atl.il. ftalilb.
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asvt^tol miiVKt^ ^octeti?:
B R I S T O L :
15 '^■■■'
/ Ci' c
1. — The Society consists of an indefinite number of Annual
Subscribers, who are Proprietors j of Members for Life by virtue
of their donations ; and of Members by virtue of their otfice.
2. — The Mayor, Sheriffs, and Chamberlain for the time being)
and the Master, Wardens, and Treasurer of the Society of
Merchants for the time being, are Meuibers by virtue of their
3. — Persons may become Members for life by presenting
Fifteen Guineas or upwards, or books to the value of Twenty
4. — Each person admitted into the Society by a new share
shall pay Ten Guineas for the purchase, and an annual sub-
scription of One Guinea and a Half.
5. — Members may transfer or bequeath their shares, but iu
all cases subject to Rule 7.
6. — Each Member admitted by transfer shall pay One Guinea
to the Society on admission.
7. — No person shall be admitted a Member of the Society
pntil he shall have been proposed at one meeting of the Com-
mittee and approved of by a majority of persons present at the
next meeting ; nor until he shall have consented to be governed
by the rules of the Society by signing his name in the sub-
scription book.
8. — If any Member shall let out for hire any book belonging
to the Society, he shall, on proof thereof, be no longer consi-
dered as a Member.
9. — A Meinl)er lending a book belonging to the Society to a
non-subscriber, shall forfeit One Guinea.
10. — A Member putting a book belonging to the Society into
the hands of his pupil, shall forfeit double the value of the book.
11. — No person keeping a lodging-house, inn, tavern, coffee-
house, or any place of public entertainment j and no person
keeping a circulating library, or letting out books for hire, shall
be eligible as a Member of this Society.
J 2. — If any Member shall, after his admission, assume the
trade or business of letting out books for hire, or of keeping a
lodging-house, &c. he shall be considered as no longer a Mem-
ber, but shall be at liberty to transfer his share.
13. — Every Member shall have the privilege of introducing
at any time, by a written notification, one stranger, not residing
within ten miles of Bristol, to read in the Library until the next
meeting of the Committee j who are empowered either to dis-
allow such introduction, or extend it for any period not exceed-
ing three months j the Member introducing to be responsible
for any loss or damage to the books, which may be occasioned
by the person so introduced.
14. — The Annual Subscription is due on the 25th of March,
for the year which follows that day.
15. — If a Member neglect to make his annual payment for ten
months after the time appointed, he shall not be permitted to
have the use of the Library, or exercise any of the privileges of a
Member, until all arrears of his subscription be paid.
1 C. — The Committee are empowered to sell the share of any
Member whose subscription is five years in arrear.
]/. — If a rule for increasing the subscription money be here-
after made, any Member who shall within a month state in writing-
directed to the Committee that he wishes in consequence to
withdraw from the Society, shall receive from the Treasurer
such a sum of money as the Librarian shall declare to have been
the current price of a transfer three mouths before the adoption
of such rule.
18. — A General Meeting of the Society is holden on the Mon-
day next preceding Lady-day in each year, in order to elect a
President, a Vice-President, and a Treasurer; to fill up vacancies
in the Committee ; and to adopt or reject any proposal for new
rules, or for any alteration in the old rules.
19. — No existing rule shall be altered, nor shall any new rule
be established, unless notice of the same be given in the summons
to the General Meeting 3 nor without the concurrence of two-
thirds of the Members present at such meeting.
20. — Every Member who has entered the Society three months,
and has paid his subscription, is entitled to vote at all meetings
of the Society.
21. — Notice of every General Meeting, whether annual or
extraordinary, shall be given ten days previously to such meet-
ing in two of the Bristol newspapers, and by sending notice to
every Member having a right to vote, whose place of residence
shall be known to the Librarian. No objection shall be made
to the validity of any General Meeting on account of any error
in giving the notices.
22. — Any twelve Members have power to call an extraordi-
nary General Meeting, giving ten days' notice, and expressing
the business to be proposed.
23. — The President is Chairman of the Committee, and at all
meetings of the Society, when present; in his absence the Vice-
President is Chairman.
24. — The Treasurer shall keep a regular account of all monies
received and paid for the use of the Society, subject to the
inspection of the Committee.
25. — The Committee consists of the President, the Vice-
President, the Treasurer, and eighteen other Members. Beside
whom, the Mayor and the Master of the Merchants* Hall for the
time being (if Subscribers) are Members of the Committee by
virtue of their office.
26. — The Committee is chosen by the General Meeting; the
President, Vice-President, and Treasurer, by open vote ; the
other Members by ballot.
27. — Six of the eighteen Members of the Committee retire
annually on the principle of rotation, according to seniority. In
all instances three of the retiring Members may be re-elected
immediately. Such vacancies as occur by death or resignation
to be considered part of the number required by this rule.
28. — The Committee, five of whom are a quorum, meet every
second Tuesday, and sometimes hold extraordinary meetings.
Their business is to consider of the books proposed and to order
such as the majority shall approve j and in general to transact
the ordinary business of the Society, and report the state thereof
to the next Annual Meeting. If on any question there be an
equal division, the President, or in his absence the Vice-Presi-
dent, shall have a casting vote ; if both are absent, the question
on an equal division shall be determined in the negative.
29. — The Committee may order duplicates of such books as
they think proper, and dispose of such as appear to be useless.
30. — If at any election of a Committee impi-oper means shall
appear to have been employed, such election shall be void, and
the Society shall be summoned to make a new election.
'31. — Tlie librarian and Sub-Librarian shall be annually
elected by a majority of Subscribers, who have votes, present at
a General Meeting, and shall have such salaries ami allowances
as that General Meeting shall direct.
32. — The Librarian sliall compile, continue, and take care of
the catalogues and other books of office, under the direction of
the Committee.
33. — The Librarian shall preserve the books and other px'o-
perty of the Society in good condition, and arrange them from
time to time in such order as the Committee shall direct; and
shall report to the Committee any loss, or damage, or disorder
which mav happen. During the hours of his attendance, he
shall deliver and receive the books, and register their delivery
and return.
34. — The Librarian shall attend as above, and otherwise
transact the business of the Library in his own person, and not
depute either the Sub-Librarian or any other person without
leave of the Committee, or of the President, Vice-President, or
Treasurer, until the next meeting of the Committee.
35. — The Librarian and Sub-Librarian shall be in the Library
precisely at the appointed hour, each on his particular day, and
shall not leave it till the time be expired. , ^,
35__The Librarian and Sub-Librarian shall by no means
allow pupils or children, unless introduced by a Subscriber, to
come into the Library, or to make use of any book, &c. belong-
ing to it, without permission from the Committee.
37. — The Sub-Librarian shall be assistant to the Librarian,
and attend to his directions. He shall make a transcript of the
local catalogue. He shall attend in his own person, and not
depute another in his place without the consent of the Com-
mittee, or of the President, or Vice-President, or Treasurer,
until the next meeting of the Committee. During the hours of
his attendance he shall deliver and receive the books, and register
their delivery and return ; and he shall report to the Lil)rarian
or to the Committee any loss, or damage, or disorder which may
38. — Any Member may have three books out of the Library
at the same time, provided one of them has been in possession
of the Society more than a year.
39. — Each person taking a book out of the Library shall enter
his name in the register ; and whoever sends for a book, shall
send a written order signed with his name and dated ; and the
Librarian shall not permit any book to be taken out of the Li-
brary contrary to this rule.
40. — On the inside of the cover of each book a ticket sliall be
fixed, expressing how long it may be kept, and the fine for ex-
ceeding that time.
41. — Everv book shall be returned into the Library when its
time is expired ; and shall by no means be transferred to another
Subscriber without such return.
42. — If more than one Member apply for the same book at
the same time, the preference shall be determined by lot. The
names of such as apply for a book which is engaged, shall be
set down in a book kept for that purpose, that they may have it
in succession when returned.
43. — The Committee, as often as appears necessary, hold an
examination of the Library, for the purpose of ascertaining what
books, &c. are lost, damaged, or the like.
44. — A discretionary power is vested in the Committee of
retaining in the Library such scarce or valuable books, as they
shall think not proper to be circulated.
45. — No book which cannot be replaced by purchase, shall be
permitted to be removed from the Library ; but every Member
who may wish to take out any other book, although restrained
from general circulation, may do so, on depositing with the
Librarian such sum as the Committee shall affix as a sufficient
guarantee against damage or loss.
46. — All books when first brought into the Library shall
remain there a month before they circulate ; within which time
they shall be ranged in proper places and entered in the cata-
logues : and no book shall be permitted to circulate till it is so
ranged and entered.
47. — If any Member lose or damage a book, he shall make
such compensation as the Committee shall direct : if the book
lost or damaged be part of a set, he shall take the remainder
and purchase a new set for the Library.
48. — Every book when sent out of the Library or returned
into it, shall be wrapped up in paper.
March 23, 1829. " Resolved that The Librarian or Sub-Li-
brarian shall attend from Eleven in the morning until Four in
the afternoon of every day, except Sundays, Christmas Day, and
Good Friday ; and from Seven in the evening until Nine on every
day of such attendance, except Saturdays."
{March 18, 1833. ''Agreed that the Library be kept open
during the ensuing year, from Eleven o'clock until Five every
day, except Sundays, Christmas Day, and Good Friday ; instead
of from Eleven till Four, and Seven till Nine."]
The Books marked thus f are withheld from general circu-
lation ; those marked thus * are donations that have been made
to the Society.
Besides the Books contained in the following Catalogue, there
is in the same Library a collection of about 2,000 volumes
belonging to the City.
ABAUZIT Firmin. Miscellanies, translated by
EHw. Harwood, .. Lond. 1774 8vo.
Abbadie James. On the Divinity of Christ, 1777 12mo.
Abdollatiph. Historian ^Egypti Compendium, Arab.
et Lat. i\ J. White, .. Odwi. 1800 4to.
Abercrombie Jolm. Inquiries concerning the Intel-
lectual Powers and the Investigation of Truth,
Lo7id. 1830 8vo.
Researches on Diseases of the Brain
and the Spinal Cord, .. JEdin. 1828 8vo.
*Abernethy John. Tracts and Sermons, 1751 8vo.
— J. Surgical Observations on the Origin
and Treatment of Local Diseases, and on Aneu-
risms, .. .. Lond. 1828 8vo.
Abstract of the Evidence on the Slave Trade, . . 1791 8vo.
Abulfeda Ishmael. Descriptio ^gypti, Arabicc ct
Latine, H J. D. Michaelis, .. Goett. 1770 8vo.
fAccount of the Collegiate Chapel of St. Stephen,
Westminster ; of the Abbey Churches of Bath
and St. Albans ; of the Cathedral Churches of
Durham, Exeter, and Gloucester ; published by
the Society of Antiquaries, Lond. 1798-1813 fol.
* of Cathedral and Collegiate Schools ; ad-
dressed to the Dignitaries of ttie Established
Church, .. 1824 4to.
^Account of Work-houses for the Poor, LoruL 1732 8vo.
of the Ancient and present State of Shrews-
bury, .. 1810 12mo.
of the Trigonometrical Survey carried on in
1791, 1792, 1793, and 1794, 1799 4to.
of the Poor-Colonies, and Agricultural Work-
houses of the Benevolent Society of Holland,
Ed'in. 1828 I2mo.
■ of Jamaica and its Inhabitants, Lond. 1808 8vo.
and Extracts of the Manuscripts in the Li-
brary of the King of France, 2 vol. 1 789 8vo.
Accum Fred. Practical Treatise on Chemical Re-
Agents or Tests, .. ISIG 12mo.
Practical Treatise on Gas- Light, 181G 8vo.
Accrbi Joseph. Travels through Sweden, Finland,
and Lapland, to tlie North Cape, in 1798-99,
2 vol. . . . • 1802 4to.
Achilles Tatins. Gr. et Lat. a B.G. L, Boden, Lipsice, 1776 8vo.
Acosta Jos. History of the East and West Indies,
Lond. 1G04 4to.
*tActs of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. II, III, a. d.
1424—1592, .. 1814 fol.
Adam Alex. Roman Antiquities, Udhi. 1797 8vo.
Classical Biography, ., ~ 1800 8vo.
Adams Geo. Essay on Electricity, Lond. 1787 8vo.
— Astronomical and Geographical Essays,
1789 8vo.
Geometrical and Graphical Essays, 1791 8vo.
Essays on the Microscope, with a General
History of Insects; by Kanmacher, 1798 4to.
Plates to Essays on the Microscope, Lond. 1787 fol.
John. History of the Principal Republics in
the World, 3 vol. .. 1794 8vo.
John Quincv. Letters on Silesia, 1804 8vo.
Adanson Mic. Voyage to Senegal, Goree, and the
Gambia, .. 1759 8vo.
Addison Joseph. Works, 4 vol. B'lrm. 1701 -Ito.
Addresses and Recommendations to the States, by tlie
Congress, . . Lond. 1/83 8vo.
tAdelung J. C. Grammatlsh-kritisclics ^Vorterbuch
der Hochdeutschen Mundart, 4 vol. JFien. 1811 4to.
Administration of the Affairs of Great Britain at the
commencement of 1823, .. Lond. 1823 8vo.
Adolphus .lolin. Biographical Memoirs of the French
Revolution, 2 vol. .. 1799 8vo.
History of France, from 1790 to 1802,
2 vol. .. 1803 8vo.
History of England, from 1 7C0 to 1783,
3 vol. . . 1802 8vo.
Adrichomius C. Thcatrnm- Terra? Sancta?, et Bibli-
carum Historiarum, . . Col. Agr. 1593 fol.
Adventurer, 4 vol. .. Lond. 1778 12mo.
Adventures of Hajji Baba, of Ispahan, 3 vol. 1824 12mo.
in England, 2 vol. 1828 r2mo.
Alfred Kg. Anglo-Saxon Version of Orosius ; edited
by D. Barrington, .. 1773 8vo.
iElianus Claud. Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. ex Versione
Gesneri, .. Tiguri, 1556 fol.
iEscliylns. Tragoedios, Gr. et Lat. cum Scholiis, cu-
rante C. de Pauw, 2 torn. Hngce Com. 174.') 4to.
* ;i C. G. Schiitz, 2 torn, in 1, Lond. 1823 8vo.
* ex edit. C. G. Schiitz, 0.von. 1809 12mo.
• Septem contra Thcbas, et Prometheus
Vinctus, a Bloomfield, 2 torn. Cantab. 1812 8vo.
Choephorafi, a C. J. Blomfield, 1824 8vo.
• Persai, et Agamemnon, a C. J. Blomfield,
1814-18 Svo.
• Tragedies, translated by R. Potter, 7yo«(<'. 1809 8vo.
Agamemnon, translated by John Sym-
mons, . . 1824 8vo.
* Agamemnon, translated by J. S. Harford,
with a Dissertation on Grecian Tr;'gc(ly,&c. 1831 8vo.
Agricultural State of the Kingdom in February, March,
and April, 181G, •• Lond. lS\Cy 8vo.
Aikin J, and A. L. Miscellaneous Pieces in Prose, 1/73 r2ino.
A. L. Poems, .. 1773 Tirao.
J. Thoughts on Hospitals, -1771 8vo.
Poems, .. 1"91 8vo.
On the Application of Natural History to
Poetry, .. JFarrlng: Mil 8vo.
Description of the Country round Manchester,
Lond. 1795 4 to.
Essays, Literary and Miscellaneous, ■ 1811 8vo.
Letters from a Father to a Son, 2 vol. 1793-1800 8vo.
Essavs on Song Writing, .. 12mo.
A. and C. R. Dictionary of Chemistry and
Mineralogy, with an Ajjpendix, 2 vol. 1807-14 4to.
Arthur. Tour through North Wales, 1797 8vo.
Annual Review for 1802-1808, 7 vol. 1803, &c. 8n-o.
Lucy. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Eliza-
beth, 2 vol. .. 18' 9 8vo.
Memoirs of the Court of King James \. 2 vol.
1822 8vo.
Ainslie Wliitelaw. Materia Indica ; an Account of
Articles employed by the Hindoos &c. in their
Medicine, Arts, and Agriculture, 2 vol, 1826 8vo.
fAinsworth Rob. Latin Dictionary, 2 vol. 1752 fol.
Aiton W. Hortus Kewensis, 5 vol. 1789-1813 8vo.
Akenside Mark. Poems, .. 1/72 8vo.
Albin Eleazer. Natural History of English Insects, 1735 4to.
Alciphron. Epistles, translated by W. Beloe, 1791 Svo.
Aldrich Hen. Elementa Architecturse Civilis, Lat. et
An"-. .. •• Oxon. 1789 8vo.
Alexander Wra. History of Women, 2 vol. Lond. 1782 8vo.
Costume of China, No. 1,2, 1797-8 4to.
J. E. Travels to the Seat of War in the
East, through Russia and the Crimea, in 1829,
2 vol. .. .. 1^30 8vo.
Alfieii Vittorio. Opere Scelte ; col \'ita sciitta da
Esso, 4 vol. .. Mi/ano, ] SIS Svo.
Alison Archibald. Essays on the Nature and Prin-
ciples of Taste, 2 vol. .. Edin. 1811 Svo.
Allen W. Colonies at Home, L'lndfield, 1S2S Hvo.
John. Modern Judaism : an Account of the
Opinions, &c. of the Jews in Modern Times, Lond. 1830 Svo.
All the Talents. A Satirical Poem in three Dialogues,
1807 Svo.
Allwood Phil. Literary Antiquities of Greece, //0M(/. 1/99 4to.
Alphabetical Index to all the Abridgaients of Law and
Equity, &c. .. In the Savoy, 1 758 fol.
*Alphabeta Varia, (Typis Sacr. Congregationis de Pro-
paganda Fide) 2 vol. .. Romce, 1629 i2mo.
Amadis of Gaul, translated by Southey, 4 vol. Lond. 1803 12aio.
America and the Americans, by a Citizen of the World,
1833 Svo.
Ames Jos. Typographical Antiquities, by Herbert,
3 vol. .. 1785-90 4(0.
Ammianus Marcellinus. Edit. Jac. Gronovio,
Lugd. Bat. 1623 4to.
Roman History, translated by
Philemon Holland, .. Lotid. 1609 fol.
Anacreon. Odaria^ Gr. cura E. Forster, 1802 Svo.
Analecta Veterum Poetarum Graecorum, ed. R. F. P.
Brunck, 3 tom. .. Argent. 1776 Svo.
Analytical Review, from 17SS to 1799,28 vol. Lond. 1788,&c. Svo.
Anburey Tho. Travels through the Interior Parts of
America, 2 vol. .. 1789 Svo.
Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain, translated by
J. Bowring, ,. 1824 Svo.
■ Spanish Ballads, translated by J. G. Lock-
hart, .. Ed'in. 1823 4 to.
Christmas Carols, &c. formerly sung in the
West of England : collected by Davies Gilbert,
Lond. 1823 Svo.
Ancient Fragments of SauchoniathOj Berosus, Aby-
denus, &c. edited b^' I. P. Corey, Lond. 182S Svo.
Anderson James. Recreations in Agriculture, Na-
tural History, Arts, and Miscellaneous Literature,
G vol. .. 1799-1802 Svo.
— Observations on the Means of Exciting a
Spirit of National Industry, . . Edin. 1 777 -ito.
Account of the Present State of the He-
brides, . . 1 785 8vo.
Essays on Agriculture and Rural Affairs,
3 vol. .. 1784-96 Svo.
Adam. Historical and Chronolomcal De-
duction of the Origin of Commerce, 4 vol. Lond. 1801 4to.
iEneas. Narrative of the British Embassy
to China, . . 1 795 4to.
'^ Journal of the Secret Expedition to the
Mediterranean and Egypt, &c. . . 1802 4to.
■" Walter. Philosophy of Ancient Greece,
Edhi. 1791 4to.
Christoph. Historical Sketches of the
Native Irish and their Descendants, Lond. 1828 Svo,
Andreues Jos. Journey from Buenos Ayres through
the Provinces ofCordova/rucumau,&c. 2 vol. 1827 Svo.
Andrews John. Letters to a Young Gentleman on
his setting out for France, . . 1 784 Svo.
Remarks on the French and English La-
dies, .. 1783 Svo.
■ History of the War with America, France,
Spain, and Holland, 4 vol. . . ] 785-6 Svo.
J. P. Anecdotes, &c. Ancient and Modern,
with Observations, . . 1 7S9 Svo.
Continuation of Henry's History of Great
Britain, .. 179G 4to.
History of Great Britain, vol. I, 1794 4to.
Anecdota Graeca, Editore J. B. de Villoison, 2 tom.
in 1, .. . . rend. 1781 4to.
Auecdotes of the Life of W. Pitt, Earl Cluitham,
and of the Principal Events of his Time, 4 vol.
of British Topography,
of the Founders of the French Republic,
1 2nio
of some Distinguished Persons^ 1 vol. —
Animadversions on the Unitarian Translation, or
Improved Version of the New Testament, 1811 Svo.
Annales Eliie de Trickingham, cum Compendio Com-
pertorum per T. Legh et R. Layton, S. Pegge,
1789 4to.
Annals of Oriental Literature, vol. I, 1820 Svo.
Annals of Philosophy, by T. Garnett and others, 3 vol. 1801-4 Svo.
by T. Thomson, vol. VII— XVI,
and Second Series, 7 vol. .. 1816-24 Svo.
Annual Medical Review and Register for 1808, 1809,
2 vol. .. .. 1809-10 Svo.
Annual Register, froQi 1758 to 1832, with an Index
from 1758 to 1780, .. 1758, &c. 8\o.
t General Index to the Annual Register, from
1758 to 1819, .. 1826 Svo.
Auonymiana ; or. Ten Centuries of Observations on
Various Authors and Subjects, 1809 Svo.
Another Investigation, .. 1815 Svo.
Antjuetil L. P. Memoirs of the Court of France,
during the Reigti of Lewis XIV, 2 vol. Edin. 1791 Svo.
Anson Lord. Voyage round the World, Lond. 1769 Svo.
Anstey Chr. Poetical Works, . . 1808 4to.
*Anstice J. Selections from the Choric Poetry of the
Greek Dramatic Writers, .. 1832 Svo.
Anstis John. History of the Order of the Garter,
2 vol. .. 1724 fol.
Answer to AVar in Disguise, , . 1806 Svo.
Antar, a Bedoueen Romance, translated from the
Arabic, by Terr, Hamilton, 4 vol. 1R19 Svo.
Antes Jolin. Observations on the Manners and Cus-
ton\s of the Egyptians, .. Lo7id. 1800 4to.
Authologia Grneca, sive Poetaruin Greecorum Lusus ;
ex recensione Brunckii, cum Notis et Indicibus,
Frid. Jacobs. Analecta Critica in Anthologiam
GrcEcam, J. G. Huskc, 12 vol. /.^/^s. 17D1-1S03 8vo.
■ ciiin versiotie fjat. H. Grotii ;
edita ab H. de Bosch, 3 torn. Ultroj. 1/95-8 4to.
a Cons. Cephala condita, O.von. 1766 8vo.
Anthologia veterum Latinorum Epigrammatuiu et Po-
ematum, cura P. Burmanni Seciindi, 2 torn.
Amst. 1759-73 4to.
Anthologia Hibernica for 1793, Dublin, 1793 8vo.
fLe Antichita di Ercolauo esposte, 9 torn. Napoli, 1754-92 fol.
Anticipation, . . Load. 1778 8vo.
Anti-Jacobin J or, Weekly Examiner, 2 vol. 1799 8vo.
Review, from 1798 to 1814,47 vol.
1799, &c. 8vo.
Antiquse Musicae Auctores VIII, Gr. et Lat. a M.
Meiboraio, 2 vol. in 1, .. Amstel. 1652 4to.
Antiquarian Repertory, 4 vol. in 2, Lond. 177 i>, &c. 4to.
Antiquities of Herculaneum, by Martyn and Lettice,
1773 4to.
t of Athens, &c. (Supplementary to Stuart)
delineated and illustrated by C. R, Cockerell and
others, . . 1830 fol.
tAntiquities of Ionia, by the Society of Dilettanti,
2 parts, .. 1769-97 fol.
Antoninus M. Imperator. De rebus suis Libri XII,
Gr. et Lat. opera Gatakeri, Cantab. 1652 4to.
Augustus. Itinerariura J Itinerarium Hier-
osolymitanum ; et Hieroclis Grammatici Synec-
demuS3 curante P. ^Vesselingio, Amst. 1735 4to.
Iter Britanniarum, Comment. T. Gale,
Lond. 1709 4to.
translated by T. Reynolds, Camb. 1799 4to.
ApoUoiiius Rhodius. Argonauticorum Libii IV, Gr.
et Lat. Ji Shaw, 2 torn. .. O.von. Mil Ito.
Aigoaautics, with Notes and Dis-
sertations, by AV. Preston, 3 vol. Dublin, 18U3 12uiO.
fApollonius Sophista. Lexicon Hoinericum, Gr. et
Lat. a J, B. Gaspare d'Ansse de Villoison,
Lutet. Par. 1773 4to.
Apollodorus Atheniensis. Bibliothecse Libri III, et
Fragmenta, cum Obss. a C. J. Heyne, 2 vol.
Gottin. 1S03 8vo.
Apology for the Believers in the Shakespeare Papers,
Loud. 1797 Svo.
Apostolic Preaching considered, in an Examination of
St. Paul's Epistles, .. 1815 8vo.
Apostolical Fathers. Genuine Epistles, translated by
Abp. Wake, .. 1G93 Svo.
Appeal to the Inhabitants of Bristol on the Establish-
ment of a Fever House, .. Bristol, 1S19 Svo.
Appianus. Historia, Gr. et Lat. cum notis var. et
Schweighhauseri, 3 torn. Lipsice, 1785 Svo.
Apthorp E. Letters on the Prevalence of Christi-
anity, .. Lond. 177S Svo.
Apuleius. Opera, a Florido, in usum Delphini, 2 torn.
Paris, 1688 4to.
Arabian Nights' Entertainments : with a Selection of
New Tales, by Jonathan Scott, C vol. Lond. 1811 Svo.
New. Collected from the original MS.
by Joseph Von Hamer, 3 vol. 182() ]2mo.
Arabian Tales, 4 vol. .. iJdin. 1792 12mo.
Arburthnot John. Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights,
and Measures, &.C. .. Lond. 1727 4to.
Arcanum of National Defence, by Hastatus, 1803 Svo.
Archaeologia, by the Society of Antiquaries, 24 vol.
1770-1832 4to.
t — Index to the first fifteen Volumes of
Archaeologia, . . 1 809 4to.
Archaeologia. Charter and Statutes of the Society of
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Archaeological Epistle to Dean Milles, ] 782 4to.
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Archimedes. Gr. ct Lat. cum Entocii Commentariis,
ex recensione Torelli .. Od'on. 1792 fol.
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Artcmi. Memoirs of his Life, from the original Ar-
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Ascensio Isaiae Vatis, Opusculum Psuedcpigraphum,
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rence, .. Oa'07i. 1819 8vo.
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. Journal, vol. I— VII, .. 1816 8vo.
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. Life of Bishop Ken, 2 vol. 1830-31 8vo.
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. List of Editions of the Bible in English, from
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. Wm. Political and Literary Anecdotes of his
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. Travels through Italy, in 1804 and 1805,
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Washington and New Orleans, in 1814-15, by
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A. D. 1665, .. 1832 12rao.
Nash Threadvvay. Collections for the History of
Worcestershire, 2 vol. .. 1781-2 fol.
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Natural History of Enthusiasm, .. Lond. 1829 8vo.
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Naval Chronicle, from 1799 to 1813, 30 vol. 1799-1813 8vo.
Neal D. History of New England, 2 vol. 1720 8vo.
History of the Puritans, 4 vol. .. 1732-8 8vo.
tXeale J. P, Views of Collegiate and Parochial
Churches in Great Britain, 2 vol. Lo7id. 1824 8vo.
Necker J. On the French Revolution, 2 vol. I 797 Svo.
Treatise on the Administration of the Finances
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' On the Importance of Religious Opinions, 1788 8vo.
Neele H. Romance of History. England, 3 vol. 1828 8vo.
*Xegro Emancipation made Easy, by a British Planter,
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charge of Persons Imprisoned for Small Debts in
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Neill Patrick. Tour through some of the Orkney and
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Nennius. Historia Brittonum, tr. by W. Gunn,iyo«(/. 1819 Svo.
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lish Languages, 2 vol. . . 1809 Svo.
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Peter. History of the Royal Foundation
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ment of the Royal Household, from Edward III.
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cester, 4 vols, in 8, .. 1795-1811 fol.
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— John. Illustrations of the Literary History
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ing the Lake of Tiberias, &c. . . Bath, 1810 4to.
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. J. G. Sylva Britannica; or Portraits of Forest
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Memoirs of the Court of Berlin, &c. 2 vol. 1799 8vo.
Wren C Parentalia, Memoirs of the Family of the
Wrens, .. 1750 fol.
Wright Jas. History and Antiquities of the County
of Rutland, .. 1684 fol.
Wright J. Philosophy of Elocution, elucidated aud
explained by Readings of the Liturgy, O^f- 1818 8vo.
W. R. Horse lonicse, a Poem descriptive of
the Ionian Islands, &c. .. Lond. 1808 Svo.
Edw. Observations in Travelling through
France, Italy, &c. in 1/20-22, 1764 4to.
• Sir Martin. Introduction to the Law of Te-
nures, .. 1792 Svo.
Wyndham H. P. Tours through Monmouthshire and
Wales, in 1774 and 1777, .. Sal'isb. \7S\ 4to.
■ Wiltshire, extracted from Domesday Book,
with a Translation, . . 1 788 Svo.
Picture of the Isle of Wight, Lond. 1794 Svo.
Wynne Edw. Eunomus, 4 vol. .. 1785 Svo.
William. Life of Sir Leoline Jenkins, 2 vol. 1724 fol.
XENOPHON. Opera quae extant omnia, Gr. et Lat.
per Edv. Wells, 5 torn. .. Oxon. 1703 Svo.
* Opera; edid. G. H.Schaeffer,5 vol. Z/2J05. 1811 12mo.
De Cyri Institutione Libri VIII, Gr. et
Lat. cum notis varior. a T. Hutchinson, Oxon. 1727 4to.
* Memorabilium Socratis Dictorura, Lib.
IV, ex recens. B. Simpson, .. 1772 Svo.
History of the Affairs of Greece, bv W.
Smith, . . Lond. 1 770 4to.
Expedition of Cyrus, translated by E.
Spelman, 2 vol. . . 1 749 Svo.
YEAR in Spain, by a Young American, 2 vol. Lond. 1831 .8vo.
Yearsley Ann. Poems on several Occasions, 1785-88 4to.
Yorke H. R. Letters from France in 1802,2 vol. 1804 8vo.
Hon. Charles. Considerations on the Law of
Forfeiture, .. Land. 1795 8vo.
Youatt W, On Canine Madness, . . 1830 8vo.
Young Arth. Annals of Agriculture, and other useful
Arts, 38 vol. .. 1/84-1802 8vo.
Course of Experimental Agriculture, 2 vol. 1770 4to.
Six Weeks' Tour through the Southern Coun-
ties of England and Wales, .. 1772 8vo.
Six Months' Tour through the North of Eng-
land, 4 vol. .. 1771 8vo.
Farmer's Tour through the East of England,
4 vol. .. 1771 8vo.
Agricultural Survey of Suffolk, 1797 8vo.
Agricultural Survey of Lincolnshire, 1799 8vo.
General View of the Agriculture of Hertford-
shire, .. 1804 8vo.
View of the Agriculture of Oxfordshire, 1809 8vo.
General View of the Agriculture of the County
of Sussex, .. 1808 8vo.
Tour in Ireland, 2 vol. . . 1 780 8vo.
Example of France a Warning to Britain,
with an Appendix, Bury St. Edmunds, 1793 8vo.
Travels in France in 1787-89, 2 vol. 1792 4to.
Idea of the Present State of France, 1 795 8vo.
Political Arithmetic, .. Lond. 1774 8vo.
Edw. Works, 6 vol. .. 1774-8 12mo.
E. Sermons, 2 vol. .. 1720 8vo.
— Sir Wm. West-India Common Place Book, 1807 4to.
— Wm. Spirit of Athens, .. 1777 8vo.
— Joiin. Essays on Interesting Subjects, (7/a,9^. 1794 8vo.
Geo. Treatise on Opium, .. Lo7id. 1753 8vo.
— The. Introduction to Medical Literature, 1H13 8vo.
— Discoveries in Hieroglyphical Literature and
Egyptian Anticjuitics, .. 1823 8vo.
ZEAL without Innovation, .. bond. 1809 8vo.
Zend-Avesta, Ouvrage de Zoroaster ; traduit en Fran-
cois sur rOriginal Zend, avec des Remarques, &c.
par M. Auquetil du Perron, 3 torn. Paris, 1771 4to.
Zenobio Count. On the French Constitution, Lond. 1792 8vo.
Zillah ; a Tale of the Holy City, 4 vol. 1828 12mo.
Zimmerraann J. G. Treatise on Experience in Physic,
2 vol. .. 1782 8vo.
Conversations with the late King of
Prussia, .. 1/91 8vo.
Zoega G. De Origine et Usu Obeliscorum, Romce, 1797 fol.
Zouch Tho. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of
Sir Philip Sidney, .. For^, 1808 4to.
Zschokke H. History of the Invasion of Switzerland
by the French, .. Lond. 1803 Svo
*Zwelfer J. Pharmacopoeia Regiaj et Animadversiones
in Pharmacopoeiam Augustanam, &c. 2 vol. in 1,
NoribergcB, 1693 4to.
t*A Collection of Original Deeds, connected with the History
of the City of Bristol.
t*Catalogue of the Mayors, Prepositors, Stewards, Bayliffs,
and Sheriffs of Bristol, with some remarkable Occurrences
there, from the Year 1216 to 1608.
t*Brayne. Account of a Curious Cobweb discovered in Bristol
in 1714.
|-*Catcott G. S. Description of Pen-Park Hole ; with his
Account of John the Painter's Attempt to Burn the Ship-
ping and Houses in Bristol, as also of Rebuilding St,
Nicholas and St. Michael's Churches in the said City, &c. 4to.
t*Missale Romanum, Codex membraneus, cum Literis initia-
libus et Fignris depictis auroque exornatis, . . 8vo.
t*The Bhugvut Geeta j in the Sancrit Language.
t*A Poem by the Sheikh Nezami, on the Exploits of Alexander
the Great ; in the Persian Language. . . '6vo.
t*Elegancies of Jamaica, containing original coloured Drawings
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+ * Account of the Bread-Fruit Tree, &c. . . 4 to.
t*Brougliton Arth. Notes on the Practice of Medicine, taken
at Lectures given in the University of Edinburgh by A.
Duncan, M. D. 6 vol. . . 8vo.
f*Clinical Cases, 2 vol. .. 8vo.
t*Course of Lectures on the Materia Medica read in London, 4to.
t*Institutes of Medicine, 2 vol. , . 8vo.
t*Lectures on Chemistry read in Edin. by J. Black, M. D. 6 vol. 8vo.
t*Medical Miscellanies, 2 vol. . , 4to. and 8vo.
+ *Xotes from Lectures on the Practice of Physic, by William
Cullen, M. D. . , 8vo.
i 'Notes on Materia Medica, from a Course given in Edinburgh
by F. Home, M. D. 2 vol. . . 8vo.
t*Notcs from Clinical Lectures given on Patients in the Royal
Infirmary, by F. Home, M. D. . . 4to.
t*Broughton Arth. Herbarium Jamaicensc, 4 vol. 1/86.
^•Seagcr John. Remarks and Emendations on some Passages
in Aristophanes,
MAPS, &c.
tAtlas Universe], par MM. Robert, &c. . . Paris, 175/
tGeneral Atlas, constructed and engraved by Sidney Hall, Lo7id. 1830
fOutlines of the World, by A. Arrowsmith, 1825
tClironological Chart of Ancient History, by Berlin.
tCharts of History and Biography, by Priestley, 1765
fMap of Asia, by Arrowsmith, . . 1801
fMap of Hindostan, by Major Rennell, . . 1788
tBengal Atlas, by Major Rennell, . , 1781
+ Map of Palestine, with Part of Egypt, by Seaton, 1828
fMap of Palestine and the adjacent Countries, by R. Palmer, 1828
fMap of Upper Canada, by D. W. Smyth, . . 1 800
fMap of the Empire of Germany, Holland, &c. by Chauchard, 1800
fHydrographic Survey of the North and St. George's Channels,
by J. Huddart, .. 1808
+Maritime Survey of Ireland and the West of Great Britain, by
Murdoch Mackenzie, .. 1776
tChart of the Severn, by R. Thomas, 1815
fPlan of the Kennet and Avon Canal, .. 1794
fMap of Scotland, by Arrowsmith, .. 1807
fMap of Ireland, by Beaufort, , , . 1 792
fMap of North Wales, by Evans.
fMap of North Wales, (9 sheets) by Evans.
tTopographical Plan of Manchester and Salford, by Laurent, 1793
fMap of the Country round Manchester, 1794
fMap of the County of Gloucester, by Taylor, 1777
fMap of the County of Somerset, by Day and Masters, 1782
fPlan of Bristol, by Plumley and Ashmead, 1828
fMap of the Country Eleven Miles round Bristol, by Donne.
fMap of the Country Twenty-one Miles round Bristol, by Donne.
tChart of the Trade of Great Britain, from 1697 to 1825, by
Caesar Moreau, .. 1825
tChart of the Rise and Progress of the Wool Trade and Woollen
Manufacture of Great Britain, by C. Moreau, 1828
tChart of English Silver Coins, from a. d. 1066.
.1. Cliilcott, Printer, Bristol.
^mtol um^vs §:otitts^
[Regulation made at the Annual Meeting,
March 24, 1834.]
49. The Library shall be kept open from Eleven o'Clock until
Five every day, except Sundays, Christmas-day, and Good Friday.
The books marked thus f are withheld from general circulation ;
those marked thus * are donations that have been made to the
ABERCROMBIE (JOHN). Philosophy of the
Moral Feelmgs. ... Lond. 1833 8vo.
Acland(H. W.) Plains of Troy. ... O.i/. 1839 8vo.
f Illustrative Panoramic Drawing.
Account of the Trigonometrical Survey of England and
Wales, from 1784 to 1809, by Col. Wm. Mudge
and Capt. Thos. Colby, 3 vol. Lond. 1799-181 1 4 to.
Account of the Religious and Literary Life of Adam
Clarke. Edited by J. B. B. Clarke, 3 vol. 1833 8vo.
t*Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. 9. 10. 1 1. 1822-24 fol.
*Adamson (John). Lusitania Illustrata : Notices
on the History, Literature, &c. of Portugal,
part 1. ... Kewcastle, 1842 8vo.
*Address to Deans and Chapters, on the Election of
Bishops. ... Lond. 1833 8vo.
Adventures in the Moon, and other Worlds. 1836 8vo.
*Affo (P. Ireneo). Dizionario Precettivo della Poesia
Volgarc. ... Parma, 1777 12mo.
Aiken (P. F.) Comparative View of the Constitutions
of Great Britain and the United States. Lond. 1842 12mo.
Aikin ( Lucy). Memoirs of the Court of King Charks 1 .
2 vol. ... 1S33 8vo.
Alford (Hen.) School of the Heart and Other Poems,
2 vol. ... Camb. 1835 12mo.
Alison (Archibald). History of Europe during the
French Revolution, 10 vol. ... E din. 1833-42 8vo.
Principles of Population, and their Connection with
Human Happiness, 2 vol. ... 1840 8vo.
f Ancient Spanish Ballads; translated by J. G. Lock-
hart. (Illustrated.) ... Lond. 1841 4to.
Ancient Christianity, see Taylor.
Andrews (Lane. Episc.) Preces Privatse Quotidianse. 1828 12mo.
Anglesey. History of the Island of Anglesey. (Sup-
plement to Rowland) ... 1775 4to.
Annual Register, 1833— 1841. ... 1834-42 8vo.
Apology for Cathedral Service. ... 1839 8vo.
Arago, Life of James Watt. ... Edin. 1839 12mo.
Scientific Notices of Comets, translated by C.
Gold. ... Lond. 1833 12mo.
Archaeologia : Tracts published by the Society of
Antiquaries of London, voh 25 — 29. 1833-42 4to.
Archdall (Mervyn). Monasticon Hibernicum; an
History of Abbies, Priories, &c. in Ireland. 1 786 4to.
Ariosto. Orlando Furioso, translated by W, S. Rose,
vol. 8. ... 1831 8vo.
Aristides (^lius). Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. cura S.
J ebb, 2 torn. ... Oxon. 1722 4to.
Aristophanes. Achamenses; Wasps; Knights; Clouds;
Frogs; with Notes by Tho. Mitchell, 5 vol. Lond. 1835-39 8vo.
Arminius (James). Works, translated by J. Nichols,
vol. 2. ... • 1828 8vo.
Arnett (J. A.) Nature and Form of the Books of the
Ancients; with a History of Bookbinding, 1837 12mo,
Arnold (Tho.) History of Rome, vol. 1, 2. Land. 1838-40 8vo.
Amott (Neil). On Waixning and Ventilating; with
directions concerning the Thermometer Stove. 1838 8vo.
Arundines Cami sive JVIusarum Cantabrigiensium Lusus
Canori. coUegit atq. edit. H. Drury. 1842 8vo.
Asiatic Researches, vol. 16— 20. Ca/cH^/rt, 1828-39 4to.
Index to the first XVIII volmnes of the Asiatic
Researches. ... 1835 4to.
Aubrey (John). Collections for North Wilts: edited
by Sir T. Phillips, 2 parts. ... Lond. 1821-38 4to.
Audubon (J. J.) Ornithological Biography, (Birds of
America) vol. 2— 5. ... Edin. 1834-39 8vo.
Auldjo (John). Journal of a Visit to Constantinople
and some of the Greek Islands in 1833. Lond. 1835 8vo.
Austin (John). Province of Jurisprudence Defined. 1832 8vo.
Autobiography of a Dissenting Minister. 1835 12mo.
B ABB AGE (CHAS.) Ninth Bridgewater Treatise.
A Fragment. ... Lond. 1837 8vo.
Back (Geo.) NaiTative of the Arctic Land Expedition
in 1833-34-35. ... 1836 8vo.
Expedition in H. M. S. Terror, with a view to
Geographical Discovery on the Arctic Shores, in
1836-37. ... 1838 8vo.
Baines (Edward). History of the Cotton Manufacture
in Great Britain. ... 1835 8vo.
Baird. Life of Sir David Baird, 2 vol. 1832 8vo.
Bandinel (James). Account of the Trade in Slaves
from Africa. ... 1842 8\().
Banduri (Anselm). Numismata Iinperatonim Romano-
rum, a Trajano Decio ad Palaeologos Augustos,
2 tom. ... Paris, 1718 fol.
*Bangley (Geo.) Mental Recreation ; or, Select
Maxims, Sayings, &c. Ancient and Modem. Loud. 1833 12mo.
Bank Charter. Digest of the Evidence on. 1833 8vo.
*Barham (T. F.) Introduction to Greek Grammar. 1829 8vo.
*Greek Roots in English Rhymes. ... 1837 l2mo.
Baron (John). Life of Edw. Jenner, M. D. vol. 1, 2. 1838 8vo.
*Baronets of the British Empire ; their position com-
pared with that of the Continental lesser Nobility. 1837 8vo.
Banington (Sir Jonah). Personal Sketches of his Own
Times, 3 vol. ... 1830-32 8vo.
Historic Memoirs of the Union between Great Britain
and Ireland, 2 vol. ... 1833 4to.
Barrow (John, junr.) Visit to Iceland in 1834. 1835 8vo.
Tour round Ireland, through the Sea-Coast Counties,
in 1835. ... 1836 8vo.
Excursions in the North of Europe. 1836 8vo.
Bartlett (Tho.) Memoirs of Bp. Butler. 1839 8vo.
Bayle (Peter). Philosophical Commentary on liuke
xiv. 23, 2 vol. ... 1708 12mo.
Bay ley (Rob.) Nature considered as a Revelation. 1836 12mo.
Beale (Tho.) Natural History of the Sperm Whale. 1839 8vo.
*Beaven (James). On Intercourse with Churches in
the East. — 1840 8vo.
Beaumont and Toqueville. On the Penitentiary System
of the United States; translated by Francis
Lieber. ... Philadelphia, 1833 8vo.
Beckford (Wm.) Italy; with Sketches of Spain and
Portugal, 2 vol.
Lond. 1834 8vo.
Beckford (Wm.) Excursion to the Monasteries of
Alcobaca and Batalha. ... Lond. 1835 8vo.
Belcher (Sir Edw.) Voyage round the World in H.
*M. S. Sulphur, 1836—42. with Details of Naval
Operations in China, 2 vol. ... 1842 8vo.
Bell (Sir C.) On the Hand, its Mechanism and Vital
Endowments, as evincing Design. (Bridge water
Treatise) ... 1833 8vo.
Bell (J. S.) Journal of a Residence in Circassia in
1837-39, 2 vol. ... 1840 8vo.
Bellendenus (Gulielmus). De Tribus Luminibus Ro-
manorum, Libri XVI. ... Paris, 1634 fol.
Bennett (Geo.) Wanderings in New South Wales,
&c. during 1832— 34, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1834 8vo.
Benson (Robert). INIemoirs of the Life and Writings
of Ai'thur ColHer. ... 1837 8vo.
Benson (Chr.) Discourses on the Power of the
Clergy. ... 1841 8vo.
Bentley (Richard). Works; collected and edited by
Alex. Dyce, vol. 1, 2, 3. ... 1836 8vo.
Beny (Wm.) Encyclopaedia HeralcUca, or Complete
Dictionary of Heraldry, 3 vol. ... 4to.
Bhagvat-Geela 3 translated from the Sanskreet by C.
Wilkins. ... 1785 4to.
*Biber (G. E.) The Standard of Catholicity. 1840 8vo.
fBibliotheca Anglo-Poetica; a Descriptive Catalogue
of Early English Poetry. ... 1815 8vo.
Bickersteth (Edward). Christian Student, designed to
assist in acquiring Religious Knowledge. 1832 12nio.
*Biddulph (T. T.) Sermons; Collection of
Tracts. ... Brislof, 1803-32 8vo.
Bigland (Ralph). Collections relative to the County
of Gloucester, vol. 2. ... Loud. 1792 fol.
Biographie Universelle, Ancienne et Moderne: par
une Societe de Gens de Lettres et de Savants,
52 torn. ... ... Pans, 1811-28 Svo.
*Blackburn (Isaac). Theory and Practice of Naval
Architecture explained. ... Plymotith, 1836 8vo.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 33 — 52. 1833-42 8vo.
Blair (Rob.) Grave, a Poem, illustrated by William
Blake. ' ... Lond. 1808 4to.
Blair ( Wm.) Inquiry into the State of Slavery among
the Romans. ... 1833 12mo.
Bland and Merivale. see Collections.
*Bluett (J. C.) Duelling and the Laws of Honour
examined and condemned. ... 1836 12mo.
Boid (Capt.) Description of the Azores, or Western
Islands. ... 1835 8vo.
*S. Bonaventurse Sennones de Tempore, et de
Sanctis. ... Zwollis, 1479 4to.
Bonuycastle (Sir Richard H.) The Canadas in 1841,
2 vol. ... Lond. 1841 8vo.
Book of Common Prayer, see Keeling.
*Book of Common Prayer of the Protestant Episcopal
Church in the United States of America. 1833 12mo.
Borrow (Geo.) Zincali ; an Account of the Gypsies of
Spain : with a Collection of their Poetry, and a
Dictionary of their Language, 2 vol. 1841 8vo.
Bible in Spain ; or Journeys, &c. in an Attempt
to circulate the Scriptures, 3 vol. 1843 8vo.
Boscovich ( Rog. Jos. ) Philosophiae Naturalis
Theoria. ... Vienna, 1759 4 to.
■f-Bosworth (Jos.) Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon
Language. ... Lond, 1838 8vo.
Botta (C.) Storia d'ltalia, continuata da quella del
Guicciardini sine al 1789, 10 torn. Parigi, 1832 8vo.
Storia ditalia, dal 1789 al 1814, 4 torn. 1832 8vo.
f Boucher (Jonathan). Glossary of Archaic and Pro-
vincial Words ; edited by Jos. Hunter and Jos.
Stephenson, part 1, 2. ... Lond. 1832-33 4to.
Bouchette (Jos.) Topogi'aphical and Statistical Des-
cription of the British Dominions in North
America, 3 vol. ... 1832 4to.
Bowdeu (J. W.) Life and Pontificate of Gregory VII.
2 vol. ... 1840 8vo.
Bower (Alex.) History of the University of Edin-
burgh, (1582— 1829) 3 vol. ^c?m. 1817-30 8vo.
Bowles (Caroline). Birth-day, a Poem; with Occa-
sional Verses. ... 1836 12mo.
Chapters on Churchyards, 2 vol. ... 1829 12mo.
Bowles (W. L.) and Nichols (J. G.) Annals and
Antiquities of Lacock Abbey, Wilts. Lond. 1836 8vo.
f Bradford (T. G.) Atlas; Geographical, Statistical,
and Historical, of the United States and the
adjacent Countries. ... Boston, 1838 fol.
Bray (Charles). Philosophy of Necessity; or Law of
Consequences, as applicable to Mental, Moral, and
Social Science, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1841 8vo.
Brayley (E. W.) Graphic and Historical Illustrator;
a Miscellany of Literary, Antiquarian, and Topo-
giaphical Information. ... 1834 4to.
^IJridges (Charles). Memoir of Miss M. J. Graham. 1833 12mo.
J Jridgewater Treatises, 12 vol. ... i833-3() 8vo.
Bristol. Acts of Parliament relating to the City of
Bristol, 3 vol. ... Lond. 1734-1840 fol.
Bristol Charities, see Report.
British Critic and Quarterly Theological Review, vol.
13—32. ... 1833-42
British Magazine, vol. 1—22. ... 1832-42 8vo.
-j-Britton (John). Dictionary of Architecture and
Archaelogy, part 3, 4. ... 1838 8vo.
fBrockedon (Wm.) Passes of the Alps, by which
Italy communicates with France, Svritzerland, and
Germany, 2 voh ... 1828 4to.
Brogden (James). Illustrations of the Liturgy and
Ritual ; selected from Divines of the XVIIth
Century, 3 vol. ... 1842 8vo.
Brougham (Lord). Discourse of Natural Theology,
(Introductory to Paley). ... 1835 8vo.
Dissertations on Subjects of Science connected with
Natural Theology, 2 vol. ... 1839 8vo.
Speeches, with Historical Introductions, 4 vol. Edin. 1838 8vo.
Historical Sketches of Statesmen in the time of
George HI, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1839 8vo.
Brown (Rob.) On the Botany of Terra Australis, 1814 4to.
Brown (C.A.) Shakspeare's Autobiographical Poems:
being his Sonnets clearly developed. 1838 8vo.
Browne (SirTho.) Works, including his Life and Cor-
respondence; edited by S. Wilkin, 4 vol. 1836 8vo.
+Brunet (J. C.) Supplement au Manuel du Libraire,
3 torn. ... ... Paris, 1834 8vo.
*Brydges (Sir Harford J.) Account of a Mission to
the Court of Persia, in 1807-11, with a History
of the Wahaubv, 2 vol. — Lond. 1834 8vo.
Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau, by an Old
Man. ... Lond. 1834 8vo.
Buckingham (J. S.) Travels in Assyria, Media, and
Persia, 2 vol. ... 1830 8vo.
Buckland ( Wm.) Geology and Mineralogy considered
with reference to Natural Theology, (Bridgewater
Treatise) 2 vol. ... 1836 8vo.
Buffon (Comte de). CEuvres Completes; par M. le
Comte de Lacepede, 12 tom. Paris, 1817-18 Svo.
Bull (Bp.) Sermons. ... Oxf. 1840 8vo.
Bulwer (Sir Edward L.) England and the English,
2 vol. ... LoncL 1833 8vo.
Athens, its Rise and Fall, with Views of the Litera-
ture, &c. of the Athenian People, 2 vol. Lond. 1837 8vo.
Eva, and other Poems. ... 1842 12mo.
Burgon (J. W.) Life and Times of Sir Thomas Gres-
ham, 2 vol. ... ... • 1839 Svo.
Burke (John.) Genealogical and Heraldic History of
the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland,
4 vol. ... ... 1837-38 Svo.
Bumes (Sir Alex.) Travels into Bokhara; and Voy-
age on the Indus, 3 vol. ... 1834 Svo.
Cabool : a Journey to, and Residence in that City hi
1836-37-38. ... 1842 Svo.
Burnet (Bp.) Lives, Characters, and Address to Pos-
terity; edited by Bp. Jebb. ... 1833 Svo.
Burton ( Edw.) History of the Christian Church ; from
the Ascension of Jesus Christ to Constantine. 1836 1 2mo.
Chronology of the Acts of the Apostles, and of St.
Paul's Epistles. ... Oxf. 1830 Svo.
Burton (Edw.) Lectures upon the Ecclesiastical His-
tory of the First, Second, and Third Centuries,
2 vol. ... Oxf. 1831-33 8vo.
*Buxton (T. F.) The African Slave Trade and its
Remedy. ... Lond. 1840 8vo.
CALAMY (EDM.) Life of Baxter ; with an Account
of Ministers ejected by the Act of Unifonnity,
4 vol. ... Lond. 1713-27 8vo.
•{-^Calendars of the Proceedings in Chancery, in the
Reign of Queen Elizabeth, vol. 2, 3. 1830-32 fol.
*Calvin (Jean). Commentaires sur Josue, et sur
Isaie. ... Geneve, 1565 fol.
Camden Society. Historical Documents, Letters, An-
cient Poems, &c. published by the Camden Society;
vol. 1—21. ... Lond. 1838—43 4to.
1. Arrival of Edw. IV. in England, a. d. 1471.
2. Kyng Johan, a Play ; by Bp. Bale.
3. Poems on Richard II.
4. The Plumpton Correspondence.
5. Anecdotes and Traditions.
6. Political Songs, from John to Edw. II.
7. Hayward's Annals of Q. Elizabeth.
8. Ecclesiastical Documents.
9. Norden's Description of Essex.
10. Warkworth's Chronicle, 1461—1474.
1 1. Kemp's Nine Daies Wonder.
12. The Egerton Papers.
13. Chronicle of Josceline de Brakelond, 1157 — 1211.
14. Ciilia's Commotion in Clare, 1641-42.
O'Kelly's ' Macai'ipe Excidimn.' 1692.
15. Chronicle of William de Rishanger. Hen. III.
Miracles of Simon de Montfort.
16. Latin Poetry of Walter Mapes.
17. Travels of Nicander Nucius. Hen. VIII.
18. Three Early English Metrical Romances.
19. Diar}'^, &c. of Doctor John Dee.
20. Apology for the Lollards, (attributed to Wicliffe.)
21. The Rutland Papers.
Campbell (Tho.) Poetical Works. ... Lond. 1836 l2mo.
Life of Mrs. Siddons, 2 vol. ... 1834 8vo.
Letters from the South, 2 vol. .. 1837 8vo.
Life of Petrarch, 2 vol. ... 1841 8vo.
Cardwell ( Edw. ) Documentary Annals of the Reformed
Churchof England, 1546-1716, 2 vol. Oxf. 1839 8vo.
Carlyle (Tho.) The French Revolution. A History,
3 vol. ... ... Lond. 1837 8vo.
Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, 5 vol. 1840 12mo.
Sartor Resartus ; or Life and Opinions of Herr Teu-
felsdrockh. ... 1841 12mo.
Carlyon (Clement). Early Years and Late Reflections, 1836 8vo.
Carmichael (Mrs.) Domestic Manners of the West
Indies, 2 vol. ... 1833 12mo.
Carne (John). Letters from Switzerland and Italy. 1 834 8vo.
*Carpenter (Lant). Principles of Education, Intellec-
tual, Moral, and Physical. ... 1820 8vo,
*Review of the Life, Labours, Opinions, and Charac-
ter of Rajah Rammohun Roy. Bristol, 1833 8vo.
Carpenter (R. L.) Memoir of the Life of Lant Car-
penter. ... 1842 8vo.
Carpenter (W. B.) Principles of General and Com-
parative Physiology, ... Land. 1839 8vo.
Princijiles of Human Physiology. ... 1842 8vo.
Cai'ter (Edmmid). History of the County of Cam-
bridge. ... . 1819 8vo.
Carwithen (J. B. S.) History of the Church of Eng-
land, vol. 3. ... 1833 8vo.
*Caswall (Hen.) America, and the American Church. 1839 8vo.
*City of the Mormons. ... 1842 12mo.
f Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum,
vol 1. ... 1841 fol.
f *Catalogue of the Library of the London Institution,
vol. 1,2. ... 1835-40 8vo.
fLondon Catalogue of Books, 1814-1839. 1839 8vo.
*Catalogue of the Leeds Library. ... Leeds, 1836 8vo.
-)-*Catalogues of Books on Sale by Bohn and others.
Catalogus Librorum qui in Bibliotheca Cathedralis
Eliensis adservantur. ... . Lond. 1815 8vo.
Catlin (Geo.) Letters and Notes on the Manners,
Customs, &c, of the North American Indians,
2 vol. ... 1841 8vo.
Cattermole (R.) Book of the Cartoons. 1837 8vo.
Cavendish (Sir Henry), see Debates.
Cellarius (C.) Notitia Orbis Antiqui : illustravit et
auxit C. Schwartz, 2 torn. ... Lips. 1773 4to.
* Cervantes (Miguel de). Don Quixote de la Mancha.
Edicion con-egida por la Real Academia Espanola,
4 tom. ... Madrid, 1782 12mo.
Chalmers (Alex.) Works of the English Poets, from
Chaucer to Cowper; with the most approved Trans-
lations, 21 vol. ... Lond. 1810 8vo.
Chalmers (Tho.) Adaptation of External Nature to
the Moral and Intellectual Condition of Man,
(Bridge water Treatise) 2 vol. ... Lond. 1833 8vo.
Lectures on the Establishment and Extension of
National Churches. ... Glasgow, 1838 8vo.
Sufficiency of the Parochial System without a Poor
Rate. ... J 841 12mo.
Champollion. Lettres ecrites D'Egypte et de Nubie, en
1828 et 1829. ... Paris, 1833 8vo.
*Charges; by Bps. Allen, Bagot, Blomfield, Copleston,
Denison, Doane, Mant, Monk, Musgrave, Pepys,
Philpott, Sumner: by Archdeacons Hare, Man-
ning, Thorpe, Wilberforce. ... Lond. 1835-42 8vo.
Chateaubriand (Francois A.) Genie du Christianisme,
2 torn. ... ... Paris, 1802 8vo.
Chatham. CoiTespondence of William Pitt, Earl of
Chatham; edited by W. S. Taylor and J. S.
Pringle, 4 vol. ... Land. 1838-40 8vo.
Chatterton (Thomas). Poetical Works, with Notices
of his Life, &c. 2 vol. ... Camb. \842 12mo.
*A Letter to the Admirers of Chatterton, by
E. M. ... Bath, 1838 8vo.
See Rowley.
*Chaubard (L. A.) Elemens de Geologie mis a la
Portee de tout le Monde. ... Paris, 1833 8vo.
China. Historical and Descriptive Account of China,
(Edin. Cab. Lib.) 3 vol. ... Edin. 1836 12mo.
*Christie (W. D.) Explanation of the Scheme of
the London Library, ... Lond. 1841 8vo.
Chronicles of London Bridge, by an Antiquary.
(Fam. Lib.) ... 1839 12nio.
*Clironicon Mirabile seu ExcerptaMemorab. e Regislris
Parochialibus Com. Pal. Dunelm. Bishopivere. 1825 8vo.
*Clark (Z.) Account of Charities in the County of
Norfolk. ... Bunj, 1811 8vo.
Clark (T. H.) Domestic Architecture of Queen Eli-
zabeth and James I., illustrated by Views of
English Mansions. ... Lond. 1833 8vo.
Clarke (J. B. B.) Catalogue of European and Asiatic
MSS. in the Library of Dr. Adam Clarke. 1835 8vo.
*Clarke (Wm. L. ) Letter to William Fripp,
Esq. ... ... Bristol, 1836 8vo.
Clarke (Adam), see Account.
Clarkson (Tho.) Strictures on the Life of W. Wil-
berforce. ... Lond. 1838 8vo.
Clinton (H. F.) Fasti Hellenici. The Civil and
Literary Chronology of Greece, from the LVtli
Olympiad to the Death of Augustus, 2 vol. Oxf. 1827-30 4to.
*Les Huit Codes ; avec Indication de leurs Articles
Correlatifs. ... Paris, 1833 12mo.
Coleridge (S. T.) The Friend: a Series of Essays,
3 vol. ... Lond. 1818 8vo.
Biographia Literaria; or Biographical Sketches of
my Literary Life and Opinions, 2 vol. in 1. 1817 8vo.
Table Talk, 2 vol. ... 1835 12mo.
Letters, Conversations, and Recollections of S. T.
Coleridge, 2 vol. ... 1836 8vo.
Literary Remains ; edited by Hen. Nelson Coleridge,
4 vol. ... 1838-39 8vo.
Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit. 1840 12mo.
Coleridge (Hen. Nelson). Introduction to the Study
of the Greek Classics ... 1830 8vo.
Coleridge (Hartley). Poems, vol. 1. Leeds, 1833 8vo.
Lives of Illustrious Worthies of Yorkshire, &c. Hull, 1835 8vo.
Collection of Coats of Arms borne by the Nobility and
Gentry of the County of Glocester. Lond. 1792 4to.
Collection of Documents from the MS. Library of
C. C. C. Cambridge; edited by J. Lamb, Dean of
Bristol. ... ... 1838 8vo.
Collections from the Greek Anthology, by R. Bland,
J. H. Merivale, and others. ... 1833 8vo.
Collins (C. Trelawny). Perranzabuloe, the Lost
Church found : or the Church of England not a
new Church. ... 1837 8vo.
Combe (Andrew) . Physiology of Digestion, considered
with relation to the Principles of Dietetics. Edin. 1836 8vo.
Princii^les of Physiology applied to the Preservation
of Health, and the Improvement of Education, 1836 8vo.
Combe (Geo.) Constitution of Man considered in
relation to External Objects. ... 1836 12mo.
Moral Philosophy; or Duties of Man in his Indivi-
dual and Social Capacities. ... 1841 8vo.
Condillac (S. B.) (EuvTes, 23 torn. ... Paris, 1798 8vo.
Conference between Archbishop Laud, aJid Fisher the
Jesuit. ... Oxf. 1839 8vo.
Conolly (Arthur). Journey to the North of India,
through Russia, Persia, and AfTghaunistaun,
2 vol. ... ... Lond. 1838 8vo.
fConstantinus (R.) liexiconGreeco-Latinum. Geneva, \592 fol.
*Conybeare ( W. D.) Lectures on the Criticism, Inter-
pretation, and Doctrines of the Bible. Lond. 1834 12mo.
Examination of the Writings of the Christian Fathers,
(Bamp. Lect. 1839.) ... 1839 8vo.
Conybeare (W. D.) Account of the Landslips at Ax-
mouth, on tlie South-East Coast of Devon, Lond. 1840 4to,
Cooke ( G. W. ) Memoirs of Lord Bolingbroke,
2 vol. ... ... 1835 8vo.
*Cooper (C.P.) Account of Proceedhigs in Parliament
relative to the Court of Chancery, &c. ■ 1828 8vo.
Copland (James). Dictionary of Practical Medicine,
part 1—8. ... 1833-42 8vo.
Corneille (P.) Theatre; avec des Commentaires de
Voltaire, 12 torn. ... Paris, 1765 8vo.
Corney (Bolton). "Curiosities of Literature, by J.
Disraeli," Illustrated. ... Lo)id. 1838 8vo.
Cornwall. The Parochial History of Cornwall ; edited
by Davies Gilbert, 4 vol. ... 1838 8vo.
Correspondence (Thirty Years') between Bp. Jebb and
Alex. Knox, edited by C. Forster, 2 vol. 1834 8vo.
Costello (Louisa S.) Pilgrimage to Auvergne, from
Picardy to Le Velay, 2 vol. ... 1842 8vo.
Cottle (Joseph). Early Recollections; chiefly relating
to S. T. Coleridge, 2 vol. ... 1837 8vo.
Cotton (Hen.) Typographical Gazetteer. Oxf. 1831 Svo.
f *Covarruvias (Sebastian de). Tesoro de la Lengua
Castellana, o Espafiola. ... Madrid, 1611 fol.
Coverdale. Memorials of Myles Coverdale, Bishop of
Exeter. ... Lond. 1838 Svo.
Courteney (Rt. Hon. T. P.) Memoirs of the Life,
Works, and Correspondence of Sir W. Temple, 2 vol. 1836 Svo.
Cousin (Victor). Report on State of Public Insti'uc-
tion in Prussia; ti'anslated by Sarah Austin. 1834 12mo.
State of Education in Holland, translated by Leo-
nard Horner. ... 1838 Svo.
Cowper (Wm.) Works; with a Life of the Author
by Robert Southey, 15 vol. ... Loud. 1836-37 12mo.
fCrabb (Geo.) Technological Dictionary, or Expla-
nation of Teniis used in the Arts and Sciences,
2 vol. ... 1823 4to.
Crabbe (Geo.) Poetical Works ; with his Life by his
Son, 8 vol. ... 1834 12mo.
Cramer (J. A.) Description of Ancient Greece;
with a Map, 3 vol. ... Oxf. 1828 8vo.
Geographical and Historical Description of Asia
Minor. ... 1832 8vo.
Crawford (John). Journal of an Embassy to the
Courtof Avain 1827. ... Lond. 18Q9 4to.
Crichton (Andrew). History of Arabia, (Edin. Cab.
Lib.) 2 vol. ... Edin. 1834 12mo.
Croker (T. C.) Memoirs of Joseph Holt; edited from
his Origmal MS. 2 vol. ... Loud. 1838 8vo.
Croly (Geo.) Memoir of the Political Life of
Edmund Burke, 2 vol. ... 1840 Svo.
Croly (David O.) Ecclesiastical Finance of the R. C.
Church in Ireland. ... Cork, 1834 12mo.
Cumberland (George). Thoughts on Outline, Sculp-
ture, &c. ... Loud. 1796 4to.
Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine; edited by J. Forbes,
A. Tweedie, and J. ConoUy, 4 vol. 1833-35 Svo.
DAILLE (John). Treatise on the Right Use of the
Fathers, edited by G. Jeky 11. ... 1841 Svo.
Dallaway (James). Series of Discourses upon Archi-
tecture in England. ... Lond. 1833 8vo.
Antiquities of Bristovv, with the Topography of Wm.
Wyrcestre, and Life of Wm. Canynges. Bristol, 1834 8vo.
Daniel (W. B.) Rural Sports, 4 vol. Lond. 1807-13 4to.
Dansey (Wm.) Horse Decanicse Rurales. An At-
tempt to illustrate the Name and Title, Origin,
&c. of Rural Deans, 2 vol. ... 1835 4to.
DAnville. Compendium of Ancient Geograjjhy,
2 vol. ... 1791 8vo.
Maps. ... 1802 fol.
DArgenville (Ant. Jos.) Ahrege de la Vie des
plus Fameux Peintres : avec leurs Portraits,
3 torn. ... ... Paris, 1745-52 4to.
Daubeny (Charles). Three Lectures on Agriculture ;
delivered at Oxford. ... Lond. 1841 8vo.
D'Aubigne (J. H. Merle). History of the Reformation
of the XVItli Century in Germany, Switzerland,
&c. vol. 1, 2, 3. ... 1838-41 8vo.
Davenport (R. A.) History of the Bastile, and its
principal Captives. (Fam. Lib.) ... 1828 12mo.
Davies (CM.) History of Holland, from the Tenth
to the Eighteenth Century, vol. 1, 2. • 1841-42 8vo.
Davies (John). History of the Caribby Islands : with
a Vocabulary. ... 1666 fol.
Davis (J. F.) Description of the Empire of China
and its Inhabitants, 2 vol. ... 1840 12mo.
Davison (John). Remains and Occasional Publica-
tions. ... Oxf. 1842 Svo.
Davy (John). Memoirs of the Life of Sir Humphry
Davy, 2 vol. ... Lond. ]S'36 Svo.
Dauney (Win.) Ancient Scottish Melodies; with an
Inquiry illustrative of the History of the Music of
Scotland. .. Edin. 1838 4to.
Deane (J, Bathurst). Worship of the Serpent traced
throughout the World. ... Loud. 1833 8vo.
Debates in the House of Commons, 1768-1774: re-
ported by Sir Henry Cavendish, vol. 1. 1841 8vo.
Debrett's Baronetage of England ; edited by W. Court-
hope. ... 1835 Svo.
De la Beche ( H. T. ) How to Observe. Geology. 1 835 Svo.
Report on the Geology of Cornwall, Devon, and
West Somerset. ... 1839 Svo.
De la Croix. Abrege Chronologique de I'Histoire
Ottomane, 2 torn. ... Paris, 1768 12mo.
De Lamartine (Alphonse). Souvenirs, Pensees, et
Pay sages, pendant un Voyage en Orient, (1832-
35,) 4 tom. ... Bruxelles, 1835 12mo.
DeUtiae CC. Italorum Poetarum, collectore Ranutio
Ghero, 4 tom. ... 1608 12mo.
Denison (Bp.) Sermons preached before the Univer-
sity of Oxford. ... Oa/. 1836 Svo.
*Description of the Fossil Skull of an Ox, discovered at
Melksham. ... Lond. 1839 4to.
De Stael (Baron A.) Letters on England. 1830 Svo.
Dewey (Orville). The Old World and the New; a
Journal of Observations made on a Tour in
Europe, 2 vol. ... 1836 12mo.
D'Haussez (Baron). Great Britain in 1833, 2 vol. 1833 12mo.
Diary of a Physician, see Warren.
Dibdin (T. F. ) Bibliotheca Spenceriana ; a descriptive
Catalogue of Books in the Library of Earl Spencer,
printed in the XVth Century, 4 vol. 1814 Svo.
Dibdin (T, F.) Aedes Althorpianae ; an Account of
the Mansion, Books, and Pictures, at Althorp, 2 vol. 1822 8vo.
Reminiscences of a Literary Life, 2 vol. Lond. 1836 8vo.
Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour
in the Northern Counties of England, and in
Scotland, 2 vol. ... 1838 8vo.
See Typog. Antiq.
Dick (A. C.) Dissertations on Church Polity. Edin. 1835 8vo.
Dickens (Charles). American Notes for General Cir-
culation, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1842 8vo.
fDictionnaire de I'Academie Francoise, 2 tom. Paris, 1822 4to.
Dix (John). Life of Thomas Chatterton. Bristol, 1837 12mo.
Local Legends and Rambling Rhymes. 1839 12mo.
The Doctor, &c. 6 vol. ... Lond. 1834-38 8vo.
Dodwell (Hen.) De Veteribus Grsecorum Romano-
rumque Cyclis Dissertationes X. Oxon. 1701 4to.
*Domestic Portraiture ; Memoirs of Three Children of
Legh Richmond. ... Lond. 1834 ]2mo.
Donaldson (W. L.) Connection of Heraldry with
Gothic Architecture. ... 1837 8vo.
Donaldson (J. W.) New Cratylus, or Contributions
towards a more accurate Knowledge of the Greek
Language. ... Camb. 1839 8vo.
Donovan (Mic.) Domestic Economy, vol. 2, (Cab.
Cyc.) ... ... Land. 1837 12nio.
Douglas (James). Truths of Religion. Edin. 1832 8vo.
*Dowling (J. G.) Letter to Maitland on the Opinions
of the Paulicians. ... Lond. 1835 8vo.
Drew. Life, Character, and Literary Labours of
Samuel Drew. ... 1834 8vo.
*Du Bartas. Divine Weekes and Works ; translated by
Joshua Sylvester. ... 1641 fol.
f*Ducatus Lancastriaj. Pars Qiiarta. Calendar to
Proceedings, temp. Eliz. ... Lond. 1834 fol,
Dudley (Earl of). Letters to the Bishop of Llandaff. 1841 8vo.
Duke (Edw.) Prolusioiies Historiccc; Essays illustra-
tive of the Halle of John Halle of Salishury,
vol. 1. ... ... Salisb. 1837 8vo.
Dwight (Timothy). Theology explained and defended,
in a Series of Sermons. ... Glasgow, 1831 8vo.
*EDEN (C. P.) Prize Essay on the Use and Ahuse
of Theory. ... Oxf. 1831 8vo.
*Eden (John), see Psalms.
Edinburgh Review, vol. 58-76. ... E(/m. 1833-42 8vo.
Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, vol. 28-46. 1833-42 8vo.
Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, vol. 39 —
58. ... ... 1833-42 8vo.
Edmonds (T. R.) Practical, Moral, and Political
Economy. ... Lond, 1828 Svo.
Ellis (Wm.) History of Madagascar, 2 vol. 1838 8vo.
Elmes (James). Dictionary of the Fine Arts. 1826 8vo.
Elmsleiana Crilica, pars 1, Notas in Euripidem conti-
nens; edit. F. E. Gretton. ... Cantab. 1833 Svo.
Elphinstone (Hon. Mountstuart). History of India,
vol. 1, 2. ... Lond. 1841 Svo.
Elton (Sir C. A.) Boyhood: with other Poems, and
Translations. . 1835 Svo.
f Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 7 — 21, and General
Index. ... Edin. 1833-42 4to.
English Poets, nee Chalmers.
Enoch. Book of Enoch the Prophet, an Apocryphal
Production; translated from the Ethiopic by Abp.
Lawrence. ... Oxf. 1836 8vo.
Epistles of Clement, Polycarp, and Ignatius: Apologies
of .Justin Martyr and Tertullian ; translated by T.
Chevallier. ... Lond. 1833 8vo.
Essays on the Principles of Charitable Institutions. 1836 8vo.
*Esop's Fables, in Chinese; by Mun Mooy Seen-
Shang, and an English Translation, by his Pupil
Sloth. ... Canton, 1840 4to.
*Essays on the Church, by a Layman. Lond. 1838 12mo,
*Evans (R. W.) Bishopric of Souls. 1842 12mo.
*Eucharistica. Meditations and Prayers on the Eu-
charist, from Old English Divines: with an Intro-
duction by Adn. S. Wilberforce. ... 1839 12mo.
Evelyn (John). Miscellaneous Writings, edited by
W. Upcott. ... 1835 4to.
^Evidence on Drunkenness, presented to the House of
Commons. ... 1834 8vo.
Eusebius. Leaves from Eusebius : selected from the
Evangelical Preparation, by Henry Street. 1842 8vo.
Eyre (Vincent). Military Operations at Cabul in 1842,
with a Journal of Imprisonment in Affghanistan. 1843 8vo.
Exley (Tho.) Important Facts, embracing Results in
Chemistry. ... Bristol, 1837 8vo.
Extracts from Information on the Administration, &c.
of the Poor Laws, ... Lond, 1834 8vo.
FABER (George S.) Apostolicity of Triiiitarianisni,
2 vol. ... Lond. 1832 8vo.
*Faber (F. W.) Tracts ou the Church and her Offices. 1840 12mo.
Falconer (Will.) Dictionary of the Marhie : enlarged
by Wm. Burney. ... 1830 4to.
Fellows (Charles). Journal during an Excursion in
Asia Minor. ... 1839 8vo.
Account of Discoveries in Lycia during a Second
Excursion in Asia Minor. ... 1841 4to.
Feuerbach (Anselm Von). Account of Casper Hauser. 1834 12uio.
Fittou (W. H.) Geological Sketch of the Vicinity of
Hastings. ... 1833 12ino.
Flaxman (John). Lectures on Sculptui'e. 1829 8vo.
Fletcher (James). History of Poland. 1831 8vo.
Fleury (L'Abbe). Ecclesiastical History from A. D.
381 — 400, with Notes and an Essay on Miracles
by J. H. Newman. ... Oxf. 1842 8vo.
Fonblanque (Albany). England under Seven Admi-
nistrations, 3 vol. ... Lond. 1837 8vo.
Forbes (James). Oriental Memoirs; written during
Seventeen Years' Residence in India, 4 vol. 1813 4to.
Foreign Quarterly Review, vol. 12— 30. 1833-42 8vo.
Forster (Charles). Life of Bishop Jebb, 2 vol. 1836 8vo.
Apostolical Authority of the Epistle to the Hebrews. 1838 8vo.
Fosbroke (T. D.) Foreign Topography; an Account
of Ancient Remains. (Sequel to Ency. of Antiq.) 1828 4to.
*Foster (James). Christian Revelation Defended. 1731 8vo.
Foster (John). Essay on the Evils of Pojmlar Igno-
rance. ... 1834 8vf).
Franklin (John). The Ancient Ballad of Chevy Chace
Illustrated. ... Lond. 1836 4to.
Freycinet (Louis de). Voyage autour du Monde;
execute sur les Corvettes de S. M. I'Oranie et la
Physicienue, pendant les annees 1817, 18, 19, 20,
8 torn. ... Paris, 1826-39 4to.
t Atlas, 3 torn. ... 1824-26 fol.
*Fripp (C. B.) Statistics of Popular Education in
Bristol. ... Bristol, 1837 8vo.
Froude (Ric. Hurrell). Remains, 4 vol. Derby, 1838-39 8vo.
f *Fry (Edm.) Pantographia, with MS. Additions by
the Author, ... Lond. 1799 8vo.
Fuller (Tho.) Holy and Profane State. 1652 fol.
Pisgah-Sight of Palestine and the Confines thereof. 1650 fol.
*GABELL (J. H. L.) The Accordance of Religion
with Nature. ... Lond. 1842 8vo.
Gall, Viraont, and Brouissais, on the Functions of the
Cerebellum, translated by Geo. Combe. Edin. 1838 8vo.
Gambold (W.) Compendious Welsh Grammar; with
a Vocabulary. ... Bala, 1833 12mo.
Gaskell (P.) The Manufacturing Population of Eng-
land, its Moral, Social, and Physical Condition. 1833 8vo.
Gentleman's Magazine, New Series, vol. 1 — 18. Lond. 1 834-42 8vo,
Gerard (Alex.) Account of Koonawur in the Hima-
laya ; edited by Geo. Lloyd. ... 1841 8vo.
See Lloyd.
Gibbon (Edw.) Decline and Fall of the Roman Em-
pire: with Notes by H. H. Milman, 12 vol. 1838 8vo.
Gibbon (Edw.) Life : with Selection from his Corres-
pondence, by H. H. Milinan. ... Lond. 1839 8vo.
Giflard (Edw.) Short Visit to the Ionian Islands,
Athens, and the Morea. ... 1837 8vo.
Gilbert (Danes), see Cornwall.
Gillman (James). Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
vol. 1. ... 1838 8vo.
Gladstone (Rt. Hon. AV. E.) The State in its rela-
tions with the Church. ... 1831 8vo.
Church Principles considered in their Results. 1840 8vo.
Gleig (G. R.) Memoirs of the Life of Warren
Hastings, 3 vol. ... 1841 8vo.
Glocester. see Collection.
Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian,
and Gothic Architecture, 3 vol. Oxford, 1840-41 8vo.
*Glover (F. A.) Two Sermons on the Church: with
a List of the Bishops of the Patriarchate of
Britain. ... Lond. 1839 12mo.
What is Queen Anne's Bounty ? The Question
answered. ... 1840 8vo.
Goethe (W. J.) Theory of Colours; translated by
C. L. Easilake. ... 1840 8vo.
Goethe and his Contemporaries: from the German
of Falk, Von Miiller, &c. by Sarah Austin,
3 vol. ... 1836 8vo.
Goldsmith (Oliver). Miscellaneous Works; including
Pieces now first Collected, by James Prior, 4
vol. ... 1837 8vo.
Goldsmith (Lewis). Statistics of France. • 1837 8vo.
Goodman (I'p.) Covu-t of King James L; edited by
J. S. Brewer, 2 vol. ... 1839 8vo.
Gordon (Hunter). Present State of the Controversy
between tlie Protestant and Roman Catholic
Churches. ... Lond. 1837 12mo.
*Graham (Mary Jane). Test of Truth. 1834 l2mo.
Graham (Thomas). Elements of Chemistry, including
the Applications of the Science in the Arts. 1842 8vo.
Grammaticse Latinse Auctores Antiqui. opera et studio
H. Putchii. ... Hanovice, 1605 4to.
Grant (Asahel). Nestorians ; or the Lost Tribes :
containing Evidence of their Identity. Lond. 1841 8vo.
Granville (A. B.) Spas of Germany, 2 vol. 1838 8vo.
Spas of England, and principal Sea-Bathing Places,
3 vol. ... 1841 8vo.
Grattan (Rt. Hon. Henry). Speeches in Parliament,
4 vol. ... 1822 8vo.
Grattan (Henry). Memoirs of the Life and Times of
the Rt. Hon. Henry Grattan, 4 vol. 1839-42 8vo.
Gray (Mrs. H.) Tour to the Sepulchres of Etruriain
1839. ... 1840 8vo.
Great Metropolis ; by the Author of Random Recol-
lections : 4 vol. ... 1836-37 Svo.
*Greeves (A. F. A.) Account of the Medicinal Wa-
ters of Ilkeston, Derbyshire. ... Notting. 1833 Svo.
*Gres]ey (William). Portrait of an English Church-
man. ... Lond. 1839 12mo.
*Clement Walton ; or the English Citizen. 1840 12mo.
*Siege of Lichfield ; a Tale illustrative of the Great
Rebellion. ... 1840 12mo.
*0n Restoration of the National Church. 1841 8vo.
* Bernard Leslie ; a Tale of the last Ten
Years. ... 1842 12mo.
Greswell (Edw.) Dissertation upon the Principles
and Arrangement of a Harmony of the Gospels,
3 vol. ... Oxf. 1830 8vo.
Harmonia Evangelica, sive IV Evangelia Graece pro
Temporis et Rermn Serie in Partes Quinque dis-
tributa. ... Oxon. 1834 8vo.
Grey (Zachary). Notes on Shakspeare, with Emenda-
tions of the Text and Metre, 2 vol. Lond. 1754 8vo.
Grey (Geo.) Journals of Two Expeditions of Dis-
covery in N. West and Western Australia, in
1837-8-9, 2 vol. ... 1841 8vo.
*Grinfield (E. W.) Inquiry into the Nature and Im-
port of the Image and Likeness of God in Man. 1837 8vo.
*Grinfield (Thomas). Lecture on Imagination and
Poetry. ... Bristol, 1841 8vo.
*Groves (J. R.) Observation on the Utility of Floating
Breakwaters. ... Lond. 1842 8vo.
Grund (F. J.) The Americans in their Moral, Social,
and Political Relations, 2 vol. ... 1837 8vo.
*Guarini (Battista). II Pastor Fido, &c. Venef. 1621 4to.
Guerry (A. M.) Essai sur la Statistique Morale de la
France. ... Paris, 1833 4to.
Guest (Edwin). A History of English Rhythms,
2 vol. ... Lond. 1838 8vo.
Guicciardini (Fr.) Storia d'ltalia; con una Prefazione
di C. Botta, 6 tom. ... Parigi, 1832 8vo.
Guizot. Lectures on European Civilization, translated
by P. M. Beckwith. ... Lond. 1837 8vo.
Washington; translated by Henry Reeve. 1840 8vo.
Gumey (.T. J.) A Winter in the West Indies, de-
scribed in Familiar Letters. ... 1841 8vo.
4to. j
Gutzlaff (Charles). Journal of Three Voyages along
the Coast of Chma, 1831-33. ... Lond. 1834 8vo.
China Opened ; a display of the Topography, History,
&c. of the Chinese Empire, 2 vol. 1838 8vo.
HACKET (John). Select and Remarkable Epitaphs,
2 vol. ... ...
Hackett (Bp.) Memorial of Abp. Williams.
Hakluyt. Supplement to his Voyages, &c.
*Haldane (R.) Duty of paying Tribute enforced.
Halford (Sir H.) Essays and Orations read and de-
livered at the Royal College of Physicians. 1831 8vo.
Hall (Robert). Works; edited by Olinthus Gregory,
6 vol. ... ... 1832-33 8vo.
*Hall (John). Family Prayers. ... Bristol, 1836 12mo.
*Explanatory Discourses on the Epistles for Sundays
and Principal Festivals, 2 vol. ... 1839 8vo.
*Occasional Sermons, chiefly Funeral. 1843 8vo.
Hall (J. J.) Life and Correspondence of Henry Salt,
2 vol. ... Lond. 1834 8vo.
Hall (Basil). Fragments of Voyages and Travels,
Third Series, 3 vol. ... 1833 12mo.
Schloss Hainfeld ; or a Winter in Lower Styria. ^6?m. 1836 8vo.
Patch-work, 3 vol. ... Lond. 1841 8vo.
Hall (G. W.) Connection between Landlord and
Tenant, and Tenant and Labourer. 1841 8vo.
*Hallam (Hen.) Introduction to the Literature of
Europe in the 15th, 16th, and 17th Centuries,
4 vol. ... 1837-39 8vo.
Hamilton (Walter). Description of Hindostan and the
Adjacent Countries, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1820 4to.
*Hamilton (Wm.) On the Cultivation of Wheat with-
in the Tropics. ... Plymouth, 1840 8vo.
Hampden (R. D.) Lectures Introductory to the Study
of Moral Philosophy. ... Lond. 1835 8vo.
*Inaugural Lecture at Oxford. ... 1836 8vo.
*Tracts relating to the Case of Dr. Hampden. 1836 8vo.
Hand-book; or Guide through Holland, Belgium,
Prussia, Northern Germany, &c. 1841 8vo.
Hansard (T. C.) Typographia : a Sketch of the Origin
and Progi-ess of the Art of Printing. 1825 8vo.
Harcourt (L.V.) Doctrine of the Deluge; vindicating
the Scripture Account, 2 vol. ... 1838 8vo.
Hare (Aug. W.) Sermons to a Country Congregation,
2 vol. ... ■ 1838 8vo.
Harford (John Scandrett), Life of Bishop Burgess. 1840 8vo.
Hartlibb (Sam.) Legacie : or an Enlargement of the
Discourse of Husbandry used in Brabant and
Flaunders. ... 1652 4to.
Hartshome (C. H.) Book Rarities in the University
of Cambridge. ... 1835 8vo.
Hanvood (Tho.) Alumni Etonenses. A Catalogue of
Pi;ovosts and Fellows of Eton and King's College,
Cambridge, from 1443 to 1797. Birmingham, 1797 4to.
Hase (Heinrich). Public and Private Life of the An-
cient Greeks. ... Lond. 1836 12mo.
Hawkins (Edw.) Discourses upon some of the prin-
cipal Objects and Uses of the Old Testament. Oxf. 1833 8vo.
Hazlitt (Wm.) Literary Remains, 2 vol. Lond. 1836 8vo.
Head ( Sir F. B . ) Life of Bruce, the African Traveller. 1 836 1 2mo.
See Bubbles. o
Head (Sir Geo.) Home Tour through the Manufac-
turing Districts, 2 vol. — Lond. 1836-37 8vo.
Forest Scenes and Incidents in the Wilds of North
America. ... 1838 8vo.
*Heathcote (W. B.) Documentary Illustrations of
the XXXIX Articles. ... Oaif. 1841 8vo.
Heeren (A. H. L.) Historical Researches into the
Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Principal
Nations of Antiquity, 3 vol. ... 1833 8vo.
Hemans (Mrs.) Works; with a Memoir of her Life,
by her Sister, 7 vol. ... Lond. 1839-40 12mo.
Henderson (E.) Divine Inspiration; or the Super-
natural Influence exerted in the Communication
of Divine Truth, &c. ... 1836 8vo.
Henslow (J. S.) Principles of Descriptive and Physio-
logical Botany, (Cab. Cyc.) ... 1835 12mo.
Herbert (George). Poems, and Remains, 2 vol. 1835-36 12mo.
Hermannus (Godof.) De Emendanda Ratione GrseccS
Grammaticse. ... Lips. 1801 8vo.
Herodianus. Historiarum Libri Octo. curante T. G.
Irmisch, 5 torn. ... 1789 8vo.
Herschell (Sir J. W. F.) Treatise on Astronomy.
(Cab. Cyc.) ' Lond. 1833 12mo.
Hippisley (J.H.) Chapters on Early English Litera-
ture. ... ... 1837 8vo.
*History and Description of the Royal Museum of
Natural History. ... Paris, 1823 8vo.
fHoare (Sir R. C.) History of North Wilts, part 2. 1821 fol.
Hoare (Clem.) On the Cultivation of the Grape Vine
on Open Walls. ... Lond. 1835 8vo.
Hodges (G. Lloyd). Narrative of the Expedition to
Portugal in 1832, 2 vol.
Hodgson (Stiulholme). Truths from the West Indies. 1838 8vo.
*Hodges (Edw.) Essay on the CiiUivation of Church
Music. ... N. York, 1841 8vo.
Hogarth (Geo.) Musical History, Biography, and
Criticism. ... Lond. 1835 12mo.
Homer. Iliads and Odysses; translated by George
Chapman, 2 vol. in 1. ... 1611-14 fol.
Holland (Hen.) Medical Notes and Reflections. 1840 8vo.
Hollings (J. F.) Life of Gusta\ais Adolphus, King of
Sweden. (Fam. Lib.) ... 1838 12mo.
Hook (W. F.) Church Dictionary. 1842 8vo.
Hooker (Richard). Works; with Additions: an-anged
by John Keble, 4 vol. ... O.i/. 1836 8vo.
Hooker (W.J.) British Flora. ... Lo^^^. 1835 8vo.
Hope (Tho.) Historical Essay on Architecture, 2 vol. 1835 8vo.
Analytical Index to Hope's Architecture, by Edward
Cresy. ... 1836 8vo.
*Horse Viaticse: the Author Mela Britannicus. 1836 12mo.
Horatius Restitutus. The Books of Horace in Chrono-
logical Order, according to the scheme of Bentley;
by J. Tate. ... 1837 8vo.
Q. Horatius Flaccus. Omnia Poemata, cum Scholiis
Aug. Pohtiani, &c. ... Venet. 1559 fol.
Home (T. H.) Introduction to the Critical Study and
Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, 4 vol. Land. 1839 8vo.
Horneman ( Fr. ) Voyage dans I'Afrique Septentrionale ;
augmente de Notes, &c. par L. Langles. Paris, 1 803 8vo.
Hoskins (G. A.) Travels in Ethiopia, above the second
cataract of the Nile. ... Lond. 1835 4to.
Howe (John). Works: with his Life by Edmund
Calamy, 2 vol. ... 1724 fol.
Howitt (Wm.) Rural Life of England, 2 vol. Loud. 183S 8vo.
Visits to Remarkable Places and Scenes illustrative
of English History and Poetry, 2 vol. 1 840-42 Svo.
Hudson (J. C.) Plain Directions for making
Wills. ... ... 1838 l2mo.
Hughes (T. S.) History of England from the accession
of George HI. (1760-1835.) 7 vol. 1836 8vo.
Hunter (Jos.) Hallamshire. History of the Parish of
Sheffield, in the County of York. 1819 fol.
*Disquisition on the Scene, Origin, &c. of Shakes-
peare's Tempest. ... 1839 Svo.
Huntingdon. Life and Times of Selina Countess of
Huntingdon, 2 vol. ... 1841 8vo.
Hutchinson (Graham). Essays on Unexplained Phe-
nomena. ... Glasgow, 1838 8vo.
.JACKSON (THOMAS). Works; edited by Barnabas
Oley, 3 vol. ... Lond. 1678 fol.
Jackson (J.) and Chatto (W. A.) Treatise on Wood
Engraving, Historical and Practical. 1839 8vo.
Jacob (J.) Annals of the British Norman Isles, con-
stituting the Bailiwick of Guernsey, part 1. Paris, 1830 Svo.
Jacquemont (Victor). Correspondance pendant son
Voyage dans llnde. (1828-32) 2 vol. 1833 Svo.
Jahn (Johan.) Archaeologia Biblica, a Manual of Bib-
lical Antiquities, translated by T.C. Upham. Oxf. 1816 Svo.
K. James I. Workes : edited by Bp. Montague, iont/. 1616 fol.
James (G. P. R.) On the Educational Institutions of
Germany. ... Lond. 1835 8vo.
Life and Times of Louis XIV, 4 vol. 1839 8vo.
James (Josepli). Poetry. ... Bristol, 184 1 8vo.
Jameson (]\Irs.) Handbook to the Public Galleries of
Art in and near London, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1842 8vo.
JaiTold (Tho.) Instinct and Reason investigated, with
a view to ascertain the Principles of the Science
of Education. ... 1836 8vo.
Jebb and Knox, see Con'espondence.
Jennings (David). Jewish Antiquities, 2 vol. 1766 8vo.
Jesse (.T. IT.) Court of England during the Reign of
the Stuarts, including the Protectorate, 4 vol. 1840-42 8vo.
Memoirs of the Court of England from 1688 to 1760,
3 vol. ... ... 1842 8vo.
Jesuits' Perspective, translated by E.Chambers. 4to.
Illustrations of Modem Sculpture; with Descriptions
by T. K. Hervey. ... 1834 4to.
Index in Tragicos Grsecos ; Auc. C. D. Beckio, et
B. W. Beatson, 3 torn. ... Cantab. 1830 8vo.
Inglis (Hen. D.) Journey throughout Ireland, in 1834,
2 vol. ... ... Lond. 1834 8vo.
Channel Islands of Jersey, Guernsey, &c. 1835 8vo.
Journey through Norvvay,Sweden,and Denmark. 1835 8vo.
Switzerland, the South of France, and the Pyre-
nees. ... ... 1835 8vo.
Spain, 2 vol. ... 1837 8vo.
Jocelyn (Lord). Six Months with the Chinese Ex-
pedition. ... 1841 I2mo.
fJodrell (R. P.) Philology of the English Language. 1820 4to.
Johnson (J. N.) Life of Thomas Linacre,M.D. 1835 8vo,
Johnsoniana; or Supplement to Boswell: being Anec-
dotes and Sayings of Dr. Johnson. Loud. 1836 8vo.
Jortin (John). Miscellaneous Observations on Authors,
Ancient and Modern, 2 vol. ... 1731-32 8vo.
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London,
vol. 2— 11. ... 1833-42 8vo.
Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society, vol. 1, 2. 1839-42 8vo.
Irenseus ( Sane. ) Contra Omnes Hgereses Libri V. cura
J. E. Grabe. ... 0.ro«. 1702 fol.
Irving (Washington). Torn- on the Prairies. Lond. 1835 8vo.
Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey. ... 1835 8vo.
Irving (J. T.) Indian Sketches, taken during an Ex-
pedition to the Pawnee and other tiibes of American
Indians, 2 vol. ... 1835 8vo.
Isaacson (Henry). Life and Death of Lancelot
Andrewes, Bp. of Winchester, ... 1829 8vo.
Junot (Madame), see Memoirs.
Jussieu ( A. L.) Genera Plantarum secundum Ordines
Naturales disposita. ... Paris, 1789 8vo.
KANT (IMMANUEL). Metaphysical Works ;
translated by J. Richardson. ... Lond. 1819-36 8vo.
*Kaye (Bp.) Account of the Writings and Opinions
of Clement of Alexandria. ... 1835 8vo.
Keating (Jeoffry). General History of Ireland. 1732 fol.
Keats (John). Poetical Works. ... 1841 12mo.
Keeling (William). Liturgise Britannicae. The Edi-
tions of the Book of Common Prayer arranged to
shew their respective Variations. ... ■ 1842 8vo.
Keith (Alex.) Denionstratioii of the Truth of the
Christian Rehgion. ... E din. IS38 12mo.
*Kelsall (C.) Letter on Bells. ... Lond. 1836 12mo.
*Kempthorue (J.) Reasons for reviving Convocations,
or restoring Provincial Synods. ... 1835 8vo.
Kendall (John ) . Elucidation of the Principles of Eng-
lish Architecture. ... 1818 8vo.
Ker (John). Essay on the Archaiology of Popular
English Phrases and Nursery Rhymes. Southamp. 1835 8vo.
Kidd (John). Adaptation of External Nature to the
Physical Condition of Man, ( Bridgewater Trea-
tise). ... Lond. 1833 8vo.
Kirhy (William). Monographia Apum AngHsc,
2 vol. ... Ipswich, 1802 8vo.
Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as manifested
in the Creation of Animals, their Instincts, &c.
(Biidgewater Treatise) 2 vol. ... Lond. 18.35 8vo.
Knapp (J. L.) Gramina Britannica; or Representa-
tions of British Grasses. ... 1842 4to.
Knight (H. G.) Architectural Tour in Normandy. 1836 8vo.
Normans in Sicily: a Sequel to the Tour in Nor-
mandy. • •• 1838 8vo.
Knighton (Lady). Memoirs of Sir Wm. Knighton,
2 vol. ... 1838 8vo.
Knox (Alexander). Remains, 4 vol. 1834-37 8vo.
Krummacher (F. W.) Elijah the Tishbite, translated
from the German. ... 1837 8vo.
Kiigler (Fr.) Hand-Book of the History of Painting ;
edited by C. L. Eastlake, part 1. ... 1842 8vo.
LABORDE (LEON DE). Journey through Arabia
Petrgea to Mount Sinai, and the Excavated City
ofPetra. ... Lond. 1836 8vo.
La Bruyere. Les Caracteres, suivis des Caracteres de
Theophraste, 2 torn. ... Parts, 1829 8vo.
Lacepede (Comte de). Histoire Naturelle. Suite et
CoiTii)lement des Qi^uvres de BufFon, 5 torn. 1819 8vo.
Laing (Sam.) Journal of a Residence hi Norway
during 1834-5-6. ... Lond. 1836 8vo.
Tour in Sweden in 1838. ... 1839 8vo.
Notes on the Social and Political State of France,
Prussia, Switzerland, Italy, &c. ... 1842 8vo.
Laird and Oldfield. Narrative of an Expedition into
the Intei'ior of Africa, by the River Niger,
2 vol. ... 1837 8vo.
Lamb (Chas.) Elia; First and Second Series, 2 vol. 1835 8vo.
Rosamund Gray : Recollections of Christ's Hospi-
tal, &c. ... 1835 8vo.
Poetical Works. ... 1836 12mo.
Letters; with a Sketch of his Life by T. N.Talfourd,
2 vol. ... 1837 8vo.
Lamb (Dean), see Collection.
Landor (W. S.) Imaginary Conversations, Second
Series, 3 vol. ... 1828-29 8vo.
Gebir, Count Julian, and other Poems. 1831 8vo.
Citation and Examination of W. Shakspeare, before
Sir Thomas Lucy, Knt. ... 1834 8vo.
Pericles and Aspasia, 2 vol. ... 1836 8vo.
Letters of a Conservative; on the Enghsli Church. 1836 8vo.
Landor (\V. S.) Pentanieron and Pentalogia. Land. 1837 8vo.
Andrea of Hungary, and Giovanna of Naples. 1839 8vo.
Fra Rupert. The last part of a Trilogy. 1840 8vo.
Lang (J. D.) Historical and Statistical Account of
New South Wales, 2 vol. ... 1834 12mo.
Langhorne (Dan.) ChroniconRegum Angloriun. 1775 8vo.
Lardner (-Nathaniel). Works, 10 vol. 1831 8vo.
Lardner (Dionys,) Treatise on Heat, (Cab. Cyc.) 1833 12mo.
Steam Engine familiarly explained and illustrated. 1836 12mo.
Latham (R. G.) The English Language. 1841 8vo.
Lathbury (Thomas). History of the Convocation of
the Church of England. ... 1842 12mo.
Latrobe (C. I.) Rambler in North America, 1832-33,
2 vol. ... 1835 8vo.
Rambler in Mexico. ... 1836 8vo.
Latrobe (J. A.) Scripture Illustrations; the Geogi-aphy
and Topography of the Bible. ... 1838 4to.
Lauder (Sir T. D.) Highland Rambles, 2 vol. £(/m. 1837 8vo.
Legendary Tales of the Highlands : a Sequel to
Highland Rambles, 3 vol. ... Lond. 1841 8vo.
Law (W^m.) Letters to Bishop Hoadley. Oxf. 1835 12mo.
Lawrance (Hannah). Memoirs of the Queens of Eng-
land, from the commencement of the XI 1th Cen-
tury, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1838-40 8vo.
Le Bas (C. W.) Life of Wiclif, (Theological Li-
brary.) ... 1832 12mo.
Life of Bp. Jewel, (Theolog. Lib.) ... 1835 12mo.
Le Cras (Ab. Jones). Laws, Customs, and Privileges
of the Island of Jersey. ... 1839 12mo.
Lee (Sam.) Controversial Tracts on Christianity and
Mohammedanism, translated and explained. Camb. 1824 8vo.
Lee (Sam.) Grammar of the Hebrew Language. Ca?«6. 1832 8vo.
fLexicon; Hebrew, Chaldee, and English. 1840 8vo.
Lee (Mrs. R.) Memou's of Baron Cuvier. Lond. 1833 8vo.
Le Long (J.) Bibliotheque Historique de la France,
2 torn. ... Paris, 1719 fol.
fLempriere (J.) Classical Dictionary; edited by E.
H. Barker. ... Lond. 1832 8vo.
Lemiep (J. D.) Etymologicmn Linguae Greecse ; cura-
vit Everardus Scheidius, 2 torn. Traj. ad Rhen. 1790 8vo.
Praelectiones Academicse, de Analogia Linguae Grsecee,
recensuit E. Scheidius. ... 1790 8vo.
Leslie (P. D.) Philosophical Inquiry into the Cause
of Animal Heat. . . . Lond. 1 778 8vo.
*Letter to the Bishop of London on the State of the
Christian Knowledge Society. ... 1834 8vo.
Letters to a Dissenting Minister, by L. S. E. 1834 12mo.
Letters and Essays in Prose and Verse. 1834 8vo.
*Letters, Essays, &c. on the Municipal History and
Trade of Bristol ; by a Burgess. Bristol, 1836 12mo.
Letters from Ireland, by Charlotte Elizabeth. Lond. 1838 8vo.
Lewis (Matt. G.) Journal of a West India Proprietor
during a Residence in Jamaica. ... 1834 8vo.
Liber Ecclesiasticus. Revenues of the Established
Church; compiled from the Report of the Commis-
sioners for inquiring thereinto. ... 1835 8vo.
Liber Landavensis, Llyfr Teilo ; or the Ancient Regis-
ter of the Cathedral Church of Llandaff; with a
Translation and Notes by W.J. Rees. Landovery, 1840 8vo.
Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church,
anterior to the division of the East and West,
vol. 1—11. .. Oxf. 1838-43 8vo.
Licber (Franc.) Reminiscences of George Berthold
Niebuhr. ... Lond. 1835 8vo.
Liebig (Justus). Organic Chemistry in its application
to Agi'iculture and Physiology; edited by Lyon
Play fair. ... 1840 8vo.
Animal Chemistry, or Organic Chemistry in its
applications to Physiology and Pathology. Edited
by Wm. Gregory. ... 1842 8vo.
Lights and Shades of INIilitary Life ; edited by Sir C.
NajDier, 2 vol. ... 1840 8vo.
Lincoln. History of the County of Lincoln, 2 vol. 1834 4to.
Lindley (John). Introduction to the Natural System
of Botany. ... 1830 8vo.
Synopsis of the British Flora j an*anged according to
the Natural Orders. ... 1829 12mo.
Lindsay (Lord). Letters on Egypt, Edom, and the
Holy Land, 2 vol. ... 1839 8vo.
*Lives of Five Roman Catholic Saints, canonized on
Trinity Sunday, 1839. ... 1839 8vo.
Lockhai't (J. G.) Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter
Scott, 7 vol. ... Edin. 1837-38 8vo.
See Ancient.
f Lodge (Edm.) Portraits of Illustrious Persons, part
47,48. .. Lond. 1834 8vo.
Peerage of the British Empire. ... 1834 8vo.
Lloyd (Sir Wm.) Journey from Caunpoor to the
Himalaya Mountains : and Gerard's (Alex.) At-
tempt to penetrate by Bekhur to Garoo, 2 vol. 1840 8vo.
Londonderry (Marquis of). Recollections of a Tour in
the North of Europe in 1836-37, 2 vol. 1838 Svo.
Loudon (J. C.) Encyclopyedia of Phints. 1829 Svo.
Loudon (J. C.) EncyclojDaedia of Agriculture. Lond. 1835 8vo
Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicura ; or the Trees
and Shrubs of Great Britain delineated and de-
scribed, 4 vol. ... 1838
-f- Lowndes (W. T.) Bibliographer's Manual; an Ac-
count of Books published in or relating to Great
Britain, 4 vol. ... 1828-34
f British Librarian, or Book-Collector's Guide, part 1 —
11. ... 1839-42
*Lucas (Sam.) Sandwich Islands; a Prize Poem. Oa^, 1841 12mo.
fLudolf (Job.) Lexicon iEthiojjico-Latinum; etGrain-
matica Linguae Amharicse. Francof. 1698-9 fol.
Lyell (C.) Princiijles of Geology, vol. 3. Lo?if/. 1833 8vo.
Principles of Geology, 4 vol. (second edition) 1834 12mo.
MABINOGION, from the Llyfr Coch o Hergesi and
other Ancient Welsh M.SS. translated by Lady
Charlotte Guest, 4 parts. ... Lond. 1838-42 8vo.
Macaulay (T. B.) Lays of Ancient Rome. 1842 8vo.
MacCiie (Thos.) Life of John Knox ; containing
Illustrations of the History of the Reformation in
Scotland, 2 vol. ... Edin. IS'iX 8vo.
Mc CuUagh (W. T.) The Use and Study of
History. ... Dublin, 1842 8vo.
Macculloch (J. R.) Dictionary of Commerce and
Commercial Navigation. ... Lond. 1839 8vo.
Statistical x\ccount of the British Empire, 2 vol. 1 837 8vo.
Macgillivray (Wm.) Lives of Eminent Geologists,
from Aristotle to Linnajus, (Edin. Cab. Lib.) Edin. 1834 1 2mo.
Macgillivray (Wm.) Manual of Geology. Land. 1840 l::?nio,
jNIackay (Charles). Thames and its Tributaries; or
Rambles among the Rivers, 2 vol. 1840 8vo.
Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions, 3 vol. 1841 Svo.
*Mackintosh (Sir James). Vindicia; GalliccC. Defence
of the French Revolution. ... 1791 Svo.
History of the Revolution in England in 1688. 1834 4to.
History of England : continued by W. Wallace and
R. Bell, vol. 4— 10. ... 1835-40 12mo.
Dissertation on the Progress of Ethical Philosophy,
with a Preface by W. Whewell. ... Editi. \d,Z6 Svo.
Mackintosh (R. I.) Memoirs of the Life of Sir James
Mackintosh, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1835 Svo.
Macnish (Rob.) Philosophy of Sleep. Glasg. 1834 12mo.
Anatomy of Drunkenness. ... 1834 12mo.
Madden (R. R.) United Irishmen, their Lives and
Times, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1842 Svo.
Magazine of Natural History, vol. 6 — 9. Second
Series, vol. 1—10. ... 1833-42 Svo.
Mahon (Lord). History of England, from the Peace
of Utrecht to the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle,
3 vol. — 183G-38 Svo.
Maillard (X. D.) History of the Republic of Texas. 1842 Svo.
Main (Jas.) Illustrations of Vegetable Physiology. 1833 12mo.
Maittaire (Mic.) De Dialectis Graecis, cura J. G.
Sturzii. ... Lips. 1807-8 Svo.
Malcom (Sir John). Life of Robert, Lord Clive,
3 vol. ... Lond. 1836 Svo.
Malebranche (N.) De la Recherche de la Verite,
4 torn. ... Paris, 1721 12mo.
Make Brun. System of Geography, vol. 9, 10. Edin. 1833 Svo.
*Mammon; or Covetousness the Sin of the Christian
Church. ... Lond. 1836 8vo.
Mangin (Edw.) Parlour Window; or Anecdotes, Re-
marks on Books, &c. ... 1841 12mo.
Mant (Bp.) History of the Church of Ireland, from
the Reformation to the Revolution, 2 vol. 1840 8vo.
Mantell (Gideon), Geology of the South-East of
England. ... 1833 8vo.
Wonders of Geology, 2 vol. ... 1838 12mo.
Marino. L'Adone; Poema, ... Venetia, 4lo.
Marryat (Capt.) Diary in America, with Remarks on
its Institutions, 6 vol. ... Lond. 1839 8vo.
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5 vol. ... ... 1835 8vo.
History, Antiquities, Topography, and Statistics of
Eastern India, 3 vol. ...
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Retrospect of Western Travel, 3 vol.
Martyn (Hen.) Journals and Letters; edited by S.
Wilberforce, 2 vol. ...
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Matthews ( Wm. ) Hydraulia ; an Account of the Water
Works of London, and of Contrivances for supjjly-
ing other Cities. ... 1835 8vo.
Maundevile (Sir John). Voyage and Travaile; edited
by J. O. Halliwell. ... 1839 8vo,
Mayo (Herbert). Outlines of Human Physiology. 1833 8vo.
*Medical College of Bengal. ... Calcutta, \S^Q 8vo.
Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, by the Royal Med.
and Chirurg. Society, vol. 15 — 25. Lond. 1829-42 8vo.
Medley (John). Elementary Remarks on Chm'ch
Architecture. ... Exeter, 1842 12mo.
fMeidinger (Henri). Dictioimaire Etyinologique et
Comparatif des Langues Teuto-Gotbiques. Franc. 1833 8vo.
*Memoir of Rich. Roberts Jones, of Aberdaron. Lond. 1822 8vo.
Memoirs of the Duchess d'Abrantes (Mad. Jnnot),
vol. 6—8. ... 1835 8vo.
Memoires de GuiJoly, 2 torn. ... Amst. 1738 12nio.
Memorials of the Great Civil War from 1646 to 1652;
edited from Letters in the Bodleian Library, by
Hen. Gary, 2 vol. ... Lond. \9>A2 8vo.
Men and Manners in America, 2 vol. (Hamilton.) Edin. 1834 8vo.
flVIenage (Gill.) Dictionnaire Etymologique de la
Langue Francoise, 2 torn. ... Paris, 1750 fol.
Mercurialis (Hieronymus). De Arte Gymnastica,
Libri VI. ... Amstel. 1672 4to.
Merivale (Herman). Lectm'es on Colonization and
Colonies, delivered before the University of Ox-
ford in 1839-41, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1842 8vo.
Metaphysical Tracts of the Eighteenth Centmy, pre-
pared for the Press by Samuel Parr. 1837 8vo.
fMeyrick (Sir S. R.) Illustrations of Antient Arms
and Ai'mour, from the collection at Goodrich Court,
2 vol. ... ... 1830 4lo.
JNIitohell (T. L.) Three Expeditions into the Interior
of Eastern Australia, with Descriptions of Australia
Felix, &c. 2 vol. ... 1838 8vo.
Michell (Col. J .) Life of Wallenstein, Didie of Fried-
land. ... ... 1740 8vo.
Middleton (Tho.) Works, now first collected ; with
Notes by Alex. Dyce, 5 vol. 1840 Svo.
Milizia (Francesco). Lives of Celebrated Architects,
translated by Eliza Cresy, 2 vol. 1826 8vo.
Miller (Jolin). Divine Aulhority of Scripture, and
its Adaptation to Human Nature (Bamp. Lect.
1817.) ... ... Oxf. 1838 8vo.
Millin (A. L.) Galerie Mythologique; Recueil de
Monuments pour servir a I'Etude de la Mythologie,
2 torn. ... Paris, 1811 8vo.
Millingen (J. G.) Curiosities of Medical Experience,
2 vol. ... Lond. 1837 8vo.
Milman (H. H.) History of Christianity, from the
Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in
the Roman Empire, 3 vol. ... 1840 8vo.
Milner (Tho.) Life, Times, and CoiTes2)ondence, of
Isaac Watts. ... 1834 8vo.
Milton (John) . Poetical Works ; with Notes of various
Authors, and Life by H. J. Todd, 6 vol. 1826 Bvo.
*Molesworth (J. G. N.) Remarks upon Church
Rates, &c. ... Rochdale, 1841 12mo.
Moliere (J. B.) QEuvres; avec des Remarques, et des
Observations, par M. Bret, 6 tom. Paris, 1773 8vo.
fMoller (Geo.) Monuments de I'Architecture AUe-
mande. ... Darmstadt. 1819 fol.
f Douikirche zu Limburg : Kirche zu Worms. fol.
Montagu (Lady M. W.) Letters and Works; edited
by Lord Wharncliffe, 2 vol. ... Lowe?. 1837 8vo.
Montaigne (Michel de). Essais, avec les Notes de
tous les Commentateurs, 6 tom. ... Paris, 1828 Bvo.
Montgomery (James). Lectures on Poetry and Gene-
ral Literature. ... Lotid. 1833 8vo.
Poet's Portfolio, or Minor Poems. ... 1835 8vo.
Monumenta Germanise Historica inde ab Anno Xti 500.
usque ad Annum 1500. edidit G. H. Pertz, tom.
3. 4. ... Hanoi: 1835-37 fol.
Moore (J. C.) Life of Sir John Moore, 2 vol. Land. 1834 8vo.
Moore (G. F.) Extracts from Letters of a Resident at
the Swan River Settlement. ... 1834 12mo.
Moore (Thomas). Poetical Works, 10 vol. 1840-41 12mo.
*More (Hannah). Works, 19 vol. ... 1818 8vo.
INIoreri (Louis). Le Grand Dictionnaire Historique;
corrige et augmente par M. Drouet, 10 torn.
Paris, 1759 fol.
Morton (John). Natm-e and Property of Soils. Lond. 1840 12mo.
Morris (J. W.) Biographical Recollections of Robert
Hall. ... 1833 8vo.
Mosheim (J. L.) Commentaries on the Affairs of
Christians, tr. by R. S. Vidal, vol. 3. 1835 8vo.
Moss (J. W.) Manual of Classical Biography, 2 vol. 1837 8vo.
Moule (Tho.) Heraldry of Fish. Notices of the
Principal Families bearing Fish in their Arms. 1842 8vo.
Mudie (Rob.) Feathered Tribes of the British Islands,
2 vol. ... Lond. 1834 8vo.
Miiller (C. 0.) History and Antiquities of the Doric
Race; translated by H. Tuffnell and G. C. Lewis,
2 vol. ... 1839 8vo.
f Miiller (Wm.) Sketches Illustrative of the Age of
Francis the First. ... 1841 fol.
Mure (Wm.) Journal of a Tour in Greece and the
Ionian Islands, 2 vol. ... Edin. 1842 8vo.
Murray (Hon. C. A.) Travels in North America dur-
ing the Years 1834-35-36, 2 vol. 1839 8vo.
Napier (W. P. F.) History of the War in the Penin-
sula, vol. 4. 5. 6. ... Lond. 1834-40 8vo.
Napier (Sir C.) see Lights.
Narrative of the Voyages of H. M. Ships Adventure
and Beagle, 1826 — 1836, describing their exami-
nation of the Shores of S. America, and the Beagle's
Circumnavigation of the Globe, 4 vol. 1839 8vo.
fNash (Joseph). Mansions of England in the Olden
Time, 3 vol. ... 1839-41 fol.
Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for
1834. ... ... . 1833 8vo.
Neele (Hen.) Lectures on English Poetry; with his
Literary Remains. ... 1830 8vo.
Newman (J. H.) Arians of the Fourth Century; their
Doctrine, Temper, and Conduct. ... 1833 8vo.
Newman (J. H.) Parochial Sermons, 6 vol. 1835-42 8vo.
Lectures on the Prophetical Character of the Church
relatively to Romanism and Popular Protestant-
ism. ... ... 1837 8vo.
Newman (F. W.) Lectures on Logic, and on the Sci-
ence of. Evidence generally. ... Oxf. 1838 12mo.
Newman (Edw.) History of British Ferns. Lond. 1840 8vo.
Familiar Introduction to the History of In-
sects. ... ... 1841 8vo.
Nichol (J. P.) Views of the Architecture of the
Heavens. ... ... Edin. 1837 8vo.
Phenomena and Order of the Solar System. 1838 8vo.
Nicolas (Sir H). Chronology of History; Tables,
Sec. for ascertaining the Dates of Historical
Events. ... ... Lond. 1833 12mo.
Treatise on the Law of Adulterine Bastai-dy. 1836 Svo.
Nicholson (John). Operative Mechanic and British
Machinist. ... ... 1834 8vo.
Nicholson (Peter). Practical Treatise on Masonry and
Stone Cutting. ... 1835 Svo.
Niebuhr (B. G.) History of Rome, translated by J. C.
Hare and C. Thirhvall, vol. 1,2. Camb. 1831-32 Svo.
History of Rome, vol. 3, translated by Wm. Smith
and Leonai'd Sclimitz. ... Loud. 1842 Svo.
Nizolius (Mar.) Lexicon Ciceronianum, accedunt
Phrases et Formulae Ling. Lat. ex comment.
S. Doleti, 3 toui. ... 1820 Svo.
North American Review, vol. 55. Boston, 1842 Svo.
OAKELEY (FRED.) Sermons, preached in the
Chapel Royal at Whitehall. ... O.i/. 1839 Svo.
*0'Beirne (E. F.) Account of the System pursued in
the Popish College of Maynooth. Hereford, 1840 Svo.
O'Croly (Dav.) Inquiry into the princii^al Points of
Difference between the Two Churches. Dublin, 1835 Svo.
Oldys (Wm.) British Libraiian : an Abstract of Scarce
and Valuable Books. ... Lond. 1738 Svo.
Ogilvie (C. A.) The Divine Glory manifested in the
Conduct and Discourses of our Lord. (Bamp.
Lect.) ... ... Oxf. 183G Svo.
Old English Pla3's; a Selection from the early Dramatic
Writers, 6 vol. ... Lond. 1814 8vo.
Olii^hant (Tho.) La Musa Maclrigalesca ; or a Collec-
tion of Madrigals, Ballets, Roundelays, &c. with
Notes and Illustrations. ... 1837 8vo.
Oliver (George). Ecclesiastical Antiquities in Devon;
with Memoranda for the History of Cornwall,
3 vol. ... Exeter, 1840-42 8vo.
Olympia Morata, her Times, Life, and Writings. Lond. 1834 12mo.
*Onderdonk (H. U.) Episcopacy tested hy Scripture. 1840 8vo.
f O'Reilly (Edw.) Irish-English Dictionary. Dwfc/m, 1821 4to.
Orford. Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford,
6 vol. ... ... Lond. 1840 8vo.
Orpen (C. E. H.) Anecdotes and Annals of the Deaf
and Dumb. ... 1836 8vo.
Osier (Edw.) Lifeof Admiral Viscount Exmouth. 1835 8vo.
Outram (James). Rough Notes of the Campaign of
Sinde and Affghanistan in 1838-39. 1840 12mo.
Owen ( W. F. W.) Narrative of Voyages to explore the
Shores of Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar, 2 vol. 1833 8vo.
*PAGET (E. F.) St. Antholin's; or Old Churches
and New. ... ... Lond. 1841 12mo.
*Milford Malvoism ; or Pews and Pewholders. 1842 12mo.
Palmer (Wm.) Treatise on the Church of Christ,
2 vol. ... ... 1838 8vo.
* Apostolical Jurisdiction, &c. of the Episcopacy in
the British Churches. ... 1840 8vo.
*Enquiry concerning Church Extension. 1841 8vo.
Parkinson (Ric.) Constitution of the Visible Church
of Christ, (Hulsean Lecture, 1838.) Land. 1839 8vo.
Parliamentary History of England, vol, 35. 36. 1819-20 8vo.
f*Parliamentary Writs, &c. collected and edited by
Sir F. Palgrave, vol. 2. division 3rd. 1834 fol.
Parliaments and Coimcils of England, chronologically
arranged from Wm. I. to 1688. 1839 8vo.
Paraell (Sir Hen.) Treatise on Roads. 1833 8vo.
Parry. Appendix to Capt. Parry's Second Voyage of
Discovery. ... 1825 4to.
Passages from the Diary of a Late Physician ; by Sam.
Warren, vol. 3. ... Edhi. 1837 12mo.
Patterson (J. B.) Discourses and Remains, with a
Memoir of his liife, 2 vol. ... 1837 8vo.
Patrick (Bp.) Autobiography. ... Lond. 1839 12mo.
Peake (R. B.) Memoirs of the Colman Family, in-
cluding their Coixespondence, 2 vol. 1841 8vo.
*Pearsall (R. L.) Two Tracts from Archaeologia, 1838-42 4to.
Pearson (Dean). Memoirs of the Life and CoiTes-
pondence of Christian Fred. Swartz, 2 vol. 1834 8vo.
Peel (Sir Robert). Speech in the House of Commons
on the Bill for suppressing Disturbances in Ire-
land. ... ... 1833 Svo.
Pegge (Sam.) Memoirs of the Life of Roger de
Weseham. ... ... 1761 4to.
Pelet (Baron). Napoleon in Council; transl. by Basil
Hall. ... ... 1837 8vo.
Pellerin (Jos.) Recueil de Medailles de Rois, de Pen-
pies, et de Villes, 8 tom. ... Paris, 1762-07 4to.
Pellico (Silv.) Memoirs; translated by T. Ros-
coe. ... ... Loud. 1833 12mo.
Pepys (Samuel). Life, Journals, and Correspondence,
2 vol. ... ... Lond. 1841 8vo.
*Perceval (Hon. A. P.) Apology for the Doctrine of
Apostolical Succession. ... 1839 12mo.
^Collection of Papers connected with the Theological
Movement of 1833. ... 1842 8vo.
*Letter to Thomas Arnold, D. D. ... 1842 8vo.
Petre ( Hon. H. W. ) Account of the Settlements of the
New Zealand Company. ... 1841 8vo.
Peter Plymley's Letters to his Brother Abraham. 1808 8vo.
Pfizer (Augustus). Life of Luther, translated by
T. S. Williams. ... 1840 8vo.
Phelps (Wm.) History and Antiquities of Somerset-
shire, vol. 1. ... 1836-39 4to.
Phillips (Tho.) Lectures on the History and Principles
of Painting. ... 1833 8vo.
Phillips (John). Guide to Geology. 1834 12mo.
Philological Museum, vol. 2. ... Camb. 1833 8vo.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society,
1833-42. ... Lond. 1834-42 4to.
f Index to Philosophical Transactions, vol. 71 — 120,
(1781—1830). ... 1821-33 4to.
Philosophical Magazine, vol. 43— 68. 1814-26 8vo.
New Series, 31 vol. ... 1827-42 8vo.
Physical Theory of Another Life. ... 1836 8vo.
Pindar, in English Verse; by H. F. Gary. 1833 12mo.
Pinkerton (John). Iconographia Scotica; or Portraits
of Illusti'ious Persons of Scotland. 1797 8vo.
Modern Geography, 3 vol. — 1807 4to.
Planche (J. R.) Descent of the Danube from Ratisbon
lo Vienna. ... 1828 8vo.
Platon. CEuvres ; tracluites par Victor Cousin, torn.
6—10. ... ... Paris, 1831-34 Svo.
*Plea for the Church iu Ireland, or a Protest against
Sacrilege. ... Lond. 1834 Svo.
*Pocock (Ebenezer). Flowers of the East; with a
Sketch of Oriental Poetry and Music. 1833 12mo.
Pococke (Edw.) Theological Works : edited by Leonard
Twells, 2 vol. ... 1740 fol.
Polack (J. S.) Nan-ative of Travels and Adventures
in New Zealand, between 1831 and 1837,
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Pollux (Julius). Onomasticum, Gr. et Lat., cura Tib.
Hemsterhusii, ... .dmst. 1706 fol.
Poole (G. A.) Life and Times of S. Cyprian. Oa/. 1840 Svo.
Poor Laws, see Extracts.
Pope (Alex.) Supplement to his Works. Lond. 1807 Svo.
f "^Population. Abstract of Answers and Returns to the
Population Act of 1831, 3 vol. ... 1833 fol.
*Porter (W. O.) Introductory Lecture at the Bristol
Medical School. ... Bristol, 1837 Svo.
Porter (G. R.) Progress of the Nation during the
Present Century, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1836-38 12rao.
*Memoir of the Trade between England and
America. ... 1837 4to.
Powell (Baden). Connexion of Natural and Divine
Truth; or the Study of the Inductive Philosophy
considered as subservient to Theology. 1838 Svo.
Tradition Unveiled : the Pretensions and Tendency
of Authoritative Teaching in the Church. 1839 Svo.
Price (Sir Uvedale) on the Picturesque, with Notes,
&c. by Sir T. D. Lauder. ... 1842 Svo,
Pilchard (J. C.) Treatise on Insanity and other Dis-
orders affecting the Mind. ... Lond. 1835 8vo.
Researches into the Physical History of Mankind,
vol. 1—3. ... 1836-41 8vo.
Pringle (Tho.) Narrative of a Residence in South
Africa. ... 1835 8vo.
Prior (James). Life of Oliver Goldsmith, 2 vol. 1837 8vo.
Proceedings of the London Electrical Society, vol. 1. 1841-43 8vo.
Prout (Wm.) Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Func-
tion of Digestion, considered with reference to
Natural Theology, (Bridgewater Treatise). 1834 8vo.
f Prout (J. S.) Picturesque Antiquities of Bristol. Brist. 1834: fol.
f Castles and Abbeys of Monmouthshire. 1838 fol.
fPugin (Ang.) Examples of Gothic Architecture,
Second Series. ... Lond. 1831-34 4to.
Pugin (A. W. N.) Designs for Gothic Furniture in
the style of the XVth Century. ... 1835 4to.
Purchass (Sam.) His Pilgrimes and Pilgrimages,
5 vol. ... 1617-26 fol.
Pusey (E. B.) Letter to the Bishop of Oxford, on
the Tendency to Romanism imputed to certain
Doctrines. ... Oxf. 1839 8vo.
*Letter to the Abp. of Canterbury, on the Present
Crisis in the English Church. ... 1842 8vo.
QUARTERLY REVIEW, vol. 49— 71. Lone/. 1833-43 8vo.
Quetelet (A.) Sur I'Homme et le Developpement de
ses Facultes, on Essai de Physique Sociale,
2 torn. ... Paris, 1835 Svo.
Quill (Edw.) Historical Atlas; in a series of Maps of
the World as known at difterent periods. Lond. 1830 fol.
RAFFAELLE, &c.. see Works.
Random Recollections of the House of Lords and House
of Commons, from 1830 to 1836, 2 vol. Lond. 1836 8vo.
Ranke (Leopold). History of the Popes of Rome
during the XVI th and XVIItl^ Centuries; trans-
lated by Sarah Austin, 3 vol. ... 1841 8vo.
Ranken (Alex.) History of France, from its Conquest
by Clovis a. d. 486, 9 vol. ... 1801-22 8vo.
Rankin (F. H.) White Man's Grave : a Visit to SieiTa
Leone in 1834, 2 vol. ... 1836 8vo.
Recreations of Christopher North, 3 vol. Edin. 1843 8vo.
Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France, torn .
19. 20. ... Paris, 1833-40 fol.
Redding (Cyrus). History and Description of Modern
Wines. ... Lond. 1833 8vo.
Reed (Rebecca T.) Nairative of Six Months in a
Convent. ... 1835 12mo.
Reid (Col. W.) Attempt to develope the Law of
Storms ; and to point out a cause for the Variable
Winds. ... 1838 8vo.
Remusat (J. P. Abel). Recherches sur les Langues
Tartares. ... Paris, 1820 4to.
Renouard (A. A.) Annales de I'lmprimerie des Aide,
ou Histoire des TIL Manuce et de leurs Editions,
3 torn. ... 1803-12 8vii.
Report of the Discussion at the R. C. College of Down-
side in Feb. aiid March, 1834. ... Lond. \S36 8vo.
^Reports from H. M. Commissioners appointed to
consider the state of the Established Church. 1836 8vo.
Report from His Majesty's Commissioners on the Ad-
ministration of the Poor Laws. ... 1833 8vo.
*Report (Third) of the Inspectors of Prisons. (Ex-
tracts from) ... 1838 8vo.
*Report (2. 3. 4.) of the Registrar-General of Births,
Deaths, and Marriages. ... 1840-41 fol.
*Reports (Parliamentary) on Municipal CoqDorations,
Charities, &c. 15 vol. ... 1824 &c. fol.
Report of the Meetings of the British Association
for the Advancement of Science, vol. 1 — 10.
Lond. 1832-42 8vo.
•|-*Lithographed Signatures of Members of the British
Association. ... Camb. 1833 4to.
* Report on Animal Magnetism by a Committee of
the Royal Academy of Sciences; translated by J.
C. Colquhoun. ... Edin. 1833 8vo.
*Report of Interments in the City and County of New
York. ... New York, 1838 8vo.
Report of the Commissioners for inquiring concerning
Charitable Institutions (in Bristol ;) edited by T.
J. Manchee, 2 vol. ... Bristol, 1831 4to.
*Report (Further) on the Accounts of the Corporation
of Bristol, by Joshua Jones. ... 1840 8vo.
*Report of Proceedings of the Bristol Architectural
Society. ••• Lond. 1842 8vo.
^Reports of Proceedings of the Bristol Statistical
Society. ••• Bristol, 1837-41 8vo.
llerinu Gallicarum Scriptores. see Recueil.
Residence on the Shores of the Baltic, 2 vol. Land. 1841 8vo.
Reynolds (Sir Joshua). Discourses; with Explanatory
Notes and Plates hy John Buraet. 1842 4to.
Rezius (F. G.) De Prosodiae Graecse Accentus
Inclinatione ; curante F. G. Wolfio. Lips. 1791 8vo.
*Rheinwhald. Protestant Exiles of Zillerthal ; trans-
lated by J. B. Sanders. ... Lond. 1840 12mo.
Rhodes (E.) Peak Scenery; or the Derbyshire
Tourist. ... 1824 8vo.
Rich (C. J.) Nan'ative of a Residence in Koordistan,
&c. 2 vol. ... 1836 8vo.
*Richards (S. C.) Voice from Exeter; The Union of
Church and State. ... 1841 12mo.
Richardson (Sam.) Novels, with a Life of the Author,
3 vol. ... 1824 8vo.
f Richardson (Charles). New Dictionary of the Eng-
lish Language, 2 vol. ... 1837 4to.
Richardson (John). Swainson (W.) Kirby (W.) Fauna
Boreali-Americana. Zoology of the Northern
Parts of British America, 4 vol. 1829-37 4to.
Richea (Dodone, sen Ottone Aicher). Theatrum Fu-
nebre, exhibens per varias scenas Epitaphia Nova ;
Antiqua ; Seria; Jocosa. ... Salisburgi, 1675 4to.
*Richings (B.) Narrative of the Martyrdom of R.
Glover and Mrs. Lewis. ... Lond. 1833 I2mo,
Rickman (Tho.) Attempt to descriminate the Styles
of Architecture in England. (3rd edit.) 1835 8vo.
Ritson (J.) Select Collection of English Songs, 3 vol. 1783 8vo.
Roberts (Wm.) Memoirs of the Life and Correspond-
ence of Hannah More, 4 vol. ... 1834 8vo.
Roberts (Emma). Scenes and Characteristics of Hin-
dostan, 3 vol. ... Lond. 1835 8vo.
Roby (John). Traditions of Lancashue, 4 vol. 1830-31 8vo.
Robinson (H. L.) Memoirs of Sir Thomas Picton,
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Robinson (Edw.) Biblical Researches in Palestine,
Mount Sinai, and Arabia Petraea, 3 vol. 1841 8vo.
^•Rogers (John). Discourse of the Visible and Invisible
Church of Christ. ... —
Rogers (Sam.) Poems. ... —
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Roget (P. M.) Animal and Vegetable Physiology
considered with reference to Natural Theology,
(Bridgewater Treatise) 2 vol. ... 1834 8vo.
Romilly (Sir Samuel). Memoirs, vnitten by Himself.
With a Selection from his Correspondence, 3 vol. 1840 8vo.
Roscoe (Hen.) Life of William Roscoe, 2 vol. 1833 8vo.
Rosenmuller (E. F. C.) Scholia in Vetus Testamen-
tum, 13 vol. ... Lips. 1793-1813 8vo.
Rosenmuller (J. G.) Scholia in Novum Testamentum,
5 vol. ... Norimb. 1801-8 8vo.
Ross (Sir John). Narrative of a Second Voyage in
search of a N. W. Passage; and Residence in the
Arctic Regions, 1829-33. ... Lond. 1835 4to.
Rossus (Joannes Antiq. Warwic.) Historia Regum
Anglise, edit. T. Hearne. ... Oxofi. 1745 8vo.
*-|-Rowley. Poems supposed to have been written by
Thomas Rowley; with MS. and other Additions.
(Two Copies.) ... Lond. 1777 8vo.
*Tracts (XIII) relating to the Poems attributed to
Rowley, 2 vol. ... 8vo.
Royal Astvononiical Society: Monthly Notices, I'roni
1827 to 1833, 2 vol. ... Loud. IS33 8vo.
*Royer (Collavd P.) Lettres sur la Cour de la Chaii-
cellerie d'Angleterre, &c. ... Paris, 1830 8vo.
Rush (Ric.) Narrative of a Residence at the Court of
London. ... Loud. 1833 8vo.
*Russell (J. F.) Judgment of the Anglican Church
on the Sufficiency of Holy Scripture. 1841 8vo.
Russell (Mic.) History of the Church in Scotland,
(Theol. Lib.) 2 vol. ... 1834 12mo.
Connection of Sacred and Profane History, vol.3. 1837 8vo.
Russia. History of Russia, 3 vol. (Cab. Cyc.) 1836-38 12mo.
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Priestley, 2 vol. ... 1831 8vo,
The Bible, translated by Myles Coverdale, ( 1535) Lond. 1 835 4to.
f Holy Bible, mth Marginal References. Camb. 1836 8vo.
*Holy Bible. ... 1666 4to.
*Holy Bible. ... 4to.
Job. The Book of the Patriarch Job, translated
by Samuel Lee ; with an Introduction and
Notes. ... Loud. 1837 8vo.
Psalms. The Book of Psalms, in Blank Verse ; by
John Eden. With a brief Memoir. Bristol, 1841 4to.
Novum Testamentum Grsece. ed. T. M. Aug. Scholz,
vol. 2. ... Lips. 1836 4to.
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New Testament ; with the Greek Text. Lond. 1841 4to.
New Testament, tr, from the Greek, by Wm. Tyndale ;
with a Memoh- of his Life by G. Offer. Land. 1836 8vo.
Sacred and Historical Books of Ceylon, with Facts
illustrative of the Doctrines, &c, of Buddhism;
translated from the Singhalese ; edited by Edw.
Upham, 3 vol. ... 1833 8vo.
St. John (J. Aug.) Egypt and Mohammed Ali ; or,
Travels in the Valley of the Nile, 2 vol. 1834 8vo.
^Salisbury. Description of the Cathedral Church of
Salisbury ; with an Account of Old Sarum. 1774 4to.
*Saravia (Hadrian). Treatise on the different Degrees
of the Christian Priesthood. ... Oxf. 1840 12mo.
Sarisberiensis Joannes. Policraticus, sive de Nugis
Curialium, et Vestigiis Philosophorum. Lug d. Bat. 1639 12mo.
Saxius (Christoph.) Onomasticon Literarium, sive No-
menclator Historico-Criticus praestantissimorum
omnis ^tatis, Pojjuli, Artiumq. Formulse Scrip-
torum, 8tom. ... Traj. ad Rhem. 1775-1803 8vo.
Say ers (Frank). Works, 2 vol. JVorwich, 1808-23 8vo.
Scenes from the Life of Edward Lascelles, 2 vol.
DubU7i, 1837 12mo.
fScheller (I. J. G. ) Dictionary of the Latin
Language; revised and translated by J. E.
Riddle. ... ... Oxf. 1835 fol.
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gister, or Phrenologist's Assistant. Bristol, 1827 8vo.
Schlegel (Fred. Von). Philosophy of History; trans-
lated by J. B. Robertson, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1835 8vo.
fSchleusner (J. F.) Lexicon in LXX. et Rehquos
Interp. Graecos Veteris Testament!, 3 vol. 1829 8vo.
Schoell (F.) Histoire Abregee tie la Lille lature Grec-
que, depuis son Origine jusq' a la Prise de Con-
stantinople, 2 torn. ... Paris, 1813 8vo.
Histoire Abregee de la Litterature Romaiue, 4 torn. 1815 8vo.
Scholefield (James). Hints for an Improved Transla-
tion of the New Testament. ... 1832 8vo.
Scott (Sir Walter). Novels, Tales, and Romances,
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Scott (C. R.) Rambles in Egypt and Candia,
2 vol. ... Loud. 1837 8vo.
Scrope (George P.) Principles of Political Economy. 1833 12ino.
Sculpture, see Illustrations.
Sedgwick (Adam). Discourse on the Studies of the
University. ... Camb. 1834 8vo.
*Selected Letters. Edited by T. Chamberlain. Loud. 12mo.
*Sermons (VII.) preached at the Consecration of the
Parish Church of Leeds. ... Leeds, 1841 8vo.
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ridge, Denison, Doane, Monk : by G. N. Barrow,
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C. Miller, A. S. Perceval, E. B. Ramsay, W. H.
Ridley, J. Scholefield, Adn. Wilberforce. 1832—42 8vo.
Sen'es. Recherches d'Anatomie Transcendante et Pa-
thologique. ... Paris, 1832 4to.
Planches. ... ... 1832 fol.
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Shakespeare. Works; from a Collation of the Old Edi-
tions: with Notes, &c. by J. P. Collier, vol. 2 — 7. 1842 8vo.
Sliakspere. Pictorial Edition : by C. Knight, 7 vol. 1839-43 8vo.
Sharp (R.) see Letters.
Shaw (Stabbing). History and Antiquities of Stafford-
shire, 2 vol. in 1. ... Lond. 1798-1801 fol.
Sheppard (John). Divine Origin of Christianity,
2 vol. ... ... 1829 12mo.
Short (T. V.) Sketch of the History of the Church of
England to the Revolution, 1688. 1840 8vo.
Sidney (Sir Philip). Miscellaneous Works; with his
Life, &c. by W. Gray. ... Oxf. 1829 8vo.
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Constitution of Courts Martial. Lond. 1830-34 8vo.
Sinclair (John). Dissertations Vindicating the Church
of England. ... 1833 8vo.
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sion. ... 1839 12mo.
Sismondi (J. C. L. de.) Histoire des Fran9ais, torn.
16—28. ... Paris, 1833-41 8vo.
Histoire de la Renaissance de la Liberie en Italie,
de ses Progres, de sa Decadence et de sa Chute,
2 torn. ... 1832 8vo.
Skelton (Philip). Works, 6 vol. Dublin, 1770-84 8vo.
Smith (J. T.) Life of Nollekens, and Memoirs of
Contemporary Artists, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1828 8vo.
Smith (John Pye). On the Sacrifice and Priesthood
of Jesus Christ; and on Atonement and Redemp-
tion. ... ... 1828 8vo.
Scripture Testimony to the Messiah, 3 vol. 1837 8vo.
Relation between the Holy Scriptures and Geological
Science. ... ... 1839 8vo.
Smith (Sir J. E.) Iiitroeluctiou tu the Study of Botany,
edited by W. J. Hooker. ... Land. IS33 8vo.
English Flora, vol. 5, by W. I. Hooker. 1836 Svo.
*Smilh (Richard.) Address, delivered on opening the
Bristol Medical School. ... Bristol, 1834 12mo.
^Fratricide : the right tragical Hystorie of Sir John
Goodere. ... 1839 l2mo.
Smyth (Wm.) Lectm'es on Modem History, from the
Northern Irruption to the close of the American
Revolution, 2 vol. ... Loud. 1840 8vo.
Lectures on Modern History, Second Series : on the
French Revolution, 3 vol. ... Camb. 1840 8vo.
Soames (Hen.) Anglo-Saxon Church: its History,
Revenues, and General Character. Lond. 1835 12mo.
Elizabethan Religious History. .... 1839 Svo.
Somers (Lord). Collection of Scarce and Valuable
Tracts; edited by Sir Walter Scott, vol 6— 13. 1811-15 4to.
Somerville (Mary). Connexion of the Physical
Sciences. ... ... 1835 12mo.
Songs of Scotland, Ancient and Modern ; with an
Introduction and Notes by Allan Cunningham,
4 vol. ... ... 1825 Svo.
South (Robert). Sennons, 12 vol. 1737-41 Svo.
Southey (Rob.) Specimens of the Later English Poets,
3 vol. ... ... 1807 Svo.
Lives of the British Admirals, 4 vol. (Cab. Cyo.) 1833-37 12mo.
Poetical Works, collected by Himself, 10 vol. 1837-38 12mo.
Spencer (.1.) De Legibus Hebraeorum Ritualibus et
earurn Rationibus, Lib. IV. 2 torn. Cantab. 1727 fol.
Spencer (Edm.) Travels in Circassia, Krim Tartary,
&c. in 1836, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1837 Svo.
* Silencer (Bp.) Journal of a Visit to Travancore and
Tinnevelly. ... Lond. 1842 12mo.
Spirit of Chambers's Journal, 5 vol. Edin. 1835-38 l2mo.
Stapleton (A. G.) Political Life of the R. H. Geo.
Canning, from 1822 to 1827, 3 vol. Lond. 1831 8vo.
Statutes at Large ; to the Present Time. 1833-42 4to.
f Index (Chronological) to the Statutes, from Magna
Charta to 1830, by R. Lowndes. 1831 8vo.
f Index to the Statutes, Public and Private, passed
from 1801 to 1839. ... 1840 fol.
Stanhope (J. S.) Topography of the Plain of Olympia
and the City of Elis. ... 1824 fol.
State Papers. (Hen. VIII. 1513—1546.) published
under the Authority of His Majesty's Commission,
5 vol. ... ... 1831-36 4to.
Stephens (J. L.) Incidents of Travel in the Russian
and Turkish Empires : in Egypt, Arabia Petrsea,
and the Holy Land. ... 1839-40 8vo.
Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas,
and Yucatan, 2 vol. ... 1842 8vo.
Sterling (John). Poems. ... 1839 12mo.
Stillingfleet (Bp.) Origines Britannicse : or the Anti-
quities of the British Churches. 1840 8vo.
Stilling (Heinrich). Life; translated by SamuelJack-
son, 3 vol. ... 1835-36 12mo.
Theory of Pneumatology ; concerning Presentiments,
Visions, &c, ... 1834 12mo.
*Stonard (John). Six Sermons on the Church and
her Ministry. ... 1839 8vo.
fStothard (C. A.) Monumental Effigies of Great
Britain. ... ... 1817 fol.
Stothard ( Anna E. ) Tour through Normandy, Britanny,
&c. in 1818. ... Lond. 1820 4to.
Strong (Fred.) Greece as a Kingdom ; or a Statistical
Description of that Country. ... 1842 8vo.
Stuart (iM.) Grammar of the New Testament Dia-
lect. ... Andover, (U. S.) 1834 8vo.
Sully (Due de). Memoires, 3 torn. ... Lond. 1747 4to.
Swainson (Wm.) Treatise on the Geography and
Classification of Animals, (Cab. Cyc.) 1835 12mo.
Swift (Jonathan). Works; edited by Sir Walter Scott,
19 vol. ... ... Edin. 1824 8vo.
*Symonds (J. A.) On Age. On Death. (Cyc. of
Anat. and Physiol.) ... Lond. 1835-36 8vo.
^Introductory Address delivered at the Bristol Medical
School. ... ... Bristol, 1836 8vo.
^Retrospective Address at the Meeting of the Medical
and Surgical Association, in 1839. Worcester, 1839 8vo.
*TALES AND TRACTS (Series of). Edited by
W. F. Hook. ... Leeds, 1842 12mo.
Talfourd (T. N.) Ion, a Tragedy. Lond. 1836 8vo.
Athenian Captive, a Tragedy. ... 1838 8vo.
See Lamb (C.)
fTanner (Bp.) Notitia Monastica; an Account of
Abbeys, Priories, &c. formerly in England and
Wales; with Additions by James Nasmyth. C'a/M^. 1787 fol.
Tatham (Edw.) Chart and Scale of Truth by which
to find the Cause of EiTor; (Bamp. Lect. 1789.)
edited by E. W. Grinfield, 2 vol. Loud. 1840 8vo.
*Tauiiton (W. P.) Account of Anthony Edmonds's
Charity, Henbury. ... Bristol, 1834
Taylor (Michael). Tables of Logarithms of all Nmn-
bers, from 1 to 101000: with a Preface by N.
Maskelyne. ... Lond. 1792
Taylor (W.) Historic Sm'vey of German Poetry, with
Translations, 3 vol. ... 1830
Taylor (Henry). Philip Van Artevelde ; a Dramatic
Romance, 2 vol. ... 1834
The Statesman. ... 1836
Edwin the Fair, an Historical Drama. 1842
Taylor (Isaac ) . Ancient Christianity, and the Doctrines
of the Oxford Tracts, vol. 1. 2. 1839-42
*Temperance Society Record, 6 vol. Glasgow, 1830-35
*Temperance Herald. ... Lond. 1832-35
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*Teale'(W. H.) Lives of English Laymen: Lord
Falkland; Isaac Walton ; Robert Nelson. 1842
Tennant (J. E.) Belgium, 2 vol.
Tennemann. Manual of the History of Philosophy;
translated by Arthur Johnson. ... Oxf. 1832
Tholuck (F. A. D.) Guido and Julius. Doctrine of
Sin and the Propitiator exhibited ; tr. by J . E.
Ryland. ... ... Lond. 1836
*Thom (David). Assurance of Faith; or Calvinism
identified with Universalism, 2 vol. 1833
^Thompson (Henry). Life of Hannah More, 1838
Thucydides. Edited by T. Arnold, vol. 3. Oxf. 1 835
Till (Wm.) Essay on the Roman Denarius and
English Silver Penny, &c. ... Lond. 1837
Timiir Moghul Emperor. Autobiographical Memoirs;
translated by C. Stewart. ... 1830
Tocqueville (Alex. de). Democracy in America, trans-
lated by H. Reeve, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1835 8vo.
*Todd(J.) Students' Guide: revised by T.Dale. 1836 8vo.
Todd (J. H.) Discourses on tbe Propbecies relating
to Anticbrist, (Donnellan Lect.) Dublin, 1840 8vo.
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Tracts for the Times : by Members of tbe University of
Oxford, 5 vol. ... 0.i/. 1834-41 8vo.
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Traits and Stories of tbe Irisb Peasantry, Second
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Transactions of tbe Royal Society of Edinburgh,
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Transactions of tbe Cambridge Philosophical Society,
vol. 4—7. ... Camb. 1833-42 4to.
Transactions of tbe American Philosophical Society,
New Sei-ies, vol. 1 — 7. Philadelph. 1818-41 4to.
Transactions of the Historical and Literary Committee
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Transactions of tbe Horticultural Society, Second Series,
vol. 1.2. ... Lond. 1835-40 4to.
Transactions of the Geological Society of London,
Second Series, vol. 2— 6. ... 1826-42 4to.
^Transactions of tbe Provincial Medical and Surgical
Association, vol. 1. ... 1833 8vo.
Trollope (Frances). Vienna and tbe Austrians, 2 vol. 1838 8vo.
Belgium and Western Germany in 1833, 2 vol. 1834 8vo.
Paris and the Parisians in 1835, 2 vol. 1836 8vo.
Visit to Italy, 2 vol. ... 1842 8vo.
TuU (.Jetbro). Horse-Hoing Husbandry ; or an Essay
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Turner (Sharou). Sacred History of the World,
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Turner (Edw.) Elements of Chemistry. 183.5 8vo.
Turton (Tho.) Natural Theology considered with
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logia Linguse Grsecse. recens. Ev. Scheidius,
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Vallancey (Charles). Grammar of the Ibemo-Celtic,
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anity. ... ... Lond. 1834 8vo.
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Venables (R. L.) Domestic Scenes in Russia. 1839 8vo.
Venn (.Tohn). Life of Henry Venn; with a Selection
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XXVI. ... Basil 1534 fol.
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Uwin (Dav.) Treatise on Mental Disorders. 1833 8vo.
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Wace. His Chronicle of the Norman Conquest,
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Taylor. ... ... Lond. 1837 8vo.
Waddington (G.) History of the Church, from the
Earliest Ages to the Reformation. 1833 8vo.
Wainewright (Latham ) . Vindication of Paley's Theory
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Walker (Tho.) The Original. ... 1836 8vo.
Walker (G, A.) Gatherings from Grave Yards, par-
ticularly those of London. ... 1839 8vo.
Wall (Wm.) History of Infant Baptism ; edited by
H. Cotton, 4 vol. ... Oxf. 1836 8vo.
Walpole (Horace), see Orford.
Walsh ( R. ) Essay on Ancient Coins, &c. as illustrating
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Warburton (Bp.) Selection from his UnpubUshed
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Ward (John). Lives of the Professors of Gresham
College. ... 1740 fol.
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the Isle of Mann. ... 1837 12mo.
Wardlaw (Ralph). Christian Ethics ; or Moral Phi-
losophy on the Principles of Divine Revela-
tion. ... ... 1833 8vo.
Warren (Sam.) Introduction to Law Studies. 1835 8vo.
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vol.3. ... ... Edin. 1837 l2mo.
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Webster (John). Works: now first collected; with
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guage, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1832 4to.
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Westminster and Oxford. ... 1788 4to.
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Gurwood, 12 vol. with Supplement and In-
dex. ... ... 1834-39 8vo.
Wells (W. C.) Two Essays; upon Single Vision, and
on Dew. ... ... 1818 8vo.
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Repairing Churches. ... Oxf. 1840 12mo.
West of England Journal of Science and Literature;
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Whately (Ahp.) Sermons on several Subjects. Lond. 1835 8vo.
Charges and other Tracts. ... 1836 8vo.
Wheaton (Hen.) Elements of International Law,
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Four Sermons on the Foundation of Morals. Camb. 1837 8vo.
History of the Inductive Sciences, 3 vol. Lond. 1837 8vo.
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Rhine. ... ... Camb. 1842 8vo.
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force, 5 vol. ... Lond. 1838 8vo.
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Discovery of America, by Prince Madog. 1791 8vo.
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Poem. ... 1837 8vo.
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Williams (John ) . Nareative of Missionary Enterprizes
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Passion Harmonized. ... 1842 12mo.
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by R. Garland. (Amiens. Notre Dame. Chartres.
Beauvais. Evreux. Rouen.) ... Lond. 1837 4to.
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ary's Journal. ... Lond. 1836 8vo.
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lection of Lives, Letters, &c. ... 1672 8vo.
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OwnTime, 3voL ... 1836 8vo.
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i I
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(1472, &c.)
J. Cliilcott, Printer, Bristol.
Since March '25 th, 1843.
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22. Diary of Bp. Cartwright; 1686-87.
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Hazlitt (William). Criticisms on Art; and Sketches
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Heeren (A. H. L.) Manual of the History of the
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Oxford, 1834 8vo.
Homer (Leonard). Memoir and Correspondence of
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Trip through Central America, 1837-42. 1844 8vo.
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from the German. ... Edin. 1841 8vo.
*Methodists. Digest of the Laws and Regulations of
the Wesleyan Methodists; by S. Warren. Lond. 1835 12mo.
*Sunday Service of the Methodists. 1838 12mo.
Mill (J. S.) System of Logic, Ratiocinative and
Inductive, 2 vol. ... 1843 8vo.
Modern Painters; their Superiority in Landscape
Painting to all the Ancient Masters. 1843 8vo.
North American Review, vol. 56. 57. Boston, 1843 8vo.
Orford (Horace Walpole, Earl of). Letters to Sir
Horace Mann. Concluding Series. 2 vol. Lond. 1843 8vo.
Philosophical Transactions, 1843. ... 1843 4to.
f Population. Abstract of Answers and Returns made
pursuant to the Population Act. 1841. 3 vol.
Lond. 1843 fol.
Porter (G. R.) Progress of the Nation, vol. 3. 1843 8vo.
Prescott (W. H.) History of the Reign of Ferdinand
and Isabella, 3 vol. ... 1842 8vo.
History of the Conquest of Mexico, 3 vol. 1843 8vo.
Proceedings of the Electrical Society, part 8. 1843 8vo.
^Quarterly Review, vol. 71. 72. ... 1843 8vo.
*Report (Fifth) of the Registrar General of Births,
Deaths, and Mamages, in England. 1843 fol.
Report of the Xllth Meeting of the British Association
(at Manchester). ... 1843 8vo.
Routh (M. I.) Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Opuscula
Prsecipua Quaedaui, 2 torn. ... Oxon. 1840 8vo.
Sacred Scriptures.
*Novum Testamentum Graecum. Editio Hellenistica.
curav. E. G. Griniield, 2 torn. ... Lond. 1843 8vo.
St. John^(J. A.) History of the Manners and Customs
of Ancient Greece, 3 vol. ... 1842
Sale (Lady). Journal of the Disasters in Allghanistan,
1841-42. ... 1843 Bvo.
Schiller (Fr.) History of the Thirty Years' War in
Geniiany, translated by J. M. Duncan, 2 vol. Lo/irf. 1828 8vo.
Schon (J. F.) and Crowther (S.) Journals of the
Expedition up the Niger, in 1841, ... 1842 8vo.
Scott's (Sir Walter) Poetical Works, 12 vol. 1833 12mo.
Scrope (William). Art of Deer Stalking ... 1839 8vo.
Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing in the Tweed. 1843 8vo.
*Serraons by Various Divines. (with Charges, &c.
13 vol.) ... 1843-44 8vo.
* Sermons and Tracts, 6 vol. ... 1840-3 12mo.
Shakespeare. Works, edited by J. P. Collier, vol. 1. 8. 1843-4 8vo.
Shakspere. Pictorial Edition; by C. Knight, vol.8.
(Biography.) ... 1843 8vo.
Simpson (Thomas). Narrative of Discoveries on the
North Coast of America, by Officers of the
Hudson's Bay Company, 1836-39. 1843 8vo.
Sismondi (J. C. L.) Histoire des Fran9ais, torn.
29. "... Paris, 1842 8vo.
Skelton (John). Poetical Works, with Notes, &c.
by Alex. Dyce, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1843 8vo.
-f- Smith (Wm. Ph. D.) Dictionary of Greek and
Roman Antiquities. ... 1842 8vo.
Smith (Sydney). Works, 3 vol. ... 1840 8vo.
Statutes at Large, 6. and 7. Victoriae, 1843. ]843 4to.
Stephens (J. L.) Incidents of Travel in Yucatan,
2 vol. ... • 1843 8vo.
Sterling (John). Strafford, a Tragedy. 1843 12mo.
Thiilwall (Bp.) History of Greece, 7 vol. Loud. 1839-43 12mo.
^Tracts, (with Charges, ike. 13 vol.) ... 1843 8vo.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh,
vol. 15. part 3. ... Edin. 1843 4to.
Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy; to vol.
19. ... Dublin, 1843 4to.
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society,
New Series, vol. 8. ... Philadelphia, 1843 4to.
Transactions of the Horticultm'al Society of London,
Second Series, vol. 2, part 6. ... Loud. 1842 4to.
Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of
Corawall, vol. O. ... Penzance, 1843 8vo.
Tyder (P. F.) History of Scotland, vol. 9. (final)
Edin. 1843 8vo.
Von Wrangell (Admiral). Expedition to the Polar
Sea, in 1820-23. edited by Edvv. Sabine. Lond. \ 840 8vo.
Walpole. see Orford.
Wellsted (J. R.) Travels in Arabia, 2 vol. 1838 8vo.
*Wilberforce (Adn. R. J.) Chm-ch Com-ls and
Church Disciphne. ... 1843 8vo.
*Winslow (B. D.) Sermons and Poetical Remains.
Oxford, 1842 12mo.
Wordsworth (C.) Theophilus Anglicanus; or In-
struction for the Youiig Student concerning the
Church. ... Load. 1843 8vo.
Presented by Christopher George, Esq.
Charges, Semions, and Tracts, 13 vol, Lond. 1843 8vo.
Charges; by Abp. Whateley; Bps. Bethell, Daly, Denison, Kaye,
Murray, O'Brien, Parry, (Barbados) Pepys, Spenser, (Madras)
Thu'wall, Wilson, (Calcutta), by Archdns. Bather, Bonney,
Clerke, Dealtry, Hale, Hare, Law, Manning, Sir H. Oakeley,
Shirley, Thorp, R. J. Wilberforce, S. Wilberforce,
Sermons; by Bps. Denison, Russell, (Glasgow), by Archdn, Knox, by
T, Bowdler, C. Craven, W. Dodsworth, W. H. Mill, W. Palin,
A. P. Perceval, E. B. Pusey, J. W. Whiteside, H. Woodward.
Tracts; by Bps. Phillpotts, O'Brien, by Archdn. Robinson, by G.
D'Oyley, W. Gillmor, H. Horsley, S. Lee, F. E. Paget, W.
Palmer, E. Scobell, H. A. Woodgate, J. H. Woodward.
Sermons and Tracts, 6 vol. ... Lond. 1843 12mo.
Sermons by Bp. Phillpotts ; D. A. Beaufort, T. Bowdler, W. Dampier,
W. Gresley, W. M. Heald, C. J. Heathcote, W. F. Hook,
W. J. Kidd, A. Watson, Charles Wordsworth.
Tracts by R. Eden, W. Gillmor, H. W. Wilberforce.
Jebb's (J.) Divine Economy ol" tlio Cliuvch.
Lifford's (Viscount) Ireland.
Methodist Laws and Regulations.
Sunday Service.
Wilberforce (Archdn.) Church Courts, &c.
Winslow's (B.D.) Remains.
Browne's (SirT.) Religio Medici, &c. presented by The Editor.
Greenfields (B. W.) Tyndale Family.
Hall's (Rev. John) Fmieral Sermon.
Keir on the Bristol Waters.
Life of Bamfylde Moore Carew.
Menzel's (Wolf.) Europe in 1840.
Novum Testamentum Greecum.
Report on Births, Deaths, &c.
The Compiler.
The Author.
Mrs. R. Smith.
Dr. Howell.
The Author.
The Editor.
The Registrar General.
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Since March 2^)1 h, 1844.
B R I S T o r.
* ACCOUNT of the Conduct of the Society of Friends
towards the Indian Tribes. ... Lond. 1844 8vo.
Annual Register. 1843. ... 1844 8vo.
Archaeologia ; vol. 30, part 2. ... 1844 4to.
f Index to Archaeologia, vol. 16 — 30, ... 1844 4to.
Bamford (Sam.) Passages in the Life of a Radical,
2 vol. ... 1844 12mo.
Barrett (Eliz. B.) Poems, 2 vol. ... 1844 12mo.
Beale (Anne). Vale of the Towey; or Sketches of
South Wales. ... 1844 8vo.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 55. 5Q. Edin. 1844 8vo.
*Bosanquet (S. R.) Rights of the Poor and Christian
Almsgiving Vindicated. ... Lond. 1841 12mo.
*Bosanquet (S. R.) Principia; a Series of Essays on
the Principles of Evil. ... Lond. 1843 8vo.
British Magazine, vol. 25. 26. ... 1844 8vo.
Burke (Edmund). CoiTespondence, 1744-1797. edited
by Earl Fitzwilliam and Sir Richard Bourke, 4
vol. ... 1844 8vo.
Buttman (Philip), Lexilogus ; an Examination of
Greek Words and Passages, translated by J. R.
Fishlake. ... 1840 8vo.
Camden Society's Publications; vol. 27 — 30.
27. Correspondence of Robert Dudley, E. of Leycester.
28. Croniques de Londres.
29. Polydore Vergil's English History.
30. Thornton Romances.
Campbell (J.) Excursions in Ceylon, 2 vol. ... 1843 8vo.
-[•Catalogue of Books. Supplement to the London. 1844 8vo.
Cennino Cennini. Treatise on Painting ; written in
the Year 1437. translated by Mrs. Merrifield. 1844 8vo.
''■Charges (Episcopal and Archidiaconal) delivered in
1844; Sermons and Tracts by Various Divines ;
5 vol. Svo. 2 vol. 12mo. 1844
Christian Remembrancer, vol. 9. ... 1844 Svo.
Claims of Labour. An Essay on the Duties of the
Employers to the Employed. ... 1844 12mo.
fClarke (Mrs. Cowdeu). Complete Concordance to
Shakspere, part 1 — 10. ... Lond. 1844 8vo.
Davies (CM.) History of Holland, vol. 3. 1844 8vo.
Edinburgh Review, vol. 79. 80. ... Edi7i. 1844 8vo.
Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, vol. 61.
62. ... 1844 8vo.
Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, vol. 50. 51.
(36.37.) ... 1844 8vo.
Exley (Tho.) Commentary on the 1st Chapter of
Genesis. Treatises on Geology and the Deluge.
Lond. 1844 8vo.
Fleury. Ecclesiastical History, vol. 2. A. D. 400-
429. ... Oxford, 1843 8vo.
Foreign Quarterly Review, vol. 33. 34, ... Lond. 1844 8vo.
*Fowler (J. C.) Church Pews, their Origin and Legal
Incidents. ... 1844 12mo.
Forbes (James). Travels through the Alps of Savoy
&c. with Observations on the Phenomena of
^ Glaciers. ... Edin. 1843 8vo.
Forster (Charles). Historical Geography of Arabia;
or the Patriarchal Evidences of Revealed Religion,
2 vol. ... Lond. 1844 8vo.
Gentleman's Magazine, New Series, vol. 21. 22. Lond. 1844 8vo.
Grant (J. P.) Memoir and Correspondence of Mrs.
Grant, of Laggan, 3 vol. ... 1844 8vo.
Grant (Anthony). Extension of the Gospel by Missions
to the Heathen. (Bamp. Lect.) ... 1844 8vo.
Gray (Thomas). Correspondence, &c. edited by J.
Mitford. ... 1843 I2mo.
Gray (Mrs. Hamilton). History of Etrmia, 2 vol. 1843 8vo.
*Gresley (Wm. ) Short Treatise on the Theory of the
English Church. ... 1844 12mo.
Gully and Denham. Journals kept during a Captivity
in China in 1842. ... 1844 8vo.
Hamilton (W. J.) Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus,
and Armenia, 2 vol. ... 1842 8vo.
Hartshorne (C. H.) Salopia Antiqua. On Druidical
Remains in Shropshire ; on Names of Places ; with
a Glossary of Words. ... 1841 8vo.
Hay (J. H. Drummond). Western Barbary ; its Wild
Tribes and Savage Animals. ... 1844 8vo.
Hengstenberg (E. W.) Books of Moses illustrated by
the Monuments of Egypt, translated by R. D, C.
Robbins ... Andover, 1843 8vo. ^
Hill (Pascoe G.) Fifty Days on board a Slave-Vessel.
Lond. 1844 l2mo.
Hunt (Rob.) Researches on Light. 1844 8vo.
*Jebb (Bp.) Pastoral Instructions. Lond. 1844 12mo.
Jebb (John). Choral Service; an Enquiry into the
Liturgical System of Cathedral and Collegiate
Foundations. ... 1843 8vo.
Jesse (Edw.) Scenes and Tales of Country Life.
1844 8vo.
Jesse (W.) Life of George Brummell. 2 vol. 1844 8vo.
Inglis (H. D.) The Tyrol; with a Glance at Bavaria.
1837 8vo.
Ingoldsby Legends. First and Second Series. 2 vol.
1842 8vo.
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London,
vol. 13. 14. .. 1844 8vo.
Index to the first Ten Volumes. ... 1844 8vo.
Journal of the Royal Agiicultural Society of England,
vol. 5. — 1844 8vo.
■^Journals of Bishops' Visitations in the Colonies. 1844 12mo.
Irby and Mangles. Travels in Egypt and Nubia,
Syria, and the Holy Land. — 1844 I2mo.
*Irons (W. I.) Parochial Lectures, Second Series.
On the Apostolical Succession. — 1838 8vo.
Keble (J.) De Poeticse Vi Medica. Pra;lectiones
Academicae Oxonii Habitae, Annis 1832-1841.
2 torn. ,.. Oxon. 1844 8vo.
Kohl (J. G.) Ireland, Scotland, and England. Lowrf. 1844 8vo.
Lane (E. W.) Account of the Manners and Customs
of the Modern Egyptians. 2 vol. Lond. 1836 8vo.
Lathbury (T.) History of the Nonjurors; their Con-
ti'oversies and Writings. ... 1845 Svo.
Lawrence (H. M. L.) Adventures of an Officer in the
Service of Runjeet Singh, 2 vol. 1845 Svo.
Leigh (Lord). Walks in the Country. 1844 12mo.
Library of Fathers, vol. 16 — 19. ... Ox/orc?, 1844 8vo.
Life of Sir James Stonhouse, Bart. M. D. 1844 12mo.
Lower ( M . A . ) C uriosities of Heraldry, with Illustra-
tions from Old English Writers. Lond. 1844 Svo.
Magazine of Natural History, Second Series, vol. 13.
14. ... 1844 Svo.
Mahon (Lord). History of England, from the Peace
of Utrecht to the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, vol. 4.
1844 Svo.
Maitland (S.R.) The Dark Ages; Essays on the State
of Religion and Literature in the 9th, 10th, 11th,
and 12th Centuries. ... 1844 Svo.
Malmesbury (James, Earl of). Diaries and Corres-
pondence ; edited by His Grandson, the Third
Earl, 4 vol. ... 1844 Svo-
Marlborough (John, Duke of). Letters and Dispatches,
from 1702 to 1712. edited by Sir George Murray,
vol. 1. 2.3. ... 1845 Svo.
Morant (Philip). History and Antiquities of the
County of Essex, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1768 fol.
Napier (W. P. F.) Conquest of Scinde, Part 1. 1845 Svo.
Nelson (Lord). Dispatches and Letters j with Notes
by Sir N. H. Nicolas, vol. 1. 2. 1844-45 Svo.
Niebuhr (B. G.) History of Rome, from the First
Punic War to the Death of Constantine. edited by
Leo. Schmitz, 2 vol. ... 1844 Svo.
Noad (H. M.) Lectures on Electricity, comprising
Galvanism, Magnetism, &c. ... 1844 Svo.
North American Review, vol. 58. ... Boston, 1844 Svo.
Orford (Horace Walpole, Earl of). Letters to Sir
Horace Mann. ConclucUng Series, vol. 3. 4.
Lond. 1844 Svo.
Paget (F. E.) The Pageant; or Pleasure and its
Price. ... 1844 12mo.
Paley (Adn.) Natural Theology; with Illustrative
Notes, by Lord Brougham and Sir C. Bell. 2 vol.
1836 Svo.
^Parkinson (Richard). The Old-Church Clock. 1844 12mo.
* Parliamentary Debates on the Dissenters' Chapels
Bill. ... 1844 Svo.
Pettigrew (T. I.) Superstitions connected with the
History and Practice of Medicine. Lond. 1844 8vo.
Philosophical Transactions, 1844. ... 1844 4to.
*Pitcairn (D.) Perfect Peace; Letters Memorial of
J. W. Howell. ... 1844 12mo.
The Porcelain Tower ; or Nine Stories of China, com-
piled from Original Sources by T. T. T. 1841 8vo.
* Primitive Church in its Episcopacy; with an Essay on
Unity. ... 1844 8vo.
Quarterly Review, vol. 73. 74. ... 1844 8vo.
Report of theXIIIth Meeting of the British Association
(at Cork). ... 1844 8vo.
Schiller. Poems and Ballads, translated by Sir E. B.
Lytton, 2 vol. ... 1844 8vo.
*Sermons by Various Divines; with Charges, &c.
5 vol. 8vo. 2 vol. 12mo. ... 1844
Sewell (Wm.) Christian Politics. ... 1834 12mo.
Siborne (W.) History of the War in France and
Belgium in 1815. 2 vol. (and Maps). 1845 8vo.
Sismondi (J. C.L.) Histoire des Fran9ais, Continuee
par Amedee Renee. tome 30. ... Paris, 1844 8vo.
f Smith (C.) English Atlas. ... Lond. 1837 fol.
Southey (R. & C. C.) Life of Andi-ew Bell, D. D.
3 vol. ... Lond. 1844 8vo.
Statutes at Large, 7 & 8 Victoriae. ... 1844 4to.
Stanley (A. P.) Life and CoiTespondeuce of Thomas
Arnold, D. D. (2 copies) 2 vol. ... 1844 8vo.
Talfourd (T. N.) Vacation Rambles and Thoughts,
2 vol. ... 1845 8vo.
Taylor (W. B. S.) Origin, Progress, &c. of the Fine
Arts in Great Britain and Ireland, 2 vol. 1 84 1 8vo.
Tennyson (Alfred). Poems, 2 vol. ... 1843 12mo.
Thirlwall (Bp.) History of Greece, vol. 8. (final) 1844 12mo.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh,
vol. 15. ... Edin. 1844 4to.
Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society,
vol. 8. ... Cainb. 1844 4to.
Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London,
Second Series, vol 3, part 1. ... Lond. 1844 4to.
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society,
N. S. vol. 9, part 1. ... Philad. 18A4 4to.
Twiss (Horace). Life of Lord Chancellor Eldon,
with Selections from his Coirespondence, 3 vol.
Lond. 1844 8vo.
W^alpole. see Orford.
Ward (W. G.) Ideal of a Christian Church con-
sidered in comparison with Existing Practice. 1 844 bvo.
Waterton (Charles) Essays on Natural History, chiefly
Ornithology, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1844 8vo.
Wilson (H. H.) History of British India from 1805
to 183e5. (Continuationof Mill) vol. I. 1845 8vo.
f Woods (W. H.) Illustrations to the First Book of
Spenser's Faery Queen. ... Bristol, 1844 fol.
Presented by Christopher George, Esq.
Charges, Sermons, and Tracts, 5 vol. 8vo. 2 vol. 12mo. Land. 1844.
Charges; by Abp.' Howley, Abp. Whately ; Bps. Monk, Sumner,
Longley. by Archdns. R. H. Wilberforce, Sinclair, Hoare,
Goddard, Bonney.
Sermons; by Bp. Longley ; by W. J. Irons, T. J. Hussey, H. Melvile,
W. F. Hook, E. B. Pusey, W. M. Heald, J. Fawcett, J. H.
Tracts; by Abp. Howley; by Chancellor Law, J. Armstrong, G. N.
BaiTow, W. M. Best, Booth, R. W. Bush, T. Grinfield, R.
Hoare, J. Ley, R. G. Macmullen, W. Palmer, A. P. Percival.
W. H. Teale, P. E. Turnbull, H. W. Wilberforce.
Bosanquet's Rights of the Poor. Priucipia.
Fowler on Church Pews.
Gresley on the Church.
Jebb's (Bp.) Pastoral Instructions.
Journals of Bishops' Visitations.
Irons' Parochial Lectures.
Parkinson's Church Clock.
Primitive Church in its Episcopacy.
Account of Society of Friends, presented by Mr. Richard Fry.
Parliamentary Debates. ... The London Committee.
Pitcaim's Perfect Peace. ... Mr. J. B. Enraght.
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Since March 25th, 1846.
*ACTS relating to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. 1844 8vo.
*^schylus. The Prometheus Chained ; translated into
English Verse by G. C. Swayne. Oxford, 1846 8vo.
Anderson (Christopher). Annals of the English Bible,
2 vol. ... 1845 8vo.
Annual Register. 1845. ... 1846 8vo.
Antonio (Nic.) Bibliotheca Hispana; sive Hispani
Scriptores qui ab Octaviani Augusti JEvo ad An-
num Christi 1684 floruerunt, 4 tom. Matriti, 1783-88 fol.
Archaeologia : Tracts by the Society of Antiquaries,
vol. 31. part 2. ... 1846 4to.
Archaeological .Journal. Published by the Committee
of the British Archaeological Association, vol. I.
2. 3. ... J«45-46 8vo.
Ballads. A Book of Roxburglie Ballads ; edited by J.
P. Collier. ... 1847 4to.
*Barham (Francis). Lecture on the Advancement of
Literature. ... Bristol, 1847 8vo.
Bedford. Correspondence of Jolm, Fourth Duke of
Bedford ; with an Introduction by Lord John
Russell, 3 vol. ... 1842-46 8vo.
Bell (Robert). Life of the Rt. Hon. George Canning. 1846 8vo.
Bramhall (Abp.) Works, vol. 3. 4. Oxford, 1844 8vo.
British Magazine, vol. 29. 30. ... 1846 8vo.
Brougham (Lord). Lives of Men of Letters and
Science, vol. 2. ... 1846 8vo.
fBruUiot (Franc.) Dictionnaire des Monogrammes,
Marques Figurees, &c. avec lesquels les Peintres
&c. ont designe leurs Noms ... Munich, 1832 fol.
Burton (J. H.) Life and Correspondence of David
Hume, 2 vol. ,.. 1846 8vo.
Camden Society's Publications, vol. 34 — 36. 1846 4to.
34. De Antiquis Legibus Liber. [ 1578—1774.]
35. Chronicle of Calais. Hen. VII. VIII.
36. Polydore Vergil's English History, vol. 1.
Campbell (Lord). Lives of the Lord Chancellors and
Keepers of the Great Seal of England, vol. 4. 5. 1846 8vo.
Carleton (Wm.) Traits and Stories of the Irish Pea-
santry, 5 vol. ... 1836 12mo.
Carlyle (Thomas). Life of Frederich Schiller. 1845 12mo-
Carlyle (Thomas). On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and
the Heroic in History. ... 1846 ISnio.
Carlyle (Thomas). Supplement to Oliver Cromwell's
Letters. ... 184<) Svo.
Cary (H. F.) Lives of English Poets, from Johnson
to Kirke-White. ... 1846 12mo.
Cary (Henry). Memoir of Henry Francis Cary, with
his Literary Jom'nal and Letters, 2 vol. 1847 Svo,
Christian Remembrancer, vol. 11. 12. 13. 1845-46 8vo,
fClergy List for 1 847. ... 1847 8vo.
Copland (J.) Dictionary of Practical Medicine, part U . 1846 8vo,
Corry (John) and Evans (John). History of Bristol,
2 vol. ... Bristol, 1816 8vo.
Costello (Louisa). Tour to and from Venice, by the
Vaudois and the Tyrol. ... 1846 Svo.
*Cottle (Jamesl. Account of the Church of St. Mary
Magdalene, Taunton, and the Restoration thereof. 1845 Svo.
Cromwell, see Carlyle.
D'Arblay (Madame). Diary and Letters; 1778—
1840, 7 vol. ... 1842-46 Svo.
The Doctor, &c. vol. 6. ... 1847 Svo.
fDugdale (Sir William). Monasticon Anglicanum;
Edited, with great Additions, by J. Caley, H.
Ellis, and B. Bandinel, 8 vol. ... 1817-30 fol.
Dulton (Francis). South Australia and its Mines;
with an Historical Sk. Ich of the Colonv- 1846 8vf>.
Edinburgh Review, vol. 83. 84. ... Edin. 1846 8vo.
Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, vol. 65. 66. 1846 8vo.
Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, vol. 54. 55.
(40.41.) ... 1846 8vo.
Eyre (E. J.) Journals of Expeditions of Discovery
into Central Australia, &c. in 1840-41, 2 vol. 1845 8vo.
Fairholt (F. W.) Costume in England; a History of
Dress, from the earliest period to the close of the
18th Century. ... 1846 8vo.
Fawn of Sertorius, 2 vol. ... 1846 8vo.
Foreign Quarterly Review, vol. 37. ... 1846 8vo.
Foster (John), see Ryland.
Foster (John). Contributions, Biographical, Literary,
and Philosophical, to the Eclectic Review, 2 vol. 1844 8vo.
Feuerbach (A. R. Von). Narratives of Remarkable
Criminal Trials, translated by Lady Duff Gordon. 1846 8vo.
Gentleman's Magazine. New Series, vol. 25. 26. 1846 8vo.
Glossary of Terms used in British Heraldry. Oxford, 1847 8vo.
Grote (George). History of Greece. I. Legendary
Greece. II. Greece to the Reign of Peisistratus,
vol 1. 2. ... 1846 8vo.
Guide to the Architectural Antiquities of the Neigh-
bourhood of Oxford. ... Oxford, 1847 8vo.
Gutch (J. M.) A Lytell Geste of Robin Hode, with
other Ballads, kc. relating to this Celebrated Yeo-
man, 2 vol. ... 1847 8vo.
Hall (W. H.) and Bernard (W. D.) The Nemesis
in China ; a History of the War in that Country,
and an Account of the Colony of Hong-Kong. 1846 8vo.
Haydon (R. B.) Lectures on Painting and Design,
2 vol. ... 1844-46 8vo.
Head (Sir F. B.) The Emigi-ant. ... 1846 8vo.
Hochelaga; or England in the New World, edited by
Eliot Warhurton, 2 vol. ... 1846 8vo.
Hodgson (Chr.) Instructions for Candidates for Holy
Orders, and the Parochial Clergy. ... 1845 8vo.
Homilies. Certain Sermons or Homilies appointed to
be read in Churches in the time of Q. Elizabeth.
Oxford, 1844 8vo.
Hughes (T. INI.) Overland Journey to Lisbon in 1846,
2 vol. ... 1847 8vo.
Hume (David), see Burton.
Jameson (Mrs.) Memoirs and Essays illustrative of
Art, Literature, and Social Morals. ... 1846 8vo.
Jesse (J. H.) Memoirs of the Pretenders and their
Adherents, 2 vol. ... 1846 8vo.
Ingoldsby Legends. Third Series. ... 1847 8vo.
Ingram (James). Memoiials of Oxford, 3 vol. Oxford, 1837 8vo.
Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England,
vol.7. ... ... 1846 8vo.
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London,
vol. 16. ... 1846 8vo.
h-ving (Washington). Legends of the Conquest of
Spain. — 1836 ^^.>
Keppel (Hon. H.) Expedition to Bonieo of H. M. S.
Dido; with Extracts from the Journal of James
Brooke, Esq. 2 vol. ... 1846 8vo.
Key (A. C.) Narrative of the Recovery of H. M. S.
Gorgon, stranded in the Bay of Monte Video 1 847 8vo,
*Kington (J, B.) Battle of Nibley Green ; with
Other Poems. ... ... 1847 12mo.
Knowles (J.Sheridan). Dramatic Works, 3 vol. 1841-43 8vo.
Lacy (Bishop of Exeter). Liber Pontificalis: edited
from a Manuscript of the 14th Century, by Ralph
Barnes. ... ... Exeter, 1846
Landor (Walter Savage). Works, 2 vol. ... 1846 8vo.
Library of Fathers, vol. 22. ... Oxford, 1847 8vo.
Lindsay (Lord). Sketches of the History of Christian
Art, 3voL ... ... 1847 8vo.
Lyttleton (Lord), see Phillimore.
Mackintosh (Sir James). Miscellaneous Works, 3 vol. 1846 8vo.
Magazine of Natural History. Second Series, vol. 17. 18. 1846 8vo.
Maitland (George). The Church in the Catacombs;
a Description of the Primitive Church of Rome. 1846 8vo.
Manning (Archdeacon). Sermons, 2 vol. ... 1846 8vo.
Maskell (Wm.) Ancient Liturgy of the Church of
England according to the uses of Sarum Bangor
York and Hereford and the modern Roman
Liturgy arranged in parallel columns. ... 1846 8vo.
Montgomery (James). Poetical Works, 4 vol. 1841 12mo.
Modem Painters. By a Graduate of Oxford, vol. 2.
Of the Imaginative and Theoretic Faculties. 1846 8vo.
Murray (Dean). Ireland and her Church. ... 1845 8vo.
Murray (W. D.) Manual of British Historians to
A. D. 1600. An Account of the Early Chroni-
clers, &c. ... ... 1845 8vo.
Nelson (Lord). Dispatches and Letters; with Notes
by Sir H. H. Nicolas, voL 7. (final) ... 1846 8vo.
Nicholson. Cambrian Traveller's Guide, in Every
Direction. ... ... 1840 8vo.
Nicolas (Sir H. H.) Memoirs of the Life and Times
of Sir Christopher Hatton, K. G. ... 1847 8vo.
Oliver (George). Monasticon Dioecesis Exoniensis;
a Collection of Records, &c. illustrating Ancient
Foundations in Cornwall and Devon. Exeter, 1846 fol.
* Orders in Council ratifying Schemes of the Ecclesi-
astical Commissioners, vol. 2. part 1. ... 1844 8vo.
Original Letters illustrative of English History ; with
Notes, &c. by Sir Henry Ellis. Third Series.
4 vol. ... ... 1846 8vo.
Pellew (Hon, and Rev. Geo.) Jjife and Correspon-
dence of V'iscount Sidmouth, 3 vol. ... 18-17 bvo.
Pliilliniorc (Rob.) Memoirs and Correspondence of
George, Lord Lyttleton, 17;34— 1773, 2 vol. 18^.", 8vo.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of
London, 1845, part 2. 1846, 4 parts. 1846 4to.
Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Archaeologi-
cal Institute of Great Britain and Ireland in 1845. 1846 8vo.
Quarterly Review, vol. 77. 78. ... 1846 8vo.
Ranke (Leopold). History of the Reformation in
Germany, translated by Sarah Austin, 3 vol. 1845-47 8vo.
Ray Society's Publications. ... 1844-47
Memorials of John Ray.
Reports on Zoology and Botany.
Reports and Papers on Botany.
British Nudibranchiate Mollusca, by Alden and Hancock.
Geography of Plants, by F. J. V. Mayen.
Alternation of Generations, by J. J. Sterastruf.
Report of the XVtt Meeting of the British Associ-
ation, (at Cambridge) ... 1846 8vo.
*Report of the Registrar General on Births, Deaths,
and Marriages, 1843-44. ... 1846 8vo.
Routh (M.J.) Reliquiae Sacree : sive Auctorum fere
jam Perditorum, 2i'di. 3tiiq. Sseculi post Christum
Natum quse supersunt, 4 torn. ... Oxon. 1846 8vo.
Ryland (J. E.) Life and Correspondence of John
Foster, 2 vol. ... ... 1846 8vo.
* Schiller : Sketches and Specimens from his Minor
Poems, by G. C. Swayne. ... Bristol, 1845 12mo.
*Seniioiis (X.) by Various Divines. ... 1842-46 8vo.
Sidinouth (Vise.) see Pellew.
Sisinondi (J.C. L.) Histoire des Fran^ais, torn. 31.
Table Generale Alphabeticjiie. ... Paris, 1844 8vo.
f Smith (C. J.) Historical and Literary Curiosities.
Fac-siiniles of Original Documents, &c. 1846 4 to.
Smith (George). Religion of Ancient Britain His-
torically considered. ... 1846 8vo.
Stanhope (Lady Hester). Travels, narrated by her
Physician, 3 vol. ... ... 1846 8vo.
Statutes at Large, 9. 10. Victoria;. (1846). 1846 4to.
Steinbach (Lt. Col.) Punjaub, a Brief Account of
the Country of the Sikhs. ... 1846 8vo.
Steinuietz (Andrew). The Novitiate; or a Year
among the English Jesuits, a Personal Narrative. 1846 8vo.
Stephen (H. J.) Commentaries on the Laws of
England, 4 vol. ... ... 1841-45 8vo.
•|-Talbot (H. F.) Pencil of Nature, part 6. 1846 4to.
Thierry (Aug.) History of the Conquest of England
by the Normans, ... ... 1840 8vo.
Thiers (M. A.) France under Napoleon, vol. 6. 1847 8vo.
Thornton (Edward). History of the British Empire
in India, 6 vol, ... ... 1841-45 8vo.
Todd (J. H.) Six Discourses on the Prophecies
relating to Antichrist in the A])ocalypse. (Dou-
iKjJlan Lecture). ... Diih/iii, 1846 Hvo.
Townsend (W. C.) Lives of XII Eminent Judges
of the last and of the present Century, 2 vol. 1 846 8vo.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol.
16. part 2. ... ... Edin. 1846 4to.
Transactions of the Geological Society of London.
Second Series, vol. 7. part 3. ... 1846 4to.
Transactions of the British Archaeological Association
at its Second Annual Congress. ... 1846 8vo.
Tupper (M. F.) Proverbial Philosophy: a Book of
Thoughts and Arguments originally treated,
2 vol. ... ... , 1844-46 8vo.
Unclaimed Dividend Books of the Bank of England.
A List of Persons entitled to various sums of
money. ... ... 1846 8vo.
* Walker (Richard). Weston-super-Mare and its
Associations, a Poem. ... Bristol, 1847 12mo.
*Way (Albert). Remarks on Ancient Chess-men 1846 8vo.
Wilson (H. H.) History of British India from 1805
to 1835. (Continuation of Mill.) vol. 2. 1846 8vo.
Wolff (Joseph) NaiTative of a Mission to Bokhara
in the Years 1843-45. ... 1846 8vo.
Wordsworth (Chr.) Diary in France, mainly on
topics concerning Education and the Church. 1846 8vo.
Wright (Tho.) Biographia Britannica Literaria; or
Biography of Literary Characters of Great Britain
and Ireland, vol. 1. 2. (Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-
Norman Periods). ... ... 1842-46 8vo.
Wright (Tlio.) Essays on the Literature, Popular
Superstitions, &c. of England in the Middle Ages,
2 vol. ... -. 1846 8vo.
Yeowell (James). Chronicles of the Ancient British
Church, anterior to the Saxon Era. ... 1847 4to.
Zimraermann ( C . ) Memoir on the Countries about the
Caspian and Aral Seas, illustrative of the Russian
Expedition against Khivah. ... 1840 8vo.
^schylus, Prometheus Chained.
Schiller's Minor Poems.
Barham's (F.) Lecture on Literature.
Cottle's (J.) Restoration of St. Mary's
Orders in Council.
Sermons, by various Divines.
Kington's (J. B.) Poems.
Report on Births, &c.
Walker's (Rev. R.) Weston-super-Mare.
Way (Alb.) on Chess-men.
Presented by Rev. G. C. Svvayne.
„ The Author.
„ C. George, Esq.
The Author.
Registrar General.
The Author.
The Author.
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Since March 25th, 1847.
r I! I N T K ]> 1! Y J. C H I I, C () T T, V I. A It I', S T K V. K T,
ALISON (Archibald). Military Life of John, Duke
of Marlborough ... Edin. 1847 8vo.
Annual Register. 1846. ... Lond. 1847 8vo.
Archaeologia : Tracts by the Society of Antiquaries,
vol. 32. part L ... 1847 4to.
Archaeological Journal, vol. 4. ... 1847 8vo.
Arnold (Thomas). History of the later Roman Com-
monwealth ; and of the Reign of Augustus : with
a Life of Trajan, 2 vol. ... 1845 8vo.
Bancroft (Hon. George). History of the United
States, from the Discovery of the American
Continent, 3 vol. ... 1847 Svo.
Becker (Professor). Gallus : or Roman Scenes of the
Time of Augustus; translated by Fred. Metcalfe. 1844 Svo.
Becker (Professor). Charicles : or Illustrations of the
Private Life of the Ancient Greeks ; translated by
Fred. Metcalfe. ... Lond. 1845 8vo.
Beveridge (Bp.) Ecclesia Anglicana Ecclesia Catho-
lica. A Discourse upon the XXXIX Articles.
Oxford 1836 8vo.
Biscoe (Richard). History of the Acts of the
Apostles, confirmed from other Authors. (Boyle
Lect. 1736-38.) ... 1840 8vo,
Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 61. 62. Edin. 1847 8vo.
*British Almanack, 1834 — 1847. Companion to the
Almanack, 1823—1847. With a General Index,
21 vol. ... Lond. 1823-47 12mo.
British Magazine, vol. 31. 32. ... 1847 8vo.
Britton (John). Topographical Sketches of North
Wiltshire. ... 1837 8vo.
Broderip (W. J.) Zoological Recreations. 1847 8vo.
Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire et de I'Amateur
de Livres. 1. Dictionnaire Bibliogi-aphique : 2.
Catalogue Raisonne : 5 torn, in 10. Paris 1842-44 8vo.
Bunsen (C. C. J.) Constitution of the Church of
the Future ... Lond. 1847 8vo.
Butler (Fanny). Year of Consolation, 2 vol. 1847 8vo.
*Cambvidge. A Collection of Documents relating to the
University of Cambridge: 1500 — 1572. edited
byJ. Lamb, D.D. ... C«m6. 1838 8vo.
Cauiden Society's Publications, vol. 37 — 40. Loud. 1847 4to.
37. Relation of tlie Island of England, (circa A.D.
38. Collegiate Church of INIiddlehani. (Documents).
39. Camden Miscellany, vol. 1.
40. Life of Lord Grey of Wilton.
Campbell (Lord) Lives of the Lord Chancellors, and
Keepers of the Great Seal of England, vol. 6. 7.
(final) ... ••• 1847 8vo.
Carus (Wm.) Memoirs of Charles Simeon; with
a Selection from his Writings and Con-espon-
dence. ... 1847 8vo.
Cheyne (John). Esasys on Partial Derangement
of the Mind in supposed Connection with Reli-
gion. ... 1843 8vo.
Christian Remembrancer, vol. 14. ... 1847 8vo.
Coleridge (S. T.) Biographia Literaria ; or Biogra-
phical Sketches of My Life and Ophiions. Edited
by Sara Coleridge, 3 vol. ... 1847 12mo.
Cottle (Joseph). Reminiscences of S. T. Coleridge
and Robert South ey. ... 1847 8vo.
Craven (Hon. R. K.) Tour through the Southern
Provinces of the Kingdom of Naples. 1821 4to.
D'Aubigne (J. H. Merle). Germany, England, and
Scotland: or Recollections of a Swiss Minister. 1848 8vo.
The Doctor &c. vol. 7. (linal) ... 1847 8vo,
Eastlake (C. L.) Materials for a History of Oil
Painting. ... Lond. 1847 8vo.
Edinburgh Review, vol. 85. 86. Edin. 1847 8vo.
Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, vol. 67. 68. 1847 8vo.
Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, vol. 56. 57.
(42. 43.) ... 1847 8vo.
Evelyn (John). Life of Mrs. Godolpbin. Edited
by Bp. Wilberforce. ... Lond. 1848 12mo.
Fortune (Robert). Three Years' Wanderings in the
Northern Provinces of China. 1847 8vo.
Francis (John). History of the Bank of England, its
Times and Traditions, 2 vol. 1847 8vo.
Fry (Elizabeth). Memoir of her Life, wiih Extracts
from her Journal and lietters, 2 vol. 1847 8vo.
fGalerie Electorale de Dusseldorff, ou Catalogue
Raisonne et Figure de ses Tableaux, par Nic.
de Pigage, 2 torn. ... Basle 1778 fol.
Gentleman's Magazine. New Series, vol. 27. 28.
Lond. 1847 8vo.
Gilpin (Wm.) Observations on the Western Parts
of England, relative to Picturesque Beauty. 1798 8vo.
Three Essays : on Picturesque Beauty, &c. 1792 8vo.
Gleig (G. R.) Story of the Battle of Waterloo. 1847 8vo.
Goethe's Autobiography. edited by P. Godwin,
3 vol. ... ... 1847 8vo.
Greswell (Edward). Supplementary Dissertations
upon a Harmony of the Gospels. Oxford 1834 8vo.
Griswold (R. W.) The Prose Writers and Literature
of America. ••• Lond. 1847 8vo.
Grote (George). History of Greece, vol. 3. 4.
1847 8vo.
Halliwell (J. O.) Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial
Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient
Customs, 2 vol. ... 1847 8vo.
Head (Sir Edm.) Hand-Book to the Spanish and
French Schools of Painting. (Sequel to Kugler)
1848 8vo.
Herschel (Sir J. F. W.) Results of Astronomical
Observations made during 1834 — 1838. at the
Cape of Good Hope ... 1847 4to.
Hood (Thomas). Poems of Wit and Humour. 1847 12mo.
Hood's (Thomas) Own: or Laughter from Year to
Year. ... 1846 8vo.
Hoskings (William). Guide to the Regulation of
Buildings in Towns, as a means of promoting
Health, &c. ... 1848 8vo.
Humboldt (Alex. Von). Cosmos, vol. 2. part 1. 1847 8vo.
Jesse (J. H.) Literary and Historical Memorials of
London, 2 vol. ... 1847 8vo.
Johnstone (George). History of the British Zoo-
phytes, 2 vol. ... 1847 Bvo.
Journal of a few Months' Residence in Portugal, and
Glimpses of the South of Spain, 2 vol. Lotid. 1847 8vo.
Journal of the Royal Agiicultural Society of England,
vol. 8. ... 1847 8vo.
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London,
vol. 17. part 1. 2. ... 1847 8vo.
Jukes (J. B.) Narrative of the Surveying Voyage of
H. M. S. Fly, in Torres Strait, New Guinea, &c.
1842— 1846, 2 vol. .., 1847 8vo.
Kohl (J. G.) Russia, ... 1844 8vo.
Kugler. see Head.
*Lamb (J. Dean of Bristol). Historical Account of
the XXXIX Articles. ... Camh. 1829 4to.
*Liber Cartarum Prioratus Sancti Andree in Scotia a
Registro Ipso in Archivis Baronum de Panmure
hodie asservato. ... Edin. 1841 4to.
Library of Fathers, vol. 23. 24. ... Oxford \M1 8vo.
Lodge (Edmund). Peerage of the British Empire.
With the Baronetage. Lond. 1847 8vo.
fLondon Catalogue of Books published in Great
Britain, 1814—1846. ... 1846 8vo.
Loudon (J. C.) Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm, and
Villa Architecture, and Furniture. 1833 8vo.
Macgregor (John). Commercial Statistics, vol. 3.
1847 8vo.
Magazine of Natural Histor}-. Second Series, vol. 19.
20. ... Lond. 1847 8vo.
Martin (R. Montgom.) China; Political, and Social,
2 vol. ... lb47 Svo.
Manning (Archdeacon). Sermons, vol. 3. 1847 8vo.
*Masters (Robert). History of the College of Corpus
Christi, Cambridge. With a Continuation by J.
Lamb, D.D. ... Caw6. 1831 4to.
Mauiice (F. D.) Religions of the World and their
Relations to Christianity considered. (Boyle
Lect. 1846.) ... Lond, 1847 Svo.
Melville (Herman). Typee; Narrativeof a Residence
in the Marquesas Islands; or a Peep at Polynesian
Life. ... 1847 8vo.
Omoo : a NaiTative of Adventures in the South Seas.
(Sequel to Typee.) ... 1847 8vo.
Mitchell (Sir T. L.) Journal of an Expedition into
the Interior of Tropical Australia, in search
of a Route from Sydney to the Gulf of
Cai-pentaria. ... 1848 8vo.
Morell (J. D.) Historical and Critical View of the
Speculative Philosophy of Europe in the Nine-
teenth Century, 2 vol. ... 1847 8vo.
fMusee Fran^ais. Recueil des plus beaux Tableaux,
Statues, et Bas-reliefs qui existaient au Louvre
avant 1815. avec rEx))lication dos Sujets, &c.
par Duchesne Aine, 4 torn. Paris fol.
Northcote (James). Fables, Original and Selected,
2 vol. ... Lond. 1829-33 8vo.
Ottley (W. Y.) Notices of Engravers and their
Works (Commencement of a Dictionary.)
1831 8vo.
Pardoe (Miss). Louis the Fourteenth, and the Court
of France in the Seventeenth Century, 3 vol.
1847 8vo.
Parr (Richard). Life and Letters of Abp. Usher. 1686 fol.
Pascal (Blaise). Pensees Fragments et Lettres,
publies pour la premiere fois conformement
aux MSS. Orig. par M. Pr. Faugere, 2 tom.
Paris 1844 8vo.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, for
1847, parti. ... ... Lond. 1847 4to.
f Pocock (Rose Rachael). Sketches of Bristol in the
Olden Time, part 1 . ... Bristol 1847 fol.
*Porter (Sir Rob. Ker). Travels in Georgia, Persia,
Armenia, Ancient Babylonia, &c. &c. during
1817—1820, 2 vol. ... Lond. 1821 4to.
Prescott (W. H.) History of the Conquest of Peru,
with a Preliminary View of the Civilization of
the Incas, 2 vol. ... 1847 8vo.
Quarterly Review, vol. 79. 81. ... 1847 8vo.
Ray Society's Publications. Lond. 1846-47
Niidibrancliiate Mollusca, by Alder and Han-
cock, part 2. 3. ... ... 4to.
Organization of Trilobites, by H. Bunueister. 4to.
Reports on Zoology for 1843. 1844. , 8vo.
Elements ol Physiophilosopby, by Lorenze Oken. Svo.
Report (Sixteenth) of the British Association.
1847 Svo.
f Roberts (David). Sketches of Egypt and Nubia;
with Historical Descriptions, by Wm. Brockedon,
part 1 — 10. ... 1846-48 fol.
Ross (Sir J. C.) Voyage of Discovery and Research in
the Southern and Antarctic Regions during 1839 —
1843, 2 vol. ... 1847 Svo.
Royal Descents : a Genealogical List of Persons en-
titled to Quarter the Arms of the Royal Houses of
England. ... 1845 4to.
Simeon, see Carus.
Simpson (Sir George). Narrative of a Journey round
the World, during 1841-42, 2 vol. 1847 Svo.
Soane (George). New Curiosities of Literature and
Book of the Months, 2 vol. ... 1847 Svo.
Sowerby (James). Finglish Botany; or Coloured
Figures of British Plants, with their Essential
Characters, Synonyms, and Places of Growth,
36 vol. ... 1790-1814 Svo.
Statutes of the United Kingdom, 10. 11. Vict.
(1847.) ... Land. 1847 4to.
Sterling (John). Essays and Tales ; with a Memoir
of his Life, by J. C. Hare, 2 vol. 1847 8vo.
*Symonds (J. A.) Knowledge; an Introductory
Address, delivered at the Bristol Athenaeum.
Bristol 1846 12mo.
•Taylor (Henry). Eve of the Conquest, and Oilier
Poems. ... Lond. 1847 12mo.
Tennyson (Alfred). The Princess; a Medley. 1847 12mo.
Theojihilus (called also Rugerus). Essay upon
Various Arts : translated, with Notes, by Rob.
Hendrie. ... ... 1847 8vo.
Thiers (M. A.) Consulate and Empire of France,
vol. 7. ... ... 1847 8vo.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 16,
part 3, ... Edin. 1847 4to.
Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 21,
part I. ... ... Dublin 1846 4to.
Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society,
vol. 8, part 3. ... Camb. 1847 4to.
Trench (F.) Walk round Mont Blanc, etc. Loud. 1847 8vo.
*Waddilove (W.J.D.) The Lamp in the Wilderness,
with Fragmenta Vetusta. An Examination of
Symbols as applicable to History and explicable
by Scripture. ... Hexham 1847 8vo.
Warbiivton (Acton). RoUo and His Race; or Foot-
steps of llie Nonnans, 2 vol. Lond. 1848 8vo.
Warner (Richard). Topographical Remarks on
the South - Western Parts of Hampshire, 2
vol. ... ... 1793 8vo.
Westwood (J. O.) Introduction to the Modem Clas-
sification of Insects, 2 vol. 1839-40 8vo.
Wordsworth (Clias.) Letters to M. Gondon on the
Destructive Character of the Church of Rome in
Religion and Policy, 2 vol. 1847-48 8vo.
Account of the XXXIX Articles.
History of C. C. Coll. Camb.
Documeuts relating to Camb. Univ.
Liber Cartarum Prior. Sanct. Andree.
Presented by the Very Rev. the
Dean of Bristol.
„ Onesiphorus Tyndall
Bruce, Esq.
Porter's (Sir R. K.) Travels in'
Georgia, &c.
British Almanack and Companion,
Symonds's (Dr. J. A.) Introductory |
Address. ... '
Waddilove's (W. J. D.) Lamp in the|
Wilderness. ... )
Dr. W. O. Porter.
The Author.
Dr. James Rumsey.
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