l^ UH A\z UC-NRLF B ^ 257 3^2 THE I OHN CRERAR LIBRARY A SELECTED LIST OF BOOKS ON MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY SEPTEMBER 24, 1917 CHICAGO PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1917 First Vice-President Thomas D. Jones OFFICERS, 1917 President Marvin Hughitt Secretary Walter B. Smith Treasurer William J. Louderback Second Vice-President Robert Forsyth Librarian Clement W. Andrews HEADS OF THE LIBRARY STAFF Librarian Clement W. Andrews Assistant Librarian Edward D. Tweedell Cataloguer Aksel G. S. Josephson Medical Reference Librarian . . .J. Christian Bay Reference Librarian Robert J. Usher Classifier Grace Kelley Assistant Reference Librarian H. Edward Roelke Assistant Reference Librarian ^ . .... Frederick E. Brasch Assistant Cataloguer ... * Mary E. Hawley Assistant Cataloguer Gertrude Forstall Superintendent of Delivery ...... William Teal THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY A SELECTED LIST OF BOOKS ON MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY SEPTEMBER 24, 1917 CHICAGO PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1917 UBRARI SCHOOL GIFT k« PREFACE ^-♦^ The present list seems the most directly useful way in which the Library can make its resources available for the mihtary centers now being created throughout the country. It has been prepared under the pressure of limited time and important events, and may not, either in selection or in edit- ing, fulfill its ideal at all points, yet as a selection of recent and commendable literature it probably will meet the need at the cantonments. The Library's collections in every field of Medicine are constantly growing, so it may be possible to supplement this list from time to time. While the list was intended to contain books only, yet it was deemed advisable to include a few selected references to articles in periodicals, on the subject of the treatment of war wounds, as no books on this subject were available. By a special appropriation the Directors have made pos- sible the loan of a number of the books contained in this list. The loans will be made to the cantonment libraries for short periods. Periodicals as a rule cannot be lent, but photographic reproductions of articles can be furnished at a small expense. This list, the thirteenth of the Library's bibliographical publications, is in a smaller format than those previously issued, and with shorter entries. 395 CONTENTS GENERAL WORKS 7 Bibliographies 7 Periodicals 7 Government Publications 10 United States 10 Germany and Austria 11 Dictionaries 11 Anatomy and Physiology 12 Practice of Medicine 12 HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH 13 Diet 14 Teeth 14 Hair and Skin 15 Feet 15 Military Hygiene 16 Naval Hygiene 21 Food Analysis 22 First Aid — Emergencies 23 Gas and Electric Injuries 25 Red Cross 25 Nursing 26 Hospitals 28 DISEASES 28 Circulatory System 28 Respiratory System 29 Digestive System 29 Genito-Urinary System 30 Nervous System 30 Infectious Diseases 32 Influenza 32 Malaria . 32 Meningitis 33 Tuberculosis 33 Typhoid 33 Venereal Disease 34 5 6 CONTENTS SURGERY 34 Wounds 34 Electric Injuries 37 Open Treatment of Wounds 37 Fractures and Dislocations 38 Results oe Injuries — Traumatism .... 40 Orthopedics 41 Surgery of the Head 42 Surgery of the Neck and Throat .... 44 Abdominal Surgery 45 Pelvic Surgery 46 Extremities 46 Heart and Blood-Vessels 47 Eye — Vision 48 Ear — Hearing 50 Operative and Military Surgery .... 51 Emergency and Plastic Surgery 54 Permanent Injuries 55 Bandaging 55 APPENDIX 57 Drill and Instruction Books 57 Army Horses 58 GENERAL WORKS BIBLIOGRAPHIES American Medical Association. L016.61 A513 Quarterly cumulative index to current medical literature. Chicago, [1916+]. Vol. I +. Annual cumulation, supplemented by quarterly issues. L016.61 I38 Index medicus. A monthly classified record of the current medical literature of the world. [First series], 21 vol. New York, -Boston, 18 79-1 899. Second series. [Wash- ington, D. C], Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1903+. Vol. i+. U. S. War Department. Surgeon General's L017.73 S961 Office. Index catalogue of the Library. Authors and subjects. Washington, 1 880-1 895. 16 vol. Second series. Washington, 1896 -19 16. 21 vol. PERIODICALS 610.51 A512 American journal of the medical sciences. Philadelphia, Lea Brothers, 1827+. Vol. 1+. illus. American Medical Association. L6io.6i03 4 The journal of the American Medical Association. Chicago, [1883+]. Vol. 1+. illus. 8 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY 617.06105 30 The Military surgeon. Journal of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States. Washington, D. G., 1891+. Vol. i+. National Association of United States 610.619 1 30 Pension Examining Surgeons. Transactions of the National Association of United States Pension Examining Surgeons. Annual meeting. Phila- delphia, 1903+. Vol. i+. New York and New England Association 617.06162 i of Railway Surgeons. Transactions. [New York], 1910-I-. No. 19+. illus. L610.51 R13 The Railway surgical journal. Ghicago, [1894+]. Vol. 1+. illus. L617.051 S961 Surgery, gynecology and obstetrics. An international journal. Ghicago, 1905+. Vol. i+. illus. - G. Brit. Royal Army Medical Corps. L610.52 G79 Journal of the Royal Army Medical Gorps. [London], Bale, [1907 + ]. Vol. 8+. illus. L610.52 L22 The Lancet. A journal of British and foreign medicine, surgery, obstetrics, physiology, chemistry, pharmacology, public health, and news. London, 1823+. VoL i+. illus. L610.54 A667 Archives de medecine et de pharmacie militaires. Paris, Gharles-Lavauzelle, 1909+. Vol. 53+. illus. PERIODICALS 9 613.054 A67 Archives de medecine navale. Recueil public par ordre du Ministre de la marine. Paris, Imprimerie Rationale, 1864-1913. Vol. i-ioo. illus. Lyon chirurgical. Paris, Masson, [1910+]. 617.054 L98 Vol. 3+. illus. L610.54 P924 La Presse medicale. Paris, Masson, [1897+]. Vol. 5, no. 2+. illus. L610.53 W636 V41-48 AUgemeine militararztliche Zeitung. Beilage zur Wiener medizinischen Presse. Wien, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1900-1907. 8 vol., bound with Wiener medizinische Presse, vol. 41-48. 610.53 A673 Archiv fiir Schiffs- und Tr open-Hygiene, unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Pathologie und Therapie. Leipzig, Barth, 1897-1914. Vol. i-i8. illus. • 610.53 A674 Beihefte. Leipzig, Barth, 1907+. Vol. 1 1 -1 8. illus. L610.53 M59 Militararzt. Zeitschrift fiir das gesamte Sanitatswesen der Armeen. Wien, Perles, 1873-1913. Vol. 7-47. illus. 613.053 R74 Roths Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungen und Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete des MiUtar-Sanitatswesens. BerUn, Mittler, 1874— 1912. Vol. 1-38. 617.055 G43 Giomale di medicina miUtare. Roma, [191 2+]. Vol. 60, no. ii-f-. illus. Incomplete. lo MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY 610.57 V85 Voenno-meditsinskii zhurnal. [Military medical journal is- sued by the Medical Department of the Ministry of War.] Sanktpeterburg, 1869 -1907. Vol. 106-120, 1869-1874; vol. 218, no. 1-2, Jan.- Feb., 1907. illus. Incomplete. In Russian. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS UNITED STATES U. S. Treasury Department. Public 353*255 i Health Service. Annual report. Washington, 187 2+. No. i+. illus. U. S. Treasury Department. Public 614.0973 30 Health Service. Miscellaneous publication. Washington, 1914+. No. 13+. U. S. Treasury Department. Public 614.051 UT713 Health Service. Pubhc health bulletin. Washington, 1910+. No. 32+. illus. No. 33 and some later numbers con- stitute the Studies in leprosy, which have shelf number 616.998 Q800 U. S. Treasury Department. Public 614.051 UT715 Health Service. PubUc health reports, issued in weekly numbers. Wash- ington, 1881+. Vol. i+. illus. U. S. Treasury Department. Public 016.353 U5849 Health Service. Publications. Washington, 1908+. Published irregularly. U. S. Treasury Department. Public 614.051 7 Health Service. Hygienic Laboratory. Bulletin. Washington, 1900+. No. i+. illus. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS ii U. S. War Department. Surgeon GeneraVs 610.51 U589 Office. Bulletin. Washington, 1913+. No. i + . illus. U. S. War Department. Surgeon GeneraVs 614.0973 25 Office. Report. Washington, 1872 +. 1871/2+. illus. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA Austria. Reichs- Kriegsministerium. L614.09436 20 Marine Sektion. Statistischer Sanitatsbericht der K. iind k. Kriegs- marine. 1900-1913. Wien, 1902-1914. 4 vol. Germany. Reichs-Marine-Amt. L610.53 G31 Medizinal-A hteilung. VeroffentHchungen aus dem Gebiete des Marine-Sani- tatswesens. Berlin, Mittler, 1910-1915. No. i-ii. Prussia. Kriegsministerium. S610.53 P95 Medizinal-A hteilung. Veroffentlichungen aus dem Gebiete des MiHtar-Sani- tatswesens. Berlin, Hirschwald, 1892-1915. No. 1-64. illus. Incomplete. Prussia. Kriegsministerium. L6 14.0943 P957 Medizinal-A hteilung. Sanitats-Bericht iiber die konigUch preussische Armee, das XII. und xix. und das xiii. Armeekorps, sowie iiber das Kaiserliche Ostasiatische Detachement. 1904-1911. Berlin, Mittler, 1907-1913. 7 vol. DICTIONARIES Bryan, M. Theresa. 610.3 R201 The nurses' complete medical dictionary. London, Bail- liere, 191 2. 196 p. 12 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Borland, W. A. Newman 610.3 R500 The American illustrated medical dictionary. 8th ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 191 5. II37P- Garnier, Marcel & Delamare, V. 610.3 R700 Dictionnaire des termes techniques de medecine. 6th ed. Paris, Maloine, 191 7. 650 p. Lang, Hugo. 610.3 R301 Lang's German-English dictionary of terms used in medicine and allied sciences. 2d ed. Philadelphia, Blakiston, 19 13. 564 P- ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Bailey, Frederick R. 611.018 R601 A text-book of histology. 5th ed. New York, Wood, 1916. 652 p. illus. "General references for further study" at end of most of the chapters. Brubaker, Albert P. 612.02 R602 A text-book of human physiology, including a section on physiologic apparatus. 5th ed. Philadelphia, Blakis- ton, [1916]. 776 p. illus. Bundy, Elizabeth R. 614.91 R400 Text-book of anatomy and physiology for training schools and other educational institutions. 3d ed. Philadelphia, Blakiston, [1914]. 408 p. illus. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE French, Herbert, ed. 616.07 R203 An index of differential diagnosis of main symptoms, by various writers. New York, Wood, 191 2. 1017 p. illus. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE 13 Lenzmann, Richard. 616.02 R309 Emergencies in medical practice : the pathology and treat- ment of morbid conditions that may suddenly endanger life. Translated from the third ed. New York, Wood, 1915- 577 p. Osier, Sir William. 616.02 R602 The principles and practice of medicine, designed for the use of practitioners and students of medicine. 8th ed. New York, Appleton, 1916. 1225 p. illus. HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH Pyle, Walter, ed. 613.02 R501 A manual of personal hygiene ; proper living upon a physi- ologic basis, by American authors. 6th ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 191 5. 543 p. illus. Ritchie, John W. 614.4 R601 Public and personal health: Part one, An elementary text on sanitation. — Part two. An elementary physiology and hygiene. Yonkers-on-Hudson, N. Y., World Book Co., 1916. 394 p. illus. Rosenau, Milton J. 614.02 R702 Preventive medicine and hygiene. With chapters upon sewage and garbage. Vital statistics. Mental hygiene. 3d ed. containing a special section on MiUtary hygiene. New York, Appleton, 191 7. 1374 p. illus. Squire, J. Edward. 613.67 R5oi Medical hints for the use of medical officers temporarily employed with troops. London, Hodder, 191 5. 128 p. 14 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Stewart, M. B. 356 R300 The physical development of the infantry soldier. [Men- asha, Wis., Banta, 1913.] 41 p . U. S. Treasury Department. Public Health 614.43 Rooi and Marine Hospital Service. The rat and its relation to the public health, by various authors. Washington, 19 10. 254 p. illus. Waite, Henry. 613.67 R504 How to keep ''fit"; or, The soldiers' guide to health in field, camp, and quarters. 3d ed. London, Gale, [1915]- 60 p. DIET Fish, Ada Z. 641.02 R70 American Red Cross text-book on home dietetics. Phila- delphia, Blakiston, [''1917]. 118 p. illus. Contains "References." Friedenwald, Julius & Ruhrah, John 613.2 R303 Diet in health and disease. 4th ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1913. 857 p. illus. Jordan, Whitman H. 613.2 R201 Principles of human nutrition, a study in practical die- tetics. New York, Macmillan, 191 2. 450 p. illus. Moss, James A. 355-04 M85 The story of a troop mess. Washington, U. S. Infantry Association, [1909]. 85 p. illus. TEETH Brackett, Charles A. 613.49 R500 The care of the teeth. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1915. 63 P- TEETH 15 Fones, Alfred C. 613.49 R600 Mouth hygiene, a course of instruction for dental hygien- ists. Philadelphia, Lea, 1916. 530 p. illus. Kauffmann, Joseph Herbert. 613.49 R601 Care of the mouth and teeth. New York, Rebman, [1916]. 69 p. illus. Pitts, Arthur T. 617.602 R603 The care of the teeth. London, Methuen, [1916]. 108 p. illus. HAIR AND SKIN 613-4 Q700 [Maurer, Mrs. Ruth D. Johnson] The skin, its care and treatment. 3d ed. Chicago, Mcintosh, [""1907]. 325 p. illus. Woodbury, William A. 613.49 R504 The care of the hair and the scalp; how to keep the hair from falHng out and turning grey. New York, Dillingham, 54 p. illus. FEET Hehir, Patrick. 612.76 R200 The march: its mechanism, effects and hygiene. Calcutta, Thacker, 191 2. 79 p. illus. Kahler, Charles O. 617.58 Q300 Our feet; a treatise on the human foot and its clothing. New York, Kahler, 1903. 89 p. illus. Momburg, Dr. 613.67 +800 Der Gang des Menschen und die Fussgeschwulst. Berlin, Hirschwald, 1908. 87 p. illus. i6 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Moore, Edward L. ed. 617.58 R502 The chiropodists therapeutic manual of the treatments of the feet. Detroit, Moore, [^1915] 124 p. Reitzner, Viktor von. 355-8i Rioo Der Regulierschuh als Kriegs- und allgemeine Fussbe- kleidung. Wien, Seidel, 191 1. 47 p. illus. Woodbury, William A. 613.49 R501 The care of the foot. New York, Dillingham, [''1915]. 60 p. illus. MILITARY HYGIENE Altgelt, Carl. 613.67 Q905 Der Sanitatsdienst im Felde. Nach den neuen Dienst- vorschriften dargestellt und an Beispielen erlautert. Berlin, Mittler, 1910. 205 p. illus. Ashburn, P. M. 613.67 Q902 The elements of military hygiene, especially arranged for officers and men of the line. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1909. 314 p. Barnett, K. B. 613.67 R201 Handbook on military sanitation for regimental officers. London, Groom, 191 2. 176 p. Barthelmes, Andreas. 355-o8 7 v. 11 Grundsatze der Militar-Gesundheitspflege fiir den Trup- penoffizier. Berlin, Mittler, 1907. 146 p. illus. Bischoff, Hans. ed. 613.67 R002 Lehrbuch der Militarhygiene. Berlin, Hirschwald, 1910- 1913- 5 vol. illus. "Literatur" at end of each section. MILITARY HYGIENE 17 Blackham, Robert J. 613.67 Q904 Military sanitation for soldiers serving in hot climates. London, Thacker, 1909. 143 p. illus. Caldwell, Robert. 613.67 R004 IMilitary hygiene. 2d ed. London, Bailliere, 19 10. 580 p. illus. Firth, R. H. 613.67 Q802 Military hygiene; a manual of sanitation for soldiers. London, Churchill, 1908. 299 p. illus. Follenfant, A. 613.67 R006 Etudes sur le service de sante en campagne. Paris, Chapelot, 1910. 124 p. France. Ministere de la guerre. 614.88 Rooi Manuel technique du maitre-infirmier. Paris, Charles- La vauzelle, [19 10] 192 p. illus. .France. Ministere de la guerre. 613.67 R005 Service de sante en campagne. Volume arrete a la date du 26 avril 1910. Paris, Chapelot, 1910. 100 p. Gr. Brit. War Office. 613.67 Q803 Handbook of the medical services of foreign armies. London, 1908. Vol. 1-2. I France. 2 Germany. Gt. Brit. War Office. 355-42 Rioi Royal Army Medical Corps training. 191 1. London, 1911. 453 P- illus. Havard, Valery. 613.67 R703 Manual of military hygiene for the military services of the United States. 3d ed. New York, Wood, 191 7. 809 p. illus. List of the more recent and useful works on hygiene, p. [787-793.] i8 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Jones, George Ellis 613.67 R702 Hygiene and war; suggestions for makers of text-books and for use in schools. Washington, D. C, 191 7. 207 p. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Keefer, Frank R. 613.67 R401 A text-book of military hygiene and sanitation. Phila- delphia, Saunders, 19 14. 305 p. illus. Lemoine, G. H. L613.67 Rioo Traite d'hygiene militaire. Paris, Masson, 191 1. 758 p. illus. Maccabe, Frederick F. 613.67 Q700 War with disease. 2d ed. London, Bailliere, 1907. 125 p. Mason, Charles Field. 613.67 R701 A complete handbook for the sanitary troops of the U. S. army and navy, and national guard and naval militia. 4th ed. New York, Wood, 191 7. 500 p. illus. Mears, J. Ewing. 614.09862 3 The triumph of American medicine in the construction of the Panama canal. Philadelphia, Dornan, 191 1 25 p. illus. Melville, Charles H. 613.67 R200 Military hygiene and sanitation. London, Arnold, 191 2. 418 p. illus. Moody, Charles Stuart. 616.026 Rooi Backwoods surgery & medicine. New York, Outing Pub. Co., 1910. 100 p. Morrison, John F. & Munson, Edward L. 355.42 R003 A study in troop leading and management of the sanitary service in war. 2d ed. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, [Ketcheson Printing Co.], 191 1. 245 P- MILITARY HYGIENE 19 Munson, Edward L. 613.67 R102 The principles of sanitary tactics; a handbook on the use of medical department detachments and organiza- tions in campaign. [Menasha, Wis., Banta], 191 1. 306 p. maps. Munson, Edward L. & Eltinge, LeRoy. 355.051 UW194 v.2 A study in camp sanitation. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Army Service Schools Press, 1910. 15 p. maps. Niehues, W. 613.67 R300 Die Sanitatsausriistung des Heeres in Kriege. Berlin, Hirschwald, 1913. 527 p. illus. Red Cross. Germany. L613.67 Q801 Beitrage zur Kriegsheilkunde aus der Hilfstatigkeit der Deutschen Vereine vom Rothen Kreuz wahrend des Russisch-Japanischen Krieges 1904-05. Leipzig, Engel- mann, 1908. 431 p. illus. Red Cross. Germany. Berlin. L613.67 R403 Beitrage zur Kriegsheilkunde aus den Hilfsunternehmun- gen der Deutschen Vereine vom Roten Kreuz wahrend des italienisch-turkischen Feldzuges 1912 unddesBalkankrieges 191 2-13. BerUn, Springer, 1914. 1 1 13 p. illus. L613.67 Q901 Sanitatsdienst und Gesundheitspflege im deutschen Heere. Hrsg. von Dr. A. Villaret. Stuttgart, Enke, 1909. 1032 p. Smith, William Johnson. 613.68 R201 A medical and surgical help for shipmasters and officers in the merchant navy; including first aid to the injured. 4th ed. London, Griffin, 191 2. 355 p. illus. 20 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Sternberg, George M. 613.67 R203 Sanitary lessons of the war, and other papers. Wash- ington, D. C, B. S. Adams, 191 2. 91 p. Straub, Paul Frederick. 613.67 R202 Medical service in campaign; a handbook for medical officers in the field. 2ded. Philadelphia, Blakis ton, 19 12. 186 p. illus. U. S. Navy Department. Bureau of 613.67 R503 Medicine and Surgery. Report on the medico-mihtary aspects of the European war from observations taken behind the alHed armies in France. Washington, 191 5. 146 p. illus. U. S. War Department 355-oo7 R701 Extracts from U. S. Army regulations. New York, Bur- dick & King, [191 7]. 13s p. TJ. S. War Department. 355-0973 R300 The soldier's handbook for use in the army of the United States. Washington, Govt Print. Off., 1913. 91 p. illus. TJ. S. War Department. Surgeon General's 353.685 i Office. Manual for the medical department. United States Army. Washington, 1896. Vivian, E. Charles. 355-34 R400 With the Royal Army Medical Corps at the front. Lon- don, Hodder and Stoughton, 1914. 192 p. Westphal, Oberarzt Dr. 613.67 R003 Behelfsvorrichtungen beim Sanitatsdienste im Felde. (Vorwiegend nach Erfahrungen aus dem Hottentotten- feldzuge 1904/07.) Berlin, Hirschwald, 1910. 218 p. illus. MILITARY HYGIENE 21 Wilson, James Sprigg. 613.67 R402 Field sanitation. A manual for noncommissioned officers. 4th ed. Menasha, Wis., Banta, [^1914]. 123 p. illus. Wittmann, Richard. 355.04 W78 Der Sanitatsdienst im Zukunftskriege. Ein Kriegstage- buch. Berlin, Mittler, 1910. 163 p. Woodhull, Alfred A. 613.67 Q903 Military hygiene, for officers of the hne. 4th ed. New York, Wiley. 1909. 384 p. illus. "Useful books of reference": p. 370. NAVAL HYGIENE Gatewood, James Duncan. 613.68 Q900 Naval hygiene. Prepared by direction of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Philadelphia, Blakiston, 1909. 779 p. illus. Gt. Brit. Board of Trade. 613.68 R200 The ship captain's medical guide. London, 191 2. 214 p. L613.68 R400 Handbuch der Gesundheitspflege an Bord von Kriegsschififen. ErsterBand. AUgemeine Gesundheitspflege. Jena, Fischer, 1914. 1028 p. illus., "Literatur" with special subjects. Melville-Davison, William. 613.68 Rioo Some new and interesting points in ships' hygiene. Bristol, Wright, 191 1. 87 p. illus. Smith, Wm. Johnson. 613.68 R201 A medical and surgical help for shipmasters and officers in the merchant navy; including first aid to the injured. 4th ed. London, Griffin, 191 2. 355 p. illus. 22 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY U. S. Navy Department. Bureau of 613.68 R700 Medicine and Surgery. Handy book for Hospital Corps, United States Navy. Washington, 191 7. 386 p. illus. U. S. Navy Department. Bureau of 353.756 R400 Medicine and Surgery. Manual for the Medical Department of the United States Navy. Washington, 19 14. 349 p. illus. — Changes in Manual. 1916 + U. S. Navy Department. Bureau of 613.68 R600 Medicine and Surgery. Medical compend for masters of the Naval Auxiliary Ser- vice. Washington, 191 6. 99 p. U. S. Navy Department. Bureau of 616.07 R407 Medicine and Surgery. Memoranda to accompany the naval test case and mi- croscopical outfit. Washington, 1914. 67 p. FOOD ANALYSIS Edelmann, Richard. 614.317 R600 Text-book of meat hygiene, with special consideration of antemortem and postmortem inspection of food-producing animals. 3d ed. Philadelphia, Lea, 1916. 452 p. illus Jordan, Edwin Cakes. 616.97 R700 Food poisoning. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1917- iiSP- Raynal, J. 614.31 R103 Expertise des viandes militaries. Betail sur pied, viandes abattues, saines et malades. Paris, Doin, 191 1. 224 p. illus. FOOD ANALYSIS 23 Savage, William G. 614.32 R201 Milk and the public health. London, Macmillan, 191 2. 459 p. illus. U. S. Treasury Department. Public 614.051 7 v.56 Health Service. Hygienic Laboratory, Milk and its relation to the public health. Washington, 1909. 834 p. illus. With bibliographies. FIRST AID — EMERGENCIES 614.053 A677 Archiv fiir Rettungswesen und erste arzthche Hilfe. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Zentralverbandes fiir Rettungs- wesen, etc. Berlin, 1913-1914. Vol. 1—2. illus. Burnham, A. C. 614.88 R701 A text-book of first aid and emergency treatment. Phila- delphia, Lea, 191 7. 307 p. illus. Blume, Julius. 614.88 Rioo Der Samariter. Leitfaden fiir die erste Hilfe bei Un- gliicksf alien. Karlsruhe, Braun, 191 1. 2 parts. Heft i : Text. Heft 2 : Abbildungen. Christian, L. M. Frank, & 614.88 R307 Edwards, William R. Problems in first aid. A companion to the authorized text book of the St. John Ambulance Association, on first aid to the injured. London, The St. John Ambulance Association, 19 13. 175 p. Eliason, Eldridge L. 614.88 R503 First aid in emergencies. Philadelphia, Lippincott, [^1915] 204 p. illus. Mackay, Henry. 616.026 Rioi Improvised methods of aid in the field. For the use of voluntary aid detachments and members of the territorial Royal Army Medical Corps. 2ded. London, Eyre, 191 2. 156 p. illus. 24 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Owen, Hubley R. 614.88 R700 The treatment of emergencies. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1917. 350 p. illus. Prussia. Ministerium der Geistlichen, 616.026 Rioo Unterrichts-und Medizinal-Angelegenheiten. Medizinalahteilung. Nothelferbuch. Leitfaden fiir erste Hilfe bei plotzlichen Erkrankungen und Ungliicksf alien. Berlin, Hirschwald, 1911. • 159, p. illus. U. S. Department of Commerce. Bureau 614.88 R200 of Lighthouses. Medical handbook for the use of lighthouse vessels and stations. Washington, 191 2. 71 p. U. S. Department of Commerce. Bureau 614.88 R502 of Lighthouses. Prevention of disease and care of the sick and injured. With a supplement on First aid to the injured. Washing- ton, 1915. 116 p. illus. U. S. Navy Department. Bureau of 613.68 R600 Medicine and Surgery. Medical compend for masters of the Naval Auxiliary Ser- vice. Washington, 1916. 99 p. U. S. Treasury Department. Public 614.88 R202 Health Service. Medical handbook for the use of the Revenue-cutter ser- vice. Washington, 191 2. 75 p. illus. Warwick, F. J. & Tunstall, A. C. 614.88 R505 'Tirst aid" to the injured and sick. An advanced am- bulance handbook. 9th ed. Bristol, Wright, 191 5. 246 p. illus. FIRST AID — EMERGENCIES 25 Washington, D. C. Fire Department 613.71 R601 Setting up exercises for members of the uniformed force and first aid to the injured. Washington, 1916. 70 p. illus. Wilson, Andrew. 614.88 R203 Before the doctor comes. London, Nash, 191 2. 278 p. GAS AND ELECTRIC INJURIES Esch, Peter. L610.53 G31 v.ii tjber Vergif tungen durch Detonations — und Verpuffungs- gase an Bord. BerHn, Mittler, 191 5. 26 p. Bibhographical foot-notes. {In VeroffentH- chungen aus dem Gebiete des Marine-Sanitatswesens, Heft II.) Woodman, John 617.12 R300 First aid in case of electric shock. [New York], Press of the New York Edison Company, 1913. 30 p. illus. United Gas Improvement Company, 614.88 R504 Philadelphia. First aid for persons overcome by gas. 4th ed. Phila- delphia, Pa., ^1915. 41 p. illus. RED CROSS 362.19 R241 The American Red Cross magazine. Washington, [1906+]. No. i + . illus. Boardman, Mabel T. 362.19 R261 Under the Red Cross flag at home and abroad. Phila- delphia. Lippincott, 191 5. ?>?>?> P- illus. Lynch, Charles. 614.88 R303 American Red Cross abridged text-book on first aid. Woman's ed.. Philadelphia, Blakiston, 1914. 148 p. illus. 26 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Red Cross. 362.19 R26 Bulletin international des Societes de la croix-rouge public par le Comite international, fondateur de cette institution. Geneve, [1869+]. Vol. 1-37, vol. 44, [no. 2] +. illus. Red Cross. Great Britain. British Red 614.88 R204 Cross Society. [Manual.] London, 1912-1914. Vol. 1-4. illus. Title varies. Red Cross. U. S. American National 362.19 R242 Red Cross. Annual report. Washington, Govt Print. Off., 1908+. No. 3+. NURSING L614 9051 A512 The American journal of nursing. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1900+. Vol. i+. illus. Berry, John McWilliams. 614.973 R600 Orthopedic surgery for nurses. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1916. 97 p. illus. Childe, Charles P. 614.97 R601 Surgical nursing and technique. London, Bailliere, 1916. 229 p. Delano, Jane A, & Mclsaac, Isabel. 613.02 R301 American Red Cross textbook on elementary hygiene and home care of the sick. Philadelphia, Blakiston, 1913. 256 p. illus. ''Books of reference": p. 225-232. Hassard, E. M. 614.902 R003 Practical nursing for male nurses in the R. A. M. O. and other forces. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1910. 339 P- ill^s. Howell, Conrade A. L614.97 R300 A series of lectures on surgical nursing and hospital technic. [Columbus, O., Stoneman, ''1913]. 323 p. illus. NURSING 27 Laurence, E. C. 614.904 L37 A nurse's life in war and peace. 2d ed. London, Smith, Elder, 1912. 311 P- . Legrand, Cesar. 614.9714 Q600 L'assistance feminine en temps de guerre. Paris, Li- brairie universelle [1907]. 292 p. Legrand, Cesar. 614.9714 Q800 Die Tatigkeit der Frau im Kriege. Koln a. Rh., Neubner, 1908. 104 p. illus. New York, N. Y. Manhattan Eye, Ear 614.9752 R500 and Throat Hospital. Nursing in diseases of the eye, ear, nose, and throat. 2d ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 191 5. ,291 p. illus. Parker, Edward Mason, & 614.97 R600 Breckinridge, Scott Dudley. Surgical and gynaecological nursing. Philadelphia, Lip- pincott [^1916]. 425 p. illus. Red Cross. France, Union des femmes de France. 610.2 R401 Manuel de I'infirmiere-hospitaUere. 6™^ ed. Paris, Mas- son, 1914. 353 p. illus. Roberts, George F. L614.94 R500 Nurses manual of bacteriology and aseptic technique. Salt Lake City, Utah, Western Printing Co. ^1915] 21 numb. 1. Smith, Amy Armour. 614.979 R600 The operating room, a primer for pupil nurses. Phila- delphia, Saunders, 1916. 295 p. illus. 28 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Stoney, Emily M. A. 614.97 Rooi Bacteriology and surgical technic for nurses. 3d ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 191 5. 311 p. illus. Sutherland, Halliday G. 616.246 R505 Pulmonary tuberculosis in general practice. London, Cassell, 1916. 290 p. illus. HOSPITALS Cross, Alfred W. S. L725.73 C88 Public baths and wash-houses; a treatise on their planning, design, arrangement, and fitting. London, Batsford, 1906. 281 p. illus. Gerhard, William Paul. 613.41 Q800 Modern baths and bath houses. New York, Wiley, 1908. 311 p. illus. "A bibliography on baths and bathing": p. 275-281. Hornsby, John Allan & Schmidt, Richard E. L362 R300 The modern hospital; its inspiration: its architecture: its equipment: its operation. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1913- 644 p. illus. L613.051 M72 The Modern hospital. A monthly journal. [St. Louis, Mo., 1913+-] Vol. i + . illus. "Index of hospital and sanatorium literature," in each number. DISEASES CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Ballenger, William Lincoln. 616.2 R403 Diseases of the nose, throat and ear, medical and surgical. 4th ed. Philadelphia, Lea, 1914. 1080 p. illus. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 29 Hirschf elder, Arthur Douglass. 616.12 R300 Diseases of the heart and aorta. 2d ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott, [^1913] 738 p. illus. Bibliographies at end of chapters. Ward, Gordon R. 616.15 R401 Bedside haematology ; an introduction to the clinical study of the so-called blood diseases and of allied disorders. Philadelphia, Saunders, 19 14. 394 p. illus. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Gile, Ben Clark. 616.2 R504 The nose, throat and ear, their functions and diseases. Philadelphia, Blakiston, [^1915] 456 p. illus. Sadler, William S. 616.2 Rooi The cause and cure of colds. Chicago, McClurg, 1910.^ 147 p. Williams, Patrick Watson. 616.21 Rooi Rhinology; a text book of diseases of the nose and the nasal accessory sinuses. New York, Longmans, 1910. 273 p. illus. ''Bibliography," p. 262-267. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Beati, Felice. L616.34 R406 Ulcera duodenale. Pavia, Mattel, 1914. • 615 p. ''Bibliografia," p. [9]-62. Bolton, Charles. 616.33 R302 Ulcer of the stomach. London, Arnold, 1913. 396 p. illus. ''References" throughout. Herschell, George. 616.33 Q500 Indigestion, the diagnosis and treatment of the functional derangements of the stomach. With an appendix on the preparation of food. 3d ed. entirely rewritten. Chicago, Keener, 1905. 293 P- 30 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Peters, O. H. L616.934 Rioo Observations upon the natural history of epidemic diar- rhoea. Cambridge, University Press, 191 1. 177 p. GENITO-URINARY SYSTEM Cammidge, P. J. 616.63 R302 Glycosuria and allied conditions. New York, Longmans, 1913- 467 p. ''Bibliography" at the end of each chapter. Corner, Edred M, 1872- 616.6 R002 Male diseases in general practice. London, Hodder, 1910. 462 p. illus. Keyes, Edward L., jr. 616.6 Ryoi Urology. Diseases of the urinary organs ; diseases of the male genital organs; the venereal diseases. New York, Appleton, 191 7. 908 p. illus. NERVOUS SYSTEM Bailey, Pearce. 616.8 Q601 Diseases of the nervous system resulting from accident and injury. New York, Appleton, 1906. 627 p. illus. Bibliography, p. 603-615. Berger, Hans. 616.89 R500 Trauma und Psychose, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Unfallbegutachtung. Berlin, Springer, 191 5. 208 p. Contains bibliographies. Eder, M. D. 617.21 R700 War-shock. The psycho-neuroses in war; psychology and • treatment. London, Heinemann, 191 7. 154 P- Elsberg, Charles A. L6 16.83 R601 Diagnosis and treatment of surgical diseases of the spinal cord and its membranes. Philadelphia, Saunders, 19 16. 330 p. illus. NERVOUS SYSTEM 31 Erichsen, Sir John Eric, bart. 617. i O200 On concussion of the spine, nervous shock and other ob- scure injuries to the nervous system in their cHnical and medico-legal aspects. New and rev. ed. New York, Wood, 1883. 163 p. Guleke, Nikolas. L617.08 29 v.9 Chirurgie der Nebenschilddriisen (Epithelkorper). Stutt- gart, F. Enke, 1913. 200 p. illus. 'Xiteratur": p. [i67]-2oo. Harris, Wilfred. 616.8 R503 Nerve injuries and shock. London, Hodder, 1915. 127 p. King, Edgar. 610.51 U589 v.5 Mental disease and defect in United States troops. Wash- ington, Govt. Print. Off., 1914. 204 p. Naville, Fran?ois. 616.89 R009 Contribution a I'etude de I'alienation mentale dans Tarmee Suisse et dans les armees etrangeres; etude clinique, statistique, et de prophylaxie. Geneve, Kundig, 1910. 184 p. Neel, Axel V. L616.85 R202 Om traumatiske neuroser. K^benhavn, 191 2. Vol. I. "Litteraturfortegnelse," p. [209] -2 15. Oppenheim, H. 616.85 R600 Die Neurosen infolge von Kriegsverletzungen. Berlin, Karger, 1916. 268 p. illus. Pellecchia, Ettore. L6 17.48 R500 Sul trapianto libero dei nervi: (ricerche sperimentali). Napoli, Fiorenza, 191 5. 360 p. illus. Bibliografia p. [3291-3 60. Riley, W. H. 616.84 R600 Headaches and how to prevent them. Battle Creek, Good Health Pub. Co., 1916. 144 p. 32 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Smith, G. Elliot, & Pear, T. H. 617.21 R701 Shell shock and its lessons. Manchester, University Press, 1917. 13s P- Spielmeyer, Walther. 617.145 R501 Zur Klinik und Anatomic der Nervenschussverletzungen. Berlin, Springer, 191 5. 68 p. illus. Stewart, Purves. 616.87 R600 Nerve injuries and their treatment. London, 1916. 208 p. INFECTIOUS DISEASES Hurst, Arthur F. 613.67 R700 Medical diseases of the war. London, Arnold, 191 7. 151 p. illus. ''References" at the end of each chapter. Contents. — i. Functional nervous disorders. — 2. Dy- sentery. — 3. Amoebic hepatitis and hepatic abscess. — 4. Trench fevers. — 5. Paratyphoid fever. — 6. Epidemic jaundice. — 7. A form of beri-beri occurring among British troops. — 8. Soldier's heart. — 9. War nephritis. — 10. Gas-poisoning. Zentralkomitee fur das Arztliche 617.99 R501 Fortbildungswesen in Preussen. Seuchenbekampfung im Kriege. Zehn Vortrage. Jena, Fischer, 191 5. 225 p. illus. INFLUENZA Hopkirk, Arthur F. 616.203 R400 Influenza: its history, nature, cause, and treatment. New York, Scribner, 1914. 209 p. illus. MALARIA Craig, Charles F. 610.51 U589 v.6 The prophylaxis of malaria with special reference to the military service. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1914. 115 p. illus. ''References": p. 113 -11 5. t INFECTIOUS DISEASES 33 MENINGITIS Gt. Brit. Medical Research Committee. 616.82 R601 Report upon bacteriological studies of cerebro-spinal fever during the epidemic of 1915. London, 1916. 64 p. TUBERCULOSIS Brown, Lawrason. 616.246 R501 Rules for recovery from pulmonary tuberculosis; a lay- man's handbook on treatment. Saranac Lake, N. Y., 191 5. 173 p. Bibliography: p. 166-168. Gt. Brit. War Office. Committee on L354.42 i 1908 v.69 Treatment of Soldiers Invalided for Tuberculosis. Report. London, 1908. 5 p. Knopf, S. Adolphus, 1857- 616.995 Q901 Tuberculosis a preventable and curable disease; modern methods for the solution of the tuberculosis problem. New York, Moffat, Yard, 1909. 394 p. illus. Robin, Albert. 616.995 R314 Treatment of tuberculosis; ordinary therapeutics of medical men. Translated [from the French]. London, Churchill, 19 13. 616 p. Vallow, Harold. 614.542 R401 The care and after-care of consumptives. The inevitable complement. London, Bale, 191 5. 66 p. TYPHOID Gt. Brit. Army Medical Department. L6 16.927 R300 Anti-typhoid Committee. Report, 1912. London, 1913. loi p. 34 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Lumsden, L. L. 614.051 UT713 v.51 The causation and prevention of typhoid fever with special reference to conditions observed in Yakima County, Washington. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 191 2. 53 p. illus. ''List of Pubhc health bulletins": iv p. at end. "Construction and maintenance of a sanitary privy": p. 43-49- VENEREAL DISEASES Dreuw, W. H. 616.5 R504 Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten im Kriege und im Frieden. Berlin, Fischer, 191 5. 200 p. illus. Thompson, Loyd. 616.951 R601 Syphilis. Philadelphia, Lea, 19 16. 415 p. illus. . Thibierge, G. 616.951 R700 La S3rphilis et I'armee. Paris, Masson, 1917. 196 p. illus. SURGERY Marion, G. 617.902 R700 Manuel de technique chirurgicale. Paris, Maloine, 191 7. 2 vol. illus. WOUNDS Albee, Fred H. 617.47 R500 Bone-graft surgery. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1915. 417 p. illus. Bonnette, Pierre Joseph Hilaire. SL617.2 Q701 Dangers des tirs a blanc. Effets dynamiques et vulnerants des cartouches a fausse balle. Paris, Maloine, 1907. xvi, 232 p. illus. 'Tndex bibliographique special," p. [227]-228. Bristow, W. Rowley. 617. i R600 Treatment of joint and muscle injuries. London, Hodder, 1917. 148 p. illus. WOUNDS 35 Bruhn, Chr. ed. L617.51 R500 Die gegenwartigen Behandlungswege der Kieferschussver- letzungen. Ergebnisse aus dem Diisseldorfer Lazarett fiir Kieferverletzte. Wiesbaden, Bergmann, 191 5. Part 1-3. illus. Cahier, Leon. 617.08 15 v. 6 Lesions traumatiques des articulations. Paris, Bailliere, 1908. 332 p. illus. Crile, George W. & Lower, William E. 617.21 R400 Anoci-association. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1914. 259 p. illus. Davison, Charles & Smith, Franklin D. 617.4 R600 Autoplastic bone surgery. Philadelphia, Lea, 1916. 369 p. illus. 'literature," p. 24-29; ''Bibliography," P- 356-364- Destot, Etienne. L6i7.0785 Rioo Traumatismes du pied et rayons X. Malleoles — astragale — calcaneum — avant-pied. Paris, Masson, 1911. 306 p. illus. Dimitriadis, Dimitrios Styl. 617.14 R400 Ueber Verwundungen an den Ohren, der Nase und dem Kehlkopf, aus den beiden letzten Kriegen Griechenlands, 1912-1913. Athen, 1915. 32 p. Freeman, Leonard. 617.47 R201 Skin grafting for surgeons and general practitioners. St. Louis, Mosby, 191 2. 139 p. illus. Gr. Brit. War Office. 617.14 R501 Memorandum on the treatment of injuries in war, based on experience of the present campaign. London, 1915. 130 p. illus. 36 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Groves, Ernest W. Hey. 617.145 R500 Gunshot injuries of bones. London, Hodder, 191 5. 128 p. illus. Keen, W. W. 617.99 R700 The treatment of war wounds. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1917. 169 p. illus. La Garde, Louis A. 617.145 R600 Gunshot injuries; how they are inflicted, their complica- tions and treatment. 2d ed. New York, Wood, 1916. 457 p. illus. Moorhead, John Joseph. 617.2 R700 Traumatic surgery. Philadelphia, Saunders, 191 7. 760 p. Power, D'Arcy. 617.14 R500 Wounds in war, their treatment and results. London, Hodder, 191 5. 108 p. Reverdin, J. L. 617.145 Rooi Legons de chirurgie de guerre. Des blessures faites par les balles des fusils. Geneve, Georg; 1910. 224 p. illus. Silberstein, Adolf. L617.1 Rioo Lehrbuch der Unfallheilkunde fiir Arzte und Studierende. Berlin, Hirschwald, 191 1. 566 p. "Literatur," with special subjects. Smith, E. Archibald. 617.14 Q900 Suture of arteries. An experimental research. London, Hodder, 1909. 70 p. illus. Stevenson, W. F. 617.99 R002 Wounds in war. The mechanism of their production and their treatment. 3d ed. London, Longmans, 19 10. 559 p. illus. "The Geneva Convention, ' 1906," p. 536-553- WOUNDS 37 ELECTRIC INJURIES Lauffer, Charles A. 617.12 R200 Electrical injuries; their causation, prevention and treat- ment, designed for the use of practical electrical men. New York, Wiley, 191 2. .77P- Woodman, John. 617.12 R300 First aid in case of electric shock. [New York], Press of the New York Edison Company, 1913. 30 p. illus. OPEN TREATMENT OF WOUNDS Burns, P. von. L617.053 B395 v.97 Zur Wundbehandlung im Kriege. {In Beitriige zur klin. Chir., vol 97 (191 5), p. 189-194. — conf. also Deutsche Zeitschr. f. Chir., vol. 133 (1915), p. 593-616. Carrel, Dehelly & Dumas. 610.6465 i ser. 3. v.75 Fermeture secondaire des plaies de guerre. {In Bull. Acad, de med. de Paris, ser. 3., vol. 75 (1916), p. 32-40.) Dehelly & Dumas. L610.54 P924 v. 24 Sterilization des blessures de guerre. {In Presse med., vol. 24 (1916), p. 203-205.) Desfosses, P. L610.54 P924 v.24 Le traitement des plaies infectees. (Methode Carrel). {In Presse med., vol. 24 (1916), p. 537-539)- Dyas, F. G. 617.051 S962 v.i The open treatment of infected wounds. {In Surgical Clinics, vol. i (April. 1917), p. 441-448). Fehling, H. L617.053 B395 v.ioo Ueber Wundbehandlung bei Kriegsverletzten. {In Beitrage zur klin. Chir., vol. 100 (1916), p. 1-18; Kriegschir., Heft 15). Hornus, G., & Perrin, P. L617.054 R32V. 51 Traitement des plaies de guerre par la methode Carrel. {In Revue de chir., vol. 51 (1916), p. 637-667). 38 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Lyle, H. H. M. L610.6103 4 v.68 Disinfection of war wounds as carried out in an ambulance at the front. {In Journal Amer. Med. Assoc, vol 68 (191 7), p. 107- iio). Seefisch, G. L617.053 B395 v.ioo Zur Frage der offenen Wundbehandlung in Kriege. {In Beitrage zur klin. Chir., vol. 100 (1916), p. 19-31; Kriegs- chir., Heft 15). FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS Ashhurst, Astley Paston Cooper. L617.57 Rooi An anatomical and surgical study of fractures of the lower end of the humerus. Philadelphia, Lea, 19 10. 163 p. illus. Baginsky, Arnold. 617.15 R502 Die Behandlung der Extremitatenfrakturen bei Kriegs- verletzten. Stuttgart, Enke, 191 5. 40 p. illus. Fluhrer, William F. 617.15 R603 An inquiry into the principles of treatment of broken limbs, a philosophico-surgical essay with surgical notes. New York, Rebman, [''1916] 128 p. illus. Helferich, Heinrich. 617.15 Q600 Atlas und Grundriss der traumatischen Frakturen und Luxationen. 7^® Aufl. Munchen, Lehmann, 1906. 370 p. illus. Houzel, Gaston. L610.8 72 191 1 Les luxations medio-tarsiennes. Paris, Asselin, 191 1. 158 p. illus. ''Bibliographie," p. [i5i]-i55. Lambotte, Albin. L617.15 R300 Chirurgie operatoire des fractures. Paris, Masson, 1913. 556 p. illus. FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS 39 Lane, Sir W. Arbuthnot, bart. L617.15 R400 The operative treatment of fractures. 2d ed. London, Medical Pub. Co., 1914. 184 p. illus. Martini, Enrico. L617.15 R504 Nuovo apparecchio di cura delle fratture complicate della gamba. Torino, ''Opes," [1915]. II p. illus. Mennell, James B. 617.15 Rioi The treatment of fractures by mobilisation and massage. London, Macmillan, 191 1. 458 p. illus. Quervain, Fritz de. L617.15 R301 Kurzgefasste Lehre von den Knochenbriichen, mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Mechanik und Biologic. Leipzig, Vogel, 1913. Vol. I. illus. Romer, Frank. 617.15 R503 Modern bonesetting for the medical profession. London, Heinemann, [191 5]. 77 p. illus. Schiitze, Marine-Stab sarzt Dr. L610.53 G31 v.g tJber die in den letzten 20 Jahren in der Kaiserlich Deut- schen Marine vorgekommenen traumatischen Luxationen. Berlin, Mittler, 1914. 63 p. illus. Scudder, Charles Locke. 617.15 R500 The treatment of fractures, with notes upon a few common dislocations. 8th ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 191 5. 734 p. illus. Bibliography: p. 710-715. Steinmann, Fritz. L6 17.08 29 v.i Die Nagelextension der Knochenbriiche. Stuttgart, Enke, 1912. 197 p. illus. ''Literatur," p. [i94]-i97. {In Neue deutsche Chirurgie, vol. i.) 40 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Stimson, Lewis A. 617.15 R700 A practical treatise on fractures and dislocations. 8th ed. New York, Lea, 191 7. 946 p. illus. Tremolieres, Joseph. 617.15 R005 Fractures du nez et leur traitement. Toulouse, Dirion, 1910. 99 p. Whitelocke, R. H. Anglin. 617.17 Q900 Sprains and allied injuries of joints. London, Hodder, 1909. 241 p. illus. RESULTS OF INJURIES — TRAUMATISM Adams, Edward. 617.24 R400 Treatment of chronic leg ulcers. A practical guide to its symptomatology, diagnosis and treatment. New York, International Journal of Surgery Co., 19 14. 127 p. illus. Agostino, Alberto d'. 617.47 R502 La moderna chirurgia nelle deformita paralitiche e trauma- tiche; ''trapianti tendinei e nervosi." Napoli, Sangio- vanni, 191 5. 843, xxxii, p. illus. Bibliography: p. [i]-xxix. Ferrannini, Luigi. 617.2 Q800 Manuale di traumatologia medica. Torino, Unione tipo- grafico-editrice torinese, 1 908-1 909. 2 vol. — I. Le malattie del sistema nervoso. — 2. Le malat- tie traumatiche degli organi e delle funzione della vita vegetativa. Gallez, Leon. 617.2 Q900 La simulation des traumatismes et de leurs consequences. Bruxelles, Lamartin, 1909. 435 p. RESULTS OF INJURIES 41 Guermonprez, Frangois. 617.25 R600 Gangrene gazeuse pendant la guerre de 1914-1916. Tome i-[iv]. 2^ edition. Paris, Rousset, 1916. 4 vol. in 2. Bibliographical foot-notes. Hirsch, Rahel. 617.2 R400 Unfall und innere Medizin. Berlin, Springer, 19 14. 106 p. ''Literaturverzeichnis," p. [ioi-]io6. Jones, Robert. 617.47 R501 Injuries of joints. London, Hodder, 191 5. 189 p. illus. Stern, Richard. L617.2 Q700 tjber traumatische Entstehung innerer Krankheiten. KHnische Studien mit Beriicksichtigung der Unfall-Begut- achtung. 2^^ Aufl. Jena, Fischer, [i907]-i9i3. 600 p. 'Titeratur" at end of each "Abschnitt." ORTHOPEDICS Berry, John McWilliams. 614.973 R600 Orthopedic surgery for nurses. Philadelphia. Saunders, 1916. 97 p. illus. Bradford, Edward H., & Lovett, Robert W. 617.3 R501 Orthopedic surgery. 5th ed. New York, Wood, 191 5. 416 p. illus. Calot, F. 617.3 R302 Indispensable orthopaedics, a handbook for practitioners. Translated from the French. St. Louis, Mosby, 191 5. 2 vol. illus. Roth, Paul Bernard. 617.3 R630 Notes on military orthopaedics, London, Kimpton, 19 16. 56 p. illus. Scholl, William M. 617.3 R503 The human foot, anatomy, deformities and treatment. Special chapters on shoe fitting and its allied branches, including historical footwear. Chicago, Foot Specialist Pub. Co. ['1915] 392 p.^illus. 42 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Spitzy, Hans, & Hartwich, Alexander. 617.3 R500 Orthopadische Behandlung Kriegsverwundeter. Wien, Urban, 191 5. 214 p. illus. Tubby, A. H. 617.3 R200 Deformities including diseases of the bones and joints. 2d ed. London, Macmillan, 191 2. 2 vol. illus. "Bibliography," with special subjects. Canada. Military Hospital Commission L362.1 R601 Special bulletin: i. Report on European work. — 2. Physical and psychological tests. — 3. Anglo-Belgian Hos- pital at Rouen. — 4. Vocational re-education. — 5. Provision for war cripples in Germany. — 6. Psychiative treatment. — 7. Treatment of Canadian wounded in England. Ottawa, 1916. 108 p. illus. District of Columbia. Fire Department. 613.71 R604 Setting-up exercises for members of the uniformed force and First aid to the injured. Washington, [Govt. Print. Off.] 1916. 70 p. illus. JuUiard, Charles. 362 R600 L'accoutumance aux mutilations. Accidents du travail — Blessures de guerre. Geneve, Georg, 1916. 262 p. illus. Redard, Paul. 613.71 R205 Gymnastique orthopedique. Paris, Maloine, 191 2. 220 p. illus. SURGERY OF THE HEAD Biggs, George Nixon. 617.52 R401 Diseases of the ear, nose, and throat. New York, Wood, [1914]. 486 p. illus. SURGERY OF THE HEAD 43 Blair, Vilray Papin. 617.51 R203 Surgery and diseases of the mouth and jaws; a practical treatise on the surgery and diseases of the mouth and allied structures. St. Louis, Mosby Company, 191 2. 638 p. illus. Bibliography, p. 605-615. Brophy, Truman W. 617.51 R501 Oral surgery, a treatise on the diseases, injuries and malformations of the mouth and associated parts. Phila- delphia, Blakiston, [^1915] 1090 p. illus. Brown, George Van Ingen. 617.52 R200 The surgery of oral diseases and malformations, their diagnosis and treatment. Philadelphia, Lea, 191 2. 740 p. illus. Bruhn, Chr. ed L617.51 R500 Die gegenwartigen Behandlungswege der Kieferschuss- verletzungen. Ergebnisse aus dem Dlisseldorfer Lazarett fiir Kieferverletzte (Kgl. Reservelazarett). Heft. I— III. Wiesbaden, Bergmann, 191 5. Pt. 1-3. illus. 617.52 R500 Injuries of the eyes, nose, throat and ears, by Andrew Maitland Ramsay, J. Dundas Grant. H. Lawson Whale, and Charles Ernest West. London, Hodder, 191 5. 160 p. illus. Khol'bek, O. M. 617.51 Rioi [Injuries of the scalp in war.] lUr'ev, Tip. K. Mattisen, 1911. 665 p. illus. In Russian. Krause, Fedor. L617.51 Q900 Surgery of the brain and spinal cord, based on personal experiences. New York, Rebman [''1909-12] 3 V. illus. Lagarde, Marc. 617.51 R301 Le visage; correction des difformites. Paris, Larousse 119 p. illus. 44 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY McCurdy, Stewart Leroy. 617.51 R200 Oral surgery; a text-book on general surgery and medicine as applied to dentistry. New York, Apple ton, 191 2. 469 p. illus. Pincus, Walter. L617.51 R600 Diagnostische und therapeutische Ergebnisse der Hirn- punktion. Berlin, Hirschwald, 19 16. 215 p. Rawling, L. Bathe. 617.51 R502 Surgery of the head. London, Hodder, 191 5. 150 p. illus. Rawling, L. Bathe. 617.51 R202 The surgery of the skull and brain. London, Frowde, 1912. 340 p. illus. '" Roberts, John B. 617.95 R201 Surgery of deformities of the face, including cleft palate. New York, Wood, 191 2. 273 p. illus. SURGERY OF THE NECK AND THORAX Arrou, Joseph, Fredet, Pierre & Desmarest, 617.08 15 v.21 Ernest. Maladies du cou. Paris, Bailliere, 1913. 166 p. illus. "BibKographie" with special subjects; bibliographical foot-notes. Boeckel, Jules, &Boeckel, Andre. 617.53 Rioo Des fractures du rachis cervical sans symptomes medul- laires. Quatorze observations et vingt planches radio- graphiques inedites. Paris, Alcan, 191 1. 208 p. 20 pi. 'Tndex bibliographique," p. 197-202. Garre, Karl, & Quincke, H. L617.54 R201 Surgery of the lung. 2d ed. Translated from the German. New York, Wood, 1913. 271 p. illus. SURGERY OF THE NECK AND THORAX 45 Jackson, Chevalier. L617.42 R401 Peroral endoscopy and laryngeal surgery. Saint Louis, Mo., Laryngoscope Company, 191 5. 710 p. illus. Murphy, J. Keogh. 617.54 R500 Wounds of the thorax in war. London, Hodder, 191 5. 156 p. illus. ABDOMINAL SURGERY 617-55 R500 Essays on abdominal surgery, including operations on the intestines, uterus, ovaries, kidneys, ureters, stomach, liver, colon, etc. New York, Wood, 191 5. 429 p. illus. "Bibliography" or "References" at ends of essays. Morison, Rutherford, & Richardson, W. G. 617.55 R502 Abdominal injuries. London, Hodder, 191 5. 116 p. illus. Moynihan, Sir Berkeley George Andrew. 617.55 R400 Abdominal operations. 3d ed., rev. Philadelphia, Saun- ders, 1914. 2 vol. illus. Paterson, Herbert J. L6 17.43 R300 The surgery of the stomach. A handbook of diagnosis and treatment. New York, Wood, 1913. 312 p. illus. Rovsing, Thorkild. 617.56 R400 Abdominal surgery. Philadelphia, Lippincott [''1914] 477 p. illus. Silbermark, M. V. 617.56 Rioo Die Pfahlungsverletzungen. Wien, Deuticke, 191 1. 187 p. "Literatur," p. [1831-187. Thole, Friedrich. L617.08 29 v.4 Die Verletzungen der Leber und der Gallenwege. Stutt- gart, Enke, 191 2. 204 p. "Literatur," p. [i 561-204. 46 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY PELVIC SURGERY Clarke, W. Bruce. 617.55 Rioi Handbook of the surgery of the kidneys. [London], Hodder, 191 1. 199 p. illus. Duval, Pierre. 617.56 R003 Chirurgie de I'appareil urinaire et de I'appareil genital de rhomme. 3^ ed. Paris, Masson, 1910. 232 p. illus. Green, Robert Holmes, & Brooks, Harlow. 616.6 R700 Diseases of the genito-urinary organs and the kidney. 4th ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 191 7. 666 p. illus. Sembianti, Guido. L616.61 R501 La chirurgia dell' uretere. Milano, Capriolo, 191 5. 429 p. illus. "Bibliografia," at end of each chapter. Summy, D. R. 617.56 R401 A short revised treatise on the principles and practice of pelvic surgery. [Columbus, O., Schmitt Printing Co., 1914]. 26 p. illus. Walker, J. W. Thomson 617.46 R400 Surgical diseases and injuries of the genito-urinary organs. London, Cassell, 19 14. 879 p. illus. "Literature" at ends of chapters and with special subjects. EXTREMITIES Bennett, Sir William. 616.72 Q900 Injuries and diseases of the knee-joint considered from the cHnical aspect. New York, Wood, 1909. 236 p. illus. Jones, Robert. 617.47 R501 Injuries of joints. London, Hodder, 191 5. 189 p. illus. EXTREMITIES 47 Kanavel, Allen B. 617.57 R600 Infections of the hand; a guide to the surgical treatment of acute and chronic suppurative processes in the fingers, hand and forearm. 3d ed. Philadelphia, Lea, 1916. 499 p. illus. Leplus, J. L617.57 R201 Contribution a I'etude des lesions consecutives a la flexion forcee des phalangettes des doigts. Lille, Impr. Lefebvre- Ducrocq, 191 2. 102 p. illus. Nutt, John Joseph. 617.58 R300 Diseases and deformities of the foot. New York, Treat, 1913- 293 p. illus. Ritschl, Alexander. 617.58 R501 Amputationen und Ersatzglieder an den unteren Glied- massen. Stuttgart, Enke, 1915. 58 p. illus. HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS Bernheim, Bertram M. 617.41 R300 Surgery of the vascular system. Philadelphia, Lippincott, ["1913] 104 p. illus. "References" at end of most of the chapters. Guthrie, Charles Claude. 617.904 G98 Blood-vessel surgery and its apphcations. London, Ar- ■ nold, 1912. 360 p. illus. "References" at ends of chapters. Horsley, J. Shelton. 617.41 R500 Surgery of the blood vessels. St. Louis, Mosby, 191 5. 304 p. illus. Jeger, Ernst. L617.41 R302 Die Chirurgie der Blutgefasse und des Herzens. Berlin, Hirschwald, 19 13. 331 p. illus. BibHographical foot-notes. 48 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Lassalle, Vincent Robert Jean Henry. L616.13 R404 Considerations sur les anevrysmes des membres causes par les armes a feu en chirurgie de guerre. Bordeaux, Cadoret, 19 14. 75 P- Nacciarone, Amleto. L6 17.41 R301 La chirurgia dei vasi. Suture ed innesti. Napoli, Tip. gia diritto, 1913. 419 p. illus. ''Letteratura" at ends of chapters. Schloessmann, H. L617.053 B395 v.79 Studien zum Wesen und zur Behandlung der Hamophilie. {In Beitrage zur klinischen Chirurgie. Tubingen, 191 2. 79. Bd, p. 477-549-) EYE — VISION American Medical Association. Council 617.7051 A514 on Health and Public Instruction. Committee on Conservation of Vision. Conservation of vision series pamphlet. Chicago, Amer- ican Medical Association, ^1913+. Library has no. i+. illus. Beard, Charles H. 617.702 R400 Ophthalmic surgery; a treatise on surgical operations per- taining to the eye and its appendages, with chapters on para-operative technic and management of instruments. 2d ed. Philadelphia, Blakiston, [''1914] 745 p. illus. Button, C. A. 617.75 Rioi Rudiments of refraction. Newark, N. J., Physicians' Drug News Co., [*^i9ii] 136 p. illus. De Schweinitz, George E. 617.702 R601 Diseases of the eye; a handbook of ophthalmic practice for students and practitioners. 8th ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1916. 754 p. illus. EYE — VISION 49 Fuchs, Ernst. 617.702 R700 Text-book of ophthalmology. Authorized translation with numerous additions specially supplied by the author and otherwise much enlarged by Alexander Duane. 5th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott [^1917]. 1067 p. illus. Hansen, Howard F., & Reber, Wendell. 617.76 R200 The ocular muscles; a practical handbook on the muscular anomalies of the eye. 2d ed. Philadelphia, Blakiston, 1912. 223 p. illus. Hirschberg, Julius. 617.75 R200 The treatment of shortsight. New York, Rebman, [191 2]. 123 p. illus. Macnab, Angus. 617.71 Q701 Ulceration of the cornea. London, Bailliere, 1907. 196 p. illus. Pixley, Charles H. 617.707 R600 An optical primer. By Chas. H. Pixley, and by experts in the particular field covered by the individual article. Chicago, Hardy, [^1916] 300 p. illus. Scott, Kenneth. 617.75 R103 Refraction and visual acuity. London, Rebman, 191 1. 191 p. illus. Taylor, Charles Henry. 612.84 R501 Oculo-didactics or eye culture. Kansas City, Mo., Opto- metry Pub. Co., [^1915] 71 p. illus. Thorington, James. 617.75 R102 Retinoscopy (or shadow test) in the determination of re- fraction at one meter distance, with the plane mirror. 6th ed. Philadelphia, Blakiston, 191 1. 71 p. illus. 50 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Wiedemann, Stahsarzt Dr. 617.99 Q701 Die augenarztliche Tatigkeit des Sanitatsoffiziers. Wies- baden, Bergmann, 1907. ^ 98 p. Williams, Frederic A. 617.702 Q300 Eye troubles, their cause, symptoms and treatment. [Boston, Mass], 1903. 62 p. illus. Wiirdemann, Henry Vanderbilt. 617.702 R104 Injuries of the eye; a practical handbook of diagnosis and treatment with special references to forensic procedures and visual economics. Chicago, Cleveland Press, 191 2. [i.e. 1911.] • 926 p. iUus. EAR — HEARING Claoue, R., & Vandenbossche, A. 617.52 R600 Chirurgie des maladies de I'oreille, du nez, du pharynx, du larynx (oesophagoscopie — bronchoscopie). Paris, Ma- loine, 1 9 16. 412 p. illus. Hasslauer, Wilhelm. 617.802 R201 Das Gehororgan und die oberen Luftwege bei der Beur- teilung der Militardienstfahigkeit. Berlin, Coblentz, 19 13. 280 p. illus. Hofer, Ignaz & Mauthner, Oskar. 617.804 H67 Verletzungen des Ohres bei katastrophalen Explosionen. Gemeinsame Untersuchungen anlasslich der Explosion auf dem Steinfelde bei Wiener-Neustadt am 7. Juni 191 2. Wien, Safar, 1913. 80 p. "Literaturangaben," p. [79]-8o. Perkins, Charles Edwin. 617.802 R600 A manual of otology for students and practitioners. Philadelphia, Lea, 1916. 445 p. illus. OPERATIVE AND MILITARY SURGERY 51 OPERATIVE AND MILITARY SURGERY Behrend, Martin. 617.904 B39 Die Nachbehandlung nach chirurgischen Eingriffen. Ber- lin, Springer, 19 14. 102 p. illus. Beatson, Sir George T. 617.14 R300 Modern wound treatment and the conduct of an operation. Edinburgh, Livingstone, 19 13. 106 p. illus. Binnie, John Fairbaim. 617.902 R60 Manual of operative surgery. 7th ed. Philadelphia, Blakiston, [^1916] 1363 p. illus. Broca, Augusta. 617.94 R700 Ligations and amputations. Translated. New York, Wood, 191 7. 285 p. illus. Delorme, Edmond. 617.99 R401 War surgery. London, Lewis, 191 5. 248 p. illus. Demmler, Anastase. 617.99 Q700 La chirurgie du champ de bataille. (Methodes de panse- ment et interventions d'urgence.) Paris, Masson, [1907]. 164 p. "Bibliographie," p. [i5i]-i62. Elder, A. Vavasour. 617.99 Rooi The ship-surgeon's handbook. 2d. ed. London, Bail- Here, 1911. 387 P- Exner, Alfred. L617.08 29 v.14 Kriegschirurgie in den Balkankriegen 191 2/13. Stuttgart, Enke, 1915. 250 p. illus. Freund, Leopold. & Praetorius, Artur. 616.0785 R600 Die radiologische Fremdkorperlokalisation bei Kriegsver- wundeten. Berlin, Urban, 1916. 176 p. iUus. 52 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Gerard, Ernest, 614.48 Rioo Technique de sterilisation. 2. ed. Paris, Vigot, 191 1. 352 p. illus. Gt. Brit. War Office. 355.0951 Q806 The Russo-Japanese war. Medical and sanitary reports from officers attached to the Japanese and Russian forces in the field. London, [1908]. 571 p. illus. Hertzler, Arthur E. 615.781 R600 Surgical operations with local anesthesia. 2d ed. New York, Surgery Publishing Co., 1916. 312 p. illus. Hewitt, Sir Frederic W. 615.781 R201 Anaesthetics and their administration. 4th ed. London, Macmillan, 191 2. 676 p. illus. Hildebrandt, August. 617.99 Q501 Die Verwundungen durch die modernen Kriegsfeuerwaffen, ihre Prognose und Therapie im Felde. Berlin, Hirschwald, 1 905 -1 907. 2 vol. Hull, Alfred J. 617.99 R600 Surgery in war. London, Churchill, 1916. 390 p. illus. Jacobson, Walter Hamilton Acland. L617.902 R505 The operations of surgery. 6th ed. New York, Macmillan, 1915- 2 vol. illus Japan. Bureau of Medical L610.952 Rioo A fairs ( Navy Dept.) The surgical & medical history of the naval war between Japan & Russia during 1904-1905. Tokyo, Toyo Print- ing Co., 1911. 789 p. illus. OPERATIVE AND MILITARY SURGERY 53 Lockhart-Mummery, Percy. 617.902 R602 The after-treatment of operations. 4th ed. New York, Wood, 1916. 275 p. illus. Matignon, J. J. L613.67 Q701 Enseignements medicaux de la guerre russo-japonaise. Paris, Maloine, 1907. 448 p. illus. Mignon, Alfred. L617.99 R003 Des principales affections chirurgicales dans Farmee. Paris, Masson, 19 10. 541 p. illus. Morison, Rutherford. 617.04 M82 Surgical contributions from 1 881 -19 16. New York, Wood, 1916. 2 vol. illus. vol. I. General surgery. — vol. 2. Ab- dominal surgery. Moynac, Leon. 613.67 R104 Souvenirs d'un chirurgien d'ambulance. 1870. Bayonne, Impr. A. Foltzer, 191 1. 369 P- Ochsner, Albert J., & Percy, Nelson M. 617.902 R502 A new manual of surgery. 4th ed. Chicago, Cleveland Press, 1 91 5. 759 p. illus. ^ Pearson, C. Yelverton. 617.902 Rioo Modern surgical technique in its relation to operations and wound-treatment. 2nd ed. London, Bale, 191 1. 484 p. illus. Penhallow, Dunlap Pearce. 617.99 R601 Military surgery. London, Frowde, 1916. 432 p. illus. Schone, Georg. 617.95 R200 Die heteroplastische und homooplastische Transplanta- tion. Berlin, Springer, 191 2. 161 p. illus. ^'Literaturverzeichnis," p. [i4i]-i6i. 54 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Souttar, H. S. 617.99 R500 A surgeon in Belgium. New York, Longmans, 191 5. 217 p. illus. Taylor, Edward H. L61 7.902 R400 Operative surgery. The head and neck, the thorax and the abdomen. New York, Wood, 19 14. 524 p. illus. Todd, Alan H. 617.904 T56 A practical handbook of surgical after-treatment. Lon- don, Arnold, 191 5. 256 p. illus. Turner, Sir William & Carling, E. Rock. 617.902 R205 Treatment after operation. With a chapter on the eye, by L. V. Cargill. London, University of London Press, [1912]. 247 p. illus. VoUbrecht, Hans & Wieting, Julius. L6 17.99 R400 Kriegsarztliche Erfahrungen. Berlin, Fischer, 1914. 484 p. illus. « EMERGENCY AND PLASTIC SURGERY Bockenheimer, Philipp. L617.95 R202 Plastische Opera tionen. Erster Band. Wiirzburg, Ka- bitzsch, 191 2. 160 p. illus. Dannreuther, Walter T. 617.902 Rioi Minor and emergency surgery. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1911. 226 p. illus. Davies, H. Morriston. 617.902 R403 A manual of minor surgery and bandaging (Heath, Pol- lard), for the use of house surgeons, dressers and junior practitioners. 15th edition. London, Churchill, 19 14. 467 p. illus. KoUe, Frederick Strange. 617.95 Rioo Plastic and cosmetic surgery. New York, Appleton, 191 1. 511 p. illus. OPERATIVE AND MILITARY SURGERY 55 Lejars, Felix. L617.02 R303 Traite de chirurgie d'urgence. 7. ed. Paris, Masson, 1913. 1 167 p. illus. Lejars, Felix. L61 7.902 Q904 Urgent surgery. New York, Wood, 1910. 2 vol. illus. vol I. Introductory, head, neck, chest, spine, abdomen. — vol. 2. Genito-urinary organs, the rec- tum and anus, the strangulated hernias, the extremities. Pye, Walter. 617.902 R601 Pye's Surgical handicraft: a manual of surgical manipula- tions, minor surgery, and other matters. 7th ed. New York, Wood, 1916. 614 p. illus. Sargent, Percy & Russell, Alfred E. 617. i Rooi Emergencies of general practice. London, Hodder, 1910. 364 p. illus. Sluss, John W. 617.902 R506 Emergency surgery. 3d ed. Philadelphia, Blakiston, ['1915] 832 p. illus. PERMANENT INJURIES Fox, R. Fortescue. 615.8 R701 Physical remedies for disabled soldiers. London, Bail- liere, 1917. 277 p. [Marks, George Edwin] 617.085 Q700 Manual of artificial limbs. An exhaustive exposition of prothesis. New York, Marks, 1907. 430 p. illus. BANDAGING Bowser, Thekla. 615.813 R400 The whole art of bandaging. London, Bale, 1914. 108 p. illus. 56 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Eliason, Eldridge L. 617.93 R400 Practical bandaging, including adhesive and plaster-of- paris dressings. Philadelphia, Lippincott, ["1914] 124 p. illus. Gocht, Hermann. L6 17.92 R500 Anleitung zur Anfertigung von Schienen-Verbanden. Stuttgart, Enke, 191 5. 20 p. illus. Lewy, J. L617.92 R200 Die arztliche Gipstechnik. Ein Leitfaden fiir Arzte und Studierende. Stuttgart, Enke, 191 2. 165 p. illus. Mackenzie, Nellie A. 617.93 R600 Standard surgical dressings, directions for making. Bos- ton, Whitcomb, 1916. 42 p. illus. MacLennan, Alexander. 617.93 R402 Surgical materials and their uses. London, Arnold, 1915. 252 p. illus. Preston, Howard M. 615.813 R600 The roller bandage. London, Bale, 19 16. 122 p. illus. Rankin, William. 617.93 R300 The elements of bandaging and the treatment of fractures and dislocations. London, Frowde, 1913. 116 p. illus. Ware, Martin W. 617.92 Rioo Plaster of Paris and how to use it. 2d ed. New York, Surgery Pub. Co., 191 1. 99 p. illus. Whiting, A. D. 617.93 R500 Bandaging. Philadelphia, Saunders, 191 5. 155 p. illus. APPENDIX DRILL AND INSTRUCTION BOOKS Butts, Edmund L. 613.71 P701 Manual of physical drill, United States Army. New York, 1915. 17s p. Dupuy, Georges M. 614.88 R501 The stretcher bearer: a companion to the R. A. M. C. training book, illustrating the stretcher-bearer drill and the handling and carrying of wounded. London, Frowde, 1915- 138 p. illus. Macdonald, D. M. 614.88 Rioi Red Cross manual of first aid and stretcher drill for Red Cross students. London, Gill, [1911]. 76 p. illus. U. S. Treasury Department. Life-saving 614.868 Q800 Service, Instructions to mariners in case of shipwreck, with in- formation concerning the fife-saving stations upon the coasts of the United States. Washington, 1908. 56 p. illus. U. S. Treasury Department. Public 614.88 R202 Health Service. Medical handbook for the use of the Revenue-cutter Service. Washington, 191 2. 75 p. illus. U. S. War Department. 355.5 R401 DriU regulations and service manual for sanitary troops. United States Army, 1914. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1914. 23 s p. iUus. 57 58 MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY U. S. War Department. . 613.7 R402 Manual of physical training for use in the United States army. Washington, 1914. 335 p. illus. U. S. War Department. Surgeon-General's 353.685 i Office. Manual for the medical department, United States Army. Washington, 1896+. Published irregularly. ARMY HORSES School of Application for Cavalry and Field 619. i Q600 Artillery, Fort Riley, Kans. The army horse in accident and disease. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1906. 116 p. illus. The Library supplies reference lists on printed cards for titles of books on its shelves. Price on application. Annual reports, with list of pub- lications, sent gratis on request. A selected Ust of books on mil- itary medicine and surgery, 58p. Price, 5 cents; by mail, 8 cents. !^m^^^^m^wmmw^^w'^^^ '^M- ^