OP THK ?|hthrmit$r 0I ^difqiria* .7^ : 4&}££gC~ Division / Range ' Shell Received ^c^-fM^ty^^o . University of California. (rl^'M- I >K //^*/ 757/. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofdramaOOcincrich CATALOGUE OF THE Dramas and Dramatic Poems CONTAINED IN THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. LIB H A K > k INI VKHSITV OF CALIFORNIA. CINCINNATI: PUBLISHED BY THE BOARD OF MANAGERS. J. R. Mills «fc Co., 124 Walnut Street, Printers. 1879. ;3Jf&' Tins catalogue contains two complete lists (first under authors ami afterwards under titles) of all the dramas and dramatic poems in this library. It will be followed by a bibliography of everything in the library relating to the drama, whether in the depart- ment of history, criticism, interpretation, or representation — including many thousands of hitherto nnostalogaed articles in reviews and magazines and parts of works which treat in the main of other subjects. Spkci.m, directions for finding what is desired are not necessary. Any one knowing the title of a drama for which he is looking need only consult the second part of the cata- logue ; for English titles, pages 101-1 03; for French titles, pages l<;:t-170; for German titles, pages 170-189; for Greek titles, pages 189-190; for Italian titles, pages 190-191 ; for Latin titles, pages 191-192: and for Spanish titles, page 192. In order to find what dramas of a given author the library possesses, consult the first part of the catalogue ipages 1-91), including the list of " additions" (pages 92-100). A complete list of the abbreviations used in the catalogue will be found below-. Books marked with an asterisk (*) can not be removed from the Library. THOMAS VICKKRS, Librarian: ABBREVIATIONS A 1! D. . A c. A lsgew. W. B. B. T. B. d'A. I. B. I>. B. D. B. B. V. s. B. V. T. C. c. I. 0. T. 15. Ohefi -d'(K. I). Chefs-d(E. T. D. 1>. L. T. 1) O. P. I) P. D. It. P. D. T. Titles ok Works. D. W. E. C. Ancient British Drama. F. M. Auteurs comique*. F. S. Ausg&wahlte Werke. <;. p w. Bell's British Theater. <;. s. Biblioteca d'eutori Italian!. H. E. D. British Drama. Blooh'l Dilettanten-Biihne. T. B. F. Bibliothek vaterliindisoher Sehati- I. B. T. spiele. I. M. T. Bloch's Volks-Theatcr. K. A. f. L.-B Comedies. Classici Italianl. K. A. f. S.-S. Clasrrische Theater-Bibliothek. K. T. Cheft-d'GSuvre dramatiqaes. K. T. S. Chefs-d'(Euvre tragiques. K. V. S.-B. Dramas. L. P. Dibdin's London Theatre. L. S. Dodsley's Collection of Old Plays. M. B. D. Deutsche Puppeiicomodien. M. \V. Drawing room plays. N. B. T. Deutsches Theater. N. T. A. DramatieWorks. DramatischeWerke- English comedy. French's Minor Drama. French's Standard Drama. Oesammclte postische "Werke. Gesammeltc Schriften. llawkin's Origin of the English Drama. Inchbald's British Farces. Inchbald's British Theater. Inchbald's Modern Theater. Kiihling's Album fiir Liebhabor- Biihnen. Kiihling's Album fiir Solo-Scenen. Kleines Theater. Kiihling's Theater-Special it lit. Kiihling's Volks- Schaubiihne. I.acv's Acting Plays. London Stage. Modern British Drama. Miscellaneous Works. New British Theater. Nouveau Theatre Anglois. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Abbreviations. 4 Abbreviations. N. W. T. Neues Wiener Theater. O. D. Old Dramatists. ", O. E. I). Old English Drama. O. E. P. Old English Plays. O. M. Opera Minori. 05. (Euvres. (E. P. (Euvres poetiques. (E. post. (Euvres posthumes. Ox. N. E. D. Oxberry's New English Drama. P. Plays. P. W. Poetic Works. S. Schriften. S. C. Select Comedies. S. I. C. Select Italian Comedies. S. P. Select Plays. S. S. Siimmtliche Schriften. S. S. P. Shakespeare Society Publications. S. W. Siimmtliche Werke. Select Works. Sc. et Com. Scenes et Comedies. Sc. et Pr. Scenes et Proverbes. T. Theatre. T. C. Thcater-Correspondenz. T. c. Theatre complet. T. de F. Theatre de Famille. T. E. Teatro Espagiiol. T. G. T. Thompson's'German Theater. T. I. A. Teatro Italiano Antico. Th. imposs. Theatre Impossible. V. S. Vermischte Schriften. W. Werke. Works. W. S. C. L. Waldie's Select Circulating Library. W. T. Wallner's Thespiskarren. Trag. and Frag. Tragcedia! et fragmenta vEschyli et Sophoclis. Classification ok Dramas. A. Allegory. B. Burletta. Ba. Ballet. Bs. Burlesque. Bs. O. Burlesque opera. C. Comedy. Comedie. Comodio. ( e\lia. " Coina'dia. Comedia. C. B. Comic burletta. C. D. Comie drama. C. 1. Comic interlude. CO. Comic opera. c. s. Comic scene. C. V. Comedie vaudeville Ca. Comedietta. Can. Cantata. D. Drama. Drame. D. G. Dramatisches Gedicht. D. eques. Sp. Dramatic Equestrian Spectacle. D. Fr. Dramatic fragment. D. K. Dramatische Kleinigkeit. D. P. Dramatic poem. D. R. Dramatic romance. D. S. Dramatic scene. D. Sk. Dramatic sketch. D. Tab. Dramatic tableau. Dia. Dialogue. Dom. D. Domestic drama. Du. Duologue. E. Extravaganza/ F. Farce. F. E. Farcical extravaganza. F. Sp. Fastnachtspiel. Fa. Fantasie. Festsp. Festspiel. Fr. Fragment. G. Gedicht. Gr. Grille. Com- H. Humoreske. H. D. Historical drama. H.O. Historical opera. H. P. Historical play. H. Seh. Historisches Schauspiel. H. T. Historical tragedy. Historisches Trauerspiol. I. Interlude. K. L. Komisches-Lustspiel. K. O. Komisehe Oper. K. Ssp. Komisches Singspiel. L. Lustspiel. Lsp. Liederspiel. M. Melo-drama. M. En. Melo-dramatic entertainment. M. F. Melo-dramatic farce. M. K. • Miinrchen-Komiidie. M. O. Melo-dramatic opera. M. K. Melo-dramatic romance. Mas. Masque. Mo. Monologue. Ms. D. Musical drama. Ms. En. ' Musical entertainment. Ms. F. Musical farce. Ms. P. Musical play. N. D. Nautical drama. N. E. Nautical extravaganza. Na. Naehspiel. 0. Opera. O. Bs. Operatic burlesque. O. E. Operatic extravaganza. O. P. . Operatic play. Oa. Operetta. Or. Oratorio. P. Play. P.O. Petit comedy. Pa. Pastoral. Pa. C. Pastorale comique. Par. Parable. Pg- Pageant. PI. Plauderei. Pn. Pantomime. Po. Posse. Po. mit. Ges. Posse mit Gesang. Pr. Proverb. Proverbe. Pre. Prelude. Prelude. r: d. Romantic drama. Romantisches Drama. R. Ms. D. Romantic musical drama. R. P. Romantic play. S. Scene. 8.-0. B. Serio-comic burletta. S.-C. 0. Serio-comic opera. s.-s. Solo-Scene. Sa. Serenata. Sch. Schauspiel. Schw. Sehwank. Ser. Serenade. Sp. Spectacle. Sp. E. Spectacular extravaganza. Spl. Spiel. Ssp. Singspiel. S. Sz. Solo Scherz. Sz. Scherz. T. Tragedy. Tragedie. Tragiidie. Trauer- spiel. Tragedia. Tragcedia. Tragedia T.-C. Tragi-comedy. T. I. Tragic interlude. Tab. V. Tableau-vaudeville. Tr. Travesty. V. Vaudeville. V. C. Vaudeville comedy. Vo. • Vorspiel. Z. Po. Zauber-Posse. Z. Sp. Zauber-Spiel. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. '' J B R A n y THE DRAMA: AUTHORS. A'Beckett, (filbert Abbott. A MHAs-i.viiKK.ss, The. (CO.) Music bvAuber. In P. 1 In 82:185 Anoki.o; or, The actress of Padua. (P.) Altered and trans, from the French. In F. S. 23 In 32:139 (ii.riiKi;. ,('.i In L. P. 83 In 82:488 KiMi John (with the benefit of the act.) (Be.) In P. 8 In 82:1M Le.ndino a hand. (F.) In L. P. 69. ...In 82:468 M\n with the carpet bag, The. (F.) In K. M. 40-41 In 32:74 Same. In L. P. 68 In 82:488 BUM ksk twins, The. (F.) In F. M.28..In 32:>:s Same. In L. P. 79 In 82:478 TRADEsMAN'sball, The. (F.) InS.P. 2..In 32:202 Turned bead, The. In F. M. 28 In 32:68 Same. InL.P.67 In 32:467 I'nkokiinatk M i>s Bailey. (I.) In P. 13 In 32:197 About, Edmond ( Francois- Valentin.) Assassin, L'. In Tli. imposs In 82:1868 Same. Oer. (Der Kaubmiirdcr) by F. Zell. In N. \V. T. 40 In 32:2208 Chapkau de Sainte Catherine, Le. In Th. imposs. In 82:1660 Education dun prince, IV. In Th. imposs. In 82:1660 Oru.i.EKY. In Th. iniposs In 82:1650 JutF et le moine, Le. (Dia.) In Causcries. 2. In 56:4002 Troupes lege res de 1' encyclioue. Les. Scene dc la vie privee. In Causeries. 1 In 56:4001 THeaTRE impossible. Paris. 1864. 16° 32:1050 Abraham. Bmile, and Pik-vel, Jules. Parents de Province, Lea. Vaudeville en un aete. Paris. 1865. 12°. With Theatre de famillc. In 32:1512 Achard, Mario. See Clapp, Win. W., Jr. Addison, Joseph. Cato. (T.) In M. B.D.I In 32:101 Same. In B. B. T. 3 In 32:253 Same, In I. B. T. 8 In 32:348 Same. In L. S. 2 In •82:523 Same. In W. 1. (Loud, cd.) In 34:571 Same. In W. 1. (N. Y. ed.) In 34:575 Drummer, The; or, The haunted house. (C.) In M. B. D. 4 In 32:104 Same. In B. II. T. 1! In 32:261 Same. In W. 1. y Theodoro A. Buckley. In Tragedies In 1:2780 Same... In 1:2783 Same Eng. by E. H. Plumptre. In Tragedie- 1. In 1:2789 Same. Eng. by R. Potter. In Tragedies In 1:2796 Same In 1:5820 Same. der. by .1. J. C. Donner In 1:2812 Same, Latin. In Trag. and Frag In •1:2286 Cihkpiiorik. .S>e The libation pourers. Eimenidks. Set Furies. Furies, The. Or. (T.) In Trag. and Frag. 1. In »1:22C6 Same. ling, literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies In 1:2780 Same In 1:2783 Same. Eng. bv E. II. Plumptre. In Tragedies 1. Ill 1:2789 Same. Eng. by K. Potter. Ill Tragedies In 1:2796 Same 7. In • 1:5820 Same. Otr. by J. J. C. Donner In 1:2812 Same. Enti,,.' I n Trag. and Frag. 1 In •1:3366 Libation-pourers, The. Or. (T.) In Trag. and Frag. 1 In •f:3366 Same. Eng. literal, with notes bv Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 1 ." In 1:3780 Same..." In 1:2783 Same. Eng. by E. H. Plumptre. In Tragediea 1. In 1:2788 Same. Eng. bv R. Potter. In Tragedies.... In 1:2796 Sam- In *1:5820 Same. Oer. by J. J. C. Donner In 1:2812 Same. Latin. In Trag. and Frag. 1 In •1:2266 I'ki'.s.k. Set The Persians. Persians, The. Gr. (T.) In Trag. and Frag. 1. In •1:2268 Same. Eng. literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 1 In 1:2780 Same..." In 1:2783 Same. Eng. bv E. H. Plumptre. In Tragedies 2. In 1:3790 Same. Eng.hy K. Potter. In Tragedies 1.... In 1:2786 Same In • 1:5820 Same. Otr. bv .1. J. C. Donner In 1:2812 Same. Latin, In Trag. and Frag. 1 In *1:3266 Prometheus bound. Or. (T.) (Blomfleld.) Lond. 1829. 8° 1:2380 Same. Or. In Trag. and Frag. I In 1:2266 Same. Or. with English notes bv T. D. Wool-ev. Host. 1856. 12° *. 1:2458 Same. Eng. literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies l Tn 1:2780 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. Authors. j33schylus, (continued.) — Same In 1:2783 Same. Eng. with notes, by Geo. C. Fox. With •Sophocles' Elect™ In 1:2806 Same. Eng. by It. .Potter. In Tragedies 1. In 1:2796 Same In • 1:5820 Same. Eng. by E. H. Plumptre. In Tragedies 2. In 1:2790 Same. Ger. by J.J. C. Donner In 1:2812 Same. Latin. In Trag. and Frag. 1 In * 1:2266 Septe.m adversus Thebas. See Seven against Thebes. Seven against Thebes. Gr. (T.) (Blomfield.) Lond. 1828. 8° 1:2393 Same. Gr. In Trag. and frag. 1 In •1:2*86 Same. Gr. with Eng. notes by Augustus Sachtleben. Bost. 1853. 12° 1:2461 Same. Eng. literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley, in Tragedies 1 In 1:2780 Same In 1:2783 Same. Eng. b} T E. H. Plumptre. In Tragedies 2. In 1:2790 Same. Eng. by R. Potter. In Tragedies l..ln 1:2796 Same In • 1:5820 Same. Ger. by J. J. C. Donner In 1:2812 Same. Latin. In Trag. and Frag, i In *1;2266 Suppliants, The. Gr. In Trag. and Frag. 1. In * 1:2266 Same. Eng. literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 1 In 1:2780 Same..." In 1:2783 Same. Eng. by E. II. Plumptre. In Tragedies 2. In 1:2790 Same. Eng. by R. Potter. In Tragedies l..In 1:2796 Same In * 1:5820 Same. Ger. by J. J. C. Donner In 1:2812 Same. Latin. In Trag. and Frag In 3! 1:2266 Supplices. See The Suppliants. Tragedies. Literally translated. With critical and illustrative notes, and an introduction, by Theodore Alois Buckley. To which is added an appendix, containing the new readings of Hermann's posthumous edition. Translated and considered by Geo. Binges. New York. 1856. 12° 1:2780 Traokdies, literally translated, with critical and illustrative notes and an introduction. London. 1870. sm. 8° 1:2783 Tragedies. A new translation, with a biographi- cal essay, and an appendix of rhymed choral odes. London. 1868. 2 v. sm. 8° 1:2789-90 Tragedies translated by Rev. Robert Potter. New York. 1852. 16° 1:2796 Same. Norwich. 1777. 4° *1;5820 Traqodien. Deutsch in den Versmassen der Urschrift von J. J. C. Donner. Stuttgart. 1854. 2 v. in 1. 16° 1:2812 — and Sophocles. Tragcedi.b et fragmenta. Grajce et latine cum indicibus. Paris. 1864. lg. 8° •1:2266 Note. .rEschylus ed. by E. A. I. Ahrens. Sophocles by L. Benloew, and E. A. I. Ahrens. Aiken. Geo. L. Uncle Tom's cabin. Dramatized from Mrs. Stowe's novel. In F. S. 28 In 32:142 Alamanni, Luigi. Antigone, L'. (T.) In T. I. A. 2. In «56:5517.2 Flora, La. (C.) In T. I. A. 4 In *56:5517.4 Album fiir Liebhaber-Biihnen. [Collection of plays by different authors published by Kuhling.] Berlin. n. t. p. 105 Nos. in 21 vols. 16° 32:2081-2101 Album fiir Solo-Scenen. [Collection of monolo- gues by different authors, published by A. Kuhling.] Berlin." n. t. p. 15 Nos. in 3 vols. 16°. ..32:2131-33 Contents: Alexander, A. Itzig Hirseh in der Tanzstunde ; odor. Kins, swell drei, bei der Bank vorbei ! Music by Frit/. Kaiser, (with music of two songs.) An'dkks, N. J. Maccabiier. Music by R. Thieie. Fiu.pmann, Hugo. Ilzig Hirseh aid Rekrut. (With music of two songs.) Frfvtag, A. Registrators Karline, das Miidchen fur Alles. Mu -ic by R. Thiele. Hahn, R Jettehen's Brautgedanken. Punkt cins EU Tiscii ! Wo bloilit da die Moral ? KoiiLKH, Wilh. Kluinon im Haar. Iter dramalische Hausknecht. Mvi.hs.O. Aimer Klo>tei binder, Kin. Music by R. Thiele. Comtesse Heiene. Music by It. Thiele. I.ucinde voiri Theater. Music by K. Thiele. Mttschinenbauer Knobbe. Music by R. Thiele. Milehmiidehen aus 8ch4neberg, Das. Music by R. Thiele. Voi.oer, Franz. Backtischehen. Music by C. Heyer. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Set of turquoise, The. (D. sketch.) In Poems. In 31:348 Alexander, A. See Album fiir Solo-Scenen. Alfleri da Asti, Yittorio. Tragedie con una notizia intorno agli autograft dclle Intgedie conservati nella Mediceo-laurenziana cd alio prime e principal! edi/.ioni di esse. Firenze. 1866. 2V. 12° 32:2710-11 Contents : Allele, v. 2. AL'iirneinnone. V. 1. Agide. v. 2. Alceslo II. v. 2. Antigone, v. 1. Antonio e Cleopatra, v. 2. Hiuto I. v. 2. Brnio II. v. ■_>. Conginrade" Pazzi, La. v. 1. lion ttaraia. v. 1. Filippo. v. 1. Tragedies complete. Bowring. Lond. 1876. Contents: Aliel. v. 2. Agamemnon, v. 1. Agis. v. 2. Aleestis II. v. 2. Antigone, v. 1. Antony - and Cleopatra, v. 2. Brutus I. v. 2. Brutus II. v. 2. Conspiracy of Pazzi, The. v. 2 Don ttarcia. v. 2. Mary Smart, v. I. Maria Stuarda. v. 1. Merope. v. 1. Mirm. v. 2. Create, y. 1. Oltavia. v. I. Poliuice. v. 1. liosmunda. v. 1. Saul. v. 2. sofonisba. v. 2. Tiinoleone. v. 1. Virginia, v. 1. Edited by Edgar Alfred 2 v. 12°'. t..32:697-8 . 1. Merope. Myrrha. Oclavia. Orestes. Philip, v. l. Polyniees. v. 1. Kosmunda. v. 1. Saul, v.2. s iphonfiiba. v. 2. Tunoleon. v. I. Virginia, v. I. Alger, Horatio, Jr. and Cheney, 0. Augusta. Seeking his fortune, and other dialogues. Boston. [1875]. 16° ." 32:700 Contents : Aunt Hannah's valentine. Aunt Patience's ear-trumpet. Aunt Rachel's fright. Boarding on a farm. Country cousin, The. Deacon Robinson's present. ilimsilv visitation, The. High life below stairs. Hypochondriac cured, The. Jdbn Smith's trials. Keeping genteel boarders. Magic mirror. The. Mr. Bliss's vision. Mr. Smith's day at home. Mrs. tjnmdy's tyranny. Mrs. Manlen's lesson. Mrs. Skinflint's bargains. One week an editor. Practical husbandry. Seeking his fortune. Taking poison. Taming a wife. Allainval, Leonor Jean Christine Soulas d'. Ecole des Bourgeois, L'. (C.) In Auteurs comi- ques 3 ."". In 32:1503 Allen, Jno. II. Fruits of the wine cup. (D.) In F. S, 44-45. In 32:150 Allingham, John Till. Fortune's frolic. (F.) In F. M. 18 In 32:63 Same. In L. S. 2 In iB 32:523 Same. In (J. P. 13 In 32:563 Weathercock, The. In F. M. 5 In 32:55 Same. In L. P. 71 In 32:471 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Thk Drama. Atthorb. Almar, Ge orge. Cii u:iiia!.-iiiikkii. The; or, The dropping well of Knamboroagh. In F. S. 41 In* 32:1 48 Same. In L 1'. Tl In 32:471 Crossing the line; or, Crowded houses. (0, D.) In V. M.12 In 32:'H) Bam*. In L. l'. 88 in 82:438 KniK niter, The. (M.) In L. P. 84 In 32:484 Kmciiits ol' St. John, The. (M.) In L. P. 66 In 39:466 Oi.ivkii Twbt (S.-C. B.) In F. S. 2:1. ..In 32:112 RoBBKBof the Rhine. (IX) In F. S. 23..In 32:139 Same. In 8. P. 18 In 32:215 Same. In L. P. 87 In 32:487 Tower of Nesle; or, The chambers or death. (R. D.) In L. P. 91 In 32:4'.M Wipe of seven husbands. (M.) In L. P. 74. In 32:474 Amcotts, Vincent, adapter. See LeDuqel's Adonis vanquished. Amelia, or Maria Amalia Friederika Augusta, Princess of Saxony. Social life in Germany, illustrated in the acted dramas of her Royal Highness the Princes- Amelia of Saxony. Translated from the German with an introOjOOtloa and notes explanatory or the German language and manners, By Mrs. [Anna Murphy] Jameson. Lond. 1840. 2 v. 12° 32:703-4 Country COOtin, The. (per Lmndwirth.) (P.) v. 2. Falsehood and truth. (Liigeund VVahrheil.) (P.) v. 1. Prim elv h.idc. The. (Die Fiirstenbraut.) \D.) v. 2. Uncle, Tlie. (berObeim.) (P.) v. l. Yniiim ward. The. (Uer Zuglnig.) (C.) v. 1. Amherst, J. A. Battle or Waterloo, The. (M.) In L. P. 98 In 32:4:i8 IitKLAN-Dasit is. (D.) InF.S.14 In 32:134 Same. Jn F. s. ig In 82:336 IitKLAM) as it was. (D.) In L. P. 81. ...In 32:181 Napoleon Bonaparte's invasion or Russia. (Sp.) In L. P. 13 In 32:413 Ampere, Jean Jacques Antoine. Cbsar. Scenes historiques. Paris. 1869. 8°. 32:1655 Amyot, Thomas, (ed.) Old taming or a shrew, upon which Shakespeare rounded his comedy, reprinted from the edition or 1594, and collated with the subsequent editions or 1696 and 1607. London. 1844. 8°. S. S. P. 23. In =32:2823 Anders, N. J. Leo! (K. L.) Music by Richard Thiele. In K. A. f. L.-B. 104 In 32:2101 Schonroschen. (8.-8.) Mit Ges. fur eine Dame. Music by Richard Thiele. In K. A. I. L.-ll. 61. In 82:2093 Sm Album fur Solo-Scenen. — and Mylius, O. NiiRiusc iikkitkv. Posse mit Gesang. Music bv A. Conradi. In K. A. f. L -B. 41 .'.In 82:2089 Andersen, Hans Christian. Aqnete und der Meermann. (D. G). In W. 8, In 56:57 • GUicKsHLi'MEj Die. (M.K.) In W. 8... In 56:57 M k Kit masnks Hoehzeit, Des. (N.) In W. 8. In 56:57 Mulatte, Der. (R. D.) In W. 8 In 56:57 Ravhaella. (T.) In W. 8 In 56:57 joint author. See Jacoiison, K. and GlRXDT, O. Anderson, James. Cl.otl) and sunshine; or, Love's revenge. (D.) In L. P. 87 In 32:487 Andrews, Miles Peter. Better late than never. In L. S. 3. In *32:524 Andrieux, Jean Stanislas. An aximandre ; on, l.o sacrific' 1 aux graces. (('.) In AC. 7 .In 32:1507 Kim i:i>is, Let; ou. Lc mort supposed (C.) In A. ('. 7 In 32:1507 l!.\ k dti mari; ou, Lc manteau. (C.) In A. 0. 7. In 32:1507 Angely, Louis. Fest der Handworker, Das. (V.) In 0. T. B. 87. In 32:2018 Reise auf gemelnschaftliche Kosten, Die. (Fr. the French.) In C. T. B. 99 In 32:2020 Von Sieben die Hiisslichste. (L.) In C. T. B. 72. In 32:2015 Anguillara, Giovanni Andria dell'. Kdii-i-o. In T. I. A. 8 In »56:5517.8 Anno, Anton. Berliner in Wien; oder, Deutsche Schreibcn- briider. (Sobw.) In K. A. f. L. I!. 27. In 32:2086 Familik Horner. (Schw.) In K. V. S.-B. 24. In 32:2175 Im Theater-Bureau. (Schw.) In T. C. 1<>2. In 32:2261 IIii< kkeiir am Weihnachtsnbend, Die. Dram. Klein igkeit mil Gesang. Music by Rosner. In K. A. f. L.-B. 25 32:2085 Anzengruber, L. DoPPKLBELBSTMOBO. Bauernposse mit Gesang. In N. W . T. 81 In 32:2211 Elkhiei.e. (Sch.) InM. W. T. 26.... In 82:3206 G'\vis-.k\s\\ t km, Der. Bauernkomodie mit Gesang. In N. \V. T. 41 In 82:3209 Hand und Hera. (T.) In N. W. T. 45. In 32:2209 Ledioe Hor, Der. (Seh.) In N. W. T. 70. In 32:2214 Pfarrer von Kirch feld, Der. Volksstiick mit Gesang. In N. W. T. 2 : In 32:2201 ToCHTEB des Wueherers, Die. (Sch.) In ST. W. T. 3(> In 32:2206 Arbuthnot, Captain. Akkiiaixe, L' ; or, The belle of Madagascar. (B.) In L. P. 67 .' -In 32:467 Archer, Thomas. IxrxDATiox, The. In L. P. 45 In 32:445 M AittiiERiTE's colours. (C. D.) In L. P. 47. In 32:447 Three red men, The. (D.) In L. P. 41..In 32:441 Archer, Thomas, adapter. See Scribe, Asmodeus. the little demon. Arden, H. T. Belle of the Barley-Mow, The; or, The wooer, the waitress, and the willian. (M.) In L. P. 78. In 32:478 Princess Charming; or, The bard, the baron, the beauty, the buffer, and the bogev. In L. P. 76. In 32:476 Aretino, Pietro. Kn.os.iKo, II. (C.) InT. I. A. 9...In *56:5517.9 Ipm-rito, Lo. (C.) InT. I. A. 7..In s 56:5517.7 Marescai.co, 11. (C.) In T. I. A. 6..In *66:5517.6 Talanta, La. (O.J In T. I. A. 8... In *56:5517.8 Ariosto, Lodovkso. Cassaiua, La. In O. M. 2 In 31:356 Same. In T. I. A. 1 In •66:6811.1 Lena, La. (C.) In O. M. 2 In 31:356 Same. In T. I. A. 3 In 56:5517.3 Neuromante, II. (C.) InO. M. 2 In 81:386 Same. In T. I. A. 3 In *56:5517.3 S.olastica, La. (C.) In O. M. 2 In 81:886 SriTosiTi, I. (C.) In O. M. 2 In 31: 166 Same. In T. I. A. 2 In *56:55517.2 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. Authors. Aristophanes. Acharnians, The. (P.) Eng. by Jno. H. Frere. lnW.3 In 34:1206 Same. Eng. literal, by Wm. J. Hickie. In C. 2. In 1:2831 Same. Ger. by J. J. C. Donner. In Lustspiele 2. In 1:2846 Same. Ger. by Rud. Westphal. In Haller's Humorist. Diehtung. 3 In 56:2410 Birds, The. Eng. by Jno. H. Frere. In W. 3. In 34:1206 Same. Eng. literal, by Wm. J. Hickie. In Com- edies 2 In 1:2831 Same. Ger. by J. J. C. Donner. In L. 2.. ..In 1:2846 Same. Ger. by Johann W. von Gtithe. In S. W. 2. In 56:351 Same. Ger In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Clouds, The. (C.) Eng. by Richard Cumberland. In The Observer 6 . In 34:336 Same. Eng. literal, by Wm. J. Hickie In Com- edies 2 In 1:2831 Same. Ger. by J. J. C. Donner. In L. 1 ...In 1:2845 Ecclesiazus.«, The. Eng. literal, by Wm. J. Hickie. In Comedies 2 .In 1:2831 Same. (Frauenherrschaft.) Ger. by J. J. C. Don- ner. In Lustspiele 3 In 1:2847 Frogs, The. (P.) Eng. by Jno H. Frere. In W. 3. In 34:1206 Same. Eng. literal, by Wm. J. Hickie. In Com- edies 2 In 1:2831 Same. Ger. by J. J. C. Donner. In L. 1 ... In 1:2845 Knights, The. (P.) Eng. by Jno. H. Frere. In W. 3 In 34:1206 Same. Eng. literal, by Wm. J. Hickie. In Com- edies 2 In 1:2831 Same. Ger. by J. J. C. Donner. In L. I ...In 1:2845 Lysistrata. (C.) Eng. literal, by Wm. J. Hickie. In Comedies 2 In 1:2831 Same. Ger. by J. J. C. Donner. In L. 3. ..In 1:2847 Peace, The. Eng. (Purls of that play) by Jno. H. Frere. In W. 3 In 34:1206 Same. Eng. literal, by Wm. J. Hickie. In Com- edies 2 In 1:2831 Same. Ger., by J. J. C. Donner. In Lustspiele 2. In 1:2846 Plutus. (C.) Eng. literal, by Wm. J. Hickie. In Comedies 2 In 1:2831 Same. Ger., by J. J. C. Donner. In L. 2. In 1:2846 Thesmophoriazus.*, The. (C.) Eng. literal, by Wm. J. Hickie. In Comedies 2 In 1:2831 Same. Ger., by J. J. C. Donner. In L. 3. In 1:2847 Wasi>s, The'.- Eng. literal, by Wm. J. Hickie. In Comedies 2 In 1:2831 Same. The Greek text revised ; with a translation into corresponding metres, and original notes. By Benjamin Bickley Rogers. Lond. n. d. sq. 8°. 1:2470 Same. Ger., by J. J. C. Donner. In L. 3. In 1:2847 Arnau, Th. Stiftunosfest, Das; oder, Heute Abend im Gesangverein ! (Schw.) In T. C. 26 In 32:2246 Arnold, Samuel James. Shipwreck, The. (C. O.) In S. P. 5. In 32:205 Same. In O. P. 9 In 32:559 Arnold, W. H. Woodman's hut, The. In S. P. 3 In 32:203 Same. In L. P. 36 In 32:436 Same. In O. P. 4 In 32:554 Arronge, L'. A. joint author. See Moser, G. von. Papa hat's erlaubt ! Arter, Emil. "Pikantk Enthiillungen." (Sch.) In N. W. T. 75. In 32:2215 Arthur, Timothy Shay. See Pratt, Wm. W. Ten nights in a bar room. Ascher, Anton. Delicater Auftrag. Ein. (L.) From the French. In N. W. T. 31 In 32:2207 Dir wie mir; oder, Dem Herrn ein Glas Wasser! In T. C. 57 In 32:2252 Zwei Ehen. (L.) Nach Locroy. In N. W. T. 16. In 32::2204 Aston, Joseph. Conscience. (T.) In P. 3 In 32:187 Atkinson, Joseph. Tit for tat. In S. P. 16 In 32:216 Aubigny, J. M. Theodore Baudouin d', and Pujol, Adolphe. Green man, The. Trans, by Rich'd Jones. In S. P. 10 In 32:210 Augier, Emile. AvENTURieRE, L'. Comedie en quatre actes en vers. Paris. 1870. 16° 32:1660 Cei.ntuke doree. Come'die en trois actes en prose. Paris. 1865. 16° 32:1661 Ciaue, La. Comedie en deux actes en vers. Paris. 1868. 16° 32:1662 Contagion, La. Comedie en cinq actes en prose. Paris. 1866. 16° 32:1663 Diane. Drame en cinq actes en vers. Paris. 1868. 16° 32:1664 Effrontcs, Les. Comedie en cinq actes en prose. Paris. 1868. 16° 32:1665 Fils de Giboyer, Les. ComCdie en cinq actes en prose. Paris. 1870. 16° 32:1666 Gabrielle. Comedie en cinq actes en vers. Paris. 1866. 16° 32:1667 Good for evil. Adapted from Augier. In L. P. 43. In 32:443 Homme de bien, Un. Comedie en trois actes en vers. Paris. 1857. 16° 32:1668 J kun'Eske, La. Comedie en cinq actes en vers. Paris. 1862. 16° 32:1669 Lions et renards. Comedie en cinq actes en prose. Paris. 1870. 16°.... 32:1670 Maitre Guerin. Comedie en cinq actes en prose. Paris 1865. 16° 32:1671 Mariage d Olympe, Le. Piece en trois actes en prose. Paris. 1859. 16° 32:1672 Mei'RisKS de l'amour, Les. Comedie en cinq actes en vers. n. t. p. 16° 32:1673 Piiiliherte. Comedie en trois actes en vers. Paris. 1865. 16° 32:1674 Post-Scrii'tum, Le. Conie'die en un acte en prose. Paris. 1869. 16° 32:1675 joint author. See Musset, Alfred de. L'habit vert. — and Foussier, Edouard. Beau mariage, Un. Comedie en cinq actes en prose. Paris. 1859. 16° 32:1676 Lionnes pauvres. Piece en cinq actes en prose. Paris. 1868. 16° 32:1677 — ««1 Lite's trial, A. iD.) In L, P. SO In 82:480 Lucille ; or, A story of the heart. (D.) In L. P. 28. In 32M2H Same. In S. P. 3 In 82:203 Mas of tWO lives. The. ( K. P.I Founded on '■ Lcs iniaerables" of V.Hugo. In LF.lt In 32:'85 Marie Ducange. (D.l In L. P. 32.... In 82:432 Middy Ashore, The. (F.l In L. P. 48..1n 32:448 Mummy, The. (P.) In F. M. 27 In 32:07 Same. In L. P. 53 In 32:133 Nervous man, and the man of nerve, The. IV In LP. 39 In 88:439 Passing cloud, The. (K. I).) In F.S. n.-ln 32:131 Same, In L. P. l In 32:401 Platonic attachments. IV.) In L. P. 2..ln 82:402 Practical man, A. (F.) In L. P. l..In 82:401 Saint Mary's eve. (D.) In L. P. 33„In 82:433 Splendid investment, A. (F.) In L. P. 30. In 32:430 Storm in a tea cup, A. (Ca.) In L. P. 14. In 32:1 '.4 Tide of time, The. (C.) In L. P. 38... In 32:438 Berni, Francesco. Mooi.hzzer, 11. In T. I. A. 10. In •80:3617.10 Catrixa, La. In T. I. A. 10 In *56:5517.10 Berrie, K. Captain Smith. (F.) In L. P. 89 In 32:489 Berthold, L. BfiULT/PT. (L.) In T. C. 86 Tn 32:2258 Best, - — -, joint author. See Bei.lingham, Henry. Princess Primrose and the four pretty princes. Prince Camaralzaman. Bibbiena, Bernardo Divizio da. Calandria, La. (C.) in T. 1. A. 1. In «56:5517.1 Bibliothek vaterlSndischer Sehauspiele. [Collection of plays by different authors.] 18 Nos. in 4 v. n. t. p. Prick. 1662-1877. 18° 32:1990-93 Bicker staff, Isaac. Hypocrite, The. (C.) Altered from Colley fib- ber's " Non-juror." In M. B.D.4 In 32:104 Same. In S. P. 12 In 82:212 Same. In L. P. 76 Ill 32:476 Same. In L. S. 1 In «32:322 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 1 In 32:551 Lionel and Clarissa. (C. O.) In I. B. T. 17. In 32:357 Same. In L. S. 1 In *32;522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 2 In 32:35.' Love in a village. (O.) In M. B. D. 5...In 32:105 Same. In P. 8 In 32:192 Same. In I. B. T. 17 In 82:357 Same. In L.S.I In *32:522 Same. In Ox. N. B. D. 2 In 32:332 Maid of the mill, The. (O.) In M. II. 1). 5. In 32:105. Same. In S. P. 5 In 82:206 Same. In 1. B. T. 17 In 32:357 Same. In L.S.I In »32:522 Same. In Ox. N. K. I). 2 In 32:552 Padlock, The. (O.) In M. B. D. 6.,.In 82:108 Same. In S. P. 4 In 32:204 Same. In I. B. F. 4 In 32:334 Same. In L. S. 1 *In 32:522 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 12 Authors. Bickerstaff, Isaac, (continued.) — Recruiting sergeant, The. (Ms. En.) In L. S. 3. In 032:524 KoMi", The. (CO.) Altered from "Love in the city." In L. S. 4 In »32:525 Sultan, The; or, A peep into the seraglio. (O.) In Jl. B. D. 5 In 32:106 Same. In S. P. 12 In 32:212 Same. In 1. 15. F. 3 In 32:333 Same. In L. S. 3 : In *32:524 See Kemisle. ' ; The panel." — and Foot, Samuel. Dr. Last in his chariot. In M. B. D. 5... In 32:105 Biermann, F. A. Landiiaus zu kaufen, Kin. In K. T. 13. In 32:2076 "Waiirheit kann keine Herberge linden. In K. T. 14 In 32:2076 Bilkins, T. Christmas pantomime, A. (F. E.) In L. P. 95. In 32:495 In three volumes. (F.) In L. P. 91....In 32:491 Birch, Samuel. Adopted child. The. (Ms. D.) In F. M. 28. In 32:68 Same. In I. B. F. 6 In 32:336 Same, In L.S.I In *32:522 Birch-Pfeiffer, Charlotte. Deutsche Pariserin, Eine. (L.) In D. W. 6. In 32:2316 Elizabeth von England.* (11. D.) In D. W. 4. In 32:>314 Ferdinand Avelli. (D.) In D. W. lO.Jn 32:2320 Frau aus der City, Eine. (Seh.) In D. VV. 3. In 32:2313 Frau in Weiss, Die. Dramatized from Wilkie Collins. In D. W. 11 In 32:2321 FKiiiTLEiN Hockerchen. (L.) In D. VV. 4. In 32:2314 Gasthaus-Abentiieurer. (Po.) In D. VV. 10. In 32:2320 Glockner von Notre- Dame. (D.) In D. VV. 11. In 32:2321 Goldbaukr, Der. (Sch.) In D. "VV. 3. In 32:2313 Herma und die Sohne der Kaehe. In D. VV. 1. In 32:2311 Hkrr Studiosus. In D. W. 11 In 32:2321 Hinko. (D.) In D. W. 12 In 32:2322 Iffland. In D. W. 6 In 32:2316 In der Heimath. (Sch.) In D. W. 10. In 32:2326 Johannes Guttenberg. (Sch.) In D. W. 8. In 32:2318 Junoe Alte. (L.) In D. W. 10 In 32:2320 Kaiser Karl's Schwerdt. In D. W. 5. In 32:2315 Konigin Hell. (Sch.) In D. VV. 7... .In 32:2317 Lady von Worsley-Hall. (Sch.) In D. W. 4. In 32:2314 Leiermann und sein Pflegekind, Der. (Yulks- stiick.) In D. W. 7 In 32:2317 Magdalena. (D.) In D. W. 7 In 32:2317 Marquise von Yiiette. (Sch.) In D. \V. 2. In 32:2312 Mutter und Tochter. (Sch.) In 1). VV. 9. J n 32:2310 Nacht und Morgen (D.) In D. W. 3. In 32:2313 Peter von Szupar. (Hist. Sch.) In D. W. 13. In 32:2323 Pfarrherr, Der. (Sch.) In D. W. 2. In 32:2312 Pfeffer-Rosel. (Sch.) In D. W. 1. In 32:2311 Revanche. (L.) In D VV. 11 In 32:2321 Bitter von Malta, Die. (D.) In D. W. 13. In 32:2323 Rose von Avignon, Die. (L.) In D. W. 6. In 32:2316 Rubens in Madrid. (Sch.) In D. W. 1. In 32:231 1 Schi.oss Greifenstein. (Sch.) In D. W. 2. In 32:2312 PUBLIC LIBRARY Birch-Pfeiffer, C, (continued.) Simon. .(Sch.) In D. \V. 12 In 23:2322 Sonderlino und seine Faniilie, Ein. (L.) In D. W. 5 In 32:2315 Sylvesternacht, Eine. (Sch.) In D. VV. 8. In 32:2318 Taube von Cerdrons, Die. (D.) In D. W. 8. In 32:2318 Testament eines Sonderlings, Das. (Sch.) In D. W. 12 In 32:2322 Tochter des Siidens, Eine. (Sch.) In D. W. 5. In 32:2315 Ulrich Zwingli's Tod. (Hist. T.) In D \V. 9. In 32:2319 "Walpuroisnacht. (D.) Volksmiirchen. In D. "W.9 In 32:2319 WKRistsie? (Sch.) In D. W. 13... .In 32:2323 Gesammelte dramatische Werke. Leipzig. 1863-70. 13 v 16° 32:2311-23 Bishop, H. R. Marriage of Figaro, The. (O.) In P. 9..I11 32:193 Bittner, Anton. Gebildktk Kochin, Die. f Posse mit Gesang.] Music by A. M. Storch. In N. W. T. 50...In32:22lo Blackie, John Stuart. Wise men of Greece in a series of dramatic dia- logues. Loud. 1877. 12° 32:748 Contents: Anaxaijoras. Heraelitu9. Aristippus ; or. The pleasure. Plato. Arfetodemas; or, Tbe atheist. Pythagoras. Death of Socrates. Thales. Empedoclea. Xenophanes. Blake, Thomas G. Lonely man of the ocean. (D.) In L. P. 16. In 32:416 Our old house at home. (D.) In L. P. 25. In 32:*2r. Spanking legacy, A ; or, The Corsican vendetta. In L. P. 6 '. In 32:406 Blanchard, E. L. Artful dodge, The. (F.) In L. P. 42. ..In 32:442 Harlequin Hudibras! or, Old Dame Durden. (Pn.) In L P. 9 In 32:409 PoUK chops. (E.) In L. P. 45 In 32:445 Blink, George. Vampire bride, The. In S. P. 15 In 32:215 Bloch, Eduard, publisher. Sehr delieater Auftrag, Ein. (L.) In T. C. 12. In 32:2243 Bi.ocii's Dilcttanten-Biihne. Ber. n. d. 56 Nog. in 35 v. n. t. p. 18° 32:2030-47 Bi.ocii's Yolk's Theater, n. t. p. [Collection of plays by different authors.] 45 Nos. in 9 v. 12°. 32:2277-85 Blum, Ernst, joint author. See Cremieuv, Hector. Schiinroschen. Boaden, Caroline. Don Pedro the cruel, and Don Manuel the cobbler. (C. D.) Adapted from the French. In S. P. 15. In 32:215 First of April, The. (F.) In P. 6 In 32:190 Boaden, James. Maid of Hristol. (P.) In S. P. 9 In 32:209 Bohrmann, Hednricb. Letzte Babenberger, Der. (T.) In N. W. T. 39. In 32:2208 Bois-Robert, Francois le Metal de. Belle invisible, La. (C.) In Les eontemporains de Molic'ie 1 In 32:1775 Boissy, Louis de. Dehors trompeurs, Les; ou, L'homme du jour. (C.) In Auteurs com. 4 In 32:1504 OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 13 A.OTHOM. Boker, Qeo. H. Annk Hiilc-yn. (T.) In PI. and poems I..I11 32:751 Betrothal, The. il*.) In PI. and poems 2. In 32:752 Cw.avnos. (T.) In PI. and poems 1 In 32:751 Krascesca da Kimini. (T.) In I'l. and poems I. In 82:753 KiixicisM \kk, the Legend of the hounds, and other poems. I'liilu. 1869. 1G° 32:7".:; Lkonok dc Guzman. (T.) In PI. and poems 1. In 32:751 Widow's marriage. The. (C.) In PI. and poem- 'J. In 32:752 TueYiTRE de Famillc. Petites comedies et petits drame- fueiles a joucr en societe. Paris. 1870. 13°. 32:1512 Bottger, Adolf. Aonks Bcrnauer. (D. G.) In G In 31:423 Boucicault, Dion. Am.v Blake. (C.) In F. If. 14 In 32:'!1 Colleen liawn,' The ; or, The brides of Garryowen. In L. P. «3 In 83:468 Grimaldi; or, The life of an actress. (I).) In F. S. 20 In 83:138 .Iessie Brown; or, The relief of Lucknow. (D.) In V. S. 2G In 32:1 II Same. In L. P. 37 In 32:437 Knight of Arva, The. (C. D.) In F. S. 29. In 32:142 London Assurance. (C.) In F. S. 4. ..In 32: 124 Same. In S. P. 1 1 In 32:211 Same. In L P. 34 In 82:434 Long strike. The. (I).) In F. S. 44-45... In 32:150 Lover by proxy, A. (B.) In F. M. 31. ..In 82:69 Octoroon, The; or, Life in Louisiana. (P.) In L P. G5 In 32:4(55 Old heads and young hearts. (C.) In F. S. 8. In 32:128 Pauvrette. (D.) In F. S. 29 In 32:142 Phantom. The. (D.) In F. S. 21 In 32:138 Pom of Some, The. ill. 11. > In F. S. 20..I11 32:142 Prima donna. The. (C.) In L. P. 8... In 32:108 Queen of spade-. The. (D.) Adapted from ''La dame de pique.' In L. P. 24 In 32:424 West end; or, The Irish heirs. (0.) In F. S. 30. In 32:143 — and Seymour, Chas. Wasted — a widow, with immediate possession. P. In F. M. 17 In 32:62 Bourgeois, Amieet, and Brisehakrk. Edouard. Auk verboteiien Wegen. (Schw.) Trans, bv Anton Aseher. In N. W. T. 17 Tn 32:2204 — and Dugue, Ferdinand. Pi rates of the Savannah, The. (R.D.) In L. P.51. In. 32:451 Pi.AYsand poems. Bost. 2 v. 185G-57. 12°.82:76l-53 Bolton, Chas. Catgut in a line; or, The unrivalled Blondin. In L. P. 54 In 32:454 Booth, .Junius Brutus, senior. I'cioLiNO. (T.) InF. S. 14 In 32:134 I Same. In F. S. 15 In 32:135 j Same. 1 11 S. 1". 7 In 32:207 Same. In S. P. 13 In 32:213 Boquet-Liancourt, E. APR«a le duel. (D.) In T. de F In 32:1512 KNVEiisd'un beau manage, L'. (O.) Ill T. do 1'' In 32:1512 Gentillatres, Les. (C.) InT.deF..In 32:1512 Indkiis, L. (C.) In T. de F In 32:1512 Oscar. (O.) In T. de F In 32:1512 RET0URd'Ulvsse,Le. (D.) In T. de F..I11 32:1512 TROissoeurs.Les. (C.) In T. de F...I11 32: 1512 — and Ki-val, Paul. Dikes daughter, The; or, The hunchha 'k of Paris. Dramatised from Persl'i " Le Petit Perlsien." In !•'. S. 41 In 32: MM Same. In L. P. 57 In 82:451 Boursault, Kdme. .MeiiKiiN volant, Lo. (C.) In Contemporains de Moliere 1 ..In 32: IT 75 Portrait du peintre, I,e; on. I,a contrccritique de l'ecolc des femmes. (('.) In Coiitcmporalns da Moliere 1 In 32:1775 Brachvogel, Albert Biuil. AiiKi.iiKni vom Babanberge. Bin Traaerspiel. Leipzig. 1858. 24°. If'i'M Der i'sii|>:itor..In 83:4330 Narciss. Ein Trauerspiel. Jena. 1871. 24°. In 32:2331 1'sURi'ATon, Der. (I). (1.) In fiinf Akten. Leip. I860. 24°. With Adelbertvom Biilmnbcrge.ln 32:2330 Braddon. Miss Jlmv Elizabeth. Sec Hazlewood, C. H. Brandon, I. Kais; or, Love in the deserts. (().) In P. 8. In 32:102 Braun, 0. Nette Mother. (Schw.) In T. C. 20. In 32:2245 Bray, John. Toothache, The; or, The mistake of a morning. (P. C.) Trans, freely from the French. In S. P. 1. In 32:201 Same. In L P. 4 In 32:i'U Same. In S. P, 12 In 32:212 Breck, Chas. Fox chase, The. (C.) In P. 6 In 32:190 Trust, The. (C.) In P. 12 In 32M9G Same. In S. I*. 4 In 83:204 Brecourt, Guillaunie Marcouroau. Jaloix invisible, Le. (C.) In Contemporains de Moliere 1 In 32:1775 OMBBB de Molii-re, L'. In Contemporains do Moliere 1 In 32:1775 Brentano, Clemens. Am Khein, am Khein! (Festsp.) In G. S. 7. In 66:156 Grunduno Prags, Die. (R. D.) In G. S. 6. In 56:155 Lustiokn Mtisikanten, Die. (Ss.) In G. S. 7. In 66:15G Ponce de Leon. (L.) in G. S. 7 In56:15G Victoria und ihre Geschwister mit fliegenden Fa linen und brennender Lunte. (Sp. ) In G. S. 7. In 66:156 Brentano, Fr. 11 err Petermann geht zu Bette. iShw.l In T. C. 3 In 32:2241 Brewer, Anthony. Lingua; or, The combat of the tongue and the five senses. In D. O. P. 5 In 32:295 Bridgeman, Lwao V. Black doctor, The. (D.) In L. P. 23. In 32:423 Good run for it, A. (F.) In L. P. 14. In 32:414 '■ Matrimonial — A gentleman.'' &c. ''For fuither particulars, apply at—'' ( F.) In L. P. 7..1u 32:407 Rifle, and how to use it, The. ( K.) In L. P. 12. In 32:142 Where's your wife? (F.) In L. P. GO... 1 11 32:400 Bridgeman, John. I've eaten my friend! (P.I In L. P. 5..In 32:405 Brisbarre, Edouard, joint author. See Bourgeois, Amieet. Auf verbotenen Wegen. Brooke, Mm. Frances. IIosi.na. (CO) In M. B. I). 5 In 32:105 Same. In 8 1*. 8 In 32:208 Same. In 1. B. F. 3 In 32:333 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 14 Authors. Brooke, Mrs. Frances, (continued.) — Same. In L. S. 2 In •82:523 Same. In Ox. N. E. I). 9 In 32:559 Brooke, Henry. Gustavus Vasa; or, The deliverer of his country. (T.) In M. B. D. 2 In 32:102 Same. In B. B. T. 18 In 32:268 Same. In I. B. T. 7 In 32:347 Same. In L. S. 3 In *32:524 Brookes, George. All the world's a stage. (F.) In F. M. 37. In 32:72 Quash; or nigger practice. (F.) In F. M. 37. In 32:72 Brooks, (Charles) Shirley. Anything for a change. (P. C.) In L. P. 4. In 32:404 Calypso, queen of Ogygia. (Bs.) In L. P. 67. In 32:467 Creole, The; or, Love's fetters. (D.) In L. P. 1. In 32:401 Exposition, The. In L. P. 3 In 32:403 Guardian angel, The. (F.) In L. P. 5..In 32:405 . joint author. See Oxenkord. Timour the tartar. Broome, R. Jovial crew, The; or, The merry beggars. In I). O. P. 10 In 32:300 Brough, Robert B. Alfred the great. (E.) In L. P. 43. In 32:443 Crinoline. (F.) In F. M. 28 In 32:08 Same. In L. P. 29 In 32:429 Doge of Duralto, The; or, The enchanted eves. (E.) In L. P. 88 In 32:"488 Kensington gardens; or, "Quite a ladies' man.'' Adapted from the French. In L. P. 88. ..In 32:488 Masaniello; or, The fish'oman of Naples. In L. P. 32 In 32:432 M edea ; or. The best of mothers with a brute of a husband. In L. P. 27 In 32:427 Moustache movement, The. (F.) In L. P. 14. In 32:414 Twelve labours of Hercules, The. (C. ) In L. P. 6 In 32:406 — and Edwards, S. Mephistophki.es. (E.) In L. P. 25. In 32:425 Brough, William. Apartments. "Visitors to the exhibition may be accommodated," etc., etc. (E.) In L. P. 4. In 32:404 BoNii fide travellers. (F.) In L. P. 16. In 32:416 Caliph of Bagdad, The. (O. E.) In L. P. 79. In 32:479 Comical countess, A. (F.) In L. P. 52. In 32:452 Conrad and Medora. (Pn.) In L. P. 29. In 32:429 Corsair, The. (Bs. and Pn.) In F. Jl. 17. In 32:62 Dinorah under difficulties. (E.) In L. P. 81. In 32:481 Endy'MION ; or, The naughtv boy who cried for the moon. (E.) In L. P. 49.." In 32:449 Ernani ; or, The horn of a dilemma. (E.) In L. P. 67 In 32:467 Field of the cloth of gold. (E.) In L. P. 80. In 32:480 Gnome king, and the good fairy of the silver mine. The. (E.) in L. P. 86 In 32:486 Hercules and Omphale; or, The power of love. In L. P.6I In 32:464 House out of windows, A. (F.) In L. P. 8. In 32:408 How to make home happy. (C. D.) In L. P. 13. In 32:41:! Joan of Arc. (Bs.) In L. P. 86 In 32:486 KiNDtoafault. (C.) In L. P. 78 In 32:478 Brough, W. (continued.) — Kino Arthur; or, The days and knights of the round table. (E.) In L. P. 61 ^In 32:461 Lalla Kookh. (Br. and Pn.) In L. P. 34. In 32:434 Number one, round the corner. (F.) In F. M. 25. In 32:66 Same. In L. P. 14 In 32:414 Perdita; or, The royal milkmaid. (Bs.) In L. P. 28 In 32:428 Perseus and Andromeda; or, The maid and the monster. (E.) In L. P. 53 In 32:453 Phenomenon in a smock frock, A. (C. D.) In F. M. 19 In 32:63 Same. In L. P. 9 In 32:409 Prince Amabel ; or, The fairy roses. (E.) In L. P. 55 In 32:455 Pygmalion; or, The statue fair. (Bs.) In L. P. 75. In 32:475 Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia. (E.) In L. P. 57. In 32:457 SYLPniDE, The. (E.) In L. P. 76 In 32:476 Trying it on. (F.) In F. M. 27 In 32:67 Same. In L. P. 11 In 32:411 — and Halliday, Andrew. Actor's retreat, The. (E.) In L. P. 63..In 32:463 April fool, An. (F.) In L. P. 62 In 32:462 Area belle, The. (F.) In L. P. 62 In 32:462 Census, The. (F.) In L. P. 50 In 32:450 Colleen Bawn settled at last, The. (K.) In L. P. 55 In 32:455 Doing Banting. (F.) In L. P. 04 In 32:464 Going to the dogs. (F.) In L. P. 65..In 32:465 Mudborouoh election. (F.) In L.P.67..In 32:467 My heart's in the Highlands. (F.) In L. P. 60. In 32:460 Pretty horsebreaker, The. An apropos sketch. In L. P. 51 In 32:451 Shilling day at the great exhibition, A. (F.) In L. P. 55 In 32:455 Upstairs and downstairs; or, The great percent- age question. In Ij. P. 66 In 32:466 Valentine, A. In L. P. 57 In 32:457 Brougham, John. All's fair in love. (D. S.) In F. S. 21. In 32:138 Art and artifice; or, Woman's love. (D. ) In F. S. 28 In 32:142 Columbus el Filibusterol ! (F.) In F. M. 19. In 32:63 David Copperfield. (D.) Adapted from Dickens. In F. S. 17 In 32:136 Decided case, A. (D. Sk.) In F. M. 15. In 32:61 Demon lover, The. (Ca.) In F. M. 14. In 32:61 Dombey and son. (D.) Dramatized from Dickens. In F. S. 16 In 32:136 Dred; or, The dismal swamp. (P.) Dramatized from Mrs. Stowe. In F. S. 19 In 32:137 Flies in the web. (C.) In L. P. 69... In 32:469 Franklin. (Hist.D.) In F. S. 21 In 32:138 Game of life, The. (C.) In F. S. 14. In 32:134 Same. In F. S. 15 In 32:135 Great tragic revival, The. (F.) In F. M. 20. In 32:64 Gun-maker of Moscow, The. (M.) In F. S. 21. In 32:138 Irish emigrant, The. (C. D.) In L. P. 82. In 32:4«2 Jane Eyre. (D.) Adapted from Charlotte Bronte. In F. S. 17 In 32:130 Life in New York. (C. D.) In F. M. 13. In 32:60 Love and murder. (F.) In F. M. 9... In 32:58 Metamora ; or, The last of the pollywogs. ( Bs.) In F. M. 32 In 32:70 Miller of New Jersey, The, (Sp.) In F. S. 28. In 32:142 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Tiik Drama. 15 A ITII0R8. Brougham, John, (continued.) — Mi sard boll, The. (K.) In F. M. 20. In 32:64 Neptune's defeat. In F. M. 21 In 32:04 Night and morning. (P.) Adapted from liul- wer. In F. S. 18 In 32:137 Pi.ayino with tire. (C.) In I,. P. 60. In 32:466 I'o c.\ hon-tas; or, The gentle savage. (K.i In F. It. I In 32:58 Recollection of O'Flannigan and the Uriel, A. (E.) In L. P. 26 In 32:426 Keh mask. The. (M.) In P. 8. 20 In 32:138 Romance and reality. (0.) InF.S. 14..In 32:134 Same. In F. S. ir>...." In- 32:13.'> Shakespeare's dream. (Pg.) I" F M. 21. In 32:04 Take care of little Charley. (F.) In F M. 21. In 32:64 Temitation; or, The Irish emigrant. (C. D.) In F. M. y In 32:58 — and Goodrich, Frank B. Bark hour before dawn, The. (P.) In F. S. 28. In 32:142 Brown, John. Barbarossa. (T.) In M. B. D. 2 In 32:102 Same. In S. P. 6 In 82:206 Same. In 15. B. T. 10 In 32:260 Same. In 1. B. T. 15 In 82:358 Same. In L. S. 2 In •82:623 Browning, Elizabeth B. Drama of exile. (D. P.) In Poems 2 In 31:453 Prometheus bound. (D. P.) In Poems I. In 81:452 Ser.mmiim , The. (D. P.) In Poems l....In 31:452 Browning, Robert. Blot in the 'scutcheon. (F.) In Poems 2. In 31:458 Coi.omhe's birthday. (P.) In Poems l..ln 31:457 In a balcony. In P. "VY In 31:460 Kino Victor and King Charles. (T.) In Poenu 1 In 31:457 Lcria. (T.) In P. W In 31:460 Same. In Poems 2 In 31:458 Paracelsus. In Poems 1 In 31:457 Pii'pa Passes. (D.) In Poems 1 In 31:457 Return of the Druses, The. (T.) In Poems '.'. In 31:458 Soul's tragedy, A. In Poems 2 In 31:458 Same. In P. W' In 31:460 Strafford. (T.) With other poems. In 31:462 Brueys, David Augustin dc, and Palaprat. Jean. Grondeur, Le. (C.) In Masson's French Classics 6 In 1:4132 Same. In Auteurs comiques 3 In 32:1503 Avocat Patelin, L'. (C.) In Auteurs comiques 3. » In 32:1503 Brunner, Z. Zwischkn zwei I'ebeln. (Po. mit Ges.) In N. W. T. 15 In 32:2203 Buchanan, Robert. Foui. of destiny, The. (Choric D.) In P. W. 3. In 31:4y4.3 Buckingham, Duke of. See Fletcher, John. Buckingham and Chandos, Duke of. See Gren- vii.i.k, Richard P. , Buckingham, Leicester. Don't lend your umbrella. (C. D.) In L. P. 30. • In 32:430 Faces in the fire. (C.) In L. P. 65... In 32:465 Harlequin novelty. (Pn.) In L. P. 34. In 32:434 Love's martyr. In L. P. 70 In 32:470 Lucrezia Borgia at home and all abroad. (Bg.) In L. P. 45 In 32:445 Buckingham, L., (continued.) — Mkrrv widow, The. (C.) In L, P. 58. In 32:458 Silken fetter*. (0.) In L. P. 61 [n 82:461 Silver lining, The. (C.) In L. P. 62... In 32:162 Take that girl away. (C. D.) In L. P. 18. In 32:418 VnonrOI) or, The trials of a fond papa. (Bs.) In L P. 42 In 82:442 William Tell. (Bs.) In L. P. 32 In 82:482 — and Harris, A. Jeannettk's wedding. (O.) Buckstone, John Baldwin Alarming sacrifice, An. In L. P.32. In 32:432 (F.) In P, M. 33. In 32:70 Bear hunters, The. (M.) In L. P. 81. In 32:4.(1 Breach of promise, The; or, Second thoughts are best. (C.) In F. S. 35 In 32:145 Dead shot, The. (F.) In F.M.I Ii. 32:51 Same. In S. P. 2 In 32:202 Same. In L. P. M4 In 82:484 Dream at sea, The. | D.) In F. S. 34 In 32:145 Flowers of the forest. (D.) In F S. 38. In 3?: 147 Good for nothing. (C. D.) In F. M. 26....1n 32:67 Same. In L. P. 17.. In 32:117 Green bttsbrt, The; or, A hundred years ago. (D.) In F. S. 37 in 32:i46 II Ai-i'i est day of my life, The. (F.j In L. P. 80. In 32:480 Henriette the forsaken. (D.) In F. S. 18. In 32:137 ID siiAND at sight, A. (F.) In F. M. 18. ..In 82:63 I.-ahki.i.e; or. Woman's life. (D.) In P. 8. 22. In 32:139 Jack Sheppard. (D.) In F. M. 7 In 32:57 Joiin Jones. (F.) In L. P. 28 In 32:425 Josephine the child of the regiment. (C.) In L. P. 25 In 32:425 King of the Alps. (D.) In L. P. 6 In 32:406 Kiss In the dark, A. (F.) In F. M. 6 In 82:88 Same. In L. P. 6 In 32:106 Same. In D. R. P In 32:1273 Leap year; or, The ladies' privilege (C.l In F. S. 11 In 32:131 Lottery ticket, The. (F.) In F. M. I8....I11 82:63 Luke the labourer. (D.) In F. M. 2. ..In 32:52 Same. 1 11 L. P. 60 :In 32:469 Maid with the milking pail, The. (C. D.) In L. P. 10 In 32:410 Same. In F. M. 31 In 32:69 Married life. (C.) InF.S. 17 In 82:136 Mischief-Making. (C.) In L. P. 79... In 32:179 Same. In F. II. 17 In 82:83 Pet of the petticoats. (O.) In F. M. 30... In 32:69 Popping the question. (F.) In F. M. 8....I11 82:88 Same. In L. P. 87 In 32:487 Presumptive evidence; or, Murder will out. (D.) In L. P. 82 In 82:482 Rough diamond. The. (F.) In F. M.6...In 32:">0 Same. Ill L. P. 17 In 32:117 Rural felicity. (C.) In F. S. 33 In 32:144 Scholar. The. (C.) In F. S. 35 In 32:145 Shocking events. (F.) In F. M. 36 In 32:72 Snapping turtles, The. (Die.) In L. P. 69. In 32:469 Ti FEI.HAU8EN ; or, the lawyer's legend. (D.) In L. P. 27 In 32:427 Two queens, The. (P. C.) In F. M. 13. In 32:60 Same. In L. P. 1 In 32:401 Vi< torine; or, I'll sleep on it. (D.i In F. S. 27. In 32.141 Wreck ashore. The. (D.) In F. S. 33...I11 32:144 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton. ( Lord Lytton. ) Duchess de la Valliere, The. (P.) In S. P. 9. In 32:209 Same. In D. W. (Lend.) In 32:758 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. f h I BK A H \ , 1'NjVKnsrrv of CALIFORNIA. The Drama. 16 Authors. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L., (continued.) — Same. In D. W. (Leip.) In 82:759 Lady of Lyons, The. In F. 8. 1 In 32:121 Same. In S. P. 9 In 82:209 Same. In S. P. 11 In 32:211 Same. In D. W. (Loud.) In 32:758 Same. In D. W. (Leip.) In 83:759 Money. (0.) In E. S. 1 In 32:121 Same. In D. W. (Loud.) In 32:758 Same. In D. W. (Leip.) In 32:759 Not so bad as we seem. In D. W. (Lond.) In 32:758 Same. In D. W. (Leip) . In 32:759 Richelieu; or, The conspiracy. (P.) From the author's latest edition, N. Y. 1844.16° 32:700 Same. In F. S. 1 In 32:121 Same. B. P. 9 In 32:209 Same. In D. W. (Lond.) In 32:758 Same. In D. W. (Leip.) In 32:759 Same. Lond. 1839. 8° *B:19.10 Dramatic works. Copyright edition. Leip. 2 v. in I. 16°. 32:759 Dramatic works. New edition. Lond. 1863. 16° 32:758 .See Broioiiam, John. Night and morning. .See Medina, Louisa. Last days of Pompeii. Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Robert (Lord Lylton.) (Owen Meredith.) Clytemnestra. In Poems 2 In 31:1114 Same. In Poems In 31:1122 Same. In Poems. (Leip.) In 31:1115 Duke's laboratory, The. In Chronicles and char- acters 2. (Lond.)...." In 31:1117 Same. In Chronicles and characters 1. (Host.) In 31:1118 Orval; or, The fool of time. In Chronicles and characters 2. (Best.) In 31:1119 Same. With Other poems In 31:1120 Thanatos Athanaton. In Chronicles and char- acters 1. (Lond.) In 31:1116 Same. In New poems 1 In 31:1118 Bunce, Oliver. Love in '76: an incident of the revolution. (C. D.) In F. M. 14 In 32:61 Bunn, Alfred. My neighbour's wife. (F.) Adapted from the French. In L. P. 18 In 32:418 joint author. See Diudin, Thos. Kenilworth. Buonarroti, Michelagnolo. Tancia, La. (C.) In T. I. A. 10..In *56: 551 7.10 Burger, H. NuRiiichtromantischl (Sz.) IiiT.C.40.In 32:2249 Burgoyne, Sir John. HttRBse, The. (C.) In I. B. T. 22 In 32:362 Same. In L. S. 3 In "32:524 Lord of the manor. (O.) In S. P. 5 In 32:205 Same. Altered by Chas. Dibdin, Jr. In L. S. 2. In *32:523 Maid of the Oaks The. (O.) In M. B. D. -5. In 32:105 Surne. In I. I?. F. 6 In 32:336 Same. In L. S. 3 In *32:524 — adapter and translator. See Sedaine, Richard Coeur de Lion. Burk, John. Bethi.em Gabor, Lord of Transylvania. (D.) InS. P. 11 Ln 32:211 Bunker Hill; or, The death of General Warren. (T.) In S. P. 1 In 32:201 Burke, Charles. Kir van Winkle. (D.) Adapted from Irving. In F. S. 22 In 32:139 Burnand, F. C. Ai.onzo the brave. (Bs.) In L. P. 58. ...In 32:458 Cupid and Psvche; or, Beautiful as a butti-rflv. (E.) In L. P. 64." In 32:404 Deadman's Point; or, The lighthouse on the. Cam Ruth. In L. P. 92 In 32:492 Deal boatman, The. (8.-0. D.) In L. P. 60. In 32:400 Deerfoot. (F.) In L. P. 53 In 32:453 Dido, the celebrated widow. (E.) In L. P. 44. In 32:444 Fair Rosamond. (Bs.) In L. P. 55. ...In 32:455 Faust and Marguerite. (Trav.) In L. P. 63. In 32:463 "Humbug!" (C.) In L. P. 79 In 32:479 In for a holiday. (F.) In L. P. 26 In 52:426 Ixion; or, The man at the wheel. (E.) In L. P. 60. In 32:460 Latest edition of black-eyed Susan, The; or, The little Bill that was taken up. (Bs.) In L. P. 77. In 32:477 Latest edition of Helen ; or, Taken from the Greek. (Bs.) In L. P. 77 In 32:477 Lord Lovel and Ladv Nancy Bell. (Bs.) In L. P. 31 In 32:430 Madame Bcrliot's ball. (C. D.) In L. P. 61. In 32:461 Mary Turner; or, The wicious willin, and wictori- ous wirtue! (Bs.) In L. P. 78 In 32:478 Paris; or, Vive Lempriere. (Bs.) In L. P. 84. In 32:484 Patient Penelope; or, The return of Ulysses. (Bs.) In L. P. 61 In 32:461 PiRiTHOiis, the son of Ixion. (E.) In L. P. 65. In 32:465 Rohin Hood; or, The forester's fate. (E.) In L. P. 57 In 32:457 Romance under difficulties. (F.) In F. M. 14. In 32:61 Same. In L. P. 26 In 32:426 Rumplestiltskin ; or, The woman at the wheel. (E.) In L. P. 62 In 32:462 Snowdrop; or, The seven mannikins and the magic mirror. (Bs. E.) In L. P. 64 In 32:464 Ulysses ; or. The iron-clad warrior and the little tug of war. (Bs.) In L. P- 66 In 32:466 Venus and Adonis; or, The two rivals and the small boar. In L. P. 62 In 32:462 Villikins and his Dinah. (Bs.) In L. P. 54. In 32:454 White cat, The! or, The prince Lardi-Dardi and the radiant Rosetta. (Bs. E.) In L. P. 90. In 32:490 White fawn, The; or, The loves of Prince But- tercup and the princess Daisy. (Sp. E.) In L. P. 79. In 32:479 Windsor castle. (O. Bs.) In L. P. 67. In 32:467 joint author. See Morton, Jno. M. Box and Cox. joint author. See Williams, M. " B. B." Carte de visite ; Turkish bath. — and Simpson, James Palgrave. King of the Merrows; or, The prince and the piper. (E.) In L. P. 53 In 32:453 — and Williams, M. Easy shaving. (F.) In L. P. 60 In 32:460 Burton, William Evans. Ellen Wareham, the wife of two husbands. (D.) In L. P. 34 In 32:334 Butler, Richard. (Earl of Glengoll.) Irish tutor, The; or, New lights. (F.) In F. M. 2. In 32:52 Same. In L. P. 36 In 32:436 Byron, George Gordon Noel, lord. Blues, The. Literary eclogue. In P. W. 6. In 31:531 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 17 Authors. Byron, Geo. Gordon Noel, lord, (continued.) Briiie of Abydos, The. (D.) Adapted by W. Dimond. In L. P. 70 In 32:470 Cain. A mystery. In 1'. \V. 7 In 31:532 Same. In P. W. (Edin.) In 81:636 Same. In 1*. W. (Phil.) In 81:631 Same. In \V. 4 In 31:541 Same. In 1). 2 In 32:762 Deform ki> transformed, The. (D.) In P. W. 7. In 81:633 Same. In P.W.S In 81:633 Same. In P. \V In 81:537 Satno. In W. 4 In 81:641 Same. In I). 2 In 32:762 II kavks and earth: a mystery. InP.W.7.1n 81:633 Same. In P. W. 8 In 31:533 Same, In P. W. (Edin.) In 31:536 Same. In P. W. (Phil.) In 31:537 Same. In P. W. 4 In 31:541 Same. In D. 1 In 32:701 Manfred. (I). P.) In P. W. 6 In 31:531 Same. In P. W. (Kdin.) In 31:536 Same. In P. W. (Phil.) In 81:831 Same. In \V. 4 In 31:541 Same. In L. P. 60 In 32:400 Same. In D. 1 In 32:761 Marino Faliero, doge of Venice. (T.) In P. W. 6. In 81:631 Same. In P. W. 5 In 31:542 Same. In P. W. (Phil.) In 31:537 Same. In I). 1 In 32:761 Sardanav-ahs. |T.) In P. W. 7 In 31:532 Same. In P. \V. 5 In 31:542 Same. In P. W. (Phil.) In 31:537 Same. InL.P.11 In 32:411 Same. In D. 1 In 32:761 Same. Adapted for representation by 0. Kcan. In F.S. 13 ".Tn 32:133 Two Poscari, The. (T.) In P. W. 7... In 31:532 Same. In P. W. 5 In 31:542 Same. In P. W. (Phil.) In 81:637 Same. In D. 2 In 32:762 Werner; or, The inheritance. (T.) In P. W. 8. In 31:533 Same. In P. W. 5 In 31:542 Same. In P.W.S In 81:633 Same. In P. W. (Phil.) In 31:537 Same. In P. W. •"> In 31:542 Same. In F. S. In 32:120 Same. In L. P. 70 In 32:470 Same. In D. 2 In 32:762 Dramas. London. 1837. 2 v. 24° 32:761-2 . See Milner, H. M. Mazeppa. Byron, Henry .lames. Aladdin; or, The wonderful scamp! (Bs. E.) In L. P. 50 In 32:450 Am Baba; or, The thirtv-nine thieves. (E.) In L. P. 59 '. In 32:459 Babes in the wood, The. (Bs. D.) In L. P. 41. In 32:441 Blue beard! from a new point of hue. (E.) In L. P. 49 In 32:410 Bridk of Abydos. (B.) In L. P. 36.. ..In 32:436 Cam arai.z am an and the fair Badoura; or, The bad Djinn and the good spirit. (E.) In L. P. '.'4. In 32:494 Cinderella. (Bs. E.) In L. P. 49.... In 32:449 Corsican "bothers." The; or, The troublesome twins. (Bs. K.) In L. P. 88 In 32:488 Cyril's success. (C) In L P. 89 In 32:489 1863; or, The sensations of the past season. Comi- cal conglomerate absurdity. InL.P.61..In 88:46] Esmeralda; or, The sensation goat. ( Bs. E) In L. P. 52 In 32:4 .2 Byron, Henry James, (continued.) — Ki ryimce; or, Little Orpheus and his lute. < lis. E. i In L P. 92 In 32:492 Era Diavolo. ( B.) In L P. 35 In 88:436 Freischutz, Dot; or, The bill! the belle!! and the bullet!!! (Bs.) In L. P. 81 In 32:481 (i LHIBAUN ■■excursionist," The. An apropos iketoh. In L. P. 48 In 32:118 Georue de Barnwell. (Bs. Pn.) In L P. 57. In 32:457 QttlLU; or, The sirens of the lotus lake ('in. miis. legend.) In L, P. 93 In 32:4!i:t "OBIM " bushes. The; or, The Mrs. Brown of the •• Mis-e- "-sippi. In L. P. 64 In 88:464 Hundred thousand pounds, A. (C.) In L. P. 77. In 32:477 Ill-treated II trovatore; or, The mother, the maiden, and the inusieianer. (E.) In L. P. 58. In 32:458 Jack the giant-killer. (Bs. E.) In L P. 43. In 32:443 La! Somnambula! or, The supper, the sleeper, and the merry Swiss boy. (E.) In L. P. 66, In 32:466 Ladv Belle Belle; or, Fortunio and bis seven magic men. Fairytale. In L. P.61 In 32:461 Little Don Giovanni, i lis.) In L. P. 72. In 32:172 Lord Bateman; or, The proud young porter and the f„ir Sophia. (Bs.) In L P. B7 ...\n 32:487 LrciA dr Lammermoor: or, The laird, the lady, and the lover. ( Bs. E.) In L. P. 72 In 32:47*2 Licretia Borgia, M. D.; or, La grande dootresse. IBs. E.i In L. P. 87 In 32:487 Maid and the magpie, The. In L. P. 37...In 32:437 Mazeppa I (Be, 18.) In L. P. 46 In 32:446 M kZOUBKA; or, The Stick, the Pole, and the Tartar. (Bs. E.) In L. P. 6.1 In 32:463 Miss Eily O'Connor. (Bs.) Founded on Tho colleen bawn. In L. P. 63 In 32:4">:s Motto, I am "all there," The. (Bs.) In L. P. 59. In 32:4.-,o NYMPH of the Lurlevburg, The. (8p. E.) In L. P. 43 ., In 32:443 Old story, The. (C.) In L. P. 51 In 32:451 Orange tree and the humble bee, The; or. The little princess who was lost at sea. (E.) In L. P. 93. 32:493 Orpheus and Eurvdiee; or, The young gentleman who charmed the rocks. (Com. clas. love tale.) In L P. 61 I,, 32:461 Pan. (Clas. Pa.) In L. P. 66 In 32:466 Pandora's box. (E.) In L. P. 76 In 32:476 Pilgrim of love, The. (K.) In L. P. 45..ln 32:445 Princess Spring-Time; or, The envoy who stole the king's daughter. (E.) In L. P. 64...Tn 32: l'-4 Robert Macaire; or. The roadside inn turned in- side out. (Bs. E.) In L. P. 93 In 32:493 Robinson Crusoe, i Pn.) In L P. 49... .In 32:449 Timothy to the rescue. (F.I In L. P. 03..In 32:463 Very latest edition of the Ladv of Lyons. (E.) In LP. 34 '. ."in 32:434 W a R to the knife. (C.) In L. P. 67...In 32:467 William Tell, with a vengeance I or. The pet, the patriot, and the pippin. (Bs. . In 1. P. 78..In 32:478 < joint author. See Talfoird, F. The miller and his men. Calcraft, J. W. Bride of Lammermoor, The. (D.) In F. S. 23. In 32:139 • In 32:428 Same. In L. P. 28 Calderon de la Barea, Pedro. Casa con dos liuertas, mala es do guardar. (C.) In T. E. 8 ! ,. .*A I>\ma duende, Le. (C.) In T. E. 2 *A Devoi ion de la eruz, La. (C.) In T. E. 3 *A PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 18 Authors. Calderon. [ctm&mud.) Gustos y disgustos son no mas que imaginaeion. (C.) In T. E. 2 *A Lances de amor y fortuna. (0.1 In T. K. 3...*A Magico prodigioso, El. In Seleccion...In 32:2700 Para veneer a amor, querer vencerle. (C.) In T. E.3 *A Peor esta que estaba. (C.) In T. E. 2 "A Principe constante, El. (C.) In T. E. 3 *A Same. In Seleccion In 32:2700 Puf.nte de Mantible, La. (0.) In T. E. 3....* A Secreto 6 voces, El. (C.) In T. E. 2 »A Vida es sut-nno, La. (C.) In T. E. 2 "A Same (Das Leben ein Traum) Trans, into German. In C. T. B. 7 In 32:2002 Caldor, M.T. Social charades, and parlor operas. Boston. 18 i3. ]6 o 32:770 Calidas. See Kalidasa. Calvert, George H. Arnold and Andre. (H. D.) Boston. 1364. 12°. 32:773 Maid of Orleans, The. An historical tragedy. New York. 1874. 16° 32:?72 Campbell, A. L V. Bound 'prentice to a waterman. (N. P.) In 1 . 2. In 32:186 Pent dav, and distraining for rent. (R. T>.) In B.P.XS . I" 32:215 Carey, Henry. Chrononhotonthologos. The most tragical tragedy that ever was tragedized by any company of tragedians. (Bs. O.) In M. B. D. 5... In 32:105 Same In L P. 82 In 32:482 Same. In L. S. 3 In '32:524 Contrivances, The. (O.) InM.B.D.5..In 32:105 Same. In L. S. 4 In *32:525 Dragon of Wantley. (Bs. O.) Set to music by .1. F. Lampe. In P. 4 In 32:188 Same. To which is added the old ballad on which it was founded. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Carre, Michel. Faust and Marguerite. (R. D.) Trans, by W. Robertson. In L. P. 15 In 32:415 — and Battu, Leon. Love by lantern light. (O.) Adapted from " Le manage mix lanternes." In L. P. 73 In 32:4i3 Cartiio, Silvestro. Capotondo. (C.) In T. I. A. 10... In •66:8617.10 Cartwright, William. Ordinary, The. In D. O. P. 10 In 32:300 Cavendish, Lady Olara. Woman of the world, The. (D. In L. P. 38. In 32:438 Centlivre, Mrs. Susanna. Bold stroke for a wife, A. (O.) In M. B. D. 4. In 32:104 Same. In S. P. 14 In 32:214 Same. In B. B. T. 6 In 32:256 Same. In I. B. T. 11 In 32:351 Same. In L. S. 1 In •83:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 7 In 32:557 Busy body, The. (C.) In M. B. D. 4....In 32:104 Same. In S. P. 14 In 32:214 Same. In I. B. T. 11 1» 32:351 Same. In L. P. 28 In 32:428 Same. In L.S.2 1« §2'"! Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 6 In 82:556 Gamester, The. (C.) In S. P. 16 In 32:216 Wonder, a woman keeps a secret, The. (O.) In M. B. D. 4 In 32:104 Same. In F. S. 37 In 32:146 Same. In B. B. T. 4 In 32:254 Same. In I. B. T. 11 In 32:35 Centlivre, Mm. Susanna, (continued.) — Same. In L. P. 25 In 32:425 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 4 In 32:554 . See Tietz, Fr. Tollpatsch. Challis, F. My wife's husband. (F.) In F. M. 16 In 32:62 Chambers, Miss. Ourselves. In P. 10 In 32:194 Chamisso, Louis C. A. Faust, ein Versuch. In W. 1 In 56:220 Tod Napoleons, Der. After Manzoni. In W. 1. In 56:220 Same. In W. 2 In 56:221 Champfleury, Jules -Francois -Felix Fleury, (called.) M Prudhomme au Salon. In Chien-Oaillou. In 57:180 Chapman, George. All fools. In D. O. P. 4 In 32:294 Bussy d'Ambois. In O. E. P. 3 In 32:173 Widow's tears, The. In D. O. P. 6 In 32:296 —and Jonson, Ben. and Marston, John. Eastward hoe. In D. O. P. 4 In 32:294 Same. In Marston's D. W. 3 In 32:953 Chapuzeau, Samuel. Dame d'intrigue, La; ou, Le riche vilain. (O.) In Contemporainsde Moliere 1 In 32:1775 Chateaubriand, Francois-Auguste. MoisE. (T.) In (Eeuvres comp. 3 In 56:3203 Chatrian, A.\fx,jointauthor. S««Erckmann, Kmile. La Guerre. Cheltnam, Chas. Smith. Christmas eve in a watchhouse. (J*.) In U f. 90. In 32:490 Deborah ; or, The Jewish maiden's wrong. In L. P. 63 1" 32:463 Dinner for nothing. (F.) In L. P. 67..1n 32:467 Ei.endale. (D.) In L. P. 84 In 32:484 Fairy's father, A. (D. S.) In L. P. 54..In 32:454 Lkatherlungos the Great, how he storm'd, reVn'd and mizzled. (E.) In L. P. 96... .In 32:496 Lesson in love, A. (C.) In L. P. 64..In 32:464 Lucky escape, A. (C. D.) From the French. In L P 52 In 32:452 Matchmaker, The. (F. C.) In L. P. 93..In 32:493 May day. (C.) In O. E. P. 4 In 32:174 Mrs Green's snug little business. (F.) In L. P. 65. In 32:465 Monsieur d'Olive. In O. E. P. 3 In 32:173 More precious than gold. (C.) In L. P. 51. In 32:451 Shadow of a crime, The. (D.) In L. P. 86. In 32:486 Slowtop's engagements. (F.) In L. P. 53. In 32:453 Ticket-oe-leave man's wife, The ; or, Six years after. (D.) In L. P. 69 In 32:469 Cheney, O. Augusta, joint author. See Alger, Horatio, Jr. Seeking his fortune. Cheron, L. CI. T \rtuffe de moeurs, Le. (C.) In Auteurs eomi- ques7 In 32:1507 Cherry, Arthur. Soidier's daughter: a comedy in five acts. London. 1809 ' 16° B *16.9 Same. In F. 8.13 In \!|^ Same. In L. S. 1 in OSJ.O" Same. In O. P. 5 In 32:5o5 Chevillet de Champmesle, Chas Grisettes, Les; ou, Crispin chevalier. (O.) in Les Contemporains de Moliere 2 In 32:1776 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 19 Authors. Chester Plays, Tho : a collection of mysteries founded upon scriptural subject*, and formerly repre- sented by the mules of Chester at whitsuntide. Rdltod by Thomas Wright London. lK4.'t and 1847. 2 v. 8°. s. S. I*. :i;*, 34 *32:*^«33-34 Contents: Vol. I. Proemimn. Haalam ami hi* MO. Creation And fall, mid dentil of Abel, The. FaH «»r Lucifer, Tho. Ufotorjoa of Lot and Abra- ham. I. i7. U'US. Legend of three kings of Cologne. .Villi's flOOdt Offcrtni: and retnm <>f the Korea kings. Play ofthe shepherd, The. Pur'ifleatloB, The. Salutation and nativity, The. Blnturhtor Of the innocents, The Temptation, and the woman taken in adultery, The. ThrM kings. The. Chiabrera, Gabriello. Angelica in Kbuda. Vol. II. Antichrist. AttooJton, The. Chrlftl Iwt rayed. Christ's entry into Jertisnlem. Crucifixion, The. I toomtdnf. Bmimtlon of the Holy Ghofit. Eaechiel. Harrowing of Hell. Ludua Pa*e.ha1iH de adventu '■i interitn AntichriMi. I'.i-simii, The. Pilgrims of Emails. Ke>oireeiion, The. Nnies .— fith report of Shakes- peare Society. (T.) In T. In ' I. A. 9. 56:">.">I7.9 See Duru, Alfred. See Chivot, Henri, joint author. 1 * . • i- 1 * - der Wasoherinen, Die Choiocki, Chas. Edmond, joint author. Denneky, A. P. Hidden liund. Churchill, Frank. Taking bv storm I (coloured sketch.) In L. P. 6. In 32:40(> Cibber, Coll. v. Careless husband, The. (C.) In I. B. T. 9. In 32:349 Same, In L. S. 3 In '32:524 Same. In I). \V. 2 In 32:782 Comical lovers, The. (C.) In D. "VV. 3..In 32:783 Douhle gallant, The. (C.) In B. B. T. 13. In 82:363 Same. In I). W. 3 In 32:7S3 Lady's last stake, The. (C.) In B. B. T . 19. In 32:2H9 Same. In 1). W. 1 In 32:782 Love in a riddle. (P.) In D. W. 4 In 32:784 Love makes a man. (0.) In B. B. T. 6..I11 32:256 Same. In I. B. T. 9 In 82:349 Same. In L.6.3 In *32:''2l Same. In I). \V. 1 In 32:781 Lore's hut shift. (C.) In B. B. T. 7...In 32:257 Same. In D.W. 1 In 32:781 Non-juror, The. (C.) In D.W. 3 In 32:783 P \pal tvranny in the reign of King John. (T.) In I). \V.'4 In 32:784 Refusal, The; or, The ladies' philosophy. (C.) In B. B. T. 11 In 82:261 Same. In D. \V. 4 In 32:784 Richard III. (T.) In D. W. 2 In 32:782 Rival fools. (C.) In D. W. 2 In 32:782 She would and she would not. (C.) In S. P. 14. In 32:214 In B. B. T. 6 In 32:256 In I. H. T. 9 In 32:349 In L. P. 22 In 32:422 In L.8.3 In •82:634 In I). \V. 1 In 32:781 Woman's wit. (('.) In D. W. 1 In 32:7sl Ximf.na; or, The heroick daughter. (T.) 15. 1!. T. 14. In 82:264 Same. In I). W. 3 In 32:783 Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Dramatic works. Lond. 1760. 4 v. 16°. 32:781-84 joint author. See Vanbrugh, Sir .lohn. Provok'd husband. Ointio, Giovanni lintti-ta Giraldi. Akkknoima. (T.) In T. I. A. 5...In *56:5M7.5 OBBMCBZ. (T.) Ill T. I. A. 4 In »56:">M7.4 Clarr, K. hUOl : and Delila. (L.) In T. C. 25... In 32:2246 CTalrville, Louis- Francois- Nicolaic, and Damarin. Satan in Paris. (D.) Adapted by Chas. Selby. In F. S. 30 \... .'.... In 32:143 . Siraudin, Paul, and Komnu, Victor. Aniiot. die Toohter der Halle. I K. O.) Trans, by Anton Danger. .Music by ('has. Lecocq. In N. W. T. 34 In 82:3201 joint author. See Dennerv, Adolph Philippe. My wife's diary. Olapp, Win. \Y. Fia.mmina, La. (P.) Founded upon a French play by Mario Aohiird. In I". S. .'ill In 32:1 67 My husband's mirror. (Ca.) In F. M. 26. In 32:167 Clarke, C. Awaking. ( D.) In L. P. 99 In 32:499 Clarke, >\ H. Belden. O'Neal the Great; or, Cogger na Caillie. (D.) In F. S. 6 In 32:125 Pirate of the isles, The. (D.) In K. S. 42. In 32:149 Clarke, Stephen. Kiss, The. In P. 8 In 32:192 Classische Theater- Bibliothck. [Collection of plays bv different authors.] n. t. p. 105 nos. in 21 v. 12° 32:2001-21 Clement, Rene, joint author. See Dennery, Adolph Philippe. Noemie. Clements, A. Two to one; or, The Irish footman. (F.) In L. P. 98 In 32:498 Clewearing, Chas. Simon Solus; or, Just paid off from the "Dale." In S. P. 8 In 32:208 Clough, Arthur Hugh. DirsYcuus. (D. poem.) In Poems and prose remains 2 In 34:943 Cobb, James. Doctor and the apothecary, The. (Ms. En.) In L. S. 2 ...In •32:533. First floor, The. (F.) In I. B. F. 6 In 32: 36 Same. In L. P. 86 In 32:4X6 Same. In L. S. 3- In *32:524 Hai-nted tower, The. (CO.) In P. 7... In 32:191 Same. In S. P. 11 In 32:211 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Paul and Virginia. (M.E.i I11L.S.4..I11 •82:536 Ramah Droog. (CO.) In 1. M. T. 6.. In 32:376 SlBOX of Belgrade, In P. 1 1 In 32: 96 Same, In s. P. 4 In 32:204 Same. In L. S. 1 In *32:536 Wife of two husbands. (M. D.) In I. M. T. 6. In 32:376 Coffey, C Devil to pay, The. (O.) In M. B. D. 5..1n 32:105 Same. In I. B. F. 5 In 32:335 Same. In L. S. 1 In *32:.">22 Cohnfeld. A. ItiiiKKEiiR des Landwehrmannes; oder, Kurmiir- ker und Piearde. (Zweiter Theil.) (G.) In T. C. 73. In 82:3366 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Kkmohse. (F.) In P. W. 2 In 31:600 Zapolya. In P. W. 2 In 31:600 Colle, Ch. Parti F. de chasse de Henri IV., La. (C.) In Auteurs comiques 7 _In 32:150" PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 20 Authors. Colliot, Ensile. A qui !a pomme. Fantasie en un acte. Paris. 1867. 12 D . With Theatre de famille In 32:1512 Colman, George, Sr. Battlk of Hexam, The. (C.) In P. 2. ..In 32:186 Same. In I. B. S. 20 In 32:360 Deuck is in him, The. (F.) In M. B. I). 5. In 32:105 Same. In I. B. F. 6 In 32:336 Same. In L. S. 3 In *32:524 English merchant, The. (C.) In I. M. T. 9. In 32:379 Jealous wife, The. (C.) In M. B. D. 4..In 32: 104 Same. In F. S. 4 In 32:124 Same. In 1. B. T. 16 In 32:356 Same. In L. P. 25 In 32:425 Same. In L. S. 1 In s 32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 1 In 32:551 Manager in distress. (Prelude.) In L. P. 94. In 32:494 Polly Honeycombe. (D. novel.) In L. S. 2. In *32:523 adapter. See Milton's Oomus. — and Garrick, David. Clandestine marriage, The. (0.) In M. B. D. 4. In 32:104 Same. In I. B. T. 16 In 32:356 Same. In J,. P. 92 In 32:492 Same. In L. S. 1 In «32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 5 In 32:555 Colman, George, Jr. Blue beard; or, Female curiosity. (D. R.) With additional songs by W. Dunlap. In S. P. 1. In 32:201 Blue devils. (Ca.) In P. S. 9 In 32:129 Same. In L. P. 87 In 32:487 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 15 In 32:565 Heir at law, The. (C.) In F. S. 12. ..In 32:132 Same. In I. B. T. 21 In 32:361 Same. In L. P. 24 In 32:424 Inkle and Yarico. (O.) In I. B. T. 20..In 32:360 Same. In L. P. 95 In 32:495 Iron chest, The. (P.) In S. P. 9 In 32:209 Same. In I. B. T. 21 In 32:361 Same. In L. P. 39 In 32:439 John Bull. In I. B. T. 21 In 32:361 Same. In L. P. 42 In 32:442 Law of Java, The. (P.) In S. P. 6 In 32:206 Love laughs at locksmiths. (CO.) Trans, from the French piece called "Une folic." In S. P. 16. In 32:216 Same. In L. P. 94 In 32:494 Same. In Ox.N. E. D. 13 In 32:563 Mountaineers, The. (P.) In F. S. 8... In 32:128 Same. In I. B. T. 21 In 32:361 Poor gentleman, The. (C.) In I. B. T. 21- In 32:361 Same. In L. P. 39 In 32:439 Review, The; or, The wags of Windsor. (Ms. F.) In F. S. 35 In 32:145 Same. In L. P. 61 In 32:461 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 13 In 32:563 Surrender of Calais, The. (P.) In S. P. 16. In 32:216 Same. In I. B. T. 20 In 32:360 Ways and means. (C.) In L. S. 3. ..In *32:524 Same. In I. B. F. 7 In 32:337 Who wants a guinea. (C.) In S. P. 16. In 32:216 Same. In I. M. T. 3 In 32:373 X. Y. Z. (F.) In L. P. 80 In 32:480 Colomb, Capt. . Davenport Dunn ; or, An April fool. (Ca.) In L. P. 74 In 32:474 Congreve, Wm. Double dealer, The. (C.) In B. B. T. 13. In 32:263 Same. In L. S. 4 In *32:525 Same. In O. D In 32:610 Judgment of Paris, The. (Mas.) In O. D. In 32:610 Love for love. (C.) In I. B. T. 13 In 32:353 Same. In L. S. 3 In *32:524 Same. In O. D In 32:610 Mourning bride, The. (T.) In M. B. D. 1. In 32:101 Same. In B. B. T. 3 In 32:253 Same. In I. B. T. 13 In 32:353 Same. In L. S. 4 In *32:525 Same. In O. D In 32:610 Old bachelor, The. (C.) In B. B. T. 2. In 32:252 Same. In O. D In 32:610 Semele. (O.) In O. D In 32:610 Way of the world, (C.) In B. B. T. 11. In 32:261 Same. In L. S. 4 In *32:525 Same. In O. D In 32:610 Conrad, Robert T. Jack Cade, the captain of the commons. (T.) In L. P. 83 In 32:483 Con-way, H. J. Hiram Hireout. (F.) In F. M. 22 In 32:05 Our Jeniimy ; or, Connecticut courtship. (F.) In F. M. 12....*. In 32:60 Cooke, Joseph. Green's Tu quoque ; or, The citv gallant. In D. O. P. 7 In 32:297 Cooper, F. F. Elbow shakers, The; or, Thirtv years of a rattler's life. (B.) IuP.5 *..." In 32:189 Hercules, king of clubs. (F.) In L. P. 89. In 32:489 Coppee, Francois. Strike derSchmiede, Der. (D. G.) InN.W. T. 35. In 32:2207 Corneille, Pierre. Cid, Le. (T.) In T. 1 In 32:1711 Same. In Chefs-d'ceuvre dram. 1 In 32:1713 Cinna; ou, La clemence d'Auguste. (T.) In T. 1. In 32:1711 Same. In Chefs-dVeuvre dram. 1 In 32:1713 Don Sanche d'Aragon. (C.) In T. 2. In 32:1212 Hcraclius. (T.) In T. 2 In 32:1712 Same. In Chefs-d'oeuvre dram. 2 In 32:1714 Horace. (T.) In T. 1 In 32:1711 Same. In Chefs-d'ceuvre dram. 1 In 32:1713 Menteur, Le. (C.) In T. 1 In 32:1711 Same. In Chefs-d'ceuvre dram. 1 In 32:1713 Nicomcde. (T.) In T. 2 In 32:1712 Same. In Chefs-d'ceuvre dram. 2 In 32:1714 PoLYi-.riTE, Martyr. (T.) In T. 1 In 32:1711 Same. In Chefs-d'oeuvre dram. 1 In 32:1713 Pompbe. (T.) In T. 1 In 32:1711 Same. In Chefs-d'ceuvre dram. 1 In 32:1713 Rodogune, princesse des Parthes. (T.) In T. 2. In 32:1712 Same. In Chefs-d'ceuvre dram. 2 In 32:1714 Sertorius. (T.) In T. 2 In 32:1712 Same. In Chefs-d'ceuvre dram. 2 In 32:1714 Suite du menteur, La. (C.) In T. I....In 32:1711 Chefs-d'ceuvre dramatiques avec les variantes du tezte, les cxamens de pieces et les discours sur la poesie dramatique. Paris. 1855. 2 v. 8°. ..32:1713-14 and Corneille, Thomas. THeaTRE avec notes et commentaires. Paris. 1855-56. 2 v. 16° In 32:1711-12 Corneille, Thomas. Comtk d'Essex, Le. (T.) In T. 2 In 32:1712 Festin de'Pierre, Le. (O.) In T. 2..In 32:1712 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Tiik Drama. 21 AlTIIORS. Courtney, Jobn. AnKi) forty. [P. C.) In U P. M In 82:459 IkuHi.tiii [people. (OJ In L I'. :u.. In 82:431 Bustachr Baadin. In F. 8. 18 In 82:137 Same. In L P. 15 In 32:H5 Oit> .Ii>e and jrotmg Joe. |C. 1).) In L. I*. 19. In 82:449 s.i i.i hi: us progress, The ; or, Tho horron of war. il'i.t. I)., In I,. P. i In 32:401 Time trie* all. (D.) InF. 8.86 In 82:146 Sane. In L. P. 1 In 32:401 Two Polls, The. (P.) In I, 1'. 4T. In 32:445 Wicked wife, A. i D.) In L P. 30 In 82:430 adapter. See Lacy, Thus. Bailee. Clari.—a Barlowe, Cowley, lira. Hannah. Bsllb'd stratagem, The. (C.) In P. 8. 86, In 32: uo Same. In I. B. T. 19 In 82:359 Same. In I,. P. 72 In 32:472 Same. In L.8.2 In •82:523 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 6 In 32:J.".ii lioi.ii stroke for a husband, A. (C.) In I. B. T. 19. In 82:359 Same. In I., s. 3 In "82:524 More wars than one. O.) In s. p. s..ln 82:304 Which i> the man.' (0.) in I. M. T. "10. In 82:380 Same. In L8.9 In *82:523 Who's the dupe? (P.) InS. P. 2 In 32:202 Same. In I. 15. F. 1 In 32:331 Same. In L. S. 1 In *82:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 11 In 82:661 Coyne, John Stirling. Anuki. orilevil. In L. P. 29 In 32:429 Awkward arrival, An. (C.) In F. If. 12. In 82:60 P.inks. the bagman. ( P.) In L. P. 7... In 82:407 Black sheep. (O.) In L. P. 51 In 32:451 Boy nnd Cox married and settled. (F.) In P.M. 7. In 32:57 Same, In L. P. 8 In 32: l»s CATcmsiia mermaid. (E.) In L. P. 24..In 32:424 Cockshys in California. In F. M. 5 In 32:55 DaRX doings in the cupboard. (F.) In L. P. i>4. In 32:4G4 I)i-ck hunting. (F.) In L. P. 56 In 32!"'; I)i i:i. in tlicdark, A. (P.) In L. P. 6...In 32: tor, Evkkyrody's friend. (C.) In F. S. 44-46. In 32:150 Same. In L. P. 40 In 32:440 FiiArD and its victims. (D.) Adapted from " Lei pauvrea de Paris." In F. 8. 39 In 32:147 Same. In L. P. 29 In 32:429 IIomk wreck, The. (D.) Suggested by Enoch Arden. Partly written bv J. S. Coyne and eom- ph ted by J. I). Covne. In L. P. 85...*.. ..In 32:485 Hope" of the fa'miiv, The. (C.) In L. P. 13. In 32:413 Lko, the terrible. (Be.) In L. P. 9.... In 32: 409 Litti.k rebel, The. (P.) In I,. P. 50.. In 32:450 Lovk-kxot, The. (C.) In F. S. 40.. ..In 32:148 Same. In L. P. 35 In 32:435 Man of many friends. (C.) In I.. P. 2 :;..In 32:423 My wife's daughter; or, Volunteer service. (C.) In L P. 2 In 32:402 NoTiuxo venture, nothing win. (0. I), i In L, I*. 35. In 82:436 Oi.n chateau, The. (D.) In I. P. 16-In 82:416 1'as de fascination. (F.) In F. M. 34... In 32:71 Pkts of the parterre, The. (K. Ca.) In L. P. 18. In 82:448 SAMUEL in search of himself. (F.) In L. P. 36. In 32: 130 Coyne, J, S- teonHmitd.) — S man Asand the spirit of beauty. (Sp.) In L P.39. In 32:439 Secret agent, The. (0.J in L. P. is... in 82:418 Skiwkatk maintenance. (P.) In L. P. 94. In 32:494 sn. Roger de Cdverley. (I).) In LP. 4-In 32:404 Terrible secret, A.' P.J In I.. P. S3-.In 82:463 That atl'air at Kinelilev. (0.) In L P, 53. In 32:452 "To parents mid guardians I At Jubilee Bouse establishment, Clapbam, young gentlemen are. Ac., &C." [C. D.i InF. s.'ni In 82:136 Same. In I,. P. IS In32:413 Trimi'KTKk's daughter, The. (P.) InF. M. 35. In 32:71 I'niiiotki tkii female, An. (F.) In F. M. 30. In 82:69 "I'ikiknt private atl'air-." (P.) In I,. P. 24. In 82:424 Vicar of Wakefield, The. (D.) In F. s. n, In 32.131 WASTED, one thousand spirited young milliners for the gold diggings. (P.) In F. H. 26. [n 82:67 Same. In L. P. 8 In 32:108 Water witches, The. | P.J In L. P. 41. In 32:441 What will they say at Brompton7 (Ca) In I.. 1'. 34 ". In 32:134 Willi kind and hvs Dinah. (T.) In L. P. 11. In 32:414 Woman in red. The. Adapted and altered from the French of " La tireuse de- cartes." 1 In L. P. 92. In 82:492 Woman- of the world, The. (C.) In L. P. 81. In 32:1*1 Cranch, Christopher Pearse. Satan. With other poems In 31:635 Craven, II. T. llowL'n out. iFi InL. P. 47 In 32:447 Chimney corner, The. (D. D.) In P. 8. 44-48. In 32:150 Same. In L. P. 50 In 32:450 Coals of lire. (CD.) In L. P. 94 [n 82:494 Done brown. (F.) In L. P. 81 In 32481 Mho's diversion. (D.) In F. S. 43 In 32:149 Same. In L. P. 73 In 32:473 Milky white. (8.-0. D.J In I*. P. 85. In 82:485 Miriam's crime. (D.) InL. P. HO In 32:460 My preserver. (P.O.) In L. P. 57....In 32:457 One tree hill. (D,) In L. P. 66 In 32:466 Post no y, The. (D.) In L. P. 48 In 32:448 Iniicky Pridav. (D.) Trans, and adapted from the French. In L. P. 76 32:476 Crebillon, Prosper-Jolyot de. Itu MiAMisriiH et Zcnobio. (T.) In Chefs-dieuvro trag. de Rotrou and others In 32:1560 CremleUX, Hector and Bum, Ernest. Si iiiiNitiisoiiHX. (La jolie pnrfu incuse.) Trans. bv Oarl Feumann. Homo by Offenbach. In N. W. T. 43 ." In 82:2209 Crisp, . Virginia. (T.) In B. B. T. 18 [n 32:268 Croly, George. Catii.ink. (D. P.J In P. W.2 In 31:639 Cross, -lames C. PURSE, The; or, The benevolent tar. (Mil-. F.n.l In L. S. 4 In •82:526 Crowne. John. Amhiitois statesman, The. (D.) In D. W. 3. In *82:T93 Caligula. (T.) In D. W. 4 In *32:794 Cai.Isio; or, The chaste nvniph. (Has.) In D. W. 1 ...In *32:791 City politicks. (C.) In D. W. 2 In '82:792 PUBLIC LIBKARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 22 Authors. Crowne, John, (continued.) — Country wit, The. (0.) In D. W. 3...In *32:793 Darius, king of Persia. (T.) In D. W. 3. In *32:793 English friar, The; or, Town sparks. (0.) In D. W. 4 In •32:794 History of Charles the VIII. of France. (P.) In D. W. 1 In «32:701 Juliana; or, The princess of Poland. (T. C.) In D. W. 1 In »32:701 Married beau, The. (C.) In D. \V. 4..In *32:794 Regui.us. (T.) In D. W. 4 la •83:794 Sir Courtly Nice; or, It cannot be. (C.) In D. W. 3 In •82:799 Thyestes. (T.) In D. W. 2 In -32:792 Dramatic works, with prefatory memoir and notes. Edinb. 1873-4. 4 v. 8° In *32:71)l-4 Cullerne, E., joint author. See Edwards, C. Dread- fully alarming. Cumberland, Richard. Box lobby challenge, The. (C.) In I. M. T. 4. In 32:374 Brothers, The. (C.) In M. B. D. 4„In 32:104 Same. In I. B. T. 18 In 32:358 Same. In L. S. 2 In «32:523 Carmelite, The. (T.) In I. M. T. 5..In 32:375 Same. In L. S. 4 In *32:525 False impressions. (C.) In I M. T. 5. ..In 32:375 Same. In L. 8. 4 In »32:525 Fashionable lover, The. (C.) In L. S. 2. In •82:623 First love. (C.) In I. B. T. 18 In 32:358 Same. In L. S. 3 In •82:824 Hint to husbands. (C.) In S. P. 16. ..In 32:216 Impostors, The. (C.) In I. M. T. 6. ..In 32:376 Jew, The. In S. P. 14 In 32:214 Same. In I. B. T. 18 In 32:358 Same. In L. S. 1 In «32:522 Same. Ger. In C. T. B. 43 In 32:2009 Mysterious husband, The. (T.) In I. M. T. 5. In 32:375 Same. In L. S. 3 In •32:524 Natural son, The. (C.) In I. M. T. 6..In 32:376 Sailor's daughter, The. (C.) In S. P. 4..In 32:204 West Indian, The. (C.) In M. B. D. 4. In 32:104 Same. In I. B. T. 18 In 32:358 Same. In L. S. 1 la *82:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 1 "..In 32:551 Wheel of fortune, The. (C.) In S. P. 9. In 32:209 Same. In S. P. 10 In 32:210 Same. In I. B. T. 18 In 32:358 Same. In L. S. 1 In •82:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 15 In 32:565 Dule, Felix. He's a lunatic. (F.) In L. P. 78 In 32:478 Six months ago. (Ca.) In L. P. 77. ...In 32:477 Dallas, R. C. Not at home. (D.En.) In P. 10 In 32:194 Dalrymple, J. S. Naiad queen; or. The revolt of the naiads. (R. O. Sp.) In F. S. 38 In 32:147 Daly, Augustin. Leah the forsaken. (P.) In L. P. 97. ..In 32:497 Under the gaslight ; or, Life and love in these times. (D.) In L. P. 81 In 32:481 adapter. See Meilhac, Henri and HALeVY, Leon. Froufrou. Daly, John. Broken toys. (D.) In L. P. 14 In 32:414 Married daughters and young husbands. (C. D.) In L. P. 20 In 32:420 Times, The. In L. P. 11 In 32:411 Damaniant, . Midnight hour, The. (C.) Trans, bv Mrs. Inch- bald. In I. B. F. 1 ."..In 32:331 Dance, Charles. Bengal tiger, The. (F.) In F. M. 25..In 32:66 Country squire, The.' (C.) In. F. S. 39..Iu 32:147 Delicate ground; or, Paris in 1793. (C. D.) In F. M. 5 In 32:55 Same. In L. P. 18 In 32:418 Dream of the future, A. (C.) In L.P. 21. In 32:421 Kill, or cure. (F.) In K. M. 6 In 32:56 Lucky stars; or, The cobbler of Cripplegate. (B.) In L. P. 94 In 32:494 Marriage, a lottery. (C.) In L. P. 36....In 32:436 Match in the dark, A. (Ca.) In F. H. 28 In 32:68 Morning call, A. (Ca.) In F. M. 8 In 32:58 Same. In L. P. 22 In 32:422 Pleasant dreams. (F.) In L. P. 80 In 32:480 Stock exchange, The. (C. D.) In L. P. 36. In 32:436 Two b'hoys, The; or, Beulah Spa. (B.) In F. M. 36 In 32:72 Victor vanquished, The. (C.) In F. M. 25. In 32:66 Same. In L. P. 26 In 32:426 Who sp"aks first? (F.) In F. M. 5 In 32:55 Same. In L. P. 23 In 32:423 Wonderful woman, A. (C. D.) In F. M. 40 41. In 32:74 Same. In L. P. 18 In 32:418 joint author. See Planchc, James Robinson. Bluebeard. Deep, deep sea, The. High, low, Jack, and the game. Olympic devils. Olympic revels. Paphian bower. Dance, George. Petticoat government. (I. F.) In L. P. 23. In 32:423 joint author. See Planciic, James Robinson. Telemachus. Dancourt, Florent-Carton. Bourgeoises de quality, Les. (C.) In Auteurs com. 2 In 32:1502 Chevalier a la mode, Le. (C.) In Auteurs corn. 2 In 82:1502 Galant jaidinier, Le. (C.) In Auteurs com. 2. In 32:1502 Mari retrouve, Le. (C.) In Auteurs com. 2. In 32:1502 Trois cousines, Les. (C. ) In Auteurs com. 2. In 33:1502 Daniel, George. Disagrkeamlk surprise, The. (Ms. F.) In P. 4. In 32:188 Sworn at Highgate. (Ms. F.) In S. P. 2. In 32:202 Danvers, H. Conjugal lesson, A. (Comic S.) In F. M. 12. In 32:60 Same. In L. P. 27 In 32:427 Same. In D. R. P In 32:1273 Fascinating individual, A. (F.) In F. M. 21. In 32:64 Same. In L. P. 27 , In 32:427 Daudet, Alfons, and Bei.ot, Adolf. Fromont, Junior & Risler; Senior. (D.) In N. W. T. 68 In 32:22i4 Davenport, Robert. City night-cap, The. In D. O. P. 11. ..In 32:301 Davenport, Sir William. Wits, The. In D. O. P. 8 In 32:298 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Thr Drama. 23 AlTHORS. Davis, Jolui Kr»no!«, translator. Ila\ Ko..ng Ttew; or. Tin' KUTOWI of Han. A Chinese tragedy. Translated from the original with note*. Load, is - ';*. 4° JA. Decamp, Maria Theresa. Personation ; or, Fairly taken In. (I.) Adapted from the French. In L P. 88 In 32:489 Decker, Thomas. Honest whore, The. Pts. Ilrst and second. In D. O. P. 8 In »32:1»3 oi.i. Fortunatui (ft) 1" O. B. P. 3...In 32:iv:: Wosdbb of a kingdom, The. (C.) In <). K. r. 3. In 32:173 joint author. See Ford, John. The miij's darling. juinl author. See Middi.eton, Thomas. The roar- ing girl. joint author. See Rowi.KY, "William and Forh. John. The witch of Kdmonton. joint author. See Wehster, John. Westward hoe. — ami Ciietti.e, Henry, and Haitihton, William. Pvtient Qrissel: A comedy. Reprinted from the black-letter edition of 1603 with aa Introduction and note*. Lond. 1841 . 8°. B. 8. P. 8 *82:3806 — and W Kits i er, John. F IHOCC history of Sir Thomas Wvat. In Webster's \V. I In 32:1290 Same. In Webster's \V. 2 *A Northward hoc. In Webster's W. 1 32:1290 Decorcelle, Adrien, joint author. See Sakdou, Yictoricn. Marcel. Deinhardstein, Prof. Salvatok Ro.-a ; or, The portrait of Danae. (C.) In W. S. ('. L. 4 In 34:4174 Dekker, Thomas. See Dkcker, Thomas. Delacour, AliY, d-Charlemagne-Lnrtigue, joint author. See Moreau, Eugene, and Siraimn, Paul. Courier of Lyons, The. joint author. See Wilder, Prinz Methusalem. Delavigne, Oasimir. lios Juan d'Autriche; on, La vocation. Coincdic en cinq actes et en prose. Bruxelles. 1836. 32°. In T. de Delavigne In 32:1718 Enkans d'Edouard, Los. In T. de Delavigne. In 32:1718 Famii.le au temps de Luther, line. Tragedie en tin acte et en vers. Uruxelles. n. d. 32°. In T. de Delavigne In 32: HIS Fili.e du Cid. Trage'die en trois aetea el an vers. Bruxelles. n.d. 32°. In T. de Delavigne. ..In 32:1718 Popularitc, La. Comedie en cinq actes ct en vers. Bruxelles. n.d. 32°. In T. de Delavigncln 32:1718 Set JIakkwei.i, W. K. Louis XL Denaux, Prosper, and Leqotvc, Ernest. Lot isk de Lignerolles. (T. I).) Adapted from the French. In L. P. 14 In 32:414 Dennery, Adolphe Philippe omTOhouoxi, Charles- Kdmond. Hidden hand, The. (D.) Adapted from L'aieule. In L. P. 65 In 32:4.,:. — and Ci.airvili.e, Louis-Francois-Nicolaie. Mv wife** diary. (P.) Trans, by W. Rohertson. In I.. P. 18 .". In 32:418 — and Clcmest, Rene\ N..-MIK. (I).) In I.. P. 23 In 32:423 — and Dime, Kerdiniind. Cartouche, the French robber. (D.) Tr. by W. It. W'aldron. In L. P. T8 In 32:47'.; Ska of ice. The. ( R. D.) In F. S. 14. In 32:134 Same. In P. 8. 15 In 32:135 Same. In L. P. 13 In 32:413 joint author. See Dimasois, Phillippe-Frnncois- Pinel. Don Caesar de Bazan. Desforgres, Pierre-.lean-Baptiste-Choudard. SooKD,Le; on, L'auberge pleine. (ft) In Auteurs com. 8 la 32:1508 Desloges, P. Bn lb Dsri itk, Die. (Po. mit Oeaang.) InK.A.f. I..-B. 20 ....In 32:2084 Desmahis, Jos.-Fr.-F.douard de Corseinblcu. Imcertinent, L'. (('.) In Auteiirs com. 6. In 32:1500 Destouches, Ph. Nerioaalt, DtasrPATBCR, Le; ou, L'honnete Kriponno. (C.) In Auteurs com. 4 In 82:1504 F.w ssk Agnes, La; ou. Le poSte campagnard. (ft) In Auteurs com. 4 In 32:1504 Gi.orikux, Le. (('.) In Auteurs nun. 4. In 32:1504 Puii.osoi'iiK marie, Le; on, Le mari bonteux de l.-tre. (ft) tn Auteurs win. 4 In 32:1504 Deutsches Theater. [Collection of plays by differ- ent authors.] 11 v. n. t. p. 16° .852:3061-61 Dibdin, Charles. Deserter The. (Ms. D.) In S. P. 8 In 32:208 Same. In I. H. F. 2 In 82:333 Same, in L.8. l In 82:532 Same. InOx. N.B. D. 11 Iii 82:861 Quaker. The. (C. 0.) In 1. B. F. 4.... In 32:334 Same. In I.. P. 86 In 32:486 Same. In L. S. 1 In *32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. I). 11 In 32:"'">1 s.muiioi.kk's daughter, The. (M. D.i In S. P. 3. In 82:203 Waterman, The. (Ballad O.) In 8. P. 5. In 32:205 Same. In I. B. F. 6 In 32:336 Same. In L. P. 23 In 32:423 Same. In L. S. 4 In *32: 588 Dibdin, Charles. Jr. Farmer's wife, The. (C. O.) In L. S. 4. In '32:525 My spouse and I. (<). F.) In L. 8. 4....In •82:538 — adapter. See BiRooYNK, Sir John. Lord of the manor. Dibdin, Thomas. Birthday, The. (C.) In 1. B. F. 2..In 32:332 ('AniNKT.The. (CO.) In P. 3 In 32:187 D..N Giovanni; or, A spectre on horseback. (E.) In P. 4 In 32:1^ Enui.imi Beet in 1342, The. |H. ft O.) In P. B. In 32:180 Same. In S. P. 4 In 32:204 1 1 \ u 1. K<^ lis and mother Qoose; or, The golden egg, |C. Pn.) In L. P. 54 In 32:451 Heart of Mid-Lothian. (M. B.) Prom Sir Walter Bcott. In F.S. 22 In 82:138 Ivanhok; or, The Jew's daughter. (M.) In F. S. 40 In 82:148 Same. In L. P. 92 In 82:493 Jew and the doctor, The. (F.I In 1. B. F. 2. In 82:333 Lady of the lake. (M.R.) From Sir Walter Scott. In P.8.35 In 32:145 School for prejudice, The. (C.) In 1. M.T.4. In 82:374 Sixes. The; or, The devil's in the dice. ( K. .Ml In S. P. 15 In 82:315 Two Gregories, The; or, Luck in a name. (O. F.) In F. M. 8 1" 32:58 Same. In L. P. TO In 32:170 What next (P.) In L. S. 4 In »32:525 ZoifA. I 1 '-- Music bv Bishop and Braham. In P. 13 .' In 32:1 97 —and BUITV, Alfred. K kmi. worth. (H. D.) From Sir Walter Scott In S. P. 15 In 32:215 Same. In L. P. 08 In 32:498 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 24 AuTnoRS. Dickens, Charles. Dialogues for school and home amusement. Arranged by W. Eliot Fette. Host. 1870-1. 2 v. ib°...." 32:801-2 Contents: Vol. I. Anglo-Bengalee Insurance Company. Bad news. Bob Sawyer's party. Pts. I and 11. Conspiracy, Tlie. Two scenes. Dearest girl, The. Disappointed expectations. Kpoch in Mr. Pickwick's life. An. Incomprehensible letter. An. Interview between Mr Pickwick and Mr. Weller. John lirowdie'a story. Marchioness, The. Maik Tapley proposes a change of occupation. Mark Tapley returns to the Blue Dragon. Pts. I and II. Meeting of the board, The. Miss Monflather's boarding-school. Mr. Lillvviek's secret. Mr. Pickwick is invited to a Fete Champetre. Mr. Squeers at the inn. Mr. Swivcller goes into mourning. Mr. Twaddles's preparations for housekeeping. Mrs. rSamp and Mrs. Pi igg quarrel. Mrs. Gamp calls upon the Moulds. M rs. ' Jimp on duty. Mrs. Mac Stinger's prisoner. (Two scenes.) Mrs. Niekleby's suitor. Mysteries of the insurance business. Nothing to wear. Pip's letter to Joe Gargery. Popping the question. Practical education. (Two scenes.) Quilp restored to the bosom ot his family. Kival editors. The. Romantic adventure, A. Bam visits his mother-in-law. Sun Weller as a witness. Sam Welter's account of an election. Sam Weller's account ot his lather's marriage. Sam Weller's philosophy. Sim Weller's valentine. Scare, The. Trial, The. Waking up a lodger. Widower, The. Index to characters and costumes. Vol. II. Battlu of life, The. Cricket on the hearth, The. Jcmloosv, Met tv Christmas, A. Mr. Mn-awl>er's gauntlet. Mrs. Weller's will. New acquaintance, A. Proposal The. Pursuit of knowledge. Scenes in the Fleet. Some valuable advice. Two (dubs, The. Wictim ol connubiality, A. Index to characters and costumes. Oliver Twist. Adapted. In L. P. 33. ...In 32:433 Tale of two eities. Adapted. In L. P. 45. In 83:448 See Almau, G. Oliver Twist. See Baknett, C. A. Christmas carol. See Brougham, John. David Copperfleld. Dombey and son. See Higoie, Thomas, and Lacy, Thos. Hailes. Martin Chuzzlewit. See Smith, Albert. Cricket on the hearth. — and Collins, William Wilkie. See Lequell, Louis. Identity; or, No thoroughfare. Diderot, Denis. Picce et le prologue, La; ou, Celui qui les sert tous et (jui n'en contente aueun. In (Fuvres choisies '_'. In 56:3251 Digby, George. Elvira ; or, The worst not always true. In D. O. P. 12 ." In 32:302 Dilley, Joseph .1. Sleeping hare, The. (C.) In L. P. 7C...In 32:479 Dillon, John. RETRIBUTION; or, The chieftain's daughter. (T.) In S. P. 12 ..In 32:212 Dimond, William. .Ethiop, The; or, The child of the desert. (P.) In F. S. 18 In 32:137 Dimond, William, (continued.) — Broken sword, The. (M.) Adapted from the French. In F. S. 22 In 32:139 Same. In L. P. 85 In 32:485 Brother and sister, The. (P. O.) In S. P. 5. In 32:205 Same. In L. P. 46 In 32:446 Foundling of the forest, The. In L. P. 2. In 33:402 Gustavus Yasa, the hero of the North. (H. O.) In P. 7 In 32:191 Hunter of the Alps, The. (D.) In L. P. 91. In 32:491 Lady and the devil, The. (Ms. D.) In F. S. 30. In 32:143 Same. In L. P. 90 In 32:490 Stage struck. (F.) In L. P. 10 In 32:410 Youth, love and folly. (C. D.) In S. P. 16. In 32:216 adapter. See Byuon, George Gordon Noel. Disraeli, Earl of Beacensfield, Benjamin. Count Alarcos". (T.) With Ixio'n, etc. In 37:668 Same In 37:669 Disselbach, Hermann. Gl.ticK der Einfalt, Das. In K. T. 2. ..In 32:2076 Divizio da Bibbicna, Bernardo. See ButuiENA. Dixon, B. II. ' Behind a mask. (C.) In L. P. 97 In 32:497 Doddridge, Joseph. Logan, the last of the race of Sliikellemus, chief of the Cayuga nation. A dramatic piece, to which is added "The dialogue of the backwoodsman and the dandy." With an appendix relating to the murder of Logan's family. Cin. 1808. sin. 4° 32:810 Dodsley, J., editor. SELECT collection of old plays, A. The second edition, corrected and collated with the old copies, with notes critical and explanatory. Lond. 1780. 12 v. 16° *. 32:291-302 Dodsley, Robert. Clkonk. In M. B. D. 2 In 32:102 King and the miller of Mansfield, The. (F.) In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same (D.) In I. B. F. 7 In 32:337 Same. In L. S. 4 In B 32:525 Silt John Cockle at court. (F.) In M. B. D. 5. In 32:105 Doe, John, Doe, P., and Noaks. J. (pseud.)- Bakefacep impostors. (F.) In L. P. 70. In 32:170 Dogget, Thomas. Flora; or, Hob in the wall. (P.) In I. B. F. 5. In 32:335 Dohm, Iledwig. VnM Statntn tier Asra. (L.) In T. C. 71. In 32:2255 Dolce, Lodovico. Marianno. (T.) In T. I. A. 5.. ..In *56:5517.5 Dorn, F.duard. Aus Cayenne. (Yolks-sch.) In N. W. T. 9. In 32:2202 Letzte Aufgebot, Das. (Vaterliindisches Yolks- stiirk mit Gesang.) In N. W. T. 49 In 32:2210 Vater Radet/.ky. In N. W. T. 42 In 32:2209 Dorn, W. Bkiden Ilelden, Die. (Sz.) In T. C. 75. In 32:"2256 Douglas, J- T. Chapter of accidents, A. (F.) In L. P. 96. In 32:496 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 25 A i i nous. Dowling, M <■ Othello travcMic In L. l*. 38 In 32:438 Dryden, .John. A i.i. for love; or, The world well lost. (T.) In M. B. D. 1 In 32:101 Same. In B. B. T. B In 82:265 San,,.. In 1. Ii. T. 6 In 82:348 Same. In L.8.3 In •82:5a4 Ami'iiitkyox ; or, The two Sosias. (C.) Altered by Hawkeaworth. In B. B. T. 11 In 82:361 Don Sebastian, king of Portugal. (T.) In M. Ii. I), l In 32:101 Same. In B. B. T. 13 In 82:363 Siasish frvtir, The. (C.) In B. B. T. 13. In 32:i«:i See Reynolds. Tlie renegade. — and LlE, Nathaniel. (Edipus. In B. B. T. 12 In 82:363 Dubourg, A. W. Sympathy. (C.) In L. P. 96 [a 82:486 joint author. See Taylor, T. New men and old acres. Sister's penance, A. Duby, Ernst S rii m>< ii k.n im IVnsionat. (Scliw. mit Geaang.) Mu-ic by Kiehard Theile. In K.. T. 8. 7. In 32:2152 Ducis, .]ean-Frant,ois. Abi'kar; ou, La famille Arabe. (T.) In Chefs- d'oeuvre In 82:1540 Hamlet. (T.) Imitee de l'anglais. In Chris d'owivre In 32:1 540 Macheth. (T.) In Cbefg-d'ns. Or. (T.) In Fabuhe In *1:2293 Same. Or. In Tragu-dia- BUperstitet l„,In *1:2403 Same. Eng. Literal with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 1 In 1:2905 Same. Eng. By K. Potter. In Tragedies 1. In 1:2910 Same. Ger. By Johannes Minekwitz. In Dramen 6. In 1:2926 Same. Latin. By Theobald Fix. In Fabuhe. In 1:2293 Andromaciia. Or. (T.) In Fabula! In *1:2293 Same. In Tragesdta BUperstitet 1 In •1:2403 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 2 In 1:2906 Same. Eng. By li. Potter. In Tragedies 3.. In 1:2912 Same. Ger. By Johannes Minekwitz. In Dramen 11. In 1:2927 Same. Latin. By Theobald Fix. In Fabuhe. In *1;2293 BaCCHJK. See Bacchanalians, The. Bacchanalians, The. Or. (T.) In Fabuhe. ..In *1:2293 Same. In Tragu-dhe superstites 2 In S! l:2404 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 1 In *1;2905 Same. Eng. By K. l'otter. In Tragedies l..ln 1:2910 Same. Oer. By Johannes Minekwitz. In Dramen 3. In 1:2926 Same. Latin. By Theobald Fix. In Fabula!. In »1:2293 Cyclops. Or. (T.) In Fabuhe In •1:2293 Saine. Or. In Tragcedia- superstites 2... I n *1:2404 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 2 In 1:2906 Same. Eng. By Percy B. Shelley. In 1'. \V. 3. In 31:1561 Same. Ger. In C. T. B. r>9 In 82:3012 Same. Oer. By Johannes Minekwitz. In Dramen 2. In 1:2925 Same. Latin. By Theobald Fix. In Faliulre. In »1:2293 Elkctra. Gr. In Fabula? In *1:2293 Same. Gr. In Tragojdiic superstites 2 In *1:2404 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 2 ." In 1:2906 Same. Eng. By R. Potter. In Tragedies 3..In 1:2912 Same. Ger. By Johannes Minekwitz. In Dramen 9. In 1:2927 Same. Latin. By Theobald Fix. In Fahuhe. In *1:2293 Euripides, (amthaai.) — Heitiia. Gr. (T.. In Fabuhe In * 1:2298 Same. Gr. In Tragicdiic superstites L.In *1:2403 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies i In 1:2906 Same. Eng. By K. Potter. In Tragedies 3. In 1:2912 Same. Ger. By Johannes Minekwitz. In Dramen 12. In 1:2927 Same. Latin. By Theobald Fix. In Fabuhe. In *1;2293 Hei.kna. Gr. (T.) In Fabula" In •1:2293 Same. Or. In Trugu'dhc supi-rstites 2. ..In •1:2404 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 2 In 1:2906 Same. Eng. By R. l'otter. In Tragedlei 3. In 1:2912 Same. Latin. By Theobald Fix. In Fabula'. In •1:2293 IlKRACLiu.K,The. Or. (T.J In Fabuhe.Jn *1:2293 Same. Or. In Tragoediai superstites 2... In •1:2404 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 1 In 1:2905 Same. Eng. By R. Potter. In Tragedies 2.. In 1:2911 Same. Latin. By Theobald Fix. In Fabula!. In •1:2293 Hercules distracted. Gr. (T.) In Fabula'. In »1:2293 Same. Gr. In Trnga-dia' superstites 2...1n *1:2404 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 2 In 1:2906 Same. Eng. By R. Potter. In Tragedies 2..1n 1:2911 Same. Ger. By Johannes .Minekwitz. In Dramen. In 1:2926 Same. Latin. By Theobald Fix. In Fabuhe. In * 1:2293 Hercules furens. See Hercules distracted. Hifholvtus crowned. Gr. (T.) In Fabula\ In *1:2293 Same. Gr. In Tragoedia' superstites 1 ...In *1: 1 403 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 1 In 1:2905 Same. Eng. By Maurice 1'. Fitz-Gerald...In 1:2918 Same. Eng. By R. Potter. In Tragedies 1. In 1:2910 Same. Ger. By Johannes Minekwitz. In Dramen 8. In 1:2926 Same. Latin. By Theobald Fix. In Fabula?. In *1;2293 Ion. Or. (T.) In Fabuhe In *1:2293 Same. Or. In Tragoediie superstites 2. ..In *1:2404 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 2 In 1:2906 Same. Eng. By R. Potter. In Tragedies L.In 1:29!0 Same. tier. By Johannes Minekwitz. In Dramen 7. In 1:2927 Same. Latin. By Theobald Fix. In Fabula!. In »1;2293 Ii'iiiOKNiA in Aulis. Or. (T.) In Fabula!. In *1:22S3 Same. Or. In Tragcediw superstites l„.In •1:2403 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 1 In 1:2906 Same. Eng. By R. Potter. In Tragedies 2..In 1:2911 Same. Ger. By Friedrich von Schiller. In W. 7. In 56:1263 Same. In S. W. 6 In 56:1271 Same. In S. \V. 3 In 56:1251 Same. Latin. By Theobald Fix. In Fabuhe. In * 1:2293 li'imiKNiA in Tauris. Or. (T.) In Fahuhe. In •1:2293 Same. Or. In Tragudiic -upcrstites L.In •1:2403 Sa Eng. Literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 1 _ In 1:2905 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 28 AuTnons. Euripides, (continued.) Same. Eng. By K. Potter. In Tragedies 3. In 1:2912 Same. Ger. By Johannes Minckwitz. In Dranien 4. In 1:2925 Same. Latin. Bv T. Fix. In Fabuhe..In *1:2293 Medea. Or. (T.) In Fabuhe In »1:2293 Same. Or. In Tragtedise superstites l..In s 1:2403 Same. Or. With Eng. notes by Frederic D. Allen. Bost. 187". 12° 1:2494 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 1 .In 1:2905 Same. Eng. By R. Potter. In Tragedies 1. In 1:2910 Same. Eng. Verse, literal by Augusta Webster. Lond. 1868. 16° 1**921 Same. Oer. By Johannes Minckwitz. In Dramen 5. In 1:2926 Same. Latin. By Theobald Fix. In Fabulas. In »1:2293 Orestes. Gr. (T.) (Richard Porson, ed.) Lond. 1811. 8° *B:33.28 Same. Or. In Fabuhe In *1:2293 Same. Gr. In Trag«di» superstites 1... In *1:2403 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 1 In 1:2905 Same. Eng. By R. Potter. In Tragedies 3..In 1:2912 Same. Latin. By Theobald Fix. In Fabula-. In '• 1:2293 Phoenician virgins. Or. (T.) In Fabuhe. In *1;2293 Same. Gr. In Tragoedia? superstites 1 — In *1;2403 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 1 In 1:2905 Same. Eng. By Robert Potter. In Tragedies 1. Jn 1:2910 Same. Ger. Bv Johannes Minckwitz. In Dramen 1. In 1:2925 Same. (Scenes from.) Ger. By Friedrich Schiller. In S. W 3 In 56:1251 Same. Ger.. In W. 7 In 56:1203 Same. Ger. In S. W. 6 In 56:1271 Same. Latin. By Theobald Fix. In Fabuhe. In • 1:2293 Pikkniss.k. See Phoenician virgins. Rhesus. Gr. (T.) In Fabulaj In * 1:2293 Same. Gr. In Tragcedise superstites 2..I..U •1;2404 Same. Enq. Literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 2 In 1:290(5 Same. Eng. By Robert Potter. In Tragedies 2. In 1:2911 Same. Latin. By Theobald Fix. In Fabulse. In *1:2293 Suppliants, The. Gr.(T.) In Fabulas....In *1:2293 Same. Or. In Traga-dia' superstites 1... In *1:2403 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 2 In 1:2906 Same. Eng. By R. Potter. In Tragedies 1. In 1:2910 Same. Latin, By Theobald Fix. In Fabuhe. In * 1:2293 Supplices muiieres. See Suppliants, The. Troades. See Trojan captives. Trojan captives. Gr. (T.) In Fabuhc.In *1:2293 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes bv Theodore A. Buckley. In Tragedies 2 ...." In 1:2900 Same. Eng. By R. Potter. In Tragedies 2..In 1:2911 Same. Latin. By Theobald Fix. In Fabuhe. In * 1:2293 Dramen. Verdeutscht von Johannes Minckwitz. Stuttgart. 1857-68. 12 v. in 3 1:2925-7 Fabul.e, recognovit, Latine vertit in duodecim fabulas annotationem criticam scripsit omnium or- diiiem chronologicum indagavit Theobaldus Fix. Paris. 1843. Lg. 8° *1:2293 Euripides, (continued.) Traoiedi.k superstites et deperditarum fragmenta ex recensione G. Dindorfii. Oxford. 1832-3. 8°. * 1:2403-4 Tragedies. Literally translated or revised, with critical and explanatory notes bv Theodore Alois Buckley. Lond. 1854." 2 v. 12° 1:2905-6 Tragedies. Translated by the Rev. Robert Pot- ter. Now York. 1848-55. 3 v. 16°... In 1:2910-12 Eyre, Edmund John. Vintagers, The. (Ms. R.) In P. 13..In 32:213 Ezechielus, . Christus patiens. See The suffering Christ. Suffering Christ, The. Gr. (T.) In Euripidis Fragmenta In •1:2298 Same. Latin In '1:2298 Pagan, Christophe-Barthelemy. Originaux, Les. (C.) In Auteurs comiques 4. In 32:1504 Pupille, La. (C.) In AuUurs comiques 4. In 32:1504 Falconer, Edmund. Chrystabelle. (E.) In L. P. 49 In 32:449 Extremes. In L. P. 42 In 32:442 Family secret, The. (C.) In L. P. 47..In 32:447 Husband of an hour. (D.) In F. S. 3S..In 32:147 Same. In L. P. 31 In 32:431 Next of kin. (CD.) In L. P. 40 In 32:446 PEEPo'dav; or, Savourneen Deelish. (D.) In F. S. 44-45 ...' In 32:150 Too much for good nature. (F.) In L. 1*. 42. In 32:442 Parquhar, George. Beaux stratagem, The. (C.) In M. B. D. 4. In 32:104 Same. In S. P. 6 In 32:200 Same. In B. B. T. 2 In 32:252 Same. In I. B. F. 5 In 32:335 Same. In L ; S. 2 In *32:523 Same. In Ox. N. E. 1). 7 In 32:557 Same. In O. D In 32:010 Constant couple, The; or, A trip to the jubilee. (C.) EuM. B.D. 4 In 32:104 Same. In B. B. T. 15 In 32:265 Same. In I. B. T. 8 In 32:348 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Same. In <). I) In 32:010 Inconstant, The; or, Wine works wonders. (O) In M. B. D. 4 In 32:104 Same. In F. S. 28 In 32:142 Same. In B. B. T. 13 In 32:203 Same. In I. B. T. 8 In 32:348 Same. In L. S. 1 In •82:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. IX 10 In 89:560 Same. In O. I) In 32:610 Love and a bottle. (C.) In (). D In 32:010 Recruiting ottieer, The. (C.) In M. B. 1). 4. In 32:I»4 Same. In B. B. T. 4 In 32:254 Same. In I. B. T. 8 In 32:348 Same. In L. S. 1 In a >32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 6 In 32:556 Same. In 0. D In 32:610 Sir llarrv W'ildair. (C.) In M. B. D. 4..In 32:104 Same. In B. B. T. 15 In 32:205 Same. In O. D In 32:010 Twin rivals, The. (C.) In B. B. T 17....In 32:207 Same. In O. D In 32:010 Farrell, John. Dumb girl of Genoa, The; or, The bandit mer- chant. (M.) In F. a 33 In 32:144 Same. In L. P. 29 In 32:429 Farren, P. Field of fortv footsteps, The. (D.) In L. P. 16. In 32:416 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Dkama. 29 Animus. Faucit, J. S. si ... -in i •niina. 'I'!m'. 1M.1 In P. 11 In 89:180 Favart, Charles Simon, &nonade Bastienet Butieiwe, Let. Parodiedu Divine du Village. In Auteurs comiquel 6. in 8Q:l60(i Anm.iik et I.ubin. (C.) In Aateun comiques 8 In 89:1606 l!c\ kriks n •i.ouvel.Vs des G rocs, Los. (Pur.) In Atlteurt comiques 8 In 89:1606 Tkois sultanas, Les. (O.) In Auteurs comiques 6. In 32:1. mm; Federici, Ukaut auf Liefemng, Blue, i L.) Na.-h dern italieni-clicn von F. TietS. In K. V. S.-li. I. In 32:2171 Feldmann, Hugo. Itzig lliisch all Itekrnt. (S.-S.mit Gesang.) Kiir eineo Berrn. In K. A. f. S.-8. n In 82:2133 Fenelon, Francois do Salignac da Lamothe. Dialogues des morts. In Education des lilies. In 56:4247 Fenton, B. ItABIAMKK. |T.i InM. B. D. 2 In 32:102 Same. In B. B. T. U In 32:204 Feuillet, Octave, Ai.ix. In Scenes at provcrlics In 32:1772 C'iikvki- blanc. Le, ^In Sc. et COS) In 32:1771 Ci.KK d'or, La. [n Scenes el pr In 32:1772 Siiin... Kni). [The gold key.) 32:075 Umax, La. In Scenes e( pr In 32:'.77j D.u.ii.a. In Sc. at com In 32:1771 Kumitagk, L'. In 8c. tt com In 32:1771 Fen, La. (C.) In Sc. et com In 32:1771 Fruit defendu, La. In Scenes et pr... In 39:1772 Partik dc dames. La. In Sc. et pr....Iu 32:1772 r.irn et la contra, Le, In Sc. et pr....In 32:1772 EUsbmptiob. In Be et pr In 32:1772 Sku. liiN/.i'.it, Dor. (Sob.) In N. W. T. 33. In 82:3207 Vn.i.A.iK, Le. Scenes provineiales. In So, el com. In 32:1771 Booms et comedies. Nouvelle edition. Paris. 1870. 1G° •. 32:1771 Scents et proverbes. Paris. 1802. 12° 32:1772 Stt Bkokmakk, Albert. Stt Edwards, Pierpont, and Wallace, Lester. Feval, Paiil-llenri-Corctin. joint author. See ll.nu- doisK. A. Duke's daughter, The. Fielding 1 , Henry. A i i in ill's farce; with a puppet-show, called The pleasures of the town. iC'.i In \V. l..In : 34:iii7 Coffkk-hoisk politician,' The. (C.) In \V. 1. In S: 34:H17 Covent-Gardkn tragedy, The. ( P. 1 In \V. 2. In *34:U18 Pkhaiciikks, The; or. The Jesuit caught. (C.I In \V. 2 In 34:1118 Don Quixote in England. (C.) In W. 3. In *34:'. 119 lriiYi.i.K. (F.) InW.3 In *34:1119 BtTBTDICI hissed; or, A word to the wise. (F.) In W. :t In •84:1119 Fathers, The; or, The good-natured man. |C.) In W. 4 In *34:H2o Gruh-street opera, The. (O.) In VV. 2. In »82:U18 Historical register for the year 1730. IP.) In W. 3 In •84:1119 Iktrigi king chnmhermiiid, The. (O.) In M. 15. I). 5 In •82:106 Same. In W. 8 In »34:111» Letter writer, The; or, A new way to keep I wifo at home. In W. 2 l'n *34. 1 1 18 Fielding, Henry, (eoateftual) Same In W. S. In *34:1118 Lottkiiy, Th... A comedy. Lond, 17M, 12°. 82:831 Lovk iii MveraJ masques. (C.) In W. l. In 34:MI7 Mi-KK.The. .c i in M. ij. D. 4 in 82:104 Same, In B. B.T. 8 In 82:236 s ■. In L. S. i In •82:322 Same. In <> x . n. B. I). 11 in 89:661 Same. In \V. 2 In •84:1118 Hiss Lucy in town. K. In \V. .'...In 34:11 19 fttocx doctor, The. (O.) In It. 15. D. 6. In 32:105 Same. In I I!. !■'. 6 .'In 89:336 BaSte. In L.S. 2 In 32: 523 Same. In W. 2 In 34:1118 M.ii.hkn husband, The. (O.) In W.2..I11 34: 1 1 18 OLD 1111111 tanght wisdom, The; or, The virgin un- maekerL (F.) In W. 3 In *84:M19 I'vs.jriN: a dramatic satire on the times. In VF.3. In 34:H19 Tsmplb beau, The. (C.) In "W. 1- In •84:1117 Tom Thumb, (O.) Altered by Kane t/Hara. In If. I>. I). .">. See also Tragedy of tragedies. In 32:1 oa Same. In I. B. F. 6 in 32: 136 Same. In L K SO In 32:i."." Same. In L S. 1 In 32:V:.', TiiA.iKi.v of tragedies, The; <.r. The life and death of Tom Thumb the great. | F. . In 8. P. I .. I n 82:201 Same. In VV. 1 In =34:1117 Ti'miii.k i.own Di,k ; or, Phaeton in the sods. | P.) In \V. 3 In 34:1 119 1'm\ kksai. gallant. The; or, The different bus- bands. (C.) In W. 3 Iii '34:1119 Virgin unmasked, The. (.Ms. F.) \(i L. S. B. In •82:624 \Vi,i,i.in<;-i,-\y, The. (C.) In W. 3-In »34:U19 Fisher, David. Music hath charms. (C) In L. P. <;:i..ln 32: 163 Fisher, Jasper. Fin Mrs Trees, the true Trojans. In D. (). P. 7. In 39:297 Fitzball, Edward. A/.aki., the prodigal. (K. Sp.) In L. P. 5 i„ 82:140 Floating benc.-» in 89:466 Miu-KR of Derwent Water, The. i D.I In L. P. 12. In 32:412 Kouxktous question, The. (Dom. D.) In P. a 82. In 32:144 PUBLIC LIBKARY OP CINCINNATI. The Deama. 30 Authors. Fitzball, Edward, (continued.) Same. In L. P. 30 In 32:430 Negro of W lipping, The; or, The boat-builder's hovel. (M.) In 8. P. 15 In 32:215 Pilot, The. (N. D.) In F. S. 10 In 32:130 Robin Hood. (Equestrian Bp.) In L. P. 48. In 32:448 Siege of Roehelle, The. (O.J In L. P. 95. In 32:495 Tom Cringle; or, Mat of the iron hand. (D.) In F. S. 18 In 32:137 Same. In L. P. 41 In 32:441 Fletcher, John. Beogak's. bush, The. (C.) In Beaumont and Fletchers W. 9 In 32:739 Bloody brother, The; or, Kollo, Duke of Nor- mandy. (T.) In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 10. In 32:740 Bonduca. (T.) In M. B. D. 1.. In 32:101 Same. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 5..In 32:735 Captain, The. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 3. In 32:733 Chances, The. (C.) In I. B. T. 6 In 32:346 Same. In Beaumont and Fletcher's "YV. 7..In 32:737 Same. Altered by the Duke of Buckingham. In B. B. T. 15 In 32:263 Same. Altered by David Garrick. In L. S. 4. In *32:525 Demetrius and Enanthe, being the Humorous lieutenant, a play published from a manuscript dated 1025, and containing passages never before printed. Edited by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. Lond. 1830. 8° «B:16.4 Double marriage, The. (C.) In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 6 In 32:736 Elder brother, The. In F. S. 9 In 32:129 Same. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 10..In 32:740 Fair maid of the inn. (T.-C.) In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 10 In 32:740 Faithful shepherdess, The. (C.) In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 4 In 32:234 Humorous lieutenant, The. (C.) In Beaumont and Fletcher's W.6. See also Demetrius and Enanthe. In 32:736 Island princess, The. (C.) In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 7. In 32:737 Love's cure; or, The martial maid. (C.) In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 9 In 32:739 Love's pilgrimage. (C.) In Beaumont and. Fletcher's W. 11 In 32:741 Lover's progress, The. (T.) In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. H In 32:741 Loyal subject. The. (C.) In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 6 In 32:736 Mad lover, The. (C.) In Beaumont and Fletch- er's W. 6 In 32:736 Monsieur Thomas. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 7 In 32:737 Night-walker, The ; or, The little thief. (C.) In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 11 In 32:741 Pilgrim, The. (C.) In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 8 In 32:738 Prophetess, The. (C.) In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 8 In 32:738 Rule a wife and have a wife. (C.) In B. B.T. 4. In 32:254 Same. In I. B. T. 6 In 32:346 Same. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 9..In 32:739 Same. Altered by David Garrick. In S. P. 10. In 32:210 Same. In L. S. 1 In «32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 10 In 32:500 Sea-voyage, The. (C.) In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 8 In 32:738 Spanish curate, The. (C.) In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 8 In 32:738 Fletcher, John, (continued.) Valentinian. (T.) In Beaumont and Fletch- er's W. 5 l n 32:735 Wife for a month, A. (T.-C.) In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 7 I n 32:737 Wild-goose-chase, The. (C.) In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 8 In 32:738 Woman-hater, The. (C.) In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 1 In 32:731 Woman's prize, The. (C.) In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 7 In 32:737 Women pleased. (C.) ln Beaumont and Fletch- er's W. 7 In 32:737 joint author. See Beaumont, F. Philaster. joint author. See Shakespeare. Two noble kinsmen. — and Jonson, Ben., and Middleton, Thomas. Widow, The. (C.) In D. O. P. 12 In 32:302 Same. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 4..In 32:734 Same. In Middleton's W. 3 *A Floto, W. SoNNTAGSRiiUSCHCHEN, Das. (L.) In T. C. 9. In 32:2242 Floyd, H. R. Handy Andy. (D.) In F. S. 42 In 32:149 Foote, Samuel. Author, The. (F.) In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In'I. B. F. 7 In 32:337 Bankrupt, The. (C.) In S. P. 6 In 32:206 Commissary, The. (F.) In M. B. D. 5..In 32:105 Cozeners, The. (C.) In P. 3 In 32:187 Devil upon two sticks. (F.) ln M. B. D. 5. In 32:105 Englishman in Paris, The. (F.) In M. B. D. 5. In 32:105 Englishman returned from Paris. (F.) In P. 5. In 32:189 Same. In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Knights, The. (F.) In M, B. D. 5.. ..In 32:105 Lame lover, The. (F.) ln M. B. D. 5... .In 32:105 Same. In S. P. 12 In 32:212 Lyar, The. (F.) In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In I. B. F. 5 In 32:335 Same. In L. P. 74 In 32:474 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Maid of Bath. (F.) In M. B. D. 5... In In 32:1 "5 Same. In I. B. F. 5 In 32:335 Minor, The. (F.) In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In I. B. F. 5 In 32:335 Mayor of Garratt, The. (F.) In M. B. D. 5. In 32:105 Same. In I. B. F. 5.. In 32:335 Same. In L. P. 72 ln 32:472 Same. In L. S. 1 In *32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 9 In *32:559 Orators, The. (F.) In M. B. D. 5. ...In 32:105 Same. In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In S. P. 4 In 32:204 Patron, The. (F.) In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Tailors, The : a tragedy for warm weather. In S. P. 16 '.. In 32:216 Taste. (F.) In M. B. D. 5 In 32:10.5 joint author. See Bickerstaff, Isaac. Dr. Last in his chariot. Ford, John. Broken heart, The. (T.) In M. B. D. 1. In 32:101 Same. In O. D In 32:531 Same. In D. W. 1 In 32:836 Same. In W. 1 *A Fancies, chaste and noble, The. In O. D. In 32:531 Same. In I). W. 2 ln 32:837 Same. In W. 2 *A PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 31 Al'Timftg. Ford, John. Continued.) Lapis trial. The. In 0. D In 32:">'il Same. In l>. w. a In 83:837 Same. In W. 3 *A Lover's melancholy, The. InO. 1) In 88:53) Same. In I). W. i..." In 82:836 .Same. In W. 1 *A Loyk's saeriliec. In (). I) In 33:531 Same. In I). W. 1 In 32:«:iU Same. In W. 2 *A Pekkin Warbeck. In O. i) In 83:631 Same. In D. "W. 2 In 32:* >7 Same. In W. 2 S A Dramatic works, The, with an in trod notion and explanatory notes by llenrv Weber. Fdinb. 1811. i v. n° .". ." 83:830-1 Works, with notes critical and explanatory bj Win. Gitl'ord. A new edition, carefully revised, with additions to the text and to the notes by the Kev. Alexander Dvee. Lond. 18C9. 2 v. 12"...* A Fowle, William Bcntley, [nmtiiiucd.) joint author. See Kowi.kv, Wrn., and Dkckkk, Thomas. Witch of Kdmonton. — and Dkckkk, Thomas. Sin's darling. The. (Moral masque.) In 0. D. In 83:531 Same. In Ford's W. 2 In 32:' , 'iT Same. In Ford's W. 3 *A Tis pity she's a whore. In D. O. P. 8..I11 E 32: ">x Same. InO. I) In *83:B31 Same. In 1). W. : In •33:83t> Same. In W. 1 *A Forrest, Harry, adapter. Set GlAOOkUCTTI. ilarie Antoinette. Forster, Fkiek in der M&dchenschule. French. In K. A. f. L.-Ii. ,'il Fukund der Fruuen, Der. Likhk kann nicht alles! French. In K. A. f. L.-li. 6 (L.) From the In 32:2087 (L.i In T. C. 65. In 83:2352 (Schw.) From the In 32:2081 BOHWAQKH Spiiriins. (Sehw.) From the French. In K. A. f. LvB. 100 In 83:2100 Fournel, Victor. Contkmi'okains de .Moliere, Les. Recueil do comedies, rares OU pen comities jouces de 1664 a |680, avec ihistoire de ehaque theatre, des notes et noticoe biographiques, bibliographiques et critiques, l'aris 1863. 2 v. 8° In 32:177.-.; Fournier, M. K. Comkdy and tragedy. (C.) Trans, bv William Robson. In F. M. 19 "in 32:b'3 Same. In L. P. 25 In 32:425 Foussier, Edward, joint author. See Auuikk, Brails. Un beau mariage. Liounea pauvres, Lea Fowle, William Hentlcy. lliNUKKD dialogues, new and original; designed for reading and exhibition in school.-, academies] and private circles. Host. [1854.] 12° 32:841 Contents : Collegian, The. CompoMtion. The. Corporal punishment. Cramming is ill feeding. Damon and Pithias. David and Goliath. Doctor in spite of himself, The. Does learning increase happi- ness. Doing nothing is hard work. Doll, The. Domestic grammar. Family tree, The. Fashionable conversation. Feniule exquisites, The. Kiel ion and fact. Filial duty. Alexander and the Scythian. Alexander the grent. All's well. Ambition's rest. ArJalides the just. Arithmetician, The. Ilest sauee. The. Hiler bit, The. Blue stockings, The. Boy king, The. Mini ealenlng. Bridal, The Broken chain. The. Hllds of promise, The. Charm of woman. The. City and country, which is best? Cily sights with country eyes. Pishing party, Tin-. Dabbler, The. Qentilitr, wnal is ii 1 1. 1. ..-I, The. i The. Uridiron, The. Har.l lesson, The. Haunch of iiintion, The. lionet iiii.l -hame. Hypoehondrl >c. The. I'll try; or.'l ho Yankee maiks- man. Indian, The ; or, Hight and might. Irish immigration. Irish Interpreter, I he. .1 hu Hull and sou. King I i lie gardener, The. Lady lie, id. The. I.ct your yea be yen. Letter, The. Life insurance. Little beggnr girl. The. Lore end misanthropy. Manly virtue*, The, Manners make th" man. kfarrj Ins miser, The. .Martyr, 'J'he. Mistake no mistake, A. Mci lei school, The Uonslenr and his Knglish master. Nathan and David. Naturalization. Never Too late to learn. New School, The. Newsmonger, The. i Ibedienoe, Parly, The, Perfect merchant, The. pioneer. The. I'la\ Ing sehu'il. . The. Poet in seuieh of a patron, The. Pope and the Indi in, The. Poverty and crime. Pi i spellei . The. l'i i iter and the Dutchmen, The. Pi omitting. Punishment. Quaker and the robber, The. Keloi tue.i wife, The. Itcgiilus. i:. Iiearsal, The. Right of property, 'I he. S -l,....| tli-ciplinc. School examination, 'the. school ..| I ho world. The. s raping acquaintance. nentimental charity. Bhooitna ot young ideas, The. Billy Billy. Sparrow", The. standing armv. 'the. Blor J -teller, The. Sll aiiiliu :,l the gnat, Talet.is, The tardiness. Teacher tried, The. Tobaeeo. True inan's work never done, The. Turned head, Thai TWO ["'CIS, The. Two ooacks. The. Virtue* and I he grace, The. Walking dictionary, The. War r.s. gospel. Wealth is not worth, Weil Of 8'. Keyiie, The. What is money ? Will, The. W lliam Tell and llie apple. William Tell an. I the cap. W-.rth make* the man. Yankee in Prance, The. Y-aiiig America. Young poets, The. Paki.oh dramas; or. Dramatic scenes lor 1 e amusement. Host. [I85ii.] 12° 32:8i2 Content* : Counterplot, The. Country cousins. Double ghnsl. The. Fugitive slave, The. Jesuit in America, The. Love ar sight. Oddity, The. Pedant, The. Tables turned, The. Tea party, The Tear, The. Well of St. Keync, The. Will, The. William Tell. Woman's rights. Franklin, Dr. Andrew. F.Aiti. of Warwick. (T.) In M. 1$. D. 2..In 32M02 Same. In I. I!. T. 10 In 83:«58 Same. In I,. S. 3 I„ »>32:..24 Same. With other tragedies In 32:533 Matilda. (T.) In II. it. i>. 2 in 32:102 Frederic 1 1, of Prtusla. SCHOOL of the world, The. (C.) In his posthumous W. Trans, bv Thomas I lolerot't In 34:1195 French, Sydney, and Sokkki.i.. William .1. Frikno in need, A. (C.) In L. P. 4«_In 32:440 Freyhan, Adolf. Dritt 11 den K ladderadatsch. (Schw.) In K. T.S. 2. In 32:2151 Zwiscmk.v neun und elf! (Schw.) In K. A. f. I'-B- G - ...In 32:2093 Freytag, August. Auk aham. Isaac und Jakob. (Schw.) .Music by Richard Thiele. In K. T.-S. 14 In 32:215.) Kkciistisatoks Marline, das Madchen fiir A lies. iS.-S. mit (.esang.l .Music bv Richard Thiele. Fiir cine Dame. In K. A. f. S.-8. 13 In 32:2133 Skat.mui.lkr und I'ull'sehulze; oder. Yerhoira'thete .lunggesellen. 1P0.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 81. In 32:2097 Freytag, Gustav. Br.Wtfahrt, Die; oder. Kunz von der Rosen ( L -> '» D. W in 32:2::.;:. Gklkiiktk, Der. (T.) In D. W In 83:2865 Grak Waldemar. (Sch.) In D. W...In 32:2365 PUBLIC LIBKAKY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 32 Authors. Freytag, Gustav, (continued.) — Valentine, Die. (Sell.) In D. W...I11 32:2365 Dramatische Werke, Zweite 181)8. 12° Friedrich, W. Kk muss iiuf's Lund. (I Auflage. Leip. .""...32:2305 In K. GiInschen von Buchenau. (L-). V. 8.-B. 18. In 32:2174 In T. C. 29. In 82:2246 K6ck und Guste. In T. C. 84 In 32:2257 AVer isst mit? (L.-S.) Music bv E. Stiegmann. In T. C. 80 .-. In 32:2258 Zimmkr mit zwei Betten ; odor, "VVem gchiirt die Frau? In T. C. 50 In 32:2251 ZwBl llerren und Ein Dicner. (Po. mit Gesang.) In T. C. 47 In 82:2250 adapter. See Scribe. Weg dutch's Fenster. Fritz, S. Zai'iskrformel, Die. (L.) In N. W. T. 28. In 32:2200 Fritsche, Emil. ElNGEMAUERT ! Frost, S. Annie. Pari. or stage, a collection of charades and prov- erbs, intended for the drawing-room or saloon, and requiring no expensive apparatus of scenery or prop- erties for their p'-rformance. New York. [1800.] 12°. 32:844 In K. A. f. L.-B. 13..In 32:2083 Conlcn's: AlTING CIIAKAI1ES i Antidote. Bridegroom. llomt'stie. Dramatic. Inconstant. Love-sick. Mnd-csp. Masquerade. Masterpiece. Man iniony. Misfortune. Mistake. Purse-proud. Refinement. stn^e-sti lick. Stratagem. Wayward. Manage. Manager. Marplot. Arnsii pkoverbs : All that glitters is not gold. Faint heart never wen lair lady. When poverty comes i.i at the door, love flies out at the window. Thcu-'s many ft slip 'twist the cup and the lip. CllARU>KS IS TABLEAUX V1VANTS : Novice. Penitent. Washington. Listeners hear no good ot th'-mselves. There's no rose without a thoin. When the cat's away the mice will play. Falsehood. Knighthood. Mend Knot, Misobitrf. PROVERBS a TABI.F.AIX ! Charity begins at home. I>o not trifle with edged tools. It is no use to cry over spilt milk. Killing two birds with one shine. Garand, Charles, and Thomas, Louis. ComcDie do salon, La. (Pr.) In Theatre de F. In 32:1512 Garnett, Morris. Serious family, The. (C.) In F. S. IO..I11 32:130 Garrick, David. Box ton ; or, High life above stairs. (F.) In M. B. I). 5 .In 32:105 Same. In I. B. F. 5 In 82:33B Same. In L. S. 3 In i5 32:524 Country girl, The. (0.) Altered from Wycher- ley's Country wife. In S. P. 12 In 32:212 Same. In I. B. T. 10 In 32:358 Same. In L. S. 1 In *32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 8 In 32:558 Cymon and lphigenie. (C. Pa.) Altered by J, 11. Planche. In L. P. 19 ..In 32:419 Same. In L. S. 3 In »32:524 Guardian, The. (F.) In M. B. D. 5..1n 32:105 Same. In I. B. F. 4 In 82:334 Same. In L. S. 3 In »32:524 Same. In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In I. B. F. 5 In 32:335 Garrick, David, (continued.) — Irish widow, The. (F.) In F. M. 21. ..In 32:04 Same. In M. li. 1). 5 In 32:105 Same. In S. P. 8 In 82:208 Same. In I. B. F. 5 In 32:335 Same. In L. S. 3 In s 32:524 Katharine and Petruchio. (C.) Altered from Shakespeare's Taming a shrew. In F. S. 13. In 32:133 Same. In I. B. F. 4 In 32:334 Same. In L. 1'. 02 In 32:402 Lethe. (F.) In M. B. 1). 5 In 32:105 Lying valet, The. (F.) In M. B. D. 5..L1 32: 105 Same. In S. P. 8 In 32:208 Same. In 1. B. F. 4 In 32:334 Same. In L. S. 1 In 532:522 Same. In Ox. IN. E. D. 11 In 32:561 Male-cocjuette. The. (F.) In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Miss in her teena. (F.) In M. B. D. 5. ..In 32:105 Same. In I. B. F. 4 In 32:334 Same. In L. S. 2 In s 32:523 Neck or nothing. (F.) In M, B. D. 0...I11 32:105 Peep behind tiie curtain. (O.) In M. B. D. 5. In 32:105 ■ joint author. See Colman, George, Si: Clandes- tine marriage. adapter. See Fletcher, John. Rule a wife and have a wife. See Jonson, Ben. Every man in his humour. Gassmann, Theodor, attd Kniioicit, .J. A us der Franzosenzeit. After Fritz Keuter's " Ut de Franzosentid." In D. T. 3 In 32:2053 Blumengeistkr, Die; oder, Das Rathsel des Gliicks. (K. Z.) Music bv E. Stiegmann. In D. T. 3 .....In 32:2053 Ixsi-kktor Briisig. (Lebensbikl.) After Fritz Renter's " Ut mine Stromtid.' In D. T. 3. Ill 32:2553 Gastineau, Gustav. Ballschuhe, Die. (L.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 8. In 32:2082 Gaudy, Franz F. Sant' Onofrio. In S. W. 20 In 56:318 Gautier, Tlieophile. Pierrot Posthume. (Arlequinn.de.) In Poesies nouvelles In 31:737 TiticoKNE enchante, Le. ( Bastonnade.) In Poesies nouvelles In 31:737 Gay, .lohn. Achilles. (O.) In 15. B. T. 9 In 32:259 Acis and Galatea. [O.) Arranged from Handel. In L. P. 11 In 32:111 Same. In P. W. 2 In 31:742 Beggars' opera, The. (O.) In M, B. D. 5. In 32:105 Same. InS.P. 5 in 82:205 Same. In B. B. T. 9 In 32:259 Same. In I. B. T. 12 In 32:352 Same. In L. P. 21 In 32:121 Same. In L.S.I In *32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 2 In 32:552 Polly. Pt. 2nd of the Beggars' opera. (Oi In B. B. T. 9 .". In 32:259 Gayler, C. Love of a prince, The; or, The court of Prussia. Altered and adapted from the French. In F. S. 21. In 32:138 Son of the night. (D.) In F. S. 22 In 32:139 Geber, Felix. Im Career; oder, Deutsche Corp-studenten. (Genre- bild mit . Gesang.) In K. T. S. 9 In 32:2152 Gelli, Giovanni Battista. Ekbobe, Lo. (C.) In C. I. 155 In »56:5491.3 Spuria, La. (C.) In C. I. 155 In *56:5491.3 Genee, Richard, ^eutif author. .S'ccZkll, F. Fatinitza. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 33 Authors. Genee, Hud. Iftntca. In T. 0.62 In 83:2153 ScHlbiobib and Genoeien; nder, Die Liiter- sehule. [It.) A da | iti'i I IV Sheridan's "8chool for ScandaL" In K. Y. S.-B. 25 In 82:2178 Gentleman, Francis. Tobaccomist, The. Altered from Jonaon'a Al- ohymlit. In S. P. 2 In 32:202 Bam*. In L.8. 2 In •82:523 Same. In <>x. N. B. I). 13 In 83:663 Gerstacker, Priedrich. \\ 'ii.ntiiKit, Der. Drama in fuof AufzQgun. Leip, 1884. 24" ...82:2380 Giacometti, Paolo. Elizabeth, queen of England, an historical )>lay in live arts, written express!* for Madame Riston, Trans, from the Italian liv Thomas Willianis. New York. 1886. 8° »B:72.5 Maris Antoinette, queen of France. < 1 1 . D.J Arranged and adapted from the Italian by Harry Forrest. In L. P. 89 .-...In 82:488 Gilbert, Gabriel. Inikiiuks amoureuses, Lea. (C.) In Les con- temporaini de Uoliere 1 In 32: i~7i; Gilbert, W. 8. Charity. (P.) In Original PI In 82:848 Crbatubbs of impulue. (Ma, fairy tale.) In L. P. '.il ." In 32:491 (Ikn i i.kyias in black, The. (.Ms. legend.) In L. P. 88 .....In 82:488 Old wore, An. (CD.) In L. P. 85... In 82:485 Ok guard. (U.) In L. P. 98 In 32:498 Palacs of truth, The. (Fairy C.) In L. P. 89. In 32:489 Same. Ill Original PI In 32:848 Pi'.inckss, The. (A.) Perversion of .Mr. Tenny- son's poem. In L. P. 87 In 32:487 Same. In Original PI In 82:848 Pygmalion and Galatea. (Mvth. (.'.) In Orig- inal PI In 32:848 IIamhi.i.'s iliunib. (0.) In L. P. 9Lln 82:491 Tkial by jurv. (I). Can.) In Original PI. In 32:848 WtCKKD world. (Fairy 0.) In Original PI. In 32:848 Original plays. New York. 1876. 1 2°....32;848 Gille, Philippe, joint author. See SakdOV Y'ictoricn. Prina Conti. Girardin, Smile de. Clock maker's hat. The. (F.) Adapted and trans, by Thomas \V. Robertson. In F. M. 9. In 32:58 Same. In L. P. 18 In 32:418 Giraud, O. .Ikai.oisv at fault. (C.) In 8. I. In 32:320 Mas prophet, The. (C.) In s. I. C... In 32:320 Girndt, Otto. I.kt/.ti: Ldebe. i Genrcbild.) In T.C. tit. In 32:2259 I'ntkr der Linile von Steinheim a. Main. In K. A.f. I..-B. 88 In 82:2098 joint author. See, JaCOBSON, E. GaUoschen des Gluoka. Giaeke, Robert. .loiiANNKs Ratbenow, eln Bfirgenneister von Berlin. llistorisehes Trauerspiel in fiinf Aeten. Leip. I860. 16° 32:2384 Glengall, Karl. 8m hl-ti.kk, K. Glover, Captain Stephen E. BOAOICBA. (T.) In M. li. I). 2 In 32:102 Same. In 15. B. T. 20 In 82:270 CbaoIiB of liberty ; or, Boston in 1775. in F. s. 38. In 32:147 Godwin, William. Amomo. (T.) In P. I In 32:185 Goldoni, Carlo. AVABO fastoso, L'. (C.) In B. d'A. I. 10. Iii •66:5621.10 Ourioso accidents, Un. (C.) In B. d'A. I. 10. In •68:5521.10 Same. Enff. (Odd mistake, An.) In S. 1. C. In 82:320 Diknkr zweier Herren, Der. i L.) In ('. T. I'.. 88. In 82:2008 Donne euriose, Le. (C.) In 11. d'A. I. 10. In •06:5621.10 Bubbibo bentteo, II. (C.) In B. d'A. I. in. In *56:r.r.2i.io Same. Eng. (Morose good man, The.) In S. I. C. In 32:320 Terenzio. (C.) In B. d'A. I. lo..In •68:5521.10 Tor Ykro amieo, II. (C.) In B. d'A. 1. 10. In •66:6521.10 Zwki Herren und Kin Diener. Tr. bv W. Fried- rieli. InT.e. 47 In 32:2250 and Giraud, Giovanni, and Not a, Alberta. li u.iAN comedies. Select coraediea tranalated from the Italian. New York. 1849. 12°... 32:320 Goldsmith, Oliver. C.W'Tivn v. The. or.) In his M.W. 4..In 34:1270 Same. In his S. W In 34:1271 (Ioodnatired man, The. (C.) In- M. B. D. I. In 32:104 Same. In I. B. T. 17 In 82:357 Same. In L. S. 2 In *82:S23 Same. In his M. \Y. 4 In 34:1270 Same. In bis 8. "W In 34:1271 She stoops to conquer. In M. B. D. 4.. In 32: 104 Same. In F. S. 10 In 82:130 Same. In S. P. 14 In 32:214 Same. In I. B. T. 15 In 32:355 Same. In L. P. 25 In 82:425 Same. In I.. S. 1 In 532:522 Same. In Ox N. K. I). 4 In 82:554 Same. In bis M. W. 4 In 34:1270 Same. In bl8 S. "W In 34:1271 Gondinet, Edmond. Christian*. (Sch.) Trnns. by Eduord Mautner. In N. W. 14 In 32:2203 Goodrich, Frank B., and Warden, Frank L. Komaxi.'K after marriage. (C.) In F. 8. 24. In 32:M0 joint author. See Bkocoham, John. The dark hour before dawn. Gordon, Walter. Dearest mama! (0a.) In L. P. 4'!....In 82:446 Duchess or nothing. fOa.1 In 1.. P. 47 ..In 32:447 Horn for a holiday. (OB.J In L P. 4:>..In 32:449 M v wile's rrlationi. (('a.) In L. P. 56.. In 82:466 Odd lot, An. (F.) In L. P. 82 In 82:462 Old Trusty. (CD) In L. P. so In 82:450 Through tire and water. (('. I).) In L. P. B8. In 32:486 Gore, Wr*. Charles. Good night's rest, A. (F.) In F. M. 40-41. In 32:74 Gorlitz, Carl. Drei Paar Sehuhe. (Lebi-n.-bild mit Gesang.) Music by A. Conrad i, In K. V. S. B. 2..In 32:2171 Same. Arranged by Alois Berla. Music by Carl Millockor. In N. w. T. 1 In 32:2201 Krstk Mittagessen, Das. (L.) In T. (J. 1. In 32:2241 FRi'msTiicKsTiiNDi'Hr.N. (Sob.) In T. C. 96. In 32:2260 III Fragel.asten des Fremdenblatts. iL. 1 In K. A. f. L.-B. 30 In 32:2086 PI'IILIC MBUAHY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 34 Authors. Gorlitz, Carl, (continued.) — Vollkommene Fnui, Eine. (L.) In T. C. 99. In 32:2260 Gorner, Carl A. Afhikanerin, Dip. (Parodirende Po.) Music bv Leopold Biitenuth. In D. T. I In 32:2051 Am Brunnen. (Gcnre-S. mit Gesang.) In D. T. 10. In 32:2000 Asohenhropel; oder, Dor gliiserne Pantotfel. (Weihnaohts-K. mit Gesang.) Music by Ed. Stieg- mann. In I). T. 5 In 32:2055 Auf Rosen! oder. Fiichse lauter Fiichse. (L.) In D.T. 7 In 32:2057 Auf dem Wasser. (L.) In D. T. 8. ..In 32:2058 Billiger Mann, Ein. (L.) In D. T. 10. In 32:2000 Drei goldcne Aepfel. ( Weihnacbts-K. mit Ger- sang und Tanz.) In D. T. 9 In 32:2059 Knglisch ! (L.) In T. C. 6 In 32:2242 Erziehung macht den Menschen. (Lebenshild.) In I). T. 4 In 32:2054 Geapei/ier Kauf'niann, Kin. (Libensbild.) In D. T. 1 In 32:2051 GEisider Berge, Der. ( Weihnachts-C.) In IX T. 6. In 32:2056 Haiin im Porte, Der. (Genrebild mit Gesang.) Music by Ed. Sticgmann. In I). T. 2... In 32:2052 In Hamburg und Bagdad; oder, Der Mann mit der langen Nase. ( Weihnachts-Z.-Po. mit Gesang und Tanz.) InD.T.ll In 32:2061 Klein Diiumling, Napunzel mit dem langen Haar und Riquet mit dem Schopf. (Weihnachts-C.) In D. T. 8 In 32:2058 KrRZSicHTIG. (L.) In D. T. 4 In 32:2054 Moblikte Wohnung. Eine. (Po.) In T. C. 31. In 32:2247 Nachkur, Eine. ( L.) In D.T. 10. ..In 32:2060 Nur ein Hand. (L.) In D. T. 4 In 32:2054 NuRmitder Artot. (Fastnachts-Schw. mit Gesang.) In D.T. 10 In 32:2060 _ Pinkenweiler und Miiller, Kitzing und Com- pagnie. (Fastnachts-Po.) In D. T. 2. .'in 32:2052 1'rinz Papagei. (Weihnachts-C. mit Gesang und Tanz.) In D. T. 11 In 32:2061 Prinzkssin Dornrosehen. (Weihnacbts-C. mit Gesang und Tanz.) Music by Ed. Stiegmann. In I). T. 7 I„ 32:2057 Pkinzessin Immergriin und Prinz Eiszapfen. C\Veihnachts-C. mit Gesang und Tanz.) In I). T. ft In 32:2056 RATTENFi'iNOER von Hameln, Der. ( Mirchen-C. mit Gesang.) Music by E. Catenbusen. In D. T. 1 1. In 32:2061 lvAUBERGEseinciiTE, Eine; oder, Der Mord in der Kohlmessergasse. (Po.) In T. C. 101... In 32:2261 Salz der Ehe, Das. (Schw.) In T. C. 48. In 32:2250 Schwarzer Peter. (Scbw.) In T. C. 24. In 32:2245 Sneewittchen und die schen Zwerge. (Weih- nncbts-C.) .Music by A. Mohr. In D. T. 5. In 32:2055 Stii.le gemiithlicbe Wobnung, Eine. (Scbw.) In D. T. 2..... .: i„ 32:2052 WiF.drei Musikanten ibrc Zecbe bezablen. (Po.) In T. C. GO In 32:2253 Gbrss, Guslav. Bratpfanne, Die. (Po. mit Gesang.) Music by M. Maasdorff. In K. A. f. L.-B. 99. ..... In 32:2100 Passenpste Priisent. Das. (Weibnachtsschw. mit Gesang.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 82 In 32:2097 Gothe, Johann Wolfgang ron. Aufgeregten, Die. (Politiscbe D.) In S. W. 2. In 56:351 Same. In S. W. 18 In 56:370 Gothe, J. W. ran. (continued.) — Burgergeneral, Der. (L.) In S. W.2.Tn 56:351 Same. In S. W. 18 In 56:370 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Claudine von Villa Bella. (S.) In S. W. 2. In 56:351 Same. In S. W. 17 In 56:370 Same. In S. W. 30 In 56:376 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 ' Ulavigo. (T.) InS. W. 2 In 56:351 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Same. In W. 4 In 56:363 Same. InC. T. B..28 In 32:2006 Eomont. (T.) in S. W. 1 In 56:350 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Same. In W. 4 In 56:363 Same. In \V. 3 In 56:382 Same. In Schiller's S. W. 6 In 56:1271 Same. In C. T. B. 24 In 32:2005 Same. Eng. By Anna Swanwick. In Gothe's W. 5. In 34:1260 Elpenor. (T. Fragment.) In S. W. 2. ..In 56:351 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Same. In W. 6 In 56:364 EpiMENiDEsErwachcn, Des. InS. W.2..In 56:351 Same. In S. W. 18 In 56:370 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Erwin und Elmire. (Ssp.) In S. W. 17. In 56:370 Same. In S. W. 30 In 56:376 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:351 Fastnachtspiel vom Peter Brcy. In S. W. 2. In 56:351 Same. In W. 5 In 56:384 Faust. Eine Tragiidie. Mit Einleitung und Erliiuterungen herausgegeben von Moriz Carricrc. Leip. 1869. 2 v. 16° 32:2388-9 Same. In 0. T. B. 8-9 In 32:2002 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:351 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Same. In "VV. 5 In 56:364 Same. Eng. By Charles T. Brooks. Bost. 1866. 16° In 32:855 Same. Eng. With notes by A. Hayward. Bost. 1866. 16° 32:856 Same. Eng. Lowell. 1845. 16° *32:856a Same. Eng. By Anna Swanwick. In Gothe's W. 5. In 34:1260 Same. Eng. Trans, in the original metres by Bay- ard Taylor. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 8° 32:857-58 Fisc'herin, Die. (Ssp.) In S. W. 17...In 56:370 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:351 Geschichte Gottfriedens von Berlicbingen mit der cisernen Hand. See Gdtz von Berlicbingen. Geschwister, Die. (Sen.) In S. W. 2..In 56:357 Same. In S. W. 17 In 56:370 Same. In S. W. 1 In 56:350 Same. In W. 3 In 56:382 Same. In C. T. B. 28 In 32:2006 QoTZ von Berlicbingen mit der eisernen Hand. In S. W. 1 In 56:350 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Same. In W. 4 In 56:363 Same. In S. W. 30 In 56:376 Same. In S. W. 31 In 56:377 Same. In W. 3 In 56:382 Same. In C. T. B. 20 In 32:2004 Same. Eng. (Gcitz of Berlicbingen with the iron hand.) By Sir Walter Scott. In" Scott's P. W. 9. In 31:1539 Same. Eng. New York. 1814. 18° 32:863 Same. Eng. In Gothe's W. 5 In 34:1260 Gross-Cophta, Der. (L.) In S. W. 2 In 56:351 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Same. In W. 18 In 56:370 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 35 Atjthobj. Gothe, .1. VV. roil, [continued.] — Iiuioenik auf Tauris. (Sch.) In C. T. I?. 44. In 82:2009 Same. In S. \V. ] In 56:350 Same. In 8. W. 2 In 56:357 Same. In S. \V. SO In 60:376 Same. In W. 8 ■. In 66:364 Sum... In \V. 3 In 56:3*2 Sump. Kmj. By Annii Swunwick. In W. ■>■ In 84:1360 Jaiikuaukts-Kkst /.it Plunctersweilara. (Schfln- barUp.) In s. \V, 1 In 66:351 Same. Ins, W.J In 60:357 Jsbt and Bitely. (Sap.) In s. W. 2.... in 60:361 Same. In S. \V. '.' In 60:367 Same. In S. \V. I" In 56:370 KuNsn.Kits Apotheote. (D.) In S. W. 2. In 56:357 I.u'se dee Verliebton, We. (Seb&fenp.) In s. VV.2 r In 56:357 Same. In S. W. 1 In 56:350 I.n.\. (SapJ InS. \V. 2 In 56:35 1 Same. In s. \V. 3 In 66:857 Same. In s. \V. 17 In 56:370 Mahomet. iT.) In S. \V 1 In 56:350 Same. In 8. w. 2 In 60:357 Same. In S. W. 31 In 56:377 .Mn'TsriiLi.iiKiKN, Die. (L.) In S. W. I. In 56:350 Same. In 8.W. 2 In 56:357 Naciispiei. zu den Hagestolzen. In S. W. 2. In 56:351 Natukmchk Tochter, Die. (T.) In S. VV. 1. In 56:350 Sam-. InS. \\. 2 In 56:357 Same. In W. 6 In 66:364 Siime. In \V. 3 In 56:382 I'an iA. [Feetsp.) InS. \V. 1 In 56:350 Same. In S. \V. •> In 56:357 Same. In S. W. 18 In 56:370 Pater litvy. (Fsp.) In 8. W. 2 In 56:357 Prometheus. ( Fragment.) InS. W. 2- In 56:351 Same. InS. W. 1 In 56:357 Satvuos; oiler, Der vergottert Waldteufel. (D.) In S. \V. 1 In 56:351 Same. In S. \V. a In 60:357 Sen khz, List und Bacbe. (Sap.) In S. \V. 2. Iii 56:351 Same. In S. \V. 2 In 56:357 Same. In S. W. 17 In 60:370 Stei.i.a. (T.) InS. \V. 2 In 56:351 8a In 8. W. 2 In 60:357 Siime. In S. \V. 3 In 56:382 Same. In W. 18 In 56:370 Same. Kng. By Benj. Thompson. In T. (J. T. 6. In 32:580 Same In 83:689 Tancrkd. (T.l In S. W. I In 56:350 Sam.-. InS. W. 2 In 56:357 Sam-. In W.31 In 56:377 Tokquato Tasso. (Sell.) Ill C. T. B. 32. In 32:2007 Same. In S. W. l In 56:350 Same. InS W. 2 In 56: 357 Same. In \V. « In 56:3«>4 Same. Iii S. \V. 3 In 66:382 Same. Kitg. By Anna Swunwick. In GSthe'l W. 5. In 84:1260 Triumph der Kniplinilsamkeit. (Gr.) In S. \V. 2. In 56:351 Sam... In S. \V. 2 In 56:357 Unqleichen Hnusgenossen, Die. (Sap.) In \V. 2. In 56:357 Same. In W. 17 In 56:370 G6the, .1. \V. ww. (i-inititiued.) — Was wlr brragen. (Vo.) In S. \V. 2..In 56:3 1 Sam.-. In W. 5 In 56: - i Wkttf, Die. (L.) In W. J la 66:3&7 Sam.'. In \\ . .11 In 56:377 Zauiierfi.otk. 2erTlnil. ( Fragment, i In s. W.2. In 66:351 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Same. In W. 17 In 56:370 Gott, Henry. Wi/.arii <>V the moor, The. (M.) In L. P. 62. In 32:4*2 Gottschick, <). Sy mi-ai hi K. (L.) In K. V. S.-H. 0... In 32:2172 Gozzi, Carlo. Gi.iicKi.n hen Bettler, Die. In 0. T. B. S6. In 82:2008 Ti itAMioT, Prinzessin von China. (T.-C. i Edited by l'rieilneli v,m Schiller. In C. T. B. 66.1n 82:2014 Same. In S. \\\ fi In 56:1254 Same. InS. W. In 56:1271 Same. In \V. 7 In 66:130 Grabbe, Christian Dietr. Asitienhrouei.. (D. Miirehen.) In S. W. 2. In 82:2396 Don Juan und Faust. VS.) In S. W. I. In 32:2 195 Hannibal. (T.) In S. W. 2 In 82:2396 • Hermansm in. Ainr, Die. (D.) In S. \V. 2. In 82:2396 HSRZOO Theodor von Gothland. (T.) In S. \V. 1. In 32:23:. 5 Hohenstaufen, Die. (T.l 1. Kaiser Friedrich Barbarosaa. II. Kaiser Heinrieh der Secbate. In S. VV. l In 82:2395 Marius und Sulla. (T.l In S. \V. 2... In 32: Nannett und .Maria. (T.l In S. VV. 2..D, 32:23PG Napoleon; oder, Die Hundcrt Tage. (D.) In S. W. 2 In 82:2396 SriiKi:/, Satire, Ironie. und tiefere Bcdcutung. (L.) In S. \V. 2 In 32:23i»6 SaMMTi.K-iiE Werke. Erste Gesammtausgabe. Heraoagegeben und eingeleitet von Rudolf Qott- schafl. I.eip. 1870. 2 v. 10° 32:- Grahl, G.&. (rKMEIMNlsS lies BZdnigS, Ein. ( H. L. ) In I). T. 4. In 82:2054 Geschiiktskreund, Ein. (L.) In D. T. 10. In 82:2060 In der elften Stunde. (H. L.) In D. T. 5. In 82:2066 "Weiiikk von Soli., rndorf. Die. (K. O.) Music by \V. Witterhan. In D. T. 8 In 32:2058 Grange, Eugene pneud. See Baste. Eugene Pierre. Graves, A. P., adapter. See Out of the frying pan. Graves, Joseph. Ootid. (B.) In P. 3 in 32:187 Tempter, The; or, The old mill of St. Denis. (K. D.) In S. P. 15 In 32:215 Greene, Bobert, Alpiionm is, king of Arragon. (P.) In O. D. In 32:321 Same. In D. >V. 2 *A Fkiar Baeon and Friar Bungay. In (). D. In 82:321 Same. In D. W. 1 «A Same. Ed. by A. \V. Ward. ll'i'M Marlowe's Doetor Faustus In 88:606 QcOBQI a-Ureen, the pinner of Waketleld. In O. D In 32:321 Same. In D. W. 2 *A James the fourth. (0.) In (). D In 32:321 Same. In 1). W. 2 *A PUBLIC LIBRABT OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 36 Authors. Greene, Robert, (continued.) — Looking-glass for London and England, A. In O. D ....In 32:321 Same. In D. W. 1 »A Orlando Furioso. In O. I) In 32:321 Same. In D.W.I *A Dramatic works, to which are added his poems. With some account of the author, and notes, by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. Lond. 1831. '2v. 12°...»A, — and Peele, George. Dramatic and poetical works of Robert Greene and George 1'eule. With memoirs of the authors, and notes by the Rev. Alexander Dvce. Lond. 1861. 8° 32:321 Gresset, Jeun-Baptistu- Louis. McVhaxt, Le. (C.) In Auteure eomiques 5. In 32:1005 Griffln, Gerald. Gisipi'Us; or, The forgotten friend. (T.) In F. S. 9. In 32:129 Same. In W. 9 In 31:782 Grillparzer, Franz. Ahxerau, Die. (T.) In S. W. 2 In 56:451 Bruderzwist in Habsburg. (T.) In S. W. 7. In 56:450 Es-rnER. (Aus einem unvollendeten D.) In S. W. In 56:4 55 Hannibal. In S. \V. 5 In 56:454 JiiDiN von Toledo, Die. (H. T.) In S. W. 7. In 56:450 LmussA. (T.) In S. W. G In 56:455 MEEREsundderLiebeWellen,Des. (T.) In S. VV.5. In 56:45.4 Mti.rsixA. (R.O.) InS. W. 5 In 56:454 Sappho, (T.) In S. W. 2 In 56:451 Same. Knq. I3v Kllen Frothingham. Host. 1870. 10° .' 32:^.9 Thaum ein Leben, Der. (D. Marehen.) In 8. W. 5 In 56:454 Weh' Dem, der liigt. (L.) In S. W. 6..In 56:455 Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm. See Kindkr-und- Pupt en-Theater. Gross, F. Geiieimxisse. (PI.) In N. W.T. 67..In 32:2214 Gruber, L. Kreczelsciireiber, Die. (Bauern. C. mit Gesang.) In N. VV. T. 20 In 32:2204 M kixeidhauer, Der. ( Volkestiick mit Gesang.) In N. W. T. 5 In 32:2201 Grundy, S, Little change, A. (F.) In L. P. 95..In 32: 498 Grunert, Carl, adapter. See Meroier, Pol. Essig- hiindler. Guarini, Battista. Idropica, La. (C.) Verona. 1734. 8°. With II pastor tido In 32:2730 Pastor tido, II. Verona. 1735. 8°. With La. Idropica In 32:2730 Same. In 0. 1.88 In *56:5478 Gully, .1. M., adapter. See Dumas, Alexandre, Jr. M'llede Belle Isle. Guthery, Robert. Wexx Wilhelm nicht wiir' ? ( Po. mit Gesang.) Music by Otto Rosenberg. In D. T. 2....I11 32:2052 Gutzkow,, Karl. Antonio Perez. (T.) In D. W. 12...In 32:2403 Dreizehnte November, Der. (Sch.) In D. W. 14. In 32:2404 Ella Rose. (Sch.) In D. W. 1 1 In 82:2403 Fremdes Gliick. (Vo.) In D.W. 14..In 32:2404 Hamlet in Wittenberg. (D. Phantasie.) In G. W. 1 In 56:475 Gutzkow, Karl, (continued.) Komodie der Besserungen. (L.) In D. W. 15. In 32:2404 Koxigsi.ieutenant. (L.) InD.W.4..In 32:2401 Liesli. (T.) In D. W. 16 In 32:2404 LoRBERiindMyrte. (L.) In D. W. in.. In 32:2405 Nero. (T.-C.) In D. W. 20 In 32:2405 Same. In G. W. 1 In 56:475 Ottfried. (Sch.) In D. W. 13 In 32:2404 Patkul. (T.) In D. W. 9 In 32:2403 Pugasciiew. (T.) In D. W. 5 In 32:2402 Richard Savage; oder, Der Sohn einer Mutter. (T.) In D. W. 7 In 32:2402 Schule der Reichen, Die. (L.) In D. VV. 10. In 32:2403 URBiLDdesTartiitfe. (L.) In D. W. I..I11 32:2401 Uriel Acosta. (T.) In D. W. 8 In 32:2402 Weisses Blatt, Ein. (Sch.) In D. VV. 6. In 32:2402 Werxek; oder, Herz und Welt. (Sch.) In D. W. 3 In 32:2401 WlTLLENWEBER. (T.) In D. W. 1 7-18..In 32:2405 Zopf und Schwert. (L.) In D. W. 2... In 32:2401 Dramatische Werke. Vollst'indige neu umgear- beitete Ausgabe. Leip. 1802-3. 20 v. in 5. 16°. 32:2401-5 Haber, 8. Stuxdciien im Comptoir, Ein. (Po. mit Gesang.) In T. C. 17 In 32:2244 Habington, W. Queen of Arragon, The. In D. O. P. 9. In 32:299 Hacklander, Friedrich Wilhelm. Geheime Agent, Der. (L.) In W. 15..In 58:1294 Maonetischk Kuren. (L.) In W. 15..In 58:1294 Monsieur de Ble. (S.) In W. 27. ..In 58:1302 SchuldioI (S.) In W. 15 In 58:1294 Unten im Hause. (L.) In W. 27. ..In 58: 1302 Unveriieiratiiete Eheleuto. (L.) In W. 43. In 58:1312 Verlorene Sohn, Der. (L.) In W. 43..In 58:1312 Zur Rube setzen. (L.) In W. 27 In 58:1302 Hahn, Rudolf. Am Omnibus. (Genrebild mit Gesang. In T. C. 53. In 32:2251 Berliner mang die Wilden, Die. (Po. mit Gesang.) Music by F. Rosner, In K. A. f. L.-15. 70. In 32:2094 Durcii Nussschalen. (Schw.) In K. A. f. L.-B 72. In 32:2095 IlANAuhrennt! (Schw.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 91. In 32:2099 Im Vorzimmer Seiner Excellenz. (Lebensbild.) In T. C. 69 In 32:2254 Jettciiex's Urautgedanken. (S.-S. fiir cine Dame.) In K. A. f. S.-S. 9 In 32:2132 Nachtioall und Nichte. (Po.) In T. C. 28. In 32:2246 Onkelchen spionirt ! (L.) In K. T. S. 12. In 32:2153 Paar Ballschuhe, Ein. (S.) In T. 0. 87. In 32:2258 Pixkt Eins zu Tisch ! (S.-S. fiir eine Dame.) In K. A.f. S.-S. 12 In 32:2133 Vettern und Basen. (Schw.) In D. T. 1. In 32:2051 Wo bleibt da die Moral ? (S.-S. mit Gesang fiir einen Herrn.) In K. A.f. S.-S. 15 In 32:2133 ZuKUXKTsMiiDCHEN fiir Alles, Das; oder. Die Alton und die Neuen. (Genrebild.) In K. T.-S. 15. In 32:2153 ZuMgriinenEsel. (Schw.) In T. C. 67.1n 32:2254 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. TlIK Drama. 37 AuTIJORR. Haines, John Thomas. Alice (ircv tlu' inspected one. In L. P. 44. In 32:M4 Amilie; or, The lore t>-.-t . K. O.J tfiuifl by W. M. Rooke, 1" I'. :> In 32:175 Same. In S. 1". 1 In 32:201 French ipy. Tin'; or, The siege of ConStantina. (Mil. D.i In'K. S. 20 In 32:138 lhi.>r witness, The; or, A tain of Hood. ( M.) In F. S. SI In 32:143 Same. In L. P. 4<; In 32:446 My poll and m\ partner Joe. (N. J). ) In L. P. 71. In 32:471 Ocean of life, The; or. Kvcry inch a Sailor. (N. D.) jn L. P. 69 1'l 82:468 Ruth. iN.D.) In L. P. 44 In 32:444 Wizard of (be wave. The; or, The ship of the avenger. [N. D.I InP. 8. 27 In 32:141 Sum.'. In L P. 46 In 32:446 Yew-tree ruins, The; or, The wreck, the miser and the mines. In L. P. 74 In 32:474 Hal6vy, Leon, joint author. See Mkii.hac, Henri. Froufrou. Tricoohe und Uacolet. Hall. A. (). Coroner's inquisition, A. ( F.) In F. M. 15. In 32:61 Hall, Jfra. Sarah Carter. \| miki.'s curse. (Ms.D.) In S. P. 15..In 32:215 Halliday, Andrew. Checkmate. (F. C.) In L. P. 85 In 32:485 Daddy Gray. (D.) In L. P. 85 In 32:485 Loving cup, The. (S.-C. D.) In L. P. 85. In 32:485 llcMKii and Juliet travestie. (Bs.) In L. P. 43. In 32:443 joint atithor. See BbOUOH, \V. Actor's retreat. April fool, An. Area belle. The. Census, The. Colleen llnwn settled at last. Doing Banting. Going to the dogs. Mudborough election. My heart's in the Highlands. Pretty horsebreaker, The. Shilling day at the great exhibition. ("p-tairs and downstairs. Valentine, A. — and Lawrence, F. Kenii. worth; or, Ye queen, ye earle, and ye maydennc. In L. P. 38 ". In 32:438 Halm, Friedrich. pseud. See Munch-Belling- HAl SEN. E. F. •'. Hamerling, Robert. Tkit. Bin Scherzspiel. Zweite Auflage. Ham- burg. 1872. 16° ...32:2420 Hamilton, R. Elphi Bev; or, The Arab's faitb. (Ms.D.) In P. 6 In 32:189 Hancock, William. Margate Sands. (F.) In L. P. 61 In 88:461 Mr. Soroggina; or, Change of name. (F.) In L. P. 77 In 32:477 Stolen— £20 reward. (F.) In L. P. 61..1n 32:461 Hardwicke, — ( Countess of.) Court of Oberon, The; or, Tho three wishes. (D. < En.) In I.. P. 17 In 32:417 Hardwicke, Pelham. Bachelor of Arts, A. (C. D.) In F. S. 38. In 32:147 Same. In L. P. 12 In 32:412 Hardy, K. Trueblood. Crowdi.nu the season. id In F. M. 40-41 . In 32:74 Widow I'reelieart ; or, The woman haters. |C.) In F. S. 44-46 In 32:ir.o Harleville, Collin d'. (.'11 v ik a 1 \ an Bapagne, Lea. (O.) In Anteun comiques 8 In 32:1508 Viei x celibataire, Le. (0.) In Auteurs cotntques 8 In 32:1. "■ok Harrington, N. EL, joint author. See Yates, Ivlniund. Hit htm, he has no friends. My friend from Leatherhead, Nighl at NottingHill. — and Yates, Kdunind. Ik the cap tits. (Ca.) In L. P. 41 In 32:441 Dorm.E dummy. (F.) In L. P. 35.. ..In 32:435 Your likeness — one shilling. (C.) In L. P. 36. In 32:436 Harrington, B. Pedl ui bov. The; or, The old mill ruin. ( I).) In L. P. 87 In 32:487 Harris, Arthur. Avalanche, The. ( R. D.) In L. P. 16..In 32:416 Doing the "Hansom." (F.) In L. P. 20. In 32:428 Little treasure, The. (0.) In F. S. I6..I11 88:136 Same. In L. P. 23 In 32:423 My son Diana. (F.) In F. M. 30 In 32:69 Same. In L. P.31 In 32:431 BUTHYEK. (D.) In L. P. 41 In 32:441 Tom Thrasher. (F.) In L. P. 81 In 32:481 Too much of a good thing. (C. D.) In L. P. 22. In 88:422 Very serious affair, A. (F.) In L. P. 33. In 32:433 joint author. See Buckingham, L. Jeanncttc.'s wedding. Ruth Oakley. — and Williams. T. J. Gossip. (C.) In L. P. 76 In 32:476 Harrison, AVilmot. .John Smith. ( F.) In L. P. 53 In 32:453 •■ Special " performances. (F.) In L. P. 80 In 32:480 Hart, James P. Canadian war. The. fD.Sk.) In P. 3...In 32:187 Mary Le More; or, The Irish maniac. In 8. P. 3. In 32:203 Harte, Francis Bret. Two men of Sandv Bar. A drama. Bost. 1876. 18° ". 32:872 Hartopp, W. AY. Eclipsing the son. From the French. In L. P. 54. In 32:454 Hartson, H. Counters of Salisbury. In M. B. D. 2..In 32:102 Same. In I. B. T. 16 In 32:356 Hauff, Wilh. See Kinder-u.nd-Puppen-Tiieatkr. Hauteroche, Noel-lc-Breton de. Crispin medeein. (C.) In Les jcontemporains de .Moliere 2 In 32:1776 Crispin mnsicien. (Scenes detaohees.) (C.) In Les contemporains de Moliere 2 In 32:1776 Havard, William. K I nu Charles I. (T.) In M. B. D. 2..In 32:102 Same. In B. B. T. 12 In 32:262 Hawkes worth, Dr. John. Edgar and Bmmelme. (0.) In I. B. F. 6. In 32:336 adapter. See Dryden John. Amphitryon. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 38 Authors. Hay, F. Beautiful for ever. (F.) In L. P. 82..In 32:482 Caught by the cuff. (F.) In L. P. 67..In 32:467 Chops of the Channel, The. (N. F.) In L. P. 84. In 32:484 Cupboard love. (F.) In L. P. 91 In 32:491 French exhibition, The. (F.) In L. P. 75. In 32:475 Lams excuse, A. (F.) In L. P. 84 In 32:484 LouoERsand dodgers. (F.) In L. P. !>2..In 32:492 Our domestics. (C. F.) In L. P. 76 In 32:476 Photographic fix, A. (F.) In L. P. 70..In 32:470 Sr/rr of Tweeds, A. (P.) In L. P. 74-In 32:474 Haynes. James. Durazzo. (T.) In P. 4 In 32:188 Hazlewood, Collin H. Aurora Floyd. Adapted from Miss Braddon. In L. P. 58 In 32:458 Capitoi.a; or, The masked mother and the hidden hand. (D.) In L. P. 70 In 32:170 Clock on the stairs, The. (Dom. D.) In L. P. 70. In 32:470 Going to Chobham; or, The petticoat captain. (F.) In L- P. 11 In 32:411 Harvest storm, The. (Dom. D.) In L. P. 55. In 32:455 Hop-pickers and Gipsies; or. The lost daughter. (D.) In L.P.85 ; In 32:485 Jenny Foster, the sailor's child. In L. P. 32. In 32:432 Jessy Vere. (D.) In L. P. 25 In 32:425 Lady Audley's secret. Adapted from Miss Brad- don. In L. P. 57 .' In 32:457 Lizzie Ly ]e ; or, The flower makers of Finsbury. A tale of trials and temptations. In L. P. 87. In 32:487 Lost wife. The ; or, A husband's confession. ( Dom. D.) In L P. 93 In 32:493 Marhle bride, The. (D.) In L. P. 32..In 32:432 Mother's dying child, The. (D.) In L. P. 64. In 32:464 Poui.aDhoil; or, The fairv man. (Hibernian D.) In L. P. 77 In 32:477 adapter. Set Dumas, A. D. Chevalier of the Maison-Kouge. — and Williams, A. "Leave it to me." (F.) In L. P. 96..In 32:496 Healy, Mary. Home Theatre. Bost. 1872. I6 C 32:875 Contents : Flirtation, A. i Unexpected guest, An. Lost game, A. Weather-bound. Skeleton in Hie eloset, The. | Yes or no ? Heartwell, Henry. Castle of Sorrento, The. (Ms. En.) In L. 8. 4. In «32:525 Hebbel, Friedricb. Agnes Bernauer. (T.) In S. W. 3....Tn 56:572 Demetrius. (T.) In S. VV. 6 In 56:575 Diamant. (D.) In S. W. 4 In 56:573 Gehornte Siegfried, Der. (Vo.) In Nibelungcn. S. W. 5 In 56:574 Genoveva. (T.) In S. W. 3 In 56:572 GYOB8 und sein Ring. (T.) In S. W.4..In 56:573 Herodes und Mariamne. (T.) In 8. W. 1. In 56:570 Judith. (T.) In S. W. 1 In 56:570 Julia. In S. W. 2 In 56:571 Kriemhild's Kache. (T.) In Nibelungcn. S. AY 5. " In 56:574 Maria Magdalene. (T.) In S. W. 2..In 56:571 Michel Angelo. (D.) In S. W. 2 In 56:571 Moloch. (T.) In S. W. 6 In 56:575 Nachspiel zur Genovova. In 8. W. 3..In 56:572 Rubin, On, (Marcheu-L) In S. W. 4...ln 56:573 Hebbel, Friedrich, (continued.) — Schauspielerin, Die. (Sob.) In S. W. 6. In 56:575 Siegfried's Tod. (T.) In Nibelungcn. S. W. 5. In 56:574 Trauekspiei. in Sicilien, Ein. (T.C.) In S. W. 1. In 56:570 Yier Nntionen unter einem Dache. (L.) In S. W. In 56:575 Heber, Reginald. Blue-beard. (Serio-comic oriental R.) In P. W. In 31:809 Heine, lleinricli. Almansor. (T.) In S. W. 16 In 56:607 William Katcliff. (T.) in S. W. I6..I11 56:607 Helmercling-, C. Weinproue, Eine. (Po. mil Gesang.) In T. C. 43. In 32:2249 Hemans, Felicia. Vespers of 1'alermo, The. (T.) In P. W. In 31:820 Herbert, William. Wanderer of Jutland, The. (D. P.) In W. 1. In 34:1360 Herder, Johann Gottfried. Admetus, Hans. (D. mit Gesiingen.) In S. W. 15. In 66:137 Aeon und Aeonis. (A.) In S. W. 15..In 56:637 Ariadne-Liiskka. (M.) In S. W. 15..In 56:637 Same, In Ausgcwiihlte W. 1 In 56:651 Brutus. (D. zur Musik.i In S. W. 15..In 56:637 Entfessklte Prometheus, Der. In S. \V. 9. In 56:637 Same. In Ausgewiihlte W. 1 In 56:651 Piiii.oktetes. (S. mit Gesang.) In S. W, 15. In 56:637 Herrmann, B. A. Bengalischer Tiger, Ein; oder, Der weisse Othello. (Po.) Int. 0. 35 In 32:2248 En weiss nicht, was er will. (Schw.) In T. C. 19. In 32:2244 Hertz, Hcnrik. King Rene's daughter. (Lyrical D.) Trans, by Theodore Martin In 31:834 Same. Trans, by Edmund Phipps. In L. P. 36. In 32:436 Same. In F. M. 34 .' In 32:71 Same. Ger. (Konig Rene's Tochtor.) In C. T. li. 77. In 32:2016 Hesse, A. W. Akzt, Ein. (L.) From the French. In K. A. f. L.-B. 2 In 32:2081 DitEi'PaarStiefel. (Schw.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 78. In 32:2096 Heyse, Paul. Caiiinerinnen, Die. (T.) In G. W. 9..In 56:678 Eliza tiETii Charlotte. (Sch.) In G. W. 10. In 56:679 Goldberg. ( II. Sch.) In G. W. 10.... In 56:679 Gottin der Vernunlt, Die. (T.) In G. W. 9. In 56:678 Habkian. (T.) In G. W. 9 In 56:678 Hans Lange. (Sch.) In G. W. 10 In 56:679 Ludwig der Baier. (Sch.) In G. W. I0..1n 56:679 Maria Moroni. (T.) In G. W. 9 In 56:678 Mei.eauer. iT.) InG.W. 9 In 56:678 PpaLZERin irland. (T.) In G. W. 9 In 56:678 Heywood, J. 0. Antonius. A dramatic poem. New York. 1867. 16° 32:876 Heywood, John. Four P's, The. In D. O. P. 1 In 32:291 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. TlIK Dkama. 39 AUTHORS. Hey wood, Thomas. Ciiai.i.kxuk fur beauty, A. (T. C.) In (). K. P. G. In 32:l"'i Kxui.imi traveller, The, (T. 0.) UlO.K.PJ. In 32: 1 76 Fair maid of th«- exchange, a comedy. Edited by Barron Field. Load. 18*5. 8°. 8.8. I*. 27~*82:2827 FtBR and MOOnd part of tlio fair maid of the west; or, A girl worth gold. Two <■. .iiumI i t ->. With an introduction and notea by j. Payne Collier. Lond. I860. 8°. S.S.P.43 •82:2843 Vast and second part* of King Edward IV. Historic-. Beprinted frotn the unique black letter first edition of 1600, collated with one other in black letter, and with those of 1019 anAI>. (1). P.) In Dramas, discourses, etc. 1. In 32:*7!> Pager's masque. (D) In Dramas, discourses, etc I. In 32:879 Hipkins, H. T. and Mi-heat, Q. Nick quiet day, A. I" L P. 54 In 32:454 Hirthe, K. A 1 1 vorposten be! Met/.. (M. Sehw. mitQesang.) In T. 0. 81 In 82:3257 BbsTI Todte, Der. iSchw.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 43. In 32:2089 II Ai'sscui.iissKt., Der: oder. Kalt gestellt. ( L.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 21 In 82:2086 T An in SaaBBBUOKBK, Kin; oder, Der Franzose in der Mniiscfallc. ( Po. mit Gesang. I In T, C. 48. In 32:2249 Tai.kxt uud llerz ; or, Das Debiit. | Characterbild.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 57 In 82:2092 Clanks ill Kl-a-s. (lis. mit Gesang.) Music by G. Michaelis. In K. A. f. L.-ll. 29 .......In 82:2086 I'M Kaiser's Bart. (Schw.) In K. A. f. l.-ll. 24. In 32:2085 Hoadly, Benjamin. SoBPiciotra husband, The. ^0.) In B. B. T. 4. In 82:254 Same. In L. S. 2 In "32:523 Same. In I. 15. T. 13 In 82:358 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 8 In 32:558 Hoare, Prince. Lock and key, The. (lis. F.) In S. P. 8. In 32:208 Same. 1 11 S. P. 14 In 32:214 Same. In I. B. F. 3 In 32:333 Mr grandmother. (Ms. F.) In P. 9... In 82:193 Same. In 8. P. 2 In 32:202 No song, no supper. (Ms.Eu.) In P. IO..I11 32:194 Same. Music by Storage. Ill L. P. 89... In 32: 489 Same. In L. S." I .' In »32:525 Seoii.Ki. child, The. ( F.) In F. SI. 17 In 32:>i2 Same. luS. P. 8 In 82:207 Same. In L 1". 85, In 32:1^". Same. In L. S. 4 In *32;525 Hohenmarkt, Vatkr der seine Tochter liebt, Ein. From the French. In N. W. T. 3 In 32:2201 Holberg, Lndwig. Poi.itisctik Kannengicsser. Der. 1 I.. > In C. T. B. 5S In 32:2012 Same. In Haller's Humoristische Dichtungen 8. In 56:2412 Holcroft, Thomas. Dkak and dumb; or, The orphan protected. (II. D.) I11L.S. 1 In *32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 6 In 32:""''. Dkskrtkd daughter, The. (C) In S. P. 14. In 32:214 Same. In I. B. T. 24 In 82:384 Same. In L. S. 3 In *32:524 Dtfinirv. iC.) In I. M. T. 4. In 32:374 Same. In L. S. 4 In «32:525 Fou.iKsofadav, The. (CI In L. 8. 2..1n »82:o23 Same. In Ox. N E. D. 13 In 82:563 He's much to blame. 10.) In L. 8. 4.~In-*82:526 BOAD to ruin, Tile. (C.) In S. P. 12...In 32:21 2 Same. In I. B. T. 24 In 32:304 Same. In I.. P. 42 In 32:442 Same. In L. S. 1 In •82:822 Same. In Ox. N. E. D.7 In 32: 557 School for arrogance, The. (C.) In S. P. 4. In 32:204 Same. In I. M. T. 4 In 32:-374 PUBLIC L1BKABY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 40 Authors. Holcroft Thomas, (continued.) — Same. In L. S. 4 In *32:525 Seduction. (C.) In I. M.T. 4 In 32:374 Same. In L. S. 4.. In *32:525 Talk of mystery, A. (M.) In L. S. 2..In s 32:523 Holl, H. Forest keeper, The. (D.) In L. P. 44..In 32:4 44 Grace Huntley. (Dora. D.) InL.P. 82..In 32:48: Holling-shed, .1. Birthplace of Podgers, The. In L. P. 35. In 32:435 In L. S. 4. In *32:525 (C.) In P. 7. In 32:191 In I. M. T. 3. In 32:373 In »32:525 Holman, J. G. Ahroad and at home. (C. O Gazette extraordinary, The. Votary of wealth, The. (C.) Same. In L. S. 4 Homburg, Th. 73 Kreuzer des Herrn Stutzelberger. (Po.) From the French. In N. W. T. 8 In 32:2202 Home, John. Douui.as. (T.) In II. B. D. a In 32:102 Same. In F. S. 13 In 32:133 Same. In B. B. T. 20 In 32:270 Same. In I. B. T. 10 In 82:356 Same. In L. P. 31 In 32:431 Same. In L. S. 1 In 5i 32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 12 In 32:562 Hone, William. Ancient mysteries described, especially the Eng- lish miracle plays, founded on apocryphal New Testa- ment story ex tint amongthe unpublished manuscripts in the British Museum; including notices of ecclesi- astical shows. The festivals of fools and asses. — The English boy bishop. — The descent into hell. — The lord mayor' .s show. — The guildhall giants. — Christ inns carols, &c. Uond. 1823. 8° 32:883 Contents : Birth Ml Mary, The. Council of tlie trinity and the incnrnaiion. Joseph's jealousy. Mary's education in the tem- pi'', and being served by im- pels. Hood, Thomas. House of mourning. Miraculous birth and the mid- wives. Miraculous espousal of Jo- seph and Mary, The. Trial of Mary* and Joseph, The. Visit of Mary to Elizabeth. (F.) In Prose W. 3. In 34:1375 Lamia. (R.) In P. W. 3 In 31:876.3 Hook, Thomas E. Musicmad. (D.Sk.) In P. 9 In 32:193 Hoppin, W. J. Circumstances alter cases. (Ca.) In F. 51. 37. In 32:72 Horn, Georg. BrunnenmUdciien von Ems, Das. In K. V. S.-B. 32 In 32:2177 Haus ist zu verkaufen, Kin. In K. A. f. L.-B. 101. In 32:2101 Salon und Kloster. (Volks-Sch.) In K. V. S.-B. 29 In 32:2176 Home, F. Lennox. Baronet abroad and the rustic prima donna. (Ms. D.) In L. P. 65 In 32:465 Two heads are better than one. (F.) In L. P. 27. In 32:427 Home, Kiehard Henry. Death of Marlowe, The. (T.) In L. P. 89. In 32:489 Horte, Antonio Decio da. Ackipanda. (T.) In T. I. A. 9 In 56:5517.9 Hoskins, Francis R. Blossom of Churnington Green; or, Love, rivalry, and revenge. In L. P. 83 32:483 Houssaye, Arsene. Comcdie a la fenetre, La. Paris. 1852. 12°. With Theatre defamille.. In 32:1512 Houwald. See Kinder-und-Puppen-Tii eater. Howard, Str It. Committee, The. (C.) In I! B. T. 2..In 32:252 Howe, J. Burdett. British slave, The; or, Seven years of a soldier's life. (D.) In F. S. 36 .' In 32:146 Golden eagle, The; or, The privateer of '76. (D.) In F. S. 22 In 32:139 Howe, Julia Ward. World's own, The. Bost. 1857. 16°.. In 32:886 Howe, Mrs. Sarah J. Boi.eslas II.; or, The siege of Kiow. A dramatic poem, founded on a portion of the history of Poland. bin, 1847. 16° *C:4.10 Howells, William Dean. Counterfeit presentment. A comedv. Bost. 1877. 18° '... 32:890 Out of the question. A comedy. Bost. 1877. 18°. 32:889 Parlor car, The. Farce. Bost. 1876. 24°. 32:888 Howitt, Mary. Seven temptations. The. In W. of Howitt, Mil- man and Keats In 31:178 Hiibner, Paul. Anai.ARD und Heloise. (Po. mit Gesang.) Music by Felix Jaeger. In K. A. f. L.-B. 54. ..In 32:3091 Ali.es fur's Kind! (Po. mit Gesang.) Musicby C Anidt. In K. A. f. L.-B. 22 ...In 82:2088 Kaffeeklatsch. (Genrebild.) In T. 0. 103. In 32: 1361 Testament mit Hinderni-sen, Ein ! (Schw. mit Gesang.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 14 In 32:20*:: Unteh Polizei-Aufsicht. (Po. mit Gesang.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 46 In 32:2090 Hughes, F. My wife's baby. (F.) In L. P. 97 In 32: 197 Sieoe of Damascus. (T.) In M. B. D. 1. In 32:101 Same. In B. B. T. 1 In 32:251 Same. In I. B. T. 10 In 32: 360 Same. In L. S. 3 In !6 32::<24 Hugo, Victor. Anuklo. In T. 3 In 32:1803 BuuciRAVEs, Les. In T. 4 In 32:1804 Cromwell. (D.) In T. 1 In 32:180] Esmeralda, La. (O.) In T. 4 In 32:1804 Hernani. (D.) In T. 2 In 32:1 '2 Same. ling. By J. Kenney. In L. P. 77. In 32:177 Lijcrece Borgia. (T.) In T. 3 In 32:1803 Same. Kng. By J. M. Weston. In F. S. .32. In 32:144 Marie Tudor. (T.) In T. 3 In 82:1803 Marion deLorme. (D.) In T. 2 In 32:1802 Roi s'umuse, Le. (D.) In T. 2 In iS2:1802 Rut Bias. (D.) InT.4 In 82:1804 Same. I'.vg. In L. P. 49 In 32:449 TiieaTRE. Paris. 1867. 4 v. 10° 32:1801-4 .SVe Bernard, William Bayle. Man of two lives. Hull, T. Hknrv the second. (T.) In I. M. T. 9. In 32:379 Hume, M. Ki'oss.mse, L'. (C) Trans, into French by Jerome Carre. In (E. c. de Voltaire 8. ..In 56:3808 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 41 A i i nous. Hunt, Leigh. Aukaham and the li r. ■ worshipper. (D. parable.) In P. W. I In 31:''-'' Emik.N1. of Florence. A. (P.) In P. W. 1. In 81:929 Eoykiis' amazements; or, How will it end? In P. W. i In 31:929 Iffiand, Augustus William. COMftOIEMOK. Trans, bv llenj. Thompson. In T G. T. 4 '. In 82:084 Bam< in 82:688 1>iknmtflhiit. (Sell.) In 0. T. I!. 105. in 82:2081 II v(iKsTOi./K.\,Dio. (E.) lnC.T.ll.S';..lii 82:2018 HaaBSTTAO. [L.J InC.T.B.67 In 82:3014 JioKS, Die. (Llndliches Bitten gem&lde.) In 0. T. B. l» ln 82:2002 si-tKi.KK, Der. tSdi j In 0. T. B. 98...In 32:2020 Vsbbbxchsm an.- Khrsucbt. (Familiongeroalde.) I,, 0. T. is."" I" 82:2012 Inchbald, Ura. Elizabeth. Amm.w. magnetism; or, Mesmerism. (F.) In f M. 18 In 82:63 Same. In L B. 1 In »82:625 Child of nature, The. (D.) In l. B. K. ;. In 32:331 Same. In L.8.2 In »82:523 Evkky one has. his fault. (0.) In L B. T. 23. In 82:363 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Sam.'. In Ox. N. B. D. IS In 32:569 I'll tell yon what, (a) In I. .M.T. 7...I11 32:377 LoVKHs' Vows. Altered from Kot/.cbue's '-Child of love." In S. P. it In 82:209 Same. In I. I!. T. 23 In 32:303 Same. In L. 8. 8 In »82:524 Midnight nour. The. (P. C.) In L. s. 1. In *82:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 13 In 82:563 Next door neighbors. (C.) In I. M.T. "..In 32:37 7 Such things are. (P.) In I. B. T. 23..In 32:363 Same. In L.8. 1 In *82:522 To marry, or not to marry. (C.) In I. I!. T. 23. . in 82:363 Wkdi.inu dnv, The. (C.) In P. S. 20. ..In 82:138 Same. In S. P. 8 In 82:203 Same. In I. B. P. 1 In 32:331 s :1 In L.8.2 In *82:523 Wives as they were and maids aa they are. (0. In S. P. 14 .In 82:214 Same. In 1. I!. T. 23 Ill 82:363 Some. In L. 8. 2... In *32:523 British Theater. Loud. 1808. 25 v. 16°. 32:341-305 Collection of farces and other afterpieces". Eond. 1800. 7 v. 10° 82:331-337 Modern Theater. Loud. 1811. 10 v. 16°. 32:37 1-380 Ingelend, Thomas. DisoiiKinKNT child, The. (I.) .In Percy Soe. Pub. 22 In 31:3170 Ireland, W. II. Vobtiokkv: an historical play with an original preface. Lond. 1*32. s° ".. 82:893 Irving. Waehlngton. See Bikkk, ('. Keisi:, J. \\ 'ainwkkiht, .1. II. Bip van Winkle. Irwin, E. Kim; O'Toole's goose. (E.) In L. P. 30, in 82:430 Iscam, John, joint author. &•« Rowlby, Thomas. Parlyamente of sprytes. Jackman, Isaac. All, the world's a stage. (F.) In I. B. F. 4 In 32: 334 Same. In E. S. 1 ]„ »82:J22 Heko and Leander. ((). Bs.j In E. S. 3. In 32:' 2 1 Jacobson, E. 173.1 Thaler 22} Bgr. (IV mil Qeaang.) In T. ('. 4 i„ 32:2241 <;.w.i.om:hkn del Gltieks, Die (Po. mit Getang und Tana.) Music bj G. .Miclmelis. In K. V. S.-li. 28 Iii 32:2170 SiMivooKi.iiiKN. (Es.) In T. O. 51... In 82:2261 AV'kh zuhtzt laeht. (Srhw. mit Gcsang.) In T *'• 7 o Iii 32:2250 Jahn, A. Ehe.mann iii der Wolle, Ein. (Po.) Jaimson, George. Kk\ oi.r i loNAitv soldier. (F.) In In T. C. 8. In 32:2242 F. M. 34. In 32:71 Jephson, Robert. Bkahasza. (T.) In I. M.T. 6 In 32:370 Same. In E. S. 4 I n »32:525 I'oi'.M of Nnrbonne, The. (T.) In I. B. T. 20. In 82:360 Same. In E. S. 3 In *8fl;B24 Hotel, The; or, The servant with two masters (F-) In P. 7 1,, 33:191 Law of Eombardy, The. (T.) In I. M. T. 0. in 82:376 Same. In E. S. 4 In *83:525 Two strings to your bow. (F.) In S. P. 2. In 32:202 Same. In I. P>. F. 2 I„ 82:332 Same. In L. S. 3 I n *82:524 Jerrold, Douglas. Amukosk (iwinett; or, The seaside story. (M.) In F. S. 24 In" 83:140 Same. In E. P. 80 In 32:486 Beau Bruimnell; or, The king of Calais. (F.) In E. P. 44 i„ 32:444 Black-eyed Susan; or, All in the Downs. (N D) In F. 8.30 i„ 32:143 Same. In S. P. 1 [„ 32:201 Same. In E. P. 23 in 82:433 Same. In W. 8 In 34:147] Bkide of Ludgute, The. (C. D.) In L. P. 93, In 82:493 III HULKS of the day. |D.) In "VV. 7. ..In 34:1471 Catmww. The. (C.) In F. S. 1 1 In 32:131 Same. In W. 7 In 34:1471 Cupid in waiting. (O.) In L. P. 94 In 32:494 Dovks in a cage, (C.) In \V. 8 In 34:1472 Fifteen years of a drunkard's life. (M.) in F. B. 44-45 l n 32:150 GbHTBDDs's cherriee; or, Waterloo in 1835. (C.) In L. P.88 In 32:488 Iloi sF.KEEi'F.H, The; or, The white rose. (C.) In L. P. 29 I„ 32:429 Same. In W. 8 In 34; 1472 John Overv, the miser of Southwark Ferrv. (D.) In E. P.88.... In" 32:4*0 Maktha YA illis. the servant maid. (U.J In L. P. 33. In 82:433 Mutiny at the Noro, The. (N. D.) In E. P. 78. In 32:178 Nell Gwuine. (C.) In L. P. 37 In 32:437 Same. In \V. 8 In 34;U72 Painter of Ghent, The. (P.) In L. P. 92. In 82:492 Same. In "YV. 8 In 34-1472 Paul Pry. (0.) In L. P. 47 In 32:117 Pkisonkk of war, The. (C.) In L. P. 27. In 32:427 PUBLIC LIBKAKY OF CINCINNATI. The 1)rama. 42 Authors. Jerrold, P., (continued.) — Same. In W. 7 In 34:1471 Rent day, The. (Dom. D.) In F. S. 4. In 32:124 Same. In L. P. 13 In 32:415 Same. In W. 8 In 34:1472 Retired from business. (O.) In W. T..In 34:1471 St. Cupid; or, Dorothy's fortune. (C.) In P. M. 7 In 32:57 Same. In W. 7 In 34:1471 Schoolfellows, The. (C.) In S. P. 10..1n 32:210 Same. In L. P. 35 In 32:435 Same. In W. 8 In 34:1472 Smoked miser, The. (F.) In L. P. 58... In 32:458 Time works wonders. (C.) InS. P. Hi... In 32:216 Same In W. 7 In 34:1471 Tower of Lochlain, The. (M.) In S. P. 15. In 32:215 Wedding gown, The. (D.) InS. P. 15..In 32:215 Same. In VV. 8 In 34:1472 White milliner, The. (O.J In L. P. 72. In 32:472 Jerrold, William Blanehard. Cool as a cucumber. (F.) In F. M. 31... In 32:09 Same. In L. P. 5 In 32:405 John, Eugenie. .Sec Turn, F. Blaubart. Johnson, C. Country lasses, The. (C.) In In F. 33. B. B. T. 19. In 32:209 In 32:144 Fireman, The. (D. Johnson, 8. I) In and out of place. (B.) In F. M. 14 In 32:01 Shaker lovers, The. (D.) In F. M. 32... In 32:70 Johnson, Samuel. Irene. In M. B. D. 2 In 32:102 , Same. In W. of the Br. poets 1 1 In 31:59 J Johnstone, James B. Ben Bolt. (D.) In F. S. 20 In 32:138 Same. In L. P. 16 In 32:416 Gale Breezely; or. The tale of a tar. (D.J In F. M. 12 In 32:60 Same. In L. P. 7 '. In 32:407 Gipsy farmer, The. (D.) In L. P. 3«..ln 82:436 Pedrillo; or, A search for two fathers. ( D. j | Adapted from the French. In L. P. 85. ..In 32:485 j Sailor of France, The; or, The republicans of Brest. (I).) In F. S. 20 In 32:138 Same. In L. P. 17 In 32:417 Jonas, Robert. 7{$,. (Schw. mit Gesang.) Music by Felix Jager, In 1C. A. f. L.-B. 44 .' ."...In 82:2088 WerV (L.) In K. A.f. L.-B. 40 In 82:2090 Jones, Henry. EARLof Essex, The. (T.| In M. B. 1). 2..In 32:102 Same. In B. B. T. 3.... In 82:253 Same. In I. B. T. 22 In 32:162 Same. In L. S. 3 In »32:524 Jones, Joseph S. Captain Kyd; or, The wizard of the sea. (D.) In F. S. 35....". In 32:145 Carpenter of Rouen; or. The massacre of St. Bartholomew. In F. S. 16 In 32:136 Same. In L. P. 4 In 32:41)4 Green Mountain boy, The. (C.) In F. M. 35. In 32:71 Moll Pitcher; or, The fortune teller of Lynn. (D.) In F. S. 29 In 32:142 Peoples' lawyer. The. (C.) In F. S. 31. In 32:143 Surgeon of Paris, The. (H. D.) In F. S. 32. In 32:14 1 Jones, Richard. Too late for dinner. (P.) In P. 12 In 32:196 Jones, T. Percy. Firmilian, a "spasmodic" tragedy. Now York. 1854. 16° .'.....'. 32:903 Jonson, Ben. Ai.chymist, The. (C.) In B. B. T. 17. ..In 32:267 Same. In W In 32:900 Bartholomew fair. In W In 32:900 Case is altered, The. In W In 32:900 Catiline his conspiracy. In W In 32:900 Cynthia's revels; or, The fountain of self-love. In W In 32:900 Devil is an ass, The. In W In 32:900 Epii'(K.\e; or, Thesilent woman. In W..In 32:900 EVERY man in his humor. Comedy, edited with introduction and notes by Henry B. Wheatlev. Loud. 1877. 18° 32:90"l Same. In I. B.T. 5 In 32:345 Same. In L. P. 91 In 32:191 Same. In W In 32:900 Same. With alterations and additions by David Garnck. In B. B.T. 2 In" 32:252 Same. In L. S. 3 In -32:524 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 15 In 32:565 Fall of Mortimer, The. In W In 32:900 Magnetic lady, The; or. Humours reconciled. In W In 32:900 New inn, The; or, The light heart. In W. In 32:900 Poetaster, The. InW In 32:900 Sad shepherd, The; or, A tale of Robin Hood. In W In 32:900 Se.ianus his fall. InW In 32:900 Staple of news, The. In W In 32:900 Tale of a tub, A. In W In 32:900 Yoi.poxe; or. The fox. (C.) In W....I11 32:900 Same. Altered. lull. B.T. 19 In 32:269 Works. With a biographical memoir, bv William Gilford. Bost. 1853. 8° 32:900 See Gentleman, Francis. Tobacconist, The. joint author. See Chapman, G. Eastward hoe. joint author. See Fletcher, J. and Middleton, Thomas. The widow. Judah, Samuel I!. H. Tale of Lexington, A. (National C.l In S. P. 11. In 32:211 Judd, Sylvester. 1'iiiLO: an evangeliad. Bost. 1850. 12° 32:906 Julius, Hermann. DfELL, Das; oder, Angefiihrt. (E.I In D. T. 3. In 32:2053 Musikteufel, Der. (Po. mit Musik.) In D. T. 2. In 32:2052 Jung, .lohann Heinrich. Sikxk.n aus dem Geisterreichc. In S. W. 2. In 56:1551 Junger, J. F. Eh mengt sich in Alles. (L.) In C. T. B. 88. In 32:2018 Kalidasa. Sacontalu or, The fatal ring. (Indian D.) Trans, from the original Sanscrit and Pracrit by Sir Wm. Jones. In Jones' W In 34:1503 Sakuntala. Metriseh iibersetzt von Endwig Fr'.tze. Schloss-Chemnit/.. 1877. 18° 32:2776 Sakuntala. (Indisches Sen.) Deutseh, metriseh bearbcitet von Edmund Lobedanz. Leip. 1874. 24°. 32:2775 Kalisch, D. and Moseh, G. ron. HoHHTAOSjaora; oder, Verpleflt! In T. C. 74. In 32:2255 Kates, G. Whitfield. LYCEUM stage, The: a collection of contributed, compiled and original recitations, dialogues, fairy plays, etc., adapted for the childrens' progressive iyceum and school exhibitions. Part first. Toledo. 1874. 18° 32:384 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 43 Authors. Kean, C, adapter. See Byron, Lord. Sardan- ii pnl us. Keene, Laura, adaptor, See Shakespeare. Mid- imumi night's dream. Kegel, Max. I'KKi-s-l'ito/.KssK; oder, Die Toebtar des Stastsan- walts. (L.J Zurich. 187G. 1G°. Soziali-tischc Thaaterstflcke 1 •B:25S.B Keim, Franz. Sui.amitu. (T.) In N. W.T.47 In 32:2210 Kelly, Hugh. School for wives. In 1. M, T. 9 In 32:379 Sinn.;. In L. S. -I In •82:526 Kemble, Charles. Point of honor, The. (P.) Taken from the French. In S. P. 9 In 82:309 Same. In I. B. T. 24 In 82:364 Wanderer, The; or, Tile rights of hospitality. (I).) Altered from Kotzehue. In P. 13...1n 32:197 Kemble, Mrs. Frances Anne. Francis the First. (T.) In P. 6 In 32:190 Same. In S. P. 7 In 32:207 Personation ; or, Fairly taken in. (C. I.) In F. M. 18 In 32:til Same. In P. n In 82: 195 Same. In 8. P.6 In 82:206 Plot and counterplot; or. The portrait of Cer- vantes. ( F.) In 1,. P. 'JO..... In 32:4H0 Kemble, John Philip. Farm house, The. (F.'l In L. S. 2... In »S2:523 I.oimhska. (U.) In 1. B. F. 7 ln32::::T Same. In L. S. 2 In l5 32::.2:; l.iiv k in many masks. [C.J Altered from .Mrs. Behn's "Rover.'' In B. P. 18 In 32:21G Panel, The. (C.) Altered from Biokerstaffi comedy of ""lis well it's no worse." In L. S. 4. In •82:533 Kendrick, W. Fai.staefs wedding. (C.) In M. B. D. 4.1n 32:104 Kenneth, Melchior. Intermezzo auf der Silhernen Hochzeit, Das. In K. T. 11 In 82:3076 Kenney, .lame-. Auaii), The. (CO.) In P. 1 In 32:185 Blind boy, The. (M.) In I. B. F. 1. In 32:331 Same. In L. P. 58 In 32:4.8 K.i.i.a Rosenberg. (M.) In F. S. 37. ..In 32:140 Same. In 1. B. F. 1 In 32:331 Fai.sk alarms. (CO.) In P. G In 32:190 Fighting by proxy. (B.) In F. M. M. 29. In 32:08 Same. In L. P. 74 In 32:174 Fortune of war. Trans, from the French. In P. G In 32:100 Same. In S. P. 1 In 82:201 Irish ambassador, The. (C.) In F. M. f>. In 32:55 Matrimony. (P.O.) In F. M. 14 In 32:«l Same. In I. 15. F. 1 In 82:331 Same. In L. P. 37 In 32:437 Raising the wind. (P.) In I. B. F. I -In 32:331 Same. In L. P. 3 In 32:403 Spring and autumn. (C. D.) In L. 1'. 24. In 32:424 Sweethearts and wives. (C.) In F. S. 10. In 32:130 Same. In L. P. 21 In 32:421 Turn out. ( Ms. F.) In S. P. 11 In 32:211 — and Milling cn, J. V. Illustrious stranger, The. (F.) In F. M. 16. In 32:62 Same. In L. P. 52 In 32:45:! Kerner, JiMtinua, Kiiviii F.ginhardt. (Einchinesi-clii- Srliattin-piel.) In Dichtungen In 81:979 TodtenorIbkr von Paid berg, Der; oder, Das tfachspiel derxweRen Srliattenii'ihe. In Dichtungen. In 81:979 Kerr, J. Kir van Winkle. Adapted from Washington Irving. In L. P. 08 In 82:468 Wandering boys, The. (K. D.) In I.. P .3 1. In 32:134 Kettel, G. Drei Frauen und keine. (Pb.) In T. 0. 100. In 32:2260 Killegrew, T. Parson's wedding, The. InD.O. P. 11 ..In 32:301 Kimpton, F. 11 K lies like truth. (F.) Adapted from " Le menteur veridique." In L. P. 75 In 32: its King, T. I .overs' quarrels, or, Like master liko man. (F.) From Sir John Vanbrugh's eonicdv ''The mistake." In L. P. 4 In 32:404 Same. In L. S. 3 In *32:524 Kingdom, J. M. Foi main of beauty, The. (E.) In L. P. 12. In 32:412 Kingsley, Charles. Saint's tragedy; The; or, The true storv of Elizabeth of Hungary. In Poems In 31:987 Kinnaird, Douglas, adapter. See Beaumont and Fletcher. Merchant of Bruges, Klager, Wilhelm. Bit mengift. (L.) In K. V. S.-B. 20..In 32.2174 Geld und Pfuiider! (Po.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 39. In 32:2088 Herr Iluschel und die Seinen. (Po.) InK.A.f. L.-B. 33 In 32:2087 Ideal, Das, oder, Ein steh'n gelieb'ner Regen- schirm. (L.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 103 In 82:2101 I H Boudoir einer Kunstlcrin. (S.-S.fiireine Dame.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 28 In 82:2086 Jiiiiann Maria Farina in Koln. (L.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 102 In 32:2101 l,i mini Devrient; oder, Die Maoht des Genie's. (L.) In lv. A. f. L-15. 11 In 32:2083 President, Der. In T. C. 63 In 32:2253 Klein, J. U Alckstk. (L.) In I). W. 4 In 32:2444 Cavalier und Arbeitcr. (T.) In I). W. ::. In 32:2443 Hkliodora. (T.) In D. W. 6 In 82:3446 HBBZOaiN, Die. (L) In D. W. 2.... In 32:2442 KoNiG Alhrecht. (T) In D. W. 5... In 32:2445 Li inks. (T.) In D. W. 1 In 32:2441 Maria. (TJ In D. W. 4 In 32:2444 Maria von Medici. (T.) In D. W. l...In 32:2441 BlORBTO. (T.) In D. W. 5 In 32:2 4 45 lticiiELiKi. (T.) In D. W.7 In 32:2447 s< -niiTZLiNG, Bin. (L.) In I). W. 5..I11 32:2445 Strai'kord. (T.J In D. \V. 3 In 32:2443 V01.1.MRE. |L.| In D. W. G In 82:3446 Zenohia. (T.) In D. W. 2 In 32:2442 Drama risen E Werke. Lcip. 1871-2. 7 v. 1G°. 32:2 141-7 Kleine, Bernhard, compiler. Klein es Theater. [Collection of plays by differ- ent authors. 25 Nos. in 3 v.] 1873-78. 12°. 32:2074-6 Kleist, Heinrich. Amphitryon. (L.l In G. S. 1 In 56:700 FAMiLiKSrhroffcnstein. (T.) In G.S.I. In 50:700 Same. In W. 2 _ In 56:704 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 44 Authors. Kloist, Heinrich, (continued. ) — Fragment aus clem Trauerspiel : Robert Guiskard, Herzog der Normanner. In G. S. 3 In 56:702 Herrmannsschlacht, Die. (D.) In C. T. 15. 95. In 32:2019 Same. In G. S. 2 In 56:701 Same. In W. 1 in 56:703 K-iTHCHEN von Heilbronn; oder, Die Feuerprobe. (H. Rittersch.) In C. T. B. 1 In 32:2001 Same. In G. S. 2 In 56:701 Same. In W. I In 56:703 Penthesii.ea. (T.) In G. S. 1 In 56:700 Same. In W. 2 In 56:704 Prinz Friedrieh von Hombnrg. (Sch.) In C. T. B. 23 ...In 32:2005 Same. In G. S. 2 In 56:701 Same. In W. 1 In 56:703 Zerbrochene Krug, Der. (L.) In C. T. B. 53. In 32:2011 Same. In G. S. 2 In 56:701 Same. In W. 1 In 56:703 Knauff, Marie. Veroessenen Schuhe, Die. (Schw.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 53 In 32:2091 Wer zuletzt lac-ht ! In K. A. f. L.-B. 56. In 32:2092 Kneisel, Rudolf. " Anti-Xantippe," Die; oder, Kring den Frauen ! (L.) In K. V. S.-B. 5 In 32:2171 Blindf.kuh ! (L.) In K. V. S.-B. 22..In 32:2175 Bose Friiulein, Das. (Seh.) In K. V. S.- B. 14. In 32:2173 Deutsches Miidchen im Elsass, Kin. In K. V. S.-B. 19 In 32:2174 GRKTCHKN'sPolterabend. (Sobw.) In K. V. S.-B 8. In 32:2172 II err Stadtmusikus und seine Kapelle. (Volks- stiick mit Gesang.) Music by A. Conradi. In K. V. S.-B. 4 In 32:2171 Liebe Onkel, D«. (Sohw.) In Jv. V. S.-B. 12- In 32:2173 MiiRCHEN vom Kiinige Allgold; oder, Drei Thranen. (D. Originalmarohen.) In K. V. S.-B. 13. In 32:2173 Philosophie des Herzens, Die. (L.) In K. V. S.-B. 30 In 32:2176 ToiiiTER Belials, Die. (Konkurrenz-Preis-L.) In K. V. S.-B. 3 In 32:2171 Wittwk Mandelhuber, Die. (L.) In K. V. S.-B. 15 In 32:2173 Knight, Thomas. Honest thieves, The. (F.) InL.S. I...I11 "32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 9 In 32:559 Turnpike gate, The. (Ms. En.) In I. B. F. 3. In 32:333 Same. In X. S. 4 In •83:585 Knowles, .lames Sheridan. Alfred the Great; or, The patriot king. (P.) In D.W. 1 In 32:911 Beggar of Bethnal Green: a comedy. Altered from the " Beggar's daughter of Bethnal Green." Lond. 1834. 8°. In Western Miscellany 3. In «33:5510 Same. In D.W. 1 In 32:911 Brian Boroihme. (M.) In F. S. 14. ..In 32: 134 Same. In F. S. 15 In 32:135 Bridal, The. Adapted from the "Maid's tragedy" of Beaumont and Fletcher. In P. 2 In 32:180 Caius Gracchus. (T.) In S. P. 11... .In 32:211 Same. In I). W. 1 In 32:911 Daughter, The. (P.) In D. W. I. ..In 32:911 Hunchback, The. (P.) In S. P. 9... .In 32:209 Same. In L. P. 67 In 32:467 Same. In D. W. 1 In 32:911 Knowles, J. S., (continued.) — John of Procida ; or, The bridals of Messina. (T.) In S. P. 7 In 32:207 Same. In D. W. 2 In 32:912 Love. In S. P. 9 In 32:209 Same. In F. S. 9 In 32:129 Same. In L. P. 74 In 32:474 Same. In D. W. 2 In 32:912 Love chase, The. (C). In L. P. 68... .In 32:468 Same. In D. W. 2 In 32:912 Maid of Mariendorpt, The. (P.) In D. W. 2. In 32:912 Old maids. (0.) In D. W. 2 In 32:912 Rose of Arrngon, The. (P.) In D. VV. 2. In 32:912 Secretary, The. (P.) In D. W. 2.. ..In 32:912 Virginius, (T.) In F. S. 4 In 32:124 Same. In S. P. 7 In 32:207 Same. In D. W. 1 In 32:911 Wife, The: a tale of Mantua. (P.) In F. S. 1. In 32:121 Same. In S. P. 10 In 32:210 Same. In D. W. 1 In 32:911 William Tell. (H. P.) In L. P. h;s...Ih 32:483 Same. In D. W. 1 In 32:911 Woman's wit; or, Love's disguises. (P.) In D. W. 2 In 32:912 Wrecker's daughter, The. (P.) In S. P. 11. In 32:211 Dramatic works. Lond. 2 v. 16° 32:911-12 Kobner, Julius. Wai.denseh, Die. Ein dramatisches Gemiilde mit lyrisclien Randzeichnungcn. Iiamb. 1861. 16°. 32:2457 Same T. 32:2457 Kock, Henry de, joint author. See BarricRE, Theodore. Old house on the bridge of Notre Dame. Kohler, Wilhelm. Bi.umen im IIaar. (S. S.) In K. A. f. S.-S. 14 In 32:2133 Dramatische HauskiH'cht, Der. (S. S. fiir einen Ilerrn.) In K. A. f. S.-S. 8 In 32:2132 Luftschi.osskr. (Sz. mit Gesang.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 94 In 32:2099 Paula Erbswurst; oder, Memoiren einer starken Scele. ( Bs. mit Gesang.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 97. In 32:2100 'a Roserl vom Bergsee. (Genrebild mit Gesang.) In K.T. S. 6 In 32:2152 Kola, B. J. Einer von der Feucrwehr. ( Lebensbild mit Gesang.) In N. W. T. 69 In 32:2214 Kolisch, Siguiund. Christin, Die, (T.) In N. W T. 71....In 32:2215 Koning', Victor, joint author. See Clairvili.e, Louis-Franeois-Nicolaie. Angot, die Tochter der Halle. Korner, Theodore. Alfred der Grosse. In S. W. 4 In 56:732 Bergknappen, Die. (R.O.) In S. W. 4..In 56:732 Bum en, Die. (Sp. in Yersen.) In S. W. 4. In 56:732 Braut, Die. (L.) In S. W. 3 In 56:732 FiscHERMaDOHKN, Das ; oder, Mass und Liebe. (Lyrisches D.) In S. W. 4. In 56:732 Gouvernante, Die. (Po.) In S. W. 3..In 56:732 Grune Domino, Der. (L.) In S. W. 3. In 56:732 Joseph Hendrich; oder,' Deutsche Treue. (D.) In S. W.3.... In 56:732 Kampf mit dem Diachen. Der. (Ssp ) In S. W. 4. In 56:732 Hedwig. (D.) In S. W. 2 In 56:730 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:731 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 4T> AuTllolttf. Korner, T., (rontinued.)— Lkibb und Sohwert. Zriny. Rosamunde. M it Einleitung beranagegeben von Rudolf Gottichall. Lfiip. 1868. It! 82:2460 NxOBTWftOBTBB, Der. (Po.) In C. T. B. 91. In 83:2019 Same. In s. W. 8 In 56:7:1'.: K»amini>e. H'ith Later und Schwcrt.I n 89:2460 Same. In s. W.3 In 66:732 Sarax, Die. (T.) InS. W.3 In 66:730 Same. In s. \V. 3 In 66:731 Tosi. (D.i InS. W.2 In 86:730 Same. In 8 W.2 In 56:731 \'eti Kit mis Bremen, Der. (Sap. in Versun.) In C. T. 15. Bl> : In 83:2019 Same. InS. VV.S In 66:732 VlSBciaaBioi Poeten, Der. (Sip.) In s. \\. i. In 56:732 Zriny. (T.) InC.T.B. 11 In 83:2003 Same, Witt Leier und Sohwert In 32:2460 Same. In s. \V. 2 In 66:730 Same. In 8. W. I In 66:791 Kotzebue, Augustus ton, Aiiki.aihk of Wulttngen. (T.) Tram, by Benja.- lii in Thompson. In T. G. T. 2 In 32:5s" Beihex Klingsberg, Die. (L.) In C. T. IJ. 84. In 32:2017 Count Benyowsky; or, The conspiracy of Kamt- achatka. (D.) Train, by Benjamin Thompaon. In T. 3. T 2 In 32:".^7 Deaf and dumb; or, The orphan, ill. D.i Trana, by Benjamin Thompson. In T. (i. T. 3... In 32:583 Same. InT.O. T. 3 In 32:588 Deitsciien K leinstiidter, Die. (L.) In (.'. T. B. 51. In 82:2011 Don lianuda de Colibrndos; odcr, Armuth und Hoffart. (L.) InU.T.B.98 In 82:2020 Fal^k delicacy. | D.) Trans, by Benjamin Thomp- aon. In T.G.T. 3 .'. In 83:583 Same. In T.G.T. 3 In 32: -21 Same, InT. G.T.I In 83:581 Same. In T. G. T 1 In 32:587 AYirrwarr, Der. (Po.) InC. T. B. 75..1n 83:2015 Kotzebue, Augustus torn, (continued.) — Wisk man oftho KfcSt, The. (C.) Trans. I,v Mr-. Incbbald. In 1. M. T. 7 |„ 32: :?7 ZKBSTBBUTEN, Die. (Po.) Ill ('. T. li. BO'. In 82:2018 Same. In T. ('. 58 In 83:2252 See Kemiii.k. Chariea. The wanderer. — Set -M.imiiikkk, William Thomas. The party trait. See Schneider. Louis. UnglQckllchen, Die, Krasinski, Count Sigisinund. [BIDIOX. Trana. by Martha Walker Cool;. H'il/i I' nd i vine comedy In 32:'' IS I'muvimc comedy, The. Trana. by Martha Walker Cook ...in 83:915 Kriiger, •). [kmfuktob Briaig in Merlin. (8chw.) After Frit* Router's Reburr liurr. In D.T. 5. In 83:2059 joint auilior. Ser Gassmann, Til. A us der Pransoeenzeit. Inxpektor Briaig. Kuhne-Harkort, Henrietta Kinder und Puppcntheater. Xr. [—10. Drama- tiairte Marohen naofa Grimm, Misei s, Hauff, u. .\. Mil Winken und (Tnterweiaungen in BesugaufAua- atattnng und AufTiihrung. Leip. 187U. 8°._...83:386 Content*: Drel W0n*che, Die. DieBrQder Cmiiu. Prlns, Der. Wilbelm Hkerr. Khnlif Storch. Wilhelm Hivrr. Kiqnet mil lain Bchopl. Rach dera PransOslanhen. ROralien und daa Ongehearr. (La bell* el la lieie.) RQbcmhl. Rub*sahl und sein*» 8<'h\vester. Hoi-wai.d. Bchaeewlttehea. gkimm. SI, .11. n..' Bets, lire-. Wlllielln Havff. ZAUbersehleier, Der. Mi>.n s. Kyd, T. Cornelia. In D. O. P. 2 In 83:293 Spanish tragedy, The. In D. U. P. 3. In 83:293 La Bree, L. Kbenezer Venture. (F.) In F. M. 22..I11 32:65 La Chaussee, . Seoul dee merea, I.'. (C.) In Auteurs comiquea 3. in 83:1603 l'li.'.niie a la mode, Le. (C.) In Auteurs eomi- ques 3 in 32:1503 Lacy, John. Dr. MB l.uly, The; or. The farrier made physieian. (C.) In W. In *88:9I9 Oil) troop, The; or, .Monsieur RaggOU. In W. ' In *83:919 Saint the Scot; or, The taming of the shrew. 1 In \V In 32:'U0 Sir Hercules Bull'oon ; or, The poetical squire. (C.) In W In •82:919 Dramatic works, with prefatory memoir and notes. Lond. 1875. 16° s 32::'r.' Lacy, M. Rophino. CiNDKRKi.i.A. (C. D.) In L. P. 18 In 32:418 Doxtra for the best. (Dom, D.i In L. P.55Jn 32: 158 DotNfi inv uncle. [F.J In L.I'. 72 1 11 32:472 ROBERT the devil; or. The tiend father. (().) In L. P. 31 I„ 82:431 Two friend-, The. iD.nn.D.i I11K.S.12.I11 38:133 Lacy, Thomas Sailes. Hkart of Mid-Lothian, The. (D.) Adapted from VV. Scott. In L. P. 57 In 32:157 Jkannkttk's wedding day. (Ms. !■'. 1 Adapted from the Fronch. In L. P. 72 In 32:472 Sii.knt woman, A. (F) In L. P. 59_In 32:C>!i \\ innino a wife. 1 P. 0.J In L. P. 84. ..In 32:1^1 publisher. Acting edition of plays, dramas, extrnvnsanzns, farces, etc. Lond. n. d. 98 T. 12° 82:401-98 adapter. Sit Scribe, K. Jewess, Thai, PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 46 Authors. Lacy, T. H. (conti/iued) — ■ joint author. See Higgie, T. Belphegor. Mar- tin Chuzzlewit. Tower of London. See Koueutson, Thomas William. Two gay deceivers. — and Courtney, J. Clarissa Harlowe. (T. D.) Adapted from the French. In L. P. 77 In 32:477 Laferriere, Adolph, joint aut/ior. See Peirron E. Bool; the third, chapter the. first. Two can play at that game, Lafosse, Gabriel de. Mani.ius. (T.) In Chefs-d'ceuvre trag. de Rotrou and others In 32:1500 La Harpe, J. F. de. Coriolan. (T.) In Chefs-d'oeuvre trag. de Rotrou and others In 32:1500 PhiloctoTE. (T.) In Chefs-d'oeuvre trag. de Kotrou and others In 32:1500 Lamb, Charles. John Woodvil. (T.) In "W. 3 In 34:1530 Mr. H.; or Beware of a bad name. (F. ) In 1'. 9. In 32:193 Same. In W. 3 In 34:1530 Specimens of English dramatic poets who lived about the time of Shakespeare. With notes, includ- ing the extracts from the Garrick plays. Loud. 1^54. 1G J 32:920 Lambert, Jacques. Magie sans magie, La. (C.) In Les contem- porains de Moliere 1 In 32:1775 Lambert-Thiboust. See Thiboust. Lancaster, C. S. Advice to husbands. (Ca.) In F. M. 28. In 32:08 .Manager's daughter, The. (I.) In F. M. 36. In 32:72 Langbridge, F. Fair Rosamond's bower; or, The monarch, the maiden, the maze, and the mixture. (Anti-historical P.) In L. P. 84 In 32:484 " Man proposes." (Ca.) In L. P. O8..I11 32:498 Langer, Anton. Hkrr Gevatter von der Strasse, Dcr. (Genrebild.) In N. W. T. 62 In 32:2213 d'Nandl von Ebensee. (Gelegenheits-Schw. rait Gesung.) InN.W.T.59 In 32:2212 Vereinssciiuester, Eine. (Schw.) Mnsio by Johann IJiandl. In N. W. T. 61 In 32:2213 Vereolote Unschuld, Eine. (Po. mit Gesang.) In N. W. T. 63 In 32:2213 See also Phoi., E. Vom Juristentage. (Po.) In N. W. T. 60. In 32:2212 Lanoue, Jean Sauvc- de. Coquette corrigee, La. (C.) In Auteurs comi- ques 6 In 32:1506 Laube. Heinrich. Bernsteinhexk, Die. (H. Sell.) In D. W. 3. In 32:2473 B08B Zungen. (Sch.) In D. W. 1 l....In 32:2481 Demetrius. (T.) In D. W. 12 In 32:2482 Graf Essex. (T.) In I). W. 8 In 32:2478 K aklsscuuler, Die. (Sch.) In D. W. 0. In 32:24 70 Monaldeschi. (T.) In D. W. 1 In 32:2171 Montrose, der Sehwarze Markgraf. (T.) In D. W. 9 In 32:2471) Prinz Friedrich. (Sch.) In D. W. 7.... In 32:2477 Laube, II., (continued.) — Statth alter von Bengalen, Der. (Sch.) In D. W. 10 I„ 32:2480 Struensee. (T.) In D. W. 4 In 32:2474 Dramatische Werke. Leip. 1845-73. 12 v. v. 5. missing. 16° 32:2471-4,76-82 W. 2 Rokoko; oder, Die alten Henen. (L.) In D. .In 32:2472 joint author. See Keim, Franz. Sulamith. Lawler, Dennis. Earls of Hammersmith, The. (Bs. D.) In P. 5. In 32:189 Lawrence, F., joint aulhvr. See Hai.liday, A. K en ii worth. Lawrence, Slingsby. Buckstone's adventure witli a Polish princess. (F.) In L. P. 22 In 32:422 Cozy couple, A. (F.) In L. P. 24 In 32:424 Game of speculation, The. (C.) In L. P. 5. In 32:405 Give a dog a bad name. (F.) In L. P. 28. In 32:428 Lawyers, The. (C.) In F. M. 7 In 32:57 Same. In L. P. II In 32:411 , Sunshine through the clouds. (D.) In L. P. 15. In 32:415 —and Mathews. C. Strange history, A. (D.) In L. P. 10. In 32:410 Laya, Leon. Verstrickt. (Sch.) Trans, by Adolf Sonnen- thal. In N. W. T. 36 In 32:2208 Le Degel, . Adonis vanquished. (C.) Adapted bv V. Am- eotts. In L. P. 75 in 32:475 Lee, Herbert. Avenger, The; or, The moor of Sicily. (M.) In F. S. 30 ■. In 32:143 Lee, Nathaniel. Alexander the great. (T.) In S. P. 13. In 32:213 Same. In B. B. T. 7 1„ 32:257 Same. In I.. 8. 1 In *32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 3 In 32:553 Rival queens, The; or, The death of Alexander the great. In M. B. D. l in 32:ioi Same. In S. P. 7 In 32:207 Same. In 1. B. T. 6 In 32:340 Theodosius; or, The force of love. (T.) In M. B. D. 1 In 32:101 Same. In B. B. T. 7 In 32:257 joint author. See Dryden, John. (Edipus. Lee, Miss Sophia. Chapter of accidents, The. (C.) In I. M. T. 9. In 32:3 79 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Lee, Walter. La Fayette; or, The fortress of Olmutz. (M.) In S. P. 1 In 32:201 Legouve, Ernst. Medea. (T.) Trans, by Matilda Heron. In L. P. 53 1,, 32:453 Mort d'Abel, La. (T.) In Chefs-d'u'iivro. In 32:1540 joint author. See Denaux, Prosper. Louise de Lignerolles. joint author. See Scriise, Eugene. Adrienne Lecouvieur. Ladies' battle, The. Mart-hen der Kii- nigin von Navarra. Leighton, William. .»>. At the court of King Edwin. Drama. Philad. 1878. 12° „ 32:922 "Sons of Godwin, The: a tragedy. Philad. 1K77. 12° 32:921 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. TnF. Dram \. i: AiTiions. Leisenwitz, Anton. J curs von Turent. (T.) In 0. T. B. 27. In 83:3006 Laland, OHv.t S. BEATRICE; or, The false and the true, (P.) In F. s. :.: In 32:Ho Capkioe; or, A woman's hvnrt. ((J.) In F. S 38. In 32:M7 Rhiiits of man, The. (C.) In F. M. 29... I n 82:68 Lemercier, Louie-Jean— Nepomnctaa. Aoamk.mnox. (T.) Iii Cbefs-d'csuvra trag. In 83:154(1 FxtfDfeoXDI et Brunehaut. (T.) In Obofc-d'oeuvre tras In 82:1940 PiXTOj on, La journee d'nne conspiration (Uomic II. I In Anteurs coiniqucs 8 In 82:1608 1'i..wtb; on, La coniedie latine. (C.) In Auteurs comiques 8 In 32:1508 Lemon, Harry. (iK.Kint hk's money box. (Serio-comic place.) In LP. 83 In 32:483 Go to Putney; or, A story of a boat race. (F.) In LP. 80 ." In 32:480 Up for the cattle show. (F.) In I,. P. If. In 32:4711 Wait for an answer. (D. Sk.) In L P, T9. In 32:47d Lemon, .Mark. Domestic economy. (F.) In L. P. 2. In 32:402 (iwvNNKiii Vaogban. (lit) In F. S. 30_Io 82:141 Same. In L. P. 39 In 32:4.;:' JACK in the green; or, Hints on etiquette. (F.) In L. l". i in 82:4oa LASIX*' club, The. (G. D.) In L. P. J 3. Iii 32:413 Mind your own business. (D.) In F. S. 13. In 32:132 Mnvixii tale. A. (F.) In L. P. 16 Iii32:»iu P. L., The; or, 30 Strand. (B.) In 8. P. 8. in 82:308 Pacha's bridal, The. (O.) In S. P. 4..In 82:204 Railway belle, The. (F.) In L. P. 17. In 32:417 Belt accusation ; or, A brother's love. (D.) In I.. P. 88 In 32:188 Blow man, The. (P.) InL.P.24 In 82:434 Leonard, . l'N(ii.ii(KsvouKi.. Kin. (L. ) In K. T. 10. In 32:207c. Lequell, Louis. I iikxtity ; or, No thoroughfare. (D.) Drama- tized from Dickens and Collins. In P. 8. 44-45. In 32:150 Le Ros, C. GREAT gun trick, The. In L P. 25 In 32:425 Le Sage, Alain Kene. CRISPIN rival de son maitre. (C.) In Auteurs comiqucs 3 In 32:1503 Same. In (Kuvres In 56:3440 TrRCARK-r. (00 In Auteurs comiqucs 3. In 32:1503 Same. In (Kuvres In 56:3440 Leslie, Henry. Aimukxxk ; or, the secret of a life. (D.) In L. P. 68 In 82:468 Makinkk's compass, The. (D.) In L. P. 83. In 32:483 Six and the sorrow, The. (D.) In L. P. 72. In 32:472 Time and tide: a tale of the Thames. (D.) In L. P. 81 Iii 32:481 —mid Roh'K, N. Obanok girl, The. (D.) In L. P. 73...In 32:473 Lessinsr, Qottbold Epbraim. Ai.tk .lungl'er. Die. (L.) In W. 1 In 56:755 Same. In S. 8. i In 66:700 Damox; oder, Diewabrc Preondscbaft. (L.) In S. S. 2 In 6O:T00 Doktor Kini-t. (Vo.) Iii \V. 7 Iii 56:753 Kmii.ia (Jalotti. (T.) In C T. B. I.1....I11 32:2' 08 Same. In I). alien In 32:24'.'2 Same. In \S . 2 In 56:750 Same. In W. 2 In 56:75(1 Same. 1 11 S. S. -J In 66:760 Same, l'.tuj. by Charles I,. Lewes. II Uh Nathan the wise .' In 82:923 Same. Hug. by It. Dillon Boylan. Ill Lcuing'i i). \V. I Holm. 1...' In 32:927 Same, l-'.ny. by Benjamin Thompson. In T. (i. T. B. In 32:W Same In 32: "•*''• PrEIOXIST, Der. (L.J In W. I In 56:755 Same. In \V. 7 In 56:753 Same. In S. S. I Jn 56:759 J obex, Die. (I,.i Iii \\. 7 In 56:753 Same. In W.I.. In 56:755 Same. InS. S. I,., In 56:751' .li roi Gelobrte, Der. (L.) In \V. 1...I11 56:755 Same. In S. S. 1 ]n 56:'.:.:' Mixxa von Harnhelm ; oder, Das Soldatcngltiek. (L.) In 0. T. IS. 12 In 82:3908 Same. In Drameii In 82:2492 Same. In \V. ] In 56:750 Same. In S. S. 1 In 56:75!> Same. With an introduction and notes by William Dwight Whitney. New York. [187(1. ] 13°. (Whit- ney's German texts.) 1:4210 Misouvx, Dor. (L.) In W. I In 56:755 Same. InS.S. 1 1„ 56:75'.' Miss Sara Sampson. (T.) In C. T. B, 42. In 82:2009 Same. In \V. 1 In 56:750 Same. In W. 2 In 56:756 Same. In S. S. 2 In 66:760 Same. Ettff. In I). \V. ( ISohn.) In 32:927 Nathan der Weise. (D. 6.) In 0. T. B. 4. In 32:20(i| Same. In Dramen In 82:2492 Same. In W. 3 1,, 56:751 Bnme. In W. 2 „i„ 56:750 Same. In S. S. 2 In 56:700 Same. Em. by R. Dillon Boylon. In Leasing 1 ! D. W. (Bobn.) In 82:927 Same. Translated by Ellen Frothingham, preceded by a brief account of the poet and his works, and followed by an essay oil the poem bv Kuim Fischer. New Vork. 1868. IV 82:926 Same. By W. Taylor. With Emilia Galotti. In 82:928 Same. With an introduction 011 Leasing and the "Nathan," its antecedents, character, and influence, by It. Willis. I d. 1877. 12° 82:924 Same. Trans, into English blank verse by Andrew Wood. Lund. 1877. '12' 32::' '5 Piiilotas. (T.) In W. 7 In 56:753 Same. In W. ■> In 56:750 Same. In S. S. > I n 56:7i;(l Same. Bug. In D. W. (Bobn.) In 32:927 S. 11 a i'z, Der. (L.i In W, 1 In 56:755 Same. InS.S. 1 In 66:769 Same. In K. T. 23.. In 32:2075 L'Estrange, Cortnne. WoKAX's witi heriift ; or, The curse of coquetry. A dramatic romance. Philad. 1854. 12° 32:930 Lewes, George Henrv. Noble heart. The. (P.) In P. 8. 40...In 82:148 Lewes, .!/<«. Marian J. Evans. (George Eliot.) Agatha, i D. P.) [nLegend of Jubal-In 31:1029 Armiiakt. (D. P.) In Legend of Jubal. In 31:1029 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 48 Authors. Lewis, L. Bells, The. (D.) Adapted from "The Polish Jew. 7 ' In L. P. 97...., In 32:497 Lewis, Mathew Gregory. Adelgitha; or, The fruits of a single error. (T.) In F. S. 41 In 32:14S Alfonso; king of Castile. (T.) In S. P. 7. In 32:207 Castle spectre, The. (D. P.) In S. P. 3. In 82:203 Same. In F. S. 27 In 32:141 Same. In L. P. 30 In 32: 430 Same. In L. S. I In *32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 4 In 82:554 One o'clock; or, The knight and the wood-demon. (O. K.) In L. P. 90 In 32:490 Raymond and Agnes ; the travellers benighted ; or, The bleeding nun of Lindeberg. (D.) In F. S. 24 '.'■ In 32:140 Same. In L. P. 43 In 32:443 Rugantino; or, The bravo of Venice. (M.) In Ox. N. E. D. 9 In 32:558 Timour the tartar. (It. IX) In L. P. 79. J n 32:479 Lille, Hubert. As like as two peas. (F.) In L. P. 15. In 32:415 Lillibridge, Gardner P.. Tancred. Altered from a tale of ancient times. In P. 12 In 32:196 LillO, George. Amie.n of Feversham. (T.) In M. B. D. 2. In 32:102 Same. In L. S. 2 In *82:523 Fatal curiosity. (T.) In M. 15. D. 2. ...In 32:102 Same. In 1. B. T. 11 In 82:351 Same. In L. S. 3 In -632:524 George Barnwell ; or, The London merchant. In M. 15. D. 2 In 82:102 Same. In F. S. 11 In 32:131 Same. In 15. 13. T. 5 In 32:255 Same. In I. B. T. 11 In 32:351 Same. In L. P. 79 In 32: 179 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Same. With Other tragedies In 32:533 Same. French. ( Le Alarchand de Londres. In Nouveau T. Anglois In 32:1520 London merchant. Same as George Barnwell. Lilly, John. Alexander and Campaspe. (T.) In D. O. P. 2. In 32:292 Campaspe. (Same as Alexander and Campaspe.) In 1). VV. 1 In 82:934 Endimion, the man in the moon. (P.) In 1). W. 1. In 32:934 Same. In O. E. P. 2 In 32:172 Gai.i.athea. In D. W. 1 In 32:934 Love's metamorphosis. (Po.) In D. W. 2. In 32:935 Mother Bombie. In D. "W. 2 In 82:935 Same. In O. E. P. 1 In 32:171 Mvdas. (P.) In D. W. 2 In 32:935 Same. In O. E. P. 1 In 32:171 SAeiioand Phno. In D. W. 1 In 32:934 Woman in the moone, The. In I). W. 2. .In 32:935 Dramatic works. With notes and some account of his life and writings by F. W. Fairholt. Loud. 1858. 2 v. 10° 32:934-35 Lindau, Paul. Zankapfel, Der. (L.) In T. C. 72..In 82:2258 Lindsley, A. 15. Love and friendship; or, Yankee notions. (C.) In P. 8 In 32:192 Same. In 8. P. 14 1" 32:214 Linley, George. Law versus love. (Ca.) In L. P 57...In 32:157 Logan, C. A. Yankee land. (C.) In F. M. 2G In 32:07 London stage; a collection of the most reputed tragedies, comedies, operas, melo-dramas, farces and interludes. Loud. n. d. 4 v. 8° *32:522-5 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Christus: a mystery. Post. 1873. 18°. With cither dramas. (Same as Divine tragedy.) 32:'.':J7 Divine tragedy, The. Post. 1871. 12°. (Same as Christ as.) 32:938 Giles Corey of the Salem Farms. (T.) With Christus 82:937 Same. In New England tragedies In 32:9.19 Golden legend,' The. (I). P.) In Poems •>. (Host, ed.) In 31:1050 Same. In P. VV. (Edinb. ed.) In 31:1051 Same. In P. W. (Lond. ed.) In 31:1052 Same. With other poems In 31:1055 Same. With Christua In 32:937 John Endicott. (T.) IVilh Christus... In 32:937 Same. In New England tragedies In 32:939 Judas Maccabeus. (D. P.) In his Three books of song In 31:1001 .Masque of Pandora, The. (Mas.) With other poems In 31:1065 Spanish student, The. (D. P.) In Poem*. (N. Y. ed.) In 31:1042 Same. In Poems 1. (Bost. ed.) In 31:1046 Same.. In Poems 1 ....In. 31:1047 Same. In P. VV. (Edinb.) In 31:1051 New England tragedies, The. Be 1868. 12°. 32:939 Lope de Vega. See Veoa, Carpio. Loschge, Heinrich. Reskrve-Lazarkth in Sehdppenstedt, Das. (L.) In Ilaller's Hiunori.-ti.-chc Diehtungen l.In 56:2410 Lovell, George W. Wife's secret, The. (P.) In L. P. 82. In 32:482 Lover, Samuel. Happy man, The. (E.) In F. M. 24.. ..In 32:00 MacCarthy More; or, Possession nine points of the law. In L. P. 51 In 32:451 White horse of the Peppers, The. (C. D.) In F. M. 3. In 32:53 See Montgomery, II. \V. Handy Andy. Lowinstamm, Roman. Sei.tsa.me Wette, Die. (L.) From the French. In T. C. 05 In 32:2254 Lucas, J . T. Browne the martyr. (F.) In L. P. 9G..In 32:496 Lucas, W. J. Death plank, The. (M.) In S. P. 15..In 32:215 Man with the iron mask, The. Adapted from the French. In F. S. 29 In 32:142 Same. In L. P. 28 In 32:428 Home of one's own, A. (F.) InL.P."9..In 32:479 Traitors' gate, The; or The Tower of London in 1553. (II. I).) In L. P. 95 In 32:495 WHITK fawn, The. (M.) In L. P. 28..In 32:428 Luce de Lancival, J.-Ch.-Julien. Hector.' (T.) In Chefs-d'oeuvre trag....In 32:1540 Ludus Coventrke : a collection of mysteries, formerly represented at Coventry on the least of Corpus Christi. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell. Lond. ...•82:2804 1841. 8°. S. S. P. 4... Cbnfeiiis : Abraham's Bftcriftce. Adorm inn of tin* Mfigl. Adoration of the shepherds. Ascension, The. Assumption ol ihe Yiigin. Baptism of Christ. Barrenness nf Anna. Betraying <>t' < hrist. birth of Uhrist. Burifll of Christ. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 49 Authors. LudUS, Coventrise, (continucd.)- <';iin :uiil Abet. ChrlH ftppeartos to Mary. <'hi ltitdl»putlng in ill'" temple. Condei Ilton nod erik-itixi'tn ..I I In l-l. Council of the Jen a, Creation. The. ill Into Hell. |p -<■. nt ..i the lioiy i.i.o-i. 1' - -hi reetioi . The. Silntaiinn and conception. The. Blanghter "f the Innocentf. Temptailon, The. Three Maries, The. Tii .1 Ol I Trial ol Jnaeph and Mary. Yi-it t.. Kh/nl.. ill. Woman t itceb tn adultery. Notes. ii y. Lunn, Joseph. Fai.sk mill constant. (C.) In L. P. 16... In 32:418 Family jars. (Ms. F.) In F. M.15 In 32:>M Same. In L. P. u In 32: Hi Fish out of water. (F.) In L. P. 16._In 32:418 Lofty projects ; or, Arts in an attic. (F.) In 8. P.J. in 82:202 Sharp practice; or, The "Lear" of Cripplegate. [8.-C. D.) In LP. 55 In 32:iv. SilKl-iiKun of Derwcnt vale, The. (I).) In L P.89. In 32:4S'.i Thru deep; or, All on the wing. (F.J In P. 12. In '32: 198 Lydgate, . Cbicbbvachc and Byoorne. (Din.) In D. (). I'. 12. In 32:30-.! Lyly, John. See Lilly, John. Lynch, Thomas J. Rosa of Kltrick vale, The. (D.; Satin-. In F. S. 17. In 82:136 In I,. P. 7 In 32:107 Lyons, . Y11.1.AOK lawyer, The. Adapted from L'avocat Patolin. In I.. P. 43 In 32:143 MacDonald, George. Within ami without. New York. is '2. 12°. 32:044 Macdonald, Malcolm. Galtkmo/.in. A drama. Philad. I8T8. 12°. 32:946 Macdonald, William. Pair apostate, The. (T.) In M. B. D. 2..I11 32:102 Macfarren, George. Latin. love, and war. (F.) In P. 8. ..In 32:192 Lvtooq; or, The fete at the Hermitage. [H. O.) Tn P. S ..In 82:193 • Mv old woman." In S. P. 12 In 32:212 Winnino a husband, (Ii.) In F. M. 16. Ill 32:62 Machin, L. Di'.Mit knight, The. In D. O. P. 4 In 32:294 Mack, It. B. M asiji kuaiik, The; or, Aunt Hepsaba'a fright. (F.) in F. M. 40-41 In 32:74 Tis the darkest hour before dawn. 1 P. C. 1 In F. M. in-ll In 3Q.U Macklin, Charles. I.'.vk. a la mode. (F.i In M. Ii. I). 5 In 32:105 Sam.-. In I. Ii. F. 1 In 82:831 Same. InL. S. 3 In •32:524 Man of the world, The. (0.) In I. B. T. 14. In 32:3.-1 1 Same. In LP. 71 In 32:471 Sam.-. In I.. S. 1 In *82:522 Same. In Ox. N. K. D. 15 1 11 82:565 Tiuk ik.un Irishman, The. (('.; in S. P. 16. In 32:-'16 McLachlan, Charles. 1 iii.nk with inv mother. (Ca.) In F. M. 14. In 32:61 Macnally, I.. Fashion Aiu.K Levites. (C.) In I. M. T. 10. In 32:380 Macready, "William. Bajtk note, The. JO.) In L M. T. 9».Ia 82:879 Ikisiiman in London. The. 1 F. | Adapted from the " Intriguing footman." In F. M. 18... .In 82:63 Same. In L. P. 79 In 32:479 Maddox, •! M. Kino and deserter, Tho. (I).) In F. S. 39. In 32:147 Maine. J. C11 v match, The. In D. O. P. B In 82:299 Mallet, David. Elvira. (T.) InB. B. T.20 In 32:270 EOBYDIOJt. (T.) In Ii. 11. T. 16 In 32:266 Maltby, C. A. BORROWS!) plumes. (F.) In L. P. 92..In 32: 192 " III not meself at all." | Irish .-tew.) In L. 1'. 88. In 32:188 SUOULD this meet the eve. 1 F. ) In I.. 1'. 97. In 32:497 — ami Stain KHi'in. F. Sk.a-oi 1.1s. (F.) InL.P.86 In 32:485 Mannstadt, W. O Lou 1.! Sehw.mit Gesang.) In K. A. f. L.-li .38. In 32:2088 SriiwAitz-wKiss. (Sohw- mil Qonong.j In K. A. f. I..-Ii. 53 In 82:2092 Manzoni, Alessandro. Ai. 1:1. .111. T.i In Trngedie e pocsie....In 56:'. ,; 30 ( "NTE di Carmagnola, 11. (T.) In Tragedie e p :<• In 08:5630 See Ciiamisso. l)er Tod Napokons. March, George. Lost and found. (<>a.) Music by Virginia Gabriel. In I,. P. 89 In 32:489 Siikphkkd of Cournouailles, The. |()a.) In L. P. 96 ...In 32:496 Who's the heir? (Ca.) Music liv Virginia Gabriel. In I.. P. 89 , ..J[n 32:489 Mariani, Francesco. .\ssktta. Iii T. I. A. 10 In 56:5517.10 > i/.ZKdi Maca. (C.) In T. I. A. 10..In 56:5517.10 Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de-Chamblain de. Faissks confidences, Les. (C.) In Auteurs oomiques 5 In 32:1505 Jki: de lamour et du hasard, Le. (C.) In Auteurs comiqucs 5 In 32:1505 I.Kos, I.e. Comcdie. Paris. 1820. 8°...*B:16.10 Same. In Auteurs oomiques 6 In 32:1505 Markwell, W. P., adapter. Louis XL (H. D.) Adapted from Delavigne. In L.P.9 Tn 32:i || 9 Marlitt, Eugenie. See Turk, F. Blanbart Marlowe, Christopher. Dido. (T.) I11W.2. (Saawas Tragedy of Dido)-» A Same. In W In 32:948 DoCTOB Faustus. With introduction ami notes by William Wagner. Lond. 1877. 18°. (Bales' and Jarram'a London series of English classics.). ..32:949 Same. Edited by A. W. Ward. With (lie ne's Friar liacm and Friar Bungay In 82:605 Same. In O. K. P. 1....'. In 32:171 Same, Li W In 32:948 Same. In W. 2 *A Ki.wAhi) the second. (T.) In D. O. P. 2. In 82:292 Same. In W In 32:948 Sumo. In W. 2 *A PUBLIC LI BRAKY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 50 Authors. Marlowe, C. (continued.) — Faust us. See Dootor Faustus. Jew of Malta, The. In D. 0. P. 8 In 32:298 Same. Id W In 32:'J-i8 Same. In W. 1 *A Lust's dominion; or, The lascivious queen. In O. E. 1\ 1 In 32:171 Massacre at Paris, The. (T.) In VV....I11 32:948 Same. In W. 2 *A Tamiiurlaine the great. Pts. I. and II. In W. In 32:048 Same. In W :: A Tragedy of Dido. See Dido. Tragical history of Doctor Faustus. See Doctor Faustus. Works. With notes and accounts of the author hy Rev. Alexander Dycc. Lond. 1850. 3 v. 12°...»A Same. Lond. 1865." 8° 32:948 Marmion, S. Antiquary, The. In D. (). P. 10 In 32:300 Marmontel, Jean-Francois. Ami de la maison, L'. (C.) In Auteurs eomiques 7 In 32:1507 Marr, H. Kajazzo und seine Familie. (I). ) After the French. In K. V. S.-B. 35 In 32:2177 Marshall, Francis A. Mad as a natter. (F.) In L. P. 81 In 32:401 Marston, John. Antonio and Mellida. (H. P.) In O. E. P. 2. In 32:172 Sumo. In W. 1 In 32:951 Dutch courtezan, The. In W. 2 In 32:952 Insatiatk countesse, The. In W. 8 In 32:953 Mal-content, The. In D. O. P. 4 In 32:294 Parasitastkr; or, The fawne. (C.) In O. K. P. 2. In 32:172 Same. In W. 2 In 32:952 What you will. (C.) In O. E. P. 2... In 32:172 Same. In VV. 1 In 32:951 Wonder of women, The; or, The trngedie of Sophonisha. In W. 1 In 32:951 Works. Reprinted from the original edition, with notes ami some account of his life and writings by J. O. Halliwell. Lond. 1850. 3 v. 16°. ...32:951-3 -joint author. See Chapman, George. Eastward hoe. joint author. See Webster, J. Malcontent, The. Marston, Wcstland. Anne Blake. (P.) In F. S. 34 In 32:145 Same. In L. P. 49 In 32:449 HARDstruggle, A. (Dom.D.) InK.S.39.1n 32:147 Same. In L. P. 48 In 32:448 Life's ransom, A. (P.) In F. S. 36. ..In 32:146 Same. In L. P. 54 In 32:454 Patrician's daughter, The. (T.) In F. S. 32. In 32:1(4 Same. In L. P. 48 In 32:448 Pure gold. (P.) In F. S. 41 In 32:148 Same. In L. P. 61 ; In 32:461 Stratiimore; or, Love and duty. (T. P.) In L. P. 56 ; In 32:456 Wife's portrait, The. In L. P. 54 In 32:454 Martelli, Lodovico. Tu i.i.i a, La. (T.) In T. I. A. 3 In 56:5517.3 Martin, John. Placidio. (P.) In "A legacy" by Mrs. Craik. In 24:2550 Martin, William. Chang-Ching-Fou ! Cream of Tartar. (E) In L. P. 68 In 32:468 Mason, . Caractacus. (D. P.) In M. B. D. 2..I11 32:102 Elfrida. (D. P.) In M. B. D. 2 In 32:102 Massinger, Philip. Bashful lover, The. (T. C.) In O. D...T11 32:531 Same. In his Plays In 32:956 Believe as you list (T.) In Percy Soc. Pub. 27. In *31:3I81 Same. In his Plays In 32:956 Bondman, The. (T.) In M. B. D. I...I11 32:101 Saine. In O. D In 32:531 Same. In his Plays In 32:956 City madam. The. In O. D In 32:531 Same. In his Plavs In 32-956 Duke of MiIan,"The. (T.) In L. S. 2..In »32:523 Same. In O. D In 32:531 Same. In his Plays In 32:956 Emperor of the East, The. (T. C.) In O. D. In 32:531 Same. In his Plays In 32:956 Fatal dowry, The. (T.) In M. B. D. 1. In 31:101 Same. In L. P. 88 In 32:438 Same. In (). D In 32:531 Same. In his Plays In 32:956 Great duke of Florence, The. In O. D.In 32:531 Same. In his Plays In 32:956 Guardian, The. In O. D In 32:531 Same. In his Plavs In 32:956 Maid of honour, The. (T. C.) In (). D. In 32:531 Same. In his Plays In 32:956 IS ew way to pay old debts, A. (C.) In I. B. T. 6 In 32:346 Same. In L. P. 4 In 32:404 Same. In L. S. 2 In «32:523 Same. In O. D In 32:531 Same. In Ox. N. E. D In 32:551 Same. In his Plays In 32:956 Old law, The. In O. D In 32:531 Same. In his Plays In 32:956 Parliament of love, The. In O. D....In 32:531 Same. In his Plays In 32-956 Picture, The. (T. C.) In O. D In 32:531 Same. In his Plays In 32:956 Renegado, The. In O. D In 32:531 Same. In his Plays In 32:956 Roman actor, The. In O. D In 32:531 Same. In his Plays In 32:956 Unnatural combat, The. (T.) In O. D. In 32:531 Same. In his Plays In 32:956 Very- woman. A; or, The prince of Tarent. (T. C.) In O. D In 32:531 Same. In his Plays In 32:956 Virgin-Martyr, The. (T) In O. D. In 32:531 Same. In his Plays In 32:956 Plays. From the text of. William Gilford, with the addition of the tragedy " Believe as you list." Edited by Lieut. Col. F. Cunningham. Lond. 1868. 16° 32:956 - — and Ford, John. Dramatic works. With an introduction by Hartlev Coleridge. Lond. 1869. 8° In 32:531 Masson, Michel. Betti.erin, Die. (Sch.) From the French by Julius Meissner. In K. V. S.-B. 23 In 32:2175 Mathews, Charles. Adventures of a love letter. (C.) In F. M. 40-41. In 32:74 Same. In L. P. 50 In 32:450 Bachelor's bedroom, The. (C. S.) In F. M. 23. In 32:05 Billet doux, The. Same as Adventures of a love letter. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Thk Dhama. 51 Authors. Mathews, Charles, {continued.) — DowAiiKK, The. (C.) In L. P. 22 In 32:422 Same. In F. M. 32 In 32:70 His excellency. (I'.C.) In L. P. 50... In 32: 150 Little Toddlekins. (C. D.) In F. M. 31. In 32:69 Bams. In I.. 1'. 12 In 32:412 My wile's mother. (0. D.) In L. P. 23..In 32: 123 PAUL Pry married and settled. (F. Two in the morning. (('. 8.) VsKDiip. (P C.i In K. M. 3 Who killed Cock Robin? (F.) In L. P. ^8. In 32:408 In L. P. 20. In 32:420 In 32:52 In L. P. 68. In 82:468 — joint author. See BABBITT, M. Serve him right. S,-e Lawrence, B. A .-trange history. and othejs. Aggravating Sam. (CD.) InL.F. 17..1n 32:417 Maturin, B. Viola. (P.) In F. S. 20 In 32:141 May.T. IIkik, The. In D. O. P. 8 In 32:298 Old couple, The. In D. O. P. 10 In 82:300 Mayhew, Augustus "»utr:i»e. Pawnor*. Paslil. Piebald. Pigtail. Seashore. Surgeon. Sweopsnikes. Wntonman. List of uoi.ls r hat can bo acted as chara. In 32:968 Comtessk d'Escarbagnas, La. (C.) In 71 Same *A Same. Eng. By Charles Heron Wall. In I). \V. 2. In 32:967 KOOLB des femmes. (C.) In nti^e the a ind. DlCnaas. Waiting for an Interview. cyu.man. When- there's s will, there's a way. Win, The. w. is. Fowls. Montfleury, Antoine-Jacob. Bkstks raisonnable. Lea. (C.) Ill Oootumporaiaa de Molierc 1 In 32:1775 EcoLg dee jalinis. I,', mi, Le coc-u volontaire. I !, | In Contemporaina de Holiere l In 33:1775 Ifunoum -l (.AMKsTK.u. (T.j In M. I!. I). -1 In 32:ln2 Same. In S. 1'. 13 In 32:213 Same. In 1$. B. T. 12 In 32:i<.i Same. In I. B. T. 14 In 32:3.".l Same. In L S. 1 In »83:622 Same. With Tragedies In 32:.">::: Moore, Horatio Newton. liKI.AM'o: or, A Woman- virtue. |T.) In S. P. 7. In 32:207 Sam.'. In I'. 10 I„ 32:194 Moore, John. Mao dog*. (F.) [nF.M.SS in 83:65 Moos, H. M. Mon ni:.\ ; or, Tin; pope mid his inquisitors, i I). , With Poema In 31:1 'J 7" Moratin, Leandro Fernandas eV. Baron, K). (O.) In T. E. 4 «A Cuv. El. (C.) In T. K. 4 A Mkdicii i, I'alo,, M, (O.) In T. K. 4 »A KOSMATA, La. (G.) In T. K. t »A Be HI las Nina-, Kl. In T. K. 4 A More, Ilnnnali. Bki.siia/./.ak. (Sacred D.) In \V. li. In 34;17i;7 HvMKi.. (Sacred D.) In W. 6 In 84:1767 I >.\ a 1 1 > and Goliath. (Sacred D.) In W. 8 In 34:1777 Fatal falsehood, The. ri'.i In \V. I. In 34:i7t.n Same. In W. ."> In T. 34: 1 7G6 Im-i.kxiiii.k captive, The. (T.) In \V. 1. In 34:i7i;o Same. In W. .". In T. 84:1766 Moan in the bal rushes. (Sacred D.) In W. 8. In 34: 17i!7 Percy. (T.J Inl. M. T. 7 In 32:377 Same. iT.i In W. I In 34:17i;o Same. In \V. 5 In 84:1766 skauch after happiness, Tlic. (Pa. D.i lii W. Iii 34: I7ii7 Moreau, Eugene, Siraudik, Paul, and Delacoi r, Alt'reil-Chailemaixiie-I.artigiie. COURICR of Lyons, The. ( D.) In L. I*. 15. In 32:415 Moreto, Agustln. Donna Diana. (I..) In C. T. B. 1">... In 32:2003 Morny, Charles- A rjguste-Louia Joseph, 4 Corporal's wedding, The. (P.) In P. 3..In 32:in7 Day's fishing. A. iF.i In L. P. S3... .In 32:4S3 Dkm'KH.mk game, A. (C. D.) In L. P. 10. In 32:410 Donkoii both sides. (F.) In I,. I'. 26... In 83:426 Don't judu"- by appearances. (P.) In I.. P. 24. In 32:4 J4 Dot ni.K-liKiHiKi) room, The. (V.) In F. M. 22 In 32:''.. r i Same In I,. P. 60 In 83:460 Dkawimi room-, see. mil lloor and attics ( F. I In I. P. 63 In 32:402 Dyinu for love. iC.) In F. M. 33 In 32:70 Same. In L. P. 30 In 88:436 . Knoi.isiiman's house in his castle, An. In L 1*. 31. In 32:131 FlTZsMYTIIKof Fitzsinvtho Hall, i F. I In I.. P. 40. In 32;44i; FitiK.vn Waggles, i F. i In I. P. 33.. .In 32:13.: From village to court. (C, D.) In U P. IB. In 32:4ir. PUBLIC I.IBKAKY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 56 Authors. Morton, J. M., (continued.) — Game of romps, A. (F.) In L. P. I8....T11 32:418 Going to the Derby. (P.) In L. P. 37... In 32:437 Grimshaw, Bagshitw and Bradshaw. (F.) In F. M.6 In 32: 50 Same. In L. P. 4 In 32:404 Hopeless passion. (P. C.) In L. P. 5... In 32:405 How stout you're getting. (F.) In L. P. 22. In 32:422 Husband to order, A. (S. 0. D.) In L. P. 43. In 32:443 Ik I had a thousand a year I (F.) In L. P. 79. In 32:479 Irish tiger, The. (F.) In L. P. 34. ...In 32:434 John Dobbs. (F.) In L. P. 7 In 32:407 Kino and I, The. (P.) In L. P. 40... In 32:440 Lend me' Ave shillings. (P.) In I.,. P. 30. In 32:430 "Little mother." (Comic piece.) In L. P. 01. In 32:401 Little savage, The. (P.) In L. P. 38. In 32:438 Love and hunger. (F.) In L. P. 42... In 32:442 Margery Daw; or, The two bumpkins. (P.) In L. P. 54 In 32:454 Master Jones's birthday. (F.) In L. P. 81. In 32:481 Midnight watch. The. (D.) In L. P. 39..In 32:430 Milliner's holiday, The. (F.) In L P. 38. In 32:438 Most unwarrantable intrusion, A. (Comic I.) In F. M. 30 In 82:69 Same. In L. P. 7 In 32:407 Mother and child are doing well, The. ( F.) In P. 9. In 32:103 Muleteer of Toledo, The. (C. D.) In L. P. 18. In 32:418 My first fit of the gout. (P.) In L. P. 11. In 32:111 My husband'sghost. (C.I.) In F. M. 20. In 32:08 Same. In L. P. 93 In 32:403 My precious Betsy. (F.) In L. P. 8... In 32:408 My wife's bonnet. (F.) In L. P. 04... In 32: (64 My wife's second floor. (P.) In L.*P. 44. In 32:444 Newington Butts! (F.) In L. P. 73. In 32:473 Old honestv. (Comic D.) In L. P. 38.1n 32:438 ONthesly." (F.) In L. P. 03 In 32:403 Our wife; or, The rose of Amiens. (CD.) In P. M. 25 In 32:00 Same. In L. P. 28 In 32:428 Pacha of Pimlico, The. (Farcical E.) In L. P. 5!. In 32:451 Poor Pillicoddy. (F.) In F. M. 27 In 32:07 Same. In S. I*. J In 32:202 Same. In L. P. 38 In 32:438 Pouter's wedding. (P.) In L. P. 07. In 32:407 Prince for an hour, A. (CD.) In L. P. 25. In 32:425 Regular fix, A. In F. M. 30 In 32:72 Same. In L. P. 48 In 32:448 Rights and wrongs of woman, The. (F.) In L. P. 20 In 32:420 Sent to the towei. (F.) In F. M. 28...In 32:08 Same. In L. P. 28 In 32:428 She would and he wouldn't. (C) In L P. 56. In 32:450 Slasher and Crasher. (F.) In L. P. 8. In 32:408 Slice of luck, A. (P.) In L. P. 70. In 32:470 Spitfire, The. (F.) In L. S. 2 In 32:202 Steeple chase, The. (F.) In L. P. 26. In 32:420 Take care of Dowb — -. (F.) In L. P. 34. In 32:434 Three cuckoos, The. (P.) In L. P. 40. In 32:440 Thirty-three next birthday. (F.) In L. P. 38. In 32:438 Morton, J. M., (continued.) — Thumping legacy, A. (F.) In P. M. 13. In 32:00 Same. In L. P. 5 In 32:405 Ticklish times. (F.) In P. M. 32 In 32:70 Same. In L. P. 35 In 32:435 To Paris and back for five pounds. (F.) In. L. P. 9 In 32:409 Two Bonnycastles, The. (P.) In F. M. 6. In 32:50 Same. In L. P. 5 In 32:405 Two Buzzards, The; or, Whitebait at Greenwich. In F. M. 24 In 32:00 Two Puddifoots, The. (F.) In L. P. 78..In 32:478 Waiting for an omnibus. (F.) In L. P. 15. In 32:415 Where there's a will there's a way. (C D.) In L P. 9 In 32:409 Which of the two? (Ca.) In L. P. 40..In 32:440 Whitebait at Greenwich. (F.) (Same as The two Buzzards.) In L. P. 12 In 32:412 Who stole the pocket-book. (F.) In F. M. 30. In 32:09 Same. In L. P. 6 In 32:406 Who's my husband? (F.) In L. P. 8O..I11 32:480 Woman I adore, The. (F.) In L. P. 8..I11 32:408 Woodcock's little game. (0. F.) In L. P. 03. In 32:403 Wooing one's wife. (F.) In L. P. 52. ...In 32:452 Your life's in danger. (F.) In L. P. 8..In 32:409 joint author. See Morton, Thomas. — and Burn and, F. C. Cox and Box. Music by Arthur Sullivan. In F. M. 40-41 In 32:74 Morton, Thomas. AngeI. of the attic, The. (S. C. D.) In F. M. 37. In 32:72 Children in the wood. (O.) In P. M. 10. In 32:02 Same. In S. P. 5 In 32:205 Cure for the heart ache, A. (C) In I. B. T. 25. In 32:305 Same. In L. P. 34 In 32:434 Education. (C) In P. 5 In 32:189 Gotobed Tom. (F.) In F. M. 7 In 32:57 Same. In L. P. 8 In 32:408 Pretty piece of business, A. (C) In L. P. 12. In 32:412 Roland for an Oliver, A. (F.) In F. M. 23. In 32:05 Same. In L P. 75 In 32:475 School of reform, The; or, How to rule a husband. (C.) In P. S.23 In 32:139 Same. In I. B. T. 25 In 32:305 Secrets worth knowing. (C.) In I. M. T. 3. In 32:373 Seeing Warren. (P.) In F. M. 35 In 32:71 Sink or swim. (C) InL.P. 7 In 32:407 Sketches in India. (F.) Adapted from "The Englishman in India." In F. S. 12 In 32:132 Speed the plough. (C.) In I. B. T. 25...In 32:305 Same. In L. P. 51 In 32:451 Town and country. (C.) In F. S. 9 In 32:129 Same. In S. P. 12 In 32:212 Way to get married, The. (C) In S. P. 10. In 32:210 Same. In I. B. T. 25 In 32:305 Zorinski. (P.) In I. M. T. 3 In 32:373 — and Morton, John Madison. All that glitters is not gold. (CD.) InF. M.5. In 32:55 Same. In L. P. 3 In 32:403 Writing on the wall, The. (M.) In F. S. 12. In 32:132 Same. In L. P. 7 In 32:4"7 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI, Thk Drama. 57 A I TH0R8. Mosen, Julio*. I5niU lKvun Flonnz, Die. (T.i In S.W. 4. In 66:863 Cola Kii-nzi. (T.) In S. \V. :i hi 56:«.'- Ckomwell. (Dramat. Fragment.) In S. \V. 4. In 56:853 Don Johann von Oesterrcich. (T.) In S. W. 4. In 66:863 IIkinkk'H der Finklcr, Kiinig der Deulschcn. i II. 9ch : in s. w. 8 In 66:862 IIkk/ou Bcrnhard. I H.T.I In S. VV. 4..In 66:853 Kaim:u Otto 111. (Srh.i In 8. W. 8>Ia 66:852 Son n ilcs Fiirstcn. Der. (t.) In S. \V. I.ln 66:853 WoMia und Helene. (T.) In S. \V. 4. In 56:853 Moser, Gustav ron. Ameiukanisches Ducll, Ein. (L.) In T. 0. 40. In 82:2350 Au.s Liobe zur Kunst. (Ssp.) In T. 0. 30. In 82:2248 Hector. (L.) In T. C. 104 In 32:2261 K.miiki.s Qardinenpredigten. (L.) In T. C. 10. In 32:2243 Sciiimmkl, Der. (L.) In T. C. 105... I n 82:3261 BTOVT v..n Gerson, Kin. (It.) InT.78..1n 82:2256 Wik dciiken Sie iiber Ftussland? (L.) In T. C. 58. In 82:2352 joint author. See Kaliscii, D. Sonntagsjiiger. — mill I. AiinoMiE, A. Papa hat's erlatibt ! (Schw. mit Gesang.) Music by It. BUI. In T. 0. 21 In 82:2245 Mowatt, Anna Cora. Ai;mani>; or, The peer and the peasant. (P.) In In F. S. 27 In 32:141 Fashion; or, Life in New York. (C.) In F. S. J 7 In 32:141 Miiller, lingo. Dorr. (L.) inT.C. 14 In 82:3343 Im Wurtosiilon erster Kinase. (L.) In T. 0. 6. In 82:3341 Miiller, Maler. F.usi's Leben. (Fragment.) In Dichtungeo 1. In 81:1284 Same In 32:2515 Gor.o und Genovevu. (Sell.) In Diehtungcn 2. In 81:1285 Same In 32:2515 Niohk. (Sch.) In Diohtungen 2 In 31:1285 Santa In 32:2515 Nusskkknkn, Dm. In I )U'litun^cn I..I11 81:1284 Same In 82:2515 SCHAPSCHCR, Die. In Diclitungen 1 In 31:1284 Sum.' In 32: 25 15 DlCBTTTNaBH, mit Einlcitung herausgegeben von Hermann Bettner. Leip. isos. 2 v. 16*. 81:1284-5 Same. 2 v. in 1 82:2515 Milliner son KonJgswinter, Wolfgang. Sie hat ihr Hens entdeckt. (L.) In T. O. 18. In 82:3344 Miillner, Adolph. BcHULD, Die. iT.) In C.T.ll I8...1n 82:2004 Miinch-Bellinghausen, Eligioa Franc Joseph. 1 Frieiriek llulm.) Quia kid a: a dramatic poem. Translated by Mrs. K. Prentiss. N. V. [1876.] 12 c 32:^71 [msomai, tlw son of tbe wilderness, 1 P.) Trans. by W. II. Oharleton. In L. P. 7 In 32:4o~ Same. Trans, by Maria Lovell. In F. 8. 12. In 32:132 Same. In L. P. 75 In 32:475 Munday, Anthony. .loii\ a Kent und .lolin a Cumber: a comedy. Printed from the original manuscript. Introduction and notes by J. Payne Collier. Lond. 1851. 8°. S. S. P. 46 In 82:3846 Murphy, Arthur. A1.1. in the wrong. (C.) In I. it. T. i;...in 82:355 Sam.-. In L8.9 In »82:523 &munmoa The. (F.) La H I! D. .*,.. i n 82:106 Same. In I. 15. F. 3 In 82:883 Sa In I.. S. 4 Ill *82:525 cm/.Ks, The. (F.i in M. B. I). 5 In 82:108 Same. In I. B. F. i In 82:834 Same. In L.S.I In •82:622 Same. In Ox. N. K. I). II In 32:".'. I (ii:K.i\N daughter, The. (T.) In M. li. D. I. In 32:l»2 Same. In I. II. T. 15 In 32: Same. In L. 8. 8 In *82:524 Same. With Tragedies In 82:688 Same. In Ox. N. E. I). 14 In 32:564 Know your own mind. (C.) In I. H. T. 15, in 32:355 Same. In I,. S. 2 In *32:5i3 Same. In Ox. N. E. I). 14 In 82:664 Oi. l> maid, The. i F. i In M. I!. I). 5... In 32:105 Orphan of China, The. (T.) In M. H. D. 2. In 32:102 Same. In L. S. 2 : In •82:523 Three weeks after marriage. (F.) In M. IS. D. 5. In 32:Hi5 Same. In I. I?. F. 4 In 32:334 Same. In I,. S. 1 In *82:622 Same. In Ox. N. K. 1). B In 82:658 Upholsterer, The. (If.) In M. 15. D. r>. In 32:105 Way to keep him, The. (C.) In M. B. D. 4. In 32:104 Same. In I. B. T. 15 In 82:356 Si. me. In 1.. S. 1 In •82:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 3 In 32:553 Zknobia. (T.) In M. li. D. 3 In 32:102 Murray, G., joint author. See Hipkins, H. T. A nice quiet day. Murray, William II. Mary, queen of Scots; or, The escape from Loch Leven. (H. D.) In L. P. 4 In 32:404 "No"! Adapted from the French. In L. P. I. In 32: 101 Pnn.l.li'PE; or, The secret marriage. (Dom. D.) Adapted from the French. In L. P. 82„.In 82:482 Ckamond Brig. (0. D.) Adapted from "The miller of Mansfield." In L. P. 21 In 32:421 Diamond cut diamond. (I. I Altered from "How to die for love." In L. P. 7 In 32:407 Dominate the deserter. (('. D.) In L. 1'. 50. In 32:45o Gildkroy. (D.) Iii L. P. 9 In 32:400 Musaus, Johann Karl August. See Kindkk-inh- Pl PPEN-TllEATEK. Musset, Alfred de. A quoi revent les jcunes lilies. (('.) In Premieres poesies In 31:1288 AxiiRe del Saito. (D.) In Comcdieset proverbes 1. In 32:1861 Ask et le ruisseau, I/. (C.) In CEovres postba- mes In 56:4 707 Baiuierixe. In Comedies et proverbes 1. In 32:1861 Bettink. In Comedies ct proverbes 2. In 32:1862 Caprice, Un. In Comedies et p royerbes 2. In 32:1862 See also Good little wife. Caprices de Marianne, Les. In Comedies et proverbes i In 32:1861 Cakmosixe. In Comediis et proverbes 2. In 82:1882 OH vxkei.ier, Le. In Comedies et prov.rl.es J. In 32:1862 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. 'The Drama. 59 Authors Mussett. Alfred de, {continued.) — CourE et let lcvres, La.. ( D. P.) In Premieres poesies In 31:1288 Faiio: suns dire. (Pr.) In Melange de littcrature et de critique ......In 50:4793 Fantaski. In Comedies et proverbes 1. In 32:1861 Same. Eng. In Selections from his prose and poetry. In 33:3101 Nabbes, T. Microoobmtjs. I" D. O. P. 9 In 83:299 Nash, Joseph. Josephine: an historical drama. Bost. 1874. 16°. »B:2i*.i3 Neues Wiener Theater. [Oollection of plays by different authors published by L. Rosner.] n. t. p. Ta noe, in 15 v. 12° 82:2201-15 Faustine. (Fragment.) In (Euvres posthumes. Neumann, Emit. In 56MTU7 Eine Tasse Thee; oder, Ich bin nicht eiferstichtig ! Good little wife. A. (OJ Trans, and adapted (L.) From the French. In K. A. f. LB. I. from " Un caprice." InL.P. 17 In 32:417 In 32:2061 Ii. faut qu'unc porte soit ouverte ou fermeV. In Neumann Robert. Comedies et proverbes 2 In 32:1802 , Kommanoant von Spandau, 1 1, ne faut jurer de rien. In Comedies et ; D.T.I proverbes 2 In 32:1862 LoRKNZACCto. In Comedies et proverbes 1. In 32:1861 Louison. In Comedies et proverbes 2. In 32:1862 Marrons du feu, Les. (D. P.) In Premieres poesies In 31:1288 MatincE de Don Juan, line. (Fragment.) In Melanges de litterature et de critique In 56:4703 Nurr vciiitienne, La. In Comedies et proverbes 1. In 32:1861 On ne badine pas avec l'amour. In Comedies et I Jane Ejr proverbes 1 In 32:1861 : Ni co iini, Giovanni Battista. Der. (H. Seh.) In In 32:2ii.-,i Neuse, G. Falsi UK Eduard, Der. (Sehw.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 80 In 32:2i)»6 Gimpel, Ein. (L.) In K. A. f. L. 15. 84. In 32:2007 Newsky, Peter. Daniscii kef's, Die. (Sch.) In N. W. T. 58. In 32:2212 Nicholls, Charlotte Bronte. See Brougham, John. Same. Eng. (No trifling with love.) In Selections from his prose and poetry In 88:3101 On ne saurait penser a tout. In Comedies et proverbes 2 In 32:1862 SERVANTS du roi, La. (Acte IV.) In (Euvres posthumes In 56:4797 Sonde d'Auguste, L\ In ; oder, Charlotten's Memoiren. ( Po. mil Ges-ing. ) .Music by W. Mannstiidt. In K. A. f. L.-B. I0..I11 32:2 182 Liederlichk Kleeblutt, Das. (Genrebild mit Gesang.) In T. C. 30 In 32: '247 Lui'iniik vom Theater. (S.-S. mit Gesang.) Music by Richard Thiele. In K. A. f. S.-S. 5. ..In 82:2131 MaSCHINBNBAUER Ivnobbe. (S.-S. mit Gesang.) Music by Richard Thiele. In K. A. f. S.-S. 7. In 32:2 1 32 MlLi'iiMaDcilKN von Schcineberg, Das. (S.-S. mit Gesang fiir eine Darne.) Music by Richard Thiele. In K. "A. f. S.-S 1 .'. In 32:2131 Reise urn die Welt in 80 Tagen. Die. (Po. mit Gesang.) Music by Richard Thiele. In K. T. S. 1. In 82:2151 Robert und Bertram. (Po. mit Gesang.) In T. 0. 77 In 82:2258 joint author. .S'ce Anders, N.J. Niirrischkeiten. BROKEN heart. The. ( I). Sk.) In "Waldie's Select Circulating Library 3 In 34:4137 Noack, F. Nub nicht flucben! (L.) In T. C. 32...1n 32:2247 Noah, M. M. Marion; or, The hero of Lake George. (D.) In s. P. i ....in 32:2')] Noakes, J. See Doe, John. Barefaced impostors. Norrenberg, Dr. P. Han's Grumlmaiin ; oder, Des Genies Malheur and Gliick. (D.) In lv. T. 8 In 32:2074 Ik der Eur. (L.) inK.T. 7 in 32:2071 Waipobgisnacht, Die. (P. 8.) Ill K. T. 16. In 32:2075 Northall, W. K. Macbeth travestie. In F. M. 5 In 32:.">."> Norton, Thomas, joint author. See Sackville, Thomas. Ferrex and Poirex. and Sackville, Thomas. Tragedy of Gorhoduc. Lond. 1565, 8°. With Ralph Roister Doister. S. S. P. 32 In 82:"2832 Nota, A. First steps to folly, The. (C.) In S. 1. C. In 32:320 Projector, The. (C.) In S. I. C In 32:320 Nouveau Theatre Anglois; ou, Choix des in illeures pieces de theatre representees ;'i Lnndre- depuis quelques aniiees. Lond. 1767. V. 1. 12°. 82:1520 O'Brien, Fitzjames. Cross purposes. (F.) InL. S. 2 In *32:623 Gentleman' from Ireland. (0.) In F. M. 20. In 32:'H O'Bryan, C. LtJOABTO the mulatto. (D.) In L. P. 31. In 32:131 O'Cullaghan, P. P. Married bachelor, The. (F.) In F. M. 18. In 82:63 Same. In L. P. 4 In 32:401 O'Hara, Kane. Midas. In M. I!. I). 5 In 32:10:. Same. In L. P. 12 In 32:112 Same. In L. S. 1 In «32:'>22 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. M AcTHOtta. O'Hara, Kane. [oumHmtit.) — TWO misers, 'I'll.'. iO.i In M. B. D. ."....In 88:108 Same, In LS, ■'• In B 32:''2i adapter. See Fiki.dixii, Henry. Tom Thumb. Oehlenschlager, Adam. OoBHneio. (T.) In c. T. B. 34 In 82:3001 O'Keeffe, John. Aukkkwii.k surprise, The. In S. I*. 1 — In 32:'-'»l Same. In L. P.94 1" 83:484 I'amt.k of Andalusia, The. (0. O.) In 1. U. T. 22. In 89:362 DEAD alive, The. (CO.) In P. 4 In 83:188 Same, ho s. P. 5 In 33:209 I' hi; American, The. (C.) In P. ti...In 32:190 KAKMtit, The. (O. O.) In I. B. K. 2..In 83:332 KoNTAlNBLKAU. (C. O.) Ill I. B. T. 22. In 83:362 Hiuhland reel, The. (C. O.) In I. B. F. 2. In 32:332 I.iKof aday. (C) In I. M. T. 10 In 83:380 Uodkbm antiques; or, The merry mourners. (K.) In S. P. 2 In 83:302 Same, in B. P. 8 In 83:208 Poor soldier, The. (Ms. F.) In S. P. 8. In 83:208 Same. In I. B. F. 2 In 33:332 Same. In L. P. 91 In 32:4'.U PRISONS! at large, The. (C.) In 1. 15. F. 2. In 83:332 Son-is-law, The. ,CO.) In S. P. 4..1n 32:2H4 Sntios of laurel. (CO.) In P. 1 1 In 83:196 Wild oats; or, The strolling gentleman. (C) In P.S.31 In 32:143 Same. In 1. B. T. 22 In 88:362 San.'. In L P. 88 In 32: iss Same. In Ox. N. K. 1). IB In 32;.">g:> Old English plays, being a selection from the early dramatic writer*. Lond. 1814-15. G v. 8°....32:l7)-6 Oppenheim, Adolph. Albert Lorlzing. (Genrebild mit Qeaang.) In K. A.f. 1,-1'.. SI.......... In 83:2081 Kink Stunde Kaiser von Oosterreich. In K. A. f. L.-B. 42 ~..In 32:2089 Otway, Tliomas. Cheat* ofSoapin. (F.) In M. B. D. 5_In 32:lo:. Same. In 1.. S. 4 In L 32:525 ORPHAN, The; or, The unhappy marriage. (T.) In If. II. 1). 1 In 32:101 Same. In 11. 1!. T. 5 ill 83:256 Same. In I. li. T. 12 In 83:362 Same. In L.8.3 In *32:524 Venice preserved. (T.) In M. B. D. 1 -In 82:101 Same. In S. P. 13 In 32:213 Same. In B. B. T. 1 In 32:251 Same. In I. B. T. 12 In 33:352 Same. In L.P.32 In 83:432 Same. Ill L.8.3 In »83:523 Same. In Ox. N. E. 1). 4 In 32:554 Oulton, Walley 0. BoTBRRATION j or, A ten vear's blunder. (F.) In P. 2 in 83:186 My landlady'* gown. (F.) In P. 8... .In 82:193 Si.kki'-wai.kkk. The; or, Which is the lad v. i F.I in s. P. 2 iii 82:202 Oxberry, W. II. Mattko Falcone; or, The brigand and hit son. Adapted from the French. In F. M. 21. ..In 32:66 Same. In L. P. 83 In 32:483 Xnu.MA travestie. (B.) In L. P. 55.. ..In 32:455 Paoha'8 pets. The. (F.) In S. P. 8... In 32:208 Oxberry, William. New Knglish drama, with prefatory remarks, biographical -ketches, and notes critical and explan- atory. Loud. 1818-23. 16 v. 12°....ln 32:551-66 Oxenford, John. Amu knn I the actress; or, The reigning favorite. iD.j In F. S. 26 In 32:141 UHUmi l.ei uiivn-ur, the reigning favorite. 1 1).) In I,. P. 1. (5mm as Adrienne the Retreat) In 32: mi Bkai tv, or the hcast. (F.) In L P. GO. In 83:460 Billing and oooing. (fa.) In L. P. G5...in 32:ig:. Bristol diamonds, i K.I In L, P. 5G..In 88:456 Ci. kit stick, A. (C) In L 1'. G8 In 83:468 Dat well -pent. A. iK.i iu L P. 84.1n 83:434 Doctor Dilworth. (K.) In F. M. 32.... In 32:70 Dot.'M'KL'l. victory, The. (Ca.) In I.. P. 36. In 83:486 Down in a balloon. (K.) In L. 1'. 92. In 32: 482 Familt failing, A. (F.) In F. M. 28...ln 83:68 Same. In L. P. 29 In 32:*-'9 Fivk pounds reward. (F.) In L. P. 24. In 32: 424 Frk.isi uiii/, Der. (K. O.) Music by C M. von Weber. In L. P. 69.... .".In 83:469 I couldn't help it. (F.) In L. P. 54. ..In 32: 154 Lbsal Impediment, A. (F.) In I.. P. 53. In 32:453 JIaoic toys, The. (Br. P.) In L. P. 42.1 n 33:442 Monasikrv of St. .lust. The. ( P. I Adapt) d from the French. In L. P. 63 In 32:4G3 My fellow clerk. (P.) In F. M. 25 In 32:". Same. In L. P. 48 In 32:448 NriOHBOURB. (C.) In L. P. 73 In 32:473 Only a halfpenny! (F.) In L. P. 22...1n 32:422 I'lkask to remember the grotto. In L. P. 70. In 32:17" Porter's knot, The. (S.-C. D.i In h. P. 38. In 32: 188 Quirt day, A. (F.) In 8. P.2 In 88:202 Detained for the defence. (F.) In L. P. 41. In 32:441 Sam's arrival. (An absurdity.) In L. P. 5G. In 32:45G Twice killed. (F.) In L. P. 24 In 83:434 Uncle Zacbary. (0. D.i In L. P. 45.. ..In 32:445 World. of fashion, The. (C) In L. P. 55. In 32:455 Young lad from the country, A. (F.) In L. P. G4. In 32:4G4 — and BROOKS, Oharlea Shirley. Timour the tartar. (K.) In L. I*. 49 In 32:449 — and Wiu an, Horace. 1. 11 --v. chase, A. (D.) In L. P. 86 In 32:486 Pagesis, II. Amove qui dort, L'. Comedie. Paris. 1864. 12°. With Theatre de famille In 32:1512 Pailleron, Kdouard. Kalschk Khen. (Sch.) In K. V. S.-B. 33. In 32:2177 Palaprat, .lean, joint author. See Brukvs, David- Auguatin F.a: Recks* mtnon. Irresistibly impudent. Little 111 isumtei stum ling. Neighbor. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The .Drama. GO Authors. Parlor theatricals, {continued.) — Orpheus and Eurydiee. Pastile. Pigtail. Sweepstakes. Acting piiovkkhs : All is fair ill love ami war. Frank Caiiill. Honor among (lueves. Frank Cahill. It never rains hut it pours. Frank Caiiili.. There is no rose without (horns. George Aknoi.d. ' I'is an ill wind that blows nobody good. Frank Caiiill. When the cat's away the mice will play. George Aiinold. llBAMATK' CHAUADES : Anti (alinty)-dote. Frank Cakill. Band-age. Con-test. Frank Caiiii.i,. lM\im-at(t)ic. Frank Caiiili.. Friend-ship. I'han-tom. Frank Caiiili.. Parry, Tom. Cure for love, A. (C.) In L. P. 13. ..In 32:413 Lucky horse-shoe, A. (D.) In L. P. 26..In 32:420 P. P.; or, The man and the tiger. (P.) In L. P. 1 1. In 32:411 Parsell, J. M y. son's a daughter. (C. D.) In L. P. r>G.ln 32:450 Paetel, A. and ALiNNSTaDT, W. Fromme Schwester, Eine. (Ssp.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 35 I„ 32:2087 Paul, C. A. Aus dem Papierkorh. (L.) In K. A. f. K.-B. 19. In 32:2084 Bei Onkel Krummacher ! (Sehw.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 81 In 82:2097 Das bin ich ! (L.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 4.1n 32:2081 ER'komiut! (S.-S. fur eine Dame.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 12 In 32:2083 100,000 Thaler Mitgift. (Schw.) In K. T. S. 12. In 32:2153 Einoeregnet I (Dramolet.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 7. In 32:2082 Halbe Stunde zu spat, Eine. (Schw.) In K. T. S. 4 In 32:2151 Hohkit auf lteisen, Die; oder, Bei der Wirthiu von Fischbach. (Genrebild.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 15. In 32:2083 Isaac und die drei Grazien. (Schw.) Ink. T. S. 8 In 32:2152 Kleiner Vorwand, Einl (1). Kleinigkeit.) In K. T. S. 11 In 32:2153 Nach hiimiioputhischen Grundsatzen. (L.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 60 In 32:20 Phillips, Mr*. Alfred. Mastkk passion, The. (C.) In L. P. 7..In 32:407 An. (F.) In L. P. 5. In 82:405 I'nii.k Crotchet. (F.) In L. P. 10 In 32:410 Phillips, Frederick. Bird in the huml worth two in the bush. (P.) In L. !'. 29 In 32:420 Phillips, .limits B. Camiu.us; or, The self-exiled patriot. (T.) In S. P. 8 In 82:206 Kvn. ,\e, The. (M.) In F. It 17 In 82:62 Phillips, L. Mariannk the vivitiiiliero; or, The mystery of twenty years. (D.) In L. P. 40 In 82:446 Phillips, Watts. Camilla's husband. (D.) In F. S. 41 ...In 32:148 Same. In L. P. 59 In 82:459 Dkad heart, The. (II. D.) In L. P. B2.Il] 82:482 Golden fetter, A. CD.) In L. P. 83-In 32:483 His last victory, i 1). i In L. P. Mi.... In 82:469 HtiuKNoT captain, The. (D.) In L. P. 15. In 82:475 Lion at bav, A. (D.) In L. P. 84 In 32:484 Lost in London. (D.) In L. P. 80...I11 82:480 M \i i.'s peril. (P.) In L. P. 80 In 82:480 Xi.nm.Y 's child. (K. D.) In L. P. 77. In 32:477 Not guilty. (1>.) In L. P. 84 In 32:i«t Pai'Ki; wings. <'.) In L. P. 83 In 82:483 Pail's return. (C.) In L. P. 62 In 32:4(52 Tiikodoka, actress and empress. (II. I'.) In L. P. 71 In 32:174 Tl.'KKT-OK-I.KAVK, A. (F.) In L. P. 58. In 82:459 Whit* cockade, The. (D.) In L. P. 90»In 82:490 Woman in mauve, The. (Sensation I>.) In I.. P. 76 In 32:476 Philon, F. II K would be a soldier. (C.) In I. M. T. 8. In 32:378 See alto Pilon. Picard, Louis-Benolt. Nkkkk als Onkel, Der. (L.) Adapted by Pried" rich Schiller. In 0. T. B. 73 In 82:2015 Same. In Schiller's S. \V. 7 In 68:1266 Same. In Schiller's S. \V. 6 In 56:1271 Sam.'. In Schiller's S. W. 7 In 56:1263 I'miimt, l)er ; oder, Die Kunst sein Gliick /u machen. (L.) Adapted by Friedrich Schiller. In Schiller'.- S. W. 7 .". In 86:1265 Same. In Schiller's S. VV. 6 In 56:1271 Same. In Schiller's B. \V. 7 In 66:1269 Same. Eng. Parasite, The; or, How to make one's fortune. Comedy. Phil. 1872. 16° «B:45.7 Pierron, Eugene, and Lakkrrkjrk, Adolphe. Book the third, chapter the first. ((,'.) In L. P. 7. In 82:407 Two can play at that game. (P. C.) In F. M. 29. In 32:68 Pilgrim, James. Evklkkn Wilson, the flower of Erin. (I).) In F. s. 40 In 82:148 K mtv O'Sheal. (F.) In F. M. 37 In 32:72 Limkrik boy, The. (F.) In F. M. 23..In 82:65 Same. In I,. I". 98 In 32: l!'.". Paddy, the piper. ((.'. D.) In P. M. B.In 32. 68 ROBBBT Enimet. the martvr of Irish liberty. (H. D.) In F. S. 37 In 32:146 SkrvaNTs by legacy. (F.) In F. II. 33. In 32:70 Shandy Hagnlre; or, Thebould boy of the moun- tain. (D.l In F. S. .31 In 82:143 Who Irish girl. (I).) In F. S. 42 In 32:149 Pilon, Frederick. Deai lover. The. (F.) In L. S.3 In *82:524 Same. In P. 4 In 32:l*x Hi: would he a soldier. In L. S. 3 In ■ , 32: , >24 See aim) I'im.oN. Piron, .\le\i-. -MeiKoMAxiK, La. (C.) In Auteurs comiqni In 32:!.''"". Pitt, G. I). BmOAB'I petition; or. A father's love mid a mother's care. (I).) In L. P. 87 11132:1X7 Dkinkard's (loom, The; or. The last nail. ( It. I).) In F. S. 44-46 In 82:150 EmiYSToxK elf, The i.M.) In L. P. 69.. In 83:469 Jkusky girl, The. (M.) In L. P. 20... In 82:426 Last man, The; or. The miser of F.lthan Green. (D.) In F. S. 35 In 32:l4. r . Simon Lee; or. The murder of the Five Fields Copse. (R. D.) In LP. 78 In 82:478 Sisan Hopley; or, The vicissitodea of a servanl girl. (Dom. I).) In L. P. 09 In 82:469 WHISTLES, The; or, The fate ot the Lilly of St. Leonard's. (D.) In L.P..97 In 82:497 Planch6, Mn. Eliza. Handso.mk husband, A. (U. D.) In L. I'. 11. In 32:411 1'lkasant neighbor, A. In P.M. 8 In 32: r i8 Hansom, The. In P. 11 In 82:198 Planche, James Robinson. Bkaity and the beast. (Fairy E.) In F. M. 2 In 32::"'2 Same. In L. P. 19 In 32:416 Bkk and the orange tree, The. (B.) In L. P. 19. In 32:»I9 Birds of Aristophanes, The. (D.) In L. P. 20. In 32:420 Briuand, The. (R. D.) In F. S. 24... In 32:140 Sa In L. P. 2 In 82:402 Caihnkt question, A. (0. D.) In L. P. 20. In 32:420 Camp at the Olympic, The. (E.) In L. P. 12. In 32:412 Captain- of the watch, The. (F.) In F. M.S. In 82:52 8ame. In L. P. 18 In 32:418 Ciiarlks XII. (II. d.i In L. P. 67 ...In 82:467 Child of the wreck. The. (M.) In L. P. 89. In 32:439 Coi-kt beauties. (I).) In L. P. 2 1 In 32:421 Dai-omtkr to marry, A. (Oa.) In L. P. 74. In 32:174 Day of reckoning, A. (D.) In L. P. 21. In 32:421 DtscuKhT princess, The. (C.) In L. P. 2 1. In 82:424 Drama at home. The. (E.) In L. P. 20.1n 32:420 Dl'Mn belle. The. (F.) In S. P. 1 1.... In 32:21 1 Faint heart never won fair lady. (C.) In L. P. 35 In 82:435 F'air one with the golden locks. (E.) In L. P. 19 In 32:419 FoLLlKSof a night, The. (V. C.) In L. P. 14. In 32:414 FoRTfNio and his seven gifted servants. (B.) In L. P. 19 In 32:419 8ABBICK fever, The. (FJ InL. P. 22...In 32:422 (ioi.ixN branch, The. (B.) In L. P. 19. In 32:419 (ioi.DKN tleece. (E.) In LP. 20 In 32:420 Good woman in the wood, The. ( Fairv ft.) In L. P. 9 fn 32:409 Graciosa and Pcrcinet. (E.) In L. P. 20. In 32:420 Grkkn-kyld monster, The. (C.) In P. 7. In 32:191 Grist to the mill. (0. D. In L. P. 26. In 82:420 Same. In F. S. 33 In 32:144 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 62 Authors. Planche, J. R-, {continued.) — High, low, Jack and the game. (E.) In F. M. 20. In 32:01 Hold your tongue. (C. D.) In L. P. 20. In 32:420 Invisible prince, The. (Fairy Ex.) In F. M. 1. In 32:51 Same. In L. P. 19 In 32:419 Irish post, The. (C. D.) In L. P. 2C..In 32:420 Island of jewels, The. (E.) In L. P. 19. In 32:419 Jacobite, The. (C. D.) In F. M. 3.. ..In 32:53 Same. In L. P. 14 In 32:414 Jenkinses, The. (F.) In L. P. 8 In 32:408 KiMi Charming; or, The blue bird of paradise. (C Fairy B.) In V. M. 9 In 32:58 Same. In L. P. 19 In 32:419 Kino Christmas. (Fancy-full morality.) In L. p, 95 In 32:495 Kino of the Peacocks, The. (E.) In L. P. 19. In 32:419 Knights of the Round Table, The. (D.) In L. p. is In 32:415 Lady in difficulties, A. (CD.) In L. P. 21. In 32:421 Lavater the physiognomist; or, Not a bad judge. (C D.) In F. 8. 40...... In 82:148 Loan of a lover, The. (V.) In F. M. l...In 32:51 Same. In L. P. 9 In 32:409 Lovk and fortune. (D. Tab.) In L. P. 42. In 32:442 Mason of Buda, The. (O.) In P. 9 In 32:193 Same. In S. P. 4 In 32:204 Mr. lluckstone's ascent of Mt. Parnassus. (E.) In I,. P. io In 32:410 Mr. Buckstone's voyage round the globe (in Leicester Square.) (E.) In L. P. 15 In 32:415 My great aunt. (C.) In L. P. 20 In 32:420 .My heart's idol. (C.) In L. P. 20 In 32:420 My lord and my lady. (C.) In L. P. 52. In 32:452 Mysterious lady, The. (C.) In L. P. 8. In 32:408 New Haymarket spring meeting. (Easter E.) In Ij. p. 22 1» 32:422 Norma. Rendered from the Italian. In L. P. 32. In 32:432 Not a bad judge. (C. D.) In L. P. 8. ..In 32:408 ObBBOS. lO.) In L. P. 59 In 32:459 Old offender, An. (CD.; In L. P. 41.. ..In 32:441 Once upon a time, there were two kings. (E.) In L. P. 13 In 32:413 Orphei's in the llavmarket. (O.-buttb.) In L. P. 68 • In 32:468 Pride of the market, The. (C. D.) In F. M. 2. In 32:52 Same. In L. P. 20 In 32:420 Printer's devil, The. (F.) In F. S. 43. In 32:149 Promotion. (V.) In L. P. 21 In 32:421 Same. In F. M. 21 In 32:04 Queen of the frogs, The. (E.) In L. P. 19. In 32:419 Queen Mary's bower. (C.) In L. P. 20. In 32:420 Returned "killed." (F.) In L. S. 4...In »32:525 Pvomantic idea, A. (C. D.) In L. P. 21. In 32:421 Seven champions of Christendom, The. (Sp.) In LP. 21 In 32:421 Sleeping beauty in the wood. (E.) In L. P. 19. In 32:419 Somebody else. (F.) In F. M. 29 In 32:08 Same. In L. P. 11 In 32:411 Theseus and Ariadne. (E.) In L. P. 19. In 32:419 Planche, J. R., (continued.) — White cat, The. (E.) In L. P. 24 In 32:424 Young and handsome. (E.) In L. P. 29. In 32:429 — adapter. See Garrick, David. Cymou and Iphigenia. — and Dance, Charles. Blue Heard. (B.) In L. P. 19 In 32:419 Deep, deep sea, The. (B.) In L. P. 41..In 32:441 ■ Olympic devils; or, Orpheus and Eurvdice. (15.) In L. P. 41 '.In 32:441 Olympic revels; or, Prometheus and Pandora. (B.) In L. P. 41 In 32:441 Telemachus; or, The island of Calvpso. (E.) In L. P. 51 .In 32:451 Platen, August von. Gl-Iserne Pantoft'el, Der. (C.) In G. W. 3. In 56:981 Lioa von Cambrai, Die. (II. D.) In G. W. 4. In 56:982 Neuen Propheten, Die. (Na.) In G. W. 3. In 56:981 Romantische (Edipus, Der. (L.) In G. W. 4. In 56:982 Si'iiatz des Rhampsinit, Der. (L.) In G. W. 3. In 56:981 Thurm mit sieben Pforten, Der. (L.) In G. AV. 3. In 56:5*81 Treue urn Treue. (Sch.) In G. W. 3....In 56:981 VERHilNGNissvoLLE Gabel. (L.) In G. W. 4. In 56:982 Plautus, Marcus Accius. Amphitruo. See Amphitryon. Amphitryon; or, Jupiter in disguise. Lat. (C.) In ComceditB 1. (Naudet.) In*l:3412 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Henry T. Rilev. In Com. 2 .In 1:3870 Asinaria ; or. The ass-dealer. Lat (C.) In Comoidiaj 1. (Naudet.) In «1:34!2 Same. Hug. Literal, with notes by Henry T. Riley. In Com. 1 '. In 1:3875 Aui.ularia; or, The concealed treasure. (C.) In Coma'disel. (Naudet.) In •1:3112 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Henry T. Riley. In Com. 1 In 1:3875 Bacchides; or, The twin sisters. Lat. (O.) In Conned isa 1. (Naudet.) In •1:3412 Same. Lat. In Comcediie 1. ( Ritsrhl.)...In 1:3516 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes bv Henry T. Rilev. In Com. 1 '. In 1:3875 Captivi: the captives. Lai. (C.) In Connediaj 1. (Naudet.) In *1:3412 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes bv Henrv T. Rilev." In Com. 1 ." In 1:3875 Casina ; or, The stratagem defeated. Lai. (C.) In Coma'diie 1. (Naudet.) In •1:3412 Same. Kng. Literal with notes by Henry T. Riley. In Com. 2 .'in l:387'e Cisteli.aria ; or, The casket. Lat. (C.) In Comredise 2. (Naudet.) In •1:3413 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Henry T. Riley. In Com. 2 '. .In 1:3876 Curculio; or, The forgery. Lat. (C.) In Com- ccdi:e2. (Naudet.) In •1:3413 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes bv Henry T. Rilev. In Com. 1 .". In »1:3875 Epidicus; or, The fortunate discovery. Lat. (C.) In Conuediie 2. (Naudet.) In •1:3413 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Henry T. Riley. In Com. 2 '. In 1:3876 Men.echini; or, The twin brothers. Lat. (C.) In Comcediie 2. (Naudet.) lu *1;8413 Same. Lat. In Comcedia.' 2. (Ritschl.)In *1:3517 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Henry T. Kiley. In Com. 1 In 1:3875 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Tiik. Drama. A I I IMiltS. Plautus, M. A., (continued.) — Mbrcator; the merchant /."(. (C.) In Com- oedin -'. i.Naudet.i ...An '1: Same. Lat. [n C dite 3. (Bitiohl.)"- In 1:3518 Same. £«#. Literal, with notes by Bear] 'I'. Riley, In Cum. J.'. Ail 1: Milks gloriue.ua. /."/. (0.) I" Ootnoadisi 2, (Naudet) In »1:8418 game. Lut. In ConuBdisi 1. (RitaohL) In 1:8516 Same. Hag. Literal, with notes l> v Henry 'I'. Riley. In i',,rn. 1 1" 1: Mostku.auia ; or. The haunted house. Lai. id In Comcedite'i. (Naudet.) 1" ®1:'<413 game. Lat. In Comcediaj J. | i:itsohl.l...ln 1:3511 .Same. Eny. Literal, with notes hy Henry T. Riley, hi Com. 3 In 1:3H75 I' Kits \, the Persian. l,at. (C.) In Coimedia ! 2. (Naudet. In »1: game. tat. In Oomoadia? 3. (Ritschl.)..In 1:8548 Same. Kng. Literal, with notes by Henry I. Riley. In Com. 2 1» 1:3875 I'.lMM's; the young Carthaginian. Lut. C In Oo (Naudet.) In , 1:34H Same. V'.'/»;. Literal, with notes by Henry T. Riley. In Com. 2.. In 1: Past dou 8, or, The cheat. Lat. (0.) In Com- a,:,- 3. I Sanded In 1:3414 Same. Lat. In Coinieilhe 2. ( Ritsclil. 1..I11 1:8517 Sa E)uj. Literal, with notes b) Henry T. Riley. In Coin. 1 'in 1:3876 Hi I'Kns, the fisherman's rope. Lat. (C.J In Com.eo.iie ;;. 1 Naudet.) In *l:34l 1 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Henry T. Riley. In Coin. 2 .'. .In l:387« Stu 'ill's; or. The parasite rebuffed. Lut. (C.) In C idia 3. (Naudet.) In *1:3414 Same. Lai. In Coumadin 3. 1 Kitsihl. 1 ... i n 1:3617 Same. Eng. Literal, with note- by lienry T. Riley. In Com. 1 In 1 Tkimmmi s; the three pieees of money. I C. ) Lnt. In UomcBdiee 3. (Naudet) .In *1:3414 Same. Lat. In Comoediffl 1. 1 Hitsehl)...In 1:3616 Same. Eny. Literal, with notes by Henry T. Riley. In Com. 1*. In 1: 'l'mri'i. knits, the churl. Lat. (C.) In Coincediie 3. 1 N. •unlet. 1 Ill »1:8414 Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Henry T. Riley. In Com. 2 Ill 1:3876 ComiKIM.v: emu seleetis variorum notis et novis commeiitariis Durante •)• Naudet. Paris. 1830-2. 4 v. 8° *1:3412-16 Comikoi k. K\ recensions et cum apparatu critico Priderioi Bitsobelii. Accedunt prolegomena v. 8° 1:3875-6 Plays. [A collection of playa by different authors bound in 13 vols., with no title" page.] 1G°..32: ls.".-*.i7 Plays for private acting translated from the French and Italian. By members of the Believue Club of Newport. New YorU. 1878. 12°, 1 Leisure Hour Series, No. 00) 82:199 nil : liv the 1 rnille. -Ernst l.'.eu v,'. Cardie : Qustav Haog. I»i, ( ,r IS lOCked.— itSOU SlI'Klls.i'. First love i.tt.-r, The.— Jacques su r, Plouvier, Edouard, joint author. Set BabrioBK, Theodor... Angel nf Midnight. Plowman, T. F. Aris and Oalatsaa ; nr, The beau I the belle 1! and the blacksmith ! 1 1 (B.) [nL.P.91 hi 32: en Plunkett, Henry (iratton. Minerali, The; or, The dying gift. (K. D.) In F. S. 19 In 32:1':; Same. In L. P. 74 In 32:»Tl PocOck, I-aac. Anytiiim. new. I Ms. P.) 1 11 8. P. B.In Q'A Kok England hoi 1 M. O.) In P. 6\...In 32:190 John of Paris. In s. P. 1 In 32:201 Libertine, The. (O.i Pounded on the story of Don .lunn. Music from Mozart's Don Giovanni. Adapted by Mr. Bishop. In S. P. f, In 32:205 M ami and the magpie. (D.| Adapted from the French. In L. P. 87 In 82:481 Miller and his men. The. (M.) In P.8.25. In 32:i40 Ron Roy Macgregor; or, A'nld langsvne. |C P.) In P.8. 11 ......in 32:131 Same. In L. P. 3 In 32:4n:i Same. In 1 In L. P. 89 In 82:489 Twxhty years ago. (M. Bn.) In P. CJ..I11 32:lt'6 Yi:sorno? 1 Ms. F.i InP.lt In 32:!^ Zkmbocaj or, The net maker and his wife. D. R.) In 8. P. 8 In 82:203 Poe, Kdgar Allan. SCBHKS from I'olitian. 1 An unpublished drama.) In W. 2 In 34:18:12 Phole, E. s.m usks iii Preussen. ((ieurebild mit Gesang.) In T.aS8 In 82:2248 Vkiitolotk Unschuld, Fine. ( Po. mit (osang.) In T. 0.23 In 32:^ii : > Zaiinsoiimkii/k.v. (Sehw. mit Gesang.) In T. 0. 49 In 82:2360 Poisson, Raymond. Uaiion de In Crasse, Le. (C.) In Oontemporains de Moliere 1 In 32:1775 F.\r\ Muscovites, Lea. (Ci In Contemporalns de Moliere 1 Ill 32:177a PoStb basque, Le. (C) In Contemporains de Moliere 1 In 32:177:, Pompignan, Le Franc de. DlDOH. (T.) In Che!'s-d'o-uvre tragic de Kotroil etc .—In 82:1860 Ponsard, Francois. Ao\es de Meraiuie. Trage*die. Paris. 1866. 16°. 32: Bot-itsK, La. Coimalie. Paris. 1866. 16°... 82:1883 1 1, qui plait au\ t'emmes. Paris. I860. I6°-32:1881 CiiMtt.oiTK Cordav. Tra^'.'die. Paris. 1867. 10°. 32:188-: lloNNKfit et 1'argent Comedie. Paris. 1868. 16°. 82:1884 Houai-k et Lvdie. (TJne ode d'Horuce.) Comedie Paris. I860. 16* 32:188.-. Lion amoureux, Le. Comedie. Paris. 1869. 16°. 32:1880" PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 64 Authors. Ponsard, F., (continued.)— Same. Ger. (Verliebte Lowe, Der.) Bv Aug. Fowter. In N. W. T. 38 In 32:2208 Lucrcce. Tragedie. Paris. 1856. 16° 32:1887 Ulysse. Tragedie. n. t. p. 16° 32:1888 See Mekivalk, H. C. Son of the soil. Poole, John. Deaf as n post. In P. M. 8 In 32:58 Same. In L. P. 14 In 32:414 Delicate attentions. (F.) In P. 4... .In 32:188 Hami.et travestie: in three acts. With burlesque annotations, after the manner of Dr. Johnson and George Steevens, and the various commentators. .N. Y. Reprinted for private distribution. 1866. 4°. •83:3205 Same. In L. P. 10 32:410 Intrigue; or, The Bath road. (C. I.) In L. P. 54. In 32:454 Married and single. (C.) In F. S. 10... In 32:130 Matchmaking. (P. C.) From the French. In L. P. 27 In 32:427 My wife!— what wife? (F.) In L. P. 96. In 32:490 Part and present ; or, The hidden treasure. (D.) Adapted from the French. In L. P. 90.... In 82:496 Paul Prv. (C.) InF.S. Hi In 32:130 Same. In L. P. 15 In 32:415 Scan Mag; or, The village gossip. (F.) In S. P. 8. In 82:208 Scapegoat, The. (F.) In L. P. 98 In 82:498 Same. In L. S. 4 In *82:526 Simpson and Co. (C.) In F. S. 8 In 32:128 Same. In L. P. 74... In 32:474 Soldier's courtship, A. (C.) In F. M. 33. In 32:70 Turning the tables. (F.) In L. P. ll.Jn 32:211 Same. In L. P. 40 In 32:440 'Twould puzzle a conjuror. (C. D.) In F. M. 8. In 82:56 Same. In L. P. 14 In 32:414 Wife's stratagem, The. (C.) In P. 13..In 82:197 Porter, Henry. Two angrie women of Abington, The. (0.) In Percy Soc. Pub. 5 , In •81:3189 Poujol, Adolphe, joint author. See Auiuqny. The green man. Power, Tyrone. Born to good luck. (F.) Adapted from '•False and true." In F. M. 6 In 32:56 Same. In L. P. 2 In 32:102 How to pay the rent. (F.)' In F. M. 1 ...In 32:51 Married lovers. (P. C.) In P. !i In 82:193 Same. In S. P. 4 In 32:204 Paddy Carey; or, The boy of Clogheen. (I.) In F. M. 9 In 32:58 Same. In L. P. 26 In 32:426 St. Patrick's eve. (D.) In F. M. 2 In 32:52 Pratt, William W. Ten nights in a bar-room. (D.) Dramatized from T. S. Arthur's novel. In F. S. 43 In 32: 1 4!i Prebois ( I'rau,) joint author. See Barricri:, The- odore. Criifin von Somerive. Prehauser, Gottlieb. Hanswurst der traurige Kiichelbacker and sein Freund in der Noth. In N. W. T. 66... In 32:2214 Prest, Thomas Prescott. .Miser of Shoreditch, The. (D.) In L. P. 18. In 32:418 Preston, Thomas. Thau ed Y of Cambises, king of Persia, The. In II. K. D. 1 .'. It. *32:324 Prevel, .Jules, joint author. See Abraham, Smile. Les parents de province. Prutz, Robert. Erich der Bauernkonig. (Sch.) In D. W. 2. In 32:2542 Karl von Bourbon. (Sch.) In D. W. 1. In 32:2541 Moritz von Sachsen. (T.) In D. W. 2. In 32:2542 Nach Leiden, Lust. (C.) In D. W. 1. In 32:2541 Dramatische Werke. Leip. 1847-9. 4 v. 16° 32:2541-2 Putnam, Mary Lowell. Traoedy of errors. Bost. 1862. 16° 32:985 Tragedy of success. Bost. 1862. 16°.. ..32:986 Quinault, Philippe. Amant indiscret, L'. (C.) In Contemporains de Moliere 1 In 32:1775 Quincy, Josiah Phillips. ■ Charicles: a dramatic poem. Bost. 1856. 12°. 32:988 Lyteria: a dramatic poem. Bost. 1855. 12°. 32:989 Quinet, Edgar. Ahasverus. (D.) In (E. c. 7 In 56:3567 Esclaves, Les. (D.) In 05. c. 8 In 56:3568 Promctiice. In (E. c. 8 In 56:3568 Racine, Jean. Alexandre le grand. (T.) In T. c.In 32:1900 Same. In (E. P. 1 In 32:1901 Andromaque. (T.) T. c In 32:1900 Same In (E. P. 1 In 32:1901 Same. In (E. choisies In 32:1904 Athalie. (T.) In T. c In 32:1900 Same. In Rake's progress, The. (D.) In L. P. 32. In 32:432 Sixteen-string Jack. (R. D.) In F. S. 25. In 32:140 Skeleton witness, The; or, The murder at the mound I Dom. D.) In F. S. 25 In 32:140 Reece, R. ISiiown and the Brahmins; or, Captain Pop and the P ri nce s s Pretty-eyes. (Oriental Us.) Pounded on "Tho illustrious stranger." In L. P. 82. In 82:482 Dora's device. (C.) In L. P. 90 In32:4t0 I.m>v of tin- lake plaid in a new tartan. Pounded mi Scott's | in. In I,. P. 71 In 32:471 I, ill i.k l!i. bin Hood; or. Quite a new beau. (Anti- historiciil lis. i In I.. 1'. 91 In 82:491 Pao,uita; or, Love in a frame. (CO.) In L. P. 94. In 32:494 1'erfect love. (Spectacular fairy P.) In L. P. 90. In 82:490 Prometheus; or, Tho man on the rock. (K.l In L. P. 68 Tn 82:468 Romulus and Remus, (daseioal lis.) In I,. P. 97. in 82:497 Reece, R., (continued.) — Stranger, Tho: stranger than ever. 1' E. 1 Iii I.. P. B3.: Iii 32: 182 Very last davs of Pompeii, The. (Chi.-sical I!-.) In L P. 95 In 82:496 Win 1 1 inc. ion, junior, and his sensation cat. (Original civic lis.) In L. P. 89 In 32:489 Reed, Joseph. Register office, The. (K.) In I. B. P. 2. In 82:393 Same. In I,. S. 4 In •82:526 Reeve, Wybert. " I love you ! " (Ca.) in L. P. 98 In 32:498 Never reckon your chicken*, &0. (F.) In L. P. 9.'.. In 82:498 Not so bad after all. (C.) In L. P. 88. In 82:488 Obliging a friend. (F.) In L. P. 98..In 82:498 Pike O'Callaghan; or, The Irish patriot. (I). ) In L. P.87 In 32:txT True as steel. (CJ In L. P. 92 In 32: 192 Won at last. (C. D.) In L. P. 87 In 32:487 Regnard, Jean- Francois. Bal, Le. (C.) In T In 32:1908 Distrait, Le. (C.) In T In 82:1008 Folies amoureuses, Les. (C.) In T... In 82:1908 Jot-Kilt. I.e. (0.) In T In 32:1908 Same. With English notes. In Masson's French Classics VI 1:4132 I.i'iiataire universal, Lo. (C.) lnT....In 32:1908 Mc.nkciimes, Les; ou, Les jumeaux. (C.) In T. In 32:19ns Retour imprevu, Le. In T In 32:1908 TnwUre, suivi do ses voyages en Lnpoiiic, in Pologne, etc., et de la Provcii<;ale. Paris. Is.",.".. 12°.'. 32:1908 Reiss, Friedrich. Doctor Robin. (L.) From the French. In K. A. f. L.-B. 6 In 32:2082 Reitzenstein, Charles van. Count Konigsmark. Trans, by Benj. Thompson. In T. G. T. 6 In 82:686 Same In 82:989 Renrog, . Julia und Romeo. (T.) In D. T. 9~In 82:2069 Reuter, C. Fidei.es Gefangniss; oder, Der Process. (Schw.) In T. C. 59 In 82:2253 Reuter, Fritz. See Gassmann. Th. and Krugek, J. Aus der Franzosonzeit. Inspecktor Ilriisig. See Gorss, (iustav. Die Bratpfanne. See Kruoer, J. Inspektor Briisig in Berlin. Reymond, M. Culturkami'K in der Bronze, fiir betters Natur- forscher und verwandte Gemiither. Bern. 1877. 12° 32:2553 Reynolds, Frederick. Bridal ring. The. |M.) In P. 2 In 32:186 Caravan, The ; or, The driver and his dog. (S.-C. R.) Music b\ William Reeve. In P. 3..I n' 32: 1 *7 Same. In 8. P. 11 In 32:211 Dki.ino.uent ; or, Seeing company. i('.i In I. M. T. 2 In 32:372 Dramatist, The; or, Stop him who can. (C.) In I. B. T. 20 In 32 Exile, The. (C.) In S. P. 10 In 32:210 Foiuink's fool. (C.) InfL M. T. 2...In 82:»?a Folly as it flies. (C.) In I. M. T. 2... In 82:972 How to grow rich. (C.) In I. M. T. 1 ...In 32:371 Lai'iiii when you can. (C.) In I. M. T. 2. In 32:372 Life. (C.) In I. M.T.I In 32:371 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 66 Authors. Reynolds, F., (continued.) — NOTOKIBTY. (C.) In 1. M. T. 1 In 32:371 [Urns, The. '(C) In I. M. T. 1 In 82:371 Uk.xku w,e, The. (II. I), i Founded on Drvden's •• Don Sebastian, King of Portugal." In S. P. 3. In 32:203 Speculation. (C.) In I. M. T. 2 In 32:372 Wektek. (T.) In I. M. T. 3 In 32:373 Will, The. (0.) In I. M. T. 1 In 32:371 Reynoldson, T. H. Eusib d'amour, L'. (O.) In L. P. 37... In 32:437 Rhodes, T. B. Bombast es Furioso. (15s. 0.) In F. Iff. 5. In 32:55 Same. In L. P. 3 In 32:403 Rice, C. Three guardsmen, The. (D.) In F. 8. 18. In 32:137 Three musketeers, The; or, The queen, the cardi- nal and the adventurer. (D.) Founded on Dumas' romance. In L. P. 17 In 32:417 Richardson, J. Fugitive, The. (0.) In I. M. T. 8. ...In 32:378 Rinuccini, Ottavio. Dakni:, La. In T. I. A. 8 In 56:5517.8 Ritchie, Anna Cora. See Mowatt, Anna Cora. Roberts, George. Ample apology, An. (F.) In L. P. (36...In 32:406 Behind the curtain. (D.) In L. P. 90... In 32:490 Cousin Tom. (Ca.) In L. P. 58 In 32:458 F/)Rty winks. (Ca.) In F. M. 40-41. ..In 32:74 Same. In L. P. 57 In 32:457 Idalia; or, The adventuress. (D.) In L. P. 76. In 32:176 Three furies, The. (Ca.) In L. P. 66. ..In 32:466 I'nder the rose. (F.) In L. P. 57 In 32:457 Robertson, Thomas William. Birds of prey; or, A duel in the dark. (D.) In L. P. 93 In 32:493 Cantab, The.' (F.) In L. P. 50 In 82:450 Half caste, The; or, The poisoned pearl, i D.) Adapted from the French. In L. P. 07... In 82:497 Jocrisse the juggler. (D.) In L. P. 51. In 32:451 Not at all jealous. (F.) In L. P. OL.In 32:40! PEACE at any price. (F.) Adapted from the French. In L. P. 95 In 32:405 Society. (C.) Iii L. P. 71 In 32:471 Star of the north. (D.) Adapted from the French. In L. P. 93 In 32:403 See Scribe, Eugene, and LEuouve, Ernst. Ladies' Imttle. The. and Lacy, Thomas Hailes. Two gay deceivers; or, Black, white and grey. (F.) In L. P. 33. In 32:433 Robinson, Dr. J. H. Nick Whiffles. (I).) In F. S. 44-45. ..In 32:150 Robinson, N. Miss Tihhet's hack hair. (F.) In L. P. 90. In 32:400 Eobson, W .1 Love ami loyalty. (P.) In F. S. 32. ..In 32:144 Kodney, Robert Burton. Pay-day at Babel. With Odes In 31:1425 Rodwell, O. Herbert. Chimney piece, The. (F.) In P.3.... In 32:187 Same. In 8. P. » In 32:202 I'll he your second. (F.) In L. P. 3..1n 32: I(i3 My wife's out. (F.) In L. P. 45 In 32:445 Teddy the tiler. (F.) In F. M. 24 In 32:66 Same. In L. P. 81 In 32:4*1 Was I to blame? (F.) In L. P. 32. ...In 32:432 Rodwell, Thomas G. .More blunders than one. (F.) In F. M. 23. In 32:65 Same. In L. P. 27 In 32:427 Yorxo widow, The. ( F.) In L. P. 22... In 32:422 Rogers, William. .Muiu'Hy's weather almanac. (F.) In S. P. 2. In 32:202 Rose, George. Dark cloud, The. In L. P. 57 In 32:457 How will they get out of it? (C.) In li. P. 64. In 32H64 Rosen, .Julius. Alib Bfinden. (Sebw.) In G. D. W. 2. In 32:2555.2 Bacio, II. (Schw.) In G. D. W. L.In 32:2555.1 Ji.isE Welt, Die. (L.) In G. D W. 3. In 32:2555.3 Citronen. (L.) In G. D. W. IO..I11 32:2555.10 Comi'romittirten, Die. (L.) In G. I). W. 1. In 32:255;,. 1 Damoklks-Sciiwert, Das. (Schw.) In G. D. W. 11 In 32:2555.11 DeTTTOOHEB Krieg. (L.) In G. D. W. 9. In 32:2555.9 Exgkl, Ein. (Schw.) In G. D. W. 5..In 32:2555.5 Erste Narrenabend, Der. In G. D. W. 5. In 32:2555.5 Faullenzer. (Schw.) In G. D. W. 8.1n 32:2555.8 Feinde. (L.) In G. I). W. 7 In 32:2555.7 Fromme Wiinsche. (L.) In <;. D. W. 6. In 32:2555.6 Garibaldi. (Schw.) In G. D. \V. I .In 32:2555.1 Grosse Wurf, Der. (L.) In G. I). W. 11. In 32:2555.11 Held der Reclame, Kin. (Po.) In G. I). VV. 5. In 32:2555.6 IIemd des Glucklichen, Das. (Schw.) In G. D. W. 7 In 32: 255.',. 7 Hohe Politik. (L.) InG. D.W. 1....I11 32:2555.1 leu verbrenne meine Sehwiegennutter. iSehw.) In G. D. W. 8 In 32:2555.8 Im Sehlafe. (Schw.) InG. I). W. 3..1n 32:2555.3 Innere Stimme, Fine. (L.) In G. 1). W. 4. In 32:2555.4 Kanonenfutter. (L.) In G. W. D. 2. In 32:2556.2 Keixe Kinder. (L.) In G. D. W. 6. In 32:2555.6 Kinder uni jeden Preis. (Schw.) In G. I). W. 10. In 32:2555.10 Knotf, Ein. (L.) In (;. D. W. 2..I11 32:25.,-, 2 Maroaretiik und der Doktor. (Gcnrebild.) In G. D. W. 9 In 32:2655.9 Meix Bruder. (Schw.) In G. D. W. 0. In 32:2555.9 NiicusTEN Hausfrau, Des. (L.) In G. I). W. 3. In 32:2555.3 Nullex. (L.) In G. D. W. 4 In 32:2555.4 O diese Miinner! (L.) In G. D. VV. 11. In 32:2555.11 Quartette, Ein. (Sz.) InG. D. W. 8. In 32:2555.8 Si'iH.ECiiTER Mcnsch, Ein. (L.) In G. D. VV. 2. In 32:2555.2 Scm'ixsTE Naso, Die. (Po.) In G. D. W. '■'. In 32:2565.9 Sciiui.DEN. (L.) Iii G. D. W. 3... .In 32:2555.3 Schutzoeist, Ein. (Po.) In G. D. W. 10. In 32:2555.10 Sciiweicex ist Gold. (Schw.) In G. D. AV. 4. In 82:2655.4 ScinvEKK Zeiten. (L.) In G. D. VV. 8. In 32:2555.8 Sein Einziges. (Schw.) In G. D. VV. 4. In 32:2555.4 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 67 Author*. Rosen, J., (continued.) — Tki rtx, Bin. (Schw.) In G. D. v7. 8. In 8S;2655.6 I'siKit (Icm Mlkroakop. 1 Siime. In B. B.T. 3 In 82:268 Same. In B. B.T. 12 In *82:229 Same. In I. B.T. 10 In 82:360 Same. In |„ S. 3 In 32:-">24 Iiv-ks. (T.) In B. B. T. 18 In 32:268 joint author. See I.ksi.ik, Henry. Orange girl, The. Rowley, Thomas. .F.i.i.a. (T.l.i In W. of the British poet* II. In 81:50 Same. In Chnttcrton's P. W. 1 In 31 :■'■''■ 7 (ioimwYN. (T.) In W. of the Britbh poet* II. In 81:89 Same. In Chattel t,.n - I'. \V. 2 In 31: Ttn knamkni. The. (I.i In Chatterton'i 1*. W. 2. In 81:664 — and Is. hi, John. I' mii.vamks ik of aprytes, The. (I.) In Chut - terton'i l'. \\ . 2 '. In 81:601 Rowley, William. Match at midnight, A. In I). <>. P. 7. In 82:207 Nkw wonder (A 1 a woman never vext. (O.) In (). K. P. 5 In 32:17a joint author. See IIkywooii, Thomas. I-'oraine hy land and sea. joint author. See Middi.kton, Thomas. Span- ish gipay. The. joint, author. See Wkiistkr, John. Thrncian wonder, The. mid DeCKBB, Thomas and Ford, John. Witch ot Edmonton, The. (T. O.) In Ford's W. 3 A Same In Ford'- \V. 2 In 82:387 Same. I11O. I) In 32:5.11 Roxas. Francesco de. .SVpYkha, Lope de. Rucellai, Giovanni. (iKKsiK. L'. (T.) In T. I. A. 2 In 66:6517.2 Kosa.mi m.a. La. (T.) In T. 1. A. 1. In 56:">2 17.1 Riickert, Friedrich. Cristoi kro Colombo. (D. Gedieht.) In G. P. \\ . 10 In 81:1446 IIkiiodks der Grosse. (D. Gedieht.) In G. 1'. \V. 9 In 31:1444 K wsr.R Heiiirich IV. (D. Gedieht.) InO. P. Vv'. 10 In 81:1446 Sail and David. (D.) In G. P. W. 9J[n 31:1 111 Ryan, D. L. (I.m: ton many. (F.) In L. P. 97 In 32:4!>7 Ryan, R. Everybody's husband. (F.) In L.P.92_In 32:482 S.— F... nlitiir. Oi'i-'Kit. Kin; oder. Die Juristerei als Gcsohlift. (T.) Naeh dem Roman Otto Walater's "Am Web- stuhl derZeit." Zurich. 1876. 16°. (SocialistUcbe Theaterstiieke .'!).. »B;253.0 Saavedra, .Miguel de Cervantes. Ni mamma. La. (T.) In T. E. 1 A Tbato de Argel, XL (C.) In T. K. 1 "A Sachs, Hans. Bavr in dim fegfeaer, Der. (P. Sp.) In Diehtungen 3 In 81:1468 Caron mit den abgeechidnen geisten. (T.) In Diehtungen 3 In 81:1458 Ki i.KN>i'iK(iKL mit den blinden, I) r. (P. Sp.) In Diehtungen 3 In 31:1458 FORTUHAT08 mit dem wunsehseckel, Der. (T.) In Diehtungen 3 In 31:1458 (ii m 1. inn me! gehorwm markgrefln Grisolda, Die. if. 1 In Diehtungen 3 .'." In 31: Hnsz Kvmii. Da-. 1 F. Sp. In N. W. T. C4. In 82:22)3 BoTaaSTJfT Veneris, Das. (P. Sp.) In Dieh- tungen 3 In 31:1 158 IliiitNKN Seil'rit. eiii son kiinig Sigmunts im Niderlant. IT.) In Diehtungen 3.- In 31:1458 .li'Mi witfrau Francisea, Die. (C.) In Dieh- tungen 3 Tn 81:1458 I; '. KKssTiniic, Die. (F. Sp.) In Diehtungen 8. In 81:1468 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 68 Authors. Sachs, H., {continued.) — Tki'Fkl mit dem alten weib, Der. (F. Sp.) In Dichtungen 3 In 31:1458 Unoleichen kinder Eve, Die. (C.) In Dich- tnngen 3 In 31:1458 Wiltbad, Das. (F. Sp.) Iii Dichtungen 3. In 3i:i458 Sackville, Thomas. (LordBuckhur.it.) and Norton, Thomas. FIBRES and Porrex. In D. O. P. 1 In 32:291 Saint- fivremond, Charles de Marquetel de Saint- Denis. Acatikmicikns, Les. In (E. choisies...In 56:5086 Saint John, John. .Mary, queen of Scots. (T.) In S. P. 7..In 32:207 Same. In I. M. T. 8 In 32:378 Saint-Remy . See Morny', Charles-Auguste-Louis- Joseph, due de. Salingre, H. Besorgt mid aufgehoben! (Po. mit Gesang.) In T. C. 89 In 32:2258 Fur's Theater lass ich'mein Leben! (Schw. mit Gesang.) In T. C. 34 In 32:2247 Gespenst um Mitternaeht, Das. (Po.) In T. 0. 27. In 32:224G Salmberg, \. Wer ist der Herr Pfarrer? (L.) In T. C. 52. In 32:2251 Salmon, •). Old and young; or. Both alike. (C.) In F. S. 36. In 32:146 Salviati, Lionardo. Spina, La. (C.) In C. I. 156 In •66:5402.1 Gran-ohio, II. (C.) In 0. I. 150...In *56:5492.1 Sand, George, (pseud.) See Dudevant, Mme. Sandeau, Jules, joint author. See Auqier, Eraile. Chasse au roman, La. Gendrc de M. Poirier. Pierre de touehe. Sands, Robert C. Isaac: a type of the redeemer. In W. 1. In 34:1904 Sanese, Niccolo Campani. Coi.tei.lino. (C.) InT. I. A. IO...I11 *56:5517.10 Sanftleben, G. Dir wie mir; oder, Dem Herrn ein Glas Wasser. (Schw.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 17 In 32:2084 Sardou, Victorian. Fernande. (Pariser Sittenbild.) Trans, bv Ed- uard Mautner. In N. W. T. 21 In 32:2205 — and Decorcelle, Adrien. Marcel. (D.) In N. W. T. 25 In 32:2205 — and Gille, Philippe. Prijjz Conti. (K. O.) Music by Charles Lecocq. In N. W. T. 56 In 32:2212 Sauer, F. A. Morpgeschichte, Eine; oder, Raucht es vielleicht bci Ihnen? (Schw.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 40. In 32:2088 Toilbtten-Gkheimniss, Ein; oder, Du bist blass Louise? (L.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 34 In 32:2087 Ungi.uc ks -Bare. (Schw.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 45. In 32:2089 Weihliciie Consequenz. (D. K.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 50 In 32:2090 Saunders, Charles H. Pirate's legacy, The; or, The wrecker's fate. (D.) In F. 8. 41 ." In 32:148 Rosina Meadows, the village maid; or, Tempta- tions unveiled. (Dura. D.) Adapted from "William B. English's novel of same name. In F. S. 30. In 32:143 Saurin, Bernard-Joseph. Moeurs du temps, Les. (C.) In Auteurs eomi- ques 6 In 32:1506 Spartacus. (T.) In Chefs-d'oeuvre T..In 32:1560 Saville, J. F. Miller's maid, The. (M.) In F. If. 12. In 32:60 Saville, Louis ron. Advokat seiner Ehre, Der. (Lebensbild.) In K. V. S.-B. 9 In 32:2172 An der Grenze. (Genrebild mit Gesang.) Music by A. Lang. In K. A. f. L.-B. 90 In 32:2098 Dienstbotkn, Die; oder, Am hSuslichen Hcerd. (Schw.) In T. C. 37 : In 82:2248 Herr Dr. Griinberg empfiehlt sich! (Po.) After the Polish. In K. A"f. L.-B. 105 In 32:2101 Lilie und Lilienknicker; oder, Dutch Miicken und Gedanken. (Schw.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 60. In 32:2094 Sayers, F. (M. D.) Descent of Frea, The. (Ma.) In Dramatic sketches of ancient Northern mythology In 32:996 Moina. (T.) In Dramatic sketches of ancient Northern mythology In 32:996 Starno. (T.) In Dramatic sketches of ancient Northern mythology In 32:996 Dramatic sketches of the ancient Northern myth- ology. Lond. 1790. sm. 4° 82:996 Schauer, Heinrich. Neue Pedell, Der. (L.) In K. T. 20..In 32:2075 Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedi'ich ran. Bkaut von Messina, Die; oder, Die feindlichen Briider. (T.) In C. T. B. 55 In 32:2011 Same In S. W. 5 In 56:1253 Same. In W. 6 In 56:1262 Same. In S. W. 5 In 56:1270 Cabale und Liebe. See Kahale und Liebe. Demetrius. In S. W. 7 In 56:1255 Same. In W. 12 In 56:1265 Same. Eng. By Henry G. Bohn. In "VV. 4. In 34:1930 Don Carlos, Infant von Spanien. (D. G.) In C. T. B. 26 In 32:2006 Same. In S. W. 3 In 56:1251 Same. In W. 3 In 56:1261 Same. In S. W. 3 In 56:1268 Same. Eng. By Benj. Thompson. In T. G. T. 5. In 32:589 Huldiguno der Kiinste, Die. (Lyrisches Sp.) In S. W. 6 In 56:1254 Same. In S. AV. 5 In 56:1270 Same. Eng. (Homage of the arts.) Bv 0. T. Brooks 31:100 Jungfrau von Orleans, Die. (T.) In C. T. B. 52. In 32:2011 Same. In S. "W. 5 In 56:1253 Same. In "W. 5 In 56:1262 Same. In S. W. 5 In 56:1270 Kabale und Liebe. (Biirgerliches T.) In C. T. B. 21 In 32:2005 Same. In S. "W. 2 In 56:1250 Same. In W. 2 In 56:l2i;7 Same. In W. 2 In 56:1260 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:1250 Same. Eng. (Love and intrigue.) By Henry G. Bohn. In W. 4 In 34:1930 Maria Stuart. (T.) In C. T. B. 47..In 32:2010 Same. In S. W. 5 In 56:1253 Same. In W. 5 In 56:1262 Same. In S. W. 4 In 56:1269 Mensciieneeind, Der. (Fr.) In W. 3..In 56:1261 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:1250 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Tiik Drama. 89 A i TH0B8 Schiller, 3, C. P. WW, (eon tinned.) — IV o.i.oMINI, Die < D. G.i In 0. T. H. 40. In 83:2008 Same. In VM In SO: I'^ni Sa In S. W. 4 In 58:1253 Same. In \V. 4 In 56:1269 Same. Bdited with an Introduction, commentary, index Hi' pi'i'Min* and places, and map of Germany, by James Morgan Hart. New York. 18TB, tq. W*. (German classics for American students.) 1:4218 Snme. Bug. By Samuel Taylor Coleridge. In Coleridge's P. W. 8 .' In 81:60! Same, In Coleridge'* \V. i In 34:1928 IMi iik.k, Die. (Sell.) In C. T. B. 5...In 32: Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:1250 Same. In W.J In 60:1261 Snme. In W. 2 In 66:1200 Same. Eng. In F. 8. 18 In 82:133 Sane-, Eng. By Henry G. Bolin. In \V. I. In 34:1930 Same. Eng. By Benjamin Thompson. In T. G. T. 5. In 32:589 Skmki.k. (D.G.) In S. \V. 2 In 56:12. r )0 Same. In \V. 1 In 56:1260 Same. In s. W. 1 In 56:1266 VgsscHwdBUNG dei Pieeoo zu Genoa, Die. (T.J In 0. T. II. .11 In 32: Same. In S. W. 3 In 56:1250 Sam.'. In W.2 In 66:1267 Snme. In VV. 1 In 56:1200 Same. Eng. (Fieeco; or, The Genoese conspiracy.) By Henry G. Bonn. In \V. 4 In 84:1930 Wallkkstkin's Lager. (D. G.) In C. T. B. 40. In 83:2008 Same. In W. 4 In 66:1269 Snme. In W. 4 '. In 56:1201 Sam.'. In S. W.4 In 56:1252 Same. Eng. (WaTlenatein's camp.) By James Churchill. In \\. 2 In 84:1928 Wai.i.knm 1,1.x 's Tod. (T.) In C. T. B. 41. In 32:2009 Same. In W.4 In 56:1269 Same. In W. I In 56:1261 Sam.'. In S. W.4 In 58:1253 Same. Eng. (Death of Wallenstein.) (T.) By Samuel Taylor Colcriuge. In Coleridge's P. W. ::. In 81:601 Same. In Coleridge's W. 2 In 84:1928 \\ aiuikck. In W. 12 In 56:1268 W11.11K1.M Tell. iSch.) In 0. T. B. 10. In 32:2004 Sam.'. In S. W. I! In 56:1254 Same. In Wo In 56:1202 Same.. In S. W. [ In 56:1270 Same. With an introduction and notes by A. Sachtleben. Edited by William Dwight Whitney. New York. [1877.] 1*2°. (Whitney's German texts No. II.) l:421.i Same. Eng. Bv Theodore Martin. In AV. &. in 84:1928 Same. Her. and Ens;. Translated by Rev. Edward Hatsie. Oxford. 1878. 16° 32:908 &«Gozzi, Carlo. Turandot.l'rinzcssin von China. .s>e PlOABS, Louis-Benoit. Nolle als Onkel. I'arasit, Der. Schlesinger, Sigmund. (iisiKi. von BlasewlU. In T. 0. 7'i...In 89:2258 1. 111KKALKK Candidal, Kin. (L.) In N. W. T. 11. In 82:2203 I.iski.ottk. (Genrebild.) In N.W.T. IS. In 83:3204 Mn.l.r F.der. In T. C. 11 In 83:2243 S. HWKSTKKN von Kudolstadt, Die. In N. W. T. II. In 83:2209 Wexn man nicht tanzt. (L.) In T. C. 66. In 83:2284 I Schmid, Cliristoph ron. B1.1 mknkkanz. D.r. (Sell.) In G. S. II. In 60:838 Kn ni.iKh. D-r. (Ma.) In G. S. 18 In 60:538 BrdbkKBBK, Di.-. iSili.i In (i. S. 18. In 59 Kmink l.aul. n.-pi. lorin, Die, 1 Sell, mit (iesiuig.) In Same. In W. 7 In 32:10(1" Same. In \V In 32:1008 Same. In W. 6. (Dyce.) In 32:1014 B«DM. InW. 14. (flalliwell.) *A Same. In W. 11. (Handy vol.) In 32:1001 Same. In \V. 4. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1074 Same. In \Y. lo. (Httdwn.) In 32:U0u Same, InTrag. 1. (Knight.) In 82:1123 Same. In Trug. 1. (Knight, piet. ed.)..In 32:1133 Same. In W.I. (Knight.) '..»A Same. In \\ . 6. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1140 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 1. (Phelps.) ..In 32: 1 l.'il Same. In W. 9. (Singer.) In 32:1179 Same. In \V. i. (Sb-i-vens.) *A Same. In W. iSteevens and Malone)...ln 82:1186 Same. In \V. l.">. (Johnson and Steevens. i In 83:1205 Same. In W. 18. i Johnson and Steevens. j In 82:1338 Same. In Reprint of lii>t folio of 1623 *A Same. New variorum edition, by Horace Howard Furness. Phil. 1877. Vols. ::'. and ::-. 8° 32:1034-5 Same. With introductory remarks; explanatory, grammatical, and philological notes, etc., by Samuel Neil. Lond. 1877. 10°. (Collins' School and college classics.) Same. Edited with notes, by William J. Rolfe. New York. 1878 82:1237 Same. Ger. In W. 0. (Schlegel and Tieek.) In 32:2570 Jui.ns Cesar. (T.) In P. S. 11 In 32:131 Same. In I. B.T.4.. In 32:344 Same. In L. P. 40 In 32:440 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 15 In 82:866 Same. In llnw.-' Shakespearian reader..In 32:1081 Same. In Hudson's School Shakespeare l.In 32:1110 Same. In Kemble's Shakespeare readings 1. In 32:1 1 15 Samo. In The Prince's Shakespeare. Ed. by D. Mat bias In 32:1156 Same. In \V. S Ill 32:1006 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In \V. 5. (I)vce.) In 32:1013 Same. In W. 13. I flalliwell.) »A Same. InW. 4. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1074 Same. In W . 8. i Hudson.) In 32:1098 Same. In Trag. 1. (Knight.) In 32:1123 Same. In Trag. 2. (Knight, pict. ed.)..In 32: 1134 Same. In ff.l (Knight) *A Same. InW.3. | Stratford ed.) In 32:1143 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. InW. 1. (Phelps.) In 82:1181 Same. In \V. (Rolfe.) In 32:1170 Same. In W. 7. (Steevens.) *A Same. InW. (Steevens and Malone.) In 32:1 180 Same. In W. 8. (Singer.) In 32:1178 Same. In W. 12. (Johnson and St. -evens. | In 32:1202 Same. In W. 10. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1226 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1023 *A •vSanie. (ier. llv F. A. Krais. In C. T. B. 103. In 32:2021 Same. Ger. In W. (Schlegel and Tieck.) 5. In 32:2569 Kino Edward III. (P.) In Doubtful plays. (Moltke.) In 32:1159 Same. In W. 2. (Knight.) *A Kinu Henry IV. Pt. I. (II. P.) In V. S. 10. In 32:130 Same. In I. B. T. 2 In 32:342 Same. In L. P. 37 In 32:437 Same. In Ox. N. K. D. 14 In 82:864 Same. Iii Hows' Shakespearian rcader.Jn 32:1081 Shakespeare, W., (continued.) — Same. In Hudson's School Sliake.-peare l.In 32:1110 Same. In Kemble's Shakespeare readings 2. In 32:1116 Same. In W. 3 In 32:1003 Same. In \V In 32:1008 Same. In W. 3. (Dyce.) In 32:1011 Same. In \V. 9. ( II alii well. ) *A Same. In W.6. (Handy vol.) In 32:ln50 Same. In W. 2. (lUzlitl. Lond.) In 83:1072 Same. In VV. 2. (Hazlitt. N. V.i In 32:1070 Same. In W. 5. (Hud.-on) In 82:1096 Same. In Hist. 1. (Knight.) In 32:1121 Same. In W. 1. (Knight.) *A Same. In W. 1. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1141 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. In W, ">. (Singer.) „ In 32:1175 Same. InW. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same. In W. 5. (Steevens.) *A Same. InW. (Steevens and Malone. )..In 32:1186 Same. In W. 8. (Johnson and Ste.-ven ;.) In 32:1198 Same. In W 1 1. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1221 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1023 *A Same. Ger. By Paul Heyse. In W. 8. ( Boden- stedt.) In 82:2563 Kino Henry IV. Pt. II. (H. P.) In I. 15. T. 2. In 32:342 Same. In L. P. 04 In 32:464 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian reader..In 32:1081 Same. In Hudson's School Shakespeare l.In 32:1110 Same. In Kemble's Shakespeare readings 2. In 32:1116 Same. In W. 4 In 32:1004 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. InW. 3. (Dyce.) In 32:1011 Same. In W. 10 (Halliwell.) *A Same. InW. 6. (Handy vol.) In 32:1056 Same. In W. 2. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1072 Same. In W. 3. I Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:107ii Same. In W. 5. (Hudson.) In 32:1095 Same. In Hist. 1. (Knight.) In 32:1121 Same. In W. 1. (Knight) *A Same. In W. I. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1141 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. . In W. 5. (Singer.) In 32:1175 Same. In W. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same. In W. 5. (Steevens.) »A Same. In W. (Steevens and Malone.)..In 32:1186 Same. In W. 9. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1199 .Same. In W. 1 2. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32: 1 222 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A Same. Ger. Ry Otto Gildemeister. In W. 9. (Bodenstedt.) In 32:2563 Same. Ger. In W. 1. (Schlegel and Tieck. | In 32:2568 Ki.vo Henry the Fourth, printed from a contem- porary manuscript. Edited bv James Orchard Halliwell. Lond. 1845. 8°. "in S. S. P. 25. In *32:28>5 King Henry V. (H. P.) In I. B. T. 2..In 32:342 Same. In L. P. 39 In 32:439 Same. In Hudson's School Shakespeare 2. In 32:1111 Same. In Kemble's Shakespeare readings 2. In 32:1116 Same. In W. 4 In 32:1004 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In W. 3. [ Dyce.) In 32:1011 Same. In W. 7. (Handy vol.) In 32:1057 Same. In W. 3. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1073 Same. In W. 3. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:1077 Same. In W. 5. (Hudson.) In 32:1095 Sane-. In W. I. (Knight.) »A Same. In W. 2. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1142 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. 'liiE DrAma. n Authors. Shakespeare, "VV., (continued.) — Same. In W.2. (Phelps.) In 32:1152 Same. lnW.5. (Singer.) In 32:1175 Same. In VV. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same. In \V. 5. (Steevens.) *A Same. In W. (Steevens and ,Malone.)..ln 32:1186 Same. In W. 9. (Johnson and Steevens. )..ln 32:1 190 Same. In VV. 12. (Johnson and Steevens.jln 32:1222 Same. In Reprint of lirst folio of 1023 * A Same. Ger. In W. 2. (Sehlegel and Tieek.) In 32:251)8 Same. Edited, with notes hy William J. Rolfe. N. Y. 1878. 16° 32:1236 King Henry VI. Pt. I. (H. T.) In W. 4. In 32:1004 In \V In 32:1008 In W. 3. (Dyee.) In 32:1011 In VV. 11. (Halliwell.) «A In W. 7. (Handy vol.) In 32:1057 InW.8. (Hazlitt. Load.) In 82:1073 In VV. 3. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:1077 In VV. 6. (Hudson.) In 32:1006 In Hist. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1122 Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Inllist.2. (Knight, piet. eel.)... In 82:1136 In W. 1. (Knight.).. «A In W. 2. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1142 In Tile Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 In VV. 2. (Phelps.) In 32:1152 In Doubtful plays 3. (Reed.). ..In 32:1163 In VV. 6. (Singer.) In 32:1176 In W.ii. (Steevens.) *A In W. (Steevens and Malone.) In 32: 1 186 In VV. 9. (Johnson and Steevens.)In 82:1109 j Same. In W. 13. (Johnson and Steevens.jln 32:1223 Same. In Reprint of Bret folio of 1623 *A Ger. In \V. 2. (Sehlegel and Tieek.) In 32:2568 Kino Henry VI. Pt II. (H. T.) In VV. 4. In 32-.K01 In W In 32:ioos In VV. 3. (Dvee.) In 82:1011 In VV. 11. (Halliwell.) *A In VV. 7. (Handy vol.) In 32:1057 In W. i (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1073 In W. 3. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:1077 In VV. 6. (Hudson.) In 32:1006 In Hist. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1122 In Hist. 2. (Knight, piet. ed.j...In 32:1136 In W. 1. (Knight.) *A In VV. 2. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1142 The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 In VV. 2. (Phelps.) In 32:1152 In Doubtful plays 3. (Reed.)... In 32:1163 In VV. 6. (Singer.) In 32:1176 In W. 6. (Steevens.) *A In VV. (Steevens and Malone. )In 32:1186 Same. lnW.10. (Johnson and Steevens. iln 32:1200 Same. In W. 13. (Johnson and Steevens.jln 32:1223 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 «A Same. Ger. In W. 2. (Sehlegel and Tieek.) In 32:2508 Kinci Henry VI. Pt. III. (11. T.) In VV. 4. In 32:1004 Same. In VV In 32:1008 Same. In W. 4. (Dyee.) In 32:1012 Same. In VV. 11. (Halliwell.) .'..«A Same. In W. 8. (Handy vol.) In 32:1058 Same. In W. 3. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1073 Same. In VV. 3. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:1077 Same. In "VV. 6. (Hudson.) In 32:1006 Same. In Hist. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1122 Same In Hist. 2. (Kniglit, piet. ed.)...In 32: 1 136 Same. In W. 1. (Knight.) *A Same. In W. 2. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1142 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Shakespeare, W., (continued.) — Same. In VV. 2. (Phelps.) In 32:1152 Same. In Doubtful plays 3. (Reed.). ..In 32:1 103 Same. In VV. 6. (Singer.) In 32:1176 Same. InW.6. (Steevens.) *A Same. In W. (Steevens and Malone.). ..In 32:1180 Same. In W. 10. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 82:1200 Same. In "VV. 14 (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1224 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A Same. Ger. In "W. 2. (Sehlegel and Tieek.) In 32:2568 King Henry VIII. (H.P.) In F. S. 10..In 32:130 Same. In I. B. T. 3 In 32:343 Same. In L. P. 22 In 32:422 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian reader... In 32:1081 Same. In Keinble's Shakespeare readings 2. In 32:1116 Same. In W. 5 In 32:1005 Same. In VV In 32:1008 Same. In W.4. (Dvee.) In 32:1012 Same. In VV. 12. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In VV. 8. (Handy vol.) In 32:1058 Same. In VV. 3. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1073 Same. In VV. 3. (Hazlitt. N.Y.) In 32:1077 Same. In VV. 7. (Hudson.) In 32:1097 Same. In Hist. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1122 Same. In Hist. 2. (Knight, piet. ed.)... In 32:1 136 Same. In W. 2. (Knight.) S A Same. In W. 2. (Strafford ed.) In 32:1142 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In "VV. 2. (Phelps.) In 32:1152 Same. In VV. 7. (Reed.) In 32:1107 Same. In VV. (Rolfe.) In 32:1170 Same. In W. 7. (Singer.) In 32:1177 Same. In \V. 7. (Steevens.) :5 A Same. In W. (Steevens and Ma]one.)..In 32:1186 Same. In W. 1 1. (Johnson andSteevens.) In 32:1201 Same. In W. 15. (Johnson andSteevens.) In 32:1225 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A Same. Ger. In W. 3. (Sehlegel and Tieek.) In 32:2569 King John. (II. P.) In I. B. T. 1 In 32:341 Same. In L. P. 31 In 32:431 Same. In L. P. 38 In 32:438 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 7 In 32:557 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian read.cr..In 32:1081 Same. In Keinble's Shakespeare readings 1. In 32:1115 Same. In VV. 3 In 32:1003 Same. In "VV In 32:1008 Same. In \V. 2. (Dvee.) In 32:1010 Same. In \V. 8. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In W. 5. (Handy vol.) In 32:1055 Same. In VV. 2. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1072 Same. In W. 2. [Hazlitt. N.Y.) In 32:1076 Same. In "VV. 4. (Hudson.) In 32:1094 Same. In Hist. 1. (Knight.) In 32:1121 Same. In W. 1. (Knight.) *A Same. In W. 1. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1141 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. Tn W. 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. In "VV. 4. (Singer.) In 32:1174 Same. In W. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same. In VV. 4. (Steevens.) *A Same. In W. (Steevens and Malone.) In 32:1186 Same. In VV. 3. ( Johnson and Steevens.) la 32:1193 Same. In W. 10. (JohnsonandSteevens.)In 32:1220 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A Same. Ger. Otto Gildemeister. In VV. 2. (Boden- stedt.) In 32:2561 Same. Ger. In W. 1. (Sehlegel and Tieek.) In 32:2508 RiKsLeir. (T.) In F. S. 9 In 32:129 Same. In 1. B. T. 4 In 32:344 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 10 In 32:560 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. 'In k. Dkama. Ai'Tiions. Shakespeare, W '.. [ocm tin i ud.) Same. In Sowa* Shakespearian reader-In 89:1081 Siiino. In Hudson's School Shakespeare 2.1n 32:1 ill Same. In Ireland's Collection of miscellaneous documents Of Shakespeare In *88:3204 Same. In \V. 7 In 82:1007 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In W. 6. (DyOB.) In 82:1014 Same. In W. 4. (Halliwell. I *A Same. In W. 12. (Handy ToL) In 82:1063 Sum.-. In \V. I. (Hazlitt. Lond)... .".... In 32:1074 Same. In \V. 9. ( Hudson.) In 32:1099 Same. In Trag. 1. (Knight) In 82:1133 Same. In Trag. 1. (Knight, pict. ed.)..ln 82:1133 Same. ln\V.2. (Knight.) *A Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Sam.'. InW.O. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1140 Sane-. In W. 2. j l'hcips.) In 82:1153 Same. In W. 9. (Singer.) In 32:1179 Same. In VV. 8. Steevens.) *A Same. In W. (Steevens and MaIone.)..In 82:1186 Same. In W. 14. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 82:1204 Same. In \V. 17. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1.-7 Same. In Reprint of first folio of' 1828 *A Same. Altered by George Colman, Sr. In Colman's 1). W. I In *32:7*9 Same. Altered by Nathan Tate. In Ox. N. E. D. 10. In 32:560 Same. Gtr. In W. 8. (Sehlegol and Tieck.) In 32:2571 Kino Richard II. (T.) In L. 1'. 77... In 32:477 Same. In VV. 3 In 32:1003 Same. In W In 32:1008 Samoa InW.'i (l)yee.) In 32:1010 Same. In VV. U. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In W. 6. (Handy vol.) In 32:1056 Same. InW.2. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1072 Same. Iii \V. 2. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:1070 Same. In W. 5. (Hudson.) In 32:1095 Same. In Hist. 1. (Knight.) In 32:1121 Same. In \V. 1. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1141 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In\V. 1. ( I'helps.) In 32:1151 Same. In W. I. (Singer.) Ill 32:1174 Same, [if, (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same. In W. 5. (Steevens.) *A Same. InAV. (Steevens and Malone. )..In 32: 1 186 Sane-. InW'.s. (Johnson and Steevens. )..In 32: 1 1:>8 Same. In W. 1 1 . ( Johnson and Sieevens.l In 32:1221 Same. Oer. Bv Otto Gildemeistcr. In W. 6. (Bodenatedt) In 82:2562 Same. Gcr. In W. 1. (Sehlegel and Tjeek.) In 82:3668 Same. Edited, with notes, hy "William J. Kolfe. N. Y. 1876. 16° 32:1233 Kino Richard III. (T.) In I. B. T. 1. In 32:341 Same. Adapted by Colley Cibber. In L. 1'. 13. In 32:413 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 3 In 82:553 Shiiic. In Hudson's School Shakespeare 2. In 32:1111 Same. In Kemble's Shakespeare readings 2. In 32:11 10 Same In W. 5 In 32:1005 Same. In VV In 32:1008 Same. In W. 3. (Dyce.) In 32:1011 Same. lnW.lL (Halliwell.) *A Same. In \V. 8. (Handy vol.) In 32:1058 Same. In W.3. (Hazlitt.) In 32:1077 Same. ln\V.7. (Hudson.) la 82:1087 Same. In Hist 2. (Knight.) In 32:1122 Same In Hist. 2. ( Knight, pict. ed. )....! u 82:1136 Same. In\V.2. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1142 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1 Mo Shakespeare, W., (continued.)— Same. In Doubtful plays 7. ( Heed.)... In 32:1 107 Same. InW.O. (Singer.) In 32:1176 Same. In VV. 7. (Steevens.) *A Same. In W. i St. -even- and Malone. j In 32:1180 Same. In VY.M. John-., n and Steevens. 1 1 n 82:1200 Same. In \V. 14. (Johnson and Sle.-vens. , I u 32: 1224 Same. In Reprint of lirst folio of 1023.) *A Same. Her. By F. A. Krais. In ('. T. H. 81 In 82:3013 Same. (ler. In W. 3. (Sehlegel and Tieck. i In 82:2568 Kvm.k Lear. See King Lear. LOCRINE. (T.) In Doubtful plavs. (.Moltke.) In 82:1168 Same. In \V. 2. (Knight.) »A London prodigal, The. (P.) In Doubtful piays. (Moltke.) '. In 32:1 168 Same. Ill VV. 2. (Knight.) *A Lovk's labour's lost. (C.) In F. S. 38..In 32: 147 Same. In W. 2 In 32:1002 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In VV. I. (Dyce.) In 32:1009 Same. In VV. I. j Halliwell. I *A Same. In \\ '. 3. (Handy vol.) In 32:1053 Same. In AV. 1. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1071 Same. In W. 1. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 82:1076 Same. In W. 2. (Hudson.) In 82:1082 Same. In Com. 1. i Knight.) In 32:1125 Sane. In Com. 1. (Knight, pict. ed.)..In 32:1131 Same. In W. 1. (Knight.) *A Same. In \V. 4. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1141 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1 140 Same. In \V. 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. In VV. 2. (Singer.) In 32:1172 Same. In W. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Sam". In \V. 2. (Steevens.) *A Same. In \V. | Stevens and Malonc.)..ln 82:1188 Same. In W. 5. (Johnson and Steevens. | In 32:1 186 Same. In \Y. 7. (Johnson and Steevens. ) In 32:1217 Same. In Reprint of lirst folio of 1623 "A Same. (ler. (Liebes Leid und Lust.) In W. 8. (Sehlegel and Tieck.) In 82:2671 Macbeth. (1\) In L. P. 8 In 82:408 Same. In I. B. T. 4 In 32:344 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 14 In 82:564 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian reader..In 32:1081 Same. In Hudson's School Shakespeare 2. In 32:1111 Same. In Kemble's Shakespeare Headings 2. In 32:1110 Same. In The Prince's Shakespeare. (Mathias.) In 32:115G Same. In AY. 3 In 32:1003 Same. In \Y In 32:1008 Same. In \V. 5. (Dyce.) In 32:1013 Same. New variorum edition bv Horace Howard Furncss. Phil. 1871. v. 2. 8°.' 32:1032 Same. Tn VV. 14. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In\V. 13. i Handy vol. ) -In 32:1003 Same. In \V. 2. (Hazlitt" Lond.) In 32:1072 Same. In W. 2. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 82:1076 Same. In \Y 4. (Hudson.) In 32:1094 Same. In Trag. I. (Knight.) In 32:1123 Same. In Trag. 2. (Knight, pict. ed.)..In 32:1134 Same. In \V. 2, i Knight.) *A Same. In \\ . .:. i Xtratford cd.) In 32:1143 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In \V. 1. (I'helps.) In 32:1151 Same. In Doubtful plays 3. ( Kee.l. ) ...In 32:1 163 Same Edited with notes, bv William J. Kolfe. N. T. 1877. 16° .". 32:1235 Same. In \V. 8. (Singer.) In 32:1179 Same. In W. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same. In W. 4. (Steevens.) *A Same. InAV. (Steevens and Malone.) In 32:1186 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The J)iiama. 76 LUTIIORS. Shakespeare, W., (continued.) — Slime. In W. ". (Johnson and Steev en«. )In 32:1197 Same. In W.IO. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1220 Same. In Reprint of first folia of 1623 iB A Same, (lei: By Friedricb Bodenstedt. In W, 7. ( Bodenstedt.) In 32:2563 Same. Ger. By Gottfried August Burger. In Biirger's W. 4..." In 56:173 Same. Oer. By Friedrich Schiller. In C. T. B. 57. In 32:2612 Sams. In Schiller's W. 6 In 56:1254 Same. In Schiller's "W. 7 In 60:12(13 Sam.'. In Schiller's S. W. C In 56:1271 Same. Gei: In VV. 9. (Schlegel and Tieck.) In 32:2571 Measure for measure. (0.) In I. B. T. 3. In 32:343 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 15 In 32:505 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian reader..In 32:1081 Same. In \V. 1 I„ 32:1001 Same. In \V In 32:1008 Same. In W.I. (Dvoe.) In 32:1009 Same. In W. 3. (Halliwell.) »A Same. In W. 2. (Handy vol.) In 32:1052 Same. In W. I. (Ha/.litt. Land.) Iii 32:1071 Same. In W. 1. (Ha/.litt. N. Y.) In 32:lo75 Same. In W. 2. (Hudson.) (n 82:1093 Same. In Com. I. (Knight.) In 32:1125 Same. In Com. 2. ( Knight, pict. ed.;... In 32:1132 Same. In W. I. (Knight.) *A Same. In VV. 4. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1144 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. In VV. 1. (Singer In 32:1171 Same. In W. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same In YV.l. (Steevens.) ,...*A Same. In W. (Steevensand Malone.)...In 82:118(5 Same. In \V. 0. (Johnson and Steevens ) In 32:1210 Same. In W. 4. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1194 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1023 *A Same. Ger. ( Maas fur Maas.) In \V. 5. (Schlegel and Tieyk.) In 82:2589 Merchant of Venice. (C.) InF.S. 8...1n 32:128 Same. • In I. B. T. 2 In 32:312 Same. In L. P. 25 In 32:425 Same. In Ox. N. E. I). 10 In 32:500 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian render..In 32:1081 Same. In Hudson's School Shakespeare 1.. In 32:1110 Same. In Kenible's Shakespeare readings 1. In 32:1115 Same. In The Prince's Shakespeare. (Mathias.) In 32:1150 Same. In W. 2 In 32:1002 Same. In W In 82:1008 Same. In VV. l. (I)yce.) In 32:1000 Same. In VV. 5. (Halliwell.) "A Same. In VV. 4. (Handy vol.) In 32:1054 Same. In W. 1. (Ha/.litt. Loud.) In 32:1071 Same. In \V. 1. (Ha/.litt. X. Y.) In 32:1075 Same. In W. 3. (Hudson.) In 32:1003 Same. In Com. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1120 Same. In Com. 1. (Knight, pict. ed.)..In 32:1131 Same. In W. 1. (Knight.) *A Same. In VV. 5. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1145 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In VV. 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. In W. (Rolfe.) In 32:1170 Same. In W. 8. (Singer.) In 32:1172 Same. In \V. (Steevens.) In 32:11^5 Same. In VV. 3. (Steevens.) :i A Same. In "VV. (Steevens and Malone.) In 32:1180 Same. In W. 5. (Johnson and Steevens). .In 32:1105 Same. In VV. 7. (Johnson and Steevens.].. In 32:1217 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1023 «A Same. Gcr. (Kanfinanii von Venedig.) Bv P. A. Krais. In C. T. B. 3 ...In 32:2001 Shakespeare, W., (continued.) — Same. In VV. 4. (Schlegel and Tieck.)..In 82:2569 Same. Edited, with introduction and notes by the Rev. Henry N. Hudson. Bost. 1872. 12° S B:2:>.9 Kmx wives of Windsor, The. (C.) In F. 8.31. In 32:143 Same. In I. B. T. 3 In 32:343 Same. In L. P. 02 In 32:402 Same. In Ox. N. E. I). 8 In 82:558 Same. First sketch. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell. Loud. 1842. 8°. In S. S'. P. 9..1n *32:2809 Same. In VV. 1 In 32:U"H Same. In VV In 32:1008 Same. In VV, I. (Hycc.) In 32:1015 Same. In W. 2. (Halliwell.) «A Same. In VV. 2. (Handy vol.) In 32:1052 Same. In VV. 1. (Ila/.litt. Lond.) In 32:1071 Same. In VV. 1. (Ha/.litt. N. Y.) In 82:1075 Same. In VV. 1. (Hudson.) In 82:1091 Same. In Com. 1. (Knight.) In 32:1125 Same. In Com. 1. (Knight, pict. ed.)..In 32:1 131 Same. In W. 1. (Knight.) »A Same. In VV. 4. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1144 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In VV. 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. In W. 1. (Singer.) In 32:1171 Same. In W. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same. In W. 1. (Steevens.) *A Same. In W. (Steevens and Malone.) In 32:1180 Same. In W. 3. (Johnson and Steevens.)..In 32: 1 1 93 Same. In VV. 4. (Johnson and Steevens.)..In 32:1214 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 »A Same. Ger. ( Lusligen Weiber von "Windsor. Die.) By Hermann Knra. In VV. 4. (Bodenstedt.) In 32:2562 Same. Gcr. By F. A. Krais. In C. T. B. 78. In 82:2016 Same. Qtr. In W. 8. (Schlegel and Tieck.) In 32:2571 -VI 1 1>> c mm kk night's dream, A. (C.) In L. P. 28. In 32:428 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian reader..In 32:1081 Same. In W. 2 In 32:1002 Same. In VV In 32:1008 Same. In W. 1. (I)vce.) In 32:1009 Same. In VV. 5. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In W. 2. (Handy vol.) In 32:1052 Same. In VV. 1. ( Ha/.litt. Lond.) In 32:1071 Same. In "VV. 1. (Ha/.litt. N. Y.) In 32:1075 Same. In VV. 2. (Hudson) .' In 32:1092 Same. In Com. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1126 Same. In Com. 1. ( Knight, pict. ed.)... In 32:1 131 Same. In W.I. (Knight.) *A Same. In VV. 5. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1145 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. I. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. Edited with notes, bv "William J. Rolfe. N.Y. 1877. 10° , 32:1234 Same. In I). W. 2. (Singer.) In 32:1172 Same. In W. (Steevens.) In 82:1185 Same. In VV. 2. iSteovcns.) *A Same. In VV. (Steevens and Malone.) In 32:1186 Same. In W. 5. (Johnson and Stem-ens. )In 32:1195 Same. In W. 5. (Johnson and Steevens. )In 32:1215 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1023 5 A Same. (Ier. ( Kin Soniinernachtstraum.) Bv F. A. Krais. In C. T. IS. 25 In 32:2005 Same. Ger. (Schlegel and Tieck.) In W. 3.1n 32:2569 Same. Adapted by Laura Keene. In F. S. 28. In 32:142 MtTKOoxis. In VV. 2. (Knight.) *A Mvch ado about nothing. (C.) In I. B. T. 2. In 32:342 Same. In L. P. 35 In 32:435 Same. In Ox. N. E. I). 15 In 82:560 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian reader.. .In 32:1081 Same. In Kenible's Shakespeare readings 1. In 32:1115 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. Authors. Shakespeare, W., iruntinned.) — Same. In w. i In 82:iom Same. In W In 82:1008 Sumo. In \V. 1. (Dvoe.i In 82:1008 Same. In \V. 4. (Halliwell.) A game. In W. 4. (Handy vol.) In 32:i».'>t Same. In W. l. (Haalitt. I.oikI.i In 82:1071 Same. In \V. i. illazlitt. N. Y.i In 82:10TB Sam.-, in \\. -i. (Hudson.) In 82:1093 Same. In Com. 1. (Knight.) In 32: 1 1 J"' Same. In Com. 3. (Knight, plot. ed.). ..In 82: 113 J Same. In \V. I. (Knight.) A Sane. In W. 4. (Stratford ed) In 32: M 4 . Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 82:1140 Same. In W.J. (Phelps.) In 82:1163 Same. In \V. 2. (Singer.). In 82:1172 Same. In W. (Steevens.) In 32:118.". Same. In W. 2. i Stecv.-ns. i *A Same. In. W. (Steevens and Malone.) In 82:1180 Sam-. IsW.6. { Jolinsori and Steevens ) In 82:1310 Same. In W. ♦. (Johnson and Steevens. In 82:1194 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 A Same. Kdited with notes, bj William .). Rolfe. N. Y. 1879, l«° '. 82:1238 Same. Her. i Yiel Liirineu inn NichtS.1 l'.\ l-\ A. Krui-. In O.T. B. 92 -- In 82:2019 Same. Ger. In W. 3. (Sohlegel and Tieck.l In 82:3589 Same. Ger. By Adolf Wilbrandt. In W. 5. (Boden- stedt.) In 82:2502 OriiKLi.o, the .Moor of Venice. In I. Is. T. 5. In 82:345 Same. In L. P. 27 In 32:427 Same. In Ox. N. K. I). ."> In 82:555 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian render.. In 82:1081 Same. In Kuinble's Shakespeare readings I. In 32:1 1 16 Same. In W. 7 In 82:1007 Same. In W In 82:1008 Same. In W.6. (Dyce.) In 32:1014 Same. In W. 16. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In W. lu. (Handy vol.) In 82:1060 Sa Iii W. 4. (linzlitf. Load.) In 32:1074 Same. In "W. 10. (Hudson.) In32:ilon Same. In Trag. 1. (Knight.) In 32:1123 Same. In Trag. 1. (Knight, plot -d. ....In 32:1133 Same. In W. 2. (Knight.) »A Same. In W. ii. (Stratford ed.) In 32:ino Sane-. In Tie- I pold Shakespeare In 32:111" Same. In W. 2. (Phelps.) In 32:1 152 Same. In W. io. (Singer.) In 82:1160 Same. In W. 'a. ( St ee veus.) «A Same. In W. (Steovens and Malone.^In 82:1186 Same. In W.15. (Johnson and Steevens.lln 32:12u;> Same. In W. in. (.Johnson and St. -evens. | In 82:1229 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1628....'. A Same. Franca. ( More de Venise, Le.) By Alfred de Yigny. In T. o In 82:1950 Same. tier. (Othello, >l.-r Mohr von Vcm-dig. • By Friodrich Bodenstedt. In W. 1. (Bodenstedt.) In 82:2661 Same. Ger. In \V. 8. (Schlegel and Tieek.) In 32:2671 Sam.-. The Italian version as performed by Signer SalvinL N. Y. L8T8. B° »B: 69.24 1'kiuci.ks, prince of Tyre. (T.) In B. B. T. 1". In •82:227 Same, In W. 6 In 82:1006 Sam-. In W Ill 82:1008 Sam,". In W. 7. (I)vee.l In 32:1015 Same. In W. 16. (Halliwell.) -A Same. InW. 11. i Hand v vol. ).. In 32:1001 Same, in W. !'. (Hudson) In 82:1099 Same. In Trag. 2. i Knight.) In -82: II 24 Same. In \\ .1. (Knight) *A Same. In Doubtful plavs. (Knight.). ..In 32:1137 Shakespeare, W - [e/mthuud )— Same. In The Leopold Sbakespoar ■ In 32: 1 1 io Sam--. In W. o. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1 1 4<; Smne. In W. 2. (Phelps.) In 82:1151 Si In W. i. (Singer.) In 32:1174 Same. 1" W. [Steevens and Malone.) In 82:1186 Same. In W. 18. (Johnson and Stoeven*. J In \_vj. Same. In Vf. 21. (Johnson and Steevens. J In 82:1231 IM-iiir.w, The. in W. 2. (Knight.) *A BiCBARDthe III. Set King Ricliard. Rombo and Juliet. (T.) In I. B.T. l...In 32: til S i. In L. P. 18 In 32:418 Same. In 0*. N. K. I). In 32:". Sam,-. In Hows' Shakespein inn reader..ln 32:i0nl Same. In Kemble's Shakespeare readings I. In 32:11 15 Same. In W. 7 In 82:1007 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In W. 5. Dyce In 82.1013 Same. New variorum edition, l>\ Horace Howard Kurness. Phil. 1871. v.I. B°.. 32: 1" 1 Same. In W. 13. (Halliwell. | A Sam,-. In W. ii. (Handy vol.) In 82:1061 Same. InW. 4. (Hazlitt. I.ond.) [n 82:1074 Same. InW. 10. (Hudson.) In 82:1100 Same. In Trag. 1. (Knigbt.) In 32:1123 Sam.-. In Trag. I. I Knight, pic*, ed. ..in 82:1198 Sam.-. In W 2. (Knight. 1 *A Sa In W. 6. S rat told ed.] In 32:llio Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32: 1 1 10 Same. InW. I. (Phelps.) En 82:1151 Same. In W. 8. (Singer.) In 32:1 178 Same. In W. 9. (Steevens). A Same. In W. (Steevens and Malone.)- In 3S:i B6 Same. inW.it. (Johnson and Steevens.lln 82:1204 Sam.-. In W. 2U. (Johnson and Si evens, tn 82:'23U Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 A Sam. Otr (Romeo uml Julio.) Bv Kriedrieh In W. 10. ( l5o.lenste.it. )..I n 82:2564 By F. A. Krais. In C. T. Ii. BS. In 32:20 14 9. (Schlegel and Tieek.) In 32:2.",7I Pt. 1. In W Bodenstedt. Same. Qer. Same. Ger. In W Sib John Oldoastle. Tamixo of th» 2. (Knight.) A (C.) In W. 2. In 82:1002 Same. In W In 82:1008 Same. In W. 2. (Dveei In 82:1010 Same. In W. r.. (Handy vol.) In 32. Sam,-. In W. 6. (Halliwell.) A Same. In W.2. (Ha/.l.lt. I.ond. > In 32:1072 Same. In W. 2. (lla/.litt. X. Y.) In 82:1076 Same. In W. 3. (Hudson.) In 82:1088 Same. In Com. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1120 Same. In Com. 1. (K night, pi. t. e.l.)..In 32: 1 131 Same. In W. 1. (Knight.) A Same. In W. .".. I Stratford ed.) Ill 32:1145 Same. InW. I. (Phelps.) In 32:1 1 r. 1 Same. In Doubtful plays 8. ( Heed.)... In 32:1103 S,me. In W. :s. (Singer.) In 32:1173 Same. In W. iSteevens.) In 82:1186 Sam*. In W. 3. (Steevens.) *A Same. In. W. (Steevens and Malone.. In 32:11*0 Sam.-. In W. o. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 88:1196 Same. InW.8. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 82:1219 Same. In Reprint of lir-t folio of 1623 a A Same. Ger. (Zahmung tta Widerspenstigen.) Bj I". A. Krais. In ('. T. B. 86 In 32:2017 Same. Ger. Ill W. 0. (Schlegel mid Tieek.) in 82:2670 Tkmpkst, The. In F. 8. io In 32:I3G Same. In I. Ii. T. 5 In 32:345 Same. In L. P. 37 In 32:117 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 78 Authors. Shakespeare, W., (continued.) — Same. In Hows' Shakespearian reader..! n 32:1081 Same. In Hudson's School Shakespeare 2. In 32:Wil Same. In W. 1 In 32:1001 Same. In W In 82:1008 Same. In W. 7. (Dyee.) In 82:1016 Same. In W. I. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In W. 1. (Handy vol.) In 32:1001 Same. In "W. 1. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1071 Same. In W. 1. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:1075 Same. In W. 1. (Hudson.) In 32:1091 Same. In Com. 1. (Knight.) In 32:1125 Same, In Com. 2. (Knight, pict. ed.)...In 32:1132 Same. In W. 1. (Knight.) *A Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 4. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1144 Same. In W. (ltolfe.) In 32:1170 Same. In W. 1. (Singer.) In 32:1171 Same. In W. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same. In W. 1. (Steevens.) *A Same. In W. 3. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1103 Same. In W. 5. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1215 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1023 *A Same. Ger. (Der Sturm.) ■ In W. 4. (Schlegel andTieck.) In 82:2669 Thomas, lord Cromwell. (T.) In Doubtful plays. (Moltke.) In 32:1159 Same. In W. 2. (Knight.) *A Timon of Athens. (T.) In W. 5 In 32:1005 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In W. 5. (Dvee.) In 32:1013 Same. In W. 13. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In W. 10. (Handy vol.) In 32:1000 Same. In W. 4. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1074 Same. In W. 8. (Hudson.) In 32:1098 Same. InTrag.l. (Knight.) In32:U23 Same. InTrag.l. (Knight, pict. ed.Ulii 32:1 133 Same. In W. 2. (Knight.) *A Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 6. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1146 Same. In W. 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. In W. 8. (Singer.).' In 32:1178 Same. In VV. 8. (Steevens.) *A Same. In W. (Steevens and Halone) ...In 82:1186 Same. In VV. 1 1. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1 201 Same. In VV. 19. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1229 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A Same. Ger. (Timon von Athen.) By Paul Heyse. In W. 12. (Bodenstedt.) In 32:2504 Same. Ger. In W. 7. (Schlegel andTieck.) In 32:2570 Trrus Andronicus. (T.j In W. 0.... In 32:1006 , Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In W. 4. (Dvce.) In 32:1012 Same. In W. 13. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In W. 12. (Handy vol.) In 32:1002 Same. In W. 9. (Hudson.) In 32:1099 Same. In Trag. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1124 Same. In W. 2. (Knight.) *A Same. In Doubtful plays. (Knight.). ..In 32:1137 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In VV. G. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1146 Same. In VV. 2. (Phelps.) In 32:1152 Same. In W. 8. (Singer.) In 32:1178 Same. In W. 8. (Steevens.) " :S A Same. In W. (Steevens and Malone.) In 32:1 186 Same. InW. 13. (Johnson and Steevens. )In 32:1203 Same. In W. 21. (Johnson and Steevens. )ln 32:1231 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A Same. Ger. In VV. 6. (Schlegel and Tieck.) In 32:2570 Tkoilus and Cressida. (T.) In W. 5..In 32:1005 Same. In VV In 32:1008 Same. In W. 4. (Dyce.) In 32:1012 Same. In W. 12. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In \V. 3. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1073 Same. In VV. 3. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:1077 Shakespeare, VV., (continued.) — Same. In VV. 7. (Hudson.) In 32:1097 Same. In Trag. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1124 Same. In Trag. 2. ( Knight, pict. ed.)...Ih 32:1134 Same. In W. 2. (Knight.) *A Same. In W. 3. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1143 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. InW. 2. (Phelps.) In 32:1152 Same. In "VV. 8. (Singer.) In 32:1178 Same. In W. 8. (Steevens.) *A Same. InW. (Steevens and Malone.)..ln 32: 1 186 Same. In W. 11. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1201 Same. In W. 15 (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1225 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A Same. Ger. In W. 7. (Schlegel and Tieck.) In 32:2570 Twklfth night; or, What you will. (C.) In F. S 8. In 32:128 Same. In S. P. 10 In 32:210 Same. In L. P. 36 In 82:436 Same. In I. B. T. 5 In 32:345 Sam.-. In Ox. N. E. I). 12 In 32:562 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian reader. ..In 32:1081 Same. In Hudson's School Shakespeare l.In 32:1 1 10 Same. InW. 1 In 32:1001 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In W. 2. (Dyce.) In 32:1010 Same. In W. 7. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In W. 3. (Handy vol.) In 32:1053 Same. In W. 1. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1071 Same. InW. 1. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:1075 Same, In W. 1. (Hudson.) In 32:1091 Same. In Com. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1126 Same. In Com. 2. (Knight, pict. ed.)..In 32: 1 132 Same. In VV. 1. (Knight.) :; A Same. In W. 5. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1145 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. In Doubtful plays 3. (Reed.). ..In 32:1163 Same. In W. 3. (Singer.) In 32:1173 Same. InW. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same. In VV. 4. (Steevens.) *A Same. InW. (Steevens and Malone.)... In 32:1180 Same. In W. 4. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1194 Same. In W. 4. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1214 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A Same. Ger. (Heilige-Drey-Konigs-Abend, Der.) InW. 4; (Schlegel andTieck.) In 32:2569 Two gentlemen of Verona. (C.) In F. S. 4. In 32:12* Same. InW. 1 In 32:1001 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In W. 7. (Dvee.i In 32:1015 Same. In W. 2. (Halliwell.)...'. *A Same. In W. 1. (Handy vol.) In 32:1051 Same. InW. 1. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1071 Same. In W. 1. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:1075 Same. In W. 1. (Hudson.) In 32:1091 Same. In Com. 1. (Knight.) In 32:1125 Same. In Com. 1. (Knight, pict. cd.)..In 32:1131 Same. In W. 1. (Knight.) *A Same. In W. 4. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1144 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. In W. 1. (Singer.) In 32:1171 Same. Tn W. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same. In W. 1. (Steevens.) 3 A Same. InW. (Stevens and Malone.) Tn 32:1 186 Same. In W. 3. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1193 Same. In W. 4. (Johnson and Steevens. )In 32:1214 Same. In Reprint of iir.-t folio of 1623 *A Same. Ger. (Die beideu Veronese!-. | In VV. 7. (Schlegel and Tieek.) In 32:2570 Tub" winter's tale. (P.) In F. S. 40... In 32: 148 Same. In I. B. T. 3 In 32:343 Same. In Hudson's School Shakespeare 2. In 32:1111 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. -:• AlITHOIts. Shakespeare, \V\, [tonttmiif.) — Smiie. In \V. :i In 32: 1 nort Same. In W In 32:i»ots Siinii-. In \V. SI, il>v Same. In W. 8. ( Ilulliwell.) *A Siime. In W. 4. ( Handy vol.) In 32:loM Same. In W. 2. (llazlitt. Lund.) In 32:1072 Same. hW.l (llazlitt. N. Y.) In 8SM0T6 Same. In \V. i. (Hudson.) In 32:I0H4 Same. In (\nn. 9. (Knight.) In 32:1126 Same. In Com. 3, I K night, piet. cd.)... In 89:1181 Same. In \V. 1. (Knight] *A Same. In W. 5. (Stratfonl eil.) In 32: 1 I4."» Same. In \V. 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1 151 Same. In Doubtful plays 8. (Reed.)... .In 32:1 IUM Same. In W. 4. (Singer.) In 32:1174 Sane-. In \V. (Stecvens.) In 32:llS. r > Same. In \V. 4. (Sleevens.) *A Slime. In W. (Steeven> ami Malune. )..In 82:1186 Same. In \V. 7. (Johnson and Steevens.)..In 32:1197 Same, In W.o. r Johnson and Steevens.K.In 83:1319 Same. In Kepi-int of lirst folio of 1638 *A Same. Oer. (Das YVinh-riiiahrrhrii.) In \V. H. (Schlegel and Tieek.) ...In 32:2571 Yokksiuke tragedv, A. In Doubtful plays. (Knight.) In 32:1 137 Ba In Doubtful plays, (Moltke.)...In 82:1159 Same. In If . 1 (Knight.) *A Comkdiks. Edited by Charles Knight. Load, n. d. 2 v. 1U° 82:1136-6 Com Kin ks. Pictorial edition. Edited l'v Charles Knight. Load. [1863.] 2 v. 8= 32: 1 131-32 Ootm.ni works. Kevised from the original text. With introductory remarks, and copious notes criti- cal, general and explanatory. By Samuel Pbelps. Lond. n. d. 2 v. 6° '. 82:1181-83 Doi:iiTKti. plays. [Edited by Max Moltke.] I.eip. 18G0. 16° 32:I1:>U Same. Pictorial edition. Edited by Charles Knight. 32:1 137 Dramatic works. Revised bv George Steevcns. Lond. 1802. 9 v. f° *A Same. Accurately printed from the text of the cor- rected copy left by the late George Steevens, with a glossary, and notes, and a sketch of the life of Shake- speare. Hartford. Vol.1. 1837 32:1185 Same. From the text of Johnson, Steevens and Reed, with glossarial notes, life, etc. A new edition by William llazlitt. Lond. 1857-18G5. 4 v. 12°. 32:1071-74 Same. Illustrated ; embracing a life of the poet, and notes, original and selected. Bost. 1850. 7 v. 8°. 32:1001-7 Same. The text carefully revised with notes by Samuel Waller Singer. The life of the poet and critical essays on the play-, by William Watkist Lloyd. Lond. I85i;. io v. 12° 32:1171-1180 — and poems. Printed from the text of Steevens and Malone. With life and historical, critical and explanatory notices, by A. Cunningham. A glossary and many illustrations. Phil. [n. d.] 8 s . 32:1 1 8ti Di'.amatisciik Werke. Uebersetzt von Friediiih Bodenstedt, Ferdinand Freiligrath, Otto Gildemei-ter. Paul Heyse. Hermann Kurz, Adolf Wilbrandt. n. a. Nach der Textrevision und unter Mitwirkung von Nicolaus Delias. Mil Einleltungen und Anmerkun- gen. Herausgegeben von Priedrich Bodenstedt. Leip. 1867-08. 12 v. in 4 32:25«I-C4 Same. I'ebirset/.t von August Wilhelnivon Schlegel, ergiinzt und erlautert run Ludwig Tieck. li r. 1825-33. 9 T. in 5. 10° 32:2508-71 Histokiks, The. Edited by Charles Knight. Lond. 1852-54. 2 v. 10° 32:1121-22 Shakespeare, W., [etmthmed.) — Same. Pictorial edition. KdltOO by ('harles Knight Lond. [1853.] 2v. 8° 82:1136 I.Kocot.ii Shakespeare, The. The poets works in chronological order, from the text ..(' Prof. Delias, with "The two noble kinsmen.'' and '• Kdwanl III..' and an introduction bv l'\ J. Kuniival. Illustrated Lond. [1877.] 8°....: 32: i I 40 Nkw variorum edition, edited bv Horace Howard Kurne-s. Phil. 1871-7. 3 v. in 4. 8 J 32:1031-5 Plato. Selected and prepared for u>e in schools, clllbs, cla-se.s, and liilll lie,. With illtl'u.llleliuii nil. I nute-. By the Kev. Ilenrv N. Hudson. Host 1.171 - »• >-° 82:1110-1111, Same. Copied from t In- ti \t of Dr. Iteed, with Dotes' by Johnson, Steeven-, and others. [New York. 1834.] n. t. p. [vols. 3, 5 and 7.] 12°. 32:1 183,66,67 Same. With the corrections and illustrations ( ,| various cuiinnentat. rs. To which are added notes by Samuel Johnson, and (jeorgs Steevens. Bevi-ed md augmented bv Isaac Beed, with a glossarial index Lund. 1813. 21 v. 8° 32:1211-31 Contents : Vol, I. Advertisement. Advertisement by Mr. Heed. Advei ii-enenr bv Mr. Steeven.*. ' Preface to Mr Kiilmrd«on\s proposals, etc. Proposals by Willi, tin Riuhtrdson. Supplement in prujioaalf. Advertisement by Mr. Sreevens to edition oflTflS, Howe's life of Shakespeare, ete. Aid edotes o| Shakespeare from (J|i|jm, etc. Baptisms, man i'ljjt-s, etc. Shakespeare's coat of arms. Shakespeare's mortgage Shakespeare's will, I ledlcatfnna by llemtpge and Condell. Prefaoff in Hem i age and Condell, Prel.tee by !'<>pe. Preface by The.-haid. Preface by Haninet. Preface by Johnson. Advertisement to twenty plays by Steevens. Preface by Capell. Advert sement by Steevens. Preface by M. Mason. Advertisement by Reed. Prefuce by Malone. Vol. II. Dr. r^irmerVs essay on the )oarnin« of Shakespeare Colmftn'H remarks on Farmer's essuv on the lem-mic at Sli;ike>pe:ire, ** Anpe;ue's plays on ihe stationers' books I, ist of ancient editions of Shakespeare's plays. Ltel oi iin.di-i n edit torn*. List of ancient editions 0f8h ikespenre's poems. List Of modern editions. List of altered plays Mom Shakespeare. List ot detached pieces of Critic lam on Shakesp editors, etc. hia ipearc Commendatory verses on Shakespeare. MTalone'l attempt to ascertain the order of Shakesne'ireN plays. ' Malone fi essay on Ford's pamphlet, etc. Steeven** remarks on it. Vol, III. Malone's historical account of the English stii-e Additions. ° ■•• Additions by Steevens. Further historical account of Chalmers. Addenda by the same. Vol*, IV-'XXl. Plays, Same. With the corrections and illustrations of varioui commentators. To which an added note* bj Samuel Johnson, and George Steevens. Tlie fourth edition revised and augmented (with a glossarial index) by the editor of *Uods ley's Collection of old plays. [J. Dodsley.] Lond." 1 7i»3. Ifi v. 8°. 82:1 19M 206* Panic* 8 Shakespeare, The: a selection of tho plays of Shakespeare, carefully expurgated and annotated for the use of families and bcSooIs. Hv the Kev. D. Mathias. Lond. 1807. 1G° 32:1 166 Kkaiunos: being a selection of tho pUw of Shakespeare, as read by Charles Kemb.G in nubile. Edited by R. J. Lane. Lond. 1870. 2 v. 12°. 813:1116-1114 PUBLIC LIBRARY OK CINCINNATI. Thk Drama. 80 Authors. Shakespeare, W., (continued.) — Reprint of comedies, lu.-tories and tragedies. Published according to the true origins] copies. Loud. 1623. Reprinted 1864. f° *A Shakespearian reader, The. A collection of the most approved plays of Shakespeare; carefully revised, with introductory, and explanatory notes, and a memoir of the author. Prepared expressly for the use of classes and the family reading circle. By John \V. S. Hows. N. Y. 184!) 32:1081 Tragedies. Edited bv Charles Knight. Loud. ii. d. 2 v. 10° '. 32:1123-24 Same. Pictorial edition. Edited by Charles Knight. Lond. [1853.] 2 v. 8° 32:1133-34 . Works. Handy volume edition. Henry M, Wynkoop. 18G7. ' 13 v. 24° 32:051-1)3 Works. From the text of the Rev. Alexander Dycc's second edition. Leip. 18(58. 7 v. 16°. 32:1000-15 .Same. From the text of Johnson, Stecvens, and Reed. A new edition, Including the poems and doubtful plays. With glossarial notes, ljfe, etc. Uy "William Ha/.litt. 1852. 5 v. (vols. 4 and 5 missing.) 12° 32:1075-107 7 Same. Imperial edition. Edited by Charles Knight. N. Y. n. d. 2v. f° >A Same. Life, glossary, etc. Reprinted from the original edition, and compared with all recent com- mentators. Lond. 1808. 16° 32:1008 Stine. The Stratford Shakespeare. Edited by Charles Knight. Lond. 1807. G v. 12° 32:1141-40 Same. The text carefully restored according to the first editions ; with introductions, notes original and selected, and a life of the poet, liv Rev. II. N. Hudson. Host. 1870. 11 v. 12° 132:10511101 Same. The text formed from a new collation of the early editions, to which are added all the original novels and tales on which the plays are founded : copious archaeological annotations on each play; an es.say on the formation of the text; and a life of the poet by James O. Halliwell. Lond. 1853-1885. o v. V *A See GaKKICK, David. Katharine and Petruchio. See Vigny, Alfred efe. Sbyloek. ■ and Fletcher, John. Two noble kinsmen, The. (T.) In M. I?. I). 1. In 32:101 Same. In Shakespeare's doubtful plays. (Knight.) In 32:1137 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Shannon, . Youthful queen, The. (C.) In F. S.25.In 32:140 Sheffield, duke nj Buckingltam, John. Julius Csesnr. (T.) Altered, with a prologue and chorus. In \Y. 1 In 34:1050 .Marcus Brutus. (T.) With the prologue and the two last choruses. In W. 1 In 34:105!) Sheil, Richard Lalor. Apostate, The. (T.) In F. 8. 8 [n 32:128 Damox and Pythias. (T.) In S. P. 13...In 32:213 Evadne; or, The statue. (T.) In L. P. 24. In 32:424 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 14 In 32:504 Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Cenci, The. (T.) In P. W. 2 In 31:1500 Same. In P. \V In 31:1502 Same. In P. W In 31:1503.2 Hellas. (Lyrical I).) In P. W. 2. ..In 31:150(1 Same. In P. W In 31:1502 (Edii-us tyannus; or, Swellfoot the tyrant. (T.) Trans, from the' original Doric. In P. W. 2.- In 31:1500 Same. In P. W. 2 In 31:1503.2 Prometheus unbound. (Lyrical D.) In l\ W. 1. In 31:1559 Shelley, P. B., (continued) — Same. In P. W I„ 31:1502 Same. In P. W. 2 In 31:1503.2 Sheridan, Richard Brinshv. Critic, The; or, A tragedv rehearsed. (D. Piece.) In M. B. D. 5 '. In 32:105 Same. In I. B. F. 3 In 32:333 Same. In L. P. 8 In 32:408 Same. In L. S. 1 In *82:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 9 In 32:559 Same. In D. W In 32:1252 Duenna, The. (0. O.) In I. B. T. 19..1n 32:359 Same. In L.S.I In *32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 2 In 32:552 Same. In D. W. (Liep.) In 32:1252 PlZARRO. Altered from the Herman of Kotzebue. In L. S. 1 In *3-?:522 Same. In L. P. 27 In 32:427 Same. In I). \V. (Lnnd.j In 32:1251 Same. In D. W. (L ip.) In 32:1252 Rivals, The. (C.) In M. B. D. 4 In 32:104 Same. In F. S. 4 In 32:124 Same. In I. B. T. 10 In 32:359 Same. In L. P. 33 In 32:4,::i Same. In L. S. 1 In *32:52 2 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. I In 32:551 Same. In E. C. 2 In 32:570.1 Same. In D. W. (Lond.) In 32:1251 Same. In D. W. (Leip) In 32:1252 Same. tier. (Die Nebenbuhler.) In C. T. U. 45. In 32:2009 St. Patrick's Dav; or, The scheming lieutenant. (F.) In I). W. (Leip.i ..In 32:1252 School for scandal. In F. S. 1 In 32:121 Same. In L. P. 27 In 32:127 Same. In L. S. 4 In «32:525 Same. In D. W. (Leip.) In 32:1252 Same. tier. (Die Lasterechule.) In C. T. B. 30. In 32:20co Trip to Scarborough, A. (C.) In I. M. T. 7. In 32:377 Same. In D. W. (Leip.) In 32:1252 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Adapter. See Kotzkhuk. Augustus, Plssarro. See Gence, Rudolf. Schleicher und Geuossen. Dramatic Works of the Right Honourable Rich- ard Brinsley Sheridan. Leip. 1800. 16*. 32:1252 Same. With a Memoir of his life, by G. G. S. Lond. 1854 32:1251. Shirley, James. Andkomana, or, The merchant's wife. In D. O. P. 11 In 32:301 Arcadia, The. (Pa.) In D. W. G In 32: 1200 Ball, The. (C.) In D. W. 3 In 32:1203 Bird in a cage, The. In D. O. P. 8 In 32:298 Same. In D. VV. 2 In 32:1202 Brothers, The. (C.) In D. \V. I...I11 32:1261 Cardinal, The. (T.| In D. W. 5.. ..In 82:1265 CiiAiioT, admiral of Fiance. (T.) In 1). \V. 8. In 32:1266 Changes, or love in a maze. (C.) In I). W. 2. In 32:1202 Constant maid, The. (C.) In D. W, 4. In 32:1264 Contention for honour and riches. ] n D. W. 0. In 32:1266 Contention of Ajax and Ulysses for the armour of Achilles. In I). \V. M ." -In 32:1200 Coronation, The. (P.) In D. W. 3. In 32:1263 Court secret, The. (T. C.) In D. W. 5. In 32:1265 Cui'iD and death. (Mas.) In D. W. fi...In 32:1200 Doubtful heir, The. (O.J In D. W. 4..I11 32:1204 Dukk's mistress, The. (T.) In I). VV. 4. In 32:1264 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 81 Authors. Shirley, J., (continued.) — Edward, tin- Muck Prince. (II. T.) In B.B.T. 16. In 82:266 Same. In I. B. T. U In 32;:^» Same. In 1.. S. i In •83:526 EXAMPLE, The. In I). \\'..i In 32: Gauksisk, The. (('.) In B. B. T. 19_In 32:269 Sumo. In I). (). P. !> In 82*.2B9 Same. In I). W.3 In 82:1263 G km i. km an <.f Venice, The. (T.-C.i In li. \\ 5, In 82:1269 Grateful servant, The. In 1). W. 2...In 82:1262 Honoria and Mammon. In D. YV. '...In 82:1266 Humorous conrtier, The. (0.) In D W. 4. In 82:1264 IIviik Park. (C.) In D. W. -' In 82: 126 J IMPOSTURE, The. iT.-C.i III 1). \V. r...I n 82:1265 I.vdv iif pleasure, The. (('.) In I). \V. I. In 82:1264 Love tricks; or, The school of complement. (C.) in i> vv i Iii 82:1261 Lovk's cruelty. (T.J In I). \V. -J In 82:*262 Maid's revenge, The. (T.) InD.W.l~In 82:1261 OPPORTI MTV. The. C.J I:i D. W. 8-In 82:1268 Politician, Tin-. |T.) In I). W. 5..1n 82:1268 Royal matter, The. (P.) In 1). W.4..I11 82:1204 Sum Patrick for Ireland. (D.) in D. W. 4. In 32:I2HI Ststkrs. The. (0J In l>. W. :. In 32: Traitor, The. ,T.i In I). \V. 2 In 82:1262 Trumi'ii of beauty, The. (En.) In I). W. 6, In 32:l2i>i; Tr.irMi'ii of peace, The. (Mas.) In D. \V. 6. In 82:1266 \Vi:r>i.iMi, The. (C.) In D.W.I In 32:1361 WrTTT fair one. The. (C.) In I). W. I..I11 82:1261 Voi ni, admiral, The. 1 1'. 1 In D. W.3..I11 32: 1 ^<;:; Dramatic Works and poems of James Shirley, now llr-t collected; with notes by the late William Gilford, Esq., mill additional notes and Borne account of Shirley and his writings, by the Rev. Alexander Dyee. Insix volumes. Loud. 1833. s°...32:l2ol-126t> Siddons, H. Time's a tell-tale. (C.) In L M.T. io....i„ 32:380 Simms, William Gilniore. Atai.antis: a story of the sea. (D. P.) In Poems. In 81:1078 Same. Phil. 18+8. 12° In 82:1268 Norman Maurice; or, The man of the people. In Poems 1 In 81:1578 Simonsohn, — — . joint author. See MxasKKB, otto. Zwei voin Ballet. Simpson, J. Palgrave, Appearances. In L. I'. 47 In 32:447 Atrocious criminal. An. In L. P. 7-1.. In 32:474 •• Black sheep.'! Pounded on Vates' novel. In L. P. 81 In 82:481 HitoKKN ti.-s. (Dom. D.) Iii L. P. 06. In 82:496 ( '.t ur curds (C. D.) 1 11 P. M. 40-4 1. —In 32:74 Same. In L. P. 58 In 32:453 Dreams of delusion. In P. M. 32 In 32:7" Fair pretender, A. (C. 1>.) In L. P. B6.In 82:466 First affections. iCa.i In L. P. -52. ..In 32:452 Heads or tails. (On.) In L. P. IS In 32:415 Jack in a box I (Ca.) In L. P. "I In 32:471 Matrimonial prospectuses. (Or.) In L. P. 6. In 32:40*1 Osi.v aclod. (('. DO In L. P. 21 In 32:421 Poor cousin Walter. (D.) In L. P. 2. ..In 32:402 Ranklaoh. (O.D.] In I.. P. i.( In 32:413 School for coquettes, A. ,Ca.) In L. P. 41. In 32:141 Scrap of pap;-r, A. (O. D.) In L. P. 51. ^u 32:151 Simpson, J. P., {continued.) — Skconh [01 ' l> In V, 8 34 In 32:1 16 Same. In L P. Js In 3:' Skiu-k.nt on the hearth, The. (U. D.) In L I' In 32:488 SHADOWS of Ihc past. (C 1>.I In L P. '-'7. Iii 32: H'7 Svihi.i.a; or, Stcji by step. (0. I). I In L. P. 84, Iii 32:4i;4 Timi: iiinl the hour, The. In L P. 81. In 32: 1m Very suspicions I In L. P. 6 In 32: i 1 "'. Watch dog of the Walsingbamt, ill. D.) In L. 1'. '.12 In 82:492 Winiofi Incumbrances. (K.) In L, I'. 2. In 82:402 World and stage. (0,1 In L. P. 87«ln 82:407 adapter. See Scribe, Eugene. Marco Spuda, joint author. Sec BURNAHD, P.O. King of the Morrows. Siraudin, Paul. Left the stage. In L. P. 7 In 82:407 See Ci.Aiifvn.i k. Louis Francois N icolnie. A ngot, die Toehter det Hall.-. Set MoREAU, Eugene, and others. The courier of Lyons. Sittenflld, Ludwig. DoNNKiisTAii. In K. A. f. L.-B. 96 In 32:2100 Sivry, Polnsinet dr. Cebcle, I.c; on, La soiree a la mode. (0.) In A ut. urs com iijiics ti In 32:1506 Skelton, John. BERTRAM. (Italian Sk 1 In P. W. 2.1n 81:1586 Caius Marios. (II. Legend.) In PW. 2Jn81:)585 .Ma.inyi ■y.-kn. k. (1., 111 P. W. 2...1n 31;1585 Sketchly, Arthur. ( pseud.) See Hose, George. Smart, Christopher. .li'wiEMt.NTi.f Midas. Mas ) In W. of British poet- 11 In 31:59 Smith, Albert A 1. 1 1 am m: a. The; or, Tho three beautiful princesses. (P.. P..) In L. P. 3 In 82:403 Blanche IP-riot; or, The Chertaey curfew. (Dom. and II. D.) In L. P. 73 * In 32:473 Cricket on the hearth. (D.) Dramatized from Dickens. In P. S. 43 In 32:140 Esmeralda. (Ba.J III L. P. 2 Ill 32:402 Smith, Alexander. LlTE— DRAMA, A. Iii Poems In 81:1694 Same In T. 31:1507 Smith, Edmund. Phaedra and Hippolitus. (T.) In W. of British poets C, In 81:54 Same. In B. 15. T. 10 In S2:'«60 Same. In IS. B. T. 14 In *32:231 Smith, G. joint author. See Mayiikw, K. .Make your wills. Smith, l{ichard Peon. Eighth of Januarv, The. (D.) In S. P. 1. In 32:201 Smith, S. Theyre. Cut off with a shilling. (Ca.) In L. P. 97. In 32:407 Happy pair, A. (Ca.) In L. P. 83 In 82:483 Which is which? (Ca.i In L. P. 07. In 32:407 Smith, W. H. DRUNKARD, The; or, The fallen saved. (Dom. D.) In P. B! 11 In 32:131 Same. In L. P. 7 In 82:407 Smollet, Tobias. Hkoicihk, The. (T.) In W. 1 In *34:P'07 Reprisal, The; or, The tars of old England. In W. 1 In *34:1997 Snider, D. J. CLARENCE. Drama. St Louis. 1872. 8°... 32:1271 PUBLIC LIBRARY OK CINCINNATI. The Drama. 82 Authors. Soane, George. Ai.ai.din-. (Fairy O.) In S. P. 1 In 32:201 Undine; or, The spirit of the waters. (D.) InF.S. 26 In 32: Ml Same. In S. P. 2 In 32:202 Zaraii, the Gipsy. (R. I).) In L. P. 92. .In 32:492 Solis, Antonio de. See Vega, Lope de, Caldekon do la Barca, and others. Somerset, C. A. Day after the fair, The. (B.) In F. M. 16. In 32:62 Same. In L. P. 7G In 32:476 Home sweet home. [O.) Adapted from the original German. In P. 7 In 32:191 Shakespeare's early days. (D.) In L. P. 93. In 32:493 Sylvana. (<).) Music hy C. M. von Weber. In S. P. 4 In 32:204 "Yes." (O.I.) In P. 13 .In 32:197 Zelina; or. The triumph of the Greeks. (Warlike Grecian!)) In F. S. 37 In 32:146 Sophocles. A.iax. Or. (T.) In Trag. and Frag...In • 1:4266 Same. Bug. Trans, hy Thomas Francklin..In 1:3182 Same. F.ng. By S. H. Plumptre. In Trag..Tn 1:3187 Same. Ger. (Der rasende Ajax.) By J. J. C. Donner In 1:3195 Same. Lat. In Trag. and Frag In *1:2266 Antigone. Gr. (T.) In Trag. and Frag. In *1:22U6 Same. Greek text with English notes by Theodore D. 'Woolsey 1:2570 Same. Eng. Hy Thomas Francklin...Tn 1:3182 Same. Eng. Bv K. H. Plumptre. In Trag..In 1:3187 Same. Ger. In C. T. B. 19 In 32:2004 Same, (let: By J. J. C. Donner In 1:3195 Same. Lat. In Trag. and Frag In*l:2266 Electra. Gr. In Trag. and Frag... .In $ 1:2266 Same. Greek text with English notes bv Theodore D. Woolsey .' ." 1:2576 Same. Eng. With notes by Geo. C. Fox. With .Eschylus' Prometheus In 1:2806 Same." Eng. By Thomas Frnncklin In 1:3182 Same. Eng. Bv Nicholas Longworth. Cincinnati. 1878. 12° 1:3189 Same. Eng. By E. II. Plumptre. InTrag..ln 1:3187 Same. Eng. 'By Lewis Theobald. In B. B. T. 16. In 32:266 Same. der. By . I. .J. C. Donner In 1:3195 Same. Lat. In Trag. and Frag In *1;2266 Maidens of Trachis, The. Gr. In Trag. and Frag In * 1:2266 Same. Eng. By Thomas Francklin In 1:3182 Same. Eng. By E. H. Plumptre. In Trag. In 1:3187 Same. Ger. (Die Traehinerinnen.) By J. J. C. Donner In 1:3195 Same. Lot. In Trag. and Frag In *1;2266 (Edipus at Colona. Gr. In Trag. and Frag. In "1:3266 Same. Eng. By Thomas Francklin In 1:3182 Same. Eng. By E. II. Plumptre. In Trag. In 1:3187 Same, Ger. ((Edipus auf Kolonos.) By J. J. C. Donner In 1:3195 Same. Lmt. In Trag. and Frag In •1:2268 (Edipus, the king. Gr. (T.) In Trag. and Frag. In • 1:2266 Same. Eng. By Thomas Francklin In 1:3182 Same. Eng. Bv E. H. Plumptre. In Trag. In 1:3187 Same. Ger. (Kiinig (Edipus.) By J. J. 0. Donner. In 1:3195 Sophocles, (continued.) — Same. Lat. In Trag. and Frag.. In *1;22G6 (Edipus tyrannus. See (Edipus, the king. Piiiloctetks. Gr. (T.) In Trag. and Frag. In *1:2266 Same. Eng. By Thomas Francklin In 1:3182 Same. Eng. By E. H. Pkunptre.ln Trag. In 1:3187 Sunn;. Ger. By J. J. C. Donner '....In 1:3195 Same. Lat. In Trag. and Frag In *1:2266 Traohini.k. See Maidens of Trachis. Sorrell, W. J. Border marriage, The. (O. D.) In L. P. 65. In 32:465 joint author. See French, Sidney. A friend in need. Soule, Charles C. New travesty on Romeo and Juliet. St. Louis. 1877. 8° 1 *B:2 15.18 Southern, Thomas. Isabella; or, The fatal marriage. (T.) In M. B. D. 1 In 32:101 Same. In S. P. 13 In 32:213 Same. In B. B. T. 5 In 32:255 Same. In B. B. T. 8 In *32:225 Same. In I. B. T. 7 In 32:347 Same. In L. P. 94 In 32:494 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Same. (Altered.) With Tragedies In 32:533 Oroonoko. (T.) In M. B. D. 1 In 32:101 Same. In B. B. T. 10 In 32:260 Same. In B. B. T. 8 In *32:225 Same. In I. B. T. 7 In 32:347 Same. In L. S. 2 In iS 32:523 Souvestre, Emile. Com me on fait son lit 911 se couche. In T. de la jeunesse In 32:1931 Cousin Pierre, Le; ou, Qui fait la grimace n'aime pas les miroirs. In T. dela jeunesse In 32:1931 Incognito, L' ; ou, C'est l'habit qui fait le raoine. In T. dela jeunesse In 32:1931 Loterie de Francfort, La; ou, L' occasion fait le larron. In T. dela jeunesse In 32:1931 Testament de Madame Patural, Le; ou, Ce qui vient du trompctte s'en va au tambour. In T. de la jeunesse In 32:1931 Vieillk cousinc, La; ou, II ne faut pas juger l'arbre d'apres l'ecorce. In T. de la jeunesse. In 32:1931 Thcatre de la jeunesse. Nouvelle edition. 1870. 16° 32:1931 Soyaux, L. Rechte, Der. In K. A. f. L.-B. 48 In 32:2090 Speroni degli Alvarotti, Sperone. La Canace. (T.) In T. I. A. 4 In 56:5517.4 Spindler, Carl. Constantinople's Fall. (Sch.) In Spindler's Wintcrzeitvertreib 2 In 59:952 Diner de Province in Paris, Ein. In Scencn u. Gesch. 1 In 59:939 Funk Stockwerke. In Sccnen u. Gesch. 1 .In 59:939 Gluck fiber Alles. In Lenzbliithen l...In 59:926 IIans Waldmann. (H. Sch.) In S. W. 48. In 59:909 Lustspiel im Bade, Das. In Volksgesch. 2. In 59:948 Lustspiel im Wagen, Das. In Scenen u. Gesch. 2. In 59:939 Proben und Priifungen. In Scenen u. Gesch. 2. In 59:939 Stainforth, F., joint author. See Maltby, C A. Sea Gulls. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. s:i A I TIIORK. Stamaty, Oonstantln von. NouiM'oi.Kxi-Mii i ion des TogetthofT, Die. Wiwi. 1876. 8° *B: Stavenow, B. Bus BtudiottM T. Kroger. T. ('. .".■.•..In 88:8348 Steele, Sir Richard. Uohboiovi lover*, The. (0.) In .M. IS. D. 4. In 32:l'i4 Same. In I!. IS. T. 4 In 88:354 Satue. In Ii. IS. T. 16 In *88:333 Same. In I B.T.11 In 82:352 8a In L.S.1 In *32:523 FfNKKAL. The; or, Grief a-ln-mode. (C.) In M. 15. I). 4 In 32:104 Tk.nih:h husband, The; or, The accomplished foul-. In M. Ii. D. 4 In 32:1"4 Same. In I.. S. 3 In *32:"'24 Steele, Silas s. Bka/.kn drum, The. (National D.) In P. 2. In 32:18(5 Hook of drawing room plays, and evening amuse- ment*. A comprehensive manual of in-door recrea- tions: being a collection of charades, burlesques, proverbs, tragedies, comedies, dramas, farce*, lecture-, itc. Carefully arranged and specially adapted to private representations, with lull directions for per- formance. Also, intellectual, active, catch and trick games, with hints and instructions relative to the manner id" "getting up" plavs, scenes, tableaux, etc. Phil. 1865. 12° ." 32:1273 Content* : Hlanche of I>evan ; or, The death of Roderick llhu. Drama from Sci'tt"s " l.ady of the Lake." Carpenter and his apprentice, The. Scene from J. S. Jonks, " Carpenter oi Rouen." Children in the wood, The. Chi i-lmns eh-iriid> s, taHealix, and recitations. Uonjugnl lesson, A. II. Darvbss. Counln flousdn, The ; nr, The rough diamoud. Fairly taken in. Mi-, ch-oles K»:mblb. Hide and seek ; or. Low in all corners. House thai -hiek built, (Charade.) Hypoed,, ndnie, The. Kiss in the dark, A. I*mp-lighter of (he PRgod* ; or, The Chinaman's revenge. Lawyer, doctor, soldier and Seturj or, Many minds in a minute. Love and madness ; or. The reelu-e ol tie- monnlliin. M i»ke i hall. Tie-. Opera mad ; or. The -ercain-a-dolina. i h phan l„,y-, Tli ■. # I'aintel'- PtUdiO, Tile. 8h>look the Jew. .Scene fr an KhakksI'KARk'8 Meiehant of Venice. Soldier's wife, The ; or, \ bride in a harraek room. Slau'e strll-k elet k. The. Stringer's ki-«, The ; or. Who speaks first? Tailor of Tipperary ; or, The lush lion. Two families in one room ; or, 1 he hoiindary line. Yankee tin's return, The. Youth who never -aw a woman, The. Yotilh ^f Are,,-, The. Seene (nun the trseedy of Ion. Thomas Noon Tai.hhud. Well .1 ' dentil. The. |-'p , m '• The M a I r lei, I e " S S. Ktsklii. Wizard's warning. The ; or, The warrior's faith. Thomas ("AMrnKi.L. Stein, Arthur. Va banquet In K. A. f. L.-B. 2fi In 32:2086 Stephenson, C, II TKOMB-AL I'l ZAB; or, Tilt; adventures of an operatic troupe. (Ms, E.) Adapted from the French. Music by Offenbach. In L. P. 71 In 32:171 Stinde, Julius. Famii.ik t'nrstons. Die. (Genrcbild.) In I). T. 10 In 88:3066 IIamiiukokk Leiden. (Loculcr Sch.) In D. T. 8. In 88:3058 Nai'htioai. ans dctn BScfcergang. (Volkstuck.) In I>. T. !) .' In 88:2069 Tan ik Lotto. ( l'laitdeut-ehcs L.) In D. T. 8. In 32:2058 Stirling, Kdward. At ink; or, The rose of Killamev. (I).) In I"'. 8, 17 ". In 88:186 Ammok of hope. The. ft),) [n P. I. In 88:lBS BLOOMS! costume, The. (F.) In F. M. ■ ;. In 88:56 Bi.ik jackets, The. In LP. 47 In 32:117 Cam us Charlotte. In I.. V. B8 In 32: i ■'■> Ciikap excursion, A. i F. I In L. P. 4....I11 32:404 Duauon knight, The; or, The BOMB of bentilv. (D.t InS. P. 18 In 88:316 Jew's dnughter, The. (D.) In L. 1'. 29, In 88:436 Lkkt in a cab. (F.) In L. P. 2 fa 88:403 I.KtiAcv of honour. (I).| 1 n L. P. ,10.1 n 32: 1 50 M MtitvuKf Catcbpole, the heroine of Suffolk. (D.) In L P.88 In 88:485 Mi;s. Caudle's curtain lecture. (Bagatelle.) In F. M. 21 In 32:' t Nicholas Nickleby. (F.) Dramatized from Dick- ens. In F. M. 33..." In 32:70 N'oka Creina. (D.I In F. M. 2: a till ■ of the Dismal Swamp. Dramatized from Mrs. Stone. In L. P. 57 In 32:457 Fan-Fan, the tulip. (D.) Adapted from the French. In L. P. 05 In 32:405 Felon's hond, The. (D.) In L. P. 85. ..In 32:486 FIRST love; or, The widowed bride. (D.) In L. P. 60 In 32:409 Give me my wife. (F.) In L. P. 75. ..In 32:475 Glass of water, A; or, Great events from trifling causes spring. [C.) Freely adapted from the French of Scribe. In L. P. 71)....". In 32:479 Highwayman's holiday, The. (F.) In L. P. 60. In 32:400 Holly Bush Hall, (D.) In L. P. 44..In 32:444 Idiot of the mountain, The. (I).) Adapted from the French. In L. 1 . 51 In 32:451 Incompatibility of temper. (F.) In L. P. 13. In 32:473 I so link of Bavaria. (D.) In L. P. 8G...ln 32:486 Jack o' the hedge. (D.J In L. P. 7s..In 32:478 Jeweller of St. James, The. (C.) Adapted from the French. In L. P. 55 In 32:455 John Wopps; or, "From information I received." In L. P. 49 In 32:449 Lifk's revenge, A. (D.) In L. P. 39. In 32:439 Little Annie's birthday. (Personation F.) In L. P. 81 In 32:481 Lost child, The; or, Jones's baby. (F.) In F. M. 40-41 In 32:"4 Same. In L. P. 62 In 32:402 More free than welcome. (F.) Adapted from the French. In L. P. 73 In 32:473 Our new man. (F.) In L. P. 65 In 32:465 Quiet family, A. (F.) In F. M. 30 In 32:69 Same. In L. P. 30 In 32:430 KoniiKiis of the Pyrenees, The. (D.) Adapted from the French. In L. P. 50 In 32:450 ROCAMBOLE; or, The knaves of hearts and the companions of crime. In L. P. 66 In 32:460 Sarah's young man. (F.) In L. P. 31 -In 32:431 Syren of Paris, The. (H. D.) Adapted from the French. In L. P. 52 In 32:452 Test of truth. The; or, "It's a long lane that has no turning.'' (C.) In L. P. 84 In 32:484 Trovatork, II. (R. D.) In L. P. 56..In 32: 156 Two gentlemen in a fix ; or, How to lose the train. (I.) In LP.66 In 32:ioo Very pleasant evening, A. (F.) In L. P. 80. In 32:480 "Wanted a young lady." (F.) In L P. 66. In 32: 168 We all have our little faults. (F.) In L P. 78. In 32:478 Which shall I marry? (F.) In L. P. 59. Io 32:459 Swayze, Mrs. J. C. Ossawattomie Brown ; or, The insurrection at Harpers Ferry. (D.) In F. S. 29 In 32:142 Swinburne, Algernon Charles. Atai.anta in Calydon. A tragedy. Bost. 1806. 10° .....*. 32:1275 Chastklard. A tragedy. N. Y. 1860. 10°. 32:1276 Queen Mother, The. With Rosamond..! n 32:1277 Rosamond. With The queen mother-In 32:1277 Tailor, B. Hoo has lost his pearl, The. In D. O. P. 6. In 32:296 Talbot, 0. S. Captain Morgan. (F.) In S. P. 2. ..In 32:202 Talbot, R., adapter. See Raupacu. The serf. Talfourd, Francis. ABOO Hassan; or The hunt after happiness. (Fairy E. . in rhyme.) In L. P. 17 In 32:417 Alckstis, the original strong-minded woman (Us.) In L. P. 21 In 32:421 Atai.anta; or, The three golden apples. (E.) In L. P. 30 '. In 32:430 Elkctra in a new electr'ic light. (F..) In L. P. 39 In 32:439 Ganem, the slave of love. (E.) From "The Arabian Night's Entertainment." In L. P. 6. In 32:400 Household fairy, A. (D.) In L. P. 44...In 32:444 King Thrushbeard! (E.) In L. P. 44. ..In 32:444 MACBETH. Somewhat removed from the text of Shakespeare. In L. P. 8 In 32:408 Pluto and Proserpine. (E.) In L. P. 36. In 32:430 Rile of three, The. (C.) In L. P. 38. ..Tn 32:438 Siiyi.ock; or, The merchant of Venice preserved.' In I". M.17 In 32:62 Same. In L. P. 11 In 32:411 Tell! and the strike of the Cantons. (R.) In L. P. 43 In 32:443 and Byron, Henry James. Miller and his men, The. (Bs.) lnL.P.45 In 32:445 and Wigan, Alfred. Tit for tat. (Ca.) In L. P. 17. In 32:417 Talfourd, Thomas Noon. Athenian captive. The. In S. P. 13. ..In 32:213 Ion. (T.) In F. S. 1 In 32:121 Tasso, Torquato. Aminta. (Favola boschereccia.) In "W. 5. In «56:6035 Same. In C. I. 39 In *66:5466 Intuigiii d'amore. (C.) In W. 5... In *66:603G Re Torrismondo, II. (T.) In T. I. A. 7. In *56:5517.7 Same. In W. 5 In *56:0035 Tate, Nathan, adapter. See Shakespeare. King Lear. Tayleure. C. W. Boy martyrs of Sept. 12, 1814, The. (H. D.) In F. S. 32 '. In 32:144 Drunkard's warning, The. (D.) In F. S. 44-45. In 32:150 Horsk-shoe Robinson ; or, The battle of King's Mountain. (D.) In F. S. 27 In 32:141 Taylor, G. Watson. King Henry the third; or, The expulsions of the French. (11. P.) In Pieces of poetry l.-.In 31:1702 Profligate, The. (C.) In Pieces of poetry 2. In 31:1703 Taylor, Henry. Kiiwin the fair. (D.) In. P. W. 2. ..In 31:1767 Isaac Conmenus. (P.) In P. W. 2 Tn 31:1707 I'll 1 III' van Artevelde. In P. W. 1 Ill 31:1700 St. Clement's eve. In P. W. 3 In 31:1768 Sicilian summer, A. In P. W. 3 In 31:1708 Taylor, (James) Bayard. Prince Deukalion. Bost. 1878. 12° 32:1282 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Tiik J)rama. sr, ArTiions. Taylor, I' P Bi.tti.k. The. i D.i Iir F. M. 8 In 32:53 Sama In L. P. II In32:ii7 I''aii; lii'siiiiiund, according to the history of Eng- land. (K.) InP.ii I'n 83:100 Taylor, Tom. Babu in the wood. (C.) Iii L 1'. BO.In 83:450 BxiOHTKD being, A. i F. , In F. U, 31. ..In 32:'!:' Same. In L. I*. 16 In 32:416 Pool's revenge, The. In F. S. 43 In 32:1 W Same. In I. 1". 48 In 83:448 (Joumj to the bad. iC> In L. P. 37... In 83:437 Hkli-i.no hands, (Dom. 1).) In F. S, 85 In 83:145 Sama In L. P. 83 In 83:423 IIkmcv Dunbar; or, A daughter's trial. I» Pounded <>n -Miss Braddon'a novel. In L. P. 76. In 32:47ii Hmisk, or the home, The. (C.) In L. P. 42. In 32:442 Nick firm, A. (CD.) In L. P. 13 In 83:418 Nink points of the law. (Ca.) In L. P. 40. In 32:440 Payahi.k on demand. (D.) In L. P. 41..In 32:441 Kkikibution. (Dom. D.I In F. S. 19... In 32:137 Si'.ssk and sensation ; or, The seven sisters of Thule. In L P. 113 In 32:463 Skkk, The; or, Love levels all. (D.) In L. P. 68. In 83:468 Sktti.ino day. A story of the time. In L. P. 82. In 32:482 BlID in wolfs clothing, A. (D.) In L. P. :;7. In 32:1 ::7 Still waters run deep. (0.) In P. 8. 35. In 32:145 Same. In L. P. 22 In 32:422 Til kKT-oh'-i.KAVK man, The. (D.J In F. S. 31. In 32:143 Sunn-. In F. S. 42 In 32:149 Same, In L. P. 59 In 32:459 To oblige Benson. (Ca.) Adapted from the French. In L. P. 14 In 32:111 l*c at the Hills. (C.) In L. P. 50 In 83:450 Victims. In P.S.34 In 32:I40 Same. In I,. P. 32 In 32:432 and Dubovko, A. \V. M k\v men and old acres. (C.) In L. P. 90. In 32:490 Sistkk's penance, A. (D.) In LTF. 75..In 32: 475 and Kkaiik, Cliarles. ClNQ's rival, The; or, The court and the stage. (D.) In F. S. 10 In 32:136 Masks and faces; or, Before 'and behind the cur- tain. (0.) In F. S. 30 In 32:143 Two loves and a life. In F. B. 34 In 32:145 Teatro EspaOol, El; 6, Coleccion de dramas aseogidoa de l.ope de Vega, Calderon de la Barca, Moreto, Roxns, Holts, Moratin, y otros eelebres escritorcs; prccedida de una breve noticia de lu eseena Espaiiola y de los autores que la han ilustrado. Lond. 1817-21. 4 v. 8° *A Teatro Italiano antico. Milan. 1808-12. 10 v. 8°. 56:5517.1-10 Tennyson, Alfred. Hakoi.I). (D.) Boston. 1877. 16° 83:1278 Same. ||7(A Queen Mary In 32:1279 (>i;ken Mary. (D.) Bost. 1875. ir>° 83:1278 Same ". 32:1280 Terentius, Pubiios. Adki.i'ui j the ill-others. Lai. (C.) In Comesdiss 2. In *l:347l Same. Eng. Literal, with notes by Henry T. Riley. In Comedies and fables .'in 1 ;3940 Same. Oar. | Die Bruder.J By Johannes Herbst In Luatnnels In 1:3843 Same. In C. T. B. 54 In 32:2011 Terentius, P.. (coiitinutd.)— Amuiia; the fair Andrinn. Lai. (0.1 In Conned iic I In • 1:8470 Same. /■:„;/. Literal, with notes by Henry 'I'. Riley, In Comedies and fables In 1;8840 Same. Gtr. i Mad. hen v..n Andros. i By .loh mines Herbst. In Lustsptele .In 1:3913 Kim -i-im:s| the eumieli. hit. (C.i In Cui- (eiliie 1 1: 3170 Sane- Eng. Literal, with notes by Henry T. Riley. Iii Comedies and fables In 1:3840 Same. tier. (Der Ka-trat. i liv .loliimiies Herli-t. In Lustspiole iii 1:8843 Hkai ton riMoniMKNos; the self-tormentor. /,«/. (C.) In Comii-diii! 1 In *1;3470 8a Emj. Literal, with note- by Henry T. ltiley. In Comedies anil Cables ... In 1:3940 Same. Ssr. (Der Sclbstpeiniger.) By Johannes Herbst In Lnstspiele "...In 1:3943 Hki.yka; the mother-in-law. Lai. In Connediso 2. In »1:3471 Same. Ear/. Literal, with notes by Henry T. Riley. In Comedies and fables In 1;3940 Same, i.'er. (Die Schwiegerinutter.) By .Johannes Herbst. In Lustspiele 2... !ln 1:8848 Piiokmio; or, the scheming parasite. Lai. In Com> ' / Thiele, W. . + Bbudkbchbk versprich dicfa nicht (L.) In K. <>»» T. 21 In 83:2075 Thomas, Carl. Aw Lhr Wort, Madame I iL.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 93. In 32:2099 Ei.v Dieb. ( L.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 95. In 32:2099 ScHuchtki'.nkn, Die. (L.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 92. In 32:2099 Thomas, Lewis F. Cortkz the conqueror. Tragedy. Washington, D. C. 1857. 8° *B:38.6 Same S B:38.4 Same *C: 14.28 Thomas, Louis, joint author. See (Jakanu, Charles- Comedie de Salon. Thompson, Alfred. Bibs of paradise. (F.) In L. P. 84. ..In 32: i-t Thompson, Benjamin. German Theatre. 6 v. Lond. 1800. 12° 32:581-0 Same. Lond. 1801. v. in 3. 8° 83:587-88 Thompson, C. P. Dumb Savoyard and his monkey, The. (Mi In L. P. 98 '. In 83:488 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 86 Authors. Thompson, C. P., (continued.) — Jack Robinson and his monkey. (M.) In L. P. 31 .' In 32:431 Nothing superfluous. (O. F.) In S3. P. 2. In 82:202 Thomson, James. Sophonisba. (T.) In B. B. T. 18 In 32:208 Tancred and Sigismunda. (T.) In H. B. D. 2. In 32:102 Same. In B. B. T. 5 In 33:255 Same. In B. B. T. 6 In •32:223 Same. In I. B. T. 13 In 32:353 Same. In L. S. 4 In •32:525 Uncle too manv, An. (Ms. P.) In P. 13. In 32:197 Thomson, M. Lady of the Lake. (Tr.) In P. M. 22. In 32:65 Tieck, Ludwig. Alla-Moddin. (Sch.) In S. 11 In 56:1610 Bi.aubart, Der. In S. 5 In 56:1604 Donauwkib, Das. (Sch.) In 8. 13. ..In 56:1612 KpiffKNA, oder Das stille Fruuenzimincr. Trans. from Ben Jonson. (L.) In S. 12 In 56:1611 Fortunat. (C.) InS.3 In 56:1602 Gestiefei.te Kater, Der. (Kindermiihrcheii.) In S. 5 In 56:1604 Kaiser Oetavinnus. (L.) In S. 1 In 56:1600 Karl von Berneck. (T.) In S. 1 1 ...In 56:1610 Leben und Thaten des klcinen Thomas genannt Diiumehen. (Marehen.) In S. 5 In 56:1604 Prinz Zerbino; oder, die Reise nach dim guten Geschmack. (L.) In S. 10 In 56:1609 Theegesellschaft, Die. (L.) In S. 12. In 56:1611 Ungeheuer und degr verzaubcrte Wald. Das. (Ms. Marehen.) In S. 11 In 56:1610 Verkehrte Welt, Die. (H. Sch.) In S. 5. In 56:1604 Tietz, Fr. Tollpatsch. After "The busy-body" of Mrs. Centlivre. In K. V. S.-B. 1 1 In 32:2173 Tilbury, W. H. Counter attraction ; or, Strolling and stratagem. In L. P. 5 In 32:405 Tobin, John. Curfew, The. (P.) In L. S. 4 In •32:525 Faro table, The. (C.) In P. 6 In 32:190 Honey-Moon, The. (P.) In F. S. l...ln 32: 121 Same. In I. B. T. 25 In 32:365 Samof In L. P. 16 In 32:410 Same. In L. S. 4 In *32:525 School for authors. (C.) In I. B. F. 7. In 32:337 Toft, P. Out of the frying pan. (C.) In L. P. 96. In 32:496 Tomkis, . Ai.bumazur. In D. O. P. 7 In 32:297 Topfer, C. Nehmt ein Exempel dran. (L.) In T. C. 16. In 32:2214 Tourneur, Cyril. Revenger's tragedy, The. In D. O. P. 4. In 32:294 Townley, Rev. James. High life below stairs. (F.) In L. P. 3..In 32:493 Same. In L.S.I In *32:522 Townsend, Thompson. Lost ship, The. (N. D.) In F. S. 39..In 32: 147 Same. In L. P. 20 In 32:420 Man-of-war, and the merchantman. (N. D.) In P. 9 In 32:193 Mart's dream; or, Far, far at sea. (M.) In 8. P. 15 In 32:215 Townsend, T., (continued.) — Topsail sheet blocks. (P.) In S. P. 9...In 32:209 Townsend, W. Thompson. Temptation; or, The fatal brand. (D.) In L. P. 52 32:452 White friars. (D.) In L. P. 40 In 32:410 Trendies, Carl. Schlafende Ulan, Der. (Schw.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 79 In 32:2096 Treumann, Carl. Cassis Paseha. (Po. mit Gesang.) After the French. In N. VV. T. 37 In 32:2208 Liedes-Tyrannei. (L.) After the French. N. W. T. 19 In 32:2204 Trissino, Giovanni Giorgio. Sofonisba, La. (T.) In T. I. A. l..In *56:5517.1 Triesch, Friedrich Gustav. Aus Vorsicht. (L.) In N. W. T. 57...In 32:2212 Brink Liebe. (L.) N. W. T. 73 In 32:2215 Triplet, J. Call at number 1-7. (F.) In F. M. 36..In 32:72 Supper in Dixie, A. (F.) In F. M. 37....In 32:72 Troughton, Adolphus Charles. Fly and the web, The. (C.) In L. P. 69. In 32:469 Leading strings. (C.) In L. P. 33 In 32:433 Living too fast. (C.) In L. P. 16 In 32:416 Shameful behavior. (C.) In L. P. 43..In 32:443 Short and sweet. (C. D.) In L. P. 52..In 32:452 Vandyke Brown. (F.) In L. P. 39...In 32:439 Wooing in jest, and loving in earnest. (Ca.) In L. P. 37 In 32:437 Trowbridge, John Townsend. Neighbor Jackwood. (Dom. D.) In F. S. 37. In 32:146 Tuke, Sir Samuel. Adventures of five hours, The. (C.) In D. 0. P. 12 In 32:302 Turn, F. Blaubart. (Sch.) In D. T. 2 In 32:2052 Turk, Franz. Weib des Urias, Das. (T.) In N. W. T. 55. In 32:2211 Twiss, Horace. Carib chief. The. (T.) In P. 3 In 32:187 Same. In 8. P. 6 In 32:206 TJdall, Nicholas. Ralph Bolster Doister. A Comedy. Lond. 1847. 8°. With Tragedie of Gorboduc. In S. S. P. 32. In *32:2832 Uhde, H. Fine muss heirathen. (L.) In T. C. 83. In 32:2257 Van der Stemple, T. A. Jr. Kkbf.n des reichen Onkels, Die. (L.) In K.T. 25. In 32:2075 Neue Stadtrath, Der. In K. T. 25 In 32:2075 Stundchen in der Wahlversnmmlung, Bin ; oder, Er muss Rathslierr werden. (L.) In K. T. 12. In 32:2075 Vanbrugh, Sir John. J5*op. (C.) In O. D In 32:610 Same. In his Plays 1 In 32:1285.1 City wives' confederacy, The. (C.) In B. B. T. 15 In 32:265 Confederacy, The. (C.) In S. P. 6..In 32:206 Same. In L. S. 3 In *32:524 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 12 In 32:502 Same. In O. D In 32:610 Same. In his Plays 2 In •32:1285.2 Country house, Tho. (F.) In (). D... In 32:610 Same. In his Plays 2 In •82:12*5.2 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Trip. Drama. 87 AUTHORS Vanbrugh, Ifbr John, (continued.) — l'\i.>i: iru-nd, The. (C.) In <). I) In 32:610 Same. In his Plays 1 In s 32:1285.1 JointHIT to I., •n.l.in, A. (I'ntinished.) (C.) In (). I) In 32:610 Same. In his Plays 2 In *32: 1285.2 Mimakk, The. (C.) In 1$. B. T. 19...In 32:209 Same. In I> In 32:610 Dame. In his Plays 2 In *32:1285.2 Plays. Lond. 1759. 2 v. 12° *32:1285. See Kino. Thomas. Lovers' quarrels. and CimiKK, Oolley. Provoked husband, The ; or, A journey to London. (C.) In S. P. 4. In 32:204 Same. In 11. B. T. 6 In 32:250 Same. In \i. B. T. 25 In *32:242 Same. In I. IS. T. 9 In 32:349 Same. In E.C.I In *32:579.1 Same. In L. 8. 2 In *32:523 Same. In Ox. N. E. I). 5 In 32:555 Same. In fibber's I). W. 4 In 32:784 Same. In Vanbrugh's Plays 2 In *32:1285.2 Provokki. wife, The. (C.) In B. B. T. 2. In 32:252 Same. In Vanbrugh's Plays 1 In *32: 1285.1 Same. In I. 15. T. In 32:349 Sume. In L 8. 8 In •32:524 Same. In O. D .. In 32:610 Kki.ai'sk, Thej or, Virtue in danger. (C.) In B. B. T. 11 In 32:261 Same. In O. I) In 32:610 Saint. In Vanbrugh's Plays 1 In *32:1285.1 Vega Carpio, Lope Felix de. Estrklla de Sevilla, La. (C.) In Seleccions de Lope y Calderon In 32:2700 Mk.iou Alcalde el Key, El. (0.) In T. E. 1 *A Mo/.a de (Ymtaro, La. (C.i In T. E. 1 *A Pen la pusnte, Juno, (0.) In T. E. i »A Sanciio Ortiz de las BoeW (T.) In T. E. l...*A and Calderon dc la Barca, Pedro. Ski.ki ( ion ile obras maestras dramaticas de Lope de Vega, y Caledron de la Barca; eon indice y observacionos escnciales; por F. Sales. Cambridge. 1855. 12° 89:2700 Venable, William H. Am \im IB actor, The. A collection of plays for school and home. Cin. [n. d.] 16° 32:601 Contents : Qsrataoh and Henjto. Chagrined author. The. Country versa* city. Discomfited rivals", The. Father's sacrifice. The. Forest exiles. The. Harvest StOfm. The. Heartless landlord, The. Lady IVntweazel At the Artist's. Little Red Riding-bond. Loves ol Mis. Tucker, The. School stage, The. A collection of juvenile acting plays. Cin. 1873. 16° 83:803 Contents : Alfred, the king. From Mrs. Birbauld. Champion, though no fighter, A. Dramatized from Maria Melntosh. — Chinese damsel, The. Adapted from Mrs. Tonga. Cinderella. From Julia Corner's " Little Piny-.." Colored witness. A. Contentment. Adapted fnun Mi«s Alontt's Little womnn. Diamonds and toads. From Mrs. Valentine's "Games for children." Dolly's doctor. From " Rhyme and reason." Fag's revolt, The. Dramatized front " BehOnl dsvs al Kiij.Lv." Good actions mend hid action*. Adapted from Bulwer'a " Caxtons." tirit us well ay manners. Iroaginarj poeeeaalono. Matrimonial infelicities. Mrs. Willis's will. Mock Doctor, The. Ncirval. Oberon and Titania. Pedant, The. Pyrnmus and Thisbe. Quackery discovered. Sentimentality. Surprised suitor, A. Van Dunderman and his ser- vant. Venable, W. EL, (continued.) — Irish equivocation. Adapted from Harrington's " Personal BBela'ho* " Irish Valet, The, Prom l."ver's "Handy Andy." L>i/.y Lawrenee. Adapted rrom Maria Rslgeworth. Llgbter*boy :it eohnol, A. Dramatized from (Japt. Msrryal. Little dependent. The. Dramatised from Charlotte Bronte's " Jane F.yre." Little Silver hair mid the three hears. From " Pallor plays for parlor actors. Mule Snow White. By Carl Knorta, Master Gnat, the tailor. From " Rhyme and reason." Mother (loose and her friends. Nonsense ; or. Two ways of training Itoys. Rigmarole. Adapted from Miss A'eott's M Little woman." Sincere mourner, The. Tarleton. Dramatised from Maria Fdgeworth. Tricks In a doctor's shop. White princess, The. Slightly altered from " Lilliput revels." Vere, Aubrey de. .Iii.iA.v the apostate. (H. D.) In D. W. 1. In 32:797 Mary Tudor. (II. H.) In D. W. 2 In 32:798 Vernon, Capt L. Lasckks, The. (D.) In L. P. 13 In 32:413 Vigny, Alfretl de. Cmaiikkton. In T. c In 83:1060 MARcCHALEd'Ancrc, La. (D.) InT.c.In 32:1950 () in ki.i.o, le more de Venise. (T.) AfterShitl.es- peare. In T. c In 83:1090 QfJlTTB pour la peur. (C.) In T. c.In 32:1950 Siivi.ock, |a marchand de Venise. (C.) After Shakespeare. In T. c In 32:1950 TiicaTRK cotnplet. Neuvieme edition. Paris. 1870. 10° 32:1950 Villiers, Duke of Buckingham. George. Rkhkarsal, The, In B. B. T. Ifl.. In 32:265 •Villiers, de. CosTKAtx, Les; ou, Les marquis friands. (C.) In Contemporaini de Moliere 1 In 32: 1 775 KcroNsK a I'impromptu de Versailles; on, La vengeance dee marquis. (('.) In Contomporains de Moliere I In 32:1775 Vitet, Loui-. Barricaih-s. Les. Iii Ln Ligue 1 In 32:1955 Ktats de Blois, Les. In La Ligue 2... In 32:1956 Etats d'Orleans, Les. (Scenes H.) In La Ligue 1 In 32:1955 MoRTde Henri III, La. In (E. c. 2. .In 32:1955 Kktovb de Vineenncs, Le. Introduction attx Barricades. In (E. c. 1 In 32:1955 Liouk, La. ProVcdiV des Etats d'Orleans. Scenes bistoriquea. Nouvclle edition. Paris. 1861. 2 v. 16°. 83:1066-6 Volger, Kranz. Hai kfiscik shut. (8.-8.) In K. A. f. S.-S. 6. In 832133 RitANDKNitiRiiKR titid LothringoHn, oder: Eine friedliche Eroberung. (Schw. mit Gesnng.) In K. A.f. L.-B. 73 In 32:2095 Gastsimelkkisf., Einc. (Sz.) In K. T. S. 10. In 32:2152 (Jknus mid Genie, oder: Dessoir als Ehevor- mittler. (L) K. A. f. L.-B. 7G In 32:2096 Krikosministkr des Kiinigs Theodore. Der. (LA In K. A. f. LB. 75 In 32:2095 M ytiioi.ooischk Studien. (L.) In K. A.f. L.-B. 74. In 32:2095 Zwki vom schiinen Gesehlecht. (I). Sz.) In K. T. s. 3 In 32:2151 Volks-Schaubiihne. [CoHectioB of plays by different authors. Edited bv A. Ktihling.] n. t. p. SBnoe. in 7 w. io" .' '..32:2171-7 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 88 Authors. Voltaire, FrancoU-Marie-Arouet de. Adelaide du Guesclin. (T.) In CE. c. 2. In 56:3802 Agathocle. (T.) In (E. c. C In 56:^806 Alzire; ou, Les Americains. (T.) In T. In 32:1960 Same. In CE. c. 2 In 56:3802 Am«lie; ou, Le Due de Eoix. (T.) In (E. c. In 56:3802 Artemirk, (Fragmens.) (T.) In CE.c.lln 56:3801 Baron d'Otrante, Le. (O. butfa.) In (E. c. 9. In 56:3800 Brutus. (T.) In T In 32:1000 Same. In (E. c. 1 In 56:3801 (Jhari.ot; ou, La comtesse de Givry. (Piece dramatique.) In 05. c., s In 56:3808 Dcpositaire, Le. (C.) In CE. c. 8. ..In 56:3808 Deux tonneaux, Les. (O.-O.) in (E. e. 0. In 56:3800 Don Pcdre. (T.) In CE. e. 6 In 60:3806 Droit du Seigneur, Le. (O.) In IE. c. 8. In 56:38nH Ecossaisk, L.' (C.) In (E. e. 8 In 56:3^08 Enfant prodigue, L'. (C.) In (E. e. 7. In 66:3807 Eryphile. (T.) In CE. c. 1 In 66:3801 Fanatisme, Le; ou, Mahomet le prophete. (T.) In T .' In 83:1960 Same. ln(E.c.3 In 56:3SU3 Kemme qui a raison La. In (E. e. T..In 56:3807 Fersde Bellebat, La. In (E. c. 12 In 56:3812 GueHRES, Les; ou, La tolerance. (T.) In (K. c. 5. In 66»6805 Hcraclius Espagnol, L'; ou, La eona'die faineuse. 1" 'H.c. B In 66:3800 Hote et 1' hotesse, L'. (Divertissement.) In (E. c. 12 In 66:3818 Indiscret, L'. (C.) In (E. c. 7 In 66:3801 Ikcne. (T.) In (E. c. 6... In 56:3800 J U LIES Cesar. (Tragedie ' de Shakespeare.) In CE. c. 9 In 66:3809 Lois de Minos, Les. (T.) In A and DECKER, Thomas. North waki> hoe! (U.) In Webster's \V. 3. *A Westward hoe. In Webster 1 ! 1). W. l. In 32:1290 Same. In Webster's W. 8 »A and Rowi.k.y, William CURK fora cuclt. .Id, A. (C.J In W. b-ter's D. \\ . 1. In 32:1293 Same. In Webster's \V. 3 "A Tiiicaiian wonder, The. (0.) In Webster's D. \V. 4 lii 82:1293 Sam.-. In < >. K. P. 8 In 32:170 Same. In Webster 1 ! W. 4 *A Wehl, F. Man soil den Tcufel nicht an die "Wand malen. (L.) In T. C 85 In 32:'-2:>7 Wehner, •! 11. PRINCIPLE! form character. (('.) In F. M. 22. In 82:66 Weibe, W. Kva im I'aradi.-e. i L. ) In K. A. f. L. 15. .17. In 32:2088 Weilen, Josef. Acs dem Stegreif. (Festtp.) In N. W. 54. Ill 32:2211 Wells, Charlee, JosBPB and bis brethren: A dramatic poem. With an Introduction by Algernon Charles Swin- burne. Lond. 1870. 12° 82:1296 Welstead, Henry, GrfOAL n.v; or, The invisible husband. (0. D.J In I. I'. »« .....In 32:426 Werner, Zachariaa. Vikkcnd/.w AN/.iiisTK Feliruar, Der. (T.J In 0. T. li. 12 In 32:2005 Weston, J. -M., adapter. See HUGO, Victor. Lu. .r.i la Borgia. Wever, Robert. Li sty juventus. (.Morality.) In H. E. I). 1. In ? 32::s24 Wexel, Carl. Aii- dem Posten. (L.) In K. A. f. L-B. 98. In 32:2100 Whincop, Thomas. Be ANDERSES; or, Love and liberty. (T.)...*L:7.26 White, Bdmund II. Aiiiki.stan. A tragedy. Lond. 1847. 8°. *B:19.9 White, See. .lames. Kino of the commons, The. (P.) In F. S. 4. In 32:124 Whitehead, William, Ckkcsa, queen of Athens. (T.J In B. B. T. 20. In 82:270 Roman father, The. (T.| In M. B. D. 2.1n 32:102 Same, lu It. B. T. 20 In 32-270 Same. In I. II. T. 14 In 82:364 Same. In L. P. :t In *82:624 Same. Atcred. In li. B. T. 14 ln*32:231 SCHOOL for lovers, The. (C.) In B. B. T. 21. In *32:238 Wieland, Chrlstoph Martin. ACBARMEB, Die; oder, Der Friedo des Dikaopolli. In W. 34 In 56:1920 ALCRSTB. (8«p.) In S. W. 28 In 56:1914 Ci.kmkn tina von Porrettn. (D.) In 8. W. 28. In 56:1914 GOTTEBGESPR&CHg. In Ausgcwiihlte W. 3. In 56:1925 Lady .Johanna Gray. (T.) In S. W. 18. In 56:1914 Paniioiia. (L.) In S. W. 28 In 56:1914 Poskucxuk. (Ssp.) Ill S. W. 28 In 56:1914 I'ltTIIKII. des Midas, Das. (K. Ssp.) In S. W. 28. In 56:1914 Waiii. des Ilerkules, Die. (Lyriscbea U.i In 8, W. 28 In 56:1914 Wigan, Alfred. Moijki. of a wife, A. (F.J In L. P. f,l....In 82:461 Wigan, Horace. Always intended. (C.) In L. P. 77 In 32:477 Best way, The. (P.O.) In L P. 76_In 32: 476 Ciiakmimi woman, The. (C.) In L P. 60. In 32:400 FiuKNi.s or foes? (0.) In L. P. 54.... In 32:454 Observation and flirtation. (O.) in L P. it. In 32:tl7 Real and the ideal, The. (C.J in L. P. 5o.ln 32:4.".G SOUTHERNER— jost arrived, A. (F.) In L. P. 50. In 32:450 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The 1)rama. 3b Authors. Wlgaii, H., (continued.) — 'Taming tlie truant. (C.) In L. P. 58..In 32:458 joint author. See Oxenford, John. A life chase. joint author. See Talfourd, F. Tit fur tat. Wilbrandt, Adolf. Kampf ums Dasein. (L.) In N. W. T. 74. In 32:221". Unerreichbar. (L.) InT. C. 7 In 32:2242 Giordano Bruno. Trauerspiel in drei Aufziigen. Wien. 1874. 12° 32:2611 "Wilder, , and Delacour, Alfred-Charlemagne- Lartigue. Prinz Methusalem. (C. O.) Trans, by Carl Treumann. Music by Johunn Strauss. In N. W. T. 72 .' In 32:2215 Wilhelmi, Alexander. One of you must marry. (C. D.) In L. P. 71. In 32:471 Wilken, H. Elzevir. (Genrebild rait Gesang.) f In T. C. 2. In 32:2241 "Wilkins, Edward G. P. My wife's mirror. (0.) In F. M. 13. ...In 32:00 Young New York. In F. S. 24 In 32:140 "Wilkins, George. Miseries of inforced marriage. In D. <>. P. 5. In 32:295 "Wilkins, John H. Civilization. (P.) In F. S. 13 In 32:133 Same. In L. P. 10 In 32:410 Egyptians, The. (P.) In L. P. 12... .In 32:412 Wilks, Thomas Egerton. Bamboozling. (F.) In F. M. 3 In 32:53 Same. In L. P. 28 In 32:428 Ben the boatswain ; or, Sailors' sweethearts. (N. D.) In F. S. 19 In 32:137 Same. In L. P. 28 In 32:428 Black domino, The; or, The masked ball. (C. D.) In L. P. 88 In 32:488 Captain's not a-miss, The. (F.) In V. M. 2u.- In 82:64 Same. In L. P. 29 In 32:429 Crown prince, The. (D.) In F. M. 13..In 32:00 Same. In L. P. 26 In 32:426 Dream spectre, The. (K. D.) In L. P. 40. In 32:440 Eily O'Connor. (M.) InS.P. 15 In 32:215 Same. In L. P. 47 In 32:447 Halvei, the unknown. (D.) In L. P. 42. In 32:442 How's your uncle? (F.) In L. P. 41. In 32:441 Kennyngton Crosse; or, The old house on the common. (K. D.) In L. P. 75 In 32:475 King's wager, The ; or, The camp, the cottage, and the court. In L. P. 62 In 32:462 Lord Darnley; or, The keep of Castle Hill. (D.) In L. P. 78 In 32:478 Michael Erie, the maniac lover. (11. D.) In F. S. 31 1" 32:143 Same. In L. P. 33 In 32:433 Miller of Whetstone, The; or, The cross-bow letter. (C. B.) In L. P. 7 In 32:407 My wife's dentist. (F.) In L. P. 35...In 32:435 Raffaelle, the reprobate; or, The secret mission and the signet ring. (D.) In F. S. 36 In 32:146 Same. In L. P. 10 In 32:410 Kailroad station, The. (F.) In L. P.47.In 32:447 Sergeant's wedding, The. (C. D.) In L. P. 91. In 32:491 Seven clerks. (K. D.) In F. S. 15 In 32:135 Same. In L. P. 40 In 32:440 State secrets. (F.) In L. P. 53 In 32:453 Sudden thoughts. (F.) In F. M. 31. ..In 32:69 Same. In L. P. 33 In 32:433 Wknlock of Wenlock; or, The spirit of the black mantle. (M.) InF.S. 17 In 32:136 Wilks, T. E., (continued.)— Woman's love; or, Kate Wynsley, the cottage girl. (D.) In L. P. 4 In 32:404 Wren boys, The: or, The moment of peril. (I).) In L. P. 52 In 32:452 Willaud, Albert. Madame Herzog; oder, Die Verschworung zu Montefiascone. (K. O.) Trans, by Julius Hopp. Music by Jacques Offenbach. In N. W. T. 46. In 32:2210 "Williams, A., joint author. See Hazlewood, C. H. Leave it to me Williams, Montagu. Fair exchange, A. (Ca.) In L. P. 47. ..In 32:447 Isle of St. Tropez, The. (D.) In L. P. 52. In 32:452 joint author. See Burnand, F. C. Easy shaving. and Burnand, F. C. " B. B." (F.) In L. P. 45 In 32:445 Carte de visite. (F.) In L. P. 57 In 32:457 Turkish bath, The. (F.) In L. 51. In 32:451 Williams, Thomas J. Butter half, The. (Ca.) In L. P. 67..In 32:467 Charming pair, A. (F.) In L. P. 58..In 32:458 Cruel to be kind. (F.) In L. P. 46...In 32:446 Cure for the fidgets, A. (F.) In L. P. 77. In 32:477 Dandelion's dodges. (F.) In L. P. 78..Iu 32:478 Found in a four-wheeler. (F.) In L. P. 70. In 32:470 " Ici on parle Franeais." (F.) In L. P. 40. In 32:440 "I've written to Brown." (Ca.) In L P. 40. In 32:440 Jack's delight. (F.) In L. P. 56 In 32:456 Larkins's love letters. (F.) In L. P. 72. In 32:472 Lion slayer, The; or, Out for a prowl. (F.) In L. P. 77 In 32:477 Little Daisy. (C. D.) In L. P. 60 In 32:460 Little sentinel, The. (Ca.) In L. P. 58. In 32:158 My dress boots. (F.) In L. P. 63 In 89:463 My turn next. (F.J In L. P. 73 In 32:473 My wife's maid. (F.) In L. P. 63 In 32:163 Nursky Chickweed. (F.) In L. P. 43....In 32:443 Old Gooseberry ! (F.) In L. P. 85 In 32: 185 On and oft". (F.) In L. P. 51 In 32:451 One too many for him. (F.) In L. P. 80. In 32:480 Out to nurse. (F.) In F. M. 32 In 32:70 Peace and quiet. (F.) In L. P. 51 ...,ln 32:451 Peep-show man, The. (D.) In L. P. 80. In 32:480 Pipkin's rustic retreat. (F.) In L. P. 69. In 32:469 Race for a widow, A. (F.) In L. P. 46..In 32:446 Silent protector, A. (Ca.) In L. P. 80_In 32:180 Silent system, The. (P.) In L. P. 50... In 32: 156 TKiuuin.ktinker, A. (F.) In F. M. 40-41. In32:74 Same. In L. P. 87 In 32:487 Tourist's ticket, A. (F.) In L. P. 96... In 32:496 Trials of Tompkins, The. (F.) In L. P. 58. In 32:4 58 Turn him out. (F.) In F. M. 37 In 32:72 Same. In L. P. 59 In 32:459 Twekdleton's tail-coat. (F.) In F. M. 40-41. In 32:74 Same. In L. P. 73 In 32:473 Ugly customer, An. (F.) In L. P. 49.1n 32:449 ITp a tree! (F.) In L. P. 98 In 32:498 Volunteer review, The; or, The little man in green. In L. P. 80 In 32:480 Who is who? or, All in a fog. (F.) In L. P. 86. In 32:186 Who's to win him? (Ca.) In L. P. 79..In 32:479 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The £)rama. 91 Authors. Williams, T. J., (continued.) — joint author. See Harris, A. Gossip. and Harris, A. Cruel to be kind. (F.) In L. 1'. ir..ln 32:446 Ruth Oaklov. (Dom. I).) In f. 8. S6...In 32:140 Same. In L. P. 29 In 32:429 Willis, Nathaniel Parker. Two ways of dying for a husband. I. Dying to keep him; or, Tortesa the usurer. II. Dying to lose him ; or, Bianca Visconti. Lond. 1839. 8°. 32:1301 Wilmot, Robert. Tanukkd and Gismunda. In D. O. P. 2. In 32:292 Wilson, J. Crawford. Gitanilla, The. (D.) In L. P. 48.... In 32:448 Wilson, .lohn. Andronicus Comncnius. (F.) In D. W. In »32:1302 Bei.phegor; or, The marriage of the devil. (T. C.) In D. W I" *32:1302 Cheats, The. (C.) In D. W In*32:1302 City of the plague, The. (D. P.) In W. 12. In 34:2272 Convict, The. (D. P.) In D. W. 12.1n 34:2272 Projectors, The. (C.) In D.W In *32:1302 Dramatic works, with prefatory memoir, introduc- tions and notes. Edinb. 1874. 16° *32:1302 Winterfeld, A. von. Akkika-Keisender, Ein. After the French. In T. 0. 95 In 32:2259 I.ikiik ohne Striimpfe. (T.-C.) In Winterfeld'.- Allcrband In 59:1710 Wiseman, Nicholas, cardinal. Hidden gem, The. A drama in two act*. Bait. I860. 12° 32:1303 Wolff, l'ius Alexander. I'reciosa. (Sch.) In C. T. B. 74 In 32:2015 Wood, Arthur. Bilious attack, A. (F.) In L. P. 96..In 32:496 Romantic attachment. A. (Ca.) In L. P. 90. In 32:490 Wood, G. Irish doctor, The. (F.) Altered from Fielding's trans, of Moliere's "Le medecin nialgrc lui." In L 1'. 27 In 32:427 Woodworth, Samuel. Deed of gift, The. (CO.) In P. 4.. ..In 32:188 Forest rose, The; or, American farmers. (D. ) In F. S. 41 In 32:148 Widow's ton, The. (M.) Music by J. H. Swindells. In S. P. 3 In 32:203 Wooler, J. P. Did I dream it? (F.) In L. P. 50 In 32:450 Faint heart which did win a fair lady, A. In L. P. 57 In 32:457 Founded on facts. (F.) In L. P. 45. .In 32:445 Haunted mill, The. (O.) In L. P. 72.1n 32:472 Hunt for a husband, A. (F.) In L. P. 63. In 32:463 I'll write to the Times. (F.) In L. P. 28. In 82:428 Keep your temper, (F.) In L. P. 55...In 32:455 Laurence's love suit. (Ca.) In L. P. 65.1n 32:465 Love in livery. (F.) In F. M. 27 In 32:07 Maid of honor, The. (Ca.) In L. P. 63. In 32: 163 Man without a head, A. (F.) In F. M. 34 In 32:71 Marriage at any price. (F.) In L. P. 55. In 83:459 Model husband, A. (F.) In L. P. 47. .In 32:447 Old Phil's birthday. (S.-C. D.) In L P. 64. In 32:454 Orange blossoms. (Ca.) In L^P. 54..In 32:454 Wooler, J. P., (continued.)— Kino and the keeper, The. (O.) In L. P. 71. In 32:471 Sisterly service. (Ca.) In L. P. 44. .In 32: » 11 Twice told tale, A. (F.) In F. M. 34..1n 32:71 Same. In L. P. 37 In 32:4 17 W n. I'll, ward, The. (Ca.) In I,. P. 65. In 32:463 Winning hazard, A. In L P. 84 In 32:484 Woolf, B. K. Don't forget your opera-glasses. (F.) In F. M 27. In 32:67 That nose. (F.) In F. M. 35 In 32:71 Worrell, J., joint author. See M II.DKNHAI.I., W. Carbinier, The; or, The conquest of Sedan. Wycherly, William. Country wife, The. (C.) In B. B. T. 17. In 32:267 Same. In O. D. (See alw Garrick, I). The country girl.) I„ 32:610 Gentleman dancing-master. The. (C.) In O. I). In 32:610 Love in a wood; or, St. James's Park. (C.) In O. D In 82:610 Plain dealer, The. (C.) In O. D In 32:610 Congkevk, William, Vanurugh, .Sir John, and Faro.uhar, George. Dramatic works, with biographical and critical notices. By Leigh Hunt. A new edition. Lond. 1866. 8° 32:610 Y— II. A. Furnished apartments. (C. I.) In L. P. 98. In 32:4:>8 Yates, Edmund Hodgson, joint author. See Mar- rington, N. H. Double dummy. If the cap fits. Your likeness — one shilling. Set Simpson, J. 1'nlgrave. Black sheep. and Harrington, ti. H. Hit him, he has no friends. (F.) In L. P. 47. In 32:447 My friend from Leatherhead. (F.) In L. P. 30. In 32:430 Nioht at Notting Hill, A. In L. P. J9..In 32:429 Young, Sir, 0. L. Montcalm. In L. P. 98 In 32:498 Young, Dr. Edward. Brothers, The. (T.) In M. B. D. 2...In 32:102 Same. In B. B. T. 14 In 32:261 Busiris, king of Egypt. (T.) In B. B. T. 16. In 32:266 Revenue. In M. B. D. 2 In 32:102 Same. In B. B. T. 12 ] n 32-262 Same. In I. B. T. 12 In 32:3">2 Same. In L. P. 70 I„ 82:470 Same. In L. S. 1 In *32:525 Zchaler, J. G. Was lihiig bleibt, ist doch das Beste. (I).) In Nicritz Jugend-Bibliothfk. 29 In 59:2579 Zelau, C. von. Er kann nicht luchen. (D.-Sch.) In N. W. T. 48. In 32:2210 Zell, F. SACRe t'.eur! (L.) In N. W. T. 27...In 32:2206 Snr Gravelotte. (D. Kleinigkeit.) In N. W. T. 7. In 32:2202 and GKNeK, Richard. Fatinitza. (C. O.) Music by Franz von Suppe. In N. W. T. 53 I„ 32:221 1 Ziegler, F. W. Partei-Mutii, oder: Die Kraft des Glaubens. (Original Sell.) In C. T. B. 35 In 32:2007 Zschokke, Heinrich. Ahei.i.ino. (Sch.) In C. T. B. 40.... In 32:2010 Same. In G. S. 15 In 56:1960 Wie man lieben muss. (Kin Eeciiinarchen. ) In . In 33:280.25 Same. In P In 32:178 Richard Cceur do Lion. (O.) In D. L. T. 1. In 32:280.4 Carey, Henry. Cbrononbotohtholoqos, Tin- moti tragical tragedy that was ever tragedian] by any company of tragedians. (Bs. o.) In li. I). •>.." ,..JLn •83:17 Contrivances, The. (Ballad O.) In B. D. 5. In *32:17 Same. In I'. 7 Tn •33:198.7 Homkst Yorkshiri'inan, The. In B. I). 5. In •83:17 Cartwright, William. Ordinary, The. In A. II. D. 3 In *32:0 Centlivre, Mrs. Susanna. Basset table, The. (0.) In P. 3 In 32:108.3 Bold stroke for a wife, A. (C.) In B. I). 4. In *32:i<> Same. In D. L T. 2 In 83:380.3 Sam.'. In P. 3 In 83:198.3 Busy body, The. (C.) In B. I). 4 In *32:16 Same. In 1). L. T. G In 33280.6 Same. In If. li. T. 34 In •33:241 Same. In 1*. 3 In 83:198.3 Wondkh, The. (C.) In B. D. 4 In 32:16 Same. In li. B. T. 24 In •83:341 Same. In I). L. T. 13 In 32:280.13 Chambers, SCh*. School for friends, The. (C.) In I*... In 32:200 Chapman, George. Ail. fools. In A. B. D. 2 In *32:"> joint author. See Jonson, Ben. Eastward hoe. and Shikley, James. Ball, The. In O. K. I). 1 In 32:167 Cherry, Andrew. Soldier's daughter, The. (C.) In P..In 32:177 Cibber, Colley. Careless husband, The. (C.) In II. D. 3. In *32:l"> Same. In P. 4 In 32:i:>8.4 Same. In B. B. T. 27 In ''32:211 Comical lovers, The. (C.) In P. 4..1n 32: 1 88 .1 Douhlk gallant, The; or, The sick lady's cure. (C.) In H. 1). 3 In •83:1 fi Same. In P. 4 In 32:198.4 Same. In B. B. T. 19 In •33:336 Same. In I). 1,. T. 23 In 83:380.21 Hypocrite, The. (C.) Altered by Isaac liieker- statf. In B. B.T. 17 In •83:234 Lovk makes a man; or, The lop's fortune. (C.) In B. I). 3 In •33:15 Same. In B. B.T. 27 In •83:244 Same. In P. f> In 33:198.5 Lovk's last shift; or, The fool in fashion. (C.) In P. 4 In 33:198.4 Rekisal, The; or The ladies' philosophy. 0. In B. B. T. 27 In '32:.M4 Same. In 1). L. T. 22 In 83:280.22 Siik won'd and she wou'd not; or, The kind im- postor. (CO In B. I). 3 In •83:15 Same. In D. L. T. 16 In 32: Ximkna; or, The heroic daughter. (TJ In B. B. T. 15 In •83:332 joint author. See Vanuruoh, Sir John. The provoked husliand. Coffey, Charles. Dkvii. to pay, The; or, The wives metamorphosed. (Ballad F.) In B. 1). 5 In 32:17 Same. In D. L. T. 15 In 83:280.15 Colman, Seorge, *en. Daoca It in him, The. (F.) In B. D. . r >..In *32:i7 8a In I). W .4 in »83:790 Knoi.imi merchant, Tin-. (('.) In li. 1). 4. In s 32:l'i Same. In I). W. 2 In *32:78n Fairy prince, The. (Mas) In I). W. 4. In «32:7!io Jealous wife, The. (C.) In B. D. 4...In »83:ie Same In li. B.T. 28 In *33:342 Same. In I). 1,. T. II.. In 33:280.11 Same. In K. <'. I In 83:879.1 Same. In 1). W. 1 In *83:7R7 Ma.n and wife; or, The (Shakespeare jubilee. I In l>. \V. 2 ..In »83:788 Man of buaines*. (O.J In I). W. 2...In 5 32:7hk Musical lady. The. i K. i In I) \v. 4. In *83:790 New brooms. (Pre.) In I). \V. 1 In 32:7im Oxonian in town. (C.) In I). W. 4. In ! 32:7'.'0 Polly Uoneyoombe. (I). Novel.) In I). L. X 21. In 83:380.24 Same. In D. \V. 4 In *83:790 I' ORTBAIT, The. (B.) In I). \\\ 4... In 32:7'") Sci.kkn, The; or, Islington Spa. (0.) tn I». VV. 1. In ; 32: 790 Dramatic works. Lond. 1777. 4 v. 12°. *32:787-yo and Garkick, David. Clandestine marriage, The. (C.) In B. D. 4. In s 32:ii> Same. In B. B.T. 16 I„ »83:233 Same. In D. L. T. 12! in 83:280.12 Same. In E. C. 3 In 83:879.2 Same. In D. W. 1 In •33:787 Congreve, 'William. Donu.K dealer. The. ,('.) i n B. D. 3. In »32:I5 Same. In B. B. T. 29 In *32"246 Same. In I). L. T. 20 In 83:380.20 LovKforlove. (C.) In 11. I), n ..In 32Mj Same. In B. B.T. 28 I„ 32:240 Same. In I). L. T. 16 In 83:280.16 Same. In P. 3 I„ 32: MoiKMNr, bride. The. (T.) In B. D. 1. In *32:I3 Sam-. In li. B.T. II In •33:238 Same. In I). li T. 11 In 32:2*0.11 Sane-. In P. 10 h, 33:198.10 Old bachelor, The. (C.) In B. B. T. 6. In *83:3S8 Same. In P. 3 [ n 83:198.3 Way of the world, The. (C.) In I!. I). ::. In 32:1.-. Same. In B. B. T. 38 ...In *83:249 Same. In D. L. T. 24 In 83:280.24 Cooke, John. Greene's Tu quooue; or, The citv gallant. In A. I!. D.3 ....:..!„ »88:5 Cowley, Mrs. Hannah. Aldi.va, countess Kaimond. (T.) In B. T. 3. In •82:220 Belle's stratagem, The. (C.) In D. I,. T. 4. In 83:280.4 Same. In B. C B In 83:879.8 Day in Turkey, A; or, The Rossian slaves. (C.) I" I' In 83:179 III I HA WAT, The. (Q.) In P In 83:179 Which is the man'. (C.) In D. I,. T. 23. In 32:280.23 Crowne, John. Sir Courtly Nice; or, It cannot be. (C.) In P. 7. In 83:198.1 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 94 Authors. Cumberland, Richard. Battle of Hastings, The. (T.) In B. B. T. 1. In *32:218 Brothers, The. In B. D. 4 In *32:16 Same. In B. B. T. 30 In •32:247 Same. In D. L. T. 4 In 32:280.4 Same. In K. C. 6 In 32:579.3 Carmelite, The. (T.) In B. B. T. ll..In •82:288 Choleric man, The. (C.) In B. D. 4. ..In *32:16 Same. In B. B. T. 28 In •32:246 Fashionable lover, The. (C.) In B. B. T. 28. In *32:245 Same. In D. L. T. 7 In 32:280.7 First love. (C.) In? In 32:178 Hint to husbands, A. (C.) In P In 32:200 Natural son, The. (C.) In B. B. T. 30. In 32:247 West Indian, The. (C.) In B. D. 4...In *32: 16 Same. In B. B. T. 30 In *32:247 Same. In 1). L. T. 2 In 32:280.2 Same. In E. C. 1 In 32:579.1 Davenant, Sir William. Man's the master, The. (C.) In P. 2. In 32:182 Wits, The. (C.) In A. B. D. 1 In *32: + Davenport, Kobert. City night cap, The. In A. B. D. 3 In *32:6 Decker, William. Satiro-mastix ; or, The untrussing of the humor- ous poet. In H. E. D. 3 In *32:326 and Middlkton, Thomas. Honest whore, The. Pts. I. and II. In A. B. D. 1. In *32:4 Dibdin, Charles. Quaker, The. (C. O.) In D. L. T. 2. In 32:280.2 Twenty per cent; or, My father. (F.) In D. L. T 25 In 32:280.25 What next? (F.) In D. L. T. 21. .In 32:280.21 Dibdin, Charles, jun. Farmer's wife, The. (C. O.) In D. L. T. 22. In 32:280.22 My spouse and I. (0. F.) In D. L. T. 26. In 32:280.26 Dibdin, Thomas. Jew and the doctor, The. (F.) In I\.In 32:178 Digby, earl of Iiristol, George. Elvira; or, The worst not always true. In A. B. 1). 3 In *32:G Dodsley, Kobert. C leonk. (T.) In B. B. T. 13 In •82:230 Kino and the miller of Mansfield, The. In B. D. 5 In *32:17 Sir John Cockle at court. In B. D. 5..In *32:17 Dow, Alexander. Sethona. (T.) In P. 1 In 32:181 Dryden, John. All for love; or, The world well lost. (T.) In B. U. 1 In *32:13 Same. In D. L. T. 22 In 32:280.22 Amphitryon; or, The two Sosias. (C.) Altered by John Hawkesworth. In B. B. T. 18. ..In 32:235 Clemens, the Spartan hero. (T.) In P. 10. In 32:198.10 Kino Arthur; or, The British worthy. (Mas.) Altered by David Garrick. In P. 4 In 32: 184 Spanish frvar, The; or, The double discovery. (C.) In B. B^T. 24 In *32:241 joint author. See Lee, Nathaniel. Duke of Guise, The. and Lee, Nathaniel. (Edipus. (T.) In Lee's D. W. 1 In 32:931 Ducis, Jean-Francois. Hamlet. (Imite de Shakespeare.) In P. In 32:177 Dumas, Alexandre (Davy.) Mademoiselle de Belle Isle. Trans, by Frances Anne Kenible. In Mrs. Kemble's plays...In 32:908 Edwards, Richard. Damon and Pithias. In A. B. D. 1 In *32:4 English comedy. Lond. 1810. 6 v. in 3. 16°. 32:579 Fagan, Christophe-Barthelemy. Pupille, La. (C.) In P In 32:179 Farquhar, George. Beaux stratagem, The. (C.) In B. D. 3..In «32:I5 Same. In P. 6" In 32:197.6 Same. In B. B. T. 31 In 32:248 Same. In D. L. T. 8 In 32:280.8 Constant couple, The; or, A trip to the jubilee. (C.) In B. D. 3 In *32:15 Same. In B. B. T. 31 In *32:248 Same. In D. L. T. 26 In 32:280.26 Inconstant, The; or, The way to win him. (C.) In D. L. T. 12 In 32:280.12 Same. In P. 6 In 32:1»8.6 Same. In B. D. 3 In *32:15 Recruiting officer, The. (C.) In B. I). 3. In «32:15 Same. In P. 6 In 32:198.6 Same. In B. B. T. 23 In •83:240 Same. In D. L. T. 17 Ill *32:280.17 Sir Harry Wildair. (C.) In B B. T. 31. In «32:248 Stage coach, The. (F.) In P. 6 In 32:108.6 Twin rivals, The. In B. B. T. 23 In *32:240 Fenton, Elijah. Mariamne. (T.) In B. B. T. 15 In «32:232 Same. In P. 10 In 32:198.10 Field, Nathaniel, joint author. See Massinger, Philip. Fatal dowry, The. Fielding, Henry. Intriguing chambermaid, The. In B. D. 5. In •82:17 Miser, The. (C.) In B. B. T. 22... ..In *32:239 Same. In D. L. T. 24 In 32:280.24 Same. In E. C. 6 In 32:57P.3 Mock doctor, The; or, The dumb lady cured. (F.) In li. D. 5 In *32:17 Same. In D. L. T. 20 In 32:280.20 Virgin unmasked, The. (Ms F.) In D. L. T. 23 In 32:280.23 Fletcher, John. Bonduca. (T.) In B. D. I In *32:13 Chances, The. (C.) Altered by George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham. In B. B. T. 20....1n *32:237 Pilgrim, The. Altered bv John Dryden. In. P. In 32:179 Rule a wife and have a wife. (C.) In B. D. 3. In *32:15 Same. In B. B. T. 20 In «32:237 Same. Altered by David Garriek. In D. L. T. 13. In 32:280.13 joint author. See Beaumont, Francis. The false one. The maid's tragedy. The merchant ot Bruges. Philaster. Foote, Samuel. Author, The. In B. D. 5 In "32:17 Commissary, The. In B. D. 5 In '32:17 Devil upon two sticks. In B. D. 5 In *32:17 Englishman in Paris, The. (C.) In B. D. 5. In *32:17 Englishman returned from Paris, The. In B. D. 5. In *32:17 Knights, The. In B. D. 5 In *32:17 Lame lover, The. In D. B. 5 In *32:17 Liar, The. In B. D. 5 In »32:17 Maid of Bath, The. In B. D. 5 In »32:17 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Hur. Drama. 95 Authors. M \ roi of Giirrutt, The. In B. D. 5 In »32: 1 1 Sam.-. In D. L. T. 17 In 88:380.17 Minor, The. In B. D. r> In »32:n Same. In 11. B. T. 22 ln *32:239 Orators, The. In B. D. 5 In *'32:I7 Patron, The. In B. D. 5 In *32:17 Taste. In B. D. 5 In *32:I7 joint author. See Bickkrstafe, Isaac. Dr. Last in his chariot. Franklin, Thomas. Earl of Warwick, The. (T.) In B. D. 2. In *32:U Same. In B. B. T. 2 In *32:2i'.i Be In I). L T. 23 In 82:280.29 Matilda. (T.) ln B. D. 2 In •82:14 Garrick, David. Arthur and Emmcline. In D. W. 3.1b *>32:847 Bon ton; or, High life above stairs. (F.) In D. W. ;i In *32:847 Same. In B. D 5 In *32:17 Catharine and Petruchio. (F.J In I). W. 1. In *32:84'> Clandestine marriage, The. (C.) In 1). \V. .:. In *32:*47 Country girl, The. (C.) Altered from WvcIxtH's "Countrv wife." In B. B. T. 28 In *32:240 Same. U D. L. T. 19 In 32:280.19 Cymon. (D. R.) In D. L. T. 2(i In 82:280.20 Enchanter, The; or, Love and magic. (.Ms. I).) In I). W. 1 ln •83:846 Fairies, The. (O.) ln D. W. I In •82.84S Farmer's return from London, The. (I.) In 1). W. 2 In *32:84U Florizki. and lVrdita. (D. 1'.) In D. W. 1. In *32:*4.-. Guardian, The. (C.) In B. D. 5 In*32:l7 Same. In D. I..T. 11 In 82:280.11 Same, ln 1). W. 2 In 32:*4i; Hmii life below stairs. In B. D. 5 In s 32:17 Same. In D. W. 8 .?. In «32:«47 Irish widow, The. (F.) In B. D. 5... In *32:17 Same. In D. L. T. 1 In 32:2*0.1 Ban*. In I). W.3 In «32:«47 Lkthe. (D. SatireJ In 1). W. 1 In *88:846 Liliput. (D. En.) In I). W. 2. In *32:S4C Lying valet, The. (C.) In B. D. 5.. ..In s 32:17 Same. In 1). L. T. 22 Ill 82:280.23 Same. In I). W. 1 In *82:84S Mai.k-co"Uette. The. (F.) In B. D. 5.1u *32:17 Same. In D. W. 2 In 32:84(1 May-day ; or, The little gipsv.(Ms. F.) In D. VV. 3 .' . In *32:847 .Miss in In r teens; or, The medlcv of lovers. (F.) In B. D.o *. In *32:I7 Same. In D. L. T. 8 In 32:280.8 Same. In D. W. 1 In *32:845 Neck or nothing. (F.) In B. 1). B In 32:17 1'eep behind the curtain, A. (F.) In B. D. 5. In -32:17 Same. In D. W. 3 In «32:847 Theatrical candidates. (Ms. l're.) ln I). VV. 3. In *32:847 Dramatic works. To which is added the life of the author. Loud. 1708. 3 v. 16° *32:845-7 joint author. See Coi.man, sen., George. Gay, John. Bbooars' ..pern. The. (O.) In B. D. 5 In*88:17 Same. In D. L. T. 1 In 32:280.1 Same In I*. B. T. 32 In *32:24'J Glapthorne, Henry. Ladi ks' privilege, The (C.) In (). K. D. 2 *In 32: 168 Traoedy of Albertus YVullenstein, The. (0.1 In O. E. D. 2 In *32:168 Glover, Richard. Boamcea. (T.J lull. D. 2 In '32:14 Same. In H. 11. T. I In •32:211 Goldsmith, Oliver. (ioon natured man, The. (C.) In B. I! T. 19. In •82:288 Same. In I) L. T. 1!' In 88:280.19 Shi ttnop* t.. conquer; or. The mistakes of ■ night. (C.) In B. I). 4 In *32:K; Sn In I). I,. T. C In 82:280.6 Same. In K. C. 4 In 32:57!). 2 Greatheed, Bertie. Knurr, The. (T.J In P. 4 In 32: 1 84 Gregg, Ticshain Dames. QDMM Elisabeth; or, The origin of Shakespeare. Drama in live acta, after the Elizabethan model. Lond. 1872. 8° 82:801 Hartson, Hull. Countess of Sulisbury, The. (T.) In B. I). 2. In *32:I4 Hawkins, Thomas, editor. Orihin of the English drama, The. Illustrated in its various Rpeeiea, viz.: mystery, morality, tragedy, and comedy, by specimens from our earliest writers: with explanatory notes. Oxford. 1773. 3 v. 1G° ■82:324-26 Hayley, William. Eudora. (T.) In his Flays In 32:874 Haim'Y prescriptions ; or, The lady relieved from her lovers. (C.) In l'oems and plays o.In 31:833.5 Heroine of Cambria. (T.) In his Plavi. In 32:8 - 74 Lord Russell. (T.) In l'oems and plays 6. In 81:883.6 Marcella. (T.) In Poems and plays 6. In 31:833.6 Mai -soleum. (C.) In Poems and plays 6. In 81:833.6 Two connoisseurs. (C.) In Poems and plays 6. In 31:833.6 Vl< -kroy, The. (T.) In his Plays In 32:874 Poems ami Flays. Lond. 1785. C v. 12° 31:833.1-6 Three plays: with a preface, including dramatic observations of the late Lieutenant General Burgovne. Chichester. 1811. Tobacconist, The. Altered bv Francis Gentle- man. In D. L. T. 13 '. In 32:280.13 Widow, The. In A. B. D. 3 In ? 32:0 — and CHAPMAN, George, and Marston, John. Eastward hoe. In A.B. D. 2 In *32:5 Kelly, Hugh. School for wives, The. (C.) In B. D. 4. In *32:1G Same. In B. B. T. 21 In *32:238 Same. In P. 2 In 32:182 Kenible, Frances Anne. English tragedy, An In her plays In 32:908 Plays. [Mostlv translations.] Lond. 1863. 12°. 32:908 Killigrew, Thomas. Bellamira, her dream ; or, The love of shadows. (T.-C.) In Tragedies and comedies In *32:3206 Cecilia and Clorinda; or, Love in arms. l'ts. 1. and II. (T.-C.) In Tragedies and comedies. In *32:320G Cl.AKICILLA. t (T.-C.) In Tragedies and Comedies. In *32:320U Parson's wedding, The. In A. B. D. 3..In »32:0 Same. In Tragedies and comedies In *32;3206 Pilgrim, The. (T.) In Tragedies and comedies. In *32:3206 Princess, The; or, Love at first sight. (T.-C.) In Tragedies and comedies In "32:3200 Prisoners, The. (T.-C.) In Tragedies and com- edies In s 32: 320(5 TH0MA80; or, The wanderer. (C.) In Tragedies and comedies In *82:3206 Comedies and tragedies. Lond. 16G4, 4°.*32:3206 Killigrew, Sir William. Urmasdes. (T.-C.) In his Plays In 32:910 Pandora. (C.) In his Flays In 32:910 Sei.indra. (T.-C.) In his Plays In 32:910 Three plays. Lond. 1005: 16° 32:910 Kyd, Thomas. Spanish tragedy, The; or, Hieronimo is mad again. In H. E. D. 2 In *32:325 Lee, Nathaniel. Alexander the great; or, The rival queens. (T.) In IJ. L.T. 10 ! In 32:280.10 Cesar Borgia, son of Pope Alexander VI. (T.) In D. W. 2 In 32:932 Constantine the great. (T.) In D. W. 2. In 32:932 Same. In P. 2 In 32:198.2 Gloriana; or. The court of Augustus Gsssur. [T.) In I). W. 3 j. In 32:933 Lucius Junius Brutus, father of his country. (T.) In D. W. 1 In 32:931 Massacre of Paris, The. (T.) In I). W. 3. In 32:933 Mithridates, King of Pontus. (T.) In D. W. 2. In 32:932 Nero, emperor of Rome. (T.) In I). W. 3. In 32:038 Princess of Cleve, The. (C.) In 1). W. I. In 32:931 Rival queens,The ; or, The death of Alexander the Great. (T.) In 15. D. 1 In •32:13 Same. In B. B. T. 9 In :5 32:22ii Same. In D. W. 3 In 32:93:! Same. In P. 2 In 32:198.2 SoriioNisuA ; or, Hannibal's overthrow. (T.i In D. W. 3 In 32:933 Theodosius; or, The force of love. (T.) In P. 2. In 82:198.2 Same. In D. W. 1 In 32:931 Dramatick works. Lond. 1734. 3 v. 10° 32:931-3 joint author. See Dryden, John. (Edipus. — and Dryden, John. Dike of Guise, The. (T.) In Lees D. W. 2. In 32:932 Lee, Sophia, Chapter of accidents. (C.) In D. L. T. 21. In 32:280.21 Same. In E. C. 3 In 32:579.2 Lillo, George. Arden of Feversham. (T.) In B. D. 2. .In «32:14 Fatal curiosity. (T.) In B. D. 2 In :! 32:!4 Same. In B. B. T. 4 In »32:221 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CIN CTN NATL The Drama. 97 Al.'THORB. Lillo, George, [eonUmui.) — Gkoroi Barnwell; or, The London merchant, T.) In II. I>. i In *32:i.'f Same In B. B. T, t 1 n 32:221 London merchant, Tlio. (T.) (film as George Barnwell.) In D. L. T. 9 In 32 Same, In I'. \> In 82:188.9 Lilly, John. Alkxandkr and Campaspe. (T.) In A. B. D. 1. In *32:4 London Theatre, The. A collection of the most celebrated dramatic pieces. Correctly given copies Deed In the theatres. By Thomas Dihdin. I.ond. 1815-18. 26 v. 24° 88:280.1-26 Machin. Lewis. Dona knight, The. (C.) In A. B. I). 2..In s 32: r > Machlin, Charles. Man of the world. (C.) In B. B. T. 1 '.«. In »82:236 Same. In |). L. T. 8 In 32:i80.5 Same. In K. ('. 6 In 82:579.3 Mallet, David. Ki •iiviiii'K. (T.) In P. 10 In 83:198.10 Marlow, Christopher. Edward II. iT.i InA.B.D.1 tn *82:4 Jew of Malta, The. (T.) In A. B. D. l..In <*32:4 — and Nash, Thomas. TsAOKDII of Dido, queen of Carthage, The. (T.) In O.K. 1). 2 ...In »82:168 Marmion, Shakerley. Anthjiarv, The. "(C.) In A. B. D. 3.1n *32:6 Marston, John. Malcontent, The. (T.-C.) In A. B. D. 2. In S1 32:"> joint author. Set Jonson, Ben. Eastward hoe. Mason, William. Ki.huda. (I). I'.) In P. 1 In 32:181 Massinger, Philip, Bum, man, The. |T.) In B. D. 1 In*32:l3 Dike of -Milan, The. (T.) In D. L. T. 18. In 32:280.18 Great duke of Florence, The. (C.) In B. I) ::. In »32:15 New way to pav old debts, A. (C.) In B. D. 3. In *32:ir> Same. In I). I,. T. 18 In 82:280.18 — and Field, Nathaniel. Fatal down, The. (T.) In B. D. i..In *32:!3 May, Tbomai. Heir, The. (C.) In A. B. I). 1 Tn*32:4 Old couple. The. (C.) In A. B. D. 3...In *32:'i Mayne, Jaaper. City mutch, The. (C.) In A. B. D. 2... In *32:5 Metastasio, Abbi Hietro. Achilles in Sivros. Trans, by John Iloolc. In Metaetaalo'a l>. 2...". In 32:962 Adrian in Syria. Trans, by John Hoolc. In Meatastaaio'i D. 2 ." In 82:962 .Kms. Trans, bv John Hoole. In Mestastaslo's D. 2 In 82:962 Artaxerxes. (I).) Trans, by John Hoole. In ftfetastaaio's D, 1 In 83:961 Dkmktkhs. Trans, by John Hoole. In Metas- tasio's 1). 1 In 32:'»>1 Dkmoi'iioon. Trans, by John Hoole. In Mrtiis- tasio'j I). 2 ". In 82:962 Dido. Trans. 1>\ John Hoole. In Metastasio's I). 2. In 82:962 Discovery of Joseph, The, (Sacred D.) Trans, by John Iloolc. in ifetaitaaio'i D. 3 In 32::»i;:: Dream of Bclpio, The. Tram by John Boole. In Metastasio's D. I In 32:!>«il Metastasio, Abhf Pietro, (coutbtued.) — Hrairru. Trans. by John Hoole. In Mstas- tasto'i I), l In 32:'-"''l Oi.ymi-iad. The. ,!)., Trans, by John Hoole. In Itetastasio's I). 1 In 32:'"'.i KKiiii.rs. Tran- bv John Hoole. In Metaataakra D.3 '. In 33:963 I'.oNHi.is and Hersilia. Trans, by John Hoole. In Metastasio's D.3 In 32:'";:: Siroes. Trans, by John Hoole. In Metastasio's D I In 82:963 TiiKMisiociKs. Trans, by John Ho.. le. In Metas- taaio's D. :i .' In 82:963 This. Trans, by John Hoole. In Metal: D. 1 In 83:861 UNINHABITED island, The. Trans, by John Boole. In Metastasio's D. 2 , .....In 32:'"i2 /.KNoitiA. Trans, by John Hoolc In Metastasio's I). 3 Iii 82:963 Dramas and other poem*. Translated from the Italian by John Hoole. Loud. 1800. :i v. 8°. 32:361-3 Middleton, Thomas. Mad world, mv masters, A. (C.) In A. B. D. 2. In »32:6 Mayor of Quinborough, The. In A. B. D. 3. In *32:6 Roaring girl, The ; or, Moll Cutpurse. (C.) In A. B. D. 2 Iii «32: r > Wm ii. The. (T.-C.) In A. B. D. 3.... In *32:<: Miller, James. Mahomet the impostor. (T.) In 11. D. 2. In *32:14 Same. In D. L. T. 16 In 32:280.16 Milton, John. (onus, i Mas.) In B. B. T. 32 In *82:249 Same. In D. L. T. 10 In 32:280.10 Samson agonistea. (D. P.) In B. B. T. 12. In *32:229 Moncrieff. William Thomas. A i.i. at Coventry; or, Love and laugh. (Ms. F.) In D. W. 8 .'.In 32:978 Birthday dinner, The; or, The parson's nose. (Ca.) In I). \V. 2 In 82:9T7 Borrowings husband; or, Sleeping oat. (1*. C.) In D.W.I .....In 32:ii7« Bringing home the bride ; or, The husband's Brat journey. (V.) In I). W. l In 82:976 Giovanni in London; or, The libertine reclaimed. ((). B.) In D. W. 3 In 82:978 Giselle; or, The phantom night dancers. 1) In I). W.l In 82:970 Hk.art of London, The; or, The sharper s progress. (D.i In D. W. 1 In 83:976 How to take up a bill. (V.) In D. W. 2. In 32:!i77 Kiss and the rose. The; or, Love in the nursery ground. (V.) In D. W. 2 In 83:977 Monsikir Mallet; or, My daughter's letter. (D.) In D. W. 1 In 32:!'7G H ONsiKtui Tonson. (F.) In D. \V. 3. ..In 32:'>78 My aunt, the dowager; or, The Winterbott.'ins. (Fa.) In D. W. 2 In 32:'«77 Old heads on young shoulders; or, Home for the holidays. (P.) In D. W. 3 In 32:'.'7H Oh> fault ; <>r, A husband's honor. (Dom. D. ) In I). W. 1 In 82:876 I'kkr jimI the peasant, The. (C.) In D. W. 2. In 32:''77 BOCHBSTSH; or. King Charles the second- merry days. ,i Ms. C.) In D. W. 3 In 32:'.'7s BAM Weii.er; or, The Pickwickians. (I). ) In D. W. 2 In 82:977 Scamps of London, The; or, The crose-roade of life. (D.| In D. W. I In 3'.', PUBLIC LIBRARY OP CINCINNATI. The Drama. Authors. Moncrieff, W. T\, (continued.'] — Secret, The; or, Natural magic. (C. mvsterv.) In D. W. 3 In 32:978 Somnambulist, The; or, The phantom of the vil- lage. (Dom. M.) In D. W. 2 In 32:977 Tarnation strange; or, More Jonathans. (F.) In D. W. 1 In 32:976 Tobit's dog, The. (H. Ca.) In D. W. 2. In 32:977 Tom and Jerrv; or, Life in London. (O. E.) In D. W. 3 .' In 32:978 Zoroaster; or, The spirit of the star. (M.) In D. VV. 3 In 32:978 Selections from dramatic works. Lond. 1851. 3 v. 8° 32:976-8 Moore, Edward. Kou.vdi.iso, The. (C.) In B. B. T. 18..In *32:235 Gamester. The. (T.) In B. D. 2 In •82:14 Same. In B. IS. T. 4 In «32:221 Same. In D. L. T. 4 In 32:280.4 Murphy, Arthur. " A i.r. in the wrong. (C.) In B. D. 4. ..In s 32:16 Same. In B. B. T. 26 In *32:243 Same. In D. L. T. 10 In 32:280.10 Same. In E. C. 3 In 32:579.2 Apprentice, The. In B. D. 5 In '32:17 Same. ' In D. L. T. 14 In 32:280.14 Citizen, The. (F.) In B. D. 5 In «32:17 Same. In D. L. T. 16 In 32:280.16 Grecian daughter, The. (T.) In B. D. 2. In «32:14 Same. In 15. 15. T. 7 In *32:224 Same. In D. L. T. 5 In 32:280.5 Know your own mind. (C.) In E. C. 5. In 32:579.3 Old maid, The. (C.) In B. D. 5 In«32:i7 Orphan of China. The. (T.) In B. D. 2. In *32:14 Same. In B. B. T. 7 In *32:224 Same. In I). L. T. 17 In 32:280.17 School for guardians. (C.) In B. B. T. 26. In »32:243 Three weeks after marriage. (C.) In B. D. 5- In *32:17 Same. In D. L. T. 7 In 32:280.7 Upholsterer, The; or, What news. (F.) In B- D. 5 In *32:17 Way to keep him, The. (C.) In B. D. 4..In *32:16 Same. In B. B. T. 26 In *32:243 Same. In 1). L. T. 10 In 32:280.10 Same. In E. C. 2 In 32:579.1 Zenoria. (T.) In B. D. 2 In •33: H Same. In 15. B. T. 7 In *32:224 Nabbos, Thomas. Microcosmus. (Mas.) In A. B. D. 2...In »32:5 Nash, Thomas, joint author. See Marlow, Chris- topher. Tragedie of Dido. New British Theatre, The: a selection of original dramas, not yet acted. With critical remarks bv the editor. Lond. 1814-15. 4 v. 8° 32:155-8 O'Hara, Kane. Midas. (15.) In D. L. T. 9 In 32:280.9 Two misers, The. (Ms. F.) In D. L. T. 19. In 32:280.19 Old English drama, The. A selection of plays from the old English dramatists. Lond. 1825. 2 v. 16° *32: 167-8 Otway, Thomas. Atheist, The; or, The second part of The soldier's fortune. (C.) In P. 5 In 32:198.5 Cheats of Scapin, The. (r\) In B. I). 5. • •• In *32:i7 Otway, Thomas, (continued.) — Orphan, The; or, The unhappy marriage. In B. D. 1 In «32:13 Same. In P. 2 In 32:198.2 Same. In B. B. T. 15 In '33; 232 Same. In D. L. T. 18 In 32:280.-8 Venice preserved; or, A plot discovered. (T.) In B. D. 1 In s 32:13 Same. In B. B. T. 14 In *32:231 Same. In D. L. T. 1 In 32:280.1 Same. In P. 2 In 32:198.2 Parfre, lhan. Candlemas day; or, The killing of the children of Israel. (Mystery.) In H. E. D. 1 In *32:324 Peele, George. Love of King David and fair Belhsabe. In H. E. D. 2 In *32:325 Philips, Ambrose. Distressed mother, The. (T.) In B. D. 1. In *32:13 Same. In D. L. T. 21 In 32:280.21 Plumtre, James. English drama purified, The ; being a specimen of select plays, in which all the passages that have appeared to the editor to be objectionable in point of morality, are omitted or altered. With preface and notes. "Cambridge. 1812. 3 v. 12° 32:571-3 Pocock, Isaac. Hit or miss! (Ms. F.) In D. L. T. 24. In 32:280.24 Preston, Thomas. Tragedy of Cambises, king of Persia, The. (C.) In H. E. D. 1 In «32:324 Pye, Henrv James, and Arnold, Samuel James. Prior cla'im, A. (C.) In P In 32:200 Ramsay, Allan. Gentle shepherd, The. (Pa. C.) In 15. B. T. 33. In »83:250 Randolph, Thomas. Muses' looking-glass, The. (C.) In A. B. D. 2. In 32:5 Rawlins, Thomas. Rebellion, The. (T.) In A. B. D. 3 *In 32:6 Reynolds, Frederick. Delinquent, The; or, Seeing company. (C.) In P In 32:200 Richardson, Joseph. Fugitive, The. (C.) In E.G. 2 In 32:579.1 Rowe, Nicholas. Fair penitent, The. (T.) In B. D. l..In *32:13 Same. In P. 8 In *32: 198.8 Same. In B. B. T. 11 In *32:228 Same. In D. L. T. 8 In 32:280.8 Jane Shore. (T.) In B. D. 1 In *32:13 Same. In B. B. T. 3 In *32:220 Same. In D. L. T. 7 In 32:280.7 Lady Jane Grey. (T.) In B. D. 1 In *83:13 Same. In 15. B. T. 3 In *32:220 Same. In D. L. T. 25 In 32:280.25 RoYAL'convert, The. (T.) In B. B. T. 1. In *32:218 Same. In P. 8 32:198.8 Tamerlane. IT.) In B. D. 1 In •88:1 S Same. In B. B. T. 12 In *32:229 Same. In D. L. T. 13 In 32:280.13 Same. In P. 8 In 32:198.8 Ulysses. (T.) In P. 8 In 32:198.8 Rowley, William. Match at midnight, In A. B. D. 2 In *32:5 Sackvillo, Lord Buckhurst, Thomas, and Norton, Thomas. Fkrrex and Porrex ; or, Gorboduc. In II. E. D. 2 In «32:325 Same. In A. B. 1). 1 In *32:4 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Tub Drama. 99 Authors. Savage, Richard. Sir Thomas Ovorb-.iry. (T.) Altered by William Woodfall. In I'..! In 32:183 Schiller, Fricdrich Johann Christoph. Mmv Stunrt. Trans, by Frances Anne Ramble. In Mrs. Kcmbh-'s Plays In 32:008 Shadwell, Charles. Kami quakcr of Deal, The; or, The humors t»f the navy. (C.) In B. B. T. 21 In *32:238 Shakespeare, William. Cymiiei.ine. Altered bv David Garrick. In Gar- rlok'i 1). tV,J ." In •32:84ti Same. In P. 9 In 83:198.9 Kino Lear. (T.) Altered by George Colman the elder. In Column's I). \V. 3 In *32:789 London prodigal, The. In A. B. D. l...In *32:4 Perici.es, prince of Tyre. (T.) In B. B. T. 10. In »32:227 Bomeo and Juliet. (T.) Altered by David Gar- rick. In Garrick's D. W. 1 In *32:845 Yorkshire tragedy, A. In A. B. D. l..In *32:4 Tempest, The; or, The enchanted island. (C.) With additions by .lohn Dryden and Sir William Davenant. Adapted bv J. P. Kemble. In P. In 32:177 Sheridan, Mr* Frances. Discovery, The. (C.) In B. B. T. 18..In *32:235 Same. In K. C. 4 In 32:-i79.2 Same In P. 2 In 32:182 Sheridan, Richard Hrinsley. Critic, The; or, A tragedy rehearsed. (D.) In D. L. T. 8 In 32:280.8 Same. In P. 3 In 32:183 Rivals, The. In B D. 4 In *32:16 Same. In D. L. T 1 In 32:280.1 Same. In E. C. 2 In 32:579.1 Trip to Scarborough, A. (C.) In I). L. T. 14. In 32:280.14 Shirley, James. Andromana; or, The merchant's wife. In A. B. D. 3 In s '32:ii Bird in a cage. The. In A. B. D. ! In *32:4 Gamester, The. In A. B. D. 2 In *32:5 Same. Altered by David Garrick. In Garrick's D. W. 2 In *32:846 Same. In 15. li. T. 23 .'...In •32:239 joint author. See Chapman, George. The ball. Shirley, William. Edward the black prince; or, The battle of Poictiers. (H. T.) In D. L. T. 24 In 32:280.24 Smith, Edmund. l'n.EDRA and Hippolitus. (T.) In B. B. T. 14. In *32:231 Southern, Thomas. Isahki.i.a; or, The fatal marriage. (T.) In B. D. 2. In *32:14 Sam.'. In B. 15. T. 8 In *32:225 Same. Altered by David Garrick. In D. L. T. 2. In *32:280.2 Same. In Garrick's D. W. 2 In *32:H4G Oboohoko. [TJ In 15. B. T. 8 In *32:225 Same. In D. L. T. 15 In 32:280.15 Same. In P. 8 In 32:198.8 Stanley, William. Rejected addresses, The; or, The triumph of the ale-king. (P.) In History of the stage..ln 10:2807 Steele, sir Richard. Conscious lovers, The. (C.) In 15. D. 4..In *32:K> Same. In P. I In 32:l!>8.1 Same. In I). L T. 20 In 32:280.20 Same. In E. C. 5 In 32:579.3 Steele. Sir Richard, (continued.) — Fi •NKRAL.Tho; or, Grief i la-mode. In B. 15. T. 17. In »32:'-'34 Same. In P. 5 In 89:198.5 Tender husband, The; or, The aOOOtnpliahed fools. ((J.) In H. 15. T. Hi In '32:233 Same. In D. L. T. 36 In 8S:tt0lM Tailor, Robert Iloo hath lost his pearl, The. In A. 15. D. 3. In »32:t; Taylor, (James) Bayard. Prince Deukalion. Bost. 1878. sq. 12°.. ..32:1282 Tobin, John. Honeymoon, The. (C.) In P In 32:200 Tomkis, . Ai.nt mazar. In A. B. D. 2 In *32:- r > Same. In P. 2 In 32:182 Thomson, James. Edward and Eleonora. (T.) Altered and adapted to the stage by Thomas Hull. In B.B.T.6.In *32:223 Tancred and Sigismundn. «(T.) In 15. I). 2. In *32:14 Same. In B. 15. T. 6 In 032:223 Same. In I). L. 11 In 32:280.11 Tourneur, Cyril. Revengers' tragedy, The. In A. B. D. 2.1n *32:5 Townley, Rev. James. Hum life below stairs. (F.) In D. It T. 5. In 32:280.5 Tuke, Sir Samuel. Adventures of five hours, The. In A. B. D. 3. In *32:G Vanbrugh, Sir John. Confederacy, The. (C.) In D. L. T. 15. In 32:280.15 Country house, The. (F.) In B. D. 5..1n *32:17 Mistake, The. (C.) In P. 5 In 32:198.5 Provoked wife, The. (C ) In B. D. 3..In *32:I5 Same. In P. 5 In 32:198.5 — and CntiiKit, Colley. Provoked husband, The; or, A journey to London. (C.) In 15. 15. T. 25. In *32:242 Same. In B. D. 4 In *32:1>; Same, in D. L. T. 8 In 32:2*0.3 Same In E. C. 1 In 32:579.1 Same. In P. 4 In 32:198.4 Vaterlandischer Schausplele, Bibliothek. 18 No*, in4v. Frick. 1862-77. 18° 32:1990-93 Content* : Abx, Adrian von. Korporal, Der; oder, Pie Ileimatlosen. IS .Landrecht von Bolothurn vom Jabrel492. 14. Tagbei Laopen, Die i. BoKNaAvsER, Theodor. Gemma von Arth. 10. Bavaia, 0. A. Bend. 8. Landammann Suter. 6. Ekardt, Ludwig. Nanjahnabnd im 9ebwefsernaaae. t. Savoycn — Scliweizerisch. 2. End, Jorg von. Rudolf von Habsburg und die Konigswnhl. 11. Fkirrarknd, August. Christian Schybi. 17. Enlfuhrung, Die. 10. Kofp, /. E. Behwarle un.l Roth. 0. Khamek, Phillip Walburg. Bexe too Gabistorf, Die. v. Mullrh, B. Bone*, Der. 11. Pi.asta, P. C. Niklaus von der Fti'ie. 6. Rhutische ParlheiKunjrer. 12. Pi.atowitscb. Boltelaf. Sehlaehl bei St. Jakob, Die. 1. Platt.ner, Plncid. Johann Caldar. 4. Peons, Plane. Knrfiinkel, Der. a. S'n itmi in. .1 .1. Jnl'it Apintlla. 18. Stockfr, K. A. Major D.ivel. IS, Boblaohl U-i Sempaeh, Die. S, Vngnbund, Der. 3. Vere, Sir Aubrey de. Di KF.of Mercia. (U. D.) In XX W. I -In 32:797 Julian the apostate. (H. D.) In EX W. 1. In 32:797 Mary Tudor. (H. D.) In D W. 2 In 32:798 Dramatic works. Lond. 1842-58. 3 v. 16°. 32:7i>7-:i PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 100 Authors. Villiers, duke of Buckingham. George. Battle of Sedgmoor. (K.) In W. l..In *34:2l8l Chancks. The." (C.) InW.S In »34:2182 Kehi'.ahsai., The. In W. 2 In *34:2182 Same. In P. 7 In 32:198.7 Kestai ratiox, The; or, Right will take place. (T. C.) In W. 1 In •34:2181 Works. Ill two volumes. Lond. 1715. 16°. *34:2l8l-2 Volks-Theater. Eduard Bloch, publisher. 49 JS'os. in 9 v. 12° 32:2277-85 Conttii '.s : Am.ei.y. Louis. Von Sieben ifie Hfisslichste. fi. Bah », A. Kb iner Damon, Ein. From the French. 2. M.n -uedl .-men Krzieher. From the trench. 8. Bauekmeister, M. Lebende Bilder. li. Bayaud, , and Vailly, . Er muss auf's Land. Adapted by i . Thomas. B. Hkkim.ii.ii, I,. (BerihnFilkC-s) Er lint etuas vergessen. 7. It. \nki.i , Aduinhe-Phillipe. Marie-Anne ; Oder, Km Weib Ml.- d'lii Volke. Adapted by A. Jahn. U. Divevkier, Anue-Honorc-Jos'eph. (Mtlisville) 8ie ist ualinsnniig. Adopted by A. Jahn. 5. Elz, Alex inner. {A. F. Stein.) Muller und Miller. 4. Feuillet, Octavo. Mon'joye, der Matiu von Eisen. AHapted by E. M. Vaeano. 2. GOri.itz, Carl. \ur Franzosische. 8. Haiin, Uiid<.|t'. Er ist Karon. Music by Theodore lluuptiei :t. Hoi.i.iei.n, ll< ini ich. Er experimenlirt. 0. Jac hson, E. Humor verloren— Alles verloren ! Music bv H. B »senl>erger. 4. Jahx, A. I!i lichen's erster Wattengnng. From the French. 4. Kneisei., Rudolf. Lieder des Musikanten, Die. Music 'y l-ei'liuaiid Gumbert 3. Musi it, Gn-ta\ von. Frau, die in Paris war, Eine. 3. and Dkost, W. Kranke Fnmilie, Eine. 'a. Mm. i.e.:, Arthur. Fuleli des Galilei, 1 ier. 4. Gilte Nacht, Jlatisrhen. 2. Kit t ill's deutsche Keioh, Ein. 4. Wfohtel, lias; oder, Ein guter Hausgeist. 3. Wie gehl's dem KOnlge ? 7. M itiKu. Hiil^o. Diplomat der alien .Schille, Der. I). Saumiho, II. Abiheilung v. Zimmer iv. fur Bagntell- saehen; oder, Vor Gerielit. 3. H. 17. Music by G. Ml.liaelis. 5. Berliner Kinder. Music by Theodore Hauptner. 2. I lurch's Schlusselloch ! Music by R. Bid. 7. Im Warlesalou dritter Kinase. Music by K. Bial. II. Ninirod. Music by K. Bial. 5. Wenn die I'l'tii-stoi It.-itmv.irts zi'-h'n. "Music by R. Bial. 5. K'ulesimier, Sigmund. Hausspion, Der. 1. Sciiinz, Kiielrieh. Tausehung all! Tausehung. 8. Solum, Augiistin-Eiigene. FrauenUampf. Adapted by t'llers. I. 1 Glas Wasser, Das. Adapled by A. Costnar. 2. — — and I.EOorve, Ernst. Adrienne Leeouvreur. Adapted by Heiarich Grans. 1. Krzahliitigen der Konigiu von N'avarra. 1. Tenkm.i, M. Monche, Die. ». Toi'EEit, Dr. Carl. Pariser Tniig iik'lits, Der. From the I-'i'iich. 8. Wichert, Ernst. Narr des G.iicks, Der. It. Schritt voin Wenc, Ein. U. Weh-iimann. P. V. Cora das Kind des Ptlanzers. 1. Wll.i.miAMiT, Adolf. Gral von Hammer-loin, Der. 8. YVinti RKEi.n, A. von. Winkelsehrciber, Der. 7. Woi.iaiEi.M da Fonseca, A. E. Undine; oder, Eine verloine Seele. Music by Stiegmaun. 7. Wallace, Lady. Ton, The ; or, The follies of fashion. In P. 4. In 32:184 Wallner's Thespiskarren. 10 Nos. in 2 v. Erfurt- 18° 32:2290-91 Contents : Cammarano, S. Troubadour, Der; oder, Standehen und Zweiknmpf um Mitlernaeht. Adapted by Balthassar Aegidius Lerchenschnabel. Music by Verdi. 2. Chemnitz, M. L. ton. Blmige Panloffel an der Kireh- hofsmauer, Der. 2. Don Guano; oder, Der steinerne Gsstwirth 1. Gesohundene Raubritter, Der. 1. Kamzei.i.. Nepomuk. Koderich der Furchtbare ; oder, Liehe, Spund und Cognac. 1. KepAi,, Gustnv. Obrerbnlsnm des Eremiten, Der ; oder, Der ungehorte Vnterflueh. 1. Lavf.r, Dr. K. A. Chevilier von Clodoches. Pt. II. Seliaforstilllden. 2. Hero and Lennder. Pt. I. Soha- ferstunden. 2. Knnigunde von Wolfenhuttel ; oder. Die Liebe ist die Wnrzel alios U' he's. I. Nand'l und Nzi; oder, Der Berliner im Gebirge. Pt. III. SVha- ferstunden. 2. Webster. John. Dutchesse of Malfy, The. In A. B. D. 3. In *32:6 "White devil, The; or, Vittorin Coromhona. In A. B. D. 3 In *32:6 Wever, Robert. Lusty Juventns. (A moralitv.) In H. E. D. 1. In *32:324 Whincop, Thomas. ScanTikkbeq; or, Love and liberty. (T.)...*I_,:7.26 Whitehead, William. Creisa, queen of Athens. (T.) In B. P. 2. In *32:14 Same. In B. B. T. 13 In * 32:230 Roman father. The. (T.) In B. D. 2 In S 32:U Same. Altered. InB.T. 14 In*32:231 8i i. In I). L. T. 12 In 32:280.12 School for lovers, The. (C.) In B. D. 4. In *32:lfi Same. In B. B. T. 21 In *32:238 Welkins, George. Miseries of inforced marriage, The. In A. B. D. 2 In *32:5 Wycherly, William. Country wife, The. (C.) In P. 6....I11 32:198.6 Tiik plain dealer, The. (C.) In B. D. 3.1n *32:15 Young, Edward. Brothers, The. (T.) In B. D. 2 In *32:14 Same. In a B. T. 10 In *32:227 Busiris, king of Eg;vpt. (T.) In B. B. T. 10. In *32.:227 Revenoe, The. (T.) In B. D. 1 In *32:13 Same. In L\ L. T. 6 In 32:280.6 Same. In P. 9.... In 32:198.9 THE DEAMA: TITLES. English Drama. A. S. S. (P.) In L. P. 10 In 32:410. Abaellino. the great bandit. Dunlap. In S. P. 3. In 32:203 Abdelazer ; or, The moor's revenge. (P.) Bean. In her Plays 2 •Lrlj Abel. (T.) Alfieri. Trans, by Bowring. In Tragedies 2 In 32:61)8 Abou Hassan; or, The hunt after happiness. (KairyE.) Talfourd. In L. P. 17 In 32:417 Abraham and the fire worshipper. (D. Par.) Hunt. In P. W. 1 In 81:919 Abroad and at home. (O.) Holman. In L. S. 4. In •83:520 Accusations, The; or, The family of D'Anglade. (M.) Trans, from the French by Payne. In P. 1. In 32:185 Accusing- spirit, The. (D.) Suter. In L. P. 60. In 32:460 Acharnians, The. (C.) Aristophanes. Trans. by Frere. In W. 3 In 34:1206 Same. Literal. Trans, bv Hickie. In Comedies 2. In 1:2831 Achilles. (O.) Gay. In B.'B. T. 9..In *32:259 Achilles in Scyros. Metastasio. Trans, by Hoole. In .Metastasio's D. 2 Ill 82:962 Acis and Galatea. (S.) Gay. In P. W. Z. In 31:742 Acis and Galatea. (P.) Music by Hiindel. Gay. In L. P. 11 In 32:411 Acis and Galatnm; or, The beau! the belle!! and the blacksmith !!! (E.) Plowman. In L. P. 91. In 32:491 Acis and Galatea; or, The nimble nymph and the terrible troglodyte. (E.) In L. P. 58....In 32:458 Actor's retreat, The. (E.) Brough and Hallidav. In L. P. 63 In 32:463 Adelaide of Wulfingen. (T.) Trans, from Kotzebue by Thompson. In T. G. T. 2.1n 82:681 Adelgitha ; or, The fruits of a single error. (T.) Lewis. In F. S. 41 In 32:148 Adeline, the victim of seduction. Altered from the French by Payne. In P. 1 In 32:185 Adelphi ; the brothers. (C.) Terence. Liter- ally trans., with notes by Riley. In Comedies. In 1:39 10 Adopted child. The. (Ms. D.) Birch. In F. M. 28 In 32:68 Same. In L. S. 1 In *32:522 Same. In I. B. F. 6 „ In 32:336 Adonis vanquished. (C.) Adapted from Lo Degel by Amcotts. In L. P. 75 In 32:475 Adrian in Syria. Metastasio. Trans, by Hoole. In Metastasio's D. 2 In 82:962 Adrienne; or, The secret of a life. (D.) Leslie. In L. P. 68 In 32:468 Adrienne the actress; or, The reigning favorite. Same m Adrienne Lecoavreur. (D.) Oxenford. In F. S. 26 In 32:141 Adrienne Lecouvreur, the reigning favorite. il>.) Oxenford. In L. P. 1 In 32:401 Adventures of Dick Turpin and Tom King. (8.-0. D.) Suter. In L. P. 42 In 32:112 Adventures of five hours, The. Tuke. In 1). O. P. 12 In 32:302 Same. In A. B. I). 3 In *32:6 Adventures of a love letter. Same as The billet doux. (C.) Mnthews. In F. M. 40-41. In 32:74 Same. In L. P. 50 In 82:450 Advice to husbands. (C.) Lancaster. In F. S. 28 In 32:68 JElla. (T.) Rowley. In "W. of British poets 11. In 81:59 Same. In Chatterton's W. 2 In 31:567 -33sop. (C.) Vanbrugh. In O. D In 32:610 -33thiop, The; or. The child of the desert. (P.) Dimond. In F. S. 18 In 32:137 -3*!tius. Metastasio. Trans, by Hoole. In Metaa- tasio's I). 2 In 82:962 Affair of honour, An. (F.) Rede. In L. P. 78. In 32:478 Affectation; or. The way to lose him. Becket. In D. and Prose .'ilisc. 1 In 32:746 Affected ladies. The. (C.) Moliere. Trans, by "Wall. In D. W. 1 In 82:966 Africaine, L'; or, The belle of Madagascar. (B.) Arbuthnot. In L. P. 67 In 32:467 After the party. (C.) In L. P. 93... .In 32:493 Agamemnon. (T.) „Esehvlus. Literally trans. with notes by Buckley. In Tragedies 1 .In 1:2780 Same ." '. In 1:2783 Same. Trans, by Plumptre. In Tragedies..ln 1:2789 Same. Trans, by Potter In 1:2796 Agamemnon. (T.) Alfieri. Trans. In Bowring. In Tragedies In 32:697 Agatha. (D. P.) Lewes. In Legend of Jubal. In 31:1029 Age, The. (Colloquial satire.) Bailey 31:391 Aged forty. (P. C.) Courtney. In L. P. 59. In 32:459 Aggravating Sam. (CD.) Mathews and others. In L. P. 17 In 32:417 Agis. (T.) Alfieri. Trans, bv Bowring. In Tragedies 2 In 32:098 Aglaura. (P.) Suckling. In "W In 34:2040 Agreeable surprise, The. (C.-O.) O'EchA'c. In S. P. 1 In 32:201 Same. In L. P. 94 In 32:494 Ajax. (T.) Sophocles. Trans, by Francklin. In Tragedies In 1:3182 Same. Trans, by Plumptre. In Tragedies... In 1:3187 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 102 Titles. Alabama, The. (N. E.) Morton. In L. 1>. G2. In 32:462 Aladdin. (Fairy O.) Soane. In S. P. I. In 32:201 Aladdin; or, The wonderful lamp. (I), i In F. •S. 25 In 32:U0 Aladdin; or, The wonderful scamp! ( Bs. E.) Byron. In L. P. 50 In 32:150 Aladdin and the wonderful lamp. (Pa.) Morton. In L. P. 21) In 32:429 Alarming sacrifice, An. (F.) Buokstone. In P. M. 33 In 32:70 Albiua, countess Raimond. (T.) Cowley. In B. B.T. 3 In =32:220 Albion queens, The. (T.) Banks. In B. B. T. 14. In 82:264 Same. In B. B. T. 2 In *32:219 Albumazur. (C.) Tomkis. In D. O. P. 7. In 32:297 Same. In A. B. D. 2 In 5 32:5 Same. In P. 2 In 32:182 Alcaid, The. (C. O.) Kenney. In I\ 1. In 32:1H5 Alcestis. (T.) Euripides. Literally trans, with notes by Buckley. In Tragedies 1 In 1:2903 Same. Trans, by Potter. In Tragedies 1. In 1:2910 Alcestis, the original strong minded woman. | Be.) Talfourd. In L. P. 21 In 32:421 Alcestis II. (T.) Alfieri. Trans, by Bo wring. In Tragedies 2 .".In 32:>;:is Alchymist, The. (U.) Jonson. In B. B. T. 1 7. In 32:2U7 Same. In B. B. T. 17 In ®32:234 Same. In B. D. 3 In •82:16 Same. In W In 82:900 Alexander and Campaspe. (T.) Lylv. In D. O. I'. 2 . .....In 32:292 Same. In A. B. D. 1 In - 5 32:4 Alexander the great; or, The rival queens. (T. ) Lee. In S. P. 13 In 32:21:: Same. In B. B. T. 7 In 32:257 Same. In D. L. T. 10 In 32:280.10 Same. In L. S. 1 In •82:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 3 In 32:553 Alfonso, king of Castile. (T.) Lewis. In S. 1'. 7. In 32:207 Alfred the great. (E.) Brough. In L. 1'. 43. In 32:443 Alfred the great; or, The magic banjo and the mystic raven. (Pa.) In L. P. 3 In 32:403 Alfred the great; or, The patriot king. (P.) Knowles. In I). W. 1 In 82:911 Alhambra, The. (Bs. E.) Smith. In L. P. 3. In 32:lo:; AH Baba; or. The thirtv-nine thieves. Byron. In L. P. 59 In 32:45.i Alice Grey, the suspected one. (D.) Haines. In L. P. 44..'. In 32:444 Alienated manor, The. (C.) Baillie. In I), and I'. W In 32:720 Aline ; or. The rose of Killarney. (1).) Sterling. In E. S. 17 In 32:130 Same. In L. P. 94 In 32:404 All at Coventry; or, Love and laugh. Monorieff. In L. P. 59 .....In 32:1"9 Same. In 1>. W. 3 In 32:978 All fools. (C.) Chapman. In D. O. P. 4. In 32:291 Same. In A. B. D. 2 In *32:5 All for love; or, The world well lost. (T.) Dryden. In M. B. D. 1 In 32:101 Same. In B. B. T. 5 In 32:255 Same. In I. B. T. G In 32:346 Same. In L. S. 3 In *32:52t Same. In B. D. 1 In •82:13 Same. In 1). L T. 22 In 32:280.22 All in the wrong. (C.) Murphy. In I. B. T. 15 In 32:355 Same. In B. I). 4 In 3 32:1G Same In B. B. T. 2G In :; 32:213 Same. In L. S. 2 In *82:623 Same. In E. C. 3 In 32:579.2 Same. In D. L. T. 10 In 32:280.10 All is fair in love and war. (l'r.) Cahill. In Parlor theatricals In 32:180 All that glitters is not gold. (C.-D.) Morton and Morton. In F. M. 5 In 32:">."> Same. In L, P. 3 In 32:403 All the world's a stage. (F.) Brookes. In F. M. 37 In 32:72 All the world's a stage. (F.) .laekman. In I. B. F. 4 In 32:334 Same. In L. S. 1 In •82:922 All's fair in love. (D. story.) Brougham. In I'. S. 21 In 32:138 All's well that ends well. (C.) Shakespeare. In W.2 In 32:1002 Same. In \V In 32:1008 Sa In W.2. Dyce In 32:lol0 Same. In \V. 7. ( llalli well.) *A Same. In "W. 5. (Handy vol.) In 32:1055 Same. In \V. 2. (Hiizlitt. Lund.) In 32:1072 Same. In \V. 2. (Hazlitt. N.Y.J In 32:1076 Same. In \V. 3. (Hudson.) In 32:1093 Same. In Com. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1126 Snmo. In Com. 2. ( Knight, piet. ed.)... In 32:1132 Same. In \V. 1. (Knight.) *A Same. In the Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1 140 Same. In W. 5. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1145 Same. In W. 2. (Phelps.) In 32:1152 Sana-. In W. 3. (Reed.) In 32:1163 Same. CnW.3. (Singer.) In 32:1173 Same. In \V. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same. In W.3. (Steevens.) S A Same, In W. (Steevens and Malone.) In 32:1186 Same. In \\". 6, (.lohnson and Steevens. )In 32:1196 Same. In \V". 8. (Johnson and Steevens. jln 32:1218 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1 G23 *A Alonzo the bravo. (Bs.) Burnand. In L. P. 58, In 32:458 Alphonsus, lf Arragon. Greene. In O. I). In 32:321 Same. In IX W. 2 >A Altemira. (T.) Boyle. In 1). W. 2..In 32:750 Always intended. (C.) Wigan. In L. P. 77. In 32:477 Alzira. (T.) Hill. In B. B. T. 10 In 82:260 Same. In B.B.T.B In "32:222 Amateurs and actors. (Ms. F.) Peake. In . E M. 20 In 32:G4 Ambassadress, The. (C.-O.) A' Beckett. Music by Auher. In P. 1 In 32:1*5 Ambitious statesman, The. (D.) Crowne. In I). W.3 In "32:793 Ambitious stepmother, The. (T.) Howe. In B. B. T. 16 In 32:266 Ambrose Owinett; or, The sea-side story. (M.) Jerrold. In F. S. 24 In 32:140 Same. In L. P. 8fi In 32:486 Americans in Paris; or A game of dominoes. (C.) In F. S. 27 In 32:111 Amilie ; or. The love test. (K. O.) Haines. Mu- sic bv liooke. In P. 1 In 32:185 Same. ' In S. P. 1 In 32:201 Among the breakers. Baker. In I). It. S. In 32:712 Amorous prince, The. (P.) Behn. In her Flays 4. In ;5 L:12 Amphitryon. (C.) Molicre. Trans, by Van Latin. In D. W. 4 In 32:972 Same *A Same. Trans, by Wall. In D. W. 2...:..In 32:967 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Tii k Drama. 103 TlTl.KS. Amphitryon; or, Jupiter in disguise. Plautus. Literally trans, with notes. h\ Riley. In Comedies i ' ...In 1 : Amphitryon; or, The two Sosias. 1C1 Altered ln.m Drv. leu by Hawkeswortb. In It. Ji. T. II. In 83:261 game. In B. B. T. 18 In 32:J:r, Ample apology, An. (F.) Roberts. In L. P. 66, In 32:ii'.C Anchor of hope, The. (D.) Stirlint;. In P. 1. In 82:188 Andria ; the fair Andrian. (0.) Terence. Lit- erally trans, with note) by Riley. In Comedies and fables.. .' I.. In 1:8940 Andromacha. (T.J Euripides. Literally trans, with notes by Buckley. In Tragedies 2. ...... .In 1:2906 Bame Trans, by Potter. In Tragedies 8. In 1:2912 Andromana ; or, The merchant's wife. Shirley. In !).(>. P. 11 In 82:301 Si In A...B. D. 3 In 32:''. Andronicus Comnenius. (T.) Wilson. In \V. In «32:1302 Andy Blake. (C.) Boucicault In F. M. 14. In 32:01 Angel of the attic. (8.-0. IX) Morton. In F. M. 37 '..„ In 82:72 Angel of midnight, Tlie. From the French of Barrisre ami Plouvier, Adapted by Suter ami Lacy, In L. I'. r.i In 32:151 Angel or devil ,1).) Coyne. InL.P. 39-In 82:429 Angelo; or, The actress of Padua. (P.) Altered and trans, from the French by A'Beckett. Tn F. 8.28 *. In 82:139 Animal magnetism; or, Mesmerism. (F.) Inch- bald. In P.M. 18 In 32:03 Bame, In L. 8. i In »32:525 Anna Bullen. (T.) Banks. In B. B. T. 14. In 82:264 Anne Blake. (P.) Marston. In P. 8. 84-In 32:145 Sain..'. In L. P. I'.i In 82:449 Anne B.ileyn. (T.) Boker. In Plays and poems 1. In 32:751 Anne Boleyn. (Bs. E.) Edwards. In L. P. 91 In 32:4!>7 Anne Boleyn. (D. P.) Milmaa. In P. W. of Houitt, Miluian and Keals In 31:178 Anthony and Cleopatra. (P>.) Selby. In 1'. M. >7 *.....ln 32:07 Antigone. (T.) Allien. Trans. by Bowring. In Tragedies 1 '.....In 32:0H7 Antigone. (T.) Sophocles. Trans, by Franok- lin. In Tragedies .'in 1;3182 Bame. Trans, bj Plnmptre. In Tragediesuln 1:3187 Antiquary, The. Marmion. In D. 0. P. 10. In 32:300 Same. In A. P.. I). .". .' Ill 32:0 Antonio, (T.) Godwin. In P. l In 32:185 Antonio and Hellide. (H. P.) Marston. tn O. E. P. 2 In 32:172 Same. In W. 1 In 32:'->51 Antonius. (1>. P Heywood 32.876 Antony and Cleopatra. (T.) Alfleri. Trans, by Bowring. In Tragedies J In 32:';:''* Antony ami Cleopatra. (T.) Brooke. In Plays and P.. in- 2 In 82:756 Antony ami Cleopatra, ill. D) Shakespeare. In I. B.T.4 In 82:344 Same. In I,. P. 75 In 32:175 Same. In llud-.ii's School Shakespeare _'. In 32:1 ill Same. In W. 6 In 82:1006 Same. In \V In 32:10(18 Same. In W. 6 ( Dvce.) In 82:1014 Same. In \V. 15. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In W.l. (Ila/.litt. I d.) In 82:1074 Same. In W. 8. (Hudson.) In 32:l0ti8 Antony, etc- [continued.) — Same, [n Trig. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1124 Same. In Tragi. [Knight plot. ed.)-In 32:1134 Same. In W.J. (Knight.) *A Same. InTlie Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In w.:i. [Stratford eo.) In 82:1149 Same. In \V. 2. (Phelps.:, In 82:1192 Same. In \V. in. [Singer.) In 32:1 l«o Same. In \V. 7. (Ste.-v.-n-.) *A Same. In W. (SteeVeiU and M alone.). In 32:iino Same. In W. 17. (Johnson and Sleeveii-. | Iii 32:1227 Same. In W. 12. (Johnson and Steevei In 82:1202 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1023 A Anything for a change. (P. C.) Brooks. In L. P. i ., In 32:404 Anything for a quiet life. (C.) Middlcton. In W. 4 A Anything new. (M. F.) Pocock. In S. P. 8. In 32:208 Apartments. " Visitors to the exhibition may ho accommodated," etc, etc. (K.) Brongh. In L. P. 4 In 32: 104 Apollo's choice; or, The contest of the Aonides. (Ms. Be.) In N. B.T. 4 In 32:158 Apostate, The. (T.) Shiel. in F. S. 8. In 32:128 Apostate, The; or, Atlantis destroyed. (T.i In N. B. T. 8 In 32:157 Appearance is against them. (P.) In L. 8. 4. In s 32:525 Appearances. (C.) Simpson. In L. P. 47. In 32:H7 Appius and Virginia. (T.) Webster. (). E. P. 5. In 32:175 Same. In I). W. 3 In 82:1292 Same. In W. ■_' *A Apprentice, The. (P.). In M. B. D. 5. ..In 32:105 Same. In 1. B. F. 3 In 32:3:;3 Same. In L. S. 4 In *82:52S Same. In D. L. T. 14 In 82:280.14 Same. Ill B. I). 5 In >32:I7 April fool, An. (F.) Brough and Halliday. In L. P. 62 In 32:402 Arcadia, The. (P.) Shirley. In I). W. 0. In 32:1260 Arden of Fever-ham. (T.) Lillo. hi M. II. It 2. [n 82: 1 02 Same. In L.S. 2.....' In •82:&23 Same. In B. I). 2 In 32:1 t Same. Ascribed to Shakespeare. InW. 2. (Knight.) A Ardvoirlich. (T.) Warden. In Western Mis- celleniesl In *38:6890 Area helle. The. (F.) Brongh and Halliday. In L. P. 62 i In 82:462 Armand ; or, The peer and the peasant. (T.) Ritchie. In F.8.21 In 32:141 Armgart. (D. P.) Lewes. In Legend of Juhal. In 31:l02ii Arnold and Andre. (H.I).i Calvert 32:773 Arraignment of Paris, The. (Pa.) Peele. laO.D. In 32::2l Same. In W. 1 9 A Art and artifice; or, Woman's love. (1).) Brougham. In F. S. 28 In 32:112 Artaxerxes. (O.) Music by Ante. In P. I. In 32:185 Artaxerxes. tl). ) Metaitasio. Trans, by Hoole. In .M.tastasio's 1>. 1 La 82:961 Artful dodge. The. (F.) Blanchard. In L. P. 42. In 32:442 Arthur and Emmeline. In 32:010 Same. In I). I,. T. 8 In 32:280.8 Same. In P. G In 32:198.G Bee and the orange tree, The. ( K.) Planehe. In L. P. 19 In 83:419 Bee-hive. The. i M. P.) In P. 2 In 32:18G Beggar of Bethnal Green, The. (ft) Knowles. In D. W. 1 In 32:911 Same, in Western Miscellanies 3 In *8S:B610 Beggar of Cripplegate, The. (D.) Moneriett'. In P. 2 In 32:186 Beggar's bush, The. (C.) Fletcher. In Beau- mont and Fletcher's W. 9 In 32:7:(9 Beggars' opera, The. (O.) Gay. In M. H. I). 5. In 32:H»5 Same. In B. D. 5 In *32:17 Same. In S. P. 5 In 32:205 Same. In li. II. T. 9 In 83:259 Same. In H. B.T.32 In *32:249 Same. In I. li. T. 12 In 32: 352 Same. In L. P. 21 In 32:421 Same. In L.S.I In *33;522 Same. In Ox. N. E, D. 2 In 32:552 Same. In 1). I,. T. 1 In 83280.1 Beggar's petition, The; or, A father's love and a mother's care. (D.) Pitt. In L. P. 87. —In 32:i*7 Behind the curtain. (I). i Roberta. In I.. P. 90. In 32M'- , o Behind a mask. fftl Dixon. In L. P. 97..I11 32:«97 Behind time. (P.J Webster, jr. In L. P. 58. In 32:4G8 Believe as you list. (T. ) Massingcr. In Perry 80C. Tub. 27" In s 31.318'l Same. In his Plays In 83:956 Bellamira her dream; or, The love of shadows. (T.-C.) Killigrew. In bis Tragedies and comedies. In •82:3206 Belle of the barley-mow, The; ..r. The wooer, the waitress, and the willian. (Ms. I>.) Arden. In L. P. 78 In 32M7H Belle's stratagem, The. (ft) Cowley. In P. (J In 32:146 Same. In D. L. T. I In 83:280.4 Same. In I. B. T. 19 In 83:359 Same. In I.. P. 72 In 32:472 Same. In L& 2 In *83:023 Same. In (Ix. N. E. D. 6 In 83:566 Same. In E. C. 5 In 83:679.3 Bells. The. (1>.) Adapted from '-The Polish law," by Lewis. In L. P. 97 In 32:497 Belphegor ; or. The marriage of the devil. (T.-C.i Wilson. In W In »83:1302 Belphegor; or, The mountebank and his wife, (IJ.i Adapted from the French by Biggie and Lacy. In L. P. 3 "...In 32: 10.: Belphegor, the mountebank; or, Woman's con- stancy. (P.) Webb. In F. s. 43 In 32:149 Belshazzar. (1>. P.) Milman. In P. W. of llowitt, Miluian, and Keats In 31:17k Same 32:965 Belshazzar. (Sacred I).) More. In P. W. 2. In 34:1767 Ben Bolt. John-tone. In F. S. 20 In 32:13* Same. In L. P. 16 In 32:41''. Ben the boatswain ; or, Sailor.-' sweethearts. N I). Wilks. In F. S. 19 In 32:137 Same. Ill L. P. 28 In 32:428 Bengal tiger. (F.) Dance. In F. M. 25. In 32:GG Bertram. (Italian Sk.) Skelton. In P. W. 2. In 31:1585 Best way, The. (P.O.) Wigan. In L. P. 75. In 32:475 Bethlem Gabor, lord of Transvlvania. (H. I).) liuik. InS. P. 11 In 32:211 Betrothal, The. (P.) Boker. In Plays and poems 2 In 32:752 Betsy Baker; or, Too attentive by half. iF.) Morton. In F. M. 24 In 32:66 Same. In L. P. 8 In 32:408 Better half, The. (C.) Williams. In L. P. 67. In 32:467 Better late than never. (C.) Andrews. In L. S. 3. In *83:624 Bilious attack, A. Wood. In L. P. 96. In 32:496 Billet doux. The; or, Adventures of a love letter. (C.) Mathews. In F. M. 40-41. See aUo Ad- ventures of a love letter In 32:74 Billing and cooing. (C.) Oxenford. In Ik P. 65, In 32:465 Binks the bagman. (F.) In L. P. 7 In 32:407 Bird in a cage. The. Shirley. In D. O. P. 8. In 82298 Same. In A. B. D. 1 In *32:4 Same. In I). W. 2 In 83:1262 Bird in the hand worth two in the bush. (P.) Phillips. In L. P. 29 In 82:429 Bird of paradise, The. Adapted from the French by Thompson. In L. P. 84 In 32:484 Birds. The. (P.) Aristophanes. Trans, bv Frero. In W. 3 In 34:1206 Same. Literally trans, by Hickie. In Comedies 2. In 1:2*31 Same. Trans, by Kennedy 1:2836 Birds of Aristophanes, The. (I).) Planehe. I11L. P. 20 In 32:420 Birds of prey ; or, A duel in the dark. (I).) Robertson. In L. P. 93 In 88:439 Birth of Merlin, The. (P.) Shakespeare. In Dpnbtfuj plays. (Moltke.) In 32: 1 1 "•!> Same. In W. 2. (Knight) *A Birthday, The. (ft) Dibdin. In I. B. F. 2. In 32:332 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The DitAMA. 106 Titles. Birthday dinner, The; or, The parson's nose. (Ca.) Monorieff, In D. W. 2 In 32:977 Birthplace of Podgers, The. (F.) Hollingshead. In L. P. 35 In 32:435 Black doctor, The. (D.) Trims, from the French by Bridgeman. In L. P. 23 In 32:423 Black domino, The; or, The masked ball. (C. D.) Wilks. In L. P. 88 In 32:488 Black-eyed Susan; or, All in the Downs. (N. l)oin. D.) Jerrold. In F. S. 30 In 32:143 Same. In S. P. 1 In 32:201 Same. In L.P. 23 In 32:423 Same. In W. 8 In 34:1472 Black prince, The. (T.)Boyle. In D.W. 1 In 32:749 Black sheep. (C.) Coyne. In L. P. 51.1n 32:451 Black sheep. (D.) Founded on Yates' novel and arranged tor the stage by Simpson and Yates. In L. P. 81 In 32:481 Blanche Heriot: or, The Chertsey curfew. (Dom. D.) Smith. In L. P. 73 In 32:473 Blanche of Brandywine. (Sp.) In F. S. 26. In 32:141 Blighted being, A. (F.) Taylor. In F. M. 81. In 32:60 Same. In.L. P. 16 .-...In 32:416 Blind bay, The. (M.) Kenney. In I. P. F. 1. In 32:331 Same. In L. P. 58 In 32:458 Bloody brother, The ; or, Polio, duke of Normandy. (T.) Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletchers' W. 10. In 32:T4n Bloomer costume, The. (F.) Stirling. In F. M. 6. In 32:56 Blossom of Churnington Green; or, Love, rivalry, and revenge. (Us. D.) Hoskins. In L. P. 83. In 32:48-3 Blot in the 'scutcheon. (T.) Browning. In Poems 2. In 31:458 Bluebeard. (S.-C. Oriental R.) Heber. In P. W. In 31:809 Bluebeard. (B.) Planche and Dance. In L. P. 19. In 32:tlii Bluebeard; or, Female curiosity. (I). R.) Col- man, jr. With additional songs by Dunlap. In S. P. 1 In 32:201 Bluebeard ! from a new point of hue. Byron. In L. P. 40 In 32:449 Bluebeard re-paired, ((). E.) Adapted from the French by Bcllingham. In L. P. 70. ...In 32:470 Blue devils. (Ca.) Colman.jr. In F. S.9. In 32:129 Same. In L. P. 87 In 32:487 Same. In Ox. N. B. D. 15 In 32:565 Blue jackets, The. (F.) Stirling. In L. P. 47. In 32:417 Blues, The. (Literary eclogue.) Byron. In P. W. 6. In 31:531 Blunderer, The. (C.) Moliere. Trans, by Van Laun. In D. W. 1 In 82:969 Same *'A Same. Trans, by Wall. In D. W. 1 In 32:966 Blurt, master-constable. (D.) Middleton. In W.1.*A Boadicea. (T.) Glover. In M. 15. D. 2..In 32:102 Same. In B. D. 2 In *32:14 Same. In B. B. T. 1 In •82:218 Board and residence. (F.) Edwards. In L. P. 80. In 32:489 Boarding house, The. (Ms. F.) Beazley. In P. 2. In 32:186 Bold dragoons. (C. D.) Burnett. In F. S. 18. In 82:131 Same. In L. P. 9 In 32:409 Bold stroke for a husband, A. (C.) Cowley. In 1. B. T. 19 In 32:359 Same. In L. S. 3 In »32:524 Bold stroke for a wife, A. (C.) Centlivre. In M. B. D. 4 In 32:lo4 Same. In S. P. 14 In 32:21 1 Same. In B. I). 4 In •32:16 Same. In B. B. T. 6 In 32:256 Same. In D. L. T. 2 In 32:280.2 Same. In I. B. T. 11 In 32:351 Same. In L. S. 1 In s 32:">-2 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 7 In 32:557 Same. In P. 3 In 32:198.3 Boleslas II.; or, The siege of Kiow. (I). P.) Howe *G:4.10 Bombastes furioso. (Bs. O.) Rhodes. In L. P. 3. In 32:403 Same. In F. M. 5 In 32:55 Bon ton; or, High life above stairs. (F.) David Garrick. In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In B. D. 5 In *32:17 Same. In I. B. F. 5 In 32:339 Same. In L. S.,3 In *32:524 Same. In D. W. 3 In *32;847 Bona fide travelers. (F.) Brough. In L. P. 10. In 32:416 Bondman, The. (T.) Massingcr. In M. B. D. 1. In 32:101 Same. In B. D. 1 In •32:13 Same. In 0. D' In 82:531 Same. In his Plays In 32:956 Bonduca. (P.) Fletcher. In M. B. D. l.In 32:101 Same. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 5. In 32:735 Bonnie fish wife, The. (I.) Selby. In L. I'. 37. In 32:437 Book the third, chapter the first. (C.) Trim-. and adapted from Pierron and Laferricre. In L. P. 7 In 32:407 Boots at the Swan. (P.) Selby. In F. M. l.In 32:51 Same. In L. P. 34 In 32:434 Border marriage, The. (C. D.) Sorrel]. In L. P. 65. In 32:465 Bores, The. (C.) Moliere. Trans, by Van Laun. In D. W. 2 In 32:970 Same *A Same Trans, by Wall. In D. W. 1 In 32:966 Born to good luck. (F.) Power. Adapted from Alnultru's False and true. In F. M. 6.... In 32:56 Same. In L. P. 2 In 32:402 Borrowed illumes. (P.) Malt by. In L. P. 93, In 32:492 Borrowing a husband ; or, Sleeping out. (P. C.) MoncrieS In D. W. 1 In 32:. '76 Botheration; or, A ten years' blunder. (P.) (Hilton. In 1'. 2 In 32:186 Same. In S. P. 8 In 32:208 Bottle, The. (D.) Taylor. In F. M. 3. In 32:5:: Same. In L. P. 17 In 32:417 Bound 'prentice to a waterman. (N. D.) Campbell. In P 2 In 32:186 Bowl'd "Ut. (F.) Craven. In L. P. 47 In 32:447 Box and Cox. (F.) Morton. In F. M. 3. In 32:53 Same. In L. P. 5 In 32:405 Box and Cox married and settled. (F.) Coyne; In F. M. 7 In 32:57 Same. In L. P. 8 In 32:408 Box-lobby challenge, The. (C.) Cumberland. In I. M. T. 4 In 32:374 Boy martyrs of Sept. 12, 1814, The. (H. D.) Tayleure. In F. S. 32 In 32:144 Braganza. (T.) Jephson. In I. M. T. 6. In 32:3 76 Same. In P In 32:177 Same. In 1'. 1 In 32:181 Same. In L. S. 4 In *32:">25 Brazen drum, The. (National D.) Steele. In I*. 2. In 32:186 Breach of promise, The; or, Second thoughts are best. (C.) BuckBtone. In F. S. 35. ..In 32:145 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Thk Drama. 107 Titles. Brennoralt. (T.) Suckling. In W. In 34:2040 Brian Boroihme. (M.) Knowles. In F. S. 14. in 82:134 Same, In P. 8. IB 1» 83:138 Brian o'l.inn. (F.) InF. M.8 In 88:68 Bridal, The. Adapted from the " Maid's tragedy '' of Beaumont and Fletcher, by Knowlea. In P. 2. Ill 32:1 m; Bridal ring, The. (M.) Reynolds. In P. 2.1n 88:186 Bride, The. (D.) Baillie. In I), and P. \V. In 32:T2o Bride of Ahvdos, The. (K. D.) Adapted from Byron by Dimond. In L. P. TO In 82:470 Bride of Abydoe, The. (B.) Byron. In L. P. 36. In 89:436 Bride of .Lammermoor, The. Oalcraft (D.l In F. S. 23 In 32:139 Same. In L. P.28 In 83:426 Bride of Ludgate, The. (O. D.) Jerrold. In L P. 93 In 32: 183 Brigand, The (B. I>.) Planch*. In F. B. 24. In 32:i4n Same. In L. P. 2 In 82:402 Brigands <>f Calabria, The. (R. D.) In L. P 86, In 82:465 Bringing home the bride; or, The husband's first Journey. (V.) Monerieff In I). W. l.In 82:976 Bristol diamond. (V.) Oxenford. In L. I'. B6. In 32: 156 British slave, The; or, Seven vears of a soldier's Ufa (1>.) Howe. InF. 8. 36 In 82:146 Broken heart, The. (T.) Ford. In If. B. 1). I. In 32: l"! Same. In O. I) In 82:531 Same. In I). \V. 1... In 82:136 Same S A Broken heart, The. (I). Sk.) From the Italian of Nieolini. In \V. S. C. L. 3 In 84:4137 Broken sword, The. (M.) Dimond In F. 8. 22. In 82:139 Same. In L.P.8S In 32:is:> Broken ties. (Dom. D.) Simpson. In L. I'. 96. In 32: 196 Broken toys. (D.) Daly. In L. P. 14..In 32414 Brother and sister, The. (I*. O.) Dimond. ' In S. I'. B In 82208 Bame. In U P. 16 In 32: in; Brother lien. (F.) .Morton. In I* 1'. 31. In 82:434 "Brother Hill and roe." (F.) Suter. In L. P. 52. In 32: 152 Brothers, The. (0.) Cumberland. In -M. IS. I), t. In 32: KM Same. In I). L. T. 4 In 32:280.4 Same. In I. 15. T. IS In 82:358 Same. In IS. D. 4 In *32!6 Same. In LB. 2 In "32523 Same. In IS. IS. T. 30 '. In ®32:247 Same. In K. C. >; In 32 Brothers, The. (C.) Shirley. In I). W. 1. In 82:1261 Brothers, The. (T.) Young. In It. IS. I). 2. In 32:102 Same. In B. D. 2 In *32:14 Same. In 15. 15. T. 14 In 32:204 Same. In IS. 15. T. 10 In >82-227 Brown and the Brahmins; or, Captain Popand the princess Pretty-Byes. (Oriental B.) founded on "The illustrious stranger." Beeoe. In L. P. B2. In 32:482 Browne the martyr. (F.) Lucas. In L. I'. 96. In 32:496 Brutus; or, The fall of Tarquln. (T.) Payne. In F. S. 1 In 82:128 Same. In 1'ayne's life and writings by Uabriel Barrison .*. ....In *25:39o Bryan Boroihme. See Brian Boroihme. Bubbles of the dav. (D.) Jerrold. In W. P. 7. In 34:1471 Buckstone at home or, The manager and hi- friends. (D. 8k.) In L. P. 08 In 32:4. ",H BuckstOne'S adventure with a Polbb prince... i F. i Lawrence. In I.. 1'. 21 In 32: 122 Bunker Hill ; or, The death of Qen. Warren, ill. T.j ISurk. InS. P. I tn 82:201 Busiris, king of Xgypt. (T.) Young. In IS. 1$. T. It! In 82:266 Same. In 15. IS. T. 10 In »32:227 Bussy d'Anibois. (T.) Chapman. In 0. K. P. 3. In 32:173 Busy body, The. (C.) Centlivre. In M. 15. D. 4. In 32:104 Same. InS. P. 14 In 32:211 Same. In D. L>. T. o In 32: 280.6 Same. In I. 15. T. 11 In 82:86] Siime. In 15. D. 1 In *32:10 Same. In I.. P. 28 In 32:428 Same. In L. 8. 2 In '82:523 Same'. In Ox. N. K D. 6 In 82=656 Same. In B. 15. T. 24 In *32:241 Same. In P.3 In 32:198.3 Cabinet, The. (CO.) Dibdin. In P.3. In 32:1*7 Cabinet question, A. (O. D.) Plum-be. In L. P. 20 In 32:420 Csesar Borgia, son of Pope Alexander VI. (T.) Lee. In I". W. 2 In 82.932 Caesar, the watch doe; of the castle. (B. D.) Adapted from the French. In L. I'. 7t>. In 32: 179 Oain. (Mystery.) Byron. In P. W. 7. In 81:633 Same. In P. \V In 81:536 Sam.- In 81:637 Same. In W. 4 In 81:641 Same. In 1). 2 In 82762 Caius Gracchus. (T.) Knowles. In L. P. 11. In 32:211 Same. In D. W. 1 In 32:911 Caius Marius. (H. legend.) Skelton. In P. W. 2. In 81:1677 Calaynos. (T.) Boker. In Plays and Poems 7. In 32:458 Caligula. (T.) Orowne. In D. W. 4. In »82:I91 Caliph of Bagdad, The. (U. E.) Brough. In L. P. 97 In 32:l7.i Calisto ; or, The chaste nymph. (Mas.) Crowne. In D.W.1 In *32:791 Call at number 1-7. (F.) Triplet. In F. M. 86; In 32:72 Calypso, queen of Ogygia. (Bs.) Brooks. In L. P. or ,., in 82:467 Camaralzaman and the fair Badoura; or, The l.ad djinn and the good spirit. (E.) Byron. In L. P. 94 1'n 32:494 Camilla's husband. (D.) Phillips. In F. S. 41. In 32:148 Same. In L. P. 59 In 82:459 Canaille; pr, The fata of a coquette. Adapted from the French of Dumas, flls. In F. S. 17... In 82136 Same. In L. P. 27 In 32:427 Camillus; or, The self-exiled patriot. (T.i Phillips. In S. P.fl In 32:200 Camp at the Olympic, The* (E.) Planche. In 1.. P. 12 .*. In 32:412 Campaspe. Lilly. Sum at Alexander and Oam- paspe. In I). W. I In 32:934 Canadian war, The. (Dramatic Sk.) Hart. In 1'. 3. In 32:1*7 Candlemas day; or, The killing of the children of Israel. (Mystery.) Parfre. " In II. K. D. 1. In «32:324 Cantab, The. (F.) Robertson. In L. P. 50. In 82460 Capital match, A. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 8. In 32:ius PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 108 Titles. Oapitola ; or, The masked mother and the hidden hand. (D.) Hazlewood. In L. P. 70..In 32:470 Caprice; or, A woman's heart. (C.) Leland. In F. S. 38 In 32:147 Captain, The. (C.) Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 3 In 32:733 Captain Charlotte. (F.) Stirling. In L. P. 39. In 32:439 Captain Kyd; or, The wizard of the sea. (D.) Jones. In F. S. 33 In 32:145 Captain Morgan. (F.) Talbot. In S. P. 2. In 32:202 Captain of the watch, The. (F.) Planche. In F. M. 2 In 32:52 Same. In L. P. 18 In 32:418 Captain Smith. (F.) Berrie. In L. P. 89. In 32:489 Captain's not a-miss, The. (F.) Wilks. In F. M. 20. In 32:04 Same. In L. P. 29 In 32:429 Captivi ; the captives. (C.) Plautus. Literally trans, with notes by Riley. In Comedies 1. In 1:3875 Captivity, The. (Or.) Goldsmith. In W. 4. In 34:12 70 Same. In S. W In 34:1271 Capuletta ; or, Komeo and Juliet restored. (O. Bs.) Baker. In Mimic Stage In 32:714 Caractacus. (D. P.) Mason. In M. B. D. 2. In 32:102 Caravan, The ; or,Thedriverand hisdog. (S.-C. R.) Reynolds. Music by Reeve. In P. 3. ..In 32:187 Same. In 3. P. 11 ". In 32:211 Carbinier, The; or, The conquest of Sedan. (M.) Mildenhall and Worrell. In P. 3 In 32:187 Cardinal, The. (T.) Shirley. In D. "W. 5. In 32:1205 Careless husband, The. (C.) Gibber. In I. B. T. 9. In 32:349 Same. In B. D. 3 In *32:15 Same. In L. S. 3 In *32:524 Same. In B. B. T. 27 In *32:244 Same. In D. W. 2 In 32:782 Same. In P. 4 In 32:198.4 Carib chief, The. (T.) Twiss. In P. 3... In 32:187 Same. In S. P. 6 In 32:200 Carmelite, The. (T.) Cumberland. In I. M. T. 5. In 32:375 Same. In L. S. 4 In *32:525 Same. In B. B. T. 11 In «32:228 Carmelites, The; or, The convent belles. ( Ms. D.) Fitzball. In S. P. 15 In 32:215 Carpenter of Rouen; or, The massacre of St. Bar- tholomew. (R. D.) Jones. In F. S. 10. In 32:130 Same. In L. P. 4 In 32:404 Carte de visite. (F.) Williams and Burnand. In L. P. 57 In 32:457 Cartouche; the French robber. (D.) From the French of D'Ennery and Dugue. By Waldron In L. P. 70 In 32:470 Case is altered, The. Jonson. In W... In 32:900 Casina ; or, The stratagem defeated. (C.) Plautus. Literally translated with notes by Riley. In Comedies 2 ."....In 1:3870 Castle of Andalusia, The. (C. O.) O'Keeffe. In I. B. T. 22 In 32:302 Castle of Sorrento, The. (M. I.) Heartwell. In L. S. 4 In *32:525 Castle spectre, The. (D. R.) Lewis. In F. S. 27. In 32:141 Same. In S. P. 3 In 32:203 Same. In L. P. 30 In 32:4»0 Same. In L. S. 1 In «32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 4 In 32:554 Caswallon ; or, The Britain chief. (T.) Walker. In S. P. 6.... In 32:206 Cataract of the Ganges, The ; or, The rajah's daughter. (R. D.) Moncrieff. In F. S. 23. In 32:139 Catch him who can! (Ms. F.) Hook. In P. In 32:178 Catch a weasel. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 54. In 32:454 Catching an heiress. (F.) Selby. In L. P. 39. In 32:439 Same. In S. P. 4 In 32:204 Catching a mermaid. ( E.) Coyne. In L. P. 24. In 32:424 Cato. (T.) Addison. In P. 10 In 32:198.10 Catherine and Petruchio. See Katharine and Petruchio Catherine Howard. (R. D.) Adapted from Dumas bv Suter. In L. P. 37 In 32:437 Catiline. (IX P.) Croly. In P. W. 2..In 31:039 Catiline, his conspiracy. Jonson. In W.In 32:900 Cato. (T.) Addison. In M. B. D. l...In 32:101 Same. In B. B. T. 3 In 32:253 Same. In B. B. T. 9 In *32:226 Same. In I. B. T. 8 In 32:348 Same. In B.I). 1 In s 32:13 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Same. In D. L. T. 9 In 32:280.9 Same. In W. 1. (Lond.) In 34:571 Same. In W. 1. (N. Y.) In 34:575 Catspaw, The. (C.) Jen-old. In F. S. 11. In 32:131 Same. In W T . 7 In 34:1471 Caught by the cuff. (F.) Hay. In L. P. 07. In 32:407 Caught by the ears. (E.) Selby. In L. P. 41. In 32:441 Caught in a line; or, The unrivalled Blondin. Bolton. In L. P. 54 In 32:454 Cenci, The. (T.) Shelley. In P. W. 2.1 n 31:1500 Same. In P. W '. In 31:1562 Same. In P. W. 2 In 31:1503.2 Census, The. (F.) Brough and Halliday. In. L. P. 50 In 32:450 Chabot, admiral of France. (T.) Shirley. In W. 6. In 32:1200 Challenge for beautv, A. (T. C.) Heywood. In O. E. P. 6 In 32:170 Champaigne. (P. 0.) Adapted from the French by Weatherby and Weatherby. In L. P. 98. In 32:498 Chancery suit, The. (C.) Peake. In P. 3. In 32:187 Chances, The. (C.) Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 7 In 32:737 Same. Altered by the Duke of Buckingham, In B. B. T. 15 In 32:265 Same. In B. B. T. 20 In *32:2:i7 Same. In I. B. T. 6 In 32:346 Same. In Villiers' W. 2 In *34:2182 Same. Altered by Garrick. In L. 8. 4... In 8 32:525 Chang-Ching-Pou I Cream of Tartar. (E.) Mar- tin. In L. P. 68 In 32:468 Change of system, A. (P.C.J Paul. In L. P. 45. In 32:445 Changeling. The. (T.) Middleton and Rowley. In O. E. P. 4 In 32:174 Same in Middleton's W. 4 "A Changes; or, Love in a maze. (C.) Shirley. In D. W. 2 In 32:1 262 Chapter of accidents, A. (F.) Douglas. In L. P. 96 .". ..In 32:490 Chapter of accidents, The. (0.) Lee. In I. M. T. 9. In 32:379 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Same. In D. L. T. 21 In 32:280.21 Same. In E. C. 3 In 32:579.2 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 109 1TI.KS. Oharcoal-burner, Tho. (D.) Almar. In I". 8. 41. In 32:148 Sam.-. In L. P. 71 In 32:471 Oharicles. (D. P.) Qolncy 32:988 Charitable association, The. (C.) Brooke. In Plays and poems 4 In 32:757 Charity. (P.) Gilbert. In Original plays. In 32:818 Charles tin: first. (H. T.) Mitford. In W. In 34:17:4 Charles the second. (C.) Payne. In L. P. an. In 32:430 Charles XII. (H. B.) Planche. In L. P. 67. In 32:4t;7 Charming pair, A. (P.) Williams. In L. 1'. 58. In 32:458 Charming woman, The. (C.) Wignn. In L. 1'. 80. In 32:ioo Chaste maid in Chcapside, A. (C.) Middleton. In W. 4 *A Chastelard. (T.) Swinburne 32:1276 Cheap excursion, A. (F.) .Stirling. In L. P. 4. In 32:Hi4 Cheats, The. (C.) Wilson. In VJb •83:130:1 Cheats of Scapm, The. (F.) Otway. In M. li. 1). 5. In 32:Ui5 Same. In L. S. 4 In *83:528 Same. In li. 0.5 In "32:17 Cherry and Fair Star. (Sp.) In F. II. 12. In 32:'>o Same. In L. P. G.„ In 32:i"<; Cherry and Fair Star. (P.) Ellis. In L. P. 9. In 32:409. In 32:45ii Chesterfield Thinskin. (F.) In I,. P. 13.1a 32:41 J Chevalier of tho Maison Rouge, The. (ft. I'l Adapted from the French of Dumas by lla/.lcwood. In I.. P. 42 In 32:442 Chevalier de St. George, The. (D.J Adapted from the French of Duveyrier and De Beauvoir. In L. P. 25 In 32:425 Chichevache and Hycorne. (Dia.) Lydgate. In D. O. P. 12 In 32:302 Child of nature, The. (D.) Adapted from "Zelie" of Marchioness of Sillcrv by Inchbald. In I. B. F. I. In 32:331 Same. In L. S. 2 In *33:6£3 Same. In P In 32:171) Child of tho wreck, The. (.VI.) Planche. In L P. 30. In 32:43'.i Child stealer, The. Adapted from the French by Suter. In L. P. 70 In 32:i7o Children in the wood, Tho. (O.) Morton. In F. M. Hi In 32:62 Same. In S. P. 5 In 32:205 Children of the castle, The. Fitzball. In L. P. 35. In 82438 Chimney corner, The. (Dom. D.) Craven. In L. P. 50 In 32:450 Same. In F. S. 44-45 In 32:150 Chimney piece, The. (F.) Rod well. In P. 3. In 32: is? Same. In S. P. 2 In 32:202 Choephori, The. (T.) ..Eschylus. Literally trans, with notes by Buckley. In Tragedies I. In 1:2780 Same In 1:2783 Same. Trans, by Plumptrc. In Tragedies 1. In 1:2789 Same. Trans, by Potter In 1:2796 Checkmate. * (0.) llalliday. In L. P. 85. In 32:485 Choleric man, The. (C.) Cumberland. In B. B. T. 28 In *32:245 Same. In B.I). 4 In *32:IG Chops of the Channel, The. (N. F.) Hav. In L. P.84 In 32:484 Christmas boxes. (F.) Mayhew and Edwards. In !.. P. 4ii .'. In 32:44o Christmas carol, A ; or. The niter's warning. Adapted from Dickens by Burnett. In I.. P. 94 In 32: 4'.i I Christmas eve. (D.) Fitzball. In L. P. 45. In 324 15 Christmas eve in a watehhouse. (F.) Clieltnam. In 1. P. 90 In 32:490 Christmas pantomime. A. (Fairy K.) Bitkins. In L. P. B8 ...In 32:4:>5 Christus. (Mystery.) Longfellow. Stasias Dirlne trigedv. With Dramas In 32::'-7 Chrononhotonthologos, the mo,t tragical trag- edy that was ever tragedi/.ed by any company of tragedian!. (Bs. O.) Carey. In M, B. 1). 5. In 32:105 Same. In I.. P. 82 In 32:4*2 Same. In L.S.3. In *32:52l Same. In B. D. 5 In *32: 1 7 Chrystabelle. (K) Falconer. In L. P. 49. In 32:449 Cicilia and Clorinda; or. Love in arms. Pts. I and 11. (T.-C.) Killigrew. In Tragedies and comedies In'~32:3 206 Cinderella. (Bs. E.i Byron. In L. P. 49. In 32:449 Cinderella. (C. D.) Arranged by Lacy. In L P. is In 32:418 Cinderella; or. The fairy and the little glass slipper. (O.) Music by Rossini. In F. S. 21. In 32:38 Same. In P. 3 In 32:187 Circumstances alter eases. (Ca.) lloppin. In F. M.37 In 32:72 Cistellaria ; or, The casket. (C.) Plautus. Literally tKM. with notes by Eiley. In Comedies i. In 1:3876 Citizen, The. (F.) Murphy. In M. B. D. 5. In 32:1 "5 Same. In I. B. F. 4 In 32:334 Same. In L. S. 1 In *32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 1 I In 32:561 Same. In B. D. 5 In *32:'.7 Same. In I). L. T. 16 In 83:180.16 Citizen who apes the nobleman, Tho. (C.) Moliere. Trans, by Van Laun. In D. W. 5 In 32:'-'7:t Same *A City heiress, The. (P.) Behn. In her Plays. 2..*L:I2 City madam, The. Massinger. In O. I)... In 32:531 Same. In his Plavs In 32:950 City match, The. Maine. In D. O. P. 9... In 32:299 Same. In A. B. D. 2 In *32:5 City nigh t-cap, The. Davenport. In D. O. P. 11. In 32:301 Same. In A. B. D. 3 In 9 32:« City of the plague, The. (D. P.) Wilson. In \V. 12 In »34:2J72 City politicks. (C.) Crowne. In D. W. 2. In*32:792 City wives' confederacy, The. (C.) Vanbrugh. In B. B. T. 15. Same as The confederacy. In §3:368 Civilization.'! P.) Wilkins. In F.S. lx.ln 32:133 Same.' In L. P. 10 In 32:410 Clandestine 'marriage, The. (C.) Colman and Garrick. In M. B. D. 4 In 32:104 Same. In B. B. T. 1U In *32:2:t:i Same. In I. B. T. 16 In 32:356 Same. In D. L T. 1..2 In 32:280.12 Same. In L P. 92 In 32:492 Same. In B. D. 4 In *83.'16 Same. In L. S. 1 In *32:522 Same. In E. C. 3 In 32:579.2 Same. In O.v. N. E. D. 5 In 83:568 Same. In Column's 1). \\\ 1 In 32:787 Same. In Garricks D. W. 3 In»32:847 Clarence. (D.) Snider 32:1271 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 110 .ITLES. Clari; or, The maid of Milan. (D.) Payne. In V. S. 33 In 32:1 14 Same. In L. P. 95 In 32:495 Claricilla. (T. C.) Killigrew. In Tragedies and comedies-. In •32:3206 Clarissa Ilarlowe. (T. I).) Adapted from the French bv Lacy and Courtney. In L. P. 77. In 32:477 Cleft Stick, A. (C.) Oxenford. In L. P. OS.In 82:468 Cleomenes, the Spartan hero. (T. ) Drvden. In P. 10 In 32:198.10 Cleone. (T.) Dodsley. In M. tt.D. 2.1n 82:102 Same. In 15. P.. T. 13...; In •32:230 Clock mi the .stairs, The. (Dom. D.) Hazlewood. In L. P. 70 In 32:470 Clockmaker's hat. The. Adapted from ■' Le ehnpeau d'un horologer." of Emile de (jirardin. Trans, by Robertson. In P. M. 9. In 32:58 Same in L. P. IK In 32:41.8 Cloud and sunshine; or, Love's revenge. (I).) Anderson. In L. P. 87 In 32: 187 Clouds, The. (0.) Aristophanes. Trans, by Cumber- land. In the Observer 6 In 34:330 Same. Literally trans, by Hiekie. In Comedies 2. In 1:2831 Clytemnestra. (D. P.) Bulwer-Lvtton. In Poems 2 In 31:1114 Same. In Poems. (Leip. ed.) In 31:1115 Same. In Poems. ( Household ed.) In 31:1122 Coals of lire. (C. D.) Craven. In L. P. 94ln 32:494 Cockneys in California. Coyne. In P. M. 5. In 32:55 Coffee-house politician, The. (C.) Fielding. In W. 1 In •84:1117 Colleen Bawn, The; or, The brides of Garryowen. (D.) Boucieault In LP.63 In 32:463 Colleen limm settled at last. The. (F. F.) Brough and Ualliday. In L. P. 55 In 32:459 Colombe's birthday. (P.) Browning. In P.. ems 1. In 31:457 Columbus el lilibustero ! ! (F.) Brougham. In F. M. 19 In 32:03 Comedy and tragedy. (C.) Founder. Trans, bv Robson. In F. M. 19 In 82:63 Same. In L. P. 25 In 32:425 Comedy of errors, The. (C.) Shakespeare. In I. li. T. 1 In 32::ui Sam..'. In L. P. 72 In 32:472 Same. In W. 3 In 32:1003 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In W. 1. (Dyce) In 32:1009 Same. In W. 3. (Halliwell.) »A Same. In W. 1. (Handy vol. J In 32:1051 Same. In \V. 2. iHazidt. Lond.) In 32:1072 Same. In W. 2. (Ha/.litt. N. Y. ) In 32:1076 Same. In \\\ 4. (Hudson.) In 32:lo:i4 Same. In Com. 1. (Knight.) In 32:1125 Same. In Com. 7. (Knight. Pict. ed.)..In 32:1131 Same. Iii W. 1. (Knight.) *A Same. In the Leopold Shakespeare 32:1140 Same. In W. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1144 Same. InW. 2. (Phelps.) In 32:1 152 Same. In W. 1. (Singer.) In 32:1171 Same. InW. (Stevens.) In 32:1185 Same. In W. 2. (Stevens.) S A Same. In W. (Stevens and Malone.)... In 32:1186 Same. In W. 7. (Johnson and Slovens. )In 32:1 197 Same. InW. 20. (Johnson and Stevens. ) In 82:1230 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1023 »A Comedy of the prodigal son. In Simpson's School of Shakespeare. 2 In 32:578 Comfortable lodgings. (F.) Peake. In L P.82, In 32:482 Comfortable service. (F.) Bayly. In L. P. 1. In 32:401 Same. In S. P. 2 In 32:20.! Comic pastoral, A. (Introduced by Moliere in the Ballet of the muses.) Trans, bv Van Latin. In D. W. 4 J l n 32:972 Same »A Comical countess, A. (F.) Brough. ln L. P. 52. In 32:452 Comical lovers, The. (C.) Cibber. In I). W. 3. In 32:783 Same. In P. 4 I n 32:198.4 Commissary, The. (F.) Foote. In 11. IS. D. 5. In 32:105 Same. In B. D. 5 \ u «32: 1 7 Committee, The; or, The faithful Irishman. (C.) Howard. In B. B. T. 2 In 32:252 Same. In P. 1 In 32:198.1 Comus. (Mas.) Milton. In Cabinet ed. of British poets 1 In 31:5 Same. In W. of the British poets 5 In 31:53 Same. In Hazlitt's British poets 5 In 31:174 Same. In P.W.I In 31:1193 Same. In. P. W. 5 I„ 31:1187 Same. In P.W.I In 31:1189 Sam.'. In P. W. 2 In 31:1192 Same. In P. W In 31:1197 Same. In P. W In 31:1198 Same. In P. W. 2. (Ma-son.) In «31:l2o2 Same. In P. W. 2 In 81;!205 Same. In M. B. I). 5 In 33:105 Same. In B. B. T. 9 In 32:250 Same. In B. B. T. 32 In »32:349 Same. Altered by Colman. In I. B. F. 7. .In 32:337 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Same. In I). L. T. 10 In 32:280.10 Confederacy, Tlie. (C.) Vanbrugh. In S. P. o. Santo Oi The city wive.-' confederacy In 32:200 Same. In L. S. 3 .'.....In "32::52l Same. In Ox. N. E. 1). 12 In 32: 562 Same. In O. D In 32:010 Same. In D. L. T. 15 In 32:280.15 Same. In his Plays 2 In S 32:2S5.2 Conjugal lesson, A. (0. S. ) Danvers. In F. M 12 In 32:00 Same. In L. P. 27...'. In 32:427 Conrad and Medorft. (Pn.) Brough. In I.. P. 29 in 32: 120 Conscience. ('!".) Aston. In P. 3. ...In 32: 187 Conscience. (T. ) Ifflaud. Trans, by Thompson, In T. G. T. 4 ;..ln 32:584 Same In 32:588 Conscious lovers, The. (C.) Steele. In M. B. I». 4 In 32:lot Same. In B. D. 4 In *82:16 Same. In B. B. T. 4 In 32:254 Same. In 1). L. T. 20 In 32:280,20 Same. In I. B. T. 12 In 32:352 Same. In L S. 2 In 32:523 Same. In P. 1 In 32:198.1 Same. In F. C. 5 In 32:579.3 Conspiracy of Pazzi, The. (T.J Allien. Trans. by Bowring. In Tragedies 2 In 32:098 Constant couple. The ; or, A trip to the jubilee. l'anpihar. Ill M. B. D. 4 In 32:104 Same. In H. IS. T. 15 In 32:205 Same. In B. B. T. 31 In '32:2 1s Same. In I. B. T. 8 In 32:348 Same. In L. S. 2 In •32:523 Same. In O. 1) ln 32:010 Same. In I>. L T. 20 In 32:280.20 Same. In B. I). 3 In •82:15 Constant maid, The. (C.) Shirley. In D. W. 4. In 32:120 4 Constantine the great. (T.) Lee. In I). \V. 2. In 32:932 Sa In P. 2 In 32:198.2 Constantine Paleologus; or, The last of tin; Csasars. (T.) Baillie. In D. and P. \V. In 32:720 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. TllK DltAMA. Ill Titles. Contending brother*, The. (O.) Brooke. In Plays end | nu 4 In 32: Contention f>r honor and riches. Shirley. In D. w. « tn 32:1266 Contention of Ajax end Ulysses for the erma Achillea. In 1). \V. of Shirley 6 in 32:1286 Contrivances, Tin-, ^o.) Curv. In M. 13. l> In 32:H):. Same, [a L. B. I In »82:525 Same. In I! D. 6 In 32:17 Sam.'. In P. T In 82:188.1 Convict, The. (D.P.) Wilson. In W. 12. In 34:2272 Cool e* a cucumber. (P.) Jerrold. In F. M. 31. In82:6» Same. In L P. S In.32:4o;> Coriolanus ; or, The Roman matron, (T. i Shakes- peare. In r.8.40 In 82:148 Same. In I. B.T. B In 82:345 Sam.-. In L. P. 98 In 82:495 Same. In Ox. N. K. I). B In 32:">".h Slime. In K en ible's Shakespeare readings 2 1 n 32: 1 1 111 Same, tn W. 5 In 82:1005 Same. 1 n \V In 32: Same. In W. ». (Dyce.) In 82:1013 Same. In W. 12. illalliwell.) A Same. In \V. in. (Handy vol.).. ». In 32. Same, In W. ::. i ila/.litt". Lund.] In 32: .Same. In W. :t. (lia/.litt. N. Y. In 32: 1077 .Same. In W. 8. (Hudson.) In 82:1098 Same. LnTrag. 2. (Knight.) In 32:112-1 Same. In Trag. 3. (Knight, pict ed.)... In 82:1134 Same. In W. 2. (Knight. *A Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1 Uu Same. In W.3. [Stratford ed.J In 32:1143 Same. In W. 2. (Phelps.) In 82:1152 Same. In \V. 7. (Reed) In 32:ii«7 Same. In \V. 7. (Singer.) Ill 32:1177 Same. In \V. 7. (Steevens) A Same. In \V. (Steevens and ftf alone. )~.In 32:ii s 6 Same. In W. 12. (Johnson and Steevens. )In 82:1202 Same. In \V. 16. ( JohnBon and Steevens.)In 32:1220 Same, in Reprint of Brat folio of 1623 *A Cornelia. Kyd. In l>. <>. P. 2 In 82: 29 i Coronation, The. (P.) Shirley. In I). W. 3. In 32:1263 Coronation, The; or, The merry days of king Arthur. (U.) In P. 3 In 32:187 Coroner's inquisition, A. (P.) Hall. In V. M. la. Iii 32:61 Corporal's wedding, The. (F ) Morton. In P. 3. In 32:187 Corsair, The. (Bs, and Pit.) Brough. In !•'. M. 17 In 32:02 Corsican "bother.-.'' The; or. The troublesome twine. (8a.fi.) Pounded on a famous romantic drama. Byron. In I.. P. 88 Ill 32:488 Corsican brothers, The. (D. 0.1 Adapted from Dumas, U range, and De Montepin. In K. S. 12. In 82:132 Cortez the conqueror. (T.) Thomas : B:.'(8.4 Same *B: 18.9 Same 5 C:142S Count Alarcos. (T.) Disraeli. ( With Ixion, In 37:668 Same : In 87:669 Count Benyowaky; or. The conspiracy of Kami schatka. (I).) Kotxebue. Trans, by Tbompton. In T. <.. T. i.... "..In 32:r>87 Count Kdnigsmark. iT.i Von Reitzenstein. Trans, by Thompson. In T. (1. T. 6.. ..In 32:~>- ,; Count of Narbo in,,-. The. (T.) Jephson. In I. B. T. 20 In 82:360 Sam,'. In L 8. 8 In *82:524 Same. In I). 1,. T. IB In 82:280.16 Same. In P. 3 In 82:183 Same. In 1". 4 ' In 32:198.1 Counter attraction; or, Strolling and stratagem. Tilbury. In I.. P. 5 In 3:: Counterfeit presentment, A. [C.) Uowells.82:890 Countess of Bsearbagnus, The. (C.) Moltere Iran-, by Van Laun. In I). W. 8 In 32 Same »A Same. Trans, by Wall. In I). \V. ~ In 3:: Countess of Salisbury. (T.) UarUon-. In M. B.D.2. In 32:1 "j Same, [n I. B T. 18 In 82:396 Same. In I!. D. 2 In 32:14 Country couain, Tho. (Her Lands* inii. | Trans, from the German of the Princess Amelia of Saxony, bj Jameson. In Social life in Germai y t. In 32: 7n i Country nirl, Th . (C.) Altorod from W'yclierlojr's Country wife, b) Garrick. InS. P. 12. In 82:212 Same. In I (>.. T'. 16 Ill 32 '■ Same. In 1). L. T. IP Ill 32:280.19 Same. [n L. S. 1 ill 32 ' Same. Iii Ox. N. K. |). a In 82:558 Same. In li. B.T. 28 In »82:24o Country hou-e, The (('.) Vaubrugh. In O. I). Tn 32:610 Same. In his I lavs 2 In *32: 1 Same In li. I). S In "32:17 Country inn, The. (C.) Baillie. In D. and P. W In 32:7 20 Country lasses, The. (O.) Johnson. In li. li. T. IB. In 32:2>;:i Same. In li. B.T. 20 In >32:237 Country squire, The. (C.i Dance. InP.S. 39. In 32:147 Country wife. The. (C.) Wycherley. In li. li. T. it !..ln 82:267 Same li, (). I) I„ 32:61(1 Same. In P. 6 In 32:198.6 Country wit, The. (O.) Orowne. In I). \\ . ::. In 32:7:>3 Court beauties, The. (I).) Planehe. I n L. P. 2 1 . In 32:42! Court cards, it.'. I).) Simpson. In P. J 1 . 40-41 In 32:71 Same. In L, P. 58 In 32:453 Courier of Lyons, The. (D.) Moreau, S'miudin, and Dela ,r. In L. P. 15 In 32:41.", Court of lions. The : or, Grenada taken and done for. i II. lis. I III L. P. TO In 32 Court of 1 >berun, The : or, The three wishes. ( I). I.) Oonntesa of Hardwicke. In I.. P. 17. ..In 32:417 Court seer.-t. The. (T.-C.) Shirley. In I). \V. 5. In 82:1265 Cousin Fannie. (C.I In F. M. 40-41 In 32:74 Cousin Tom. i ('a. i Roberta. InXi. P. 68_In 82:458 Covent-garden tragedy, The. (F. ) Fielding. In W. 2 In ! 34:11 18 Cox and BOX. .Morton and Burmiiid. Music by Sullivan. In F. M. t0-41 In 32:74 Coxcomb, The. iCi Beaumont and Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. :i In 32:7::;i Cozeners, The. (C.) Foote. In P. 3_In 82:187 Cozy couple, A. (K.i l.awreiue. In I,. P. 2 1. In 32:421 Cradle of liberty ; or, Boston in 177r>. Clover. In F. S. 38 In 32:147 Cramond Brig. (CD.) Adapted from the Miller of Man-lield. Murray. In I.. P.S1 In 32:421 Creatures of impulse. (Ms. fairy tale, i Gilbert. In L. P. 91 In 32:4:0 Creole, The: or. Love's tetters. iD.i Brooks. In L. P. 1 In 32: 101 Creusa, queen Of Athens. (T.) Whitehead. In B. B.T. 20 Iii 82:270 Same, Iii B. B.T. 13 In *82:230 Sa In IS. I). 2 In *32:U PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 112 .ITLES. Cricket on the hearth. (D.) Dramatized from Dickens, by Smith. In F. S. 43 In 32:149 Same. In L. P. 44 In 32:444 Crinoline. (F.) Brough. In F. M. 28. ..In 82:68 Same. In L. P. 2» In 32:429 Critic, The; or, A tragedy rehearsed. (D. ) Sheri- dan. In M. 15. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In D. L. T. 8 In 32:280.8 Same. In I. B. F. 3 In 32:333 Same. In L. P. 8 In 32:408 Same. In L. S. 1 In =32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 9 In 32:559 Same. In P. 3 In 32:183 Same. In I). W In 32:1252 Crockery's misfortunes. (B.) In P. 3. In 32:187 Cross purposes. (F.) O'Brien. In L. S. 2. In *32:523 Crossing the line; or, Crowded houses. (C. D.) Almar. In F. M. 12 In 32:60 Same. In L. P. 35 In 32:435 Crowding the season. (C.) Hardy. In F. M. 40-4!. In 32:74 Crown diamonds, The. (O.) Music by Auber. In L. F. 78 In 32:478 Crown prince, The. (D.) Wilks. In F. M. 13. In 32:60 Same. In L. P. 26 In 32:426 Crowned Hippolytus, The. (T.) Euripides. Trans. into English by Fitz Gerald 1:2918 Cruel to be kind. (F.) Williams and Harris. In L. P. 48 In 32:446 Cup of tea! (Ca.) In L. P. 83 In 32:483 Cupboard love. (F.) Hay. In L. P. 91. In 32:491 Cupid. (Bs.) Graves. In P. 3 In 32:187 Cupid and death. (Mas.) Shirley. In D. W. 6. In 32:1266 Cupid and Pysche; or, Beautiful as a butterfly. (E.) Burnand. In L. P. 64 In 32:464 Cupid in waiting. (C.) Jerrold. In L. P. 94. In 32:494 Cupid's revenge. (C.) Beaumont and r _Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 2 In 32:732 Curculio ; or, The forgery. (C.) Plautus. Liter- ally trans, with notes by Riley. In Comedies 1. In 1:3875 Cure for a cuckold, A. (C.) Webster and Rowley. In Webster's D. W. 4 In 32:1293 Same. In Webster's W. 3 *A Cure for the fldgets, A. (F.) Williams. In L. P. 77 In 32:47 7 Cure for the heart ache, A. (C.) Morton. In I. B. T. 25 In 32:365 Same. In L. P. 34 In 32:434 Cure for love, A. (C.) Parry. In L. P. 13. In 32:413 Curfew, The. (P.) Tobin. In L. S. 4. In *32:525 Curious case, A. (C. D.) In F. M. 40-41. In 32:74 Same. In L. P. 12 In 32:412 Custom of the country, The. (C.) Beaumont and Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 4. In 32:734 Cut off with a shilling. (Ca.) Smith. In L. P. 97 In 32:497 Cyclops, The. (T.) Euripides. Literally trans. with notes by Buckley. In Tragedies 2. In 1:2906 Same. Trans, by Shelley. In P. W. 3..In 31:1561 Cymbeline. (H. D.) Shakespeare. In I. B. T. 4. In 32:344 Same. In L. P. 64 In 32:464 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 12 In 32:562 Same. In Kemble's Shakespeare readings 1. In 32:1115 Same. In W. 6 In 32:1006 Same. In W In 32:1008 Cymbeline, [continued.) — Same. In W. 3. (Dyce.) In 32:1011 Same. In W. 15-16. (Haiti well.) »A Same. In W. 12. (Handy vol.).. In 32:1062 Same. In W. 4. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1074 Same. In W. 9. (Hudson.) In 32:1099 Same. In Trag. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1124 Same. In Trag. 1. (Knight, pict. ed.)... .In 32:1133 Same. In W. 2. (Knight.) *A Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1 140 Same. In W. 3. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1143 Same. In W. 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. In W. 10. (Singer.) In 32:1180 Same. In W. 8. (Steevens.) *A Same. In W. (Steevensand Malone.)...In 32:1186 Same. In W. 13. (Johnson and Steevens.)In 32:1203 Same. In W. 18. (Johnson and Steevens. )ln 32:1228 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A Same. Altered by Garrick. In D. W. 2..In' •82:846 Same. In P. 9 In 32:198.9 Same. Altered bv Brooke. In Plays and poems 3. In 32:756 Cymon. (D. R.) Garrick. In L. S. 3„In »32:524 Same. In D. L. T. 20 In 32:280.20 Cymon and 1 phigenia. (C. P.) Altered from Garrick by Planche. In I,. P. 19 In 32:419 Cynthia's revels; or, The fountain of self-love. Jonson. In W In 32:900 Cyril's success. (C.) Bvron. In L. P. 89. In 32:189 Daddy Gray. (I).) Hnlliday. In L. P. 85. In 32:485 Dagobert, king of the Franks. Babo. Trans, bv Thompson. liiT. G.T.4 In 32:584 Same In 32:588 Damon and Pithias. Edwards. In D. O. I*. 1. In 32:291 Same. In A. B. D. 1 In = 32:4 Damon and Pithias. (T.) Sliiel. In S. P. 13. In 32:213 Dandelion's dodges ! (F.) Williams. In L. P. 78. In 32:478 Daniel (Sacred D.) More. In W. G..In 34:1767 Darius, king of Persia. (T.) Crowns.. In I). \V. ::. In ■■ 32: 793 Dark cloud, The. (D.) Rose. In L. P. 57. In 32:457 Dark doings in the cupboard. (F.) Covne. In L. P. 64 In 32^464 Dark hour before dawn, The. (P.) Brougham and Goodrich. In F. S. 28 In 32:142 Daughter, The. (D.) Bayly. In F. M. 15. In 32:61 Same. In L. P. 1 In 32:^01 Daughter, The. (P.) Knowles. In D. W. 1. In 32:911 Daughter to marry, A. (C.) Planche. In L. P. 74. In 32:474 Davenport Oone; or, An April fool. (Ca. ) Column. In L. P. 74 In 32:47-1... David and Bethsaba. Peele. In O. D....I11 32:321 Same. In \V. 2 *A David and Goliah. (Sacred V.) More. In W. 6. In 34:1767 David Coppertield. (D. ) Adapted from Dickens by Brougham. In F. S. 17 In 32:136 Day after the fair, A. (Bs.) Somerset. In F. M. 16 In 32:62 Same. In L. P. 76 In 32:476 Day after the wedding, The. (I.) Adapted from the French by Kemble. In L. P. 3. .In 32:403 Day in Paris, A. (F.) Selby. In L. P. 69. In 32:469 Day in Turkey, A ; or, The Russian slaves. (C.) Cowley. In P In 32:179 Day of reckoning, A. (D.) Planche. In L. P. 21 In 32:421 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Tiik Drama. 113 Titles. Day well spent, A. (K.) Oxcnford. In L. P. 34. hi 32:434 Day's llsliiiis, A. (F.) Morton. In L. 1*. 83. In 32:483 Days of .lezcbel, The. (II. 1). ) Bavne. 32:722 Dead slirs, Tm. (0. 0.) OKeoffe. In I'. 4. In 32:188 Same. In S. P. 5 In 32:205 Dead heart, The. (II. 1>.) Phillips. In L 1". 82. In 32:182 Dead heart, The. (II. D.) Webster. In F. 8. 43. In 32:149 Dead shot, The. ( F. ) Buckstone. In F. M . l . In 32:51 Same. In S. V. i In 32:202 Same. In L 1'. 84 In 32:134 Deadman's point; or, The lighthouse on the Cam Ruth. (1>.) Burnand. In i.. 1". 93. ..In 32:492 Deaf »nil dumb; or, The orphan protected. (H. D.) Adapted from Bouillv, by Holcroft. In L. S. 1. In *32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 6 In 32:556 Same. In I* ......In 32:177 Same. Trans, by Thompson from Kotzebuc's (ier- mnn translation. In T. G. T. 3 In 32:583 Same In 32:588 Deaf as a port, i F. i Poole. In F. M. 8. In 32: 58 Sam.'. In UP. 14 In 32:414 Deaf lover, The. (F.) Pilon. In 1'. 4. In 32:188 Same. In L. S. 3 In *32:524 Deal boatman, The. (S.-C. D.) Burnand. In U P. SO In 32:400 Dearest mama ! (Ca.) Gordon. In U P. 4fi. In 32:44G Death of Marlowe, The. (T.) Home. In L. P. 89. In 32:489 Death of Wallenstein. (T.) Trans, from Schiller by Coleridge. In Coleridge'.- I'. W. 3-In 31:601 Same. In Coleridgs'i W. 2 In 34:1928 Death plank, The. (M.) Loess, in s. 1'. i... In 32:215 Debauchees, The; or, The Jesuit caught. (O.) Fielding. In W. 2 In *34:I118 Deborah; or, The Jewish maiden's wrong (D.) Cheltnam. In U P. 63 In 32:403 Decided ease, A. ( D. Sk.) Brougham. In F. M. 15 In 32:01 Deed of sift, The. (CO.) Wood worth. In P. 4. In 32:188 Deep, deep sea, The. (B.) Planche sad Dance. In L. P.41 In 32:441 Deerfoot. (F.) Burnand. In L. P. 53 ..In 32:453 Deformed transformed. The. (D.) Byron. In Dramas 2 In 32:702 Same. In I'. W. 7 In 31:532 Same. In P. W. H In 31:538 Same. In P. W In 31:537 Same. In P. W. 4 In 31:541 Delicate attentions. (P.) Poole. InP. 4..In 32:188 Delicate ground ; or, Paris in 1793. (C. D.) Dance. In F. M.6 In 32;5r> Same. In UP. 18 In 32:418 Delinquent ; or, Seeing companv. (C. ) Reynolds. In I. 14. T. 2 In 32:372 Same In P In 32:200 Demetria. (T.) fftllhouse 32:^79 Demetrius. Metaataiio. Trans, by Hoole. In Metastases D. 1 *.ln *32:961 Demetrius. Schiller, Trans, by Bohn. Iji W. 4. In 34:1930 Demetrius and Knimthe. (P.) Fletcher. ...*B: I 6.4 Demi-monde, The. (D. satire.) Dumas, jr. Trans, by Squire 32: s i Demon lover, Tne. (R. Ca.) Brougham. In F. M. 14 .....In 32:01 Do Montfort. (T.) BsflUe. In I. 15. T. 24. In 32:':04 Same. In I), and P. W In 32:720 Demophoon. Metnsta.-io. Tran-. bv Hosts. In afetastaiio'a D. 2 In 89:963 Descensus A ttrsM. Peels. EnO. D [n 83:331 Descent of Frea, The. (list.) Saver-. In Dra- matic sketches of ancient northern mythology. In 32:9»G Deseret deserted ; or, The last dnys of Hrigham Ifoung. In K. S. 20 In 32:141 Deserted daughter, The. (C.) Hokrofc In S. 1'. l i In 32:214 Same. In I. B. T. 24 In 32:364 Same. In L.S.3 In *32 :634 Deserter, The. (Ms. D.) DilMlin. In S. P. 8. In 32:208 Same. In I. I!, P. 2 In 32:332 Same. In U S. 1 In ■■■"32:522 Same. In Ox. X. K. D. 11 In 82:681 Desperate game, A. (C. D.) Morton. In L. P. 10. In 32:410 Destruction of Jerusalem. Pts. 1 and 2. (D.) Crowns. In D. W. 2 in 327>2 Deuce is in him, The. (F.) Colman, Br. In at. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In B. D. 5 In *3217 Same. In I. B.F.0 In 32 Same. In I,. S. 3 In »33:524 Same. In I). W. 4 In *32:790 Device of the pageant borne before Wolstan Dixie. Peele. In O. D In 32:321 Devil is an ass, The. Jonson. In "W In 83:900 Devil to pa v, The ; or, The wives metamorphosed. (Ba.F.) Coffey. In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In B. D. 5 In »32:17 Same. In I. B. F. 5 In 83:835 Same. In D. L.T. 15 In 33:380.15 Same. In U S. 1 In *32:522 Devil upon two sticks. (F.) Foots. In M. B, 1). 5. \ S In 32:103 ' ' Same. In B. D. 5 In iS 32:I7 r Devilish good joke, A. (I.) Higgie. In F. M. *■ S H In 32: r Jl ' '" Devil's law case, The. (T.-C.) Webster. In DV f / W.3 In 33:1292-. ->■ Same. In W. 2 *A \ /f> Devil's mount, The ; or, The female Bluebeard. \ ^j (R. D.) Adapted from the French by Higgie. In /. L, P. 88 '...In 32:488 Diamond cut diamond. (I.) Altered bv Murray from ■• How (o die for love." In UP. 7. In 32:407 Dick Turpin and Tom King. (S.-C. D.) Sitter. In F. M.30 In 32:72 Did I dream it? (F.) Wooler. In U P. 50.1n 32:450 Dido (T.) Marlowe. In AV. 2. See aUe Tragedy of Dido A Dido, afsrtsrtsalo. Trans, by Hoole. In Msstss- t.i-io's D. 2 ." In 32:902 Dido, the celebrated widow. |E.) Burnand. In I.. P. 4 1 In 32:444 Dinner for nothing. (F.) Cheltnam. In U P. 67 Ir. 32:467 Dinorah under difficulties. (K. ) Brough. In U I'. 81 r.In 32:481 Dipsychus. (D. P.) Clough. In Poems, and prose remains 2 In 34:943 Disagreeable surprise, The. (M. F. ) Daniel. In P. 4 ...In 32:188 Discovery, The. (C.) Sheridan. In B. B. T. 18 In *8S:33S Same. In K. 0. 4 In 32:579.2 Same. In P. 2 In 32:182 Discreet princess, The. (K.) Blanche. In I.. 1'. 24. In 32:424 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 114 Titles. Discovery of Joseph, The. (Sacred D.) Mctas- tusio. Trans, by lloole. In Meslastaaio's D. 3. In 32:963 Disobedient child. The. (T.) Ingelond. In Percy soe. pub. 22 In *31;<176 Distrest mother, The. (T.) Philips. In M. ]!.!). I, In 32:101 Same. In B. U.T.I In 82:251 Same. In I. B. T. 7 In 82:347 Siime. In L.S. 4 In *82:525 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 5 In 82:555 Same. In li. D. 1 In »82:13 Same. In D. L. T. 21 In 82:2811.21 Divine tragedy, The. (D. P.) Longfellow. Same as Christus 32:938 Doctor and the apothecary, The. (Ms. En.) Cobb. In I. B. F. 6 .". In 82:336 Same. In L. S. 2 In •32:523 Doctor Bolu3. (I.) In P. 4 In 32:188 Doctor Di I worth. (F.) Oxenford. In F. M. 32. In 32:70 Doctor Faustus. (T.) Marlowe. In O. E.P.I. See cho Tragical history of Doctor Faustus. In 32:171 Same. (T.) With notes and introductions by Wagner 32:949 Same. Jul. by Ward. With Greene's Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay In 32:605 Doctor in spite of himself. The. (C.) Moliere Trans, by Wall. In D. VV. 2 In 82:967 Doctor Last in his chariot. (F.) Bickcrstaff and Foote. In M. B. D. 5 In 82:105 Same. In B. D. 5 In :! 32:i7 Dog of Montargh), The. (M.) Adapted from the French. In L. P. 43 In 32:443 Doge of Duralto, The; or, The enchanted eye-. (E.) li'-ough. in L. P. 88 In 82:488 Doing Banting. (P.) ISrougb and Halliday. In L P. fil In 32:404 Doing for the best. (D0111. D.) Lacy. In L. P. f>5. In 32:455 Doing the "hansom." (F.) Harris. In L. P. 28. In 32:428 Doing my uncle, (F.) Lacy. In L. P. 72. In 32:472 Dolly. (0. O.) In L. P. 49 In 82:449 Dombey and son. (D.) Dramatized from Dickens by Brougham. In F. S. 16 In 32:130 Domestic economy. (F.) Lemon. In L. P. 2. In 32:402 Dominique the deserter. (0. D.) Murray. In L. P. 50 In 32:4.".ii Dominique the possessed. (D.) Burnett. In s. P. 15 In 32:215 Don Csesar de Kazan. (I).) Trans, and adapted from Dumanois and Dcimerv, by A-' Beckett and Lemon. In Lj. P. 12 In 32:112 Don Carlos, infant ot Spain. (T.) Schiller. Trans. by Thompson. In T. G. T. 5 In 82:589 Don Garcia. (T.) Altieri. Trans, by Bowring. In Tragedies 2 '.In 82:698 Don Garcia of Navarre. (0.) Moliere. Trans. In Van I.aun. In I). \V. 1 In 32:969 Same «A Same. Trans, hy Wal I. In I). W. 1 In 32:0-. Don Giovanni ; or, A spectre on horseback. (B.) Dibdin. In P. 4 In 32:188 Don Juan ; or, The feast with the statue. Moliere. Trans, hy Van Latin. In I). VV. 3 In 32:071 Same *A Same. Train, by Wall. In D. W. 2 In 32:067 Don Pedro tin- cruel, and Don Manuel the cobbler. (('. D.) Adapted from the French by Boaden. In S. P. 15 In 32:215 Don Quixote in England. (C.) Fielding. In VV. ::. In *34:1 1 10 Don Sebastian, king of Portugal. (T.) Drvden. In M. 15. D. 1 r. Tn 32:101 Same, In 15. B. T. 12 In 32:2(52 Done brown. (P.) Craven. In L. P. 81. In 32:481 Done 011 both sides. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 26. In 32:426 Donna del lago. (The lady of the hike.) (M.O.j Music by Rossini. In P. 4 In 32:188 Don't forget your opera-glasses. (F.) Woolf. In F. M. 27... In 32:07 Don't judge by appearances. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 24. In 32:424 Don't lend your umbrella. (C. D.) Buckingham, In LP. 30 .' In 32:430 Doom of Devorgoil, The. (M.) Scott. In P. W. 0. In 31:1530 Dora's device. (C.) Beece. In L. P. 00. In 32:490 Double-bedded room, The. (F.) In F. M. 22. In 32:65 Same. In L. P. 60 In 32:460 Double dealer, The. (C.) Congreve. In B. B. T. 13. In 32:263 Same. In B. 15. T. 29 In *32:246 Same. In L. S. 4 In *82:525 Same. In B. D. 3 In *32:15 Same. In O. D In 32:010 Same. In D. L. T. 20 In 32:280.20 Double dealing. (Duo.) Suter. In L. P. 47. In 32:147 Double dummy. (F.) Harrington and Yates. In L. P. 35 In 32:435 Double faced people. (C.) Courtney. In L. P. 31. In 32:431 Double gallant, The; or, The sick lady's care. Gibber! In B. B. T. 13 In 32:263 Same. In ]!. I). 3 In »32:15 Same. In B. 15. T. 19 In 532:236 Same. In P. 4 In 82:198.4 Same. In D. L. T. 23 .....In 32:280.23 Same. In D. VV. 3 In 32:783 Double marriage, The. (C.) Fletcher. In Beau- mont and Fletcher's W. 6 In 32:736 Doubtful heir, The. (G.) Shirley. In D. VV". 4. In 32:1204 Doubtful victory, The. (Oa.) Oxenford. In I,. P. 30 In 32:436 Douglas. (T.) Dome. In M. 15. I). 2In 32: 102 Same. In F. 8. 13 In 32:100 Same In 15. D. 2 In *32:14 Same. Ill 15. 15. T. 20 In 32:270 Same. In 15. 15. T. 6 In *32:223 Same. In I. B. T. 16 In 82:356 Same. In L. P. 31 In 32:431 Same. In L. S. 1 In s 32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. I). 12 In 32:562 Same. In D. L. T. 3 In 82:280.3 Same. In P.3 In 32:iso Douglas travestie. Rede. In L. P. 46... In 32:446 Doves in a cage. (C) Jerrold. In W. 8. In 34:1472 Dowager, The. (O.) Mathews. In L. 1'. 22. In 32: 122 Same. In F. M. 32 In 32:70 Down in a baloon. (E) Oxenford. In L I'. 02. In 32:492 Dragon knight. The; or, The queen of beauty. (D.) Stirling. InS. P. 15 In 32:215 Dragon of Wantlev. (Bs. O.) Carey. Music by Lampe. In P. 4..". ."...In 32:188 Same. To which is added the old ballad on which it was founded. In L S. 2 In *32:523 Drama at home, The. (E.) Planche. In L. P. 20. In 32:420 Drama of exile. (D. P.) Browning. In Poems 2. In 31:453 PUBLIC LIBKAKY OP CINCINNATI. Thk Drama. 115 Titles. Dramatist, The; or. Stop him who can. Reynold*, In I. B. T. 20 In 32:360 Drapery question, Thej or, Who's for India? Selby. In I.. P. 33 In 82:433 Drawing rooms, see. .ml il ■ and attics. (P.) Morton. In I. P, 63 In 33:463 Dreadfully alarming. (F.) Edwards and Uul- lerna. In L P. 95 In 82:405 Dream, The. (T.J Baillio. In S. P. 7. In 82:207 Same. In I), and P. \V Ill 32:720 Dream at sea, The. (D.) Buclutona. In P. 8. 34, In 82:145 Dream of the future. A. (0.) Dance. In I,. P. 31. In 32:42! Dream of Seipio, The. (Metastasis) Trana. by llo.de. In Metastasio's D. 1 In '32:'.".i Dream spectre, The. (E.D.) Wilks. In L. P. 40. In 32:440 Dreamsi'filidiisii.n. (I).i Simpson. In P.M. 32. In 32:"n Dred ; or, The dismal swamp. (P.) Dramatized from Mrs. Stove's novel by Brougham. In !•'. S, 19, In 32:i.:7 Same. Dramatised by Suter. In L. 1'. 57..In 32:4. r .7 Drummer, The; or, The haunted boose. (C.) Addison. In M. I',. I *. 1 I,, 32:104 Same. In B. I), i In *32;16 Sam... In li. R. T. 11 In 82:261 Same. In 1'. 7 In 32:198.7 .Same. In \V.!. N.Y.e.l.. In 34:.".7,". Drunkard, The. (D.) Smith. In L. P. T. In 32: 107 Same, In P.8.11 In 82:131 Drunkard's doom, The; or, The last nail. I K. D.) I'itt. In F. s. 114:. In 82:130 Drunkard's warning, The. (D.) Taylor. In F. S. 1 1- 1". In 32:150 Duchess de la Yalli.ro, The. i P.) Bolwer-Lytlon In S. P. li In 32:209 Same. In I). \\. l.ond. .■.!.) In 32:758 Same. In I). \V. (Leip. ed.) In 32;7.">:i Duchess "f Mali!. (T.) Webster. In W. l...»A Same. In I). \\ '. j In 82:1291 Same. In A. B. I>. :: In *32:6 Duchess or nothing. (Ca.) Gordon. In L. P. 47. In 32:14 7 Duck hunting. ! F. i Coyne. In I.. P.66..1n 32:456 Duel in the dark, A (P.J Coyne. In I.. P. 6. In 32:406 Duenna, The. (C. P.) Sheridan. In I. li. T. lii. In 32:.:.V-» Same. In L.S.I In »82:522 Same. In Ox. N. K. I). 3 In 82:553 Same. In I >. W In 82:1252 Duke of (Jiii>e, The. (T.) Lee and Dryden. In Lee's D. W. 3 h, 32:933 Duke of Merrier. (11. D.) De Vera. In I). \V. I. In 32:7!>7 Duke of Milan. (T.) Maasir.ger, In L. S. 3. In 32:".2:i Same. In I). I.. T. 18 In 32:-'so.l8 In <>. I) I,, 3; ■ Same In his Plays In 82:956 Duke's daughter. The; .... The/hunchback of Paris. I). Dramatized IV Feval's '•Le petit Parisien," l.\ Bourgeoise and FeVal. In F. S. n In 32:148 Same. In I.. I*. 57 In 32:451 Duke's laboratory, The. Ilulwer-Lvtlon. I., Chronicles and characters '-'. i I. 1. ..In 31: 1 1 1 7 Same. In Chronicles ami characters l (B In 31:1118 Duke'8 mistress, The, |T.) Shirley. In I). \V. 1. in 32: 12'; i Dumb belle, The. (P.) Bernard. In P. M. 23. in 32:';r. Same. In I.. 1'. J.: I„ 32; 12:; Dumb belle, The. (P.) Planch* In S. p. n. In 82:311 Dumb boy of Manchester, The. (M.J Rayncr. Sams OS Dumb man of ' er. In P. 8. 43. In 32:140 Dumb jrirl of Genoa, The; or, Thebandil merchant. Farr.dl. Same at Dumb maid of Genoa, In P. In 32:114 Dumb knight, The. Machin, In D. <>. 1'. i. In 82:294 Same. In A. I',. I).'.' In 32:1 Dumb lady, Th. ; or, The farrier made physician, C.i Lacy, [of In »82:919 Dumb maid of Genoa, Parrel). Snw at Dumb piri of 'Genoa. In I.. 1'. :•.' In 82:429 Dumb man of Manchester. (M.) Rayner. Same at Dumb boy of Manchester. In I.. 1'. 26. Ill 32: IJii Dumb Savoyard and hla monkey, The. (M.) Thompson." In L. I'. lis ." In 3;; Duplicity. (O.) Holeroft. In I. M. T. i..ln 32:.;71 Same. In I.. S. 1 In "32:526 Durazzo. (T.) Haynes. In 1'. 4 In 82 Dutch courtezan, The. Maraton. In \\". 2. In 32:953 Dutch lover, The. (P.) Behn, In her Plays 1. »L:12 Dutchman's s;host, The. (F.) Harry. In F. M. 111. In 32:>ei Dying- for love. ((.'.) Morton. In F. M. :;:;. In 32:70 Same. In L. P.36 In 82:436 Bach for himself (P.) [n P. 5 In 32:'.>".> Earl of Essex. (T.) Brooke. In Plays and poems 3. In 32: 7f..-i Earl of Essex. (T.) Jones. In M. K. I>. 2. In 32: l«r_> game, In li II T. 3 In 32:-'.'.:i Same. In B. B.T 2 In »32:219 S : ,ie. In I. B.T. 22 Iii 82:363 Same. In L. 8. 3 In 32:". 24 Same. In I). L. T. 28 In 82:280.25 Same. With Tragedies In 32:"> : .'> Earl of Westmorland; The. Brooke. In Plays ami poems a In 32:756 Earl of Hammersmith; The. (Be. I). I I.awler. In P.6 In 3t> Eastward hoe. Chapman, Jonson, and Mai In I). 0. P. 4 In 32:294 Same. In A. li. I). 2 In- 32::') Same, In Maraton's I). W. 3 In 82:953 Easy shaving. (F.) Burnand and Williams, In I- P. 60 In 32:460 Ebenezer Venture. (F.) La Bree. In P. M. 22. In 82:65 Ecclesiazusse, The. (('.) Ariatophanea. Literally trana. hy Hickie. In Comedies 2 In t;2831 Eclipsing the son. (0. D.) From the French by Bartopp. In L. P. 64 In 32:464 Eclogue gratulatory, An. Peele. In O. I). In 32:-il Eddystone elf, The. (M.i Pitt In L. P. 69. In 32: 169 Edendalo. (D.) Cheltnam. In I.. P. 64. In 32:484 Edgar and Fmmeline. (('.) Bawkeaworth. In I. li. F. 6 In 32: I 16 Education. (C.) Morton. In 1'. '..... In 32: Edward and Kleonora. IT.) Altered and adnpted from Thompson by Hull. In IS. H. T. r.. In 32: Edward the black -prineo; or, The battle of Poictiers. Shirley. In B. li. T. in In 32:-'. >; Same. In I. B.T. 14 In 82:364 Same. In I.. S. I In «32;525 Same. In I). L.T. 2t In 82:280.24 Edward the lirst. l'.-.de. [n.O. I) In 32:XM Same. In W. 1 *A PUBLIC LIBI5AKY 01 CINCINNATI. The Drama. 116 Titles. Edward the second. (T.) Murlowo. In D. (). P. 2. In 32:202 Same. In A. 15. D. I In »32:4 Same. In W In 32:948 Same. In W. 2 *A Ed-ward III. Shakespeare. (P.) In the Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Edwin the fair. (D.) Tavlor. In P. W. 2. In 81:176? Egmont. (D.) Gothe. Trans, bv Swan wick. In Gothe's W. R .' In 34:1260 Egyptian, The. (P.) Wilking. In L. P. 12. In 32:412 1 863 ; or, The sensations of the past season. (Comic conglomerate absurdity.) Byron. In L. P. 61. In 32:461 Eighth of January, The. (D.) Smith. In S. P. 1. In 32:201 Eily O'Connor. (M.) Wilks. In S. P. 15.1n 32:215 Same. In L. P. 47 In 32:447 Elbow shakers, The; or, Thirty years of a rattler's life. (B.) Cooper. In P. 5." In 32:189 Elder brother, The. Fletcher. In F. S. 9. In 32:129 Same. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 10. In 32:740 Election, The. (C.) Baillie. In D. and P. W. In 32:720 Electra. (T.) Euripides. Literally trans, with notes by Buckley. In T. 2 In 1:2906 Same. Trans, by Potter. In T. 3 In 1:2912 Electra. (T.) Sophocles. Trans, with notes by Fox 1:2806 Same. Trans, by Francklin 1:8182 Same. Trans, by Longworth 1:3189 Same. Trans, bv Plumptre 1:3187 Same. Trans, by Theobald. In B. B. T. 16. In -32:266 Electra in a new electr'ic light. (E.) Talfourd. In L. P. 39 In 32:439 Elephant of Siam, and the fire fiend. Including the words of the gallopading duet and all the original music. (I).) In P. 5 In 32:189 Same. In L. P. 3 In 32:403 Elfrida. (D. P.) Mason. In M. B. D. 2...In 32:102 Same. In P. 1 1 In 32:181 El Ilyder; the Chief of the Ghaut Mountains. (M. Sp.) Barrymore. In L. P. 6 In 32:406 Elisir d'amour, V. (O.) Keynoldson. In L. P. 37. In 32:4.',7 Elizabeth, queen of England. (P.) Giacometti. Trans, by Williams *B:72.5 Ella Rosenberg. (M.) Kenney. In F. S. 37. In 32:146 Same. In I. B. F. 1 In 32:331 Ellen Wareham, the wife of two husbands. (D.) Burton. In L. P. 34 In 32:434 Elopements in high life. (C.) Sulivan. InL. P. 10. In 32:410 Elphi Bey ; or, The Arab's faith. (Ms. D.) Hamil- ton. In P. 5 In 32:189 Elvira. Digby. In D. O. P. 12 In 32:302 Same. In A." B. D. 3 In *32:6 Elvira. (T.) Mallet. In B. B. T. 20...In 32:270 Emigrant's daughter, The. (D.) Raymond. In P. B .In 32:189 Emilia Qalotti. (T.) Lessing. Trans, by Bell. In 1). \V In 32:927 Same. Trans, by Lewes. With Nathan the wise. In 32:923 Same. Trans, by Thompson. In T. G. T. 6. Is 32:580 Same In 32:589 Emperor of the East, The. (T. C.) Mawinger. In O. D In §2:531 Same. In his Plays In 32:956 Emperor of the moon, The. (P.) Behn. In her Plays 4 *L:12 Enchanter, The ; or, Love and magic. Garrick. In I). W. 2 ..In «32:846 End of the tether, The. (D.) (For male characters only.) Baddeley. In L. P. 74 In 32:474 Endimion, the man in the moon. (P.) Lilly. In O. E. P. 2 In 32:172 Same. In D. W. 1 In 32:934 Endymion : or, The naughty boy who cried for the moon. (E.) Brough. In L. P. 49.1n 32:449 England preserved. (T.) Watson. In I. M. T. 8. In 32:378 Englishnieet in 1342, The. (H. C. O.) Dibdin. In P. 6. In 32:189 Same. In S. P. 4 In 32:204 English friar, The; or, Town sparks. (C.) Crowne. In D. \V. 4 In *32:794 English merchant.JThe. (C.) Colman. In I. M. T. 9. In 32:379 Same. In D. W. 2 In *32:788 Same. In B. D. 4.- In s 32:10 English tragedy, An. Kemble. In her Plays. In 32:908 English^raveller, The. (T-C.) Heywood. In (). E. P. 6 In 32:176 Englishman in Paris, The. (F.) Foote. In M.B.D.5. In 32:U>5 Same. In B. D. 5 In *32:17 Englishman returned from Paris, The. (F.) Foote. In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In P. 5 In 32:189 Same. In B. D. 5 In «32:17 Englishman's house is his castle, An. Madison. In L. P. 31 In 32:431 Ensign, The. (C.) Schroder. Trans, by Thomp- son. In T. G. T. 6 In 32:586 Same In 82:888 Enthusiasm.; ,(C) Baillie. In D. and P. W. In 32:720 Same. In W. S. 0. L. 7 In 34:4177 Epicoene ;*or, The silent woman. Jonson. In W. In 32:900 Same. With alterations by Colman. In Colman's D. W. 3 In *32:789 Epidicus ; or, The fortunate discovery. (C.) Plautus. Literally trans, with notes by Riley. In Comedies 2 In 1:3876 Ernani ; or, The horn of a dilemma. (E.) Brough. In L. P. 67 In 32:467 Ernest Maltravers. (D.) Dramatized from Hul- werby Medina. In F. S. 18 In 32:137 Esmeralda. (Bs.) Smith. In L. P. 2. In 32:402 Esmeralda ; or, The deformed of Notre Dame. (D.) Founded on Hugo's novel of "Notre Dame.'' Fitzball. In F S. 19 In 32:137 Same. In L. P. 18 In 32:418 Esmeralda; or, The ''sensation " goat. (Bs. E.) Byron. In L. P. 52 In 32:452 Ethwald. (T.) Baillie. In D. and P. W. In 32:720 Eton boy, The. (F.) In F. M. 26 In 32:67 . Same. In L. P. 16 In 32:416 Eudora. (T.) Huyley. In his Plays.Jn 32:874 Eumenides. (T.) ./Eschylus. Trans, by Plump- tre. In Tragedies 1 In 1:2789 Eunuchus ; the eunuch. (C.) Terrence. Literally trans, with notes by Riley. In Comedies and fabUs .* In 1:3940 Eurydice. (F.) Fielding. In W. 3..In s 34:1119 Eurydice. (T.) Mallet. In B. B. T. 16..In 32:266 Same. In P. 10 In 32:198.10 Eurydice; or. Little Orpheus and his lute. (E.) Byron. In L. P. 92 In 32:492 Eurydice hissed ; or, A word to the wise. (F.) Fielding. In W. 3 In *34:1119 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Tiik Drama. 117 TlTI.F.8. Eustache Baudin. (D.) Courtney. In F. S. 18. In 32: 1. n Same. In E 1'. IS In 82:418 Evadne ; or. The statue. (T. i Shell In L P. 14. in 82:434 Same In Ox. N. E. D. 14 In 32:564 Eveleen Wilson, the flower of Erin, i D.J Pilgrim. In F. S. 40 ....In 32:148 Evory man. (Morality.) In II. E. 1). i..In *82:324 Every mini in his humor. (0.) Jonson. In I. B. T. 5. In 82:346 Same. In L I', 91 In 32:491 Same. In li. D.8 In *32:]. r > Same. In \V In 82:900 Same. Ed. by Whaatley 32:' 1 "! Same. With alterations and additions bv Garrfak. In 15. 11. T. 2 In 83:255 Same. In 1). I.. T. 17 In 82:280.17 Sarin-. In P. 1 In 32:198.1 Same, in li. B. T. n; In *82:233 Same. In Garriok'a D. W. l In *32:R45 Same. In L.8. 8 In '82:524 Saim-. In Ox. X. E. D. 15 In 82:565 Every man out of his humor. Jonaon. In W. In 82:900 Every one ha- nil fault. (C.) Inchbald. In I. B. T. 23. In 82:363 Same. In L. S. 2 In '82:623 Same. In Ox. N. K. I). 16 In 32:565 Everybody's friend. (C.) Coyne. In F. S. 4 1-45. In 32:150 Same. In E. P. 40 In 82:440 Everybody's husband. (F.) Kyan. lnL.P.92. In 82:492 Evil eve, The. (K. M. D.) Peake. In L P. 43. In 32:443 Evil eye, The. (M.) Phillips. In F. M. 17. In 82:62 Evil genius, The. (C.) Bernard. In F. S. 20. In 82:138 Same. In L. P. 26 In 82:426 Example, The. (0.) Shirley. In I). W. 3. In 82:1263 Exile, The. (C.l Reynolds. In S. P. 10. In 32:210 Exposition, The. Brooks. In L. P. 3. In 32:4ii:i Extremes. (C.) Falconer. In L. P. 4 2. In 82:442 Faces In the fire. (C.) Buckingham. In L. P. 65. In 32:465 Faint heart never won fair lady. (C.) Planehe. In L. P. 35 In 82:435 Faint heart which did win a fair lady, A. (C.) \Vn,,l,r. In E. P. 57 !ln 32:457 Fair American, The. (C.) O'Keette. In P. 6. In 32: ISM) Fair apostate, The. (T.) Macdonald. In M. B. I). J. In 32:102 Fair crusader, The. (O.) In X. B. T. 4. In 32:158 Fair Kin. Ascribed to Shakespeare. In W. 2. (Knight.) A Fur exchange, A. (Ca.) Williams. In L. P. 47. In 32:44« Fair maid of the exchange. (C.) Heywood. In B. S. P. 27 In '82:2827 Fair maid of the inn. (T.-C.) Fletcher. In Beau- mont and Fletcher*! W. 10 In 32:7in Fair maid of Berth, The. (H. D.) Founded on Scott's novel. Milner. In L. P. 71 In 32:471 Fair maid of the west; or, A girl worth gold. Heywood, In S. S. P. 46 In '32:2843 Fair one with the golden lock*, The. (E.) Planehe. In L. 1'. 1!" In 32:410 Fair penitent, The. (S.) Kowe. In M. B. 1). 1. In 32:>or Same. In B. I), l In *82*ia Sam.'. In B. B. T. 3 In 32:253 Fair penitent, (coniimitd.) — Same-. In B. B. T. 11 In *32:228 Sam*, In I. B. T. lo In 82:330 Same, li, E. s. 2 In '82:263 Same. In P H In 32:198.8 Same. In I). L. T. 8 In 32: Fair pretender, A. (CD.) Simpson. In L. P. 66. In 32:e'.ii Fair quaker of Deal, The. (C.) Sbadwell. In B. B. T. 17 ..In 32:267 Same. In B. B. T. 21 In '82:238 Fair quarrel, A. (P.) Middleton. InW. 3 *A Fair Rosamond. Burnand. In I.. P. 55.. In 82:466 Fair Rosamond, according to the history o{ Kngland. |K.) Taylor. In P. "...In 32: 100 Fair Rosamond's bower; or, The monarch, the maiden, the maze, and the mixture. (Anti-his- torical B.) Langhridge. In L Pi 84 In 32:484 Fairies, The. Garrfck. In D. W. 1 In '82:846 Fairly taken in. (C.I.) Kemble. In I). R. 1'. Scale at Personation In 32:1273 Fairy prince, The. (Mas.) Colman. In I). W. t. In *32:790 Fairy's father, A. (D. Sk.) Cheltnam...In I,. P. 54. In 32:454 Faithful friends, The. (C.) Beaumont and Fielder. In W. 4 In 32.734 Faithful shepherdess, The. (C.) Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fleteber's W. 4 In 32:T.i4 Fall of Jerusalem. The. (D. P.) Milman. In P. \\ . of llowitt, Milman and Keats In 31:178 Fall of .Mortimer, The. Jonaon. In W..In 32:'-'"o False alarms. (C.) Kenney. 1>> 1'. •'•In 32:190 False and constant. (C.) Lunn. In L. P. 16. In 32:416 False count, The. (P.) Behn. In her Plays 3.*L:12.. False delieaev. (D.) Kotzebue. Trans, bv Thomp- son. In T. G. T. 3 In 32:583 Same In 32:588 False friend, The. (C.) Vanbrugh. In O. D. In 32:610 False impressions. (C.) Cumberland. In I. M. T. 5. In 32::;T5 Same. In E S. 4 In '82:628 False one. T!>c. (T.) Beaumont and Fletcher. In M. B. D. 1 In 32:101 Same. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 6.. In 82:736 Same. In B. D. 1 In *32:13 Falsehood and truth. (Edge und Wahrheit.) (P.) Trans, from the German of the Princess Amelia of Saxony, bv Jameson. In Social life in Germany 1. In 32:703 FalstafTs wedding. (C.) Kendrick. In M. B. D. 4. In 32:104 Family failing, A. (F.) Oxenford. In F. M. 28. In 82:68 Same. In L. P. 20 In 82:429 Family jars. (Ms. F.) In F. M. 15 In 32:61 Same, In I.. I'. 14 In 32:414 Family legend, The. (T.) Baillie. In D. and P. W. In 32:720 Family of love, The. (P.) Middleton. In \Y. 2..* A Family polities. (C.) Ir. X. B. T. 2 In 32:156 Family secret, The. (('.) Falconer. In E. P. 47. In 32:147 Famous history of the life and death of Captain Thomas Stukcloy. In Simpson's School of Shake-- pear* l In 32:577 Famous history of Sir Thomas Wvat. Dickers (Decker, and Webster. In Webster's D. W. 1. S,-e also History of Sir Thomas Wyat In 32:1290 Fan-fan, tin.' tulip. (D.) Adapted from the French by Suter. In I,. I'. 65 In 32:465 Fanchon, the cricket. (Dam. D.) From a tale of George Sand's. Trans, from the German byWaldaaer. In F. s. u In 32:149 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 118 Titles. Fancies, chaste and noble, The. (C.) Ford. In O. I) In 82:531 Same. In D. W. 2 In 83:837 Same *A Fantasio. (C.) De Musset. In Selections from his prose and poetry In 33:3101 Farinelli. (S.-C.O.) Burnett In P. G.ln 32:190 Farm house, The. (P.) Kemble. In I. B. F. 8. In 32:336 Same. In L. S. 2 In •83:523 Farmer, The. (C.) O'Keefe. In I. B. F. 2. In 83:333 Farmer's return from London, The. Garrick. In D. W. i In *32:846 Farmer's story, The. (D.) Bernard. In L. P. 44. In 32:444 Farmer's wife, The. (C. 0.) Dibdin, jr. In L. S. 4. In «32:525 Same. In D. L. T. 22 In 32:280.22 Faro table, The. (C.) Tobin. In P.' G.ln 32: 1 tto Fascinating individual, A. (F.) Danvprs. In F. M. 21 In 32:04 Same. In L. P. 27 In 32:127 Fashion; or, Life in New York. (C.) Ritchie. In F. S. 27 In 32:141 Fashionable Levites. (C.) Maenally. In I. M. T. 10 ...In 32:380 Fashionable lover, The. (C.) Cumberland. In L. S. 2 In *32:'i23 Same. In B. B. T. 28 In 32:245 Same. In D. L. T. 7 In 32:280.7 Fast train! high pressure!! express!!! In L. P. 10. In 32:410 Fatal curiosity. (T.) Lillo. In M. B. D. 2. In 32:102 Same. In B. B. T. 4 In 32:221 Same. In I. B. T. 11 In 32:351 Same. In L. S. 3 In : 32:">24 Same. In li. D. 2 In «32: 1 4 Fatal dowry, The. (T.) Mas.-inger and Field. In It. li. D. 1 In 32:101 Same. In L. P. 88 In 32:488 Same. In O. 1) In 83:531 Same. In Massinger's Plays In 32:950 Same. In B. D. f In Si 32:13 Fatal falsehood, The. (T.) More. In IV. I. In 34:1700 Same. In W. 5 In T.34:1706 Father and son ; or. Family frailties. (C.) In N. II T. 3 In 32:157 Father and son ; or, The Rock of Charbonniere. (0.1 Fitssuall. In. V. S. 25 In 32:140 Fathers, The; or, The good-natured man. (('.) Fielding. In W. 4 In •84:1120 Faust. (T.) Gothe. Trans, by Brooks. ...32:855 Same. Trans, by Hay ward 32:850 Same *32:856.a Same. Trans, bv Swan wick. In W. 5. In 34:1200 Same. Trans, by Taylor 32:857-8 Faust; or. The fate of .Margaret (R. P.) Adapted from Gothe by Bernard. In L. P. 83.. In 32:483 Faust and Marguerite. (Sp. D.) Adapted from the French and German. In F. S. 35... .In 32:145 Faust and Marguerite. (T.) Burnand....ln L. 1*. 63. In 32:403 Faust and Marguerite. (R. D.) Trans, from the French of Carre bv Robertson. In L. P. 15. In 32:415 Faust and Marguerite; or, The devil's draught. (O. C.) A ''free and easy' 1 adaptation of Gothe's Faust by Halford. In L: P. 73 In 32:173 Faustus. (T.) Marlowe. In W. 2 «A Fawn, The. Marston. In W. 2 In 82:952 Fayette, La. See La Fayette. Fazio; or, The Italian wife. (T.) Milman. In P. W. of Howitt, Milman, and Keats In 31:178 Same. In F. S. 1 In 32:121 Same. In S. P. 13 In 32:213 Same. In L P. fio In 32:106 " Fearful tragedy in the Seven Dials." (1.) Selbv. In L. P.M... In 32:431 Feign'd cuitezans, The. (P.) Behn. In her Plays 2 *L,:12 Felon's bond, The. (D.) Suter. In L. P. 85. In 32:485 Female officer, The. Brooke. In Plays and poems 4. In 32:757 Ferrex and Porrex ; or, Gorboduc. Sackville, (Lord Huekliurxt) and Norton. In O. (). P. 1. In 32:201 Same. In A. B. D. 1 In *32:4 Same. In H. E D. 2 In •32:325 Fiammina, La. (P.) Founded upon a French play of Achard, by Clapp, jr. In F. S. 39. In 32:147 Field of the cloth of gold. (H. E.) Brough. In L P. 80 In 32:480 Field of forty footsteps, The. (O.) Farren. In L. P. 10 '. In 32:416 Fiesco ; or, the Genoese conspiracy. (T.) Schiller. trans, by Bohn. In W. 4 In 34:1030 Fifteen years of a drunkard's life. (M.) Jerrold. In F. 8. 44-45 In 32:150 Fifteen years of labour lost. (F.) From the French. In L. P. 20 In 32:426 Fighting by proxy. (Ba.) Kenney. In V. M. 29. In 32:08 Same. In L. P. 74 In 32:474 Figlia dell' aria. La. (The daughter of the air.) (Semi-T. O. ) Music by Garcia. In P. G.ln 32:100 Fire-eater, The. (F.j Selby. In L. P. 4. In 32:404 Fire raiser, The. (M.) Almar. In L. P. 84. In 32:484 Fireman, The. (O.) Johnson. In t. S. S3. In 32:144 Firmilian. (" Spasmodic " T.) Jones 32:003 First affections. (Ca.) Simpson. In L. P. 52. In 32:452 First Brutus, The. (T.) Alfieri. Trans, by Bo wring. In Tragedies 2 In 32:008 First floor. The. (F.) Cobb. In I. B. F. 6. In 32:336 Same. In L. P. 8G In 32:486 Same. In L. S. 3 In *32:524 First love. (C.) Cumberland. In I. B.T. 18. In 32:358 Same. In L. S. 3 In •82:624 Same. In P I In 32:178 First love; or, The widowed bride. (D.) Suter. In L. P. 69 In 83:469 First night, The. (C. O.) In F. M. 27...In 32:07 Same. In L. P. 13 In 32313 First of April, The. (F.) Boaden. In P. 6. In 32:100 First step- to folly, The. (C.) Note. In S. I. C. In 32:320 Fish out of water. (F.) Lunn. In L. P. 16. In 32:416 Fitzsmythe of Fitzsmythe Hall. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 46 ." In 32:446 Five pounds reward. (F.) Oxenford. In L. P. 24. In 32:4 24 Flies in the web. (C.) Brougham. In L. P. 69. In 32:409 Flight to America, The. (D.) Rede. In P. 6. In 32:100 Floating beacon, The; or, Norwegian wreckers. | M.) Ball. In F. S. 23 In 32:139 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Tiik Drama. 119 Titles. Floating beacon, The; or, The wild woman of the meek. (N. D.) Fit/.ball. In L. P. 7.V...ln 32:it:. Flora; or, Hob in the well. (F.) Dogget. In I. H. F. 5 In 32:335 Florizel and Perdita. Qarriek. In D. W. I. In »32:845 Flowers of tho forest. (D.) Buckstoncln F. S. 3K. In 32:UT Fly and the web, The. (C.) Troiighton. In L. 1'. 09. In 82:469 Flying doctor, The Moliere. Trims, by Van Latin. In I). W. o In 82:974 Same *A Same. Trans, by Wall. In D. \V. I In 82:866 Flying dutchman, The. (N. D.) Fitzball. In L. P. 71 In 32:171 Follies of a day, The. (C.) Holcroft. In L S. 2. In '82:583 Same. In Ox. N. E. I). 13 In 32:503 Follies of n night, The. (V. C.) Planch* - . InL I', u i In 32MI4 Folly as it Hies. (0.) Reynolds. In I. M. T. 2. In 32:372 Fontainbleau. (C. O.) OKcefle. In I. B. T. 2i. In 82:863 Fool ol destinv, The. (Choric D.) Buchanan. In P. W. 3 ". In 31:494.3 Fool's revenge, The. (D.) Taylor. In F. 8. 42. In 82:190 Same. In L. P. 43 In 32:443 For England, ho ! (M. O.) Pocock. In P. 6. In 32:190 Forc'd marriage, The. (T.) Behn. In her Plavs 3. *L:12 Forced marriage. The. (C.) Moliere. Trans, hy Wall. In D. W. 2 In 32:967 Same. Trans, hy Van Laun. In D. W. 2..In 32:970 Same *A Forest keeper, The. (D.) Holl. In L. P. 44. In 32:444 Forest rose, The; or, American farmers. (D.) Woodworth. In F. S. 41 _ In 32:148 Forgery, The. (D.) In N. B.T.I In 32:155 Fortress of Sorrento. (P. H. D.) In P. 6. In 32:190 Fortune by land and sea. (T.-C.) Hey wood and Rowley, "in S. S. P. 28 In «32:2828 Fortune of war. (C. piece.) Tr. from tho French by Kenney. In P. 6 In 32:190 Same. In S. P. 1 In 32:201 Fortune's fool. (C.) Reynolds. In I. M. T. 2. In 32:372 Fortune's frolic. (F.) Allingham. In F. If. 18. In 32:03 Same. In L. P. 60 In 32:400 Same. In I,. S. 2 In *32:523 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 13 In 32:503 Same. In P In 32:178 Same. In D. L. T. 3 In 32:280.3 Fortunio and his seven gifted servants. (E.) Dramatized by Plamlie. hi L. P. 19. In 32:419 Forty and fil'tv. (F.) Bayly. In F. M. 30. In 32:09 Forty thieves."- (F.) In ¥. S. 15 In 32:135 Forty winks. (Ca.) Roberts. In F. M. 40-41. In 32:74 Same. In L. P. 57 In 32:457 Foscari, The. (T.) Mitford. InL. P. 80.1n 32:486 Same. In W In 34:1734 Found in a four wheeler! (F.) Williams. In L. P. 70 In 32:470 Founded on facts. (F.) Wooler. In L. P. 45. In 32:445 Foundling, The. (C.) Moore. In B. B. T. 13. In 32:203 Same. In B. B. T. 18 In *32:235 Same. In I. U. T. 14 In 32: 3 H Same. In L. S. 3 In *32:524 Foundling of the forest. (P.) Dimond. In L P. 2. In 32: 1 "2 Fountain of beaut V, The. (E.) Kingdom. Iii I.. P. 12 .'. In 32:112 Four cousins, The. (C D.i Mnvhew and Edward-. In L P. 92 In 82:493 Four P's, The. Hevwood. In D. O. P. l.In 32:291 Same. In A. II. D. I In '32:4 Four plays in one; the triumph of honour; of love; of death ; of time. Beaumont and Fletcher. In W. 2 In 32:7(2 Four prentises of London, The. Heywood. In I). O. P. 6 In 32:296 Same. In A. 11. I). 3 In »32:0 Four sisters, The. (F.) Bernard. In L. P. 28. In 82:423 Fox chase. The. (C.) Br.eck. In P. 0....1n 32: 190 Fra Diavolo. ( Bu.) Byron. In L. P. So.In 32: 188 Francesca da Rimini, (T.) Boker. In Play- and poems 1 Iii 32:751 Francis the first. (T.) 'Kemble. In P. 6.1n 32: 190 Same. In S. P. 7 In 32:207 Frankenstein; or, The man and the monster. (R. M.) Uilner. In L. P. 75 In 32:475 Franklin. (II. D.) Brougham. In F. S. 21. In 32:138 Fraud and its victims. Adapted from the French of " Les pauvres de Paris." Covne. In F. S. SB. In 32:147 Same. In L. P. 29 In 82:429 Frederick of Prussia. (Ba.) Selby. InL. P. 32. In 82:433 Freischiitz, Der. (R. O.) Music bv Weber. Words by Oxenford. In L. P. 69 In 32:400 Freischiitz, Der; or, The bill! the belle!! and the bullet!!! (B.) Byron. In L. P. 81. ..In 32: isl French exhibition, /The. Hay. In L. P. 75. In 32:475 French spy. The; or. The siege of CVn.-tantina. i Mil. D.) Paitly from the French by Haines. In F. S. 20 l*n 32:138 Freres Corses, Les; or, The Corsican brothers. (D. R.) Adapted from the romance of Dumas by Orange and Montcpin. InL. P. 6 In 82:406 Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay. Greene. In O. D. In 32:321 Same. In D. W. 1 *A Same. Ed. by Ward. With Marlow's Dr. Fau-tus In 82:606 Friend in need, A. (C.) French and Sorrell. In L. P. 40 In 32:440 Friend Waggles. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 33. In 32:433 Friends or foes ? (C.) Adapted and altered from the French by Wigan. In L. P. 54 In 32:454 Frogs, The. (P.) Aristophanes. Trans, bv Frere. In Frere's W. 3 In 34:1206 Same. Literally trans, by Hiekie. In Oomediea 3, In 1:2831 From village to court. (C. D.) Morton. In L. P. 15 In 32:4 15 Frou-frou. (P.) Adapted from the French of Meilhao and llah'vv. In L. P. 88 In 32:488 Same. Adapted by Duly. In F. S. 44-45. In 32:150 Fruits of the wine cup. (D.) Allen. In F. S. 11-45. In 32:150 Fugitive, Tho. (C.) Richardson. In 1. M. T. 8. In 32:378 Same. In E. C. 2 In 82:BT9.1 Fuimus Troes, the true Trojans. Fisher. In D. O. P. 7 In 82:292 Funeral, The; or, Grief-a-la-mode. (C.) Steele. In M. B. D. 4 In 32:1»4 Same. In B. B. T. 17 In *32:234 Same. In P. 5 In 82:198.6 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 120 Titles. Furies, The. (T.) ^Esehylus. Literally trans, with notes. Buckley. In Tragedies 1 In 1:2780 Same 1:2783 Same. Trans, by Plumptre. In Tragedies 1. In 1:2789 Same. Trans, by Potter. In Tragedies in 1:2796 Furnished apartments. (C. I.) H. A. Y.In L. P. 98. In 32:498 Gale Breezelv; or, The tale of a tar. (D.) .John- stone. In F. M. 12 In 32:60 Same. In L. P. 7 In 32:407 Gallathea. Lilly. In D. W. 1 In 32:934 Gambler's fate, The; or, Thirty years of a game- ster's life. Milner. In F. S. 24 In 32:140 Same. In S. P. 3 In 32:203 Game at chess, A. (Allegorical D.) Middleton. In W. 4 *A Game of life, The. (C.) Brougham. In F. S. 14. In 32:134 Same. In F. S. 15 In 32:135 Game of romps, A. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 18. In 32:418 Game of speculation, The. (C.) Lawrence. In L. P. 5 In 32:40.1 Gamester, The. (C.) Centlivre. In S. P. 10. In 32:210 Gamester, The. (T.) Moore. In M. 15. D. 2. In 32:102 Same. In B. D. 2 In >32:U Same. In S. P. 13 In 32:213 Same. In B. B. T. 12 In 82:262 Same. In B. B. T. 4 In »32:221 Same. In I. B. T, 14 In 32:354 Same. In I). L. T. 4 In 32:280.4 Same. In L.S.I In «32:522 Same. With Tragedies In 32:333 Gamester, The. (0.) Shirley. In 1). O. P. 9. In 32:209 Same. In A. B. D. 2 In »82:5 Same. In 1). W. 3 , In 32:1203 Same. Altered by Garrick. In B. B. T. 22. In *32:239 Same. In B. B. D. 19 In 32:209 Same. In Gnrrick's D. W. 2 In ai 32:846 Gammer Gurton's needle. In D. O. P. 2. In 32:292 Same. In H. K. D. 1 In «32:3M Same. In A. B. 1). 1 In *32:4 Ganem, the slave of love. (E.) From "The Arabian night's entertainment." Talfmrd. In L P. In 32:400 Garibaldi "excursionist," The. (An Apropos Sk.) Byron. In L. P. 48 In 32:448 Garrick fever, The. (F.) Planehe. In L. P. 22. In 32:422 Gautemozin. (D.) Macdonald 32:940 Gazette extraordinary, The. (C.) Ilolman. In P. 7. In 32:191 Gen. Grant ; or, The star of union and liberty. ( P.) Anicetus. In P. S. 44-45 In 32:150 Genii, The. (Mas.) Becket. la Dramatic and prose misc. 1 In 32:74 6 Same. In N. B. T. 1 In 32:155 Gentle shepherd, The. (Pa. C.) Ramsav. In B. B. T. 9 In 32:259 Same. In B. B. T. 33 In *32:250 Same. In \V. 2 In 31:1402 Gentleman dancing-master, The. (C.) "VVyohorlv. In O. 1) .' In 82:610 Gentleman from Ireland. (0.) O'Brien. In P. M. 20 In 32:04 Gentleman in black, The. (Ms. Legend.) Gilbert. In L. P. 88 .' In 32:488 Gentleman of Lyons, The. Bannister. In S. P. 16. In 32:216 Gentleman of Venice, The. (T. C.) Shirley. In D. VV. 5 In 32:1265 George-a-Green, the pinner of Wakefield. Greene. In U. D In 32:321 Same. In D. W. 2 \*A. Same. Ascribed to Heywood. In D. O. P. 3. In 32:293 Same. In A. B. D. 1 In »32:4 Same. Ascribed to Shakespeare. In W. 2. (Knight.) "*A George Barnwell. (T.) Lillo. In I. B. T. 63. In 32:463 Same. In B. B. T. 4 In *82:221 Same. In L. S. 2 In 32:523 Same. In B. D. 1 In *32:13 Same. In L. P. 79 In 32:479 Same. In M. B. D. 2 In 32:102 Same. In F. S. 11 In 32:131 Same. With Tragedies In 32:533 George Dandin; or, The abashed husband. (C.) Moliere. Trans, by Van Laun. In D. W. 4. In 32:972 Same * A George Dandin; or, The baffled husband. (C.) Moliere. Trans, by Wall. In D. W. 2....In 32:967 George de Barnwell. (Bs. Pn.) Byron. In L. P. 57 In 32:457 Gertrude's cherries; or, Waterloo in 1835. (C.) Jerrold. In L. P. 88 In 32:488 Gertrude's monev box. (S.-C. piece.) Lemon. In LP. 83 In 32:483 Gilderoy. (D.) Murray. In L. P. 9..1n 32:409 Giles Corey of the Salem Farms. (T.) Longfellow. With Christus In 32:937 Same. In New England tragedies In 32:939 Giovanni in London ; or, The libertine reclaimed. (O. E.) Moncrietl'. In L. S. 3 In *32:524 Same. In D. W. 3 In 32:978 Gipsy fanner, The. (D.) Johnstone. In L. P. 36 In 32:136 Gipsy Jack; or, The Napoleon of humble life. (E.) Moncrietl'. Ill S. P. 2 In 32:211 Giralda; or.- The invisible husband. (C. D.) Adapted from the French by Welstead. In L. P. 26. In 32:426 Giralda; or, The miller's wife. (C.) Webster. In F. S. 36 In 32:146 Giselle; or, The phantom night dancers. (D. ) Moiiencff. In 1). VV. 1 .' In 32:976 Giselle; or, The sirens of the loins lake. (C. Ms. Legend.) Byron. In L. P. 93 In 32:493 Gisippus ; or, The forgotten friend. Griffin. In F. S. 9 1,, 32:129 Same. In W. 9 In 31:782 Gitanilla, The. (D.) Wilson. In L P. 48. In 32:448 Give a dog a bad name. (F.) Lawrence. In L. P. 28. In 32:428 Give me my wife. (F.) Suter. In L. P. 75. In 32:475 Glance at New York, A. (D.) In F. S. 27. In 32:141 Glass of water, A; or, Great events from trilling causes spring. (C.) Freely adapted from the French of Scribe, by Suter. In L P. 79. In 32:479 Glitter. (C.) A'Beckett. In L. P. 83. in 82:483 Gloriana; or, The court of Augustus Ca>-ar. (T.) Lee. In D. \V. 3 In 32:933 Gnome king, and the good fairy of the silver mine, The. (E.) Biough. " In L. P. 80 In 32:486 Go to Putney; or, A story of a boat race. (F.) Lemon. In' L P. 80 '. In 32:480 Goblins, The. (O.] Suckling. In W. In 34:2040 Same. In D. (). P. id In 32:300 Goddwyn. (T.) Rowley. In W. of British poets 1 1. In 31:59 Same. In Cliatt -rton's P. W. 2 In 31:567 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 121 TlTJ.KH. Godiva ; or, Te lake of Oorentre end v.- exyle (eyrie, i Be. II. lancy.) In L. P. I In 32: in I God's promises. (T.J Bale. In D O. I'. 1. In 82:201 Going to the bad. (C.) Taylor. In L P. ST. In 32:137 Going to Chobham ; or. Tlic petticoat captain. ; F. | llaxlewood. In L. P. II In 32:111 Going t.> tli- Derby. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 37. In 32:437 Going to the dogs! (F.) Brough and Halliday. In LP. 6a In 32:405 Gold. Beade. In L. P. 16 In 82:416 Gold key, The. (I>. story.) Trans, from Feuillct. 82:676 Golden age, The. (P.) Hey wood. In S. 8. P. 47. In *32:2847 Golden branch, The. ( K.) Planch*-. In L. P. 19. In 82:419 Golden eagle, The; or, The privateer of '70. (D.) Howe. In F. S. 22 In 82:139 Golden farmer, The. (M.) Webster. F.M.I. In 32:">l Same. In L. P. 76 In 32:170 Golden fatter, A. (D.) Phillips. In L. 1'. 63. In 32:h:i Golden fleece, The. (E.) Planehe. In U P. 30. In 82:430 Golden legend, The. (D. P.) Longfellow. With Chrutui ......In 82:937 Same. With Poems In 81:106 Same- In Poem 3. (Bost.ed.) [n 81:1060 Same. In P. W, ( Kdinb. ed.) In 81:1061 Same. In P. "W. (Loud, ed.) In 81:1062 Gondolier, The; or, A night in Venice. (O.) In N. B. T. 3 In 82:167 Gonzanga. (D.) In X. B. T. 3 In 82:167 Good fellow, A. (P. C.) Walcot. In F. M. 12. In 82:60 Good for evil. (D.) Adapted from the French of Augicr. In L. P. 43.; In 32:443 Good for nothing. (C. D.) Buckstone. In L. P. 17. In 32:417 Same. In F. M. 20 In 32:<.7 Good little wife, A. (C.) Adapted from " (*n caprice" of Musset. In L. P. 17 In 32:117 Good-natured man, The. (C.) Goldsmith. In I). L. T. 19 In 32:280.19 Same. In M. B. D. 4 In 32:104 Same. In B. B. T. 19 In »32:236 Sam,'. In L. S. 2 In 32:623 Same. In M. W. 1 In 84:1270 Same. In Select W '. In 34:1271 Same. In I. B. T. 17 In 82:367 Good night, Signor Pantaloon. (C. D.) Adapted from the French. Music by Gisar. In L. P. 73. In 32: 173 Good night's rest, A. (F.) Gore. In P.M. 40-41. In 32:71 Good run for it, A. (F.) Bridgeman. In L. P. 14. In 32:114 Good woman in the wood, The. (Fairy B.J Planehe. In L. P. 9 '. In 82:409 Goose with the golden eggs, The. (F.) Mayli-w ami Edward*. In L. P. 44 In 32:444 Gossip. (0.) Harris and Williams. In L. P. 76. In 82:476 Goetz von Berlichingen. (D.) Goethe. Trans. by Scott. In \V. a... In 34:1200 Same. In Scott's P. W. 9 In 81:1639 Same In 32;Hi;3 Gotobed Tom. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 8.1n 32: 408 Same. In F. M. 7 In 32:">7 Governor's wife, The. (C.) Mildenhall. In L. P. 31 In 32:431 Grace Huntly. (Dom. D.) Holl. In L. P. U. In 32: 182 Graciosa and Percinet. (E.) Planehe. In L P.JO. In 32:420 Grateful servant, The. Shirley. In I). \Y. 2. In 82:1262 Great duke of Florence, The. HaMinger. In (J. D In 82:681 Sam.'. In his l'lavs In 32::'.v; Same. In B.D.S. In *32:I5 Great favorite, The; or, The duke of Lernia. (T.) Howard. In P. 9 In 32:198.9 Great gun trick, The. Le Kos. In L P. 25. In 82:425 Great tragic revival, The. (F.) Brougham. In F. If. 20 In 32:04 Grecian daughter, The. (T.) Murphy. In I. B. T. IB .".In 82:366 Same. In I!, li. T. 7 In "82:234 Saiin-. In L. S. 3 In 32:624 Same. In D. L. T. 5 In 82:280.6 Same. In M. li. I). 2 In 82:102 Same. In B. I). 2 In *32:14 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 14 In 82:664 Sane-. l)'i//i Tragedies In 82:633 Green bushes. The; or, A hundred years ago. (L>.) Bucket In F. S. 37 In 32:140 Green-eyed monster, The. (O.) Planehe. In P. 7 In 32:191 Green man, The. Fmm the French of d'Aubigny and l'oujol by Jones. In S. P. 10 In 32:210 Green mountain boy, The. (C.) Jones. In EMI. 35. In 32:71 Greene's Tn quoque; or, The citv gallant. Cooke. In D. O. P. 7 In 32:2!'7 Same. In A. B. 1). 2 In *32:5 Grim, the collier of Croydon. In 1). O. P. 11. In 32:301 Same. In A. B. D. 3 In »32:6 Grimaldi ; or, The life of an actress. (D.) Boucicault. In F. 8. 20 In 32:138 Grimshaw, Bagshaw end Bradshaw. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 4 In 32:4(14 Same. In F. M. 6 In 82:66 '•Grin' bushes, The; or, The -Airs. Brown of the " .Missis 'sippi. (B. E.) Byron. In L. P. 84. In 32:464 Griselda. (H. P.) Miinch-Bellinghausen. Trans. , bv Prentiss 32:871 Grist to the mill. (CD.) Planehe. In L. P. 20. In 32:420 Same. In F. S. 33 In 32:144 Grotto nviuph, The. (Ms. morceau.l Thaxter. In F. M. 34". In 32:71 Grub-street opera, The. (O.) Fielding. In \V. 2. In 34: 1118 Guardian, The. (F.) Garrick. In I. B. T. 4. In 32:334 Same. In B. D. 5 In "32:17 Same. In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In D. L. T. 11 In 32:280.11 Sane'. In US. 8 In *82:624 Same. In D. W. 2 In *32:846 Guardian, The. liaaringer. In his Plays. In 82:966 Same. In O. D In 32:531 Guardian angel, The. (F.) Brooks. In L. P. 5. In 32:405 Gun-maker of Moscow, The. (M.) Brougham. In F. S. 21 In 82:138 Gustavus the third ; or, The masked ball. (H.D.) Ullner. In P. 7 In 82:191 Gustavus Vasa. (T.) Brooke. In B. B. T. 18. In 32:208 Same. In B. D. 2 In *32:14 Same. In I. B. T. 7 In 32:347 PUBLIC LIBRAKY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 122 Titles. Gustavus Vusa, (continued.) — Same. In L. 8. 3 In *32:524 Same. In M. B. D. 2 In 32:102 Same. In Plays and poems 2 In 32:755 Gustavus Vasa, the hero of the North. (H. O.) Dimond. In P. 7 In 32:191 Guy Mannering. Adapted from Scott by Terry. In L. P. 18 In 32:418 Guy Mannering; or, The gipsy's prophecy. (Ms. P.) Terry. In F. S. 10 In 32:130 Same. In O. P. 12 In 82:562 Guzman. (C.) Boyle. In D. W. 2... In 32:750 Gwynneth Vaughan. (D.) Lemon. In F. S. 39. In 32:147 Same. In L. P. 29 In 32:429 Hadad. (D. P.) Hillhouse. In Dramas, discourses, etc. 1 .In 32:879 Half caste, The; or, The poisoned pearl. (D.) Adapted from the French by Robertson. In L. P. 97 In 32:497 Halidon Hill; a dramatic sketch from Scottish his- tory. Scott. In P. W. 8 In 31:1583 Halvei the unknown. (D.) Wilks. In L. P. 42. In 32:442 Hamlet. (T.) Shakespeare. Furness's New va- riorum edition vols. 3 1 and 3 2 32:1034-5 Same. With notes by Neil 32:1240 Same. With notes by Rolfe 32:1237 Same. In S. P. 7 In 32:207 Same. In I. B. T. 1 In 32:341 Same. In L. P. 23 In 32:423 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 3 In 32:553 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian reader... In 32:1081 Same. In Hudson's School Shakespeare 1 In 32: 11 10 Same. In Kemble's Shakespearian readings 1. In 32:1115 Same. In W. 7 In 32:1007 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In W. 6. (Dvee.) In 32:1014 Same. In W. 14. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In W. 11. (Handy vol.) In 32:1061 Same. In W. 4 (Hazlitt.) In 32:1074 Same. In W. 10. (Hudson.) In 32:1100 Same. In W. 1. (Knight.) In 32:1123 Same. In W. 1. (Knight, pict. ed.) Id 32:1133 Same. In W. 2. (Knight.) *A , Same. In the Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 6. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1110 Same. In W. 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. In W. 9. (Singer.) In 32:1179 Same. In W. 9. (Steevens.) *A Same. In W. (Steevens and Malone.) In 32:1186 Same. In W. 15. (Johnson and Steevens. )In32: 1 205 Same. In W. 18. (Johnson and Steevens.)In 32:1228 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A Hamlet travestie. Poole 32:2972 Same *32:3205 Same. In L. P. 10 In 32:410 Han Koong Tsew; or, The sorrows of Hun. (Chinese T.) Trans, by Davis |A Handsome husband, A. (CD.) Planche. In L. P. 11 In 32:411 Handy Andy. (D.) Floyd. In F. S. 42.1n 32:149 Handy Andy. (C. Hibernian D.) Adapted from Lover's novel by Montgomery. In L. P. 74. In 32:474 Happiest day of my life, The. (F.) Buokstone. In LP. 80 In 32:480 Happy family, The. (D.) Kotzebue. Trans, by Thompson. In T. G. T. 3 In 33:583 Same In 32:588 Happy man, The. (E.) Lover. In F. M. 24,. In 32:66 Happy pair, A. (Ca.) Smith. In L. P. 83. In 32:483 Happy prescription ; or, The lady relieved from her lovers. (C.) Hayley. In his Poems and plays 5 In 31:833.5 Hard struggle, A. (Dom. D.) Marston. In F. S. 39. In 32:147 Same. L. P. 48 In 32:448 Harlequin and mother goose; or, The golden egg. (C. P.) Dibdin. In LT P. 54 Jn 32:454 Harlequin and O'Donohue. (Pn.) Dibdin. In L. P. 3 In 32:403 Harlequin Bluebeard, the great bashaw ; or, The good fairy triumphant over the demon of discord. (C. P.) In L. P. 17 In 32:417 Same. InF. M. 19 In 32:63 Harlequin Hogarth ; or. The two London 'pren- tices. (C. P.) In L. P. 5 In 32:405 Harlequin Hudibras! or, Old Dame Durden. (P.) Blanehard. In L. P. 9 In 32:409 Harlequin Novelty. (P.) Buckingham. In L. P. 31 In 32:434 Harold. (D.) Tennvson 32:1278 Harold Hawk. (D.) Selby. In L. P. 57. In 32:437 Hartford bridge. (O. P.) Pearce. In I. B. F. 3. In 32:333 Same. In S. P. 16 In 32:216 Harvest storm, The. (Dom. D.) Hazlewood. In L. P. 55 In 32:455 Haunted inn, The. (F.) Peake. In L. P. I. In 32:401 Haunted mill, The. (Oa.) Wooler. In L. P. 72. In 32:472 Haunted tower, The. (C.) Cobb. In L. S. 2. In •82:523 Same. In P. 7 In 32:191 Same. In S. P. 1 1 In 32:211 He "lies like truth." (F.) Adapted from 'Le menteur veridique " by Kimpton. In L. P. 75. In 32:475 He must be married; or, The miser outwitted. (0.) In N. B. T. 4 » In 32:158 He would be a soldier. (C.) Philon. In I. M. T. 8. In 32:378 Same. In L S. 3 In *32:524 Head of the familv, The. (Ca.) Emden .In L. P. 44. In 32:444 Heads, or tails. (C.) Simpson. In L. 1'. 15. In 32:tio Heart of London, The; or. The sharper's progress. (D.) Moncrietf. In D. W. 1 In 32:976 Heart of Mid-Lothian, The. (D.) Adapted from Scott. In L. P. 57 In 32:457 Same. Dramatized bv Dibdin. In F. S. 22. In 32:139 Heautontimorumenos ; the self tormentor. (C.) Terence. In Comedies and fables. Literally trans, with notes by Riley In 1:3940 Heaven and earth. (Mystery.) Byron. In P. W. 7 In 31:532 Same. In P. W. 4 In 31:541 Same. In Dramas 1 In 32:761 Same. In P. W. 8 In 31:533 Same. In P. W. (Phil, ed.) In 31:537 Same. In P. W. (Edinb. ed.) In 31:536 Hector. (T.) In N. B. T. 4 In 32:158 Hecuba. (T.) Euripides. In Tragedies 1. Trans. with notes by Buckley In 1:2905 Same. In Tragedies 3.' Trans, by Potter.In 1:2912 Hecyras, the mother-in-law. (C.) Terence. In Comedies and fables. Trans, by Riley. In 1:3940 Heir, The. Mav. In D. O. P. 8 In 32:298 Same. In A. 15. D. 1 In »32:4 Heir at law, The. (C.) Coleman, the younger. In L. P. 24 In 32:424 Same. F. S. 12 In 32:132 Same. In I. P.. T. 21 In 32:361 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. TlIK 1)KAMA. 123 Titles. Heiress, The. Borgoyne, In I. H. T. 2J.In 82:363 Same, In P. 4 In 32:1*1 Same. In L. 8. 3 In 82:524 Same. In K. ('. I In 32:579.2 Helen. (T. ) Euripides. In Tragedies 2. Trnns. by Buckley In 1:2900 Same. In Tragedies 3. Trans, bv Potter. In 1:2912 Hellas. (Lyrical D.) Shelley. In P. W. 2. I n 3 1 : 1 S60 Snnie. In P. AV In 81:1541 Helping hands. (Dom. D.) Taylor. In P. S. 86. In 32:145 Same. In L. P. 22 In 32:422 Henriette the forsaken. ( D.) Bockatone. In P, S. 18 In 32:137 Henriquez. (T.) Baillio. In D. and P. W. In 32:720 Same. In AV. S. C. L. 7 In 34:4 177 Henry Dunbar; or, A daughter's trial. (D.) Pounded on Miss Braddon's novel. Taylor. In L. P. 70 In 32:47ii Henry the second. (T.) Hull. In I. M. T. 9. In 32:379 Henry the fifth. (H. D.) Boyle. In D. AV. 1. In 83:749 Same. In P. 1 In 32:181 Heraclidse, The. (T. ) Euripides. In Tragedies l. Trans, with notes by Buckley In 1:2901! Same, In Tragedies 2. Trans, by Potter. In 1:2911 Hercules and Omphalo ; or, The power of love. Iirough. In L. P. 04 In 32:464 Hercules furens. (T.) Euripides. In Tragadiei 3. Trans, with notes by Buckley In 1:2906 Hercules. (T.) Euripides. In Tragedies 2. Trans. by Potter In 1:2911 Hercules, king of clubs. (F.) Cooper. In L. P. 89. In 32:489 Hernani; or, The pledge of honour. (P.) Trans. from Hugo by Kenny. In L. P. 77. In 32:477 Hero and Leander. (O. B.) Jackman. In L. S. 3. In *32:524 Herod the great. (T.) (Boyle.) In D. W. 2. In 32:75(» He's a lunatic. (F.) Dale. In L. P. 78. In 32:178 Heroine of Cambria. (T.) Hayley. In his l'lavs In 32:874 He's much to blame. (C.) Holeroft. In I. li. T. 4. In 32:374 Same. In L. S. 4 In •82:524 Hiawatha; nr, Ardent spirits and laughing water. Ms. K .) Walcot. In F. M. 14 In 32:01 Hidden gem, The. (I).) Cardinal Wiseman. 32:130.") Hidden hand, The. (D.) Adapted from "L'Aieule " of D'Knnery and Edmond. In L. P. 65.1n 82:465 High life above stairs. ;F.) Garrick. In M. B. D. 5. Same as Bon ton In 32: 10f> Same. In B. D. 5 In *32: 1 7 Same. In I. B. F. 5 In 35:335 Same. In D. W. 3 In "32:847 High life below stairs. (P.) Townley. In L. P. 3. In 32:l'»3 Same. In I,. S. 1 In •82:532 Same. In D. L. T. 5 In 82:280.6 Hii^h, low, .lack, aud tln»gaiue. (E.) Planehe and Dance. In F. II 20 In 32:'i Highland reel, The. (C. O.) O'Keette. In I. B. P. 2. In 32:332 Highwayman's holiday, The. (F.) Suter. In L. P. oo In 32:4(>o Highways and by-ways. (F.) Webster. In F. M. 18 ". In 32:H3 Same. In S. P. 8 In 32:208 Same. In S. P. 11 In 32:211 Hints to husbands. (C.) Cumberland, [n'S.P.16. In 82:316 Same. In P in 32:200 HippolytUS crowned. (T.) Euripides. Trans. with notes by Buckley. In Tragedies l.ln 1:2906 Same. In Tragedies I. Trans, by Pottor.In 1:2910 Same. Trans, by PltZ-OeraJd 1:2918 Hiram llireout". (P.) Conway. In F. M. 22. In 82:66 His excellency. (P. C.) Mathews. In L. P. 50. In 32:450 His first champagne. (F.) Kede. In L P. 73. In 32:473 His last legs. (P.) Bernard. In F. M. 1. In 32:51 His last victory. (D.) Phillips. In L. P. 59. In 32:459 Historical register for the vear 1730. Fielding. In W.8 .". In *34:1I19 Historio-mastix ; or, The player whipt. In Simps, Hi's School of Shakespeare 2 In 32:578 History of Charles the VIII of France. (P.) Crowne. In D. \V. 1 In 32'79i History of Sir Thomas Wyat. Webiter, In W. 2. See also Famous history of Sir Thomas Wyat. S A Hit him, ho has no friends. (F.) Yates and Har- rington. In L. P. 47 In 32:447 Hit or miss ! (Ms. F.) Pocock. In D. L. T. 24. In 32:280.24 Hofer, the Tell of the Tyrol. (H. D.) Fitzball. In F. 14.21 In 32:138 Hog hath lost his pearl, The. Tailor. D. O. P. 6. In 32:296 Same. In A. B. D. 3 In *32:G Hold your tongue. (C. D.) Planehe. In L. P. 20. In 32:420 Holly Bush Hall. (I).) Suter. In L. P. 41. In 32:444 Homage of the arts, The. (Lyric D.) Schiller. Trans, by Brooks 31:100 Home again. (Dom. D.) Fitzball. In P. 7. In 32:191 Home for a holiday. (Ca.) Gordon. In L. P. 49. In 32:449 Home of one's own, A. (T.) Lucas. In L. P. 79. In 32:479 Home wreck, The. (D.) Suggested by Enoch Arden. Coyne. In L. P. 85 In 82:485 Home tweet Dome I (O.) Adapted from the original German bv Somerset. In P. 7 In 32:191 Homicide," The. (T.) Baillie. In D. and P. \V. In 32:720 Same. In AY. S. C. L. 7 In 34:4177 Honest man's fortune, The. (C.) Beaumont and Fletcher. In AV. 3 In 32:733 Honest thieves, The. (F.) Knight. In L. S. 1. In •32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 9 In 32:559 Honest whore, The. Pt. I and Pt. II. Dekker and Middleton. In D. O. P 3 In *32:293 Same. In A. 11. I). 1 In *32:4 Same. In Middleton's W. 3 *A Honest Yorkshiretnan, The. Carev. In B. D. 5. In *32:17 Honey-moon, The. (C.) Tobin. In I. B. T. 25. In 82:366 Same. In F. S. 1 In 32:121 Same. In L. P. 16 In 32:416 Same. In L. S. 4 In *82:52S Same. In P In 32:200 Honoria and Mammon. Shirley. In D. AA*. 0. In 32:1266 Honour before wealth ; or, The romance of a poor young man. (D.) Feuillet. Trans, and adapted by Edwards and Wallack. In L. P. 80.. In 32: 180 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 124 Titles. Husband of mv heart, The. (C. D.) Selbv. In L. P. 2 In 32:402 Husband to order, A. (8.-0. D.) Morton. In L. P. 43 In 32:443 Hut of the red mountain, The. (D.) Mflner. In L. P. 72 In 32:472 Hycke-scorner. (Morality.) In H. E. I). 1. In "82:324 Hyde Park. (C.) Shirley. In D. W. 2. In 82:1263 Hypocrite, Tlie. (C.) Altered from Gibber's " Non-Juror " by Bickerstaii'. In L. P. 7G. In 32:470 Same. In L. S. 1 In s 32:522 Same. In S. P. 12 In 32:212 Same. In D. L. T. 9 In 32:280.9 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 1 In 32:551 Same. In M. B. D. 4 In 32:104 Same. In B. B. T. 17 In *32:234 Hypsipyle. Metastasio. Trans, by Boole. In Sletastasio'a 1). 1 In *32:961 I couldn't help it. (F.) Oxen ford. In L. P. 54 In 32:454 I dine with'my mother. (Ca.) McLachlan. In F. M. 14 In 32:61 " I love you 1" (Ca.) Reeve. In L. P. 98. In 32:498 " Ici on parlefrancais." (F.) Williams. In L. P. 40. In 32:440 Idalia ; or, The adventuress. (D.) Roberts. In L. P."70 In 32:476 Identity ; or, No thoroughfare. (D.) Lequel. Dramatized from Dickens and Collins. In F. S. 44-45 In 32:150 Idiot <>f the mountain. The. Adapted from the French by Suter. In L. P. 54 In 32:454 Idiot witness, The. (M.) Haines. In L. P 111. In 32:446 Same. In F. S. 31 In 32:143 If the cap fits. (Ca.) Harrington and Yate-. In L. P. 41 In 32:441 If I had a thousand a vear ! (F.) Morton. In L. P. 79...: *. In 32:4 79 If vim know not me, you know nobody. (C) Hey- wood. In 8. S. V. 48 "..In *32:2848 Hi-treated II trovatore; or, The mother, the maiden, and the musieiauer. Byron. In L. P. 58. In 32:458 I'll bo your second. (F.) Rodwel], In L. P. 3. In 32:403 I'll tell you what. (C.) Inchbald. In I. M. T. 7. In 32:377 I'll write to the]" Times." (F.) Woo'.er. In L. P. 28 In 32:428 Illustrious stranger, The. (F. Kenney and Millingem In L. P. 52 ) In 32:452 Same. In F. M. 16 In 32:62 I'm not meself at all. (Irish stew.) Maltbv. In L. P. 88 In 32:488 Imaginary invalid, The. (C.) Moliere. Trans. by Van Latin. In D. W. 6 In 32:974 Same *A Same. Trans, by Wall. In D. W. 3 In 32:9 68 Impostor, The. (T.) Brooke. In Plays and poems 3. In 32:75G Impostors, The. (C.) Cumberland. In I. M. T. 6 , In 32:376 Imposture, The. (T. C.) Shirley. In D. W. 5. In 32:1265 Impostures of Scapin, The. Moliere. Trans, by Wall. In D. W. 3. See also Rogueries of Scapin. In 32:968 Impromptu of Versailles, The. (C.) Moliere. Trans, by Wall. In D. W. 1 In 32:966 Same. Trans, by Van Laun. In D. W. 2. In 32:970 Same *A OF CINCINNATI. Hop-pickers and gipsies ; or, The lost daughter. (D.) HazUwood. In L. P. 85 In 32:485 Hope of the family, The. (C.) Covne. In L. P. 13. In 32:413 Hopeless passion, A. (P. C.) Morton. In L. P. 5. In 32:405 Horse-Shoe Robinson; or, The battle of King's Mountain. (Legend. D.) Tayleure. In F. S. 27. In 32:141 Hortensia. (T.) In N. B. T. 4 In 32:158 Hotel, The; or. The servant with two masters. (F.) Jephson. In P. 7 In 32:191 Hotel charges. (F.) Selby. In L. P. 12. In 32:412 Hour at Seville, An. (Protean I.) Selby. In L. P. 53. In 32:453 House dog, The. (F.) Higgie. In F. M. 13. In 32:60 House of Aspen, The. (T.) Scott. In P. W. 9. In 31:1539 House of mourning, The. (F.) Hood. In P. W. 3. In 34:1375 House or the home, The. (C.) In L. P. 42. In 32:442 House out of windows, A. (F.) Brough. In L. P. 8. In 32:408 Household fairy, A. (T.) Talfourd. In L. P. 44. In 32:444 Housekeeper, The; or, The white rose. (C.) Jerrold. In L. P. 29 In 32:429 Same In W. 8 In'34:1472 How do you manage. (F.) Bayly. In L. P. 1. In 32:401 How stout you're getting. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 22. In 32:422 How to grow rich. (C.) Reynolds. In I. M. T. 1. In 32:371 How to make home happy. (C. D.) Brough. In L. P. 13 In 32:413 HOW to pav the rent. (F.) Power. In F. M. 1. In 32:51 How to take up a bill. (V.) Moncriefl'. In D. W. 2. In 32:977 How to try a lover. (C.) In P. 7 In 32:191 Same. In S. P. 11 In 32:211 How will they get out of it. (C.) Rose. In L. P. 64. In 32:464 How's vour uncle. (F.) Wilks. In L. P. 41. In 32:441 Huguenot captain, The. (D.) Phillips. In L. P. 75 In 32:475 "Humbug!" (C.) Burnand. In L. P. 79. In 32:479 Humorous courtier, The. (C.) Shirley. In D.W.4. In 32:1264 Humorous lieutenant, The. (C.) Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletcher W. 6 In 32:736 Hunchback, The. (P.) Knowles. In I). W, 1. In 32:911 Same. In L. P. 67 In 32:467 Same. In S. P. 9 In 32:209 Hundred pound note, The. (F.) Peake. In P. 7. In 32:191 Hundred thousand pounds, A. (C.) Byron. In L. P. 77 In 32:477 Hunt for a husband, A. (F.) Wooler. In L. P. 63. In 32:463 Hunter of the Alps, The. (D.) Dimond. In L. P. 91. In 32:491 Hunting a turtle. Selby. In L. P. 40...In 32: 140 Husband at sight, A. (F.) Buckstone. InF.M.18. In 32:63 Husband of an hour, The. (D.) Falconer. In L. P. 31 In 32:431 Same. F. S. 38 In 32:147 PUBLIC LIBRARY The Drama. ]•_>:, Tm.KS. In and out of place. (B.) Johnson. In K. BI. 14. In 32:01 In a balcony. Browning. In P. W In 81:460 In for a holiday. (P.) Burnand. In I.. P. 20. In 32:42.; In possession. (T.) Bccher. In L. P. 69. In 82:498 In three volumes. (F.) Bilkins. la L. P. 91. In 82:49] Inchcape Ml. The. (N. D.) Fitzball. In L. P. 19 In 82:479 Incompatibility of temper. (F.) Suter. In L. P. 73 In 82:473 Inconstant, The; or. The way to win him. (...*A Inn-keeper of Abbeville; or, The ostler and the robber. (I).) Fitzball. In F. S. 25... In 32: 140 Same. In L. P. !>0 In 82:490 Insatiate countesse, The. Maraton. In I). W. :i. In 82:953 Intrigue; or, The Bath road. (C. I.) Poole. In L. F. 5» In 32:454 Intrigues of a dav; or, The poet in livery. (C.) In N. li. T. 1. ..." In 32:155 Intriguing chambermaid, The. (O. ) Fielding. In &. I!. I). 5 In 32:ln.-, Same. In B. D. 5 In K 32:17 Same. In W. 3 In *34:11 19 Invisible girl, The. In P In 32:178 ' Invisible prince, The. (E.) Planehe. In L. P. 19. In 32:419 Same. In F. M. 1 In 32:51 Inundation, The. (D.) Archer. In L. P. 45. In 32:445 Ion. (T.) Euripides. Trans, with notes by Buck- lev. In Tragedies 2 In 1:2906 Same. Trans, by Potter. In Tragedies 1 ...In 1:2910 Ion. (T.) Talfourd. In F. 8. 1 In 32:121 Iphigenia in Aulis. (T.) Euripides. Trans, with notes by Buckley. In Tragedies 1 In 1:2905 Same. Trans, by Putter. In Tragedies 2. In 1:2911 Iphigenia In Tauris. (T.) Euripides. Trans. with notes by Buckley. In Tragedies '. » 1:2905 Same. Trans, by Potter. In Tragedies 3 1:2912 Iphigenia in Tauris. (T.) Goethe. Trans, by 8wanwick. In 1). \V. :>. In 34;1200 Ireland as it is. (D.) Amherst. In F. S. 15. In 32:135 Ireland--as it was. (D.) Amherst. In L. P. 81. m In 32:481 Irene. |T.) .Johnson. In W. of the British poeti ii • In 81:69 Same. In B. I). 2 In *32: 1 4 Same. In M. B. I). 2 In 32:102 Same. In B. B. T. 13 In *32:2::o Iridion. (I).) Count Krasiaski. Trans, by Cook. With I'ndivine comedy In 82:916 Irish ambassador, The. (U.) Kenncy. In F. If. 5. In 32:55 1 Irish assurance and Yankee modesty. (F.) Iii F. hf. 8 In 32:58 Irish attorney, The. (F.) Bernard. In F. M. 1. In 32:51 Irish doctor, The. Altered from Fielding's trans- lation of Moltere's •• Le MeMecin malgre Ini," by W 1. In I.. I". 27..'. In 32:42*7 Irish emigrant, The. (C.) Brougham. In I.. I*. 82. In 32:182 Irish post. The. (C. D.) Planehe. In L. P. ». In 32:420 Irish tiger, The. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 34. In 32:434 Irish tutor, The; or, New lights. (C.) Adapted from the French by the Karl of Glengall. In T. It. 2. In 32:. ••2 Same. In L. P. 30 In 32:430 Irish widow, The. (C.) Garrick. In I. B. P. B. In 82:336 Same. In B. D. 5 In *32:17 Same. In M. B. D. 5 In 82:109 Same. In 1). L, T. 1 In 32:280.1 Same. In L.8.3 In "32:524 Same. In !•'. M. 21 In 32:01 Same. In S. P. 8 In 32:208 Same. In I). \V. 3 In :i 32:H47 Irishman in London, The. (F.) Macready. Adapted from the " Intriguing footman.'' In L. P. 7tt. In 32:479 Same. In F. .M. 18 In 32:';:: Same. In I. B. F. 2 In 82:332 Irishman's maneuver; or, Mike Donovan's court- ship. (C.) InF. M. 40-41 In 32:74 Iron chest, The. (P.) Colman, the younger. In I. li. T. 21 In 32:301 Same. In L. P. 89 In 32:439 Same. In S. P. 9 In 82:209 Is he jealous? (Oa.) Beazley. In Ox. N. E. D. 3. In 32:553 Same. In F. M. 18 In 32:03 Isaac Comnenus. (P.) Tavlor. In P. W. 2. In 31:1707 Isaac; a type of the Kedecmcr. Sands. In \V. 1. In 34:1904 Isabella ; or, The fatal marriage. (T.) Southern. In L.S. 2 In»32:623 Same. In M. B. I). 1 In 32:101 Same. In Ii. B. T. 8 In •82:225 Same. In I. B. T. 7 In 32:347 Same. In B. 1). 2 In 32:14 Same. In B. li. T. 5 In 82:256 Same. In D. L T. 2 In 32:280.2 Same. In L. P. 94 In 32:494 Same. In S. P. 13 In 32:213 Same. With Tragedies In 32:533 Same. In I). W. 2 In •82:846 Isabelle ; or, Woman's life. (D.) Buckstone. In F. S. 22 In 32:139 Island of jewels, The. (E.) Planehe. In L. P. 19. In 32:4 19 Island princess. The. (C.) Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 7... In 32:737 Isle of St. Tropes, The. (I).) Williams. In L. P. 52 In 32:452 Isoline of Bavaria. (D.) Suter. In L. P. 86. In 32:480 PUBLIC LIBKART OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 126 Titles. Ivanhoe ; or, The Jew's daughter. (B. M.) Dibdin. In L. P. 92 In 32:402 Same. In F. S. 40 In 32:148 Ivanhoe, in accordance with the spirit of the times. (K.) In L. P. 59 In 32:459 I've eaten my friend! (F.) Bridgeman. In L. P. 5. In 32:405 " I've written to Brown." (Ca.) Williams. In L. P. 40 In 32:440 Ixion ; or, The man at the wheel. (E.) Burnand. In L. P. 60 In 32:460 Jack Cade, the captain of the commons. (T.) Conrad. In L. P. 83 In 32:483 Jack Drum's entertainment; or, The comedy of Pasquil and Katherine. In Simpson's School of ShaUespeare 2 In 32:578 Jack the giant killer. (Bs. K.) Byron. In L, P. 43. In 32:443 Jack in a box ! (Ca.) Simpson. In L. P. 71. In 32:471 Jack in the green; or, Hints on etiquette. (F.) Lemon. In L. P. 2 In 32:402 Jack o' the hedge. (D.) Suter. In L. P. 78. In 32:478 Jack Robinson and his monkey. (M.) Thompson. In L. P. 31 In 32:431 Jack Sheppard. (D.) Adapted from Ainsworth's romance. In L. P. 23 In 32:423 Jack Sheppard. (D.) Buckstone. In F. M. 7. In 32:57 Jack's delight. (F.) Williams. In L. P. 56. In 32:456 Jacobite, The. (C. L>.) Planche. In F. M. 3. In 32:53 Same. In L. P. 14 In 32:414 James the fourth. (C.) Greene. In O. D. In 32:321 Same. In D. W. 2 *A Jane Eyre. (D.) Adapted from Charlotte Bronte by Brougham. In F. S. 17 In 32:136 Jane Shore. (T.) Kowe. In B. B. T. 1. In 32:251 Same. In B. B. T. 3 In *32:220 Same. In L. P. 39 In 32:439 Same. In 1). L. T. 7 In 32:280.7 Same. In 1. B. T. 10 In 32:350 Same. In B. D. 1 In *82*.13 Same. In M. B. D. 1 In 32:101 Same. In L. S. 1 In *32:522 Same. In F. S. 12 In 32:132 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 8 In 32:558 Jealous on all sides. (C. O.) Beazley. In S. P. II In 32:211 Jealous wife, The. (C.) Colman, Sr. -In I. B. T. 16 In 32:356 Same. In B. B. T. 25 In *32:242 Same. In L. P. 25 In 32:425 Same. In D. L. T. 11 In 32:280.11 Same. In I,. S. 1 In •83:623 Same. In B. D. 4 In •82:18 Same. In M. B. D. 4 In 32:104 Same. In F. S. 4 In 32:124 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 1 In 32:551 Same. In E. C. 1 In 32:579.1 Same. In D. W. 1 In *32:787 Jealousy at fault. (C.) Giraud. In S. I. C. In 32:320 Jealousy of Le Barbouille, The. Moliere. Trans. by Wall. In D. W. 1 In 32:966 Same. Trans, by Van Laun. In D. W. 6. In 32:974 Same *A Jeannette's wedding. (Oa.) Buckingham and Harm, In L. P. 32 In 32:432 Jeannette's wedding day. (Ms. F.) Adapted from the French bv Lacy! In L. P. 72. In 32:472 Jenkinses, The. -(F.) Planche. In L. P. 8. In 32:408 Jenny Foster, the sailor's child. Hazlewood. In L. P. 32 1,, 82:432 Jenny Lind at last; or, The Swedish nightingale. (O. Bagatelle.) Reach. In F. M. 24 In 32:66 Jeronymo. First part. In D. O. P. 3.1n 32:293 Same. In A. B. D. 1 In *32:4 Jersey girl, The. (M.) Pitt. In L. P. 26. In 32:426 Jessie Brown; or, The relief of Luck now. (D.) Boucicault. In F. S. 26 In 32:141 Same. In L. P. 37 In 32:437 Jessy Vere. (D.) Hazlewood. In L. P. 25. In 32:425 Jew, The. (C.) Cumberland. In I, B. T. 18. In 32:358 Same. In L. S. 1 1-n *32:522 Same. In S. P. 14 In 32:214 Jew and the doctor, The. (F.) Dibdin. In I. B. F. 2 in 32:332 Same. In P In 32:178 Jew of .Malta, The. (T.) Marlowe. In D. O. P. 8. In 32:298 Same. In W In 32:948 Same. In A. B. D. 1 In *32:4 Same. In W. 1 *A Jeweller of St. James, The. (C.) Adapted from the French by Suter. In L. P. 55 In 32:455 Jewess, The. Adapted from Scribe by Lacy. In L. P. 33 In 32:433 Jewess, The; or, The Council of Constance. (H.D.) Monerieff. In F. S. 16 In 32:136 Jew's daughter, The. Sterling. In L. P. 29. In 32:429 Joan of Arc. (H. B.) Brough. In L. P. 86. In 32:486 John a Kent and John a Cumber. (C.) Munday. In S. S. P. 46 In *32:2K40 John Bull, or, the Englishman's fireside. (C. ) Col- man, the younger. In L. P. 42 In 32:442 Same. In 1. U. T. 21 In 32:361 John Endicott. (T.) Longfellow. Wiih Christus. In 32:937 Same. In New England tragedies In 32:939 John English! or, The rough diamond. (F.) Austin. In S. P. 2 In 32:202 John Dobbs. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 7. In 32:407 John Jones. (F.) Buckstone. In L. P. 25. In 32:425 John of Paris. Pocock. In S. P. 1 In 32:201 John of Procida; or. The bridals of Messina. (T.) Knowles. In D. W. 2 In 32:912 John Overy, the miser of Southwark Ferry. (D.) Jerrold. In L. P. 86 In 32:486 John Smith. (K.) Harrison. In L. P. 53. In 32:453. John Woodvil. (T.) Lamb. In W. 3. In 34:1530 John Wopps; or, From information I received. (F.) Suter. In L. P. 49 In 32:449 Jonathan Bradford ; or, The murder at the road- side inn. (M.) Fitzball. In L. P. 55... In 32:455 Same. In F. S. 19 In 32:137 Jonathan in England. (C.) Altered from Col- man's comedy " Who wants a guinea." In P. S. 40 In 32:148 Joseph and his brethren. (D. P.) Wells....32:1296 Josephine. (H. D.) Nash »B:214.13 Josephine, the child of the regiment. Buckstone. In L. P. 25 In 32:425 Journey to London, A. (C.) Vanbrugh. In O. D In 32:610 Same. In bis Plays 2 In *32:1285.2 Jovial crew, The ; or, The merry beggars. Broome. In D. O. P. 10 In 32:300 Same. In A. B. D. 3 In «32:0 Judas Maecabanis. (D. P.) Longfellow. In his Three books of sotig In 31:1061 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 127 TlTI.KS. Judgment of Midas, The. (Mas.) Smart. In W. of the British poets 11.. . In 81:58 Judgment of l'aris, The. (Mas.) Congrave. In o. d In 82:610 Julia ; or, The Italian lover. (T.) In P. 4. In 32:184 Julian. (T.) Mitford. In W I" 34:1734 Julian the apostate. (H. D.) De Vore. In D. \V. 1. In 32:797 Juliana; or, The princess of Poland. (T. C.) Crowne. In 1). W. 1 In »32:7!ll Julius and Hvppolita. In Shakespeare in Germany. (Colin.) In 82:2931 Julius Ciesar. (T.) Shakespeare. In F. S. 11. In 32:131 Same. I. B. T. 4 In 32:344 Same. In L. P. 40 In 32:440 Same. In Ox. N. K. D. 15 In 32:565 Same. In How's Shakespearian reader... In 32:1081 Same. In Hudson's School Shakespearel. In 32: 1 110 Same. In Kemble's Shakespeare readings 1. in 32:1 11. r > Same. In the Loopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In the Prince's Shakespeare. (Mathias.) In 32:1150 Same. In \V. 6 In 32: 'il'ini Same. In W In 82:1008 Same. In W. 5. (Dree.) In 32:1013 Same. In W, 13. (Halliwell) *A Same. InW.4. (lia/.litt. Lond.) In 32:1074 Same. In W. 8. (Hudson.) In 32:1008 Same. In Trag, 1. (Knight.) In 82:1128 Same. In Trag. '-'. (Knight, pict. ed.)..In 32:1134 Same. In W. 2. (Knight.) *A Same. In \V. 3. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1143 Same. In W. (Rolfe.) In 32:1170 Same. In W. 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. In W. 8. (Singer.) In 32:1178 Same. In W. 7. (Steevens.) *A Same. Ill VV. (Steevens and Malone.). In 32:11*0 Same. In W. 12. (.lohnsoii and Steevens. | In 82:1303 Same. In "W. 16. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 82:1326 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A Julius Csasar, (T.) Altered, with prologue and oborm by Sheilieid, Duke of Buckingham. In W. 1 In 84:1959 Jumbo-Juml (F.) In F. M. 81 In 82:69 Just like Roger! (P.) Webster. In L. P. 96. In 32:4:i6 Kais ; or, Love in the deserts. (O.) Brandon. In P. 8 In 32:i!>2 Katharine and lVtruehio. (C.) Altered by Garriek from Shakespeare's Taming of the shrew. In F. S. 13.... In 32:133 Same. In L. P. 63 In 32:462 Same. In I. B. F. 4 '..In 32:334 Same. In D. W. 1 In *32:845 Kathleen MaTourneen; or, St. Patrick's eve. (Dom. I).) In F.S. 44-45 In 32:150 Katty U'Sheal. (F.) Pilgrim. In F. M. 37. In 32:72 Keep your temper. (K.) Wooler. In L. P. 55. In 32:455 Kenilworth. (H. D.) Dramatized from Scott bv Dibdin and Bunn. In L. P. 08 In 32:498 Same. In S. P. 15 In 32:215 Kenilworth; or, Ye queene, ye earle, and ye niay- denne. (E) Hallidny and Lawrence. In L. P. 38. In 32:438 Kennyngton Crosse; or, The old house on the common. (R. D.) Wilks. In L. P. 75. In 32:475 Kensington gardens; or, "Quite a ladies' man." (C.) Adapted from tho French. Brough. In L. P. 88 In 32:488 Key to the Rehearsal; or, A critical review of the authors and their writings that are exposed in that celebrated play. In B. B. T. 15 In 32..:' "• Kill, or cure. (F.) Dance. In F. M. 6. In 82:56 Kind ton fault. (C.) In L. P. 78 In 32:478 King and deserter. The. (D.) Maddox. In F. S. .::i. In 32:147 King and I, The. (F.) Morton. to L. P. 40. In 32:440 King and the miller of Man-field, The. (F.| Dodatay. In M. B. D. 5. In 82:106 Sam.-. In B. D. 5 In *32:17 King and no king. (T. ) Beaumont and Fletcher. In M. B. D. 1 In 32:lo| Same. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 2. In 32:7.12 King Arthur; or, The British worthy. (Ma.-, i Dryden. Altered by (iarrick. In 1'. 4. In 32: 184 King Arthur; or, The days and knights of the round table. (E.) Brough. In L. P. 61. In 82:461 King Charles I. (T.) Havard. In M. B. D. 2. In 32:102 Same. In B. B. T. 13 In 32:262 King Charming; or, The blue bird of paradise. (C. Fairy B.) Plimche. In F. M. 9 In 32:58 Same. In LP. 19 In 32:419 King Christmas. (Fancy-ful morality.) Planche. Iii L P. 95 .In 82:496 King Kd ward III. (P.) Shakespeare. In Doubtful plays. (Moltke.) In 32:1159 Same. In \V. 2. (Knight.) :5 A King Edward IV. Hey wood. In S. S. P. 13. In *82:2813 King Henry III ; or, The expulsion of the French. (H. P.) Taylor. In Pieces of poetry 1. In 31:1762 King Henry IV. Pt. I. (H. P.) Shakespeare. In F. S. 10...". In 32:130 Same. In I. B. T. 2 In 32:342 Same. In L. P. 37 In 32:437 Siuiie. In Ox. N. E. D. 14 In 32:564 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian reader. In 32:i08i Same. In Hudson's School Shakespearel .In 32: 1 1 10 Same. In Kemble's Shakespeare readings 2. In 32:1116 Same. In the Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. | From a contumporary MS.) In S. S. P. 25. In *82:2836 Same. In W. 3 In 32:1003 Same. In \V In 32:1008 Same. In W. 3. (I)vee.) ..In 32:1011 Same. In \\.:>. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In \V. 6. ( Handy vol.) In 32:1056 Same. In \V. 2. i liazliit. Loud.) In 32:1072 Same, to W. 2. (Hazlitl, N. Y.) In 32:1070 Same. In W. 5. (Hudson.) In 32:1095 Same. In Hist. 1. ^Knight.) In 32:1121 Same. In \V. 1. (Knight.) *'A Same. In VV. I. (Stratford ed. I In 32:1141 Same. In W. 1. (Phelps.) Ill 32:1151 Same. In \V. 5. (Singer.) In 32:1175 Same, to W. (Steevens.) In 82:1185 Same. In W. (Steevens.) *A Same. In \V. (Steevens and Malone. I. In 32:1186 Same. toW. 8. (Johnson and Steevens. )to 32:1198 Same. In W. 11. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1221 Same, to Reprint of first folio of 1623 -A. King Henry IV. Pt. II. (H.P.I In I. B. T. 2. In 32:342 Same. In L P. 04 In 32:161 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian reader.. In 32:lo8I Same. In Hudson's School Shakespearel. In 32:1 110 Same. In Kemble's Shakespeare reading- 2. In 32:1116 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 128 Titles. King Henry IV, (continued.) — Same. In W. 4 In 32:1004 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. lnW.3. (Dyce.) In 32:1011 Same. In W. 10. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In W. 6. (Handy vol.) In 32:1050 Same. In W. 2. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1072 Same. In "W. 2. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:1070 Same. In VV. 5. (Hudson) In 32:1005 Same. In Hist. 1. (Knight.) In 32:1121 Same. In W. 1. (Knight.) »A Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. (Stratford ed) In 32:1141 Same. In W. 1. (Phelps) In 32:1151 Same. In W. 5. (Singer.) In 32:1175 Same. In W. (Steevens) *A Same. In W. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same. In W. (Steevens and Malone)..In 32:1180 Same. In W. 9. (Johnson and Steevens.) J In 32:1199 Same. In W. 11. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1222 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1G23 *A King Henry V. (H. P.) Shakespeare. In I. B. T. 2 In 32:342 Same. In L. P. 39 In 32:439 Same. In Hudson's School Shakespeare 2. In 32:1 11 1 Same. In Komble's Shakespeare readings 2. In 32:1116 Same. In W. 4 In 32:1004 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In W. 3. (Dyce.) ....In 32:1011 Same. In W. 7. (Handy vol.) In 32:1057 Same. In W. 3. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:lo73 Same. In W. 3. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:1077 Same. In W. 5. (Hudson.) In 83:1096 Same. In "W. 1. (Knight.) *A Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 2. (Stratford cd.) In 32:1142 .Same. In W. 2. (Phelps.) In 32:1152 Same. In W. 5. (Singer.) In 32:1175 Same. In W. 5. (Steevens) *A Same. In W. (Steevens) In 32:1185 Same. In W. (Steevens and Malone.)...In 32:1186 Same. In W. 9. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1199 Same. In W. 12. (Johnson and Steevens.) -In 32:1222 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623... «A Same. With notes by Rolfe 32:1236 King Henry VI. Pt. I. (H. T.) Shakespeare. In VV. 4 In 32:1004 Same. In "VV In 32:1008 Same. In W. 3. (Dvee.) In 32-1011 Same. In W. 11. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In W. 7. (Handy vol.) In 32:1057 Same. In W. 3. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1073 Sam':. In W. 3. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:1077 Same. In W. 6. (Hudson.) In 32:1096 Same. In Hist. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1122 Same. In Hist. 2. (Knight, pict. ed.)... .In 32:1136 Same. In \V. 1. (Knight.) »A Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 2. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1142 Same. In W. 2. (Phelps) In 32:1152 Same. In Doubtful plays 3. (Reed.).. ..In 32: 1 163 Same. In "VV. 6. (Singer.) In 32:1176 Same. In W. 6. (Steevens.) *A Same. In W. (Steevens and Malone.) In 32:1186 Same. In "VV. 9. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1199 Same. In "VV. 13. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1223 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A King Henry VI. Pt. II. (H. T.) Shakespeare. ln VV. 4 i n 32:iuo4 Same. In W I„ 32:1008 Same. In W. 3. (Dyce.) In 32:1011 Same. In W 11. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In W. 7. (Handy vol.) In 32:1057 Same. In "VV. 3. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1073 Same. la "VV. 3. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32"1077 Same. In W. 6. (Hud,on.) In 32:1096 Same. In Hist. 2. (Knight) In 32:1122 Same. In W. 1. (Knight.) »A, Same. In Hist. 2. (Knight, pict. ed.)...In 32:1136 Same. In W. 2. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1142 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In VV 2. (Phelps.) In 32:1152 Same. In Doubtful plays 3. (Reed.). ...In 32:1163 Same. In "VV. 6. (Singer.) In 32:1176 Same. In W. 6. (Steevens.) *A Same. In "VV. (Steevens and Malone.)... In 32:1186 Same. In W. 10. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1200 Same. In "VV. 13. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1223 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 ®A King Henry VI. Pt. III. (H. T.) Shakespeare. !n VV. 4 In 32:1004 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In VV. 4. (Dyce.) In 32:1012 Same. In W. 11. (Halliwell.) «A Same. In W. 8. (Handvvol.) In 32:1058 Same. In W. 3. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1073 Same. In W. 3. (Hazlitt. IS. Y.) In 32:1077 Same. In "VV. 6. (Hudson.) In 32:1096 Same. In Hist. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1122 Same. In Hist. 2. (Knight, pict. ed.)...In 32: 1 136 Same. In "VV. 2. (Knight.) *A Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 2. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1142 Same. In "VV. 2. (Phelps.) In 32:1152 Same. In Doubtful plays 3. (Reed.)... In 32:1103 Same. In W. 6. (Singer.) In 32:1176 Same. In "VV. 6. (Steevens.) «A Same. In "VV. (Steevens and Malone.). In 32:1186 Same. In W. 10. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1200 Same. In "VV. 14. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1224 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A King Henry VIII. (II. P.) Shakespeare. In F. S- 10 I„ 32:130 Same. In I. B. T. 3 In 32:343 Same. In L. P. 22 In 32:422 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian reader.. In 32:1081 Same. In Kemble's Shakespeare readings 2. In 32:1116 Same. In W. (Rolfe) In 32:1170 Same. In W. 5 ]„ 32:1005 Same. In VV In 32:1008 Same. In W. 4. (Dyce.) In 32:1012 Same. In W. 12. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In W. 8. (Handy vol.) In32:l. T Iii 32:>:.7 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian reader.. In 39:1081 Same. In Kemble't Shakespeare reading! l. In 32:111". Seme. In W. 8 In 82:1008 Sim.'. In VV In 32: B Sun,'. In W.J. (Dyce.) In 32:ioio Sam,'. In VV. H. ( Halliwell.) »A Sam,'. In \v. :.. (Handv vol.) Iii 83:1059 Same, in vv. •>. (Haalitt Lend.) [ri 82:1072 Sam,-. In VV. 2. flla/.litt. N. Y.) lit 82:1076 Sam,'. In VV. i. (Hudson.) In 82; 1094 Sa In Hist. i. (Knight) In 82:1131 Same. In VV. l. (Knight.) *A Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1 no Sam,-. In \V. l. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1 Ml Same. In \V. i. (Phelps.) Ill 32: MM Sam,'. In VV. 4. (Singer.) In 82:1174 Same. In VV. (Steevens. i In 32:1 189 Same. In W. I. (Steevena.) *A Same. In \V. (Steevens and Malone.) In 82:1186 Same. In VV. 3. (Johnson and Steevena.) In 32:1103 Same. In VV. 10. (Johnson and Steevena.) In 82:1330 Sam,'. In Reprint of first folio of 1633 A King John (with the benefit of the act) (Us.) A' Beckett. In P.8 In 82:193 King Lear. (T.) Shakespeare. In P. S. 9. In 82:139 Samr. In I. 15. T. 4 In 32:311 Same. In Ox. N. E. I). 10 In 82:560 Same. In L. P. 31 In 82:431 Same. In Howe' Shakspeartan reader... In 32:1081 Sumo. In Hudson's School Shakspeare'J.In 32:1111 En W. t In 82:1007 Same. In VV In 82:1008 Same. In VV. In 32:1014 Same. In \V. 14. (Halliwell.) 5 A Same. In VV. 13. (Handy vol.) In 82:1062 Sane-. In W. 4. (Hazlitt.) In 82:1074 Same. In VV. !i. (Hudson.) In 82:1099 Same, til Twg. 1. I Knight. | In 82:1133 Same. InTrag.l. (Knight, piet. ed.)..In 32:1133 Same. In W. 3. (Knight.) A* Same. Iii The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:iiio Same, in VY.e. (Stratford ed.) In 32:114*; Sam-. Ill VV. 2. i Phelps.) In 32:11"-'-' Same. lnW.:>. [Singer.) In 82:1179 Same. In VV. '.>. (Steevena.) *A Same. Ill \V. tSti evens ;,nd Malone.) In 32:1180 Sam.-. In W. 14. (Johnson and Steevena.) In 32:l'Ji'i Same. In VV. 17. (Johnson and Steevena. • In 32:1227 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1633 *A Same. From tlie original MS. In Miscellaneous papers under Shakespeare's hand and -eal. In *82:3204 Same. Altered bj Column. In 1). \V. 3. In '82:769 Sam,-. Altered from by Tate. In Ox. N. E. I). 10. In 82:56u King of the Alps, The. (R. D.) Buckstone. In L P. 6 In 82:406 King of the Commons, The. (P.) While. In F. s. i In 82:134 King of the Merrows; or. Tbe prince and the piper. (K.) Burnand and Simpson, In L 1*. 53. In 82:453 King of tho peacocks, The. (E.) Flanchc. In L. P. 1!) In 82:419 King < VToolc's goose. (K.) Irwin. In LP. M. In 89:430 King K.'io'- daughter. (Lyrical D.) Hertz. Trans. by Martin In 81:834 Same. Trans, by Phipps. In L. P. 36. ..In 82:436 Same. In f. H. 34 Iii 32:71 King Richard 1L (T.) Shakespeare. In L. P. 77. In 32:477 Same. In VV. 1 In 82:1003 Same. Ill VV In 32:10118 Same. lnVV.2. (Dyce.) In 32:1010 Same. In VV. 9. I Halliwell.) *A Same. In W. ti. ( llan.lv vol.) In 82:1056 Same. In VV. 2. ( Hazlitt. Loud.) In 32:1072 Same- ItV.i. (Haxlitt. N. Y.) In32:i076 Same. In W. 6. (Hudson.) In 32: Same. In Hist. 1. i Knight, i In 32:1121 Same. In ihe Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1 mo Same. In VV. 1. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1141 Same. In VV. 1. (Phelps.) In 82:1161 Same. In VV. 4. Singer. In 32:1174 Same. In VV. .">. i M. 'evens. ) 'A Sam". In VV. (Steevena.) In 32:ii»5 Same, in VV. i Sieevens and Malone. ).. In 32: 1 18G Same. In W. 8. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 82:1198 Same. In VV. 11. (Johnson and Steevena.) In 32:1221 Sam... Ed. with notes by Kolfe In 89:1333 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1633 *A King Richard III. (T.) Shakespeare. In I. B. T. 1 In 32:341 Same. In Ox. N. B. I>. 9 In 32:" ..">:: Same. In Hudson's School Shakespeare 2. In 32:1111 Sam.-. In Kemble's Shakespeare readings 2. In 32:1 1 1G Same. In W. 5 In 89:1008 Same. In VV In 32:1008 Same. In VV. 3. (Dvee.) In 32:1011 Same. InVV. II. (Halliwell) *A Same. In VV. 8. (Handy vol.) In 32:1058 Sane'. In W. 3. 1 1 Inzlitt. N . V. i Ill 32:1077 Same. In VV. 7. (Hudson.) In 32: Same Iii Mist. 2. (Knight.) In 32:11-2 Same. Inlli-t. 2. ( Knight, pict. ed.j ... In 32: 113G Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In VV. 2. i .Stratford ed. ) In 32:1142 San..-. In VV. 2. (Plielps.i In 89:1163 Same. In Doubtful plays 7. iKeed.)...ln 32:1107 Same. In W. 6. (Singer.) In 82:1116 Same. In W. 7. (Steevens.) *A Same. In VV. (Steven!- and Malone. i In 32:1186 Same. In W. 10. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1200 Same. In W. 14. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 82:1334 Same. In Ri print of first folio of 1633 *A Same. Adapted by Cibber. In L. 1'. 13. In 32:413 King Richard ye third. (Bs.) Selby. In L. P. 4. In 32:40t King Tbru.-bbeiird! (E.) Talfourd. In L. P. 44. In 32:414 King Victor and kins; Charles. (T.) Browning. In Poems 1 In 31:457 King's rival, The; or. The court and the Stage. (D.) Taylor and Keade. In K. S. in... In 32: 130 King's wager. The; or. The camp, the cottage and the court. (D.) Wilka, In L. P. 02...I11 32:402 Kiss, The. (C.) Clark. In P.8 In 89:193 Kiss and the rose, Tbe; or, Love in the nursery ground. (V.) Monerietf. In 1). VV. 2. In 32:077 PUBLIC LIBRARY OK CINCINNATI. The Drama. 130 Titles. Kiss in the dark, A. (F.) Buckstone. In D. R. P. In 32: 1 2 73 Same. In L. P. fi In 32:406 Snme. In F. M. G .....In 32:56 Knapsack, The. (D.) Kdgeworth. In .Moral tales 1 In 37:1495 Same. In Novels and tales 2 In 37:1406 Knight of Ana, The. (0. D.) Boucicault. In F. S. 29 In 32:142 Knight of the burning pestle, The. (C.) Beaumont and Fletcher. In W. 2 In 32:732 Knight of Malta, The. (C. ) Beaumont and Fletcher. In W. 5 In 32:735 Knights, The. (P.) Aristophanes. Trans, by Frere. In Frere's W. 3 In 34:1206 Same. Literally trans, by Hickie. In Comedies 2. In 1:2831 Knights, The. (F.) Foote. In M. B. 1). 5. In 32:105 Same. In B. D. 5 In*32:17 Knights of the round table. The. (D.) Blanche. In L.P. 16 In 32:415 Knights of St. John, The. (M.) Almar. In L. P. M In 32:456 Knights templars, The. (II. T.) Trans, from the French of Raynouard by O'Conway. In 10:5436 Know your own mind. (C.) Murphy. In Ox. N. E."D. 14 .'.In 32:564 Same. .In I. B. T. 15 In 32:355 Same. In L. S. 2 In «32:523 Same. In E. U. 5 In 32:57fi.3 Kynge Lear. (T.) Shakespeare. In Ireland's Col- lections of miscellaneous documents of Shake- speare In *32:3204 Konigsmark. (T.) Boker 32:753 La! Somnainhula; or, The supper, the sleeper, and the merry Swiss boy. (E.) Byron. In L. P. 66. In 32:466 Ladder of love, The. (Ms. D.) Bayly. In P. 8. In 32:192 Ladies at home. (I.) Millingen. In L. P. 10. In 32:410 Same. In F. M. 18 In 32:63 Ladies' battle, The. (C.) From " Un duel en amour" of Scribe and Legouve bv Robertson. In L. P. 4 In 32:404 Same. In F. M. 29 In 32:68 Ladies beware! (F.) In F. M. 7 In 32:57 Ladies' club, The. (C. D.) Lemon. In L. P. 13. In 32:413 Ladies of St. Cyr, The; or, The runaway husbands. Adapted from the French of Dumas. In L. P. 84. In 32:484 Ladies' privilege, The. Glapthorne. In O. B. D. 2. In *32:108 Lady and the devil, The. (C. D.) Dimond. In I* P. no In 32:490 Same. In F. M. 30 In 32:143 Lady and gentleman in a peculiarly perplexing predicament. (B.) Selby. In S.*P. 6. In 32:206 Same. In L. P. 69 In 32H69 Same. In F. M. 31 In 32:69 Lady Audley's secret. Adapted from Braddon by Hazlewood. In L. P. 57 In 32:457 Lady Belle Belle; or, Fortunio and his seven magic men. (Fairy tale.) Byron. In L. P. 61. In 32:461 Lady in difficulties, A. (C. D.) Planehe. In L. P. 21. In 32:421 Lady Jane Grey. (T.) Rowe. In B. B. T. 7. In 32:257 Same. In B. B. T. 3 In *32:220 Same. InI.B.T.10 In 32:350 Same. In B.D.I In*32:13 Lady Jane (irey, (continued.) — Same. In L. S. 3 In •32:524 Same. In M. B. D. 1 In 32:101 Same. In D. L. T. 25 In 32:280.25 Lady of the bed-chamber. (F.) In F. M. 21. In 32:64 Lady of Belleisle, The; or, A night in the bastille. Adapted from Dumas' " Mile de Belleisle." Gully. In L. P. 91 In 32:491 Lady of the Camelias. (T. D.) Adapted from Dumas. In L. P. 27 In 32:427 Lady of the lake. (D.) Adapted from Scott. In L. P. 33 In 32:433 Same. Adapted by Dibdin. In F. S. 35. In 32:145 Lady of the lake. (Tr.) Thomson. In F. M. 22. In 32:65 Lady of the lake plaid in a new tartan. (Bs.) Founded on Scott's poem by Reece. In L. P. 71. In 32:471 Lady of the lions, The. (Bs.) Durivage. In P.M. 29. In 32:68 Lady of Lyons, The. Bulwer-Lytton. In D. VV., (Lond.) In 32:758 Same. In D. W., (Leip.) In 32:759 Same. In S. P. 9 In 32:209 Same. In S. P. 11 In 32:211 Same. In F. S. 1 In 32:121 Lady of pleasure, The. (C.) Sbirlev. In D. W. 4. In 32:1264 Lady's last stake, The. (C.) Cibber. In D. W. 2. In 32:782 Same. In B. B. T. 19 In 32:2»9 Lady's trial, The. Ford. InO.D In 32:521 Same. In D. W. 2 In 32:837 Same. In W. 3 *A La Fayette; or, The fortress of Olmutz. (M.) Lee. In S. P. 1 In 32:201 Lalla Rookh. (Bs. and Pn.) ' Brough. In L. P. 34. In 32:434 Lame excuse, A. (F.) Hay. In L. P. 84. In 32:484 Lame lover, The. (C.) Foote. In S. P. 12. In 32:212 Same. In'M.'B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In B. D. 5 In *32:17 Lamia. (R.) Hood. In P. W. 3 In 31:876.3 Lancers, The. (D.) Vernon. In L. P. 13. In 32:413 Larkins' love letters. (F.) Williams. In L. P. 72. In 32:472 Last act, The. (F.) In N. B. T. 2 In 32:156 Last days of Pompeii. (D. Sp.) Dramatized from Bulwer by Medina. In F. S. 19 In 32:137 Last man. The ; or, The miser of Elthan Green. (D.) Pitt. In F. S. 35 In 32:145 Last of the pigtails, The. (C.) Selby. In L. P. 37. In 32:437 Same. In F. M. 34 In 32:71 Latest edition of black-eyed Susan, The; or, The little Bill that was taken up. (Bs.) Burnand. In L. P. 77 In 32:477 Latest edition of Helen ; or, Taken from the,. Greek. (Bs.) Burnand. In L. P. 77. In 32:477 Latin, love and war. (F.) Macfarren. In P. 8. In 32:192 Laugh when you can. (C.) Reynolds. In I. M. T. 2. In 32:372 Laughing hyena, The. (F.) Webster. In F. S. 25. In 32:66 Lawrence's love suit. (Ca.) Wooler. In L. P. 65. In 32:465 Lavater the phvsiognomist ; or, Not a bad judge. (CD.) Planehe. InF.S. 40 In 32:148 Lavinia. (T.) Becket. In D. and Prose Misc. 1. In 32:746 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 131 Titles. Law of .lava, The. (P.) Column, .Jr. In S. P. 6. In 32:200 Law of Lombardy, The. (T.) Jcphson. Inl.M. T. G In 32:370 Same, In L& 4 In •SScMB Same. In 1'. 3 In 32:183 Law versus love. (Ca.) Linlev. In L P. 57. In 32:4".: Laws of Can.lv, The. (C.) Beaumont and Fletcher. In W. 5 In 32:73. r . Lawyers, The. (C.) Lawrence. In L. P. 11. In 32:411 Same In F. M. 7 In 32:57 Leading strings. Trougbton, In L P. 88. In 32:433 Leah the forsaken. (P.) Daly. In I.. 1'. 97. In 33:497 Leap vear; or, The ladies' privilege. (('. i Buck- stone.* In F.S. 11 , In 32:131 Learned ladles, The. (C.) Moliere. Trans, by Van Laim. In 1). W. In 32:!>74 Same *A Same. Trans, by Wall. In D. W. 3 In 32:!'ii^ Leatherlungosthc great, how he stormed, reigned, and mizzled. (E.) Cheltnam. In L. r. 96, In 32:406 " Leave it to me." (F.) Ha/.lewood and Williams. In 1,. I'. 00 In 82:498 Left in a cab. (F.) Stirling. In L, P. 2. In 32:tn2 Left tin' stage. Sirandin. In L. P. 7 In 32: M)7 Legacy "f honour. (D.) Stirling. In L. P, 50. In 83:480 Legal impediment. A. (F.) Oxenford. In L. P. 53. In 32:453 Legend of Florence, A. (P.) Hunt. In P. \V. 1. In 81:929 Leicester. (T.) Dunlap. In S. P. 7..In 32:207 Lend me live shillings. (F.) .Morton. In I.. P. 30. In 32: 130 Lending a hand. (F.) A' Beckett. In L. P. 89. In 32:4011 Leo the terrible. (Us.) Coyne. In L. 1'. '.'. In 32:400 Leonor de Gasman. (T.) Iioker. In Plays and Poems 1 In 32:751 Lesson in love, A. (C.) Cheltnam. In L, I'. 04. In 32: 10 1 Lestocq; or, The fete at the hermitage. (11. O.) Macl'anen. In P. 8 In 32:102 Lethe. (F.) Garriek. In M. 13. I). S, In 32:105 Same. In D. W. 1 In *32:845 Letter writers, The; or, A new way lo keep a wife at home. (F.) Fielding. In \V". 2. ..In 34:1 1 18 Liar, The. (C.) Foote. In L. P. 74 In 32:474 Sam.-. In L. S. 2 In »32:">23 Same. In B. 1). r. in >-32:i7 Sam.'. In I. B. F. 5 In 32:335 Same. In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Libertine, The. (O ) Founded on the Story of 1) loan. PoCOCk. Music from .Mozart's Don Giovanni. Adapted by Bishop. In S. P. 5, in 83:305 Lie of a day. (C.) O'Keeffe. In 1. M. T. 10. In 83:380 Life. (C.) Reynolds. In I. M. T. 1.. .In 32:371 Life and death of Thomas, Lord Cromwell. In A. I!. I). 1 In *32:4 Life chase, A. (D.) Oxenford and Wigan. In L, P. 80 In 32:480 Life drama, A. Smith. In Poems In 31:1504 Same In T. 31:1591 Life in New York. (0. D.) Brougham. In F. M. 13. In 32:00 Life's ransom, A. (P.) Marston. In F. S. 36. In 32:140 Same, In L. P. &i In 32m:. i Life's revenge, A. (D.) Suter. In L. P. 89. In 32:130 Life's trial, A. (D.) Bernard. In L. P. 30. In 83:480 Lilian (iervais. (D.) Burnett. In!.. -P. 31. In 32:431 Liliput. Garriek in 1). W. 2 In *83:84fl Limerick boy. The. (F.) Pilgrim. In F. M. 23. In 83:68 Linda di Chamount; or, The blighted flower. (O. Rs. K.) Kdwards. In L. P. 87 In 32:4h7 Lingua ; or, The combat of the tongue and the live n -ii-e- tor superiority. Brewer. In D. O. P. 5. In 83:295 Same. In A. R. D.2 In *32:5 Lion at bay, A. (D.) Phillips. In L. P. - 1. In 32:484 Lion slaver. The: or, Out for a prowl. iF.i Wil- liams. ' In L. P. 77 In 32:477 Lionel and Clarissa. (C. O.) Bickcr»taff. In I. li. T. 17 In 32: '.".7 Same. In L.S.I In »83:522 Same. In Ox. N. K. 1). 2 In 32:552 Same. In I>. L. T. 7 In 32:280.7 Little Annies birthday. (Personation F.) Suter. In L.P.8I In 32:481 Little Barefoot. (Dom. I).) From die German by Waldauer. In F. S. 42 .....In 32:14*0 Little change, A. (F.) Grundy. In L. P. 96. In 32:i:'-"> Little Daisy. (C. D.) Williams. In L. P. 60. In 32:400 Little Don Giovanni. (Rs.) Rvron. In L. P. 72. In 32:172 Little French lawyer, The. Beaumont and Fletcher. In W. 3 In 32:733 Little John and the giants. (O.) Brooke. In Plays and poems 4 In 32:7:<7 " Little mother." (C. Piece.) Morton. In L. P. 01. In 32:401 Little rebel, The. (F.) Coyne. In L. P. 50. In 32:450 Little Red Riding Hood and the fairies of the rose, shamrock, and thistle. In L. P. 53 In 83:463 Little Robin Hood; or, Quite a new beau. (Be.) R.-.ee. In L. P. 91 In 32:401 Little savage, The. (T.) Morton. In L. P. 38. In 32:438 Little sentinel, The. (Ca.) Williams. In L. P. 58. In 32:458 Little sins and pretty sinners. (I.) Selby. In L. P. 10 In 32:4 19 Little Toddlekins. (CD.) Mathews. In L. V. 12. In 32:»!2 Same. In F. M. 31 In 32:60 Little treasure, The. (C.) Harris. In F. S. 10. In 83:136 Same. In L. P. 23 In 32:423 Live woman in the mines, A. (P.) "Old Block." In F. M. 17 In 32:02 Living t<"> fast. (Ca.) Troughton. In L. P. 16. In 32:410 Lizzie Leigh; or, The murder near the old mill. (Dom. D.j Watdron. In L. P. 03 In 32:403 Lizzie I.ylc; or. The flower makers of Pinsbury. A tale of trials and temptations. Hazlewood. In L. P. 87 In 33:487 Loan of a lover, The. (V.) Planchc. In L. P. 9. In 32:400 Same. In F. M. 1 In 32:51 Lock and key, The. (Ms. F.) lloare. In 8. P. 8. In 32:208 Same. In S. P. 14 In 32:214 Same. In I. R. F. 3 In 32:333 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Tite Drama. 132 Titles. Locked in with a lady. Addison. In L. P. 11. In 32:411 Locked out. (C. S.) Paul. In L. P. 27. In 32:427 Locrine. (T.) Shakespeare. In Doubtful plays. (Moltke.) In 32:1159 Same. In W. 2. (Knight.) *A Lodgers and dodgers. (F.) Hay. In L. P. 92. In 32:492 Lodoiska. (O.) Kcmblc. In I. B. F. 7. In 32:337 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Lofty projects; or, Arts in an attic. (F.) Lunn- In 8. P. 8 In 32:202 Logan, the last of the race of Shikellemus, chief of the Cayuga nation. (D. Piece.) Doddridge, 32:810 London assurance. Boucicault. In F. S. 4. In 32:124 Same. In S. P. 11 In 32:211 Same. In L. P. 34 In 32:434 Same. In F. S. 4 In 32:124 London merchant. The; or, The history ot George Barnwell. (T.) Lillo. In 15. B. T. 5. In 89:258 Same. In D. L. T. 9 In 32:280.9 Same. In P. 9 In 32:198.9 London prodigal, The. (P.) Shakespeare. In Doubtful plavs. (Moltke.) In 32:1159 Same. In A. B. D. 1 In *32:4 Same. In W. 2. (Knight.) Si A Lonely man of the ocean, The. (D.) Biake. In L. P. 16 In 32:416 Long strike, The. (D.) Boucicault. In F. S. 44-45. In 32:150 Looking-glass for London and England, A. Greene. In O. D In 32:321 Same. In I). \V. 1 *A Lord Bateman; or. The proud young porter and the fair Sophia. (Bs.) Byron. In L. P. 87. In 32:487 Lord Darnley ; or, The keep of Castle Hill. (D.) Wilks. In'L. P. 78 In 32:478 Lord I.o'vel and Lady Nancy Bell. (Bs.) Burnand. In L. P. 30 *. In 32:430 Lord of the manor, The. (().) Burgovne. Altered by Dibdin, jr. In L. S. 2 .....In *32:523 Same. In D. L. T. 21 In 82:280.21 Same. In S. P. 5 In 32:205 Lord Russell. (T.) Hayley. In Poems and plays 6. In 81:833.6 Lost and found. (Oa.) March. Music bv Gabriel. In L. P. 89 In 32:489 Lost child, The; or, Jones's baby. (F.) Suter. In F. M. 40-41 In 32:74 Same. In L. P. 62 In 32:462 Lost in London. '(D.) Phillips. In L. P. 80. In 32:480 Lost ship, The. (N. D.) Townsend. In L. P. 2n. In 32:420 Same. In F. S. 39 In 32:147 Lost wife, The; or, A husband's confession. (Don). D.) Hazlewood. In L. P. 93 In 32:493 Lottery, The. (F.) Fielding. In W. 2. In *34:1118 Same 32:831 Lottery ticket, The. (F.) Beazley. In L. P. 68. In 32:468 Lottery ticket, The. (F.) Buckstone. In F. M. 18. In 32:63 Louis XI. (H. D.) Markwell. In L. P. it. In 32:409 Louise de Lignerolles. (T. D.) Adapted from the French of Denaux and Legouve. In L. P. 14. In 32:414 Love. (P.) Knowles. In S. P. 9 In 32:209 Same. In L. P. 74 In 32:474 Same. In D. VV. 2 In 32:912 Same. In F. S. 9 In 32:129 Love a la mode. (T.) Machlin. In LB. F. I. In 32:331 Same. In L. S. 8 In *3:524 Same. In F. S. 5 In 32:105 Love and a bottle. (C.) Farquhar. In O. D. In 32:610 Love and fortune. (D. Tab.) Planehe. In L. P. 42. In 32:442 Love and friendship; or Yankee notions: (C.) Lindsley. In P. 8 In 32:192 Same. In S, P. 14 In 32:214 Love and hunger. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 4 2. In 32:442 Love and intrigue. (T.) Schiller. Trans, by Hob n. In W. 4 In 34:1930 Love and law. (C. D.) Edgeworth. In Novels and tales 8 In 37:1499 Love and loyalty. (P.) Robson. In F. S. 32. In 32:144 Love and murder. (F.) Brougham. In F. .M. 9. In 32:58 Love and rain. (F.) Adapted from the French. In L. P. 61 in 32:461 Love by lantern-light. (O.) Adapted from " Le manage aus lanlernes." Carre and Battu. In L. P. 73 In 32:473 Same. In IS. D. 8 In *32:15 Same. In D. L. T. 16 In 32:280.16 Love-chase, The. (C.) Knowles. In D. W. 2. In 32:912 Same. In L. P. 68 In 32:468 Love for love. (C.) In L. S. 3 In ; 32:524 Same. In O. D In 32:010 Same. In I. B. T. 13 In 32:353 Same. In P. 3 In 32:198.3 Same. In B. B. T. 29 In «32:245 Same. In B. D. 3 In *32:15 Same. In I). L. T. 16 In 32:280.16 Love, honor, and interest. (C.) In N. B. T.- 3. In 32:157 Love in bumble life. (P. 0.) Adapted from " .Mich- ael et Christine" by Payne. In L. P. 24. In 32:424 Same. In F. M. 15 In 32:61 Love in livery. (F.) Wooler. In F. M. 27. In 32:07 Love in many masks. (C.) Altered by Kemble from Mrs. Behn's "Rover." In S. P. 16. In 32:216 Love in a riddle. (Pa.) Cibber. In D. W. 4. In 32:784 Love in '76: an incident of the revolution, (('a.) Bonce. In F. M. 14 In 32:01 Love in several masques. (C.) Fielding. InW. 1. In *34:!117 Love in a village. (O.) Biekerstaff. In M. B. D. 5. In 32:105 Same. In B. B. T. 33 In 32:250 Same. In I. B. T. 17 In 32:357 Same. In P. 8 In 32:192 Same. In L. S. 1 In •32:622 Same. In ():;. N. E. D. 2 In 32:552 Same. In D. L. T. 3 In 32:280.3 Same. In B. D. 5 In *32:17 Love in a wood; or, St. James's Park. (C.) Wychcvly. In 0. D In 32:610 Love is the best doctor. Molicre. Trans, by Van Latin. In D. W. 3 In 32:971 Same * A Same. Trans, by Wall. In D. "VV. 2 In 32:967 Love is enough; or, The freeing of Pharamond. (Morality.) Morris In 32:980 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Tiik Drama. 138 TlTI.KS. Love-knot, The. (O.) Coyne. In F, S. 40. In 32:148 Stun*. In L P. 88 In 88:«ss Love laughs at locksmiths. (Mb. P.) Column, the younger. In L 1*. :u In 32:4U4 Same. In Ox. N. E I). 13 In 82:5«3 Love Lnughsat locksmiths. Trans, from "Unefolie." in s. p. 16 in 82: am Love makes the num. (0.) Gibber. In I.. S. 3. In *32:524 Same. In P. 6 In 82:188.6 Seine. In I. It. D.8 In 32: 349 Sum,-. In B. B.T.6 In 82:368 Same. In U. I). 3 In •82:16 Same. In B. H. T. M In "32:244 8m In I). \V. l In 82:781 Love of king David and fair Bethsabe. Peele. In 11. E. I). 1 In *82:82B Love of n prince, The; or. The eonrt of l!u-sia. (D.i Altered and adapted from the French by (Javier. In F. S. 21 In 82:138 Love-tiff, The, (0.) Mollere, Trans, by Van Latin. In D. W. 1. See alio Lovers' quarrels. In 82:868 Same 5 A Love tricks; or, The school of complement. (C.) Shirley. In I>. W. l In 82:1261 Lover i>v proxy, A. (B.i Bonotcault. In P. M.31. In 32:f>!' Lovers' amazements; or, How will it end? Hunt. In P. W. 1 In 81:829 Lover's melancboly.The. (T.-C.) Ford. In D.WM. In 82:836 Same. In <>. I) In 32:">31 Same. Ill W. 1 *A Lover's progress, The. (T.) Fletcher. In Beau- mont and Fletcher 1 ! \\". 11 In 32:711 Lovers' ipiarrels ; or. Lik '"master, like man. (F.) Adapted from the "The mistake' 1 of Vanbrugh, In L P. 4 In 32MIU Same. In L. S. :t In »32:524 Lovers' quarrels. i('.i Holiere. Trans. by Wall. In I). W. 1. Set aho The lore-tiff. In 82:966 Lovers' vows. (P.) Altered from Kotzehuo's '• Natural son " bv lnchbuld. In L. S. 3, In 32:524 Same. In P In 82:200 Same. InS. P. 8 In 82:209 Same. In I. B. T. 23 In 82:363 Same. Trans, bv Thompson. In T. G. T. 2. In 32:587 Love's cruelty. (T.) Shirley. In D. W. 2. In 82:1262 Love's i lire; or, The martial maid. (C.) Fletcher. in Beaumont and Fletchers VT.9 In 32:739 Love's labour's lost. (G.) Shakespeare. In F. S. 38. In 32:147 Same. In I). W. 2 In 82:1002 Same. In \V In 82:1008 Same, in of. l. (Dyoe.) In 32: won Same. In \V. 4. (Halliwell.l *A Same. In W. 8. (Handy vol.) In 82:1063 Same. InW. I. (llazlitt. Loud.) In 32:1"71 Same. In \V. l. (llazlitt. N. Y.) In 82:1075 Same. In \V. 2. (Hudson.) In 82:1092 Same. In Com. 1. (Knight) In 82:1125 Same. In Com. 1. (Knight, pit*. ed.)...ln 82:1131 Same. InW. 1. (Knight) e A Same. In the Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 4. (Stratford ed.) Ill 32:1144 Same. In \V. 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. In W. 2. (Stager.) Ill 32:1172 Same. In W. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same. InW. 2. (SteeVans.) *A Same. In W. (SteeTelM and Maloiie.)..In 82:1186 Love's labour's lost, {continued.) — Same. In \V. .'.. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 82:1198 Same. In W. 7. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1217 Same, in Reprint of Brsl folio of 1623 *A Love's labyrinth. (Oa.) Emden. In L P. 70. In 32:t70 Love's last shift. (G.) Gibber. In B. B. T. 7. In 82:267 Same. In I". I In 32: 1 9M Same. In I). W. 1 Ill 32:7X1 Love's martvr. (I).) Buckingham. In L. P. 70. In 32:4711 Love's metamorphosis. (P.) Lilly. In D. W. 2. In 82:935 Love's mistress ; or, The queen's masque. lle\ wood. In O. E. I). 2 In s 32:in8 Love's pilgrl mage. (C.) Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fl, ■tehrr- W. 11.... In 32:741 Love's sacrifice. (T.) Ford. In O. DJta 82:531 Same. In 1). W. 1 In 32:836 Same. In W. 2 »A Love's sacrifice; or, The rival merchants. (P.) In L. P. t>7 In 82:461 Love's telegraph. (C.) In L. P. 32 In 82:432 Loving cup, The. (S.-C. D.) Halliday. In L. P. B8. In 32: IM Loyal subject. The. (G.) Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletcher's \V. c. .' In 82:736 Lucia di Lammermoor. [O.) English version. Musk by Donizetti. In L. P. 78 In 32:478 Lucia di Lammermoor; or. The laird, the lady, and the lover. (Bs. E.) Byron. In L. P. 72. In 32:472 Lucilla ; or, Ten scenes in the life of a lady of fashion. (D.) Walker. llilh Immortality. In 81:1868 Lucille; or, A story of the heart. ( K. 1). i Ber- nard. In S. P. 3...* In 82:203 Same. In L P. 28 Ill 32:128 Lucius' Junius Brutus, the father of his country. (T.) Lee. In D. W. 1 In 82:931 Same. In B. B. T. f In *82:226 Lucky chance, The. (P.) liehn. In her Plays. L:12 Lucky escape, A. (O. D.) From the French bv (lieltnam. In L. P. 52 In 82:452 Lucky hit, A. C Paul. In L. P. 35.... In 82:438 Same. In F. M. 32 In 32:70 Lucky horse shoe, The. (I).) Parry. In L. P. 2C. In 32:4 2H Lucky stars; or. The cobbler of Cripplegate. (IS. ) Dance. In L P. 94 In 82:494 Lucretia Borgia. (1). i Adapted from tin- French of Victor Hugo, by Weston. In F. S. 32. In 32:144 Lucretia Borgia, II. I).; or. La grands doctresse. (Be, B.) Founded on a famous opera. Byron. In I.. P. H7 In 82:487 Lucrezia Borgia, at home and all abroad. (Bs.) Buckingham. In L. P. 48 In 82:445 Lugarto the mulatto. (D.) O' Bryan. In L. P. 31. In 32: 13 1 Luke the labourer; or. The lust son. (Dom. I).| Buokstone. In L. P. 6H In 82:469 Same. In F. 1L 2 : In 82:82 Luria. (T.) Browning. In Poems 2....In 81:458 Same. In P. W In 31:1"' Lust's dominion; or, The lascivious queen. (T.) Marlowe. In (). E. P. 1 In 32:171 Lusty .luventu-. (Morality.) Weaver. Ill II. K I). 1 In *82:824 Lyar, The. See Liar, The. PUBLIC LIBHAKY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 134 Titles. Lying valet, The. (P.) Garrick. In L. S. 1. In 32:522 Same. In 15. D. 5 In *32;17 Some. In Ox. N. E. D. 11 In 32:501 Same. In D. L. T. 22 In 82:2(J0.22 Same. In M. 15. I). 5 In 32:105 Same. In I. 15. F. 4 In 82:334 Same. In S. P. 8 In 32:208 Same. In D.W.I In *32:845 Lysistrata. (O.) Aristophanes. Literally trans. into English hy Hickie. In Comedies 2. In 1:2831 Lyteria. (I). P.) Quiney In 32:989 Mabel's curse. (Ms. D.) Hall. In S. P. 16. In 32:215 Macbeth. (T.) Shakespeare. In I. 15. T. 4. In 32:-44 Same. In L. P. 9 In 32:409 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 14 In 32:564 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian reader. ...In 32:1081 Same. In Hudson's School Shakspearc 2. In 32: 1 11 1 Same. In Kemhlc's Shakespeare readings 2. In 32:1110 Same. In the Prince's Shakespeare. (Matlrias.) In 32:1150 Same. In W. 3 In 32:1003 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In W. 5. (l)yce.) In 32:1013 Same. In W. 2. (Furness, New variorum ed.) In 32:1032 Same. In W. 14. (Halliwell) *A Same. In W. 13. (Handy vol.) In 32:1003 Same. In W. 2. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1072 Same. In W. 2. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:1070 Same. In W. 4. (Hudson) In 32:1094 Same. In Trag. 1. (Knight.) In 32:1123 Same. In Trag. 2. (Knight, piet. ed)...In 32:1134 Same. In W. 2. (Knight.) *A Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 3. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1143 Same. In W. 1. (Phelps.)...'. In 32:1151 Same. In Doubtful plays 3. (Keed.).... In 32:1103 Same. In W. 9. (Singer.) In 32:1179 Same. In W. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same. In W. 4. (Steevens.) *A Same In W. (Steevens and Malone.J.In 32:1180 Same. In W. 7 (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1197 Same. In W. 10. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1220 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1023 *A Same. Ed. by Rolfs with notes 32:1235 Macbeth .somewhat removed from the text of Shak- spearc. Talfonrd. In L. I*. 8 In 32:408 Macbeth travestie. Northall. In F. Al. 5. In 32:55 Mac Carthy More; or. Possession nine points of the law. (CD.) Lover. In L. P. 51. In 32:151 Mac Duff's cross. (D. Fragment.) Scott. In P. W. 8 In 31:1538 Mad as a hatter. (F.) Marshall. In L. P. 61. In 32:461 Mad dogs. (F.) Moore. In F. M. 23....In 3?:65 Mad lover, The. (C.) Fletcher. In Beaumont ami Fletcher W. 6 In 32:730 Mad prophet, The. (C.) Giraud. In S. I. C. In 32:320 Mad world my masters, A. (D.) Middleton. In D. O. P. 5 In 32:295 Same. In A. B. D. 2 In *32;5 Same. In W. 2 *A Madame Berliot's ball. (C. D.) Burnand. In L. P. 61 In 32:401 Mandarin's daughter, The. Chinese tale, from the heads of the authors of Godiva. In L. P. 5. In 32:405 Madelaine, the belle of the Faubourg. (D.) In F. M. 33 In 32:144 Mademoiselle de Belle-isle. Trans, from Dumas by Kemble. In Kemble's Plays In 32:908 Magic toys, The. (Ba. F.) Oxenford. In L. P. 42. In 32:442 Magnetic lady, The; or, Humors reconciled. Jonson. In W .'. In 32:900 Magnificent lovers, The. (C.) Moliere. Trans, by Van Laun. In D. W. 5 In 32:973 Same *A Same. Trans, by Wall. In D. W. 3 In 32:968 Magnyfycence. (I.) Skelton. In P. W. 2. In 31:1585 Magpie, The; or, The maid of Palaisean. (M.) In Ox. N. E. 1). 11 In 32:561 Mahomet. (T.) Voltaire. Trans, by Miller. In S. P. 13 ."..In 32:213 Same. In 15. B. T. 7 In 32:257 Same. In I. 15. T. 13 In 32:353 Same.. In I). L T. 16 In 32:280.16 Same. In L. S. 4.... In *32:525 Same. In M. B. D. 2 In 32:lo2 Same. In B. D. 2 In *32:14 Maid and the magpie, The. (B.) Byron. In L. P. 37 In 32:437 Maid and the magpie, The. Adapted from the French by Poeock. In L. P. 87 In 32:487 Maid in the mill, The. (C.) Beaumont and Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 9 In 32:739 Maid of Bath. (F.) Footo. In M. B. D. 5. In 32:105 Same. In S. P. 4 :In 32:204 Same. In 15. D. 5 In «32:17 Maid of Bristol, The. (P.) Boaden. In S. P. 9. In 32:209 Maid of Florence, The. (Pseudo-H. T.) In P. 9. In 32:193 Same. In S. P. 13 In 32:213 Maid of honour, The. (T.-C.) Massinger. In O. D. In 32:531 Same In his Plays In 32:956 Maid of honour, The. (Ca.) Wooler. In L. P. 63. In 32:403 Maid of Mariendorpt, The. (P.) Knowles. In D. W. 2 In 32:912 Maid of the mill, The. (C. O.) Bickerstaff. In I. B. T. 17 In 32:357 Same. In S. P. 5 In 32:205 Same. In D.L.T.6 In 32:280.5 Same. In L. S. 1 In 32:522 Same. In B. D. 5 In '32:17 Same. In Ox N. E. I). 2 In 32:552 Same. In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In B. B. T. 33 In 5i 32:250 Maid of the Oaks, The. (D. E.) Burgoyno. In 1. 15. F. 6 .In 32:336 Same. In L. S. 3 , In *32:524 Same. In P In 32:178 Same. In M. B. I). 5 In 32:105 Same. In D. L. T. 25 In 32:280.25 Maid of Orleans, The. (H.T.I Calvert 32:772 Maid with the milking pail, The. (C. D.) Buck- -tone. In L. P. 10 In 32:410 Same. In F. .M.31 In 32:09 Maidens of Truchis, The. (T.) Sophocles. Trans. by Plurnptie. In Tragedies In 1:3187 Maid's revenge, The. (T.) Shirley. In D. W. 1. In 32:1201 Maid's tragedy, The. (T.) Beaumont and Fletcher. li. M. 15. D. i In 32:101 Same. In 15. D. 1 In *32:13 Same. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 1. In 32:731 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 135 Titles. Make youi will-. (F.) Mavhew and Smith. In L P. M In 32:1''!' Same. In F. M. 16 In 32:63 Mal-content, The. (C. i Mareton and Webster. in i). o. P. i :...in 82:294 Same. In A. B. D. 2 In i! 32:5 Same. In I) W.J [n 82:963 Same In Webster's W. 4 *A Male-coquette, The. (F.i Garrlck. In M. B. I>. B In 32: 1 n5 Bam*. In B. D. 5 In *32:i7 Sama. In 1). W. 1 In *32:846 Man nnil wife ; or, Tin- Shakeapeare jubilee. (('.) Column. Sr. In D. W. 2 In •32:788 Man of bus'.ne.-s. (IX) Colman, Sr. In D. \V. I, In 32:788 Man of many friends. (C.) Coyne. In L. 1". 28. In 82:423 BOB of two lives, The. Founded on " Les Miscr- alilfs" of Hugo by Bernard. In L. P. 86. In 82:486 Man-of-war, and the merchantman, The. (N. IX) Townsend. In P. 9 In 82:193 Man >»f the world, Tne. (C.) Maeklin. In Ox. N. E. D. 15 In 82:686 Same. In I. H. T. 14 In 32: 664 Same. In I). L. T. 5 In 82:280.6 Same, In L. P. 71 In 32:471 Same. In I.. S. 1 In •82:623 Sam... In IS. '.i. T. 19 In •82:236 Same In B.C. 5 ..In 32:579.3 "Man proposes." (Ca.) Langbridge. In L. I'. B8. In 32:4!i.s Man who follows the ladies, The. (A pieee of im- pudence.) In L. I'. 48 In 32:448 Man wit hi be eai pet bag, The. (F.) A' Beckett. In L. P. 68 In 32:4fi8 Same. In F. M. 40-41 In 32:74 Man with the iron mask. .The. Adapted from the French by Lucas. In F.S. 29 In 82:142 Same. In L P. '28 In 32:128 Man without a head, A. (F.) Wooler. In F. M. 34. In 32:71 Manager in distress, The. (Pre.) Colman, the eld or. In I,. P. HI In 32:494 Manager's daughter, The. (I.) Lancaster. In F. M. 86 In 32:72 Manoeuvring. (C.) In N. B. T. 2 In 32:156 Manfred. (D. P.] Byron. In D. 1.... In 32:701 Same. In I,. P. 60 In 32:460 Same. In W. 4 In 31:541 Same. In P. W. (Edinb.) In 81:636 Samr. In P. W. (Phil.) In 31:537 Same. In P. \V. 6 In 31:531 Man's the master. The. (C.) Davenant. In P. 2. In 32:182 Manuel. (T.l In P. 9 In 82:193 Sam.-. In S. P. 9 In 82:209 Marble bride, The. (D.) Huzlcwood. In L. P. 82. In 82:432 Marble heart, The; or, The sculptor's dream, Sell, v. In F.S. 34 In 32:145 Same. In L. P. 15 In 32:115 Marcella. (T.) Hayley. In Poems and plays 6. In 81:833.6 Marco Spada. (D.) Altered and adapted from Scribe by Simpson. In L. P. 10 In 32:410 Same. In' F S. 13 In 32:>33 Marcus Brutus. (T.) Sheffield, Dokf of Buck- ingham. In W. I In 34:li'5!i Margaret Catchpole, the heroine of Suffolk. (I).) Stirling. In L. P. 35 In 32:435 Margate Sands. (F.) Hancock. In L. P. 61. In 32:461 Margery Daw; or, The two bumpkins. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 54 In 32: 184 Marguerite's colours. (C. D.) Archer. In L. P. 17 ; In 32:H7 Mariamne. (T.) Penton. In M. B. D. 2. In 32:H>2 Same. In B. B. T. 14 In 32:264 Sam.-. In P. 10 In 82:198.10 Same. In B. B. T. 15 In •82:282 Marianne the Vivandi.re; or, The niystci-\ of twenty yean. (Serious D.) Phillip. In L. P. 46. In 32:446 Marie Antoinette, queen of France. (II. I)) Gi&OOmetti. Trans, anil adapted by Forrest. In L. P.82 .'.....In 32:48.: Marie Ducange. (D.) Bernard. In L. P. 3 2. In 32:432 Mariner's compass, The. (D.) Leslie. In L. P. 83. In 82:488 Marino Faliero, doge of Venice. (II. T.) livmn. In D. 1 In 32:761 Same. In P. W. 6 In 31:531 Same. In P. W. 5 In 81:642 Same. In P. W. (Phil.) In 31:537 Marion ; or, The hero of Lake George. ( I).) Noah. In S. P. 1 In 32:201 Marriage, a lottery. (C.) Dance. In L. P. 66 In 32M36 Marriage at any price. (F.) Wooler. In L. P. 66, In 32:455 Marriage contract, The. (C.) Brooke. In Plays and poems 4 In 32:757 Marriage of Figaro. The. (O.) Bishop. In P. 9. In 82:193 Marriage of wit and wisdom. (I.) In S. 8. P. 29. In •82:3828 Married and single. (C.) In F. S. 10..In 32:130 Married bachelor, The; or, Master and man. (F.) O'Callahan. In L. P. 4 In 32:404 Sam.-. In F. M. 18 In 32:63 Married beau. The. (C. ) Crowne. In I). W. 4. In '32:794 Married daughters and young husbands. (('. D.) Daly. In L.P. 2(1 In 32:420 Married life. (O.) Buckttone. In F. S. 17. In 32:136 Married lovers. (P. C.) Power. In P. 9. In 32:103 Same. In S. P. 4 In 32:204 Married rake. The. (F.) Selby. In F. M. 9. In 32:58 Same. In L. P. 71 In 32:471 Married unmarried, The. (D.) Barnett. In L. P. 14. In 32:414 Martha Willis, the servant maid. (D.) Jerrold. In L. P. 33 In 32:433 Martin Chuzzlcwit. (Dom. D. ) Dramatized from Dickens, by Higgle and Lacv. In L. P. 22. In 82:422 Martyr, The. (D.) Baillie. In D. and P. \V. In 32:720 Martyr of Antioch, The. (D. P.) Milrnan. In P. W. of Howitt, Milrnan and Keats... In 31:178 Mary Le .More; or, The Irish maniac. (K. D.) Hart. In S. P. 3 In 32:2".: Mary Price] or. The adventures of a servant girl. (Dom. D.) Found, d on Reynolds' novel. In L. P. 52 * In 32:152 Mary, queen of Scott. (T.) St. John. In I M. T. 8 Iii 32: :78 Sam,.. In S. P. 7 In 32:20? Mary, queen of Scot"; or, The escape from Loch Leven. (II. D.) Murray. In L. P. 4. In 32:404 Mary Stuart. (T.) Altleri. Trans, by Bowring. In Tragedies 1 .In 82:697 Mary Stuart. Trans, from Schiller by Kemble. In Kemble's Plays "...In 32:908 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 136 Titles. Mary Tudor. (II. D.) De Vere. In D. W. 2. In 32:708 Mary Turner; or, The wicious willin, and wietori- ous wirtue! (Bs.) Burnand. In L. P. 78. In 32:478 Mary's birthday; or, The cynic. (P.) .Mill?. In V. 8. 31 '. In 32:143 Mary's dream; or, Far, far at sea. (M.) Townsend. In S. P. IS In 32:215 Masaniello ; or, The dumb girl of Portici. (O.) Trans, by Kenney. Music by Auber. In L. P. 93. " In 32:493 Masaniello; or, Thedumbgirl of Portiei. (Ms. D.) Milner. In F. S. 25 In 32:140 Masaniello; or, The fish'oman of Naples. Brongh. In L. P. 32 In 32:432 Masks and faces; or, Before and behind the cur- tain. (C.) Taylor and Itcado. In F. S. 30. In 32:143 Mason of Buda, The (().) Planche. In V. 9. In 32:103 Same. In S. P. 4 In 32:204 Masque of the Inner Temple and Gray's Inn. Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 2. In 32:732 Masque of Pandora, The. (Mas.) Longfellow. With poems In 31:1965 Masquerade, The. (C.) In N. B. T. 1. In 32:155 Masquerade, The; or, Aunt llepsaba's fright. (F.) Mack. In F. M. 40-41 In 32:74 Massacre at Paris, The. Marlowe. In W. In 32:948 Same. In W 2 *A Massacre of Paris, The. (T.) Lee. In D. W. 3. In 32:933 Master Jones's birthday. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 81 In 32:481 Master passion, The. (C.) Phillips. In L. P. 7. In 32:407 " Master's rival; " or, A day at Boulogne. (F.) Peake. In L. P. 94 In 32:494 .Same. In S. P. 8 In 32'208 Match, The. (C.) Baillie. In D. and P. W. In 32:720 Same. In W. S. C. L. 7 -In 34:4177 Match at midnight, A. Rowley. In I). O. P. 7. In 32:297 Same. In A. B. D. 2 In *32:5 Match in the dark, A. (Ca.) Dance. In F. M. 28. In 32:68 Matchmaker, The. ( F. C.) Cheltnam. In L. P. 93 In 32:493 Matchmaking. (P. C.) From the French by Poole. In L. P. 27 In 32:427 Matilda. (T.) Franklin. In 1. M. T. 8. In 32:378 Same. In M. B. D. 2 In 32:102 Same. In B. D. 2 In *32:14 "Matrimonial — a gentleman," etc. "For further particulars applv at " (F.) Bridgeman. In I.. P. 7 ' ..In 32:407 Matrimonial prospectuses. (Ca.) Simpson. In L. P. In 32:400 Matrimony. (P.O.) Kenney. In I. B.F.I. In 32:331 Same. In F. M. 14 In 32:61 Same. In L. P. 37 In 32:437 Matteo Falcone; or, The Brigand and his son. (M.) Adapted from the French by Uxbery. In L. P. 83. In 32:483 Same. In F. M. 24 In 32:66 Maud's peril. (P.) Phillips. In L. P. 80. In 32:480 Mausoleum, The. (C.) Havley. In Poems and plays 6 ...„ In 31:833.6 May day. (G.) Chapman. In O. E. P. 4. In 32:174 May day ; or, The little gvpsv. Garrick. In D. W. 3 In :5 32:847 Mayor of Garratt, The. Foote. In L. S. 1. In "32:522 Same. In Ox. N E. D. 9 In 32:559 Same. In L. P. 72 In 32:472 Same. In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In I. B. T. 5 In 32:335 Same. In 1). L. T. 17 In32:280.17 Same. In B. D. 5 In *32:17 Mayor of Queenborough, The. (C.) Middleton. In W. 1 »A Same. In D. 0. P. 11 In 32:301 Same. In A. B. D. 3 In *32:0 Mazeppa ! ( Bs. K.) Byron. In L. P. 46. In 32:446 Mazeppa ; or, The wild horse of Tartary. (It. D.) Dramatized from Byron's poem by Milner. In L. P. 06 In 32:406 Same. In F. S. 23 In 32:139 Mazourka ; or, The stick, the Pole and the Tartar. In L. P. 63 In 32:463 Measure for measure. (C ) Shakespeare. In I. B. T. 3 In 32:343 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 15 In 32:565 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian reader..In 32:1081 Same. In W. 1 In 32:1001 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In W. 1. (Dyce.) In 32:1009 Same. In W. 3. (llalliwell.) «A Same. In W. 2. (Handy vol.) In 32:1052 Same. In W. 1. (Ha/.litt. Lond.) In 32:1071 Same. In W. 1.. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:1075 Same. In W. 2. (Hudson.) In 32:1092 Same. In Com. 1. (Knight.) In 32:1125 Same. In Com. 2. (Knight, pict. ed.)...In 32:1 132 Same. In VV. 1. (Knight.) *A Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 4. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1144 Same. In W. 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. In W. 1. (Singer.) In 32.1171 Same. In W. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Siime. In VV. 1. (Steevens.) *A Same. In W. (Steevens and Malone.). In 32:1186 Same. In W. 0. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1216 Same. In W. 4. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1194 Same. In Keprint of first folio of 1623 *A Medea. (T.) Euripides. Literally trans, with notes by Buckley. In Tragedies 1 In 1:2905 Same. Trans, by Potter. In Tragedies 1. In 1:2910 Same. Literally trans, by Webster 1:2921 Medea. (T.) Legouve. Trans, by Heron. In L. P. 53 In 32:453 Medea ; or, The best of mothers with a brute of a husband. ( Bs ) Brougli. In L. P. 27. In 32:427 Meg's diversion. (D.) Craven. In L. P. 73. In 32:173 Same. In F. S. 43 In 32:140 Melicerte. (C. P.) Moliere. Trans, by Van Laun. In D. W. 4 In 32:972 Same *A Same. Trans, by Wall. In D. W. 2 In 32:967 Melmouth, the wanderer. (M. R.) In P. 9. In 32:103 Mensechini ; or, The twin brothers. (C.) Plautus. Literally trans, with notes bv Rilev. In Comedies I. In 1:3876 Mephistopheles. (E.) Brough and Edwards. In L. P. 25 In 32:425 Mercator; the merchant. (C.) Plautus. Liter- allv trans, with notes bv Riley. In Comedies 2. In 1:3876 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Tiik Drama. 13? ITLK8. Merchant <>f Unix's, The; or, The beggar's bu-li. (I'.i Altered from Beaumont and Fletcher by Kinnaird. In L. S. 4 In »82:526 Same. In I). L. T. 26 In 83:280.26 Merchant of Venice (C.) Shakespeare. In E. s. a. In 32:128 Same. In I. B. T. 2 In 83:842 Same. In L. P. 2S In 32:12'' Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 10 In 32: 160 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian reader... In 32:1081 Same. In Hudson's School Shakespeare 1. In 32:1110 Same. In Komble's Shakespeare readings 1. in 83:1118 Same. In the Prince's Shakespeare. ( Math ins.) In 32:1 ISO Same. In D. W. 21 In 83:1002 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In W. 1. (Dvce.) In 32:100!) Same. In \V. B, ( Halliwell. ) *A Same. In \V. 4. ( Handy vol.) In 82:1054 Same. In W. 1. '(Ha/.litt. Lond.) In 83:1071 Same. In W. 1. (Ha/.litt. N. Y.) In 32:i»75 Same. In W. 3. (Hudson.) .In 82:1093 Same. In Com. 2. (Knight.) In 82:1128 Same. In Com. 1. (Knight, pict. ed.)....ln 82:1131 Same. In W. 1. (Knight.) *A Same. In the Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 5. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1145 Same, in W. 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. In \v. (Rolfe.) In 82:1170 Same. In W. 2. (Singer.) In 82:1172 Same. In W. .Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same. In W. 3 (Steevens.) '''A Bene. In W. (Steevens and Ualone.)....ln 32:118B Same. In W. 5. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:119.") Same. In W. 7. (Johnson and Steevens J In 32:1217 Same. In Ileprint of first folio of 1623 *A Same. Ed. with notes by Hudson *B:20.'.i Mermaid, The. (I.) In N. B. T. 2 In 82:186 Merope. (T. ) Alfleri. Trans, by Bowring. In Tragedies 1 In 32:01)7 Merope. |T.) Hill. In B. R T. 10...In 82:260 Same. In B.B.T. "> In '32:222 Merry devil of Edmonton, The. In 1). O. 1*. 5. In 82:298 Sam.'. In A. B. D. 2 In *32:.^ Merry widow, The. (C.) Buckingham. In L. I'. 88 In 32: r>^ Merry wives of Windsor, The. (C.) Shakespeare. In K. s. :;i : In 32:Ut Same. In I. B. T. 3 In 32:343 Same. In L. 1". 02 In 32:402 Same. In Ox. N. E.-D. 8 In 82:988 Sun... first sketch. In S. S. 1'. B In *82:2809 Same. In \V. 1 In 32:iooi Same. In W In 32:1008 Sa In W. 7. (I)vce.l In 82; 101 6 Same. In W. 2. (HaJliwelL) *A Same. In W. 2. (Handy vol.1 In 82:1062 Same. In W. 1. (Ha/.litt. Lond.) In 32:1071 Sam-. In W. 1. (Ha/.litt. N. Y.I In 32:107.. Same. In W. l. (Hudson.) In 32:1001 Same. In Com. 1. (Knight.) Tn 32:112'> Same. In Com. 1. (Knight, pict. ed.)... .In 82:1131 Same. In W.i. (Knight.) *A Same, in The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In \V. 4. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1114 Same. In VV. 1. ( l'helps) v ln 32:1151 Same. In W.I. (Singer.] In32:H7i Same. In \V. (Steevensj In 82:1188 Same. In \V. 1. (Steevens) *A Same. In \\ . (Steevens and Malone.) In 32:1180 Merry wives of Windsor, [eontimud.) Same. In W. 3. (Juhnson and Steevens.) In 83:1193 Same. In \V. 4. (Johnson and SteeveneJ In 32:1214 Same. In Keprint of first folio of 1628 *A Metamora ; or, The last of the Poilywogs. (Bs.) Brougham. In !•'. M. 32 In 32:70 Michael Karle, the maniac lover. ( K. D. | Wilks. In F S. 31 in 32:143 Same. In L. 1*. .13 In 32:433 Michaelmas term. (P.) Middleton. In W. l.*A Microcosmus. Nabbs. In D. O. P. 0_ln 83:289 Same. In A. B. 1). 2 In *32:"> Midas. (C.) Lylv. In (). B. P. 1 In 32:171 Midas. (B.i O'Hara. In L. P. 12.. ..In 32:412 Same. In L. S. 1 In »32:'>2 2 Sa In M. li. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In li. I). 5 In •82:17 Same. In I). L. T. 9 In 32:280.9 Same. In I. B. K. 7 In 32:337 Middy a.-hore. The. (E.) Bernard. In L. P. 48. In 32:448 Same. In P. M. 13 In 32:00 Midnight banquet, The; or, The castle of Cataldo. i M.' In F. S. 38 In 32:147 Midnight hour, The. (C.) Damaniant. Trans, by Inchbald. In I. B. E. 1 In 32:331 Same. In L. S. 1 In *32:522 Same. In <)\. N. E. 1). 13 In 32:503 Midnight watch, The. (D.) Morton. In L. P. 3!'. In 82:439 Midsummer night's dream, A. (C.) Shakespeare. In L. P. 28 In 32:428 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian reader.. In 32:1081 Bame. In W. 2 In 32:1002 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In W. 1. (Dyce.) In 32:1009 Same. In W. 6. ( ifalliwcll.) »A Same. In IV. 2. ( Handy vol.) In 32:1052 Same. In W.I. (Ha/.litt. Lond.) In 32:1071 Same. In W.I. (Ha/.litt. N. Y.) In 32:1075 Same. In'W. 3. (Hudson.) In 32:1092 Same. In Com. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1120 Same. In Com. 1. (Knight, pict. ed.)....In 32:1131 Same. In W. 1. (Knight.) »A Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 5. (Stratford ed.) In 32:114". Same. In W. 1. (l'helps) In 32:1151 Same. In W. 2. (Singer.) In 32:1172 Same. In W. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same. In \V. 2. (Steevens) «A Same. In W. (Steevens and Mulonej..In 32:1180 Same. In W. 5. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1195 Same. In W. 5. (Johnson and Steevens. In 82:1215 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 «A Same. Edited with notes by Rolfe 32:1234 Same. Arranged by Keene. In F. S. 28. In 32:142 Miles gloriosus; the braggart captain. (C.) Plautus. Literally trans, with notes by Riley. In Comedies 1. In 1:3875 Milky white. (S.-C. D.) Craven. In L. P. 85. In 32:485 Miller and his men. The. (M.) Pocock. In E. S. 28. In 32:140 Miller and his men, The. (Bs.) Talfourd and Byron. In L. P. 45 In 32:445 Miller of Derwent water, The. (D.) Fit/.ball. In L. P. 12 In 32:412 Miller ♦>( Mansfield, The. (D.) Dodslev. In I. B. P. 7 '..In 32:337 Same. In L. S. 4 In *32:52."> PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 138 Titles. Miller of New Jersey, The. (H. D. Sp.) Brougham. In K S. 28 In 83:142 Miller of Whetstone, The; or, The cross-bow letter. (0. B.) In L. P. 7 In 32:407 Miller's maid, The. (M.) Saville. In F. M. 12. In 82:60 Milliner's holiday, The. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 38. In 32:438 Mind your own business. (D.) Lemon. In F.S.I 2. In 32:132 Minerali, The; or, The dying gift. (K. D.) PlunkeU. In L. P. 74 In 32:474 Same. In F. 8. 19 In 32:137 Minor, The. (0.1 Foote. In I B. F. 5. In 32:335 Same. In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In B. D. 5 In *32:17 Same. In B. B. T. 22 In "82:239 Miralda ; or, The justice of Tacon. (D.) Ballon. Ln F. M. 33 In 32:70 Miriam's crime. (D.) Craven. In L. P. 6o. In 32:400 Mirth and Harlequin; or, The road to Bath. (Pn.) In Tracts In :5 33:5601 Misanthrope, The. (C.) Moliere. Trans, by Van Laun. In D. W. 3 In 32:071 Same A Same. Trans, by Wall, ln D. W. 2 In 32:007 Mischief-making. (F.) Buckstone. In L. P. 79. In 32:470 Same. In F. M. 17 In 32:62 Miser, The. (0.) Fielding. In Ox. N. K. D. 11. In 32:501 Same. In D. L. T. 24 In 32=280.24 Same. In L. S. I In "32:522 Same. In M. B. D. 4 Ln 32:104 Same. In B. B. T. In 32:250 Same. In B. B. T. 22 In »32:239 Same. In E. C. In 32:570.3 Same. In W. 2 In *34:1H8 Miser The. (0.1 Moliere. Trans, by Van Laun. in U. W. 5 In 32:073 Same A Same. Trans, by Wall. In D. W. 3 In 32:008 Miser of Shoreditcli, The. (D.) Prest. ln L. p, )g In 32:418 Miseries of enforced marriage, The. "VVilkins. In D. O. P. 5 In 32:205 Same. In A. B. D. 2 , In "32:5 Miss Eily O'Connor. (Bs.) Founded on The colleen bawn. Byron, ln L. 1". 53 In 32:453 Miss in her teens. I F.) Garrick. In I. B. F. 4. Li 32:334 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Same. In B. D. 5 In «32:L7 Same. In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In D. L. T. 8 In 32:280.8 Same. In 1). W. 1 Iii«32:84f> Miss Lucy in town. (F.) Fielding, ln \\ . 3. ln 34:1110 Miss Sarah Sampson. Trans, from Lessing. In D. W. In 32:027 Miss Tibbet's back hair. (F.) Robinson. In L. p. yo In 32:490 Mistake, The. (C.) Vanbrugh. In O. D. In 32:010 Same. In B. B.T. 19 In 32:269 Same, ln P. 5 In 32:198.5 Same. In his Plays 2 In »32:1285.2 Mr and Mrs. Peter White. (F.) Raymond. In F. M. 30 In 32:69 Same, ln S. P. 2 In 32:202 Mr Buckstone's ascent of Mt. Parnassus. (E.) Blanche. In L. P. 10 In 32:410 Mr. Buckstone's voyage around the globe. (In Leicester square.) "(E.) Blanche. In L. P. 15. In 32:415 Mr. H.; or, Beware of a bad name. (F.) Lamb. In P. 9 in 32:193 Same. In W. 3 In 34:1530 Mr. Scroggins; or, Change of name. (F.) Han- cock. In L. P. 77 32:477 Mrs. Caudle's curtain lecture. (Bagatelle.) Sterling. In F. M. 21 I„ 32.64 Mrs. Green's snug little business. (F.) Cheltnani. In L. P. 65 In 32:465 Mistress of the mill, The. (Ca.) Moncrietf. In L. P. 2! In 32:421 Mrs. Smith; or, The wife mid the widow. (F.) Payne. In L. P. 84 In 32:484 Mrs. White. (F.) Raymond. In L. P. 55. In 32:455 Mithradates, king of Pontus. (T.) Lee. In D.W. 2. In 32:932 Mob cap, The; or, Love's disguises. (Dom. D.) Paul. ln F. M. 7 In 32:57 Same. In L. P. 11 In 32:411 Mock-doctor, The; or, The dumb lady cured. Fielding. [C.) In W. 2 In •84:1118 Same. In I. B. F. 5 In 32:335 Same. Iu L. S. 2 In 3i 32:523 Same. In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In I). L. T. 20 In 32:280.20 Same. In B. D. 5 In «32:17 Model husband, A. (F.) Wooler. In L. 1'. 47. In 32:447 Model of a wife, A. (F.) Wigan. In L. P. 61. In 32:101 Modern antiques; or, The merry mourners. (F.) O'Keetfe. In S. P. 2 In 32:202 Same. In S. P. 8 In 32:208 Modern economy ; or, Honesty adrift. (A dramatic farrago.) In P. 9 Ill 32:193 Modern husband, The. (C.) Fielding. In W. 2. in •84:1118 Mogul tale, The. (F.) In L. S. 4 In *32:525 Mohammed, the Arabian prophet. (T.) Miles. 32:964 Moina. (T.) Sayres. In Dramatic sketches of ancient northern mythology In 32:096 Moll Pitcher; or, The fortune teller of Lynne. (D.) Jones. In F. S. 29 In 32:142 Momentous question, The. (Dom. D.) Fit/.ball In F. S. 32 .In 32:144 Same. In L. P. 30 In 32:430 Monastery of St. J u.-t, The. (P.) Adapted from the French by Oxen ford. In L. P. 03..1n 32:463 Money. Buiwer-Lyiton. In D. W. (Lond. ed.) In 32:758 Same. In D. W. (Leip. ed.) In 32:759 Same. In F. S. 1..T In 32:121 Monsieur D'Oiive. (C.) Chapman. In O. E. P. 3. In 32:173 Monsieur Jacques. (Ms. Piee«.) Barnett.In L. P.28. In 32:428 Monsieur .dallet; or, My daughter's letter. (D.) Moncrietf. In D. W. 1 In 32:976 Monsieur de Pourceaugnac. (C.) Moliere. Trans. by Van Laun. In D. W. 5 In 32:973 Same 'A Same. Trans, by Wall. In D. W. 3 In 32:908 Monsieur Thomas. Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 7 In 32:737 Monsieur Tonsoii. (F.) Moncrietf. In S. P. 8. In 32:208 Same. In L. P. 74 In 32:474 Same. In L. S. 3 In *32:524 Same. In F. M. 16 In 32:62 Same. In D, W. 3 In 32:078 Montara ; or, The Pope and his inquisitors. (D.) Moo-. Wiih Poems In 31:1270 Montcalm. (It. D.) Young. In L. P. 98. In 32:498 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Tiik Drama. 139 TlTI.F.8. Monte Cristo. (D.) Dumas. In L. P. 77. In 32:477 Montezuma. (T.) Brooke. In Plays and poem* 8. In 32:750 More blunder! thitn one. (F.) Rodwell. In K. 61.23. In 32:05 More dissembler* besides woman. (C.) Uiddleton. In (). K. P.4 In 32:174 Same. 1» W. :t *A More free than welcome. (F.) Adapted from tbe French. Soter. In L. P. 73 In 32: it:; More precious than gold. (C.) Cheltnain. In L, P. 61 In 32: 4"> I More ways than one. (C.) Cowley. In S. I". 4. In 32:2oi Mormons, The; or, Life at Salt Lake City. (D.) English. In F. S. 26 In 82:141 Morning call, A. (Oa.) Dance. In !•'. .\I. 8. In 32:58 Same. In L. P. 22 In 32:422 Morose good man, The. (C.) Trans, from " Burbero benitb'O of Goldoni. In s. I. (' In 82:820 Moses in the bulrushes. (Sacred D.) More. InW. 8. In 34:1707 Most unwarrantable intrusion, A. (C.I.) Morton. In F. M. 30 In 82:88 Same. In L. 1'. 7 In 32:407 Mostellaria; or, The haunted house. (O.) Pbtutna. Literally trans, with notes by Riley. In Comedies J. In 1:387(5 Mother and child are doing well. Morton. In P. 9. In 82:183 Mother Bombie. Lilly. In I). W. a In 82:936 Same. In 0. E. P.l In 32:171 Mother's dying child, The. (D.) Hazlewood. In L. P. 64 In 82:464 Motto, lam "all there," The. (Bs.) Byron. In L. 1'. 89 In 82:489 Mountaineers, The. (P.) Colman, the vounger. in I. li. T.-21 In 82:381 Same. In P. S. 8 In 32:128 Mourning bride, The. (T.) Congreve. In B. B. T. 3. In 82:288 Same. In P. 10 In 82:198.10 Same. In I. B. T. 13 In 32:353 Same. In li. 1>. 1 In »82:13 Sane. In M. li. D. 1 In 32:101 Soma. In B. B.T. n In *82:228 Same. In L. S. 4 In s 32:'>25 In I>. L. T. 11 In 82:280.11 Same. In O. D In 82:610 Moustache movement, The. (Brough.) In L. P14. In 32: 114 Moving tnl •, A. (F.) Lemon. In L. P. 16. In 32:416 Much ado about nothing. (C.) Shakespeare. In I. B. T. 2 | In 82:342 Same. In L. P. 35.: In 32:435 Same In Ox. N. K. D. 15 In 32:505 Sunn'. In Hows' Shakespearian render—In 32:1081 Same. In Kemble's Shakespeare readings I. In 32:1115 Same. In "YV. 1 In 32:1001 Same. In \V In 32:1008 Same. In W. 1. (Dvee.) In 32:1009 Sam.'. Ill \V 4. (Iliilliwell.) *A Same. In W. 4. (Handy vol.) In 32:1054 Siiine. InW. I. (Hazli'tt. Lond.) In 82:1071 Same. In W. 1. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:1075 Same. InW. 2. (llud-on.) In 32:1092 Sun.-. In Com. 1. (Knight.) In 82:1126 Same. In Coin. 2. ( K night, piet. ed. 1..T11 32:1132 Same. In \V. 1. (/Knight.) :i 'A Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. I n W. 4. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1144 Same. In \V 2. (Phelps.) In 32:1152 Much ado about nothing, {eeniimud.) — Sam.-. In W.2. (Singe, In 32:1172 Si in \v. . St.-. -veil.*.) Iii 88:1188 Same. In W. 2. (Steevens.) *A Same, in \\\ (Steevens and Malone.) .In 32:11ko Same. In W. 8. idohnsoii and Steevens.) In 32:1210 Same In \V. 4. (.lohnson and Steevens.) In 32:1194 Same. In lie-print of first folio of 1G23 *A Same. Kd. wit h notes by Kolfe 32:1238 Mudborough election, The. (F.) Brough and Halliday. In UP. 67 Ill 32:407 Muleteer ot Toledo, The. (CD.) Morton. In I.. P. l" Iii 32:418 Mummy, The. (P.) Bernard. In L. P. 53. In 32:453 Same. In F. M. 27 In 32:07 Murphy's weather almanac. (F.) Roger*. In 8. P. 2 Iii 82:202 Musard ball. The. (E.) Brougham. InP. M. 20. In 82:64 Muses' looking glass, The. Randolph. In I). <>. P.9. In 82:299 Same. In A. B. D. 2.. In *32:5 Music hath charms. (C.) Fisher. In L. P. 63. In 32:403 Music mad. (D. Sk.) Hook. In P. 9. In 32:193 Musical lady, The. (F.) Colman, the elder. In D. W. 4....." In •82:798 Mustapha, ion of Solyman the magnificent. (T.) Boyle. In D. W. 1 In 32:749 Mutiny at the Nore, The. (N. D.) Jerrold. In L. P. 78 ., In 32:)7> My aunt the dowager; or. The Winterbotioms. (Pa.) Monerietf. In I). W. 2 In 32:977 My aunt's husband. (CD.) Selby. In L. P. 87. In 32:437 My dress boots. (F.) Williams. In L. P. 63. In 32:463 My fellow clerk. (F.) Oxenford. In F. M. 25. In 32:66 Same. In L. P. 48 In 32:448 My first tit of the gout. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 11. In 32:411 My friend from Leatherhead. (F.) Yates and Har- rington. In L. P. 30 In 32:430 My friend the major. (F.) Selby. In L. P. 16. In 32:416 My grandmother. (Ms. F.) Hoare. In S. P. 2. In 32:202 Same. In P. 9 In 32:193 My great aunt. (C.) Planehe. In L. P. 20. In 32:420 My heart's idol. (C.) Planehe. In L. P. 20. In 32:420 My heart's in the highlands. (F.) Brough and Halliday. In L. P. 60 In 32:400 My husband's ghost. (C. I.) Morton. In P. M. 29. In 32:08 Same. In L. P. 93 „ In 32:493 My husband's mirror. (Ca.) Clapp. In F. M. 26. In 32:07 My landlady's gown. (F.) Oulton. In P. 9. In 32:193 My lord and my lady. (C.) Planehe. In L. P. 62. In 32:452 My neighbor's wife. (F.) Adapted from the French by Burnt. In L. P. 18 In 32:418 My old woman. (Ms. C.) Maefarrcn. In S. P. 12. In 32:212 My Poll and mv partner Joe. (N. D.) Haines. In I.. P, 71 In 32:471 My precious Betsy. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 8. In 32:408 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 140 Titles. Negro of Wapping, The ; or, The boat builder's hovel. (M.) Fitzball. In S. P. IB In 32:215 Neighbor Jaekwood. (Dotn. D.) Trowbridge. In IT. S. 37 In 32:146 Neighbours. (C.) Oxenford. In L. P. 73. In 32:473 Nell Gwynne. (C) Jerrold. In L. P. 93. In 32:437 Same. In W. 8 In 34:1472 Neptune's defeat. Brougham. In P. M. 21. In 32:23 Same. In L. P. 4 In 32:404 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. I.. In 32:551 Same. In O. D In 32:531 Same. In D. L. T. 18 in 32:280.18 Same. In I. B. T :...In 32:340 Same. In B. I). 3 In *32:15 Same. In his Plays In 32:950 New wonder, a woman never vcxt. A. (C.) Rowley. In O. E. P. 5 in 32:175 Newington Butts! (P.) Morton.' In L. P. 73. In 32:473 Next door neighbors. (C.) Inchhald. In I. M. T. 7 In 32:377 Next of kin. (CD.) Falconer. In L. P. 10. In 32:440 Nice firm, A. (CD.) Taylor. In L.. P 13. In 32:413 Nice quiet day, A. (P.) Hipkins and Murray. In I.. P. 54....". In 32:454 Nice valour, The; or. The passionate mad-man. Beaumont and Fletcher. In \V. 10 In 32:740 Nicholas Nieklehy.' (F.) Dramatized from Dick- ens by Stirling. In F. M. 33. In 32:70 Nick of the woods. (D.) Medina. In F. S. 34. In 32:145 Nick Whiffles. (D.) Robinson. In P. s. 44-45. In 32:150 Night and morning. (P.) Adapted from Bui wer's novel by Brougham. In F. 8. 18 In 32:137 Night at Blotting Hill, A. Yates and Harrington. In L. P. 29 In 32:429 Night of suspense, A. (M.) In L. P. 89. In 32:489 Night-walker, The; or, The little thief. Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 11 In 32:741 Nine points of the law. (Ca.) Taylor. In L. P. 40. In 32:440 "No!" (P.) Adapted from the French. Murray. In L. P. 1 In 32:401 No!! (ilorious minority. (O.) In P. M. 15..In 32:01 No. 6 Duke St. (P.) Becher. InL.P. 93.1n 32:493 OP CINCINNATI. My preserver. (P. C.) Craven. In L. P. 57. In 32:457 My son Diana. (F.) Harris. In P. M. 30. In 32:09 Same. In L. P. 31 In 32:431 My son's a daughter. (O. D.) Parselle. In L. P. 50 In 32:456 My spouse and I. (O. F.) Dibdin. jr. In L. S. 4. In »32:525 Same. In D. L. T. 26 In 32:280.26 My turn next. (F.) Williams. In L. P. 73. In 32:473 My wife!— what wife? (F.) Poole. In L. P. 96. In 32:490 My wife's baby. (F.) Hughes. In L. P. 97. In 32:497 My wife's bonnet. (P.) Morton. In L. P. 04. In 32:404 My wife's daughter; or, Volunteer service. (C) Coyne. In L. P. 2 In 32:402 My wife's dentist. (P.) Wilks. In L. P. 35. In 32:435 My wife's diary. (P.) Trans, and adapted from the French of Dennery and Clairville liy Robert- son. In L. P. 18 In 32:418 My wife's husband. (F.) In P. M. 10. In 32:02 My wife's maid. (P.) Williams. In L. P. 63. In 32:103 My wife's mirror. (C) Wilkins. In P. M. 13. In 32:00 My wife's mother. (C. D.) Mathews. In L. P. 23. In 32:423 My wife's out. (P.) Rodwell. In L. P. 45. In 32:445 My wife's relations. (Ca.) Gordon. In L. P. 50. In 32:450 My wife's second floor. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 44. In 32:144 My young wife and my old umbrella. (F.) Webster. In P. M. 27 In 32:07 Mydas. (P.) Lilly. In D. W. 2. See aUo Midas. In 32:935 Myrrha. (T.) Allieri. Trans, by Bowring. In ■ Tragedies 2 In 32:098 Mysteries of odd fellowship, The. (F.) In S. P. 11 In 32:211 Mysterious husband, The. (T.) Cumberland. In 1. M. T. 5 In 32:375 Same. In L. S. 3 In •82:524 Mysterious lady, The. Planehe. In L. P. 8. In 32: 108 Mysterious mother, The. (T.) Walpole. In M. B. D. 2 In 32:102 Naiad queen ; or, The revolt of the naiads. ( R. o. Sp.) Dalrymple. In F. S. 38 In 32:147 Napoleon Bonaparte's invasion of Russia, (Sp.) Amherst. In L. P. 13 In 32: 113 Nathan the wise. (D. P.) Trans, from Lessing. In D. W In 32;:'2T Same. Trans, by Frothingbam 32::>2<> Same. Trans, by Taylor. " With Emilia Galotti. In 32:»»3 Same. Trans, by Willis 32::>24 Same. Trans, by Wood 32:925 Natural son, The. (C) Cumberland. In I. M.T. 0. In 32:370 Same. In B. B. T. 30 In *32:247 Nature and philosophy; or, The youth who never saw a woman. (F.) In P. M, 24 In 32:06 Nature's nobleman. (C) Pardey. In P. S. 13. In 32:133 Neck or nothing. (P.) Garrick. In M. B. 1). 5. In 32:105 Same. In B. D. 5 In *32:17 PUBLIC LIBRARY Tiik Drama. 141 TlTJ.K.8. No song, »<' supper. (Ms. Bo.) Iloare. In L 8. I. In »82:525 Same. In L. P. 8!) In 82:488 Same. In 1*. 10 In 33:194 No trifling with love. (D.) MiHMt In Selections I mm pro-eand poetry In 88:810] No wit, no help like a woman'*. (0.) Hiddleton. In \V. I *A Noble gentleman, The, (P.) Beam t and Fletcher. In \V. 10 In 32:T4(i Noble heart, The. Lewes. In V, S. 40, In 32:Uh No-body and some-body. In Simpson's school of Shakespeare l In 32:">77 Nobody's child. ( K. D.) Phillips. In L. 1". 77. In 32:477 Noemie. (DJ Deanery and Clement. Trans, and adapted by Robertson. In L. P, 2H In 83:433 Non-juror, The. (C.) OibbW. In I). W. 3. In 83:783 Norma. (T. ().) Rendered from the Italian by Planch*. In L. P. 32 In 32:43":: Norma travestie. (B.) Oxberrv. InL. P. 56. In 32: 168 Nora Crelna. (D.) Stirling. In F. ,M. 26. In 32:>i7 Norman -Maurice; or, The man of the people. Simons. In Poems! ' In 31:l">7* Northward hoe. Dicker and Webster. In Webster's I). \V. 1 In 82:1290 S.ime. In Webster's W. 3 *A Not at nil jealous. ( F.) Robertson. In I.. P. !H. In 32:4!H Not at home. (D. E.) Dallas. In P. 10. In 32:104 Not a bad judge. (C. D.) Planche. In L. P. B. In 32:4(i8 Not guilty. (D.) Phillip.*. In L. P. 84. In 32:484 Not so bad after all. (C.) Reeve. In L. P. 88. In 32:488 Not so bad us we seem. iSulwer-I.ytton. In I). \V. In 83:758 Same In 32:759 Nothing superfluous. ^O. F.) Thompson. In 8. P. 9 In 32:i»i Nothing to nurse. (F.) Walcot. In L. P. 33. In 33:433 Same. In P.M. 17 In 82:62 Nothing venture, nothing win. (C. D.) Coyne. In L. P. SB In 32:43"> Notoriety. (C.) Reynolds, In I. M. T. I. In 33:375 Novelty Fair; or, Hints for 1851. An exceedingly premature and thoroughly apropos revue. In L. P. i In 33:401 Number one, round the corner. (F. ) Brongh. In UP. 14 In 32:414 Same. In F. M.'J."> In 32:t>'i Nursey duckweed. (F.) Williams. In L. P. 13. In 32:443 Nymph of the Lorleyburg, The. (Sp. E. ) ISyron. In I.. P.48 In 32:443 Oberon. (O.) Planche. In L. P. :">!i...In 83:459 Oberon ; or, The charmed horn. (Fairytale.) In P. to "in 83:194 Sam-. InS. P. 1 • In 32:201 Object of inter, st, An. (F.) Stocqaeler. In F. It. 26 In 83:66 Same. In L. P. Hi In 83:416 Obliging a friend. (F.) Reeve. InL. P. 98. In 83:498 Observation and flirtation. (C.) Wigan. In L P. 17 In 32:447 Obstinate family, The. (F.) Trans, and adapted from the German. In L. P. 10 In 32:410 Ocean of life, The; or, Every inch a sailor. I N. D ) Bainee. In I.. P. 69 In 83:468 Octavia. (T.) Allien. Trans, by Bowling. In Tragedies 1 In 32 Octoroon, The; or, Life in Louisiana. (P.) lioiicieaiilt. In L. P. 65 In 83:465 Odd lot, An. [¥.) Gordon. In L. P. •;.'.. .In 32:4( .2 Odd mistake, An. (C\) Trans, fr ■• t'n mi necidentc " of (JoMoni. In 8, I. (' Iii 32: " CEdipus. (T.i Dryden and I In is. B. T. 13. In 32:'-'«;2 Same. In Lee's I). \V. I In 82:981 CEdipus Coloncus. (T. j Soplua-les. Trim-, by Prancklin. In Tragedies In 1:3182 Same. Trims, by I'lmnptre. 1 n Tragedies.. I n 1 ;:: I M7 CEdipus the king. iT.i Sopboclee. Trans, by l'luuipiru. In Tragedies In l::il87 Same, Trans, by Franoklin. In Tragedies..l:3l82 CEdipus tyrannns; or. Swelifoot the tyrant. iT.) Trans, from the original Doric by Shelby. In P. W. 2 ' "...In 81:1560 Same In 81:1563.1 Of age to-morrow. (Ms. En.) In P. 10. In 83:194 Old and young'; or, ISoth alike. (C.) Salmon. In I-. S. 36 '. In 32:140 Old and \oung; or, The four How brays, (l-'.i In L. P, 82.— In 32: 162 Old bachelor, Tin-. (0.) Congreve. In IS. IS. T. •_'. In 32::".J Same. In P. 3 In 83:198.3 Same. In <>. 1) in 83:610 Same. In 15. B. T. 29 In »82:248 Old (bateau. The. (D.) Coyne. In L. P. 15. In 32:41.i Old couple. The. May. In D. O. P. 10. In 32::ioo Same. In A. B. D. 8 In »32:0 Old Curiosity shop. The. (I), i Dramatized from Dickens by Stirling. In L. 1'. 77 In 32:477 Old l-'ortunatus. (C.) Dekker. In O. E. P. 3. In 32:173 Old gooseberry ! (P.) Williams. In L. P. 85. In 32:465 Old heads and young hearts. (C.) Boncicanlt In 1'. 8. 8 In 32:128 Old beads on young shoulders j or, Borne for the holidays. Moncriett. In D. W. 3 In 32:978 Old honesty. (C. D.) .Morton. In L. P. 38. In 32:438 Old house on the bridge of Notre Dame, The. (D.) Adapted liom the French of Barrierre and DeKock. In L. P. Mi In 32:450 Old -loe and vonng .loe. (C. D.) Courtney. In L.P.49. " In 32:449 Old law, The. Maasinger and Middleton. In <). D. In 82531 Same. In Mussinger's Plays In 82:956 Sil In Middlcton's W. 1 *A Old maid, The. (F.) Murphy. InM. IS. D. 5. In 32:10') Same. In I. IS. T. 7 In 32:::7 Same. In 15. D. 5 In 5 32:17 Old maids. (C.) Knowk-s. In D. W. 2. In 32:912 Old man taught wisdom. The; or, The virgin un- masked. (P.) Fielding. In W. 3 In •34:1118 Old offender, An. (C. D.) PlancM In L. P. 41. In 32:411 Old Phil's birthday. (S.C. D.) Wooler. In L. P. 54. In 32:454 Old score, An. (C. D.) Gilbert. In L. P. 8.">. In 32:485 Old story, The. (('.) Byron. In L.P. 51-In 32:151 Old taming Of I shrew', The. (C.) In S. S. P. 23. In •82:2823 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 142 Titles. Old troop, The ; or, Monsieur Raggou. Lacy. In W. In *32:919 Old trusty. (CD.) Gordon. In L. P. 50. In 32:450 Old wives' tales, The. (C.) Peele. In O. I). In 32:321 Same. In W. 1 -A. Oliver Twist. (D. ) Dramatized from Dickens. In L. P. 33 In 32:433 Same. Dramatized by Almar. In F. S. 29. In 32:142 Olympiad, The. (D.) Metastasio. Trans, by lioole. In Metastases D. 1 In ®32:961 Olympic devils ; or, Orpheus and Eurydice. (B.) Planche and Dance. In L. P.41 In 32:441 Olympic revels; or, Prometheus and Pandora. (B.) Planche, and Dance. In L. P.41 In 32:441 Olio, The; or, Speaker's companion. Collection of recitations. In F. M. 35 In 32:71 Omnibus, The. (F.) Altered from Reynold's " Cherry bounce." In P. 10 In 32:194 Same. In L. P. 32 In 32:432 On and off. (F.) Williams. In L. P. 51..In 82:451 On guard. (C.) Gilbert. In L. P. 98...In 32:498 On the sly. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 03. In 32:403 Once upon a time there were two kings. (E.) Planche. In L. P. 13 In 32:413 One coat for two suits. (C. D.) Walcot. In F. M. 15. In 32:61 One fault; or, A husband's honour. (Doni. D.) Monerietf. In D. W. 1 In 32:970 One hour; or, The carnival ball. (B.) Bayley. In L. P. 14 In 32:214 1 17 Arundel street, Strand. (F.) Addison. In L. P. 48 In 32:448 One o'clock; or, The knight and the wood demon. (O.K.) Lewis. In L. P. 90 In 32:490 One of vou must marry. (CD.) Adapted from the German of Wilhelmi. In L. P. 71... In 32:471 One too many. (F.) Ryan. In L. P. 97. In 32:497 One too many for him. (F.) Williams. In L. P. 80. In 32:480 One touch of nature. (P. D.) Webster. In F. M. 36. In 32:72 One tree hill. (D.) Craven. In L. P. 66. In 32:406 One two, three, four, five. (Ms. En.) In P. 10. In 32:194 O'Neal the great; or, Cogger na caillie. (D.) Clarke. In F. S. 5 In 32:125 Only a clod. (C. D.) Simpson. In L. P. 21. In 32:421 Only a halfpenny! (F.) Oxetiford. In L. P. 22. In 32:422 Opportunity, The. (C.) Shirley. In D. W. 3. In 32:1263 Opposite neighbors. (F.) Paul. In F. M. 19. In 32:63 Same. In L. P. 17 In 32:417 Orange blossoms. (Ca.) Wooler. In L. P. 54. In 32:454 Orange girl, The. (D.) Leslie and Kowe. In L. P. 73 In 32:473 Orange tree and the humble bee, The; or, The little princess who was lost at sea. (E.) Byron. In L. P.93 In 32:493 Orators, The. (F.) Foote. In M. B. D. 5. In 32:105 Same. In S. P. 4 In 32:204 Same. In B. D. 5 In *32:17 Ordinary, The. Cartwright. In D. O.P.I o. In 32:300 Same. In A. B. D. 3 In *32:6 Orestes. (T.) Allieri. Trans, by Bowring. In Tragedies 1 In 32:697 Orestes. (T.) Euripides. Literally trans, by Buckley. In Tragedies 1 In 1:2905 Same. Trans, by Potter. In Tragedies 3. In 1:2912 Organic affection, An. (F.) Phillips. In L. P. 5. In 32:405 Orlando; or, A woman's virtue. (T.) Moore. In S. P. 7 in 32:207 Same. In P. 10 In 32:194 Orlando furiosi). Greene. In O. D In 32:321 Same. In D. \V. 1 *A Ormasdes. (T.-C.) Killigrew. In his Plays. In 32:910 Oroonoko. (T.) Southern. In M. B. D. 1. In 32:101 Same. In B. B. T. 10 In 32:200 Same. In B. B. T. 8 In *32:225 Sam.' In I. B. T. 7 In 32:347 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Same. In D. L. T. 15 In 32:280.15 Same. In P. 8 In 32:198.8 Orphan, The; or, The unhappy marriage. (T.) Otway. In M. B. D. 1 t... In 32:101 Same, "in D. L. T. 18 In 32:2no.l8 Same. In 11. 11. T. 5 In 32:255 Same. In B. B.'T. 18 In •32:232 Same. In I. B. T. 1.2 In 32:352 Same. In P. 2 In 32:198.2 Same. In L. S. 3 , In s 32:5j4 Same. In B. D. 1 In *32:13 Orphan of China, The. (T.) Murphy. In M. B. D. 2 ...In 32:102 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Same. In B. 1). 2 In «32:14 Same. In B. II. T. I In »32:224 Same. In D. L. T. 17 In 32:280.17 Orpheus. (O.) InN.B.T. 3 In 32:157 Orpheus and Eurydice; or, The young gentleman who charmed the rocks. (Com. clas. love tale.) Byron. In L. P. 61 In 32:461 Orpheus in the Ilaymarket. (O. Buffo.) Planche, In L. P. 68 In 32:408 Orra. (T.) Baillie. In D. and P. W. (Part of act I missing) In 32:720 Orval; or, The fool of time. (D. P.) Bulwer-Lytton. In Chronicles and characters 2 In 31:1119 Same. U'iih Poems In 31:1120 Oscar and Malvina. (Heroic D. in action, or serious pantomime.) In P. 10 In 32:194 Ossawattomie Brown; or, The insurrection at Harper's Ferry. (D.) Swayze. In F. S. 20. In 32:142 Othello, the moor of Venice. (T.) Shakespeare. In LB. T. 5 In 32:345 Same. In L. P. 27 In 32:427 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 5 In 32:555 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian reader.. .In 32:1081 Same. In Kemble's Shakespeare readings 1. In 32:1115 Same. In W. 7 In 32:101)7 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In W. 6. (I)yce.) In 32:1014 Same. In W. 15. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In W. 10. (Handy vol.) In 32:ls Same. In L. P. 26 In 82:426 Paddy .Miles the Limerick boy. (F.) Pilgrim. In LP. 95 Iii 82:498 Paddy the piper. (CD.) Pilgrim. In F. ftL 8. In 32:58 Padlock, The. (CO.) Bickerstaff. In M. B. I). 5. In 32:105 Same. In S. P. 4 In 32:204 Same. In 1. B. F. 4 In 32:334 Same, in L. S. 1 In *32:522 Same. In 1). L. T. 12 In 82:280.12 Same. Ill B. U. 5 In *32: 1 7 Painter of Ghent, The. (P.) Jerrold. In L. P. 92. In 82:492 Same. In W. 8 In 34:1472 Pair of pigeons, A. Stirling. In L. P. 33. In 82:483 Palace of truth, The. (Fairy C) Gilbert. In L. P. 89 In 32: 189 Same. In Original plays In 32:*'48 Pan. (Classical Pa.) Byron. In L. P. 66. In 32:460 Pandora. (C) Killigrew. In his Plays. In 82:910 Pandora's box. (E.) Byron. In L. P. 76. In 32:470 Panel, The. (C.) Altered from Bickerstuh" n.-.lv of "Tis well it- no worse,' 1 by Kembfe, In L. S. 4. In *88:»22 Papal tyranny in the reign of King John. iT.) Gibber. In D. W. 4 In 82:784 Paper wings. (C.) Phillips. In L. P. B3, In 82:488 Papillonetta ; or, The prince, the butterfly and the beetle. lllL. P. 6* In 32;: B Paquita ; or, Lore in a frame. (C. O.) Beaoe. In L. P. 94 i„ 32:t9i ParacelSUS. Browning. In Poems I.. In 31:157 Parasitaster ; or,Th • lawn. Marston. In <>. E. I'. .'. hi 32:172 Parasite, The; or, How to make one's fortune. From lie- French of Pieard. (('.) *B: 15.7 Parliament of love, The Hawinger. In <>. I). In 82:331 Same. In bit Flays I„ 32:'.'5G Parlor car. The. ( F.) Howells 32: - Paris; or, Vive Lempriere, (Be.) B'ornniid. In L P. 84 : In 32:is| Paris and pleasure, or home and happiness, (D.) Belby, In L. P. 49 [n 82:44b Parlymente of sprytea, The. (I.) Kowley and Ixam. In Chatterton's P. W. 2... In 31:507 Parole of honour, The. (D.) Serle. In 8. p! 16. In 32:215 Parson's wedding, The. Killigrew. In I). (). I'. U. In 32:-'i0l Same. In A. B. I). 3 J n »32:0 Same. In Tragedies and comediet In *82:3206 Party wall. Tie- ,('. I.) Altered from the Ger- man of Kotzebue's » Gefuhrlichc Nachbarschaft " by Monriiett'. In I', l.i ] n 82:196 Pas de fascination. (F.) Coyne. In F. M. :>). In 32:71 Pasquine: a dramatic satire on the times. Fielding. I» W.3 In 34;| ny Passing cloud, The. (R. D.) Bernard. In F. S. 11. In 82:131 Same. In LP.I I n 32:iol Past ami present; or. The hidden treasure. (D.) Adapted from the French by Poole. In L. P. 96. In 32:4!iG Patient Grissel. (C) Dekker. In S. S. 1'. 6. In »32:2806 Patient Penelope; or, The return of Uly-scs. (Bs. ) Burnand. In L. P. 6l_ In 32:461 Patrician's daughter, The. (T.) .Mar-ton. In F. S. 32 1„ 32:144 Same. In L. P. 48 I„ *32:448 Patron, The. (F.) Foote. In .M. B. D. 5. In 32:105 Same. In B. D. 5 ] n «32:17 Paul and Virginia. (Ms. En.) Cobb. In L. S. 4. In *32:525 Paul the poacher. (R. D.) Elton. In S. I'. I :,. In 32:215 Paul Fry. (C.) Jerrold. In L. P. 47. In 32:44 7 Paul Pry. (C.) Poole. In F. S. 10 In 32:130 Same. In L P. 15 I„ 32:415 Paul Pry married and settled. (F.) Hatbewa. In L. P. 68 i n 32: i. h Pauline. ( D.) Trans, and adapted from the French. In F. S. 17 I„ 32:136 Same. In L. P. 5 I n 32:405 Paul's return. (C.) Phillips. In L. P. 02. In 32:402 Pauvrette. (D.) Boucicaolt. In F. S. 29. In 32:142 Payable on demand. (D.) Taylor. In L. P. 41. In 32:441 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 144 Titles. Pay-day at Babel. Rodney. With Odes.In 31:1425 Peace, The. (C.) Aristophanes. Trans, literally by Hickie. Ill Oomedies 2 In 1:2831 Same. Translation of parts of the play by Frere. Tn Frere's W. 3 In 34:1206 Peace and quiet. (F.) Williams. In L. P. 51. In 32:451 Peace at any price. (F.) Adapted from the French by Robertson. In L. P. 95 In 32:495 Pearl of Savoy, The. (Dom. D.) In P. 8. 43. In 32:149 Pedlar boy, The; or, The old mill ruin. (D.) Har- rington. In L. P. 87 In 32:187 Pedrillo ; or, A search for two fathers. (D.) Adapted from the French by Johnstone. In L. P, 68 '. In 32:485 Peep behind the curtain, A. (O.) Garrick. In M. 15. I). 5 In 32:105 Same. In B. D. &...'. In *32:17 Same. In D. W. 3 In *32:847 Peep o'day; or. Savourneen Deelish. (D.) Fal- coner. In F. S. 44-45 In 32:150 Peep-show man, The. (D.) Williams. In L. P. 80 In 32:480 Peer and peasant, The. (C.) Moncrieff. In D. W. 2. In 32:077 Peggy Green. (C. D.) Selbv. In L. P. 42. In 32:442 People's lawyer, The. (C.) Jones. In F. S. 31. In 32:143 Percy. (T.) More. In I. If. T. 7 In 32:377 Same. In W. 1 In 34:1760 Same. In W. 5 In 34:1766 Percy's masque. (D.) Hillhouse. In Dramas. In 32:870 Perdita; or. The roval milkmaid. (Bs.) Brough. In L. P. 28 In 32:428 Perfect love. (Sp. fairy P.) Reece. In L. P. 90. In 32:400 Perfection; or, The maid of Munster. (P.) Baylev. In F. S. 4 In 32,124 Same. In L. P. 13 In •32:413 Pericles, prince of Tyre. (T.) Shakespeare. In B. B. T. 10 .'. In •32:227 Same. In W. 6 In 32:1006 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In W. 7. (Dyce.) In 32:1015 Same. In W. 16. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In W. 11. (Handy vol.).... In 32:1061 Same. In W. 9. (Hudson.) In 82:1099 Same. In VV. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1124 Same. In Doubtful plays. (Knight.). ..In 32:1137 Same. In W. 2. (Knight.) *A Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 6. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1146 Same. In W. 2. (Phelps.) In 32:1152 Same. In W. 4. (Singer.) In 32:1174 Same. In W. (Steevens and Malone.)...In 32:1186 Same. In W. 13. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1203 Same. In W. 21. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1231 Perigrinations of Pickwick. (D.) Rede. In S. P. 15 In 32:215 Perkin Warbeck. Ford. In O. D In 32:531 Same. In D. W. 2 In 32:837 Same. In W. 2 *A Persa ; the Persian. (C.) Plautus. Literally trans, with notes by Riley. In Comedies 2. In 1:3875 Persecuted Dutchman, The. (F.) Barry, In V. If. 10 In 82:63 Perseus and Andromeda; or, The maid and the monster. (Classic K.) Brough. In L. P. 53. In 32:453 Persians, The. (T.) yEsehylus. Literally trans. with notes by Buckley, [n Tragedies 1. In" 1:2783 Same. In Tragedies. „ In 1:2780 Same. Trans, by Potter. In Tragedies....In 1:2796 Same In »1;5820 Same. Trans, by Plumptre. In Tragedies 2. In 1:2790 Personation; or. Fairly taken in. (C.I.) Kemble. 1» P. M. 18 in 32:61 Same. In P. 11 I n 32:195 Same. In S. P. 6 In 32:206 Same. In L. P. 89 In 32:489 Pestilence of Marseilles, The. (M.) Moncrictf. In S. P.:: i„ 32:203 Pet lamb, The. (Ca.) Selby. In L. P. 47. In 32:447 Pet of the petticoats, The. (O.) Buckstone. In F. M. 30 I„ 32:69 Pet of the public, A. (F.) Stirling. In L. P. 12. In 32:412 Peter Smink; or. The armistice. (CD.) Adapted from the French by Payne. In L. P. 75. In 32:475 Peter Wilkins; or, The flying islanders. (M. Sp.) In F. S. 19 .'. I„ 32:137 Same. In L. P. 25 In 32:425 Pets of the psrtene, The. (R. Ca.) Coyne. In L. P. 48 In 32:448 Petticoat government. (I. F.) Dance. In L. P. 23. In 32:423 Phaedra and HippolittU. (T.) Smith. In \V. of the British poets 6 In 31:54 Same. In B. B. T. 10 In 32:200 Same. In B. B. T. 14 In •82:281 Phantom, The. (Ms. D.) Baillie. In D. and P. W In 32:720 Phantom, The. (D.) Boucicault. In F. S. 21. In 32:138 Phenomenon' in a smock frock, A. (0. I). ) Brough. In F. M. 19 In 32:63 Same. In L. I*. 9 In 32:409 Philaster ; or, Love lies a bleeding., Beaumont and Fletcher. In M. B. D. 1 In 32:101 Same. In B. D. 1 In *32;13 Same. In B. B. T. 18 In 32:268 Same. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 1. In 32:731 Same. With alterations by Colman, Sr. In Oilman's D. W. 3 In •82:769 Same. In B. B. T. 12 In »32:229 Philip. (T.) Alfieri. Trans, by Bowring. In Tragedies 1 In 82:697 Philip van Artevelde. Tavlor. In P. W. 1. In 31:1766 Philippo ; or, The secret marriage. (Dom. D.) Adapted from the French by Murray. In L. P. 82. In 82:482 Philo : an evangeliad. Judd 82:908 Philoctetes. (T.) Sophocles. Trans, by Franck- lin. In Tragedies In 1:3182 Same. Trans, by Plumptre. In Tragedies. In 1:3187 Philosopher's stone. The. An entirely new and original satirical and politico-economical Whit.-un morality, extremely serious and very comical. In L. P. l In 32:401 Philotas. (T.) Trans, from Lessing. In D. W. In 82:927 Phoenician virgins, The. (T.) Euripides. Trans. by Potter. In Tragedies 1 In 1:2910 Same. Literally trans, with notes by Buckley. In Tragedies 1 .". In 1:2905 Phcenix, The. Middleton. In W. 1 a A Phormio ; or, The scheming parasite. (C.) Ter- ence. Literally trans, with notes by Riley. In Comedies and fables In 1:3940 Photographic fix, A. (F.) Hay. In L. P. 70. In 32470 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. !»:> Titles. Physician in spite of himself, The. Moliere. Trim*, by Vmi l.auii. In I). W.3. Staalao Doctor in tpite of himself In 82:971 Same A Piccolomini, The. Trans, from Schiller by Coleridge. In Coleridge's 1'. W. 3.. ..In 81:80] Snine. In Schiller- \V. 1. In 84:1836 Pickwick ehih. The. iH.i Stirling, hi S. P. 11. In 32:211 Picture, The. (T.-C.) Maasinger. In O. I>. In 82:531 game. In hi* Plays In 32:956 Pike O'Callagbun ; or, Tlie Irish patriot. (D.) It, eve. In L P.B7 Ill 32:487 Pilgrim, The. (C.) Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletcher'! \V. 8 In 32:738 Same. In P In 32:170 Pilgrim, The. (T.) Killigrew, In Tragedies and comedies In 32:3206 Pilgrim of love. The. (fi.) Byron. In L. P. 46. In 83:448 Pilot, The. (N. I).) Dramatized from Cooper by Fitzbiill. In F. S. 16 In 32:130 Pipkin's ruatic retreat. (F.) Williams. In L, p. 68. In 82:469 Pippa passes. (D.) Browning. In Poems 1. In 81:451 Pirate of the isles, The. (D.) Clarke. In F. S. 42. In 32:14'.' Pirate's legacy, The; or, The wrecker's fate. (D.) Saunders. [nP.S.41 In 32:148 Pirates of Putney, The. (N. B.) Selby. In L. P60. In 82:460 Pirates of the Savannah, The. (R. D.) From the French of Bourgeois and Dugue. In L. P. 51. In 32:451 Pirithoiis, the son of Ixion. (E.) Btirnand. In L. P. t;r> In 82:465 Pizarro; or, The death of Rollo. (It. T.) Kotze- buc. Trans, by Thompson. In T. G. T. 1. In 32:587 Same In T. (i.T. 1 In 82:581 Same. Adapted by Sheridan. In L. P. 27. In 32:427 Same. In L. S. 1 In »32:522 Same. In Sheridan's W In 32:i2:".i Same In 82:1252 Placidio. (P.) Martin. In "A legacy" by Craik In 24:2550 Plain dealer, The. (C.) Wycherly. In (>. D In 32:i'.l0 Same. In B. D. 3 In •32:18 Platonic attachments. (F.) Bernard. In L. P.2. In 82:402 Playing with fire. (C.) Brougham. In L. P. 6*. In 32:40(5 Pleasant comedie of fair Em, the miller's daughter of Manchester. In Simpson's School of Shake- speare 2 In 32:">7s Pleasant dreams. (P.) Dance. In I.. P. so. In 32: 180 Pleasant conceited comedy, A; win-rein ia shewed how a man may choose a good wife from a bad. In (). K. D. 1 In •82:167 Pleasant neighbor, A. Blanche. In F. .M B. In 82:58 Please hi remember the grotto. Oxenford In L. I'. 70 In 32:i7o Plighted tr th. 1 1), tale.) »B:10.8 Plot and counterplot; nr, The portrait of Cervantes. (P.) Kemble. In L. P. 90 In 82:490 Plot and passion. (D.) In L. P. 13 In 32:413 Pluto and Proserpina (B.) Talfourd. En L. P. H6. In 82:436 Plutus. I C.i Aristophanes. Literally trans, by Hiekie. In Com. dies 2 "..In 1:2831 Pocahontas. (H. D.) By a Citizen of the W 32 Po-ca-hon-tas ; or. The gentle savage. K.| Brougham. In F. M. o In 32:'.8 Poenulus : the young Carthaginian. (C) Phmtus. Literally trant. with noteaby Bfley, [nComedlea2. In 1:3876 Poetaster, The. Jonson. InW In 32: BOO Poetic proposal, A. (F.) Becher. In L. IV oo. In 82:406 Point of honour, The. i P.) Taken from the French by Kemble. In s. P. 9 in 82:209 Same. In I. B. T. 21 In 82:364 Politian. (D. Unfinished.) Poe. In Poems. In 31:1355 Same. In W. 2 In 34:1832 Politician, The. (T.) Shirley. i„ D. w. :.. In 82:1265 Polly. Part 2nd of The beggars' opera. (<>.) (lav. In 15. B. T. 9 In 82:259 Polly Honevcombe. (D. novel.) Colman. the elder. In L.8 >.. In »32:523 Same. In I). L.T.24 In 82:280.24 Same. In D. \V. 4 Iii »82:790 Polyhymnia. Peele. In O. I) In 82:821 Polynices. (T.) AlBeri. Trans, by Bowring. In Tragedies 1 In 82:697 Poor cou-in Walter. (D ) Simpson. In L. P. 2. In 32: 102 Poor gentleman, The. (C.) Colman, the younger. In I. H. T. 21 „_.In 82:861 Same. In L. P. 39 In 32:439 Poor nobleman, The. (S.-C. D.) Selby. In L. P. 53. In 32:453 Poor of New York, The. (D.) In F. S. 24. In 32:140 Poor Pillieody. (F.) Morton. In F. M. 27. In 32:H7 Same. In S. P. 2 In 32:202 Same. In L. P. 38 Ill 32:438 Poor soldier, The. (Ms. F.) O'Keefle. In S. P. 8. In 82:208 Same. In I. B. F. 2 In 82:332 Same. In L. P. 01 In 32:401 Pope of Home, The. (H. R.) Houeicault. In F. S. 20 In 32:1 12 Popping the question. (F.) Buckstone. In F. M. 8 In 82:58 Same. In L. P. 87 In 32:)S7 Pork chops. (E.) Blanchard. In L. P. 45. In 32:445 Porter's knot, The. (S-C. D.) Oxenford. In I.. P. 38 In 32:438 Portrait, The. (B.) Colman, Sr. In D. W. 4. In ! 32:700 Post-boy, The. (U.) Craven. In L. P. 48. In 82:448 Post of honor, The. (CD.) Mildenhall. In L. P. 48. In 32:448 Poul a Dhoil ; or, The fairy man. (Hibernian I).) Ilazlewood. In L, P. 77'. In 32:477 Pouter's wedding. (F.l Morton. In L. P. 07. In 32:407 Practical man, A. (F.l Bernard. In L. P. 1. In 32:4oi Presumptive evidence; ..r. Murder will out. (Dom. D.i Buckstone. In L. P. 82....In 32:482 Pretentious young ladies, The. (C.i Moliere. Trans, by Vaii Latin. In D. W. 1. Set aho The affected ladles In 82:968 Same *A Pretty girls of Stillberg, The. (F.) In F. M. 37. In 32:72 Pretty borsebreaker, The. (An apropos sketch.) Brougfa and BaUiday. In L P. 51 In 32:451 PUBLIC LIBRABV OF CINCINNATI. Teie Drama. 146 Titles. Pretty piece of business, A. (C) Morton. In L. P. 12 Iii 32:-ti2 Pride of the market, The. (C. D.) Planche. In F. M. 2 In 32:52 Same. In L. P. 20 In 32:i2o Prima donnn, The. (C.) Boueicault. In L. P. 8. In 32:H)8 Prince Amabel ; or, The fairy roses. (E.) Brough. In L. P. 5ft In 32:455 Prince Camaralzaman ; or, The fairies' revenge. (E.) Bellingham and Best. In L. P. 07. In 32:467 Prince Dorus. (Fairy tale.) In L. P. 3. In 32:403 Prince Deuhalion. Taylor 32:1282 Prince for an hour, A. (C D.) Morton. In L. P. 25. In 32:425 Princely bride, The. (Die Fiirstenbraut.) (D.) Trans. from the German of the Princess Amelia of Sax- ony by Jameson. In Social life in Germany 2. In 32:704 Princess, The. (A.) Perversion of Mr. Tennyson's poem. Gilbert. In L. P. 87 In 32:487 Same. In Gilbert's Original plays In 32:848 Princess Charming; or, The bard, the baron, the beautv, the buffer, and the bogey. Arden. In L. P. 78..... .". In 32:476 Princess of Cleve, The. (C.) Lee. In D.W.I. In 32:031 Princess of Elis. Moliere. Trans, by Van Latin. In D. W. 3 In 32:971 Same * A Same. Trans, by Wall. In D. W. 2 In 32:067 Princess Primrose, and the four pretty princes. (E.) Bellingham and Best. In L. P. 68. In 32:468 Princess Spring-time; or, The envoy who stole the king's daughter. (E.) Byron. In L. P. 64. In 32:164 Princess in the tower, The; or, A match for Lucifer! (A piece of extravagance.) In L. P. 2. In 32:402 Princesse, The; or, Love at first sight. (T.-C.) Killitrrew. In his Tragedies and Comedies In *32:3206 Principles form character. (C.) Wehner. In F. M. 22 In 32:65 Printer's devil, The. (F.) Planche. In F. S. 43. In 32:149 Prior claim, A. (C.) Pye and Arnold. In P. In 32:-'oo Prisoner, The. (M. R.) In S. P. 16 ..In 32:216 Prisoner at large, The. (C.) O'Kecffe. In 1. 15. F. 2 In 32:332 Prisoner of war, The. (C.) Jerrold. In L. P. 27. In 32:427 Same. In W. 7 .In 34:1471 Prisoners, The. (T.-C.) Killigrew. In Trage- dies and comedies In ii: 32:3206 Profligate, The. (C.) Taylor. In Pieces of poetry 2 * In 31:1763 Projector, The. (C.) Note. In S. I. 0. In 32:320 Projectors, The. (C.) Wilson. In W. In «32:1302 Prometheus; or, The man on the rock. (E.) Reeee. In L. P. 68 In 32:468 Prometheus bound. (T.) yEschylus. Literally trans, with notes by Buckley. In Tragedies 1. In 1:2780 Same. In Tragedies In 1;2783 Same. Trans, with notes by Fox. IRtl Sophocles' Electra In 1:2806 Same. Trans, by Plumptre. In Tragedies 2. In 1:2790 Same. Trans, by Potter. In Tragedies 1. In 1:2790 Same In • 1:5820 Prometheus hound. (D. P.) Browning. In Poems In 31:452 Prometheus unbound. (Lyrical D.) Shelley. In P. W. 1 .". In 31:1559 Same. In P. W In 31:1562 Same. In P. W. 2 In 31:1563.2 Promotion. (V.) Planche. In F. M. 21. In 32:04 Same. In L. P. 21 In 32:421 Prophetess, The. (T.) In N. B. T. l.In 32:155 Prophetess, The. (C.) Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 8 In 32:738 Provoked husband, The ; or, A journey to London. (C.) Vanbrugh and Cibber. In S. P. 4. In 32:204 Same. In B. D. 4 In *32:16 Same. In B. B. T. 6 In 32:256 Same. In B. B. T. 25 In *32:242 Same. In I. B. T. 9 In 32:349 Same. In D. L. T. 3 In 32:280.3 Same. In P. 4 In 32:198.4 Same. In L. S. 2 In •88:523 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 5 In 32:555 Same. In E. C. 1 In 33:579.1 Same. In fibber's D. W. 4 In 32:784 Same. In Vanbnigh's plays 2 In *32: 1285.2 Provoked wife, The. (C.) Vanbrugh. In B. B. T. 2. In 32:252 Same. In I. B. T. 9 In 32:349 Same. In L. S. 3 In •32:624 Same. In O. D In 32:610 Same. In B. D. 3 In *32:15 Same. In P. 5 In 32:198.5 Provost of Bruges, The. (T.) In P. 11. In 32:195 Pseud olus ; or, The cheat. (C.) Plautus. Lit- erally trans with notes by Riley. In Comedies 1. In 1:3875 Psyche. (C.) Moliere. Trans, by Van Latin. In 1). W. 5 ( . In 32:973 Same *A Same. Trans, bv Wall. In D. W. 3 In 32:068 Pure gold. (P.) Marston. In F. S. 41. In 32:148 Same. In L. P. 61 In 32:461 Puritan, The; or, The widow of Watling Street. In A. B.D.I In *32:4 Purse, The. (Ms. En.) Cross. In L. S. 4. In *32:525 Putnam, the iron son of '76. (Mil. D.) Bannister. In F. S. 39 In 32:147 Pygmalion; or, The statue fair. (Bs.) Brough. In L. P. 75 In 32:475 Pygmalion and Galatea. (C.) Gilbert. In Orig- inal plays In 32:848 Pygmalion and Galatea. (Lyrical R.) Trans, from the French of Rousseau by St. Ceran. In S. P. 16 In 32:216 Quaker, The. (C. O.) Dibdin. In I. B. P. 4. In 32:334 Same. In L. P. 86 In 32:486 Same. In L. S. 1 In «32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. II In 32:561 Same. In D.L. T. 2 In 32:280.2 Quash ; or, Nigger practice. Brookes. In F. M. 37. In 32:72 Queen Elizabeth; or, The origin of Shakespeare. (D.) Gregg 32:851 Queen Mary. (D.) Tennyson 32:1279 Same I " ..32:1280 Queen Marv's bower. (C.) Planche. In L. P. 20. In 32:420 Queen mother, The. (D.) Swinburne. H'iih Rosamond In 32:1277 Queen of Arragon, The. Habington. In D. (). P. 9. In 32:299 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 147 Titi.eh. Queen of Arragon, The. (P. C.) Paul. In L P. ; " In 32:i3o Queen of Corinth, The. (C.) Beaumont and 1-1. teller. In W.8 In 82:735 Queen of the frog*, The. (B.) Plain-he. In I.. P, IS In 32:fl'.' Queen of ipades, The i I), i Adapted from u La dame de Pique," by BouoieauH. In L. 1'. 14. In 32:124 Quiet Rape of Luereee, The. (T.) Hevwood. In (). K. I). 1 .*. In 32:167 Rappings and table movements. (P.) Paul. In L P. 11 In 32:411 Rasselas. prince of Abyssinia. (£.) Brough. In L. P. 57 In 32:4..7 Raymond and Agnes; the travelers benighted ; or, The b leet i i r i jlc nun of Lindeberg. (I).) Lewis. In K. S. 24 I" 32:140 Same. In L. P. 43 In 32:4 13 Rayner. yT.) Raillie. In D. and P. \\\ In 82:720 Real and the ideal, The. (C.) Wigan. In L. P. 56. In 32: 156 Reapers, The; or. Forget and forgive. (D.) Stirling. In I.. P. 62 ..In 32:462 Rear Admiral. The. (F.) Emden. In S. P. 2. In 82:202 Rebellion, The. Rawlins. In A. B. I). 3. In *82:6 Recollection of O'Flannigan and the fairies, A. i K.i Brougham, In LP. 28 In 32: I'M Recruiting officer, The. (C.) Farquhar. In M. B. I). I In 32:104 Same. In P. 6 In 82:108.6 Same. In Ii. Ii. T 4 In 82254 Same. In Ii. Ii. T. 23 In *82:2I0 Same. In I. B. T. 8 In 82:348 Sam.-. In LB. 1 In *82:522 Sam.'. InOxN.B. D. c In 82:556 Recruiting offloer, (continual.) — Sam*. Ino. l)..... In 82:610 Same. In Ii. D. 3 In *32:i"> Same. In I). L T. 17 In 82:2«n.l7 Recruiting sergeant, The. [Ms. Eiu) Bicker- staff. Music by Dibdin. In L. S. 3... In *82:524 Same. In I). I..'T. 18 In 82:280.18 Red mask, The. (M.) Brougham. In F. s. 20. In 82:138 Refusal, The; or. The Indus' philosophy. (C) Cibber. In B. B. T. n In 82:261 Same. In It. Ii. T. 27 In *32:244 Same. In I). W. 4 In 32:784 Same. In I). L T 22 In 82:280.22 Regent, The. (T.) Greatheed. In P. In 32:184 Regicide, The. (T.) Smollet. In W. 1. In *34:i!>'->7 Register office, The. (F.) Reed. In I. Ii. F. 2. In 32:332 Same. In L.8.4 In »82;625 Regular fix, A. (F.) Morton. In P. M. 36. In 32:72 Same. In L. P. 48 In 32:448 Regulus. (T. ) Crown*. In I). W. 4. In s 32:7:»4 Regulus. Metastasio. Trans, by Hoole. In Me- tastaaio's I). 3 In 32:963 Rehearsal, The. Villiers, Duke of Buckingham. In Ii. B.T. 16 In 82:2«S Same. In P. 7 In 32:H'8.7 Sam.-. In W. 2 In '34:21*2 Rejected addressee, The; or, The triumph of the ale-king, (r'.j Stanley. In History of the stage. In 10:- s "7 Relapse, The; or, Virtue in danger. (C.) Van- brugh. In B. B. T. 11 In 32:261 Same. In O. D In 32:610 Remorse. (T.) Coleridge. In P. W. 2. In 31:600 Rendezvous, The. (Oa.) Adapted from the. French by Ayton. In P. M. 16 In 32:62 Same. In L. P. 43 In 32:143 Renegade, The. (II. \>.) Pounded on Dryden's Don Sebastian, king of Portugal, by Reynolds. In 8. P.3 .' In 82:203 Renegado, The. Maasinger. In O. Din 82:531 Same. Iii his Plays In 82:956 Rent day, The. ( liom. D.) Jerrold. In F. S. 4. In 32:124 Same. In L. P. 15 In 32:41'> Sam* In\V. 8: In 34:1472 Rent day and distraining for rent. (R. D.) Camp- bell. In8. P. 16 In 82:215 Reprisal, The; or, The tars of old England. (C.) Smollet In "W. l In *34:10!>7 Restauration, The; or, Right will take place. (T.-C.) Villiers, Duke of Buckingham. In W. 1. In •84:2181 Retained for the defence. (F.) Oxenford. In LP.41 In 32:441 Retired from business. (C.) Jerrold. In \V. 7. In 34:1471 Retribution. (Dom. D.) Taylor. In P. 8. 19. In 32:137 Same. In I.. 1'. 27 In 32:uT Retribution; or, The chieftain's daughter. (T.) Dillon. In S. P. 12 In 82212 Return from Parnassus; or, The scourge of simony. In H. K. D. 3 ...In >82:326 Sam.'. In A. B. D. 1 In *32:4 Return of the Druses, The. (T.) Browning. In Poems 2 In 31:4a8 Returned "killed." (F.) Planche. In L. 8. 4. In *82:525 Revenge, The. (T.) Young. In M. B. D. 2. In 32:102 Same. In P. 9 In 32:198.9 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 148 Titles. Revenge, (continued.) — Same. It; 15. 15. T. 12 In 82:302 Same. In I. 15. T. 12 In 32:352 Same. In L. P. 70 In 32:470 Same. In L. S. 1 In s 32:525 Same. In D. L. T. In 82:2*1.6 Same. In 15. I). 1 In s 32:13 Revenger's tragedy, The. Tourneur. In D. <). P. 4 In 32:204 Same. In A. B. I). 2 In »82:5 Review, The; or, The wags of Windsor. (Ms. F.) Coltnan, the younger. In F. S. 35 In 32:14:"; Same. la L. P. 01 In 32:101 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 13 In 82:563 Revolutionary soldier. (F.) Jaimson. In F. H. 34 In 32:71 Rhesus. (T.) Euripides. Literally trail!, with notes by Buckley. In Tragedies 2 In 1:20on and Steevens.)In32:l204 Same. In W. 20.( Johnson and Steevens. )ln 82:1230 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1823 ->A Same. Altered by Garrick. In D. \V. 1. In *32:84 5 Romeo and Juliet. (Tr.) Soule »B:'215.18 Romeo and Juliet travestie. (Bs.) Halliday. In L. I'. 43 In 32:443 Romiero. (T.) liaillie. In D. and P. W. 2. In 32:720 Romp, The. (C. O.) Bickerstaff. «- Altered from •' Love in the city." In L. 8. 4 In K 32:525 Romulus and Hersilia. Metastasio. Trans, by Hoole. In Metastases D. 3 In 32:963 Romulus and Remus. (Bs.l Keece. In L. P. 07. In 32:4H7 Rory O'More. (D.) Founded on Lover's ro- mance. lnF.S.22 In 32:139 Rosamond. (O.) Addison. In W. 1. (Lond. ed.) In 34:571 Same. In \V. 1. (N. Y. ed.) In 34:575 Rosamond. Swinburne. With The queen mother. In 32:1277 Rosamunda. (T.) Alfleri. Trans, by Bow ring. In Tragedies 1 .'in 32:897 Rose of Arragon, The. (P.) Knowles. In I). W. 2 In 32:012 Rose of Bttrich vale, The. (D.) Lynch. In F. s. 17 In 82:136 Same. In L. P. 7 In 32: H>7 Rose, thistle and shamrock, The. (O. D.) K worth. In Novak and tale- 8 In 37:1499 Rosina. (O.) Brooke. Iii M. B. I). 5.1n 32:105 Same. In 8. P. 8 In 32:208 Same. In I. B. F. 3 In 3'A Same. In L. 8. 2 In *32:523 Same. In Dx. N. K. I). 9 In'32: .9 Same. In |i. L. T. C In 82:280.6 Rosina Meadows, the village maid; or. Temptations unveiled. ( Dom. 1).) Adapted by Saunders from the novel of that name bv English. In F. 8. BO. In 32:143 Rough diamond, The. (F.) Buckstone. In K. It. 6, In 32:56 Same. In L. P. 17 In 32:417 Roundheads, The; or, The good old cause. (P.) Bebn. In bar Plays 1 *L.i2 Rover, The; or, The banished cavaliers. (P.) Bebn. In her Plays 1 *L:12 Royal convert, The. (J.) Rowe. In B. B. T. 7. In 32*257 Same. In B. B. T. 1 In »32:218 Same. In P. 8 In 32:198.8 Royal king, and loyal subject. (T.-C. ) Hevwood. In O. K. P. 6 In 32:170 Sam.'. In 8. S. P. 45 In *32:2845 Royal master, The. (P.) Shirley. In D. W. 4. In 32:1264 Rudens ; the fisherman's rope. (C.) I'latitus. Literally trans, with notes bv Riley. In Comediee 2. In 1:3876 Rugantino; or, The bravo of Venice. (M.) Lewis. In Ox. N. E. D. 8 In 32:559 Rule Britannia. (F.) Becher. In L. P. 91. In 32:491 Rule of three. (Ca.) Taltourd. In L. P. 38. In 32:438 Rule a wife and have a wife. (C.) Fletcher. In B. B.T. 4 In 32:254 Same. In B. B.T. 20 In *32:237 Same. In li. I). 3 In *32:15 Same. Ill I. B. T. 6 In 32:346 Same. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 9. In 32:739 Same. Altered by Garrick. In S. P. lO.In 32:210 Same. In L. S. 1 In *32:522 Same. In Ox X. E. D. 10 In 32:560 Same. In D. L. T. 13 In 32:280.13 Rumplestiltskin ; or. The woman at the wheel. (K.) Burnand. In L. P. 62 In 32:462 Runaway, The. (C.) In P In 32:179 Rural felicity. (C.) Buckstone. In F. S. 33. In 32:144 Ruth. (Or.) Brooke. In Plays and poems 4. In 32:757 Ruth. (N. D.) Haines. In L. P. 44 ..In 32:444 Ruth Oakley. (Dom. D.) Williams and Harris. In F. S. 36 In 32:146 Same. In L. P. 29 In 32:429 Ruthven. (I>.) Harris. In L. P. 41..In 32:441 Ruy Bias. (R. D.) From the French of Hugo. In L. P. 49. In 32:449 Sacontala; or, The fatal ring. (An Indian D.) Oilidas. Trans, from the original Sancrit and Pracrit bv Jones. In Jones' W In 34:1503 Sad one,' The. (T.) Suckling. In "W... In 34:2040 Sad Shepherd, The; or, A tale of Robin Hood. Jonson. In W In 32:900 Sailor of Prance, The; or, The republicans of Brest. Johnson. In L. P. 17 :...In 32:117 Same. In F. S. 20 In 32:138 Sailor's daughter, The. (0.) Cumberland. In S. P. I In 32:204 Sailor's return, The. ■ E.I In -N. B. T. 2. In 32:156 St. Clements eve. Tayh». In P. W. 3.... In 31:1768 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 150 Titles. St. Cupid; or, Dorothy's fortune. (C.) Jerrold. In W. 7 In 34:1471 Same. In P. M. 7 In 32:57 St. Mary's eve. (D.) Bernard. In L. P. 33. In 32:433 St. Patrick for Ireland. (D.) Shirley. In D. W. 4. In 32: i 264 St. Patrick's day; or, The scheming lieutenant. (F.) Sheridan. In D. W. (Leip.) In 32:1252 St. Patriek'seve. (D.) Power. In P. M. 2. In 32:52 Saint's tragedy, The ; or, The true story of Eliz- abeth of Hungary. Kingsley. In Poems. In 31:987 Salvator Rosa; or, The portrait of Danae. (C.) Trans, from the German of Deinhardstcin. In W. S. C. L. 4 In 34:4174 Sam Weller; or, The Pickwickians. (D.) Mon- crieffi In 1). W. 2 In 32:977 Sam's arrival. (An absurdity.) Oxenford. In L. P. 50 In 32:456 Samson agonistes. (D. P.) Milton. In W. of British poets 5 Ir. 31:53 Same. In Cabinet edition of British poets 1. In 31:5 Same. In P. W In 31:1197 Same. In P. W. 3 In 31:1195 Same. In P. W. 2 In 31:1192 Same. In P. W. 2 In 31:1190 Same. In P. W In 31:1196 Same. In P. W In 31:1198 Same. In P. W. 2. (Masson.j In 31:1202 Same. In P. W. 2 In 31:1205 Same. In B. B. T. 12.. In *32:229 Samuel in search of himself. (P.) Coyne. In L. P. 36 In 32:436 Sapho and Phao. Lilly. In D. W. 1.... In 32:934 Sappho. (T.) Grillparzer. Trans, by Frothing- ham 32:869 Sarah the Creole. (D.) Barnett. In L. P. 31. In 32:431 Sarah's young man. (F.) Suter. In L. P. 31. In 32:431 Sardanapalus, king of Assyria. (T.) Byron. In L. P. 11 In 32:411 Same. Adapted by Kean. In F. S. 13. ..In 32:133 Same. In D. I.....'. In 32:761 Same. In P. \V. 7 In 31:532 Same. In P. W. 5 In 31:542 Same. In P. W. (Phil.) In 31:537 Satan. (Libretto.) Cranch In 31:635 Satan in Paris. ID.) Adapted from a vaudeville by Clairville and Damarin, by Selby. In F. S. 30. In 32:143 Satanas and the spirit of beauty. (Sp.) Coyne. In L. P. 39 In 32:439 Satiro-mastix ; or, The untrussing of the humor- ous poet. Decker. In H. E. D. 3 In *32:326 Saul. (T.) Alfieri. Trans, by Bowring. In Tragedies 2 In 32:698 Sauny the Scot ; or, The taming of the shrew. (C.) Lacy. In W In *32:919 Savoyard, The. (O.) In N. B. T. 4...In 32:158 Sawbones in trainin'; or, The bovs of a certain school. (Satirical F.) Eupolis. In S. P. 2. In 32:202 Scamps of London, The; or, The cross roads of life. (D.) Adapted from the French. Moncriefl'. In L. P. 81 In 32:481 Same. In D. W. 1 In 32:976 Scan Mag; or, The village gossip. (F.) Poole. In S. P. 8 In 32:208 Scanderbeg ; or, Love and liberty. (T.) Whinoop. *L:7.20 Scapegoat, The. (F.) Poole. In L. P. 98. In 32:498 Same. In L. S. 4 In *32:525 Scholar, The. (C.) Buckstone. In F. S. 35. In 32:145 School for arrogance, The. (C.) Holcroft. In I. M. T. 4 r. I In 32:374 Same. In L. S. 4 In »32:525 Same. In S. P. 4 In 32:204 School for authors. (C.) Tobin. In I. B. F. 7. In 32:337 School for coquettes, A. (C.) Simpson. In L. P. 41. In 32:441 School for fathers, The ; or, Lionel and Clarissa. (CO.) Bickerstatf. In B. B. T. 32..7ln *32:249 School for friends, The. (Ca.) Chambers. In P. In 32:200 School for guardians, The. (C.) Murphy. In B- B. T. 26 In *32:243 School for husbands, The. (C.) Moliere. Trans, by Wall. In U. YV. 1 In 32:966 Same. Trans, by Van Laun 2 In 32:970 Same *J± School for lovers, The. (C.) Whitehead. In B. B. T. 21 In *32:238 Same. In B. D. 4 In*32:10 School lor prejudice, The. (C.) Dibdin. In I. II. T. 4 In 32:374 School for scandal, The. (C.) Sheridan. In L. S. 4. In *32:525 Same. In F. S. 1 In 32:121 Same. In D. W In 32:1252 Same. In L. P. 27 In 32:427 School for wives, The. (C.) Kelley. In I. M. T. 9. In 32:379 Same. In B. D. 4 In *32:16 Same. In L. S. 4 In S! 32:525 Same. In P. 2 In 32:182 Same. In B. B. T. 21 In »82;238 School for wives, The. (C.) Moliere. Trans, by Wall. In D. W. 1 In 32:966 Same. Trans, by Van Laun. In D. W. 2. In 32:970 Same »A School for wives criticised, The. (C.) Moliere. Trans, by Wall. In D. W. I In 32:966 Same. Trans. Van Laun. In D. W. 2. ..In 32:970 Same «A School of reform, The; or, How to rule a husband. Morton. In I. B. T. 25 In 32:365 Same. In F. S. 23 In 32:139 School of the world, The. (C.) Frederic II. of Prussia. In Posthumous W. trans, by Holcroft. In 34:1195 Schoolfellows, The. (C.) Jerrold. In L. P. 35. In 32:435 Same. In S. P. 10 In 32:210 Same. In W. 8 In 34:1472 Scornful lad^, The. (C.) Beaumont and Fletcher. In W. 3 In 32:733 Scrap of paper, A. (C. D.) Simpson. In L. P. 51. In 32:451 Sea-gulls. (F.) Maltby and Stainforth. In L. P. 85 In 32:485 Sea of ice, The. (R. D.) D'Ennery and Dugue. In F. S. 15 In 32?135 Same. In F 8. 14 In 32:134 Same. In L. P. 13 In 32:413 Sea-voyage, The. (C.) Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 8 In 32:738 Search after happiness, The. (Pa. D.) More. In W In 34:1767 Search after perfection, A. (C.) In N. B. T. 3. In 32:157 Second Brutus, The. (T.) Alfieri. Trans, by Bowring. In Tragedies 2 In 32:698 Second love. (C. D.) Simpson. In L. P. 28. In 32:428 Same. In F. S. 34 In 32:145 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 151 TlTI.FS. Second maiden'* tragedy, The. In O. F. D. I. In •82:167 Second marriage, The. fO.) I!nilli<'. In D. and P. \v Iii 33:720 Secret, Tim. I F. i Adopted from the French by Barrymore. In L. P. 48 In 32: us Secret, The; or, Natural magic. ('. mystery.) Moncrieff. In 1>. \V. 3 In 32:978 Secret, The; or, Hole in the wall. (F.) In P. M. 3 In 32:58 Same. In S. P. 8 In 82:308 Secret agent. The. (0.) Coyne, In I* F. 18. In 82:418 Secret mine, The. (M.) Faucet. In P. 11. In 32:196 Secrets worth knowing. (0.) Morton. In I. M. T.3. In 32:.'!7:< Secretary, The. ( 1' l Knowles. In D. W. 3. In 82:912 Seduction. (<'.) Holcroft. In I. -M. T. 4. In 32:374 Same. In L. S. 4 In >S2:535 Seeing Warren. |F., Morton. In F. M. 35. In 32:T1 Sejanus hi- I'l.ll. Jonson. In \V In 82:900 Self. (C.i Bateman. In F. S. 21.. In 32:138 Self-accusation; or, A brother's love. (I).) Lemon. .In L. P. 88 In 32:488 Selim and Zuleika. (T.) In N. B. T. 4. In 32:158 Selinda. (T.-C1 Killigrow. In his Playa. In 32:810 Semele. (O.) Congreve. In (). I) In 82:610 Senor Valient". (0.) Miles. In F. 8. 41. In 32:1 is Sense and sensation ; or, Tlie seven sisters of Thulc Taylor. In I,. P. 63 In 32:463 Sent to the.tower. iF.i Morton. In F. M. 23. • lu 32:'>8 Sumo. In L. P. 28 In 32:428 Separate maintenance. iF.i Coyne. In U P. 94. In 32:494 Separation, The. (T.) Baillie. In 11. and P. \V. In 32:720 Same. In W. S. ( '. L. 7 In 34:4177 Seraphim, Tin-. (D. P.) Browning. In Poems 1. In 31:452 Serf, The. (T.) Altered from the German of Ua.ipach and adapted to the English stage by Talbot, ins. P,13 In 82:213 Serf. The; or, Love levels all. ( I). | Tavlor. In I, P, 88 Iii 82:468 Sergeant's wedding, The. (C. D.) Wilks. In L. P. 91 In 82:491 Sergeant's wife. The. (I), i Banim. In L. P. 23. In 32: 123 Serious family, The. (C.) Garnett. In F. 8. 10. In 82:130 Serpent on the hearth, The. (B. I), i Simpson. In L. P. 85 In 82:485 Servants by legacy. (P.) Pilgrim. In F. M. 23. In 32:7ii Serve him right. (C. D.) Barnett and Mathews. In L. P.3.: In 82:403 Bet of turquoise, The. (D.sk.) Aldrich. InPoeinsl. In 31:348 Sethona. (T.) Dow. In P. 1 In 32:181 Settling day. Taylor. In L. P. 82 [n 32:482 Seven against Thebes. (T.) .K-ohylus. Literally trans, with notes by Buckley. In Tragedies I. In 1:2780 Same, in Tragedies In 1:3783 Same. Tran-. by Pluniptrc. In Tragedies '.'.In 1:3790 Seven champions of Christendom, The. 8p.) 1'lanche. In L. P. 21 In 32:431 Seven chief* against Thebes, The. r E ebylus. Tran-. by Potter. In Tragedies I In 1: J7'.»; Same " In * 1:5*20 Seven clerks, The. (B, Di Wiika. In I.. P. 40. In 32:lin Same. In F. S. IS In 32:135 Seven temptations, The. Qowitt In P. W. of ll.iwitt, Milmaii and Keats In 31:178 Sganarelle. (O.) Moli.ro. Tran-. l>v Wall. In I). \V. 1 "In 82:966 Same. Trans, by Van I.ann. In I). \V. I. In 32:f"'.!» Same *A Shadow of a crime, The. (D.) Cheltnam. In L. P. 86 In 32: is.; Shadows »f the pa-t. (O. \>< Simpson. In L. P. 97. In 32:ii'7 Shaker lovers, The. (D.) .lohnson. In F. M. H2. In 32:70 Shakespeare's dream. (Pa.) Brougham. In F. M. 21 .....In 82:64 Shakespeare's early days. |I>.| Somerset In L. P. 93 .' In 82:493 Shameful behaviour. (Ca) Troughton. In L. P. 43, In 82:443 Shandy -Mau'uire ; or. The bold boy of the moun- tain. (I).)' Pilgrim. InF. S. 31 In 82:143 Sharp practice; or, The "Lear" of Cripplegate. S.-C. D.) I.unn. In L. P. 55 In 82:455 She stoops to < oner; or. The mistakes of a nigbt (0.) Goldsmith. In W. 4 In 34:1270 Same. In W In 34:1271 Same. In B. 1). 4 In *32:1« Same. In F. S. 10 In 32:K!0 Same. In i. B. T. 15 In 32:355 Same. In S. P. 14 In 32:-'l I Sa In L.8. l In»82:522 Same. In ll\. N. B. D. 4 In 32:554 Same. In M. B. I>. 4 In 32: M Same. In I). L. T.6 In 32:280.6 Same. In !,. 1'. 28 In 82:426 Same. In K. ('. I In 82:579.2 She wou'd and she wou'd not. (C.) Cibber. In L. P. 22 In 82:422 Same, lu 8. P. 14 Ill 82:214 Same. In B. B. T. 6 In 82:266 Same. In I. B. T. 9 In 82:349 S: •. In L.8. 3 In *32:624 Same. In I). W. 1 In 32:7X1 Same. In L. P. 56 In 32:456 Same. In I). LT, 16 In 32:280.16 Same. In li. I). :: In 32:15 Sheep in wolfs clothing, A. (D.) Taylor. In L. P. 37 -In 32: 187 Shepherd of Cournonailles, The. (Oa.i March. In L. P. 96 In 82:496 Shepherd of Derwent Vale. The. iD.i I.unn. lu L. P.89 In 32:is:i Shilling day at the great exhibition, A. i F. i Brough ami Balliday. In L. P. 95 In 32:455 Shipwreck, The. ('. 0.1 Arnold. In S. P, 5. In 82:205 Same. In Ox. N. B. D. 9 In 32:569 Shocking events. (F.) Buckstone. In F. M.S6. In 32:72 Shoemaker of Toiilou-e, The; or. The avenger of humble life. iD.i Hill. In F. S. 32... In 32:144 Shopkeeper turned gentleman, The. Mollere. Trans. b\ Wall. In I). \V. 3. Set also The citizen turned gentleman In 32:968 Short and sweet. (C D.) Troughton. In L. P In 32:452 Should this meet the eve. ( F. i Malthv. In L. P. 97 In 32:497 Shylock ; or. The merchant of Venice preser v ed. Talfourd. In I.. P. 11 In 32:411 Same. In F. M. 17 Ill 32:63 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 152 Titles. Siamese twins, The. (F.) A' Beckett. In L. P. 79. In 32:17!) Same. In F. M. 28 In 83:68 Sicilian, The ; or, Love makes the painter. (C.) Moliere. Trans, bv "Wall. In I). W. 2..In 32:007 Same. Trans, hy Van Laun. In D. W. 4..In 82:972 Same *A Sicilian summer, A. Taylor. In P. W. 3. In 31:1768 Siege, The. (C.) Baillie. In D. and P. "W.In 32:720 Siege of Belgrade, The. (O.) Cobh. In 1'. 11. In 82:196 Same. In S. P. 4 In 32:204 Same. In L. S. 4 In *82;520 Siege of Damascus, The. (T.) Hughes. In L. S. 3. In *32:524 Same. In M. B. I). 1 In 32:101 Same. In P. 9 In 32:198.9 Same. In B. B. T. 1 In 32:251 Same. In I. 15. T. 10 In 32:350 Same. In B. D. 1 In *32:13 Same. In D. L. T. 14 In 32-280.14 Siege of Rochelle, The. (0.) Fitzball. In L. P. 95 In 32:495 Silent protector, A. (Ca.) Williams. In L. P. 80. In 32:180 Silent system, The. (F.) Williams. In L. P. 56. In 32:456 Silent woman, A. (F.) Lacy. In L. P. 59. In 32:459 Silken fetters. (C.) Buckingham. In L. P. 61. In 32:461 Silver age, The. (P.) Hey wood. In S. S. P. 47. In •82:2847 Silver lining, The. (C.) Buckingham. In L. P. 62. In 32:462 Simon Lee; or, The murder of Five Fields Copse. Pitt. In L. P. 78 In 32:478 Simon Solus; or, Just paid off from the ''Dale." Clewearing. In S. P. 8 In 32:208 Simpson and Co. (C.) Poole. In F. S. 8. In 32:128 Same. In L. P. 74 In 32:474 Same. In S. P. 10 In 32:210 Sin and the sorrow, The. (D.) Leslie. In L. P. 72. In 32:472 Sink or swim. (C.) Morton. In L. P. 7. In 32:407 Sir Clyomon and Sir Clamydes. Peele. In O. D. In 82:321 Same. In W. 3 *A Sir Courtly Nice; or, It cannot be. (C.) Crowne. In D. W.3 In *32:793 Same. In P. 7 In 32:198.7 Sir Henry Wildair. Sequel to " Trip to the jubilee/' (C.) Farquhar. In O. D In 32:610 Same. In 11. B. D. 4 In 32:1"4 Same. In B. B. T. 15 In 32:265 Same. In B. B. T. 31 In »32:248 Sir Hercules Buffoon; or, The poetical squire. (C.) Lacy. In W In »82:919 Sir John Cockle at court. (F.) Dodslev. In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In B. D. 5 In *32:17 Sir .John Oldcastle. Pt. I. In A. B. D. l.In *32:4 Sir Patient Fancy. (P.) Behn In*L:12 Sir Roger de Coverley. (D.) Coyne. In L. P. 4. In 32:404 Sir Thomas More. (P.) Edited by Dyce. In S. S. P. 22 In s 32:2822 Sir Thomas Overbury. (T.) Savage. Altered bv Wondt'all. In P. 3 In 32:183 Siroes. .Metastasio. Trans, by Hoole. In Me- tastases D. 3 .". In 32:963 Sisterly service. (Ca.) Wooler. In L. P. 44. In 32:444 Sisters, The. (C.) Shirley. In D. W. 5. In 32:1265 Sister's penance, A. (D.) Taylor and Dubourg. In L P. 75 In 32:475 Six degrees of crime, The; or, Wine, women, gam- bling, theft, murder and the scaffold. (M.) Hill. In P.8. 30 In 32:143 Six months ago. (Ca.) Dale. In L. P. 77. In 32:477 Sixes, The; or, The devil's in the dice. (R. M.) Dibdin. In S. P. 15 In 32:215 Sixteen and sixty. (Ms. F.) In N. B. T. 4. In 32:158 Sixteen-string Jack. (R. D.) Rede. In F. S. 25. In 32:140 Skeleton witness, The ; or, The murder at the tnoand. Rede. In F. S. 25 In 32:140 Sketches in India. (F.) Adapted from ''The Englishman in India " by Morton. In F. S. 12. In 32:132 Slasher and Crasher. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 8. In 32:408 Sleeping beauty in the wood, The. (E.) Plnnche. In LP. 19 In 32:419 Sleeping draught, The. (F.) Penley. In L. P. 58. In 32:458 Sleeping hare, The. (C.) Dilley. In L. P. 76. In 32:476 Sleep-walker, The; or, Which is the lady. (F.) Oulton. In S. P. 2 In 32:202 Slice of luck, A. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 76. In 32:476 Slippery Sam of the Wolf's Glen. (Bs. O.) In S. P. B In 32:208 Slow man, The. (F.) Lemon. In L. P. 24. In 32:424 Slowtop's engagements. (F.) From the French by Cheltnam." In L. P. 53 In 32:453 Smoked miser, The. (F.) Jerrold. In L. P. 58. In 32:458 Smuggler's daughter, The. (M.) Dibdin. In S. P. 3 In 32:203 Snapping turtles. The. (Duo.) Buckstone. In L. P. 69 In 32:469 Snowdrop ; or, The seven mannikins and the magic mirror. (Bs. E.) Burnand. In L. P. 64. In 32:464 Society. (C.) Robertson. In L. P. 71. In 32:471 Socrates. (D.) Becket. In D. and prose mise. 1. In 32:746 Soldier's courtship, A. (C.) Poole. In F. M. 33. In 32:70 Soldier's daughter, The. (C.) Cherry. In L. S. 1. In •82:522 Same. In F. S. 13 In 32:133 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 5 In 32:555 Same. In P In 32:177 Same *B:16.9 Soldier's progress, The ; or, The horrors of war. (I).) Courtney. In L. P. 1 In 32:401 Somebody else. (F.) Planehe. In L. P. 11. In 32:411 Same. In F. M. 29 In 32:68 Somnambula, La. Bellini. Songs, duets, glees, recitatives, etc. In P. 6 In 32:190 Same. In P. 11 In 32:195 Somnambulist, The ; or, The phantom of the village. (D.) Moncrieff. In L. P. 86 In 32:486 Same. In D. W. 2 In 32:977 Son-in-law, The. (C. O.) O'Keefe. In S. P. A. In 32:204 Son of the night. (D.) G-ayler. In F.S. 22.1n 32:139 Son of the soil. (R. P.) Founded on '' Le lion amoureux " of Ponsard by Merivale. In L P. 97. In 32:497 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 153 TlTI.KS. Sons of (ioilwin, The. (T.) Loighton, jr. In 32:!'2l Sophia's supper. (F.) Addison. In L. P. 16. In 32:116 Sophonisba. (T.) Alficri. Trans, by Bowling. In Tragedies 2 In 89:898 Sophonisba. (T.) Thompson. In B. B. T. It*. In 32:208 Sophonisba; or, Hannibal's overthrow. (T.) I In I). \V. 8 In 32:933 Sorceress, The. (T.) In N. B. T. 3...In 32: 1. 17 Sorrows of Hun, The. (Chinese T.) From the trmntlatioo of the Oriental Society. In W. 8. 0. L.S. See also Han KoongTsew In 34:4173 Soul's tragedy, A. Browning. In P. W. In 31:460 Same. In Poems 3 In 31:458 Southerner — just arrived, A. (F.) Wigan. In L. P. 06 In 83:458 Spaniards ; or, The expulsion of tho Moors. (D.) In N. B. T. 3 In 32:157 Spanish curate, The. (C.) Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 8 In 32:738 Spanish dancers; or, Fans and fandangoes. (Br.) Selby. In L P. 49 In 82:449 Spanish frvar, The; or, The double discovery. (C.) Dryden. "in B. B. T. 13 In 821263 Same. In B. B. T. 24 In *32:241 Spanish gypsy, The. (C.) Middleton and Rowley, InO. E.P. 4 " In 32:174 Same. In W. 4 *A Spanish student, The. (1). P.) Longfellow. In P. W. (Edin.) In 81:1051 Same. In Poems 1. (Bost.cd.) In 31:1046 Same. In Poems 1 In 31:1047 Sam.'. In Poems. (N. Y. ed.j Iii 31:10-12 Spanish tragedy, The ; or, Hieronimo is mad again. Kvd. In D. (). P. 3 In 32:203 Same. In H. E. D. 2 In *32:325 Same. In A. B. D. 1 In *32:4 Spanking legacy, A ; or, Tho (Jorsicnn vendetta. Blake. In L. P. 6 In 32:400 Speak out boldly. (P. C.) In L. P. 73. In 32:473 "Special" performances. (F.) Harrison. In L. P. 80 In 32:480 Spectre bridegroom, The. (F.) Moncrieff. In L P. 85 , In 32:435 Speculation. (C.) Revno'.ds. In I. M. T. 2. In 32:372 Speed the plough. (0.) Morton. In I. B. T. 25. In 88:366 Same. In L. P. 51 In*32:»5i Spirit of the Rhine, The. (M.D.) From the French. Burnett. In S. P. is In 38:216 Spitalflelds weaver, The. (C. D.) Adapted from the French by Baylv. In L. P. 21 In 32:421 Spitfire, The. (F.) Morton. In S. P. 2. In 32:202 Spleen, The; or, Islington Spa. (C.) Column, Sr. In D. \V. 4 In •82:790 Splendid Investment, A. (F.) Bernard. In L. P. 30 In 32:430 Spoiled child, The. (F.) Hoare. In F. M. it. In 82:62 Same. In L. P. 85 In 32: is • Same. In L. S. 4 In *82:525 Same. InS. P.8 In 32:208 Sprigs of laurel. (C. O.) O'Keeffe. In P. 11. In 32:105 Spring and autumn. (C. D.) Adapted from the French by Kenney. In L. P. 24 In 32:424 Stage coach, The. "(F.) Farquhar. In P. 8, In 32:108.6 Stage struck. (F.) Dimond. In L. P. 10. In 32:410 Stage-struck Yankee, The. (F.) Durivnge. In F. M. 27 In 88:67 Staple of news, The. Jonson. In W....I11 32:'""' Star of the north, The. (D.) Adapted from the French by Robertson. In L. P. 98 In 82:498 Starno. (T.) Bayers. In Dramatic sketches of an- cient northern mythology In 82:996 State secrets. (F.) Wilks. In L. P. 53. In 82:453 Steeple-chase, The. (F.) Madison. In L. P. 26. In 82:426 Stella. (D.) Giithe. Trans, by Thompson. In T. G. T. 6 In 32:589 Sam.' In 82:586 Steward, The; or. Fashion and feeling. (C.) Altered and adapted from the '•Deserted daughter. Beazley. In P.S.84 In 82:146 Stichus ; or, The parasite rebutted. (C.l Plautus. Literally trans, with notes by Riley. In Comedies 1. Still waters run deep. (C.) Taylor. In L. P. 22. In 32:422 Same. In F. S. 35 In 32:145 Stock exchange, The. (C. D.) Dance. In L P. 36. In 32:436 " Stolen— £20 reward." (F.) Hancock. In L. P. 61. In 32:ioi Storm in a tea cup, A. (Ca.) Bernard. In L. P. 14 In 32:414 Strafford. (T.) Browning 81:462 Strange history, A. (D.) Lawrence and Mathews. In L. P. 10...." In 32:410 Stranger, The. (D.) Kotzebue. Trans, by Thompson. In I. B. T. 24 In 32:364 Same. In L. P. 22 In 82:422 Same. In L.S. 3 In *32:524 Same. In T. G. T. 1 In 82:581 Same I n 3^:537 Stranger, stranger than ever, The. (Pieco of ex- travagance.) Rcece. In L. P. 82 In 32:482 Strathmore ; or, Love and duty. Marston. In L. P. 56 i„ 32:456 Stripling, The. (T.) Baillie. In D. and P. W. In 32:720 Same. In W. S. C. L. 7 In 34:4177 Such things are. (P.) Inchbald. In I. B. T. 23. In 82:363 Same. In L.S. 1 In *82:522 Sudden thoughts. (F.) Wilks. In F. M. 31. In 32:69 Same. In L. P. 33 In 32:4.::; Suit of tweeds, A. (F.) Hay. In L. P. 74.1n 32:474 Sulieman. (T.) In N. B. T. 2 In 32:156 Sultan, The; or, A peep into the seraglio. (O.) Biekerstati. In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In S. P. 12 In 32:212 Same. In I. B. F. 3 In 32:333 Same. In L. S. 3 in *82:524 Same. In li. D. 5 In *32:17 Same. In D. L T. 25 In 32:280.25 Sun's darling. The. (Moral Mas.) Ford and Decker. In Ford's I). \V. 2 In 32:837 Same. In Ford's W. 3 »A Same. In O. D In 32:531 Sunshine through the clouds. (D.) Lawrence. In L. P. 15 In 32:415 Supper In Dixie, A. (F.) Triplet. In F. M. 37. In 32:72 Suppliants, The. (T.) JStcbylns. Literally trans. with notes by Buckley. In Tragedies 1. In 1:2780 Same. In Tragedies In 1. Same. Trau.-. by Plumptre. In Tragedies. 2. In 1:2700 Same. Trans, by Potter. In Tragedies.... In 1:2796 Same ,...„ I n *1;5820 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The 1)rama. 154 Titles. Suppliants, The. (T.) Euripides. Literally trans. with notes by Bueklev. In Tragedies 2. In 32:2906 Same. Trans, by Potter In 1:2910 Supposes. (C.) Ariosto. Trans, by Gascoigne. In II. E. D. 3 .In s 32:i2i! Surgeon of Paris, The. (H. D.) Jones. In P. S. 32 In 32:144 Surrender of Calais, The. (P.) Column. In S. P. it; In 32:216 Same. In 1. B. T. 20 In 32:360 Susan Uopley; or, The vicissitudes of a servant girl. (Uom. D.) Pitt. In L P. 69. In 32:469 Suspicious husband, The. Iloadley. In Ox. N. E. D. 8 In 32:558 Same, In B. B. T. 4 In 32:254 Same. In LB. T. 13 In 32:353 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Same. In P. 1 In 32:198.1 Same. In I). L. T. 14 In 32:280.14 Same. In B. D. 4 In *32:16 Sweet-hearts and wives. (C.) Kenney. In F. S. 10 In 32:130 Same. In L. P. 21 In 32:421 Swiss cottage, The ; or, Why don't she marrv. (V.) Bayly. In L. P. 1 In 32:401 Same, "in S. P. 8 In 32:208 Swiss swains, The. (Oa.) Webster. In P. M. 23. In 32:65 Sworn at Highgate! (Ms. F.) Daniel. In S. P. 2 In 32:202 Sybilla ; or, Step by step. (C. D.) Simpson. In L. P. 64 In 32:464 Sylphide, The. (E.) Brough. In L. P. 76. In 32:476 Sylvana. (O.) Music, by Weber. Adapted to the English stage by Somerset. In S. P. 4. In 32:2i>4 Sympathy. (Ca.) Dubourg. In L. P. 96. In 32:496 Syren of Paris, The. (R. D.) Adapted from the French by Suter. In L. P. 52 In 32:452 Tailors, The: A tragedy for warm weather. Poole. In S. P. 16 In 32:216 Same. In L. S. 4 In *32:525 " Take care of Dowb ." (F.) Morton. InE. P. 34. In 32:434 Take care of little Charley. (F.) Brougham. In P. M. 21 In 32:64 Take that girl away. (C. D.) Buckingham. In L. P. 18..... In 32:418 Taking bv storm! (Coloured Sk.) Churchill. In L. P. 6 In 32:406 Tale of Lexington, A. (National C.) Judah. In S. P. 11 In 32:211 Tale of mystery, A. (M.) Holeroft. In L. S. 2. In *32:523 Tale of two cities, A. (D.) Adapted from Dickens. In L. P. 45 In 32:445 Tale of a tub, A. Jonson. In W In 32:900 Tamburlaine the great. (T. ) Pts. I. and II. Marlowe In W In 32:948 Same. In W. 1 A Tamerlane. (T.) Kowe. In I. B. T. 10. In 32:350 Same. In B. B. T. 3 In 32:253 Same. In B. B. T. 12 In »82:229 Same. In L. S. 3 In *32:524 Same. In P. 8 In 32:196.8 Same. In M. B. D. 1 In 32:101 Same. In I). L. T. 13 In 32.280.13 Same. In B. D. 1 In «32:13 Taming of the shrew. (C.) Shakespeare. In W. 2 in 82:1002 Same. In W In 32:1008 Taming of the shrew, (continued.) — Same. In \V. 2. (Dyee.) In 32:1010 Same. In VV. 6. (Halliwcll.) *A Same. In W. 5. (Handy vol.) In 32:1055 Same. In W. 2. (Ha/.litt. Lond.) In 32:1072 Same. In W. 2. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:1076 Same. In W. 3. (Hudson.) In 32:1093 Same. In Com. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1126 Same. In Com. 1. (Knight, pict. ed.)... .In 32:1131 Same. In W. 1. (Knight.) *A Same. In the Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 5. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1145 Same. In W. 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. In Doubtful plays 3. (Heed.)... .In 32:1163 Same. In W. 3. (Singer.) In 32:1173 Same. In W. 3. (Steevens.) *A Same. In W. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same. In W. (Steevens and Malone.)....In 32:1186 Same. In W. 6. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1196 Same. In W. 9. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1219 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A Taming a tiger. (F.) Adapted from the French. In LP. 72 In 32:472 Taming the truant. (C.) Wigan. In L. P. 58. In 32:458 Tancred. (D.) Altered from a tale of ancient times by Lillibridge. In P. 12 In 32:196 Same. In S. P. 16 In 32:216 Tancred and Gismunda. (T.) Wilmot. In I). O. P. 2 In 32:292 Tancred and Sigismunda. (T.) Thomson. In M. B. D. 2 „ In 32:102 Same. In B. B. T. 5 In 32:255 Same. In B. B. T. 6 In *32:223 Same. In I. B. T. 13 In 32:353 Same. In L. S. 4 In »32:525 Same. In D. L. T. 1 1 In 32:280.11 Same. In B. D. 2 I„ »32:14 Tantalus at law. (C.) Frederic II. of Prussia. In his Posthumous W. Trans, by Holeroft. In 34:1195 Tarantula, La; or, The spider king. (K.) In L. P. 3 in 32:403 Tarnation strange; or, More Jonathans. ( F.) Moncrietf. In D. \V. 1 In 32:976 Tartuffe ; or, The hypocrite. (C.) Molierc. Trans. by Van Laun. In iJ. W. 4 In 32:972 Same » A Same. Trans, by Wall. In D. W. 2 in 32:967 Taste. Foote. In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same» In B. D. 5 In s 32:17 Teacher taught, The. (F.) Stirling. In L. P. 48. In 32:448 Tears and smiles. (C.) Barker. In S. P. 12. In 32:212 Teddy Roe. (F.) Stirling. In F. M. 25. In 32:66 Teddy the tiler. (F.) Rodwell. In L. P. 81. In 32:481 Same. In F. M. 24 In 32:66 Telemachus ; or, The Island of Calypso. (E.) Planche and Dance. In *L. P. 51 .'in 32:451 Tell! and the strike of the Cantons. (C.) Tall'oiird. In LP. 43 •. In 32:443 Temperance doctor, The. (D. ) Seymour. In F. S. 44-45 .In 32:150 Tempest, The. (P.) Shakespeare. In F. S. 16. In 32:136 Same. In I. B. T. 5 In 32:345 Same. In L. P. 37 In 32:437 Same. In Hows' Shakespearian reader.. .In 32:1081 Same. In Hudson's School Shakespeare 2. In 32:1111 Same. In W. 1 In 32:1001 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Thk Drama. 155 TlTI.KS. Tempest, irontinutd.) — Bam*. In W In 32:1008 Same In W. 7. iDvcc.i In 83:1018 Sam* In \V. 1. (HalltwelL) *A Same. In\V. l. (Handy vol] Iii 32: ion i Same. In \V. 1. illii/.litt. I.ond.i In 32:1071 Sun-. In W. 1. (Hazlitt. N.T.J In 83:1076 Bama In \V. l. (Hudson.) In 83:1001 Same. In Cun. 1. (Knight") In 83:1120 Same. In Coin. 2. (intent, pi«t. cd. ) — In 83:1132 Same. In W. 1. (Knight.) *A Bama In The Leopold BhakeapaaTe In 32:1140 Same. In \V. 4. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1111 Sam.-. In \V. 1. (Phelps) In 32: 1 l r .l Same. In \V. (Bolfis.) In 32:1170 Same. InW.i. (Singer.) In 32:1171 Same. In \V. (Steovens) In 32:1185 Same. In \V. l. (Steeveoa) a A Same. In \V. (Steevens and Malum- ) In 32:1180 Same. In W. 3. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1 19.1 Same. In W. 5. (Johnson and Steevena.) In 32: 12 IS Same. Ill Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A Same. With addition! 1>V Drvdcn and Davenant, adapted by Kcmble. In P.." In 32:171 Temple beau, The. (C.) Fielding. In AV. 1. In *34:1117 Temptation; or, The fatal brand. (D.) Town- send. In L. P. 52 In 83:452 Temptation ; or. The Irish emigrant. (O. D.) Brougham. In F. M. 9 In 32:".s Tempter, The; or, The old mill of St. Denis. (K. D.) Graves. In 8. P. 16 In 83:218 Ten nights in a har-room. (I).) Dramatized from Arthur's novel by Pratt. In F. S. 43.... In 32:149 Tender hushand. The: or, The accomplished fools. (C.) Steele. In at. B. D. 4 In 32:104 Same. In Ii. B. T. 16 In •83:238 Same. In L. S. 3 In *3S:624 Same. In 1). L. T. 26 In 32:280.26 Tender precautions; or, The romance of marriage. (C.) Serle. In Ii. P. 5 In 32:4"5 Terrible secret, A. (F.) Covne. In L. P. 53. In 32:453 Terrible tinker, A. (F.) Williams. In F. M. 40-41 In 32:74 Same. In L. P. 87 ' In 32:^7 Test of truth, The; or, ,: It'- a long lane that ha- no turning.'' (0.) Bttter. In L. P. 84....In 82:484 Thanatos Athanaton. Bnlwer-Lytton. In Chron- icles and characters l In 31:1116 Same. In New pnenis 1 In 31:1118 That affair at Finchley. (C.) Covne. In L. P. 83, In 32:452 That nose. (F) Woolf. In F. M. 35. ..In 32:71 Theatric count, The. (T.-C.) In Hbtory of the stage In 10:2807 Theatrical candidates. Garrick. In D. AV. 3. In *32:847 Themistocles. Metastasio. Trans, by Hoole. In M-tastasio's D. 3 In 32:963 Theodora: actress and empress. (H. D.) Phil- lips. In L. P. 74 In 32:174 Same. In N. 15. T. 1 In 32:155 Theodosius ; or, The force of love. (T.) Lee. In M. U. D. I In 32:101 S,mc. In B. B. T. 7 In 83:257 Same In P. 2 In 83:198.3 Sime. In I). \V. 1 In 83:931 Thermopylae; or. Repulsed invasion. (T. D.) In N. B.T. 2 In 83:166 Theseus and Ariadne, i K.) Plancba*. In L. P. Ill In 32: 111' Thesmophoriazusee, The. (O.) Aristophanes. Literally trans, by Hickie. In Comedies 2. In 1:2881 Thetis and Pelena; or. The chain of roaei, (Mytho- logical lore story.) In LP. 8 In 88:408 Thierry and Theodores. (T.) Beaumont and Fletcher. In M. Ii. I). 1 In 88:101 Bama ln\V. l In 32:731 Thirty-three next birthday. (P.) Morton. In I, P. 38 In 83:438 Thomas and Bally; or, The sailor's return, i M -. Bn.) In L. S. 4.; In *83:53S Sbhic. Music by Arne. In S. P. 16 In 32:216 Thomas, lord Cromwell. (T.) Shakespeare. In Doubtful plays. i.Moltke.) In 83:1168 Same. In \V. 2. (Knight) *A Thomaso ; or, The wanderer. (C.I Killigrew. In Tragedies ami uedies In : 32::r-i>6 Thracian wonder, The. (C. H.) Webster and Rowley. In 0. B. P. 6 In 32:176 Same. In Webster's I). W. 4 In 32:12'.':'. Same. In W. 4 «A Three and the deuce, The! (CD.) Hoare. In P. In 32:177 Three cuckoos, The. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 40. In 32:440 Three deep; or, All on the wing. (F.) Limn. In P. 12 ...In 32:190 Three furies, The. (Ca.) Roberts. In L. P. 66. In 32: 166 Three guardsmen. The. Founded on Duma-' ro- mance by Hiee. In F. S. 18 In 32:137 Three musket-dears, and a little on* in. (Mil. lis. ) l'aulton. In L. P. 95 In 83:496 Three musketeers. The; or, The queen, the cardinal and the adventurer. (I).) Pounded on- Dumas' romance. Hice. InL.P. 17 In 32:117 Three red men, The. Archer. In L. P. 41. In 32:441 Three weeks after marriage. (C.) Murphy. In L. s. l In •83:522 Same. In B, D. 5 In *32:17 Same. In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In I. B. T. 4 In 32: 334 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 9 In 32: 859 Same. In D. L. T. 7 In 32:280.7 Thrice married. (Personation piece.) Paul. In L. P. 45 In 32:445 Through fire and water. (C. D.) Gordon. In L. P. 86 In 32:486 Thumping legacy, A. (F.) Morton. In F. M. 13. In 32:60 Same. In L. P. 5 In 32:405 Thyestes. (T.) Crowne. In D. \V. 2.1n *327.'2 Ticket-of-leave, A. (F.) Phillips. In L. P. 88. In 32: 159 Ticket-of-leave man, The. (D.) Taylor. In K. 8. 31 Lin 33:148 Same. In F. S. 42 In 32:149 Same In L. 1'. 59 In 32:459 Ticket-of-leave man's wife, The; or, Six years after. Cheltnam. InL.P. 69 In 32:W!i Ticklish times. (F.) Morton. In F. M. 32. In 32:70 SHine. In L. P. 35 In 32:435 Tide of time, The. (C.) Bernard. In L. P. 38. In 32:438 Timanthes. (T.) Hoole. In B. B.T. 8.1n •88.226 Time and the hour, The. (Romantic I). | Simpson. In L. P. 81 In 32:481 Time and tide; a tale of the Thames. (D.) Leslie. In L P. 81 In 32: 181 Time tries all. (D.) Courtney. In F. S. 36. In 32:146 SamBj In L.P.I In 32:401 Time works wonders. (C.) Jerrold. In S. P. 16. In 32:216 Same. In L. P. 92 In 83:482 Same. In W. 7 In 34:1471 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 156 Titles. Times, The. (D.) Daly. In L. P. II...I11 32:411 Time's a tell tale. (C.) Siddons. In I. M. T. 10. In 32:380 Timoleon. (T.) Alfieri. Trans, by Bowring. In Tragedies 1 In 32:097 Timon. " (P.) In S. S. P. 11 In •39:2811 Timon of Athens. (T.) Shakespeare. In W. 5. In 32:1005 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In W. 5. (Dyee.) In 32:1013 Same. In W. 13. (Halliwell.) »A Same. In W. 10. (Handy vol.) In 32:1060 Same. In W. 4. (Hazlitt. Lond.) In 32:1074 Same. In W. 8. (Hudson.) In 32:1098 Same. In Trag. 1. (Knight.) In 32:1123 Same. In Trag. 1. (Knight, pict. ed.)...In 32:1133 Same. In W. 2. (Knight.) *A Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. (i. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1146 Same. In W. 1. (Phelps) In 32:1151 Same. In W. 8. (Singer.) In 32:1178 Same. In W. 8. (Steevens) »A Same. In W. (Steevens and Malone)..In 32:1186 Same. In W. 11. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1201 Same. In W. 19. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1229 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A Timothy to the rescue. (F.) Byron. In L. P. 63. In 32:463 Timour the Tartar. (R. D.) Lewis. In L. P. 79. In 32:479 Timour the Tartar! (E.) Oxenford and Brooks. In L. P. 49 In 32:449 'Tis all a farce. (F.) In P. 12 In 32:196 Same. In S. P. 8 In 32:208 Same. In P..' In 32:178 " 'Tis the darkest hour before dawn." (P. C.) .Mack. In F. M. 40 41 In 32:74 'Tis pity she's a whore. (T.) Ford. In D. O. P. 8. In *32:298 Same. In O. D In *32:531 Same. In D. W. 1 In *32:830 Same. In D. W. 1 *A Tit for tat. (O.) Atkinson. In S. P. 16. In 32:210 Tit for tat. (Ca.) Talfourd and Wigan. In L. 1\ 17. In 32:417 Titus. Metastasis Trans, by Hoole. In Metas- tases D. 1 In *32:961 Titus Andronicus. (T.) Shakespeare. In \V. 6. In 32:1006 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same.' In W. 4. (Dyce.) In 32:1012 Same. In W. 13. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In W. 12. (Handy vol.) In 32:1062 Same. In W. 9. (Hudson.) In 32:1099 Same. In Trag. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1124 Same. In Doubtful plays. (Knight.). ..In 32:1137 Same. In W. 2. (Knight) *A Same. In the Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In "W. 6. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1146 Same. In W. 2. (Phelps.) In 32:1152 Same. In W. 8. (Singer.) In 32:1178 Same. In W. 8. (Steevens.) *A Same. In W. (Steevens and Mulone.).. In 32:1 186 Same. In W. 13. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1203 Same. In W. 21. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1231 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A To marry, or not to marry. (C.) Inchbald. in I. B. T. 23 In 32:363 Same. In P In 32:179 To oblige Benson. (Ca.) Adapted from the French by Taylor. In L. P. 14 In 32:414 "To parents and guardians! At Jubilee House Es- tablishment, Clapham, young gentlemen are. etc., etc." (CD.) Coyne. In F.S. 16 In 32:136 Same. In L. P. 13 In 32:413 To Paris and back for five pounds. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 9 In 32:409 Tobacconist, The. (F.) Altered from Jonson's Alchyniist by Gentleman. In S. P. 2. ..In 32:202 Same. In D. L. T. 13 In 32:280.13 Same. In L. S. 2 In -32:523 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 13 In 32:563 Tobit's dog, The. (H. Ca.) Moncrierf. In D. W. 2. In 32:977 TomandJerrv; or, Life in London in 1820. (D.) Moncrieff. In F. M. 20 In 32:64 Same. In L. P. 88 In 32:488 Same. In D. W. 3 In 32:978 Tom Cringle; or, Mat of the iron hand. (D.) Fitzball. In F. S. 18 In 32:137 Same. In L. P. 41 In 32:441 Tom Noddy's secret. (F.) Bayly. In F. M. 35. In 32:71 Tom Thrasher. (F.) Harris. In L. P. 81. In 32:481 Tom Thumb. (Bs. O.) Fielding. Altered by O'Hara. In M. B. D. 5 In 32:105 Same. In I. B. F. 6 In 32:336 Same. In L. P. 50 In 32:450 Same. In L. S. 2. See also Tragedy of tragedies. In «32:423 Tomkins the troubadour. In L. P. 80. In 32:486 Ton, The; or, Follies of fashion. Wallace. In P. 4. In 32:184 Too late for dinner. (F.) Jones. In P. 12. In 32:196 Too much of a good thing. (C. D.) Harris. In L. P. 22 In 32:422 Too much for good nature. (F.) Falconer. In L. P. 42 In 32:442 Toodles, The. (Dom. D.) In F. M. 7... In 32:57 Same. In L. P. 26 In 32:426 Toothache, The ; or, The mistakes of a morning. (P. C.) Free translation from the French by Bray. In S. P. 1 In 32:201 Same. In 8. P. 12 In 32:212 Same. In L. P. 4 In 32:404 Topsail sheet blocks. (P.) Townsend. In S. P. 9. In 32:209 Torquato Tamo. (D.) GSthe. Trans, by Swan- wick. In W. 5 In 34:1260 Tourist's ticket, A. (F.) Williams. In L. P. 96. In 32:496 Tournament, The. (I.) Rowlev. In Chattel-ton's P. W. 2 .". In 31:567 Tower of Lochlain, The. (M.) Jerrold. In S. P. 15. In 32:215 Tower of London, The ; or, The death omen and the fate of Lady Jane Grew (D.) Higgie and Lacy. In L P. 94 .' ^..In 32:494 Tower of Nesle ; or, The chambers of death. Almar. In L. P. 91 In 32:491 Town and country. (C.) Morton. In F. S. 9. In 32:129 Same. In S. P. 12 In' 32:212 Town fop, The. (P.) Behn. In her Plays 3. *L:12 Trachinise. (T.) Sophocles. Trans, by Franck- lin. In Tragedies In 1:3182 Same. Trans, by Plumptre. In Tragedies. In 1:3187 Tradesman's ball, The. (F.) A' Beckett. In S. P. 2 In 32:202 Tragedy of Albertus Wallenstein. Glapthorne. In O. K. D. 2 In *32:1G8 Tragedy of Brutus. Sec Brutus. Tragedy of Cambises, king of Persia, The. (C.) Preston. In H. E. D. 1 In *32:324 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 157 Titles. Tragedy of Dido, que>>n of Carthago. Marlowe. In O. E. I). ! In 82:168 Same. In W In 82:948 Tragedy of tho dutchessc of Mull'v. See Dttohen Of Maltl. Tragedy of error*. Putnam 32:' l> "> Tragedy of Ferrex and Porrex. See Ferrex and Poms. Tragedy of fratricide punished; or, Prince Hamlet of Denmark. In Shakespeare in Germany. (0<>hn.) In 83:1931 Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. In Shakespeare in Germany. [Goto.) In 82:1921 Tragedy of Boliman and Peraeda. In II. K I). 2. In *82:325 Tragedy Of success. (D.) Putnam 32:986 Tragedy Of Titus Amir. inicus. In Shakespeare in Germany. (Culm.) In 82:2921 Tragedy of tragedies; or, The life and death of Tom Thumb the great. Fielding. In 8. P. 1. In 32:201 Same. In W. 1 In *34: 1 1 1 " Tragical comedy, or comical tragedy of Punch and Jody, The. InS. P. I In 82:201 Tragical history of Doctor Faustus. From the 4 W of 10"4; also the 4* of 1616. Marlowe. (T.) In W. [See also Doctor Kaustus) In 32-' Is Same. With Green's Friar Bacon and friar Bangay. In 32:0(J5 Traitor, The. (T.) Shirley. In D. W. 2. In 82:1262 Traitors' gate, The; or, The tower of London in 1663. (II. D.) Lucas. In JL P. 93 In. 82:495 Transformation. (Ms. F.) In P. 12. In 82:196 Trapping a tartar. (S.-C. D.) Stirling. In L P. 65. In 32:4ii."i Trial, The. (O.) Baillic. In D. and P. \V. In 82:720 Trial by jury. (D. Can.) Gilbert. In Original P. In 82:348 Trial of treasure. In Percy Society publications. In *31;3182 Trial of Tompkins, The ! (F.) Williams. In L. P. 68 In 32:458 "Trick to catch tho old one, A. (C.) Middleton. In O. E. P. 5 In 32:17". Same. In W. 2 • E A Trinummus : the three pieces of money. (C.) I'l.ui! us. Literally trans, with notes by ltiley. In Comedies 1 In 1:3875 Trip to Scarborough, A. (C.i Sheridan. In 1. M. T. 7 In 32:377 Sam.. In L.S. 2 In *82:623 Same. In D. W In 82:1252 Same. In D. L. T. 14 In 82:280.14 Triumph of beauty, The. (En.) Shirley. In D. W. o .". In 82:1266 Triumph of peace, The. (Mas.) Shirley. In D. \V. In 32:1266 Troades, The. (T.) Euripides. Literally trans. with notes by Buckley. In Tragedies 2. (See also Trojan dames.)' In 1:2906 Troilus and Ureeeida. (T.) Shakespeare. In W. 5. In 82:1005 Same. In W In 82:1008 Same. InW.4. (D\ee.) In 32:1012 Same. In W. 12. (Halliwell.) S A Same. In W. 3. (Hazlitt. Loud.) In 32:1073 Same. In W. 3. MRazlitt. N. Y.) In 82:1077 Same. In W. 7. (Hudson.) In 82:1097 Same. In Trag. 2. (Knight.) In 32:1124 Same. In Trag. 2. ( Knight, pict. ed.)..ln 32:1 134 Same. In W. 2. (Knight.) a A Same. In The Leopold Sbakaepeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 3. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1143 Troilus and Creaaida, [eemtimud.) — Same. InW.2. (Pbelpe.) Ti> 32:1 1 r ,2 Same. In \V. B. (Singer.) In 32.117m Sane-. In U.S. iSiee\ens.) *A Same. In \V. | Stcevi-n- and Mnlonc.|.In 32:1180 Same. In VV. II. (Jobnaon and Steven-, i In 82:1201 Same. In W. 15. (Johnson and Steeveni. Iii 82:1225 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A Trojan dame-. The. (T.) Euripides. Trana. by Putter. In Tragediea 2 In 1:2911 Tromb-al-ca-zar ; or, The adventures of an operatic troop. ( Ms. E. ) Adapted from the French by Stephenson. M usic In Otl'enbach. In L. P. 71. In 32:471 Trovatore, II. (R. D.) Suter. In L, P. 66. In 32:456 Truculentus, the churl. (('.) Plautus. Literally trans, by Riley. In Comedies 2 In 1:3878 True as "steel." (C.) Reeve. In L. P. 92. In 82:492 True-born Irishman, The. (C.) Miicklm. In S. P. 18 in 82:216 True tragedy of Richard the third, with Kicardus tertiu-, a Latin play. In S. S. P. 80. In '32:2820 Trumpeter's daughter, The. (F.) Coyne. In P. M. 36 h, 32:71 Trust, The. (C.) Brack. In P. 12 In 82:196 Sine. In S. P. 4 In 32:2' 1 Trying it on. (F.) Brough. In F. M. 27. In 32:07 Same. In L. P. 11 In 32:411 Tryphon. (T.) Boyle. In D. W. 1 ...In 82:749 Tufelhausen ; or, The lawyer's legend. (D.) Bockatone. In L. P. 27 " ..In 32:427 Tumble-down Dick; or, Phaeton in the suds. (F.I Field, ne. In W. 3 In 34:11)9 Tunbridge walks; or, The yeoman of Kent. (C.) Baker. In P. 7 In 32: li»«.7 Turco In Italia, II. (The Turk in Italy.) ((). Bulla.) Music by Rossini. In P. 12 ..In 32:190 Turkish "bath, The. (F.) Williams and Burnand. la L- P. 5i In 32:4".i Turn him out. [P.) Williams. In F. M. 37. In 32:72 Same. In L. P. 59 In 32:459 Turn out. (Ms. F.) Kenney. In S. P. 11. In 32:211 Turned head, The. (F.) A'Beckctt. In F. M. 28. In 82:68 Same. In L. P. 67 In 32: 107 Turning the tables. (F.) Poole. InS. P. II. In 32:211 Same. In L. P. 40 In 82:440 Turnpike gate, The. (Ms. Rn.) Knight. In 1. |{. F..:. In 32:333 Same. In L. S. 4 In •82:525 'Twasl. (F.) Payne. In L. P. 9 In 82:409 Tweedleton's tail-coat. (P.J Williams. In F. at 40-41 in 32:74 Same. In L. P. 73 In 32:473 Twelfth night; or, What you will. (0.) Sbakee- ■peare. In P. 8. 8 In 82:128 Sa in s. P. 10 1,, 82:210 Same. In L. P. 30 In 32:130 Same. In I. B. X. 6 In 32:345 Same. In Ox. >'. E. D. 12 In 82:662 Same. In Bows' Shakespearian reader.. ..In 82:1081 Same. In Hudson's School Sbakepeare 1 .la 32:ino Same. In W. 1 In 32:1001 Same. In W In 82:1008 Same. In W. 2. (Dvce.i In 82:1010 Same. In W. 7. (Halliwell) A Same. In W. 3. (Handy vol.) In 32:1053 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Tite Drama. 158 Titles. Twelfth night, (continued.) — Same. In W. 1. (Hazlitt. Loud.). ..In 32:1071 Same. In W. 1. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:1075 Same. In W. 1. (Hudson) In 32:1091 Same. In Com. 2. (Knight) In 32:1126 Same. In Com. 2. (Knight, pict. ed)....In 32:1 132 Same. In W. 1. (Knight.) *A Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In W. 5. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1145 Same. In W. 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. In Doubtful plays 3. (Keed-)... .In 32:1163 Same. In W. 3. (Singer.) In 32:1173 Same. In W. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same." In W. 4. (Steevens.) *A Same. In W. (Steevens and Malone.). In 32:1186 Same. In W. 4 (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1194 Same. In W. 4. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1214 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A Twelve labours of Hercules, The. (C.) Brough. In L. P. 6 In 32:406 Twenty minutes with a tiger. (F.) Adapted from the French. In F. M. 33 In 32:70 Same. In L. P. -24 In 32:424 Twenty per cent; or, My father. (F.) Dibdin. In 1). L. T. 25 In 32:280.25 Twenty years ago. (M. En.) Pocock. In P. 12. In 32:196 Twice killed. (F.) Oxenford. In L. P. 24. In 32:424 Twice told tale, A. (F.) Wooler. In F. M. 34. In 32:71 Same. In L. P. 37 In 32:437 Twin rivals, The. (C.) Farquhar. In B. B. T. 17. In 32:267 Same. In B. B. T. 23.. In «32:240 Same. In O. D In 32:610 TWO angrie women of Abington, The. (C.) Porter. In Percy Soc. Pub. 5 In "31:3159 Two b'hoys, The; or, Bculah Spa. (B.) Dance. In F. M.'36 In 32:72 Two Bonnvcastles, The. (F.) Morton. In F. M. 6. In 32:56 Same. In L. P. 5 In 32:405 Two Buz/ards; The; or, Whitebait at Greenwich. (F.) Morton. In F. M. 24 In 32:66 Two can play at that game. (P. C.) 1 ierron and Laferricre. In F. M. 29 In 32:68 Two connoisseurs. (C.) Havley. In Poems and plays 6 .' In 31:833.6 Two'Foscari, The. (H. T.) Byron. In P. W. 7. In 31:532 Same. In P. W In 31:537 Same. In P. W. 5 In 31:542 Same. In D. 2 In 32:762 Two friends, The. (Dom. D.) Lacy. In F. S. 12. In 32:132 Two galley slaves, The. (M.) Adapted from the French by Payne. In L. P. 72 In 32:472 Two gay deceivers; or, Black, white and grey. (F.) Kobertson and Lacy. In L. P. 33 In 32:433 Two gentlemen in a fix; or, How to lose the train. (I.) Suter. In L. P. 66 In 32:466 Two gentlemen of Verona. (C.) Shakespeare. In F. S. 4 In 32:124 Same. In W. I In 32:1001 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In W. 7. (Dvce.) In 32:1015 Same. In W 2. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In W. 1. (Handy vol.) In 32:1051 Same. In W. 1. (Hazlitt. Loud.) In 32:1071 Same. In W. 1. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:1075 Same. In W. 1. (Hudson.) In 82:1091 Same. In Com. 1. (Knight.) In 32:1125 Same. In Com. 1. (Knight, pict. ed.)..In 32:1131 Two gentlemen of Verona, (continued.) — Same. In W. 1. (Knight.) *A Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In \V. 4. (Stratford ed.) In 32:1144 Same. In \V 1. (Phelps.) In 32:1151 Same. In "W. 1. (Singer.) In 32:1171 Same. In W. 1. (Steevens.) *A Same. In W. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same. In W. (Steevens and Malone.). In 32:1186 Same. In W. 3. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1193 Same In W. 4. (Johnson and Steevens.) In 32:1214 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A Two Gregories, The. (O. F.) Dibdin. In F. M. 9. In 32:58 • Same. In L. P. 70 In 32:470 Two heads are better than one. (F.) Home. In L. 1*. 27 In 32:427 Two in the morning. (C. S.) Mathews. In L. P. 20. In 32:420 Two loves and a life. (D.) Taylor and Reade. In 1'. S. 34 , I„ 32:145 Two men of Sandy Bar. (D.) Harte 32:872 Two misers, The. ' (O.) O'llara. In M. B. 1). 5. In 32:105 Same. In L. S. 3 In *32:524 Same. In D. L. T, 19 In 32:280.19 Two noble kinsmen, The. (T.) Beaumont and Fletcher. In W. 11 In 32:741 Two noble kinsmen, The. (T.) Shakespeare and Fletcher. In M. B. D. 1 In 32:1«1 Two noble kinsmen, The. (P.) Shakespeare. In Doubtful plays. (Knight.) In 32:1137 Same. In The Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Two Polts, The. (F.) Courtney. In L. P. 45. In 32:445 Two Puddifoots, The. (F.) Morton. In L. 1 J . 78. In 32:478 Two queens, The. (P. C.) Buckstone. In F. 54". 13. In 32:60 Same. In L. P. 1 In 32:401 Two strings to your bow. (F.) Jephson. In S. P. 2. In 32:202 Same. In I. B. F. 2 In 32:332 Same. In L. S. 3 In *32:52i • Two to one; or, The Irish footman. (¥.) Clements. In L. P. 98 In 32:498 Two ways of dying for a husband. I. Dying to keep him; or, Tortesa the usurer. II. Dying to lose, him; or, Bianoa Visconti. Willis 32:1301 'Twould puzzle a conjuror. (C. D.) Poole. In F. M. 6 '. In 32:56 Same. In L. P. 14 In 32:414 Ugly customer, An. (F.) Williams. In L. P. 49. In 32:149 Ugolino. (T.) Booth, the elder. In F. S. 14. In 32:134 Same. In F. S. 15 In 32:135 Same. In S. P. 7 In 32:207 Same. In S. P. 13 In 32:213 Ulysses. (T.) Rowe. In B. B. T. I8.1n 32:269 Same. In P. 8 In 32:198.8 Ulysses ; or, The iron-clad warrior and the little tug of war. (Bs.) Burnand. In L. P. 66. In 32:466 Uncle, The. (P.) Trans, from the German of the Princess Amelia of Saxony, by Jameson. In Social life in Germany 1 In 32:703 Uncle Crotchet. (F.) Phillips. In L. P. 10. In 32:410 Uncle Tom's cabin. (D.) Adapted from Stowe. In L P. 12 In 32:412 Same. Dramatized bv Aiken. In F. S. 28. In 32:142 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 150 TlTI.KS. Uncle too man v, An. |.M. F. I Tho in. In I*. 18. In 82:197 Uncle Zaobary. (CD.) Oxenibrd. In L. P. 4ft. In 32:4 ir. Under this gaslight ; or, Life and lore in these time*. (I>.) Daly. In L. 1*. 81 In 33:181 Under tlif mse. (F.l Boberts. In L. P. 57. In 32:4.>7 Undine; or, The spirit of the waters. (I), i Soeue. In P.8. 28 in 33:U1 Same, In s. 1'. •_> In 32:202 Undivine comedv. The. iD.i Count Kra-in-ki. Trans. by Oook.. 33:915 Unfinished gentleman, The (F.) Selby. In I', li. i:i In 32:60 Same. In I,. 1\ ill Iii 32:1 m Unfortunate Mi-s Bailey, The. [I.) A'BecketL In P. 13 In 32:197 Uninhabited island, The. Hetastaeio. Trans. by Moo].-. In Uetastaxio'i I), 2 In 82:962 Universal gallant, The; or, The different husbands. it'i Fielding. InW.3 In *34: 1 1 1 a Unlimited c.iniideiHf. (C'a.) Tronghton. In L. P.«l In 32:101 Unlucky Friday. (D.) Trans, and adapted from the French by Craven. In U I', to In 32:476 Unnatural combat, The. (T.) Ma-singer. In O. D In 33:63) Same. In his Plays In 32:950 Unprotected female, An. (F.) Coyne. In F. M.3U In 32:0'.i Up at the hills. (C.) Taylor. In L. 1\ 50. In 82:460 Up for the cattle show. (F.) Lemon. In L P. 79. In 32:47:i Up to town and back again by the "Old fork High- Hyer.'' (L). Ms. monologue*.) In L. P, 71. In 32:171 Up a tree! (F.) Williams. In L. P. 98. In 32:41*8 Upholsterer, The. (P.) Murphy. In M. B. D. B. In 33:100 Sum,'. In B. D. 5 In »33;I7 Upstairs and downstairs; or, The great percentage question Brough and Halliday. In L. 1'. 66. In 32:400 " Urgent private affairs.'" (F.) Coyne. In L. I'. 24. In 32:424 Used up. (P. C.) Mathews. In F. M. 8, In 32:">2 Valentine, A. Urough and Halliday. In L. P. 57. In 32:4o7 Valentinian. (T.) Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W.6 In 32:735 Valet de sham, The. (F.) Belby. InF. M. 83. In 32:70 Vampire hride, The. Blink. In S. P. 18. In 83:216 Van Diemen'a Land. (O. D.) Mor.erieff. In 8. !'• i In 82:204 Vandyke Brown. (F.) Troughton. In L. P. 39. In 82:439 Venice preserved; or, A plot discovered. (T.) Utway. In -M. B. D. 1 In 32:101 Same. In S. P, la I n 32:213 Same. In B. 1). 1 | „ 32:1:'. Same. In I!. [!. T. 1 In 32:2.">1 Same. In B. IS. T. 14 In '82:231 Same. In I. B. T 12 In 82:352 Same. In 1). L.X. i I„ 82:280.1 Same. In P. 2 In 32:196.2 Same. In L. p.32 In 82:432 Same. In L. S. 3 In •32:623 Same. In Ox. N. K. I). 4 In 32:564 Venus and Adonis; or, The two rivals and the small hoar. Burnaiid. In L. P. 82 In 32:402 Vermont wool-dealer, The. (F.) In F. M. 23. In 32;i'."> Very last days of Pompeii, The. (BeJ Reece. In L. P.95 In 82:495 Very latest edition of the Ladv of Lyons. I Byron. In L. P. 31 .". ."in 82:434 Very plea-inn evening, A. iF.) Suter. In L. P, so. In 32: 180 Very serious affair, A. (F.) Harris. In L. p. S3. In 32:133 Very auspicious I (Ca.) Simpson. In L. P. 8. In 32: 106 Very woman, A : or, Tlic prince of Tarent. (T -C.i Matsinger. In O. 1) In 82:531 Same, In bis Play.- i„ 32:966 Vespers of Palermo, The. (T.) Ileinans. In !'• W In 31:820 Vestal virgin, The. (T.) Brooke. In Plays and poem* ■"■ in 82:766 Veteran, The; or, France mid Algeria. I)., Wallack. In F. S. 28 ,.I„ 32:142 Veteran of Htt years, The (D.) Milner. In L. P.36. In 32: 136 Vicar of Walietield, The. Coyne. InF. S.I 1. In 32:i:n Viceroy, The. (T.) Bayley. In his Plays. In 32:h74 Victims. (('.) Taylor. In F. S. 2 1.... In 32: 140 Same. In L. P.32 I„ 82:432 Victor vanquished, The. (C.) Dance. In F. At. 26. In 82:66 Same. In L. P. 38 |„ 32: 1 jo Victorine; or. 111 sleep on it. (D.) Buckstone. 1,1 F - s - -'< In 32:141 Village lawyer, The. ( F.l Adapted from •• L'avocat Patelln." In F. M. 20 i„ 32:04 Same. Iii L.8.4 i„ •32:525 Same. Adapted by Lyons. In L. P. 43.1n 82:443. Villario. (P.) hi N. li. T. 2 In 82:156 Villikins and his Dinah. (T.-C Ba.) Burnand. 1,1 I" P- 5 4 In 32:4.-,4 Vintagers, The. (.Ms. K.) Kyre. In P. 13. In 32:213 Viola. (Pi Uaturin. In F. 8. 26 in 33-111 Violet, The. (D.l In L. P. 9 In 82:409 Virgin-martyr, The. (T.) Massingor. In 0, I). In 32:"i3i Same. In his Plays i„ 32-95G Virgin unmasked. The. (Ms. F.) Fielding. In >'• s - :; In *32:624 Same. In D. L. T. 23 I n 32:280.33 Virginia. (T.) Alfieri. Trans, bv Bowring. In Tragedies I ."l n 32:097 Virginia. (T.) Crisp. In B. B.T. 18. In 32:268 Virginius. (T.) Snowies. Is F. S. 4. In 82:134 Same. 1 11 S. P. 7 T„ 32';207 Same. In I). \V. 1 i„ 32:111 Virginius; or. The trials of a fond papa. Buckingham, In L. P. 42 i„ 32:442 Volpone ; or, The fox. (C.) Jonson. In W. In 32:noo Same. Altered. In B. B. T. 19 h, 32:369 Volunteer review, The; or, The little man in green! (F. K.) Williams. In L. P. 80 In 32:480 Vortigern. (II. P.) Ireland 32:893 Votary of wealth. The. (0.) Holman. In I. M. ''• 8 "-" I" 32:373 Same. In L. S. t 111*33:525 "Wait lor an answer. (Dom. Sk.) Lemon. In L. •'■ M In 32:480 Waiting tor an omnibus. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 16. In 32:4 15 "Wallace. (T.) "Walker. In S. P. 13. In 32:213 Wallace: the hero of Scotland. (H. D.) Barry- more. In P. 8. 38 In 32:144 Same. In L. P. 73 I„ 32:473 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 160 Titles. "Wallenstein's camp. (D.) Schiller. Trans, by Churchill. In W. 2 In 34:1928 Wanderer, The ; or, The rights of hospitality. (I).) Trans, and altered from the German of Kotzebue by Kemble. In P. 13 In 32:197 Wanderer of Jutland, The. (D. P.) Herbert. In W. 1 In 34:1360 Wandering boys, The. (R. D.) Kerr. In L. P. 34 In 32:434 Same. In F. S. 23 In 32:139 Wandering minstrel, The. (F.) Mavhew. In F. M. 26 ".In 32:07 Same. In L. P. 23 In J32:423 Wanted, one thousand spirited young; milliners, for the gold diggings. (F.) Coyne. In F. M. 2G. In 32:07 Same. In L. P. 8 In 32:408 "Wanted — a widow, with immediate possession. ( F.) Bouoieault and Seymour. In F. M. 17... In 32:02 "Wanted, a young lady" — (F.) Suter. In L. P. 00 In 32:400 War to the knife. (C.) Byron. In L. P. 67. In 32:407 Warning for faire women, A. (T.) In Simpson's School of Shakespeare 2 In 32:578 Warlock of the glen, The. (M.) Walker. In F. S. 37 In 32:140 Same. In L. P. 46 In 32:440 Was I to blame? (F.) Kodwell. In L. P. 32. In 32:432 Wasps, The. (C.) Aristophanes. Trans, by Rogers 1:2470 Same. Trans, bv II ickie. In Comedies 2. In 1:2831 Watch dog of the Walsinghams, The. (R. D.) Simpson. In L. P. 92 ." In 32:492 Watchhouse, The. (F.) In IS. B. T. 1. In 32:1 SB Water witches, The. (F.) Coyne. In L. F. 41. In 32:441 Waterman, The. ( Ba. O.) Dibdin. In S. P 5. In 32:205 Same. In I. B. F. 6 In 32:336 Same. In L. P. 23 In 32:423 Same. In L. S. 4 In *32:525 Way of the world, The. (C.) Congreve. In B. B. T. 11 In 32:261 S-imo. In B. B. T. 28 In *32:245 Same. In L. S. 4 In *32:525 Same. In O. D In 32:010 Same. In B. D. 3 In *32:15 Same. In In I). L. T. 24 In 32:280.24 Way to get married, The. (C.) Morton. In S. P. 10 In 32:210 Same. In I. B. T. 25 In 32:305 Way to keep him, The. (C.) Murphy. In II. B. D. 4 In 32:104 Same. In B. B. T. 20 In «32:243 Same. In I. B. T. 15 In 32:3""> Same. In B. D. 4 In *32:1G Same. In L. S. 1 In *32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 3 In 32:553 Same. In D. L. T. 10 In 32:280.10 Same. In E. C. 2 In 32:579.1 Way to win her, The. (C.) In N. B. T. 2. In 32:150 Ways and means. (C.) Colman, jr. In I. B. F. 7. In 32:337 Same. In L. S. 3 In *32:524 We all have our little faults. (F.) Suter. In L. P. 78 In 32:478 Weakest goeth to the wall, The. In Webster's I). W. 4 In 32:1293 Weathercock, The. (F.) Allingham. In F. M. 5. In 35:55 Same. In L. P. 71 In 32:471 Wedding, The. (C.) Shirley. In D. W. !. In 32:1261 Wedding gown, The. (D.) Jerrold. In S. P. 15. In 32:215 Same. In W. 8 I n 34:1472 Wedding-day, The. (C.) Fielding. In W. 3. In i! 34:1119 Wedding-day, The. (C.) Inchbald. In F. S. 20. In 32:138 Same. In S. P. 3 In 32:203 Same. In I. B. F. 1 In 32:331 Same. In L. S. 2 ...In «32:523 Wenlock of Wenlock; or, The spirit of the black mantle. (M.) Wilks. In F: S. 17 In 32:136 Wept of Wish-ton- wish, The. (D.) Dramatized from Cooper's novel. In F. S. 20 In 32:138 Werner; or, The inheritance. (T.) Bvron. In F. S. 9 in 32:129 Same. In L. P. 70 In 32:470 Same. In D. 2 In 32:702 Same. In P. W. 8 In 31:533 Same. In P. W In 31:537 Same. In P. W. 5 In 31-542 Werter. (T.) Reynolds. In I. M. T. 3. In 32:373 West end ; or, The Irish heiress. (C.) Boueicault. In F. S. 30 In 32:143 West Indian, The. (C.) Cumberland. In If. B. D. 4 In 32:104 Same. In B. B. T. 30 In *32:247 Same. In I. 15. T. 18 In 32:358 Same. In B. D. 4 In *32:16 Same. In L. S. 1 In s 32:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 1 In 32:551 Same. In D. L. T. 2 In 83:280.2 Same. In E. C. 1 In 32:579.1 Westward hoe. (C.) Docker and Webster. In Webster's D. W. 1 In 32:1290 Same. In Webster's W. 3 *A What is she? (C.j In I. M. T. 10 In 32:380 What next. (F.) Dibdin. In L. S. 4. In «32:525 Same. In D. L. T. 21 In 32:280.21 What will they say at Brompton ? (Ca. ) Covne. In L. P. 34 In 32:434 What you will. Marston. In 0. E. P. 2. In 32:172 Same. In W. 1 In 32:951 Wheel of fortune, The. (C.) Cumberland. In S. P 9 In 32:209 Same. In S. P. 10 In 32:210 Same. In 1. B. T. 18 In 32:358 Same. In L. S. 1 In •82:522 Same. In Ox. N. E. D 15 In 32:505 Where there's a will, there's a way. (CD.) Mor- ton. In L. P 9 In 32:409 Where's your wife? (F.) Bridgeman. In L. P. 60. In 32:400 Which is the man? (C.) Cowley. In I. M. T. 10. In 32:380 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Same. In D. L. T. 23 In 32:280.23 Which is which ? (Ca.) Smith. In L. P. 97 In 32:497 Which of the two? (Ca.) Morton. In L. P. 40. In 32:440 Which shall I marry? (F.) Suter. In L. P 59. In 32:4 59 Whistler, The; or, The fate of the lily of St. Leonard's! (D.) Pitt. In L. P. 97. ..In 32:497 White cat, The. (E.) Planche. In L. P. 24. In 32:124 White cat, The; or, The prince Lardi-Dardi and the radiant Rosclta. (Bs. E.) Burnand. In L. P. 90. In 32:4:io PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 161 Titles. "White cockade, The. (D.) riiillips. In I,. P. 90. In 83:490 White devil. The; or, Vittoria CoromboBa. Web- ster. In D. o. 1'. o In 82:396 Same. InA. B. D.3 In 32:" Same. In Webster's D. W. 2 In 32:1291 Same. In W. 1 *A White fawn, The. (M.) Lucas. In L. P. 28. In 32:128 White fawn, The; or, The loves of prince liuttcr- cup, and the princess Daisy. (Sp. E.) Bnrnnnd. In I.. P. 79 ..In 32:4T!i White horse of the lVppers, The. (C. D.) Lover. In F. M. 3 In 83:53 White milliner. The. (C.) Jerrold. In L. 1'. 72. In 32:472 Whitebait at Greenwich. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 12. (See also The two Buzzards) In 32:412 Whitefriars. (D.) Townsend. In L. P. 40. In 32:440 Whittington, junior, and his sensation cat. (Original oivie Bs. ) Reeee. In L. P. 89. In 32:489 Who is who? or, All in a fog. (F.) Williams. In L. P. 8i> '. In 32:480 Who killed Cock Robin? (F.) Mathews. In L. P. 08 In 32:408 Who speaks tirst? Dance. In F. M. 5....1n 32:55 Same. In L. P. 23 In 32:423 Who stole the pocket book 7 or, A dinner for six. (F.) Morion. In F. M. 30 In 32:69 Same. In L. P. 6 In 32:400 Who wants a guinea. (C.) Colman, jr. In S. P. 16. In 32:216 Same. In I. M. T. 3 In 32:373 Who'8 the dupe? (F.) Cowley. In S. P. 2 In 32:202 Same. In 1. B. F. 1 In 32:331 Same. In L. S. 1 In *32:">22 S»mc. In Ox. N. K. D. II In 32:501 Who's the heir? (Oa.) March. Music by Gabriel. In LP. 89 In 32:489 Who's my husband? (F.) Morton. In L. P. 80. In 32:480 Who's to win him? (Ca.) Williams. In L. 1'. 79. In 32:479 Wicked wife, A. (D.) Courtney. In L. P. 30. In 32:430 Wicked world, The. (Fairy C.) Gilbert. In Original plays In 32:848 Widow, The. (C.) Jonson. Fletcher and Mid- dleton. In D. O. P. 12 in 32:302 Same. In A. B. D. 3 In *32:0 Same. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 4. In 32:734 Same. In Middleton's W. 3 *A Widow Freeheart; or, The woman haters. (C.) Hardy. In F. S. 44-4f> In 32:1 30 Widow Ranter, The. (P.) Behn. In her Plays 4. *L: 1 2 Widow's marriage, The. (C.) Boker. In Plays and poems 2 In 83:752 Widow's son, The. (M.) Woodworih. Music by Swindells. In S. P. 3 In 32:203 Widow's tears, The. Chapman. In D. O. 1'. 0. In 32:290 Widow's victim, The. (F.) Selby. In F. M. 3. In 32:53 Same. In S. P. 2 In 32:202 Same. In L. P. 62 In 32:402 Wife, The: a tale of Mantua. (P.) Knowles. In F. S. 1 In 32:121 Sam.'. In S. P. 10 In 82:210 Same. In D. W. 1 In 32:9U Wife for a month, A. (T.-C.) Fletcher. In Beau- mont and Fletcher's W. 9 In 32:7:;." Wife of seven husbands, The. (M.) Almar. In L. P. 74 In 32:474 Wife of two husbands, The. (M». D.) Cobb. In I M.T. In 32:376 Wife of two husbands, The. (D.) Dunlap. In P. 13. In 32:197 Wife's portrait, The. Marston. In L. P. 5 I. In 32:454 Wife's secret. The. (P.) Lovell. In L P. 82. In 32:482 Wife's stratagem, The. (C.) Poole. In P. 13. In 32:197 Wild Irish girl, The. Pilgrim. In F. S. 42. In 32:14:> Wild oats; or, The strolling gentleman. (C.) OKeefte. In F. S. 31 In 32:143 Same. In I. B. T. 22 In 83:362 Same. In I,. P. 88 In 32:488 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 15 In 32:">o"> Wild-goose chase, The. (C.) Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 8 In 32:738 Wilful murder. (F.) Higgic. In L. P. 32. In 32:432 Wilful ward. The. (Ca.) Wooler. In L. P. 65. In 32:405 Will, The. (C.) Reynolds. In I. M. T. 1. In 32:371 Will and the way, The. (R. D.) Waldron. In I,. P. 00 In 32:466 William Tell. (Bs.) Buckingham. In L. P. 32. In 32:132 William Tell. (H. P.) Knowles. In L. P. 83. In 32:483 Same. In D. W. 1 In 32:911 William Tell. (D.) Schiller. Trans. b\ Martin. In W. 2 In 84:1928 Same. Trans, by Massie 32:998 William Tell, with a vengeance! or, The pet, the patriot, and the pippin. (Bs.) Byron. In L. P. 18. In 32:478 Willikind and hys Dinah. (T.) Coyne. In L. P. 14. In 32:414 Wily beguiled. (C.) In H. E. D. 3 In *32:326 Windmill, The. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 71. In 32:471 Windsor castle. (O. Bs.) Burnand. In L. P. 67. In 32:407 Winning hazard, A. (Ca.) Wooler. In L. P. 84. In 32:4S4 Winning a husband. (Ba.) Macfarren. In F. M. 10 In 32:02 Winning a wife. (P. D.) In L. P. 84..In 32:484 Winter's talc, The. (P.) Shakespeare. In F. S. 40. In 32:148 Same. In I. B. T. 3 In 32:343 Same. In Hudson's School Shakespeare 2. In 32:1111 Same. In W.3 In 32:1003 Same. In W In 32:1008 Same. In W. 2. (Dyce.) In 32:1010 Same. In W. 8. (Halliwell.) *A Same. In IV. 4. | Handv vol. ) In 83:1054 Same. In \V. 2. (Hazlitt. Loud.) In 32:1072 Same. In W. 2. (Hazlitt. N. Y.) In 32:1076 Same. In \V. 4. (Hudson.) In 32:1094 Same. In Com. 2. I Knight.) In 32:1126 Same. In Coin. 2. (Knight, piet. ed. .. In 32:1 132 Same. In \V\ 1. (Knight.) *A Same. In the Leopold Shakespeare In 32:1140 Same. In \\". ... (Stratford ed.) In 32:H45 Same. In \V. l. (Phelps.) En 83:1151 Same. In Doubtful plays 3. (Heed. I. ..In 83:1163 Same. InW.4. (Simjer.) In 32:1174 Same. In W. 4. (Steevells.) *A Same. In \V. (Steevens.) In 32:1185 Same. In W. (Steeven- and Malone.).In 83:1186 PUBLIC LIBRARY OK CINCINNATI. The Drama. 162 Titles. Winter's tale, (continued.) — Same. In W. 7. (Johnson and Steeven*.) In 32:1197 Sum". In W. 9. (Johnson and Steeven- ) In 32:1219 Same. In Reprint of first folio of 1623 *A "Wise man of the east, The. (C.) Kotzcbue. Trans. by Inehbald. In I. M. T. 7 In 32:377 Wise men of Greece, The. (D. Dia.) Blaekie. 32:748 Wit at several weapons. (C.) Beiumont and Fletcher. In W. 4 In 32:734 Wit without money. (C.) Beaumont and Fletcher. In W. 4 In 32:734 Witch, The. (T.-C.) Middleton. In A. B. D. 3. In *32:6 Same. In W. 3 *A Witch of Edmonton, The. (T.) Rowley, Dekker and Ford. In O. D In 32:531 Same. In Ford's D. W. 2 In 32:837 Same. In Ford's D. W. 3 «A Witch of Windermere, The. (C. D.) Selhy. In L. 1'. 84 In 32:484 Witchcraft. (T.) Baillie. In D. and P. W. In 32:720 Within and without. Maedonald 32:944 Without incumbrances. (F.) Simpson. In L. P. 2. In 32:4d2 Witness, The. (T.) In N. B. T. 1 In 32:155 Wits, 'J' he. Davenant, In D. O. P. 8....I11 32:298 Same. In A. B. D. 1 In «32:4 Wittikind and his brothers ; or. The. seven swan princes and the fair Melthusine. (Fairytale.) In L. P. 6 In 32:406 Witty fair one, The. (0.) Shirley. In 1). W. 1. In 32:1261 Wives as they were and maids as they are. (C.) Inehbald. In S. P. 14 In 32:214 Same. In I. B. T. 23 In 32:363 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Wizard of the moor, The. Gott. In L. P. 82. In 32:482 Wizard of the wave. The; or, The ship of the avenger. (N. D.) Haines. In F. S. 27. ..In 32:141 Same. In L. P. 46 In 32:446 Woman I adore, The. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 8. In 32:408 Woman in mauve, The. (Sensation I).) Phillips. In LP. 76 In 32:476 Woman in the moone, The. Lilly. In D. W. 2. In 32:935 Woman in red, The. (D.) Adapted and altered from the French piece "La tireuse des cartes," by Coyne. In L. P. 92 In 32:402 Woman killed with kindness, A. Ilevwood. In I). O. P. 7 '.In 32:297 Same. In S. S. P. 45 In *32:2845 Same. In S. S. P. 48 In *32:2848 Same. In A. B. D. 2 In 32:5 Woman of the world, The. (D.) Ladv Caven- dish. In L. P. 38 In 32:438 Woman of the world, The. (C.) Coyne. In L. P. 81 .".In 32:481 Woman that was a cat, The. ( Sfetamorphosiologl- cal sk.) Adapted from the French of Scribe. In L. P. 72 In 32:472 Woman hater, The. (C.) Fletcher. In Beau- mont and Fletcher's W. 1 In 32:731 Woman's love; or, Kate Wynslcv, the cottage girl. Wilks, In L. P. 4 .' In 32M04 Woman's prize, The. (C.) Fletcher. In Beau- mont and Fletcher's W. 7 In 32:737 Woman's will. (G.) In N. B. T. 4... .In 32: 158 Woman's wit. (C.) Gibber. In D. W. 1. In 32:781 Woman's wit; or, Love's disguises. (P.) Knowles. In I). W. 2 In 32:912 Woman's witchcraft; or, The curse of coquetry. (D. II.) L'E.-trange 32:930 Women, beware women. (T.) Middleton. In O. E. P. 5 In 32:175 Same. In W. 4 *A Women pleased. (G.) Fletcher. In Beaumont and Fletcher's W. 7 In 32:737 Won at last. (C. D.) Reeve. In L. P. 87. In 32:487 Wonder, The: A woman keeps a secret. (G.) Centlivre. In M. B. D. 4 In 32:104 Same. In B. D. 4 In *32:16 Same. In F. S. 37 In 32:146 Same. In B. B. T. 4 In 32:254 Same. In B. B. T. 24 In •32:241 Same. In 1. B. T. 11 In 32:351 Same. In L. P. 25 In 32:425 Same. In L. S. 2 In *32:523 Same. In Ox. N. E. D. 4 In 32:554 Same. In D. L. T. 13 In 32:280.13 Wonder of a kingdom, The. (C.) Dekker. In O. E. P. 3 In 32:173 Wonder of women, The ; or, The tragedie of Sophoniiba. Maraton. In W. 1 In 32:951 Wonderful woman, A. (G. P.) Dance. In F. M. 40-41 In 32:74 Same. In L. P 18 In 32:418 Woodcock's little game. (G. F.) Morton. In L. P 63 In 32:463 Woodman, The. (U. O.J Dudley. In L. S. 4. In *32:525 Woodman's hut, The. (M.) Arnold. In S. P. 3. In 32:203 Same. In L. P. 36 In 32:436 Same. In Ox. N. D. 4 In 32:554 Woodman's spell, The. (S.-G. D.) Stirling. In L. P. 2 In 32:402 Wooing in jest and loving in earnest. (Ca.) Troughton. In L. P. 37 In 32:437 Wooing one's wife. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 52. In 32:452 Word of honor, The. (C.) In N. B. T. 1. In 32:155 World and stage. (G.) Simpson. In L. P. 97. In 32:497 World of fashion, The. (C.) Oxenford. In L. P. 55. In 32:455 World tost at tennis, The. Middleton. In W. 5..*A World's own, The. Howe 32:886 Worth a struggle. (C. D.) Waldron. In L. P. 90. In 32:490 Wreck ashore, The. (D.) Buckstone. In F. S. 33. In 32:144 Wreck of honor, The. (T.) Trans, from the French by Dunlop. In P. 13 In 32:197 Wrecker's daughter, The. (P.) Knowles. In S. P. 11 In 32:211 Wren bovs. The; or, The moment of peril. (D.) Wilks. "inL. P. 52 In 32:452 Writing on the wall, The. (M.) Morton and Morton. In F. S. 12 In 32:132 Same. In L. P. 7 In 32:407 X. Y. Z. (F.) Column, the younger. In L. P. 80. In 32:480 Xerxes the great. (D.) In P. 13 In 32:197 Same. In S. P. 1 In 32:2ol Ximena ; or, The hcroick daughter. (T.) Gibber. In B. B. T. 14 In 32:264 Sane. In B. B. T. 15 In *32:232 Same. In D. W. 3 In 32:783 Yankee land. (C.) Logan. In F. M. 26. In 32:67 PUI5LIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama. 163 Titles (French.) Yankee peddler, The (F.) Harnett. In J. M. 33. In 82:66 Yellow dwnrf. and the king of the gold miner, The. (Fairy E.) In I.. P. 17 In 32:117 Yeoman's daughter. The. (B. D.) Saris. In S. P. 9 In 88:203 •'Yes." (O.I.) Somerset. In P. 18... In 32:197 Yes, or no'' (Ms. F.) Poeook. In P. 1Mb 82:197 Yew tree ruins. Thej or, The wreck, the miser and tin' minis. iDoin. IX) Haines. In L. P. 74. In 32:474 Yorkshire tragedy, A. Ascribed to Sli:ikt-s|> -nrv. In A. 15. I). 1. '. In 32:4 Buna In Doubtful plavs. (Knight).. In 82:1187 Same. In Doubtful plavs. (Moltke.)...In 82:1159 Same. In W. 3. (Knight) »A Young admiral, The. (P.) Shirley. In D. W. 8. In 88:1383 Young and handsome. (E.) Planche. In L. P. 29. In 82:429 Young and old. (P.) InS.P. 11 In 82:311 Young king. The. (P.) Behn. In her l'hivs 2. "L: 1 2 Young lad from the country, A. (F.) Oxen ford. In L.P. 64 In 82:464 Young mother, The. (Dom. D.) Selbv. In L. P. 39 In 32:439 Young New York. (C.) Wilkins. In 1'. S. 34. In 32:140 Young scamp, The. (F.) Stirling. In F. 11.36. In 32:7.' Young ward, The. (C.) Trans, from the German of the Princess Amelia of Saxony, by Jameson. In Social life in Germany 2 In 32:704 Young widow, The. (F.) Rod well In lb P. 33. In 32:42:; Younger brother, The. (P.) Helm. In her Plays 4. S L>: 1 2 Your five gallants. Middleton. In W. 2 *A Your life's in danger. (F.) Morton. In L. P. 9. In 32:400 Your likeness — one shilling. (C.) Harrington and Yates. In L. P. 3G In 32:436 Youth, love and folly. (C. D.i Dimond, Jr. In 8.P. 16 In 32:2lU YOUthfUl queen, The. (C.) Shannon. In F. S. 25. In 32:140 Yule log, A. (F.) Webster. In L. P. 98»In 32:498 Zapolya. Coleridge. In P. W. 2 In 81:600 Zara. (T.) Hill. In M. 15. D. 2 In 32:103 Same. In B. II. T. 1 In 32:251 Same. In 11. 15. T. 5 In *32:222 Same. In I. B. T. 7 In 32:347 Same. In I). L.T. 10 In 82:380.19 Same. In L..S. 4 In "32:525 Same. In 15. D. 2 In *32:14 Zarah the gipsv. (B. D.) Sonne. In L. P. 93. In 32:)02 Zelina ; or, The triumph of the Greeks. (Warlike Grecian D.) Somerset In F. S. 37 In 32:140 Zembuca ; or, The net maker and his wife. (D. R.) Poeoek. In S. P. 3 In 32:2o:: Zenobia. Metastasio. Trans, by Hqole. In Me- tastases D. 3 In 32:9G3 Zenobia- (T.) Murphy. In M. 15. D. 2. In 32:112 Same. In 15. D. 2 In 5 32:14 Same. In 15. 15. T. 7 In *32:224 Zorinski. (P.) Morton. In I. M. T. 3. In 32:373 Zoroaster; or. The spirit of the star. ( M.i Mon- erietf. In D. \V. 3 In 32:'.'7f< Zuma. itj.i Dibdin. Music by Bi&hop and Brabm. In 1'. 13 .". In 32:107 French Drama. A Ml la pomme. ( F.) Oolllot I n T. de I'amille. In 32:1512 A '|«ioi revent les jeunes lilies. (O.) De Mutset In Premieres, poesies In 81:1388 Abufar; OU, I.a famille Arnbe. (T.) Dueis. In Cheft-dm I ; In 82:1640 Academiciens, Les. Bntat-Bvremond. In CK. ehoisies In 00:6086 Adelaide du Guesclin. (T.) Voltaire, li. (K. a 2. In 00:3802 Africaine, L'. (O.) Paroles de Scribe. Mwrique ,ie Meyerbeer 82:1936 Agamemnon. (T.i Lemercier. In Chefs-d'flE. T. In 82:1640 Agatocle. (T.) Voltaire. In PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama {French). 164 Titles (French). Apres le duel. (D.) Boquet-Lianeourt. InT.de remille In 32:1512 Artemire. Fragmens. (T.) Voltaire. InCE.o.1. In 56:-'<8oi Assassin, L'. (C.) About. In T. impossible. In 83:1890 Athalie. (T.) Racine. In T. c In 82:1900 Same. In (E. poet. 3 In 32:1903 Autre Tariufe, L'; ou, La mere eoupable. (D.) Beaumanhais. In T. de Beaumarehnis.ln 32: 1 H95 Satiie. In (E. c. 2 In 56:3102 Avant, pendant et apres. (Esquisse II.) Scribe. In (E. choisies 3 In 32:1923 Avare, L'. (C.) Moliere. In CE. 2. ..In 32: 1852 Same. In (E. 3 In 32:1855 Aventuriere, L.' (C.) Augier In 32:lti«U Avocat Fatelin, L.' (C.) Brueys et Paluprat. In A. C. 3 In 32:1503 Bajazet. (T.) Racine. In (E. choisies. In 32:1904 Same. In T. c In 32:1000 Same. In (E. poet. 3 In 32:1002 Bal, Le. (C.) Regnard. In T In 83:1908 Ballet des arts, Le. In Les contempornins de Moliere 2 In 32:1776 Ballet de l'impatience. In Les contemporains de Moliere 2 In 32:1770 Ballet de la loterie. In Les contemporains de Mo- liere 2 In 32:1770 Ballet de la my-caresme. In Les contemporains de Moliere 2 In 32:1776 Ballet des muses, Le. In Les contemporains de Moliere 2 In 3?:1770 Ballet de Psyche; or, De la puissance de Tumour. In Les contemporains de Moliere 2 In 32:1776 Ballet du triomphe de l'amour. In Les contem- porains de Moliere 2 In 32:1776 Ballet royal de la nuit, Le. In Les contemnorains do Molieme 2 In 32:1776 Barbarine. De Musset. In Com. et pr. 1. In 32:1801 Barbier de Seville, Le; ou, La precaution inutile. (C.) Beaumarchais. In T. de Beiiumaichais. In 33:1666 Same. In (E. c. 1 In 56:3161 Baron de la Crasse, Le. (C.) Poisson. In Les contemporains de Moliere 1 In 32:1775 Baron d'Otrante, Le.- Voltaire. In (E. e. 0. In 56:3809 Barricades, Les. Vitet. In La ligue. In 32:1955 Barriere de Cliehy, La. (D. Mil.) Dumas. In T. c. II In 32:1741 Beau manage, Un. (C.) Augier et Foussier. 32:1G70 Bel esprit du temps, Le. (C.) Comte de Eorcnl- quier. In "La comtesse de Rocbelbrt et ses amis " by Lomenie In 25:748 Belle invisible, La. (C. ) Bois-Robert. In Les contemporains de Moliere 1 In 32:1775 Berenice. (T.) Racine. In T. c In 83:1900 Same. In (E. poet. 2 In 32:1902 Bertrand et Raton ; ou, L'art de conspirer. (C.) Scribe. In (E. choisies 5 In 32:1925 Bestes raisonnables. Les. (C.) MontfiVury. In Les contemporains de Moliere 1 In 32:1775 Bettine. De Musset. In Com. et pr. 2. In 32:1802 Bourgeois gentilliomme, Le. (C. Ba.) Moliere. In (K. 2 In 32:1852 Same. In (E. c. 4 In 32:1850 Bourgeoises de qualite, Les. (C.) Dancourt. In A. 0. 2 In 32:1502 Bourse, La. (C.) Ponsard 32:1883 Boutade ; ou, Les folics de caresme prenant. (Ba.) In Les contemporains de Moliere 2 In 32:1770 Britannicus. (T.) Racine. In T. cln. 83:1900 Same. In (K. poet. 2 In 32:1902 Brutus. (T.) Voltaire. In T In 32:1960 Same. In (E. c. 1 In 56:3801 Burgraves, Les. Hugo. In T. 4 In 32:18C4 Cachemire vert, Le. (C.) Dumas. In T. c. 7. In 32:1737 Cadio. Dudevant 57:410 Caligula. (T.) Dumas. In T. c. 4.... In 32:1734 Calomnie, La. (C.) Scribe. In nie In 25:748 Cheveu blase, Le. Feuillet. In Se. et com. In 32:1771 Christine ; ou, Stockholm, Fontainebleau et Rome. (Trilogie D.) Dumas. In T. c. 1 In 32:1731 Cid, Le. (T.) Corneille. In T. 1 In 32:1711 Same. In Chefs-d' (E. D. 1 In 32:1713 Cigue, La. (C.) Augier ;... 32:1062 Cinna; ou, Le elemenee d'Auguste. (T.) Corneille. in T. 1 in 32:1711 Same. In Chefs-d' GEL I). 1 In 32:1713 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama (French). lfir> Titles (French). Olaudie. (D.) Dudevant. In T. a da George Sand 1 1" 32:17-1 Clef dor, La. FVu'.lIct. [nSe.etpr.Io 88:1773 Oolitour at l« parruquler, Le. (V.) Scribe, [a (E. choWee 1 In 88:l fi Sl Comedie ii la fenetrc, La. (C.) Huuasaye. In T. de famille.. In 88:1613 Comedie i-ln-z s«i, La. (0.) Miry, In Nouvmh T.da salon In 32:!847 Comedie '!c salon, La. (Pr.) Uarand at Thomas. In T. de famille In 88:1613 Comediens et diplouiates. (C.) Mcry. In Nou- veail T. de salon In 32:1H47 Comme il »oua plain, (D.) Dudevant. In T. 0. de George Sand 4 In 32:1724 Comme on fait son lit on se concha. 8ouve»tre. In T.Ue lajauuesee In 38:1931 Comte d' Essex, I.e. (T.) Comeille. In T. 2. In 32:1712 Comte de Moreerf, Le. (D.) Dumas. In T. c, 8. In 38:1738 Comte Hermann, Le. (I).) In T. c. 10..In 32:1740 Comtesse d' Ei-carbagnas, La. (C. ) Moliere. In (K. 2 In 38:1853 Same. In 'iC Coquette de village, La. (C.) Dtufresny. In A. C. 2 In" 32: 1502 Coriolan. (T.) La Harpe. In Chefs-d' CE T. In 32:15'>0 Cosima; ou, La haine dans 1* amour. (D. ) Dude- vmit. In T. c. de George Sand 1 In 32:1721 Costeaux, Letj ou, Lea marquis friands. (C.) De Villiers. In Les contempontins de Moliere 1. In 32:1775 Coupe et les lev res. La. (D. poenie.) De M asset In Premieres poesies In 81:1188 Cousin Pierre, Le ; ou. Qui fait la grimace n'aime pas les miroirs. Souvustrc. In T. de la jeunesse. In 88:1981 Crise, La. Feuillet. In Sc. et pr in 32:1772 Crispin uiedeciii. (C.) De Hauteroche. In Les contemporains de Moliere 2 In 32:1 776 Crispin musician. Seines dctachooa. (O.) Ilnut- eroche. In Les contemporains de Moliere 2. In 32:177(1 Crispin rival de son maitre. (C.) Le Sage. In A. C. 3 In 32:1503 Smth.-. In (K In 56:3440 Critique de 1' eeole des temmes, La. (C.) Moliere. In CE. I In 32:1*51 Same. In CE. 2 In 32:1854 Cromwell. (D.) Hugo. In T. 1 In 32:1801 Dalila. Feuillet In Scot com In 32:1771 Dame mix Camclins, La. Dumas *B:70.4 Dame d' intrigue, La; ou, Le riche vilain. (C.) Chapu/.eau. In Les contemporains d" Moliere 1. In 32:1775 Dame de Monsoreau, La. (D.) Dumas. In 'I.e. 14. In 32:1744 Debuts d' un avcnturier, Les. Merimee. In (K. In 88:1840 Decouvfrte du nouveau monde, La. 1T.1 Ron— seau. In CE. c. 13 In 56: 8828 Dehors trompeors, Los; ou, L' homme du jour. if.) Boiany. In A. 0.4 In 88:1923 Demoiselle ii marier, Le; ou. La premiere entrevue. (C. V.) Scribe. In 5 Ba In (E 0.1 In 56:H'il Deux heritages, Les; ou, Don Quicbotte. Mlrimie. In (E In 32: B4C Deux pricepteurs, Les; on, Asinus aainum frieat. (O.) Scribe. In (E. choisies 1 Ill 88:1921 Deux tonneaux, Les. (O. C.) Voltaire. In (E. C. 8. In 06:3809 Devin du village, Le. (Intermode.) !!■ 11 -eui. In A. C. 5 In 32:1505 Same. In CE.p.8 In 00:8618 Diablo mix champs, Le. Dud ivai t... ; 57: 190 Dialogues des morts. Fcnelon. In Education des tilles In 56:4247 Diane. (D.) Augier 88:1864 Didon. (T.) DePompignan. In Chefs-d' (E. T. da llotnm In 32: 1 MO Diplomat, Le. (C. V.) Scribe. In CE. choisies 3. In 88:1923 Dissipateur, Le; ou, L'honnete friponue. iC.) Deetouches. In A. C. 4 In 32:1504 Distrait, Le. (C.) Regno rd. In T...I11 32:i'J08 Don Garcie de Navarre. (C. heroique ) Moliere. ln(E. 1 In 88:1863 Don.Iuan; ou, Le festin de picrre. (C.) Moliere. In CE. 1 In 88:1861 Same. In CE. 2 In 32:. 854 Don Juan d' Autriche. Delavigne. In T. In 32:1718 Don Juan de Marana; on, La chute dun ange. (Mvstere.) Dumas. In T. c. 3 In 32:1733 Don Pedro. (T.) VoHiiire. In CE. c. 6....In 56:3806 Don Sanche d' Aragon. (C.) Uorneille. In T. 2. In 32:1712 Drac, Le. (Reverie fantastique.) Dudevant. In T. de Nohant In 32:1725 Droit du seigneur, Le. (C.) Voltaire. In CE. c. 8. In 56:3808 Ecole des bourgeois, L'. (C.) D'Allainval. In A. C. 3 In 32:1503 Ecole des femmes, L'. (C.) Moliere. In CE. 1. In 32:1851 Same. In CK. 1 In 32:1853 Ecole des jaloux, L'; ou, Le cocu volontaire. (C.) Montfleury. In Les contemporains de Moliere 1. In 32:1775 Ecole des maris, L'. (C.) Moliere. In (E. 1. In 32:1851 Same. Tn CE. 1 In 32:1853 ficole des meres, L.' (C.) Chaussee. In A. 0. 3. In 32:1503 Ecossaise. L'. (C.) Hume. Traduite en tran- eaia par Carre. In CE. c. de Voltaire 8. In 56:3808 Education, Une. (C.) Mery. InNouveattT.de salon In 32:1847 Education dun prince, L'. (C.) About. In T. Impossible In 32:1650 Erfrontes, Les. (0.) Augier 32:1665 Enfans d'Kdouard, Les. Delavigne. In T. In 32:1718 Enfant prodiguc, L'. (C.) Voltaire. In CE. c. 7. In 56:3807 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama (French). 166 Titles (French). Engagement temeraire, L'. (C.) Rousseau. In (E. c. 8 In «56:3618 Envers dun beau manage, L.' (C.) Boquet-Lian- court. In T. do famille In 32:1512 Envers dune conspiration, L'. (C.) Dumas. In T. c. 14 In 32:1744 Ermitage, L'. Feuillet. In Sc. et com. In 32:1771 Eryphile. (T.) Voltaire. In CE. c. 1. In 56:3801 Esclaves, Les. C)uinet, In CE. e. 8... In 56:3568 Esmeralda, L'. (0.) Hugo. In T. 4..In 32:18(14 Esprit de contradiction, L'. (C.) Dufresnv. In A.C.2. In 32:1502 Essai du manage, L.' (0.) Mery. In T. de salon. In 32:1846 Esther. (T.) Racine. In T. c In 32:1000 Same. In 05 Fausses infidelites, Les. (C.) Barthe. In A. C. 6. In 32:1506 Faustine. (F.) De Musset. In (E. post. In 56:4797 Faute, Une. (D.) Scribe. In CE. choisies 3. In 32:1923 Faux Moscovites, Les. ((J.) Poisson. In Les contemporains de Moliere 1 In 32:1775 Fee, La. (C.) Feuillet. In Sc. et com. In 32:1771 Femme qui a raison, La. (C.) Voltaire. In (E. c. 7 In 56:3807 Femmes savantes, Les. (C.) Moliere. In 6 Heritiere, V. (0. V.) Scribe. In . l. In 32:1713 Same. In T. 1 In 32:1711 Horace et Lydic. (C.) Ponaard 32:1*85 Hote i'l I'hotesse, L'. (Divertissement.) Voltaire. In (E. c. 12 In 56:3812 II laut qu' unc port »• suit ouverte ou fermee. De Muscat In Com. et pr. 2 Is 82:1863 II ne faut juror tie rien. De Musset. In Com. etpr. 2. In 32:1862 Impertinent, It! Desmahis. In A. C. 6. In 32: 1506 Impromptu da hostel de C'onde, L.' (C.) Mont- floury. In Les contemporains de Moliere 1. In 32:1775 Impromptu de Versailles,!*'. (C.) Moliere. In (1.1. In 32:1851 Incognito, L'; ou, C'est l'habit qui fait le moine. Sonvestre. In T. de la jcunesse In 32:1931 Indicis, I*'. (C.) Boquet-Lian court. In T. de tiu.iille In 32:1512 Indiscret, L'. (C.) Voltaire. In tE. c. 7. In 56:3807 Inspecteur general, IV. Merimce. In (E. • In 32:1 Hi" Interieur dun bureau, L' ; ou, La chanson. (0. V.) Scribe. In u, La eomedie latine. (C.) Lemereier. In A. 0.8 In 83:1808 Plus beau jour de la vie, Le. (C. V.) Scribe. In r>:,.2 Alte und dns ncue Jalir, Das; oder, Am Sylves- t'Tabend. (IX S.j Bauermeister. In B. D. B. 33. In 32:2046 Alter Dienstbote, Kin. (Genrebild.) Halm. In B. i I). B. 23 In 32:2041 Am Brunnen. (Gcnrc.-S. mit Ges.) Corner. In D. T. 10 In 32:2000 Am Klnvier. (L.) Nach dem Franzosischen von llide. In B. D. B. 23 In 32:2041 Am Omnibus. (Genrebild mit Ges.) Hnhn. In T. C. 53 In 82:2281 Am lihein, am Rhcin ! (Festsp.) Brentano. In G. S. 7 In 66:188 Amerikanisches Duell, Kin. (L.) Mosor. In T. C. 40 In 32:2350 Amphitryon. (L.) Kleist. In G. S. 1. In 56:Too An der Grenze. (Genrebild mit Ges.) Von Saville. Has. von Lang. In K. A. f. L.-B. 90. In 32:2098 Andromache. (T.) Kuripides. [Teben. von Minekwitz. In Dramen 11 In 1:2927 Angenommen! (L.) lleigel. In B. D. B. 22. In 32:2040 Angot, die Toehter der Halle. (Komische O.) Clair- ville. Siraudin, und Koning. Trans, by Longer. Mil-, von Loeoeq. In N. W. T. 34 In 82:2207 Anonyme Ohrfeige, Kine. (L.) Nach deni Fran- zosi■-. i Hirthe. In T. 0. 81 In 82:2287 Aufiliin W 'asser. (L.) Giimer. In D. T. 8. In 32:2058 Aufgeregten, Die. (Politische D.) Giithe. In S. W. I In 66:381 Same. In S. W. 18 In 56:370 Aus Cayenne. (Volkssch.) Dorn. In N. W. T. 9. In 32:2202 Aus der Franzosenzeit. (Zeitbild.) Nach Reuter's " lit do Kranzosentid " Gassman und Kriiger ed.) In I). T. 3 In 32:2053 Aus dem Kloster. (Schw.) Kirich. In K. V. S.-B. 34. In 32:2177 Aus Liebe zur Kunst. (S. Sp.) Moser. Mus. von Conradi. In T. V. 36 In 32:2248 Same. In B. D. B. 13 In 32:2036 Aus dem Papierkorb. (D.) Paul. In K. A. t L.-B. 19 In 32:2084 Aus dem Stegreif. (Festsp.) Weilen. In N. \V. T. 54 In 32:2211 Aus Vorsicht. (L.) Triesch. In X. W. T. 57. In 32:2212 Auswanderer, Die. (Volkssch. mit Liedern.) Schmift In C. T. B. 101 In 32:2021 B. 17. (Po. mit Ges.) Salingre. Mus. von Michae- lis. In B. V. T. 5 In 82:2281 Bacio, II. (Schw.) Rosen. In VV. 1 In 32:2555.1 Backfische ; oder, Kin .iliidchen-Pensionat. (Po. mit ties, und Tanz.) Jacobson. Mus. von. Mi- chaelis.) In B. D. B. 17 In 32:2038 Backflschchen. (S.-S. fiir eine Dame.) Volger. .Mus. von Heyer. In K. A. f. S.-S. o...In 32:2132 Bakenfest, Das. (T.) Kuripides. Uebers. von MiaokwiU, In Dramen 3 In 1:2925 Ballschuhe, Die. (L.) Gastinnau. In K. A. f. L.-B. 8 In 32:2082 Barbier von Sevilla; oder, Die unniitze Vorsicht. (L.) Beaumarchais. In C. T. B. 48...In 32:2010 Bauer als Millioniir, Der ; oder, Das Miidehen ausder liinwelt. (Zuubermiirchen mit Ges.) Kaimund. In C. T. B. 37 In 32:2008 Bauer in deni Fegfeuer, Der. (F. Sp.) Sachs. In Dichtungon 3 In 31:1458 Becker's Geschichte; oder, Am llochzeitstage. (Lsp.) Jacobi-on. Mus. von Conradi. In B. D. B. 27 In 32:2043 Beethoven. (Volktstfiek. mit Mus. Ges. und Tanz.) Scbinid. In C. T. B. 93 In 32:2019 Bei Bismarck. (Sehw.) Bauermeister. In B. D. B. 35. In 32:2047 Bei Onkel Krunimacher! (Schw.) Paul. In K. A. f. L.-B. 83 In 82:2097 Bei Wa-ser und Brod. (S. mit Ges.) Jaoobton. Mus. von Roder. In B. D. B. 3 .In 82:2031 Beiden Helden, Die. (D. S.) Dorn. In T. C. 75. In 82:2386 Beiden Klingsberg, Die. (L.) Kotzobue. In 0. T. B. 84 „ In 32:2017 Beiden Veroneser, Die. Shakespeare. Uebers. von Schlegel. In D. W. 7. (Schlegel und Tieck.) In 82:2670 Beim Standosbeamten. (Genrebild.) Mj'lius. In T. C. 64 In 32:2253 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama {German.) 172 Titles {German). Bengalischer Tiger, Ein ; oder, Der weisse Othello. (Po.) Hermann. In B. D. B. 23 In 32:2041 Same. In T. C. 35 In 32:2248 Bergknappen, Die. (K. O.) Korner. In S. W. 4. In 56:732 Berliner Bonne, Eine. (Po. mit Ges.) Hahn. In B. D. B. 24 In 32:2041 Berliner in Wien; oder, Deutsche Scheibenbriider. (Schw. rait Ges.) Anno. Mus. von Conradi. In K. A. f. L.-B. 27 In 32:2086 Berliner Kinder. (Po.) Salingre. In B. V. T. 2. In 32:2278 Berliner mang die Wilden, Die. (Po. mit Ges.) Huhn. Mus. von Rosner. In K. A. f. L.-B. 70. In 32:2094 Bernsteinhexe, Die. (H.Sch.) Laube. In D. VV. 3. In 32:2473 Besondere Kennzeichen. (L.) Bauermeister. In K. A. f. L.-B. 47 In 32:2000 Besorgt und aufgehoben ! (Po. mit Ges.) Salingre. Mus. von Hauptner. In T. C. 89 In 32:2258 Same. In B. D. B. 4 In 32:2031 Besuch im Career, Der. (Humoreske.) Eckstein. In T. C. 80 In 32:2257 Bettlerin, Die. (Sch.) Masson. Uebers. von Mekaner. In K. V. S.-B. 23 In 32:2175 Billiger Mann, Ein. (L.) Corner. In D. T. 10. In 32:2060 Bis der Rechte kommt ! (L. Sp.) Gumhort. In B. D. B. 7 1" 32:2033 Blaubart. (Sch.) Nach Marlitt, fiir die Biihne bearbeitet von Turn. In I). T. 2 In 32:2052 Bleib' bei mir ! (Komisehes L. Sp.) Paul. Mus. von Conradi. In B. D. B. 29 In 32:2044 Blindekuh! (L.) Kncisel. In K. V. S.-B. 22. In 32:2175 Blumen, Die. (Spl. in Versen.) Korner. In S. W. 4. In 56:732 Blumen im Haar. (S.-S. fiir eine Dame.) {Cooler. In K. A. f. S.-S. 14 In 32:2133 Blumengeister, Die; oder, Das Rlithsel des (iliicks. (K. Zauberspiel.) Gassmann. Mus. von Sticgmann. In D. T. 3 In 32:2053 Blumengift. (L.) Kl&ger. In K. V. S. B. 80. In 32:2174 Blumen-Kathohen. (K. S.-S. fiir eine Dame.) Anders. In B. D. B. 27 In 82:2043 Blumenkranz, Der. (Sch.) Schmid. In C S. 18. In 69:338 Blutige Pantoffel an der Kirchhofsmaucr, Der; oder, Das vergiftete Dreienbrodehen. Chemnitz. In W. T. 10 In 32:2291 Bon Appetit. (Schw.) Nach dem Franziisischen von Pfeiffer, und Hilbert. In N. W. T. 24.1n 32:2205 Bose Friiulein, Das. (Sch.) Kneisel. In K. V. S.-B. 14 In 32:2173 Bose Welt, Die. (L.) Rosen. In W. 3. In 32:2555.3 Bose Zungen. (Sch.) Laube. In D. W. 11. In 32:2481 Brandenburger und Lothringerin ; oder, Eine friedliche Eroberung. (Sch. mit Ges.) Yolger. Mus. von Heyer. In K. A. f. L.-B. 73... In 32:2095 Brandstatte, Die. (Po. mit Ges.) Desloges. In K. A. f. L.-B. 20 in 32:2084 Bratpfanne, Die. (Po. mit Ges.) Renter. Uebers. von Gorss. Mus. von Maasdorff. In K. A. f. L.-B. 99 In 32:2100 Braut, Die. (L.) Korner. In S. W. 3. In 56:732 Braut auf Lieferung, Eine. (L.) Federici. Uebers. von Tietz. In K. V. S.-B. 1 In 32:2171 Braut von Messina, Die; oder, Die feindlichen Briider. (T. mit Choren.) Schiller. In C. T. B. 55. In 32:2011 Same. In S. W. 5 In 56:1253 Braut, etc., (continued.) — Same In 56:1270 Same. In W. 6 In 56:1262 Braute von Florenz, Die. (T.) Mosen. In S. W. 4 In 56:853 Brautfahrt, Die; oder,'Kunz von der Rosen. (L.) Freytag. In D. W. 1 In 32:2365 Brautigam der seine Braut verheirathet, Ein. (L. ) Weld In B. D. B. 2 In 32:2030 Brillante Verlegenheit, Eine. (L.) Nach dem Franziisischen von Denecke. In B. D. B. 32. In 32:2045 Briider, Die. (L.) Terentius. In C. T. B. 54. In 32:2011 Same. Uebers. von Herbst. In Lustspiele 3. In 1:3943 Bruderchen versprich dich nicLt. (L.) Thiele. In K. T. 21 In 32:2075 Bruderzwist in Habsburg. (T.) Grillparzer. In S. W. 7 In 56:456 Brunnenmadehen von Ems, Das. (L.) Horn. In K. V. S.-B. 32 In 32:2177 Brutus. (D. zur Musik.) Herder. In S. W. 15. In 56:637 Bummelfritze. (Schw. mit Ges.) Mylius. Mus. von Thiele. In K. T. S. 5 In 32:2151 Biirgergeneral, Der. (L.) GOthe. In G. W. 2. In 56:351 Same In 56:357 Same. In S. W. 18 In 56:370 Cabale und Liebe. See Kabale und Liebe. Cabinerinnen, Die. (T.) Heyse. In S. "W. 9. In 56:678 Cameliendame, Die. (D.) Dumas, fils. Uebers. von Meindl. In C. T. B. 104 In 32:2021 Carlchen's erste Liebe. (Po.) Paul. In B. D. B. 22 In 32:2040 Caron mit den abgesehidnen Geisten. (T.) Sachs. In Dichtungen 3 In 31:1458 Cassis Pascba. (Po. mit Ges.) Nach dem Fran- zosiscben von Treuman. In N. W. T. 37. In 32:2208 Cavalier und Arbeiter. (T.) Klein. In D. \V. 3. In 32:2443 Chassepot oder Ziindnadel ? (Schw.) Reich. In li. I). B. 31 In 32:2045 Chevalier von Clodoehes, Der. Scbiiferstunden, Ablh. II. (Schiiferspl.) Laucr. In W. T. 7. In 32:2291 Christian Schybi. (Volkssch.) Feierabend. In IS. V. S. 17 In 32:1993 Christiane. (Schw.) Gondinet.Uebers.von Mautner. In N. W. T. 14 In 32:2203 Christin, Die. (T.) Kolisch. InN.W. T. 71. In 32:2215 Christoph Wagner. Engel. ed. In D. P. 5. In 32:2070 Citronen. (L.) Rosen. In W. 10.. ..In 32:2555.10 Claudine von Villa Bella. (S. sp.) Gothe. In S. VV. 2 In 56:351 Same In 56:357 Same. In S. W. 17 In 56:370 Same. In S. W. 30 In 56:376 Clavigo. (T.) Gothe. . In S. W. 2 In 56:351 Same In 56:357 Same. In S. W. 4 In 56:363 Same. In C. T. B. 28 In 32:2006 Clementina von Forretta. (D.) "Wieland. In S. W. 28 v ..In 56:1914 Cola Rienzi. (T.) Mosen. In S. W. 3..In 56:^52 Comodiantin aus Liebe, Die. (L.) Kotzebue. In B. D. B. 34 In 32:2046 Comodie der Irrungen. (C.) Shakespeare. Uebers. von Schlegel. In D. W. 6. (Schlegel and Tieck.) In 32:2570 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama (German). 173 Titles (German). Compromittirten, Die. (L.) Rosen. In W. 1. In 83:1566.1 Comtease Helene. 2 Copist Der. (Sch.) Meilhac. Uobers. von Uiltl. In K. A. t L.H. 9 1" 83:3082 Cora, das Kind des Pflnnzcrs. (Sen.) Naeh dem Kraiizosischcn von Yichinann. In H. V. T. 1. In 32:2277 Coriolanus. (T.) Shakespeare. Uaben, von SebJagel. In 1). W. 5. (Schlegel and Tieck.) Iii 32:2509 Same. I'ebers. von Wilbrandt. In D. W. 11. (Bodenatedt.) !" 88:16M Corporal, Der; oder, Die Hcimatloscn. (Son.) V ,.n A rx. In B. V. S. (8 In 83:1993 Correggio. (T.) Oehknschliiger. In C. T. B. 34. In 32:2ii(i7 Cristofero Colombo. (D. G.) Rikkert. In G. P. W. 10 In 31:U4-i Cromwell. (D. Frag.) Hasan. In s. w. t. In 68:858 Culturkampf in der Bronze, fur heitere Natur- tbrscher und verwandte Gemiither. Revinoiid. 83:3669 Cyclop, Der. (Satyrspl.) Euripides. In C. T. B. 59. {See also Kyklops., In 32:2012 Cymbeline. (T.) Shakespeare. Uebers. von Schlegel. In I). W. 9. (Schlegel and Tieck.) In 82:2571 Cyrus, Kiinig von Persien. Engcl. ed. In 1). P. 3. In 32:2n7o Damon; oder, Die wahre Freundschaft. I. i Leaving, In 8.8.1 In 56:700 Damokles-Schwert, Das. (Schw.) Rosen. In w. r, In 83:1665.11 Danischeffs, Die. (Sch.) Newsky. InN.W.T. 58. In 32:2212 Darwinianer, Der. (L.) Von Schweitzer. In K. V. S.-B. 20 In 33:2176 Dasbinich! (L.) Paul. In K. A. f. L.-B . ». In 32:2081 Das (If icb! oder. Die bose Nachbarin. (Schw.) llntt. In B. D. B. 21 In 32:3040 Datterich. Local posse in der Mundart der Darin- stiidter 83:2394 Delicater Auftrag, Bin. | L.) Naeh dem Kranzii- sischen. Ascher. In N. \V. T. 31 In 83:2307 Demetrius. (T.) Hebbel. In S. W. 6.. ..In 60:576 Demetrius. (T.i Laubc. In D. W. 12..I11 83:3482 Demetrius. (T.) Schiller. In S. W. 7..1n 60:1366 Sana. In W. 12 In 56:1265 Deutsche I'ariserin, Eine. (L.) Birch-Pfeiffer. In D. W. « In 83:2316 Deutschen Kleinstiidter, Die. (L.) Kotzebue. In C. T. B. r»l In 32:2011 Deutscher Krieg. (L.) Rosen. In W. 9, In 32:2555.9 Deutsches Mlidchen Im Elsass, Ein. (L.) Kneisel. In K. V. S. B. 19 In 32:2174 Diamant, Die. (D.) Hebbel. In S. W. 4. In 56:57.'! Diamant des Geisterkonigs, Der. (Z. Sp.) Kaimund. In 0. T. B. 62 In 32:2013 Dieb, Ein. (L.) Thomas. In K. A. f. L.-B. 95. In 83:3099 Dichter und Wiiseherin. (L.) Ring. In B. 1). B. 0. In 83:2033 Diener zweier Herren, Der. (L.) (ioldoni. In 0. T. B. 38 In 32:2008 Dienstboten, Die; oder, Am hiiuslichen Beard. (Schw.) Von Saville. In T. C. 37... In 32:2248 Dienstpflicht. (Sch.) IHland. In C. T. B. 105. In 88:3031 Diner da Province in Paris, Kin. Spindkr. In Soenen und Geechichtcn 2 In 59:939 Dir wie mir; oder, Dem Ilerrn ein Gla- \\ n--. r iS.hw.) Njich dem Franziisischen von Ascher. In ! • 61 In 32:2-:.: Same. In B. D. B. 17 In 88.3038 Same. Uebers. von Sanftleben. In K. A. f. L.-B. 17. In 32:2084 Doctor Ritter. (D. G.) Ebncr-Eschenbach. In N. W. T. 6 In 32:2202 Doctor Robin. (L.) Nach dem Franziisischen von Hoiss. In K. A. f. L.-B. 6 In 32:2082 Doktor Faust. (V.) Leasing. In W. 7. In 56:753 Doktor .lohann Faust. (Volkssch.) Engel. ed. In Deutsche P. 1 In 32:2070 Don Carlos, Infant von Spankn. (D. G.) Schiller. In C. T. B. 2H In 32:2006 Same. In S. W. 3 In 56:1251 Same In 66:1268 Same. In W. 3 In 56:1201 Don Guano; oder, Der steinerne Gastwirlli. Chem- nitz. In W. T. 4 In 83:3390 Don .lohann von Oesterreich. (T.) Mosen. In S. W. 4 In 56:853 Don-luan; oder, Der steinerne Gast. Engel. ed. In D. P. 3 In 32:2070 Don .Juan nus Kamilien-Kiicksicliten. Ein. (Schw. mit Ges.) Hahn. In B. D. B. 10. ...... In 32:2037 Don .liiiin in Wiesbaden. (Schw.) Trautmann. In B. D. B. l'.» In 32:2039 Don Juan und Faust. (T.) Grabbe. In S. VV. 1. In 32:2395 Don Ranudo de Colibrndos; oder, Arniuth und lloftart. (L.) Kotzebue. In C. T. B. 98. In 32:2020 Donauweib, Das. (Der erste Akt.) (Sch.) Tieck. In 8. 13 In 56:1612 Donna Diana. (L.) Moreto. In C. T. B. 15. In 32:2003 Donnerstag. (L.) Sittenfeld. In K. A. f. L.-B 96. In 32:2100 Doppelselbstmord. ( Bnuernpo. mit Ges. ) Ansen- gruber. In N.W. T. 51 In 32:2211 Dorfbiirgermeister. (Po.) Schumacher. In K. T. 3 In 32:2074 Doring oder Daasoir. (Schw.) Schmidhoff. In K. A. f. L.-B. 07 In 32:2094 Dramatische Ilausknccht, Der. (S.-S. fur einen Herrn.) Kohler. In K. A. f. 8.-S. 8 In 32:2132 Drei Frauen und Keine. (Po.) Kettel. In T. C. I no. In 32:2 200 Drei goldana Aepfel. (Weihnacbta-Komddie mit Ges. und Tanz.) Gbrner. ed. In D. T. 9. In 32:2059 Drei Paar Schuhe. (Lcbcnsbild mit Ges.) Gurlitz. Mns. von Oonradi. In K. V. S.-B. 2..In 32:2171 Same. Bearbeitet von Berla. M us. von Millocker. In N. W. T. 1 In 83:3301 Drei Paar Stiefel. (Schw.) Hesse. In K. A. f. L. B. 78 In 32:2090 Drei Staatsverbrecher. (IntriguenstQck.) Von Schweitzer.) In K. V. S.-B. 10 In 32:2174 73 Kreuzer des Herrn Stutzelberger, Die. (Po.) Frei naeh dem Franziisischen von Homburg. In N.W. T. 8 In 88:2304 Dreizehnte November, Der. (Sch.) Gut/.kow. In I). W. 14 In 32:2404 Duell, Das; oder, Angefiihrt. (L.) Julius. In D. T. 3 In 32:2053 Duft. (L.) Muller. In T. C. 14 In 32:2243 Durchl (L.) Genee. In T. C. 62 In 32:2253 Durch den Kladdcradatsch. (Schw.) Frevlmn. In K. T. S. 2 _ In 32:2151 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama (German). 174 Titles (German.) Durch Nussschalen. (Schw.) Hahn. In K. A. f. L.-B. 72 In 32:2095 Durch's Schliisselloch! (Po. rait Ges.) Salingre. Mus. von Bial. In B. V. T. 7 In 32:2283 Egmont. (T.) Gothe. In C. T. B. 24. • In 32:2005 Same. In S.W.I In 56:390 feme. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Same. In W. 4 In 56:363 Same. In W. 3 In 56:382 Same. In Schiller's S. W. 6 In 56:1271 Ehemann in der Wolle, Ein. (Po.) John. In T. 0. 8 In 32:2242 Ehepaar aus der alten Zeit, Das. (Po. mit Ges.) Angi-ly. In B. D. B. 23 In 32:2041 Ehestands-Exercitien. (S. Sz. fur eine Dame.) Genee. In B. D. B. 8 In 32:2033 Ehrenwort, Ein; oder, Er kennt den Dienst ! (Po. mit Ges.) Heiter. Mus. von Conradi. In B. D. B. 18 In 32:2038 Ehrlich Biickin mit ihren drei vermeinten Liebsten, Die. (Po.) Ayrer. In N. W. T. 65..1n 32:2213 Ehrlich wiihrt am liingsten. (Sch.) Becks. In K. T. 2 In 32:2075 Eidechse, Die. (L.) Von Schweitzer. In K. V. S.-B. 10 In 32:2172 Eierdieb, Der. (Na.) Von Schmid. In G. S. 18. In 59:538 Einberufen ! oder, Mit Gott fur Kiinig und Yater- land. (Po. mit Ges.) Salingre. Mus. von Bial. In B. D. B. 31 In 32:2045 Eine muss heirathen 1 (L.) Uhde. In B. D. B. 32. In 32:2045 Same. InT.C.83 In 32:2257 Einer aus der Geriehtszeitung. (Schw.) Wollmann. In B. D. B. 18 In 32:2038 Einer von uer Feuerwehr. (Lebensbild mit Ges.) Kola. In N.W.T. 69 In 32:2214 Eingebildete Kranke, Der. (L. mit Ges. und Tanz.) Moliere. Uebers. von Krais. In C. T. B. 33. In 32:2007 Eingemauert ! (Schw.) Eritzsche. In K. A. f. L.-B. 13 In 32:2083 Eingeregnet ! (Dramolet.) Paul. In K. A. f. L.-B. 7 In 32:2082 Einquartierung, Die. (Genrebild mit Ges.) Genee. In B. D. B. 19 In 32:2039 Einzige jnnge Mann im Dorfe, Der. (S.-S. fur eincn Herrn.) Mylius. In T. C. 44... In 32:2249 Electra. (T.) Sophokles. Uebers. von Donner. In Tragiidien In 1:3195 Elektra. (T.) Euripides. Uebers von Minckwitz. In Dramen 9 In 1:2927 Elfriede. (Sch.) Anzengruber. In JM. W. T. 26. In 32:2206 Elizabeth Charlotte. (Sch.) Heyse. In S. W. 10. In 56:679 Elizabeth von England. (H. D.) Birch-PfiflVr. In D. "W. 4 In 32:2314 Ella Rose. (Sch.) Gutzkow. In D. W. 11. In 32:2403 Elpenor. (T.) Gothe. In S. W. 2 In 56:351 Same In 56:357 Same. In W. 6 In 56:364 Elzevir. (Genrebild mit Ges.) Wilken. In T. C. 2. In 32:2241 Emilia Galotti. (T.) Lessing. In C. T. B. 13. In 32:2003 Same. In D In 32:2492 Same. In S. S. 2 In 56:760 Same. In W. 2 In 56:750 Same. In W. 2 In 56:756 Emiliens Herzklopfen. (S.-S. mit Ges. fur eine Dame.) Heiberg. In B. D. B. 21 In 32:2040 Ende gut, Alles gut. (Schw.) Becks. In K. T. 2. In 32:2075 Ende gut, Alles gut. (C.) Shakespeare. Uebers. von Seh'egel. In D. W. 7. (Schlegel und Tieck.) In 32:2570 Engel, Ein. (Schw.) Rosen. In W. 5. In 32:2555.5 Englisch! (L.) Gorner. In T. C. 6...In 32:2242 Entfesselte Prometheus, Der. (D. G.) Herder. In Ausgewiihlte VV. 1 In 56:651 Same. In S. W. 9 In 56:637 Entfiihrung, Die. (L.) Feierabend. In B. V.S. 16. In 32:1990 Epiccena ; oder, Das stille Frauenzimmer. (L.) Nach .lonson von Tieek. In S. 12 In 56:1611 Epidemisch. (Schw.) Schweitzer. In K. V. S.-B. 17 In 32:2174 Epimenides Krwaehen, Des. (Festsp.) Gothe. In S. W. 2 In 56:351 Same In 56:357 Same. In 8. W. 18 In 56:370 Er cxperimentirt. (L.) Hollpein. In B. V. T. 6. In 32:2282 Er hat etwas vergessen. (Genrebild.) Berthold. In B. V. T. 7 In 32:2283 Er hat den Spleen. (Schw.) Bloch. In B. D. B. 5. In 32:2032 Erist Baron! (Po. mit Ges.) Hahn. Mus. von Hauptner. In B. V. T. 3 In 32:2279 Er ist nicht eifersiichtig. CL.) Elz. In T. C. 61. In 32:2253 Same. In B. D. B. 3 In 32:2031 Er kann nicht lachen. (D. Sz.) Zelau. In N. \V. T.48. In 32:2210 Er kommt! (S.-Sp. fiir eine Dame.) Paul. In K. A. f. L.-B 12 In 32:2083 Er mengt sich in Alles. (L.) Jiinger. In C. T. B. 8S. In 32:2018 Er muss aufs Land. (L.) Bayard und Vailly. Uebers. von Thomas. In B. V. T. 5. ..In 32:2281 Er muss aufs Land. (L.) Friedrich. In K. V. S.-B. 18 In 32:2174 Er muss tanzen ! (L.) Paul. In B. D. B. 33. In 32:2046 Er soil Dein Herr sein! (L.) Moser. In B. D. B. 6. In 32:2032 Er weiss nicht was er will. (Schw.) Herrmann. IiiT.O. 19 In 32:2244 Erben des reichen Onkels, Die. (L.) Van der Stemple, jr. In K. T. 25 In 32:2075 Erdbeeren, Die. (Sch.) Schmid. In G. S. 18. In 59:538 Erich der Bauernkonig. (Sch.) Prutz. In D. W. 2. In 32:2542 Erste Coulisse links. (Po. mit Ges.) Hahn. In B. I). B. 21 In 32:2040 Erste Debut, Das. (S.-Sz. mit Ges.) Dohm. In B. D. B. 6 In 32:2032 Erste Mittagessen, Das. (L.) Gorlitz. In T. 0. 1. In 32:2241 Erste Narrenabend, Der. (H. L.) Rosen. In W. 5. In 32:2555.5 Erste Todte, Der. (Sch.) Hirthe. In K. A. f. L.-B. 43 In 32:2089 Erwin und Elmire. (S.Sp.) Gothe. In S. W. 2. In 56:351 Same In 56:357 Same. In S. W. 17 In 56:370 Same. In S. W. 30 In 56:376 Erzahlungen der Konigin von Navarra. (L.) Scribe unci Legouve. Uebers. von Ebeling unci Rein- hard. In B. V. T. 1 In 32:2277 Erziehung maelit den Menschen. (Lebensbild.) Gorner. In D. T. 4 In 32:2054 Essighandler, Der. (Sch.) Mercier. Uebers. von Grunert. In C. T. B. 39 In 32:20C8 Esther. (Aus einem unvollendeten D. ) Grillparz'er. In S. W. 6 In 56:455 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. TnE Drama (German). 175 Titles (German). Eulonspiogol. (Pto. mit Get.) Mvlius. In T. C. 09. In 89:2360 Eulenspiegel mit den Blinden, Der. (P. Sp.) Such*. In Diehtung. 3 In 91:1468 Eumenides, I >i *•- (T.) .Esehylus. Uebert. von Donner. In Trag&dien 1—3 In 1: Eva im 1'aradiese. (L.) Weihe. In K. A. I'. L.-B. 87. In 82:3088 Falsche Kduard, Der. (3ohw.) Nciise. In K. A t L.-B. H(i In 82:2096 Falsche Bhen, (Sch.) Paflleron. In K. V. s.-i:. 83. In 32:2177 Fabier, Die. (T.) Freytag. In I). \V. J.In 82:2368 Familie Car-ten-, Die. (GenreMld.) Stinde. In D. T. 1» In 82:3060 Familie Horner, Die. (Schw. i Anno. In K. V. S.-B. 24 In 32:2175 Familie Sehrott'enstein, Die. (T.) Kleist. In G. S. 1 In 56:7nn Same. In W. 2 In 56:704 Fastnachtspiel vom Pater Brey. Odthe. In s. W. 2 In 66:351 Same. In W. 8 In 66:884 Fatinitza. (K. O.) Zell nnd Genee. Mus. von Suppe. In N. W. T. 53 In 32:2211 Faullenzer. (Sohw.) Rosen. In YV. B.In 82:3656.8 Faust. Kin Vi-r-urli. Ghamuwo. In W. 1. In 66:336 Faust. (D. G.) Gdthe 32:2388-89 Same. In C. T. B. 8, 9 In 32:3002 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:351 Same. In S. W. 2 In 66:357 Same. In W. 6 In 56:364 Faust nnd Gretchcn. (Sz. mit Ges.) .Jncobson. ■lot. von Lang. In B. I). B. 2 In 82:3030 Faust's Leben. (Fr.) Mullor. In Dichtungen I. In 32:2515 Bane In 31:1284' Feinde. (L.) Bomb. In W. 7 In 32:2555.7 Ferdinand Avelli. (D.) Birch-Pi'eiffer. In D. W. 10 fin 32:2320 Fernand. (Pariser Sittenbild.) Sardou. Uebers. von Mautner. In K. W. T. 21 In 82:2206 Fest der llandwerker, Das. (V.) Angely. In C. T. B. 87 In 32:2018 Same. In B. U. B. 4 In 32:2031 Feuer In der Madchenschule, Das. (L.) Nach den Franzosisehen von F. von Conradi. In K. A. f. L.-B. 32. In 32:2087 Herr Meidingcr und sein Contrabass. (Schw. mit Gesang.) Pohl. Mug. von Conradi. In B. I). B. 20. In 32:2n39 Herr Pctermann geht zu Bette. (Schw. mit Gesang. ) ISrentano. In T. C. 3 In 89:3241 Herr Stadtinusikus und seine Kapelle. (Volksstiick mit Gesang.) Kneisel. Mus. von Conradi. In K. V. S-B. 4 In 32:2171 Herr Studiosus. Nach Sehiicking von Birch-Pi'cihVr. In D. W. 11 In 32:2321 Herr Studiosus T. Kriigcr. (L.) Stavenow. In T. C. 39 In 32:2248 Herr von Fuchs. (L.) Tieck. In S. 12. In 56:1611 Herrmannsschlacht, Die. (D.) Kleist. In 0, T. B. 95 In 32:2019 Same. In G. S. 2 In 56:701 Same. In W. 1 In 56:7o3 Herr und eine Dame, Ein. (L.) Uhde. In B. D. B. 27 In 32:2043 Herz der GriiHn, Das. (L.) Waldstein. In B. D. B. 35 In 32:2047 Herzog Bern hard. (II. T.) Mosen. In S W. 4. In 56:«53 Herzog Theodor von Gothland. (T.) Grabbe. In S. W. 1 In 32:2395 Herzogin, Die. (L.) Klein. In D. W. 2. In 32:2442 Hexe von Gibistorf, Die. (H. R. D.) Kramer. In B. V. S. 7 In 32:1991 Heymann Lew auf der Aim. (K. Genrebild mit Geeaog.) Drost. In B. D. B. 21 In 32:2040 Hier wird warm gespeistl (Po. mit Gesang.) Salingre. In B. D. B. 32 In 32:2045 Hinko. (D.) Birch-Pfeiffer. In D. W. 12. In 32:2322 Hippolytos oder Phiidra. (T.) Euripides. Uebers. von Minckwitz. In Dramen 8 In 1:2926 Hofgesint Venerig, Das. (F. Sp.) Sachs. In Dichtungen 3 In 31:1458 Hohe Politik. (L.) Rosen. In W. l...In 32:2555.1 Hoheit auf Reisen, Die; oder, Bei der Wirthin von Fischbach. (Genrebild.) Paul. In K. A. f. L.-B. 15. In 32:2083 Hohenstaufen, Die. (T.) Grabbe. In S. W. 1. In 32:2395 Horige, Der. (Sch.) Muller. In B. V. S. 11. In 32:1992 Hornen Seifrit, ein Son Konig Sigmunts im Nider- lant. (T.) Sachs. In Dichtungen 3.1n 31:1458 Huldigung der Kiinste, Die. (Lyrigches Spl.) Schiller. In S. W. 6 In 56:1254 Same. In S. W. 5 In 56:1270 Humor vcrloren Alles verlorcn! (Po. mitGes.) Jacobson. Mus. von Bossenbcrger. In B. V.-T. 4. In 32:2280 Hundert Thaler Belohnung! (Po. mit Ges.) 8alingr<. In B. D. B. 11 In 32:2035 100,000 Thaler Mitgift. (Schw.) Paul. In K. T. S. 12 In 32:2153 Ich esse bei meiner Mutter. (L.) Nach dem Franzosischen von Drost. In B. D. B. 18. In 32:2038 Ich verbrenne meine Schwiegermutter. (Schw.) Kosen. In W. 8 In 32:J555.8 Ich wards mir den Major einladen. (L. ) Nach dem Franzjsischen von Moser. In B. D. B. 11. In 89:3085 Ideal, Dag, oder: Ein steh'n geblieb'ner Bagen- schirm. (L.) Kliger. In K. A. f. L-B. 103. In 32:2101 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama {German). 178 Titles {German). Iffland. Birch-Pfeiffer. In D. W. 6... .In 32:2316 Ihr Ki'tter. (Schw, mit Ges.) Dohm. Mm. von Conradi. In B. D. B. 10 In 32:2034 Im Boudoir ciner Kiinstlerin. (S.-S. fiir eine Dame.) Klager. In K. A. f. L.-B. 28 In 32:2086 Im OftroW, oder: Deutsche Corpsstudenten. (Genre- bild mit Ges.) Geber. In K. T. S. 9..In 32:2152 Im Fragekasten des Fremdenblatts. (L.) Giirlitz. In K. A. f. L.-B. 30 In 32:2086 Im Schlafe. (Schw.) Rosen. In W. 4. In 32:2555.4 Im Stuben-Arrest. (L.) Nach dem Franzosischen von Muller. In B. D. B. 35 In 32:2047 Im Theater-Bureau. (Schw.) Anno. In T. C. 102. In 32:2261 Im Vor/.immer Seiner Excellenz. (Lebensbild.) Halm. In B. D. B. 16 In 32:2037 Same. In T. C. 60 In 32:2254 Im Wartesalon enter Klasse. Muller. In T. C. 5. In 32:2241 Im Wartesalon dritter Klasse. (Po. mit Ges.) Salingre. Mus. von Bial. In B. V.-T. 6. In 32:2282 In der elften Stunde. (H. L.) Grahl. In D. T. 5. In 32:2055 In Hamburg und Bagdad; oder. Der Mann mit der langen Nase. (Weinachts.-Z. Po. mit Gesang und Tan/..) GSrner, ed. In D. T. 11 In 32:2061 In der Heimath. (Sch.) Birch-Pfeiffer. In I). W. 10. In 32:2320 In der Kur. (L.) Norrenberg. In K. T. 7. In 32:2074 Innere Stimme, Eine. (L.) Kosen. In W. 4. In 32:2555.4 Inspektor Brasig. (Lebensbild.) Nach Keuter von Gassmann und Kriiger. In D. T. 3. In 32:2053 Inspektor Briisig in Berlin. (Schw.) Nach Reuter von Kriiger. In D. T. 5 In 32:2055 Intermezzo auf der silbcrnen Hochzeit, Das. (L.) Kenneth. In K. T. 1 1 In 32:2076 Ion. (T.) Euripides. Uebers. von Minckwitz. In Dramen 10 In 1:2927 Iphigenie auf Tauris. (T.) Euripides. Uebers. von Minckwitz. In Dramen 4 In 1:2025 Iphigenie auf Tauris. (Sch.) Gothe. In C. T. B. 44. In 32:2000 Same. In S.W.I In 56:350 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Same. InW. 6 In 56:364 Same. InS.W.30 In 56:376 Same. In W. 3 In 56:382 Iphigenie in Aulis. (T.) Euripides. Uebers. von Schiller. In W. 7 In 56:1263 Same. In S. W. 6 In 56:1271 Same. In S. W. 3 In 56:1251 Irren ist menschlieh. (L.) Schmidt-C'abanis. In T. (J. 82 In 32:2257 Isaac und die drei Grazien. (Schw.) Paul. In K. T. S. 8 In 32:2152 Isaak Stern. (Po. mit Ges.) Berg. Neue Bear- beitung der Posse " Eincr von unsere Lent!" In N. W. T. 4 In 32:2201 Itzig Ilirsch als Rekrut. (S. S. mit Gesang fiir einen Herrn.) Feldmann. Mit Musikbeilage. In K. A. f. S.-S. 11 In 32:2133 Itzig Ilirsch in der Tanzstunde, oder : Eins, zwei, drei, bei der Bank vorbei 1 (S. S. mit Gesang fiir einen Herrn.) Alexander. Mit Musikbeilage. In K. A. f. S.-S. 10 In 32:2132 Jager, Hie. (Ein KiiidlichesSittengemiilde.) Iffland, In C. T. B. 10 In 32:2002 Jahrmarkts-Fest zu Plundersweilern. (Sehon- bartspl.) Gothe. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:351 Jedem das Seine ; oder, Das bliusliche Gleiebge- wicht. (L.) Moser. In B. D. B. ll..In 32:2035 Jeremias Grille. (Po. mit Gesang.) l'ohl. In B. D I'. 14 In 32:2036 Jeri und Biiteli. (Ssp.) Gothe. In S. W. 17. In 56:370 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:351 Jettchen's Brautgedanken. (S.-S. fiir eine Dame.) Hahn. In K. A. f. S.-S. In 32.2132 Jettchen's Liebe und Kabale. (Po. mit Ges.) Salingre. Mus. von Lang. In B. D. B. 9. In 32:2034 Johann Gaidar. (Sch.) Plattner. In B. V. S. 4. In 32:1990 Johann Maria Farina in Koln. (L.) Kliiger. In K. A. f. L.-B. 102 In 32:2101 Johannes Guttenberg. (Sch.) Birch-Pfeiffer. In D. W. 8 In 32:2318 Johannes Rathenow. (H. T.) Giseke 32:2384 Joseph Hendrich; oder, Deutsche Treue. Kiirner In S. W. 3 In 56:732 Journalisten, Die. (L.) Freytag. In D. W. 2. In 32:2365 Jude, Der. (Sch.) Cumberland. In C. T. B. 43. In 32:2009 Juden, Die. (L.) Lessing. In W. 7... In 56:753 Same. In W. 1 In 56:755 Same. In S. S. 1 In 56:759 Jiidin von Toledo, Die. (H. T.) Grillparzer. In S. W. 7 In 56:456 Judith. (T.) Hebbel. In S. W. 1 In 56:570 Jugendfreundin, Die; oder, Ein Ehemann in der Kur. (Schw. mit Ges.) Giirlitz. Mus. von Michaelis. In B. D. B. 36 In 32:2047 Julia. (T.) Hebbel. In S. W. 2 In 56:571 Julia Alpinula. (T.) Schadelin. In B. V. S. 18. In 32:1993 Julia und Romeo. Renriig. In D. T. 9. In 32:2059 Julius Ciisar. (T.) Shakespeare. Uebers. von Krais. In C. T. B. 103 In 32:2021 Same. Uebers. von Sehlegel und Tieck. In D. W. 5. (Sehlegel und Tieck.) In 32:2569 Julius von Tarent. (T.) Leisewitz. In U. T. B. 27. In 32:2006 Jung Witfrau Francesca, Die. (C.) Sachs. In Diehtungen 3 In 31:1458 Junge ARe. (L.) Birch-Pfeiffer. In D. W. 10. In 32:2320 Junge Gelehrte, Der. (L.) Lessing. In W. 1. In 56:755 Same. In S. S. 1 In 56:579 Jungfrau von Orleans, Die. (T.) Schiller. In C. T. B. 52 In 32:2011 Same. In S. W. 5 In 56:1253 Same. In W. 5 In 56:1262 Same. In S. VV. 5 In 56:1270 Kabale und Liebe. (Ein biirgerliches T. ) Sehiller. In G. T. B. 24 In 32:2005 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:1250 Same. In W. 2 In 56:1260 Same. In W. 2 In 56:1267 Kaffeeklatsch. (Genrebild.) Hiibner. In T. C. 103. In 32:2201 Kaiser Hcinrich IV. (D. G.) Riickert. In G. P. W. 10 In 31:1445 Kaiser Karls Sehwerdt. (Sch.) Nach Immer- mann von Bireh-Pfeiffer. In D. W. 5..In 32:2315 Kaiser Octavianus. (L.) Tieck. In S. 1. In 56:1600 Kaiser Otto III. (Sch.) Mosen. In S. W. 3. In 56:852 Kampf mit dem Draehen, Der. (Ssp.) Kiirner. In S. W. 4 In 56:732 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Tiik Drama (German). 179 Titles (German). Kampf urns Dasein. (L.) "YVilbrandt. In N. \\". T. 74 In 82:8211 Kanonenfutter. (L.) Rosen. In W. 2. In 82:3685.3 Karfunkel, I>er. (Telkateb.) Poeci. In 1!. V. 8. 3. In 82:1990 Karl von Bemeck, (T.J Tieek. EoS. 11. In 66:1010 Karl von Bourbon. (Sch.) Prutz. In D. W. 1. In 32:2. r i4I Karlsschuler, Die. (Sch.) Lento. In 1). W. 6. In 83:3476 Kastrat, Der. (L.) Terentius. Uebers. von Berbat In Lu8taplele2 In 1:3949 Kathchen von Hellbronn, oder: Die Feuerprobe, (Rittcrxli.i Kleist. In C. T. B. 1 In 32:2001 Same. In \V. 1 In 56:703 Same. In G. S. 2 In 56:701 Kaudels Gardimnpredigten. (L.) Moser. In T. C. 10 In 32:2243 Kaufmann von Venedic, (C.) Shakeipeare Uebers. von Krais. In C. T. B. 3 In 82:2001 Same. Uebers. von Schlegel unci Tieek. In 1). YV. 4. (Schlegel undTieck.) In 32:2569 Keine Kinder. (L.) Rosen. In W. 6...In 82:2555.6 Kinder urn jedon Preis. (Sehw.) Rosen. In W. 10 In 32:2555.10 Kinder-und-Puppentheater. Nr. 1—10. Dra- matisirte M-irchen nach Grimm, Musiius, Huuff u. A. Mit Wiukcn und Unterwcisungen in Bezug auf Ausstattung und Auffuhrung.j Von Henriette Kiihne-Harkort 32:386 Drbi WTinsclie, Die- (Sch.) Frei nach don Brildcr 'iimiiii. Falsc-i?e I'linE, Der. (Sch.) Frei nach Will). Hiiurt". KiiAi.it- Storeh (Sen.) Frei nach Wilhelm HhuiL Ricjt'KT mitdcm Sehopf. (Sch.) Nach riem Franzrtsischen. Rescues und das Ungehener. (La belle et la bcte.)_(Sch.) RfiBUAHt. (Sell.) Rum / uii , und seine Sehwester. (Seh.) Frei nach Houwald. SfMNEEWlTTCHES. (Sch.) Frei inieh Cirimm. Stkinernf. Her/., liji-. (Sch.) Frei nach U'ilhelm Hallft. ZAviiERRriirKiEK, L»er. (Sch.) Frei nach Musau*. Klatschereien. (Po. mitGes.) Angelv. InB. D. B. 27 ...In 82:3043 Klein Datimling, Hapunzel mit dem langen llnnr und Kiquct mit dem Schopf. ( Weibnaehts. C.) Gornor. ed. In I). T. 8 In 82:3058 Kleine Lautenspielerin, Die. (Sch. mit Gee.) Selimid. In G. S. 17 In 59:538 Kleine Mondtinsterniss, Eine. ( Lebensbild. ) Mo-er. In B. D. B. 7 In 32::o.s:i Kleiner Damon, Kin. (L.) Nach dem Pmnadei- ROhan von Balm. In B. V.-T. 2 In 32:2278 Kleiner Vorwand, Ein ! (D. K.) Paul. In K. T. S. 11 In 82:2163 Knopf, Ein. (L.) Rosen. In W. 2..In 82:3565.2 Knoten in Sacktuch. (I..) Nach dem HollSndi- schen. Biermann. In K. T. 2 In 82:2075 Kock und Guste. (Po.) Friedrich. In T. C. 84. In 32:2257 Kokette, Eine. (L.) Nach dem Italienisehen. Bloeh. In B. D. B. 12 In 32:2035 Komiker und Soubrette; oder. Extemporirt! Balm. Mus. von Conradi. In B. I). B. 1 In 32:2030 Komm her! (D. Sz.) Dohm. In B. I). B. 16. In 32:2037 Kommandant von Spandau. (II. Sch.) Neu- mann. In D. T. 1 In 82:3051 Komodie der Besserungen. (L.) Gutzkow. In D. W. 15 In 32:2404 Komische Bolatoanan und Declamationen von ver- schiedem-n Verfassern. In K. T. 1 In 32:2074 Konig Albreuht. (T.) Klein. In D. W. 5. In 82:3445 Konig Kginhardt. (Ein chinesisches Schnttcn- spicl.i Keener. In Dichtungen In 81:979 Konig Heinrich der Vierte. (II. D.) Shakespeare. fibers, von Gildemeistcr. In D. W. 8. (Bodcn- stedt.) In 82:3563 Konig Ileinrieh, (rtmtinued.) Same. Uebers. von Schlegel und Tieek. In I). \V. 1. - Megel unil Tieek.).... In 32:'-!".' J .« Konig Heinrich dir r'iinfte. (II. I).; Shakespeare. I'ebers. von Schlegel und Tieek. In I). W. 1. (Schlegel und Tieek.) In 82:3569 Konig Heinrich der Seehste. (II. I)., Shakespeare. Uebers von Schlegel und Tieek. In I). \V. 2. (Schlegel und Tieek.) In 82:2569 Konig Heinrich der Aehte. (II. D.) Shakespeare. Uebers. von Schlegel und Tieek. In 1). YV. ::. (Schlegel und Tieek.) In 32:2569 Konig Johann. (II. I).) Shakespeare. I'ebers. von Gildemeister. In D. W. 2. (Hodenstedt.) In 32:JT>»;i Same. Uebers. 'von Schlegel und Tieek. In D. W. 2. (Schlegel und/Tieek.) In 32:2568 Konig Lear. IT.) Shakeipaara. debar*, von Sihligel und Tieek. In D. YV. 8. (Schlegel und Tieek.) In 82:3571 Konig (Edipus: (T.) Sophoklcs. Uebcrs. von Dormer. In Dramen In 1:3195 Konig Rene's Tochter. (Lyrisehes D.) Hertz. In CL I. B. 77 „In 32:2016 Konig Richard der Zweite. (II. DJ Shakespeare. Uebers. von Gildenieister. In D. W. 8. I Boden- ■tedt) In 82:2562 Same. Uebers. von Schlegel und Tieek. In D.W. 1. (Schlegel undTieck.) In 32:2568 Konig Richard der Dritte. (T.) Shakespeare. I'ebers von Krais. In U. T. B. 61 In 82:2013 Konigin Bell. (Sch.) Nach Kavanagh's 'Grace Lee" von Birch-Pteift'er. In D. W. 7..In 32:: 117 Konigreich fur einen Sohn, Ein. (Po. mit Ges.) Saliugre. Mus. von Uauptner. In B. I). B. 22. In 32:2040 Konigslieutenant. (L.) Gutzkow. In D. W. 4. In 82:2401 Koschere Lesefibel fer unser Leit. Zeglaich ne Handpastill fer alle stillen un lauten Verehrer der Kinder Israels, besonders fer keaalliga Vcreine un sonstige Ordens. 1" Thail Pros. Lehrstick. 2" Thail. Dramat. Lehrstick. Stutzberg. In K. T. 1. In 32:2074 Kranke Kamilie, Eine. (Po.) Moser und Drost. In B. V. T. 9 In 32:2285 Kreuzelschreiber, Hie. (Bauern komodie mit Ges.) Gruber. In N. YV. T. 20 In 32:2204 Kreuzfahrer, Die. (Sch.) Kotzebue. In C. T. B.W In 32:20i3 Kriegsminister des Kcinigs Theodor, Der. (L.) -Mit freier Beniitzung einer Hildebrandt'schen Humoreske. Volger. In K. A. f. L.-B. 75. In 32:2095 Kriemhild's Kachc. (T.) llebbel. In Nibelun- gen. S. W. 5 In 56:'>74 Kunigunde von Wol fen biittel ; oder, Die Liebc ist die VY'urzel allesUcbels. (Rittersch. mit Mus. und Ges. I Lauer. In YV. T. 5 In 32:2290 Kiinstlers Apotheose. (D.) Guthe. In S. YV. 2. In 56:357 Kurmarker und Picarde. (Genrebild mit Ges.) Schneider. In T. C. 13 In 32:2243 Same. In B. D. B. 6 In 32:2032 Kurzsichtig. (L.) Gorner. In D. T. 4. In 32:20. r it Kutschke auf Vorposten. (S. S. mit Ges.) Bauer- meister. In T. C. 93 In 82:3369 Kyklops. (T.) Euripides. L T cbcrs. von Minck- witz. In Dramen 2. See aluo Cvclop, Der. In 1:2925 Lady Beefsteak. (Sehw.) Jacobson. Mus. von Lang. In B. D. B. 6 In 82:3033 Lady Johanna Gray. (T.) Wieland. In S. W. 28. In 56:1914 Lady von Worafey-HalL (Sch.) Birch- Pfeitl'er. In D. "YV. 4 In 32:2314 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama (German). 180 Titles (German). Landammann Suter. (T.) Bruhin. In B. V. 8.5 In 32:1991 Landhaus an der Heerstrasse, Das. (Schw.) Kotzebue. In B. D. B. 33 In 32:2046 Same. In C. T. B. 90' In 32:2018 Landhaus zu kaufen, Ein. (L.) Nach dem Holliindischen von Biermann. In K. T. 13. In 32.2076 Landliche Verlobungs-Anzeige, Eine. (L.) Miil- ler. Mus. von Conradi. In B. D. B. 30. In 32:204+ Landrecht von Solothurn vom Jahre 14!>2. (H. Sch.) Arx. In 15. V. S. 14 In 32:1993 Lasterschule, Die. (L.) Sheridan. In C. T. B. SO. In 82:2000 Laune dee Verliebten, Die. (Schiiferspl.) Gothe. In S. W. 1 In 50:350 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Leben ein Trauni, Das. (Sch.) Calderon de la Barca. In C. T. B. 7 In 32:2002 Leben and Thaton des kleinen Thomas, geiumnt DaamchoB. (Miihi-chen.) Tieck. InS.5. In 56:1 604 Lebende Bilder. Familiengemiilde. Bauenneister. In B.V.T.6 In 32:2282 Lebendig todten Eheleute, Die. (Po.) In B.D. B.33. In 82:2046 Ledige Hof, Der. (Sch.) Anzengruher. In N. W. T. 70 In 32:2214 Lehmann in " Die Meistersinger." (S.-Sz. nit Ges.) In K. A. f. L.-B. 16 In 82:2084 Lehmann's Jugendliebe. (Schw. mit Ges.) Nach dem Fianzfijischen von Jacobson. Mus. von Conradi. In B. D. B. 10 In 82:2034 Leiermann und sein Fflegekind, Der. (Volks- stiiek.) Birch-Pfeitfer. In D. W. 7. ..In 32:2317 Leo! (K. Lsp.) Anders. Mus. von Thtele. In K. A. f. L.-B. 104 In 32:2101 Letzte Aut'gebot, Das. (Vaterliindisches Volksstiiek mit Ges.) Dorn. InN.W. T. 49 Jn 32:2210 Letzte Babenberger, Der. (T.) Bohrmann. In N. W. T.39 In 32:2208 Letzte Fahrt, Die; oder, Eine vergessene Ge- sehichte. L. sp.) Stettenheim. Mus. von Conradi. In B. 1). B. 9 In 32:2034 Letzte Liebe. (Genrebild.) Girndt. In T. C. 94. In 32:2259 Letzte Nationalgardist, Der. (Volksstiiek mit Ges.) Berg. InN.W. T. 12 tn 32:2203 Liberaler Candidat, Ein. (L.) Schlesinger. In N. W. T. 11 In 32:2203 Libussa. (I.) Grillparzer. In S. W. 6. In 56:455 Liebe kann nieht Alles! (Sehw.) Nach dem Franzii- sischen von Foster. In K. A. f. L.-B. 5. In 32:2081 Liebe ohne Striimpfe. (T.-K.) Winterfeld. In Allerhand In 59:1710 Liebe Unkel, Der. (Schw.) Kneisel. In K. V. S.-B. 12 In 32:2173 Liebe und Liebelei. (Sch.) Barriere und Lambert- Thiboust. Uebers. von Fresenius. In K.V. S.-B 21. In 32:2175 Lieben Schwiegereltern, Die. (L.) Winterfeld. In B.D. B. 9 In 32:2034 Liebes Leid und Lust. (C.) Shakespeare. Uebers. von Schlegel und Tieck. In D. W. 9. (Schlegel und Meek.) In 32:2571 Liebesdiplomaten, Die. (L.) Henrion. In B. D. B. 12 In 32:2035 Liebesmahl, Ein. (L.) Pfaume. In K. A. f. L.-B. 77 In 32:2096 Liebesprobe, Die. (L.) Schreyer. In K. A. f. L.-B. 88 In 32:2098 Liebes-Tyranei. (L.) Nach dem Fianzosischen von Treumann. In N. W. T. 19 In 32:2204 Liebeszwist. (L.) Molicire. Uebers. von Griifin Maltznn *B: 17.27 Liederlich Kleeblatt, Das. (Genrebild mit Ges.) .Mylius. In T. (J. 30 In 32:2247 Lieder des Musikunten, Die. (Volksstiiek mil Ges.) Kneisel. ( Mus. von Gumbert. In B. V.-T. In 32:2279 Lieschen vor'm Spiegel. (S.-S.) Hahn. In B. D. B. 30 In 32:2044 Liesli. (folks, T.) Gutzkow. In D. W. 16. In 32:2404 Liga von Cambrai, Die. (Geschichtliche* D.) Platen. In G. W. 4 In 56:982 Lila. GSthe. In S. W. 2 In 58:351 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Same. In S. W. 17 In 56:370 Lilie und Lilienknicker; oder, Durch Miicken und Gedanken. (Schw.) Saville. In K. A. f. L. B. 66. In 32:2094 Liselotte. (H. Genrebild.) Sehlesinger. In N. W. T. 18 In 32:2204 List und Phlegma. (V. Po.) Angely. In B. D. B. 4. In 32:2031 Lorber und Myrte. (L.) Gutzkow. In I). W. 19. In 32:2405 Lorle, Das; oder, Ein Berliner im Sehwarzwald. (L.) Hesse. In B. D. B. 23 In 32:2041 Lott' ist todt. (Po. mit Ges.) Giinther. In B. D. B. 24 In 32:2041 Lucinda vom Theater. (S. Sz. mit Ges. fur eine Dame.) Mylius. Mus. von Thiele. In K. A. f. S.-S. 5 In 32:2131 Ludwig der Baier. (Sch.) Heyse. In G. VV. 10. In 56:679 Ludwig Devrient ; oder, Macht des Genie's. (Cliar- acter.-L.) Khiger. In K. A. f. L.-B. 11. In 32:2083 Luftschlosser. (Sz. mit Ges.) Kohler. In K. A. f. L-B. 94 In 32:2099 Liigner, der die Wahrheit spricht, Ein. (Sehw.) Nach dem Franzosischen. von Hiibner. In B. D- B. 7 In 32:2033 Liigner und sein Sohn, Der. (Po,) Naoh dem Franzo.-ischcn vonjahn. In B. D. B. 29.1n 32:2044 Luines. (T.) Klein. In D. W. 1 In 32:2441 Lustigen Musikanten, Die. (Ssp.) Brentano. In G. S. 7 In 56:156 Lustigen Weiber von Windsor, Die. (L.) Shakes- peare. Uebers. von Krais. In C. T. B. 78 In 32:2016 Same. Uebers. von Kurz. In D. W. 4. ( Boden- stedt.) In 32:2562 Same. Uebers. von Schlegel und Tieck. In D. W. 8. (Schlegel und Tieck.) In 32:2571 Lustspiel im Bade, Das. Spindler. In Volks- geschichte 2 In 59:948 Lustspiel im Wagen, Das. Spindler. In Scenen u. Gesch. 2 In 59:939 Lysistrata. (L.) Aristophanes. Uebers. von Donner. In Lustspiele 3 In 1:2847 Maas fur Maas. (C.) Shakespeare. Uebers. von Schlegel und Tieck. In D. W. 5. (Schlegel und Tieck.) In 32:2569 Macbeth. (T.) Shakespeare. Uebers. von Boden- stedt. In D. W. 7. (Bodenstedt.) In 32:2563 Same. Uebers. von Biirger. In Burger's S. W. 4. In 56:173 Same. Uebers. von Schiller. In C. T. B. 57. In 32:2012 Same. In Schiller's S. W. 6 In 56:1254 Same. In Schiller's W. 7 In 56:1263 Same. In Schiller's S. W. 6 In 56:1271 Same. Uebers. von Schlegel und Tieck. In D W. 9. (Schleg.d und Tieck.).... In 32:2571 Maccabaer. (Parodistischer S.-Sz mit Ges fiir einen Herrn.) Anders. Mus. von Thi.le. In K. A. f. S.-S. 3 In 32:2131 PUBLIC LIBitARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama (German). 181 Titles (German.') Madame Baring: oder, We V«rw>hw5nu>g zu tfonteftaacone. K. d.i Willaud, Uebera. von Hoop. Una. von Offenbach. In N.W.T. ». In 32:2210 Madchen von Andrea, Die. (L.) Terentius. I ( -1..t-. von llerbst. In Lusi.-piele 1 In 1:3948 Magdalena. (D.) Birch-Pfeiffer. In I). W. 7 In 32:331 Magnetische Karen. tL.) Hac k lfoder. In \V. 15. Tn 58 1294 Mahomet. (T.) Voltaire. I'obers. von Gdtbe. In Q T. B. 83 In 83:2013 Same. InGothe'tS. W.I In 56:350 Smth.'. In (iotlic's S. \V. 2 In 56:i57 Sa In Odthe'i s. \V. 31 Iii 56:-'i7 7 Major Davel. (U.K. I).) Hort-Binet nndfOaullieur. Bearbeitet von Stacker. In li. V. 8, 13. in 32:1003 Mamsell t'ebennuth. (Po.) Bahn. In B. I). B. 7. In 82:2033 Man toll den Tenfcl nicht an die Wand malcn. (L.) W.lil. In B. 1). B. 30 In 82:2044 Sum.-. In T. C. 85 In 82:2357 Man auoht einen Bnieber, (CbaraoterbUdV) Naoh den Franioaisoben von Babn. In B. V. T. 8. In 82:2284 Mannertreue; oder, Boated gieallel | D.Sa.) Noaok. In 15. 1) B. 36 In 32:2047 Mantel, Die; oder, Der Schneider in Liasabon. (L.) Blum, in u. I). B. i" in 82:2038 Marcel. (D.) Sardeaa und Deeorcelle. In N. W. T. 25 In 32:2205 Marchen der Kiinigin von Navarra; oder. Re- vanche t'iir I'avia. (L.) Scribe und Leirouvc. In C. T. li. si Iii 82:2017 Marchen vom Kiinigc Allgold; oder, Drei Tliraiien. I I). .Mlirchen.) Kncisel. In K. V. S.-li. 18 In 32:2173 Margarethe und der Doktor. (Genrehild. ) Rosen. In VV. 9 In 32:2555.9 Maria. (T.l Klein. In I). W. 4 In 32:2444 Maria Magdalene. (T.) Hebbel. In S. "VV. 2. In 56:571 Maria Moroni. (T.) Hey.se. In S. W. 9..In 56:078 Maria Stuart. (T.) Schiller. In C. T. B. 47. In 32:2010 Same. In S. W. 5 In 56:1253 Same. In "VV. 5 In 66:1262 Same. InS.W. 4 In 56:1260 Mario von Medici. (T.) Klein. In D. W. 1. In 32:2441 Marie-Anne; oder, Ein "Weib aus dem Volke. (Sell.) Hennery. Bearbeitet von Jahn. In B. V. T. 6 In 32:2282 Marius und Sulla. (T.) Grabbe. In S. W. 1. In 82:2396 Marquise von Vilette. (Sch.) Birch-Pfeiffer. In I). W. 2 In 32:2312 Maschinenbauer Knobbe. (S.-S. mit Gee.) Mvlius. Una. von Thiele. In K. A. f. S.-S. 7. In 32:2132 Maske (Bit Maske. (L.) Junger. Bearbeitet von .lahn. In B. D. B. 28 „ In 32:2043 Medeia. (T.) Euripides. Uebers. von Minekwitz. In Dramen 5 In 1:2926 Meeres (Des) und der Liebo Wellen. (T.) Grill parzer. In S. W. 5 In 56:454 Meermannes Hochzcit, Dos. (Na.) Andersen. In \V. 8 In 56:57 Mein Bruder. (Schw.) Rosen. In W. 9. In 32:2555.9 Mein Gliiekstern ! (L.) Scribe. Uebers. von Sehli- vian. In B. D. B. 3 In 32:2031 MeinSohn. (I,.) Schlesinger. In B. D. B. 15. In 32:2037 ; i Meine Tantc — DeineTante! iSehw. mit Get. und Tan/..) Jacobean. Una. von Lang. In li. D. It. 2. In 82:2030 Meineidbauer, Der. (VolkattBck mit <■ (irub.r. In N. \V. T. 5 In 32:22iil Meister Gottfried j oder, Qott tegnet dai ebrbare llandwcrk. i Sch i Sturni. In K. T. 1. In 32.2U74 Meister Schluck. i To. Sturm. InK.T. 22. In 82:2078 Meleagrer. (G.) Heyse. In <.. \V. it.. In 56:078 Melusina. (R. <>.) Grillpai/.cr. In S. W. 5. In 56:454 Menschenfeind, Der. (F.) Schiller. In S. W. 2. In 09:1360 Same. In \V. 8 In 56:1201 Menschenhass und Bene, (Sch.) Koteebue. InC. T. B. G In 32:2002 Michel Angelo. (I).) Hebbel. In S. "VV. 2. In 56:571 Milchmadchen, Das. (L.) Bobm. In B. I). B. 20 In 82:3039 Milchmadchen von Scb6neberg,Das. | s.-S. mit Ges. l'iir cine Dame. i Mvlius. Mus. von Thiele. In K. A. f. S.-S. 1 „.ln 82:2181 Miltiades. iT.i Senme. [n 8. "W. 8.1n 66:1373 Minister und Seidenhandler; oder. Die Kunst Vanobworungan an leitcu. iL.j Scribe, i'ebers. von Mein. 11. In 0. T. li. 70 In 32:2010 Minna von Barnhelm; oder, Das Soldatcngliick. (L.) Le-sing 1: 1210 Same. In C. T. B. 12 In 82:2003 Same. In D In 32:2492 Same. In "\V. 2 In 56:750 Siin.e. In S.S.I In 56:75:' Misanthrop, Der. i D.) Moliere. Uebers. von Kr.iis. In ('. T. B. 100 In 32:2020 Misogyn, Der. | L.) Leaateg, In \V. i...ln 56:755 Same. In S. S. 1 In 56:759 Miss Sara Sampson. (T.) Lessing. In C. T. B. 42. In 32:2009 Same. In "VV. 1 In 56:750 Same. In W. 2 In 56:756 Same. In S. S. 2 ...In 56:700 Mit der Feder. (Dramolet.) Schlesinger. In B. D. B. 12 ..In 32:2035 Same. In T. C. 11 In 32:2243 Mitschuldigen, Die. (L.) Guthe. In S. "VV. 1. In 56:350 Same. InS.W. 2 Tn 56:357 Moblirte Wohnung, Eine. (Po.) Corner. In T. C.31 In 82:2247 Moderner Barbar, Ein. (L.) Moser. In B. D. B.9 In 32:2034 ModernesVerhiingniss, Ein. (Schw.) "Weill. In B. I). B. 30 In 32:2044 Moloch. (T.) Hebbel. InS.W. 6 In 56:575 Moltke in Kiipeniek. (Schw.) Schmidhof. In K.A. f. L.-B. 71 In 32:2095 Monaldeschi. (T.) Laube. In D. W. 1. In 32:2471 Monche, Die. (L.) Tenelli. In B. V.-T. 9. In 32:2285 Monsieur de Ble\ (Sz.) HaeklUnder. In W. 27. In 68:1302 Monsieur Hercules. (Po.) Belly. In B. D. B. 12. In 32:2035 Same. In T. ('. 15 In 32:2244 Montjoye, der Mann von Kisen. ( I.ebensbild.) Eeuillet. Uebera, von Vaeano. In B. V.-T. 2. In 32:2278 Montrose, der sohwarze Markgraf. (T.) Laube. In 1). W. '■> In 82:2479 Mordgeschichte, Eine: oder. Kaucht es vielleicht bei Ihnen'.' (Schw.) Saner. In K. A. f. I..-B. 40. In 32:2088 PUBLIC LIBRARY OP CINCINNATI. The Drama {German). 182 Titles {German.) Moreto. (T.) Klein. In D. W. 5. ...In 32:2445 Moritz Schnorche; oder, Eine unerlaubte Liebe. (Schw.) Nachdem Franziisischen von Moser. In B. D. 1?. 13 In 32:2036 Moritz von Sacbsen. (T.) Prutz. In I). W. 2. In 32:2542 Mulatto, Der. (Romant. D.) Andersen. In W. 8. In 56:57 Muller and Miller. (L.) Stein. In B. V.-T. 4. In 32:2280 Musikalischer Polterabendscherz. (Burleske.) Heinrich. In B. D. B. 2!) In 32:2044 Musikteufel, Der. (Po. mit Musik.) Julius. In U. T. 2 In 32:2052 Mutter and Tochter. (Sch.) Birch-Pfciffer. In I). W. 9 In 32:2319 Mythologische Studien. (L.) Voider. In K. A. f. L.-B. 74 In 32:2095 Nach homoopathischen Grundsiitzen. (L.) Paul. In K. A. f. L.-B. 60 In 32:2092 Nach Leiden Lust. (C.) Prutz. In D. W. 1. In 32:2541 Nachkur, Eine. (L.) Gorner. In D. T. 10. In 32:2060 Nachmittag im Lager, Ein. (V.) Bahn. In B. I). 15. 20 „ In 32:2039 Nachspiel zu den Hagestolzen. Gothe. In S. W. 2. In 56:351 Nachspiel zur Genoveva. Hebbel. In S. W. 3. In 56:572 Nachsten Hausfrau, Des. (L.) Rosen. In W. 3. In 32:2555.3 Nacht und Morgen. (D. ) Nach Bulwer von Binh-Pfeiffer. In D. W. 3 In 32:2313 Nachtigall una dera Biickergang. (Volksstiick.) Stinde. In D. T. 9 In 32:2059 Nachtigall und Nichte. (Po.) Hahn. In T. C. 28. In 32:2246 Same. In B. D. B. 20 In 32:2039 Nachtwachter, Der. (Po.) Komer. In S. W. 3. In 56:732 Same. In C. T. B. 91' In 32:2019 Nand'l und Nazi; oder Der Berliner im Gebirge. ( Liindlieher Sz. niitGes.und Tanz.) Schliferstunden Abth. III. InW.T.8 In 32:2291 Nandl von Kbensee, D'. (Gelegenheits-Schw. rait Gesang.) Langer. Musik von verschiedenen Com- ponisten. In N. W. T. 59 In 32:2212 Nannette und Maria. (T.) Grabbe. In S.W.I. In 32:2395 Napoleon ; oder, Die hundert Tage. (I).) Grabbe. In S. W. 2 In 32:2396 Narciss. (T.) Brachvogel 32:2331 Narr des Gliicks, Der. (L.) Wiehert. In B. V.- T. 9 In 32:2285 Narrischkeiten. (Po. mit Ges.) Anders und Mylius. Mus. von Conradi. In K. A. f. L.-B. 41. In 32:2089 Nathan der Weiso. (D. G.) Lessing. In C. T. B. 4. In 32:2001 Same. In D In 32:2492 Same. In W. 3 In 56:751 Same. In W. 2 In 56:750 Same. In S. S. 2 In 56:760 Naturliche Tochter, Die. (T.) Gothe. In S. W. 1. Li 56:350 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Same. In W. 6 In 56:304 Same. In W. 3 In 56:382 Nebenbuhler, Die. (L.) Sheridan. In C. T. B. 45.: In 32:2009 Neffe als Onkel, Der. (L.) Pieard. Bearbeitet von Schiller. In C. T. B. 73 In 32:2015 Same. In W. 7 In 56:1263 Same. In S. W. 7 In 56:1255 Same. In S. W. 6 In 56:1271 Nehmt ein Exempel dran. (L.) Tdpfer. In T. C. 16 In 32:2244 Nero. (T.-C.) Gutzkow. In D. W. 20. In 32:2405 Same. In G. W. 1 In 56:475 Nettchen und Jettchen.(D. Sz.) B6hm. In B. D. B. 19 In 32:2039 Nette Miether. (Schw.) Braun. In T. C. 20. In 32:2245 Neue Pedell, Der. (L.) Schauer. InK.T. 20. In 32:2075 Neue Stadtrath, Der. Van der Stemple. In K. T. 25 In 32:2075 Neuen Propheten, Die. (Na.) Platen. In G. W 3. In 56:981 Neujahrsabend im Schweizerhause, Der. (D.) Ekardt. In B. V. S. 1 In 32:1990 Nieht schiin! (L.) Schlesinger. In B. D. B. 13. In 32:2036 Niklausvon der Flue. (Sch.) Planta. In B. V. S. 6. In 32:1991 Nimrod. (Po. mit Ges.) Salingre. Mus. von Bial. In B. V.-T. 5 In 32:2281 Niobe. (Sch.) Muller. In Dichtungen 2. In 32:2515 Same In 31:1285 Nordpolexpedition des Tegetthoff. (D.) Stamatv. *B: 253.7 Nullen. (L.) Rosen. In W. 4 In 32:2555.4 Nur ein Band. (L.) Gorner. In D. T. 4. In 32:2054 Nur mit der Artot. (Fastnachts.-Schw. mit Ges.) Gorner. Mus. von verschiedenen Componisten. In D. T. 10 In 32:2060 Nur franzosisch ! (L.) Gorlitz. In B. V.-T. 8. In 32:2284 Nur keinen Miethskontrakt ! (Po. mit Ges.) Salingre In D. B.I). 10 In 32:2034 Nur nieht fluchen ! (L.) Noaek. In T. C. 32. In 32:2247 Nur nieht heirathen. (L.) Schreyer. In K. A. f. L.-B. 87 In 32:2098 Nur nieht romantisch ! (Sz.) Burger. In T. C. 40. In 32:2249 Nur Pflichten— keine Rechte! (L.) Kessel. In B. D. B. 10 In 32:2034 Nusskernen, Das. Muller. In Dichtungen 1. In '32:2515 Same In 31:1284 O, diese Miinner! (L.) Rosen. In W. 11. In 32:2555.11 O, Lotte! (Schw. mit Ges.) Mannstiidt. In K. A. f. L.-B 38 In 32:2088 O. W. Stadtpost. (Schw.) Schrever. In K. A. f. L.-B. 85 .' In 32:2097 CEdipus auf Kolonos. (T.) Sophokles. Uebcrs. von Donner. In Dramen In 1:3195 Ohrenbalsam des Eremiten ; oder, Der ungehiirte Vaterflucb ; oder, Des Backenstreiches Fluch und Segen. (Ein Ritterliches Sch. mit Ges. Tanz, Gcfeeht und Feuerwerk.) Kopal. In W. T. l..In 32:2290 Onkelchen spionirt! (L.) Hahn. In K. T. S. 13. In 32:2153 CEnone. (T.) Berger. In N. W. T. 32..In 32:2207 Opfer, Ein ; oder, Die Juristerei als Geschilft. (Volks-T.) Bearbeitet von Walster's "Am Web- stuhl der Zeit" von E. S. Sozialistische Theater- stiicke 3 *B:253.6 Orpheus auf der Oberwelt. (Burleske mit Ges. und Tanz.) Sanftleben und Thalburg. In B. D. B. 19 In 32:2039 Othello, der Mohr von Venedig. (T.) Shakespeare- Uebers. von Bodenstedt. In D.W.I. (Bodenstedt.) In 32:2561 Same. Uebers. von Schlegel und Tieck. In D. W. 8. (Schlegel und Tieck.) In 32:2571 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI, The Drama {German). 183 Titles (German). Ottfried. (Sch.) Gutzkow. In I). W. 13. In 32:2440 OttO von Wittclsbaeh. (T.) Babo. In ('. T. li ,66. In 82:2012 Paar Ballschuhe, Kin. (Sz.) llahn. In T. 0. 87. In 32:2258 Pachter Feldkflmmel von Tippelskirchen. ( Fa. Sp. | Kotz.buo. In C. T. B. 79 In 88:2016 Pandora. (Festspl.) Gothe. In S. W. 1. In 08:860 Same. In S. W. 2 In 08:367 Same. In S. W. 18 In 56:370 Pandora. (L.) Wieland. In S. W. 28..1n 56:1914 Papa hat's orlaubt! (Schw. mit Ges.) Moser und L'Arronge. Mug. von Bial. In T. 0. 21..In 32:2245 Parasit, Dbtj oder, Die Kunst scin Gtuok zu machen. Nach dem Franzosischen von Schiller. In S. \V. 7 In 56:1255 Sara* In \V. 7 In 08:1268 Same. In S. W. 6 In 56:1271 Paris in Pommern; odcr, Die scltsame Testuments- Klausel. (V. Po.) Angclv. Inli.D. B.l. In 32:2030 Pariser Taugenichts, Der. (L.) Nach dem Fran- /.(".sisolion von TSpfer. In B. V.-T. n...In 88:2284 Parquet-Loge Nr. 3. (K. S.-S.) Halm. In B. I). B. 18 In 32:2038 Partei- Wuth ; oder, Die Kraft des Glaubons. (Scli.) fierier. In 0. T. B. 35 In 32:2007 Passendste l'rlisent. Das. (Weihnachts-Schw. mit Gee.) Gorss. In K. A. f. L.-B. 82 In 82:2007 Pater Brey, der falsche Prophet. (Fa. Spl. ) Ofttne. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Patkul. (T.) Gutzkow. In I). W. 9 In 3!&:2403 Paula Krbswurst; oder, Memoireii einen starken Beele, (Burleske mit Ges.) Kohler. In K. A. f. L.-B. 97 In 32:2100 Paulus. (D.) Schiittle 32:2560 Penthesilea. (T.) Kleist. In G. S. 1. In 56:700 Same. In W. 2 In 56:704 Perleder Watcherinen, Die. (La hlanchisseusc.) (K.) O.) Duru und Chivot. Uebers. von Hopp. Mus. von Vaaaear, In N. W. T. 52 In 32:2211 Perser, Die (T.) -Kschyhis. Uebers. von Donner. In Dramea In 1:8812 Peter von Ss&p&r. (11. Sch.) Birch-Pfeiller. In I). W. 13 In 32:2323 Pfalzer in Irland. (T.) Hevse. In G. W. 9. In 56:078 Pfarrer von Kirchfeld, Der. (Volksstuck mit Ges.) Anzengruber. In N. W. T. 2 In 82:2201 Pfarrherr, Der. (Sch.) Bireh-Pfoiffer. In I). W. I In 32:2312 Pfeffer-Rosel. (Sch.) Birch-Pfeifter. In' I). W. 1. In 32:2311 Phadra. (T.) Racine. Uebers. von Schiller. lnC. T. B. 09 In 32:2014 Same. In Schiller's W. 7 In 56:1263 Same. In Schiller's S. W. 6 In 56:1271 Fhiloktetes. (S. mit Ges.) Herder. In S. W. 15. In 56:637 Philoktetes. (T.) Sophokles. Uebers. von Don- in-r. In Dranien In 1:3195 Philosophic des Herzens, Die. (L.) Kneisel. In K. V. S.-B. 30 In 32:2176 Philotas. (T.) Lessing. In W. 7...„.In 56:753 Same. In W. 2 In 56:756 Same. In S. S. 2 In 56:761) Phonizierinnen, Die. (T.) Kuripides. Uebers. von Minckwitz. In Drameu 1 In 1:2925 Same. (Scenen.) Uebers. von Schiller. In S. W. 3. In 56:1251 Same. In \V. 7 In 56:1263 Same. In S. W. 6 In 56:1271 Phormio. (L.) Terentius. Uebers. von Herbat In I.ustspiele 4 In 1:8048 Picarde in Berlin: Oder, Kurmitrker und 1'icarde 3" Theil. (Genrebild mii( Oea.) Halm. Mus. von Conrndi. In B. I). B. 33 In 88:2046 Piccolomini, Die. (D. G.) Schiller. In 0. T. B. 40 In 32:2008 Same. (Hart. eii. ) 1:4215 Same. In S. \V. 4 In 08:1282 Same. In W. 4 In 56:1261 Same. In W. 4 In 08:1269 Pietsch im \irhr.r! ( Berliner Genrebild mit Gee.) Salinyre. In B. D. B. 1 In 32:2030 Pietsch in: Kaberl der Teofel. (S.-S. mit Qea.) Levassor. Uebers. von Dinderer. In B. D. B. 4. In 32:2031 "Pikante Knthiillungen." (Sch.) Arter. In N. W. T. 75 i„ 32:2215 Pinkenweiler und Miller, Kit/.ing und Com- pazine. (Fa. Pa) Giirner. In D. T. 2..In 82:0262 Plauder-Stunden. (L.) Nach dem Franz.isi- schen von I'hde. In B. I). B. 23 In 32:2041 Plutos. (I*) Aristophanes. Uebers. von Donner. In Drameu 2 in 1:2846 Politische Kannengiesser, Der. (L.) Holberg. In 0. T. B. 58 ...In 32:2012 Same. In Haller's Humoristische Dichtungen 8. In 56:2412 Ponce de Leon. (L.) Brentano. In G. S. 7. In 56:156 Portraitder Mutter, Das; oder, Die Privat-Komiidie. (L.) Schroder. In C. T. B. 70 In 32:2014 Prasident, Der. (L.) K lager. In T. C. 63. In 32:2253 Same. In B. D. B. 12 In 32:2035 Preciosa. (Sch.) AVolff. In C. T. B. 74. In 32:2015 Press-Prozesse ; oder, Die Tochter des Staatsan- walts. (L.) Kegel. In Sozialistische Theater- stiieke 2 *B:268.B Prinz Conti. (K. O.) Snrdou und Gille. Mus. von Lecocq. In N. W. T. 56 In 32:2212 Prinz Friedrich. (Sch.) Laube. In D. W. 7. In 32:2477 Prinz Friedrich von Homburg. (8eh.) Kleist. In C. T. B. 23 In 32:2005 Same. In G. S. 2 In 56:701 Same. In W. 1 In 56:703 Prinz Methusalem. (K. O.) Wilder und Delacour. Uebers. von Treumaiin. Mus. von Strauss. In N. W. T. 72 In 32:2215 Prinz Papagei. ( Weihnachts-C. mit Ges. und Tans.) Gorner, erf. In D. T. 11 In 32:2061 Prinz Zerbino; oder, Die Reise nach dem gnten Geschmack. (L.) Tieck. In S. 10... In 56:1609 Prinzessin Dornriischen. (Weihnachts-C. mit Ges. und Tanz.) Giirner, erf. Mus. von Stiegmann. In D. T. 7 In 32:2057 Prinzessin Georges. (Pariser Sittenbild.) Dumas, Sohn. Uebers. von Mautner. In N. W. T. 13. In 32:2203 Prinzessin Immergrun und Prinz Kisznpfen. (Weihnachts-C. mit Ges. und Tanz.) (Jorner. In D . T. 6 In 82:2066 Proben und Priif'ungen. Spindler. In Scenen u. Gesch. 2 In 58:939 Promenaden-Bekanntschaften ; oder, Drei- zelm bei Tische. (L.) Bloch und Lmderer. In B. D. B. 13 1,, 32:203C Prometheus. (Fr.) Giithe. In S. W. 2. In 56:351 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Pugatschew. (T.) Gutzkow. In D. W. 6. In 82:2402 Punkt Kins zu Tisch! (S.-S. fur eine Dame.) Halm. In K. A. f. S.-S. 12 In 32:2133 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama (German). 184 Titles (German). Quartett, Ein. (Sz.) Rosen. In W. 8. In 32:2555.8 Qui pro quo; oder, Der Monch. (Schw.) Paul. In K. A. f. L.-B. 23 In 32:2085 Rajazzo und seine Farnilie. (D.) Frei nach dem Franziisisehen von Marr. In K. V. S.-B. 35. In -32:2177 Raphaella. (T.) Andersen. In W. 8. In 56:57 Rasende Ajax, Der. (T.) Sophokles. Uebers. von Donner. In Dramen In 1:3195 Rasende Herakles. Der. (T.) Euripides. Uebers. von Minckwitz. In Dramen. 2 In 1:2926 Rattenfanger von Hameln, Der. (Miirchen- Komiidie mit Ges. ) Gorner, ed. Mus. von Caten- busen. In D. T. 11 In 32:2001 Rauber, Die. (Sch.) Schiller. In C. T. B. 5. In 32:2001 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:1250 Same. In W. 2 In 56:1260 Same. In W. 2 In 56:1267 Raubergeschichte, Eine; oder, Der Mord in der Kohlmessergasse. (Po.) Gorner. In T. C. 101. In 32:2201 Raubmorder, Der. (L.) About. Uebers. von Zell. In S. W. T. 40 In 32:2208 Raubritter, Der; oder, Adelheid von Staudenbiihel. (Marionettenspl.) Enirel. ed. In D. P. 2. In 32:2070 Recept fiir Neuvermahlte, Ein. (L.) Bahn. In B. D. B. 34 In 32:2046 Recept gegen Schwiegermiitter, Ein. (L.) Nach dem Spanischen von Fastenrath. In B. D. B. %l. In 32:2040 Rechte, Der.( L.) Soyaux. In K. A, f. L!-B. 48. In 32:2090 Registrators Karline, das Miidchen fiir Alles. (K. A. f. S.-S. mit Ges.) Freytag. Mus. von Thiele. In K. A. f. S.-S. 13 In 32:2133 Reine Liebe. (L.) Triesch. In N . W. T. 73. In 32:2215 Reise auf gemeinschaftliche Kosten, Die. (K Gemiilde.) Nach dem Franzosisehen von Angely. In C. T. B. 99 .-. In 32:2020 Reise am die Welt in 80 Tagen, Die. (Po. mit Ges.) Mvlius. Mus. von Thiele. In K. T. S. 1. In 32:2151 Reserve-Lazareth in Schiippenstedt, Das. (L.) Loschge. In Haller's Humoristische Dichtungen 1. In 56:746 Revanche. (L.) Birch-Pfeitfer. In D. "W. 11. In 32:2321 Rhatische Partheiganger. (H. T.) Planta. In B. V. S. 12 : In 32:1992 Richard Savage; oder, Der Sohn einer .Mutter. (T.) Gutzkow. In D. W. 7 In 32:2402 Richelieu. (T.) Klein. In D. YV. 7. In 32:2447 Richelieu's raster Waffengang. (L.) Nach dem Franziisisehen von Jahn. In B. V.-T. 4. In 32:2280 Rieke und Pieke; oder, Ira Schornstein. (K.-Genre- bild mit Ges.) llahn. In B. D. B. 10... In 32:2034 Ring, Der. (L.) Schroder. In C. T. B. 8o. In 32:2016 Ring des Niebelungen, Der. Wagner 32:2601 Ritt in's deutsche Reich, Ein. (L.) Miiller. In B. V. T. 4 In 32:2280 Ritter, Die. (L.) Aristophanes. Uebers. von Donner. In Lustspiele. 1 In 1:2845 Ritter von Malta, Die. (Birch-Pfeiffer.) In D. W. 13 In 32:2323 Robert und Bertram. (Po. mit Ges.) Mvlius. In T. O. 77 In 32:2256 Rockchen und Jaekehen. (Lsp.) Bohm. Mus. von Rial. In B. D. B. 35 In 32:2047 Rockenstube. (Fa. Sp.) Sachs. In Dichtungen 3. In 31:1458 Roderich der Furchtbare; oder, Liebe, Spund und Cognac. (Po.) Kavizell. In W. T. 3..In 32:2290 Rokoko ; oder, Die alten Herren. (L.) Laube. In D. W. 2 In 32:2472 Romantische CEdipus, Der. (L.) Platen. In G. W. 4 In 56:982 Romeo auf dem Bureau. (Schw.) Weill. In B. D. B. 2 In 32:2030 Romeo und Julia. (T.) Shakespeare. Uebers. von Bodenstedt. In D. W. 10. (Bodenstedt.) In 32:2504 Same. Uebers. von Krais. In C. T. B. 68. In 32:2014 Same! Uebers. von Schlegel und Tieck. In D. W. 9. (Schlegel und Tieck.) In 32:2571 Rosamunde. (T.) Kilmer. With Leier und Sell wert. In 32:2 160 Same. In S. W. 3 In 56:732 Rdschen und ihr Piepmatz. (S.-S. mit Ges.) Mvlius. In B. D. B. 31 In 32:2045 Rose von Avignon. (L.) Birch-Pfeift'er. In D. W. 6 In 32:2316 Rosemunde. (Ssp.) Wieland. In S. W. 28. In 56:1914 's' Roserl vom Bergsee. (Genrebild mit Ges.) lv.ihler. In K. T. S.'fi In 32:2152 Rubens in Madrid. (Sob.) Birch-Pt'eiffer. In D. W. 1 In 32:2311 Rubin, Der. (Marehen-L.) Hebbel. In S W. 4. In 56:573 Riickkehr am Weihnachtsabend, Die. (D. Kleinig- keit mit Ges.) Anno. Mus. von Rosner. In K. A. f. L.-B. 25 In 32:2085 Riickkehr des Landwehrmannes; oder, Kurmarker und Piearde 2« r Theil. (Genrebild mit Ges.) Cohn- feld. Mus. von Riede. In T. C. 73 In 32:2255 Same. In B. D. B. 8 In 32:2033 Rudesheimer. (D. Sz.) Bauermeister. In K. A. f. L.-B. 3 In 32:2081 Rudolf von Habsburg, and die Konigswahl. (Sell.) Van End, rf. In B. V. S. 11 In 32:1992 Sachsen in Preussen ; odor, Wir nehnien auch Ausliinderl (Genrebild mit Gesang und Tanz.) Pobl. In B. D. B. 1 In 82:2030 Same. In T. C. 38 In 32:2248 Sacre Cceur. (L.) Zell. In N. W. T. 27. In 32:2206 Sakuntala. (Indisches Sch.) Kalidasa. Uebers. von Lobedanz 32:2 775 Same. Uebers. von Fritze 32:2776 Salon und Kloster. ( Volks.-Sch.) Horn. InK.V. S.-B. 29 In 32:2176 Salon pour la coupe des cheveux. (Po. mit Ges.) Haber. Musik von Bial. In B. D. B. 28.1n 32:2043 Salz der Ehe, Das. (Schw.) Gorner. In T. C. 48. In 32:2250 Samson und Delila. (L.) Claar. In T. (J. 25. In 32:2246 Sant' Onofrio. Gaudy. In S. W. 20.. ..In 56:318 Sappho. (T.) Grillparzer. In S. W. 2. In 56:451 Satyros ; oder, Der vergotterte Waldteufel. (D. ) Giithe. In S. W. 2 '. In 56:351 Same. In S. W. 2 '. In 56:357 Saul und David. (D.) Riiekert. In G. P. W. 9. In 31:1444 Savoyen-Schweizerisch. (D.-S.) Ekardt. In B. V. S. 2 In 32:1990 Scenen aus dem Geisterreich. Jung-Stilling In S. W. 2 In 56:1551 Schafschur, Die. Miiller. In Dichtungen I. In 31:1284 Same. In Dichtungen 1 In 32:2515 Schatz, Der. (L.) Lessir.g. In W. 1 In 56:755 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama (German.) 185 Titles (German.) Schatz, Der. Leasing, (continued.) — .Same. In S. S. 1 In 56:759 Same. In K. T. 23 In 32:2075 Schatz, Der. (Theatralische A.) Seume. In 8. W. 8. In 56:1373 Schatz des Rhampsinit, Der. (L.) Platen. In G. W. 3 In 66:981 Schauspieler wider Willen; oder, Die Seclen- wanderuug. (Schw.) Kotzebue. In T. C. 92. In 32:2259 Schauspielerin, Die. (Sch.) Hebbel. In S. VV. 6. In 56:575 Scherz, List, und Rache. (Ssp.) Gothe. In S. W. 2. In 56:351 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Same. In S. \V. 17 In 56:370 Scherz, Satire, Ironie, und tiefere Bedeutung. (L.) (irabbe. In S. W. 2 In 32:2396 Schimmel, Der. (L.) Moser. In T. C. 105. In 82:3H1 Schlacht bei St. Jakob, Die. (H.-D. Gemalde.) Platowitsch. In B. V.S.I In 32:1990 Schlacht bei Scmpacb, Die. (H. S.) Miilhauser. Umgoarbeitet von Stocker. In B. V. S. 2. In 32:1990 Schlafende Ulan, Der. (Schw.) Trendies. InK.A. f. L.-B. 79 In 32:2096 Schlechter Mensch, Ein. (L.) Rosen. In W. 2. In 32:2555.2 Schleicher und Genossen ; oder, Die Liisterschule. Sheridan. Uebers. von Genee. In K. V. S.-B. 25. In 32:2175 Schlingel, Ein. (Nationalokonomisch-sozialc Hu- moreske.) In Sozialistisehe Theaterstucke 1, *B:243.4 Schloss Greifenstein. (Sch.) Birch-Pfeiffer. In I). W. 2 In 32:2312 Schonroschen. (S. Sz. mit Gesang fiir eine Dame.) Anders. Mus. von Tbiele. In K. A. f. L.-B. 61 In 32:2093 Schonroschen. (La jolie parfumeuse.) (K.-O.) Cremieux und Blum-Treumann, ed. Mus. von Offenbach. In N. W. T. 43 In 32:2209 Schonste Nase, Die. (Po.) Rosen. In W. 9. In 32:2555.9 Schonste Nase, Die; oder, Das Rochtgewinnt den Sieg. (T.-C. Lebensbild.) Sturm. In K. T. 19. In 32:2075 Schritt vom Wege, Ein. (L.) "VVichert. In B. V.-T. 9 In 32:2285 Schiichternen, Die. (L. ) Thomas. In K. A. f. L.-B. 92 In 32:2099 Schuld, Die. (T.) Miillner. In G. T. B. 18. In 32:2004 Schulden. (L.) Rosen. In W. 3. ..In 88:3666.3 Schuldigl (Sz.) Hackliinder. lnW.15 In 58:1294 Schule der Reichen, Die. (L.) Gutzkow. In I). \V. 10. In 32:2403 Schulprufung i n Schlemmeritz, Die. Scene ausdem vorigen Jahrhuiidert. Sturm. In K. T. 17. In 32:2075 Schutzflehenden, Die. (T.) ^Eschj-lus. Uebers. von Donner In 1:2812 Schutzgeist, Kin. (Po.) Rosen. In W. 10. In 32:2555.10 Schiitzling, Kin. (L) Klein. In D.W.5.In 32:2445 Schwager Spiirnas. (Schw.) Nach dem Franzo- sischen von Fiirster. In K. A. f. L.-B. 100. In 32:2100 Schwarz und Roth. (Sch.) Kopp. In B. V. S. 6. In 32:1991 Schwarz-'Weiss. (Schw. mit Ges.) Mannstfidt. In K A. f. L.-B. 58 In 32:2092 Schwarzer Peter. (Schw.) Gorner. In T. C. 24. In 32:2245 Schweigen ist Gold ! (Bcbw.) Rosen. InW.4. In 32:2555.4 Schwere Zeiten. (L.) Rosen. In W. 8. In 32:2555.8 Schwe8tern von Rudolstadt, Die. (Sch.) Srhlesin- nr, I" N. W. T. 44 In 32:2209 Schwiegermutter, Die, (L) Terentius. Uebers. von Herbst. In Lustspiele 2 In 1:3943 Sechs Mailelien und kein Mann. (Po. mit Ges.) Salingre. Mus. von Bial. In B. D. B. 36. In 32:2047 Sehr dclicater Auftrag, Ein. (L) Bloch. In T. C. 12 In 32:2213 Seiltanzer, Der. (Sch.) Feuillet. In N. W. T. 33. In 32:2207 Sein Einziges. (Schw.) Rosen. In \V. 4. In 32:2555.4 Sein H£ Sgr. (Po. mit Ges.) Jacobson. In T. C. 4 In 32:2241 Siegfried's Tod. (T.) Hebbel. In Nibelungen. S. W. 5 In 56:574 SilberneHochzeitjDie; oder, In's Knopfloch. (Schw. mit Ges.) Hahn. Mus. von L'Arrongo. In B. D. B. 33 In 32:2046 Simon. (Sch.) Nach Tieck von Birch-Pfeiffer. Simson und Delila. (L.) Glaar. In T. G. 25. In 32:2246 In D. W. 12 In 32:2322 Singvogelchen. (L.) Jacobson. In T. C. 51. In 32:2251 Skatmiiller und Puffsehulze; oder, Verheirathete Junggesellen. (Po. mit Ges.) Frcytag. In K. A. f. L.-B. 81 '.In 32:2097 Sneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge. (Weih- nachts C.) Gorner. Mus. von Mohr. In I). T. 5. In 32:2055 So passt's! oder, Eine Tour aus dem Contretanz. (L.) Nach dem Franzosischen, von Hirsch. In B.D. B. 17 In 32:2038 PUBLIG LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama (German). 186 Titles (German.) So wie es euch gefiillt. (C.) Shakespeare. Uebers. von Schlegel unci Tieck. In D. W. 4. (Schlcge) und Tieck.) In 32:2569 Sohn des Fiirsten, Der. (T.) Mosen. In S. W. 4. In 56:853 Solo-Posse, Die. (S. Sz.) Bohm. In'B. D. B. 20. In 32:2039 Sommernachtstraum, Kin. (Miirehen D.) Ue- bers. von Krais. In C. T. B. 26 In 32:2005 Same. Uebers. von Schlegc) und Tieck. In I). W. 5. (Schlegel und Tieck.) In 32:2569 Sonderling und seine Faniilie, Ein. (L.) Birch- I'i'rifter. In D. W. 5 In 32:2315 Sonndagsnommedags-Botz. (Lustige Ger- richtsscene in kiilnischem Dialekt.) Sturm. In K. T. 1 In 32:2074 Sonntagsjager,Der; oder, Verplefft ! (Po.mitGcs.) Kalisch und Moser. In T. C. 74 In 32:2255 Sonntagsrauschchen, Das. (L.) Floto. In T. C. 9 In 32:2242 Same. In B. D. B. 21 .< In 32:2040 Sperling und Sperber. (Schw.) Giirner. In B. D. B. 5 In 32:2032 Spiele nicbt mit Schiessgewehr. (Po.) Block. In B. D. B. 6 In 32:2032 Spieler, Der. (Sch.) lffland. In C. T. B. 96. In 32:2020 Splitter und Balkan. (L.) Mosen. In B. 1). B. 36. In 32:2047 Statthalter von Bengalen, Der. (Sch.) Laube. In D. W. 10 In 32:2480 Steckenpferd. (L.) Feldmann. In B. I). B. 6. In 32:2032 Stella. (T.) Gothe. In S. W. 2 In 56:35] Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Same. In W. 18 In 56:37o Same. In S. W. 3 In 56:382 Stiftungsfest, Das; oder, Heute Abend ini Gcsangverein. (Schw.) Arnau. In T. C. 26. In 32:2246 Stille gemiithliche Wohnung, Eine. (Schw.) Giirner. In D. T. 2 In 32:2052 Stille Liebe mit Hindernissen. (Po. mit Ges.) Mvlius. Mus. von Lang. In B. D. B. 19.1n 32:2039 Stilie Wasser sind tief. (L.) Schroder. In C. T. B. 17 In 32:2004 Stimme des Herzens, Die. (L.) Bauormeister. In K. A. f. L.-B. 64 In 32:2093 Stoff von Gerson, Ein. (L.) Moser. In B. D. B. 15. In 32:2037 Same. In T. C. 78 In 32:2256 Strafford. (T.) Klein. In D. W. 3..In 32:2443 Strike der Sehmiede, Der. (D. G.) Coppi'e. In N. W. T. 35 In 32:2207 Strohwittwer, Der. (Po. mit Ges.) Berla. Mus. Conradi. In B. D. B. 15 In 32:2037 Struensee. (T.) Laube. In D. "W. 4.„.In 32:2474 Studentenstreiche ; oder, HumoristischeStudien. (Schw.) Bernard. In T. C. 54 In 32:2251 Stiindchen im Comptoir, Ein. (Po. mit Ges.) Haber. In T. C. 17 In 32:2244 Stiindchen im Pensionat, Ein. (Schw. mit Ges.) Duby. Mus von Thiele. In K. T. S. 7. In 32:2152 Stiindchen in der Wahlversammlung, Kin; oder, Br muss Kathshcrr werden. (L.) Von der Stempel. Uebers. von Ostermann. InK.T. 12. In 32:2075 Stunde Kaiser von Oesterreich, Eine. (H. L.) Oppenheim. In K. A. f. L.-B. 42 In 32:2089 Sturm, Der. (D.) Shaucspeare. Uebers. von Schlegel und Tieek. In I). W. 4. (Scblegel und Tieck.) In 32:2569 Subhastirt ! (Schw. mit Ges.) Gorlitz. Mus. von Michaelis. In B. D. B. 34 In 32:2046 Siihne, Die. (T.) Korner. In W. 2..In 56:730 Same In 56:731 Sulamith. (T. ) Keim mit ciner Yorrede von Laube. In N. W. T. 47 In 32:2210 Sylphide aussor Dienst, Eine. (Po. mit Ges.) Polil. Mus. von Conradi. In B. D. B. 15. In 32:2037 Sylvesternacht, Eine. (Sch.) Nach Lewes' Silas Marner von Birch-Pfeiffer. In D. W. 8. In 32:2318 Sympathie. (L.) Gottschick. In K. V. S.-B. 6. In 32:2172 Tag bei Laupen, Der. (H.-Sch.) Von Arx. In B. V. S. 9 In 32:1992 Tag in Saarbriicken, Ein ; oder, Der Franzose in der Mausefalle. (Po. mit Ges.) Hirthe. In T. C. 45. In 32:2249 Talent und Herz ; oder, Das Debiit. (Character- bild.) Hirthe. In K. A. f. L.-B. 57. ..In 32:2092 Tancred. (T.) Voltaire. Bearbeitet von Gothe. In C. T. B. 89 In 32:2018 Same. In S. W. 1 In 56:350 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Same. In W. 31 In 56:377 Tante aus Schwaben, Die. (L.) Weill. In B. D. B. 9 In 32:2034 Tante Lotte. (Plattdeutsches L.) Stinde. In D. T. 8 In 322058 Tartiiffe. (Charakter L.) Moliere. Uebers. von Grunert. In C. T. B. 14 In 32:2003 Tasse Thee, Eine; oder, Ich bin nicht eifersiichtig ! (L.) Nach dem Franzosischen von Neumann. In K. A. f. L.-B. 1 In 32:2081 Tatzelwurm, Der; oder, Das Glockl' vom Birken- stein. ( Volksstiick mit Ges. und Tanz.) Scbinid. In C. T. B. 97 In 32:2020 Taube von Cerdrons, Die. (D.) Birch-Pfeiffer. In D. W. 8 In 32:2318 Tauschung auf Tiiuschung. (Sch.) Schiitz. In B. V.-T. 8 In 32:2284 Testament einea Sonderlings, Das. Nach Dickens' "Our mutual friend" von Birch-Pfeiffer. In D. W. 12 In 32:2322 Testament mit Hindernissen, Kin! (Schw. mit Ges.) Hiibner. In K. A. f. L.B. 14.1n 32:2083 Teufel, Kin. (Schw.) Rosen. In W. 6. In 32:2555.6 Teufel mit dem alten Weib, Der. (Fa. Spl.) Sachs. In Dichtungen 3 In 31:1458 Teut. (Sz. Spl.) Hamerling 32:2420 Theegesellschaft, Die. (L.) Tieck. In S. 12. In 56:1611 Theodolinde. (Sch.) Schweitzer. In K. A. f. L.-B. 52 In 32:2091 Thesmophorienfeier, Die. (L.) Aristophanes. Uebers. von Donner. In Lustspiele 3....In 1:2847 Thurm mitsieben Pf'orten, Der. (L.) Platen. In G. \V. 3 In 56:981 Timon von Athen. (T.) Shakespeare. Uebers. von Hevse. In I). W. 12. (Bodcnstedt.) In 32:2564 Same. Uebers. von Schlegel und Tieck. In 1). W. 7. (Schlegel und Tieck.) In 32:2570 Titus Andronicus. (T.) Shakespeare. Uebers. von Schlegel und Tieck. In D. W. 6. (Schlegel und Tieck.) In 32:2570 Tochter Bolials, Die. (Konkurrenz-Preis-L.) Kneisel. In K. V. S.-B. 3 In 32:2171 Tochter des Siidens, Eine. (Sch.) Birch-Pfeiffer. In I). W. 5 In 32:2315 Tochter des Wucherers, Die. (Sch. mit Ges.) An- zengruber. In N. W. T. 30 In 32:2206 Tod Napoleons, Der. Manzoni. Uebers. von Chamisso. In Chamisso's W. 1 In 56:221 Same. In Chamisso's W. 2 In 56:221 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. Tiik Drama (German). 187 Titi.ks (German). Todtengraber vor. Feldbcrg, Dor; oder, Dn Nachiple) der zwoiten Scbatteorelhe, Center. In Dichtungen In 81:979 Todtenopfer, Das. (T.) JSaohybn. Ueberi. von Donnor In 1:3812 Toiletten-Geheimniss, Kin; oder. Da bi-t bUw Louise? (L.) Smikt. In K. A. f. L.-B. 34. In 8S:>081 Tolle Tag Der; oder, Die Hoehzeit dei Figaro. 1 1.. | Beaumarohai*. In C. T. B. 4!i In 82:1010 Tollpatsch. (L.) Naeh "The busv-bodv rOB Tietz. In K. V.S.-Ii. 11 In 32:2173 Toni. (D.) Corner.) In W". 2 In 60:780 Seme. In \V. 2 In 56:T;;i Torquato Ths.-o. (Soh.) Giithe. InC. T. B. 31 In 823:8001 Suae, In S. \V. l In 66:860 Beme. In & W. 2 In 56:357 Same. In W. 8 In 56:»;i Same. In S. W. 8 In 66:882 Trachinerinnen, Die. (T.) Sophokles. Ueben. vun l)i mner In 1:3198 Trauerspiel In Sicilien, Ein. (T.-C.) Hebbel. In S. \V. 1 In 66:670 Traum, ein Leben, Der. (D.M&rchen.) Grillparzer. In S. "W. 5 In 56:454 Treue an Treue. (Scb.) Platen. In G-. W, 8. In 66c981 Tricoche und Cacolct. (Po.) Meilhac und llah'-vy. Ueben, von Treumann. In N. W. T. 23. In 32:2205 Triumvirat, Das. (H. Episode.) Bchreyer, In D. T. 3 In 88:3063 Triumph tier Empfindsamkeit, Der. (D. (J.) Giithe. In S. \V. 2 In 56:351 Same. In S. W. 2 In 66:367 Troilus und Oreuida. (T.) Shakespeare. Ueben. von Soulegel und Tieek. In 1). W. 7. (Seblegei and Tieek.).'. In 83:3570 Troubadour, Der; oder, Staiidrhen und /.wei- kampf uni Mitternaeht. (O. Parodie.) Cainma- runo. Ueben, von Lerehenschnabel. Hut, von Verdi. In W.T.9...; In 88:3391 Turandot. (T.-C. Miirehen. ) Gozzi. Ueben. von Schiller. In C. T. B. 66 In 32:2014 Same. In S. W. G In 66:1264 Same. In "VV. 7 In 66:1263 Same. InS. W. G In 56:1271 Ueber's Meer. (L.) Putlitz. In 15. D. B. IT, In 32:2038 Uhrmachers Hut, Des. (L.) Girardin. Ueben. von Balm. In I!. D. IS. 29 In 32:2044 Ulanen in Klsass. (Burleake mit Gee.) Ilirthe. Mus. von Michaelis. In K. A.f. L.-I5. 3ft In 32:2086 Ulrich Zwingli's Tod. (H. T.) Binh-Pleitler. In 1). W. 9 In 32:23111 Urn KaUer's Bart. (Schw.) Hirthe. In K. A. f. L.-B. 24 In 88:3088 Urn MittiTiiaelit. 1 1). 8.) Naeh dem PranzSaiaeben von Drost. In B. D. B. 18 In 83:2038 Undine; oder, Bine verlorne Secle. (K. '/.. S| >. mit Gee.) Wollheim. Mus. von Sticgmann. In B. V.-T.7 In 32:2283 TJnerreichbar. (L.) Wilbrandt. In T. C. 7. In 83:3343 Unfehlbar 1 oiler; b hilft unbedtngtl (Sahw.) l'anl. In K. A. f. L.-B. G8 .'.In 32:2094 Ungebetene Gaste. (Po. mit Ges.) Stettenheim. Mus. von Lang. In B. I). I?. 32 In 32:2045 Ungeheuer i Das) und der rersaubarte Wald. i.\lu- sikalisebes .Miirehen.) Tieek. In S. 11. In 56:1G10 Ungeschliffener Diamant, Kin. (L.) Naeh dem Bug. von I'hde. In 15. I). 15. 24 In 32:2041 Ungleichen HaiKgenossen, Die. (Sep.) Giithe. In \V. 2 In 56:357 Same. In W. 17 In 56:370 Ungleichen Cinder Ere, Die. >('. i Baobe. In Dith- tungen 8 In 31:1 168 Ungliicklicbe Ehe dnrch Delikateete, Die, I. (Schroder, In 0. T, B. 83 In 83:2017 Ungliickliche Paratllenverbiltniate. i Po. mit Qaa.) Milliner. Mu-. von Miuin.-ljidt. In 15. I). 15.31. In 32:- Ungliicklichen, Die. (L.) Cotaeboe, Ueben, too Selineiiler. In T. C. 88 In 83:3388 Same. In 1!. I). I!. 8 In 83:2084 Ungliicks-Rabe (Schw.) Sauer. In K. A. f. I. -It. 45 In 88:3888 Ungliicksvogel, Kin. (L.) Bauer. Ueber*. roe I mini. In K. T. 10 In 83:3076 Unschuldiger Diplomat, Ein. (L.) Ilenrion. In 15. I). H. 22 .....In 32:2040 Unten im ilausc. (L.) Hacklinder. In W. In 58:1302 Unter dem ttikroakop. (L.) Bomb, In W. 7. In 82:2666.7 Unter dem Kegel tier Venohwiegenheit. (St | Berg. In T. O. 32 In 83:3346 Unter der I.inde von Steinheim a. Main. Skiz/.e. Qirodt In R. A. f. L.-li. 8'.' In 32:2"'.i8 Unter Polizei-Auf'sicht. (Po. mit Ges.) Iliibner. in K A. f. L.-I5. 46 In 83:3090 Unter'm Birnbaum. (L.) Paul. Mus. von C'onradi. In K. A.f. L.-ll. 03 In 83:3998 Unter'm Regenbogen; oder, Einer uberrascht des Anilern. il,'.| Smidt. In 15. I). 15.4 In 83:2031 Unverheirathete Bbeleate. (L.) Hackl&nder. In W In 68:1312 Unversohnlich. (L.) Bauermeister. In K. A. f. L.-li. 36 In 88:3088 Urbild des Tartiiffe. (L.) Gutzkow. In D.W.I. In 32:2401 Uriel Aeosta. (T.) Gutzkow. In D. W. 8. In 32:2402 Urtheil des^Midas, Das. (K. S. Sp.) Wieland. In S. \V. 38 In 56:l'.H4 Usurpator, Der. ( I). G.) Brachvogel. With Adelbert void Babanbcrgo In 32:2330 Vabanquel (L.) Stein.' In K. A. f. L.-B. 26. In 32:2086 Vagabund, Der. (Volksseh.) Stoeker. In 15. V. s. a in 83:1890 Valentine, Die. (Scb.) Freytag. In J). W. 1. , In 83:3866 Vater der seine Tochter liebt, Ein. (Po.) Naeh dam Fran/oH-ehen von Hohemnarkt. In M. \V. T. 3 In 83:3201 Vater Kurmiirker und Mutter 1'icarde; oder, Naeh 56 .lahren. ((ienrebiltl.) Jonas. In 15. I). 15.35. In 32:2>t7 Vater Radetaky. (IT. Cbaraktergemiilde aus dem Soldatenleben mit Ges. und Tanz.) Dorn. In N. W. T. 42 In 83:2309 Verarmter.Kil.lmann, Kin.(Charakter-L.) Keuillet. Uebers.von Beekmann. In K.Y.S. 15.31 In 32:2177 Verbrechen aus Bbraoebt, (Familiengemiilde.) Inland. In C.-T. B. 60 In 32:2012 Vereinsschwester.Eine. (Schw.) Langer. Mus. von Brandl. In N. W. T. 61 In 32:2213 Verfolgte Unechuld, Bine, (Po. mit Ges. i Danger. In N. W. T. 68 In 38:2213 Verfolgte Unschuld. (Po. mit Ges.) Pohl und Laager. In T. C. 23 In 83:3346 Vergessenen Sehuhe, Die. (Schw.) Knautl. In K. A. f. L.-B. 53 In 88:3091 Verhangnissvolle Gain 1, Bine. (L.) Platen. InG. W. 4 In 66:983 Verkehrte Welt, Die. (H. Soh.) Tieek. In S. 6. In 56:1604 Verliebte Liiwe, Der. (Sob.) Poneerd. Ueben. von Forster. In N. W. T. 38 In 32:2208 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama (Germdn). 188 Titles (German). Verlorene Sohn, Der. (L.) Hackliinder. In W. 43 In 58:1312 Verlorene Sohn, Der. Engel, ed. In D. P. 2. In 32:2070 Vernachlassigt die Frauen nicht ! (L.) Moser. In B. D. B. 27 In 32:2043 Verschwender, Der. (Z. Mirchen.) Raimund. In C. T. B. 60 In 32:2010 Verschwender, Der; oder, Valentin und Rosa. Nach Raimund. Uebers. von Mvlius. In T. C. 97. In 32:2260 Verschwiegene wider Willen, Der; oder, Com- missions-Rath Frosch. (Po.) Kotzebue. In B. D. B. 34. In 32:2046 Verschworung des Fiesco zu Genua, Die. (Repu- blikanisches T.) Schiller. In C. T. B. 31. In 32:2007 Same. In S. W. 2.. In 56:1250 Same. In W. 2 In 56:1260 Same. In W. 2 In 56:1267 Versteckte Freier, Der. (L.) Bauer. In K. T. 2. In 32:2075 Verstrickt. (Sch.) Lava. Uebers. von Sonnen- thal. In N. W. T. 36... .! In 32:2208 Verwandlungen ; oder, Fiir Jeden Etwas! (Sz.) Jacobson. In B. D. B. 2 In 32:2030 Vetteraus Bremen, Der. (Spiel in Versen.) Kilmer. In C. T. B. 81" In 32:2019 Same. In S. W. 3 In 60:132 Vettern und Basen. (Schw.) Hahn. In D. T. 1. In 32:2051 Victoria und ihre Gesehwister mit fliegenden Fahnen und brennender Lunte. (Klingendes Spl.) Brentano. In G. S. 7 In 56:156 Viel Liirmen um Nichts. (L.) Shakespeare. Uebers. von Krais. In C. T. B.92 In 32:2019 Same. Uebers. von Schlegel und Tieck. In D. W. 3. (Schlegel und Tieck.) In 32:2569 Same. Uebers. von Wilbrandt. In D. W. 5. ( liodenstedt.) In 32:2562 Vier Nation an unter einem Dache. (L.) Hebbel. In S. W. 6 In 56:575 Vierjahrige Posten, Der. (Ssp.) Korner. In S. W.4 In 56:732 Vierundzwanzigste Februar, Der. (T.) Werner. In O. T. B. 22 In 32:2005 Vineta ; oder, Die versunkeneStadt. ( Volksmiirohen mit Ges. und, Tanz.) Schmid. Mus. von Suppe. In C. T. B. 102 In 32:2021 Vogel, Die. (L.) Aristophanes. Uebers. von Donner. In Lustspiele 2 In 1:2846 Same. Uebers. von Gothe. In S. W. 2. ..In 56:351 Same. In S. W. 2 In 56:357 Vollkommene Frau, Eine. (L.) In T. C. 99. In 32:2260 Voltaire. (L.) Klein. In D. "W. 6. ..In 32:2446 Vom Juristentage. (Po.) Langer. In N. W. T. 60. In 32:2212 Vom norddeutschen Reichstage. (Po. mit Ges.) Salingre. In B. D. B. 34 In 32:2046 Vom Stamm der Asra. (L.) Dohm. In T. C. 71. In 32:2255 Von Sieben die HassHehste. (L.) Angel)'. In C. T. B. 72 In 32:2015 Same. In B. V.-T. 6 In 32:2282 "Wacht am Rhein, Die. (Kriegerisches Gemiilde mit Gesang.) Stuckenbrock. In K. A. f. L.-B. 18. In 32:2084 Wahl des Herkules, Die. (Lyrisches D.) Wieland. In S. W. 28 In 56:1914 Wahrend der Borse. (L.) Mautner. In B. D. B. 14. In 32:2036 Wahrheit kann keine Herberge finden, Die. (Sch.) Nach dem Englischen von Biermann. lis. K. T. 14. In 32:2076 Waldeinsamkeit. (L.) Roquette. In B. D. B. 24. In 32:2041 Waldenser, Die. (D. G.) Kobner 32:2457 Wallensteins Eager. (D. G.) Schiller. In C. T. B. 40 In 32:2008 Same. In S. W. 4 In 56:1252 Same. In W. 4 In 56:1261 Same. In W. 4 In 56:1269 "Wallensteins Tod. (T.) Schiller. In C. T. B. 41. In 32:2009 Same. In S. W.4 In 56:1252 Same. In W. 4 In 56:1261 Same. In W. 4 In 56:1269 Walpurgisnacht. (D. Volksmarchen.) Birch- Pfeiffer. In I). W. 9 In 32:2319 Walpurgisnacht, Die. (Festsp.) Norrenberg. In K. T. 15 In 32:2075 Warbeck. Schiller. In W. 12 In 56:1265 Was iibrig bleibt. ist doch das Beste. (D.) Zschaler. In Nieritz .lugend-Bibliothek 29 In 59:2579 Was wir bringen. (V.) Gothe. In S. W. 2. In 56:351 Same. In W. 5 In 56:384 Wechsel, Bin. (Genrebild.) Woltereck. In B. D. B. 36 In 32:2047 Weg durch's Fenster, Der. (L.) Scribe. Uebers. von Friedrich. In T. G. 79 In 32:2256 Same. Uebers. von Uhde. In B. D. B. 24. In 32:2041 Weh' dem der liigt. (L.) Grillparzer. In S. W. 6. in 56:455 Weib des Claudius, Das. (Sch.) Nach Dumas, Sohn. In N. "W. T. 29 In 32:2206 Weib des Urias, Das. (T.) Turk. In N. W. T. 55. In 32:2211 Weiber von Schorndorf, Die. (K.O.) Grahl. Musik von Wetterhan. In D. T. 8... In 32:2058 Weibliche Consequenz. (D. Kleini^keit.) Sauer. In K. A. f. L.-B. 50 "....In 32:2093 Weihnachts-Prasente, Die. (Schw.) Angelv. In B. D. B. 29 In 32:2044 Weinprobe, Eine. (Po. mit Ges.) Helmerding. In T. C. 43 In 32:2249 Weisses Blatt, Ein. (Sch.) Gutzkow. In D. W. 6. In 32:2402 Welche Lust Soldat zu sein ! (S.) Linderer. In B. D. B.16 In 32:2037 Wen heirathen? oder, Wer die Wahl hat, der hat auch die Qual. (S. Sz.) Linderer. In B. D. B. 5. In 32:2032 Wendelin und Helene. (T.) Mosen. In S. W. 4. In 56:853 Wenn Frauen weinen. (L.) Nach dem Franzo- sischen von Winterfeld. In B. D. B. 3..1n 56:853 Wenn man nicht tanzt. (L.) Schlesinger. In T. C.66 In 32:2254 Same. In B.?D. B. 14 In 32:2036 Wenn die Preussen hoimwiirts zieh'n. (Schw. mit Ges.) Salingre. Mus. von Bial. In B. V.-T. 5. In 32:2281 Wenn'Wilhelm nicht war 1 ? (Po.mitGes.) Guthery, jr. Mus. von Rosenberg. In D. T. 2. .In 32:2052 Wer? (L.) .Jenas. In K. A. f. L.-B. 49..In 32:2090 Wer isst mit? (L*p.) Friedrich. Mus. von Stieg- mann. In T. C. 90 In 32:2258 Wer ist der Herr Pfarrer? (L.) Salmberg. In T. C. 52 In 32:2251 Wer ist sie? (Sch.) Birch-Pfeitfer. In D. W. 13. In 32:2323 Wer zuletzt lacht. (Schw. mit Ges.) Jacobson. Mus. von Conradi. In T. C. 76 In 32:2256 Same. In B. D. B. 8 In 32:2033 Wer zuletzt lacht ! (Schw.) Knauff. In K. A. f. L.-B. 56 In 32:2092 Werner ; oder, Herz und Welt. (Sch.) Gutzkow. InD.W. 3 In 32:2401 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama (German). 180 Tin ks (Greek). Werther and Lotte; oder, Nncht waiters Brden- wullcri. (Po. mit Gee.) Belly. Mus. von Oonradi. In B. I). B. 12 In 82:2038 Wespen, Die. (L.) Aristophanes. Ueber*. von Donner. In Lustspiele 3 In 1:2841 Wette, Die. (L.) Gothe. bW.l In 66:357 Same. In \V. 8 1" 56:.377 "Wiohtel, Das; oder, Kin enter Raasgeist, i Volks- stuck.) Miiller. In B. V.-T. 3 ...In 82:2278 Widerspenstigen Zihmnng, Der. (L.) Shake- speare. Uebers. von Krais. In U. T. li. BS. In 82:2017 Same. Uobcrs. von Schlegel und Tieck. In D.W. 6. Schlegel and Tieck.) In 82:1510 Wto den ken Sie fiber Rowland 1 (L.) Mnaer. In T. 0. 66 In 82:2282 Same. In 15. D. B. B In 82:2033 Wie drei Moaikanten ihre Zeche bezahfon. (Po.) Gilmer. In T. O. 88 In 82:2263 "Wie geht's dem Konige? (L.) Midler. In I!. V.-f. 7 In 32:2283 Wie man I-amlluft geniesst (Sz. mit Ges. i GSrner. In K. D. IS. 3 In 82:2031 Wie man lichen muss. (Feenmarcben.) Zaehokke. In (!. S. 18 In 56:1960 Wie awei Tropfbn Waster I fL.1 Naohdem Pranz5- sischar, von Blocb. fn li. 1). li. i In 82:3080 Wilderer, Der. ill. i Qeratecker 32:2380 Wilhelm T.-Il. iS.-h.) Schiller. In C. T. li. 16. In 82:2804 Same. Sacbtlebeo and Whitney, ed-i 1:42)9 Same. In s. \V. 8 In 66:1284 Sa In W. 6 In 66:1262 Same. In 8. W. B In 56:1270 William Katdiff. (T.) Heine. In S. W. Hi. In 56:007 Wiltbad. Da.<. ( K. Bp. | Sachs. In Dichtimgcn :;. In 81:1488 Winkelschreiber, Der. (L.) Winterfeld. In B. V.-T. 7 In 82:2283 Wintermarchen, Das. (C.) Shakespeare. EJebers. von Bchlegel and Tieck. In 1). W. 8. (Soblegel and Tieck.). ....In 82:2571 Wirrwarr, Der. (Po.) Kotzebue. In (.'. T. B. 78. In 82:2016 Wittwe Mandelhuber. Die. (L.) Kneiscl. In K. V. S.-B. 1"> In 82:2173 Wo bleiht da die Moral'.' (8.-S. mit Gee. t'iir einen Herrn.) Ilahn. I n K. A. f. S.-S. l. r >..In 32:2134 W T olken, Die. (L. ) Aristophanes. Uebers. von Donncr. In Lostspiele 1 In 1:2845 W r ullenweber. (T.) Gutzkow. In I). W. 17. In 82:2406 Zahnschmerzen. (Sobw. mit Ges.) Pobl. In T. C. 49 In 32:2250 Zankapfel, Der. ( L.) Lindau. In T. C. 72. In 82:2288 Zauberflote, Die. (Fr.) Gothe. In 8. W. 2. In 66:381 Same. In S. \V. 2 In 66:387 Same; In \\" In 66:370 Zauberformel, Die. (L.) Fritz. In N. \V T. 28. In 82:2206 Zenobia. (T.) Klein. In D. W. 2...In 32:2442 Zerbrochene Krug, Der. (L.) Kleist. In 0. T. B. 53 In 32:2nll Same. In (J. S. 2 In 56:701 Same. In W. 1 In 56:703 Zerstreuten, Die. (Po.) Kotzebue. In C. T. B. 90' In 32:2018 Same. In li. I), li. 28 Ill 32:20-13 Same. In T. ('. 58 In 82:2282 Zillerthaler, Die. (L.) Nesmiillcr. In li. D. li. 28. In 82:2043 Zimmer mit aval Betten, Bin; oder, Wen g«b6H die Fran? (Po.) Nach dem Franzosischtm von Draat In B. D. li. 20 |„ 32: Same. Ueben. von Kriidrieh. In T. C. 50. In 82:2261 Zopf und Sehwcrt. | I,.) Gutzkow. In D. \V. 2. In 32:2 tOl Zrirjy. (T.) Corner. In O. T. B. ll.ln 32: Same. Il'i'/A I.eier und Sch wort 1 11 83:2480 Same. In \V. 2 In 5673" Same In 56:73.1 Zu Hci'elil Ilerr Lieutenant! (Schw.) Schroder. In T. 0, 42 iii 82:2249 Zu scb8nl (I.. 1 Nac-h dem Pranzosischen von Lichtenftld. In B, D. B. 8 In 32:2' 33 Zuave Lehrniinn. (ttenmbild mitGea. und Tans.) Miis von Michael is. In li. I), li. 16. In 82:2031 Zukunftsmadchen t'iir Alle-, Daa;oder, Die Alien and die Neuen. (Genrebild.) Halm. IaK.T.8.16. In 82:2183 Zum grfinen Esel. (Schw.) Hahn. In T. ('. 67. In 82:2284 Same. In li. I). 11.28 I„ 82:2043 Zur liiilic Betzen, ( Ij.) Hackl.Kndcr. In \V. 27. In 58: 1 302 Zwei Khen. (L.) Nach Looroy von Aaoher. In N. U. T. 16 " In 32 Zwei Barren und ein Diener. (Po. mit Qea.) Pried- rich. In T. •'. 17 In 82:2280 Zwei voin Ballet; odor, Heit 1'lillikus vom Tin atcr. [Schw. mt Ges.) Messner und 8iraonaobn. Mua. von Tbiele. In K. A. f. L.-li. 69 In 82:2081 Zwei v -oh.inen Ge-clilecht. ( I). Sz. ) Voider. In K. T. S. 3 In 32:2131 Zwei VOm Theater. (Schw.) Vaeano. In li. 1). li. 11 In 82:2036 Zwischen nuun und alfl (Schw.) Frevhan. In K. A. r. L.-li. 62 In 32:2093 Zwischen zwei Debeln. (Po. mil Ges.i Bruner. In N. \V. T. 15 In 32:2203 Greek Drama. Agamemnon. (T.) ^Esehylus. In Trag. and t'ras^ In »1:2266 Same. With Kng. notes by Felton 1:2453 Ajax. (T.) Sophocles. In Trag. and frag. In »1:2266 Alcestis. (T.) Euripides. In Fabalse— .In »1;2293 Same. In Trageeditt superatitei I In 1:2403 Andromache. (T.) Euripides. In Fabula). In »1:2293 Same. In TragceditB superstites 1 In 1:2403 Antigone, The ,T. | Bophocka. In Trag. and frag In '-1:2206 Same, With Ens. notes by Woolsey 1:2870 Bacchse. (TJ Euripides.' I11 Fabuia> In •*1:2293 Same. In Tragmdita enperatitea 2 In 1:2404 Ohoephorce. (T.) jEsehylus. In Trag. and frag. In *1:2266 Crowned Hippolytoa, The. (T.i Bnripidea. In TragceditB superstitea 1 in 1:2408 Same. In Fabula) In "1:2293 Cyclops, The. (T.) Euripides. In Fubul.e. In *1:2293 Same. In Tragu'diie superstites I In 1:2404 Electra. (T.i Euripides. In Kabuhcln * 1:2293 Same, in TragcediiB superstitea 2 In 1:2404 Electra. (T.) Sophocles. In Trag. and (rag. In •1:2266 Sane-. With Kng. notes by Woolsey 1: Eumenides. (T.) .E-c'hylus. In Prag. ami trng. In •1:221.6 Hecuba. (T.) Euripides. In Fabuhe....In *1:2283 Same. In Tiagudiie .-upcrsiitus 1 In 1:9408 PUBLIC L1BKABY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama {Italian). 190 Titles {Italian.) Helena. (T.) Euripides. In Fabulie. ..In *1:2293 Same. In Tragiedia? superstates 2 In 1:2404 Heracles. (T.) Euripides. In Fabulie. In •1:3293 Same. In Tragcedia? superstites 2 In 1:2404 Hercules distracted. (T.) Euripides. In Eabulse. In *1:2293 Same. In Tragn?dia> superstites 2 In 1:2404 Ion. (T.) Euripides. In Fabulie In •1:2298 Same. In Tragu'diae superstites 2 In 1:2404 Iphigenia in Aulis. (T.) Euripides. In Fabulaj. In *1:2293 Same. In Tragcedia' superstites 1 In 1:2403 Iphigenia in Tauris. (T.) Euripides. In FabuHe. In •1:2293 Same. In Tragiediie superstites 1 In 1:2403 Medea. (T.) Euripides. In Fabulse..In •1:2298 Same. In Tragiedia; superstites 1 In 1:2403 Same. With Eng. notes by Allen 1:2404 CEdipus at Colons, (T.) Sophocles. In Trag. and frag In * 1:2266 CEdipus, the king. (T.) Sophocles. In Trag. and frag In * 1:2266 Orestes. (T.) Euripides. In Fabulie. In * 1:2293 Same. In Tragtedia? superstites 1 In 1:2403 Same *B:33.23 Persians, The. (T.) ^Eschylus. In Trag. and trag In •1:2288 Philoctetes. (T.) Sophocles. In Trag. and frag. In *1:2268 Phoenician virgins, The. (T.) Euripides. In r*abula? In •1:2298 Same. In Tragiedia: superstites 1 In 1:2403 Prometheus bound. (T.) vEschylus. In Trag. and frag In '1:2266 Same. With Lat. notes by Blomfield 1:2390 Same. With Eng. notes by Woolsey..... 1:2458 Rhesus. (T.) Euripides. In Fabuhe..In •1:2293 Same. In Tragiediie superstites 2 In 1:2404 Seven against Thebes, The. ^Eschylus. In Trag. and frag In * 1:2266 Same. With Latin notes by Blomtield 1:2393 Same. With Latin notes by Sachtleben 1:2461 Suffering Christ, The. (T.) Ezechielus. In Eurip- idis Fragment* In * 1:2295 Suppliants, The. (T.) VEschylus. In Trag. and frag In • 1:2268 Suppliants, The. (T.) Euripides. In Fabulae. In "1:2298 Same. Tn Tragcodiie superstites 1. In 1:2403 Trachinise. (T.) Sophocles. In Trag. and frag. In *1:2266 Trojan captives, The. (T.) Euripides. In Fabuhe. In •1:2298 Italian Drama. Abele. (T.) Alfieri. In Tragedie 2... In 32:2711 Acripanda. (T.) Da Horte. In T. I. A. 9. In *56:5517.9 Adelchi. Manzoni. In Tragedie e poesie. In 56:5630 Agamemnon. (T.) Alfieri. In Tragedie 1. In 32:2710 Agide. (T.) Alfieri. In Tragedie 2. ..In 32:2711 Alceste seconda. (T.) Alfieri. In Tragedie 2. In' 32:2711 Aminta. (Favola Boschereccia.) Tasso. In C. I. 39. In *56:5465.4 Same. In W. 5 In •66:8086 Andria, IV. Terence. Tradotta in Toscano da Machiavelli. In CI. 116 In 56:5482.8 Angelica in Ebuda. (T.) Chiabrera. In T. I. A. 9 In *56:5517.9 Antigone, LV (T.) Alamanni. In T. I. A. 2. In *56:5517.2 Antigone, IV. (T.) Alfieri. In Tragedie 1. In 32:2710 Antonio e Cleopatra. (T.) Alfieri. In Tragedie 2. In 32:2711 Arrenopia. (T.) Cintio. In T. I. A. 5. In *56:5517.5 Assetta. (C.) Mariani. In T. I. A. 10. In *56: 55 17.10 Avaro fastoso, IV. (C.) Goldoni. In B. d'A. I- 10 In •66:6521.10 Brute primo. (T.) Alfieri. In Tragedie 2. In 32:2711 Brute secondo. (T.) Alfieri. In Tragedie 2. ' In 32:2711 Burbero beni fico, II. (C.) Goldoni. In B. d'A. I. 10. In •66:56*1.10 Oalandria, La. (C.) Bibbiena. In T. I. A. 1. In *56:5517.1 Canace, La. (T.) Spcroni. In T. I. A. 4. In *56:5517.4 Canzone per Maggio. Baldovini. In T. I. A. 10. In *56:5517.10 Capotondo. (C.) Cartajo. In T. 1. A. 10. In •66:8611 10 Cassaria, La. (C.) Ariosto. In O. M. 2. In 31:356 Same. In T. I. A. 1 In *56:5517.1 Catrina, La. Berni. In T. I. A.10..I11 *56:5517.10 Clizia. (C.) Machiavelli. In C. I. 116. In •66:6482.8 Coltellino. (C.) Sanese. In T. I. A. 10. In *56:5517.I0 Commedia. (C.) Machiavelli. In C. I. 117. In *56: 5482.9 Commedia in versi. (C.) Machiavelli. In C. 1.116. In *56: 5482.8 Congiura de' Pazzi, La. (T.) Allien. In Tragediel In 32:2710 Conte di Cannagnola II. (T.) Manzoni. In Tragedie e poesie In 56:5630 Cortigiana, La. (C.) In T. I. A. 6..In •66:5517.8 Curioso accidente, Un. (C.) Goldoni. In B. d'A. I. 10 In •86:6531.10 Dame, La. Rinuecini. In T. I. A. 8. In *56:5517.8 Don Garzia. (T.) Alfieri. In Tragedie 1. In 32:2710 Donne curiose, Le. (C.) Goldoni. In B. d'A. I. lo. In •66:5621.10 Edippo. (T.) Anguillara. In T. I. A. 8. In *56:5517.8 Errore, Lo. Gelli. In C. 1. 155 In *56:5491.3 Filippo. (T.) Alfieri. In Tragedie 1. In 32:2710 Filosofo, II. (C.) Aretino. In T. I. A. 9. In *56:5517.9 Flora, La. (C.) Alamanni. In T. I. A. 4. In *56:55I7.4 G-ranchio, II. (C.) Salviati. In C. I. 156. In *56: 5482.1 Idropica, La. (C.) Guarini. With II pastor fido. In 32:2730 Intrighi d'amore. (C.) Tasso. In W. 5. In *56:6035 Ipocrito, Lo. (C.) Aretino. In T. I. A. 7. In *56:5517.7 Lena, La. (C.) Ariosto. In T. I. A. 3. In *56:5517.3 Same. In (). M. 2 In 31:356 Mandragola. (C.) Machiavelli. In C. I. 116. In *56:5482.8 Marescalco, II. (C.) Aretino. In T. I. A. 6. In *56:5517.6 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama (Latin). 191 Maria St uurda. (T.) Allien. In Tragedie 1. In 32:2710 Marianna. (T.) Dolce. In T. I. A. 5. In *56:5517.5 Merope. (T.) Allien. In Trngedie l. In 32:2710 Mirra. (T.) Allien. In Tragedie 2...ln 83:3711 Mogliazzo, II. Herni. In T. I. A. 10. In •06:6017.10 Negromante, U. (C.) Arioeta. In T. I. A. :i. In •60:5617.3 Smne. In l). If, 1 In 31:356 Nozze di Mncn. (C.) Mariani. In T. 1. A. 10. In »56:5517.10 Orbecche. (T.) Cintio. In T. I. A. 4, In •66:6617.4 Oreste. (T.) Allien. In Tragedie l.ln 32:2710 Oreste, lA (T.) Kucellai. In T. I. A. 1. In * 60:5617.2 Orfeo, L'. (T.) Poliziana. In C. I. 35. In 56:5464 Othello. (T.) Shakespeare. (Italian vonioa used by Salvini.) *B:6924 Ottavia. (T.) Allien. In Tragedie l. In 32:2710 Pastor lido, II. (T.-C.) Guarini In 32:2730 Sumo. In C. I. 88 In *56:5478 Pitfcagorici, I. (D.) Monti. In Opwa laedita t rare In *56:5037 Polinice. (T.) Alfieri. In Tragedie 1. In 32:3710 Re Torrismondo, II. (T.) Tasso. In T. I. A. 7. In *56:5.->17.7 Same. In W. 5 In *56:G035 Rosmunda. (T.) Alfieri. Tragedio I. In 32:2710 Rosmunda, La. (T.) Rucellai. In T. I. A. 1. In *56:5517.1 Saul. (T.) Alfieri. InTragedie2 In 32:2711 Scolastica, La. (C.) Ariosto. In O. M. 2. In 31:356 Sofonisba, La. (T.) Trissino. In T. I. A. 1. In *56:5517.1 Spina, La. (C.) Salviati. In C. I. 156. In »56:5492.1 Sporta, La. (C.) Gelli. In C. I. 155. In *56:5491.3 Suppositi, I. (C.) Ariosto. In T. I. A. 2. In *56:5517.2 Same. In O.X.3 In 31:356 Talanta, La. (C.) Aretino. In T. I. A. 8. In *56:5517.8 Tancia, La. (C.) Buonarrotti. In T. I. A. 10. In *56:5517.10 Terenzio. (C.) Goldoni. In B. d'A. I. 10. In •66:5521.10 Timoleone. (T.) Alfieri. In Trngedie 1. In 32:2710 Torquato Tasso. (C.) Goldoni. In B. d'A. I. 10. In *56:5521.10 Tullia, La. (T.) Martelli. In T. I. A. 3. In *56:5517.3 Vero nmico, II. (C.) Goldoni. In B. d'A. I. 10. In *56:5521.10 Virginia. (T.) Alfieri. In Tragedie 1. In 32:2710 Latin Drama. Adelphi. (C.) Terentius. In C. 2....In *1:3471 Agamemnon. (T.) .Esehylus. In Trag. and frag. In *1:2266 Agamemnon. (T.) Seneca. In Opera tragica 2. In *1:3455 Ajax. (T.) Sophocles. In Trag. and frag. In »1:2266 Titles (Latin). Alceetis. (TO Euripides. Trans, into Latin by Fix. In Fabuhe In •1:2293 Amphitruo. (C.) Plautus. faO. l..In •1:3412 Andria. (0.) Terentius. In0.1 In »l;3470 Andromache. IT. ) Euripides. Trans, into Latin by Fix. In Fabuhe In •1:2298 Antigone. (T.) Sophocles. In Trag. and frag. In *l:22»;t> Asinaria. (C.) Plautus. In C. 1 In •1:3112 Aulularia. (C.) Plautus. In C. 1 ....In *1:3412 BacchSB. (T. ) Euripides. Trans, into Latin by Fix. In Fabuhe In *1;2293 Bacchides. (C.) Plautus. In 0. l...In *1:8412 Oaptivi. (C.) Plautus. In C. 1 In *1:3412 Oasina. (C.) Plautus. In U. 1 In *1:3412 ChoephorOB. (T.) vEschylus. In Trag. and frag In *1:2266 Christus patiens. (T.) Kzechielus. In Baripidia Fragmenta In • 1:2295 Cistellaria. (O.) Photos. In C. 2...In *1:3413 Curculio. (C.) Plautus. In 0.2 In *1:3413 Cyclops. (T.) Euripides. Trans, into Latin by Fix. In Fabuhe In «1:2293 Electra. (T.) Euripides. Trans, into Latin by Fix. In Fabuhe In • 1:2288 Electra. (T.) Sophocles. In Trag. and frig. In •1:2266 Epidicus. (0.) Plautus. In C. 2 In •1:3413 Eumenides. (T.) JSschyloa. In Trag. and frag. in 'I-.TIM Eunuchus. (C.) Terentius. In 0. '..In • 1:8470 Heautontimorumenos. (C.) Terentius. In C. 1. In *1:3470 Hecuba. (T.) Euripides. Trans, in Latin by Fix. In Fabulaa In *1:2298 Hecyra. (C.) Terentius. In C. 2 In »1:3471 Helena. Euripides. Trans, into Latin by F'ix. In Fabulse In •1:2398 Heraclidae. (T.) Euripides. Trans, into Latin by Fix. In Fabula? In * 1:2293 Hercules Parens. (T.) Euripides. Trans, into Latin by Fix. In Fabula; In *1:2293 Hercules furens. (T.) Seneca. In Opera tragiea 1. In • 1:3454 Hercules CEtieus. (T.) Seneca. In Opera tragica 3. In * 1:3456 Hippolytus. (T.) Seneca. In Opera tragica 2. In •1:8466' Hippolytus coronatus. (T.) Euripides. Trans. into Latin by Fix. In Fabulae In •1:2293 Ion. (T.) E'uripides. Trans, into Latin by Fix. In Fabulse In •1:2293 Iphigenia in Aulide. (T.) Euripides. Trans. into Latin by Fix. In Fabula- In *1:2293 Iphigenia in Tauris. (T.) Euripides. Trans. into Latin by Fix. In Fabuhe In •1:2293 Medea. (T.) Euripides. Trans, into Latin by Fix. In Fabulae In •1:2393 Medea. (T. ) Seneca. In Opera tragica 2.1n •1:3455 Menaechini. (C.) Plautus. In C. 2...In *1:3413 Mercator. (O.) Plautus. In C. 2 In *1:3413 Miles gloriosus. (C.) Plautus. In C. 2. In *l:.)41.t Mostellaria. (C.) Plautus. In C. 2..In *1:3413 Octavia. (T.) Seneca. In Opera tragica 3. In *1:3456 GEdipus. (T.) Seneca. In Opera tragica 2. In *1:3455 CEdipus in Colono. (T.) Sophocles. In Trag. and frag In •1:2266 CEdipus rex. (T.) Sophocles. In Trag. and trag. In •1:2266 Orestes. (T.) Euripides. Trans, into Latin by Fix. In Fabula- In • 1:2298 Pcenulus. (C.) Plautus. In C. 3 In »1:3414 Persa. (C.) Plautus. In C. 2 -In »1:3413 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. The Drama (Spanish). PersSB. (T.) yEsohylus. In Trag. and frag. In i6 l:2266 Philoctetes. (T.) Sophocles. In Trag and frag. In •1:2286 Phcenissae. (T.) Euripides. Trans, into Latin bj Fix. In Fabuhc In «1:2293 PhcBnissse. (T.) Seneca. In Opera tragiea 1. In * 1:3454 Phormio. (C.) Terentius. In C. 2 In 1:3+71 Prometheus vinctus. (T. ) vEsohylus. In Trag. and frag In •1:2868 Pseudolus. (O.) Plautus. In C. 3....In "1:3414 Querolus sive Aulularia. (C. ) Plantus. In C. 3. In *1:3414 Rhesus. (T.) Euripides. Trans, into Latin by lux. In Fabula- In »1:2293 Rudens. (O.) Plantus. InC.3 In *1:3414 Septem adversus Tlu-bas. (T.) yEschylus. In Trag. and frag In •1:2286 Stichus. (C.) Plantus. In C. 3 In • 1:3414 Supplices. (T.) JEsehvlus. In Trag. and frag. In *1:2266 Supplices mulieres. (T.) Euripides. Trans, into Latin by Fix. In Fabuhc In *1:2293 Thyestes. (T.) Seneca. In Opera tragiea 1. In * 1:34 54 Trachinise. (T) Sophocles. In Trag. and frag. In •1:8266 Trinummus. (C.) Plautus. In 0.3 In •1:3414 Troades. (T.) Euripides. Trans, into Latin by Fix. In Fabuhc In •1:2893 Troades. (T.) Seneca. In Opera tragiea 2. In * 1:3455 Truculentus. (C.) Plautus. In C. 3.... In *1;3414 Spanish Drama. Baron, El. (0.) Mnratin. In T. E. 4 *A Cafe, Kl. (0.) Moratin. In T. E. 4 *A Casa con dos puertas, mala es de guardar. (C.) Calderon de la Barca. In T. E. 3 *A 192 Titles (Spanish). Dama duende, La. (C.) Calderon de la Barca. In T. E. 2 »A Devocion de la cruz, La. (C.) Calderon de la Barca. In T. E. 3 *A Estrella de Sevilla. La. (C.) Lope de Vega y Calderon de la Barca. In Seleccions de Lope y Calderon In 32:2700 Gustos v disgustos son no mas que imagination. (C.) Caledron de la Barca. In T. E. 2 »A Lances de amor, y fortuna. Calderon de la Barca. In T. E. 3 *A Magico prodigioso, El. In Seleccions de Lope y Calderon In 32:2700 Medico a Falos, El. (C.) Moratin. In T. E. 4...*A Mejor alcade el rev, El. (C.) Lope de Vega. In T. E. 1 " *A Mogigata, La. (C.) Moratin. In T. E. 4 *A Moza de Cantaro, La. (C.) Lope de Vega. In T. B. 1 *A Numanoia, La. (T.) Cervantes Saavedra. In T. E. 1 *A Para veneer a amor, querer vencerle. (C.) Calderon de la Barca. In T. E. 3 *A Peor esta que estaba. (C.) Calderon de la Bares. In T. E. 2... »A Por la puente, Juana. (0.) Lope de Vega. In T. E. 1 »A Principe constante, El. Calderon de la Barca, I n Seleccions de Lope y Calderon In 32:2700 Same. In T. E. 3 :5 A Puente de Mantible, La. (C.) Calderon de la Barca. In T. E. 3 :E A Sancho Ortiz de las Rielas. (T.) ■ Lope de Vega. In T. E. 1 »A Secreto 8 voces, El. (C.) Calderon de la Barca. In T. E. 2 *A Si de las nifias, El. (0.) Moratin. In T. E. 4 :S A Trato de Argel, El. (C.) Cervantes Saavedra. In T. E. 1 *A Vida es sueno, La. (0.) Calderon de la Barca. In T. E. 2.. .•A italocue of. the dramaa_ id dramatic! poems. tpt 24 191?. Chalmers UJ IN JL2 1B ttf