UC-NRLF B M b^7 3=17 GROLIER CLUB 29 EAST 32D STREET er'SilSVs) THE BRADFORD EXHIBITION «S«)ig^ OPEN DAILY BETWEEN TEN A. M. AND SIX P. M., AND EVENINGS BETWEEN EIGHT AND TEN, FROM APRIL FOURTEENTH TO APRIL TWENTY-FIRST, INCLUSIVE NEW YORK 1893 I LitiRARY SCHOOL i;!;; ^ ALMANACKf ^ For the Year of Cfarlftian hcmuns T tt, I <5 o 4. ^ ^ And from the Creation of tbc Worfd ^ ^ But bj Keplas Computation 5587, T M Being the fecond after Leap- Year, % g» The Epaa is 14. Golden Number 4^ ^ and Dominical Letter C ^ Containing Matters NeceJTary and ^ ^^ Ufeful, chiefiy accoiao^ated to the ^ ^ Lat. of 49 Degrees, but may without* ^ feniible Error for ve the Places a^ifficentv ^■•■ from Next>Jokmd-Land to the Capes of 'c^ c-3o ^___,» .^ ^ ^' By Dmkl heeds y PhilcnGran # «3o _— t^ #) A. Motto, taught by theSons of ^;r/»ii.. i& ^ ;?f tobsbornup-^er Mercury difpofetbm to imfJVitf^ ^ .J, ifwi M«ie»^ Japiter" to^er.vnMy, we do m o-me- ^i IJ? Tlmksunto tbem, bur unto that Meriifui mud ^ ^ that drdtrH our indifftrent tS UncmAtn Nathmss ^^ ^ o I ■» J i J EXHIBITED AT THE GROLIER CLUB IN COM- MEMORATION OF THE BICENTENNIAL OF THE INTRODUCTION OF PRINTING INTO NEW- YORK, APRIL 1 4 TO 21, 1 893 INTRODUCTION. The " art and mystery of printing," as old Bradford calls it, was introduced by him into New- York in 1693. September 10 of that year being the date of the first semi-annual warrant issued for the payment of his salary as " Printer to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary for the Province of New- York," the corresponding day in the preced- ing month of April is the accepted time of his permanent settlement in New- York. The pres- ent exhibition is designed to commemorate this anniversary. In the numerous specimens of the first Bradford's press here assembled an effort has been made to present an example of every year of his work as a printer in this country, and in so doing to select from the material available a collection which would include the most important works produced by him. To this have been added examples of nearly Q M16S069 4 INTRODUCTION. all the other printers of New- York before the Revolution. These are not only illustrative of the progress of the art during the colonial period, but, in a measure, are a tribute to Bradford's influence in New-York, as they are to a considerable extent the after-work of the apprentices whom he inducted into the craft. Zenger, whose name is inseparable from the history of the liberty of the press; Parker, the best New- York printer of his time ; and De Foreest, Bradford's successor, were among these. Bradford's connection with Pennsylvania as her first printer and as the progenitor of a family located there from which has sprung more than one man of national repute, ren- ders a representation of the issues of the press in that province also appropriate. For nearly the same reasons New Jersey is included; and as Delaware was then legally but an ap- panage of Pennsylvania, the title of the ex- hibition has been made to include printing in the middle colonies. The exhibition has been still further varied by the addition of two cases of books not relating to Bradford. The first of these illustrates the printed history of New Netherland and New-York while under Dutch and English rule. The second is illustrative INTRODUCTION. 5 of printing in the other British- American col- onies, from the establishment of the first press at Cambridge to the first appearance in print of Washington, the central figure of the new era in the western world. To the individual contributors to the ex- hibition, members of the club or not, the com- mittee, in conformity with the custom of the club, can extend only thanks without specific mention. On this occasion, however, the ex- hibition would have been but meager without the aid of public institutions. The thanks of the club are due to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia College of Physicians, the New Jersey Historical Soci- ety, the Boston Public Library, and in New- York city to Columbia College and to the Bar Association, for a liberality not too often met with on the part of similar bodies, in placing their collections at the disposal of the committee for this occasion. lA The references throughout the catalogue are to : A Bibliographical and Historical Essay on the Dutch Books, etc., relating to the New-Nether- land. By G. M. Asher. Amsterdam, 1854-67. The Issues of the Press in Pennsylvania, 1685-1784. By Charles R. Hildeburn. Phila- delphia, 1885-86. J CATALOGUE. BRADFORD IN ENGLAND. I The Frame of Government of the Province of Pennsilvania in America : Together with certain Laws agreed upon in Eng- land by the Governour and divers Free- men of the aforesaid Province, [n. p.] Printed in the Year MDCLXXXII. Foho. On the occasion of his examination before the Governor and Council of Pennsylvania in 1689, in reply to the question, *• By whose order did yoii print it [the Frame of Government or Charter] in Eng- land?" Bradford answered, "By Governour Penn's." Wallace's Address, p. 52. As this is the only edition of the first charter printed in England before 1689, it must have been printed privately by Bradford on one of his master's (Sowle) presses. BRADFORD IN PHILADELPHIA. 1685 2 Kalendarium Pennsilvaniense, or, Amer- ica's Messinger. Being an Almanack For the Year of Grace, 1686. By Sam- 3 CATALOGUE. uel Atkins, Student in the Mathamaticks and Astrology. Printed and Sold by William Bradford, sold also by the Au- thor and H. Murrey in Philadelphia, and Philip Richards in New York; 1685. Sm. 8vo. (h. I.) One of the two known copies of the first issue of Bradford's press in America. Besides the matter is- sued in such publications, it contains on the third page Bradford's inaugural of " the great Art and Mystery of Printing into this Part of America." 3 Good Order Established in Pennsilvania and New-Jersey in America. By Tho- mas Budd. Printed in the Year 1685. Sm. 4to. (h. 2.) The first book printed in America by Bradford, of which not more than eight copies are now known to exist. 1686 4 An Almanack for the Year of Christian Account 1687. By Daniel Leeds. Print- ed and Sold by WilHam Bradford, near Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, pro Anno 1687. Folio, (h. 5.) This — the first almanac issued by Leeds — is a broadside intended to be hung up in some conspicuous place for ready reference. But two perfect copies exist. Watson, the annalist of Philadelphia and New-York, possessed a copy which he divided into two equal parts, giving the upper half to one library, and the lower part to another ! CATALOGUE. 9 1687 5 The Excellent Privilege of Liberty and Property Being the Birth-Right of the Free-born Subjects of England, [n. p. n. d.] i6mo. (h. 7.) This compilation was made by William Penn for the instruction of the people of his new province. It is mainly made of Magna Charla, Penn Patents, and the frame of government granted by him. It is an- nounced as " in the Presse " by Bradford at the foot of the almanac for 1687. The only known copy. 1688 6 The Temple of Wisdom for the Little World. Collected, published and in- tended for a general Good, by D[aniel] L[eeds]. Printed and Sold by William Bradford in Philadelphia, Anno 1688. i2mo. Of this curious hodgepodge of the wisdom of Ba- con, the wit of George Withers, and the vagaries of Jacob Bohm, but two copies are known. i68g 7 The Presbyterian and Independent Visi- ble Churches in New-England and else-where, brought to the List. By George Keith. Philadelphia, Printed and Sold by Will. Bradford, Anno. 1689. Sm. 8vo. (h. 17.) The first work published in America by George Keith, the leader in the schism among the Pennsyl- vania Quakers, and one of the early and most active missionaries of the Church of England in America. lO CATALOGUE. 1690 8 The Pretended Antidote proved Poyson : Or, the true Principles of the Christian & Protestant Religion Defended. By- George Keith. Philadelphia, Printed by Will. Bradford, 1690. Sm. 8vo. (h. 22.) This is Keith's defense of his Presbyterian Churches from the attack of Mather, Willard, and other New- England divines in The Principles of the Protestant Religion Maintained. This copy is in the original binding. The fly-leaves are made of unused sheets of Budd's Pennsylvania. i6gi 9 A Modest and Impartial Narrative of several Grievances and Great Oppres- sions that the Peaceable and most Con- siderable Inhabitants of their Majesties Province of New- York in America, Lie Under, by the Extravagant and Arbitrary Proceedings of Jacob Leysler and his Accomplices, [n.p.n.d.] Sm.4to. (h. 28.) Dated in New- York this 21st of January, Annoq. Domini 1690, — that is, 1690-91, — and printed by Brad- ford soon afterward. The only copy known. 10 A Christian Epistle to Friends in General of Weighty Concern, for their present and future Peace and Safety from the Soul's Adversary's subtil Devices and Snares of Death. By George Whitehead. Printed and Sold by William Bradford at Philadelphia, 1691. Sm. 4to. (h. 29.) CATALOGUE. I I 1692 ii^An Appeal from the twenty-eight Judges to the Spirit of Truth and true Judg- ment in all faithful Friends called Quakers that meet at this Yearly Meet- ing at Burlington, ymo, 1692. [n. p. n. d.] Folio, (h. 39.) For printing this protest of George Keith against the action of the meeting of " Public Friends " (Quaker Preachers) in forbidding him to preach, Bradford, Keith, and others were arrested and imprisoned. The persecution of the former, arising from his action in this publication, led to his removal to New-York. 12 The Christian Faith of the People of God called in scorn Quakers in Rhode Island Vindicated. Printed and Sold by Wil- liam Bradford at Philadelphia in Penn- sylvania in the Year 1692. Sm. 4to. (h. 42.) In this tract Keith continued his controversy with the New England divines, and at the same time opened print the Keithian schism in the Society of Friends. 13 The Plea of the Innocent against the False Judgment of the Guilty, [n. p. n. d.] Sm. 4to. (h. 55.) Printed by Bradford in 1692, and written by George Keith and Thomas Budd, both of whom were arrested by the Quaker magistrates of Philadelphia and fined ;^5 ^^ch for publishing it. 14 A Vision concerning the Mischievious Seperation among Friends in Old Eng- land. Printed and Sold by Will. Brad- 12 CATALOGUE. ford at Philadelphia, 1692. Sm. 4to. (H- 53-) " Collected and arranged under this false title by George Keith, for an evil purpose, to pass off as George Fox's." — Joseph Smith. 15 Some Reasons and Causes of the Late Seperation that has come to pass at Philadelphia betwixt us, called by some the Seperate Meeting, and Others that meet apart from us. [n. p.n.d.] Sm. 4to. (H. 49.) This is the first tract issued by Keith after the "Separation." It was printed by Bradford in 1692. 1693 16 A Confession of Faith given forth from the Yearly Meeting at Burlington the 7th of 7th moneth, 1692. Printed and Sold by William Bradford in Philadel- phia 1693. Sm. 8vo. The Keithian Confession of Faith. One of two copies known. 17 The Heresie and Hatred which was falsly charged upon the Innocent justly re- turned upon the Guilty. Passages of a late Dispute in Writing, betwixt John Delavall and George Keith. Printed and Sold by William Bradford at Phila- delphia, Anno Dom. 1693. Sm. 4to. (h. 62.) The last page contains Bradford's offer to print a reply by Delavall or any other of Keith's opponents : " Not that I want to beg their work, I need it not, but CATALOGUE. I3 to leave them without excuse, that if they be any way wronged or falsely charged by what is published in print to the world, they may have equal priviledge to vindicate themselves as publickly ; though I have little cause to make this offer to them, considering their many abuses of me." 18 An Almanack and Ephemerides for the Year of Christian Account 1693. Printed and Sold by William Bradford, 1693. Sm. 8vo. (h. 65.) The last almanac printed by Bradford in Philadel- phia. One of two copies known. BRADFORD IN NEW-YORK. 1693 19 New England's Spirit of Persecution transmitted to Pennsylvania and the pretended Quaker found persecuting the true Christian-Quaker, in the Tryal of Peter Ross, George Keith, Thomas Budd and William Bradford. Printed in the Year 1693. Sm. 4to. Probably the first issue of Bradford's press in New- York. One of five copies known. 20 Anno Regni Gulielmi & Mariae, &c. Qiiin- to. An Act for granting the Rate of One Penny per Pound upon the clear value of all Estates and Six Shillings per Head upon such as are not other- wise rated by the Act of the Province of Pennsilvania. [n. p. n. d.] Folio. Printed by Bradford early in June, 1693. This is No. I in Dr. Moore's list of Bradfords in his Introduction of Printing into New- York. One of two copies known. 14 CATALOGUE. 1694 21 The Laws & Acts of the General Assem- bly for their Majesties Province of New York, as they were enacted in divers Sessions, the first of which began April the 9th, Annoq. Domini, 1691. At New York, Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to their Ma- jesties, King William & Queen Mary, 1694. Folio. The first edition of the laws of New-York, of which only seven copies — two of them imperfect — are known to exist. This is the only uncut copy known. 22 An Almanack for the Year of Christian Account 1694. New York. By Daniel Leeds, New York: Printed and Sold by William Bradford 1694. Sm. 8vo. The only known copy of the first almanac printed in New- York. The advertisement on the last page sets at rest the question as to where Keith's Truth Advanced was printed, and establishes its claim to be the first book printed in New-York. The title-page is for the first time reproduced in facsimile as a fron- tispiece to this catalogue. 23 Truth Advanced in the Correction of many Gross & hurtful Errors. By George Keith. Printed in the Year 1694. Sm. 4to. The first book printed in New- York, Bradford's earlier publications having been only pamphlets or broadsides. It was probably issued in April or May, 1694. In the almanac for 1694 it is said, "the Laws will be speedily printed," while Truth Advanced is announced as "now in the press." CATALOGUE. I $ 1695 24 The Fifth Assembly, First Sessions. [Colo- phon] Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to his Majesty, King William, at the Sign of the Bible in New York, 1695. One of the " Session Laws " issued in continuation of the collection of 1694. 1696 25 A Letter of Advice to a Young Gentle- man leaving the University concerning his Behaviour and Conversation in the World. By R. L[ingard]. Printed and Sold by VV. Bradford, Printer to his Majesty, King William, at the Bible in New York, 1696. Sm. i2mo. First printed in London in 1671. 26 Le Tresor des Consolations Divines et Humaines, ou Traite dans lequel le Chretien peut apprendre k vaincre et a surmonter les Afflictions et les Miseres de cette vie. A New York, Chez Guil- laume Bradford, k I'Ensigne de la Bible, 1696. Sm. 8vo. The second book printed in French in the British colonies. It was issued at the expense of a Mr. Pin- tard, in consequence of a vow made by him during a serious illness. The only known copy. I 6 CATALOGUE. 1697 27 [An Almanac for 1697. By John Clapp. New York : William Bradford, 1697.] Sm. 8vo. The author of this — the fourth or fifth, and not the first — New- York almanac kept a tavern "about two mile without the City of New-York, at the place called the Bowry." A notice of this almanac, with extracts of the most interesting portions, appeared in Valentine' s Manual for 1853. No other copy than this imperfect one is known. 28 News of a Trumpet sounding in the Wil- derness, or the Quakers ancient Testi- mony revised, examined and compared. By Daniel Leeds. Printed and Sold by William Bradford at the Bible in New York, 1697. i6mo. A bitter attack on the Society of Friends. One of two copies known to be extant. 1698 29 The Case Put & Decided by George Fox, and other the most ancient & eminent Quakers between Edward Billing, and some West Jersians headed by Samuel Jenings, In an award relating to the Government of their Province, [n. p. n. d.] Sm. 4to. Written by Daniel Leeds and printed by Bradford in 1698. The quaintly worded title is unfortunately too long to insert in full. 30 A Letter from a Gentleman of the City of New York, to another. Concerning the CATALOGUE. 1 7 troubles which happen'd in that Prov- ince in the time of the late happy Rev- olution. Printed and Sold by WiUiam Bradford at the Sign of the Bible in New York, 1698. Sm. 4to. This tract relates to the Leisler affair. Only three copies are known to exist. 1699 31 By his Excellencey Richard Earl of Bello- mont, Governour of New York. A Pro- clamation. Printed by William Brad- ford, Printer to the Kings most Ex- cellent Majesty in New York, 1699. Folio. This proclamation against the Scotch settlement at Darien is believed to be unique. 32 An Almanack for the Year of Christian Ac- count 1699. By Daniel Leeds. Printed and Sold by William Bradford at the Bible in New York, 1699. Sm. 8vo. 1700 33 Gospel Order Revived, being an Answer to a Book lately set forth by the Rev- erend Mr. Increase Mather, President of Harvard Colledge, &c. entituled The Order of the Gospel. Printed in the Year 1700. Sm. 4to. On the verso of a leaf preceding the title is the ad- vertisement : " The Reader is desired to take Notice that the Press in Boston is so much under the aw of the Reverend Author whom we answer, and his 1 8 CATALOGUE. Friends, that we could not obtain of the Printer there to print the following Sheets, which is the only true Reason why we have sent the Copy so far for its Im- pression, and where it printed [jzc] with some Diffi- culty." There is a second issue of the tract in which the last seven words are omitted. The "advertise- ment " produced a great sensation in Boston. 17OI 34 Acts made the 7th Assembly and 3d Ses- sion, [n. p. n. d.] Folio. The "Session Laws " of New-York for 1701. 1702 35 An Account of the Illegal Prosecution and Tryal of Coll. Nicholas Bayard, in the Province of New-York, for sup- posed High-Treason, in the year 170^. Printed and Sold by William Bradford, at the Sign of the Bible in New- York, Mdccii. Folio. One of three copies known. Bayard was sentenced to be hanged, drawn, and quartered; but, on appeal to the King in Council, the proceedings against him were declared to have been illegal. 1703 ^6 A Reply to Mr. Increase Mather's Printed Remarks on a Sermon preached by G. K. at Her Majesty's Chapel in Boston, the 14th of June 1702. By George Keith. Printed and Sold by William Bradford at the Bible in New-York, 1703. Sm. 4to. CATALOGUE. 1 9 1704 37 A Little Olive Branch put in the Mouth of that (so called) Noah's Dove. Printed and Sold by William Bradford at the Sign of the Bible in New-York, 1704. Sm. 4to. The only copy known. 38 Some of the many false, scandalous, blas- phemous & self contradicting Assertions of William Davis, faithfully collected out of his book entituled Jesus the Crucified Man. [n. p. n. d.] Sm. 4to. Written by George Keith and the Rev. Evan Evans, Rector of Christ Church in Philadelphia, and printed by Bradford in 1704. 39 An Answer to Mr. Samuel Willard, His reply to my printed sheet called a Dangerous and hurtful Opinion main- tained by him. By George Keith. Printed and Sold by William Bradford at the Sign of the Bible in New-York, 1704. Sm. 4to. 40 The Notes of the True Church. A Ser- mon preached at Trinity Church in New York, the 7th of November, 1703. By George Keith. Printed and Sold by William Bradford at the Sign of the Bible in New- York, 1704. Sm. 4to. 41 The great Necessity & Use of the Holy Sacraments of Baptism & the Lords Supper. A Sermon preached at Trinity 20 CATALOGUE. Church in New York the 28th of Novem- ber, 1703. By George Keith. Printed and Sold by William Bradford at the Sign of the Bible in New York, 1704. Sm. 4to. 1705 42 Anno Regni Annae Reginae Tertio et Quarto [su]. London, Printed. And Re-printed by William Bradford, Printer to the Queens most Excellent Majesty in New-York, 1705. Folio. Three Acts of Parliament regulating trade. 1706 43 A Sermon preached at Trinity Church in New York, at the Funeral of the Right Honourable Katharine Lady Combury. By John Sharp. Printed and Sold by William Bradford at the Bible in New York, 1706. Sm. 4to. Lord Combury, who was Governor of New- York at the time of his wife's death, applied to the Assembly for a grant of money to give her remains a public funeral; the Assembly refused the application, but added they would be happy to grant his lordship one. 1707 44 Several Laws, Orders & Ordinances estab- lished by the Mayor, Recorder, Alder- men and Assistants of the City of New York conven'd in Common Council. Printed and Sold by William Bradford at the Sign of the Bible in the City of New York, 1707. Folio. The earliest edition of the city laws extant. CATALOGUE. 2 1 1708 45 Grondlyche Onderricht van Sekere Voor- name Hoofdstrucken^ der Waren, Lon- tern, Saligmakenden, Christelycken Leere, Gegrondet op den Grondt van de Apostelen en Propheten, daer Jesus Christus de Hoecksteen. Door Justus Falckner, Minister te N. York. Ge- druckt te Nieuw York by W. Bradfordt, 1708. This catechism is probably the first book printed in Dutch in America. 1709 46 An Alarm Sounded to prepare the Inhab- itants of the World to meet the Lord in the way of his judgments. By Bath. Bowers, [n. p. n. d.] Sm. 4to. The first tract by a woman written and printed in the middle colonies. 47 The Book of Common Prayer and Ad- ministration of the Sacraments. And other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the Use of the Church of England. Together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David, printed as they are to be sung or said in Churches. Printed and Sold by William Bradford in New York, 1710. Sm. 4to. The first and only issue of the English Prayer-Book in America before the Revolution. The vestry of Trinity Church was obliged to come to Bradford's relief, as he was a heavy loser by this publication. This copy is the only perfect one known to exist. 2A 22 CATALOGUE. 48 The Laws of Her Majesties Colony of New York, as they were enacted in di- vers sessions, the first of which began April the 9th, Annoq; Dom., 1691. Printed by William Bradford, Printer to the Queens most Excellent Majesty for the Colony of New- York, 17 10. Folio. The second edition of the laws of New-York. 1711 49 A Platform of Church-Discipline agreed upon at Cambridge 1649. New York. Printed by William and Andrew Brad- ford 17 1 1. Sm. 8vo. One of the very few books bearing the imprint of a partnership which lasted but a year. 1712 50 The Great Concernment of Gospel Ordi- nances manifested in a sermon at the ordination of the Reverend Mr. Jona- than Dickinson. By Joseph Morgan. Printed by William and Andrew Brad- ford in New York, 1712. i6mo. 1713 51 The Portsmouth Disputation Examined. Being a brief Answer to the Arguments used by the Anti-Psedo-Baptists in the Disputation held at Portsmouth be- tween some Baptist and Presbyterian CATALOGUE. 23 Ministers. By Joseph Morgan. Printed and Sold by William Bradford in New- York, 1 6 13. i6mo. 52 The American Almanack for the year of Christian Account 17 13. By Daniel Leeds. Printed by Will. Bradford in New York, 17 13. Sm. 8vo. The last of the series begun in 1686 by Daniel Leeds. 53 The Churches Quarrel Espoused, or a Reply in Satyre to certain Proposals made, in Answer to this Question, What further Steps are to be taken in the In- terest of the Churches in the Country ? Printed and Sold by William Bradford in N. York, 17 13. i6mo. The first edition of the Rev. John Wise's revolt against the attempt of the Mathers to create an asso- ciation of ministers which should exercise the authority belonging to the individual churches. 1714 54 Leeds 17 14. The American Almanack for the year of Christian Account 17 14. By Titan Leeds. Printed by Will. Bradford in New- York 17 14. Sm. 8vo. The preface contains a valedictory from Daniel Leeds, beginning, " It is now 27 years that I have supplyed my Country-men with a Diary gratis," and concluding with a promise of assistance to his sixteen- year-old son, whose name appears on the title. 24 CATALOGUE. 55 War with the Devil, or, the Young Man's Conflict with the Powers of Darkness, &c. By B. K. The Twelfth Edition, [n. p. d. about 17 14.] i6mo. A volume of poems by Benjamin Keach, a Baptist preacher, who died about the beginning of the eighteenth century. This volume, printed by Bradford not earlier than 1 713, is interesting from the verses prefixed by him and his wife, both of whom, in " Com- mendation " or " Vindication of this Book," fell into poetry very much in the style of Silas Wegg. 1715 56 The History of the Kingdom of Basaruah. Printed, and Sold by the Book-sellers in Boston, 17 15. i6mo. The author of this " very curious allegory " is sup- posed to be the Rev. Joseph Morgan. It was very popular in the colonies, and was several times re- printed. This, the first edition, although " Sold by the Book-sellers in Boston," was printed by Bradford. 57 The Morning and Evening Prayer, the Litany, Church Catechism, Family Prayers, and several Chapters of the Old and New Testament, Translated into the Mahaque Language by Law- rence Claesse. Printed by William Brad- ford in New York, 17 15. Sm. 4to. The first " Mohawk Prayer-Book," and the first book printed in an Indian dialect in New-York. Ex- cepting the English title, it is wholly in Mohawk. 1716 58 Lex Parliamentaria, or a Treatise of the Law and Custom of the Parliaments of CATALOGUE. 25 England. By G. P. London, Printed, and Reprinted in New-York and Sold by William and Andrew Bradford in New York and Philadelphia, 1 7 1 6. Sm. 8vo. This manual was compiled by George Petyt, and first published in London in 1690. 1717 59 Remarks upon Mr. Gales Reflections on Mr. Walls History of Infant Baptisms. Printed for and sold by T. Wood. [n. p. n. d.] Sm. 8vo. This is the first published work of the Rev. Jonathan Dickinson, the first President of the College of New Jersey. Although dated Elizabeth Town, March 25, 1 716, the then first day of the EngHsh year, Bradford's receipt for printing it is dated Aug. 24, 171 7, from which it is supposed the date should have been March 25, 1 716-17. 60 The Laws and Acts of the General As- sembly of his Majesties Province of Nova Caesarea or New Jersey. Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty for the Province of New Jersey, 17 17. Folio. The second collected edition of the laws of New Jersey. 1718 61 Acts passed at a General Assembly begun and held at Perth-Amboy, in New- Jersey, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighteen, [n. p. n. d.] Folio. Thirteen unnumbered pages, printed by Bradford in 1718. 26 CATALOGUE. I719 62 The Laws of His Majesties Colony of New York. Printed by William Brad- ford, Printer to the Kings most Ex- celent Majesty for the Colony of New York, 1 7 19. Folio. The fourth edition of the laws of New-York printed by Bradford. 1720 63 Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Province of New- York, June, 17 19. [n. p. n. d.] Folio. Printed by Bradford in 1 720. 172I 64 Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Province of New-York, July, 1721. [n. p. n. d.] Folio. 1722 65 Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Province of New- York, in July, 1722. [n. p. n. d.] Folio. 1723 66 An Ordinance for Regulating the Times of Sitting of the Courts of Judicature in the Province of New-Jersey, [n. p. n. d.] Folio. Printed by Bradford in 1723. CATALOGUE. 27 1724 67 An Essay on Scripture-Prophecy, Where- in it is Endeavoured to explain the three periods contained in the XII. Chapter of the Prophet Daniel. Printed in the Year Mdccxxiv. Sm. 4to. By William Burnet, a son of the famous Bishop of Salisbury, and then Governor of New-York and New Jersey. It is, typographically, the handsomest book printed by Bradford. 1725 68 Klagte van Eenige Leeden der Neder- duytse Hervormde Kerk, woonende op Raretans in de Provincie van Nieu- Jersey. Over het Gedrag, Aldaar en Elders, van Do. T. J. Frilinghuisen, met syn Kerken Raaden. Ten Ant- woord op hunne Ban-dreygende Daag- Brieven, &c. Aan alle Liefhebbers der Waarheyd, ter ondersoek, voorge- steld, hoe die Gegrond zyn, of Niet. Uytgegeven door de Gevolmagtigden der gemelde Leeden. Te Nieu-York, Gedruckt by William Bradford en J. Peter Zenger. 1725. Sm. 4to. The only book known with this joint imprint. Some members of the Dutch Reformed churches near the Raritan, having accused the Rev. Mr. Frelinghausen of preaching false doctrine, were finally expelled from the church by him. They published this volume in vindi- cation of their conduct. 1726 69 The True State of Mr. Rou's Case, or, a Short Discourse concerning his differ- 28 CATALOGUE. ence with the present Consistory of the French Church in New- York. Printed and Sold by WilHam Bradford in the City of New-York, 1726. Sm. 8vo. This is Rev. Louis Rou's statement of his side of the question in the attempt of the consistory to remove him from his post as pastor of the French Church. He was successful in resistance to their efforts, and died in 1 750, after holding the office for over forty years. 70 Anno Regni Georgii Regio Duodeci- mo. At a Session of the General As- sembly for the Province of New York, begun the 5th of April 1726 the follow- ing Acts were passed. Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty for the Province of New York, 1726. Folio. 1727 71 The History of the Five Indian Nations depending on the Province of New- York. Printed and Sold by William Bradford in New- York 1727. Sm. Svo. The original edition of Colden's Five Nations. 72 Obadiah Palmer and others, Complain- ants, against Jacobus Van Cortland & Adolph Philipse, Defendants. In Can- cellaria Novae Eborac. [n. p. n. d.] FoHo. This suit was brought to determine the title to the ** Great Neck " at Mamaroneck. But one other per- fect copy is known. CATALOGUE. 29 1728 73 An Ordinance for Establishing the Reme- dies for abuses in the practise of the law. [Colophon] Printed by Wil- liam Bradford, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty for the Province of New- York, 1728. Foho. 74 The Decree in the case of Solomon De Medina and others Complainants, against Rene Het and others Defen- dants. In Cancellaria Nova Eborac. Printed and Sold by WilHam Bradford in New York, 1728. Folio. One of two perfect copies known. 1729 75 The Secretary's Guide or Young Man's Companion. The Fourth Edition. Printed and Sold by William Bradford in New-York, 1729. Sm. 8vo. Compiled by Bradford himself about 1697. In his address "To the Reader," he says: " It is now above thirty years since I first compiled this short Manual, during which time several Impressions have sold off, and each time it has been Reprinted, it has been en- larged, and now in this fourth Edition, thou wilt find many additions, in order to make it more useful than heretofore." 1730 76 Acts of Assembly passed between 1726 and 1730. [n. p. n. d.] Folio. A continuation of the revision of 1726. Printed by Bradford in 1730. 30 CATALOGUE. I73I 77 Laws, Orders & Ordinances Established by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New York, conven'd in Common Council, for the good rule and government of the In- habitants. Printed and Sold by William Bradford in the City of New- York, 1 73 1. Folio. 1732 78 Leeds, 1732. The American Almanack for the Year of Christian Account 1732. By Titan Leeds. Printed and Sold by William Bradford in New- York and Andrew Bradford in Philadelphia, [n.d.] Sm. 8vo. 1733 79 The Charge of the Honourable James DeLancey, Esq; Chief Justice of the Province of New- York, to the Gentle- men of the Grand Jury for the City and County of New York, on the 15th day of January, 1733. New- York. Printed and Sold by William Bradford. 1733. Folio. This " Charge " is mainly devoted to the subject of libels, and may be looked upon as the first step in the prosecution of Zenger. It must not be overlooked that the date of the imprint is a technically legal one, and that to conform to common usage it should have been 1733-4- CATALOGUE. 31 1734 80 Mr. Smith's Opinion humbly offered to the General Assembly of the Colony of New York, one [sic] the Seventh of June, 1734. At their request. Occa- sioned by sundry petitions of the In- habitants of the City of New-York, &c. praying an Establishment of Courts of Justice by Act of Legislature. Printed and Sold by WilHam Bradford in the City of New York, 1734. Folio. The opinion by William Smith is followed by one by Joseph Murray, another distinguished colonial lawyer, on the same question. 81 The Report of the Committee of His Majesty's Council to whom it was re- ferred to examine and make enquiry touching a Letter found in the house of Mr. Alexander. In order to make the fullest discovery concerning the Author of the same. New-York, Printed and Sold by William Bradford, 1734. Folio. 1735 82 The Necessity of Religious Violence in order to obtain durable happiness. A Sermon by Gilbert Tennent. Printed and Sold by William Bradford in New- York. [1735.] Sm. 8vo. 1736 83 Some Necessary and Important Considera- tions directed to all sorts of people. 32 CATALOGUE. Taken out of the writings of Sir Mat- thew Hales [sic]. Printed and Sold by William Bradford in New York, 1736. Sm. 8vo. 1737 84 The Gospel Method of Salvation or the condemned state of man, and the way appointed by God for his recovery con- sidered in three Sermons. By Samuel Blair. Printed and Sold by William Bradford in New York, 1737. Sm. 8vo. 1738 85 The American Almanack for the year of Christian Account 1738. Printed and Sold by William Bradford in N. York, 1738. Sm. 8vo. The copy shown is a specimen of old Bradford's economy, being in part printed on the blank sides of spoiled sheets of Blair's Gospel Method {^o. 84 supra)y the printed sides having been pasted together. 1739 86 The American Almanack for the year of Christian Account 1739. Printed and Sold by William Bradford in N. York, 1739. S"^- ^vo. In the column of events in the calendar for May is the follovi^ing: "The printer born the 20th, 1663." The actual date would not be known but for this curious entry, as it is not given in the record of his baptism, and is misstated on his tombstone and in the notice of his death in Parker's Gazette. One of two copies known. CATALOGUE. 33 1740 87 A Call to the Weary & heavy Laden to come Christ for Rest. A Sermon by Jonathan Dickinson. New-York. Printed and Sold by William Bradford, 1740. Sm. 8vo. 88 A Supplement to the New-York Gazette of Monday, the 14th of April, 1740. [n. p. n. d.J Folio. A filibustering squib in the form of a reply to a very illiterate letter asking the printer's advice, the whole being doubtless old Bradford's own production. I74I 89 Journal of the Votes and Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Colony of New-York, begun the 15th day of Sept. 1 741. [Colophon] Printed and Sold by William Bradford in New York, 1 741. Folio. 1742 90 The American Almanac for the year of Christian Account 1742. By Titan Leeds. Printed and Sold by William Bradford in N. York, 1742. Sm. 8vo. 1743 91 Poor Will's Almanack for the Year of Christian Account, 1743. By William Birket. Printed and Sold by William Bradford in N. York, 1734 [for 1743]. Sm. 8vo. 34 CATALOGUE. BOOKS PRINTED BY AND RELAT- ING TO JOHN PETER ZENGER. 1725 92 Klagte. Printed by Bradford and Zenger. See No. 6S. 1726 93 Verdeediging van D. Bernardus Freeman, wegens het gene hem voornaamlyk ten Laste gelegt word in zeeker Boek, genaamt Klagte, &c. Te Nieuw-York, Gedrukt by J. Peter Zenger, in 't Jaar MDCCXXVI. i6mo. 94 Samenspraak over de Klaghte der Rari- tanders; so in 't Gemeen, als wel in 't Besonder, wegens het gene in die ter neder gestelt is ten Laste van CorneHus van Santvoord. Te Nieuw-York, Ge- drukt by J. Peter Zenger, 1726. i6mo. 95 The Adorable Ways of God in His Sov- ereign Government, particularly over the Powers of this World. Explained in Three Sermons By Petrus van Driessen, V.D.M. New- York, Printed by John Peter Zenger, MDCCXXVI. Sm. 4to. 1727. 96 The Charge given by the Chief Justice of the Province of New- York, to the Grand Jury of the City of New-York, in March Term, 1726-7. New- York, CATALOGUE. 35 Printed and sold by John Peter Zenger, 1727. Sm. 4to. The Chief Justice was Lewis Morris. In defining the various indictable crimes, he says : " As to the several kinds of Witchcraft, our Laws, I think, are a little obscure, and, I hope, we are so far West as to know nothing of it but by Name." 1729 97 Een Trouwhertig Vertoog van Een waare Rechtveerdige,in tegenstellinge van een Godloose Sondaar. Voorgestelt in Twee Predikatien. Door Do. Theo- dorus Jacobus Frilinghausen. Nieuw- York, Gedrukt voor S. Gerritsen, en J. D. Puy, by John Peter Zenger, MDCXXIX. \sic.\ i6mo. 1731 98 Necessarius. The Continuance of an able and Godly Minister very useful to a People. A Sermon at the Funeral of the Rev. John Davenport. By the Rev. Samuel Cooke. Printed by J. P. Zenger in New-York, 1731. i6mo. 1732 99 Maxima libertatis custodia est, ut magna imperia diuturna non sint, & tempora modus imponatur quibus juris imponi non potest. Mammerc. apud Liv. [Colophon] New-York, printed by John Peter Zenger, MDCCXXXII. Folio. A political handbill on the dissolution of the As- sembly by the Governor. 36 CATALOGUE. 1733 100 The Opinion and Argument of the Chief Justice of the Province of New-York, concerning the jurisdiction of the su- pream Court of the said Province to determine causes in a course of equity. The Second Edition corrected. New- York, Printed and Sold by J. Peter Zenger. 1733. FoHo. This opinion on one of the points raised in the quarrel over their fees between Governor Cosby and Rip van Dam, the acting governor, led to the summary removal of Lewis Morris from the chief-justiceship. 1734 1 01 Some Observations on the Charge given by the Honourable James De Lancey, Esq.; Chief Justice of the Province of New- York, to the Grand Jury the 15th Day of January, 1733. [Colophon] New-York. Printed and sold by J. Peter Zenger, Price I J". 1733-4. Folio. 102 A Vindication of James Alexander, one of his Majesty's Council for the Province of New-York; and of WilHam Smith, Attorney at Law, From the matters charged and suggested against them in two pamphlets lately published. The one a Paper addressed to the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New- York, by the Honour- able Francis Harison. The other A Report of the Committee of his Ma- CATALOGUE. 37 jesty's Council, touching a letter found in the house of Mr. Alexander. To which is added a Supplement contain- ing a brief account of the case of Wil- liam Trusdell, against the Honourable Francis Harison. Printed by John Peter Zenger, and to be sold by him at his House in Broad Street, near the upper end of the long Bridge, in New York, 1734. Folio. 1735 103 The Complaint of James Alexander and William Smith to the Committee of the General Assembly of the Colony of New- York, &c. [n. p. n. d.] Folio. Alexander and Smith, counsel for Zenger, having raised a point as to the legality of the Court, were immediately disbarred. Their complaint to the Assembly on this act of the Court was printed by Zenger. 104 The Espousals, or a Passionate Perswa- sive to a Marriage with the Lamb of God. A Sermon by Gilbert Tennent. New- York, Printed by J. Peter Zenger, 1735. Sm. 8vo. 105 The Danger of Forgetting God, de- scrib'd. A Sermon by Gilbert Tennent. New- York. Printed by John Peter Zenger. 1735. Sm. 8vo. 106 The Charter of the City of New-York, Printed by Order of the Mayor, Re- 3A 38 CATALOGUE. corder, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City aforesaid. To which is added the Act of Assembly, confirming the same. New- York, Printed by John Peter Zenger. 1735. Folio. 107 A brief Narrative of the Case and Tryal of John Peter Zenger, Printer of the New- York Weekly Journal. [Colo- phon] Boston: Thomas Fleet. 1738. 4to. 108 The same. Lancaster: Reprinted and Sold by W. Dunlap. 1756. Folio. 109 The same. New- York: Reprinted by John Holt, at the Exchange. 1770. Sm. 4to. 1 10 The Tryal of John Peter Zenger, of New York, Printer, who was lately Try'd and Acquitted for Printing and Publishing a Libel against the Government. Lon- don: J. Wilford. 1738. 4to. The first London edition. 111 The same. The Second Edition. Lon- don: J. Wilford. 1738. 4to. 112 The same. The Third Edition. Lon- don: J. Wilford. 1738. 4to. 113 The same. The Fourth Edition. Lon- don: J. Wilford. 1738. 4to. CATALOGUE. 39 114 The Case and Tryal of John Peter Zenger. London: J. Wilford. 1750. 8vo. 115 The Trial of John Peter Zenger of New York, Printer. London: J. Ahiion. MDCCLXV. 8vo. 116 Remarks on Zenger's Trial. London: J. Roberts. 1738. 4to. 117 The Vanity of Human Institutions in the Worship of God. A Sermon by Jonathan Dickinson. New-York, Printed by John Peter Zenger, 1736. Sm. 8vo. 1739 118 A Short Direction for an Unregenerate Sinner, shewing how he may come to Christ. Written in Dutch by a Lover of the Truth, and Translated into English by a Well- Wisher to all men. New- York, Reprinted by John Peter Zenger, 1739. Sm. 8vo. 1740 119 Een Korte Handleiding voor een Onweder geboren Sondaar, om tot Christus te koomen. Opgestelt door een Liefhebber der Waarheid. Nieuw- York, Gedrukt by J. Peter Zenger, 1740. Sm. 8vo. The preceding in Dutch. 40 CATALOGUE. Hater |5ciu^iocfe ^rintct^^ JAMES PARKER. 1743 120 Journal of the Votes of and Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Colony of New- York. Begun the Eighth Day of November, 1743. New-York: Printed and Sold by James Parker, at the New Printing-Office on Hunter's-Key. 1743. Folio. Parker succeeded Bradford as public printer, and this volume is probably the first issued from his press. 1744 121 A Journal of the Proceedings in the De- tection of the Conspiracy formed by some White People in conjunction with Negro and other Slaves, for burning the City of New- York in America, and murdering the Inhabitants. By the Re- corder of the City of New-York. New- York: Printed by James Parker, at the New Printing-Office, 1744. 4to. This copy of the original edition of " Horsmanden's Negro Plot " is the only uncut one known to exist. Parchment. 122 An Explication of the First Causes of Action in Matter, and of the Cause of Gravitation. New-York : Printed by James Parker. 1745. Sm. 8vo. By Lieutenant-Governor Cadwallader Golden. CATALOGUE. 4I 1746 123 A Treaty between his Excellency The Honourable George Chnton, Governor of the Province of New- York, and the Six United Indian Nations, and other Indian Nations depending of the Prov- ince of New- York. Held at Albany in August and September, 1746. New- York : Printed and Sold by James Par- ker at the New-Printing-Ofhce in Bea- ver Street, 1746. Folio. 124 A Guide to Vestrymen: or, an Essay, endeavouring to shew the duty and power of the Vestrymen of the City and County of New-York. Published by order of the Corporation. New York : Printed and Sold by James Parker, at the New-Printing-Office, in Beaver- Street, 1747. Sm. 8vo. The office of vestryman of the city of New-York in colonial times was vested with duties not imposed upon their successors of to-day — the vestrymen of Trinity Church. They levied local taxes, had a share in the man- agement of the Loan Office, etc., etc. It is a likely little piece of satire, although issued with every semblance of emanating from its pretended source. The introduction concludes: " Now, on the Whole, if you can with Pa- tience bear Affronts, and hear yourself abused with- out giving occasion ; if you can run the Risque of suffering in your Interest and Reputation, and have Courage and Zeal enough to discharge your Duty, notwithstanding these and many other Difficulties, then it may be said, you are tolerably qualified for a Vestryman." 42 CATALOGUE. 1747 125 Philosophic Solitude: or the Choice of a Rural Life. By a Gentleman educated at Yale College. New-York: Printed by James Parker. 1747. By William Livingston, afterward Governor of New Jersey. 126 A Bill in the Chancery of New-Jersey at the suit of John, Earl of Stair and others, against Benjamin Bond and others. New-York: Printed by James Parker, 1747. An uncut copy. 1749 127 Laws, Statutes, Ordinances and Consti- tutions, Ordained, Made and Estab- lished by the Mayor, Recorder, Alder- men and Assistants of the City of New York, convened in Common-Council. Printed and Sold by J. Parker, at the New Printing Office in Beaver-Street, 1749. Folio. 1750 128 Horae Lyricae. Poems chiefly of the Lyric Kind. By I. Watts, D. D. New-York : Re-printed by James Par- ker, at the New Printing-Office, in Beaver-Street. 1750. i6mo. This edition contains a poem by Watts to Jonathan Belcher, Esq., appointed to the Government of New England,andsomecomplimentary lines by the witty Dr. Mather Byles, of Boston, "To the Rev. Dr. Watts on his Divine Poems," not usually found in other editions. CATALOGUE. 43 1767 129 The Psalms of David, with the Ten Commandments, Creed, Lord's Prayer, &c. in Meter. Translated from the Dutch for the use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City ft of New York. New- York: Printed by K James Parker. 1767. 8vo. P One of the earliest books with music printed from type, issued in America. The music was arranged for this work by Francis Hopkinson, afterward one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. HENRY DE FOREEST. 1744 130 A Short tho' True Account of the Establishment and Rise of the Church so called Moravian Brethren, under the protection and administration of Nicholas Lodewyck Count of Zinzen- dorf. By G. D. New-York. Printed and Sold by Henry De Foreest, living in Smith-Street, [n. d.] Sm. 8vo. A bitter attack on the Moravians written by Gerardus (?) Duyckinck in 1744. 131 The New- York Almanack. For the year of Christian Account, 1745. By Coper- nicus, Philomath. New-York. Printed and Sold by Henry De Foreest, living 44 CATALOGUE. in Smith-Street, at the Sign of the Print- ing Office, [n. d.] Sm. 8vo. The first of the series of New-York Almanacks. The compiler was probably J. Gale, and, as was usual with such publications, it was issued in October or November, 1744. 1749 132 An Almanack, for the year of our Lord Christ, 1750. By Roger Sherman. New- York. Printed and Sold by Henry De Foreest, living in Wall-Street, at the sign of the printing Press. [n. d.] Sm. 8vo. The first publication of the " only man who enjoys the singular distinction of having signed all of the four most important State papers in American his- tory — the Articles of Association of the Congress of 1774, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution of the United States." 1751 133 De Gekruicigde Christus, als het Voor- naamste toeleg an Gods Getroiiwe Kruisgesanten, in hunne Prediking. Uitgesprooke op den 14 October, 1750, Door Lambertus De Ronde. Nieuw- York, Gedruckt by Hendricus De Foreest, in't Jaar 1751. Sm. 4to. The first sermon preached by De Ronde as associate pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church in New-York. Prefixed are some commendatory verses by the Rev. Gualtherius Du Bois, the senior pastor of the church, then in the eightieth year of his age. CATALOGUE. 45 1752 134 De Ware Gedagt'nis, Gelovigne Navol- ging en salig uiteinde van Getrouwe Voorgangers^ Verklaarten Toegepast, in ene Lykrede uit Hebr. 13, vs. 7. Door Lambertus De Ronde. New-York, Gedrukt by Hendricus De Foreest. In't Jaar, 1752. Sm. 4to. The funeral sermon preached in October, 175 1, by De Ronde, on the death of the Rev. Gualtherius Du Bois. 1754 135 An Abstract of Military Discipline; More particularly with Regard to the Manual Exercise, Evolutions, and Firings of the Foot. From Col. Bland. Boston Printed, New-York, Reprinted and Sold by Henry De Foreest. 1754. Sm. 8vo. JOHN ZENGER, JR. 1746 136 A Brief Vindication of the Purchasers against the Propritors [sk], in a Christian Manner. New-York. Printed by J. Zenger, jun. 1745-6. Sm. 8vo. Written by Grififin Jenkin, in relation to the title to lands in East New Jersey. The only example of J. Zenger, Jr.'s, imprint known. 46 CATALOGUE. CATHARINE ZENGER. 1747 137 An Answer to the Council of Proprietor's two Publications; sett forth at Perth- Amboy the 25th of March, 1746 and the 25th of March, 1747. [Colophon] New- York: Printed and Sold by the Widow Catharine Zenger, at the Print- ing-Officein Stone-Street, 1747. Folio. With the exception of two or three almanacs and the New- York Weekly Journal^ no other example of this imprint is known. HUGH GAINE. 1754 138 A Brief Vindication of the Proceedings of the Trustees relating to the College. By an Impartial Hand. New- York : Printed and Sold by H. Gaine, at the Printing- Office, in Queen-Street, be- tween the Fly and Meal Markets. 1754. Folio. 1755 139 A Narrative of a New and Unusual American Imprisonment of two Pres- byterian Ministers, and Prosecution of Mr. Francis Makemie, One of them for preaching one Sermon in the City of New York. By a Learner of Law and Lover of Liberty. New- York: Re-printed and Sold by H. Gaine, CATALOGUE. 47 at the Printing-Office between the Fly and Meal-Markets. 1755. Sm. 4to. The first edition appeared in Boston in 1707. 1762 140 Horae Lyricae. Poems chiefly of the Lyric Kind. By I. Watts, D. D. New- York : Printed and Sold by Hugh Gaine, Book-seller, and Stationer, at the Bible and Crown, in Hanover-Square. M,DCC,LXII. 24mo. This edition is not mentioned in Haven's List. 1769 141 A Treatise on Courts Martial. Contain- ing, I. Remarks on Martial Law, and Courts Martial in general. IL The j Mannerof Proceeding against Offenders. j To which is added, An Essay, on Military [ Punishments and Rewards. By Stephen Payne Adye. New- York : Printed by H. Gaine, at the Bible and Crown, in Hanover-Square, 1769. Sm. 8vo. The first edition of the first English treatise on the subject. 142 A Medical Discourse on an Historical Inquiry into the Ancient and Present State of Medicine : Delivered at open- ing [sic] the Medical School in the City of New-York. By Peter Middleton, M. D. New-York : Printed by Hugh Gaine, in Hanover Square. M,DCC,- LXIX. 8vo. 48 CATALOGUE. I77I 143 Charter for Establishing an Hospital in the City of New- York. Granted by the Right Hon. John, Earl of Dunmore, the 13th June, 1771. New-York: Printed by H. Gaine, at the Bible and Crown, in Hanover-Square. M,DCC,- LXXI. 4to. 1774 144 Extracts from the Votes and Proceed- ings of the American Continental Con- gress, held at Philadelphia, 5th Sep- tember, 1774. New- York: Printed by H. Gaine, at the Bible and Crown in Hanover-Square. M,D C C,L X X I V. Sm. 8vo. PARKER AND WEYMAN. 145 A General Idea of the College of Mira- nia; Address'd to the Consideration of the Trustees nominated, by the Leg- islature, to receive Proposals, &c. rela- tive to the Establishment of a College in the Province of New- York. New- York : Printed and Sold by J. Parker and W. Weyman, at the New Printing- Ofhce in Beaver-Street, 1753. 8vo. By the Rev. William Smith, afterward Provost of the College and Academy of Philadelphia. CATALOGUE. 49 ^754 146 The Charter of the College of New- York, in America. Published by order of his Honour the Lieutenant Governor, in Council. New- York : Printed and Sold by J. Parker and W. Weyman, at the New Printing-Office in Beaver- Street, MDCCLIV. Folio. The original edition of the charter of the College of New-York, afterward King's, and now Columbia, Col- lege. 147 Serious Considerations on the Present State of the Affairs of the Northern Colonies. New- York : Printed for the Author, 1754. i6mo. By Archibald Kennedy, Collector of the Port of New-York, whose son of the same name became nth Earl of Cassilis. It was printed by Parker and Weyman. 148 The Antidote against Destructions. By Richard Steel. New- York : Printed and Sold by J. Parker and W. Weyman, at the New Printing-Office in Beaver- Street, 1754. Sm. 8vo. WILLIAM WEYMAN. 1761 149 Evening Service of Rohashanah, and Kippur. Or the Beginning of the Year, and the Day of Atonement. New- York: Printed by W. Weyman, in Broad- Street. MDCCLXL Svo. 50 CATALOGUE. 1762. 150 Laws of New- York, from the nth Nov. 1752, to 22d May 1762. Published according to an Order of the General Assembly. The Second Volume. Di- gested by William Livingston and Wil- liam Smith, jun. New-York : Printed by William Weyman Printer to the Government, at the New Printing-Office in Broad-Street. MDCCLXIL Folio. The first volume was printed by Parker in 1 752. JOHN HOLT. 1763 151 Laws, Statutes, Ordinances and Consti- tutions, Ordained, Made and Estab- lished by the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, convened in Common Council. Printed and Sold by John Holt, at the New Printing Office, at the lower End of Broad Street, opposite the Exchange, 1763. Foho. 1764 152 Report of an Action of Assault, Battery and Wounding, Tried in the Supreme Court of Judicature for the Province of New- York, in October 1764, between Thomas Forsey, Plaintiff, and Waddel Cunningham, Defendant. New- York: CATALOGUE. 5 I Printed by John Holt, in the Year 1764. Sm. 8vo. The original edition of the report of a celebrated litigation which involved "the integrity of trial by jury in the province of New-York, or rather that feature of trial by jury which related to the legal effect of the jury's verdict." 1765 153 Considerations on the Propriety of im- posing Taxes in the British Colonies, for the purpose of raising a Revenue by Act of Parliament. North America: Printed by a North American. New- York : Re-printed by John Holt, in the year 1765. 8vo. By Daniel Dulany, attorney-general of Maryland; against the Stamp Act. 1766 154 Prayers for Shabbath, Rosh-Hashanah, and Kippur; or the Sabbath, the Be- ginning [sic] of the Year, and the Day of Atonements &c. Translated by Isaac Pinto. And for him printed by John Holt, in New- York. A. M. 5526. Sm. 4to. The ritual of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews. 155 Another copy, with the corrected title- page. 1770 156 The Plea and Answer of the Right Honourable William Earl of Sterling, 52 CATALOGUE. and others, Proprietors of East New- Jersey to John Hunt's Bill in Chancery. New York : Printed by John Holt, at the Exchange, 1770. Folio. 1773 157 A Narrative of the Proceedings Subse- quent to the Royal Adjudication, con- cerning the Lands to the Westward of Connecticut River, lately usurped by New-Hampshire, with remarks on the claim, behavior, and misrepresentations, of the intruders under that government. New York: Printed by John Holt, near the Coffee House. M,DCC,LXXIII. Folio. JAMES PARKER AND COMPANY. 1761 158 A Sermon delivered at Nassau-Hall, January 14, 1761. On the Death of his late Majesty King George H. By Samuel Davies. The Second Edition. To which is prefixed, a brief account of the Life of the Author by David Bost- wick. Minister of the Presbyterian Con- gregation in New-York. New- York: Printed by J. Parker and Company. MDCCLXL 8vo. Davies was president of Nassau Hall, now Princeton College. He died a few weeks after the delivery of the sermon, the first edition of which was printed at Philadelphia. CATALOGUE. 53 159 The Genealogy of Jesus Christ, accord- ing to St. Matthew and St. Luke, examined, illustrated and vindicated; wherein the differences between the two Evangelists are explained, and the seeming inconsistencies reconciled. By- John Arthur, Gent. Printed and Sold by James Parker and Company, at the New-Printing-Office, in Beaver-street. 1762. 8vo. GARRAT NOEL (PUBLISHER). 160 The Lady's Preceptor. Or, a Letter to a Young Lady of Distinction upon Po- liteness. Taken from the French of Abb6 D'Ancourt, and adapted to the Religion, Customs and Manners of the English Nation. By a Gentleman of Cambridge. The Sixth Edition. Lon- don Printed : Re-printed for and Sold by Garrat Noel, Bookseller near the Merchant's Coffee House, in New- York. 1762. 8vo. SAMUEL BROWN. 1766 161 Theological Theses, containing the chief Heads of the Christian Doctrine, by Isaac Sigfrid, and Daniel Wyttenbach of Bern. Translated from the Latin. 4A 54 CATALOGUE. To which is added a Discourse by Ger- rit Lydekker. New- York, Printed and Sold by Samuel Brown, at the foot of Potbaker's Hill, between the New- Dutch Church and Fly-Market. 1766. Sm. 8vo. 162 A Faithful Narrative of the Remarkable Revival of Religion, in the Congrega- tion of East-Hampton, on Long-Isl- and, in the year of our Lord 1764. By Samuel Buell. New-York : Printed by Samuel Brown, at the foot of Pot- baker's-Hill, between the New Dutch- Church and Fly-Market, 1766. Sm. 8vo. SAMUEL INSLEE AND . ANTHONY CAR. 1771 163 An Enquiry into the Nature, Cause and Cure, of the Angina Suffocativa, or, Sore Throat Distemper, as it is com- monly called by the Inhabitants of this City and Colony. By Samuel Bard, Professor of Medicine in King's Col- lege. New- York: Printed by S. Ins- slee and A. Car, at the New-Printing- Office in Beaver-Street. M,DCC,LXXI. 8vo. CATALOGUE. 55 ROBERT HODGE AND FREDERICK SHOBER. 1773 164 The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination stated and asserted. Translated in a great measure from the Latin of Jerom Zanchius, by Augustus Toplady. New- York : Printed by Hodge and Shober, for Samuel Loudon, on Hunter's Key. M.DCC.LXXni. i2mo. 1775 165 The Moral and Religious Miscellany. By Hugh Knox, D. D. in St. Croix. New-York : Printed by Hodge and Shober. M.DCC.LXXV. 8vo. FREDERICK SHOBER AND SAMUEL LOUDON. 166 The Works of Flavius Josephus. Trans- lated into English by Sir Robert L'Es- trange, Kt. Vol. IV. New-York: Printed by Shober and Loudon, for John McGibbons and Robert Hodge. M.DCC.LXXV. 8vo. The whole work comprises four medium octavo volumes of about five hundred pages each. The first volume was printed in Philadelphia, and the other three in New- York. 56 CATALOGUE. JAMES RIVINGTON. 167 A Full Vindication of the Measures of the Congress from the calumnies of their enemies. New- York: Printed by James Rivington. By Alexander Hamilton. 168 A New Voyage Round the World, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770 and 1771; performed by Captain James Cook. Drawn up by John Hawkeswork. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. New-York : Printed by James Rivington, 1774. i2mo. The frontispiece of the first volume was engraved by Paul Revere, of Lexington fame, and the maps in the second volume by Bernard Romans. 169 A Short State of the Proceedings of the Proprietors of East and West Jersey, relative to the Line of Division between them. New York : Printed by James Rivington, M,DCC,LXXV. 8vo. 170 The Americans Roused in a Cure for the Spleen. Taken in short-hand by Sir Roger De Coverly. New-England, Printed, New- York, Reprinted, by James Rivington. [n. d.] 8vo. By Jonathan Sewall, attorney-general of Massachu- setts. Bound up with twenty other loyalist tracts, printed by Rivington. CATALOGUE. 57 JOHN ANDERSON. 1776 171 The Crisis. Volume I. Containing xxviii Numbers. London Printed, New York, Reprinted by John An- derson, at Beekman's-Slip. M,DCC,- LXX,VI. 8vo. This is not Tom Paine's Crisis, but a reprint of an English periodical, begun in January, 1775, whose anti-ministerial tone made it very popular in America, where several reprints were issued. 25oofe^ ^rintcb in iJJcto^f orft l©ttftout ^ttt\ttt^^ ^mnt^. 1767 172 The Conduct of Cadwallader Colden, Esquire, late Lieutenant-Governor of New- York: Relating to the Judges Commissions, Appeals to the King, and the Stamp-Duty. Printed in the Year MDCCLXVII. 8vo. This pamphlet gave great offense, and the "Assem- bly made every effort to discover the author, but in vam." 1775 173 A Consise Natural History of East and West Florida. Containing an account of the natural produce of the southern part of British America. Illustrated with twelve copper-plates. By Captain S8 CATALOGUE. Bernard Romans. Vol. I. New- York : Printed for the Author, M,DCC,LXXV. The plates were designed and etched by the author. 1764 174 A Letter from a Gentleman in Transil- vania to his friend in America, giving some account of the late disturbances that have happen'd in that Govern- ment. By Isaac Bickerstaff of the Middle Temple. New-York: Printed in the Year, 1764. Sm. 8vo. (h. 2007.) This — one of the series of pamphlets relating to the massacre of the Indians by the Paxton Boys — was printed at Philadelphia by Anthony Armbriister. The author, Isaac Hunt, the father of Leigh Hunt, was refused his degree (in course) of Master of Arts, by the trustees of the College of Philadelphia, for writing it and other scurrilous pamphlets. 1767 175 The Disappointment: or, the Force of Creduhty. A New American Comic- Opera, of two Acts. By Andrew Bar- ton, Esq. New- York : Printed in the Year MDCCLXVII. Sm. 8vo. The author of this very coarse play was Thomas Forrest, afterward a distinguished officer in the Rev- olutionary Army. It was announced for presentation at the theater in Philadelphia, but was withdrawn at the last moment, because, it is said, the characters, all drawn from living Philadelphians, were too thinly disguised. It was printed in Philadelphia by William Goddard. CATALOGUE. 59 25oofe ^rintcb at 3tlbanp» ALEXANDER <& JAMES ROBERTSON. 1773 176 Laws and Ordinances of the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of Albany. Albany : Printed by Alexander and James Robertson, 1773. Sm. 4to. 25oofe^ from ^enn^plbania ^tt^^t^^ jBraiiforii';s anu jFranfelin'js QSxce^teXi. REINIER JANSEN. 177 Gods Protecting Providence Man's surest help and defence In the times of the greatest difficulty and most imminent danger; Evidenced in the remarkable deliverance of divers persons from the devouring waves of the sea, amongst which they suffered ship wrack [sic]. And also from the more cruelly devour- ing jawes of the inhumane canibals of Florida. Faithfully related by one of the persons concerned therein, Jonathan Dickinson. Printed in Philadelphia by Reinier Jansen, 1699. Sm. 4to. (h. 69.) The first book printed in Philadelphia after Brad- ford's removal to New-York. One of three perfect copies known. 6o CATALOGUE. 178 Truth Rescued from Forgery & False- hood, being an Answer to a late Scur- rilous piece entitled the case Put and Decided &c. Which stole into the World without any known authors name affixed thereto, and renders it the more like it's Father, who was a lyar and mutherer from beginning. By Samuel Jenings. Printed at Phila- delphia by Reynier Jansen 1699. Sm. 4to. (h. 70.) 1702 179 Instructions for Right-Spelling, and Plain Directions for Reading and Writing True English. With several delightful things very useful and Necessary, for both Young and Old, to Read and Learn. By G. Fox Reprinted at Phil- adelphia by Reynier Jansen 1702. i6mo. (h. 69.) The only perfect copy known. The first edition was printed in London in 1683. ANDREW BRADFORD. 180 The Laws of the Province of Pennsil- vania Collected into One Volumn [sic]. By order of the Governor and Assem- bly of the said Province. Printed & Sold by Andr. Bradford in Philadelphia, 1 7 14. Folio, (h. 128.) CATALOGUE. 6l i8i Forcing a Maintenance not Warrantable from Holy Scripture, for a Mister of the Gospel. By Thomas Chalkley. Printed at Philadelphia 17 14. i6mo. (h. 126.) Probably the first book printed by Andrew Bradford in Philadelphia. 1718 182 A Letter to his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Chester. With the Govemour's Speech. Philadelphia, Printed, and Sold by Andrew Bradford. MDCCXVIII. 4to. (H. 147.) By Sir William Keith, Governor of Pennsylvania. One of the earliest American examples of printing in two colors. The only known copy. 1721 183 Some Remedies proposed for the Re- storing the sunk credit of the Province of Pennsylvania; with some remarks on its Trade. By a Lover of his Country. Printedinthe Year, 1721. 8vo. (h. 174.) Written by Francis Rawle, in favor of a paper cur- rency. For printing this tract Bradford was summoned before the Provincial Council, but escaped with a repri- mand. SAMUEL KEIMER. 1724 184 The Independent Whig. (h. 224.) One of Keimer's earliest productions. He began reprinting it in weekly numbers toward the end of 1723, but soon discontinued this form of publication and printed off the remainder in book form. 62 CATALOGUE. 1728 185 The History of the Rise, Increase, and Progress of the Christian People called Quakers. By William Sewel. The Third Edition. Philadelphia : Printed and Sold by Samuel Keimer in Sec- ond Street. MDCCXXVIII. Folio. H. (350.) Keimer was engaged in printing this book for three years. It has been made famous by Franklin, who relates in his autobiography how his first employment, after starting in business with Meredith, was the com- posing of the last forty sheets of this volume. DAVID HARRY. 1730 186 Vital Christianity: A Brief Essay on the Life of God in the Soul of Man. Phila- delphia: Printed by David Harry, 1730. i2mo. (h. 412.) By Cotton Mather. The first edition was printed by Keimer " for Eleazer Phillips, in Charles-Town in New-England." 187 A Treatise concerning Marriage: wherein the unlawfulness of Mixt- Marriages is laid open from the Scriptures of Truth : Shewing that is contrary to the will of God; and the practices of His people in former ages, for persons of different judgments in matters of religious wor- CATALOGUE. 6^ ship to be joined together in Marriage. By Moses West. Philadelphia: Re- printed and Sold by David Harry in Second-Street, [n. p.J 8vo. (h. 416.) First printed in London in I707' This tract was a favorite among the Quakers of the last century, run- ning through twelve editions before 1800. CHRISTOPHER SOWER. 1739 188 Zionitischer Weyrauchs-Hiigel Oder Myrrhen Berg, worinnen allerley lieb- liches und wohlriechendes nach Apothe- ker-Kunst zu bereitetes Rauch-Werck zu fiden, Germantown : Gedruckt bey Christoph Saur. 1739. i6mo. (h. 617.) The first book printed in America from German type and the first book printed by Saur. It consists of a collection of hymns written by members of the Ephrata Cloister, in Pennsylvania. 1743 189 Biblia, Dasist: Die Heilige Schrift Altes und Neues Testaments, nach der Deut- schen Uebersebzung II. Martin Luthers. Germantown: Gedruckt bey Christoph Saur, 1743. 4to. (h. 804.) The first Bible printed in America in a European language. 64 CATALOGUE. ANDREW & WILLIAM BRADFORD. 1740 190 Hymns and Sacred Poems. Published by John Wesley and Charles Wesley. Philadelphia: Printed by Andrew and William Bradford, and sold for the Benefit of the Poor in Georgia. MDCCXL. i2mo. (h. 668.) WILLIAM BRADFORD THE SECOND. 1743 191 The Interest of New- Jersey considered, with regard to Trade and Navigation by paying of Duties^ etc. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by William Bradford, at the Sign of the Bible in Second- Street. [1743.] Sm. 4to. (h. 832.) 1744 192 Twenty-Three Sermons upon the Chief End of Man, &c. By Gilbert Tennent. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by Wil- liam Bradford, at the Sign of the Bible in Second Street. MDCCXLIV. Sm. 4to. (h. 904.) One of the very best specimens of the second William Bradford's press. CATALOGUE. 65 193 A Catalogue of Books. Just Imported from London, and to be sold by W. Bradford, at the London-Coffee-House, Philadelphia. Wholesale and Retaile. With good allowance to those that take a quantity, [n.p. n. d.] 8vo. (h. 1660.) Printed by William Bradford the second, about 1760, CORNELIA BRADFORD. 1744 194 The American Almanack for the year of Christian Account 1745. By Titan Leeds. Philadelphia : Printed and Sold by Cornelia Bradford, at the Sign of the Bible in Front-street, near High- street. [1744.] Sm. 8vo. (h. 884.) Cornelia Bradford was the widow of Andrew Brad- ford. ISAIAH WARNER. 195 Diejenigen Anmerkungen, Welche der Herr Autor des Kurzen Extrects, &c. Von dem Herrn v. Thumstein d. z. Postore der Evangel. Luth. Gemeine Jesu Christi zu Philadelphia. In der Vorrede seiner Schrift freundlich be- gehret hat. Philadelphia: Gedruckt und zu finden bei Isaias Warner. MDCCXLII. (H. 795.) By Nicholas Lewis, Count Zinzendorff, the founder of the Moravians. He was also Count Thurnstein, and used that title for a time while in America. 66 CATALOGUE. EPHRATA. 1745 196 Giildene Aepffel in Silbern Schalen. Oder: Schone und niitzliche Worte und Wahrheiten zur Gottseligkeit. Ephrata, im Jahr des Heils, 1745. i6mo. (h. 932.) There were two issued of this collection of hymns — one for use at Ephrata, with a preface which was omitted from the copies intended for use by the Mennonites. The title-pages are also different ; both varieties are in the copy exhibited. 1748 197 De Blutige Shau-Platz oder Martyrer- Spiegel der Tauffs Gesinten oder Wehr- losen-Christen. Die gelitten haben bis auf das Jahr 1660. Vormals aus unterschiedlichen glaubwiirdigen Chronicken gesamlet und in Holland- ischer Sprach heraus gegeben von T. J. V. Braght. Nun aber sorgfaltigst ins Hochteutsche iibersetzt und erstenmal ans Licht gebracht. Ephrata in Pen- sylvanien, Drucks und Verlags der Bruederschaft. Anno MDCCXLVIII. Folio, (h. 1050.) This is the largest book printed in America before the Revolution. 1767 198 The Family Prayer-Book. Containing Morning and Evening Prayers for CATALOGUE. 67 Families and private Persons. Eph- rata: Printed for William Barton. MDCCLXVII. 8vo. (h. 2297.) An adaptation of the Prayer-Bookof the Established Church, by the Rev. Thomas Barton. The only per- fect copy known. GODHARD ARMBRUSTER. 1747 199 Die Lautere Wahrheit oder Ernstliche Betrrachtung des gegenwartigen Zus- tandes der Stadt Philadelphia und der Provintz Pensylvanien. Von einem Handwercksmannin Philadelphia. Phil- adelphia, Gedruckt und zu finden bey Godhard Armbruester, 1747. 8vo. (h. 6009.) A German translation of Franklin's "Plain Truth." JOHN BOHM. 1748 200 Schwanen Gesang. Oder Letzte Arbeit, des Herrn Johann Jacob Hochreutner, Mit einerZuschrifft versehn von Michael Slatter. Philadelphia: Gedruckt bey Johann Boehm, 1748. 4to. (h. 1075.) Bohm was a copperplate-printer, and was for a time in partnership with Franklin. 68 CATALOGUE. JAMES CHATTIN. 1754 201 Gods mercy surmounting Man's cruelty, exemplified in the Captivity and Re- demption of Elizabeth Hanson, wife of John Hanson, of Knoxmarsh at Kecheachy, in Dover Township, who was taken captive with her children, and maid-servant, by the Indians in New-England in the year 1724. The second edition. Philadelphia : Printed and Sold by James Chattin, in Church- Alley, 1754. Sm. 8vo. (h. 1342.) Of the first edition, which was printed by Keimer in Philadelphia in 1 728, no copy is known to exist. 1755 202 Religion and Patriotism the Constitu- ents of a good Soldier. A Sermon preached to Captain Overton's Inde- pendent Company of Volunteers, raised in Hanover County, Virginia, August 17,1755. By Samuel Davies. Philadel- phia: Printed by James Chattin, 1755. 4to. (h. 1409.) This sermon, preached just after Braddock's defeat, is rendered remarkable by the following prophetic note on page 9: "As a remarkable Instance of this, I may point out to the Public that heroic Youth, Col. Washington, whom I cannot but hope Provi- dence has hitherto preserved in so signal a Manner, for some important Service to his County." CATALOGUE. 69 ANTHONY ARMBRUSTER. 1755 203 Eine Kurtze Nachrist; von der Christ- lichen und Liebreichen Anhalt, welche zum Besten und zur Unterweissing der Armen Teutschen; und ihrer Nach- Kommen in Pennsylvanien, und an- deren daran grantzenden EngUschen Provinzien in Nord- America errichtet worden ist. Philadelphia, Gedruckt 'durch Anton Armbriister, in der Drit- ten-Strasz, 1755. 4to. The only known copy of the German edition of the Rev. WiHiam Smith's " Brief History of the Charitable Scheme for the Relief and Instruction of Poor Ger- mans, in Pennsylvania, &c." Not in Hildeburn. WILLIAM DUNLAP. 1759 204 A Military Treatise on the Appoint- ments of the Army. Containing many useful hints, not touched upon before by any Author. By Lieutenant Webb, of His Majesty's Forty-eighth Regi- ment. Philadelphia: Printed by W. Dunlap, at the Nevvest-Printing-Office, MDCCLIX. Sm. 8vo. (h. 1653.) The author, Thomas Webb, who lost an eye at the siege of Quebec, is better known as one of the earliest Methodist preachers in America, than as a soldier or writer on military subjects. 5A 70 CATALOGUE. PETER MILLER AND COMPANY. 1759 205 Die Erzehlungen von Maria le Roy und Barbara Leininger, welche vierthalb Jahr unter den Indianern gefangen gewesen, und am 6ten May in dieser Stadt gliicklich angekommen. Phila- delphia gedruckt und zu haben in der teutchen Buchdrukerey das Stiick vor 6Pentz. M,DCC,LIX. 8vo. (h. 1626.) The only copy known of this "Indian Captivity." BOOKS PRINTED BY BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 1729 206 A Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Currency. Phila- delphia : Printed and Sold at the New Printing-Office, near the Market, 1729. Sm. 8vo. (h. 365.) Franklin's first pamphlet, written and published by him in America. 207 A Brief Examination of the Practice of the Times. Printed for the Author, 1729. Sm. 8vo. (h. 378.) The first edition of Ralph Sandiford's antislavery book. 208 The Psalms of David imitated by Isaac Watts. Philadelphia: Printed by B. F. and H. M. at the New Printing- CATALOGUE. 7 1 Office, near the Market. 1729. Sm. 8vo. (h. 387.) This is the first book bearing Franklin's imprint. The only copy known to exist. 1730 209 The Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Pro- vince of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by B. Franklin and H. Meredith, at the New Printing- Office, near the Market. MDCCXXX. Foho. (h. 415.) 1732 210 Vorspiel der Neuen-Welt, welche sich in der letzten Abendrothe als ein paradisischer Lichtes-glantz unter den Kindern Gottes hervor gethan. Zu Philadelphia: Gedruckt bey Benjamin Franklin, in der Marck-strass, 1732. Sm. 8vo. (h. 452.) 211 Poor Richard, 1733. An Almanack for the year of Christ, 1733. By Richard Saunders. The Third Impression. Philadelphia. Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New Printing Office near the Market, [n. d.] Sm. 8vo. (H. 448.) The first of this famous series of almanacs. Only one other copy is known. 72 CATALOGUE. 1737 212 A Treaty of Friendship held with the Chiefs of the Six Nations, at Philadel- phia, in September and October, 1736. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, at the New Printing- Office, near the Market. M,DCC,XXXVII. Folio, (h. 564.) The first and rarest of all the " Indian Treaties " printed by Franklin. 174I 213 The Speech of Samuel Chew, Esq. Chief Justice of the Government of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex upon Delaware : Delivered from the Bench to the Grand-Jury of the County of New-Castle Nov. 21, 1741 and now published at their Request. Philadel- phia : Printed and sold by B. Franklin, M,DCC,XLI. Sm. 4to. (h. 695.) 214 A Pocket Almanack for the Year 1742. Fitted to the use of Pennsylvania, and the neighbouring Provinces. By R. Saunders. Philadelphia: Printed by B. Franklin, [n. d.] 32mo. (h. 721.) The second but earliest known issue of Franklin's " Pocket Almanac." 1742 215 A Short Catechism for some Congrega- tions of Jesus of the Reformed Religion in Pennsylvania, who keep to the an- CATALOGUE. 73 cient Synod of Bern. By John Bech- tel. Philadelphia: Printed by Isaiah Warner, . . . MDCCXLII. Sm. i2mo. (h. 4618.) Placed here only to group together the complete series of Bechtel's catechism. 216 Kurzer Catechismus, enz. Herausgeben von Johannes Bechteln. Philadelphia : Gedruckt bey Benjamin Franklin, 1742. Sm. i2mo. (h. 750.) The original edition. 217 The same in German type. (h. 4617.) A reprint made in Germany with a false imprint. 218 En kort Catechismus for nagra Jesu Foersamlingar utaf then Reformerta Religeonen uti Pennsylvania, som halla sig till thet Berniska Synodo. Forst utgifwen i thet Tyska Spraket af Johanne Bechtel. Philadelphia : Tryckt hos Benjamin Franklin. Aohr 1743. Sm. i2mo. (h. 803.) The only book printed in Swedish in the American colonies. The only other copy known is in the Royal Library at Stockholm. 1744 219 M. T. Cicero's Cato Major, or his Dis- course of Old-Age : With Explanatory Notes. Philadelphia : Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, MDCCXLIV. Sm.4to. An uncut copy bound by Lortic. 74 CATALOGUE. 220 The same. An uncut copy in the original binding. 221 The same. (h. 868.) An unseparated copy in sheets. The Exhibition Committee think it unnecessary to exhibit more than the three best varieties of the cAe/ d^ceuvf-e of Franklin's press. 222 An Account of the New Invented Penn- sylvania Fire-Places. With a Copper- Plate. Philadelphia : Printed and Sold by B. Franklin. 1744. 8vo. (h. 878.) Franklin's account of a stove invented by him. The plate is one of the very earliest done in the British colonies for book illustration. 1745- 223 An Essay on the West-India Dry Gripes; with the Method of Preventing and Cur- ing that Cruel Distemper. Philadel- phia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin. M. DCC. XLV. 8vo. (h. 922.) By Dr. Thomas Cadwalader of Philadelphia. The earliest medical treatise written and printed in America known to be extant. The only known copy contain- ing the two prefaces, one of which was suppressed. 224 The Art of Preserving Health : A Poem. London, Printed : Philadelphia, Re- printed, and Sold by B. Franklin. M. DCC. XLV. Sm. 4to. (h. 913.) The celebrated Dr. John Armstrong's principal poem. CATALOGUE. 75 1746 225 Reflections on Courtship and Marriage: In Two Letters to a Friend. Wherein a Practical Plan is laid down for Ob- taining and Securing Conjugal Felicity. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by B. Franklin. M,DCC,XLVI. Sm. 4to. (H. 976.) Attributed to Dr. Franklin by Benjamin Rush. If this statement is correct it must be classed as one of Franklin's unsuccessful schemes for benefiting man- kind. 1747 226 Plain Truth: Or, Serious Considerations on the present state of the City of Phila- delphia, and Province of Pennsylvania. By a Tradesman of Philadelphia. Printed in the Year MDCCXLVII. 8vo. (h. ioio.) Dr. Franklin's essay in favor of defensive warfare, to which the Quakers, then the controlling political power in Pennsylvania, were opposed. 1751 226^ A Letter to a Friend : Containing Re- marks on a Discourse proposing a prep- aration of the Body for the Small-Pox. Philadelphia: Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall. MDCCLI. 4to. (h. 1224.) By Dr. John Kearsley of Philadelphia. 76 CATALOGUE. 1755 227 Geographical, Historical, Political, Phil- osophical and Mechanical Essays. The First, containing an Analysis of a Gen- eral Map of the Middle British Colonies in America ; and of the Country of the Confederate Indians. Philadelphia ; Printed by B. Franklin, and D. Hall. MDCCLV. 4to. (H. 1412.) 1757 228 The Charter, Laws, and Catalogue of Books, of the Library Company of Phila- delphia. Philadelphia : Printed by B. Franklin, and D. Hall. MDCCLVII. 8vo. (h. 1521.) The only known copy. 1766 229 A Morning and Evening's Meditation, or, a Descant on the Times. A Poem, by T. L. London, Printed. Philadelphia, Re-printed and Sold by B. Franklin, and D. Hall. 1766. 8vo. (h. 2232.) By Thomas Letchworth of London, a pi-ominent Quaker minister of the eighteenth century. It is the last book issued with Franklin's imprint. CATALOGUE. 77 WILLIAM BRADFORD. 230 Anno Regni Georgii II. Regis. At a Session of the General Assembly of the Colony of New-Jersey begun the Twenty-fourth day of September, 1723, the following Acts were published. Printed by William Bradford in the City of Perth- Amboy. 1723. Folio. The first book printed in New Jersey. JAMES PARKER. 1758 231 The New American Magazine, No. i. For January, 1758. By Sylvanus America- nus. Woodbridge, in New-Jersey. Printed and Sold by James Parker. The first magazine published in New Jersey. 1760 232 The History of North America, from the First Discovery thereof: Vol. I. By Sylvanus Americanus. Woodbridge, in New-Jersey : Printed by James Parker. MDCCLX. 8vo. " Published piece-meal in the New American Maga- zine, from January 1 758, to March 1 760 : and designed to be continued in several volumes down to the pres- ent time in the same manner ; but for want of suitable encouragement, the remaining volumes are suspended, together with the said Magazine." 78 CATALOGUE. 233 A Complete Introduction to the Latin Tongue. Published principally for the use of the Grammar-School at Nassau- Hall, in Prince-Town. The Second Edition. Woodbridge, in New-Jersey : Printed by James Parker, at the Ex- pence of the Trustees of the College, 1760. Sm. 8vo. By the Rev. Robert Ross ; and known as the Princeton Latin Grammar. The first edition was printed in New York in 1752. 1761 234 The Acts of the General Assembly of the Province of New-Jersey, from the year 1753 to the year 1761. Collected and published by order of the General As- sembly. By Samuel Nevill: Volume the Second. Woodbridge, in New- Jersey : Printed by James Parker, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty for the Province. M. DCC. LXI. Folio. The first volume was printed in Philadelphia by William Bradford the second. 1764 235 Conductor Generalis: or the Office, Duty, and Authority of Justices of the Peace, High Sheriffs, &c. Compiled by James Parker. Woodbridge, in New- Jersey: Printed and Sold by James Parker: 1764. 8vo. CATALOGUE. 79 1765 236 Anno Regni Georgii III. Regis, quinto. At a Parliament begun &c. at West- minster, the Nineteenth Day of May, 1 761, and from thence continued to the Tenth Day of January, 1765, &c. Lon- don : Printed &c. And re-printed by James Parker in the Province of New- Jersey. The celebrated " Stamp Act." It was reprinted in various form in all the American colonies immediately after its passage. SAMUEL F. PARKER. 1766 237 The Claim of the Inhabitants of the Town of Newark; in virtue of the Indian Purchase made by the first set- tlers of Newark, in 1667, stated and con- sidered. Woodbridge, in New-Jersey: Printed by Samuel F. Parker, M. DCC. LXVI. 8vo. By David Ogden, one of the justices of the Supreme Court of New Jersey. One of two copies known. l^urlington* JAMES PARKER. 1765 238 The History of the Colony of Nova Caesaria, or New-Jersey : Containing, an account of its first settlement, pro- So CATALOGUE. gressive improvements, the original and present constitution and other events, to the year 172 1. By Samuel Smith. Burlington, in New-Jersey : Printed and sold by James Parker: Sold also by David Hall, in Philadelphia, MDCC- LXV. 8vo. This copy is entirely uncut. ISAAC COLLINS. 1771 239 A Compendium of Surveying. By Thomas Moody. Burlington, Printed by Isaac Collins, for the Author. MDCCLXXI. Sm. 8vo. The first work of the kind produced in America. 1773 240 Brief Considerations on Slavery, and the expediency of its Abolition. With some hints on the means whereby it may be gradually effected. Burlington: Printed and Sold by Isaac ColHns, M. DCC» LXXIII. 8vo. One of Anthony Benezet's numerous antislavery pamphlets. 241 A Bill in the Chancery of New- Jersey,. at the suit of Robert Barclay, against William Earl of Stirling, and others^ Proprietors of the Eastern Division of the Province of New-Jersey. Bur- lington, Printed by Isaac Collins, M. DCC. LXXIII. Folio. CATALOGUE. 8l 1774 242 The History of the Rise, Increase and Progress of the Christian People called Quakers. By William Sewel. The Third Edition. Burlington, New-Jer- sey: Printed and Sold by Isaac Collins, M. DCC. LXXIV. Folio. 1775 243 The Instructor: or, Young Man's Best Companion, By George Fisher. The Twenty-first Edition, Burlington. Printed and sold by Isaac Collins. M. DCC. LXXV. Sm. 8vo. One of the most popular educational manuals pub- lished in the British colonies. 244 Extracts from the Journal of Proceed- ings of the Provincial Congress of New-Jersey, held at Trenton in May, June and August, 1775. Burlington: Printed by and sold by Isaac Collins, M, DCC, LXXV. 8vo. New Jersey's first Revolutionary publication. 1732 244^ The Acts of the General Assembly of the Province of New-Jersey. Phila- delphia : Printed and Sold by William and Andrew Bradford, Printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, 82 CATALOGUE. for the Province of New-Jersey. MDCCXXXII. Folio, (h. 4441.) No other example of this imprint is known. 1752 245 The Grants, Concessions, and Original Constitutions of the Province of New- Jersey. The Acts passed during the Proprietary Governments and other material Transactions before the sur- render thereof to Queen Anne. Col- lected by Aaron Leaming and Jacob Spicer. Philadelphia : Printed by W. Bradford, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty for the Province of New-Jersey [1758]. Folio, (h. 1596.) William Bradford the second was engaged for nearly three years in printing this book. €ge > O CD O O CO > -< 00 73 m n > > —I m 7J > < CO L T T 1 — O > z m O a cn KJ O CO LD 21-50m-8,'57 (.C8481sl0)476 General Library University of California Berkeley M16S069 ^7 THE UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY ■ ^;i!!'