LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO TABLExTALK OF , SAMUEL ROGERS N REMINISCENCES AND TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS Banker, Poet, & Patron of the Arts I 7 6 3~ l8 55 Collected from the Original Memoirs of Dyce and Sharpe, with Intro- duction and Index BY G. H. POWELL LONDON R. BRIMLEY JOHNSON 1903 CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION . . . . . v ii TABLE-TALK i INDEX 258 The portrait of the author which forms the frontispiece is taken from the engraving by Finden, after Sir Thomas Lawrence, prefixed to the Italy, ed. 1852. INTRODUCTION THE volume here offered to the public will, it is hoped, be regarded as a legitimate if not inevitable piece of Book-making. Of the general human interest attaching to the intimate form of biography known as " Table-Talk" and in particular to that of Samuel Rogers, it is scarcely necessary to s^eak. The earliest original records of the Banker Poet, his friends, and their conversation forming as they do an important contribution to the social history of the period, 1790- 1850 are comprised in two different volumes, which may rank with such works as Spence's Anecdotes among the best " ana " of the English language. These are (a) the RECOLLECTIONS OF THE TABLE- TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS (together with " Por- soniana"), published by Alexander Dyce in 1856; and (b) the RECOLLECTIONS, by Samuel Rogers him- self, given to the world by William Sharpe in 1859. The " Table-Talk " represents a selection from viii INTRODUCTION the memoranda kept by Dyce, which may be best described in his own language : " From my first introduction to Mr. Rogers I was in the habit of writing down in all their minulicz the anecdotes with which his conversation abounds ; and on my telling him that I did so, he expressed himself pleased" It is not unreasonable to presume from these words that Dyce's notes had the approval of Rogers as an authentic record. The second work, the " Recollections" has attained perhaps greater literary fame, as a record kept by Rogers himself, in a form as the editor assures us obviously intended for publication. It consists of similar in some cases identical matter, preserved in a more fragmentary, and sometimes perhaps a more literal form. Upon material points the two books may fairly be said to confirm one another, and in the more famous " dicta " they usually coincide verbatim. But, though of necessity covering much the same ground, they differ materially in their contents : the " Recollec- tions" for example, containing the valuable notes on the Duke of Wellington [some thirty-five Pages, here reprinted in their entirety}, of which Dyce's work records but one or two ; while the latter gives numerous anecdotes of Sheridan and other persons scarcely INTRODUCTION ix mentioned in the " Recollections" With important exceptions, indeed, the principal memoranda seem to be presented more readably and more effectively in the pages of Dyce, Of the numerous detached anec- dotes, observations, quotations, scraps of reflection, noted down by Rogers himself, while some supply just those vivid and familiar touches which are the life of a contemporary biography, a good many are almost too minute to have much significance for the modern reader. For the form of the volume, therefore, I have followed the general easy and conversational arrangement of the " Table-Talk," inserting under their various heads all the kindred matter better given or only given in the " Reminiscences"* And though a certain order is preserved, the various notes are so mixed that it seemed scarcely worth while to reproduce the personal subject-headings given by Rogers (as "Fox," "Burke," "Gretton," Home Tooke," &c.) in his work. A better clue to the good things in the present volume will be found, it is hoped, in the Index appended, which refers to every important name and topic mentioned. * The valuable footnotes appended by Dyce and Sharpe to their several works are here reprinted, with one or two small additions and corrections by the present Editor. x INTRODUCTION The anecdotes, by the way, of The celebrated Doctor Porsoiz, A learned scholar though a somewhat coarse 'un, as Sir George Trevelyan once described him, appended by Dyce to his " Table-Talk," are again included on the same principle, as being reminiscences of a similar class contributed by a life-long friend of Rogers, and bearing on a celebrity of the age, with whom he himself had a slight acquaintance. Both the original works being only selections from miscellaneous notes, there can be no question of com- pleteness ; and though the greater part of both volumes has here been gathered together, they were found to contain, as might be expected, a good deal which, though possibly welcomed by the friends and con- temporaries of Rogers, would be of little interest to the reader of to-day. Somewhat dilettante criticisms, as they would now appear, of poems long since forgotten ; confidences and trivialities only interesting to a select circle of friends no longer living, may be left to repose in the original text. Even some details of literary gossip have seemed too slight and conventional to be worth preserving ; while a good many paragraphs, nay Pages, of reflections upon well-known scenes or INTRODUCTION xi passages from classical authors, have been omitted as characteristic of no particular person, time, or place. On the other hand, to illustrate our principle of selec- tion, unquestioned value must always attach to such, doubtless, scrappy but first-hand sketches, as these which describe the Iron Duke fidgeting silently about Ponsonby's room to observe on reaching the door, " Cocks was killed last night," Fox looking out of the window of the Louvre to exclaim " This sun will burn my turnips at St. Anne's," or Marmontel ges- ticulating so wildly, while reading his own works, as to alarm Dr. Priestly. In a word, the present Editor has hoped to preserve everything in the two books which is of real historical interest, every detail which helps to bring before our eyes the persons and the age not to say the several ages of old-fashioned, unreformed England, here so lightly and familiarly depicted, when the Person of Quality, Wealth, or Education loomed larger on the social horizon than he does now, when railways were undreamed of, omnibuses things of terrifying novelty, and the umbrella an important family pos- session, when noblemen still fought duels, statesmen gambled away their salaries in an evening, and University professors might be found drunk in the street. xii INTRODUCTION Samuel Rogers, Banker, Poet, and Connoisseur, was born at Stoke Newington in the year 1763. His father, Thomas Rogers, had been engaged in business in partnership with a Mr. Welch, and was assisted by the eldest of his sons. Samuel, the third, though his original ambition had been as he tells us to become a " preacher," began life by entering his father's counting-house as a clerk. The family were dissenters, but of good education and position. Samuel Rogers, himself a youth of considerable reading and culture, devoted his leisure hours during this early period of his life mainly to study and literary work. On the death of his elder brother in 1788 a larger share of the business accrued to him, and at his father's decease he found himself master of an estate of some 5000 per annum. Such an income (the equivalent Perhaps of twice what the figure would represent to- day) was very naturally considered by Rogers to justify his retirement from any active part in the manage- ment of the bank, to which his younger brother Henry was then admitted.* * The history of the firm, in which the name of Rogers never appears after 1855, was a brief and melancholy one. In 1856 the style of the bank became Olding, Sharpe and Co., and in 1862 Olding, Osborne and Co. In 1866 it was merged in the English Joint Stock Bank, which stopped payment the same year. INTRODUCTION xiii He has been heard to describe, William Sharpe tells us, how on some occasion soon after his father's death, he detected himself making a calculation as to the amount he might expect to accumulate if he con- tinued to de-vote his whole time to the pursuit of wealth. His cultured mind was so shocked by this material- istic train of reflection that he determined to desist from active business, or only to attend when the assist- tance of his judgment was required. To this reso- lution he subsequently adhered, giving up most of his life to more congenial pursuits, and to the indulg- ence of a natural taste for society, literature, and the arts. Besides the family home on Newington Green, Rogers at this time occupied chambers in Paper Buildings in the Temple ; but in 1803 he built or rebuilt himself a house in St. James* Street, West- minster, overlooking the Green Park. In this small but handsome and tasteful residence, richly decorated by the art of Flaxman and Stothard, he collected about him the costly pictures, choice curios, and books which he loved, and entertained his large com- panies of friends, rich and poor, with the exquisite taste and hospitality for which his name became famous. The " Breakfast Parties " of Rogers, intellectual xiv INTRODUCTION repasts lasting from ten to one, are fully described in the Diary of Crabb Robinson, who specially empha- sises the interest of the discussions which occupied, them* Rogers describes himself as a Presbyterian, and in politics he was a Whig ; but neither in religious nor political matters did his opinions affect his choice of friends. His means, position, and education enabled him to associate on equal terms with the most dis- tinguished men of his time Sheridan, Lord Hol- land, Charles James Fox, Gratton, Grenville, Erskine, Home Tooke, and Richard (known as " Conversa- tion ") Sharpe, a distinguished literary critic. The personality of Samuel Rogers [" Pleasures of Memory " Rogers, as Charles Lamb calls him~\, his wealth, taste, and benevolence " pervade the literary atmosphere of the first half of the nineteenth century, and are to be read of in all the Journals and Memoirs of the time.^ If it be true that his literary talents were only elevated from obvious mediocrity by favourable * It was but a few years ago that the present Editor remembers hearing from the late Mr. E. U. Eddis, the artist, certain reminiscences on the subject. Mr. Eddis, who spoke of these banquets as things of yesterday, recalled the somewhat "conscious" fashion in which, when conversation turned on some disputed quotation, Rogers " would send a footman for the book." t "Diet. Nat. Biog." INTRODUCTION xv circumstances, he was at least a man of wide reading, interests, and sociable tastes, a generous patron, a kindly critic, the friend of every struggling litterateur; in fine, a just and upright man, of whose benevolence in days when genuine ability was often unable to shift for itself the half will probably never be known. His one ostensible weakness seems to have been a certain epigrammatic bitterness of tongue, the inability, perhaps we should say, to keep back a good and sharp saying, a quality only rivalled by his genuine kindness of heart. When some one complained to Campbell of this trait, the poet only replied, " borrow 500 of him, and he will never say a word against you till you want to repay him." Of the poetry which Samuel Rogers occupied so many years in writing, it is probable that the modern reader will recall very little but " The Boy of Egre- mond " or " Ginevra," a poem much in the style of Mr. Alfred Austin, describing the pathetic fate of the young bride who shut herself up in a chest with a spring lock which " Fastened her down for ever." But if Rogers, the minor poet, appears to our eyes of infinitesimal interest beside the memoir-writer and anecdote-monger, it must be remembered that he regarded the pretty or passable verse published in xvi INTRODUCTION such quantities at his own expense only as the cultured recreation of a man of means and leisure. If there is something of dilettantism in his limitation of his poetic output to " four lines a day" there is no reader who will not regret that this example has not been more widely followed by minor poets of later date. If Rogers had some of the vanities of the plutocrat, poet and patron combined, at least he had sufficient sense of humour to decline the official bays even when offered him in a flattering letter from the Prince Consort. His " Ode to Superstition " and other poems appeared in 1786, at a period when, as is well observed by Mr. Dyce, " The coldly classic Mason [already a veteran] and the feeble Hayley* were per- haps the most popular of living poets." Cowper's Task had scarcely attained fame. Crabbe had put * William Hayley (1745-1820), author of "Triumphs" of "Music, Temper," and the like. " Triumphant first see Temper's Triumph shine, At least I'm sure they triumphed over mine. Of ' Music's Triumphs ' all who read may swear That luckless Music never triumphed there." Byron: "English Bards and Scotch Reviewers," where he finally recommends Mr. H. (repeating Pope's advice to Wycherley) to convert his poetry into prose " as could easily be done by taking away the final syllables of each couplet." INTRODUCTION xvii forth only his earlier -pieces, and Erasmus Darwin and his didactic poetry the predestined prey of the satirists of the Anti- Jacobin were yet to come. The " Pleasures of Memory " [1792] raised Rogers at once to a high reputation, which was maintained by the " Epistle to a Friend and other Poems" published in 1798. " Columbus, 1 " his next book [1812], was followed by "Jacqueline" [1814], and " Human Life " in 1819. The more famous " Italy" of which the first part appeared anonymously in 1822, was a complete failure ; but when finished and reprinted in 1830, in the form so familiar to book collectors, with elabo- rate illustrations after Turner and Stothard, attained at once the popularity which it seems to have enjoyed ever since. After the death of Wordsworth in 1850, the Lau- reateship, as has been said, was offered him, and, on his declining it with an effort, bestowed on Alfred Tennyson. During the leisure of later life Rogers would seem to have been regularly employed in the preparation of new editions of his works, which were constantly called for ; and, in particular, of notes to his " Italy," which to many readers form probably the most in- teresting part of the work. He continued, however, xviii INTRODUCTION to produce from time to time a few copies of verses. Sociable, liberal, and hospitable to the end, he was constantly engaged in the kindly assistance of the unfortunate. "He soothed the last illness of Fox, was a good angel to the dying Sheridan, reconciled Moore with Jeffrey, and Byron with Moore, helped Wordsworth to his post in the stamp office, and tried to regulate the affairs of the embarrassed Ugo Foscolo."* The gradual decay of his faculties permitted him the enjoyment of a happy and painless old age. In 1851, Crabb Robinson tells us, he gave up his " nu- merous breakfast parties," but still entertained select friends on certain days of the week. The old man of ninety, a prisoner to his chair, could still keenly enjoy gazing at the beauties of the evening sky, repeat- ing passages from his favourite poets, and looking at the pictures which adorned his walls, till in 1855 he passed peacefully away, at the age of ninety-two, sincerely regretted by a large circle of friends in very various circumstances. It has been said of the Rev. Joseph Spence, to whose " Anecdotes " is due our knowledge of so much of the literary history of the eighteenth century, that " without being a genius, he is an example of what a plain man * "Diet. Nat. Biog." INTRODUCTION xix can do by writing down what he hears" A very similar tribute is due to Samuel Rogers, not only for recording, and encouraging others to record, so much of the personal history of his time, but a more dis- tinctive credit for himself providing the occasion, the society, and the hospitable atmosphere, calculated to bring it out in so epigrammatic and entertaining a form. G. H. P. RECOLLECTIONS OF THE TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS I WAS taught by my mother, from my earliest in- fancy, to be tenderly kind towards the meanest living thing ; and, however people may laugh, I sometimes very carefully put a stray gnat or wasp out at the window. My friend Lord Holland, though a kind-hearted man, does not mind killing flies and wasps ; he says, " I have no feeling for insects" When I was on the Continent with Richard Sharp, we one day observed a woman amusing her child by holding what we at first thought was a mouse tied to a string, with which a cat was playing. Sharp was all indignation at the sight ; till, on looking more closely, he found that the supposed mouse was a small rat ; upon which he exclaimed, " Oh, I have no pity for rats ! " A 2 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE People choose to give the term vermin to those animals that happen to like what they themselves like ; wasps eat peaches, and they call them vermin. I can hardly persuade myself that there is no compensation in a future existence for the suffer- ings of animals in the present life* for instance, when I see a horse in the streets unmercifully flogged by its brutal driver. I well remember one of the heads of the rebels upon a pole at Temple Bar a black shapeless lump. Another pole was bare, the head having dropt from it.f In my boyhood, my father one day called me and my brothers into his room, and asked us each what professions we wished to follow. When my turn came, I said (to my father's annoyance) that I should like "to be a preacher " ; for it was then the height of my ambition to figure in a pulpit; * Compare a poem " On the Future Existence of Brutes," by Miss Seward, " Poet, Works," ii. 58. f " The last heads which remained on the Bar were those of Fletcher and Townley^ ' Yesterday,' says a news-writer of the ist of April 1772, 'one of the rebels' heads on Temple Bar fell down. There is only one head now remaining." " P. Cunning- ham's " Handbook of London," sub " Temple Bar." TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 3 I thought there was nothing on earth so grand. This predilection, I believe, was occasioned chiefly by the admiration I felt for Dr. Price and for his preaching. He was our neighbour (at Newington Green), and would often drop in, to spend the evening with us, in his dressing-gown ; he would talk and read the Bible to us, till he sent us to bed in a frame of mind as heavenly as his own. He lived much in the society of Lord Lansdowne and other people of rank ; and his manners were ex- tremely polished. My father belonged originally to the Church of England ; but, soon after his marriage with my mother (a very handsome and very amiable woman), he withdrew from it at her persuasion, and became one of Dr. Price's hearers. When I was a school-boy, I wore, like other school-boys, a cocked hat ; we used to run about the fields, chasing butterflies, in cocked hats. After growing up, I have walked through St. Paul's Churchyard in a cocked hat. I saw Garrick act only once, the part of Ranger in The Suspicious Husband. I remember that there was a great crowd, and that we waited long in a 4 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE dark passage of the theatre, on our way to the pit. I was then a little boy. My father had promised to take me to see Garrick in Lear ; but a fit of the mumps kept me at home. Before his going abroad, Garrick's attraction had much decreased ; Sir William Weller Pepys said that the pit was often almost empty. But, on his return to England, people were mad about seeing him ; and Sir George Beaumont and several others used frequently to get admission into the pit, before the doors were opened to the public, by means of bribing the attendants, who bade them " be sure, as soon as the crowd rushed in, to pretend to be in a great heat, and to wipe their faces, as if they had just been struggling for entrance." Jack Bannister told me, that one night he was behind the scenes of the theatre when Garrick was playing Lear ; and that the tones in which Garrick uttered the words, " O fool, I shall go mad ! " * absolutely thrilled him. Garrick used to pay an annual visit to Lord * " You think I'll weep ; No, I'll not weep. I have full cause of weeping ; but this heart Shall break into a hundred thousand flaws Or ere I'll weep. O fool, I shall go mad / " King Lear, act ii. sc. 4. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 5 Spencer at Althorp ; where, after tea, he generally entertained the company by reading scenes from Shakespeare. Thomas Grenville,* who met him there, told me that Garrick would steal anxious glances at the faces of his audience, to perceive what effect his reading produced ; that, one night, Garrick observed a lady listening to him very atten- tively, and yet never moving a muscle of her coun- tenance ; and that, speaking of her next day, he said, " She seems a very worthy person ; but I hope that that that she won't be present at my reading to-night." Another evening at Althorp, when Garrick was about to exhibit some particular stage-effect of which they had been talking, a young gentleman got up and placed the candles upon the floor, that the light might be thrown on his face as from the lamps in the theatre. Garrick, dis- pleased at his officiousness, immediately sat down again. My friend Maltbyf and I, when we were very young men, had a strong desire to see Dr. Johnson ; and we determined to call upon him and introduce * The Right Honourable T. G. f See notice at the commencement of the " Porsoniana " in this vol. 6 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE ourselves. We accordingly proceeded to his house in Bolt Court ; and I had my hand on the knocker, when our courage failed us, and we retreated. Many years afterwards, I mentioned this circumstance to Boswell, who said, " What a pity that you did not go boldly in ! he would have received you \\ith all kindness. Dr. Johnson said to an acquaintance of mine, " My other works are wine and water ; but my ' Rambler ' is pure wine." The world now thinks differently. Lady Spencer recollected Johnson well, as she used to see him often in her girlhood. Her mother, Lady Lucan, would say, " Nobody dines with us to-day ; therefore, child, we'll go and get Dr. Johnson." So they would drive to Bolt Court, and bring the doctor home with them. At the sale of Dr. Johnson's books I met General Oglethorpe, then very, very old, the flesh of his face looking like parchment. He amused us youngsters by talking of the alterations that had been made in London and of the great additions it had received within his recollection. He said that he had shot snipes in Conduit Street ! By-the-bye, General Fitzpatrick remembered the time when St. James's Street used to be crowded TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 7 with the carriages of the ladies and gentlemen who were walking in the Mall, the ladies with their heads in full dress, and the gentlemen carrying their hats under their arms. The proprietors of Ranelagh and Vauxhall used to send decoy-ducks among them, that is, persons attired in the height of fashion, who every now and then would exclaim in a very audible tone, " What charming weather for Ranelagh " or " for Vauxhall ! " Ranelagh was a very pleasing place of amuse- ment. There persons of inferior rank mingled with the highest nobility of Britain. All was so orderly and still that you could hear the whishing sound of the ladies' trains, as the immense assembly walked round and round the room. If you chose, you might have tea, which was served up in the neatest equi- page possible. The price of admission was half-a- crown. People generally went to Ranelagh between nine and ten o'clock. I was present when Sir Joshua Reynolds delivered his last lecture at the Royal Academy. On entering the room, I found that a semicircle of chairs, im- mediately in front of the pulpit, was reserved for persons of distinction, being labelled " Mr. Burke," " Mr. Boswell," &c. &c. ; and I, with other young 8 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE men, was forced to station myself a good way off. During the lecture, a great crash was heard ; and the company, fearing that the building was about to come down, rushed towards the door. Presently, however, it appeared that there was no cause for alarm ;* and they endeavoured to resume their places ; but, in consequence of the confusion, the reserved seats were now occupied by those who could first get into them ; and I, pressing forwards, secured one of them. Sir Joshua concluded the lecture by saying, with great emotion, " And I should desire that the last words which I should pronounce in this Academy and from this place might be the name of Michael Angelo." As he descended from the rostrum, Burke went up to him, took his hand, and said, "The Angel ended, and in Adam's ear So charming left his voice, that he a while Thought him still speaking, still stood fix'd to hear." f What a quantity of snuff Sir Joshua took ! I * There was cause for alarm. " On an examination of the floor afterwards, it was found that one of the beams for its support had actually given way from the great weight of the assembly of persons who pressed upon it, and probably from a flaw also in the wood." Northcote's " Life of Eeynolds," ii. 263, ed, 1819. f " Par. Lost," b. viii. i. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 9 once saw him at an Academy dinner, when* his waist- coat was absolutely powdered with it. Sir Joshua was always thinking of his art. He was one day walking with Dr. Lawrence near Beaconsfield, when they met a beautiful little peasant-boy. Sir Joshua, after looking earnestly at the child, exclaimed, " I must go home and deepen the colouring of my Infant Hercules." The boy was a good deal sunburnt. Count d'Adhemar was the original purchaser of Sir Joshua's Muscipula. Sir Joshua, who fancied that he was bargaining for a different and less im- portant picture, told him that the price was fifty guineas ; and on discovering the mistake, allowed him to have Muscipula for that sum. Fox had been anxious to possess Muscipula when it was first painted ; and he bought it at the Ambassador's sale for (I believe) fifty guineas. It is now at St. Anne's Hill. It would fetch, at the present day, a thousand guineas. The morning of the day on which Sir Joshua's Puck was to be sold, Lord Farnborough and Dance the painter breakfasted with me ; and we went to the sale together. When Puck was put up, it excited such admiration that there was a general clapping of hands : yet it was knocked down to me io RECOLLECTIONS OF THE at a comparatively trifling price.* I walked home from the sale, a man carrying Puck before me ; and so well was the picture known that more than one person, as they passed us in the street, called out, " There it is ! " I recollect when it was still the fashion for gentle- men to wear swords. I have seen Haydn play at a concert in a tie-wig, with a sword at his side. The head-dresses of the ladies, during my youth, were of a truly preposterous size. I have gone to Ranelagh in a coach with a lady who was obliged to sit upon a stool placed in the bottom of the coach, the height of her head-dress not allowing her to occupy the regular seat. * " When the Shakespeare Gallery was disposed of by lottery, the building itself, and many of the capital pictures, formed the principal prize, which was won by Mr. Tassie of Leicester Square, who, after showing it a few months, divided the property into several lots, and sold them by auction. In that sale the pictures of Sir Joshua produced the following sums, which are here con- trasted with the prices paid to Sir Joshua by Mr. Boydell : Prices paid to Sir Joshua by Prices for which they sold by Mr. Boydell. auction. ***** ****** Puck, or Robin Good Fellow, too guineas. 215 55. o." Edwards's " Anecdotes of Painters," &c., p. 204. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS n Their tight lacing was equally absurd. Lady Crewe told me that, on returning home from Ranelagh, she has rushed up to her bedroom, and desired her maid to cut her laces without a moment's delay, for fear she should faint. % Doctor Fordyce sometimes drank a good deal at dinner. He was summoned one evening to see a lady patient, when he was more than half-seas-over, and conscious that he was so. Feeling her pulse, and finding himself unable to count its beats, he muttered, " Drunk, by God ! " Next morning, recollecting the circumstance, he was greatly vexed : and just as he was thinking what explanation of his behaviour he should offer to the lady, a letter from her was put into his hand. " She too well knew," said the letter, " that he had discovered the unfor- tunate condition in which she was when he last visited her ; and she entreated him to keep the matter secret in consideration of the enclosed (a hundred-pound bank-note)." I have several times talked to a very aged boat- man on the Thames, who recollected " Mr. Alex- ander Pope." This boatman, when a lad, had fre- quently assisted his father in rowing Pope up and 12 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE down the river. On such occasions Pope generally sat in a sedan-chair. When I first began to publish, I got acquainted with an elderly person named Lawless,* shopman of Messrs. Cadell and Davies the booksellers. Lawless told me that he was once walking through Twic- kenham, accompanied by a friend, and a little boy the son of that friend. On the approach of a very diminutive, misshapen, and shabbily dressed person, the child drew back half-afraid. " Don't be alarmed," said Lawless ; " it is only a poor man."- " A poor man ! " cried his friend : " why, that is Mr. Alexander Pope." Lawless also told me that he had been intimate with the waiting-maid of Pope's beloved Martha Blount. According to the maid's account, her mistress was one of the best-natured and kindest persons possible : she would take her out in the carriage to see sights, &c. &c. * This Lawless (as I was informed by Mr. Maltby, see notice prefixed to the " Porsoniana," in this vol.) used daily to eat his dinner in the shop, placing a large folio before him so as to conceal his plate. Often, to his great annoyance, just as he was begin- ning his meal, Gibbon would drop in, and ask a variety of ques- tions about books. One day, Lawless, out of all patience at the interruption, exclaimed from behind the folio, " Mr. Gibbon, I'm at dinner, and can't answer any questions till I have finished it." TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 13 Long ago, when Pope's villa was for sale, I had a great wish to buy it ; but I apprehended that it would fetch a much larger sum than it did ; and moreover I dreaded the epigrams, &c., which would certainly have been levelled at me if it had become mine. The other day, when the villa was finally dismantled, I was anxious that the obelisk erected by Pope to his mother's memory should be placed in the gardens at Hampton Court, and I offered to contribute my mite for that purpose : but, no ! and the obelisk is now at Gopsall, Lord Howe's seat in Leicestershire. There are at Lord Bathurst's a good many un- published letters of Pope, Bolingbroke, &c., which I have turned over. In one of them Bolingbroke says that he has no desire to " wrestle with a chimney- sweeper," that is, Warburton. Lady Bathurst pro- mised to send me some of Pope's letters : instead of which she sent me a packet of letters from Queen Mary to King William, in which he is addressed as her " dear husbaw."* * " Lord Bathurst has lent me a very entertaining collection of original letters, from Pope, Bolingbroke, Swift, Queen Mary, &c., and has promised to make me a present of anything I like out of them. I cannot say these communications have given me a very great idea of Queen Mary's head ; but her heart, I am persuaded, was a very good one. The defect must have been H RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Sir George Beaumont once met Quin at a very small dinner-party. There was a delicious pudding, which the master of the house, pushing the dish towards Quin, begged him to taste. A gentleman had just before helped himself to an immense piece of it. " Pray," said Quin, looking first at the gentleman's plate and then at the dish, " which is the pudding ? " Sir George Beaumont, when a young man, was one day in the Mount (a famous coffee-house in Mount Street, Grosvenor Square) with Harvey Aston. Various persons were seated at different tables. Among others present, there was an Irish- man who was very celebrated as a duellist, having killed at least half-a-dozen antagonists. Aston, talking to some of his acquaintance, swore that he would make the duellist stand barefooted before them. " You had better take care what you say," they replied ; " he has his eye upon you." " No matter," rejoined Aston ; " I declare again that he shall stand barefooted before you, if you will make up among you a purse of fifty guineas." They did so. Aston then said in a loud voice, " I have been in her education ; for such spelling and such English I never saw ; romantic and childish too, as to sentimenti My reverence for her many virtues leads me to hope she was very young when she wrote them." (Letter of Hannah More, in her " Memoirs," &c., vol. i. 358, third ed.) TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 15 in Ireland, and am well acquainted with the natives." The Irishman was all ear. Aston went on, " The Irish, being born in bogs, are every one of them web-footed ; I know it for a fact." " Sir," roared the duellist, starting up from his table, " it is false ! " Aston persisted in his assertion. " Sir," cried the other, " / was born in Ireland ; and I will prove to you that it is a falsehood." So saying, in great haste he pulled off his shoes and stockings, and displayed his bare feet. The joke ended in Aston' s sharing the purse between the Irishman and him- self, giving the former thirty guineas, and keeping twenty. Sir George assured me that this was a true story.* Aston was always kicking up disturbances. I remember being at Ranelagh with my father and mother, when we heard a great row, and were told that it was occasioned by Aston. If I mistake not, Aston fought two duels in India on two successive days, and fell in the second one.f * A similar story is related of the Irishman from whom Mack- lin took the idea of Sir Callaghan O'Brallaghan (in Love & la Mode]^ Macklin professing his belief that he, like other Irishmen, must have a tail, " he instantly pulled off his coat and waistcoat, to convince him of his mistake, assuring him, ' that no Irishman, in that respect, was better than another man.' " Cooke's " Memoirs of Macklin," p. 225. f " 1798, Dec. 23. At Madras, in consequence of a wound he 16 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE In my youthful days Young's " Night Thoughts" was a very favourite book, especially with ladies : I knew more than one lady who had a copy of it in which particular passages were marked for her by some popular preacher. Young's poem " The Last Day " contains, amidst much absurdity, several very fine lines : what an enormous thought is this ! " Those overwhelming armies, whose command Said to one empire, ' Fall,' another ' Stand/ Whose rear lay rapt in night, while breaking dawn Rons' d the broad front, and call'd the battle on." * At Brighton, during my youth, I became ac- quainted with a lawyer who had known Gray. He said that Gray's pronunciation was very affected e.g. " What naise (noise) is that ? " Henley '(the translator of Beckford's "Vathek") received in a due 1 with Major Allen, of which he languished about a week, Col. Harvey Aston. He had been engaged in a similar affair of honour, and on the same account, with Major Picton, only the day preceding that on which he met Major A., but which was fortunately terminated by each party firing in the air, and a proper explanation taking place as to the offence." (Gentle- man's Magazine, vol. Ixix. P. I. p. 527.) Aston had fought a duel in 1790 with Lieut. Fitzgerald, and was severely wounded. See Haydn's " Diet, of Dates," sub " Duelling." * Book ii. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 17 was one morning paying a visit to Gray, when a dog came into the room. " Is that your dog ? " said Henley. " No," replied Gray ; "do you suppose that I would keep an animal by which I might possibly lose my life ? " I was a mere lad when Mason's " Gray" was pub- lished. I read it in my young days with delight, and have done so ever since : the Letters have for me an inexpressible charm ; they are as witty as Walpole's, and have, what his want, true wisdom. I used to take a pocket edition of Gray's " Poems " with me every morning during my walks to town to my father's banking-house, where I was a clerk, and read them by the way. I can repeat them all. I do envy Gray these lines in his " Ode on a distant prospect of Eton College " : " Still as they run, they look behind, They hear a voice in every wind, And snatch a fearful joy." But what immediately follows is not good : " Gay Hope is theirs, by Fancy fed, Less pleasing when possess' d" ; we cannot be said to possess hope.* How strange * His friend Wakefield had anticipated Mr. Rogers in the B 1 8 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE it is that, with all Gray's care in composition, the word " shade " should occur three times in the course of the eleven first lines of that ode ! " Her Henry's holy shade." " Whose turf, whose shade, whose flowers among." " Ah happy hills, ah pleasing shade I " Both Fox and Courtenay thought Gray's frag- ment, " The Alliance of Education and Government," his finest poem : but that was because they pre- ferred the heroic couplet to every other kind of verse. A celebrated passage in it " Oft o'er the trembling nations from afar Has Scythia breath'd the living cloud of war ; And, where the deluge burst with sweepy sway, Their arms, their kings, their gods were roll'd away. As oft have issu'd, host impelling host, The blue-ey'd myriads from the Baltic coast : The prostrate south to the destroyer yields Her boasted titles and her golden fields ; With grim delight the brood of winter view A brighter day and heavens of azure hue, Scent the new fragrance of the breathing rose, And quaff the pendent vintage as it grows." above remark : " Though the object of hope may truly be said to be less pleasing in possession than in the fancy ; yet HOPE in person cannot possibly be possessed," &c. Note ad 1. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 19 is a good deal injured by the forced and unnatural expression, " pendent vintage." * I once read Gray's " Ode to Adversity " to Words- worth ; and at the line, "And leave us leisure to be good," Wordsworth exclaimed, " I am quite sure that is not original ; Gray could not have hit upon it." f The stanza which Gray threw out of his " Elegy " is better than some of the stanzas he has retained : " There scatter'd oft, the earliest of the year, By hands unseen, are showers of violets found ; The redbreast loves to build and warble there, And little footsteps lightly print the ground." I believe few people know, what is certainly a fact, that the Macleane who was hanged for rob- bery, and who is mentioned in Gray's " Long Story" " He stood as mute as poor Macleane " was brother to Maclaine, the translator of Mosheim. * For this expression Gray was indebted to Virgil ; " Non eadem arboribus pendet vindemia nostris Quam Methymnaeo carpit de palmite Lesbos." Georg. ii. 89. f The Rev. J. Mitford, in his ed. of Gray, cites ad 1., " And know, I have not yet the leisure to be good." Oldham, " Ode," st. 5. " Works," i. 85, ed. 1722. 20 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Gray somewhere says that monosyllables should be avoided in poetry ; but there are many lines consisting only of monosyllables which could not possibly be improved. For instance, in Shake- speare's Romeo and Juliet: " Thou canst not speak of what thou dost not feel " ; * and in Pope's " Eloisa to Abelard " : " Pant on thy lip, and to thy heart be prest ; Give all thou canst, and let me dream the rest." Topham Beauclerk (Johnson's friend) was a strangely absent person. One day he had a party coming to dinner ; and, just before their arrival, he went upstairs to change his dress. He forgot all about them ; thought that it was bedtime, pulkd off his clothes, and got into bed. A servant, who presently entered the room to tell him that his guests were waiting for him, found him fast asleep. During my youth umbrellas were far from com- mon. At that time every gentleman's family had one umbrella a huge thing, made of coarse cotton which used to be taken out with the carriage, and * Act iii. so. 3. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 21 which, if there was rain, the footman held over the ladies' heads, as they entered, or alighted from, the carriage. My first visit to France was in company with Boddington, just before the Revolution began. When we arrived at Calais, we saw both ladies and gentlemen walking on the pier with small fox- muffs. When we reached Paris, Lafayette gave us a general invitation to dine with him every day. At his table we once dined with about a dozen persons (among them the Duke de La Rochefoucauld, Con- dorcet, &c.), most of whom afterwards came to an untimely end. At a dinner-party in Paris, given by a French nobleman, I saw a black bottle of English porter set on the table as a great rarity, and drunk out of small glasses. Boddington had a wretchedly bad memory ; and, in order to improve it, he attended Feinaigle's lectures on the Art of Memory. Soon after, some- body asked Boddington the name of the lecturer ; and, for his life, he could not recollect it. When I was asked if I had attended the said lectures on 22 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE the Art of Memory, I replied, " No : I wished to learn the Art of Forgetting." One morning, when I was a lad, Wilkes came into our banking-house to solicit my father's vote. My father happened to be out, and I, as his repre- sentative, spoke to Wilkes. At parting, Wilkes shook hands with me ; and I felt proud of it for a week after. He was quite as ugly, and squinted as much, as his portraits make him ; but he was very gentle- manly in appearance and manners. I think I see him at this moment, walking through the crowded streets of the City, as Chamberlain, on his way to Guildhall, in a scarlet coat, military boots, and a bag-wig the hackney-coachmen in vain calling out to him, " A coach, your honour ? " When a young man, I went to Edinburgh, carry- ing letters of introduction (from Dr. Kippis, Dr. Price, &c.) to Adam Smith, Robertson, and others. When I first saw Smith, he was at breakfast, eating strawberries ; and he descanted on the superior flavour of those grown in Scotland.* I found him * Every Englishman who has tasted the strawberries of Scot- land will allow that Smith was right. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 23 very kind and communicative. He was (what Robertson was not) a man who had seen a great deal of the world. Once, in the course of conversa- tion, I happened to remark of some writer, that " he was rather superficial a Voltaire." " Sir," cried Smith, striking the table with his hand, " there has been but one Voltaire ! " Robertson, too, was very kind to me. He, one morning, spread out the map of Scotland on the floor, and got upon his knees, to describe the route I ought to follow in making a tour on horseback through the Highlands. At Edinburgh I became acquainted with Henry Mackenzie, who asked me to correspond with him ; which I (then young, romantic, and an admirer of his " Julia de Roubigne") willingly agreed to. We accordingly wrote to each other occasionally during several years ; but his letters, to my surprise and disappointment, were of the most commonplace description. Yet his published writings display no ordinary talent ; and, like those of Beattie, they are remarkable for a pure English idiom which cannot be said of Hume's writings, beautiful as they are. The most memorable day perhaps which I ever passed was at Edinburgh a Sunday ; when, after 24 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE breakfasting with Robertson, I heard him preach in the forenoon and Blair in the afternoon, then took coffee with the Piozzis, and supped with Adam Smith. Robertson's sermon was ex- cellent both for matter and manner of delivery. Blair's was good, but less impressive ; and his broad Scotch accent offended my ears greatly. My acquaintance with Mr. and Mrs. Piozzi began at Edinburgh, being brought about by the landlord of the hotel where they and I were staying. He thought that I should be gratified by " hearing Mr. Piozzi's pianoforte " : and they called upon me, on learning from the landlord who I was, and that Adam Smith, Robertson, and Mackenzie had left cards for me. I was afterwards very intimate with the Piozzis, and visited them often at Streatham. The world was most unjust in blaming Mrs. Thrale for marrying Piozzi : he was a very handsome, gentlemanly, and amiable person, and made her a very good husband. In the evening he used to play to us most beauti- fully on the piano. Her daughters never would see her after that marriage ; and (poor woman) when she was at a very great age, I have heard her say that " she would go down upon TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 25 her knees to them, if they would only be reconciled to her." Dr. Parr had a great deal of sensibility. When I read to him, in Lincoln's Inn Fields, the account of O'Coigly's * death, the tears rolled down his cheeks. One day, Mackintosh having vexed him by calling O'Coigly " a rascal," Parr immediately rejoined, " Yes, Jamie, he was a bad man, but he might have been worse ; he was an Irishman, but he might have been a Scotchman ; he was a priest, but he might have been a lawyer ; he was a republican, but he might have been an apos- tate." After their quarrel (about Gerald), Parr often spoke with much bitterness of Mackintosh : among other severe things, he said that " Mackintosh came up from Scotland with a metaphysical head, a cold heart, and open hands." At last they were * James O'Coigly (alias James Quigley, alias James John Fivey) was tried for high treason at Maids tone, and hanged on Penningdon Heath, June 7, 1798. When he had hung about ten minutes, he was beheaded ; and the head and body were immediately buried under the gallows (the rest of his sentence that, " while he was yet alive, his bowels should be taken out and burnt before his face," &c., having been remitted). 26 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE reconciled, having met, for that purpose, in my house ; but their old familiarity was never fully re-established. Parr was frequently very tiresome in conversa- tion, talking like a schoolmaster. He had a horror of the east wind ; and Tom Sheridan once kept him prisoner in the house for a fortnight by fixing the weathercock in that direction. Helen Maria Williams was a very fascinating person ; but not handsome. I knew her intimately in her youth, when she resided in London with her mother and sisters. They used to give very agree- able evening parties, at which I have met many of the Scotch literati, Lord Monboddo, &c. Late in life, Helen translated into English, and very beautiful English too, Humboldt's long work, " Personal Narrative of Travels," &c. ; and, I believe, nearly the whole impression still lies in Longman's warehouse. When she was in Paris, during the Revolution, she has seen men and women, who were waiting for admission at the door of the theatre, suddenly leave their station on the passing of a set of wretches going to be guillotined, and then, after having TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 27 ascertained that none of their relations or friends were among them, very unconcernedly return to the door of the theatre. I have frequently dined with her at Paris, when Kosciusko and other celebrated persons were of the party. When Lord Erskine heard that somebody had died worth two hundred thousand pounds, he observed, " Well, that's a very pretty sum to begin the next world with." " A friend of mine," said Erskine, " was suffering from a continual wakefulness ; and various methods were tried to send him to sleep, but in vain. At last his physicians resorted to an experiment which succeeded perfectly : they dressed him in a watch- man's coat, put a lantern into his hand, placed him in a sentry-box, and he was asleep in ten minutes." To all letters soliciting his " subscription " to anything, Erskine had a regular form of reply, viz., " Sir, I feel much honoured by your application to me, and I beg to subscribe " here the reader had to turn over the leaf " myself your very ob* servant," &c. I wish I could recollect all the anecdotes of his early life which Erskine used to relate with such 28 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE spirit and dramatic effect. He had been in the navy ; and he said that he once managed to run a vessel between two rocks, where it seemed almost impossible that she could have been driven. He had also been in the army ; and on one occasion saved the life of a soldier who was condemned to death, by making an earnest appeal in his behalf to the general in command and his wife : Erskine having got the pardon, rode off with it at full speed to the place of execution, where he arrived just as the soldier was kneeling, and the muskets were levelled for the fatal shot. Erskine used to say that when the hour came that all secrets should be revealed, we should know the reason why shoes are always made too tight. When he had a house at Hampstead, he enter- tained the very best company. I have dined there with the Prince of Wales the only time I ever had any conversation with his royal highness. On that occasion the Prince was very agreeable and familiar. Among other anecdotes which he told us of Lord Thurlow, I remember these two. The first was : Thurlow once said to the Prince, " Sir, your father will continue to be a popular King as long as he continues to go to church every TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 29 Sunday, and to be faithful to that ugly woman, your mother ; but you, sir, will never be popular." The other was this : While his servants were carry- ing Thurlow upstairs to his bedroom, just before his death, they happened to let his legs strike against the banisters, upon which he uttered the last words he ever spoke a frightful imprecation on " all their souls." Erskine said that the Prince of Wales was quite " a cosmogony man " (alluding to " The Vicar of Wakefield "), for he had only two classical quota- tions one from Homer and one from Virgil which he never failed to sport when there was any oppor- tunity of introducing them.* Latterly Erskine was very poor ; and no wonder, for he always contrived to sell out of the funds when they were very low, and to buy in when they were very high. " By heaven," he would say, " I am a perfect kite, all paper ; the boys might fly me." Yet, poor as he was, he still kept the best society : I have met him at the Duke of York's, &c. &c. * Mr. Luttrell, who was present when Mr. Rogers told this anecdote, added, " Yes, and the quotation from Virgil was always given with a ridiculous error, ' Non illi imperium pellago, ssevumque tridentem,' " &c., JEn. i. 138. 30 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE THE FIRST BRIEF. GREENWICH HOSPITAL CAUSE.* On a Sunday in June 1778,! I was engaged to dine with Agar in New Norfolk Street, who had become acquainted with me at Tunbridge Wells ; but I was persuaded by a young man, William Lyon, an attorney, to walk as far as Enfield Chase and dine with Mr. Barnes, a wine merchant in St. Mary Axe, remarkable for the excellence of his claret. When half way, he challenged me to leap over a ditch by the roadside. I leaped over it ; but, in returning, the bank gave way, and I fell and sprained my ankle. The expedition was over ; I could proceed no farther, and returned in a stage- coach. I had left Kentish Town and was then living in Red Lion Passage, while a house which I had taken in Serjeants Inn was painting and whitewashing. My wife was confined at the time, and at her sugges- * This was an application to the Court of King's Bench for a Criminal Information, against Capt. Thos. Baillie, Lieutenant Governor of Greenwich Hospital, for a libel contained in a printed case and memorial addressed to the governors of the hospital, in which he exposed serious abuses in that hospital, and reflected severely on the conduct of the parties having the management of it. Howell's !< State Trials," vol. xxi. f This was shortly before he was called to the Bar, which took place on July 6, 1778 : see p. 32. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 31 tion I resolved to keep my engagement at Agar's. She said I was properly punished, and I felt that I was. When I arrived the dinner was begun. A tall man drew his chair aside, and I went into the gap. He talked much about the pictures, and so did I, though I knew little of the subject, turning that little to as good an account as I could. When dinner was over, he drew Agar aside, and asked who I was. Agar said I was a lawyer, and said much in my favour. " Could he be prevailed upon to take a brief from my brother ? " " Perhaps he could," said Agar in his pompous manner. I knew nothing of this conversation, but on my return home next day, my servant, John Nicholls, who had served under me in the Royals,* and who, when he set my books in order, used always to place the Bible atop, as that, he said, was the best book, told me when he opened the door, that I must be in another scrape, for a cross, ill-looking man, in a large gold-laced cocked hat, had been twice inquiring for me. "He insists, sir, upon seeing you, and is at this moment waiting for you in Bloomsbury Square Coffee-house." * The Royals, or First Regiment of Foot, in which Lord Erskine had been a lieutenant before studying for the Bar. 32 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE I went there, and there I found an old seaman with a furrowed face. He was sitting gloomily in one of the boxes, with a small red trunk on the table before him, and his sword lying on the trunk. I mentioned my name. He said, " There are my papers. Will you read them over ? " It ended in my taking them home. I was called to the Bar in a few days (July 6) ; and at a consultation held on November i, Bearcroft, Peckham, and Murphy * were for consenting to a compromise ; our client to pay all costs. " My advice, gentlemen," I said, " may savour more of my late profession than my present, but I am against consenting." " I'll be damned if I do," said Baillie, and he hugged me in his arms, crying, " You are the man for me." " Then the consulta- tion is over," said Bearcroft. " It is," I replied. " Let us walk in the gardens." When the cause came on f the senior counsel * These were three of the counsel retained, with Erskine, for the defendant. They were probably surprised at a mere novice venturing to express an opinion contrary to that of his leaders. f On Nov. 23, 1778, in the King's Bench before Lord Mans- field. The three counsel, above named, spoke for the defen- dant on that day, and Erskine spoke on the following morning, after which the counsel for the prosecutors replied. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 33 exhausted the day, and the patience of the Court. It grew dusk and my turn arrived ; when Lord Mansfield adjourned. I began next morning, fresh, and before a fresh audience ; and when it was over,* all crowded round me. Sir Archibald McDonald f had known me at school. Lee J had known my father at Harrowgate. And that night I went home and saluted my wife, with sixty-five retaining fees in my pocket. Had I not taken a nobleman's degree of M.A. I could not have been called to the bar till two years afterwards. I was then in my twenty- ninth year, having been born on January 21, 1749. II The " Geranium " was mine. Not so the " Birth of the Rose," a poem ascribed to me. Dictated by him to me as I sat with my pen in my hand after dinner in St. James's Place in 1816. 5. R. * The defendant was successful, the application for leave to prosecute him being refused, with costs. f A leading barrister at the time, subsequently Solicitor- General and Attorney-General. J A leading banister, afterwards Solicitor-General. He had taken a degree of M.A. at Cambridge in June 1778. || In Lord Campbell's " Lives of the Chancellors," it is said that Lord Erskine was born in January 1750. Lord Erskine possibly gave the date of his birth according to the old style, C 34 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Often was I employed to establish a will, and the history of one of them I can never forget. Two old maids in a country town, being quizzical in their dress and demeanour, were not unfrequently the sport of the idle boys in the market-place, and being once so beset on their way to church, a young curate, who had been just appointed there, re- proved the urchins as he passed by in his gown and cassock, and, offering an arm to each of the ladies, conducted them triumphantly into their pew near the pulpit. A great intimacy followed, and, dying not long afterwards, they left him all they had. The will was disputed, and, when I rose in my place to establish it, I related the story, and said, " Such, gentlemen, is the value of small courtesies. In my first speech here I was browbeaten by the judge upon the bench, and honest Jack Lee * took my part. When he died he left me this bag, and I need not say how much I value it. It shall serve me while I live, and when I die I will be buried in it." After dinner at Holland House. Dunning (afterwards Lord Ashburton) was and Lord Campbell according to the new style, introduced in 1752. This would reconcile the difference in their statements. * See Lord Erskine's mention of Lee, supra, p. 33. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 35 " stating the law " to a jury at Guildhall, when Lord Mansfield interrupted him by saying, " If that be law, I'll go home and burn my books." " My Lord," replied Dunning, " you had better go home and read them." Dunning was remarkably ugly. One night, while he was playing whist, at Nando's, with Home Tooke and two others, Lord Thurlow called at the door, and desired the waiter to give a note to Dunning (with whom, though their politics were so different, he was very intimate). The waiter did not know Dunning by sight. " Take the note upstairs," said Thurlow, " and deliver it to the ugliest man at the card-table to him who most resembles the knave of spades." The note immediately reached its destination. Home Tooke used often to tell this anecdote. When titled ladies become authoresses or com- posers, their friends suffer for it. Lady asked me to buy her book ; and I replied that I would do so when I was rich enough. I went to a concert at Lady 's, during which several pieces composed by her daughter were performed ; and early next morning, a music-seller arrived at my house, bring- ing with him the daughter's compositions (and a bill receipted), price sixteen shillings. 36 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Thomas Grenville * told me that he was present in the House when Lord North, suddenly rising from his seat and going out, carried off on the hilt of his sword the wig of Welbore Ellis, who was stooping to take up some papers. I have myself often seen Lord North in the House. While sitting there, he would frequently hold a handkerchief to his face ; and once, after a long debate, when some- body said to him, " My lord, I fear you have been asleep," he replied, " I wish I had." M Sheridan, Tickell, and the rest of their set delighted in all sorts of practical jokes. For instance, while they were staying with Mr.f and Mrs. Crewe (at Crewe Hall), Mrs. Sheridan and Mrs. Crewe would be driving out in the carriage, Sheridan and Tickell | riding on before them : suddenly, the ladies would see Sheridan stretched upon the ground, apparently in the agonies of death, and Tickell standing over him in a theatrical attitude of despair. Again, Mr. Crewe expressed a great desire to meet Richard- * The Right Honourable T. G. f Raised to the peerage (as Lord Crewe) in 1806. J It should be mentioned that Tickell (author of ' The Wreath of Fashion," a poem, of "Anticipation," a prose pamphlet, &c, &c.j was one of Sheridan's most intimate friends ; and that he and Sheridan had married sisters. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 37 son (author of " The Fugitive "), of whom he had heard Sheridan and Tickell talk with much admira- tion. " I have invited him here," said Sheridan, " and he will positively be with us to-morrow." Next day, accordingly, Richardson made his appear- ance, and horrified the Crewes by the vulgarity and oddness of his manners and language. The fact was, Sheridan had got one of Mr. Crewe's tenants to personate Richardson for the occasion. I don't know whether Richardson's " Fugitive " is a good comedy or not * : but I know that Mrs. Jordan played very sweetly in it, and that Wewitzer per- formed a Frenchman most amusingly. I was present on the second day of Hastings's trial in Westminster Hall ; when Sheridan was listened to with such attention that you might have heard a pin drop. During one of those days Sheridan, having observed Gibbon among the audience, took occasion to mention " the luminous author of ' The Decline and Fall.' " f After he * It is far from a contemptible one : and it must have been extremely well acted ; for, besides the two performers whom Mr. Rogers mentions, Dodd, Parsons, Palmer, King, Miss Farren, and Miss Pope, had parts in it. | But, as reported in the Morning Chronicle, June 14, 1788, the expression used by Sheridan was " the correct periods of Tacitus or the luminous page of Gibbon." " Before my departure 38 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE had finished, one of his friends reproached him with flattering Gibbon. " Why, what did I say of him ? " asked Sheridan." You called him the luminous author," &c. " Luminous ! oh, I meant voluminous." Sheridan once said to me, " When posterity read the speeches of Burke, they will hardly be able to believe that, during his lifetime, he was not con- sidered as a first-rate speaker, not even as a second- rate one." When the Duke of York was obliged to retreat before the French,* Sheridan gave as a toast, " The Duke of York and his brave followers." I have seen Sheridan in company with the famous Pamela.f She was lovely quite radiant with from England, I was present at the august spectacle of Mr. Hastings's trial in Westminster Hall. It is not my province to absolve or condemn the Governor of India ; but Mr. Sheridan's eloquence demanded my applause ; nor could I hear without emotion the personal compliment which he paid me in the pres- ence of the British nation." Gibbon's "Memoirs," &c., p. 172, ed. 4to. * On the campaigns of his Royal Highness, see " Memoir of the Duke of York" in the Gentleman's Magazine for January 1827, pp. 71, 72, 73. f Madame de Genlis's adopted daughter, who was married at Tournay, in 1792, to Lord Edward Fitzgerald. According to Madame de Genlis, in her " Memoirs," two days before she and Pamela left England, Sheridan declared himself, in her presence, TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 39 beauty ; and Sheridan either was, or pretended to be, violently in love with her. On one occasion I remember that he kept labouring the whole evening at a copy of verses in French, which he intended to present to her, every now and then writing down a word or two on a slip of paper with a pencil. The best of it was, that he understood French very imperfectly. Sheridan did not display his admirable powers in company till he had been warmed by wine. During the earlier part of dinner he was generally heavy and silent ; and I have heard him, when invited to drink a glass of wine, reply, " No, thank you ; I'll take a little small beer." After dinner, when he had had a tolerable quantity of wine, he was brilliant indeed. But when he went on swallow- ing too much, he became downright stupid : and I once, after a dinner-party at the house of Edwards the bookseller in Pall Mall, walked with him to Brookes's, when he had absolutely lost the use of speech. the lover of Pamela, who accepted his hand with pleasure ; and it was settled that they should be married " on our return from France, which was expected to take place in a fortnight." See "Memoirs of Sheridan," vol. ii. 196, ed. 1827, by Moore, who suspects, not without good reason, that in this affair Sheridan was only amusing himself. 40 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Sheridan, Sir Walter (then Mr.) Scott, and Moore were one day dining with me, and Sheridan was talking in his very best style, when, to my great vexation, Moore (who has that sort of restlessness which never allows him to be happy where he is) suddenly interrupted Sheridan by exclaiming, " Isn't it time to go to Lydia White's ? " * During his last illness, the medical attendants apprehending that they would be obliged to perform an operation on him, asked him "if he had ever undergone one." " Never," replied Sheridan, " ex- cept when sitting for my picture, or having my hair cut." Sheridan had very fine eyes, and he was not a little vain of them. He said to me on his death-bed, * Miss Lydia White (long since dead] was a lady who de- lighted in giving parties to as many celebrated people as she could collect. The following instance of her readiness in reply was communicated to me by my friend the Rev. W. Harness. " At one of Lydia White's small and most agreeable dinners in Park Street, the company (most of them, except the hostess, being Whigs) were discussing in rather a querulous strain the desperate prospects of their party. ' Yes,' said Sydney Smith, ' we are in a most deplorable condition : we must do something to help ourselves ; I think we had better sacrifice a Tory virgin.' This was pointedly addressed to Lydia White, who, at once catching and applying the allusion to Iphigenia, answered, ' I believe there is nothing the Whigs would not do to raise the wind.' " (D.) TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 41 " Tell Lady Besborough that my eyes will look up to the coffin-lid as brightly as ever." Soon after his death, Lord Holland wrote a short biographical sketch of him, in which it is stated that he showed during the closing scene a deep sense of devotion. But, on my asking the Bishop of London, who had been called in to read prayers to him, what were the religious feelings of Sheridan in his last moments, the answer was, " I had no means of knowing ; for, when I read the prayers, he was totally insensible ; Mrs. Sheridan raising him up, and joining his hands together." * In his dealings with the world, Sheridan certainly carried the privileges of genius as far as they were ever carried by man. It is quite true, as stated in several accounts of him, that Fox, when a very young man, was a * Let us hear, however, what Smyth says on this point in his (privately printed) " Memoir of Mr. Sheridan." " But the next day he [Sheridan] was not better, and I never saw him. I talked about him, while I sat with Mrs. Sheridan ; as much, at least, as I thought she chose. I durst not ask much. She told me she had sent for her friend Dr. Howley, then Bishop of London, who had instantly come up from Oxfordshire to pray by him. ' And Mr. Sheridan,' I ventured to say, ' what of him ? ' 'I never saw,' she replied, ' such awe as there was painted in his countenance I shall never forget it.' " (D., p. 68.) 42 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE prodigious dandy wearing a little odd French hat, shoes with red heels, &c. He and Lord Carlisle once travelled from Paris to Lyons for the express purpose of buying waistcoats ; and during the whole journey they talked about nothing else. Fox (in his earlier days, I mean), Sheridan, Fitzpatrick, &c., led such a life ! Lord Tanker- ville assured me that he has played cards with Fitzpatrick at Brookes' s from ten o'clock at night till near six o'clock the next afternoon, a waiter standing by to tell them " whose deal it was," they being too sleepy to know. After losing large sums at hazard, Fox would go home not to destroy himself, as his friends sometimes feared, but to sit down quietly, and read Greek. He once won about eight thousand pounds ; and one of his bond-creditors, who soon heard of his good luck, presented himself, and asked for payment. " Impossible, sir," replied Fox ; "I must first discharge my debts of honour." The bond-creditor remonstrated. " Well, sir, give me your bond." It was delivered to Fox, who tore it in pieces and threw them into the fire. " Now, sir," said Fox, "my debt to you is a debt of honour " ; and immediately paid him. When I became acquainted with Fox, he had TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 43 given up that kind of life entirely, and resided in the most perfect sobriety and regularity at St. Anne's Hill. There he was very happy, delighting in study, in rural occupations and rural prospects. He would break from a criticism on Person's " Euripides " to look for the little pigs. I re- member his calling out to the Chertsey hills, when a thick mist, which had for some time concealed them, rolled away : " Good morning to you ! I am glad to see you again." There was a walk in his grounds which led to a lane through which the farmers used to pass ; and he would stop them, and talk to them, with great interest, about the price of turnips, &c. I was one day with him in the Louvre, when he suddenly turned from the pictures, and, looking out at the window, ex- claimed, " This hot sun will burn up my turnips at St. Anne's Hill." In London mixed society Fox conversed little ; but at his own house in the country, with his intimate friends, he would talk on for ever, with all the openness and simplicity of a child : he has continued talking to me for half an hour after he had taken up his bed-room candle. I have seen it somewhere stated that Fox liked to talk about great people : nothing can be more untrue ; 44 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE he hardly ever alluded to them. I remember, indeed, that he once mentioned to me Queen Charlotte, calling her " that bad woman." He was very shy, and disliked being stared at. Windham and I accompanied him one night to Vauxhall, where he was much annoyed at being followed about, as a spectacle, from place to place. On such occasions he was not only shy, but gauche. One morning at his own house, while speaking to me of his travels, Fox could not recollect the name of a particular town in Holland, and was much vexed at the treacherousness of his memory. He had a dinner-party that day ; and, just as he had applied the carving-knife to the sirloin, the name of the town having suddenly occurred to him, he roared out exultingly, to the astonishment of the company, " Gorcum, Gorcum ! " Fox saw Voltaire at Ferney. Their interview was described to me in a letter by Uvedale Price,* * Created a baronet in 1828. A small portion of that letter about Fox's visit to Voltaire, has lately been printed in " Memo- rials and Correspondence of C. J. Fox," edited by Lord J. Russell, vol. i. 46. An account of the same visit, from the pen of the same writer, occurs in a letter to my unfortunate friend the late E. H. Barker, dated March 24, 1827, from which I shall not scruple to make a long extract : " But among the characters of the second generation so ably TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 45 who went there with him : but unfortunately I no longer possess that letter ; I lent it to Lord Holland, and never could get it back. drawn by Mr. Butler [in his " Reminiscences "], to me much the most interesting is that of Charles Fox. Our friendship and intimacy, which began at Eton, continued without interruption through life. While Etonians, we acted together in the plays given at Holland House, which, from the high character and connections of its owner, from the premature talents of C. Fox, two years younger than myself, and from the peculiarly lovely countenance and sweet-toned voice of Lady Sarah Lenox, our Jane Shore (whom, as Gloucester, I could hardly bring myself to speak to as harshly as my character required), these plays had at the time great celebrity. We were at Oxford together, were almost constantly together at Florence, where we studied Italian under the same master at the same time. " From Rome we travelled together along the eastern coast to Venice, and thence to Turin, where we met by appointment our excellent friend and schoolfellow, Lord Fitzwilliam, who is men- tioned by Mr. Butler in a few words, but most impressively, as spoken of him by Fox. All this, I am aware, can have little interest for you : but having the excuse of Mr. Butler's reminis- cences, I have indulged myself in putting down mine, as they recall a period of great and unmixed delight. I then witnessed daily and hourly that characteristic good nature, that warm and unalterable attachment to his friends of which Mr. B. speaks in so impressive a manner : and likewise witnessed on more than one occasion, what was no less characteristic, his abhorrence of anything like tyranny, oppression, or cruelty. Having got so far on my journey, I shall e'en proceed with it : from Turin we all three set out for Geneva, but went out of our direct road to that most singular and striking place, the Grande Chartreuse, 46 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE It is well known that Fox visited Gibbon at Lausanne ; and he was much gratified by the visit. Gibbon, he said, talked a great deal, walking up and down the room, and generally ending his sentences with a genitive case ; every now and then, too, casting a look of complacency on his own portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds, which hung over the chimney-piece that wonderful portrait, in which, while the oddness and vulgarity of the features are refined away, the likeness is perfectly preserved. Fox used to say that Gibbon's " History " was immortal, because nobody could do without it nobody, without vast expense of time and labour, could get elsewhere the in- so finely described in Gray's ' Alcaic Ode.' From Geneva Fox and I went to Voltaire at Ferney, having obtained a permis- sion then seldom granted. It is an event in one's life to have seen and heard that extraordinary man : he was old and infirm, and, in answer to Fox's note and request, said that the name of Fox was sufficient, and that he could not refuse seeing us, ' mais que nous venions pour 1'exterrer.' He conversed in a lively manner, walking with us to and fro in a sort of alley ; and at parting gave us a list of some of his works, adding, ' Ce sont des livres de quoi il faut se munir,' they were such as would fortify our young minds against religious prejudices. Fox quitted us at Geneva, went to England, and commenced his political career. I went with Fitzwilliam through the finest parts of Switzerland, and then down the Rhine to Spa, and met him again at Paris : and there ends my foreign journal, and high time it should." (D.) TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 47 formation which it contains. I think, and so Lord Grenville thought, that the introductory chapters are the finest part of that history : it was certainly more difficult to write them than the rest of the work. Fox had the highest admiration of Lord North ; he considered him a consummate debater. He thought very highly, too, of Dr. Laurence's speeches ; and said that they only failed in making a deep im- pression because his manner of delivery was so bad. He disliked Sheridan's famous speeches at Has- tings's trial * : j^et they fascinated Burke ; and to them Fox attributed the change of style which is visible in Burke's later compositions. He did not greatly admire Burke's celebrated " Reflections." Never in my life did I hear anything equal to Fox's speeches in reply they were wonderful. Burke did not do himself justice as a speaker : his manner was hurried, and he always seemed to be in a passion, f Pitt's voice sounded as if he had worsted in his mouth. * In Westminster Hall. It must be remembered, however, that the perhaps more famous speech in the House of Commons, Feb. 7, 1787, in which Sheridan brought forward against Hastings the charge relative to the Begum Princesses of Oude, was publicly eulogised by Fox as a matchless piece of eloquence. f " Burke," said Mr. Maltby (see notice prefixed to the 48 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Person said that " Pitt carefully considered his sentences before he uttered them ; but that Fox threw himself into the middle of his, and left it to God Almighty to get him out again." * Malone was one day walking down Dover Street with Burke, when the latter all at once drew himself up and carried his head aloft with an air of great hauteur. Malone perceived that this was occasioned by the approach of Fox, who presently passed them on the other side of the street. After Fox had gone by, Burke asked Malone very eagerly, " Did he look at me ? " Fox once said to me that " Burke was a most impracticable person, a most unmanageable col- league that he never would support any measure, however convinced he might be in his heart of its " Porsoniana" in this volume), " always disappointed me as a speaker. I have heard him, during his speeches in the House, make use of the most vulgar expressions, such as ' three nips of a straw,' ' three skips of a louse," &c. ; and, on one occasion when I was present, he introduced, as an illustration, a most indelicate story about a French king, who asked his physi- cian why his natural children were so much finer than his legitimate." * Person was thinking of Sterne. " I begin with writing the first sentence and trusting to Almighty God for the second." " Tristram Shandy," vol. v. 192, ed. 1775. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 49 utility, if it had been first proposed by another " * : and he once used these very words, " After all, Burke was a damned wrong-headed fellow, through his whole life jealous and obstinate." Mrs. Crewe f told me that, on some occasion, when it was remarked that Fox still retained his early love for France and everything French, Burke said, " Yes ; he is like a cat he is fond of the house, though the family be gone." I once dined at Mr. Stone's (at Hackney) with Fox, Sheridan, Talleyrand, Madame de Genlis, Pamela, and some other celebrated persons of the time. A natural son of Fox, a dumb boy (who was the very image of his father, and who died a few years after, when about the age of fifteen), was also there, having come, for the occasion, from Braidwood's Academy. To him Fox almost entirely confined his attention, conversing with him by the fingers : and their eyes glistened as they * " Cassius. But what of Cicero ? shall we sound him ? I think he will stand very strong with us. ***** Brutus. O name him iiot : let us not break with him ; For he will never follow anything That other men begin." Shakespeare's " Julius Caesar," act ii. sc. 1. f Afterwards Lady Crewe. D 50 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE looked at each other. Talleyrand remarked to me, " how strange it was, to dine in company with the first orator in Europe, and only see him talk with his fingers I " That day I offended Madame de Genlis by praising the " Contes Moraux " of Mannontel, with whom she had quarrelled violently. At a dinner-party, where I was, Fox met Aikin. " I am greatly pleased with your ' Miscellaneous Pieces,' Mr. Aikin," said Fox (alluding to the volume written partly by Aikin, and partly by his sister Mrs. Barbauld). Aikin bowed. " I particularly admire," continued Fox, " your essay ' Against Inconsistency in our Expectations.' ' " That," replied Aikin, " is my sister's." " I like much," resumed Fox, " your essay ' On Monastic Institu- tions.' ' " That," answered Aikin, " is also my sister's." Fox thought it best to say no more about the book. At another of Smith's dinners, the conversation turned on Wilberforce ; when somebody put the query : If Wilberforce were compelled to desert either the cause of the slaves, or the party of Mr. Pitt, to which would he adhere ? " Oh," said Fox, " he would be for Barabbas." But that was said by Fox merely as a joke ; for he greatly respected Pitt ; and I remember that, on another occasion TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 51 at Smith's, when Tierney, &c., endeavoured to persuade Fox that Pitt was not uttering his real sentiments about the abolition of the slave-trade, he would not be so persuaded.* Pitt, too, had the highest respect for Fox. One night, after Fox had been speaking, a noble lord, coming out of the House with Pitt, began to abuse Fox's speech, " Don't disparage it," said Pitt ; " nobody could have made it but himself." Fox used to declare of himself that he was " a most painstaking person." When he came into office, finding that his handwriting was very bad, he took lessons to improve it. He one day pronounced himself to be a bad carver, and, when Mrs. Fox confirmed it, he said, " Yes, my dear, I thought you'd agree with me." I saw Lunardi make the first ascent in a balloon which had been witnessed in England. It was from the Artillery Ground. Fox was there with his brother, General F. The crowd was immense. Fox, happening to put his hand down to his watch, found another hand upon it, which he immediately * " During the debates on the war with France, I heard Fox characterise a speech of Pitt as ' one that would have excited the admiration and envy of Demosthenes.' " Mr. MALTBY (see note prefixed to the " Porsoniana " in this volume]. 52 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE seized. " My friend," said he to the owner of the strange hand, " you have chosen an occupation which will be your ruin at last." " Oh, Mr. Fox," was the reply, " forgive me, and let me go ! I have been driven to this course by necessity alone ; my wife and children are starving at home." Fox, always tender-hearted, slipped a guinea into the hand, and then released it. On the conclusion of the show, Fox was proceeding to look what o'clock it was. " Good God," cried he, " my watch is gone ! " " Yes," answered General F., " I know it is ; I saw your friend take it." " Saw him take it ! and you made no attempt to stop him ? " " Really, you and he appeared to be on such good terms with each other, that I did not choose to interfere." I was walking through the Louvre with Fox, when he all but cut Mackintosh, passing him with a nod and a " How d'ye do ? " and he gave me to understand that he had done so because he was angry at Mackintosh for having accepted a place in India from the Tories. Fitzpatrick, however, told me the real cause of Fox's anger ; and it was this : Mrs. Mackintosh had not called upon Mrs. Fox, whom Fox had recently acknowledged as his wife. Such slight TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 53 things sometimes influence the conduct of great men. Most unfortunately, one morning during break- fast at St. Anne's Hill, I repeated and praised Goldsmith's song, "When lovely woman stoops to folly," &c., quite forgetting that it must necessarily hurt the feelings of Mrs. Fox. She seemed a good deal discomposed by it. Fox merely remarked, " Some people write damned nonsense." When Buonaparte said to Fox, he was convinced that Windham was implicated in the contrivance of the infernal machine, Fox warmly repelled such an aspersion on Windham's character, assuring the First Consul that no Englishman would degrade himself by being concerned in so vile a business. I told this to Windham, who answered very coldly, "Well, I should have said the same of him under similar circumstances." I have heard Windham speak very disrespectfully of Fox in the House, after their political quarrel. Fox said that Sir Joshua Reynolds never enjoyed Richmond * that he used to say the human face was his landscape. Fox did not much admire Sir * Where Reynolds had a villa. In Mr. Rogers's collection of pictures is an exquisite landscape by Sir Joshua a view from Richmond Hill, with the features of the scene a little altered. 54 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Joshua's pictures in the grand style ; he greatly preferred those of a playful character : he did not like much even the Ugolino ; but he thought the boys in the Nativity were charming. Once, at Paris, talking to Fox about Le Sueur's pictures, I said that I doubted if any artist had ever excelled Le Sueur in painting white garments. Fox replied that he thought Andrea Sacchi superior to Le Sueur in this respect. I mention this to show that Fox was not only fond of painting, but had given minute attention to it.* He was an eager chess-player : I have heard him say, on coming down to breakfast, that he had not been able to sleep for thinking about some particular move. While young Betty was in all his glory, I went with Fox and Mrs. Fox, after dining with them in Arlington Street, to see him act Hamlet ; and, during the play-scene, Fox, to my infinite surprise, said, " This is finer than Garrick." f How wise it was in Kemble and Mrs. Siddons quietly to * For an account of the delight which Fox received from visiting the Louvre, see Trotter's " Memoirs of Fox," p. 209. f Such criticism will now seem (and undoubtedly is) prepos- terous. But we must recollect that there was a marvellous charm about the young Roscius. " Northcote then spoke of the boy, as he always calls him (Master Betty). He asked if I had ever TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 55 withdraw from the stage during the Betty furor, and then as quietly to return to it, as if nothing unusual had occurred ! Fox said that Barry's Romeo was superior to Garrick's. " If I had a son," observed Fox, " I should insist on his frequently writing English verses, whether he had a taste for poetry or not, because that sort of composition forces one to consider very carefully the exact meanings of words." I introduced Wordsworth to Fox, having taken him with me to a ball given by Mrs. Fox. " I am very glad to see you, Mr. Wordsworth, though I am not of your faction," was all that Fox said to him meaning that he admired a school of poetry different from that to which Wordsworth belonged. Fox considered Burnet's style to be perfect. We were once talking of an historian's introducing occasionally the words of other writers into his work seen him act ; and I said, Yes, and was one of his admirers. He answered, ' Oh ! yes, it was such a beautiful effusion of natural sensibility ; and then that graceful play of the limbs in youth gave such an advantage over every one about him.' Humphreys (the artist) said, ' He had never seen the little Apollo off the pedestal before.' " Hazlitt's " Conversations of Northcote/' P/23J 56 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE without marking them as quotations, when Fox said, " that the style of some of the authors so treated might need a little mending, but that Burnet's required none." One forenoon, at his own house, Fox was talking to me very earnestly about Dryden, when he suddenly recollected that (being in office) he ought to make his appearance at the King's levee. It was so late that, not having time to change his dress, he set off for Buckingham House " ac- coutred as he was " ; and when somebody remarked to him that his coat was not quite the thing, he replied, " No matter ; he (i.e., George III.) is so blind that he can't distinguish what I have on." There was a period of his life when Fox used to say that he could not forgive Milton for having occasioned him the trouble of reading through a poem (" Paradise Lost "), three parts of which were not worth reading. He afterwards, however, estimated it more justly.* Milton's prose works he never could endure. * In a letter to Trotter, after noticing the predominance of f the grand and terrific and gigantic " in ^Eschylus, Fox con- tinues : " This never suits my taste ; and I feel the same objec- tion to most parts of the ' Paradise Lost,' though in that poem there are most splendid exceptions, Eve, Paradise, &c." Trotter's " Memoirs of Fox," p. 520. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 57 He thought so highly of the " Isaeco " of Metas- tasio, that he considered it as one of the four most beautiful compositions produced during the century ; the other three being Pope's " Eloisa to Abelard," Voltaire's " Zaire," and Gray's " Elegy." * " No one," said Fox, " could be an ill-tempered man who wrote so much nonsense as Swift did." " January 1803. A visit to St. Anne's a small low white house on the brow of a hill, commanding a semicircular sweep, rich and woody. In the small drawing-room, Sir Joshua Reynolds' Girl with the Mouse-trap. In the hall books and statues. The library on the first floor small and unadorned the books on open shelves. Engraved portraits, principally after Sir Joshua Reynolds, all over the house. In the garden-passage a copy in black marble of the Eagle at Strawberry hill ; and a bust of Hippocrates, with a Latin inscription by Lord Holland, found in Italy. In the eating-room a portrait of Lord Holland sitting, carefully painted by Reynolds ; and of Lady Holland sitting, by Ramsey. Several good old pictures. In the garden a handsome architectural greenhouse, and a temple after a design of Lord Newburgh (who also designed * Yet, we have been told, Fox did not consider the "Elegy" as Gray's best poem : see p. 18. 5 8 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Kingsgate,* and of whose taste he thinks highly), containing busts of Charles J. Fox, Lord Holland, and a son of Lord Bolingbroke, all by Nollekens. The garden laid out in open and shrubbery walks, trees breaking the prospect everywhere. The kitchen-garden a square, not walled, and skirted by the walk. In the lower part is something in imitation of the Nuneham flower-garden. There is a terrace-walk, thickly planted, to a neat farm- house ; in which there is a tea-room, the chimney- piece relieved with a Fox. The drawing-room prettily furnished with pink silk in panels, enclosed with an ebony bead, and a frame of blue silk ; made of old gowns. " Thought ' Sidney Biddulph ' t the best novel * At Kingsgate, Isle of Thanet, was, until lately, a house look- ing on the German Ocean, built by Henry, first Lord Holland, of the Fox family. The poet Gray wrote some satirical verses on the house beginning thus : " Old and abandon'd by each venal friend, Here H d form'd the pious resolution To smuggle a few years, and strive to mend A broken character and constitution," &c. Impromptu suggested by a view in 1766, of the seat and ruins of a deceased Nobleman, &-c. t " Memoirs of Sidney Biddulph," by Mrs. Sheridan, mother of R. B. Sheridan. She died 1767. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 59 of our age. Sheridan denied having read it, though the plot of his ' School for Scandal ' was borrowed from it. The close of the second part very excellent." Fox used to read Homer through once every year. On my asking him, " Which poem had you rather have written, the ' Iliad ' or the ' Odyssey' ? " he answered, " I know which I had rather read " (meaning the " Odyssey ").* Euripides was his grand favourite among the Greek poets. He fancied that Shakespeare must have met with some translation of Euripides, f for he could trace resemblances between passages of their dramas: e.g., what Alcestis in her last moments says about her servants is like what the dying Queen Katharine (in " Henry the Eighth ") says about hers, &c. He considered the " (Edipus Coloneus " as the best play of Sophocles ; and he admired greatly his " Electra." He did not much like Caesar's " Commentaries " > they appeared to him rather dry, and deficient in * " I suppose," says Fox, in a letter to Trotter, " as soon as you have done the ' Iliad,' you will read the ' Odyssey,' which, though certainly not so fine a poem, is, to my taste, still pleasanter to read." Trotter's " Memoirs of Fox," p. 494. f A mere fancy. 60 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE thought. He said that the letter to Oppius and Balbus,* which is very little known, was the piece that did Caesar most honour ; and that he had once transcribed it with the intention of sending it to Buonaparte, when the news of the Duke d'Enghien's death made him change his mind. He was a constant reader of Virgil ; and had been so from a very early period. There is at Holland House a copy of Virgil covered with Fox's manuscript notes, written when he was a boy, and expressing the most enthusiastic ad- miration of that poet. Afterwards, calling upon him in Stable Yard when he happened to be ill, I found him reading Hippocrates. On that occasion I said I wished that the new Administration would put down the east wind by an Act of Parliament. He re- plied, smiling (and waking, as it were, from one of his fits of torpor), that they would find it difficult to do that, but that they would do as much good in that as they would in anything else. Bond Street bad, and inferior to what the Strand used to be, which has suffered in its shops from * Cicero's " Epist. ad Att.," lib. ix. 7. c. Letter written at commencement of the civil war, in which Caesar speaks of his generous humanity to Magius. a captured praefect of Pompeius. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 61 Bond Street. Piccadilly on a bright Sunday very fine. Could never believe the streets of London were so short as they are particularly Bond Street, which is said to be only half a mile long. Thought Gibbon's acacia-walk long ; * and it was short. Very shortly before he died, he complained of great uneasiness in his stomach ; and Cline advised him to try the effects of a cup of coffee. It was accordingly ordered : but, not being brought so soon as was expected, Mrs. Fox expressed some impatience ; upon which Fox said, with his usual sweet smile, " Remember, my dear, that good coffee cannot be made in a moment." Lady Holland announced the death of Fox in her own odd manner to those relatives and intimate friends of his who were sitting in a room near his bed-chamber, and waiting to hear that he had breathed his last; she walked through the room with her apron thrown over her head. How fondly the surviving friends of Fox cherished his memory ! Many years after his death, I was at a fete given by the Duke of Devonshire at Chiswick * The acacia walk in Gibbon's garden at Lausanne, so touch- ingly connected with his reflections on the completion of his history of the Decline and Fall. " Miscel. Works," i. 170. 62 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE House. Sir Robert Adair and I wandered about the apartments, up and down stairs. " In which room did Fox expire ? " asked Adair. I replied, " In this very room." Immediately Adair burst into tears with a vehemence of grief such as I hardly ever saw exhibited by a man. Burke said to Mrs. Crewe : * "A dull proser is more endurable than a dull joker." He also said to her : " England is a moon shone upon by France. France has all things within her- self ; and she possesses the power of recovering from the severest blows. England is an artificial country : take away her commerce, and what has she ? " Foote was once talking away at a party, when a gentleman said to him, " I beg your pardon, Mr. Foote, but your handkerchief is half-out of your pocket." " Thank you, sir," answered Foote ; " you know the company better than I do." Fox told me that Lord William Bentinck once invited Foote to meet him and some others at dinner in St. James's Street ; and that they were rather angry at Lord William for having done so, expecting that Foote would prove only a bore, and a check on * Afterwards Lady Crewe. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 63 their conversation. " But," said Fox, " we soon found that we were mistaken : whatever we talked about whether fox-hunting, the turf, or any other subject Foote instantly took the lead, and delighted us all." Murphy, who used to dwell with enthusiasm on his recollections of Chatham's oratory, was once in the gallery of the House with Foote, when Pitt (Lord Chatham) was putting forth all his power in an attack on Murray (Lord Mansfield). " Shall we go home now ? " said Murray. " No," replied Foote ; "let us wait till he has made the little man (Murray) vanish entirely." There was no end to Foote' s jokes about Garrick's parsimony. " Garrick," said Foote, " lately invited Hurd to dine with him in the Adelphi ; and after dinner, the evening being very warm, they walked up and down in front of the house. As they passed and repassed the dining-room windows, Garrick was in a perfect agony ; for he saw that there was a thief in one of the candles which were burning on the table ; and yet Hurd was a person of such conse- quence that he could not run away from him to prevent the waste of his tallow." At the Chapter Coffee-house, Foote and his friends were making a contribution for the relief of 64 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE a poor fellow (a decayed player, I believe), who was nicknamed the Captain of the Four Winds, because his hat was worn into four spouts. Each person of the company dropped his mite into the hat, as it was held out to him. " If Garrick hears of this," said Foote, " he will certainly send us his hat." The then Duke of Cumberland (the foolish * Duke, as he was called) came one night into Foote's green-room at the Haymarket Theatre. " Well, Foote," said he, " here I am, ready, as usual, to swallow all your good things." " Upon my soul," replied Foote, " your Royal Highness must have an excellent digestion, for you never bring any up again." During my youth I used to go to the Hampstead Assemblies, which were frequented by a great deal of good company. There I have danced four or five minuets in one evening. Beau Nash was once dancing a minuet at Bath with a Miss Lunn. She was so long of giving him both her hands (the figure by which the lady, when she thinks proper, brings the performance to a close), that he lost all patience, and, suiting the words to * For a vindication of his Royal Highness from this epithet, see Boaden's " Life of Kemble," ii. 17. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 65 the tune (which was Marshal S axe's minuet], he sung out, as she passed him ; "Miss Lunn, Miss Lunn, Will you never have done ? " Lord St. Helens (who had been ambassador to Russia) told me, as a fact, this anecdote of the Empress Catherine. She frequently had little whist- parties, at which she sometimes played, and some- times not. One night, when she was not playing, but walking about from table to table, and watching the different hands, she rang the bell to summon the page-in-waiting from an antechamber. No page appeared. She rang the bell again ; and again without effect. Upon this, she left the room, looking daggers, and did not return for a very con- siderable time ; the company supposing that the unfortunate page was destined to the knout or Siberia. On entering the antechamber, the Empress found that the page, like his betters, was busy at whist, and that, when she had rung the bell, he happened to have so very interesting a hand that he could not make up his mind to quit it. Now, what did the Empress do ? she despatched the page on her errand, and then quietly sat down to hold his cards till he should return. E 66 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Lord St. Helens also told me that he and Segur were with the Empress in her carriage, when the horses took fright, and ran furiously down hill. The danger was excessive. When it was over, the Em- press said, " Mon e"toile vous a sauvee." Hare's wit, once so famous, owed perhaps not a little to his manner of uttering it. Here is a speci- men. Fox was sitting at Brookes's, in a very moody humour, having lost a considerable sum at cards, and was indolently moving a pen backwards and forwards over a sheet of paper. " What is he draw- ing ? " said some one to Hare. " Anything but a draft," was the reply. General Fitzpatrick was at one tune nearly as famous for his wit as Hare. During the latter part of his long life he had withdrawn a good deal from society. I took farewell of him the day but one before he died. On the day immediately preceding his death, I walked to his house in Arlington Street to inquire for him ; and, just as I reached the door, Mrs. Fox was coming from it, sobbing violently. Jekyll, too, was celebrated for his wit ; but it was of that kind which amuses only for the moment. I remember that when Lady Cork gave a party at which she wore a most enormous plume, Jekyll said, TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 67 " She was exactly a shuttle-cock all cork and feathers." While Rousseau was lodging in Chiswick Terrace, Fitzpatrick called upon him one day, and had not been long in the room when David Hume entered. Rousseau had lost a favourite dog ; and Hume, having exerted himself to recover it, now brought it back to its master, who thanked him with expres- sions of the most fervent gratitude, and shed tears of joy over the animal. Fitzpatrick, who had been much in the company of David Hume, used always to speak of him as " a delicious creature." Hume told Cadell the bookseller that he had a great desire to be introduced to as many of the per- sons who had written against him as could be col- lected ; and requested Cadell to bring him and them together. Accordingly, Dr. Douglas, Dr. Adams, &c. &c., were invited by Cadell to dine at his house in order to meet Hume. They came ; and Dr. Price, who was one of the party, assured me that they were all delighted with David. I knew Murphy long and intimately : I was intro- duced to him by the Piozzis at Streatham. 68 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Y On the first night of any of his plays, if the slightest symptoms of disapprobation were shown by the audience, Murphy always left the house and took a walk in Covent Garden Market : then, after having composed himself, he would return to the theatre. Garrick once, in conversation with Murphy, having insisted that it was much more difficult to write a play whose strength lay in the plot than one which depended on the dialogue for its effect, Murphy went to his favourite haunt, the Talbot at Richmond, and wrote, nearly at a single sitting, a comedy of the former description (I forget its name), which, very soon after, he presented to Garrick. The days had been when Murphy lived in the best society, and used to walk about arm-in-arm with Lord Loughborough : but I have seen them meet in the street, and salute each other very formally. Towards the close of his life, till he received a pension of 200 per annum from the king,* Murphy was in great pecuniary difficulties. He had eaten himself out of every tavern from the other side of Temple Bar to the West end of the town. I have still in my possessfon several bills of his for money to a considerable amount which he never repaid me. * The pension was granted to him in 1803 : he died in 1805. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 69 He had borrowed from me two hundred pounds ; and a long time having elapsed without his taking any notice of the debt, I became rather uneasy (for two hundred pounds was then no trifling sum to me). At last, meeting him in Fleet Street, I asked him when he should be able to settle with me. " Are you going home ? " said he. " Yes," I replied ; and we walked to my chambers in the Temple. There, instead of making any arrangements for repaying me, he exerted all his eloquence, but in vain, to induce me to lend him more money ; and I thanked Heaven when I got rid of him. He assigned over to me the whole of his works, including his Tacitus ; and I soon found that he had already disposed of them to a bookseller ! For this trans- action Murphy came, in extreme agitation, to offer me a sort of apology, almost throwing himself on his knees. When he made his appearance, Person and Maltby * happened to be in the room ; f but, Person having said aside to Maltby, " We had better withdraw," they left me to my disagreeable con- ference with Murphy. One thing ought to be remembered to Murphy's * See notice prefixed to the " Porsoniana " in this volume, f Mr. Rogers was then lodging in Prince's Street, Hanover Square ; from which he removed to St. James's Place. 70 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE honour : an actress,* with whom he had lived, bequeathed to him all her property, but he gave up every farthing of it to her relations. Murphy used to say that there were Four Estates in England, the King, the Lords, the Commons, and the Theatres. He certainly would not say so, if he were alive now, when the national theatre is almost extinct. Henderson was a truly great actor ; his Hamlet and his Falstaff were equally good. He was a very fine reader too ; in his comic readings superior, of course, to Mrs. Siddons ; his John Gilpin was mar- vellous. He would frequently produce very unexpected " effects " in his readings : for instance, in the passage of Collins's " Ode to Fear" ; Or throws him on the ridgy steep Of some loose-hanging rock to sleep he would suddenly pause after the words " loose- hanging rock," and then, starting back as if in amazement, and lifting his arms above his head, he would slowly add " to sleep ! " f * Miss Elliot* f Dyce^_here observes that he could not agree with TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 71 During his boyhood, Pitt was very weakly ; and his physician, Addington (Lord Sidmouth's father) , ordered him to take port wine in large quantities : the consequence was that, when he grew up, he could not do without it. Lord Grenville has seen him swallow a bottle of port in tumblerfuls, before going to the House. This, together with his habit of eating late suppers (indigestible cold veal pies, &c.), helped undoubtedly to shorten his life. Huskisson, speaking to me of Pitt, said that his hands shook so much that, when he helped himself to salt, he was obliged to support the right hand with the left. Stothard the painter happened to be one evening at an inn on the Kent Road, when Pitt and Dundas put up there on their way from Walmer. Next morning, as they were stepping into their carriage, the waiter said to Stothard, " Sir, do you observe these two gentlemen ? " " Yes," he replied ; " and I know them to be Mr. Pitt and Mr. Dundas." " Well, sir, how much wine do you suppose they drank last night ? " Stothard could not guess. " Seven bottles, sir ! " Lord Grenville once said to Pitt, " I am really astonished at your fluency in public speaking : how Mr. Rogers in admiring the effect in question. It was certainly not intended by the poet. 72 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE was it acquired ? " He replied, " I believe it may be attributed to this circumstance : when I was a lad, my father used every evening to make me translate freely, before him and the rest of the family, those portions of Livy, Virgil, &c., which I had read in the morning with my tutor, Mr. Wilson." Lord Grenville engaged a reporter to take down Pitt's speeches ; but the reporter completely failed. Pitt had been accustomed when a boy to go a- bird-nesting at Holwood, and thence (according to Lord Grenville) his wish to possess that place ; which he eventually did. I was assured by Lord Grenville * that Pitt came into office with a fixed determination to improve the finances of the kingdom ; instead of which he greatly injured them. Mr. Fox's speeches were full of repetition. He used to say that it was necessary to hammer it into them ; but I rather think he could not do otherwise. His speech on the Westminster Scrutiny f was the best I ever heard him make. It was a wonderful display of eloquence. I did not hear him latterly. Once in my holidays, when I passed ten days at * His remarks extend to p. 77. f In House of Commons, Jyne 8, 1784. " Parl. Hist.," xxiv. p. 883, &c. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 73 Hayes, Lord Chatham was confined to his bed with the gout. When I was going away he sent for me to his bedside, and among other questions asked me what book I was reading. When I answered, " Virgil," he said, " A good book ! you cannot read a better. In what" part are you ? Do you remem- ber these lines ? ' Tuque prior, tu parce, genus qui ducis Olympo ; Projice tela manu, sanguis meus.' " * I quoted them in a speech on the American War. " A great poet, and no greater poet than states- man, has told you how you should act on this occasion." (Lord Grenville, Dropmore, 1823.) I think that the three greatest men that England has produced were Bacon, Newton, and Milton. Sheridan's speech on the Begums in the House of Commons f admirable in Westminster Hall J con- temptible. I heard both. Burke's draft of a petition for the Peers, in one of his latter volumes, perhaps his greatest effort of eloquence. * " JEneid," vi. 834. f On February 7, 1787, on the charge against Warren Hastings. " Parl. Hist.," xxvi. p. 274, et seq. | On June 3, 1788, and later days. 74 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Earl St. Vincent a great man. He enforced dis- cipline at the expense of his popularity. Not rewarded as he deserved ; but the late King had many prejudices : his was perhaps the narrowest mind I ever knew. The more we know of King William the Third, the more we must admire him. How superior to his ministers, as we learn more particularly from the Shrewsbury Papers. The House of Orange produced three very great men William, the first Prince,* Prince Maurice,f and William the Third. Compared with these, how insignificant the Idol of the French, Henry the Fourth ! July 1825. He sits, summer and winter, on the same sofa, his favourite books on the shelves just over his head. Lord Bathurst left us while we were walking. " Lord Bathurst," I said, " is gone to his business." " I would rather he was there than I. If I was to live my life over again," he continued with a sigh, " I should do very differently." J * Prince of Orange ; Stadtholder of Holland from about 1577 till his assassination in June 1584. f Maurice of Nassau ; Prince of Orange, and Stadtholder of Holland from 1584 to 1625. J Lord Grenville was then out of office, and Lord Bathurst was Secretary of State. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 75 We sate down to rest in the Pinery seat, inscribed Pulcherrima pinus in hortis,* and the clock of the stables struck twelve. Few things, he said, affect me more than a clock its duration its perseverance the same voice, morning, noon, and night. There is somewhere a good account of a castle clock in the " Mysteries of Udolpho." " That old fellow crowed through the siege, and is crowing still." f Yes, says he (the clock was then striking), that voice will be heard long after I am in my grave and forgotten. [Not forgotten, S. R.] I have seldom been so vexed, as when I introduced the present King of France, Charles the Tenth, $ to the old King. He had desired to be presented, and it was not to be refused, and the audience was necessarily a private one. When I announced him in the closet, the King began a conversation running from topic to topic. He was often at a loss ; but was unwilling to come to a conclusion, till I reminded him that Monsieur was at the door. The King spoke French very ill, and was always embarrassed on receiving a foreigner. As for the Bourbons, he * VIRGIL. " Eclog.," vii. 65. t " Mysteries of Udolpho," chap. 34. I Then Monsieur, the brother of Lewis XVIII. George III. 76 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE hated them all, and indeed had no reason to love them. The two speeches, and the only ones (I believe I may say it confidently from my intimacy with him) which he [Mr. Pitt] himself corrected, were those on the Sinking Fund * and on the answer to Buonaparte's Letter, f The first was a very indifferent speech. In his earlier life he was gay and delightful in conversation. At last his temper clouded. Dr. Addington J ruined his health. Port wine was Addington's great remedy ; and at Hayes I used to wonder at the bumpers they were drinking, con- fined as I was to water. Afterwards it became necessary to him ; and though never more affected by it than others in general, he certainly drank freely. He was fond of Holwood, and showed taste in the planting ; II but he mismanaged the water sadly, * The sinking fund was proposed by Pitt to Parliament on March 29, 1786. " Parl. Hist.," xxv. 1294 et seq. f On Buonaparte's letter to George III. making overtures for a general peace: January 22, 1800. "Parl. Hist.," xxxiv. p. 1301 et seq. J A physician : the father of Viscount Sidmouth. Holwood, near Bromley, in Kent ; Mr. Pitt's residence. || When a boy, he [William Pitt] used to go a-bird-nesting in the woods of Holwood, and It was always, he told me, his wish to call it his own. Lord Bathurst to S. R, TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 77 and laughed when I remonstrated against his levelling, as he did, part of the fortification in the Roman camp there. All the Roman remains among us, and whatever related to Gothic or ancient times, he held in no great respect. No man could wish more to preserve peace with France. His heart was set upon peace, and upon financial improvements. The war was forced upon him. There was a run on the bank, and Pitt was un- certain what measures to take in consequence of it. He passed the whole night (as Mrs. told me) in walking up and down his drawing-room. Next morning he sent for certain bankers, and informed them that he had resolved on issuing five-pound notes. I recollect a farmer coming to my father's bank, and receiving his money in five-pound notes. " What can I do with these ? " he exclaimed ; " how can I pay my men with them ? " Wilber force requested Pitt to read Butler's " Analogy." * Pitt did so, and was by no means [Holwood was only two or three miles from Hayes, where Mr. Pitt had lived when a boy, with his father.] * " One evening, at a party, when Butler's ' Analogy ' was mentioned, Parr said in his usual pompous manner, ' I shall not declare, before the present company, my opinion of that book.' Bowles, who was just then leaving the room, muttered, ' Nobody 78 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE satisfied with the reasoning in it. " My dear Wilber- force," he said, " you may prove anything by ana- logy." Combe, author of " The Diaboliad," of " Lord Lyttelton's Letters," and, more recently, of " Doctor Syntax's Three Tours," * was a most extraordinary person. During a very long life he had seen much of the world its ups and downs. He was certainly well connected. Fitzpatrick recollected him at Douay College, f He moved once in the highest society, and was very intimate with the Duke of Bedford. Twenty thousand pounds were unexpect- edly bequeathed to him by an old gentleman, who said " he ought to have been Combe's father" (that is, he had been on the point of marrying Combe's cares what you think of it.' Parr, overhearing him, roared out, 1 What's that you say, Bowles ? ' and added, as the door shut on the offender, ' It's lucky that Bowles is gone ! for I should have put him to death.' " Mr. MALTBY (see notice prefixed to the " Porsoniana " in this volume). * And of an astonishing number of other works all pub- lished anonymously. f According to The Gentleman's Magazine for August 1823, p. 185 (where his name is wrongly spelled Coombe), "he was educated at Eton and Oxford " : which is not inconsistent with his having been at Douay also. But there seems to be great uncertainty about the particulars of his life. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 79 mother), and who therefore left him that large sum. Combe contrived to get rid of the money in an incredibly short time. Combe was staying at the house of Uvedale Price ; * and the Honourable Mr. St. John (author of " Mary Queen of Scots " f) was there also. The latter, one morning, missed some bank-notes. Price strongly suspected who had taken them, mentioned the circumstance to Combe, and added, " Perhaps it would be as well if you cut short your visit here." " Oh, certainly," replied Combe with the greatest coolness ; " and allow me just to ask, whether hence- forth we are to be friends or acquaintances ? " " Acquaintances, if you please," said Price.$ Long * Afterwards a baronet. t A very dull tragedy, in which Mrs. Siddons continued to act the heroine occasionally up to the time of her retirement from the stage. I From the tone of some letters written by Combe in his old age, one would certainly not suppose that he had on his conscience anything of the kind above alluded to. " The only solid happi- ness in this life," he says, " is the performance of duty ; the rest, when compared with it, is not worth a regret or a remembrance. ... A thousand hours of pleasurable gratification will weigh but as dust in the balance against one hour of solid virtue. . . . Few men have enjoyed more of the pleasures and brilliance of life than myself ; and you, I well know, will believe me, when I assure you that, in looking back upon it, the brightest intervals of it are those wherein I resisted inclination, checked impetuosity, 8o RECOLLECTIONS OF THE after this had happened, I was passing through Leicester Square with Price, when we met Combe : we both spoke to him ; but from that hour he always avoided me. Combe assured me that it was with him, not with Sterne, that " Eliza " * was in love ; that he used to meet her often beside a windmill near Brighton ! that he was once surprised in her bed-chamber, and fled through the window, leaving one of his shoes behind him ; that, some days after, he encountered her as she was walking with a party on what is now the Steyne (at Brighton), and that, as she passed him, she displayed from her muff the toe of his shoe ! Combe died in the King's Bench,f where it was said that he had taken refuge in order to cheat his creditors erroneously, for he did not leave enough to pay the expenses of his funeral. overcame temptation, frowned folly out of countenance, or shed a tear over the unfortunate." " Letters to Marianne," p. 7. * A list of Combe's writings, drawn up by himself, and printed in The Gentleman's Magazine for May 1852, p. 467, includes " Letters supposed to have passed between Sterne and Eliza, 2 vols." \ He died June 19, 1823, at his apartments in Lambeth Road, in his 82nd year. See The Gentleman's Magazine for August 1823, p. 185. TABLETALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 81 Gibbon took very little exercise. He had been staying some time with Lord Sheffield in the country ; and when he was about to go away, the servants could not find his hat. " Bless me," said Gibbon, " I certainly left it in the hall on my arrival here." He had not stirred out of doors during the whole of the visit. I never saw Paley ; but my brother knew him well, and liked him much. Paley used to say, in his broad dialect, " I am an advocate for corrooption " (that is, parliamentary influence).* Witticisms are often attributed to the wrong * Among several anecdotes of Paley, communicated to me long ago by a gentleman who resided in the neighbourhood, were these : When Paley rose in the church, he set up a carriage, and, by his wife's directions, his arms were painted on the panels. They were copied from the engraving on a silver cup, which Mrs. P. supposed to be the bearings of his family. Paley thought it a pity to undeceive his wife ; but the truth was, he had pur- chased the cup at a sale. He permitted nay, wished his daughters to go to evening parties ; but insisted that one of them should always remain at home, to give her assistance, if needed, by rubbing him, &c., in case of an attack of the rheumatic pains to which he was subject. " This," he said, " taught them natural affection." Of the card-playing curate of G. and his wife, he used to say that " they made much more by whist than by the curacy." F 82 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE people. It was Lord Chesterfield, not Sheridan, who said, on occasion of a certain marriage, that " No- body's son had married Everybody's daughter." Lord Chesterfield remarked of two persons dancing a minuet, that " they looked as if they were hired to do it, and were doubtful of being paid." I once observed to a Scotch lady, " how desirable it was in any danger to have presence of mind." " I had rather," she rejoined, " have absence of body" The mcchant Lord Lyttelton used to play all sorts of tricks in his boyhood. For instance, when he knew that the larder at Hagley happened to be ill supplied, he would invite, in his father's name, a large party to dinner ; and, as the carriages drove up the avenue, the old lord (concealing his vexation as much as possible) would stand bowing in the hall, to welcome his unwelcome guests. There is at Hagley a written account of the mechant Lord Lyttelton's death, which was read to me while on a visit there. The statement, as far as I recollect, runs thus : One night, when he was in bed, a white bird, with a voice like a woman's or else a female figure with a bird on her hand appeared to him, and told him that he must die at a particular hour on a particular night. He related TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 83 the circumstance to some of his friends, who encour- aged him in treating it as a delusion. The fatal night arrived. He was then at a house (Pitt Place) near Epsom ; and had appointed to meet a party on the downs next morning. His friends, without his knowledge, had put back the clock. " I shall cheat the ghost yet," he said. On getting into bed, he sent his servant downstairs for a spoon, having to take some medicine. When the servant returned, Lord Lyttelton was a corpse.* * In the " Corrections and Additions," p. 36, to Hash's ' History of Worcestershire," is an account of Lord Lyttelton's vision and death, more detailed than the above, but not mate- rially different. Of Lord Lyttelton's ghost appearing to Miles Peter Andrews (an anecdote quite as notorious as that above) the following account was given by Andrews himself to his most intimate friend, Mr. Morton the dramatist, by whom it was told to me : " I was at Richmond : and I had not been long in bed, when I saw Lord Lyttelton standing at the foot of it. I felt no surprise, because he was in the habit of coming to me at all hours without previous announcement. I spoke to him ; but he did not answer. Supposing that he intended, as usual, to play me some trick, I stooped out of bed, and taking up one of my slippers, I threw it at him. He vanished. Next morning, I inquired of the people of the house when Lord Lyttelton had arrived, and where he was ? They declared that he had not arrived. He died at the very moment I saw him." A version of this ghost-story, too, is given by Nash (ubi supra], who states that Andrews addressed the ghost, and that " the ghost, shaking hi* head, 84 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE As I was walking home one day from my father's bank, I observed a great crowd of people streaming into a chapel in the City Road. I followed them ; and saw laid out, upon a table, the dead body of a clergyman in full canonicals. It was the corpse of John Wesley ; and the crowd moved slowly and silently round and round the table, to take a last look at that most venerable man.* Dr. Priestley went to Paris in company with Lord Shelburne ; f and he assured me that all the eminent said, ' It is all over with me.' " But Mr. Morton assured me that he related the story exactly as he had had it from Andrews, whose conviction that he had seen a real spectre was proof against all arguments. * "At the desire of many of his friends, his body was carried into the chapel the day preceding the interment, and there lay in a kind of state becoming the person, dressed in his clerical habit, with gown, cassock, and band ; the old clerical cap on his head, a Bible in one hand, and a white handkerchief in the other. The face was placid, and the expression which death had fixed upon his venerable features was that of a serene and heavenly smile. The crowds who flocked to see him were so great, that it was thought prudent, for fear of accidents, to accelerate the funeral, and perform it between five and six in the morning," &c. Southey's "Life of Wesley," ii. 562, ed. 1820. Wesley died March 2, 1791. f Afterwards Marquis of Lansdowne to whom, nominally, Priestley acted as librarian, but really as his literary companion. It was in 1774 that they made a tour to the continent. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 85 Frenchmen whom he met there, were entirely des- titute of any religious belief sheer atheists. At a large dinner-party he asked his next neighbour, " Who is that gentleman ? " The answer was, " It is ; and he believes no more than you and I do" Marmontel used to read some of his unpublished works to parties of his friends, on certain days, at his own house. Priestley, who attended a few of those readings, declared that Marmontel occasionally gesticulated with such violence that it was necessary to keep out of the reach of his arms for fear of being knocked down. I was intimately acquainted with Dr. Priestley ; and a more amiable man never lived ; he was all gentleness, kindness, and humility. He was once dining with me, when some one asked him (rather rudely) " how many books he had published ? " He replied, " Many more, sir, than I should like to read." Before going to America, he paid me a visit, passing a night at my house. He left England chiefly in compliance with the wishes of his wife. When Home Tooke was at school, the boys asked him "what his father was ? " Tooke answered, "A Turkey merchant." (He was a poulterer.) 86 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE He once said to his brother,* a pompous man, " You and I have reversed the natural course of things : you have risen by your gravity ; I have sunk by my levity." To Judge Ashhurst's remark that the law was open to all, both to the rich and to the poor, Tooke replied, " So is the London Tavern." He said that Hume wrote his History as witches say their prayers backwards. Tooke told me that in his early days a friend gave him a letter of introduction to D'Alembert at Paris. Dressed a la mode, he presented the letter, and was very courteously received by D'Alembert, who talked to him about operas, comedies, and suppers, &c. Tooke had expected conversation on very different topics, and was greatly disappointed. When he took leave, he was followed by a gentleman in a plain suit, who had been in the room during his * In repeating this anecdote, Mr. Rogers sometimes substi- tuted "cousin" for "brother." Tooke had two brothers, i. Benjamin Tooke, who settled at Brentford as a market-gardener, in which line he became eminent, and acquired considerable wealth. 2. Thomas Tooke, who was originally a fishmonger, and afterwards a poulterer a man, it is said, of strong intellect, but certainly careless and extravagant ; and who ended his career in one of the almshouses belonging to the Fishmongers' Company. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 87 interview with D'Alembert, and who had perceived his chagrin. " D'Alembert," said the gentleman, " supposed from your gay apparel that you were merely a petit maitre." The gentleman was David Hume. On his next visit to D'Alembert, Tooke's dress was altogether different ; and so was the con- versation.* Tooke went to Italy as tutor to a young man of fortune,! wno was subject to fits of insanity, and who consequently would sometimes occasion much alarm at inns during the middle of the night. While residing at Genoa, they formed an acquaintance with an Italian family of distinction, by whom they were introduced to the best society of the place. Tooke attached himself to a lady of great beauty, becoming her cavalier servente, and attending her everywhere. After some weeks, at a large evening-party, he was astonished to find that the lady would not speak to * Tooke spent considerably more than a year at Paris, while acting as travelling-tutor to young Elwes (son of the miser) ; and he afterwards paid two short visits to that capital in com- pany with young Taylor (see next note). It was, I apprehend, on the first of these occasions that his introduction to D'Alembert took place. He was in full orders before he ever went to the Continent ; but he always laid aside the clerical dress at Dover. f The son of a Mr. Taylor, who resided within a few miles of Brentford. 88 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE him, and that the rest of the company avoided con- versation with him. " Now," said Tooke, " what do you imagine was the cause of this ? Why, they had dicovered that I was a Protestant clergyman ! But I was resolved not to be brow-beaten ; and I made myself so agreeable, that, before the party broke up, we were all again on the very best terms ; some of them even waited on me home, with music, in a sort of triumph ! " * Soon after Tooke had left Genoa he heard that another traveller, who was following the same route, had been assassinated. This unfortunate traveller was mistaken for Tooke, on whom, hi consequence of his intrigue with the lady at Genoa, the blow had been intended to fall. I have been present when one of Tooke's daughters was reading Greek f to him with great facility. He had made her learn that language without using a grammar only a dictionary. I paid five guineas (in conjunction with Bodding- ton) for a loge at Tooke's trial. It was the custom * One of those letters, in which Wilkes publicly addressed Home Tooke, has the following passage : " Will you call an Italian gentleman now in town, your confidant during your whole residence at Genoa, to testify the morality of your conduct in Italy ? " f Latin, I suspect. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 89 in those days (and perhaps is so still) to place bunches of strong-smelling plants of different sorts at the bar where the criminal was to sit (I suppose to purify the air from the contagion of his presence!). This was done at Tooke's trial ; but, as soon as he was brought in, he indignantly swept them away with his handkerchief. The trial lasted six days. Erskine (than whom nobody had ever more power over a jury he would frequently address them as " his little twelvers ") defended Tooke most admirably : nay, he showed himself not only a great orator, but a great actor ; for, on the fifth day, when the Attorney- General, Eldon, was addressing the jury, and was using a line of argument which Erskine had not expected and could not reply to (the pleading for the prisoner being closed), I well remember how Erskine the whole time kept turning towards the jury, and by a series of significant looks, shrugs, and shakings of his head, did all he could to destroy the effect of what the Attorney-General was saying. After a very long speech, Eldon, with the prespira- tion streaming down his face, came into the room where the Lord Mayor was sitting, and exclaimed, " Mr. Tooke says that he should like to send Mr. Pitt to Botany Bay ; but it would be more merciful to make him Attorney-General." When Eldon was 90 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE told that the mob had taken away the horses from Erskine's carriage, and drawn him home in triumph to Sergeants' Inn, he asked, " If they had ever returned them ? " | ; At the conclusion of the trial, a daughter of one of the jurymen was anxious to be introduced to Tooke ; who, shaking her by the hand, said very prettily, " I must call you sister, for you are the daughter of one of those to whom I owe my life." If Tooke had been convicted, there is no doubt that he would have been hanged. We lived then under a reign of terror. One night, after dining with him at Cline's (the surgeon), I accompanied Tooke to Brandenburgh House (the Margravine of Anspach's) to see a private play. During the performance, a person behind us said, " There's that rascal, Home Tooke." The words were uttered quite distinctly ; and Tooke was so offended that he immediately withdrew. I went home with him to his house on the Common, and slept there, after sitting up very late to listen to his delightful talk. I - often dined with Tooke at Wimbledon ; and always found him most pleasant and most witty. There his friends would drop in upon him without any invitation : Colonel Bosville would come fre- TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 91 quently, bringing with him a dinner from London fish, &c. Tooke latterly used to expect two or three of his most intimate friends to dine with him every Sunday ; and I once offended him a good deal by not joining his Sunday dinner-parties for several weeks. Burdett was, of course, a great deal with Tooke. In little things, Burdett was a very inconsiderate person. One forenoon, when Tooke was extremely unwell, and a friend had sent him some fine hot- house grapes, Burdett, happening to call in, ate up every one of them. Tooke was such a passionate admirer of Milton's prose works that, as he assured me, he had tran- scribed them all in his youth. For my own part, I like Harris's writings much. But Tooke thought meanly of them : he would say, " Lord Malmesbury is as great a fool as his father" He used to observe that " though the books which you have lately read may make no strong impression on you, they nevertheless improve your mind ; just as food, though we forget what it was after we have eaten it, gives strength to the body." I converse better than I write ; I write with labour. 92 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Nor wealth, nor power, can compensate for the loss of that luxury which he has, who can speak his mind, at all times and in all places. A great frequenter of the theatres and coffee- houses, long after he received pleasure from any of them. He would sit an act at a theatre, and then adjourn to a coffee-house, and then to the theatre, listless and cheerless ; and yet a slave to the habit of attending them ; and on his return home, when he sat up to read with delight, he would reproach himself for his folly in having thrown away his evening. At last he met with insults in the coffee- houses, and relinquished them entirely. He then retired to Wimbledon.* Reads all books through ; and bad books most carefully, lest he should lose one good thought, being determined never to look into them again. A man may read a great deal too much. We are fond of a miracle ; and if we cannot find one we make one. What is clear and natural we are apt to despise. We talk of the mind and body as of two persons but what do we mean ? All knowledge passes into * He spent the latter part of his life at Wimbledon in Surrey, and died there in 1812. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 93 us through the senses. We know of none that is not derivable through those channels, and may therefore fairly conclude there is none. The senses of some men are quicker and more discriminating than others ; and there lies the difference, but it is very small. One man, a little better off in this respect, and with great industry, will soon leave another out of sight. His superiority increases in Arithmetical Progression ; as a small number, used frequently as a multiplier, will soon produce a greater sum-total than a larger number used less often. Some are said to collect facts without the power to use them. It is because their senses cannot convey to them the nature of those facts. They cannot arrange and apply them. They are like an ignorant man collecting curiosities. A man may have too many of these. Your room may be so full of furniture that you cannot lay your hand on what you want. We improve by exercise of all kinds a man may be getting on while sitting still in a coffee-house or standing in the street. Hume's essays he read at first with delight, one by one, as they came out and still reads them with it, they are so sweetly written. One of the first writers of any country ! His pupil 94 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Smith * far, very far below him his theory of Moral Sentiments nonsense his " Wealth of Nations " full of important facts, but written with a wicked view. Hume's history bad in its tendency. He first wrote the History of the Stuarts falsely ; and then wrote the others to justify and accord with it. Spoke with contempt of Gibbon's history, though he called him a superior man. Instead of writing because he had something to say, he began life with a determination to write a book of some kind or other. Admired his letter on the Government of Berne, i. 388^ How clearly has Gibbon revealed his character ! A man of bad principles, either private or public, had better let his bitterest enemy write his life than venture to do it himself. When Dr. Beadon met me in St. Paul's Church- yard, and said he was to be Bishop of Gloucester, " Then," said I, " I suppose I must never call you Dick again." " Why," repiled Beadon, pausing at every word, " I don't exactly see the necessity of that." } * Adam Smith. | Letter from Gibbon to * * * on the Government of Berne. Appendix to " Memoirs of his Life," vol. i. 388. J Dr. Richard Beadon, afterwards Bishop of Gloucester, is TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 95 A man with a little mind will educate his son below himself, and keep him there ; that he may say, "What a wise man my father is! my father is a rich grocer." The more wretched a people are, the severer necessarily are the punishments ; a soldier and sailor are punished for mutiny and desertion with stripes and death ; because the situation they would escape from is so very terrible. And you may always judge of the comfort or misery of a people by the severity of their penal laws. An^affected man cannot be a moral man. The whole study of his life is to cheat you. one of the parties between whom the imaginary dialogue in Tooke's " Diversions of Purley " is held. The extreme intimacy between Home Took and Dr. Beadon, and the very high opinion the bishop entertained of his friend, are shown in the evidence given by the bishop on Home Tooke's trial for high treason, November 20, 1794 evidence highly creditable to both parties : " Tooke. I beg your Lordship to say how long we have been acquainted ? Answer. I think it is just forty years now. Tooke. Was that acquaintance slight, or affectionate and confidential ? Answer. For many years certainly not a slight acquaintance, but very confidential and very intimate," &c. &c. Gurney's " Trial of J. H. Tooke," ii. 160 et seq. 96 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE I would rather at any time lose a cause than be condemned to hear Adair gain it for me.* There are men who pretend they come into the world booted and spurred to ride you. I have made a point of reading all the dramatic writings in every language I know. I read constantly the " Arabian Nights " over once in two years, and often once a year, in French. When in the Tower, I read " Tom Jones " and " Gil Bias " again, and some other novels, which a wardour's wife lent me. [In the Tower he was without the privilege of reading or writing for a fortnight, f They then sent him three volumes one of Locke one of Chaucer J and Wilkins's Essay. These were * Sergeant Adair was one of the counsel for the Crown, on the trial of Home Tooke for high treason, in 1794. f This period of a fortnight appears, by Home Tooke's MS. note copied below, to be an error, at least as to the volume of Chaucer. | In the volume of Chaucer thus taken to him an old black- letter copy which he afterwards gave to Mr. Rogers he made, while in the Tower, many notes in pencil, with reference to the subject of his work, " The Diversions of Purley." Among these is the following note in the margin of the first book of " Boecius, de Consolatione Philosophiae." " Tuesday, May 20, 1794. I began to mark this translation of Boethius, in the Tower, with my pencil, being denied the use of pen and ink. I was appre- hended at Wimbledon, Friday, May 16, conducted to the Tower, TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 97 found on his table (at Wimbledon) and he was supposed to be reading them.] It is best to let children read what they like best, till they have formed a taste for reading ; and not to direct what books they shall read. When young, and long afterwards, I read without method. The taxes at Genoa were sold to individuals ; so that the prosperity of the State, making them more productive, only enriched the purchasers. A noble- man, Griffoni, with immense possessions, retired early and lived most penuriously, to the great indig- nation and contempt of his fellow citizens. At last, in his old age, he came out, sacrificed his fortune and its accumulations to the redemption Monday, May 19, 1794, without any charge ; nor can I conjec- ture their pretence of charge. Mr. Dundas, Secretary of State, told me in the Privy Council that ' It was conceived that I was guilty of treasonable practices.' He refused to tell me by whom it was conceived. I offered to be examined to any extent, if the Chan- cellor or Dundas would declare that there was any information upon oath against me for any treason. The Chancellor said that I seemed to object to the legality of the warrant ; but that I might object to that hereafter, in another place." Home Tooke remarks that he afterwards learnt that at that very moment a bill was brought into the House of Commons to lega- lise this warrant, and to indemnify the Ministers for issuing itv " Essay towards a Real Character, and a Philosophical Language," by Dr. John Wilkes, Bishop of Chester : published 1668. G 98 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE of the taxes, and relieved the people from the intoler- able burden. What was the consequence ? The Government went to war again, and laid on more. Such would be the consequence here. The redemp- tion of our debt would be a great calamity. The difficulty of extorting money checks the abuse of power. War begets poverty, poverty peace. " Do as you would be done by," is a scoundrel and paltry precept. A generous man goes beyond it. No man should be allowed to bequeath his pro- perty to any descendant unborn. What affection can he feel for such an heir ? What relationship is there between a man and his grandson ? Do you set any value on a cucumber, because it sprung from your own excrement ? A man has little or no friendship for any human being ; and he deter- mines to lock up his property ; he therefore leaves it to the offspring of his brother's youngest child. Would you allow such a thing in a state ? No, surely. Wilkes desired that his tomb should be inscribed, " J. W. a friend to Liberty." I am glad he was not ashamed to show a little gratitude to her in his old age ; for she was a great friend to him.* * John Wilkes, famous as the editor of the North Briton, TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 99 When I was travelling through Italy the postboy cursed all the saints in Paradise, and five miles round. " Why five miles round ? " Because some of them may be at their country houses." When Buonaparte comes to England, his curse, therefore, will not reach me at Wimbledon. Power, said Lord to Tooke, should follow property. Very well, he replied, then we will take the property from you, and the power shall follow it. No man can bring himself to believe that he shall die. My brother, who left me 100 a year, and pronounced himself at the point of death, desired that such and such things might be returned to him if he recovered. His son had just returned from India, dis- missed from some military situation for misconduct. He called in the evening at his father's gate. Tooke was fortunately from home, and has since refused to see him. He has now enlisted as a private into the dragoons. Tooke spoke of it as a great calamity. Three years ago he felt uncommonly well, and and as the opposer of general warrants, which, through his per- severance, were judicially declared to be illegal. He obtained, late in life, the lucrative office of City Chamberlain, through his notoriety as a liberal politician. ioo RECOLLECTIONS OF THE promised himself a happy summer,; but something, he thought, must happen to prevent it ; he was so perfectly free from trouble. His daughters in vain endeavoured to dissuade him from it. In May he was apprehended, and confined. The same presen- timent for the same reasons had now returned, and had just been fulfilled. The great use of Education is to give us confidence, and to make us think ourselves on a level with other men. An uneducated man thinks there is a magic in it, and stands in awe of those who have had the benefit of it. It does little for us. No man, as Selden says, is the wiser for his learning. When children read to you what they do not understand, their minds are exercised in affixing ideas to the words. At least it was so with me. " So I understand, Mr. T., you have all the black- guards in London with you," said O'Brien to him on the hustings at Westminster.* " I am happy to have it, sir, on such good authority." " Now, young man, as you are settled in town," said my uncle, " I would advise you to take a wife." " With all my heart, sir ; whose wife shall I take ? " * Mr. Tooke was twice candidate for Westminster in 1790 and 1796 but was unsuccessful on each occasion. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 101 [As to the prisoners under sentence, it is but an unhappiness for a few days not one of them but wishes that he had died last week. Think nothing of style as style. Truth is all I wish for.] Man is a little kingdom, and if he makes one passion a favourite at the expense of the rest he must be miserable. The rest will demand satisfaction. I have always least to say in the company of pretty women, for it is then that I am most anxious to recommend myself. In England the people believe once a week on a Sunday. The hand of the Law is on the Poor, and its shadow on the Rich. " If I was compelled (I said somewhere publicly) to make a choice, I should not hesitate to prefer despotism to anarchy." " Then you would do,' replied Tooke, " as your ancestors did at the Re- formation. They rejected Purgatory, and kept Hell." [" Lord Grey," 1837.] O, the fallibility of medical people ! Both Pear- son and Cline, on one occasion, informed Tooke that he could not possibly survive beyond a single day : and he lived years ! * Let me mention here what * In a note on BoswelTs " Life of Johnson " (p. 562, ed. i 848) 102 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE was told to me by a lady at Clifton. " In my girl- relative to Lord Mayor Beckford's famous speech (or rather re- joinder) to the king in 1770, Mr. Croker observes: "Mr. Bos- ville's manuscript note on this passage says, ' that the monument records, not the words of Beckford, but what was prepared for him by John Home Tooke, as agreed on at a dinner at Mr. George Bellas's in Doctors' Commons.' This, I think, is also stated in a manuscript note in the Museum copy ; but Mr. Gififord says, ' he never uttered one syllable of the speech.' " Ben Jonson," i. 481). Perhaps he said something which was after- wards put into its present shape by Home Tooke." In Stephens's '* Memoirs of Home Tooke " (vol. i. 155-7) we have the following account : " This answer [of the king] had been, of course, antici- pated, and Mr. Home, who was determined to give celebrity to the mayoralty of his friend, Mr. Beckford, at the same time that he supported the common cause, had suggested the idea of a reply to the sovereign : a measure hitherto unexampled in our history." Stephens then proceeds to say that the Lord Mayor " expressed himself nearly as follows," &c. ; and presently adds, '' This, as Mr. Home lately acknowledged to me, was his compo- sition." I now quote the words of Mr. Maltby (see notice pre- fixed to the " Porsoniana " in this volume). " I was dining at Guildhall in 1790, and sitting next to Dr. C. Burney, when he assured me that Beckford did not utter one syllable of the speech that it was wholly the invention of Home Tooke. Being very intimate with Tooke, I lost no time in questioning him on the subject. ' What Burney states,' he said, ' is true. I saw Beckford just after he came from St. James's. I asked him what he had said to the king ; and he replied, that he had been so confused, he scarcely knew what he had said. ' But/ cried I, ' your speech must be sent to the papers ; I'll write it for you.' I did so immediately, and it was printed forth- with.' " TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 103 hood," she said, " I had a very severe illness, during which I heard Dr. Turton declare to my mother, in the next room, that I could not live. I immediately called out, ' But I will live, Dr. Turton ! ' and here I am, now sixty years old." I knew Joseph Warton well. When Matthias attacked him in "The Pursuits of Literature" for reprinting some loose things * in his edition of Pope, Joseph wrote a letter to me, in which he called Matthias "his pious critic" rather an odd expres- sion to come from a clergyman. He certainly ought not to have given that letter of Lord Cobham.f I never saw Thomas Warton. I once called at the house of Robinson the bookseller for Dr. Kippis, These various statements enable us to arrive at the exact truth, viz., that Tooke suggested to Beckford (if he did not write them down] the heads of a rejoinder to the king's reply that Beckford, losing his presence of mind, made little or no use of them and that the famous speech (or rejoinder] which is en- graved on the pedestal of Beckford's statue in Guildhall, was the elaborate composition of Home Tooke* * The " Imitation of the Second Satire of the First Book of Horace," and the chapter of "The Double Mistress," in the "Memoirs of Scriblerus " : Matthias also objected to "a few trumpery, vulgar copies of verses which disgrace the pages." f See J. Warton's " Life of Pope," p. li. The letter had been previously printed in the dullest of all biographies, Ruffhead's " Life of Pope," p. 276. 104 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE who used to introduce me to many literary parties, and who that evening was to take me to the Society of Antiquaries. He said, "Tom Warton is up- stairs." How I now wish that I had gone up and seen him! His little poem, "The Suicide," is a favourite of mine. Nor did I ever see Gibbon, or Cowper, or Horace Walpole: and it is truly pro- voking to reflect that I might have seen them ! F There is no doubt that Matthias wrote " The Pursuits of Literature " ; and a dull poem it is, though the notes are rather piquant. Gilbert Wakefield used to say he was certain that Rennell and Glynn assisted Matthias in it ; and Wakefield was well acquainted with all the three. i Steevens once said to Matthias, " Well, sir, since you deny the authorship of ' The Pursuits of Litera- ture,' I need have no hesitation in declaring to you that the person who wrote it is a liar and a black- guard." In one of the notes was a statement that Beloe had received help from Porson in translating Alciphron. Porson accordingly went to Beloe, and said, " As you know that I did not help you, pray write to Matthias and desire him to alter TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 105 that note." In a subsequent edition the note was altered. One day I asked Matthias if he wrote " The Pur- suits of Literature " ; and he answered, " My dear friend, can you suppose that I am the author of that poem, when there is no mention made in it of your- self ? " Some time after I happened to call on Lord Besborough, who told me that, as he was illustrating " The Pursuits of Literature " with portraits, he wanted to get one of me. " Why," exclaimed I, " there is no mention in it of me ! " He then turned to the note where I am spoken of as the banker who " dreams of Parnassus." * What popularity Cowper's " Task " enjoyed ! Johnson, the publisher, told me that in conse- quence of the great number of copies which had been sold, he made a handsome present to the author. * " Let me present a short passage from a letter to Mr. Pitt on the occasion of the Triple Assessment. ' Things, sir, are now changed. Time was when bankers were as stupid as their guineas could make them ; they were neither orators, nor painters, nor poets. But now Mr. Dent has a speech and a bitch at your service ; Sir Robert has his pencil and canvas ; and Mr. Rogers dreams on Parnassus ; and, if I am rightly in- formed, there is a great demand among his brethren for " The Pleasures of Memory.' " P. 360, ed. 1808. io6 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE In order to attain general popularity, a poem must have (what it is creditable to our countrymen that they look for) a strong religious tendency, and must treat of subjects which require no previous know- ledge in the readers. Cowper's poems are of that description. Here are two fine lines in Cowper's " Task : " * Knowledge is proud that he has learn'd so much ; Wisdom is humble that he knows no more. Sometimes in his rhymed poetry the verses run with all the ease of prose ; for instance : The path of sorrow, and that path alone, Leads to the land where sorrow is unknown.! Cumberland was a most agreeable companion, and a very entertaining converser. His theatrical anec- dotes were related with infinite spirit and humour : his description of Mrs. Siddons coming off the stage in the full flush of triumph, and walking up to the mirror in the green-room to survey herself, was ad- mirable. He said that the three finest pieces of acting which he had ever witnessed were Garrick's Lear, Henderson's Falstaff, and Cooke's lago. * Book vi. f "An Epistle to an afflicted Protestant in France." TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 107 When Cumberland was composing any work, he never shut himself up in his study : he always wrote in the room where his family sat, and did not feel the least disturbed by the noise of his children at play beside him.* Lord Holland and Lord Lansdowne having ex- pressed a wish to be introduced to Cumberland, I invited all the three to dine with me. It happened, however, that the two lords paid little or no atten- tion to Cumberland (though he said several very good things) scarcely speaking to him the whole time : something had occurred in the House which occupied all their thoughts ; and they retired to a^ window, and discussed it. Mitford, the historian of Greece, possessed, be- sides his learning, a wonderful variety of accomplish- ments. I always felt the highest respect for him. When, not long before his death, I used to meet him in the street, bent almost double, and carrying a long staff in his hand, he reminded me of a venerable pilgrim just come from Jerusalem. His account of the Homeric age of the Sicilian cities and several other parts of his History, are very pleasing. * Compare Cumberland's " Memoirs," i. 264, ii. 204. io8 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Lane made a large fortune by the immense quantity of trashy novels which he sent forth from his Minerva Press. I perfectly well remember the splendid carriage in which he used to ride, and his footmen with their cockades and gold-headed canes. Now-a-days, as soon as a novel has had its run, and is beginning to be forgotten, out comes an edition of it as a " standard novel ! " In company with my sister, I paid a visit to Gilbert Wakefield when he was in Dorchester Gaol. His confinement was made as pleasant to him as possible ; for he had nearly an acre of ground to walk about in. But, still, the sentence passed upon him was infamous : what rulers we had in those days ! Wakefield gave Beloe some assistance in trans- lating Aulus Gellius. At a splendid party given by Lord Hampden to the Prince of Wales, &c., I saw Lady Hamilton go * Gilbert Wakefield, born 1736, and entered Holy Orders. In 1790 joined a Dissenting College at Hackney, but soon left it. Subsequently published pamphlets against Public Worship and Government, and finally a famous letter to Watson, the Bishop of Llandaff, for which he was prosecuted and imprisoned. He died shortly after his release in 1801. ED. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 109 through all those " attitudes " which have been engraved ; and her performance was very beau- tiful indeed. Her husband, Sir William, was present. Lord Nelson was a remarkably kind-hearted man. I have seen him spin a teetotum with his one hand, a whole evening, for the amusement of some children. I heard him once during dinner utter many bitter complaints (which Lady Hamilton vainly attempted to check) of the way he had been treated at Court that forenoon : the Queen had not condescended to take the slightest notice of him. In truth, Nelson was hated at Court ; they were jealous of his fame. There was something very charming in Lady Hamilton's openness of manner. She showed me the neckcloth which Nelson had on when he died : of course, I could not help looking at it with extreme interest ; and she threw her arms round my neck and kissed me. She was latterly in great want ; and Lord Stowell never rested till he procured for her a small pension from Government. Parson Este was well acquainted with Mrs. Robinson (the once celebrated "Perdita"), and said that Fox had the greatest difficulty in persuading the Prince of Wales to lend her some assistance when, i io RECOLLECTIONS OF THE towards the close of life, she was in very straitened circumstances. Este saw her funeral, which was attended by a single mourning- coach.* One morning I was about to mount my horse to ride into London to the banking-house, when, to my astonishment, I read in the newspapers that a summons had been issued to bring me before the Privy Council. I immediately proceeded to Downing Street, and asked to see Mr. Dundas. I was admitted ; and I told him that I had come to inquire the cause of the summons which I had seen announced in the newspapers. He said, " Have you a carriage here ? " I replied, " A hackney-coach." Into it we got ; and there was I sitting familiarly with Dundas, whom I had never before set eyes on. We drove to the Home Office ; and I learned that I had been summoned to give evidence in the case of William Stone, accused of high treason. Long before this, I had met Stone in the Strand, when he * Poor "Perdita" had some poetic talent : and it was acknow- ledged by Coleridge, whose lines to her, " As late on Skiddaw's mount I lay supine," &c., are not to be found in the early collec- tions of his poems. See, at p. xlviii. of the Tributary Poems prefixed to Mrs. Robinson's " Poetical Works," 3 vols., " ' A Stranger Minstrel.' By S. T. Coleridge, Esq., written a few weeks before her death," and dated, " Nov. 1800." TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS in told me, among other things, that a person had arrived here from France to gather the sentiments of the people of England concerning a French invasion ; and that he (Stone) would call upon me and read to me a paper on that subject. I said, " You will infect me with the plague " ; and we parted. In the course of a few days he did call with the paper. After the Government had laid hold of Stone, he mentioned his intercourse with me ; and hence my summons. When his trial took place, I was examined by the Attorney-General, and cross-examined by Erskine. For some time before the trial I could scarcely get a wink of sleep : the thoughts of my appearance at it made me miserable. " Samuel Rogers, Esq. (sworn). Examined by Mr. Attorney-General. Q. You know Mr. William Stone ? A. Yes. . Q. Do you know Mr. Hurford Stone ? A. I have known him many years. Q. Do you recollect having any conversation and if you do, be so good as state to my Lord and the jury what conversation you had with Mr. William Stone relative to an invasion of this country ? A. He met me, I think it was in the month of ii2 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE March 1794, in the street ; he stopped me to men- tion the receipt of a letter from his brother at Paris, on the arrival of a gentlemen, who wished particu- larly to collect the sentiments of the people of this country with respect to a French invasion. Our conversation went very little further, for it was in the street. Q. Do you recollect what you said to him, if you said anything ? A. I recollect that I rather declined the conver- sation. Q. I ask you, not what you declined or did not decline, but what you said to him, if you said any- thing ? A. I was in a hurry, and I believe all I said was to decline the conversation. Q. State in what language you did decline that conversation. A . I said that I had no wish to take any part what- ever in any political transactions at that time ; it was a time of general alarm, and I wished to shun even the shadow of an imputation, as I knew that when the minds of men were agitated, as I thought they then were, the most innocent intentions were liable to misconstruction. Q. Did he inform you who the person was ? TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 113 A. No, he did not; I only learned that it was a gentleman arrived from Paris ; I speak from recollection. Q. Did he inform you what gentleman he was ? A . I do not recollect that he did. Q. Did he ever call upon you after you had de- clined this conversation ? A . He did call upon me a few days after ; and he read to me a paper, which I understood to be written by somebody else, but I cannot say who ; and which went to show, as far as I can recollect, that the English nation, however they might differ among themselves, would unite to repel an invasion. If you wish to have your works coldly reviewed, get your intimate friends to write an article on them. I know this by experience. Ward (Lord Dudley) " cut up " my " Columbus " in The Quarterly : but he afterwards repented of it, and apologised to me.* * The number of The Quarterly (see vol. ix. 207) which contained the critique in question had just appeared, when Mr. Rogers, who had not yet seen it, called on Lord Grosvenor, and found Gifford sitting with him. Between Mr. Rogers and Gifford there was little cordiality ; but on that occasion they chatted together in a very friendly manner. After Mr. Rogers had left the room, Gifford said to Lord Grosvenor with a smile, " Do you think he has seen the last Quarterly ? " Mr. Rogers took his revenge for that critique by frequently H 114 I have seen Howard the philanthropist more than once : he was a remarkably mild-looking man. His book on prisons is excellently written. People are not aware that Dr. Price wrote a portion of it. Sir Henry Englefield had a fancy (which some greater men have had) that there was about his person a natural odour of roses and violets. Lady repeating the following epigram, which has been erroneously attributed to Byron, but which, as Mr. Rogers told me, he himself wrote, with some little assistance from Richard Sharp : Ward has no heart, they say ; but I deny it He has a heart, and gets his speeches by it. One day while Mr. Rogers was on bad terms with Ward, Lady said to him, " Have you seen Ward lately ? " " What Ward ? " " Why, our Ward, of course." " Our Ward ! you may keep him all to yourself." " Columbus " was first printed in a thin quarto, for private circu- lation, 1 80 1. When Ward reviewed it in 1813, as forming a portion of Mr. Rogers's collected poems, it had been greatly enlarged. Another article in The Quarterly gave considerable annoyance to Mr. Rogers the critique by George Ellis on Byron's " Corsair " and "Lara" (vol. xi. 428), in which Mr. Rogers's " Jacqueline" (originally appended to " Lara ") is only mentioned as " the highly- refined, but somewhat insipid, pastoral tale of Jacqueline." When Mr. Rogers was at Brighton in 1851, Lady Byron told him that her husband, on reading Ellis's critique, had said, " The man's a fool. ' Jacqueline ' is as superior to ' Lara ' as Rogers is to me." Who will believe that Byron said this sincerely ? Yet " Jacque- line " is undoubtedly a beautiful little poem. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 115 Grenville, hearing of this, and loving a joke, ex- claimed, one day when Sir Henry was present, "Bless me, what a smell of violets !"" Yes," said he with great simplicity ; "it comes from me." In former days Cuyp's pictures were compara- tively little valued : he was the first artist who painted light, and therefore he was not understood. Sir William Beechy was at a picture-sale with Wilson when one of Cuyp's pieces was knocked down for a trifling sum. "Well," said Wilson, "the day will come when both Cuyp's works and my own will bring the prices which they ought to bring." Sir Thomas Lawrence used to say, that among painters there were three pre-eminent for invention Giorgione, Rembrandt, and Rubens ; and perhaps he was right. Sir Thomas Lawrence has painted several very pleasing pictures of children ; but generally his men are effeminate, and his women meretricious. Of his early portraits Sir Joshua Reynolds said, " This young man has a great deal of talent ; but there is an affectation in his style which he will never entirely shake off." n6 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE We have now in England a greater number of tolerably good painters than ever existed here to- gether at any former period ; but, alas, we have no Hogarth, and no Reynolds ! I must not, however, forget that we have Turner, a man of first-rate genius in his line. There is in some of his pictures a grandeur which neither Claude nor Poussin could give to theirs. Turner thinks that Rubens's landscapes are deficient in nature. I differ from him. Indeed, there * is a proof that he is mistaken ; look at that forest-scene by Rubens ; the foreground of it is truth itself. The Art Union is a perfect curse : it buys and engraves very inferior pictures, and consequently encourages mediocrity of talent ; it makes young men, who have no genius, abandon the desk and counter, and set up for painters. The public gave little encouragement to Flaxman and Banks, but showered its patronage on two much inferior sculptors, Bacon and Chantrey. As to Flaxman, the greatest sculptor of his day, the neglect which he experienced is something in- conceivable. Canova, who was well acquainted * i.e., on the wall of Mr. Rogers's dining-room. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 117 with his exquisite illustrations of Dante, &c., could hardly believe that a man of such genius was not an object of admiration among his countrymen ; and, in allusion to their insensibility to Flaxman's merits and to their patronage of inferior artists, he said to some of the English at Rome, " You see with your ears ! " Chantrey began his career by being a carver in wood. The ornaments on that mahogany side- board, and on that stand [in Mr. Rogers's dining- room] were carved by him. [Subsequently, when a gentleman informed Mr. Rogers that the truth of this last statement had been questioned, he entered into the following particulars: Chantrey said to me one day, " Do you recollect that, about twenty-five years ago, a journeyman came to your house, from the woodcarver employed by you and Mr. Hope, to talk about these ornaments, and that you gave him a drawing to execute them by ? " I replied that I recollected it perfectly. " Well," continued Chantrey, " / was that journeyman."] When he was at Rome in the height of his celebrity, he injured himself not a little by talking with con- tempt * of the finest statues of antiquity. Jackson * Mr. Rogers, I apprehend, was mistaken on this point. From Jones's " Life of Chantrey," p. 26, it appears that Chantrey did ii8 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE (the painter) told me that he and Chantrey went into the studio of Dannecker the sculptor, who hap- pened to be from home. There was an unfinished bust in the room ; and Chantrey, taking up a chisel, proceeded to work upon it. One of the assistants immediately rushed forwards, in great alarm, to stop him ; but no sooner had Chantrey given a blow on the chisel than the man exclaimed, with a know- ing look, " Ha ! ha ! " as much as to say, " I see that you perfectly understand what you are about." Chantrey practised portrait-painting both at Shef- field and after he came to London. It was in allusion to him that Lawrence said, " A broken- down painter will make a very good sculptor." Ottley's knowledge of painting was astonishing. Showing him a picture which I had just received from Italy, I said, " Whose work do you suppose it to be ? " After looking at it attentively, he replied, "It is the work of Lorenzo di Credi " (by whom I already knew that it was painted). " How," I asked, " could you discover it to be from Lorenzo's pencil ? Have you ever before now seen any of his not admire those statues so much as they are generally admired, and therefore was unwilling to give his opinion on them ; but that he never spoke of them M with contempt." TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 119 pieces ? " " Never," he answered ; " but I am familiar with the description of his style as given by Vasari and others." I regret that so little of Curran's brilliant talk has been preserved. How much of it Tom Moore could record, if he would only take the trouble ! I once dined with Curran in the public room of the chief inn at Greenwich, when he talked a great deal, and, as usual, with considerable exaggeration. Speaking of something which he would not do on any inducement, he exclaimed vehemently, " I had rather be hanged upon twenty gibbets." " Don't you think, sir, that one would be enough for you ? " said a girl, a stranger, who was sitting at the table next to us. I wish you could have seen Curran's face. He was absolutely confounded struck dumb. Very few persons know that the poem called " Ulm and Trafalgar " * was written by Canning. He composed it (as George Ellis told me) in about, two days, while he walked up and down the room. Indeed, very few persons know that such a poem exists. * A short poem printed for Ridgeway, 1806, 4to. 120 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE After Legge was appointed Bishop of Oxford, he had the folly to ask two wits, Canning and Frere, to be present at his first sermon. " Well," said he to Canning, " how did you like it ? " " Why I thought it rather short." " Oh yes, I am aware that it was short ; but I was afraid of being tedious." " You were tedious." A lady having put to Canning the silly question, " Why have they made the spaces in the iron gate at Spring Gardens * so narrow ? " he replied, " Oh, ma'am, because such very fat people used to go through " (a reply concerning which Tom Moore said, that " the person who does not relish it can have no perception of real wit "). Canning said that a man who could talk of liking dry champagne would not scruple to say anything. The Duke of York told me that Dr. Cyril Jackson most conscientiously did his duty as tutor to him and his brother, the Prince of Wales. "Jackson," said the Duke, " used to have a silver pencil-case in his hand while we were at our lessons ; and he has frequently given us such knocks with it upon our foreheads, that the blood followed them." * At the end of Spring Garden Passage, which opens into St. James's Park. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 121 I have often heard the Duke relate how he and his brother George, when young men, were robbed by footpads on Hay Hill.* They had dined that day at Devonshire House, had then gone home to lay aside their Court dresses, and afterwards proceeded to a house of a certain description in the neighbour- hood of Berkeley Square. They were returning from it in a hackney-coach, late at night, when some foot- pads stopped them on Hay Hill, and carried off their purses, watches, &c. In his earlier days the Duke of York was most exact in paying all his debts of honour. One night at Brookes's, while he was playing cards, he said to Lord Thanet, who was about to go home to bed, " Lord Thanet, is our betting still to continue ? " " Yes, sir, certainly," was the reply : and next morning Lord Thanet found 1500 left for him at Brookes's by the Duke. But gradually he became less particular in such matters ; and at last he would quietly pocket the winnings of the night from Lord Robert Spencer, though he owed Lord Robert about five thousand pounds. I have several times stayed at Oatlands with the Duke and Duchess of York both of them most amiable and agreeable persons. We were generally * Hay Hill, Berkeley Street, leading to Dover Street. 122 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE a company of about fifteen ; and our being invited to remain there " another day " sometimes depended on the ability of our royal host and hostess to raise sufficient money for our entertainment. We used to have all sorts of ridiculous " fun " as we roamed about the grounds. The Duchess kept (besides a number of dogs, for which there was a regular burial- place) a collection of monkeys, each of which had its own pole with a house at top. One of the visitors (whose name I forget) would single out a particular monkey, and play to it on the fiddle with such fury and perseverance, that the poor animal, half-distracted, would at last take refuge in the arms of Lord Alvanley. Monk Lewis was a great favourite at Oatlands. One day after dinner, as the Duchess was leaving the room, she whispered something into Lewis's ear. He was much affected, his eyes filling with tears. We asked what was the matter. " Oh," replied Lewis, " the Duchess spoke so very kindly to me ! " " My dear fellow," said Colonel Armstrong,* " pray don't cry ; I daresay she didn't mean it." In Monk Lewis's writings there is a deal of bad * Query about this name ? Sometimes, while telling the story, Mr. Rogers would say, '* I think it was Colonel Arms- strong." TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 123 taste ; but still he was a man of genius. I'll tell you two stories which he was very fond of repeating (and which Windham used to like). The first is : The Skeleton in the Church Porch. Some travellers were supping at an inn in Germany and sent for the landlord to give him a glass of wine. In the course of conversation the landlord remarked that a certain person, whom they happened to speak of, was as obstinate as the Skeleton in the Church Porch. " What is that ? " they inquired. The landlord said that he alluded to a skeleton which it was impossible to keep under ground ; that he had twice or thrice assisted in laying it in the charnel, but that always, the day after it had been buried, it was found lying in the church porch. The travellers were greatly struck by this account ; and they expressed an eager desire to see the refractory skeleton. At last, a young serving-woman coming into the room, they asked her if she, for a reward, would go to the church porch and bring the skeleton to them. She at first refused to do so ; but eventu- ally the travellers offered a sum of money which she could not resist. Be it particularly observed that the young woman was then big with child. Well, off she set to the church ; and having found 124 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE the skeleton in its usual place, she brought it to the inn on her back, and laid it upon the table before the travellers. They had no sooner looked at it than they wished it gone ; and they prevailed on the young woman, for another sum of money, to carry it again to the church porch. When she arrived there, she set it down ; and turning away, she was pro- ceeding quickly along the path which led from the church, and which was seen stretching out before her in the clear moonlight, when suddenly she felt the skeleton leap upon her back. She tried to shake it off ; but in vain. She then fell on her knees, and said her prayers. The skeleton relaxed its hold ; and she again rushed down the path, when, as before, the skeleton leapt upon her back. " I will never quit you," it said, " till you descend into the charnel, and obtain forgiveness for the skeleton that lies in the church porch." She paused a moment ; then summoning up her courage, she replied that she would do so. The skeleton dropped off. Down she went into the charnel ; and, after groping about for some time, she perceived the pale figure of a lady, sitting by a lamp and reading. She advanced to- wards the figure, and, kneeling, said, " I ask forgive- ness for the skeleton that lies in the church porch." The lady read on without looking at her. Again TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 125 she repeated her supplication, but still the lady read on, regardless of it. The young woman then ascended from the charnel, and was running down the path when the skeleton once more arrested her progress. "I will never quit you," it said, "till you obtain forgiveness for the skeleton that lies in the church porch : go again into the charnel, and ask it." Again the young woman descended, and, advancing to the lady, sunk upon her knees, and cried, " I come a second time to ask forgiveness for the skeleton that lies in the church porch. Oh, grant that forgiveness ! the skeleton implores it ! I implore it ! the babe that I bear in my womb im- plores it also ! " The lady turned her head towards the speaker, gave a faint smile, and disappeared. On coming up from the charnel, the young woman found the skeleton standing erect in the porch. " I am now here," it said, " not to trouble you, but to thank you : you have at length procured me rest in the grave. I was betrothed to the lady whom you saw in the charnel ; and I basely deserted her for another. I stood at the altar, about to be married to my second love, when suddenly the lady rushed into the church, and having stabbed herself with a dagger, said to me, as she was expiring, '* You shall never have rest in the grave no, 126 never, till the babe unborn shall ask forgiveness for you" The skeleton rewarded the good offices of the young woman by discovering to her the place where a heap of treasure was concealed. The second story is : Lord HowtWs Rat. Tom Sheridan was shooting on the moors in Ire- land, and lost his dog. A day or two after it made its appearance, following an Irish labourer. It was restored to Sheridan, who remarked to the labourer that " the dog seemed very familiar with him." The answer was, " Yes, it follows me, as the rat did Lord Howth." An inquiry about this rat drew forth what is now to be told : Lord Howth, having dissipated his property, retired in very low spirits to a lonely chateau on the sea-coast. One stormy night a vessel was seen to go down ; and next morning a raft was beheld floating towards the shore. As it approached, the bystanders were surprised. to find that it was guided by a lady, who presently stepped upon the beach. She was exquisitely beautiful ; but they were unable to discover who or what she was, for she spoke in an unknown tongue. Lord Howth was struck with great pity for this fair stranger, and conducted her to his chateau. There TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 127 she remained a considerable time, when he became violently enamoured of her, and at last asked her to become his wife. She (having now learned the English language) thanked him for the honour he had intended her ; but declared in the most posi- tive terms that she could never be his. She then earnestly advised him to marry a certain lady of a neighbouring county. He followed her advice ; paid his addresses to the lady, and was accepted. Before the marriage, the beautiful stranger took a ribbon from her hair, and binding it round the wrist of Lord Howth, said, " Your happiness depends on your never parting with this ribbon." He assured her that it should remain constantly on his wrist. She then disappeared, and was never seen again. The marriage took place. The ribbon was a matter of much wonder and curiosity to the bride ; and one night, while Lord Howth was asleep, she removed it from his wrist, and carried it to .the fire, that she might read the characters inscribed upon it. Accidentally she let the flame reach it, and it was consumed. Some time after, Lord Howth was giving a grand banquet in his hall, when the company were suddenly disturbed by the barking of dogs. This, the servants said, was occasioned by a rat which the dogs were pursuing. 128 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Presently the rat, followed by the dogs, entered the hall. It mounted on the table, and running up to Lord Howth, stared at him earnestly with its bright black eyes. He saved its life ; and from that moment it never quitted him : wherever he was, alone or with his friends, there was the rat. At last the society of the rat became very disagreeable to Lord Howth ; and his brother urged him to leave Ireland for a time, that he might get rid of it. He did so, and proceeded to Marseilles, accom- panied by his brother. They had just arrived at that place, and were sitting in the room of an hotel, when the door opened, and in came the rat. It was dripping wet, and went straight to the fire to dry itself. Lord Howth's brother, greatly enraged at the intrusion, seized the poker, and dashed out its brains. " You have murdered me," cried Lord Howth, and instantly expired. At one of Lady Cr ewe's dinner-parties, Grattan, after talking very delightfully for some time, all at once seemed disconcerted, and sunk into silence. I asked his daughter, who was sitting next to me, the reason of this. " Oh," she replied, " he has just found out that he has come here in his powdering- coat." TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 129 Grattan said that Malone went about, looking, through strongly magnifying spectacles, for pieces of straw and bits of broken glass. He used to talk with admiration of the French translation of Demosthenes by Auger : he thought it the best of all translations. He declared that the two greatest men of modern times were William the Third and Washington. " Three persons," said Grattan, " are considered as having the best claim to the authorship of " Junius's Letters " Gibbon, Hamilton, and Burke. Gibbon is out of the question. I do not believe that they were Hamilton's ; because a man who was willing to be known as the author of a bad piece would hardly have failed to acknowledge that he had written an excellent book. I incline to think that Burke was Junius." " Burke," observed Grattan, " became at last such an enthusiastic admirer of kingly power, that he could not have slept comfortably on his pillow if he had not thought that the king had a right to carry it off from under his head." " Do you ever say your prayers ? " asked Plunkett of Grattan. " No, never." " What, never ! neither night nor morning ? " " Never : but I have aspirations all day and all night long." i 130 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE " What you have just mentioned," said one of Grattan's friends to him, " is a profound secret : where could you have heard it ? " Grattan replied, " Where secrets are kept in the street." You remember the passage in my "Human Life " ? A walk in spring Grattan, like those with thee By the heath-side( who had not envied me ?), When the sweet limes, so full of bees in June, Led us to meet beneath their boughs at noon ; And thou didst say which of the great and wise, Could they but hear and at thy bidding rise, Thou wouldst call up and question. I allude to some lime-trees near Tunbridge Wells. Grattan would say to me, " Come, Rogers, let's take a walk among the lime-trees, and hear those great senators, the bees " ; and, while we were listening to their buzzing and humming, he would exclaim, " Now, they are holding a committee," &c. &c. He would say, too, " Were I a necromancer, I should like to call up Scipio Africanus : he was not so skilful a captain as Hannibal ; but he was a greater and more virtuous man. And I should like to talk to Julius Caesar on several points of his history on one particularly (though I would not press the subject, if disagreeable to him) I should TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 131 wish to know what part he took during Catiline's conspiracy." " Should you like to call up Cleo- patra ? " I asked. " No," replied Grattan, " not Cleopatra : she would tell me nothing but lies ; and her beauty would make me sad." * Grattan was so fond of walking with me, that Mrs. Grattan once said to him rather angrily, " You'll be taken for Mr. Rogers's shadow." " How I should like," said Grattan one day to me, " to spend my whole life in a small neat cottage ! I could be content with very little ; I should need only cold meat, and bread, and beer and plenty of claret" I once said to Grattan, " If you were now only twenty years old, and Cooke were about to set sail round the world, should you like to accompany him ? " He answered, " I have no wish to see such countries as he saw : I should like to see Rome, Athens, and some parts of Asia ; but little besides." * The very reverse of the effect which the beauty of the little cottage-girl produced on Wordsworth " Her beauty made me glad." (" We are Seven.") Speaking to me of the poem just cited, Wordsworth said, " It is founded on fact. I met a little girl near Goderich Castle, who, though some of her brothers and sisters were dead, would talk of them in the present tense. I wrote that poem backward that is, I began with the last stanza." 132 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE He declared that he had rather be shot than go up in a balloon. f Grattan'suncle, Dean Marlay, gave the nicest little dinners and kept the best company in Dublin ; his parties were delightful. At that time he had about four hundred a year. After- wards, when he succeeded to an estate and was made a Bishop, he gave great dinners chiefly to people of rank and fashion (foolish men and foolish _ women) ; and his parties lost all their charm. He had a good deal of the humour of Swift. Once, when the footman was out of the way, he ordered the coachman to fetch some water from the well. To this the coachman objected, that his business was to drive, not to run on errands. " Well, then," said Marlay, " bring out the coach and four, set the pitcher inside, and drive to the well " a service which was several times repeated, to the great amusement of the village. Grattan entering a cottage with his hat in his hand. "Sir, your most obedient Now, sir, how much may you earn in a week ? You eat little or no meat, I suppose." Anxious to confute Forster, who had said that the cottagers about Tunbridge lived worse than those of Ireland. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 133 Like Louis XIV., he returns the bow of a child. One of the reasons why the affairs of Nations are not better conducted, is that the consequences of our misconduct is more remote, and less certain, than any false step we may make in private life. A nation may be ruined, but not in our time ; nor will the causes that led to it be so obvious as to attach certainly to such or such a person. We may not live to see the tragedy, nor indeed may it ever take place. Our self-interest, in that respect, is therefore less awake, and so also are our consciences ; nor is our imagination so excited by the prospect of evil to many as to one. Our self-interest, as individuals, which is generally shortsighted, coun- teracts the other too powerfully. Were I rich, and could live as I please, I should have no wish for a fine house or fine furniture (I would rather not have them, I should be afraid of hurting them), or pictures they give me no pleasure. I would have no fine gardens or con- servatories I love the fruit ; but I would have no fine gardener to criticise me, and tell me I was doing wrong, or walking awkwardly I should love a wide expanse I would have bands of music I love music I would have a carriage for use, 134 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE and fine horses, but not for riding I love to go fast I would cut the air. Wealth makes a man sad he lives for others who don't care for him he becomes a steward. I cannot bear large and mixed companies ; they make me miserable. [Mrs. G. complains that he ought to bear his share in them ; but he won't ; he has no voice for them. S. R.]. Lord Bolingbroke a very fine speaker, and there- fore banished the house.* His Dedication to his Dissertations on parties, a very fine imitation of that to " Killing no Murder." A fine prospect to the visitor or traveller is ever delightful but possession destroys the pleasure. If I delighted much in a view or a spot, I would wish some other person to live there. Pitt's faults might arise in some degree from his situation. For twenty years he was an apologist for failure, and an imposer of taxes : in other words a humbug. Burke's speeches far better to read than to hear. * When Lord Bolingbroke, who had been attainted by act of Parliament for high treason, was pardoned in 1723, he was unable to procure a reversal of the attainder, and a restoration of his seat in the House of Lords. Mr. Grattan, no doubt, alludes to this when he says he was banished the^house. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 135 They are better suited to a patient reader, than to an impatient hearer.* Mrs. Anne Pitt, Lord Chatham's sister, a very superior woman. She hated him, and they lived like dog and cat. She said he had never read but one book " The Fairy Queen." He could only get rid of her by leaving his house, and setting a bill upon it, " This house to let." Every sentence [of Fox] came rolling like a wave of the Atlantic, three thousand miles long. Stella f used often to visit my aunt, and sleep with her in the same bed, and weep all night. She was not very handsome. Miss V 1 was hand- some. Who was the best speaker you ever heard ? Fox, during the American War Fox in his best days ; about the year 1779. Using the word Disloyalty in the sense it has been used in, makes the King the Law. Lord Chatham. " I don't inquire from what quarter the wind cometh, but whither it goeth ; and if any measure that comes from the Right * See Sheridan's remark on Burke's speeches. Supra, p. 38. f Mrs. Johnson, whom Swift has celebrated under the name of Stella ; and to whom he was privately married. I Miss Vanhomrigh, whom Swift called Vanessa. 136 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Honourable Gentleman tends to the Public Good, my bark is ready." * " I stand alone I stand like our first ancestor naked, but not ashamed."t Lord Chatham, I think, delivered finer things than Desmosthenes ; but he had a greater theatre, and men are made by circumstances. " America has resisted. I rejoice, my Lords." t This passage, I think, excels any in Demosthenes. I was at Paris in 1771 for three months and delighted though I made no acquaintance but with an Abb, and a Swindler. I went with two other Templars to study in France, by Havre, taking Coke upon Littleton but settled nowhere. * " On another occasion he [Lord Chatham] said, ' It is not for us to inquire whence the wind bloweth, but where it tendeth. If its gales are for the public advantage, although they come from the quarter of the noble lord, my bark is ready." " Grat- tan's Life and Times." By his Son. Ed. 1849, i. 237. f " In his [Lord Chatham's] speech on the Stamp Act [for America], being abandoned by his friends, he said, ' My Lords, I rise like our piimeval ancestor naked but not ashamed.' " Ibid., i. 234. J The speech was not in the Lords, but in the Commons, on January 14, 1766, in the debate on the Address to the Throne ; the sentence, part of which Mr. Grattan quoted, is thus reported ; " The gentleman tells us America is obstinate America is almost in open rebellion. I rejoice that America has resisted. Three millions of people so dead to all feelings of liberty as volun- TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 137 Solitude is bad. I have tried Tinnehinch* for twenty years. It leads to melancholy to a sort of madness. You think of your vexations, your age. Society should always be in your power. An old man cannot enjoy solitude. He has learnt the secret he has found out the rogueries of Fortune. Nor will reading supply the want. I would live in a house full of society, to which I might escape from myself. I was called the spirit of the Dargle.f I found out (he said laughing) that a man's worst companion is himself. The King (Charles the First) had made war on the people but the death of Strafford was less to be justified. Though a thief, a robber, he was no traitor. He had committed every crime but that for which he was condemned to die. Of what use is it ? ('' Lycidas"), says Johnson. | tarily to submit to be slaves would have been fit instruments to make slaves of the rest." " Parl. Hist.," xvi. 104. * Mr. Grattan's residence in the county of Wicklow. f A glen, near Tinnehinch. | See Johnson's criticism of "Lycidas," in his "Life of Milton/' 1 where he speaks of it as without nature, and without truth ; its diction as harsh, its numbers as unpleasing, its images long ago exhausted, and its form as that of a pastoral, easy, vulgar, and therefore disgusting. 138 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE These things they take the mind out of the dirt, as it were. The French poets I read with little pleasure ; and am glad when I have done. Boileau perhaps but such is their homage to the great, we are the worse for them. A wife should be of a modest character. She should sing. Burke's best things : On the payment of the Nabob of Arcot's debts Descent of Hyder Ally on the Carnatic.* He was heard without much attention. We should always have the appearance of narra- tive, not of description. Dislikes the clergy and all humbugs. [His forte in conversation is sketching a character, with a gentle voice and many pauses ; but with a delicate irony, a great archness of look and manner ; beginning, as you would think, with something like praise, and ending with a roll of the person, and a turn of the head, in a coup de patte. It is very delightful to see him with Miss Fox. The enjoyment she feels encourages him. S. R.]. * See his speech in the House of Commons, in support of Mr. Fox's motion for papers on the subject of the Nabob of Arcot's debts, February 28, 1785. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 139 Pitt would be right nineteen times for once that Fox would be right : but that once would be worth all the rest. The heart is wiser than the schools. In conversation, said Plunket, he gave results* rather than processes of reasoning. Every sentence was a treasure. When Dr. Lucas, a very unpopular man, ventured on a speech in the Irish Parliament, and failed altogether, Grattan said, " He rose without a friend, and sate down without an enemy." Of he said : "He was a coward in the field, and a bully in the street." Archibald Hamilton, afterwards Duke of Hamil- ton, t (as his daughter, Lady Dunmore, told me) advertised for "a Hermit " as an ornament to his pleasure-grounds ; and it was stipulated that the said Hermit should have his beard shaved but once a year, and that only partially. A friend, calling on him one forenoon, asked if it was true that he kept a young tame tiger. He immediately slapped his thighs, and uttered a sort * As I can say of all the eminent men I have known, and from them, generally speaking, I have learnt more than from books, what they said making a deeper impression. S. R. t Ninth Duke of Hamilton* 140 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE of whistle ; and forth crept the long-backed animal from under the sofa. The visitor soon retreated. Lord Shelburne could say the most provoking things, and yet appear quite unconscious of their being so. In one of his speeches, alluding to Lord Carlisle, he said, " The noble lord has written a comedy." " No, a tragedy." * " Oh, I beg pardon ; / thought it was a comedy" I know few lines finer than the concluding stanza of "Life"f by Mrs. Barbauld, who composed it when she was very old : Life ! we have been long together, Through pleasant and through cloudy weather : 'Tis hard to part when friends are dear ; Perhaps 'twill cost a sigh, a tear ; Then steal away, give little warning, Choose thine own time, Say not Good Night, but in some brighter clime Bid me Good Morning. Sitting with Madame D'Arblay some weeks be- fore she died, I said to her, " Do you remember those lines of Mrs. Barbauld's " Life " which I once * The Father's Revenge. f Wordsworth also thought very highly of these lines : see his " Memoirs," ii. 222. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 141 repeated to you ? " " Remember them ! " she replied ; "I repeat them to myself every night before I go to sleep." Strangely enough,* in spite of her correct taste, Mrs. Barbauld was quite fascinated by Darwin's " Botanic Garden " when it first appeared, and talked of it with rapture ; for which I scolded her heartily. One day, as she was going to Hampstead in the stage-coach, she had a Frenchman for her companion ; and entering into conversation with him, she found that he was making an excursion to Hampstead for the express purpose of seeing the house in the Flask Walk where Clarissa Harlowe lodged. f What a compliment to the genius of Richardson ! * It is not so strange, when we recollect that " The Botanic Garden " fascinated even Cowper : see his verses to Darwin, written in conjunction with Hayley. Wordsworth once said to me : " Darwin had not an atom of feeling : he was a mere eye-voluptuary. He has so many similes all beginning with ' So,' that I used to call ' The Botanic Garden ' ' so-so poetry.' " f " The writer of these observations well remembers a French- man who paid a visit to Hampstead for the sole purpose of find- ing out the house in the flask-walk where Clarissa lodged, and was surprised at the ignorance or indifference of the inhabitants on that subject. The flask-walk was to him as much classic ground as the rocks of Meillerie to the admirers of Rousseau ; and probably, if an English traveller were to make similar in- quiries in Switzerland, he would find that the rocks of Meillerie 142 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Bobus Smith* (who could repeat by heart an astonishing quantity of Latin prose) used to admire greatly the " raptor, largitor "f of Tacitus. I am inclined to prefer Sallust's expression, " alieni appetens, sui profusus."J A few days before his death, Bobus said to me, " Rogers, however we may doubt on some points, we have made up our minds on one that Christ was sent into the world commissioned by the Almighty to instruct mankind." I replied, " Yes ; of that I am perfectly convinced." When I was a lad, I recollect seeing a whole cartful of young girls, in dresses of various colours, on their way to be executed at Tyburn. They had all been condemned, on one indictment, for having been concerned in (that is, perhaps, for having been spectators of) the burning of some houses during and the chalets of the Valais suggested no ideas to the inhabitants but such as were connected with their dairies and their farms. A constant residence destroys all sensibility to objects of local enthusiasm." Mrs. Barbauld's " Life of Richardson," p. cix. * i.e. Robert Smith, the elder brother of Sydney, and one of the best writers of Latin verse since the days of the ancients. " Bobus " was the nickname given to him by his schoolfellows at Eton. f " Hist.," lib. ii. c. 86. J " Bell. Cat.," near the beginning. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 143 Lord George Gordon's riots. It was quite horrible. Greville was present at one of the trials consequent on those riots, and heard several boys sentenced, to their own excessive amazement, to be hanged. " Never," said Greville with great naivete, " did I see boys cry so." Sir Thomas Lawrence told me, that when he, in his boyhood, had received a prize * from the Society of Arts, he went with it into the parlour where his brothers and sisters were sitting ; but that not one * Sometimes, in telling this anecdote, Mr. Rogers would speak of young Lawrence's prize as " a medal which he put on," &c. But from Williams's " Life of Lawrence " it appears that the prize adjudged to him in 1784 by the Society of Arts (for a draw- ing in crayons after the Transfiguration of Raphael] was the silver palette entirely gilt and five guineas. " It was the law of the Society, that a work of this description, to compete for the main prize [the gold medal] must be performed within one year prior to the date at which it is sent to the Society. Mr. Law- rence's drawing was marked as performed in 1782, and it was not sent to the Society till the year 1784 ; and this excluded it, according to the conditions of the Society, from being taken into consideration for the higher prize. It was considered, how- ever, to possess such very extraordinary merit that the Society was not content with putting the gilt rim to the palette, but ordered it to be entirely gilt. Pecuniary rewards for works of art had long been abandoned ; and this vote of five guineas was a very striking testimony of the opinions of the Society in favour of the work." Vol. i. 90. 144 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE of them would take the slightest notice of it ; and that he was so mortified by their affected indiffer- ence, that he ran upstairs to his own room, and burst into tears. On coming home late one night, I found Sir Thomas Lawrence in the street, hovering about my door, and waiting for my return. He immediately began the tale of his distress telling me that he was in pressing want of a large sum of money, and that he depended on my assistance, being sure that I would not like to see the President of the Royal Academy a bankrupt. I replied that I would try what I could do for him next morning. Accordingly, I went early to Lord Dudley. " As you," I said, " can command thousands and thousands of pounds, and have a truly feeling heart, I want you to help a friend of mine not, however, by a gift, but either by a loan, or by purchasing some valuable articles which he has to sell." Dudley, on learning the particulars, accompanied me to Sir Thomas's house, where we looked at several pictures which he wished to dispose of in order to meet the present difficulty. Most of them were early pictures of the Italian school, and, though valuable, not pleasing perhaps to any except artists. Dudley bought one of them (a Raphael, in his first style, as it was TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 145 called, and probably was), giving, I believe, more than a thousand guineas for it ; and he lent Sir Thomas, on a bond, a very considerable sum besides. No doubt, if Lawrence had lived, he would have repaid Lord Dudley by instalments ; but he died soon after, and not a penny was ever paid back. This to so very wealthy a man as Dudley was of no consequence ; and I dare say he never thought about it at all. Sir Thomas at the time of his death was a good deal in my debt ; nor was I ever repaid. He used to purchase works of art, especially draw- ings of the old masters, at immense prices ; he was careless in keeping accounts, and he was very generous : hence his difficulties which were every now and then occurring. Mrs. Siddons told me that one night as she stepped into her carriage to return home from the theatre, Sheridan suddenly jumped in after her. " Mr. Sheridan," she said, " I trust that you will behave with all propriety : if you do not, I shall immediately let down the glass, and desire the servant to show you out." Sheridan did behave with all propriety : " but," continued Mrs. Siddons, " as soon as we had reached my house in Marl- borough Street, and the footman had opened the K 146 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE carriage door only think ! the provoking wretch bolted out in the greatest haste, and slunk away, as if anxious to escape unseen." After she had left the stage, Mrs. Siddons, from the want of excitement, was never happy. When I was sitting with her of an afternoon, she would say, " Oh, dear ! this is the time I used to be thinking of going to the theatre : first came the pleasure of dressing for my part ; and then the pleasure of acting it : but that is all over now." When a grand public dinner was given to John Kemble on his quitting the stage, Mrs. Siddons said to me, " Well, perhaps in the next world women will be more valued than they are in this." She alluded to the comparatively little sensation which had been produced by her own retirement from the boards : and doubtless she was a far, far greater performer than John Kemble. Combe* recollected having seen Mrs. Siddons, * Combe had conceived a violent dislike to Mrs. Siddons why I know not. In a passage of his best work he studiously avoids the mention of her name : The Drama's children strut and play In borrow'd parts, their lives away ; And then they share the oblivious lot ; Smith will, like Gibber, be forgot ! Gibber with fascinating art TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 147 when a very young woman, standing by the side of her father's stage, and knocking a pair of snuffers against a candlestick, to imitate the sound of a wind- mill, during the representation of some Harlequin- piece. John Kemble was often very amusing when he had had a good deal of wine. He and two friends were returning to town in an open carriage from the Priory (Lord Abercorn's), where they had dined ; and as they were waiting for change at a toll-gate, Kemble, to the amazement of the toll-keeper, called out in the tone of Rolla, " We seek no change ; and, least of all, such change as he would bring us."* Could wake the pulses of the heart ; But hers is an expiring name, And darling Smith's will be the same. "The Tour of Doctor Syntax in Search of the Pictur- esque," p. 229, third ed. 1813. The " darling Smith " was the late Mrs. Bartley. Mrs. Siddons used to say that the public had a sort of pleasure in mortifying their old favourites by setting up new idols : that she herself had been three times threatened with an eclipse first by means of Miss Brunton (afterwards Lady Craven), next by means of Miss Smith, and lastly by means of Miss O'Neil : " neverthe- less," she added, " I am not yet extinguished." * Pizarro, act ii. sc. 2 (where it is " as they would bring us "j. 148 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE When Kemble was living at Lausanne, he used to feel rather jealous of Mont Blanc ; he disliked to hear people always asking, " How does Mont Blanc look this morning ? " Sir George Beaumont,* when a young man, was introduced at Rome to an old painter, who in his youth had known an old painter, who had seen Claude and Caspar Poussin riding out, in a morning, on mules, and furnished with palettes, &c., to make sketches in the Campagna. Georgiana Duchess of Devonshire was not so beautiful as she was fascinating : her beauty was not that of features, but of expression. Every- body knows her poem, " Mount St. Gothard " ; she wrote also what is much less known, a novel called " The Sylph. "f Gaming was the rage during her day : she indulged in it, and was made miserable by her debts. A faro-table was kept by Martindale, at which the Duchess and other high fashionables used to play. Sheridan said that the Duchess and Martindale had agreed that whatever they two won * During his latter years, I have sometimes heard Mr. Rogers state that he was himself introduced to the old painter, &c. (D.) a'vols. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 149 from each other should be sometimes double, some- times treble, the sum which it was called ; and Sheridan assurred me that he had handed the Duchess into her carriage when she was literally sobbing at her losses she perhaps having lost 1500, when it was supposed to be only 500. General Fitzpatrick said that the Duke's love for her grew quite cool a month after their marriage ; that she had many sighing swains at her feet among others the Prince of Wales, who chose to believe that she smiled upon Lord Grey ; and hence the hatred which the Prince bore to him. The Duke, when walking home from Brookes's about daybreak (for he did not relish the gaieties at Devonshire House) used frequently to pass the stall of a cobbler who had already commenced his work. As they were the only persons stirring in that quarter, they always saluted each other. " Good night, friend," said the Duke. " Good morning, sir," said the cobbler. The Duchess was dreadfully hurt at the novel "A Winter in London"*; it contained various * In 3 vols. By T. S. Surr. The Duchess figures in it under the name of the Duchess of Belgrave. This novel (which was much read at the time) is inferior to any second-rate work of fiction of the present day. 150 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE anecdotes concerning her, which had been picked up from her confidential attendants ; and she thought, of course, that the little great world in which she lived was intimately acquainted with all her proceedings. " Never read that book, for it has helped to kill me," were her words to a very near relative. February, 1834. MY DEAR SIR,* Yon asked me not long ago if I could recall any of his [Walter Scott's] conversation. Happy should I be if I could ; but, with a single exception, I can only remember generally the charm which he threw around him wherever he came. That exception is however at your service. Sitting one day alone with him in your house (it was the day but one before he left it to embark at Portsmouth for Malta), I led him, among other things, to tell me once again a story of himself which he had formerly told me, and which I had often wished to recover. When I returned home I wrote it down, as nearly as I could, in his own words ; and here they are. * This letter and the following anecdote were communicated by Mr. Rogers to Mr. Lockhart, and are printed in Lockhart's '' Life of Scott." TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 151 The subject is an achievement worthy of Ulysses himself, and such as many of his school-fellows could, no doubt, have related of him ; but, I fear, I have done it no justice, though the story is so very characteristic that it should not be lost. The inimitable manner in which he told it the glance of the eye, the turn of the head, and the light that played over his faded features as, one by one, the circumstances came back to him, accompanied by a thousand boyish feelings that had slept perhaps for years these no language, not even his own, could convey to you ; but you can supply them. Would that others could do so, who had not the good fortune to know him ! S. R. To his Son in Law, John Lockhart. " There was a boy in my class at school who stood always at the top ; nor could I with all my efforts supplant him. Day passed after day and still he kept his place, do what I would ; till at length I observed that, when a question was asked him, he always fumbled with his fingers at a particu- lar button in the lower part of his waistcoat- To remove it, therefore, became expedient in my eyes ; and in an evil moment it was removed with a knife. Great was my anxiety to know the success 152 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE of my measure ; and it succeeded too well. When the boy was again questioned, his fingers sought again for the button, but it was not to be found. In his distress he looked down for it ; it was to be seen no more than to be felt. He stood confounded, and I took possession of his place ; nor did he ever recover it ; or ever, I believe, suspect who was the author of his wrong. " Often, in after-life, has the sight of him smote me as I passed by him ; and often have I resolved to make him some reparation ; but it ended in good resolutions. Though I never renewed my acquaint- ance with him, I often saw him ; for he filled some inferior office in one of the courts of law at Edin- burgh. Poor fellow! He took early to drinking, and I believe he is dead." Friday, October 21, 1831, the day but one before he set off for Naples. I introduced Sir Walter Scott to Madame D' Arblay, having taken him with me to her house. She had not heard that he was lame ; and when he limped towards a chair, she said, " Dear me, Sir Walter, I hope you have not met with an acccident ? " He answered, " An accident, madam, nearly as old as my birth." TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 153 At the time when Scott and Byron were the two lions of London, Hookham Frere observed, " Great poets formerly (Homer and Milton) were blind ; now they are lame." One forenoon Scott was sitting for his bust to Chantrey, who was quite in despair at the dull and heavy expression of his countenance. Suddenly, Fuller ("Jack Fuller," the then buffoon of the House of Commons) was announced by a servant ; and, as suddenly, Scott's face was lighted up to that pitch of animation which the sculptor desired, and which he made all haste to avail himself of. After dining at my house, Sir Walter (then Mr.) Scott accompanied me to a party given by Lady Jersey. We met Sheridan there, who put the ques- tion to Scott in express terms," Pray Mr. Scott, did you, or did you not, write ' Waverley ' ? " Scott re- plied, " On my honour I did not." Now, though Scott may perhaps be justified for returning an answer in the negative, I cannot think that he is to be excused for strengthening it with " on my honour." When I lived in the Temple, Mackintosh and Richard Sharp used to come to my chambers, and stay there for hours, talking metaphysics. One day they were so intent on their " first cause," 154 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE ' spirit," and " matter," that they were unconscious of my having left them, paid a visit, and returned ! I was a little angry at this, and, to show my indiffer- ence about them, I sat down and wrote letters, without taking any notice of them. Mackintosh told me that he had received in his youth comparatively little instruction whatever learning he possessed he owed to himself. He had a prodigious memory, and could repeat by heart more of Cicero than you would easily believe. His know- ledge of Greek was slender. I never met a man with a fuller mind than Mackintosh such readiness on all subjects, such a talker ! Lord Ellenborough had infinite wit. When the in- come-tax was imposed, he said that Lord Kenyon (who was not very nice in his habits) intended, in conse- quence of it, to lay down his pocket-handkerchief. A lawyer one day pleading before him, and using several times the expression " my unfortunate client," Lord Ellenborough suddenly interrupted him " There, sir, the court is with you." Lord Ellenborough was once about to go on the circuit, when Lady E. said that she should like to accompany him. He replied that he had no objec- tions, provided she did not encumber the carriage TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 155 with bandboxes, which were his utter abhorrence. They set off. During the first day's journey, Lord Ellenborough, happening to stretch his legs, struck his feet against something below the seat. He discovered that it was a bandbox. His indignation is not to be described. Up went the window, and out went the bandbox. The coachman stopped ; and the footmen, thinking that the bandbox had tumbled out of the window by some extraordinary chance, were going to pick it up, when Lord Ellen - borough furiously called out, " Drive on ! " The bandbox accordingly was left by a ditch-side. Having reached the county-town where he was to officiate as judge, Lord Ellenborough proceeded to array himself for his appearance in the court-house. " Now," said he, " where's my wig where is my wig ? " " My lord," replied his attendant, " it was thrown out of the carriage window." The English highwaymen of former days (indeed, the race is now extinct) were remarkably well-bred personages. Thomas Grenville,* while travelling with Lord Derby ; and Lord Tankerville, while travelling with his father ; were attacked by high- waymen : on both occasions, six or seven shots * The Right Honourable T. G. 156 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE were exchanged between them and the high- waymen ; and when the parties assailed had ex- pended all their ammunition, the highwaymen came up to them, and took their purses in the politest manner possible. One morning I had a visit from Lancaster, whom I had never before seen. The moment he entered the room, he began to inform me of his distresses, and burst into tears. He was unable, he said, to carry on his school for want of money he owed some hundred pounds to his landlord he had been to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who would do nothing for him, &c. &c. ; and he requested me to go and see his school. I went ; and was so delighted with what I saw (the system of monitors, &c.), that I immediately lent him the sum which he stood in need of ; and he put his title-deeds into my hands. I never was repaid one farthing of that money ; indeed, on finding that Lancaster owed much larger sums both to William Allen and to Joseph Fox, I forbore urging my claims, and returned the title-deeds.* * " I was well acquainted with Lancaster. He once came to me in great agitation, and complained bitterly that ' they wanted to put him under the control of a committee, who were to allow him ^365 a year,' &c. &c. I knew how thoughtless and improvi- dent he had been, driving about the country with four horses, TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 157 George Selwyn, as everybody knows, delighted in seeing executions ; he never missed being in at a death at Tyburn. When Lord Holland (the father of Charles Fox) was confined to bed by a dangerous illness, he was informed by his servant that Mr. Selwyn had recently called to inquire for him. " On his next visit," said Lord Holland, " be sure you let him in, whether I am alive or a corpse ; for, if I am alive, I shall have great pleasure in seeing him ; and if I am a corpse, he will have great pleasure in seeing me" The late Lord Holland told me this. Payne Knight was seized with an utter loathing of life, and destroyed himself. He had complaints which were very painful, and his nerves were completely shattered. Shortly before his death, he would come to me of an evening, and tell me how sick he was of existence. He had recourse to the strongest prussic acid ; and, I understand, he was dead before it touched his lips. and doing many other foolish things ; and I could not take that view of his case which he wished me to take. This offended him : he burst into tears, and left the room, declaring that he would never again come near me. He went to America, and died there in obscurity a man who, if he had only possessed prudence, might have had statues erected to him." MR. MALTBY (see notice prefixed to " Porsoniana " in this volume). 158 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Coleridge was a marvellous talker. One morning, when Hookham Frere also breakfasted with me, Coleridge talked for three hours without intermis- sion about poetry, and so admirably, that I wish every word he uttered had been written down. But sometimes his harangues were quite unintel- ligible, not only to myself, but to others. Words- worth and I called upon him one forenoon, when he was in a lodging off Pall Mall. He talked uninter- ruptedly for about two hours, during which Words- worth listened to him with profound attention, every now and then nodding his head as if in assent. On quitting the lodging, I said to Wordsworth, " Well, for my own part, I could not make head or tail of Coleridge's oration : pray, did you understand it ? " " Not one syllable of it," was Wordsworth's reply.* Speaking of composition, Coleridge said most beautifully, " What comes from the heart goes to the heart." Coleridge spoke and wrotef very disparagingly of * Wordsworth once observed to me : " What is somewhere stated in print that I said, ' Coleridge was the only person whose intellect ever astonished me,' is quite true. His conversa- tion was even finer in his youth than in his later days ; for, as he advanced in life, he became a little dreamy and hyper-meta- physical." t See, in Coleridge's " Poetical Works," ii. 87 (ed. Pickering), '- The Two Round Spaces on the Tombstone." TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 159 Mackintosh : but Mackintosh, who had not a particle of envy or jealousy in his nature, did full justice, on all occasions, to the great powers of Coleridge. Southey used to say that " the moment anything assumed the shape of a duty, Coleridge felt himself incapable of discharging it." In all his domestic relations Southey was the most amiable of men ; but he had no general philan- thropy ; he was what you call a cold man. He was never happy except when reading a book or making one. Coleridge once said to me, "I can't think of Southey without seeing him either mending or using a pen." I spent some time with him at Lord Lons- dale's, in company with Wordsworth and others ; and while the rest of the party were walking about, talking, and amusing themselves, Southey preferred sitting solus in the library. " How cold he is ! " was the exclamation of Wordsworth himself so joyous and communicative. Southey told me that he had read Spenser through about thirty times, and that he could not read Pope through once. He thought meanly of Virgil ; so did Coleridge ; and so, at one time, did Wordsworth. When I lately mentioned to Wordsworth an un- favourable opinion which he had formerly expressed 160 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE to me about a passage of Virgil, " Oh," he said, " we used to talk a great deal of nonsense in those days." Early in the present century, I set out on a tour in Scotland, accompanied by my sister ; but an accident which happened to her prevented us from going as far as we had intended. During our excursion we fell in with Wordsworth, Miss Words- worth, and Coleridge, who were, at the same time, making a tour in a vehicle that looked very like a cart. Wordsworth and Coleridge were entirely occupied in talking about poetry ; and the whole care of looking out for cottages where they might get refreshment and pass the night, as well as of seeing their poor horse fed and littered, devolved upon Miss Wordsworth. She was a most delightful person so full of talent, so simple-minded, and so modest ! If I am not mistaken, Coleridge proved so impracticable a travelling-companion, that Wordsworth and his sister were at last obliged to separate from him.* During that tour they met * " Coleridge," writes Wordsworth, " was at that time in bad spirits, and somewhat too much in love with his own dejection ; and he departed from us, as is recorded in my sister's journal, soon after we left Loch Lomond." " Memoirs of Wordsworth," it 207. This tour took place in 1803. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 161 with Scott, who repeated to them a portion of hia then unpublished " Lay " ; which Wordsworth, as might be expected, did not greatly admire.* I do indeed regret that Wordsworth has printed only fragments of his sister's " Journal " : f it is most excellent, and ought to have been published entire. I was walking with Lord Lonsdale on the terrace at Lowther Castle, when he said, " I wish I could do something for poor Campbell." My rejoinder was, " I wish you would do something for poor Wordsworth, who is in such straitened circumstances that he and his family deny themselves animal food several times a week." Lord Lonsdale was the more inclined to assist Wordsworth, because the Wordsworth family had been hardly used by the * In my memoranda of Wordsworth's conversation I find this : "From Sir Walter Scott's earliest poems, 'The Eve of St. John/ &c. I did not suppose that he possessed the power which he afterwards displayed, especially in his novels. Coleridge's ' Christabel ' no doubt gave him the idea of writing long ballad -poems : Dr. Stoddart had a very wicked memory, and repeated various passages of it (then unpublished) to Scott. Part of the ' Lay of the Last Minstrel ' was recited to me by Scott while it was yet in manuscript ; and I did not expect that it would make much sensation : but I was mistaken ; for it went up like a balloon." (D.) f A large portion of it has since been printed in the " Memoirs" of her brother. L 162 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE preceding Lord Lonsdale ; and he eventually proved one of his kindest friends. What a noble-minded person Lord Lonsdale was ! I have received from him, in this room, hundreds of pounds for the relief of literary men. Hoppner was a painter of decided genius. Some of his portraits are equal to any modern portraits ; and his "Venus" is certainly fine. He had an awful temper, the most spiteful person I ever knew ! He and I were members of a club called the Council of Trent (so named from its consisting of thirty) ; and because, on one occasion, I was interesting myself about the admission of an artist whom Hoppner disliked, Hoppner wrote me a letter full of the bitterest reproach. Yet he had his good qualities. He had been a singing-boy at Windsor,* and consequently was allowed " the run of the royal kitchen " ; but some time after his marriage (and, it was supposed, through the ill offices of West) that favour was withdrawn ; and in order to conceal the matter from his wife, who, * In consequence of the sweetness of his voice, he was made a chorister in the Royal Chapel. His mother was one of the German attendants at the Palace, See A. Cunningham's "Lives of British Painters," v. 242. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 163 he knew, would be greatly vexed at it, Hoppner occasionally, after secretly pocketing a roll to dine upon, would go out for the day, and on his return pretend that he had been dining at Windsor. He and Gifford were the dearest friends in the world ; and yet they were continually falling out and abusing each other. One morning, Hoppner, having had some little domestic quarrel with Mrs. Hoppner, exclaimed very vehemently, " Is not a man to be pitied who has such a wife and such a friend " ? (meaning Gifford). His wife and daughter were always grumbling, because, when he was asked to the Duchess of 's or to Lord 's they were not invited also ; and he once said to them, " I might as well attempt to take the York waggon with me as you." Indeed, society is so constituted in England, that it is useless for celebrated artists to think of bringing their families into the highest circles, where themselves are admitted only on account of their genius. Their wives and daughters must be content to remain at home. Gifford was extremely indignant at an article on his translation of Juvenal which appeared in The Critical Review ; and he put forth a very angry 164 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE answer to it, a large quarto pamphlet. I lent my copy to Byron, and he never returned it. One passage in that pamphlet is curious, because it describes, what Gifford was himself eventually to become, a reviewer ; who is compared to a huge toad sitting under a stone : and besides, the passage is very picturesque. [" During my apprentice- ship, I enjoyed perhaps as many places as Scrub, though I suspect they were not altogether so digni- fied : the chief of them was that of a planter of cabbages in a bit of ground which my master held near the town. It was the decided opinion of Panurge that the life of a cabbage-planter was the safest and pleasantest in the world. I found it safe enough, I confess, but not altogether pleasant ; and therefore took every opportunity of attending to what I liked better, which happened to be, watch- ing the actions of insects and reptiles, and, among the rest, -of a huge toad. I never loved toads, but I never molested them ; for my mother had early bid me remember, that every living thing had the ame Maker as myself ; and the words always rang in my ears. This toad, then, who had taken up his residence under a hollow stone in a hedge of blind nettles, I used to watch for hours together. It was a lazy, lumpish animal, that squatted on its belly, TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 165 and perked up its hideous head with two glazed eyes, precisely like a Critical Reviewer. In this posture, perfectly satisfied with itself, it would remain as if it were a part of the stone which sheltered it, till the cheerful buzzing of some winged insect provoked it to give signs of life. The dead glare of its eyes then brightened into a vivid lustre, and it awk- wardly shuffled to the entrance of its cell, and opened its detestable mouth to snap the passing fly or honey- bee. Since I have marked the manners of the Critical Reviewers, these passages of my youth have often occurred tome." An Examination of the Stric- tures of the Critical Reviewers on the Translation of Juvenal by W. Gifford, Esq., p. 101, third ed. 1804.] When the Quarterly Review was first projected, Gifford sent Hoppner to my house with a message requesting me to become a contributor to it ; which I declined. That odd being, Dr. Monsey (Physician to the Royal Hospital, Chelsea), used to hide his bank- notes in various holes and corners of his house. One evening, before going out, he carefully deposited a bundle of them among the coals in the parlour-grate, where the fire was ready for lighting. Presently, his housekeeper came into the parlour, with some 166 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE of her female friends, to have a comfortable cup of tea ; and she was in the act of lighting the fire when the doctor luckily returned, and rescued his notes. A friend of mine, who had been intimate with Monsey, assured me that this was fact. Bishop Horsley one day met Monsey in the Park. " These are dreadful times ! " said Horsley : " not only do deists abound, but, would you think it, doctor ? some people deny that there is a God ! " " I can tell you," replied Monsey, " what is equally strange, some people believe that there are three."* Horsley immediately walked away. An Englishman and a Frenchman having quar- relled, they were to fight a duel. Being both great cowards, they agreed (for their mutual safety, of course) that the duel should take place in a room perfectly dark. The Englishman had to fire first. He groped his way to the hearth, fired up the chim- ney, and brought down the Frenchman, who had taken refuge there! Humphrey Howarth, the surgeon, was called out, and made his appearance hi the field stark naked, * To say nothing else of this speech, it was a very rude one, as addressed to a bishop. But Monsey was a coarse humorist, who would hardly be tolerated in the present day. (D.) TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 167 to the astonishment of the challenger, who asked him what he meant. " I know," said H., " that if any part of the clothing is carried into the body by a gunshot wound, festering ensues ; and there- fore I have met you thus." His antagonist declared, that fighting with a man in puris naturalibus would be quite ridiculous ; and accordingly they parted without further discussion. Lord Alvanley on returning home, after his duel with young O'Connel, gave a guinea to the hackney- coachman who had driven him out and brought him back. The man, surprised at the largeness of the sum, said, " My lord, I only took you to ." Alvanley interrupted him, " My friend, the guinea is for bringing me back, not for taking me out." I was on a visit to Lord Bath at Longleat, when I received a letter from Beckford inviting me to Fonthill. I went there, and stayed three days. On arriving at the gate, I was informed that neither my servant nor my horses could be admitted, but that Mr. Beckford's attendants and horses should be at my service. The other visitors at that time were Smith, who published "Views in Italy,"* and * " Select Views in Italy, with Descriptions, French and English," by John Smith, 1792-96, 2 vols. 4to. i68 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE a French ecclesiastic, a very elegant and accom- plished man. During the day we used to drive about the beautiful grounds in pony-chaises. In the evening Beckford would amuse us by reading one of his unpublished works ; or he would extem- porise on the pianoforte, producing the most novel and charming melodies (which, by-the-bye, his daughter, the Duchess of Hamilton, can do also). I was struck rather by the refinement than by the magnificence of the hospitality at Fonthill. I slept in a bedroom which opened into a gallery where lights were kept burning the whole night. In that gallery was a picture of St. Antonio, to which it was said that Beckford would sometimes steal ?nd pay his devotions. Beckford read to me the two unprinted episodes to " Vathek " ; and they are extremely fine, but very objectionable on account of their subjects. Indeed, they show that the mind of the author was to a certain degree diseased. The one is the story of a prince and princess, a brother and sister. The other is the tale of a prince who is violently enamoured of a lady ; and who, after pursuing her through various countries, at last overtakes her only to find her a corpse. ... In one of these tales there is an exquisite description of a voyage down the Nile. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 169 Beckford is the author of two burlesque novels, "Azemia"* and "The Elegant Enthusiast." I have a copy of the former, which he presented to me. * " Azemia : a Descriptive and Sentimental Novel, inter- spersed with pieces of Poetry." By Jacquetta Agneta Mariana Jenks, of Bellegrove Priory in Wales. Dedicated to the Right Honourable Lady Harriet Marlow. To which are added, Criti- cisms anticipated, 1797, 2 vols. "Modern Novel Writing, or the Elegant Enthusiast ; and Interesting Emotions of Arabella Bloomville." A Rhapsodical Romance ; interspersed with Poetry. By the Right Hon. Lady Harriet Marlow, 1796, 2 vols. " Talked of Beckford's two mock novels, ' Agemia ' I' Azemia '] and ' The Elegant Enthusiast,' which he wrote to ridi- cule the novels written by his sister, Mrs. Harvey (I think], who read these parodies on herself quite innocently, and only now and then suspecting that they were meant to laugh at her, saying, 'Why, I vow and protest, here is my grotto,' &c. &c. In ' The Elegant Enthusiast ' the heroine writes a song which she sings at a masquerade, and which produces such an effect, that my Lord Mahogany, in the character of a Milestone, bursts into tears. It is in ' Agemia ' [' Azemia '] that all the heroes and heroines are killed at the conclusion by a supper of stewed lam- preys." Moore's "Memoirs," &c., ii. 197. As to the catastrophe oi " Azemia," Moore was misinformed ; that tale has nothing about a fatal supper of stewed lampreys : there is, however, in the second volume of " The Elegant Enthusiast " a similar incident, " owing to a copper stew-pan in which some celery had been cooked." Both these novels are much in the style of Beckford's " Memoirs of Extraordinary Painters," but greatly inferior to that strange production, which itself is unworthy of the author of " Vathek." (D.) 1 70 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE He read to me another tale which he had written a satirical one. It was in French, and about a man who was ridiculously fond of dogs, &c. &c. I have been told that a part of his own life was shadowed out in it. This tale he never printed. In fact, he had no wish to obtain literary reputation : he despised it. I have seen Beckford shed tears while talking of his deceased wife. His eldest daughter (Mrs. Orde*), who has been long dead, was both in appear- ance and disposition a perfect angel. Her delight was, not to be admired herself, but to witness the admiration which her sister (the Duchess of Hamil- ton) never failed to excite. Beckford was eventually reduced to such straits, that he was obliged to part with his pictures, one by one. The last picture which he sold to the National Gallery was Bellini's portrait of the Doge of Venice. It was hung up the very day on which Beckford died ; the Duke of Hamilton wrote a letter to me, requesting that it might be returned to the family ; but his application came too late. When Person dined with me, I used to keep him within bounds ; but I frequently met him at various * Wife of Colonel, afterwards General Orde. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 171 houses where he got completely drunk. He would not scruple to return to the dining-room, after the company had left it, pour into a tumbler the drops remaining in the wine-glasses, and drink off the omnium gatherum.* I once took him to an evening-party at William Spencer's, where he was introduced to several women of fashion, Lady Crewe, &c., who were very anxious to see the great Grecian. How do you suppose he entertained them ? Chiefly by reciting an immense quantity of old forgotten Vauxhall songs ! He was far from sober, and at last talked so oddly, that they all retired from him, except Lady Crewe, who boldly kept her ground. I recol- lect her saying to him, " Mr. Person, that joke you have borrowed from Joe Miller," and his rather angry reply, " Madam, it is not in Joe Miller ; you will not find it either in the preface or in the body of that work, no, nor in the index." I brought him home as far as Piccadilly, where, I am sorry to add, I left him sick in tne middle of the street. When any one told Person that he intended to publish a book, Person would say, " Remember that * Mr. Maltby, who was present when Mr. Rogers told the above anecdote, said, " I have seen Person do so." (D.) 172 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE two parties must agree on that point, you and the reader." I asked him what time it would take him to translate " The Iliad " literally and correctly into English prose. He answered, " At least ten years." He used to say that something may be pleaded as a sort of excuse for the wickedness of the worst characters in Shakespeare. For instance, lago is tortured by suspicions that Othello has been too intimate with his wife ; Richard the Third, the murderer of children, has been bitterly taunted by one of the young princes, &c. " If I had a carriage," said Person, " and if I saw a well-dressed person on the road, I would always invite him in, and learn of him what I could." Such was his love of knowledge ! He was fond of repeating these lines, and wrote them out for me : " What * fools are mankind, And how strangely inclin'd, To come from all places With horses and chaises, By day and by dark, To the falls of Lanark ! For, good people, after all, From Garnett's " Tour In Scotland," vol. ii. 327. They were found in an album kept at the inn at Lanark. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 173 What is a water-fall ? It comes roaring and grumbling, And leaping and tumbling, And hopping and skipping, And foaming and dripping ; And struggling and toiling, And bubbling and boiling ; And beating and jumping, And bellowing and thumping. I have much more to say upon Both Linn and Bonniton ; But the trunks are tied on, And I must be gone." These lines evidently suggested to Southey his playful verses on "The Cataract of Lodore." When Prometheus made man, he had used up all the water in making other animals ; so he mingled his clay with tears. Person would almost cry when he spoke of Euripides. " Why should I write from myself, while anything remains to be done to such a writer as Euripides ? " When repeating a generous action from antiquity, or describing a death like Phocion's, his eyes would fill and his voice falter. Of Mackintosh : He means to get Interest for his Principal. 174 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Of Sheridan : He is a promising fellow. All wit true reasoning. I love an octavo ; the pages are soon read the milestones occur frequently. If I had 3000 per ann. : I would have a person constantly dressed, night and day, with fire and candle to attend upon me. (He is an uncertain sleeper.) I must confess to have a very strong prejudice against all German original Literature. In drawing a villain we should always furnish him with something that may seem to justify him- self to himself. Authority should serve to excite attention, and no farther. Lord Seaforth, who was born deaf and dumb, was to dine one day with Lord Melville. Just before the time of the company's arrival, Lady Melville sent into the drawing-room a lady of her acquaintance, who could talk with her fingers to dumb people, that she might receive Lord Seaforth. Presently Lord Guilford entered the room ; and the lady, taking him for Lord Seaforth, began to ply her fingers very nimbly ; Lord Guilford did the same ; and they had been carrying on a conversation TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 175 in this manner for about ten minutes, when Lady Melville joined them. Her female friend imme- diately said, " Well, I have been talking away to this dumb man." " Dumb ! " cried Lord Guil- ford ; " bless me, I thought you were dumb." I told this story (which is perfectly true) to Matthews ; and he said that he could make excellent use of it at one of his evening-entertainments : but I know not if he ever did. A friend of mine in Portland Place has a wife who inflicts upon him every season two or three immense evening parties. At one of those parties he was standing in a very forlorn condition, leaning against the chimney-piece, when a gentleman, coming up to him, said, " Sir, as neither of us is acquainted with any of the people here, I think we had best go home." One of the books which I never tire reading is " Memoires sur la Vie de Jean Racine,"* by his son. When I was living in the Temple, the chimneys of one of my neighbours were to be swept. Up went two boys ; and at the end of an hour they had not * Smt 8vo, 1749. ij6 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE come down again. Two other boys were then sent up ; and up they remained also. The master of the boys was now summoned, who, on his arrival, exclaimed, " Oh, the idle little rascals ! they are playing at all-fours on the top of the chimney." And, to be sure, there they were, trumping it away at their ease. I suppose spades were their favourite cards. Neither Moore nor myself had ever seen Byron when it was settled that he should dine at my house to meet Moore ; nor was he known by sight to Campbell, who, happening to call upon me that morning, consented to join the party. I thought it best that I alone should be in the drawing-room when Byron entered it ; and Moore and Campbell accordingly withdrew. Soon after his arrival, they returned ; and I introduced them to him severally, naming them as Adam named the beasts. When we sat down to dinner, I asked Byron if he would take soup ? " No ; he never took soup." Would he take some fish ? " No ; he never took fish." Presently I asked if he would eat some mutton ? " No ; he never ate mutton." I then asked if he would take a glass of wine ? " No ; he never tasted wine." It was now necessary to inquire what he TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 177 did eat and drink ; and the answer was, " Nothing but hard biscuits and soda-water." Unfortunately, neither hard biscuits nor soda-water were at hand ; and he dined upon potatoes bruised down on his plate and drenched with vinegar. My guests stayed till very late, discussing the merits of Walter Scott and Joanna Baillie. Some days after, meet- ing Hobhouse, I said to him, " How long will Lord Byron persevere in his present diet ? " He replied, " Just as long as you continue to notice it." I did not then know, what I now know to be a fact, that Byron, after leaving my house, had gone to a Club in St. James's Street and eaten a hearty meat- supper. Byron sent me " Childe Harold " in the printed sheets before it was published ; and I read it to my sister. " This," I said, " in spite of all its beauty, will never please the public : they will dislike the querulous repining tone that pervades it, and the dissolute character of the hero." But I quickly found that I was mistaken. The genius which the poem exhibited, the youth, the rank of the author, his romantic wanderings in Greece, these combined to make the world stark mad about " Childe Harold " and Byron. I knew two old maids in Buckinghamshire who used to cry over M 178 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE the passage about Harold's "laughing dames" that "long had fed his youthful appetite," * &c. After Byron had become the rage, I was fre- quently amused at the manoeuvres of certain noble ladies to get acquainted with him by means of me : for instance, I would receive a note from Lady requesting the pleasure of my company on a parti- cular evening, with a postscript, " Pray, could you not contrive to bring Lord Byron with you ? " Once, at a great party given by Lady Jersey, Mrs. Sheridan ran up to me and said, " Do, as a favour, try if you can place Lord Byron beside me at supper." Bryon had prodigious facility of composition. He was fond of suppers ; and used often to sup at my house and eat heartily (for he had then given up the hard biscuit and soda-water diet) : after going home, he would throw off sixty or eighty verses, which he would send to press next morning. He one evening took me to the green-room of Drury Lane Theatre, where I was much entertained. When the play began, I went round to the front of the house, and desired the box-keeper to show me into Lord Byron's box. I had been there about a minute, thinking myself quite alone, when suddenly * Canto i. St. 1 1 . TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 179 Byron and Miss Boyce (the actress) emerged from a dark corner. In those days at least, Byron had no readiness of reply in conversation. If you happened to let fall any observation which offended him, he would say nothing at the time ; but the offence would lie rank- ling in his mind ; and perhaps a fortnight after he would suddenly come out with some very cutting remarks upon you, giving them as his deliberate opinions, the results of his experience of your character. Several women were in love with Byron, but none so violently as Lady Caroline Lamb. She absolutely besieged him. He showed me the first letter he re- ceived from her ; in which she assured him that, if he was in any want of money, " all her jewels were at his service." They frequently had quarrels ; and more than once, on coming home, I have found Lady C. walking in the garden,* and waiting for me, to beg that I would reconcile them. When she met Byron at a party, she would always, if possible, return home from it in his carriage, and accom- panied by him : I recollect particularly their return- ing to town together from Holland House. But such was the insanity of her passion for Byron, that * Behind Mr. Rogers's house, in St. James's Place. i8o RECOLLECTIONS OF THE sometimes, when not invited to a party where he was to be, she would wait for him in the street till it was over ! One night, after a great party at Devonshire House, to which Lady Caroline had not been invited, I saw her, yes, saw her, talking to Byron, with half of her body thrust into the carriage which he had just entered. In spite of all this absurdity, my firm belief is that there was nothing criminal between them. Byron at last was sick of her. When their inti- macy was at an end, and while she was living in the country, she burned, very solemnly, on a sort of funeral pile, transcripts of all the letters which she had received from Byron, and a copy of a miniature (his portrait) which he had presented to her ; several girls from the neighbourhood, whom she had dressed in white garments, dancing round the pile, and sing- ing a song which she had written for the occasion, " Burn, fire, burn," &c. She was mad ; and her family allowed her to do whatever she chose. Latterly, I believe, Byron never dined with Lady B. ; for it was one of his fancies (or affectations) that " he could not endure to see women eat." I recollect that he once refused to meet Madame de Stae'l at my house at dinner, but came in the even- ing ; and when I have asked him to dinner without TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 181 mentioning what company I was to have, he would write me a note to inquire " if I had invited any women." Wilkes's daughter may have had a right to burn her father's " Memoirs " ;* but Moore, I conceive, was not justified in giving his consent to the burning of Byron's : when Byron told him that he might " do whatever he pleased with them," Byron cer- tainly never contemplated their being burned. If Moore had made me his confidant in the business, I should have protested warmly against the destruc- tion of the " Memoirs " : but he chose Luttrell, probably because he thought him the more fashion- able man ; and Luttrell, who cared nothing about the matter, readily voted that they should be put into the fire. There were, I understand, some gross things in that manuscript ; but I read only a portion of it, and did not light upon them. I remember that it contained this anecdote : on his marriage-night, Byron suddenly started out of his first sleep : a taper, which burned in the room, was casting a ruddy glare through the crimson curtains of the bed ; and * _" Wilkes said to me, ' I have written my "Memoirs," and they are to be published by Peter Elmsley, after my ascension. They were burnt by his daughter." Mr. MALTBY (see notice prefixed to the " Porsoniana " in this volume]. 1 82 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE he could not help exclaiming, in a voice so loud that he wakened Lady B., " Good God, I am surely in hell ! " My latest intercourse with Byron was in Italy. We travelled some time together ; and, if there was any scenery particularly well worth seeing, he generally contrived that we should pass through it in the dark. As we were crossing the Apennines, he told me that he had left an order in his will that Allegra, the child who soon after died, his daughter by Miss C., should never be taught the English language. You know that Allegra was buried at Harrow : but probably you have not heard that the body was sent over to England, in two packages, that no one might suspect what it was. About the same time he said, being at last assured that the celebrated critique on his early poems in the Edinburgh Review was written by Lord Brougham, " If ever I return to England, Brougham shall hear from me." He added, " That critique cost me three bottles of claret " (to raise his spirits after reading it).* * Wordsworth was spending an evening at Charles Lamb's, when he first saw the said critique, which had just appeared. He read it through, and remarked that " though Byron's verses TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 183 One day, during dinner, at Pisa,* when Shelley and Trelawney were with us, Byron chose to run down Shakespeare (for whom he, like Sheridan, either had, or pretended to have, little admiration), were probably poor enough, yet such an attack was abominable, that a young nobleman, who took to poetry, deserved to be encouraged, not ridiculed." Perhaps if this had been made known to Byron, he would not have spoken of Wordsworth as he has done. Many years ago Wordsworth gave me the following account, which I noted down at the time. " Lord Byron's hatred towards me originated thus. There was a woman in distressed circumstances at Bristol, who wrote a volume of poems, which she wished to publish and dedicate to me. She had formed an idea that, if she became a poetess, her fortune would be made. I endeavoured to dissuade her from indulging such vain expecta- tions, and advised her to turn her attention to something else. I represented to her how little chance there was that her poems, though really evincing a good deal of talent, would make any impression on the public ; and I observed that, in our day, two persons only (whom I did not name) had succeeded in making money by their poetry, adding that in the writings of the one (Sir Walter Scott) there was little poetic feeling, and that in those of the other (Lord Byron) it was perverted. Mr. Rogers told me that when he was travelling with Lord Byron in Italy, his lordship confessed that the hatred he bore me arose from the remark about his poetry which I had made to that woman, and which some good-natured friend had repeated to him." * In Moore's " Life " of Byron no mention is made of Mr- Rogers having been Byron's guest at Pisa. In Medwin's "Angler in Wales," i. 25, is an account exaggerated perhaps, but doubt- less substantially true of Byron's wicked behaviour to Mr. Rogers at the Casa Lanfranchi. 184 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE I said nothing. But Shelley immediately took up the defence of the great poet, and conducted it in his usual meek yet resolute manner, unmoved by the rude things with which Byron interrupted him, " Oh, that's very well for an atheist" &c. (Before meeting Shelley in Italy, I had seen him only once. It was at my own house in St. James's Place, where he called upon me, introducing himself, to request the loan of some money which he wished to present to Leigh Hunt; and he offered me a bond for it. Having numerous claims upon me at that time, I was obliged to refuse the loan. Both in appearance and in manners Shelley was the perfect gentleman.) That same day, after dinner, I walked in the garden with Byron. At the window of a neighbour- ing house was a young woman holding a child in her arms. Byron nodded to her with a smile, and then, turning to me, said, " That child is mine." In the evening, we (i.e. Byron, Shelley, Trelawney, and I) rode out from Pisa to a farm (a podere) ; and there a pistol was put into my hand for shooting at a mark (a favourite amusement of Byron) ; but I declined trying my skill with it. The farm-keeper's daughter was very pretty, and had her arms covered with bracelets, the gift of Byron, who did not fail to let me know that she was one of his many loves. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 185 I went with him to see the Campo Santo at Pisa, It was shown to us by a man who had two handsome daughters. Byron told me that he had in vain paid his addresses to the elder daughter, but that he was on the most intimate terms with the other. Pro- bably there was not one syllable of truth in all this ; for he always had the weakness of wishing to be thought much worse than he really was. Byron, like Sir Walter Scott,* was without any feeling for the fine arts. He accompanied me to the Pitti Palace at Florence ; but soon growing tired of looking at the pictures, he sat down in a corner ; and when I called out to him, " What a noble Andrea del Sarto ! " the only answer I re- ceived was his muttering a passage from " The Vicar of Wakefield," " Upon asking how he had been taught the art of a cognoscente so very sud- denly," &c.f (When he and Hobhouse were stand- ing before the Parthenon, the latter said, " Well, * " During Scott's first visit to Paris, I walked with him (and Richard Sharp) through the Louvre, and pointed out for his particular notice the St. Jerome of Domenichino, and some other chefs-d'oeuvre. Scott merely glanced at them, and passed on, saying, ' I really have not time to examine them. 1 " Mr. MALTBY. f " Upon asking how he had been taught the art of a cogno- scento so very suddenly, he assured me that nothing was more 1 86 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE this is surely very grand." Byron replied, " Very like the Mansion-House.") At this time we generally had a regular quarrel every night ; and he would abuse me through thick and thin, raking up all the stories he had heard which he thought most likely to mortify me, how I had behaved with great cruelty to Murphy, refusing to assist him in his distress, &c. &c. But next morn- ing he would shake me kindly by both hands ; and we were excellent friends again. When I parted from him in Italy (never to meet him more), a good many persons were looking on, anxious to catch a glimpse of " the famous lord." The lines in the third canto of " Childe Harold " about the ball given by the Duchess of Richmond at Brussels, the night before the battle of Waterloo, &c. are very striking. The Duchess told me that she had a list of her company, and that, after the battle, she added " dead " to the names of those who had fallen, the number being fearful. Mrs. Barbauld once observed to me that she easy. The whole secret consisted in a strict adherence to two rules : the one, always to observe the picture might have been better if the painter had taken more pains ; and the other, to praise the works of Pietro Perugino." Chap. xx. Compare Byron's own account of this visit to the Pitti Palace in his " Life " by Moore, vol. v. 279. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 187 thought Byron wrote best when he wrote about the sea or swimming. There is a great deal of incorrect and hasty writing in Byron's works ; but it is overlooked in this age of hasty readers. For instance, " I stood in Venice, on the Bridge of Sighs, A palace and a prison on each hand." * He meant to say, that on one hand was a palace, on the other a prison. And what think you of " And dashest him again to earth : there let him lay?" t * " Childe Harold," c. iv. st. i. | Id. c. iv. st. 1 80. A lady resident in Aberdeen told me that she used to sit in a pew of St. Paul's Chapel in that town, next to Mrs. Byron's ; and that one Sunday she observed the poet (then about seven or eight years old) amusing himself by disturbing his mother's devotions : he every now and then gently pricked with a pin the large round arms of Mrs. Byron, which were covered with white kid gloves. Professor Stuart, of the Maris- chal College, Aberdeen, mentioned to me the following proof of Lord Byron's fondness for his mother. Georgy, and some other little boys, were one day allowed, much to their delight, to assist at a gathering of apples in the Professor's garden, and were rewarded for their labour with some of the fruit. Georgy, having received his portion of apples, immediately disappeared ; and, on his return, after half an hour's absence, to the inquiry where he had been, he replied that he had been " carrying some apples to his poor dear mother." At the house of the Rev. W. Harness I remember hearing Moore remark, that he thought the natural bent of Byron's i 88 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Mr. 's house, the , is very splendid ; it contains a quantity of or-molu. Now, I like to have a kettle in my bedroom, to heat a little water if necessary ; but I can't get a kettle at the , though there is a quantity of or-molu. Lady says, that when she is at the , she is obliged to have her clothes unpacked three times a day ; for there are no chests of drawers, though there is a quantity of or-molu. The letters I receive from people, of both sexes (people whom I never heard of), asking me for money, either as a gift or as a loan, are really innu- merable. Here's one* from a student at Durham, requesting me to lend him 90 (how modest to stop short of the hundred !). I lately had a begging genius was to satirical and burlesque poetry ; on which Mr. Harness related what follows. When Byron was at Harrow, he, one day, seeing a young acquaintance at a short distance who was a violent admirer of Buonaparte, roared out this ex- temporaneous couplet, " Bold Robert Speer was Bony's bad precursor ; Bob was a bloody dog, but Bonapart's a worser." Moore immediately wrote the lines down, with the intention of inserting them in his " Life of Byron," which he was then pre- paring ; but they do not appear in that work. * I read the letter. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 189 epistle from a lady, who assured me that she used formerly to take evening walks with me in the Park : of course I did not answer it ; and a day or two after, I had a second letter from her, beginning " Unkind one ! " Uvedale Price* once chose to stay so long at my house that I began to think he would never go away ; so I one day ingeniously said to him, " You must not leave me before the end of next week ; if you insist on going after that, you may ; but certainly not before." And at the end of the week he did go. He was a most elegant letter-writer ; and his son had some intention of collecting and publishing his correspondence. Not long before Mrs. Inchbald died, I met her walking near Charing Cross. She told me that she had been calling on several old friends, but had seen none of them, some being really not at home, and others denying themselves to her. " I called," she said, " on Mrs. Siddons : I knew she was at home ; yet I was not admitted." She was in such low spirits, that she even shed tears. I begged her to turn with me, and take a quiet dinner at St. James's Place ; but she refused. * Afterwards a baronet. 190 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE I have heard Crabbe describe his mingled feel- ings of hope and fear as he stood on London Bridge, when he first came up to town to try his fortune in the literary world. The situation of domestic chaplain in a great family is generally a miserable one : what slights and mortifications attend it ! Crabbe had had his share of such troubles in the Duke of Rutland's family ; and I well remember that, at a London evening party, where the old Duchess of Rutland* was present, he had a violent struggle with his feelings before he could prevail on himself to go up and pay his respects to her. Crabbe, after his literary reputation had been established, was staying for a few days at the Old Hummums ; but he was known to the people in the coffee-room and to the waiters merely as " a Mr. Crabbe." One forenoon, when he had gone out, a gentleman called on him, and, while expressing his regret at not finding him at home, happened to let drop the information that " Mr. Crabbe was the celebrated poet." The next time that Crabbe entered the coffee-room, he was perfectly astonished at the sensation which he caused ; the company were * In her youth a very celebrated beauty. She died in 1831. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 191 all eagerness to look at him, the waiters all officious- ness to serve him. Crabbe's early poetry is by far the best, as to finish. The conclusion of " The Library " is charmingly written : " Go on, then, son of Vision ! still pursue Thy airy dreams the world is dreaming too. Ambition's lofty views, the pomp of state, The pride of wealth, the splendours of the great, Stripp'd of their mask, their cares and troubles known, Are visions far less happy than thy own : Go on ! and, while the sons of care complain, Be wisely gay and innocently vain ; While serious souls are by their fears undone, Blow sportive bladders in the beamy sun, And call them worlds ! and bid the greatest show More radiant colours in their worlds below : Then, as they break, the slaves of care reprove, And tell them, Such are all the toys they love." I asked him why he did not compose his later verses with equal care. He answered, " Because my reputation is already made." When he after- wards told me that he never produced more than forty verses a day, I said that he had better do as I do, stint himself to four. There is a familiarity in some parts of his " Tales " which makes one smile ; yet it is by no means unpleasing ; for example, 192 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE " Letters were sent when franks could be procur'd, And when they could not, silence was endur'd." * Crabbe used often to repeat with praise this couplet from Prior's " Solomon, "f " Abra was ready ere I call'd her name, And though I call'd another, Abra came." It is somewhere cited by Sir Walter Scott ; J and I apprehend that Crabbe made it known to him. Other statesmen, besides Sir Robert Peel, have had very violent things said against them in the House. Lord North once complained, in a speech, of " the brutal language " which Colonel Barre had used towards him. General Tarleton, not indeed in the House, but in private among his own party, said that " he was glad to see Fox's legs swelled." Sir Robert Peel, in one of his communicative moods, told me that, when he was a boy, his father used to say to him, " Bob, you dog, if you are not Prime Minister some day, I'll disinherit you." I mentioned this to Sir Robert's sister, Mrs. Dawson, * " The Frank Courtship." t B. ii. J Scott quotes it (not quite correctly) in " Rob Roy," vol. iii. 324, ed. 1818. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 193 who assured me that she had often heard her father use those very words. It is curious how fashion changes pronunciation. In my youth everybody said " Lonnon," not " London " : Fox said " Lonnon " to the last ; and so did Crowe. The now fashionable pronunciation of several words is to me at least very offensive : " contemplate " is bad enough ; but " balcSny " makes me sick. When George Colman brought out his " Iron Chest " he had not the civility to offer Godwin a box, or even to send him an order for admission, though the play was dramatised from " Caleb Williams." Of this Godwin spoke with great bitter- ness. Godwin was generally reckoned a disagree- able man ; but I must say that / did not consider him such.* * One evening at Mr. Rogers's, when Godwin was present, the conversation turned on novels and romances. The company having agreed that " Don Quixote," " Tom Jones," and " Gil Bias " were unrivalled in that species of composition, Mr. Rogers said, " Well, after these, / go to the sofa " (meaning, " / think that the next best are by Godwin," who happened to be sitting on the sofa). Quite unconscious of the compliment paid to him, Godwin exclaimed in great surprise, " What ! do you N 194 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Ah, the fate of my old acquaintance, Lady Salis- bury ! The very morning of the day on which the catastrophe occurred, I quitted Hatfield ; and I then shook her by the hand, that hand which was so soon to be a cinder. In the evening, after she had been dressed for dinner, her maid left her to go to tea. She was then writing letters ; and it is sup- posed that, having stooped down her head, for she was very short-sighted, the flame of the candle caught her head-dress. Strange enough, but we had all remarked the day before, that Lady Salis- bury seemed most unusually depressed in spirits ! Her eyes, as is generally the case with short-sighted persons, were so good, that she could read without spectacles : being very deaf, she would often read when in company ; and, as she was a bad sleeper, she would sometimes read nearly the whole night. Madame de Stael one day said to me, " How sorry I am for Campbell ! his poverty so unsettles his mind, that he cannot write." I replied, " Why does he not take the situation of a clerk ? he could then compose verses during his leisure hours." This answer was reckoned very cruel both by admire ' The Sofa ' ? " (a licentious novel by the younger Crc- billon). TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 195 Madame de Stael and Mackintosh : but there was really kindness as well as truth in it. When litera- ture is the sole business of life, it becomes a drudgery ; when we are able to resort to it only at certain hours, it is a charming relaxation. In my earlier years I was a banker's clerk, obliged to be at the desk every day from ten till five o'clock ; and I never shall forget the delight with which, on returning home, I used to read and write during the evening. There are some of Campbell's lyrics which will never die. His " Pleasures of Hope " is no great favourite with me.* The feeling throughout his * And it was much less so with Wordsworth, who criticised it to me nearly verbatim as follows ; nor could his criticism, I apprehend, be easily refuted. " Campbell's ' Pleasures of Hope,' has been strangely overrated : its fine words and sounding lines please the generality of readers, who never stop to ask them- selves the meaning of a passage. The lines, ' Where Andes, giant of the western wave, With meteor-standard to the winds unfurl'd, Looks from his throne of clouds o'er half the world,' are sheer nonsense, nothing more than a poetical indigestion. What has a giant to do with a star ? What is a meteor-stan- dard ? But it is useless to inquire what such stuff means. Once, at my house, Professor Wilson having spoken of those lines with great admiration, a very sensible and accomplished lady who happened to be present begged him to explain to her their meaning. He was extremely indignant ; and, taking down the ' Pleasures of Hope ' from a shelf, read the lines aloud 196 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE " Gertrude " is very beautiful ; and one line, describing Gertrude's eyes, is exquisite, " those eyes," " That seem'd to love whatever they look'd upon." * But that poem has passages which are monstrously incorrect ; can anything be worse in expression than " O Love ! in such a wilderness as this, Where transport and security entwine, Here is the empire of thy perfect bliss, And here thou art indeed a god^ divine ? " f I cannot forgive Goethe for certain things in his "Faust" and " Wilhelm Meister": the man who appeals to the worst part of my nature commits a great offence. The talking openly of their own merits is a " mag- nanimity " peculiar to foreigners. You remember the angry surprise which Lamartine expresses at Lady Hester Stanhope's never having heard of him, of him, a person so celebrated over ah 1 the world ! and declared that they were splendid. ' Well, sir,' said the lady, ' but what do they mean ? ' Dashing the book on the floor, he exclaimed in his broad Scottish accent, ' I'll be daumed if I can tell !' " * Part ii. st. 4. f Part iii. st. I. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 197 Lamartine is a man of genius, but very affected. Talleyrand (when in London) invited me to meet him, and placed me beside him at dinner. I asked him, " Are you acquainted with Beranger ? " " No ; he wished to be introduced to me, but I declined it." " I would go," said I, " a league to see him." This was nearly all our conversation : he did not choose to talk. In short, he was so dis- agreeable, that, some days after, both Talleyrand and the Duchess di Dino apologised to me for his ill-breeding. > - At present new plays seem hardly to be regarded as literature ; people may go to see them acted, but no one thinks of reading them. During the run of " Paul Pry," I happened to be at a dinner-party where everybody was talking about it, that is, about Listen's performance of the hero. I asked first one person, then another, and then another, who was the author of it ? Not a man or woman in the company knew that it was written by Poole ! ^ When people have had misunderstandings with each other, and are anxious to be again on good terms, they ought never to make attempts at reconciliation by means of letters ; they should see 198 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE each other. Sir Walter Scott quarrelled with Lady Roslin, in consequence, I believe, of some expres- sions he had used about Fox. " If Scott," said she, " instead of writing to me on the subject, had only paid me a visit, I must have forgiven him." There had been for some time a coolness between Lord Durham and myself ; and I was not a little annoyed to find that I was to sit next him at one of the Royal Academy dinners : I requested the stewards to change my place at the table ; but it was too late to make any alteration. We sat down. Lord Durham took no notice of me. At last I said to him, " Will your lordship do me the honour of drinking a glass of wine with me ? " He answered, " Certainly, on condition that you will come and dine with me soon." Lord Grenville has more than once said to me at Dropmore, " What a frightful mistake it was to send such a person as Lord Castlereagh to the Congress of Vienna ! a man who was so ignorant, that he did not know the map of Europe ; and who could be won over to make any concessions by only being asked to breakfast with the Emperor." Castlereagh's education had been sadly neglected ; TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 199 but he possessed considerable talents, and was very amiable. Castlereagh ignorant to the last, with no prin- ciple or feeling, right or wrong. Before he spoke, he would collect what he could on the subject, but never spoke above the level of a newspaper. Had three things in his favour : Tact, good humour, and courage. Liverpool* indolent in the extreme. Has no speaker on his side. If the Chancellor (Lord Eldon) spoke, it is generally to oppose him. Never was such a thing done, as sending a Cabinet Minister f to Vienna to act as he pleased ; one who was irresponsible, one who knew nothing, and who had never looked into a map ! I don't call " Robinson Crusoe " and " Gulliver's Travels " novels : they stand quite unrivalled for invention among all prose fictions. When I was at Banbury, I happened to observe in the churchyard several inscriptions to the memory of persons named Gulliver ; and, on my return home, looking into " Gulliver's Travels," I found, * The Earl of Liverpool was then (1825) Prime Minister, t Lord Castlereagh, who attended the Congress of Vienna, in 1815. 200 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE to my surprise, that the said inscriptions are men- tioned there as a confirmation of Mr. Gulliver's statement that " his family came from Oxfordshire." Bowles, like most other poets, was greatly de- pressed by the harsh criticisms of the reviewers. I advised him not to mind them ; and, eventually following my advice, he became a much happier man. I suggested to him the subject of " The Missionary," and he was to dedicate it to me. He, however, dedicated it to a noble lord, who never, either by word or letter, acknowledged the dedication. Bowles's nervous timidity is* the most ridicu- lous thing imaginable. Being passionately fond of * Wordsworth, Mrs. Wordsworth, their daughter, and Bowles, went upon the Thames in a boat, one fine summer's day. Though the water was smooth as glass, Bowles very soon became so alarmed, that he insisted on being set ashore ; upon which Wordsworth said to him, " Your confessing your cowardice is the most striking instance of valour that I ever met with." This was told to me by Wordsworth himself. What follows is from my Memoranda of Wordsworth's conversation. " When Bowles's Sonnets first appeared, a thin 410 pamphlet, entitled " Four- teen Sonnets," I bought them in a walk through London with my dear brother, who was afterwards drowned at sea. I read them as we went along ; and, to the great annoyance of my brother, I stopped in a niche of London Bridge to finish the pamphlet. Bowles's short pieces are his best : his long poems are rather flaccid." TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 201 music, he came to London expressly to attend the last Commemoration of Handel. After going into the Abbey, he observed that the door was closed ; immediately he ran to the doorkeeper, exclaiming, " What ! am I to be shut up here ? " and out he went, before he had heard a single note! I once bought a stall-ticket for him, that he might accom- pany me to the Opera ; but, just as we were step- ping into the carriage, he said, " Dear me, your horses seem uncommonly frisky " ; and he stayed at home. " I never," said he, " had but one watch ; and I lost it the very first day I wore it." Mrs. Bowles whispered to me, " And if he got another to-day, he would lose it as quickly." Major Price* was a great favourite with George the Third, and ventured to say anything to him. They were walking together in the grounds at Windsor Castle, when the following dialogue took place. " I shall certainly," said the King, " order this tree to be cut down." "If it is cut down, your majesty will have destroyed the finest tree about the Castle." " Really, it is surprising that * Brother to Sir Uvedale Price, and for many years vice- chamberlain to Queen Charlotte. 202 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE people constantly oppose my wishes." " Permit me to observe, that if your majesty will not allow people to speak, you will never hear the truth." " Well, Price, I believe you are right." When the Duke of Clarence (William the Fourth) was a very young man, he happened to be dining at the Equerries' table. Among the company was Major Price. The Duke told one of his facetious stories. " Excellent ! " said Price ; "I wish I could believe it." " If you say that again, Price," cried the Duke, " I'll send this claret at your head." Price did say it again. Accordingly the claret came, and it was returned. I had this from Lord St. Helens, who was one of the party. Once, when in company with William the Fourth, I quite forgot that it is against all etiquette to ask a sovereign about his health ; and, on his saying to me, " Mr. Rogers, I hope you are well," I re- plied, " Very well, I thank your majesty : / trust that your majesty is quite well also" Never was a king in greater confusion ; he didn't know where to look, and stammered out, " Yes, yes, only a little rheumatism." I have several times breakfasted with the Prin- cesses at Buckingham House. The Queen (Char- TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 203 lotte) always breakfasted with the King : but she would join us afterwards, and read the newspapers to us, or converse very agreeably. Dining one day with the Princess of Wales (Queen Caroline), I heard her say that on her first arrival in this country she could speak only one word of English. Soon after, I mentioned that circumstance to a large party ; and a discussion arose what English word would be most useful for a person to know, supposing that person's know- ledge of the language must be limited to a single word. The greater number of the company fixed on " Yes." But Lady Charlotte Lindsay said that she should prefer " No " ; because, though " Yes " never meant " No," " No " very often meant " Yes." The Princess was very good-natured and agree- able. She once sent to me at four o'clock in the afternoon, to say that she was coming to sup with me that night. I returned word that I should feel highly honoured by her coming, but that unfortu- nately it was too late to make up a party to meet her. She came, however, bringing with her Sir William Drummond. One night, after dining with her at Kensington 204 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Palace, I was sitting in the carriage, waiting for Sir Henry Englefield to accompany me to town, when a sentinel, at about twenty yards distance from me, was struck dead by a flash of lightning. I never beheld anything like that flash : it was a body of flame, in the centre of which were quivering zigzag fires, such as artists put into the hand of Jupiter ; and, after being visible for a moment, it seemed to explode. I immediately returned to the hall of the Palace, where I found the servants standing in terror, with their faces against the wall. I was to dine on a certain day with the Princess of Wales at Kensington, and, thinking that Ward (Lord Dudley) was to be of the party, I wrote to him, proposing that we should go together. His answer was, " Dear Rogers, I am not invited. The fact is, when I dined there last, I made several rather free jokes ; and the Princess, taking me perhaps for a clergyman, has not asked me back again." i One night, at Kensington, I had the Princess for my partner in a country-dance of fourteen couple. I exerted myself to the utmost ; but not quite to her satisfaction, for she kept calling out to me, " Vite, vite ! " She was fond of going to public places incog. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 205 One forenoon, she sent me a note to say that she wished me to accompany her that evening to the theatre ; but I had an engagement which I did not choose to give up, and declined accompanying her. She took offence at this ; and our intercourse was broken off till we met in Italy. I was at an inn about a stage from Milan, when I saw Queen Caro- line's carriages in the courtyard. I kept myself quite close, and drew down the blinds of the sitting- room : but the good-natured Queen found out that I was there, and, coming to my window, knocked on it with her knuckles. In a moment we were the best friends possible ; and there, as afterwards in other parts of Italy, I dined and spent the day with her. Indeed, I once travelled during a whole night in the same carriage with her and Lady Charlotte Campbell ; when the shortness of her majesty's legs not allowing her to rest them on the seat opposite, she wheeled herself round, and very coolly placed them on the lap of Lady Charlotte, who was sitting next to her. I remember Brighton before the Pavilion was built ; and in those days I have seen the Prince of Wales drinking tea in a public room of what was then the chief inn, just as other people did. 2o6 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE At a great party given by Henry Hope in Caven- dish Square, Lady Jersey* said she had something particular to tell me ; so, not to be interrupted, we went into the gallery. As"we were walking along it, we met the Prince of Wales, who, on seeing Lady Jersey, stopped for a moment, and then, drawing himself up, marched past her with a look of the utmost disdain. Lady Jersey returned the look to the full ; and, as soon as the Prince was gone, said to me with a smile, " Didn't I do it well ? " I was taking a drive with Lady Jersey in her carriage, when I expressed (with great sincerity) my regret at being unmarried, saying that " if I had a wife, * " The Prince one day said to Colonel Willis, ' I am deter- mined to break off my intimacy with Lady Jersey ; and you must deliver the letter which announces to her my determination.' When Willis put it into Lady Jersey's hand, she said, before opening it, ' You have brought me a gilded dagger.' Willis was on such familiar terms with the Prince, that he ventured to give his advice about his conduct. ' If your royal highness,' he said, ' would only show yourself at the theatre or in the park, in company with the Princess, two or three times a year, the public would be quite content, and would not trouble them- selves about your domestic proceedings.' The Prince replied, ' Really, Willis, with the exception of Lord Moira, nobody ever presumed to speak to me as you do.' The Prince was anxious to get rid of Lord Moira ; and hence his lordship's splendid banishment. These anecdotes were told to me by Willis." Mr. MALTBY. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 207 I should have somebody to care about me" " Pray, Mr. Rogers," said Lady J., " how could you be sure that your wife would not care more about somebody else than about you ? " I was staying at Lord Bathurst's, when he had to communicate to the Prince Regent the death of the Princess Charlotte. The circumstances were these. Lord Bathurst was suddenly roused in the middle of the night by the arrival of a messenger to inform him that the Princess was dead. After a short consultation with his family, Lord Bathurst went to the Duke of York ; and his royal highness having immediately dressed himself, they proceeded to- gether to Carlton House. On reaching it, they asked to see Sir Benjamin Bloomfield ; and telling him what had occurred, they begged him to convey the melancholy tidings to the Prince Regent. He firmly refused to do so. They then begged Sir Benjamin to inform the Prince that they requested to see him on a matter of great importance. A message was brought back by Sir Benjamin, that the Prince already knew all they had to tell him, viz. that the Princess had been delivered, and that the child was dead, and that he declined seeing them at present. They again, by means of Sir Benjamin, urged their request ; and were at last 208 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE admitted into the Prince's chamber. He was sitting up in bed ; and, as soon as they entered, he repeated what he had previously said by message, that he already knew all they had to tell him, &c. Lord Bathurst then communicated the fatal result of the Princess's confinement. On hearing it, the Prince Regent struck his forehead violently with both his hands, and fell forward into the arms of the Duke of York. Among other exclamations which this intelligence drew from him, was, " Oh, what will become of that poor man (Prince Leo- pold) ! " Yet, only six or seven hours had elapsed, when he was busily arranging all the pageantiy for his daughter's funeral ! The Duchess of Buckingham told me that, when George the Fourth slept at Stowe in the state bed- chamber (which has a good deal of ebony furniture), it was lighted up with a vast number of wax candles, which were kept burning the whole night. No- body, I imagine, except a king, has any liking for a state bedchamber. I was at Cassiobury with a large party, when a gentleman arrived, to whom Lord Essex said, " I must put you into the state bedroom, as it is the only one unoccupied." The gentleman, rather than sleep in it, took up his quarters at the inn, TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 209 One day when George the Fourth was talking about his youthful exploits, he mentioned, with particular satisfaction, that he had made a body of troops charge down the Devil's Dyke (near Brighton). Upon which the Duke of Wellington merely observed to him, " Very steep, sir." I was told by the Duchess-Countess of Suther- land what Sir Henry Halford had told her, that, when George the Fourth was very near his end, he said to him, " Pray, Sir Henry, keep these women from me " (alluding to certain ladies). I'll tell you an anecdote of Napoleon, which I had from Talleyrand. " Napoleon," said T., " was at Boulogne with the Army of England, when he received intelligence that the Austrians, under Mack, were at Ulm. ' If it had been mine to place them,' exclaimed Napoleon, * I should have placed them there.' In a moment the army was on the march, and he at Paris. I attended him to Stras- burg. We were there at the house of the Prefet, and no one in the room but ourselves, when Napo- leon was suddenly seized with a fit, foaming at the mouth ; he cried, ' Fermez la porte ! ' and then lay senseless on the floor. I bolted the door. Presently Berthier knocked. * On ne peut pas entrer.' After- o 2io RECOLLECTIONS OF THE wards, the Empress knocked ; to whom I addressed the same words. Now, what a situation would mine have been, if Napoleon had died ! But he recovered in about half an hour. Next morning, by daybreak, he was in his carriage ; and within sixty hours the Austrian army had capitulated." I repeated the anecdote to Lucien Buonaparte,* who listened with great sangfroid. " Did you ever hear this before ? " " Never : but many great men have been subject to fits ; for instance, Julius Caesar. My brother on another occasion had an attack of the same kind ; but that " (and he smiled) " was after being defeated. "f On my asking Talleyrand if Napoleon was really married to Josephine, he replied, " Pas tout-a-fait." I asked him which was the best portrait of Napoleon. He said, " That which represents him at Malmaison : it is by Isabey. The marble bust of Napoleon by Canova, which I gave to A. Baring, is an excellent likeness." * Mr. Rogers was very intimate with Lucien, and liked him much ; yet he could not resist occasionally laughing at some things in his " Charlemagne " ; for instance, at ?' L'ange maudit admire et contemple Judas." c. ix. 37. | An allusion to an adventure with an actress. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 211 " Did Napoleon shave himself ? " I inquired. " Yes," answered Talleyrand, " but very slowly, and conversing during the operation. He used to say that kings by birth were shaved by others, but that he who has made himself Roi shaves himself." To my question whether the despatch which Napoleon published on his retreat from Moscow was written by Napoleon himself, Talleyrand replied, " By himself, certainly." When I arrived at Paris on my return to France,* Madame de Stae'l was very anxious to serve me, and I was introduced by her to Barras,f who gave me an invitation to his Country House near Marly. I arrived there very early in the day, and was sitting there alone, when two young men entered the room and began a discussion, saying, " Shall we go, or shall we not ? " At last they cried, " Allons ! " and away they went. Not long afterwards there was great distress in the House. They had gone to bathe in the Seine, and one of them, a natural son of Barras (Query), had been drowned. Barras was incon- solable, and all my endeavours to console him, * Talleyrand returned to France from America about 1796. f Barras had been a Member of the Convention ; and when Talleyrand was introduced to him through the influence of Madame de Stael, in 1797, he was one of the five Directors. 212 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE such as they were (for I returned with him in his carriage to Paris), were of no avail ; but they gave him such an impression in my favour, that he rendered me every service he could afterwards, and as long as he lived. He introduced me to Napoleon, and I came into office almost imme- diately.* He always spoke of my kindness on that occasion with a warmth that affecteed me. Sieyes f was the first man in the Revolution " le premier homme dans la Revolution." To him indeed we owe it entirely. He it was who accomplished these three measures : The abolition of the three estates, the enrolment of the National Guard, and the division of France into depart- ments. I was walking one day with him in the * Madame de Stael says that it was through her influence that Talleyrand got into office, in the Department of Foreign Affairs. She adds, " M. de Talleyrand avoit besoin qu'on 1'aidat pour arriver au pouvoir ; mais il se passoit ensuite tres bien des autres pour s'y maintenir." Consid. sur la Rftol. Franc f . t L'Abbe Sieyes, a member of the States-General in 1789. Though a clergyman he was a deputy of the Tiers-Etat, and he proposed the decree which constituted that Order the National Assembly of France ; and thus, in effect, annihilated the power of the two other orders in the assembly. Madame de Stael remarks, " Ce decret passa, et ce decret etoit la revolution elle- meme." Consid, sur la Revol. Franf. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 213 Champs Elysees, when an officer of the Mare- chaussee over-set a poor woman's basket, contain- ing les plaisirs des dames (wafers). " This can never be," said he, " when the National Guard is established." March 22, 1833, at Lord Holland's. Comme vous voyez. One day things had been going wrong, and Talleyrand came out of the Emperor's room much irritated ; when a man about the Court, who squinted badly, attacked him with, " Eh bien, M. le Prince, comment vont les affaires ? " Talley- rand replied, " Comme vous voyez, Monsieur ! " Unknown correspondent. " Vous savez nager, je crois," in answer to Madame de Stael, who asked him, if she and another lady (noted for her beauty) were both in danger of drowning, which he would help first. Of Robert Smith : * " C'etoit done votre pere qui n'etoit pas si bien." I have committed one mistake in life. " Et quand finira-t-elle ? " I suffer the torments of Hell. " Deja ? " Charles the Tenth requested the last Pope to * On his praising the beauty of his Mother. Mr. Robert Smith was the brother of the Reverend Sidney Smith ; he was familiarly known by the name of Bobus Smith. 214 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE absolve him from his coronation oath, and was refused. He requested the present Pope, and was absolved. Talleyrand to Bobus Smith. Talleyrand is still alive, and will continue to live, " parceque le Diable en a peur." Pozzo di Borgo. When Lord Londonderry attacked Talleyrand in Parliament, and I defended him, saying, in everything as far as I had observed, he had always been fair and honest, Talleyrand burst into tears, saying, " II est le seul homme qui ait jamais dit du bien de moi." The Duke of Wellington to S. R. Dr. Lawrence assured me that Burke shortened his life by the frequent use of emetics, " he was always tickling his throat with a feather." He complained of an oppression at his chest, which he fancied emetics would remove. Malone (than whom no one was more intimate with Burke) persisted to the last in saying that, if " Junius's Letters" were not written by Burke, they were at least written by some person who had received great assistance from Burke in composing them ; and he was strongly inclined to fix the authorship of them upon Dyer.* Burke had a * Samuel Dyer. See an account of him in Malone's " Life of Dryden," p. 181, where he is mentioned as " a man of excel- lent taste and profound erudition ; whose principal literary work, TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 215 great friendship for Dyer, whom he considered to be a man of transcendent abilities ; and it was reported that, upon Dyer's death, Burke secured and sup- pressed all the papers which he had left behind him. I once dined at Dilly's in company with Wood- fall, who then declared in the most positive terms that he did not know who Junius was. A story appeared in the newspapers that an unknown individual had died at Marlborough, and that, in consequence of his desire expressed just before his death, the word Junius had been placed over his grave. Now, Sir James Mackintosh and I, happening to be at Marlborough, resolved to inquire into the truth of this story. We accordingly went into the shop of a bookseller, a respectable- looking old man with a velvet cap, and asked him what he knew about it. "I have heard" said he, " that a person was buried here with that inscrip- tion on his grave ; but I have not seen it." He then called out to his daughter, " What do you know about it, Nan ? " "I have heard," replied Nan, " that there is such a grave ; but I have not seen under a Roman signature, when the veil with which for near thirty-one years it has been enveloped shall be removed, will place him in a high rank among English writers, and transmit a name, now little known, with distinguished lustre to posterity." 216 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE it." We next applied to the sexton ; and his answer was, "I have heard oi such a grave; but I have not seenit" Nor did we see it, you may be sure, though we took the trouble of going into the churchyard.* My own impression is, that the " Letters of Junius " were written by Sir Philip Francis. In a speech, which I once heard him deliver, at the Mansion House, concerning the Partition of Poland, I had a striking proof that Francis possessed no ordinary powers of eloquence. I was one day conversing with Lady Holland in her dressing-room, when Sir Philip Francis was announced. " Now," she said, " I will ask him if he is Junius." I was about to withdraw ; but she insisted on my staying. Sir Philip entered, and, soon after he was seated, she put the question to him. His answer was, " Madam, do you mean to insult me ? " and he went on to say, that when he was a younger man, people would not have ventured * A friend observed to me, " Mr. Rogers and Sir James should have gone, not to Marlborough, but to Hungerford ; and there they would have found a tomb with this inscription, Stat nominis umbra ; which is the motto of Junius ; and hence the tomb is called Junius' s tomb." I mentioned this to Mr. Rogers, who said, " It may be so, but what I told you about our inquiries at Marlborough is fact ; and a good story it is." TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 217 to charge him with being the author of those Letters.* When Lady Holland wanted to get rid of a fop, she used to say, " I beg your pardon, but I wish you would sit a little further off ; there is something on your handkerchief which I don't quite like." When any gentleman, to her great annoyance, was standing with his back close to the chimney- piece, she would call out, " Have the goodness, sir, to stir the fire ! " Her delight was to conquer all difficulties that might oppose her will. Near Tunbridge there is (at least, there was) a house which no stranger was allowed to see. Lady Holland never ceased till she got permission to inspect it ; and through it she marched in triumph, taking a train of people with her, even her maid. When she and Lord Holland were at Naples, * The following notice must be referred, I presume, to an earlier occasion. " Brougham was by when Francis made the often-quoted answer to Rogers. ' There is a question, Sir Philip (said R.j, which I should much like to ask, if you will allow me.' ' You had better not, sir (answered Francis] : you may have reason to be sorry for it (or repent of it).' The addi- tion [by the newspapers] to this story is, that Rogers, on leaving him, muttered to himself, ' If he is Junius, it must be Junius Brutus." Moore's " Memoirs," &c., vol. vi. 66. 2i8 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Murat and his Queen used to have certain evenings appointed for receiving persons of distinction. Lady Holland would not go to those royal parties. At last Murat, who was always anxious to con- ciliate the English Government, gave a concert expressly in honour of Lady Holland ; and she had the gratification of sitting, at that concert, between Murat and the Queen, when, no doubt, she applied to them her screw, that is, she fairly asked them about everything which she wished to know. By- the-bye, Murat and his Queen were extremely civil to me. The Queen once talked to me about "The Pleasures of Memory." I often met Murat when he was on horseback, and he would invariably call out to me, rising in his stirrups, " He bien, Monsieur, etes-vous inspire aujourd'hui ? " Lord Holland never ventured to ask any one to dinner (not even me, whom he had known so long and so intimately) without previously consulting Lady H. Shortly before his death, I called at Holland House, and found only Lady H. within. As I was coming out, I met Lord Holland, who said, " Well, do you return to dinner ? " I answered, " No ; I have not been invited." Perhaps this deference to Lady H.* was not to be regretted ; for * Lady Holland was not among Mr. Rogers's earliest acquaint. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 219 Lord Holland was so hospitable and good-natured, that, had he been left to himself, he would have had a crowd at his table daily. What a disgusting thing is the fagging at our great schools ! When Lord Holland was a school- boy, he was forced, as a fag, to toast bread with his fingers for the breakfast of another boy. Lord H.'s mother sent him a toasting-fork. His f agger broke t over his head, and still compelled him to prepare the toast in the old way. In consequence of this process his fingers suffered so much that they always retained a withered appearance. Lord Holland persisted in saying that pictures gave him more pain than pleasure. He also hated music ; yet, in some respects, he had a very good ear, for he was a capital mimic. I was one day not a little surprised at being told by Moore that, in consequence of the article on his " Poems " in the Edinburgh Review,* he had called out Jeffrey, who at that time was in London. He ances in the great world. Mr. Richard Sharp once said to him, " When do you mean to give up the society of Lady Jersey ? " Mr. Rogers replied, " When you give up that of Lady Holland," little thinking then that she was eventually to be one of his own most intimate friends, * Vol. viii. 456. 220 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE asked me to lend him a pair of pistols : I said, and truly, that I had none.* Moore then went to William Spencer to borrow pistols, and to talk to him about the duel ; and Spencer, who was delighted with this confidence, did not fail to blab the matter to Lord Fincastle,t and also, I believe, to some women of rank. I was at Spencer's house in the forenoon, anxious to learn the issue of the duel, when a messenger arrived with the tidings that Moore and Jeffrey were in custody, and with a request from Moore that Spencer would bail him. Spencer did not seem much inclined to do so, remarking that " he could not well go out, for it was already twelve o'clock, and he had to be dressed by four I " So I went to Bow Street and bailed Moore.J The question now was, whether Moore and Jeffrey should still fight or not. I secretly * " William Spencer being the only one of all my friends whom I thought likely to furnish me with these sine-qua-nons [pistols], I hastened to confide to him my wants," &c. Moore's " Me- moirs," &c., vol.i. 202. But Moore's recollection of the particu- lars connected with the duel was somewhat imperfect : see the next note but one. f Afterwards Lord Dunmore. ft" Though I had sent for William Spencer, I am not quite sure that it was he that acted as my bail, or whether it was not Rogers that so officiated. I am, however, certain that the latter joined us at the office," &c. Moore's " Memoirs," vol. i. 205. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 221 consulted General Fitzpatrick, who gave it as his decided opinion that " Mr. Jeffrey was not called upon to accept a second challenge," insinuating, of course, that Moore was bound to send one. I took care not to divulge what the General had said : and the poet and critic were eventually reconciled by means of Homer and myself : they shook hands with each other in the garden behind my house. So heartily has Moore repented of having pub- lished " Little's Poems," that I have seen him shed tears, tears of deep contrition, when we were talking of them. Young ladies read his " Lalla Rookh " without being aware (I presume) of the grossness of " The Veiled Prophet." These lines by Mr. Sneyd are amusing enough : " Lalla Rookh . Is a naughty book By Tommy Moore, Who has written four, Each warmer Than the former, So the most recent Is the least decent." Moore borrowed from me Lord Thurlow's " Poems," and forthwith wrote that ill-natured 222 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE article on them in the Edinburgh Review.* It made me angry ; for Lord Thurlow, with all his eccentricity, was a man of genius ; but the public chose to laugh at him, and Moore, who always follows the world's opinion, of course did so too. I like Lord Thurlow's verses on Sidney. f Moore once said to me, " I am much fonder of reading works in prose than in verse." I replied, * Vol. xxiii. 41 1 1 f I know not which of Lord Thurlow's pieces on Sidney (for there are several) was alluded to by Mr. Rogers. One of them is, On beholding the portraiture of Sir Philip Sidney in the gallery at Penshnrst : '' The man that looks, sweet Sidney, in thy face. Beholding there love's truest majesty, And the soft image of departed grace, Shall fill his mind with magnanimity : There may he read unfeign'd humility. And golden pity, born of heavenly brood, Unsullied thoughts of immortality, And musing virtue, prodigal of blood : Yes, in this map of what is fair and good, This glorious index of a heavenly book, Not seldom, as in youthful years he stood, Divines t Spencer would admiring look ; And, framing thence high wit and pure desire, Imagin'd deeds that set the world on fire." Let me add that Lord Thurlow's sonnet " To a bird that haunted the waters of Laken in the winter " was a favourite with Charles Lamb. Ep. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 223 " I should have known so from your writings " ; and I meant the words as a compliment : his best poems are quite original. Moore is a very worthy man, but not a little improvident. His excellent wife contrives to main- tain the whole family on a guinea a week ; and he, when in London, thinks nothing of throwing away that sum weekly on hackney-coaches and gloves. I said to him, " You must have made ten thousand pounds by your musical publications." He replied, " More than that." In short, he has received for his various works nearly thirty thousand pounds. When, owing to the state of his affairs, he found it necessary to retire for a while, I advised him to make Holyrood House his refuge : there he could have lived cheaply and comfortably, with permission to walk about unmolested every Sunday, when he might have dined with Walter Scott or Jeffrey. But he would go to Paris ; and there he spent about a thousand a-year. At the time when Moore was struggling with his grief for the loss of his children, he said to me, " What a wonderful man that Shakespeare is ! how perfectly I now feel the truth of his words, " And if I laugh at any mortal thing, Tis that I may not weep ! " 224 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE I happened to repeat to Mrs. N. what Moore had said ; upon which she observed, " Why, the passage is not Shakespeare's, but Byron's." And sure enough we found it in " Don Juan." * Another lady, who was present, having declared that she did not understand it, I said, " I will give you an illustration of it. A friend of mine was chiding his daughter. She laughed. ' Now,' continued the father, ' you make matters worse by laughing.' She then burst into tears, exclaiming, ' If I do not laugh, I must cry.' ' Moore has now taken to an amusement which is very well suited to the fifth act of life ; he plays cribbage every night with Mrs. Moore. In the " Memoir " of Gary by his son, Coleridge is said to have first become acquainted with Gary's * C. iv. 4. (Moore had forgotten that he had quoted the pas- sage as Byron's in his "Life of Byron"). Richardson had said the same thing long ago : " Indeed, it is to this deep concern that my levity is owing : for I struggle and struggle, and try to buffet down my cruel reflections as they rise ; and when I cannot, / am forced, as I have often said, to try to make myself laugh, that I may not cry ; for one or other I must do : and is it not philosophy carried to the highest pitch, for a man to conquer such tumults of soul as I am sometimes agitated by, and, in the very height of the storm, to be able to quaver out an horse- laugh j" " "Clarissa Harlowe," Letter 84, vol. vii. 319. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 225 " Dante " when he met the translator at Little Hampton. But that is a mistake. Moore men- tioned the work to me with great admiration ; I mentioned it to Wordsworth ;* and he to Cole- ridge, who had never heard of it till then, and who forthwith read it. On the resignation of Baber, chief librarian at the British Museum, I wrote a letter to the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, urging Gary's claim to fill the vacant place.f The Archbishop replied, that his only reason for not giving Cary his vote was the unfortunate circumstance of Gary's having been more than once, in consequence of domestic calami- ties, afflicted with temporary alienation of mind.J I had quite forgotten this ; and I immediately wrote again to the Archbishop, saying that I now agreed with him concerning Gary's unfitness for the situation. I also, as delicately as I could, * Wordsworth once remarked to me, "It is a disgrace to the age that Cary has no church-preferment ; I think his translation of Dante a great national work." f Cary, as assistant-librarian, stood next in succession. I It appears, however, from the " Memoir of Cary " by his son (vol. ii. 285), that afterwards, the Archbishop, in conse- quence of a medical certificate of Gary's fitness for the office, was desirous that he should be appointed, " but could not prevail on his co-trustees to concur with him." P 226 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE touched on the subject to Gary himself, telling him that the place was not suited for him. After another gentleman had been appointed Baber's successor, the trustees of the Museum recommended Gary to the Government for a pension which they seemed resolved not to grant ; and I made more than one earnest application to them in his behalf. At last Lord Melbourne sent Lord E. to me with a message that " there was very little money to dispose of, but that Gary should have 100 per annum." I replied that " it was so small a sum, that I did not choose to mention the offer to Gary ; and that, as soon as Sir Robert Peel came into office, I should apply to him for a larger sum, with confident hopes of better success." Lord Melbourne then let me know that Gary should have 200 a-year ; which I accepted for him. Gary never forgave me for my conduct in the Museum business ; and never afterwards called upon me. But I met him one day in the Park, when he said (much to his credit, considering his decided political opinions) that " he was better pleased to receive 200 a-year from Lord Melbourne than double the sum from Sir Robert Peel." Visiting Lady one day, I made inquiries TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 227 about her sister. " She is now staying with me," answered Lady , " but she is unwell in conse- quence of a fright which she got on her way from Richmond to London." At that time omnibuses were great rarities ; and while Miss was coming to town, the footman, observing an omni- bus approach, and thinking that she might like to see it, suddenly called in at the carriage-window, " Ma'am, the omnibus ! " Miss , being un- acquainted with the term, and not sure but an omnibus might be a wild beast escaped from the Zoological Gardens, was thrown into a dreadful state of agitation by the announcement. Words cannot do justice to Theodore Hook's talent for improvisation : it was perfectly wonder- ful. He was one day sitting at the pianoforte, singing an extempore song as fluently as if he had had the words and music before him, when Moore happened to look into the room, and Hook instantly introduced a long parenthesis, " And here's Mr. Moore, Peeping in at the door," &c. The last time I saw Hook was in the lobby of Lord Canterbury's house after a large evening 228 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE party there. He was walking up and down, sing- ing with great gravity, to the astonishment of the footmen, " Shepherds, I have lost my hat" When Erskine was made Lord Chancellor, Lady Holland never rested till she prevailed on him to give Sidney Smith a living.* Smith went to thank him for the appointment. " Oh," said Erskine, " don't thank me, Mr. Smith. I gave you the living because Lady Holland insisted on my doing so : and if she had desired me to give it to the devil, he must have had it." At one time, when I gave a dinner, I used to have candles placed all round the dining-room, and high up, in order to show off the pictures. I asked Smith how he liked that plan. " Not at all," he replied ; " above, there is a blaze of light, and below, nothing but darkness and gnashing of teeth." He said that was so fond of contradiction, that he would throw up the window in the middle of the night, and contradict the watchman who was calling the hour. When his physician advised him to " take a walk upon an empty stomach," Smith asked, " Upon whose ? " * The living of Fostoa-le-Clay in Yorkshire. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 229 " Lady Cork," said Smith, " was once so moved by a charity sermon, that she begged me to lend her a guinea for her contribution. I did so. She never repaid me, and spent it on herself." He said that " his idea of heaven was eating foie gras to the sound of trumpets." " I had a very odd dream last night," said he ; " I dreamed that there were thirty-nine Muses and nine Articles : and my head is still quite confused about them." Smith said, "The Bishop of is so like Judas, that I now firmly believe in the Apostolical Suc- cession." Witty as Smith was, I have seen him at my own house absolutely overpowered by the superior facetiousness of William Bankes. Speaking to me of Buonaparte, the Duke of Wellington remarked, that in one respect he was superior to all the generals who had ever existed. " Was it," I asked, " in the management and skilful arrangement of his troops ? " " No," answered the Duke ; "it was in his power of concentrating such vast masses of men, a most important point in the art of war." Buonaparte, in my opinion, committed one of 230 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE his greatest errors when he meddled with Spain ; for the animosity of the people was unconquerable, and it was almost impossible to get us out of that corner. I have often said it would be his ruin ; though I might not live to see it. A conqueror, like a cannon-ball, must go on. If he rebounds, his career is over. [Buonaparte was certainly as clever a man as ever lived, but he appears to me to have wanted sense on many occasions.] At one time I expected him there [in Spain] in person, and him by himself I should have regarded at least as an accession of 40,000 men. Clausel was the best general employed against me there. He gave me a great deal of trouble ; for every night he took a good position, and every morning I had to turn and dislodge him. Once I thought I had him ; but it pleased a young gentleman of ours to go and dine at a cabaret in the valley a mile or two off. Clausel's reconnoitring party fell in with him, and Clausel took the alarm and was gone. He was then a young man, and is now (1824) in disgrace and in America. If there was a war we should hear of him again. In Spain, and also in France, I used continually to go alone and reconnoitre almost up to their TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 231 piquets. Seeing a single horseman in his cloak, they disregarded me as some subaltern. No French general, said Soult, would have gone without a guard of at least a thousand men. Everywhere I received intelligence from the peasants and the priests. The French learnt nothing. At Vittoria they were hourly expecting Clausel with reinforcements, and I was taking my measures accordingly, when Alava brought me an inn- keeper, who said, " Make yourself easy, sir ; he is now quietly lodged for the night in my house six leagues off." So saying, he returned to attend upon him, and I lost no time. Gordon (afterwards killed at Waterloo) passed the night in an osteria with some French officers, and no sooner were they asleep than a Spanish child in the room made gestures to Gordon, draw- ing the edge of his hand across his throat. " And why so ? " said Gordon in the morning when they were gone. " Because I knew you to be an English- man by your sword and your spurs." " Don't drink of that well," said a Spanish woman to an English soldier. "Is it poisoned ? " " Some Frenchmen are there," she replied, " and more than you can count." Whenever 232 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE a Frenchman came and looked into it, she sent him in, headlong ! The French were cruel to their guides. One, whom we found dead in the road, had conducted them within sight of the Castle they were in search of ; and no sooner had he pointed to it on the hill than he received a bullet from a pistol at the back of his head. We found him an hour afterwards lying on his face where he fell, and learnt in a neighbouring village that he had been hired there. They wished to conceal their movements from us ; but why not detain him for a day or two ? We were blockading Pampeluna when Buona- parte sent Soult from Dresden to relieve it. " II a la meilleure tete de tous pour la guerre," said he ; and Soult came with an immense army, having collected all he could. Our blockading force was small, but I knew of the intention ; and, assembling our troops from all quarters as fast as possible, I rode on before them to show myself to the block- aders, and also to the enemy. The first received me with three shouts, for they knew that I should not come alone ; and by the last, even if not so announced, I was sure to be discovered, for I was almost within gunshot.* * This is mentioned by Napior, as on July 07, 1813, t^ 6 day TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 233 There was a Spy in the habit of going from camp to camp. We called him Don Uran de la Rosa ; and he dined with us and the French alternately. " Who is he and what is he ? " said Alava when he saw him at table. " A Spaniard, an Andalu- sian," they replied. " No Spaniard," said Alava ; " he may be Cagliostro, or anybody else, but no Spaniard." He was for ever talking as Frenchmen are, and always at my elbow. He had just left the French, and he said to me when I was reconnoitring, " Do you wish to see Marshal Soult ? " " Certainly." " There he is, then ! " I looked through my glass, and saw him distinctly* so distinctly as to know him instantly when I met him afterwards in Paris ; as I did several times, though never to exchange ten words with him.f He was sitting on his horse, and writing a despatch on his hat ; while an aide- de-camp waited by him ; to whom, when he had before the first battle of Sauroren, in the Pyrenees. The shout was first raised by one of the Portuguese battalions under General Campbell, and, being caught up by the next regiments, swelled as it ran along the line. Napier's " Peninsular War," vi. 130. * Napier mentions this circumstance. "Pen. War," vi. 130. f I met them afterwards together at a small tea-party in London, and the respect of Soult for the Duke was very remark- able. S. R, 234 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE done, he delivered it, pointing with much earnest- ness in one direction again and again. "I see enough," I replied, and gave the glass to another, saying to him, " Observe which way that gentle- man goes." He galloped off as directed ; and I knew at once, as I thought, where the attack was to be made. " That is my weakest point," said I to myself ; and I prepared accordingly ; of such use, as I had always maintained, are glasses. He [Soult] looked much lustier than now, and just as his son now does. I beat him thoroughly the next day* or the day after, and drove him back into France. I should have done still more but for an accident. A trooper or two of his fell in with some stragglers of ours, and, snatching them up behind them, galloped off to the camp, that Soult might gather from them what he could. f The name of this fellow [the Spy] was Ozille. Latterly I would not let him come near me, and had him always observed. So he could not shift his quarters. [When I was Ambassador at Paris, he * The first battle of Sauroren, or of the Pyrenees, on July 28. 1813, and subsequent battles on July 30 and following days. Napier's " Peninsular War," vr. 136 et seq. j This happened on July 31, 1813, while Wellington was waiting near Elizondo to surprise Soult, who was at San Estevan in his retreat from Pampeluna into France. Ibid., vi. 156. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 235 came and begged me to make interest with Soult for the settlement of his accounts. " How can I ? " I said, laughing, " when we made such use of you as we did ? " They were settled, however, if we could believe him. After his death a French- man came to me in London, and, when he had vapoured away for some time, declaring that Ozille had won every battle and saved Europe, he said, " Here are his memoirs ; shall we publish them or not ! " I saw his drift, and said, " Do as you please. You must know he was neither more nor less than a spy." I heard no more of them, or of him.] After the battle of Toulouse* I went to Paris, and was on my return to the army when Soult and I met half way. Each of us had six horses to his carriage, and the postillions, as usual, stopped on the road to change. I was fast asleep, and knew nothing of the matter ; but Soult, learning from my courier who I was, came to the front of my carriage, as I was afterwards told, and during the operation observed me through his glass as I lay there. At Paris I knew him immediately, though I had only seen him through mine.f Massena, * Which took place on April 10, 1814, between Wellington and Soult, and was followed by an armistice and peace. f Before the battle of Sauroren in the Pyrenees. Vide supra, P- 233- 236 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE I remember, was at the same dinner, and said to me, " Vous m'avez rendu les cheveux gris." When Massena was opposed to me, and in the field, I never slept comfortably. Soult was much affected by appearances. Once, before the battle of the Pyrenees, when I was pre- paring for action, our men happened to shout, and I said, " Soult will not come out to-day." Nor did he ; for he thought we had received some great reinforcement.* Whether Soult, at his age [March 1831] would now serve in case of a war I cannot say. He is a great man in the administration of war ; but less in battle, less in what are called " les stratagemes de la guerre." In the battle of the Pyrenees he made many desperate attacks ; but I was every- where prepared for him. Marmont throws the fault on others ; but I think he was tp blame at Salamanca ;t for he spread his army, thinking that we wished to make off ; and with my whole force I made a sudden attack on his centre, in front and in rear. It was * Napier relates this circumstance from hearsay somewhat differently, though to the same effect. " Peninsular War," vi. 130. | Fought on July 2*, 181*. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 237 said, and said truly, that we defeated forty thou- sand men in forty minutes. He was, however, a very excellent officer. In Spain I never marched the troops long. Twenty-five miles were the utmost. They set off, usually, at five or six in the morning, and took their ground by one. In India they could go further. Once in one day I marched them seventy- two miles. Starting at three in the morning, they went twenty-five miles, and halted at noon. Then I made them lie down to sleep, setting sentinels over them ; and at eight they started again, march- ing till one at noon the next day ; when we were in the enemy's camp. In Europe we cannot do so much. For in England we send them by a canal into the interior, and along the coast by a smack, In India they must walk. I look upon it that all men require two pounds weight of food a day ; the English not more than the French. Vegetable food is less convenient than animal food, the last walking with you. The elastic woven corslet would answer well over the cuirass. It saved me, I think, at Orthez ; * where I was hit on the hip. I was never struck * In Spain. 238 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE but on that occasion, and there I was not wounded. I was on horseback again the same day.* In Spain I shaved myself over-night, and usually slept five or six hours ; sometimes, indeed, only three or four, and sometimes only two. In India I never undressed ; it is not the custom there ; and for many years in the Peninsula I undressed very seldom ; never for the first four years. English horses are the best of all for military service ; and mares are better than geldings. They endure more fatigue, and recover from it sooner. War in Spain is much less of an evil than in other countries. There is no property to destroy. Enter a house, the walls are bare ; there is no furniture. , when at our headquarters in Spain, wished to see an army, and I gave directions that he should be conducted through ours. When he returned, he said, " I have seen nothing nothing but here and there little clusters of men in con- fusion ; some cooking, some washing, and some sleeping." Then you have seen an army," I said. * Sir Wm. Napier, in a letter to Lord John Russell, says that the Duke was twice hit ; once at Salamanca, and a second time atOrthez. "Memoirs of Moore," viu. at end, as a note to vol. v. 57- TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 239 I should like much to tell the truth ; but if I did, I should be torn to pieces, here or abroad. I have indeed no time to write, much as I might wish to do so ; and I am still [December 1827] too much in the world to do it. There is a history of the Campaign in Spain of 1808 or 9, in English with French notes, that is admirable as to the French movements, and was written most probably by some Irishman, then with Soult. Napier has great materials, and means well ; but he is too much influenced by anything that makes for him, even by an assertion in a newspaper. I do not think much of Southey. The "Subaltern"* is excellent, particularly in the American expedition to New Orleans. He describes all he sees. After the battle of Vittoria the Spaniards said, " You came over the English Menden," a basque word for a chain of hills " Your Black Prince came over them, and there he fought for Don Pedro the Cruel. f At that old Castle he had his head- quarters." It agrees with the account in Froissardt. * By G. R. Gleig : first published anonymously in Black- wood's Magazine, 1825, 1827. f The battle of Navarretta, near Vittoria, in Spain, fought on April 3, 1367, by the Black Prince and Don Pedro the Cruel against Henry de Transtamare, King of Castille, and Don Tello, 240 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE He [the Duke] would often come into my room when he rose, and converse for a few minutes. But once (it was during the Siege of Burgos) he came and walked about and said nothing. At last he opened the door, and said as he went out, " Cocks* was killed last night." F. Ponsonby.^ WATERLOO. When Buonaparte left Elba for France, I was at Vienna and received the news from Lord Burghersh, in which the Black Prince was victorious. " Froissardt," i. c. 241. General Napier states the name of " Englishman's Hill " to have been given to a neighbouring hill, not in com- memoration of the Black Prince's victory, but on account of the gallant defence of the spot against the Spanish by some English knights and two hundred men (a part of the Black Prince's army), who, after holding it long against superior numbers, were there all slain. This agrees with Froissardt's account, who describes the defence of the hill as happening a short time before the battle of Navarretta. " Froissardt," i. c. 239 \ Napier's " Peninsular War," v. 580. * Somers Cocks, killed at the siege of Burgos on October 7, 1812. He had distinguished himself in the first assault (as Major Cocks] on September 19, for which he was promoted to the rank of Colonel ; and lost his life while gallantly repulsing the French from the British trenches, within so short a time after his promotion. Napier's " Peninsular War." f The Honourable Frederick Cavendish Ponsonby, son of the Earl of Besborough, and Lieut. -Colonel in i2th Dragoons {?}. He was afterwards wounded at the battle of Waterloo. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 241 our Minister at Florence. The instant it came I communicated it to every member of the Congress, and all laughed ; the Emperor of Russia most of all. " What was in your letter to his Majesty this morning," said his Physician ; " for when he broke the seal, he clapped his hands and burst out a laughing ? " Various were the conjectures as to whither he was gone ; but none would hear of France. All were sure that in France he would be massacred by the people, when he appeared there. I remember Talleyrand's words so well : " Pour la France Non ! " Buonaparte I never saw ; though during the battle [Waterloo] we were once, I understood, within a quarter of a mile of each other. I regret it much ; for he was a most extraordinary man. To me he seems to have been at his acme at the Peace of Tilsit,* and gradually to have declined afterwards. [He would have done better, I think, to have stood on the defensive. Six hundred thousand men would have gathered round him, and the jostling of so many would have been terrible. If he had waited for his moment and attacked when and where * July 1807. 242 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE he pleased from the centre, his success in one instance might have been fatal to the rest.] At Waterloo he had the finest army he ever commanded ; and everything up to the onset must have turned out as he wished. Indeed he could not have expected to beat the Prussians, as he did at Ligny,* in four hours. But two such armies as those at Waterloo have seldom met, if I may judge from what they did on that day. It was a battle of giants ! a battle of giants ! Many of my troops were new ; but the new fight well, though they manoeuvre ill ; better perhaps than many who have fought and bled. As to the way in which some of our ensigns and lieutenants braved danger the boys just come from school it exceeds all belief. They ran as at cricket. Very early in the day the Nassau Brigade were shifting their ground from an orchard ; and when I remonstrated with them, they said in their excuse that the French were in such force near them. It was to no purpose that I pointed to our Guards on * The battle of Ligny was fought two days before the battle of Waterloo. See Sir Henry Hardinge's Memoranda, p. 246, infra. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 243 the right. It would not do ; and so bewildered were they, that they sent a few shots after me as I rode off. " And with these men," I said to the Corps Diplomatique who were with me, " And with these men I am to win the battle." They shrugged their shoulders. How did they behave in the action ? Well enough ; and it should be remembered that, as they had never served with us, we had not acquired their confidence. They had come over to us at Bayonne,* having formed the rear-guard of the French Army in Spain ; and knowing, as they now did, that Buonaparte was in the field, their dread of him must have borne some proportion to the courage with which he had formerly inspired them. I never saw the narrative of Lady de Lancy ; [I should like much to see it.f I never saw her. * On December 10, 1813, after the battle of Barrouilhet, near Bayonne. Napier's " Peninsular War," vi. 387. f An interesting account in MS. by Lady de Lancy, of her attendance on her dying husband, Sir William de Lancy, in a peasant's cottage at Waterloo, for seven or eight days after the battle, where he had been severely wounded, and had at first been reported as killed on the spot. Lady de Lancy was a sister of Captain Basil Hall. Mr. Rogers, in a note, says that the Duke saw her narrative afterwards. 244 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE I heard she went through a good deal.] De Lancy was with me and speaking to me when he was struck. We were on a point of land that over- looked the plain, and I had just been warned oft by some soldiers ; (but as I saw well from it, and as two divisions were engaging below, I had said " Never mind,") when a ball came leaping along en ricochet, as it is called, and striking him on the back, sent him many yards over the head of his horse. He fell on his face, and bounded upward and fell again. All the Staff dismounted, and ran to him ; and when I came up he said, " Pray tell them to leave me, and let me die in peace." I had him conveyed into the rear ; and two days afterwards when, on my return from Brussels, I saw him in a barn, he spoke with such strength that I said (for I had reported him among the killed), " Why, De Lancy, you will have the advan- tage of Sir Condy in Castle Rackrent; you will know what your friends said of you after you were dead." "I hope I shall," he replied.* Poor * The following remarks are in the original manuscript : " He said the cannon-ball was not spent, but came from quite close at hand, and could not have touched. It wa3 the wind of the shot that wounded him, no skin being broken ; and mentioned TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 245 fellow ! We had known each other ever since we were boys. But I had no time to be sorry ; I went on with the army and never saw him again. When all was over, Blucher and I met at La Maison Rouge. It was midnight when he came ; and riding up, he threw his arms round me, and kissed me on both cheeks as I sat in the saddle I was then in pursuit ; and as his troops were fresh I halted mine, and left the business to him. [In the day I was for some time encumbered with the Corps Diplomatique. They would not leave me, say what I would.] We supped afterwards together between night and morning, in a spacious tent erected in the valley for that purpose. Pozzo di Borgo was there among others ; and, at my request, he sent off a messenger with the news to Ghent ; where Louis XVIII. breakfasted every morning in a bow-window to the street, and where, every morning, the citizens assembled under it to gaze on him. another instance of a man close beside him in the trenches at in India killed without being touched. A horae will wince when a ball makes a noise like this [imitating the sound], but when he hears it the danger is past." It does not appear clear whether the Duke was here speaking of what he saw, or was only reporting what Sir William de Lancy had said to him. 246 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE When the messenger, a Russian, entered the room with the news, the King embraced him ; and all embraced him, and one another, all over the house. An Emissary of Rothschild was in the street ; and no sooner did he see these demonstrations than he took wing for London. Not a syllable escaped from his lips at Bruges, at Ostend, or at Margate ; nor, till Rothschild had taken his measures on the Stock Exchange,* was the intelligence communi- cated to Lord Liverpool. On that day I rode Copenhagen from four in the morning till twelve at night. [And when I dis- mounted he threw up his heels at me as he went off.] If he fed it was on the standing corn, and as I sat in the saddle. He was a chestnut horse. [I rode him hundreds of miles in Spain and at the battle of Toulouse.] He died blind with age (28 years old) in 1835 at Strathfield Saye, where he lies buried within a ring-fence. [Sir Henry Hardinge."] Before the battle of Ligny, in which I lost my arm about noon, Blucher, thinking that the French * This statement, about the operations on the Stock Ex change, though doubtless believed at the time, has since been declared mythical (vide " Dictionary of National Biography," Roths- child). P. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 247 were gathering more and more against him, re- quested that I would go and solicit the Duke for some assistance. I set out ; but I had not pro- ceeded far for the purpose, when I saw a party of horse coming towards me ; and observing that they had short tails, I knew at once that they were English, and soon distinguished the Duke. He was on his way to the Prussian head-quarters, thinking that they might want some assistance ; and he instantly gave directions for a supply of Cavalry. " How are they forming ? " he inquired. " In column, not in line," I replied. " The Prussian soldier, says Blucher, will not stand in line." " Then the Artillery will play upon them and they will be beaten damnably." So they were. At the last Waterloo dinner, when my health was drunk as usual, and as usual I rose to return thanks, I stated briefly this occurrence, and the Duke when I alluded to it, cried " Hear, hear." Sir Henry Hardinge, at Gladstone's, Saturday, June 24, 1843. Two days before the battle of Waterloo the Duke came in to Lady Mornington's room at Brussels, saying, " Napoleon has invaded Belgium ; order horses and wait at Antwerp for further instructions." When they were there [at Antwerp] Alava 248 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE entered their room, waving a bloody handkerchief, and informed her that a victory was gained, and that they must return forthwith to Brussels. She and her daughter had not been there (q. Brussels) half an hour when the Duke arrived, and walking up and down the apartment in a state of the greatest agitation, burst into tears, and uttered these memorable words : " The next greatest misfortune to losing a battle is to gain such a victory as this." * Note by Samuel Rogers. MISCELLANEOUS REMARKS AND ANECDOTES BY THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. The French King, when he goes from Chapel, speaks to everybody, and different rooms have different ranks. I have often dined with the King of the Nether- lands. The Northern Kings admit subjects and strangers to dine with them. The Bourbons never did, I believe, at Paris, except in my instance. At Ghent, perhaps, the etiquette was departed * Mr. Rogers has preserved in his Common Place Book a similar remark made by the Duke at another time. " What a glorious thing must be a victory, Sir ! " said * * * to the Duke. " The greatest tragedy in the world, Madam ; except a defeat." TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 249 from ; but I believe I am the only person who has dined with Lewis XVIII. at Paris. I have dined often with him. He sat at six ; and when dinner was announced, was wheeled in from the room in which he had received me. The table was large, and he sat between the two ladies, the Duchesses of Berri and of Angouleme. I sat between Monsieur and the Duke d'Angouleme. They were waited upon by Gentlemen I by a servant ; and, of course, best served. The dinner was exquisite. We sat down at six, and rose at seven ; and then all sat and talked with the King till eight, avoiding all political subjects. The King eat freely, but mixed water with his wine, which was champagne. The King will not now go out in the carriage but on great occasions. They have contrived a machine to lift him into it by ; but his indolence, or his fear of the caricaturists, or both, keep him at home. He is fond of mots, and full of esprit rather than sensible ; and did not at first consent to read the speeches prepared for him by his ministers, prefer- ring to speak d'abondance. The Emperor Alexander, when here [in 1814], treated the Prince Regent with no respect, thinking him not half a king, and kept him often waiting. Ministers were anxious to set him right, by their 250 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE behaviour ; and desired me to do so ; but Lord Grenville* produced the greatest effect, showing the Prince every attention at Oxford, and treating the others only as his guests. The old King [George III.] his father, was no listener. When Fox came out of the closet once, somebody said, " You have had a long audience." " Given one, you mean," was his answer. [The Duke of Wellington has, naturally, a great gaiety of mind ; he laughs at almost everything, as if it served only to divert him. Not less re- markable is the simplicity of his manner. It is, perhaps, rather the absence of everything like affectation. In his account of himself he discovers, in no instance, the least vanity or conceit, and he listens always readily to others. His laugh is easily excited, and it is very loud and long, like the whoop of the whooping-cough often repeated. S. R.] At Woburn Abbey and Apsley House, April and June, 1821. --) Moscow, I am very sure, was burnt down by the irregularity of his [Buonaparte's] own soldiers. * Lord Grenville was Chancellor of the University of Oxford in 1814. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 251 That pamphlet, published by the Governor of Moscow, states what, I am persuaded, was the truth. If he had stopt, and had contented himself with organising Poland, and established Ponia- towski there, it had been well for him. After his Austrian marriage, Metternich was sent to Paris to see him, and to report upon his character, and to discover whether he meant to be quiet. His answer, as he told me, was in three words : " He is unaltered." He had then resolved to invade Russia. At Lady Shelley' 's, Berkeley Square, May 8, 1823. I hear nothing by my left ear. The drum is broken, and might have been broken twenty years ago, for aught I know to the contrary. A gun discharged near me might have done it. Strange impressions come now and then after a battle ; and such came to me after the battle of Assaye in India.* I slept in a farm yard ; and whenever I awaked, it struck me that I had lost all my friends, so many had I lost in that battle. Again and again, as often as I awaked, did it disturb me. In the morning I inquired anxiously after * Fought September 1803. 252 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE one and another ; nor was I convinced that they were living till I saw them. I speared seven or eight wild boars in a forest in Picardy an Eastern practice. The largest struck the sole of my foot with his tusk, when I thrust my lance into his spine, and was turning my horse off at the instant, as I always did. The rest of the party set up a shout, and I believe it gave me more pleasure, this achievement, than anything I ever did in my life. Lord Hill killed one on foot, but the difficult thing was to kill one on horseback. Whoever threw the first lance into a boar claimed it as his. Never saw but one royal tiger wild. Never at a tiger hunt. Elephants used always in war [in India], for conveyance of stores or artillery. I had once occasion to send my men through a river upon some. A drunken soldier fell off, and was carried down by the torrent till he scrambled up a rock in the middle of the stream. I sent the elephant after him, and with large strides he obeyed his driver. When arrived, he could not get near the rock, and he stiffened his tail to serve as a plank. The man was too drunk to avail himself of it, and the elephant seized him with his trunk, and, notwithstanding TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 253 the resistance he made, and the many cuffs he gave that sensitive part, placed him on his back. Cassiobury, October 2 and 3, 1824. They want me to place myself at the head of a faction, but I say to them, I have now served my country for forty years for twenty I have commanded her armies, and for ten I have sat in the Cabinet and I will not now place myself at the head of a faction. When I lay down my office to-morrow, I will go down into my county, and do what I can to restore order and peace. And in my place in Parliament, when I can, I will approve ; when I cannot, I will dissent, but I will never agree to be the leader of a faction. At Arbuthnofs, over the fire. Sunday evening, November 21, 1830.* [Having met Lord Grey again and again at my table, and knowing our intimacy, he meant that these words should be repeated to him ; and so they were, word for word, on that very night. S. R.] Scott's " Life of Napoleon " is of no value. The tolerable part of it is what relates to his retreat from Moscow. I have thought much on that subject, * This was at the moment of Earl Grey's accession to office, on the resignation of the Duke of Wellington. 254 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE and have made many inquiries concerning it. I gave him my papers. He has used some,* not all. Wolfe Tone was a most extraordinary man, and his history is the most curious history of those times. f With a hundred guineas in his pocket, unknown and unrecommended, he went to Paris in order to overturn the British Government in Ireland. He asked for a large force ; Lord Edward Fitzgerald for a small one. Lord Edward was for assistance only, and was afraid of their control. They listened to Tone, but when their fleet arrived in Bantry Bay, the Irish would not rise to join them. Then it was, I believe, and for that purpose, that their religious feelings were worked upon ; and from that time the dissension was religious. Before, it was political. At Talleyrand's, March 13, 1831. * The following note by Sir Walter Scott appears in Lock- hart's " Life of Scott," vi. 387. " November 16, 1826. At eleven, to the Duke of Wellington, who gave me a bundle of remarks on Buonaparte's Russian Campaign, written in his carriage, during his late mission to St. Petersburgh. It is furiously scrawled, and the Russian names hard to distinguish ; but it shall do me Yeoman's service." f Theobald Wolfe Tone, a leading man in the Irish Rebellion in 1798. He was tried in Dublin, for high treason, and con- demned to death in November 1798 ; but destroyed himself in prison, to avoid a public execution. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 255 In Poland an army can keep the field from June till February. In February the thaw begins, and the rivers become impassable ; nor are they navigable till June. In that interval, too, the roads are axle-deep. Diebitsch* began in February [1831], urged on, probably, by the Emperor; and, failing in his first attempt, was obliged to throw his troops into cantonments. These the Poles attacked, with a terrible slaughter. Diebitsch must have lost there above 30,000 men. The Russians will now,f I think, settle the matter ; and yet a revolutionary war is the most difficult to manage of any. Military tactics are there of little service. The Poles, I think, have no chance if the Russian army is true ; and it is only when in their quarters that troops grow mutinous and desert ; not in the field. Buonaparte began his campaign there [in Poland] in June, when he fought the battle that ended in the Peace of Tilsit. J He was slow in Paris, but swift enough when he took the field. July 5, 1831. * Field-Marshal Diebitsch, the commander of the Russian forces against the Poles in 1831. | July 1831. The Polish Revolution was finally put down by the Russians in September 1831. \ The Treaty of Tilsit was concluded July i, 1807, 256 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE A tax on the transfer of stock was three times proposed to me from Cambridge by a Professor. I sent them the clause in the Act of Parliament against it, and heard no more of it. Apsley House. March I, 1832. On June 18, 1832 Monday I rode to Pistrucci, in the Mint. He had made a bust of me, but wished for another sitting. So I went without giving him notice, on that day at 9 o'clock, and mounted my horse at half-past 10 to leave him ; when I found a crowd at the gate, and several groaned and hooted. Some cried, " Buonaparte for ever ! " I rode on at a gentle pace, but they followed me. Soon a magistrate (Ballantine) came and offered his ser- vices. I thanked him, but said I thought I should get on very well. The noise increased, and two old soldiers, Chelsea Pensioners, came up to me. One of them said he had served under me for many a day, and I said to him, " Then keep close to me now ; " and I told them to walk on each side ; and whenever we stopt, to place themselves, each with his back against the flank of my horse. Not long afterwards I saw a policeman making off, and I knew it must be to the next station for assistance. I sent one of my pensioners after him ; and presently TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 257 we got another policeman. We then did pretty well, till I reached Lincoln's Inn, where I had to call at an attorney's chambers [Maule's]. Sugden and many others came out of the Chancery Court to accompany me, and a large reinforcement of police came from Bow Street.* The conduct of the citizens affected me not a little. Many came out of the shops to ask me in. Many ladies in their carriages were in tears, and many waved their handkerchiefs from the windows, and pointed downwards to ask me in. I came up Holborn by the advice of a man with a red cape. At first I thought it might be a snare, but found him to be a City Marshal. I was forty minutes in coming from the Mint to Lincoln's Inn. A young man in a buggy f did me great service, * This adventure is told in the Annual Register, and in the newspapers of the day, with the omission of several of the details. The Annual Register states that the Duke took shelter in the chambers of Sir Charles Wetherell, in Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, until a body of police arrived. Wetherell had been Attorney- General under the Duke's Government in 1828, and perhaps it is to him the Duke referred, as " an Attorney " ; or he may have had to call on Mr. Maule, then Solicitor to the Treasury, whose chambers were also in Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn. f In a letter addressed to the Editor of the Edinburgh Review, dated March 7, 1845, and printed also in Hayward's " Essays," vol. i. 450, the name of this individual is fortunately preserved : R 258 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE flanking me for some time, and never looking towards me for any notice. At my house, Friday. June 22 (q. 1832). The French in Algeria should have done as we have done in India. They should have respected everywhere private property, and the customs and habits of the people. They have introduced a system of spoliation and plunder that sets every man against them ; a system that is now too strong to be checked by the Government at home. They parcel out the land, planting wheat where there was rice, and changing the face of the country. Their soldiers, too, I suspect, are not what they were. What is that rara avis Common Sense ? It is, I believe, a good understanding, moderated and modulated by a good heart. Ellis' 's Hotel, March 20, 1838. [As he said these words his voice dropped, and I never knew him speak with more feeling. S. R.] Clausel made no mistake at Constantine. The failure was occasioned by the badness of his army. viz. William Joseph Cooper, of 21 Sackville Street, Piccadilly. The letter deserves to be read. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 259 He could not depend upon his officers ; they were so worthless a set. July 21, 1838. The Chinese show more sense and knowledge than I thought they possessed. They reason well, and they fight our ships better than I thought they would. But of this I am sure, we must make them sensible of our power. They are now con- structing vast gongs, and preparing to frighten us with terrifying noises. The Portuguese ordered their soldiers to attack us with ferocious counte- nances. At Lord Wilton's, June 5, 1840. I was on my way to Fontainebleau with Charles X., then Monsieur, and the Duke of Fitz- james, when passing in the carriage through the street in which Henri IV. had been assassinated ; and Charles pointed out to me the very place where, according to tradition, it had happened. Charles spoke of him with great, admiration, and dwelt much on his merit in changing his religion for the good of his country, contrasting his conduct with that of James II. Fitzjames, of course, took the part of his ancestor, and long was the argument, while I sat still, leaving the combatants to them- selves. At last they came to the same opinion, 260 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE agreeing that Henry was right in becoming a Catholic, and James in continuing one. Had Caesar's " Commentaries " with me in India, and learnt much from them, fortifying my camp every night as he did. I passed over the rivers as he did, by means of baskets and boats of basket- work ; only I think I improved upon him, con- structing them into bridges, and always fortifying them, and leaving them guarded, to return by them if necessary. November 24, 1840. He [the Duke] had a high idea of Moore's * talents, and always said that all he wanted was practice in the command of a large body of troops. At the treaty of Cintra he said to Moore, " You and I, Moore, are now the only men ; and if you are to command, I am ready to serve under you."f Told me by Arbuthnot, at Beckefs, Downing Street, November 14, 1826. S. R. Walking some years ago [about 1838 or 1839] through the Park with the Duke of Wellington, I * Lieut. -Gen. Sir John Moore, KB. t The Convention of Cintra was concluded on August 22, 1808. Shortly afterwards Sir Arthur Wellesley left Portugal for England, and Sir John Moore was appointed to command an army to be employed in Spain, where he gloriously ended his life at Corunna, on January 16, 1809. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 261 [S. R.] said to him, among other things, "What an array there is in the House of Commons against Lord John Russell : Peel, Stanley, Graham, &c. ! " " Lord John is a host in himself." It was in vain that the Duke of Wellington said, " You must not cross the Indus ! For, sure as you are to conquer, you can nowhere establish yourselves." We crossed it, and go where we would, disaster followed us wherever we went. Yet never to the last has he suffered the least allusion to it in Parliament. " Were the subject to be revived it would lessen us," he says, " in the eyes of all Europe." And when Sir James Graham gave notice of a motion concerning it, he sent his friend Arbuthnot to say to him, " You must not make it." Of the Duke's perfect coolness on the most trying occasions, Colonel Gurwood gave me this instance. He was once in great danger of being drowned at sea. It was bed-time, when the captain of the vessel came to him and said, " It will soon be all over with us." " Very well," answered the Duke, " then I shall not take off my boots." The following anecdotes of Porson* were com- * Notices of Porson have already occurred in this volume : see Index. ED, 262 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE municated to me, in conversation, at various times, by the late Mr. William Maltby, the school- fellow and, throughout life, the most confidential friend of Mr. Rogers. In his youth Mr. Maltby was entered at Cam- bridge, and resided there for some time ; he, how- ever, left the University without taking a degree. He afterwards practised as a solicitor in London. On the decease of. Person, he obtained an employ- ment more suited to his tastes and habits than the profession of the law : in 1809 he succeeded that celebrated man as Principal Librarian to the London Institution ; and, during the long period of his holding the office, he greatly improved the library by the numerous judicious purchases which were made at his suggestion. In 1834 he was super- annuated from all duty : but he still continued to occupy apartments in the Institution ; and there he died, towards the close of his ninetieth year, January 5, 1854. I first saw Person at the sale of Toup's library in 1784, and was introduced to him soon after. I was on the most intimate terms with him for the last twenty years of his life. In spite of all his faults and failings, it was impossible not to admire his integrity and his love of truth. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 263 Person declared that he learned nothing while a schoolboy at Eton. " Before I went there," he said, " I could nearly repeat by heart all the books which we used to read in the school." The only thing in his Eton course which he recollected with pleasure was rat-hunting ! he used to talk with delight of the rat-hunts in the Long Hall. During the earlier part of his career, he accepted the situation of tutor to a young gentleman in the Isle of Wight ; but he was soon forced to relinquish that office, in consequence of having been found drunk in a ditch or a turnip-field. The two persons to whom Person had the greatest obligations were Sir George Baker and Dr. Shipley, Bishop of St. Asaph. Sir George once ventured to chide him for his irregularities, a liberty which Porson resented, and never forgave,* though he owed Sir George so much. Porter was his favourite beverage at breakfast. One Sunday morning meeting Dr. Goodall (Provost of Eton), he said, " Where are you going ? " "To * This seems to account for the statement in Beloe's " Sexage- narian " (i. 234), viz. that Porson " all at once ceased to go to Sir George Baker's house, and from what motive Sir George always avowed himself ignorant." 264 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE church."" Where is Mrs. Goodall ? " " At break- fast." " Very well ; I'll go and breakfast with her." Person accordingly presented himself before Mrs. Goodall ; and being asked what he chose to take, he said " porter." It was sent for, pot after pot ; and the sixth pot was just being carried into the house when Dr. Goodall returned from church. At one period of his life he was in such straitened circumstances, that he would go without dinner for a couple of days. However, when a dinner came in his way, he would eat very heartily (mutton was his favourite dish), and lay in, as he used to say, a stock of provision. He has subsisted for three weeks upon a guinea. Sometimes, at a later period, when he was able enough to pay for a dinner, he chose, in a fit of abstinence, to go without one. I have asked him to stay and dine with me ; and he has replied, " Thank you, no ; I dined yesterday." At dinner, and after it, he preferred port to any other wine. He disliked both tea and coffee. Person would sit up drinking all night, without seeming to feel any bad effects from it. Home Tooke told me that he once asked Person to dine TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 265 with him in Richmond Buildings ; and, as he knew that Person had not been in bed for the three preceding nights, he expected to get rid of him at a tolerably early hour. Porson, however, kept Tooke up the whole night ; and in the morning, the latter, in perfect despair, said, " Mr. Porson, I am engaged to meet a friend at breakfast at a coffee-house in Leicester Square." " Oh," replied Porson, " I will go with you " ; and he accordingly did so. Soon after they had reached the coffee- house, Tooke contrived to slip out, and running home, ordered his servant not to let Mr. Porson in> even if he should attempt to batter down the door. " A man," observed Tooke, " who could sit up four nights successively might have sat up forty." * Tooke used to say that " Porson would drink ink rather than not drink at all." Indeed, he would drink anything. He was sitting with a gentleman, * In Stephens's "Memoirs of Home Tooke," vol. ii. 315, is an account of Person's rudeness to Tooke while dining with him one day at Wimbledon, and of Tooke's silencing and triumphing over him by making him dead drunk with brandy ; on which occasion " some expressions of a disagreeable nature are said to have occurred at table." At that tlinner Tooke (as he told Mr. Maltby] asked Porson for a toast ; and Porson replied, " I will give you the man who is in all respects the very reverse of John Home Tooke." 266 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE after dinner, in the chambers of a mutual friend, a Templar, who was then ill and confined to bed. A servant came into the room, sent thither by his master for a bottle of embrocation which was on the chimney-piece. " I drank it an hour ago," said Person. When Hoppner the painter was residing in a cottage a few miles from London, Person, one afternoon, unexpectedly arrived there. Hoppner said that he could not offer him dinner, as Mrs. H. had gone to town, and had carried with her the key of the closet which contained the wine. Person, however, declared that he would be content with a mutton-chop, and beer from the next alehouse ; and accordingly stayed to dine. During the even- ing Porson said, " I am quite certain that Mrs. Hoppner keeps some nice bottle, for her private drinking, in her own bedroom ; so, pray, try if you can lay your hands on it." His host assured him that Mrs. H. had no such secret stores ; but Porson insisting that a search should be made, a bottle was at last discovered in the lady's apartment, to the surprise of Hoppner and the joy of Porson, who soon finished its contents, pronouncing it to be the best gin he had tasted for a long time. Next day> Hoppner, somewhat out of temper, informed his TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 267 wife that Person had drunk every drop of her con- cealed dram. " Drunk every drop of it ! " cried she : " my God, it was spirits of wine for the lamp ! " A brother of Bishop Maltby invited Porson and myself to spend the evening at his house, and secretly requested me to take Porson away, if possible, before the morning hours. Accordingly, at twelve o'clock I held up my watch to Porson, saying, " I think it is now full time for us to go home " ; and the host, of course, not pressing us to remain longer, away we went. When we got into the street Person's indignation burst forth : " I hate," he said, " to be turned out of doors like a dog." At the house of the same gentleman I introduced Cogan to Porson, saying, " This is Mr. Cogan,* who is passionately fond of what you have devoted yourself to, Greek." Porson replied, " If Mr. Cogan is passionately fond of Greek, he must be content to dine on bread and cheese for the re- mainder of his life." * Not the Bath physician and author Thomas Cogan, but Eliezer Cogan, a dissenting clergyman who kept a school at Walthamstow, and published " Moschi Idyllia tria " with Latin notes, some " Sermons," &c. 268 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE Gurney (the Baron) had chambers in Essex Court, Temple, under Person's. One night (or rather, morning) Gurney was awakened by a tre- mendous thump in the chambers above. Person had just come home dead drunk, and had fallen on the floor. Having extinguished his candle in the fall, he presently staggered downstairs to relight it ; and Gurney heard him keep dodging and poking with the candle at the staircase-lamp for about five minutes, and all the while very lustily cursing the nature of things. Porson was fond of smoking, and said that when smoking began to go out of fashion, learning began to go out of fashion also. He was generally ill dressed and dirty. But I never saw him such a figure as he was one day at Leigh and Sotheby's auction-room : he evidently had been rolling in the kennel ; and, on inquiry, I found that he was just come from a party (at Robert Heathcote's, I believe), with whom he had been sitting up drinking for two nights. One forenoon I met Porson in Co vent Garden, dressed in a pea-green coat : he had been married * * " In 1795, R P. married Mrs. Lunan, who sunk under a decline in 1797." Kidd's "Life of Porson," p ; xv. She was sister to Perry, editor of the Morning Chronicle. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 269 that morning, as I afterwards learned from Raine for he himself said nothing about it. He was carrying a copy of " Le Moyen de Parvenir," which he had just purchased off a stall ; and, holding it up, he called out jokingly, "These are the sort of books to buy ! " " I was occupied two years," said Porson, " in composing the " Letters to Travis " ; I received thirty pounds for them from Egerton ; and I am glad to find that he lost sixteen by the publication." He once talked of writing an Appendix to that work. In his later years he used to regret that he had devoted so much time to the study of theology. Soon after the " Letters to Travis " were pub- lished, Gibbon wrote a note to Porson, requesting the pleasure of his acquaintance. Porson accord- ingly called upon the great historian, who received him with all kindness and respect. In the course of conversation Gibbon said, " Mr. Porson, I feel truly indebted to you for the ' Letters to Travis,' though I must think that occasionally, while praising me, you have mingled a little acid with the sweet. If ever you should take the trouble to read my History over again, I should be much obliged and honoured by any remarks on it which might suggest 2/o RECOLLECTIONS OF THE themselves to you." Porson was highly flattered by Gibbon's having requested this interview, and loved to talk of it. He thought the " Decline and Fall " beyond all comparison the greatest literary production of the eighteenth century, and was in the habit of repeating long passages from it. Yet I have heard him say that " there could not be a better exercise for a schoolboy than to turn a page of it into English" When the " Letters to Travis " first appeared, Rennell said to me, "It is just such a book as the devil would write, if he could hold a pen." As soon as Gibbon's Autobiography and Miscel- laneous Works came out, they were eagerly devoured both by Porson and myself. Neither of us could afford to purchase the quarto edition, so we bought the Dublin reprint in octavo. Porson was sometimes very rude in society. My relation, Dr. Maltby (Bishop of Durham), once invited him to meet Paley at dinner. Paley ar- rived first. When Porson (who had never before seen him) came into the room, he seated himself in an arm-chair, and looking very hard at Paley, said, " I am entitled to this chair, being president of a society for the discovery of truth, of which I TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 271 happen at present to be the only member." These words were levelled at certain political opinions broached in Paley's works. I have often wondered that Person did not get into scrapes in those days, when it was so dangerous to express violent political feelings : he would think nothing of toasting " Jack Cade " at a tavern, when he was half-seas-over. He used frequently to regret that he had not gone to America in his youth and settled there. I said, " What would you have done without books ? " He answered, " I should have done without them." At one time he had some thoughts of taking orders, and studied divinity for a year or two " But," said he, "I found that I should require about fifty years' reading to make myself thoroughly acquainted with it, to satisfy my mind on all points ; and therefore I gave it up. There are fellows who go into a pulpit, assuming everything, and knowing nothing : but / would not do so." He insisted that all men are born with abilities nearly equal. " Any one," he would say, " might become quite as good a critic as I am, if he would only take the trouble to make himself so. I have made myself what I am by intense labour : some- 272 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE times, in order to impress a thing upon my memory, I have read it a dozen times, and transcribed it six." * He once had occasion to travel to Norwich. When the coach arrived there, he was beset by several porters, one offering to carry his port- manteau to his lodging for eighteenpence, another for a shilling, another for ninepence : upon which, Porson shouldered the portmanteau, and marching off with it, said very gravely to the porters, " Gentle- men, I leave you to settle this dispute among your- selves." When, however, he went to stay with a friend for only a couple of days or so, he did not encumber himself with a portmanteau : he would merely take a shirt in his pocket, saying, " Omnia mea mecum porto" The time he wasted in writing notes on the margin of books, I mean, in writing them with such beauty of penmanship that they rivalled * But he was certainly gifted by nature with most extra- ordinary powers of memory. Dr. Downie, of Aberdeen, told me that, during a visit to London, he heard Porson declare that he could repeat Smollett's " Roderick Random " from beginning to end: and Mr. Richard Heber assured me that soon after the appearance of the " Essay on Irish Bulls " (the joint production of Edgeworth and his daughter), Porson used, when somewhat tipsy, to recite whole pages of it verbatim with great delight. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 273 print, was truly lamentable.* And yet he used those very books most cruelly, whether they were his own, or belonging to others ; he would let them lie about his room, covered with dust and all sorts of dirt. He said that " he possessed more bad copies of good books than any private gentleman in England." When he lived in Essex Court, Temple, he would shut himself up for three or four days together, admitting no visitors to his chambers. One morn- ing I went to call upon him there ; and having inquired at his barber's close by " if Mr. Porson was at home," was answered " Yes, but he has seen no one for two days." I, however, proceeded to his chambers, and knocked at the door more than once. He would not open it, and I came down- stairs. As I was re-crossing the court, Porson, who * Such was his rage for calligraphy, that he once offered to letter the backs of some of Mr. Richard Heber's vellum-bound classics. " No," said Heber, " I won't let you do that : but I shall be most thankful if you will write into an Athenasus some of those excellent emendations which I have heard from you in conversation." Heber accordingly sent to him Brunck's inter- leaved copy of that author (Casaubon's edition) ; which Porson enriched with many notes. These notes were afterwards pub- lished in his " Adversaria." The Athenaeus is now in my pos- session. DYCBi S 274 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE had perceived that / was the visitor, opened the window, and stopped me. He was then busy about the Grenville Homer, for which he collated the Harleian MS. of the " Odyssey." His labours on that work were rewarded with 50 and a large- paper copy. I thought the payment too small, but Burney considered it as sufficient. Parr was evidently afraid of Person, of his intellectual powers. I might say too that Home Tooke had a dread of Porson ; but it was only the dread of being insulted by some rude speech from Porson in his drunkenness. Porson thought highly both of Tooke's natural endowments and of his acquirements. " I have learned many valuable things from Tooke," was what he frequently said ; " yet I don't always believe Tooke's assertions," was sometimes his remark. (I knew Parr inti- mately. I once dined at Dilly's with Parr, Priestley, Cumberland, and some other distinguished people. Cumberland, who belonged to the family of the Blandishes, bepraised Priestley to his face, and after he had left the party, spoke of him very disparag- ingly. This excited Parr's extremest wrath. When I met him a few days after, he said, " Only think of Mr. Cumberland ! that he should have presumed to talk before me, before me, sir, in such terms TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 275 of my friend Dr. Priestley ! Pray, sir, let Mr. Dilly know my opinion of Mr. Cumberland, that his ignorance is equalled only by his impertinence, and that both are exceeded by his malice." Parr hated Dr. Horsley to such a degree that he never mentioned him by any other name than the fiend. Parr once said to Barker, " You have read a great deal, you have thought very little, and you know nothing.") One day Person went down to Greenwich to borrow a book from Burney ; and finding that Burney was out, he stepped into his library, pocketed the volume, and set off again for London. Soon after, Burney came home ; and, offended at the liberty Person had taken, pursued him in a chaise, and recovered the book. Person talked to me of this affair with some bitterness : " Did Burney suppose," he said, " that I meant to play his old tricks ? " (alluding to a well-known circumstance in the earlier part of Burney 's history). I believe, with you, that Burney was indebted to Porson for many of those remarks on various niceties of Greek which he has given as his own in different publications. Porson once said to me, " A certain gentleman " (evidently meaning Burney) " has just been with me ; and he brought me a long 276 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE string of questions, every one of which I answered off-hand. Really, before people become school- masters, they ought to get up their Greek thoroughly, for they never learn anything more of it afterwards." I one day asked Burney for his opinion of Porson as a scholar. Burney replied, " I think my friend Dick's acquaintance with the Greek dramatists quite marvellous ; but he was just as well acquainted with them at the age of thirty as he is now : he has not improved in Greek since he added brandy-and- water to his potations, and took to novel-reading." Porson would sometimes read nothing but novels for a fortnight together. Porson felt much respect for Gilbert Wakefield's integrity, but very little for his learning. When Wakefield put forth the " Diatribe Extemporalis "* on Person's edition of the " Hecuba," Porson said, " If Wakefield goes on at this rate, he will tempt * On the publication of Poison's " Hecuba," Wakefield, in great agitation, asked Mr. Evans (the now retired bookseller] who was its editor ? " Can you have any doubts ? " replied Evans ; " Mr. Porson, of course." " But," said Wakefield, '' I want proof, positive proof." M Well, then," replied Evans, " I saw Mr. Porson present a large-paper copy to Mr. Cracherode, and heard him acknowledge himself the editor." Wakefield immediately went home and composed the " Diatribe." TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 277 me to examine his " Silva Critica." I hope that we shall not m'eet, for a violent quarrel would be the consequence." (Wakefield was a very agreeable and entertaining companion. " My ' Lucretius,' ' he once said to me, " is my most perfect publica- tionit is, in fact, ' Lucretius Restitutus.' " * He was a great walker ; he has walked as much as forty miles in one day ; and I believe that his death was partly brought on by excessive walking, after his long confinement in Dorchester gaol. What offended Wakefield at Person was, that Person had made no mention of him in his notes. Now, Porson told Burney expressly, that out of pure kindness he had forborne to mention Wakefield, for he could not have cited any of his emendations without the severest censure.) " I hear," said I to Porson, " that you are to dine to-day at Holland House." " Who told you so ? " asked he. I replied, " Mackintosh." " But I certainly shall not go," continued Porson : " they invite me merely out of curiosity ; and, after they have satisfied it, they would like to kick me down stairs." I then informed him that Fox was coming * He sadly deceived himself : see the judgment passed on it by Lachmann in his recent admirable edition of " Lucre- tius.", 278 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE from St. Anne's Hill to Holland House for the express purpose of being introduced to him ; but he per- sisted in his resolution, and dined quietly with Rogers and myself at Rogers' s chambers in the Temple. Many years afterwards, Lord Holland mentioned to Rogers that his uncle (Fox) had been greatly disappointed at not meeting Porson on that occasion. Porson disliked Mackintosh': they differed in politics, and their reading had little in common. When Porson first met Perry after the fire in the house of the latter at Merton, he immediately inquired " if any lives had been lost ? " Perry replied, "No." "Well," said Porson, "then I shall not complain, though I have lost the labours of my life." His transcript* of the Cambridge " Photius," which was burnt in that fire, he after- wards replaced by patiently making a second transcript ; but his numerous notes on Aristo- phanes, which had also been consumed, were irrecoverably gone. He used to call Bishop Porteus " Bishop Pro- teus " (as one who had changed his opinions from liberal to illiberal). * Two beautifully written fragments of it (scorched to a deep brown] are in my possession. (D.) TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 279 For the scholarship of that amiable man Bishop Burgess he felt a contempt which he was unable to conceal. He was once on a visit at Oxford, in company with Cleaver Banks, where, during a supper-party, he gave great offence by talking of Burgess with anything but respect. At the same supper-party, too, he offended Professor Holmes : * taking up an oyster which happened to be gaping, he exclaimed, Quid dignum tanto feret hie professor hiatu ? f (substituting " professor " for " promis- sor "). He said, " Pearson would have been a first-rate critic in Greek, if he had not muddled his brains with divinity." Person, of course, did not value the Latin writers so much as the Greek ; but still he used to read many of the former with great care, particularly Cicero, of whose " Tusculan Disputations " he was very fond. For all modern Greek and Latin poetry he had the profoundest contempt. When Herbert pub- lished the " Musse Etonenses," Person said, after looking over one of the volumes, " Here is trash, fit only to be put behind the fire." * The then Professor of Poetry, f Horace, " Ars Poet,," 138. 280 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE He cared less about Lucian than, considering the subjects of that writer, you might suppose ; the fact was, he did not relish such late Greek. A gentleman who, at the age of forty, wished to commence the study of Greek, asked Person with what books he ought to begin ? Porson answered, " With one only, Scapula's " Lexicon " ; read it through from the first page to the last." Of the editions of that work Porson most valued the Geneva one ; he said that he had found in it several things which were not in the other editions. He recommended Gesner's " Thesaurus " * in preference to all Latin dictionaries. At a booksale, the auctioneer having put up Wilkes's edition of " Theophrastus," and praised it highly, Porson exclaimed, " Pooh, pooh, it is like its editor, of no character." (I was very intimate with Wilkes. He felt excessively angry at the account given of him in Gibbon's " Journal " in the quarto edition of his " Miscell. Works," i. 100, and said to me that " Gibbon must have been drunk when he wrote that passage." The fact is, Lord Sheffield printed in the quarto edition only part of what Gibbon had written about Wilkes : if the whole of it had appeared there, as it after- * Leipsic, 4 vols. fol. 1749. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 281 wards did in the octavo edition, I have no doubt that Wilkes would have called out Lord Sheffield.) Person would often carry in his pocket a volume of " A Cordial for Low Spirits." * On returning from a visit to the Lakes, I told Person that Southey had said to me, " My ' Madoc ' has brought me in a mere trifle ; but that poem will be a valuable possession to my family." Person answered, " ' Madoc ' will be read, when Homer and Virgil are forgotten " (a bon-mot which reached Lord Byron, and which his lordship spoilt t)- He disliked reading folios, " because," said he, " we meet with so few mile-stones " (i.e. we have such long intervals between the turning over of the leaves). When asked why he had written so little, Porson replied, " I doubt if I could produce any original work which would command the attention of pos- * As the " Cordial for Low Spirits," in three volumes, is now little read, I may mention that it is a very curious collection of controversial pieces, &c., some of which were written by Thomas Gordon (author of the Independent Whig], who edited the work. Its heterodoxy did not render it the less acceptable to Porson. j " ' Joan of Arc ' was marvellous enough, but ' Thalaba ' was one of those poems ' which,' in the words of Porson, ' will be read when Homer and Virgil are forgotten, but not till then.' " Note on " English Bards and Scotch Reviewers." 282 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE terity. I can be known only by my notes : and I am quite satisfied if, three hundred years hence, it shall be said that * one Person lived towards the close of the eighteenth century, who did a good deal for the text of Euripides.' " The Letters on the Orgies of Bacchus, signed " Mythologus," are undoubtedly by Person. Kidd says that " his mind must have been'overclouded " * at the time he wrote those Letters :Jwhich is not true ; his mind was then in its soundest and most vigorous state. They show plainly enough what his opinions were. When any one said to him, " Why don't you speak out more plainly on matters of religion ? " he would answer, " No, no ; I shall take care not to give my enemies a hold upon me." The " New Catechism for the Use of the Swinish Multitude " (which Carlisle of Fleet Street reprinted) was also certainly by Porson. I transcribed it from a copy in his own handwriting. I have often heard him repeat the following lines, which, I presume, were his own composition : f * Person's " Tracts," p. xxxiii. note. A work of singular absurdity and profanity, originally printed in the Morning Chronicle, and reprinted in the Spirit of the Public Journals for 1 797. f They are printed by Dubois, but very incorrectly, in his satire on Sir John Carr, " My Pocket-Book," &c., p. 91. TABLE-TALK OF SAMUEL ROGERS 283 " Poetis nos Icetamur tribus, Pye, Petro Pindar, parvo Pybus : Si ulterius ire pergis, Adde his Sir James Bland Burges." A man of such habits as Person was little fitted for the office of Librarian to the London Institu- tion. He was very irregular in his attendance there ; he never troubled himself about the pur- chase of books which ought to have been added to the library ; and he would frequently come home dead-drunk long after midnight. I have good reason to believe that, had he lived, he would have been requested to give up the office, in other words, he would have been dismissed. I once read a letter which he received from the Directors of the Institution, and which contained, among other severe things, this cutting remark, " We only know that you are our Librarian by seeing your name attached to the receipts for your salary." His intimate friend, Dr. Raine, was one of those who signed that letter ; and Raine, speaking of it to me, said, " Person well deserved it." As Libra- rian to the Institution, he had 200 a year, apart- ments rent-free, and the use of a servant. Yet he was eternally railing at the Directors, calling them " mercantile and mean beyond merchandize and meanness." 284 RECOLLECTIONS OF SAMUEL ROGERS During the two last years of his life I could per- ceive that he was not a little shaken ; and it is really wonderful, when we consider his drinking, and his total disregard of hours, that he lived so long as he did. He told me that he had had an affection of the lungs from his boyhood. INDEX ADAIR, Sergt., 96 n Addington, Dr., 71, 76 Aikin, 50 Alexander, Emperor, 249 Algeria, French policy in, 258 " Allegra," burial of, 182 Alvanley, Lord, 167 Andrews, Peter, 83 n Anspach, Margravine of, 90 Aston, Colonel Harvey, 14 BAKER, Sir George, 263 Bank of England, "run" on, 77 Bannister, Jack, 4 Barbauld, Mrs., 50, 140, 186 Barker, E. H., 44 n Barras, 211 Barry, actor, 55 Bathurst, Lord B., 13, 74, 207 Beadon, Dr., 94 Beauclerk, T, absent-mindedness of, 20 Beaumont, Sir G., 4, 148 Beckford, works, 167-70, 169 Begging letters, 188 Bentinck, Lord W. , 62 " Betty " (young), 54 Blucher, 245 Boddington, 21 Bolingbroke, 13, 134 n Bonaparte, 53, 60, 209-511,229, 240 Lucien, 210 Bos well, ]., 6 Bowles, 77 n, 200 Brighton, 205 Brougham, 182 Burdett, 91 Burgess, Bishop, 279 Burke, Edmund, 47-8 , 49, 62, 129, 214 Burnet, Bishop, 55 Burney, Dr., and Person, 275 Butler, Charles, "Reminiscences," 45 Butler's " Analogy, 77-8 Byron, Lord, 114 n, 153, 176-187 English Bards xvi. n id. quoted, 281 CADELL AND DAVIES, booksellers, 12, 67 Caesar's Commentaries, 59, 260 Campbell, T. , 161, 194-5 Canning, 119-120 Carlisle, Lord, 42 Caroline, Queen, 203-5 Gary, librarian, 224 pension for, 226 Castlereagh, Lord, 198-9 Catherine, Empress, 65-6 Chantrey, 117-8, 153 Charles X., 75, 213, 259 Charlotte, Queen, 202 Princess, death of, 207 Chatham, 63, 73, 135-6 Chesterfield, Lord, 82 Chinese, the, 259 " Clarissa Harlowe," 141, 224 n Clansel, General, 230, 258 Cogan, Eliczer, 267 Coleridge, S. T., 158-60 Colman 193 " Columbus," 113 Combe, W., 78-80, 146 Cooper, W. J., protects the "Iron Duke," 258 n " Copenhagen," 246 " Cordial for low spirits," the, 281 Courtenay, 18 Cowper's "Task," 105-106 Crabbe, 190-2 Credi, L.di, 118 286 INDEX Crewe, Mrs. , 36, 49 Crewe Hall, ib. Crewe, Lady, 171 Cumberland, Duke of, 64 Cumberland, R., 106-7 Curran, 119 Cuyp, 115 D'ADHEMAR, Count, 9 D'Alembert, 86-7 Dance, 9 D'Arblay, Me., 152 De Lancy, death of, 243 D'Enghien, death of, 60 De Stael, Me., 194, 211 Devonshire, Duke of, 149 Duchess of, 148 Diebitch, 255 Douay, College at, 78 Drinking, n, 71, 171 Dudley, Lord, 113, 144-5, 2O 4 Dundas, Mr., 71, no Dunning, 34-5 Durham, Lord, 198 Dyer, Samuel, 214 Eddis, E. U. xiv. n. Edwards, bookseller, 39 Eldon, 89 "Eliza," 80 Ellenborough, Lord, 154-5 Elwes, 87 Englefield, Sir H., 115 Erskine, 27-34, 89 Este Parson, 109 Euripides, 59 Executions at Tyburn, 142-3, 157 "FAGGING," 219 Farnborough, Lord, 9 Fitzgerald, Lord E., 254 Fitzpatrick, General 66, 149 Fivepound Notes, 77 Flaxman, 116 Foote, 62-4 Fordyce, Dr., n Fox, C. J., 18, 41-61, 135 natural son of, 49 on Pitt, 51, 72 death of, 61 Fox, General, 51 France, 62 Francis, Sir Philip, 216-7 Frere, Hookham, 153 GAMBLING, 42 Garrick, David, 3, 4, 5 parsimony of, 63, 68 Genlis, Me. de, 50 Genoa, taxes of, 97 George III., 250 George IV., 206 ., 208-9 Gibbon, Edward, 12 "Decline and Fall," 37, 46 (his acacia walk), 61, 81, 94 and Person, 269 remarks on Wilkes, 280 Gifford, 113 ., 163 Godwin's "Caleb Williams," 193 Goethe, 196 Goodall, Dr., 263 Grattan, 128 Gray, Thomas, accent of, 16 Poems, 17-19, 57. Grenville, Right Hon. T. G. 5, 36, iSS Lord, 71-77, 198 Lady, 113 Grey, Lord, 253 Griffoni, 97 Guildford, Lord, 175 " Gulliver's Travels," 199 Gurney, Baron, 268 HAGLEY, 82 Hamilton, Duke of, 139 Hamilton, Lady, 108 Hampden, Lord, 108 Hardinge, Sir H., 246-7 Hare, 66 Harris, see Malmesbury Hastings, Warren, trial of, 37, 47 n. Hayley, xvi., n, Head-dresses, 10 Heber, Richard, on Porson, 272-3 Henderson, Actor, 70 Henley, translator of " Vathek," 16-17 Henry IV., place of the assassination of, 259 Highwaymen, 121, 155 Holland, Lord I. 41, 58, 218-9 Lady, 61, 216 Holwood, 76-7 Hook, Theodore, 227 Hoppner, 162, 266 INDEX 287 Horsley Bishop, 166, 275 Howard, the Philanthropist, 114 Howarth, D. H., 166 Howley, Bishop of London, 41 n. Howth's (Lord) Rat, 126 " Human Life, 1 ' 130 Humanity, i Hume, David, 67, 87, 93 Hurd, 63 INCHBALD, Mrs., 189 JACKSON, Cyril, 120 "Jacqueline," 114, n. Jeffrey, 219-20 Jekyll, 66 Jessey, Lady, 206 Johnson, Dr., 5, 6 Jordan, Mrs., 37 "Junius," 129, 214-6 KEMBLE, 54, 147 Kingsgate, 58 LACING, tight, n La Fayette, 21 La Marline, 196-7 Lamb, Lady C. , 179 Lamb, Charles, 182* Lancaster, schoolmaster, 136 Lane, publisher, 108 Laurence, Dr., 47, 214 Lawless, 12 Lawrence, SirT., 115, 118, 143-5 Lee, J.,33-4 Legge, Bishop, 120 Lennox, Lady Sarah, 45* Leopold, Prince, 208 Lewis, " Monk," 122 Lightning, sentinel killed by, 204 Ligny, Battle of, 242, 246 Liston, 197 Little's Poems, 221 Liverpool, Lord, 199 Lockhart, 151 London, changes in, 6, 7 streets of, 60 pronunciation, 193 Lonsdale, Lord, 161 Lough borough, Lord, 68 Louis XVIII , 245, 249 Lucas, Dr., 139 Lunardi, aeronaut, 51 Lunn, Miss, 64 Lyttleton, Lord, 82-3 vision, id. MACKENZIE, Henry, 23 Mackintosh, Sir J, 25, 52, 154 Maclean (Maclaine), 19 Malmesbury, Lord, 91 Malone, 48 Maltby, H. 5, 262 Mansfield, Lord, 35, 63 Marlay, Dean, 132 Marmont, at Salamanca, 236 Marmontel, 50, 85 Mary Q., letters of, 13 Massena, 235 Matthias, 103-5 McDonald, Sir A., 33 Melville, Lord, 175 Metastasid, "Isacco," 57 Metternich, 251 Milton, 56 Mitford, 107 Monsey, Dr., 165-6 Moore, Sir J , 260 Moore, T. (on Sheridan), 39, 40 Memoirs of Byron, 181 quarrel with Jeffrey, 219, 220-4 earnings of, 223 Mornington, Lady, 247 Morton, dramatist, 83 Moscow, 251 Murat, 218 Murphy, 63' 67-70 Music, sale of, 35 " Mysteries of Udolpho," 75 " Mythologus," letters of (Porson), 282 NASH, " Beau," 64 Nelson, Lord, 109 Nollekens, sculpture by, 58 North, Lord, 36, 47 Northcote on the ' ' Young Betty mania, 547* O'CoiGLY, death of, 25 Oglethorpe, General, 6 " Omnibus," novelty of, 327 "Or-molu," 188 Ottley, 118 Ozille, theiSpy, 233-5 288 INDEX PALEY, Dr., 81, 270 " Pamela," 38 Parr, Dr. , 25 on Mackintosh, 23, Tjn, 274 " Paul Pry," 197 Payne-Knight, 1157 Peel, Sir R., 192' Pepys, Sir W. W., 4 Perry, 278 Piozzis, the, 24 Pistrucci, 256 Pitt, 50-51, 71-2 speeches of, 76, 77 Poland, 251, 255 Poniatowski, 251 Pope, Alexander, u, 12 his villa, 13 Person, Dr., 48, 69, 170-4 librarian of London Institution, 202, 283 drinking habits, 264, 268, &c. on study of Greek, 267 letters to Travis, 269 on Gibbon, 270 on theology, 271 powers of memory, 272 MS. notes, it. " Hecuba," 276 on Bishop Porteous, 279 on Southey's " Madoc," 281 " Mythologus," &c., 282 "Porsoniana" cited, 51, 261-84 Price, Dr., 3 Price, Uvedale, 44, 67, 79, 189 Price, Major, 201-2 Priestley, Dr., 84-5, 274 Prince of Wales, 28-9 QUIN, the actor, 14 RAINE, Dr., 283 Ranelagh Gardens, 7 Revolution, the French, 21, 26 Reynolds, Sir J., 7, 9, 53 lectures of, ib. , 8 pictures, 8, 9, 54, 57 Richardson, S., 36-7, 141 on levity, 224 Richmond, Duchess of, her ball at Brussels, 186 Robertson, 24 Robinson, Crabb, xiv., xviii. Rogers, Samuel, Life of, xii.-xix. "Table Talk," vii. -xi. Banking Firm, xii. Works, xvi.-xvii. Rothschild, and the news of Water- loo, 246 Rousseau, 67 "ST. ANNE'S HILL," 43, 57 St. Helens, Lord, 65-6 St. John, Hon. Mr., 79 St. Vincent, Lord, 74 Salisbury, Lady, death of, 194 Scott, Sir W., 40, 150-3, 185 " Life of Napoleon, "253 Seaforth, Lord, 175 Selwyn, George, 157 Sharp, Richard, i, 153 Shelburne, Lord, 84, 140 Shelley, 183-4 Sheridan, R. B., 36-41, 59, 73, 145, 153 (death of, 41 and note) Tom, 126 Shipley, Dr., 263 Siddons, Mrs., 54, 106, 145-6 "Sidney Biddulph," 58 Si6yes, AbW, 212 " Skeleton in the porch," 123-6 Smith, Adam, 22-3 works, 94 " Bobus," 142, 213 Smith, Sidney, 228-9 Sneyd, Lines on Moore, 221 Soult, Marshal, 232-6 Southey, Robert, 159 " Madoc," 281 Spencer, W. , 220 Steevens, 104 " Stella," 134 Sterne (quoted), 48 , 80 Stone, Mrs., 49 Stone, W., trial of, no evidence of S. R., in Stothard, the painter, 71 Strafford, p. 137 Surr's "Winter in London," 149 TALLEYRAND, 49, 50, 209-213, 241 Temple Bar, heads of rebels on, 2 Thanet, Lord, 121 INDEX 289 Thurlow, Lord, 28-9 Poems, 232 Tickell, 36-7 Tierney, 51 Tooke, Home, 35, 85-6-7 (trial of), 89, 90, 102 n " Diversions of Purley," 95 n charges against, 97 Transfers, tax on, 256 Turner, 116 Tyburn, 142-3, 157 UMBRELLAS, 20 VIRGIL, Fox's copy of, 60 Voltaire, Fox's visit to, 44-6 n WAKEFIELD, Gilbert, 108, 276 his "Lucretius," 277 Warton, Joseph, 103 Waterloo, battle of, 240-8 " Waverley," authorship of, 153 Wellington, Duke of, 214 on his campaigns, 229-48 Wellington, Duke of, Reminiscences, 248-56 popular demonstration against, 256 " Crossing the Indus," 261 Wesley, John, 84 Wetherell, Sir C. , 257 Wewitzer, actor, 37 White, Lydia, 40 Wilberforce, 50, 77 Wilkes, John, 22, 98, 181, 280 William 1 1 1., 74 IV., 202 Williams, Helen M., 26 Willis, Colonel, 206 Wilson, Professor, on Campbell, 195 Windham, 53 Wolfe, Tone, 254 Wordsworth (on Gray), 19, 55, 131 n, 158-61, 182 n YORK, Duke of, 120, 121 Young's Poems, 16 Printed by BALLANTYNE, HANSON &> Co. 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