 1727. Impressions from Coins. Vertue, 1753. Coins of the Realm. Liverpool (Charles, Earl of), 1805. English Silver and Gold. Folkes, 1763. Essay on. Harris (Jos.), 1758. See also Silver Coins. Colbert (Jean Baptiste). Necker, 1784-5. CoLBERTisMO, II. Mengotti, i8ig. Colchester. E.xpedilion of. Carter (M.), 1650. Colchester (Charles, Lord). Diary and Correspondence, 1802-17, Colchester (Lord), 1861. 498 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Collegiate Churches. Dugdale, 1655, 1723, 1830. Collins (William ; R.A.). Life of. Collins (W. Wilkie), 1848. Cologne. Paix de. Flanders, 1580. Colonies, British. History of. Martin (R. Montg.), 1834-5. Colonial Policy. Grey (H. G., Earl), 1853. Colour. Wilkinson (Sir J. G.), 1858. Colouring, Harmonious. Interior Decorations. Hay (D. R.), 1844. Columbus (Christopher). America, 1823. Life and Voyages. Irving (Wash.), 1831. Voyages, &fc., of the Companions of Columbus. Irving (Wash.), 1831. COilEDIES. Aristophanes. Beaumont and Fletcher, 1679, 1846. Dryden (J.), 1701. Shakespeare. Terentius. Theatre. See also Plays. COMMENDON (Card. J. F.). Vie de. Flechier, 1695. Commerce. History of. Anderson (Adam), 1787. Dictionary of. Postlethwayt, 1751-5. Common Prayer : see Liturgy. Commons, House of. fournal, &'c. temp. Queen Eliz. D'Ewes, 1693. See also House of Com- mons. Journals. Commonwealth, The. History of. Guizot, 1854. Parliamentary Diary, 1656-59. Burton (Thomas), 1828. Communion, The. Preparation for. Claude, 1683. Orthodox Communicant. Communion, 1721. Comparative Anatomy. Jones (T. R.), 1841. Compound Interest. Baylis, 1844. Laurie, 1861. Conchology : v. Shells. Conclaves. Histoire des Conclaves depuis Clement V. Vanel, 1694. Concordances. To the Holy Scriptures. Cruden, 181 7, 1848. Smith (Rev. Thomas), 1820. To Shakespeare. Shakespeare. To Pope's Works. Abbott (E.), 1875. CoNDE, De, The Princes, 16th and 17th cent. Aumale (Due d'), 1872. CoNDE (Louis, Prince de). Vie. Gondii. Mahon (Lord), 1846. Campagne en Flandre, 1674. Beaurain, 1774. Confessional, The, Secrets of Lasteyrie, 1848. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 499 CONIFERiE. Lambert, 1837. Richard (Louis C. M.), 1826. See also Pinetum. CONNAUGHT RaNGERS. Grattan (W.), 1853. CONNOISANCES UsUELLES ET PRATIQUES. Journal des Connoisances, 1832-40. Connoisseur, The. Colman (G.), 1767. Beauties of. Rambler, 1787. Consistory Court, London. Reports. Haggard, 1822. Consort, Prince: see Albert. H.R.H. Prince. Constable (John, R.A.). Life of. Leslie, 184.5. Constantinople. Voyage. Breves, 1630. Voyage de M. Quiclet. Constantinople, 1665. Views of. Pardoe. Perry (C), 1743. Residence in, 1828. MacFarlane, 1829. A Month at. Smith (Albert), 1851. Constitution of England. History. Hallam, 1832. Vindication of the Constitution. Disraeli (Rt. Hon. Bcnj.), 1884. See also England. Convents. Glance behind the Grilles of Religious Houses in France. Byrne (Mrs.), 1855. See also Monasteries. Conventual Cathedral Churches. Willis (Browne), 17 19. Conversation Book. Germ., Engl., Lat., Ital., French, Hungarian. Gaal, 1830. Convocations. Of the T-MO Provinces. Trevor (G.), 1852. Cookery. Cookery, 1830, 1840. Llanover (Lady), 1867. Reynolds (Rob.), 1849. St6ckel, 1846. Viart, 1842. Royal Cookery. Lamb (P.), 1716. La Cuisine Ancienne et Moderne. Careme, 1822. La Cuisine Fran^ais, 1 9M cent. Careme, 1835. La Cuisine Fran^aise. Gogud, 1856 Le Patissier Royal Parisien. Careme, 1828. French Cook. Ude, 1841. Modern Cook. Francatelli, 1877. Fbung Cook's Guide. Roberts (L), 1841. Artistic Cookery. Dubois (Urb.), 1870. Homoeopathic Cookery. Cooker}', 1846. Art of (a poem). King (William), 1709. See also Pastry. Copti. Abudacnus, 1675. Copyists. Of Miniatures, &"<■. Bradley (J. W.), 1887-9. " Coquille, La " : v. Voyages. Coquilles : v. Shells. Corfu, Island of. Jervis (Henry), 1852. 500 Corn. Causes of the Diseases in. Curtis (W.), 1834. CORNEILLE. Guizot, 1852. Cornwall. Surrej' of. Carew (R.)> 1602, 1723. Antiquities of. Borlase (W.), 1754, 1769. Natural History of. Borlase (W.), 1758. Cornu-British Vocabulary. Borlase (VV.), 1754, 1769. COROMANDEL. Pla?its of the Coast of. Roxburgh, 1795 — 18 19. Coronations. Prayers, Supplications, &c. Prynne (W.), 1660. Correspondence : see Letter Writing. Costumes. Religious, Civil, and Alilitary, of the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Sifc. Roccheggiani, 1804. 13 — 15 siecles. Bonnard, 1829-30. Middle Ages. Shaw (Henr)-), 1843. Cottage Architecture. Architecture, 1868. Loudon (J. C), 1833. Weaver, 1848. Designs for. Goodwin (Francis), 1834. Cottonian Manuscripts. Catalogue of. Catalogues, 1690, 1802. Councils General. Nice, 1692. Councils. Church of England, A.D. 446 — 1717- Wilkins, 1737. Country Buildings : see Buildings. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Country Characters. White, 1840. Country Residences. Forming, Improving, and Managing. Loudon (John), 1806. Notes on. Smith (C. H. J.), 1852. Country Sketches. Mason (Finch). County Council. Compendium. Stephen (Hen.) and H. E. Miller, 1888. County Councillor' s Vade Mecum. Stephen (Hen.) and H. E. Miller, 1888. County Families. Walford, i860, 1875. Coups d'Etat. Naud6, 1667. CouR, L'HoMME de. Gracian, 1684. CouR Sainte, La. Caussin, 1655. Coursers. N'ewmarket and Arabia — Descent of Racers and Coursers. Upton, 1873. See also Race Horses. Racing. Coursing. Arrianus, 1831. Court, The, and Courtiers. Refuge, 1649. Court and Society. Elizabeth to Anne. Manchester (Duke of), 1864. See also Society. Courtier. Gracian, 1684. See also Court. Courts. furisdiction of. Pr)-nne (W.), 1669. Courts of Justice. Romance of the Forum. Burke (P.), 1854. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 501 Courts Martial. James (Charles), 1820. T)tler (Alex. Fraser), 17 14. Naval and Military. McArthur, 181 3. Covert Shooting. Davenport (W. Bromley-), 1885. CowT>ER (Mar)', Countess). Diary, 1714-20. Cowper (Mary, Countess), 1864, 1865. Cowper (William). Life and Letters. Cowper (W.), 18 12, 1846. i Crabbe (Rev. George). Life and Poetical Works. Crabbe (Rev. G.), 1847. Creation, The. Records of. Sumner (J. B., Bp. of Chester), '833- Vestiges of the Natural History of Chambers (Rob.), 1844, 1845. Creator, The. Moral Attributes of. Sumner (J. B., Bp. of Chester), "833- Creed. Apostles' Creed. Barrow (Is.), 1741. Explication of. Towerson, 1685. Exposition of Pearson, 1797. Nicene Creed. Forbes (Bishop), 1852. Crimea. Travels. D6midofr, 1840, 1853. Crimea, The. Expedition to, 1854. Crimea. L? Expedition de. Bazancourt, 1856. Crimea, The — continued. Invasion of. Kinglake, 1863-87. Campaign in. Brackenbur)', 1855. War. Adye, i860. EUesmere (Earl of), 1855. Hoseason, 1857. Russell (W. How.), 1855, 1877. foumal during the War. Duberly, 1855. Diary. Robinson (F.), 1856. Realities of War in. Calthorpe, 1857. Military Tour. Macintosh (Maj.-Gen. A. F.), 1854. Lives of our Heroes in. Ryan, 1855. Seat of War in the East. Simpson (W.), 1855-6. Photographs of the Seat of War. Fenton (Roger), 1856. Panorama of the Plateau of Sebastopol. Fenton (Roger), 1856. Panorama of Balaklava andlnkermann. Fenton (Roger), 1856. See also Sebastopol. Criticism. Periodical Criticism. Scott (Sir Walter), 1835-6. Criticisms. Censur- Flikhtlinge. Pnitz, 1843. Croker Papers, q. v. Cromwell (Oliver). Acts of Parliament, 1649-50. Cromwell, 1650. History of. Guizot, 1854. La Tyrannic Heureuse. Galardi, 1671. 3 T 502 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. C ROMWELL (Oliver) — continued. Memoirs of Life and Actions of. Peck (F.), 1740. Court of England during the Pro- tectorate. Jesse (John H.), 1840. See also Commonwealth. Cross, The. Portement de Croix. Cabinet du Roi. Crossbills : v. Loxiens. Crown. De Corona. Demosthenes. Review of Lord Brougham^ s Transla- tion of. Burges (G.), 184.0. Crown Cases, 1746. Foster (Sir ;\Iich.), 1762. Crown of England. Succession to. England, 1681. Somers (John, Lord), 1681. Crown, The. Pcveni/e of. Carew (G.), 1661. Crucifixion. Gallonius, 1668. Crusades, The. Sketch of. Wallen, 1836. Crypt.c Romans. Bellori, 18 19. Cuba, Island of. Histoire physique, politique et naturelle. Ramon de la Sagra, 1838. Agriculture and Climate. Russell (Rob.), 1857. Cuisine : see Cookery. CUMA. An ti chit a di. Paoli, 1768. Cumberland. History and Antiquities. Nicolson (Joseph) and R. Burn, ■777- Mountains and Lakes. Gilpin (W.), 1808. Cumberland (Will. Aug., Duke of). Military Life and Character. Campbell-^Maclachlan, 1876. Cup : v. Hohenstaufe. CURRAN (Rt. Hon. J. P.). Curran and his Contemporaries. Phillips (Charles), 1850. Currency. Wilson (Rt. Hon. James), 1 847, 1 859. Cycling. Bury (Vise.), 1887. Cyclopedia. Cyclopaedia. English Cyclopedia, 1854-8. National Cyclopasdia, 1847-51. Penny Cyclopaedia. Useful A rts. Tomlinson, 1852-5. See also Encyclop.i;dia. Cynegeticus, The. Arrianus, 1831. Cyri Expeditio. Xenophon. Dairy, The. Thier, 1855. Dalhousie (Marq. of). Administration iti India. Arnold (E.), 1865. Dalmatia. Wilkinson (Sir J. G.), 1848. Voyage, 1675-6. Spon, 1677. Voyage. Lavall^e (Jos. de), 1802. Dames, Toilette des. Celnart, 1827. Dante Alighieri. Early Life of. Garrow, 1846. Invenzioni \ Inferno, Purgatorio, Para- diso]. Pinelli, 1825, 1826. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 503 Danube, The. History, Scenery, etc. Beattie (William). Danubian Principalities. Histoire Polilique et Sociale. Regnault, 1855. Journal uf a Reside nee, 1853. O'Brien, 1854. Daphnis ET Chloe. Longus, 1757. Italian Translation. Caro, 1812. Darien Canal. Cullen, 1853. Dark Ages, 9-1 z Centuries. Maitland (Rev. S. R.), 1844. " Darkest England." Booth (W.), 1890. Dartmoor. Russell (Rev. John), 1878. Daschkaw (Princess), q. v. Dates, Dictionary of. Haydn, 1853, 1889. See also CHRONOLOGY. Dauphine. Pilgrimage into. Musgrave (Rev. G. M.), 1857. David. Histoire de la Vie de. Choisy, 1692. David (Louis), Peintre. Son hole et son temps. Delt^cluze, 1855. Davis's Strait. Voyai;e to, 1817. O'Reilly, 181 8. Dead Sea, The. Expedition to. Lynch, 1849. A Journey round. Sauicy, 1853. Deans of Westminster. Neale, 1818-23. Death. Preparation Jor Death. Wake, 1688. Discourse of the Latter End. Bromley (R. A.), 1771- Nineteen plates representing Death. Hondius, 1600. Debates in Parliament. See Johnson (Sam., LL.D.), i8ii. Parliament. Decameron, II. Boccaccio. Decorations. JMiddle Ages. Shaw (Henry), 1843. Decorative Arts, Middle Ages. Shaw (Henrj), 1851. Maniere d'adornare i Cammini, etc. Piranesi, 1769. 6"£Ya/w Fresco Decorations. House Decoration. Ornament. Decorative Printing : see Printing. Deer. Macdonald, 1872. Deer Stalking. Davenport (W. Bromley-), 1885. Scrope(W.), 1839. Defeats, Military. Anderson (Col. R. P.), 1873. Delaney (Mrs.): see GRAN\nLLE (Mar)-). Demetrius. Les Fau.x Demetrius. Merim^e (Prosp.), 1854. Democracy. Brooke (J. W.), 1839. In America. Tocqueville, 1835-40. In France. Guizot, 1849. Demosthenes on the Crown. Rtviav of Ld. Brougham's Transla- tion of. Barges (G.), 1840. 3 T2 504 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Denmark. Differens entre le Roi de France et le Due de Holstein. Fouleresse, 1697. France, 1695. Empoisonnement, Mars, 1699. Denmark, 1699. Wars in. Manley, 1670. Travels in. Coxe (W.), 1784- Sketches in. Beaumont (A. de), 1840. Social and Political Slate of. Laing (S.), 1852. Derby, County of. History and Gazetteer. Glover (S.), 1831, 1833. Natural History of the Peak. Leigh, 1700. Deserted Village, The. Goldsmith (O.), 1841, 1855. D'ESPERNON : V. ESPERNON. Dessin : V. Arts. Devil-Worship. Layard, 1849, 1853. Diamond Fields : see South Africa. Diamonds. Emanuel, 1867. Diana, Temple of. Menetreius, 1688. Diane, La. Montemaior, 1592. Diary, 1749-61. Dodington, 1809. See also Vevys, 1825, 1828. Diary of an Invalid : see Invalid. Dickens (Charles). By Pen and Pencil. Kitton, 1890-2. Dictionnaire Historique, Le Grand. Moreri, 1683-1749. Historical and Cn'tical Dictionary. Bernard (Rev. J. P.), 1741. Hoffmannus, 1677-83. Dictionaries : see Names of various Languages. See also Law Dictionary. Diet. Paris (J. A.), 1729. DiGBY (Sir Kenelm). Memoirs, temp. K. Charles I. Digby, 1827. Digestion, Organs of. Quain (Jones), 1840. Thomas (John), 1829. Dignities. Manual of. Dod, 1842. Book of. Haydn, 1851, 1890. See also Political Index. Titles of Honor. Dijon Ancien et Moderne. Maillard de Chambure, 1840. Diocletian, Persecution of. • Mason (A. J.), 1876. Diplomatique. Traite de. Tassin, 1750-65. Dispatches, Military. India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, France, &fc., 1799-1832. Wellington (Arthur, Duke of), 1834-80. Disraeli (Rt. Hon. Benj., Earl of Beaconsfield). Literary and Political Biography. Macknight, 1854. Life and Times. Ewald, 1883. Dogs. Varieties of. Berjeau, 1863. Breeds, Diseases, etc. Walsh (John H.), 1878. Management of. Mayhew (Edw.), 1 854. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 505 Dogs — continued. Education du Chien. Leonard (A.), 1842. Le Chien Courant. Blaze, 1838. Le Chien d' Arret. Blaze, 1839. Greyhound, The, Breeding, Rearing and Training. Walsh (John H.), 1853, 1864. Canine Companions in health arid disease. Hill (J. W.), 1891. Kennel Club Stud Book, 1 855-74 : q. v. Domes. Theory of. Beckett, 1876. Domesday Book, q. v. Domestic Animals. Multiplication et Perfect ionnement. Grognier, 1841, Breeds of, British Islands. Low (D.), 1842. Don Carlos. Court and Camp of. Honan, 1836. Donne (John, D.D.) Elegies on the death of. Donne, 1669. Don Quixote. Cervantes. Don Sebasti.\n : see Portugal. Dorset. History and Antiquities. Hutchins (John), 1774. Dove-cots. INIariot-Didieux, 1854. Downing to Alston Moor. Tour from. Pennant, 1801. Draining. History of. IJugdale, 1662. Manual of Practical Draining. Stephens (Hen.), 1848. Drama and Dramatic Works. Baillie (Joanna), 1851. Dr)den (J.), 1701, 1717. Newcastle (Marg., Duchess of), 1668. O'Keefe, 1798. Orrer}- (Roger Boyle, Earl of), 1735- Schiller, 1842. Shakespeare. Wichcrly, 1768. See also Plays. Theatre. Dramatic Art, Elocution and. Smithson, 1887. Dramatic Poets, English. Lives and Characters of. Jacob (Giles), 1719, 1720. Draught. Treatise on. Youatt, 1 83 1. Drawings. Drawings. Ottley, 1823. Paintings. Pictures. By Italian Masters, reproduced. Carr(J. C), 1877. Dresden. Royal Gallery of Pictures. Payne, 1845. The Green Vaults. Gruner, 1862. Dresden Gallery. Dresden. Dresses. Middle Ages. Shaw (Henry), 1843. See also COSTUMES. Drinking Cups. Greek and Etruscan. Gerhard, 1840. See also HOHENSTAUFE. Drogues : v. Drugs. Drugs. Pomet, 1694. 5o6 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. DuDEVANT (Madame). Histoire de ma Vie. Dudevant, 1855. Duel. Attendoli, 1562. Mutio-Justinopolitano, 1560. Du GuESCLiN (Bertrand). Hay (Paul), 1666. DuKERiES, The. Guide to. Sisson, 1888. DuNCOMBE (Th. Slingsby). Life and Correspondence. Duncombe, 1868. DuNDONALD. Kirkwood (Rev. J.), 1875. DuNDONALD (Thomas, tenth Earl of). A utohiography. Dundonald, i860. Dunkirk, Sale of. Clarendon (Edw. Hyde, Earl of), 1747. Durham, County Palatine of. Hutchinson (\V.), 1785-94. Durham Cathedral. Architectural Illustrations. Billings, 1843. Handbook. King (R. J.), 1869. Dutch Language. Dictionary. Sewel, 1735. Duties. De Officiis. Cicero, 1803. Dwelling : see House. East, The. Reise, 1836, 7. Schubert, 1838, 9. Description of the East. Pococke, 1743-5. British Empire in the East. Bjornstjerna, 1840. Eastern Letters. Hahn-Hahn, 1 844. Eastern Question. Argyll (Duke of), 1879. Campbell (Sir G.), 1876. Ubicini, 1854. Eastern Travel. Romance and Realities of Eastern Travel. Warburton (Elliot), 1857. East India. A^ew Account of. Fryer, 1698. Establishment of Christianity in. Du Jarric, 161 1. Voyage to. Linschoten, 1638. Voyages. Le Blanc, 1649. Pyrard, 1679. East India Company. As a Governing Power. Boulger, 1892. Compagnie Franfoise, La, Etablisse- ment de. Charpantier, 1666. East Indies. Herrera, 1620. Histoire Generate. Gomara, 1584. Laet (Jean de), 1640. Ecclesiastical Antiquities. England. Strutt (Jos.), 1773, 1793. Ecclesiastical Biography. Wordsworth (Chr., D.D.), 1839. Essays in. Stephen (Sir James), 1850. Ecclesiastical Endowments. Chalmers, 1827. Ecclesiastical History. England. Collier (Jer.), 1708-14. See also ChuRCH OF ENG- LAND. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 507 Ecclesiastical Law. Burn (R.). 1842- CodiX Juris Eciltsias/ki Anglu\ini. Gibson (Edmund, Bp. of Lond.), 1761. Ecclesiastical Polity. Hooker(Richard), 1617-32,1793. Echinodermata : sa Starfishes. Edinburgh RE^^E^v. Edinburgh Review. EsSijys contributed to. Brougham, 1856. Macaulay (Lord), 1850. Rogers (Hen.), 1850. Edom. Letters on. Lindsay (Lord), 1839. Education. Of a Liberal Education. Whewell, 1850. See also Popular Educa- tion. Edward IL Histoiy of. Barnes, 1688. Edward IV. Reign of, by J. Habington. Kennett (White, Bp. of Peterb.), Vol. L, 1719. Letters, temp. Edw. IV. Fenn (John), 1787. Edward V. Life of hy Sir T. More. Ki-nnett (White, Bp. of Peterb.), Vol. L, 1719. Edward VL Life of by Sir J. Hayward. Kennett (White, Bp. of Peterb.), Vol. IL, 1 7 19. State Papers. Burleigh, 1759. Edward, Prince of Wales, the Black Prince. Barnes, 1688. Edwinstow, Notts. Registers of 1635— 1758. Edwinstow, 1891. Egypt. Pctherick, 1861. Saint Hilaire, 1857. Singularitez, &c. Belon, 1588. Monument i deW Egitto e della Nubia. Rosellini, 1832-44. Monuments, Bas-reliefs, Inscriptions, &--C. Champollion le Jeune, 1835, 1844, 1847. Montimens de I'Egypte et de la A'ubie. Prisse d'Avennes. Arts, Antiquities, and Chronology. Wathen, 1843. History of. S'harpe (S.), 1846. Conquest of. Ockley, 1708, 17 18. View of. Perr)'(C.), 1743. Intercepted Letters. Egypt, 1799. Description de I'Egypte. Egypt, 1809-28. Letters on. Lindsay (Lord), 1839. Voyage. Breves, 1630. Voyage fait en 1672, 3. Vansleb, 1677. Voyage to, 1802-6. Valentia (Geo., Vise), 1809. Voyage on the Coasts of. Invin, 1780. Travels in. Norden, 1755, 1757. Draicings. Roberts (David), 1846, 9. Sketches in. Wharncliffe (Lord). Picturesque Egypt. Wilson (Sir C), 1880-4. Viai's in. Mayer (Luigi), 1801. Panorama d'Egypte el de A^ubie. Horeau, 1841. 5o8 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Egypt — continued. Social Life in. Wilson (Sir C), 1884. Tour in. Damer, 1841. Campagnes du Gen. Bonaparte . Denon, 1802. British Expedition to. Wilson (Rob. Thomas), 1803. Under Mehemet AH. Muskau, 1845. Egyptians. Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. Wilkinson (Sir J. G.), 1837. Eldon (John Scott, Lord). Public and Private Life of. Twiss (Horace), 1844. Sketch of the Life of. Surtees (W. E.), 1846. Elections. Ancient Parliamentary Elections. Cox (Horn.), 1868. Electoral Facts, 1832-52. Dod (C. R.), 1852. Electro-Metallurgy. Napier (James), 1851. Eleusis. Architectural Remains. Dilettanti Society, 1817. Elgin Marbles. Ellis (Sir Hen.), 1846. Lawrence (R.), 1818. Elgin (Earl of). Mission to China and fa pan, 1857-9. Oliphant (L.), 1859. Elijah. Anderson (Rev. J. S. M.), 1835. Eliot, Sir John, a biography. Forster (John), 1864. Elis, City of. Ruins of. Stanhope (J. S.), 1835, 1836. Elisabeth de Valois, Reine d'Espagne. Histoire de. Du Prat, 1859. Elizabeth (Queen). Cabala, 1663. Life and Troubles Heywood, 1632. La Vie de. Leti, 1694. History of. Camden (W.), 1688. History of, by W. Camden. Kennett (White, Bp. of Peterb.), Vol. n., 1 719. Memoirs of the Reign of Q. Elizabeth. Birch (Th.), 1754. Court and Society. Manchester (Duke of), 1864. State Affairs. Winwood, 1725. State Papers. Burghley, 1759. Negotiations de Walsingham. Walsingham (Sir Francis), 1700. Public Transactions in the Reign of. Forbes (P.), 1840, i. Authenticity of certain papers at- tributed to. Malone, 1796. fournals of the House of Lords and House of Commons, temp. Q. Eliz. D'Ewes, 1693. Entertainment to, at Killingworth Castle, 1575. Laneham, 1575. Progresses atid Public Processions. Nichols (John), 1788— 1807. Elliot (Rt, Hon. Hugh). Memoir of. Minto (Countess of), 1868. Elocution and the Dramatic Art. Smithson, 1887. Ely Cathedral. Bentham, 1771. Cathedrals, 1862. Embanking : sec Imbanking. Embassies : k^ names of various countries. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 509 Emin Pasha, q. v. Emperors. Chronology of. Emperors, 1700. Portraits of. Portraits. See also RoMA. Sovereigns. Encyclopedia. See Cyclop.€Dia, p. 502, Index. Encyclopedia, p. 142, Cata- logue. "Endeavour," The: k^ Voyages, 1773. Endowments, Literary and Ecclesiastical, Use and Abuse of. Chalmers, 1827. Enfants, Nouveau Magazin des. Nouveau Magazin, i860. Engineering, Civil. Reports on. Smeaton, 1812. Engineering Dictionary. Nicholson, 1835. Engineers, The. Lives of. Smiles, 1861-2. England. History of the Royal Family. England, 1713. Heads of the Kings of. Vertue, 1736. Genealogical History of Kings and Queens of Sandford (F.), 1677, 1707. Succession to the Croivn of. Somers (John, Lord), 1681. Right of Succession to the Kingdom of. Craig, 1703. Introduction to Old English History. Brady, 1684. England — continued. Chronicles. Baker (Sir R.), 1684. Doyle (J. E.), 1864. Froissart, 1523, 30, 59, 74, 1803. Gulielmus Neubrigensis, 1719- Hardyng, 1543. Holinshed, 1785. Strutt (Jos.), 1777-8. Chronicle of the late intestine War. Heath (James), 1676. Annals of. Stow (John), 1 60 1. Scriptores Maj. Britannia. Bale, 1559. HistoricB AnglicancE Scriptores X. Twysden, 1652. Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores Veteres. Fulman, 1684. Remains concerning Britain. Camden (W.), 1629. Britannia, or Description ofGt. Britain and Ireland. Camden (W.), 1722. Glossarium Antiquitalum Britanni- carum. Baxter, 17 19. Antiquities of. Grose, 1772-6. Antiquities, Regal and Ecclesiastical. Strutt (Jos.), 1773, 1793. Antiquities and Curiosities. Stukeley, 1724. NugcB Antiques, Hen. VIII. — fames I. Harington, 1769, 1779- Singularitez N'aturelles. Childrey, 1667. Worthies of England. Fuller (Thomas, D.D.), 1662. Introduction to the History of. Macpherson (James), 1771. EUmens de V Histoire d'Angleterre. Millot, 1789, 1802. Flores Historiarum de Rebus Britanni- cis. Matthaeus VVestmonasteriensis, 1601. Historia. Paris (Malth.), 1684. 3U 5IO INDEX OF SUBJECTS. England — continued. HistoricB BritanniccB, Saxonica, etc. Scriptores. Gale (Thomas), 1691. Historical Library. Nicolson (Will., Bp. of Carlisle), 1714. English, Scotch, and Irish. Nicolson (Will., Bp. of Carlisle), 1776. Historical Collections, 1618-48. Rushworth, 1659 — 1701, 1721. History of. Duchesne, 16 14. England, 1715. Hume (David), 182b. Kennett, 17 19. Larrey, 1697-8. Lingard, 1825-31. Mackintosh (Sir James), 1830- 40. Rapin Thoyras, 1743-7. Smollett, 1827. Warner (W.), 1612. Prince Charles and the Spanish Car- riage, 161 7-23. Gardiner (S. R.), i86g. Mouvemens d'Angleterre. England, 1651. Revolution, The. Guizot, 1850. View 0/ late troubles in. Dugdale, 1681. History of, 1603-16. Gardiner (S. R.), 1863. 1624-28. Gardiner (S. R.), 1875. 1660 — 1714. Macpherson (James), 1775. Original Papers, 1660 — 1714. Macpherson (James), 1775. Ambassade du Maresch. de Bassom- pierre en. Bassompierre, 1668. Letters and Memorials of State, Q. Mary to Cromivell. Sydney (Sir H.), 1746. Rebellion and Civil Wars, History of. Clarendon (Edw. Hyde, Earl of), 1704, 1707, 1717, 1807. England — cofttinued. History of fames I. — Geo. I. Macaulay (Cath.), 1763-71. fames II.— Will. ///. ( 1 7 o 2 ). Macaulay (Lord), 1849-61. to the death of K. Will. III. Kennett (White, Bp. of Peter- borough"), 1719. Charles I.— Will. III. Kennett (White, Bp. of Peter- borough), 17 19. Restoration of K. Charles II. Burnet (Bp.), 1734, i8og, 1833. Cottrt of during the Reign of the Stuarts. Jesse (John H.), 1840. Political Memoirs, 1754-8. Waldegrave (Earl of), 1821. History of, Geo. III. Adolphus, 1845. Negociations aiiprcs du Roi Geo. III. D'Eon, 1764. History, i %th cent. Lecky, 1878-90. Under the House of Hanover. Wright (Thomas), 1848. History, foreign and domestic, 1714-38. Historical Register. History of 1760 — 1835. Hughes (Rev. T. S.), 1836. History, from 1 8 1 5 . Waipole (Spencer), 1878-86. Memoirs, Geo. IV.— Vict., 1818-60. Greville (C. C. F.), 1874-87. Embassy to the Court of St. fames' s, 1840. Guizot, 1863. " Cabal, The." Cabala, 1663. England, 1673. Mirour for Magistrates. Jamieson (Alex.), 1587. Foreign N'egotiations, 1697 — 1708. Cole (Christian), 1733. Thirty I'ears of Foreign Policy. Macknight, 1855. Campaign 0/ 1 8 1 3- 1 4. Muffling, 1853. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 5" England — continued. History of Our Ouni 7'imes. McCarth)- (Justin), 1879. Illustrated History. Cassell. Constitutional History. Hallani, 1832. 1760 — 1860. May (Sir Thomas E.), 1863. Institutions Politiqurs, Judiciaircs ft A dministratiivs. Franqueville, 1863. Statesmen and Favourites. Llojd (David), 1665, 1766. Reflections on the present State of the Nation. Bolingbroke (Lord), 1753. Political Survev of. Campbell (John), 1774. Prosperite et Decadence. ' Cordier, 1843. Progress of the Nation. Porter (G. R.), 1847. Naval, Military, fudicial, Sfc. State, 1 4/^ cent. Bree, 1791. Invasions of: see Bruce (John), 1798. Historv, as illustrated by Shakespeare. Reed (H.) Biographical History. Granger, 1769, 1774. State Papers, 1542 — 1596- Burghley, 1759. Slate Papers, 1638 to the Restoration. Thurloe, 1742. See also State Affairs. State Papers in this Index. Mysteries of State and Government, Hen. VIII— Charles I. Cabala, 1663. Etat de la France et d'' Angleterre a Vepoque de la Paix d Amiens. Mondenard, i8oz. HistoricB Parliamenti Angliee Brei'i- arium. May (Thomas), 1651. Law, Privileges, Proceedings, &•(". of Parliament. May (Sir Th. Ersk.), 1844. England — continued. Parliamentary Diary, 1656-59. Burton (Thomas), 1828. Ecclesiastical History. Beda, 1644. Collier (Jer.), 1708 — 14. Anglia Sacra. Whartonus, i6gi. Conversion from Paganism. Elstob, 1709. Supreme furisdiction of Monarchs over Religious Affairs. Prynne (W.), 1666. Papacy in. England, 1680. Accroissement de la Papaute et du Gou- vernetnent absolu. Marvcll, 1680. De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliee. Bracton, 1569. " De Laudibus Legum Anglice," by Forlescue, Commentary on. Waterhous, 1663. fanus Anglorum — Statute and Com- mon Law. Selden, 1672. Laws of. Commentaries on. Blackstone, 1825. Laivs of England, Lectures on. VVooddesson, 1834. Introduction to Literature, from Chau- cer to Tennyson. Reed (Hen.), 1855. Museums of England. Viardot, 1843. Topographical A ntiquilies. Gough, 1768. Topographical Dictionary. Carlisle (N.), 1808. Lewis (S.), 1 83 1. fourney into, 1598. Hentzner, 1757. Voyage in. Patin, 1695. 3 U 2 512 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. England — continued. Istoria Pi t tor k a rf' Inghilterra, Saggio deW . Lotnbardi (G.), 1843. Seats 0/ Nobleme?i and Gentlemen. Neale, 1822-3. Principal Roads of. Ogilby, 1675. Map of England and Wales. Black (A. & C), i860. See also Atlas. Old England and N'ew England. Bunn (A.), 1853. Visits to Old Halls, Battle Fields, etc. Howitt, 1840, 42. Governing Families of. Sanford, 1865. Manners, Customs, Arms, Habits, etc., Saxons to Henry VIII. Strutt (Jos.), 1775-6- Sports and Pastimes of the People. Strutt (Jos.), 1 80 1. Merrie England : Its Sports and Pastimes. Lennox (Ld. W.), 1858. English Peasantry. Heath (F. G.), 1874. See also Britain. England (p. 142 in Cat.) English Bards and Scotch Re- viewers. Byron (Lord), 181 1. English Grammar. Murray (L.), 1824, 1834. English Language. Excellencies of the English Tongue. Carew (R-), 1723. History of the English Language. Johnson (Sam., LL.D.), 1755, >765- Dictionary. Bailey (N.), 1730. Johnson (Sam., LL.D.), 175s, 1765, 1818. Richardson (Charles), 1836-7, 1844, 1849. Webster (Noah), 1832, 1848. English Language — continued. Thesaurus LingucE RomancB et Britan- niccB. Cooper (T.), 1584. Etymologicon LingucB Anglicance. Skinner (S.), 1671. Dictionary — Fr. and Engl. Cotgrave, 1632. Pronouncing Dictionary. Walker (John), 1846. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. Roget, 1855. English Literature. Manual of. Craik, 1862. English Synonymes. Crabbe (G.), 181 6. Englyshe, Manners and Customs of Ye. Doyle (R.), 1849. Engravers. Dictionary of. Bryan, 1816, 49, si- Ticozzi, 1830-32. Catalogue of Engravers born in, or resident in England. Walpole (Horace, Earl of Or- ford), 1763. Notice des principaux Graveurs, et Catalogue de Icurs ouvrages. Huber et Rost, 1797 — 1804. Monograms of. Brulliot, 1834. Description of the works of Hollar. Vertue, 1745. A ncient Engravers of the Italian School. Cumberland (G.), 1827. Engraving. Baldinucci, 181 2. Morghen, 1824. Prints illustrative of the History of. Ottley, 1826. On Copper and on Wood, Origin and History of. Ottley, 1 81 6. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 513 Engraving — continued. Lc Peintre-Graveur. Bartsch, 1821. Dumesnil, 1844. See also Wood Engraving. Engravings. Hogarth (W,), 1822. Select Collection of. Wilson (T.), 1828. Stampe On'ginali. Londonio, 1837. See also Plates. Prints. Entomology. Manual of. Burmeister, 1836. Grammar of. Newman (Edw.), 1841. British. Curtis (John), 1823-40. Exotic Entomology. Drun', 1837. See also Insects. Epee, L' : V. Sword. Epigrams. Anthologia Graeca, 1566. Booth (Rev. John), 1865. Callimachus, 1755. Martialis (JM. Val.), 1617, 1680, 1 69 1. Epistles, The. Practical Expositions. Trower, 1851. Epistol^. Plinius (Caius Caec. Secundus). Equestrian Sketches, q. v. Equitation : see Horsemanship. Erastianism. Church 0/ England. Pretyman, 1 854. Erzgebirge, Art and Artists in. Waagen, 1843. Escraignes Dijonnoises. Tabourot, 1608. " Esperance, L'," Voyage de : r. Voy- ages. EsPERNON, Due d'. Vie du. Girard (G.), 1655. Esprits, Examen des. Examen de V Examen. Guibelet, 1631. Essays. Political, Economical and Philosophical. Rumford (Count of), 1798. Contributed to the Edinb. Revieiu. Greg(W. R.;, 1853. Macaulay (Lord), 1850. Rogers (Hen.), 1850. Essex. History of. Lysons, 1796. History and Antiquities. Morant, 1768. Map of Esse.v. Essex, 1777. Essex. Expedition of. Carter (M.), 1650. Estates. Resources of. Morton (J. L.), 1858. l^TATs Generaux : V. States General. Etchings: jf(r Etching Club, p. 145, in Catalogue. Ethics. Andronicus Rhodius, 1809. Aristotle. Ethiopia. Voyages, 1684. " Etoile, L'," Voyage de : v. Voyages. Eton College. Early History of. Creasy, 1850. Memoirs of Eminent Etonians. Creasy, 1850. Etruria. Inscriptiones A ntiquae. Gorius, 1726-43. Antiquitls Etrusques. Hamilton (Sir W.), 1766, 7. Cities and Cemeteries. Dennis (G.), 1848. 5H INDEX OF SUBJECTS. EiRuscoRUM IN Vasculis PiCTUR.'E. Passerius, 1767-75. Etty (William ; R.A.) Lz/e of. Gilchrist (A.), 1855. Eugene de Savoye (Prince) : v. Savoye Europe. D'Avity, 1643. Ancient Romans in. Fosbroke, 1828. Memoirs of Christendom, \i>iz-~i<). Temple (Sir W.), 1692. History of , 1453 — 1857. Dyer(T. H.), 1 861-4. History of , 1789 — 1852. Alison (Sir A.), 1833-57. Hisioire, 1814-30. Alletz, 1835. In the Middle Ages. Hallam, 1834, 48. Conference a Paris, 1593. Villeroy, 1622-3. n Europe esclave si I'Ang/eterre ne rompt les fcrs. De Cerdan, 1677. L^Europe Viva?ite. Chappuzeau, 1667, 1671. Nouveau.x Interets des Priticcs de I' Europe. Courtilz, 1686. Les Forces de V Europe. Fer, 1694. Remarkable Transactions. Turkish Spy, 1691 — 1708. Political System of. Heeren, 1834. Governments and Society in States and Courts, 1653-8. Reresby, 1813. Travels through. La Motraye, 1723-32. Remarks on several parts of. Breval, 1726. See also Europe, p. 146 in Catalogue. Evangelists. Biblia Sacra, i Harmony of. Biblia Sacra, 1805. See also Gospels, 805. Exchanges, Foreign. Theory of. Goschen, 1863. Exchequer. Liber Alger Scaccarii. Hearne, 1771. History and Antiquities. Madox, 1769. E.xcheqiier and Rei'enue of Inland. Howard (G. E.), 1776. Exchequer, Court of. Crown Revenue. Carew (G.), 1661. Exeter Cathedral. History and Antiquities. Britton, 1826. Cathedrals, 1861. Exhibition, 1851 ; q.v. 1862 ; q. V. See also Manchester Art Exhibition, 1857. Eye, The Human. Verle, 1679. Ezzelin ni. (surnommt^ da Romano). Vie et Fails. Longiano, 1644. Fables. Moore (Edw.), 1756. Ancient and Modern. Dryden (J.), 1700. Fac-Similes. Historical and Literary Curiosities. Smith (C. J.), 1840. Fairy Queen, The. Spenser (Edm.) Faith. Catholic Faith. Richelieu(J. A., Card, de), 1642. La Foy des derniers siecles. Rapin (Ren6), 1679. The Rule of Faith. Tillotson (John, Abp. of Canter- bur)'), 1676. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 515 Falconry. Fouilloux, 1650. Sebright, 1828. Le Roy Modus. Chace, 1560. Family Names, U. K. Lower, 18O0. Farces. Collection of. Inchbald, 1815. See also Plays. Farm, The. Field, The, 1858-71. Book of the Farm. Stephens (Hen.), 1871. Lc Fumier de Ferme. Quenard, 1854. Farmer's Encyclopedia. Johnson (C. W.), 1842. Farming. British Farmer's Magazine, 1837-40. Burke (J. F.), 1837. The Prince Consort's Farms. Morton (J. C), 1863. Management of Select Farms. Flanders, 1832, 3. Secrets of. Large, 1863. Farming Practice. British Husbandry, 1845. Lincolnshire. Clarke (J. A.), 1852. See also Agriculture. Faroe Islands. Gaimard, 1842-56. Farriery. New system of shoeing by one-sided nailing. Turner (James), 1832. Fasts : see Festivals. Fathers of the Church. Lives of Primitive Fathers. Cave (W.), 1677. Eccksiastici : Lives, &'c. of Fathers, \th cent. Cave(W.), 1683. Fauconberg (Lord). Amhassade vers Princes d^ Italic. Hauterive, 1671. Fauna Italica. Bonaparte (Carlo L.), 1832-41. Favorites sous plusieurs r6gnes. Roche-Guilhem, 1697. Favourites. Ancient and Modern, Du Puy, 1660. State Favourites in England. Lloyd (D.), 1665, 1766. Feathered Tribes : see Birds. Fencing. Angelo, 1763, 1817. n Excrcice de F Epk. Liancourt, 1692. Fenelon (Fr. de Salignac de La Mothe). Avventure di Telcmachus — Invemioni. Pinelli, 1828. Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. Reign of. Prescott, 1842. Fermiers Generaux : v. France. Ferns. British Ferns, History of. Newman (Edw.), 1840. Ferrara (Duchess of). Memorials of. Ferrara, 1859. Fertilizers. Johnson (C. W.), 1839, 1851. Guano as a Fertilizer. Johnson (C. W.), 1843. See also Manures. Festivals and Fasts. Liber Festivalis. Festival, 1499. Companion for. Church of England. Nelson (Rob.), 1715. Festivals of the Church. Sumner (J. B., Bp. of Chester), 1828. Fiction : see Novels. 5i6 INDEX OF FiEVRES. Helvetius, 1694. Fife Fox Hounds. Babington, 1883. Finches : v. Loxiens. Fine Arts. Art Union, 1848. Burnet (John), 1848. Fine Arts. Symonds (J. A.), 1877. Enciclopedia delle Belle Arti. Zani, 1817-28. Compendia Storico delle Belle Arti. Bonvicini, 1844. Literature of the Fine Arts. Eastlake (Sir C. L.), 1848. Pinacoteca delta Imp. Reg. Accad. Veneta. Zanotti, 1834. FiNGAL, a poem. Ossian, 1762, 1773- Finland. Conquest of , 1808,9. Finland, 1854. Fire Places, Domestic. Edwards (F.), 1865. Firs OF Japan. Murray (Andr.), 1863. Fish AND Fishes. Darwin, 1838. Fish Culture. Francis (Franc), 1863. Fresh- Water, of Gt. Britain. Bowdich, 1828. Houghton (Rev. W.), 1879. Pennell (H. C), 1863. British Fishes, History of Yarrell, 1836. Poissons d'cau douce. Agassiz, 1842. Poissons Fossiles. Agassiz, 1843. Coast of Ceylon. Bennett, 1830, 1834. Fisheries : see Salmon Fisheries. Fisheries Exhibition, Edinb., 1882. Fish and Fisheries. SUBJECTS. Fishery Laws. Oke, 1861. Fishing. Blaine, 1840. Blome, J 686. Pennell, 1863, 1887. Loch Fishing. Colquhoun, 1840. Salmon Fishing. Davenport (W. Bromley-), 1885. Grimble, 1892. See also Angling. Flanders. Chronicles. Froissart, 1523, 30, 59, 74, 1803. Guerra di Fiandra. Bentivoglio, 1648, 1678, 1807. Strada, 1644-9. Vie des Peintres Flamands. Descamps, 1753, 64. Husbandry. Lincke, 1843. Flandre, Les Comtes de. Genealogie. Wree, 1642-4. Fletcher (John). Life and Writings of. Dyce, 1850. Flogging in the Army. Napier (Lieut. -Gen. Sir C J.), 1837. Florence. Museum Florentinum. Museum Florentinum, 1731-66. Galerie de Florence. Tableaux, Statues, etc. Florence, 1789 — 1807. Peak Gallcria illustrata. Florence, 1817-33, 1841-63. Palais Pitti. Florence, 1789 — 1807. Galleria Pitti. Bardi, 1842. Pallazzo Vecchio, Illustrazione del. Moise, 1843. Scelta di Architetture antiche e moderne. Ruggieri, 1755. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 0'/ F LO R E X c E — continued. Paintings and Sculptures of Eminent Masters. Oltley, 1826. Vedute, etc. Gerini, 1744. '^ J/ann" and Manners at the Court, 1740-86. Doran, 1876. Florida. A'atural History. Catesby (M.), 1731- Flower Garden, The. Curtis (W.), ,793—1879. Handy Book Thomson (David), 1871. Flowers. Flora Londinensis. Curtis (W.), 1817-35. Flowers, Language of. Phillips (H.), 1831. FoiRE, Theatre de la. Le Sage, 1723-6. Food : see Agriculture. Food of Man. Vegetable Substances. Library of Entertaining Know- ledge, 1832. Fools and Clowns of Shakespeare. Douce, 1807. Foot of the Horse. New System of Shoeing. Turner ^James), 1832. See also Horse. Veterinary Art. Football. Shearman, 1887. Foreign Lands. Scenes and Sports in. Napier (Maj. E.), 1840. Foreign Policy. Thirty Fears of^Earl of Aberdeen and Vise. Palmers ton. INIacknight, 1855. Forest, Charter of the. Blackstone, 1759. Forest Scenery. Gilpin (W.), 1808. Forest Trees. Boutcher (W.), 1775. Browne (James), 1851, 61, 82. Portraits of. Strutt (J. G.), 1822, 1825. Of North America. I^Iichau-X, 1810-13, 1819. See also Trees. Forestry. Gotta, 1836-8. Lexicon der Forst-Kunde. Behlen, 1843. Taschenbuch fur Forst manner. Hohenadel, 1843. In Germany. Laurop, 1843. Pernitzsch, 1842, l84^ Pfeil. 1843. Forstliche Produktionslehre. Hundeshagen, 1835. Fursltaxation. Pfeil, 1843. Forstwissenschaft. Cotta, 1834. Forest Planter and Pruners Assistant. Main, 1844. Foreign Exchanges : see Exchanges. Foreign Reminiscences. Holland (Hen. Rich., Lord\ 1850. Forster (Rt. Hon. Wm. Edward). Life of. Reid (T. Wemyss), 1888. Fortification. Attaque et Defense des Places. Vauban, 1737. Fortifications de Campagne. Le Cointe, 1759. Forum, Romance of the. Burke (P.), 1854. Foscari, The Two. B)Ton (Lord), 1821. 3 X 5i8 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Fossil Mammalia. Danvin (C), 1838-43. Fountains. Designs of. Le Brun (Ch.), 1695- Fowling. Blome, 1686. Fowls, Rearing of. Allibert, 1855. See also Poultry. Fox (Rt. Hon. Charles James). Life and Times of. Russell (John, Earl), 1859-66. Memorials and Correspondence. Fox, 1853-7. The Age of Pitt and Fox. Pitt (Rt. Hon. W.), 1846. Fox Hunting. Cook (Col. John), i8z6. Davenport (W. Bromley-), 1885. Elmhirst, 1880, 83, 84. Radcliffe, 1839. Notitia Venal ica. Vyner, 1841, 1892. See also Hunting. France. Maison Roy ale, Origine de la. Jourdan, 1679. Annates et Chroniques. Gilles, 1560. Estat et succcz des affairs. Girard (B. de), 1619. Droits du Roy. Du Puy, 1670. Recueil des Roys de France. DuTillet, 1580. Portraits des Rois. Bie, 1634, 1636. Actions celebres des Rois et Reynes re- marquees en leurs Medailks. Bie, 1636. Panage des En/ans puisnes de la Maison Royale. Vaillant (Clement\ 1585. Tabula Gallice. Blaeu. France- — continued. Dignitez et Magistrals de France. Fauchet, 1584. Provinces, Villes, etc. Duval, 1658. Itineraritim Gallics. Sincerus, 1627. Topographia Gallia. Zeiller, 1655-7. Nouvelle Carte de la France. Cassini de Thury, 1744. Nouvel Atlas. Robiquet, 1841. Chronicles. Froissart, 1523, 30, 59, 74, 1803. Monumens de la Monarchic Franfoise. Montfaucon, 1729-33. Voyages dans I'Ancien France. Nodier, 1820-63. La France ancienne et moderne. Aicard, 1847. De Motibus Gallice. Banesius, 1586. Troubles de la France. Morin, 1595. Guerre entre France et Espagne. Matthieu, 1622. Antipatia de' Francesi e Spagnuoli. Garsia, 1637. Veritez Francoises opposees au.x calomnies Espagnoles. Binville, De, 1643. Origine de la 2 V/ 3' Lignee de la Maison Royale de. Bouchet, 1646. Ministres d' Estat sous les Roys de la troisiesme Lignee. Combauld, 1642. La Politique de. Hay (Paul), 1670. La France Intriguante. Germany, 1676. Guerre contre Autriche. Le Laboureur, 1676. Les Litnites de la France. Masson, 1853. Negociations in Frarice, England, etc. Castelnau, 1621, 1724. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 519 France — continued. Mouvemens de la France. Lisola, 1 67 1. Civil Wars of. Davila, 1678, 1733. Conduit depuis la Paix de Nimigue. Courtilz, 1683. Mivioire prhcnte aux Etats Gineraiix, 1683. Castel-Moncayo, 1684. Pretentions a F Empire de Charlemagtu. Preudhomme, 1696. Etat de la France et de V Angleterre a r epoque de la Paix d' Amiens. Mondenard, 1802. L'Ancien Regime et la Revolution. Tocqueville, 1856. War with, 1799 — 18 10. Bunburj' (Sir Hen.), 1854. War, in 181 3-14. Londonderrj' (jMarq. of), 1830. Revolution de 1848. Lamartine, 1849. Ressources de V Autriche et de la France. Legoyt, 1859. Democratie en France. Guizot, 1849. Le Traite avec r Angleterre. Perier, 1 860. Histoire. i^milius, 1598. De Motibus Gallim. Banesius, 1586. Histoire de. Daniel (G.), 1722. Michelet, 1835-58. Rerum Gallicarum Commentarii, 1461 — 1580. Bclcarius, 1625. Histoire. Jourdan, 1679. Histoire, 1513-15. Bellay, 1588. C hoses mimorables, 1547-97. Goulart de Senlis, 1598. Histoire, 155°— > 557- La Popeliniere, 1 5 8 1 . F RANCH — continued. Histoire, Pharamond a Louis XIV. Chaulmer, 1655. Sommaire de l' Histoire des Francois. Vignier, 1579. Invenlaire de V Histoire de France. Serranus, 1631. Pieces pour sen'ir a l' Histoire. Hay (Paul), 1640. Histoire, various publications, 1576 et ann. seqq. France. Etat de la France. Boulainvilliers, 1727, 8. Present State of France. France, 1691. Honimes Illustrcs, 1 7' siicle. Perrault, 1697. Portraits des Personnes lUusires de France, 1789 — 1829. Iconographie des Contempo- rains, 1823-32. Portraits — Hommes et Femmes, 1422 — >793- Iconographie Fran^aisc, 1840. Old Court Life in. Elliot (Frances), 1873. Traite de la Civilite qui se pratique en France. Courtin, 1671. Moeurs et usages Franfais, 1 9 siicle. Jouy, 1822. See also Paris. Les Franqais peints par eux-mimes. Fran(jais, Les, 1840, i. Spanish Marriage, 1617-23. Gardiner (S. R.), 1869. Spanish Marriage, 1846. Montpensier (Due de), 1849. A Year of Revolution, 1848. Normanby (Marq. of), 1857. La Marine Franqaise. Joinville (Le Prince de), 1852. Vues des Belles Maisons de France. Perelle, 1620. Ten Fears of Imperialism. Eber, 1862. 3x2 520 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. France — continued. Franco-Prussian War, 1 870-1. Histoire Diplomatique. Sorel, 1875. French Campaign, 1870-71. Niemann, 1872. Operations of German Engineers and " Technical Troops^'' Goetze, 1875. Operations of the South Army, fan. and Feb., 1871. Wartensleben, 1872. Mobilier Franqais, de V Epoque Carlov. a la Renaissance. Viollet le Due, 1858. Propriete, De la. Thiers, 1848. Georgiques Frane^oises. 'Delille, 1802. Fermiers Genhaux, Banquiers, etc. Capefigue, 1855, 1856. Voyages Agronomiques en France. Chateauvieux, 1845. Prosperite et Decadence. Cordier, 1843. Administration des Finances. Necker, 1784-5. Intirets Materials — Travaux Publics, Routes, etc. Chevalier (Mich.), 1843. Forces productives et commerciales. Dupin (Le Bar. C), 1827. Cultivation, Wealth, Resources, etc. Young (Arth.), 1794. Emprunts, Bourses, Credit Public, etc., 1814-52. Capefigue, 1858. Compagnies Industrielles, Canaux, Chemins de Fer, etc. Capefigue, i860. Galerie du Musee de France. France, 1814-28. F R A X c E — CO n tin ued. Poesic Frangaise, Regies de la. Colletet, 1664. Chansons A\itionales et Populaires. Du Mersan, 1847. Theatre Franqais, reign of Louis XV. Cochrane, 1879. Popular Education. Arnold (M.), 1861. fournal, 1848-52. Senior, 1871. Residence in, 1792-5. France, 1797. Tour in. Buckingham (J. S.), 1847. Palmerston, 1871. Spencer (I"dm.), 1853. Travels. Chamier, 1855. Sentimental fourney through. Sterne, 1775. Ecclesiastical A ntiquities. Whittington, 1 8 1 1 . Emigration du Clergi de France en Anglcterre. Lubersac, 1802. La France Protestante. Haag, 1859. Puissance Ecclesiastique, Edit, Mars, 1682. France, 1682. Acts of the General Assembly of the Clergy, 1682. France, 1682. Religious Houses in : Glance behind the Grilles. Byrne (Mrs.), 1855. Charles V., Histoire, 1380 — 1422. Ursius, 1614. Charles VI., Histoire, 1 663 : q. v. Louis XL, Histoire de. Comines, 1615, 1649. Matthieu, 1628. Charles VIII., Histoire de. Comines, 1615, 1649. Louis XII. Auton, 1615, 1620. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 521 France— fo«//«K((/. Henry II. Cormerius, 1584. Histoire de, sous Francois II. Regnier, 1576. liiigns 0/ Francis II. and Charles IX. Anderson (Walt.), 1769. Henrv III, Histoire de. Henry III., 1663. Reigns of Hen. III. to Hen. IV. Anderson (Walt.), 1775. Troubles, Hen. III., Hen. IV., et Louis XIII. Matthieu, 1622. La Ligue et Henri IV. Michelet, 1856. Henrv IV., Amours de. Henry HI., 1663. Gouvernement, Hen. IV. — Louis XIV. Courtilz, 1688. Histoire de Louis XIV., par Medailhs, &c. Menestrier (Claude Fr.), i6qi. Louis XIV., Me moires du Regne de. Retz, 1 73 1. Louis XIV. Tess6, 1 806. Louis XIV. et le Due de Bourgogne. Michelet, 1863. Histoire, sous Louis XIV. Larrey, 1718-22. Louis XV., Histoire Philosophique du Regne. Tocqueville, 1847. Secret History of the Cou?-t, Louis XV. Challice, 1861. La France sous Louis XV. Jobez, 1864-73. Louis XV. Tess6, 1806. Memoirs of the Reign of Louis XVI. Bertrande de Moleville, 1797- Louis XVI., Captivity at the Temple. Cli5ry, 1798, 1825. Dernieres Heures de. CI6ry, 1825. Louis XVII., sa vie, son agonie, sa mort. Beauchesne, 1852. France — continued. Last Days of the Reign of Louis Philippe. Guizot, 1867. Histoire de la Revolution Frangaise. Thiers, 1823-7, 1854. Etudes sur la Rivolution, 1789. France, 1857. Revolution, 10th Aug., 1792. Peltier, 1792, 3. Revolution, Rejections on. Burke (Rt. Hon. E.), 1790. French Rii'olution. Sybel, 1867-9. Journal of my Life during the Ra'olu- tion. Elliott (Grace D.), 1859. Rroolution of 1 848. Senior, 1871. Republic, The, Founders of. France, 1797. Politique de la Restauration, 1822, 23. Marcellus, 1853. La Restauration, Histoire de. Viel-Castel, 1860-78. Musee Fran^ais, et Musk Royal. Robillard-P^ronville, 1803-18. Engravings of Public Buildings. Coney, 1832. See also Kcxv)i.\iiE Royale. Paris. Versailles. See also the Names of the various Kings, Emperors, &c. Franche-Comte. Voyages dans. Nodier, 1825-9. Francion, Histoire Comique de. Moulinet, 1641. Francis I. of France. Lettres et Memoires. Ribier, 1677. ;22 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Francis II. of France. Regnier, 1576. Lettres et Memoires. Ribier, 1677. Franconia. Art and Artists in. Waagen, 1843. Franklin (Sir John). Voyage a la recherche de. Bellot, 1854. Discovery of the fate of. McClintock, 1859. Fraser (Gen. James Stuart). Memoir and Correspondence. Fraser (Col. Hast.), 1885. Fraud. Laurentius Vallensis, 1665. Frederick Augustus II. : see Saxony, King of. Frederick the Great. Geschichte. Kugler, 1842. History of. Carlyle(T.), 1858-66. Feldsiige im sicbenjdhrigen Kriege. Gottschalk, 1847. Mission to the Court of Malmesbury (James Harris, Earl of), 1844. French Country House (A). A Week in. Sartoris (Adelaide), 1867. French Language. Grammar. Grandineau, 1836. Landais, 1839, 1843. Dictionaries. Albert!, 1811, 1841. Bescherelle, 1853. Furetiere, 1727. Henschel, 1839. Landais, 1834, 1840, 1843. Laveaux, i8z8. Dictionnaire des Dictionnaires. French Dictionary, 1837. French Language — continued. Dictionnaire de V Academic. French Dictionary, 1835, 6. Dictionnaire Franqois et Latin. Danet, 17 10. Dictionnaire Franf. et Angl. Cotgrave, 1632. Dufief, 1833. Fleming et Tibbins, 1841, 1852. Smith (L.), Hamilton & Legros, 1865. Tarver, 1845-50, 1853. Dictionnaire Francois — Italien et Italien — Frangais. Alberti, 181 1, 1841. Barberi, 1838. Frangais — Italien . Buttara, 1832. French Librarian, The. Ventouillac, 1827. See also Bibliography. French Revolution. Histoire. Thiers, 1823-7, 1854. L'Ancien Regime et la Revolution. Tocqueville, 1856. Remarks on. Brougham (Lord), 1843. Frescos. Affreschi celebri del 14 <" 15 secolo. Lasinio (Paolo), 1841. Pitture a Fresco del Campo Santo di Pisa. Lasinio (Carlo), 1828. Lasinio (Paolo), 1832. In Churches and Palaces in Italy, 15M and ibth cent. Gruner, 1 844. Art of painting in Fresco. Merim6e (J. F. L.), 1839. Fresh-Water Fishes : see Fishes. Friends, Society of : see Quakers. Frieries. Dugdale, 1655, 1723, 1830. See also Abbeys. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 523 Froissart (Jehan). Life of. Sainte-Palaye, 1801. Fruit. Kernel Fruit of S. Germany. Metzger, 1847. Fruits and Fruit Trees of Gt. Britain. Hogg (R.),_. 875. Fruit Garden, The. Rivers, 1867. Fruit Trees and Fruits. Duhamel du Monceau, 1768, >835- Hempel, 1847. Walker (W.), 1847. Cultivated in Gt. Britain. Pomological Magazine, 1830-g. Pomona Britannica. Brookshaw, 181 2. Pomona Italiana. Gallesio, 1817-39. Cultivation of Fruit Trees uiuler Glass. Rivers, 1867. Fruit Walls. Improved. Duillier, 1699. Funds, English and Foreign. Fenn (C), 1840. Funerals. Funerali Antichi. Porcacchi, 1674. See also Tombs. Furness Abbey. West (Thomas), 1774. Furnishing and Furniture. Architectural Magazine, 1838. Gothic Furniture. Pugin, 1835. Ancient Furniture. Shaw (Henry), 1836. Old Furniture. Richardson (Ch. J.), 1841, 2. Tenth to Seventeenth Century. Chapuy, 1837. Furnishing and Furniture — tontin. Meubles, 6°f. du JSIoyen Age. Asselineau, 1854. Tudor Furniture. Hunt(T. F.), 1830. Cabinet and Upholstery, Rudiments of Drawing. Brown (R.), 1822. Cottage, Farm and Villa. Loudon (J. C), 1833. Futterbau. Kielmann, 1843. Gaelic Dictionary. McAlpine, 1847 Galatee, Le. Casa (Giov. della), 1615. Galen (Christ. Bern. van). Vie et Fails. Galen, 1679. Gallia. Tabula Gallia. Blaeu. See also France. Gallicia. Social and Political State. Carnarvon (Earl of), 1837. Game Birds. Knox (A. E.), 1850. Millais, 1892. See also Birds. Game Laws. Oke, 1861. Gamekeeper's Companion. Mayer (John), 1838. Gaming. De A lea. Justus, 1642. Doctrine of Chances. Moivre, 1738. Ganges (La Marquise de). Mort de. Ganges, 1667. 524 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Garden and Gardening. Garden, The. Field, The, 1858-71. Book of Ihc Garden. Mcintosh (C), 1853-5. The English Garden, a poem. Mason (W.), 1772. Hortus Britannicus. Sweet (Rob.), 1839. Complete Body of Gardening. Hill (Sir J.), .773. Gardener s Assistant . Thompson (Rob.), 1859. Gardening. Metzger, 1836. Flower Garden, The, Handy Book. Thomson (D.), 1871. Landscape Gardener. Dennis (J.), 1835. Gilpin (W. S.\ 1835. Repton, 1794 — 1840. Plans of Gardens. Campbell (Colen), 1725. Modem Taste in Gardening. Walpole (Hor., Earl of Orford), 1762-71, 1828. Ornamental Gardening. Reider, 1843. Suburban Gardener. Loudon (J. C.), 1838. Dressed or Geometrical Gardens. Wilkinson (Sir J. G.), 1858. _ Gaiienbau. Theuss, 1838. Garten freiind. Bredow, 1837. Oriental Gardening. Chambers (Sir W.), 1772. Gardenet's lifagazine. Loudon (J. C), 1828-42. Garter, The, Order of. Anstis (John), 1724. Ashmole, 1672, 1715. Garter, 1766. Institution, Laivs, and Ceremonies. Pote, 1749. Memorials of. Beltz, 1841. Gastein. Die Bader. Eble, 1834. Streinz, 1831. Gaudentio di Lucca, Sig. Adventtcres of. Berington, 1776. Gaul. Rerum Gallicariim Commentarii, 1461 — 1580. Belcarius, 1625. See also FRANCE. Gazette, London. London Gazette . Gazetteer. Cyclopcedia of the British Empire. Cyclopaedia, 1852. Gazetteer of the World. Gazetteer, 1856. See also Topographical Dictionary. Gemm^ : V. Gems. Gems. Brandenburg, 1696. GemmcF antiques. Museum Florentinum, 1731-66. Gemmarum Aniiquarum Delectus. Marlborough (Geo. Spencer, Duke of), 1781, 90. Draivings from Antique Gems. Worlidge, 1768. Engraved Gems. Tassie, 1791. Genealogical Dictionary. Collier (Jer.), 1701-21. Genealogy. Sovereigns of the World. Betham, 1795. Kings and Queens of England. Sandford, 1677, 1707. See also Peerage. Generals : see Capitani. Gentiluojio, II. Mutio Justinopolitano, 1571. Gentleman's Religion, A. Synge, 1752. Gentleman's Magazine, q. v. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 525 Geography. Atlas. Strabo, 1807. Inlroductio in unroersam Geographiam. Cluverius, 1641, 1677. System of Herodotus compared with other authors. Rennell, 1800. Greek and Roman Geography, Diction- ary of. Smith (Will., LL.D.), 1854-7. Geographic Ancienne. Hornius, 1654- Geographic Univcrullc. Malte-Brun, 1836-7. Complete Geographer. Geography, 1709. Geographical Dictionary. Collier (Jer.), 1701-21. Geographical Diet. — England. Lewis (S.), 1 83 1. Geographical Dictionary. Gazetteer, 1856. Dictionnaire Universel. Bouillet, 1856, 1880. Geographical Grammar. Guthrie, 1808. Chorography and History of the World. Heylyn, 1703. Charts, Maps, &c. Stridbeck, 1600. Geology. Ufanual of. Phillips (John), 1855. Geometry. Inman, 1829. Mallet, 1702. George III. Memoirs of the Reign of. Adolphus (lohn), 1840, 5. Granville (Mary), 1861. Hervey (John, Lord), 1848. Walpole (Hor., Earl of Orford), 1845, 1851. fournal of the Reign, 1771-83. Walpole (Hor., Earl of Orford). 1859. Court and Cabinets of. Buckingham (R. G., Duke of), '«55- George IV. Life and Reign. Greville (C. C. F.), 1874-87. Wallace (W.). 1831-2. Court of. Buckingham (R. G., Duke of), 1859. George.s, The Four. McCarthy (Justin), 1884. Thackeray, 1879. Georgica. Virgilius. Georgiques Fran(;oises. Delille, 1802. Gerania, Order of. Sweet (Rob.), 1820-30. German L.^NGUAGE. Politz, 1825. Dictionaries. Adelung, 1846. Campe, 1807, 1813. Henschel, 1839. Weber (F. A.), 1838. Dictionary— German-English. Blacklev, 1876. Fliigel,'i838, 1841, 1843, 1853. Hilpert, 1828, 1846. Dictionnaire— Allemand-Franqais. Mozin et Biber, 1823-42. Germany. Annals of the Ancient Germans. Tacitus. Germania Antiqua. Cluverius, 1616. Tabultc Germaniee Inferioris. Blaeu. Urbium Tabula. Germany, 1657. Affairs of. Bonair, 1658. Hisloire dc P Empire. Rocolcs, 1679. Geschichte der Deutschen. Menzel, 1843. Picturesque Sketches. Haghe, 1840-50. German Gothic Architecture : see Architecture. 3 V 526 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Germany — continued. Engravings of Public Buildings. Coney, 1832. Ballades et Chantes Populaires. Ballads, 1841. V Allemagne Nouvelk, 1863-67. Memor (Andr.), 1879. Travels. Drummond (A.), 1754- Keysler, 1757. Slade, 1840. Weber (Carl J.), 1843- Visit, 1837. Gleig, 1839. Voyage in. Patin, 1695. Vie des Peintns Flamands. Descamps, 1753-64- VArt Moderne en Allemagne. Raczynski, 1836-41. Music, State of. Burney, 1773. Sammlung alt-nieder-und oberdeuischei Gemdlde. Boisser6e, 1821. Poetical Anthology. Bernays, 1831. Prose Anthology. Bernays, 1831. Notes on German Churches. Whewell, 1835. Thirty Years' War. Schiller, 1828. War, in 181 3, 14. Londonderry (Marq. of), 1830. French Campaign. Niemann, 1872. Operations of German Engineers and " Technical Troops." Goetze, 1875. See also Franco-Prussian War, p. 520 of this Index. Germany. Germany. Lmver Germany : see Pays Bas. See also Germany, p. 172 of Catalogue. Gibbon (Edward). Life of. Milman (Rev. H. H.), 1839. Gil Blas. Le Sage, 1764, 1773. GiLLRAY (James). Caricatures of Account of. Wright (Thomas) and Evans, 1851. Gipsies : see Gypsies. GiusTiNiANi (March. Vine.) : v. Gal- LERIA GiUSTINIANA. Gizeh, Pyramids of. Perring, 1839-42. Glass. Manufacture of. Porter (G. R.), 1832. Paintings on. Au, 1845. Eggert, 1845. Glossarium Archaiologicum. Spelman, 1687. Gloucester Cathedral. History and Antiquities. Britton, 1829. Cathedrals, 1864. Goblet : v. Hohenstaufe. Gods. Be Natura Deorum. Cicero, 1807. Gods and Goddesses. Deorum Dearttmque Capita. Ortelius, 1573. Gods and Heroes, The. Tales of. Cox (Rev. G. W.), 1863 Gods of the Ancients. Imagini. Cartari, 1580. Goethe. Austin (Sarah), 1836. Gold Coins : see Coins. Goldsmith (Oliver). Irving (Wash.), 1849. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 527 Goldsmiths. Designs for. Pugin, 1836. The GoldsmitKs Work. Cellini, 181 1. GoNZAGA (Carlo, Duca di Mantoa). L'Amore di. Leti, 1665. Gordon (Lieut. -Col. Charles Geo.) Li/e of. Forbes (A.), 1885. Gordon (Hon. J. H. H.) Life and Character of. Duff (Alex., D.D.), 1868. Gospels. Si. Matthew and St. Mark, Expo- sition of. Sumner (J. B., Bp. of Chester), 1831. St. Luke, Exposition of. Sumner (J. B., Bp. of Chester), 1832. St. John, Exposition of. Sumner (J. B., Bp. of Chester), 1835- Practical Expositions. Trower, 1850. Discussions on. Roberts (A.), 186+. Harmony of the Gospels. Evangelists, 1733- Gospels, 1733, 1851. Gothic Architecture. Warton (Rev. Thomas), 1808. Origin, History and Principles. Hall (Sir James), 181 3. Principles of. Blo.xam, 1829. %th — 16/// centuries. Moller, 1824. In Europe. Whittington, 181 1. German- Gothic A rchitecture. Moller, 1836, 1840. Gothic Architecture — continued. In Spain. Street (G. E.), 1865. Glossary of Terms. Britton, 1841. Parker (John H.), 1841-50. See also Architecture. Gothic Furniture, isth Century. Pugin, 1835. Goths, Wars of the. Aretino (L.), 1542. Governing Families of England. Sanford, 1865. See also County Families. Peerage. Government. Discourses on. Sydney (Algernon), 1772. Gradus, Greek. Brasse, 1828. Gradus ad Parnassum, q. V. Graham (Sir James R. C.) Life and Times of. Torrens (T. McCuUagh), 1863. Grammar, Universal. Stoddart, 1849. Grammars : see Names of various Lan- guages. Grammont (Comte de) : v. Hamilton. Grande Chartreuse, The. Monastery of. Musgrave (Rev. G. M.), 1857. Granville (Mary, Mrs. Delaney). Autobiography and Correspondence. Granville (Mary), 1861, 62. GRAm'iLLE (A. B., M.D.) Autobiography. Granville (A. B.), 1874. Grape Vine. Cultivation on open walls. Hoare (Clem.), 1837. Wein und Tafeltrauben. Babo u. Metzger, 1836. See also Vine, The. 3 Y 2 528 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Grass. Hortus Gramineus Wohurnensis. Sinclair (G.), 1843. British Grasses. Curtis (\V.), 1805. Grave : v. Tombs. Gray (Thomas). Designs for his poems. Bentley (R.), 1753. Great Britain. Memoirs, 1678 — 1702. Dalrymple (Sir J.), 1771-88. Topograph ical A n tiqii ities . Gough, 1768. Portraits of Illustrious Personages of. Lodge (Edm.), 1821-34. See also Britain. England. Great Men at Play. Dyer(T. F. T.), 1889. Great Seals. Impressio7is from. Vertue, 1753. Greece. Historia Grc£ca. Dion Cassius, 1548, 1584, 1586, 1750- Pausanius, 1824. History of. Grote, 1846-56. Mitford (W.), 1838. Polybius. Commentaires sur la Grece. Sleidan, 1561-3. Emperors. Herodianus, 1551. Vita Excelkniium Imperatorum. Nepos. Antiquities. Hamilton (Sir W.), 1766, 7. Potter (Jolin, Abp. of Canter- bury), 1818, 1824. Robinson (John), 1827. Ionian Antiquities. Chandler (R.), 1769. Greece — continued. Singularitez, etc, Belon, 1588. Dictionary of A ?itiquities. Smith (William, LL.D.), 1842, 48, S3- Mythology of. Keightley, 1831. Dictionary of Greek Biography and Mythology. Smith (WilL, LL.D.), 1849, 1850. Geography, Dictionary of. Smith (Will., LL.D.), 1854-7. Noctes Attica. Gellius (AuL), 1666. Translations from Minor Poets. Fisher (R. S.), 1838. Ancient Art among the Greeks. Winckelmann, 1850. Excellence of Greek Sculpture. Falkener (E.), i860. Theatre des Grecs. Brumoy, 1759, 1826. History of the Language and Litera- ture. Mure, 1850-7. Travels of Anacharsis the Younger. Barthdlemy, 1806. fourncy into. Wheler, 1682. Classical and Topographical Tour, 1801-6. Dodwell, 1819. Tour iti. Darner, 1841. Travels. Drummond (A.), 1754. Klenze, 1838. Williams (H. W.), 1820. Voyage, 1675-6. Spon, 1677. Ancient Greece, Descriplioti of. Cramer, 1838. Correspondance du President, 1827-31. Capodistrias, 1839. New Greece. Sergeant, 1878. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 529 G R E EC E — continued. Grecian Architecture. Chambers (Sir W.), 1825. Flora Grepca. Sibthorp, 1806-40. Fierce Grctces Prod ramus. Sibthorp, 1806. Manners and Cusloms of the Greeks. Panofka, 1849. Journal, 1857-8. Senior, 1859. Diary in Greek Waters. Carlisle (Earl of), 1854. Pictorial, Descripti<'e and Historical. Wordsworth (Chr., Bp. of Lin- coln), 1840. View of. Perry (C), 1743. Select Views in Greece. Williams (H. W.), 1829. See also Attica. Corfu. Ionia. Schisme des Grecs. Maimbourg, 1682. Account of the present Greek Church. Covel, 1722. Greek Language. Lexicon. Damm, 1825. Ewing, 1827. Hesychius, 1746-66. Stephanus (Hen.), 1831, Suidas, 1498. Lexicon — Graco-prosodiacum. Morell (Thomas), 1815. Lexicon — Grccco-Latinum. Scapula, 1820. Lexicon — Grcrcn-Latinum, and English-Greek. Schrevelius, 1685, 1831. Greek-English Lexicon. Donnegan, 1831. Lexicon of the Netu Testament. Robinson (Edw.), 1839. Greek Language — continued. Greek Grammar. MatthiK, 1832. Greek Gradus. Brasse, 1828. Greek Dialects. Maittaire, 1831. Greek Idioms. Vigerus, 1828. Fundamental Words. Valpy (Rev. F. E. J.), 1826. Indices Greccitatis. Reiskius, 1828. Modern Greek, Handbook to. Vincent, 1879. Greek Writers. Italiane Versione. Friderici, 1828. Greenland. North- West Passage. O'Reilly, 1818. See also Voyages, i 838-52. Greenwich Hospital. Cooke (J.) and J. Maule, 1789. Grey (Charles, Second Earl). Life and Opinions. Grey (Hon. C), 1861. Greyhound, The. Breeding, rearing and training. Walsh (John Henry), 1853, 1864. See also DoGS. Grimston (Hon. Rob.) Life of. Gale(F.), 1885. Grisons, The. Travels in. Co.xe (W.), 1794. Grosseteste (Robert, Bp. of Lincoln). Pegge, 1793. Grote (George). Personal Life of. Grote (Mrs. H.), 1873. 530 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Grouse Disease. Macdonald, 1883. Grouse, Family of the. Elliot (D. G.), 1865. GUADELUPE. Reduction of. Gardiner (Capt. R.), 1762. Guano. As a fertilizer. Johnson (C. W.), 1843. See also Manures. Guardian, The. Beauties of. Spectator, 1787. GuERRA and Guerre : v. War. GuESCLiN : V. Du Guesclin. Guiana, Empire of. Haklujt Soc, No. 3. Guildhall, The, London. Price (J. E.), 1886. Guinea. New Voyage to. Smith (VV.), 17+5. Voyage a la Nouvelle Guinee. Sonnerat, 1776. Gulliver's Travels. Swift, 1726. Gun, The. Greener, 1835. Instructions to Voung Sportsmen. Hawker, 1838. See also SHOOTING. Gypsies. Of Spain. Borrow, 1846. Lavengro : the Scholar, the Gypsey, the Priest. Borrow, 1851. Haddo (Lord) : see Aberdeen (Fifth Earl of). Hai Ebn Yokdhan. Life of. Abu Jaafar Ebn Tophail, 1708 Halicarnassus. Discoveries at. Newton (C. T.), 1862-3. Halifax, Yorkshire. Watson (Rev. John), 1775. Hamilton (Dukes of). Burnet (Bp.), 1677. Hamilton (Sir William). Examination of the Philosophy of. Mill (John S.), 1865. Hampshire. Sporting Reminiscences, 1 745 — 1 862. Hampshire, 1864. Coast of. Gilpin (W.), 1804. Hanover, House of. Annals of. Halliday, 1826. Hardwicke (Lord Chancellor). Life of. Harris (Geo.), 1847. Hardwicke Hall. History of. Robinson (P. F.), 1835. Harleian Manuscripts. Catalogues of. Catalogues, 1759, 1808. Harleian MSS. : q. v. Harley Family. Collins (A.), 1752. Harmony : see Gospels. Harrogate : see Alston Moor. Hastings (Warren). Articles of Change against. Burke (Rt."^Hon. E.), 1786. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 531 Hastings (Francis Rawdon, Marq.) Private Journal. Hastings (Marq.), 1858. Hatfield House. History of. Robinson (P. F.), 1833. Hautefort, Madame de. Cousin, 1856. Hawaiian Archipelago. Bird (Isabella L.), 1875. Hawbuck Grange, or Sporting Ad- ventures. Surtees (R. S.), 1847. Hawking. Blome, 1686. Sebright, 1828. • Haydon (Benj. Rob.) Haydon, 1853. Life of Taylor (Tom), 1853. Heads : see Portraits. Hearne (Thomas). Life of Huddesford, 1772. Heart, The. Diseases of. Hope (J., M.D.), 1835. Heaths. Andrews (H. C), 1809. Hebrides, The. Tour to. Boswell, 1835. Heirlooms, Art. Of the Crnvn. Royal Gallery of Art, 1854-61. Heliopohs in Ccelosyria. Ruins of. Wood (Robert), 1757. Hell. Dante. Helvetia, q. v. Hendon, Middlesex. Evans (E. T.), 1891. Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I. Oraison Funehre. Henrietta Maria, 1670. Henry H. Life and Age of. Lyttelton (Lord), 1767. Henry IV. Chronicles of the Reign of. Henry IV. Reign of. Kennett (White, Bp. of Peterb.), Vol. I., 17 19. Henry V. Livius (Titus, Foro-Juliensis), 1 7 16. Reign of. Kennett (White, Bp. of Peterb.), Vol. I., 1719. Henry VI. Reign of. Kennett (White, Bp. of Peterb.), Vol. I., 1719. Letters, temp. Hen. VI. Fenn (John), 1787. Henry VII. Life of. Bacon (Lord), 1638. Life of, hv Lord Bacon. Kennett (White, Bp. of Peterb.), Vol. I., 1 7 19. Henry VIII. History of by Lord Herbert of Cher- bury. Kennett (White, Bp. of Peter- borough), Vol. II. Life and Actions of. Thomas (\V.), 1861. Embarcation at Dorer, May, 1520, [(7 print'l. Prints, (p. 344 of Cat.) Portraits of Illustrious Personages, Court of Hen. VIII. Chamberlaine, 1828. 532 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Henry II., Roi de France Cormerius, 1584. Lettres et Memoircs. Ribier, 1677. Henry HI., Roy de France. Histoire de. Dupleix, 1650. Henry IV., Roy de France. Histoire de. Dupleix, 1650. Henry, Prince, of Portugal (the Navigator). Life of. Major (R. H.), 1868. Heraldry. n Office dcs Roys d'Ar?nes, des Herauds et Pomsuivaits. Colombiere, 1545. Le Blason des Armories. Bara, 1628. Display of. Guillim, 1638, 1724. Recollections and Reflections, an auto- biographv. Plancli6, 1872. See also Armory. Heralds. Origine dcs Heraux. Fauchet, 1606. Herbal. Parkinson (J.), 1640, The British Herbal. Edwards (John), 1770. Scripture Herbal. Calcott, 1842. Herculaneum. Antichita. -Ercolano, 1754-71. Omamente und Gemdlde atis Pompeii, &c. Zahn, 1828-59. Herculis Labores [plates]. Poussin, 1678. Hereford Cathedral. History and Antiquities. Britton, 1831. Cathedrals, 1864. Herodotus. Geographical System of. Rcnnell, 1800. Heroes : see Gods and Heroes. Hertfordshire. History of. Lysons, 1796. Heylyn (Peter, D.D.) Life of Barnard, 1683. Hibernia : see Ireland. Highland Society of Scotland, i/. ; Highlands and Highland Clans. Browne (James), 1840, 1851. Highlands, The. fournal of Our Life in, 1 848-82. Victoria (Queen), 1868-84. HiMALAY'AS, The. Upper Valleys of. Wilson (Andrew), 1876. Shooting in. Markham (Col. F.), 1854. Viezvs in. White (Lieut. G. F.), 1836. Tea Plantations. Fortune, 1853. Notes of a Naturalist. Hooker (J. D., M.D.), 1854. HiNDOSTAN. History of, Dow, 1768. Map of. Rennell, 1788. Military Transactions. Orme, 1763-78. View of. Pennant, 1798 — 1800. See also India. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 533 HiNDOSTAN Language. Dictionary. Fergusson (John), 1773- Historic Fancies. Smythe (Hon. Geo. S.), 1844. Historical Dictionary. Collier (Jer.), 1 701 -21. History. Polybius. Origo Mundi ad 1598. Tursellinus, 17 18. Hisloire Ancienne. S^gur (Louis P., Comte de), i8+3- Ancient History, Manual of. Heeren, 1832. Universal History. Muller(J. von), 1817-28. Universal Histor)', 1747-54. Universal History, to 1569. Ferentilli, 1578. Universal, Creation to 1 8/A cent. T)-tler (Alex. Fraser), 1834. Universal History, 1 5 ayid 1 6 sieclcs. Aubign6 (T. A. d'), 1620, 1626. Discours stir V Histoire Universelle. Bossuet, 1804, 1823. Elements of General History. T)-tler (Alex. Fraser), 1824-31. Bibliotheca Historica. Diodorus Siculus, 1559, 1575. Lexicon Universale. Hofmannus, 1677-83. Dictionnaire Historique et Critique. Bayle, 1679 — 1738. Le Grand Dictionnaire Historique. Moreri, 1683 — 1749. Historical and Critical Dictionary. Bernard (Rev. J. P.), 1741. Dictionnaire Universelle. Bouillet, 1856, 1880. Historical Grammar. Guthrie, 1808. Analysis of. Hales, 1830. History, 1543—1607. Thuanus, 1659, 1733. History — continued. Souvenirs Contemporains. Villemain, 1854, 1855. Historical Studies. Merivale (Harm.), 1865. Precis de l' Histoire Modeme. Michelet, 1842. Hochelaga. Warburton (Eliot), 1846. Hohenstaufe. Geschichte der Hohenstaufen. Raumer, 1823-5. Holbein (Hans). Imitations of Draiuings by Holbein. Illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII. Holbein, 1792, 1812, 1828. HoLKHAM, Norfolk. Plans. Elei'ations, &fc. Brettingham, 1773. Holland. Histoire. Baillet, 1704. Principes. Scriverius, 1650. Vosmerus, 1578. Memoires sur les affaires de Hollande. Montbas, 1673. State of. Temple (Sir \V.), 1690. Assemblee du i6 Fh. 1684. Holland, 1684. Le Secret de La Haye. Holland, 1691. Mercure Hollandois, 1673-84. Holland. Vie des Peintres Flamands. Descamps, 1753-64. Popular Education. Arnold (M.), 1861. Voyage in. Patin, 1695. Voyage, 1704. Freschot, 1705. Tottr in. Buckingham (J. S.), 1845. 3 Z 534 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Holland — continued. Nederlandsche Vogekn. Nozeman, 1770. Engravings of Public Buildings. Coney, 1832. See also Netherlands. Hollar (Wenceslaus). Description of his works. Vertue, 1745. HoLLES Family. Collins (A.), 1752- HoLLis (Thomas), 1780, q. v. HoLSTEiN, Duchy OF. Laing(S.), 1852. Holy Ghost, Order of the. Noms, Amies et Blasons des Princes, Chevaliers, etc. de VOrdre. Marchand (Fran9.), 1643. Holy Land, The. Drawings. Roberts (David), 1842. Sketches in. Wharncliffe (Lord). Voyage. B6nard, 1621. Breves, 1630. Doubdan, 1661. Tour in. Damer, 1841. Letters on the Holy Land. Lindsay (Lord), 1839. Holy Scriptures : see Biblia Sacra. Holywell. History of. Pennant, 1796. Home Life. Essays on. Perry (F.), 1873. Homer. Homeri Vita. Herodotus, 1592. Commentary on. Classical Manual, 1827. Homer — continued. Vindication of as to the Siege and Fall of Troy. Morritt, 1798. Original Genius and Writings of. Wood (Robert), 1775. Clavis Homerica. Duncan (G.), 1831. Nova Clavis Homerica. Schaufelbergerus, 176 1-5. Lexicon ofivords in the Iliad. Walker (John), 1833. Galleria Omerica. Inghirami, 183 1-6. Homme de Cour. Gracian, 1684. See also Court, The. Homceopathy. Dunsford, 1838. Pharmacopoeia Homoeopathica, 1834. Principles and Practice. Curie, 1837, 1838. Homceopathic Cookery. Cookery, 1 846. Honneur, Theatre d'. Vulson, 1648. Honour. Analysis of Honor and Armory. Carter (M.), 1673. Honour, Titles of. Selden, 1672. Horner (Francis). Memoirs and Correspondence. Horner, 1853. Horse and Horses. The Horse. Youatt, 1 83 1. Anatomy of. Gurlt. Anatomic, bonnes et mauvaises qualitez, &c. Saunier, 1734. The Horse and his A/aster. Hunt (VereD.), 1859. Choice of Horses. Apperley, 1837. Les Chevau.v du Sahara. Daumas, 1862. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 535 Horse and Horses — continued. The Horse, in the Stable and the Field — health, disease, anatomy, Qfc. Walsh (John H.), 1861. The Horse — as he was, is, and ought to be, Lupton, 1881. Saddle Horses, Deteriorated Condition of. Saddle Horses, 1853. Proper Condition for all Horses. Bindley, 1852. Precept and Practice. Bindley, 1857. Diseases of the Horse. Spooner, 1851. Foot of the Horse — New system of Shoeing by one-sided nailing. Turner (James), 1832. Horse-Breeders' Handbook. Osborn, 1889, 1890. Breeding, Racing, dfc. Bally, 1836. Breeding. Horse Breeding, 1888-90. Autobiography of a Horse. Sewell, 1877. Horse Artillery : see Cavalry. Horsemanship. Berenger, 1771. Blome, 1686. La Carakrie Franqoise et Italienne. Nove, 1621. Instruction du Roy en V Exercice de monter a Cheval. Pluvinel, 1627, 1668. New JMethod to Dress Horses. Newcastle (William Cavendishe, Duke of), 1667, 1737. General System of Horse?nanship. Newcastle (William Cavendishe, Duke of), 1743. Le Manege Afoderne. Eisenberg, 1727. Methode d' Equitation. Baucher, 1854. The Functions of the Hands in Riding. Cesaresco, 1888. Horse-Racing. History and Early Records. Horse-Racing, 1863. Laws and Practice of. Rous (Hon. H. J.), 1850. How to make Money by Horses. Bindley, 1856. See also Racehorses. Racing. Horsemen. Equestrian Sketches, 1 840-1. Hints to Horsemen. Bindley, 1856. Hortense, Queen, Mother of Napoleon HI. Memoirs of. Wraxall, 1861. Horticulture. Horticulture, 1846. Horticultural Register, 1836. Horticultural Society, 1820-35. Lartdscape Gardener. Dennis (J.), 1835. Gartenbau. Theuss, 1838. See also Garden and Gar- dening. Hospitals. Dugdale, 1655, 1723, 1830. Hotel des Invalides. Cabinet du Roi, 1683. Houghton (R. M. Milnes, Lord). Life, Letters, and Friendships. Houghton (Lord), 1890. Hounds. Management of. Cook (Col. John), 1826. Twelve Packs of. Charlton, 1891. See also DoGS. House Decoration. Arabische u. Alt-Italienischt Bauver- zierung. Hessemer, 1837-42. 3Z2 536 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. House of Lords. Journals. Lords^ Protests. Protests, 1767. House of Commons. Journals. Precedents of Proceedings. Hatsell, 181 8. Houses, Noblemen and Gentlemen's Houses. Plans, Stabling, &c. Paine (James), 1767-83. See also Architecture. Houses. Choice of a Dwellitig. Wheeler, 1872. Half-ti7nhered Houses. Habershon, 1836. Household Book. Households, Royal, 1790. Northumberland Household Book, 1770. Howard Family, The. Memorials, Monuments, Paintings and Engravings of. Howard (Hen.), 1834. HuDiBRAS. Butler (Sam.), 1678, 1744.. Hudson's Bay. Voyage to. Ellis (Hen.), 1748. Human Body. Anatomy of the Arteries. Quain (Richard), 1844. Muscles of the Body. Quain (Jones), 1836. Vessels of the Human Body. Quain and Wilson, 1837. Nerves of the Human Body. Quain and Wilson, 1839. Viscera of the Human Body. Quain, 1840. See also Anatomy. Human Reason. Abu Jaafar Ebn Tophail, 1708. Humanity. To domesticated Animals. Youatt, 1839. Humorous Lovers : a comedy. Newcastle (Will. Cavendishe, Duke of), 1677. Hungary. Paget (John), 1839. Causes de la Guerre, 1665. Recueil Historique, 1666. Travels. Keysler, 1757. Visit, 1837. Gleig, 1839. Revolution in 1848, 9. Stiles, 1852. War of Independence. Klapka, 1850. Pridham, 1851. Soldier, 1850. Scenes of the Civil War in 1848, 49. Hungary, 1850. Hunt (Leigh). Correspondence. Hunt (Leigh), 1862. Hunters. Cojidition of. Apperley, 1837. Record of Prize Mares. Hunters' Improvement Society, 1887-9. See also HoRSE. Hunting. Beaufort (Duke of), 1885, 1886. Blaine, 1840. Blome, 1686. The Hunting Field. Bindley, 1850. Sketches of Hunting. Whitehurst, 1878. Hunting Countries of England . Elmhirst, 1880. Leaves from a Hunting fournal. Bowers, 1880. Ci'eam of Leciccstershire. Elmhirst, 1883. "■Best Season on Record." Elmhirst, 1884. Twelve Packs of Hounds. Charlton, 1891. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 537 Hunting — continued. Le Roy Modus. Chace, 1560. La Venen'e. Fouilloux, 1650. La Vhtt-rie Royale. Salnove, 1665. La Chasse a tir en France. La Valine (J. A. F.), 1855. La Chasse a courre en Frame. La Valine (J. A. F.), 1856. In Germany. Laurop, 1843. Lexicon der Jagd-kunde. Behlen, 1843. Thirteen Years among the Wild Beasts of India. Sanderson (G. P.), 1879. See also Chasse, La. Fox Hunting. Huntsman's Diary, A, Extracts from. Smith (Thomas), 1838. HuoN DE Bordeaux. Histoire et fails. Huon de Bordeaux, 1625. Husbandry. Burke (J. F.), 1837. Lengerke, 1843. System of Modern Husbandry. Dickson, 1807. British Husbandry. Husbandry, 1845. Heavy and Wet Lands. Greg(T.), 1841. Case of Labourers. Davies (D.), 1795. Flemish Husbandry. Flanders, 1832, 3. In Belgium and Flanders. Linckc, 1843. Handbuch fiir Landwirthe. Block (A.), 1839. Handbuch der Landwirthschaft. Schlipf, 1847. Lehrbuch der Landwirthschaft. Burger, 1838. Huss (John). Life of. Gilpin (W.), 1765. Hutchinson (Colonel). Life of Hutchinson (Lucy), 1806. Hutchinson (Mrs. Lucy). Life of. Hutchinson (Lucy), 1806. Hymns. Callimachus, 1755. Iceland. Voyage to, in 1856. DuiTerin (Lord), 1857. See also \qi\\qy.% 1838-52. Ichthyology: see Fish and Fishes. ICONOLOGIE. Ripa, 1677. Idler, The. Beauties of Rambler, 1787. Ignatius Loyola, Vie de. Bouhours, 1679. Iliad. Homer. Illuminated Books. Of the Middle Ages. Humphreys, 1849. Illuminated Ornaments. Selected from MSS. and Early Printed Books. Shaw (Henry), 1833. Illuminators. Dictionary of. Bradley (J. W.), 1887-9. Imagines : v. Portraits. Imbanking. History of. Dugdale, 1662. 538 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Imitative Art. Principles of. Butler (G.), 1852. Immortality : see Soul. Incas, The, of Peru. Garcelasso de la Vega, 1633, 1688, 1704. India. Lusiad, or Discovery of India. Camoens, 1776. De Imperio Magni Mogolis. India, 1631. Hisloires des Indes. Maffei (J. P.), 1604. History of, abridged. Marshman (John C), 1880. View of Hindostait. Pennant, 1798- 1800. Military Transactions in Indostan. Orme, 1763-78. Operations of the Squadron and Army tn, "7SS-7- Ives, 1773. Conquete et Fondation de V Empire Anglais en. Barchou de Penhoen, 1841. Transactions, 1756-83. India, 1786. Defects of the Government. Napier (Lieut. -Gen. Sir C. J.), i8S3- Memorials of Indian Government, Tucker, 1853. Despatches, Minutes, and Correspond- ence. Wellesley (Marq.), 1836, 7. Marq. of Dalhousie' s Administration. Arnold (E.), 1865. Map of Hindoostan. Rennell, 1788. Voyage aux Indes Orientates. Chardin, 1686. Le Blanc, 1649. Voyages to. Cornwall (H.), 1720. Voyage from England to India, 1754. Ives, 1773. India — continued. Voyage to, 1802-6. Valentia (Geo., Vise), 1809. fourney from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-S. Heber (Bishop), 1829. Views in. White (Lieut. G. F.), 1836. Gazetteer. Thornton (Edward), 1857. British India, History of. Mill (James), 1840-8. British India in 1858. Mills (A.), 1858. Court of the King of Oude. Stocqucler, 1853. Campaign in the Indus, Sind, and Kaubool. Kennedy (R. H.), 1840. The War in. India, 1846. Races and History — Mutiny, 1 857. Ludlow (J. M.), 1858. My Diary, 1858-9. Russell (W. How.), i860. Sepoy War. Kayo, 1865. Christianity in. Kaye, 1859. As it may be. Campbell (Sir G.), 1853. Un Debat sur Vlnde. Montalembert, 1858. Public Works in. Cotton (Lieut. -Col. A.), 1854. East Indian Plants. Wallich, 1830. Fibrous Plants fitted for cordage, clothing, and paper. Royle, 1855. Thirteen Years among the Wild Beasts of Sanderson (G. P.), 1879. Mr. Isaacs, a tale of Modern India. Crawford (F. M.), 1883. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 539 India — continued. Tribes on my Frontier: an Indian Naturalise s Foreign Policy. India, 1887. Lavs of Ind. Veldham, 1888. East India Registry and Directory, 1808, 9. Mathison, 1808, i8og. See also East Indies. HiNDOSTAN. Metcalfe (Lord), "8s+, 1855- OUDE. Tucker (Hen. St. George), 1853. Indian Archipelago, The. Visit to. Keppel (Hon. Hen.), 1853. Indians, North American. Original Drawings of. Catlin, 1855. See also America. Canada. Indies : see West Indies. Indigestion. Johnson (James), 1831. Indostan : see Hindostan. India. Industries. Industry of all Nations. Art Journal, 1851. Ingoldsby Legends. Barham, 1847. Inheritance, France : see Mobilier. Inkermann : see Crimea. Inns of Court and Chancery. Dugdale, 1680. Herbert (W.), 1804. Inscriptiones. Agostini, 1592. Inscriptiones Antiques in Etruria ex- stantcs. Gorius, 1726-43. Inscriptiones GrcECCB VetustissimcB. Inscriptiones Grajcse, 1825. Insects. History of. Newman (Edw.), 1841. Figures of. Edwards (G.), 1806. Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamcn- sium. Merian, 1705. Insect Transformations. Library of Entertaining Know- ledge, 1830. Insect miscellanies. Library of Entertaining Know- ledge, 1831. Injurious to Gardeners, Foresters, &'c. Kollar, 1840. See also Entomology. Intaglios. Catalogue of. WedgAvood, 1873. See also Engraving. Intellectual Powers. Abercrombie (J.), 1830. Intercepted Letters. INIoore (Thomas), 1813, 1818. Interest, Compound. Baylis, 184+. Interest Tables. Laurie, 1861. International Law. Letters by " Historicus." Harcourt, 1863. Intestacy. Selden, 1683. Invalid, An, Diary of. Pursuit of Health in Portugal, Italy, Sicitzertand, &c. Matthews (Hen.), 1820. Inverburn, Idyls and Legends of. Buchanan (Rob.), 1865. Investments. Ward (Rob. A.), 1852. Ionia. Ionian Antiquities. Chandler (R.), 1769. Antiquities of Ionia. Dilettanti Society, 1821-40. 540 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Ionian Islands. Jervis (Henry), 1852. Travels in. Williams (H. W.), 1820. Ireland. Chronicle. Holinshed, 1785. Introduction to the History of. Macpherson (James), 1771. A?icient Irish Histories — Spencer, Campion, &c. Ireland, 1809. Hist. Generale d'Irlande. Duchesne, 1614. History of. Larrey, 1697-8. Leland (Th.), 1773. Antiquities and History. Ware (Sir James), 1705, 1764. Louthiana — A ntiquities of Ireland. Wright (Thomas), 1748. Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis. Vallancey, 1786 — 1804. Ireland, Historical and Statistical. Smyth (Geo. L.), 1844-9. Historical Library. Nicolson (Will., Bp. of Carlisle), 1776. Exercise of the Extraordinary Powers of the Lord-Lieutena?it, 1798. Ireland, 1798. Policy of England towards. Greville(C. C), 1845. Parliamentary Debates, fjbj, 4. Caldwell, 1779. Reductio?i of. Davies (Sir John), 1612. Ireland Appeased and Reduced. Stafford (Thomas), 1633. Rebellion, 1641. Borlace (E.), 1680. Rebellions in. Musgrave (Sir R.), 1801. Rebellion a?id Civil War in. Warner (Ferd.), 1767. Revolution. Ireland, 1691. Campagne, 1691. De la Brune, 1693. Ireland — continued. State Letters, temp, fames II. Clarendon (Hen. Hyde, Earl of), 1763. Atlas. Blaeu, 1667. HibernicB Delineatio. Petty, 1683. True Survey — Maps, &fc., MS., temp. Ch.I. Brooke (W.) Ireland's True Survey [MS.] Ireland. Topographical Antiquities. Gough, 1768. Brehon Laivs. Vallancey, 1786 — 1804. Laws of the Antient Irish. Vallancey, 1786- 1804. Exchequer and Revenue. Howard (G. E.), 1776. Landlord and Tenant in. Wiggins, 1844. Statutes at Large, 3 Edw. II. — 40 Geo. III. Ireland, 1765 — 1801. Persecution of Protestants. England, 1687. Prelates, to 1704. Ware (Sir James), 1705, 1764. Writers of Ireland. Ware (Sir James), 1705, 1764. Nobility of. Dugdale, 1682. Seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen. Neale, 1822-3. Peerage. Peerage, 1768. Ballad Poetry. Duffy (C. G.), 1845. Ballads. McCarthy (D. F.), 1846. Irish Melodies. Moore (Thomas), 1846, 1849. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 541 Ireland — continued. Condition of. Foster (T. Camp.), 1846. Ireland, statistical and political. Wakefield, 1812. Industrial Resources. Kane, 1845. A Fortnight in. Head (Sir F. B.), 1852. Revelations, in the past s^eneration. Madden (D. O.), 1848. Steeple Chase Calendar, 1 848-50 ; q. v. Iron Work. Designs for. Pugin, 1836. Irrigation, Italian. Smith (R. Baird), 1852. Irving (Washington). Life and Letters. Irving (Wash.), 1862-4. Isaacs, jMr., a tale of Modern India. Crawford (F. M.), 1883. Isle or Man. Report of the Commissioners of Inquiry. Man (Isle of), 1792. Tour through. Robertson (Dav.), 1794. Isle OF Wight. Worsley, 1781. foumey from London to. Pennant, 1801. Istria. Voyage. Lavall^e (Jos. dc), 1802. Italian, An. Lorenzo Benoni, or passages in the Life of an Italian. Ruffini, 1853. Italian Engravers : see Engravers. Italian Language. Origini delta Lingua. Menagio, 1685. Introduction to. Tourner, 1794. Italian Language — continued. Dictionary. Vocabolario degli Accad. della Crusca, 161 2. Poggiali, 1813. Alberti, 181 1, 1841. Cardinali, 1819-26. Gamba, 1828. Gherardini, 1838, 1843. Manuzzi, 1833-40. Valentini (Dr. Franc), 1831-6. Dizionario dei Sinonimi. Tommaseo, 1838. Dictionary, English-Italian. Baretti, 1824, 1839, 1854. Italien - Fra n qa is. Alberti, 181 1, 1841. Barbed, 1838. Buttara, 1832. Italian Literature. Storia della Litteratura Italiana. Tiraboschi, 1822-6. Italian Novels. Novelle, 18 13. Italian Painters. Landscape Architecture of Italian Painters. Meason, 1828. Italian Painting. Chefs d'Oeuvres de la Peinture Itali- en ne. I\Iantz, 1870. Italian Poetry. Selections of Classic Italian Poetry. Defferrari, 1820. Componimenti Poctici Nazionali. Fieri, i860. Italian Poets. Stories from the Italian Poets. Hunt (Leigh), 1846. Lives of. Hunt (Leigh), 1846. Italian Sculptors. Perkins, 1868. Italian Theatre, Modern. Rolandi, 1822. 4 A 542 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Italians. Vite e Ritratti di Illusl. Italiam. Cassaneo, i8ii-20. Italy. Conder, 1831. Gautier (Th.), 1852. Mythology- Keightley, 1831. Sioria iV Italia. Botta, 1832. History of. Guicciardini (F.), 1738, i755- Perceval, 1825. Docttmoiti di Storia Italiana. Molini, 1836-7. Archivo Storico Italiam. Italy, 1842-74. Origini Italic he. Guarnacci, 1767-72. Ancient Italy, Description of. Cramer, 1836. Politiques des Princes et Republiques. Leti, 1681. Ambassade de Lord Fauconherg. Hauterive, 1671. Confederation de V Italic. Berger de Xivrey, i860. Arms, Arts, Literature, 1440— 1630. Dennistoun, 1851. Memoires concernant les dernieres Gtierres. Silhon, 1699. Campaigns of Bonaparte, 1796 attd 1800. Hooper (G.), 1859. Feldzugvon 1796. Erdmannsdorff, 1847. Itinerario. Scotto, 1 76 1. Itinerarium ItalicB. Schottus, 1555. Famiglie Celehri Italiane. Litta, 1819-74. Les Musees d' Italic. Viardot, 1842. Italian School of Design. Ottley, 1823. TALY — continued. Vite e ritratti di Illustri Italiani. Italy, 1812-20. Lihri rari Italiani. Haym, 1803. Histoire Litteraire. Ginguen6, 181 1-23. Componimenti Linn. Mathias, 1802. Istoria delta Poesia Italiana. Crescimbeni, 1803. Antichi Romanzi di Cavalleria. Ferrario, 1829. Architectural Art, i^th and ibth cen- Waring (J- B.) and Macquoid, 1850. Alt-Ilalienische Bauverzierung. Hessemer, 1837-42. Ecclesiastical Architecture of. Knight (H. Gaily), 1842-4. History of Painting in. Lanzi, 1818, 1828. Pictorial History. Evans (Rev. G. W. D.), 1835. Storia delta Pittura Italiana. Rosini, 1839-47- Progress of Painting in. Jameson (Mrs. A.), 1858. Engravings of Public Buildings. Coney, 1832. Sculpture of the Middle Ages. Robinson (J. C), 1862. Storia delta Letteratura Italiana net sec. 1 8. Lombardi, 1827-30. Flora Italiana. Savi, 1818-24. Iconografia delta Fauna Italica. Bonaparte (Carlo L.), 1832-41. Travels. Chamier, 1855. Drummond (A.), 1754- Kevsler, 1757- Williams (H. W.), 1820. Historical, Literary and Artistic Travels in. Valery, 1839. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 543 I TALY — continued. Voyage. Freschot, 1705. Janin, 1842. Spon, 1679. New Voyage to Italy. Misson, 1695. Excursion, 1802-3. Forsj-th (Jos.), 1835. Tour in. Buckingham (J. S.), 1847. Spencer (Edm.), 1853. Classical Tour. Eustace, 1821. Hoare (Sir R. C), 1819. Italian Proverbs. Pescetti, 1618. Eloquenza Italiana. Fontanini, 1803, 4. Ancient Manners and Customs discover- able in Modern Italy. Blunt, 1823. Italy and the Italians. Raumer, 1840. Renaissance in Italy. Symonds (J. A.), 1875. Sentimental Jourtiey through. Sterne, 1775. Revolution. Denina, 1820. Observations on Italy. Bell (John), r825. Remarks on, 1816-54. Broughton (Lord), 1859. Journey through. Thomson (W.), 1835. Visit to. Trollope (Mrs. F.), 1842. A Winter in. Yates (Mrs. Ashton), 1844. Pictures from Italy. Dickens, 1846. Journal, 1848-52. Senior, 1871. In the \f)th century. Whiteside, 1848. Italic en 1855. Gondon, 1855. Italy revisited. Gallcnga, 1875. Italy — continued. Six Months in. Hillard, 1853. Personal Adventures of " Our Oun Correspondent." Honan, 1852. War in Italy. Italy, 1859. Campaign, 1859. Lecomte (F.), i860. L' Italic, V Autriche et la Guerre. Du Hamel (Le Comte), 1859. L' Italic apres Villafranca. Marsuzi, 1859. Napoleon III. et V Italic. La Gueronni^re, 1859. La Question Italienne. Azeglio (M. T.), i860. L^ Italic en i860. Lecomte (F.), 1861. Agricultural Canals of Piedmont and Lombardy. Smith (R. Baird), 1852. See also Pied.mont. Itinerary. Leiand (J.), 1768-9. Jackson (Sir George). Letters. Jackson (Sir G.), 1872, 1873. Jackson (Lieut. -Gen. T. J., " Stonewall Jackson "). Life of. Dabney, 1864-6. Jacobiti. Abudacnus, 1675. Jamaica. History of Lon"g(E.), 1774. fournal during a Residence in. Lewis (Al. G.), 1834. See also Slave Trade. James I. Annals of Frankland, 1681. Annals of, hv W. Camden. Kcnnett (White, Bp. of Peterb.), N'ol. 2, 1719. 4 A 2 544 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. James I. — continued. Life and Reign of. Wilson (Arthur), 1653. History of by A. Wilson. Kennett (White, Bp. of Peterb.), Vol. 2, 1719. State Affairs. Winwood, 1725. Works of K. fames I. James I., i5i6. James II. James II., 1688. Coronation of. Sandford (F.), 1687. Histoire Secrete de la Regne. Charles II., 1690. History of the Reign of. Fox, 1 808. Memoir of the Reign of Lonsdale (Vise.), 1808. Extracts from the Life of. Macpherson (J.), 1775. Court of. Reresby, 1813. Letters. Bromley (G.), 1787. Cause de fac. II. Vrigny, 1682. Declaration touchant la Tolerance des Papistes. Papists, 1688. Jan Mayen. Voyage to, in 1856. Dufferin (Lord), 1857. Jansenius. Les cinq propositions. Dumas (Hil.), 1699. Histoire du fansenisme. Gerberon, 1700. Japan. Nouvelle Histoire. Pigneyra, 1618. Histoire Ecclesiastique. Solier, 1627. Memoirs of the Empire, 16 and 17 cent. Hakluyt Soc. Publ. No. 8. The Capital of the Tycoon. Alcock, 1863. Earl of Elgin" s Mission, 1857-9. Oliphant (L.), 1859. Japan — continued. Voyages in. Tavernier, 1684. View of. Pennant, 1798 — 1800. Ten Weeks in. Smith (Geo., Bp. of Victoria), 1861. Journey to Yedo. Fortune, 1863. Flora faponica. Siebold, 1835-70. Pines and Firs of. Murray (Andr.), 1863. Java. Trade and Travel. Davidson (G. F.), 1846. Jean II., Roi de Portugal. Histoire de. Manuel y Vasconcelos, 1641. Jeanne d'Albret, Queen of Navarre. Life of Freer (Martha), 1855. Jeannin (Le President). Jeannin, 1656. Jerdan (William). A utobiograph y. Jerdan (W.), 1853. Jerome of Prague. Life of. Gilpin (W.), 1765. Jerome, Roi de Westphalie. Memoires et Correspondance. J6rome, 1861-6. Jerusalem. Voyage de. B^nard, 1621. Breves, 1630. Journey from Aleppo to ferusalem, 1 697. Maundrell, 1707. Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Archi- tecture of. Willis (Rev. Rob.), 1849. Jerusalem explored. Pierotti, 1864. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 545 Jerusalem Delivered. Tasso (Torquato), 1678, &c. Jesuits. Constitutions. Jesuits, 1843. Histoire de Compagnie de Jesus. Cretineau-Joly, 1844. Plaidoye fait Dec. 1 6 1 1 , potir Ics Pbxs Jesiiiies. Montholon, 161 2. Des Jhitiies. Michelet, 1843. See also IGNATIUS Loyola. Jesus, Compagnie de : v. Jesuits. Jesus Christ. Josephus, 1806. Imitation of. Kempis (Th. i), 1828. Sepulchre of. Aretino (B. A.), 1549. Narrative of passages of annual com- memoration in the Church. Mant, 1830. Passio Iconibus expressa. Jesus Christ, 1693. History of Our Lord as exemplified in Works of Art. Jameson (Mrs. A.), 1864. See also Christ. Jews, The. History of. Josephus. The Old and Nczv Testament con- nected in the History of the Jews, Gfc. Prideaux (Humph.), 1720. Job, The Poem of. Job, 1871. John the Baptist. Anderson (Rev. J. S. M.), 1835. Josephus, 1806. John II., Roi de Castille. Du Chaintreau, 1622. JoHN.soN (Samuel, LL.D.) Ljfe of. Boswell, 1824, 183s, 1848. JoiNViLLE (John, Lord de). Memoirs of. Joinville (John, Lord de), 1807. Jones (Sir William). Life, Writings and Correspondence. Teignmouth (John, Lord), 1804. Jordan, The River. Expedition to. Lynch, 1849. Joseph (Roi d' Espagne). Memoires, Histoire, Sfc. Du Casse, 1855. Joshua, Book of. Colenso, 1862-79. Journal. Social and Political Life, London and Paris, 1831-47. Raikes (Thomas), 1856-7. Joustes : V. Tournements. JUDEA. Singularitez, &°c. Belon, 1588. Judges. Lives of Twelve Eminent Judges, 1 6th and igth centuries. Townsend (W. C), 1846. Chronology of, to 1666. Dugdale (W.), 1680. Tabula Curiales, 1066 — 1864. Foss, 1865. Judicial Chronicle, 1066 — 1864. Foss, 1865. Julius C.^sar : v. Caesar. Junius, Letters of: q. v. Justification. Trent, 1648. Justiniani Codex. Pralectiones. Perezius, 1653. Kaffirs of South Africa. Sporting Scenes among. Drayson, 1858. 546 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Kamtchatka. Description. Chappe d'Auteroche, 1768. Kangaroos. Gould, 1841-2. Karls-Berg. Guernier, 1727. Kars, Siege of. Sandwith, 1856. Narrative of the Defence of. Lake (Col. A.), 1857. Kars, and Captivity in Russia. Lake (Col. A.), 1856. See also Russo-Turkish War. Kaubool : see Cabul. Kean (Edmund). Life of. Hawkins (F. W.), 1869. Kemble Family, The. Fitzgerald (Percy), 187 1. Portraits of the Family. Harlow, 1819. Kemble (John Philip). Memoiis of the Life of. Boaden, 1825. Kennedy (John, D.D.) Life of. Auld, 1887. Kennel Club Stud Book, 1855-74; q.v. Kennel Stud Book. Vyner, 1841, 1892. Kent. Expedition of. Carter (M.), 1650. History of. Harris (John), 17 19. Lysons, 1796. Surveyed and Illustrated. Philipott, 1776. Coast of. Gilpin (W.), 1804. Ordnance 3lap. Kent, 1801. Keppel (Hon. Aug., Admiral of the Blue). Freedom Box voted by the City of London to. Charron (W.), 1779. Kertch, Antiquities of. McPherson (Duncan), 1857. Kew, Botanic Garden at. Aiton, 181 3. Khiva, Fall of. McGahan, 1874. King OF Arms. Varennes, 1640. Kings. Pro Regibus Apologia. Blackwood (Adam), 1644. Portraits of. Portraits. See also Sovereigns. Kirghis Steppes. Atkinson (T. W.), 1858. Knight (Cornelia). A utobiography. Knight (Cornelia), 1861. Knowle Farm, Sussex. System of Cultivation. Beatson (A.), 1821. Knowledge. Pursuit of, under Difficulties. Library of Entertaining Know- ledge, 1 830-1. Kossuth, and Magyar Land. Pridham, 1851. Koumiss, or Fermented Mare's Milk. Carrick, 1881. Ladies. Toilette des Dames. Celnart, 1827. Lady's Museum, The. Lennox (Charlotte), 175? INDEX OF SUBJECTS. La Haye, Holland. Holland, 1691. 547 Lalla Rookh. Moore (Thomas), 1846, 1849. La Marche (Olivier de). Mimoircs de. Sauvage, 1567. Lamington, Past and Present. Scott (Mrs. Ware), 1878. Lanarkshire Artillery Volunteers. Scott (Adam C), 1886. Lancashire. Natural History of. Leigh, 1700. Lancaster and York. Union of the N'oble Families of. Hall (E.), 1550. Landed Estates. Management of. Veit, 1838. Landed Gentry. Burke (John and J. Bern). Landed Property. Resources of Morton (J. L.), 1858. Management and Daelopmenl of. Brown (R. E.), 1869. Landscape. Sketching and Painting. Gilpin (VV.), 1808. Sketches after English Landscape Painters. Marvy, 1850. Landscape Architecture of Italian Painters. Meason, i8z8. " Landscape, The," a poem. Knight (R. P.), I79S- Ra'iew of the Poem. Marshall (W.), 1795. Landscape Gardening. Gilpin (W. S.), 1835. Repton, 1794 — 1840. Landwirthschaft : v. Husbandry. Langdale (Henrj-, Lord). Memoirs. Hardy, 1852. Language. Origin and Progress of. Burnett, 1773. Diversions of Purley. Tooke (John Home), 1798. Philosophy of. Stoddart, 1849. Glossology, or historical relations of Languages. Stoddart, 1858. Method of acquiring Languages. Dufief, 1833. Mastery of, Prendergast, 1864. Languedoc. Voyages dans. Nodier, 1833-7. Lapland. Histoire de. Scheffer, 1678. Sketches in. Beaumont (A. de), 1840. &ti7/w Voyages, 1842. Laponie : V. Lapland. Latin Language. Sanctius, 1693. Thesaurus Lingme Romance et Brilan- niciB. Cooper (T.), 1584- I^e.xicon. Forcellinus, 1805, 1828, 1833. Dictionary. Valpy (Rev. F. E. J.), 1828. Dictionnaire Francfiis et Latin. Danet, 17 10. Diccionario Latino-Espanol, Arabigo. Caiies, 1787. 548 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Latin Language — conlinued. Latin Grammar. Peithman, 1830. Port Royal, 18 16, 1817. Zunipt, 1827. Syntax. Kenrick, 1825. Latin Synonvnn. Dumesnil (M. J. B. G.), 1819. PrcBccpta Stj'/i. Schellerus, 1797. ElegantiiB LatincE. Valpy (Rev. Edw.), 1831. Dictionary of Latin Phrasa. Robertson (W.), 1829. Laud (Will., Abp. of Cant.) Conference with Fisher, the fesuit. Laud (Abp.), 1639. Laureateship, The. Probationary Odes for. RoUiad (The), 181 2. Lavardin (Le Marq. de). Excommunicatio7i. Lavardin, 1688. La Vendee : v. Vendee. Lavengro. The Scholar, the Gypsey, the Priest. Borrow, 1851. Law. Civil and Public. Domat, 1722. See also Civil Law. Law Dictionary. Cowell, 1701. Tomlins (Sir T. Edlyne), 1835. Law of England. Abridgment des Cases del Common Ley. RoUe, 1668. De Legibtis et Consuetudinibus AnglicE. Bracton, 1569. De Laudibus Legum Anglia, by For- tescue. Commentary on. Waterhous, 1663. Law of England — continued. Memorials of. Dugdale, 1680. Commentaries. Blackstone, 1825. Analysis of Blackstone^ s Commentaries. Field (Barron), 1817. Lectures on. Wooddesson, 1834. Legal Maxims. Broom, 1848. Practice of the Law. Chitty, 1833. Law of Nature, q. v. Lawyer : see Advocate. Lays of Ind. Yeldham, 1888. Lazarettos, Europe. Howard (John), 1789. Learning. Introduction of, into England. Warton (Rev. Thomas), 1774, 1775- Revival of. Symonds (J. A.), 1877. Lebanon, Mount. Voyage. Dandini, 1685. Leeward Islands : see West Indies. Legal Chronology. Dugdale, 1680. Foss, 1865. Legendary Art. Jameson (Mrs. A.), 1848, 1852. Legends. Jones (Ben. C), 1886. Leicestershire. Burton (W.), 1777. Leicestershire, The Cream of. Elmhirst, 1882. Leland (John). Life of. Huddesford, 1772. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 549 Leonidas, a Poem. Glover (R.), i737- Leopold I., King of Belgium. La Gueronniere, 1856. Lesdiguieres (Le Connestable de). Vie de. Videl, 1638. Letter Writer. Rammler, 1838. English and German. Sadler, 1830. Letters. Montagu (Mrs. Eliz.), 1809. Montagu (Lady Mary Wortley), 1837. Plinius (Caius Csec. Secundus). During the Reigns of Hen. VI., Ediv. IV. and Ric. III. Fenn (John), 1787. Original Letters., Hen. VIII. — 1755. Letters, 1755. To several Persons of Honour. Donne, 1651. Epistola; Familiares. Neuhusius, 1678. Sociable Letters. Newcastle (Marg., Duchess of), 1664. Brief an Varnhagen von Ense, 1827-58. Humboldt, i860. Letters, Men of. Time of Geo. III. Brougham, 1846. Levant, The. Cosmographie du Levant. Thevet, 1556. View of. Perry (C), 1743- Travels in. Shaw(T.), 1738. Travels and Discoveries. Newton (C. T.), 1865. f 'oyage. Hayes, 1645. Le Brun (Corn.), 1700. Spon, 1677. Tounefort, 1718. Levant, The — continued. Alonasteries in. Curzon, 1849. Estampes representant Nations du Levant. Le Hay (M. de), 17 14, 15. Lexicon Universale. Hofmannus, 1677-83. See also DiCTIONNAIRE Historique. Leyden. Academia Lugd-Batava. Meursius, 161 3. LiBAN : v. Lebanon. Liber Veritatis. Lorrain (Claude), 1777. Librarian, The French. Ventouillac, 1827. See also BIBLIOGRAPHY. Libraries. Catalogties of. Catalogues. Library Companion. Dibdin, 1825. Lichfield Cathedral. History and Antiquities. Britton, 1820. Cathedrals, 1864. Liege. Lettres d'un GenliUwmme Liegeois. Li^ge, 1672. Life, Conduct of. Long (G.), 1845. Life. Conseils pour vivre plus de cent ans. Cornaro, 1703. Life Assurance Tables. Price (Rich.), 179*. Liliac:6es, Les. Redout^, 1802-6. 4 B 550 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Lincoln Cathedral. Cathedrals, 1862. History, Architecture, Sculpture, 5fc. of. Wild, 1819, 1837. Lincolnshire. Farming. Clarke (J. A.), 1852. LiPSius (Justus). Nisard, 1852. Lisle (Sir George). Execution of. Lucas (Sir C), 1648. Liszt, Franz. Leben iind Werke. Schilling, 1844. Literary Endowments. Chalmers, 1827. Literary Life, A. Recollections of. Mitford (Mary Russell), 1852. Literature. Encyclopaedia. Origin, progress, and state of Andres, 1822. State of, cjth — 12M cent. Maitland (Rev. S. R.), 1844. English Literature, Outlines of. Shaw (T. B.), 1849. English Literature, Lntroduction to, from Chaucer to Tennyson. Reed (Hen.), 1855. Manual of English Literature. Craik, 1862. Dictionary of. Brande and Cauvin, 1842. Souvenirs Contemporains. Villemain, 1854, 1855. Storia delta Letteratura Italiana nel sec. 18. Lombardi, 1827-30. Spanish Literature, History of. Ticknor, 1849. American Guide to. Triibner, 1859. Little Maplestead, Essex. History of the Round Church at. Wallen, 1836. Liturgy, The. Book of Common Prayer. Mant, 1840. LiturgicB BritanniccE. Keeling, 1851. Sermons on. Howarth, 1847. Commentary on the Liturgy and Ritual. Trollope (Rev. W.), 1861. See also Liturgy, at p. 250 of Catalogue. Liver Complaints. Faithhom, 1823. Graham (T. J.), 1824. Liverpool (Robert Banks, 2nd Earl of). Life and Administration of. Yonge, 1868. Li.andaff, Cathedral Church of. Willis (Browne), 17 18. Local Government : q. v. Loch Fishing. Colquhoun, 1840. Locomotion, Animal. Muybridge, 1887. Lodges. Designs for. Goodwin (Francis), 1834. See also Architecture. Lombardy. Tour in. Buckingham (J. S.), 1847. See also Longobardus. Londesborough (Lord). Ancient, JSIediccval, Qfc, Remains, in the possession of. Fairholt, 1857. London. Calendar of Letters, 1350-70. London, 1885. Roll of Fame, 1757 — 1884. London, 1884. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 551 London — conlinued. Guildhall, The. Price (J. E.), 1886. Amu, etc., of London Companies and Corporate Societies. Wallis, 1677. Survey 0/ the City of London. Stow (John), 1599, 1603, 1720. Survey \^Maps~\. Rocque, 1748. History of London, Westminster, and Southwark. Pennant, 1791, 1793, 1805. History of. Ancient and Modem. Malcolm, 1802-7. London and its Environs. Hunter (Hen.). 1796. Environs of. Lysons, 1792-6. Cvclopcedia of London. Knight (C), 1 85 1. Handbook for. Cunningham (Peter), 1849, 1850. Walks in. Hare (Aug.), 1878. Archileclura Ecchsiastica Londini. Clarke (Charles), 1820. Illustrations of Public Buildings. Britton and Pugin, 1838. Londina Illuitrata. Wilkinson (Robert), 1819-25. Play-Houses, Theatres, etc. Wilkinson (Robert), 1825. " Strike, but hear." London, 1844. The Rookeries of London. Beames, 1850. London, Court of, 1694-8. Lexington Papers, 1851. The Court of, r8i9-2S. Rush (Richard), 1873. Social and Political Life, 1 83 1 -47. Raikes (Thomas), 1856-7. Londonderry (Second and third Mar- quesses of). Lives of. Alison (Sir A.), 1861. London Gazette, q. v. LONGOBARDUS. Origne el Fatti de i Re J.ongobardi. Paulus Diaconus, 1 548. L0NGUE\aLLE, MaDAME DE. Cousin, 1855. Lord's Prayer. Barrow (Is.), 1741. Lord's Prayer. Lord's Supper, The. Communion, 1721. See also Cenacolo. Communion. Lords Chancellors. Lives of. Campbell (John, Lord), 1847. Chronological List. Dugdale, 1680. Foss, 1865. Lords, House of. Journals. fournal, etc., temp. Queen Eliz. D'Ewes, 1693. Lords' Protests. Protests, 1767. Lorenzo Benoni. RuflSni, 1853. Lorrain (Claude de). L iber I 'eritatis, or Prints after designs of. Lorrain (Claude), :777- Lorraine. Lorraine, 1671. Defense contre les pretentions de France. Louis (Jean Pierre), 1697. Affaires de Lorraine. Lorraine, 1671. Violence de la France a retenir la Lorraine. Lorraine, 1671. Travels. Keysler, 1759- Lorraine et de Bar, Charles, Due DE, q. V. LOTHAIR. Disraeli (Rt. Hon. Benj.), 1870. 4 B 2 552 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Louis IX., King of France. History of. Joinville (John, Lord de), 1807. Louis XL Histoire de. Comines, 161 5, 1649. Matthieu, i6z8. Louis XIL Auton, 1615, 1620. Saint Gelais, 1622. Histoire de. Seyssel, 161 5. Louis XIIL Histoire de. Dupleix, 1643. Histoire du Regne. Le Vassor, 1701, 1757. Memoires sur le Rkgne de. Campion, 1807. Brigues a la mort de. La Rochefoucauld, 1663, 1677. Louis XIV. Campan (Mad.), 1823. Noailles, 1848-59. Tess6, 1806. Vie et Regne. Louis XIV., 1740-2. Memoires de Louis XIV., e'crits par lui-meme. Louis XIV., 1806. Oeuvres de Louis XIV. Louis XIV., 1806. Memoires du Roy. Louis XIV., 1673. Regne de. Saint Simon, 1788, g. Memoires sur le Regne de. Campion, 1807. Memoires du Regne. Retz, 1731. Histoire de France, sous Louts XIV. Larrey, 1718-22. France sous le Regne de. Bayle, 1686. Louis XIV. et le Due de Bourgogne. Michelet, 1862. Louis yjN .—continued. Voyage du Roy en Flandre. Louis XIV., 1680. Histoire du Palais Royal. Louis XIV., 1680. Histoire, par medailles, emblhnes, etc. Menestrier (Claude Fr.), 1691. Statue Equcstre. Cabinet du Roi. Collection d'Estampes. Cabinet du Roi, 1672, et ann. seqq. Histoire Militaire. De Quincy (Le Marq.), 1726. Ordo7inances. Louis XIV., 1667, 1673. Louis XV. Campan (Mad.), 1823. Tess6, 1806. Le Sacre de, Oct., 1722. Louis XV. Regence du Due d' Orleans durant la minorM de. Piossens, 1729. La France sous. Jobez, 1864-73. Memoires sur la Cour de Louis XV. Luynes, 1860-2. Anecdotes Secretes. Gorse, 1805. Secret History of the Court. Challice, 1861. Histoire Philosophique du Regtie. Tocqueville, 1847. Louis XVI. Campan (Mad.), 1823. Private Memoirs of the Reigti. Bertrand de Moleville, 1797. Recollections of a Page at Court. Hezecques, 1873. Captivity at the Temple. CI6ry, 1798, 1825. Dernieres He u res de. Cilery, 1825. Louis XVII. Vie, Agonie, Mort. Beauchesne, 1852. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 553 Louis Philippe. Last Days of the Reign of. Guizot, 1867. LouTHiANA : Antiquities of Ireland. Wright (Thomas), 17+8. Louvre, Le. La Galerie d^ApolIon. Le Brun (Ch.), 1695. Love, Art of. King (William), 1709. Love. Let Ires d'' Amour. Alcaforada, 1742. Loves : see Amours. Loves of Great Men. Villedieu, 1688. LOXIENS. Monographic des. Bonaparte (C. L. ), et H . Schlegel. 1850. Loyalty. Pr)nne (W.), 1660. Loyola, Ignatius. Vie de Saint Ignace. Bouhours, 1679. Lucas (Sir Charles). Execution of. Lucas (Sir C), 164.8. Lucerne, Antiche : see Sepulchres. LucKNOW, Siege of. Rees, 1858. Ludlow. History of, and the Lords Matchers. dive (R. H.), 1841. Lumisden (Andrew). Memoirs of. Dennistoun, 1855. LuNDi : V. Causeries de Lundi. LusiAD, The, or Discovery of India. Camoens, 1776. LUTFULLAH, A MaHOMEDAN GeNTLEMAN. Autobiography of. Eastwick (E. B.), 1857. Luxembourg, Palais du. Chambre de Marie de Medicis. Dedaux, 1838. LUXE.MBOURG, ViLLE DE. Crequy, 1684. Lycia. Discoveries in. Fellows, 1 841. Lyon, Ville de. Nouvelle Histoire. Menestrier (CI. Fr.), 1694. Lysandre et Caliste. Amours de. Daudiguer, 1679. Macaronique Litterature. Delepierre, i86z. Mackintosh (Rt. Hon. Sir James). Life of Mackintosh (R. J.), 1836. Macfapodid^, or Kangaroos. Gould, 1841-2. Madeira, Island of. Voyage to. Sloane, 1707. Climate, agriculture, tenure of land, Gfc. Mason (J. A.), 1850. M.ADONNA, The. Legends, as represented in the Fine Arts. Jameson (I\Irs. A.), 1852. Madrid. Le Mercure Espagnol. Madrid, 1670. Madrid Gallery, q.v. Mission to the Court of. Malmesburv (James Harris, Earl Of), 1844. 554 Madrid — continued. Gakrie d'Armes Andennes. Jubinal, 1839. Musee d'Artillerie. Jubinal, 1839. Magna Carta. Blackstone, lySQ- Mahomet. Lives of Mahomet and his successors. Irving (Wash.), 1850. Mahomet Coprogli Pacha. Chassepol, 1676. Maillard (Marie). Gtihison miraculeuse. Maillard (Marie), 1694. Maintenon (Madame de). Noailles, 1848-59. Malay ARCHirELAOO. Travel, Man and Nature. Wallace (A. R.), 1869. View of Malayan Isles. Pennant, 1798 — 1800. Malmesbury (James Howard, third Earl of). Memoirs of. Malmesbury (James Howard, third Eari of), 1884. Malta, Knight.s of. Vertot, 1726. Malvasia (Carlo Ces.) Life of. Crespi, 1769. Mammals. New and rare, figures of. Eraser (L.), 1845-9. Fossil Mammalia. Darwin (C), 1838-43. Natural History of Mammals. Vogt and Specht, i8gi. Mammals of Atistralia. Gould, 1863. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Man. Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Ma 71. Lyell, 1863. Natural History of the varieties of. Latham (R. G.), 1850. General History of Alan. Wanley, 1678. Moral Nature of. Long (G.), 1841. Man, Isle of. Tour through. Robertson (Dav.), 1794. Manchester. History of. Whitaker, 1771-5. Handbook of the Cathedral. King (R. J.), 1869. Exhibition, 1857. Burger (W.), 1857. Caldesi, 1858. Manchester Art Exhibition. Mancini (Marie, Connestable de Co- lonna). Memoires de. Mancini, 1678. Mann (Horace). ^^ Mann" and ]\fanncrs at the Court of Florence, 1 740- 8 6 . Doran, 1876. Manga, City of, called El Dorado. Haklu}! Soc. Publ., No. 3. Mansfield. Map of the country round. Mansfield, 1835. 3Iap, 20 miles round. Sanderson (G.), 1835. Mansions or England. In the Olden Time. Nash (Joseph), 1839-49. Mantchu Tartary : v. Tartary. Mantua. Effigies Marchionum MantucB. Mantua, i5oo. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 555 Manures. Science and Application of. Huxtable, 1848. See also Fertilizers. Manuscripts. Catalogues of. Catalogues. Maps. Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, etc. Chauchard, 1800. Hindoostan. Rennell, 1788. See also Atlas. Ordnanxe Survey. See also Names of various Countries. Marguerite, La Rhine. jMaultSon de Granier, 1628. Marguerite d'Angoul£me. Queen of Navarre. Life of. Freer (Martha), 1854, 1856. Marguerite de Valois, Reine de Navarre. Histoire de. Caumont de la Force, 1696. Marie Antoinette. Memoircs sur la Vie Privee de. Campan (Mad.), 1823. Life of. Yonge, 1877. Aliitioires concernant. Weber (Joseph), 1822. See also France. Marie de Medicis. Chamhre an Palais du Lu.xemhourg. Dcdaux, 1838. Marie Therese d'Autriche. Droits de. Bilain, 1667. Marine Dictionary. Falconer (\V.), 1815. Marine Franijaise, La. Joinville (Le Prince de), 1852. Marlborough (John, Duke of). Life of. Lediard, 1743. Histoire iMililaire du Due. Dumont (Jean) et J. Rousset, 1729-47. Letters and Dispatches, 1702-12. Marlborough (John, Duke of), 18+5. Marlborough (Sarah, Duchess of). Letters. Marlborough (Sarah, Duchess of), 1875. Marshman (Joshua). Life and Times of Marshman (John C), 1859. Martin Toutrond. Morier, 1849. Martinico. Expedition against. Gardiner (Capt. R.), 1762. Mary, Queen. Life of bv Francis Godwin, Bp. of Hereford. Kennett (White, Bp. of Peterb.), Vol. 2, 1719. State Papers. Burghley, 1759. Mary, Queen of Scots. History of. Anderson (James), 1728. Mignet, 1861. History of the Life of. Mary, Queen of Scots, 1681. Condemnation of. Mary, Queen of Scots, 1681, 1685. Defence of the Sentence and Execution. Kyllin, 1587. Inquiry into the Evidence against. Tytler(W.), 1772. Martyre de Marie Stuart. iilackwood (Adam), 1644. :)i S6 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Mary II. Lettres ei ]\Iemoires. Mary II., Queen, 1880. Laudafio Funebris. Mary II., Queen, 1695. Maryland. Laws of. Bacon (Rev. Th.), 1765. Massachusetts Artillery Company. Artillery Company, 1888. Materia Medica. Forbes (John, M.D.), 1833-5. Materials, Strength of. Tate, 1850. Mathematics. Gravesande, 1725. Mathematics, 1676. Mathematical Dictionary. Hutton, 1796. Mathew, Father. Maguire, 1865. Mathews (Charles James). Life, Correspondence and Speeches. Mathews, 1879. Maurice de Nassau (Prince). Victoires de. Orliers, 161 5. Maurice, Comte de Saxe. Neel, 1755. Mausoleums : v. Sepulchres. Maxims, Legal. Broom, 1848. Meadows. Lengerke, 1844. See also Agriculture. Measures: zi. Weights and Measures. Mechanics. Kater, 1830. Medailles: see Medals. Medallions. Medaillons Antiques. Cabinet du Roi. Medals. Agostini, 1592. Numismata, 1553. Medaglie de gli Antichi. Vico, 1558. Impressions from Medals. Vertue, 1753. Histoire par la connoissance dis Medailles. Patin(C.), 1665. Catalogue of Medals. Wedgwood, 1873. Collection de Medailles Antiques faite par la Csse. Douair. de Bentinck. Bentinck, 1787. Medical Botany. Woodville (W.), 1832. Medical Dictionary. Hooper (Rob., M.D.), 1831. Medical Jurisprudence. Forbes (John, M.D.), 1833-5. Medicine. Arbuthnot (J.), 1751- Modern Practice of Physic. Thomas (Rob.), 1834. Domestic. Graham (T. J.), 1835. Cyclopccdia of Practical Medicine. Forbes (John, M.D.), 1833-5. Flora Medica. Lindley (J.), 1838. Notes and Reflections. Holland (Hen., M.D.), 1839. Medici (Laur. de). Triomphi, 1519. Medicis (Blanche Marie de). Regence de. Du Ruau, 1 61 5. Mediterranean, The. Physical, Historical, and Nautical. Smyth (Rear Adm.W.H.), 185^ Melancholy, Anatomy of. Burton (Rob.), 1638, 1827. Melbourne (William Lamb, 2nd Vise.) Memoirs of. Torrens (W. M.), 1878. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 557 Melvil (Sir James, of Hal-Hill). Memoirs of. Melvil, 1683. Menageries. Library of Entertaining Know- ledge, 1 830-1. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (Felix). Lampadius, 1848. Reminiscences of. Polko, 1869. Merchants. ^Yaaren-L exicon . Schedel, 1834-5. Merlin, simamed Ambrosius. Life, Prophesies, etc. Heywood, 1641. Merrie England : its Sports and Pas- times. Lenno-x (Ld. \V.), 1858. Messina, Ville de. Messina, 1676. Charpente de la Cathedrale de Messine. Morey, 1841. Metamorphoses. Ovidius. Metcalfe (Charles, Lord, Gov. Gen. of India). Life and Correspondence. Kaye, 1854. Selection from the Papers of. Kaye, 1855. Meteorology, Practical. Fitzroy (Rear Adm. R.), 1863. Metrique, Systeme. Ringuelet, 1843. Meubles : see Furniture. Mexico. Antiquities of. Kingsborough (Lord), 1831. Conquest of. Prescott, 1844. Memoirs of the Revolution. Robinson (W. D.), i8zi. Meyrac (Christine, Comtesse de, Heroine Mousquetaire). La Viede. Prechac, 1677. JIiCHEL Angelo Buonarroti. Life of Duppa, 1807. Vie et Ouvrages. Quatrem^re de Quincy, 1835. Illustrations of the Genius of. Michael Angelo, 1857. INIiDDLE Ages, The. Europe in. Hallam, 1834, 48. Middlesex, History of. Lysons, 1796, 1800. ^IlLAN. Istoria di Hfilano. Rosmini Roveretano, 1820. Cathedral of. Milan, 1823. Pinacoteca del Pal. Reale delle Scienze, etc. Gironi, 1812-33. Arco delta Pace. Voghera, 1838. Fabbriche piii cospicue. Cassina, 1840. AIildew IN Wheat. Blaikie, 1828. MiLiCE Romaine, La. Wallhausen, 1616. Military Administration. Vauchelle, 1854. Military Affairs. Paralhli Militari. Palrizi, 1594-5. Military Art. Tactique Militaire. Saxe (Le Mar^chal), 1762. Military Discipline. Vere (Sir Francis), 1657. Military Dispatches : see Dispatches. 4 C 558 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Military Encyclopedia. Stocqueler, 1853. Military Law. Tytler (Alex. Fraser), 1814.. Reinarks on. Napier (Lieut. -Gen. Sir C. J.), 1837- Military Operations. Imprese, Stralagemi et Errori I\lililan. Rocca, 1566. Military Orations. Orationi Militari, 1660. Military Souvenirs, 1804-14. Fezensac, 1863. Militia, II Governo della. Rocca, 1570. Mill (John Stuart). Autohio^raphv. Mill (John S.), 1874. Milton (John). Memoirs of Life and Works. Peck (F.), 1740. Mind, The. Faculties and Passions of. Clarendon (Edw. Hyde, Earl of), '747- Mineral Springs of England. Lee (Edwin), 1 84 i . Miniatures. History of Miniature Art. Propert, 1887. Dictionary of Miniaturists. Bradley (J. W.), 1887-9. Burlington Fine Arts Club E.xhibition. Miniatures, 1889. Minority, The, 1762-65. Minority, 1766. MiNTO (Sir Gilb. Elliot, first Earl of). Life and Letters, 175 1 — 1806. Minto (Earl of), 1874. MiOT de Melito (Comte de). Memoires. Miot de Melito, 1858. Miraculous Cure. Maillard (Marie), 1694. Mirror of Parliament : see Parlia- ment. MiSSALE ROMANUM, q. V. Missions. Liverpool, i860. Missions, i860. Mobilier Franijais. De Vepoque Carlov. a la Renaissance. Viollet-le-Duc, 1858. Mogul, The Great. India, 1631. Mogul Empire : sec India. Mona Antiqua, i.e., Anglesey, q. v. INIonandrian Plants. Order ScitaminccB. Roscoe (W.), 1828. Monasteries. Dugdale, 1655, 1723, 1830. Notitia Monastica. Tanner, 1744. Nonvich. Taylor (Rich.), 1821. Monasten'orui?! fundationes variie. Duchesne, 1619. In the Levant. Curzon, 1849. See also Convents. Moneta : q. v. Money. Essay on. Harris (Jos.), 1758. Nature and Use of. Gray (J.), 1848. See also Coins. Numismatics. Mongolia. Atkinson (T. W.), 1S58. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 559 Monk (General). Guizot, 1851. Monmouthshire. Tour through. Wyndham, 1781. Monograms. Of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors, etc. Brulliot, 1834. 0/ Painters and Engravers, Br)an, 18 16, 49, 53. MONREALE, II DuOMO DI. Serradifalco, 1838. MONS. Siege et Prise de. Mens, 1 69 1. Montaigne (Michel, Seign. de). Montaigne, 1740. Mont Blanc. The Story of. Smith (Albert), 1853. Montenegro. Wilkinson (Sir J. G.), 1848. Visit to. Strangford (Viscountess), 1864. Montmorencie, Maison de. Histoire. Desormeaux, 1764. MONTPENSIER (DuC dc). Marriage with the Infanta Louisa of Spain. Montpensier (Due de), 1849. MONUMENTA. Vetusta Monumenta Britannica. VetustaMonumenta, 1747 — 1842. Monumental Architecture. Great Britain. Bloxam, 1834. Monumental Effigies. Of Great Britain. Stothard, 18 17. Monuments. Monuments et Ouvrages d'Art antiques restituis. Quatrem^re de Quincy, 1829. Moor, The, and the Loch. Colquhoun, 1840. IMoORE (Lieut. -Gen. Sir John). Campaign in Spain. Moore (James), 1809. MooRE (Thomas). Memoirs, fournal, and Correspondence. Moore (Thomas), 1853-6. Moorish Monuments. Cordova, Seville, etc. Prangey, 1836-9. Morals. Moralia. Plutarchus. Moray, Province of. History. Shaw (Lachlan), 1775. More (Hannah). Life and Correspondence. Roberts (W.), 1834. More (Sir Thomas). History of. Hoddesdon, 1652. Life of. Macdiarmid, 1820. More (Thomas), 1726. Morea, The. Morea. Expedition Scicntifique. Morea, 1831-8. Morgenland, Das : v. East, The. Mornay (Ph. de, Sieur du Plessis-^L■lrli). Vie de. Liques, 1647. Mornings of the Recess. Lucas (Sam.), 1864. 4 C 2 56o INDEX OF Morocco : v. Moorish Monuments. Morris Dance, The English. Douce, 1807. Morton (Thomas, Bp. of Durham). Sermon on. Barwick (J.), 1660. Mosaics. Mosaici della Cupola nella Cappella Chigiana di S. Maria del Popolo in Roma. Gruner, 1839. See also MusAico. MoscoviA. Foy de la Neuville, 1699. Russia, 1630. Moths, English. Harris (Moses), 1840. Mountaineering. Dent, 1892. Mountains and Molehills. Marryat (Frank), 1855. Mousquetaire, L'HeroIne: z/. Meyrac. Mulberry Trees. Michel, 1839. Munich. Gemdlde. Munich. Fresco- Gemdlde der k. Hofkapelle. Hess, 1837. Neue Malcr- Werke aus Miinchen. Hohe, 1838-42. See also Bavaria. Munster, Treaty of, q. v. Musaico, Quadro in, scoperto in Pompeii. Niccolini (Cav. Ant.), 1832. Muscles of the Human Body. Quain (Jones), 1836. fe a/j-o Surgery, 1697. Muscular Action. Pugh, 1794. SUBJECTS. Museums. Musee Fra7t^ais et Musie Royal. Robillard-P6ronville, 1803-18. Italy, Spain, England and Belgium. Viardot, 1842-3. Museo Moscardo. Moscaxdo, 1656. Music. Rousseau, 1760. Getieral History of. Burney, 1789. Science and Practice of. Hawkins (Sir John), 1776. Dizionario e Bibliografia della Musica. Lichtcnthal, 1826. State of, in Germany. Burney, 1773. Voyage Musical en Allemagne et en Italic. Berlioz, 1844. Mythology. Bryant, 1776. Greek and Roman, Dictionary of. Smith (Will., LL.D.), 1844-9. 1850. Ancient Greece and Italy. Keightley, 1831. Explication des Fables. Le Comte (N.), 1600. Mytton (John). Life of. Apperley, 1837. Nalson (Rev. John) : see Nalson MSS. Names. Scripture Proper Names, Pronuncia- tion of. Walker (John), 1818. Names, Family, U. K. Lower, i860. Nantes, Edict of. Anderson (Walt.), 1775. Napier (Rt. Hon. Sir Jos.) Life of. Napier (Rt. Hon. Sir Jos.), 1887. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 561 Napier (Gen. Sir Will.) Life of. Napier (Lieut. -Gen. Sir W.), 1864. Naples. Storia, 1734 — 1856. Colletta, 1856, 8. Istoria Civile. Giannone, 1723, 1821. Antiche Colonie venule in Napoli. Vargas, 1764. Case e i\/oniimenti. Niccolini (Fausto e Felice), 1 854. Real i\Iusco Borhonico. Bourbon Museum, 1824-57. Naples in 1855. Gondon, 1855. Napoleon I. Vie Politique et Militaire. Napoleon 1., 1827. Correspondance de. Napo](5on I., 1858-70. Commentaires de. Napoli^on I., 1867. Campagnes dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte. Denon, 1802. Italian Campaigns, 1796 and 1800. Hooper (G.), 1859. Histoire de. Norvins, 1829. Napoleon et la Grande- Armee, 181 2. Segur (Le General), 1825. Waterloo. Hooper (G.), 1S62. Napoleon in E.xile. O'Meara, 1822. Captivity at St. Helena. Forsyth (VV.), 1853. Napoleonic Wars. Campaign q/" 1 8 1 3 - 1 4. Muffling, 1853. Napoleon HI. La Gu6ronni6re, 1856. ISlirecourt, i860. Napoleon III. St. John (James A.), 1857. Napoleon HI. — continued. Life of. Jerrold (Blanchard), 1874-7. L' Empereur et I'ltalie. La Gu^ronni^re, 1859. " Sire, rassurcz-nous." Napoleon HI., 1859. On Engla?td. Simpson (J. H.), i860. Napoleon le Petit. Hugo (Victor), 1852. Nasonii, Sepolcro de'. Bellori, 1702, 1819. Nassau (Prince Maurice de). Victoires de. Orliers, 161 5. Nassau (Comtes de). Ginialogie. Orliers, 16 15. National Debt, The. Rise and Progress of. Tayler, 1853. Nations, Law OF. Pufendorff, 1749. De fure Belli ac Pacis. Grotius, 1689. See also International Law. Natural History. Buffon, 1749, 1770. Hill (Sir John), 1748-52. Hisioria Naturalis. Plinius (Caius Secundus). Figures of Quadrupeds, Birds, Insects, Plants, etc. Edwards (G.), 1806. The Animal Kingdom. Cuvier, 1827, 1859. Mammalia. Vogt and Specht, 1891. Histoire Naturelle des Oiseau.x. Buffon, 1786. Recueil de Coquilhs. Delessert, 1S41. 562 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Natural History — coutinued. Iconografia della Fauna lialica. Bonaparte (Carlo L.), 1832-41. Dutch Colonies. Temminck, 1839-47. See also Birds. Ornithology. Zoology. Natural Philosophy. Conversations on. Rlarcet (Mrs. Jane), 1820. Naturalist, An Indian. Foreign Policy of. India, 1887. Naturalist, A, Notes of. Bengal, the Sikkim and IVepal Hi?na- lavas. Hooker (J. D., M.D.), 1854. Nature. Marveilles de Nature. Francois (Ren6), 1626. Nature, Law of. Law of Nature, 1684. Pufendorff, 1749. Nature of Things. Lucretius. Nautical Dictionary. Falconer (W.), 1815. Naval Architecture. Duhamel du Monceau, 1758, 1767, 1769. Montagu (Lord Robert), 1852. Naval Biography. O'Byrne, 1849. Naval History of England. Southey and Bell, 1833-40. England, 1066 — 1734. Lediard, 1735. Of Great Britain, ijgj — 1820. James (W.), 1837. Naval Service. Oncers' Manual. Glascock, 1836. Naval Warfare. Rights and Duties of Belligerents and Neutrals. Ward (Rob.), 1875. Navarre. Pax Ecclesiastica. Henry V. of Navarre, 1679. Queens of Navarre — feanne d'Albret, Life of. Freer, 1855. marguerite d'Angouleme. Freer, 1854, 1856. Marguerite de Valois. Caumont de la Force, 1696. Navigation. L' Art de Naviger. Dechales, 1677. Atlas des Cartes Marines. Neptune Francois, 1693. Navy. British Navy, History of. Yonge, 1863. Past and present state. Napier (Adm. Sir C), 1851. Officer's Guide for Prepari>ig Ships for Sea. Martelli, 1834. Navy of France : see Marine Fran- 9AISE. Nelson (Lord). Dispatches and Letters. Nelson (Hor., Lord), 1844-6. Nephews, The Pope's : see Nipotismo Di Roma. Neptune Oriental. Apres de Mannevillette, 1745. Nerves. Of the Human Body. Quain (Jones) and Wilson, 1 839. Nervous Disorders. Thomas (John), 1829. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 563 Netherlands. Reformation, The. Brandt, 1720-1. Troubles du Pays-Bas. Grotius, 1662. French War against. Netherlands, 1689. Natural History of the Colonies. Temminck, 1839-47. See also Holland. Pays-Bas. Neutrality : see War. Newcastle (William Cavendishe, Duke of). Lif of Newcastle (Margaret, Duchess of), 1667, 1668. Newcastle (Margaret, Duchess of). Letters and Poems in honour of. Newcastle (Margaret, Duchess of), 1676. New Forest, Hampshire. Picturesque Beauty. Gilpin (W.); 1808. New Guinea : see Guinea. New Holland. View of. Pennant, 1798- 1800. Newmarket. History of. Hore(J. P.), 1885, 6. New South Wales. Account of the Colony. Collins (D.), 1798. Birds of. Lewin (J. W.), 1838. New Testament. Biblia Sacra. Newton (Sir Isaac). Jntroductio ad Philosophiam Xnu- tonianam. Gravesande, 1725. Analytical Vira) of Principia. Brougham and Routli, 1855. New York. Laws 1691 — 175 1. New York, 1752. History of the Province of. S'mith (W.), 1757. New Zealand. Nav Zealanders. Librarj- of Entertaining Know- ledge, 1830. Polynesian Mythology. Grey (Sir G.), 1855. NiCENE Creed. Forbes (Bishop), 1852. Nicholas I., Emperor of Russia. La Gueronni^re, 1856. Accession of. Nicholas I., 1857. Night Thoughts on Life, Death and Immortality. Young (Rev. Edw.), 1750. Nile, The. Murtadi, 1666. Source of. Speke, 1863. NniROUD, Ruins of. Bronzes from. Layard, 1843. Nineveh. Monuments of. Layard, 1843. Ninereh and its remains. Layard, 1849, 1853. Palaces of, restored. Fergusson (James), 1851. Niobe. Statue di Niobe. Niobe, 182 1. Nipotismo Di Roma. Leti, 1667, 1673. Nitrous Oxide. Davy (Sir Humph.), 1800. Nobility. Ragionamento di Nobilita. Frata et Montalbano, 1548. 564 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Nobility — continued. Degrees of the Nobility of this King- dom, with their Rights and Privileges. Bird (Dr. Will.), 1642. Catalogue of the Nobility of England. Dale, 1697. History of Noble British Families. Drummond (H.), 1846. See also Peerage. NoLLEKENS, and his Times. Smith (JohnT.), 1828. Norfolk. History of the County. Blomefield (Francis), 1739-75- Scenery of Rivers. Stark, 1834. Encroachments of the German Ocean on the Coast. Hewitt, 1844. Norfolk Family: see Howard Family. Normandy. Historice Normannorum Scriptores. Duchesne, 1619. Architectural Tour in. Knight (H. Gaily), 1836. Voyages dans. Nodier, 1820-5. Architectural Antiquities. Cotman, 1822. Normans, The. If I Sicily. Knight (H. Gaily), 1840. North Africa : see Africa. North America. Travels in the Interior. Carver, 1781. Arrangement and description of the Plants of. Pursh, 1814. See also America. Canada. United States. North American Indians. Original Drawings of. Catlin, 1855. Northamptonshire. Natural History of. Morton (John), 17 12. History and Antiquities. Bridges, 1791. North Pacific Ocean. Voyage of Discovery. Broughton(W. P.), 1804. North Pole. Voyage toivards. Phipps (Const. J.), 1774. See also Voyages. Northern Nations. Archccolos^y of. Kemble, 1863. Northumberland Household Book, 1770, q. V. North West Passage : see Greenland. Voyages. Norths, The, Lives of. North (Hon. Roger), 1742, 1744, 1826. Norway. Natural History of. Pontoppidan, 1755. Residence in, 1834-6. • Laing, 1837. Sketches in. Beaumont (A. de), 1 840. Rambles, 1848, 49. Forester, 1850. Rambles aftd Scrambles. Pritchett, 1879. Norwich. Abbeys, Monasteries, Alien Priories, etc. 'Taylor (Rich.), 1821. History and Antiquities. Britton, 18 16. Cathedrals, 1862. Notes and Queries, q. v. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 565 NoTT (Maj.-Gen. Sir W.) Memoirs and Correspondence. Stocqueler, 1853. Nottingham. Ancient and present state of the Town. Deering, 1751. Nottinghamshire. Antiquities. Dickinson, 1801. Thoroton, 1677. Directory and Gazetteer. Morris, 1869. Plants grmving and cultivated in. Deering, 1738. Agriculture. Lowe (Rob.), 1798. NouvELLEs Galantes, Comiques et Tragiques. Nouvelles, 1680. Novels, Tales, Romances, &c. Bandello, 1740. Casti, 1804. Mery, 1852. Zayas y Sottomaior, 1656. Absentee, The. Edgeworth, 1815. Adcle. Kavanagh (Julia), 1858. Almeria. Edgeworth, 1815. Artamenes. Scudery (Magd. de), 1653-4. Betrothed, The. Manzoni, 1827, 1834, 1844. Blondelk, 1852, q.v. Bouquet de Cerises, Le. Wey, 1852. Brin-d' Amour. Kock (Hen. de), 1851. Bubbhs from the Brunncns of Nassau. Head (Sir F. B.), 1835, 1836. Cerisette. Kock(C. Paulde), 1850. " Chelsea Pensioners." Gleig, 1829. Consuelo. Dudevant, 1845. Novels — continued. Crescent and the Cross. Warburton (Elliot), 1857. Dead Souls — a Russian Novel. Gogol, 1854. Dear Lady Disdain. McCarthy (Justin), 1876. Decamerone, II. Boccaccio, 1725, 27, 1822. Don Quixote. Cervantes, 1632, &c. Dun, The. Edgeworth, 1815. Ellen Middleton. Fullerton (Lady), 1844. Emilie de Coulanges. Edgeworth, 18 15. Ennui. Edgeworth, 1815. Eugene Aram. Lytton (Lord), 1832. For Love and Duty. Thornton (Elm. Garth-), 1884. Fran<;ois le Champi. Dudevant, 1848. Gilbert Gurtiey, q. v. Gil Bias. Le Sage, 1773. Gipsey, The. James (G. P. R.), 1835. Granthy Manor. Fullerton (Lady), 1847. Hochelas^a, or England in the Nnf World. Warburton (Eliot), 1846. fane Eyre. Bront6 (Charlotte), 1848. faphet in Search of a Father. Marr)at (Fr., Capt.), 1836. Katerfelto. Whyte-Mclville, 1875. Kathleen, q. v. Lady of I^a Garaye, The. Norton (Hon. Mrs.), 1862. Lady Ottoline. Lodge (Mrs.), 1881. La Jifare au Diable. Dudevant, 1843, 1846. La Petite Comtesse. Fcuillet, 1857. 4D ,66 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Novels — continued. Le Chevalier de Maison Rouge. Dumas (Alex.), 1877. Life's Hazard, 1878 ; q. v. Lothair. Disraeli, 1870. Madame de Fleury. Edge worth, 1815. Madame Tapin. Kock(C. Paul de), 1868. Manoeuvring. Edgeworth, 18 15. Manon Lescaut. Provost d'Exiles. Mansfield Park. Austen (Jane), 18 14. Martin Toutrond, Morier, 1849. Alary Seaham. Grey (Mrs. E. C), 1852. " Master of the Hounds, The." Horlock, 1859. Modern Society in Rome. Beste, 1856. Mont Reveche. Dudevant, 1853. Morals of May Fair. Edwards (Mrs. A.), 1858. My Lord and Aly Lady. Forrester (Mrs.), 1882. Nathalie. Kavanagh (Julia), 1850. Nelly Armstrong. Whitehead (Sarah R.), 1853. Ncwcomes, The. Thackeray, 1854, 1879. Nouvclles Galantes, Comiques el Tra- giques. Novels, 1 680. Novelle Morali. Polidori, 181 1. Novelle de' Scrittori Italiani. Novelle, 1813. Pendennis. Thackeray, 1849. Philip, Adventures of Thackeray, 1879. Phyllida. Marryat (Florence), 1882. Novels — continued. Professional Beatcly, A. Eraser (Mrs. A.), i88z. Promessi Sposi, I. Manzoni, 1827, 1834, 1844. Sacki'ille Chase. Collins (C. J.), 1863. Sketches by Bos. Dickens, 1837. Spaavife, The. Gait (John), 1823. Squire Arden. Oliphant (Mrs.), 1871. Sydney Morcom, q. v. Taquinet. Kock(C. Paulde), 1848. Three Clerks, The. Trollope (Ant.), 1858. Tom fones. Fielding (Hen.), 1791. Tony Butler, q. v. Two Generations. Belfast (Earl of), 1851. Uncle Tom's Cabin, Key to. Stowe (Harr. Beecher), 1853. Vicar of Wakefield. Goldsmith, 1854. Virginians, The. Thackeray, 1879. Vivian. Edgeworth, 1815. Warren Knoivles. Gulston (A. J.), 1885. Water Babies. Kingsley (C), 1883. Waverley Novels. Scott (Sir Walter). Way, The, we live now. Trollope (Ant.), 1875. NowELL (Alex., Dean of St. Paul's). Life. Churton, 1809. Nubia. Muskau, 1845. Monuments. Champollion le Jeune, 1835, 1844, 1847. Rosellini, 1832-44. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 567 Nubia — continued. Antiquities of. Gau, 1822-7. Travels in. Norden, 1755, 1757. Panorama de A^uHe. Horeau, 1841. Drawings. Roberts (David), 1846, 9. Numerals. Middle Ages. Shaw (Henr}'), 1845. NuMiSMATA, Numismatics. Impcratorum Romanoruin Numismata. Occo, 1683. Numismatum Gracorum Series. Brandenburg, 1696. A^umisma/a Imperatorum Rom. Pras- tantiora. Vaillant (Joannes), 1743. Antigua A'umismata. Museum Florentinum, 1731-66. N^umismala Pontificum, Marti?tus V. — 1699, explicata, etc. Bonanni, 1699. Numismata Pontificum Templi Vaticani fabricam indicantia. Bonanni, 1700. Delia Moneta. Moneta, 1750. See also NuMMUS. NUMMUS. Nummi Antiqui. Harduinus, 1684. See also Numismata. Oak, The. New Method of rearing. Cruikshank, 1830. See also Forest Trees. Timber. Trees. Occult Sciences. Smedley, 1855. Oceana. Harrington, 1747. OcTAVius. Minucius (RI. Felix), 1664. Odenwald. Land u. Forstwirthschaft. Jager, 1843. Odes. Anacreon. See also Poems. Odontophorin^. Gould, 1850. Odyssea. Homer. Officers, Public. Lists of. Dod, 1842. Haydn, 1851, 1891. Ogle Family. Collins (A.), 1752. Oiseaux : V. Birds. Old Age. Conseils pour vivre plus de cent ans. Cornaro, 1703. Oldcastle (Sir John). Bale, 1729. Olympia, Plains of. Stanhope (J. S.), 1835, 1836. Opera, The. History of. Edwards (H. Suth.), 1862. Reminiscences of the Opera. Lumley, 1864. Petits Memoires de P Opera. De Boigne, 1857. Italy, France, Germany and England. Hogarth (G.), 1851. Opera Comique, L'. Le Sage, 1723-6. Operas. Dr}'den (J.), 1701. Operas. Opera Box, q. v. Opera Singers : see Vocalists. Or Potable Levain, q. v. Orang-Outang. Wallace (A. R.), 1869. Orang-Oulang, sive Homo Sylvesiris. Tyson, 1699. Orange (Princes of). Histoire des Princes et Principaute d'' Orange. Pise, 1639. Testamcns des Princes d' Orange. Orange, 1702. Histoire de Fred. H. de Nassau, Prince d'' Orange. Commelyn, 1656. 4 D 2 S68 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Grangers. Histoire Naturelle des Orangers. Risso et Poiteau, 1818. Oratores Veteres. Oratores, 1575- Orators, iqth Century. Francis (G. H.), 1847. Oratory. Quintilianus. Orchidaceous Flowers. Lindley (J.), 1838. Oregon, History of. Greenhow, 1844. Oriental Gardening. Chambers (Sir W.), 1772. Orientalische Briefe. Hahn-Hahn, 1844. Orificeria. Cellini, 181 1. Orleans (Le Due d'). Memoins d''un Favoiy de Son Alksse. Bois d'Annemets, i668. Regcnce durant la minoritede Louis XV. Picissens, 1729. Orleans (Mad. la Duchesse d'). Memoins, Corrcspondance, tic. Orleans (Mad. la Duchesse d'), 1832. Life and Letters. Schubert, 1859. Ormonde (James, Duke of). Life. Carte, 1736. Ornament. Grammar of. Jones (O.), 1856. Illustrations of. Waring (J. B.), 1864. Ornithology. Waterton, 1854. Illustrations of. Jardine and Selby, 1825-39. British Birds, History of. Yarrell, 1845, i'87i-8s. Ornithology — continued. British Ornithology, Illustrations of. Selby, 1833. American Ornithology. Wilson (Alex.), 1832. Birds of Xorth-East Africa. Riippell, 1845. See also Birds. Osnabrug (S. a. jMons. le Prince d'). Warendorp, 1680. OsTENDE, Siege d'. Haestens, 161 5. Ottoman Empire. Rycaut, 1671. Grcavth and Decay. Cantemir, 1735. Views, chiefly in Caramania. Mayer'(L.), 1803. Vieivs in the Ottoman Dominions in Europe, Asia, &'c. Mayer (L.), 18 10. See also Turkey. OuDH. Arnold (E.), 1865. Court of the King. Stocqueler, 1853. fourncy through the Kingdom of. Sleeman, 1858. OviDE, L', BouFFON. Richer, 1650, i. Owen Glendowr. Memoirs of. Rowlands, 1775. Oxford (Robert, Earl of). Articles of Impeachment against. Oxford (Rob., Earl of), 1727- Trial of. Drift (Adr.) Oxford Cathedral. History and Antiquities. Britton, 1821. Cathedrals, 1862. Oxford Essays, q. v. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 569 Oxford University. Ayliffe, 17 14. History and Aiiliquiiies of. Wood (Ant. d), 1674, 1796. Athena Oxonienses : Writers and Bishops educated at the Uni- versity. Wood (Ant. k), 1721. Oxonia Illustrata. Loggan, 1675. Marmora Oxoniensia. Chandler (R.), 1763. Colleges and Halls, History and A nti- ijuitiis of. Wood (Ant. d), 1786. Pembroke College, Statutes of. Oxford University, 1761. Oxfordshire. Natural History of. Plot, 1677. O.xus, The. Campaigning on. MacGahan, 1874. Pacific Ocean : see North Pacific Ocean. Pacificatores Orbis Christiani. /cones Principum, etc. Van Hulle, 1697. Packs : see Hounds. P.ESTUM, Ruins of. Major (Thomas), 1768. Painters. Painters. Peintres Primitifs. Artaud de Montor, 1843. Handbook for Young Painters. Leslie, 1855. Dictionary of. ISrvan, 18 16, 49, 53. Ilobln-s (J. R.), 1849. Pilkinglon, 1770, 1829, 1852. Ticozzi, 1830-32. Painters — continued. Monogrammes de Peintres, etc, Brulliot, 1834. Bryan, 1816, 49, 53. Portraits of. Portraits. Catalogue of the Works of Dutch, Flemish and French Painters, 7vith biographical notices, Qfc. Smith (John), 1829-37. Lives of. Aglionby, 1685. Argenyiilc, 1745-52. Passerius, 1772. Vasari, 1 807-1 1. Vile de' Pittori Bolognesi. Crespi, 1769. Malvasia. La Vie des Peintres Flamands, Alle- mands et Hollandois. Descamps, 1753-64. Pinturicchio, Bern., Memorie. Vermiglioli, 1837. Flemish, Dutch and German, Gallery of Le Brun (J. B. P.), 1792. Florentine. IMuseum Florentinum, 1731-66. Celebrated Painters — Italy, Spain, France, Gfc. Jervis (Lady), 1854. Early Italian Painters, Memoirs of. Jameson (Mrs. A.), 1858. Of Spain. Viardot, 1839. Anecdotes of Eminent Spanish Painters, 1 6 and 1 7 centuries. Cumberland (R.), 1782. Pitture a Fresco de' principali Maestri Veneziani. Pictures, 1760. Venetian Painters. Ridolli, 1648. Modern Painters — their superiority to A ncient Masters. Ruskin, 1844, 1846-60. Sketches after English Landscape Painters. Marvy, 1850. See also Callot (Jacques), i860. 570 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Painting. Aglionby, 1685. Burnet (John), 1837. Cennini, 1844. Mengs, 1780, 1796. Richardson (Jonathan), 1728 Ha ndbook of Pa in ting. Kugler, 1837, 1842, 1854. History of. Kugler, 1842. Au Afojyen Age. Em^ric-David, 1842. Memoirs of. Buchanan (W.), 1824. Letters o?i, 15 to i g cent. Gualandi, 1844-5. Letters on. Painting, 1844-5. Lettere sulla Pittura. Bottari, 1754-73- Beauties of. Webb (Daniel), 1761. Reflexions Critiques. Du Bos, 1755. Arts of. Merrifield (Mrs.), 1849. Art of Painting in Oil and in Fresco. M(5rim6e (J. F. L.), 1839. Index of Mi.xed Tints. Fielding (T. H.), 1836, 1839. Principles of. F^Iibien, 1690. Theory of. Fielding (T. H.), 1836, 1839. Treatise on Painting. Vinci (Leon, da), 1835. Philosophy of Twining, 1849. The Epochs of. Wornum, 1864. Popularly explained. Gullick and Timbs, 1859. Progress of a Painter, igth cent. Burnet (John), 1854. Anecdotes of Painting in England. Walpole (Horace, Earl of Or- ford), 1762-71, 1828. Painting — continued. In Italy, History of. Lanzi, 1818, 1828. History of, in Italy, 2nd to tilth cent. Crowe, 1864. Storia delta Pittura Italiana. Rosini, 1839-47. Italian Schools. Kugler, 1855. Progress of in Italy. Jameson (Mrs. A.), 1858. Chefs d'ceuvres de la Peinture Italienne. Mantz, 1870. Italy, Spain, France, Qfc. Jervis (Lady), 1854. The Spanish School. Boid, 1843. Painting on Glass. Au, 1845. Le Peintre-Graveur. Bartsch, 1821. Dumesnil, 1844. Le Peintre-Graveur Fran^ais. Dumesnil (A. P. F. R.), 1835-44. Paintings. Hogarth (W.), 1822. Royal Gallery of British Art. Finden, 1849. Cabinet Paintings at Buckingham Palace. Paintings, 1840. Sammlung alt-nieder-und oherdcutscher Gcmdlde. Boisscree, 1821. Neue Maler- Werke aus Miinchen. Hohe, 1838-42. Vamishe?' s Guide. Tingry, 1816. Cleaning and repairing Paintings. Fielding (T. H.), 1839. See also DRESDEN. Prints. Pais Bas : v. Pays-Bas. Palais Pitti, Florence. Tableaux, Statutes, dfc. Florence, 1789 — 1807. Galleria Pilti. Bardi, 1842. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 571 Paleographie Universelle. Silvestre, 1841. Palestine. Biblical Researches in. Robinson (Edw.), 1841. Language, geography and early history. Cox (F. A.), 1852. Views in. Mayer (L.), 1804. Picturesque Palestine. Wilson (SirC), 1880-4. See also Holy Land. Palissy (Bernard), the Potter. Life of. Morley (Hen.), 1852. Palladio (Andrea). Vita ed Opcre. Magrini, 1845. Palmerin of England, q. v. Palmerston (Hen. J. Temple, Vise.) Life, 1846-65. Ashley (Hon. E.), 1876. Bulwer, 1870-4. Palmyra. Ruins of. Wood (Robert), 1753- Pamphleteer, The, q. v. Panegyricus. Plinius (Caius Caec. Secundus). Panslavism. Krasinski, 1848. Papacy. Histoire du Papisme. Heidegger, 1685. Accroissement de la Papaute en Angle- ierre. Marvell, i68o. Prejugez legitimes contre le Papisme. Jurieu, 1685. Pope foan. Congnard, 1655. Cooke (Ale.\.), 1533. Papal Usurpation, &c. : see Popery. Paper. Invention of. Koops, 1800. Paper Chasing. Rye (Walter), 1887. Paradise. Dante. Paradise Lost. Milton. Paradise Regained. Milton. Paradise, Birds of. Gould, 1891. Paradiseid.^ : v. Paradise, Birds of. Paraguay. Charlevoix, 1756. Paris. Cour de Parle ment, 1648, 9. Paris, 1649. Revolution, :o Aug., 1792. Peltier, 1792-3. Chambre dcs Deputes, La, Restaura- tiott de. Joly (Jules de), 1840. MSmoires d' un Bourgeois, 1814-52. Vt^ron, 1853-5. Tableau Historique et Pittoresque. Saint-Victor, 1808-9. Souvenirs du Vieux Paris — Architec- ture. Turpin de Criss6, 1836. Old Paris — Court and Literary Salons. Jackson (Cath., Lady), 1878. Palais, Eglises, etc., Plans, Elivations, etc. Marot. La Galerie d'' Apollon du Louvre. Lc Brun, 1695. Mceurs et usages Parisiens, 1 9 sikle. Jouy, 1815. Social and Political Life, 1 8 3 1 -47. Raikes (Thomas), 1856-7. Lettres Parisiennes. Girardin, 1843. Theatres of. Hervey (C), 1846. Actresses, Portraits of. Hervey (C), 1846. Diary of the Besieged Resident. Laboucherc, 1871. Paris et les Parisiens. Forster(C. de), 1848. 572 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Paris — continued. Paris and the Parisians, 1836. Trollope (Mrs. Frances), 1836. See also France. Parish Priest, The. Acquirements, Duties, &fc. Blunt, 1856. Park Keeper's Companion Mayer (John), 1838. Parks. Practical Notes on Parks and Pleasure Grounds. Smith (C. H. J.), 1852. Parliament. Histories Parliamenti Anglim Brevi- arium. May (Thomas), 1651. Rise and Progress of. Wight (Alex.), 1784. Abridgment of Parliamentary Records in the Tower, Edw. II. — Ric. III. Cotton (Sir Rob.), 1657. Placita, Ediv. I. and Edw. II. Ryley, 1661. Petitions and Picas, 1278 — 1503. Parliament. Miscellanea Parliamentaria. Pet}-t, 1680. Summons of the Nobility, from 49 Hen. Ill— ibis- Dugdale, 1685. Ant lent Parliamentary Elections. Cox (Horn.), 1868. Kings' Speeches, Addresses, Lords' Pro- tests, &c. Parliamentary Papers, 1797. Law, Privileges, Proceedings, dfc. May (Sir Thomas E.), 1844. Use and Abuse of. Ralph, 1744. Precedents of Proceedings, House of Commons. Hatsell, 1818. Parliament — continued. Parliament urn Pacificiim. Burnet (Bp.), 1688. Account of the four last Parlianunls of Q. Elizabeth. Townshend, 1680. fournals, etc., temp., Q. Elizabeth. D'Ewes, 1693. Diary, 1656 — 1659. Burton (Thomas), 1828. Debates in: Johnson (Samuel, LL.D.), 181 1. Mirror of Parliament, 1818-33. Barrow (John H.), 1833. Proceedings, Debates, &°c. Parliament. Government ivith reference to Reform. Grey (H. G., Earl), 1864. Diary of Two Parliaments. Lucy, 1885. Parma. Insigni Pitture Parmensi. Parma, 1809. Parnassus. Advices from. Boccalini, 1706. Parties. Chiefs of, past and present. Madden (D. O.), 1859. Partridges. Of America. Gould, 1850. Party. Remarks on. Brougham (Lord), 1843. Pasquin et Marphorio. Interhcutiones, ^fc. Mezeray, 1683, 1700. Pastimes. Baily's INIagazine, 1871 Pastor Fido, II. Guarini. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 573 Pastry. Le Patissier Royal Parisien. Careme, 1828. Livre de Patisserie. Gouff6, 1873. See also Cookery. Pasture. Conversion of Arable Land into. Blaikie, 1833. See also Agriculture. Husbandry. Patagonia, Across. Dixie (Lady Florence), 1880. Pater Noster : jc'^-Lord's Prayer. Patissier Royal, Le. See Pastry. Patriotism. Le Veritable Amateur de sa Patrie. Clemence, i8oi. Pau. Three Months' Rest at. Wittitterly, i860. Paul V., Pope. Quarrels ivilh the State of Venice. Sarpi, 1626. Pays-Bas. Histoire. Pays-Bas, 1701. Le Petit, 1604. Meteren, 161 8. Description. Guicciardini (L.), 1567, 1582. Carte Chronographique. Pays-Bas, 1780. Histoire Ghiialogique. Le Carpentier, 1664. Paix de Cologne. Flanders, 1580. Memoires Guerriers. 1600-6. Croy, 1642. See also Netherlands. Peak, The, Derbyshire. Natural History of. Leigh, 1700. Peasantry, English. Heath (F. G.), 1874. Peel, Sir Robert. Guizot, 1856. Life and Times. Taylor (W. Cooke) and C. Mackay, 1851. Memoirs. Peel (Sir Rob.), 1856, 7. Speeches. Peel (Sir Rob.), 1835. Peerage. Burke (John). Collins (A.), 1710-56. Debrett. Dugdale, 1675, 1682. Edmondson, 1764-84. Lodge (Edm.), 1845. Peerage, 1769. Degrees of the Nobility of this King- dom, ivith their Rights and Privileges. Bird (Dr. \V.), 1642. Catalogue of. Dale, 1697. History of Noble British Families. Drummond (H.), 1846. Genealogy of the British Peerage. Lodge (Edm.), 1859. Ireland. Peerage, 1768. Scotland. Crawfurd (G.), 1716. Extinct Peerages. Debrett, 1790. See also Honour, Titles of. Pekin : see China. P£lerinage de l'Ho.mme. Guileville, 1858. Peloponnesian War. Thucydides. Pe.mbroke's (Countess of) Arcadia. Sidney (Sir Philip), 1674. Pembroke (Earl). Description of his Pictures. Gambarini, 1731. 4 E 574 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Pembroke Coll., Oxon. Staluta. Pembroke College, Oxford. Peninsula, The. Recollections of. Sherer, 1824. War in. Napier (Lieut. -Gen. Sir W.), 1832-40. Histoire de la Guerre. Foy (G6n.), 1827, 1829. Private Journal of F. S. Larpent, Judge Advocate General. Larpent, 1853. Memoirs of distinguished British Generals. Cole (J. W.), 1856. Conduct of General Bcresford. Beresford (Gen.), 1834. Maps and Plans, 1808-14. Peninsula. Pennant (Thomas). Literary Life of . Pennant, 1793. Pennsylvania. Charters and Acts. Pennsylvania, 1762. Pensees Ingenieuses. Bouhours, 1683. Pentateuch, The. Colenso, 1862-79. Pepys (Samuel). Diary, 1659 — 1669. Pepys, 1825, 1828. Perceval (Rt. Hon. Spencer). Life of. Walpole (Spencer), 1874. " Perouse, La," v. Voyages, 1797. Persepolis. Palaces of, restored. Fergusson (James), 1851. Journey to. Ussher (John), 1865. Persia. Conquest of. Ockley, 1708, 171 8. Commentaires stir. Sleidan, 1561-3. New Account of. Frj'er, 1698. Persian War. Procopius, 1544. The Great Persian War. Cox (Rev. G. W.), 1861. Ambassade en. Figueroa, 1667. Embassy of the Duke of Holstein to, 1633- Olearius, 1699, 17 19. Voyage in. Chardin, 1686. Tavernier, 1684. The Dabistan, or School of Manners. Dabistan, 1843. Biographical N'otices of Persian Poets. Ouseley (Sir Gore), 1846. Popular Poetry of. Chodzko, 1842. Adventures, &'c. of Kuryvglou, Bandit Minstrel of N. Persia. Chodzko, 1842. Persian Miscellanies. Ouseley (W.), 1795. Sculpture Talismanique des Persans. Gaffarel, 1750. The Pose Garden of Persia. Costello, 1845. Persian Dictionary. Richardson (John), 1777. Perspective. Malton, 1775. Practical Perspective. Fielding (T. H.), 1836. Peru. History of the Incas. Garcilasso de la Vega, 1633, 1688, 1704. Coast of. Frezier, 17 17. Peter the Great. Monumetit Sieve a la Gloire de Pierre-le- Grand. Carburi, 1777. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 575 PjiTERBOROUGH CATHEDRAL. History and Antiquities. Britton, 1828. Cathedrals, 1862. Petrarch. Vie de Petrarque. Sade, 1764-7. Pharmacopceia Homceopathica. Quin, 1834. Pharsalia. Lucanus, 1740, 1760. Phasianid.^ : v. Pheasants. Pheasants. Monograph of the Family of. Elliot (D. G.), 1872. For Coverts and Aviaries. Tegetmeier, 1873. Phigaleian Marbles. Ellis (Sir Hen.), 1846. Philip II. of Spain. Reign of. Prescott, 1855-9. Actions, &€. Philip II., 1621. Phillips (Mrs. Teresia Constantia), q. v. Philology. Amusements Philologiques. Peignot, 1842. Philosophical Dictionary. Hutton, 1796. Philosophy. Cicero, 1541. Newton (Sir Isaac), 1779-85. History of. Stanley (Thomas), 1687. Philosophical Opinions and Letters. Newcastle (Margaret, Duchess of), 1663, 1664. Philosophical Essays. Rumford (Count of), 1798. Natural Philosophy. Marcet (Mrs. Jane), 1820. Philosophy — continued. Specimina PhilosophicB. Descartes, 1656. Examination of Sir W. Hamilton's Philosophy. Mill (John S.), 1865. Photography. Hunt (Robert), 185 i. Phrases : see Quotations. Pm'Sic Modern Practice of. Thomas (Rob.), 1834. See also Medicine. Physicians. Recept- Taschenhuch. Walther, 1847. " Physicienne, La": v. Voyages. Physiognomy. Lavater, 1783, 1789-98. Physiology. Application of Chemistry to. Liebig, 1847. Phytographia. Stirpium Icones. Plukenett, 1691. Piccadilly to Pera. Gleanings from . Oldmixon, 1854. PiCTON (Lieut. -Gen. Sir Thomas). Memoirs and Correspondence. Picton, 1836. Picture Collector's Manual. Hobbes (J. R.), 1849. Pictures. British Gallery of Pictures, 1 840. Galerie des Arts, 1836. Hogarth (W.), 1822. Critical Catalogue of fifty of the earliest Pictures in the National Gallery. Landseer, 1834. Book of Art. Payne, 1849. 4 E 2 576 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Pictures — coniinued. Royal Gallery of Pictures at Bucking- ham Palace. Pictures, 1840. Galerie Aguado. Gavard, 1839. Angerstein Collection. Angerstein, 1823. At Houghton Hall, Norfolk. Walpole (Hor., Earl of Orford), •752- Lee Priory, Kent, List of Pictures. Lee Prior}', 181 7. Catalogue of Pictures belonging to the Marq. of Stafford. Britten, 1808. Musee de Versailles. Gavard, 1838-41. Le Pitture di Bologna. Zanotti Cavazzoni, 1706. Royal Dresden Gallery. Payne, 1845. Mu7iich. Munich. Sicily. Bartlett, 1853. Pinacoteca delta Imp. Reg. Accad. Veneta. Zanotti, 1834. See also CoRREGlo. Paintings. Plates. Portraits. Prints. Picturesque, The. Marshall (W.), 1795. Price (Sir U.), i8io. Picturesque Beauty. Gilpin (W.), 1789, 1808. Western Parts of England. Gilpin (W.), 1808. Piedmont. History of. Gallenga, 1855. Eglises Evangeliques. Leger, 1669. Tour in. Buckingham (J. S.), 1847. Piedmont — continued. Austrian Campaign in. Soldier, 1850. Victor Immanuel II. La Varenne, 1859. Pigeon Houses. Mariot-Didieux, 1854. Pigeons. Mariot-Didieux, 1854. Temminck, 1 8 1 1 . Pigs. Pigs, 1855. Pigskin AND Willow. Webber, 1883. Pilot, The European. Chandler (John), 1770. The Complete Pilot — London to St. Petersburg. Heather, 1801. Pine Trees. Hardy Trees. Pinetum Britannicum, 1866-75. Pines. Of fapan. Murray (Andr.), 1863. Pinetum, The Synopsis of Coniferous Plants. Gordon (G.), 1858-62, 1880. Cmie-bearim; Trees. Richard (L. C. M.), 1826. Pinetum Britannicum : q. v. Pinetum WoBURNENSE, 1839: q. v. Pintades. Mariot-Didieux, 1854. Pinturicchio, Bern., Pittore. Memorie, 15 aiid 16 cent. Vermiglioli, 1837. PiNUS, The Genus. Lambert, 1837. Pipe jNIusic. Ross (Uilleam), 1875. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 577 Pisa. Sarco/agi, Urne, etc. del Campo Santo. Lasinio (Paolo), 1814. Pitture a Fresco del Campo Santo. Lasinio (Carlo), 1828. Lasinio (Paolo), 1832. Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, g. v. Pitt (Rt. Hon. William). Li/e of. Tomline, 1821. Political Life of . Gifford (John), i8og. The Age of Pitt and Fox. Pitt, 1846. PiTTi, Palais, Florence. Tableaux, Statues, etc. Florence, 1789 — 1807. Galleria Pitti. Bardi, 1842. PiTTiD^. Gould, 1880. See also Ant-Thrushes. Places : v. Fortification. Plantations. Plans of. Campbell (Colen), 1725. Planting. The Practical Planter. Cruikshank, 1830. Useful and Ornamental. Planting, 1832. Plants. Memoires pour sercir a Vhist. des Plantes. Dodart, 1676. Encyclopadia of. Loudon (J. C), 1829. Variation of, under domestication. Danvin, 1868. Figures of. Edwards (G.), 1806. Hortus Britannicus. Sweet (Rob.), 1839. Plants — continued. Medicinal. Calcott, 1842. Edwards (John), 1770. Parkinson (J.), 1640. Poisonous Plants, British. Sowerby, 1861. Flora Espanola. Quer, 1762-4, 1784. Flora I ta liana. Savi, 1818-24. East Indian Plants. Wallich, 1830. Of the Coast of Coromandel. Roxburgh, 1795 — 1819. Of North America. Pursh, 1 8 14. See also Greece — Flora GR.ECA. Japan — Flora Japonica. Monandrian Plants. Plastica. Opere di Scultura e di Plastica. Canova, 1821, 1824. An tic he Opere in. Campana, 1842. PLAT.ffiA, Battle of. Stanhope (J. S.), 1835, 1836. Plate. Gold and Silver, Old. Richardson (Ch. J.), 1841, 2. Plates. Pompadour (Marquise de), 1782. Historical. Strange, 1750-90. Herculis Labores, [plates]. Poussin, 1 678. See also Engravings. Prints. Plato. Grote, 1865. Play, Events in. Doctrine of Chances. Moivre, 1738. Players, The, Lives of. Gait (John), 1831. 578 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Play-Goer, The Old. Robson (W.), 1846. Play Houses, London. Memorials of. Wilkinson (Rob.), 1825. Plays. Dryden (J.), 1701. Kotzbue, 1 8 15, &c. Massinger, 1805. Moore (Edw.), 1756. Newcastle (Marg., Duchess of), i66z, 1668. Schiller, 1829. Shakespeare. Suckling, 1709. Theatre. Old Plays. Dodsley, 1744. Collection of. Inchbald, 1808. See also Theatre. Pleasure Grounds : see Parks. Plurality of Worlds. Fontenelle, 1686. Whewell, 1853. Poemata Plutarchus. Poems and Poetical Works. Baillie (Joanna), 1851. Bentley Ballads, 1862. Bourne (V.), 1772. Burns (R.), 1839. Butler (Sam.), 1835, 1855. Byron (Lord). Campbell (T.), 1848. Catullus, 1794. Chamisso, 1843. Chaucer. Churchill (C), 1763, 1844. Collins (W.), 1787, 1830. Cotton (C), 1689. Cowley, 1693, 1707. Cowper(W.), 1835-55. Crabbe (Rev. G.), 1847. Donne, 1669. Dryden (John). Duck (S.), 1736. Ellesmere (Earl of), 1856. Poems and Poetical Works — continued. Falconer (W.), 1836. Fenton (Elij.), 1723. Gay (John), 1731. Glover (R.), 1737. Goldsmith (O.) Gray (Th.) Greene (Rob.), 1856. Griin, 1844. Gulston (A. S.), 1884. Hammond (James), 1787. Hemans (Felicia), 1849. Herbert (G.), 1857. Houghton (R. M. Milnes, Lord) 1863. Jones (Sir W.), 1807. Jonson (Ben), 1856. Keats, 1854. Killigrew, 1686. Lamb (C), 1848. Landon (Letitia Eliz.), 1844, 1850. Landor, 1846. Lansdowne (Geo. G., Lord), 1736. Longfellow. Lyttelton (Lord), 1787. Marlowe, 1856. Merivale (John Herm.), 1844. Michael Angelo, 1821. Milman (Rev. H. H.), 1839. IMilton. Montgomery, 1850. Moore (Edw.), 1756. Moore (Thomas), 1843, &c. Neuhusius, 1661. Newcastle (Marg., Duchess of), 1664. Ogilvie, 1777. Oldham, 1854. Ossian, 1 762, 1773. Parnell (Thomas), 1786, 1833. Pattison (W.), 1728. Petrarca. Philips (J.), 1744. Philips (Katherine), 1710. Pope (A.) Prior (Matthew), 1718,40, 1835. Prutz, 1 841. Richards (A. B.), 1851, 2. Roscommon (Earl of), 1753. Sackville (Th., Lord Buckhurst). Schiller, 1831-44. Scott (Sir Walter). Shakespeare. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 579 Poems and Poetical Works — continued. Shelley, 1847. Smith (Alex.), 1853. Southey, 1847. Spenser (Edm.), 1715, &c. Suckling, 1709. Surrey (Earl of), 18 16, 1831, 1854. Swift, 1833. Tennyson, 1877. Thomson (James), 1784-1841. Uhland, 1835. Waller, 171 1, &c. White (Hen. Kirke), 1840. Winchelsea (Anne, Countess of), '713- Wordsworth (W.), 1846, 1847, &c. Wyatt (Sir Th.), 1831, 1854. Young (Rev. Edw.), 1741, 1844. Chace, The. Somervile, 1735. Collection of. Dodsley, 1765. Lays of Ancient Rome. Macaulay (Lord), 1874. Lays of Scottish Cavaliers. Aytoun, 1856. Miscellany Poems. Poems, 1693, 1727. Dryden, 1727. Oberon. Wieland, 1826. Oxford and Cambridge Miscellany Poems. Oxford and Cambridge Miscell. Poems. Poemi Romanzeschi d'' Italia. Ferrario, 1829. Politische Gedichte. Fallersleben, 1843. Rebellion displayed. Settle, 1715. Romantische Dichtungen. Vega (Lopede, Carpio), 1826-8. Scaffold, The. Scaffold, 1 70 1. Select Collection of Poems. Nichols (John), 1780, 1782. See also the names of various Poets in the Catalogue. Poetical Dictionary. Collier (Jer.), 1701-21. Poetical Quotations. Adams (H. G.), 1853. See also Quotations. Poetry. Ddsaugiers, 1848. Desbordes-Valmore, 1842. Jemmat (Cath.), 1771. Poems. De Poetic A. Aristotle. De Arte Poetica. Vida, 1527. Art of. Boileau, 1683. Essav on. 'Moir(G.), 1 85 1. Reliqucs of Ancient English Poetry. Percy (Thomas, Bishop of Dro- more), 1765. Specimens of Early English Poets. Ellis (G.), 1801. Essay on English Poetry. Campbell (T.), 1845. Poets, 1848. English Poetry, History of. Warton (Rev. Thomas), 1774, '775- English Tragic Poetry, as illustrated by Shakespeare. Reed (H.) Poetry of Gt. Britain. Scrymgcour, 1850. Useful and Entertaining Pieces. Elegant Extracts, 1824. Le Parnasse Francois. Colletet, 1664. Rlflexions Critiques. Du Bos, 1755. Poets. Poet^ GRj'ECI Principes, q. v. Early English, Specimens of. Ellis (G.), 1801. English Poets. Poets, 1779-81, 1830-48. 58o Poets — continued. English Poets, The, Works of. Bell (Robert), 1854-7 Works of English Poets. Johnson (Sam., LL.D.), 1779-81. Specimens of British Poets. Campbell (T.), 1845. Prefaces to the Works of British Poets. Johnson (Sam., LL.D.), 1781. English Poets, Ittdex to. Nichols (John), 1780. Selections from English Poets. Hunt (Leigh), 1845. Lives and Characters of English Dra- matic Poets. Jacob (Giles), 1719, 1720. Lives of English Poets. Johnson (Sam., LL.D.), 1781, '783- Biographical Sketches of English Poets. Scrymgeour, 1850. Poets, Book of the. Poets, 1848. Poets and Poetry, ig/Zz century. Belfast (Earl of), 185Z. Victoria 71. Stedman, 1876. Stories from Italian Poets. Hunt (Leigh), 1846. See also Names of Poets in Catalogue. Poisoning. Brinvilliers (Marquise de), 1676. Poisonous Plants, British. Sowerby, 1861. Poisons. Mechanical Account of. Mead, 1845. Poland. Travels in. Coxe (W.), 1784. La Pologne devant P Europe. Tanski, i86z. See also SoBIESKI. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Polar Regions : see Arctic Regions. Policy : see Public Policy. Political Economy. Jopling, 1823. Malthus, 1820. Ricardo, 1819. Senior, 1850. Wealth of Nations, Nature and Causes of Smith (Adam), 1776, 1817. Unsettled Questions. Mill (John Stuart), 1844. Political Index. Hereditaiy Honours, Public Offices, &fc. Beatson, 1806. Haydn, 1851, 1890. Political Science. Politz, 1827-8. Essays. Greg(W. R.), 1853. Political Sketches. H. B.'s Political Sketches. Political Touchstone, The. Boccalini, 1706. Politics. La Bilancia Politica. Boccalini, 1678. Politique, La. Dictionnaire de. Block (M.), 1863-4. Polymetis. Spence (Rev. Jos.), 1747, 1755. Polynesia : see New Zealand. Pompeii. Library of Entertaining Know- ledge, 1 83 1-2. Pompeii, 1833-4. Antichita. Rossini, 1830. Les Ruines de Pompii. Mazois, 18 1 2-3 8. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. s8i Po M PE 1 1 — contin ued. Ornamente u. Geindlde a us Pompeii, Gfc. Zahn, 1828-59. Case e jSIonumcnti. Niccolini(Fausto eFelice), 1854. See also MusAlco. PoNTiEu (Les Comtes) et Maieurs d'Alsbeville. Histoire Genealogique. Sanson, 1657. Poor Law. History of English Poor Lair. Nicholls (Sir Geo.), 1854. Pope (Alex.) Memoir of. Pope (A.), 1835. Lecture on the Poetry of Carlisle (Earl of), 1852. Concordance to Works of Abbott (E.), 1875. Pope Joan. Congnard, 1655. Cooke (Alex.), 1533. Popery. Dklaration de Jac. II. touchanl la Tolerance des Papistes. Papists, 1688. Papal Usurpation and Persecution. Bray, 1712. See also RoMA. Romanism. Popes, The. History. Bower (A.), 1766. Ecclesiastical and Political History, ibth and \-jth centuries. Ranke, 1840. Supremacy of. Barrow (Is.), 1741. Les Papes Princes Italicns. Popes, i860. Le Gouvirnement Temporel. Hubaine, 1862. Popes — continued. Historical .Summary. Wilks, 1 85 I. Du Pape. Maistre, 1845. Portraits of. Portraits. Popish Legends, or Bible Truths. Sinclair (Cath.), 1852. Popular Education. Carlisle (Earl of), 1852. Popular Superstitions : see Super- stitions. Porcel.\in. Bernal, 1857. History of 15 — 1% centuries. Marryat (Joseph), 1850, 1857. Manufacture of. Porter (G. R.), 1832. Porcclaine de Sevres. Brongniart et Riocreux, 1845. See also Pottery. PORSON (Richard). Lif of Watson (Rev. J. Selby), 1861. Portland Vase, The. Description of. Wedgwood, J 790. Portraits. Ancient Historical Pictures. Harding, 1845-8. Imagines Virorum doctrin&simul pictatc illustrium. Beza, 1580. Icones Virorum Uteris illustrium. Reusnerus, 1590. Veterum Illustrium Philosophorum, Poetarum, etc. Imagines. Bellori, 1739. Gallery of Portraits. Portraits, 1833-8. Portraits de Personnes de notre epoque. C<516brit(5s Contcmporaines, 1842. 4F 582 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Portraits — continued. Heads of the Kings of England. Vertue, 1736. Illustrious Personages of Gt. Britain. Lodge (Edm.), 1821-34. Illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII. Holbein, 1792, 1812, 1828. Illustrious Personages, Court of Hen. VIII. Chamberlaine, 1828. British Gallery of Contemporary Por- traits. Portraits, 1822. Illustrious Persons of Gt. Britain. Houbraken, 1743-52. Literary Portraits, Gallery of. Gilfillan, 1850. Contemporains Etrangcrs, 1 790 — 1826. Contemporains Etrangers, 1826. Hommes et Femmcs, France, 1422 — 1793- Iconographie Fran^aise, 1840. Personnes Illustres, France, 1789 — 1829. Iconographie des Contempo- rains, 1823-32. Emperors, Kings, Princes, Popes, Bishops, Painters, etc. Portraits. Portrait Miniatures. Burlington Fine Art Club, 1889. Portugal. Chronicles. Froissart, 1523, 30, 59, 74, 1803. Succession Royale. Portugal, 1606. Moyens de resister V effort du Castillan. Texeira, 1598, 1641. Histoire de Conjuration, 1 640. Vertot, 1689. fean II., Histoire de. Manuel y Vasconcelos, 1641. Troubles, 1667, 68. Piquetierre, 1674. War bchveen Don Pedro and Don Miguel. Napier (Adm. Sir C), 1836. Portugal — continued. Don Sebastian. Freer (JNIartha), 1864. Trarels. Dalrymple (Maj. W.), 1777. Travels through, 1772-3. Twiss (Richard), 1775. Social and Political State. Carnarvon (Earl of), 1837. PosiDONiA, Ruins of. Major (Thomas), 1768. Pottery. Bernal, 1857. Ancient. Birch (S.), 1858. History of 1 5 — 1 8 centuries. Marr}-at (Joseph), 1850, 1857. Art of, in England. Meteyard, 1865-6. Wedgivood Pottery. Meteyard, 1873. Les Arts Ceramiques. Brongniart, 1844. Life of Palissy the Potter. Morley (Hen.), 1852. See also Ceramic Art. Porcelain. Poultry. Rearing of. Allibert, 1855. Breeding, Rearing, and Fattening. Moubray, 1834. Poultry Keeping. Brown (E.), 1891. POZZUOLI. Antichita di. Paoli, 1768. Prayer Book. Lesser Prayer Boot: for Families. Jenks, 1713. Book of Common Prayer : see Liturgy. Precedency. Guillim, 1724. Manual of Precedence. Dod, 1842. INDEX OF SUBJECTS Precious Stones. Emanuel, 1867. 583 Prksbyterianism. Arg}'ll (Duke of), 1848. Prescott (William Hickling). Life of. Ticknor, 1864. Pretender, The Young : see Charles Stuart. Priapus, Worship of. Knight (R. P.), 1786. Priest. The Scholar, the Gypsey, the Priest. Borrow, 1851. Priest, The : see Parish Priest. Prince of Wales : see Wales. Princes. Principum Christianorum Stemmata. Albicius, 1619. Portraits of Princes. Portraits. See also SOVEREIGNS. Principe, II. Pigna, 1561. Printing. History of. Ames, 1 8 19. Hints on Decorative Printing. Savage, 1822. Dictionary of the Art of Printing. Savage, 1841. Prints. Pond (A.), 1740. Prints after Paintings in England. Boydell (John), 1769-73. Recueil d' Esla/?ips (Papr'es les plus beaux Tableaux en France. Crozat, 1763. Alanuel de V Amateur d'Esla/npes. Joubert, 1821. See also Dresden. Engravings. Plates. Portraits. Priories. A^otitia Mimastica. Tanner, 1744. See also Monasteries. Prison Life and Discipline. Revelations of. Chesterton, 1856. Prisons. Carceri. Piranesi. Processions : see Elizabeth, Queen. Progresses, Royal : see Processions. Property L.\w. Handy Book on. Sugden, 1858. Protection. Protecting Duties on the Profits of Agriculture. Morton (John), 1846. Protestantism. History of. Wylie, 1874-7. Great Britain. Protestants, 1689. Separation des Protestants d'avec r Eglise Romaine. Drelincourt, 1649. Necessite d'une Ligue Protestante. Protestants, 1702. Protestantisme compare au Catholicisme. Balmez, 1842. La France Protestante. Haag, 1859. Proverbs. Jones (Benj. C), 1886. Of all Nations. Kelly (Walt. K.), 1859. English, French, Spanish, Italian, &"(. Proverbs, 1804. Scottish. Kelly (James), 1721. 4 F 2 584 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Proverbs — continued. Proverbes Fraji^ais. Le Roux de Lincy, 1842. Proverbi Ilaliani. Pescetti, 161 8. See also Quotations. Sententi^. Providence. Gonvcrneinent Temporel de la Provi- dence. Maistre, 1850. Provinces Unies : v. United Pro- vinces. Prussia. History of. Ranke, 1847-8, 1849. History of Frederick the Great. Carlyle (T.), 1858-65. Mission to the Court of. Malmesbury (James Harris, Earl of), 1844. Public Instruction in. Cousin, 1834. Operations of the South Army, fan. and Feb., 1871. Wartensleben, 1872. See also Franco-Prussian War. Psalms, The. Harmony between the Psalms and other parts of the Scriptures. O.xford (Edw. Harley, Earl of), 1724. Pseudonyms. Diciionnaire d^ouvrages pseudonymes en Fratifais et en Latin. Barbier, 1822-7. Ptilonorhynchid^, or Bower Birds. Gould, 1891. Public Law. Domat, 1722. Public Officers. Lists of. Dod, 1842. Haydn, 1851, 1890. Public Policy. Speeches on. Bright (Rt. Hon. J.), 1868. Pulse, The. Floyer, 17 15. " Punch." Contributions to. Thackeray, 1886. Cartoons from. Tenniel. Punjab, The. Account of the Country of the Sikhs. Steinbach, 1845. Acquisition and Administration. Arnold (E.), 1865. See also India. Purgatory. Dante. Pyramids, The. Murtadi, 1666. Of Gizeh. Perring, 1839-42. Operations carried on at the Pyramids of Gizeh. Vyse, 1840-2. The Great Pyramid. Beckett, 1876. Pyrenees, The. A Summer in. Murray (Hon. James E.), 1837. Pygmies. Tyson, 1699. Quadrupeds. Figures of. Edwards (G.), 1806. British Quadrupeds. Bell(T.), 1836. Viviparous Quadrupeds of N. America. Audubon, 1848. &4f fl/w Natural History. Quakers. History of. Sewel, 1722. Acts of Parliament relative to. Quakers, 1777. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 585 Quarterly Review, q. v. Queen's Rangers, The. Operations of, 1777-83. Simcoe, 1787. Queens : see Sovereigns. Quietism. Quietists, 1687. Quotations. Shakespeare Quotations. Walbran, 184.9. Best Words of Best Authors. Timbs, 1831. English Quotations. Roget, 1855. Poetical. Adams (H. G.), 1853. Dictionary 0/ Latin Phrases. Robertson (W.), 1827. Latin, French., Greek, Spanish, Italian. Macdonnel, 1809. See also Proverbs. Race Horse and Race Horses. Bally, 1836. History and Early Records. Horse Racing, 1863. Care, Treatment , Training. Darvill, 1 8+0. Hoiu to Buy, Train, and Run Him. Warburton (Lieut. -Col. Rob.), 1892. /;/ Training. Day (W.), 1880. Newmarket and Arabia — Descent of Racers and Coursers. Upton, 1873. Portraits of, 1702 — 1870; with pedi- grees and performances. Taunton, 1887-8. Pedigree — Description — History, 1 764 — 1887. Race Horses, 1890. See also Horse. Turf. Racing. Blaine, 1840. Suffolk (Earl of), 1887. Horse Racing, Laws and Practice of. Rous (Hon. H. J.), 1850. History and Early Records. Horse Racing, 1863. Register. Baily, 1845. Racing and Racing Reforms, Hints on. Day (W.), 1880. Three Great Runs — Waterloo, Great- wood, Harlequin. Thomson (Col. Anstr.), 1889. See also Race Horse. Turf. Racing Calendar, q. v. Raffaele : V. Raphael. Raglan (Field Marshal, Lord). Life of. Raglan, 1855. Railway, The English. History of. Francis (John), 1851. Railways. Gauge Evidence. Sidney (S.), 1846. RjVLEGH (Sir Walter). Life. Birch (Th.), 1751. Grand Cordial of Febure, 1665. Rambler, The. Beauties of. Rambler, 1787. Ramphastid.u. Gould, 1834, 1854. Raphael Saxzio d'Urbino, q. ?>. Life and Works. Passavant, 1839, 58. I 'ie et Oui'rages. Quatrem^re de Quincy, 1824, 1829, 1833. Imagine nelle Camere del Palazzo Apost. Vaticano. Bellori, 1695. 586 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Rebellion, The, in England. History of. Clarendon (Edw. Hyde, Earl of), 1704, 1707, 1717, 1807. See also England. Rebels, Trials in 1746. Foster (Sir Mich.), 1762. " Recherche, La" : v. Voyages. Record Commission, Ireland : q. v. Records. Abridgment of Parliamentary Records in the Toiver, Ediv. II. — Ric. III. Cotton (Sir Rob.), 1657. Red Sea. Voyage. Irwin, 1780. Reflexions IMilitaires et Politiques. Santa Cruz (Le Marq. de), 1740. Reform: jd« Parliament, 1864. Reformation. Iti Englayid. Blunt, 1832. Burnet (Bishop), 1681, 1829. Seizieme Siecle. Merle d'Aubignd, 1838-53. Low Countries. Brandt, 1720, i. Regal Antiquities. England. Strutt (Jos.), 1773, 1793. Regale, La. Traite General de. Caulet, 1 68 1. Lettre a Louis XIV., au stijet de la Regale. Louis XIV., 1680. Relics. Adoration of. Polyander, 1611. Inventaire des Sainctes Reliques, Abbaye de S. Denys. Millet, 1640. Religion. Amyraut, 1642. The Old Religion demonstrated. Goodman (John), 1684. Natural and Revealed, Grounds of. Stillingfleet, 1797. La Veritable Religion. Treval, 17 18. Practical Religioti. Anderson (Rev. Rob.), 1846. State of, g-iz cent. Maitland (Rev. S. R.), 1844. Certainty and Necessity of. Gastrell (Francis, Bp. of Ches- ter), 1703. Gentleman' s Religion, A. Synge, 1752. Travels of an Irish Gentleman in Search of a Religion. Moore (Thomas), 1853. &« (z/w Christian Religion. Religious Orders. Founders and Reformers. Beurrier, 1635. Histoire des Ordres, de Pun et de V autre sexe. Schoon^beck, 1688. Rembrandt. Burnet (John), 1849. Reminiscences. Teignmouth (Charles John, Lord), 1878. Rene of France. Memorials of. Ferrara (Duchess of), 1859. Rents. Agricultural Rents, Valuing. Bayldon, 1840. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 587 Reptiles. Danvin, 1838. British Reptiles. Bell (T.), 1836. Residences : see Country Residences. " Resolution, The," H.M.S. : see Voyages. Restauration, La, 1822, 23. Politique de. Marcellus, 1853. See also France. Restoration, The. Burnet (Bp.), 1734, 1809, 1833. Revelation, Christian. Certainty of. Gastrell (Francis, Bp. of Chester), 1699. Revenue of the Crown. Carew (G.), 1661. Reversionary Payments. Price (Richard), 1792. Revolution in England. Guizot, 1850. See also England. Revolutionary Epick, The. Disraeli (Rt. Hon. Benj.), 1864. Reynolds (Sir Joshua). Life and Times of. Leslie and Taylor, 1865. Rhamnus. Architectural Remains. Dilettanti Society, 1817. Rhetoric. Aristotle. Blair (H.), 1783, 1818. Essays on. 'Moir(G.), 1 85 1. Rhine, The. Tour. Buckingham (J. S.), 1845. The Rhine and its picturesque scenery. Mayhew (Hen.), 1856. Rhodes, Chevaliers de. Vertot, 1726. Richard II. Reign of. Kennett (White, Bp. of Peterb.), Vol. L, 1719. Richard HL Life of ly Sir T. More and by G. Buck. Kennett (White, Bp. of Peterb.), Vol., L, 17 19. Historic Doubts on Life and Reign. Walpole (Hor., Earl of Orford), 1768. Letters, temp. Ric. III. Fenn (John), 1787. Richelieu, Card., Due de. Histoire et Memories. Aubery, 1658, 1660. Richelieu, Marechal de. Vie Privee. Richelieu(LouisFr. de), 1790,1. " Richmond Hill," a poem. Maurice, 1807. Riding. The Functions of the Hands. Cesaresco, 1888. See also HORSEMANSHIP. RiPON Cathedral. Handbook. King (R. J.), 1869. Road-making. Parnell (Sir Hen.), 1833. Roads, Book of. Paterson (D.), 1822, 1829. Robin Hood Society, q. v. Robinson Crusoe. DeFoc, 1721. ;88 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Roche Abbey. Ave ling, 1870. Rochester Cathedral. Cathedrals, 1861. Rochester (John, Earl of). Life and Death. Burnet (Bp.), 1680. Rock-Rose : see Cistus. Rod, The : see Angling. Fishing. Roma and Rome. Historia Romana. Dion Cassius, 1548, 1584, 1586, 1750- Lives of Roman Emperors. Bernard (J.), 1741. Romana ru/n Antiquitatum ac Sculp- turiE Vestigia. Bellori, 1693. Roma Sotterranea. Bosio (A.), 1632. Numismata Pontificum Templi Vali- cani fabricam indica/ttia. Bonanni, 1700. Numismata Pontificum, Martinus V. — 1699, explicala, etc. Bonanni, 1700. Columna Antoniniana. Bellori. Columna Cochlis. Bellori, 1704. Cryptce. Romance. Bellori, 1819. Columbarium Libertortim et Servorum ditectum in Via Appia, 1726. Gorius, 1727. Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum. Graevius, 1694-9. Antiquitates Romance. Dionysius Halicarnassens, 15+6. Antichita Romane. Piranesi, 1748, 1756. Antiquities of. Adam '(.\.), 1819. Burton (Rev. E.), 1821. Hamilton (Sir W.), 1766, 7. Kennett (Basil), 1737. La Chausse, 1706. ; MA and Rome — continued. Antichita d'Albano e di Castel Gan- ' dolfo. Piranesi, 1764. Antiqucc Urbis Splendor. Lauri, 161 2. J'iaggio Antiquario. Nibbv, i8ig. Vetcres Arcus Augustorum iriumphis insignes. Bellori, 1690, 1824. Atchitectural Antiquities of. Taylor (G. L.) and Cresy, 1821, 2. Dictionary of Antiquities. Smith (William, LL.D.), 1842, 1848. S3- A ntiquitates furisprudentix. Heineccius, 1724. Antichi Sepolcri. Bartoli, 1697. Vita: Excellcntium Imperaiorum. Nepos. Emperors of. Eutropius. Paulus Diaconus, 1547. Julius CcEsar to Posturnus. Haultin, 1645. Fasti Consulares, ac Triumphi Acti. Sigonius, 1801. Origine degli Abitanti. Liguoro (Ott.), 1753. Credibility of Early Roman History. Lewis (Sir G. C), 1855. Scriplores HistoricE Romanit Lat. Vet. Scriptores, 1743-8. History of. Ammianus Marcellinus, 1609. Appianus, 1559. Arnold (Th.), 1843. Catrou et Rouille, 1725. Coeffeteau, 1637. Hooke, 1 82 1. Laetus, 1549. Livius (Titus, Patavinus). Niebuhr, 1831, 2. Paterculus, 1659. Rollin, 1738-48. Segur (Louis P., Comte de), 1843. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 589 Roma and Rome — continued. Epitome Rcnim Romanarum. Florus (L. Ann.) Commentaires sur. Sleidan, 1561-3. Istoria Romana [Engravings']. Pinelli, 18 19. History, under the Empire. Merivale (Charles), 1865. Histoire du Bas-Empire. Sdgur (Louis P., Comte de), .843. Histoire de la Repiihlique. Michelet, 1843. Decline and Fall of the Empire. Gibbon, 1839, 1855. Grandeur et Decadence des Remains. INIontesquieu, 1795. Histoire Romaine. S6gur (Louis P., Comtc de), 1843. La Rome Ridicule. Saint Amand, 1645. La Milice Romaine. Wallhausen, i6j6. De Stipcndio I\[ilitari apud Romanos. Puteanus, 1620. Dictionary of Roman Biography and Mvthology. Smith (Will'., LL.D.), 1849, 1850. Altars, Tabernacles, and Sepulchral Monuments, i^and 15 centuries. Tosi and Becchio, 1843. Architettura degli antichi Roman! . Piranesi, 1750. Agreement between Works of Roman Poets and Remains of Ant lent Artists. Spence (Rev. Jos.), 1747, .755. Camera ed Inscrizioni Sepulcrali de Libert i. Bianchini, 1727. Campus Martins. Piranesi, 1762. Carceri. Piranesi. Cimeterii di Roma. Bosio (A.), 1632. Roma and Rome — continued. Circus on the Via Appia. Burgess, 1828. Colonna Trajana. Ciacconius. Edifices Antiques. Desgodetz, 1771, 1822. Edifices de Rome Moderne. Letarouilly, 1840-50. Geography, Dictionary of . Smith (Will., LL.D.), 1854-7. Imagine nelle Camere del Pal. Apost- Vaticano, da Rafaelle. Bellori, 1695. Itinerario di Roma. Nibby, 1827. Lapidcs Capitolini. Piranesi, 1761. Magnificenza d' Architettura de' Ro- mani. Piranesi, 1761. Musei Capitolini. Capitolium, 1755. Roma, antica e moderna. Roma, 1719, 1750. Romano; Magnitudinis Monumenta. Rossi (Dom. de), 1699. Le Rovine del Castello delV Acqua Giiilia. Piranesi, 1765. Sepolcro de' Nasonii. Bellori, 1702. Antiche Lucerne Sepolcrali. Bartoli, 1691 — 1768. Topography of. Cell, .834. Topography and Antiquities. Burgess, 1831. Descrizione Topografica delle Antichila di Roma. Venuti, 1763, 1824. Troffei di Ottariano Augusta. Piranesi, 1753. // Vaticano descritio ed il lustra to. Pistolesi, 1829-38. Le Quattro principali Basiliche di Roma. Valcntini (Agostino), 1836-55. 4 G 590 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Roma and Rome — conlinued. Veduta. Roma, 1600. Zocchi, 1600. Vedute di Roma. Piranesi, 1770. Views in. Lear, 1842. Literature, History of. Dunlop (John), 1824-7. Lays 0/ Ancient Rome. Rlacaulay (Lord), 1874. A Tour in Rome. Head (Sir G.), 1849. Le Stato Romano, 1815-50. Farini, 1850, 54. La Question Romaine. About (E.), i860. Rome in i860. Dicey, 1861. Vicissitudes of the Eternal City. Whiteside, 1849. - Rome, Church of. Govea, 1609. Henricsonius, 1620. Cai'dinaux, Origine dcs. Peyrat, 1669, 1670. Le Conclave de 1700. Roma, 1700. Catholic Safeguards against errors, etc. Brogden, 1851. Costumi Sacri Romani. Barocci, 1841. // Nipotismo di Roma. Leti, 1667, 1673. Ambassade au Pape Gregoire XIII. Foix, 1628. Encroachments and Innovations. Prynne (W.), 1670. Le Pape et la Reine de Suede. Sweden, 1687. Roman Catholics. Civil Disability of. Debates on, 1 8 1 2. Roman Catholics, 1812. Romance, Modern. Essays on. Moir (G.), 1851. Romances : see Novels. Romanism. Encroachments and Innovations. Prynne (W.), 1670. See also Popery. Rome, Church of. Romans. Ancient Romans in Africa, Asia, and Europe. Fosbroke, 1828. Religione antica, casti'amentatione, bagni antichi, ed essercitii. Choul, 1559. Baths of the Romans. Cameron, 1772. See also RoMA. Romantic Fiction. Origin of, in Europe. Warton (Rev. Thomas), 1774, '775- RoMiLLY (Sir Samuel). Memoirs of. Romilly, 1 840. RoNA, a poem. Ogilvie, 1777. Rookeries of London. Beames, 1850. Rose (Rt. Hon. George). Diaries and Correspondence. Rose (Rt. Hon. G.), i860. Rose Garden of Persia. Costello, 1845. Roses. Les Roses. Redout^, 1817-24. Rose Amateur s Guide. Rivers, 1846, 1867. Rossini (Gio. Ant.) Life of. Edwards (H. Suth.), 1862. RoY.\L AND Noble Authors. Walpole (Horace, Earl of Or- ford), 1759, 1806. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 591 Royal Progresses and Processions : see Elizabeth, Queen. Royal Society of London. History of. Birch (Th.), 1756. Rubens (Sir Pet. Paul). Waagen, 1840. Li/e of. Sainsbury, 1859. Rupert, Prince. Letters. Bromley (G.), 1787. Rural Affairs. Dictionary of. Johnson (C. \V.), 1842. Rural Architecture: see Architec- ture. Rural Buildings: see Buildings. Rural Ornament. Marshall (W.), 1795. Rural Sports. Enc} 'clopccdia. Blaine, 1840. Russell (Rev. John). Memoir of, and his out-of-door Life. Russell (Rev. John), 1878. Russia. Russia, 1630. Strahlenberg, 1738. Relation curieuse de I\Ioscovie. Foy de la Neuville, 1699. Russian Discoveries between Asia and America. Coxe(W.), 1780. Memoirs, 1727-44. Manstein, 1773. Revelations of. Henningsen, 1844. Emhassay of the Duke of Holstein to, '633- Olearius, 1699, '7'9' Russia — continued. Monument eltTC a la Gloire de Pierre- le-Grand. Carburi, 1777. Catherine IL, Life of. Tooke (W.), 1798. Catherine II., Memoirs de. Catherine II., 1859. The Sovereign, a poem addressed to the Emperor Paul. Pybus, 1800. Les Fau.v Demetrius. ]\I6rim6e (Prosp.), 1854. Mission to the Court of. Malmcsbury (James Harris, Earl of), 1844. Napoleon et la Grande- Armee, 181 2. Segur (Le G6n6ral), 1825. Campaign in 1812. Clausewitz, 1843. Armed Strength of. Russia, 1873. Alexander I., Emperor. Lloyd (H. E.), 1826. Nicholas I., Accession of. Nicholas I., 1857. Survey of the Empire. Plesch66f, 1792. Travels in. Coxe (W.), 1784. Scott (Charles H.), 1 854. Slade, 1840. Voyages in. Pallas, 1788-93. Excursions into the Interior of. Bremner, 1840. Voyage dans la Russie Miridionalc et la Crimee. DcmidolT, 1840, 1853. Centuria Planlarum rariorum Rossice Meridionalis. IMarschall, 18 10. Productive Forces of. Tegoborski, 1855. Progress of Russia in the West, North, and South. Un(uhart, 1853. Transactions and Commirce with China . Coxe (W.), 1780. 4 G 2 592 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Russia — continued. La Russie en 1839. Custine, 1843. Home Life in Russia. Gogol, 1854.. The Empire, ils People, Institutions, and Resources. Haxthausen, 1856. Handbook of the principal Families in. Dolgorouky, 1858. Russo-TuRKisH War. Hoseason, 1857. Seat of War in the East. Simpson (W.), 1855-6. Kars, and Captivity in Russia. Lake (Col. A.), 1856. The Defence of Ears. Lake (Col. A.), 1857. Campaigning on the O.vus, and the Fall of Khiva. McGahan, 1 874. Russia after the War. Bunbury (Selina), 1857. See also Crime.\. Kars. Sebastopol. Ryswick, Peace of, q. v. Sable, Madame de. Cousin, 1854. Sacred and Legendary Art. Jameson (Mrs. A.), 1848, 1852. Sacrifices, Les, Traite sur. Maistre, 1850. Saddle Horses. Deteriorated Conditio7i. Saddle Horses, 1853. Sahara, Desert of. Travels in. Richardson (James), 1848. Sail- Making ; q. v. St. Asaph, Cathedral Church of. Willis (Browne), 1720. St. David's, Cathedral Church of. Willis (Browne), 1717- Saint Esprit : v. Holy Ghost. St. George's Chapel, Windsor. Pote, 1749. Saint Gregory. English-Saxon Homily on the Birth- day of. Elstob, 1709. St. John of Jerusalem. Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitallers . Vertot, 1726. Histoire des Chevaliers de VOrdre : Statuts, Privileges, &'c. Bosio (G.), 1629. Knights of. Wallen, 1836. St. Michael, Order of. Saint Michael, 1550. Saint Paul. Fight, Victory and Tritimph. Barwick (J.), i6bo. Apostolic Preaching. Sumner (J. B., Bp. of Chester), 1832. St. Paul's Cathedral. Dugdale, 1658, 1818. St. Peter's, Westminster. Abbey Church of , History and Antiqui- ties of. Dart, 1723. Neale, 1818-23. St. Petersburg. Guide to. Granville (A. B.), 1835. Saint Vincent, Island of. Saint Vincent, 1681. Saints, The. Lives of. Villegas, i6og. Sales (Francois de, £veque de Geneve. La Vie di. Rlaupas du Tour, 1657. Salisbury Cathedral. History and Antiquilies. Britton, 18 14. Cathedrals, 1861. Rawlinson (R.), 17 19. Salmon. Agassiz, 1842. British Salmonidii. Jardine (Sir \V.), 1839-41. Salmon Fishing. Davenport (W. Bromley-), 1885. Grimble, 1892. Salmon Fisheries. Law of, England and Wales. Walpole (Spencer), 1877. Sampson. Actions extraordinaire de. Verdier, 1698. Sancerre, La Ville de. His to ire de. Ler}', 1574. Sanctuaries of Tuscany. Valombrosa, Camaldoli, Laverna. Bury (Lady C), 1833. Sand (Georges), /««ien. Hawker, 1838. In the Himalayas. Markham (Col. F.), 1854. Shooting Sketches. Millais, 1892. Short-hand. Levy, 1862. Shrubs. Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum. Loudon (J. C), 1838, 1844. SlAM. Histoire de M. Constance. Orleans (Jos. P.), 1692. Kingdom and People. Bowring, 1857. Siberia. Strahlenberg, 1738. Conquest of. Coxe (W.), 1780. Oriental and Western. Atkinson (T. W.), 1858. Voyage en. Chappe d'Auteroche, 1768. Carte de la Route de Paris a Siberie. Chappe d'Auteroche, 1769. Sicilian Vespers. Amari, 1850. Sicily. The A^ormans in. Knight (H. Gaily), 1840. Fetes on the birth 0/ Prince Filippo. Sicily, 1749. Ancient Manners and Customs discover- able in modern Sicily. Blunt, 1823. Volcanos of the Tivo Sicilies. Hamilton (Sir W.), 1776. Voyage Pittoresque. D'Ostervald, 1822-6. Pictorial History. Evans (Rev. G. W. D.), 1835. Pictures from Sicily. Bartlett, 1853. Classical Tour. Eustace (Rev. J. C), 1821. Hoare (Sir Rich. Colt), 1819. Present State of. Vaughan, 1 8 1 1 . SiDDONS (Mrs.) Memoirs of. Boaden, 1831. Life of. Campbell (T.), 1834. Fitzgerald (Percy), 1871. Portraits of. Harlow, 18 19. SiDMOUTH (Henry Addington, first Vis- count). Life a?id Correspondence. Pellew, 1847. Siebenkas (Firmian Stanislaus). Richter, 1871. Sieges. Defense des Places. Beausobre, 1757. Siena. Cekbri Pitture. Siena, 1825. SiGisMUNDus Augustus. Proftctio ac Triumphus. Gonzaga, 1680. SiGNA CcELESTiA. Gevn, 1621. Sikhs, The : see Punjaub. Silesia. Atlas Silesia. Silesia, 1750. Silk Worms. Michel, 1839. Silver Coins. Amendment of. Lowndes (W.), 1695. See also Coins. Silversmiths. Designs for. Pugin, 1836. Sin. Crisp (S.), 1691. Sinai. Picturesque. Wilson (Sir C), 1880-4. Singapore. Trade and Travel. Da\'idson (G. F.), 1846. Singing. L'Arle del Canto. Crivelli. Sister of Mercy, An English. Experiences of. Goodman (Marg.), 1862. SiXTUS v., Pope. Life of Leti, 1731. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 599 Sketcher, The. Eagles, 1856. Slander, A, Autobiography of. Lyall (Edna), 1888. Slave Trade. Wilberforce (W.), 1807. famaica Movement for enforcement of Treaties. Slave Trade, 1850. Slavonic Nations. Remarks on. Wilkinson (Sir J. G.), 1848. Sleswick, Duchy of. Laing(S.), 1852. Smith (Rev. Sidney). Memoir of. Holland (Saba, Lady), 1855. Smith (Sir Thomas). Life of Strype, 1698. Snomtjon. fourney to. Pennant, 1781. SoBiESKi (Jean, Roi de Pologne). Histoire de. Coyer, 1761. Socialism : see Secret Societies. SOCIETATIS CiVILIS, JuS. Nature, Law of, 1684. Societies, Secret. Chenu, 1850. Hodde, 1850. Society. Societe Fran^aise, 1 7M sikle. Cousin, 1854. See also Court and Society. Soils. Fream, 1890. fncreasinff the Dep [sic] of. Johnson (C. W.), 1840. See also Agriculture. Husbandry. 4 H 2 6oo INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Soldier. // Soldalo. Mora, 1570. SONDERBUND, Le. Cretineau-Joly, 1850. Weber (Dr. C), 1848. Song. National Song, Origin atid Progress of. Ritson, 1 813. See also Singing. Songs. Bentley Ballads, 1862. B^ranger, 1820, 1840. Carmiriii. Bentinck (Car. Aldenb.), 1884. Ancient English Songs. Percy (Thomas, Bp. of Dro- more), 1765. English Songs. Ritson, 1 81 3. Collection of. Hive, The, 1726, 7. Songs from the Dramatists. Bell (Rob.), 1854. Irish Melodies. Moore (Thomas), 1846, 1849. Scots Songs. Thomson (W.), 1733. Austria. Spaun, 1845. Anthologie Fran(;oise : mi Chansons Choisies ei foyeuses. Monnet, 1765. Chansons Nalio?iales et Populaires dc France. Du Mersan, 1847. Choi.v de Chansons anciennes et 7nodernes. Castel (L.), 1828. Of Brittany. Taylor (Tom), 1865. Unpolitische Lieder. Fallersleben, 1840-2. Deutsche Lieder aus der Schweiz. Paul, 1843. Componimenti Lirici de' piii ilhistri Rhii d' Italia. Mathias, 1802. See also Ballads. Soudan, The. Muskau, 1845. Petherick, 1861. Soul, The. De V Esprit. Mere, 1677. Passiones Anima;. Descartes, 1656. Immortality of. Serranus, 1596. Origin, Nature and Immortality of. Davies (Sir John), 1715. See also Esprits. South Africa. Zoology of Smith (Andr.), 1849. Sporting Scenes among the Kaffirs. Dray son, 1858. South African Dia??iond Fields. Lindley (Capt. A. F.), 1873. See also Africa. South America. Voyage dans F Amerique Meridionak, 1826-33. Orbigny, 1834-47. See also America. Voyages. South Kensington Museum. Exhibition, 1862. South Pole : jc^ Voyages, 1830. South Seas. Voyage to the South Seas in the '■'■Endeavour.'''' Parkinson (Sydney), 1773. See also Voyages. SouTHEY (Robert, LL.D.) Life and Correspondence. Souther, 1849-50. Southwark. SuiTey of Rocque, 1748. History of. Pennant, 1791, 1793, 1805. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 60 1 Southwell, Notts. Antiquities of. Dickinson, 1801. Sovereigns of the World. Genealogical Tables. Betham, 1795. Spain. Chronicles. Froissart, 1523, 30, 59, 74, 1803. History of. Mariana, 1605, 1699. Short History of. Calcott, 1835. Histoire Politique de I'Espagne Modeme. Marliani, 1841. Speculum Consiliorum Hispanicoruvi. Spain, 161 7. Civil Wars. Sandoval, 1652. Moyens de resister Vcffort du Castillan. Texeira, 1598, 1641. Veritez Franqoises opposks aux Calom- nies Espagnoles. Binville, De, 1643. Antipatia de' Francesi e Spagnuoli. Garsia, 1637. Ambassade du Maresch. de Bassom- pierre en. Bassompierre, 1668. War with France. Spain, 1684. John II., Roi de Castille. Du Chaintreau, 1622. Affaires de la Couronne d'Espagne, 1700. Spain, 1 70 1. Cloister Life of Charles V. {Charles I. of Spain']. Stirling (W.), 1852. Charles II., Testament de. Mezcray, 1700. Spain, 1 70 1. Cour d'Espas;ne, sous Charles II., 1678-82. Villars, 1861. Histoire d' Elisabeth de Valois. Du Prat, 1859. Spain — continued. Succession du Due d'Anjou. Spain, 1 70 1. Actions, al Churches, England. Wickes, 1853-9. Spitzberg, Voyage au. Gaimard, 1842-56. Voyage to, in 1856. DufTerin (Lord), 1857. Sport. Davenport (W. Bromley-), 1885. Sporting Adventures of Thomas Scott, Esq. Surtees (R. S.), 1847. Sporting. Pigskin and Willow. Webber, 1883. Sporting Calendar, q. v. Sporting Life and Character. Pictures of. Lenno.x (Ld. W.), i860. Sporting Magazine, q. v. Sporting Reminiscences of Hamp- shire, 1745 — 1862. Hampshire, 1864. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 603 Sporting Review, q. v. Sporting Scenes. White, 1 840. South Africa. Drayson, 1858. Sporting Sketches. Francis (Franc), 1878. Sports. Baily's Magazine, 1871. Sports and Pastimes. England. Strutt (Jos.), 1801. Sports in Foreign Lands. Napier (Maj. E.), 1840. Sportsman, A. Reminiscences of. Handy, 1882. Instruction to Young Sportsmen, as to Guns and Shooting. Hawker, 1838. Spectacles for Foung Sportsmen. Bindley, 1846. Sportsman's Directory. Mayer (John), 1838. English Sportsman in the Western Prairies. Berkele}', 1861. Stable Talk. Bindley, 1846. Stables. Stable Architecture. Knightlcy, 1762. Staffordshire. Natural History of. Plot, 1 68b. Stage, The. History of, from the time of Garrick. Boaden, 1825. Our Old Actors. Baker (H. B.), 1878. Lives of the Players. Gait (John), 1831. Stage — continued. " Their Majesties' Servants." Annals of the English Stage. Doran, 1864. The Stage. Bunn (A.), 1840. See also Theatre. Stage Favourites. Our Actresses. Wilson (Mrs. C. B.), 1844. Stampe : V. Engravings. Starfishes, British. Forbes (Edw.), 1841. State, The : see Church and State. State Affairs. Memorials, Q. Elis. and fames I. Winwood, 1725. Foreign Negotiations, 1697 — 1708. Cole (Christian), 1733. State Intelligence, 1849-52. Bulletins, 1850-53. State Letters. Inland, temp, fames II. Clarendon (Hen. Hyde, Earl of), 1763. State Papers. Hen. VIII.— Q. Eliz. Burghley, 1759. Lcltersand Memorials of State, Q. Mary to Cromwell. Sydney (Sir H.), 1746. Stale Papers, 1501 — 1726. Hardwicke (Earl of), 1778. Rebellion in England. Clarendon (Edw. Hyde, Earl of), 1767-86. 1638 to the Restoration. Thurloc, 1742. William III. Carstares, 1774. 6o4 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. State Papers — continued. State Papers, 1823-6. State Papers, 1827. State Papers, 1836-7. Portfolio, The. States General of France. Mhnoire presente, 1683. Castel-Moncayo, 1684. See also France. Statesman : see Senator. Statesmen, British. Lives of. RIacdiarmid, 1820. Time of Geo. HI. Brougham, 1843. Stationers' Company. Extracts from Registers, 1570 — 1587. Stationers' Company, 1849. Statuary. Ancient. Dallaway (James), 1816. See also Statues. Statues. Galerie des Arts, 1836. Sandrart, 1680. Statues et Busies A ntiques. Cabinet du Roi, 1677, 1679. Statucc antiques. Museum Florentinum, 1731-66. Raccolta di Statue antiche e moderne. Rossi (Dom. de.), 1704. Iconographie Grecque. Visconti, 1808-11. Iconographie Romaine. Visconti, 1817-26. Ancient Greek and Roman Statues in Venice. Zanetti, 1740-3. Compositions in Alarble at Rome. Gibson (John), 1861. See also Statuary. Statutes. Statutes. Ancient Statutes, Ohservations on. Barrington, 1769. Digest to Statutes, 1 2 24 — .'821. Statutes, 1822. Digest, Magna Carta to 1821. Tyrwhitt and Tyndale, 1822. Statutes of Ireland, 1310 — 1800. Statutes, Ireland. Steeple Chase Calendar, 1826-44: q.v. Ireland, 1848-50: q.v. Steeple Chasing. Suffolk (Earl of), 1887. Stewarts, The. Genealogical History of. Stuart (Andr.), 1798. Stock Exchange. Chronicles and Characters. Francis (John), 1851. Stomach Disorders. Graham (T. J.), 1824. Stonehenge. Stukeley, 1740. Stones : see Precious Stones. Stones, Ancient. Corsi, 1828. Stones of Venice, The. Ruskin, 185 1-3. " Stonewall Jackson " : see Jackson (Lieut.-Gen. T. J.), 1864-6. Stowell (Lord). Sketch of the Life of . Surtees(W. E.), 1846. Strafford (Thomas Wentworth, Earl of). Letters, Dispatches, and Life. Strafford, 1739. Lif of Macdiarmid, 1820. Trial of. Rushworth [Vol. 8], 1659 — 1701, 1721. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 605 Strange (Sir Rob.) Memoirs of. Dennistoun, 1855. Strength of Materials. Tate, 1850. Stuart Papers. Browne (James), 1851. Stuarts, The. Reign of: see England. Stuccoes. In Churches and Palaces in Italy, 1 5 and 1 5 cenl. Gruner, 1844. Stud Book. Stud Book. Hackney Slud Book, 1884-90, q.v. Shire Horse Stud Book, q. v. Kennel Stud Book. V}ner, 1841, 1892. Stud Book FRAN9AIS, q. v. Succession. Right of Succession to the Kingdom of England. Craig, 1703. Succession : v. Mobilier Francais. Suez Canal. Saint-Hilaire, 1857. Summons of the Nobility to Parlia- ment, &c. From 49 Hen. III. Dugdale, 1685. SUNIUM. Architectural Remains. Dilettanti Society, 181 7. Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands. Stowe (Harriet Beecher), 1 854. Superstitions. Smedlcy, 1855. Truths contained in Popular Super- stitions. Mayo, 1849. Supper, The Last : v. Cenacolo. Communion. Surgery. Abernethy, 1827. Arbulhnot (J.), 1751. Dissection of Muscles. Browne (John), 1697. Surgeons. Recept- Taschenbuch. Walther, 1847. Surinam : v. Insects. Surrey. History and Antiquities. Aubrey, 17 19. Lysons, 1796. Sussex. Coast of. Gilpin (\V.), 1804. swabia : t. schwaben. Sweden. Rerum Succicarum Historia. Loccenius, 1654. Descriptio Geographica. Hurtern, 1600. Histoire de la Reine Christine. Christine, 1668. Le Pape et la Reine de Suide. Sweden, 1687. Charles XII., Histoire de. Nordberg, 1748. Travels in. Coxe (W.), 1784. Tour in. Laing (S.), 1839. Sketches in. Beaumont (A. de), 1840. SwT[FT (Jonathan, D.D.) Remarks on the Life and Writings of. Orrery (John Boyle, Earl of), '75«- Observations on the life and Writings of Delaney (P.), 1754. Life of Swift. Forster (John), 1875. Sheridan (Thomas), 1784. 4 1 6o6 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Switzerland. Account of, 1714- Stanyan, 1714- Histoire Naturelle dcs Glaciers. Grouner, 1770. Voyage in. Patin, 1695. Travels. Chamier, 1855. Coxe (W.), 1794. Keysler, 1757. Journey through. Thomson (W.), 1835. Tour in. Buckingham (J. S.), 1845. Tour and Residence, 1 8 1 7- 1 g . Simond, 1822. Letters from, 1841. Yates (Mrs. Ashton), 1843. Mont Blanc, The Story of. Smith (Albert), 1853. Views, Qfc. Beattie, 1836. In 1847. Miigge, 1847, 1848. Popular Education. Arnold (M.), 1861. Eidgenossenschaft. Miiller u. Blotzheim, 1825. See also Tyrol. Sword, The. Angelo, 1763, 1817. E' Exercice de PEpee. Liancourt, 1^92. See also Fencing. Sydenham (Charles, Lord). Life of. Scrope (G. Powlett), 1844. Sydney (Algernon). Works, Life and Trial. Sydney (Alg.), 1772. Sydney (Sir Philip). Life and Writings of. Zouch, 1808. Symonds (Rear Adm. Sir William). Life and Services. Symonds (Sir W.), 1858. Synonyms. English Synonyms. Crabbe (G.), 1806. Latin. Dumesnil (M. J. B. G.), 1819. Of the New Testament. Trench (Rich. Chenevix), 1858 Dictionary of Italian Synonyms. Tommas6o, 1838. Syria. Conquest of. Ockley, 1708, 171 8. View of. Perry (C), 1743. Drau'ings. Roberts (David), 1842. Table Talk. Rogers (Sam.), 1856. Tables, Valuation. Willich, 1859. Tacitus. Commentarius in Annates. Ruperti, 1825. Tactique ]\Iilitaire. Saxe (Le Mar^chal de), 1762. Tadmor, in the Desert. Ruins of. Wood (Robert), 1753. Tafilette (Emperor of Barbary). Histoire de. Tafilette, 1670. Tales. Conies Facecieux. Gaulard, 1608. See also Novels. Tallyho. Sketches of Hunting, Coaching, &c. Whitehurst, 1878. Talpa. Chronicles of a Clay Farm. Hoskyns (C. W.), 1857. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 607 Tapestry. Tapestry Hangings in the House of Lords. Pine, 1739. Les Qtiaire Elemens et les Quatre Saisons. Cabinet du Roi, 1670. Tartary. Strahlenberg, 1738. Krim-Tarlar\\ Travels in. Spencer (Edm.), 1839. Mantchu Tartary, Travels in. Fleming (G.), 1863. Chinese Tartary. Atkinson'(T. W.), 1858. Task, The, a poem. Cowper (W.), 1855. Tasso (Torquato). Life of. Milman (Rev. R.), 1850. Invenzioni sul poema deW Goffredo. Pinelli, 1826. Taste. Principles of. Knight (R. P.), 1808. Nature and Principles of. Alison (A.), 1825. Tatler, The, q. v. Beauties of. Spectator, 1787. Taxation. In England, History of. Tayler, 1853. Principles of. Ricardo, 1819. Levy and E.xpendilure. Peto, 1863. Local Ta.xation. Local Government, 1882. Tea. Duncan (D.), 1705. Tea Countries. China, and the Himalaya. Fortune, 1853. Telemachus, Adventures ok. FiJn^Ion, 1768. Temple (Sir Will.) Memoirs of the Life, \Yorks, &'c. of. Courtenay, 1839. Terlon (Le Chev. de). Memoircs, 1656-61. Terlon, 1682. Terracottas. Ancient, in the British Museum. Combe, 1810. Terre Sainte : v. Holy Land. Testament, Old and New. Biblia Sacra. Testudinata. Bell (T.), 1836. Tetraonina : v. Grouse. Theagenes and Chariclia, Adven- tures OF. Heliodorus, 1717. Theatre. Plautus, 183 1-7. The&Ire des Grecs. Brumoy, 1759, 1826. British Theatre. Bell (John), 1778. Inchbald, 1808. Memorials of London Theatres. Wilkinson (Rob.), 1825. Modern Italian Theatre. Rolandi, 1822. ThMtre. Corneille, 1774- Histoire du Thldtre Francois. De iSIouhy, 1752. Thidtre Fran<;ais, reign of Louis XV. Cochrane, 1879. Of Paris. Hervey (C), 1846. See also Farces. Plays. Stage, The. Theatre, p. 417 in Catalogue. Thebais, Deserts OF. Irwin, 1780. Theophra.<;tus. Characters of Howell (Francis), 1824. 41 2 6o8 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. " Thetis, La," Voyage de : v. Voyages. Thibet, Chinese. Journey from, lo the Indian Caucasus. Wilson (Andrew), 1876. Things, Nature of. Lucretius. Thirty-nine Articles, The. Gary (Rev. H.), 1835. Thirty Years' War. Schiller, 1828. Thoricus. Architectural Retnains. Dilettanti Society, 1817. Thorwaldsen. Life of Thiele, 1865. Thoughts. Past Thoughts tested by subsequent events. Newcastle (Henry Pelham, Duke of), 1837. Thrushes, Ant and Water. Gould, 1880. Thuanus (Jac. Aug.) Vie de. Thuanus, 1 7 1 j . Timber. British Timber Trees. Blenkarn, 1862. Management of Wood. Cruikshank, 1830. Du Transport, de la Conservation, Force, &c. Duhamel du Monceau, 1767. See also Forest Trees. Forestry. Trees. Timber Houses. 15M and ibth centuries. Pugin, 1836. Titian. Life and Works. Hume (Sir Abr.), 1829. Titles of Honor. Selden, 1672. See also Nobility. TocQUEViLLE (Le Gomte Alexis de). Correspondence, dfc. with W. Nassau Senior. Tocqueville, 1872. Toilette DES Dames. Celnart, 1827. Tolerance of Papists : see Popery. Tombe. Memoires d' Outre- Tombe. Chateaubriand, 1849. Tombs. Sarcofagi, Urne, Sfc. del Campo Santo di Pisa. Lasinio (Paolo), 18 14. See also Sepulchral Monu- ments. Sepulchres. Tonadillas. Historiettes en action. Scribe, 1838. TONQUIN. Voyages in. Tavernier, 1684. Topography. Antiquities of Gt. Britain and Ireland. Gough, 1768. Topographical Dictionary. England. Carlisle (N.), 1808. England, and Islands of Guernsey, fersey, and Man. Lewis (S.), 183 1. See also Gazetteer. Tortoises. Bell (T.), 1836. Toucans. Gould, 1834, 1854. Tournements. Traite des Tournois, foustes, Car- rousels, etc. Menestrier (Claude Fr.), i66g. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 609 Tours. Vacation Rambles and Thoughts. Talfourd, 1845, 1854. See also Travels. TouRZEL (Mad. la Duchesse de). Memoires, 1789-95. Tourzel, 1884. Towers and Spires. Mediccral Churches, England. Wickes, 1853-9. Trade. Discourse of. Child, 1751. Trade and Commerce. Dictionary of. Postlethwayt, 1751-5. Traditions and Superstitions. Smedley, 1855. Tragedies. .^schylus. Alfieri, 1821. Beaumont and Fletcher, 1679, 1846. Euripides. Kotzbuc, 1815, &c. Manzoni, 1845. Shakespeare. Sophocles. Talfourd, 1846, 1853. Theatre. Castilian, The. Talfourd, 1853. See also Drama. Plays. Theatre. Traitors : see Treason. Trajana Colonna. Ciacconius. Transcaucasia. Amotions and Races. Haxthauscn, 1854. Transylvania. Paget (John), 1839. Trapping Animals. Fortin, 1695. Travellers' Club House. Architecture of. Barry (Sir C), 1839. Travels. Collection of. Churchill (A. & J.), 1744-7. Greater Britain — English Speaking Countries. Dilke, i8b8. Europe, 6'f., In. Struys, 1684. Crudities of Travels in France, Savoy, &c. Cor)'at, 1 6 1 1 . Ten years' Travel through Germany, Stvitzerland, Poland, Italy, &fc. Moryson, 161 7. Germany, Italy, Greece and Asia. Drummond (A.), 1754. Africa. Park (Mungo), 1799. Asia and Africa. Parsons, 1808. See also Names of various Countries. Treason. The Ende of Traytors. Crompton (R.), 1587. See also Trials. Treaties. European Treaties, from the Peace of Westphalia to 18 15. Koch (C. G.), 1 818. Between France and Foreign States, Qr-c. since 1621. Treaties, 1651. Recueil concernant V Autriche el V Italic. Treaties, 1859. Trees. Forest Trees, Discourse of. Evelyn, 1776, 1786. Forest Trees. Browne (James), 1851, 61, 82. Portraits of Forest Trees. Strutt (J. G.), 1822, 1825. British Timber Trees. Blenkarn, 1862. 6io INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Trees — continued. Our Woodland Trees. Heath (F. G.), 1878. Acacia Tree. Withers, 1842. Cone-bearing Trees. Lambert, 1837. Richard (Louis C. M.), 1826. See also Pine Trees. PiNETUM. Arboretum et Fruticetum Britati?iicum. Loudon (J. C), 1838, 1844. Forest Trees 0/ North America. Michaux, 1810-13, 1819. Planting Ornamental Trees. Standish and Noble, 1852. Traite des Arbres et Arbustes. Duhamel du Monceau, 1755, 1825. La Physique des Arbres. Duhamel du Monceau, 1758. Des Semis et Plantations des Arbres. Duhamel du INIonceau, 1760. Die Wild-Baumzucht . Lenz, 1843. See also Forest Trees. Forestry. Timber. Trench (Mrs. Richard). Remains of. Trench (Mrs. Rich.), 1862. Trent, Council of. Histoire du Concile. Sarpi, 165s, 1736. Trials. Rebels, in 1746. Foster (Sir IMich.), 1762. Hastings ( Warren). Burke (Rt. Hon. E.), 1786. Naval and i\Iilitary. Burke (P.), 1866. Criminal Trials, Scotland, 1536 — 1784. Arnot, 1785. See also Causes Celebres, '737-59- Trials, pp. 425, 26, of Cat. Trigonometry. Airy, 1855. Trinity, The. Gastrell (Francis, Bp. of Ches- ter), 1698. Tripoli. Flat de. Barbary, 1704. "Troade, La." Voyage de, 1786-7. Lechevalier, 1803. Trochilid.e. Gould, 1861. Trogonid^. Gould, 1838, 1875. Tromp (Corneille, Amiral). Vie de. Tromp, 1694. Troon. Kirkwood (Rev. J.), 1875. Troy. Vindication of Homer and other poets who have recorded the Siege and Fall of Jlorritt, 1798. Troy Town, Astonishing History of, 1888 : q.v. Truth. Investigation of. Abercrombie (J.), 1830. Truth, Primitive. Traces of, in the principal Nations of the World. Ross (Rev. J. L.), 185S. Truths : see Bible Truths. Tub, a, Tale of. Swift, 17 10. Tucker (Henry St. George, Chairman of the E. L Co.) Life and Correspondence. Kaye, 1854. Tudor Architecture. Fxemplars of. Hunt (T. F.), 1830. See also Architecture. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 6ii Tudor Furniture. Hunt (T. F.), 1830. Tunis. Voj'age. Breves, 1630. Recueil Historique, 1666. £/d/ de Tunis. Barban-, 1704. TuRco-RussiAN War. See Crimea. Russo-TuRKiSH War. TuRENNE (Le Vicomte de). Ramsay (ISI. A.), 1735. La Mori de. Turenne, 1675. Turf, The. Aiuials of. Hore (J. P.), 1885.6. History of the British Titrf. Whyte (James Christie), 1 840. See also Horse-Racing. Race Horse. Racing. Turin. La Rcale Galleria. Azeglio (Rob.), 1841. Turkey. Origine, progrez, el declin de V Empire. Lusinge, 1514. Growth and Decay of the Ottoman Empire. Cantemir, 1735. History of the Turks. Knolles, 1638. De Turcantm I\Iorilius. Georgievitz, 1598. History of the Ottoman Empire. Jacob (Samuel), 1854. Rycaut, 1671. Histoire de la Turquie. Lamartine, 1855. Turkey, Old and Xew. Menzics, 1880. Stale of the Empire. Marmont, 1839. Ambassadcs en. Busbequius, 1646. Voyages in. Tavernier, 1684. T u R KEY — conlin tied. Clrimonies Turques. Le Hay (M. de), 1714, 15. Tour in. Darner, 1841. Travels in European Turkey, 1850. Spencer (Edm.), 1851. Diary in Turkish JVaters. Carlisle (Earl of), 1854. fournal, 1857-8. Senior, 1859. Views in the Ottoman Dominions in Europe, Asia, Qfc. Mayer (L.), 18 10. Views, chiefly in Caramania. Mayer (L.), 1803. Naval, Military Po7i'er, and Resources. MacFarlane, 1829. Military 'Tour in European Turkey. Macintosh (Maj.-Gen. A. F.), 1854. The Eastern Question. Campbell (Sir G.), 1876. See also Constantinople. Crimea, The. russo-turkish War. Turkeys. Mariot-Didieux, 1854. TuRKisTAN, Russian. Journey in. Schuyler, 1876. Turks. De Turcarum Morihus. Georgievitz, 1598. See also Turkey. Turner (J. M. W., R.A.) Life of Tiiornbury, 1862. Tuscany. Vedute delle Ville, etc. Zocchi, 1757- Tuscan Sculptors. Perkins, 1864. Life in Tuscany. Crawford'(M. S.), 1859. DizionarioGeographico-Fisico-Storico. Repetli, 1833-46. 6l2 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Twopenny Post-Bag. Moore (Thomas), 1813, 181! Tycoon, The : see Japan. Typography. Annaks Typographici. Maittaire, 17:9-41. Typographical Anliquilies. Ames, 1 8 19. Tyrol, The. Tour in. Buckingham (J. S.), 1847. On Foot through the Tyrol. White (Walt.) 1856. Tyrol Scenery. Frommel. Tyrol. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Key to. Stowe (Harr. Beecher), 1853. " Undine, The," Our Cruise in. Our Cruise, 1854. United Provinces. Etat des Prottler (Alex. F.), 1834. Universal History, 1747-54. See also History. Universe : see World. Upper Ten Thousand, The. Anecdotes of. Berkeley, 1867. " Uranie, L' " : V. Voyages. Urbino, Dukes of. Memoirs of. Dennistoun, 1851. Usher (James, Abp. of Armagh). Life. Parr (Rich.), 1686. Vacation Rambles : see Tours. Valuation Tables. Willich, 1859. Vancouver Island. Four I'ears in. Mayne (R. C), i86z. Van Dyck (Sir Anthony). Memoir of. Carpenter, 1844. Varnisher's Guide. For different kinds of Painting. Tingry, 1816. Vases. Vasi Fit til i. Inghirami, 1835-7. Etruskische und Kampanische Vasen- bilder. Gerhard, 1843. Vaticano. // Vaticano dcscritto ed illustrato. Pistolesi, 1829-38. See also Roma. Vaudoises. Eglises Evajigeliques. Leger, 1669. Vegetable Substances. Used in the Arts. Library of Entertaining Know- ledge, 1830. Velasquez. A nd his Works. Stirling (W.), 1855. Vendee, La. Hisloire de La Vendee MilHaire. Cretineau-Joly, 1840. Vendors and Purchasers. Law of. Sugden, 1839. Venetian Painters. Ridolfi, 1648. Pi I lure a Fresco de' principali Maestri Veneziani. Pictures, 1760. See also Painters. Painting. Venice. Venice. Istoria della Repuhhlica. Laugier, 1778. Lstorici delle cose Veneziane. Venetia, 1718-22. Politique Civile etMililaire des Venetiens. La Haye, 1669. Quarrels of Pope Paul V. with the Slate of Venice. Sarpi, 1626. Embassy. Alb6ri, 1840. Ancient Greek and Roman Statues in Venice. Zanetti, 1740-3. Ses principaux Monuments. Rouargue. Fahriche piii cospicue. Venetia, 1815-20. Examples of the Architecture of Venice. Ruskin, 1851. Pinacoteca della Imp. Reg. Accad. Veneta. Zanotti (F.), 1834. Incogniti deir Accad. di Venetia. Brusoni, 1647. The Stones of. Ruskin, 1851-3. " Venus, La" : v. Voyages. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 613 Vere Family. Collins (A.), 1752. Vernon Gallery. Engravings from the Works of British Artists in. Vernon (Rob.), 1849-53. Vernon, House of. Historical Memoirs of. Vernon, 1848. Versailles, Chateau de. I'ues, Plans, etc. Cabinet du Roi, 1684. ' Divertissements. Cabinet du Roi, 1676. LaFestede Versailles, 1% fuillet, 1668. Cabinet du Roi, 1679. Versailles. U Escalier des Ambassadeurs. Cabinet du Roi. Galeries Historiques de. Gavard, 1838-41. Grotte de Versailles. Cabinet du Roi, 1679. Labyrinthe de Versailles. Cabinet du Roi, 1679. Plaisirs de V Isle Enchantee. Cabinet du Roi, 1673. Veterinarian, The, 1828-42 : q. v. Veterinary Art. Spooncr, 1851. Veterinary Medical Associaiiox. 1836-41 : q. V. Via Appia, The. Circus on. Burgess, 1828. Vicar ok Wakeiield, Thi;. Goldsmith (O.), 1854. Victor Immanuel IL et le Ph'mom EN 1858. La Varcnne, 1859. 4 K 6i4 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Victoria, Queen. Court and Cabinets of. Buckingham (R. G., Duke of), 1861. Life and Reign. Macaulay (James, M.D.), 1887. founial of Life in the Highlands, 1848-82. Victoria (Queen), 1868, 1884. Victoria Cross, The. Chronicle of Deeds of Personal Valour. Victoria Cross, 1865. Victories, Military. Anderson (Col. R. P.), 1873. Vienna. Court of, 1694-8. Lexington Papers, 1851. La Cour, 1705. Freschot, 1705. Galerie I?np. Roy ale au Belvedere. Haas, 1 82 1 -8. ViLLAFRANCA. Peace of Debranz, 1850. Villas. Designs for. Goodwin (Francis), 1834. See also ARCHITECTURE. Vine, The. Kolges, 1837. Shaw (T. G.), 1863, 1864. Cultivation of Husenbeth, 1839. Cultivation on Open Walls. Hoare (C), 1837. Culture of. Speechly, 1790. Vigneron Franqais. Thi^baut, 1836. Wein ttnd Tafltratiben. Babo u. Metzger, 1836. Culture, in S. Germany. Bronner, 1842. Vineyards. Li England. Speechly, 1790. Virgil. Antiquissimi Virgiliani Codicis Frag- inenta. Bartoli, 1742. CoUatione Scriptorum Gracorum illus- Iratus. Ursinus, 1747. Etudes sur Vergile. Tissot, 1825-30. Commentary on the jEneid. Classical Manual, 1827. Travesti en vers burlesques. Scarron, 1668. Virginibus Puerisque. Stevenson (Rob. L.), 1881. Virtue. Nature and Obligations of. Rutherford, 1744. VisiONi Politiche, 1671 : q.v. Visits and Sketches. At Home and Abroad. Jameson (]\Irs. A.), 1834. Vitje : V. B10GR.4.PHY. Vitruvius Britannicus : see Architec- ture, 1717. Viviparous Quadrupeds : see Quadru- peds. Vocalists, Female. Memoirs of celebrated. Clayton (Ellen C), 1863. Volcanos. Of the Tivo Sicilies. Hamilton (Sir W.), 1776. Voyages. Hakluyt (R.), 1589-1600. Collection of. Clyirchill (A. and J.), 1744-7. Voyages Adventurettx. Pinto, 1645. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 615 Voyages — continued. I'oyages Curitux. Th^venot, 1663-72. Les Passaiges doiillnmcr failz par Its Franqoys. INIamerot, 15 18. Penihle Voyage oilour de V Univers. Olivier du Nort, 1610. Round the World, hy way of the South Sea, 1719-22. Shelvocke, 1726. Voyage round the World, 1740-4. Anson (Geo., Lord), 1748. Round the World in the "Resolution." Forster (G.), 1777. Voyage autour du_A/onde, 1790-92. Warchand (Etiennc), 1797-9. Voyage autour du Monde de "La Boudeuse " et " L'Etoile." Bougainville (L. A.), 1771. Voyage autour du Monde de " La Thetis" et " L' Esperance." Bougainville (Le Baron de), 1828, 1837. "Zrt Troade," 1786-7. Lechcvalier, 1803. Voyage autour du Monde de "La Perouse." Labillardiere, 1797-1800. Round the World, 1803-6, in the " Nadeshda." Krusenstern, 1810-35. Autour du Monde, sur " L' Uranie" et " La Physicienne." Freycinet, 1824-44. Autour du Monde, sur " La Coquille." Duperrey, 1828. Autour du Jifonde, sur "La Favorite," 1830-2. Laplace, 1833-39. Autour du Monde, sur "La Venus." Du Petit-Thouars, 1840-55. Voyage autour du Mond, 1836, 7, sur " La Bonite." Vaillant (.M.), 1840-66. Arctic Regions. Barrow (John), 181 8. North Pacific Ocean. Broughton (\V. R.), 1804. Voyages — continued. Towards the North Pole. Phipps (Const. J.), 1774. Voyage aux Mers Polaires, 1 85 1 , 2. Ballot, 1854. North- West Passage, 1819-23. Parry (Capt.y, 1821, 1824. The Southern Hemisphere. Hawkesworth, 1773. Voyage to Antarctic Polar Circle. Sparrmann, 1786. Voyage to the South Seas in the " ICn- deavnur." Parkinson (Sydney), 1773. South Pole, and Round the World. Cook (James), 1777. Voyage de " U Astrolabe " au Sud Pole, ^c. Dumont d'Urville, 1830, 41, &c. Voyages dans I'Ancienne France. Nodicr, 1820-63. Nouvelle France . Champlain, 1627. Europe, Africa, and Asia. Struys, 1684. Voyages fails en Afrique et en I'Aiiie- rique. Voyages, 1684. Russia, and Northern Asia. Pallas, 1788-93. Turkey, Persia, Lndies. Tavernier, 1684. Voyage de Larnnt, 1 62 1 . Hayes, 1645. Pacific Ocean. Cook (James), 1785. To Lndia, Ceylon, Abyssinia, and Egypt, 1802-6. Valentia (Geo., \'isc.), 1809. Lslande et Groenland, sur " La Re- cherche." Gaimard, 1838-52. Scandinavia, L^apland, &'c., 1838-40. Gaimard, 1842-56. Chili and Peru. Frczier, 1717. 4 K 2 6i6 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Voyages — continued. Hudson's Bay. Ellis (Hen.) 1748. Dans Vlnthieur de V Amerique du Nord, 1832-4. Maximilien (Prince de Wied- Neuwied), 1840-3. To Nav South Wales in ''Lady Nelson." Grant (James), 1803. See Hakluyt Society. Russia. Travels. Waldenses. Bray, 1712. Wales. Itinerary of Bp. Baldivin, 1 188. Giraldus de Barri, 1806. Antiquities of. Grose, i-jii-ii. Tour in. Pennant, 1778. Wyndham, 1781. Principal Roads of. Ogilby, 1675. Singularitez Naturelles. Childrey, 1667. Seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen. Neale, 1822-3. Wales (Prince of). La Chaise, 1688. La Mere du pretendu Prince de Galles. Fuller (W.), 1696. Wales (Geo. Fred. Aug., Prince of). Birth of. Wales (G. F. A., Prince of), 1 762. Walpole, Horace, Lord. Memoirs of. Coxe (W.), 1802. Walpole (Sir Robert). Life and Administration of. Coxe (W.), 1798, 1816. Wanderer, A, in Search of Health. Notes of, in Italy, Egypt, Greece, etc. Gumming (W. F.), 1840. War. Art of Emhattailing. /Elianus, 161 6. Discorso di Guerra. Centorio, 1559- La Charge du Mareschal des Logis. Solemne, 1632. Pratiques et rnaximes de PArt Mili- taire. De Quincy (Le Marq.), 1726. Defense des Places. ^neas Tacticus, 1757. Beausobre, 1757. War, The Art of. Nouveaux Systemes sur I' Art de la Guerre. Saxe (Le Mar6chal de), 1762. Modern Warfare as influenced by Modern Artillery. MacDougall, 1864. War and Peace. De fure Belli ac Pads. Grotius, 1689. Rights and Duties of Belligerents and Neutrals in Maritime Affairs. Ward (Robert), 1875. Ward (William). Life and Times of. Marshman (John C), 1859. Warfare : see War, Art of. Warwickshire. Antiquities of. Dugdale, 1656, 1730. Waterloo Campaign, 1815. Hooper (G.), 1862. Poem on the Battle of Waterloo. Whitehead (W.), 1820. Water Thrushes. Gould, 1880. Watt (James). Mechanical Inventions of. Muirhead, 1854. ^ INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 617 Wealth of Nations. Smith (Adam), 1776, 1817. Weather Book. Fitzroy (Rear-Adm. R.), 1863. Wedgwood (Josiah). Life of. IMeteyard, 1865-6. Wedgivood, and his works. Meteyard, 1873. Memorials of. Metcyard, 1874. Wedgwood Handbook. Rleteyard, 1875. Weights and Measures. Ancien/, Tables of. Arbuthnot (C), 1727- Welbeck. Description and Sketches of remarkable Oaks. Rooke, 1790. Sketches for a New House in the Park. Repton, 1803. Plan of Gothic Hall, shorving position of Shields bearing Arms and Crests. Welbeck Abbey. Prints to verify Portraits at Welbeck. Welbeck Abbey. Wellesley (Richard, Marq.) Memoirs and Correspondence. Pearce (R. R.), 1846. W ELLIXGTON (Arthur, Duke of). Life of Alexander, 1839. Brialmont, 1858-60. Maxwell (W. H.), 1839-41. Yonge, i860. Despatches. Wellington (Arth., Duke of). Ma.xims and Opinions. Wellington (Arth., Duke of), "845- Wells Cathedral. Cathedrals, 1861. History and Antiquities. Britton, 1824. Welsh Bards. Musical and Poetical Relicks of. Jones (E.), 1784. West Indies. Histoire des Indes. Maffei (J. P.), 1604. Geographical and Historical Dictionary. Alcedo, 1 8 15. Voyages. Le Blanc, 1649. Voyage to Barbados, Na'is, St. Chris- topher, famaica. Sloane, 1707. Neiv Surrey of. Gage (T.), 1648, 1699. Expedition to. Gardiner (Capt. R.), 1762. History, Gfc. of British Colonies in. Edwards (Bryan), 1801. Western Empire, The. History, Charlemagne to Charles V. Comyn, 1841. See also Rome. Westfrisia. Principes. Scriverius, 1650. Westminster. Sunvy of the City of. Rocque, 1748. Stow (John), 1720. History of. Pennant, 1791, 1793, 1805. Architectura Ecclesiastica. Clarke (Charles), 1820. See also London. Westminster Abdey. Historical Memorials of. Stanley (Arth. P.), 1868. See also St. Pe rER, West- IMinstek. 6i8 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Westmoreland. History and Antiquities. Nicolson (Joseph) and R. Burn, ■777- Mountains and Lakes. Gilpin (W.), 1808. Whale. Bell (T.), 1836. Whately (Rich., Abp. of Dublin). Memoirs of. Fitzpatrick (W. J.), 1864. Wheat. Cultivation of. Blaikie, 1828. Whig Party, The. ]\Ic}noirs of. Holland (Hen. Rich., Lord), 1852-5- White-Knights. Seat of the DuJ^e of Marlborough, Account of. Hofland, 18 19. Whiteford. History of. Pennant, 1796. White's Club: q. v. WiCLiFF (John). Life of. Gilpin (W.), 1765. Wiesbaden. Mineral Wells of. Peez, 1830, 1833. Ville de Wiesbade. Rullmann, 1827. Wild Fowl. Kno.x (A. E.), 1850. WiLDFOWLiNG. Clements (L.), 1880. Wilkes (John). Correspondence. Wilkes, 1805. Wilkie (Sir David). Life of. Cunningham (Alan), 1843. William the Conqueror. History of, by fohn Milton. Kennett (White, Bp. of Peter- borough), Vol. I., 1719. Life of. Roscoe (Thomas), 1846. William HI. Chevalier (N.), 1692. Plot to assassinate. William HI., 1693, 1696. Vota Oxonicnsia. Oxford University, 1689. // Prodigio delta Natura e delta Gratia. Leti, 1695. Revolution, 1688. State Tracts, 1707. Letters of. William HI., 1704, 1848. State Papers. Carstares, 1774. William IV. Court and Cabinets of Buckingham (R. G., Duke of), 1861. William of Wykeham, Bp. of Win- chester. Life of. Lowth (Rob., Bp. of Oxford), •777- Williams (John, Abp. of York). Hacket, 1693. Wills. Ecclesiastical furisdiction. Selden, 1683. Wilson (Gen. Sir Robert). Lif of Wilson (Gen. Sir R.), 1862. Wilton House. Antiquities atid Curiosities of. Kennedy (James), 1769. Winchester Cathedral. History and Antiquities. Britton, 1817. Cathedrals, 1861. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 619 Windsor Castle. History and Antiquities. Pote, 1749. Illustrations of. Wyatville, 1841. Wine. Shaw (T. G.), 1863, 1864. Origin, A'ature, and Varieties. Thudichum, 1872. Ancient and Modern. Barr)- (Sir E.), 1775. Wine and Wine Countries. Tovey, 1862. Gatherings from Wine Lands. Wine, 1855. Bordeaux Wines. Cocks, 1846. Its Use and Taxation. Tennent, 1855. Guide for the Cellar. Husenbeth, 1839. WiRTEMBERG (Le Duc de). Les Etats du Duc. Ganiarre, 1682. Wisdom. Charron (P.), 1607. Wit. Foundling Hospital for Wit, 1749. WoBURN Abbey. History of. Robinson (P. F.), 1833. Hortus Gramineus Wobumensis. Sinclair (G.), 1843. Pinetum Wobumense : q. v. WoLSEY (Thomas, Cardinal). Negotiations, Life and Death. Cavendish, 1641. Life of Fiddes, 1827. Life and Times. Grove (J.), 1744- Women. Les Femmes Illustres. Scudery (G. de), 1644. Caracteres dcs Femmes du Siecle. Prigny, 1699. Women — continued. Portraits de Femmes Franf., Ch. VII. — Louis XVI. Iconographie Frangaise, 1840. Femmes Illustres, France, 17M siecle. Cousin, 1854. Illustrious Women, Lives of. Tillotson (John), 1858. Autograph Letters and Signatures of Illustrious Women ofG. Britain, 14-19 centuries. Netherclift, 1838. Wonders, A World of. Stephanus (Hen.), 1608. Wood (Anthony k). Life of Huddesford, 1772. Wood : see Timber. Trees. Woodcraft. Train, 1838. Wood Engraving. Jackson (John), 1839. //; Italy, i^th cent. Lippmann, 1888. See also ENGRAVING. WOODNOTES OF A WANDERER. Ramsay (John), 1848. Woodwork. Can-ed Oak Woodivork, 1 6 and 1 7 cent. Sanders, 1883. Wool. Improi'cment of British Fine Wool. Trimmer, 1828. Wool and the Wool Trade. Blacklock, 1838. Woolen Manufacture, England. Lowndes (T.), 1745. WooLSEY : see Wolsey. 620 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Worcester Cathedral. History and A ntiquities. Britton, 1835. Cathedrals, 1864. Worcestershire. Hislorv of. Nash (T.), 1781-99. Words. Best Words of best Authors. Timbs, 1 83 1. See also QUOTATIONS. Worksop. History of. Eddison, 1854. Guide to. Sisson, 1888. World, The. History of. Becker, 1828. Guthrie, 1767. Hovvel (W.), 1680. PHnius (Gains, Secundus). Ptolomasus, 1598. Pufendorff, 1753-9- Ralegh, 1652, 1736. Ross (A.), 1652. Description Generate du Monde. D'Avity, 1643. Description de /' Univers. Mallet, 1685, 6. Chorography and History. Heylyn, 1703. Gnida per lo ]\Iondo. Dionysius Periegetes, 1838 "World, The," Beauties of. Rambler, 1787. Worlds, Plurality of. Fontenelle, 1686. Whewell, 1853. Wren (Sir Christopher). Life and Works. Elmes (J.), 1823. Writ : see Baronies by Writ. Writing. Origin and Progress of. Astle, 1784. Paleograph ie Un ii 'erselle. Silvestre, 1841. Writs. N'ew Natura Brevium. Fitzherbert (A.), 1755- WiJRTEMBURG : V. WiRTEMBERG. Wye, The River. Gilpin (W.), 1800. Wykeham : see William of Wykeham. Xavier (St. Francis). Lif of Bouhours, 1688. Yedo : see Japan. York, Metropolitical Church of. History and Antiquities. Britton, 18 ig. Handbook of the Cathedral. King(R. J.), 1869. York and Lancaster. Union of the Noble Families of. Hall (E.), 1550. York and Lancashire Regiment, 1756-1884, q.v. Young (Thomas, ;\LD.) Life of. Peacock (G.), 1855. Yucatan. Voyage Pittoresqtie et Archeologique, 1834-6. Waldeck, 1838. Yvery (The House of). Genealogical History of. Anderson (James), 1742. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 621 Zeeland. Principes. Vosmerus, 1578. " Zelee, La " : v. Voyages. ZiNCALI. Gypsies of Spain. Borrow, 1846. ZiscA, Life of. Gilpin (W.), 1765. ZoNARAS (Joannes). Historic di. Zonaras, 1564. Zoology. British Zoology. Pennant, 1768-70, 1776. Of North America. Richardson (John), 1829. North Africa. Riippell, 1826-30. Of South Africa. Smith (Andr.), 1849. &«a/w Natural History. Zurich. FussU, 1843. Le Pai.v de Zurich, 1859. Tchihatchef, 1859. LONDON : rRINTKD BY C. F. ROWORTH, GREAT NEW STREET, FETfER LANK— K.C. 4 L Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. RUG 2 2 195S AUG i- ^^ OCT 251996 n Form L9-42m-8,'49 (35573)444 THE LIBRARY ^ufijjjir ♦Z997 P83c II II II II II II II D 000 4C */ ^^