UC-NRLF B 3 EbS SD3 Z 669 16 A4 MAIN ruDLi^ lJBRARY COMMISSION OF INDIANA ummer School for Librarians OUTLINE OF Lectures and Problems CONTENTS Page tration 1 |ibliography 2 2 in 3 leal Processes 3 th Children 4 flection :e lation ng imbers ht Istems ADMINISTRATION Indiana Library Laws. Work of Public Library Commission of Indiana, library Publicity, (ibrary Extension in the city. a. Branches and other distribut- ing agencies. b. Public Library and the Schools. Instruction in use of library. c. Library and the business interests. d. Library and the clubs, ment. e. Library and the city govern- lural extension. Township plan. Country plan. Stations. County Schools. IV. Rural Extension — Continued — House to house delivery. Parcel post. Telephone service. V. Library Equipment. VI. Business management. The income. Spending the income. The injustice of a surplus. Vouchers, Warrants, Accounts. The budget. Wis- consin Average Pet. Thom- son Average Pet. Recom- mended for Ind. Pet. Books and binding 20.8 3.2 3.3 37.6 9.1 2.7 6.3 2.7 3.1 1.3 2.0 1.2 .5 1.7 2.5 22.4 4.1 50.8 9.8 2.9 4.9 4.9 20 Periodicals and binding . . 5 Librarian and assts — Janitor and assts 40 10 7 7 BIdg. maint. total Perm, improvem'ts. . . 5 4 2 100 99.8 100 7 >(;94 or PUBLIC LIBRARY COMMISSION OF INDIANA Summer School for Librarians OUTLINE OF Lectures and Problems CONTENTS Page Administration 1 Trade Bibliography 2 Order 2 Accession 3 Mechanical Processes 3 Work with Children 4 Book Selection Reference Classification Cataloging Book Numbers Shelf List Loan Systems ADMINISTRATION I. a. Indiana Library Laws. b. Work of Public Library Commission of Indiana. II. Library Publicity. III. Library Extension in the city. a. Branches and other distribut- ing agencies. b. Public Library and the Schools. Instruction in use of library. c. Library and the business interests. d. Library and the clubs, ment. e. Library and the city govern- IV. Rural extension. Township plan. Country plan. Stations. County Schools. IV. Rural Extension — Continued — House to house delivery. Parcel post. Telephone service. V. Library Equipment. VI. Business management. The income. Spending the income. The injustice of a surplus. Vouchers, Warrants, Accounts. The budget. Wis- consin Average Pet. Thom- son Average Pet. Recom- mended for Ind. Pet. Books and binding 20.8 3.2 3.3 37.6 9.1 2.7 6.3 2.7 3.1 1.3 2.0 1.2 .5 1.7 2.5 22.4 4.1 50.8 9.8 2.9 4.9 4.9 20 Periodicals and binding . . 5 Librarian and assts — Janitor and assts 40 10 7 7 Bldg. maint. total Perm, improvem'ts. . . 5 4 2 100 99.8 100 472094 UBRAtW SCHOOL SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS VII. The Trustees, the librarian, and the staff. The duties of a trustee. The rights of a librarian. The attitude and relations of the staff. The claims of the public. VIII. Reports, statistics, and forms. IX. Seminar. For the discussion of miscellaneous problems in administration. TRADE BIBLIOGRAPHY. LECTURE 1. Historic. a. Evans. American bibliography, 1639- 1820. b. Roorbach. Bibliotheca Americana, 1820-1861. c. Kelly. American catalogue of books, 1861. Main modern series. 1. Publishers' Weekly. New York, N. Y. a. Americian catalogue, 1876-1910. b. Annual American catalogue, 1886- 1910 (Discontinued 1911). c. Publishers' Weekly, with a Monthly reference list. 2. H. W. Wilson Co., New York, N. Y. a. United States Catalogue; books in print 1902. b. Supplement 1902-05. c. United States Catalog; books in print January 1, 1912. d. United States catalog supplement; books published 1912-17. e. Cumulative book index. Annual, f. Monthly. Supplementary aids. A. L. A. Catalog 1904. A. L. A. Catalog Supplement, 1904-11. Booklist (Monthly). Publishers' trade list annual. Publishers' announcements and catalogs. TRADE BIBLIOGRAPHY PROBLEM. LECTURE 2. Give author, title, publisher, date, price. Give source of information, e.g., P. W. (Publishers' Weekly.) Adventures in Contentment. Adventures of Tom Sawyer, il. by Worth Brehm. Grimm. Fairy Tales, tr. by Mrs. Edgar- Lucas. Treasure Island, il. by N. C. Wyeth. Pastor's wife. What books in the Peeps at Many Lands Series were published in 1910? Which of these are recommended in the A. L. A. Booklists ? What company publishes the Home Univer- sity of Modern Knowledge ? What volumes appeared in this series in 1914? What is the address of the Century Com- pany? Stevenson, R. L. Works. Biographical edi- tion. Steiner, E. A. Book published in 1906. Recent book on Chinese art. Recent cyclopedia of agriculture. Fiske. American Revolution; il. ed. What new edition of Mother Goose appeared in 1914? Which one of these is mentioned in the A. L. A. Booklist? Give the pseudonyms of the following: Rev. Charles William Gordon. Gulielma Zollinger. Mabel Osgood Wright. ORDER. I. A. Prices and discounts. 1. Net books. Fiction, new. Fiction, old. Non-fiction. 2. "Regular" books. 3. Text books. B. Dealers: Where to order books. 1. Discounts given. 2. Quickness and quality of service. 3. Cost of transportation. 4. Should the library support local dealers at a slight increased cost? 5. Submitting lists for bids. C. Remainders — books left on hands of publisher after first sale has slackened. 1. Best place to buy sets. ■ SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS II. D. Order forms and records. 1. File of requests and titles for consideration. 2. File of books ordered, — cards or sheets. 3. Form of order sent to dealer. a. Arrangement. b. Information given dealer as to edition, publisher, price. c. Copies of order kept in li- brary. d. Ordering Library of Con- gress cards. 4. Form of bill from dealer, — arrangements, discounts, shorts. a. Checking bill. b. Information marked in book — source, price, date. III. Discussion on problem. Order. Order 1 — Make order file for whole list, with proper guides. Order 2 — Make out order list, and send with proper letter to jobber. Order only starred books. Check bill. * American orations, v. 3-4, $1.25 each. *Balfour. Life of Stevenson. 2v., $2.50. Bangs. Ghosts I have met. $1.25. Clodd. Story of the alphabet. 35c. *Dunn. Indiana. $1.25. *Hough. 54-40 or fight. $1.50. King. Two soldiers. $1.00 (gift). *Lodge. George Washington. 2v. 2 cops., $1.25 per vol. *Marlitt. Gold Elsie. $1.00 (Burt). * 50c. (Lippincott). *— People of the whirlpool. $1.50. Ritchie. Records of Tennyson, Ruskin, and Browning. $2.00. *Roosevelt and Lodge. Hero tales. $1.50. *Saunders. Beautiful Joe. 50c. * — Beautiful Joe's paradise. $1.50. Stoddard. New egg farm. $1.00. Whately. Elements of rhetoric. $1.25 (gift from publisher). Williams and Fisher. Theory and practice of cookery. $1.00. ACCESSION. Various forms of ac- Lecture. 1. Accession book. cession book. 2. Cards — order, shelflist, or combination. 3. Other methods. Problem. Accession all the books in the list. j398 Arabian nights; ed. by Wiggin and A65w Smith. 220 Bible. Holy Bible. B58 Concise Oxford dictionary. R423 C74 R030 E93 051 H29 630 139 817 172 J641 K59 921 W31L 550 M51 811 R57 822.3 S5aR 822.3 S5asH 822.3 S5asR 750 S97 J 921 C15h J914.9 W12 921 W29 Everyman Encyclopaedia Harper's Monthly 12 44. Hough. 54-40 or fight. Indiana — Agriculture, State Board of. Annual report. 1904. Irving. Sketch book. 2 cops. Kirkland. Six little cooks. Lodge. George Washington. 2v. 2 cops. Loti, pseud. Iceland fisherman. Meldola. Coal and what we get from it. Rice. Mrs. Wiggs of the cabbage patch. Riley. Neighborly poems. Shakespeare. All's well that ends well; ed. by Rolfe. Shakespeare. As you like it. Ginn. ed. Shakespeare. As you like it. Rolfe ed. Harper. Sweetser. Artist biographies, v. 1-3, 6-7. Tribulations of a princess. Twain, pseud. Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Von Hoist. John C. Calhoun. Wade. Our little Swiss cousin. Washington. Up from slavery. 4 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 641 Williams and Fisher. Theory and W72 practice of cookery. 178 Wines and Koren. Liquor problem. W76 j Wyss. Swiss family Robinson. MECHANICAL PROCESSES. What the process covers. Steps. a. Order and check with bill, etc. b. 1. Open, collate, stamp. 2. Paste in pocket, date slip, book plate, label (if non-fiction). 3. Technical processes — Accession, classify. 4. Write book card and label. 5. Catalog and shelf list. 6. Shelve. c. Periodicals. 1. Checking. 2. Strengthening. Paste leaves. Reinforce cover. New cover. Sew. 3. Binding and pamphlet covers and boxes. LIBRARY WORK WITH CHILDREN. LECTURE 1. General scope of the work with children. 1. Historical development. 2. Scope of the work. a. To develop a taste for literature. b. To supply atmosphere of culture. c. To assist work of Public School. d. To prepare the child to use adult department. 3. Planning a Children's room. a. Flooring. b. Furniture. c. Shelving. d. Decoration. Interior decoration. Movable decorations. Pictures. Kind. Subject. 4. Children's librarian. Qualifications. LECTURE 2. Aids and principles in selection of books for children. 1. Aids in selection. a. Articles on children's reading in periodicals and books on the subject. b. Lists graded and ungraded com- piled for the use of librarian. 1. Some tests of a library or school list. c. Book reviews in current or earlier periodicals. Book list, A. L. A. Book review digest. Dial. Literary digest. Nation. New York Times. St. Nicholas. 2. Principles of selection. a. One-third of the book fund should be spent for juvenile books. b. Replacements, duplications. c. Should buy for three groups of children. 1. Boys. 2. Girls. 3. Little children. d. Stepping stone books, standards and classics. e. Choice of editors. f. Non-fiction. 1. Reference books. 2. Books which supplement work of schools. 3. Books for cultural and rec- reative reading. AIDS IN SELECTION OF BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. 1. Books. Dana, J. C. Course of study for nor- mal school pupils on literature for children, by Julia S. Harron, Corinne Bacon and J. C. Dana. Elm Tree Press, Woodstock, Vt. 1912. 75c. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS Fields, Mrs. E. M. The child and his book; some account of the history and progress of children's literature in England. Lond., Gardner, 1891. 5s. Field, Walter Taylor. Finger posts to children's reading. 6th ed. Chic. McClurg. 1911, $1.00. Hazeltine, Alice I. Library work with children. Wilson, 1917, $1.50. Hunt, Clara W. What shall we read to the children? Bost. Houghton, 1915, $1.00. Lowe, Orton. Literature for children. Macm., 1914, 90c. Macy, John Albert. A child's guide to reading. N. Y. Kennerley, 1907, $1.50. Moses, Montrose J. Children's books and reading. N. Y. Kennerley, 1907, $1.50. Olcott, Frances J. Children's reading. N. Y. Houghton, 1912, $1.25. Powell, Sophia H. Children's library, a dynamic factor in education. Wil- son, 1917, $1.75. Sayers, W. C. Berwick. The children's library; a practical manual for pub- lic school and home libraries. N. Y. Dutton, 75c. 2. Catalogs and lists. The Booklist. American Library As- sociation Publishing Board. Chic. $1.00 per year (10 numbers). A. L. A. Catalog. American Library Association Publishing Board. Chic, 1904. Paper, $1.00. A. L. A. Catalog Supplement. 1904-11. American Library Association Pub- lishing Board. Chic, $1.50. Arnold, Gertrude Weld. A mother's list of books for children. McClurg, Chic, $1.00. Bacon, Corinne, comp. Children's cat- alog. H. W. Wilson Co. N. Y. C, 1917. 3,500 vols. $6.00, 2,000 vols. $4.00, 1,000 vols. $2.00. Supplement, 1918. Paper, 50c Hewins, Caroline M., comp. Books for boys and girls, a selected list. 3d ed. rev. (A. L. A. Annotated Lists.) American Library Association Pub- lishing Board. 1915, 20c Hunt, Clara Whitchill, comp. Chil- dren's own library. Brooklyn Public Library, 1907, Free. New York State Library. Best Books, Albany, N. Y. List of current books issued annually, 20c Pittsburg Carnegie Library. Annotated catalogue of books used in the home libraries and reading clubs. 1915, 25c Catalogue of books for the first eight grades in the Pittsburg schools. 1907, 50c — — — Catalogue of books in the children's department. 1909, $1.00. Scott, Carrie E., comp. Popular books for boys and girls. Public Library Commission of Indiana, 1915, Free. Washington, D. C, Public Library. Graded and annotated catalog of books in the public library of the District of Columbia for use in the schools of the city. 1914, Free. Wilson, Martha, comp. Library books for high schools. U. S. Bureau of Education Bui. 1917 No. 41. Free. Wisconsin Free Library Commission. Children's books for first purchase recommended by the Wisconsin Free Library Commission; ed. by Marion Humble, Madison, Wis. Democrat Ptg. Co., 1915, paper, 35c PROBLEMS IN BOOK SELECTION. a. Select $100 worth of juvenile books for a new library. b. Make a list of the ten best juvenile books that have been published within the last three years. BOOKS FOR LITTLE CHILDREN. LECTURE 3. 1. Importance of selection. 2. Subdivisions. a. Rhymes and jingles. 6 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS b. Poetry. c. Fairy tales. 1. Folk lore. 2. Modern. d. Myths. e. Fables and animal stories. f. Home stories of daily life, including conduct stories. g. Stories that will interest the child in the life about him. h. Picture books. i. Primers and Easy Reading books. 3. Physical make-up of books. Nursery rhymes. Selected by Louey Chis- holm. Dutton, 50c. O'Shea, M. V. ed. Six nursery classics. Heath, 20c. RHYMES AND JINGLES, MOTHER GOOSE. Lang, Andrew, ed. The nursery rhyme book; illus. by L. Leslie Brooke. Wame, $1.35. Mother Goose. Favorite nursery rhymes; illus. by Ethel Franklin Betts. Stokes, 75c. Mother Goose. The Jessie Wilcox Smith Mother Goose. Dodd, 1914, $2.50. Mother Goose. Mother Goose, or the old nursery rhymes with 48 illustrations in color by Kate Greenaway. Warne, 60c. Mother Goose. Mother Goose; the old nur- sery rhymes; illus. by Arthur Rackham. Century, $2.50. Mother Goose. Mother Goose; the Volland ed. by Eulalie Osgood Grover; illus. by Frederick Richardson. Volland, $2.00. Mother Goose. Mother Goose's melodies for children; or Songs for the nursery; ed. by W. A. Wheeler. Houghton, $1.50. Mother Goose. Old nursery rhymes; illus- trated by Arthur Rackham. Century, $2.50. Mother Goose. Our old nursery rhymes. McKay, $1.50. Mother Goose. Real Mother Goose. Rand, $1.50. Good Cheap Editions. Mother Goose's book of nursery rhymes and songs (Everyman's library). Dutton, 90c. Norton, Charles Eliot, comp. Rhymes and jingles (Heart of oak books v. 1). Heath, 25c. POETRY FOR CHILDREN. Individual Poets. Blake, William. Songs of innocence. (Flow- ers of Parnassus.) Lane, 50c. Brown, Abbie Farwell. Fresh posies; rhymes to read and pieces to speak. Houghton, $1.50. — — — Pocketful of posies. Houghton, $1.50. Cary, Alice and Phoebe. Ballads for little folk. Houghton, $1.50. Dodge, Mary Mapes. Rhymes and jingles. Scribner, $1.50. Field, Eugene. Poems of childhood; il. by Maxfield Parrish. Scribner, $2.50. Eugene Field book. Scribner, 60c. Lullaby-land. Scribner, $1.50. Love-songs of childhood. Scribner, $1.00. With trumpet and drum. Scribner, $1.30. Greenaway, Kate. Marigold garden. Wame, $1.50. Under the window. Warne, $1.50. Richards, Laura E. Sundown songs. Little, 50c. Riley, James Whitcomb. Book of joyous children. Scribner, $1.20. Child-world. Bobbs, $1.25. Rossetti, Christina Georgina. Poems for children. (Golden hours ser.) N. Y. Educ. Pub. Co., 40c. — — Sing-song. Macmillan, $1.50. Stevenson, Robert Louis. Child's garden of verses. Rand, 75c. — — — Child's garden of verses; il. by Jessie Wilcox Smith. Scribner, $2.50. Tabb, John Banister. Child verse. Small, $1.00. Taylor, Jane and Ann. Little Ann and other poems; il. by Kate Greenaway. Warne, $1.00. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS Collections. Bellamy and Goodwin, comp. Open Sesame. 3v. Ginn, 75c ea. Chisholm, Louey, comp. The golden stair- case. Popular ed. Putnam, $1.50. Coates, Henry T., comp. Children's book of poetry. New edition. Winston, $1.50. Grahame, Kenneth, comp. Cambridge book of poetry for children. Putnam, $1.50. Lucas, Edward Verrall, comp. Another book of verses. Macmillan, $1.50. Book of verses for children. Holt, $2.00. Morrison, Mrs. Mary J. (Whitney), comp. Songs and rhymes for the little ones. Page, $1.00. Olcott, Frances J., comp. Story-telling poems. Houghton, $1.25. Palgrave, Francis Turner, comp. Children's treasury of English song. Macmillan, $1.00. Patmore, C. K. D., comp. Children's gar- land from the best poets. Macmillan, $1.00. Shute, Katherine H., comp. Land of song, 3v. Silver, $1.38. Stevenson, Burton E., comp. Days and deeds. Baker, $1.00. — — — Home book of verse for young folks. Holt, $2.00. Thacher, Mrs. Lucy W., comp. Listening child. Macmillan, $1.25. Tileston, Mrs. M. W. F., comp. The child's harvest of verse. Little, $1.50. Whittier, J. G. ed. Child life; a collection of poems. Houghton, $2.00. Wiggin, Mrs. Kate Douglas and Smith, Nora A., comp. Golden numbers. McClure, $2.00. Posy ring. McClure, $1.25. FOLK-LORE TALES. Asbjornsen, P. C. Fairy tales from the far north; tr. from the Norwegian by H. L. Braekstad. Armstrong, $2.00. Norse fairy tales, selected and adapted from the translations by Sir G. W. Dasent. Lippincott, $1.75. Bain, R. N. ed. Cossack fairy tales and folk tales. Burt, $1.00. Bain, R. N. ed. Russian fairy tales. Burt, $1.00. Baldwin, James, ed. Fairy stories and fa- bles. American Book Co., 35c. Eastman, C. A. Smoky Day's wigwam evenings. Little, 60c. Cruikshank, George, ed. Cruikshank fairy- book. Putnam, $2.00. Dole, N. H., comp. White ducklings and other stories. Crowell, $1.00. Gask, Lilian. Folk tales from many lands. Crowell, $1.50. Grierson, E. W. Scottish fairy book. Stokes, $1.50. Grimm, J. L. and W. K. Fairy tales; se- lected and edited for little folk; il. by Helen Stratton. Dutton, $1.25. Fairy tales; tr. by Mrs. E. Lucas; il. by Arthur Rackham. Lippincott, $2.50. Fairy tales. (Riverside school library.) Houghton, 60c. Fairy tales by the brothers Grimm. Windermere. Rand, $1.20. Household stories; tr. by Lucy Crane. Cranford ed., Macmillan, $1.50. Household tales; ed. and partly trans- lated anew by Marian Edwards. Dent, $2.50. Harris, J. C. Nights with Uncle Remus. Houghton, $1.50. Uncle Remus and his friends. Hough- ton, $1.50. Uncle Remus, his songs and sayings. Appleton, $2.00. Holbrook, Florence. Book of nature myths. Houghton, 65c. House in the wood and other old fairy stories. Warne, $1.35. Jacobs, Joseph, ed. English fairy tales. Celtic fairy tales. Indian fairy tales. More English fairy tales. More Celtic fairy tales. Putnam, $1.25 each. Laboulaye, Edward. Fairy tales of all na- tions. Harper, $2.00. Lang, Andrew. Color fairy books. Long- mans, $2.00 each. (Best are: Blue, Brown, Green, Red and Violet.) Scudder, H. E., ed. Book of folk stories. Houghton, 60c. Children's book. Houghton, $2.50. Thorne-Thomsen, Gundrun. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. Row, 60c. 8 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS Valentine, Mrs. L. J. Aunt Louisa's book of fairy tales. Warne, $1.00. Washburne, Mrs. M. F. Indian legends. Eand, 45c. Welsh, Charles, ed. Fairy tales children love. Dodge Publishing Co., $1.25. Williston, T. P. Japanese fairy tales. Rand, 75c. — — Japanese fairy tales. 2nd series. Rand, 50c. Wilmot-Buxton, E. M. Old Celtic tales. (Crowell's all time series.) Crowell, 50c. Zitkala-Sa. Old Indian legends. Ginn, 50c. Stockton, F. R. Bee-man of Orn, and other tales. Scribner, $1.25. Thackeray, W. M. The rose and the ring. Macmillan, 50c. MODERN FAIRY TALES. Andersen, H. C. Fairy tales; tr. by Mrs. E. Lucas. Dent, $2.50. — — Stories. (Riverside literature ser.) Houghton, 40c. — — Fairy tales, with illustrations by Helen Stratton. Lippincott, $1.50. Browne, Frances. Granny's wonderful chair. (Everyman's library.) Dutton, 90c. Carroll, Lewis, pseud. Alice's adventures in Wonderland. Macmillan, $1.00. Craik, Mrs. D. M. (M.) Adventures of a brownie. Harper, 60c. Little lame prince, with pictures by Hope Dunlap. Rand, $1.25. Fairy stories; retold from St. Nicho- las. Century, 65c. Ingelow, Jean. Mopsa, the fairy. Lippin- cott, $1.50. Kingsley, Charles. Water-babies. Macmil- lan, $1.00. Lagerlof, S. O. L. Wonderful adventures of Nils. Doubleday, $1.50. Macdonald, George. At the back of the north wind. The princess and Curdie. The princess and the goblin. Lippincott, $1.50 each. Mace, Jean. Home fairy tales. Harper, $1.50. Pyle, Howard. Pepper and salt. Harper, $1.50. Twilight land. Harper, $2.50. Wonder clock. Harper, $3.00. Pyle, Katherine. Where the wind blows. Harper, $2.50. MYTHOLOGY. Greek Myths. Baker, Emilie Kip. Stories of old Greece and Rome. Macmillan, $1.50. Baldwin, James. Golden fleece; more old Greek stories. (Eclectic readings.) Amer- ican Book Co., 50c. Old Greek stories. American Book Co., 45c. — — Story of the golden age. Scribner, $1.50. Buckley, Elsie F. Children of the dawn; old tales of Greece. Stokes, $1.50. Bulfmch, Thomas. Age of fable; ed. by E. E. Hale. Lee, $1.50. Beckwith, M. Helen. In mythland. 2 v. Educational Pub. Co., 40c each. Carpenter, Edmund Janes. Long ago in Greece. Little, $1.50. Farmer, Florence V. Nature myths of many lands. (Eclectic readings.) American Book Co., 45c. Firth, Emma M. Stories of old Greece. Heath, 75c. Prancillon, R. E. Gods and heroes. Ginn, 48c. Gayley, C. M., ed. Classic myths in English literature and in art. Rev. ed. Ginn, $1.60. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Tanglewood tales. Houghton, $2.50. — — Tanglewood tales. Windermere ed. Rand, $1.20. Wonder book for girls and boys; il. by Walter Crane. Houghton, $3.00. Wonder book for girls and boys; il. in black and white by Walter Crane. Houghton, 75c. Wonder book. Windermere ed. Rand, $1.20. — — Wonder book and Tanglewood tales for girls and boys; il. by Maxfield Par- rish. Duffield, $2.50. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS Homer. The Iliad for boys and girls, told from Homer in simple language by Alfred J. Church. Macmillan, $1.50. — The Odyssey for boys and girls, told from Homer by Alfred J. Church. Macmillan, $1.50. — Odyssey; tr. by G. H. Palmer. (Abridged school ed. Riverside literature series.) Houghton, 75c. Hutchinson, W. M. L. The golden porch; a book of Greek fairy tales. Longmans, $1.40. Kupfer, Grace H. Stories of long ago. Heath, 75c. Lang, Andrew, ed. Tales of Troy and Greece. Longmans, $1.50. Storr, Francis, ed. Half a hundred hero tales of Ulysses and the men of old. Holt, $1.35. Virgil. The Aeneid for boys and girls, told from Virgil in simple language by Alfred J. Church. Macmillan, $1.50. Norse Myths. Baldwin, James. Story of Siegfried. (Heroes of the olden time.) Scribner, $1.50. Baker, Emilie Kip. Stories from northern myths. Macmillan, $1.25. Bradish, Sarah P. Old Norse stories. (Ec- lectic school readings.) American Book Co., 45c. Brown, Abbie Farwell. In the days of giants. Houghton, $1.10. Foster, M. H. and Cummings, M. H. Asgard stories. Silver, 36c. French, Allen. Story of Grettir the Strong. Dutton, $1.25. Guerber, H. M. A. Myths of northern lands. American Book Co., $1.50. Keary, Annie, and Keary, Eliza. Heroes of Asgard. Macmillan, 50c. Litchfield, Mary E. The nine worlds. Ginn, 50c. Mabie, H. W. Norse stories retold from the Eddas. Dodd, $1.60. Wilmot-Buxton, E. M. Stories of Norse heroes told by Northmen. Crowell, $1.50. Craik, G. M. So-fat and Mew-mew. (Home and school classics.) Heath, 20c. Darton, F. G. H. Wonder book of beasts. Stokes, $1.50. Eddy, S. J., cnmp. Friends and helpers. Ginn, 60c. Hawkes, Clarence. Shaggycoat, the biog- l-aphy of a bear. Jacobs, $1.25. Jackson, Mrs. Helen Hunt. Cat stories. Little, $2.00. Jordan, David Starr. Story of Matka; a tale of the Mist Islands. (School ed.) Whitaker, $1.00. Kipling, Rudyard. Jungle book. Century, $1.50. Just so stories. Doubleday, $1.20. Second jungle book. Century, $1.50. Poulsson, Emilie. Through the farmyard gate. Lothrop, $1.25. Scudder, H. E. Book of fables and folk stories. Houghton, 75c. Segur, S. (R.) de. Story of a donkey^ Heath, 20c. Tappan, E. M. Dixie Kitten. Houghton, $1.00. CONDUCT STORIES. Adelborg, Ottilia. Clean Peter and the chil- dren of Grubbylea. Longmans, $1.25. Burgess, Gelett. Goops, and how to be them. Stokes, $1.50. More Goops and how not to be them. Stokes, $1.50. Hoffman, Heinrich. Slovenly Peter. Win- ston, $1.50. Pyle, Katharine. Careless Jane and other tales. Dutton, 75c. Segur, S. (R.) de. Sophie's troubles. Ken- edy, 75c. Taylor, Jane and Ann. Little Ann, and other poems; il. by Kate Greenaway. Warne, $1.00. FABLES AND ANIMAL STORIES. Aesop. Fables of Aesop; ed. by Joseph Jacobs. Macmillan, $1.50. HUMOROUS STORIES. Aspinwall, Mrs. Alicia. Short stories for short people. Dutton, $1.50. Bannerman, Mrs. Helen. Story of little black Sambo. Stokes, 50c. 10 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS Brooke, L. L. Johnny Crow's garden. Wame, $1.00. Johnny Crow's party. Warne, $1.00. Caldecott, Randolph. Picture books. 4v. Warne, $1.25 ea. Cox, Palmer. Brownie books. Century, $1.50 ea. — — r The Palmer Cox Brownie primer. Century, 32c. Francis, J. G. Book of cheerful cats and other animated animals. Century, $1.00. Lear, Edward. Nonsense books. 4v. in 1. Little, $2.00. Nonsense songs. (Children's friend ser.) Little, 50c. Newell, Peter. Pictures and rhymes. Har- per, $1.25. Topsys and turvys. Century, $1.00. Potter, Beatrice. Petter Rabbit series: Tale of Peter Rabbit. Tale of Squirrel Nutkin. Tailor of Gloucester. Tale of Benjamin Bunny. Tale of two bad mice. Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle. Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher. Tale of Tom Kitten. Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck. Tale of Flopsy Bunnies. Tale of Mrs. Tittle Mouse. Tale of Timmy Tiptoes. Warne, 60c ea. In re-enforced binding with original cover designs, H. R. Huntting, Springfield, Mass., 75c ea. Smith, Gertrude. Arabella and Araminta. Small, $1.00. Wiggin, K. D. (S.) and Smith, N. A. Tales of laughter. (Library of children's clas- sics.) McClure, $1.50. PICTURE BOOKS. Bound Picture Books. Adelborg, Ottilia. Clean Peter and the children of Grubbylea. Longmans, $1.25. Bouteto de Monvel, L. M. Joan of Arc. Century, $3.00. Brooke, L. Leslie. Johnny Crow's garden. Warne, $1.00. Brooke, Leonard Leslie, illus. Nursery rhyme picture book. Warne, $1.00. Caldecott, Randolph. Caldecott's picture books. 4v. Each $1.25. Miniature ed. each 50c. Warne. Bk. 1. John Gilpin; Three jovial huntsmen; Elegy on death of a mad dog. Bk. 2. House that Jack built; Sing a song of sixpence; Queen of hearts. Bk. 3. Hey diddle diddle; Baby Bunting; Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross; Farmer went trotting, etc. ; Milk-maid; Frog he would a-wooing go. Bk. 4. Come, lasses and lads; Fox jumped over the parson's gate; Mrs. Mary Blaize; Great pan- jandrum himself. Same 2v. Warne, ea. $2.50. Same 16 pts. ea. Warne, 25c. Crane, Walter. Baby's own Aesop. Warne, $1.50. Beauty and the beast picture book. Lane, $1.25. Bluebeard's picture book. Lane, $1.25. Cinderella's picture book. Lane, $1.25. Goody Two Shoe's picture book. Lane, $1.25. Mother Hubbard's picture book. Lane, $1.25. Red Riding Hood's picture book. Lane, $1.25. This little pig; his picture book. Lane, $1.25. These picture books are also pub- lished in 21 parts in paper covers at 25c each. Greenaway, Kate. A apple pie bds. Warne, 75c. Little Ann and other poems by J. and A. Taylor bds. Warne, $1.00. Marigold garden, pictures and rhymes. bds. Warne, $1.50. Under the window. Warne, $1.50. Lefevre, Felicite. The cock, the mouse and the Little Red Hen. Jacobs, $1.00. Lucas, E. V. and Bedford, F. D. Four and twenty toilers. McDevitt-Wilson, $1.75. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 11 Moffat, A. E. Our old nursery rhymes, illustrated by LeMair. McKay, $1.50. Pyle, Katherine. Six little ducklings. Dodd, $1.00. Smith, E. Boyd. The Chicken world. Putnam, $1.50. Linen Picture Books. Bird A. B. C. Tuck, 75c. Book of airships. Dutton, 25c. Book of horses. Dutton, 75c. Book of ships. Dutton, 75c. Favorite animals. Warne, 40c. Four-footed friends. Dutton, 75c. Goody Two Shoes. McLaughlin, 30c. Little Red Riding Hood. Tuck, 40c. Mother Hubbard. McLaughlin, 50c. Night before Christmas. McLaughlin, 35c. Our doggies. Dutton, 75c. Our farm yard. Dutton, 75c. Who killed Cock Robin? Tuck, 40c. PRIMERS AND EASY READING BOOKS. Bass, M. Florence. Lessons for beginners in reading. Heath, 25c. Blaisdell, Etta Austin, and Blaisdell, M. F. Child life in tale and fable; a second reader. Macmillan, 35c. Beckwith, M. H. In Mythland. Educational Publishing Co., 2v., ea. 40c. Brooks, Dorothy. Stories of the red chil- dren. Educ. Pub. Co., 40c. Coe, Ida. Story hour readers, by Ida Coe and Alice J. Christie. First year 2v., each 30c. Amer. Bk. Co. Second and third years, 2v., each 35c. Dyer, Franklin Benjamin. The Merrill read- ers, by Franklin B. Dyer and Mary J. Brady. N. Y., Merrill, 1915. 4v. Illus. Primer and first reader, each 32c; 2nd reader, 40c; 3rd reader, 48c. Foulke, Elizabeth E. Braided straws. Sil- ver, 40c. Fox, Florence Cornelia. Indian primer. Amer. Bk. Co., 25c. Free, Margaret, and Treadwell, Harriett. Reading literature; primer. Row, 32c. Reading literature; first reader. Row, 36c. Goldsmith, Oliver. Goody Two Shoes, ed. by C. Welsh. Heath, 20c. Gordy, W. F. Stories of early American history. Scribner, 50c. Grover, Eulalie Osgood. Overall boys; a first reader. Rand, 45c. Grover, Eulalie Osgood. Sunbonnet babies in Holland. Rand, 50c. Grover, Eulalie Osgood. Sunbonnet babies primer. Rand, 40c. Hix, Melvin. Once upon a time stories. Longmans, 25c. Holbrook, Florence. Hiawatha primer. Houghton, 75c. Hopkins, W. J. The sandman, his farm stories. Page, $1.50. Howard, Frank Ward, ed. Banbury Cross Stories. (Merrill's Story bk.) Merrill, 25c. Ivimey, John W. Complete version of ye Three blind mice. Warne, 50c. Jumping Joan and other Mother Goose rhymes. Rand, 25c. Lucia, Rose. Peter and Polly in spring. Amer. Bk. Co., 30c. Murray, Clara. Child at play. Little, 50c. Perkins, Mrs. Lucy (Fitch). Eskimo twins. Houghton, 50c. Perkins, Mrs. Lucy (Fitch). Irish twins. Houghton, 50c. Shillig, Elnora E. The four wonders. Rand, 50c. Smith, Mrs. Anna (Harris). Four-footed friends. Ginn, 50c. Smith, M. E. E. Eskimo stories. Rand, $1.00. Van Sickle, James Hixon and other eds. Riverside readers; Primer; First Reader, v. 1-2, illus. Houghton. Primer, 30c; First Reader, 35c. Williams, Sherman, comp. Choice literature. Amer. Bk. Co. Bk. 1, 22c; bk. 2, 25c; bk. 3, 28c. Wiltse, S. E. Folklore stories and proverbs gathered and paraphrased, for little chil- dren. Ginn, 36c. CHILDREN'S CLASSICS. LECTURE 4. Direction of children's reading. Classic defined. 12 SUMMER -SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS Tests. Selection. Adaptation of the Classics. Bible Stories. Baldwin, James. Old stories of the East. Amer. Bk. Co., 45c. Bible. Bible for young people, arranged from the King James version; with twenty-four full-page illustrations from old masters. Century, $1.50. Abridged and arranged by Mrs. J. B. Gilder. New edition of the Bible for chil- dren published in 1902 at $3.00. Guerber, H. A. Story of the chosen peo- ple (Eclectic school reading). Amer. Bk. Co., 60c. Olcott, F. J. Bible stories to read and tell. Houghton, $2.00. Smith, Nora A. Old, old tales from the old, old book. Stewart, Mary. "Tell me a true story." Illus. Revell, $1.25. Bible, O. T. Bible stories (Old Testa- ment) ed. by R. G. Moulton. Macmil- lan, 50c. Bible, O. T. An old, old story-book; comp. by Eva March Tappan. Illus. Houghton, $1.50. Chisholm, Edwin, ed. Old Testament stories; selected for the children. (Told to the children series.) Illus. Dutton, 50c. Cragin, Laura Ella. Old Testament sto- ries for little children. Illus. Revell, $1.25. Bible, N. T. Bible stories (New Testa- ment); ed. by R. G. Moulton. Macmil- lan, 50c. Dearmer, Mabel. Child's life of Christ. Illus. Dodd, $2.00. Hodges, George. When the King came; Stories from the four gospels. Hough- ton, $1.25. Kelman, Janet Harvey. Stories from the life of Christ; selected for the children (Told to the children series). Dutton, 50c. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel. Don Quixote of the Mancha; retold by Judge Parry. Lane, $1.50. Chaucer. Chaucer story book. Houghton, $1.50. Darton, F. J. H. Tales of the Canterbury Pilgrims. Stokes, $1.50. Haweis, M. E. Chaucer for children. Scribner, $1.25. McSpadden, Joseph Walker. Stories from Chaucer (Children's favorite classics). dwell, 60c. Homer. The Iliad for boys and girls, told from Homer in simple language by Alfred J. Church. Macmillan, $1.50. Odyssey; tr. by G. H. Palmer (Abridged school ed. Riverside literature series). Houghton, 75c. The Odyssey for boys and girls, told from Homer by Alfred J. Church. Macmil- lan, $1.50. Lamb, Charles. Adventures of Ulysses. Harper, $2.50. Plutarch. Boys' and girls' Plutarch, parts of the Lives of Plutarch ed. for boys and girls by J. S. White. Putnam, $1.75. Shakespeare. Hoffman, A. S. Story of Julius Caesar. Story of King Richard II. Story of Merchant of Venice. Story of Midsummer night's dream. Story of The tempest. Dutton, each 60c. Lamb, Charles, and Lamb, Mary. Tales from Shakespeare. Colored illustrations by N. M. Price. Scribner, $2.50. Lamb, Charles, and Lamb, Mary. Tales from Shakespeare. Illus. by Arthur Rackham. Dutton, $2.50. Lamb, Charles, and Lamb, Mary. Tales from Shakespeare. Illus. by W. Paget. Dutton, $2.50. Lamb, Charles, and Lamb, Mary. Tales from Shakespeare (Riverside Litera- ture series.) Houghton, 50c. Macleod, Mary. Shakespeare story-book with introduction by Sidney Lee. Barnes, $1.75. Spenser. Dawson, L. H. Stories from the Fairie Queen. Crowell, $1.50. Colored illus- trations. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 13 Lang, Jeanie. Stories from the Fairie Queen. Dutton, 50c. Macleod, Mary. Stories from the Faerie Queen. Stokes, $1.50. Smith, N. G. Royde. Una and the Red Cross Knight and other tales from Spenser's Faery Queen. Dutton, $2.50. Virgil. The Aeneid for boys and girls, told from Virgil in simple language by Alfred J. Church. Macmillan, $1.50. STANDARD BOOKS FOR THE CHIL- DREN'S COLLECTION. Aesop. Aesop's fables; a new translation by S. Vernon Jones. Illus. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. Doubleday, $1.50. Aesop's Fables; ed. by Joseph Jacobs. Cran- ford ed. Macmillan, $1.50. Alcott, Louisa May. Little women. Illus. by Alice Barber Stephens. Little, $1.80. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Story of a bad boy. 111. by Frost. Houghton, $1.25. Andersen, Hans Christian. For different editions of his Fairy tales, see List of Modern Fairy Tales. Arabian Nights' entertainments. Arabian nights' entertainments based on a translation from the Arabic by Ed- ward William Lane; selected ed. and arranged for young people by Frances Jenkins Olcott. Holt, $1.50. Arabian nights' entertainments; ed. by Andrew Lang. Longmans, $2.00. Fairy tales from the Arabian nights; ed. and arranged by E. Dixon; illus. by John D. Batten. Putnam, $1.25. Arabian nights; a selection of stories from Alif Laila wa Laila, the Arabian nights entertainments; ed. by E. E. Hale. Ginn, 65c. Arabian nights, their best known tales; ed. by Kate Douglas Wiggin and Nora Archibald Smith. 12 colored plates by Maxfield Parrish. Scribner, $2.50. Fairy tales from the Arabian nights (Ev- eryman's library). Illus. Dutton, 90c. More tales from the Arabian nights; se- lected, ed. and arranged for young peo- ple by Frances Jenkins Olcott. Holt, $1.50. Blackmore, Richard Doddridge. Lorna Doone. Luxembourg ed. Crowell, $1.50. Bunyan, John. Pilgrim's progress. Illus. by Rhead Brothers. Century, $1.50. Bunyan, John. Pilgrim's progress; illus. by Byam Shaw. Scribner, $2.50. Bunyan, John. Pilgrim's progress; illustra- tions in color by G. D. Hammond. Mac- millan, $2.00. Carroll, Lewis, pseud. Alice's adventures in Wonderland. Illus. by John Tenniel. Mac- millan, $1.00. Carroll, Lewis, pseud. Through the looking glass. Illus. by John Tenniel. Macmillan, $1.00. Cooper, James Fenimore. Leather stocking tales. Deerslayer. Last of the Mohicans. Pathfinder. Pioneers. Prairie. Mohawk ed. Putnam, ea. $1.25. Craik, Mrs. Dinah Maria (M). John Hali- fax, gentleman. Crowell, $1.50. Craik, Mrs. Dinah Maria (M). Little lame prince, with pictures by Hope Dunlap. Rand, $1.25. Dana, Richard Henry. Two years before the mast, with a supplement by the author and introduction and additional chapter by his son. Illus. in color by E. B. Smith. Houghton, $1.50. Defoe, Daniel. Life of Robinson Crusoe; embellished with plates after designs by Noel Pocock. Doran, $2.00. Life of Robinson Crusoe with illustrations by E. B. Smith. Houghton, $1.50. Robinson Crusoe; illus. by Louis Rhead. Harper, $1.50. Dickens, Charles. A Christmas carol. Lip- pincott, $1.50. Drawings by Arthur Rack- ham. Novels. Gadshill ed. $1.50. Select for the juvenile collection titles that are most in demand by children. Dodge, Mary Mapes. Hans Brinker, Am- sterdam ed. Scribner, $1.50. Dumas, Alexandre. Black tulip, Tales of the Caucasus; Sultanetta. Little, $1.25. 14 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS Edgeworth, Maria. Parents' assistant; or stories for children. Macmillan, $1.50. Edgeworth, Maria. Tales; with introduction by Austin Dobson and illustrations by Hugh Thomson. Stokes, $1.50. Ewing, Mrs. Juliana Horatia. Six to six- teen; illustrations by M. V. Wheellwrise. Macmillan, $1.00. (Queen Treasure series.) Other sto- ries in this series are "The brownies," "A flat iron for a farthing," "Great Emergency and other tales," "Jacka- napes and other tales," "Lob-Lie-by-the fire and other tales," "Jan of the wind- mill," "Mrs. Overtheway's remem- brance," "We and the world." Gaskell, Mrs. Elizabeth Cleghorn (Steven- son). Cranford. Macmillan, $1.50. Illus. in color by C. E. Brock. Dutton, $1.50. Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield. Cranford ed. Macmillan, $1.50. Grimm, J. L. and W. K. For different edi- tions of their Fairy tales see List of Folk Lore Tales. Habberton, John. Helen's babies. Caldwell, $1.50. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. For different edi- tions of his Wonder book and Tanglewood tales see Mythology list. Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown's school days. Ed. by F. Sidgwick. Putnam, $3.00. Tom Brown's school days. Harper, $1.50. Irving, Washington. Old Christmas; illus. by R. Caldecott. Macmillan, $1.50. Kingsley, Charles. Heroes. Dutton, $2.50. Water babies; illus. by W. Heath Robin- son. Houghton, $2.00. Westward ho! Macmillan, $1.25. LaMotte Fouque, F. H. B. baron de, Un- dine. Cranford ed. Macmillan, $2.00. Molesworth, Mrs. Mary Louisa (Stewart). The cuckoo clock; illus. by Maria L. Kirk. (Stories all children love.) Lippincott, $1.25. Parkman, Francis. Oregon trail. Little, $2.00. Illustrated by Remington. Pyle, Howard. Men of iron. Harper, $2.00. Ramee, Louise de (pseud., Ouida). Dog of Flanders, The Niirnberg stove and other stories. Lippincott, $1.25. Scott, Sir Walter. Ivanhoe, with illustra- tions by E. B. Smith. Houghton, $2.50. Lippincott, $1.50. Scott, Sir Walter. Novels. Dryburgh, ed. Macmillan, ea. $1.25. Select titles most in demand by chil- dren. Spyri, Mrs. Johana. Heidi; tr. by Elizabeth P. Stork; illus. in color by Maria L. Kirk. Lippincott, $1.25. — — — Heidi; tr. by Marian Edwardes, with colored illustrations by Lizzie Law- son. Dutton, $2.50. Stevenson, Robert Louis. Kidnapped; illus- trated by N. C. Wyeth. Scribner, $2.25. — — — Kidnapped. Washington Square Classics. Jacobs, $1.00. Treasure Island; illustrated by N. C. Wyeth. Scribner, $2.25. Treasure Island. Washington Square Classics. Jacobs, $1.00. Treasure Island. Scribner, $1.25. Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's Travels; illus. by Louis Rhead. Harper, $1.50. — — — Gulliver's Travels; with illustra- tions by Milo Winter. Windermere ed. Rand, $1.20. Thackeray, W. M. Rose and the ring. Mac- millan, 50c. Twain, Mark, pseud. Prince and the pauper. Harper, $1.75. Wiggin, Mrs. Kate Douglas. Birds' Christ- mas Carol. Houghton, $1.00. Illustra- tions by Katherine R. Wireman. Wyss, Johann David. Swiss Family Robin- son, with illustrations by Louis Rhead and an introduction by W. D. Howells. Har- per, $1.50. LEGENDS AND STORIES FOUNDED ON THE NATIONAL HEROES. Cid. Plummer, Mary Wright. Stories from the Chronicle of the Cid. Holt, 90c. Wilson, Calvin Dill. Story of the Cid for young people. Lothrop, $1.25. Grettir the Strong. French, Allen. Story of Grettir the Strong. Dutton, $1.25. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 15 King Arthur. Greene, Frances Nimmo. Legends of King Arthur and his court. Ginn, 60c. Macleod, Mary. Book of King Arthur and his noble knights. Stokes, $1.50. Malory, Sir Thomas. Boy's King Arthur; ed. by Sidney Lanier. Scribner, $2.00. Pyle, Howard. Story of King Arthur and his knights. Scribner, $2.50. Robin Hood. Finnemore, John. The Story of Robin Hood and his merry men. (Color Books for boys and girls.) Macmillan, $1.50. Perkins, Mrs. Lucy Fitch, comp. Robin Hood; his deeds and adventures as recounted in the old English ballads. (Dandelion classics for children.) Stokes, $1.50. Pyle, Howard. Merry adventures of Robin Hood. Scribner, $3.00. Pyle, Howard. Some merry adventures of Robin Hood. Scribner, 50c. Roland. Baldwin, James. Story of Roland. (He- roes of olden times.) Scribner, $1.50. Marshall, H. E. Stories of Roland. (Told to the children series.) Dutton, 50c. Siegfried. Baldwin, James. Story of Siegfried. (He- roes of olden times.) Scribner, $1.50. Chapin, Anna Alice. Story of the Rhine- gold. Harper, $1.25. Macgregor, Mary. Stories of Siegfried. (Told to the children series.) Dutton, 50c. LECTURE 5. Non-fiction books for children. 1. Two main classes, but collection is con- sidered as a whole. a. Books for cultural reading. b. Books for school reference work. 2. Types of books in each main division of the Dewey decimal classification sys- tem and tests for the same, a. 000 1. Cyclopaedias. 2. Magazines. (1) Boy life. N. Y., 1911— date. Boy scouts of America, $1.00. (2) Everyland (Monthly). Every- land Co., N. Y. C, $1.50. (3) National geographic Maga- zine (Monthly). Washing- ton, 1888— date, $2.50. In- dexed in Poole, Library In- dex, Reader's Guide (since Jan., 1909). (4) Popular Mechanics (Month- ly). Popular Mechanics Co., Chicago, 1909 — date, $1.50, not indexed. (5) St.Nicholas (Monthly). New York 1873— date. Century, $3.00 per year. Indexed. General index. VI— 36 2V. $4.00 each. H. W. Wilson Co. (6) Something to do (Monthly). Boston, 1914 — date. (7) Youth's Companion (Week- ly). Boston, 1827 — date, not indexed. $2.00. 100 Ethics; conduct; self-control; self -cul- ture. Ex. Cabot, Ethics for children. Conde, Business of being a friend. 200 220-225 Bible stories. Old Testament. New Testament. 290-293 Mythology. 300 Civil government. Primers, readers, story-telling. Army and navy. Postage stamps. Folk-lore legends. Costumes. Customs. 400 Language books. 500 Nature and Science. Astronomy. Electricity. Geology. Flowers. Trees. 16 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS Prehistoric times and primitive men. LECTURE 6. Animals. Birds and insects. Fiction for Boys. 600 Inventions. 1. 2. Test of a good story. Black-list books. Physiology and hygiene. 3. Border-line books. Applied electricity. 4. Standard stories. Automobiles. Trades. 5. Sequence reading and book ladders. a. Stories of adventure. Agriculture. Indian stories. Cook books. Sea stories. Sewing. Railroad stories. Dolls. School stories. Tools. Amateur trades. Treasure hunting and pirate sto- ries. 700 b. Historical stories. Fine Arts. c. Stories with foreign setting. Artists' stories and biographies. Music. Amateur photography. LECTURE 7. Sports and games. 800 Fiction for Girls. Literature. Collections. 1. Reading difference of boys and girls. Authors' stories. 2. Tests for a good story for girls. Poetry. 3. Types of stories for girls. Dialogues and plays. Home life. 900 Travel. History: Ancient, Modern. Biography. Flags. School life. 4. 5. 6. Historical. Black-list stories. Stepping stone books. Standard stories. 7. Sequence reading. 3. Proportion by classes. 000 General works 7% 100 Philosophy 2% LECTURE 8. 200 Religion 5% 300 Sociology 3% Fairy tales and legends 5% Story Telling in the Public Library. 400 Language 1% 1. Purpose of Story hour. 500 Science 7% 2. Miscellaneous story telling. Cycle stories. 600 Useful arts 7% 3. 700 Fine arts 3% 4. Essentials of a story to be read or told 800 Literature 3% aloud. Poetry 3% Ex. Grimm. 900 History 8% Andersen. Travel 7% Aesop. Biography 9% Greek myths. Fiction 30% Norse myths. Bible stories. 100% Poetry. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 17 5. Preparation of the story hour. a. Plan the series. b. Time. c. Publicity. d. Story hour for little children. e. Story hour for older boys and girls. 6. Preparation of the story. 7. Advisability of the story hour. a. When to have it. b. When not to have it. 8. Substitutes for the story hour. 9. Story hour aids. Books. Bailey, Caroline. For the story teller. Mil- ton Bradley Co., $1.50. Bryant, S. C. How to tell stories to chil- dren. Houghton, $1.00. Stories to tell to children. Houghton, $1.00.. Cowles, J. D. The art of story telling, with nearly half a hundred stories. McClurg, $1.00. Esenwein, J. B. and Stockard, Marietta. Children's stories and how to tell them. Home Correspondence School, Springfield, Mass., $1.50. Houghton, Mrs. L. S. Telling Bible stories, New ed. Scribner, $1.25. Keyes, A. M. Stories and story telling. Appleton, $1.25. Lyman, Edna. Story telling; what to tell and how to tell it. McClurg, 75c. MacClintock, P. L. Literature in the ele- mentary school. Univ. of Chicago press, $1.00. Olcott, F. J. Children's reading. Houghton, $1.25. Good stories for great holidays. Hough- ton, $2.00. Story-telling poems, selected and arranged for story-telling and reading aloud and for children's own readings. Houghton, $1.25. Partridge, E. N., and Partridge, G. E. Story telling in school and home; a study in educational aesthetics. Sturgis, $1.25. Shedlock, Marie. Art of story telling. Ap- pleton, $1.50. Wyche, R. T. Some great stories and how to tell them. Newson, $1.00. Wiggin, K. D., and Smith, N. A. Story hour; a book for the home and kinder- garten. Houghton, $1.00. Lists. Brotherton, N. C, comp. Fairy stories to tell. (Cleveland public library reprint.) H. W. Wilson, 10c. Hassler, H. E., and Scott, C. E. Graded list of stories for reading aloud. 3d ed. rev. A. L. A., 10c. Power, Effie L. List of stories and pro- grams for story hours. Reprinted with some changes from the St. Louis Public Library Bulletin. H. W. Wilson, 20c. Pittsburg — Carnegie Library. Stories from the Ballads of Robin Hood. Outlines for story telling. 5c. Stories from the Norse; outlines for story telling. 5c. Stories to tell to children. 25c. Story hour courses for children from Greek myths, The Iliad and the Odyssey. 5c. LECTURE 9. Work with Schools. 1. Library and school co-operation. 2. How to interest the school in the library. 3. Teacher's part in directing the child's reading. 4. Teaching the child to use the library. a. Course of instruction for th« grades. b. Course of instruction for the High Schools. 5. Library extension work with school. a. Class room libraries. b. School deposit station. c. Teacher's special card. 6. Required reading list and their problems. 7. Collecting material for special school use. a. Clippings. b. Pictures. c. Exhibits. LECTURE 10. Book Review. Each student is assigned a book or group of books for a critical review or comparative valuations. 18 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS BOOK SELECTION. I. Principles. a. Qualifications needed by the selector. 1. Knowledge of books. 2. Knowledge of physical makeup of a book. - 3. Knowledge of people. 4. Unprejudiced breadth of view. b. Who shall select the books — librarian or book com- mittee ? c. Methods of selecting. 1. Suggestions. 2. Checking publishers' lists and Publishers' Weekly. 3. Book reviews. 4. Book lists. 5. Library bulletins. 6. Actual inspection. d. When to buy. e. What to buy. 1. Proportion of classes. 2. Supplementary texts for schools. 3. Classes graduated from elementary to advanced. 4. Value of sets. 5. Special books for indi- viduals. 6. Special problems as censorship, partisan and religious book. 7. Editions. II. Aids in book selection. Note: These aids are to be ex- amined for report and questioning by the instructor in class. a. 1. For buying books for a new library. 2. For filling in gaps. 3. For books in special classes. A. L. A. Catalog, 1904. A. L. A. Catalog Sup- plement, 1904-1911. Booklist, 1911— date. Sonnenschein — Best books. Brown's Buying list of books for small li- braries. Baker's Guide to best fiction. Baker's Guide to his- torical fiction. Library or Commis- sion lists on special subjects. b. For buying new books. Booklist. Book Review Digest. New York State Library — Best book list. Publishers' Weekly. Wisconsin Library Bulle- tin. Library bulletins. c. Reviews : Nation. Dial. Atlantic. New York Times. Independent. New Republic. The Review. d. The value of annotations. 1. The publisher's note. 2. The librarian's note for future reference. 3. The note for the read- er to aid in selec- tion. a. Notes pasted in books. b. Notes filed in catalogs o r i n separate file. III. Periodicals — Selection and pur- chase. a. Selection. 1. Making the periodical list fit the needs of the town. 2. Partisan and religious periodicals. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 19 3. Value o f periodicals that are indexed. 4. Periodical indexes. 5. Completing back files of periodicals. 6. Consideration of indi- vidual periodicals. 7. Newspapers, b. Purchase. 1. Percentage of income to be spent on pe- riodicals. 2. Method of subscribing. a. Subscription agent. Discounts to be expected. b. Buying from lo- cal dealer. 3. Buying bound volumes or missing numbers. Checking a monthly number of the Book Eeview Digest for a $50 purchase, with aid of the Booklist and any other aids. IV. Problem. V. Publishers. VI. Fiction for the public library. VII.-IX. Non-fiction for the public library and the librarian. X. Problem. Selecting by examination from a group of books, volumes suitable for a small public library. REFERENCE LECTURES. I. Introductory. a. Meaning of reference work. b. The reference librarian or attendant. Qualifications. Attitude towards public. Amount of help to be given. c. The composition of a refer- ence book. 1. Introduction or pref- ace. 2. Contents. 3. Body. Arrangement. 4. Index. Principles of alpha- b e t i c arrange- ment. Cross references. Subject divisions. 5. Physical m a k e u p — Size, typography, binding, paper. II. Dictionaries. a. Introductory. Points by which to judge a dictionary. 1. Date. New or revised. 2. Inclusion. Number o f words included. Nature of words in- cluded. 3. Meaning of words. Synonyms. Quotations. Arrangement. — His- torical or accord- ing to use. Illustrations. 4. Pronunciation. How indicated. 5. Etymology. 6. Spelling. 7. Arrangement. Number of alpha- bets. Number of supple- ments. 8. Supplementary fea- tures. b. Consideration of special dic- tionaries in list. III. Encyclopedias. a. Introductory. — P o i n t s by which to judge an encyclopedia. 1. Editorial staff and pol- icy. 20 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 2. Date. 3. Inclusion — special bias. 4. Arrangement. Alphabetical — strict or partial. Classed. Monographic or sub- divided. 5. Cross references. 6. Index. 7. Maps and illustrations. 8. Bibliographies. b. Consideration of special en- cyclopedias. IV. Periodicals. a. Value of periodicals for ref- erence. b. Preservation and use of pe- riodicals. c. Periodical indexes. 1. Inclusion. 2. Arrangement. Author. Subject. Title. 3. Methods of reference. V. Religion and Philosophy. VI. Sociology and Natural history. VII. Useful and Fine arts. VIII. Literature. IX. Debates and History. X. Biography, Geography and At- lases. Note: Lessons V-X con- sider special books. XL Government documents in the li- brary. a. Production. b. Nature. c. Acquisition. d. Arrangement and classi- fication. e. Use. XII. Free and pamphlet reference ma- terial. Reference Problems. I. Dictionaries. II. Encyclopedias. III. Periodicals. IV.-VIII. General works. LIST OF REFERENCE BOOKS. Books marked * are in the School collection. Dictionaries. 403. Bartlett, J. R. Dictionary of American- isms. 4th ed. Little, 1911. $4. *Century dictionary. Century, 1911. 12v. $75. *Concise Oxford dictionary of current Eng- lish; ed. by Fowler. Clarendon press, 1912. $1.50. *Concise Standard dictionary; ed. by Fer- nald. Funk, 1910. 60c. * Grammar school standard dictionary; ed. by Fernald. Funk, 1911. $1. (Now published as Comprehensive Standard dictionary.) *Larousse, P. A. Nouveau dictionnaire il- lustre. Larousse, 1917. $1.50. (Petit Larousse.) Murray, J. A. H. and others, ed. New Eng- lish dictionary. Oxford. (New Oxford dictionary.) v. 1-8, A-SH $21-28 ea. *New Standard dictionary of the English language. Funk, 1913. $12. *Vizetelly, F. H. Desk book of 25,000 words often mispronounced. Funk, 1917. $1.60; with index, $2. *Webster's dictionary of the English lan- guage, designed for use in the common schools. Amer. bk. co. cl892. (Now pub- lished as Elementary school dictionary, 90c.) *Webster's new international dictionary of the English language. Merriam, 1913. $12. Synonyms and similes. *Crabb, George. English synonymes. New ed. Harper, 1917. $1.25. *Roget, P. M. Thesaurus of English words and phrases. Dutton. 2v. $1.80. (Ev- eryman's library.) * Standard thesaurus of English words and phrases; ed. by C. O. S. Mawson. Kelm- scott soc. cl911. $7.50. o. p. *Soule, Richard. Dictionary of English synonyms. New ed. rev. and enl. Little, 1916. $2.25. *Wilstach, F. J. Dictionary of similes. Lit- tle, 1917. $2.50. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 21 Encyclopedias. 030. ♦Americana. Scientific American compiling dept, 1912. 22v. $132. (New ed. 1918, thoroughly revised.) Catholic encyclopedia. Encyclopedia press, 1907-14. 16v. Subs. *Champlin, J. D. Young folks' encyclopedia of common things. 3d rev. ed. Holt, 1907. $3. (Buy 4th ed. 1916, $3.) *Encyclopaedia Britannica: 11th ed. Handy volume ed. Sears, 1915. 29v. $74.70. ♦Everyman encyclopaedia. Dutton, 1914. 12v. $10.80. Jewish encyclopedia. Funk, 1916. 12v. $84. ♦Nelson's encyclopedia (perpetual, loose- leaf.) Nelson, 1907. 12v. $90. ♦New international encyclopedia. Dodd, 1914-16. 23v. $156. An additional vol- ume — Courses of reading and study. ♦New international yearbook. Dodd, 1915 — date. $7 ea. ♦Ruoff, H. W. Volume library. Chic. Rich- ardson, 1914. $7? (*Century book of facts is 1906 or 12 ed. of same work.) ♦Standard reference work. Welles Bros., 1912. 8v. Buy 4th ed. 1917. 8v. $26.75. ♦World book; ed. by O'Shea. Chic. Quar- rie, 1917. lOv. $39.50. Periodical indexes. 050. Agricultural index. 5 numbers to year, with annual cumulation, 1916 — date. H. W. Wilson. Price on request. v. 1-3, 1916-18, in one cumulation. H. W. Wilson. Price on request. ♦Ayers' American newspaper annual. Phil. Ayers, $10. ♦Book review digest. Monthly, with annual cumulation, 1905 — date. H. W. Wilson. Price on request. Annual cumulations; 1905-16, $4 ea.; 1917-18, $5 ea. Industrial arts index. 10 numbers to year, with annual cumulation, 1913 — date. H. W. Wilson. Price on request. Annual cumulations, 1913-1918. Price on request. Poole's index to periodical literature; abr. ed. 1815-99. Houghton, 1901. $12. Supplement, 1899-1905. $5. (Unabridged ed. in 6v., 1815-1902.) Reader's guide to periodical literature. Monthly, with annual cumulation. H. W. Wilson, $6 and up. Five year — cumulations, v. 1, 1900-04, $16; v. 2, 1905-09, $24; v. 3, 1910-14, $32; v. 4, 1915-18, price varies. Reader's guide supplement. 5 numbers to year, with annual cumulation. 1907 — date. H. W. Wilson. Price on request. Cumulation, v. 1, 1907-15, price on re- quest. Annual cumulations, 1916-18, $7 ea. ♦Severance, H. O. Guide to current periodi- cals and serials. 2d ed. Ann Arbor Wahr, 1909. $2.50. (Buy 3d ed., 1914, $2.50.) ♦Walters, F. K. Periodicals for the small library. 3d ed. A. L. A. pub. bd., 1919. 15c pa. Philosophy and Religion. 100-200. Baldwin, J. M. Dictionary of philosophy and psychology. Macmillan, 1911. $26. ♦Bible. Modern reader's Bible; ed. by Moul- ton. Macmillan, $2. ♦Cruden, Alexander. Complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures. Dodd. (1916 ed. now published by Revell.) 1910. $1. ♦Dummelow, J. R. Commentary on the Holy Bible. Macmillan, 1914. $2.50. ♦Hastings, James. Dictionary of the Bible. Scribner, 1909. $5. Julian, John. Dictionary of hymnology. Rev. ed. Scribner, 1918. $9. New Schaff-Herzog encyclopedia of reli- gious knowledge. Funk, 1908-14. 13v. $60. ♦Strong, James. Exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Methodist bk. concern, cl890. $6. Sociology. 300. ♦Bliss & Binder. New encyclopedia of social reform. Funk, cl908. $7.50. Statistics. 310. ^American Whitaker, annual. $1. Macmillan. 22 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS *Hazell's annual. Hazell. $1.50. (Now published by Oxford press.) *Indiana — Governor. Yearbook of the state. Secy, of State. Free. *Statesman's yearbook. Macmillan. $6.50. *U. S. — Census bureau. Abstract of the 13th census with sup. for Indiana. 1910. Gov't print, off. Free. * Census of manufactures: Indiana. Gov't print, off., 1914. Free. * Financial statistics of cities, annual. * Financial statistics of states, annual. * General statistics of cities, annual. Gov't print, off. Free. *U. S. — Foreign and domestic commerce bu- reau. Statistical abstract of the United States, annual. Gov't print, off. Free. *U. S. — Congress. Congressional directory. Gov't print, off. Free. Published at the end of each session. Webb, A. D. New dictionary of statistics. Dutton, 1911. $10. *World almanac and encyclopedia. N. Y. Press pub. co. 35c pa.; 60c cloth. Government. 320. *McLaughlin & Hart. Cyclopedia of Amer- ican government. Appleton, 1914. 3v. $22.50. *New Cushing's manual of parliamentary law and practice. Rev. and enl. by Gaines. Thompson-Brown, cl912. 75c. *Roberts, H. M. Robert's rules of order. Scott, cl915. $1. Political economy. 330. *Palgrave, R. H. Dictionary of political economy. Macmillan, 1894. 3v. $18. Law. 340. *Parsons, Theophilus. Laws of business. Scranton corr. school, 1911. $4. Education. 370. Baird, W. R. Manual of American college fraternities. 8th ed. College fraternity pub. co M 1915. $3. *Indiana — Public instruction dept. Dix-ectory of Indiana school officials, annual. Free. Manual, with courses of study for the High Schools. 1918. Free. Uniform course of study for the elemen- tary schools of Indiana. Free. *Monroe, Paul. Cyclopedia of education. Macmillan, 1911-13. 5v. $25. Patterson, H. L. American educational di- rectory, annual. Chic. Amer. educ. co. $6. Customs, costumes, etiquet. 390. *Chambers, Robert. Book of days. New ed. Lippincott, 1891. $6.50. *Hazeltine, M. E. Anniversaries and holi- days. League of Library commissions, 1909. 25c pa. *Roberts, H. L. Cyclopedia of social usage, manners and customs of the 20th cen- tury. Putnam, 1915. $3.50; pop. ed. $1.50. *Stone, Melicent. Bankside costume book for children. Saalfield, 1916. $1. *Walsh, W. S. Curiosities of popular cus- tom. Lippincott, 1898. $3.50. Natural history. 580-590. *Champlin & Lucas. Young folks' cyclo- pedia of natural history. Holt, 1905. $3. * Chapman, F. M. Handbook of birds of eastern North America. New ed. Ap- pleton, 1912. $3.75. Hornaday, W. T. American natural his- tory. Scribner, 1914. $4; 4v. ed. $8. *Mathews, F. S. Field book of American wild flowers. New ed. Putnam, 1908. $2.50. *New nature library. Doubleday, 1915. 8v. $31.50. Useful arts. 600. *Freeman & Chandler. World's commercial products. Ginn, 1907. $3.50. *Hopkins, A. A. Scientific American cyclo- pedia of formulas. Munn, 1911. $5. *Hopkins & Bond. Scientific American ref- erence book. Munn. $7.50. Agriculture. 630. *Bailey, L. H. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. Macmillan, 1907-09. (New ed., 1918.) 4v. $20. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 23 *Bailey & Miller. Cyclopedia of American horticulture. Macmillan, 1900-02. 4v. $20. New ed., 1918. $35. ^Farmer's cyclopedia. Doubleday, 1914. 8v. Subs. v. 8 is guide. $1. *Hill, T. E. Open door to independence. Chic. Hill, 1915. $3. *Ward, Artemas. Grocer's encyclopedia. N. Y. Pub. by author, 1911. $10. *Woll, F. W. Handbook for farmers and dairymen. 6th ed. Wiley, 1914. $1.50. Manufactures and engineering. 670-690. Croft, T. W. American electrician's hand- book. McGraw, 1913. $3, leather. *Hopkins, A. A. Our country and its re- sources. Munn, 1917. Subs, and pre- mium. Kent, William. Mechanical engineer's pocketbook. 9th ed. rev. and enl. Wiley, 1916. $5. Kidder, F. E. Architect's and builder's pocketbook. 16th ed. rev. Wiley, 1916. $5. Merriman, Mansfield. American civil engi- neer's handbook. 3d ed. rev. and enl. Wiley, 1916. $5. Fine arts. 700. *Caffm, C. H. Story of American painting. Stokes, 1907. $2.70. *Champlin & Perkins. Cyclopedia of paint- ers and painting. Scribner, 1892. 4v. $20. *Clement, C. E. Painters, sculptors, archi- tects, engravers, and their works. Hough- ton, 1899. $3. (Enl. ed. 1918, $3.50.) * Jameson, Anna. Sacred and legendary art; ed. by E. M. Hurll. Houghton, cl895-99. 2v. octavo $7, 16mo $2.70. *Lubke, William. Outlines of the history of art. New and enl. ed. Dodd, 1918. 2v. $10. *Reinach, Salamon. Apollo. Scribner, cl907. $1.50. Music. 780. *Grove, Sir George. Grove's dictionary of music and musicians. New ed. Mac- millan, 1916. 5v. $25. *Hughes, Rupert. Music lover's encyclope- dia. Doubleday, 1913. $1.50. Opera. 792. *Krehbiel, H. E. Second book of operas. Macmillan, 1917. $2. *Melitz, L. L. Opera-goer's guide. Dodd, cl911. $1.50. *Upton, G. P. Standard operas. McClurg, 1914. $1.75. (New and enl. ed. 1918.) Games and sports. 790. *Champlain & Bostwick. Young folks' cy- clopedia of games and sports. Holt, cl890. $3. * Glover, E. H. Dame Curtsey's art of en- tertaining. McClurg, 1918. $1.20. Spaulding's guides; various sports. Amer. sports pub. co., annual. 10c-25c. Literature. 800. *Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of phrase and fable. New and enl. ed. 1918. Lippin- cott, $2. *Brewer, E. C. Reader's handbook of allu- sions, references, plots and stories. Lip- pincott, 1894. $2.50. (New ed. 1918.) *Bulfmch, Thomas. Age of chivalry. Loth- rop. $1.25. *Bulfinch, Thomas. Age of fable. Lothrop. $1.25. (Crowell publishes the three books — Chivalry, Fable, and Charlemagne, in one volume, @ $1.50; Fable is also in Every- man's library, @ 70c.) *Champlain, J. D. Young folks' cyclopedia of literature and art. Holt, 1901. $3. *Eastman, M. H. Index to fairy tales, myths and legends. Boston bk. co., 1915. $2.25. *Edwardes & Spence. Dictionary of non- classical mythology. Dutton, 1913. Ev- eryman's lib. 90c. *Firkins, I. T. Index to short stories. Wil- son, 1915. $6. *Garnett & Gosse. English literature: an illustrated record. Grosset, c. 1903. 4v. $10. o. p. Gayley, C. M. Classic myths in English literature. Ginn, 1911. $1.60. *Granger, Edith. Index to poetry and reci- tations. Ed. 2. McClurg, 1918. $10. (Does not entirely replace *Ed. 1, 1904.) 24 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS *Guerber, H. A. Myths of Greece and Rome. Amer. bk. co., C1893. $1. * Myths of Northern lands. Amer. bk. co., C1895. $1.50. Hannigan, F. J. Standard index of short stories, 1900-14. Small, 1918. $10. (Supplemented by annual volumes of ♦O'Brien's Best short stories.) ♦Johnson, G. E. Choosing a play. Wilson, 1918. 45c pa. *Moulton, C. W. Library of literary criti- cism of English and American authors. N. Y. Malkan, 1901-05. 8v. $40. *Peet, L. H. Who's the author? Crowell, cl901. 50c. (Later editions published under title Handbook of American au- thors, 1907— date.) ♦Phyfe, W. H. 5,000 facts and fancies. Putnam, 1901. $3.75. Trent, W. P. Cambridge history of Amer- ican literature. Putnam, 1917-18. 3v. $3.50 per v. *Sonnenschein, W. S. Reader's guide to contemporary literature. Sonnenschein, 1895. $7.50. o. p. *Warner, C. D. Library of the world's best literature. Warner lib. co. 1896-97. 30v. Subs. (1917 ed. 30v. $87.) Anthologies. 821. ♦Braithwaite, W. S. B. Anthology of maga- zine verse, annual. Small, 1913 — date. $2. ♦Bryant, W. C. New library of poetry and song; rev. ed. with dictionary of poetical quotations. Baker, 1900. $5. *One hundred and one famous poems. Ev- anston, Cook. 15c pa. *Palgrave, Francis. Golden treasury of English songs and lyrics. Dutton. 90c. (Everyman's lib.) Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur. Oxford book of English verse. Oxford, 1900. $2.50. ♦Schauffier, R. H. Christmas. Moffat, 1915. $1.10. ♦Speaker's garland. Penn, 1918. lOv. $13.50 set; $2 ea. (Reissue of 40 nos. of "100 best selections"; *v. 1-8.) ♦Stedman, E. C. American anthology. Houghton, 1900. $3; student's ed. $2.50. ♦Stedman, E. C. Victorian anthology. Houghton, cl895. $3; student's ed. $2.50. (1918 ed. has much new material.) ♦Stevenson, B. E. Home book of verse. Holt, 1915. $10. (Ed. 3, 1918, much fuller.) Orations. 808.5. ♦Blackstone, Harriet. Best American ora- tions of today. Hinds, 1903. $1.25. *Brewer, D. J. World's best orations. Kai- ser, 1899-1901. lOv. $3.50 ea. *Cody, Sherwin. Selections from the world's great orations. 6th ed. McClurg, 1915. $1.20. ♦Riddle, George. Modern reader and speaker. Duffield, 1900. $2. The Speaker. Hinds, 1918. v. 1-8. $1.75 ea. (Monologs.) Quotations. 808.8. ♦Bartlett, John. Familiar quotations. 9th and 10th eds. Little, 1914. $3. *Hoyt, J. K. Cyclopedia of practical quo- tations. Funk, 1896. $6. ♦Wood, K. B. Quotations for occasions. Century, 1896. $1.50. Author dictionaries and concordances. ♦Berdoe, Edward. Browning cyclopaedia. Macmillan, 1902. $3.25. ♦Bartlett, John. New and complete con- cordance to . . . Shakespeare. Macmil- lan, 1910. $7.50. Fiction. 823. *Baker, E. A. Guide to the best fiction. Macmillan, 1912. $6. *Baker, E. A. Guide to historical fiction. Macmillan, 1914. $6. Debate books. 808. ♦Abridged debater's handbook series. Wil- son. 25c ea. Pa. ♦Brookings & Ringwalt. Briefs for debate. Longmans, 1897. $1.25. o. p. ♦Debater's handbook series. Wilson. $1.25 ea. (♦World peace.) ♦Intercollegiate debates: briefs and reports, annual. Hinds, 1912— date. 7v. $1.65 ea. (♦v. 1-5.) SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 25 *Matson, Henry. References for literary workers. 9th ed. McClurg, cl892. $2.60. (No change from earlier eds.) *Phelps, E. M. Debater's manual. 2d ed. Wilson, 1916. $1.25. (Debater's hand- book series.) *Pittsburg — Carnegie library. Debate index. 3d ed., 1912, 20c pa.; Supplement, 1913, 5c, pa.; Supplement, 1916, 5c, pa.; Sup- plement, 1917, 5c, pa. *Ringwalt, R. C. Briefs on public ques- tions. Longmans, 1908. $1.20. *Robbins, E. C. High school debate book. McClurg, 1911. $1. *Shurter & Taylor. Both sides of 100 pub- lic questions. Hinds, 1913. $1.25. *University debater's annual. Wilson, 1915 —date. $1.80 ea. (*v. 1.) Geography and atlases. 910. * Atlas of ancient and classical geography. Dutton. 90c. (Everyman's lib.) *Bartholomew, J. G. Literary and histori- cal atlas of Africa and Australia. Dut- ton. 90c. (Everyman's lib.) *Bartholomew, J. G. Literary and histori- cal atlas of America. Dutton. 90c. (Everyman's lib.) *Bartholomew, J. G. Literary and histori- cal atlas of Asia. Dutton. 90c. (Ev- eryman's ed.) *Bartholomew, J. G. Literary and histori- cal atlas of Europe. Dutton. 90c. (Ev- eryman's lib.) *Century atlas of the world. Century, 1914. $12. (Part of Century dictionary set.) *Doubleday, Page & Co.'s Geographical manual and new atlas; ed. by Mawson. Doubleday, 1917. $5. *Hammond, C. S. & Co. Hammond's mod- ern atlas of the world. Hammond, 1912. $3. *Labberton, R. H. Historical atlas, 3800 B. C.-1900 A. D. Silver, 1901. $1.25. *Rand, McNally & Co. New imperial atlas of the world. Rand, 1915. $1.75. History. 900. *Channing, Hart & Turner. Guide to the study and reading of American history. Rev. ed. Ginn, 1914. $3. (*1904 ed.) * Dictionary of dates. Dutton. 90c. (Ev- eryman's lib.) *Harper's encyclopedia of U. S. History. Harper, 1902. lOv. $24. New and enl. ed. 1912. lOv. $24. *Harper's book of facts. Harper, 1906. $8. *Larned, J. N. History for ready reference. Springfield, Nichols, 1901—10. 7v. $35. Companion vol. 1913. Subs. *Ploetz, Carl. Epitome of universal history; rev. by Tillinghast. Houghton, cl915. $3. Biography. 920. * Adams, O. F. Dictionary of American au- thors. 5th ed. Houghton, 1904. $4.50. *Century cyclopedia of names; ed. by B. E. Smith. Century, 1914. $10. (Part of Century dictionary set.) *Champlin, J. D. Young folks' cyclopedia of persons and places. Holt, 1911. $3. *Cousin, J. W. Short biographical diction- ary of English literature. Dutton. 90c. (Everyman's lib.) *Lee, Sidney. Dictionary of national biog- raphy: index and epitome vol. Macmil- lan, 1903. $6.50. *Peck, H. T. Harper's dictionary of clas- sical literature and antiquities. Amer. bk. co., 1897. $6. *Smith, William. Smaller classical diction- ary; ed. by Blakeney. Dutton. 90c. (Everyman's lib.) *Webb & Webb. Famous living Americans. Greencastle, Ind. Pub. by authors, 1915. $3. *Who's who, annual. Black, 1849 — date. $7.50. (Earlier volumes, $5.) *Who's who in America, biennial. Marquis, 1899— date. $6. (Earlier v. $5.) *Woman's who's who of America. N. Y. American commonwealth co., 1915. $5. (Huntting, Springfield, 111., for $1.) CLASSIFICATION. Lecture 1. Lecture 2. Lecture 3. Lecture 4. Outline. Introductory. 900, 940-990, incl. 910-920-30, 016.9, incl. 800-9, 810-820, fiction. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS Lecture 5. Lecture 6. Lecture 7. Lecture 8. Lecture 9. Lecture 10. Lecture 11. Lecture 12. 830-90, 700, 400. 700-600. 600-500. 500-329. 330-200. 200, 100, 020. Miscellaneous. Keview. Problem 1. The following books will be found on the classroom shelves. Assign class members and subject head- ings. Asakawa. Russo-Japanese conflict. Barrington. Magna Charta. Carter. Narrative of the Boer war. Chapman. Case of Belgium. Chapman. Deutschland iiber alles. Day. Dutch in Java. Davitt. Fall of feudalism in Ireland. Fisher. Outlines of universal history. Hamley. War in the Crimea. Harrison. Meaning of history. Hart. War in Europe. Humphrey. India dispossessed. Kohlrausch. History of Germany. Lamprecht. What is history? Macdonald. Select charters and other docu- ments illustrative of American history. 1606-1775. Malleson. Indian mutiny of 1857. Parker. China. Rice. Pioneers of the Western reserve. Schevill. Siena. Siborne. Waterloo campaign. Simons. Social forces in American history. — Synchronology of the principal events in sacred and profane history. Thatcher and Schwill. Europe in the Middle Age. Problem 2. Abbot. Notable women in history. Boughton. Ancient peoples. Browning. Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Bury. History of Greece. Carson. From Irish castles to French cha- teaux. Cox. Crusades. Curtis. True Abraham Lincoln. Dana. Two years before the mast. Fowler. Roman festivals. Grenfell. Labrador. Johnson. Land of heather. Johnston. Famous scouts. Jones. Roman empire. Koebel. Uruguay. LeRoy. Philippine life in town and country. Leroy-Beaulieu. Awakening of the East. Mahaffy. Social life in Greece. Muir. My first summer in the Sierra. Noyes. Story of Milan. Riggs. History of the Jewish people. Problem 3. Acton. Letters ... to Mary Gladstone. Boas. Shakspere and his predecessors. Brooke. English literature. Browning. Complete poetical works. Carlyle. History of literature. — Sartor resartus. Carman. Kinship of nature. Herford. Age of Wordsworth. Higginson & Boynton. American literature. Hunt. Wit and humor selected from tho English poets. Kelly. Wards of liberty. Lanier. Poems. Matthews. Study of the drama. Moody. Great divide. Page, ed. Chief American poets. Phillips. Nero. Phillips. Speeches, lectures and letters. Twain. Is Shakespeare dead? Wilson. Primer on Browning. Woodberry. Appreciation of literature. Problem 4. Aston. History of Japanese literature. Crane. Ideals in art. Curme. Grammar of the German language. Dante. Divine comedy. Earle. Sun-dials and roses of yesterday. Fitzmaurice-Kelly. History of Spanish lit- erature. Heine. Poems. Ibsen. Peer Gynt. Kemp. Landscape gardening. Kerr. Influence of Ben Johnson on English comedy. Maeterlinck. Pelleas and Melisande. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 27 Euskin. Principles of art criticism. Shelly. British museum. — Speech of man. Starr. Readings from modern Mexican au- thors. Sudermann. Joy of living. Tarbell. History of Greek art. Tasso. Jerusalem delivered. Tolstoy. Dramatic works. Whitney. Life and growth of language. Zola. Doctor Pascal. Problem 5. Arnold. Essays in criticism. Caffin. American masters of sculpture. Chubb. Festivals and plays. Crane. Of the decorative illustration of books old and new. Dean. Worker and the state. Ellis. Task of social hygiene. Fletcher. A B Z of our own nutrition. French. Homes and their decoration. Gardiner. Greek athletic sports. Goepp. Symphonies and their meaning. Hamilton. Studies in stage craft. Higginson. Old Cambridge. Iowa Commission to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Report. Lahee. Grand opera singers of today. Osier. Counsels and ideals. Pratt. Cathedral churches of England. Scull. Lassoing wild animals in Africa. Stoney. Practical points in nursing. Van Dyke. Studies in pictures. Willets. Workers of the nation. Problem 6. Anderson. Farmer of tomorrow. Bolza. Calculus of variations. Bourne. Recent improvements in the steam- engine. Butterfield. Country church and rural prob- lem. Cohen. Smoke. Copeland. Cotton manufacturing industry of the U. S. Crocker. Electric lighting. Darwin. Journal of researches. Davenport. Principles of breeding. Fernow. History of forestry. Fleming. Practical horseshoeing. Frye. Engineers' pocket-book. Gerhard. Sanitation, water supply and sew- age disposal of country houses. Griffith. Essentials of woodworking. Johnson. Elements of transportation. McDaniel. Excavating machinery. Mayo. Diseases of animals. Poincare. Foundationes of science. Proctor. Orbs around us. Raynes. Heating systems. Smith. Proof-reading and punctuation. Tyndall. Fragments of science. Wallace. Wonderful century. Wilbur. Everyday business for women. Wilson. Handbook of domestic science and household arts. Problem 7. Abercromby. Weather. Addams. Democracy and social ethics. Addyman. Practical X-ray work. Cleveland. Writings and speeches. Collins. Wireless telegraphy and telephony. Cooke. New chemistry. Darwin. Descent of man. Eggleston. Ultimate solution of the Amer- ican negro problem. Heilprin. Distribution of animals. Hobhouse. Social evolution and political theory. Hornaday. Extermination of the American bison. Jacobi. Common sense applied to woman suffrage. Lodeman. Spraying of plants. McCarthy. Wisconsin idea. Mayo-Smith. Statistics and sociology. Rutley. Study of rocks. Silloway. Some common birds. Smith. Dictionary of popular names of plants. Southern Sociological Congress. Call of the new South. Stanwood. History of the presidency from 1788 to 1897. Steiner. Immigrant tide. Sweet. Theory of the universe. Underwood. Moulds, mildews and mush- rooms. Wigmore. Australian ballot system. Zahm. Aerial navigation. 28 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS Problem 8. Anderson. Successful boy's clubs. Bible. Modern reader's Bible. Bryce. American common-wealth. Cadbury, etc. Women's work and wages. Clark. Law of the employment of labor. Cornelison. Natural history of religious feeling. Daniels. Elements of public finance. Dawson. Vagrancy problem. Day. History of commerce. Fisher. Elementary principles of economics. Foltz. Federal civil service. Ford. Cooperation in New England. Gray. Natural science and religion. Halle. Trusts. Hanus. Beginnings in industrial education. Hinsdale. History of the president's cabi- net. Hull. Two Hague conferences. Johnson. American railway transportation. Kent. Life and teachings of Jesus. Kirkup. Inquiry into socialism. Municipal Research, Bureau of. Handbook of municipal accounting. Ryan. Living wage. Tarbell. Tariff in our times. Thomson. Parables by the lake. White. Money and banking. Problem 9. Addams. New conscience and an ancient evil. Allen. Christian institutions. Billing, etc. Liquor problem. Booth. Material on geography. Brown. Buying list of books for small li- braries. Carus. Philosophy as a science. Century magazine. Clarke. Ten great religions. Cremer. Reply to Harnack on the essence of Christianity. Cumulative book index. Epictetus. Discourses. Forbush. Boy problem. Francillon. Gods and heroes. Fullerton. World we live in. Friswold. Sixty years with Plymouth Church. Haeckel. Riddle of the universe. Important laws of Indiana relating to public libraries. Indiana Public Library Commission. Bi- ennial report. James. Energies of men. Johnson. Ideal ministry. Le Roy. New philosophy of Henri Bergsom Library Journal. Olcott. Children reading. Political science quarterly. Quackenbos. Hypnotic therapeutics. Readers Guide to periodical literature. Scott. Popular books for boys and girls. Social forces. Stearns. Essentials in library administra- tion. Steven. Psychology of the Christian souL Survey. Weber. History of philosophy. Wise. Our missionary heroes and heroines. Problem 10. Addams. Spirit of youth and the city streets. Anderson. Bible and modern criticism. Aristotle. Athenian constitution. Bailey. Country-life movement in the U. S. Barton. Story of the Red Cross. Bateson. Mendel's principles of heredity. Birdseye. Reorganization of our colleges. Bruce. Robert E. Lee. Butterfield. Chemistry of gas manufacture.. Caffln. American masters of painting. Carroll. Religious forces of the U. S. Cooley. Domestic art in woman's education. Dexter and Garlick. Psychology in the school room. Fisher. Reformation. Flynt. World of graft. Fow. True story of the American flag. Gayley. Classic myths in English litera- ture and in art. George. Junior republic. Guerber. Legends of the Rhine. Hadley. Education of the American citizen. Haweis. Music and morals. Hornaday. Our vanishing wild life. Hudson. Law of psychic phenomena. Husband. Year in a coal-mine. James. Tales of three cities. Jordan. Heredity of Richard Roe. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 29 Kellogg. Home furnishing. Key. Century of the child. Kipling. Plain tales from the hills. Lee. Constructive and preventive philan- thropy. Munsterberg. Psychology and industrial ef- ficiency. Murray. Christian faith and the new psy- chology. Pater. Plato and Platoism. Perry. Study of prose fiction. Popp. Autobiography of a working woman. Quiller-Couch. Oxford book of English verse. Rhead. Chats on costume. Rideal. Disinfection and the preservation of food. Rosengarten. German soldier in the wars of the U. S. Ross. Sin and society. Sargent. Manual of the trees of North America. Singleton, ed. Historic buildings of Amer- ica. Spencer. Woman's share in social culture. Sturgis. Appreciation of architecture. Swift. Brook farm. Trent. Southern writers. Van Vorst. Cry of the children. Veiller. Housing reform. Ward. Social center. White, ed. Practical designing. Worcester. Religion and medicine. Wright. Southern girl in '61. CATALOGING. Lessons 1-2. Author, Joint authors, Title, Imprint, Col- lation, Series note. Lesson 3. Added entries — Title, Partial title, Sub- ject. Lesson 4. Added entries — Translator, editor, com- piler, illustrator. Cross reference, Editor as author. Author entry — Married women, compound names, prefixes. Lesson 5. Anonymous books, Added edition, Con- tents, Note, Sequel. Lesson 6. Biography and pseudonyms; Author entry — Noblemen. Lesson 7. Analytics — Author, title, subject. Lesson 8. Title analytics — Book and analytic by same author, Without paging, Sets. Lesson 9. Analytics — Compilation without editor, Two or more chapters. Volume analytics, Bound with. Lesson 10. Anonymous classics, Bible, Series. Lesson 11. Periodicals, Cyclopedias, Directories, An- nuals, Atlases. Lesson 12. Corporate entry. Lesson 13. Government documents. Lesson 14. Subject headings — Simple. Lesson 15. Subject headings — Subdivisions. Lesson 16. Review. Lesson 17. L. C. cards — Ordering. Lesson 18. L. C. cards — Preparing for catalog. Lesson 19. Alphabeting. Lesson 20. Final review. 30 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS CATALOGING PROBLEM 1-2. Author, Joint author, Title, Imprint, Collation, Series note. References: Rules 1-8, 10-18, 20-31, 38-58, 70-74, 76-77, 86-90, 100, 127, 155a-b. Write Author card, Joint author card. Do seven books: two from A, one from each of the other groups, and one other. A Andrews. Stories Mother Nature told her children. J500 A56 A Bain. Tobacco in song and story. 818 E Bangs. Ghosts I have met. B16 F Beaumont & Fletcher. Plays. 822 B56 A Bolton. Famous Leaders among men. 920 B69m F Boone & Browne. Redfields succession. A Brewer. American citizenship. 172.1 B84 G Chaplin. Story of the Rhinegold. J782 C36 D Chester. Chats with girls on self-culture. 374 C22 D Curtis. Prue and I. E Dante Alighieri. De monarchia. 320 D19d D DeQuincey. Confessions of an English opium-eater. 824 D42c E Dunbar. Folks from Dixie. E Ewing. Jackanapes. J A Getchell. Study of medieval history. 016.94 G29 F Gordy & Twitchell Pathfinder in American History. 016.973 G66 D Goldsmith. Vicar of Wakefield. A Holland. Plain talks on familiar subjects. 174 H73p A Hough. 54-40 or fight. F Houston & Kennelly. Electric motor. 621.3 H84 A Howe. Phillips Brooks. 921 B87h E Josephus. Flavius. Works. 2v. 933 J83w D Lang. Book of dreams and ghosts. 133 L169 F Lodge & Roosevelt. Hero tales from American history. J973 L82h E More. Utopia. 823 M83 A O'Brien. Charles Stewart Parnell. B P250 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 31 D Rawlings. G Sonnenschein. Story of books. Five thousand words often misspelt. 655 R25 C\ Steele & Adams. P/ F Stevenson & Osborne. F Strong & Schafer. Beauty of form and grace of vesture. Ebb tide. Government of the American people. 391 S81 A Thackeray. A Whately. Hitherto unidentified contributions to Punch. Elements of rhetoric. 827 T36 G White. How to make baskets. 689 421 342 W55 W58h CATALOGING PROBLEM 3 C 974.6 Johnston. Connecticut. — — J73 Connecticut — Added entries, — title, partial title, subject; History. alternative and explanatory titles. D 379 Kern. Among country Rules , 32-37, 59-64, 66-69, 76-77, 108-112, K39 schools. 152-153, 162-164, 272-274. Country schools. Do one A , one B, two C !, two D. C 977.1 King. Ohio. B Alcott. Little Women. K52 Ohio — History. D 537.5 Atkinson. Dynamic electricity C 582 Keeler. Our native trees. A87 and magnetism. K26 Trees. Electricity. D 944 Kirkland. Short history of Magnetism. K59 France. C 979.5 France — History. B2/ Barrows. Oregon. Oregon — History. B 641 K59 Kirkland. Six little cooks. Cookery. A Beckford. Vathek. D 550 LeConte. Compend of geology. C 582 Blanchan, Nature's garden. L46 Geology. B63 pseud. Flowers. C 619 Mayo. Diseases of animals. C 561.3 Clute. Our ferns in their M47 Animals — diseases . C64 haunts. A and C Meredith. Ordeal of Richard Ferns. Feverel. C 977.4 Cooley. Michigan. C 631 Miles. Land draining. C77 Michigan — History. M64 Drainage. A Dickens. Personal history of David Copperfield. B 814 R35 Reid. Gulzar. B Edgeworth. Parent's assistant. C 978.1 Spring. Kansas. D 973 Elson. History of the U. S. S76 Kansas — History. E49 U. S — History. A Stevenson. Strange case of Dr. D J942 Freeman. Norman conquest. Jekyll andMr . Hyde. F85 England— History. A and C Thackeray. History of Pendennis. D 634 Gifford. Practical forestry for A Thackeray. History of Henry G45 GifTord. beginners. Esmond. Forests and forestry. C 331 Thompson. Purse and the con- B Henry. Voice of the home. science. B Ingoldsby. Ingoldsby legends. T46 Labor and capital. 32 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS B 818 Thoreau. T48 D 942 Trevelyan. T81 C 814 VanDyke. V24 B Ware. C 641 Whitney. W61 Walden. England under the Stuarts. England — History. Little rivers. Aurelian. Just how. Cookery. CATALOGING 4 Added entries — Translator, editor, compiler, illustrator. Cross references. Editor, etc., as author. Author entry — married women, compound names, prefixes. Rules 9, 78, 80-83, 105, 125-142, 148, 203-209, 213, 216-217, 220, 222-223, 276-286. Do one book from each of classes A, B, C, D, and two books from E. E j888 Aesop A25 Amicis, de. 914.4 Amicis, de A51 Bacon. C 398 B25 A 808. B91 504 B92 811 C33 Fables: sel. by Joseph Jacobs. Fables. ed. cd. Cuore. x de Amicis. Studies in Paris. x de Amicis. Madness of Philip. x Daskam. Baring-Gould . Curious myths of the middle ages. x Gould. Legends. x Traditions. xx Folk-lore. xx Superstitions. New library of poetry and song. Poetry-Collections. x Anthologies. President's daughters. tr. cd. Fairy land of science. x Fisher. Nature study. xx Science. Last poems. ed. cd. Bryant, comp. Bremer. Buckley. Cary, Alice and Phoebe. E 598 Chapman. C46 E 851 Dante D19 Alighieri. A 178 Delvan, ed. D34 E 824 DeQuincey. D42 Freeman. C [831 Goethe. & {G59 E I C f Goethe. & E [ B Harrison. A 821 Hows, comp. H86 A 028 Leypoldt and L68 lies, comp. C Lytton. C Miiller. E 630.7 Puritz. P98 A 808.8 Repplier, R42 comp. B Rice. E 842 Rostand. R83 Color key to North American birds, illus., cd. Birds. x Ornithology. Divine Comedy: tr. by Longfellow, tr. cd. Temperance essays. Temperance. Confessions of an English opium eater: ed. by Masson, ed. cd. Humble romance and other stories. x Wilkins. Poems : tr . by Bowring. x Goethe, tr. cd. Wilhelm Meister: tr. by Carlyle. See above. Anglomaniacs. x Harrison, Mrs. Burton. Golden leaves from British poets. Poetry— collections. x Anthologies. List of books for girls and women. Books and reading. x Reading. My novel. 2 v. x Bulwer-Lytton. Memories, x. x Mueller, tr. cd. Code book of gym- nastic exercises. tr. cd. Gymnastics. xx Exercise. Book of famous verse. Poetry — Collections x Anthologies. Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch, x Hegan. Cyrano de Bergerac. tr. cd. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS c 599 Seton. Trail of the sand hill Rules 113-124, 145-147 188; 215al, 224-230a; S49 stag. 445-453 505-508; 516. x Thompson-Seton. Do one book from A, B, C, D, abd two from E. Animals. E 170 Aristotle. Ethics; tr. by Chase. E 822.3 S5m Shakespeare. Macbeth :ed. by White, ed. cd. A71 tr. cd. xt. Nichomachaean E 822.3 Shakespeare. All's well that ends ethics. S5a welked. by Rolf e. Ethics. ed. cd. B /Austen. Emma. 2v) E 822.3 Shakespeare. As you like it: ed. by \ } S5as White, ed. cd. B 150 B18 Baldwin. Social and ethical in- terpretations i n A J808.8 SI Land of song. 3v. 150 mental develop- S56 Poetry— Collections B18a ment. 2d. ed. x Anthologies. 1899. Children's literature. Same. 3d. ed. 1902. x Children's poetry. E 821 Swinburne. Poetical works. PSYCHOLOGY S97 ed. cd. E 821 Tennyson. Poems. E ' r28 Bevier. The house. (Library T31 ed. cd. B57 of home economics.) C 242 Thomas Imitation of Christ. Home economics. T45 a Kempis. x Kempis. x Household mana- C ("891.7 Turgenev. House of gentle folk. ment. & JT93 x Turgenieff . x Household science. E i tr. cd. x Housekeeping. D 921 VonHolst. Calhoun. x Domestic science. C25 x von. Calhoun. E 313 B63 Blaikie. How to get strong and how to stay so. B 921 Ward Mrs. Chapters from a life. Physical education. W25 E.S.T. x Phelps. x Physical culture. B 921 Ward& Wm. Thomas Arnold. x Physical training. A25w Montague. x Ward, Mrs. Humphry. jt. au. C j A Borrow. Romany Rye. . Lavengro. .Bread winners. Arnold, William B '820 Brooke. English literature. Thomas. IB87 1876. C Watts-Dunton.Aylwin. 820 .Same. 1883. x Dunton. B87a A 808.8 Whittier, Songs of three centu- W62 comp. ries. ENGLISH LITERATURE Poetry— Collections. x Anthologies. D 314 Burroughs. Pepacton. B 173 Wiggin. Childrens' rights. B97 Contents. W65 x Riggs. Children. xx Child study. E Cotes. American girl in London. x Duncan. B [ j 124 388 Crabbe. English synonymes. CATALOGING 5 | 124 .Same. Rev. ed. 1 088a .Same. Caldwell ed. Anonymous books; Added editions; Contents; Notes; Sequels. Craik. Two marriages. x Mulock. 34 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS B Curtis. Prue and I. . Same. Rev. ed. A People of the whirl- pool. Synonyms and anto- D 814 Repplier. Varia. nyms. R42 Contents. E 646 Ecob. Well-dressed woman. B [637 Russell. Dairy bacteriology. E19 Fashion. x Style (in dress). R96 1637 5th ed. .Same. 7th ed. B Edgeworth. Parent's assistant. Routledge ed. ..Same. MacMillan ed. [R96a Dairy bacteriology xx Bacteriology. xx Dairying. A Elizabeth and her x Dairy. German garden. C Saunders. Beautiful Joe. E 613 E46 Elliott. Household bacteri- ology. (Library of home economics.) Beautiful Joe's Paradise. Sequel notes. Bacteriology. C Stevenson. David Belfour. x Bacteria. Kidnapped. v Germs. Sequel notes. Home economics. E Stevenson. St. Ives. Make proper x Note: Completed references. by A. T. Quiller- D 921 Emerson. Representative men. Couch, after Steven- & E53 (Home library.) son's death. B 921 E53a Contents. . . Same. (Temple Classics.) C Scott. Abott. Monastery. Sequel notes. E Erckman- Chatrian. Madame Therese. x Chatrian. D Stimson. Mrs. Knollys and other stories. A Haste to the rescue. Contents. E 883 Homer. Iliad; tr. by Bryant. A .Towards the gulf. H76B A .Tribulations of a E 750.6 Hoyt. World's painters. princess. H86 Painters. x Artists. D Van Dyke. Blue flower. Contents. Give note description D 814 Van Dyke. Days off. of contents. V24 Contents. E 808.5 Legouve. Reading as a fine art. A 914.5 Venice. L51 Reading. V45 Venice — E 296 Leroy- Israel among the Description and L61 Beaulieu. nations. x Beaulieu. travel. Jews — History. CATALOGING 6 B r 811 Lowell. Poetical works. ' — — L91h (Household ed.) Biography and pseudonyms; Author entry — 811 . .Same. Noblemen. L91 (Cambridge ed.) Rules 179-179a, 240-257 262, 265, 268, 513-515. A Martyrdom of an Do two each from A, B and C. empress. A 923 Beasley. Prince Henry the A 920 Men who have risen. H521 Navigator. & M55 Contents. Henry, the navi- D gator. A Miss Toosey's mission Laddie and Pris. Prince of Portugal. Portugal— History. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 35 B 940.3 Belmont. B451 B 921 Berlioz. B515 A 928 Bourne. B775 C Bronte. C (398 Carroll, pseud IC319 C319T C Clemens. C 398 Collodi,pseud C714 C Coolidge, pseud. C Craddock, pseud. C De la Ramete B 940.9 Depew. D41 C 817 Dunne. D92 Eliot, pseud. A 923 Ford. F831 B 923 Franklin. F831 A 922 Gilman. T316 Crusader of France. Note: Autobi- ography. European war — Personal narratives. Autobiography. 2v. Sir Philip Sidney. x Fox Bourne. Shirley. x Bell. .Alice's adventure in Wonderland; illus. by Peter Newell. .Same: illus. by Ten- niel. x Dodgson. 2 illus. cds. Tom Sawyer. x Twain. . Pinocchio. x Lorenzini. Clover. x Woolsey. In the clouds. x Murfree. Bimbi stories for children. x Ouida. x Ramee. x De la Ramee. Contents. Gunner Depew. Note: Autobi- ography. European war — Personal narratives. Mr. Dooley. x Dooley, Martin, pseud. Adam Bede. x Cross, Mrs. Mary Ann (Evans) Lewes. Many sided Franklin. Autobiography. St. Teresa of Avilla. x Gilman, Mrs. Bradley. C Gray. Max- well, pseud. A 921 Hodgkin. F791 C 170 Holland. H734 C Hungerford. C Jackson. B 940.9 Klein. K64 A 921 Knight. M821 A 921 Lodge. W317 A 921 Lothrop. S514 C Loti, pseud. A 921 McCall. S844 C Major. C 818 Mitchell. M681 A 921 Morse. L737 A 921 Motley. B259 A 923 Nohl. H415 B 923 Recamier. R294 B 921 Riis. R573 In the heart of the storm. x Tuttiett. George Fox. Friends, Society of x Quakers. Lessons in life. x Tit comb. Molly Bawn. x Duchess, pseud. Ramona. xH. H. Diary of a French army chaplain. Note: French title. European war — Personal narratives. Hannah More. George Washington. 2v. (American statesmen) Seward. (American statesmen). Iceland fisherman: tr. by DeKoven. x Viaud, Louis Marie Julien. x Koven, de. Stevens. (American statesmen). When knighthood was in flower, x Caskoden, Edwin, pseud. Reveries of a bachelor. x Marvel, Ik, pseud. Abraham Lincoln. 2v. (American statesmen). Life and death of John of Barneveld. x Any variations of his name. Life of Haydn. tr. cd. Memoirs and corres- pondence, tr. cd. Making of an American. Note: Autobi- ography. 36 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS A 923 Waliszewski. Romance of an C 920 Bolton. Famous leaders among C363 empress. Catherine 11, empress of Russia. B69m i men. (1-2.) sa Any two chapters. B 921 Washington. Up from slavery. D J398 Browne. Granny's wonderful W317 Tuskegee Normal and industrial in- stitution. Note: Autobi- B88 chair. Contents. ta Story of Fairy- foot. ography. D 821 B88 Browning. Selections; ed by Lovett. Contents. CATALOGING 7 ed. cd. — tafPied Piper. Analytics : author, title, subject. •[Andrea del Sarto Rules: 288-293, 301, 304-308, 489-492, 494-496. R Do one A, one B, two C , two D. D 808.8 Bryant, comp . New library of poetry C 914.4 A51 Amicis. Studies of Paris. (4) sa Hugo\ sa Zola J B91 and song (4). aa and ta for any two selections. xx Novelists. B 342 Bryce. American common- xx French fiction. B92 wealth. R Note chapter by B 912 Bartholomew , Literary and histori- Low. B28 ed. cal atlas of America. — Description and travel. Atlases. aa and sa. p. 99. sa. p. 115. U. S— Politics and government. x (gen.) Politics and government. xx (gen.) Govern- ment. R aa and sa p. 435. B 912 Bartholomew .Literary and his- A [814 Burroughs. Pepacton (5). B28a ed. torical atlas of Asia. Assign subject head- & D B97 sa p. 53. ta p. 213. ings like above. C 1 811 Cary, Alice Last poems (4). aa and sa, p. 99. & \ C33 and Phoebe !. ta p. 223. sa p. 129. D sa p. 98. D 822 Beaumont & Plays. (1-2). C 927 Crowest. Great tone-poets. B56 Fletcher. Contents, ed. cd. fPhilaster. ta\ Knight of the ( burning pestle. C95 Contents. Musicians. x Composers. xx Music. safBach. C 920 Bolton. Famous English (Schumann. B69s statesmen. Contents. Statesmen. England — Biography, sa Beaconsfield. x Disraeli. sa Shaftesbury. x Cooper. C 823 D27 Dawson. Makers of English fiction. Contents. Novelists. xx Authors. Fiction, sa Richardson. sa American fiction, p. 290-302. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 37 xx American x Classical my- literature. thology. D J De la Ramee Bimbi. (6). ta Moufflon. x Greek mythology, ta Golden touch and D 920 DeQuincey. Biographical and his- Miraculous D42 torical essays. pitcher. Contents. D 821 Hows, Golden leaves from sa Jeanne D'Arc. H86 comp. the British poets. x Joan of Arc. (4). sa Lamb. aa and ta p. 220. c 709 Downes. Twelve great artists. aa p. 156. D74 Contents. Artists. D 808.8 Henley, Lyra heroica. xx Art. H51 comp. aa and ta p. 40. aa and ta p. 143. xxPainters. xx Sculptors, sa Boutet de Assign subject head- ing and cross references for Monvel. whole book. x Monvel. x de Monvel. A 174 Holland. Plain talks on familiar sa Sargent. H73p subjects (1-2). xx Portraits. Conduct of life. c 920 Fisher. Group of French (Assign cross refer- F53 critics. Contents. French literature. ences), sa p. 274. Contents. Criticism. C 840 James. French poets and x Literarycriticism. J28 novelists. safScherer. Contents. [Planche. Authors— French. 1) 822 Gilbert. Original plays: x French authors. G46 3d series. Contents, ta Mikado and Patience. x French literature, sa Flaubert. xx Novelists (gen. ref.) c 831 Goethe. Poems; tr. by xx French fiction. G59 Bowring. (4). aa and ta p. 53. ta Erl king. sa Baudelaire. xx Poets (gen. ref.) x French poetry. B & D 821 Gray. Poetical works. D Johnston. Dukesborough tales. U77 aa and sa p. ix-xcix. ta p. 42. ta Goosepond school and King C 920 H28 Harkins. Famous authors: men. Contents. Authors. William and his armies. x Writers. A 379 Kern. Among country sa Any two authors. K39 schools (3). D J398 Hawthorne. Wonder-book; illus. by Contents. H39 Crane. Contents, illus. cd. Mythology — Classical. sa School libraries. xx Libraries. xx Libraries and schools, sa Manual training. 38 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS B 950 Leroy- Awakening of the East. A 814 Repplier. Varia. L61 Beaulieu. x Beaulieu. Eastern question. (Far East), aa Norman. R42v R Contents. sa Women, p. 1. sa Froissart, p. 155. sa Japan — Social B 808.8 Riddle, comp . Modern reader and life and customs. R54 speaker. x Social life Recitations and (gen. ref.) readings. C Lodge and Roosevelt. Hero tales from American history. d-2). Contents. x Declamation. x Readings. x Speakers, aa Winter 1 sa Criticism] sa Any two charac- ters. sa (The) South, p. Make two subject 115. cards for the book. x Southern states. C Men who have risen (5). sa West. C 809 S54 Sedgwick. Essays on great writres. Contents. xx Artists (gen. ref.) Literature — sa Peel family. History and criti- xx Statesmen. cism. R xx Criticism. 1) 821 P16 Palgrave. Golden treasury. Assign subject heading and x ref. x Literarycriticism. sa Annunzio. x D'Annunzio. xx Novelists A 824 P36 Peck. aa and fca Any two selections. Personal equation. Contents, sa Children's literature. (gen. ref.) sa Macaulay. xx Historians (gen. ref.) xx Essayists (gen. ref.) x Children's books. C 759 Smith. Barbizon days. xx Books and read- S64 Artists. ing. Art — French. sa Songs. sa Millet. D 808.8 R42 Repplier. Book of famous verse (4). aa and ta p. 7. aa and ta p. 147. xx Painters (gen. ref.) sa Barye. xx Sculptors. A 814 Repplier. Books and men. (gen. ref.) R42 Contents. A 821 Swinburne. Poetical works (4). sa Children, p. 1. & S97 ta Atalanta. sa Children's liter- D sa Mary, queen ol ature (See Peck Scots, p. 378. above). D Van Dyke. Blue flower (5). A 814 R42c Repplier. Counter currents. Contents. ta Other wise men. ta Lost word. sa Education. B 689 White. How to make baskets sa European war W58h (1-2). (3 chapters). Basketwork. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 39 x Basket making. A 814 x Basketry. E aa Blanchan,) pS T GU r- P-181. sa Indians — A Industries.] A 173 Wiggin. Children's rights (4). C 814 & W65 Contents. F B aa and sa p. 93. sa Children's liter- rature, p. 71. (Make proper x refs.) C 921 E D J398 Wilmot- StoriesofNorseheroes. C 770 W74 Buxton. x Buxton. Mythology — Norse. x Norse mythology. x Scandinavian my- thology. aa Lowell, ) tr. L TT 1 , P- XV11. ta Hakon s lay. J H A C 914. H B CATALOGING 8 Title analytics: Book and analytic by same author, Without paging, Sets. Rules 189-92; 294-98; 300; 486-88. Do one from each class. D 928 Avebury. Essays and addresses, A 1900-1903. x Lubbock. Analyze 1st and 12th essays. A 824 824 Birrell. Obiter dicta: 1st and 2d ser. L B Do either volume. Ser. 1. Analyze any two chapters, sa. C 921 Ser. 2. sa. History, p. 196. L sa Book collecting, p. 284. 821 Brooke. Poetry of Robert Browning. B Browning. D 913. sa Tennyson, p. 1. M Brown. Rab and his friends. aa) Marjorie Fleming. D 808. ta/ M J398 Carroll, pseud. Alice's adventures in C Wonderland. x Dodgson. A aa) Through the looking-glass, taj Dickens. Christmas stories. ta Any two stories. Emerson. Representative men, etc. aa) Nature & American scholar. taj Farenside. Classic tales. aa\ Sterne & Walpole. ta/ Fields. Yesterdays with authors. Authors, x Writers. sa Any two. Hale. Ralph Waldo Emerson. aa Both chapters by Emerson. sa Chapters on Socrates. Harrison. History of photography. Photography. aa Appendix. Hawthorne. House of seven gables. etc. aa) Snow image and Great ta/ stone face. 6 Hay. Castilian days. Spain — Description and travel. sa Cervantes. Complete works; authors below. Make main card for set and aa and ta for one work for each of two volumes. Austen, Jane; Browne, John; Eliot George; Ruskin, John; Scott, Sir Walter. King. Two soldiers and Dunraven ranch. aa) Dunraven ranch. taj Lamb. Essays of Elia, etc. aa) Last essays of Elia. taj ta Dissertation on roast pig. Lossing. Two spies. Note: Monody. aa Seward. sa Hale and Andre. 32Maspero. Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria. 2 subject cards. 2 Massinger. Best plays. ed. cd. aa{ Any two plays from one ta/ volume. Molesworth. Mary and My new home. x Graham, pseud. aa) My new home. ta[ 40 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS C 920 Oliphant. Makers of Florence. D J608 Baker. Boys' book of inventions. Florence, Italy. B Inventions. sa Dante. sa Kites, p. 205. D 811 Read. Wagoner of the Alleghanies, A 808 Bellamy and Goodwin, eds. Open R etc. B sesame, v. 2. aal Sheridan's ride. aa\ p. 127. taj taj x L8Isle. C 811 Realf. Poems. aal p. 131. R aal For life of Realf. taj sa/ A 920 Biographies of eminent men. v. 2-3. C 928 Ritchie. Records of Tennyson, B Contents. R Ruskin, and Browning. sa Any two men from one volume. sa for all three biographies. D 821 Browning. Blot in the 'scutcheon. C 720 Ruskin. Seven lamps of srchitecture. B etc. R etc. aal Soul's tragedy and In a aal Other two titles. taj balcony. taj D 814 Burroughs. Indoor studies. A 824 Ruskin. Sesame and lilies, etc. B sa Arnold, p. 81-162. R aal Queen of the air. Make proper sa (2) for p. 129-62. taj E 821 Capmbell. Pleasures of hope, etc. A Scott. Surgeon's daughter, etc. C aa Campbell. Favorite poems. aal Castle Dangerous. aal Rogers. taj taj Pleasures of memory. sa Scott, Sir Walter — Indexes, 2d B Dawson. Makers of English fiction. page 197. sa Scott, Thackeray, Dickens. 2 ch. D 914 Steevens. Glimpses of three nations. D Eliot. Scenes of clerical life and Silas S sa London, Paris and Berlin. Marner. A 823 Thackeray. Roundabout papers, etc. aal Silas Marner. T ta Critical reviews and English taj humorists. A 814 Emerson. Representative men. A Turgenev. Diary of a superfluous E 2 cops. man, etc. sa Plato, p. 28-68. x Turgenieff. C 821 English lyric poetry. tr. cd. E Poetry — Collections. aal Fathers and children, taj x Anthologies. aal any two selections. A Whitaker. Miss Toosey's mission. ta/ by one author. aal Laddie. A 927 Ferris. Great singers. 2v. * taj F Contents. Singers, xx Musicians, xx Women. sa Any two from one volume. CATALOGING 9 B 028 Field. Fingerposts to children's F reading. Analytics: Compilation without editor. Two sa Children's literature. or more chapters, Volume analytics, Bound sa Sunday-school libraries. with. C 808 Home book of poetry. Rules 182-87, 493, 497-99. H aal p. 100 and 120. ta/ Do one from each class. D J796 Adams. Harper's electricity book B/331.8 Hull-House papers. A for boys. C\H Contents. Electricity. aa Addams. 2 chs. aa Baker. 1 p. 334. aal Kelly Sweating system, p. 27. sa Electric lighting. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 41 D 817 Irving. Sketchbook. I aa) Legend of Sleepy Hollow, taj A 815 Johnston, ed. American orations. J 4v. aa Any two from one volume. B 814 Johnston. Studies literary and J social. Contents. sa Shakespeare. 2 chs. sa Beaconsfield. x Disraeli. sa Meistersingers. xx German poetry. x Minnesingers. xx Minstrels. Lamb. Old China. Leypoldt. and lies. List of books for girls and women. Books and reading, sa Art — Bibliography, p. 80. Macaulay. Poetical works. aa) Lays of ancient Rome. taj Masterpieces of American literature. Contents. aa) Any two selections. taj Matson. References for literary workers. Debating. sa Liquor traffic. sa Capital punishment — Biblio- graphy. A 821 Miles, ed. Poets and poetry of the M 19th century, v. 2. Contents. aa Peacock. aa) p. 162. taj D 910 Ritter. Geographical studies. R Note biography. Geography. sa Ritter. D R808 Robbins. High school debate book. R Contents. Debating. sa Capital punishment — Biblio- graphy, sa Referendum, x Initiative. B 809 Sedgwick. Essays on great writers. S sa Montaigne. 2chs. See also Lesson 5. A 822.33 Shakespeare. Plays; ed. by Hudson. E 824 L D 028 L I) 821 M C 810 M B R803 M S5 B 824 S AC BC A 927 S D 921 T 920 T 858 W v. 3. ed. cd. ta for any two plays. Stephen. Hours in a library, sa Balzac, xx French fiction, sa Pope. 2 chs. Stories by American authors, v. 6 and 10. Contents. aa) Any two stories from one taj volume. Stories by English authors: the sea. Contents. aa Besant and Allen. Stories by foreign authors: Scandi- navian. Contents. aa Bjornson. 2 stories, aa Bremer. Sweetser. Atrist biographies, v. 2-5. Contents: Do any two v. sa One artist from each of two volumes. Talbot. My people of the plains. (The) West, x Western states, sa Mormons and Mormonism. Taylor. Boys of other countries. Note chapter on animal nature, sa Animals, p. 143. ta Any story. Three heroines of New England romance. Contents. aa) for each chapter. sa/ Werner, tr. Humour of Italy. Note biographical index. Italian literature. Humor. sa Authors, Italian. x Italian authors. xx Italy — Bio- graphy, aa Ariosto. 2 selections. CATALOGING 10 Anonymous classics, Bible, Series. Rules 42; 44; 349-61. Do one from divisions, 1, 2, 4: two from 3, one starred. 42 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS Bible I. 220 Bible. Holy Bible. (Amer. stand- B ard version.) 220 Bible. Holy Bible, 3v. B Disregard the title-page of the New Testament. 220 Modern reader's Bible; ed. by B Moulton. ed. cd. 225 Moffatt. New translation of the N New Testament. tr. cd. x New Testament. 222 Deuteronomy and Joshua; ed. by D Robinson. (New Century Bible), ed. cd. ser. ed. cd. 2 subj. cds. ser. cd. 224 Ecclesiastes; ed. by Pumptre. (Cam- E bridge Bible for schools and col- leges). ed. cd. x Ecclesiastes. ser. cd. ser. ed. cd. 222 Isaiah; ed. by Moulton. (Modern I reader's Bible.) ed. cd. ser. cd. ser. ed. cd. x Isaiah. 226 St. Matthew; ed. by Carr. (Cam- M bridge Bible for schools and col- leges.) ed. cd. ser. cd. X Matthew. II. 220 Briggs. Bible, the church and B reason. Bible — Evidences and author- ity. Church. j220 Endicott. People of the Chosen E Land. (Stories of the Bible, v. 3.) Bible stories. ser. cd. 220.1 Gladden. Who wrote the Bible? G Bible — Evidences and authority. x Bible — Authorship. 221 Harper. Priestly element in the Old H Testament. (Constructive Bible studies.) Bible— O. T. —History. ser. cd. ser. ed. cd. 220 Matheson. Representative men of M the Bible. Bible — Biography. 226 P 921 W 921 S 921 Lo A 921 S 979.5 B 977.8 C 977.4 C 974.6 J 977.1 K 977.3 R 978.1 S 1 977.5 IT 921 B 921 E '927 B 927 H 928 I 928 L Peloubet and Wells. Peloubet's select notes on the International lessons for 1910. Bible— N. T. — Matthew — Com- mentaries, x Matthew. x Commentaries (gen. ref.). Sunday school lessons. Ill Series Lodge. Washington. 2v. (Ameri- can statesmen). Lothrop. Seward. (American states- men.) Morse. Lincoln. 2v. (American statesmen). McCall. Stevens. (American states- men). Make ser. cd. and ser. ed. cd. for any two. Barrows. Oregon. (American Com- monwealths). Carr. Missouri. (American Com- monwealths). Cooley. Michigan. (American Com- monwealths). Johnston. Connecticut. (American Commonwealths) . King. Ohio. (American Common- wealths.) Robinson. Vermont. (American Commonwealths). Spring. Kansas. (American Com- monwealths). Thwaites. Wisconsin. (American Commonwealths) . Make ser. cd. and ser. ed. cd. for any two. Howe. Phillips. Brooks. (Beacon biographies). Sanborn. Ralph Waldo Emerson. (Beacon biographies.) Ser. cd. Ser. ed. cd. Nohl. Beethoven. (Biographies of musicians). Ser. cd. Nohl. Haydn. (Biographies of musicians.) tr. cds. Warner. Washington Irving. (Amer. men of letters.) Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Long- fellow. (Amer. men of letters). Ser. cd. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 43 928 Nichol. Lord Byron. (English men B of letters). Ser. cd. Ser. ed. cd. 928 Morley. Thomas Carlyle. (English ^C men of letters). '928 Blind. George Eliot. (Famous women). x Cross. Ser. cd. 922 Gilman. Saint Theresa. (Famous women). See Lesson 6. 3 Fox-Bourne. Sir Philip Sidney. S (Heroes of the nations). See Lesson 6. Ser. cd. 1 920 Hodgkin. Theodoric. (Heroes of [T the nations.) Ser. ed. cd. (570 Conn. Story of the living machine. C (Library of useful stories.) Ser. cd. 655 Rawlings. Story of books. (Library R of useful stories). 540 Roscoe. Chemistry. (Science prim- R ers). Ser. cd. Ser. eds. cd. 2jt. ed. cds. (993 Tregarthen. Story of Australasia. T (Story of the nations). 943.91 Vambery. Story of Hungary. (Story [V of the nations). Ser. cd. IV Classics, etc. 398 Fairy tales from the Arabian nights. A (Everyman's Lib.). 398 Arabian nights; ed. by Wiggin and A Smith. ed. cd. illus. cd. 293 Anderson. Younger Edda. E tr. cd. Eddas. xx Mythology — Norse. xx Scandinavian literature. 342 Federalist; ed. by Lodge. F ed. cd. U. S. — Constitution. 297 Koran. K 398 Mother Goose's melodies; ed. by M Wheeler. ed. cd. 831 Nibelungenlied; ed. by Shumway. N ed. cd. 831 Nibelungenlied. Fall of the Nibe- N lungers; tr. by Lettsom. tr. cd. 829 B 296 Tale of Beowulf. Talmud. CATALOGING 11. Periodicals, cyclopedias, directories, annuals atlases. Rules: 230a; 338-43; 362-78; 399-400. Do one from each class. Periodicals. A American journal of sociology. Sociology — Periodicals. B Charitiesl Sociology — Periodicals. Survey J A Century illustrated monthly. Critic. Putnam's monthly. Reader. Current literature. Current opinion. A Forum. A Harper's new monthly magazine. A North American review. A Outlook. A Popular mechanics. Mechanics — Periodicals. B Popular science monthly. Note: Continued 1916 as Scientific monthly. Appleton's popular science monthly. A Review of reviews. A School review. Education— Periodicals. A Scribner's magazine. A World's work. D 317 American Whitaker. A Almanacs. C 913 Atlas of ancient and classical geo- A graphy. Historical atlases. History — Ancient. E 912 Bartholomew. Literary and his- B torical atlas of Asia. Atlases. Asia — Description and travel. E 303 Bliss and Binder. New encyclopedia B of social reform. Sociology— Dictionaries, x Dic- tionaries of special subject (gen. ref.) 44 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS c 423 Concise Oxford dictionary; ed. by D 920 Who's who. C Fowler. Dictionaries, x English diet ion- W Great Britain — Biography x? Biography Dictionaries. aries. D 920 Who's who in America. c 423 C Concise Standard dictionary; ed. Fernald. by W U. S. — Biography. Biography — Dictionaries. Dictionaries, x English diet ion- D World almanac and encyclopaedia. aries. W U. S— Statistics x? c 903 D Dictionary of dates. History — Dictionaries. x ] Dic- tionaries (gen. ref.). CATALOGING 12. E 291 Edwards and Spence. Dictionary E of non-classical mythology. Corporate entry. Mythology — Dictionaries, x ] Dic- Rules 75; 379-400; 414-20. tionaries (gen. ref.). D< o one from each class. Assign subject heads. C 032 Everyman encyclopaedia. A 634.9 American academy of political and E Encyclopedias, x Cyclopedias. A social science. Conservation of E 780 Grove's dictionary of music and natural resources. G musicians. Music — Dictionaries, x? B 020 A American library association. Papers and proceedings. C 922 Hammond's modern atlas of the A 672 Bethlehem steel company. Proposed H world. B waste of $11,000,000. Atlases. B 172.3 Carnegie endowment for international D 032 Hazell's annual. C peace. Year book. H Encyclopedias, x A 020 Chicago council for library and G 917.72 Indianapolis city directory. c museum extension. Educational I Indianapolis — Directories. opportunities in Chicago. Directories (gen. ref.). A 352 Chicago school of civics and philan- C 032 Nelson's encyclopaedia. C thropy. City welfare. N Encyclopedias, x? A 634.9 Conference of governors. Proceed- F 050 Poole's index to periodical literature. C ings. P Periodicals — Indexes. x Indexes (gen. ref.). A 022.9 D Democrat printing company. Li- brary supplies catalog. C 912 Rand-McNally's imperial atlas of the C 378 Earlham College. Catalogue. R world. E Atlases. D 027 Enoch Pratt library, Baltimore. F 050 R Reader's guide. Periodicals — Indexes, x? E Report. X? C 524 Standard thesaurus of English words A 022 Eastman. Library buildings. S and phrases. E Synonyms. D 027 Evansville, Ind. public library. Re- x Synonyms, (gen. ref.). E port. D 305 Statesmen's year book. B 711 Fort Wayne, Board of park com- S Statistics. P missioners. Report. F 015 United States catalog, 1912, and an- A 022.9 Gaylord Bros. Simple card charging U nual supplements. G system. Bibliography. A 790 Hanmer and Brunner. Recreation C 423 W Webster's academic dictionary. Dictionaries — x? H legislation, t. c. C 423 W Webster's collegiate dictionary. Dictionaries — x? B 970.1 I Indian rights association. Report. c 423 Webster's High School dictionary B 506 Indiana academy of science. Pro- W Dictionaries — x? I ceedings. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 45 B 396 I A 977.2 I B 634 I C 378 I B 380 I D 027 G B 978.1 K A 022.9 L D 027 L C 378 M A 917.75 N D 027 N A 355 N 352 N 379 N 020.7 N 025 N 700 N 378 N 266 P 266 P 266 P Indiana federation of women's clubs. Year book. Indiana historical society. Charter, etc. Indiana horticultural society Transactions. x? Indiana university. Catalogue. x? Indianapolis commercial club. Year book, x? Junction City public library. Report. Kansas state historical society. Transactions. Library bureau. Library supplies. Louisville public library. Annual re- port. Massachusetts agricultural college — Extension service. Summer school of agriculture. New Orleans progressive union. New Orleans. New York public library. Annual report. New York state Chamber of com- merce. Report on the common defense. New York state conference for better county government. Proceedings New York state department of edu- cation. Annual report, x? New York state library school. Circular of information. New York state library school. Librarianship as a profession. New York, University of the state of. Visual instruction. North Dakota university. General catalog. Presbyterian board of home missions — Church and country life dept. x Presbyterian church — Board of home missions. Rural survey of Illinois. — Rural survey of Indiana. — Rural survey of Kentucky. [266 — Rural survey of Missouri. IP 266 — Rural survey of Pennsylvania. P D 027 Pratt institute free library. Report. P x? C 378 Purdue university. Catalog. P x? D 027 Van Wert Co. library. Report. B x? D027 Washington Co. Free library. An- W nual report, x? C 378 Yale university. Treasurer's report. CATALOGING 13. Do two from A, C; one B. Assign subject headings. Government documents. Rules 401-13. A Indiana. 630 Report of State board of agriculture. I x? 595 Report of state entomologist, x? I 634.9 Report of Fire marshal. I 799 Report of Fisheries and game dept. I x? 634.9 Report of Forestry dept. I 550 Report of dept. of geology and natural I resources. x Indiana — Natural resources. 331 Report of Inspection dept. xx Labor I commission. 331 Report of Labor commission. I 021.8 Report of Public Library commission. I x? 385 Report of Railroad commission. I 362 Report of State charities board. I 017 State library. Catalog and supple- I ments. 328.7 State library, comp. Legislative and I state manual. tc. Legislative manual. 46 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 370 Report of State superintendent of I public instruction. x? 379 State supt. Education in Indiana. I x? B Other Governments. 380 Argentine Republic — Commerce and A industry dept. Argentine inter- ational trade. x Argentine Rep. — Agriculture dept. — Commerce, etc. 551 Canada — Conservation commission. C Dictionary of altitudes. 639 — — — Sea fisheries of Eastern C Canada. 370 Connecticut — Education, Board of. C Report, annual. 821 Michigan — Library commissioners, M State board of. Poems. x State board of library com- missioners. 759 Michigan State Library. Biographical M sketches of American artists. 582 N. Y. (state) — Educational dept. N Arbor day annual. 625 North Dakota. — Legislative refer- N ence dept. Good roads. 582 Pennsylvania — Chestnut tree blight P commission. Report. C U. S. Documents. Prefix U. S. to name of department where proper. Make all necessary x references to other forms of name, and to main department for subordinate divisions. 630 Yearbook of department of agricul- U ture. 636 Bureau of animal industry. Diseases U of cattle. 636 Diseases of the horse. U 631 U 317 U 317 U 317 U Congressional directory. t. c. Educational directory. t. c. Report of department of education. Farmer's bulletins. Statistical abstract, t. c. 328 U 370 U 370 U 630 U 317 U 917.8 Geological survey. Guide book of the western U. S. Mineral resources of the U. S. 2v. t. c. Library of Congress. Report. x Congressional library. National museum. Report. Bureau of soils. Field operations. Census bureau. Abstract of the C census, t. c. C General statistics of cities. U 553 U 027 U 507 U 383 U 506 S 353 U Subject 420a-b 648 523 B 646 537.5 BC759 537.5 172 371 331 330 570 655 365 352 973 Post office. Postal laws and regula- tions, t. c. Smithsonian institution. Docu- mentary history. Annual report of the treasury depart- ment. CATALOGING 14. 110; National and ness, 1870-1913. t. c. state indebted- D 649 B 331 170 headings: review Rules 109a-d; . Do fifteen. Balderston. Laundry manual. Ball. Starland. Banner. Household sewing. Barker. Rontgen rays. Berenson. Venetian painters of the renaissance. Bottone. Radiography. Brewer. American citizenship. Broughton. Practical dressmaking. Charters. Methods of teaching. Campbell. Women "wage-earners. Clark. Philosophy of wealth. Conn. Story of the living machine. DeVinne. Treatise on title-pages. Ellis. The criminal. Ely. Coming city. Gordy and Twitchell. Pathfinder in U. S. History. Harrison. Home nursing. Hobson. Problems of poverty. Holland. Plain talks on familiar sub- jects. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 47 B 658 Hooper. Home trade. 230 621.3 Houston and Kennelly. Electric motor. 411 B 696 Kitchen boiler connections. 379 13 595 Lubbock. Antes, bees and wasps. B 662 Medola. Coal and what we get from it. Mott. Home games and parties. 215 B 793 220.2 630 Mowbray. Making of a country home. B 970.1 374 Munger. On the threshold. B 728 398 Perrault. Tales of Mother Goose. 220.3 B 655 Rawlings. Story of books. E 914.6 B 643 Richards. Food materials and their adulterations. 694 625 Shaler. American highways. 595.7 335 Shaw and others. Fabian essays in socialism. B 780 B 636.5 Stoddard. New egg farm. 709 B 808 Townsend. Art of speech, v. 1. BE728 B 633 Treat. Injurious insects of farm and garden. 946 172.3 Washburn. Reason vs. the sword. 950 808 Whately. Rhetoric. C 649 Wheeler. The baby. B 331 641 Williams and Fisher. Theory and practice of cookery. 331 B 178 Wines and Koren. Liquor problem in B 740 its legislative aspects. B 914.2 654 Whittbecker. Domestic electrical work. 330 582 940 CATALOGING 15. . 745 Subject headings: Rules as in Lessons 14. 917.8 D< o ten. 551.5 Archibald. Story of the earth's atmosphere. 972.9 635 Bailey. Garden making. 921 641 Baldt. Clothing for women. 917.5 915.19 Bishop. Korea and her neighbors. 543 613 Blaikie. How to get strong and how to stay so. 370.9 Boone. Education in Indiana. E 716 Brown. European and Japanese gar- dens. B 376 Burton. Education of Women in China. D 923 Ceearesco. Cavour. 598.2 Chapman. Color key to North American birds. B 374 Chester. Chats with girls on self culture. Clarke. Outline of Christian theology. Clodd. Story of the alphabet. Cubberley. Improvement of rural schools. Draper. History of the conflict between religion and science. Dummelow. One-volume Bible com- mentary. Gilman. Conquest of the Sioux. Halsted. Barn plans. Hastings. Dictionary of the Bible. Higgin. Spanish life in town and country. Hodgson. Practical carpentry. Holland. Butterfly book. Hughes. Music lover's cyclopedia of music. Hurll. Madonna in art. King. Home of home-builders. Lane-Poole. Story of the Moors in Spain. Leroy-Beaulieu. Awakening of the East. Lloyd. Country without strikes. Lowell. Industrial arbitration and conciliation. Miller. Training of a craftsman. O'Rell. John Bull and his island. Palgrave. Dictionary of political economy. 3v. Parsons. According to season. Schiller. History of the thirty years' war. Strange. Alphabets. Thwaites. Rocky Mountain explora- tion. Van Middeldyke. History of Puerto Rico. Von Hoist. John C. Calhoun. Warner. On Horseback. Warrington. Chemistry of the farm. CATALOGING 17. Library of Congress cards; Ordering. Rules 532-34 and Handbook of card dis- tribution, ed. 3. Find card numbers and prepare order cards, using your own library as institution or- dering. Do all the books. Bartlett. Familiar quotations. Bevier. The house. 48 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS Bishop. Korea. Dixon and Fitch. Human side of trees. Fisher. Outlines of universal history. Higgin. Spanish life in town and country. Lane-Poole. Moors in Spain. Lowell. Poems. Camb. ed. Matson. References for literary workers. Nicholson. Valley of democracy. CATALOGING 18. Library of Congress cards; Preparing cards for catalog. Rules as above. CATALOGING 19. Alphabeting. Alphabet the following entries; pared to give reason in each case. Maryland — Legislature (subj. ) . Maryland — Legislature ( author ) . Mary, countess of Warwick. Mary, Virgin. Mary, Queen of Scots. Mar or mend. Marx, Karl. Martyrdom of an empress. Mary Annesly (title). Marnitz, August von. Mary I, Queen of England. Maryland — Education (subj.). My boys. Maryland academy of science. Mary's meadow. B. William the Conqueror. William and Mary. William II, king of England. William of Orange. William II, king of Germany. Williamsburg. William I, Emperor of Germany. Williamson. William, Henry. William, Ruth. Williams, George. William's party. be pre- N. Y. (city) — Municipal court. Municipal court practice. N. Y. (state). Homes. Correct arms of the state of New York. N. Y. (state) — Education dep't. Country schools in New York. N. Y. (city)— Charters. Charters of the city of New York. N. Y. (state) — Legislature. Smith. What is the matter with our legislature ? N. Y. (city)— Charters. N. Y. (state) — Legislature. Report on the city of New York charter. N. Y. artist association. Constitution and bylaws. N. Y. (city)— History. Earle. When old New York was young. N. Y. (state) — Legislature. Acts passed in regular session. N. Y. (city). Maurice. New York in fiction. N. Y. (city)— Charters. Pryor. Greater New York charters. BOOK NUMBERS. LECTURE 1. What book numbers are and why necessary. Cutter table: general arrangement. Simple author numbers. Modifications. 1. Two books of same author: work marks and arbitrary symbols: books by foreign authors. 2. Two authors with same number. 3. Joint authors. 4. Biography and genealogy. Autobiography. Letters: arbitrary symbols. Lives by others: author marks. Works about. 5. Pseudonyms; abbreviations; anonym- ous; by the author of. LECTURE 2. Modifications, continued. 6. Inserting new authors when numbers are exhausted. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 49 7. Documents. 8. Periodicals, directories, dictionaries, cyclopedias. 9. Special schemes for prolific authors; Shakespeare. Problem. Book numbers for appended list. 822 824 824 921 824 821 842 266 640 343 797 951 740 814 814 910 821 J821 BOOK NUMBERS PROBLEM. Assign book numbers for all names. Barr, Robert. Mutable many. Barr, A. E. Berenicia. Barron. Manders. Barrie. Little minister. Barrie. What every woman knows. Mabie. Books and culture. Macaulay. Essays. McCarthy. Reminiscences. Maclaren. Afterwards. McLean. Cape Cod folks. Schobert. Picked up in the streets. Schoenaich — Carolath. Melting snows. Schreiner. Dream life. Schubin. Erlack court. Schulze-Smide. Madonna of the Alps. Schultz. Story of Collette. Schwartz. Son of the organ grinder. Scott. Waverley novels. Shelley. Complete poems. St. Pierre. Paul and Virginia. Sardou. Patrie. Sanders. Missionary catechism. Salmon. Domestic service. Sellers. Classics of the bar; world's great jury trials. Knight. Small boat sailing. Yonge. Daisy chain. Thomson. China and the powers. Thompson. Manual of drawing. Van Dyke. Days off. Van Dyke. Fisherman's luck. Kipling. From sea to sea. Kipling. Barrack room ballads. Kipling. Poems every child should know. Austen, Jane. Emma. Austin, Mrs. J. G. Moon folks. 353 355 J 973 821 811 921 921 921 921 921 J921 921 921 342 342 342 342 512 512 423 423 423 423 030 030 030 050 050 050 912 912 917.72 917.72 917.72 221 225 224 220 398 Austin, O. P. Uncle Sam's secrets. Uncle Sam's soldiers. Austin, C. F. Little blue rabbit. (Juvenile.) Lodge and Roosevelt. Hero tales. Cary, Alice and Phoebe. Poems. Cary, Phoebe. Last poems. Franklin. Autobiography. Morse. Benjamin Franklin. Morse. Abraham Lincoln. Nicolay and Hay. Life of Lincoln. lOv. Nicolay. Short life of Lincoln. Putnam. Children's life of Lincoln. Carlyle. Early letters. Carlyle. Later letters. Bryce. American commonwealth. 1890. 2v. 1890. v. 1. New ed. 2v. abridged for schools. Wells. Elementary algebra. key to same. Concise Standard dictionary. Concise Oxford dictionary. New Standard dictionary. Webster's New international dic- tionary. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 10th ed. 11th ed. New International encyclopedia. St. Nicholas. Harper's new monthly magazine. Harper's weekly. Rand-McNally's imperial atlas of the world. — — — — handy atlas of the world. Polk's Indianapolis city directory. directory of South Bend. Smith's Indianapolis directory. Bible. Holy Bible. New Testament. Rev. vers. Moulton. Isaiah (text and com- mentary). Gladden. Who wrote the Bible? Arabian nights. (Everyman's li- brary.) Arabian nights; ed. by Lang. Laddie. Miss Toosey's mission, by the au- thor of Laddie. 50 SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 920 Who's who. 921 Chesterton. Robert Browning. 821 Berdoe. Browning cyclopedia. 821 Browning, Robert. Complete poems. 821 Ring and the book. 821 Browning, Mrs. E. B. Poems. 821 Brooke. Poetry of Robert Brown- ing. 822.3 Shakespeare. Complete works; ed. by Rolfe. 822.3 ed. by Hudson. 822.3 — As you like it; ed. by Hudson. 822.3 — All's well that ends well; ed. by Clark. 822.3 — Richard the Third; ed. by Rolfe. 822.3 Lamb. Tales from Shakespeare. 822.3 Lee. Life of Shakespeare. 822.3 Corson. Introduction to the study of Shakespeare. 822.3 Bartlett. New and complete con- cordance to Shakespeare. 353 Indiana — Auditor's report. 360 — — — Insurance commissioner's report. 331 — — — Labor dept. Report. 331 — — — Report of department of inspection of manufac- turing institutions, etc. 370 U. S. — Education dept. Report. 370 U. S. — Education dept. Educational directory of the U. S. 020 U. S. — Education dept. Libraries in the U. S. 325 U. S. — Labor bureau. Italians in Chicago. 325 U. S. — Industrial commission. Re- ports on immigration. All of Hawthorne's novels are marked H39. What mark will you give to Julian Hawthorne's Fortune's Fool? What would you do if only one of Nathaniel Hawthorne's had been marked? The number W31 has been put on all the biographies of George Washington. How will you mark B. T. Washington's Up from Slavery ? What two author numbers might be given to Adventures of Tom Sawyer ? How would you determine which to use? You have Washington's autobiography, his diary, and a life by Dole. How would you distinguish between the last two? SHELF LIST. LECTURE 1. What it is and why necessary; inventory. Form of card. Simple: Fiction and classed; difference in form. Biography: Individual and collective; or two persons. Several copies or volumes. Continuations. Arrangement. General. Guides. Index. Problem. Same books are used as in Accession. Do them all, insert proper guides, and make three index cards. LECTURE 2. Review and revision of problem, with em- phasis on uniformity of entry with catalog and accession records. LOAN WORK. LECTURE 1. 1. Loan work defined. 2. Requisites of a good charging system. 3. Different charging systems. a. Ledger. b. Card Systems. 1. Browne. Supplies. Methods. Advantages. Disadvantages. 2. Newark. Supplies. Methods. Advantages. Disadvantages. 4. Loan desk tools. 5. Registration. 6. Preparation of the book for the shelves. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR LIBRARIANS 51 LECTURE 2. Reregistration. Object. Time limit. Forms. Process. Special cards. Teachers cards. Non-fiction cards. Work of the loan desk assistant. Charging. Discharging. Seven days books. Renewals. Fines. Postals. Reserves. Pay duplicate collections. Rules and regulations. Rural loan systems. Statistics and accounts. LECTURE 3. Practice work. Each student is given individual instruction in the Newark lending system. U. C. 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