UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF U. C. Library THE CHEMISTRY OF AGRICULTURE FOR STUDENTS AND FARMERS BY CHARLES W. STODDART, PH.D. DEAN, SCHOOL OF THE LIBERAL ARTS, PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE SECOND EDITION, THOROUGHLY REVISED ILLUSTRATED WITH 83 ENGRAVINGS AND 1 PLATE LEA & FEBIGER PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK 1921 COPYRIGHT LEA & FEBIGER 1921 38 b . PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION IN preparing the second edition some changes have been made, notably the omission of the summary at the end of each chapter and the addition of a list of suggestive exercises designed to make the student think. The subject-matter presented in the text can, in this way, be brought more forcefully to the attention of the reader and the facts applied to practical conditions. There have also been added sections on new fertilizer materials, showing the development of our own potash resources as a result of the Great War, and also of synthetic nitrogenous fertilizers. More material has been inserted where it seemed desirable; parts have been rewritten to make the subject clearer; and an attempt has been made to eliminate errors that crept into the first edition. The order of the first three chapters has been changed to facilitate the teaching of the subject- matter. The questions at the end of the chapters, many criticisms, and some of the additional material have been the work of Professor M. W. Lisse. To him the author wishes to express his gratitude and esteem. C. W. S. STATE COLLEGE, PA. (v) 480546 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION THERE is at present need for a text on general agricultural chemistry which will cover the field briefly, in a logical manner, giving only the facts, and not consisting of a dis- connected series of quotations and tables from the very extended literature of the subject. The need for such a text has been particularly marked in teaching large classes of students at The Pennsylvania State College. As a con- sequence the present book has been written. While it is intended primarily for students who have had previous training in Botany, Chemistry, Geology and Physics, it is sufficiently elementary to make it of value to any intelligent person. Concerning some of the statements made in the text it is well known that a difference of opinion exists among authorities, but it is deemed better to present them as facts rather than to give the various arguments or to omit them altogether. Since the raising of crop plants is the fundamental business of agriculture, and since on them depend the life and growth of animals, there is discussed first the plant, its germination, growth, and products. Then are taken up the various conditions necessary for plant growth, such as the atmos- phere, soil, fertilizers, and spray materials. A short chapter on the gas engine is inserted at this point, since the increasing use of power on the farm in the raising and marketing of (vii) Vlll PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION crops makes some knowledge of the chemistry of gasoline and carburetion important. Finally the animal is considered, together with its food, digestion, and products. The references at the end of each chapter give the principal sources of information used in the preparation of this text. While the lists are by no means complete, they will be of help for any who desire to pursue the subject further. The thanks of the author are due to the German Kali Works, "La Hacienda," Great Western Sugar Co., Economy Silo and Manufacturing Co., Chilean Nitrate Propaganda, American Coal Products Co., C. Tennant Sons & Co., American Cyanamid Co., and the Avery Co., for many of the illustrations. Particularly is the author indebted to Dr. M. B. MacDonald, Mr. F. P. Weaver, and Mr. R. U. Blasingame for helpful suggestions, and to Messrs. C. A. Smith and E. DeTurk for some of the drawings* C. W. S. STATE COLLEGE, PA. CONTENTS PART I THE PLANT CHAPTER I PLANT COMPOUNDS 17 CHAPTER II GERMINATION OF THE SEED 72 CHAPTER III GROWTH OF THE PLANT 80 CHAPTER IV CROPS 102 PART II FACTORS IN PLANT GROWTH CHAPTER V THE AIR 125 CHAPTER VI THE SOIL: ORGANIC MATTER 132 CHAPTER VII THE SOIL: INORGANIC MATTER 153 CHAPTER VIII FERTILIZERS 186 (ix) x CONTENTS CHAPTER IX NITROGENOUS FERTILIZERS 192 CHAPTER X PHOSPHATE FERTILIZERS 206 CHAPTER XI POTASH FERTILIZERS 216 CHAPTER XII LIME 224 CHAPTER XIII FARM MANURE 241 CHAPTER XIV SOIL AND FERTILIZER ANALYSIS 256 CHAPTER XV INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES 264 CHAPTER XVI THE GAS ENGINE . 279 PART III THE ANIMAL CHAPTER XVII THE CHEMISTRY OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY 287 CHAPTER XVIII FOOD AND DIGESTION 304 CHAPTER XIX MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS , 318 THE CHEMISTRY OF AGRICULTURE PART I THE PLANT CHAPTER I PLANT COMPOUNDS THERE are a very large number of organic compounds produced during the growth of plants. Some plants form one kind, some another. Many of the compounds have no value commercially, and no known value physiologically. Some are evidently merely by-products, whereas others undoubtedly serve some useful purpose to the plant. Since many of these compounds are of great importance to the human race, it is necessary to know something of their proper- ties and uses outside of the plant. In the following discussion only those plant compounds which are of known physiological importance to the plant, and particularly those which are of economic importance to mankind, will be considered. For convenience the various compounds will be grouped as follows : I. Carbohydrates II. Fixed Oils and Waxes III. Volatile Oils and Resins IV. Nitrogenous Compounds V. Organic Acids and their Salts 2 (17) 18 PLANT COMPOUNDS I. CARBOHYDRATES 1. General Definition. The most abundant group of organic compounds is that of the carbohydrates or sac- charides, comprising about 75 per cent, of the dry matter of plants. Popularly, a carbohydrate is defined as a com- pound containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, with the hydrogen and oxygen in the same proportion as in water; or, a compound of carbon and water, thus: Dextrose = 6C+6H 2 O. This definition, while not exactly correct, will hold in a majority of cases and serves very well to dis- tinguish the group. The exceptions to this statement are principally acetic acid, whose empirical formula is C2H 4 O2, but whose graphic formula is CH 3 COOH, showing the acid or carboxyl group; and lactic acid, C 3 H 6 3 , but otherwise written CH 3 .CHOH.COOH. A carbohydrate may be defined more accurately as a compound containing always one or more hydroxyl (OH) groups, and usually either an aldehyde H o II , I II I ( c c=O) orketone ( c c C ) group. I I I The presence of the aldehyde group indicates that the carbohydrate is easily oxidized, whereas the presence of the ketone group usually, though not always, indicates that the carbohydrate is not easily oxidized. The principal carbo- hydrates contain carbon atoms to the number of six or a multiple of six. The carbohydrates are divided into two general classes, the Sugars including the monosaccharides and disaccharides; and the Non-Sugars or Polysaccharides. 2. Sugars. As a class the sugars are colorless, odor- less, crystalline compounds, soluble in water, and, ordinarily, sweet in taste. Their most characteristic property is that of optical activity, that is, they rotate the plane of polarized CARBOHYDRATES 19 light either to the right or to the left. 1 The simple sugars, or monosaccharides, contain from two to nine carbon atoms, and are named according to the number of carbon atoms in the molecule: Dioses, trioses, tetroses, etc. Each molecule consists of a single "sugar" group of atoms. The only important monosaccharides are the hexoses, or sugars con- taining six carbon atoms, CeH^Oe. Dextrose and levulose are the best examples of hexoses. The disacckarides are formed by the condensation of two molecules of a monosac- charide with the elimination of one molecule of water. Each molecule of a disaccharide, then, consists of two single "sugar" groups of atoms. Sucrose and maltose are the principle disaccharides found in plants. 1 Optical Activity : An ordinary ray of light is supposed to consist of particles vibrating in every direction at right angles to the direction of the ray. When such a ray is passed through a properly cut crystal of Iceland spar called a Nicol prism, it is separated into two rays, one of which is reflected out to one side of the prism, and the other passes through, its particles now vibrating in only one plane. This ray is said to be polarized, and substances which have the power of rotating this plane of polarized light in one direction or the other are said to be optically active, either dextrorotatory ( +) or levorotatory ( ) as they turn the plane of polarized light to the right or to the left. The amount of rotation depends on the specific property of the substance and the number of molecules through which the light passes. The amount of rotation can be measured, and by calculation the percentage composition of sugar or other substance can be determined in a solution. The instrument for measuring the amount of rotation is called a polariscope, or, since it is used mostly for the determina- tion of sugar, a saccharimeter. It consists essentially of a tube containing at one end a polarizing prism which polarizes a ray of light from some source, and an analyzing prism at the other end mounted on a revolving disk gradu- ated into degrees. Between the two prisms is a trough in which may be placed a tube, closed at both ends with glass, containing the solution to be examined. The polarized light if undisturbed passes through the analyzer and illuminates the field of vision through an eye-piece. If the ray is rotated by an optically active substance, the light does not pass through the analyzer and the field of vision is darkened. If the analyzer is now rotated to the right or left, as the case may be, just as much as the substance rotates the polarized ray, the field of vision, will again be brightly illuminated. There are many modifications of this polariscope tending to increase the accuracy of obser- vation, but the principle is the same in all of the instruments. For com- paring the rotatory power of different substances, there is used the term specific rotation which is the amount of dextro- or levorotation of plane polarized sodium light caused by a solution 10 cm. long, each cubic centi- meter of which contains one gram of substance, at a temperature of 20 C. 20 3. Dextrose, Glucose, Grape Sugar. CeH^Oe, graphically: H H C O H This constitutes what may be termed a single "sugar" group of atoms, hence, monosaccharide. It is found free in nature in all parts of the plant, but for the most part it occurs associated with an equal quantity of levulose in such sweet fruits as grapes, cherries, and pears. It is also found in onions. Dextrose occurs in glucosides 1 in combination with different kinds of compounds such as alcohols, acids, and aldehydes, which hydrolyze naturally under the action of enzymes to form glucose and the other compounds. It is formed in nature (Section 62) by the condensation of for- maldehyde in the leaf, and by hydrolytic enzyme (Section 46) action on such storage forms of carbohydrates as starch and sucrose (Section 63). 1 The formation of a glucoside can best be seen from a graphic formula: H H H C O H H C O H I I H C O H H C O H H C O H + H H C O H H C O H H C = O R = H C 1 + H 2 O O R R represents the alkyl group of an alcohol, acid, aldehyde, or ketone. CARBOHYDRATES 21 Physiologically dextrose is the usual transport form of carbohydrates, but occasionally it is the storage form, as in the onion. Dextrose is a nearly white solid, easily soluble in water and in hot alcohol, insoluble in ether, crystallizes as a hydrate, CeH^Oe.I^O, from water, and in the dehydrated form from alcohol (Fig. 1). It is not as sweet as ordinary sugar. It is dextrorotatory, from which fact it gets the name Fro. 1. Crystals of anhydrous dextrose. Magnified. Drawing l>y C. A. Smith. dextrose, "right sugar." The specif c rotation of ordinary dextrose is +52.5. Since it contains the aldehyde group it is easily oxidized to various compounds. This oxidation is measured by the equivalent reduction of what is called Fehling's solution 1 and this reduction of Fehling's solution is a characteristic reaction for dextrose. Dextrose also 1 Fehling's solution is made by mixing equal parts of a solution of copper sulphate with a solution of sodium potassium (artrate (Rochelle salts) in sodium hydroxide. The sodium hydroxide forms copper hydroxide which dissolves to a deep blue color in the sodium potassium tartrate. The copper hydroxide in solution is the reacting compound. It is reduced according to the following equation: 4 Cu(OH)a = 4 CuOH + 2 H 2 O + Oj. On boiling the solution the yellow cuprous hydroxide, 4 CuOH, changes to the brick red cuprous oxide and water, CmO+HaO. The amount of red precipitate is a measure of the amount of dextrose in solution. 22 PLANT COMPOUNDS unites with calcium hydroxide and barium hydroxide to form compounds which might be called "dextrates" or "dextroxides," C 6 HiiO 6 .CaOH and CeHnOe.BaOH. 1 They are soluble in water but insoluble in alcohol. Dextrose is easily changed, or fermented, by fungi and bacteria to alcohol and carbon dioxide, as follows: CeH^Oe = 2C 2 H 5 OH + 2CO 2 ; to lactic acid, as follows: C 6 H 12 O 6 = 2CH 3 .CHOH.- COOH; and to butyric acid, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen, as follows: C 6 H 12 O 6 = CH 3 .CH 2 .CH 2 .COOH + 2CO 2 + 2H 2 . Pure dextrose can be made by the hydrolysis of starch or sucrose with dilute hydrochloric acid, and recrystallization from hot alcohol. Commercial glucose is made in this country by boiling cornstarch under pressure with hydrochloric acid, neutralizing the acid with sodium carbonate, and clarifying the liquid with bone charcoal. The product is sold as a thick, amber-colored liquid containing 30 to 40 per cent, of dextrose, the rest being dextrins and other impurities. By boiling the mass longer more dextrins are converted to dextrose and a crystallizable product containing 70 to 80 per cent, dextrose is obtained. Glucose is used largely in making candy, jellies, preserves, table syrup, etc. 1 Their formation can be best illustrated graphically. The exact location of the hydroxyl group which combines with the base is not known, but the one chosen will at least illustrate the reaction : H H I I H C O H H C O H H C O H H C O H + H.O H C O H = H C O H I I H C O H H C O H H C O+H + H O v H C O Ca O H I \/ I I >Ca H C=O H O/ H C=O CARBOHYDRATES 23 4. Levulose, Fructose, Fruit Sugar. CeH^Oj, graphically: This constitutes another single "sugar" group of atoms. Levulose is found in plants, particularly the sweet fruits, and nearly always with dextrose. Honey is almost wholly a mixture of levulose and dextrose. Levulose is formed naturally by the enzyme hydrolysis of sucrose, or arti- ficially by hydrolysis of sucrose with dilute hydrochloric acid. In either case there are produced equal quantities of dextrose and levulose. Physiologically it probably plays the same role as dextrose. Levulose is a white solid, crystal- lizable with considerable difficulty, very soluble in water and in hot alcohol. It is much more strongly levorotatory than dextrose is dextrorotatory, the specific rotation being 92.5. Hence it is called levulose, "left sugar." It is sweeter than dextrose. Although it does not contain an aldehyde group it is easily oxidized, that is, it reduces Fehling's solution. Levulose forms compounds with calcium hydroxide and barium hydroxide "levulates" insoluble in water and in alcohol. It is fermented by fungi and bacteria like dextrose. One way to make it is to boil sucrose with hydrochloric acid and thereby change the sucrose to dextrose and levulose. On treating the cold solution with an excess of calcium hydroxide, the crystals of calcium levulate are precipitated and can be filtered. On decomposing the precipitate with oxalic acid, and concentrating the filtered solution, levulose will crystallize out. Aside from its use 24 PLANT COMPOUNDS as a food in fruit and honey, where it occurs naturally, levulose has no economic importance. 5. Sucrose, Saccharose, Cane Sugar. C^H^On, graphi- cally: H H ( H ( Hf 3 H H : o H H c o H 1 - f) TT n r\ H ( 3 O H H C O H H C O H TT C" C H C O H > r. H C O H This constitutes a double "sugar" group of atoms or the union of two single groups. Hence it is a disaccharide. It is very widely distributed in plants, being found particularly in sweet fruits, stalks of corn and sugar cane, in seeds, roots, bulbs, and the sap of maple, birch, and other trees. Sugar cane and sugar beets are the principal sources of sucrose, the former containing about 20 per cent., the latter, 15 per cent. Fig. 2 illustrates the harvesting of a crop of sugar cane, and Fig. 2 a growing crop of sugar beets. From the physiological point of view, sucrose is a storage form of carbohydrates, particularly in roots and tubers such as beets and sweet potatoes, it being formed in all proba- bility by a condensation of dextrose and the elimination of water. Sucrose is a colorless solid, crystallizing in large, clear crys- tals (Fig. 3). As it is usually purchased, it consists of very small crystals, the mass of which appears white because of reflected light. It is easily soluble in water, slightly soluble in hot absolute alcohol, more easily soluble in dilute alcohol, insoluble in ether and in cold absolute alcohol. It is dextrorotatory, the specific rotation being +66.5. Its sweetness is too well known to need description. CARBOHYDRATES 25 = 26 PLANT COMPOUNDS Sucrose does not reduce Fehling's solution, that is, it is not easily oxidized. It melts at about 160 C. From 170 up to 190 C. it decomposes, by losing water, to a mixture of unknown condensation products, the mass turning brown in color and having a peculiar, agreeable flavor. Caramel is the name given to the material. Caramel is soluble in water, reduces Fehling's solution, and is used to a large extent as flavoring for candy and ice-cream. FIG. 3. Crystal of sucrose. Natural size. Drawing by C. A. Smith. Under the action of an enzyme (Section 46) called inver- tase, sucrose hydrolyzes to equal parts of dextrose and levu- lose. 1 This is the way it changes naturally in plants. Arti- 1 The hydrolytic change of sucrose into equal parts of levulose and dex- trose is shown best by the graphic formula, and illustrates very well the glucoside-like character of the sucrose molecule. (See footnote on p"age 20.) In fact it may be considered a " levulo-glucoside, " or "levulin. " H H I I H H C O H H H O C H H C O H H O C H O C H H C O H H O C H H O C H = H C O H + H O C H H O C H H C O H H O C H C H C=O O=C H O C H H O C H I I H H Sucrose. Dextrose. Levulose. The hydrogen and oxygen of water enter the sucrose molecule as indi- cated by the heavy letters, and the molecules of dextrose and levulose result. CARBOHYDRATES 27 ficially, sucrose can be hydrolyzed by boiling with a dilute mineral acid like hydrochloric, the products of this acid hydrolysis being the same as with invertase. The mixture of levulose and dextrose thus produced is known as invert sugar, because the levorotatory power of levulose is greater than the dextrorotatory power of dextrose, the net result being levo- rotation. The specific rotation of invert sugar is 20 V Fungi and bacteria containing invertase change sucrose to dextrose and levulose, and can then ferment to the usual products of alcohol, carbon dioxide, etc. It is not directly fermentable in most cases. With alkalies and alkaline earths sucrose forms saccha- rates, or "sucroxides," those of calcium being the most im- portant. There are three compounds with calcium : Mono- calcium saccharate, Ci 2 H 2 iOu.CaOH; dicalcium saccharate, Ci2H 2 oOn.2CaOH; tricalcium saccharate, C^HigOu.SCaOH. The monocalcium compound is readily soluble in water, the tricalcium compound difficultly soluble. The latter is used commerically in the separation of sucrose from beet molasses. The molasses is treated with freshly burned lime. The resulting precipitate of tricalcium saccharate is filtered, washed with cold water and decomposed by carbon dioxide in aqueous suspension. The reaction is as follows: C^HnOn.SCaOH + 3COj = ciiHaOu + 3CaCO 3 . Many other saccharates are also formed, such as those of iron, aluminium, nickel, and copper. Those of iron are used medicinally. Pure sucrose is prepared by precipitating it from a solu- tion of commercial sucrose with cold, absolute alcohol, and 1 The specific rotation of levulose is 92.5 and of dextrose is + 52.5, but that of invert sugar is not 40, but 20, since specific rotation is the angular rotation of a column 10 centimeters long which contains 1 gram of substance in 1 cubic centimeter (footnote p. 19), and 1 gram of invert sugar consists of i gram of dextrose and J gram of levulose, thus giving only $ the angular difference between the specific rotations of levulose and dextrose. 28 PLANT COMPOUNDS washing the fine crystals with absolute alcohol. Commercial sucrose is made from sugar cane by squeezing out the juice in mills, clarifying with lime to remove impurities, evapo- rating the filtrate, and finally crystallizing out the sucrose. Fig. 4 shows the interior of a sugar factory where the cane juice is being evaporated. Further solution, treatment with lime and bone black, and recrystallization yields the pure granular sugar (sucrose) of commerce. Brown sugar FIG. 4. Boiling cane juice in a sugar factory at Guadaloupe. is obtained by evaporating to dryness the mother liquor from which no sucrose will crystallize. Brown sugar origin- ally contained some caramel because the evaporation of the syrup was carried on in vats heated by a free flame, and part of the material, being overheated, caramelized. Modern evaporators are steam-heated vacuum pans, and thus caramelization is avoided. From the sugar beet, sucrose is made by slicing the beets and soaking them in water, thus allowing the sucrose to CARBOHYDRATES 29 diffuse gradually out of the beet cells. The concentrated juice is clarified and purified much as in the case of sugar cane juice. Beet sugar is exactly the same as cane sugar, although when first made methods of purification were not perfect, and the admixed impurities made its quality poorer than that of cane sugar. The various uses of cane sugar are too well known to need description. 6. Maltose, Maltobiose, Malt Sugar. Ci^H^On, graphi- cally : This constitutes another double "sugar" group. It is one of the most widely distributed sugars in plants, but since it is never a storage form of carbohydrates it is not found in any quantity, as are the other sugars. It is one of the transition forms from starch to dextrose, and is formed to a large extent in the germinating seed (Section 47). Of itself, however, it may serve as a transport form of carbohydrate without undergoing a change to dextrose. It is a white, crystalline solid, readily soluble in water; slightly soluble in cold alcohol; not as sweet as sucrose. It is dextrorotatory, the specific rotation being +138. Maltose reduces Fehling's solution, since it belongs to the aldehyde group. Under the action of an enzyme called mal- tase, it is hydrolyzed to dextrose, one molecule of maltose 30 PLANT COMPOUNDS breaking up into two molecules of dextrose. 1 It is also hydrolyzed to dextrose on boiling with a dilute mineral acid like hydrochloric. Maltose ferments only as it is hydro- lyzed to dextrose by enzymes (Section 46) in the fungi and bacteria. It forms compounds with alkalies and alkaline earths, but they are of no importance. Maltose is prepared by treating starch paste with malt extract (Section 47) at 60 C., and extracting the maltose thus formed with successive portions of hot 87 per cent, alcohol, finally evaporating and allowing it to crystallize. It is recrystallized from hot methyl alcohol, after purifying with bone black. Commercially it occurs in malt and malt products which are made from germinating barley (Section 96, a). It also occurs mixed with dextrin (Section 8) as a thick syrup or solid. In a rather pure form as a syrup it is used to some extent as a substitute for cane sugar, particularly during the shortage of sugar caused by the Great War. 7. Non-sugars or Polysaccharides. These compounds are usually colorless or white, odorless, and amorphous, with little or no taste, and insoluble in water and in alcohol. They are formed by the condensation of a great many molecules of a monosaccharide with the elimination of water, thus: n C6Hi 2 O n H 2 O = (C 6 HioO 6 ) n. 1 As in the case of sucrose this hydrolytic change shows the glucoside-like character of maltose, it being a " gluco-glucoside, " or "glucolin." Thus: H H H C O H O=C H H C O H 0=C H I I I I H C O H H O C H H C O H H O C H H C O 1 H O C H = H C O H + H O C H I I I H O C H H C O H H O C H I I I H O C H H C O H H O C H C H H C=O H O C H H H Maltose Dextrose Dextrose CARBOHYDRATES 31 Each molecule consists of a large number of single "sugar" groups. Starch and cellulose are the principal polysac- charides. 8. Starch. (CeHioOs)^?). The exact graphic formula is not known. Starch occurs in all parts of the plant as a storage form of carbohydrate material, being a condensed anhydride, and insoluble. It occurs to a great extent in seeds and tubers as follows: Approximate per cent. Crops. starch. Corn .... 62 Wheat 64 Oats 54 Rice 70 Potatoes . 20 Starch occurs in plant cells in the form of very small, white grains, the size and shape of which vary with the plant which manufactures it. Figs. 5 to 9 show various kinds of starch grains, and it is to be noted that those of the potato are comparatively large, while those of rice are very small. The size varies from about 0.002 mm. to 0.2 mm. in diameter. These grains are composed of very thin cellulose walls, with contents of powdery material called granulose or amylose. They are insoluble in cold water, alcohol, and ether, but on treatment with boiling water the cellulose envelope ruptures and the escaping granulose dissolves in the water to form a more or less gelatinous solution, slightly cloudy from the insoluble cellulose walls. This semisolution is called starch paste. It is strongly dextro- rotatory, and will not reduce Fehling's solution. Its most characteristic reaction is to turn blue in the cold with a solution of iodine (in alcohol or potassium iodide). The compound formed is supposed to be (C24H4oO2C:CH.CHz.CH2.C:CH.CHO CH/ I CH 3 to which the odor is due, and many other compounds such as terpenes, alcohols, aldehydes, and esters. It is obtained from the rind of lemons either by rupturing the oil cells over a sponge, or rolling in a vessel lined with spikes, or by dis- tillation, or expression. The two latter methods do not yield as good an oil as the sponge method. It is a pale yellow oil, lighter than water, and its uses are the same as for clove and cinnamon oils. VOLATILE OILS AND RESINS 51 (e) OIL OF MUSTARD. This oil is chiefly allyl isothio- cyanate, CH2:CH.CH 2 .N:C:S, with some carbon disulphide and allyl cyanide. In nature it occurs in the seeds of black mustard as a glucoside of potassium acid sulphate and allyl isothiocyanate, called potassium myronate which is hydro- lyzed by a naturally occurring enzyme when water is present. The seeds are first expressed for the fixed oil, then treated with water, and digested in the cold when the enzyme myrosin converts the glucoside into glucose, potassium acid sulphate, and allyl isothiocyanate. The latter is then distilled off. It is a colorless or a pale yellow oil, heavier than water, with pungent odor and burning taste. It is used in medicine largely. (/) OIL OF ONION consists principally of allyl-propyl- disulphide, CH S :CH.CH 2 .S CHj.CHj.CH s .S and some other sulphides. It is obtained by distillation from onions. It is not of much value commercially, but is the compound which gives to onions and garlic their characteristic odor and taste. (g) OIL OF PEPPERMINT contains a great number of differ- ent compounds in small amounts terpenes, alcohols, esters, acids, and aldehydes, but principally menthol, a closed-chain compound but not a benzene compound : CH 2 .CH CHj / \ / CH,.CH CH.CH \ / \ CHj.CH CH, I OH This is a white, crystalline solid at ordinary temperatures and can be obtained from peppermint oil by freezing. It is used in medicine. The peppermint oil itself is obtained by steam distillation of the peppermint plant and is a pale greenish-yellow oil which darkens on standing. It is lighter than water and is used in medicine and for flavoring to a very great extent. 52 PLANT COMPOUNDS (Ji) OIL OF ROSES, called attar or otto of roses. This oil is composed of geraniol, CioHnOH, and citronellol, CioH^OH, both open-chain or aliphatic alcohols. There are also some esters and paraffins present. It is obtained by distillation of roses which are grown for the most part in Bulgaria and Roumania, "the rose garden of the world." It is a pale yellow oil, lighter than water, with a very delicate odor. Attar of roses is very high priced and is frequently adul- terated with geranium oil which resembles it somewhat. (i) OIL OF SASSAFRAS consists of safrol, CH 2 .CH:CH2 and a number of terpenes, etc. It is obtained by distilling the root bark of the sassafras tree which is very common in the United States. It is usually a reddish-yellow liquid, heavier than water, and is used for scenting cheap soaps and in flavoring. It is one of the cheaper oils, (j) OIL OF THYME is chiefly thymol, \/ /OH CH,.CH.CH and carvacrol, isomeric phenols. The former is obtained from thyme oil, and is used as an antiseptic. It is a crystal- line solid. The other constituents of thyme oil are esters, hydrocarbons, etc. Thyme oil is yellowish-red when impure, due to action of the phenols on the iron stills; and light yellow when pure. It is lighter than water; used in medi- VOLATILE OILS AND RESINS 53 cine, and as a cheap perfume for soaps. It is distilled from the leaves and flowers of an herb that grows largely in Spain and France. FIG. 11. The proper way to collect crude turpentine. Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture. (k) OIL OF TURPENTINE is a terpene, usually pinene, CioHie, with some other isomers. It is obtained by steam dis- tillation of the resinous exudate of the long-leaf pine tree. 54 PLANT COMPOUNDS This sticky liquid which flows from cuts in the trees is com- posed of a resin, colophony (Section 29,6), and an essential oil which is volatile with steam. The resin is left in the still. The turpentine, which is lighter than water, is drawn off and sold as oil or spirits of turpentine. Figs. 11 and 12 illustrate the process of collection and distillation of tur- pentine. The best grades come from this country and France. Russia produces some oil of poorer quality. It is FIG. 12. Distilling turpentine. Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture. a colorless, mobile liquid with a faint, pleasant, ethereal odor when pure. On standing there is formed an oxidized compound, probably an aldehyde, which is said to give turpentine its peculiar, pungent odor. It dissolves sulphur, rubber, phosphorus, and resins. It burns with a very smoky flame, and on exposure to the air it absorbs oxygen, and hardens, much like the drying oils. For this reason it is used very largely in making paints and varnishes. It is also employed to some extent in medicine. VOLATILE OILS AND RESINS 55 (/) OIL OF WINTERGREEN is practically all methyl salicylate, OH /\ .COO.CHj It is distilled from the wintergreen plant, or teaberry, and from the bark of the sweet birch, both native to America. The oil is yellow, heavier than water, and has a very pleasant taste and odor. It is used in pharmacy to conceal the taste of nauseous drugs, as a meaicine, and for flavoring. Since methyl salicylate can be prepared synthetically, the artificial product is largely sold in place of the true oil. 28. Resins. These compounds are yellow or brown solid substances, more or less transparent, brittle, and found as natural or induced exudations from plants. Some of them are supposed to be derived by oxidation of terpenes. Their function in plants may be to serve as a protective coating for wounds and cuts. This prevents evaporation and decay until new cells can be formed to permanently cover the wound. As resins ooze out of the plant, usually from special tubular "resin ducts," they are sticky, thick liquids, but on exposure to the air they change either by oxidation or evaporation of some natural volatile solvent, like an essential oil. Resins are insoluble in water, soluble as a rule in alcohol and in other organic solvents. They decompose on heating away from the air, and burn with a smoky flame. Their chemical composition is very complex, some of them consisting mostly of esters, others of acids, and still others of uncertain compounds classed under the name of In addition to being of a complex nature when purified, they frequently occur in nature as an exudate mixed with gums and called Gum-resins, which emukify with water; with volatile oils called Oleo-resins, which are softer than the resins proper; and with volatile oils together with benzoic or cinnamic acid, in which case they are properly called Balsams. 56 PLANT COMPOUNDS 29. Some of the Common Resins. (a) AMBER is a fossil resin found mostly on the shore of the Baltic Sea, frequently buried in the earth. It is the hardest resin known, varying in color from yellow to black, sometimes clear and trans- parent, sometimes cloudy. Chemically amber consists of acids and esters. On heating in a retort above 287 C., it melts and decomposes, forming water, succinic acid, a little volatile fatty acid, oil of amber, and some other compounds. The succinic acid and oil of amber are used in pharmacy. Amber is used mostly for ornamental purposes, although formerly it was employed in the manufacture of the more expensive varnishes. (6) COLOPHONY OR ROSIN is the solid residue remaining after oil of turpentine (Section 27, k] has been distilled off. It occurs naturally as an exudate with turpentine from certain pine trees. It is a brittle, yellow to brown solid, chemically consisting largely of an acid. It unites on boiling with sodium or potassium hydroxide to form a deliquescent substance called resinate used in making soaps and for sizing paper. On fusing with manganese or with lead oxides it forms resinates soluble in linseed oil and used as driers in making varnish. On dry distillation colophony breaks up into hydrocarbons, acids, and aldehydes. Commercially two products are obtained rosin spirit, boiling at 80 to 250 C. and rosin oil, boiling at over 300 C. Rosin spirit is a colorless liquid composed of hydrocarbons, and resem- bling oil of turpentine for which it is used as a substitute. Rosin oil is a heavy, viscid liquid, colorless to brown, com- posed mostly of high boiling point hydrocarbons. It is used in making rosin-grease by mixing with milk of lime, for lubricating axles, and for making printer's ink. Colophony or rosin itself is used in making varnishes, in pharmacy, and in the preparation of resinates, rosin spirit, and rosin oil. (c) COPAL is a name applied to a number of valuable resins. Some are obtained from living trees in Java, Sumatra, and the Philippines. Others are found as fossils in West Africa, Madagascar, and East Indies. Copal resins may be white, yellow, red, brown, or brownish black. The softer varieties are the recent resins and are readily soluble in the VOLATILE OILS AND RESINS 57 usual solvents. The harder kinds are the fossil resins and are practically insoluble in the usual solvents until they have been melted and partly decomposed, when they dis- solve in hot turpentine or linseed oil. The latter copals are the more valuable. They are complex in composition, consisting largely of acids and resenes. They are used in making the better grades of varnish. (d) DRAGON'S BLOOD is found in Sumatra, and is a clear, deep red resin composed of resenes and esters. It is soluble in alcohol and ether, and is used in making red varnishes. (e) LAC OR SHELLAC is either a secretion of the lac insect or produced from the plant sap by the sting of this insect on the twigs of certain East Indian trees. It is sold in sticks as "stick lac;" melted, purified, and poured on cold surfaces to cool in thin plates as "shellac;" or poured into moulds to form " button lac." It is pale orange or red when pure, much darker when impure. The red shade is due to a dye secreted by the insect. Bleached shellac is made by passing chlorine through a solution of lac in alkali. This precipitates white lac which is melted and pulled. It is soluble in alcohol and alkalies, partly soluble in ether. Lac is composed of resenes and acids. It is used extensively in varnishes, for stiffening hats, as a constituent of sealing wax, etc. (/) MASTIC AND SANDARAC are similar resins found in Africa and Australia, occurring in the form of "tears" or "solid drops" of rather yellow, translucent material. They are partly soluble in alcohol and turpentine, completely soluble in ether. They are composed of acids, resenes, and bitter principles, probably alkaloids. They are used in varnishes and pharmacy, in the latter for tooth cements and plasters. 30. Some of the Gum-resins, (a) ASAFETIDA is found on the roots of certain plants in Thibet and Turkestan in the form of tears and masses. It is usually yellowish or brownish in color, and has an unpleasant garlic odor and bitter char- acteristic taste. Asafetida is composed of about 25 per cent, of gum and the rest resin ester with a little volatile oil and some other compounds in small amounts. Its use is restricted now largely to veterinary practice, although it is used to some extent in India and Persia as a flavoring agent in sauces. 58 PLANT COMPOUNDS (6) FRANKINCENSE OR OLIBANUM is found on certain trees in Arabia and Africa as yellow-brown tears, with aromatic odor. It is composed of resin, gum, some volatile oil, and bitter principle. It is used somewhat in pharmacy, but more generally in preparing incense. (c) GAMBOGE is found on trees in the East Indies as an orange-red substance which is soluble in alcohol. It is composed of an ester, an acid, and a gum. It is used in medicine and as a pigment. (d) MYRRH is found on a shrub growing in Arabia and some other eastern countries. It occurs in reddish-brown lumps of oily fracture, fragrant odor, and bitter taste. It is com- posed of resin, gum, bitter principle, and volatile oil, being used in medicine and in making incense. 31. Some of the Oleo-resins and Balsams. (a) BENZOIN is a balsam and comes from Sumatra and Siam, that from the latter place being of the better quality. It occurs in tears or masses usually reddish-brown in color, having a very pleasant, aromatic odor, and is soluble in alcohol. Benzoin consists of a volatile oil, benzoic acid esterified with a resin alcohol, and some other compounds. It is used in medicine as an antiseptic and in perfumery. (6) CANADA BALSAM is incorrectly named, for it is not a true balsam, since it contains no benzoic or cinnamic acid. It is an exudate from the balsam fir, and is a thick liquid, yellowish in color, clear and transparent, with very high refractive index, hardening on exposure to the air. It is composed of a volatile oil and two resins, and is used in medicine, in preparing flexible collodion, and in mounting microscopic specimens. (c) CRUDE TURPENTINE is the thick, viscous, yellowish liquid which exudes from cuts in pine trees, usually the long leaf pine, in the United States. This material is collected in boxes made in the trees or better in cups hung on the trees. Fig. 11 shows the best modern method for collecting crude turpentine. The first year's flow called "virgin dip" is the best. "Yellow dip" is the yield *of subsequent years, and "scrape" is the hardened material which is scraped from the trees. This last is the poorest of all. The crude tur- VOLATILE OILS AND RESINS 59 pentine is placed in copper stills and distilled with steam to separate the volatile oil of turpentine (Section 27, k). Colo- phony or rosin is left in the still (Section 29, 6). The oleo-resin itself has no value except as a source of oil of turpentine and rosin. Fig. 12 illustrates the distillation of turpentine. (d) TOLU comes from South America as a nearly solid mass, yellow-brown in color, of aromatic odor and taste. It contains both benzpic and cinnamic acids, probably united with resin alcohols, and in addition a few other compounds. It is largely used in medicine. 32. Compounds Similar to the Resins. (a) RUBBER OR CAOUTCHOUC. Many trees contain besides the so-called sap and other liquids, a milky juice called latex, flowing in special elongated cells or tubes. The function of this latex may be to carry food material in an emulsified form, or to serve as a protection w r hen the tree is w'ounded. It oozes out of cut surfaces, hardens on exposure to the air, and serves to keep out water and bacteria just as do the resins (Section 28). This latex is an emulsion of fats, Waxes, resinous substances, and proteins in a watery fluid. Certain trees, more particularly in South America, contain in the latex minute liquid drops of a hydrocarbon, having the general formula of a terpene, CioHie, but supposed to be a chain compound and not a ring compound like a terpene. These drops coagulate on exposure to the air. In practice this coagulation is hastened by the smoke of burning palm- nuts, or by the addition of salt water, wood-ash lye, or alum. The resulting mass forms the crude rubber of commerce. To obtain the latex the trees are cut and the latex gathered much as is maple sap in the United States. The pure hydro- carbon is nearly white when fresh but darkens on exposure to the air. It is soluble in chloroform, benzine, and toluene, and is rendered hard and brittle after a time by oils. Chlorine, bromine, and strong acids destroy it. The commercial material is practically black from smoke and dirt, containing in addition to the rubber proper, or the hydrocarbon, some fat, waxes, and proteins, which \vere originally in the latex. In addition there are chips, bark, and dirt of various kinds accidentally present or intentionally added. 60 PLANT COMPOUNDS The crude material is ground and washed, and for use must be treated with sulphur, metallic sulphides, or metallic oxides. The pure rubber is very sticky, but on heating with 5 to 10 per cent, of sulphur it loses its stickiness, becomes more elastic, and is the usual form of soft rubber from which so many articles are manufactured. When heated with antimony pentasulphide it forms "red" or "antimony" rubber. Red antimony trisulphide is formed, the rest of the sulphur uniting with the rubber. If the pure rubber is heated with 25 to 30 per cent, of sulphur, it forms on cooling a hard, hornlike mass, called ebonite, or hard rubber, which finds a great variety of uses too well known to need mention. The sulphur may form a chemical compound with the hydrocarbon or it may be merely a physical mixture of sulphur and hydrocarbon. (6) GUTTA PERCHA. This material is somewhat similar to rubber, occurring in the latex of certain East Indian trees. It is obtained and washed like crude rubber and is then a fibrous white to brown mass, tough and inelastic when cold, softening greatly on heating. It is soluble in carbon disul- phide, chloroform, and warm benzine. In composition it is a mixture apparently of a hydrocarbon, C 5 H 8 , .and two resins which are oxygenated bodies. It is a very poor con- ductor of electricity and finds its principal use as insulating material for wires, etc. (c) CHICLE is also a product of the coagulated latex of certain South American trees, and is used in the United States in the manufacture of chewing gum. It is composed of a true gum soluble in water, resins, the hydrocarbon of gutta percha, mineral constituents, and some other com- pounds. The purified insoluble portion is used for making chewing gum. IV. NITROGENOUS COMPOUNDS 33. Nitrates and Ammonia. There is always present in growing plants a certain amount of nitrates that has been absorbed by the plant rootts. In some plants the amount may be 1.5 to 3 per cent, of the dry weight, but this is excep- NITROGENOUS COMPOUNDS 61 tional. They are present only until the synthetic processes are able to convert them into other compounds. This is shown by the fact that as a rule most of the nitrates are in the root, less in the stem and leaves, and none in the seed. Nitrates are present only as they are absorbed by the roots. Plants do not form nitrates from other compounds of nitro- gen. Ammonia is sometimes present in small amounts as an absorbed constituent, for some plants can use ammonium salts as well as nitrates in the manufacture of proteins. Moreover, it may occur as a decomposition product of pro- tein hydrolysis (Section 49), or as an intermediate product in the synthesis of proteins (Section 69). 34. Amino-acids and Amides. After absorption by the plant, nitrates or ammonia are changed to amino-acids and amides. Amino-acids, sometimes called amido-acids, are organic acids in which one of the alkyl hydrogen atoms is replaced by NH 2 . A common one is amino-acetic acid, CH 2 (NH 2 )COOH, or glycocoll. The amino-acids as a group are crystalline substances soluble in water. They will unite with acids to some extent on account of their amine group and with bases on account of their carboxyl group. Amides, sometimes called acid amides, are organic acids in which the hydroxyl of the carboxyl group is replaced by XH 2 , a common amide being acet-amide, CH 3 COXH 2 . Acids having more than one carboxyl group may have one or all of the hydroxyl groups replaced by XH 2 . They are, as a rule, crystalline substances and more or less soluble in water. They are basic in character, forming salts with acids. Apparently the formation of these compounds is in most cases transitory; they are merely intermediate products, existing in but small amounts at any one time. There are a number of these amides and amino-acids found in plants, but the more common ones, and ones which illustrate these compounds very well, are as follows: (a) ASPARAGINE is found in considerable quantities in pea and bean seedlings, CHz.CO.NHj I NHj.CH.COOH It is also called amino-succinamide. 62 PLANT COMPOUNDS (b) GLUTAMINE occurs to a large extent in cucumber and other seedlings. It is the monamide of amino-glutaric acid, CHa.CONHz CH 2 I NH2.CH.COOH (c) ARGENINE occurs largely in coniferse or trees of the pine order, and possesses a more complicated structure than the others mentioned, NH 2 NH:C/ ' NH.CH2.CH2.CH2.CH.COOH NH 2 (d) TYROSINE is an amino-acid of the carbocyclic series, found in many plants, CH2.CH.COOH NHs OH 35. Proteins. Proteins are compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, usually sulphur, and some- times phosphorus. They are the most complex compounds known, and probably the most important, since they are a necessary constituent of every living cell, whether plant or animal, and compose most of the dry matter of animals except the bones. Moreover, plant proteins are important not only to plants themselves, but also to animals, since. the latter are dependent for the most part on the ready-made proteins of plants for their own body nitrogenous compounds. The name itself is significant, being derived from a Greek word signifying "preeminent." Chemically proteins are combinations of alpha-amino- acids or their derivatives. Alpha-amino-acids are amino- NITROGENOUS COMPOUNDS 63 acids in which the amine group is attached to the carbon atom next to the carboxyl group (note the position of XH 2 in the formulas given in Section 34). The composition of proteins is about as follows: Carbon, .50 to 55 percent.; hydrogen, 6 to 7.3 per cent..; oxygen, 19 to 24 per cent.; nitrogen, 15 to 19 per cent.; sulphur, 0.3 to 2.5 per cent.; and phosphorus, if present, 0.4 to 0.8 per cent. A protein molecule is known to be exceedingly large, the molecular weight of different proteins being estimated at from 4000 to 16,000 in round numbers. A formula which has been proposed for zein an example of a typical plant protein will give some idea of the complexity of the molecule: Most of the knowledge of proteins is based on studies of the animal proteins. Plant proteins in general, however, are very similar, although not so numerous. The various proteins differ somewhat in solubility, some of them being soluble in water, others in dilute alcohol, others in salt solutions, and still others in very dilute acids and in alkalies. Strong acids and alkalies dissolve proteins on heating, but with decomposition. On heating with strong sulphuric acid the nitrogen of proteins is converted to ammonium sulphate, from which ammonia can be evolved with sodium hydroxide. This is the basis of the quantita- tive estimation of proteins (Section 92) since they are built up from a series of amino-acids or their derivatives from which ammonia is easily split off. On hydrolytic decomposition they generally break down into amino-acids. For the most part proteins are noncrystallizable, belong- ing to that peculiar class of compounds called colloids. Solutions of proteins are levorotary. One of the com- monest tests for a protein is to dissolve it in concentrated nitric acid which gives a yellow r color, turning to orange on the addition of ammonium hydroxide. This is known as the xanthoproteic reaction or "yellow protein' reaction. Chemists are familiar with the fact that strong nitric acid stains the skin yellow. This is due to this action of nitric acid on the proteins of the skin. 64 PLANT COMPOUNDS Some of the proteins in solution are precipitated unaltered by saturating the solution with sodium chloride, ammonium sulphate, or magnesium sulphate, a process called "salting out;" others are thrown down in a changed form by salts of the heavy metals; while still others are precipitated as insoluble salts by tannin. No single reaction is common to all proteins. According to their properties proteins have been classified into some eighteen groups which serve to distinguish them and aid in their study. 36. Alkaloids. These are plant compounds containing nitrogen and possessing strongly basic properties. They differ from the other organic bases, like amines and amides, in being more complex in structure (the exact formula is unknown in most cases) and more basic in reaction. They differ from the proteins in being less complex. Their most characteristic property is their very powerful physiological action on animals. They are strong medicines or strong poisons. As a rule, they are colorless or white, crystalline solids, and contain oxygen in addition to carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. Nicotine is an exception being a liquid and containing no oxygen. Most of the alkaloids are only slightly soluble in alcohol. They dissolve in acids with the formation of salts. From their solutions they are as a rule precipitated by tannin, phosphomolybdic acid, and some other reagents. In the plant they occur in the bark of the stem or root, in seeds, and in the fruit rind. Their function is not definitely known, being considered by some authorities as end products of metabolism waste compounds stored where they are most easily removed; other authorities, however, claim that alkaloids are intermediate or transitory compounds necessary for the growth of the plant. They do not occur in all plants, being confined for the most part to the poppy and legume families. They occur as salts of malic, oxalic, succinic, tannic, or some other plant acid, and are extracted by dissolving out these salts with appropriate solvents, and separating the alkaloid from the acid. Ordinarily this is done by using a mineral acid like sulphuric or hydrochloric, since it is in this form that the alkaloids are used commercially; for example, quinine sulphate, cocaine hydrochloride, etc. NITROGENOUS COMPOUNDS 65 37. Some of the Common Alkaloids. (a) ATROPINE, CnHwOsN, is a white crystalline solid with a bitter, acrid taste and is very poisonous. It is used as the sulphate for spasmodic affections, and for dilating the pupil of the eye. Antidotes are emetics, tannin, or charcoal. FIG. 13. The cultivated variety of the opium poppy. (6) CAFFEINE OR THEINE, CsHuC^N^ is a white, silky solid with bitter taste. It occurs in tea and coffee in combination with a complex organic acid, the compound being soluble in water and is hence extracted when tea and coffee are treated with water for beverages. The alkaloid, occurring to the 5 66 PLANT COMPOUNDS extent of 1 per cent, in coffee and 2 per cent, in tea, exerts the stimulating effect of these drinks. In addition, however, there are also extracted tannin (in tea only), volatile oil of tea or of coffee, gum, and dextrin, all of which serve to modify the effect of the alkaloid. Pure caffeine is used in medicine as a stimulant, and to cure somnolence. (c) COCAINE, CnlLiCXN, is a colorless, crystalline solid with bitter taste, and producing numbness. Used medicin- ally usually as the hydrochloride, CnH^iCXN.HCl, it is a local anaesthetic. It is, however, a dangerous drug to use. Anti- dotes are morphine, alcohol, ammonia, and applications of ice to the head. (d) MORPHINE, CnHigOaN, occurs in colorless, shining crystals, with bitter taste, and is used in medicine ordinarily as the sulphate, (CnHigOsN^.H^SCX. It is the chief con- stituent of opium which is obtained from the unripe seed capsules of the poppy (Fig. 13). Morphine is one of the most valuable narcotics known, but it is a very dangerous drug to use on account of its habit-forming properties and its general harmful effect on the mind and body when the habit is once formed. Antidotes to morphine poisoning are potassium permanganate, tannic acid, and emetics. (e) NICOTINE, CioHi4N2, is a colorless liquid turning brown on exposure to the air, with acrid taste. It is one of the most virulent poisons known. In small doses it has been used in medicine as a sedative. It is found in tobacco, varying in amounts from 1 to 8 per cent. The pleasant as well as the exceedingly disagreeable effects of smoking and chewing tobacco are probably ascribable to nicotine. In the impure form it is used as an insecticide. (/) QUININE, C2oH 2 4O 2 N2, is usually a white, amorphous powder, although it can be obtained in silky needles, and has a very bitter taste. It is used in medicine as the sulphate, (C2oH24O2N 2 )2.H 2 SO4, being particularly efficacious in malaria, and as a tonic and stimulant. (g) STRYCHNINE, C 2 iH 2 2O 2 N2, is a white crystalline powder, with very bitter taste, and is a powerful poison. It is used in medicine in very small doses as a nerve stimulant. Anti- dotes are potassium permanganate, emetics, and sedatives. ORGANIC ACIDS AND THEIR SALTS 67 (K) THEOBROMINE, CyHgQzN^ is a white crystalline powder of bitter taste. It is the active principle of chocolate and cocoa, occurring to the extent of about 1 per cent, in the cocoa bean. It is used medicinally to some extent, its effect being similar to that of caffeine. V. ORGANIC ACIDS AND THEIE SALTS 38. General. In discussing the various plant compounds, it has been found that there are a large number of organic acids present in one form or another. The fixed oils (Section 14) are glyceryl salts of various fatty acids of high molecular weight; some of the volatile oils (Section 26) are esters of organic acids both of the chain and carbocyclic series; some of the resins (Section 28) are composed largely of very complex acids or their salts; alkaloids (Section 36) exist in combination with organic acids of various kinds. But in none of these cases do the acids display the properties which are usually ascribed to them, namely, that of a sour taste and distinctly acid reaction. There are, however, in many plants, chiefly in the fruits, acids w T hich respond to these tests. As mentioned in Section 67, acids may be in part at least the products of imperfect oxidation, or intermolecular respiration. They may be in part waste products (compare oxalic acid below), or they may serve some definite, physio- logical function. 39. Some of the Common Organic Acids. (a) CITRIC ACID CH 2 .COOH HO.C.COOH CH2.COOH is found in the free state in lemons, limes, currants, goose- berries, cranberries, etc. It is obtained from lemons and limes for commercial purposes, and is used in medicine and for calico printing. It forms large rhombic crystals with one molecule of water of crystallization, and is soluble in water and in alcohol. On boiling with lime a tricalcium salt is precipitated. (6) MALIC ACID, HO.CH.COOH CHs.COOH 68 PLANT COMPOUNDS occurs free in unripe apples, grapes, gooseberries, and in many other fruits; as the acid potassium salt in some cherries and rhubarb; and as the acid calcium salt in mountain ash berries. It is prepared from the latter, and used to some extent in medicine. It forms deliquescent crystals, soluble in alcohol. The normal calcium salt is insoluble in alcohol. (c) OXALIC ACID, COOH I COOH is found in very many plants, frequently as the insoluble calcium salt in the form of crystals (Fig. 17, d). It occurs as the soluble acid calcium salt as well as the soluble acid potassium salt in sorrel and rhubarb. It forms monoclinic, efflorescent prisms with two molecules of water of crystal- lization. It is soluble in water and alcohol. (d) TARTARIC ACID, HO. CH. COOH I HO. CH. COOH is found as the acid potassium salt in grapes; and as the acid potassium and acid calcium salts in pineapples. When grapes are made into wine, crude acid potassium tartrate, called " argol," is precipitated in the vats. When purified it is called "cream of tartar." If it is treated with sulphuric acid and recrystallized, tartaric acid is produced. The neutral calcium salt is insoluble in water. The acid potassium salt is soluble in water but practically insoluble in alcohol. Tartaric acid crystallizes in large monoclinic prisms, soluble in water and in alcohol. The sodium potassium tartrate is Rochelle salts, and potassium antimonyl tartrate is tartar emetic, both of which are used in medicine. (e) TANNIC ACID, commonly known as tannin, is extracted from gall nuts (Section 40, i), and forms usually a light, yellowish-buff, amorphous powder or small scales, soluble in water and in alcohol, insoluble in ether, and of acid reaction. It has an astringent, sour taste, precipitates some proteins, ORGANIC ACIDS AND THEIR SALTS 09 notably gelatine (Section 216), and forms a blue-black pre- cipitate with ferric salts. Its formula is : O OH \ C O / \ OH digallic acid COOH On boiling with dilute mineral acids it hydrolyzes to two molecules of gallic acid : COOH HO k ) OH Tannic acid is used in making inks with ferric salts and as an astringent in medicine. 40. Tannins. These are a group of compounds found in various plants, and in all parts of plants, namely, roots, bark, stem, leaves, flowers, and fruit. They derive their name from the fact that they will tan hides to make leather. They are obtained by extracting the various materials with water and subsequent purification. The extracts contain in addition to the tannins soluble carbohydrates, coloring mat- ter, gums, and other water soluble materials. In fact their value for tanning frequently lies partly in the extractive material other than the tannins. Chemically they are very complex and not well known. Some of them contain digallic acid (Section 39, e)\ some contain compounds of gallic acid with dextrose, as glucosides; while others contain various acids derived from gallic acid or from protocatechuic acid, COOH OH OH 70 PLANT COMPOUNDS Their properties are about the same as those of tannic acid. The property of precipitating gelatine makes them valuable for tanning hides, and that of precipitating metallic salts, for dyeing. Their principal use is in tanning hides, in calico printing, dyeing, and making inks. The following are a few of the principal kinds of tannin- containing materials : (a) Root of CANAIGRE, a beet-like plant, growing in south- western United States, and Mexico. It contains 30 per cent, of tannin. (6) Wood of QUEBRACHO, a tree from South America, con- taining 24 per cent, of tannin; and of CATECHU or CUTCH, an Indian tree. FIG. 14. Hemlock bark and logs to be used for tanning. (Rhoads.) (c) Wood and bark of CHESTNUT, containing 8 to 12 per cent, of tannin, and of HEMLOCK, 10 to 14 per cent, of tannin. Fig. 14 shows hemlock bark and logs being collected for tanning purposes. (d) Bark of OAK, containing 5 to 15 per cent, of tannin; and of MANGROVE, a West African tree, 9 to 30 per cent, of tannin. EXERCISES 71 (e) Leaves of SUMACH, containing 15 to 30 per cent, of tannin; and of GAMBIER, an Indian shrub. (/) Fruit of Divi-Divi, a West Indian tree, containing 30 to 50 per cent, of tannin; and of MYROB ALANS, an Indian and Chinese tree, 20 to 40 per cent, of tannin. ((> 2!>. 4 12 .6 8.4 Straw .... 0.60 0.20 1. 10 IS. 6 .0 33.0 Corn: Seed .... 1.65 0.65 0. -10 46. 2 is .2 11.2 Stover .... 1.04 0.29 1. -10 20. 7 .3 35.0 Oats: Seed .... 2.00 0.80 0. GO 2.-, . 6 10 .2 7.7 Straw .... 0.60 0.20 1. 2.-> 10. 8 3 .6 22.5 Rye: Seed .... 1.70 0.85 0. r,o 19. 9 .5 6.7 Straw .... 0.50 0.30 0. 85 11. 6 .6 18.7 Wheat: Seed .... 2.00 0.85 0. ->o 21. 10 .2 6.0 Straw .... 0.50 0.15 0. (i() 10. 3 .0 12.0 Cowpea .... 3.10 1.00 1. 20 :>>7 . 2 12 .0 14.4 Soja bean 5.30 1.80 2. 00 83. 6 21 .6 24.0 Cotton seed . 3.15 1.25 1. IT, 26. 8 10 .6 9.8 Flax seed 4.35 1.60 0. <).-, 24. 4 9 .0 5.3 Apples (fmit) 0.05 0.02 0. 10 12. 5 5 .0 25.0 Blackberries (fruit) . 0.22 0.06 0. 2:5 6. 6 1 .8 6.9 Cherries (fruit pulp) 0.17 0.04. 0. 20 6. 5 1 .5 7.6 Currants (fruit) . 0.30 0.12 0. 30 12. 4 .8 12.0 Grapes (fruit) 0.15 0.07 0. 30 12 5 .6 34.0 110 CROPS TABLE III FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS (Continued) Percentage composition. Pounds per acre. N PiO 6 K 2 O N P 2 6 K,O Peaches (fruit pulp) 0.08 0.04 0.20 24.6 12.3 61.5 Pears (fruit) 0.05 0.02 0.10 15.0 6.0 30.0 Raspberries (fruit) . 0.20 0.10 0.25 6.0 3.0 7.5 Strawberries (fruit) 0.15 0.06 0.25 9.0 3.6 15.0 Alfalfa (green) . 0.60 0.15 0.50 60.0 15.0 50.0 Alsike clover (green) 0.50 0.12 0.30 25.0 6.0 15.0 Corn fodder (green) 0.41 0.15 0.33 82.0 30.0 66.0 Orchard grass (green) 0.45 0.15 0.55 18.0 6.0 22.0 Red clover (green) . 0.55 0.13 0.50 27.5 6.5 25.0 Timothy (green) 0.50 0.25 0.75 25.0 12.5 37.5 Asparagus (young shoots) 0.35 0.10 0.25 14.0 4.0 10.0 Celery .... 0.25 0.20 0.75 25.0 20.0 75.0 Rhubarb .... 0.10 0.04 0.35 20.0 8.0 70.0 Cabbage (head) 0.30 0.10 0.40 90.0 30.0 120.0 Lettuce .... 0.25 0.08 0.45 37.5 12.0 67.5 Onions .... 0.23 0.09 0.22 55.2 21.6 52.8 Spinach .... 0.50 0.15 0.25 50.0 15.0 25.0 Beets 0.25 0.10 0.50 42.0 16.8 84.0 Carrots .... 0.23 0.13 0.53 28.8 16.3 66.3 Parsnips .... 0.22 0.20 0.65 33.0 30.0 97.5 Potatoes . 0.35 0.15 0.50 42.0 18.0 60.0 Turnips .... 0.25 0.10 0.45 45.0 18.0 81.0 Cucumbers . 0.10 0.06 0.20 12.5 7.5 25.0 Squash (edible portion) 0.22 0.08 0.05 18.0 7.2 4.5 Tomatoes 0.20 0.07 0.35 48.0 16.8 84.0 Watermelons . . 0.17 0.06 0.30 40.8 14.4 72.0 m. CROP CHEMISTRY 96. Seed Crops. As a class the seeds of the seed crops are relatively low in water, about 10 per cent. During the process of seed formation the soluble sugars are transported to the seed where dehydration takes place in the deposition of starch. This extra water is eliminated during the drying or curing of seeds. The same change of hydrolyzed com- pounds to dehydrated compounds takes place in the case of proteins (Section 73). The leaves and stems of seed crops are also low in water inasmuch as they have dried out and are practically dead before they are harvested. The seeds are low in ash, much lower than any other part of the plant. Considered from the standpoint of plant economy the seeds need very little of the mineral elements. Food for the seedling is ready made in the seed, only needing CROP CHEMISTRY 111 solution to make it immediately available. By the time the seedling rises into the light where it can begin the manufacture of food, the roots have begun to absorb from the soil necessary quantities of inorganic elements for the synthetic processes. Straw and stover, on the other hand, are high in ash which consists largely of the unessential element silicon together with lime and potash. The stems and leaves, it will be remembered (Section 87), are the seat of synthetic processes requiring the help of mineral elements. Compared to other crops, seeds are high in crude protein, crude fat and nitrogen-free extract, or carbohydrates, as would be expected, since these are the stored foods for the next generation. The carbohydrates are chiefly starch. Straw and stover, on the other hand, are very high in crude fiber, which goes to make cell walls and strengthening fibers, not living matter. (a) GRAINS. Considering the grains separately, it is to be noted that barley seed is of importance chiefly for its nitrogen-free extract starch and the very active starch splitting enzyme, diastase, which is produced on germination. These are made use of in the malting of barley and the sub- sequent "mashing." Barley grains are soaked in water and allowed to germinate. This results in the evolution of heat (Section 43) and the production of diastase in large quantities. All seeds during germination produce diastase of some kind to dissolve the starch (Section 47), but barley diastase is particularly active. When the sprouts have well started they are killed by heat and removed, appearing on the market as "malt sprouts," a feeding stuff. The barley grains, now called malt, are still very rich in starch but have in addition quantities of diastase. The malt is next heated with water when the diastase converts the starch to maltose, a process called mashing. Diastase can act on the starch of other grains as well as on that of barley, and in brewing it is used for the hydrolysis of large amounts of corn starch. The maltose is removed in solution, and fermented with yeast, producing beer. The grain that is left behind is sold as "brewers' grains" for feeding purposes. The presence of much protein in the seed interferes with the malting process. 112 CROPS Corn seed is rich in starch and fat. The starch is used as such, or converted into glucose (Section 3). The fat is extracted and forms corn oil (Section 20, 6). Sweet corn contains a considerable portion of its carbohydrate in the form of sucrose. Corn is low in ash. Oat seed is higher in crude fiber and ash than the other grain seeds due to its very considerable hull. It is corre- spondingly lower in digestible carbohydrates. The proportion of fat is also high, being equalled only by that of corn. Rye seed has a relatively low protein content like corn seed, and is low in fat like barley. FIG. 25. Seed crop: Wheat. Agronomy Department, Pennsylvania Station. Wheat seed (Fig. 25) has no particularly noticeable con- stituent as far as percentage goes. Its starch is the chief constituent of flour and one of its proteins deserves particular mention in this connection. It is a protein called gliadin, to which wheat flour owes its stickiness or tenacity when mixed with water, and on which the baking qualities depend, serving to keep the baked loaf light. Carbon dioxide formed by the yeast puffs out the sticky mass into many minute cells, the CROP CHEMISTRY 113 gliadin giving tenacity to the cell walls. If it were not for the gliadin the mass would be solid and hard. This is the case with flour from other grain seeds containing no gliadin, ' " -' *' . .. ':..* /< >. V -v"' .v . .'( . .:.- : - ( >VU H-/4' ' \ " * . l > vW> . .-. .-, /-r/-O. '- ; ^ $*X.* ' -- - :V : V--. ; '. ^;:-:..- by <* >:;$- -i^V ! - '-.-: * * :<^..^:- ? ::V.-.^N^V av;.v--v ;>'Vy-{*|*St. - KS^ii^; .>..- *- /_ ; 114 CROPS or at least not enough to give good baking quality to bread made from them. The straws from these grains are not as a class very digestible, except possibly barley and oats. The ash is high in silica and potash. (6) LEGUMES. These seeds are particularly high in protein and correspondingly low in carbohydrates. The soja bean contains considerable fat. (c) MISCELLANEOUS. CottonSeedandFlaxSeed(ig. 26)are very high in fat and are used for the oil which can be expressed from them (Section 20, c and d). The press cake is used as a feeding stuff and fertilizer on account of its high nitrogen content. These seeds are also high in fiber and very low in carbohydrates. 97. Fruit Crops (Fig. 27). These crops are remarkable for the extremely large amounts of water which they contain. A pound of peach pulp or of strawberries, for example, contains more water than a pound (approximately pint) of milk. It is this water content which makes fruit such a valuable addition to the ordinary forms of food. The dry matter of fruits contains, in some cases about as much protein as the grains, in most cases more crude fiber, in many cases more nitrogen-free extract. When the fruit is green, the nitrogen-free extract consists largely of starch, which is converted to such soluble sugars as sucrose and dextrose during ripening. There are also present in the nitrogen-free extract some acids or acid salts. Certain volatile flavoring oils are included in the crude fat. The ash of fruits is very largely basic in character and this makes fruit very valuable as a food. Potash is an important constituent, being neces- sary for the ripening process. 98. Stem and Leaf Crops. These crops when green are high in water which is largely eliminated during the curing process (Section 100). The dry matter of these crops is high in ash and crude fiber, but low in nitrogen-free extract and fat. They are not so high in crude fiber as the straws of the grains, partly because they are cut before so much of the starch and other digestible carbohydrates are changed to crude fiber. The ash is rich in lime and potash, but not much CROP CHEMISTRY 115 silica is present. The changes that take place during the cur- ing process, or haymaking, are discussed later (Section 100). FIG. 27. Fruit crop: Apples. 99. Vegetable Crops. These crops, like the fruits, are very high in water. (a) STEM VEGETABLES as a class are the highest in water content of all the crops, over 94 per cent. Of the dry matter, 116 CROPS nitrogen-free extract is the largest in amount, although compared to the grain seeds this constituent is smaller; ash, protein, fiber, and fat all being larger in amount. It is the bases in the ash which make the vegetables an important class of foods. (6) LEAF VEGETABLES (Fig. 28). These do not differ much in composition from the stem vegetables. Stems and leaves have been classed together in the other crops. FIG. 28. Leaf vegetable crop: Cabbages. Horticultural Department, Pennsylvania Station. (c) ROOT VEGETABLES (Fig. 29). Of these the beets are noted for their sugar content, especially the sugar beet which runs about 15 per cent, sucrose. Potatoes are much the highest in nitrogen-free extract of any of the vegetables, and this is mostly starch. (d) FRUIT VEGETABLES. As would be expected these run lower in ash than the other vegetables, although on a dry basis this constituent is higher than it is in grain seeds. The ash is largely potash. Crude fiber is less, fat is higher. 100. Hay. Stem and leaf crops, or fodder crops as they are customarily called, do not keep well unless cured or preserved in some way. One of the common methods is to make hay out of them. The usual hay crops are timothy and clover, although many other grasses and legumes, par- CROP CHEMISTRY 117 ticularly alfalfa (Fig. 30), are grown for this purpose. What- ever the crop, the principle is the same, namely, to cut the crop when it is in the best condition for making a valuable hay, and to dry it or cure it. FIQ. 29. Root vegetable crop: Potatoes. 101. Chemical Changes in Making Hay. As noted in Table I, the fodder crops range in moisture content from 60 to 80 per cent., whereas hay runs from 8 to 15 per cent., except in the case of cured corn fodder which contains 118 CROPS 42 per cent, of water. In addition to a mere desiccation of the crop there are changes which take place in the various constituents. Table IV gives the changes that take place FIG. 30. Hay crop: Alfalfa. Agronomy Department, Pennsylvania Station. TABLE IV. CHANGES IN COMPOSITION DURING HAYMAKING (Calculated to Dry Basis) Alfalfa: Green Hay . . Alsike clover: Green Hay . . Corn fodder: Green Cured Orchard grass: Green Hay . . Red clover: Green Hay . . Timothy: Green Hay . . Ash. 9.6 8.1 7.8 9.3 5.6 4.7 7.4 6.7 7.2 7.3 Crude protein. 17.0 15.6 15.3 14.2 9.6 9.0 15.3 14.5 Crude fiber. 26.3 27.3 29.2 28.4 24.1 24.7 30.4 36.0 27.8 29.1 Nitrogen- free extract. 43.6 46.6 44.0 44.9 58.9 60.1 49.3 45.4 45.8 45.2 Crude fat. 3.5 2.4 3.7 3.2 2.6 2.8 3.3 2.9 3.9 3.9 CROP CHEMISTRY 119 during the making of hay from alfalfa, alsike and red clovers, orchard grass and timothy, and in the curing of corn fodder. The figures are all reduced to the dry basis so that they may be compared. It is to be noted that a loss occurs uniformly in the crude protein content, in nearly every crop in ash and crude fat, whereas there is little change in the nitrogen- free extract, and an increase in the crude fiber in nearly every instance. The drying of the crop is of the greatest importance in haymaking, for the presence of large quantities of water will promote the activities of fermentative bacteria, that is, the hay will rot. This rotting is in large measure an oxidation process caused by the action of bacteria. Moisture is necessary for the life of the bacteria, and changes take place which render the hay unfit for use as food. This bacterial oxidation sometimes raises the temperature considerably, occurring when the stack is not ventilated sufficiently, and the heat is not conducted away. Moreover, too moist hay encourages the growth of molds which destroy the value of a hay as food. During the drying process some changes take place, probably of an enzyme nature, whereby compounds like volatile oils develop, thus giving flavor and palatability to the hay. This process undoubtedly continues to some extent in the mow or stack. The time of cutting hay is of importance. It must be remembered that the stems and leaves are the valuable portion. They should be harvested when they contain as much valuable digestible constituents as possible, and yet give as great a yield as is consistent with the other factors. In the later stages of growth the proteins, fats, and carbo- hydrates are moved to the seed. The stems and leaves are exhausted of these constituents and at the same time are provided with more cell wall material or crude fiber. The seeds of grasses and of. the hay legumes are very small and are easily shaken off when dry. In this way there would be lost the most valuable part of the food, were the hay to be made from mature crops. Again, jn^ such crops as alfalfa most of the protein is in 120 CROPS the leaves. If the plant matures before cutting, the leaves become brittle and are easily knocked off, and in this way protein is lost. Also as a plant grows older, and the seeds form, the ash elements which are of value to stock are gradu- ally lost from the plant, largely by being exuded on the surface of the leaves and washed off by rains. In addition, the older a fodder crop gets, particularly timothy, the less protein and fat, and the more crude fiber and nitrogen-free extract there are in the dry material (See Table V). TABLE V. CHANGES IN THE COMPOSITION OF TIMOTHY DURING GROWTH (Pounds in 100 of Dry Matter) Nitrogen- Crude Crude free Crude Ash. protein. fiber. extract. fat. Before bloom, headed ... 7.7 11.3 26.3 50.9 3.8 In full bloom . . 5.7 7.9 29.9 53.6 2.9 Just after bloom . 5.7 7.1 30.9 53.2 3.1 In seed, nearly ripe 5.7 6.6 30.7 54.2 2.8 If cut too early, on the other hand, the crop will be too small and not a maximum amount of inorganic material will have been absorbed by the plant. In fact all of the constituents will be small in amount. Although the time of cutting hay will vary with the crop and the purpose to which it is to be put, and will also depend somewhat on weather and other conditions, the proper time, in general, to cut hay crops is when they are beginning to bloom. Later, of course, a larger yield will be obtained but the quality will not be as good, and the palatability and color will not be as desirable. The proper methods of curing and storing hay are not to be considered in a work of this kind, but there is one practice which should be mentioned here. Some farmers have a habit of mixing salt or lime with the hay in stacking, with the idea of preserving it, especially if it has been neces- sary to stack the hay a little wetter than usual. Salt and lime may prevent the action of bacteria and fungi to some extent, although no definite information is available. Cer- tainly stock like salted hay, but that is on account of the CROP CHEMISTRY 121 salt. Lime, on the other hand, does not improve the taste of the hay. The value of either of these materials as a preservative is very questionable. 102. Silage. Inasmuch as haymaking is in large measure a drying process the resulting material is dry, and for general feeding purposes a certain amount of more succulent food is desirable. Silage answers this purpose. It is usually made from corn, but sometimes mixtures of corn and cow- peas, corn and soja beans, oats and vetch are employed. Those crops which do not field cure or dry readily are best employed for silage. Corn is particularly well adapted for this purpose because of its succulence and also because it is an economical crop to use, for the more mature it becomes the better is its composition from a feeding point of view. Hay, on the other hand (Section 101), becomes less digestible, containing less ash, protein, and fat, and more crude fiber. The corn crop not only increases in weight with maturity, but also improves in quality, containing more crude fat and nitrogen-free extract, much less crude fiber, and not very much less ash and crude protein (See Table VI). The TABLE VI. CHANGES IN THE COMPOSITION OF CORN DURING GROWTH (Pounds in 100 of Dry Matter) Nitrogen- Crude Crude free Crude Date of harvest. Ash. protein. fiber. extract. fat. Aug. 15, ears beginning to form . 9.31 14.94 26.47 46.63 2.65 Aug. 28, a few roasting ears . .6.51 11.71 23.31 55.49 2.98 Sept. 4, all roasting ears . . . 6.19 11.36 19.69 59.74 3.02 Sept. 12, some ears glazing . . 5.57 9.58 19.33 62.59 2.93 Sept. 21, all ears glazed . . . 5.92 9.23 18.59 63.30 2.96 material for silage is cut fine and packed tightly in an air- tight receptacle, called a silo (Figs. 31 and 74). The object is to keep the material away from the air as much as possible. Since it is a moist material the presence of air will hasten bacterial action and cause putrefaction. 103. Chemical Changes in Silage Making. Decomposition occurs to some extent. Some of the sugars, usually dextrose in corn, are fermented by yeasts to alcohol, and the alcohol is changed by acetic bacteria to acetic acid. Lactic bacteria 122 CROPS convert part of the sugar into lactic acid. There are also small amounts of butyric and some other acids formed, the total acidity amounting to not more than 2 per cent, nor usually less than 1 per cent. It is sometimes stated that these acid changes are due not to bacteria but to intermolecular respiration in the plant cells. Whether caused by bacteria or intermolecular respiration, the accumulation of acid stops the process, thus accounting for the maxmium of 2 per cent. acid. FIG. 31. Silos. In addition to these changes there is also a loss of protein and a formation of amides, possibly due to enzyme changes analogous to the usual hydrolytic changes of protein within the plant. Moreoever, some nitrogenous material decomposes to ammonia, which forms salts with the acids present. Crude fiber is softened and made more digestible, being partly hydrolyzed in all probability. Other compounds in the nature of volatile oils are formed, which add to the palata- bility of the material. There is also a complete decomposition of some of the organic material. There is oxidation to carbon dioxide and water, either by bacteria or oxidases, resulting in a loss of dry matter amounting to 10 or 15 per cent. REFERENCES 123 EXERCISES 1. Why is dried material extracted in a crude fat determination? Why is alcohol-free ether used in this determination? What substances does the ether extract? 2. List all the types of substances that are found in plants. In which of the six groups of the Weende method does each fall? 3. Compare the analyses of seed and straw of barley by the Weende method. To what extent are these figures relatively as you would expect them to be from your former knowledge, and why? Compare wheat, straw and potatoes in the same way. 4. Would a crop containing more crude protein than nitrogen-free extract be a better crop to feed for energy production than one containing more of the latter than of the former and why? Substitute crude fiber for crude protein in the above question and then answer it. 5. Explain why calcium and potassium are so necessary for alfalfa and red clover. 6. Given a rotation of corn, oats and hay (timothy and red clover), tell which crops would remove nitrogen and phosphorus and but little potassium, also which crops would remove potassium and but little nitrogen and phosphorus. 7. How many samples must be weighed out in order to make a Weende determination? 8. State whether plant food applied to the following crops should be com paratively high in N, PjOs, or KjO: Potatoes, corn and strawberries. Consider these plant foods functionally and then state whether or not the figures found are what you would expect them to be. (See Table 111.) 9. State why or why not you would expect seeds to be low in ash. 10. Cucumbers contain 95.4 per cent, water. Explain why they are not easily crushed. 1 1 . Write equations for the chemical changes that take place in hay mak- ing and silage production. Why cannot equations be written for all of these changes? REFERENCES Conn., Storrs, Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. 70. Silage Fermentation. Farmers' Bui. No. 578, U. S. Dept. Agr. Making and Feeding of Silage. Halligan. Elementary Treatise on Stock Feeds and Feeding. Kans. Bui. 155. Alfalfa. Kans. Bui. 175. Grasses. Office of Experiment Stations, Appendix Bui. 15, U. S. Dept. Agr. Com- position of Various Crops. Office of Experiment Stations, Bui. 28, U. S. Dept. Agr. Chemical Com- position of American Food Materials. Van Slyke. Fertilizers and Crops. PART II FACTORS IN PLANT GROWTH CHAPTER V THE AIR OF all the factors which influence plant growth, there is one over which the farmer has no control and yet one which is absolutely necessary to the life of both plants and animals. This factor is the air. It is important not only because it supplies plants and animals with certain essential elements, but also because its constituents and the changes in these constituents cause variations in climate. Moreover, the air and its constituents have a very considerable effect on the formation and decomposition of soils. It is, in short, of such vital importance to the farmer that a short discussion of its properties and constituents is advisable at this point. 104. Height of the Air. If the air were of the same density throughout it would extend away from the earth for five or six miles, but since its density becomes less as the distance from the earth increases, it has been estimated that our planet is enclosed within a gaseous envelope about 200 miles thick. 105. Pressure or Weight of the Air. At sea level, and at C. the air exerts normally a pressure or weight of 1033 grams per square centimeter. This is 14.7 pounds per square inch or 46,100 tons per acre. The pressure diminishes with the altitude. At an elevation of about 18,000 feet the pressure is one-half that at sea-level, and at 36,000 feet about one-fourth. Since the average farm is not at sea- level it would be reasonable, then, to say that the weight of (125) 126 THE AIR the air on each acre is in round numbers 45,000 tons. The pressure or weight of the air, however, is never constant; it varies from day to day, from season to season, and from latitude to latitude. It is lower, for example, at the poles and at the equator than it is between these two latitudes. 106. Properties of the Air. The air is usually a trans- parent, colorless, odorless, mechanical mixture of gases, vapor, and solids, the latter existing in exceedingly fine particles. 1000 cc. of air weigh 1.293 grams. By cooling and pressure it can be condensed to a bluish, mobile liquid, whose boiling point is about 195 C. Its specific gravity is 0.9. There exist in it particles of ice from frozen water, and solid carbon dioxide. These can be removed by filtration. 107. Water Vapor. Ordinary air contains varying amounts of water vapor, on the average about 1.3 per cent, by volume or 0.84 per cent, by weight. There is a limit to the amount of water vapor that the air will retain. When that limit is reached water is condensed to drops and we have rain, or snow if it is cold enough to freeze the drops. The higher the temperature the more water vapor can be held by the air. For instance, at C., 1 cubic meter of air will hold 4.8 grams, whereas at 20 C., "ordinary room temperature," 1 cubic meter will hold 17.1 grams. When the air is saturated at any given temperature, a lowering in the temperature will result in precipitation. A glass of ice water " sweats," that is, moisture is condensed from the surrounding air by a lowering of the temperature below which the moisture can be retained. That temperature at which air begins to deposit water is called the dew point and, of course, will vary with the amount of water vapor present in the air. Dew is deposited at night when objects are cooled off by radiation to such an extent that their temperature is below the dew point of the surrounding air. 108. Temperature of the Air. The presence of water vapor in the air modifies the temperature to a very great extent. Perfectly dry air absorbs practically no heat from the sun's rays. They pass through and warm up the earth. And in the same way at night, heat radiates from the earth, passing through dry air with but little absorption. In the COMPOSITION OF THE AIR 127 dry regions of western United States, the days are very hot. The sun's heat rays pass through the air unchecked. At night, on the other hand, it is very cool, because the heat has radiated away again. Water vappr and particles of dust in the air absorb the heat. A cloud blanket does not permit of radiation from the earth, nor does it permit much heat to pass through to the earth. On a cloudy night there is not so much danger of frost as on a clear night, since the heat is not radiated off into space so rapidly. Air is warmed by contact with its own water vapor, or with the earth. When a surface of water is evaporating heat is being absorbed; when water vapor condenses heat is liberated. The specific heat of water is 1, whereas air is only 0.240, and the weight of a given volume of air is ^-^ of the weight of an equal volume of water. Thus when a large body of water warms up one degree and evaporation takes place, a volume of surrounding air equal to 3200 times the volume of the body of water is cooled down one degree. And, conversely, when a body of water cools down one degree, the surrounding air to the extent of 3200 tunes the volume of water is warmed up one degree. This accounts for the modifying effect of large bodies of water on the climate of nearby land. This accounts, also, for the mild climate of western Europe which is washed by the warm Gulf Stream. 109. Composition of the Air. The constituents of the air other than water vapor, which is exceedingly variable, are arranged in Table VII in the order of their amounts : TABLE VII. ATMOSPHERIC CONSTITUENTS Per cent. Per cent. Constituents. by volume. by weight. Nitrogen . 78.03 75.51 Oxygen Argon Carbon dioxide Hydrogen .... Compounds of nitrogen Bacteria .... Dust, etc 20.99 23.14 0.94 1.29 0.03 0.05 0.01 0.001 Trace Trace To give a striking illustration of the different amounts of the constituents of the air, a slight modification of Graham's 128 THE AIR suggestion is interesting. If the air is imagined to be sepa- rated into its several parts and these to be arranged around the earth in the order of their specific gravities, water vapor being condensed, there would be first a layer of water five inches thick, then thirteen feet of carbon dioxide, next ninety yards of argon, then a mile of oxygen, and finally four miles of nitrogen, with possibly three or four feet of hydrogen on top. (a) NITROGEN. The amount of nitrogen in the air varies but little. It is the most constant of all the constituents. It is a very inert gas, uniting with other elements only at high temperatures. It acts in the air in part as a diluent, rendering the activity of oxygen less energetic. It is the ultimate source of all nitrogenous compounds. The means by which it has been made to combine with other elements is bacterial in nature (see Section 125). By these means it is removed from the air, but is returned in small measure in the free state by the decomposition of nitrogenous organic matter, and by the burning of all kinds of fuel or other or- ganic material containing nitrogen. The ordinary com- bustion of one ton of coal releases from one to five pounds of nitrogen. (6) OXYGEN. This constituent, although fairly constant in amount, has been known to vary from 20.53 per cent, by volume to 21.03 per cent. Since a man consumes about 600 liters of oxygen in a day, and a ton of coal in burning consumes about 1,500,000 liters, it can easily be seen that the air of cities, which are densely populated and where much manufacturing is carried on, has a lower percentage of oxygen than the open country. And this is further empha- sized by the fact that the country is where large numbers of growing plants are to be found, and in photosynthesis oxygen is given off by plants. Oxygen, as has been noted in Chapters II and III, is necessary for the germination of the seed and the growth of the plant. It is, moreover, absolutely necessary for the life of man and other animals. (c) CARBON DIOXIDE. Of the important constituents of the air, carbon dioxide is the smallest in amount and the most variable, with the exception of water vapor. Although normal, pure air contains about 0.03 per cent, by volume, COMPOSITION OF THE AIR 129 city air contains 0.05 to 0.07 per cent.> and the carbon dioxide in the air of crowded auditoriums may rise to 0.5 per cent. At night the amount of carbon dioxide is greater than during the day, because of the inactivity of plants in the dark. Since one man exhales about 550 liters of carbon dioxide daily, and a ton of coal gives off in burning about 1,500,000 liters of carbon dioxide, it is easy to account for the higher pro- portion of carbon dioxide in the air of cities. In the country where there are many plants and a large area of leaf surface absorbing carbon dioxide, the amount is naturally less (see Frontispiece). An acre of corn, for example, at the height of the growing season would absorb about 10,000 liters of carbon dioxide per day, and it has been estimated that an acre of forest uses up about 6000 liters per day. In addition to these compensatory changes in the amount of carbon dioxide in the air there are volumes poured into the air by some volcanoes and other openings in the earth. The decay of organic matter causes evolution of carbon dioxide; the weathering of rocks on the other hand uses up some carbon dioxide (Section 128). The amounts of carbon dioxide absorbed do not balance the amounts given off into the air. The ocean apparently acts as a regulator of the amount. When there is any increase in the percentage of carbon dioxide in the air this naturally increases the pressure of carbon dioxide on the surface of the water and some is dissolved and changed to bicarbonate of calcium. On the other hand a diminution in the amount causes a lowering in the pressure and some bicarbonate of calcium changes to carbonate again and releases carbon dioxide. In this way there is maintained a fairly uniform amount of carbon dioxide in the air. (d) ARGON AND HYDROGEN. Argon is one of the so-called rare elements. It has no agricultural bearing, and is so inert that it will unite with no other element. In fact its name means that it will not work. In addition there are several other rare gases existing in much smaller amounts, but none of them is of any importance. Hydrogen, also, although present in the air in fairly constant quantities, is of no agricultural value and need not be considered. 9 130 THE AIR (e) COMPOUNDS OF NITROGEN. These compounds are of importance as far as they go, but the amount present is very small. They are principally oxides of nitrogen and am- monia, occurring usually, perhaps, as nitrous and nitric acids and ammonium nitrite, nitrate, carbonate, or sulphate. The oxides of nitrogen are formed from oxygen and nitrogen by lightning discharges. The intense heat in the immediate vicinity of the electric spark causes a very small part of these gases to unite. Ammonia is formed by the decomposi- tion of organic matter, although free nitrogen is formed under some conditions (Section 124). These compounds of nitrogen can be used very well by plants after some changes in the soil, but the amount is hardly worth considering ordinarily. On the average there are about three pounds of nitrogen brought to the surface of an acre in a year by rain and snow. Occasionally this may amount to ten pounds, but very rarely. (/) BACTERIA. The solid particles of the air, besides the nitrate, carbonate, and sulphate of ammonium mentioned above, consist of bacteria and dust. Bacteria exist in count- less numbers in the air, invisible, but nevertheless of great importance, sometimes beneficial, sometimes harmful. The bacteria which aid in decomposing organic matter in the soil and in making nitrogen available are all carried in the air and help the farmer very materially. Moreover, the germs of many diseases are carried through the air and work considerable harm. One proof of the presence of bacteria in the air is to be found in the fact that if perfectly sterile milk is exposed to the air for any length of time it will sour, due to the lactic acid bacteria being carried to it by the air. (g) DUST. Fine particles of dust are everywhere present in the air, and consist of minute particles of organic matter, bits of cotton, pieces of hair, and fragments of minerals. There may also be pollen from flowers, and spores of fungi. These particles of dust form nuclei for the precipitation of water vapor and hence cause the formation of fog and clouds. Dustless air would contain no fog. (h) SULPHUR DIOXIDE is of very serious consequence in some places. In the western part of the United States where REFERENCES 131 smelters have been erected for the treatment of sulphide ores, large volumes of sulphur dioxide are discharged into the air during the roasting of the sulphides. This has a very harmful effect on vegetation and has led to legislative action in a number of states. Not only does the gas itself harm vegetation, but its solution in rain water as sulphurous acid is poisonous. In large cities where much soft coal is burned sulphur dioxide is present in the air and this accounts in part for the weak, sickly appearance of trees and grass in such centers of industrv. EXERCISES 1. List the components of air. State the processes by which each com- ponent serves in a beneficial or harmful way to agriculture, and how. 2. Explain why the temperature on the shores of the Great Lakes is more constant than 150 miles inland. 3. Is moist or dry air the heavier? Why? What instrument in common use can detect the difference? 4. Why is the farmer more uncomfortable while making hay on a moist day than on a dry day of the same temperature? 5. Why are thunderstorms of any value to agriculture? 6. From what sources are the principal components of the air continually derived? By what means are they removed? Why is the composition of the air so nearly constant all over the earth? 7. What would be the result of making your animals work in an atmos- phere whose nitrogen content was materially lessened? 8. Why is the farmer's wife at preserving time so very careful not to get any unheated air into her preserves? 9. Why will freshly drawn milk spoil more quickly when kept exposed to the atmosphere than when kept in sealed containers? REFERENCES McPherson and Henderson. General Chemistry. Newth. Inorganic Chemistry. Smith. General Chemistry for Colleges. Any other good text-book on general chemistry. CHAPTER VI THE SOIL: ORGANIC MATTER THAT portion of the earth's crust which can support vegetation, or can raise crops, is what the farmer terms the soil. That loose mass of particles derived from rock dis- integration and decay, and which covers most of the land portion of the globe is the way the geologist defines the soil. These definitions for the most part describe the same mate- rial but geological soil is not always agricultural soil, for not all loose rock particles will raise crops, and hence to the farmer are not soil. 110. Composition of Soil. Soil agriculturally is composed of fine and coarse particles of rock in all stages of decompo- sition, of organic matter derived from decayed or decaying plants and animals, of water, of bacteria, fungi, and other forms of life, and of gases. 111. Function of the Soil. Soil serves not only as an anchorage for plants, where they can spread out their roots and maintain a position which will enable them to absorb the sun's rays to the best advantage, but also serves as the source of most of those elements which are essential to the plant's growth. A perfect soil is one which maintains a reserve supply of insoluble food material that cannot be washed away; which produces enough soluble material to feed the growing crop; which is so constructed that it can supply sufficient water to the crop; which is capable of main- taining the right temperature or of warming up quickly in the spring; and which has a structure that permits of proper root movement. 112. Soil Study. The study of the movements of water in the soil, of its holding capacity for water, of the arrange- ment of soil clusters, of the size of ultimate particles, of the relations of soils to heat, and of the various methods of (132) ORGANIC MATTER 133 working the soil, are all important factors for the farmer to consider, but do not come within the scope of agricultural chemistry. The study of the important compounds in the soil and the changes which take place in them; in other words the chemical reactions and their causes, which directly or indirectly affect the growth of crops, do, however, com- prise soil chemistry. The food of plants, from what derived, how made soluble, how retained in the soil or made insoluble, are particular points to be considered. Plant food is derived from the rock particles and from the organic matter. Soil moisture, organic matter, bacteria, fungi, and gases are factors influencing the changes taking place in plant food. The mineral particles, and the organic matter to a small extent, supply the compounds containing phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, calcium, magnesium, and iron. The organic matter is the source of nitrogen. In taking up the subject of plant food in soils it seems best to discuss first the organic matter which has been very truthfully called the life of the soil. It is probably the most important single factor in making plant food soluble, except of course water, the solvent medium itself. 113. Organic Matter. The soil is separated horizontally into two portions as .it lies in the field : First, the surface soil, or sometimes called merely soil, and second, subsoil. For certain purposes, such as the scientific study of soils in comparing types, it is advisable to arbitrarily assume that the surface six, eight, or ten inches shall be the surface soil, and all below that shall be the subsoil, but the natural division lies at the place where the color of the soil changes, frequently very abruptly, almost always very distinctly, from dark to light (Fig. 32). This depth varies in different soils, sometimes lying only a few inches below the surface of the land, sometimes lying several feet below. It is in this dark soil that crops can grow best. It frequently happens that when a light colored subsoil is turned up, crops will not grow. This may be due to several causes, but one of them at least is the absence of organic matter which gives the dark color to surface soil. Organic matter in the soil is composed of particles of roots, leaves, bark and other 134 THE SOIL: ORGANIC MATTER plant debris, and fragments of animals, insects, and worms, in all stages of decomposition, ranging from their original condition and easily recognizable, down to the unrecognizable pieces and the amorphous, waxy coating on soil grains. The whole mass of soil material, which at one time or another was a part of living organisms, is called organic matter. Organic matter in the process of decomposition, which is changing continually and breaking down into new compounds, may be called active organic matter. That particular part of it FIG. 32. Soil and subsoil, showing dark color due to organic matter. (Weir.) which is much more decomposed, which has lost all resem- blance to living matter, and which is indistinguishable among the soil grains, except that it gives the dark color to them, may be called inactive organic matter or humus. 114. Bacteria. As soon as a portion of a living organism dies, whether it be a leaf, or bit of bark, or 1 mass of roots, it is at once attacked by bacteria which are everywhere present in the soil. Inasmuch as bacteria are of such vital impor- tance to agriculture, both beneficially and otherwise, a brief description of them is desirable. BACTERIA 135 Bacteria are one-celled plants which are composed of cell walls of protein not cellulose cell contents or proto- plasm and enzymes, but no nucleus. They are very much like any of the simple cells in crop plants except for the absence of nuclei. These bacterial cells require soluble material which can diffuse through their walls and from which can be built up the various components of the cell wall and contents. They are thus permitted to reproduce themselves by subdivision. The cells are small, about 1 micron (0.001 mm.) in diameter, or even smaller. Some bacteria are more or less spherical, others are rod-shaped, perhaps two or three times as long as they are wide, and some of them are spiral- shaped. They consist of about 85 per cent, of water, and of the dry matter some 8 per cent, is composed of inorganic compounds. The rest is fat, carbohydrate, and protein material largely, very much like the cell contents of any plant. Bacteria contain no chlorophyl, hence do not make their organic food by means of the energy derived from the sun's rays. The energy they use in synthesizing compounds is derived by oxidation of various compounds, with or without the aid of free oxygen, or by intermolecular decomposition, which releases energy. Many bacteria, like crop plants, oxidize organic compounds to carbon dioxide and water. Some oxidize nitrogen, sulphur, iron, and other inorganic elements (considering nitrogen an inorganic element) to nitrites and nitrates, sulphuric acid, and ferric oxide. In this way they derive energy. Others reduce highly oxidized compounds like nitrates and sulphates, using the oxygen thus derived to oxidize other compounds. And still others merely decompose compounds without any oxidation, deriv- ing such energy, for example, as is released when dextrose is changed to lactic acid. . The material which bacteria use as food for tissue-forming purposes is largely organic in nature, although there are some bacteria which live without any organic matter that is, they use inorganic compounds entirely from which to make their cell substance. The organic material that is most frequently used is composed of the various carbohydrates, 136 THE SOIL: ORGANIC MATTER fats, and proteins of animal and plant origin. Those compounds which are insoluble are rendered soluble by the excretion of enzymes which acts hydrolytically usually, to dissolve the compound. The soluble substance then diffuses into the bacterial cell where further transformations take place. Since enzymes act independently of the living cell which produces them, they frequently form sufficient material to kill, or at least to stop the activities of the bacteria as well as of themselves. This is true of acid- and alcohol-forming enzymes in particular. If the acid can be neutralized as fast as it is formed, or if the alcohol is further changed, the production of acid and alcohol will not cease. Some bacteria use oxygen, while some do not. This fact goes one step further in that many of the oxygen-using, or aerobic bacteria, can not live at all in the absence of oxygen or air, and in that many of those which do not use oxygen, or anaerobic bacteria, cannot live in the presence of free oxygen or air. 115. Decomposition of Organic Matter. In the soil, as was stated above, are very many bacteria of all kinds. Furthermore, the conditions under which they live are very different, depending on the physical condition of the soil and on the kind of organic matter from which they derive nourishment. The principal difference, however, is the presence or absence of air. In a soil that is fairly open and aerated there are different products formed from those in a water-logged or non-aerated soil. It is not easy, however, to classify organic decomposition on this basis, for soils vary gradually all the way from those containing no air at all, like swampy lands under water, to those which are very thoroughly penetrated by the air, like loose, sandy lands. In a general way the products of decomposition can be classified into two groups: First, those developed under aerobic conditions; and second, those developed under anaerobic conditions. Under aerobic conditions there will be produced large quantities of carbon dioxide and water, mineral salts (set free by oxidation of organic matter con- taining inorganic elements), and nitrates, but not much humus (Section 117). Under anaerobic conditions there FACTORS AFFECTING RATE OF DECOMPOSITION 137 will be produced small amounts of carbon dioxide and water, considerable humus, and in addition methane and hydrogen sulphide. In both cases there will be varying amounts of organic acids, alcohols, higher hydrocarbons, waxes, etc. The classification holds only in a general way. Of course, where there is an excess of air, organic matter is largely oxidized to carbon dioxide, water, residual inorganic salts, and nitrates. As the amount of air available to the bacteria becomes less, oxidation to carbon dioxide, water, nitrates, and mineral salts, materially lessens. More acids and alcohols form, as well as more of that black, amorphous product called humus. As the air supply continues to decrease, less and less carbon dioxide and water are produced, although their formation never ceases entirely, for intermolecular oxidation sets free small quantities. The production of nitrates practically ceases in the absence of air, and products that result from reduction, like methane and hydrogen sulphide, begin to form. The reduction of one compound is accompanied by a simultaneous oxidation of another com- pound and the production of energy. Considerably more acids, alcohols, and waxes are formed, since intermolecular decomposition results in the formation of these compounds rather than of the completely oxidized forms. At the same time there is produced more and more of this curious, amorphous mixture called humus. In soils which are absolutely anaerobic, however, little humus is formed. In fact under conditions where no air at all is present decom- position is very slow. Organic matter is maintained in a fairly well preserved condition. In peat bogs, for example, the structure of the original plants, sphagnum moss in many cases, is not destroyed. The bacteria exist in soils for the most part in the upper eight to ten inches, just under the surface. There are very few on top of the ground, for direct sunlight kills most bacteria. 116. Factors Affecting the Rate of Decomposition. The extent to which decomposition of organic matter will take place theoretically agrees with the above classification, but the amount or rate of decomposition depends on two prin- 138 THE SOIL: ORGANIC MATTER cipal factors: First, the number of bacteria present; and second, the kind of living matter undergoing decomposition. (a) NUMBER OF BACTERIA IN SOILS. As to the number of bacteria in soils, it will vary between very wide limits. When "number of bacteria" is mentioned it means the number of colonies of bacteria that can be cultivated from a given amount of soil in an artificial nutrient solution and subsequently counted. The supposition is that each colony is developed from a single bacterium. The numbers vary from 100,000 to 50,000,000 or even 100,000,000 per gram of soil. The average cultivated land probably contains several million per gram. The more bacteria present, the more decomposition takes place and hence a greater pro- duction of those various compounds mentioned above, namely, carbon dioxide, water, mineral salts, and nitrogenous compounds, but ordinarily less humus. The number of bacteria is dependent on several factors, the principal ones being: Temperature, moisture, food, and reaction of the soil, whether acid or alkaline. (1) Temperature. Bacteria thrive best between 15 and 25 C., although they do live from about to 40 C. Near bacterial life is inactive although not dead. Above 40 the bacteria begin to die; at 100 C. most bacteria are killed, although the spores are not. (2) Moisture. It is claimed that the best moisture con- ditions for bacteria vary from 8 to 10 per cent, in sandy soils to 20 per cent, and even more in heavy clays. As soils dry out the bacteria for the most part merely become dormant, although some are killed outright. Excessive water tends to kill off the aerobic bacteria but encourages the growth of the anaerobes. Since for the most part the beneficial bacteria are aerobes, aeration is essential to optimum soil conditions. (3) Food. This includes of course organic matter from which most bacteria derive their sustenance. Being plants, they must have inorganic salts as well, and there are neces- sary such salts as sulphates, phosphates, lime, and potash compounds, derived either from the organic remains or from mineral particles in the soil. HUMUS 139 (4) Reaction of the Soil. Most beneficial bacteria require for their optimum growth a neutral or alkaline medium in which to work. The presence of an acid inhibits their growth to a certain extent. Some bacteria produce mineral or organic acids as a result of their own activities, and these acids after reaching certain concentrations not only check the growth of the bacteria which produce them, but that of other bacteria as well. If there are sufficient acid-neutral- izing compounds in the soil, such as calcium carbonates, these acids are neutralized as fast as formed and bacterial life is not suspended. (6) KINDS OF LIVING MATTER. Although all portions of vegetable and animal remains are attacked by one kind of bacteria or another, and eventually can be entirely decom- posed under ordinary soil conditions, some parts of these remains resist decay more strongly than others. This is due ordinarily to the few species of bacteria which can attack these parts of the plant or animal body. Cellulose and lignin that is, the hard, woody portion of plants resist decay more strongly than the softer, more succulent portions. Large roots, bits of bark, particularly bark containing tannins, and wood in general, are more resistant than leaves, soft stems, and fine roots like those of grass. As a rule fats and waxes are less easily decomposed than sugars and most of the proteins. In forests, however, logs and stumps gradually decay and disappear entirely, but here the conditions for one thing are most favorable for rapid oxidation, and those bacteria and fungi which are the most active oxidizers thrive. Most animal remains decay rapidly, but such things as the organic matter in bones, hair, or hide decompose very slowly. 117. Humus. The accompaniment of almost all kinds of organic decomposition in soils is the production of a black or dark amorphous material which is called humus. It is one of the products of decay, formed for the most part where there is insufficient oxygen to allow complete destruc- tion to carbon dioxide and water. From the original source, whether it be root or leaf or stalk or animal, the humus is 140 THE SOIL: ORGANIC MATTER distributed among the soil grains with considerable uni- formity within certain limits. That is, it does not ordinarily extend to any great depth, nor does it extend laterally over a field with uniformity, owing to changing conditions in soil masses, but the grains themselves are fairly well covered with the humus. It must therefore have been more or less soluble in water, or in liquid form at one time or another at least, to surround the particles. Its distribution, moreover, is aided by the growth and final decay of the hyphse or root-like hairs of certain fungi which feed on a decaying bit of organic matter. It is no uncommon occurrence to note the wide ring of darker soil surrounding a decaying root. Earthworms also distribute humus throughout the soil to a very great extent by passing soil through their bodies and drawing after themselves into their burrows particles of leaves and blades of grass. In some localities where earthworms are fairly numerous, Darwin has estimated that they work over in a year from 0.1 to 0.2 of an inch of surface soil. Ants, burrowing insects, and animals, all help to distribute organic matter and, subsequently, humus throughout the soil. 118. Properties of Humus. If a dark soil containing considerable humus be first treated with a dilute mineral acid like hydrochloric, and then with ammonia, a black liquid will be obtained. The soil residue after washing is very much lighter in color, almost white in some cases. By this means the humus has been dissolved from the soil grains, although in many cases it may not be of exactly the same composition as it was in the soil. If the water is evaporated from this solution there remains a shiny black material, rather hard and scaly, and absorptive of water. If it is burned there remains behind an ash of inorganic material. Chemically, humus is by no means a single compound. It is a mixture, probably a mechanical mixture, of many substances. Research by the Bureau of Soils has shown that it is composed of acids, carbohydrates, fats, waxes, hydro- carbons, resins, nitrogenous compounds of various kinds, black compounds or pigments, and undoubtedly many com- ACID HUMUS 141 pounds other than these few classes mentioned. Notwith- standing this great complexity, the black material has, or perhaps more correctly, these numerous compounds colored black have certain general properties which afford sufficient excuse for the term humus, and to consider them as a single kind of material in the soil. Using the term "humus," then, in this general and popular sense, it can be said that it is composed of the same elements as are plants, except that there is more carbon and nitrogen, and less oxygen, hydrogen, and ash, or inorganic material. Table VIII gives the percentage composition of cellulose, grass, oak wood, decayed oak wood, and humus, showing the changes in composition from fresh material to humus. TABLE VIII. COMPOSITION OF HUMUS AND HUMUS-FORMING MATERIALS Decayed Cellulose. Grass. Oak Wood. Oak Wood. Humus. Carbon 44.2 50.3 50.6 56.2 54.5 Hydrogen .... 6.3 5.5 6.0 4.9 3.5 Oxygen .... 49.5 42.3] (41.5 43.4 38.9 Nitrogen 1.8J ( 0.5 Results on the ash of humus are not of sufficient number for any definite statement to be made, but it can be said that whereas plants on the whole contain 6.5 per cent, ash (Section 53), humus probably does not contain more than 2 per cent, on the average. On the whole humus is insoluble in water and organic solvents. Humus can be divided into two kinds in the soil: Acid humus, and neutral humus, both with the same physical properties. 119. Acid Humus. Acid humus is formed in soils lacking sufficient neutralizing materials. It is insoluble in water, acids, and organic solvents. It combines with bases to form salts, particularly those of the alkaline earths, which are insolu- ble in water, and of the alkalies, which are soluble in water. By treating a soil containing acid humus and for practical purposes this means an acid soil with ammonium hydroxide the acid humus reacts with the ammonium hydroxide, the re- 142 THE SOIL: ORGANIC MATTER suiting material dissolving in the solution present. A dark or black liquid results. For the sake of convenience in dis- cussing humus we can call the acid humus, humic acid, remembering, however, that it is not a single acid by any means but a mixture w T hich acts like an acid. The material combined with ammonium hydroxide would then be called ammonium humate. Sodium and potassium hydroxides react like ammonium hydroxide. From a solution of alka- line humate a mineral acid like hydrochloric precipitates humic acid which separates out in black or brown flocks, drying to shiny scales. 120. Neutral Humus. Where the soil contains sufficient calcium or other carbonate, humic acid is neutralized as fast as it is formed and the humus may then be said to be calcium (or other basic element) humate. This neutral humus is insoluble in water and organic solvents, unchanged by ammonium hydroxide, but partly decomposed by sodium and potassium hydroxides, forming the humates of the alkalies, soluble in water. When treated with a mineral acid like hydrochloric, the humus is decomposed, forming humic acid insoluble in water, and calcium chloride soluble in water. On further treatment of the soil with ammonium hydroxide, the humic acid forms ammonium humate soluble in water. 121. Functions of Organic Matter. In considering the functions of the organic matter in the soil it should be re- membered (Section 113) that there are really two kinds of organic matter: First, the active or decomposing organic matter which is constantly changing, with the production of organic acids, carbon dioxide, water, and mineral salts, and the release of nitrogen locked up in insoluble form; second, the inactive organic matter or humus, which is a more or less stable "compound" comparatively resistant to further rapid decay. (a) THE ACTIVE ORGANIC MATTER serves important pur- poses in the production of chemical compounds active in the decomposition of mineral particles; in the formation of nitrates and soluble inorganic salts which serve as plant foods; in increasing the moisture-holding capacity of the soil; and in improving the structure of the soil. LOSS OF ORGANIC MATTER 143 (6) INACTIVE ORGANIC MATTER, OR HUMUS, serves as the reserve nitrogen supply, decomposing but slowly, and thus decreasing the loss of nitrogen as nitrates by leaching. Its decomposition is ordinarily so slow that it does not serve to any great extent as a source of organic acids, carbon dioxide, and inorganic salts. Its principal function is physical, in that it improves the water holding capacity very materially ; increases the heat absorption and thus warms up the soil earlier in the spring; improves the structure of the soil by loosening heavy clays, and making sandy soils more compact. In other words, active organic matter has a decided chemical effect in the soil, while humus has an important physical effect. This distinction is not absolutely definite, but is generally true. 122. Loss of Organic Matter. The active decomposition of organic matter in the soil is of vast importance to the farmer. It is not wholly a question of piling up reserves of organic matter, but rather of continually renewing the supply which is undergoing constant decomposition, thus rendering mineral particles soluble, freeing plant food from the organic matter, and making nitrogen available. In addition, of course, there must be a fair amount of humus, particularly on sandy soils, for physical reasons. Active decomposition and loss of organic matter and this includes humus takes place most rapidly under in- tensive cultivation, proper drainage, and application of lime and commercial fertilizers. This is just what should take place, but the supply must just as surely be renewed by good applications of manure, and by plowing under grass, clover stubble, and green manure crops. Manure by its rapid decomposition does not ordinarily form humus to such an extent as do the fine, numerous roots of grass. Humus accumulates in pastures not only because of the fine roots thoroughly spread throughout the soil, but also because the soil is not cultivated and the organic matter is hence not so completely oxidized. Even very heavy applications of manure do not result in increased content of organic matter and humus, and consequently are not economical. It is better to put on reasonable applications (say 6 to 10 tons 144 THE SOIL: ORGANIC MATTER every two or three years) and supplement with hay stubble or green manure. 123. Nitrification. As has been noted several times, organic matter serves as the source of nitrogen for crop plants. But before this organic nitrogen can be used by plants it must undergo a change to nitrates (Section 54), for most of the organic nitrogen is protein in character, and hence insoluble and unavailable to crop plants. The process by which organic nitrogen is changed to nitrates, and thereby made available to crops, is bacterial in character, and is generally called nitrification, although it really takes place in three steps, the first called ammoni- fication and the last two nitrification proper. Oxygen is necessary for these changes to take place, hence the impor- tance of thorough aeration to produce nitrates from the nitrogen reserves in the soil. (a) AMMONIFICATION is brought about by many of the bacteria in the soil and is caused by the proteolytic enzymes of the bacteria first breaking down the proteins into simpler compounds, and further decomposing or hydrolyzing them into ammonia among other products. Some of the bacteria producing ammonia use it as a source of nitrogenous food, others leave it merely as a by-product. (6) NITRIFICATION PROPER is a distinct bacterial oxidation of ammonia to nitrous acid, and of nitrous to nitric acid. There are definitely known two kinds of organisms which oxidize ammonia to nitrous acids, and they are called nitrous or nitrite bacteria. The equation for this reaction may be expressed as follows: 2NH 3 + 3O 2 = 2HNOj+ 2H 2 O. There is only one kind of organism oxidizing nitrous acid to nitric acid, called the nitric or nitrate bacteria. The following equation represents the reaction: 2HNO 2 +O 2 =2HNO3. The amount of ammonia or nitrous acid in the soil at any one time is very small because the ammonia is changed very rapidly to nitrous acid and the nitrous acid to nitric acid. DENITRIFICATION 145 Particularly is it difficult to detect traces of nitrous acid because the nitrous and nitric organisms work together, the latter using up nitrous acid as soon as it is formed. It is claimed that there is one kind of bacteria which oxidizes ammonia directly to nitric acid, but its identity is not completely established. These nitrifying organisms, the nitrous and the nitric, obtain their energy by this oxidation process, and also utilize the ammonia and nitrous acid respectively as food for growth. When this happens, as whenever bacteria use soluble nitrogenous compounds as food, some nitrogen is converted into protein and rendered insoluble and unavailable to plants until acted upon by bacteria, as in the first instance. More- over, these bacteria utilize only inorganic food. From carbon dioxide they manufacture their cellular substances of an organic nature. The synthesis is brought about not by chlorophyl but by the oxidation of ammonia and nitrous acid. Hence organic matter is not essential for these bacteria, and in fact too much soluble organic matter interferes with their growth. This does not happen in ordinary farm soil, but is a serious matter at times in soils very intensively fertilized with manure and sewage, like greenhouse and truck soils. It is to be noted that the free acids themselves are the products of these bacteria. In the presence of bases or basic carbonates the acids are neutralized. Since calcium car- bonate is the principal acid neutralizing substance in the soil, nitric nitrogen occurs in most soils as calcium nitrate, although some of the acid is neutralized by magnesium car- bonate and potassium carbonate. If there is not sufficient basic material to neutralize the acids as they are formed, the bacteria are rendered inactive or are killed by the excess of acid. Other conditions for their growth are much the same as mentioned for bacteria in general (Section 116, a). 124. Denitrification. A process just the opposite of nitri- fication is denitrification, which results in a loss of nitrogen. Under anaerobic conditions and in the presence of large quantities of easily decomposed organic matter, there are several species of bacteria which can reduce nitrates to 10 146 THE SOIL: ORGANIC MATTER nitrites, to ammonia, and to free nitrogen. The following equations illustrate the reactions: 2HNO 3 =2HNO 2 +O 2 4HNO 2 = 2H 2 O + 2N 2 +3O 2 HNO 3 + H 2 O = NHs + 2O 2 . These bacteria can live under aerobic conditions, in which case they use free oxygen for their respiration, but under anaerobic conditions they use the oxygen removed from nitrates. The oxygen, whether from the air or from nitrates, they use in oxidizing organic matter which is necessary for their growth. The denitrifiers occur in manure and on straw to a considerable extent, but are not responsible for loss of nitrogen under ordinary farming conditions. In cases of excessive applications of manure in addition to nitrates, or in greenhouses where soils are very moist and large quantities of organic matter are present, nitrates may be reduced. In any conditions where soils are compact or very wet so there is no aeration, and where excessive quantities of decomposing organic matter are present in addition to nitrates, there denitrification may occur. It is, however, not a condition that occurs frequently enough to cause anxiety over loss of nitrogen. In any event, where only nitrites and ammonia are the products, loss does not occur, for these compounds may be later oxidized back to nitrates. Only free nitrogen is a total loss. 125. Nitrogen Fixation. In the discussion of nitrogen for the use of plants, it has been noted that the source of nitrogen is the organic matter of the soil ; that in the decom- position processes most of it is made available but some may be lost to the air; that after entering the plant it is used in tissue building and goes largely to the seed. After the plant dies that part which is left on the field serves as organic nitrogen for bacterial decomposition again. That part of the plant which goes to feed animals returns to the soil sooner or later in the form of manure, or dead animals, or parts of animals. The nitrogen is continually travelling in a circle with some loss. So far no mention has been made of any gain. NITROGEN FIXATION 147 All nitrogen in combination on the earth came at one time or another from the atmosphere. The nitrate of soda beds, coal, and many other forms, all owe their nitrogen to the air. In other words, there is and has been some natural agency for combining atmospheric nitrogen. Nitrogen gas is very inert and does not combine easily with other elements. A small portion unites with oxygen under the influence of lightning. But aside from this there exist in the soil certain bacteria which can combine nitrogen from the air with carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and so put it in a form that can be used. This process by which atmospheric nitrogen is fixed, or made into stable compounds, is called nitrogen fixation, and is probably the most important single process taking place in the soil, all things considered. There are two kinds of bacteria which can fix nitrogen: First, those which act independently of other living things, like most of the soil bacteria; and second, those which act most energetically when living with some other plant. In both cases the bacteria derive energy for combining nitro- gen from the oxidation of carbohydrates, and for their most efficient work large quantities of soluble carbohydrates, sugars probably, are necessary. The nitrogen so fixed is then used by the bacteria in part, although more is fixed than the bacteria need for their own growth. (a) NON-SYMBIOTIC. Those bacteria which act indepen- dently are non-symbiotic in character, that is, they do not live with any other plant to the mutual advantage of both. They occur in most soils apparently and are able to fix some nitrogen which is left in the soil after their death. Not very much is known about these bacteria, but it is not prob- able that in ordinary farming they play much part in adding nitrogen to the soil. (6) SYMBIOTIC. This class is by far the more important and is familiar to all farmers. The nodules on the roots of leguminous plants like clover, alfalfa, peas, beans, and vetch, are abnormal root growths formed to accommodate the colonies of these nitrogen-fixing bacteria which are living with the legumes to the mutual benefit of both (Figs. 33, 34, 35). The legumes supply the bacteria with soluble carbo- 148 THE SOIL: ORGANIC MATTER FIG. 33. Red Clover. FIG. 34. Alfalfa. - FIG. 35. Cowpea. FIGS. 33 to 35. Nodules on legumes. Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture. NITROGEN FIXATION 149 hydrates, probably dextrose or maltose, and by the oxidation of this material the bacteria fix nitrogen obtained from the soil air through the nodules. They not only use some of the resulting compounds for their own growth but apparently pass on a large part of it for the use of the legumes. Fig. 36 shows the effect of these bacteria on clover growing in soil containing no nitrates. FIG. 36. Clover growing on soil containing no nitrates. /. No nitrogen fixing bacteria. II. Supplied with bacteria. Soils Department, Wisconsin Station. Both the bacteria and the legumes can utilize nitrates in the soil, but apparently the symbiotic relationship is better for both. The bacteria do not fix nitrogen when supplied with nitrate nitrogen, nor do the legumes accumulate the nodules to any extent when there are sufficient nitrates in the soil. The bacteria are present in the soil to a considerable extent, and although it is claimed they can, under suitable conditions, fix nitrogen independently of legumes, they apparently do not do it readily. When legume roots are present in the soil these bacteria enter the root hairs, grow into long gelatinous threads which penetrate the various cells of the fine roots, and develop immense numbers of bacteria. Their multiplication causes the peculiar nodule 150 THE SOIL: ORGANIC MATTER formation on the young roots. On clover and alfalfa the nodules are very small like a pinhead or a small bean, but on some beans and cowpeas they are very large, even reaching the size of baseballs on the velvet bean. When the legume is harvested and the roots die the nodules decompose, the accumulated fixed nitrogen going back to the soil. The bacteria remain for the most part inactive until more legumes are grown. The amount of nitrogen added to the soil by plowing under the legume crop varies considerably with the crop, season, and condition of soil, but it is safe to say that the ordinary clover crop adds 40 to 50 pounds per acre, and alfalfa 75 to 100 pounds per acre. Although there seems to be evidence that most of these symbiotic bacteria belong to but one or two species, as a matter of practical fact they are so differentiated by habit of growth that there are several classes. For instance, the bacteria which live on alfalfa roots are not fitted to live on red clover roots, nor do the bacteria of beans live on vetch roots. Not every legume has its own special bacteria, how- ever, for alfalfa and sweet clover can interchange bacteria; white, alsike, and red clovers apparently have the same bacteria; the vetches all seem to use the same organism. As far as crop plants are concerned only legumes have nitrogen fixing bacteria on their roots, but there are some plants such as the alder, New Jersey tea, buffalo berry, sweet fern, and a few others which also have bacterial nodules on their roots. The importance of this fact lies in the ability of waste lands to accumulate nitrogen through the agency of wild plants. 1 26. Inoculation. Practically all soils contain the nitrogen fixing bacteria for the common clovers, peas, and beans, so that a failure to have nodules develop on these legumes is due rather to other causes than to lack of the bacteria in the soil. For example, lime may be lacking, the soil may need drainage, too much available nitrogenous compounds like nitrates may be present, plant diseases may infect the legumes. But where a new legume is tried, such as alfalfa or serradella, and the crop fails under ordinarily beneficial conditions, it may be necessary to inoculate the soil with the proper bacteria. INOCULATION 151 This can be done by applying 200 to 500 pounds of surface soil from some field where the crop in question has produced nodules, or where a similar crop has succeeded. The soil should be harrowed in at once to prevent the sunlight from killing the bacteria. In the case of alfalfa, soil from a road- side where sweet clover grows is satisfactory. This practice of course may introduce weed seeds or plant diseases into the soil and for that reason is not always satisfactory. It is possible to get pure cultures of the bacteria at some of the experiment stations, and from some commercial sources (Fig. 37). These cultures can be mixed with water and the seeds soaked in it before planting. The bacteria cling FIG. 37. Cultures for Legume Inoculation. Bacteriological Department, Virginia Station. to the seeds and infect the roots when the seeds germinate. The trouble with this method is to get cultures which are fresh. Many preparations put out by commercial firms and the scheme of the United States Department of Agriculture for sending, out the bacteria dried on cotton have failed because the bacteria were dead when inoculation was attempted. It must not be thought that inoculation alone is the easy way to obtain nitrogen from the air and that it will work on any crop. There are people who think it is a complete fertilizer in vest pocket form; that corn or oats can be inoculated and will gather their own nitrogen! It is not a complete fertilizer and will not help any but leguminous 152 THE SOIL: ORGANIC MATTER crops, and then only if the inoculating material contains living bacteria. The average farmer will probably never need to inoculate his legume crop. Failure to get a crop is usually due to some other cause more or less easily remedied. EXERCISES 1. How could you isolate humus from an acid soil? from an alkaline soil? 2. In what two ways might the nitrogen of the air become a constituent part of a legume protein? 3. Trace nitrogen from an atmospheric element until it becomes part of an organic substance found in leguminous plants; thence until it becomes nitrates in the soil; thence through protein formation in some plant other than a legume; thence until it is deposited in the seed of some plant; thence until it becomes atmospheric nitrogen. 4. How do carbon dioxide and water affect nitrification and nitrogen fixation? 5. Distinguish among humus, organic matter, acid humus and neutral humus. To what extent are these four materials alike or unlike chemically and physically? 6. Why are nitrification and nitrogen fixation such important phenomena? 7. State five ways in which respiration differs from photosynthesis, and three ways in which respiration differs from intermolecular respiration. 8. Show that the nitrogen applied as nitrates was once atmospheric nitrogen. 9. Explain in detail how alfalfa differs from potatoes in the way it builds up proteins. 10. In detail state how, when and where organic matter can be changed into humus. 11. What condition is best for the soil, complete absence of oxygen, an excess of oxygen, or a happy medium in respect to oxygen? In detail, explain why. 12. To what extent are acid and neutral humus alike chemically and physically? 13. What properties do proteins have that make their nitrogen not directly available? 14. Define symbiosis. Just what do br.cteria give legumes and what do the legumes give in return? Why this exchange? REFERENCES Bulletins of Bureau of Soils, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Cameron. The Soil Solution. Hall. The Soil. Halligan. Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. Hilgard. Soils. Hopkins. Soil Fertility and Permanent Agriculture. Lyon and Fippin. Soils. Russell. Soil Conditions and Plant Growth/ Van Slyke. Fertilizers and Crops. Whitson and Walster. Soils and Soil Fertility. CHAPTER VII THE SOIL: INORGANIC MATTER IN the previous chapter the discussion of organic matter in the soil brought out the fact that it was the immediate source of nitrogen for plants. The other necessary elements which are derived from the soil come, originally at least, from the mineral particles or inorganic portion of the soil. The organic matter in its decomposition furnishes acids which are important agents in the solution of mineral particles. Other factors in the changes of mineral particles are the gases present in the soil. 127. Soil Gases. The pore spaces of a soil are filled, part of the time with gases, and part of the time with water. The latter condition happens only after a rain, and in a soil of good structure does not last very long. The water running down into the country drainage is followed by atmospheric gases. From the decomposing organic matter gases are added to those already present, and at the same time some gases are withdrawn by absorption from the soil atmosphere. Certain chemical reactions also involve changes in the composition of soil atmosphere. It has been found that nitrogen varies but little, existing in the soil in about the same proportion that it does in the air, namely 78 per cent. (Section 109). Oxygen varies from 10 to 20 per cent., whereas in the air it runs rather constantly at 21 per cent. This difference is due to changing rates of oxidation resulting from bacterial action on the organic matter, as well as to ordinary chemical oxidation of minerals in the soil. The amount of carbon dioxide varies inversely with the oxygen content, running from about 11 to 1 per cent. As oxygen is used up in oxidiz- ing organic matter, carbon dioxide is evolved. Ordinarily the disappearance of oxygen causes the appearance of an equal volume of carbon dioxide. Intermolecular or anaerobic oxidation is not sufficient in ordinary soils to cause much (153) 154 THE SOIL: INORGANIC MATTER change in the composition of the soil gases. In other words the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide together equal 21 per cent, rather constantly. In the air they amount to 21.02 per cent. Decomposing organic matter is the principal factor in the variation in composition of soil gases, and to this cause also is due, especially in soils more or less water-logged, the presence of methane and hydrogen sulphide; but these gases are rare constituents in any ordinary soil in good condition. Other constituents are not worth considering. As to the value of soil gases in decomposing mineral particles, it will be found later that carbon dioxide and oxygen are the most active agents. A solution of carbon dioxide in water is by far the most active solvent for minerals which the soil produces. Of course sulphuric and nitric acids which result from decomposing organic matter are more powerful reagents ordinarily, but their occurrence is very slight compared to that of carbonic acid, which though rated a weak acid is always present in large quantities in practically all soils. -Decaying organic matter has been esti- mated to supply through bacterial action to a depth of eight inches, about 1 ton of carbon dioxide per acre per year. When dissolved in water this makes a very respectable amount of solvent. Organic acids, together with sulphuric and nitric acids, are produced in very much smaller amounts, and being very dilute have not the effect that carbon dioxide has, although these reagents are to be reckoned with in considering mineral decomposition and solubility. 128. Soil Solvents. The soil moisture which acts on the mineral particles in the soil consists primarily, of course, of water. Pure water dissolves ordinary minerals but slightly, except gypsum and sodium chloride, of which the latter occurs in normal soils more as a decomposition product than as an original mineral. In the soil, however, water is never pure. Carbon dioxide is always present from the decay of organic matter. Living plant roots excrete carbon dioxide because of respiration, and the soil moisture immediately around such roots is fairly well concentrated in this con- stituent. The growing of plants on a polished slab of marble calcium carbonate or on one of feldspar leaves a SOIL MINERALS 155 fine tracery of the roots caused by the solvent action of the carbon dioxide excreted. Carbon dioxide is soluble in pure water to the extent of about 1 part in 600 parts of water. The presence of soluble salts reduces its solubility. Oxygen is very generally present in the moisture of well aerated soils, attacking minerals containing ferrous iron, like hornblende, and breaking them down with water and carbon dioxide. It is soluble to the extent of about 1 part in 20,000 parts of water. Organic Acids like acetic, butyric, and others of a more complex nature, all formed by the bacterial decay of organic matter, particularly carbohydrates, dissolve in soil water to a greater or less extent and act on many minerals. Inorganic Acids like sulphuric and nitric, formed from sulphur and nitrogen in organic matter, serve as very active reagents. They are present, however, to a very small extent at any one time. Soluble Salts, derived from various minerals such as chlorides, nitrates, and sulphates, all have a greater or less effect on minerals. 129. Soil Minerals. In considering the chemical changes by which inorganic plant food becomes available, it is necessary to know some of the principal soil minerals which are the source of these elements. They will be taken up and discussed in groups according to the element or elements which they supply. In addition there will be discussed the minerals of a few elements which are thought not to be essential and yet which occur very commonly in plants, or which have some effect in the soil. (a) PHOSPHORUS MINERALS. The principal mineral con- taining phosphorus is apatite, Ca 5 (PO 4 ) 3 Cl or F. To show its chemical structure better it may be written graphically: O=P-O Ca^-Cl(F) 156 THE SOIL: INORGANIC MATTER It occurs in hexagonal prisms frequently of very small size, almost like needles, and green or red in color. This compound is practically insoluble in water but under the action of water and carbon dioxide it slowly dissolves, possibly according to the following equation: 2Cae(PO4)jCl + 12CO 2 + 12H 2 O = 3CaH 4 (PC>4) 2 + 6CaH 2 (C0 3 ) 2 + CaCk Most of the phosphorus in soils, however, occurs in an amorphous, secondary form possibly derived from apatite, expressed by the formula Ca 3 (PO 4 )2 and called tricalcium phosphate. This compound in the presence of small amounts of carbon dioxide in water changes to the dicalcium phos- phate, thus: Ca 3 (PO4) 2 + 2CO 2 + 2H 2 O = Ca 2 H 2 (PO4) 2 + CaH 2 (CO 3 ) 2 . In the presence of more carbon dioxide and water it decom- poses to the monocalcium phosphate, thus: Ca 3 (PO4) 2 +4CO 2 + 4H 2 O = CaH 4 (PO4) 2 + 2CaH 2 (COi.) 2 . Tricalcium phosphate is practically insoluble in pure water, 1 part requiring 50,000 parts of water, whereas dicalcium phosphate is soluble to the extent of 1 part in 7500 parts of water, and monocalcium phosphate, 1 part in 100 of water. Soil water, of course, is never pure water, having always some substances dissolved in it, and these substances in solution tend to modify the above solubilities to a slight extent; but the figures serve to show the relative solubilities of the three forms of phosphate. Dicalcium phosphate and monocalcium phosphate, both of them, can be used by plants. Since carbon dioxide is so generally prevalent in soil water and can dissolve tricalcium phosphate, it is safe to say that all compounds of phosphorus with calcium are available forms of phosphorus for plant use. Phosphorus also occurs as more or less indefinite com- pounds of iron phosphate, FePO 4 , and aluminium phosphate, A1PO4, both very insoluble in water, or in water and carbon dioxide, or in any other ordinary soil solution, unless calcium SOIL MINERALS . 157 is present. Where calcium bicarbonate is in solution in the soil water these phosphates are slowly changed as follows: 2FePOi + CaH s (COi) 2 -f- 4H 5 O = 2Fe(OH),+ CaH 4 (PO4)i+ 2COj. This emphasizes the importance of having calcium carbonate or lime in the soil. Aluminium phosphate acts similarly. (6) POTASSIUM MINERALS. Since these minerals, and in addition most of those of calcium, magnesium, and iron, belong to that principal group of minerals called silicates, it will help to understand their structure if a brief survey is made of the silicic acids from which they are derived. Silicic Acids. Normal or orthosilicic acid is H 4 SiO 4 , written graphically : H o O H \ / Si / \ H O O H By the elimination of one molecule of water there is formed metasilicic acid, thus: H 4 SiO4 H 2 O =H 2 SiO 3 or: O H O = Si O H metasilicic acid. By the elimination of three or more molecules of water from two or more molecules of orthosilicic acid there are formed polysilicic acids, of which the disilicic and trisilicic acids are the commonest. They are formed thus : 1. 2H4SiOi 3H 2 O = H2Si 2 Os or: O H O=Si O O = Si \ O H disilicic acid. 158 THE SOIL: INORGANIC MATTER 2. 3H*SiO4 4H Z O H O O H \ / - Si / \ O O \ / Si / \ O O \ / Si / \ H O O H trisilicic acid. These silicic acids are either unknown or but little known in the free condition but their salts are very common among the silicates which constitute most of the soil minerals. The most important potassium silicate is a double tri- silicate of potassium and aluminium called orthoclase or the potash feldspar. Its formula is KaAUCSisOs^. It is frequently written K 2 O.Al 2 O3.6SiO 2 which shows its composition but not its chemical structure. Written graphically it is: Al It occurs in monoclinic crystals of flesh-red, yellow, or white color. In pure water orthoclase is but very slighly soluble, SOIL MINERALS 159 but in water containing carbon dioxide it decomposes as follows : KtAh(Si*Os),+ COi+2H.O = Al 2 (OH)*SijOi + 4SiOi+ KjCOi. Its solubility in pure water is 1 part in 37,000; in water saturated with carbon dioxide, 1 part in 4000. From the above equation it is to be noted that the potas- sium goes into solution as potassium carbonate and it is this form which supplies the plant with most of its potassium. It is also to be observed that a new silicate is formed. This is a hydrated disilicate of aluminium and is called kaolinitc, the graphic formula of which is: o H / O Al / \ O=Si O H O / O=Si O H \ / O Al \ O H It is a compact or mealy mass with greasy feel when wet, very plastic, and white, yellow, brown, red, or blue in color. This particular process of decomposition by which kaolinite is formed is called kaolinization and is common to very many silicates. It is one of the most important soil reactions, for not only is plant food made available by it, but in addition the soil structure is modified by kaolinite, the basis of clay. The mechanical mixture of kaolinite and silica formed in the above reaction is called kaolin or potter's clay. Varying amounts of silica are present, some being dissolved and washed away in the soil. The potassium in orthoclase is also said to be made avail- able by another reaction caused by calcium bicarbonate, thus : KzAh(SiO 8 ) 2 + CaH(CO)j = CaAl 2 (SiiO 8 ) 2 + 2KHCO*. This shows the importance of having calcium carbonate in the soil. (Compare the effect of calcium bicarbonate on iron phosphate, Section 129, a). 160 THE SOIL: INORGANIC MATTER Leucite is another potassium mineral which has the formula KAl(SiO 3 )2 a metasilicate. It occurs in trans- lucent to opaque grains of gray to white color. The potas- sium becomes slowly available under the action of water and carbon dioxide. Another, potassium mineral that is very common and very familiar to nearly everybody is potash mica or muscovite. The thin, transparent leaves that very easily cleave are too common to need description. This is the white mica. It is an orthosilicate the formula for which is H 2 (K or Na)Al 3 (SiO 4 )3. It might be called an acid salt since the hydrogen atoms replace bases that is, they are true acid hydrogen atoms. It is very resistant to the action of soil reagents but does change very slowly under the action of water and carbon dioxide, allowing potassium to go into solution. (c) SULPHUR MINERALS. The principal sulphur mineral is gypsum or land plaster, CaSO 4 .2H 2 O. It is soft, white, granular, or compact, sometimes silky and fibrous. Occasion- ally it is crystalline. It is soluble in water to the extent of 1 part in 400. On being heated to 130 C. it loses one mole- cule of water and becomes "plaster of Paris," which has the power of reabsorbing the lost molecule of water and "setting" to gypsum again. This property is made use of in making casts, etc. There is another sulphur mineral called anhy- drite which is CaSO 4 . This is more or less common. (d) CALCIUM MINERALS. Aside from apatite and gypsum which contain calcium there are a number of important calcium minerals. By far the most common is calcite, CaCO 3 . This occurs as white or yellowish, transparent crystals of many shapes, but the amorphous variety known as limestone is the commonest, and is too well known to need description. It occurs pure, and with magnesium, when it is called dolomite, Ca.Mg(CO 3 )i: O Ca O / \ O=C C=O \ / O Mg O Calcium carbonate is soluble in pure water only to the extent of 1 part in 20,000, but when the water contains carbon SOIL MINERALS 161 dioxide to saturation the calcium carbonate is soluble to the extent of 1 part in 1000 of water, being changed to the acid carbonate, thus: CaCOs+ HiO + CO 2 = CaH s (CO)j. This form of calcium is the most important in the soil, although some of the more soluble silicates supply small amounts of this element. Anorthite or the lime-feldspar is an orthosilicate of calcium and aluminium, CaAUCSiO^z, which slowly decomposes under the action of water and carbon dioxide to kaolinite and calcium bicarbonate. (e) IRON MINERALS. Iron occurs largely as the hydrated ferric oxide, Fe 2 O3.xH 2 O, in surface soils. There are a number of minerals of this kind, of which limonite is the most common. It is an amorphous, loose to compact, yellow or brown mineral, occurring fairly well disseminated in soils. Its formula is Fe 4 O 3 (OH) 6 , graphically: /OH HO Fe^ o HO Fe/ O HO Fe O HO Fe/ X OH Limonite is derived from silicate minerals containing iron, hornblende for example. This occurs in columnar and gran- ular crystals of green, brown, or black color. It is a meta- silicate of any two or sometimes more of the following bases : Calcium, magnesium, iron, and aluminium. The iron may be ferrous or ferric. Under the action of water and carbon dioxide, carbonates or bicarbonates of the bases are formed, except ferric iron which is set free as such, usually in the hydrated form and becomes limonite or similar minerals. If the iron is ferrous it is changed to carbonate first but 11 162 THE SOIL: INORGANIC MATTER oxidizes almost instantly, if in aerated soils, to the hydrated oxide. If, however, the decomposition takes place in sub- soils and in water-logged soils, ferrous carbonate may remain as siderite, FeCO 3 . Iron compounds give the yellow, red, and brown color to soils when it is not masked by humus. A phosphate mineral is mmanite, Fe3(P0 4 )2, a bluish-green, earthy mass. (/) MAGNESIUM MINERALS. Some of the magnesium in soils is derived from dolomite, already mentioned under the calcium minerals. There are also many silicates containing magnesium, hornblende, already mentioned, and biotite or black mica, an orthosilicate of aluminium, magnesium, hydro- gen, and potassium, thus: (H or K) 2 (Mg or Fe) 2 Al 2 (Si04) 3 . This mineral is similar to muscovite or white mica, except as to color, which is dark green or black. (0) SILICON MINERALS. All of the silicate minerals con- tain silicon, of course, but quartz, or SiO 2 , is the only one to be considered here. It is, next to feldspar, the most common mineral in the earth's crust and occurs in many varieties and all colors from transparent and white to red, blue, green, and brown. Small quantities of impurities give the color to it. Ordinarily, however, it is a hard, brittle mineral, clear to white, and in hexagonal crystals of all sizes, although frequently amorphous. Sandstone and quartzite are massive varieties of quartz. It is ordinarily very insoluble, but some varieties dissolve appreciably to the silicic acids. (A) SODIUM MINERALS. Common salt, or halite, NaCl, is the most familiar mineral of both sodium and chlorine, but it does not occur to any extent in agricultural soil, being confined to beds located in many parts of the world. Albite, or the soda feldspar, is a silicate mineral of soda and is the counterpart of orthoclase, being Na 2 Al 2 (SisO8)2. It occurs in white granular masses or plates. Its solubility is similar to that of orthoclase. (1) CHLORINE MINERALS. Halite mentioned above is the only one of importance. There is very little chlorine in soils ordinarily. (j) ALUMINIUM MINERALS. The feldspars and many other silicates contain aluminium, and these break down as FACTORS OF SOLUBILITY 163 noted above to kaolinite, which is an aluminium mineral. In addition there are bauxite, A1 2 O(OH)4, OH Al OH o / Al OH OH rounded grains or clay-like masses, white or yellowish in color; and wavellitc, A1 3 (OH) 3 (PO 4 )2, \ / )>Al OH O=P A1 OH (X / O =P \ >Al OH radiating crystals occurring in hemispherical masses. 130. Factors of Solubility. From the above discussion of the solubilities and decomposition products of soil minerals it might be thought that solution was easy and the reactions fairly simple. But it must be emphasized that under actual conditions the reactions only approximate those indicated. That is, only a part of any mineral actually decomposes as far as stated. Reactions are not complete, and while in the case of a feldspar, for example, some potassium car- bonate and kaolinite are formed, and formed continually although slowly, much of the mineral remains unaltered and some of it decomposes only partly. Intermediate compounds are formed. Other compounds interfere and react with the original mineral or with its decomposition products. Much more so is this true of more complex minerals. Temperature has a decided effect on these reactions in the soil. The higher the temperature the more active the 164 THE SOIL: INORGANIC MATTER decomposition by most solvents except carbon dioxide. This compound is less soluble in warm water than in cold. Then, too, the amount of water; the movement of water, which removes decomposition products and exposes fresh surfaces to the action of the solvents; the size of soil particles; the arrangement of soil particles; the kind of soil particles; all have a decided effect on the rate and amount of decomposition. Some minerals like feldspar decompose fairly readily ; others, like mica, decompose with considerable difficulty. And again, small minerals like apatite may be enclosed within other minerals, like quartz, for example, and soil solvents cannot touch them. All these factors, of course, are in addition to the amount of organic matter, the rate of its decomposition, and the number of bacteria. To sum up, then, the decomposition of mineral particles in the soil, while it appears rather simple, is in reality depend- ent on many factors which are only more or less controllable by the farmer. But if he understands the ordinary progress of favorable decomposition, he can modify his controllable factors accordingly. He can cultivate, maintain the supply of organic matter, and look after drainage or irrigation as the case may be. 131. Absorption. From what has been said it might be thought that when once a plant food becomes soluble it undergoes no further change, and if not taken up at once by the plant is in danger of being leached from the soil. The danger of leaching is by no means as great as might be expected, and any given plant food element undergoes a great many changes before it meets its final fate in the plant or in the drainage water. Compounds are constantly going into solution or being made available, and going out of solution or being made unavailable. Compounds are also held in the soil by physical means. In other words the soil not only makes plant food available from its reserve stores, but it in large measure prevents them from being removed from the soil by leaching. This process of retention of soluble salts or of elements in soluble compounds is called absorption, or sometimes fixation. The latter is not so good a name since it may be confused with nitrogen fixation which CHEMICAL ABSORPTION 165 is a very different process (Section 125). Absorption, as barely indicated above, is of two kinds, chemical and physical. 132. Chemical Absorption. Some elements are retained in the soil by a chemical reaction which changes the element from a soluble compound into an insoluble compound. This may take place by double decomposition and subsequent precipitation, or by simple precipitation. When, for example, potassium sulphate or potassium carbonate in solution in the soil moisture comes in contact with an insoluble compound containing calcium, such as a silicate or a humate, there is an interchange of bases, the- potassium remaining as the silicate and the calcium leaching away as the sulphate or carbonate (bicarbonate would be the soluble form), thus: CaAl 2 (Si,O 8 )! + KzCOj + H 2 O +CO 2 = K 2 Ah(Si 3 O 8 )2+ CaH 2 (CO,) 2 . Or take a compound like monocalcium phosphate. It is precipitated by calcium bicarbonate or iron hydroxide as an insoluble phosphate, thus: CaH(PO4) 2 + 2CaH 2 (CO 3 ) 2 = Ca3(PO 4 )2 + 4H 2 O + 4CO 2 and 2Fe(OH)+ CaH 4 (PO) 2 + 2CO 2 = 2FePO 4 + CaH 2 (CO 3 ) 2 + 4H 2 O. In some cases the reaction occurs directly between a solid and a compound in solution. In other cases two substances in solution react and an insoluble precipitate results. In one case it is an exchange of bases, and in this connection it must be noted that other bases than potassium and calcium exchange places in this way. Sodium, magnesium, and ammonium exchange with one another and with potassium and calcium. In the other case it is the formation of an insoluble salt of an acid. There is still another case where the base of a salt is absorbed and the acid radicle left behind as an acid. There is no exchange of bases. For instance, a hydrated silicate like kaolinite in the presence of a salt like potassium sulphate and water will absorb the potassium, probably to form a potassium silicate, and leave sulphuric acid. This applies to salts like the chlorides and sulphates more particularly. 166 THE SOIL: INORGANIC MATTER Other things being equal it has been found that there is a difference in the ability of one base to replace another. Potassium will replace magnesium and be replaced by ammonium in turn. Sodium will replace calcium and be replaced by magnesium. In other words, the order of replacing power beginning with the strongest is: Ammo- nium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium. Each element will replace any of those following it and be replaced by any of those preceding it. In the case of acid radicals, those which form insoluble compounds the most readily are the ones absorbed the quickest. Phosphates of calcium (tri) and of iron and aluminium are insoluble. Calcium phosphate forms soluble acid phosphates, but the others do not dissolve easily. Carbonates of calcium and magnesium are insoluble, but form soluble bicarbonates very readily. Sulphates, except of barium, are rather soluble. Chlorides and nitrates, particularly the latter, are all readily soluble and hence do not form compounds which can be retained chemically. But a part at least of the above discussion seems to be at some variance with what has been said in Section 129 about the solubility of soil minerals. The fact is that under some conditions elements are rendered soluble and under other conditions the same elements are rendered insoluble, even when the reacting substances are exactly the same, and this difference of reaction depends on the active mass of the reacting substances. This is called the law of mass action. 133. Mass Action. To illustrate this important chemical law, the equations for the solution of phosphorus and for the fixation of phosphorus may be written together thus: Cas(PO4)s+ 4CO 2 + 4H 2 O ~ CaH4(PO 4 )2+ 2CaH2(CO 3 )z. This is called a reversible reaction, for it will go in either direction depending on the active mass of the reacting sub- stances. Tricalcium phosphate continues to go into solu- tion as long as the supply of carbon dioxide is continuous, and the monocalcium phosphate or calcium bicarbonate is removed from the solution. In the soil, decomposition of organic matter supplies carbon dioxide. Growing root hairs PHYSICAL ABSORPTION 167 or diffusion may remove the soluble compounds. The re- action, then, continues to go from left to right, and phos- phorus is made soluble. But suppose the supply of carbon dioxide diminishes, because organic matter for some reason does not decompose very rapidly or not at all; or suppose no plant removes the soluble phosphate; or suppose that a solution of monocal- cium phosphate passing through the soil comes in contact with considerable calcium bicarbonate; or, more than all this, suppose fresh supplies of calcium bicarbonate are being continually added to the solution from other places; under these conditions, then, the reaction goes from right to left and phosphorus is absorbed or fixed in the soil. Of course, in all cases there must be enough water present to allow of reactions in solution. Starting with a fixed amount of the reacting substances the reaction will proceed in a direction dependent upon the masses until an equilibrium is reached, or until the masses on one side of the equation balance in reacting velocity those on the other side. This, however, is something that rarely happens in a soil, for the composition of a solution is con- stantly changing. Reactions in a soil are always in a state of change. They are essentially dynamic and not static. This reversible reaction and the resultant solubility or absorption of plant food is applicable just as well in the case of the reactions given for potassium in Sections 129, b, and 132, and for phosphorus and iron compounds in Sections 129, a, and 132. 134. Physical Absorption. Compounds of the plant food elements are retained by the soil to a greater or less ex- tent in an unchanged form. Certain solid substances in the soil attract and hold on their surfaces compounds in solu- tion. This process is called adsorption and may be defined as that property of a solid which attracts dissolved substances and causes the existence in such solutions as soil moisture of two different concentrations of dissolved substances, the greater lying immediately adjacent to the surface of a solid. For example, iron and aluminium hydrated oxides have a very decided affinity for potassium sulphate. Adsorption is a purely physical phenomenon in that the compounds 168 THE SOIL: INORGANIC MATTER held are not chemically changed. They remain in their original form, attached to the surface of the solid as by a magnet, and the amount of adsorption depends very largely on the surface exposed. Hence, the smaller the soil grains the greater the adsorption because of more surface exposed. Another factor in adsorption is the character of the solids and of the substances in solution. Some solids have greater attractive powers than others, and some dissolved substances are more attracted than others. For example, humus, hydrated iron and aluminium oxides, and hydrated silicates or so-called zeolites, have greater adsorptive powers than calcium carbonate and quartz. Potassium salts and phos- phates are attracted more than sodium salts and nitrates. Plant foods held by adsorption on the surfaces of solids are available to plants if the root hairs come in contact with them. Substances absorbed chemically are not available to plants until they are dissolved again, as may or may not happen. It must be understood, however, that in no case is the whole of a substance in solution absorbed either chemically or physically. No chemical reaction is complete in the soil. Only a part of the monocalcium phosphate, for example, is precipitated as iron phosphate at any one time, but enough of it may be rendered insoluble to affect the growth of crops. Moreover, some of it is lost by leaching. 135. Movements of Dissolved Substances. Having dis- cussed how plant foods are made soluble and how they are retained in the soil after being made soluble, the question naturally arises as to how the compounds in solution move from place to place. That plant foods do move is obvious, for they are lost from soils in the drainage water and eventu- ally are deposited in the ocean; and again they move up- ward, for incrustations of salts which have been lifted by the water appear on the surface of soils in arid countries (Sec- tion 138, d). Movement of plant food in the soil may take place in two ways : First, by the movement of water; second, by diffusion. (a) MOVEMENT BY WATER. Water moves in the soil in two ways to affect substances in solution, by gravity and by capillarity, or more properly by surface tension. When the saturation point of soils is reached, water responds to the MOVEMENTS OF DISSOLVED SUBSTANCES 1G9 force of gravity which carries it downward through the pore spaces and channels in the soil. This bodily movement of water carries with it the substances in solution which are not absorbed as they go. The water may go directly down in a vertical direction or more nearly horizontally if any- thing like an impervious subsoil or entrapped air deflects its course. Gravitational movements cease as soon as the excess water drains off and the surface tension overcomes the force of gravity. It is by this movement that soils lose plant foods which are not absorbed. The surface of a liquid acts as if it exerted at all times a certain tension or pressure on the liquid below. If a drop of liquid is free to take any position, it assumes the spherical form in w r hich the surface tension is uniform throughout, that is, it is in equilibrium. When the surface of a liquid is forced to assume various shapes, as in the case of film water covering soil particles, there is exerted an unequal tension. The more curved the surface the greater the tension. In a soil the surfaces at the top are more curved than they are lower down where the films are thicker. This means that the pull of the surface tension at the top will tend to raise water until the gravity pull balances the ten- sion pull. As water evaporates, or plant roots absorb it, the increasing tension caused by thinner films and consequent greater curvatures, draws up more water. This movement of water, of course, carries with it dissolved plant food. Theoretically this movement can take place in any direction and does so under some circumstances, but under ordinary circumstances the increasing surface tension occurs on top of the soil because of evaporation, and hence the water movement is upward. (6) MOVEMENT BY DIFFUSION. It is a property of sub- stances, or rather of the molecules of such substances in solution, to move within the solvent from a region of greater concentration to one of less concentration in that particular compound. That is, sodium nitrate, for example, tends to move from that portion of the soil moisture where its con- centration is considerable to other portions where there is little or no sodium nitrate. This movement is called diffu- 170 THE SOIL: INORGANIC MATTER sion, and may take place in any direction. Within the soil liquid, however, there is opposed to diffusion absorption both chemical and physical. Moreover the bodily move- ment of water caused by gravity or by surface tension neutralizes the effect of diffusion in many cases. As a matter of fact diffusion in soils does not play a very important part. Movements of plant foods in solution take place for the most part in a general direction up and down; up by surface tension, down by gravity, and are caused by bodily movements of water containing the plant foods. Experiments have repeatedly demonstrated that plant foods in the form of soluble fertilizers show no effect laterally within a very short distance from the point of application. That is, the plant foods apparently get no chance to diffuse, for if they did the diffusion would be in every direction away from the point of application and the effect would be shown laterally from the fertilizers. 136. Composition of Soil Water. From the preceding sections it has been seen what compounds exist in a soluble form in the soil moisture; how they may be soluble part of the time and insoluble part of the time because of chemical change. The conditions affecting these various changes have been studied. In addition to this information it may be interesting to know how much soluble plant food material there is in soils. Soil water which contains the soluble compounds may be divided into two classes for convenience of study: Film water and drainage water. (a) FILM WATER is the liquid in the soil which surrounds the soil grains with a thin film, and which furnishes plants with their foods. It bathes the plant roots with their nutrient fluid. Determining the amount of soluble material in this film water is a matter of great difficulty, and the results so far obtained can be considered only as roughly approximate, and even then represent but a few soils. However, it can be said that the following figures show the parts per million in a solution that probably is not far from an average soil solution : N 2 O 5 P.O. K.O CaO 3 6 33 33 COMPOSITION OF SOIL WATER 171 These figures have been calculated from data published by the Bureau of Soils. They show that at any one time phosphorous compounds and nitrates are present in con- siderably less quantity than are potash and lime. It is true that these two elements, nitrogen and phosphorus, are usually the limiting essential elements in crop production, as this FIG. 38. Waste water. Outlet of drain tile. (Elliott.) might indicate; but on the other hand, if these concentra- tions are maintained throughout the growing season there will be enough of these foods supplied to nourish the crop. It is not at all probable that this same concentration is maintained in all soils and at all times. In fact quite the contrary. The amount of material in the film water must 172 THE SOIL: INORGANIC MATTER vary from day to day and from soil to soil, depending on daily temperature and moisture content, soil composition, texture and structure, amount of organic matter, character of the solvent, whether rich or poor in carbon dioxide and organic acids. The figures given, however, show only what have been obtained by very laborious methods from a few soils, and give an idea of the amount of concentration. (6) WASTE WATER is the excess water which flows away from the soil as drainage or river water. Table IX gives average analyses of these two kinds of waste water. Drain- age water is that which has been obtained from drains under cropped fields and represents that which comes directly from the soil after having passed through the soil and subsoil (Fig. 38). River water is that which flows into the sea and has travelled for long distances from its sources, being subjected to many changes after passing through the soil. TABLE IX. COMPOSITION OF DRAINAGE AND RIVER WATERS. Expressed in parts per million. (Averages of numerous analyses except N 2 Os in the case of drainage water, which is from Rothamsted figures. There are not many analyses on this constituent.) Drainage. Rivers. Potash K 2 O 3.2 2.4 Soda Na 2 O 15.1 7.1 Lime CaO .107.6 43.2 Magnesia MgO 16.3 14.7 Silica SiO 2 8.5 * 16.4 Carbon dioxide .... CO 2 74.4 46.0 Phosphoric acid .... P 2 Os 0.5 0.3 Sulphuric acid .... SOs 60.8 8.0 Chlorine Cl 17.7 3.7 Organic matter 37.4 16.4 Nitric acid . . . . . N 2 0s 15.0 3.8 Total solids 352.6 168.6 Since the figures given for film water do not represent as many types of soil as those in Table IX, comparison between them is hardly proper. Contrasting drainage water with river w r ater it is to be noted that in practically every case the latter contains less of the various constituents. This is, of course, to be expected, for after the drainage water has entered an open stream and travelled considerable distances COMPOSITION OF SOIL WATER 173 much of the soluble material is deposited. Aeration, for example, frees carbon dioxide from the solution and pre- cipitates calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. Inter-reactions of bases and acids with new compounds remove many substances. Dilution of water charged with soluble material by fairly pure water reduces the con- centration. Taking up drainage water alone, it is very noticeable that potash is present in small quantities, whereas lime is present in considerable amounts; and it will be remembered (Section 132) that potassium is absorbed to a much greater extent than calcium. Soda and magnesia are present in nearly equal quantities. The acid radicles in the order of increasing amounts are P2O 5 , SiO 2 , Cl, SO 3 , and CO 2 , with N 2 O 5 probably about equal to Cl. Nitric acid, as nitrates, of course, will be present in widely varying amounts, probably more widely than any other radical, acid or basic, and hence an average figure does not mean much. This arrange- ment indicates that most of the salts in solution are calcium and magnesium bicarbonates and sulphates, sodium chloride, some silicates of the alkalies, and nitrates of different bases. It may be said for nitrates that although the nitric acid radical is the least absorbed of all, there is not such a great loss of it from ordinary soils as might be expected. Rapid growth of crops at the time when nitrates are formed in greatest amount, and lack of moisture for nitrification later in the season when crop grow r th practically ceases, are two factors which tend to prevent loss of nitrates. The practice of fallowing, which fortunately is not very common nowa- days, always results in a heavy loss of nitrates. Conditions are ideal for nitrification and there are no crops to remove the nitrates. Bicarbonates and sulphates of calcium and magnesium, present in largest amounts in drainage water, are what ordinarily make water "hard," although any soluble sub- stance may be responsible for this condition. The hardness of the water- depends, of course, on the nature of the soil drained. A limestone country yields a very hard water. The bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium give a water 174 THE SOIL: INORGANIC MATTER "temporary" hardness, because they decompose easily on aeration or boiling and precipitate the carbonates. The sulphates of calcium and magnesium give water "permanent" hardness, since they are not so easily precipitated. Of course in the case of drainage and river waters there is a very wide variation in the content of dissolved material, just as there is in the film water. A granitic or sandy country will yield water that is very " soft" or almost pure, whereas a limestone country gives just the opposite. Take two fresh water lakes in Wisconsin, for example. One Devil's Lake receives the drainage from a granitic region, the other Lake Mendota receives that from a limestone country. Table X gives the analyses of both lakes. TABLE X. COMPOSITION OF LAKES. (Expressed in parts per million.) Fe,0, SiO, AhO, CaO MgO SO, Cl Lake Mendota 1.1 0.8 40.1 42.3 10.3 2.0 Devil's Lake 2.2 0.6 4.5 1.8 6.7 8.2 137. Soil-forming Rocks. To obtain some idea of the composition of a soil, it is necessary to know something of the rocks from which the soil is derived. Rocks are mineral aggregates, that is, they are composed of two or more minerals welded together either by heat or pressure. They are classi- fied as igneous, formed by the cooling of molten masses; sedimentary, laid down by water; and metamorphic, changed by heat and pressure from their original forms. Knowing the rocks in a general way will give an idea of the minerals to be expected in a soil derived from any given rock, and also the character of the compounds resulting therefrom. This applies, of course, only to soils in place. Soils that have been transported by water have been sorted more or less accord- ing to the specific gravity of their various constituents and therefore do not contain all of their original minerals. It is impossible to describe all of the rocks or even the common rocks from which soils are derived, but it may suffice to mention a few characteristic soil-forming rocks, SOIL-FORMING ROCKS 175 (a) GRANITE. (Fig. 39). This is one of the most common igneous rocks and many soils are derived from it. It is usually composed of quartz, feldspar, mica, and hornblende. FIG. 39. Soil-forming rock: Granite. United States Geological Survey. The action of water, heat, and cold serve to break it down into small particles. Aided by the chemical action of water and carbon dioxide the feldspar changes in part to kaolinite 176 THE SOIL: INORGANIC MATTER and silica, or clay and potassium carbonate. Mica slowly changes to clay and carbonates of the alkalies. Hornblende forms hydrated oxides of iron and aluminium, clay, and carbonates of calcium and magnesium. Quartz changes but little except as to size of particles, these becoming small grains which form sand. If the decomposed material is not disturbed it forms a soil of excellent texture and good composition. Apatite occurs very commonly disseminated in small crystals throughout granite, and supplies phosphorus to such a soil. All the other essential elements are present. Sorted by water, however, it separates into sand and clay soils with most of the plant foods in the clay. (6) BASALTS AND LAVAS form soils which may be very sandy and barren, when silica predominates with only cal- cium, magnesium, and aluminium for bases; or form good soils, when bases predominate, which include potassium. (c) LIMESTONE ROCKS consist for the most part of calcium carbonate (and magnesium carbonate) which is leached out very completely by the action of water and carbon dioxide (Fig. 40). There is left to form soil only a very small per- centage of impurities in the form of clay. Limestone is laid down far out at sea in deep water, and there is entangled with it the finer and lighter particles of clay which have been washed out into the sea by rivers. This clayey im- purity which forms soil from limestone may have been derived from granite, in which case it would be fairly rich in plant food. It may have been derived from barren basalts, in which case it would be very poor. As a rule, however, limestone soils are rich, except that they may be lacking in calcium carbonate. At first thought it seems strange that limestone soils are apt to be lacking in calcium carbonate. But soil is derived from limestone only by the solution and removal of calcium carbonate, soil material being only the impurities present in the limestone rock. Calcium carbonate is on the whole very soluble in soil w r ater, compared to other rock constituents. Moreover, the particles composing the clay are for the most part decomposition products of silicates which may have originally contained KINDS OF SOIL 177 calcium, but which have lost a large part of this constituent during decomposition. Of course, there may be particles of limestone and calcium- containing silicates left in the soil, and these serve as sources of calcium for a time, but nevertheless, limestone soils are among the first to become acid, because of lack of calcium carbonate. FIG. 40. Soil-forming rock: Limestone. Survey. United States Geological (d) SANDSTONES AND SHALES form sandy and clayey soils, respectively, containing more or less plant food according to their original composition and derivation, for they are secondary rocks derived from decomposition products of others. Sandstones are more apt to yield poor soils unless it happens that the binding material is of a clayey nature. 138. Kinds of Soil. The number of different kinds of soil is necessarily very great, and any attempt to classify them is a very considerable undertaking. Ordinarily they are divided according to their geological origin, but they may 12 178 THE SOIL: INORGANIC MATTER be classified on the basis of physical composition or of chemical composition. It is not the place here to discuss soil types and characteristics in detail, but it may be of some help to briefly discuss general soil classifications, using as a basis merely the common terms which are familiar to every farmer, and not trying to adhere rigidly to some technical basis which is of value only to the soil expert. The chemical properties of soils in every case will form the basis of the discussion. They can be discussed as: (a) Arid and humid soils, which will distinguish in a general way those soils which are located, on the one hand, where very little rain falls, and on the other hand, where sufficient rain falls; (6) sand, clay, loam, muck, and peat, names which are very commonly used and which depend on physical and chemical characteristics; (c) soil and subsoil, terms suffi- ciently plain; (d) alkali soils or special soils that are very important in certain arid regions of the United States particularly an extreme type of arid soil. (a) ARID AND HUMID SOILS. The principal chemical dif- ferences between soils in an arid or dry region and those in a humid or moist region is in the amount of available or soluble plant food. In a humid climate the soil is continu- ally subject to leaching and fixation of soluble compounds. Decomposition takes place as indicated in Section 129. In a region of little rain, the plant food made soluble by decomposition remains in the soil for the most part as such. Decomposition of rocks takes place largely by the action of sudden extremes of heat and cold, and not to a very great extent by the solvent action of soil moisture. As a result arid soils are not only pulverulent and sandy in texture, but the soluble compounds which are formed remain in the soil. Little clay is formed from feldspars, because of lack of water for hydration. This means a soil, coarse in texture, as mentioned above. In other words kaolinization is not marked in arid regions. Since there is little leaching, calcium carbonate derived from limestone, or from silicate rocks by slow decomposition, is not removed from the soil and exerts its flocculent effect on what little clay is formed. Arid soils are more fertile as a rule than humid soils if water KINDS OF SOIL 179 can be supplied and maintained. Fig. 41 shows the method of supplying water to such soils. The lack of organic matter is a serious drawback in arid soils, for it is easily "burned out." Decomposition is very rapid, for the pulverulent soils are naturally well aerated. FIG. 41. Arid soil under irrigation. Sugar beets. (6) 1. Sand Soils. The term sand is based on size of soil particles and not on chemical composition, although from the nature of its formation there is usually a distinct chemical composition. Technically a sand soil consists of any coarse material whether composed of pieces of lava, coral, shell, or pure quartz. Since in humid regions, however, sands are derived by the action of water and carbon dioxide on rocks containing quartz, such soils are composed largely of silica, SiOa, since this is the least soluble of any of the ordinary minerals, and breaks up slowly largely by physical agencies. There are present in addition pieces of feldspar, mica, and hornblende. As a rule sandy soils do not contain much organic matter for the reason given above they are too well aerated. Fig. 42 shows the effect of organic matter 180 THE SOIL: INORGANIC MATTER on such soils. In humid regions the grains are rounded from the rolling caused by water movements. In arid regions the grains are angular and of any sort of material, not necessarily of silica. FIG. 42. Sand soil. Organic matter applied to plat on the left. Soils Department, Wisconsin Station. 2. Clay Soils. Like the term sand, clay in soil nomen- clature refers to size of particles, and is applied to soils, or that portion of soils, having the very finest particles, regard- less of composition. It has been truly said that clay is either rock rot or rock flour. In the former case, and that is the common occurrence, clay is derived from silicate rocks by the decomposing action of water and carbon dioxide. It is largely hydrated aluminium silicate. In the latter case clay is merely very finely ground rock material made by the action of glaciers, for example, and the composition will depend on the kind of rock ground up. 3. Loam Soils. The term loam does not mean much scientifically, but popularly it is a term applied to soils of good texture and well supplied with organic matter. They are sand or clay loams as they have more or less of the qualifying constituent. Their chemical composition is very general in nature. KINDS OF SOIL 181 4. Peat Soils. These are composed for the most part of organic matter but little decomposed (Fig. 43). The tissue of the plants of which they are composed is still plainly dis- tinguishable. Unless these soils are in a limestone region decomposition results in the production of a considerable degree of acidity. The mineral matter present frequently amounts to no more than 10 or 15 per cent. FIG. 43. Peat soil. Soils Department, Wisconsin Station. 5. Muck Soils. These are soils containing large amounts of organic matter, but which are in a more advanced state of decomposition than peats. Plant tissue is quite indis- tinguishable and there is very much more mineral matter present. 6. General Composition. Table XI gives the approximate composition of sand, clay, muck, and peat soils in three principal constituents, nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash. The figures, while not applicable in every case, will at least give an idea of relative differences as they very commonly occur. The weight of the surface eight inches of sand is taken at 2,500,000 pounds, of clay at 2,000,000, of muck at 1,000,000, and of peat at 350,000. TABLE XI. COMPOSITION OF GENERAL SOIL TTPES. Soil. Sand Clay Peat Muck Per cent. N. Pounds per acre. Per cent. P,O 4 . Pounds per acre. Per cent. K,O. Pounds per acre. 0.05 1250 0.01 250 1.5 37,500 0.15 3000 0.15 3000 2.0 40,000 2.50 8750 0.25 875 0.5 1,750 0.30 3000 0.30 3000 1.5 15,000 182 THE SOIL: INORGANIC MATTER (c) SOIL AND SUBSOIL. In humid regions there is a con- siderable difference between the soil and the subsoil. The most striking contrast is in the amount of organic matter. In fact a common way of distinguishing between them is to note the dividing line between the dark soil and the light subsoil. It is frequently very sharply defined. This means of course that there is more nitrogen in the soil than in the subsoil. In addition there is found ordinarily more phos- phoric acid and total lime in the soil than in the subsoil. There is, however, less potash, ferric and aluminium oxides, and calcium carbonate. The finer clay particles are washed down into the subsoil, which results in subsoils of finer texture than soils. This fact also accounts for the greater amount of potash, ferric and aluminium oxides, and calcium carbonate in the subsoil, since these constituents are more rapidly weathered on the surface and washed into the subsoil, where they are fixed. In the soil there are more bacteria and bacterial food organic matter consequently there are more organic acids and carbon dioxide. The latter makes a stronger reagent of soil moisture and as a result greater availability of plant food. Being more open and porous and of better structure than subsoil, the soil is in better physical condition for crop growth. Aeration being better, all compounds are in a higher state of oxidation, iron, for example, is all in the ferric form. This is not always the case in subsoils. Iron may be in the ferrous form, and such compounds as ferrous sulphate which may be derived from the imperfect oxidation of iron sulphide or pyrites, are poisonous to plants. It very often happens that when too much subsoil has been turned up in plowing the crop is very poor. This may be due to ferrous salts, to poor structure too compact and badly aerated to lack of organic matter. This latter lack reduces the rate of availability of plant foods. In arid regions there is very little difference between soil and subsoil. Organic matter extends to considerable depths, because of deep root penetration. There is no sharp, dividing line. The structure is the same throughout, lack of water causing little clay formation, and the soils are KINDS OF SOIL 183 pulverulent all the way down. Weathering is uniform and production of water-soluble material is uniform. The sub- soil will raise just as good crops as the soil. In many places material thrown out in excavating for the cellar of a house makes just as good a garden as the top soil. (d) ALKALI SOILS. In certain parts of the arid west, as well as of other arid regions of the world, there exist patches of so-called alkali soil (Fig. 44). They are usually barren of vegetation and are covered with white or black incrusta- tions of soluble salts. The white salts are called "white alkali" and the black salts "black alkali." Chemically FIG. 44. Alkali soil, showing patches of white alkali. Agronomy Depart- ment, California Station. the white salts are not alkaline in character but consist largely of sodium chloride and sodium sulphate with some chlorides and sulphates of calcium and magnesium. "Black alkali" is composed largely of sodium carbonate, the solution of which dissolves from the soil through which it has passed some of the humus, thus coloring the evaporated salts black. As was noticed in Section 138 (a), the soluble salts formed by decomposition of the minerals are not leached out of arid soils, and under normal conditions are spread throughout the soil and subsoil in amounts not at all injurious to plants; but when there arise conditions which permit the accumula- 184 THE SOIL: INORGANIC MATTER tion of a large quantity of soluble salts in one spot, then the "rise of alkali," as it is called, begins. For example, steady drainage of soluble salts from a higher region to a lower, with insufficient water to completely remove the salts in the drainage water, results in the accumulation of salts in the lower area. Where irrigation is practiced and there is used water heavily charged with salts, but not enough water to remove the salts into the country drainage, an accumula- tion is apt to occur. And where excessive amounts of water are used for irrigation in lands not properly provided with underdrainage, the rising water table dissolves out the soluble salts in the subsoil and brings them within capillary reach of the surface. In any case the salts in solution in the soil water rise to the surface by capillarity and are left there by the evaporation of the water. A rain dissolves them and carries them into the soil for a greater or less distance depending on the amount of rainfall, and they return to the surface when surface tension is again established. Many different kinds of compounds are made soluble by the decomposition of rocks, but in passing through con- siderable portions of soil, chemical absorption plays an important selective part. As was seen in Section 132, potassium and magnesium are retained more than sodium and calcium. Phosphates are easily retained in an insoluble form, carbonates, sulphates, chlorides less easily. As a result it is to be expected that chlorides, sulphates, and carbonates of not easily fixed bases will predominate in alkali soils, and the chloride, sulphate, and carbonate of sodium, sulphates of calcium and magnesium, and some chlorides of calcium and magnesium prevail in such soils. White alkali is not so injurious to vegetation as black alkali, sodium sulphate being the least injurious, but both kinds are very troublesome to farmers in some arid regions. In addition to the harmful effects on crops, black alkali or sodium carbonate has the puddling effect on soils common to most alkaline solutions. Limiting strengths of these salts in sandy loam soil for cereals have been found to be about 0.1 per cent, of sodium carbonate, 0.25 per cent. REFERENCES 185 for sodium chloride, and 0.5 per cent, for sodium sulphate. On clay soils this tolerance is less. Crops vary in their ability to withstand the alkali, alfalfa, sugar beets, and radishes being better able to withstand it than the grains and celery. Methods of reclaiming alkali soils are for the most part a matter of rotation, culture, the growing of resistant crops, prevention of evaporation, flooding, and underdrainage. Black alkali can be remedied by the application of gypsum or land plaster. This reacts with the sodium carbonate to form calcium carbonate and sodium sulphate, the former harmless and the latter relatively so. EXERCISES 1. What is the chief -solvent? How is it made in the soil? State what four reactions of this solvent you consider the most important. Why? How are these reactions related to the phenomenon of absorption? 2. Why does drainage water contain less PjOs and K^O than CaO and N ? 3. State three reasons why a clay soil usually retains more soluble plant food than a sandy soil. 4. State all the reactions that you have studied that are probably revers- ible. Is reversibility the rule or the exception in plant and soil reactions? For the accomplishment of how many reactions are enzymes necessary? 5. Examine the formulae and solubility of tricalcium phosphate, dicalcium phosphate, monocalcium phosphate, pure limestone and calcium bicarbo- nate. What general rule becomes apparent? 6. Other things being equal, will a soil in which much kaolinization has taken place permit KC1 to leach away as readily as one in which this action has not taken place? Why or why not? 7. What are the two chief functions of carbon dioxide from the farmer's standpoint? 8. Suppose you added equal amounts of soluble compounds containing the following radicals to the soil, NOj, NH4, PO4, Ca and K; place them in an order that shows the increasing ability to leach. 9. Suppose a farmer added acid phosphate to a soil that was very poor in organic matter but rich in lime; explain in detail what would happen to the acid phosphate. 10. From what kind of organic matter can nitric and sulphuric acid be produced in the soil? 11. Explain in detail why an acid soil is often lacking in available phos- phorus. 12. Explain why little kaolinization takes place in an arid soil. 13. Why are soil minerals less soluble in warm water containing carbonic acid than in cold water containing this solvent? REFERENCES See references at end of Chapter VI. CHAPTER VIII FERTILIZERS IT frequently happens that soils lose their ability to raise good crops. They no longer continue to produce the high yields which are characteristic of soils functioning properly in accordance with the facts stated in the last two chapters. This failure may be due to several causes: Poor drainage, insufficient water, bad physical condition, not enough organic matter, and lack of available plant food. Most of the conditions can be remedied by the farmer. Insufficient water cannot be prevented except by irrigation where a source of water is convenient and it is possible to ditch the land. All other factors can be modified. In this discussion of the chemical phase of soil fertility only one factor can be considered, namely, the supply of plant food, available or total. 139. Plant Food in the Soil. When it is a question of unavailable plant food, attention to such things as cultiva- tion and the supply of organic matter will frequently remedy the deficiency; but where these factors are insufficient, or where plant foods are actually lacking, then it becomes necessary to add them to the soil. From Table III, p. 109, showing the number of pounds of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash removed from an acre by various crops, it can readily be seen that there is a steady drain on the reserve food supply in the soil, and no compensa- tive natural return. In the case of nitrogen there is an addi- tion of possibly 40 to 60 pounds of nitrogen in the roots and stubble of one legume crop. This is in excess of the amount removed from the soil and illustrates very forcibly the necessity of growing a legume in the rotation. And yet, compared to the total amount of nitrogen removed in the (186) DEFINITION OF FERTILIZERS 187 other crops of a rotation, this is inadequate to make up the loss 40 to 60 pounds returned, and 100 to 150 pounds removed. There may be added to the soil of one field more or less fine soil blown from an adjoining field or roadway. This, of course, adds some plant food such as potash and phosphoric acid, but it is at best only "robbing Peter to pay Paul," since this plant food may in turn be lost to the next field in the same way. There is, of course, some plant food brought to the surface soil by the rise of capillary or film water, and the decay of roots and stubble may add plant food which has been brought up from the subsoil by deeply penetrating roots. But analyses show very conclusively that a long period of cropping reduces all the plant food elements. As much as one-third to one-half of the amount contained in the virgin soil has been found to disappear during 50 to 60 years of cropping with no return in the way of manure or fertilizers. . It is a well-recognized fact among farmers who have the experience of centuries to guide them that if plant food is removed it must be returned. F. H. King in his " Farmers of Forty Centuries" states that to each acre of the 20,000 square miles of cultivated land in Japan there are added annually 60 pounds of nitrogen, 32 pounds of phosphoric acid, and 48 pounds of potash. These people have been farming for centuries and are still maintaining the fertility of their soil only by a most rigorous return to the soil of the plant food removed. These facts all show that sooner or later plant food must be added to the soil. 140. Definition of Fertilizers. The term fertilizer is ap- plied not only to a compound which supplies a plant food to the soil, but also to a compound which has other func- tions in the soil, such as neutralizing acidity, making potash available, etc. Hence, fertilizers may be defined as com- pounds which are added to the soil to increase the yield of crops to increase the fertility of the soil. 141. Direct Fertilizers. Compounds which supply plant food to the soil and thus have a direct action on plant growth 188 FERTILIZERS are called direct fertilizers, and are usually compounds containing nitrogen, phosphoric acid, or potash which are the three elements most commonly lacking in soils, either because of low total content like nitrogen and phosphoric acid, or because of unavailability like potash. The addition of the other essential elements is rarely necessary, with the exception of calcium. 142. Indirect Fertilizers or Amendments. Compounds which are not added primarily to supply plant food, but which cause some other plant food to become available, and which correct a harmful condition in the soil, or act as a stimulant to plant growth by other causes than merely nutri- tive, are called indirect fertilizers or amendments. Calcium in various forms is usually called an indirect fertilizer, although as noted in Chapter XII, calcium may frequently serve as a plant food. Sodium chloride, manganese salts, and sulphur, are all classed as indirect fertilizers or amendments. 143. Commercial Fertilizers. Under this head come all those fertilizers which the farmer buys compounds which are of great commercial importance. Compounds which are produced on the farm, such as barnyard manure or green- crop manures, are not rated as commercial fertilizers. 144. Complete Fertilizers. A complete fertilizer is one which contains nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash. These three constituents are the only ones which the farmer needs to consider as being necessary to purchase for plant food. Nitrogen and phosphoric acid exist in soils in very small amounts and are hence very likely to be lacking in sufficient quantity to nourish crops. Potassium on the other hand is rarely lacking, but is very frequently present in such unavailable form that certain plants cannot obtain enough for normal growth. Of the other essential elements, none is ever actually lacking in soil for the nutrition of the plant, except calcium. But since calcium is usually referred to as a soil amendment or indirect fertilizer, discussion of this element as a plant food will be postponed. In preparing a complete fertilizer for the market the manufacturer makes use of various compounds of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash in forms that are immediately HOME MIXING 189 soluble, or will become soluble very quickly. The farmer wants quick returns from his fertilizer and hence the various ingredients must be readily available. Chapters IX, X, and XI give the various sources of the individual elements. An almost infinite number of combinations of the different constituents can be made and the manufacturer uses many of them, with phosphoric acid, however, predominating in most of the fertilizers. In making the so-called high grade fertilizers only compounds containing the maximum amount of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash are used, but even here it is not possible to manufacture a product contain- ing very much of the essential elements. Few nitrogenous materials contain more than 15 per cent, nitrogen, or phos- phate substances more than 16 to 18 per cent, available phosphoric acid, or potash compounds more than 50 per cent, potash. The rest of the product is worthless as a fertilizer, but its presence can not be helped, for it is obviously impos- sible to use elemental nitrogen, or phosphorus pentoxide, or potassium oxide in a fertilizer (cf. Section 198). In making low grade fertilizers, however, various diluents are used to reduce the percentage composition; diluents, however, which are harmless in themselves, although of course value- less as fertilizers. These substances are gypsum, fine, dry soil, peat (which does contain a small amount of nitrogen, although not very available), sawdust, and other dry, cheap substances. Sometimes it is necessary to add these materials to a complete fertilizer to serve as driers, for some single fertilizer ingredients, like sodium nitrate, absorb water and make the mass sticky, or cause it to cake in hard lumps and hence render it unfit for drilling purposes. 145. Incomplete Fertilizers. An incomplete fertilizer is one which contains only one or two of the above named three elements. Those containing only one are frequently referred to as single fertilizers. 146. Home Mixing. It is not necessary for the farmer to purchase ready mixed goods. He may buy single ferti- lizers and do his own mixing before application, or he may apply them singly to the soil. Each purchaser should decide for himself which wav is the best for him. There are 190 FERTILIZERS advantages and disadvantages in the use of either form. Ready mixed, complete fertilizers are easily purchased in any quantity, with a wide variety of combinations in nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, and in a fine, dry condition which will run readily through a fertilizer drill. The mixture is uniform throughout. On the other hand, they are expensive and the farmer does not know what the various ingredients are. Particularly in the case of nitrogen, the farmer does not know the source. It may be readily available and it may not, although in a majority of cases it is in a reasonably soluble form. Home mixed goods are cheaper, the farmer knows the source of his materials, and he can apply one element at a time or only those which are necessary, without adding plant food which is not needed in order to get that which is re- quired. On the other hand, it is not always easy to get small amounts of the separate ingredients and this is because the manufacturer prefers to sell the single ingredients in mixed form if possible. Again, it is not always easy to get a uniform mixture and this may result in uneven yields. Finally the mechanical condition may be such that the material can not be drilled, and even if used otherwise it must be broken up before use. This is due to absorption of moisture as above indicated. 147. Mixtures to be Avoided. In mixing fertilizers care must be taken not to put together two or more substances which will cause loss of plant food or conversion to an insoluble form. Lime in any form, or basic slag which contains an excess of lime, or wood ashes, should not be mixed with ammonium sulphate, or with organic nitrog- enous materials, for loss of ammonia would occur. The same compounds should not be mixed with acid phosphate because reversion to the insoluble form takes place and the fertilizer loses its immediate value. Unless a mixture is to be used at once it is better not to mix the basic compounds named above with sodium nitrate or with potash salts, for the latter absorb moisture and the whole mass will harden to a solid mass which requires crushing before use. REFERENCES 191 148. Choice of Fertilizers. In the following discussion of various fertilizers there are considered for the most part only their effects on the plant, the soil, and on each other. Their relative value as forms of plant food is considered only on these grounds. But it must be remembered by the farmer that the economical factor should enter into the choice of a fertilizer. As a matter of scientific fact one form of fertilizer may be better than another, but its cost may be greater than the increased benefits derived from its use. With a thorough knowledge of the several forms of each element, of the effects of each crop to be grow r n, of the soil, and of the cost, a farmer can decide for himself which is the best kind to use under the circumstances. EXERCISES 1. Give as many reasons as you can why substances containing Ca, N, P, and K are the important fertilizers. 2. Would it be wise to mix the following: Sodium nitrate with lime; ammonium sulphate with potassium chloride; lime with monocalcium phosphate? If not, why not? How many mixtures to be avoided can you give? 3. Would it be harmful to mix lime with ammonium sulphate in the soil? Why or why not? 4. What condition of a crop would indicate the need of a nitrogenous fertilizer; of a phosphatic fertilizer; of a potash fertilizer? 5. What kind of a fertilizer would you think most valuable for potatoes; corn; cabbage; sugar beets; to mature a crop early; to give rapid vegetative growth? Why? 6. What properties should a fertilizer have in order to be immediately available; to be used as a spring dressing; to have residual effects? 7. A firm advertises a brand of rock phosphate containing 13 per cent. P at $30 per ton. Another firm sells the same kind of fertilizer under a different trade name, and guaranteed to contain 32 per cent. PjOs, for S31 per ton. Which fertilizer will give the greater amount of P for S10, and how much more than the other? REFERENCES Hall. Fertilisers and Manures. Halligan. Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. Pranke. Cyanamid. Van Slyke. Fertilizers and Crops. Wheeler. Manures and Fertilizers. CHAPTER IX NITROGENOUS FERTILIZERS NITROGEN has usually been considered the most important element in plant nutrition, and for several reasons: It exists in the soil in only small quantities, rarely more than 0.2 per cent. It is so important in the vegetative growth of plants that frequently nitrogen is the only fertilizing con- stituent needed to produce large yields. In other words, the increased growth of leaves and stems gives the plant more power to forage for the other elements in the soil and so produce a greater yield. It goes for the most part to the seed, and thus, in the case of grain crops, is one of the ele- ments that is removed from the soil. It is used by plants to a greater extent than any other element. As a matter of physiological fact, of course, no one element is more important than another. All the essential elements are equally necessary for the growth of the plant; some in larger amounts than others, it is true, but not more necessary. And yet, important as nitrogen is in many ways, it is the only element which can be returned to the soil by natural means, namely, by the agency of nitrogen-fixing bacteria on the roots of legumes (Section 125). Clover, alfalfa, or some other legume, is always a part of a good rotation system. So that after all, nitrogen is not the important element for the farmer to consider. In taking up the different forms of nitrogen on the market it is convenient to classify them according to the form of chemical combination, and this order coincides with the solubility, and roughly with the availability of the nitrogen compounds. (192) NITROGEN AS NITRATE 193 I. NITROGEN AS NITRATE 149. Sodium Nitrate, NaNO 3 . The best known and most important of all the nitrogen fertilizers is sodium nitrate, or more commonly, nitrate of soda, or "Chile saltpeter." Saltpeter itself is potassium nitrate which is too expensive for ordinary use as a fertilizer, although on account of the fact that it contains both potassium and nitrogen it is a plant food of great value. Nitrate of soda is a salt similar to potassium nitrate in many of its properties, and because most of the world's supply comes from Chile, it has received the name of Chile saltpeter. FIG. 45. Gathering caliche. (a) How OBTAINED. The principal deposit of nitrate of soda lies on a plateau some 3000 feet above sea-level in a region where rain falls but once in two or three years. The crude salt, called "caliche" (Fig. 45), is found in masses which average about 3 feet thick. On top are strata of gravel and rock several feet thick. The rock is composed largely of sand and gypsum, while the caliche contains from 17 to 60 per cent, sodium nitrate mixed with various impurities such as sodium chloride, calcium, magnesium, and sodium sul- phates, some iodates and perchlorates. Dynamite is used 13 194 NITROGENOUS FERTILIZERS to loosen up the masses of caliche and to break up the overlying strata. From the mines the crude material is taken to the works where it is dissolved in hot water, trans- ferred to evaporating tanks, and the sodium nitrate allowed to crystallize out (Fig. 46). It is then dried and sacked for shipment. As it comes on the market nitrate of soda is coarsely granular material, brown, gray, or pink in color and most of it is about 96 per cent, pure, containing in addition to sodium nitrate, some moisture, sodium chloride, calcium, magnesium, and sodium sulphates. The nitrogen content is nearly 16 per cent. FIG. 46. Nitrate of soda in crystallizing pans. (6) AVAILABILITY. Since nitrate of soda is very soluble, one part dissolving in about one part of water, and, more- over, since its nitrogen is in the form which plants require, it is an immediately available fertilizer. In addition to its being very soluble it is not fixed or retained by the soil to any extent, and is therefore easily lost by leaching. Con- sequently applications of sodium nitrate should be made a very short time before seeding, or as a top dressing. (c) EFFECT ON THE SOIL. In the soil sodium nitrate serves as an indirect fertilizer in that it reacts with insoluble potas- sium compounds, making the potassium soluble. Experi- NITROGEN AS NITRATE 195 ments have shown that sodium nitrate in this way takes the place of a potash fertilizer, in addition to supplying nitrogen to the crop. Another effect of sodium nitrate in the soil is to puddle heavy soils, if used continuously. This is because plants absorb more of the nitrate radical than they do of the sodium. The latter unites with carbon dioxide in the soil forming sodium carbonate which de- flocculates clay particles, giving the soil a very poor structure. This fact of its leaving a residue of sodium carbonate in the soil, however, makes sodium nitrate a valuable fertilizer on acid soils, and thus saves the calcium carbonate by supplying an additional base. 150. Synthetic Nitrates. Years ago when it was thought that the Chilean nitrate beds were in serious danger of rapid exhaustion, attention was directed to methods of combining the nitrogen of the air with other elements, and so to ward off inevitable destruction when no more nitrate was to be procured. Although such a danger was very much overrated it served the purpose of stimulating inven- tion. More recently the Great War demonstrated the necessity of making nitric acid from air nitrogen for explo- sives. As a result Germany was able to make in this way all the nitric acid necessary for military as well as for agri- cultural purposes. In the Allied countries much was also done in the way of making nitric acid from the nitrogen of the air. In the United States several plants were started but at present little is being done to operate them. They have, however, demonstrated the possibilities. In times of peace the products from such plants can be used largely for fertilizers. How MADE. It has been known for over a century that nitrogen and oxygen would unite if heated to a sufficiently high temperature, as by an electric spark. This fact is made use of in a number of different processes, particularly that of Birkeland and Eyde in Norway. The union of nitrogen and oxygen is brought about in a specially con- structed furnace (Figs. 47 and 48) which contains a large and powerful electric arc through which air passes. Oxides of nitrogen are formed which later are combined with water 196 NITROGENOUS FERTILIZERS to produce nitric acid. This acid can be neutralized with lime or ammonia for fertilizer purposes. FIG. 47. Manufacture of calcium nitrate. Interior view of furnace house at Notodden, Norway. FIG- 48. Interior of one of the fumaceg at Notodden. NITROGEN AS AMMONIA 197 Another method, the so-called Ilaber process, synthesizes ammonia from pure nitrogen and pure hydrogen under great pressure, at a moderate temperature and in the presence of a catalyst. The ammonia can be oxidized to nitric acid by being passed over red hot platinum gauze with an excess of air. With part of the ammonia oxidized to nitric acid and part unchanged, ammonium nitrate can be produced. This compound may in time become valuable as a fertilizer, although it is not used to any extent at present. II. NITROGEN AS AMMONIA 151. Ammonium Sulphate. In addition to the nitrate nitrogen mined as nitrate of soda and manufactured as nitrate of lime, there is produced an ammonia nitrogen fertilizer called ammonium sulphate, (NH^SO^ which contains about 20 per cent, nitrogen as it appears on the market. Ammonium sulphate is obtained for the most part as a by-product in the destructive distillation of soft coal. Coal contains from 1 to 2 per cent, nitrogen, of which about 15 per cent, is recoverable. In other words, from one ton of coal may be produced about twenty pounds of am- monium sulphate. For years none of this valuable material was saved, and even now not all of the amount produced is recovered. (a) How MADE. If soft coal is burned in the air all the nitrogen escapes as elemental nitrogen and cannot be re- covered, but if coal is heated in closed retorts, it undergoes destructive distillation whereby coke and Combustible gases are formed, the latter containing part of the nitrogen in the form of ammonia. Soft coal is treated in this way in the manufacture of coke, coal gas, or producer gas, and in any one of these processes it is possible to save the ammonia. The coke ovens have been the greatest source of loss, for in the past no attempt was made to save any of the gases, and even now not as many by-product coke ovens are in use as should be, although the coke and steel concerns are beginning to realize the advantage of saving the ammonia (Figs. 49 and 50). 198 NITROGENOUS FERTILIZERS By proper appliances the escaping gases from coke ovens or gas retorts are led through water in which the ammonia FIG. 49 FIG. 50 FIGS. 49 and 50. Two views of by-product coke ovens. NITROGEN AS AMMONIA 199 is dissolved. It is then distilled by steam with the addi- tion of lime to break up ammonium compounds, and led into sulphuric acid. The solution of ammonium sulphate is evaporated and the white or gray salt which results is dried and sold as sulphate of ammonium, largely for fertilizing purposes. (6) AVAILABILITY. Ammonium sulphate is almost as solu- ble as sodium nitrate, one part dissolving in about one and one-third parts of water, but for most plants it is not the best form of nitrogen. The ammonia nitrogen must first change to nitrate nitrogen which it does very rapidly in the soil by the process called nitrification (Section 123). Its ready solubility and rapid change to nitrate make it only slightly less readily available than sodium nitrate, and it is ranked as a quick-acting fertilizer. In the early spring, however, to start wheat, for example, ammonium sulphate is not good because at that time of year bacterial action is very slow and nitrification does not take place with sufficient rapidity to feed the crop. A nitrate is better under these conditions. Ammonia nitrogen is not leached from the soil as rapidly as nitrate nitrogen, being absorbed both chemically and physically (Section 131). Ammonia, held either in other chemical combinations or absorbed by humus or hydrated silicates, is just as easily nitrified as it is in the sulphate form. Until nitrified, ammonium sulphate is not lost from the soil, but nitrification is ordinarily so rapid that ammo- nium sulphate is not a lasting nitrogenous fertilizer. (c) EFFECT ON THE SOIL. Whereas sodium and calcium nitrates tend to produce a residual alkaline condition of the soil, ammonium sulphate tends to produce an acid con- dition. Long continued use of this form of nitrogen results in a very acid condition of the soil. On the fertilizer plats of the Pennsylvania Experiment Station the use of 72 pounds of nitrogen as ammonium sulphate per acre once in two years for thirty years has resulted in a soil w y hich needs 19 times as much lime to correct the acidity as do the check plats receiving no fertilizer. In nitrifying, the ammonia is changed to nitric acid, and sulphuric acid is set free. Both acids require bases to 200 NITROGENOUS FERTILIZERS neutralize them, and thus there is twice as much lime or other base needed for this fertilizer as is needed for other nitrog- enous materials undergoing nitrification. Lime is used up very rapidly and acidity results (Section 177). m. NITROGEN AS AMINE OR PROTEIN 152. Cyanamid or Lime Nitrogen. The utilization of atmospheric nitrogen in the manufacture of fertilizers is successfully accomplished in another way than those men- tioned in Section 150. The process depends on the fact that nitrogen unites with calcium carbide to form calcium cyana- mide at a temperature about 1000 C. in the soil this com- pound changes gradually to nitrate. This fertilizer goes under a variety of names. Cyanamid is the trade name of the FIG. 51. Plant of American Cyanamid Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. American product manufactured at Niagara Falls (Fig. 51). Calcium cyanamide is a common name for it, although as a matter of fact the fertilizer contains only about 45 per cent, of this compound. Lime nitrogen is another name; also nitrolim which is the trade name of the fertilizer sold in England. NITROGEN AS AMINE OR PROTEIN 201 (a) How MADE. Calcium carbide is first made by fusing in an electric furnace a mixture of coke and lime. The reaction is as follows : CaO + 3C = CaCs + CO. The carbide is removed, cooled, crushed to a fine powder and placed in perforated steel cans set in brick oveng. A carbon rod carrying a current of electricity, and passing through the center of the can serves to heat up the carbide to about 1100 C., when union takes place between the carbide and a stream of pure nitrogen which is gently forced into the can. The reaction is as follows: CaCz + N 2 = CaCNs + C. Pure nitrogen is obtained by passing air over red hot copper when the oxygen unites with the copper to form copper oxide and the nitrogen alone issues from the furnace. The best process, however, is to fractionally distill liquid air. Nitrogen boils at - 195.5 C. and oxygen at - 182.5 C. The nitrogen comes off first and can be obtained very pure. The nitrogenous product, which is really an impure calcium cyanamide, is next cooled, pulverized, and treated with water in rotating cylinders. About 30 per cent, of water is taken up, the excess of calcium oxide is hydrated, and a little carbide decomposed to acetylene and hydrated calcium oxide. The material is then pressed into bricks and before use is crushed and screened so that a granulated fertilizer is obtained which is made use of almost exclusively in manufacturing complete fertilizers. The cyanamid as it comes on the market contains about 45 per cent, of calcium cyanamide, 15 per cent, nitrogen, 27 per cent, calcium hydroxide, and 13 per cent, free carbon, besides small amounts of other constituents. (6) AVAILABILITY. The fertilizing compound in cyanamid is calcium cyanamide: Ca = NC = N. This compound is soluble in water but not available to plants. Before its use by plants it must be nitrified and this process takes place in five stages as follows: 202 NITROGENOUS FERTILIZERS First, hydrolysis to cyanamide and calcium hydroxide, helped probably by the adsorptive processes in the soil, thus : CaCN 2 + 2H 2 O - H 2 CN Z + Ca(OH) 2 . The calcium hydroxide is changed rapidly to carbonate. Second, the hydrolysis of cyanamide with the aid of colloidal catalysts to urea, thus: H 2 CN 2 + H 2 O = CO(NH 2 ) 2 . Third, the bacterial hydrolysis, or ordinary ammonifying process, to ammonium carbonate, thus: CO(NH 2 ) 2 + 2H 2 O = (NHOsCOi. Fourth, nitrification to nitrous acid and nitrites. Fifth, further nitrification to nitric acid and nitrates. Cyanamid is ranked as a fairly quick acting fertilizer, about as good as ammonium sulphate. (c) EFFECT ON THE SOIL. Cyanamid while producing nitric acid also carries considerably more calcium oxide than is necessary to neutralize this acid. The residual effect is like that of basic calcium nitrate, and is beneficial. Cases have been reported where cyanamid has harmed crops, but under ordinary farming conditions no danger from it need be feared. 153. Dried Blood. By evaporating, drying, and grinding animal blood from slaughter houses there is obtained a product known as dried blood which is one of the best organic nitrogenous fertilizers. It comes on the market in two forms, red and black, the color depending on the processes of manufacture. Red dried blood is the better of the two, being more uniform in composition, containing more nitrogen and being more available as a fertilizer. Its nitrogen content is approximately 13 per cent. Black dried blood is not so pure, being often mixed with hair, dirt, and other substances which impair its value. Its nitrogen content varies greatly, running from 6 to 12 per cent. It may also carry 3 or 4 per cent, of phosphoric acid. NITROGEN AS AM1NE OR PROTEIN 203 The availability of the best grades of dried blood is roughly three-fourths that of sodium nitrate, although it varies with soil conditions. Its nitrogen is in the protein form and must undergo the complete process of ammonification and nitri- fication before becoming available. In cold, acid soils this process is not so rapid and as a result dried blood is not a good fertilizer for such soils. The nitrogen is not lost from soils since leaching cannot take place except as the protein nitrifies, and this is not rapid enough to cause loss. Dried blood has no marked effect on the soil, except that its tendency is toward making a soil acid, it being organic in nature and the decomposition of organic matter produces organic acids. Nitrification also produces acids which must be neutralized. But it must be remembered that the natural tendency of cultivated and fertilized soils is toward acidity and this condition should not be feared. Plenty of calcium carbonate in the soil prevents acidity from appearing and liming will overcome this condition if necessary (See Chapter XII). 154. Dried Meat, Meat Meal. Refuse meat from slaughter houses and packing houses, and waste from beef extract factories are first rendered, that is, steamed under pressure to remove fat, then dried and ground. Sometimes bones are mixed with the meat before rendering, and in this case, of course, the product contains phosphoric acid. The best grades of dried meat carry 13 or 14 per cent, of nitrogen, although many samples run less. The availability of meat meal is not quite so high as dried blood, but it makes a very satisfactory nitrogenous fertilizer when rapid availability is not wanted. Its nitrogen is in the protein form and like that of dried blood is not lost by leaching. Its effect on the soil is similar to that of dried blood. 155. Tankage. Besides the refuse meat there are other waste animal products that are used as fertilizers. Tendons, intestines, lungs, and hair, together with bones, horns, and hoofs are treated with steam under pressure to remove fat and gelatine, then dried and ground. If little or no bone is present the product is called meat tankage. If considerable 204 NITROGENOUS FERTILIZERS bone is present it is called bone tankage. Tankage is very variable in composition, sometimes containing as much as 12 per cent, nitrogen in meat tankage, and up to 9 per cent, nitrogen with 17 per cent, phosphoric acid in bone tankage. Tankage is an excellent, rather slow acting fertilizer, its value depending, especially in the case of bone tankage, on fineness of grinding. The nitrogen is in the same form as in dried meat and the effect on the soil is the same. 156. Dried Fish, Fish Scrap. The refuse material from fish oil refineries, fish salting, or canning plants is dried and ground, sometimes being treated with dilute sulphuric acid to stop decomposition and partially dissolve the bones. This fertilizer contains from 6 to 9 per cent, nitrogen and 5 to 9 per cent, phosphoric acid. Fish scrap is about as good as the better grades of tankage, though slower acting than dried blood. It contains the protein form of nitrogen. 157. Cottonseed Meal. The press cake which results from the extraction of oil from cotton seed is used extensively as a fertilizer. The decorticated meal made from seeds which have had the husks removed before pressing, runs about 6 per cent, nitrogen; the undecorticated meal carries only 4 per cent, nitrogen. There are also small amounts of phosphoric acid and potash. Since cottonseed meal is an excellent cattle food, and since most of its fertilizing con- stituents are recovered in the manure, it is much more profitable to feed it first and use the manure as a fertilizer. But it is, nevertheless, used to a very large extent directly as a fertilizer, especially in the south. Moreover, its physical condition is such that it improves the mechanical condition of mixed fertilizers by absorbing moisture and preventing caking. Its availability is about the same as dried blood and the form of nitrogen is similar. 158. Castor-Bean Pomace. This is the ground press cake from the manufacture of castor oil, and contains about 5 per cent, nitrogen with some phosphoric acid and potash. It is a good fertilizer. 159. Leather, Hair, Wool Waste, Hoof, and Horn. These materials are waste products from various industries and are very slow acting, practically worthless forms of nitrog- EXERCISES 205 enous fertilizers when used without previous treatment. Leather, hoof, and horn are sometimes steamed or roasted and ground, and even treated with sulphuric acid, when they make a fair grade of fertilizer. Leather contains about 8 per cent, nitrogen, hair 13 per cent., wool waste 5 to 10 per cent., horn and hoof 10 to 15 per cent. Most of these materials, however, are used by the fertilizer manufacturers in the preparation of "base goods." They are treated with sulphuric acid along with rock phosphate. The nitrogen is thereby partly converted to ammonium sul- phate or some more available form of nitrogen than the original non-decomposible protein form. This mixture of acid phosphate and "chamber process" nitrogenous material forms a " base" for fertilizer mixtures. EXERCISES 1. What is the relative availability of the following fertilizers: sodium nitrate, ammonium sulphate, dried blood, hair? Prove your statement by showing that each in succession must undergo more changes than the preceding one before it becomes available to plants. Which of these has a tendency to leave the soil acid and why? 2. Describe briefly three widely different ways of changing the atmos- pheric nitrogen into available plant food. 3. Why should nitrate and not dried blood be used in early spring? Which makes the better top dressing and why? 4. Suppose a soil is lacking in available nitrogen and nitrogenous fertil- izers are not to be had, state in detail how a crop of cabbage might suffer. 5. Is it wise to apply enough sodium nitrate to last for the four crops once in a rotation of corn, oats, wheat and grass? Why or why not? 6. To what extent has man imitated Nature in the making of nitrogenous fertilizers? 7. Which contains the most nitrogen per ton, sodium nitrate, 96 per cent, pure, pure ammonium sulphate, or pure ammonium nitrate? 8. In how many respects is the process of making cyanamid available similar to that of making a protein available? 9. Is cyanamid an organic compound? If so, what kind of an organic compound? Is cyanamid a name descriptive of its composition? 10. Dried blood and hair both contain nitrogen in the protein form. Why is there such a difference in their availability? 11. Refuse meats are first rendered in the making of meat meal. Why does this process make a better fertilizer? 12. Can you suggest why the following are not mentioned as nitrogenous fertilizers: Ammonium chloride, ammonium carbonate, potassium nitrate? 13. What crops remove the most nitrogen per acre? REFERENCES See references at end of Chapter VIII. CHAPTER X PHOSPHATE FERTILIZERS OF all the fertilizing elements which the farmer buys phosphorus is the one which should and does cause him the greatest concern. The soil contains no more phosphoric acid than nitrogen, the average of good cultivated soil being not far from 0.15 to 0.2 per cent. Phosphorus is necessary for the production of seed, inducing early and full maturity. It occurs for the most part in the grain at harvest and is thereby sold from the farm, little being left in stems and leaves to be returned to the soil as litter. Finally, phos- phorus cannot be added to the soil by the growth of any special crop. It is not like nitrogen which can be obtained by legumes from the exhaustless atmospheric source. Phos- phorus must be purchased and added to the soil, or the soil becomes exhausted. Supplies brought up from the subsoil either by capillarity or the growth of deep-rooted crops are not sufficient to add materially to the amount in the surface soil. Continued cropping and no return result in a loss of phosphorus. Phosphate fertilizers, then, are of prime importance. 160. Raw Bone. Bones when fresh contain about 40 per cent, of organic matter, 53 per cent, of inorganic matter and 7 per cent, of water. The organic matter consists of fat and ossein, the latter a protein. The inorganic matter is mostly tricalcium phosphate, Ca 3 (P0 4 )2. It comes on the market as raw bone-meal, and coarse ground bone, con- taining about 4 per cent, nitrogen and 22 per cent, phos- phoric acid. The presence of the fat makes fine grinding impossible and it is not used much as a fertilizer. The fat prevents bacterial action, thus checking nitrification, and together with the ossein protecting the phosphate from being acted upon by soil solvents, (206) DISSOLVED BONE-BLACK 207 161. Steamed Bone, Bone-Meal. The fat in bone is valuable for various commercial purposes and the ossein can be converted into gelatine and glue. There are two ways of removing fat: By extraction with a solvent like benzine; or by treatment with boiling water or steam under pressure. Subsequent cooling allows the fat to solidify on top of the water, and to be removed. Steaming under pressure also converts ossein to gelatine, soluble in water. The bone that is left can be dried and easily ground fine. This material is sold as steamed bone-meal or bone-meal. The best grades contain 25 to 30 per cent, of phosphoric acid, but frequently less than 1 per cent, nitrogen. The removal of fat and ossein leaves the tricalcium phosphate in much better physical condition both for grinding and subsequent solution in the soil. Steamed bone-meal is a very excellent phosphate fertilizer and fairly available. Bone products have had a value as a fertilizer for centuries and even now are considered by many to be superior to other forms of phosphate, consequently the temptation to adulter- ate bone-meal with worthless substances has been very great. This fact together with differences in method of treatment and quality of original bones makes the product one of great variation in phosphoric acid content. The figures given are average for a good product. 162. Bone-Black. When bones are subjected to destruc- tive distillation, the organic matter is largely driven off and there remains the inorganic matter and about 10 per cent, of carbon. This material is known as bone-black, or animal charcoal, and on account of its porosity and adsorptive power is used after grinding for clarifying sugar solutions in sugar refineries, and for other similar purposes. But little of it is used as fertilizer in the freshly made form, most of it being first employed as above stated. After a time it loses its adsorptive or clarifying power and then is sold as a fertilizer, although the presence of the carbon prevents ready solution of the tricalcium phosphate. It contains about 30 per cent, phosphoric acid. 163. Dissolved Bone-Black. If the spent bone-black above mentioned is treated with sulphuric acid, it becomes a 208 PHOSPHATE FERTILIZERS readily available phosphate fertilizer, being converted into monocalcium phosphate which is soluble in water, whereas tricalcium phosphate is only slowly soluble in water and carbon dioxide. The reaction may be expressed thus: Cas(PO4) 2 + 2H 2 SO4 =CaH4(PO 4 )2+2CaSO4 1 1ts content of phosphoric acid is about 14 to 16 per cent. 164. Rock Phosphate, Floats. Originally the name "floats" was applied to a particularly fine ground rock phos- phate, so fine that it would float in the air. Now, however, the term is loosely used for any finely ground rock phosphate. Deposits of phosphate rock are found in many places. In France, Belgium, Portugal, and North Africa there are beds of greater or less thickness. The greatest supply, however, comes from Florida, South Carolina and Ten- nessee. Recently there have been discovered immense beds in Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. These constitute a reserve supply of great importance since the older mines are being rapidly exhausted. In South Carolina and Florida the phosphate occurs largely as pebbles or boulders in deposits resembling gravel beds (Fig. 52). In Tennessee it occurs in veins or pockets. The phosphorus occurs as tricalcium phosphate together with varying amounts of iron and aluminium compounds and calcium carbonate. The phosphoric acid content varies from 25 to 40 per cent., iron and aluminium oxide, 2 to 6 per cent., and calcium carbonate from 1 or 2 per cent. to 10 or 15 per cent. As a fertilizer, rock phosphate is very slow acting when applied alone. The finer it is, the more valuable it becomes, but even very finely ground it is best used in connection with decaying organic matter. Applied to acid peat or muck soils it is especially good, and when mixed with manure gives excellent results. Opinion is divided as to its value compared to acid phosphate, even when mixed with manure. Whether or not it is as good as, or better than, acid phosphate when similarly mixed with manure, it is, nevertheless, a most excellent phosphatic manure. Its cheapness recommends it, as well as its high content of phosphoric acid. 209 210 PHOSPHATE FERTILIZERS The fermenting mixture of rock phosphate and manure has never showed any very greatly increased solubility of phosphoric acid under laboratory conditions of extraction, but field trials have abundantly proved that this mixture is much better than rock phosphate alone or than manure alone, showing that at least under field conditions the phos- phoric acid is rendered sufficiently soluble for the growing plant. 165. Acid Phosphate, Superphosphate. This is the best known form of phosphate fertilizer. (a) How MADE. To make rock phosphate available it is treated with sulphuric acid which converts the tricalcium phosphate to monocalcium phosphate according to the equation given under Dissolved Bone-Black. The finely ground rock phosphate together with the right amount of approximately 65 per cent, sulphuric acid is placed in mixing chambers provided with stirrers. After being thoroughly mixed the material is dumped into "dens" where the reaction is completed. Considerable heat is developed, and the final product solidifies, because of the formation of gypsum, CaSO 4 .2H 2 O. This mass after standing for some time is crushed fine and is ready for use. In calculating the amount of acid to use, due regard is paid to the ingredients other than tricalcium phosphate. Calcium carbonate, of course, uses up sulphuric acid and so do the iron and aluminium compounds. Iron compounds, however, interfere with the formation of a good product, if they are present in any considerable quantity over 4 or 5 per cent. The resulting mixture is in bad physical con- dition on account of the formation of ferric sulphate and of something like a hydrated, acid iron phosphate. It does not dry sufficiently to pulverize easily. Moreover, insoluble iron and aluminium phosphates are formed, which, of course, are worthless as quick acting fertilizers. Acid phosphate runs from 12 to 16 per cent, phosphoric acid with 14 per cent, as the average content of available phosphoric acid. In order to prevent any possible excess ACID PHOSPHATE, SUPERPHOSPHATE 211 of sulphuric acid it is customary to add somewhat less than the theoretical amount. This results in the incomplete conversion of all the tricalcium phosphate to monocalcium phosphate. On standing, these two compounds unite to form "reverted" or "gone back" phosphates. That is, the water soluble monocalcium phosphate starts to revert or go back to the tricalcium phosphate and forms dicalcium phosphate. Since the latter is soluble in ammonium citrate solution (Section 201), it is sometimes called citrate soluble phosphoric acid. The equation is as follows: CaH4(PO) z + Ca,(PO02 = 2Ca.tHt(PO t )!. Reverted phosphate is almost as available as the mono- calcium phosphate. (6) AVAILABILITY. Acid phosphate is a quick acting fertil- izer, readily available, and all things considered is the best form of phosphate to use under ordinary conditions. (c) EFFECT ON THE SOIL. In the soil acid phosphate reverts very quickly to dicalcium and tricalcium phosphate. Notwithstanding this reversion, which takes place before the plant obtains much of the fertilizer, acid phosphate is more readily available than tricalcium phosphate or rock phosphate for two reasons : In the first place, acid phosphate dissolves in the soil water and permeates the soil, so that when it is precipitated it is thoroughly distributed. This precipitate is much finer than any mechanically ground material and, moreover, is much better mixed with the soil. In the second place, freshly precipitated di- or tricalcium phosphate is much more soluble in water and carbon dioxide than is tricalcium phosphate which has been formed for a long time, like the rock phosphate. Acid phosphate is said to make a soil acid. This surely is not due to the fact that it is an acid salt, for the plant in the long run uses fully as much phosphoric acid as calcium, and usually more, so that the residual effect could not be acid. Moreover, although it may use up bases by reversion in the soil, these bases are liberated again when the phosphate 212 PHOSPHATE FERTILIZERS redissolves in water and carbon dioxide. Some authorities claim that the acidity is due to the presence of calcium sulphate, a necessary by-product in the manufacturing process. But it is doubtful if this has any more residual acid effect than any ordinary fertilizer or than any normal soil treatment. 166. Basic Slag, Thomas Slag. Basic slag is a very popular fertilizer in Germany. (a) How MADE. In the basic Bessemer process of making steel from phosphatic iron, devised by Thomas and Gil- christ, of England, the molten cast iron is placed in a con- verter lined with calcium oxide or calcium and magnesium oxides. By blowing a stream of air through the molten mass, phosphorus and silicon are oxidized and unite with the calcium to form a double, basic phosphate and silicate of calcium. The molten slag is poured off and when cool is broken up and finely ground. (6) COMPOSITION. The exact compound of the phos- phorus in basic slag is not known, but there have been found crystals of so-called tetracalcium phosphate. Most of the phosphorus, however, is probably in the form of a pentacalcium silico-phosphate. These compounds may best be compared with the other compounds of calcium and phosphorus so far studied: \..Monocalcium phosphate, CaO.(H 2 O) 2 .P2O 6 , found in dissolved phosphates such as acid phosphate and dissolved bone-black. 2. Dicalcium phosphate, (CaO) 2 .H 2 O.P 2 5 , found to some extent with acid phosphate as the so-called reverted phos- phate. 3. Tricaldum phosphate, (CaO) 3 .P 2 O 5 , found in rock phosphate and bones. 4. Tetracalcium phosphate, (CaO)4.P 2 O5, and penta- calcium silico-phosphate, (CaO) 5 .SiO 2 .P 2 O 5 . The formulas for the first three have here been modified from their usual form to bring out the differences between them and the last two. BASIC SLAG 213 Now to illustrate their combination graphically: H O \ H O P=O O Monocalcium phosphate Ca^ O \ H O P=O H O H O \ H O P=O O Dicalcium phosphate O /(> P=O Cs /O a< \ X O P=O Tricalcium phosphate Ca<^ X) \ P=O O O / \ / \ Ca P Ca \ / O O Tetracalcium phosphate O O \ O \ Ca P Ca \ / \ / O O 214 PHOSPHATE FERTILIZERS O Ca \ / \ Ca O O Pentacalcium silico-phosphate O O / \ Ca Si Ca \ \ / \ Ca (c) AVAILABILITY. Basic slag is usually considered about one-half as available as acid phosphate, although on acid soils it is much more readily soluble and quick acting. It is considered an excellent form of phosphate. In this country its use is limited by few importations and relatively high price. Iron ores in this country are too low in phosphorus to produce a slag from steel that is valuable as a fertilizer. In Europe, on the other hand, the slags are rich in phos- phorus, the phosphoric acid content running from 10 to 20 per cent. (d) EFFECT ON THE SOIL. Basic slag was formerly thought to have considerable free lime, since it was basic in character and was excellent on an acid soil. As a matter of fact it contains only a few per cent, of free calcium oxide (1 to 6 per cent.). The decomposition of the basic slag in the soil, however, results in the production of calcium carbonate. The action of water and carbon dioxide produces di- or tri- calcium phosphates and bicarbonate of calcium, in addition to silicic acid or free silica. In this way basic slag acts as a neutralizer of soil acidity, and an improver of soil texture. There is not, however, enough calcium carbonate resulting from an ordinary application of basic slag say 500 or 600 pounds to entirely correct the acidity of an ordinarily REFERENCES 215 sour soil. In such an application there probably would not result more than 100 pounds of calcium oxide combined as carbonate, not enough for any immediate effectiveness. EXERCISES 1. Why is there a difference in the availability of rock phosphate, raw bones and steamed bone meal? 2. Compare mono-, di-, and tri-calcium phosphate as to formula, solu- bility and availability. How does industry change one into the other? How does the soil accomplish the same thing? Can the soil accomplish the opposite effect? Which is the better for the farmer to use and why? 3. In making acid phosphate from rock phosphate what components are taken into account and why? 4. Suppose a soil was in such a state that available P2O was lacking, and fertilizer was not to be had, state in detail how a crop of wheat might suffer. 5. What is the value of mixing organic matter with rock phosphate? 6. Explain why an acid soil usually lacks available phosphorus. 7. Is much basic slag produced in this country? Why? 8. Is reversion of acid phosphate a phenomenon that is desirable? very harmful? that can be prevented in an alkaline soil? that can happen in an acid soil? that prevents leaching? that is an example of absorption? that permits the addition of sufficient acid phosphate to a soil once in a rotation? 9. What crops remove the most phosphoric acid per acre? REFERENCES See references at end of Chapter VIII. CHAPTER XI POTASH FERTILIZERS THE third of the fertilizer trio is potassium or, as it is usually called, potash. The element potassium occurs in most soils to a very considerable extent (Section 138 6, 6), but it is frequently present in an unavailable form. Some plants, notably clover and alfalfa, require considerable potassium; and other crops also remove it to no small extent. Unlike nitrogen and phosphorus, however, potas- sium is not sold from the farm in any considerable amount except in hay, since it occurs for the most part in the stems and leaves of plants. These are the portions of the crop which usually remain on the farm, being fed as roughage or used as litter. In this way the potassium gets back to the soil. Its application, however, frequently results in increased yields, and it is thus an important element in fertilizers. In the past, however, there has been a tendency to use too much potash, a fault corrected by the Great War which caused a serious lack of potash fertilizers. Farmers have learned that general farm crops, as a rule, need little or no potash. Special crops like potatoes and tobacco and intensive crops need some potash. 167. The German Potash Deposits. The most important source of potassium in the world is located at Stassfurt in northern Germany where there are today over one hundred mines producing potash salts (Fig. 53) . For several centuries common salt had been obtained from its salt springs and wells. About the middle of the nineteenth century deep borings revealed the presence of immense beds of rock salt at a depth of about 1000 feet. Overlying these beds of salt, however, were considerable deposits of potassium and magnesium compounds. These salts were considered worth- less at the time and were thrown away, but later their value (216) THE GERMAN POTASH DEPOSITS 217 became apparent, until now the potash salts are the only ones of value. Rock salt is no longer mined at Stassfurt. 218 POTASH FERTILIZERS It is believed that in past geologic ages there existed here an immense inland sea which was probably fed inter- mittently by inrushes of water from the ocean. The climate of Europe at that time was tropical and evapora- tion of water from this sea was consequently rapid. The water became more and more concentrated in salts until finally the least soluble were deposited. On top of these compounds other salts were deposited layer by layer. Intermittent additions of sea water from outside caused a dilution of the water within, and deposition of salt was consequently interrupted, causing alternate layers of less soluble and more soluble compounds as evaporation went on. Geologic changes brought about the deposition of various sedimentary rocks and finally a layer of impervious clay which protected the soluble salts from solution in rain water. The bottom layers of these beds are composed of anhydrite (sulphate of calcium) and rock salt. Next comes the so-called polyhalite region (sulphates of calcium, magnesium, and potassium) ; then the kieserite region (magnesium sulphate) ; and finally the carnallite region (chlorides of potassium and magnesium). The last is a bed ranging from 50 to 130 feet in thickness, from which most of the potash salts are obtained. Due to the intermittent deposition of salts, partial solution from infiltration of rainwater, and redepo- sition, the layers of salts are not perfectly distinct and not always in the same order. For instance, layers of anhydrite and rock salt intersperse the other salts, together with minerals, such as sylvine (potassium chloride) and kainite (sulphate and chloride of magnesium and potassium). 168. Muriate of Potash, Potassium Chloride, KC1. This is the most widely used potash fertilizer. It is manufactured from carnallite which occurs mixed with rock salt and other minerals, and contains only 9 per cent, actual potash. By dissolving carnallite in hot magnesium chloride solution, boiling, and crystallizing, there is obtained a muriate con- taining about 20 per cent, potash and called Potash Manure Salt. On further evaporation and crystallization of the mother liquor a pure carnallite (KCl.MgCl 2 .6H 2 O) is obtained MURIATE OF POTASH, POTASSIUM CHLORIDE 219 (Fig. 54). This salt on being treated just like the crude carnallite yields the commercial muriate with one crystalli- zation. 220 POTASH FERTILIZERS There are three grades of muriate on the market, 80 per cent., 95 per cent., and 98 per cent., which contain respec- tively 50.5 per cent., 60 per cent., and 61.9 per cent, potash (K2O). The 80 per cent, muriate is the one usually sold, however. It is very generally stated that potassium chloride affects the burning quality of tobacco and makes potatoes watery. The former is probably true, but the latter is not always the case, for excellent potatoes can be grown with the chloride, provided, however, that lime has been applied to the soil. The bad effects of the chlorine are apparently most pro- nounced on acid soils. The tendency of potassium chloride is to make a soil acid (Section 177). Plants exercising their selective action remove the base, potassium, from the soil and leave the chlorine which is assimilated but little. This results in the production of hydrochloric acid which neutralizes any basic compound present in the soil, and this means usually calcium carbonate. When the reserves of base are used up the soil becomes acid. The calcium chloride thus formed is easily leached from the soil. Potassium chloride removes calcium from the soil in another way by reacting with calcium silicates to form potassium silicates and calcium chloride which is, of course, leached out. 169. Sulphate of Potash, Potassium Sulphate, K 2 SO 4 . This fertilizer, although not used to so great an extent as the muriate, is in many respects the best one to employ. It is made by dissolving and concentrating a mixture of potassium chloride and kieserite (magnesium sulphate). There is precipitated the double sulphate of potassium and magnesium (K 2 SO4.MgSO 4 ), which is also sold under the name of Double Potash Manure Salt, containing about 27 per cent, potash. This double salt is further dissolved with a certain amount of potassium chloride and boiled. Potassium sulphate is precipitated. Two grades are sold, 90 and 96 per cent, pure, containing, respectively, 47 per cent., and 52.7 per cent, potash. Potassium sulphate has no bad effects on tobacco and potatoes, and, furthermore, is not so apt to make a soil acid, NATURAL BRINES 221 since plants assimilate sulphur to a considerable extent. The whole salt is thus absorbed and no residue left. This fertilizer has an action on calcium silicates similar to that of the chloride, but the resulting calcium sulphate is not so soluble as calcium chloride, nor is it leached to so great an extent. Loss of calcium from soils is hence not so great as in the case of the chloride. 170. Kainite. This fertilizer was formerly the mineral of the same name, the formula of which is KCl.MgSO 4 .6H 2 O, but at present it is merely a name for a potash fertilizer containing 12 per cent, potash, the form of the potassium and the other compounds varying considerably. The per- centage of potash only is constant. Since kainite always contains chlorine in some form, it is open to the same objection as is the muriate of potash, but it is nevertheless a good low grade form of potash. 171. Wood Ashes. One of the oldest sources of potash is wood ashes. When clean, hard wood is carefully burned, the potash content may run up to 8 or 10 per cent., mostly in the carbonate form. In addition there may be 1 or 2 per cent, of phosphoric acid, and 30 per cent, of calcium compounds, the calcium being in the oxide form when freshly burned, . but changing to carbonate on exposure. The wood ashes now on the market are of a very inferior grade, carrying not more than 3 or 4 per cent, of potash in unleached ashes. Leached ashes, that is, ashes which have been leached to extract potash for other purposes than for fertilizers, or ashes which have been exposed to the weather and leached by rain, contain usually less than 1 per cent, potash. Potassium carbonate in wood ashes is a good fertilizer unless too much is applied, when it has a deflocculating effect on soil grains and is poisonous to plants. This car- bonate and the calcium carbonate in wood ashes are both neutralizes of soil acidity and are valuable for this purpose. 172. Natural Brines. Certain lakes in Nebraska and California are rich in potash salts, largely carbonate, but some sulphate and chloride as well as similar sodium salts. The water from these lakes is evaporated. The dried residue contains 20 to 30 per cent. K 2 O. This is at present the largest domestic source of potash. 222 POTASH FERTILIZERS 173. Kelp and Alunite. The giant kelps or seaweeds on the Pacific coast (Fig. 55), and alunite, a mineral found to some extent in Utah, and consisting of a double sul- Fia. 55. Giant kelp. phate of potassium and aluminium, are also important domestic sources of potash. The giant kelps grow rapidly' and sometimes attain a length of hundreds of feet. Dry, REFERENCES 223 they contain 15 to 20 per cent, potash and their ashes contain as much as 30 to 35 per cent, potash in the form of the chloride. Alunite contains 10 per cent, potash, but can be ignited and the potash content increased to 15 per cent., or ignited and the leeched potassium sulphate evaporated, when the nearly pure potash salt can be obtained. The latter process, however, is expensive. Both kelp and alunite have given good results as a fertilizer with no treat- ment other than drying in the case of kelp and pulverizing in both cases. Used in this way, however, they are low- grade fertilizers. 174. Cement Dust. The fine dust from cement works and even from blast furnaces carries 2.5 to 9 per cent. K 2 O, which is slowly available. This dust can be used just as it is or it can be leached and a high grade sulphate obtained. Although with proper appliances for collection this dust can be our greatest source of potash, it is not yet used to any great extent. 175. Tobacco Waste. In some sections of the country the stems, stalks, and other waste from harvesting the crop and manufacturing tobacco products, can be obtained easily. If ground fine this waste makes excellent fertilizing material, being fairly available. The potash content varies from 4 to 10 per cent., phosphoric acid less than 1 per cent., and nitrogen from 2 to 4 per cent., sometimes as much as half of it in the nitrate form. EXERCISES 1. Suppose a soil is lacking in available potassium and potash fertilizers are not to be had, state in detail how a crop of potatoes might suffer. 2. Tabulate all the fertilizers that are immediately available; that must undergo nitrification; that leaves the soil acid; that leave it basic; that will puddle the soil; that are high grade; that are low grade; that are slaughter- house wastes; that can be made by the use of electricity; that are easily leached; that are easily absorbed; that are easily adsorbed. 3. Compare the amounts of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash in the average soil and in the film water. What do these figures indicate as to the need for potash? 4. What crops remove the most potash per acre? 5. If potash fertilizers are absorbed in the soil, into what compound might the potassium be changed? write equations. What conditions would further its absorption? 6. What property studied in this text and displayed toward potassium in sea-water is developed extremely by kelp? REFERENCES See references at end of Chapter VIII. CHAPTER XII LIME NITROGEN, phosphorus, and potassium compounds are direct or food fertilizers primarily. It is for their food value to the plant that they are purchased. Calcium compounds, on the other hand, are usually considered as indirect ferti- lizers or amendments. Calcium is, of course, an essential element in the growth of plants, but the effects of compounds of calcium on the soil, and the exploitation of these effects has given calcium an importance for other than feeding purposes. As a plant food, however, calcium is frequently necessary in soils, especially for certain crops, and it is necessary to consider calcium in this connection, without at all minimizing its effect as an amendment. 176. Calcium Fertilizers as Plant Food. The total amount of calcium in soils of course varies considerably, but on the average is not as much as that of potassium 0.5 to 1.50 per cent. In many cases it may be present in part as calcium car- bonate which is fairly soluble in soil moisture, but most of it is in silicate and organic form and may be very insoluble. Since calcium carbonate is so soluble, it very frequently happens that this compound is entirely lacking even in limestone soils. As a result, soils may lack sufficient available calcium for the nutrition of crops. Some farm crops do not need very much calcium, it is true, but other crops like clover and alfalfa do need large quantities. Table XII shows the amount of calcium oxide removed by various crops. Of course, this represents the amount removed only, and not the whole amount needed, for plants at harvest do not remove as much as they need during their growth. (224) SOIL ACIDITY 225 TABLE XII. AMOUNT OF CaO REMOVED BY VARIOUS CROPS (Expressed in pounds per acre.) Alfalfa 212 Cabbage 95 Corn 12 Clover 90 Oats . . . 11 Potatoes 31 Timothy 14 Tobacco 83 Wheat 8 In many cases, it is true, sufficient calcium is added in the ordinary fertilizers to feed crops. Table XIII gives the estimated amount of calcium oxide in 100 pounds of various fertilizers. TABLE XIII. AMOUNT OF CaO IN VARIOUS FERTILIZERS Fertilizer. Form of Calcium. Per cent. CaO. Acid phosphate Phosphate and sulphate . . . .21 Basic slag Phosphate, silicate, and oxide . . 48 Bone meal Phosphate 27 Rock phosphate Phosphate and carbonate ... 42 Wood ashes Carbonate and phosphate ... 34 It may happen, however, that a fertilizer application does not add calcium and the crop becomes starved for lack of this essential element. Particularly may this be true in the case of clover and alfalfa, as mentioned above. An application of lime, then, has the added benefit of feeding the crop. 177. Soil Acidity. One of the most important effects of adding lime to the soil is the neutralization of soil acidity or to "sweeten a sour soil." This condition in the soil is very common, may occur in all kinds of soils, and in fact is the natural result of cropping. Its bad effect on crops is fre- quently exaggerated, some crops preferring an acid soil and even refusing to grow in neutral or alkaline soils. For ordinary crops, however, in the usual farm rotation, a soil which is neutral or slightly alkaline is preferable and should be maintained. The primary cause of soil acidity is the production of acids or salts that are acid to litmus. These acids may be organic or inorganic in nature and may vary in their harmful 15 226 LIME effect on crops. They may occur in the soil as a result of natural changes which take place particularly when the soil is cultivated and crops grown, or they may be the result of the application of fertilizers, in which case soil acidity may be said to be caused by artificial means! (a) NATURAL ACIDITY. When organic matter in the soil undergoes decomposition through bacterial action, organic acids are some of the intermediate products. Decomposition in the presence of air is an oxidation process, and with thorough aeration results ultimately in the formation of carbon dioxide, water, and inorganic salts, the last coming from the combination of mineral elements with the organic matter. Nitric acid, of course, is formed from nitrogenous compounds and possibly mineral acids, but before complete oxidation occurs, and especially in soils not thoroughly aerated, organic acids are formed. These acids are some- times fairly simple, like acetic, or butyric, or oxalic, but more frequently they are very complex, and many of them unknown. In the absence of air, as in water-logged soils, acids are even more commonly produced as a result of what may be called intermolecular oxidation, where one compound is oxidized at the expense of another. Another natural cause of acids is the removal of bases from salts by plants and by certain hydrated compounds in the soil. Plant root hairs exercise a so-called "selective absorption" in taking up plant foods (Section 56). Sulphates and chlorides, for example, are split up, the base element entering the plant and the acid radical being left in the soil as an acid. Certain colloidal materials like hydrated silicates and humus produce this same result, the base being adsorbed or perhaps chemically combined with the colloid. It is possible that hydrolysis takes place previous to the absortive phenomenon. This means the formation of a hydroxide and an acid, thus: KCl + HOH = KOH + HC1. (6) ARTIFICIAL ACIDITY. The application of ammonium sulphate results in the production of nitric acid from the ammonia by the nitrifying bacteria, and of sulphuric acid SOIL ACIDITY 227 as the residue from the nitrification. Figs. 56 and 57 show the effect of such acidity on corn and oats. Figs. 58 and 59 FIC.LU TTrT t.r 1 1-UiM-Ar,. lMui.l,ni ,. iMMLtv i..^'-, ^.^rag^^^:.,* ^aw^BSi ?^ FIG. 56. Effect of acidity resulting from use of ammonium sulphate. Corn. General fertilizer plats, Department of Agronomy, Pennsylvania Station. 228 LIME show the effect of the same treatment on corn and oats, but in soil that contains enough limestone to neutralize the acidity. Sulphate and particularly the muriate of potash also tend to leave an acid residue, due to the absorption of potassium by plants or colloids and the presence of the acids sulphuric and hydrochloric. This of course is the same phenomenon described under natural acidity, except that it is more pronounced. FIG. 57. Effect of acidity resulting from use of ammonium sulphate. Oats. General fertilizer plats, Department of Agronomy, Pennsylvania Station. Whether or not a soil becomes acid from any or all of the above mentioned causes depends on the absence or presence of sufficient bases to neutralize the acids as they are formed. In other words the causes above enumerated produce acids. The effect is noticed if insufficient bases are present to neutralize the acids (Figs. 56, 57, 58, and 59). The principal basic material in the soil is calcium carbonate resulting from limestone or from silicates containing calcium. Soils derived SOIL ACIDITY 229 from limestone contain particles of calcium carbonate which slowly dissolve, yielding a solution which neutralizes any acids resulting from organic decomposition or selective absorption. Little calcium is, as a rule, present in silicate FIG. 58. Effect of sufficient limestone in the soil to neutralize the acidity from ammonium sulphate. Corn. General fertilizer plats, Department of Agronomy, Pennsylvania Station. form and hence little carbonate can be produced from this source. In time all the calcium carbonate is dissolved out and then the acid condition of the soil asserts itself. This solution of calcium carbonate takes place rapidly and completely. 230 LIME On the other hand, it frequently happens that soils derived from silicate rocks containing calcium do not become acid readily. This is because the calcium is slowly dissolved out as calcium bicarbonate and but little is wasted due to leaching. Practically all of it neutralizes acids or serves some other valuable function. There is no excess at any one time and, moreover, the total amount of calcium present is very considerable. ' 'i i' v ! w FIG. 59. Effect of sufficient limestone in the soil to neutralize the acidity from ammonium sulphate. Oats. General fertilizer plats, Department of Agronomy, Pennsylvania Station. But, nevertheless, the general tendency of all soils is to lose the basic material and to produce acids from various causes. This combination of changes results in' an acid or sour soil. Virgin soils may be temporarily acid, the latter being caused by the accumulation of organic matter. Cultivation will cause further oxidation and destruction of these acids and also will cause increased solution of basic material and hence neutralization of the acids. LIME 231 But whatever the cause may be, permanent soil acid, as a rule, should be neutralized by certain calcium compounds, loosely called "lime." 178. Lime. The chemical term lime is used for calcium oxide, CaO. Agriculturally, however, lime is any compound of calcium which will neutralize acids. The compounds having this power are the carbonate, hydroxide, and oxide. FIG. 60. Limestone quarry. Department of Experimental Agricultural Chemistry, Pennsylvania Station. (a) CALCIUM CARBONATE, CaC0 3 . This form of calcium occurs in limestone, oyster shells, shell marl, and chalk, all of which may contain as much as 95 to 98 per cent, calcium carbonate, but frequently contain less (Fig. 60 shows a limestone quarry). Limestone very often is com- posed of magnesium carbonate as well as calcium carbo- nate, in amounts varying from a few per cent, up to 45 per cent. When the latter content of magnesium carbo- nate is present the mineral is called dolomite. To be used on the soil all forms of calcium carbonate should be ground very fine, preferably so that 75 per cent, at least passes a hundred mesh sieve. It must be remembered that it is the 232 LIME calcium oxide content only which is of value in neutralizing acids. One hundred pounds of calcium carbonate contain fifty-six pounds of calcium oxide, or to be more in accord with the naturally occurring limestones, one hundred pounds of 95 per cent, limestone contain fifty-three pounds of calcium oxide. FIG. 61. Lime kilns. Department of Experimental Agricultural Chem- istry, Pennsylvania Station. (6) CALCIUM OXIDE, called also BURNT LIME, STONE LIME, LUMP LIME, ROCK LIME, CAUSTIC LIME, and QUICKLIME, CaO. This is prepared from any of the forms of calcium carbonate, although usually from limestone, by "burning," either in specially built kilns (Fig. 61) or in piles in the field. In either case the limestone is alternated with wood or coal and the latter by burning produces sufficient heat to drive off carbon dioxide from the limestone and leave calcium oxide, thus: CaCOs + heat = CaO + CO 2 . 4 If pure this form of lime is all valuable in neutralizing acids and is the most concentrated form that can be obtained. AVAILABILITY OF LIME 233 It is in fact the only fertilizer which contains practically 100 per cent, of the valuable constituent. (c) CALCIUM HYDROXIDE, SLAKED LIME, HYDRATED LIME, Ca(OH) 2 . When water is added to a lump of calcium oxide it swells, gives off heat, and finally crumbles to a fine, dry powder. The process is called "slaking," and the product, slaked lime. The reaction is expressed thus: CaO+H 2 O=Ca(OH)i. The volume of the calcium oxide is increased two or three times, and the weight is increased one-third. To put it in another way, 100 pounds of slaked lime contain about 75 pounds of calcium oxide. A solution of calcium hydroxide in water is called lime water. A thin paste of the hydroxide and water is called milk of lime. (d) AIR-SLAKED LIME. When burnt lime is allowed to remain exposed to the air it first takes on water and then carbon dioxide until it finally becomes calcium carbonate, thus: CaO + H 2 O = Ca(OH) 2 . Ca(OH) + COt = CaCO, + HjO. A pile of burnt lime slakes first on the outside and the lumps fall apart covering the pile with fine material and filling up the interstices so as to protect the interior of the pile from rapid change to carbonate (Fig. 62). The outside changes very quickly to the carbonate. Without a chemical analysis it would be impossible to tell how much calcium oxide there is in a given lot of air-slaked lime, unless, of course, the amount of burnt lime originally present is known. The process, however, is very slow. For example, a sample taken at a depth of 4 inches from the surface of a heap exposed ten years contained 27 per cent, calcium carbonate and 37 per cent, calcium hydroxide. 179. Availability of Lime. Under the best conditions chemically pure calcium oxide is soluble as calcium hydroxide at ordinary temperatures to the extent of one part in 1000 parts of pure water. Chemically pure calcium carbonate, freshly precipitated, is very slightly soluble in pure water, 234 LIME but in water saturated with carbon dioxide at ordinary temperature it is soluble as calcium bicarbonate to the extent of one part in about 1000 parts. The less carbon dioxide present, the less calcium carbonate is dissolved. Soil moisture contains small quantities of carbon dioxide. This would change calcium hydroxide dissolved in it to carbonate, a change which takes place very quickly. Further quantities of carbon dioxide would change the carbonate to bicarbonate and so dissolve it. Since carbon dioxide is being constantly produced in the soil, the change of hydroxide to carbonate and bicarbonate is fairly rapid. On account of this double FIG. 62. Pile of air-slaked lime. (Hibshman.) change of hydroxide, it makes very little difference which form is used on soils, whether fresh slaked lime, air-slaked lime, or limestone. Burnt lime has a caustic effect on plant growth, and is said to cause rapid decay of organic matter in the soil; consequently it should be used with great care and never should be applied near seeding time. Because of a difference in physical condition, or more accurately stated, because of a difference in molecular arrangement, there is a difference in the solubility of various carbonates. Shell marl, oyster shells, limestone, is the order of solubility of these carbonates. For practical purposes, however, it may be said again that the availability of all forms of lime is EFFECT OF LIME ON THE SOIL 235 about the same. In other words the farmer may apply slaked lime, air-slaked lime, or ground carbonate in the form of shell marl, oyster shells, or limestone, with equally good results. It is the bicarbonate of lime in any event which is the active form in the soil. All that he must remember is that to get 100 pounds of calcium oxide he must use 100 pounds of burnt lime, 130 pounds of slaked lime, or 180 pounds of carbonate; of air-slaked lime he must know the calcium oxide content. FIG. 63. Lime and clover test. Check plat, yield of hay 980 pounds per acre. Pennsylvania Station. 180. Effect of Lime on the Soil. Inasmuch as lime is for the most part a soil amendment, the changes which it occasions in the soil, and by which plants are benefited, are of great importance. No other element has such a great variety of uses in crop production, and yet it must not be considered a universal panacea for all soil ills. Figs. 63, 64, 65, and 66 show that while lime is needed to correct acidity, fertilizers also are needed. (a) NEUTRALIZING ACIDS. This is perhaps the best known function of lime, and the results are far reaching. Many acids are poisonous to plants. That is, there is a direct physiological effect, more particularly from the mineral acids and from some organic acids, oxalic for example. Then 236 LIME again, acids check the activity of soil bacteria. Decompo- sition is prevented. This means that the production of carbon dioxide is limited, and hence, solution of soil FIG. 64. Lime and clover test. Lime at rate of 1000 pounds per acre. Yield, i960 pounds. Pennsylvania Station. FIG. 65. Lime and clover test. Commercial fertilizer only at rate of 250 pounds per acre. Yield, 1560 pounds. Pennsylvania Station. minerals is lessened and plant food thereby diminished. Ammonification and nitrification are very seriously checked by acids and the supply of nitrogen for plants is therefore cut off. The activity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria is also EFFECT OF LIME ON THE SOIL 237 lessened by acids. Fig. 67 shows the effect of different amounts of lime on the growth of clover in an acid soil. FIG. 66. Lime and clover test. Lime and fertilizer. Same amounts as . before. Yield, 2526 pounds per acre. Pennsylvania Station. FIG. 67. Pot test of lime on clover in acid soil. Amounts indicated are rates per acre, 5200 pounds CaCCb being needed to neutralize the soil according to the Veitch method. Yields from left to right: 8.7 gms.; 8.8 gms.; 7.9 gms.; 2.3 gms.; gms. Department of Agronomy, Pennsylvania Station. By neutralizing soil acids lime prevents poisoning of plants, hastens decomposition of organic matter, and in- 238 LIME creases nitrification and fixation. The fact that lime hastens decomposition is frequently charged against it. This is a great mistake, for decomposing organic matter is of very great value to crops and should be encouraged, within reason of course. Active organic matter helps to release the stores of unavailable plant food. Organic matter in the soil should be maintained so that it may be destroyed. A mere piling up of organic matter in the soil, organic matter that does not decay, is useless except for holding moisture and improving soil structure. (6) MAKING POTASSIUM AVAILABLE. Lime is said to release potassium from insoluble silicates and humates, cal- cium taking the place of potassium in these compounds and potassium being made soluble as the carbonate. There seems to be evidence now, however, which indicates con- siderable doubt as to the ability of lime to make potash available. (c) MAKING PHOSPHORUS AVAILABLE. Lime also changes iron and aluminium phosphates to calcium phosphate and thereby makes the phosphorus compound soluble in the soil moisture (Section 129, a). Also by maintaining a supply of lime in the soil, phosphate fertilizers are prevented from changing to iron and aluminium phosphates. It must be borne in mind that valuable as lime is in free- ing unavailable potassium and phosphorus, it does not add either of these elements to the soil; it rather exhausts the soil. This is of course beneficial the freeing of plant food in the soil but additions must be made in the form of phosphate fertilizers if the supply is to be maintained. (d) IMPROVING THE PHYSICAL CONDITION. Lime also im- proves the structure of soils by flocculating heavy clays and binding together loose, sandy soils. (e) CHECKING PLANT DISEASES. Lime destroys some fun- gous diseases of plants, notably the club-root or finger-and- toe disease of cabbage and turnips. (/) HARMFUL EFFECTS. Lime, on the other hand> is favor- able to potato scab. It prevents the growth of such crops as the cranberry, watermelon, blueberry, and trailing arbutus. It is not known why this is, whether they can live better WASTE LIME 239 on other forms of calcium than the bicarbonate or whether they prefer an acid soil. Too heavy applications of caustic or burnt lime particularly destroy organic matter to an unreasonable extent, and also will injure germinating seeds if applied too near to seeding. 181. Use of Magnesian Lime. Some limestones contain magnesium, and small amounts do no harm. Large amounts up to 45 per cent, (dolomite) are questionable. When burned, such a lime slakes with difficulty, and may cause serious harm to crops if the soil to which it is applied contains an undue proportion of magnesium. Just what this proportion should be varies with the crop and depends of course also on the relative amounts of calcium and magnesium that are dissolved in the soil moisture. On the other hand, magnesian lime does no harm on soils not so well supplied with mag- nesium. To be safe it is better to use a grade of lime high in calcium carbonate. 182. Calcium Sulphate, Gypsum, Land Plaster, CaSO 4 .2H 2 O. This material is used to some extent on soils as an amend- ment. It frees potassium and phosphorus from insoluble compounds, and is said to hasten the decomposition of organic matter, but it has no neutralizing effect and is not of much value. The other compounds of calcium have all these effects plus the neutralizing effect. 183. Waste Lime. Lime is used in purifying coal gas and in the manufacture of sugar from beets. Gas-lime should be exposed to the air for some time before applying to the soil, or should be added to the soil a long time before seeding because it contains sulphides and sulphites from sulphur compounds absorbed from the gas. These compounds change to sulphates on exposure to the air and are thus rendered harmless to plants. Lime is a waste product in the manufacture of acetylene gas, and should be exposed to the air before use to allow the escape of traces of acetylene which is harmful to seeds. Lime from these processes is usually a mixture of hydroxide and carbonate and is valuable for agricultural purposes if it can be obtained cheap and if the content of calcium oxide is known. 240 REFERENCES EXERCISES 1. Is it better to use sodium nitrate, basic slag and wood ashes on an acid soil, or ammonium sulphate, acid phosphate and muriate of potash with lime in a rotation? Why? 2. Prove by calculation that 100 pounds of burnt lime are equivalent to 130 pounds of slaked lime, and 180 pounds of carbonate. 3. In order of importance tabulate all the functions of lime. State why you have placed them in this order. 4. On an acid soil, what crops would suffer most? Why would they suffer? 5. Suppose you had a soil which turned litmus paper red, would not grow clover, did not respond to an application of lime, what treatment would you give it? 6. Show by equation what happens when limestone is burned; when the resultant product is left piled exposed to the weather; when it is put in the soil as an amendment. 7. Does carbonic acid make a soil acid? Why? 8. Under what conditions are the forms of lime of equal merit? 9. What different compounds of the same elements, other than the forms of calcium carbonate, show a difference in solubility? 10. Which has the greater neutralizing power, 100 per cent, limestone or a mixture of 70 per cent, calcium carbonate and 30 per cent, magnesium carbonate? Which would you apply to an acid soil? Why? REFERENCES Penna. Agr. Expt. Sta. Report, 1899-1900, Pt. II, p. 15. The Agricul- tural Use of Lime. Van Slyke. Fertilizers and Crops. Wheeler. Manures and Fertilizers. CHAPTER XIII FARM MANURE UP to the present time the fertilizers discussed have been commercial products only, and many of them inorganic materials of value only for the plant food which they con- tain. There is one fertilizer, however, which is produced to a greater or less extent on every farm, and which contains not only the three principal plant foods, but which also contains organic matter and bacteria, both of which are valuable to the soil. This material is the excrement of domestic animals mixed with straw or other litter. In this discussion the term farm manure will be used to describe the mixture of solid and liquid excrement of any domestic animal with the litter of whatever character. There is some tendency today to call the mixture of horse excrement and litter, stable manure; and cattle excrement with litter, barnyard manure. The term manure is sometimes applied to any fertilizing material, but this practice is more common in England than in the United States. 184. Solid Excrement. The solid excrement, or feces, of an animal are the undigested portions of the food. This material has been rather thoroughly comminuted by the animal in the various processes of mastication, remastication in the case of ruminants, and of churning movements in the stomach and intestines. On account of the more complete mastication and digestion in cattle, the feces of the latter are more finely divided and more compact than those of horses. Although the constituents of the feces have not been digested and absorbed by the animal, more or less decomposition has taken place, particularly in the case of the proteins. Part of this change has occurred in the stomach and intestines because of partial enzyme action, and part 16 (241) 242 FARM MANURE in the intestines due to bacteria. These bacteria are present in very large numbers in the voided excrement and are valuable in promoting further decomposition in the soil. Although on this account feces contain plant food that is more available than it was in the original animal food, never- theless, it is not a quick acting fertilizer. All of the fertil- izing constituents in feces have to undergo decomposition to be soluble and available to plants. The amount of the various fertilizer ingredients in solid excrement varies with different animals. Table XIV gives the average percentage composition of the excrement of the common farm animals, horse, cow, pig, sheep, and hen. The table also gives the amount voided per year for each animal, taking the indicated weights as rough averages. TABLE XIV. COMPOSITION AND AMOUNT OF ANIMAL EXCREMENT Excrement. Kind of animal and average weight. Kind. Proportion per cent. Amount voided per year, pounds per average Nitrogen per cent. Phosphoric acid per cent. Potash per cent. animal. Horse, 1300 Solid 80 18,700 0.55 0.30 0.40 pounds Liquid 20 4,700 1.35 Trace 1.25 Cow, 950 Solid 70 18,000 0.40 0.20 0.10 pounds Liquid 30 7,600 1.00 Trace 1.35 Pig, 150 Solid 60 2,700 0.55 0.50 0.40 pounds Liquid 40 1,800 0.40 0.10 0.45 Sheep, 120 Solid 67 1,000 0.75 0.50 0.45 pounds Liquid 33 500 1.35 0.05 2.10 Hen, 4 35 1.00 0.80 0.40 pounds It is to be noted that the solid excrement of the horse is much drier than that of the cow, hence its decomposition is more rapid and the temperature of the mass rises very considerably. This fact is made use of in making "hot- frames" in the early spring. Fermenting horse manure is the source of heat. 185. Liquid Excrement. The liquid excrement, or urine, of animals contains waste food material which has been LITTER 243 digested and absorbed, but which has also been utilized, broken down, and eliminated. All of the material is soluble and is quickly made available. Decomposition to inorganic forms of plant food is rapid. Table XIV also shows the relative amounts of liquid excrement. 186. Litter. By litter is meant the plant residues or other materials used in stalls as bedding for animals and which becomes mixed with excrement. As a part of farm manure litter serves important functions, such as the ab- sorption of urine, and of ammonia which escapes from ex- crement on decomposition. It also makes manure easier to handle and adds organic matter and plant food. Table XV shows the number of pounds of water and ammonia absorbed per 100 pounds of litter of various kinds. TABLE XV. AMOUNT OF WATER AND AMMONIA ABSORBED BY LITTER Water Ammonia pounds per pounds per Kind of Utter. 100. 100. Wheat straw 220 0.17 Partly decomposed oak leaves . . . . 162 .... Pine sawdust 435 . 05 Peat 600 1.10 Peatmoss 1300 0.86 TABLE XVI. COMPOSITION OF LITTER Nitrogen Phosphoric acid Potash Kind of litter. per cent. per cent. per cent. Straw 0.50 0.25 1.10 Leaves 0.80 0.30 0.30 Sawdust 0.45 0.30 0.70 Peatmoss .... 0.80 0.10 0.17 Peat 0.85 0.18 0.08 Table XVI shows the composition of various litters in the fertilizing constituents. It is to be noted that straw, the usual form of litter, contains about as much nitrogen, phos- phoric acid, and potash as does excrement, so that as far as actual plant food is concerned there is no dilution of the amount present in excrement by mixing it with the litter. Sawdust and shavings, however, which are used to a con- siderable extent in cities, contain much less plant food, and furthermore, they decompose very slowly in the soil, 244 FARM MANURE so that what plant food they do contain becomes available to a very slight extent. But sawdust and shavings are good absorbers of liquid, even better than straw, and are con- sequently of considerable value. They do no harm in the soil as is sometimes claimed. 187. Mixed Excrement. Considering the mixture of solid and liquid excrement, exclusive of litter, it is found that the composition varies with the age of the animal and the kind of food eaten. An adult animal, working or fattening, retains not more than 5 or 10 per cent, of the nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash in the food. Cows giving milk, and young animals, retain from 25 to 50 per cent, of these constituents in their food. Taking the average excre- ment produced on the farm, it may be said to contain about 80 per cent, of the fertilizing constituents of the food eaten. The kind of food eaten will influence the composition of excrement. If the food consists of press cake, grains, bran, or other concentrated material, the excrement will be much higher in nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash than if the food were roughage, or ensilage, or beets (see Table III). 188. Farm Manure. This product, as mentioned at the beginning of the chapter, is a mixture of solid excrement, liquid excrement, and litter. As can be readily seen from what has been said about the causes of variation in the composition of excrement, and what is known about variation in the composition of litters, the amount of plant food in farm manure is never constant. From the discussion which follows as to the decomposition and losses of manure piles, it is to be noted that these factors also affect the com- position. For purposes of rough calculation, however, it is somewhat generally agreed that the average farm manure contains about 0.5 per cent, nitrogen, 0.25 per cent, phos- phoric acid, and 0.5 per cent, potash; or, to put it more plainly, a ton of farm manure contains 10 pounds of nitrogen, 5 pounds of phosphoric acid, and 10 pounds of potash. 189. Compounds in Fresh Farm Manure. When first produced, farm manure contains in the solid excrement, DECOMPOSITION OF FARM MANURE 245 starch, cellulose, other carbohydrates, lignin, fat, proteins in various stages of decomposition, mineral elements com- bined organically, remains of intestinal juices, and other compounds. The liquid portion contains organic and in- organic salts, soluble nitrogenous compounds like urea, etc. The litter, of course, contains the usual plant compounds present in such materials. 190. Bacteria in Manure. Liquid excrement when first voided contains no bacteria, but the solid excrement con- tains exceedingly large numbers, determinations on various excrements showing from 90,000,000 to 150,000,000 organisms in one gram of material. In addition to this, litter contains from 10,000,000 to 400,000,000 organisms. In the course of time the number of organisms diminishes as food becomes scarcer and the products of their activities increase sufficiently to kill many of them. 191. Decomposition of Farm Manure. As a result of its high bacterial content, manure commences to decompose as soon as it is produced. Molds also help the decomposition. The bacterial changes which take place in it are of consider- able importance and can be discussed best under two heads: Aerobic, where air has free access to the materials; and anaerobic, where air is kept out. (a) AEROBIC. The most important changes taking place in manure are those affecting nitrogen. This element is present in the urine largely as urea, CO(XHj) 2 , which is attacked very easily by several kinds of bacteria. The action is one of hydrolysis, thus : CO(NH S ) 2 The ammonium carbonate readily breaks up on exposure to the air, as follows: (NHOsCO^NHj + COz + H 2 O. This results, of course, in loss of nitrogen, for the ammonia escapes into the air. The reaction is reversible, and in the presence of plenty of carbon dioxide and water with no circulation of air to remove the volatile products, ammonium carbonate is not decomposed. 246 FARM MANURE In the solid excrement nitrogen is present in protein forms which have resisted decomposition in the digestive tract of the animal, and hence do not decompose very rapidly in manure. In the litter the nitrogenous compounds are also proteins, and although somewhat more easily broken down than the proteins of the solid excrement, they are not decom- posed very rapidly. Considering the nitrogen compounds in the solid part of the manure, it can be said that they break down in the presence of air with the formation of ammonia which escapes into the atmosphere. Moreover, in the presence of plenty of air, ammonia is further oxidized to free nitrogen. True nitrification, that is, the formation of nitrates, is not a common bacterial change in manure piles. Aerobic decomposition results in a gradual change of carbohydrates cellulose, starch, and pentosans and of fats, as well as of proteins, to carbon dioxide and water, with the intermediate production of organic acids. Compounds containing potassium and other bases decompose with the formation of carbonates of the bases. Phosphorus and sulphur in proteins remain as phosphates and sulphates, or more correctly speaking as phosphoric and sulphuric acids which are neutralized by the bases present. As a matter of fact, there is an excess of alkaline carbonates in decomposing manure piles, whether the action is aerobic or anaerobic. This is evidenced by the dark liquids which may be seen draining from manure piles. This dark liquid is an alkaline extract of humus, for humus, or at least humus- like compounds, result from partial decomposition of the organic matter, more particularly where there is not much air present. In general, aerobic decomposition of manure results in the production of considerable heat. Horse and sheep manure being more porous and drier, decompose very easily and are called "hot" manures. The manure of pigs and cattle, on the 'other hand, are more compact, contain more water, and hence do not decompose so rapidly. They are called " cold" manures. The loss of carbon dioxide and water from manure, of course, results in loss of weight. LOSS 247 (6) ANAEROBIC. When air is not present in manure, decomposition and loss of ammonia are not so rapid. While urea may change to ammonium carbonate there is no op- portunity for this compound to break up into ammonia, carbon dioxide, and water. The proteins of the solid portion are slowly changed to soluble compounds and some ammonia, but the latter is not lost to any great extent. Moreover, much of the nitrogen so changed is absorbed by the bacteria themselves and retained in the manure as insoluble com- pounds. The non-nitrogenous portions of the manure are broken down into organic acids, carbon dioxide to some extent, and in addition considerable quantities of hydrogen and methane. Sulphur is likely to be changed in part at least to hydro- gen sulphide. Moreover, considerable quantities of black "humus" are formed. The straw and other litter lose their original fibrous condition and become a part of the dark, fine mass of "well-rotted manure." Under anaerobic con- ditions the loss of carbon dioxide, water, hydrogen, and methane results in loss of weight. 192. Molds. Particularly in loose, dry manure, molds develop and cause destruction of both nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous compounds. "Fire fanging" is a result of the growth of molds on horse manure, resulting in the appearance of a white, powdery coating on the material. 193. Loss. The above mentioned changes are what take place under special conditions. Considering now an ordinary manure pile, such as is altogether too common even now, it will be interesting to note what happens. Such a pile is only moderately compact; loose on the outside at any rate, and exposed to the weather. Both aerobic and anaerobic decomposition take place. Urea changes rapidly to ammo- nium carbonate and ammonia. Proteins are changing to ammonia. Ammonia is being oxidized to free nitrogen as well as passing off into the air. Carbon dioxide and water are being formed in considerable quantities as well as some hydrogen and methane. The pile shrinks in volume, losing weight constantly. Humus-like substances form, many of which are dissolved out by a solution of alkaline carbonates 248 FARM MANURE formed by the decomposition of organic compounds of potassium and other alkalies, including some ammonium carbonate. Rain leaches out these soluble compounds as well as soluble phosphates. There is consequently a decided loss of potassium and phosphorus by leaching; of nitrogen by volatilization as free nitrogen and as ammonia; and a decrease in amount of organic matter due to volatilization of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and methane, and to leaching away of humus compounds. The most serious loss, however, is that of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and amounts under such conditions to more than half of the original content of these elements. Moreover, they are in the best form, being soluble and available to plants. 194. Prevention of Loss. From the preceding discussion, it can be seen that the greatest loss of nitrogen occurs under aerobic conditions, while the loss of phosphorus and potas- sium and some of the nitrogen occurs only when leaching takes place. Since it is possible to retain a large part of the volatile ammonia by chemical means as well as by producing anaerobic conditions, methods of preventing loss of the fertilizing constituents can be grouped under two general heads: Mechanical and chemical. (a) MECHANICAL. Since phosphorus and potassium in the solid excrement, after being rendered soluble under either aerobic or anaerobic conditions, are lost only by being washed out of the manure pile, it is sufficient only to prevent leaching by keeping the pile under cover, or in a water-tight receptacle; or piled in such a way that leaching is reduced to a minimum. This may be accomplished by making the pile decidedly concave on top to hold the water that falls, and building the sides vertical. Since a large part of the potassium and nitrogen are in the urine and hence soluble, it is necessary to take precautions which will prevent the urine from running off. Litter accomplishes this purpose if employed in sufficient quantities, and particularly if cut into short pieces a practice which increases the absorptive capacity of straw two or three times. Rock phosphate sprinkled in the stalls before adding the bedding also makes an excellent absorbent material. This PREVENTION OF LOSS 249 practice not only reinforces the manure in phosphoric acid content, but also serves to make the rock phosphate avail- able to plants (Section 164). Three or four pounds to each animal every day for horses and cattle is a good amount to use. In addition to the leaching away of soluble nitrogenous compounds, a large part of the nitrogen is lost by volatiliza- tion. Since this is due largely to aerobic bacterial action, combined with free circulation of air which allows dissociation of ammonium carbonate, a system which keeps the pile compact and saturated with water, or at least with carbon dioxide, will answer the purpose. This may be accomplished by compacting either in piles or pits, or under the feet of the animals by the so-called deep-stall system. If a pile of manure is kept well packed down and thoroughly though not excessively soaked with water or surplus urine, air will not have access to the pile except on the surface, and aerobic decomposition will be reduced to a minimum. By this means nitrogen is not lost to any great extent either as free nitrogen or as ammonia: The deep-stall system consists in allowing the manure to be compacted by the feet of animals in stalls where the manure can accumulate and be well tramped down, litter being liberally used. By this means the loss of nitrogen is reduced to about 15 per cent., but the practice is not sani- tary and although used to some extent in Europe is not to be recommended. The saving of nitrogen in manure is not the only thing to be considered in caring for stock. (6) CHEMICAL. In preventing the loss of fertilizing con- stituents from manure by chemical means there is only nitrogen to be considered. Phosphorus and potassium are easily retained by preventing leaching and this is a mechanical means. Nitrogen, on the other hand, is volatile as ammonia and free nitrogen, hence chemicals which form non-volatile compounds of nitrogen, or which prevent complete decomposition, are employed. 1. Gypsum, Land Plaster. By using gypsum, CaSO 4 , at the rate of 100 pounds to the ton of manure, or better yet by sprinkling three or four pounds in the stall of each I 250 FARM MANURE animal per day and then adding litter, the ammonium car- bonate is changed to ammonium sulphate, thus: (NHOzCOs + CaSO4 = (NHOzSO* + CaCO 3 . Ammonium sulphate is non-volatile, although it is soluble, and must be prevented from leaching. The advantage is that no ammonia escapes into the air. Gypsum is perfectly safe to use because it has no harmful effect on the feet of the animals. By itself it has no fertilizing effect on the soil, but after reacting with ammonium carbonate, the resulting calcium carbonate will neutralize soil acids, although there is but little present at any one time. 2. Acid Phosphate. This material may be used at the rate of 50 pounds per ton of manure, but on account of its harmful effect on the feet of animals it is better to use it in the gutters or with manure after the latter has been removed from the stalls. The value of acid phosphate is two-fold. It holds the ammonia as ammonium sulphate, due to the calcium sulphate in the fertilizer. And furthermore, it rein- forces the manure with phosphoric acid which is the deficient element. It is stated that acid phosphate is the most efficient holder of ammonia in use. 3. Potash Salts. The muriate and sulphate of potash, kainite, or any of the salts of potash used as fertilizers, except potassium carbonate (see below), are used at the rate of 50 pounds per ton of manure. These compounds are also injurious to the feet of animals and should be used like acid phosphate. Ammonia is converted to ammonium chloride or sulphate and is non-volatile, although soluble. 4. Sulphurous and Sulphuric Acids. These acids will retain ammonia as the sulphite (later changing to the sulphate) and the sulphate, but they are not to be recom- mended, for their acid character renders them harmful to the soil if they are not completely neutralized. 5. Preservatives. To check bacterial action and thus prevent the formation of ammonium carbonate, such pre- servatives or antiseptics as carbon disulphide and soluble fluorides have been employed. Their use, however, should METHODS OF USE 251 be discouraged, for they are not only expensive, but by interfering with the activity of bacteria in manure destroy one of its most valuable functions, namely, that of supplying microorganisms to the soil. 6. Lime Should Never be Used. In this connection it must be emphasized that for the preservation of nitrogen or absorption of liquid in stalls, lime should never be used. It does not hold the ammonia, but rather causes its loss by releasing it from any of its compounds. Ground limestone is not so bad in this respect as burnt lime. Wood ashes should never be used because the potassium carbonate will drive off ammonia even more readily than burnt lime. The use of lime in composting, however, is allowable, but for a different purpose if proper precautions are taken (Section 195, c). 195. Methods of Use. There are only a few points to be brought out in a work of this kind. A more complete treat- ment of the subject is better suited to a discussion of special crops and methods of farming. (a) FRESH MANURE. Experiments show conclusively that better yields are secured on ordinary soils from manure hauled fresh to the fields than from manure that has stood in the pile for some time even under optimum conditions. This is principally due to the fact that all the fertilizing material has been retained and that the maximum effect of bacteria in decomposing organic matter and dissolving mineral plant food has been obtained. Manure which has been hauled fresh to the fields can be spread on the surface of the soil and allowed to lie exposed without danger of loss of nitrogen, for the sun will check bacterial action directly, and also by drying the manure will thus deprive the bacteria of their necessary moisture. Fresh manure can be applied on top of the snow with success. No loss of ammonia will occur, and as the snow melts the soluble fertilizing ingredients soak into the soil. This practice, however, is not safe on frozen hillsides where there is danger of loss of these soluble compounds by being washed away over the frozen soil. (6) WELL DECOMPOSED MANURE. Sometimes, however, it is not economical to spread manure at once. It may cost 252 FARM MANURE more to haul it fresh to the fields than the increase in crops would be worth. In such cases the application of decomposed manure should be followed at once by plowing or harrowing, or be made just before a rain which will wash into the soil ammonium carbonate previously formed. In the fresh manure ammonium carbonate has not been produced, so its loss need not be feared. On light soils well decomposed manure has some advan- tages over fresh manure, since the latter would make the soil only more open and porous and would burn out quickly. The nitrogen of well decomposed manure is not so available as that of fresh manure, for much of it has been decomposed to soluble compounds and back again to proteins in the bodies of bacteria. The phosphorus and potash, on the other hand, are more available. On account of these facts, the action of well decomposed manure is more uniform and under certain special conditions is desirable. (c) COMPOSTED MANURE. This is a practice resorted to by vegetable growers, largely to get the manure quickly into a thoroughly decomposed and disintegrated condition. The objects are to get the manure in a fine state of division for easy mixing with the soil, and to make the fertilizing con- stituents more uniformly available. As mentioned before, fresh manure contains more available nitrogen than decom- posed manure, and when used in large quantities fresh manure produces too great a leaf growth on roots or other similar crops, due to excess of nitrogen. The manure is piled in alternate layers with some absorbent like soil. All sorts of organic refuse can be added and sometimes bones, commercial fertilizers, and lime. The pile should be well covered with earth and kept reasonably moist. The alternate layers and covering of soil adsorb ammonia which is generated freely under these conditions, particularly if lime is present. The pile is thoroughly turned over from time to time a practice which hastens decomposition and the formation of nitrates. The organic matter of bones in a compost heap is so de- composed that they can be easily ground. If lime is used, particular care must be exercised to keep plenty of absorbing material in the pile, and to cover it well. VALUE OF MANURE 253 196. Manure an Unbalanced Fertilizer. As a complete fertilizer manure is not well balanced. It contains 0.5 per cent, of nitrogen, 0.25 per cent, of phosphoric acid, and 0.5 per cent, of potash. Proportionately expressed this is a 2-1-2 fertilizer. A common fertilizer for general farm crops is a 1-6-4 combination (Section 201), and for garden crops a 4-8-10 fertilizer is used. Manure is very deficient in phos- phoric acid, and in order to obtain enough of this con- stituent it is necessary to apply in many cases more manure than is economically profitable. While it is possible to maintain the fertility of a soil for a long period of years, at least with no other fertilizer than manure, it is not a practice to be recommended. Manure reinforced with phosphoric acid is more satisfactory and, better yet, a judicious use of commercial fertilizers and manure, properly distributed in a rotation according to the crops, is to be recommended. It is by no means a good practice to add such excessive amounts of manure as are used in some sections of the country on tobacco land where an average of eighteen tons of manure per acre have been applied annually. Under these con- ditions the loss of the fertilizing constituents from the surface soil has been enormous. 197. Value of Manure. The proper use of barnyard manure is something to be earnestly recommended on every farm. No other single material will do so much for the soil, and no other material is so cheap and easily obtained in most cases. Manure adds organic matter to the soil, and organic matter, it will be remembered, improves the physical condition of the soil, increases the moisture holding capacity and the temperature of soils. Moreover, organic matter is the source of carbon dioxide and organic acids which aid in making mineral compounds soluble. This is particularly true of fresh manure which decomposes easily. Manure also adds large numbers of bacteria to the soil, and the benefits to be derived from bacteria are too numerous to mention. And finally manure adds nitrogen, phosphoric acid, potash, and even calcium to the soil. Fig. 68 shows the effect of manure on a soil which does not respond to liming, although somewhat acid. It is probably the effect of the plant food in the manure which is here most important. 254 FARM MANURE All these valuable properties of manure, moreover, are lasting in effect. An application of manure shows by in- creased yields for many years afterwards, whereas the effect REFERENCES 255 of commercial fertilizers lasts but a few years at most and usually but one or two. EXERCISES 1. Give all the reasons you can why it is not good practice to permit a manure pile to remain exposed for months. 2. Why do nitrates form in a composted manure heap to a greater extent than in an ordinary pile? 3. Should basic slag be mixed with manure to reinforce the phosphorus content? Why? 4. What causes the color of the water leaching away from an exposed manure pile? Explain in detail how these coloring substances were prob- ably formed.^ 5. Why do you think the following statement is good or poor advice? "Buy nitrogen in concentrated feeds rather than in commercial fertilizers." 6. Do you think that reinforcing manure with a phosphate is good farm practice? If so, what phosphate would you use? 7. As components of what substances will N, P and K probably occur in the solid and liquid excreta? 8. Is manure a balanced fertilizer? a complete fertilizer? a high-grade fertilizer? a readily available fertilizer? a fertilizer that will leave a soil acid? a necessary fertilizer? a lasting fertilizer? a commercial fertilizer? 9. Of the following which manure would you prefer: Produced by a fattening animal; an animal giving milk; a growing animal; a mature, hard- working animal; a mature animal not hard-working? REFERENCES Hall. Fertilisers and Manures. Thorne. Farm Manures. Van Slyke. Fertilizers and Crops. Wheeler. Manures and Fertilizers. CHAPTER XIV SOIL AND FERTILIZER ANALYSIS THE analysis of soils and fertilizers is such an important part, both of scientific and practical agriculture, that there is necessary a brief discussion of the terms used, of the possi- bilities and limitations of such work, and of the immediate value. 198. How Analytical Results are Expressed. It is custom- ary in ordinary analytical work to express results in terms of the oxide of the element, thus: CaO, K 2 O, Fe 2 O 3 , P2O 5 . This is not the form in which these elements occur, but is a convenient and conventional means of expression. In fertilizer work the elements usually determined are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and reported as nitrogen, N, phosphoric acid, P 2 O 5 , and potash, K 2 O. Phosphoric acid . is not the correct name for the oxide of phosphorus P 2 O 5 but since the oxide is the acid oxide there is some excuse for it. Furthermore, it is not consistent to express nitrogen as the element, and phosphorus and potassium as the oxides. There is a desire on the part of some chemists to express these and other results in the elemental form. It is the logical way to do, but since custom is so strong, and since most farmers and scientists think in the conventional terms, these inconsistent forms have been used here. 199. Soil Analysis. The popular conception of the pur- pose of soil analysis is to ascertain the fertilizer deficiencies of a soil. That is, by determining in some way the amount of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, the need of a soil for any particular element can be predicted. This idea has resulted, of course, in the development of a large number of methods, and in the analyses of a large number (256) SOIL ANALYSIS 257 of soils, together with the publication of a large number of predictions. Some of these predictions have proved correct ; some of them incorrect; and some of them have never been put to the proof. The difficulties in the way of determining accurately fertilizer deficiencies of a soil are so many that an analysis alone cannot give the information desired in a great majority of cases. Fertilizer tests in the field are the best single way to ascertain the plant food needs of a soil (Fig. 69). The total amount of each of the several constituents can be determined accurately, and the result is a complete inventory of the plant food supply in any given soil, pro- vided the sampling has been done carefully. It is very important to obtain a sample of soil which represents as nearly as possible the soil of the whole field in question. This information in connection with other data, such as topography, physical condition of the soil, kind of seed, cultivation, temperature, rainfall, and appearance of crop, will give an expert a good idea of the needs of a given soil. The difficulty with this kind of analysis in interpreting plant food deficiencies is that by no means all of any par- ticular element is available or will even become available readily. A soil may contain a large amount of phosphoric acid, but may have it in such unavailable form that plants cannot obtain enough for normal growth, and a phosphate fertilizer is actually needed. On the other hand, another soil may contain a very small amount of phosphoric acid and yet have it in readily available form. Of course, if a constituent is present in ridiculously small amounts a deficiency in that constituent may be suspected. Various methods have been developed for determining available or readily available plant food. Strong hydro- chloric acid has been used more largely than any other reagent to extract those constituents which it is assumed will be most readily available to plants. Most of the soil analyses published have been made by this method. But the results mean very little for interpreting fertilizer de- ficiencies. There is no accurate standard or minimum amount known, below which a fertilizer need is indicated. 17 258 SOIL AND FERTILIZER ANALYSIS The minimum varies with kinds of soils, kinds of crops, and many other factors. Numerous weak organic acids and dilute mineral acids have been proposed as solvents, and some methods seem reasonably LIME REQUIREMENT 259 good for certain special soils, but there are no methods of general applicability. Pure water, or water charged with carbon dioxide, might seem an excellent solvent, but against this solvent as against others for that matter, though in lesser measure, the power of chemical and physical absorp- tion acts to prevent the extraction of plant food that may be readily available to plants in the soil. Moreover, in all these methods it is not the amount of plan; food available at any one time which nourishes the crop, it is the plant food available from day to day throughout the growing season. It is the rate at which plant food becomes avail- able that determines crop growth. But soil analysis is of very great value to the soil chemist in determining changes which take place in the soil under certain conditions, and in comparing one soil with another, all of which work is valuable in studying the effect of fertilizers, the effect of changing physical conditions, and the effect of cropping. The knowledge so obtained can later be practically applied to help the farmer obtain better and larger crops. 200. Lime Requirement. Since acidity is a very prevalent condition of many soils, and since it needs correction in most instances, numerous efforts have been made to deter- mine the amount of acid in a soil ; or/ which is more direct, to determine the amount of lime necessary to neutralize acidity to a given depth. The method which has given the best results is one devised by F. P. Veitch. Equal weights of soil are treated with different amounts of lime water until one amount is found which leaves the soil slightly alkaline. Knowing the weight of soil in the sample, the weight of lime applied, and the weight of an acre of soil to the given depth, the amount of lime in pounds per acre needed to correct the acidity can be calculated. The results are only approximate at best, but the method serves to compare the relative amounts of lime needed on different soils, or on a soil under different treatments. It is not sufficiently accurate to tell a farmer just how much lime to put on a given field, although it may be a guide to the expert in determining the amount. 260 SOIL AND FERTILIZER ANALYSIS There are two tests for telling whether or not a soil is acid, but not how acid. One is by the use of blue litmus paper. A strip of blue litmus paper is placed in the bottom of a beaker or tumbler and on top of this a piece of filter paper or clean white blotter cut to fit the bottom of the vessel. The soil to be tested is added until the dish is half full, and is then soaked with pure water. Another beaker or tumbler is prepared the same way but no soil added. This is to test the paper and water for acids. If the litmus paper in the beaker containing the soil has turned red after standing an hour, the soil is acid, the degree of acidity depending on the amount and rapidity of coloration. At the same time the litmus paper in the beaker containing no soil must remain blue. If it turns red the paper or water contains acid and a fresh test must be made using different paper and water. Another test is to add two or three ounces of soil to a beaker or tumbler full of dilute ammonium hydroxide, made by mixing one part of strong ammonia with five parts of pure water. After standing some time an acid soil will yield a brown or black color to the liquid, due to the solubility of the humus acids in ammonium hydroxide (Section 119). A neutral or alkaline soil will not yield a color to the liquid beyond that which will be imparted to it by the fine soil particles held in suspension. 201. Fertilizer Analysis. The total amount of plant food in fertilizers can be determined accurately and, with the possible exception of nitrogen, the available material can also be determined. In buying a fertilizer a farmer ordina- rily wants something which is quickly available to his crops. State laws now require fertilizer manufacturers to give the analysis with every fertilizer. This analysis usually consists of total nitrogen; water soluble, citrate soluble, insoluble, and total phosphoric acid; and water soluble potash. There are methods which attempt to determine available nitrogen, but except for the determination of nitrates and ammonia which are satisfactory, there are no really good methods. As a matter of fact, however, a determination of total nitrogen is usually sufficient. The use of certain FERTILIZER ANALYSIS 261 materials, such as hair, wool waste, and leather is not per- mitted by some states in making complete fertilizers unless they are treated with sulphuric acid as in the manufacture of "base goods." Their presence in the raw state can be detected with a microscope, and the farmer is thus protected against their use in this condition. Water soluble phosphoric acid is monocalcium phosphate, CaH 4 (PO 4 )2, citrate soluble phosphoric acid is the dicalcium phosphate, Ca 2 H 2 (PO4) 2 . It is also called "reverted "phosphate (Section 165, a). The name "citrate soluble" comes from the fact that it is soluble in a neutral solution of ammonium citrate. Both water soluble and citrate soluble phosphoric acid are available to plants, so that analyses sometimes give only the available phosphoric acid which includes both forms. Insoluble phosphoric acid is tricalcium phos- phate, Ca 3 (P0 4 ) 2 . Water soluble potash is a simple determination, and of course is that potash which is readily available to plants. The guaranteed analysis does not state whether the potash is in the chloride or sulphate form, or whether these acid radicles are present. This is sometimes important (Sections 168 and 169), and if so it would be necessary to have the fertilizer analyzed further, or to buy known materials. In discussing fertilizers, and sometimes even in naming them, it is customary to use the percentage figures only, in the order of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash. Thus, a 1-6-4 fertilizer is one which contains 1 per cent, nitrogen, 6 per cent, phosphoric acid, and 4 per cent, potash. In expressing the results of analyses it is sometimes custom- ary to add: "Nitrogen equal to ammonia." This gives a little higher figure and makes the fertilizer look richer than it really is, unless the purchaser is in the habit of thinking of nitrogen in terms of ammonia, the way the fertilizer manu- facturers do. They buy all nitrogenous materials on the ammonia basis. In the same way phosphoric acid is sometimes referred to as "bone phosphate of lime." Phosphoric acid is P 2 0s, bone phosphate is Ca3(PO 4 )2. Hence the percentage is more than 262 SOIL AND FERTILIZER ANALYSIS doubled by expressing the amount of phosphorus in the latter way. Potash is sometimes called "equivalent to sulphate." This also apparently increases the amount, almost doubling the figures. For example, a fertilizer containing 1 per cent, nitrogen, 6 per cent, phosphoric acid, and 4 per cent, potash would be expressed on the higher basis as 1.21 per cent, ammonia, 13.08 per cent, bone phosphate of lime, and 7.40 per cent, potassium sulphate, and yet it might contain no ammonia, no bone phosphate, and no sulphate of potash. In interpreting a fertilizer analysis the farmer need pay attention only to the nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, and not be led astray by the more attractive higher figures. It is only just to say, however, that most of the fertilizers now offered for sale by reputable concerns are honest goods with the guaranteed analysis well stated. EXERCISES 1. How would you determine the fertilizer deficiencies of your farm? 2. State in detail just why a good soil should contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, humus and bacteria. 3. How test for the following: Dextrose, starch, protein, fat, a volatile oil, cellulose, humus, soil acidity, an enzyme, a soluble phosphate, a nitrate, an ammonium compound, a soluble potassium compound, organic matter and limestone? 4. Given 750 pounds of acid phosphate containing 16 per cent, available PiQ&, 167 pounds of muriate of potash containing 48 per cent, available K2O, 607 pounds of sodium nitrate containing 16 per cent, available ammo- nia and enough filler to make a ton of fertilizer, how much filler is used and what is the formula of the fertilizer? 5. How many pounds of nitrate of soda containing 15 per cent. N, and phosphate containing 7 per cent. P, and muriate of potash containing 42 per cent. K must be used to make a ton of a fertilizer selling as 3.5-4-6.3? How many pounds of filler must be used to make this mixture equal to a ton in weight? 6. About how many pounds of a complete fertilizer that sells as a 4-8-4 goods is it necessary to add in order to return to the soil the plant food removed by an acre of corn? Would you recommend any other formula? 7. Answer Exercise 6 for an acre of potatoes; an acre of apples. 8. How much nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus is contained in a ton of a 4-8-10 fertilizer? 9. Just why are the following used in the litmus paper test for soil acidity: Two beakers, filter paper, water that is pure? 10. How is a sample of soil taken for a test by the Veitch method? REFERENCES 263 11. Which fertilizer would you buy, and why: One whose analysis is 2 per cent. N, 6 per cent. PjOi and 4 per cent. KjO or one that is marked 2.18 per cent. NH, 13 per cent, bone phosphate of lime and 6 per cent, muriate of potash? REFERENCES Hilgard. Soils. Van Slyke. Fertilizers and Crops. CHAPTER XV INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES THE treatment of plants to destroy insect pests and fungous diseases is now so important a factor in the growth of crops that a short description of the compounds and mixtures employed will be of value. No attempt will be made to describe the various insects and fungi or to give the proper treatment for each. All such details including methods of application and proper dilution of spray material should properly be taken up in connection with the pro- pagation and growing of various plants. The present dis- cussion will be limited to the chemistry of the more common spray materials, noting first the chief characteristics of the pests to be destroyed. Figs. 70, 71, and 72 illustrate the method and results of spraying. 202. Insects. The insects which destroy crops are of two kinds: First, those which have biting mouth parts for chewing the plant tissues, such as grasshoppers, caterpillars, and cucumber beetles. Second, those which have a beak or apparatus for penetrating the skin of plant organs and sucking up the juices. They do not chew and swallow any of the tissue proper. The woolly aphis and San Jose scale are examples of these insects. For insects which eat plant tissue, it is usually sufficient to sprinkle the surface of the leaves with a poison. This kills the insects when the poison is taken internally. The insects which do not eat tissue but suck out the plant juices are not injured by this treatment. They penetrate the skin for their nourishment and do not eat the poison on the surface. Spray materials which kill by contact are efficacious. They act by destroying the skin of the insects or by clogging up their breathing pores, or by merely repelling them. (264) FUNGI 265 203. Fungi. Fungi are plants which have no chlorophyl and are consequently dependent on host plants for all their food. They are propagated by spores which are produced in great numbers and can be easily disseminated. When the spores germinate on some suitable host, a little tube is put forth, from which develops the mycelium. Some fungi grow mostly under the surface, the spore tube entering by FIG. 70. Spraying an orchard. Department of Experimental Pomology, Pennsylvania Station. the stomata or other openings in the leaf or stem. These are fungi like the brown rot and grain smuts. Other fungi grow on the surface, like the powdery mildew. Internal fungi cannot be killed after they have gained entrance to the host, but must be caught before the spore germinates, by covering the plant with a poison which kills the spore or germ tube. External fungi can be killed at any time because they are always exposed. 266 INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES FIG. 71. Unsprayed fruit. Department of Experimental Pomology, Pennsylvania Station. FIG. 72. Sprayed fruit. Department of Experimental Pomology, Pennsylvania Station. INTERNAL INSECTICIDES 2G7 204. Insecticides. These spray materials may be divided into two classes, internal, and external or contact insecti- cides. I. INTERNAL INSECTICIDES (a) HELLEBORE is a powder made by grinding the dried roots of the American hellebore (veratrum viride) or of the white or European hellebore (veratrum album). The active constituents are certain alkaloids, said to be some six in number. (6) LEAD ARSENATE is made by mixing sodium arsenate, Na 2 HAsO 4 , with lead acetate, Pb(C 2 H 3 O 2 )2, or lead nitrate, Pb(NO 3 ) 2 . The precipitate, depending on conditions of temperature, concentration, and methods of mixing, consists of neutral or triplumbic arsenate, Pb 3 (AsO 4 ) 2 , and acid lead arsenate, PbHAsCX, in varying proportions. It comes on the market as a paste or powder which forms a suspension on mixing with water in the proper proportions for spraying. When eaten by insects the arsenic in the compound is fatal. Injury sometimes results to the leaves from the use of lead arsenate. Since insoluble compounds do not harm foliage it is certain that enough arsenic from lead arsenate goes, into solution to penetrate the leaves and kill the tissues. Con- sequently the amount of water soluble arsenic in commercial preparations of lead arsenate is limited by the national Insecticide Act of 1910 to 0.75 per cent, of water soluble AsjAi. 1 But injury has resulted from the use of lead arsenate that came well within the law, and as a result of investiga- tion the following facts have been discovered: Triplumbic arsenate or the neutral lead arsenate is insoluble in pure water or water containing chlorides, sulphates, or carbon- ates, and causes no harm to foliage. The acid arsenate, on the other hand, is slightly soluble in pure water and much more so in water containing the above named substances in solution. Injury results when hard water, or "alkali" 1 Determined by soaking 1 gram of lead arsenate in 1000 c.c. of carbon dioxide-free water for ten days, shaking eight times a day, and analyzing the filtrate. Water soluble AssOs in Paris, green is determined in the same way. 268 INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES water, is used in the preparation of the spray from acid arsenate, and when, furthermore, heavy dews or fogs keep the foliage soaked with moisture part of the time, and so dissolve enough arsenic to injure plant tissue. Rain would wash off the dissolved arsenic and cause no harm. It is possible to purchase lead arsenate at present which is guaran- teed to be the neutral arsenate. (c) PARIS GREEN, SCHWEINFURTH GREEN, is made by boiling arsenous oxide, As 2 0s, with basic copper acetate, Cu(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 .CuO. The brilliant green precipitate is used as a suspension in spraying. Its chemical name is copper aceto-metarsenite, [Cu(AsO 2 ) 2 ]3.Cu(C 2 H 3 O2)2. The arsenic content is the active poison for insects. Leaf burning is very apt to result from the use of Paris green, due to water soluble arsenic. The national Insecticide Act of 1910 prohibits the sale of Paris green containing more than 3.5 per cent, water soluble AS2O3. 1 In addition to this, however, the action of water and carbon dioxide will dissolve arsenic according to the following equation : + 10H 2 O+ CO 2 = 6H 3 AsO 3 + CuCOs.Cu(OH)2+ Cu(C2H 3 O2)2.CuO. This danger is so great that it is usually customary to mix Paris green with lime or Bordeaux, the latter containing an excess of lime. The free arsenic is neutralized by the lime, thus: 2HsAsO3 + 3Ca(OH) 2 = Ca(AsOa)2 + 6H 2 O. Sometimes Paris green is adulterated with worthless articles like gypsum. It is easy to test for such adultera- tion by treating the material with strong ammonia. Paris green dissolves according to the following equation: [Cu(AsO2)2]j.Cu(C2H 3 O2)2+ 36NH4OH = 4[Cu.(NHs)4.(OH)2] + 6(NH 4 )3AsO3 + 2NH4C 2 H 3 O 2 + 22H 2 O. 1 See footnote, page 267. EXTERNAL INSECTICIDES 269 The soluble copper compound called cuprammonium hydrox- ide is written graphically, Cu/ NH NH, OH NH NH OH and is the same thing as Schweitzer's reagent used for dissolving cellulose (Section 9). The gypsum is left as an insoluble residue. So far as adulterations go, however, the Insecticide Act of 1910 protects the farmer by limiting the minimum amount of arsenous oxide to 50 per cent. H. EXTERNAL INSECTICIDES (a) HYDROCYANIC ACID GAS is a very violent poison to man as well as to insects. The acid at ordinary tempera- tures is a mobile, volatile liquid, with an odor of bitter almonds and a boiling point of 26.5 C. It kills insects by entering their breathing apparatus and putting a stop to their vital functions. As used for fumigation it is prepared by treating sulphuric acid with potassium cyanide. The reaction is: KCN+ H*SO4 - KHSO4+ HCN. Potassium sulphate, K 2 SC>4, is not formed with the excess of sulphuric acid necessary to get the maximum evolution of gas. It is necessary to use enough water to hold the acid potassium sulphate in solution after the reaction, especially in the generators used for the purpose of producing the gas on a large scale. The best proportion of cyanide, acid, and water is a 1-1-3 formula, or 1 part potassium cyanide to 1 part of concentrated sulphuric acid (commercial concen- trated acid is about 93 per cent, pure) and 3 parts of water. The use of much stronger sulphuric acid results in the decomposition of hydrocyanic acid and the formation of ammonia and formic acid or carbon monoxide depending on the strength of the sulphuric acid. The ammonia forms ammonium sulphate with the acid. 270 INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES The use of sodium cyanide is preferable in some ways, since more hydrocyanic acid gas can be liberated from a pound of sodium cyanide than from a pound of potassium cyanide, because of the lower atomic weight of sodium. 100 parts of sodium cyanide is equal to 132 parts of potassium cyanide in theoretical effectiveness. The reaction is similar, but the sodium acid sulphate is more soluble than the corre- sponding potassium salt and a 3-4-6 formula is recommended. The trouble which is sometimes experienced in obtaining good results from the use of potassium cyanide is due in part to the presence of sodium chloride. Sulphuric acid sets free hydrochloric acid, and the latter forms ammonia, later ammonium chloride, and formic acid. This reaction of course reduces the yield of hydrocyanic acid gas. It is not sufficient that the potassium cyanide have a guarantee of 98 per cent, pure, for a mixture of potassium and sodium cyanides would show 98 per cent, expressed as potassium cyanide and yet have considerably more than 2 per cent, of sodium chloride present. If possible the amount of sodium chloride present should be known, and it is recommended not to have more than 1 per cent. Since the use of hydrocyanic acid gas is attended with great danger to the operator, extreme pains should be taken by him not to inhale the gas himself, or generate it where others may run any risk. It is altogether too dangerous to handle with impunity, and too much carelessness is displayed in its use. (6) KEROSENE EMULSION. Kerosene, or coal oil, as it is sometimes called, is an excellent contact insecticide, killing by entering the pores of the insect. Used in the pure state, however, it is apt to harm vegetation, and is not much employed. It is one of the fractional distillation products from crude petroleum and consists of a mixture of paraffine or methane hydrocarbons whose boiling points lie between 150 and 300 C. Kerosene is insoluble in water and hence cannot easily be diluted, although attempts have been made to agitate the two together so as to obtain a mechanical mixture suitable for application to trees, but the mixture separates too rapidly to be satisfactory. By thoroughly EXTERNAL INSECTICIDES 271 agitating kerosene with a solution of hard or soft soap, there is obtained an emulsion which, when properly made, retains its permanency for at least several days. An emulsion is a mechanical mixture of two liquids in- soluble in each other. One is usually an oil, the particles of which are very finely divided and are held in suspension in the other which is of a gelatinous or viscous nature. The permanency of suspension is brought about partly because the particles are very small and the friction in moving through the suspending liquid is sufficient to prevent their accumulating rapidly; and partly because the suspending liquid exerts some physical if not chemical attraction for the particles, thus helping to prevent their uniting with one another. Moreover, each fine particle of oil is surrounded by a coating of the gelatinous or viscous suspending liquid and can not easily touch another particle to coalesce with it. The finer the particles of oil, the more surface exposed, and hence the greater the attraction of the suspending liquid for the oil, and the more friction in moving. Kerosene and soap solution are liquids of the character just described. (c) LIME-SULPHUR BOILED is made by boiling together for about an hour, or until the sulphur is dissolved, 50 pounds of pure lime and 100 pounds of finely ground sulphur in 50 to 55 gallons of water. The lime is slaked before actual boiling is begun. When properly made there are formed the tetra- and pentasulphides of calcium and calcium thiosulphate. The exact reaction is not known, but the following is given as a possibility: 3Ca(OH)2 + 118= CaSsO* +CaS4 +CaS s +3H,O. This reaction corresponds fairly well to the proportions of lime to sulphur recommended, and to the amount of sulphur in solution as thiosulphate and sulphides found by analysis. Lime containing magnesia should not be used, for mag- nesium forms no compounds with the sulphur and only serves to increase the amount of sediment. Long boiling changes the thiosulphate to insoluble sulphite (Reaction 1); 272 INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES oxidizes the sulphite to insoluble sulphate (Reaction 2); and the sulphide to thiosulphate (Reaction 3), with a separation of sulphur in each case except the second. Ex- posure to the air causes the oxidation changes to take place. The reactions are as follows: 1. CaS 2 Os=CaSO3+S 2. CaSO 3 +O=CaSO4 3. CaS4+3O=CaS 2 3 +2S The active constituents as a contact insecticide are the polysulphides which are caustic in nature, destroying the skin of insects. The more sulphides in solution, the more effective the spray; and much variation from the formula given, or boiling too long, or use of impure materials, all lessen the amount of sulphides formed. Lime-sulphur is also a fungicide and in addition to the sulphides, the thiosulphate has value for this purpose. When sprayed on the trees and exposed to the air, the thiosulphate and sulphides oxidize as indicated in Reactions 1 and 3. The insoluble sulphite and sulphur which are formed are also useful as fungicides. The carbon dioxide of the air also breaks up lime-sulphur as follows: CaS4+CO2+H 2 O =CaCOj+H 2 S+3S Injury to foliage from the use of this spray is due to the caustic effect of the polysulphides, and occurs for the most part when the sulphides occur in too great concentration or when they penetrate the surface of the leaf through cracks or stomata. Applied too thickly the drops coalesce and run to the edge where by evaporation the solution becomes suffi- ciently concentrated to destroy leaf tissue. Injury, however, takes place only during the early part of the application, for the longer the spray stays on the leaves the more the sulphides are broken up as described above. Although there is some evidence that lime-sulphur is an internal as well as an external insecticide, its action in this respect is not sufficiently pronounced for general use, and it is advantageous if some internal insecticide can be mixed with the lime sulphur, so that one spraying, or series of EXTERNAL INSECTICIDES 273 sprayings, may be useful for biting insects, sucking insects, and fungi. Paris green is not satisfactory because it is decomposed, freeing arsenous acid and injuring foliage. Lead arsenate is the best material to use, and this in the triplumbic form. The acid arsenate is not satisfactory, on account of the formation of a soluble arsenic compound, possibly arsenic acid. The reactions which take place when lead arsenate is mixed with lime-sulphur are complex and not well known. Apparently, among other compounds, lead sulphide is formed, and there is an increase in the amount of thiosulphate and sulphite. Some commercial preparations of lime-sulphur, particularly the dry powders which are to be dissolved in water, consist largely of sulphides of sodium or potassium. These com- pounds are fungicides not contact insecticides, and, further- more, their use with arsenicals causes foliage injury due to a greater solution of arsenic acid. (d) MISCIBLE OR SOLUBLE OILS. Not only kerosene, but crude petroleum also has valuable insecticidal properties. Its use, however, like the use of kerosene in the pure state, is not possible on account of its injury to trees. To facilitate the proper dilution of these oils which can be so valuable, the so-called miscible or soluble oils have been prepared. For this purpose there is made first an "emulsifier" which is essentially a soft, carbolated soap, made commonly by boiling 10 gallons of menhaden oil, 8 gallons of carbolic acid, and 15 pounds of caustic potash, then mixing with it 2 gallons of kerosene and 2 gallons of water. This emulsifier is then mixed with varying amounts of other oils such as crude petroleum, paraffine oil, rosin oil (Section 29, 6), and more kerosene. This final solution is the miscible oil and when mixed slowly with water according to the spray requirements forms a milky emulsion that is reasonably permanent if care is used in making and mixing. (e) PYRETHRUM, PERSIAN INSECT POWDER, BUHACH, is made by grinding the dried flowers of various species of the pyrethrum plant. The active constituent is a volatile oil of strong characteristic odor which can be extracted by ether. It varies in amount from 5 to 10 per cent. It is green to brown 18 274 INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES in color and on exposure to the air oxidizes to an inactive .resin. This explains the necessity of keeping the powder in air tight containers, otherwise it loses its efficacy. Pyre- thrum is not poisonous to man. (/) TOBACCO. An old remedy for certain delicate insects like plant lice has been a simple decoction of tobacco leaves or waste. The water extracts the alkaloid nicotine (Section 37, e) which is active in destroying insects. Besides a liquid extract, powdered tobacco and the smoke of tobacco are efficacious in some instances. The latter contains some nicotine, but in addition decomposition products which have some toxic effect. Commercial preparations are on the market, many of them containing nicotine sulphate as the active constituent. It will be remembered (Section 36) that alkaloids are basic in character and will unite to form salts with mineral acids. (0) WHALE OIL SOAP. Only the name is left of what used to be the soap made from whale oil. Now almost any kind of cheap fish oil is used and saponified with potassium or sodium hydroxide. The potash soap is soft; it is more readily soluble in hot water, and the solution does not harden when cold. It is also more penetrating and effective. One pound of soap in 4 to 10 gallons of water are the pro- portions ordinarily used. The sticky soap solution clogs up the pores of the insects and causes death. 205. Fungicides. (a) AMMONIACAL COPPER CARBONATE is a solution of basic copper carbonate, CuCO 3 .Cu(OH) 2 , or /OH Cu<^ \ yc=o .0 Cu/ X OH dissolved in ammonia to form cuprammonium carbonate, Cu(NH 3 )4CO 3 .H 2 O, NHr NHj OH Cu OH \ / NHi NH O C=O FUNGICIDES 275 Dilute ammonia dissolves more copper carbonate than strong ammonia, so that it is better to use dilute ammonia in dissolving the copper carbonate, rather than to use strong ammonia for solution and to dilute it afterward. Excess of ammonia harms vegetation, hence care must be used in dissolving the copper carbonate. The soluble copper is the active fungicide and in this form is not so dangerous to foliage as is copper sulphate which is sometimes used in dilute solution. When diluted considerably, basic copper carbonate is apt to precipitate out and in such cases an agitator can be used in the spray, although if the spray is used immediately after dilution, it can be brought on the plants before pre- cipitation begins. (6) BORDEAUX MIXTURE is usually made by mixing equal parts of copper sulphate and burnt lime, the former previously dissolved in water, and the latter slaked and mixed with an equal quantity of water. The pro- portions vary with the different uses of the fungicide. Formerly the reaction was thought to be a simple one by which copper hydroxide and calcium sulphate were formed, but this is impossible. The mixture would gradually turn black if copper hydroxide were formed. Copper hydroxide, Cu(OH) 2 , blue, changes to Cu(OH) 2 .(CuO) 2 , and finally CuO, black. The color is, however, very permanent and there is some evidence to show that the compound formed is a double basic sulphate of copper and calcium to which has been given the formula, (CuO)i .SO 3 . (CaO) 4 .SO 3 . Graphi- cally it can be written as follows: O O \ ^ O Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu O O \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ V \/ \/ ooooooooo Burnt lime which has been air-slaked and hydrated lime which contains considerable carbonate are not recommended 276 INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES for use in making Bordeaux unless the proportion of lime is increased. Calcium carbonate does not form a compound with copper sulphate. The active agent in killing fungi is copper sulphate, but the use of copper sulphate even in dilute solution is attended with so much danger to foliage that Bordeaux, which is a suspension of an insoluble copper salt in water, is far pre- ferable. The bluish-white particles are distributed over the surface of leaves, and under the action of water and carbon dioxide very small quantities of copper sulphate are formed, sufficient to kill fungous spores and germ tubes. Calcium carbonate is also formed. Under certain climatic conditions, such as long periods of damp weather, but no rain, enough copper sulphate may be formed to burn the leaves. Even under these conditions, however, the presence of an excess of lime prevents this danger. The formulas call for more lime than is necessary to form the compound with copper. Bordeaux may be mixed with arsenicals Paris green and lead arsenate to good advantage so as to have both an insecticide and a fungicide in the same spray. Paris green is benefited by this mixing because the excess of lime neutralizes the free arsenous acid so readily formed in plain Paris green applications. (c) CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE, MERCURIC CHLORIDE, JIgCl 2 , is a very powerful fungicide and antiseptic. Furthermore, it is very poisonous to human beings and should be used with great care. A solution of 1 part sublimate to one thousand parts of water is a common strength to employ. Since mercuric chloride corrodes metal the solution should be made in a wooden pail preferably. Sometimes it is purchased in tablets mixed with ammonium chloride which increases the solubility of the mercuric chloride by the forma- tion of a double mercurammonium chloride, HgCl 2 .(NH 4 Cl) 2 . (d) FORMALDEHYDE is a gas, CH 2 O, at ordinary tempera- tures. It dissolves in water readily, and in commerce is sold in the form of a solution containing approximately 38 per cent, by weight. Formalin is the trade name FUNGICIDES 277 of such a solution made by one German firm only. It has no advantages whatever over any 38 per cent, solu- tion made by other reputable manufacturers. Formal- dehyde may be used in the liquid form by proper solution or in the gaseous form by liberating it in a closed room. The evolution of formaldehyde may be produced by heating the solution under pressure; by simple evapora- tion from large surfaces; by treatment with potassium per- manganate whereby part of the formaldehyde is oxidized and the heat of oxidation volatilizes the remainder; or by burning the so-called formaldehyde candles. The latter are made of paraform which is a condensation product of formaldehyde made by spontaneous evaporation of the solution. The compound is supposed to be trioxymethylene, (CH 2 O) 3 . On heating this white solid, formaldehyde is evolved. (e) LIME-SULPHUR BOILED, being an insecticide as well as a fungicide, was discussed under the former head (Section 204 II, c). (/) LIME-SULPHUR SELF BOILED is essentially a mechanical mixture of sulphur and slaked lime. It is prepared by adding, for example, 6 pounds of sulphur, finely ground, to 6 pounds of lime which has just started to slake. The mixture is stirred and more water added until the mass boils, due to the slaking lime. The boiling is continued five or ten minutes and then the remainder of the water to equal 50 gallons in all is added. This cools down the mass. The violent boiling has thoroughly mixed the sulphur and slaked lime and formed very little calcium sulphides. But at the strengths applied very little sulphides are desired, or leaf burning results. This is why the boiling is checked by the cold water. The mixture is of course a suspension and must be applied with an agitator. Lead arsenate and some other insecticides have been mixed with the self-boiled lime-sulphur with good results. Some chemical changes take place, due to the calcium sulphides in solution. 278 INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES EXERCISES 1. What is the name and formula of the acid of arsenic from which Paris green is made? 2. Define the following terms: Alkaloid, spore, fungus, arsenical, emul- sion, fractional distillation, hydrocarbon, viscous, the prefix thio and antiseptic. 3. What arsenic compound found in sprays is soluble in hard water? 4. Show what each part of the chemical name for Paris green means. 5. Give a detailed explanation of how lead arsenate, kerosene emulsion, Bordeaux mixture and hydrocyanic acid gas kill. 6. Show by calculation that 100 parts by weight of sodium cyanide are equal in effectiveness to 132 parts by weight of potassium cyanide. 7. Mention the conditions under which leaf burning caused by the appli- cation of an insecticide or fungicide might result. REFERENCES Bur. Ent., Bui. No. 90, Pt. I, U. S. Dept. Agr. Hydrocyanic Acid Gas Fumigation in California. Bur. Ent., Bui. No. 90, Pt. Ill, U. S. Dept. Agr. Chemistry of Fumiga- tion with Hydrocyanic Acid Gas. Bur. Ent., Bui. No. 116, Pt. IV, U. S. Dept. Agr. Lime-Sulphur as a Stomach Poison for Insects. Illinois Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. No. 135. Bordeaux Mixture. Iowa Agr. Expt. Sta., Research Bui. No. 12. Chemical Studies of Lime- Sulphur-Lead Arsenate Spray Mixture. New York, Cornell Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. No. 288. Spray Injury In- duced by Lime-Sulphur Preparations. New York, Cornell Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. No. 290. Studies of the Fungi- cidal Value of Lime-Sulphur Preparations. New York, Geneva Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. No. 329. Chemical Investiga- tions of Best Conditions for Making Lime-Sulphur Wash. Penna. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. No. 86. Miscible Oils: How to Make Them. Penna. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. No. 110. The Control of Insects and Diseases Affecting Horticultural Crops. Penna. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. No. 115. Concentrated Lime-Sulphur Spray. ALTHOUGH not strictly a factor in plant growth, the gas engine has become a very important factor in farm life. For running tractors in plowing large farms rapidly (Fig. 73), in furnishing power for pumping, silage cutting, cream separating, and in moving products to market, as well as providing rapid means of locomotion for the modern farmer, the gas engine today occupies an almost essential place on many farms. On this account a short discussion of the prin- ciples of combustion, products obtained, fuels, and lubricants, should fit in at this point. The subject of gas engines is too large a one to treat from any standpoint except the chemical one and should include only such other details as may be necessary to fully understand the chemistry involved. 206. The Gas Engine. The gas engine is an appliance for making use of the energy developed when a mixture of a combustible gas and air explodes. When gases explode a sudden pressure is produced. This pressure is directed against a piston-head and the movement of the piston is trans- mitted to a wheel by a connecting rod. In a steam engine, steam is admitted first to one end and then to the other end of the cylinder. This moves the piston back and forth and by means of the connecting rod a wheel rotates. In a gas engine a mixture of gas and air is admitted to one end of the cylinder and at the proper moment is exploded, usually by an electric spark. The pressure thus developed drives the piston to the other end of the cylinder. Gas is not exploded on the other end of the piston to drive it back, but the momentum of a heavy fly-wheel attached to the main shaft carries the piston back again. In one type of engine, the so-called "four-cycle" type, the explosion comes at every other inward movement of the piston, or once every two revolutions of the fly-wheel. It is called four-cycle because there are four strokes which complete the cycle: (279) 280 THE GAS ENGINE An outward movement of the piston which draws gas and air into the cylinder, or intake; inward movement and explosion, or compression; outward movement and work, or expansion; and inward movement, or exhaust. In the other type, the "two-cycle," the explosion comes at every inward movement of the piston, or once every revolution of the fly-wheel. In this type the crank case is air tight, so that air and gas can be admitted to the outer end of the cylinder. A by-pass permits the mixture to go to the inner end of the cylinder for the explosion. At the outward stroke the gas and air are first compressed in the crank case and FIG. 73. Gasoline tractor for plowing. then as the by-pass is opened by the movement of the piston, the mixture is forced into the inner end of the cylinder, driving ahead of it the burned gas through a port. At the inward movement of the piston the mixture is compressed and the explosion takes place, and at the same time gas and air are drawn in to the outer end of the cylinder; then the cycle is repeated. A very important part of the gas engine is the carburetor or place where the air and gas are mixed. If the fuel is a liquid at ordinary temperatures it is necessary to vaporize it before an explosive mixture can be obtained. A liquid like gaspline vaporizes very readily and it is only necessary CRUDE PETROLEUM 281 to convert it to a spray in the carburetor. The inflowing air evaporates the fine particles of liquid and a gas mixture results. Fuels like kerosene which do not vaporize so readily at ordinary temperatures, should be heated before they are admitted to the carburetor, in order to develop maximum power. The mechanical devices for admitting gas and air to the carburetor, for regulating the inflow of explosive mixtures to the piston, for removing the burned gas, and for the numerous other necessary steps in the development of maximum pow r er in a gas engine cannot be discussed here. For such details the reader is referred to books on gas engines. (See reference list at end of chapter). For the present pur- pose, however, a brief description of fuels, their properties and sources, may not be out of place. 207. Crude Petroleum. Crude petroleum is the source of gas engine fuels. It is usually a heavy, dark, oily liquid with peculiar characteristic odor, and found in porous rocks at a depth of 300 to 3700 feet below the earth's surface. The decomposition of organic matter within the earth is supposed to be the origin of it. Since petroleum is an inflammable liquid it can be used in the crude state as a fuel, but not of course in a gas engine. To obtain the greatest value from this material it is necessary to separate it into its various components. This can be readily accomplished by fractional distillation, since petroleum is essentially a mixture of par- affine hydrocarbons of very many kinds. There are other compounds in some petroleum, but in the better grades of Pennsylvania oils from which the refined products are most easily made, these compounds are present in very small amounts and need not be considered. The paraffme hydrocarbons have as empyrical formula C n H 2n +2 and run from methane, CH 4 , to hexacontane, CeoHm, from gases through liquids to solids. The more carbon atoms in the molecule the greater the density and the higher the boiling point. Without going into the details of the distillation process it is sufficient to say that the crude petroleum is charged into large stills and heated, the various hydrocarbons coming off at different temperatures. By 282 THE GAS ENGINE changing receivers at any point in the boiling as many fractions can be obtained as desired. At first there are obtained only three or four fractions, the first one called benzine distillate or crude naphtha (some- times light naphtha and heavy naphtha), with a density of 80 to 58 Be. 1 Then come burning oils or kerosene with a density of 58 to 43. Tar or residuum is left in the stills. The temperature of distillation rises gradually to 300 or 400 C. From the crude naphtha several colorless fractions are usually obtained by distilling again and purifying with strong sulphuric acid and caustic soda. The liquid to be thus treated is agitated with sulphuric acid of 66 Be., then washed with water, agitated with caustic soda of 4 to 10 Be., and finally washed with water. The acid and soda decompose or dissolve various impurities and coloring matters in the petroleum products other than the paraffine hydrocarbons. The spent acid which settles to the bottom is drawn off as "sludge" acid and is used in some places for making phosphatic fertilizers. The various fractions have different names, not always uniform. They are arbitrary at best, depending on the density. Some of the names are gasoline; naphtha, A, B, C, grades; benzine; petroleum ether, etc. It is not safe to buy by name for any special purpose but by specific gravity (Baume scale) or by boiling points. The kerosene is redistilled into two or more nearly colorless fractions, purified with acid and alkali as above described, and sold as burning oils of various "tests." 2 Many of the 1 Baum6. This is an arbitrary standard of density for liquids. Hydrom- eters are graduated for liquids heavier and lighter than water. For the former, on the Baum6 scale is where the instrument sinks in pure water, and 10 in a 10 per cent, solution of salt. For the latter is the point to which the hydrometer sinks in a 10 per cent, salt solution, and 10 in pure water. The graduation is extended uniformly in both cases. The temperature is 17.5 C. 2 For use in lamps particularly, kerosene must not be so volatile as to cause an explosion when the wick is lighted. This volatility or "flash point, " as it is called, is regulated by law. The flash point is the temperature at which kerosene gives off enough vapor to ignite in a flash over the surface. In most of our states 110 F. is the legal flash point. Flash tests are the determinations which are made to show what the flash points are. Fire tests, also made sometimes, are the determinations which show the tem- perature at which the vapor will burn continuously. The fire point is usually about 20 F. higher than the flash point. GASOLINE 283 above distillations are accomplished with steam, as the steam distilled products are of better grade with less loss and less danger of decomposition in the still. The tar left in the stills is removed and destructively distilled, yielding hydrocarbons of much higher density and greater viscosity ; some even being solid at ordinary tempera- tures. By redistillation, washing with sulphuric acid and caustic soda, and chilling and pressing, there are obtained heavy oils used for lubricating called lubricating and paraffine oils paraffine, vaseline, and coke. The very volatile products of low density are used for solvents; intermediate products for fuel; kerosene for light- ing purposes; lubricating oils for machinery; paraffine for candles; vaseline for medicine; and coke for electric light carbons. 208. Gasoline. Originally the name gasoline was applied to a fraction whose density was somewhere between 90 and 80 Be., but now the product sold under the name of gasoline maybe anything from 90 to 60 Be. or even less. Most of the engine gasoline runs from 65 to 60 Be., 1 specific gravity 0.718 and 0.737, boiling point 120 to 150 C. It is a mixture of hydrocarbons, having no constant composition. It is possible to obtain any particular density by mixing light and heavy fractions. The same result may be secured by uniting a very light product with a very heavy one, or by uniting two of more nearly equal densities. As a result the mere specific gravity or Baume reading of a grade of gasoline does not tell the purchaser just what he is getting. If a single hydrocarbon liquid, having a density of 65 Be., is just suited to a certain engine, a grade of material would not be as well suited which consists of a mixture of very light hydrocarbon with very heavy hydrocarbon, the resultant density of which is 65 Be. The lighter material would vaporize too rapidly and explode too easily, whereas the heavier portion would vaporize very slowly or too slowly to make a proper explosive mixture. In time it may be possible to buy gasoline, or 1 Instead of saying "65 or 60 Be. gasoline" it is usually customary to speak of it as "65 or 60 test" gasoline. 284 THE GAS ENGINE at least a gas engine fuel, which has its constituents guaran- teed, in order that the purchaser may obtain whatever grade he wants for his particular purpose. Density alone is not the best test ; a fractional distillation test should also be made. It is important in using a gas engine to have the proper amount of air mixed with the gasoline vapor. Too much air dilutes the mixture and reduces the power. Too little air does not permit of complete combustion, and this also reduces the power and causes waste of fuel. Gasoline being a mixture of hydrocarbons burns to carbon dioxide and water when there is enough oxygen present. On this account the exhaustion should not take place indoors for the large quantities of carbon dioxide eliminated are detrimental to health. The following may be taken as a typical reaction : This means that one gallon of gasoline, assuming it to be octane, CgHig, 64.8 Be., will require about 1180 cubic feet of air at 62 F. When insufficient oxygen is present the products of combustion are different, and include carbon. The maximum amount of heat, and consequently power, is developed only when combustion is complete. 209. Lubricants. The purpose of a lubricating oil is to reduce friction between moving surfaces, and it should have sufficient "body" or viscosity not to be squeezed out from between the surfaces. Too viscous an oil will cause friction of the oil itself and reduce efficiency. A lubricating oil should not be so volatile that it will not last under the temperature to which it is subjected. The flash test is useful in determining this point. Neither should an oil have any free acid present, such as sulphuric acid if a hydrocarbon oil ; fatty acid, usually stearic, if an animal or vegetable oil. The free acid corrodes the bearings. From the tar or residuum left in the first distillation of crude petroleum there are obtained (Section 207) a series of lubri- cating oils which are of excellent character, and better suited for most machinery than animal or vegetable oils, though for some purposes the latter are better. REFERENCES 285 This is not the place to discuss the various grades of lubricating oils and their properties and uses, but it may be well to mention one fact and that is the necessity of using a good grade of oil especially adapted for gas engine cylinders. The contact surface of the piston in the cylinder must be lubricated, of course, and since the temperature is very high, the oil must be of a character that does not readily carbonize or volatilize under the action of heat. An oi) whose density is 26 to 28 Be., with a flash test of 400 to 475 F., has been recommended for some engines. Dealers in engines can recommend the best cylinder oil for use in their particular engine'. EXERCISES 1. In what respects are the reactions that take place in a gas engine like those that take place in a plant? 2. Show that the energy made in a steam engine has its source in the sun. 3. Compare the products of combustion of a hydrocarbon when sufficient air is present to the combustion of the same material when insufficient air is present. Which yields the more energy? Why? 4. What is meant by viscosity, Baume, coke, density, specific gravity, paraffine, benzine and work? 5. Distinguish between fractional and destructive distillation. 6. Why must a gas engine be lubricated? 7. What in a plant corresponds in function to octane; to a lubricating oil; to the exhaust; to the machine itself? 8. How many liters of pure oxygen under standard conditions are neces- sary to completely use 1000 grams of pure octane by combustion? How many liters of air under the same conditions would furnish as much oxygen? 9. Suppose in Exercise 8, 10 per cent, of the fuel forms carbon, how many liters of air under standard conditions are necessary for its combustion? How many liters of exhaust gases are formed under these conditions? 10. For what two reasons should a room in which a gas engine is running be well ventilated? REFERENCES Hirshfeld and Ulbricht. Gas power. Levin. The Modern Gas Engine and the Gas Producer. Redwood. A Treatise on Petroleum, 3d ed., vol. ii. Rogers and Aubert. Industrial Chemistry, Chapter XXIII. Whitman. Gas Engine Principles. PART III THE ANIMAL CHAPTER XVII THE CHEMISTRY OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY THE highest and most complex products of the farm are animals (Fig. 74). Directly or indirectly animals are de- pendent on plants for their sustenance. There are, of course, many obvious differences between plants and animals, but they are both living things that reproduce themselves. They are composed largely of carbon compounds; that is, they are organic in nature. For the proper elaboration of these compounds, a few elements are necessary. But, whereas plants absorb only soluble inorganic compounds and from them build up their tissue, animals absorb compara- tively little of such material but must have organic food material previously elaborated by plants. This material is taken into the animal and made soluble before being absorbed and rebuilt into animal tissue. 210. Essential Elements for Animals. For animals there are needed in compound form the following fifteen elements : Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, sulphur, calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, iodine, silicon, and fluorine. It is to be noted that the last five elements, while essential for animals, are not essential for plants. 211. Composition of the Animal. Like the plant, the animal is composed largely of water, but not to so great an extent. The average amount of water in farm animals is not far from 50 per cent. In man it is about 70 per cent. Of the dry matter of steers 60 per cent, is carbon, 14 per (287) 288 THE CHEMISTRY OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY cent, oxygen, 9 per cent, hydrogen, 6 per cent, nitrogen, and 11 per cent. ash. This analysis may be taken as fairly representative. It shows (cf. Section 53) that there is a much larger proporton of carbon to oxygen in animals than FIG. 74. Farm animals. in plants, and more nitrogen. This is because the dry matter of animals consists mostly of fats and proteins, whereas the dry matter of plants consists largely of carbo- hydrates and crude fiber. The cell walls of plants are made of cellulose, but the cell walls of animals are made of protein. MUSCULAR TISSUE 289 Table XVII shows the composition of various farm animals, expressed for the most part on the same basis as the compo- sition of plants in Table I, except that there is no crude fiber or nitrogen-free extract. TABLE XVII. COMPOSITION OF FARM ANIMALS Contents of Water Fat Protein Ash stomach and in- Kind of animal. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. testines, per cent. Fat calf . . . 63.0 14.8 15.2 3.8 3.2 Half fat ox . . . 51.5 19.1 16.6 4.6 8.2 Fat ox ... . 45.5 30.1 14.5 3.9 6.0 Fat lamb . . . 47.8 28.5 12.3 2.9 8.5 Normal sheep . . 57.3 18.7 14.8 3.2 6.0 Half fat sheep . . 50.2 23.5 14.0 3.2 9.1 Fat sheep . . 43.4 35.6 12.2 2.8 6.0 Normal pig . 55.1 23.3 13.7 2.7 5.2 Fat pig . . 41.3 42.2 10.9 1.6 4.0 In studying the animal it is necessary to know something of the various parts of the body, their general composition, their functions, and the reactions taking place in them. The animal is obviously very complex in its structure and only the very general points of physiology can be touched upon. For further information the reader is referred to any good text on animal physiology. (See references at end of chapter) . 212. Bones. The framework of the body about which all the tissues are grouped, and which serves to give rigidity and afford protection to the more delicate and sensitive parts is composed of bones and is called the skeleton. Chemically bones are composed of protein material called osseous tissue, or ossein, permeated with tricalcium phos- phate and calcium carbonate. The mineral and organic part are present in about equal proportions (Section 160). Bones are hollow to give greater strength to them, and are filled with soft material called marrow, which consists largely of fat and protein. Blood-vessels permeate the bones, and the marrow is supposed to be the source of the red blood corpuscles. Fig. 75 illustrates the appearance of bone tissue under the microscope. 213. Muscular Tissue. The flesh of an animal, or muscular tissue is composed usually of bundles of cells called fibers 19 290 THE CHEMISTRY OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY FIG. 75. Transverse section of bone. Magnified. (Sharpey.) FIG. 76. A, portion of a medium-sized human muscular fiber. Magnified nearly 800 diameters; B, separated bundles of fibrils, equally magnified; a, a, larger, and b, b, smaller collections; c, still smaller; d, d, the smallest which could be detached. (Gray.) CONNECTIVE TISSUE 291 (Fig. 76). It causes motion in the animal, having the power of contracting and expanding when stimulated by the nerves. This contraction may be transmitted to the bones and cause locomotion, or may be merely a rhyth- mical contraction and expansion, causing the well-known movements of the heart, lungs, and other organs. The muscle substance is composed largely of proteins, but also of some glycogen, dextrose, potassium phosphate, and nitrog- enous extractives. 1 It is about 75 per cent, water and 25 per cent, solids. The principal protein is myosinogen, liquid in living muscle, but changing to solid myosin in dead muscle. Living muscle at rest is alkaline in character; active and dead muscle are slightly acid due to the formation of an isomer of lactic acid called sarcolactic acid. Muscles are bathed in lymph and permeated with blood-vessels. When a muscle does work, the dextrose is oxidized by the oxygen brought to it in the blood stream, and carbon dioxide is given off. Heat is also developed by this oxidation. 214. Fatty Tissue. Besides the fats or fixed oils which constitute a part of all protoplasmic material, there are in animals various deposits 6f fat in the muscles, bone marrow, liver, and so-called adipose tissue (Fig. 77). The latter is a mass of cells each composed mainly of a large globule of fat. This adipose tissue usually lies just under the skin. Chemically, fat is composed for the most part of glycerides of stearic, palmitic, and oleic acids, as in the case of plants (Section 14, et seq.}. 215. Epithelial Tissue. Epithelial tissue lines all the surfaces of the body the skin on the outside and the mucous membrane on the inside, such as the lining of the alimentary canal and body cavities. Such epithelial cells as the hair, nails, hoofs, etc., are composed largely of a protein called keratin which is rich in sulphur. Epithelial cells. of the mucous membrane are largely mucin, a protein which gives this tissue its viscid character. 216. Connective Tissue. This material serves to bind together the various body parts, and composes the tendons, 1 Nitrogen compounds, not proteins, soluble in water. 292 THE CHEMISTRY OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY cartilage, and such substances. Collagen and elastin are two proteins contained in connective tissue. Gelatine can be prepared from collagen by boiling it in water. FIG. 77. Adipose tissue, highly magnified, a, star-like appearance, from crystallization of fatty acids. (Gray.) 217. Blood. This liquid serves to carry nutrient material to all parts of the body, supplying the various tissues with what they need for growth and repair. It also serves to carry away the waste products of metabolic activity. The blood may be compared roughly to the sap of plants in so far as it supplies soluble food material to various parts of the living organism. The sap of plants, it will be remembered (Section 55), is forced through tracheae up the stem and into the leaves by osmotic pressure or surface tension, or a combination of both; whereas the blood is forced through a system of open canals or vessels to all parts of the animal body by the pressure of a pump which is called the heart. A rhythmic expansion and contraction of muscles around the heart pull the blood in and force it out, thus keeping up a continuous circulation of blood through the vessels. The main channels which bring blood to the heart are called veins, while those carrying blood away from the heart are called BLOOD 293 arteries. All the tissues of the body are penetrated by a system of very fine blood-vessels called capillaries, and it is through the walls of these capillaries that the nutrient material passes and thus feeds the cells of the tissues. Physically, blood is an opaque, red liquid consisting of a clear colorless solution called plasma holding in suspension several kinds of solids, one of them red in color. These red colored particles are so numerous that they give the blood a red appearance. The suspended solids are red corpuscles, white corpuscles and some other small bodies which need not be considered. (a) PLASMA is a clear, transparent, colorless or slightly yellow, partly viscid liquid, consisting largely of water which holds in solution or in suspension proteins, fats, dextrose, lecithin, mineral salts, urea, uric acid, enzymes, and gases. The proteins are principally serum albumin, which is the most important constituent, and is probably the source of the body proteins. Fibrinogen is another protein, and although not present in a large amount, is very important. This will be discussed later under coagulation. Fats are present in minute globules. The inorganic salts are mostly sodium and potassium chlorides, carbonates, sulphates and phosphates, together with calcium and magnesium phosphates. The reaction of the blood is slightly alkaline, because of sodium carbonate and phosphate. Urea and uric acid are waste products. (6) RED CORPUSCLES, ERYTHROCYTES, occur in the blood to the extent of about 5,000,000 per cubic millimeter in man. They are disk- or bell-shaped, about 75 microns in diameter (0.0075 mm.) and about 2 microns thick (0.002 mm.) (Fig. 78). They consist of a framework of protein material called stroma and coloring matter called haemoglobin. The latter compound can combine with oxygen, carbon monoxide, and some other gases. It will crystallize, acts as a weak acid, and is composed of a protein called globin and an iron com- pound which is the real coloring matter. Haemoglobin when combined with oxygen is called oxyhsemoglobin. The union is a weak chemical one in the proportion of one molecule of haemoglobin to one molecule of oxygen. The union is 294 THE CHEMISTRY OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY apparently a function of the iron, one atom of iron combining with two atoms of oxygen. The oxygen can be removed by means of reducing agents, by merely passing a neutral gas like nitrogen through a solution containing haemoglobin, or by exposure to a vacuum. Haemoglobin is darker red, more purplish in color, than is oxyhaemoglobin, which is bright red. Blood which flows in the veins is darker in color than that which flows in the arteries, there being more haemoglobin in the veins and more oxyhaemoglobin in the arteries. Haemo- globin in the form of oxyhsemoglobin is the oxygen carrier of the blood. As was noted above, carbon monoxide will FIG. 78. Human red blood corpuscles. Highly magnified, a, seen from the surface ; b, seen in profile and forming rouleaux ; c, rendered spherical by water; d, rendered crenate by salt solution. (Gray.) unite with haemoglobin and the combination is stronger than the combination of oxygen with haemoglobin. Hence in an atmosphere containing carbon monoxide, the oxygen is driven out of combination with the haemoglobin and the carbon monoxide takes its place. This is the cause of carbon monoxide poisoning, since the carrying of oxygen by the haemoglobin is a very necessary function of the blood. (c) WHITE CORPUSCLES, LEUCOCYTES, occur in the blood of man to the extent of about 5000 to 10,000 to the cubic millimeter. They are more variable in size and form than the red corpuscles, being 4 to 13 microns in diameter (0.004 to 0.013 mm.). They can move by their own processes, BLOOD 295 being somewhat amoeboid in character (Fig. 79). They can pass through the walls of the capillaries and wander through the tissue fluids. These leucocytes are composed of proteins, glycogen, lecithin, fat, and phosphates. They are said to serve as blood scavengers, carry- ing away and absorbing undis- solved substances in the blood such as bacteria. Apparently whenever a wound gives entrance to bacteria the white corpuscles swarm to that place and help to destroy them. Although this fact has not been definitely proved, it is still a reasonable belief. (d) COAGULATION. On expos- ure to the air blood clots or coagu- lates, and there is formed a mass of corpuscles matted together with a fibrous substance. The cause of this clotting is not defi- nitely known, but the theory has been advanced that an enzyme with the help of a calcium salt acts on fibrinogen, a soluble pro- tein, changing it to fibrin, an insoluble protein. Fibrin is a white, fibrous material which en- tangles the corpuscles into a clot. The liquid remaining after the clot forms is called serum, and is merely plasma without the fibrin- ogen. By beating fresh drawn blood the fibrin can be obtained free from corpuscles. The speed of coagulation is hindered by cold, by a 10 per cent, solution of ammonium oxalate or of sodium chloride. It is hastened by heat, ferric chloride, and alum. Speed of coagulation also varies with animals. The blood of horses clots very slowly. FIG. 79. Small blood-vessel, showing how leucocytes pene- trate the wall. (G. Bachman.) 296 THE CHEMISTRY OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY (e) GASEOUS EXCHANGE IN THE BLOOD. Reference has been made occasionally to the fact that the blood in one way or another carries oxygen and carbon dioxide. The oxygen is necessary to oxidize dextrose and supply energy to the various tissues. Carbon dioxide is a result of the oxidation of dextrose and must be eliminated. The lungs are the seat of exchange between the oxygen and the carbon dioxide. They are a mass of tissue containing very many minute cells or alveoli surrounded by capillaries. The venous blood coming into the right side of the heart is charged with carbon dioxide. It is forced from there to the lungs where carbon dioxide is given off and oxygen taken in. This renewed blood passes then to the left side of the heart where it is discharged into the arterial system. Fig. 80 gives in diagrammatic form the circulation of the blood. The lungs contract and expand by involuntary muscular effort as they exhale and inhale air. From Table XVIII, which gives the composition of 100 volumes of inspired and expired air, it is' to be noted that the inspired air is richer in oxygen than the expired air, and contains much less carbon dioxide and water. TABLE XVIII. COMPOSITION OF AIR 100 volumes FIG. 80. Diagram of blood circulation: L, lung capillaries; c, other capillaries; r, rV, right compartments of heart; /, IV, left compartments of heart. Inspired air. Oxygen 20.80 Carbon dioxide. . . . trace Nitrogen 79.20 Water .- .variable Expired air. Oxygen 16.02 Carbon dioxide . . . 4.38 Nitrogen 79.60 Water . . . . . saturated Organic matter . . trace From Table XIX, which gives the composition of 100 volumes of arterial and venous blood at and 760 mm. BLOOD 297 pressure it can be seen that the arterial blood contains more oxygen and less carbon dioxide than the venous blood. TABLE XIX. COMPOSITION OF GASES IN BLOOD 100 volumes Arterial. Venous. Oxygen 20 12 Nitrogen Ito2 Ito2 Carbon dioxide 40 45 The blood going into the lungs through the capillaries is charged with carbon dioxide but it does not contain its full quota of oxygen. The inspired air with which this blood comes in contact contains on the other hand an excess of oxygen and little or no carbon dioxide. Consequently, oxygen passes through the capillary walls, dissolves in the blood plasma, and then combines with the haemoglobin to form oxyhsemoglobin. Carbon dioxide meanwhile has been carried in the blood in the form of sodium bicarbonate and dissolved to a slight extent in the blood plasma. The dis- solved carbon dioxide passes through the capillary walls into the lung cells and with the reduction in the amount of dissolved carbon dioxide, sodium bicarbonate breaks up into sodium carbonate and carbon dioxide, the latter pass- ing into the lung cells, as above described. The blood, now charged with oxygen and containing less carbon dioxide, passes to the tissues where oxygen is needed. The oxyhsemoglobin now breaks up, oxygen dissolving in the plasma and passing through the capillaries. It oxidizes dextrose with the elimination of carbon dioxide, which passes through the capillaries, first dissolving in the plasma and then combining with the sodium carbonate to form sodium bicarbonate. The above gaseous exchange in the lungs and in the tissues is caused by a difference in the pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and is the result of mass action as can be easily seen from the following reversible equations: Haemoglobin + Oz ^ Oxyhsemoglobin 2NaHCOs ; Na 2 CO + COs + H S O. 298 THE CHEMISTRY OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY The carbon dioxide in the veins is under greater pressure than the carbon dioxide in the inspired air. Hence the plasma loses carbon dioxide and sodium bicarbonate breaks up. The partial pressure of the oxygen dissolved in the plasma is less than that of the oxygen in the lungs. Hence more oxygen is dissolved by the plasma and consequently a combination of oxygen with haemoglobin takes place. Chemically one volume of oxygen produces one volume of carbon dioxide, but in the case of animal respiration the amount of carbon dioxide evolved is normally less than the amount of oxygen absorbed. This is because some oxygen is used to oxidize the hydrogen of fat to water and to form waste products from proteins like urea. Therefore it does not appear as carbon dioxide. The ratio of carbon dioxide to oxygen by volume is called the respiratory quotient. 218. Lymph. The tissues of the body are all bathed in a liquid called lymph, or tissue fluid, which serves to bring nutrient material in direct contact with the tissue cells and to carry waste products away from the tissue cells. The various tissues are all in a constant state of building up and tearing down. Changes are constantly taking place. New cells are forming and old ones wearing out. The blood serves as the fluid which carries nutrient material from one part of the body to another and transports waste products of metabolism for elimination. It is carried within the walls of the blood-vessels veins, arteries, and capillaries. Water, soluble compounds, and leucocytes can pass through the walls of the capillaries, and this fluid, which is practically blood plasma, constitutes the lymph. Not only are the tissues bathed in lymph but the tissue spaces unite to form lymph vessels which are provided with valves at frequent intervals to prevent the fluid from flowing backward. These vessels permeate the body in every direc- tion in a network, and combine sooner or later into the thoracic duct (Fig. 82, th.d.), a large lymph vessel running through the left side of the centre of the body and emptying into the venous system at the left side of the base of the neck. At intervals along the lymph vessels are enlargements called lymph glands which serve among other things as a principal source of white corpuscles. ANIMAL COMPOUNDS 299 Pressure caused by blood plasma being forced out of the capillaries, possibly contraction of lymph vessels, and par- ticularly muscular exercise, all serve to force lymph along its vessels so that a continuous -stream is poured into the veins from the thoracic duct. Lymph being essentially blood plasma is a clear to opales- cent liquid, slightly alkaline in character, containing proteins, dextrose, sodium chloride and carbonate, some other salts, white corpuscles, and a small amount of fibrinogen. It also contains oxygen and carbon dioxide dissolved in it, although part of the latter is combined with sodium car- bonate. The proportion of the various constituents is not quite the same as that in blood plasma and varies from one part of the body to another according to the needs of the body. 219. Animal Compounds. Many of the animal compounds are the same as those in plants, but there are some differences, enough to warrant a brief review of the subject. In this discussion, of course, no attention is paid to compounds eaten by the animal for food only those compounds actually absorbed and utilized by the animal. For conveni- ence in comparison, the same order will be observed as in Chapter I on Plant Compounds. (a) CARBOHYDRATES. Of the many carbohydrates known only three are of importance in the animal. 1. Dextrose, already described, Section 3. It is found in blood, liver, muscles, and other tissues, serving as a source of energy by its oxidation, and also as a source of fat (Section 224, a). 2. Glycogen, Animal Starch (C6HioO 8 ) n . It is a white, amorphous, tasteless powder, dissolving in water to an opalescent solution, and giving a dark red color with iodine. On hydrolysis with mineral acids or with amylolytic enzymes it yields dextrose. The liver is the principal repository of glycogen, containing from 1 to 4 per cent. The liver produces glycogen from dextrose, levulose, and probably galactose, the forms of soluble carbohydrates absorbed. As needed by the body the liver reproduces dextrose. Glycogen is also found in the muscles to a maximum extent of 1 per cent. 300 THE CHEMISTRY OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY Like starch in the plant, glycogen in the body is the concen- trated, dehydrated form of storage carbohydrate material in the animal. 3. Lactose. This is found in milk and will be described in Section 228, a. 4. Cellulose and Crude Fiber are not found in animals as in plants. (6) FATS. The fats are very much the same as in plants. Their general properties are the same, but there are a few animal fats and oils which deserve mention. 1. Tallow is the name given to certain animal fats, more or less hard in character and extracted or "rendered" from adipose tissue by melting out the fat to free it from the protein membranes. It is almost white when pure and nearly tasteless. It is composed of mixed glycerides of stearic, palmitic, and oleic acids in varying proportions, the com- mercial grades usually containing free fatty acids due to hydrolysis of the glycerides. Beef tallow or beef fat is softer than mutton tallow. The former is used for making oleomar- garine (Section 232) and as an adulterant of lard in addition to its use as a food. The latter is employed in the making of soap, candles, and lubricants besides being used as a food. 2. Lard is the fat of pigs, and is obtained by rendering, as in the case of tallow. It is composed of the glycerides of stearic, palmitic, oleic, myristic, lauric, linoleic, and possibly linolenic acids. 3. Neatsfoot Oil is made from the feet and shin bones of cattle by boiling them in water. The oil rises to the surface and is skimmed off. It is pale yellow in color, consisting chiefly of olein with some palmitin and stearin. In leather dressing and as a lubricant it finds its chief uses. 4. Codlicer Oil is extracted from the liver of the cod, pure varieties being used in medicine, and other kinds in tanning. Its composition is very complex, containing in addition to the glycerides of myristic, palmitic, stearic, oleic, and erucic acids, fats of two new acids. 5. Menhaden Oil is obtained from the whole body of the menhaden fish by boiling in water and expressing. It finds various uses, as in soap making and tanning. ANIMAL COMPOUNDS 301 6. Sperm Oil is not a true oil, being a liquid wax (Section 21), or compound of fatty acids, principally oleic, with monohydric alcohols. It is obtained from the head cavities of the sperm whale. On cooling it deposits crystals of sperm- aceti, a solid wax. Sperm oil is a most excellent lubricant. Spermaceti is used in making candles and in medicine. 7. Beeswax is the substance from which honey-comb is made, being manufactured by the bees. It is a tough, com- pact mass, yellow or brownish in color. It is not greasy to the touch. In composition it is a wax, containing com- pounds of palmitic, cerotic, and melissic acids with mono- hydric alcohols, and in addition some higher hydrocarbons. 8. Volatile Oils are not found in animals. (c) NITROGENOUS COMPOUNDS. These are for the most part proteins, which differ somewhat from plant proteins. Most of the knowledge of proteins is derived from a study of these compounds in the animal. They have been classified, their properties observed and tests described, but their study is too complex and technical for a work of this kind. As occasion arises various proteins will be named and briefly described. Other nitrogenous compounds, as amino-acids and ammonium compounds, occur as transition products. (d) ORGANIC ACIDS are not a normal part of the animal body, except as by-products of metabolic activity, as, for example, sarcolactic acid in active muscle, and uric acid- waste material in the blood. (e) COMPOUNDS OF THE INORGANIC ELEMENTS. In the plant inorganic compounds exist merely as transitory food materials absorbed by the roots. The so-called inorganic elements are combined organically for use by the plant either as an integral part of its tissue or as a sort of helping compound for tissue formation. In the animal, however, inorganic compounds play a very important part. They can best be taken up by elements. 1. Compounds of Phosphorus. Calcium phosphate, Ca 3 (PO4)2, exists in bones and teeth, and CaH 4 (PO02 in the tissue fluids. In the bones and teeth it gives solidity to the organs. It is associated with magnesium phosphate, Mg 3 (P0 4 ),. 302 THE CHEMISTRY OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY Sodium phosphate, Na 2 HPO4, is found in all the solids and fluids of the body, giving an alkaline reaction to the latter. It is associated with potassium phosphate, K 2 HPO.i, with similar properties. 2. Compounds of Potassium. Potassium chloride, KC1, occurs together with sodium chloride in all the tissues and fluids of the body, being present, however, to a greater extent in the tissues than in the fluids. Potassium carbonate, K 2 COs, is found with potassium phosphate, which is mentioned above. 3. Compounds of Calcium. Calcium phosphate, mentioned above. Calcium carbonate, CaCO 3 , occurs together with calcium phosphate in various parts of the body, and fulfills appar- ently the same functions. In the tissue fluids it occurs as a bicarbonate, CaH 2 (CO 3 ) 2 . Calcium fluoride, CaF 2 , is found in the bones and teeth. 4. Compounds of Iron are organic in nature, occurring in haemoglobin, in the lymph, bile, gastric juice, and in the coloring matter of the eyes, hair, and skin. 5. Compounds of Sodium. Sodium chloride, NaCl, is present in all the tissues and fluids of the body, particularly in the latter. The blood contains 0.6 per cent., lymph 0.5 per cent. Its function apparently is to maintain osmotic equilibrium between the cells and the fluids of the body, regulating the intake of water to the former. In pure water the tissue cells swell rapidly and die. The presence of sodium chloride in water prevents too rapid entrance of water to the cells. On this account in investigating living tissue it is customary to use a physiological salt solution which is a 0.6 per cent, solution of sodium chloride. Sodium chloride is also the source of chlorine for potassium chloride mentioned above and also for the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice mentioned below. Sodium phosphate, mentioned above. Sodium carbonate, Na 2 CO 3 , found together with sodium phosphate, and serves also to give alkalinity to the tissue fluids. When combined with carbon dioxide it exists in the form of sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO 3 . REFERENCES 303 6. Compounds of Chlorine. Sodium chloride and Potassium chloride, mentioned above. Hydrochloric acid, HC1, is found in small amounts in the gastric juice of the stomach where it aids in the enzyme activity of digestion. 7. Compounds of Iodine are found in organic form in the thyroid gland of man. 8. Compounds of Silicon occur in organic form in the hair. EXERCISES 1. Which of the following are found only in plants, only in animals, in both: Silicon, enzymes, iron, glycogen, urea, crude fiber, ossein, fibrinogen, lymph, fats? 2. Do animals or plants contain more of each of the following: Water, carbohydrates, fats, proteins and ash? 3. Are bones living material? Why or why not? 4. Suggest a possible function for each of the substances found in muscle tissue. 5. Mention the differences in the properties of the protein that constitutes epithelial tissue and that which constitutes muscle tissue. 6. What is the difference between blood and lymph? What is the chief function of each? 7. Suppose blood was lacking in each of the following, what could it not do: Leucocytes, a calcium salt, haemoglobin, sodium bicarbonate, dis- solved carbon dioxide, dissolved oxygen, dextrose, amino-acids, fibrinogen and urea? 8. What is the chief function of each of the following in animals: Glyco- gen, protein, fat, compounds of metallic elements, and water? 9. Show by equations and calculations that the respiratory quotient of carbohydrates is equal to 1 and that of fats to 0.7. 10. Can you suggest any value of the respiratory quotient? REFERENCES Brubaker. Text Book of Physiology. Hawk. Practical Physiological Chemistry. Smith. Manual of Veterinary Physiology. Starling. Human Physiology. CHAPTER XVIII FOOD AND DIGESTION ONE of the principal differences between plants and animals is the manner of food absorption. Plants must have their food 'dissolved on the outside before they can take it into their circulatory system. Animals can take in in- soluble food and make it soluble within themselves before absorbing it into their circulatory system. For a proper understanding of the principles of feeding it is necessary to know something of the chemical processes by which foods are made soluble in the animal and of their functions after absorption. 220. Food. Sherman defines food as "those substances which supply the body either with material needed for its substance, or with energy for its activities." Sometimes a distinction is made between the food of human beings and the food of animals. This is a distinction in terminology only, food of domestic animals being called feed as distinct from food which is applied to human foods only. Since the processes of digestion and the main constituents of food are the same for man as for domestic animals, no distinction will be made in this chapter, all the material considered being called food. The tissues of the animal body are in a constant state of change, new tissue being formed, old tissue being broken down. These chemical processes of building up and tearing down are called metabolism. Food supplies the material for constructive metabolism anabolism. For the chemical changes of metabolism in general, for the production of heat and work in the animal, energy is necessary. Food supplies the necessary material for this energy, which is a result of destructive metabolism katabolism. A compara- tively small part of the food required for animals is neces- (304) DIGESTION 305 sary in repairing and building tissue, the greater portion of the food being utilized in the production of energy. 221. Food Constituents. Food in general is composed of different kinds of material, every one of which is separately digested and absorbed in the animal and which serves special functions in the body. These constituents are: Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and inorganic salts, not to mention water which, strictly speaking, should be consid- ered a food constituent; but since it is mixed with all food constituents and since its presence is necessary for their solution and absorption, it will not be necessary to consider it separately. 222. Digestion. The processes by w r hich insoluble food Materials are rendered soluble for absorption into the blood of animals are called digestion. Digestion takes place in the various parts of the alimentary canal, which consists prin- cipally of the mouth, stomach, and small intestine. There are connected with these various parts of the alimentary canal certain appendages, which are necessary for the various activities qf the food canal. Since digestion occurs in three places and under three different kinds of conditions, it is ad- visable to separate the discussion of these processes into three parts: Salivary, gastric, and intestinal digestion. (a) SALIVARY DIGESTION. The first process is one of masti- cation, which serves to grind the solid food into more or less fine particles so that the digestive juices can act on them to better advantage. While the food is being masticated, there is poured into the mouth from three different pairs of glands a liquid called saliva, which serves mechanically to combine the fine particles of food together so that they may be more easily swallowed, and also to act chemically on some of the food constituents. Saliva is a slightly turbid, opalescent, somewhat viscid liquid which is composed almost entirely of water, but with some soluble organic matter, inorganic salts, and an enzyme called ptyalin. It is slightly alkaline in character, due to the presence of sodium carbonate. The enzyme ptyalin or salivary amylase is the active digestive agent in the mouth. It acts on starch, changing it first to dextrins and then to maltose. The process is hydrolytic in 20 306 FOOD AND DIGESTION character and in every way is similar to the amylolytic action of diastase in seeds. The slightly alkaline character of saliva is necessary for the activity of ptyalin. It does not function in strong alkalies or acids. No other constituents are acted upon in the mouth and not all of the starch is rendered soluble. Food material, now united into a moist ball, is swallowed and passes into the stomach where the next change takes place. (6) GASTRIC DIGESTION. In man, horses, and pigs, there is but one stomach, but in the ruminants, like cattle and sheep, there are four stomachs, or at least four compartments to the stomach. Animals of this type "chew the cud," and food passes from the mouth to the first and second compartments of the stomach, is then forced back into the mouth for further mastication, and then after swallowing is passed finally through the third stomach into the fourth for final digestion. The repeated mastication of food by these animals merely serves to completely comminute the food and thoroughly prepare it for digestion. In this way such animals are able to digest fibrous material to a much greater extent than other animals, like the horse. They can digest more crude fiber and cellulose in this way because these insoluble food constituents are so. thoroughly separated and ground up that bacteria and possibly the digestive juices can act on them successfully. In the following discussion of gastric digestion, it will be understood that the processes described apply in the case of ruminants to the fourth stomach only. After the food reaches the stomach it is mixed with the gastric juice, which is secreted by glands in the walls of the stomach and is poured out when the food reaches the stomach. The process of excretion of gastric juice is partly one of response to a mechanical stimulus due to the contact of food with the stomach; partly to psychic impulse caused by the sight or odor of food; and partly in response to nerve impulses when food is masticated. The gastric juice is thoroughly incorporated with the food by to and fro move- ments of the stomach. Gastric juice is a clear, colorless liquid with a distinctly acid reaction, due to the presence of about 0.2 per cent, hydrochloric acid. It consists largely of DIGESTION 307 water with a little organic matter and mineral salts besides the hydrochloric acid just mentioned. In addition there are present two enzymes: Pepsin and rennin. When the food first enters the stomach it is alkaline in character due to the admixture of saliva. The action of ptyalin continues as long as the reaction is alkaline. As soon as the food becomes thoroughly mixed with the acid gastric juice the action of ptyalin ceases. The enzyme pepsin, for the action of which the acid solution is necessary, hydrolyzes proteins to proteoses and peptones which are soluble decomposition products of proteins. Not all of the proteins are acted upon in this way, for the food does not remain in the stomach long enough for the com- plete solution of all proteins to take place. This solvent action of pepsin is also of secondary importance in that it dissolves the protein cell walls of fats, thus disintegrating fatty material and setting free the drops of fat. Rennin, the other enzyme in the stomach, acts on the caseinogen of milk (Section 228, c), which is a soluble com- pound, changing it or "curdling" it to a solid compound, casein. Just why this is necessary is not apparent. After the change takes place the coagulated casein is dissolved by the pepsin. No other food constituents are acted upon in the stomach. There is no evidence that the hydrochloric acid inverts sucrose, as might be expected (Section 5). The combined action of water, hydrochloric acid, and pepsin, together with the mixing and churning motions of the stomach has now changed the solid elements of food material to a semi-liquid form called chyme. (c) INTESTINAL DIGESTION. The chyme is discharged into the small intestine where the next processes of digestion take place. The food material here is mixed with three different fluids, intestinal juice, pancreatic juice, and bile. Intestinal juice is secreted by certain glands in the walls of the small intestine and is a watery, light yellow, slightly opalescent, alkaline liquid, containing at least carbonates. Because it is very difficult to obtain it in the pure state, its composition is not accurately known except that it does contain certain enzymes which are active in hydrolyzing 308 FOOD AND DIGESTION some of the carbohydrates. Inrertase changes sucrose to dextrose and levulose; maltose changes maltose to dextrose; and lactose changes lactose to dextrose and galactose. Pancreatic juice is secreted by the pancreas, which is a long flattened gland, and is discharged into the intestine like the intestinal juice when food reaches the stomach. Pancreatic juice is a clear, viscid, decidedly alkaline liquid, containing in addition to water a little organic matter and inorganic salts of which sodium carbonate is the most important and which gives alkalinity to the juice. Pan- creatic juice contains the principal digestive enzymes of the alimentary canal. Amylopsin is the pancreatic amylase which hydrolyzes starch to maltose, being much more energetic in action than ptyalin. An alkaline solution is necessary for it to act. Steapsin is the pancreatic lipase which hydrolyzes fat to glycerine and fatty acids. The fatty acids thus liberated unite with the alkalies which are present in the juice of the intestine to form soaps. It is not definitely known whether all fats are thus hydrolyzed or whether a part of the fat is so changed and the remainder emulsified in the soap solution. The former is the more probable, however. This enzyme also is only active in an alkaline solution. Trypsin is the pancreatic protease which hydrolyzes proteins in the alkaline medium and changes them to pep- tones and usually to amino-acids. Trypsin is much more energetic in its action than is pepsin in the stomach and the probabilities are that it hydrolyzes the proteins more com- pletely. Bile is a fluid secreted by the liver and discharged into the small intestine together with intestinal juice and pan- creatic juice when food is received into the stomach. It is a thin liquid somewhat viscid, of bitter taste, and very alkaline due to the presence of sodium carbonate and sodium phosphate. It varies in color from greenish yellow to brownish red, depending on the animal. In herbivorous, or plant-eating animals, it is greenish in color; in carnivorous, or meat-eating animals, it is orange or brown. There are present in the bile in addition to the normal secretory ABSORPTION OF FOOD CONSTITUENTS 309 compounds some excretory or waste compounds such as cholesterin and lecithin. They are supposed to be decom- position products of the nerve tissue and are eliminated from the blood stream through the liver. The bile has no direct solvent action on any of the food constituents, but its action decidedly increases the power of the pancreatic enzymes and it serves as the principal solvent for the fatty acids in the formation of soaps. In addition to the normal enzyme secretions of the body which have a solvent action on food constituents, there are ordinarily present in animals large numbers of bacteria, principally in the intestines. Their presence is not necessary for the decomposition and solution of food constituents, but it is probable that their fermentative action is in some cases of benefit in digesting food. Food material which has been acted upon by the various chemical agents is rendered soluble and ready for ab- sorption. Not all of it, however, can be dissolved. Par- ticularly do crude fiber and cellulose remain unattacked except in the case of some of the domestic animals, more particularly the ruminants, where these food constituents are partly digested, due probably to the activity of bacteria. The undigested portion of the food is discharged into the large intestine for final elimination. 223. Absorption of Food Constituents. The absorption of the various constituents of the food is limited almost wholly to the small intestine, little if any being absorbed from the mouth or stomach into the circulatory system. The interior of the small intestine is covered with minute conical projec- tions called mlli (Fig. 81), through which all the dissolved material is absorbed. They serve the same purpose in the animal that the root hairs do in the plant, but they differ in that they are not each one a single cell but a large number of cells containing blood capillaries and lymph vessels, which carry the absorbed material into the general circulator}' system. The carbohydrates in the form of dextrose, levulose, and possibly galactose are absorbed through the outer cells of the villi into the capillaries, which finally unite into the portal 310 FOOD AND DIGESTION vein and discharge into the liver. In the liver the carbo- hydrates are changed into glycogen until such time as dextrose is needed in the blood, when the glycogen is trans- formed into dextrose. Enzymes in the liver accomplish the dehydration change to glycogen as well as the hydrolytic change to dextrose. Central lacteal Artery FIG. 81. Diagrammatic section through villi of small intestine. Bohm and Davidoff, after Mall.) (From Fats are probably absorbed as glycerine and soaps, although possibly also in the form of emulsified fats, and pass through these outer cells of the villi into the lymph vessels or lacteals. During the process of this absorption the glycerine unites with the fatty acids of the soaps to form fats, so that the lymph as it leaves the villi is charged with liquid globules of fat to such an extent as to give it the appearance of milk. The lymph vessels join the thoracic duct from which the fatty particles are discharged into the veins and thus get into the general circulatory system of the blood. The proteins chiefly in the form of amino- acids are absorbed into the blood-vessels of the villi, during which process they combine to form the serum-albumin and globulin FUNCTIONS OF FOOD CONSTITUENTS 311 of the blood. These are the forms of protein which are trans- ported through the body. The proteins pass into the portal vein and through the liver, but are not arrested there as are the carbohydrates, unless in excess when they are changed to carbohydrate and urea. Water and inorganic salts which have been set free from their organic combination in foods by the various processes of digestion are absorbed through the villi into the capillaries. Under ordinary conditions no water is absorbed by the lymph vessels. The progress of water and inorganic salts is then like that of carbohydrates and proteins, through the portal vein and the liver. Fig. 82 shows the routes of the absorbed material. 224. Functions of Food Constituents. Various constituents of the food after absorption into the body, serve each a more or less distinct function in the activity of the animal and can be discussed separately. (a) CARBOHYDRATE. The only active form of carbohy- drate in the body is dextrose and this material serves primarily as a source of energy. Just as energy is derived in the steam engine from the combustion of fuel so is the energy of the body derived from combustion of fuel. This combustion takes place within the tissues of the body and is caused by enzymes, the final product being carbon dioxide and water. Energy is set free in the form of heat and work. When dextrose is present in larger quantities than is necessary for fuel consumption it is transformed into fat and stored away in the adipose tissue of the body. (6) FAT serves also as fuel for body energy and is the most concentrated source of fuel in the body, yielding more energy per unit of weight than any other form of fuel. Some of the fat absorbed is deposited in adipose tissue, and there is some evidence that dextrose may be formed from fat. (c) PROTEIN. The primary function of protein is, of course, to supply the principal part of tissue material. It is necessary for cell walls and protoplasmic contents of new cells and also to replace worn out material in old cells. Changes are constantly taking place in the body; old cells wearing out, new cells being formed, in addition to increase in the number of cells when an animal is growing. Protein FIG. 82. Diagram showing the routes by which the absorbed foods reach the blood of the general circulation. (G. Bachman.) I. i., loop of small intestine; int. v., intestinal veins converging to form in part, p. v., the portal vein, which enters the liver and by repeated branchings assists in the forma- tion of the hepatic capillary plexus; h. v., the hepatic veins carrying blood from the liver and discharging it into, inf. v. c., the inferior vena cava; int. I. v., the intestinal lymph vessels converging to discharge their contents, chyle, into, rec. c., the receptaculum chyli, the lower expanded part of the thoracic duct; th. d., the thoracic duct discharging lymph and chyle into the blood at the junction of the internal jugular and subclavian veins; sup. v. c., the superior vena cava. Brubaker's Physiology. HOW TO EXPRESS FOOD VALUE 313 also serves as a source of fuel in the body, particularly when dextrose and fat are not present in sufficient amount. The products of protein oxidation, however, in addition to carbon dioxide and water, are nitrogenous compounds, largely urea. The protein compounds can also be split up in the body into a nitrogenous and a non-nitrogenous residue. From the non-nitrogenous residue carbohydrates can be formed and there is some evidence to show that fat may also be formed. The nitrogenous residue is eliminated as waste material. (d) INORGANIC ELEMENTS. These constituents in mineral form give rigidity to the skeleton. They serve also as neces- sary constituents of protoplasm, sulphur and phosphorus, for example, and are combined organically for this purpose. Finally, these elements in the form of inorganic salts are present in the fluids and tissues of the body, having an influence upon the activities of the muscles and nerves, supplying an alkaline or acid reaction as may be necessary, and regulating the osmotic pressure of the cells. 225. How to Express Food Value. As has been stated (Section 222, c), not all of the food taken in by the animal is absorbed, and of course, that portion which is not digested is of no use to the animal. It is customary to express the amount of digestible material in each constituent in per- centage. These "digestible coefficients," as they are called, are determined by analyzing the original food and also by analyzing all excreted waste products. The difference between the two sets of results gives the percentage of food digested, and hence serves as an indication of the amount of tissue building or energy material in the food eaten. The results, however, are not absolutely correct for several reasons. In the first place the excreted material contains protein and ether soluble material called fat, derived from the intestinal juices and w r aste cells of the intestines. In the second place, unless there is an analysis of all the gas eliminated from the body there is a waste of some material in this way that is unaccounted for. In the third place, if it is desired to determine the value of the food for the production of work or milk or fat, it is necessary to 314 FOOD AND DIGESTION take into consideration the food constituents which are consumed by the involuntary activities of the body. An animal absolutely at rest or asleep is constantly using up food constituents. The beating of the heart, expansion and contraction of the lungs, movements of the digestive ap- paratus are going on constantly. When food is masticated work is done and the oxidation of body fuel is necessary to obtain this energy. Most of the food taken in by the animal is used up in the production of energy, and since energy can be expressed in terms of heat, it is customary to value food on the basis of heat equivalents. Since the combustion of food material in the body results in the production of exactly as much heat as is derived from the combustion of the same con- stituents in the air, it is possible to determine the fuel value of foods by well known methods of analysis. And, finally, since an apparatus has been devised for determining the energy value of foods in the animal, and at the same time permitting a complete analysis of all food income and outgo, it is possible to overcome in large measure the defects just mentioned for determining the value of foods. For the determination of the heat value of substances, an instrument called a calorimeter is used, which consists essentially of a closed chamber in which organic material can be burned in an atmosphere of oxygen and the resulting heat accurately measured by the rise in temperature of a surrounding body of water after making certain necessary corrections. Modern scientific ingenuity has gone one step further and devised calorimeters which will contain a living animal and in this way the amount of heat developed by the combustion of food in the body can be accurately measured. In addition these animal calorimeters are equipped with elaborate apparatus for measuring the intake of oxygen and the output of carbon dioxide and other gases. These factors, together with the weighing and analyzing of all foods consumed and all solid and liquid material excreted, make it possible by a series of calculations to arrive very accurately at the proper value of any food for any particular animal. The respiration calorimeter devised HOW TO EXPRESS FOOD VALUE 315 by Armsby of the Pennsylvania Station is the most complete apparatus of this kind in existence. Fig. 83 shows the apparatus from the outside. 316 FOOD AND DIGESTION The unit for expressing food values in terms of heat is the large Calorie which is the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 1000 grams of water 1 C. For many purposes, however, this unit is not large enough for con- venience and as a result the unit therm is now in use by Armsby. A therm is the quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 1000 kilograms of water 1 C., and it is customary in expressing the value of food to do so as therms per 100 pounds. 226. Feeding Standards. Ever since the functions of the various food constituents in animal metabolism have been known there has been a desire to determine scientifically the amount of these constituents necessary for various classes of animals and for various purposes. As a result we have the so-called "feeding standards," which are based on analytical and experimental data. The accurate obser- vations of Armsby with his respiration calorimeter now make it possible to establish standards which are reasonably correct. Although even so, our knowledge is not by any means perfect. The question of the proper feeding of stock, and what should be more important the proper feeding of man, is too large a one to be considered here. For further information along this line the reader is directed to the references given at the end of the chapter. EXERCISES 1. Does the action of ptyalin form diffusible products from starch? If not, what enzyme does do so? Where is each secreted? What kind of a medium is required by each? When will ptyalin stop acting and when will the other enzyme begin acting? 2. What causes an animal's mouth to water? Of what value is this phenomenon? 3. Is hydrolysis of fat sufficient to make diffusible products? Why or why not? 4. Why is it wise to chew food? 5. Can you suggest whether or not drinking water at meal time is a good practice? 6. What are the three functions of bile? 7. What happens to each of the six groups of the Weende method (Chap. IV) in the passage of food through the digestive tract? 9. What is the function of digestion? REFERENCES 317 REFERENCES Armsby. Principles of Animal Nutrition and The Nutrition of Farm Animals. Brubaker. Text Book of Physiology. Halligan. Elementary Treatise on Stock Feeds and Feeding. Henry. Feeds and Feeding. Jordan. The Feeding of Animals. McCollum: The Newer Knowledge of Nutrition. Sherman. Chemistry of Food and Nutrition. Smith. Manual of Veterinary Physiology. Starling. Human Physiology. CHAPTER XIX MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS THE most valuable products of the animal are milk and its derivatives. Most of these materials are used as food for man. Milk in particular, as Hawk says, is the most satis- factory individual food material elaborated by nature, in that it contains protein, fat, and carbohydrate in addition to mineral matter, all combined in such form and proportion as to make it palatable, nourishing, and easily digested. The following discussion applies solely to milk from CGWS, since that has been most studied and since milk from other animals differs from it only in the proportion of the various constituents. 227. Physical Appearance. Milk is a white, opaque liquid, the specific gravity of which is about 1.03, with a slightly sweet, pleasing taste, and a freezing point of 0.56 C. Its color is due to minute particles of fat in suspension and also to the presence of a protein, caseinogen, in pseudo- solution. 228. Chemical Composition. Milk is composed of a clear, aqueous solution of carbohydrate, inorganic salts, and protein, in which are suspended fat globules, calcium phos- phate, and a protein in semi-suspension. The average com- position is as follows: Water, 87.75 per cent.; fat, 3.4 per cent.; protein, 3.5 per cent.; carbohydrate, 4.6 per cent.; and inorganic salts, 0.75 per cent. (a) CARBOHYDRATE. Lactose is the only carbohydrate present in milk sugar. It is an aldose sugar whose formula is Ci 2 H 22 On, graphically: CHEMICAL COMPOSITION 319 H C O H H C = O I I H C O H H C O H I H C O- O H H C O H H C O H I H C O H H C C H I It is dextrorotatory and reduces Fehling's solution, although to a less extent than dextrose. It is hydrolyzed by enzymes and acids to dextrose and galactose. It does not undergo ordinary alcoholic fermentation except under the influence of certain yeasts. The principal change in lactose is due to the so-called lactic bacteria which hydrolyze it to lactic acid, thus: CizEtaOu + H 2 O = 4CsH 6 O3. It is this lactic acid to which is due the taste of sour milk, and it is produced so quickly that ordinary milk contains about 0.2 per cent, of lactic acid. The taste is apparent w T hen the proportion rises to 0.4 per cent., and at 0.7 per cent, milk "curdles." Curdling is due to the coagulation of case- inogen (see below). The percentage of lactic acid rarely rises above 2 because in that amount the action of the lactic acid bacteria is inhibited. Lactose is only one-tenth as sweet as sucrose. (6) FAT in milk is, of course, like other fixed oils in that it is composed of glycerides of fatty acids. Milk fat differs from other animal fat in that it contains the gly- ceride of a number of lower fatty acids, there having been found the following: 320 MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS Butyric, C 3 H 7 COOH Caproic, C 5 H n COOH Caprylic, C,H 15 COOH Capric, aHuCOOH Laurie, CnH 23 COOH Myristic, C 13 H 27 COOH Palmitic, C 15 H 31 COOH Stearic, C 17 H 35 COOH Oleic, C 17 H 33 COOH Dihydroxystearic, C 17 H 33 (OH) 2 COOH In general, oleic and palmitic acids are present to the greatest extent. The fats from butyric, caproic, caprylic, and oleic acids are liquid. The fats from the other acids are solid. The first four mentioned fatty acids are soluble in water and volatile in steam. All the acids are saturated with the exception of oleic. Milk fat is soluble in the usual solvents : Ether, carbon disulphide, acetone, and liquid hydrocarbons. Milk fat occurs in small globules from 1.6 to 10 microns in diameter (0.0016 to 0.01 mm.). They are liquid in the animal, but solid at ordinary temperatures, the melting point varying from 29.5 to 33 C. The fat globules in milk are in the form of a true emulsion minute, oily particles suspended in a slightly viscous medium (Section 204, II, 6), the viscosity of the milk plasma being due to the soluble proteins. Referring to the specific gravity of milk, it may be noted that an increase in the amount of fat causes a lowering of the specific gravity. ^ (c) PROTEINS consist of caseinogen, lactalbumin, and one or two others not of sufficient importance to deserve mention. Caseinogen helps to give the opaque color to milk, being present in a condition of pseudosolution. It contains sulphur and phosphorus in addition to the ordinary protein elements, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, and is probably combined with calcium or with calcium phosphate. Acids precipitate the casein by removing the calcium, thus setting free the protein proper. The action of rennin in precipitating casein is somewhat different. It splits the caseinogen into two different soluble proteins, at the SECRETION 321 same time liberating the calcium phosphate. One of the proteins unites with the liberated calcium phosphate to form the insoluble curd. Casein is insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, and dilute acids, but soluble in strong acids and in alkalies. Lactalbumin is coagulated by heat and precipitated by tannin and saturated solutions of sodium and magnesium sulphates. It contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur, but no phosphorus. (d) INORGANIC SALTS are present in the form of chlorides of sodium and potassium, mono- and dipotassium phos- phates, dimagnesium phosphate, di- and tricalcium phos- phates, calcium and magnesium citrates. All the salts are present in solution except tricalcium phosphate, which is suspended in finely divided form. It is to be noted that some of the inorganic elements are combined with citric acid. It may be noted that an increase in the amount of inorganic salts raises the specific gravity. (e) OTHER CONSTITUENTS. In addition to those substances already mentioned, milk contains lecithin, cholesterol, pro- teolytic enzymes, carbon dioxide, oxygen and other gases, especially when the milk is fresh drawn, not to mention various kinds of foreign matter including bacteria. The amount of dirt and bacteria depends on the care with which milk is handled. 229. Secretion. Milk is secreted in certain glands espe- cially adapted for the purpose, and evidence points to the fact that the various components of this fluid are elaborated in these gland cells only and not merely filtered from the blood plasma. Lactose, for example, is not found in the blood stream, but must be manufactured, probably from dextrose, in the milk glands. Milk fat and casein are not found in any other part of the body. The influence of breed of cow on the quality of milk secretion is of much greater importance than that of food. The Jersey, for example, produces large globules of milk fat, which causes cream to rise rapidly and in considerable quantities. The Holstein produces small globules of milk fat and not so great a total quantity. Modifying the food 21 322 MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS has very little influence on the composition of milk. The same food, for example, fed to different breeds produces different kinds of milk, but changing the food for one par- ticular breed does not change the kind of milk produced by that breed. There are some exceptions to this statement, but they are not of sufficient importance to be discussed here. 230. Adulteration and Preservation. Since milk has be- come such a very valuable food product, the temptation to adulterate it is very great. The addition of water is the commonest method of adulteration, detection of which is not particularly easy. For example, the specific gravity of milk might be used as a test for purity, but by removing fat and adding water, the specific gravity can be made to remain the same. It is, however, a requirement in some states that milk shall not be sold under a certain content of butter fat. This serves as a protection to the consumer, but in some instances it works a hardship against the pro- ducer for it is quite possible that perfectly pure milk may contain less than the stated legal minimum amount of fat. Milk is not only a perfect nutrient for man, but it is also a perfect nutrient for bacteria, and exposure to the air for any length of time permits the entrance of large numbers of bacteria, many of them dangerous to health. No bacteria are present in the milk within the animal, but as soon as it is drawn bacteria begin to accumulate. Since bacteria thrive best in warm milk, immediate cooling helps to some extent in preventing their activity. There are two ways of freeing milk from bacteria, which are legitimate. One is by pasteurization which consists in heating the milk to a temperature of 60 to 80 C. for twenty minutes, and then cooling it. This treatment kills practically all of the bacteria, and if carried out in sealed containers no more bacteria can enter. Pasteurization does not alter the taste or smell of the milk, and is practised quite largely by the best dairies. The other way of treating milk is by sterilization which consists in heating the milk to 115 C., accomplished by steam under pressure. This absolutely kills all bacteria, BUTTER 323 but it alters the taste and smell of the milk. Albumin is precipitated, calcium citrate is deposited, and other changes also take place which affect the quality of the milk. It is unfortunately easier to stop the action of bacteria by the addition of chemical preservatives, and the ones which are most effective in killing bacteria are also the ones which harm the consumer. Formaldehyde, boric acid, salicylic acid, and benzoic acid, are compounds which have been used, but the law in most states prevents their use at all, so that at the present time the consumer is safe from such a dangerous practice. 231. Cream. Cream consists merely of the greater part of the milk fat separated from the remainder of the milk, and is obtained by allowing the milk to stand quietly when the fat globules, being lighter than the rest of the milk, rise to the surface and can be skimmed off. Another way to obtain cream is by use of the separator, which is a machine where the fresh drawn milk can be subjected to centrifugal force, the heavier part being thrown to the outside and the lighter part rising in the centre. By appropriate devices the two parts of the milk can be drawn off in separate streams and by regulating the cream discharge pipe, cream of different fat content can be obtained. The fat can be withdrawn more completely from milk in this way than it can by the old-fashioned skimming process, the former removing from 97 to 98 per cent, of the butter fat under the best conditions, and the latter not more than 90 to 95 per cent. 232. Butter. Both butter and cream consist of milk fat, but cream is mixed with more or less of the other con- stituents of milk, whereas butter consists practically of milk fat only. It is made by agitating cream in a churn whereby the globules of milk fat coalesce into a mass. This is removed and w r orked over to remove the last trace of buttermilk, which consists of milk minus butter. Buttermilk usually contains about 4 per cent, of lactic acid, giving it a sour taste. This is because the best quality of butter is obtained from cream which has been properly "ripened," or, to put it plainly, which is somewhat sour. The souring, however, is not permitted to take place spontaneously, because of the 324 MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS danger of introducing harmful bacteria, but is accomplished by adding artificial lactic acid bacteria cultures. Butter contains about 84 per cent, of fat, 13 per cent, of water, and about 3 per cent, of lactose, albumin, and sodium chloride, the latter having been added to improve the flavor and also to serve as a preservative. Since it is possible to produce butter which contains considerable water and thus sell an adulterated product, it is not permitted in the United States for butter to contain more than 16 per cent, of water. Butter frequently becomes rancid, a condition which is due probably to the action of bacteria, molds, light, and oxy- gen. This combination -of factors results in the hydrolysis of fat, which sets free some of the fatty acids, one of them at least, butyric, being volatile, and some of them oxidizing to aldehydes. Oleomargarine. At this point it may be well to mention one of the principal butter substitutes, which is a perfectly nutritious article of food, but which not being butter should not be sold as such. It is manufactured from beef fat by rendering the latter and allowing the resultant product to stand at a low temperature for some time, when part of the solid fats crystallize. The soft mass is now subjected to pressure, and a liquid oil consisting of olein and palmitin principally is pressed out. This "oleo oil" is worked up by itself or with lard, cottonseed oil, cocoanut and other oils. It is then churned with milk, sometimes with a little butter, after which it is worked and salted. 233. Cheese. This is one of the oldest articles of food, being used 1000 years B. C., and still retaining its popularity as a nutritious article of diet. It consists essentially of the casein from milk with -considerable fat entangled with it and some water, lactose, and inorganic salts. The solid product is submitted to seasoning and ripening processes which favorably affect its composition and flavor. Ordinary American cheese contains about 34.4 per cent, water, 26.4 per cent, protein, 32.7 per cent, fat, 2.9 per cent, lactose, and 3.6 per cent. ash. Cheddar, or American cheese, is the commonest form of this food. It is made by first ripening the milk with an artificial CHEESE 325 starter until it contains a small amount of lactic acid. Then rennet is added. This is a preparation made from calves' stomachs and contains the enzyme rennin which coagulates the casein in the milk. The temperature is maintained at about 30 C. until a curd settles, when it is raised somewhat higher and maintained for one or two hours. After separating the curd from the "whey," as the residual liquid is called, the solid mass is ground, salted, and pressed into cakes, after which it is placed in a curing room where it is kept for some time at a temperature of 13 C. There should be present also about 65 to 75 per cent, of moisture in the curing room. If the temperature is too high fat exudes from the cheese, and too much moisture is lost. The changes which take place during ripening are not purely bacterial but are largely due to enzymes. Some water is lost by vapori- zation; lactose is converted to lactic acid; and proteins are hydrolyzed, many of them to soluble products. Odor and flavor are developed which impart quality to the cheese. The result of the various changes is a decided improvement in the palatability and digestibility of the material. Cheshire cheese is made in England from fresh milk. The method and care of cutting the curd and removal of the whey is important. Stilton cheese is made between March and September, from the milk of cows fed only on natural pasture, and the rennet is obtained from lambs' stomachs and not from calves. Camembert and Brie are soft cheeses made in France by somewhat similar processes, except that during the curing mold develops on the outside and the enzyme changes 'are more pronounced within. Proteins are broken down to a greater extent. Roquefort is made from sheep's milk and during ripening a green mold grows throughout the mass of cheese, breaking down the protein compounds so as to give it the characteristic taste and odor. Limburger was made in Belgium originally, but is now considered strictly a German cheese. The curd is formed at a high temperature, and it is ripened at a somewhat higher temperature than usual, and in a very moist atmos- 326 MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS phere. Under these conditions bacterial changes take place to such an extent that putrefactive fermentation sets in, giving it the high odor for which it is noted. 234. Koumiss. Koumiss is a drink made properly from mares' milk by the nomadic tribes of Asia Minor. Mares' milk is richer in lactose than is cows' milk and on the addition of old or dried koumiss part of the lactose ferments to alcohol and carbon dioxide, some of it changing also to lactic acid. Kephir is a somewhat similar drink prepared from cows' milk by the inhabitants of the Caucasus. Fermentation is caused by the addition of the so-called kephir grains, the origin of which is not known, but which contain certain microorganisms capable of causing the production of lactic acid, alcohol, and carbon dioxide from lactose. Both of these slightly alcoholic drinks are easily digested by invalids and have assumed some importance as drinks for medicinal purposes. 235. Condensed and Desiccated Milk. For the purpose of keeping milk, it is condensed by evaporation in a partial vacuum, with or without the addition of sugar, to a thick consistency of one-third to one-fourth its original volume. This substance can be sealed up in air-tight cans and kept for a long time, being mixed with water in various proportions just before use. Desiccated milk can be made by various processes, one of which is to spray the milk against a rapidly revolving hot plate which instantly drives off the water and permits the collection of the dry milk powder. This resumes its original condition when it is stirred up with water. EXERCISES 1. What is meant by a pseudo-solution? Where else than in this chapter has this word been used? What are the properties of such a solution? How does it differ from a true solution? 2. How does the specific gravity of milk change if it is watered? If it is skimmed? W r hy? 3. What is the difference between caseinogen and casein? What does the suffix "ogen" mean? When else has it been used? 4. Can you explain why 2 per cent, is usually the maximum amount of lactic acid found in sour milk? What other examples of a similar phenom- enon have been studied? 5. How could you attempt to ascertain the percentage of fat in milk? REFERENCES 327 6. Compare milk, cheese, butter and buttermilk as to their composition; as to their relative value as foods, pound for pound; as to the organ which digests the major portion of the valuable constituents of each. 7. What substances found in milk produce the following effects: Sweeten milk; help to make the bones of an infant; change when souring takes place; gives milk its color; are without doubt made in the milk glands? 8. What properties common to proteins are mentioned in this chapter? 9. Is milk fat a compound? 10. Why is lactose called an aldose? 11. What fat is most characteristic of butter? 12. Write the graphic formula of butyrin and of the glyceryl ester of butyric, lauric and oleic acids. REFERENCES Barthel. Milk and Dairy Products. McKay and Larsen. Principles and Practice of Butter Making. Leach. Food Inspection. Richmond. Dairy Chemistry. INDEX ABSORPTION of food constituents, 309 in soil, 164 chemical, 165 physical, 167 Achroodextrin, 33 Acid humus, 141 phosphate, 210 availability, 211 effect of, on soil, 211 with farm manure, 250 Acidity of soil, 225 artificial, 226 natural, 226 Active organic matter, 134, 142 Adipose tissue, 291 Adsorption, 167 Air, composition of, 127 inspired and expired, 296 properties of, 126 Air-slaked lime as fertilizer, 233 Albite, 162 Alkali soils, 183 reclamation of, 185 Alkaloids, 64 Allyl cyanide in oil of mustard, 51 isothiocyanate in oil of mustard, 51 Allyl-propyl-disulphide, 51 Aluminium minerals in the soil, 162 Alunite, 222 Amber, 56 Amendments, 188 American cheese, 324 Amides in plants, 61 Amino-acetic acid, 61 Amino-acids in plants, 61 Amino-succinamide, 61 Ammonia, formation of, in soil, 144 Ammonia, loss of, from farm manure, 245 in plants, 60 Ammoniacal copper carbonate, 274 Ammonification, 144 Ammonium sulphate, 197 availability of, 199 cause of soil acidity of, 226 effect of, on soil, 199 Amylases, 77 Amylodextrin, 32 Amyloid, 38 Amylopsin, 308 Analyses of crops, 106 how expressed, 256 Anhydrite, 160 Animal, composition of, 287-289 compounds, 299 starch, 299 Anorthite, 161 Antimony rubber, 60 Apatite, 155 Araban, 38 Arabinose, 38 Argenine, 61 Argon in air, 129 Arid soils, 178 Arsenous oxide, use in making Paris green, 268 Arteries, 293 Asafetida, 57 Ash in plants, 104 Asparagine, 61 Atropine, 65 Attar of roses, 52 Available plant food, 80 B BACTERIA in air, 130 in farm manure, 245 330 INDEX Bacteria in intestines, 309 in milk, 322 in soils, 134 number of, 138 Balsams, definition of, 55 Barley seed, discussion of compo- sition of, 111 Basalts, 176 Base goods, 205 Basic copper acetate, use of, in making Paris green, 268 carbonate, use of, in making fungicides, 274 slag, 212 availability of, 214 composition of, 212 effect of, on fertilizer mixtures, 190 on soil, 214 Baume" scale, 282 (footnote) Bauxite, 163 Beeswax, 301 Benzaldehyde in oil of bitter almonds, 50 Benzoin, 58 Biennials, 92 Bile, 308 Biotite, 162 Black alkali, 183 Blood, 292 clotting of, 295 exchange of gases in, 296 Bone phosphate of lime, 261 tankage, 204 Bone-black, 207 dissolved, 207 Bone-meal, 207 Bones, 289 raw, as a fertilizer, 206 Bordeaux mixture, 275 use of, with Paris green, 268 Brewer's grains, 111 Brewing, use of barley in, 111 Brie cheese, 349 British gum, 34 Brown sugar, 28 Buhach, 273 Bulbs, purpose of, 92 Burnt lime as fertilizer, 232 Butter, 323 Buttermilk, 323 Button lac, 57 By-product coke ovens, 197 CAFFEINE, 65 Calcite, 160 Calcium carbonate as fertilizer, 231 solution in soil moisture, 161 compounds in the animal, 302 cyanamide, 200 fertilizers as plant food, 224 function of, in plant, 99 hydroxide as fertilizer, 233 minerals in soil, 160 nitrate as a fertilizer, 195 in the soil, 145 oxide. See Lime. amount of, in burnt lime, 235 in calcium carbonate, 232, 235 in slaked lime, 235 as a fertilizer, 232 saccharates, 27 sulphate as a fertilizer, 239 Caliche, 193 Calorie, 316 Calorimeter, 314 respiration, 314 Camembert cheese, 325 Canada balsam, 58 Canaigre, 70 Cane sugar, 24. See also Sucrose. Caoutchouc, 59 Capillaries, 293 Caramel, 58 . Carbohydrate, amount of, synthe- sized by plants, 88 function of, in plant, 91 in milk, 318 Carbohydrates, absorption of, into body, 309 amount of, in plants, 18 in the animal, 299 function of, 311 definition of, 18 manufacture of, 87 transfer of, in plants, 87 Carbon dioxide in air, 128 exhaled by man, 129 given off by burning coal, 129 how it gets out of the blood, 296 INDEX 331 Carbon dioxide in the soil, 136, 137, 153 used by corn, 129 disulphide in oil of mustard, 51 use of, with farm manure, 250 function of, in plant, 94 monoxide poisoning, cause of, 294 Carburetor, 280 Carnauba wax, 46 Casein, 320 Caseinogen, 320 Castor oil, 43 Castor-bean pomace, 204 Catalytic agents, 76 Catechu, 70 Caustic lime as a fertilizer, 232 Cellophane, 37 Celluloid, 37 Cellulose acetate, 37 amount of, in different parts of plants, 35 general description, 35 nitrates, 37 solvents for, 36 Cement dust, 223 Chalk as a source of lime, 231 Cheddar cheese, 324 Cheese, 324 Cheshire cheese, 325 Chestnut wood and bark for tan- ning, 70 Chicle, 60 Chile saltpeter, 193 Chlorine compounds in the animal, 303 minerals in the soil, 162 Chlorophyl, 85 Chyme, 307 Cinnamic aldehyde in oil of cinna- mon, 50 Citral in oil of lemon, 50 Citric acid, 67 Citronellol in oil of roses, 52 Clay soils, 180 Coagulation of blood, 295 Cocaine, 66 Cod-liver oil, 300 Cold manures, 246 Collagen, 292 Collodion, 37 Colophony, 56 Colza oil, 46 Commercial fertilizers, 188 Complete fertilizers, 188 Composted manure, 252 Condensed milk, 326 Connective tissue, 291 Copal, 56 Copper aceto-metarsenite, 268. See Paris green. Corn, changes in composition of, during growth, 121 kernel, structure of, 93 oil, 44 seed, discussion of composition of, 112 Corpuscles, red, 293 white, 294 Corrosive sublimate, 276 Cotton purification, 38 seed, composition of, 106 discussion of, 1 14 fertilizing constituents of, 109 meal as a fertilizer, 204 oil, 44 stearine, 44 yields, 108 Cream, 323 Crop chemistry, 110 yields, 108 Crops, analyses of, 108 classification of, 105 composition of, 106 Crude fat in plants, 103 fiber in plants, 103 petroleum, 281 use of, in making miscible oils, 273 protein in plants, 104 turpentine, 58 Cuprammonium carbonate as a fungicide, 274 Curdling of milk, 319 Cutch, 70 Cyanamid, availability of, 201 effect of, on soil, 202 as a fertilizer, 201 Cylinder oil, 285 DEEP-STALL system of caring for farm manure, 249 Denitrification, 145 Desiccated milk, 326 332 INDEX Dextrates, 22 Dextrin, 34 Dextrose in the animal, 299 condensation to, by formalde- hyde, 87 general description of, 20 Dextroxides, 22 Diastase, 77 importance of, in brewing, 111 Dicalcium phosphate in fertilizers, 211, 222 in soils, 156 Diffusion in the soil, 169 Digallic acid, 69 Digestible carbohydrates, 104 coefficient, 313 Digestion, 305 Direct fertilizers, 188 Disaccharides, 19 Disilicic acids, 157 Dissolved bone-black, 208 Distribution of essential elements in seed crops, 100 Divi-divi, 71 Dolomite, 160 as a fertilizer, 239 as a source of lime, 231 Double potash manure salt, 221 Dragon's blood, 57 Drainage-water, composition of, 172 Dried blood, availability of, 203 black, 202 as a fertilizer, 202 red, 202 fish, 204 meat as a fertilizer, 203 Driers for linseed oil, 44 Drying oils, constituents of, 43 definition of, 41 Dust in air, 130 EBONITE, 60 Elastin, 292 Elements, essential, for animals, 287 distribution of, in seed crops, 100 for plant growth, 80 function of, in plants, 94 Elements, form in which absorbed by plants, 82 how absorbed by plants, 83 Emulsifier, 273 Emulsion, definition of, 271 Encrusting substances, 35, 38 Enzymes, 76 Epithelial tissue, 291 Erythrocytes, 293 Erythrpdextrin, 33 Essential oils, 47. See also Volatile oils. Ethereal oils, 47. See also Volatile oils. Eugenol in oil of bitter almonds, 49 of cloves, 50 . Excrement, composition of, 242 liquid, of farm animals, 242 mixed, amount of plant food re- covered in, 244 influence of animal on compo- sition, 244 of food on composition, 244 solid, of farm animals, 241 F FARM manure, action of molds in, 247 bacteria in, 245 composition of, 244 compounds in, 244-245 decomposition of, aerobic, 245 anaerobic, 245, 247 definition of, 241 fresh, how to use, 251 losses of, 247 prevention of, 248 chemical, 249 mechanical, 248 an unbalanced fertilizer, 253 value of, 253 well decomposed, how to use, 251 Fat in milk, 319 Fats, absorption into body, 310 animal, 300 composition of, 291 digestion of, in intestines, 308 function of, in the animal, 311 Fatty acids, classification of, 42 in milk, 320 INDEX 333 Fatty acids, saturated, 42 unsaturatcd, 42 tissue, 291 Feces, 241 Feed, distinction from food, 304 Feeding standards, 316 Fehling's solution, 21 Feldspar, lime, 161 potash, 158 soda, 162 Fertilizer, analysis of; 260 mixtures to be avoided, 190 Fertilizers, choice of, 191 commercial, 188 .complete, 188 definition of, 187 direct, 188 incomplete, 189 indirect, 188 Fertilizing constituents of crops, 109 Fibrin, 295 Fibrinogen, 293, 295 Filnx water in the soil, 170 Fire point, 282 (footnote) Fish scrap, 204 Fixed oils, general definition of, 40 methods of extraction of, 41 properties of, 40 Flash point, 282 (footnote) Flax seed, composition of, 106 discussion of, 114 fertilizing constituents of, 109 yields of, 108 Floats, 208 Fluorides, use with farm manure, 250 Food constituents, 305 function of, in the animal, 311 definition of, 304 effect of, on quality of milk, 321 for seedling, 76 for soil bacteria, 138 value, expressions for, 313 Form in which plant food elements are absorbed, 82 Formaldehyde candles, 277 formation of, in leaf, 87 as a fungicide, 276 Formalin, 276 Four-cycle type of gas engine, 279 Frankincense, 58 Fructose, 23. See also Levulose. Fruit crops, composition of, 106 discussion of, 114 fertilizing constituents of, 109 yields of, 108 sugar, 23. See also Levuloee. Fungj, how destroyed, 265 Fungicides, 274 GALLIC acid, 69 Galls, 71 Gam bier, 71 Gamboge, 58 Gas engine, 279 Gaseous exchange in the blood, 296 Gases in blood, composition of, 297 in soil, 153 Gas-lime as a fertilizer, 239 Gasoline, 283 Gastric digestion, 306 juice, 306 Geraniol in oil of roses, 52 German potash deposits, 216 Germination, conditions for, 52 of seed, 52 Gliadin, 112 Gluco-glucoside, 30 Glucolin, 30 Glucose, 20. See also Dextrose. commercial, 22 Glucosides, definition of, 21 Glutamine, 62 Glycerine, 42 Glycocoll, 61 Glycogen, 299 Grains, composition of, 106 fertilizing constituents of, 109 yields of, 108 Granite, 175 Grape sugar, 20. See also Dex- trose. Gum arabic, 39 Gum-resins, definition of, 56 Gums, 39 Guncotton, 37 Gutta percha, 60 Gypsum as a fertilizer, 239 in the soil, 160 use of, with farm manure, 249 334 INDEX HEMOGLOBIN, 293 Hair as a fertilizer, 205 Halite, 162 Hard rubber, 60 water, 172 Hay, 116 chemical change hi making of, 117 crops, changes hi composition of during making, 118 Heat caused by germination, 75 production in the animal body, 314 Height of air, 125 Hellebore, 264 Hemlock wood and bark for tan- ning, 70 Home mixing of fertilizers, 189 Hoof as a fertilizer, 205 Horn as a fertilizer, 205 Hornblende, 161 Hot manures, 246 Humid soils, 178 Humus, 139 composition of, 141 properties of, 140 Hydrated lime as a fertilizer, 233 Hydrocarbons in crude petroleum, 281 Hydrocyanic acid gas, 269 in linseed press cake, 45 in oil of bitter almonds, 49 Hydrogen in air, 129 function of, in plant, 94 ICELAND spar, 19 Igneous rocks, 174 Inactive organic matter, 134, 143 Incomplete fertilizers, 189 Indirect fertilizers, 188 Inoculation of soils, 150 Inorganic acids in soil, 155 elements, function of, in animal, 313 material, use of, by plant, 85 Insecticides, external, 269 internal, 267 Insects, how destroyed, 264 Intermolecular respiration, 89 Intestinal digestion, 307 juice, 307 Inulin, 39 Invert sugar, 27 Invertase, 308 Iodine compounds in the animal, 303 Iron compounds in the animal, 302 function of, in plant, 100 minerals in soil, 161 K KAINITE, 221 Kaolin, 159 Kaolinite, 159 Kaolinization, 159 Kelp, 221 Kephir, 326 Keratin, 291 Kerosene emulsion, 270 how made, 282 Kino, 70 Koumyss, 326 LAC, 57 Lactalbumin, 320 Lactase, 308 Lacteals, 310 Lactic acid production in milk, 319 Lactose, 318 Land plaster, 238. See Gypsum as a fertilizer. Lard, 300 Latex, 59 Lavas, 176 Lead acetate, use of, in making lead arsenate, 267 arsenate, 267 use of, with Bordeaux mixture, 276 with lime-sulphur, 273 nitrate, use of, in making lead arsenate, 267 Leaf, structure of, 86 Leather as a fertilizer, 205 Lecithin, description of, 46, 47 Legumes, composition of, 106 INDEX 335 Legumes, discussion of composition of, 114 fertilizing constituents of, 109 yields of, 108 Leucite, 160 Leucocytes, 294 Levulates, 23 Levulin, 27 Levulo-glucoside, 27 Levulose, general description of, 23 Lignification, 36 Lignin, 38 Limburger, 325 Lime, amount of, removed by crops, 225 in fertilizers, 225 availability of, 233 in basic slag, 214 checking plant diseases, 238 definition of term, 231 effect of, on fertilizer mixtures, 190 harmful, 238 on soil, 235, from acetylene plant as a fer- tiizer, 239 improving soil texture, 238 making phosphorus available, 238 potassium available, 238 neutralizing acids, 235 nitrogen, 200 as a plant food, 224 requirement, how determined, 259 use of, with farm manure, 251 Limestone, 176 as a fertilizer, 231 soils become acid, 229 Lime-sulphur, boiled, 271 self-boiled, 277 Limonene in oil of lemon, 50 Limonite, 161 Linoleic acid, 45 Linolenic acid, 43 Linseed oil, 44 Li pases, 77 Litter, 243 amount of ammonia absorbed by, 243 of water absorbed by, 243 composition of, 243 Loam soils, 180 Lubricants, 284 Lump lime as a fertilizer, 232 Lymph, 298 glands, 298 vessels, 298 M MAGNESIAN lime, use of, 239 Magnesium, function of, in plant, 100 minerals in the soil, 162 Malic acid, 68 Malt sprouts, 111 sugar, 29. See also Maltose. Maltase, 308 Maltobiose, 29. See also Maltose. Maltodextrin, 33 Maltose, general description of, 29 Mangrove, 70 Manure. See Farm manure, 241, et seq. in formation of humus, 143 Marl as a source of lime, 231 Marrow, 289 Mashing, 111 Mass action, 166 Mastic, 57 Meat meal as a fertilizer, 203 tankage, 203 Menhaden oil, 300 use of, in making miscible oils, 273 Menthol in oil of peppermint, 51 Mercerized cotton, 36 Mercuric chloride as a fungicide, 276 Metamorphic rocks, 174 Metasilicic acid, 157 Methyl salicylate in oil of winter- green, 55 Milk, adulteration and preserva- tion of, 322 composition of, 318 digestion of, in stomach, 307 fat, 319 inorganic salts in, 321 physical appearance of, 318 secretion, 321 Minerals in soil, 155 factors of solubility of, 163 336 INDEX Miscible oils, 273 Moisture for soil bacteria, 138 Molds in farm manure, 247 Monocalcium phosphate in fertil- izers, 210, 212 in soils, 156 Monosaccharides, 19 Morphine, 66 Movements of dissolved substances in soil, 168 Muriate of potash, a cause of soil acidity, 228 as a fertilizer, 218 Muscovite, 160 Muscular tissue, 289 Myosin, 291 Myosinogen, 291 Myrobalans, 71 Myrosin in oil of mustard, 51 Myrrh, 58 N NAPHTHA, 282 Neatsfoot oil, 300 Neutral humus, 142 Nicol prism, 19 Nicotine, 66 sulphate, as an insecticide, 274 Nitrate of soda, as a fertilizer, 193 in tobacco waste, 223 Nitrates, formation of, in soil, 144 in plants, 60 Nitrification, 144 Nitrites, formation of, in the soil, 144 Nitrogen in air, 128 amount added to soil by clover and alfalfa, 147, 150 in coal, 197 changes in farm manure, 245, el seq. compounds in the air, 130 equal to ammonia, 262 fixation, 146 non-symbiotic, 147 symbiotic, 147 function of, in plant, 98 importance of, in fertilizers, 192 loss of, in farm manure, 247 prevention of, 248, 249 in soil, 153 Nitrogen-free extract, 104 Nitrogenous extractives, 291 fertilizers, 192 Nutgalls, 71 OAK bark for tanning, 70 Oat seed, discussion of composi- tion of, 112 Oil, 76 of amber, 56 of bitter almonds, 49 of cinnamon, 50 of cloves, 50 function of, in plant, .91 of lemon, 50 manufacture of, by plant, 89 of mustard, 51 of onion, 51 of peppermint, 51 of roses, 52 of sassafras, 52 of thyme, 52 transfer of, in plant, 91 of turpentine, 53 of wintergreen, 55 Oleic acid, 43 Olein, definition of, 43 Oleo oil, 324 Oleomargarine, 325 Oleoresin, definition of, 55 Olibanum, 58 Olive oil, 45 Optical activity, 19 Organic acids in animal, 301 in plants, 67 in soil, 137, 155 matter in arid soils, 178 decomposition of, in soils, 136 factors affecting rate of, 137 in sand soils, 179 in soils, 133 functions of, 142 loss of, 143 Orthoclase, 158 Ossein, 289 Otto of roses, 52 Oxalic acid, 68 Oxidases, 78 Oxygen in air, 128 consumed by burning coal, 128 INDEX 337 Oxygen, function of, in plant, 95 for germination, 74 how it gets into blood, 296 in soil, 153, 155 used by man, 128 Oxyhsemoglobin, 293 Oyster shells as source of lime, 231 PALMITIC acid, 42 Palmitin, definition of, 43 Pancreatic juice, 308 Paper, 38 Paraform, 277 Paris green, 268 use of, with Bordeaux mixture, 276 with lime-sulphur, 273 Pasteurization of milk, 322 Peanut oil, 45 Peat soils, 181 Pectins, 39 Pentacalcium silico-phosphate, 212 Pentpsans, 38 Pepsin, 307 Persian insect powder, 273 Phosphate fertilizers, 206 Phosphoric acid, citrate soluble, in fertilizers, 261 importance of, in fertilizers, 206 reverted, in fertilizers, 261 total, in fertilizers, 261 water soluble, in fertilizers, 261 Phosphorus, changes of, in farm manure, 246 compounds in animal, 301 function of, in plant, 95 loss of, in farm manure, 247 prevention of, 248 minerals, 155 in soil, solution of, 156 Pinene in oil of turpentine, 53 Plant, composition of, 81 food, available, 80 definition of, 80 how absorbed by plant, 83 in soil, 186 unavailable, 80 Plasma, 293 Plaster of Paris, 160 Polariscope, 20 Polarized light, 19 Polysaccharides, 30 Potash equivalent to sulphate, 262 fertilizers, 216 importance of, in fertilizers, 216 manure salt, 218 salts, effect of, on fertilizer mix- tures, 190 use of, with farm manure, 250 Potassium carbonate in soils, 159 in wood ashes, 221 changes in farm manure, 246 chloride as a fertilizer, 218 compounds in animal, 302 cyanide, use of, in making hydro- cyanic acid gas, 270 function of, in plant, 96 loss of, in farm manure, 247 prevention of, 248 minerals in the soil, 157 solution of, 159 myronate in oil of mustard, 51 sulphate as a fertilizer, 220 Preservatives, use with farm man- ure, 250 Press cake, 41 Pressure of air, 125 Products of oxidation in seeds, 75 Proteases, 78 Protein, function of, in plant, 91 manufacture of, by plant, 90 transfer of, in plants, 91 Proteins, absorption of, into body, 247 composition of, 62 digestion of, in intestines, 308 in stomach, 307 functions of, in animal, 311 in milk, 320 properties of, 62 Protoplasm, 91 composition of, 91 Ptyalin, 305 Pyrethrum, 273 Pyroxylin, 37 QUARTZ, 162 Quebracho, 70 Quicklime as fertilizer, 232 Quinine, 66 338 INDEX R RAPESEED oil, 46 Raw bones as a fertilizer, 206 Red corpuscles, 293 rubber, 60 Rennin, 307 Resenes, 55 Resin ducts, 55 Resins, properties of, 55 Respiration calorimeter, 314 in plants, 88 products of, 89 in seeds, 74 due to oxidases, 78 Respiratory quotient, 298 Reversion of acid phosphate, 211 Ripening of cheese, 325 Rise of alkali, 184 River water, composition of, 172 Rock lime as fertilizer, 232 phosphate, 208 use of, with farm manure, 248 Rocks, soil forming, 174 Root hairs, 83 Roots, function of, 85 purpose of fleshy, 92 selective action by, 83 Roquefort cheese, 325 Rosin, 56 oil, 56 use of, in making miscible oils, 273 spirit, 56 Rubber, 59 Ruminants, gastric digestion of, 306 Rye seed, discussion of composition of, 112 S SACCHARATES, 27 Saccharimeter, 20 Saccharose, 24. See also Sucrose. Safrol in oil of sassafras, 52 Saliva, 305 Salivary digestion, 305 Salting put proteins, 64 Sand soils, 179 Sandarac, 57 Sandstones, 177 Sarcolactic acid, 291 Sawdust, use as litter, 243 Schweitzer's reagent, 36 formula for, 269 Scrape, 58 Sedimentary rocks, 174 Seedling, food for, 76 Seeds, production of, 92 Selective action by roots, 83 Separator for cream, 323 Serum, 295 albumin, 293 Shales, 177 Shavings, use as litter, 243 Shellac, 57 Siderite, 162 Sieve tubes, 88 Silage, 121 making, chemical changes in, 121 Silicic acids, 157 Silicon compounds in animal, 303 minerals in soil, 162 Silk, artificial, 37 Slaked lime as fertilizer, 233 Sludge acid, use in making fertil- izers, 282 Soap, 41 Soda cellulose, 36 process for making paper pulp. 38 Sodium arsenate, use of, in making lead arsenate, 267 compounds in animal, 302 cyanide, use of, in making hydro- cyanic acid gas, 270 minerals in soil, 162 nitrate, availability of, 194 effect of, on soil, 194 as a fertilizer, 193 Soil acidity, 225 how determined, 259. See Lime requirement. analysis, 256 and subsoil, 182 composition of, 132 distinction of, from subsoil, 182 functions of, 132 solvents, 154 Soils, composition of, 181 kinds of, 177 weight of, 181 Solubility of soil minerals, factors, 163 Soluble cotton, 36 INDEX 339 Soluble oils, 273 Specific rotation, 20 Spectrum, 85 Sperm oil, 301 Starch, 76 animal, 299 amount of, in crops, 31 commercial, how made, 34-35 digestion of, in intestines, 308 in mouth, 305 formation of, from dextrose, 87 general description of, 31 grains acted on by diastase, 78 iodide, 31 paste, 31 Stassfurt potash deposits, 216 Steamed bone, 207 Steapsin, 308 Stearic acid, 42 Stearin, 43 Stem and leaf crops, composition of, 107 discussion of, 114 fertilizing constituents of, 110 yields of, 108 Sterilization of milk, 322 Stick lac, 57 Stilton cheese, 325 Stone lime as fertilizer, 232 Strychnine, 66 Subsoil, 182 Succinic acid, 56 Sucrose, general description of, 24 pure, how made, 27-28 Sucroxides, 27 Sugar beet, sugar content of, 25 cane, sugar content of, 25 how made from sugar beets, 28-29 cane, 28-29 Sugars, 18 Sulphate of potash, cause of soil acidity, 228 as a fertilizer, 220 Sulphite process for making paper pulp, 38 Sulphur dioxide in air, 131 function in plant, 99 minerals in the soil, 160 Sulphuric acid, use with farm man- ure, 250 Sumach leaves for tanning, 69 Sunflower oil, 46 Sun's rays, use of, in synthesizing plant substances, 85 Superphosphate, 210. See also Acid Phosphate. TALLOW, 300 Tankage, 203 Tannic acid, 68 Tannins, 69 Tartaric acid, 68 Temperature of air, 126 for soil bacteria, 138 Tetracalcium phosphate in basic slag, 212 Theine, 65 Theobromine, 67 Therm, 316 Thomas slag, 212 Thymol in oil of thyme, 52 Timothy, changes in composition during growth, 120 Tobacco as an insecticide, 274 waste, 223 Tolu, 59 Tracheae, 83 Tricalcium phosphate, in bones, 289 in fertilizers, 206, 208, 212 in soils, 156 Trisilicic acids, 157 Trypsin, 308 Tubers, purpose of, 92 Two-cycle type of gas engine, 280 Tyrosine, 62 UNAVAILABLE plant food, 80 Urea in farm manure, decomposi- tion of, 245 Urine, 242 VALONIA, 71 Vegetable crops, composition of, 107 discussion of, 115 340 INDEX Vegetable crops, fertilizing con- stituents of, 110 yields of, 109 Veins, 292 Villi, 309 Virgin dip, 58 soils become acid, 230 Viscoid, 37 Viscose, 37 Vivianite, 162 Volatile oils, classification of, 49 definition of, 47 methods of extraction of, 48 properties of, 48 W WASTE water in soil, 172 Water, absorption of, by seed, 74 amount of, in seeds, 73 determination of, in plants, 103 function of, in plant, 95 for germination, 73 passage of, into plant, 83 in soil, composition of, 170 soluble arsenic, 267 (footnote) vapor in air, 126 withdrawal of, from roots, 84 Wavellite, 163 : Waxes, 46 Weende method for analyzing foods, 102 Weight of air, 125 Well-rotted manure, 247 Wheat seed, discussion of compo- sition of, 112 Whey, 325 White alkali, 183 corpuscles, 294 Wood ashes, 221 gum, 39 Wool waste as a fertilizer, 205 XANTHOPROTEIC reaction, 63 Xylan, 39 Xylose, 39 YELLOW dip, 58 Yields of crops, 108 ZEIN, 63 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below MAY 2 Wffi ex DEC * 8 1953 REC'D LO-URC U> JAN 81979 Form L- 23m-tO,'41<24M) THE LIBRARY 3 1158 00413 3202 " " HI ii in in || | || I A 001 131 532 2