Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/commercehistoryOOdaycrich A HISTORY OF COMMERCE .r^- HISTORY OF COMMERCE BY CLIVE DAY, Ph.D. PROFESSOR OF ECONOMIC HISTORY IN YALE UNIVERSITY Author of " The Dutch in Java'' NEW IMPRESSION LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO FOURTH AVENUE & 30TH STREET, NEW YORK LONDON, BOMBAY, CALCUTTA AND MADRAS 1917 Copyright, 1907, by Longmans, Green, and Co. Copyright, 1914, by Longmans, Green, and Co. ^^ 3^^ First Edition, May, 1907 Reprinted, April, 1908; June, 1909; August, 1910 August, 191 2 New Edition, June, 191 4 Reprinted, February, 1916; April, 1917 »^ Co E. L. D. I PREFACE The considerations which guided me in giving this book its present form are set forth in the Introduction. I wish here briefly to express my thanks to those who have assisted me in the labor of its preparation, to my wife and to various col- leagues, especially Professors Callender, Keller and Lang. I may add to this list the name of one who may not be aware that he has contributed to the book, Professor W. G. Sumner. The memory of his teachings has been vividly in my mind as I have written some of the following pages; and however much I may have departed from the substance of his lectures I feel to the spirit that animated them an obligation which has grown constantly greater with time, and which it is a pleasure to acknowledge here. Clive Day 44 Highland Street, New Haven, Ap-il, 1907 I INTRODUCTION Of the four qualities which Matthew Arnold thought to be of the greatest importance in an introductory manual, clear- ness, brevity, proportion, and sobriety, the quality which I have tried with the most conscious attention to realize in this book has been proportion. The pages of text are limited in number, that the book may be available for use in schools as well as in colleges, and I have endeavored always to be mindful that I could put nothing on a page without crowding some- thing else out. Whatever claim the book has to originality must be derived chiefly from the course which I have followed in the selection and arrangement of topics, and I may be par- doned if I seek to indicate here, as briefly as possible, the con- siderations which have governed my course. The first part, on ancient commerce, is inserted in deference to what I understand to be the desires and practices of teachers, but will be omitted, I hope, by every teacher who finds it necessary to omit any part of the book. The facts of the com- merce of ancient countries have little bearing on the commerce of those same countries to-day, as any one will perceive who considers, for instance, the commerce of modern Greece and modern Persia, and who attempts to apply to those countries the facts that he has learned of their distant past. Even the commercial institutions of the ancient world died out, with the important exception of the Roman Law, and modern com- mercial institutions are derived not from them but from medieval origins. Finally, a decisive objection to the extended study of ancient commerce by beginners arises from the fact that our knowledge of conditions in the ancient world is still ix X INTRODUCTION meager and unsatisfactory. When the best scholars disagree on many important points the student had better leave the field to them, and devote his attention to later periods of which abundant records exist. In the medieval period the national state, as we know it now, had not come into existence, and it would be unprofitable to trace the course of commerce within the bounds of modern political geography. Just because of the backward political development, however, the student has an unmatched oppor- tunity to study the growth of private commercial institutions, and to observe the reciprocal influence of economic and politi- cal factors in commercial development. Most of the chapters on medieval commerce, therefore, are general and not local in character. I have thought to satisfy the demand for a descrip- tion of commerce from the geographical standpoint in this period by a somewhat detailed account of the trade carried on in the Mediterranean and on the northern seas of Europe. As the commercial organization develops in the modern period, after 1500, it becomes impracticable in a book of this size to follow out in their complex details such subjects as mercantile association, commercial law, currency, credit, and banking. A few introductory chapters suggest rather than describe the development of the organization, while most of the chapters describe the growth of commerce in the concrete in the different states of Europe. In this period, if ever, the treatment of commerce as a distinctly national interest is justified. With the incoming of the nineteenth century conditions change again. Technical improvements, transforming the different branches of production and transportation, spread through the civilized world, cause a revolution in the wares of commerce and an immense increase in its volume. The importance of these general changes required a more extended treatment than I had anticipated in planning the book, but the seven chapters devoted to them will not, I hope, be found to occupy a disproportionate space. It seemed impossible to INTRODUCTION xi show clearly the causes of recent commercial development without describing in some detail topics which strictly lie within the realm of industrial history. Later chapters revert again to the description of commercial development within the different states. I sympathize with those who would treat the history of commerce from the institutional stand- point, and who may perhaps complain that too much space is given to t^p narrative of the commercial progress of the dif- ferent political groups. I am inclined to think, however, that a more abstract treatment of the subject would make it, while perhaps more interesting to the student of economics, less in- telligible and less valuable to the future man of business. The apportionment of space to the different countries is regulated, roughly, by their respective commercial importance. I have thought that the commerce of many outlying countries of the world might better be considered in a commercial geography than in an introductory history. The history of the foreign commerce of the United States has not yet been written. The subject has generally been con- sidered in its relations to political history, and the treatment of the subject in manuals of commercial history has been warped by this fact. Too much space has been given to com- mercial events of political significance; not enough space has been devoted to the physical and techncial factors which have really made American commerce what it is to-day. The colonial period has received an attention disproportionate to its commercial importance. I have abstained from any attempt to describe in narrative form the commercial history of the colonies, and have used the space which could be given to this part of the subject for a description and analysis of commercial conditions in the form which they had reached at the close of the colonial period. The first two chapters on the United States are designed to serve both as a summary of colonial history and as an introduction to the study of com- mercial development in the national period. Later chapters aim to include the essentials, if they omit the incidents, of our k xii INTRODUCTION commercial progress. In this, as in some other parts of the book, I have been forced to include some statistical material, but by abbreviations which make no sensible difference in the accuracy of the figures I have sought to make the statistics more comprehensible to untrained students, and have indicated methods of studying them which may prove useful. The usual apparatus for the aid of teachers and students is included in the book. In the bibliographies I have sought to meet the demand which is now general and which ought to be imperative in the case of historical manuals, of a brief descrip- tion or appreciation of the books that are recommended for further study. I have sought to avoid the encumbering of the text with footnotes by placing in a section apart the names of the authori- ties from which the facts of the book have been drawn. The study of the history of commerce has not yet, it seems to me, been put on such a settled basis as to justify an author in con- cealing from his reader the sources of his information. That the list of authorities may better serve the purpose of a supple- ment to the bibliographies I have included occasionally refer- ences to books which I have not used but have reason to suppose are valuable. It seemed best, after careful consideration of the pictures available, to omit pictorial illustrations, and to confine the illustrative material to maps. On many subjects in the his- tory of commerce good maps could be borrowed or adapted from other publications. Some of the gaps remaining in carto- graphic illustration I have endeavored to fill by maps con- structed especially for this book. I have had to abandon with regret the plan of making still more maps, after an experience of the difficulties involved. For the shortcomings of the book I can make no satisfac- tory apology, but can only hope that merits will be found to counterbalance the faults. This I may say, however, that if the plan of the book is good, I could fairly expect to find the field better prepared by previous workers for the execution INTRODUCTION xiii of the plan. Economists and historians are not contributing due support to the study of economic history. The academic training of the times seems to lead economists to forget that there has been a past from which they have much to learn, and to the study of which they can contribute many helpful suggestions; it seems to lead historians to forget that there is a present, whose needs and problems should direct their study of the past. CONTENTS PART I ANCIENT COMMERCE CHAPTER I General Considerations section page 1 . The purposes of commerce 1 2. Obstacles to the development of commerce. (1) Personal. ... 2 3. (2) Physical obstacles 2 4. (3) Risk of loss at the hand of public enemies or robbers 3 5. (4) PoHtical restrictions 4 Questions and topics 5 Bibliography (general) 6 CHAPTER II Oriental Period 6. Prehistoric commerce. Ancient Egypt .'. . 9 7. Rise of Egyptian commerce; characteristic wares 97 8. Development of Egyptian commerce in a later period 10^ 9. Rise of commerce in the Mesopotamian valley 10 10. Development of commerce under the Assyrian and Persian em- pires 11 11. Relative insignificance of the commerce of the ancient empires. The Jews. The Phoenicians 12 12. Commerce of the Phoenicians. Beginnings of sea-trade 12y 13. Development of sea-trade; wares of Phoenician commerce. ... 13 \ 14. Establishment of colonies by the Phoenicians. Carthage. ... 14 Questions and topics 14 Bibliography 15 CHAPTER III Greek Period 15. Greece, physical character and products 17 16. Rise of Greek commerce. Colonies 17 XV XVI CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 17. Rapid development in the fifth century, b.c 18 18. Rise of Athens to leadership. Exports 19 19. Athenian imports and policy 20 20. Contrast of the ancient and modern world; effect of Macedonian and Roman conquests 20 21. Effect of Alexander's conquests on commerce; decline of Greece 21 22. Rise of great cities 22 23. Alexandria, Seleukia, Antioch 22 24. Rhodes 23 Questions and topics 24 CHAPTER IV Roman Period 25. The Roman state; Rome not a commercial city 26 26. Development of commerce in the Roman East 26 27. Backward condition of the peoples of the West 27 28. Limited influence of Rome on the commercial development of the West 28 29. Decline of Roman power and of commerce in the West 29 Questions and topics 30 PART II MEDIEVAL COMMERCE CHAPTER V Conditions about the Year 1000 30. Political conditions affecting commerce; the modern system of government 31 31. Impossibility of applying modem methods of government in the period after the fall of Rome 32 32. The feudal system; rise and character 32 33. Difficulties and dangers of transportation 33 34. Restrictions imposed to insure security. The market 33 35. Society organized to exist with the minimum of commerce; the medieval village 34 36. Self-sufficiency of the villages; low stage of the arts of production 35 37. Evils resulting from the lack of commerce 35 38. Exceptional instances of higher organization of industry 36 39. Common wares of commerce in the period of the manor 37 40. The slave trade in Europe * 37 CONTENTS xvii SECTION PAGE 41. Distant commerce confined to rare luxuries 38 42. Character of the merchant in the early Middle Ages 38 Questions and topics 39 Bibliography 40 CHAPTER VI Town Trade 43. Significance of towns in the economic organization; decline of the Roman towns 41 44. Rise of towns after 1000; conditions determining their location 42 45. Development of manufacturing in the towns 42' 46. Effect of the towns in improving the conditions in the country 43 47. The "foreign" trade of this period was that between towns, even in the same country 44 48. Small size of the medieval towns 45 49. Rural characteristics of the towns 45 50. General description of a town 45 51. Improvement in conditions in the later Middle Ages 46 52. Town organization. The merchant gilds 47 53. Position of the merchant gilds; their privilege of monopoly 48 54. Development of manufactures in the towns; the common handi- crafts 48 55. The craft gilds 49 56. Town policy; imports, exports, protection 50 57. The market and its regulations 51 58. Attempts to regulate prices. The assize of bread 51 Questions and topics 52 Bibliography 63 CHAPTER VII Land Trade 59. Roads neglected or left to benevolent associations 54 60. Difficulties of transportation by road 54 61 . Lack of bridges 55 62. Advantages of river transportation 55 63. Danger of violence on the road 56 64. Complicity of feudal lords in robbery 56 65. Tolls imposed by feudal authorities 57 66. Variety and number of tolls 57 67. Abuses of the tolls 59 68. Development of the toll system 59 xviii CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 69. Constraint of trade by tolls. Exemptions 60 70. Burden of the tolls on trade 61 Questions and topics 61 Bibliography 62 CHAPTER VIII Fairs 71. Fairs; the reason for their existence 63 72. Comparison of fairs with markets and modem exchanges 63 73. Privileges of merchants trading at a fair 64 74. Great fairs in Europe. The fairs of Champagne 65 75. Trade at the Champagne fairs; other continental fairs 67 76. English fairs 67 Questions and topics 68 Bibliography 69 CHAPTER IX Sea-Trade 77. Rise of sea commerce. The Scandinavians 70 78. Development of shipping in northern Europe 71 79. Development of shipping in the Mediterranean 71 80. Backwardness of the art of navigation 72 81. Introduction of the compass, and of navigators' directories. ... 73 82. Limits of early trading voyages 73 83. Medieval seaports; contrast with modem 74 84. Decline of medieval seaports in later times 74 85. Development of maritime commerce; persistence of medieval ideas 75 86. Piracy 75 87. Organized piracy; privateering 76 Questions and topics 77 Bibliography 78 CHAPTER X The Levant Trade 88. Wares of the Levant trade. Slaves 79 89. Spices 79 90. Drugs; perfumes; sugar 80 91. Precious stones; preponderance in general of luxuries over articles of general utility 80 CONTENTS xix SECTION PAGE 92. Dyestuffs; alum 81 93. Other raw materials of industry 82 94. Textile imports; exports from Europe 82 95. Revival of Oriental trade about 1000, under the leadership of Italians 83 96. Routes between Asia and Europe 84 97. Character of the crusades; number of crusaders 86 98. Commercial aspect of the crusades 87 99.. Effect of the crusades on knowledge of the East and of eastern wares 88 Questions and topics 88 Bibliography 89 CHAPTER XI Commerce of Southern Europe 100. Position of Venice; early history 90 101. Expansion of Venetian empire during the crusades 90 102. Extent of Venetian commerce 92 103. Development of the institutions of commerce in Venice -. 93 104. Venetian commercial policy 93 105. Overland trade with Germany 94 106. Strict control over German merchants in Venice. 95 107. Importance of the trade between Venice and Germany 96 108. Commerce by sea with northwestern Europe 96 109. Regulation of this commerce; the Flanders galleys 97 110. Development of other cities in Italy; freedom and vigor of their policy 98 111. Genoa 98 112. Inland cities; Florence 99 113. Other Mediterranean cities; Marseilles, Barcelona 99 Questions and topics 100 Bibliography 101 CHAPTER XII Commerce of Northern Europe 114. Development of commerce in South and North 102 115. Conditions and wares of the Baltic trade 102 116. Exports from the Baltic, mainly raw materials 103 117. Exports from the West to the Baltic countries 103 118. Contrast of the history of the commercial cities in Italy and in Germany 104 XX CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 119. Rise of the Hanseatic League 104 120. Extent and organization of the League 105 121. Control of the commerce of northern Europe by the League . . . 105 122. Methods of trading; factories 107 123. Flanders and Bruges 108 124. Decline of Bruges in the fifteenth century; rise of Antwerp 109 125. Conditions of commerce in England 109 126. English trade passive until the close of the Middle Ages 110 Questions and topics Ill Bibliography 1 12 CHAPTER XIII Development of the Medieval Organization of Commerce 127. Types of medieval traders; pedler, shop-keeper 113 128. Merchants ' 113 129. Development of commercial association in the Middle Ages. . . 115 130. Advantages of association 116 131. Forms of association; partnership 116 132. Spread of the practice of association from Italy 117 133. Position of the Jews in medieval commerce 117 134. Character of currency in the Middle Ages 118 135. Difficulty in making payments in distant places 119 136. Introduction of the bill of exchange 120 137. Development of banking in Italy 120 Questions and topics 121 Bibliography 122 CHAPTER XIV Commerce and Politics in the Later Middle Ages 138. Development of the modem political system in the later Middle Ages 123 139. Variety of development in different countries 123 140. Effect on commerce of a strong and of a weak central govern- ment : 124 141. Rise of a national commercial policy 125 142. Medieval ideas on commerce 125 143. Characteristic features of commercial policy 126 Questions and topics 127 Bibliography 127 CONTENTS xxi PART III MODERN COMMERCE CHAPTER XV Exploration and Discovery section page 144. The revolution about 1500; topics to be considered 128 145. Growth of geographical knowledge; Asia 128 146. Need of a sea route to Asia; means of navigation 129 147. The lead in maritime exploration taken by Prince Henry of Portugal 129 148. Exploration of the West Coast of Africa; difficulties, real and imagined 130 149. Discovery of the Cape of Good Hope (1487) and of the sea route to India (1498) 131 150. Belief that Asia could be reached by sailing westward 132 151. Discovery of America (1492); partition of the world outside Europe between Spain and Portugal 133 152. Effect of the discoveries on the field of commerce; growth of a world commerce 134 153. Effect of the discoveries on the wares of commerce 135 154. Importance of the precious metals in the American trade; effect on prices in Europe 135 155. Improvement in the means and methods of navigation 136 Questions and topics 137 Bibliography 138 CHAPTER XVI Development of the Economic Organization 156. Agriculture 139 157. Development of manufacturing organization in England; per- sistence of gild restrictions elsewhere 140 158. Evils of the gilds 140 159. Development of the commercial organization. Rise of whole- salers 141 160. Development of the commission trade; services of "factors". . 142 161. Improvement in means of communication; posts 142 162. Need of closer association among merchants; risks of com- merce 143 163. Association required by government; reasons 144 164. Association in the form of the regulated company 145 xxu CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 165. Objections to the form of the regulated company. 146 166. The joint stock company, and its advantages 146 167. Good and bad sides of joint stock companies 147 Questions and topics 148 Bibliography 149 CHAPTER XVII Credit and Crises 168. Growth of credit business and of banking . 150 169. Description of the rise of discount and deposit banking in Eng- land 151 170. Rise of " money-power '^ as shown in the history of the Fagger V family 151 171. Description of the Fugger business 152 172. Weakness of the Fugger and other banking firms 153 173. Description of business in Antwerp in the sixteenth century. . 154 174. Rise of the Antwerp Exchange; its significance 154 175. Development of business on the exchanges; produce and money 155 176. Advantages offered to industry and commerce by the exchanges 156 177. Growth of speculation; early abuses 156 178. Dangers of the new system of business; promotion of unprofit- able enterprises 157 179. Description of the "Bubble Period" in England 158 180. The crisis of the Company of the Indies in France 159 Questions and topics 160 Bibliography 160 CHAPTER XVIII The Modern State and the Mercantile System 181. Growth of modern states under the influence of commerce. ... 161 182. Decline of feudal power with the rise of mercenary armies ... 161 183. Growth in power of the central government as shown in the development of taxation 162 184. Persistence of medieval conditions in the modern period. . . . 163 185. Attempts at reform, leading in many cases to over-regulation. 163 186. Attention distracted from internal reforms by foreign interests 164 187. Wars occasioned by religious and dynastic interests 165 188. Wars occasioned by commercial interests; military aspect of commerce in this period 165 189. Wars arising from the conflict of colonial interests in the New World 166 CONTENTS xxiii SECTION PAGE 190. Political importance of commerce in this period, connected with the desire of governments for ready money 166 191. The mercantile system, aiming to increase the stock of ready money in the country 167 192. Features of the mercantile system; restriction of imports 168 193. Encouragement of exports, manufactures, and shipping 169 194. Failure of the mercantile system to affect the distribution of the precious metals 169 195. Important effects of the mercantile system in other ways .... 170 196. Colonial poHcy 171 /Questions and topics 172 Bibliography 173 CHAPTER XIX Spain and Portugal 197. Extent and power of the Spanish monarchy 174 198. Rapid development of Spanish industry and commerce 174 199. Economic decline in the following period 176 200. Causes of decline; faulty political organization 177 201. The burden of taxes 178 202. Customs duties, on the frontier and inside the country 178 203. Examples of bad policy; the Mesta 179 204. Failure to develop colonial trade 179 205. Spanish colonial policy. Taxes 180 206. Restriction of trade to appointed fleets 181 207. Restriction of the market by the discouragement of emigration 181 208. Supply of the market by smugglers 182 209. Wares of the colonial trade 182 210. Reform of the colonial system about 1750 183 211. Portugal; promise of commercial greatness in the sixteenth century 184 212. Failure of Portugal to maintain her position 185 213. Weakness in resources; bad effects of Spanish rule, 1580-1640. 185 214. Failure of Portugal to recover her position by commerce with Brazil 185 215. Dependence of Portugal on England 186 Questions and topics 187 Bibliography 188 XXIV CONTENTS CHAPTER XX The Netherlands section page 216. Establishment of the United Netherlands 190 217. Rise of Dutch commerce 190 218. Dutch commercial policy 191 219. The Dutch West India Company 191 220. The East India Company 192 221. Leading position of the Dutch in European commerce 193 222. Growth of business activity 194 223. Commercial decline of the Netherlands 194 224. Reasons for decline 195 225. Character of the Dutch East India Company 196 226. Decline of the Company after 1700 196 Questions and topics 197 Bibliography 198 CHAPTER XXI England: Survey of Commercial Development 227. Survey of England's position and resources about 1500 199 228. England's chief advantage, her advanced organization 199 229. Benefits of the English political constitution 200 230. Development of the English into an active commercial people about the fifteenth century 200 231. Agencies helping to extend English commerce 201 232. Enlargement of the commercial area 201 233. Relative standing of the English ports 202 234. Partition of the field of commerce among companies 202 235. Characteristics of the companies 204 236. Rapid growth of commerce in the eighteenth century 205 237. Relative share of different continents in English commerce. . 205 Questions and topics 206 Bibliography ■ 208 CHAPTER XXII England: Exports 228. Survey of topics to be considered in studying the develop- ment of English commerce 209 239. (1) Analysis of exports 209 240. (2) Development of production, explaining the growth of the export trade. Agriculture 210 CONTENTS XXV SECTION PAGE 241. Internal commerce and means of transportation 210 242. Manufactures; advance from the gild to the domestic system and its significance 211 243. The new employers aided by the immigration of foreign labor- ers 212 244. Dependence of technical progress on the new class of employers. 212 245. The domestic system preparatory to the great revolution in manufactures in the eighteenth century 213 246. Progress of the cotton manufacture 214 247. Slower development of the woolen manufacture 215 248. Development of the iron industry with the use of pit-coal .... 215 249. (3) The chief markets for England's exports 216 Questions and topics 217 CHAPTER XXIII England: Imports; Shipping; Policy 250. (4) Analysis of English imports in the modem period 219 251. (5) Sources of the imports , 219 252. Peculiar character of the English colonies 220 253. Resources and industries of the colonies in America 220 254. Specialties of different colonies 221 255. Commerce with Africa 221 256. (6) Shipping and the carrying trade 222 257. Struggle of English seamen and government with the Dutch . . 222 258. The Navigation Acts; victory of English over Dutch shipping. 223 259. (7) Government policy. Commerce and war 224 260. Customs policy 224 261. Burden of the tariff 225 262. Colonial policy 226 263. Restrictions on colonial enterprise, regarded as justifiable at the time 226 Questions and topics 227 CHAPTER XXIV France: Survey of Commercial Development 264. Natural advantages of France in the modem period 229 265. The chief reason why France did not rise to leadership 229 266. Progress checked by the Hundred Years' War with England, and by religious conflicts 230 267. Effect of the absolute monarchy on French development. ... 231 xxvi CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 268. Failure to reform conditions inherited from the feudal period 231 269. Bloom of French commerce in the fifteenth century as shown in the business of Jacques Coeur 232 270. The bulk of French commerce still with nearby countries . . 233 271. Decline during the period of the religious wars 233 272. Recovery after 1600 233 273. Founding of commercial companies, and colonial expansion . . 234 274. Reasons for the failure of these enterprises 235 275. Mistaken policy of Louis XIV 235 276. Decline of the French colonial empire in the eighteenth cen- tury 236 277. Growth, notwithstanding, in the commerce of France 236 278. Analysis of French commerce in the eighteenth century 238 279. Value of the French sugar colonies 239 Questions and topics 239 Bibliography 240 CHAPTER XXV France: Policy 280. History of the French customs tariff 242 281 . Persistence of customs frontiers inside France 242 282. Persistence of local toll barriers 243 283. Manufactures; the gild system maintaind in spite of its bad effects 244 284. Separation of trades 244 285. Influence of the gilds in preventing technical progress 245 286. Narrow restrictions imposed on manufactures by the govern- ment 246 287. Burden of these restrictions on manufactures 247 288. Special privileges granted to certain manufactures; resulting abuses 247 Questions and topics 248 CHAPTER XXVI The German States 289. Political survey of Germany about 1500 250 290. Development of the economic organization 251 291. Condition of the Baltic trade 252 292. Decline of the Hanseatic League 252 293. Decline of the commerce of South Germany 253 CONTENTS xxvii SECTION PAGE 294. The chief cause of decline of German commerce in this period was political 254 295. The natural outlets of commerce stopped by hostile states.. 255 296. The damage done by internal dissensions and by the Thirty Years' War 255 297. Restriction of manufactures by the gilds 256 298. The eighteenth century marked by general depression, with some signs of improvement 257 299. The rise of Prussia important mainly from the political stand- point 257 300. Reforms in Prussia favoring economic development 258 301. Contrast of Prussia and Austria 259 302. Political factors hindering development of the lands subject to Austria 259 303. Slow progress of industry and commerce .' 260 304. Attempts of the government to stimulate development 260 305. Austrian commerce still backward in 1800 261 Questions and topics 261 Bibliography 262 CHAPTER XXVII Italy and Minor States 306. Political condition of Italy in the modem period 263 307. Position of Venice at the beginning of the period 263 308. Blows at Venetian trade both by sea and land routes to India. 264 309. Relative decline of Venetian commerce 264 310. Decline of commerce and industry in Tuscany 265 311. Decline in other parts of Italy 265 312. Conditions in the Scandinavian countries 266 313. Rise of Russia to a position among the European states about 1700 267 314. Character of Russian commerce in the eighteenth century .... 267 Questions and topics 268 Bibliography 268 Topics for review 268 xxvill CONTENTS PART IV RECENT COMMERCE CHAPTER XXVIII Commerce and Coal SECTION Pi^GE 315. Statistical survey of development since 1800 270 316. Great growth of foreign commerce 270 317. Increase in the relative importance of commerce 271 318. The world now passing through a commercial revolution .... 272 319. Share of modem countries in the commerce of the world 272 320. Possible explanations of recent commercial development 273 321. Prime importance of technical factors, especially the use of coal 274 322. Power in coal 274 323. Dependence of modem industry on coal 275 324. Importance of coal, estimated in steam horse-power 275 325. Technical history of the steam-engine 276 326. Importance of steam greatest in the most recent period 276 Questions and topics 277 Bibliography 278 CHAPTER XXIX Machinery and Manufactures 327. Development of agriculture 280 328. Progress less in agriculture than in other branches of produc- tion 280 329. Function of machinery 281 330. Advantages of machines 281 331. Revolution in old industries effected by machinery 282 332. Introduction of new industries 282 333. Importance of iron in the age of machinery 283 334. Scarcity of iron before the nineteenth century 283 335. Development of machine tools for working iron 284 336. Steel, character and utility 285 337. Recent improvements in the manufacture of steel; the Besse- mer process ' 285 338. The open-hearth (Siemens-Martin) process 286 339. Development of the modern chemical industry 286 340. Influences determining the local distribution of manufactures . 287 Questions and topics 288 Bibliography 289 CONTENTS xxix CHAPTER XXX Roads and Railroads SECTION page 341. Commercial importance of the subjects of the chapter 290 342. Statistical survey of development 290 343. Improvement in the condition of roads 290 344. Importance of roads in the present transportation system. . . . 291 345. Advantage of transportation by water; canals 292 346. Development of canals, 1750-1850 293 347. Relative decline in importance of canals 293 348. Origin of the steam railroad 295 349. Early period of the railroad 296 350. Improvements in locomotives 296 351. Importance of steel in railroad construction 297 352. Development of the railroad system after 1850 298 353. Importance of railroads at present 299 Questions and topics 300 Bibliography 301 CHAPTER XXXI Means of Navigation and Communication 354. Transportation by sailing vessels and steamers 302 355. Development of sailing vessels 302 356. Relative decline of sailing vessels, notwithstanding improve- ments 303 357. Steamers used at first chiefly for internal navigation 304 358. Beginning of steam navigation of the Atlantic 305 359. Improvement of the means of steam navigation 305 360. Gains resulting from increase in size 306 361. Resulting decline in freight rates 307 362. Modem ship canals 307 363. The Suez Canal and its services to commerce 308 364. The postal service about 1800 309 365. Postal reforms and their results 310 366. The telegraph before the application of electricity 310 367. The electric telegraph 311 368. Submarine telegraph lines 312 Questions and topics 312 Bibliography 314 XXX CONTENTS CHAPTER XXXII The Wares of Commerce section page 369. Effect on commerce of technical progress 315 370. Growth of the sphere of commerce and resulting specialization of production 315 371. Abolition of the slave trade 316 372. The great wares of commerce. Coal 317 373. Metals and manufactures 317 374. Petroleum 318 375. The grain trade; shght development before 1800 318 376. Extent and importance of the grain trade at present 319 377. Commerce in other foodstuffs 320 378. The textiles; changes in relative importance 320 379. Commerce in raw materials for the textile manufacture 321 380. Colonial products ; 322 381. Rise of beet sugar, and effect on commerce 323 382. The European sugar bounty system 323 Questions and topics 324 Bibliography 326 CHAPTER XXXIII The Modern Organization 383. Qualities of modern commerce. Certainty 327 384. Regularity 328 385. Economy 328 386. Sensitiveness 329 387. Importance of the telegraph, illustrated by conditions preced- ing its introduction 330 388. Services of the telegraph to the modern organization 331 389. Functions of the merchant 332 390. Growth in number and variety of the mercantile class 332 391. Insurance and speculation 333 392. Services of the speculator to commerce 334 393. Decline of the market and fair, and rise of the produce exchange 335 394. Contrast of the character of association in commerce and in manufactures or transportation 336 395. More efficient utilization of capital in modern trade 336 396. Benefit of banks to trade 337 397. Criticism of the present organization; crises 337 398. Crises before 1850 338 CONTENTS xxxi SECTION PAGE 399. Crises since 1850 338 Questions and topics 339 Bibliography 341 CHAPTER XXXIV Commercial Policy 400. War and peace in the nineteenth century 342 401. French privateers and English commerce 342 402. Napoleon and the Continental System 343 403. English reprisals 344 404. Failure of the Continental System 344 405. Effect of the war on England and France 345 406. Other wars of the nineteenth century 346 407. Removal of old obstacles to commerce 347 408. Customs tariffs; the prohibitive system 347 409. The period of free trade, 1860-1880 b48 410. Reduction of customs duties 349 411. The return to protection 349 412. Colonial policy 350 Questions and topics 351 Bibliography 352 CHAPTER XXXV England: Commercial Development, 1800-1850 413. Importance of the commerce of England 354 414. Statistics of the growth of commerce, 1800-1850 354 415. Change in the relative importance of different exports 355 416. Development of English manufactures 356 417. Introduction of machinery 357 418. Steam power and railroad transportation 357 419. Gradual development of the cotton manufacture 357 420. Character of the import trade 358 421. Increase in importance of trade with distant continents 359 422. Great importance of the trade with the United States 359 423. Trade with other distant countries 360 424. Trade with British dependencies 360 425. Colonies in North America and Australasia 361 Questions and topics 361 Bibliography 363 xxxii CONTENTS CHAPTER XXXVI England: Reform of Commercial Policy section page 426. Burden of tariff on trade and manufactures 365 427. Prevalence of smuggling 366 428. Beginning of the reform movement, 1820 366 429. Reform of the tariff under Huskisson 366 430. Results and later completion of the reform 367 431. The corn laws and their effects 368 432. Movement of English manufacturers for a repeal of the corn laws 369 433. Repeal of the corn laws, and its significance 369 434. Reform of the navigation acts 370 435. Final repeal of the navigation acts 371 Questions and topics 371 Bibliography 372 CHAPTER XXXVII England: Commercial Development, 1850-1900 436. Development of English commerce in the last half century. . 373 437. Chief causes of the rapid development of English commerce. . 374 438. Character of English exports 375 439. Leading items among the exports 375 440. Imports; prominence of foodstuffs 375 441. Imports of raw materials and manufactures 376 442. Explanation of the excess of imports over exports 376 443. Growth of the merchant marine 377 444. Relative rank of English ports 378 445. Relative share of different countries in England's commerce . . 378 Questions and topies 379 Bibliography 380 CHAPTER XXXVIII England: Present and Future 446. Relative decHne in value and quality of English exports in recent years 381 447. Significance of the decline and three possible explanations of it 382 448. (1) Competition in manufactures of low-grade labor 382 449. Competition in manufactures of high-grade labor 382 450. (2) Alleged weakness of the English mercantile organization . . 383 451. Insufficient knowledge of the needs of foreigners 384 CONTENTS xxxiii SECTION PAGE 452. Unwillingness to adopt foreign trade customs 384 453. Attempts to remedy these faults 385 454. (3) Adverse influence of foreign tariffs; proposals to revise the English policy of free trade 385 455. Demand for customs duties as a means of defence and retalia- tion 386 456. Proposal of an imperial customs union 387 457. Obstacles to a customs union 387 Questions and topics 388 Bibliography 389 CHAPTER XXXIX The German States 458. Connection of the commercial and the political development of Germany 391 459. Summary of the political development 391 460. Condition of Germany about 1815 392 461. Backwardness of commerce and manufactures 392 462. Factories dependent on antiquated sources of power 393 463. Commerce small, and marked by the export of raw materials 393 464. Formation of the ZoUverein customs union) 394 465. Development following the formation of the ZoUverein 395 466. Protection and the free-trade movement 395 467. Political factors in the tariff question 396 468. Reaction in customs policy after the founding of the Grerman Empire 396 469. Return to protection in 1879 397 Questions and topics 397 Bibliography 398 CHAPTER XL Germany under the Empire 470. Effect on economic development of the establishment of the Empire 399 471. Development of commerce, 1870-1900 399 472. Character of present German commerce 400 473. Rapid development of factory industry 401 474. Resources of coal and iron 401 475. Quality of the people 402 476. Superiority in technical training 402 xxxiv CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 477. Efficiency of the mercantile organization 403 478. Commercial travelers and trade papers 403 479. Other factors in commercial development 404 480. Examples of German success in trade 405 481. Development of the German tariff; the agrarian party 405 482. Questions involved in the German tariff policy 406 Questions and topics 407 Bibliography 408 CHAPTER XLI France 483. Condition of France before the Revolution 409 484. Effect of the Revolution 409 485. Backward features of industry and commerce 410 486. The French tariff in the first part of the century 410 487. Sluggishness of industrial development 410 488. Effect of the tariff on commerce 411 489. Reform of the tariff by Napoleon III 411 490. Effect of the reform on commerce 412 491. The free-trade treaty of 1860 412 492. Results of the treaty of 1860 413 493. Return to protection after the war with Germany 413 494. Growth of protective duties 414 495. Attitude of the French toward commerce 414 496. Position of France in modern commerce 415 497. Failure of the government in its attempts to stimulate com- merce 415 Questions and topics 416 Bibliography 417 CHAPTER XLII Minor States of Central and Northern Europe 498. States of minor commercial importance 418 499. Commerce of the Netherlands to 1830 418 500. Dutch commerce since 1830 419 501. Position of the Dutch in present commerce 420 502. Belgium; early industrial development 420 503. Belgian commercial policy 421 504. Survey of the recent development of Belgian commerce 421 505. Switzerland; obstacles to industrial development 422 CONTENTS XXXV SECTION PAGE 506. Position of the Swiss in present commerce 422 507. Austria-Hungary; survey of commercial development 423 508. Obstacles to the growth of commerce and industry 423 509. Gradual removal of these obstacles 423 510. Growth of commerce since 1850 424 511. Position of Austria-Hungary in present commerce 424 512. The Scandinavian States; their position in present commerce. . 425 513. Denmark 425 514. Norway; Norwegian shipping 426 515. Sweden 426 Questions and topics 426 Bibliography 427 CHAPTER XLIII States of Southern Europe 516. Condition of Italy in the first half of the century 429 517. Lack of political and commercial union 429 518. Establishment of Italian unity 430 519. Survey of Italian commerce since 1860 431 520. Development of agriculture and commerce after 1860 431 521. Increase of customs duties; protection; tariff war 432 522. Italian agriculture; poverty of the people 433 523. Manufactures 434 524. Shipping; colonies 435 525. Recent progress of Italy 435 526. Spain 436 527. Spanish commerce in the first half of the century 437 528. Recent commerce of Spain 437 529. Portugal 438 Questions and topics 439 Bibliography 440 CHAPTER XLIV Eastern Europe 530. Great size and small commerce of the Russian Empire 441 531. Historical reasons for backward development 441 532. Russian commerce about 1800 442 533. Means of transportation 442 534. Chief ports 443 535. Development up to the Crimean War 443 xxxvi CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 536. Reforms; growth of the railroad system 444 537. Development of commerce ' 444 538. Character of industries and commerce 445 539. Recent history of the tariff 446 540. Development and cost of manufactures 446 541. Effect of the tariff on agriculture 447 542. Effect on railroads 448 543. Commercial reasons for Russia's eastern movement 448 544. Course of the Asiatic trade 450 545. States of the Balkan peninsula 451 546. Commerce of the Balkan states 452 Questions and topics 452 Bibliography 454 Topics for review 455 PART V THE UNITED STATES CHAPTER XLV The Organization of Production, 1789 547. Comparison of conditions in 1789 and in 1900 456 /548. Chief exports in 1790 458 549. Predominance of agriculture; experiments with crops 458 550. Breadstuffs 459 551. Other products of northern agriculture 460 552. Southern staples: tobacco 460 553. Rice and indigo 461 554. Methods of agriculture 462 555. Forest products; potash 462 556. Fisheries 463 557. Chief imports, 1791 464 / 558. Classes of wares imported; manufactures 464 ' 559. Significance of the import of manufactures 465 560. Household self-sufficiency 466 561. Town self-sufficiency 466 562. Development of household manufactures 467 563. Appreciation and criticism of American manufactures at this time 468 Questions and topics 469 Bibliography, general and early 470 CONTENTS xxxvii CHAPTER XL VI Internal Trade and Foreign Commerce, 1789 section paob 564. Development of internal trade, 1789-1900 472 565. Condition of the roads; effect on freight traffic 472 •^^66. Sparsity of passenger traffic .• 473 ^ 567. Relatively great importance of waterways 473 568. Importance of the country store 474 569. Benefits and disadvantages of the comitry store 474 570. Relative smallness of interstate trade 475 571. Share of different States in foreign commerce 476 572. Development of the chief seaports into cities • 477 573. Foreign countries of the greatest commercial importance to the United States 477 ^574. Insignificance of direct trade with Asia and Africa 478 575. Unique position of England in trade with the United States . . 479 576. Commerce with the rest of Europe 479 577. Importance of the West Indies as an outlet for wares excluded from Europe 480 578. Character of commerce with the West Indies; triangular trade 480 579. Development of ship-building in the colonial period 481 580. Extension of American shipping 482 Questions and topics 483 CHAPTER XLVII Commerce and Policy, 1789-1815 581. Importance of commercial policy in this period 485 582. Questions of policy 485 583. Policy of England 486 584. Policy of France and other states 486 ^585. Conditions of American trade with Europe in 1789 487 \-586. Conditions of trade with the West Indies 488 587. Weakness of the United States at this time 488 588. Survey of American commerce, 1789-1815 489 589. Fluctuations in the export trade; share of domestic and of foreign exports 489 590. Varying fortunes of foreign trade not explained by conditions at home 490 591. Conditions abroad; effect of the European wars on domestic exports 491 592. Effect on foreign exports and on the carrying trade 492 593. Prosperity of American conomerce and shipping 492 xxxviii CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 594. Check to prosperity after 1800 493 595. Decline of commerce; embargo and war 494 596. Effect of the decline of commerce on the development of American manufactures 494 597. Considerations determining early tariff policy 495 598. Survey of tariff policy 496 Questions and topics 496 Bibliography 497 CHAPTER XLVIII National Expansion, 1815-1860 599. Survey of commerce, 1815-1860 498 600. Reasons for slowness of growth 498 601. Absorption of the national energy in territorial expansion. . 499 602. Relative decline in the importance of foreign trade 499 603. Importance of the problem of transportation in this period. . 501 604. The turnpike era 501 605. Failure of the turnpikes to meet the country's demands .... 502 606. Importance of the western waterways 503 607. Invention and application of the steamboat 503 608. Development of river transportation 505 609. Demand for canals in this period 506 610. The Erie Canal, 1825, and others 506 611. Commercial benefit of the canals 507 612. Canals less important than rivers for distant shipments 509 613. Demand for further improvement met by railroads 509 614. Early American railroads little used for freight traffic 510 615. Extension of the railroad system in the West after 1850. ... 511 616. Effect of the improvements in transportation, especially marked in the following period 511 617. Prosperity of the American merchant marine 514 618. Position and prospects of the merchant marine in 1860 514 619. Navigation policy; reforms and restrictions 515 Questions and topics 516 Bibliography 517 CHAPTER XLIX Exports, 1815-1860 620. Chief exports in 1860 518 621. Changes since 1800 518 CONTENTS xxxix SECTION PAGE 622. Cotton before 1800 519 623. Growth in importance of cotton 520 624. Demand for efficient means of cleaning cotton 520 625. Invention of the saw gin by Whitney, 1793 521 626. Extension of cotton cultivation, and increase of exports 521 627. King Cotton 522 628. Slight contributions of the South to exports, aside from cotton 528 629. Trade between the North, the South, and Europe 524 630. Chief exports from the North 524 631. Gradual increase in the exports of foodstuffs 525 632. Exports of precious metals; result of the California gold dis- coveries 525 Questions and topics 526 CHAPTER L Imports, Policy, Direction of Commerce, 1815-1860 633. Chief imports in 1860 528 634. Significance of the import trade at this time 528 635. Growth of domestic manufactures 529 636. Increase in the use of coal 530 637. Sluggish development of the iron industry 530 638. Success of the cotton manufacture 531 639. Failure to establish a strong woolen manufacture 531 640. Other manufactures 532 641. Dependence of the South on the North for manufactured wares 533 642. Beginning of the system of protective tariffs, 1816 533 643. Course of tariff policy, 1816-1860 534 644. Effect of the tariff on industrial development 535 645. Changes in the relative importance of shipping ports; southern ports and the export trade 535 646. Northern ports and the import trade 536 647. Changes in the direction of trade. New character of the trade with England 536 648. Trade with Canada and the West Indies 537 649. Expansion of American commerce in Europe, South America, and the far East 537 Questions and topics 538 xl CONTENTS CHAPTER LI National Development, 1860-1900 section page 650. Survey of commercial development, 1860-1900 540 651. Internal development of the country 540 652. Extension of railroads 541 653. Improvements in the operation of railroads 542 6*54. Reduction of railroad rates " 543 655. Contribution of the railroads to recent national development. 543 656. Relative decline in transportation by canals and rivers 544 657. Importance of the Great Lakes; St. Mary's Canal 544 658. Decline of American shipping 545 659. Effect of the Civil War on the merchant marine 546 660. Other causes of decline 546 661. Present position of the merchant marine 547 662. Development of national manufactures 547 663. Coal production and the use of steam power 548 664. Machinery 549 665. Extension of manufactures in the West and South 549 Questions and topics 550 Bibliography 551 CHAPTER LII Exports, 1860-1900 666. Chief exports in 1900 553 667. Noteworthy changes since 1860 553 668. Reasons for the increase of agricultural exports 555 669. Improvement of agricultural implements 555 670. Wheat and flour 556 671. Indian corn .* 557 672. Stock, meat, and dairy products 557 673. Relative decline in importance of exports from the South . . 557 674. Cotton * 558 675. Export of mineral products: iron 559 676. Recent development of the American iron industry 559 677. Machinery 560 678. Copper 561 679. Petroleum 561 680. Development of the oil industry 562 Questions and topics 562 CONTENTS xli CHAPTER LIII Imports, Policy, Direction of Commerce, 1860-1900 section page 681. Survey of the import trade, 1860-1900 564 682. Changes in the character of imports 564 683. Character of foods imported 565 684. Question of producing these foods in the U. S. Sugar 565 685. Increase in raw materials imported 566 686. The chief raw materials among imports 567 687. Decline in importance of finished manufactures imported. . . . 567 688. Variety of imported manufactures 568 689. Change in tariff policy since the Civil War 568 690. Increase in protective duties 569 691. The tariff at the close of the century 569 692. Leading ports, 1860-1900 570 693. Direction of commerce abroad 571 694. Relative commercial importance of different parts of the world 571 695. Importance of the English trade 572 696. Trade with other countries: Europe 572 697. The Americas and Asia 574 Questions and topics 575 Topics for review 577 CHAPTER LIV Recent Commercial Development 698. Rise in the price level since 1896 579 699. Effects of increase in the world's gold production 579 700. Railroads and shipping of the world 580 701. Increased eflficiency of the carrying trade 581 702. Share of leading countries in the world's commerce 582 703. Commerce of the United Kingdom 582 704. Illustration by the recent commerce of Japan 584 705. Relative decUne of the United Kingdom in the world's markets . 585 706. Development of German commerce 585 707. Relative importance of the internal and the foreign trade of the United States 686 708. Growth of transportation facilities in the U. S 586 709. Change in the character of the export trade 587 xlii CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 710. Development of American manufactures 588 711. Direction of commerce 589 712. Recent tariff and currency legislation 590 Authorities 592 Titles of Books cited by Abbreviations 632 Index 637 LIST OF MAPS NO. PAGE 1. The Ancient World (colored) Facing 9 2. Roman Roads in Southern Britain 28 3. Tolls on the River Loire 58 4. The Fairs of Champagne 66 5. Trade Routes between Asia and Europe ... 85 6. The Venetian Empire 91 7. Trade Routes between Germany and Italy ... 94 8. The Hanseatic Commercial Empire about 1400 . 106 9. Commercial Geography of Europe about 1250 . . 108 10. Trade Relations of a German Merchant about 1400 114 11. A Medieval Map of the World . . . .Facing 129 The Laurent ian Portolano of 1351. Reproduced by permission from Beazley's ''Prince Henry, the Navigator/^ (Putnams). 12. Discoveries of the Portuguese 131 13. Map of the Known World in the Time of Columbus 132 14. European Powers in America (colored) . .Facing 166 15. The Spanish Monarchy 175 16. European Powers in the East about 1700 . . . 193 17. Spheres of Trade of English Companies in the Early Seventeenth Century 203 18. The French Colonial Empire 237 19. Germany in the Eighteenth Century 251 20. Italy, 1515 263 21. Waterways of North Central Europe 294 22. Growth of the European Railroads 298 xliii xliv LIST OF MAPS NO. PAGE 23. The British Empire, 1902 (colored) . . .Facing 360 24. Development of the German Zollverein .... 394 25. The Trans-Siberian Railroad ....... 449 26. North America in 1782 457 27. United States, Acquisition of Territory, 1783-1853 . 500 28. River Transportation in 1860 504 29. The Erie Canal, 1825 507 30. Canals of the United States ....... 508 31. Railroads, 1830-1850 512 32. Railroads, 1850-1860 513 33. Products of the United States 554 34. Course of Steamship Lines in 1880 573 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE PART I.— ANCIENT COMMERCE CHAPTER I GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The purposes of commerce. — The reader will follow more intelligently the history of commerce if he will stop a moment at the start to consider the purposes of commerce and the difficulties which must be overcome if it is to be successfully carried on. As to the purposes we may be brief. The largest part of the time and energy of the ordinary man is consumed in getting the material things which furnish him with the means of subsistence and of culture. We are accustomed to think of the farmer and the manufacturer as charged especially with supplying our material wants, but a little reflection will show that the work of these classes, without the aid of another class, would be of little use to us. The food and clothing and tools and other desirable articles which they produce are valuable only when they are put into the hands of a man who wants them and can use them. Articles which we all should pronounce desirable, the ripe fruit of the farmer and the finished product of the manufacturer, have still only the possibility of good in them; and this possibility is realized only when they are put in the place where they are wanted at the time when they are wanted. It is the business of the merchant to attend to the proper distribution of wares, in place and time. He does not change the form of things, like the farmer or the manufacturer, but he is as truly a producer as they are. 1 1 2 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE Ice may be manufactured in summer by the ammonia process, or it may be saved from the preceding winter, or it may be brought in summer from Greenland. To the con- sumer it makes no difference which one of these methods is employed; he wants his ice in summer, and the trader who satisfies his wants by saving or transporting the ice is as useful a member of society as the manufacturer who makes the ice. 2. Obstacles to the development of commerce, (i) Per- sonal. — Great as are the advantages of commerce, ages of progress were required to give it the position which it holds in the modern world. It has had to make its way against innumerable obstacles; and to some of these obstacles the reader is asked now to give his attention. There is, first of all, the difficulty which we may term personal. A man now accepts trade as a matter of course. He devotes himself to some special line of production, the growing of wheat or the making of shoes, feeling sure that he can exchange his surplus for whatever else he wants, and making his exchanges without hesitation. An uncivilized man, however, is accustomed to satisfy his wants in only two ways, by his own labor in production or by robbing another man. He is suspicious of any offer to exchange wares, and is un- willing to apply himself to any special line of production that would make him dependent on trade. The ignorance and suspicions of men were in early times the greatest hindrances to the rise of commerce, as they are still in backward portions of the world; it has required generations of experience to teach men wants for things which they did not themselves produce, and to teach them to satisfy these wants by exchange. Commerce took on definite proportions and became of con- siderable importance only when a special class of traders and merchants arose, who made it their business to study wants, to inspire new ones, and to provide the means of satisfying them. 3. (2) Physical obstacles. — Another difficulty in the pur- suit of commerce, which we may term physical, appears in GENERAL CONDITIONS 3 the exchange of articles which are produced at some distance from each other, so that they need to be transported by land or sea. A farmer who sets out for the city with a load of grain will have to count carefully the cost of getting it to market. Assume that he feeds himself and his horses from his wagon-load; evidently, if the road is long, or so bad that progress is slow and many horses are necessary, he may find all the wheat consumed on the journey before he has secured a purchaser. In this aspect the facilities for transportation, whether by land or water, by pack-animal, cart, canal boat or steamer, are of great importance. It has been estimated that a human burden bearer would require more than a day and a half to move a ton of goods a mile; a strong pack-horse can carry three hundredweight a considerable number of miles in a day; while on first-rate level roads a horse can drag a ton even further. Another factor in this question is the character of the ware. A farmer who could not afford to bring wheat to market might still find it profitable to bring butter, which has much greater value in the same bulk, so that the profits on a wagon-load might pay the expenses of the journey. Gold can be exported from the interior of Alaska under difficulties which would make the transportation of any other product impossible. 4. (3) Risk of loss at the hand of public enemies or rob- bers. — The carrier of merchandise has to face not only physical difficulties, but also dangers from another source. From time to time we read in the modern newspaper of high rates charged for war insurance, when ship or cargo may be captured and confiscated by an enemy on the sea. The merchant must count his insurance charges before he can figure out his profits. This illustration will make clear the character of one of the obstacles to commerce, which we may term military, by some stretching of the current meaning of the word. It gives, however, no idea of the extent of this danger in earlier times, when not only were wars far more common, but when even in times of peace the state was so weak that the merchant, in 4 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE every mile of his progress, was exposed to attack by high- waymen on land and by pirates at sea. Either the merchant must bear his own risks, or pay somebody to protect him against them. In either case the result would be the same, the necessity of charging higher prices for the wares, and so making sales less attractive and less common. 5. (4) Political restrictions. — Still another element can be distinguished in history, which seems often to be an obstacle to the development of commerce. This element may be termed the political. A man is not only a producer and consumer; he is also, whether he is conscious of it or not, a member of the state, and subject to some kind of political organization which restrains and directs him in his economic life. His efforts to further his own interests are restricted by laws meant to protect the interests of the people as a whole against the selfishness of individuals. A merchant in the United States who proposes to import some ware from another country will find that he must pay not only the natural transportation and insurance charges, but possibly also a customs duty in addition, that would make the exchange unprofitable. If he proposed to import a foreign ship for use in the American coasting trade he would find that he is absolutely prohibited from doing this, no matter how much he might be willing to pay as duty. These • restraints are imposed nowadays, not because the government assumes that individuals cannot take care of themselves and is afraid that they may lose money by making purchases abroad, but because it thinks that they may hurt the interests of producers in the home market, whom it pro- poses to protect. We shall find that governments in earlier times restrained the flow of commerce to protect not only producers but also consumers and even the merchants them- selves; and that regulations were imposed, of such variety and such strictness, that they made a very important element in the commercial life of peoples. The church as well as the state interfered with the course of exchange in the Middle Ages, and GENERAL CONDITIONS 5 thought it necessary to safeguard public morals by many restrictions which have since disappeared. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Consider some articles of your clothing; try to ascertain from what different sources the materials were gathered by the merchant for the manufacturer, and how the finished product reached you. Do the hke for a common implement, a lead-pencil or pocket knife, or an article of furniture. What countries were drawn upon to supply the food and setting of your breakfast table? [Compare The cost of a dinner, Out- look, March 13, 1897, quoted in Clow's Introduction to the Study of Commerce, Silver, Burdett & Co., 193-194.] 2. What articles would you have to do without if your supply were limited to the things produced within a radius of 10 miles of your home? Within a radius of 100? Within a radius of 1,000? 3. Ice was given as an example of a ware which varies greatly at different times. Are all wares subject to such variation? [If you find what seems to be an exception, verify it by the wholesale prices quoted in newspapers.] 4. What is the use of grain elevators and wheat speculators? 5. Can you detect any difference between city people and country people in making a bargain? 6. What has been the attitude of the North American Indians to trade? With what wares have traders had to tempt them? 7. Arrange the following articles in the degree of their transporta- bility, i.e., according to the distance which they may be carried with profit: raw cotton, coal, potatoes, silver, building stone, gold, wheat, cotton cloth, diamonds, hay, coffee, salt, silk ribbons, copper. [The price per pound of many of these wares is given in the newspaper.] 8. Give an instance of articles wasting, unused for lack of good wagon-roads; for lack of railroads. 9. In what regions has piracy persisted to recent times? [Read some description of Borneo or of the Philippine Islands, or a description of Chinese junk trading and Chinese river life.] 10. What effect did the Civil War have on American commerce? [See reference in chap. 51.] 11. In what regions of the world is land trade still unsafe? 12. To what restrictions, if any, does an American merchant have to submit who desires to trade in one of the following wares: cigars, gun- powder, whisky, lottery tickets, imported iron, cigarettes, improper literature? 13. Government restrictions now are due usually to one of three 6 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE objects: (1) collection of revenue, (2) protection of other producers, (3) protection of the consumer and the public. Classify the wares above according to the object of the legislation. 14. Read Bourne, Romance of trade, 96-137, on the close relations of politics and commerce. BIBLIOGRAPHY [Note. — Bibliographical suggestions in this part of the book are designed to aid teacher and student in their ordinary work. The authori- ties at the end of the book will indicate to more advanced students further sources of information. Beside the brief descriptive notes the desirability of books for student and teacher is indicated by asterisks (* desirable ; ** most desirable). Books which are lacking in scholarship are sometimes recommended for other reasons.] For commerce in its general aspects the reader is referred to other books in this series, and to the standard commercial geographies. I propose here to cover briefly books on the history of commerce since ancient times; and as the list is restricted to books written in English it must be confined mainly to those on the history of English commerce. Books on ancient commerce will be considered in the chapters imme diately following. Bibliography. — The best available bibliography of English books on the history of commerce is Sonnenschein's Bibliography of social and political economy, London, 1897, reprinted from The Best Books and The Reader's Guide. This book, however, seems to have been withdrawn from sale. Useful bibliographical information will be found also in Pal- grave's Dictionary, and in the Subject Index of the British Museum Library, covering accessions for ten years preceding 1902. The A. L. A. Catalogue gives full bibliographical information about popular books in print; and Bowker and lies, Reader's guide, has a brief bibliography on commerce and its history. In default of a general bibliography the student must refer to books describing conditions in England. The most complete and scholarly bibliog- raphy is that given by Cunningham, in appendixes to his Growth, etc. References which to most students will be more useful are given in Traill's Social England. Both these sources cover the whole period, into the nine- teenth century. For the medieval period the general student has a bibliog- raphy approaching near to perfection by Charles Gross, Sources and hterature of English history, London and N. Y., 1900, but this work is too advanced and too general for the student who seeks merely an intro- duction to the history of commerce. Ashley's Economic history, also, gives useful references on the medieval period. GENERAL CONDITIONS 7 Manuals. — Two English manuals on the history of commerce, H. de B. Gibbins, * History of commerce in Europe, London, Macmillan, 1891, and J. R. V. Marchant, Commercial history, London, Pitman [about 1901], suffer from the attempt to compress an immense number of facts into a small compass. William C. Webster, * General history of commerce, Boston, Ginn, 1903, $1.40, marks a decided advance in the selection and presentation of material, but is lacking in scholarship; the present writer discusses this book in detail in Yale Review, Feb., 1904, vol. 12, p. 436 ff. It has scattered bibliographies, unclassified. George W. Sanford, * Out- lines of the history of commerce, Chicago, Powers & Lyons, 1902, occu- pies a place by itself, and should be of decided value in supplementing any manual. It gives topical outlines of the different chapters in the history of commerce, suggestions and references for reading, and skele- ton maps for the student to fill in. It seeks to give no information di- rectly. General Works. — Of the general works on the history of conunerce most are old and out of print. Of these only one need be noted here, Lindsay's * History, of which the first volume covers ancient and medieval times. This will be of value to any school library, if it can be procured. John Yeats, Growth and vicissitudes of commerce, Boston, Boyle, $2, covers the whole subject, from ancient to recent times, in a volume of about 400 pages; it was compiled about 1870, from other compilations, and is not to be trusted entirely, but is about the only book of its kind now in the market. Bourne's * Romance of trade and Oxley's * Romance of commerce answer well to the description Bourne gives of his book, "an interesting gossip-book about commerce"; both books contain readable discussions of various topics in the history of commerce, and references will be given to them hereafter. Morris, History of colonization, 2 vols., N. Y., Macmillan, 1900, would be a valuable book to the teacher if it were well done, as it covers the history of colonization and commerce from earliest times to the present. It is, however, so badly constructed and so unreliable that it cannot be recommended. See the reviews in The Nation, Yale Review, American Historical Review. The book which I recommend most strongly to teachers who are re- stricted in their choice is Cunningham's** Growth; it will enable the teacher to dispense with many other books, and no other book could be substituted for it. Ashley's * Economic history, always desirable, is less necessary for the purposes in view here. If Cunningham's large work is provided the teacher and student can afford to neglect the smaller manuals on English economic history: Cunningham and McArthur, Outlines of Eng. industrial hist., N. Y., Macmillan, 1902, $1.50; George T. Warner, Land- marks in Eng. indust. hist., London (N. Y., Macmillan), 1899, 5s.; Gib- bins, Industry in England, London (N. Y., Scribner, $2.50), 1896; L. L. 8 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE Price, Short hist, of Eng. commerce, London, 1900, 3s. 6d.; E, P. Chey- ney, Indust. and soc. hist, of England, N. Y., Macmillan, 1901, $1.40. It is not easy to discriminate between these books; any or all of them can be used to advantage for parallel reading or the study of topics. Many of the general histories of Europe and England can be used to advantage by the teacher or student of the history of commerce. The only work, however, which can receive special mention here is Traill's * Social England; chapters contributed by various writers cover the history of commerce from earliest times to 1885. Maps. — The student must look to the general historical atlas for help in studying the history of commerce. He will find that the more elaborate atlases are hardly worth the extra expense for his purposes. Colbeck's * Public schools historical atlas, London and N. Y., Longmans, 2 ed., 1885, $1.50, containing 101 mpps from the series on the epochs of Modern History, and provided with an index, as every atlas should be, will serve most needs. Gardiner's School atlas of English history, same publishers and price, composed in large part of the same material, is a satisfactory substitute. Perthes, Pocket atlas of medieval and modem Europe, may also be mentiond. The outline maps of the McKinley Publishing Company (Philadelphia), and of the Rand McNally Co., will be found valuable for the use both of teacher and class. In many cases a modem altas is more desirable than a historical atlas. Longmans' ** School atlas, N. Y., 1901, $1.50, is an admirable work, which should be in the hands of every student, and the Century ** Atlas ($10), is indispensable for reference purposes. CHAPTER II ORIENTAL PERIOD 6. Prehistoric commerce. Ancient Egypt. — The origins of commerce are lost in obscurity. Before people are sufficiently civilized to leave written records of their doings they engage in trade; we can observe this among savage tribes at the present day, and we know that it held true of the past, from finding among the traces of primitive man ornaments and weapons far from the places where they were mad^ Such evidences, interesting as they are, belong to the prehistoric period, and this sketch of early commerce must begin with the peoples who had acquired the art of writing and have left us records from which we can gain some idea of their history. First among these peoples, in point of time, were the Egyptians. Three thousand years before Christ, at the time when the great pyramids were built, this people had already attained a developed civilization, which, in the opinion of modern scholars, can be traced back even thousands of years more. The Egyptians, however, were not a commercial people. Their main resource was agriculture, and though they devel- oped some of the industrial arts to great efficiency they used the products for direct consumption rather than for trade. Their country, a strip of the Nile valley over five hundred miles long, and but a few miles wide, was so much alike in its different parts that it offered little inducement to internal exchange over great distances; while its isolation by deserts was a bar to the growth of foreign commerce. The sea, in this early period, was a hindrance, rather than a help, to communication. 7. Rise of Eg5^tian commerce ; characteristic wares. — 9 10 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE Egypt never became a commercial country so long as it re- mained under its native rulers. With the period known as the New Empire, however, beginning about 1600 B.C., com- merce at least became more important than it had been before. Regular communication was established with Asia, and cara- vans brought to the country the products of Phoenicia, Syria, and the Red Sea district. Before the eyes of Joseph and his brethren " behold, a company of Ishmaelites came from Gilead with their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh, going to carry it down to Egypt"; to this caravan Joseph was sold as a slave. The wares named here were characteristic imports of Egypt; among others were precious woods, ivory, gold, wine, and oil. Among the exports of the country were grain, linen, and manufactured wares like weapons, rings, and chains, i Even to a late period trade was carried on by barter, the use' of coins being rare, and many of the imports came as tribute,j for which the Egyptians needed to make no return. | 8. Development of Egyptian commerce in a later period. — Only in the last period of Egyptian independence, a few cen- turies before the country was conquered by Alexander, did commerce bind it closely to other portions of the ancient world. The government, which formerly had discouraged trade, now permitted and encouraged it; Greek merchants came in considerable numbers to Egypt; and an active com- merce sprang up. It is said that Necho, the king who ruled about 600 B.C., sent out Phoenician sailors to attempt the circumnavigation of Africa; and the same king took up the work of cutting a canal across the isthmus of Suez which was completed shortly afterward. The canal was allowed to fill up with sand, but was reopened later, and its course may be distinctly traced, it is said, along the route of the modern canal. 9. Rise of commerce in the Mesopotamian Valley. — The district northwest of the Persian Gulf, centering in the river valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates, offered opportunities for the rise of civilization which led to the establishment of settled ORIENTAL PERIOD 11 governments while Egypt was still living secluded from the rest of the world. This district was rich in agricultural pro- ducts, but lacked the metals, some of the building materials, and other of the raw materials of industry. Though it was bordered in part by deserts, communication with other districts was far easier than in the case of Egypt; and commerce with other countries early acquired an importance here which Egyptian commerce attained only in the last period of the country's history. Ancient Babylon, which rose to importance some time after 3000 b.c, under a Semitic people (with a language akin to that of the Jews), was a market-place for wares brought not only from the South (Arabia) and West (Syria), but also from the East (Iran, the later Persia). Clay tablets, used like modern paper for the preservation of records, have been discovered and deciphered in modern times, and show an active trade in the precious metals, grain, wool, building materials, etc. 10. Development of commerce under the Assyrian and Persian empires. — Military expeditions extended the com- mercial relations of the people of this district; and the con- quests of an Assyrian, who founded a great empire about 745 B.C., were guided in part by commercial considerations. Babylon, Armenia, Syria, and parts of Iran and Palestine, were brought under one rule; peoples on the frontiers were held in check, and order was fairly w^ell maintained within; so that merchants could traverse the different parts of the empire, and meet at its capital, Nineveh, to exchange their wares. The Assyrian empire was made by the sword, and it fell by the sword after a brief duration; but its place was taken by succeeding states, and commerce continued to grow. The Persian empire, which enjoyed its full power for about two hundred years, until its destruction by Alexander in 330 B.C., included an area more than half that of modern Europe; it stretched from the Mediterranean on the West to the Indus on the East, from the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf to the Black and Caspian seas. Within these boundaries y 12 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE lay some of the richest regions of the ancient world, the pro- ducts of which could now be exchanged without passing from under the protection of the Great King. 11. Relative insignificance of the commerce of the ancient empires. The Jews. The Phoenicians. — In the Oriental states which we have hitherto considered, commerce never grew to a position of decisive importance in the national life, however great it may seem when we compare it with its meager beginnings. It served mainly the needs of luxury, and left untouched the economic position of the mass of the people. If we seek in the ancient Orient a people whose very existence depended on trade we must look further. We do not find the Jews to have been such a people, though we are accustomed nowadays to think of them as devoted largely to the pursuit of trade. The descriptions of the Bible show that they lived mainly a pastoral and agricultural life; and down to the time of the Roman Empire they counted for little in the world of commerce. A truly commercial people we do find, however, in near neighbors of the Jews, the Phoenicians, who inhabited a strip of land on the coast of Syria and Palestine, scarcely ten miles wide in most places and little over a hundred miles long. They could gain a scanty food supply from the level ground, and had timber in abundance on the mountains that separated them from the interior, but had to look to trade with other peoples for the means of growth which their home denied them. 12. Commerce of the Phoenicians. Beginnings of sea- trade. — From raw materials which were in many cases pro- cured from other countries they manufactured products which found a market throughout the ancient world. Their cloths | and glass were celebrated; they exported large amounts of,- metal ware; and they had a monopoly of the purple dye ex- tracted from a species of shell-fish, which was highly prized throughout this period. These wares were but a few of those in which they regularly traded; the reader who would have a more detailed account of the wares of Phoenician commerce, ORIENTAL PERIOD 13 especially the imports, is advised to study the description in the Bible. They maintained an active exchange with peoples to the South, East, and North of them by caravan routes, while they were the first people of antiquity to secure such mastery over the sea that it could be made the medium of regular and extensive transportation. The beginning of these sea voyages is lost in the obscurity of the past. We know that they were highly developed by 1500 b.c, when Sidon was the leading Phoenician city, and that they did not cease to extend when the primacy of the Phoenician cities passed to Tyre. The Phoenicians taught the art of navigation to the ancient world. Their ships were long the accepted models of construction, and the Greeks learned from them to direct their course at night by the North, or, as the Greeks called it, the Phoenician star. 13. Development of sea-trade; wares of Phoenician com- merce. — Beginning, presumably, with fishing and short coast- ing trips, and reluctant always to venture out in the stormy season, they had reached the islands of Cyprus and Rhodes, and had established regular commerce with Greece in the heroic age of Greek history, say before 1000 b.c. From this point their progress was rapid, and soon they had traversed the whole Mediterranean, and passed outside it into the Atlantic. The means of cheap transportation which they con- trolled gave them an immense economic advantage. We may accept as a product of the imagination the story that on their arrival in Spain they found silver so plentiful that they not only filled their ships but made their utensils, even their anchors, from it; still the story shadows forth a truth. They found wares in some districts cheap and begging a market because of their abundance, which were rare and highly prized elsewhere; and thejT^eould make great profits by exchanging wares so as to put each where it was most wanted. From the island which we now call England the^^rocured_tin, which is a very rare metal in Europe, and which was especially desired as a component of the important alloy bronze. They 14 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE got copper in Cyprus and Spain, also silver and iron in Spain, and gold and ivory in Africa. They carried westward the wares of the Orient (cf. our words cinnamon, cassia, hyssop, cumin, manna, all from Hebrew forms), and manufactures, which not only gratified the momentary needs of Europeans but served also as models for imitation. 14. Establishment of colonies by the PhcBnicians. Car- thage. — The Phoenicians are noteworthy not only as the greatest merchants and the first navigators of the ancient world; they were the leaders also in the founding of colonies. At points important for commercial or naval reasons they established stations which enabled them to trade in security with the natives and to control the sea. Gades, for instance (the modern Cadiz) , near the straits of Gibraltar, was a rallying- point from which the Carthaginians extended their voyages t^ the tin islands in the North, and far down the Atlantic coast of Africa on the South. Similar stations were established on many of the Mediterranean islands (Malta, Sicily, Sardinia, Balearics); and one founded on the north coast of Africa, Carthage (near the site of modern Tunis), grew to especial importance. The power of the Phoenicians declined, a few centuries after 1000 B.C., partly by reason of internal dissen- sions and the attacks of land-powers like Assyria, partly Jby reason of the commercial rivalry of the Greeks, who had risen to an independent position and cut the lines of communication between East and West. In this period Carthage fell heir to the Phoenician establishments in the western Mediterranean, and maintained its power and policy on substantially similar lines until it received its great defeats at the hands of Rome. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. What evidences of prehistoric commerce are given by Indian arrow-heads, wampum, Indian ornaments, or the relics of the mound- builders? 2. What modern countries have the strip-form of Egypt? [See a map of South America.] 3. Are there any modem countries like Egypt in the uniformity of ORIENTAL PERIOD 15 their conditions and products, diminishing the stimulus to internal trade? [Study, for example, conditions in Alaska, Nevada, or Australia.] 4. Are any of the exports of ancient Egypt still characteristic wares of the country? [See the Statesman's Year-Book, index under words Egypt, commerce.] 5. What can you infer as to the security of trade from the fact that it was carried on by caravans, bands of merchants? 6. What physical barriers obstructed Egyptian commerce? [See map 33 of Longmans' School atlas, noting the deserts and the cataracts of the Nile.] 7. Write an essay on the economic conditions of Egypt, from references to that country in the Bible. 8. What countries of the modem world fill the space occupied by the ancient empires of the East? What commerce do they carry on? [See Statesman's Year-Book.] 9. Can you suggest any reasons why the commerce of these regions seems now much less important than in ancient times? 10. Write an essay on the economic conditions of later Babylon, from descriptions in the Bible. [See Babylon, in the subject-index of the Oxford Bible.] 11. Write an essay on the economic life of the Jews from the descrip- tions of the Bible. 12. Write a similar essay on the Phoenicians. [See Sidon and Tyre in the subject-index.] 13. Show the similiarity of conditions in Phoenicia and in Norway, forcing the inhabitants of both countries to the sea. [Study the physical characteristics of Norway in a geography, and note the history of the Vikings, and the importance of commerce and navigation in modem Norway.] 14. Write a report, from information to be got from the Encyclo- pseSia Britannica, on one of the following subjects : — (a) The commerce and manufactures of the Phoenicians. [See the index in the last volume of the ninth edition, under Phoenicians.] (6) The manufacture and trade in glass in the ancient world. [See vol. 10, p. 647.] (c) The Phoenician purple. [See the references under the word Purple, vol. 20, p. 116, and the index.] {d) Early navigation. [See the index.] 15. Wares of Phoenician commerce. [Bible, Ezekiel, chap. 27.] BIBLIOGRAPHY Ancient Commerce. — The best available survey of the economic development of the ancient world is Cunningham's ** Western civiliza- 16 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE tion in its economic aspects, vol. 1, Ancient times, Cambridge (N. Y., Macmillan, $1.25), 1898; this may be used for parallel reading through- out. On Egypt, Adolf Erman, Life in ancient Egypt, London, 1894, is interesting and reliable. Readers of English are fortunate also in having a translation of Holm's * History of Greece, N. Y., Macmillan, 1894, 4 vols., each $2.50; it may be made to serve as a history of commerce in the Mediterranean down to the second century. The popular books on Alexander's conquests and their results, by Wheeler and Mahaffy, give, unfortunately, little attention to economic affairs. P. V. N. Myers, * History of Greece, Boston, Ginn, 1895, is a convenient manual for general reading. On commerce in the Roman world the student will find most in Mommsen's * Provinces of the Roman Empire, N. Y., Scribner, 1887, 2 vols., $6. The current Roman histories give a distorted idea of Roman commerce by viewing it from the capital. Maps. — In default of an atlas of the history of commerce students must seek the maps scattered through special works, or rely upon an ordinary historical atlas. Justus Perthes' * Atlas antiquus (about $.75) can be recommended for use in ancient history; it is admirably executed, and is provided with an index. The same publisher's Schulatlas, by W. Sieglin, costs in Germany only 80 pfennig, about 20 cents. CHAPTER III GREEK PERIOD 15. Greece, physical character and products. — The men- tion of the Greeks at the close of the last chapter introduces us to a people who were, for a time, the leading merchants of the Mediterranean. The modern country of Greece has an area less than that of the State of Maine, little more than half that of the State of New York. It is, however, most richly diversified geographically, and no country in the world of an equal area, it is said, presents so many islands, bays, peninsulas, and harbors. The coast line of this little country is longer than that of Spain. No point is more than a few miles from the coast, and there are few points on the coast from which an observer does not see an island. In the Greek sea, more- over, every island is in plain sight either of the mainland or of another island, and in the good season the winds are very regular. Favoring conditions such as these are of vast impor- tance in the early days of navigation, when sailors faced real perils due to their inexperience, and perils of the imagination which were even greater. At home the Greeks inhabited a country which was not rich enough to support them without exertion, but was, on the other hand, not so poor as to force them to use all their ingenuity in finding the means of sub- sistence. They could easily produce a surplus of oil and wine, but found a deficiency of other products, especially grain and, in the early period, manufactured wares. 16. Rise of Greek commerce. Colonies. — Though it would be hard to conceive a better nursery for the growth of com- merce than existed under the conditions here described, the Greeks, when we first get knowledge of them, about 1000 b.c, 2 17 18 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE were not yet ready to take advantage of their opportunities. There was some commerce, it is true, but it lay entirely in the hands of the Phoenicians, who brought utensils and cloth and took away timber and metals. Little by little the Greeks rose to commercial prominence, and gained the place formerly held by the Phoenicians. A striking feature of this revolution was the Greek colonial movement, which covered some five hundred years, and ended about 600 b.c. Greek emigrants settled throughout the ^gean Sea and established themselves as a fringe on the coast of Asia Minor and about the Black Sea; in the West they chose by preference the shores of southern Italy and Sicily, but founded colonies as far as Malaga in modern Spain, and created a great commercial center on the site of modern Marseilles. The colonies kept up an active intercourse with the mother country, and Greek sailors and merchants ousted the Phoenicians from their commanding position. The Greeks at home began to produce wares for export, seeking customers not only among the colonists but in other markets also; they emancipated themselves from their former dependence on Oriental manufactures, and developed the clay, bronze, and woolen industries to a point not dreamed of before. 17. Rapid development in the fifth century, B.C. — In this, which may be termed the preparatory period of Greek com- merce, the leadership rested with the Greek colonies in Asia; Miletos was the first of the Greek cities in commercial im- portance. The advance of the Persian kings about 500 broke the power of the Greek colonies in the East ; at the same time the western colonies, especially Syracuse, grew rapidly in im- portance, and forced Carthage to recognize their supremacy in the northern Mediterranean. The mother country itself was, however, that part of the Greek world which showed the most striking gains. The successful resistance to the Persians was followed by a remarkable development not only in politics but in industry and commerce as well, and Greece now took for two centuries the position which England occupies in the GREEK PERIOD 19 modern world. The little island of- iEgina (near Athens), rocky and sterile, supporting to-day but 6,000 inhabitants, became for a time the most important market of the Greek world; it amassed fabulous riches by a commerce penetrating all seas, aided by an artificial harbor and a strong war navy. Another great commercial city, destined to a longer career, was Corinth; this city was the natural medium of trade with the western colonies, not only because it offered an opportunity to reach them without rounding the dreaded promontory of the southern tip of Greece, but also because some of the leading colonies of the West were Corinthian or closely allied to the Corinthians. 18. Rise of Athens to leadership. Exports. — The city of Athens, which had developed rapidly in the century preceding the Persian wars, rose to the first place among the Greek cities in the century in which they occurred (500-400 B.C.). The Athenians broke the power of ^Egina in armed conflict, and appropriated its commerce; the Athenian sea-port, the Piraeus, became the leading commercial port of the Greek world, and remained so until the Macedonian period (about 300). Readers must be referred to one of the narrative his- tories of Greece for an account of the way in which Athens built up its empire in the ^gean Sea, and for the story of the varied fortunes of its political power. Even in times of defeat, when its war-navy was scattered and its leagues and alliances broken up, it was still able to control a large part of the trade of the ^gean and Black seas, and maintained an important commerce with the South and West. The favorable situation of the city, and the ability and energy of its navigators and business men, enabled it to conduct a large carrying trade for other peoples, and many of the exports we re forei gn wares which were merely transshipped in the Piraeus. Of native wares it exported silver and'^in, from the mines near ttre~city, some natural products (oil, figs, honey, wool, marble) of comparatively slight importance, and especially manufactured wares, of which pottery was the chief. 20 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE 19. Athenian imports and policy. — The chief import was wheat, on which Athens was then as dependent as England is now; the city had grown so great by trade that the surrounding country was unable to support it. The great granary of Athens was the level country north of the Black Sea, and th'e Athenians made extraordinary efforts to control the narrow entrance to the Black Sea, that they might assure their food supply. They were not entirely dependent on this source, however, and imported wheat also from Sicily, Egypt, Syria, and the mainland to the North. Among the other imports were ship-building materials, salt fish, slaves, raw materials for the Athenian manufacturers, and articles of luxury. The breadth of the Athenian trade is pictured in the statement of a contemporary: ''What delicacies there are in Sicily, or Lower Italy, or Cyprus, or Egypt, or Lydia, or on the Pontus, or in Peloponnesus, or anywhere else, they all are brought to Athens by her control of the sea." The commercial policy of the Athenians was framed with an eye especially to the interests of the consumer. What duties were levied were low, and had no leaning to ''protection'' in the modern sense. The export of articles especially desired (wheat, ship-building materials) was restricted in the hope of keeping up the home supply, and commercial advantages were granted or withheld with the idea of exercising political pressure on other states; but nothing like modern protectionism can be found in the commercial policy of this period. 20. Contrast of the ancient and modem world; effect of Macedonian and Roman conquests. — In the course of our narrative we are now approaching a point when a great change came over the ancient world. The isolation of the earlier states of antiquity is their most striking feature. Each one lives only unto itself. It rises in civilization and then de- clines, without sharing its gains and losses with other states. It may conquer and hold them for a time, it is true, but it rules them as foreign territory, with alien interests; and the great empires crumble as readily as they are made. This GREEK PERIOD 21 characteristic of ancient history is one of its main difficulties to the student, for it deprives him of any bond of connection between the peoples, and forces him to pass from one to another of them, until he feels lost in the complexity of the narrative. The modern world, with its common fund of culture and its community of interests uniting different peoples, could arise from these conditions only after long centuries of struggle. The unity of the Christian faith was needed to confirm the union of peoples in a common civilization. The process of union begins, however, at the point which we have reached; the great conquests of Alexander of Macedon, and those of Rome, did much to break down the barriers between peoples, and to prepare them for the acceptance of a common civiliza- tion and a common religion. It is to be hoped that the student knows already something of the narrative of those conquests. We shall have to confine ourselves to the results as they appear in the history of commerce. Here the reader can merely be reminded that Alexander united the eastern world into an empire extending from Greece to India, a little before 300 b.c, and that the Romans began about 200 b.c. to extend their authority outside the Italian peninsula, and before the birth of Christ had subjected to it practically all the peoples whose history we have been studying. 21. Effect of Alexander's conquests on commerce; decline of Greece. — In appearance the empire of Alexander outlived its founder but a few years, and then dissolved. Alexander, however, was a civilizer as well as a conqueror; he endowed the East with a common fund of Greek culture; and however distinct or hostile the states might seem thereafter the peoples were united as they had never been before. Commerce took on a new aspect. Greece, which before had been at the center of the great commercial movements, was now left on the western edge. Greek merchants could for a time use their former commanding position to share in the great commercial development, but in the long run their struggle was hopeless. The most energetic Greeks left their home to settle in eastern 22 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE countries which were richer, more populous, and closer to the great currents of trade. Corinth was the only city which managed to maintain and extend its trade. Athens declined rapidly in commercial importance; and grass grew and cows were pastured in the streets of other towns which had once been important markets. 22. Rise of great cities. — Some indication of the develop- ment of commerce, and of the rearrangement of its important centers, can be got from a study of the great cities of the ancient world. Before the time of Alexander there were only three cities of the Mediterranean with a population of over 100,000, Syracuse, Athens, Carthage; none of these had a population far above that figure. About 200 B.C., scarcely more than a century afterward, there were four cities with a population over 200,000, Alexandria, Seleukia, Antioch, Carthage; one city with a population far above 100,000, Syracuse; and of cities with a population about 100,000 there were Corinth, Rome, Rhodes, Ephesos, and possibly others. The names of some of these cities are already familiar to us. Carthage was enjoying its last century of commercial greatness, before Rome robbed it of its influence in the northern Mediterranean. Syracuse was the chief Greek colony of the West, destined also to fall under the Roman power just before 200. Other names, however, are entirely new to history, or first became of great importance at this time, and the best idea of the commerce of the period can be got by considering the reasons for their greatness. 23. Alexandria, Seleukia, Antioch. — Alexandria, as its name suggests, was founded by the Macedonian conqueror. It was situated on a tongue of land between a lagoon and the sea, near the most western of the mouths of the Nile. It had a double harbor, formed by the island Pharos, which has given the name for lighthouse in some of the modern languages (French, phare, Italian, jdro), as the most celebrated light- house of antiquity was erected there. Alexandria furnished the only good harbor for large vessels on the coast of Egypt; it had access to the Nile, tapping one of the great granaries of GREEK PERIOD 23 antiquity, and connected with the Red Sea through the canal that ran from the Nile to the Bitter Lakes. It was at the point where the sea-route from the far East reached the Medi- terranean, and it became by right the greatest market and the largest city that the world had known. Next to it in size and importance came two other cities, Seleukia and Antioch, which were founded even later than Alexandria. Seleukia, on the Tigris, took the place of the earlier Babylon and the later Bagdad; it was situated in a rich plain at the points where the routes from the Persian Gulf and the Persian highlands met on their way westward. Antioch was at the focus of the routes by which the trade with inner Asia was carried on. Situated at a point where the Euphrates approaches to within a few days' march of the coast, and where the valley of the Orontes offers the best means of reaching the sea from the interior, it had the full benefit of the revival of eastern commerce which followed the conquests of Alexander and the enlightened rule of his successors. 24. Rhodes. — Only one other city, Rhodes, deserves es- pecial attention, and this not because of its size alone but also because it was so specifically a commercial city. The little island could offer but scanty products to commerce, but it enjoyed an exceptionally favorable position, where navi- gators from Egypt and Syria, avoiding the dangers of the open sea, would put in for shelter and to trade. Rhodes followed a far-sighted foreign policy, guided by the idea of securing the greatest freedom of trade; it policed the seas and repressed piracy with vigor; and established a code of mer- cantile law which was celebrated as a model and which invited dealings in its market. The Rhodians were skilful navigators, and developed the principles of commercial association to a point of high efficiency. It is little cause for wonder, therefore, that commerce flowed hither from all parts of the eastern Mediterranean and even from the Black Sea; that foreign merchants sent their sons there to learn the conduct of com- merce; and that great riches were accumulated, of which one 24 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE evidence was furnished by the many colossi, gigantic statues, about the city. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Prove the statement in the text, regarding the Greek islands. Take a good map, measure off on the scale 25 miles, the distance at which hills of about 125 feet are visible (the Greek islands are mountainous and the air very clear), and show by what stepping-stones timid sailors could advance. 2. Study in detail the influence of the physical characteristics of Greece on the people and their history. [See Myers, chap. 1; Holm, vol. 1, chap. 2.] 3. Write a report on the evidences of early civilization and trade. [Holm, vol. 1, chap. 8.] 4. Write a report on the early commerce carried on by Phoenicians. [Holm, vol. 1, chap. 9.] 5. Make a careful study of the Greek colonial movement, noting, (a) the motives to colonization, (b) the extent of Greek colonies, (c) the rela- tions with the mother-country, (d) the mode of life in the colonies, (e) the influence on the commercial development of the different parts of Greece. [Myers, chap. 5; Holm, vol. 1, chaps. 12, 13, 14, 21, 25.] 6. Write a report on the history of the Greek colonies of the West, especially Syracuse and its contest with Carthage. [Holm, vol. 1, chap. 25; vol. 2, chap. 6, 29; Freeman, Story of Sicily, N. Y., Putnam, 1892, $1.50.] 7. Study the growth of the sea-power and empire of Athens, indicat- ing on a map the allied or subject cities. [Myers, chaps. 15, 16; Holm, vol. 2, esp. chap. 17.] 8. Contrast Athenian exports of this period with the exports of modem Greece. [Statesman's Year-Book.] 9. What is the leading port of modern Greece? [Same.] 10. Write an essay comparing the Athenian and the British empires, noting, (a) advantages of geographical position, (6) products of the home country, exports and imports, (c) naval power and naval stations, (d) policy to members of the empire, (e) commercial policy of the home country. [See Myers or Holm, and the chapters in this book on England; compare E. A. Freeman, Greater Greece and Greater Britain, London, 1886.] 11. Compare the imports of ancient and of modern Greece. [States- man's Year-Book.] 12. Make a chart, naming on a horizontal line the leading states of antiquity, from Egypt to Rome, placing dates (3000, 1500, 1000, etc.) in a column at the left, and indicating changes in the history of each state in the appropriate place in its column. GREEK PERIOD 25 13. Draw a map showing the extent of Alexander's conquests, and comparing the empire with earlier Oriental empires. [See the maps in Myers, and if no good historical atlas is available consult the maps in the Oxford Bible, teacher's edition.] 14. Study the influence of the Macedonian conquests on civilization and commerce. [Myers, chaps. 25, 26, 27; Holm, vol. 3, esp. chap. 27.] 15. Write a report on the economic decline of Greece after the Mace- donian conquest. [Holm, vol. 4.] 16. Is England exposed to such a change in the currents of trade as furthered the decline of Greece? 17. Why do great cities rarely grow up without the aid of commerce? [The answer to this question is suggested in a later chapter, but the stu- dent should be able to work it out himself.] 18. Are there any exceptions? What is the commerce of Washing- ton, D. C? Is there any one of the cities named in this section which may have owed its size to something beside commerce? 19. Has there been any later period in which great cities have risen suddenly, as in this period after Alexander? 20. Write a commercial history of Carthage from the information to be got in a Roman history, or in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Write a commercial history of Syracuse in the Roman period, from the same sources. 21. Write a report on the commerce and civilization of one of the cities, using Holm, vol. 4, and the encyclopedia. 22. Endeavor to trace the later history of one of these cities, and to discover its population now, using the encyclopedia and a geographical gazetteer. BIBLIOGRAPHY See chapter ii. CHAPTER IV ROMAN PERIOD 25. The Roman state ; Rome not a commercial city. — In entering on the period of Roman domination we need spend no time over the earher history of the city which came to rule the world. The Romans were not a commercial people. Even in the last two centuries B.C., when Rome extended her sway over the eastern countries which have already been noticed, and subjected a large part of the West as well, Rome did not become a commercial center. The city grew to unparalleled size, it is true, and required immense imports of food to support the population. These imports came, however, as taxes and tribute to the conquerors. Rome supplied no exports of con- siderable amount, and built up no great carrying and for- warding trade such as would have made the city the center for the exchanges of other people. The service which the Romans gave to the world of their time, and for which they received such rich reward, was not economic but political in character; they were the greatest organizers and administrators of antiquity, and by their skill in the arts of war and govern- ment succeeded in living on the labor of subject peoples. They were not mere parasites. They earned all that they received by one great contribution, ''pax Romana," Roman peace, which continued almost unbroken for centuries, and which furnished an opportunity for commercial development before unknown. 26. Development of commerce in the Roman East. — The study of commerce in the Roman period resolves itself, as suggested above, into a study of commerce in the different regions of which the great Roman state was composed. In 26 ROMAN PERIOD 27 the East commerce developed on the lines which have already been described; Alexandria and Antioch continued to be great markets for Oriental wares, coming now even from India and China; and Carthage remained an important outlet for the African trade. Asia Minor, northern Africa, and southeastern Europe reached the very pinnacle of their historical develop- ment in the Roman period; these countries have never since attained to anything like the prosperity they then enjoyed. We shall not have the time hereafter to notice the commerce of these regions in detail; the reader may take it for granted that merchants struggled strenuously to keep the place they had reached, and that decline came slowly, when it did come later. Our attention must be directed hereafter mainly to the West. It was there that the most important states of modern Europe arose, and there that commerce grew up in its modern form. Our chief interest must be to know what progress the peoples of the West made under Roman rule, and how far commerce had developed among them. 27. Backward condition of the people of the West. — The peoples of the West were far behind those of the East in civi- lization. They have sometimes been compared to the Ameri- can Indians, and though the comparison is inexact in detail and may easily mislead, it gives still a rough indication of their backwardness. They lived more from the products of their flocks and herds than from agriculture, when the Romans came in contact with them; they had practically no towns, and no considerable trade. The five hundred years (roughly) of Roman rule made some striking changes in the Roman provinces of the West (modern Spain, France, England; not Germany or countries farther east). It kept the people in order, and gave them an opportunity to acquire the elements of a higher civilization. The fact that modern Spanish and French are based on Latin remains always a striking testimony to the Roman influence on the provincials. 28 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE 28. Limited influence of Rome on the commercial develop- ment of the West. — It is easy, however, to overestimate the results of this influence, especially so far as regards economic progress. Rome gave her subject peoples of the West a chance at commercial development, but none had sought it and few were ready to profit by it. The Roman government con- structed a system of military roads, models of their kind, which enabled troops and messengers to reach speedily the The course of some of the roads is uncertain, and the number would be increased or diminished according to the authority followed. The map gives, however, a fair picture of the Roman road system ; it was, evidently, not so extensive as our modern railroad system. different provinces. Romans settled in the provinces as officials or private gentlemen, and Roman culture was acquired by the wealthy provincials; cities and large landed estates formed centers of industry and exchanged manufactured products for the raw materials of the surrounding districts. The roads, however, seem to have served mainly Roman purposes, and the cities and culture depended mainly on ROMAN PERIOD 29 Roman influence for their support. The mass of the people remained passive, and advanced slowly. Most of them lived by agriculture in the country districts, producing the things necessary for their own subsistence and a small surplus for the ^Roman tax-gatherer; they received for their surplus no wares which would have formed the basis of commerce. However much Rome did to efface the differences of race, language^ and national tradition, such differences remained to hinder com- merce; and peoples were still separated by great distances and by serious physical barriers. The commercial development of the West, though it may seem great in comparison with con- ditions in the following period of disorder, was very limited even at the height of Roman power. 29. Decline of Roman power and of commerce in the West. — The time came soon when the provincials could no longer look to Rome for protection and stimulus. In the third century, a.d., the Roman government began to go to pieces. It lacked the force to repress internal revolts in the provinces, and to repel the inroads of barbarians on the fron- tiers. The process of decline had already proceeded far before the ''Fall of Rome" (476), when even the shadow of authority passed from the Roman Emperor of the West. The remnants of Roman rule centered henceforth about the eastern capital, Constantinople. In the West barbarian chieftains established government of a kind on the fragments of the Roman state, but endeavored in vain to follow the models which the Romans had set them. The motives to commerce grew weaker as " Roman culture disappeared, and the obstacles to commerce increased rapidly with the decline in public order. Brigandage and piracy became more profitable than honest industry; roads and bridges deteriorated; the course of rivers was obstructed. Even a great ruler like Charlemagne, who had himself crowned Emperor in 800, could do little to stay the process of decline, and weaker successors could do still less. The last remnants of the Roman organization seemed to have passed away, and the European world passed into the "Dark Ages." 30 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Endeavor to verify the statements in the text by studying the descriptions of Roman commerce in the current Roman histories. Ask the following questions of them. What wares, beside manuscript books and a few other items of no great importance, did the people of Rome produce for export? What wares beside food for the people and luxuries for the rich did they import? 2. Show how the taxes and tribute from conquered provinces can be regarded as war-insurance, 3. Write a report on the civilization and commerce of one of the provinces of the Roman Empire, [See Mommsen, Provinces, esp. vol, 1, chap, 7, Greek Europe; chap, 8, Asia Minor; vol. 2, chap, 12, Egypt; chap. 13, the African Provinces.] 4. Write a similar report on one of the provinces of the West, [Vol, 1, chap. 2, Spain; chap. 3, Gaul; chap. 4, Germany; chap. 5, Britain.] 5. Study the civilization of Roman Britain, distinguishing carefully the life of the upper (Roman) classes, and the life of the common people. What effect would this contrast of classes have on the extent and charac- ter of commerce in the Roman period? [Consult manuals of English history.] 6. Study the economic and political factors in the fall of Rome, [Cunningham, West, civ., vol. 1, p. 170 ff.; Adams, Civ., chap. 4.] 7. Compare the fall of Rome with the growth of political corruption in some modern cities, as affecting the prosperity of commerce. BIBLIOGRAPHY See chapter ii. PART II.— MEDIEVAL COMMERCE CHAPTER V CONDITIONS ABOUT THE YEAR 1000 30. Political conditions affecting commerce; the modem system of government. — The reader who studies the history of commerce in the medieval period faces a system of govern- ment entirely different from that of modern times, which he must understand before he can appreciate the peculiar con- ditions of commerce then. We can illustrate the modern method of government by taking a country, say France, for an example. We wish to understand the relations of the capital, Paris, to other parts of the country, say the district around Bordeaux, in the southwest corner. An observer of this country will find that Paris and Bordeaux are united by different means of communication and transportation, tele- graphs and posts, railroads, highways and canals, which are constantly employed in the service of government. On the path from the province to the capital go the reports of the officials who are in charge of the government of Bordeaux; and, if they fail in their duties, petitions and complaints from private citizens, asking relief, will take the same path. By this path, also, the taxes collected at Bordeaux will stream to the treasury at Paris, to be employed in maintaining the government. Part of these taxes will be expended at Paris, to support the officials who live in the capital, the central army, etc. Part, however, must be used to fulfil the local needs of Bordeaux; and on the road from the capital to the province we shall find money and wares, going as salaries to officials, appropriations for public works and the like. On this road, furthermore, we shall find a stream of messages, sent by the central government to its local subordinates, 31 32 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE directing them in their work; these messages will answer the reports of officials and the petitions and complaints of subjects. 31. Impossibility of applying modem methods of govern- ment in the period after the fall of Rome. — The system of government, thus roughly outlined, was the system used in the period when Rome was still strong. But when the power of Rome declined it became constantly more difficult to main- tain a system of the kind; every obstacle to the free passage of men and wares weakened the hold of the government on its provinces. The roads grew worse, and while they were still passable the danger of traversing them increased, so that the expense of maintaining this government became prohibitive. The reports from officials and the petitions from subjects were delayed or lost; only a small part of the local taxes reached the treasury at the center. The central government, on its side, found that it had no longer the means to pay the bills for salaries and public works in the provinces, and found that its commands were not received there, or were not obeyed, because the government could no longer send officials and troops to force obedience. 32. The feudal system ; rise and character. — The time came, finally, when the government had to recognize publicly the change in conditions, and to adopt a system of quite a differ- ent kind, known as the feudal system. In substance it told the man who before had been a salaried official that it could no longer pay salaries, and that he must support himself henceforth from the revenues of land which would formerly have gone to it as taxes. It maintained still a nominal supe- riority, and exacted from the feudal lords who now assumed the responsibility of government certain payments for general public service, occasionally a sum of money and more fre- quently personal service of a military or judicial kind. Prac- tically, however, the state had split into little pieces; the central government had lost the right even to nominate the successor of an official, and each was succeeded in the duties and profits of government by his son, as though he had been CONDITIONS ABOUT THE YEAR 1000 33 a petty king. It is impossible to state accurately the number of little governments of this kind that existed in the different countries of Europe; in France, in the tenth century, it is supposed to have exceeded 10,000. The character ofgovern- ment varied greatly, of course, according to local conditions, not only in different countries but in different parts of the same country, but it was everywhere extremely low when measured by modern standards. This will be apparent as we survey the conditions under which commerce was carried on in the period known as the Dark Ages. 33. Difficulties and dangers of transportation. — Attempt was made to maintain the roads, which of course are essential to trade by sea as well as by land, by making the proprietors through whose land they ran responsible for their repair. Many of the proprietors managed to escape contribution, and what work was done was largely wasted, through ignorance and lack of proper superintendence. We shall see that even in later periods the roads were bad; in this early time they were so bad that they seem to have been mere tracks, of service to passengers on foot or on horseback, but of little use for wagon traffic. The merchant suffered even more, however, from bad men than from bad roads. Government was so weak that robbery was common; people were so ignorant of everything outside the narrow sphere of local interests that they suspected every stranger, and too often with reason. There is a whole series of English laws, beginning about 700 and continuing for centuries, of which this is an early example ''If a man come from afar, or a stranger, go out of the highway, and he then neither shout nor blow a horn; he is to be accounted a thief, either to be slain or to be redeemed." 34. Restrictions imposed to insure security. The market. — The dangers of travel required a merchant to go in company with others, and the danger that a merchant would himself turn robber made it necessary for him to subject himself constantly to public supervision, and to get residents who 3 34 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE would act as sureties for his good behavior. In England, even in the eleventh century, the central government thought it necessary to pass a law "thsit every man above twelve years of age make oath that he will neither be a thief nor cognizant of theft." Such a general statute would surely be of little use. Many other statutes of a more specific nature were passed, which may have helped to repress robbery, but which must have hampered trade at the same time. The idea in general was to force a man to make his purchases in public, so that if he appeared at home with new wares he could get witnesses to prove that he came honestly by them. Cattle formed a large part of the personal property in early times, and as these could readily be stolen, many laws were passed restricting the trade in cattle. Other things were included in the restriction, however, as the need of protecting commerce became more apparent. In England, in the tenth century, a man was not allowed to buy or sell any goods above the value of twenty pence, unless he did it within a town where a public official and witnesses could legitimate the bargain. In this practice is found the origin of the market, a medieval institution of which more will be said later. A market was a place appointed by the government, where bargains could properly be made; and only small exchanges of household produce could be made outside it, in the open country. Beginning in the need that was felt to prevent thieving it developed as a public institution, which the people found it profitable to extend as a means of collecting tolls and of regulating internal trade. 35. Society organized to exist with the minimum of com- merce ; the medieval village. — The striking and important feature in the life of European peoples at this period was not the large amount of commerce carried on, but the small amount. The people were organized on a system which enabled them to support life with the least commerce possible. Instead of being concentrated in towns, they were isolated in little groups, often called manors, one of which would be composed often CONDITIONS ABOUT THE YEAR 1000 35 of less than 100 people, who got their living from the square mile or so of land surrounding them. It is not necessary here to discuss the social and political life of these little groups, though it is proper to remark that often some of the inhabitants were slaves, and many more were only half-free, like the Russian serfs of the nineteenth century. 36. Self-sufficiency of the villages; low stage of the arts of production. — The economic life of these village groups is the side in which we are interested, and the chief point in that was the self-sufficiency of each group. A village tried to pro- duce everything that it wanted, to be free from the uncer- tainty and expense of trade. We find, then, that almost all the people in a village were agriculturists, and these raised the necessary food supply by methods which were always crude, and were often very cumbersome and wasteful. The stock was. of such a poor breed that a grown ox seems to have been little larger than a calf of the present day, and the fleece of a sheep weighed often less than two ounces. Many of the stock had to be killed before winter, as there was no proper fodder to keep them, and those that survived were often so weak in the spring that they had to be dragged to pasture on a sledge. Insufficient stock meant insufficient manure, and though the fields were allowed to lie fallow every third year they were exhausted by constant crops of cereals, and gave a yield of only about six bushels of wheat an acre, of which two had to be retained for seed. Not only the food but nearly everything else had to be raised where it was to be consumed. Houses were constructed of materials from the forest, clothes were made out of flax and wool from the village fields, furniture and implements were made at home. Nearly every village had a mill, usually run by water, to grind its meal or flour; some villages had a smith or carpenter; few special artisans beside those suggested were to be found in the ordinary manor. 37. Evils resulting from the lack of commerce. — Before we proceed to describe the growth of European commerce from 36 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE such origins it will be well to stop and consider the results of a system which was based on the lack of commerce. With regard to the main product, food staples, the result was an alternation of waste and want. A good year brought a surplus for which there was no market outside the village, and which could not be worked up inside for lack of manufacturing skill and implements. A bad harvest, on the other hand, meant serious suffering, because there was no opportunity to buy food supplies outside the manor and bring them to it. Nearly every year was marked by a famine in one part or another of a country, and famine was often followed by pestilence. Dis- eases now almost unknown in the civilized world, like leprosy and ergotism or St. Anthony's fire, were not infrequent. The food at best was coarse and monotonous; the houses were mere hovels of boughs and mud; the clothes were a few gar- ments of rude stuff. Nothing better could be procured so long as everything had to be produced on the spot and made ready for use by the people themselves. Finally, these people were coarse and ignorant, with little regard for personal cleanliness or for moral laws, and with practically no interests outside the narrow bounds of the little village in which they lived. 38. Exceptional instances of higher organization of indus- try. — These conditions existed all over western Europe, and may be taken as typical of the period about the year 1000. Though they determined the commerce, or better the lack of commerce, at this time, they were not absolutely universal. Great feudal princes and great monasteries owned each a considerable number of villages or manors, and tried to intro- duce a more advanced economic system among them. A great lord would have his shoemaker and tailor, his saddler, swordsmith, etc.; and would have a considerable number of women gathered in a sort of factory making clothes. It is noteworthy, however, that the difficulties of transportation were so great that for a long time to come it was not prac- ticable to concentrate the food supplies of a large group of manors in one place, and the owner would have to go to the CONDITIONS ABOUT THE YEAR 1000 37 food instead of having it brought to him. So we read of the kings and princes being always on the road, traveling with court and retinue from one manor to another, eating up the surplus that had accumulated and then moving on. 39. Common wares of commerce in the period of the manor. — Absolute self-sufficiency was impossible; it was the ideal at which the managers of the manor aimed, but there were few manors which could supply all the necessaries of life. The list, however, of articles which had to be procured by com- merce with the outside world was small. Salt was one item, of special importance as it was so difficult to keep live stock through the winter, and the animals had to be killed and salted down. Iron was necessary for various implements, though it was so expensive that it was spared in every possible way. Other articles had to be bought as occasion arose, stones for the mill or tar to keep the murrain from sheep. These wares were essential to existence; by channels so obscure that they cannot now be traced they reached the places where they were wanted, and were purchased with part of the manor's scanty surplus. Cattle and horses formed also, as is natural, common objects of exchange. 40. The slave trade in Europe. — One ware which had long been an object of commerce was of especial importance in the period just after the fall of Rome, and, indeed, for some time later; this was slaves. The slave trade extended over all Europe, and had great markets on the Mediterranean, the North, and the Baltic seas. Merchants drove troops of slaves in chains from one country to another, or exported them in lots of 100 or more. In the slave markets of the Baltic as many as 700 are said to have been put up for sale at once. A number of English laws regulated the slave trade of the time. It seems to have been largely confined to convicts, but a law of Alfred provided that a father should not sell his daughter to servitude among strange people. Later the Eng- lish laws forbade the trade entirely, but we read of Bristol merchants in the eleventh century who not only bought slaves 38 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE all over England for export to Ireland, but bred them as well; and the trade persisted in various sections even later. 41. Distant commerce confined to rare luxuries. — Under conditions such as these the term ''foreign commerce" in its modern sense is meaningless. The areas which now form the countries of Europe did not specialize in the production of different wares, so that we can trace a regular exchange of products between them. Most of the common wares of com- merce circulated inside a restricted area. Only the rich could afford to pay for the transportation of wares over any dis- tance, and they would spend their money only for valuable luxuries. The dignitaries of the church, by reason of their higher culture and connection with a uniyersal organization, created a demand for a few foreign wares, and the governing classes wanted some things which could not be produced at home. Wines and spices were brought up from southern Europe, along the river routes and over the passes of the Alps, and furs were brought down from the North. Distant sea voyages were still uncommon. An English law of about 900 provided that " if a merchant thrived so that he fared thrice over the wide sea by his own vessel " he might be promoted to a higher social class; and later laws refer to merchant ships again. The Scandinavians have left records of adventurous voyages to the North and West, and a vast number of silver coins found in Russia and the Baltic countries shows that a land trade with southwestern Asia persisted in the period of which we treat. It is only toward the close of this period, however, that we begin to get details about distant commerce, and can see that it is firmly established. The Institutes of London, issued in the eleventh century, and regulating the commerce of the town, mention ships coming from Flanders, from Rouen and other places in France, and from Germany. Foreign merchants brought wool and pigs, and sold wine, furs, spices, gloves, and fish. 42. Character of the merchant in the early Middle Ages. — We know even less of the person of the merchant, in this CONDITIONS ABOUT THE YEAR WOO 39 period (about 1000 a.d.), than of the wares that he carried. It is certain, at any rate, that the merchant was not the spe- cialist that he afterwards became, but was a jack-of-all-trades. He might be wholesaler and retailer, transporter and pedler, and often an artisan too. Nothing like the country store of the present day existed, and trade outside the few centers where markets had been established was carried on by pedlers, who carried their wares on the back or on a pack animal. Every merchant was sure to be something of a soldier, as he was thrown largely on his own resources for self-defence; and he often assumed the garb of a missionary or pilgrim to get the help of the church in carrying on his trade. The pilgrim was exempt from many burdens laid on the ordinary traveler or merchant, and though this exemption had later to be abolished, because it was so frequently abused, it seems to have been of great use in helping commerce through its early stages. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Modem France has, approximately, an area of 200,000 square miles. Calculate the average size of the feudal state about the year 1000, and compare it with the county in which you live. 2. Can you suggest anything in cow-boy life on the plains of the West reminding you of feudal conditions, when the State was weak? 3. What district, known to you, has the least commerce with the outside world? 4. How does the yield of wheat, as given in the text, compare with the yield in different parts of the U. S.? [See Abstract of 12th Census, Table 130.] 5. Show why the lack of commerce requires small groups of people to produce everything for themselves, and why this self-sufficiency in- volves a low standard of living. 6. How does commerce remedy the waste and want which are charac- teristic of self-sufficiency? Why cannot people plan to produce just enough food? 7. Report on the wares and workmen collected on the estates of a great king. [Falkner, Statistical documents of the Middle Ages, Phila- delphia, 1896, 10 cents, pp. 2-5.] 8. Name some wares, important in the stock of even the smallest country store, which did not appear in commerce in the period of the 40 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE manor. Show the necessity of each one of the wares mentioned in the text. 9. Why could a profitable commerce in slaves be carried on when other wares did not pay the merchant? 10. What are the luxuries which a trader now can afford to pack into the uncivilized districts of Africa and America? BIBLIOGRAPHY References on the rise and character of feudalism may be found in many manuals of European history; among others Emerton, Introduction, 236; Mediaeval Europe 477; Robinson, Middle Ages, 119. Brief accounts, mainly for the student of political history, may be found in the above, in Adams, European Hist., 185-191; and in the same author's * Civiliza- tion, chap. 9. The best account of the feudal system in English is Seig- nobos, ** Feudal regime, N. Y., Holt, 1903, $.50. Most of the books describing conditions in this period treat them either from the political or the agrarian standpoint ; the writer knows nothing, suitable for student's reading, discussing the origins of commerce at this time. See, therefore, Cunningham, Growth, vol. 1, book 1, or the smaller manuals on English economic history. CHAPTER VI TOWN TRADE 43. Significance of towns in the economic organization; decline of the Roman towns. — In the latter part of the Middle Ages, beginning after the year 1000, a striking change took place in the life of Europe; the people advanced so rapidly in their economic and political organization that we can ma^e this a new era in their history. It will be necessary to jnotice the important changes in detail, but we can summarizeHhem now, from the economic standpoint, by saying that people advanced from the stage of the village or manor to that of the town. A town, as the word will be used here, means a group of at least several hundred, perhaps several thousand people, settled closely together, and maintaining themselves in large part by manufactures and trade. Such towns had existed, as noted above, in the Roman Empire of the West. In Roman Gaul (modern France) there were over one hundred of them. They depended for their existence, however, on the stimulus of Roman culture, and on the security which good government could afford to their trade. A manufacturing class evidently could not eat the wares it made, and needed the • chance to exchange them for food products from the country districts if it was to maintain itself. In the period before, during, and after the German invasions the chance for exchange grew steadily less, as we have seen. Some of the towns were entirely destroyed in the period of disorder which followed the fall of the Roman government. London, for instance, which had been a flourishing town under Roman rule, must have become a mere heap of rubbish, for when it was rebuilt i^ later times no attempt was made to follow the lines of the old 41 42 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE streets, and new streets were laid out over the ruins of former houses. When a town was not actually destroyed it ceased to live; the inhabitants had to take to agriculture to support themselves, and the town shrank to a mere village, which could not be distinguished from the manors about it. Of more than 500 modern French cities scarcely 80 can be traced back to the Roman period, and all of these lost their identity as towns and became simple villages in the intervening time. 44. Rise of towns after looo; conditions determining their location. — We read of towns in Europe before the year 1000 but they scarcely deserve the name; they were rather the germs from which towns were later to spring. Considerable numbers of people would collect in the place where some great feudal lord spent most of his time, or where a monastery had been founded; garrisons would be established at places suitable for military operations. We must regard such groups, however, as supported by taxation rather than by the trade of individuals, from which most urban groups arise. Trade of this kind became, however, so considerable after the year 1000 that real towns grew up in constantly increasing numbers. Their position was determined by two important conditions of existence, political protection and the chance for profitable trade. People found the former by nestling under the walls of some castle or monastery; the many Frenchvtowns which bear the name of some saint show how much the protection of the church was prized. The latter object was generally attained by founding the town at some break in a line of transportation, where goods had to be transshipped and where merchants would naturally congregate to rest and exchange their wares (cf. Ox-ford, Cam-bridge, etc.). We find the most considerable towns, therefore, along the seacoast and rivers, and at breaks or intersections of the land routes. 45. Development of manufacturing in the towns. — The rise of the towns brought with it, as has been suggested, a new era in manufactures. In the ordinary village it did not pay men to specialize in the production of wares, as the market TOWN TRADE 43 was so small. A shoemaker, for instance, could not make a living by selling 50 or 100 pairs of shoes a year. If we think, however, of a village growing into a town surrounded by a considerable country population, we see that the market has widened into an area of size sufficient to support a number of specialists. Manufacturing became a profession to which men devoted most of their time. A man could learn his trade much more thoroughly, and could afford to make the tools which would enable him to exercise it most efficiently. The result was an increase in production which enabled the people on a given area to live far more comfortably than they had done before. 46. Effect of the towns in improving the conditions in the country. — This movement was bound to change the condi- tions of life in the country districts. The people there were freed from the necessity of devoting part of their time to work which they never did well; they could apply most of their energy to agriculture, and could use the surplus crop which they thus obtained, for a profitable exchange with the artisans of the town. The growth of towns affected them in another way. In the purely manorial period a serf could not better his condition by running away; he had nowhere to go except to other manors like the one he had left, where his condition might actually be worse than before. .In the towns, however, practically all the population were free; the artisans were numerous and intelligent enough to provide for their own protection, and did not need to subject themselves to a lord. The towns were islands of freedom in a sea of serfdom or of half-freedom. The custom established itself that a serf who could escape from his lord, and who lived a year and a day within the walls of a town, became a free man, and could not be reduced to his former position. Landlords found that they must bid against the attractions of the town if they were to keep the laborers in the country, and agreed to lighten their burdens if they would stay. Many influences worked together, and the results were modified by many factors, 44 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE especially of a political kind, in various countries, but the upward movement of the country population was general throughout western Europe. Free men produced more than serfs, and this was another influence increasing the surplus of the country districts, and furthering trade thereby. 47. The "foreign" trade of this period was that between towns, even in the same country. — The student who has begun the history of commerce with the notion, as common as it is erroneous, that the foreign trade of a country is more important than its internal trade, and who is impatient to arrive at the description of this foreign trade, will be disap- pointed to learn that even in the latter part of the Middle Ages it scarcely existed in the modern sense. We mean now by foreign trade that between states — between the United States and Germany, for example. In the manorial period, as has been suggested, foreign trade was rather that which existed between manors. In the period under discussion it was that which existed between towns. The towns existing inside the boundaries of a modern European country did not, it is true, differ as much among themselves, in their products, as they differed, taking them altogether, from the towns of another country. But the expense of transportation restricted most trade still to a comparatively small radius, and the town, rather than the country, was the natural trading unit. The radius of profitable trade, for most articles, was so small that an English town would have its most important commercial rela- tions with the other English towns rather than with the towns of foreign countries. The town, moreover, was the unit for regulating trade. Each town would have its own customs tariff, and to a merchant of London it made little difference whether he traded with Southampton or with Paris; national regulation was less important than municipal. Climatic and historical influences, it is true, made a clearly marked distinc- tion between the great sections of Europe, the North and the South, the East and the West, and we shall have to take up some 'of these sections in detail; but we shall use our time TOWN TRADE 45 most effectively by spending it not on the features of trade in the different modern countries considered separately, but on the characteristics of trade common to all the advanced countries. 48. Small size of the medieval towns. — A point deserving special emphasis in the description of the medieval town is this, that though the town comprised practically all the mer- cantile and manufacturing population of a country, and though it marked a tremendous advance over the village, yet the town was a very small affair when measured by modern stand- ards. In England in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries the average size of the first class of towns was probably below 5,000 inhabitants; few had more than 10,000 and many had less than 1,000. On the Continent, in the last centuries of the Middle Ages, even celebrated cities like Nuremberg and Strassburg had not over 20,000 inhabitants. Frankfort on the Main had scarcely 10,000, and other cities which played a great part in economic and political history had even less. 49. Rural characteristics of the towns. — Another miscon- ception must be guarded against. Though the town was a distinctly industrial group in comparison with the village, yet each town had grown from a village, and retained many features of its agricultural infancy even to a late period. Most of the townspeople owned some land which they used for garden plots, and every town had considerable amounts of arable and pasture land outside the walls which was used for the benefit of the townspeople if not actually worked by them. In Coblentz, in the thirteenth century, work on the city walls was stopped during harvest by lack of labor, and in London at the same period people were allowed to keep pigs "within their houses," and the attempt to keep vagrant swine off the streets was a distinct failure. 50. General description of a town. — There were generally a few streets that were broad and straight, as they were the old highways on which the town had grown up. The attempt was made to keep these clear of encroaching houses and shops 46 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE by sending a horseman through them once a year with a spear held horizontally, and by forcing the removal of obstruc- tions. Most of the streets, however, had grown up from village by-paths and were narrow and crooked. They were rarely paved, and as they served as the repository for all kinds of offal and garbage we can understand why the towns- people wore wooden overshoes when they went out, and even the saints in the pictures were painted with them on. The houses were of wood in the early period, and there were no chimneys, so that fires were frequent and disastrous until they forced people to a better mode of building. Travelers in Europe now remark upon the picturesque beauty of the old houses, and upon the merits of their construction, but it should be noted that most of these relics date from the very end of the Middle Ages and that they were the select few of their time, and give no indication of the character of the average house. Most of the people lived in narrow quarters, dark and drafty, unsuited for good work places and unwhole- some as habitations. Wares were exposed for sale either in the open market-places which are so common in European towns, or in little shops like pedlers' booths at the front of the house. The municipal government spent little or nothing for public works or police protection; it tried to make the inhabitants share in performing all absolutely necessary duties, but succeeded so ill that all the towns were sinks of disease, and breach of the peace was a constant occurrence. 51. Improvement in conditions in the later Middle Ages. — In the early period of the towns, say before 1300, conditions were distinctly worse than they were in the last two centuries of the Middle Ages, when commerce had attained such devel- opment that it brought great wealth to some and comparative comfort to many among the city people. The town of Col- chester, in England, ranked as one of importance in 1295, but a tax roll of that date shows a striking poverty in the stock in trade assessed for taxation, in the small value of household furniture, in the insignificant amount of most of the assess- TOWN TRADE 47 mentS; and in the preponderance of rural wealth like live stock and agricultural produce over other kinds of personal property. In the fourteenth century, however, the population of the town doubled, and in the fourteenth and fifteenth cen- turies the towns of England in general freed themselves from the worst features of medieval squalor, accumulated wealth, and expended large sums in building and improvements. 52. Town organization. The merchant gilds. — Much more might be said about the general characteristics of the medieval town, but the student of the history of commerce must devote most of his time to its economic life. He must prepare himself to accept and understand conditions quite different from those of modern times, and must try to realize how much the world has gained by the advance of the commercial organization from these early stages. In every town the merchants and manufacturers were organized in gilds and subject to strict regulation. The Anglo-Saxon word gild means " a contribution to a common fund," and came to be applied to the society itself. Societies had existed in the first part of the Middle Ages with social and religious objects, and about the eleventh century, with the springing up of trade, commercial gilds became more and more common. It is supposed that the dangers and difficulties of trade were then so great that mer- chants united in bands for a journey, as caravans are now formed in the unsettled countries of the East. A collection of early gild rules shows that the members were subject to regulations like the following : Every one was obliged to carry armor, a bow and twelve arrows on penalty of a fine; they must stand by and help each other when they set out for a journey; in case one member had not sold his wares the others must wait one day for him; if one was imprisoned or lost his wares on the road the others must ransom him. The organi- zation was probably temporary at first, and the company of merchants dissolved at the end of the trip; but as such caravans became more regular at any place there grew the tendency to permanence of organiz^i^tion. These merchant gilds were at 48 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE first also private associations, formed voluntarily by the mer- chants to protect themselves; but they received public recog- nition and became a part of the town government as the town saw the advantage it could get from them in pushing its trade and protecting it against the efforts of rivals. They included not only professional merchants, but all who bought and sold, including many artisans. Of the nine members who belonged to the Shrewsbury merchant gild in its earliest period two were fishermen and one was a butcher. 53. Position of the merchant gilds ; their privilege of monop- oly. — These merchant gilds did not exist in all parts of Europe, and differed much from each other in the various regions where they did exist. In England, which we shall choose to illustrate their operation, they became regular parts of the town government. They were granted one most important privilege, the exclusive right of trading within the town. " Foreigners," which meant at this period the people from any other town, whether English or not, were allowed to bring their wares to the town and to sell them wholesale, but they were forbidden to purchase wares which the townspeople wanted for themselves, and they were not allowed to keep shops and to sell retail. The gilds were not like modern "trusts," for, in the first place, their membership was very broad, and, in the second, they were associations of men, not of capital, and there was no division of profits among the members. There was a strong feeling of solidarity among the members, how- ever, and competition between them was discouraged. In some places there was a law that if a gildsman made a bargain for any ware another gildsman had the right to share in it if he gave security that he could pay for the portion he desired. 54. Development of manufactures in the towns ; the common handicrafts. — The growth of towns led, as has been said, to a specialization in manufactures which was impossible before. All the industries that had been carried on in villages were continued in towns by professional craftsmen, and new ones were added as the demand for them grew. There were from TOWN TRADE 49 a dozen to a score of handicrafts which supported for centuries the staple manufacturing groups of the towns: butchers, bakers, brewers, blacksmiths, goldsmiths, coppersmiths, masons, car- penters, cabinet-makers, wheelwrights, skinners or furriers, tanners, shoemakers, saddlers and harness makers, weavers, dyers, fullers, and tailors. Most of these terms will be familiar to the reader. Coppersmiths took the place of the modern tinsmiths before the introduction of tinned iron. Fullers improved the texture of cloth after it had been woven, by beating and washing it with fuller's earth, a clay which absorbs the grease from the wool ; the cloth loses in length and breadth but gains in body and thickness. 55. The craft gilds. — The craftsmen, like the traders, were organized in gilds, which followed shortly after the rise of merchant gilds. The general reason for their existence was the desire on the part of members of a particular ^craft to be free to regulate their professional affairs as they pleased, and the willingness on the part of the public authorities to grant them this privilege when it seemed to promise better work and better products for the consumer. To insure efficient regulation the grant of monopoly was necessary, and accord- ingly no one was allowed to practise a craft who did not belong to the appropriate gild. We shall see that the monopoly was greatly abused in later times and was a serious hindrance to the development of manufacturing. At the start, however, the craft gilds were liberal; they desired a large number of members to increase their political importance, and admitted them freely; inside the gild the class distinctions were at first unimportant. " The regulations drawn up by the crafts aimed at the prevention of fraud, and the observance of certain standards of size and quality in the wares produced. Articles made in violation of these rules were called 'false,' just as clipped or counterfeit coin was 'false money.' For such 'false work' the makers were punished by fines (one half going to the craft, the other half to the town funds), and, upon the third or fourth offence, by expulsion from the trade. 4 ■ 50 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE Penalties were provided, as far as possible, for every sort of deceitful device; such as putting better wares at the top of a bale than below, moistening groceries so as to make them heavier, selling second-hand furs for new, soldering together broken swords, selling sheep leather for doe leather, and many other like tricks.'' 56. Town policy; imports, exports, protection. — Every town felt a community of interests among its inhabitants and a competition with the inhabitants of other towns, which expressed themselves in a town policy very like the national commercial policy of the modern state. We can consider this municipal policy under several different heads. (1) Every town had what may be called a "revenue tariff,'^ consisting of duties levied on articles brought within the walls, with additional dues for the use of the market. As an example we can cite a brief extract from one of the London tariffs, giving the customs on victuals. "Every load of poultry that comes upon horse, shall pay three farthings, the franchise excepted. ... If a man or woman brings any manner of poultry upon horse, and lets it touch the ground, such person shall pay for stallage three farthings. And if a man carries it upon his back and places it upon the ground, he shall pay one half-penny, of whatever franchise he may be." It is interesting to note that this custom still survives in some European cities (octroi). (2) Prohibitions to export goods, now rare in national policy (though suggested recently to keep English coal at home), were common in the town policy, when the supply of necessaries was small. "No butcher, or wife of a butcher, shall sell tallow or lard to a strange person for carrying to the parts beyond sea; by reason of the great dearness and scarcity that has been thereof in the City of late." "No person shall carry corn or malt out of the City, under penalty of forfeiture." (3) The modern idea of protection was applied by the towns in a number of different ways. Bread from one part of London could not be sold in another part, which formed a TOWN TRADE 51 separate jurisdiction. The protection at this period was at- tained more commonly, however, by aiming it against persons rather than wares; the merchant always accompanied his wares at this period, so it was easy to discriminate against *' foreigners," by making them pay special dues from which members "of the franchise," i.e., townspeople, were excepted, and by restricting their chances for profit. Reference has been made above to the monopoly of retail trade reserved to townspeople and designed to protect the "home market." 57. The market and its regulations. — (4) The market was an institution used in this period to regulate trade for the benefit of the townspeople; the name is applied now especially to meat shops simply because regulations were imposed on butchers after other dealers were freed from them. The townspeople were afraid that traders bringing provisions for sale could impose on their needs and force higher prices by making separate individual bargains. Therefore they required the country people to bring their provisions to a certain place (market-place) at a certain time, that they might have the benefit of competition among sellers; and tried to force the traders to sell out their stock before the close of the market. That all the townspeople might have an equal chance they were forbidden to buy goods on their way to market ("fore- stalling"); to buy larger amounts than they needed ("en- grossing"); and to buy goods for retailing before the ordinary consumers had supplied their needs ("regrating"). After the close of the market the town shop-keepers looked after the needs of retail trade. Ignorance and distrust were still so powerful in the town period that merchants were subject to constant supervision; they had to employ officials to weigh and measure for them, and could not employ brokers to hunt up customers unless the agents were also officials acting under oath. 58. Attempts to regulate prices. The assize of bread. — The town government went even so far as to set the prices at which wares must be sold. We are familiar, nowadays, with in- 52 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE stances of the regulation of prices by public authority, as in the case of hack fares. Such instances, however, are now exceptional, while in the Middle Ages innumerable attempts at public regulation, covering practically all wares, were made at different times and places. Most of them were soon given up, because they defeated their own object; when the price was set too low the ware was no longer offered, and people suffered more by going without than by paying the higher price. Thus it was found unwise to set a price for a necessary like wheat; and high wheat prices were allowed to work their own cure by the inducement they offered to an increase in supply. It was as hopeless to set a fixed price for bread, but the government determined that at least the baker should not make improper profits from the necessities of his customers. It established, therefore, the "assize of bread," a sliding-scale which fixed the weight or the price of a loaf according to the market price of wheat, and so restricted the power of the baker to raise his charges unduly. The same system was applied to ale, and assizes of this kind have lasted down to the nineteenth century in some countries. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Show what would happen to our modem cities if there were an interruption of commerce, either physical (perhaps the giving out of coal) or political (wars, strikes attended with violence, etc.). 2. Study the effect on a modern city of such a brief interruption as a great blizzard. 3. Find the reasons for the rise and growth of the following: London, York, Paris, St. Omer, Lille, St. Denis, Lyons, Bruges, St. Cloud. [Use a geography and the encyclopedia.] 4. Starting from the statements in the text, that in a manor of 100 inhabitants the only specialists were perhaps miller and smith, try to think of specialists who would appear as the group grew in size to 1,000; to 10,000; to 100,000; 1,000,000. For example, when would the follow- ing appear: watch-maker, artificial limb-maker, shoe-maker, saddler? [The business directory of a city may supply helpful suggestions.] 5. How has the growth of cities in the U. S. affected the agriculture of the surrounding districts and the welfare of the farmers? 6. Compare the size of medieval towns with that of towns and vil- TOWN TRADE 53 lages familiar to you, and try to realize the conditions if all the larger cities were swept off the map. [See Abstract, 12th Census, Table 91, giving the population of all places having 2,500 or more inhabitants, arranged by States.] 7. (a) Make a list of the ten or fifteen largest towns in modern Eng- land. [Statesman's Year-Book, index, England, cities and towns.] (6) Compare this with a list of towns in early times and discover what large towns are of recent origin. [Cheyney, English towns, pp. 35-39, Be- ware of the large figures of population, p. 38; they are misleading.] 8. Write a report on the economic and social life of a medieval town. [See M. D. Harris, Life, or the original local customs in Cheyney, English towns, pp. 2-6.] 9. Write a similar report on the merchant gilds. [Harris, Life, chap. 7; Cheyney, English towns, pp. 12-20.] 10. Reviewing the list of trades in the text, try to realize how the people managed in the manorial period, when professional specialists in these trades were lacking. 11. Study the list of craft gilds in York, 1415; find from dictionary and encyclopaedia the meaning of each trade mentioned; arrange them in classes, as, for example: food, clothing, building utensils, personal service, etc. [Cheyney, English towns, pp. 29-32.] 12. Write a report on the town artisans and the craft gilds. [Harris, Life, chap. 13; Cheyney, English towns, pp. 21-29.] 13. Compare medieval and modern ideas on the regulation of trade. [Farrer, The State in its relation to trade, N. Y., Macmillan, 1902, $1.] BIBLIOGRAPHY Gross, Sources, §§24a, 72. General. — For the significance of towns in the development of the industrial organization the student may be referred to two important books, differing in details : SchmoUer, Merc, system; Bucher, Indust. evolution. Chapters on the rise of towns and town life will be found in Adams, * Civ.; Emerton, Med. Eur.; Robinson, Middle Ages; Munro, Hist.; etc. Greater emphasis is, of course, laid on the economic (includ- ing commercial) aspects of town life in ** Ashley and * Cunningham. Jessopp, * Coming, gives a vivid picture of urban and rural life of the period. Mary D. Harris. ** Life in an old English town (Coventry), London, 1898 (N. Y., Macmillan, $1.75), should be very useful to student and teacher. Green, ** English Towns, is valuable and interesting for the English towns of the fifteenth century. Sources. — Cheyney, ** English towns and gilds, Penn. Transla- tions, Phila., 1895, $.20, gives an excellent selection, which can be used to advantage with advanced students. CHAPTER VII LAND TRADE 59. Roads neglected, or left to benevolent associations. — The maintenance of the roads was still left to local authorities. We find in the court records of manors that the people reported stretches of road which were in bad condition, and ordered that they should be repaired under penalty of fine; but a road had to be very bad before it attracted attention, and received little care at best. The clergy were the leaders in maintaining the roads, for their estates were scattered and they felt the need of transportation as none other but mer- chants did. Pious persons also devoted themselves to this object, as a meritorious work like visiting the sick or caring for the poor; they formed associations to keep roads in repair, and left bequests to allow the work to be carried on after their death. The Alpine hospices, which are so familiar to visitors in Switzerland now, were established by religious orders to help travelers and merchants on their way. 60. Difficulties of transportation by road. — A feudal lawyer distinguished in theory five kinds of roads: the path, the wagon road of eight feet, the road of sixteen feet, the highway of thirty-two feet, and the Roman roads of sixty-four feet. There was nothing in reality to correspond to this distinction. The Roman roads were still in use, but they were too much worn and too few in number to raise the general level of trans- portation. When an English king wanted to transport pro- visions to Scotland about 1300, he required four horses, or, in the northern counties, eight oxen to a wagon. Transportation by wagon was so difficult that pack animals were still in general use and travelers nearly always went on horseback, 54 LAND TRADE 5B both men and women riding astride, and twenty miles being considered a fair day's journey. The town of Bristol was granted a county court in 1373 to save the townspeople the journey to Gloucester, "distant thirty miles of road, deep, especially in winter time, and dangerous to passengers." At the very end of this period (1499) a glover traveling to market at Aylesbury was drowned with his horse in a pit which a miller had dug to get clay from the road. A court acquitted the miller on the ground that he had no malicious intent, and really did not know of any other place where he could get the kind of clay he wanted. 61. Lack of bridges. — Bridges were still rare. Those which the Romans had built fell into ruins; they were rebuilt in wood, or replaced by bridges of boats, by simple ferries, or by mere fords. Complaint was made to the English Parliament in 1376 that nobody was bound to maintain the bridge over the Trent near Nottingham; the bridge was "ruinous," and " oftentimes have several persons been drowned, as well horse- men, as carts, man and harness " : Parliament refused authority to keep the bridge in repair. A large number of towns had grown up on rivers, as is shown, for instance, by the number of English town names ending in -ford, -bridge, -ferry; and the difficulty and danger of crossing the streams were serious obstacles to trade. Pious and public-spirited people took up the work which the government was still unable to undertake, and devoted their time and money to the construction and repair of bridges; the church assisted by the grant of indul- gences (remitting church punishments for sins) to those who contributed. Even now the religious character of some of the European bridges is attested by the chapels built on or near them. 62. Advantages of river transportation. — The difficulties of land transport led to the use of river navigation wherever it was practicable. It is said that the flow of many European rivers was more full in the Middle Ages than it is now, and though the course was apt to be obstructed by mill dams and (/ 56 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE fish-weirs, and little was done to preserve the channel, mer- chants could transport by rivers bulky articles which would not have paid for their carriage on land. A single boat, it is estimated, carried as much as 500 pack animals would take, and it often paid to go far out of the shortest way to a market to follow navigable water. It was cheaper, for instance, to bring salt from Liineburg to Brandenburg by way of Liibeck and Stettin, though the direct land route was of course far shorter. 63. Danger of violence on the road. — The physical diffi- culties of travel were accompanied by danger of violence of which people nowadays have little conception. The church attempted to secure the safety of merchants, and cooperated with the political authorities in maintaining the "Peace of God," and in repressing disorder. The feudal system had developed into a more efficient system of government in its later period, and something like the modern state rose from it before the close of the Middle Ages. But in spite of all efforts highway robbery and violence were regular and normal occurrences, even in the more advanced countries. In many parts of Europe merchants still traveled in temporary bands or "caravans," for better protection, and students going to college in England were encouraged to carry arms on the journey. 64. Complicity of feudal lords in robbery. — The King of France tried in vain, in the thirteenth century, to make feudal lords responsible for crimes committed in their territories. The lords were often accomplices in the crimes; the King him- self was not always above suspicion; and even dignitaries of the church or heroes of the crusades turned highway robbers on occasion. An indication of the conditions is given by a complaint of the English House of Commons in 1348. " Whereas it is notoriously known throughout all the shires of England that robbers, thieves, and other malefactors on foot and on horseback, go and ride on the highway through all the land in divers places, committing larcenies and robberies; may it LAND TRADE 57 please our lord the king to charge the nobility of the land that none such be maintained by them, privately nor openly; but that they help to arrest and take such bad fellows." A cen- tury before, two merchants from the continent had been robbed in Hampshire; the culprits were arrested, but could not be convicted for a long time; finally more than sixty persons were executed for complicity in this and similar crimes, the number including many men of position, numerous royal officials and some even of the king's household. Shakespeare's story of Prince Hal's exploits on the road may not be true, but it is not at all improbable. 65. Tolls imposed by feudal authorities. — It would be a great mistake to suppose that the merchant's expense com- prised only the sums necessary to transport his goods over bad roads and to protect himself against robbers. In addition every merchant had to pay the feudaHolls: tolls for the repair of a road which was not kept up, and tolls for protection which he had to furnish himself. Feudal lords were everywhere, and every feudal lord tried to make money out of the movement of men and goods. As early as the time of Charlemagne (809) we find the central government attempting to keep the ways of commerce open. Charlemagne forbade the compelling of travelers to use bridges when there were short-cuts, or the building of bridges in dry places to extort passage money from travelers, or the stretching of ropes across streams to force ships to pay for the right of passage with money or wares. The attempt was vain. The power of the central government fell into the hands of local lords, and was exercised by them without regard to any but selfish and local interests. 66. Variety and number of tolls. — The variety of feudal tolls is almost inconceivable. Attempts by scholars to classify them as we should modern fees and taxes are useless, because no principle underlay the system. A French scholar has made a list of seventeen different kinds of tolls, but this is rough and incomplete. We can say in general that tolls were levied everyw^here and on everything. Even a jongleur, the equiva- 58 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE lent to the modern organ-grinder, could not pass the gates of Paris without making his monkey show off to pay his own way. A man had to pay toll not only when he went over a bridge; he had to pay a toll when he went under it, and could not escape the toll by going around it. HUDSON RIVER FROM NEW YORK TO TROY Same Scale as Loire River Places at which tolls were levied are marked by a line across the river, or, when many were levied at one place, by lines drawn near the river. The tolls as shown were established at different times down to the seventeenth century, and af- fected different wares ; so that a merchant did not have to pay all of them at any time. The map of the Hudson is inserted as a help in estimating distances. In the thirteenth century there were on one side of the Rhone four toll-stations on a stretch of little over thirty miles. In the fourteenth century there were 74 tolls on the Loire, from Roanne to Nantes; 12 on the Allier; 10 on the Sarth; 60 on the Rhone and Saone; 70 on the Garonne or on the land-routes between la Reole and Narbonne; 9 on the Seine between the Grand Pont of Paris and the Roche-Guyon. There were 13 toll-stations on the Rhine between Mainz and Cologne. In a few hours' walk around Nuremberg one passed 10 stations. The traveler abroad, whose route follows the line of medieval LAND TRADE 50 trade, is struck with the number of feudal castles which he passes. He admires the picturesque ruins, perhaps, without realizing that each castle was once a toll station and without reflecting that the Hudson shows a higher stage of civilization than the Rhine. 67. Abuses of the tolls. — The burden of the tolls was aggravated by the fact, already suggested, that the merchant got nothing in return except the right to look out for himself. The merchants were forced to associate to do what the river y lords neglected: keep up the tow-paths, drag the river-bed, l/ build warehouses and wharves. The merchant might pay a lord for a safe-conduct which was supposed to assure him protection in a certain territory, and then be robbed by the lord himself. According to the feudal theory exemption from tolls must be granted in certain cases. Supplies for the army and navy, for the king and higher officials, for churches, hospitals, and monasteries, should pay no toll. Scholars at the universities enjoyed in theory an immunity which they could not secure in fact. The merchant, however, was always regarded as fair prey, and wares of commerce which were supposed to be exempt, as in France, for instance, wares on their way to Lyons fair, enjoyed only partial immunity. A sixteenth-cen- tury French writer instances as an example of the oppression of tolls the case of a merchant who shipped to the East some cloth that was wet on the voyage and had to be sent back to Paris to be redyed; all along the road in France the tolls had to be paid over again. The collectors levied toll even on grain that was being taken to mill, on cattle that were to be used as plow animals, on agricultural implements and manure. 68. Development of the toll system. — With the growth of commerce the toll-stations of course increased in value; and the practice grew up of leasing them to contractors, who paid a high sum for the privilege and had to devise, an old author tells us, "ten thousand new and unusual tyrannies, frauds and exactions" to make any profit for themselves. Many kept taverns, and managed to detain the merchant for days on 60 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE various pretexts, such as absence of the proper official. Some made the merchant pay to be relieved of the necessity of having his wares unpacked and weighed and measured in detail. Many kept the tariff secret, and extorted what they could on every occasion. Some lived far from the highway, and some put their offices by design on impracticable roads, and fined the merchants heavily who went by another route. On some routes, as along the middle Rhine, Bingen to Coblenz, it was almost impossible for commerce to be carried on except along the river, and very heavy tolls could be levied here without danger of the merchants escaping; but under other conditions the collectors established wings, as they were called, secondary offices on the side-roads to prevent evasion of the toll. Some collectors established regular pools, to use the modern term applied to railroad combination; twenty-five or thirty of them, representing perhaps five or six separate toll-areas, associated and agreed upon their rates; then they pooled and divided their profits. 69. Constraint of trade by tolls. — The establishment of toll-stations put an artificial constraint on trade, which kept it in the paths most convenient for the collectors, not most suitable to the merchants. Lords would not allow new and better roads to be built, for fear that profits on the old roads would be impaired. The compulsion to follow certain routes (German S trass enzwang) became a serious evil as commerce developed and sought new openings; and the loss to the public was far greater than any gain by the toll receiver. Peculiarly noxious customs clustered around the rights which feudal lords claimed for themselves in the period when the central government was pow^erless. The right to a wrecked ship, which had once been the prerogative of the king, could be distorted so that the whole cargo of a Regensburg ship was confiscated in 1396 because a single little cask had fallen off into the Danube. It was an accepted rule in Germany that if a wagon broke down so that the axle touched the ground it became a part of the land and belonged to the lord of the LAND TRADE 61 territory; break-downs must have been frequent, in view of the wretched condition of the roads, and it has been suggested that lords sought to cause them by traps and pitfalls. 70. Burden of the tolls on trade. — The most evident effect of the tolls was the additional cost of transportation which must be paid, of course, by the consumer. The price of a ry ware might rise, within a comparatively short distance, so much that it could not be sold at all. It has been estimated that in the fourteenth century the Rhine tolls merely on the stretch between Bingen and Coblenz amounted to two thirds of \V^ the value of the wares. Even in the fifteenth century, and \ after some reform had been effected in the French tolls, the price of goods was doubled by carriage from Nantes to Orleans on the Loire or from Honfleur to Paris on the Seine. Besides the loss of money there was the loss of time; a merchant might arrive at his destination too late to find a market for his wares, or might find that they had deteriorated on the road. The monks of Beauvais took three pennyworths from each horse load that passed by, and on fast days they spent so much time in selecting their fish that the rest of the load spoiled before it reached Paris. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1 . Make a study of the roads in your own State, noting (a) the extent of good and of bad roads, (b) the effect on transportation, (c) the system under which the roads are maintained, (d) organized attempts at im- provement. Study the system of New Jersey and its effects. [Documents aiding in this study may be obtained from the Department of Agriculture, Washington, and probably from the government of your own State — apply to State Librarian for information.] 2. To what extent is river navigation practised in your State? Was it not more important before the introduction of railways? 3. Estimate the distance between the points named in the text, sect. 62, by land and by water. 4. Have we had in theU. S. in recent times any similar dangers of violence in transportation? [Read the history of gold-mining in Califor- nia, in H. H. Bancroft or other available books.] 5. Robber knights in medieval Germany. [Baring-Gould, Story, chap. 22.] 62 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE 6. Read the first part of Shakespeare, Henry IV, about the exploits of Prince Hal and Falstaff on the highway. 7. What would be the effect on trade in your State if tolls were levied on the border of every county, or even inside the counties? 8. Using a good map find from the scale of miles the length of one of the stretches mentioned in sect. 66 (for example, Mainz to Cologne), and insert the toll stations; then transfer this, changing the scale if neces- sary, to some road or railroad entering the place where you live. 9. Modem railroad officials are sometimes called "robber barons." Assuming the truth of charges made against them, discuss the appropriate- ness of the term, indicating points of likeness and of difference with re- spect to medieval nobles. 10. Compare medieval and modern compulsion in the choice of routes. What is alleged to be the attitude of transcontinental railroads to the construction of the Panama Canal? 11. Using the method suggested in sect. 66 apply the statements in sect. 70 to conditions at home, and show how much medieval tolls would add to the present low charges of transportation. BIBLIOGRAPHY By far the best reference that can be given is Jusserand, ** English wayfaring life. If a library containing older books is available much of interest will be found in Smiles, * Lives of the engineers, London, 1862, vol. 1. A good study will be found also in the Economic Review, vol. 7, July, 1897: Alice Law, English towns and roads in the thirteenth century. CHAPTER VIII FAIRS 71. Fairs ; the reason for their existence. — The foregoing description of medieval commerce will have shown that trade was far less extensive than it is now, and will suggest the reason for one of the characteristic trading institutions of the time — the fairs. Every person with wares to sell seeks a purchaser who desires those particular wares and who will give him in ex- change something that he himself desires. Nowadays, for instance, a farmer brings his country products to the city, seeks out a produce merchant who will give him money for it, makes his purchases at the dry goods store with the money, and returns contented; he has exchanged his surplus for what he lacks. If there is no special store where he can sell his produce he must seek out . buyers by going around to the separate houses, and if there is no general store where he can make his purchases he must again hunt up the individuals who make or sell what he desires. Where exchange is still relatively rare it may be a very troublesome process to find the buyers and sellers of particular wares, and the following device has almost always been adopted to meet the difficulty; people who desire to trade agree to meet at a certain time and place, so that there will be every chance that buyer and seller will find each other and secure that coincidence of supply and demand which exchange implies. The current of trade is dammed for a time as it were; then allowed to flow in much greater volume for a little while, then dammed again. 72. Comparison of fairs with markets and modem ex- changes. — Even now the old custom of " market days' ' 63 64 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE persists in some places, and once it was universal; townspeople and country people agreed on a certain day, and met in the market-place then to exchange their wares. A fair is the same kind of institution as a market, and grew up for similar reasons, but it represented a further step of development, for it attracted buyers and sellers from a far greater area, and served the needs of wholesale as well as retail trade. The fair is, of course, much less advanced than the modern ex- Ix changes (stock and produce), from the fact that it was inter- mittent instead of being continuous, as well as for other reasons; but in the Middle Ages it was the means by which commerce grew strong, and the prosperity of commerce could be measured by the prosperity of fairs. The fairs always attracted people for social as well as .business purposes; life in the Middle Ages would be regarded as insufferably dull at the present time, and both townspeople and country people enjoyed the excitement which the fair brought with it. There were "side-shows" in plenty, then; wild animals, trained dogs, and monstrosities, poets and musi- cians, actors and clowns, dancing and gambling halls; and there was a good opportunity to turn a penny dishonestly as well as honestly. The court roll of the English fairs of St. Ives tells us of a defendant who was caught selling a ring of brass for 5Jd., saying "that the ring was of the purest gold, and that he and a one-eyed man found it on the last Sunday in the Church of St. Ives, near the Cross." 73. Privileges of merchants trading at a fair. — The fair ordinarily grew up under the protection of some feudal lord, secular or ecclesiastical, who endeavored in every way to further its growth that he might increase his revenue from the taxes he imposed on it. The lord of a fair endeavored to attract merchants by guaranteeing them protection on their way, and there were many cases in which the lord took up the , cause of merchants of his fair who had been robbed or mal- ^ treated by others, and forced restitution. Furthermore, he endeavored to secure exemption from tolls for wares on the FAIRS 65 way to his fair, and sometimes merchants on their way to a fair were freed from the attachment of the person for debt. Inside the fair a freedom of trade was allowed which was unusual at the time, and various special privileges were granted the merchants. The most important of these was a special court in which cases of breach of contract and the like could be tried. It was called the Court of Pie Powder (Pie, French pied, foot; curia pedis pulverizaii, court of dusty foot) from the dusty feet of the merchants, or, as some said, because justice was done as speedily as dust would fall from the foot. At any rate this court did give a rough and ready means of settling commercial disputes by referring them to a committee of traders, which was highly prized because commercial law was still in its infancy, and no justice could be looked for in a manorial or a feudal court. 74. Great fairs in Europe. The fairs of Champagne. — It would be possible to give a long list of fairs, for every country of Europe had them in varying number at different times. The oldest was probably that of St. Denis at Paris, which may have been founded (as its patrons alleged) in the seventh century, and which was certainly in active operation long before the time of Charlemagne. In a later period another Paris fair, that of St. Germain, became more important, and later still the fairs in the French province of Champagne became the most flourishing in Europe. The prosperity of these fairs was due in part to their geographical position, which made them a natural trade center and distributing point when commerce on land was more important than that on sea, but still more, apparently, to the good government and wise policy of the Counts of Champagne. The Counts gave sufficient protection both at home and abroad, main- tained regular and reasonable dues, and did everything to stimulate the confidence of the merchant class. They got an enviable reputation by their strictness in forcing the proper execution of contracts made at the fairs, and took such pre- cautions to assure the payment of debts contracted there that 5 Most of the traffic of the Champagne fairs went North and South, by way of Flanders and of Italy. Merchants from Normandy ascended the river Oise to its junction with the land route. The route of German merchants is unknown, but most of them probably went by way of Bruges. FAIRS 67 some merchants (or bankers) went to the fairs simply to loan money. 75. Trade at the Champagne fairs ; other continental fairs. — In the thirteenth century, the period of their greatest pros- perity, six fairs were held at different places in Champagne, /-of which Troyes and Provins, southeast of Paris, were the most important. Each lasted over six weeks, and, following in rotation, they supplied an almost continuous market. Here one might find all the wares which formed the objects of com- merce in Europe; textiles of silk, wool, and linen; minor manu- factures and jewelry; drugs and spices; raw materials like salt and metals; leather, skins, and furs; foods and drinks, live stock and slaves. The bulk of the trading was done by mer- chants from various parts of France and Flanders (modern Belgium) and by Italians who came up over the Alpine passes; there w^ere also Germans and Spanish, and, in less number, English, Dutch, and Swiss. Wares came from more distant countries, Scandinavia and the eastern Mediterranean, but changed hands on the way. The fairs declined as heavier dues were imposed, and especially when Champagne was brought directly under the French king, about 1300; wars diverted the merchants from Champagne to Flanders, and the growth of sea-trade favored this same movement. The Champagne fairs dwindled to insig- nificance, and their place was taken by the fairs of Bruges and Cologne, of Frankfurt on the Main, Geneva, and Lyons. 76. English fairs. — England was near the circumference of trade in this period, instead of being at the center as it now is, and its commerce was not so highly developed, as that of some of the Continental countries. The English fairs, there- fore, were of less importance, and in most cases did not attrao'. merchants from distant countries. The largest English faii^ was Stourbridge Fair held about a mile from Cambridge, in an excellent position for trade with the low countries across the Channel, and for the distribution of goods through the thickly populated districts of England. Another great English 68 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE fair was that of Winchester, held each year for sixteen days, beginning on August 31st. "The hill-top was quickly covered with streets of wooden shops; in one the merchants from Flanders, in another those of Caen or some other Norman town, in- another the merchants from Bristol. Here were placed the goldsmiths in a row, and there the drapers; while around the whole was a wooden palisade with guarded entrance, — precautions which did not always prevent enterprising adventurers from escaping payment of toll by digging a way in for themselves under the wall. ... All trade was com- pulsorily suspended at Winchester, and within a 'seven-league circuit,' guards being stationed at outlying posts, on bridges and other places of passage, to see that the monopoly was not infringed. At Southhampton, outside the circuit, nothing was to be sold during the fair-time but victuals, and even the very craftsmen of Winchester were bound to transfer them- selves to the hill and there carry on their occupation during the fair. There was a graduated scale of tolls and duties; all merchants of London, Winchester, or Wallingford who entered during the first week were free from entrance tolls; after that date newcomers paid tolls, except the members of the merchant gild of Winchester." QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Following the reasons given in sect. 71 to explain the rise of fairs, show why they have declined in recent times. What effect will the exten- sion of railroads and the development of trade between Asia and Europe have upon the fairs of Nijni Novgorod? 2. Set down all the points of Hkeness and of difference, so far as they occur to you, of: market, fair, produce or stock exchange. 3. Study the history of fairs in your own State. Did the "county fair" once have more economic importance than it has now? 4. Does a modern stock-exchange seek to attract customers by offering guarantees of special security, as in the case of fairs? [Study the rules of the exchange, and the pains taken to secure honesty and solvency of members.] 5. Study, on a good map, the advantages of location (transportation by land and water, nearness to advanced commercial people) of the Cham- pagne towns; of their successors in commercial importance. FAIRS 69 6. Indicate on a sketch map of England the position of medieval fairs. [See the index of Cunningham or Ashley] 7. Write a report on English fairs in the Middle Ages [same reference.] 8. Write a report on one of the following topics : (a) The great fairs of Europe. [Home, Harper's Magazine, vol. 46, p. 376.] (b) The fair of Nijni Novgorod. [T. Child, Harper's Magazine, vol. 79, p. 670.] (c) Kentucky fairs. [James Lane Allen, Harper's Magazine, vol. 79, p. 553.] BIBLIOGRAPHY Gross, Sources, has no separate section on fairs, but includes a num- ber of books on them, to be found by consulting the index. A bibli- ography will be found also in the article ** Fairs, by John Macdonald, in the Encyc. Brit.; this article can be heartily recommended to teacher and student. For modem fairs see Poole's Index of Periodical Lit. Bourne, Romance of trade, devotes chap. 3 to fairs. CHAPTER IX SEA TRADE 77. Rise of sea commerce. The Scandinavians. — We might suppose, in view of the difficulties and dangers of travel on land, that the trade of Europe would have been forced to the sea during the feudal period. In the last two centuries of the Middle Ages there was, in facf]a grouitii of maritime commerce which prepared the way for the great discoveries and the oceanic period of modern commerce. Before this period, however, the means of navigation were still so slight that regular and extended commerce on the sea was the excep- tion rather than the rule. In Northern Europe the Scandinavians were the leaders in the development of navigation. We get an idea of the ships that they used from one which was discovered a few years ago in a burial mound in southern Norway, where it had been preserved since the ninth century, it is supposed. It is an open boat, clinker built, and fashioned to go in either direc- tion; it is about 75 feet long, and has places for 15 oars on each side, but no arrangement for a sail. Similar boats, with the addition of a rudder and hutch at each end, are still used in the Lofoten Isands. They are well suited to carry pas- sengers along the coast, but have small cargo capacity, and, of course, are unfit for feng— sesr^Toyages. The Scandinavian Vikings, indeed, used them mainly for raiding and piracy, and in them harried for centuries the coasts of western Europe, with a recklessness which accorded with their warlike char- acter. A chronicle speaks of Danes who were tossed about for nearly a month before they made their landing in England. Along with these war vessels the Scandinavians must have had 70 SEA TRADE 71 some cargo-ships, the details of which are unknown to us; a modern writer conceives them to have been clumsy and slow, "tub-shaped, round-bowed, and flat-bottomed." Sailing ships were certainly used from a very early period. 78. Development of shipping in Northern Europe. — The Bayeux tapestry, which pictures the events of the conquest of England by the Normans in 1066, shows what was sub- stantially the Viking type of vessel to have been used in that expedition; the boats were undecked, and several foundered at anchor before starting. A modern writer thinks that few were over 30 tons in size, and that none carried over 40 or 50 men. About two centuries later the seals of Sandwich and Dover show a ship still undecked, but provided with a rudder working over the side, fighting platforms at bow and stern, and a mast with a crow's-nest at the top. It is doubtful how far we can trust representations such as these on the tapestry and seal, which were often executed by persons unfamiliar with the object and were sure to be conventional. We can, if we choose, follow the statements in the chronicles, which would make the ships much larger, holding a hundred men or even several hundred; the chronicles are notorious, however, for the constant exaggeration in matters of statistics, and the truth lies probably somewhere in between our two sources of information. Down to the fifteenth century the single mast with the square sail was the usual rig. Some vessels, however, carried two masts, one near the center and one toward the bow, and could spread six sails. For shorter trips and for the coasting trade smaller boats were used, sometimes propelled only by oars. 79. Development of shipping in the Mediterranean. — Navi- gation developed more rapidly in the Mediterranean, especially after the beginning of the Crusades, than in northern Europe. It is hard to believe the statements according to which the Mediterranean ships carried 1,000 or even 1,500 pilgrims, after all allowance is made for the crowding which would be per- mitted at this time, but the Mediterraenan ships undoubtedly J 72 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE surpassed others in size and equipment. Venice presented to France in 1268 some ships which measured 110 by 40 feet, which were llj feet deep in the hold and had a height between decks of 6i feet. These ships carried a complement of over 100 men, and must have measured 400 or 500 tons, while English ships of the period rarely exceeded 50 or 100. Medi- terranean shipping regulations of about this date show ad- vanced ideas concerning the construction, the equipment, and the loading of ships; all ships were inspected and none could sail which did not comply with the regulations. The ship-builders of the Mediterranean ports retained the type of the classical galley, depending mainly upon oars for its propulsion. The hull was much longer than in the northern type of sailing ships and did not rise far above the water; both characteristics depended on the need of placing the oarsmen where they could work to advantage. The three square sails were a comparatively late improvement on the earlier rig, which consisted ordinarily of one sail; a fair wind was utilized for helping the boat on its course, but the chief reliance was placed on the oars. 80. Backwardness of the art of navigation. — The control of a ship is as important as its construction, if it is to serve commerce, and the growth of maritime commerce in the last centuries of the Middle Ages was due as much to improvements in the art of navigation as to superior ship building. During the early Middle Ages, as in ancient times, ship captains took their lives in their hands when they ventured out of sight of a familiar coast. The only means they had for determining their position at sea was "dead-reckoning," i.e., estimating the distance that they had traveled from a known point, and the course that they had steered; and to know their course they had to rely upon the stars, which of course were obscured in stormy weather, when their help was most wanted. It was customary, on voyages in the open sea, to sail due north or south to the parallel of the destination, then to turn at right angles and sail due east or west; errors in the course of 8 or SEA TRADE 73 even 10 degrees were not uncommon. The means of fixing the course in any weather, the mariner's compass, which was discovered by the Chinese, and is supposed to have been known to the Arabs at this time, was still unknown in Europe. 81. Introduction of the compass, and of navigators* direc- tories. — The first documentary evidence of acquaintance with the compass in the West dates from a little before 1200; and within fifty years we find it mentioned in nearly a dozen different places, both in the North and South of Europe. It has been suggested that Mediterranean sailors may have been the first to learn of the compass, from the Arabs, but that they could not use it in its early form of a magnetized needle floated on water by a rush or cork, because of the choppy seas; later > the needle was balanced, as at present, on a point. In 1300 ^ the compass was in general use. It is possible to exaggerate its importance as a cause of the great maritime explorations; for without it the Northmen had made their distant expeditions to the North and West, and with it the Portugese crept along the west coast of Africa only slowly and timidly for a con- siderable period. As a means to regular navigation, however, it was indispensable; and the great extension of commercial voyages in the last two centuries of the Middle Ages is incon- ceivable without it. Medieval types of "sailing directions'' now came into use; these were manuals telling the sailor about the coast, the tides, the bottom, and other features of the route he was to traverse. One of them, written probably before 1400, covered the whole West of Europe from Spain to the mouth of the Finnish gulf, enabling the mariner who was provided with a compass (used for determining the time of tides) to navigate the coast with a fair degree of safety. 82. Limits of early trading voyages. — Maritime voyages were made to suit the conditions of the time. In the first part of the period, under discussion (say before 1300), they were attempted only for short distances and in the part of the year when severe storms were rare. " To sail after Martinmas (November 11) is to tempt God," writes an old chronicler; 74 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE and in the early days of the Hanseatic League there was a regulation by which ships were not to sail after November 11, and were to be in port if possible before that time. Some time afterwards an amendment was adopted which allowed ships laden with beer, herrings, or dried cod to sail as late as December 6, because the cargo was perishable or was needed for the Lenten market. The extent of the voyage was at first short. The sailors of Bordeaux would go as far as the coast of Brittany and Normandy; the Normans would go as far as England and Flanders; and so the chain of voyages was kept up. 83. Medieval seaports ; contrast with modem. — Vessels were so small that they needed no great depth of water in their harbors, and could ascend rivers for a considerable distance. So the English town of Bawtry, lying on the little river Idle, which flows into the Trent, which flows into the Humber, which flows into the North Sea, was called in an official docu- ment "the port of Bawtry"; and the town of York, situated on the river Ouse, another branch of the Humber, claimed the right to share in wrecks at sea, as though it were on the seaboard. Ports of this kind were actually preferred to those on the coast which form the great harbors of modern times, for they gave access to the interior markets without the expense of land transport^ation, and they offered better security not only against tempests but also against pirates. Towns like Rouen on the Seine, Nantes on the Loire, Bordeaux on the Garonne, Narbonne and Aigues Mortes ("Dead waters"); on lagoons of the Mediterranean coast, were the great French ports of the early period. 84. Decline of medieval seaports in later times. — Occa- sionally a medieval port would keep its importance later; from the list above we can select Bordeaux, and there are a number of other examples in Europe — London, Antwerp, and Hamburg, for instance. Often, however, the port was super- seded by another on the same river but nearer the sea; the trade of Rouen went to Havre; the trade of the Humber river system has gone to Hull; the commerce of Bremen has gone SEA TRADE 75 to Bremerhafen. The town of Bruges, in Flanders (modern Belgium), once the most important port in Europe, is situated at a distance of seven miles from the sea, and this might be seven hundred as far as its present oceanic commerce is con- cerned. Its trade has been taken by seaports giving easy- access to large vessels; in the same way the trade of Narbonne and Aigues Mortes has passed to Marseilles. 85. Development of maritime commerce; persistence of medieval ideas. — After about 1300 the distances covered by sea voyages grew much greater. Galleys were sailed and rowed from Venice all the way to Bruges, and met there vessels from the far North and East of Europe; English sailors traded regularly with southern France, Spain, and the Scan- dinavian countries. The expense of transportation by sea, however, was still great. The price of spices was in Bruges y two or three fold what it was in Venice; and English wool jy/ transported to Florence sold there for two to twelve times as much as it brought at home. It is hard for us, in modern times, to realize such facts, but the student should note them carefully, for they go far toward explaining the slight develop- ment of commerce even in the latter part of the Middle Ages. The high cost of transportation is itself a fact demanding y^ explanation. Inefficient ship-building and navigation wouldi/ account for it in large part, but other factors are still to be considered. These distant voyages were carried on in the face not only of real dangers serious enough, but also of far greater dangers imagined by ignorant and credulous men. An English chronicler says that in 1406, when English ships w^ere going to Bordeaux, they entered an unfrequented sea, and four vessels from Lynn were engulfed in a whirlpool which swallowed up the flood and vomited it forth again three times a day. The Arabian Nights have been called sober and realistic in comparison with the ideas held by the medieval mariner of the wonders and dangers of the unknown parts of the world. 86. Piracy. — At sea, as on land, the merchant faced 76 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE dangers of violence which were probably as serious an obstacle to the growth of commerce as the physical difficulties of navi- gation. Ships went always armed, and sailed when possible in fleets for better protection. Sometimes one that had ven- tured out alone could beat off its enemies, as in the case of a trading ship from Stralsund which was attacked in 1391 but won a complete victory, and brought back (it is said) 100 pirates, packed in casks with only the heads sticking out, for a bloody punishment. Pirates came from every source. An ordinary merchantman would turn pirate if it met a weaker vessel from some town which was so far distant or so weak that reprisals need not be feared. A mariner of Winchelsea in England, who had seized and plundered a vessel owned by Dorsetshire merchants, became mayor of Winchelsea a few years later, and in the fifteenth century a Canterbury abbot was convicted of plundering a wine ship and was forced to make restitution. Even ships sent out by the public author- ities for protection against pirates attacked and plundered ships not only of other nationalities but of their own too. Six ships which had been organized in 1316 to protect Berwick from freebooters harried the English coast to the south, and the fleet of the Cinque Ports (five towns on the English Channel), used its spare time in preying on English commerce and attack- ing English towns. 87. Organized piracy ; privateering. — Piracy became a regular profession, in which partners organized for greater efficiency. The "Victual Brothers'' formed an organization, modeled after that of the Knights Templars, for carrying on piracy; their motto was "God's friend and all the world's enemy." They had a stronghold at Gotland, in the Baltic Sea, and were long a terror to traders and fishermen; their power was broken in 1394 only by a fleet of thirty-five ships gent against them. A fleet of Venetian galleys on their way north were attacked off Lisbon in 1485 by a piratical expedi- tion of six ships, which killed and wounded over four hundred men and took enormous booty; it is said that the discoverer SEA TRADE 77 Christopher Columbus was one of the corsairs. War at sea was carried on even more barbarously than war on land. Crews and passengers of captured merchant vessels, whether taken after resistance or not, were frequently tossed over- board, sometimes with their hands tied behind their backs, or were hung to the yards, or murdered on the deck in cold blood. An appearance of legitimacy was given to the attack on merchant vessels in time of war; "letters of marque" were not considered necessary to justify attacks by private vessels against merchant vessels of the enemy, and as war was the rule rather than the exception in Europe privateering was nearly constant. During the Hundred Years' War between England and France, in spite of booms and chains, watches and beacons, almost every town on the south coast of England was sacked and burnt by French privateers. Even at London the streets which opened on the river were defended by chains, to hinder a landing within the city, and the people thought of building high stone towers on both sides of the river, with a chain stretched between them, to defend the shipping from night attacks. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Ships and exploits of the Vikings. [Beazley, Prince Henry, chap. 2; C. F. Keary, The Vikings in western Christendom, N. Y., 1891, chaps. 5, 6, 9.] 2. In connection with the small vessels of the early Middle Ages the reader is reminded of the exploits of various "captains" of the present day who cross the ocean alone, and he might profitably hunt up a descrip- tion of one of the boats employed and compare it with the description in the text. A ton is 100 cubic feet of internal volume. 3. If the reader lives at a trading port he should ascertain the tonnage and rig of the vessels ordinarily employed, and thus prepare himself to understand the conditions of medieval navigation. 4. Compare the medieval galley with the ancient galley described in classical histories. [Beware of pictures given in the text-books; many are pure products of the imagination.] 5. Write a report on the history of the compass. [Encyclopaedia Britannica; consult Poole's Index for articles in recent periodicals.] 78 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE 6. Measure distances in sect. 82, and apply them to the sea- or lake- coast of the U. S. 7. Indicate on an outline map of Europe the position of the ports named, in sect. 82, using the conventional signs of death (f) and birth (*) to show those that declined and those that gained in importance. 8. Write a report on the credulity of early sailors. [Voyages of Sin- bad the Sailor in the Arabian Nights, a popular romance of the Indian trade in the ninth century; Voyages of Sir John de Mandeville, N, Y., Macmillan, 1900, SI. 50; Selections in Cassell's Library, paper, $.10.] 9. What is the difference between a government war-vessel, a priva- teer, and a p)irate? [Dictionary and encyclopedia, or some manual of international law.] BIBLIOGRAPHY Articles and bibliographies by * Clowes in Traill's Social England; John Fiske, * Discovery of America; Alice. Law, Notes on English medieval shipping, in the Economic Review, 1898, vol. 8; Cornewall-Jones, The British merchant service; Lindsay, History, vol. 2. CHAPTER X THE LEVANT TRADE 88. Wares of the Levant trade. Slaves. — The " colonial products" of the modern world (tea, coffee, spices, etc.) have familiarized us with a class of wares which cannot be produced at home and are imported from distant countries. In the commerce of medieval Europe there were wares like these which could not be produced near the place where they were to be consumed, because of the severe climate, or the lack of technical skill, and yet which were eagerly desired by the upper classes. These wares were obtained from Asia, and formed the basis for an Oriental trade which was one of the most important branches of medieval commerce. There was one ware of Oriental trade in which there was a reciprocal exchange; this was slaves. Slaves were exported from Europe to the great market at Cairo in Egypt, and were imported from western Asia and Africa. At the very end of the fifteenth century there were said to be 3,000 slaves in the single city of Venice. Most of the wares, however, flowed in only one direction; and to give an idea of the character and importance of the trade we shall preface our narrative of its development by a description of the chief products imported into Europe. 89. Spices. — r Among the raw materials a very important place was taken by spices, the product of tropical plants and trees which thrive only in a few parts of the world even now. The food of the common people in the Middle Ages would seem intolerably coarse and monotonous to a modern laborer, on whose table appear regularly products from all parts of the world; and even the diet of the rich needed a great deal of condiment if it was to be palatable. A staple import, then, 79 80 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE was pepper, the berry of a vine growing in India and in the islands of Asia, which was used in Europe by all who could afford the luxury of a seasoning. For common use the price was prohibitive. Cloves, from the Molucca Islands, were even more expensive, costing two and three times as much as pepper; they were used for ' seasoning food and drink, and also as medicine. Cinnamon, nutmegs, and mace served similar pur- pose, and ginger took a place among medieval luxuries of this kind second only to pepper. 90. Drugs ; perfumes ; sugar. — Beside the spices which were employed in medicine by medieval apothecaries many wares were imported which served solely or mainly for drugs. Among them were rhubarb, aloes, balsam, borax, gum traga- canth, gum benzoin, cubebs, cardamoms, camphor, etc. Sugar belongs in this list of wares, on the border-line between medicines and table delicacies. It was far too costly to be an article of common consumption, and the gift of a small piece of loaf sugar implied far more devotion than would be evidenced now by a present of the finest confectionery. It found its main employment in medicine, therefore, and though it was used in increasing quantities for sweetening food and drink and for preserving, native honey was the medium commonly used. 91. Precious stones; preponderance in general of luxuries over articles of general utility. — Another category of wares, which found a ready market among the upper classes of me- dieval Europe was precious stones. The part of Europe which now produces a considerable quantity of these, the region of the Ural Mountains, was still unexplored ; the source of supply in the New World was of course unknown; and Europe looked entirely to Asia and Egypt for its supply. Diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, lapis lazuli, etc., were collected in various parts of the East, passed through innumerable hands, and finally found a resting-place among the jewels of some great lord or lady of the West. Pearls came from the Indian Ocean, and ivory from Africa, through the hands of Asiatic traders. THE LEVANT TRADE 81 Europe was able to make a return in kind from the Mediter- ranean coral fisheries; the greater part of European coral was exported to meet the demand in the East, being carried to Egypt by Spanish or Italian ships, and distributed from there to India and China. The reader who has followed thus far this category of eastern products must be struck by the preponderance in it of costly luxuries over articles of general consumption. The expenses of transportation over great distances and through dangerous districts were, in fact, so great that most of the Eastern wares had necessarily to comprise great value in a small bulk, and sought their market only among the upper classes of Europe, who could afford to pay well to gratify their desires. 92. Dyestuffs ; alum. — Among the raw material brought from the East there was only one important class of wares which served manufacturing industries, the dyestuffs. Indigo (Greek, Indikon, Indian) came from the East as its name implies, the chief staple for it being Bagdad. It gives a fast and deep blue and had been imported in Europe even in ancient times; with the revival of commerce after the Crusades it became again an article of commerce, and was used con- stantly thereafter as a dyestuff, in spite of the attempt to substitute for it the native woad, an herb of the mustard family. Some of the red dyes were produced in Europe, notably madder, mentioned in one of Charlemagne's laws, and the scarlet or carmine obtained from the kermes insect in Southern France and Spain. Both of these dyes were imported to some extent, however, and another red dye which was an important import was Brazil-wood. The name suggests an American origin, but was given it in fact because its redness made it seem like glowing coals (cf. English brazier), and the South American country received its name later from the tree found growing in it. Brazil-wood was brought to Europe in blocks and was then ground up for use in dyeing and painting. A common yellow dye of the Middle Ages, saffron, was also 6 82 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE imported when the best quahty was desired, and yellow arsenic (orpiment) was used as a pigment. Lac (shellac) was used for a dye as well as for varnish. More important than any of the separate dyes was alum, which came to be regarded as indis- pensable for fixing the color when wool or silk had been dyed in the piece. This was procured mainly in Asia Minor, and was one of the most highly prized products of the eastern trade. 93. Other raw materials of industry. — In comparison with the dyes most other raw materials of industry were unimpor- tant as objects of trade. Cotton (Arabic kotn) was imported both in its finished form and as a raw material. The cotton manufacture in Europe had, of course, nothing like its present importance, but it was already well established in Germany, where a staple cloth was made out of a mixture of cotton and flax, and it required more of the raw cotton than the planta- tions of southern Europe could supply. Small amounts of flax were imported from Egypt, because of the superior quality of the product. Silk was, however, the only textile material which was a very important ware in its raw form. The culture of the silkworm, which had been carried on for centuries in China, but so far as possible had been kept a secret from other peoples, spread gradually to the West and was introduced into Europe by the Emperor Justinian in the sixth century. The Arabians introduced mulberry plantations and the raising of silkworms into Sicily and Spain, and the culture thrived so far as to leave a surplus for export after supplying the home manu- factures. Christian peoples, however, did not succeed so well in the culture; France could as yet furnish no appreciable quantity of raw silk, and the output in Italy was unsatisfactory both in respect to quality and quantity. The growing silk manufacture in Europe had therefore to meet its deficiency by trade with the East, getting part of its supply of raw material from China and Persia, but the bulk from the countries about the Caspian Sea. 94. Textile imports ; exports from Europe. — Among manu- THE LEVANT TRADE 83 factures imported from the East textiles held the most impor- tant place. Europe was strong enough in the manufacture of linen and woolen goods to export them in considerable quan- tities to Asia, but it lacked in the manufacture of cotton and silk not only raw material but the technical skill to compete with the artisans of the East; and imported large quantities of finished cloth. Dignitaries of the church and the merchant princes of the late Middle Ages demanded for clothing and for furniture fabrics of finer quality and of greater quantity than the looms established by the Mohammedans in Spain and Sicily could supply, and sought them chiefly in the countries bordering the eastern end of the Mediterranean. From this district came a great variety of silks, woven often as brocades with gold or silver threads, and the early types of velvet and satin. Silk goods formed the chief but not the sole con- stituent of the textile imports; with them came fine cottons from India, cloth made from the hair of camels and other animals, and linen from Egypt and Syria, which surpassed all of western make. Europe depended also on the East for fine china and glass. Before the end of the Middle Ages the Italian silk manufac- ture had grown strong enough to turn the tide, and to export to the East. Through the greater part of this period, however, the only European textiles exported to Asia were the woolens and common linens which were produced in England, Flanders, and other of the more advanced countries. Besides these manufactures the main exports consisted of raw materials: wool, hides, metals (gold, silver, and tin), and food stuffs. 95. Revival of Oriental trade about 1000, under the leader- ship of Italians. — As commerce with the East had lasted throughout the period of Roman rule, and had cultivated tastes among rich Romans and provincials which could only be satisfied by its continuance, we find evidence even in the Dark Ages that it was still carried on. A document dated 716 shows that the rich monastery of Corby in northern France received pepper, cloves, and other spices from southern France; 84 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE and Marseilles maintained its commercial relations with the East. The trade in this period, however, was carried on almost entirely by Syrians and Jews; the peoples of western Europe had not yet learned to profit by active participation in it, and it had sunk to comparative insignificance. The revival came about the year 1000 with the general awakening of economic life in Europe which had for its most striking feature the growth of towns. As the possibilities for trade became greater, and the demand for luxuries kept pace with them, the eastern trade felt a powerful stimulus, and grew rapidly in importance. It was now carried on mainly by the people who were destined to control it until the great dis- coveries left them outside the path of progress, — the Italians. A group of towns in the far south of the Italian peninsula, Bari, Trani, Brindisi, and Taranto, took advantage of their nearness to the Levant (the eastern end of the Mediterranean) to estab- lish commercial relations which returned large profits and developed into a considerable trade. Another group of towns near the Bay of Naples, of which Amalfi was the chief, shared in the profits of this trade, and still another town, standing alone near the head of the Adriatic Sea, Venice, began already to assume the commanding position in the Oriental trade which she was destined to make good against all rivals. 96. Routes between Asia and Europe. — The main routes serving as the paths of trade between Asia and Europe during the Middle Ages were three in number. The central route, the oldest and for much of this period the most important, began at the head of the Persian Gulf; after the foundation of Bagdad near the site of ancient Babylon (about 750 a.d.) it found there its first important stopping-place. Thence a cara- van route led around and through the desert to Damascus, where it branched off to the coast of ancient Phoenicia in one direction, to Egypt in the other. Aside from partial inter- ruptions this route was used steadily until near the close of the Middle Ages, when it was partially blocked and commerce was forced to the south. THE LEVANT TRADE 85 The southern route, reaching Europe through Egypt, was mainly maritime. It had to contend with two great difficul- ties: the great stretch of open water presented by the Indian Ocean, and the difficulty of navigation in the Red Sea, on the west coast of which strong north winds blow through much of the year. The first of these difficulties became less serious in the Christian era, as navigators learned to time their voyages TRADE ROUTES BETWEEN ASIA AND EUROPE The map shows only the chief hnes of trade, omitting side routes for the sake of clearness. See the text, sect. 96, for description of the uses to which the routes were put. to suit the monsoons, the winds blowing at regular seasons in the Indian Ocean. Vessels could leave an Egyptian port in July and reach India by the southwest monsoon in little over two months. The second difficulty was obviated by starting for the East not from the Gulf of Suez but from a point part way down the coast (Berenice), reached by a trip on the Nile and by caravan. This route became of greatest importance at the close of the Middle Ages. 86 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE The third route, entirely overland, led from India across the mountains to the River Oxus, where it was joined by a caravan route from China. Branching near Bokhara, one part led to the Caspian Sea and up the Volga, another left the Caspian to the north and reached Europe at the Black Sea (Trebizond, Constantinople). This route traversed high moun- tain passes and long desert stretches, and was suitable only for the carriage of valuable articles of small bulk. For about two centuries after 1250 it was kept open by the Mongols or Tartars, who lived on good terms with the Christians; then it was blocked by the Turks. 97. Character of the crusades ; number of crusaders. — To assign to economic motives the chief part in the crusades would be a distortion of the great movement which marked the life of Europe in the two centuries following 1100. Not hope of gain but vague ideals of this life and the life to come drove hundreds of thousands of men to the perilous journey to the Holy Land from which so few returned. Indirectly commerce had its share in this movement; it had drawn the peoples closer together, stimulated curiosity and broadened interests. Men sought an outlet for their surplus energy, and a relief from the monotony of medieval life; ascetic ideals imposed upon them holy tasks which they could fulfil to the benefit of their souls. The effect can be traced in an increase in the pilgrimages of individuals to holy places. The people of Europe needed only organization and a leader to unite their scattered forces; they found their organization in the church, their leader in the Pope and his delegates, their goal in the delivery of the Holy Sepulcher from the hands of the infidels who were abusing Christian pilgrims. Any estimate of the numbers who engaged in the crusades must be pure guesswork. The statistics of medieval chron- icles, always notoriously inaccurate, seem to reach the acme of unreliability in the figures of the crusaders engaged in the different expeditions. The main body of the first crusade, which started in 1095, was compared in number with the THE LEVANT TRADE 87 sands of the seashore or the stars in heaven; even moderate contemporaries made it 600,000 or at least 300,000 strong; perhaps it was really 100,000. There were six or eight separate expeditions lasting down to 1270, and we may say that a million men, roughly speaking, and probably many less rather than more, took part. 98. Commercial aspect of the crusades. — Even the trans- portation of this number of men, with their baggage and equipment, must have been a great stimulus to the growth of Mediterranean shipping. The first crusade went almost en- tirely by land, but the sufferings and losses were so great that crusaders were driven to the sea route, and this became grad- ually the regular way of reaching the Holy Land. Italian merchants accompanied the expedition from the beginning, not as real crusaders but as contractors for transportation and supplies, turning both the needs and the successes of the crusaders to their commercial profit. A fleet from Genoa and Pisa accompanied the first crusade along the coast of Syria, selling provisions. The Venetians waited until Jerusalem had been taken; then fitted out a fleet which fought the Pisans, quarreled with the Greeks, and in return for very slight ser- vices rendered to the crusaders demanded that in every city captured they should have a market, church, and freedom from taxes. " Whilst the warriors of Christendom were fighting for glory, for kingdoms, or for the tomb of Christ, the merchants of Venice fought for counting-houses, stores, or commercial privileges." "The other crusaders obeyed the new impulse, the Venetians utilized it." The fourth crusade, starting soon after 1200, was fairly captured by the Venetians and turned into a commercial expedition for their profit. When the time for starting came, the feudal knights, improvident as ever, could not pay the sum agreed on for their transportation, and Venice used her power over them as debtors to force them to aid her, first to capture Zara on the Adriatic, a Christian city but a commercial rival, then to take Constantinople itself, the key to the trade 88 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE of the Black Sea. The crusade accomplished nothing against the infidels; it was merely a means by which Venice built up her commercial and colonial empire at the expense of other Christians. 99. Effect of the crusades on knowledge of the East and of eastern wares. — Aside from the help which the crusades gave the Italians in building up their fleets and in establishing trading posts or colonies in the East, they were of no less importance in extending the market for eastern wares in Europe. The crusaders lost their provincialism, and acquired new fashions (shaving the beard and bathing); they became acquainted with fine stuffs and dyes and were no longer satisfied with the coarse products of home. The European vocabulary was not large enough to give names to the new acquisitions, and we can trace back to this period many words which were borrowed from Arabic, the common language of the Mohammedans: alcove, sofa, mattress, talisman, elixir; many of commercial significance, bazar, tariff, corvette, barracks. Not only the words but the things themselves became native in many cases; the crusades spread in Europe the cultivation of the lemon, apricot, watermelon, rice, and sugar cane. Euro- pean literature described the marvels of the Orient, the silks of Syria, the tapestries of Persia, the precious stones and per- fumes of Arabia; the names of eastern countries became familiar and knowledge of geography widened rapidly. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Selecting any one among the more important wares, sects. 88-94, write a report on its production, uses, value, and history as an article of commerce. [Encyclopedia; commercial geographies; encyclopedias of commerce and of manufactures, as those by McCulloch, Waterston, Homans, Ure.] 2. Taking British India as a characteristic source for the Eastern wares, contrast the exports then and now. [Statesman's Year-Book, index, India, exports.] 3. What seaports of those named in sect. 95 are still of importance? [Statesman's Year-Book, index, Italy, shipping.] THE LEVANT TRADE 89 4. What evidences have the other ports left of their former greatness? [Encyc; * Baedeker's guide-books.] 5. Which one of the three routes, sect. 96, is now the most important? 6. What railways have been constructed or proposed along the line of ancient routes? [See a good atlas, and note the proposed railway from Asia Minor through the Mesopotamian valley to the Persian gulf. What effect may this railway have on the importance of Constantinople?] 7. Read a description of one of the ancient centers of trade in modem times. [Consult books by modern travelers in south-western Asia.] 8. Where now can be found pilgrimages like those of the Christians to Jerusalem? What is their commercial influence? [See Mecca in the encyclopedia; and in Poole's Index.] 9. How does the average number of crusaders going per year to Palestine compare with the number of Americans going abroad? 10. Prepare, from descriptions in the current history manuals or from a historical atlas (Droysen's, for example), a map showing the route of each crusade; number each route that the development of the sea-route may be more apparent. 11. Show the development of Venice in the period of the crusades, by comparing her commerce and power at the two dates limiting the period. [References in next chapter.] BIBLIOGRAPHY Aside from the current manuals of the history of commerce very little has appeared in English on the routes and wares of the Levant trade. Lincoln Hutchinson, * Oriental trade and the rise of the Lombard Com- munes, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1901-2, 16: 413-432 (esp. 415- 421), can be recommended; and Cheyney, ** Eur. background, has two excellent chapters on the subject (Levant wares in chap. 1; routes in chap. 2). The reader will have to rely largely on accounts of the crusades, in which there are incidental references to commerce: Adams,* Civ.; Robin- son (* bibliography); Emerton, Med. Eur. (bibliog.); etc. CHAPTER XI COMMERCE OF SOUTHERN EUROPE 100. Position of Venice ; early history. — The course of the eastern trade can best be followed in connection with the fortunes of the city of Venice which still shows, in the splendid palaces lining its canals, the evidence of its former greatness. The beginnings of the city are traced back to the period of barbarian invasions when fugitives from the mainland sought shelter on the islands a short distance from shore. The inhab- itants, thus protected from the unending wars of the feudal period, were at the same time forced to seek their living on the sea, first as fishermen but more and more as merchants. The Italian conquests of the Emperor Justinian (about 500 a.d.), brought them into relations with Constantinople which were maintained by trade and frequent embassies. Even before the year 1000 the Venetians had won a secure position in Constantinople by an imperial charter which granted them, among other privileges, freedom from the vexatious tolls and delays imposed by subordinate customs officers. Still more important was a charter of 1082, which granted lands and buildings in Constantinople for a special Venetian quarter, which freed the Venetians from all taxes and at the same time required their trade rivals, the Amalfitani, to pay taxes to them for the right to trade. 101. Expansion of Venetian empire during the crusades. — Before the crusades, therefore, Venice had a commanding position in the eastern trade. It confirmed this position by a series of bitter struggles with its rivals, especially the cities of Genoa and Pisa which were rising to great prominence. These cities imperiled for a time Venetian control of the Black 90 COMMERCE OF SOUTHERN EUROPE 91 92 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE Sea trade at Constantinople; but the outcome of the fourth crusade (1204), was a victory for Venice which left her su- premacy for the time unquestioned. In the share taken by them in the partition of the Eastern Empire the Venetians showed that common sense which is always found at the bottom of all their actions. They left to the crusaders the inland provinces and took for themselves the coast-towns and islands which promised the best com- mercial returns and were easiest to defend. In Constanti- nople itself they took a large part of the city, in which their podestat ruled almost as an independent sovereign. At places commanding the all-important sea route to the East, in the Peloponnesus or Morea, in Crete and in Euboea, naval stations were established under the control of officers sent out by the home government. The strict rules by which these officers were governed gives an insight into the discipline which existed in the Venetian foreign service. In every place in which the Venetians founded a principality their capital was surrounded by Italian colonies; there where one found formerly only nests of pirates, the terror of Venetian commerce, one found now friendly ports, refuges fortified and secure, where Venetian captains and merchants, certain of a good reception, could ask asylum and protection. 102. Extent of Venetian commerce. — Thanks to the colo- nial empire which they established the Venetians controlled the trade of the eastern Mediterranean more efficiently than Great Britain has controlled the world commerce of the nine- teenth century; the field of operations was narrower, and "trade followed the flag" in those early times as it has never done since. Foreigners might trade if they would pay suffi- ciently for the privilege; without this recognition of their inferiority they were public enemies to be given short shrift. Venice established her colonies or trading factories not only along the shore of the eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea; Venetian merchants penetrated deep into Russia, and into Central Asia through the Crimea. So bold were their COMMERCE OF SOUTHERN EUROPE 93 enterprises that the home government, fearful for its interests, passed a law to limit their extent. "Dalmatia, Albania, Romania, Greece, Trebizond, Syria, Armenia, Egypt, Cyprus, Candia, Apulia, Sicily and other countries, kingdoms and islands were the fruitful gaMens, the proud castles of our people, where they found again profit, pleasure, security. '^ The old chronicler names but one side of the equation of trade; the products from all these countries and from the far East behind them were brought to Venice to be exchanged for the products of the West. Martino da Canale says of an earlier period what must at any rate have been true of his own (thir- teenth century) : " The Venetians went about the sea here and there, and across the sea and in all places, and bought mer- chandise and brought it to Venice from every side. Then there came to Venice Germans and Bavarians, French and Lombards, Tuscans and Hungarians, and every people that lives by merchandise, and they took it to their countries." 103. Development of the institutions of commerce in Venice. — Reference has been made in an earlier chapter to the Vene- tian regulations on the building, rigging, and manning of ships, which anticipated by many centuries similar legislation in the countries of northern Europe. The extent of her commercial relations led Venice to a development of book-keeping and banking which made her in these important branches the instructor of Europe, to whom the sons of wealthy merchants in other countries were sent to school. The reader will appre- ciate how great is the debt of other countries to Italy when he reflects on the number of Italian words having to do with commerce and banking which have become current in general commercial use; among them are conto, conto corrente, porto, risico, disconto, brutto, netto, deposito, folio, bilanza, etc. 104. Venetian commercial policy. — The Venetian commer- cial policy may be described briefly as the maintenance of as strict a monopoly as possible in the trade east of Italy, and the regulation of trade between Venice and the North or West which would give the Venetians the greatest advantage when 94 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE they sold their Oriental wares to other Europeans. This policy, as well as the material character of the commerce, can be studied in connection with the two great branches of Venetian The different routes varied in importance at different periods, and some routes were used besides those indicated on the map. The Brenner Pass was always of great importance to Venetian trade ; the St. Gothard Pass was not opened until the thirteenth century. trade in Europe, the overland commerce with Germany, and the sea commerce with northwestern Europe. 105. Overland trade with Germany. — As the Venetians COMMERCE OF SOUTHERN EUROPE 95 were essentially a sea-faring people, and as it was easier to reach the large cities of central and southern Germany by land than by sea, they took the passive part in their German trade, staying at home and allowing the Germans to come to them for wares. The trip overland from central Germany took roughly two weeks or a little less; trade letters of the fifteenth century were a month or more on the way between Venice and Bruges. Different routes were chosen according to the starting-point of the journey. The chief route was that leading over the Brenner, one of the lowest of the great Alpine passes, lying between Augsburg in Germany and Verona in Italy; but very often the merchant struck off to the East before reaching Verona into the valley of the Drave or the Brenta. Coming from the East, from Vienna, for instance, the Semmering pass was commonly chosen. 106. Strict control over German merchants in Venice. — On reaching Venice the merchant was put at once under strict supervision. He could not choose his own lodgings, but must stay at the "Fondaco dei Tedeschi" (German factory, using that word in its earlier sense of a trading post). This was a building (in its later form a handsome palace now used as a government office) which belonged to the city, and which served at once as a hotel, a warehouse, and an office for con- trolling the trade. When a merchant arrived he was disarmed and given a room; a careful list was made of all his wares, which served as a basis for the government dues; and an inspector was assigned to him. This inspector acted as an interpreter and as a broker, helping the merchant make his bargains, but it would be a great mistake to suppose that he was appointed mainly to serve the merchant's convenience; his main business was to "shadow" the merchant constantly, to see that he broke none of the numerous regulations designed to assure to the government its dues and to the Venetian people their profits. Germans could bring to Venice only the wares of their own country and of northeastern Europe, be- cause the Venetians wanted to carry on themselves the trade 96 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE with Flanders; Germans could trade with no other foreigners in Venice, and could not trade even among themselves, in order that the Venetians might have the sole market; they must sell out their whole stock in Venice, without the option of withdrawing part of it and carrying it further. One is tempted to ask why the Germans came to Venice at all, to submit to such severe restrictions. The answer is easy; they had no other place to go to, for the wares they wanted. Thanks to her position and to her skill in trade and war Venice had a monopoly of Oriental wares which enabled her for some time to make what regulations she pleased without fear of losing her customers. 107. Importance of the trade between Venice and Germany. — The German trade in Venice amounted, according to an estimate of the fifteenth century, to a million ducats a year, and the ducat of this period was worth considerably more than the modern dollar. It supplied Germany with the coveted eastern wares which we have already enumerated, and, moreover, with some of the products of Venetian manufactures, which were then highly developed and which were stimulated ( by protective tariffs. These manufactures included glass, which is even now a specialty of the city, fine textiles, weapons, paper, etc. The Venetian trade, on the other hand, furnished to Germany a market for her metals (gold, silver, iron, copper, lead, tin), furs, twine, rosaries, and manufactures of leather and horn, and the coarser textiles. 108. Commerce by sea with northwestern Europe. — With the countries west of Germany Venice carried on an "active" commerce; that is, instead of waiting for foreigners to come to her she brought the wares to them, as she could well do by the sea route. The crusade of 1204, to which we have already referred as a turning-point in Venetian development, was composed in large part of knights from northwestern Europe, and the relations established then with Flanders, Champagne, and neighboring districts, were continued by trade. The first reference to Venice discovered in English documents is dated COMMERCE OF SOUTHERN EUROPE 97 1201, but before the close of the thirteenth century a brisk commerce with England had grown up; at one time in the reign of Edward I over 2,000 sacks of wool were found in the possession of Italian trading companies. The trade followed at first the land route across France, but soon took to the sea, and though the land traffic was never wholly abandoned it became less important and was discouraged by special dues. 109. Regulation of this commerce ; the Flanders galleys. — Soon after 1300 the government took charge of this trade and regulated it on principles which were followed for the two hundred years during which it remained important. Separate voyages were, as a rule, prevented, and Venetian merchants who wished to participate in the trade must join in the fleet of "Flanders galleys'' which sailed at intervals (usually once a year), as the opportunity for trade seemed favorable. On these occasions the Venetian senate voted a certain number of galleys for the voyage, and auctioned off the right to freight\^ them. Each galley was propelled by 180 oarsmen, and carried! for its protection a force of archers commanded by four young patricians who were sent out that in this way they might see the world and learn to serve their native city. The cargo was carried on the account of private merchants, but the supreme control of the fleet was vested in a captain appointed by the Venetian government, and bound to follow its instructions. The voyage to Flanders and back occupied the greater part of a year, as the galleys touched and traded at many ports along the way. The route generally taken included the following stopping-places: Capo d'Istria (Pola), Corfu, Otranto, Syracuse, Messina, Naples, Majorca, the principal ports of Spain and Morocco, and Lisbon. In the English Channel the fleet divided, some galleys going to Southampton or London, others to Sluys (the port of Bruges, connected with it by a short canal), Middelburg, and Antwerp. The chief objective was the city of Bruges, the great market where the trade of northern Europe, in the hands of the Hanseatic merchants, and the trade of southern Europe in the hands of the Venetians, came together. 7 98 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE 110. Development of other cities in Italy; freedom and vigor of their policy. — Space forbids the consideration in detail of the history and policy of other Italian cities, of which some rose to the first rank in commerce, though none attained to the greatness of Venice. The lack of a central government in the peninsula enabled each city to frame its policy solely with an eye to its own interests. The Italian cities were able to free themselves from the laws and customs that had been neces- sary in an earlier time, but which lay like fetters on developing trade and industry. The city of Florence, for instance, showed a liberality in its policy regarding land tenure, industry, domes- tic and foreign commerce, which was strikingly modern. The result was an extraordinarily rapid development in commerce, manufacture and finance, but also, unfortunately, a jealous rivalry between the cities, which expressed itself not only in commercial competition but also in destructive wars. 111. Genoa. — Genoa, situated in a position corresponding to that of Venice on the other side of the Italian peninsula, grew great like her in the course of the crusades. In conflict with Pisa, which had become a threatening commercial rival, Genoa was a complete victor by the naval victory of Maloria in 1284. Against Venice the city was not so fortunate. Genoa recovered in part from the blow dealt her by Venice in the fourth crusade, when the Greek empire was re-established at Constantinope (1261), and won some important naval victories in the constant succession of wars culminating in the battle of Chioggia in 1380. The Genoese managed always to secure a share of the Oriental trade; they helped to establish the system of joint stock companies; and contributed to the development of banking and public finance. They lacked, however, the advantages of the Venetian situation, both as regarded their opportunity for trade and their capacity for defence. They were drawn into the net of continental politics, and as at home they had never shown the ability of the Vene- tians to pacify or to crush rival factions, their force was wasted in useless political conflicts. COMMERCE OF SOUTHERN EUROPE 99 112. Inland cities; Florence. — Besides the two great sea- ports of Venice and Genoa other cities of northern Ital}^ grew rich by industry and commerce at this period, notably Milan. The chief commercial city in the interior, however, was Florence in central Italy. Though Florence had no seaport of its own until after 1400, when it overpowered Pisa and Leghorn, it carried on an extensive commerce in its chief product, wool and silk textiles. Great trading houses bought up the raw material through agents settled in markets like Bruges, or traveling for years at a time, and sold the finished product through a similar network of agencies. The amount of manu- facturing and commerce in the city stimulated the development of banking institutions, and Florentine bankers gained not only a regal position at home, but also a commanding voice in international politics. 113. Other Mediterranean cities; Marseilles, Barcelona. — On the Mediterranean coast of France the only great port at this period was Marseilles, which had developed rapidly in the course of the crusades. It exported to Italy and the East French textiles (woolen and linen), wood, metals, wine, oil, soap, etc. In Spain the Arabs had developed the arts of civilization to a point which was far above that of the contemporary Christian states. Toward the close of the Middle Ages, however, the contest between them and the Christian kings for the su- premacy of the peninsula absorbed the best energies of both parties, and caused an actual decline in material civilization. One city, however, Barcelona, carried on a very extensive commerce, and was one of the most important ports of the Mediterranean. Its inhabitants enjoyed unusual freedom under the kings of Aragon and were reputed to be among the best sailors of their time; they had trading stations along the coast of the Mediterranean as far as Egypt and Syria, and as merchants or pirates frequented the Grecian archipelago. 100 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Study : (a) the position of Venice in the Mediterranean ; (b) the peculiarities of the site of the city; and write a report on the influence of these factors on the history of Venice in its different periods. [En- cyclopedia.] 2. Compare the policy pursued by Venice toward Amalfi in Con- stantinople to the early policy of the Standard Oil Company. [See the account of railroad rebates in accounts of the Standard Oil Company by Lloyd or Tarbell.] 3. Compare the Venetian and the Athenian sea-empires in respect to (a) extent, (6) duration, (c) policy. [See chapter 2, and for further in- formation on Venetian history see Brown.] 4. Make a map showing Venetian trade relations in the fifteenth century. [Falkner, Statistical Documents, V.] 5. Summarize the account of commercial transactions at that period. [Same.] 6. Write a report on the contributions of the Italians to book-keeping. [Cf. Beckmann, Hist, of inventions, Bohn's Library, vol. 1, pp. 1-5.] 7. Write a similar report on their contributions to banking. [Encyc, Palgrave's Diet., or some history of banking.] 8. Write out the English equivalents of the Italian words in sect. 103. 9. What resemblance can you find between Venetian policy toward Germans, and Boer policy toward English in the South African Republic? [See one of the many accounts of conditions preceding the war in South Africa.] 10. From the description in sect. 109 draw on an outline map the route of the Flanders galleys. 11. Write a report on the political conditions in Italy in the last centuries of the Middle Ages. [Current manuals of European history; Burckhardt, CiviUsation of the Renaissance, London, 1878.] 12. Write a report on the rivalry of Venice and Genoa. [Brown, Venice.] 13. Write a report on the chief periods in the history of Genoa. [Encyclopedia.] 14. Study the history of the Medici family as showing the character of commercial and political liTe in Florence. [Encyclopedia; various biographies.] 15. Write a brief report on the commercial history of Marseilles or of Barcelona. [Encyclopedia.] COMMERCE OF SOUTHERN EUROPE 101 BIBLIOGRAPHY A bibliography of the history of Venice is given by Brown, pp. xix- xxiii. A good brief survey of Venetian history, with a description of the modern city and a map, will be found in the Encyc. Brit. The history in the Story of the Nations series cannot be recommended. The best book for our purposes is Horatio F. Brown, * Venice, N. Y., Putnam, 1893, $4.50. The most important sources are in foreign languages; see my authorities. The history of other Italian cities is treated, with some attention to commerce, in Bella Duffy, The Tuscan republics with Genoa, N. Y., Putnam, 1893, $1.50. CHAPTER XII COMMERCE OF NORTHERN EUROPE 114. Development of commerce in South and North. — Medieval commerce reached its highest development on oppo- site sides of the continent of Europe, in the Levant trade of the South and in the trade carried on by the Hanseatic cities of the North. Commerce was, of course, not confined to these localities. We have seen already how German merchants and the Flanders galleys united the North and South of Europe; and every one of the present European countries took a greater or less share in the exchange of wares. We have already de- scribed, however, the general character of commerce in the medieval period, and must refer the reader to that description for some idea of the commerce of countries which are not treated in detail in this sketch. 115. Conditions and wares of the Baltic trade. — The wares of the northern trade present a contrast to those which fur- nished the material of eastern commerce. In the first place the countries of central Europe found in Scandinavia and the Northeast, which formed the trading ground, peoples who were their industrial inferiors; these peoples were glad to receive manufactures instead of supplying them. Secondly, the cost of carriage was much less in the North than in the South, not only because transportation was almost entirely by sea and over a shorter route, but also because the tolls on trade were much less than in the Asiatic countries. It was possible, therefore, to trade in bulky articles of comparatively small value. The luxuries which formed so large a part of the eastern exports were scarcely represented in the northern trade. 102 COMMERCE OF NORTHERN EUROPE 103 Amber can be put in this class, though the trade in it was of no great importance; this was a fossilized resin which was found on the coast of the Baltic, and which was used for orna- ments. Wax was a far more considerable item of export, which may, perhaps, be regarded as a luxury, since it found its chief employment in the form of candles used in church services. 116. Exports from the Baltic, mainly raw materials. — Most of the exports from northeastern Europe were raw ma- terials serving the simpler needs of man. Among the food- stuffs fish took the first place. Until the fifteenth century the herring, which does not now range outside the waters of the North Sea and the open ocean, came each year in late summer to the Swedish and German coasts of the Baltic; and the trade in dried and salted fish, especially herring, was one of the chief branches of northern commerce. The whole popu- lation of western Europe was at this time Roman Catholic, and the consumption of fish was of course stimulated by the rules of the church. Other foodstuffs exported were honey, butter, and salt meat. The Northeast had no textiles to offer to the rest of Europe, but in its furs it had a substitute for them which was most highly prized. The furs included not only the finer varieties, the use of which was restricted to the upper classes, but also common grades that were desired as much for their warmth as for their appearance. Houses were so poorly heated that comfort was impossible without thick clothing. We can under- stand, therefore, the complaint of a German bishop who said that " we strive as hard to come into the possession of a marten skin as if it were everlasting salvation." Other raw materials exported were skins and tallow from animal industry, and forestry products which were destined to be the mainstay of the Baltic trade in later times, various forms of timber and the group of products known later as "naval stores," including pitch, tar, and turpentine. 117. Exports from the West to the Baltic coimtries. — In 104 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE return for its • imports western Europe sent to Russia and Scandinavia its manufactures and the raw products which could not be obtained in the Northeast. The list includes wheat, wine, salt, and metals, and, among the manufactures, especially cloth and beer. The merchants of the West con- ducted the trade not only between their home districts and the less developed countries, but also between these countries; they carried herrings, for instance, from Scandinavia to Russia. 118. Contrast of the history of the commercial cities in Italy and in Germany. — The cities of Germany, which took advantage of the opportunities for trade in the North, were like those of Italy in their freedom from royal authority. There seems, therefore, a chance that they might fight among themselves for the trade, and that one of them might get a commanding position as did Venice in the South. No one of them, however, had the peculiar advantages of the geographical position and the freedom from attacks by land which Venice enjoyed. They were too evenly matched to settle quickly the question of supremacy, and they ran such dangers from the attacks of feudal lords that they could not afford to quarrel among themselves. Instead of competing they united, in the Hansa or Hanseatic League, which was the most remarkable commercial association of the medieval period. 119. Rise of the Hanseatic League. — The word "hanse" meant in early German a society, a band of men, and was applied to a number of commercial associations besides the particular league to which we apply it here. This league grew up gradually in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The merchants of various German cities found it necessary to unite for the protection of their interests abroad, and the beginnings of the association are found in the island of Gotland, in the Baltic and in the city of London, where Germans carried on a considerable trade. After a while the cities at home took up the association which their merchants had started in foreign countries, and in the fourteenth century a great league grew up, centering in the cities at the southwestern corner of the COMMERCE OF NORTHERN EUROPE 105 Baltic, of which Liibeck was the chief. Sailors were still afraid to navigate the waters around Denmark, because of the dangerous currents and shoals, so Baltic wares were carried across the isthmus, and cities like Liibeck grew great on this trade and on that which came down the Elbe valley. 120. Extent and organization of the League. — " When the ambassadors of the Hanseatic League in England in 1376 were asked for a list of the members who made up their vast association, they answered scornfully that surely even they themselves could not be supposed to remember the countless names of towns, big and little in all kingdoms, in whose name they spoke." The league was in fact very extensive, for it included not only the chief German seaports, but also towns in the interior and some towns outside of Germany altogether. The number varied from time to time; in the period of greatest power it was nearly 100, stretching from Dinant in modern Belgium to Krakau and Reval in the East, and including towns as far inland as Gottingen in Germany. The towns never formed a very close union, but sent their representatives every year or so to a meeting-place where they could discuss matters of common interest, decide upon the policy to be followed, and raise what resources they could for carrying the policy through. 121. Control of the commerce of northern Europe by the League. — The aim in general was the protection of commerce from the attacks of pirates and feudal lords and the negotiation of commercial treaties which would extend the privileges of members and preserve their monopoly of trade. The League was so successful that it obtained in the closing centuries of the Middle Ages a predominance in the commerce of northern Europe comparable to that of the Dutch and of the English in later times. In the West it had to share its trade with other peoples. In this direction Bruges was the terminus of many of the voyages; at that port the Hanseatics met the Venetians, coming in the Flanders galleys, and secured also many wares from western Europe. This was by no means, s °S °s ?■ '~'^ """S^k f \ / s 1 Vv 4/ \_^-'-^'^''^^''^ II '?■ L^ r) it. 1 III i s 1W r?^' THE EATIC COM EMPIRE ABOUT 14 SCALE OF MIL 50 100 Cities belonging t Cities belonging t Foreign Stations Foreign Stations s \ ^uXa^ .^^ < i_ 7^\^ ^ ^ nii t_jhr---S^ -e---t 1 ^ s \ ^9%< \^ "^jJ I 5iS S' \ \ 9- ^VA^'^ ^' ^^■ Ci:^i\)v__-X s '-j^jM o ''^rXr^T.j^^^^^ si "^ o 1 Pv-\^ y^- r-^-^-^^z X « 0V- 1 3 / 1 1 ~J % )K 43"" ^ ^-5<^ i>vr^ ^^ ^ *- 'X 2^ if 'jf( r 1 §0 7-t-V— .2^ - ^^^^ p f 1 1 ! K "'y w9 ^')/" "^ T^ > 4^S A ^^1 1 • o »r;3 — ^Jg<^'fe>(;f«0*A*^ u/ 1 .W . • 'o^^y^ \ %r ^Jr ;^ »^ <^ / !53 1* A-vf""'^ ~'~^\ ^ \ ft? \ ^Crjs- i % r /k li^o 1/ ^'^ — - — <|1_ \ /I °s °S °S COMMERCE OF NORTHERN EUROPE 107 however, the limit of their western voyages. They had an important trading station in England, with a great group of buildings, the "Steelyard" near London bridge, and invested their capital in English tin mines; one of their favorite voyages was to Bourgneuf, south of the Loire, on the western coast of France; and they sent their ships in some periods as far as Spain and Portugal. The North and East of Europe were, however, the field of their greatest success. In Scandinavia (including Iceland) and Russia, they gained a complete monopoly of commerce; the peoples of those countries were so backward that they per- mitted the Germans to do the most important part of their trading for them, and the governments were weak and were easily forced to grant the privileges desired. 122. Methods of trading; factories. — The methods which the Hanseatics employed in their trade are worthy of special attention, because they were characteristic of the time, being very similar to those of the Venetians in the East, and because they have been employed under similar conditions in later periods. They established "factories" in the sense of trading posts {not manufactories), where most of the trade was carried on. A factory was, in the first place, a fortress where the merchants could be safe from attacks by the natives; at Novgorod, for instance, the group of buildings was enclosed and was carefully guarded by men and by great watch-dogs both day and night. The factory was, moreover, a place where the trade could be regulated, and where the merchants could be kept under supervision. To let a man trade as he pleased would have subjected not only himself but all his compatriots to danger, for the natives made little distinction between foreigners and would readily have punished one mer- chant for the fault of another. The factories were centers of social life, with their rough initiations and their games, and they were useful in training young men in commerce; but they were kept under such strict discipline and minute regulation th^t they seem like garrisons in the enemy's country. 108 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE The map follows a contemporary description of the wares which were brought for sale to Bruges and Flanders, omitting some of the less important and those dif- ficult to identify. Of the countries left blank on the map, Italy excelled in manufactures (textiles and glass), and France had a notable export trade in wine. 123. Flanders and Bruges. — Between the regions under the commercial control of the Hanseatics on one side and the Venetians on the other lay a sort of neutral zone where both parties met, centering in the region about modern Belgium. This district was favored not only by the junction in it of the COMMERCE OF NORTHERN EUROPE 109 northern and southern trade; it had other advantages of posi- tion in that it lay near the mouths of great rivers, the Scheldt, Meuse, and Rhine, and was also at the crossing of important land routes. It had enjoyed an early development of industry in its towns, and had been liberally treated by its feudal rulers. At different periods the great commerce which flowed to and through this district chose different points for its concen- tration. In the fourteenth century the favored spot was Bruges (the Flemish word meaning bridges), the greatest market in northern Europe, vying even with Venice. Here could be found Scandinavians, Germans, English, French, Portuguese, Spaniards, and Italians, exchanging the wares from different sources; a contemporary writer names 30 differ- ent countries, both Christian and Mohammedan, which fed the market of Bruges with their commodities. The natives were content to let foreigners carry on the business of trans- portation; they stayed at home and grew rich from the wares, money and credit instruments which commerce brought to their doors. 124. Decline of Bruges in the fifteenth century; rise of Antwerp. — Partly because of this passive part which they assumed, partly because of the practice of medieval countries in diverting their trade from one place to another, the people of Bruges had but a precarious hold on their commerce, and lost it in the fifteenth century. The silting up of its harbors, making these unfit to hold the larger ships now coming into use, explains in part the decline of Bruges, but political forces were at work also to divert commerce to another center. In the fifteenth century the place of Bruges as the great market of northern Europe was taken by Antwerp, which had fought its way up against all rivals, and which held the leadership now for one hundred years. 125. Conditions of commerce in England. — England lay on the outside of the great currents of medieval commerce. It had an advantage which it had enjoyed since pre-Roman times, the practical monopoly of tin production in Europe; no A HISTORY OF COMMERCE and added to this in the latter part of the Middle Ages a still more important monopoly, that of wool production. Sheep were raised, of course, in other parts of Europe, and the merinos of Spain yielded a finer grade of wool than could be produced in England. For some reason, however, the sheep industry did not prosper elsewhere as it did in England. Possibly the constant wars and raids which disturbed the feudal states of the continent may have prevented the production of a com- modity which could be so easily destroyed or carried off as booty. At any rate, the more settled political conditions in England, where internal war became soon a rare exception, favored the development of all the national resources. Aided by the prevalence of peace at home, and by the disappearance of feudal tolls on trade, the English advanced rapidly in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and instead of exporting the raw wool began to make it into cloth and to export the finished product. Trade was furthered also by the continental conquests of English kings, which brought England and the South of France into close relationship, and built up a large import trade in French wines. 126. English trade passive until the close of the Middle Ages. — Most of the trade in English wares, however, was in the hands of foreigners until the very close of the Middle Ages. The English kings showed more interest in the develop- ment of their resources by the encouragement of alien mer- chants than they showed in the extension of commerce carried on by natives. Hanseatics and Venetians fetched and carried the wares of distant countries for the English; and the "Mer- chants of the Staple," a society composed largely of aliens, enjoyed a legal monopoly of the export of the most important raw materials which England supplied to European commerce — wool and sheepskins, leather, tin, and lead. English merchants became restive in the inferior position assigned to them both at home and abroad, and before the end of the Middle Ages began to fight for equal rights or for privileges, but they did not secure final and complete victory COMMERCE OF NORTHERN EUROPE 111 until the beginning of the modern period, in the sixteenth century. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Pursue on sects. 114-117 studies similar to those suggested above (sects. 88-94) for the Levant wares. For the character of the Baltic trade at present consult the Statesman's Year-Book, index, Norway or Sweden, The history of the trade in amber may be made an interesting study, as the article has been an object of commerce since prehistoric times. 2. Origin of the Hanseatic League. [Zimmern, pp. 11-29.] 3. What place does Liibeck hold in the commerce of modern Ger- many? [Statesman's Year-Book, Germany, last table in section on com- merce.] 4. What effect may the Elbe-Trave Canal, opened June 16, 1900, have upon the future of the city? [See U. S. Consular reports and news- papers about that date.] 5. Contrast the organization of the Hanseatic League and of the Venetian empire. 6. Report in detail on the organization of the League, and its weak- nesses. [Zimmern, 202-220.] 7. Write an essay on the life in a Hanseatic factory. [Zimmern, 137-147, Bergen; 179-201, London.] 8. Compare the Hanseatic factory with an Indian trading post. [Descriptions of such posts can be found in histories of the Hudson's Bay Company.] 9. Write a report on the rise and fall of Bruges or of Antwerp as a commercial center. [Encyclopedia.] 10. Write a report on one of the following topics in English medieval commerce : (a) Exports. (6) Imports. (c) Shipping. (d) Attitude of the king. (e) Institution of the Staple. [Sufficient material on all these points may be found in Cunningham, Growth, and if the student is able to use a book like that he will get far more benefit than in abstracting the summaries (often inaccurate or mis- leading) in the smaller manuals.] 112 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE BIBLIOGRAPHY For general bibliography consult Gross, Sources, and Palgrave's Dictionary, General accounts will be found in Encyc. Brit., article Hanseatic League, and in Zimmern, ** Hansa Towns, a book which can be strongly recommended. It includes a map and illustrations, but has no bibliog- raphy. For descriptions of English commerce in this period see Cunningham, ** Growth, or the articles in Traill's Social England. Briefer accounts are, of course, to be sought in manuals already mentioned. CHAPTER XIII DEVELOPMENT OF THE MEDIEVAL ORGANIZATION OF COMMERCE 127. Types of medieval traders ; pedler, shopkeeper. — Enough has already been said to guard the reader against the idea that great wholesale merchants of the modern type were common in the Middle Ages. The regular type of trader was the artisan who manufactured the goods he sold, or the pedler who collected a stock of goods in a town and carried them about in a pack for sale. The pedler's stock was not unlike that which he would carry around the country nowadays, — sewing materials, toilet articles, etc. An illumination in a manuscript of the fourteenth century, representing monkeys opening a pedler's box, shows vests, caps, gloves, musical instruments, purses, girdles, hats, cutlasses, pewter pots, and other articles. An English statute of the fourteenth century, describing a similar stock in trade, mentions rabbit skins as one of the articles which the pedlers took in exchange for their wares, and an English author of the period accuses them of catching cats for their skins. The petty shopkeeper stood a step above the pedler. He had a regular shop in a town, where he displayed his wares, and often went on trips to the markets of other towns, where he set up a booth and carried on such trade as the town regulations allowed. 128. Merchants. — Still another step above the shop- keeper was the real merchant, who had his warehouse, from which he supplied the retail traders, and who bought up considerable quantities of goods at the great fairs at home and abroad. It is doubtful whether we can find in this class in northern -Europe any men who devoted themselves entirely 8 113 114 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE See section 128 for a description of the trade of this merchant. The map shows only his German business, and indicates roughly, by the size of the circle, the importance of each town in his commercial dealings. Note how trade tended to the water routes. MEDIEVAL ORGANIZATION OF COMMERCE 115 to wholesale trade; and merchants had not yet specialized so that each would devote himself exclusively to the trade in a particular ware. We can illustrate the point by a German merchant, whose account books have been preserved so that it is possible to follow his business operations exactly. Vicko von Geldersen was a draper of Hamburg, where he rose to wealth and a high position. He imported cloth wholesale, and sold it both wholesale and retail. But he made use of his connection with Bruges, which was the great cloth market, to send there for sale iron, honey, meat, butter, etc., and to import such wares as oil, spices, figs, and almonds, which he sold to smaller dealers in many cities of Germany. Members of the class to which Vicko belonged were the leaders of commerce in the North of Europe during the Middle Ages; they accumulated wealth which seemed great at the time, and formed an aristocratic class in social and political life. Their sons were brought up to follow the family business, and often trained to it by extensive study and residence in foreign countries. 129. Development of commercial association in the Middle Ages. — In the Middle Ages we find the beginnings of that process of association which can be traced step by step to the formation of the great "trusts" of the present day, and which forms one of the most important features in the develop- ment of commerce. To point out the various advantages which arise from the association of laborers and of capitalists would lead us into political economy; and to describe in detail the development of the various forms of association would require an excursion into legal history equally out of place. We must content ourselves with indicating some of the main features which are easily intelligible. The need of association was felt especially in the Middle Ages because it was necessary that a merchant or his repre- sentative should accompany his wares on the road. It was often difficult for a merchant to look after a commercial venture in person; he could not trust it to a hireling; and the slight 116 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE development of the carrying and commission profession made it impossible for him to leave it to a class of persons who nowadays make it their business to attend to such matters. The merchant, therefore, would associate with him some one who could represent his interests; and a modern author asserts that in comparison with the amount of business many more commercial companies were formed then than at present. The merchant would choose by preference a member of his family, and family partnerships were the prevailing form of association at first. With the growth of commerce, however, greater freedom of association was demanded, and the group ceased to be limited by considerations of relationship. 130. Advantages of association. — By joining together, two or more men could follow different lines; one would stay at home while another could accompany the wares, and perhaps still another could attend to sales in a distant city. The advantages of this are apparent, and of not less importance are the benefits arising from the better utilization of capital. A person who had accumulated wealth, but. who on account of advanced age, physical disability, or other circumstance could not himself employ it in commerce, would join with him a man who contributed to the enterprise the necessary business activity. Capitalists gained also in another way, for they were enabled by association to share the risks of an enterprise. A man who put all his money into one ship or cargo ran the risk of being ruined; and foregoing paragraphs have shov/n that the dangers in the path of commerce were by no means slight. By dis- tributing his capital in a number of enterprises, however, as could easily be done if he entered into association with others, he could hope to make up for any probable loss by the profits of his successful ventures, and can be regarded as insuring himself. We find, in fact, that the shipping business was for the most part carried on in this way. 131. Forms of association ; partnership. — Commercial asso- ciation took ordinarily the form of a "commenda" (Latin MEDIEVAL ORGANIZATION OF COMMERCE 117 commendare, entrust). The " commendator " contributed capi- tal in the form of money, wares or a ship, while the other party, called the "tractator" contributed only his personal services to the enterprise; of the profits one fourth went to the tractator and the remainder to the commendator. The tractator who saved his earnings could in time also contribute capital, and was given a greater share of the profits and more freedom in conducting the business. The commenda, corresponding to a "silent partnership," was older and of more importance in commercial undertakings than the ordinary partnership of the present day; but the latter form of association grew up also at this time, and was used in commerce as well as in industry. The joint-stock corporation belongs in its important applications to a later period. 132. Spread of the practice of association from Italy. — The different forms of partnership developed especially in Italy in the last few centuries of the Middle Ages, when the growth of commerce was most rapid, and they became ex- traordinarily extensive and important. They secured the union of capital and executive ability which enabled far greater en- terprises to be carried on than would have been possible without them. The Italian commercial house of the Peruzzi, for instance, had fourteen branches and one hundred and fifty factors or agents. Even the assistants in the business, who did not themselves contribute capital to it, were interested in its success by a system of profit sharing. From Italy the practice of association spread to the North of Europe, and it became practically universal in commercial undertakings. Each of the larger firms had its characteristic trade-mark, distinguishing its bales of goods. 133. Position of the Jews in medieval commerce. — The Jews held a peculiar position in medieval Europe. They were distrusted and disliked by the Christians, because of their difference in religion, and because of their business ability, which made competition with them a difficult matter. Though 118 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE they were scattered throughout Europe they kept touch with each other, and so enjoyed exceptional advantages in the pursuit of commerce and the extension of business relations. In the early part of the Middle Ages they were indispensable; Christians were not educated up to their level in business, and had to leave to them the major part of the slight commerce of the times. As Christian peoples developed, however, they demanded for themselves the place which the Jews had won; and by a long series of restrictions and persecutions they forced the Jews into some particular branches of business where the Christians could not follow them. The church taught for a time that it was wrong to lend money at interest, and discouraged Christians from seeking gain by this means. The Jews, therefore, seized the opportunity which was denied to Christians, and became money-lenders. Their position was always precarious, for the law gave them no protection, and they were subject constantly to robbery by feudal princes and by the people, who believed everything evil of them. From England they were banished altogether, for several cen- turies. They showed astonishing skill and fortitude, but in the last centuries of the Middle Ages they lost their position even as leaders in credit operations. The church then per- mitted money-lending if the terms were not extortionate; and Christians from southern Europe, "Caursines" (named from Cahors, in the south of France) and "Lombards," succeeded the Jews as the money-lenders of Europe. 134. Character of currency in the Middle Ages. — One of the serious obstacles to the development of commerce was the character of the currency in the various countries of Europe. Assuming that the reader appreciates the importance of money as facilitating the operations of exchange, and knows the qualities of good money, we may confine ourselves to pointing out some of the characteristic faults of medieval currency. (1) Merchants could not rely upon the government to maintain the standard of value. In many countries the kings debased the coinage again and again, to secure the means of MEDIEVAL ORGANIZATION OF COMMERCE 119 carrying on war or paying public expenses of other kinds. Every debasement, as it left the coins with less pure metal, lowered their purchasing power and raised prices; many inno- cent people suffered and everybody grew reluctant to make bargains and contracts. (2) In many countries, especially those on the Continent, the privileges of the great feudal lords included the right to keep a mint and to issue coins. The central government restricted this right, as it grew stronger, but in general the currency of medieval Europe was made up of a vast variety of coins of standards even less reliable than that of the king's coinage. There was danger that a coin, even if it was of good weight, could not be .passed at its full value outside the locality where it was minted. (3) Even in countries like England, where feudal coinage was put down and where debasement by the government was exceptional, counterfeits were not rare, and the clipping of coin was very common. These characteristics of medieval currency made the money- changer a necessary figure in the commercial world ; he was to be found everywhere, even in the small towns, buying and selling the various coins in circulation. 135. Difficulty in making payments in distant places. — While the money-changer facilitated payments in any given place, he was not of much assistance to a merchant desirous of making a payment in a distant town or country. The merchant, it is true, could buy from him foreign money with which to make the payment; but the transportation of the actual coin was not only dangerous and expensive, but also subject to legal restriction, and was to be avoided if possible. The merchant would probably prefer to send instead of money some ware, which he could sell to advantage at the destination, and then with the proceeds make his payment. For example, when Michael Behaim of the Nuremberg Company wanted to send 1,000 gulden from Breslau to Nuremberg, he found it expedient to buy an amount of wax which he could sell in 120 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE Nuremberg for the required sum, and he shipped that instead of money. 136. Introduction of the bill of exchange. — It might not, however, always be convenient for a man to meet his obliga- tions in this way; he might not have the commercial knowledge, or perhaps he might have no good opportunity to ship a ware. Behaim, in the case cited, had in fact resorted to the wax shipment only from necessity, after he found it impossible to make his payment by the means of remittance now become general, the bill of exchange. Suppose that B. in Breslau owed the 1,000 gulden, to A. in Nuremberg, for spice; and suppose that D. in Breslau was the creditor of another Nuremberg .merchant C, to the extent of 1,000 gulden, perhaps for furs. It would be absurd for B to ship the money or to go out of his way to ship wax to A, and for C to ship the same value to D, when the pay- ments could be made to cancel each other. Why should not B pay to D in Breslau the 1,000 guldens due him, and tell C to pay the same amount to A in Nuremberg? This could be accomplished by means of bills of exchange; D could write out an order to C directing him to pay the money, and sell it to B, who would thus have the means of paying his debt in Nuremberg to A. Such an operation implies, however, not only regular com- merce of considerable volume but also mutual confidence among the participants. How could B know whether D actually had a correspondent in a distant place who would meet his obligations promptly? It was not, in fact, until the thirteenth century that bills of exchange were used to any considjerable extent; then they were developed in Italy, and spread from there. 137. Development of banking in Italy. — In Italy, also, the money-changers developed other forms of banking. As they were dealers in money, business men in want of capital for their operations naturally sought it of them. The money- changers might lend it from their own stock or act as brokers MEDIEVAL ORGANIZATION OF COMMERCE 121 and secure the money from some man who had a surplus. The short step from this to the common form of modern banking was made when merchants deposited their surplus cash with the money-changer, and he had thus a considerable stock, which he could lend so long as he kept sufficient reserve to meet the demands of depositors. It soon became unneces- sary for money to pass at all in large transactions; a man could get a loan from a bank simply by having a deposit ascribed to him on the books, and could assign this loan to others as he chose to pay it out. The characteristic danger of banking, the attempt to make a great deal of credit out of a little capital, appears early in Italy, with its results of failures and crises. The advantages of the banking system, however, the economizing of time and money and the facilitating of business operations, were so clear that banking kept its place, and spread toward the close of the Middle Ages from Italy to other countries. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS There is, in the history of commerce, no topic more difficult and none more important than the development of the organization. The student who has learned the facts has made only a beginning; he must grasp the significance of the facts if he is to gain anything from his study. The teacher is advised, therefore, to enlarge on the advantages of association and cooperation, as they are treated, from one point of view, in Adam Smith's celebrated discussion of the division of labor, and in many manuals of economics. So much depends on the degree of advancement of the pupil, and on his particular environment in country, town or city, that it is difficult to suggest specific questions or topics. In general, the teacher should sug- gest the meaning of earlier development by constant reference to the present organization. Why have pedlers disappeared in so many dis- tricts, where do they still remain, and why? What is the proportion of retail and wholesale merchants in your city; how far has the specializa- tion of wholesale trade progressed? Answers may perhaps be found in a business directory. The student who is competent to work out the his- tory of business organization in his own town will not fail to get new light on the history of earlier development; and a report on the history of some particular branch of trade at home should be an excellent exer- cise to be worked out. Another exercise would be the history of the 122 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE different forms of association (partnerships, joint-stock companies), and a study of the reasons lying behind the rise and fall of a particular form. The choice of questions and topics here must be left to the ingenuity and discretion of the teacher. The history of the currency in England [see Cunningham] is an easier topic. On the rise of credit instruments (bills of exchange, banking), the student will probably be best prepared if he is given reading, either in review or in anticipation, in some general manual which will enable him to appreciate the importance of credit institutions now, and will hence interest him in their origin. An exercise which should be profitable and rather easy is a report by the student on the life of some English merchant. [See Fox Bourne, or consult the Dictionary of National Biography on names like Richard Whittington, WilUam Canynges, William de la Pole, etc. Further bio- graphical material is provided by Alice Law, Some notable "King's Merchants," Economic Review, 1902, 12: 309 ff.; 1903, 13: 411 ff.] If Bourne's Romance of trade is available the student may prepare an abstract of chap. 1 (the Jews) or chap. 4 (money and credit). BIBLIOGRAPHY The student will find bibliographies of some of the topics treated in this chapter by consulting the appropriate articles in Palgrave's Diction- ary. Most of the best literature is foreign. The best references in Eng- lish are to ** Ashley and * Cunningham. CHAPTER XIV COMMERCE AND POLITICS IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES 138. Development of the modem political system in the later Middle Ages. — Toward the close of the Middle Ages the feudal system of government gave place gradually to a system more like that which the Romans had established and with which we are familiar now. As trade and intercommunication increased, and towns grew up holding a population of con- siderable wealth, the kings found it possible to make into a reality the position of nominal headship which tradition and the church conferred upon them. They found in the mer- cantile and manufacturing classes people who could afford to pay taxes, and who were willing to pay large sums to be relieved from the oppressions of the feudal lords. It became possible once more to transport supplies and to send troops to distant localities, and the kings devised means by which they could keep in touch with their officials, and hold them to loyal service. The result was a great increase in the power of the central government, at the expense of the feudal lords. 139. Variety of development in different countries. — The development, as sketched above, was very different in the different countries. It came early in England, and local lords lost practically all of their independence. In France it was a very gradual process, extending over the last four centuries of the Middle Ages. Even in the sixteenth century and later, the kings, though they seemed to enjoy great power, did not abolish all the remnants of feudalism, which continued down to the French Revolution in 1789, to the great harm of indus- trial development. In Spain the union of the crowns of Castile and Aragon just before 1500 completed the process, 123 124 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE by establishing nearly absolute royal authority over the greater part of the peninsula. In Germany and Italy the result was different. The same man, who called himself the Emperor of the Romans, claimed the royal power in both countries, but in attempting too much he lost everything. He wasted the royal resources in vain attempt to establish his authority, and became a mere figure-head. The control of government passed in those countries to local authorities; but it is important to note that these included not only feudal lords, but also cities which had become strong enough to throw off feudal authority and to establish for themselves almost complete independence. 140. Effect on commerce of a strong and of a weak central government. — In a country in which the cities established complete independence they seemed for a time to have gained by throwing off the royal power. Each city could control its affairs and shape its policy to suit local interests; and the great cities of Italy and Germany before the close of the Middle Ages were the most advanced and prosperous parts of Europe. Though they controlled only small areas of land they had great resources from their commerce, and even in war could hold their own with the feudal lords fighting in the old-fashioned way. They were strong enough to fight a feudal lord; they were not, however, strong enough to fight a modern king. While they were building up their power at the expense of rival cities and at the expense of the country districts, the kings of lands to the west of them were quietly engaged in uniting all the cities and the country districts, too, under one rule. The cities in France and England seemed for a time to lose, because they were forced by the kings to make concessions to each other and to the country districts. When, however, they had become used to consider themselves as only parts of a bigger whole, the nation, they found that their sovereign was far better fitted to represent their interests and further their progress than any one of them was individually. The struggle of the independent cities of Italy and Germany against the COMMERCE AND POLITICS IN LATER MIDDLE AGES 125 national states of England, Spain, and France was not decided until after the discovery of America and the sea-route to Asia, when the national organization proved decisively its superiority to the municipal. 141. Rise of a national commercial policy. — The rise in power of the central government in countries like England and France is proved by the appearance, toward the close of the Middle Ages, of a national commercial policy. The reader will remember that even in these countries the towns were at first so independent that each adopted a commercial policy of its own; as though, nowadays, for instance, Boston and New York and Philadelphia should each have its own independent tariff and set of commercial regulations. A merchant of Dover was a foreigner in Southampton, and if he wanted to collect a debt due him from a Southampton merchant he would appeal, not to the central government and the law^ of the land, but to the Dover government; and the Dover government would put pressure on the Southarripton government, perhaps by arresting any merchant from Southampton and holding his goods, until the debt was paid. About 1300 the English king was at last strong enough to make general regulations in matters like this of the collection of debts, and about the same time he established a national tariff at the ports, as a regular system, and forced the various towns to give up the right to levy what dues they pleased. A similar change took place in France at nearly the same time; the idea grew strong that the general interest of all Frenchmen was superior to the particular interests of any town or individual, and the people of France began to look to the king instead of to the local authorities for protection and control. 142. Medieval ideas on commerce. — When commerce was undeveloped and only an incidental feature in the economic life of peoples, those high in authority in church and state held ideas of it which have faded away as commerce has proved its power and shown its benefits. Many kinds of commerce, including some forms of money-lending now con- 126 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE sidered legitimate, were prohibited because they seemed to give a man something for nothing. In ordinary trade one man was thought to make his profit at the expense of another, and government was always vigilant to protect the weaker party. A government, moreover, looked on foreign commerce rather as a privilege of its citizens than as their right, and used it freely as a political weapon instead of considering it an economic necessity. The ports of the kingdom were the "king's gates," which he could open or close at his pleasure, to further his royal policy. 143. Characteristic features of commercial policy. — Among the characteristic features of national economic policy in the later centuries of the Middle Ages we find the following: (1) Export and import could be carried on only by favor of royal license, which was granted to and withdrawn from groups of natives and foreigners as suited the king's ideas. (2) The export of necessaries was frequently prohibited (as had previously been the custom with the towns), to increase the supplies of the kingdom and keep an enemy from getting the good of them. (3) The export of money, as a specially valuable asset of the kingdom, was prohibited and its importation was favored. (4) The growth of native industries was stimulated by a variety of regulations. The English cloth manufacture was protected, for instance, in the following ways: the export of raw material (wool, teasles, etc.) was forbidden from time to time, that the home manufacturer might supply himself more cheaply; the import of foreign cloth was restricted; and the wearing of fur was limited to certain classes, that the home market for woolen manufacture might be larger. Among the protected industries was shipping. " Navigation acts," requir- ing the use of native ships, were common, though they ordi- narily remained in force but a short time and had not yet hardened into a system. (5) The foreign trade of a country was not only restricted, as at present, to certain points on the frontier where duties COMMERCE AND POLITICS IN LATER MIDDLE AGES 127 could be collected, but was often concentrated in one or more special places, the "staples." The government could then oversee the trade more easily, could collect its dues, insure good quality, and protect merchants more readily, and it could also make better use of trade as a weapon of policy, directing the stream of goods where it pleased, and so rewarding or punishing other states. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Review the sections on feudalism, and see how the modern system of government grew up from feudalism as the forces which had created feudalism were reversed. [Cf. Seebohm, Prot. Rev., pp. 15-21.] 2. Write a report on the rise or decline in power of the central govern- ment in one of the following countries, in the period 1100-1500 : France, England, Germany, Italy, Spain. [Consult the current history manuals, or the encyclopedia.] 3. In connection with sect. 140 read the sections in a later part of the book, describing the advantages which have come to Germany and Italy in recent times by their union under strong central governments. 4. Write a report on medieval doctrines on one of the following subjects: (a) Loans at interest. (b) Profits in trade. [Cunningham, Growth, or Ashley, vol. 1, chap. 3; vol. 2, chap. 6.J 5. Write a report on "protection" in the medieval state. [See Cunningham or Ashley on commercial policy, or read J. S. Nicholson, The English corn laws.] 6. What has been the history of the meaning of the word staple f [Dictionaries, especially Murray's New English Diet.; Cunningham.] BIBLIOGRAPHY The subject of this short chapter takes the reader within the bounds of political history, and he is referred to the many history manuals for further reading and references. The growth of the French monarchy has been well treated by Adams, Civilization, chap, xiii, or Growth of the French nation. PART III.— MODERN COMMERCE CHAPTER XV EXPLORATION AND DISCOVERY 144. The revolution about 1500; topics to be considered. — The period centering about the year 1500 was marked by changes so rapid and so extensive that they deserve the name of revolution. The changes affected not only the intellectual life of Europe (the Renaissance) and its religious life (the Protestant Revolt or Reformation); they caused a revolution also in the world of politics and in the world of industry and commerce. It will be necessary to survey some of these changes before we return to the narrative of the- history of commerce. Three main topics will occupy the attention: first, the extension of the commercial area by exploration and discovery; second, the development of the commercial organi- zation by new forms of cooperation; third, the rise of modern states in Europe, and their influence on the growth of commerce. 145. Growth of geographical knowledge. Asia. — About the year 1000, to most people in Europe 'Hhe world" meant scarcely more than the village in which they lived, so limited were their interests and their knowledge. Pilgrims to the holy places in Palestine brought back with them knowledge of this edge of Asia, but what the Greeks and Romans knew of that continent and of Africa had been forgotten, and even the better educated people thought of the outer parts of the world as mysterious regions, wrapped in darkness or peopled with prodigies, when they thought of them at all. The growth of the Levant trade and the crusades caused an increase in interest and in information. After the year 1200, when a great Mongol or Tartar Empire was established in inner Asia by Genghis Khan, Europeans began to penetrate Asia seeking 128 y EXPLORATION AND DISCOVERY 129 aid from the Mongols against their enemies the Turks. Am- bassadors, missionaries, merchants, and explorers made the journey so frequently that a regular guide-book was written by an Italian soon after 1300; and about the same time the Venetian Marco Polo returned from a long stay in China and described his travels. He had gone by land, through Persia, Turkestan, and Mongolia, and, returning by sea, he could tell also about Japan, the great Malay islands, Burmah, India, etc. Before the invention of printing knowledge spread slowly, but the maps of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries show that the results of these explorations were not lost, and Europe had become conscious that Asia was bounded by a sea on the east. 146. Need of a sea route to Asia ; means of navigation. — The explorations by land in Asia were of great importance in spreading knowledge of the countries from which the wares of the Levant trade came, but they were of little assistance to traders who sought to develop commerce on the old routes. With the decline of the Mongol power and the spread of the Turks, passage across Asia became constantly more difficult. The available routes finally narrowed to one, that through Egypt, and trade on this route was burdened with very heavy tolls. The European people were urged by powerful economic motives to seek out the sea route to India which was now believed to exist. The means of navigation were still those of the later Middle Ages. The ships in which some of the most adventurous voyages were taken were of fifty tons or even less. The rig had been improved slightly, so that the ships could be handled more readily than when they bore the old square sails; and instruments for ascertaining the position at sea were also improved. Still, when we add to the actual peril of distant voyages the imagined dangers which the minds of men ascribed to unknown seas, we must admit that the early explorers met a test of courage to which men nowadays are rarely put. 147. The lead in maritime exploration taken by Prince 9 130 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE Henry of Portugal. — Italians were, in general, the guides who led Europeans through the seas of darkness to the East. Con- ditions at home, however, forced them to seek service abroad in realizing their plans, and Portugal was the first of the European countries to effect great oceanic discoveries. The country was small and undeveloped, but it enjoyed in the fifteenth century the guidance of a singularly able line of kings. It had in the person of Prince Henry, "the Navigator," an enthusiast who devoted practically his whole life and fortune to the cause of discovery. When but twenty-four years old he retired from the world to a promontory at the southern extremity of the country, and there he worked for over forty years, until his death in 1460. Prince Henry combined the commercial motive with missionary zeal and a medieval hos- tility to the Mohammedans, but the character of his work was entirely modern and business-like. He gave what was most needed for success, organization; he attracted sailors and pilots from all Europe; stimulated development in the science and art of navigation; equipped and inspired expeditions. 148. Exploration of the West Coast of Africa; difficulties, real and imagined. — The great achievement of Portuguese navigation was the discovery of the sea route to India around Africa. The coast of the northwest corner of Africa was well known to sailors of several European countries, and the belief was current in many minds that circumnavigation was possible. Some Genoese sailors had actually attempted to reach India in this way in the thirteenth century, but they had disappeared without leaving a trace. There was all the difference in the world between the theory and the practice of European navigators ; the limit of their voyages had practically always been Cape Bojador, far north on the west coast. A strong inshore current and short but furious storms made coasting dangerous. The coast of dreary sand dunes afforded no good anchorage; mist or dust dimmed the air and frightened sailors with the thought that they were actually entering the sea of darkness; Cape Bojador was a forbidding obstacle in EXPLORATION AND DISCOVERY 131 that it projected far out beyond the coast line, and was sup- posed to be extended by perilous reefs. Furthermore, most people submitted to the opinion of ancient philosophers, that the tropics were uninhabitable by reason of the intense heat of a blazing sun, which approached nearer the earth in those regions. See Sections 148-149. 149. Discovery of the Cape of Good Hope (1487) and of the sea route to India (1498). — Under the stimulus of Prince Henry the Portuguese passed Cape Bojador in 1434, and were rewarded on a more extended voyage about ten years after- ward by the discovery of Cape Verde. The name, "Green Cape," is significant; the explorers had passed the southern edge of the desert and found a watered country with waving palms. In this enterprise, as in most others, the first steps proved to be the hardest. Though progress was steady it was slow, and at the death of Prince Henry in 1460 the Portuguese 132 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE had not passed beyond Sierra Leone. They had, however, accumulated valuable experience and gained confidence; the long period of preparation fitted them to advance more rapidly as time went on. In 1471 they passed the equator, without the scorching that some had feared; and in 1487, under Diaz, they turned the southern extremity of the Continent, named by the sailor the Cape of Storms, but renamed Cape of Good Hope by the King, as an augury for the future. The illness Map of the known world in the time of Columbus. and death of the King prevented the Portuguese from utilizing their discovery immediately; but in July, 1497, Vasco da Gama was despatched with a fleet bound for India, which anchored at Calicut (southwest coast; not Calcutta), in May, 1498. Oceanic commerce with India had begun, and the tolls and charges which had hampered trade by the land routes were things of the past. 150. Belief that Asia could be reached by sailing westward. EXPLORATION AND DISCOVERY 133 — While the Portuguese were pushing on down the west coast of Africa in their search for a route to India, the minds of some men were occupied with the thought that the same object could be attained more easily by sailing directly west from Europe. The earth was known to be round and was thought to be smaller than it actually is. Asia was known to be bounded by a sea on the East. Why not reach India by sailing around the globe? Perhaps, they thought, the east coast of Asia was but a little way from the west coast of Europe or Africa. Skippers who ventured to the Azores, the Canaries, and other islands not far from Europe, brought back stories of foreign objects washed up on the beaches, or of land dimly descried on their voyages. The belief that land existed beyond the horizon was com- monly held, and Columbus does not deserve the credit of originating the idea. Nor can his discovery of the New World in 1492 be regarded as one of those acts without which the history of the world would be very different. The Portuguese were certain to touch America sooner or later in circumnavi- gating Africa, for they planned to steer due south fiom Guinea to the latitude of the Cape, to avoid the calms and currents of the coast, and an equatorial current carried their ships westward. Under these conditions the Portuguese Cabral, on his way to India around the Cape, actually did land on the coast of what is now Brazil, in 1500. 151. Discovery of America (1492) ; partition of the world outside Europe between Spain and Portugal. — Columbus, how- ever, certainly deserves the fame which has been given him, for the courage he showed in turning theory into action; and the consequences of the discovery, however we apportion the credit for it, make it one of the turning-points in the world's history. Europe was disappointed, it is true, in the hope that a shorter route to India had been found, Balboa proved by the discovery of the "South Sea," or Pacific Ocean (1513), that the new land was a continent by itself, and the great distance between America and Asia became known by the 134 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE ' voyage of Magellan around the earth (1519-1522), "doubtless the greatest feat of navigation that has ever been performed." Time was needed to prove that America offered more than Asia to build up European commerce, and the full measure of its possibilities was not realized until the nineteenth century. At the time Portugal seemed to have gained more than Spain. The non-Christian world was divided between these two powers by a papal decree, which gave to Portugal Africa and Asia (except the Philippines) and to Spain the Americas (except Brazil). So long as other European states obeyed papal authority and feared the might of Spain and Portugal, they were bound to respect this division; and the first period of discoveries was followed by a series of voyages, carried on especially by English and Dutch, seeking a passage northeast or northwest through Arctic seas, that would enable them to evade the monopoly granted by the Pope. 152. Effect of the discoveries on the field of commerce; growth of a world commerce. — Contrasting medieval and modern commerce we find that the discoveries produced great changes bolh in the area and in the articles of trade. Maritime commerce in the Middle Ages was restricted in general to the seas of Europe (Baltic, North, Mediterranean, Black) and to the edge of theXtlantic; exchange was hindered not only by physical obstacles but also by the claims of various states to the exclusive control of inland waters (Hansa in the Baltic, Venice in the Adriatic). When once sailors had learned to leave the coast and steer boldly into the open ocean, secure in the consciousness that they were approaching not a "sea of darkness" but a land much like that which they had left behind them, the ocean became a means of uniting continents rather than of separating them. The principle that the sea is free to all was not accepted, it is true, for some time; states tried to extend to the open sea the same narrow principle of exclusion that had been practised with respect to interior waters. These claims led to bitter national conflicts in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, but they fell gradually EXPLORATION AND DISCOVERY 135 into oblivion as the hopelessness of making them effective became apparent; and the European commerce of a former period expanded into a world commerce. 153. Effect of the discoveries on the wares of commerce. — Europe had become acquainted with Asiatic wares in the course of the Levant trade, so that the market for them was well established when the first Portuguese ships returned from India. Transportation by the sea route, however, with its diminished costs and with the greatly increased cargoes, caused such a decline in the price of eastern goods that the market for them expanded immensely. What had before been costly luxuries for the rich became now a part of their regular necessaries, and became for other classes luxuries or comforts which they could afford to purchase. It is in this ♦period that tea, coffee, and sugar became common articles of consumption in some of the European countries. The part played by those three articles in the commerce of an advanced country can be seen from the fact that before the end of the eighteenth century they formed over one fourth of the total imports of England. Other wares, such as Indian textiles, which had been known to Europe before, but which were too bulky to pay for the im- port of cheaper grades, could now be placed on the market in large quantities, when protective duties did not exclude them. 154. Importance of the precious metals in the American trade ; effect on prices in Europe. — The American continent offered at first only one class of wares of prime importance, namely, the precious metals. The Spanish secured great quan- tities of gold in the early years of their conquests, but about 1550 the output of gold was exceeded by that of silver, which reached enormous proportions, as a result of the discovery of new mines in Mexico and Peru, and by the use of the amalga- mation process. Before 1550 the production of the precious metals in Europe and Africa exceeded the supply from the New World, but then the balance changed; and during the seventeenth century the American supply was more than five- fold that gained in the Old World. The result was an increase 136 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE in the stock of money in Europe so great that a revolution in prices ensued; silver became so plentiful that a given weight of it would purchase only one half or one third, sometimes even one fourth or one fifth, of what it would have bought before the discovery of the American mines. The serious results of this price revolution on different classes in Europe must be left to the imagination of the reader, as they lie outside the scope of this manual. No other American product com- peted in importance with silver, in the early period, but as the North American continent and the West Indies were settled with whites and negroes some important staples were brought from those parts to Europe. The islands proved to be espe- cially well suited to the production of sugar, while the mainland contributed in tobacco a ware before unknown in Europe, but one which could soon rely on a large and increasing demand. Food staples like maize and potatoes continued unimportant, not only as wares of commerce but also as articles of European production, until comparatively recent times. 155. Improvement in the means and methods of navigation. — With the extension of navigation new qualities were needed in ships; speed to cover the great distances, carrying capacity for the storage of bulky cargoes, and stability sufficient to ensure safety in tropical hurricanes or eastern typhoons. The medieval galley, rowed with oars, was, of course, unsuited to long voyages, and sails came into universal use. The favorite types of vessel all showed, however, the influence of medieval models. The caravel, of small tonnage and easily managed, was simply a galley fitted with masts and sails. The galleon was larger, having two or three decks; in it the attempt was made to unite the lines and speed of a galley with the stability and dimensions of a cargo carrier. Finally, the carrack, with four or five decks, combined great carrying capacity with the defensive strength of a floating fortress. Piracy continued to be a plague, especially in the Mediterranean and in waters outside Europe, and the large merchantman with a con- siderable number of guns enjoyed a great advantage over EXPLORATION AND DISCOVERY 137 smaller vessels. We read of ships of a thousand tons and over. The size of the Hanseatic ships trading to London increased so much in the sixteenth century that they could no longer pass London Bridge, or lie at the wharf of the Steel- yard; and the increase in the size of ships caused changes in the importance of ports, by which Seville gave place to Cadiz, Rouen to Havre, Dordrecht to Rotterdam. Improvements were effected also in the art of navigation, especially in the meauo of determining the position east and west. The simple means of the later Middle Ages could give some idea of a vessel's latitude, but very little of its longitude. The introduction of the log in the seventeenth century enabled a sailor to measure distanc^tra versed more accurately, and the invention of the chronometer in the eighteejith century gave at last a reliable and practical means of determining longitude at sea. Progress in scientific astronomy w^as made of service to sailors by tables which were the forerunners of the modern "nautical almanac"; and charts and. sailing direc- tions became, as the fesuTTof generations of experience, more trustworthy and more useful. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Character and life of Prince Henry of Portugal. [E. G. Bourne, Prince Henry the Navigator, Yale Review, Aug., 1894, 3: 187-202, re- printed in Essays in historical criticism, N. Y., 1901; or one of the read- ings in the bibliography.] 2. Measure on the map the distances traversed in the voyages in search of the sea-route to India; indicate these distances on a straight hne, with the dates, that the rapid increase in the extent of the voyages may be apparent. 3. Early life and first voyage of Columbus. [Bourne, Spain, chaps. 1 to 3.] 4. Early Christian pilgrimages to the East. [Beazley, chap. 1.] 5. European explorers in Asia. [Cheyney, chap. 3; Verne, vol. 1, part 1; Beazley, chap. 3.] 6. Write a report on one of the countries of the East visited by Marco Polo. [See the translation of his travels.] 7. Development of geographical science before 1500. [Beazley, In- troduction, chap. 5.] 138 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE 8. Make tracings of typical maps, of antiquity, of the Middle Ages, and of the period of the great discoveries; and compare them with a modem map of the world. [See maps in Beazley and Cheyney.] 9. Maritime exploration before the fifteenth century. [Beazley, chap. 4.] 10. What were the means and methods of navigation in the fifteenth century? [See Cheyney, p. 53 ff., and Fiske, Discovery.] 11. Voyages in search of a passage to India through the Artie Ocean. [Oxley, Romance, chap. 6; Verne, vol. 1, part 2, chap. 3; or Payne.] 12. Write a report on the history of tea, coffee, or sugar as a ware of commerce. [Use the references suggested for wares of the Levant or Baltic trade.] 13. Write a similar report on gold, silver, or tobacco. 14. Effect of the fall in value of silver in England. [Cunningham, Growth, vol. 2, sect. 182.] 15. Development of the art of navigation in modern times. [Encyc. Brit., Navigation.] BIBLIOGRAPHY Classified bibliographies of the period of the discoveries will be found in Cheyney, and in Cambridge modern hist., vol. 1. General accounts will be found also in those two sources. Cheyney's ** European Background includes some half dozen chapters on important topics in the history of commerce; these chapters offer, in some cases, the only available reading in English, and the book can be warmly recom- mended. Another book, which is inexpensive, readable, arid very valuable, is Beazley's ** Prince Henry; this is full on the beginnings of exploration, and has an especially good collection of early maps. The first part of Fiske's ** Discovery of America presents an admirably written survey of conditions leading to the explorations. The first volume of the Ex- ploration of the World by Jules Verne, N. Y., Scribner, 1879, 3 vols., covers the medieval period as well as that of the great discoveries; it has the merits and failings which the author's name suggests. For Prince Henry and the Portuguese discoveries see ** Beazley, Stephens, Portugal, chap. 7, Cheyney, chap. 4, or, for a brief and readable account, Oxley, Romance, chap. 7. For the period following the discoveries, E. J. Payne, Voyages of the Elizabethan seamen, London, 1880, can be recommended; it contains original accounts of the exploits of the great English seamen of the time of Elizabeth (Hawkins, Frobisher, Drake, etc.). Howard Pyle, * The Bucca- neers, N. Y., Macmillan, $1.50, continues the narrative to a later period. CHAPTER XVI DEVELOPMENT OF THE ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION 156. Agriculture. — The next important subject to be dis- cussed in considering the great changes in commerce in the modern period is the development of the economic organization. The influence of the discovery of new lands, new routes, and new wares is so obvious that the discoveries are often repre- sented as the chief cause of the growth of commerce in the modern period. They were unquestionably very important factors in this growth, but European commerce was developing without them, and would have felt their influence much less if it had not been changing in its internal structure. Men were applying new methoils_pX-,gooperation, which enabled them to make more of their resources~ariiome and to utilize with greatest effect the opportunities for gain abroad. Even at the end of the period the commerce of ^SglandTwTth Europe was larger than with all the other continents together. We shall review briefly in the following sections the main changes in the different branches of production. The topic of agriculture must be dismissed with but a few words. There was a general movement toward freedom of the agricultural classes of western Europe at the beginning of the period. Wars and other political interruptions checked the movement in France, and brought about an actual decline of the cultivators in Germany; England was the only important country in which the country classes became perfectly free. In Europe as a whole, however, the conditions of production in agriculture were decidedly better than they had been in the Middle Ages, and the increased product supported a larger population and furnished a basis for a more extended trade. 139 140 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE 157. Development of manufacturing organization in Eng- land ; persistence of gild restrictions elsewhere. — In manufac- tures, also, there was a movement toward freedom in the more favored countries. We shall see, in the history of Eng- land, how greatly English manufactures, and the commerce depending on them, advanced under the leadership of mer- chants and capitalists who broke through the old gild restric- tions. The striking feature, however, in the manufactures of most countries of this period is the maintenance of the gild system, which became a most serious check on industrial advance. It will be remembered that the gilds grew originally out of the union of artisans in any trade, who banded together to protect their interests, and who were granted certain privi- leges, especially that of monopoly, that they might regulate the trade more efficiently and so protect the interests of con- sumers also. At the present time the interests of consumers are sufficiently protected by the competition of producers, who do not need government regulations to tell them that they must sell good wares at low prices if they desire to succeed; and just as soon as exchange becomes sufficiently active to stimulate competition the public gains by having restrictions abolished. In most of the European countries, however, the gild privileges and restrictions were retained until the nine- teenth century, with results set forth in the following paragraph. 158. Evils of the gilds. — (1) The privilege of monopoly was abused by limiting entrance to the gild in various ways, so that production was restricted and prices were raised to the detriment of merchant and consumer. Laborers suffered, also, by the lessened demand for their services. (2) Gilds came into frequent conflict over the question as to which had the right to exercise a particular branch of trade or manu- facture; these quarrels were similar to those arising between trade unions at the present time. Manufacturers suffered from the separation of allied trades; and time and money, which ought to have gone into the business, were wasted in long lawsuits. (3) The full members of the gilds, the masters, DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION 141 tried to keep the laborers (apprentices and journeymen) in an inferior position, and granted promotion by favor rather than by merit; laborers lost the incentive to good work and were tempted to idleness and disorder. (4) The masters tried to preserve equality among themselves. Any master who was sufficiently enterprising to attempt to extend his business by introducing improvements or by employing more men was pulled back to the general level. (5) Technical improvements were prevented also by the regulations which were adopted originally to secure good quality of the product, but which hardened into a routine prescribing the details of every process of manufacture. (6) After all the restrictions, consumers did not get good quality even when they paid high prices. They could not punish the producers of poor goods by withdrawing their custom; and scamped work, adulteration, and fraud were common. 159. Development of the commercial organization. Rise of wholesalers. — Reviewing the substance of the last few paragraphs we find that the advance in agriculture was local and incomplete, while in manufactures it failed, in great measure, to displace a wornout system inherited from a preceding period. Only in commerce itself were the changes rapid and general in western Europe. Methods of business which before had been practised in only a few Italian cities, were now adopted in the country north of the Alps, and de- veloped rapidly in the leading commercial districts. A class of professional wholesale merchants now sprang up. Before this time, of course, merchants had on occasion dealt in considerable quantities of wares, but even the leading medieval merchants seem to have been glad to keep up their business by selling in small quantities to consumers. Only in the last century of the Middle Ages do w^e find in Germany merchants who confined themselves entirely to wholesale trade. As yet they had not become specialists in any one particular ware. An idea both of the variety and of the extent of their transactions can be gained from the business of John von 142 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE Bodeck, who was a merchant in Frankfort about 1600. He bought silk and drugs in Venice, spices in Amsterdam, and sent them for sale to Hamburg; he bought iron and wax in Hamburg and sent them to Spain; he bought indigo and wool in Spain and sent them to Amsterdam and Antwerp; he bought rye in Amsterdam and sent it to Genoa. 160. Development of the commission trade; services of factors. — Bodeck must have traded in these wares often without knowing much about them himself, and generally without seeing them. Such a business would have been im- possible in the Middle Ages when a merchant accompanied his wares or shared his responsibilities with a few associates. It was made possible now by the development of the commission trade. Commission merchants, or factors, made it their pro- fession "to buy and sell for other business men for a certain profit which is given them for their trouble by the principals." Sometimes they were in business on their own account also; sometimes they were specialists in various lines. A writer of the seventeenth century distinguished five classes: those who lived in a manufacturing or commerical center and bought goods for others; those who sold goods for others; the corre- spondents of business men and bankers who made collections and remittances of money for them; forwarders, who received and forwarded goods at places of transshipment; and, finally, the agents for carriers, who distributed and collected the load of a freight wagon in a city. The duties of a mercantile factor, in general, were to advise his principal frequently concerning the market for wares, the course of exchange, etc., to acknowl- edge letters punctually, and to follow orders exactly. The commission varied from 5 per cent of the value of the goods in the West Indies to 2 per cent or even less in some of the European countries. 161. Improvement in means of communication; posts. — Commission business of the kind described in the preceding paragraphs implied much greater frequency of communication among merchants, and it is noteworthy that the system of DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION 143 public posts was founded in Europe about the beginning of this period, and developed rapidly during it. Relays of horses with postilions and with the necessary officials were established by the governments of various countries, to insure regular communication; the system was meant at first only for official business, but was soon extended to serve the needs of private individuals. Some idea of the advance can be got from a statement made at the opening of the railroad from Strassburg to Basel, giving the time required to go from the one to the other of these places in earlier times. The distance, about seventy-five miles, or less than the distance between New York and Philadelphia, was covered in the sixteenth century by a coach in eight days, in 1600 by a diligence in six days, inl700 by the same vehicle in four days, and in 1800 by, "express" (Eilwagen) in two days and a half. In the eighteenth century a man in England could send a letter fifteen miles for a penny, thirty miles for twopence, and so on up, the sum increasing with the distance; postage from London to France was tenpence, to New York a shilling. Merchants needed no longer to rely upon the friendly oflSces of the traveler who happened to be going in the desired direction, and were free from the expense of special couriers. Knowledge of market conditions in distant places spread more broadly and more rapidly than it had ever done before. Shrewd speculators could still sometimes make great profits by getting possession early of some special bit of news, but the essentials of commercial information were available for all. The modern newspaper grew up, by several stages, from written reports that were passed around as circulars in this period, telling of the state of the market, prices, conditions of transportation, etc. 162. Need of closer association among merchants; risks of commerce. — The most striking change in the organization of commerce, regarding especially that with distant countries and other continents, was the growth of association among merchants. We have noted the development in the Middle Ages of the partnership and other forms of association; we 144 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE have now to study the rise of great companies which form a connecting link with the corporations and trusts of the present day. Among the reasons for the rise of great commercial com- panies the following are to be noted. (1) Distant commerce was exposed constantly to armed attack. The protection of a country's navy extended but a small distance from home. Ships in European waters were threatened by pirates in times of peace, by privateers in times in war; in waters outside Europe they faced trade rivals from other European countries, and hostile natives who were not bound by the civilized rules of peace and war. Distant commerce was essentially military in character, and required for successful prosecution greater military force_than a small group of men could afford. (2) Partly because of dangers suggested above, partly because of the natural perils of the sea under the conditions of navigation at the time, partly because of the very novelty of the trade, distant commerce was very hazardous. If five men sent out a ship they might make a great fortune, but they might lose everything. If they associated themselves with ninety-five others and together sent out twenty ships they were pretty sure to lose some of these, but they were pretty sure to make from the other ships enough to return large profits. 163. Association required by government; reasons. — It was natural, under the circumstances, that associations of men should spring up for carrying on commerce in distant parts. We must note further, however, that these associations were required by European governments, that a certain field was assigned to each company in which it was given a monopoly, and that in this field trade by individuals and by other asso- ciations was prohibited. The reasons for this course were, in brief, as follows: (1) The peoples of distant countries did not distinguish between individual merchants. As all Chinamen look alike to us, so all Englishmen or even all Europeans were alike to them. An unscrupulous trader, who cheated, robbed, or DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION 145 killed a native, escaped the consequences of his crime and left them to be borne by his countrymen who sought later to carry on the trade. The home government could not punish such offences, and it could not afford to let them continue. It required, therefore, that a man proposing to trade to a distant country should have an interest in the permanent welfare of the tradjQ, by making him contribute mojjey to the association, and subscribe to its rules. (2) The government could diminish the risks of distant commerce by assuring merchants who spent money in building up a trade that they should not be deprived of the fruits of their labors by newcomers who had made no sacrifices. It seemed as proper to encourage in this way the investment of capital in commerce as to encourage investment in' manufac- tures by granting patents. (3) Finally, governments were led naturally to apply the prevalent ideas of gild regulation to distant commerce, and found some practical advantages in doing this; it was easier to tax and to regulate an association of men than a number of individuals. 164. Association in the form of the regulated company. — Many of the objects enumerated above could be obtained by union in what was called a "regulated company." The regu- lated company had a monopoly of a certain field of trade, and established regulations which were binding on the members trading in that field. Every one, however, who secured ad- mission by paying the entrance fee and promising obedience to the rules, traded thenceforth with his own capital, and kept his profits for himself; there was no pooling of capital or profits. The character of such a company may be suggested to readers by the organization of the modern stock exchange. No one who is not a member can trade on the exchange, and every member is bound to follow certain rules in his dealings, but every member keeps his capital and profits distinct from those of the others. The larger part of the early English commercial companies 10 146 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE were regulated companies of this kind. To a certain extent they attained the objects of association which have been enumerated above; some of the worst evils of individual trade were impossible so long as the company adopted wise regulations and could force members to live up to them. 165. Objections to the form of the regulated company. — Still, the regulated company was at best a loose association. Individual traders had no greater interest in it than the amount of their entrance fees, and regarded their momentary individual interests as more important than the permanent interests of the group. This weakened the control of the company over the associates, and rendered difficult the prevention of abuses. A strong and active policy was hardly possible, moreover, when associates kept the bulk of their capital in their own hands, and could withdraw in periods of adversity, so that the resources available to push the interests of the association diminished when most needed. The problem set before Europe in this condition of affairs was as important as it was difficult. The future of European commerce, even of European civilization, depended on some solution which would make from the individual impulse to gain, the instinctive selfishness of every man, a collective force which would enable a number of men to work for gain together. The partnership had united the interests of a very few men, simplifying the problem by starting with members of the same family, who were naturally bound together. The relation of merchant and factor was another move in the right direction, as it united in loyal support of each other two men separated by considerable distance, and with no other common interest than that of their business. The principle of association must, however, be extended far beyond the bounds of factor- ship, or partnership, or of the regulated company, if Europe was to rise to the opportunity presented by trade with distant countries. 166. The joint stock company, and its advantages. — The problem, reviewed briefly, was to get: (a) a permanent stock DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION 147 of capital, (5) so large that it must be contributed by a very considerable number of people, (c) under the management of a few people who would employ it efficiently, and for the advantage of all the contributors. The solution was the joint etock company. Early examples of this form of association are to be found in Italy, but it developed north of the Alps only after the founding of the Dutch and English East India Companies about 1600. Let us see how the stock company meets the demands for an improved form of association which were imperative at this time. (1) It insures permanence of operation. Individual stockholders or managers may die, but the company does not die with them; their places are filled, and the company con- tinues with its original capital. (2) The contributor does not, like a partner, need to be a business man; does not, like a silent partner, need to have especial trust in the person of the man- agers. The contributor may be a foreigner, a child, or a woman, and the sources from which capital may be drawn are thus immensely extended. (3) Capitalists of every class are willing to contribute to the undertaking because of the peculiar safe- guards which this form of association offers to them. In the first place, though the investment is permanent, from the standpoint of the company, and so enables the management to carry out far-sighted plans, yet it endures, from the stand- point of the individual subscriber, only so long as he pleases. The system of transferable shares enables a stockholder to sell out his interest at any time, and so change his investment. In the second place, the stockholders have a voice in the management of the company proportionate to their interest in it. They choose the persons to whom they will entrust the active direction of affairs, require periodical reports on the course of business from the managing directors, and have the power to change the directors if the conduct of affairs is not satisfactory. 167. Good and bad sides of joint stock companies. — The reader would err if he assumed that all the advantages sug- 148 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE gested above were secured immediately on the founding of the first stock companies. Experiments of various kinds were tried at the start, and only gradually did the companies take the form which they have assumed in modern law. The English East India Company, for instance, which was founded in 1600 as a regulated company, was made over into a joint stock company by degrees, and could not be regarded as permanently established on this basis for over fifty years. Generations of bitter experience were required to teach people the possible dangers as well as the possible benefits of this form of association. Incompetence and corruption were prevalent in the man- agement of affairs. The worst abuses of our modern cor po- rations give one but a faint idea of the enormities that were perpetrated in the early period of joint stock history. In spite of all, the joint stock companies accomplished the purpose for which they were created; they attracted capital at home, stimulated the prosecution of a definite policy abroad, and extended commercial interests as individuals or other forms of association would have been unable to do. The American reader may remember that Virginia was founded and Massa- chusetts was developed by joint stock companies. Other forms of association, especially partnership, were more suitable for many purposes, and increased constantly in number; but alongside them several hundred stock companies grew up in Europe of which perhaps a hundred were founded to develop great commercial and colonial undertakings. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Write a report on the break-up of the manor and the rise of modern farming in England. [Cheyney, Indust. hist., chap. 5, or one of the other manuals of English economic history.] 2. Write an essay comparing the restrictions of the gilds with those of modem trade-unions. 3. What are the functions of wholesale merchants and hence what was the importance of their rise at this time? DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION 149 4. Who were some of the notable merchants of the period? [Bourne, Romance, chap. 12, or English merchants.] 5. What examples can you find nowadays of the different classes of commission merchants mentioned in the text? What commission do they charge? 6. Write a report on the rise of the modem postal system. [See Encyc. Brit., articles Post-office, Postage stamps.] 7. Write a similar report on the history of the newspaper. [Encyc. or Biicher, ** Indust. Ev., chap. 6.] 8. Endeavor to understand the reasons for mercantile association, and for the requirement of this association by the government, by re- viewing the changes in conditions since this period, and seeing why association is not necessary or compulsory now. 9. Study Cunningham, Growth, vol. 2, sect. 188, on regulated and joint-stock companies, and pick out examples of each type in the follow- ing sections. 10. Write a report on the various forms which the (English) East India Company assumed during the first century of its existence, and the reasons for the changes. [Cunningham, or Hunter, ** Hist, of British India.] 11. Write a report on abuses and corruption in this company. [Hunter.] BIBLIOGRAPHY A bibliography accompanies the chapter by Cunningham on ** Eco- nomic change, Cambridge mod. hist., vol. 1, which furnishes the best brief account in English of topics considered in this chapter. Histories of various countries at the period of the Reformation present descriptions of their agricultural, industrial, and commercial organization; but I know of no general and comprehensive treatment in English of topics treated here. The only topic on which there is abundant material available is that of commercial organization. See Cheyney, ** Eur. background, chap. 7 (chartered commercial companies), chap. 8 (typical American colonizing companies); Hewins, ** English trade, chap. 3 (trading companies); Hunter, Hist. Brit. India (East India Co.). CHAPTER XVII CREDIT AND CRISES 168. Growth of credit business and of banking. — The rise of the joint stock companies was a great step in the development of the power of capital and of credit. Individual savings, which before might have been hoarded and made useless to society, were drawn from their hiding-places to form the capital and loans by which the great companies extended the scope of commerce in this period. Another step in advance, which deserves notice here, was the extension of banking north of the Alps. The medieval doctrine that it was wrong to take interest on loans lost its force when it appeared that loans were wanted by merchants who would put them to a good use; and society concluded that it was wise to en,courage the lending of money by permitting the lender to take interest for it. There is a great difference, however, between the lending by an ordinary individual, who has more than he knows what to do with, and the business of lending as practised by a banker. The difference is this, that an ordinary individual lends his own money, while a banker lends that of somebody else. When credit operations have become sufficiently exten- sive the banker appears as a man who makes dealing in credit his profession. He steps in between the people who have capital but lack the ability or inclination to employ it profit- ably, and the people who have the ability and inclination to conduct business enterprises but lack the desirable amount of capital. The banker is a specialist in this profession, and by his special knowledge can do more than any one else could to collect the surplus capital and place it where it can be used to the best advantage. 150 CREDIT AND CRISES . 151 169. Description of the rise of discount and deposit banking in England. — The history of banking is too large a topic to be considered here in detail. The early banks were marked by a number of individual peculiarities, and occupied often a public position as agents of the government; these points need not detain us. The development of ordinary commercial banking can be illustrated by the business of the London gold- smiths in the seventeenth century. The goldsmiths were re- quired by the character of their stock to keep strong-boxes ("safes"), which served the purpose of a modern safe-deposit vault; and they united dealings in gold and silver coin with their original business. They were naturally the persons to whom a man would apply who wanted the means of keeping cash and other valuables more securely than was possible on his person or at his office or home; and thus they received in time considerable deposits from merchants and others. Prob- ably they made some charge at first for the accommodation, but soon they were encouraging deposits by paying some interest, and by undertaking to perform services suph as col- lection and remittance for their customers. They could afford to do this by reason of the fact that they did not let the cash lie idle in their vaults, but lent it to the government and to business men; they had become banks of discount and deposit. A tract published in 1676, entitled "The Mystery of the New fashioned Goldsmiths or Bankers," gives this account of their operations. "Having thus got Money into their hands, they presumed upon some to come as fast as others was paid away, and upon that confidence of a running Cash (as they call it) they begun to accommodate men with moneys for Weeks and Moneths, upon extraordinary gratuities, and supply all neces- sitous Merchants that overtraded their Stock, with present Money for their Bills of Exchange, discounting sometimes double, perhaps treble interest for the time, as they found the Merchant more or less pinched." 170. Rise of "money-power" as shown in the history of the Fugger family. — The reader will perhaps comprehend 152 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE more clearly the great development of business in the modern period if we follow here the history of one of the families of South' Germany which rose to the first rank among the money powers. The Fugger family was descended from a simple country weaver, who settled in Augsburg and died there in 1409. His sons rose to high place in the crafts of weavers and merchants, and accumulated wealth, like many others, by trade in spices, silks, and woolen cloth. Under a grandson, Jacob (1459-1526), who had been trained in Venice, the family business underwent a striking change. We should call Jacob a financier rather than a merchant. He and his brothers continued, it is true, to deal in merchandise, but they made their great profits by dealing in money and capital. If a prince or king wanted a loan they made it to him, charging a good round sum in commission and interest, gaining often a security for their advance, such as a mine or the right to collect some taxes, from which they could make good profit. If a king like Charles V, whose dominions were widely scattered, wanted to disburse some of his revenues in a distant province, they undertook to sell him the necessary exchange and avoided the transportation of the coin itself. Their business extended from Hungary and Poland in the East to Spain in the West, from Antwerp in the North to Naples in the South. 171. Description of the Fugger business. — The records of the Fugger firm have been preserved, and we can learn the extent and character of its business by the statement of its resources as they appeared in 1527. The figures are in florins, of which each had a purchasing power equal roughly to eight dollars to-day. Mines (Tyrol, Hungary) 270,000 Other real estate (city and country) 150,000 Merchandise (copper, silver, brass, textiles) 380,000 . Cash (in home office and 14 factories) 50,000 Loans 1,650,000 Private accounts of associates 430,000 Various current affairs 70,000 3,000,000 CREDIT AND CRISES 153 The reader will note the large sums appearing under mines and merchandise, showing that the Fuggers still maintained their dealings in wares, after they made finance their special business. The chief item, however, is that of loans, which included sums borrowed by the Pope, the Emperor, and kings of Europe. The Fuggers and other great financiers had immense influence on the politics of their time, for they could command money and credit while sovereigns were still trying in vain to build up an adequate revenue system. They made fabulous profits, over 50 per cent a year, in prosperous periods, and the Fuggers managed to make an average profit of over 30 per cent a year for over thirty years. In the case of most firms, however, there were lean years as well as fat ones, and the general average would be very much less. More striking than the rate of profit is the increase in the size of the capital. Taking two Italian banking firms, the Peruzzi about 1300, and the Medici about 1440, and comparing them with the Fuggers in 1546, we find that the capital was about as follows, expressed in modern purchasing power: Peruzzi, $800,000, Medici $7,500,- 000, Fuggers $40,000,000. 172. Weakness of the Fugger and other banking firms. — The great financial firms of the sixteenth century seem to have been premature. They lacked the permanence of the later joint stock companies, for they still retained the medieval form of a company based chiefly on family relationship, and required constant reorganization. Their success in the hazard- ous operations of the time depended entirely on the sagacity of the heads of the family, and as genius cannot be transmitted indefinitely they went to pieces ordinarily in the third genera- tion from their establishment. The head of the Fugger firm about 1550 tried to wind up the business and withdraw the capital, but found it impossible to do this, and became involved in more and more enterprises. The balance of the firm in 1563 showed decided weakness; members of the family began to quarrel among themselves; and the firm finally lost in un- fortunate loans practically all its accumulations. The bank- 154 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE ruptcy of one of these firms involved wide-spread disaster, for as time went on they carried on their business less and less on the money contributed by members, and more and more on their credit. All classes in the community — nobles, burghers, peasants whose savings did not exceed ten florins, even servants — deposited their money at interest with the financiers, and were involved in their fall. 173. Description of business in Antwerp in the sixteenth century. — After considering the new forms of business from the standpoint of individual firms it will be profitable to study them in the city that was the business center of the time, where all the great firms were represented by agents. This city, in the first part of the sixteenth century, was Antwerp, which rose as the medieval port of Bruges declined. There have been, of course, greater cities and greater markets since that time, but never before or since, it is said, has the world seen such concentration of the trade of different peoples in a single place. The town owed its development almost entirely to the foreigners who flocked there to trade, and though it saw less of Italians and Hanseatics than Bruges had done, it was the one great gathering place for the Portuguese, Spanish, English, and German merchants who were now the leaders. It is said that over five hundred vessels sailed in or out of the port in one day, and that the English merchants alone employed over 20,000 persons in the city. The poet Daniel Rogiers said of the Antwerp exchange, "One heard there a confused murmur of all languages, one saw there a motley mixture of all possible costumes; in short the Antwerp bourse seemed to be a little world in which all parts of the great were united." In contrast with Bruges, trade in Antwerp was almost entirely unrestricted, and this was perhaps the chief reason why the merchants of the time selected it as the place in which to develop the new forms of business. 174. Rise of the Antwerp exchange ; its significance. — Antwerp presented in the sixteenth century the first case of a great bourse or exchange, that is, a place in which men CREDIT AND CRISES 155 meet daily and effect their exchanges without displaying and transferring the wares themselves, by the use of paper securities representing the wares. Such an institution cannot exist until the volume of trade is large enough to cause a steady and continuous flow of wares, in contrast to the spurts that marked the period of the fairs. It requires, moreover, that the objects dealt in be of such a kind that they can be represented at the exchange by some document or sample, so that the buyer can learn the quality of the ware without actually inspecting it. This is possible when a ware can be graded, put into a certain class the characteristics of which are so closely defined and so well known that the buyer needs only to decide whether he cares to take a certain quantity at a certain price. 175. Development of business on the exchanges; produce and money. — The use of the word "ware" in the foregoing description may suggest the produce exchange as the earliest and most important form of the exchange. Produce of various kinds, especially pepper, did form an object of exchange trade in Antwerp; and there was a considerable development of the produce exchange later in Amsterdam. At the "candle-auc- tions" on the Royal Exchange of London in the seventeenth century, goods were offered with an inch of lighted candle on the desk, and were knocked down before the candle went out; a single parcel of silk, indigo, or spice sold in this way was sometimes worth half a million dollars. The produce exchange, however, did not reach its full development until the nineteenth century, and we shall leave its significance in the commercial organization for later consideration. The " ware " which formed the main object of trade on the Antwerp exchange was loanable capital, represented by various paper instruments. Princes who desired to borrow money, and who formerly would have applied to individual financiers like the Fuggers, turned to the exchange of Antwerp or of Lyons, where loanable capital from all over Europe was col- lected. Through the medium of the exchange a French king could and did borrow money of a Turkish pasha; and it was 156 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE said that payments amounting to a million crowns were made in a single morning without the use of a penny of cash. 176. Advantages offered to industry and commerce by the exchanges. — Antwerp and Lyons had served especially politi- cal needs in their loans; they were embarrassed by the insol- vency of royal debtors, and soon declined. Their place was taken by Amsterdam, London, Hamburg, Frankfort, and other cities, and with the rise of these new money centers a change of importance is to be noted. The new exchanges attracted capital for investment in private or semi-private economic undertakings, serving the needs of the new companies which were being established. Ordinary people with comparatively small savings would not have known (as they would not know now) where to invest their money if they had not had the stock exchange to turn to for an indication of enterprises seeking capital, and of the current price of the stock. The stock exchange was the natural and necessary accompaniment of the stock company. Shares of trading and industrial companies and of public debts became the objects of a regular commerce, which was not confined by national boundaries, but which drew capital from all sources. When shares of the Dutch East India Company were put on the market in 1602 they were taken up to a con- siderable extent by capitalists of Antwerp who no longer had use for their money at home; much of the money needed to rebuild London after the fire of 1666, and a large part of the capital of the Bank of England, came from the Dutch; shares of the English companies trading with Asia and Africa circu- lated freely on the Amsterdam exchange; a loan to the German Emperor was floated in London. 177. Growth of speculation ; early abuses. — Modern forms of speculative business grew up with the exchanges. A pam- phlet published as early as 1542 described the "monstrous thing " that Antwerp merchants had devised ; they bet with each other on the course of foreign exchange, one saying it would be 2 per cent, one 3 per cent, etc., and afterwards they CREDIT AND CRISES 157 settled by paying the differences. This is substantially the same operation as that which is carried on regularly to-day. When the trade in shares of stock was established traders would speculate on a rise or a fall, or a combination of both. Shrewd speculators organized a system of news gathering and forwarding which gave them the first knowledge of important events affecting the price of securities, and enabled them to anticipate the turn of the market. London speculators got word through a private channel of the signing of the treaty of Rijswijk in 1697, a day before the English ambassador arrived with the official announcement; their eagerness to buy bank stock aroused suspicion, and the reason for their purchase appeared when the news was published and the price of the stock rose from 84 to 97. Underhanded methods of trade were common. Speculators would set afloat rumors to depress the price of securities, and then buy in. One day during the reign of Anne in England a well-dressed man rode furiously through the street proclaiming the death of the Queen. The news spread and the funds fell; the Jew interest on the exchange bought eagerly, and were suspected later of being responsible for the hoax, though it was not proveii against them. The Englishman, Child, who made a fortune in speculation, and who was called in a pamphlet of 1719 "the original of stock-jobbing," would have one set of brokers spread rumors of disaster, and sell a little of his stock publicly, while another set bought for him "with privacy and caution " ; in a few weeks he would reverse the process and come out ten or twenty per cent ahead. 178. Dangers of the new system of business; promotion of unprofitable enterprises. — The appeal of joint stock companies to the public through the medium of the stock exchange proved to be so effective in gathering capital that a great many worthless undertakings were floated. When times were good, that is, when enterprises had proved successful, when people had saved money for investment and looked with confidence to the future, almost anything in the shape of a 158 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE company could get subscribers to its stock. The reader should note that there were two sides, one good and one bad, to the new methods by which commerce was being developed. The facility of getting capital from a great number of subscribers made possible more and larger undertakings than had been known before, and was an unmixed benefit when the new undertakings were devised to fill a real need of society. There was, however, a separation before unknown between the sub- scriber and the undertaking; the contributor of capital might be entirely ignorant of the economic basis of the enterprise, and might sink his money for a return which came late or not at all. There was thus a chance for the diversion of the capital of society to worthless purposes; the business organization had become more powerful, but at the same time more delicate and subject to derangement. We find in this period the beginning of commercial crises marked by the misdirection of invested capital, disappointment of investors, and distrust and lethargy, until spirits rose with the recovery of lost ground, and good times began again. 179. Description of the "Bubble Period" in England. — Commercial crises occurred in all of the advanced countries during this period. We shall not, however, attempt an enu- meration of them here, but shall use the available space for a description of the most important crisis, that which affected both England and France about 1720". The crisis in England was closely connected with the course of the South Sea Company, which had been established in 1711 as a trading corporation. The company had secured the right to export slaves to the Spanish colonies, had developed a promising whale-fishery, and was thought to be a large and flourishing concern. It was then transformed into a financial company, with the bold plan of assuming the whole national debt, for which it made extravagant offers. "The large sum offered by the company, which made success impossible, stim- ulated the imaginations of the people, who fancied that a privi- lege so dearly purchased must be of inestimable value, and the CREDIT AND CRISES 159 complication of credulity and dishonesty, of ignorance and avarice, threw England into what it is scarcely an exaggeration to term a positive frenzy." All classes rushed to buy the stock, which at one time was quoted at 1,000. Then the weakness of the scheme became apparent; the stock fell as rapidly as it had risen, and investors or speculators were ruined in large numbers. This was only one of the bubbles which were inflated and which burst about this time. Other companies were promoted for making salt water fresh, for extracting silver from lead, for trading in human hair, and for a wheel of perpetual motion. Insurance was now coming into prominence, and this offered a favorite field for promoters. Subscriptions were received for companies that proposed to insure against losses of servants, against burglars and against highwaymen ; one scheme was " Plummer and Petty 's Insurance from Death by drinking Geneva" (gin). We get a vivid idea of the spirit of the period from the fact that one promoter, who announced a company " for an undertaking which shall in due time be revealed," secured 2,000 guineas in a single morning, with which he immediately made off. 180. The crisis of the Company of the Indies in France. — Just before the time of the English crisis one curiously similar in character occurred in France. A Scotchman, John Law, who was an able banker and financier, promoted a Company of the West, expanded later into the Company of the Indies, which united with its commercial projects an attempt to finance the government. Extravagant ideas were formed of the possibilities of Law's "system," and the roads to Paris were blocked by people hurrying there to speculate in shares. Two of the ablest scholars in France deplored the madness at one interview, and at the next found themselves bidding against each other. Coachmen, cooks, and waiters became millionaires by lucky speculation; tradespeople in the street where the exchange was established made fortunes by letting out their stalls and chairs. The price of stock rose until it frightened even the promoter of the system, who interfered in 160 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE the hope of checking speculation, but who found soon that he was unable to check either the rise or the fall of the stock. The crash which quickly followed was especially serious, as the whole currency consisted now of discredited notes issued by the company. Ruin was widespread, and credit received a blow which made the promotion of legitimate enterprises difficult for a long time thereafter. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Prepare yourself to see the significance of the facts of this chapter by reviewing the functions and benefits of credit institutions like banks. [See Bullock, Introd., chap. 9, or other current manuals of economics.] 2. Write a report on the way in which churchmen and scholars came to justify the taking of interest on loans. [Cunningham, Growth, or Ashley, ** Ec. hist., vol. 2, sect. 65 and others following, esp. 72.] 3. Fill in the outline of the text, sect. 169, by details to be found in Cunningham, Growth, vol. 2, sect. 180. 4. Write a report on the business career of Sir Thomas Gresham, one of the great English financiers of the sixteenth century. [En eye. Diet, of nat. biography, and references in those sources.] 5. Write a report on Antwerp in the sixteenth century. [See Motley, Rise of Dutch Repubhc, N. Y., 1858, vol. 1, p. 81 ff., chap. 13.] 6. Benefits and dangers of speculation. [Hadley, Economics, chap. 4.] 7. Manias and panics, modem and recent. [Bourne, Romance, chap. 11.] 8. Write a report on one of the following topics: (a) The tulip mania. [Oxley, Romance of commerce, chap. 3.] (6) The "Bubble" period in England, [Cunningham, Growth, vol. 2, sect. 218; Oxley, chap. 2; cf. Lecky, Hist, of England, and cf. Macaulay's history of bubbles about the time of the founding of the Bank of England.] (c) John Law and the Mississippi Bubble. [Oxley, chap. 1; other references in notes to this volume.] BIBLIOGRAPHY As the subjects of this chapter have been treated generally by special- ists, and considered in their relation to modern economics rather than earlier history, the reading is scattered, and, for our purposes, unsatis- factory. See the titles in Bowker and lies, Reader's guide, p. 40 ff. The chapter by Cunningham in the first volume of the Cambridge modern history covers in part the ground of this chapter. The important commercial crises are described in the histories of England, France, etc. CHAPTER XVIII THE MODERN STATE AND THE MERCANTILE SYSTEM 181. Growth of modem states under the influence of com- merce. — If the modern reader is impressed, in studying the history of Europe before 1500, with the influence on commerce of the lack of strong government, he will be equally impressed, in the period from 1500 to 1800, with the strength of govern- ment and with the important part it played in commercial development. We have here to sketch in brief the changes in political conditions, leaving to later chapters a consideration of the details as they appear in the history of different countries. Commerce itself was the great force that broke the power of feudalism. Commerce crept through the barriers that kept localities apart; it established a circulation of wares through a large area of country; and it concentrated wealth in the cities which it built up. These were the very changes needed to allow the world to escape from feudal anarchy, and to construct a system of government similar to that which the Romans had employed. Kings had now subjects able and willing to pay taxes, and, by means of commerce, they could transport their taxes, turn the proceeds into any shape they chose, and apply them wherever it was necessary. 182. Decline of feudal power with the rise of mercenary armies. — A large part of the new revenues was spent by governments in strengthening their military position. Feudal lords were good fighters in the old-fashioned way, and would not give up their local power without a struggle. They had to yield finally, however, before the standing armies which kings called into existence towards the close of the Middle Ages. Feudal lords loved to fight, but they were only amateurs, 11 161 162 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE after all, and did not make fighting a business. The merce- naries, on the other hand, whom kings collected as soon as they could afford the expense, were professionals, who submitted to a certain amount of discipline because they could make a living by doing so. Enterprising men collected a number of recruits, taught them to use their arms, and drilled them until they counted for far more than an equal number of untrained men; the leaders studied tactics and strategy, and knew how to make the most of their superiority. The leaders were perfectly willing to let their troops to any one who could pay the price, but as feudal lords were always in want of ready money the advantages of the new armies went almost entirely to the kings. The introduction of gunpowder in warfare increased the superiority of the mercenary armies, by adding to the value of training, and here again the kings, with ready money to invest in the latest improvements, had an advantage. 183. Growth in power of the central government as shown in the development of taxation. — By the year 1500 the process had gone so far that many of the states of Europe had assumed a shape substantially like that which they have to-day; and feudalism as a great political force was dead. Government could now proceed to develop on the basis of an extended territory. Some measure of the gain of the central govern- ment in power can be had by noting the increase of its resources from taxation. English taxes yielded about half a million pounds in the sixteenth century, seven and a half million in the next century, and about forty million towards 1800. In little over a hundred years the yield of taxes in Prussia in- creased twenty-eight fold. The revenue system was still crude and wasteful. Every European state followed at one time or another the practice of raising money by selling the right to hold an office. Every European state lost money, not only by the inefficiency of the revenue system, but also by corruption of officials; often half or more of money that the people paid in taxes never reached the treasury. In spite, however, of these inevitable faults, national resources were concentrated MODERN STATE AND MERCANTILE SYSTEM 163 as they had never been before, and the central government gained a power before unknown. 184. Persistence of medieval conditions in the modem period. — From the modern standpoint no better field could be found for the use of this power than in the reform of internal conditions. Centuries after feudalism had lost its controlling position the local differences and the spirit of separatism which marked the feudal period remained to plague the merchant and the statesman. Commerce was hindered by local varia- tions in laws and in weights and measures; by the persistence of barriers to the development of trade and manufacture which had grown up in the medieval system of tolls and gilds; by the maintenance of the class distinctions marking feudal society, and putting on a different basis the merchant, the agriculturist, and the noble. A country like England, which early threw off the most oppressive of its medieval institutions, gained a great start over countries where they were allowed to continue. Statesmen in these other countries recognized the need of re- form, and made attempts to realize it from time to time; they made slow progress, not only because the task of reforming old customs was at best tedious and expensive, but also because their attention was distracted from the task for much of the time by the pressure of foreign affairs. 185. Attempts at reform, leading in many cases to over- regulation. — All the European governments in this period did pay attention to the development of internal resources. One of the chief features of the mercantilist theory, that animated government policy during the seventeenth and eighteenth cen- turies, was the emphasis laid on the circulation of money and wares inside the country. The new national governments helped to further internal commerce by repressing disorder, and by reforming, to some extent at least, the system of laws and courts to which business men could appeal for the settle- ment of disputes. Most of the governments paid considerable attention also to the development of the postal system. Governments could serve their people well in ways like 164 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE these, but unfortunately they expended their energy on other objects that were useless or harmful. " The state moulds men into whatever shape it pleases," was an idea of the time, which led to an enormous amount of government regulation. In few states of the Continent was a man free to seek his profit where he would ; he was entangled in a network of government regulations that fixed the rules of his trade, the prices of his wares, even the articles which he might or might not consume. An excellent example is furnished by the grain trade, which governments regulated so strictly that in many cases laws caused the very famines which they were designed to prevent. 186. Attention distracted from internal reforms by foreign interests. — A consciousness that government regulation had gone too far for the interests of commerce grew strong before the end of the eighteenth century, when a school of thinkers, the physiocrats, protested earnestly against it. Their for- mulas, "don't govern too much," "let things alone" (laisser jaire), were to be realized in the nineteenth century. At the time, however, they had little effect; the faith in the power of government was still strong in the minds of rulers, and their attention was distracted by other interests. When rulers had crushed the resistance of their subjects, and established their absolute authority, they had a surplus of power which they were inclined to apply abroad. The period from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries is filled with strife between the European states, each attempting to get possession of some of the territory and power of a rival. The states of Europe were still young, with all the vigor and all the inexperience of youth, and not until they had tried conclusions with each other were they willing to settle down as they have done in the nineteenth century. It was said above that internal reform was the best object of government expenditure "from the modern stand- point." Kings and peoples were not modern, and to a king of the time one of the best objects appeared to be a war with another king by which he might get more people under his power. MODERN STATE AND MERCANTILE SYSTEM 165 187. Wars occasioned by religious and dynastic interests. — In tracing later the commercial histories of the different coun- tries it will be necessary to refer occasionally to these wars, but it will conduce to clearness if we stop a moment here to examine their causes and character. Some of the wars were religious, growing out of the Protestant revolution. The states of the South remained Catholic, and those of the North became Protestant with comparatively little opposition, but in the center, in France and Germany especially, where neither side had at first a clear supremacy, the Protestant movement led to disastrous civil wars. Another series of wars may be called dynastic, as they grew out of the ambitions of rulers to extend their power in Europe at the expense of other ruling families. In the sixteenth century the chief contestants were Spain and France. Spain dropped from the first rank, and France and Austria continued the struggle for supremacy through the seventeenth and eight- eenth centuries. The dynastic wars seem to the student of the history of commerce as unfortunate as those that came from religious differences. They diverted men and resources from production to destruction; they checked at the same time commercial development and the reform of government. 188. Wars occasioned by commercial interests; military aspect of commerce in this period. — Still another class of wars can be distinguished in which the religious or dynastic motive might enter to some extent, but in which the com- mercial motive was predominant. The reader should be cautioned against an extravagant idea of the power of govern- ment to extend commerce. At the present time this power seems very slight indeed. It was, however, far greater in the period under consideration. References in preceding sections to the prevalence of piracy and to the warlike attitude of merchants of different nations toward ieach other have suggested the military character of commerce, inviting the armed protec- tion of the state. "One fact stands out clearly," says a recent authority on the history of India, "No European nation has 166 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE won the supremacy of the East which did not make it a national concern." The prize in distant commerce went not to the best producers and merchants, but to the group of the best fighters; not size and resources, but ability to organize and willingness to risk resources in conflict, determined the question of success. The little state of Holland made her fortune by an eighty years' war, in which she broke the power of the Portuguese and Spanish in the East. The English were still unready to em- bark their national resources in distant ventures, but they won their position in continental India in the eighteenth cen- tury by military support which the French kings refused their subjects. 189. Wars arising from the conflict of colonial interests in the New World. — Between 1600 and 1815 was a constant succession of wars, arising from the fact that five European powers had colonies in the New World which they were seeking to maintain or to extend. Holland and Portugal lacked the territorial basis to maintain their struggle when larger states armed for the conflict; France and Spain found their best energies absorbed by dynastic interests in Europe which, tied their hands^j j>road ; England emerged victorious from the conflict and found herself repaid, by a position of commercial supremacy, for the expense to which she ha d bee n put. Out of the one hundred and twenty-six years between 1688 and 1815 she had spent more than half, sixty-four, in wars ranging from seven to twelve years in length. 190. Political importance of commerce in this period, con- nected with the desire of governments for ready money. — Commercial expansion in this period depended, as said above, on the political power of the home country. Did not, on the other hand, the political power of the state depend on com- merce? A statesman of the tim6 would have answered this question in the affirmative, and with an emphasis which would seem strange now. We think nowadays that the resources of a state depend upon the prosperity of the people, no matter whether this prosperity comes from agriculture or from manu- MODERN STATE AND MERCANTILE SYSTEM 167 factures, from internal trade or from foreign trade. Statesmen, however, of the period under discussion, set a peculiarly high value on foreign commerce, and regarded it as a more important branch of industry than any other. The chief reason for this view lay in the fact that most of the European states produced little ox_iK)ne of _ the precious metals, and could get them only by trade with a neighbor or with a distant country. Now money is "the sinews of war," and when states were constantly at war with each other, a good supply of money seemed to the statesman a matter of the first necessity. We regard money nowadays only as a means of procuring other forms of capital by exchange, and do not worry about the money supply so long as capital in other forms is abundant. It may have been the fact, however, that in the early period of the modern state the fiscal and military systems operated more smoothly when the stock of money in the country was abundant. 191. The mercantile system, aiming to increase the stock of ready money in the coimtry. — Whether rulers were justified or not in the anxiety that they showed about the money supply, they made it a cardinal point in their policy to regu- late commerce so as to increase, if possible, the stock of the precious metals in the country. They argued that the country would make money if it sold more merchandise to foreigners than it bought of them, for then the foreigners would have to make up the balance in coin or bullion. This was called "a favorable balance of trade," as tending to bring money into the country. On the other hand, if the country became in- debted for foreign merchandise to an amount greater than could be offset by the exports, the country would owe a cash balance abroad, and this was an "unfavorable" balance of trade. At the beginning of the period the government tried to effect its object simply by prohibiting the export of bullion (gold and silver) ; this was the " bullionist " policy. Prohibitions were found to be ineffective, however, and were a serious hindrance to some branches of commerce, that 168 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE with the East especially, in which the foreigners demanded considerable supplies of the precious metals. The export of bullion, therefore, was generally permitted, and the govern- ment contented itself with a regulation of the commerce in merchandise which, it hoped, would bring more bullion into the country than was carried out. 192. Features of the mercantile system; restriction of im- ports. — If the student will remember that the main object of the mercantile system, as it was expressed in the com- mercial policy of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, was to increase the credits in a country's foreign trade, and diminish the debits, so as to get a balance in cash, the main features of the policy will be easily intelligible. In the first place, imports were discouraged. A Spanish mercantilist thought that his country suffered "an infinite wrong" from the importation of fish from abroad, which, by his reckoning, cost the country three million piasters a year; he suggested either that home fisheries should be built up so that the money need not leave the country, or that permission be obtained from the Pope to eat meat on Saturdays, which would diminish the necessity for importation. A typical example of the ideas underlying the policy is furnished by an appeal of the English salt-makers in the seventeenth century, urging that the use of foreign salt in the curing of fish be prohibited on the ground that it was the " wisdom of a kingdom or nation to prevent the importation of any manufacture from abroad which might be a detriment to their own at home, for if the coin of the nation be carried out to pay for foreign manu- factures and our own people left unemployed, then in case a war happen with our potent neighbours, the people are inca- pacitated to pay taxes for the support of the same.'' Mercantilism and modern protectionism easily ran together, as is apparent in the quotation, but the spirit animating restrictions was in this period mainly mercantilist, based, that is, on consideration of the flow of precious metals. The methods of tariff regulation, moreover, differed from those of MODERN STATE AND MERCANTILE SYSTEM 169 modern proteo^nism; statesmen did not, in most cases, attempt to scale the duties so as just to'balance the advantages of the foreign producer, but resorted to downright prohibition of the wares which they desired to exclude from the home market. 193. Encouragement of exports, manufactures, and shipping. — In the second place, exports were encouraged, for they represented the credit items in a country's trade, and might bring home a balance in cash. Even imports could be tolerated if they led to a more than corresponding increase in exports. The trade with East India was looked on with suspicion for some time because, as said above, it required the export of considerable bullion; but finally it established itself in public esteem, on the ground that a large part of the eastern wares was transshipped in England and exported to other European countries, so that the bullion was recovered from them. Alto- gether the best kind of imports, however, was held to be the raw materials of manufacture; if these could be worked up in England and exported, the country cleared not only the sum originally due for the imported material, but also the extra charge for the manufacture. Home industries were given various privileges by the government, because they either spared the importation or increased the exportation of the wares which they produced. Shipping and the fisheries were regarded with special favor, not only because they helped to produce a favorable balance of trade, but also because they were feeders for the national navy, and thus augmented the strength of the country in war. 194. Failure of the mercantile system to affect the distribu- tion of the precious metals. — Such were, in brief, the charac- teristics of commercial policy in the time of the mercantile system. The word "system" may give a false impression, for though the main ideas of mercantilism were generally accepted during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, they were greatly modified in their practical application, and were seldom carried to their logical conclusions. For example, 170 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE though statesmen professed a desire to stimulate exports, yet export duties were generally retained in this period for the revenue that they returned, and they hurt in some cases, without question, the sale of wares abroad. After this review of the characteristics of commercial policy the reader will naturally inquire what were its effects. On one point an answer can be given with considerable assurance; the policy had no important effect on the distribution of the precious metals. Gold and silver were brought from America, the chief source of supply, to Spain, and flowed from Spain to the countries where they were needed in business; it seemed as though all the people of the world were in an unconsicous conspiracy to defeat the plans of statesmen for checking or directing the flow. It is noteworthy that Spain, the country which had the best chance apparently to accumulate treasure and which pursued a policy of exaggerated mercantilism, was always complaining of the dearth of gold and silver, while Oriental states, which had never heard of mercantilism, accu- mulated large stores of bullion. The attempts of European countries to rob other countries of their treasure by legislation present, from one point of view, an absurd spectacle, for they were all applying the same principles in much the same way, action and reaction were equal, and no amount of political straining affected the distribution due to economic (Remand. 195. Important effects of the mercantile systeii in other ways. — The commercial policy of the mercantilist period had effects in other directions, if it did miss the mark at which it aimed. It was important, considered merely as a policy of restriction, in checking the exchange of commodities between states. Just as manors and the districts centering around a city had aimed at self-sufficiency in an earlier period, so the states of this period were led by their dislike of imports to attempt the production of everything possible within their borders; and an international organization, in which each state would specialize in the products for which it was best fitted, and would depend on commerce with others for supplying MODERN STATE AND MERCANTILE SYSTEM 171 deficiencies, was hindered from developing. The mercantile system furnished a natural basis for the system of national protection, which grew up from it, and which has not entirely outgrown even yet its mercantilist origins. One of the most obvious effects of mercantilist commercial policy can be traced in its influence on the foreign relations of states. It was not, as is often said, the chief cause of the many wars which vexed Europe at this period; their cause lay deeper than any theory of favorable or unfavorable balances of trade. The balance of trade theory did, however, affect the political grouping of countries to a considerable extent, and inclined statesmen to look for friends or foes in the countries with which the balance was favorable or unfavorable, England, for example, made herself the ally of Portugal through a large part of the modern period, because Portugal bought her manufactures, and sold in return wines and other commodities which could not be produced at_Jiome; and England kept alive the traditional hostility toward France because the trade with that country showed regularly an unfavorable balance. 196. Colonial policy. — Based on considerations like the preceding, the colonial policy of this period was marked by restrictions entirely opposed to modern ideas of commercial freedom. A government which permitted or encouraged the establishment of colonies in distant lands, considered it a duty to itself to see that other governments or the colonists them- selves did not rob it of the rewards of success. .The colonial policy of the period has sometimes been pictured as purely one-sided, selfishly sacrificing the colonists to the interests of the people at home. This view leaves out of account not only the generous help given by European governments to their dependencies, but also a great mass of legislation aiming to benefit the colonists by assuring them a market in the home country, and imposing sometimes serious restrictions on the inhabitants there. A government did no more than hold reso- lutely to the idea that emigrants, wherever they might be, were still citizens of their native state and bound to help 172 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE maintain its power. The government tried ordinarily to frame its regulations so that mother country and dependency would devote themselves to different lines of production, and so supplement rather than compete with each other. It con- sidered it only natural and proper that the colony should trade mainly or entirely with the mother country. As said above, this was a period of bitter conflict among the European states, and a country's commerce was thought to be one of the main- stays of its military and naval power; it seemed, therefore, to be the plain duty of colonists to contribute by their commerce to the resources on which the independent existence of the whole nation was thought to depend. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS The student will do best, probably, to study carefully one of the references to manuals in the bibliography as a means to an understanding of the topics of this chapter. 1. An exercise requiring considerable time, and supposing some acquaintance with narrative history, but promising valuable results, is the following. Select one of the European states : England, Fraijce, Spain, the Netherlands. Make a chronological summary of its wars during the period 1500-1789, classifying the wars under one of the heads suggested, and aiming to get the total years spent in each kind of war and at peace. Estimate the gains and losses by war, and so reach a position to judge of the merits of the policy pursued. 2. Sections 181-2 cover, to some extent, the ground of chap. 15. Review that chapter, and, if possible, review the history of some state like France, to appreciate the significance of the political development. [Adams, French nation.] 3. Make a written summary of the hindrances to commerce in France at the end of this period. [Taine, The ancient regime, N. Y., Holt, 1876, $2.50; Edward J. Lowell, The eve of the French Revolution, Boston, Houghton, 1900, $2.] 4. Thomas Mun, an Englishman who lived in the seventeenth cen- tury, wrote that the regular means "to encrease our wealth and treasure is by F arraign Trade, wherein wee must ever observe this rule; to sell more to strangers yearly than wee consume of theirs in value." State the argu- ments by which Mun would support this proposition, and determine your own opinion on the question. MODERN STATE AND MERCANTILE SYSTEM 173 5. Make a brief written statement of the difference between mer- cantilism and protectionism. 6. Define the attitude which the mercantilist would assume toward each of the following trade phenomena: import of raw silk, .export of silver plate, export of silk goods, import of knives, import of gold bullion, im- port of salt fish. 7. Study, in a book on economics, the influences determining the dis- tribution of the precious metals, and show how mercantilism was bound to fail in its object of increasing the money in circulation in a given coun- try. [For a brief and clear discussion see F. A. Walker, Pol. econ., ad- vanced, N. Y., Holt, sects. 176-178.] 8. Discover, in the writings and speeches of American protectionists, evidence of mercantilist views. [See, for example, Roberts, Government revenue, Boston, 1884, or R. W. Thompson, History of protective tariff laws, Chicago, 1888.] 9. Criticism of the old colonial policy. [Adam Smith, Wealth of nations, Book 4, chap. 7, part 2, reprinted in Rand, Ec. hist., chap. 1.] BIBILOGRAPHY A bibliography, unfortunately ill suited to the purposes of untrained students, is appended to chap. 22 of Cambridge mod. hist., vol. 3. See also the histories of economics by Cossa and Ingram, under mercantilism. Of general discussions the student must choose between the chapter noted above, J. N. Figgis, Political thought in the sixteenth century, which is abstruse and theoretical, or Cheyney, Eur. background, chap. 6, Political institutions of Central Europe, 1400-1650, which is concrete and descriptive; neither is satisfactory for our purposes. Probably the most intelligible discussion will be found to be Seeley's ** Expansion of Eng- land, especially lecture 4, the old colonial system; and lecture 6, commerce and war. Schmoller, ** The mercantile system, deserves its place as an economic classic, but will be found difficult by beginners. A brief account of mercantilism, by Ingram, will be found in the Encyc. Bri*^., 9th ed., 19: 354-358. Among the smaller manuals can be recommended: Cunningham and Mc Arthur, chap. 4; Warner, chap. 9. Thomas Mun, England's treasure by forraign trade, N. Y., Macmillan, 1895, $.75, presents mercantilist views in their typical form, and is an excellent source for somewhat ad- vanced students; chapters may be assigned for discussion and criticism. CHAPTER XIX SPAIN AND PORTUGAL 197. Extent and power of the Spanish monarchy. — Pur- suing now the history of modern commerce by studying its development in different countries, we turn first to the states of the Iberian peninsula, whose great possessions outside of Europe seemed to assure their commercial supremacy. Shortly before the close of the last century of the Middle Ages three events of great significance occurred in Spanish history. One was the union of the crowns of Castile and Aragon, which brought the greater part of the Iberian penin- sula under one ruler. The second was the completion of the centuries old war against the Moors, by the conquest of their last stronghold in Granada. The third was the discovery of America by Columbus. The great Spanish king of the six- teenth century, Charles V, was the most powerful sovereign in the world. He governed at home with undisputed absolutism; he was ruler by one title or another of some of the richest European countries outside of Spain (especially the Nether- lands); and he enjoyed in his own right the sovereignty not only over the greater part of America, but over Asiatic and African possessions as well. 198. Rapid development of Spanish industry and commerce. — The rise to greatness of the Spanish kings was paralleled by the development of the Spanish industrial organization. Spain had throughout the Middle Ages been rich only in her raw materials; she had exported wool, iron, and wine, and had imported all her manufactures, largely in foreign ships. The long wars against the Moors had turned people from the in- dustrial arts, so that manufactures were primitive except in a 174 SPAIN AND PORTUGAL 175 The map shows approximately the extent of the Spanish possessions under Philip II, (1556-1598). 176 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE few cities like Barcelona. The most advanced classes in man- ufactures and trade were not the native Christians but Moors or Jews. A decided advance can be noted under Ferdinand and Isabella, but the movement did not gain full headway till the sixteenth century. Then, it is said, the laborers em- ployed in the textile industries of Toledo rose from 10,000 to 50,000 in about twenty-five years, and still merchants could not supply the demand and had orders for five or even ten years ahead. The industries based on wool, it is, said, grew till they supported nearly a third of the population; Spain began to import raw silk and export the finished product, a reversal of previous conditions; great factories were established to make soap and other wares; and the amount of business transacted in Spain made the fairs of Medina del Campo one of the important clearing houses of Europe. Over 100 ships measuring from 300 to 500 tons left Spain yearly for, the colo- nies, and at least as many cleared for European ports; 50 ships or more, it is said, often left the harbor of Santa Maria together, carrying away the salt that was manufactured there. 199. Economic decline in the following period. — Astonish- ing as is this rapid economic development, it is less striking than the economic decline that followed. Lack of space forbids the discussion in detail of the complex causes which brought about, first, an actual decline of productive power, and then a condition so nearly stationary that Spain was passed by nearly all the other states of western Europe. One important factor, the colonial system of the Spanish kings, will be reserved for discussion later as a separate topic. In this place we shall take up some of the significant facts showing the decline, and suggest some influences that make it intelligible. The most serious symptom of decadence was an actual decrease of population. In 1723 the total population of Spain was under six million, three million less than the figures show for 1594, when the decline had probably already begun. This decrease is the more significant in that it affected largely the urban groups whose numbers reflect the prosperity or SPAIN AND PORTUGAL 177 reverses of industry and trade; large cities lost half or even three quarters of their population in half a century. Before the middle of the seventeenth century the wool manufacture consisted only of a few unimportant factories of coarse ma- terials; the silk tax of Granada brought in less than a quarter of what it had yielded under Charles V; and Spain had to rely on other countries to furnish the, manufactured wares for export to her colonies. The decline affected not only the quantity of the population, but, to all appearances, its quality as well; beggary and vagrancy became a national curse. 200. Causes of decline ; faulty political organization. — The decline in population cannot be explained by emigrations to America, for the drain from that source was small, as will be shown later. Executions by the Inqujsitjori, numerous as they were, could not alone have checked the population. More serious was the expulsion, under ecclesiastical influences, of the Moriscoes of the South, numbering perhaps a million. These people of Moorish blood, the leaders in the agriculture and industry of Spain, in 1609 followed into exile the Jews who had been the leaders in trade; the native Spanish were unfit to fill the gaps thus made in the industrial ranks. Deeper-lying causes were at work, however. The damage from any single event could have been repaired if there had been wholesome vigor in the Spanish political organization, as there was and as there is still among the Spaniards as a people. It was the fortune of Spain, at this critical period of her history, to have the control of affairs vested in the hands of rulers who were negligent of her condition, by the distraction of their interests or by natural incompetence, and who wasted her resources. The framework of government offered no chance for good councils to reach the monarch's ears. Men of business sense were excluded from office even in the towns* so far as possible, and were a rarity in the national parliament; power lay in the hands of lay and ecclesiastical lords who had in- herited feudal ideas, the reverse of business-like, from the earlier period of the crusade against the Moors, and who had 12 178 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE no understanding of the measures needed for industrial devel- opment. There can be little doubt that the prime evil from which Spain suffered was (as it still is) bad government. 201. The burden of taxes. — The chief political abuse ap- peared in the form of taxes so burdensome in their amount and in the method of collection that industry was stifled. Taxes increased so rapidly in the sixteenth century that in 1594 it was asserted that they amounted to 30 per cent on a man's property, and that farmers could not exist no matter how small a rent they paid; they left Spain or went to prison. The "alcabala," a tax supposed to be 10 per cent on a ware every time it was bought and sold, was raised until it absorbed most of the profits of trade and was a leading factor in the decline of industry. A Spanish author of the eighteenth cen- tury (Ulloa) shows that a man engaged in the manufacture of a certain stuff would have had to pay in taxes actually more than he earned; "hence it follows that he would have gained more by making nothing, and in Spain it is profitable not to work." Some industries, more fortunate, paid 60 per cent or 40 per cent of the value of the goods as a tax to the govern- ment. 202. Customs duties, on the frontier and inside the country. — The same ruinous excesses marked the policy in customs duties. The government established rates which were for the time enormously high, or absolute prohibitions with the death penalty for infraction. Commerce would have ceased almost altogether if it had not been for the absolute need of foreign wares in Spain after the destruction of home manufactures. The wares were procured partly by smugglers through the corruption of the customs guards, partly by the connivance of the government, which allowed foreigners such favors in meas- urement and valuation that often not over a quarter of the nominal duty was paid. This allowed wares to enter, but it killed the remnants of active Spanish commerce with Europe, for the favors granted to foreigners were refused to natives. Other measures almost as monstrous were attempted, and SPAIN AND PORTUGAL 179 failed only because the government lacked power to enforce them. Spanish shipping declined until it practically ceased to exist outside the protected colonial traffic. Finally, to complete this picture of the difficulties under which commerce labored in Spain, duties existed not only on the frontiers but in the interior of the country, hindering the free passage of goods and the development of resources. Spanish kings made attempts to abolish the internal customs frontiers, which failed through the opposition of interested persons and the royal need for money. It was not until 1717 that the internal duties were done away with, and even then the remedy was insufficient, and Andalusia kept its internal tariff barriers. 203. Examples of bad policy ; the Mesta. — An excellent example of the evils of the government's economia policy is furnished by the history of the Mesta^ an association of stock raisers largely devoted to the production of merino wool. The flocks grazed in summer on the highlands of Leon, and de- scended in winter to Estremadura. The Mesta got such privileges that it killed the agriculture within its reach. Where the sheep had once fed the land could never be alienated for another purpose; no one could bid against the Mesta for the lease of pastures; proprietors along the route of the sheep must sit passive and see the crops destroyed by them. Estre- madura, once one of the richest provinces of Spain, became one of the poorest, and parts of it now are nearly desert. The policy of favoring one interest, by sacrificing to it other interests more important, was characteristic of the diseased political condition of Spain; and the wasting of national re- sources shown in the case of the Mesta was but one of many examples of neglect. The canals and aqueducts of the irriga- tion system, on which the Moors had lavished their care, were allowed to deteriorate and go out of use; and the forests were cut down to the permanent detriment of the soil and water supply. 204. Failure to develop colonial trade. — In the foregoing sketch we find sufficient explanation of the decline of the 180 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE domestic industry and commerc e of Spain ; we have still left to consider the question why the evils of the home system were not repaired by the chances for commercial development which the discovery of America and of the sea route to eastern possessions opened. Before the attention of Spanish rulers was absorbed by the attempt to suppress the Protestant move- ment in Europe and to subject the Netherlands, the crown had won an immense area outside of Europe; even to-day the extent of the Spanish possessions at this period is attested by the hold which the Spanish language still has on the world. Of all the European countries Spain was the one which ap- peared in the sixteenth century to have the best chance to build up a great commercial empire based on world-wide pos- sessions. Why was not this chance accepted? 205. Spanish colonial policy. Taxes. — It was a misfortune for the Spaniards that they quickly discovered precious metals in America, andTn seeking to increase tlieif supply were diverted from a more substantial basis of prosperity. But the final blame for failure lies again not with the people nor with the nature of the colonies, but with the government. The expla- nation is to be sought in the colonial policy of the Spanish kings. At first the trade to America was comparatively unre- stricted. Before, however, merchants could establish the trade relations which would have enabled them to develop the resources both of Spain and the transmarine possessions, the government laid its heavy hand on the trade and held it down so tightly that it never acquired vigor. Heavy taxes were levied on trade, and, as in the case of taxes at home, these often were framed in such a short-sighted way that they brought far more loss to commerce than gain to the treasury. The " palmeo," for instance, was an export duty levied in the eighteenth century on wares merely according to theirjiulk, without regard to their value; its effect was to encourage the export of foreign manufactures, which had great value in a small bulk so that they could afford to pay the duty, while the coarser Spanish exports were taxed out of existence. SPAIN AND PORTUGAL 181 206. Restriction of trade to appointed fleets. — Ships could not sail to America as might suit the convenience of mer- chants, but had to sail from a given port (Seville or Cadiz), at a given time, to a given port in America (Porto Bello near the modern Colon, or Vera Cruz). The government by this restriction made it easier to protect the^hi^s at sea, and to collect taxes f rom their cargoes, but it bound the arms of merchants so fast with its official red tape that they were weak and helpless. In theory two fleets left Spain each year, one for Central America and one for South America; in fact there were years together, especially in the eighteenth century, when fleets did not sail, and when the colonial possessions might have been entirely non-existent so far as regarded benefit to the mother-country. 207. Restriction of the market by the discouragement of emigration. — On arrival in America a cargo was sold some- times for a tremendous advance over cost. Sometimes, how- ever, and more and more frequently as time went on, a fleet would find on arrival that there was no market for its goods, and they would be sacrificed or brought back to Spain unsold, i / A special reason for this will appear later, when we refer to-AjL^l the growth of smuggling. One general cause, however, for -^.^^.^ the weakness of Spanish colonial commerce must be noticed - in this place. In contrast to the English, who stimulated -2 emigration and so built up a market for their wares in the colonies, the Spanish kings kept emigration under a system of regulation which was almost inconceivably strict. Colonists were discouraged from settling in the New World not only by the difficulty of getting permission to go out, but also by the poor chances for making a living when they arrived. They were strictly forbidden to engage in any industry which could threaten to compete with a Spanish industry; they were tied down to residence in some particular province; and they were prevented from developing the resources about them by restrictions which applied not only to trade with the mother- country but also to intercolonial trade. Trade with the 182 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE Philippines, for instance, was closely restricted or even pro- hibited. Districts in the southern part of South America were subject to similar burdensome restrictions. A settler on the La Plata might have to get his European wares by a trip across the Continent to Lima, then up the west coast, and across the isthmus to Porto Bello. When the privilege of receiving two ships a year was granted to Buenos Ayres a customs frontier was established in the interior to prevent goods from reaching Peru by this route. 208. Supply of the market by smugglers. — Spanish colo- nists increased but slowly, therefore, in numbers and riches, and furnished a poor market for Spanish exports. The Indians were even worse customers. Natives who went^barefoot and had no beards were forced, it is said, to buy razors and silk stockings at exorbitant pricesji l^ut of course they had no natural desire for those or other European wares, and took only an inconsiderable amount. As the home manufactures declined in vigor, exports to the colonies came to consist almost entirely of the wares from other European countries, and even these were obtained mainly through smugglers. The government could maintain its regulations against Spaniards, but not against foreigners, who absorbed the most profitable parts of the trade, and spoiled the market for merchants who obeyed the restrictions. The English and Dutch islands became the stations for an illicit trade which flourished as the regular trade declined. After 1713 England had the right, by treaty, to the monopoly of the African slave trade with the Spanish possessions, and was privileged to send out nearly five thousand negroes a year. The English had moreover the right to send out one trading ship of 500 tons; they secretly enlarged the capacity of the ship and used accompanying transports to carry still more cargo. 209. Wares of the colonial trade. — Of the products which Spanish America furnished to commerce silver continued the most important during the colonial period^the list of a ship's cargo begins always with an enumeration of the "plate," in SPAIN AND PORTUGAL '^ ^^.;^- bullion and coin, of which but a small part was gold. A fleet V which left America in 1582 comprised 37 ships, "and in every- one of them there was as good as thirty pipes of silver one with another, besides great store of gold, cochinilla, sugars, hides, and Cana Fistula (arrow-root?) with other apothecary- drugs." Descriptions of cargoes in the eighteenth century are substantially similar; among additional wares enumerated we find indigo, cocoa, vanilla, sarsaparilla, "Jesuit's bark," (quinine) "Paraguay tea" (mate), etc. The chief export from the La Plata region was hides, of which two ships brought nearly^ 40,000 in 1723. Most agricultural products were too bulky to pay for transportation. The Spanish exported to the colonies assorted cargoes; one of 1625 included "Wines, Figs, Raisins, Olives, Oyle, Cloth, Cursies (kerseys, light woolens named from an English town), Lmnen, Iron and Quicksilver for the mines." 210. Reform of the colonial system about 1750. — In the eighteenth century the old Spanish colonial system went to pieee^. The government recognized at last that it could not execute the laws which it had made, and that the system which was meant to form the basis of a great empire resulted only in stifling Spanish commerce and in encouraging foreigners to great illegal gains. Foreigners were still excluded in theory; I the importance of the change lay in the_opening^ of_the trade to the Spanish who had before been excluded by restrictions and taxes. Spanish merchants were allowed first to send out ships independent of the fleets, and then in 1748 the fleets were given up altogether. The prohibition on commerce between the colonies was removed, and many new ports in America were opened to the European tradie. An indication of the results that might follow such a change in policy had been furnished by the experience of Havana. When this city was captured by the English in 1762 and thrown open to English trade, 727 merchant vessels entered the harbor in less than a year. Even though the prohibition of trade with foreigners was still retained, the effect of the reform in policy 184 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE was nothing less than magical. In ten years the trade and the customs duties increased about eightfold. The reform came too late to benefit the Spanish industrial system. The colonies were destined to exercise their new strength in breaking their old bonds; while the home industries had decayed so far that a revival was impossible in competition with industries of more progressive nations. We leave Spain in the eighteenth century as we found her in the fifteenth century, serving the other countries of Europe by the produc- tion of raw materials, and dependent on them for her manu- factured goods. Running through the list of the principal Spanish exports in the eighteenth century we find among them some that had undergone the first stage of manufacture, like wine, oil, soap, soda, and iron; but most were simple raw materials such as wool, salt, fruits, and nuts. 211. Portugal; promise of commercial greatness in the sixteenth century. — The little country of Portugal, numbering perhaps a million inhabitants, built up in the sixteenth century a commercial empire worthy to rank with that of Spain, and exceeding in importance that which any of the more northern states in Europe had yet established. I have already recounted the achievements of the Portuguese in maritime explorations. The part which they played in these expeditions prepared them for the oceanic commerce which developed after the discovery of America and of the sea route to India. While other nations stronger than Portugal in resources and industrial development were still unready to put forth their strength in distant com- merce, Portugal shared with Spain the extra-European world, and gained for herself the richest part,^the East. Da Gama returned to Lisbon in 1499 with a cargo which repaid sixty times the cost of the expedition. This was the beginning of a series of voyages devoted especially to the importation of pepjper and other spices, which could be bought so cheaply in the East that they returned immense profits in Europe. Even the gold and diamonds which came later from Brazil were less valuable to Portugal than the monopoly she now possessed &PAIN AND PORTUGAL ^ 185 in the spices, drugs, dyes^ and manufactures, which formerly- had been obtained only by the expensive land route. 212. Failure of Portugal to maintain her position. — Por- tugal was favored not only by conditions in Europe, which gave her the start on other states, but also by conditions in Asia which enabled her able agents to build up, through naval powfir^a commercial overlordship which brooked no coinpeti- tors, either Asiatic or European. Portugal was, however, destined to play a great part in European commerce for only one century. We cannot, as in the case of Spain, say that a mistaken policy was the cause of her decline, for although the Portuguese commercial policy was very similar to the Spanish and would have shown the same weaknesses if it had been allowed to develop, more important forces were at work to drive Portugal from the rank which fortune had conferred upon her. 213. Weakness in resources; bad effects of Spanish rule, 1580-1640. — Portugal was not only small but industrially J undeveloped, and from the very first depended on other coun- /;^ tries for the wares which she exported to the East. Her ex- plorations and her distant commerce were due to the energy "Y ' of the dynasty__ratli£r^ than that of the people, and it was the ^ misfortune of the country, in the critical period 1580 to 1640, /&^ to fall under the rule of Spanish kings whose influence on her ' commercial interests was entirely for the bad. Of the 806 ' vessels which Portugal sent to India, 1497-1612, only 186 sailed after 1580, and not only the number but the quality declined in a period which should have been marked by growth. Countries like England and Holland, which were far stronger economically than Portugal, refused longer to allow her the profits of trade while they did the work of production, and the English broke the power of the Portuguese in India, while the Dutch drove them from the eastern islands. 214. Failure of Portugal to recover her position by com- merce with Brazil. — After the recovery of her independence in 1640, Portugal could look only to her American possession, ^ ^-^ ZAyv^y^ (^F ^-L„v"^ /y\r ,.^' ■' (7 J^"' 186 "^ ', C" A. ^fSTORY OF COMMERCE Brazil, for the means of developing her commerce. The Dutch were expelled from that possession, and the discovery of gold there stimulated the growth of trade. Comparing the latter part of the eighteenth century with the earlier part of the seventeenth, the commerce between Portugal and Brazil is said to have increased twenty.-iold. In place of a dozen ships a hundred sailed every year for America, returning with sugar, tobacco, hides, brazil-wood, gold, and diamonds. The profits of this commerce, however, went for the most part to foreigners. Conditions at home had gone from bad to worse. The slight advance which the country had achieved in agriculture and manufactures before the discoveries had been lost by the attraction of all energetic spirits into com- merce and navigation. Africa n slav es, took the place of free men in the fields. Portugal staked everything in the sixteenth century on the chance of commercial greatness, and when she lost, lost all. 215. Dependence of Portugal on England. — "In 1754 Por- tugal scarcely produced jjiything towards her own, .support. Two thirds of her physical necessities were supplied by England. England had become mistress of the entire commerce of Por- tugal, and all the trade of the country was carried on by her agents. The English came to__Lisbon to monopolize even the commerce of Brazil. The entire cargo of the vessels that were sent thither, and consequently the riches that were returned in exchange, belonged to them. Nothing was Portuguese but the name." Reviewing the list of exports to Brazil we find, in fact, that they were wares which Portugal was herself unable to produce, and which were supplied by England: woolens, hats, stockings, gloves, metals, linens, etc. England had taken advantage of her economic and political weakness to make a mere dependency of her, imposing treaty obligations which gave the English producers every advantage in her markets, and which reduced her to a state of pitiable subjection. The great Portuguese statesman, Pombal, who made the statements quoted at the beginning of this section, attempted SPAIN AND PORTUGAL 187 to reanimate industry, and succeeded to a slight extent in throwing off the Engli sh supre macy. At the close of the eighteenth century, however, Portugal had still only one strong national industry, the production-of wine-(port, so called from its place of shipment, Op(^^) for the dinner tables of the English upper classes; and in spite of the efforts of Portuguese statesmen even the wine trade was controlled by English merchants. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. What are the chief exports of Spain at present? [Commercial geography or Statesman's Year-Book.] 2. Write a report on beggary and vagrancy in Spain after 1500. [Moses, in Journal Pol. Econ.; Prescott or Motley.] 3. Write a report on the results (especially the economic results) of one of the following: (a) The Inquisition. ' ^ (b) Expulsion of the Jews. , (c) Expulsion of the Moriscoes. [See the various books by H. C. Lea.] 4. Verify the statements concerning the character of Spanish govern- ment in sect. 200. [Prescott or Motley.] 5. With reference to sect. 201, what is regarded as a reasonable rate of taxation in the U. S. now? [See a manual of Civics, that by John Fiske, for instance.] 6. Write a report on the decline of Spain in productive power as the result of bad government. [Moses in Jour. Pol. Econ., Jones in No. Amer. Review.] 7. In what parts of the world is Spanish still the common lan- guage? 8. Write a report on the beginnings of Spanish colonial pplicy. [Bourne, chap. 14.] 9. Write a report on the Spanish system of fleets. [Bourne, chap. 19; Roscher.] 10. Was there any good reason for the sailing of ships in fleets? [See in Oxley the chapter describing the exploits of Drake and other freebooters.] 11. Write a report on the great Spanish fairs in America. [Bourne, pp 291-293 ; Roscher.] 12. Spanish emigration to America. [Bourne, chap. 16; Moses, Spanish rule.] 188 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE 13. Restrictions on intercolonial trade. [Bourne, p. 289 ff.; Moses; Roscher.] 14. History of smuggling in the Spanish colonies. [Bourne, chap. 19; Roscher; manuals of English history in connection with the treaty of 1713 and the "War of Jenkins' Ear," 1739.] 15. Write a brief report on the characteristics and history as a ware of commerce of one of the following: cochineal, cocoa, vanilla, cinchona, or quinine. [Encyc; Willis, Practical flora; manuals and encyclopedias of commerce.] 16. Assuming that most of the manufactures in the list of exports from Spain were furnished by other countries, what do you infer as to the economic hold of Spain on her colonies — was trade with the mother- country a necessity to the dependencies? 17. Write a report on the reform of the colonial system and the light that the results throw on early policy. [Bourne, p. 295 ff.; Roscher.] 18. History of the Portuguese in the East in the sixteenth century. [Stephens, chap. 9; W. W. Hunter, History of British India, vol. 1.] 19. Effects of the sixty years of Spanish rule. [Stephens, chap. 13.] 20. History of the Portuguese in Brazil. [Stephens, chap. 10; Keller in Yale Review, Feb., 1906.] BIBLIOGRAPHY Reference may be made at this point to C. K. Adams, Manual of his- torical literature, third ed., N. Y., Harper [1888], as a bibliographical aid which is far from answering modem requirements, but which may still be of use to a teacher in handling such collections of books as may be found in a city library. A bibliography of Spanish history in the sixteenth century is appended to Cambridge Mod. Hist., vol. 1, chap. 11, and is continued in later volumes. A bibliography is given also in Martin A. S. Hume, The Spanish people, N. Y., 1901, a book which covers Spanish history from the earliest to present times, and which pays some attention to social history. Of general books on Spanish history, Prescott, Motley, etc., may still be put to good use. Attention should, however, be especially directed to the writings of * H. C. Lea, which contain valuable social and economic material. A useful paper by Bernard Moses, ** The economic condition of Spain in the sixteenth century, has been published both in the Journal of Polit. Econ., Chicago, 1892-3, vol. 1, pp. 513-534, and in Report of Amer. Hist. Assoc, 1893, Washington, 1894, pp. 123-133. The Story of Spain in the Story of the Nations series is of no value for our purposes. On the colonial history and policy of Spain the student has several excellent books: E. G. Bourne, ** Spain in America (with bibliography); SPAIN AND PORTUGAL 189 Habler, ** The colonial kingdom of Spain, in H. Helmolt, Hist, of the World, vol. 1, pp. 386-422, N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., 1902; Roscher, **The Spanish colonial system, N. Y., Holt, 1904, $.50; Moses, * The estabhshment of Spanish rule in America, N. Y., Putnam, 1898, $1.25. The best single reference on Portugual is H. Morse Stephens, * Por- tugal. For the Portuguese in the East see Hunter, ** British India, vol. 1; for Brazil, A. G. Keller, ** Portuguese colonization in Brazil, Yale Review, Feb., 1906, 14: 374-410. CHAPTER XX THE NETHERLANDS 216. Establishment of the United Netherlands. — With the decline of Spain and Portugal the supremacy in European commerce passed definitely to the countries of the North. The country which first took the lead, and which we shall consider next, was the Netherlands, or as it is often called from its main province, Holland. The Netherlands, which has now an area but one fourth of that of New York State, was a part of the possessions which by marriage and politics had come under the rule of the Spanish crown. Its natural resources are slight, and in the early part of the sixteenth century it was far behind the adjoining Spanish territory now known as Belgium, which contained the developed manufactures of Flanders and the great port of Antwerp. The Dutch were strong, however, in the individual capacities of the people, and in spite of the disparity of the contest were able to win their independence from Spain in the Revolution which came in the last part of the sixteenth century. A variety of causes combined to urge the Dutch to revolt. They suffered under Spanish rulers political oppression, and religious persecution designed to crush the Protestant move- ment which they had embraced. They suffered also, however, under the commercial restrictions of Spanish policy. These they could bear so long as they found an outlet for their growing commerce by trade with the East through Portugal, but the union of the crowns of Spain and Portugal in 1580 closed even this outlet, and forced them to fight for the means of existence and of growth. 217. Rise of Dutch commerce. — The Dutch were forced 190 THE NETHERLANDS 191 to the sea by the difficulties of life_ajLhpme, and had made good progress in commerce with their European neighbors bef.ore their revolt. They had become used, also, to distant voyages by explorations designed to open up new routes for trade. In the vain attempt to establish a northeast route to India by the Arctic ocean they showed especial energy; and the names Tasmania, Van Diemen's Land, New Zealand, attest their boldness later in exploring tjie^-sauthern hemisphere. When, therefore, they had achieved their independence and needed no longer to fear the threats of Spanish and Portuguese rulers, they made rapid strides in oceanic commerce. Before 1602 sixty-five ships had made the return voyage to India, and throughout the seventeenth century an active commerce was maintained with both Asia and America. 218. Dutch commercial policy. — We are tempted, by the position that the Netherlands took against Spanish oppression, to ascribe to the Dutch a greater love of liberty than they actually had. The government which they established for themselves was marked by serious faults of oppression and corruption, and their commercial policy was nearly as narrow as that of Spain. The exclusion of foreigners from trade with their distant ^dependencies was only natural in this period of commerce; even the Dutch, however, were not free to trade as they pleased. The colonial commerce was absorbed by great companies, which were granted a monopoly of trade in certain areas, and which regulated this trade with extreme minuteness. The companies had a complicated organization which prevented efficiency and encouraged the improper use of personal and political influence. 219. The Dutch West India Company. — The Dutch West India Company, founded in 1621, controlled the trade west of the Cape of Good Hope, comprising commerce with the west coast of Africa, and the east coast of the Americas. This company was an extraordinary specimen of its kind. It paid high dividends for a time, but its earnings were necessarily precarious for it made them not from the ordinary operations 192 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE of commerce and colonization, but from armed attacks on the Spanish silver fleets. It was really a corporation of privateers. The character of the company can be estimated from the fact that it actually opposed peace between the Netherlands and Spain; in its remonstrance of 1633 it said that the services desired of it " for the welfare of our Fatherland and the destruc- tion of our hereditary enemy could not be accomplished by the trifling trade with the Indians, or the tardy cultivation of. uninhabited regions, but in reality, by acts of hostility against the ships and property of the King of Spain and his subjects." The Dutch soon lost their possessions in Brazil and New Netherland (New York), and the original company was dis- solved; the possessions which the Dutch retained on the coast of Guinea and in South America were unimportant. Small islands in the Gulf of Mexico, which in themselves produced little of value, served as stations for the Dutch carrying trade, which continued to be considerable. 220. The East India Company. — The East India Company, founded in 1602, which secured from the Dutch government the monopoly of trade and rule from the Cape of Good Hope to the Straits of Magellan, enjoyed a longer existence. It established trading stations on various points of the Asiatic coast and in South Africa, but found the mainstay of its power in the rich islands of the Malay archipelago, especially in the small group of spice islands and iii Java. Here it broke the power of the Portuguese, and gained for itself a partial or total monopoly of some of the products, which were among the most highly prized luxuries of Europe. In 1677 a fleet consisting of one small vessel and six large ships, of which each carried a crew of about 100 sailors and 25 marines, brought a cargo booked at nearly two million gulden (or several million dollars). The cargo included im- mense quantities of pepper, nutmegs, mace, and cinnamon; raw silk, and silk and cotton textiles from Persia and India; indigo, borax, saltpeter, shellac, fine woods, etc. Neither tea nor coffee appears in this list, but in the next century, when THE NETHERLANDS 193 the Dutch had developed their commerce with eastern Asia and had stimulated the cultivation of new products in Java, these and other wares became of the first importance. The cargo of a fleet of 1739 included the following wares, in the order of their value; tea, coffee, pepper, sugar, mace, nutmeg, camphor, indigo, cloves, etc. Note that several powers had established themselves on the coast of India ; the British did not win the position of unquestioned superiority until toward 1800. 221. Leading position of the Dutch in European commerce. — Historians often speak of this distant commerce of the Dutch as forming the basis for their great prosperity in the seventeenth r^entury. Figures are lacking which would enable us to determine the exact proportion of this distant trade to the total, but the importance of this new branch of commerce was probably exaggerated by reason of the strong appeal it made to the imagination of men of the time. Certainly the Dutch were not dependent on the Indian trade for the position they took among commercial nations then. In the seventeenth century more than half of the Dutch ships sailed for some 13 194 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE port on the North or Baltic seas. In 1640, 1,600 ships out of a total of 3,450 passing through the Sound to the Baltic were Dutch; and at this time a Dutch official declared that grass would grow in the Amsterdam exchange and ships would be sold for firewood if the Baltic trade were not kept free. Thirty to forty Dutch ships went every year to Archangel, then the chief port of Russia, and carried the products in which the Hansa had formerly dealt to the Netherlands and to the west coasts of France and Spain; Dutch ships almost monopolized the trade between Spain and the northern coun- tries after 1648, exporting 15,000 to 16,000 bales of wool a year from that country while French and English together exported but 3,000. Dutch exports reached a figure in the seventeenth century which was not attained by the English until 1740. Even the Dutch fisheries, which employed over 2,000 boats, were said to be more valuable than the manufac- tures of France and England combined. A Dutch contem- porary asserts, indeed, that as many persons were occupied in the fisheries as in commerce. 222. Growth of business activity. — The prosperity of Dutch foreign commerce was reflected in business activity at home. The Netherlands rapidly outstripped the southern low countries (now Belgium), which suffered cruel repression under Spanish rule; and the great commerce of Antwerp passed to Amst^irdam. Speculation and banking developed in their various forms and the Netherlands became the money center of Europe. Scholars find in the Dutch business life of this period many features which are strikingly modern; speculation in stocks, commercial crises, pools, and "trusts." Manufac- tures felt the impulse of progress, and broke the bonds of the old gild system for more modern forms of enterprise. Large establishments grew up; new industries were introduced (hats, silk, tanning, etc.); the Huguenot refugees expelled from France were granted a welcome for which they gave a rich return. 223. Commercial decline of the Netherlands. — When and why did the Netherlands lose the commanding position in THE NETHERLANDS 195 European commerce? What country took the lead away from it? Those are questions which the student of the history of commerce must face, and in the following paragraphs the answers will be given. There is no doubt about the last point; Netherland lost the leadership to ^England. The time when this change oc- curred can be stated with almost equal brevity; it was during the one hundred years between 1650, roughly the date when Cromwell gathered up the scattered forces of England to use them for her commercial advancement, and 1750, when the commercial supremacy of England could no longer be ques- tioned. The reasons for the change are as usual the hardest as they are certainly the most valuable topics to be studied. One reason can be stated here as a fact, to be proved after- wards in detail, that England was growing stronger. On the Dutch side, was the Netherlands growing weaker, or did it simply fail to keep pace with the English advance? 224. Reasons for decline. — So far as the facts are known Dutch commerce increased in amount till about_1730 and maintained about the same figures_afterwards ; but world commerce was growing so rapidly that relatively the Nether- lands fell behind. Th e very siz e of the Netherlands told against the country in a political contest with other powers. It im- plied, too, a lack of native rescuiix^ tosupport commerce when the hold of the Dutch on foreign trade was weakening. Fur- thermore, the Netherlands was like the Hanseatic League in that it lacked a strong centraL power andjolicy, and gave great independence to the separate units of which it was composed. The important units, in the economic aspect, were cities7~~which were able to carry on a small-scale commerce very successfully, but which could not unite to bring their best people to the front in a big-scale organization which could compete with that of other countries. The Dutch did not pull together to make the most of what they had, and the ineffi- ciency and corruption which had always characterized the 196 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE local governments grew worse with time. Rule by family rings brought with it favoritism and inordinately high taxes, under which industries labored and dwindled. Manufactures which had formerly flourished now declined. Weak at home, and, in comparison with other European states of the eighteenth century, weak abroad, the Netherlands fell from the first rank of commercial states, retaining in its colonies and in its de- veloped banking system only reminders of its former greatness. 225. Character of the Dutch East India Company. — In the eighteenth century, when the Netherlands was struggling to maintain its commercial position, it was hindered rather than helped by the_East- India Company.. The company seemed to have the chance to make stupendQus_profits, for it sold its wares for very high prices in Europe, and it paid for them in Asia very little or even nothing. It used its power to force the natives to supply it with some of these wares at nominal prices or absolutely gratis. The very fact, however, that the company could get its wares in this way, as a state would get them by taxation, suggests that the company had expenses like those of a state and unlike those of an ordinary commercial corporation. This was the fact; the company had to support the^vil and military establishment of a regular government. This government shared, to the full, the political evils of the time; both at home and in the East it was corrupt and in- efficient. It was strong enough to hold its own against the Portuguese, or against the English when they began their expansion in the East; but it was no match for the English when their strength developed in the eighteenth century. 226. Decline of the Company after 1700. — After 1700 the Dutch East India Company fell behind rapidly. It enjoyed such a high reputation, and kept its condition secret so suc- cessfully, that its credit was unimpaired, and it continued to pay dividends by borrowing money. For nearly two hundred years it declared dividends at rates ranging from 12^ per cent to 20, 40, or even 50 per cent; the average dividend from 1602 to 1796 was over 18 per cent. The crash was bound to THE NETHERLANDS 197 come finally; the company paid its last dividend in 1782, and was dissolved in 1798, leaving debts of over fifty million dollars, which were assumed by the Dutch government. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Commerce and industry of the Netherlands in the fifteenth_cen- tury. [Blok, vol. 2, chap. 12.] 2. Commercial considerations inv olved inLJhe revolt of the Nether- lands. [Rogers, Holland, Cambridge Mod. Hist., or one of the older books like Motley.] 3. Beginnings of Dutch commerce with the Indies. [Blok, vol. 3, chap. 9.] 4. From what Dutch source were the names Tasmania, Van Diemens Land, New Zealand, derived; when and how were they attached to coun- tries later bearing them? [Encyclopedia.] 5. The Dutch in North America; was their commerce with New Netherlands important, and did the loss of their possession affect seriously their carrying trade? [See manuals of U. S. history and the references given in them; note the effect of the English Navigation Acts.] 6. The Dutch in South America. [See Edmundson, Dutch trade on the Amazon, English Historical Review, 1903, 18: 642-663, and later.] 7. The policy of the East India Company: trade and territorial ex- pansion, monopoly, regulation of production. [Day, Dutch in Java, chap. 2.] 8. The Dutch in the East Indies. [Rogers, Holland, chaps. 20, 22.] 9. Write a report on Dutch commerce at the height of its prosperity: countries traded with, wares, shipping, fisheries. [Blok, History, vol. 4, book 6, part 3, chap. 1, part 4, chap. 4 ; vol. 5, book 7, chap. 4.] 10. The Bank of Amsterdam; its peculiarities and historical impor- tance. [Rogers, Holland, chap. 24; Adam Smith, Wealth of nations, Book 4, chap. 3; C. F. Dunbar, Theory and history of banking, N.Y., 2d. ed., 1903, chap. 8.] 11. Forerunners of modem trusts in the Netherlands. [A. Sayous Early trusts in Holland, Political Science Quarterly, N. Y., 1902, 17: 369-380.] 12. The naval war of the English and Dutch in the time of Cromwell and Charles II. [Manuals of English history.] 13. Dutch commerce in the period of its decline. [Blok, History, vol. 5, book 8, chap. 5; vol. 6, book 9, chap. 3, book 10, chap. 4.] 14. Internal troubles of the Dutch. [Rogers, Holland, chap. 34.] 15. The "contingent system" of the Dutch East India Company. [Day, Dutch in Java, p. 61 ff.] 198 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE 16. Organization of the Dutch East India Company, and its faults. [Dutch in Java, chap. 3.] BIBLIOGRAPHY The English economist, James E. Thorold Rogers, has included in his * Story of Holland, N. Y., Putnam, 1889, $1.50, several chapters on topics of economic importance. A better, though larger and more ex- pensive work, is Blok's ** History of the people of the Netherlands, N. Y., Putnam, 1898 ff., $2.50 per volume, now in course of publication in English; I have included questions based on the later volumes of the work, on the assumption that they will soon be available in translation. I have attempted to cover the colonial and commercial history of the Dutch in their most important dependency in The Dutch in Java, N. Y., Macmillan, 1904, $2. CHAPTER XXI ENGLAND: SURVEY OF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 227. Survey of England's position and resources about 1500. — The importance which English commerce assumed in this period and has since maintained, justifies us in pausing at the start to consider the conditions prevaiUng at the beginning of the period, about 1500. England and Wales together had an area much smaller than that of most of the important continental states, about equal to the area of Illinois, and less than that of New England. Ireland was a sort of colonial possession, counting for little; Scotland remained till about 1700 an independent kingdom, and continued to be relatively unimportant after the union. England (a term which will be used roughly for other parts of the United Kingdom as they were included) had from nature one endowment of supreme advantage, separation by the Channel from the Continent, which made unnecessary for defense the government of a military absolutism, and allowed an early development of popular freedom. From the economic standpoint, however, the climate fa- vored grazing rather than tillage, and the mineral resources, aside from tin, were still of comparatively little use. England was a poor as well as a small country in 1500, needing to rely upon the energy of the people and upon their cooperation among themselves and with the government to win a place among the leading countries. 228. England's chief advantage ; her advanced organization. — Progress had been made, however, in various lines of which the importance was to appear as time went on. Serfdom had disappeared from the country districts, and production was 199 200 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE stimulated by a fair reward for work well done. On the basis of their flourishing sheep industry the English had built up a cloth manufacture which had outgrown the narrow restrictions of the old gild system, and won the inestimable advantage of an organization iike that of modern times; the industry was not so much ruled by antiquated custom or by the laws of politicians, as guided by specialists who had invested their capital in manufacture or trade, and who linked their fortunes with progress and extension. 229. Benefits of the English political constitution. — Finally, in summing up the advantages which the English of this period enjoyed, we must put as perhaps the chief and certainly a very important one, their politi^^l development. They were not only spared from the necessity of using their resources to repel a foreign invasion, they had attained to nj^tional _unity among themselves; and they had a government which, however crude it may seem now, wais much more closely in touch with the people than that of most states, and which proved capable of further development at comparatively slight expense, meas- ured in men and money. The student who, in estimating the commercial assets of England during this period, left out of account the English constitution would go wide of the mark. Spanish inquisition and expulsions, Dutch corruption, French oppression and revolution, German or Italian disunion — to be free from these was worth great wealth. 230. Development of the English into an active commercial people about the fifteenth century. — The English historian, Seeley, combats the idea that it is " in theJblQod " of English- men, that it is "the genius of .the race" to be a maritime and colonizing people. During the Middle Ages, in fact, the English were not great navigators, in spite of the facilities offered by the excellent harbors and the rivers penetrating far inland; English commerce was carried on largely by foreigners, as has been said in a previous section. The advance of the English from passive to active commerce came at the close of the Middle Ages, in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. In 1400 ENGLAND: SURVEY OF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 201 English merchandise was mostly borne in foreign ships; in 1500, it is said, English vessels carried more than half of all the cloth exported, and about three fourths of all the other wares. 231. Agencies helping to extend English commerce. — Among the influences aiding the development of English commerce in this period we must put the skilful diploma^cy of the sovereigns of the Tudor line, which secured important privileges for English merchants in other countries, and the energy of the fellowship of Merchants Adventurers, which made the most of these privileges. The Merchants Adventurers differed from the Merchants Staplers (see section 126), in three important points, each of which marks an advance: they were all native Englishmen instead of foreigners; they exported ^ manufactured goods, chiefly cloth, instead of raw materials; ^s^liey were not bound to a fixed staple but "adventured" to different places. Though the association was not nearly so close as that of later stock companies, it was strong enough to protect the interests of English commerce against abuses by individual merchants and attacks by foreigners; and was es- pecially helpful in pushing English trade along the coast of the North Sea (Flanders, Netherlands, Germany). 232. Enlargement of the commercial area. — Beyond these nearby districts English merchants were building up an im- portant trade with Spain and Portugal in the South, and with the Scandinavian countries in the North, where the Hanseatic League was now unable to hold its own. English ships were voyaging further still. Bristol merchants like Sturmys and Canning built up merchant fleets of considerable size, and sent them as far as the eastern shore of the Mediterranean and the coasts of Iceland and Finland. A London grocer recorded in his diary about 1550 ^the voyage of an English vessel to "Rus- sierj^ laden with " English bookes of the Scriptures " and with ' other wares which probably sold to better advantage. Nor have we yet reached the limit of English voyages. American readers are familiar with the exploits of the Cabots, 202 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE ^ which began a series of frequent voyage s to Aqi erica. and which were followed by daring expeditions to the far North in search of a passage to India, either east or west. These distant voyages were too venturesome as yet to be the means of regular Gommerce; they sought rather discoveries or plunder. The English merchant who went outside the narrow circle of civilized Europe turned his hand chiefly to smuggling, kid- napping, robbery, and murder. John Hawkins shared with Queen Elizabeth the profits of the African slave trade, and was proud to add to his coat of arms a demi-Moor proper, bound with a cord, to record his achievements. 233. Relative standing of the English ports. — An idea of the relative rank in foreign commerce of the English ports can be gained from the proportions which they contributed to the customs revenue. The most striking fact is the immense lead of London over other ports, like that of New York in the United States now; it contributed half of the total in the time of Henry VII (say 1500). The second port, Southampton, fell in this period from 18 per cent to 9 per cent; the Flanders galleys had ceased coming, and the Guinea trade, by which it revived later, had not yet begun. Newcastle upon Tyne paid 5 per cent of the total, while the port of Bristol, destined to be later the great haven for the American trade, paid only 3 per cent and was exceeded by Boston. No other port than those named contributed as much as 3 per cent of the total customs revenue. The list of minor ports comprises some which had been great in the Middle Ages but which were now rapidly declining in relative importance (Ipswich, Sandwich, etc.), some, like Hull, which were destined to grow in impor- tance, while great modern ports like Liverpool and Cardiff are not yet heard of at all. 234. Partition of the field of commerce among companies. — The reader will remember the discussion in a previous section of the difficulties experienced in this period when commerce - was left to individuals, and the reasons for the association of the merchants who traded to any country. With that dis- 204 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE cussion in mind the organization of English commerce in the period of the later sixteenth century and following years will not seem so strange as it may appear to be ^t first. An ordi- nary Englishman could trade about 1 600 with only three countries: France, Spain, and_ Poxtiigal. Commerce with the rest of the world could be carried on only by members of spec ific comp anies, who had mapped out and occupied the routes of trade much as modern railroads divide the territory inside a country. Beginning in the North and going around the compass the companies were as follows: the Eastland Company, trading to Scandinavia and the Baltic; the Russia Company; the Merchant Adventurers, controlling trade from Denmark to France, where the free-trade gap appears; the Levant Company, trading in the Mediterranean; the Guinea or African Company; the East India Company, with its immense Asiatic field; and then the various companies familiar to stu- dents of American History, the Virginia Company, the Ply- mouth Company, later the Hudson's Bay Company, etc. By means of the trade of these companies England marketed her surplus wares, especially her woolen fabrics, and imported the goods of which she stood in need — naval stores from the Baltic, manufactures and wine from the Cojitinent, gold from Africa (cf. the English "guinea" of twenty-one shillings), Oriental products, and furs and fish from America. The colonies which had been founded in the New World were still too young to affect greatly the sum total of English trade in the early seventeenth century, but increased rapidly in com- mercial importance. 235. Characteristics of the companies. — In their organi- zation and development these companies show such variety that it is impossible here to do more than indicate some com- mon features of their history. They tended to one of the two types (jointrStock_or_regulated) which have been described, and sometimes wavered between the two. The monopoly which they enjoyed made them unpopular with the public, who thought that it was used to secure unduly high profits. ENGLAND: SURVEY OF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 205 and still more unpopular with private^merohants who were prevented from sharing in the trade. These merchants who could not gain admission to the companies, because of lack of capital, or distance from London, formed a class of "inter- lopers" or smugglers trading inside the companies' preserves. Toward the close of the seventeenth century the feeling against the companies grew so strong that reform was forced upon them; entrance fees were lowered or exclusive privileges were taken away and the trade was thrown open. Some of the companies continued to exist, however; the greatest of them all, the East India Company, kept its hold on the trade with Asia, and other companies continued as semi-public or private corporations after their chief privileges had been annulled- The Levant Company was not dissolved till 1825, and the Hudson's Bay Company is still in existence, as an ordinary trading corporation. 236. Rapid growth of commerce in the eighteenth century. — The period in which the companies were most active, roughly the seventeenth centu ry^ was preparat orx Jbo the period ,of individual enterprise which in the eighteenth century brought England to the leading position among the commercial states. The advance is shown by the following table, giving in mil lions of pounds sterling (and a rough equivalent in dollars) the annual average of trade in the different periods: Average of Imports Exports 1698-1701 £ 5.5, $ 27 £ 6.4 $ 32 1749-1755 8.2 41 12.2 61 1784-1792 17.7 88 18.5 92 1802 31.4 157 41.4 207 The figures show that the foreign trade of England grew between five and six fold in the course of the century; that it advanced considerably in the first half, but moved with the speed of a revolution in the second. 237. Relative share of different continents in English com- merce. — An indication of the direction of the trade, and of 206 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE the relative importance of different elements in it, is given in the following tables, the figures again being simplified to round millions. The commerce of England was distributed as follows : Europe America | Asia | Africa Total 1698-1701 . . 1749-1755 . . 1784-1792.. . . . 1802 . . . £ 9.2 $ 46 13.8 69 19.6 98 39.4 197 ;£ 1-7 $ 8 4.5 12 10.8 54 23.3 116 ;£ 0.8 $ 4 1.8 9 4.9 24 8.7 43 £ 0.1 $ .5 0.2 1 0.9 4 1.3 6 £ 12.0 $ 60 20.4 102 36.2 181 72.8 364 The student may perhaps need the caution that he should not attempt to learn outright such statistics as are given here; the attempt would be a waste of energy. The figures give more concisely than any other method of description the measurement of a country's commerce, and are valuable for reference. They must, however, be translated into a more simple' expression of facts before an ordinary student can grasp their significance and hold it permanently in mind. In the few lines of text following the first table the author has suggested the most obvious conclusions to be drawn from it, and will point out others applicable here. The trade with Europe was stUl by far the most impor- tant part of English commerce, being equal to more than all the rest of the trade together. It grew steadily throughout the eighteenth century, as the figures show, but still it was a less important part of the whole in 1800 than it had been in 1700. At the earlier d*ate other continents furnished but one fourth of the total; in 1800 they furnished nearly one half. The two most important, America and Asia, were coming up with nearly equal speed, their commerce increasing roughly fivefold in the course of the century. America had a clear lead over its older rival, while Africa counted for very little in the total. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Town life and trade about 1500. [Soc. Eng., 3: 131-145.] 2. Economic and social conditions in England in the sixteenth cen- tury. [Harrison's Description, ed. by L. Withington, Londcfn, 1902, ENGLAND: SURVEY OF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 207 readable but too diffuse for a student who has not learned to select what he needs from a book.] 3. Significance of the "enclosures" in English agriculture. [Soc. Eng., 3: 544-550; 4: 114-118, 239-241.] 4. Development of the manufacturing system, as seen in the cloth trade. [Ashley, Eng. econ. hist., vol. 2, chap. 3.] 5. Political conditions about 1500. [Seebohm, Prot. rev., 46-55.] 6. The Merchants Adventurers; who were they, in what did they trade and with what countries, principles of organization, services to English commerce? [Lingelbach, Merchantes Adventurers, Univ. of Pa. Pub., 2 series, vol. 2, N. Y., 1902, or Cunningham, Growth; brief account in Cheyney, Eur. background.] 7. English discovery and exploration in the sixteenth century. [Soc. Eng., 3: 20^228; 477-508.] 8. Write an account of the career of Hawkins. [Payne, Voyages; J. A. Froude, English seamen, N. Y., Scribner, 1895.] 9. Write a similar report on Drake. [Same references, or Oxley, chap. 5.] 10. Indicate on a sketch map the position of ports named in sect. 233, drawing a line by each port with a length proportional to the im- portance_of_th§.port. What are the chief ports now? [See a later section of this book and its note; Statesman's Year-Book.] 11. Select one of the companies named in sect. 234 and report in detail on its commerce and career. [Hewins, Eng. trade; Cunningham, Growth, with references. Brief narratives of the East India Company and of the Hudson's Bay Company will be found in Oxley, chaps. 8, 9.] 12. Struggle between the East India Company and the interlopers. [Cunningham; Hunter, Hist, of British India.] 13. Prepare a graphic chart of the figures in sect. 236 in the follow- ing manner. Draw a perpendicular line at the left-hand edge of a sheet of paper, mark off two equal spaces, and place the dates, one at the top, one in the middle, and the last two on either side of the end of the line. Lines are then to be drawn, horizontally, proportional to the figures of trade at each date. This can readily be done with the aid of a foot rule, divided into fractions of an inch. Choose first the largest figures of the table, in this instance those for 1802, to be sure of having room enough on the paper for all the lines. Let one of the small divisions of the rule represent a sum of a miUion pounds or ten million dollars. If, for in- stance, yV is taken to represent a million pounds, the line for the imports of 1802 will be a little short of two inches (f^). Let this line then be con- tinued by a dotted or wavy line to represent exports; the continuation in this case would be a little over 2i inches, and the whole line would be a little over 4^ inches (If). Pursue the same method with the other 208 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE figures, and the result will be a graphic representation of the course of trade during the period. The scale may be varied to suit convenience, but of course figures cannot be directly compared with each other unless they are plotted to the same scale. 14. Prepare a chart by similar methods, but using different colors or characteristic lines to indicate trade with different regions. 15. Reduce the figures of trade with different continents to percent- ages of the total, at different periods. Make up your mind as to the number of conclusions to be drawn from the tables which you are capable of remembering — whether one, two, or more; resolve to remember those and to refer back to the tables for the others. BIBLIOGRAPHY As Gross, Sources, does not cover the modem period, the student in search of more extended bibliographical information than that given here must rely on less satisfactory guides. Cunningham, ** Growth, will be the best for an advanced student; see the foot-notes and the bibliographi- cal index. Traill's ** Social England contains less scholarly but per- haps more useful bibliographies on commerce and kindred topics. Some of the school manuals give classified references; Andrews' * History can be especially recommended. Of the general works on English history in the period under considera- tion the following pay some consideration to commercial development, and those which are starred present information that is valuable and easily available: * Busch, Froude, Gardiner, Macaulay, Stanhope, * Lecky. If a single work is desired for collateral reading the best is Traill's ** Social England, to which I have in large part confined my references for topical reading. Cunningham, ** Growth, is indispensable for this period; I assume that this book is in the hands of the teacher and that he will avail himself of the abundant material it offers for reading and written reports. Be- sides smaller books on English economic history, already mentioned, the following can be made useful: Hewins, ** English trade; Seeley, * Ex- pansion; Toynbee, Industrial revolution. Bourne, * English merchants, is useful; his English Seamen is unfortunately out of print. There is a considerable literature, however, on the war and merchant navy, espe- cially in the sixteenth century (see references in Social England); and Lindsay and Cornewall-Jones cover the entire period. CHAPTER XXII ENGLAND: EXPORTS 238. Survey of topics to be considered in studying the development of English commerce. — Such is the bare outHne of the development of English commerce in the period pre- ceding 1800. Two chapters will now be devoted to the dis- cussion of facts which will fill in the outline and will explain the development. That the reader may follow more intelli- gently a survey will be given in this place of the topics to be considered, and their bearing on the general question. We must know (1) the character of English exports. The exports of a country show in what lines it is strong enough to compete with foreign producers, and are the means by which it buys commodities-produced abroad. We shall then con- sider (2) the advantages which enabled England to produce these wares so efficiently that other countries were glad to buy of her, and (3) the countries in which these wares found a market. On the other side we want to know (4) the imports, the wares which England wanted but could not herself produce to advantage, and (5) the countries from which the imports came. Another factor of importance will be (6) the develop- ment of English shipping. Finally we have to consider (7) the government policy by which statesmen sought to further and regulate the development, as manifested in foreign policy and wars, in the customs tariff, and in the colonial system. 239. (i) Analysis of exports. — The total export to foreign countries of merchandise of English origin (i.e., not including goods from other countries transshipped in England) amounted about 1800 to a little over £29,000,000. The most important items were as follows, in millions of pounds: manufactures of 14 209 ^TORY OF COMMERCE wool, 7.7, or over one fourth of the whole; manufactures of cotton, 4.1; manufactures of iron and steel, 2.0; haberdashery, 1.5; linens, 1. These five items include over one half of the total, and no other item amounted to as much as one million. It is noteworthy that all the raw materials together scarcely exceeded one million. When we come to study the internal development of England we must look, evidently, for a great expansion in certain manufacturing industries to explain the position which their products now took in trade. 240. (2) Development of production, explaining the growth of the export trade. Agriculture. — Turning our attention now, not to the foreign commerce of England but to the conditions at home which made this commerce possible, we find that during the two centuries following 1600 there was a steady develop- ment of internal resources. The growth of population stimu- lated improvement in agriculture; and cultivators managed, by new crops and methods, to increase largely the output in spite of the disadvantages of soil and climate. Root crops (turnips and carrots) and clover were grown on fields which before had been allowed to lie fallow, and the produce, con- verted into meat and manure, was almost pure gain. By better feeding and breeding the weight of a head of stock was increased twofold or even more. Potatoes and other vege- tables were introduced from America and the Continent. Capitalist farmers effected such a revolution in the methods of agriculture, that pasture farming became relatively much less important, and the production of cereals increased so that there was a food supply to maintain a manufacturing popula- tion, and sometimes a surplus for export. 241. Internal commerce and means of transportation. — The conditions of internal commerce, measured by the diffi- culties and dangers of road transportation, were still bad at the beginning of this period, but improved rapidly in the eigh- teenth century. A writer said in 1767: "There never was a more astonishing Revolution accomplished in the internal system of any country than has been within the compass of ENGLAND: EXPORTS 211 a few years in that of England. The Carriage of Grain, Coals, Merchandize, etc., is in general conducted with little more than half the Number of Horses with which it formerly was. Journies of Business are performed with more than double Expedition. Improvements in Agriculture keep pace with those of Trade." The canals, which were extended rapidly after the success of the Bridgewater Canal, constructed in 1758 to connect Manchester with coal mines seven miles distant, lowered the cost of transportation to one quarter or less, in the districts which they served. As a result manufac- turers could rely on a steady supply of raw material for their works, and of food for their employees, and had also a chance to put their finished goods on the market. The eighteenth century, moreover, was a period of great development in English banking, and the extension of credit operations was at the same time an effect and a cause of 'the growth of trade. 242. Manufactures; advance from the gild to the domestic system and its significance. — We turn now to the history of English manufactures^ a topic which is not only, as we have intimated, of great importance for the growth of English commerce, but which is of general interest as showing the stages of development through which other countries passed later. Gilds still persisted in England, but they had lost the power of control which they had formerly had and which they still maintained on the Continent. The more important industries had passed into the stage known as the "domestic system." The change, at first view, is not striking, for the manufacturing was still done by petty artisans working at home with their own tools. The ownership of the raw material, however, had passed from the artisans to an employer, who took the risk of the manufacture and reaped profits corresponding to his success in conducting it. Brain power now took a place in manufactures above hand power. The new class of employers were men who could devote their energy entirely to studying the larger questions 212 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE of production. They had the chance to look away from the petty details of work, which had for centuries absorbed men's attention, and to become both broad -sighted and far-sighted. They studied the needs of the market, at home and abroad; they bought the raw material wherever it could be had best and cheapest; and then marketed the product, wherever it would bring them the best returns. 243. The new employers aided by the immigration of foreign laborers. — Success in manufacture still depended largely on the quality of labor, and one great advantage which England owed to her political and religious^freedom was the immigration of skilled laborers seeking refuge from the perse- cutions of the Continent. Refugees, of whom the Huguenots from France were the most important, brought with them improvements in the woolen manufacture and stimulated the development of other industries: silk, linen, cotton, calico, paper, etc. It is, however, hard to see how the labor of these people could have had a great effect in extending foreign trade if they had not been guided by their employers, who were men of considerable capital, with broad views andjwide acquaint- ance, willing to take large contracts and eager to extend the market for their goods. An English pamphlet of the period says that the towns in which the silk and cotton manufactures developed owed their industries " to the public spirit of two or three men in each." The development of this process, by which artisans lost their former independence and came to work for an employer, can be seen from a statement of the economist Adam Smith, who wrote in 1776. "In every part of Europe," he said, "twenty workmen serve under a master for one that is independent." This was not yet true of "every part " of Europe, and even in the western states of the Continent the process had not advanced so far as in England, where the author had made most of his observations. 244. Dependence of technical progress on the new class of employers. — It is noteworthy that the great inventions to which the modern development of manufactures has often ENGLAND: EXPORTS 213 been ascribed could not have been made of practical impor- tance unless this system of organization had developed pre- viously. The gilds were bitterly opposed to any changes in their system of routine, and independent artisans would not find it worth their while to introduce costly improvements. Many inventions had been made before the eighteenth century which would have been of the greatest importance in manu- facture if there had been any one to take them up and put them through; they fell dead, however, on the world of their time, or were killed by the opposition of petty producers. An illustration of the way in which premature inventions disap- peared can be given from the experience of a man who, to all appearances, had devised a repeating firearm before the end of the sixteenth century. A German recommended to an English statesman "one of his countrymen, who had invented a harquebuse, that shall containe ten balls or pelletes of lead, all the which shall goe off, one after another, having once given fire, so that with one harquebuse one may kill ten theeves or other enemies without recharging." The importance of such an invention needs only to be suggested, but, so far as the writer knows, nothing further was heard of it. 245. The domestic system preparatory to the great revolu- tion in manufactures in the eighteenth century. — Not until the latter part of the eighteenth century^jwere the times ripe for the great technical changes in majiufacture, which the intro- duction of machinery impIfedT^ Then the advance came with the speed of revolutron. In the lifetime of an ordinary man (1770-1840) the whole face of England changed; the great textile towns and the "black country" of the coal and iron industry grew up; canals and railroads cut through the agri- cultural districts to connect the industries with each other and with the outside world; a social and political revolution accompanied the eaonmaif* No attempt can here be made to describe the changes in detail, and the discussion of the factory system and other features of the present organization to which they gave rise can better be postponed. The fol- 214 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE lowing paragraphs will suggest the development in some of England's chief export industries. 246. Progress of the cotton manufacture. — The cotton manufacture was the first to show the possibilities of the application of machinery. Two main processes are to be distinguished in the manufacture of cotton, as in that of other textiles; first, the spinning of the yarn from the fiber, and second, the weaving of the yarn into cloth. The first great improvement was the invention by Kay in 1738 of the fly-shuttle, which saved the time and energy of the weaver and enabled him to double his output of cloth. Still, the industry was small and grew slowly. The amount of raw cotton imported from Turkey and the West Indies would seem now perfectly insignificant, and was exceeded by the amount of linen yarn imported from Ireland alone. The cotton manu- facture was hampered especially by the slowness of cotton spinning (six spinners working with the old-fashioned wheel were needed to supply yarn to one weaver) ; and by the weak- ness of the yarn, which required linen to be used for the warp of cloth. Inventions which met these difficulties were the spinning-jenny of Hargreaves, patented 1770, which enabled a spinner to make eight threads at once instead of one (later, twenty, thirty, even one hundred and twenty); and Ark- wright's roller spinning frame, patented 1769, which made cotton yarn strong enough for warp, by stretching the strand before it was twisted. Improvements followed in other pro- cesses (carding, printing, etc.); water-power was used more generally, and a mere beginning made with the application of steam. A Kentish clergyman, Cartwright, invented a power loom which greatly increased the possibilities of weaving but which did not become a practical success until the nineteenth century; long after 1800 the hand -loom weavers kept up a hopeless struggle in competition with it. The full effect of all these changes was not felt until the nineteenth century, but their importance in this period can be measured by the imports of raw cotton. In the forty-three ^*^,:>>-:^ ENGLAND: EXPORTS ^ 215 years, 1741-1784, the annual imports rose from 4,000 to 28,000 bales, while in the sixteen years following they increased to 150,000 bales (1800). 247. Slower development of the woolen manufactixre. — No such rapidity of development as this can be traced in the woolen manufacture, for it had long been England's mainstay, and changed more slowly partly because it was so firmly established. Little by little, however, the spinning-wheel was displaced by the jenny, and other sources of power than the human body were utilized. As in the case of cotton, power weaving was not important until after 1800; but the manu- facture of worsteds (in which the fibers are longer than in woolens, and are kept parallel) was greatly helped by a second invention of Cartwright, for wool-combing by machinery. 248. Development of the iron industry with the use of pit-coal. — The only other industry of this period which our space allows us to treat is that of iron. Until the eighteenth century iron was made almost entirely by smelting with char- coal, the primitive process which can be traced back to pre- historic times. A ton of iron required two loads of charcoal, and a load of charcoal two loads of wood, so that the industry depended largely on the wood supply, and was carried on at petty forges scattered through England, but established mainly in the South. A large proportion of the English iron supply was imported from Sweden. Coal, as we use the word, called then pit-coal or sea-coal, had for centuries been mined for domestic use, but had no importance in manufacture. Various men tried to smelt iron by coal or coke, but their experiments had no practical result till about 1760, when blast furnaces using coal were successfully established, and the industry began a period of rapid development, furthered about 1790 by the application of steam-power to the blast. Henry Cort invented in this period the processes by which pig was changed to malleable iron in a coal- puddling furnace, and the malleable iron was worked into bars by rollers instead of by the slow action of forge hammers. The production of iron had increased 216 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE fourfold (17,000 to 68,000 tons) in the period 1740-1788, and in the period of eight years following nearly as much again was produced (125,000 tons in 1796). The industries depend- ing on iron passed into a new stage, and the large export of iron and steel in 1800 is explained. 249. (3) The chief markets for England's exports. — The market for English wares varied, of course, according to the country to which they were sent. The most favorable market for manufactures was afforded by the colonies in America, until the outbreak of the war of independence. The~coIomsts were a high grade-of-eustximers ; they had cultivated tastes and were willing to work hard to gratify them. By reason of natural conditions even more than by legislation they found it difficult to establish^ianufactures, and bought manufactured wares of England with the raw products which their environ- ment afforded in abundance. A book published just before the revolution says that the "colonies are furnished from England with materials for wearing apparel, household furniture, silk, woolen, and linen manufactures, iron, cordage, and sails, great guns, small arms, ammunition, lead, brass, iron, and steel, whether wrought or unwrought; in a word England furnishes them with almost everything needful for the luxuries, as well as conveniences of life, except provisions." In European countries English manufactures did not find such a clear field. There were some branches (silk, linen, lace, paper, tin-plate, etc.) in which other countries were distinctly superior, and no European country depended on England as did the colonies. English woolens, however, went practically everywhere, and other products of the textile and metal industries were sure of a ready market in most countries. For exports to other continents the English had to choose articles which would stimulate less civilized people to produc- tion and exchange. Very considerable sums in gold and silver were sent to Asia, and the half-savage Africans were tempted with gunpowder, iron, rum, spirits, beads, etc. ENGLAND: EXPORTS 217 QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Endeavor to get a clear understanding of the meaning of each of the topics, and of their bearing on each other, by thinking of the present- day commerce of the U. S. and asking yourself: what are the main facts about (1) our exports, (2) our natural advantages, etc. Then ask your- self how knowledge of any one of these topics will be of use to you in understanding the others, and so understanding commerce in general. For instance, what bearing has our tariff policy on our imports and ex- ports, respectively? What are the weaker points in our system of pro- duction as shown by imports; what countries are strong in those points? The student is most earnestly advised to learn the contents of this manual by understanding and not by memorizing. He should always be asking himself: what use is this fact to me? 2. Transform the figures, sect. 239, into a graphic chart, and com- pare the results with exports at the present day. [See Statesman's Year- Book for recent figures.] 3. Development of English agriculture in the seventeenth century. [Soc. Eng., 4: 115-122, 439-445; Prothero, * Pioneers and progress of English farming, London, 1888.] 4. Development of agriculture in the eighteenth century. [Soc. Eng., 5: 99-110, 301-305, 452-459; Prothero.] 5. Condition of English roads and of carriage by land. [Cunning- ham, Growth, vol. 2, sect. 232, and references there; Smiles, Lives of the engineers, vol. 1.] 6. Canals, and their benefits. [Soc. Eng., vol. 5, pp. 322-326; Cun- ningham and references.] 7. Write an essay on the "domestic" system of manufactures, and the contrast it presents with earlier and later systems. [Hobson, Capi- talism, chap. 2, sect. 11; Cunningham, Growth, vol. 2, sect. 227 and following.] 8. The influence on English industrial development of immigration from the Continent. [Cunningham, Growth, vol. 2, sects. 172, 199, 229, etc.] 9. Compare with sect. 244 sects. 283 ff., in the chapter on France, to realize the advantages of the English at this period. 10. Write a report on English manufactures in one of the following periods, from the descriptions in Social England. (a) Seventeenth century [vol. 4, 122-130, 445-454, 581-588.] (6) Eighteenth century, before the great inventions [vol. 5, 110-117, 305-322.] 11. Write a report on the history of one of the great industries (cotton, woolen, iron), choosing one of the following aspects of it: methods of manu- 218 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE facture, introduction of machinery, change in organization (domestic and factory system, etc.), importance in commerce. [Besides references Hke Cunningham and Social England the student will find the encyclopedia and lire's Dictionary of manufactures helpful, and probably easier to use.] 12. The great inventions. [Social England, 5: 459-474, 591-604.] 13. Write a biographical sketch of one of the following men: Richard Arkwright, Edmund Cartwright, Samuel Crompton, James Watt. [En- cyclopedia; Dictionary of national biography; or one of the popular books on the history of invention.] BIBLIOGRAPHY See preceding chapter, CHAPTER XXIII ENGLAND: IMPORTS; SHIPPING; POLICY 250. (4) Analysis of English imports in the modern period. — After this survey of one side of English trade we have to consider the other, the imports which England purchased with her surplus wares. In round millions of pounds the imports at the end of the eighteenth century were as follows, in the order of their values: sugar 7.1, tea 3.1, grain 2.7, Irish linen 2.6, cotton 2.3, coffee 2.2, wood 1.5, butter 1.0, tobacco 1.0, hemp 1.0. These wares amounted to more than half of a total import of 42.6. If the list were extended to less impor- tant wares a number of manufactured goods would be found on it, but these evidently could in general be produced .to better advantage in England than anywhere else. England had already made herself the "workshop-of the world," and drew from other countries mainly raw materials and foods which could not be produced at home. Some of the colonial imports were shipped again, as will be shown later, but a large proportion of them was consumed at home by a popula- tion wliich was not only growing in size, but was enabled by means of commerce to gratify its taste for products com- paratively new (sugar, tea, coffee, tobacco). 251. (5) Sources of the imports. — At the period when these figures were compiled war had interrupted the trade of England with France and the Netherlands, but an active commerce still continued with other parts of the Continent. The imports from European countries were largely minor manufactures, which do not appear in the list above, but raw materials also were furnished by the less advanced European 219 220 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE states. Wool came from Spain; hemp, flax, and tallow from Russia; wood, iron, and copper from Scandinavia. For some of the most important imports we must look to countries outside of Europe. The trade with Asia supplied all of the tea, and part at least of the other commodities (coffee, cotton, sugar) which we now associate with America, as well as a considerable amount of Indian manufactures, especially textiles. This trade still rested Jn the control of the East India Company, which had grown to be a great political power in Asia, with a government and army of its own. At home it had had a checkered career. As the result of bitter attacks in the seventeenth century it widened its membership, but it still maintained the monopoly of trade with Asia till 1793, when it conceded to private merchants a certain share in the trade with India. 252. Peculiar character of the English colonies. — It is to the continent of America that we must turn for the field outside of Europe that in its performances and in its promises offered most to English commerce. After the early period of explora- tion, treasure-hunting, and piracy, English colonization in America developed in a form entirely its own. Emigrants went out, not to seek gold mines or to establish trading stations, but to found homes. Emigration was not so much a govern- ment policy as a popular movement, that attracted some of the best stock of English blood. There were great differences between the people of the different coloni es on the Atlantic coast, as every student of American history knows, and there was again a difference between the colonies in the-South and those on the -islands. But in general it may be said that no European country could vie with England in the commercial quality of its colonial population. Certainly none could rival England in the quantity of colonists of European stock. The first census of the United States in 1790 showed a population (nearly four million), merely in this group of former English colonies, amounting to nearly half that in England and Wales. 253. Resources and industries of the colonies in America. — ENGLAND: IMPORTS; SHIPPING; POLICY Though the personal qualities of the English were duplicated -^m, on the other side of the Atlantic, the physical environment "^ was absolutely different. Products of the field, the forest, and the sea, which were eagerly desired and hard to get in England, were to be had in abundance in the New World. The condi- tions for manufacture, on the other hand, were unfavorable; capital and labor found such an attractive field in the extractive industries (the production of raw material), that there was little temptation for the colonies to engage in the finishing of goods. In the plantation colonies of the South and the islands almost nothing was manufactured. Even in the center and North, where the difficulties of life and the talents of the people made manufacture more practicable, most industries were of a household character, rough clothing and implements being made in the spare hours at home; or were ordinary village trades, — milling, tanning, etc. All the fine manufac- tures were bought from England with raw or semi-raw products. j^. 254. Specialties of different colonies. — The island colonies (Jamaica, Barbadoes^ etc.) sent plantation ^products. The sugar-cane supplied sugar and molasses and, by a simple y process of manufacture, rum. American cotton until Whitney's invention of the cotton-gin in 1793 came almost entirely from . ^^ the islands, and indigo and various drug3 .were secured from the same source. The colonies on the mainland sup plied a greater variety of products, by reason of their climatic differ- ences. Nearly all of them contributed to the supply of- s kin s and furs; and lumber and naval stores (pitch, tar, turpentine) were secured from the forests all the way from New England to Georgia. Different sections, however, had their specialties; the Carol inas sent rifi£^ Virginia tobacco, New England codfish and whale-oil. 255. Commerce with Africa. — There was a marked pecu- liarity in the commerce with Africa. The exports to this country always exceeded the direct imports by a considerable sum. An English writer of the eighteenth century tells about 222 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE ' the manufactures which were sent out, and continues: "we have, in return, gold, teeth_(t^e^ ivory), wax, and negroes; the last whereof is a very beneficial traffic to the kingdom, as" it occasionally gives so prodigious an„employment to our people both by sea and land." His meaning is this: the slave trade was so "beneficial" because the slaves which were purchased with beads and rum were not brought to England but shipped to the American colonies where they were put to work. The English ^gured, therefore, that they got not only the price of the slaves in American products, but also had the business of carrying them to America, and could hope for a future return from their labor intlieJB£ld. It is estimated that 20,000 slaves a year were sent out during the eighteenth century, and the chief port of the trade, Liverpool, emp loyed 190 ships as slavers in 1771. 256. (6) Shipping and the carrying trade. — At the begin- ning of the period which we are studying (1500-1600) the English, as we have seen, were emancipating themselves from their former dependence on foreign ships. In the course of the period they learned to carry not only their own goods but those of other nations as well, and took from the Dutch the leadership in the carrying trade of the world. The reader will note, if he refers to the figures showing the trade of England about 1800, that the imports amounted to about 42 million pounds, while the exports of British merchandise were but 29 millions. England would seem to have been gaining a great amount of goods for nothing, or to have been going in debt for them. The difference is to be explained in part by the earnings of English freight, which other countries paid in wares, but in the larger part by the export of goods which were brought to England from other countries merely to be transshipped and exported again. At the close of the century foreign merchandise to the value of over 11 millions was exported, the wares being mainly those of colonial origin (coffee, sugar, Indian textiles, tobacco, tea, indigo, etc.). 257. Struggle of English seamen and government with the ENGLAND: IMPORTS; SHIPPING; POLICY 223 Dutch. — Two separate sets of forces were at work to raise the English merchant marine, those of individuals and those of the government. The English in the seventeenth century could not navigate as cheaply as the Dutch, since they re- quired larger crews for the same work, but they seem in the eighteenth century to have been abreast or ahead of the gen- eral development of navigation; and unusual facilities for ship-building were offered to them in their American colonies. The government, on the other hand, was eager to foster every effort to extend English shipping, not only because of its economic advantage, but because of the addition to the naval resources of the kingdom in war with other powers. Until after 1650 the English merchant marine, in spite of individuals and government, was greatly inferior to the Dutch. State- ments which are doubtless exaggerated give us still some measure of the difference; the Dutch were said to own four fifths of all the ships engaged in oceanic commerce, or as many as eleven kingdoms of Christendom; ten Dutch ships traded to Barbadoes for one English. The latter half of the seven- teenth century is filled with a bitter struggle for supremacy between the English and the Dutch, waged with all the weapons both of peace and war. 258. The Navigation Acts; victory of English over Dutch shipping. — "The first nail in the coffin o f Dutch gr eatness/^ says an English historian, was the Navigation Act passed under Cromwell in 1651»„ This was but one of a series of measures extending before and afterward, designed to further the English carrying trade at the expense of rivals. Briefly, goods from a European country could" be brought to England only in English ships or in ships of the country, so that, for instance, the Dutch could not carry Baltic wares to England; while the products of other continents could be imported or exported only in English ships; and some wares that were enumerated (sugar, tobacco, etc.) must be brought to England before they could be exported to any other European country. To maintain this policy the English engaged in a long contest 224 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE with smugglers in America, and fought several great naval wars with the Dutch. The result was, as we have seen, a victory for English cornrnaccE-^w^er the Dutch, though it is hard to say how much credit should be given the government policy, and how much was due to the energy of the individuals who were building up English business at this period. The effect of the new oceanic trade was to build up the ports in the West; Liverpool came into prominence in the eighteenth century, and Bristol also grew. The distribution of trade among the ports did not, however, change greatly. An esti- mate of the eighteenth century gave to London still two thirds of the total, while the remaining third was divided in equal parts among the ports of the east, the south, and the west coasts. 259. (7) Government policy. Commerce and war. — Just as in shipping, so in other commercial interests, the efforts of individuals to make money for themselv es we re restrained or furthered by government regulations aiming to advance the English people as a whole. Every matter of commerce was at the same time a matter of politics. Mention was made in an introductory chapter of the part played by England in the great wars of the period. It will be remembered that English policy in general was characterized by a shrewd recognition of the commercial advantages to be gained in war, either by territorial acquisitions or by trading privileges, and every war in which England engaged ended, as a rule, with a treaty that gave her some new colonial market or some advantages in trade with a European country. England fought France con- sistently, not because of old traditions of enmity, but because France was a commercial rival, refusing English manufactures and attempting to market her own in England, and because France had possessions in America and India that England desired. England allied herself with Portugal, on the other hand, because the trade of the two countries was complemen- tary rather than competitive. 260. Customs policy. — The customs policy of the period ENGLAND: IMPORTS; SHIPPING; POLICY 225 was governed by mercantilist ^ idea s, described in an earlier chapter. The government drew a considerable portion of its revenue from the customs duties, but nevertheless subordinated the collection of revenue to other considerations in framing the tariff, and regarded it chiefly as a means of building up national power in contest with other states. To further this end the importation of manufactured wares was in many cases taxed or prohibited, that foreigners might not draw money for work which Englishmen were thought competent to do. Raw materials, like wool, which could be used as the basis of English industries, were kept in the country by duties or prohibitions on export ; while the export of other wares, which put foreigners in debt to England, was encouraged. Other measures, now inconceivable, were designed to stimulate cer- tain industries ; an Englishman could be buried only in a woolen shroud; a Scotchman only in Scotch linen; buttons and button- holes were regulated by legislation; English ships must carry English sails. 261. Burden of the tariff. — In a sense it is wrong to speak of any "system" of customs policy at this time, for the tariff, by constant changes, had become extraordinarily confused, and included many inconsistencies. "The collection and ad- ministration of such a complicated system was most wasteful; while the taxes, when taken together, were so high as to inter- fere seriously with the consumption of the article and to offer a great temptation to the smuggler." The most rigorous measures failed to stop the smuggling which brought into England a large proportion of^the^gouds on which duties or prohibitions were imposed. Reforms attempted by different statesmen alleviated to some extent the burden of the tariff on merchants, but left it still so heavy and cumbrous that with the advances of the nineteenth century it was felt to be intolerable. In this period almost no one thought of free trade. The tariff undoubtedly stimulated the growth of certain industries (silk, for example), but it is noteworthy that the cotton industry, which was destined to become the most im- 15 226 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE portant of any in England, grew up not only without any favor but under actual discouragements. 262. Colonial policy. — An English historian who has been quoted several times before said that England " conquered and peopled half the world in a fit of absence of mind/' implying that the movement was one of natural expansion rather than of conscious policy. This seems true when we contrast English colonization with that of other powers. Still, the government held from the first the idea that the colonies -were a part of the home country, and should contribute in special ways to its advancement, and these ideas grew stronger and took more definite form as the colonies grew in size. The government permitted the movement of men and capital to America under the condition that the resources of the colonies should be made to supplement, not compete with, the resources of the mother country. We have to note here the regulations in which the government ideas were embodied. 263. Restrictions on colonial enterprise, regarded as jus- tifiable at the time. — By the application of the Navigation Acts the colonists were required to employ English ships for their commerce, and to send certain enumerated wares of their production to England before they could be disposed of to another country; and by other acts they were restricted in the manufacture or exchange of certain articles (woolens, hats, bar-iron, and steel) for which English manufacturers desired to reserve the market. Aside from these restrictions the colonists were left free to produce and to trade as they pleased. They paid the usual duties, as a rule, on wares entering the English ports, but were allowed a drawback when the wares were exported again. Comparing these restrictions with, for instance, those of Spain, we are struck with their liberality; still more so^when it is added that the government gave some special favors to the colonists in the form of bounties, and colonial ships were put on an equal footing with those built at home, so that New England was a great gainer by the stimulus to ship-building ENGLAND: IMPORTS; SHIPPING; POLICY 227 and sailing. England was the natural market for most of the colonial wares, and the colonists, as we have seen, had few temptations to go into manufacturing. None of these restric- tions, therefore, bore with great weight on the colonists, and an attempt to interfere in their trade with the French We§t Indies (by the Molasses Act of 1733) was evaded. The English colonial system was accepted as natural and reasonable by the colonists in general until shortly before the Revolution. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Make a graphic chart of imports and compare with present con- ditions, as suggested above under exports. 2. Insert the wares named in 251 and the following sections in the chart of imports according to continents, sect. 237. 3. History of the East India Company in the eighteenth century. [Cunningham, Growth; B. Willson, Ledger and sword, London, 1903, vol. 2.] 4. Compare the colonial market of England with that of Spain (see chap. 20) and that of France (see chap. 25). 5. Write a report on the economic and commercial characteristics of one of the thirteen colonies, in the period preceding the Revolution. [See the chapters describing the condition of the separate colonies in 1765, in Lodge, English colonies, N. Y., Harper, 1881, $3.] 6. English imports of naval stores, and schemes to stimulate exports from America. [Lord, Industrial exper., part 2.] 7. Write a report on -the commercial history of one of the island colonies, (a) Jamaica, or (6) Barbadoes. [See encyclopedia, and ref- erences there; R. Montgomery Martin, History of the British colonies, London, 1834, vol. 2, chap. 2, Jamaica; chap. 7, Barbadoes, chap. 16, West Indian commerce; Amos K. Fiske, West Indies, N. Y., Putnam, 1899, $1.50, chaps. 18-19, Jamaica; chap. 37, Barbadoes.] 8. History of the African trading companies. [Cunningham, Growth, vol. 2, sect. 194.] 9. History of the slave trade. [Cunningham, index, and references in his notes; Weeden, index; Encyc. Brit.] 10. The plantations, the Royal African Company and the slave trade, 1672-1680. [E. D. Collins, in Rep. of Amer. Hist. Assoc, 1900, Washing- ton, 1901, vol. 1, pp. 139-192.] 11. History of the merchant navy; development of ship-building and navigation. [See the articles on the Navy, by W. Laird Clowes, Soc. Eng., vols. 3, 4, 5. The student should endeavor to extract from these 228 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE articles, which are rather fragmentary, only those facts which bear on the merchant marine, and should guard against confusing this with the war navy.] 12. Write an essay on the colonial and commercial aspects of Crom- well's foreign policy. [Reference may be made to the following, among the biographies of Cromwell: F. Harrison, Lond. 1888, chap. 13: Firth, N. Y. 1900, chap. 19; John Morley, N. Y. 1900, book 5, chap. 8; Roosevelt, N. Y. 1900, p. 225 ff. See also Frank Strong, The causes of Cromwell's West Indian expedition, Amer. Hist. Review, Jan., 1899, 4: 228-245; George L. Beer, Cromwell's economic policy, Polit. Sci. Quarterly, 1901, 16: 582-611; 1902, 17: 46-70.] 13. Of what country would ships have to be, according to the Naviga- tion Acts, to carry: wool from Spain; gold from Africa; spices from India; furs from America? 14. The policy of the Navigation Acts and their effects. [Cunning- ham, Growth, vol. 2, sects. 204, 222.] 15. Rise of the port of Liverpool. [Encyc, and references there.] 16. Report on one of the three commercial treaties, of 1703, of 1713, and of 1786, as illustrating the policy of the period. [Hewins, English trade, chap. 5.] 17. Abuses of the customs duties, and the reform by the younger Pitt. [Lecky, Hist., chap. 16, Cabinet ed., 5: 295 ff.] 18. The commercial legislation of England and the American colonies, 1660-1760. [See the article with that title by W. J. Ashley, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1899-1900, 14: 1-29; republished in his Surveys, London., 1900. 19. American smuggling, 1660-1760: to what extent was it practised; does it prove the English policy to have been oppressive? [Ashley, Surveys, 336-360.] BIBLIOGRAPHY See chapter xxi. CHAPTER XXIV FRANCE: SURVEY OF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 264. Natural advantages of France in the modem period. — In preceding sections we have considered countries which for a time took the leading place in commerce among the states of Europe. We have now to study the development of the other states, to understand the share they took in commerce, and to note so far as possible the causes which kept them below the leaders. Taking first France, we find a country which throughout the period enjoyed the reputation of being the richest state of Europe. Not only in area and population did it greatly exceed its traditional rival, England; it had also advantages of soil and climate which caused it to be regarded as favored beyond all others. Fronting both the Mediterranean and Atlantic, with easy access to the North Sea and Baltic, it had a better position for the sea commerce of the period than any other country, while internal transportation was facilitated by a remarkable system of navigable rivers, that brought the interior of the country into easy communication with the coast. Nor can we say that the French people of this period were inferior to those of other countries in their economic capacity. Before the beginning of the period and at intervals during its course they give evidence of productive ability which would have led to very different results under conditions such as more favored people, like the English, enjoyed. This holds true even of manufacturing, a branch of production in which the French have commonly been considered inferior by natural bent to the English. 265. The chief reason why France did not rise to leadership. 229 230 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE — In spite of size, resources, and population, France did not rise above the second place mainly through the fault of the French or aanization^ the arrangements that the French nation had for working together. We may compare the French state to a modern industrial corporation, which has a large capital invested in a valuable plant, and has good business openings; but in which the business is wrecked by quarrels arnong_lhe st^ockholders, and by such a poor organization that president and directors can disregard the interests of the stockholders, can conduct affairs for their selfish profit, and can waste the company's resources in enterprises that do not pay. The point will be made more clear if, as an introduction to the history of commerce in France, we sketch the general history of the country from the later Middle Ages to the French Revolution of 1789. 266. Progress checked by the Hundred Years* War with England, and by religious conflicts. — In the fourteenth century it seemed as though France were going to lead Europe in the development of a new period. Agriculture and manufactures were flourishing; internal trade was active; and French ship- owners, growing accustomed to longer voyages, ventured far down the west coast of Africa and established trading stations even on the coast of Guinea. The country was plunged again into a condition of medieval chaos by the Hundred Years' War (1336-1453), a war that hurt France vastly more than England because it was fought entirely on French soil. French and English armies, and "free companies" of organized bandits ravaged the country; the weight of taxes grew; trade dwindled, cities declined, and artisans emigrated. The country had hardly recovered from this war (which ended in 1453), when it was again disturbed, this time by a series of civil wars between Protestants and Catholics, attended by the same unfortunate economic effects. The religious con- flict was finally closed by a settlement which was even more disastrous; the French Protestants, to the number of nearly half a million and making up the most valuable industrial FRANCE: SURVEY OF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 231 element in the population, were expelled from France as the Jews and Moriscoes had been expelled from Spain. The loss to France can be measured by the gain of other countries; the establishment and development of important manufactures can be traced in each of three countries, England, Prussia, and the Netherlands, to the influx of the Huguenot refugees. 267. Effect of the absolute monarchy on French develop- ment. — France secured finally freedom from foreign invasion and from internal dissension, but at a terrible cost. The whole power of the state was vested in the hands of the king. The stockholders lost all power ta4H'edrthe concerna-ef-the company:. ^^Rarely this power was exercised by a king both wise and strong, like Henry IV. During the long reign of Louis XIV it was wielded by a king who was strong but who was not wise; who wasted the rich resources of his country in fruitless wars, while he neglected the opportunities for reforms at home and for commercial expansion abroad. Too often the rule was held only in name by the king, but in fact by the royalN^ayontes, worthless adventurers who by pleasing the taste of the sovereign gained the power to direct as they chose the policy of this great country. This evil is especially marked in the eighteenth century, when England was prepared to take advantage of every mistake of France, in building up her world power. 268. Failure to reform conditions inherited from the feudal period. — The absolute monarchy played a vital part in the history of French commerce, not only by its disregard of com- mercial interests abroad, but by its lack of business sense in home affairs. As the details will appear in the following pages it is necessary here to. call attention only to some general points. The kings did not complete the unification of the country by breaking down the feudal toll barriers, of which some remained until the Revolution. They encouraged the separation of classes^ just as they allowed the separation of sections; the French were split into groups, mutually jealous and hostile, which lacked the feeling^of common interest, and 232 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE were unable to cooperate. The most serious distinction be- tween classes was in regard to taxation. Nobles and clergy were granted privileges, often of a kind that hindered produc- tion, while they paid very little to the public treasury. The productive classes, on the other hand, the business men and laborers, bore nearly the whole burden. The weight of this burden was tremendous, for the machinery of government had become more and more complicated and more and more in- efficient with the passage of time, so that the government had to demand a great deal from the taxpayers to accomplish very little in the public service. An idea of the condition in the eighteenth century can be gathered from the fact that the peasant is estimated to have paid from one half to four fifths of his gross income to a government which gave him almost nothing in return. 269. Bloom of French commerce in the fifteenth century as shown in the business of Jacques Coeur. — Returning now from this political survey to the history of commerce proper, we find before the year 1500 one name standing out prominently in the history of French commerce, that of Jacques Coeur, a merchant of Bourges. A contemporary says of him: "His ships carried to the East the cloths and merchandise of the kingdom. On their return they carried back from Egypt and the Levant different silk stuffs, and all kinds of spices. On their arrival in France some of these ships ascended the Rhone, while others went to supply Catalonia and the neighboring provinces, competing in this way with the Genoese and the Catalonians in a branch of trade that up to that time they alone had exploited." At the height of his fortunes, about 1450, he had a silk factory in Florence, did business with England and thought of establishing an office in Flanders also. The work of Coeur survived him, and French commerce devel- oped rapidly in the intervals of peace following. Great interest was felt in France in the explorations of the sixteenth century, and though the French were behind the Spanish and Portu- guese in the work, they led the English and Dutch, and the FRANCE: SURVEY OF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 233 names of \errazano (an Italian in the French service) and Cartier testify to their energy. ^6. The bulk of French commerce still with nearby coxm- tries. — France was still unprepared, however, to engage ex- tensively in oceanic commerce. The chief part of its trade in the sixteenth century was with its immediate neighbors; it found the best market for its exports in Spain, and it sought a large part of its imports in Italy. French military expedi- tions to Italy about 1500 had far more effect at the time than the discovery of the New W orld or of the sea route to India; the Italians stimulated and gratified new tastes and introduced new methods in business. The best days of the Levant trade had passed away, but the number of French ships engaged in it increased rapidly, until the outbreak of the religious wars at home. France shared with Venice the profits of its trade, and was the first of the European states to secure from the Sultan at Constantinople a " capitulation " in the modern form, defining the condition on which foreigners could trade. 271. Decline during the period of the religious wars. — The promising development was checked by the rel yious war s of the later sixteenth century; France must endure a period of anarchy at home and powerlessness abroad. French commerce declined at its source, as production languished; and was attacked abroad by competitors and by the pirates who in- fested the coasts. About 1600 the French merchant marine had almost disappeared from the Atlantic; voyages to foreign lands had ceased, and even the coasting trade had passed into the hands of the English, Flemish, and Dutch. Marseilles still maintained relations with the Levant, but the French merchants there were being mercilessly bled by Turkish gov- ernors, and were being rapidly driven out of the market by the English and Dutch. France seemed actually saved from ruin by the few years of peace and good government given by Henry IV and his minister Sully. 272. Recovery after i6oo. — The first three quarters of the seventeenth century, until the disastrous foreign wars of 234 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE Louis XIV, were on the whole a period of peace and progress, Under Henry IV taxes were low, the means of internal com- munication by land and water were restored and improved, and new industries were introduced. The revival of trade was shown in the prosperity of fairs. The great foreign min- ister, Richelieu, was interested niainly in questions of politics, and hampered the development of French resources by heavy taxes, but in some ways he continued the work of Henry IV. The English of this period called themselves "Kings of the ^ea" and termed Richelieu a "fresh-water admiral"; French ships, afraid to refuse the English a salute and unwilling to accord it, sailed under the Dutch flag. Richelieu said, in the government newspaper, "France, bounded by two seas, can maintain herself only by sea power,'' and began the construc- tion of a navy which would give confidence to the merchant marine. 273. Founding of commercial companies, and colonial ex- pansion. — The revival of French commerce was evidenced by the incorporation of companies designed to trade with distant parts of the world, and by the encouragement and growth of colonization. The list of commercial companies founded, 1599-1642, including reorganizations, amounted to twenty-two, including in its scope Canada, the West Indies, Guinea, the west coast of Africa, Madagascar, East India, and the Malay Archipelago (Java, etc.). The government accorded great privileg^s^ 4^o the companies, and the royal influence was exerted in every way to help them; men were forced even by intimidation to invest in them, and nobles were allowed to participate without lowering the dignity of their order. The colonies were likewise pushed by the force of the government ; emigration was encouraged and discharged soldiers and poor girls were sent out by the government to further the growth of population. The number of Europeans in Canada was perhaps 2,500 in 1660, and increased to 10,000 in the next twenty years; a considerable number of French settled also in various islands of the West Indies. France / FRANCE: SURVEY OF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 235 stood next to Spain as a colonial power, measuring merely by the area to which she could lay claim. 274. Reasons for the failure of these enterprises. — Most of these commercial and colonial enterprises were failures. They showed the characteristic faults of the time: inefficiency of organizatLori,^ failure to appreciate the difficulties of their task, and impatience in their attempts to solve the problems. They had special elements of weakness, moreover, in their rather artificial character, and in the fact that they carried with them abroad the class distinctions and prejudices of the home country. Still, the seventeenth century was for all nations a time of experiment in distant commerce and coloni- zation; a large proportion of failures was natural, and the French had attained a sufficient measure of success before 1700 to have enabled them to enter the international compe- tition of the eighteenth century with good prospects. Their prospects were blighted, and France lost its opportunity to become a "world-power" by the fault of the French political constitution, which put the interests of the people at the mercy of one man, the king. 275. Mistaken policy of Louis XIV. — The " Great Mon- arch,;' Louis XIV; did not lack good advisers. The philosopher Leibnitz proposed, at this critical period in French history when the country could choose to be either a land or a sea power, that it should select the latter alternative, and base its greatness on control of the sea and of commerce. He said that France needed peace at home to permit an expansion of its powder abroad, where the richest prizes of power were to be had; and he urged the occupation of Egypt, to give France the control of trade to the Levant and the" far East. But Louis thought that the French frontier was too near to Paris and saw tempting morsels of territory on the other side of it; he found the arrogance of the Dutch galling to his pride; he wanted to raze the Pyrenees by putting a French prince on the Spanish throne. He engaged, therefore, in a series of continental wars continuing nearly fifty years, which returned 236 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE little or no gain in Europe, and destroyed the power of France in the other continents. Louis' policy prompted his biographer to a comment of sad significance, "The inhabitants of the several nations of Europe have scarce ever any interest in the wars of their sovereigns." This sovereign found France vigorous and offering brilliant promises of development; he left her weighted with taxes and debt. A distinguished Frenchman said toward the close of this reign that a tenth of the people were reduced to beggary, and of the remainder over one half were in no condition to give alms, they were so near to* beggary themselves. 276. Decline of the French colonial empire in the eighteenth century. — The colonial possessions which France surrendered to England atjhe close of the wars (the Hudson's Bay Terri- tory, Nova^cotia, and Newfoundland) seem comparatively unimportant, but their loss was significant. The two countries had chosen different paths. England continued to build up a coloni5J_empire; France continued to spend her resources in continental wars, at the cost of her commerce and her colonies. The Seven Years' War, ending in 1763, marks practically the end of the conflict. France surrendered all her possessions on the North American continent, and some of those in the West Indies aruL. Africa; and abandoned forever the hope, at one time most promising- of building up an empire in India. So little were the colonies appreciated in France that some good Frenchmen rejoiced at their loss, and only wished that, more of "those wretched possessions" might have been transferred, to ruin the enemy! 277. Growth, notwithstanding, in the commerce of France. — The reader must not infer from preceding paragraphs that French commerce was stationary or declining in the eighteenth century. Colonial expansion was often a long-time invest- ment, from which a country could hope to recover the full return only after the lapse of generations, sometimes after the colony had established its freedom. The full effect of the French policy is apparent only in the nineteenth century, and FRANCE: SURVEY OF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 237 238 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE elements which we have not yet considered must be taken into account to explain why France has been passed by other countries in the race for industrial supremacy. In the eigh- teenth century, in spite of a misguided foreign policy, in spite of burdensome taxes, and in spite of 'a vicious organization of internal trade and manufactures which will be described later, France profited by her size and resources to build up a great foreign trade. Some features of this trade will be apparent from the following table, to which the same remarks apply that have already been made on the subject of statistics. The figures show in millions of livres (and a rough equivalent) the trade of France with the various continents in 1716, when the country was just recovering from war and commerce was unduly depressed, and 1787, when a short period of unusually active trade preceded the French Revolution. Commerce of France by Continents 278. Analysis of French commerce in the eighteenth cen- tury. — Without attempting to draw too much from figures which are known to be inaccurate, we can base on this table some few important conclusions. The commerce of France grew at a rate not far from that of England's in the eighteenth century. The commerce of France, however, continued in much greater degree to be European; the chief trade of the country was with its neighbors, Italy and Germany, and, after them, with England and the Baltic. To these countries France sent manufactures amounting to less than one third of the total exports (122 million), the remainder being made up. of articles of food and drink and various other raw materials. ^b FRANCE: SURVEY OF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 239 The failure of France to manufacture goods which would hold their own in the world market must be regarded as her vital weakness. We see it especially well illustrated in the trade with the United States. During the later years of the Revo- lution (1781-1783) France sent to the United States exports amounting to over eleven million livres a year. A few years afterward (1787-1789), when the restoration of peace should have stimulated the trade, it had dropped to less than two millions. The French had sent poor wares, and could not hold the trade when the English were free to compete again. 279. Value of the French sugar colonies. — It was the fortune of the French to keep of their colonies in America just those which were capable of the most rapid economic development. They were West India islands in which sugar was produced by slave labor. Comparatively few Frenchmen had settled in the islands, and in the long run they were to prove of little advantage to the home country, but in the eighteenth century they were veritable gold mines. The lead- ing position in sugar production, which had first been taken by the Portuguese in Brazil, passed early from them to the English, and was taken before 1750 by the French, who soon controlled the European market. A part, also, of the imports from Africa comprised sugar from islands in the Indian ocean, while the African slave trade was exploited for the benefit of American planters. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Striking characteristics and chief weaknesses of the political system of France. [Seebohm, Prot. rev., 40-46, 210-212; Cheyney, Eur. background, 115-121; Taine, Ancient regime.] 2. Effect of the Hundred Years' War (a) on the people, (6) on the power of the king. [Adams, Growth, chap. 9.] 3. Effect upon France of the religious wars, and the emigration of the Huguenots. [Adams, 180 ff., 227 ff.] 4. Write a report on the career of Jacques Cceur. [Encyc. Brit.] 5. Write a report on one of the French explorers. [Manuals of U. S. history and references; Thwaites, France in Amer., chap. 1: Parkman, Pioneers of France.] 240 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE 6. Write a brief report on the history of the commerce of Marseilles. [Encyc] 7. Reforms under Henry of Navarre. [Adams, Growth, p. 183 f¥.; P. F. Willert, Henry of Navarre, N. Y., Putnam, 1893, $1.50, chap. 8.] 8. Reforms by Richelieu, 1624-1642. [J. B. Perkins, Richelieu, N. Y., Putnam, 1900, $1.50, chaps. 6, 9.] 9. Economic organization and commerce of the French in America. [Bateson in Camb. mod. hist., vol. 7, chap. 3; Thwaites, France, chap. 8; Parkman, Old regime, part 2.] 10. Make a written summary of the wars of Louis XIV, showing gains and losses of territory, in Europe and in the rest of the world. [Adam Growth, p. 216 ff.] 11. Opportunity lost by Louis XIV to build up an empire by sea power. [Mahan, Sea power, chap. 2, and pp. 141 ff., 198 ff., 219 ff.] 12. Prepare a written summary of the results of the French wars of the eighteenth century. [Adams, Growth, chap. 14.] 13. Prepare a graphic chart from the table of figures, sect. 277, as suggested above in the case of England, and study the conclusions to be drawn from figures and chart. 14. Combine the charts for England and for France, and draw con- clusions from the comparison. Endeavor, if possible, by extending your reading, to settle the questions which this comparison will suggest. Note, however, that the figures refer to different dates, that they are a far less accurate index of the facts than you would suppose, and, finally, that the reduction to modern currency is very rough. 15. Write a report on the history and commerce of one of the follow- ing West India islands under French rule: (a) San Domingo, (6) Guade- loupe, (c) Martinique. [Encyclopedia; Homans' Cyc. of commerce; C. B. Norman, Colonial France, or Bryan Edwards' History, if that book is available.] BIBLIOGRAPHY Of the general works on French history, Adams, ** Growth of the French nation, is excellent. Of the works on particular periods all the books of James Breck Per- kins can be highly recommended for the attention paid to economic con- ditions; I refer above only to the small book on Richelieu. See the A. L. A. Catalogue for titles of others. Paul Lacroix, The XVIIIth century, Lon- don, no date, is a popular illustrated work, with a chapter on commerce, of no great importance. Books discussing the conditions leading to the French Revolution are valuable for the light they throw on the organiza- tion of France in the period of modern history. Books by Taine, E. J. Lowell, and R. H. Dabney will be useful in this connection; and vol. 4, FRANCE: SURVEY OF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 241 no. 5, of the Univ. of Penn. Translations (Typical Cahiers of 1789) is a convenient selection from sources. A bibliography of French colonial history in America will be found in the Guide of Channing and Hart, in the Cambridge mod. hist., vol. 7, pp. 766-771, or in R. S. Thwaites, France in America, N. Y. Harper, 1905. The last named book is not so serviceable for purposes in view here as others in the same series; and the student will turn by preference to Cam- bridge mod. hist., vol. 7, chap. 3, where the subject of the French in America (1608-1744) is treated by Miss Mary Bateson, with due regard to economic interests. Of Parkman's works see especially The old regime, Boston, Little, 1902, $2. Norman, Colonial France, London, 1886, covers briefly the history of all the French colonies; the French West Indies are included in A. K. Fiske. 16 CHAPTER XXV FRANCE: POLICY 280. History of the French customs tariff. — After this survey of the development of French commerce we can gain an appreciation of the opportunities for still greater growth that were lost, by considering the obstacles with which the nierchant had to contend. » First of all, as a matter of course, there was the customs tariff on the frontier. This went through the normal course of development in the period under consideration. The gov- ernment attempted to reduce to some sort of system the scattered duties of the earlier period; and under the influence of mercantilist doctrines it ceased to use the duties chiefly for raising revenue. The idea of using the tariff to protect home industries, which was at first held vaguely and applied only occasionally, gained strength with time and was made by Colbert, a minister of Louis XIV, the chief point in the tariff system. In 1664, and again three years later, the duties were raised to protect home manufactures; duties were raised two- fold and more, and when wares were found still entering the kingdom they were in some cases absolutely prohibited. The high tariff led to reprisals on the part of other countries, and strained political relations with them; it was one of the causes of open war with the Dutch. It remained throughout the period a serious obstacle to commerce with advanced industrial countries like England and Netherland; the breaches made in it by commercial treaties were comparatively unimportant; and smuggling formed in France as in England the real safety- valve of the commercial system. 281. Persistence of customs frontiers inside France. — Far 242 FRANCE: POLICY 243 more serious than the frontier tariff were the customs duties inside of France. The French kings had made their country by the political union of feudal fragments, and had never used their great power to abolish the evidences of former separation and to unify their territory for the purposes of commerce. We must distinguish three different sections of the country. The North, roughly speaking, was an area in which internal trade was free, i.e., in which the provinces were not separated by customs barriers. The South, on the other hand, was composed of provinces "reputed foreign" which had kept their tariffs, so that trade here was not free, and wares passing between this and other parts of France had to pay duty. Still a third section was the East, "provinces foreign in fact''; these provinces did not form part of Fraiice at all, commercially speaking, for they were outside the national customs frontier, enjoying free trade with other countries and paying duties when they sent wares to other parts of France. If the reader will recall the economic evils that resulted in the Middle Ages from the separation of districts he will readily appreciate how much France lost by carrying over a medieval system to modern times. It was impossible for a district to make the most of its resources by specializing in production. A producer did not have France for a market ; a consumer did not have France for his source of supply; each was bound by provincial restrictions. 282. Persistence of local toll barriers. — Still the picture is not complete. There were not only provincial tariffs inside of France but also local customs inside the provinces. Let us consider the case of a merchant of Paris who desired to export a package of cloth to England in the sixteenth century. He had to pay not only the national export duty, but also at fifteen places on the way down the Seine he had to pay local customs; at Rouen he must pay provincial customs; and we must add to his list of expenses freight, pilotage, etc. Wine carried from Bercy (near the Swiss frontier) to Paris, in the next century, had to pay sixteen different dues on the way to 244 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE market. In the sixteenth century there were over a hundred tolls or customs on the Loire; in the next century there were still twenty-eight on the stretch from Orleans to Nantes; and some persisted till the French Revolution. Conditions im- proved in the course of time, as the above figures suggest, but improvement was obstructed by the opposition of local interests and retarded by the delay of the law; and the Revo- lution was needed to wipe away these remnants of the Middle Ages with many others. 283. Manufactures; the gild system maintained in spite of its bad effects. — Before we leave the commercial history of France in this period we must consider still another subject, the organization of manufacturing, to understand why the country did not make better use of its resources, and why it entered the nineteenth century handicapped in competition with a country like England. Three general topics will be considered: (1) the gild system; (2) the national regulation of manufactures; (3) the royal or privileged manufactures. (1) The gilds which in England during this period gave place to a more modern and more efficient system persisted in France and even extended their influence. When the government was in want of money it found the gilds mere convenient subjects of taxation than scattered artisans; for fiscal reasons, therefore, and not for any economic advantages, it encouraged and even compelled artisans to unite in gilds on the old model. The result was a rigid separation of allied trades and a complication of processes which would seem incredibly stupid to a modern merchant or to the head of a modern factory. 284. Separation of trades. — At Amiens there were nine distinct corporations, each with its specific regulations, engaged in the manufacture of wOolens alone. Every gild watched jealously to see that another gild did not infringe on its petty field, and there was an interminable bickering among them over the question of monopoly. The quarrel of the goose- roasters and the poulterers lasted half a century, and went FRANCE: POLICY 245 against the pQulterers, who were restricted to the sale of uncooked game; but the roasters emerged from the conflict only to meet another foe, the cooks, who were flushed with a recent triumph over the gild of " vinegarers-mustarders " (who made sauces); and after another half-century the cooks suc- ceeded in limiting the right of the roasters to sell cooked meat. This is an example of the conflicts which all the time absorbed the energy and the resources of people who were engaged in kindred lines of retail trade and manufactures; cobblers and shoemakers; old-clothes men and tailors; watchmakers and clock-makers; bakers and restaurant-keepers; and so on through a list that seems interminable. Some tradesmen had a specially long list of enemies. The mercers, for instance, who dealt in certain lines of dry-goods, in the course of a century had sixteen decisions of the supreme court (Parlement) in their conflict with the glovers; and fought also the "bonneters- cappers," and nearly all the other tradesmen whose wares they sold. The question, who had the right to make and sell buttons, rose nearly to the dignity of a question of state; search was made in private houses for illegal buttons, and private individ- uals were arrested in the street for wearing them. 285. Influence of the gilds in preventing technical progress. — Space is lacking for a description of all the evils that the gild system entailed on French industry in this period, and the reader is referred to the general discussion of the gilds in a previous chapter, with the assurance that all the evils there enumerated were well represented in France. We cannot leave the topic, however, without notice of the obstacles which the gilds put in the way of inventions and technical improvements. A coppersmith who devised a new helmet was set upon by the armorers; a hatter, who improved his wares by mixing silk with the wool, was attacked by all the other hatters; the inventor of sheet lead was opposed by the plumbers; a man who had made a success in print-cloths was forced to return to antiquated methods by the dyers. The gildsmen opposed not only new wares and methods, but also the use of machinery 246 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE and production on a large scale. A Lyons silk-weaver could keep only four Ipoms; a Lille serge-maker secured the right to have twenty looms, that he might carry on experiments looking to improvement of the manufacture, only by special privilege and against the vigorous protest of the city government. In spite of all opposition there was improvement, but the diffi- culties were so great that nine reformers must have failed where one succeeded. The history of the French gilds of this period is a history of wasted opportunities. 286. Narrow restrictions imposed on manufactures by the government. — (2) Industries were tied down not only by the narrow regulations of the gilds but also by laws of the central government. Every government believed in this period that it was" unwise to let manufacturers follow their own ideas in all respects, to stand or fall according to their success in pleasing the public. Even England had an extensive system, prescrib- ing the standards for the products of certain manufactures. The English system, however, did comparatively little harm, if it accomplished little good, while there can be no question that a similar system in France was carried so far that it was a serious check to industrial development. This excessive growth of government regulation was most marked under Colbert, the minister of Louis XIV, to whom reference has already been made as a leader in the extension of the protec- tive tariffs; and the system continued throughout the period. Taking the cloth manufacture for an illustration, Colbert fixed by law, for each kind of cloth, the length and breadth, the dimensions of the selvage, the number of threads in the warp, the quality of the raw materials, and the method of manufac- ture. His instructions for dyeing contained 317 articles, to which dyers must conform. To fix responsibility and force compliance all cloth had to bear the special marks of the weaver, dyer, and finisher, the seal of the gild, and sometimes another mark. These regulations grew constantly more com- plicated; an official said in 1787 that the regulations on manu- factures filled eight volumes in quarto. FRANCE: POLICY 247 287. Burden of these restrictions on manufactures. — There can be no question, either of the honesty of Colbert's intentions or of the energy he showed in carrying them out. He sent out agents everywhere to study industries and to talk with the manufacturers, that he might legislate to the best advantage. One man, however, cannot know a hundred businesses better than the men who are carrying them on. Colbert and his successors were ignorant of many points, were deceived in many others. The result was a mass of regulations of which many were utterly bad, injuring both producer and consumer. The regulation prescribing a minimum breadth for cloth would have killed an industry in one part of France that wove strips for flags, an industry in another part that could sell cloth cheaper by weaving so narrow a breadth that one man could tend the loom. These industries, after a tedious and expensive delay, secured exemption from the law; others, less fortunate, were destroyed. A manufacturer ran always the risk of having his wares confiscated, not because they were bad and people did not want them, but because they failed to conform in some point to hide-bound regulations. An official inspector, shortly before the French Revolution, said that in every week of years past he had seen 80 or 100 pieces of cloth, good except from the government standpoint, cut in pieces or burned because they were irregular. Even the French revolted at some of the regulations, and half of the laws were evaded with the con- nivance of officials. 288. Special privileges granted to certain manufactures; resulting—abuses. — (3) While the government restricted in this fashion the natural development of manufactures, it granted not only exemption from its own rules but liberal grants of money taken from taxpayers to stimulate favored industries. This practice, begun in the sixteenth century, grew under and after Colbert. It enabled certain industries to expand as they would otherwise have been unable to do, and to reach the higher grade of organization which was coming as a natural growth in England. Unfortunately, how- 248 A mSTORY OF COMMERCE ever, the privileges went not to the most deserving but to the loudest and most adroit claimants. To gain the privileges, which included everything from exemption from taxes and handsome subsidies down to titles of nobility, the manufac- turer did not need to show that he had some technical improve- ment to introduce; it was sufficient if he promised to bring in a foreign industry or even to extend one already in existence at home. The royal factories abused their power to raise prices to the consumers and to lower the wages of the laborer. Some of them came to be regarded as public calamities. They showed in general the characteristics of the hothouse plant, which cannot thrive unaided, and most of them failed after a longer or shorter career. We can say of them as of many other manifestations of the French policy of the period; some good may have resulted in ways unknown to us, but the evils are apparent, and justify us in calling the policy bad. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. The protective policy, as applied by Colbert. [Palgrave's Diet.; A. J. Sargent, Economic policy of Colbert, N. Y., 1899, chap. 4.] 2. Measure on a map the length of one or more of the stretches on which tolls were levied, sect. 282; estimate the average distance separating toll barriers; apply to a map of your own vicinity. 3. If you are familiar with the organization of some modem manu- facture write an essay showing how efficiency would be impaired by- insisting on the separation of allied trades. [The advanced student will find helpful and suggestive on this and similar topics, Bucher, Indust. ev., chaps. 6, 7, 8.] 4. Write a report on any instances known to you of bad results fol- lowing the strict division of occupations among trade unions. 5. Write a report on any instances known to you of opposition to technical improvements, the introduction of machinery, etc., by modern trade unions. 6. Attempt of Colbert to establish regulations for manufacturers: object, methods, variety of regulations, results. [Sargent, Colbert, chap. 3.] 7. With what object and to what extent do governments now seek to regulate manufactures? [Farrer, State in relation to trade, London & N. Y., Macmillan, $1.] FRANCE: POLICY . 249 8. Compare with the French the English experience with privileged manufactures. [Hewins, Eng. trade, chap. 1; Encyc. Brit., article Mo- nopoly.] 9. Origin and early history of the modem system of patents for in- ventions. [Same references; Encyc, article Patents.] BIBLIOGRAPHY See preceding chapter. CHAPTER XXVI THE GERMAN STATES 289. Political survey of Germany about 1500. — After con- sidering a country in which the central government was, so to speak, too strong for the interests of commercial develop- ment, it will be instructive to take up countries in which it was certainly too weak, Germany and Italy. Germany presented a striking contrast in its political and in its economic development at the beginning of the period, about 1500. In political organization, the central government had almost no power; it was the mere shadow of a reality. The real power rested in hundreds of petty states, of which some were but a few square miles in extent. There was no authority which could keep in order these little states and the different classes of people which composed them. The history of Germany in this period is a sad story of conflicts between classes, — peasants, burghers, knights, and princes; conflicts between Catholics and Protestants; conflicts between the states themselves. In these struggles the best energies of the Ger- mans were absorbed; they were marking time or even going backward while the more fortunate peoples of Europe were advancing. The Germans learned at last to despair of realizing their dream of a national government. Not all parts of the country, however, were equally unfortunate; some came under the rule of princes who managed to build up a strong power at home and abroad. Two of these local states are of especial importance, for between them they have divided the fragments of the old Germany, and made great states in modern Europe. One of them, Prussia, is the nucleus of what we now call Germany. The other, Austria, which included the Germans 250 THE GERMAN STATES 251 of the South, added to them fragments of territory peopled by other races, and made the state of Austria-Hungary. 290. Development of the economic organization. — There was a contrast, it was said, between the political and the eco- nomic development. The very lack of a central power had GERMANY ^ Ei^E ^^ X^ ^^^^ 540 18th GENTUEY '^-v^N^ 1 .^=l& ^^J^^ ^-V'' ^ ^ \\ \ fXl :) ^KAf y^^^^^^ A 1 ^^R3J ^-^—Long^ua. _ ' EMt Irom 1 i\ GrwnwicKCy^^ln" _ Ig-O BOgiiAY ENS. CO |l The objects of the map are: (1) to show the possessions of the Hohenzollerns (Prussian) and Hapsburgs (Austrian); (2) to show the small fragments of which remaining Ger- many was composed. To preserve clearness, many of the smaller fragments are not indicated. Note that the Empire included some states not German (Flanders), and did not include all German states (East Prussia, Silesia). enabled some of the sections and classes to advance rapidly by freeing them from control. In the fifteenth century the agricultural classes, who had been serfs in the Middle Ages and who were to be reduced again to serfdom later by the political oppression to which constant wars gave rise, were free and 252 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE prosperous. The cities were more rich and populous than those of any other country north of Italy. Not only had manufacturing and mining made rapid progress, but banking and commerce too. The Fuggers and the Welsers of southern Germany were great promotors and financiers, with interests extending over all Europe, from which they drew enormous wealth. German merchants showed the most enterprise and energy of any north of the Alps; they distributed among other countries of the Continent the Levant wares which they secured from Venice, and they controlled the commerce of the West of Europe with the North and East. We shall begin our sketch of the decline of German commerce by returning now to the history of the Hanseatic League, which we left in full control of this last branch of trade. 291. Condition of the Baltic trade. — The Baltic trade suffered in the period about 1500 from influences over which merchants had no control. The Protestant Reformation caused a decline in the demand for some of its staple wares: wax, which had been largely used for candles in church ser- vices, and fish, of which the consumption had been greatly furthered by the Catholic periods of fasting. The most valuable fish, moreover, the herring, ceased to enter the Baltic Sea, and by limiting their feeding ground to the North Sea enabled the Dutch to become leaders in the fishing industry. Imitation of Italian fashions in dress, with which the French became acquainted about 1500, caused less demand for furs. All these changes hurt the Baltic trade, but they were far from destroying it. This trade grew, in fact, throughout the period; it could afford to dispense with the luxuries of commerce for it con- trolled the necessaries, grain and meat, lumber and naval stores. The reasons for the decline of the Hanseatic League are to be sought not in the character of the trade but in the character of the League itself. 292. Decline of the Hanseatic League. — The League lacked organization. The many towns of which it was composed were so separated by physical distance and by divergence of THE GERMAN STATES 253 interests that they could not cooperate efficiently. They were strong enough to crush other towns which sought to enter their field, but they were unequal to the contest with national states; and the political consolidation of the countries of northern and western Europe raised up enemies with whom they could not compete. In nearly twenty years (1476-1494) only one common meeting of delegates was held. Dissensions broke out inside the towns, and they began to quarrel among themselves. Liibeck, in the center, put forth claims opposed to the interests of towns on the edge of the League, on the lower Rhine and in Prussia. Rising commercial towns in the western part of the Netherlands, like Rotterdam and Amster- dam, grew up outside the League and in opposition to it. The turning-point in the decline may be put at 1535, when Denmark and Sweden were strong enough to break the Hansa's monopoly by opening the passage into the Baltic to the ships of all peoples. Soon other states were carrying the war into the enemy's country. Sweden threw the larger part of the Russian trade to the Dutch. The English built up a prosperous trade in the Baltic Sea and on the Arctic Ocean at Archangel. They flooded the German market with English cloths, and when the Hansa resisted, Elizabeth expelled the members of the League from England. In 1601 an Englishman could say of the Hansa towns: "Most of their teeth have fallen out, the rest sit but loosely in their head." Of the great League soon only three towns remained as Hanseatic members, Liibeck, Bremen, and Hamburg. 293. Decline of the commerce of south Germany. — While the cities of north Germany were losing their hold on a growing commerce, the cities of the South found a large share of their trade taken from them by the discovery of the ocean route to India. The German cities (Nuremberg, Augsburg, Ulm, etc.) fought with desperation to maintain their commerce, and proof exists that they carried on an active commerce with Italy after they ceased to obtain there the Oriental wares, and had to content themselves with Italian products. Even this 254 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE trade, however, fell to a large extent into the hands of the Italians, who flooded southern Germany and drove native Germans out of business. The Germans were not entirely unprepared for the changes following the discoveries, for they had long gone in considerable numbers to the Spanish peninsula, by land through southern France or from a French or Italian harbor to Barcelona. Many Germans had settled in Portugal, and for a time the great merchants of south Germany shared in the Indian trade at its source, in Lisbon. The great German financiers shared also for a brief period in the commerce of the New World. The Ellingers and Welsers leased the copper mines of San Do- mingo; the Crombergers had silver mines at Sultepeque; the Tetzels exploited the copper mines of Cuba. The Welsers founded Venezuela by a military expedition which they financed, and held the country for a few years. 294. The chief cause of decline of German commerce in this period was political. — The most obvious explanation of the failure of Germany to take a place with the other states in the commercial expansion following the discoveries is the disadvantage of her position. It has been said that the diver- sion of commerce to the oceanic routes exposed the countries of central Europe (Italy, Germany, etc.) to a condition of commercial glaciation, such as Norway would experience physically if it lost the warm current of the Gulf Stream. The difference in distance of a few hundred miles in voyages of thousands does not explain the matter. No physical differ- ences suffice to explain why Amsterdam rose and why Hamburg fell so rapidly. The weakness of Germany was not physical. Nor was it economic; German merchants of this period had more free capital, more business ability and greater energy than the merchants of any other country. Germany's weak- ness was political. The payments which merchants and other Germans made in the form of taxes and loans to political authority did not form a single fund which could be used for furthering German interests at home and abroad. The money THE GERMAN STATES 255 went to a great number of rival governments, and was con- sumed in their particular quarrels, not helping but actually hurting German business interests. 295. The natural outlets of commerce stopped by hostile states. — The political weakness of Germany enabled other states, now rising to power, to crumble off fragments of the country, in which they established a commercial policy hostile to German interests. Before long the mouth of every one of the large rivers which were the natural commercial outlets of the country had passed under foreign control. The Rhine was Dutch; the Weser Swedish; the Elbe Danish; the Oder Swedish; the Vistula Polish. Tolls hampered the passage of wares as effectually as though Germany were surrounded by a physical barrier on the sea side; and German ships almost disappeared from the ocean. German commerce suffered especially by the rise of the Dutch to an independent position. So long as Antwerp was the great market of the Continent Germans traded freely with it, and through it to Lisbon. The substitution of Amsterdam for Antwerp was a most serious blow to German interests. The Dutch had very different ideas from those of the Flemish; they wanted to do all the trade themselves and to force other people to a position of commercial dependence on them. They made the lower Rhine practically useless for their rivals, raising the tolls sixfold and more, and thereby coming into a control of the trade as far as Frankfort on the Main. 296. The damage done by internal dissensions and by the Thirty Years* War. — Germany was not only cut off from the outside world by tariff barriers, but cut up inside by the tolls of cities and territories. Every city on a trade route wanted to make itself a "staple," i.e., have all goods passing the vicinity brought there for taxation and for sale. Frankfort on the Oder, for instance, demanded that all boats passing down the river Warthe should come up to Frankfort before they could continue their journey down the Oder to Stettin. The cities of Stettin, Frankfort, and Breslau, all situated on 256 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE the Oder, instead of using that river for peaceable exchange, made bitter commercial war on each other with tolls and prohibitions. Conditions grew still worse after the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648), a terrible conflict which, without exaggeration, cost Germany one hundred, perhaps two hundred, years of development. The physical means of transportation declined. On the Elbe, for instance, the dikes ceased to be repaired, the tow-path disappeared, the banks crumbled; and sand bars and snags became so common that navigation was difficult and costly. Tolls not merely doubled; they increased fivefold and more. Space is lacking for a description of all the evils; they were practically a reproduction of the conditions which happier states had left behind them five hundred years before. 297. Restriction of manufactures by the gilds. — German manufactures followed about the same course as that of the French which we have traced above. The gilds merited the term given them by an economist of the seventeenth century who said they were the "curse of Germany"; they seem to have been in some respects even more narrow than the French gilds. The same old evils reappear, but the reader must be asked to take these for granted and to direct his attention to some new aspects of the gild organization. Specially note- worthy are the obstacles put in the way of any man who desired to become a full member of a gild. Many gilds suc- ceeded in making the exercise of the trade a family monopoly by the regulation that no man could become a master who did not marry the daughter or the widow of a master. One gild expelled a man because he had married a wife whose grandmother was alleged to have come from a shepherd's family; other gilds expelled members because they had ridden an executioner's horse or drunk with an executioner. A man had at best to pay very high fees to become a master, and this artificial restriction on the number of full members not only kept the ordinary workmen in a wretched position, but also raised the price of goods to the consumer. THE GERMAN STATES 257 The monopoly of the gilds became more oppressive all the time. Most of their money, except the considerable part they spent in carousing, they used in lawsuits and in quarrels with rivals. For miles around a German town the gilds permitted no competitors, and they made it a regular part of their busi- ness to hunt down and exterminate independent producers. 298. The eighteenth century marked by general depression, with some signs of improvement. — In Germany, in general, there was little improvement in conditions in the eighteenth century. The country was still intersected with tariff barriers. The Rhine was cut into four sharply defined parts, and the Elbe, by reason of tolls, had lost its trade in some wares of the first importance: steel, iron, copper, olive oil, wine, fish, etc. To the conflicts between cities there was still no end. The cities of southern Germany, weighted with taxes and sur- rounded by closed markets, declined still more in commercial importance. There were, however, some hopeful signs of progress. Two cities of the interior, Frankfort on the Main and Leipzig, were building up a business which rested not only on trade in wares but on dealings in bills of exchange, currency, commercial loans, etc. Beside the rise of these banking centers special importance attaches to the revival of commerce on the coast of the North Sea. Hamburg and Bremen seized the opportunity offered by the American Revolution and the European wars to which it gave rise to extend their trade as neutral carriers, and had soon passed their old rivals, the Dutch. 299. The rise of Prussia important mainly from the political standpoint. — Taking German commerce as a whole, we leave it in 1800 still depressed and sluggish. The picture would be incomplete, however, if nothing more were said. In one part of Germany there had been great activity for centuries; in the North and East, namely, where the ancestors of the present Emperor William II were building up the state of Prussia. This activity, however, was mainly political, and the history of it does not belong here; we can refer to it only as a most 17 258 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE remarkable example of state-making, in which commercial and industrial interests were made subordinate to the establishment of a strong government over a united people. The Hohen- zollern rulers did not succeed in making a rich state out of a group of scattered territories of which some were, in natural resources, among the poorest in Germany. They did make a strong state, which won for itself a place among the great powers, and later took the lead in unifying Germany. There was a moment in the history of the Hohenzollerns when it seemed possible that they might anticipate the idea of William II: "Our future lies upon the water." If the Great Elector (1640-1688) had secured the Pomeranian coast of the Baltic or kept even Stettin, he might have realized the plans he held to turn Prussia into a sea power, with fleet, colonies, and transmarine commerce. Fortune fixed the interests of the state on land, however, and when a good Baltic harbor was secured later it was too late to change. Frederick the Great was urged, a century afterward, to direct his policy to the sea, and actually founded some companies for trade with the East, but the time had passed, or had not yet come, for the success of Prussia in oceanic trade. 300. Reforms in Prussia favoring economic development. — In regard to their internal conditions, however, the territories of the Prussian state enjoyed a great advantage over others in Germany. The obstacles to trade in the form of tolls and staples were removed when political interests did not require their maintenance. The tariff systems, enormously compli- cated and cumbrous, were revised. The growth of manufac- tures was furthered by attracting skilled artisans from other countries; and the city of Berlin received a great stimulus from the Huguenots who found a refuge there. Some of the worst abuses of the gilds were reformed, and manufactures were protected, as in France, by customs duties and by royal privileges. New methods were applied in agriculture, and new land was opened to settlement and cultivation; a large number of the laborers, however, still remained unfree. It THE GERMAN STATES 269 would be easy to add many details, but in closing this section on Germany the reader is again advised that the important side of Prussian history in this period was political, not eco- nomic. Prussia was preparing herself for the work of unifying Germany, and to accomplish that work a strong government was needed rather than a rich people. The riches have come to Germany in our own time. 301. Contrast of Prussia and Austria. — Prussia was a state which started in the heart of Germany (near Berlin), and remained almost entirely German as it spread. Austria, on the other hand, was originally a territory on the southern border of the German people, the rulers of which managed by skill and luck to extend their power over fragments of adjoining peoples of a different stock, over Bohemians and other Slavs (relatives of the Russians), and over the Magyars or Hun- garians (relatives of the Turks). These other peoples were behind the Germans in their industrial development; they had come into Europe later, had been less subject to civilizing influences and more exposed to internal quarrels and wars. Furthermore, the Austrian Germans were behind the other Germans, on whom they were industrially dependent in the sixteenth century. Germans from the North took their manu- factures into Austria for sale, carried on the trade of Austria and controlled the mines of Austria. 302. Political factors hindering development of the lands subject to Austria. — The territories subject to the ruling family of Austria, the Hapsburgs, began the period, therefore, in a backward condition, and they had no opportunity through- out the period to catch up. Internal trade was hindered not only by the national diversity of German, Slav, and Magyar, but also by the persistence of provincial tariffs, which under- went no important reform until nearly 1800, and which were not abolished even then. Austria did not suffer so much as Germany from civil war, but like Germany went through the crisis of the religious wars, which nearly ruined Bohemia; and had a plague of its own in resisting the advance of the Turks 260 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE from the Balkan Peninsula. Austria suffered like France, moreover, from an absolute government which too often used the national resources in the interests of the royal family and not in the interests of the people as a whole. 303. Slow progress of industry and commerce. — It is, therefore, not surprising that in 1700 Austria stood commer- cially in about the same position it had occupied two centuries before. The country exported the raw products of industry, wool, flax, linen, hides, copper, etc., and received them again after they had been manufactured by other peoples. An economist of the time said that the total manufactures of Austria were not equal to those of a single Dutch city like Leyden. Even this small amount of manufacture was con- trolled by gilds, and suffered from the characteristic faults of the gild system. In the eighteenth century, however, the government began to appreciate the importance of national commercial develop- ment. It fought the claims to monopoly put forward by the gilds, and encouraged manufacturers to extend their business, by premiums and privileges, as in France and Prussia. Aus- trian iron and steel wares made a place for themselves in commerce; the cloth industry of Bohemia, once ruined by war, revived again under the factory system; stockings, glass, porcelain, etc., were produced in increasing quantities. 304. Attempts of the govermnent to stimulate development. — The government stimulated the development 'of manufac- ture by its customs tariffs as well as by its internal policy. The duties on articles which the government thought could be made at home were raised rapidly, especially after 1700, and became in many cases prohibitory. Undoubtedly the growth of manufactures was furthered by this policy, though many industries betrayed the weakness of their origin by failing after a short period of apparent prosperity. The tariff gave rise, however, to much smuggling and corruption, and injured greatly some parts of the country: the Tyrol, which lies between Italy and Germany and had prospered on the transit trade; THE GERMAN STATES 261 and sections like Hungary which produced only raw mate- rials, To atone in some measure for these necessary results of a protective system, the government attempted also to extend aid to foreign commerce. Triest and Fiume were made free- ports, i.e., they were put on the outside of the tariff frontier to attract trade. Venice was forced to renounce her claim to the exclusive right to navigate the Adriatic, and commercial treaties were made with Turkey, Russia, and states in northern Africa. Consuls were sent out to represent Austrian interests in foreign counries, and attempts were made to secure a share even in the trade with India. 305. Austrian commerce still backward in 1800. — Still Austrian trade attained no great development. The govern- ment which gave with one hand took w^th the other. Special privileges did not make up for the general weakness of the productive organization. Rulers complained that in spite of all their efforts commerce languished. Most of the foreign trade was absorbed by five companies, which divided the field. Two of them were limited locally, trading with Turkey and with Asia Minor respectively; while the other three traded in special wares with various countries. One imported colonial wares like sugar; another exported linens; while the third exported various raw materials to Italy, France, and Spain. During the wars beginning in 1776 Austrian merchants attempted to build up a trade with North America, and an agent of the government was installed at Philadelphia in 1783, but during the following years of peace Austria had no chance of success in competition with trade rivals. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Write a report on the political constitution of Germany at the end of the Middle Ages, and the resulting conditions. [Baring-Gould, Story of Germany, chaps. 46, 52; Seebohm, Prot. rev., 26-33; Janssen, Hist., vol. 2, book 4, chap. 1; Freytag, Pictures, XVIIIth cent., vol. 1, chap. 4.] 2. Development of business and business methods at the beginning of the period. [See above, chap. 18; Cunningham's chapter on Economic 262 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE change in Cambridge mod. hist., vol. 1; Janssen, Hist., vol. 2, book 3, chap. 3; Freytag, Pictures, XVth cent., vol. 1, chap. 10.] 3. Condition of manufacturing. [Janssen, Hist., vol. 2, book 3, chap. 2.] 4. Condition of agriculture. [Janssen, Hist., vol. 1, book 3, chap. 1.] 5. Decline of the Baltic trade. [Zimmern, Hansa towns, period 3.] 6. Decline of the Hansa in England. [Zimmern, 324-353 ] 7. Write a brief report on the commercial history of (a) Nuremberg, (6) Augsburg. [Encyc; Guide books of south Germany.] 8. Class conflicts, political and economic troubles about 1500. [See- bohm, ** Prot. rev., 136-140; Janssen, Hist., vol. 4, book 7; Frank Goodrich, * A social reformer of the fifteenth century, Yale Review, Aug., 1896, 5: 168-181.] 9. Do the Germans control the mouths of all the rivers mentioned in sect. 295 at the present time? 10. Write a report on the effects of the Thirty Years' War, from the economic and commercial standpoint. [S. R. Gardiner; Thirty Years' War (Epoch Ser.), N. Y., 1874, 217-221; Anton Gindely, Hist, of the Thirty Years' War, N. Y., 1884, vol. 2, chap. 11; Freytag, Pictures, XVth cent., vol. 2, chaps. 3, 5, 6.] 11. Write a brief report on the commercial history of one of the following towns: Frankfort on the Main, Leipzig (or Leipsic), Hamburg, Bremen. [Encyc; Homans, Cyc. of conunerce, for the early nineteenth century.] 12. Effect of the protective tariff in building up the Prussian silk industry. [Schmoller, Merc, syst., pp. 81-91.] 13. Indicate on a sketch map of Austria-Hungary the spaces occu- pied by the following peoples: Germans, Bohemians, Ruthenians, Hun- garians, Southern Slavs. [Atlas, Encyc] 14. The wars with the Turks: how long did they last; how far did the Turks penetrate Europe; what was the effect on industry? [S. Whitman, Austria, N. Y., Putnam, 1899, $1.50, chap. 16; E. A. Freeman, Ottoman power in Europe, London, 1877, chaps. 4, 5.] 15. Reforms in Austria in the eighteenth century, and their effect. [L. Leger, Hist, of Austro-Hungary, N. Y., Putnam, 1889, 379 ff., 388 ff.]. 16. Write a brief report on the commercial history of Vienna. [Encyc] BIBLIOGRAPHY Writings in German are voluminous; English books on the history of the period are concerned almost entirely with political affairs. The translation of Janssen 's * History, St. Louis, Herder, 1897 ff., can be recommended for the beginning of the period, and Freytag's * Pictures of German life, London, 1862, contains some readable and useful descriptions. CHAPTER XXVII ITALY AND MINOR STATES 306. Political condition of Italy in the modem period. — In the history of Germany we have seen the fate of a country that entered the modern period lacking a political organization that would enable it to hold its own in competition with rivals. The history of Italy in this period presents the same conditions and the same results. At the end of the Middle Ages there were five important states in the peninsula: Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome, and Naples. None was strong enough to unite the country; each was strong enough to prevent another from reaching that end. The border territory of Savoy, whose rulers have united the peninsula in recent times, re- solving, in the words of one, to "treat Italy as an artichoke, to be eaten leaf by leaf," counted as yet for little. The quarrels of the Italian states invited inter- ference by stronger neighbors, Spanish, French, and Austrian; and Italy became the prey of adventurers and tyrants who lived as parasites on the resources that should have nourished industry and commerce. 307. Position of Venice at the beginning of the period. — Venice, which had enjoyed the commercial primacy among the Italian states, saw in the Portuguese discoveries a threat to her prosperity which only the strongest measures could avert. 263 264 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE There was no physical reason why Venice should not adopt the sea route to India, and, if necessary, fight with the Portu- guese for the Indian trade at its source. All her traditions, however, pointed the other way; all her investments were tied up in the route through Egypt; and, most important, all her resources were required in the Mediterranean. The island city had been drawn into an expansion on the mainland which involved her in continental intrigues and sapped her strength at sea, at the very time when her sea power was of the greatest importance; the navy of the Ottoman Turks was rapidly de- veloping and the scourge of the Barbary pirates (from the Mediterranean coast of Africa) had begun. 308. Blows at Venetian trade both by sea and land routes to India. — For a moment Venice halted undecided between the two routes. Venetian ambassadors were especially in- structed to procure maps, letters from voyagers, and all other information that would help the home government determine its policy with respect to the recent developments. Venice made repeated attempts to buy from Portugal the right to dispose of all the spices brought to Lisbon, a proposition that naturally was declined. Venice had to buy in small lots, on what terms the Portuguese chose to set; more and more silver flowed from Italy to Lisbon, and it became increasingly difficult to get spices in Venice. Meanwhile the government was sending explorers eastward, in the hope of opening one of the old routes to trade, and seriously considered for a time the piercing of the Suez isthmus with a canal. The position of Venice in Egypt was finally ruined in 1517, when Cairo was taken by the Ottoman Turks, and Venetian merchants in the Levant were weighted with new dues and regulations. 309. Relative decline of Venetian commerce. — From this time the energies of Venice were absorbed in an unequal conflict with the Turks in the eastern Mediterranean. Venice had prepared herself in a measure for the Turkish advance, by removing her chief staple from Alexandria to the island of Cyprus, but this too was lost in 1571 after a heroic defense. ITALY AND MINOR STATES 265 The battle of Lepanto and others following it were empty victories; on the east coast of the Mediterranean Venice had to surrender, and consent to trade on the terms which the Turks imposed. Trade was still maintained. Aleppo became in the later period a market in which the Venetians had great establishments, drawing thence the wares that came by caravan from Bagdad, Persia, and India. Venice herself became con- stantly more beautiful, and was in the seventeenth century, as now, one of the show-places of Europe, where foreign visitors flocked by thousands. Her manufactures of glass and silk and many artistic luxuries remained unexcelled. It is, how- ever, by quantity and not quality that we measure the greatness of a state's commerce; Venetian trade scarcely entitled the city id a place even in the second rank of commercial states, when it finally lost its independence in 1797. 310. Decline of commerce and industry in Tuscany. — The history of decline in other parts of Italy must be dismissed more briefly. Florence, which at the beginning of this period ranked next to Venice in manufactures, trade, and banking, found the markets of northern Europe closed by the Dutch revolution, by the religious wars and by the tariff barriers of the protective policy. Bankruptcy became frequent in the latter part of the sixteenth century. The woolen manufac- tures of Florence, which, it is said, employed 30,000 men in 1338, employed 971 in 1767. Hampered not only by weakness abroad but also by restrictive legislation at home, the Tuscan people declined to poverty and indolence. Prosperity was to be found in only one spot, the city of Leghorn, which had been made a free port; but this city prospered just because it had been placed on the outside of Tuscany, and the riches amassed there went largely into the hands of foreign residents. 311. Decline in other parts of Italy. — South of Tuscany conditions grew still worse. The Roman territory had never been of commercial importance, and the Neapolitan territory lost in this period what prosperity it had once had. Under a Spanish government, which was almost incredibly bad, the 266 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE national resources were wasted abroad while Turks ravaged the coast, kidnapping slaves, at home; and the producing classes were crushed by heavy and unfair taxes. North of Tuscany conditions were little better. The report of a commercial agent who was sent by the Austrian state to investigate upper Italy in 1754 shows commercial weakness everywhere. The country was divided by tariff barriers into a great number of distinct territories, of which scarcely any were large enough to give play for the development of indus- tries which they were endeavoring to protect. The forces of industry and commerce were scattered and lost among a great number of small towns, and trade was largely controlled by foreigners, both Jewish and Christian. 312. Conditions in the Scandinavian countries. — It would be unprofitable to attempt here to trace the course of com- merce in all the other states of Europe during this period, and this part of the book will close with a brief description of commercial conditions in the North and East. The districts included in Scandinavia are already familiar to the reader as forming an important field for the Hanseatic trade in the Middle Ages. The population was sparse, industry was unde- veloped, towns were few and small; the knowledge and capital necessary for an active independent trade were lacking, and people were content to stay at home and let foreign merchants come to them with manufactures and take away their surplus products. The iron industry of Sweden, favored by rich ores, extensive forests for fuel and abundant water power, attained considerable importance; but the exports continued in general to be raw materials, especially those used in food and for ship building. Governments attempted to hurry the development of tlieir peoples by protective duties and by the founding of commercial companies, with slight success. Gustavus Adol- phus, a king of Sweden in the seventeenth century, formed the bold project of making the Baltic "a Swedish lake," by control of the entrance and the coasts, but his successors proved unable to maintain the position which he won. The keys of the Baltic ITALY AND MINOR STATES 267 fell into the hands of Denmark, and that country made a good profit by collecting tolls on the flow of a trade to which it contributed little itself. 313. Rise of Russia to a position among the European states about 1700. — Russia was even more backward than the Scandinavian states. Like them it had been dependent on the Hanseatic merchants for its commerce with western Europe, and remained passive after their fall, accepting what wares reached it overland or through the port of Archangel on the Arctic coast, whither English and Dutch shippers ventured. Until Peter the Great opened his "window on the West," by the founding of St. Petersburg on the Baltic about 1700, Russia was hardly a European state. Peter attempted, with remark- able energy, to bring Russia to the European standard in commerce and industry as well as in politics. He reformed, though he did not abolish, the system which gave the Czar a monopoly of trade in the most important wares; he revised the tolls on trade; he sent young men abroad to study com- merce, and tried in other ways to elevate the merchant class. Peter did not succeed in his attempt to free Russian commerce from its dependence on western merchants, and his attempt to build up a merchant marine was a failure. In the East, Russian commerce fared better. Occasional caravans had gone before this from Siberia to China. The Czar now sent on his own account caravans which consumed three years on the long trip from Peking to Moscow; and individuals developed the trade which the crown had stimulated. 314. Character of Russian commerce in the eighteenth century. — Russia could be regarded in the eighteenth century as a European state. It belonged, however, to the Europe of the Middle Ages rather than of the modern period. Most of the population, including even the few who were occupied with manufacturing, were serfs. The people as a whole were on a low standard of living, and were densely ignorant. Com- mercial law was undeveloped, and trading practices were those of a half civilized community. The government interfered 268 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE with exchange by arbitrary and vexatious restrictions. The country could export, with rare exceptions, only raw products. From China it imported tea, silk, gold, jewels, etc., of which only a part was kept at home; while it was dependent on western Europe for most of its colonial wares (sugar, coffee, spices, and drugs), and for all the finer manufactures (textile, metal, pottery, paper, etc.). QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Condition of Italy about 1500. [Seebohm, Prot. rev., 21-26, with sketch-map.] 2. Venice about 1500: commerce, government, policy on sea and land. [Horatio F. Brown, Venice, chaps. 16, 17; or Cambridge mod. hist., vol. 1, chap. 8, by the same author.] 3. Contest of Venice with the Turks. [Brown, Venice, chap. 19.] 4. Decline of Venetian commerce. [Brown, Venice, p. 408 fP.] 5. Attempt of Gustavus Adolphus to make of Sweden a great power. [Encyc. Brit., Gustavus II.] 6. Social and economic conditions in Russia about 1700. [W. R. Morfill, Story of Russia, N. Y., Putnam, 1900, $1.50, chap. 13; H. M. Thompson, Russian politics, N. Y., 1896, chap. 2.] 7. History of Russia in the eighteenth century. [Manuals of Euro- pean history; Thompson, chap. 3.] BIBLIOGRAPHY Aside from fragmentary sections in the current manuals the reader of English will find little literature available on the history of commerce in the minor states. Such suggestions for collateral reading as are given above will probably satisfy the needs of students who are not sufficiently advanced to use foreign languages. TOPICS FOR REVIEW After covering the history of commerce in different countries the student will find it profitable to review certain general topics, piecing together what he has learned of their local history and endeavoring to get a clear conception of the general development. The following are sug- gested for study in the modern period (1500-1800) : (a) shipping ; (6) trans- portation on roads and rivers ; (c) production and exchange of foodstuffs; id) production and exchange of textile materials (flax, wool, cotton, silk); (e) production and exchange of finished textiles (linen woolen, ITALY AND MINOR STATES 269 cotton, silk); (/) production and exchange of iron; (gr)' development of the system of manufactures (gild, domestic and factory systems); (h) develop- ment of banking; (i) effect of wars on the commerce of different countries; (/) European colonial systems; (k) commercial policy; (Z) trade of Europe with Asia; (m) trade of Europe with North and South America. PART IV. -RECENT COMMERCE CHAPTER XXVIII COMMERCE AND COAL 315. Statistical survey of development since 1800. — In entering the nineteenth century the student approaches the period in which commerce has achieved the most notable progress. Great as former advances may have seemed to the people in whose time they occurred, these sink almost to insignificance when compared with the growth of commerce since 1800. A recent estimate by a German author pictures the progress of the export and import trade of the commercial countries of the world as follows, in milliards of marks (roughly, units of 250 milliondollars) : 1700,0.5; 1750, 1.0; 1800, 6; 1850, 17; 1899, 76. Some of the striking features of recent growth are shown in the following table. It is necessary, however, to warn the student that these figures, especially those for the earlier part of the century, can be regarded only as approxima- tions to the truth. It may not be out of place, further, to advise the student to turn to the end of the chapter for sug- gestions as to the best way of studying the figures. 316. Great growth of foreign commerce. — Assuming, for purposes of discussion, a fair degree of accuracy in the figures, some conclusions from them may be pointed out. The com- merce of the world increased in this century at the astonishing rate of 1,233 per cent. We have before encountered instances of remarkable commercial expansion, in particular countries, but we must bear in mind that the figures here are supposed to include the whole world, the backward as well as the pro- gressive countries, the many millions in the interior of great continents who scarcely trade at all, and the Chinese, perhaps in themselves a quarter of the world's population, who trade 270 COMMERCE AND COAL 271 still to but a slight extent. Clearly the growth of commerce in some countries must have been enormous to raise the total figures to the point at which we find them. Foreign Commerce and Production of the Countries OF THE World Year Aggregate Commerce Thousand Million Dollars Per Capita Commerce Dollars Coal Production Million Tons Pig Iron Production Million Tons 1800 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.7 4.0 7.2 10.6 14.7 17.5 19.9 2.31 2.13 2.34 2.93 3.76 6.01 8.14 10.26 11.80 13.27 11.6 17.2 25.1 44.8 81.4 142.3 213.4 340 466 610 n 4 1820 1 1820 1 .*> 1840 26 1850 44 I860 7 1 1870 11 9 1880 18 1 1890 25.1 37.1 1898 317. Increase in the relative importance of commerce. — Not less striking than this growth in absolute quantity, as measured in current values, is the growth compared with the estimated increase of the world's population. The value per capita ("by head") of a country's commerce is secured by dividing the total amount of trade by the number of inhabi- tants; it shows the average share of each person in commerce, .and furnishes, therefore, some index of the relative importance of commerce in different times and places. Now, even if this value per capita had remained the same we should regard the absolute increase in commerce as a very important fact. Com- merce, however, has actually increased much faster than popu- lation; the share of the average human being in the world's trade has grown nearly sixfold. Let the student reflect on the difference it would make to him whether he had $2 or $12 for spending money in a given time, and consider the extra articles he could buy with the larger sum; he will then be better 272 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE able to appreciate the broadening and deepening of the com- mercial current in recent times. 318. The world now passing through a commercial revolu- tion. — The student is now in a position to understand the significance of the statement of an English writer, that "the commerce of the world may almost be said to be the creation of the past seventy-five years." We are living in the midst of a vast, though silent, revolution. Reference to the figures will show that the process of change quickened strikingly in the latter half of the century, and at its close we still do not dare to say when the movement will slacken. The change which we find so marked in commerce affects equally other sides of human life. An American author, Adams, writing in 1871, could say with truth that "the discoveries of Guttenberg and Columbus have produced more startling and more clearly defined results upon the destinies of the human race within the last twenty-five years than in any other equal period of time during the four previous centuries." Have the results been less startling in the quarter-century that followed? An- other American economist. Wells, said about 1890, " When the historian of the future writes the history of the nineteenth century he will doubtless assign to the period embraced by the life of the generation terminating in 1885 a place of im- portance, considered in its relations to the interests of humanity, second to but very few, and perhaps to none, of the many similar epochs in time in any of the centuries that have preceded it." Is the generation terminated in 1905 willing to admit , that it takes a less important place in history than its pre- decessor? 319. Share of modem countries in the commerce of the world. — It is unnecessary, I hope, to say more to impress upon the student the fact that a period of great change in the world's history, which began half a century ago, still con- tinues; and that the coming generation will be called upon to carry on this change, and guide it for the welfare of humanity in the future. Leaving, therefore, general discussion and spec- COMMERCE AND COAL 273 ulation, and returning to the concrete and well-defined facts that form the subject of our study, I insert in this place, as likely to be of use for reference later and of interest now (though not deserving painstaking study as yet), a table showing the share of different countries in commerce about 1900. [Millions of Dollars] Great Britain 4,165 Switzerland 380 British Colonies 2,618 China 305 Germany 2,468 Spain 282 United States ^ 2,118 Argentine 280 France 1,618 Sweden 275 Holland 1,332 Japan 238 Austria-Hungary . 856 Brazil 238 Belgium 785 All Others 4,264 Russian Empire 642 • Italy 571 Total 23,800 A similar statement, showing the relative rank about 1850, would present only one very striking change; France held at that time the place second to that of the British Empire, and Germany came after the United States. 320. Possible explanations of recent commercial develop- ment. — One topic of prime importance demands our attention as we enter on the study in detail of the commerce whose growth has been sketched above. What were the causes of this great commercial development? When we know them we shall truly understand the commercial history of the past century, and shall be prepared to face the problems of the present and the future. The topic will be discussed under the heads which have been employed previously in similar discussions. The advances have been achieved either by a gain in the power of man to control nature and natural forces (technical progress); or by the more efficient cooperation of men in business (industrial ^ Note. — According to U. S. Treasury returns 2,340. 18 274 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE and commercial organization), or in politics (political organi- zation, domestic and foreign policy). 321. Prime importance of technical factors, especially the use of coal. — Hard as it is to disentangle these different factors, all of which have contributed much to the recent progress of the world, there need still be no question which has been of the leading importance during the nineteenth century. This century has been the great era of material invention, of scientific discovery, and of the increase in power of man over nature. Technical progress, therefore, is the first subject to be studied. Again, there need be no question as to which feature of technical progress holds first place. Electrical appliances? Machinery? The steam-engine? Applied chemistry? All those things, with the vast benefits which they confer on humanity, rest now on practically one basis: coal. Vegetable matter of past geological ages, that has beconle fossilized, has undergone mysterious chemical changes and has shrunk to one tenth of its former bulk, furnishes now, after hundreds or thousands of centuries, the means by which we maintain and develop our material civilization and our great commerce. 322. Power in coal. — Coal offers men what all men seek, power. There is "spring " enough in it, when properly applied, to raise a million times its own weight a foot high. A man who sends a horse and cart to fetch a ton of coal, occupying four hours on the way, secures a power in the coal theoretically 2,800 times that expended in bringing it; and can probably get from it an amount of useful force exceeding by 100 times or more that of the horse employed in carting. A few decades ago (1865), when the output of coal was far less than it is now, an English economist calculated that forests of an area two and a half times as large as that of the United Kingdom would be required to furnish even a theoretical equivalent of the annual coal produce; practically, of course, the use of wood for an equivalent is out of the question. It was estimated, somewhat later (before 1880), that if the whole area of England COMMERCE AND COAL 275 were good land, devoted solely to raising forage, it would not support a horse-power equal to that obtained from the English coal mines; and that an area perhaps ten times as large would be required for the mere food supply of human beings of equivalent force. 323. Dependence of modem industry on coal. — It would be a great mistake to consider coal necessary now only in its most common application, that of generating steam for engines. The chemical industry depends largely, though not entirely, on the heat obtained from coal, to break down its raw ma- terials and build up its finished products. Metallurgical indus- tries would shrink almost to infinitesimal proportions if they were denied the use of coal. It has been estimated that the manufacture of a ton of pig iron requires the use of two tons of coal or more; while an equal quantity of steel requires six to eight tons. Still, the use of coal for the steam-engine is undoubtedly its most important application; and we can gain some conception of the place that coal has taken in the world^s economy by considering the growth of steam power. 324. Importance of coal, estimated in steam horse-power. — A horse-power, the technical unit adopted for measuring the working capacity of an engine, is for practical purposes equal to the force that can be got from several (perhaps three) horses, or from a number of men variously estimated at ten to twenty- four. Now in round numbers the steam horse-power of the world was a million and a half in 1840, and had increased, at the end of the century, to jifty times that amount. A simple operation in arithmetic will show the amount of work, in human equivalent, now done by steam. Taking, for example, a modern country, Germany, we find engaged in industry and transportation slightly over ten million people, while we find engaged beside them another population of mechanical iron slaves (steam-engines), variously estimated as equivalent to one hundred to two hundred and fifty million people. These slaves cost for food (coal), attendance, doctor's bills (repairs), and burial expenses (including the cost of replacing them 276 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE once in twenty-five years), only about $2.50 a year apiece. Admit some exaggeration in the figures, and still the contrast with the cost of human labor is most striking. 325. Technical history of the steam-engine. — The steam- engine has been in practical use in Europe since about 1700. The earliest engines, however, seem ludicrously crude now, and could be used only for pumping water. Progress was slow until the last part of the eighteenth century, when James Watt introduced improvements (separate condenser, double- acting piston, use of cut-off, etc.), which greatly increased the efficiency of the engine, and caused a gradual extension of its use from mining to manufactures. The introduction of the non- condensing, high-pressure engine about 1800 prepared the way for the use of steam on railroads. The compound engine, in which the steam passes through two or more cylinders before it is allowed to escape, was invented about the same time, though it was not brought into general use until about 1850. Since then improvements in details of the engine and in the form of boilers have enhanced still further the efficiency of steam power, until it now produces about two thirds of the work possible under ideal conditions. Practical engineers expect now no rapid progress or startling changes. Some measure of the progress achieved is furnished by the fact that Watt's engines required ten pounds of coal an hour for each horse- power, the engines of the next generation required five, while the best modern engines require but one and a half, or, in rare cases, one. 326. Importance of steam greatest in the most recent period. — A short paragraph may well be used to caution the reader against the idea that steam became suddenly, after Watt's inventions, a great power in the world. The extension of the use of steam-engines was very gradual; the cooperation of multitudes of men, working through many years, was necessary to make steam power a great practical success. The period after 1850 is that in which steam has worked its greatest changes. The statement above, as to the growth COMMERCE AND COAL 277 of steam horse-power, and the growth of coal production, shown in the table at the opening of the chapter, indicate the period of the true importance of steam. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Do not attempt to remember any of the figures in sect. 316, unless possibly the first two of the last line. Prepare a graphic chart in the following way. Lay off the time periods on the horizontal line at the bottom of your paper, and on the perpen- dicular, near the right-hand margin, lay off the figures of the last line of the table. This will insure space in the chart for all the lines. Divide the perpendicular into, say, twenty units. Each unit may then be made to represent: 1,000 million doUars of value; $1 per capita; 40 million tons of coal; 2 million tons of iron. Indicate the figures for 1898 on the perpendicular (commerce 20, per capita commerce 13, coal 15, iron 19); and perform the same operation for the figares on perpendiculars above each of the other dates. Use for each item a characteristic mark, (cross, circle, triangle, square), which will enable you to distinguish it from the others. Then unite the marks of each kind by a curved or crooked line. Choose a characteristic form of line (dotted, wavy, or colored) for each item. If the chart be made on a large scale and with sufficient neatness, later tables of statistics (development of railroads, trade of particular countries, etc.), can be entered upon it. With regard to each one of the items : when was the increase (measured by the slope of the line) greatest? When least? What relation is apparent in the increase of different items? Many of the questions suggested by a study of the figures will be treated in later sections. 2. Prepare a small chart of the figures, giving the estimated value of commerce 1700-1899; note the enormous gains made in the nineteenth century. 3. Development of printing, especially of periodical pubUcations, in recent years. [Encyc, preferably the new International or Supplement to the Britannica, under Printing, Newspaper, etc. Cf. Scribner's Maga- zine, 1897, vol. 22, p. 447 ff., on the modem newspaper business; Taylor in Depew, One hundred years, chap. 25, Williams in same, chap. 26.] 4. Divide the perpendicular on the right-hand side of your chart into spaces, indicating the shares of the chief countries in commerce. (The difference in the total of the world's commerce in the two tables is due partly to the fact that the figures refer to different years, 1898 and 1901, partly to variations in the estimates on which the figures depend.) 5. Make out a list of three changes coming under each one of the three heads discussed. Example: technical progress, wireless telegraphy; 278 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE business organization, trusts; political, international arbitration, rec- iprocity. 6. Early history of the coal trade. [R. L. Galloway, The rise of the coal trade, Contemporary Review, 1892, 62: 569-578.] 7. Industrial and commercial importance of coal. [Edward Atkin- son, Coal is king, Century Magazine, 1897-98, 55: 828-830.] 8. Effect of a stoppage of the coal supply. [Stephen Jeans, The coal crisis and the paralysis of British industry, Nineteenth Century, 1893, 34: 791-801.] 9. How does the increase in steam horse-power compare with the in- crease in the output of coal? With the growth of commerce? 10. Earliest history of the steam-engine (to about 1700). [Thurston, chap. 1, sect. 1.] 11. Earliest applications of the steam-engine. [Thurston, chap. 1, sect. 2.] 12. Development of the engine before Watt. [Thurston, chap. 2.] 13. Development by Watt and his contemporaries. [Thurston, chap. 3.] 14. Recent improvements. [Thurston, chap. 6; lies, chap. 5.] BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliographical aids become broader in the recent period. The great literature scattered through periodicals, in which articles of lasting value are often to be found, is made accessible by Poole's Index and its continuations; books in print, if not too technical for the general public, will be found in the A. L. A. (American Library Association) Catalogue, which supplies full titles and prices; economic literature is covered (up to 1891) by Bowker and lies. Various cyclopedias and dictionaries of commerce have been pub- lished in the nineteenth century; they are useful repositories of informa- tion, especially of statistics. Among them the following, in English, may be mentioned: McCulloch, ** Dictionary, various editions; Waterston, Cyclopaedia, 1847; Macgregor, * Commercial statistics, 1850; Homans, Cyclopaedia, 1858. Statistics are brought up to date in various year- books and periodicals; the ** Statesman's Year-Book is an indispensable annual, and will meet all ordinary demands of teacher and class. The Commercial Year-Book, an annual of the Journal of Commerce, has ceased publication since 1901. The U. S. Monthly summary of commerce and finance has included, since about 1897, not only current statistics of U. S. commerce, but also monographs on various commercial topics. The num- ber for April, 1904, vol. 11, No. 10, contains a statistical abstract of the world, pp. 3723-3957, with convenient tables on the commercial develop- ment of various states. COMMERCE AND COAL 279 There is no thoroughly satisfactory account, in English, of the com- mercial history of the century. Yeats, Recent and existing commerce, Boston, Boyle, $2, may be made of service, though it was compiled a generation ago. A book which in many respects is better is Gibbin's * Economic and Industrial progress of the century, Edinburgh, 1903; it lacks nice discrimination in the selection and connection of facts, but covers the ground more fully than any other book in English. Wells, * Recent econ. changes, contains much interesting material on the recent development of commerce; and Wilson, Resources of modem countries, is a valuable survey of the conditions of commerce about 1878. Rand's * Econ. hist, contains useful chapters. See also * Webster, and manuals on the commerce of various countries, which will be noticed later. The student of the history of commerce is often forced to turn to narrative political histories for information. Among the general his- tories of Europe in the nineteenth century two deserve special mention: C. M. Andrews, * Modem Europe; N. Y., Putnam, 1899, $2.75; Seignobos, ** Pol. hist. The former is more readable; the latter is better arranged for purposes of the readers of this book. Much has been written, of course, on the progress of the century in various technical lines. Ure's Dictionary, various editions, describes the advances of the first part of the century; and the student will probably find one of the modem encyclopedias (Britannica, with Supplement; International) the most satisfactory source of information on recent progress. No attempt can be made in this or the following chapters to cover the great field of technical literature. Jevons' ** Coal question should, however, be mentioned as still of great interest and value. Nicolls, * Story; Edward A. Martin, * Story of a piece of coal, N. Y., Appleton, 1896, $.35; or R. Meldola, * Coal and what we get from it, N. Y., Young, 1897, $1, can be assigned for reading by the class. On the steam-engine, Robert H. Thurston's History, N. Y., Appleton, 1902, $2.50, will probably be found most useful. The biographies by Samuel Smiles are a valuable history of technical progress, interesting and trustworthy. Of more recent books, designed for popular reading, George lies. Flame, electricity and the camera, N. Y., Doubleday, 1900, $2, contains attractive accounts of many features of technical progress. CHAPTER XXIX MACHINERY AND MANUFACTURES 327. Development of agriculture. — Pursuing now our sur- vey of the technical advances of the century, we must notice first the oldest and perhaps the most important branch of production, agriculture. An American reader does not need to be told that farm work has been greatly changed by the introduction of improved tools and machinery. Even an im- plement so old and apparently so simple as the plow will do now better work with half the force formerly required. Culti- vating and harvesting machines of various kinds spare land and labor. The introduction of artificial fertilizers has given new freedom and efficiency to the agriculturist. 328. Progress less in agriculture than in other branches of production. — Still, when all is said, agriculture is the branch of production which has been affected least by the changes of the century. The farmer is still bound to the soil and subject to the weather. Steam power has not made for itself the place which sanguine men once thought it would win. In Europe reforms have been effected in sweeping away anti- quated institutions affecting the personal liberty and property rights of cultivators, who now, in free association, can work far more efficiently than before. In other continents the extension of the modern transportation system has effected a revolution in the choice of crops and the means of marketing them. Neither transportation, steam power, nor machinery, however, has vitally affected the methods by which crops are grown; and when the first fertility of new land has been ex- hausted and a growing population clamors for a cheap food 280 MACHINERY AND MANUFACTURES 281 supply, the world will find that one of its great problems is still unsolved. 329. Function of machinery. — For the great changes effected by the use of steam we look, of course, not to agricul- ture but to manufactures and transportation. These changes have been wrought through the medium of machinery, and the reader is asked to give particular attention now to the part which machinery plays in modern life. I spoke above of coal as offering power to men. How can you apply this power to a useful purpose? First, you must burn the coal under a boiler to produce steam; second, you must translate the ex- pansive power of steam into regular forceful motion in an engine; finally, you must apply the force and the motion in just the way that is wanted by means of a machine. Evidently machinery does not depend altogether upon steam. Rude machines, mills for grinding grain, for example, were run by wind or water power long before the steam-engine was invented ; water power is being transmitted by electricity in increasing quantities at present; and men hope that we shall be able to use the heat of the sun or the force of the tides to run machinery in the future. 330. Advantages of machines. — Practically, however, the great extension in the use of machinery has depended on the power obtained from coal through steam. Only in the period since the adoption of improved forms of steam-engine have we realized the possibilities of machines. They can be applied only to certain classes of work, especially that involving the constant repetition of an operation which can be easily regu- lated either by the machine itself or by a laborer supervising it. We can use machines, for instance, to make cloth and even to make clothes, but we do not use them in the operations of dressing and undressing. In their proper field, however, they are indispensable. They will accomplish tasks which are too great or too small for human hands. They repeat a process or copy a model with absolute fidelity. They never grow tired and they have no human failings; they often economize 282 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE time and materials. Finally, and this is the point of decisive importance, in many lines of work they furnish the product at a cost far below that of hand labor. 331. Revolution in old industries effected by machinery. — To describe the manifold applications of machinery in the nineteenth century, within the limits of this manual, is impos- sible. Let the reader glance from the book to the objects surrounding him, and make a list of the ten objects which first attract his attention. If he will trace their history he will find, in all probability, that they are all the products of complicated machinery, which has been developed from the simplest beginnings in the course of the century. He will probably experience "difficulty in finding a familiar object which has not been subjected to machine processes unknown in 1800. Machinery has heightened human productivity in cer- tain lines a hundred or even a thousand fold. At the Atlanta Cotton Exposition of 1881, two carders, two spinners, and one weaver, from the mountain region of Georgia, could produce eight yards of coarse cotton cloth in a day of ten hours. The same number of persons in a modern cotton factory could produce 800 yards by machinery. The cotton goods pro- duced for home consumption in the United States by 160,000 laborers at that time, would have required the services of 16,000,000 laborers without machinery. Again, a skilful woman can knit 80 stitches a minute by hand; a machine enables her to make 480,000. 332. Introduction of new industries. — Machinery has not only revolutionized old industries; it has created many new ones. A distinguished American economist expressed the opinion, about 1890, that half of all those who were then earning their living by industrial pursuits did so in occupa- tions that not only had no existence, but which had not even been conceived of, a hundred years before. I may write with a steel pen, with a fountain pen, or with a typewriter; which- ever choice I make I am giving employment to a group of mechanical laborers who did not exist in 1800. Taking a MACHINERY AND MANUFACTURES 283 particular city as an example, the industrial specialities of Leipzig are said to have increased from 118 in 1751 to 557 in 1890, a growth of 372 per cent. Nor must we limit our view of the effects of machinery to the mechanical pursuits which are carried on about us. Increased efficiency due to the use of machinery has set men free from other pursuits to engage in commerce, education, domestic service, etc. 333. Importance of iron in the age of machinery. — One particular industry deserves special consideration here, by reason of the quality of its product rather than of the quantity of laborers employed or the mere exchange value of the output. Without iron the modern age of machinery would be, at best, of stunted growth. Jevons characterized admirably the mod- ern industrial system when he said that steam is its motive power and iron is the fulcrum and the lever. It is safe, I think, to challenge the ordinary, reader of the present day to name a machine which is not composed largely or almost wholly of iron. The whole structure of our modern industry depends on the means of getting cheap iron. "Without it the engine, the spinning-jenny, the power-loom, the gas- and water-pipe, the iron vessel, the bridge, the railway — in fact, each one of our most important works — would be imprac- ticable from the want and cost of material." 334. Scarcity of iron before the nineteenth century. — Re- turning to the period about 1800 we find ourselves in a different world. I have described in a previous chapter the improve- ments effected in the manufacture of iron in the eighteenth century. Great as was the promise of these improvements, it waited long for full realization; well into the nineteenth cen- tury iron remained relatively scarce and dear and was spared in every possible way. A youth destined to play a leading part in the iron age (Joseph Nasmyth) visited the Carron Iron Works in 1823, and here is the description which he gives of a celebrated foundry and machine shop, associated with the construction of the first working steam-engine by Watt. "Much of the machinery continued to be of wood. Although 284 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE effective in a general way it was monstrously cumbrous. It gave the idea of vast power and capability of resistance, while it was far from being so in reality." If this was the condition at the Carron Iron Works, what must it have been in ordinary factories? 336. Development of machine tools for working iron. — Iron was little used, partly because it was hard to get and partly because it was hard to work. There were in England about 1800 only three good machine shops, where small steam- engines were built. The equipment of even the best machine shop would seem now wretchedly inadequate, and Stephenson was greatly hampered, in building his first locomotive, by the lack of good machine tools, for working metals. William Fairbairn said in his presidential address before the British Association at Manchester, "When I first entered this city [about 1813] the whole of the machinery was executed by hand. There were neither planing, slotting, nor shaping machines; and, with the exception of very imperfect lathes, and a few drills, the preparatory operations of construction were effected entirely by the hands of the workmen." About 1825 to 1830, however, with the growth in demand for iron- working apparatus, there began a rapid development of this branch of manufacture, one step in advance leading rapidly to another. We may trace the process in the description that Nasmyth gives us of his first machine shop, a shed measuring 24 by 16 feet. "I removed thither my father's foot-lathe, to which I had previously added an excellent slide-rest of my own making. I also added a 'slow motion,' which enabled me to turn cast-iron and cast-steel portions of my great Mandsley lathe. I soon had the latter complete and in action. Its first child was a planing machine capable of executing surfaces in the most perfect style; it was 3 feet long by 1 foot 8 inches wide. Armed with these two most important and generally useful tools, and by some special additions, such as boring machines and drilling machines, I soon had a progeny of legitimate descendants crowded about my little workshop, MACHINERY AND MANUFACTURES 285 so that I often did not know which way to turn." Nasmyth himself made one specially important contribution to iron- working machinery, by the invention of the steam hammer in 1839; the old " bit by bit " system of welding became henceforth unnecessary. 336. Steel, character and utility. — While the limits of our space will not permit us to trace further the development of machine tools, which have been made marvelously efficient in recent years, and while we must also forego a study of the details of iron production, the topic of steel manufacture certainly deserves some consideration. Ordinary cast iron, while strong and hard enough for many purposes, still is brittle by reason of the large proportion of carbon and other impurities which it contains. These impurities may be burned out in the puddling process, and the nearly pure iron thus obtained, called malleable or wrought iron, has a toughness enabling it to resist far greater strains than cast iron can stand. Inter- mediate between the two irons, and containing one per cent of carbon, more or less, is still another product, steel, which may be made even more tenacious than wrought iron, or even harder than cast iron. Its peculiar property of "taking a temper" is probably known to most readers. The valuable properties of steel have been known and prized for ages, but till well into the nineteenth century it could be used only sparingly; it was commonly manufactured by first making wrought iron, by the tedious process of puddling, and then heating the iron bars in contact with charcoal until they had absorbed the proper amount of carbon. The expense of this process prohibited the use of steel for most purposes; the wrought iron cost $75 a ton and the finished steel $250 or more; and the output would seem to-day inconsiderable. 337. Recent improvements in the manufacture of steel; the Bessemer process. — Many men have contributed to bring the manufacture of steel to its present efficiency, and we may notice only the names associated with the greatest improve- ments. An Englishman, Bessemer, patented in 1855 the idea, 286 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE as simple as it is ingenious, of turning cast iron directly into steel by blowing air through it when melted, and so consuming the excess of carbon. It has not proved possible to make good steel according to Bessemer's original idea, but with a slight modification his process has been wonderfully successful; in present practice all the carbon is burned out by the air current, and then the requisite amount is added before the metal is poured out. Ore containing a large amount of phosphorus is treated by melting it in a converter lined with lime, which removes this dangerous impurity ("basic process"). 338. The open-hearth (Siemens-Martin) process. — Still another contribution to modern methods of steel manufacture, known as the "open-hearth," or, from the names of its intro- ducers, the Siemens-Martin process, has been of great impor- tance since about 1870. The steel is made from ore or from a combination of different kinds of iron, and, by peculiar devices for economizing the heat of the furnace, the process may be continued so long and regulated so carefully that a product of high quality may be turned out at a moderate cost. The result of all these processes has been to change steel from a luxury to a necessity of modern life. Modern mild steel is 40 per cent stronger than iron, and is tough enough to be tied in a knot or punched in the shape of a bowl when cold. The increase in efficiency due to its substitution for iron in machinery, railroads, ships, and structural work is simply incalculable. 339. Development of the modem chemical industry. — In detailing at such length as I have done the exploits of machinists in the past century, I may tempt the reader to undervalue the contributions of scientists. To guard against that error let us consider briefly the development of the chemical industry, which, like the iron industry, renders a service to modern civilization beyond any measure of dollars and cents. The Frenchman, Lavoisier, had established chemistry on a scientific basis before 1800, but industrial chemistry used still the primi- tive methods which had been employed for ages. Let us MACHINERY AND MANUFACTURES 287 take, for instance, the single substance, carbonate of soda, of prime importance in industrial chemistry, for on it depend the various industries of glass, pottery, soap, photography, paper, etc. This substance was still obtained in the eight- eenth century, by burning seaweed and seashore plants and treating their ashes; Spain had a considerable export of barilla, and owed to this product whatever success she attained in the soap manufacture. Leblanc emancipated the soda industry from kelp and barilla, by introducing the process based on sulphuric acid and salt; step by step improvements have been made since then. Sulphuric acid, discarded in the soda in- dustry, has grown in importance notwithstanding; it is the controlling element in the manufacture of other acids, commer- cial fertilizers, alum, ether, glucose, etc., and in oil refining; and it is produced at a price and of a quality formerly unknown. The discovery of the anilin colors, in 1859, has revolutionized the art of dyeing. The chemist will make you, from coal tar, almost any color or shade desired. He will make you perfumes or flavors; and, if he has failed to construct quinine artificially, he has at least learned, in his attempts, to make substances such as antipyrin and phenacetin, of equal value for other purposes. 340. Influences determining the local distribution of manu- factures. — A review of the contents of this chapter, with its discussion of the factors which have built up modern industry, should suggest to the reader the countries which have enjoyed exceptional advantages in the modern manufacturing period. Resources of coal and iron, clearly, are of great importance. That they are not decisive, however, is proved by the absence of modem manufactures in China, where there are abundant supplies of coal and iron, and their presence in districts like the North of Ireland, where, for instance, a great ship-building industry is fed with imported iron and coal. Factories can exist at a considerable distance from their source of supply if they are served by a transportation system which will fetch raw materials and carry finished products cheaply; efficient 288 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE transportation is essential. Many other elements might be suggested as going to form the basis of national success in manufactures, but of them all I desire here to emphasize only- two: good government and intelligent men. Manufactures cannot thrive in a country where unwise or corrupt methods of taxation rob the investor of his gains. Nor can they prosper, whatever other advantages a country may have, if it lacks intelligent and steady laborers, or clear-sighted and energetic leaders. The reader will have an opportunity, in later chapters, to test the truth of these statements; meanwhile, in anticipa- tion, attention may be directed to the United States, England, and Germany, as those countries which have most signally proved their fitness for manufacturing. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Development of the science and art of agriculture in the nineteenth century. [Encyclopedia.] 2. Artificial fertilizers. [Peacock, in Cosmopolitan Magazine, Nov., 1895.] 3. A modem wheat farm. [Scribner's Magazine, 1897, vol. 22, p. 531 ff.; Edgar, Story of a grain of wheat. Note that "bonanza" farms are not typical of modem agriculture in general.] 4. What use is coal without a steam-engine? What use is machinery without a steam-engine? What use is a steam-engine without coal or machinery? Which would the world give up most readily, coal, steam- engine, or machinery ? 5. Character and advantages of machinery. [Hobson, Mod. cap., chap. 3, sects. 1-3.] 6. How much have women gained by being relieved of the necessity of making cloth for family use? [Read description of the labor of spin- ning, weaving, etc., in colonial times; see Alice M. Earle, Colonial dames and goodwives, Boston, 1895, or Syndey G. Fisher, Men, women and manners in colonial times, Philadelphia, 1898.] 7. Effect of the introduction of machinery on the demand for labor in different occupations. [Hobson, Mod. cap., chap. 8.] 8. The growth of factories. [Bourne, Romance, chap. 9.] 9. Organization of a modern factory. [P. G. Hubert, The business of a factory, Scribner's Magazine, 1897, vol 21, p. 306 ff; Fred J. Miller, The machinist, same, 1893, vol. 14, p. 314 ff.] MACHINERY AND MANUFACTURES 289 10. Progress in the iron manufacture. [lies, chap. 4; R. R. Bowker, A bar of iron, Harper's Magazine, 1893-4, 88: 408-424.] 11. Development of machine tools for iron working. [Sellers, in Depew, One hund. years, chap. 49.] 12. Progress in the steel manufacture. [R. R. Bowker, A steel tool, Harper's Magazine, 1893-4, 88: 587-602; Waldon Fawcett, The center of the world of steel, Century Magazine, 1901, 62: 189-203.] 13. Write a biographical sketch of one of the following: Bessemer, Siemens, Whitworth, Brown, Thomas, Snelus. [W. T. Jeans, The creators of the age of steel, N. Y., 1884.] 14. Write a report on advances in the manufacture of one of the articles named. [Encyclopedias; on coal tar products see Meldola.] 15. What conditions have led to the rise of the characteristic manu- factures of your own vicinity? In what regions are their chief competitors? What are the relative advantages of different places with respect to some particular manufacture? [See the authorities at the back of the book for references for a careful study of these questions.] BIBLIOGRAPHY See the previous chapter for books of general reference. The modem manufacturing organization and the influence of machinery have been treated, from the economic standpoint, by Hobson, Modem capitalism, and Schulze-Gaevemitz, The cotton trade, Manchester, 1895. A history and analysis of the factory system by C. D. Wright was published in the Tenth U. S. Census, 1880, vol. 2; further references to U. S. public docu- ments will be given below, in the chapters on the United States. The English parliamentary papers and accounts contain an inmiense amount of material on this subject; the last volume of Cunningham, Growth, has useful references to them. The technical history of manufacturers defies compression. Much interesting material may be found in the reports of the U.S. Commissioners to various world expositions. 19 CHAPTER XXX ROADS AND RAILROADS 341. Commercial importance of the subjects of the chapter. — " Of all inventions, the alphabet and the printing-press alone excepted, those inventions which abridge distance have done most for the civilization of our species." Macaulay's celebrated sentence applies to civilization in general. With regard to the material civilization depending upon commerce, certainly no factor has been of greater importance than im- provement in the means of transportation and communication. An improvement in these means has been effected during the past century, without a parallel in the world's history; and a de- scription of the changes deserves the most careful attention of the student in the short space which can be allowed the subject. 342. Statistical survey of development. — For a convenient means of reference I introduce, in this place, a statistical table (on opposite page) showing the development of the most im- portant modern instruments of transportation and communica- tion. 343. Improvement in the condition of roads. — Aside from the stretches of canal which had been brought into operation, the universal means of inland transportation about 1800 was the road. Some reference has been made in an earlier chapter to the condition of English highways in the eighteenth century, and to the improvements which marked that period. Condi- tions on the Continent were worse than those in England. French roads were mere tracks in the first part of the eighteenth century, and for the most part were still hopelessly bad at its close, when the system of maintaining the roads by forced labor was abolished. 290 ROADS AND RAILROADS 291 From near the close of the eighteenth century, however, we may date the beginning of a period of rapid improvement in the roads of western Europe. The turnpike system, which allowed tolls to be charged for the use of improved highways, encouraged the investment of capital in these undertakings. The teachings of Telford and Macadam, two great road-engi- neers who emphasized the necessity of using good materials and securing proper drainage, were generally applied. In the period from 1800 to 1850 the roads of Europe were reformed Shipping Million Tons Railways Telegraphs Cables Sail Steam Carrying Power Thousand Miles 1800 4.0 5.8 7.1 9.0 11.4 14.8 12.9 14.4 12.6 11.0 .02 .1 .3 .8 1.7 3.0 5.8 9.0 13.0 4.0 5.8 7.5 10.4 14.9 21.7 25.1 37.9 48.8 63.2 1820 1830 .2 5.4 23.9 67.3 139.8 224.9 390.0 442.2 1840 - - 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1898 5. 99.8 281.0 440.0 767.8 933.0 .02 1.5 15. 49. 132. 168. to meet the demands which commerce made upon them, before the introduction of the railroad, and were put in the excellent condition which attracts the attention of American travelers to-day. The cost of freight transportation was reduced to half or less of what it had been, and the speed of passenger service increased correspondingly. An Englishman, Porter, notes that in 1798 he occupied nineteen hours in traveling eighty miles by what was considered a "fast coach"; when he wrote, in 1838, the trip was made in eight hours. 344. Importance of roads in the present transportation system. — A word of warning may be advisable before we 292 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE leave this subject to study more recent means of transporta- tion. Not many years ago a French economist estimated that not one twentieth of the settlements of the inhabited world were within less than a day's distance from a railroad. Even in the most advanced countries the extent of roads far exceeds that of railroads, and only in the rarest cases do products reach the consumer without having traversed a stretch of common road. The road, therefore, takes a place in our modern economy more important than, in our carelessness, we generally admit. The unit for measuring the expense of transportation is the cost of moving a ton one mile; on a modern American railroad the average cost of a ton-mile is less than one cent. Even on the excellent roads of Europe the cost is ten cents or more; while it has been estimated that the average cost of moving farm produce to market over the common roads of the United States is twenty five cents per ton-mile. Assuming that the average haul is twelve miles, and-n^ai three }iune 120 Longitude West 100 458 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE remaining chapters of the book, the history of the commerce of the United States. The student is asked to give his attention first to a detailed study of conditions existing about the year 1789. A survey of conditions at that date will furnish a summary of the development of the colonial period, and a basis for appreciating the national progress of more recent times. 648. Chief exports in 1790. — Following the plan pursued in earlier chapters we shall attend first to the exports of the country, composed of those wares which could be produced to such advantage that the people could sell a surplus of them abroad, and so secure the imports of which they stood in need. The following table gives the chief items for the first year of our national existence: Exports, 1790, in Millions of Dollars Northern products. — Flour 4.5 Wheat 1.3 Lumber 1.2 Com 1.0 Fish 9 Potash 8 Southern products. — Tobacco 4.3 Rice 1.7 Indigo 5 Total (including decimals omitted) 16.6 Total exports, including items omitted 20 . 2 One characteristic of this table is noteworthy because it has marked the exports of the country from this early time to the present. The exports of the United States have always consisted, not of a great many articles sold in small quantities, but of a few great staples sold in large quantities. Nine items, it will be observed, comprised over three fourths of the total value, and the two items, breadstuff s and tobacco, made up over half. 649. Predominance of agriculture; experiments with crops. — The table shows clearly that the strength of the United THE ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTION, 1789 459 States at this time lay in what the economists call extractive industries, devoted to the production of raw materials. Some of the wares, it is true, had undergone the first stages of manu- facture (flour, lumber, potash, indigo), but their chief value consisted still in the original material. In contrast with present conditions it was estimated at this time that nine tenths of the people were engaged in agricultural pursuits, and that even in New England, where industrial pursuits were most diversified, only one eighth were employed in manufactures, trade, or other occupations beside agriculture. Of twenty-one presidents of the United States (to 1880) fifteen were farmers or the sons of farmers. The agricultural products of the table above represent the results of nearly two centuries of experiment in the search for profitable crops. It is not easy to determine what cultures will pay under the conditions of a new country. Early settlers had extravagant hopes of supplying the European market with silk, wine, olive oil, drugs, dyes, etc., and learned only by bitter experience that the conditions of nature and man des- tined America to a commercial career different from that of southern Europe or Asia. Most of the important crops and grasses were introduced to this country from other continents, Indian corn being, of course, the notable exception; and so thoroughly had the process of experiment been carried out that in the hundred years following the Revolution only one species of cultivated plant (sorghum) was introduced, of suffi- cient importance to be enumerated in the census. 550. Breadstuffs. — The crop of greatest importance to the people of the American colonies was, without question, maize or Indian corn. This crop, of native origin, flourished in all parts of the colonies, and yielded, under the conditions of a primitive agriculture, far richer returns than could be secured from any of the European grains. To the domestic food supply it was indispensable. For export purposes, however, it was less desirable, and though moderate quantities were shipped abroad every year, the demand of foreign markets, as appears 460 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE in the table, was chiefly for wheat and wheat flour. Wheat was at this time a costly luxury in New England, but it could be grown to advantage in the middle colonies and in Virginia; and in the particular period which we are studying it assumed a leading position among the exports. European countries had formerly been unwilling to receive a product which com- peted with their own agriculture, but the failure of crops in Europe, the outbreak of the French Revolution (1789), and the long wars following, caused a great increase in the demand for our food products, and gave rich returns to the wheat farmers who had been suffering from the lack of a market. 551. Other products of northern agriculture. — Aside from the cereals the agricultural exports of the middle and northern colonies were unimportant. Many, attempts had been made to grow flax and hemp, to sell in competition with the produce of Russia and other Baltic countries. The seed of the flax was exported, but the preparation of the fiber was too trouble- some to pay the producer, and though coarse fabrics for home wear were made of it and it was used for sewing shoes until the invention of the wooden shoe peg, the export of flax and hemp fiber remained insignificant. The second place among exports of northern agriculture, after breadstuffs, was taken by stock and meat products. The abundance of pasture land encouraged farmers to raise a surplus of live stock for sale, though as yet they paid but little attention to breeding or to the proper care and fattening of the animals. Horses were shipped to Canada and to the West Indies, while salt beef and salt pork had a ready sale for provisioning ships, and for export to the West Indies. The export of live animals and provisions amounted, however, to less than one million dollars. 552. Southern staples ; tobacco. — Many of the export products above mentioned could be raised in the southern colonies, and all of them were, in fact, produced there to some extent. The people of the South, however, were fortunate in finding conditions suited to the production of some special THE ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTION, 1789 461 crops, which, unlike those of the North, could not be produced to advantage in Europe, and which therefore were more readily- taken in trade. The Southerners followed their interests, therefore, by raising of foodstuffs only what they absolutely needed, and by applying themselves to their special staples. Of these tobacco was by far the most important throughout the colonial period. It was asserted at one time that a man could provide grain for five men and clothes for two, by the sale of the tobacco which he could grow unassisted. Until the rise of the cotton culture tobacco was king among the southern staples, and had no rival export at the North of equal impor- tance; through the eighteenth century it formed about half of the total exports of the colonies to England, and only just before the close of the century did it yield the leading place to wheat. Disadvantages of a one-crop system, entailing sharp fluctuations in price and periods of dearth, the rapid exhaustion of the soil under tobacco, and the encouragement of negro slavery, — all these evils could not turn the planters of Maryland and Virginia from a crop which, on the whole, yielded rich returns. 553. Rice and indigo. — In Carolina rice took the position held by tobacco in other southern colonies. Its cultivation became of practical importance only toward 1700, starting, it is said, from the gift of a small parcel of rough rice by the captain of a ship bound from Madagascar to Liverpool, who was forced to put into Charleston for repairs. The grain found a ready market in southern Europe and in the West Indies, and became soon an important article of export, though the modern method of water culture was not introduced until nearly 1800. The only other item of southern produce deserving special mention in this place is indigo. This plant, the reader will remember, was the source of a blue dye which at the time was highly prized and which, indeed, has only recently been displaced by anilin colors. Attempts had been made in the early colonial period to raise indigo, but no success attended 462 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE them until about 1750. After that date the culture flourished in South Carolina and Georgia; aided by a bounty from the British government the planters exported large quantities and secured handsome returns. The preparation of indigo was, however, an unwholesome occupation, as the plant, after being soaked in water, was left to rot, giving out an offensive odor and drawing innumerable flies. It was an indication of prog- ress, therefore, that indigo culture declined rapidly after 1790; planters gladly took up the cotton culture, and the United States soon secured by importation from abroad the ware of which it had formerly produced a surplus. 554. Methods of agriculture. — Though agriculture as a source of wealth overshadowed all other industries in the colonies, it was conducted with methods which we should now consider extremely inefficient and wasteful. Washington wrote to an agricultural specialist in England: ''An English farmer must have a very indifferent opinion of our American soil when he hears that an acre of it produces no more than from 8 to 10 bushels of wheat; but he must not forget that in all countries where land is cheap and labor is dear the people prefer cultivating much to cultivating well." The plow, the most important implement of agriculture, was still at the time of the Revolution substantially unchanged from the models of ancient times. The mould-board, of wood as the name implies, was sometimes plated with sheet iron or with strips made out of old horseshoes. President Jefferson improved the shape of the mould-board, and about the end of the century the cast-iron plow began to come into common use. The sickle gave place to the scythe and cradle, but threshing was still done with a flail or by driving horses over the grain. There was a marked increase in the interest in agricultural science and methods about the time when the national government began, agricultural societies were founded in many states, and progress thenceforth was more rapid. 555. Forest products ; potash. — If the reader, after this review of the agricultural exports of the country at the begin- THE ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTION, 1789 463 ning of its national existence, will refer again to the table above, he will find that export products of considerable im- portance were derived also from the fisheries and the forests. The eastern slope of the country was so heavily wooded that trees were regarded rather as a hindrance than a help by the colonists. It was good philosophy, however, to make the best of them; and the British government, during the colonial period, encouraged the export of forest products, to avoid depending on the Baltic countries for the supply of wood and naval stores. The most spectacular export of this description was that of the great masts and spars, which formerly had been reserved for the government by the mark of the broad arrow, and which were hauled out of the woods in winter by fifty yoke or more of oxen. Most of the wood, however, left the country in smaller form: staves and heading, which were sent to the West Indies and there set up into casks and hogs- heads for the carriage of sugar products; boards, shingles, etc. When wood ashes are leached, and the water evaporated, the product is potash; if this be refined by heating it is termed pearlash. It is an impure carbonate of potassium, and at this early stage of chemical industry it had an immense importance in the arts, being used in bleaching, the manufacture of glass, soap, etc. Besides enjoying a ready sale potash had another peculiar advantage in this period; it was, beside the naval stores (pitch, tar, turpentine, rosin), the only wood product which could be readily transported on land. It was, therefore, a great resource when land was cleared; and practically every new settlement, in the northern colonies at least, had its potash works, in which useless wood was converted into a valuable export product. 556. Fisheries. — ''The fisheries first and mainly placed New England on its legs." The people of the northern shore were driven to the sea by the difficulties of life on land; and used the proceeds of the fishing industry as the means of purchasing their imports from abroad, and part even of their food supply from other colonies. They had advantages over 464 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE European competitors in their nearness to the great fishing grounds and in their skill in building and navigating boats; and though the proportion of the total population engaged in fisheries was never large (about one thousandth at this titne), the product was sufficiently important to take a respectable rank among the exports of the country. Every year more than five hundred boats left the towns of the Massachusetts coast, especially Gloucester and Marblehead, for the banks of New- foundland, while Nantucket and New Bedford became the source of whaling voyages that reached from the Arctic to the Antarctic oceans. In comparison with the fisheries the fur trade had become of little importance; the European demand for furs was met at this time by territory lying to the north of the limits of the United States. 557. Chief imports, 1791. — The method, or rather the lack of method, followed by the government in keeping its commer- cial statistics in early days, renders it impossible, unfortunately, to present here a table of imports in 1790 comparable in accu- racy and in detail to the table of exports given above. We must content ourselves with the following estimates for the year 1791. Imports, 1791, in Millions of Dollars Articles paying duties ad valorem 17.0 Wines, spirits, malt liquors 2.6 Colonial wares. — Sugar 1.6 Molasses 1.4 Coffee 5 Tea 3 Total, Colonial, including minor 4.0 Total, including minor items omitted 25 . 668. Classes of wares imported ; manufactures. — The table shows, on its face, only one thing with clearness, that the people used already a considerable part of their surplus to purchase articles of food, of the nature rather of luxuries than of necessaries, which could not be produced to advantage at THE ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTION, 1789 465 home. This feature has ever since characterized the import trade of the country. In the present commerce of the United States we find, beside the class of colonial products, two other classes comprising the bulk of the remaining imports, manu- factures, and material for manufacturing. Were articles of these two classes masked behind that large item of the table which classifies the imports only with reference to tariff sched- ules? The answer can be given, without hesitation, in the affirmative. Raw materials for manufacturing were still, how- ever, comparatively unimportant; most of the imports to this country, at the beginning of its national existence, were finished manufactures. The statement made by a writer in 1818 held true at this time: '' Our imports consist chiefly of articles which habit and fashion have made necessary for our consumption: but a very small proportion of them is subservient to our arts and manufactures." To describe the character of these imported manufactures in detail would be an arduous task, for they included the products of practically all the handicrafts and factories of Europe. In contrast with the exports of the country, which have been restricted always to a few great staples, the imports, from earliest times to the present, have been extraordinarily diversified. The imports included, besides the items sp>ecified in the table above, a large part or the whole of the metals used in the country (tin, copper, lead, pewter, brass, and iron), and manufactures of metal. They comprised, further, a great quantity of the various textiles, of woolen, cotton, linen, and silk; and miscellaneous manufactures such as glass and earthern ware, paper, leather wares, etc. 559. Significance of the import of manufactures. — Accept- ing now as the most important characteristic of the imports of this period the preponderance of manufactured articles, we must seek to realize why this was so, and what it signified. Anticipating the substance of following sections it may be said, in summary, that the people of the United States supplied their need for manufactured articles by their own handiwork, 30 466 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE SO far as possible, but that they found it unprofitable to attempt to make wares the manufacture of which required high tech- nical skill, the use of machinery, and an advanced organization of business. They depended on Europe, therefore, for all the finer manufactures. The total amount of manufactures im- ported annually was not large in proportion to the population, being less than $5 per head; yet this amount comprised most of the comforts and luxuries as well as many of the necessaries, which the people enjoyed. Even at the end of the colonial period the average American led a life of struggling and priva- tion, and could think himself fortunate if he won by his toil on land or at sea a surplus sufficient to provide him with a few articles beyond the bounds of his absolute necessities. 560. Household self-sufl&ciency. — In contrast with the modern scale of living the simplicity of the standard of life at this period can scarcely be exaggerated. Most of the articles consumed in a family were produced at home. The house was begun with the help of neighbors, and was finished, perhaps long afterwards, by the inmates themselves. Domestic uten- sils, household furniture, and farm implements were still made, to a large extent, on the farm where they were used. The every-day clothing of the people, made from linen or wool or from a combination of the two (''linsey-woolsey "), was spun and woven, cut out and made into clothes, with comparatively little professional help. Carpets were made from woolen yarn spun in the family, sent away only to be dyed, and then woven either at home or in the neighborhood. The self-sufficiency of the family group was not so complete in 1800 as it had been in 1700, but it continued still to be the dominant feature in economic life, and in some districts lasted for decades to come. 561. Town self-sufficiency. — Articles which were not made in the household were, as a rule, made in the town, and did not contribute to the volume of distant trade or of foreign commerce. The important unit in the economic organization of the United States at this period was the rural group of THE ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTION, 1789 467 perhaps a few hundred inhabitants. Most of the people were farmers, as has been said above, and very few were entirely independent of farming. Some, however, had the skill and implements which enabled them to supply the needs which could hardly be met by household production. Nearly every village had a gristmill, and, if conditions favored, a sawmill. The village blacksmith was to be found in almost every settle- ment, and performed an astonishing variety of work for the people. Toward 1800, moreover, a tannery had become a common though not a universal feature of village life, and most towns could now boast of a shoemaker. Some still depended, however, on the itinerant cobbler, and few were large enough at this time to furnish paying custom to special artisans; and relied on traveling tinkers, glaziers, coopers, curriers, etc., to perform the services proper to their trades. 562. Development of household manufactures. — Only in a few lines of manufacture had the organization developed beyond the simple lines sketched above. The making of cloth is an operation requiring much time, considerable technical skill, and, for some processes, machinery such as few households would possess. By 1700 it had become customary to rely upon professionals for fulling, the process which compacts the fibers of the cloth, and fulling mills were widely distributed in 1800. Carding machines, for straightening the fibers of wool before spinning, were to be found in many towns, and it was more and more common, also, to have the weaving done out of the house, though this process was ordinarily attended to in the immediate neighborhood. With outside aid of this character the people of some parts of the country were able to produce cloth in excess of their needs, and could use the surplus in trade. Nearly every town, moreover, in the northern and central colonies, had some industry which utilized the spare time of the inhabitants, and gave them the means of exchange with people in the colonies or abroad. For a characteristic descrip- tion take the following of Raynham, Mass., 1793, when the town had a population of about 1,000: ''Besides the usual 468 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE business of husbandry, numbers are here employed in the manufactories of bar iron, hollow ware, nails, irons for vessels, iron shovels, potash, shingles, &c." 563. Appreciation and criticism of American manufactures at this time. — It would be tedious and unprofitable to study in detail the petty manufactures which cropped up in the various towns of this period. Let us accept as a summary the following statement, applying to the decade ending in 1800: ''The domestic manufactures best established are those of leather, iron, flax, potters' wares, including bricks, ardent spirits, malt liquors, cider, paper of all kinds, hats, stuff and silk shoes, refined sugars, spermaceti and tallow candles, copper, brass and tin wares, carriages, cabinet wares, snuff, gun- powder and salt.'' In studying this description the reader should bear certain facts in mind. First, the list, however long it seems, is far from including all the wares required for the satisfaction of ordinary wants. Second, though these manufactures are stated to be the ones best established, there was, among them all, only one sufficiently strong to produce a considerable surplus for sale outside the country; this was the rum manufacture. The people still relied largely on importations from foreign countries for many of the wares enumerated. Third, many of these manufactures (bricks, cider, snuff, and salt, for example; flour and sawmill products might properly be included) were of a very simple character, requiring no great technical skill or elaborate machinery. Water power was used widely, but steam power had not yet been applied, and improved machinery had not yet been introduced from Europe. The factory system, with its extensive use of machinery and its strict organization of labor, was first permanently established in the United States in 1790, at Pawtucket, R. I.; and the American factories did not, for many years, reach the English standard of efficiency. An English committee reported in 1791 that the American cotton manufactures were of a coarse grade, of worse quality and of higher price than those produced at Manchester. THE ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTION, 1789 469 QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. How do the population and settled area of the United States in 17^0 compare with those of the State in which you live now? 2. Has any country ever enjoyed such growth as that of the United States in the nineteenth century? What country or countries come near us in rapidity of progress? 3. Prepare a chart, in the way previously suggested, and preserve it for comparison with the exports in later periods. 4. What is the proportion of persons now occupied in agriculture in your State? in the State where the proportion is highest? [Abstract of Twelfth Census, table 64.] 5. What are the comparative advantages and disadvantages of com and wheat as commercial crops? Which crop occupies the greater acreage in your vicinity, and why? 6. Write a report on one of the following crops, its preparation, uses, and history in the United States: (a) Flax. [Encyclopedias; E. A. Whitman, Flax culture, Boston, 1888.] (6) Hemp. [Encyclopedias; C. R. Dodge, Report no. 8, U. S. office of fiber investigations, price 10 cents.] 7. Profits and losses in the colonial tobacco culture. [Bruce.] 8. Do you know of any region which suffers from the evils of the eingle-crop system now? 9. Advantages and disadvantages of rice as a crop; where is it chiefly grown now? [Encyc; commercial geographies.] 10. Experience of a woman as an indigo planter. [Earle, Colonial dames, Boston, Houghton, 1895, $1.50, pp. 76-83.] 11. What is the average crop of wheat per acre now, in the U. S., and in your vicinity? [Census.] 12. Details of colonial agriculture. [Coman, 47-62.] 13. The lumber industry in New England. [Lord, Indust. exper., part 3, chap. 1; Wright, 71-79.] 14. History of the American fisheries. [Coman, index.] 15. The whale fishery. [Weeden, chap. 11; McMaster, Hist., 1: 63, with references.] 16. Manufactures imported by Virginia in the colonial period. [Bruce, chaps. 15, 16.] 17. What parts of the United States are now in a position Hke that of the colonies, devoting their labor to the production of raw materials and importing manufactures from the regions of advanced industry? What foreign countries are still in this position? 470 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE 18. Write a report on the household industries of the colonial period. [Books by Alice M. Earle.] 19. What household industries are declining now? [The preserving of fruit may suggest other examples.] 20. A typical New England town. [See the description of Braintree, Mass., in C. F. Adams, Three episodes, Boston, 1892.] 21. The textile industry in the colonial period. [Wright, Ind. ev., 43-60.] 22. The rise of manufactures and the attitude of Great Britain. [Lord, Indust. exper., part 3, chap. 2; Coman, 62-76.] 23. The iron industry. [Wright, Ind. ev., 80-103.] BIBLIOGRAPHY General Bibliography. — Channing and Hart, Guide, Boston, Ginn, 1897, $2 (general); Bowker and lies, Emery in Cambridge Mod. Hist., 7: 825- 829, Bullock, Introd. to Economics, N. Y., Silver, 1900, $1.28 (classified); Coman (alphabetical); E. R. Johnson (railways); Dewey, Financial his- tory, N. Y., Longmans, 1903, $2 (chiefly fiscal); A. L. A. Catalogue (popular books in print). General. — No single book is devoted to the general history of the foreign commerce of the United States. Foreign trade is treated in con- nection with other topics in N. S. Shaler, ed., * The U. S., N. Y., Appleton, 1894, $10; C. M. Depew, ed., * Amer. commerce; T. D. Woolsey, ed.. First century of the Republic, N. Y., Harper, 1876; McMaster, * Hist, (general narrative); Wright, Ind. ev. (manual); Coman, * Ind. hist, (manual). On special branches of foreign trade see S. J. Chapman, His- tory of trade between United Kingdom and U. S., Lond. and N. Y., 1899; F. R. Rutter, The South American trade of Baltimore, Baltimore, 1897; J. M. Callahan, American relations in the Pacific, Baltimore, 1901. Commercial Policy. — On tariff history ** Taussig is by far the best guide; of the many other books on the subject (see bibliographies above) most are too prejudiced to be put in the hands of immature stu- dents. On the merchant marine and shipping policy see ** W. L. Marvin and * W. J. Abbot. For defence of protection and subsidies, W. W. Bates, American marine, Boston, 1893, American Navigation, Boston, 1902; for criticism, D. A. Wells, Our merchant marine, N. Y., 1890. Special Topics. — Readers must look in the bibliographies and among my authorities for references on special industries. The histories of Ringwalt, Hammond, and Swank are likely to prove especially useful. Sources. — The chief source is the annual report on commerce and navigation, which is cited hereafter by abbreviation, Com. & Nav. Reports THE ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTION, 1789 471 for the years from 1789 to 1823 are in the collected set of American State Papers; later reports must be sought in the set of Congressional documents. The Check-list of Public Documents, Washington, 2d. ed., 1895, is an in- dispensable aid in using government publications; other aids are given in Publications of Amer. Statist. Assoc, 1889, 1: 63 flf.; 1902, 7: 40 ff. Early American Commerce Colonial. — ** Weeden, ** Bruce, ** Beer. More general in charac- ter are the various writings (see A. L. A. Catalogue) of * John Fiske, * Alice Morse Earle, * Sydney G. Fisher. On commercial policy of the colonies see (besides Beer, and Hill cited below) Willard C. Fisher in Papers of Amer. Hist. Assoc, N. Y., 1889, 3: 467-493. Early National Period. — Mahan, ** War of 1812, vol. 1; Fiske, ** Critical period, Boston, Houghton, 1899, $2; McMaster, ** History, and ** Chapter 9 of Cambridge Mod. Hist., vol. 7. On the development of the" commercial organization, S. E. Baldwin, American business corpora- tions before 1789, Amer. Hist. Review., April, 1903, 8: 449-465; G. S. Callender, ** Early transportation and banking enterprises. Quarterly Jour, of Econ., Boston, Nov., 1902, 17: 111-162. On commercial policy, William Hill, ** First stages of tariff policy. Pub. Amer. Econ. Assoc, 1893, 8: 452-614; T. W. Page, ** Earlier commercial policy. Journal of Pol. Econ., Chicago, 1901-2, 10: 161-192; Henry C. Adams, * Taxation in U. S., Baltimore, 1884. CHAPTER XLVI INTERNAL TRADE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE, 1789 564. Development of internal trade 1 789-1900. — It will be impossible, in the later chapters of this book, to describe in detail the development of the internal trade of the United States. This trade has grown to such proportions that, at the present day, it far outranks in volume and importance the foreign commerce of the country. The reader may be trusted to realize this fact, and to have some knowledge of the character and organization of internal trade at the present day. It is not probable, however, that he knows the humble origins from which this trade has risen; and a description of the conditions and character of internal trade about 1789 will enable him to appreciate the progress of the past century, even though the different steps in progress receive, but scant mention in the narrative. 565. Condition of the roads ; effect on freight traffic. — The roads, which furnished the only means of communication and transportation by land, were still the earth roads of the colonial period, thick with dust in summer, and absolute sloughs, with mud a foot or more deep, during the thaws of winter and spring. During the greater part of the colonial period wagons were a rarity, because there was so little opportunity to use them. Men used mere sledges on the farm, and traveled or carried their produce from one farm to another on horseback. In the northern States the facilities for land carriage were good in only one season, winter, when the periods of sleighing enabled the people to make the market trips and visits which were impracticable at other times. Even near the large towns laden carts had to be drawn by two to six oxen, when there was no snow on the ground. 472 INTERNAL TRADE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE, 1789 473 When there was no other means of transportation, as in the case of the settlements west of the Alleghany Mountains, wares were carried over the roads in wagons, sometimes for a distance of hundreds of miles; but such instances of extensive land transport were exceptional, and the freight charges were so high that only articles of the first necessity, as salt and iron, could pay for carriage. $66. Sparsity of passenger traffic. — Some men lived and died in the town where they were born, without visiting another town a dozen miles distant. There was so little intercourse between the adjoining towns of Easthampton and Southampton, on Long Island, that each town preserved individual peculiari- ties of pronunciation down even to 1800. Throughout the colonial period, and even in the days of the early Federal government, it was very difficult to collect delegates at a political gathering; and it was not uncommon for men to make their wills before starting to a State convention in Pennsyl- vania. Travel by stage-coach did not become of importance until well into the nineteenth century. In 1783 two stage- coaches, consuming a week or ten days on the trip, sufficed for the travel between Boston and New York; though a few years later (1794) twenty stages were employed. Postage rates for a single letter ranged from 8 to 25 cents, according to the distance, and mails were infrequent. 567. Relatively great importance of waterways. — Like the people of the Middle Ages, the inhabitants of the United States at this period were driven to the use of water transport by the difficulty of transportation on land. Rivers which are used now only by canoes and pleasure boats were then impor- tant means of communication and transportation. The Con- necticut River has now a scant traffic as far as Hartford, about forty miles from its mouth; in 1816 we read, ''The Con- necticut River is navigable 200 miles above Hartford, for Boats, of 15 tons, and 50 miles higher, for Floats and Pine Timber"; large quantities of potash were carried down the river even from the Canada line. The Hudson and other 474 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE rivers were the channels through which export products were collected and brought to the sea, and the farmers of central and western New York sent their wares to market by rafts and ''arks" on the Delaware and Susquehanna. Waterways were of especial importance in the southern States, where the means of land transportation were even less developed than in the North; tobacco was brought to the wharves on inlets and rivers by ''rolling-roads," rough tracks over which, the hogsheads were rolled with the assistance of a horse. 568. Importance of the country store. — The great institu- tion of trade at this period was the country store, which col- lected the surplus products of the townspeople and gave them in exchange the wares imported from abroad. Every town of any size had one of these stores, and only the largest towns had distinct shops for the sale of special articles. The stock in trade of one of the typical country stores included all of the articles which have been mentioned among the imports of the country: sugar, molasses, tea, coffee, metals, and hardware, cloth, thread, books, glass, earthernware, etc. The list on the other side of the store-keeper's books would be as long, for it included all the export products of the country, and some wares which were sent to market in the large towns or in other States. The merchant must always be prepared to receive in pay for his goods "Grain of all kinds, beef, pork, poultry, cheese, butter, eggs, nuts, berries, hides, tallow, candles, lard, domestic flannels, feathers, quills, braided straw hats, potatoes, apples and other fruits, both green and dried, home-made brooms, flax and flax seed, cider and domestic wines, etc." At the period which we are studying, well past the close of the colonial period, barter was still the usual form of exchange, and money rarely passed at the transactions in the store or in the trade between the townspeople and the village artisans. 569. Benefits and disadvantages of the country store. — The country store was the focus of the village, not only in economic but in political and social life as well. There was INTERNAL TRADE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE, 1789 475 no better training school in the world for the study of human nature and the development of business sense. Practically all of the business life of the times was concentrated in these stores, and it is, therefore, not surprising, that few men rose to eminence later in the mercantile world who had not passed a period of apprenticeship in one of them. Charles Tiffany, Levi P. Morton, E. D. Morgan, H. B. Claflin; of a later period Marshall Field, Pullman, Pillsbury, Armour, J. D. Rockefeller, J. J. Hill, and many others; all these rose from the position of clerk in a general store to the place which they attained in later life. From the standpoint of the villagers, however, it was a great disadvantage to have the market for their produce restricted to the store in their immediate vicinity. The store- keeper in the smaller towns had no competitors, and enjoyed a practical monopoly of trade of which he took full advantage in driving his bargains. In the northern colonies, where the difficulties of transportation were leveled by the snows of winter, the people could attain a certain measure of indepen- dence of the country store by making market trips to one of the larger towns. Neighbors would agree upon a date and set off, sometimes in a troop of fifty or sixty. They loaded their sleighs with a supply of food for the journey, and with the produce of the farm and household, and sought out the nearest large town, Portland, Newburyport, Boston, Provi- dence, Springfield, Hartford, etc. In one of these market centers they could make much better bargains than at home. 570. Relative smallness of interstate trade. — When the products of the country had been collected at the large coast towns by the farmers and store-keepers, they were, for the most part, exported to foreign countries. Interstate commerce was as yet comparatively small. There was, it is true, an active coasting trade, but this was employed chiefly in the collection and distribution of goods along short stretches of coast. Small vessels plied frequently from the large ports like Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Charleston, to ,the country districts 476 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE on either side, but rarely made extensive trips, as from Boston to Charleston, for instance. Commerce between States as distant even as Massachusetts and South Carolina existed and was by no means insignificant in absolute amount. The northern colonies sent a part of their surplus of rum, live stock, dairy products, and home- made cloth to the South, and brought back tobacco or bills on England which they could cash. Still, comparing this trade with other elements of internal trade, with the foreign commerce of the time, or with interstate commerce of later times, the striking thing about it is not that it was so large, but that it was so small. 571. Share of different States in foreign commerce. — The relative contributions of different parts of the country to its foreign commerce can be shown by the following summary, giving the exports by localities in the year 1791. The chief States ranked as follows, giving values in millions of dollars and indicating the leading ports in parenthesis: Pennsylvania, 3.4 (Philadelphia); Virginia, 3.1 (Bermuda Hundred, Norfolk); South Carolina, 2.6 (Charleston); Massachusetts, 2.5 (Boston); New York, 2.5 (New York); Maryland, 2.2 (Baltimore). No other State or port exported as much as one million; and exports from all the other States together amounted to little over one tenth of the total of nineteen millions. The striking feature of the table is the relative importance of the southern States in foreign commerce, an importance which they were destined to hold for a long time to come, as the cotton industry was developed. It must be remembered, however, that the figures refer only to the export trade, and that there would be considerable changes in rank if we could include the import trade. Taking as a rough means of meas- uring imports the amount of duties collected, we find, for ex- example, in the first year of the national government, that though Pennsylvania again headed the list, the second and third in rank were New York and Massachusetts respectively, while the southern States ranked lower by very considerable INTERNAL TRADE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE, 1789 477 amounts. This period which we are studying was, moreover, one of rapid change, marked especially by the development of the central and northern colonies. Taking the year 1795, when these colonies were profiting by a great increase in their food exports, and when the cotton trade was still undeveloped, New York had risen to the second place in exports and Massa- chusetts to the third. 572. Development of the chief seaports into cities. — The seaports named in the preceding section had gained from trade an amount of wealth and population, which, however small it may seem from the modern standpoint, put them in a class above the ordinary towns, and made them the repre- sentatives of a more advanced business organization. The most populous of these places had in 1790 a population of only about 30,000 (in thousands. New York 33, Philadelphia 28, Boston 18, etc.); and the total number of people living in towns of over 8,000 inhabitants was still only about 130,000. In other words, only one person in thirty lived in a large town or city. The budding cities retained many of the rural char- acteristics of the towns from which they had grown. A mere beginning had been made in paving the streets, and many people still kept kitchen gardens. The price of provisions, however, was rising rapidly, and the cities had become depen- dent on trade with the country districts for most of their supply. Cattle were fattened in the Connecticut valley for the New York and Philadelphia markets, and wood for heating and building was brought by coasting vessels from considerable distances. The large towns could boast of a diversified industrial population, in which many special branches of manufacture were represented, and of numerous shops; Boston was credited with 366 stores in the enumeration of 1789. The first commer- cial bank of discount and deposit in the United States began operations in Philadelphia in 1782, and about 1800 there were 33 banks of this kind in the country. 573. Foreign countries of the greatest commercial impor- 478 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE tance to the United States. — An indication of the direction of commerce is furnished by the following table, showing the chief countries to and from which the United States shipped wares in 1790. Figures give the values in millions of dollars. Exports Imports Great Britain and her dominions 9.3 15.2 Including British West Indies 2.0 France and her dominions 4.6 2.0 Including French West Indies 3.2 Spain and her dominions 2.0 .3 Including Spanish West Indies 1 The Netherlands and her dominions 1.9 1.1 Including Dutch West Indies 6 Portugal and her dominions 1.2 .5 The figures of imports are based on estimates, and no sum is given for the total amount of the year; the total exports were but slightly above twenty million, and countries the names of which do not appear received but insignificant amounts of our goods. 574. Insignificance of direct trade with Asia and Africa. — Some reasons for the direction of American commerce at this period will appear in the next chapter, in which the commercial policy of European countries will be discussed. I propose here merely to point out some of the striking facts shown by the table, and to indicate their connection with the develop- ment of American commerce in the colonial period. Attention may be drawn, first of all, to the significance of omissions from the table. In the year in question the United States sent to the two great continents of Africa and Asia less than one third of a million dollars of exports. The im- ports, especially from Asia, were probably somewhat larger, for American vessels had begun to frequent the ports of East India and China, and to bring direct from them the rich car- goes which formerly had reached America through the hands of English middlemen. Still, any reasonable estimate of the trade with distant continents would leave it insignificant in INTERNAL TRADE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE, 1789 479 comparison with the European trade, which formed the main- stay of American commerce. 575. Unique position of England in trade with the United States. — Of the European countries there was one which occupied a position of commanding prominence. Great Britain received of our goods more than all the rest of Europe together, and sent us of her own far more than all the other European states could supply. It is noteworthy, and was so regarded at the time, that this country, after a bitter struggle for political and commercial independence, and after having broken the bonds which were supposed to hold her in subjection to the English market, should voluntarily resume the trade relations which had formerly been considered so oppressive. The great amount of our trade with England is the more remarkable, as it covered a considerable amount of trade with other countries. England felt as yet no great need for our export products, and forwarded to other countries a considerable part of what she received. Of the imports which we received from England, on the other hand, while the greater part was doubtless the product of English manufacturing industry, there were many wares which came from other countries, but which we found could be purchased more conveniently in England than at the original place of production. 576. Commerce with the rest of Europe. — It was but natural that the United States should have a commerce of some importance with states like France and the Netherlands, which were still among the leaders; and it can only be regarded as surprising that this commerce was so small in comparison with that with England. Our trade with eastern Europe was carried on so largely through England that Germany and the Baltic countries would make but an insignificant showing if they were included in the table. Our trade with southern Europe, however, was evidently governed by other conditions. Portugal and Spain could furnish few desirable wares of their own production, except wine; the table shows that the imports from those countries were small. They offered, however, what 480 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE we sought in vain in northern Europe, a ready market for our fish, cereals, and other foodstuffs, and were hence of great importance to our export trade. Commerce with the Medi- terranean countries, which had been interrupted during the Revolution, had not since then been developed to any con- siderable proportions, because of the ravages of the Algerine pirates. These countries had formerly taken a quarter of our fish exports, and about one sixth of our wheat and flour ship- ments; and trade with them revived later when our navy had brought the pirates to terras. 577. Importance of the West Indies as an outlet for wares excluded from Europe. — A place of very peculiar importance in the commercial economy of the American people, in the colonial period and well past the time which we are now studying, was taken by the West Indian islands. Of the chief products of the United States those coming from the South, especially tobacco, were sure of a good market in Europe, and were a ready means of purchasing the manufac- tures which the people needed to import. The chief products of the North, however, including breadstuffs, provisions, and fish, enjoyed no such favorable reception. The statesmen of England and other countries clung still to the plan of protecting domestic agriculture by assuring it the home market, and desired to encourage domestic fisheries as a means of supporting the navy. In the colonial period, therefore, the staple products of the central and northern colonies were kept out of England and other states by heavy duties or by prohibitions. The people of those colonies, therefore, were at a great disadvantage in their trade with the mother country; they found it difficult to secure the means of paying for the English manufactures which they imported, and were forced to rely in some measure on the crude products of their own domestic manufactures, as described in a previous chapter. 578. Character of commerce with the West Indies; trian- gular trade. — The very products, however, which were rejected in Europe, were keenly desired in the West Indies. The INTERNAL TRADE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE, 1789 481 islands had become the great source of the world's sugar supply, and the advantages of sugar production, under the system of slave labor, were so great that planters neglected all other crops and did not produce even a sufficient amount of food for their laborers. They were eager to purchase food either by the direct exchange of sugar and molasses, or, what amounts to the same thing, by giving the seller bills on Europe drawn against sugar products shipped thither. They offered a ready market, therefore, for the wheat, flour, corn, meat, and fish of the mainland, and purchased also large quantities of lumber and shingles for building, staves for hogsheads, etc. The colonies of the mainland took in pay considerable amounts of sugar and molasses for their own use, and took molasses also for th€ manufacture of rum, of which part was exported. On the whole, however, the mainland exported to the islands more than it received from them, and had thus a credit balance with which it could liquidate its debts for European manufac- tures. The conditions thus gave rise to a triangular trade: the mainland shipped food and lumber to the West Indian islands; the islands shipped sugar products to Europe; and Europe shipped manufactures to the American mainland, thus closing the transaction. So strong was the economic demand for a trade of this description, that the attempts of European governments to check it had proved entirely unsuccessful in the colonial period; restrictions were evaded by smugglers or were openly defied. The problems of policy relating to this and other parts of the American trade after 1789 will be treated in the next chapter. 579. Development of ship-building in the colonial period. — A resource of the United States which deserves to be mentioned, before we close this survey of the conditions of commerce about 1789, was the building and sailing of ships. The colonies were at first dependent on the mother country for the vessels which they used. Most of the raw materials for ship-building were, however, abundant in America; and the construction of ships, unlike other manufacturing industries, was rather helped 31 482 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE than hindered by British colonial policy, which put colonial vessels on the same footing as those which were built at home, and protected them from the competition of the ships of other countries. An active ship-building industry grew up, there- fore, especially in New England, where ship timber of the finest quality was abundant, and where the difficulties of life and the discouragement of staple exports forced the people to make the most of every resource. A petition of Boston citizens in 1746 calls ship-building "the ancient and almost the only Manufacture the Town of Boston ever had." In the Massa- chusetts towns a ship could be built of oak for $24 a ton, while in England, France, or the Netherlands an oak vessel cost $50 to $60 a ton, and even the fir vessels, built on the Baltic, inferior in strength and durability, cost $35 a ton. The colonies, therefore, could supply not only their own wants, but also could sell ships abroad; before the Revolution more than a third of British tonnage, it is said, was American built. 580. Extension of American shipping. The colonists were as proficient in the sailing as in the building of ships, and carried on a large part of the ocean traffic which served the needs of American commerce. In the first year of the national government considerably more than half of the tonnage enter- ing the ports of the United States from foreign countries was American, and English ships were the only serious competitors. The bulk of American shipping was engaged in the West India trade, but American ships carried also nearly half of the commerce between the United States and Europe, in spite of the adverse policy of European states, designed to exclude American ships from commerce with them and with their colonies. Driven further afield by this policy, American skippers began to seek commercial connections with more distant countries, from which wares had reached them hitherto only through middlemen. An American ship sailed for the first time to China in 1784; in 1788 two ships were advertised as loading at Boston for the Isle of France (Mauritius) and India, and "anybody wishing to adventure to that part of INTERNAL TRADE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE, 1789 483 the world may have an opportunity of sending goods on freight"; soon afterward a Philadelphia ship made the round voyage to China in less than a year. A vivid impression of the boldness and skill of American mariners of this period is given by the voyage of the Experiment to China. This boat, a sloop of eighty tons, no larger and no more seaworthy than the sloops which now bring bricks down the Hudson River to New York, carried her crew of fifteen men and boys safely to Canton and back, despite the perils of the sea and of pirates. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Name another country in which transportation was easier in winter than in summer, before the introduction of railroads. 2. History of the navigation of the Connecticut River. [W. D. Love, Proc. Amer. Antiq. Society, April, 1903, reprinted Worcester, 1903.] 3. Write an essay on the economic, social, and political importance of the country store, in the past and present. 4. Write a biographical sketch of one of the business men named in section 569. [References in authorities; Poole's Index; current biographi- cal dictionaries.] 5. What is now the interstate commerce of the State in which you live? To what States does it export its products, what products of other States does it import? How does its commerce with other States com- pare with its foreign commerce in bulk and value? [Ask questions of railroad and steamship men; visit freight yards.] 6. Comparing the figures of sect. 571 with the figures for total exports, sect. 548, what do you guess formed the bulk of the exports from each State or port? 7. Write a brief commercial history of one of the cities named. [Local histories; Encyc; commercial cyclopedias.] 8. Episodes of Boston commerce. [M. A. D. Howe, Atlantic Monthly, 1903, 91: 175-184.] 9. Prepare and study a graphic chart, sect. 573, and preserve it for comparison with later conditions. 10. The African slave trade. [Weeden, chap. 12; Abbot, chap. 3.] 11. What reasons occur to you why the Americans should have traded with England so much more than with other states of Europe? 12. History of the commerce of the colonies with the West Indies. [Weeden or Bruce, Index, West Indies.] 13. Character of production and commerce in the West Indies at this time. [See references given under sect. 253.] 484 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE 14. History of ship-building in the colonies. [Weeden, 252-267, 573-581; Wright, 23-42; Marvin, chaps. 1, 2.] 15. Pirates and privateers of the colonial period. [Weeden, chap. 9, 559-565; Abbot, chap. 5.] BIBLIOGRAPHY See preceding chapter. CHAPTER XLVII COMMERCE AND POLICY, 1789-1815 581. Importance of commercial policy in this period. — The two preceding chapters have described the conditions of com- merce in the United States about 1789, with but an occasional reference to the influence which governments exercised in directing and restricting the movement of wares. In every period governments interfere with the free exchange of com- modities, that the interests of the people as a whole may not suffer from the selfishness of individual merchants. In the period under consideration, lasting through the second war with England, the influence of governments on the fortunes of our foreign trade was more pronounced than it has ever been in later times; and the topic of commercial policy must occupy the leading place in this present chapter. 582. Questions of policy. — The Revolution of 1776, by which a group of English colonies was transformed into an independent state, claiming to rank as England's equal, shocked the ideas of European statesmen to an extent which we can hardly conceive. There was no place in the political system of the time for an independent American state. For centuries the states of Europe had been the sole source of active political and commercial power; in other continents were to be found only semi-civilized states, subject to European influence, and colonies, under the complete control of the mother countries. Each European state had regulated as it pleased the commercial relations of its colonies with the mother country^ with other European countries, and with their colonies. Now that the United States had won its political independence, was it to be treated by England as though it was still an English 485 486 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE colony, and given its former privileges though it was no longer subject to the former restrictions? Were other European states to welcome its commerce, now that England could no longer prevent, or were they to treat it like a European state, and restrict its trade with themselves and with their colonies? Finally, what attitude was the United States itself to adopt, now that it could frame its policy as it pleased? These were among the serious problems that perplexed the statesmen of the Old and New Worlds, as the success of the American Revolution became assured. 583. Policy of England. — Reference has been made in a previous paragraph to the striking fact that the colonists had no sooner won the war of independence than they returned to an active commerce with the country against which they had been fighting. Comparing the six years preceding the Revo- lution with the six years following the treaty of peace (1783), we find that the volume of trade between the United States and England was substantially the same. The American people suffered during the war for lack of the manufactures which they had been accustomed to purchase from England, and which they found then could be purchased to such advan- tage nowhere else; and as soon as peace permitted they began eagerly to buy English products again. For a moment it appeared that England was ready to welcome this trade; the English statesman, Pitt, introduced a bill which aimed to encourage the American trade not only with England but also with her colonies. Such a policy implied too serious a breach in the old system, and was not carried into effect. The Americans were, indeed, permitted and encouraged to trade still with England; that country could not afford to give up the growing market for its manufactures which the United States afforded. The ports of the West Indies, however, were closed to American merchants; the Americans were to be punished for their insubordination by exclusion from a branch of commerce which was to them of the first importance. 684. Policy of France and other states. — The Americans COMMERCE AND POLICY, 1789-1815 487 learned, not only from England but also from other European powers, that an independent state must shift for itself and could hope for no commercial favors. They might fairly suppose that the countries which had joined in their war against England (France, Spain, the Netherlands) would take advantage of the successful issue of the conflict to seek to secure the American trade which England had hitherto monop- olized. They found, indeed, that these and other countries were willing to sell their goods to the United States; but still these countries were reluctant to take in exchange American wares for which they felt no special need, and were most reluctant to open the trade of their colonies to people of any nationality but their own. John Adams might say of France in 1780, "All the world will allow the flourishing state of her marine and commerce, and the decisive influence of her councils and negotiations, to be owing to her new connections with the United States "; whatever truth there might be in the statement, France certainly refused to express her gratitude by the grant of commercial privileges. France found, actually, that after the return of peace the Americans ceased to buy her manu- factures, and flocked for trade to the English markets. French merchants complained that none of them ever gained in com- merce with the United States: when all the best part of the American custom went to English merchants, why should France or any other country on the Continent relax the re- strictions which were designed to protect the home market and the colonial market for the benefit of natives? 585. Conditions of American trade with Europe in 1789. — In spite of the unfavorable attitude of the powers which con- trolled the great markets of the world, the United States maintained a considerable commerce, as was shown by the descriptions of previous chapters. This commerce was, how- ever, carried on under serious disadvantages. Reviewing the staple exports of the country we find that breadstuffs were generally subject to prohibitory duties in England, and that fish and salt provisions were actually prohibited in England, 488 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE and were heavily dutied in France. The southern staples fared little better, for they competed with the products of European colonies even though they did not threaten European industries. Tobacco and rice were subject either to actual prohibitions or to heavy duties in most of the important European markets. 586. Conditions of trade with the West Indies. — Conditions of trade with the West Indies were even worse. Spain and Portugal absolutely forbade all direct intercourse with their colonial possessions; and wares destined for their colonies had either to be carried by smugglers or else exported to Europe and then re-exported in ships of the mother country. England closed her possessions on the American mainland completely, and while, as a temporary favor, she admitted some wares to her West India colonies, by proclamations renewed from year to year, she prohibited salt provisions and fish, and excluded American ships from the trade. Her vessels alone could take our produce and bring back the molasses, sugar, etc., which formed the objects of the return trade. The French West Indies, also, were open to us only as a temporary concession, and in them and in the colonial possessions of other powers the trade was burdened with duties. 687. Weakness of the United States at this time. — These were by no means all the hardships under which American commerce labored at this time. The government was too young and weak to furnish adequate protection to ships flying the American flag in foreign waters and on the high seas, and it had as yet obtained no guarantee that American fishermen would be allowed to pursue their calling as before the Revolu- tion. Furthermore, the attention of American statesmen was distracted by the need of getting the machinery of the new government in running order, and by the serious fiscal difficul- ties which pressed for settlement. These were the dark days of American commerce. From the lofty position which the United States has reached to-day, courted for its commerce and its political influence by other great powers of the world, COMMERCE AND POLICY, 1789-1815 489 it is hard to realize how humble was our national position in 1789, and how precarious seemed our commercial future. 588. Survey of American commerce, 1789-1815. — Starting from these beginnings we have now to trace the course of our commerce through the period. So sharp were the fluctuations in this early stage that I give the annual statistics, and, for reasons which will be apparent later, call particular attention to the distinction between domestic exports, of articles pro- duced in the United States, and foreign exports, of articles brought from some other country and re-exported. No exact figures for the imports of this period can be given, but it is safe to say that the value of the imports did not diverge greatly from the value of the exports. Exports of the United States, in Millions of Dollars {Fiscal years, ending Sept. 30 of the date given) Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total 1790 20.4 1804 41.4 36.2 77.6 1791 19.0 1805 42.3 53.1 95.5 1792 20.7 1806 41.2 60.2 101.5 1793 26.1 1807 48.6 59.6 108.3 1794 33.0 1808 9.4 12.9 22.4 1795 47.9 1809 31.4 20.7 52.2 1796 40.7 26.3 67.0 1810 42.3 24.3 66.7 1797 29.8 27.0 56.8 1811 45.2 16.0 61.3 1798 28.5 33.0 61.5 1812 30.0 8.4 38.5 1799 33.1 45.5 78.6 1813 25.0 2.8 27.8 1800 31.8 39.1 70.9 1814 6.7 0.1 6.9 1801 47.4 46.6 94.1 1815 45.9 6.5 52.5 1802 36.7 35.7 72.4 1816 64.7 17.1 81.9 1803 42.2 13.5 55.8 1817 68.3 19.3 87.6 589. Fluctuations in the export trade; share of domestic and of foreign exports. — If the reader will cast his eye down the column of totals he will appreciate at once the unsteadiness of our trade during the period under consideration. For a few years the figure of exports was almost constant. Then, 490 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE in 1793, began a rapid rise; the export trade doubled, tripled, more than quadrupled. A check to this growth was apparent in the few years after 1801, but it began again, and the figures of exports reached their highest point in the years 1806 and 1807. They had grown more than fivefold in fifteen years. The year 1808 showed a precipitous decline, and, after an interval of partial recovery, the figures . reached their lowest point in 1814. At the close of the period prospects seemed brighter. Returning to the table, to analyze the part borne in the changes by domestic and by foreign exports respectively, we find that the foreign exports were chiefly responsible for the great fluctuations. No figures can be given for the earlier years, but it can be stated with assurance that of the total exports in 1790 only an insignificant fraction, probably much less than one million, was composed of the products of other countries. There had been a tremendous gain, therefore, in this branch of our trade, before 1796, and it proved capable of great expansion afterwards, while, on the other hand, it declined in one year almost to nothing. Domestic exports, also, showed a great increase in the early years of the table, but they soon came near to the limit of their expansion, and hovered generally about the figure of forty millions; the table shows, moreover, that they resisted depressing influences better than the foreign exports. 590. Varying fortunes of foreign trade not explained by conditions at home. — The reasons for the growth of American trade after 1790 are to be sought mainly in conditions abroad. There was no development of resources at home sufficient to account for the great expansion of trade. The United States, it is true, gained a new export product in cotton, which was shipped in rapidly increasing quantities after the invention of the cotton-gin in 1793. Cotton took the first place among southern exports after 1800, and the extension of the cotton culture helps to explain the growth of domestic exports. Still, cotton did not rise to the position of king among exports until COMMERCE AND POLICY, 1789-1815 491 the following period, and the description of the rise of the cotton trade will be deferred to a later chapter. We cannot give American statesmen the credit for removing the restrictions on our commerce, described above, and so enabling it to expand uncramped. In spite of all their persist- ence and ingenuity they secured only slight and partial con- cessions. The treaty with England, negotiated by John Jay in 1794, removed some of our grievances, but proposed to open the West India trade on such humiliating conditions that the offer was indignantly refused. A treaty with Spain gave us merely the right to navigate the lower Mississippi River, without other commercial privileges; and even the acquisition of Louisiana, in 1803, had but an inconsiderable effect on our commerce at the time. 591. Conditions abroad; effect of the European wars on domestic exports. — We owed our rapid commercial growth not to our own strength, and not to the favor of European states; we owed it to the necessities of the position in which the countries of Europe found themselves after the outbreak of the wars following the French Revolution. These wars were of decisive importance to our commerce in two ways. In the first place they caused an immense increase in the demand for our foodstuffs. When the states of Europe were fighting for their very existence they could not afford to uphold the prin- ciples of their former protective policy, and welcomed the means of subsistence, from whatever source they might come. The withdrawal of men from agriculture to serve in the armies diminished the supply of food in Europe and called for large exports from the United States, for which high prices were paid. Taking for illustration the little country of Portugal, we find that our exports to that country increased about ten- fold in the course of the period, being especially large in the years from 1810 to 1813. These years mark the time when the Peninsular War was at its height, and when the large armies quartered in the country demanded a supply of food which could not possibly be met from native sources. I 492 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE 592. Effect on foreign exports and the carrying trade. — The European wars were not only responsible for a great gain in our domestic exports; they were the sole cause of the tre- mendous increase in the foreign exports, which figured so largely in our commerce at this period. The wars involved most of the important states of Europe. A ship flying the flag of France or of any of her allies was constantly exposed to capture by British cruisers; a ship flying the flag of Great Britain or of one of her allies was a fair prize for the French privateers which swarmed over the seas. In the great conflict there was but one country, with an extensive merchant marine, which managed to maintain neutrality, and this was the United States. The carrying trade of the world fell into our hands. The countries of Europe, forced by the exigencies of war, gave up the cherished principles of their colonial policy, and threw open the trade with their colonies and themselves. The rights of neutral states in time of war were, it is true, still unsettled. American ship captains and merchants were subject to arbitrary and humiliating interference on the part of the belligerents. In the early part of the war, however, the results of this interference were of sentimental rather than of practical importance, and means were found to evade the restrictions which the belligerents imposed. When England forbade all trade between her enemies (France, Spain, The Netherlands) and their colonies, American skippers did not sail direct from the West Indies to Europe, but touched at some port of the United States, entered the cargo for import, and sometimes actually landed it. It was not meant for consumption in this country and was soon withdrawn and exported to its destination in Europe, as though it were composed of domestic products. 593. Prosperity of American commerce and shipping. — The European wars, therefore, introduced American commerce to a new era of prosperity. ''No one was limited to any one branch of trade; the same individual was concerned in voyages to Asia, South America, the West Indies, and Europe." Our COMMERCE AND POLICY, 1789-1815 493 ships gathered the products of distant countries, coffee, sugar, tea, pepper, etc., and purveyed them to the people of Europe. In many years the value of foreign exports exceeded that of domestic exports; in 1806 it was half as large again. The reader will better appreciate the contrast with present condi- tions when he learns that in 1902 the foreign exports of the country amounted only to one fifty-second part of the domestic. The merchant marine of the United States grew rapidly under these favoring conditions, and in spite of complaints that former conditions had been reversed, and that ships could be built cheaper abroad than at home. The national tonnage engaged in foreign trade, which in 1789 appeared to be not much in excess of 100,000, exceeded 500,000 in 1795, and 900,000 in 1810. The proportion of American ships in the total of those entering the ports of the United States grew correspondingly; and the merchant tonnage of the United States was second only to that of Great Britain and superior to that of any other country in the world. 594. Checks to prosperity after i8oo. — The check on the growth of our commerce apparent in the figures for the few years after 1801 is explained by the conclusion of a peace between the states of Europe, which lasted from 1801 to 1803. Had the peace proved permanent there would have been, without doubt, a further decline in American commerce, as the European countries resumed their former commercial rela- tions. With the reopening of war, however, the Americans enjoyed the advantages of their previous position; the exports of 1806 and 1807 exceeded a hundred millions in value, and marked a height which exports did not again reach for nearly twenty years. Our commercial prosperity at this time was very precarious. It was the period in which Napoleon and England were waging war over the Continental System, as described in a previous chapter. Each belligerent looked on the neutral carrier now not as a source of gain to itself so much as a source of help to the enemy, and determined to restrict neutral trade, even though it were necessary to destroy 494 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE it. In the period between 1803 and 1812 some 1,500 American ships were seized in Europe, and the greater part of them condemned, for violating the restrictions then carried into effect. The best sailors were impressed from American ships to fight the battles of England. American shipping was involved in an unequal struggle. 595. Decline of commerce ; embargo and war. — The United States was not prepared to enforce by arms the rights which it claimed for its merchants and sailors. The government shrank from war, and adopted instead the policy of commercial restriction, hoping to bring the European powers to terms by refusing to trade with them until they reformed their conduct. A short trial was made with an act forbidding the importation of English manufactures, and in December, 1807, a general embargo was laid on all vessels, forbidding them to leave port for a foreign country. The embargo was evaded in various ways, but its effect on our foreign commerce and export indus- tries was disastrous, and forced the substitution of milder measures in February, 1809. Our commerce, now suffering both from the attacks of its enemies abroad and the restrictions of its friends at home, could not recover the position which it had reached before the embargo, and declined still further after the declaration of war with England, to which we were finally forced in June, 1812. 596. Effect of the decline of commerce on the development of American manufactures. — While the people maintained an active commerce with Europe they obtained most of their manufactured wares from that source, as they had done in colonial times. The interruptions of commerce due to acts like the embargo and to the war with England cut them off from this source of supply, and home manufactures grew up as commerce declined. The letters of Jefferson, written at this period, contain many references to the growth of manu- factures in his State, Virginia, and in other parts of the country, especially in New England, the development of a native manu- facturing industry was even more marked. American manu- COMMERCE AND POLICY, 1789-1815 495 factures began, in this period, to outgrow the simple forms of domestic industry, and to attract the capital necessary for the establishment of regular factories. Many companies were incorporated to manufacture goods by means of power ma- chinery, and industrial methods which had long been practised in England were now first introduced in this country on an extensive scale. The development of the textile industries was especially rapid. It was estimated that in 1800 the cotton factories of the country had consumed only 500 bales of raw material, while in 1810 the number had risen to 10,000 and in 1815 to 90,000. A cotton factory established by Francis C. Lowell at Waltham, Mass., in 1814, is said to have been the first in the world in which all the processes involved in the manufacture of goods, from the raw material to the finished product, were carried on in one establishment, under a carefully studied system. 597. Considerations determining early tariff policy. — The development of manufactures at this time gave rise, in the following period, to a demand for protection which marks a turning-point in the tariff history of the country. When the first national tariff was adopted, at the founding of the Federal government in 1789, the legislators had a difficult problem of policy to solve. They found the commerce of the country fenced in by foreign tariffs composed of high duties and of some actual prohibitions. They desired the reduction of these duties that American commerce might expand. Many of them expressed their belief in a policy of retaliation, if no other means availed to secure the reduction. At this time, however, the commercial position of the country was not strong enough to permit the tariff to be used as a weapon with which to menace foreign states. Other countries showed but a languid desire for the products which were then our staple exports, and we had great need of the foreign wares composing our imports. We could not afford even to discriminate against the importation of manufactured goods, with an idea of pro- tecting native manufactures; our manufactures were then so 496 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE weak that a policy of high protection, to exclude foreign wares, would have caused serious distress to the consumers at home. 598. Survey of tariff policy. — Barrec^ by these considera- tions from a tariff of high duties, the legislators framed the first tariff mainly as a revenue measure. Comparatively few articles were placed upon the free list, duties being levied on articles like tea and coffee as well as on manufactured wares, which might possibly be produced at home. The general scale of duties was much lower than in foreign countries at the time, or in the United States later; it was estimated that an assorted cargo paid about 7^ per cent. Of the results of the first tariff a recent investigator says: ''The most careful examination fails to show that it affected the volume, variety, or direction of our foreign trade in the slightest degree." In the course of the period the tariff was frequently amended, and rates were raised considerably; but the tariff continued to be used chiefly as a source of revenue, and was not seriously affected by protectionist ideas until after 1815. QUESTIONS AND TOPICS 1. Prepare yourself for studying the policy of this period by mentally reviewing the present commercial policy. Does the government now encourage or discourage exports or imports? Does it grant favors to one foreign countrj'- over another? Do foreign countries prohibit or restrict trade with their dependencies? What is the present poHcy of this and other countries with respect to shipping? 2. When England excluded the United States from trade with the West Indies, what classes would be hurt, what classes would be helped, in England, in the West Indies, and in the United States? 3. Indicate on a rough sketch map the markets wholly or partially closed to American commerce about 1789. 4. Financial, military, and naval weakness of the United States in 1789. [Manuals and standard works on U. S. History.] 5. Make a chart first of the figures of total exports in sect. 588; then indicate the relative share of foreign and domestic exports. Leave room at the top or bottom, where the dates are written, to write in the chief historical events affecting the course of commerce in the period. COMMERCE AND POLICY, 1789-1815 497 6. It has been generally believed that the adoption of the Federal Constitution led to a great growth in business and prosperity. Prof. G. S. Callender has suggested that the growth of prosperity, due to influences acting from outside America, caused, on the contrary, the Constitution to be popular and successful. What facts support this latter view? 7. Prepare a list of the dates showing the beginning and spread of the European wars, and insert on the chart as suggested above. 8. Study the relative importance of foreign exports to total exports in the last half of the century, as a contrast to conditions about 1800. [U. S. Statistical Abstract, Index, Exports, merchandise, total values.] 9. Expansion of the merchant marine, 1789-1800. [Marvin, chap. 4.] 10. Grievances of neutral carriers, leading to the second war with England. [Marvin, chap. 7; Coman, 171-180; McMaster, Hist.] 11. The Embargo. [Manuals of U. S. history; references in Chan- ning and Hart, sect. 171.] 12. Rise of manufacturing industry. [Coman, 180-193; Wright, 117-131.] 13. Considerations determining the earlier commercial policy. [Page; see above, chap, xlv.] BIBLIOGRAPHY See chapter xlv for general works; Henry Adams, * History, N. Y., 1889-91, covering the period 1800 -1817 in nine volumes, is the most com- plete general narrative. Mahan, ** War of 1812, Boston, Little, 2 vols., $7, is now by far the best special account. The commercial statistics of the period may be found elaborated in Adam Seybert, * Statistical annals, Phila., 1818, or in Timothy Pitkin, * Statistical view, New Haven, 1817, 2d ed., 1835. 32 CHAPTER XLVIII NATIONAL EXPANSION, 1815-1860 699. Survey of commerce, 1815-1860. — In contrast with the period ending in 1815, the next period which we study, extending from 1815 to 1860, was marked by the slowness and the comparative steadiness in the growth of foreign commerce. An indication of the course of trade in this period is given by the following table, in which the figures represent millions of dollars. Imports Exports Total 1820 74 69 144 1830 62 71 134 1840 98 123 221 1850 173 144 317 1860 353 333 687 Though the statistics of selected years can give only a rough picture of commercial development, the figures here given suggest the striking features of our trade in this period with sufficient accuracy. For about twenty years after 1815 the foreign commerce of the country was nearly stationary, or actually declined. Not until 1835 did our exports reach again the mark attained in the year 1807. Towards the end of the period, however, they showed increasing strength; the figures for 1860 show the upper limit which they attained, but for some years previously they had been approaching the sum of three hundred millions. 600. Reasons for slowness of growth. — The reasons for these changes in our foreign trade must be sought both abroad and at home. Our prosperity in the preceding period had been due mainly to the European wars. With the return of 498 NATIONAL EXPANSION, 1815-1860 499 peace the states of Europe escaped from their commercial dependence on the United States. Our domestic exports of breadstuffs and provisions declined as Europe returned to the policy of protecting the domestic food supply; and our foreign exports declined even more rapidly when we lost our privileged position of the great neutral carrier, and our merchants had to face not only the active competition but also the adverse legislation of other countries. Through most of the period the annual foreign exports of the country were about twenty million dollars in value. Not until near the end of the period did conditions change to our advantage. The repeal of the English Corn Laws in 1846, as was noted in a previous chapter, marked a departure in commercial policy, which offered new openings to American export industries. 601. Absorption of the national energy in territorial expan- sion. — At home, moreover, the people of the United States were occupied in this period with tasks which turned their thoughts and interests to a large extent away from foreign trade. It was a period of great territorial expansion. A comparison of maps indicating the distribution of population shows that extraordinary changes occurred in the interval between 1810 and 1860. At the former date the people were still gathered mainly along the Atlantic seaboard, face to face with Europe; and most of the territory west of the Appalachian mountains was still left to the Indians. The center of popula- tion was not far from Washington, D. C. In 1860, on the other hand, the center of population was near Chillicothe, Ohio. This change indicates an enormous movement of population westward. The country extending west to the Mississippi river had, by 1860, been covered almost continuously with settlements; many people had spread out on the great plains facing the Rocky Mountains; and the population on the Pacific Coast was sufficient to entitle that district to the two states California and Oregon. 602. Relative decline in the importance of foreign trade. — The expansion of population, necessary as it was to the develop- NATIONAL EXPANSION, 1815-1860 501 ment of the country, proved in its early stages to contribute comparatively little to the growth of foreign commerce. The growth of our trade did not keep pace with the growth of population. While the share of the average inhabitant in foreign trade was over $30 in 1800, it was little over $20 in 1860, and ranged between $10 and $15 through much of the intervening period. It seems as if the people of the country, after the close of the war of 1812, had turned their gaze away from Europe, the continent which they had for centuries regarded as the source of civilization, and had fixed their attention on their own continent, with the determination to make its resources satisfy their needs, so far as they were able. Many of the- settlers in the western country led lives of extreme simplicity, unable to find a market for the surplus which the fertile soil returned to them, and consequently forced to restrict their purchases of foreign goods to the bare minimum. 603. Importance of the problem of transportation in this period. — As the American people expanded and occupied territory far beyond the limits of their original settlements, the question of transportation became one of increasing im- portance. The early colonists had evaded rather than solved the problem of transportation, by choosing for settlement districts connected with the sea by short water routes, and by renouncing, in large part, the attempt at intercommunica- tion by land. The problem could no longer be set aside, as the people spread out in the great interior valley. The resources of the West could be of no advantage to the people of the East, and could contribute nothing to the foreign commerce of the country, uAless means were found to bring the wares to market with a profit. In the remaining sections of this chapter, therefore, we shall study the development of the means of transportation in this period, that we may be better able to appreciate the details of the export and import trade, described in following chapters. 604.. The turnpike era. — Even in the earlier period, follow- 502 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE ing 1789, the condition of the common roads was felt to be intolerable, and a movement for their reform set in. Stock companies were chartered, to improve the more important roads, and were allowed to secure a return on their investment by charging toll on traffic — so much for a one-horse cart, so much for a two-horse wagon, etc. Hundreds of turnpike companies were chartered in the different States, and in Penn- sylvania alone over 2,000 miles of improved roads had been constructed by them at the close of the first quarter of the century. Until better means of transportation were provided the turnpikes were important channels of trade. They united the districts of the interior with the coast and with navigable rivers, and made possible throughout the year a freight traffic which formerly had been restricted to the sleighing season. A great highway, like the Mohawk and Hudson turnpike, running from Schenectady to Albany, was studded so thickly with taverns that the traveler was never out of sight of the swinging sign-boards. 605. Failure of the turnpikes to meet the country's demands. — The success of the turnpikes stimulated the national gov- ernment to construct a road from Cumberland, on the Potomac River in the western part of Maryland, to Wheeling on the Ohio River. This road was designed to furnish the connection^ that was so keenly desired, between the districts lying on either side of the mountains; and was for many years an important route for passenger travel. The expense of wagon transportation, however, prevented a great growth of freight traffic on this or on other land routes of considerable length. The cost of moving freight over the roads of this period has been estimated roughly at ten cents per ton-mile, and this cost prohibited the movement of ordinary freight to a great distance. The turnpike, therefore, did not solve the problem of transportation for the country, and turnpikes declined as better means of transportation were brought into use. About the middle of the century the idea of building roads of wood NATIONAL EXPANSION, 1815-1860 503 took strong hold of the minds of men, and plank roads were constructed with great vigor for a few years; but the idea proved impracticable and led to no important results. 606. Importance of the western waterways. — Vastly more important in its effects on the internal and foreign commerce of the country was the development of the means of water transportation. It has. been said of North America that no other continent, with perhaps the exception of South America, offers such excellent natural facilities for intercommunication as is furnished by the system of rivers and lakes lying east of the Rocky Mountains. Early in the history of our western settlements traders used the rivers flowing into the Mississippi to secure connection with the market at New Orleans, then under Spanish rule; and the Louisiana purchase of 1803 gave the United States control of the river route from source to mouth. A line of packet boats plying between Pittsburg and Cincinnati was started in 1794, and many flatboats were employed to float cargoes down the Mississippi. The swift current of that river, however, made ascending navigation difficult. The crews of the flatboats had to return home by land, going generally on foot through nearly a thousand miles of wilderness, and using about six months on the round trip. The stream could be ascended only in small boats propelled by poles and sails. Though the freight rate down the river was as low as one cent per ton-mile, the charge in the other direction was about six times as much. The need of some better means of propelling boats against the current was strongly felt; and long before the steamboat had been made a practical success the prediction was common that it would be developed to serve the needs of commerce on our western rivers. 607. Invention and application of the steamboat. — The steamboat, like many other instruments of technical progress, was not the invention of a single man, but was developed by contributions from several different sources. Before the adop- tion of the federal constitution (1789) Fitch and Rumsey had constructed steamboats which maintained a speed of four to 504 A HISTORY OF COMMERCE 101° 97° 93° 89° 86° 81° 77° ^ 1 ~T RIVER / TRANSPORTATION / IS 1860 47° 43° 89 86° 31 V. X yv' *^» Navigable by Steamboat "»- Navigable by Flatboat Not navigable 47° 43° 39° 36° c St.Pau 1 s 1 CO / 1 3^" T ff ^1 Cincini .,-^leveland 1 *'|*»' ] .^ ^1j*pitts\)urg Wsville F ^ A^ r River p5 ^*#ft.Loi^sl/^ S Cairo| iphHis ^ / Little RocEl \J M 1 RivTr"*y /vAT / 31° W n/?7y lAgomery V