EXCHANGE A SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF WINONA, MINNESOTA BY Jl/1 MERVIN G. NKALE sor of Educational Administration, University of Minnesota AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON Assistant in Educational Administration, Unirersity of Minnesota PRICE : 50 CENTS MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA December, 1922 A SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF WINONA, MINNESOTA BY MERVIN G. NEALE Professor of Educational Administration, University of Minnesota, AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON Assistant in Educational Administration, University of Minnesota MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA December, 1922 CONTENTS PACK Introduction V1 Author's introductory statement viii Chapter I. The school building situation in Winona i Chapter II. The number of pupils for whom school facilities should be provided 25 Chapter III. A proposed school building program for Winona 37 Chapter IV. The ability of Winona to finance the proposed program 46 Appendix A. The Strayer-Engelhardt Score Card 61 Appendix B. Advantages of a central junior high school for Grades 7. 8. and 9 65 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE I. Date of erection, type of construction, number of class- rooms in use, pupil enrollment, and grades accommo- dated in the school buildings of Winona i II. Scores allotted to the Junior High School building by three j udges 3 III. School buildings of Winona arranged in the order of total scores allotted 4 IV. School buildings of Winona arranged according to the total score allotted to each building 5 V. Comparison of the distribution in per cents of elemen- tary school buildings of Winona with those of Duluth and St. Paul on thq basis of their allotted scores 11 VI. Playground space per child enrolled in the Winona pub- lic schools 13 VII. Height of blackboards, in the kindergarten and first four grades in Winona 14 VIII. Per cent of classrooms in each of the school buildings of Winona that have less than the standard ratio of window space to floor space, that have standard ratio, and that have above standard ratio 15 IX. Orientation of rooms in the Winona school buildings.. 16 X. Comparison of trend of population growth in Minne- nesota and Winona over a period of years 25 XL Trend of population in Winona by wards from 1910 to 1920 26 XJI. School enrollment in Winona by grades from 1912-13 to 1921-22 27 CONTENTS TABLE PAGE XIII. Number of elementary, junior high school, and senior high school pupils attending school in Winona in April, 1922, by wards and precincts : 28 XIV. Number of elementary, junior high school, and senior high school pupils attending school in Winona in April, 1922, by present school districts 29 XV. Population of Winona, by wards as shown by census returns in 1910 and 1920 with estimates of population in 1930 and 1940 3 XVI. Enrollment by school divisions in Winona from 1912 to 1922 32 XVII. Per cent distribution of enrollment by school divisions, in Winona from 1912 to 1922 3$ XVIII. Number of elementary, junior high school, and senior high school pupils attending school in Winona in April, [922, by proposed school districts 35 XIX. Population by decades of fourteen cities used in making financial comparisons 47 XX. Population by decades of ten Minnesota cities used in making financial comparisons 47 XXI. Per capita debt of Minnesota cities for schools . . 48 XXII. Total amounts spent each year for land, new buildings, and equipment in Minnesota cities 49 XXIII. Expenditures for capital outlay of Winona and seven other comparable Minnesota cities, 1904 to 1921 50 XXIV. Assessed valuation, the ratio of assessed to real valua- tion, and the real valuation of fourteen Mississippi Valley cities of about Winona's population in 1917-18.. 51 XXV. Real wealth per capita of fourteen Mississippi Valley cities of about the same population as Winona 52 XXVI. Real wealth per child in average daily attendance in fourteen Mississippi Valley cities of about the same pop- ulation as Winona 52 XXVII. Total assessed valuation and the assessed valuation per capita of ten Minnesota cities 54 XXVIII. Total and per capita wealth in moneys and credits of Winona and eight other comparable Minnesota cities... 55 XXIX. The tax levy in mills for school purposes by years in eight Minnesota cities between 1909 and 1920 55 XXX. Relative municipal and educational effort, as expressed in tax rate in mills, of Winona and eight other compa- rable Minnesota cities, 1921-22 56 XXXI. Total school tax levies in certain Minnesota towns and cities for the school year. 1921-22 59 CONTENTS t Y LIST OF CHARTS CHART PAGE 1. School buildings of Winona arranged in order of rank for total scores allotted, and compared with the maximum possible total score; Strayer-Engelhardt Score Card 7 2. School buildings of Winona arranged in order of rank for total scores allotted on Items I and II, and compared with the maximum possible score 8 3. School buildings of Winona arranged in order of rank for total scores allotted on Items III and IV, and compared with the maximum possible score 9 4. School buildings of W'inona arranged in order of rank for total scores allotted on Item V, and compared with the maximum possible score 10 5. Per cent of elementary school buildings falling in each 100- point group in Duluth, St. Paul, and Winona : 12 6. The ratio of window area to floor area in the different school buildings of Winona 17 7. Trend of population in Winona from 1880 to 1920 as shown by the United States census reports and estimated trend from 1920 to 1940 31 8. Real wealth per child in average daily attendance in Winona and thirteen comparable cities '. . 53 g. Relative municipal and educational effort, as expressed in tax rate, in mills of Winona and eight other comparable Minnesota cities, 1921-22 57 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Distribution of junior high school pupils in Winona 38 2. The present districting plan of Winona 43 3. The proposed redistricting plan for Winona 44 INTRODUCTION The significance of Professor Neale's report on the building survey for the city of Winona, which is published herewith, in- heres not merely in the fact that it lays out a statesman-like build- ing program for that city ; but it lies rather in the fact that a big educational problem is approached by scientific methods, and a thoroughgoing solution is proposed in the light of results which these methods reveal. In general, building problems in cities of every size have been approached more or less by the rule-of- thumb method, without a complete analysis of all the factors upon which a rational building program can be based. Such an analy- sis Professor Neale has undertaken in the case of Winona and with such success that the Board of Education has adopted a building program based on his proposed solution as given in this report. This study is also significant because of the suggestion which it carries for the solution of other educational problems confront- ing communities throughout the country. An adequate school plant is but one of the problems which boards of education are required to meet. Problems of curriculum, of administration, of instruction, and of teaching personnel are in general of more educational significance than are buildings, and lend themselves quite as easily to methods of scientific analysis and study. More and more will scientific methods be used to investigate such problems ; more and more will experts be enlisted for such special- ized study, and in ever increasing numbers public school officials are themselves securing adequate training for such work and or- ganizing within their school systems agencies by which these studies can be carried on. This report is significant in another sense because it repre- sents a cooperative endeavor between the school authorities of the city of Winona and the University of Minnesota. The request for this survey was made by the Board of Education of Winona to the College of Education of the University of Minnesota. In making the request, the Board of Education agreed to pay for the time of Professor Neale and such other persons as would be re- quired to carry the survey through and to meet all expenses. inci- dent to the making of the survey. The Board of Regents of the INTRODUCTION vii University of Minnesota agreed, upon this request, to release Pro- fessor Neale from active service for such of his time as would be required to make the survey and to carry through the project, on the conditions of reimbursement offered by the Board of Educa- tion. Upon the completion of the survey, the comptroller of the University rendered the Board of Education of Winona a com- plete bill covering the time of all University employees who par- ticipated in the survey and covering all incidental expenses. The University undertakes to publish this report because of its gen- eral interest to the state and to the country as a whole. Through similar arrangements, surveys have been conducted in the past year by the College of Education, both in the city of Duluth, where a complete study of the building situation was made, and a forward-looking building program was recom- mended, and also in the city of Austin, where a thoroughgoing study was made covering the problems of instruction, results of instruction, courses of study, etc. The Duluth survey is being printed by the Board of Education of that city. The Austin survey is being printed through special arrangements with the University. It is believed that this arrangement between the University and local school communities is a particularly happy one because it makes available to such local communities the most expert service which the University can provide, a service which none of these school systems could provide directly for itself. At the same time, it brings the advanced students of the University into direct study of the problems of school administration, school supervision, and all problems related thereto. Both the Univer- sity and the local community thus contribute to the project and both receive a measurable return. M. E. HAGGERTY, Dean of the College of Education, University of Minnesota. AUTHOR'S INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT This survey was undertaken the spring of 1922 in response to an invitation from the Board of Education of the Winona Public Schools. Its purpose is to present the facts with respect to the present school building situation in Winona and to propose a school building program which will ultimately provide a first- class school plant for the city. In order to present the facts which the Board should consider, careful studies have been made of each of the pres- ent school buildings, of the distribution of pupils of each type in the different parts of the city, of the probable increase of popu- lation in the different school districts, and of the financial ability of Winona to support a school building program as compared with other similar cities. The building program recommended assumes a desire on the part of the citizens of Winona to provide for the children of that city school building accommodations which will be safe and healthful and which will make possible a thoroughly modern educational program. The program recommended is not expensive when it is con- sidered that practically no buildings for elementary or junior high school use have been constructed in Winona during the past thirty-five years. Acknowledgment is hereby made of the services of Mr. C. A. Ronning in the scoring of the school buildings ; of those of Mr. E. F. McKee who made tests of the lighting, and of the help of Messrs. R. J. Bradley, M. L. Gundlach, and Ernest R. Hanson, senior and graduate students in the University of Min- nesota, who are responsible for much of the material in Chapter IV of this report. GENERAL SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS MADK The building program recommended in this report is, in brief, as follows : i. The present Junior High School should be replaced by a new building located near the present Senior High School. It is AUTHOR'S INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT ix recommended that a full block of land be purchased as a site for such a building. 2. This Junior High School should provide for all public school pupils in the city of Winona from Grades 7 to 9 inclusive. 3. An auditorium and gymnasium building with accommoda- tions for approximately 1,500 pupils should be constructed to take care of the needs of the present Senior High School and pro- posed Junior High School. This building should be located be- tween the two buildings mentioned above and should be connected with them by passageways. 4. The Madison School building should be replaced by a new elementary school building to accommodate a kindergarten and Grades i to 6, inclusive. 5. The Central School should be replaced by an elementary school building to house pupils from the kindergarten to the sixth grade, inclusive. 6. The Jefferson and Lincoln school buildings should be re- paired so as to make them conform, in so far as may be possible, to modern school building standards. Ground should be pur- chased at each of these buildings so that a full block of play- ground space may be available. 7. The Sugar Loaf School should be abandoned and the pupils in that school transported to one of the other elementary schools in the city. 8. The Jackson School should be abandoned and the pupils in that school district sent to either the new Central School or the Kosciusko. 9. The Washington and Kosciusko school buildings should be replaced by a single building, located somewhere between the sites of the above named two school buildings. At least a' full block of land, preferably two, should be purchased as a play- ground for this proposed building. 10. It is recommended that the services of a competent school architect be secured to estimate as closely as possible the exact cost of this building program. u. The Survey Committee estimates that the complete cost of the buildings, equipment, and land recommended will be in the neighborhood of $1.150.000. x AUTHOR'S INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT 12. If it is not desirable to undertake this entire program at once, it is recommended that it be undertaken in the following order : 1. Construction of a junior high school building 2. Construction of an auditorium and gymnasium building for junior and senior high school pupils 3. Construction of buildings to replace the Central and Madison 4. Purchase of additional playground space and repair of the Jef- ferson and Lincoln school buildings 5. The replacement of the Washington and Kosciusko buildings CHAPTER I THE SCHOOL BUILDING SITUATION IN WINONA The city of Winona houses her school children in eleven school buildings. Ten of these buildings were constructed before the beginning of the present century. One of the elementary school buildings now in use was constructed just at the close of the Civil War; two were constructed during the seventies; two, during the eighties; and four, between 1890 and 1895. The build- ing in which the Junior High School is now housed was con- structed in 1887. The Senior High School was built between 1915 and 1917. Seven hundred eighty-seven school children are housed in buildings constructed before 1880, and eight hundred ten in buildings constructed between 1880 and 1890. Nearly two thirds of the school children enrolled in Winona are housed in school buildings built thirty-five years or more ago. These facts, which are shown in summary form in Table I, in themselves in- dicate with practical certainty the fact that Winona is faced with the necessity of a school building program of rather large pro- portions. TABLE I [)\!K OH KkH.LTIOX, Tvi'K OH CONSTRUCTION, Nl'MBER OH C'LASSKOOMS IN USE, PUPIL ENROLLMKXT, .\.\i> (JKADHS ACCOMMODATED ix THK SCHOOL Brn.mxGS OF WIXOXA Type No. of School Year of of Con- Classrooms Enroll- Grades Erection struction in Use ment Central Ig6f D 10 288 Kff-7 Madison 1874 D ii 379 "6 / Kg-7 Washington . . . 1877 D 7 225 Kg-7 Jackson 1885 D 4 102 Kg-3 Jefferson 1886-08 D 13 352 Kg-7 Junior High... . 1887 D 10 356 8-9 Madison Annex 1891 D 4 105* Kg-4 Sugar Loaf. . . . 1892 D 2 42 1-6 Koscinsko 1893 D 10 I8 9 Kg-7 Lincoln i8oq D 10 224 Kg-7 Senior High * W VO "1915-17 B 36 489 **& / IO-I2f * Included in Madison total. f Certain classes from the Junior High School are now accommodated in the Senior High School building/ 2 MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON The development of modern school-housing standards has come about in a very large measure during the past twenty years and many of the cities of the United States have adopted the general policy of entirely remodeling and modernizing all school buildings that were built before the beginning of the present century. The development of modern standards of lighting, ven- tilation, and fire protection have rendered practically obsolete the provisions made in school buildings, thirty-five or forty years ago. SCORING THE SCHOOL BUILDINGS In order to get a more accurate measure of the efficiency of each of the school buildings in Winona, they were scored by three men who visited each building and made a careful study of each of the different parts. The scoring was done by means of the Strayer-Engelhardt Score Card for City School Buildings. This score card consists of 114 different points on which a school building may be analyzed and rated. A standard valuation has been given to each of these 114 different points so that, after a scorer has rated each of them numerically, the total score would indicate the rating of the building. The final score of each build- ing was taken as the sum of the median scores of the three judges on each of the major items of the score card. It was considered advisable to have three judges score each building because in this way it is possible to eliminate any erratic scores which might come from the judgment of a single individual. Table II shows the method of getting the final score for each building from the judgments of the^ three scorers. This table shows the scores given by each of the three judges and the final score of the Junior High School building. It is believed that these ratings of the buildings in Winona constitute a reliable measure of the educational efficiency of the buildings. The Strayer-Engelhardt Score Card has been used in scoring hundreds of school buildings so that it is possible to make com- parisons with other cities, on the basis of scores allotted. The points on which the buildings were scored and the maximum possible rating on each point of the score card are shown in Ap- pendix "A" of this report. SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR WINONA TABLE II SCORES ALLOTTED TO THE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING BY THREE JUDGES Scorer Item I 80 67 A 48 45 B i 28 20 C 4 2 Item II 54 63 A 10 10 B 24 29 C 20 24 Item III 119 in A 41 41 B 16 12 C IO 12 D ; 6 10 E 7 4 F 16 9 13 23 H 10 o item IV I 95 86 A 6 10 B 35 28 C I 23 28 D 5 3 26 17 1 tern V 14 29 A II 22 B : 2 4 <" ! i j 3 Total 362 356 76 45 26 5 68 10 36 22 94 32 15 10 7 5 7 18 o 108 15 30 32 5 26 28 22 5 i Median i Median Total 45 26 10 29 22 41 15 IO 7 5 9 18 o 10 30 28 5 26 22 4 I 374 75 61 105 99 27 367 Final score 367. [EXPLANATION OF THE SCORES A building which attains a perfect score would be rated at 1,000. The meaning of scores lower than 1,000 is described by the authors of the score card in the following words i 1 A score of coo-i,ooo indicates a highly satisfactory degree of con- struction and equipment. In fact, in only a few minor respects does such a building deviate from acceptable standards. A rating between 700 and 1 Strayer and Engelhardt, The Classroom Teacher, pp. 340-42. 4 MERV1N G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON 900 points is fairly satisfactory. It should be studied in the light of its component parts. Slight building alterations will tend to raise consider- ably the score of a building of this group. A score of 600 to 700 points has meant, as experience in surveys points out, that considerable alteration was needed before buildings could be brought to a satisfactory standard of efficiency. Buildings that have scored 500 to 600 points have proven to be highly unsatisfactory and yet not so far gone but that extensive- repairs and replacements could make them reasonably habitable. When the scores of buildings have fallen below 500 points, it has been the uni- versal judgment of those who have applied the score card that speedy abandonment of the building for school purposes was the only justifiable course to be followed. In all instances where scores of 500 or less have resulted, it has seemed that expenditures for repairs would be highly ex- cessive. It has also seemed that there was little possibility, even with the expenditure of relatively large sums of money, to secure as a result of such repairs a building which was suitable for school purposes in the modern sense. THE BUILDING SCORES Table III shows the total scores and the relative rankings of each of the eleven school buildings in Winona. The Senior High School building heads the list with a score of 679 out of a pos- sible 1,000. The Junior High School is at the foot of the list TABLE III SCHOOL BUILDINGS OK WINONA ARRANGED IN THK OKDKK OK TOTAL SCORES ALLOTTED School Building Rank 1 Total Score Maximum Possible Score Senior High i 6?o I 000 Jefferson Lincoln .... 2 ? 543 C-IQ 1,000 I OOO Jackson CT7 I 000 Kosciusko ^06 I OOO Washington . . . . , 6 C.QA I OOO Madison 7 468 I OOO Central 8 A t C I OOO Madison Anntx Sugar Loaf 9 10 427 420 1,000 I OOO Junior High ii ^6? I OOO A school building that is rated at less than 500 points is considered unsuited for school use and should be abandoned. The Junior High, Sugar Loaf, Madison Annex, Central, and Madison buildings clearly fall in this group. The Washington and Kosciusko buildings are only slightly better. SCHOOL BUILDING I'kOGkAM I'OR WINONA with 367 points out of a possible maximum of i ,000. Five build- ings, the Madison, Central, Madison Annex, Sugar Loaf, and Junior High School, score below 500 points and five school build- ings, the Washington, Kosciusko, Jackson, Lincoln, and Jeffer- son score between 500 and 600 points. Table IV gives the arrangement of the school buildings of Winona in the order of total scores allotted and shows the score on each of the sub-items that go to make up this total. By means of this table it is possible to see whether the low score, allotted to a given building, was due to defects in site, general structure of building, service systems, classrooms, or special rooms. From the information in this table, it is clear that the Senior High School, Junior High School, Lincoln, Jefferson, Kosciusko, and Sugar Loaf buildings are extremely deficient in site. This defi- ciency is due to the fact that no playground space has been pro- vided in the case of each of these buildings. TABLE IV SCHOOL BUILDINGS OF WIXOXA ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE TOTAL SCORE ALLOTTED TO EACH BUILDING Building Total Score of Build- ing Rank on Basis of Total Score Sub-Items Site Build- ing Serv- ice sys- tems Class- rooms Spe- cial rooms Senior High 679 543 530 513 506 504 468 455 427 420 367 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 80 69 74 108 67 108 98 112 88 57 75 133 95 93 82 92 86 79 81 76 78 61 165 192 146 138 87 125 116 103 101 99 63 105 213 176 190 186 174 159 147 132 I4 6 169 99 6, 57 35 50 48 35 4i 29 18 53 27 Jefferson Lincoln Jackson Kosciusko Washington Madison Central Madison Annex... Sugar Loaf. . . Junior High Maximum pos- sible score 1,000 125 -280 290 140 6 MERl/IN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSOX This same table shows also that there is no single one of the school buildings in Winona that scores as high as 50 pet- cent of the total possible score, allotted for special rooms. The Senior High School which scored highest, receives only 61 out of a possible 140. Stated in plain words, it may be said that, with the exception of the Senior High School, there has been practi- cally no provision made in the school buildings of Winona for special rooms. This is not to be wondered at because special rooms were not generally provided in school buildings erected before 1900. The low score of the Senior High School on the item of special rooms was, in large measure, due to the fact that no provision has been made in this building for a gymnasium or an auditorium. The scores allotted to the different buildings on each of the sub-items of the score card are shown graphically in Charts i, 2, 3, and 4. In order to get some basis for comparing the school building situation in Winona with that in other cities, Table V is inserted. It presents a comparison of the scores given to the elementary school buildings of Winona with those given to the elementary school buildings of Duluth and St. Paul. This table shows that whereas the cities of Duluth and St. Paul have 66 and 35 per cent respectively of their elementary school buildings scoring above 600 points, there is no single elementary school building in Winona which scores above 600. Winona has no single ele- mentary school building which comes in even the "fairly satis- factory" class. In Winona, 44.4 per cent of the elementary school buildings come in the class usually recommended for abandon- ment and 55.6 per cent of them come in the class which is usu- ally considered as being in need of extensive alterations, repairs, or additions. The facts of Table V are shown graphically in Chart 5. SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAQd FOR W1NONA 7 CHART i SCHOOL BUILDINGS OF WINONA, ARRANGED IN ORDER OF RANK FOR TOTAL SCORES ALLOTED, AND COMPARED WITH THE MAXIMUM POSSIBLE TOTAL SCORE (Strayer-Engelhardt Score Card) Maximum Possible 5core 1000 Senior High School 6T9 Jefferson 543 Lincoln 530 Jackson KosciusKo 506 Washin5ton 504 Madison 466 Central 455 Madison Annex AL7 5u^ar Loaf Junior Hi^n 5chooi A building scoring from 500 to 1,000 is considered highly satisfactory. One scoring from 700 to c;oo is fairly satisfactory. Buildings scoring from 600 to 700 commonly need alteration or additions. Those scoring between 500 and 600 are highly unsatisfactory and ordinarily can be made fit for school use only by complete overhauling and extensive additions. Build- ings that score below 500 have usually been found unfit for school use and are ordinarily recommended for abandonment. Winona has no school building falling in even the fairly satisfactory class. Five out of the eleven school buildings of Winona score below 500 points and two others score only slightly above. MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSOK CHART 2 SCHOOL BUILDINGS OF WINONA, ARRANGED IN ORDER OF RANK FOR TOTAL SCORES ALLOTTED ON ITEMS I AND II, AND COM PARED WITH THE MAXIMUM POSSIBLE SCORE (Strayer-Engelhardt Score Card) ITEM I - Maximum Possible Score Central Washington Jackson Madbon Madison Annex Senior High School Junior High School Lincoln Jefferson Kosciusko Sugar Loaf Maximum Possible Score Senior High School Jefferson Lincoln Kosciusko Washington Jackson Central Madison Sugar Loaf Madison Annex Junior High 5chool ITEM II -BUILDING Of the eleven school buildings, six are extremely deficient in site ami seven in building structure. For sub-items making up Items I and II, see Appendix A. SCI fOOI. BUILDING PROGRAM I-'OR WIN ON A CHART 3 SCHOOL BTILDINGS OF \\L\OXA, ARRANGED IX ORDER OF RANK FOR TOTAL SCORES ALLOTTED ON ITEMS III AND IV, AND COM- PARED WITH THE MAXIMUM POSSIBLE SCORE FOR THOSE ITEMS (Strayer-Engelhardt Score Card) ITEM III - Maximum Possible .Score Senior High School 192 f Jefferson Lincoln KosciusKo Washington Junior High School Madison Central Madison Annex JacKson Loaf 101^1 . ] 99^1 '~'j 63HHH1111 ITEIM IV - CLASS ROOMS 16QHI ^^^^^^^^ Maximum Possible .Score Senior High School Lincoln JacKson Jefferson Kosciusko Sugar Loaf Washington Madison Madison Annex Central Junior High With tlu exception of the Senior High School building, all Winona's buildings rank extremely low on the item of classrooms. For sub-items making up Items TTI and IV. see Appendix A. io MERV1N G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON CHART 4 SCHOOL BUILDINGS OF WINONA, ARRANGED IN ORDER OF RANK FOR TOTAL SCORES ALLOTTED ON ITEM V, AND COMPARED WITH THE MAXIMUM POSSIBLE SCORE FOR THOSE ITEMS (Strayer-Engelhardt Score Card) ITEM V - SPECIAL ROOMS Maximum Fteible 3core Senior Hih 5cboo! All school buildings in Winona are extremely deficient in the item of special rooms. For sub-items making up Item V, see Appendix A. SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR WINONA n TABLE V COMPARISON OF THE DISTRIBUTION IN PER CENTS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUILDINGS OF WINONA WITH THOSE OF DULUTH AND ST. PAUL, ON THE BASIS OF THEIR ALLOTTED SCORES ON THE STRAYER- ENGELHARDT SCORE CARD Per Cent of Buildings Falling in Each loo-Point Group Scores ; Duluth St. Paul Winona 9 4 6 14 44-4 19 47 55-6 34 27 16 6 16 o o 2 301- 400 401- 500 501- 600 601- 700 701- 800 801- 900 QOF-I.OOO Total per cent 100 100 100 The majority of the elementary school buildings in Winona score lower than those in either St. Paul or Duluth. It will be seen from the above table that 100 per cent of the Winona eK-mrntary school buildings score within the 400-600 range. ANALYSIS OF SCHOOL BUILDING WEAKNESSES The scoring of the school buildings by means of a standard score card indicates in a general way the condition of the school plant of Winona. The Junior High School, Sugar Loaf, Madison Annex, Central, and Madison buildings score below the point at which buildings are usually recommended for abandonment. The Washington, Kosciusko, and Jackson score only slightly above the point at which buildings are ordinarily recommended for displacement. The low scores made by these buildings to- gether with their age, may be considered sufficient justification for the abandonment of the first five named buildings and for the abandonment of the Washington, Kosciusko, and Jackson schools as soon as the replacement of these buildings can be pro- vided for in the building program adopted. The scores of the Lincoln and Jefferson buildings are not high and, in the opinion of the Survey Committee, mean that these buildings should not be utilized in the future without extensive additions and repairs. 12 MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON The Senior High School which scores almost 150 points above any of the other school buildings in the city would be made fairly satisfactory with the addition of a gymnasium, an auditorium, and a lunch room. CHART 5 PER CENT OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUILDINGS FALLING IN EACH loo-POINT GROUP IN DULUTH, ST. PAUL, AND WINONA PerCenf of Elementary 5choob 60 301-400 401-500 501-600 601-700 701-600 601-900 901-1000 Duluth Winona This chart shows that 44.4 per cent of the elementary school buildings in Winona fall in the class usually recommended for abandonment and that the remainder of the elementary school buildings belong in the type where extensive alterations and repairs have ordinarily been found neces- sary. In order to point out in a more definite and specific way some of the more striking weaknesses of the present school plant at Winona, it is believed desirable to supplement the scoring of the buildings with a discussion of the extent to which the school buildings of Winona fall short of the standards to which modern school buildings should conform. SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR WINONA 13 ORIENTATION School building authorities recommend that buildings should be so constructed that the windows will face the following 'direc- tions, arranged in order of desirability : southeast, east, south- west, west, south, northeast, north, northwest. It was apparently a matter of chance in the construction of all the buildings in Winona, except the Senior High School, as to which direction the windows would face. If all the classrooms in Winona are con- sidered, 34.7 per cent face the three most desirable directions while 36.1 per cent face the three least desirable directions. PLAYGROUNDS Table VI shows that adequate provisions for playground space has been made in very few of the school grounds of Winona. A very conservative standard for playground area is 100 square feet per pupil. Only the Washington, Madison, and Central schools come up to this minimum standard. The Na- tional Educational Association recommends 272 square feet per pupil as a reasonable size for school grounds. If this latter standard were adopted, there would be no single playground in Winona up to standard. TABLE VI TABLE SHOWING PLAYGROUND SPACE PER CHILD ENROLLED IN THE WINONA f PUBLIC SCHOOLS, SUGAR LOAF SCHOOL NOT INCLUDED Area, Square Feet Schools of Play- ground Space i i Fhirollment 1921-22 Area, Square Feet per Child Enrolled Washington 48,000 48,150 10,000 30,828 3,750 5,ooo o o 225 288 102 379 224 352 190 489 356 2133 167.2 98. 8i-3 16.7 14.2 Central Jackson Madison and Madison Annex j Lincoln Jefferson Kosciusko Senior High Junior High 1-4 MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON BLACKBOARDS Table VII shows the facts about the height of blackboards for classrooms in different grades in Winona. According to the very liberal standards set up in this table, it is apparent that black- boards for the lower grades have been built with practically no consideration for adapting them to the pupil groups which were to use them. The blackboards in the kindergarten and first and second grade rooms are above standard height for children in those grades in every elementary school building in the city. In Grade 3, 66.7 per cent are above the standard height, and in Grade 4, 50 per cent are above standard height. TABLE VII HEIGHT OF BLACKBOARDS IN THE KINDERGARTEN AND FIRST FOUR GRADES IN WINONA Kinder- garten Grade I Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Medium height in inches.. Averrge height in inches.. Minimum height in inches. Maximum height in inches. Standard height in inches. 298 306 28 36 24-25 29-5 29 28 30 25-26 29.8 29.6 28 32 26-27 29.8 29.6 28 32 27-28 30 30.2 28 36 28-29 Per cent below standard . . Per cent standard -?? -i CQ Per cent above standard . . . 100 100 100 66.7 50. This table shows that the blackboards for the kindergarten and Grades i and 2 are above the standard height for children in those grades in all cases. In Grade 3, 66.7 per cent of the blrckboards are above the standard height, and in Grade 4, just half are too high. NATURAL LIGHTING If the scores given to the natural lighting in all the classrooms in Winona are considered, they average about 60 per cent of what the scores should be if the amount of light provided in all the classrooms were up to standard. SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR WINONA 15 In a standard classroom, the window space should be at least 20 per cent of the floor space. Table VIII shows that 83.5 per cent of all the classrooms in Winona are below this minimum standard. Tn 17.39 per cent of the classrooms the percentage is between 5 and 9, in 23.48 per cent it is between 10 and 14, and in 42.6 per cent, between 15 and 19. The relation of window area to floor area is shown graphically in Chart 6. A standard class- room should be lighted from one side, preferably the left, in order to avoid cross-lights which are a source of eye strain. Table IX shows that only 26.1 per cent of the classrooms of Winona meet this standard. In slightly over 6 per cent of the classrooms, pupils face one or more windows while they study. TABLE VI i I PER CENT OF CLASSROOMS IN KACH OF THE SCHOOL BUILDINGS OF WIXOXA THAT HAVE LESS THAN THE STANDARD RATIO OF WINDOW SPACE TO FLOOR SPACE, THE PER CENT THAT HAVE STANDARD RATIO. AND THE PER CENT THAT HAVE ABOVE STANDARD RATIO Buildings Per Cent of Classrooms Having Less Than the Standard Ratio Per Cent of Per Cent of Classrooms Classrooms Hrving Above Standard Standard Ratio Ratio Madison Annex 25 ^o 25 Jefferson 100 Junior High Senior High 70 7? c 10 20 ->Q 6 ^ Q Sugar Loaf 100 Lincoln IOO Jackson 100 Kosciusko 7O ?O 10 Central IOO Madison IOO Washington . 8s 7 14 1 *<+ o I Total 83 5 II -i e 2 In a standard classroom the window space should l:e 20 per cent of the floor space. In \Vinona 83.5 per cent of the classrooms are below this standard, 11.3 per cent reach the standard, and 5.2 per cent exceed it. In the Mrdison, Central, Jackson, Lincoln, Smrar Loaf, and Jefferson school buildings, there is no single classroom that has the standard amount of light. For a graphical representation of these facts, see Chart 6. 16 MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON TABLE IX ORIENTATION OF ROOMS IN THE WINONA SCHOOL BUILDINGS* Lighted From No. of Rooms Per Cent of Rooms Left 30 26.1 Left and rear. 56 48.7 Left, rear, and right Left and right 2 o 1-7 o Right Right and rear 4 II 34 9.6 Front 9 Front and right i 2.6 Front and left 3 2.6 Rear 3 2.6 Rear front left and right , .9 Front, left, and right I 9 Total lit; IOO *Frora information furnished by the principals of the different schools in Winona, Minnesota. Only 26.1 per cent of the classrooms in Winona are lighted from windows to the left of the pupils, which is the proper method; 3.4 pa- cent are lighted from the right ; 2.6 per cent from the rear ; 48.7 per cent from the left and rear; 9.6 per cent from the right and rear; 6.1 per cent from the front, front and right or front and left; and 3.5 per cent are lighted from three or four sides. In order to study further the natural lighting in Winona school buildings, tests were made in five school buildings with a photometer or foot candle meter. The unit of measure for the intensity of light is the foot candle. An intensity of one foot candle would mean the intensity of one standard candle on an area of one square foot at ^ distance of one foot. For class- rooms, study rooms, laboratories, and blackboards a standard of at least four foot candles would be an absolute minimum for natural lighting. Another standard that should be maintained is that the variation of illumination from one source should not be greater than 4 to I. It is desirable also that the lighting should come from one side, preferably the left, in order to avoid cross-lights which are a source of eye strain. SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR WINONA CHART 6 I UK RATIO OF WINDOW AREA TO FLOOR AREA IN THE DIFFERENT SCHOOL BUILDINGS OF WINONA Madison Annex Jeffereon Junior Hi$h School Senior High School .Sugar Loaf Lincoln JacKson K05ClU5kO Central Madbon Washington All Schools Below Standard Standard Above Standard According to accepted standards, the window area in a classroom should be 20 per cent of the floor area. In the above chart the black portion to the left represents the per cent of classrooms in which the window area is less than 20 per cent of the floor area ; the middle portion represents the number of rooms which are at standard; and the portion to the right, the per cent of rooms which are above the standard. Six of the eleven school buildings in Winona have inadequate lighting in every classroom. i8 MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON For the purpose of this survey a study was made of lighting in the classrooms of the Madison, Madison Annex, Jefferson, Junior High, and Senior High schools. The day was semi-cloudy with alternate clouds and sunshine. The study in the first two schools mentioned was made during midday; in the Junior High School between the hours of 9 and 1 1 ; and in the Senior High School during the last hour of the school day. In the Madison School the light comes from two sides. The cloakrooms are practically devoid of illumination. The percent- age which the glass area was of the floor area was less than half the standard required for normal lighting, running on the average a little less than 10 per cent for the entire building. On even the brightest day it would be impossible for these rooms to pro- vide distribution that would furnish standard daylight illumina- tion on the desks. The distribution of light in rooms of this building was about 10 to I, that is, some parts of the room were ten times as well lighted as other parts. The most poorly lighted parts of the classrooms in the Madison building averaged about 60 per cent of the minimum standard illumination and the poor- est lighting, found in any one room, was less than 40 per cent of the standard. The natural lighting in the Jefferson elementary school and Junior High School was somewhat better but was far below the standard, the average distribution being about 8 to I in the Jef- ferson School and about 10 to i in the Junior High School. In neither of these buildings was the illumination up to standard, many cases being found where the illumination on desk tops was only ( 50 per cent of the standard. The Madison Annex was not far below the standard in the amount of illumination but since the windows were on two sides of the rooms, there were strong cross-lights in every classroom. Natural lighting in the Senior High School is well arranged and for the most part adequate. Excellent distribution was found in all the rooms except those facing the court. The mechanical drawing room used by Junior High School classes was deficient in lighting for those tables most distant from windows. In the emergency sewing room the natural light was only 20 per cent of the standard. In the special room, designed for that purpose, it was about 70 per cent. SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR WINONA 19 The measurement of natural lighting in the Madison School building may be taken as typical of the Washington and Central buildings where the percentage which the window area is of the floor area runs about the same. In the Washington conditions are worse than in the Madison except in the kindergarten room and the Central is only slightly better than the Madison. The lighting in the Jefferson and the Junior High School repre- sents about the conditions found in the Sugar Loaf, Lincoln, and Kosciusko. The lack of a sufficient amount of light and the improper orientation of the classrooms constitute a real menace to the eyesight of the school children of Winona. ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING The fact that the classrooms of Winona are deficient in natural lighting makes it necessary to provide artificial light in practically all the classrooms of the city. Some provision has been made in each of the buildings but, in general, it is very in- adequate. On the basis of scores allotted, the artificial lighting is on the average only 35 per cent of standard efficiency. In the Madison building, no uniformity of methods is followed with respect to artificial lighting and the variation in distribution of rooms that were provided with artificial light was found to be very great. Only one room in this building had a distribution approaching the standard. This was Room 7 which was provided with two semidirect units with a total of 300 watts. The artificial lighting provided for the domestic science room was wholly in- adequate. The manual training room and the toilets were without artificial lighting of any kind. In the Junior High School pro- vision has been made for some sort of artificial illumination in all the rooms but no general policy seems to be followed as to type of units or as to method of illuminating. In no room, was the lighting adequate. As long as these rooms are to be used for school purposes, an adequate system of artificial lighting is neces- sary. Semidirect units with a maximum of 400 watts for the smaller classrooms and 800 watts for the larger classrooms ought to be provided. The poorest artificial lighting found in the Madison, Jeffer- son, and Junior High school buildings ran from o to I foot candle. The general conclusions which might be drawn from 20 MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON this photometric study is that the natural lighting in the older school buildings of Winona is highly inadequate and that the system of artificial lighting provided does not adequately supple- ment it. H HATING AND VENTILATION The most commonly accepted heating and ventilating system for school buildings is the direct-mechanical, that is, direct radi- ators located in each room and a mechanically furnished air sup- ply. Thermostatic control should be provided in all buildings to keep the temperature in any room at the proper degree. Each heating and ventilating system should also be equipped with effi- cient mechanical devices for keeping the air clean and supplied with the proper amount of moisture. The air should be taken in from above the roof or from a height of at least fifteen feet from the ground level. As a whole, the heating systems used in the Winona school buildings are fairly satisfactory. Nine out of the eleven build- ings have steam boilers, while two have hot air furnaces. Nearly all schools were reported by the principals as being satisfactorily heated, although it was noticed by the judges that the heat was riot evenly distributed in all rooms, some rooms being entirely too warm as compared with standard temperature. This latter con- dition is due to the fact that thermostatic control is not provided in more than about half the buildings. The ventilation in the Winona schools is less satisfactory than the heating. All except two buildings, namely, the Jackson and Sugar Loaf, are equipped with a fan for supplying the fresh air to the classrooms, but few of the buildings have a mechanical exhaust for foul air. In all except three schools, the air intake is at the ground level. In general, it may be said that the ventilat- ing systems are below standard. FIRE PROTECTION Winona buildings are very poorly protected against fire. The median score on fire protection in all schools is only 22 per cent of the standard score. The only building which may be consid- ered fireproof is the Senior High School. All the other buildings are fire traps, with wooden floors and stairways and inadequate SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR WINONA 21 facilities for lighting fire. In one building only one fire extin- guisher was provided and it had never been uncrated. The tower fire escapes, consisting of metal covered wooden stair- ways with wooden platforms leading to them, are almost worth- less and can not be relied upon in case of fire. It is impossible to make any one of the elementary school buildings in Winona perfectly safe from fire. However, those ele- mentary buildings which are not to be immediately abandoned should be adequately equipped with fire extinguishers, fire hose, fire alarm systems, fire doors, fire partitions, and as far as pos- sible, fireproof stairways. TOILETS The toilet facilities in the Winona schools are on the whole very unsatisfactory. The toilets are poorly distributed, unsani- tary, and in many instances, inadequate. Such toilets as those found in the Jackson Building inadequate, extremely unsani- tary, with wooden seats, no seclusion, and located outside the building should not be tolerated. CLOAKROOMS Cloakrooms should be under teacher control, easily accessible to the children, should provide ample space for winter wraps, and be so located as to make possible ventilation away from the class- room. They should be sufficiently large and so arranged as to avoid confusion. The hangers should be so placed as to be easily within the reach of pupils accommodated, and located so as to provide for free passage of air behind the wraps. Cloakrooms in the Winona school buildings are in general below these standards. They seem to be located wherever there is a vacant space that might be used for the purpose. Few are directly under teacher control. Many of them are located in the corridors and some are located in the basement. Since lockers are substituted for cloakrooms in the Senior High School, the facilities for taking care of wraps are satis- factory. However, these lockers should not have been located in the corridors as they now are but in separate rooms on each floor and in close connection with the study rooms and general toilets. 22 MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON SPECIAL ROOMS it has been previously pointed out that the school plant of Winona is almost entirely lacking in special rooms. It is highly desirable that even a modern elementary school building be pro- vided with special rooms which will make possible the type of administration, instruction, and care of health, which a school building should provide. It is recommended that each of the elementary school buildings constructed, in carrying out the building program outlined in this survey, contain as a minimum a combination auditorium and gymnasium, which will serve as a place for community gatherings ; a principal's office with an adja- cent book and store room ; a combination teachers' rest and lunch room ; a lunch room for pupils ; a nurse's room ; a janitor's work- room and storeroom ; and a bicycle room. The Junior High School should be provided with a large number of special rooms adapted to the administration and instructional work of a modern junior high school. In the present school plant of Winona, the offices for school officials are usually small and inadequate. There are no specially designed nurse's rooms, lunch rooms, teachers' rooms, janitor's rooms, playrooms, or studios. There are no library rooms in any of the elementary school buildings. It is recommended that no rooms be provided in the proposed new elementary schools for manual training, domestic science, or in- dustrial work. It is believed that these subjects should be offered for the first time in the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades; all pupils receiving instruction in these subjects would therefore be attending the central Junior High School. Making provision for the teaching of these subjects in a single central junior high school would be economical in that it would prevent duplication of unnecessary special rooms and special equipment. It would also make it possible to utilize the time of the manual training and domestic science teachers more fully. DRINKING AND WASHING FACILITIES The drinking and washing facilities in the Winona school buildings, though for the most part adequate, so far as numbers go, are in many instances unsanitary and inconvenient. In sev- eral of the schools, bubblers attached to the faucets on the wash- bowls serve as drinking fountains. These are undesirable both SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR WINONA 23 from the standpoint of convenience and of sanitation. The drink- ing fountains are not of the latest type, since pupils can touch their mouths directly to the metal tops of the bubblers. The best type of fountain is one so designed that children are not able to touch with their mouths the part from which the water comes. One washbowl should be provided for every fifty children. They should be located in toilet rooms, teachers' rooms, janitors' rooms, laboratories, and bathrooms, and should be provided with both hot and cold water. BATHING FACILITIES There are no bathing facilities whatever in any school build- ing in Winona. Shower baths are considered desirable in all types of school buildings. They should be provided separately for boys and girls and located so as to be easily accessible from gymnasium and playgrounds. Individual shower stalls and ad- joining dressing rooms should be provided and each medical in- spection room should have an adjacent tub bath. CONCLUSIONS 1. In this chapter it has been pointed out that the city of Winona has been inactive for many years in the construction of elementary school buildings and that her school building plant is now very inadequate from the point of view of modern health standards and modern educational needs. 2. With the exception of the Madison, Washington, and Central schools, the playground space is extremely inadequate. In view of the increasing emphasis now being given to physical training and supervised play, it would be highly desirable to pur- chase playground space around each of the school buildings, which would provide at least 100 square feet per pupil. Two or three times that much would be better. 3. With no exceptions, the elementary school buildings of Winona have an insufficient amount of window space to provide for natural lighting. The system of artificial lighting provided is inadequate. Indeed, it would hardly be possible to install any system of artificial lighting which would remedy the defects in the natural lighting of the Winona elementary school buildings. 24 MERV1N G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON 4. With the exception of the Senior High School, every school building in Winona is a fire risk to such an extent that the lives of pupils in these school buildings are in danger every minute they occupy the buildings. It is believed that no city should run the risk involved in housing pupils in buildings of such a dangerous type. 5. Very little provision has been made in any of the school buildings of Winona for special rooms. The buildings were con- structed before the standards for special rooms in school build- ings were devised. 6. It is recommended that the Madison, Central, Madison Annex, Sugar Loaf, and Junior High school buildings be aban- doned, as soon as new buildings can be constructed to provide for the children which these buildings now accommodate. 7. The Washington and Kosciusko buildings scoj*e just above the point at which school buildings are recommended for aban- donment. The Jackson, Lincoln, and Jefferson buildings would need thorough overhauling and modernizing in order to be adapted to modern educational uses. The Senior High School building scores low, largely because of the fact that it has neither a gymnasium nor an auditorium. CHAPTER II THE NUMBER OF PUPILS IN WINONA FOR WHOM SCHOOL FACILITIES SHOULD BE PROVIDED It is the purpose of this chapter to indicate briefly the present distribution of school pupils in the different elementary schools of Winona, to estimate the probable number of pupils to be pro- vided for in the future, and to recommend a districting of the city which would prove most economical and most desirable edu- cationally. Winona was a rapidly growing city from 1870 to 1890. Dur- ing the period between 1880 and 1890, the population of Winona increased 78.4 per cent, an increase more than 10 per cent greater than that of the entire state. From 1890 to 1900, the population of Winona increased 8.3 per cent. During the next ten-year period there was a decrease of 5.7 per cent, but from 1910 to 1920 there was a 3 per cent increase in total population of the city. These per cents are shown in Table X. TABLE X COMPARISON OF TREND OF POPULATION GROWTH IN MINNESOTA Ajsm WINONA OVER A PERIOD OF YEARS Population Increase over Previous Census Number* Per Cent 1920 Minnesota 2,387,125 3ii ,417 15- 1020 Winona 10,147 <6o 3- IQIO Minnesota 2,075,708 324,314 18.51 1910 Winona 18,583 j ,131 5.7 1900 Minnesota i,75i,394 441 ,111 337 I9OO Winona 10,714 T . vO'^t^^O'-'t^ON^'-iON Tj-iOTfvoioiOiOVOvO tO of of of of of of of of of of 3- R 3 a : 5 * H | - 2 U- O O 2 o oo\ O Ol VO 0< V O ^O 1 " "> i o. 0 01 01 01 OJ GO O\ O I-" Ol 1-i M 01 01 01 64 ^ 8 s 28 MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON In order to get a better basis for estimating the school popula- tion to be provided for in each of the school districts, a study was made of the distribution of students now attending school in Winona by wards and precincts as well as by school districts. In order to make this distribution fit in with the types of educa- tional organization recommended, the pupils were arranged in three groups, the first group comprising the elementary school pupils, those from the kindergarten through Grade 6; the second group, the junior high school pupils, including those from Grades 7 to 9 inclusive ; and the third group, the senior high school pupils, or Grades 10 to 12 inclusive. Table XIII is interesting in TABLE XIII NUMBER OF ELEMENTARY, JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS ATTENDING SCHOOL IN WINONA IN APRIL, 1922, BY- WARDS AND BY PRECINCTS* Elementary School Enrollment Junior High Enrollment Senior High Enrollment Total Ward I.. 670 2^n 167 1,070 Precinct i 181 76 4O 207 Precinct 2 158 47 JQ 2-1/1 Precinct j ic,2 eg 42 2C2 Precinct A 1 88 C2 46 286 Ward II 218 86 t-ai 4-jc Precinct I 117 46 cc 218 Precinct 2 26 18 1 7e Precinct j 70; 22 xc 1 42 Ward III 2Q7 IQC OI 480 Precinct I ... 00 en 32 181 Precinct 2 1 06 JQ ^6 172 Precinct 3 88 2$ 27 n6 Ward IV. Precinct Precinct i 2 36i 88 100 60 20 JQ 45 16 17 466 124 i=;6 Precinct -i CO 7 7j Precinct 4. . IQC, i 7 T j e 11 D Ward totals 1,551 484 434 2,469 * From count of spot maps furnished by the principals of each of the schools in Winona. SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR W1NONA 29 that it shows that Ward I furnishes over 43 per cent of the total public school enrollment of the city. Wards II and III furnish about 38 per cent and Ward IV, about 19 per cent of the total school population. Table XIV shows the number of pupils by school divisions in each of the elementary school districts of Winona. The tota.1 number of pupils shown in this table does not agree exactly with the totals in Table XII for the reason that it was made from spot maps furnished by the principals of the individual schools. On these maps, the principals indicated the exact location of each pupil now attending school in the city of Winona. This fact, however, does not interfere with the purpose for which Table XIV is used. TABLE XIV NUMBER OF ELEMENTARY, JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS ATTENDING SCHOOL IN WINONA, IN APRIL, 1922, BY PRESENT SCHOOL DISTRICTS* Districts Elementary School Enrollment Junior High Enrollment Senior High Enrollment Total Jefferson 270 104 40 432 Madison 322 104 118 C44 Lincoln 208 C7 -in 3O4 Central . .... 215 00 126 440 Washington 130 41 40 220 Jackson 155 C2 41 248 Kosciusko 107 27 18 242 Sugar Loaf 36 7 30 Total I ^1 484 434 2 460 * From a spot map count of the location of pupils furnished by the school principals. ESTIMATE OF POPULATION INCREASE In order to estimate the probable number of pupils to be provided for in any school building program now undertaken, it was believed necessary to estimate the population up to the year 1940. This period of time is not too long because it is well within the life of any new building constructed at this time and is 30 MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON within the life of permanent improvements which might be rec- ommended for making any of the present school buildings of Winona meet, in so far as possible, modern school building stand- ards. The estimate of the city population made for 1940 is be- lieved to be a very conservative one. It assumes that Winona will continue to grow slowly very much as it has during the past ten years. The population figures for 1930 and 1940 were determined by continuing the general population trend in each of the wards of the city, except in Ward IV where it is not believed that there will be much further decrease in population. TABLE XV POPULATION OF WINONA, BY WARDS AS SHOWN BY CENSUS RETURNS IN 1910 AND 1920 WITH ESTIMATES OF POPULATION IN 1930 AND 1940 Wards 1910 i 1920 ! 1930 1940 I 5,604 6,121 6,683 7,294 II 3,549 3,828 4J30 4,456 III 3,704 3,777 3,853 3,930 IV 5,726 5,417 5,200 i 5,200 Total 18,583 I9J43 19,866 20,880 This estimate of the population trend in Winona assumes that each of the wards will continue the trend shown during the ten years between 1910 and 1920, except in Ward IV where it is estimated that there will be very little further decrease in population. Table XV shows the United States census population figures for each of the four wards in 1910 and 1920 and the estimates of the population in these wards for 1930 and 1940. It is esti- mated that the total population of the city will be 20,880 by 1940. The trend of population for the entire city as shown by the United States census figures, and the estimated trend from 1920 to 1040 are represented graphically in Chart /. SCHOOL Hl'ILDlNG PROGRAM FOR WINONA 31 CHART 7 TREND OF POPULATION IN WINONA FROM 1880 TO 1920 AS SHOWN BY THE UNITED STATES CENSUS REPORTS, AND ESTIMATED TREND FROM 1920 TO 1940 5,000 eo,ooo 15,000 10,000 5,000 1880 1690 1900 1910 190 1950 1940 This chart shows that, after the rapid period of growth from 1870 to 1890 and the slight decrease from 1900 to 1910, Winona has probably settled down to a slow and steady growth. It is estimated that by 1940 the population will be almost 21,000. 32 MERV1N G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON NUMBER OF PUPILS TO BE PROVIDED FOR BY 1940 It was next considered desirable to estimate the total number of public school pupils to be provided for out of this popula- tion of 20,880. This was done by estimating the per cent which the school population would be of the total population at that time. In 1910 the school population of Winona was 13.2 per cent of the total population. By 1920 this figure had increased to 13.7 per cent. It was estimated that by 1940 the school popula- tion would be approximately 15 per cent of the total population. On this basis, out of the total population of 20,880, there would be 3,132 public school pupils for whom building facilities should be provided. In order to tell the kind of building facilities that ought to be provided for these 3,132 pupils, it is necessary to make some estimate of the number of pupils who will attend the ele- mentary school, the number who will have to be cared for in the Junior High School, and the number who will attend Senior High School. As a basis for making this division, Tables XVI and XVII are inserted. The first of these tables shows the number of pupils in the kindergarten and in Grades i to 6, in Grades 7 to 9, and in Grades 10 to 12, by years from 1912 to 1922; and the second one shows the per cent of the total school enrollment found in each of the school divisions. TABLE XVI ENROLLMENT BY SCHOOL DIVISIONS IN WINONA FROM 1912 TO 1922 Year Kinder- garten Grades 1-6 Grades 7-9 Grades 10-12 Total IQI2-I? 189 1,432 534 311 2,466 1913-14 1914-15 ioi5-i6 230 205 240 1,441 1,419 1,393 546 542 ^63 325 309 370 2,542 2,475 2,566 1916-17 . 206 1,395 558 354 2,513 I0l7-l8 23T i. 410 576 ICQ 2 578 1018-10 262 1,392 573 368 2 ZQZ 1919-20 1920-21 273 258 1,389 1,388 561 553 398 415 2,621 2 614 1021-22 . 203 1,349 .5.56 489 2.507 SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR W 1 NONA 33 TABLE XVII PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF ENROLLMENT BY SCHOOL DIVISIONS IN WINONA FROM 1912 TO 1922 Year Kinder- garten Grades 1-6 Grades 7-9 Grades IO-I2 Total IQI2-I^ 7 7 58 21 7 126 IOO IQI VI4 ... 9 56.7 21.5 12.8 IOO IOI4-IC 1 8.3 C7.7 21 O 12 5 IOO 1015-16 . 9-3 54.-? 22 14.4 IOO IOl6-I7 82 cc c 22 2 MI IOO 1017-18 . 9 54.7 22.3 14 IOO 1018-10 10 c? 7 22 I 14 2 IOO IQIQ-2O 10.4 51 21.4 15 2 IOO 1920-21 9.9 53 21. 1 16 IOO 1921-22 7.8 51 n 21.4 18.0 IOO One of the most striking facts revealed in Table XVII is the large and increasing percentage of the school population which is enrolled in the senior high school grades. Ten per cent is con- sidered a high proportion to have enrolled in Grades 10, u, and 12. In Winona the percentage was 18.9 for the year 1921-22. Another striking fact is that there has been no increase in the percentage of pupils enrolled in the junior high school grades. This is undoubtedly due to the fact that no provision has been made in the junior high school for the seventh grade and to the further fact that the eighth and ninth grade pupils have been housed in a building which is in practically every way inadequate for the needs of a modern junior high school. There has been some decrease in the percentage of pupils enrolled in Grades i to 6 due largely to an increased percentage of pupils enrolling in the senior high school years. After a careful study of Tables XVI and XVII, it is estimated that by 1940, 58 per cent of the total school enrollment will be found in the kindergarten and elementary school grades that is, from the kindergarten through Grade 6 ; that 24 per cent will be enrolled in the junior high school that is, Grades 7 to 9 ; and that 1 8 per cent of the total school enrollment will be in Grades 10, n, and 12. On the basis of these percentages, it is estimated that the 3,132 pupils who may attend the public schools of Winona 34 MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON by 1940 will be divided among the three school divisions as fol- lows : kindergarten and elementary schools, 1,816; junior high school, 752 ; senior high school, 564. It is also estimated that provision will need to be made for at least 50 additional high school pupils who may attend from outside the Winona school district. SUGGESTED REDISTRICTING Before estimating the number of elementary school pupils to be provided for in each school district, it is desirable to make certain recommendations with respect to the rearrangement of the elementary school districts. It is recommended that the Washington and Kosciusko school districts be combined as soon as these buildings are replaced. It is recommended that the boundary line of this single district be Laird Street on the west. It is recommended further that the Central School district be enlarged by including in it the portion of the Jackson School dis- trict west of Laird Street. It is recommended also that the Sugar Loaf School building be abandoned and that the pupils from this school be transported either to the Washington or the Kosciusko School until such time as these buildings are replaced. In that event the pupils should be transported to the building which replaces the Washington and Kosciusko. It is recom- mended that other elementary school boundary lines be left as they are. This recommended change in the boundary lines of these school districts will be discussed in detail in Chapter III of this report. Table XVIII shows the number of elementary school pupils, junior high school pupils, and senior high school pupils now residing within each of the proposed districts. By 1940 it is estimated that the following school enrollment in each of these elementary school districts will need to be pro- vided for Washington-Kosciusko, 475 ; Central, 330 ; Madison, 400; Lincoln, 260; Jefferson, 350. Elementary school buildings should then be provided in the school building program adopted which would care for the number of pupils indicated above in each of the proposed districts. The Junior High School building should be constructed so as to provide for approximately 750 pupils. SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR WINONA 35 TABLE XVIII NUMBER" OF ELEMENTARY, JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS ATTENDING SCHOOL IN WINONA IN APRIL, 1922, BY PROPOSED SCHOOL DISTRICTS* ; Elementary Junior Senior Districts School High High Total Enrollment Enrollment Enrollment j Washington- Kosciuskof 456 85 69 610 Central^ 286 134 159 579 Madison 322 104 118 544 Lincoln 208 57 39 304 Jefferson 279 104 49 4^2 Total i 551 484 474 2,469 * As determined 'from spot maps furnished by the school principals. t Includes the elementary school pupils from the Sugar Loaf district and that portion of the Jackson bounded by Wabasha Street on the north and Laird Street on the east. t Includes that portion of the Jackson School district west of Laird Street. SUMMARY 1. It is recommended that the building program, undertaken at the present time, take into consideration the possible number of pupils to be accommodated in the different school divisions of Winona up to 1940. 2. It is estimated that by 1940 provision will need to be made for approximately 1,816 kindergarten and elementary school pupils, 752 junior high school pupils, and 564 -senior high school pupils. 3. It is recommended that a rearrangement of the elementary school districts in Winona be made, so that the Sugar Loaf and Jackson school buildings will be abandoned, and so that the Washington and Kosciusko districts will be combined. This will mean that the Washington-Kosciusko district would provide for the elementary school pupils now enrolled in those schools and also for those now enrolled in the Sugar Loaf School. It is recommended that the portion of the Jackson School district east of Laird Street be annexed to the Washington-Kosciusko district and that the portion west of Laird Street be annexed to the Central School district. 36 MERLIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON 4. With the district lines rearranged according to this plan, it is estimated that by 1940 the following numbers of elementary school pupils would need to be provided for in these districts : Washington-Kosciusko, 475; Central, 330; Madison, 400; Lin- coln, 260; Jefferson, 350. 5. It is recommended that the capacity of the elementary school buildings planned for these districts be as above indicated. 6. It is recommended that a single junior high school building be erected with accommodations for 750 pupils. It is recom- mended that provision be made for approximately 600 senior high school students. With the addition of a gymnasium and an audi- torium, it is believed that the present high school building will accommodate that number of students with careful planning of the daily schedule. CHAPTER III THE PROPOSED SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR WINONA In Chapter 1. it was pointed out that on the basis of the scores allotted to the Junior High, Sugar Loaf, Madison Annex, and Madison school buildings, they should be recommended for replacement in the immediate future. In addition to the building scores, information was presented about each of these buildings, showing that they were unsafe, unhealthful, and not adapted to the needs of modern education. It was also shown that the Washington and the Kosciusko buildings score only slightly above the point where buildings are usually recommended for abandon- ment. Evidence was also presented which showed 7 that the Lin- coln and the Jefferson schools need to undergo very extensive general overhauling and repairing before! they may be considered satisfactory for school use. In Chapter II, studies of the popula- tion and school enrollment were presented and suggestions rela- tive to a rearrangement of school districts were made. It was estimated that by 1940 provision should be made for about 600 senior high school pupils (Grades 10 to 12), 752 junior high school pupils (Grades / to 9), 1,816 elementary school pupils (kindergarten to Grade 6). In this chapter it is desired to utilize these facts and some others in recommending a building program to the Board of Education and citizens of Winona. THE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL It is recommended that the present Junior High School build- ing be abandoned and that a single building be constructed to take care of the total junior high school enrollment in Grades 7, 8, and 9 of the entire city. It is estimated that the enrollment in these grades will reach 752 by 1940 and it is recommended that the building be planned and built to accommodate that number. Many cities are now building junior high school buildings on sites of from seven to ten acres or more. The necessity for play space and athletic fields has been one of the chief factors in the selection of such sites. On account of the peculiar arrangement 38 MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON of the city of Winona, however, it is not recommended that the building be located on a site of this size. To get such a site would necessitate locating the building far from the center of the city or paying what would be practically a prohibitive price for three or four blocks of improved property. It is therefore recom- mended that a single block of land be purchased, if possible, near the present Junior High School site. It is strongly recommended that a single junior high school building be erected. The city of Winona is not so long but that the great majority of the pupils would live within a reasonable distance of a building constructed near the present Junior High School building site. School building authorities set a mile and a half as a reasonable maximum radius for a junior high school dis- trict. Figure I shows that a circle drawn from the corner of Winona Street and Broadway, with a radius of one and one- half miles includes all but fourteen of the junior high school students in Winona (seventh, eighth, and ninth grade pupils 1 I L L L. FIGURE 1 Distribution 'Of Junior High School pupils , Wmon*. Seventh eighth and ninth grades included. This map shows that all bat fourteen pupils are included within a one -and -one- LI f m,\e radius pom the corner o f Winona St and Broadway A one-and-onc-hal f mile radius is considered * ramble maximum for a Junior t%h School District SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR WINONA .39 included). The distance is not too great to have a single build- ing. The strongest argument for a single building, however, lies in the fact that it would be financially and educationally much more economical to have a single junior high school building than to. have this work divided between two buildings. It would be financially economical to have the single building because duplicate provision would not have to be made for laboratories and shops. A single junior high school principal could supervise the school. Duplication of expensive equipment would be avoided. The larger grouping of pupils in a single school would make possible a more economical grouping of pupils into class units. It would be educationally more economical because it would make it possible to have the junior high school separate from the elementary schools. This has always been found de- sirable educationally. In the second place, it would make pos- sible a better classification of pupils, and thirdly, it would make possible greater specialization on the part of teachers. Between the site of the present Senior High School and that chosen for the proposed junior high school, it is recommended that a combined gymnasium and auditorium building be con- structed which will be large enough to care for the needs of both the Junior and the Senior High School pupils. . An audi- torium and gymnasium, thus located, could be made to serve the needs of both schools and would be a splendid community asset. THE CENTRAL SCHOOL It is recommended that this building be replaced by a modern elementary school building to care for the kindergarten and Grades i to 6, inclusive. It is recommended that the present boundary line of the Central district be changed so as to include all those pupils in the Jackson School district west of Laird Street. It is recommended that the capacity of this building be 350 pupils. THE MADISON SCHOOL It is recommended that the Madison Annex and the Madison elementary school buildings be replaced by a modern elementary school building erected on the same site to care for an ultimate enrollment of 400 kindergarten and elementary school pupils. 40 MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEl/ERSON THE SUGAR LOAF BUILDING It is recommended that this building be abandoned and that the pupils now attending this school be transported to the other elementary schools. This change may be justified on the ground that the school building is very inadequate, scoring only 420 out of a possible 1,000 points. This score is below the point at which schools are usually recommended for abandonment. In the sec- ond place, the pupils attending this school could be much more efficiently cared for if they were transported to one of the ele- mentary schools in the city proper. The expense of the trans- portation would certainly be no greater than the expense of main- taining the present school building and paying salaries of teachers whose time might be saved if these forty-two pupils might be distributed among grades of one or more of the present elemen- tary schools. A study of the enrollment by classes indicates that there is now room in the classes of several buildings for the few pupils who attend the Sugar Loaf School. THE JEFFERSON SCHOOL BUILDING The following recommendations are made with respect to the Jefferson building : 1. A competent architect should be employed to make plans and estimates for thoroughly overhauling and modernizing this building. 2. The remainder of the block on which this building stand- should be purchased for playground purposes. 3. A combination gymnasium and auditorium should be added to this building so that it may be used for community purposes. 4. As a part of the overhauling of this building, the natural lighting should be improved ; an adequate system of artificial lighting should be installed ; the basement and stairways should be rearranged and made fireproof ; the arrangement of the toilets should be made modern ; and the heating plant should, if possible, be moved from under the present building. 5. Toilets and washing facilities should be provided in the kindergarten room. SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR WINONA 41 THE LINCOLN SCHOOL BUILDING Practically the same recommendations are made with respect to the Lincoln building as were made with respect to the Jeffer- son. An architect should make estimates and draw plans for modernizing this building. Since there is practically no play- ground space, it is recommended that the rest of the block be bought for that purpose. In modernizing the building, the fol- lowing points should be considered : 1. The classroom windows are four feet from the floor on one side of the rooms and about eight feet from the floor in the rear. This gives a sort of prison-like appearance to the rooms in which the elementary grades are located since the bottoms of the windows are in some cases nearly two feet above the tops of the desks. 2. The fresh air for this building should be taken in from at least fifteen feet above the ground level and preferably from the top of the building. 3. The basement and the storerooms in the basement should be made fireproof, and the heating plant should be moved from under the building, if possible. 4. The stairways and corridors should be rearranged and the stairways should be made fireproof. 5. An adequate system of artificial lighting should be installed. 6. The toilet system should be thoroughly modernized. Wash- bowl and toilets should be provided in the kindergarten room. THE JACKSON SCHOOL It is recommended that the Jackson building be abandoned and the pupils west of Laird Street be sent to the proposed new Central School. Those to the east of Laird Street might be cared for in either the Central or the Kosciusko until such time as a single elementary school building is constructed to take the place of the Washington and Kosciusko buildings. After the construc- tion of this building, the pupils east of Laird Street should be ac- commodated in it. If a location for this proposed building could be secured about halfway between the Washington and Kosciusko buildings, no child in the Jackson district, as it is now constituted, would be outside of a circle drawn with a one-half mile radius from one or the other of these elementary schools. 42 MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON THE WASHINGTON AND KOSCIUSKO SCHOOLS It is recommended that as the last step in this building pro- gram a single elementary school building be constructed approxi- mately midway between the Washington and Kosciusko buildings to take care of all the kindergarten and elementary school enroll- ment (Grades I to 6) in both districts, and that additional provi- sion be made for caring for the children who would be trans- ported from the Sugar Loaf district as well as those east of Laird Street in the Jackson district. The estimated number of pupils to be cared for in this building is 475. A site could be chosen for such a building so that practically every pupil in the district would live within a half-mile radius of the school. WOULD SUCH A CONSOLIDATION PLAN BE REASONABLE? Figure 2 is an outline map of the city of Winona with the present school districts sketched in, in heavy black ink lines. Circles were drawn on the map with a radius of one-half mile, using the present school buildings as centers. This map is interest- ing because it shows the enormous amount of overlapping of elementary school districts when a very reasonable standard of one-half mile radius for each is taken. The overlapping is greatest in the case of the Central. Washington, Kosciusko, and Jackson school districts. There are certain blocks where pupils are within one-half mile of either of these four school buildings. The circle with the cross lines drawn on the map has a one-half mile radius and its center is located at about the point where the building recommended to replace the Washington and Kosciusko school buildings should be built. If this proposed building were located as shown on this map, there would be only seven elementary pupils from the Washington and Kosciusko districts left outside of the one-half mile radius. In no case would any one of these seven pupils be more than one block outside of the radius named. Figure 3 shows the redistricting plan recommended. The dots on this map indicate the pupils who would be outside the circles with one-half mile radii under the proposed plan of districting. The largest number of pupils who would live more than one-half mile from SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR WIN ON A 43 the elementary school would be found in the western part of town. In the vicinity of the point where the boundary line be- tween the Madison and Central school districts meets the Missis- sippi River, there are about seven pupils who are without a one- half mile radius. In the Jefferson School district, there are twenty-nine elementary school pupils in the extreme western part who are outside of a one-half mile radius from that school. -Twk-T" T&e.smill black circles are drd-n witk nin of one fcalf m.le.lKej show the grt\ amount of overUfp'mg between these areas for the different ckwm- tary schools. Some of the pupils m the Jackson district are within one. Wf wile Of four elementary school buddings, lite circ\c with the cross lines iSorawn to sViow tdat a\\ the e\ewe?itaTy pupils m Hie Washington and Kosciusko s, except seven, would be mcludei ma circle of half w'.le radius drawi\'' point between those 't*o buildings. j I *The cross hatched square indicates the approximate location recommended for the budding to replace, the Washington and KosciusVo buildings- ADVANTAGES OF CONSOLIDATION The inclusion of such a consolidation in the Winona build- ing program would be a long step in the direction of economy for the following reasons : 44 MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON 1. The small building makes it impossible to secure the highest type of supervisory service from the principals because the cost of employing a high type of principal for a six- or an eight-room building is prohibitive. 2. It is impossible to make provision for the right sort of instructional and recreational facilities where the small building idea is prevalent. Gymnasiums, playrooms, lunch rooms, lunch service, playground equip- ment, shower baths, bicycle rooms, auditorium, motion picture equipment, teachers' rest rooms, etc., would be too expensive in small school buildings. In large school buildings, they may be provided without greatly increas- ing the per capita cost. 3. With a number of small school buildings, it is impossible to utilize the services of special teachers of art, music, physical training, manual training, home economics, etc., without a great waste of time in having teachers walk or ride from one building to another. Moreover, special teachers who come into a building for a brief period do not have the influence of teachers who remain for a longer period of time and who are available for consultations with students and teachers. 4. In small school buildings, it is impossible to put into practice a sound policy of grouping pupils according to their special abilities. FIGURES Pfoposd redistmtiHj prYfiMU. The plan invoWs tke" abutment c f "~! the Jackson scUl and ike consolidation f tk Vlfedii^tw and Kosciusko scWs.Thc dots \ skiM> the pupils wko wrould be ouU'idk tke talf tmle wdii . ITI no USE ire pupils o 55 i 'Sj oo " w * ^J * u '3 ^ H tx oo M o >o oo IO 00 -t oo 1 oo * ON c tAl a Oi a U - ^ - o 1 .S c ; J3 rt Z T3 y. JJ o 00 ON q 0_ o I o cb^ I 1 1 (/) ^ g J3 ^ M N o ..J 1 ^ IO ^ (^ 00 y. ~* NO _, o oo M c _) M o ON u< tx -r ON tx 2 r^ o\ 00 "~* X trt ON Z M M OO f^ ^O ON ^ ^ T ~"J 3 j 10 0> I NO CNJ, ^ CJ; cd o oo oo CO ~ jn 9 * O ^"1 ON N " ' ON .0 OO 10 NO Jc in ON N NO _ J^ ^ 00 n 04 00 oc oo H C* ^ -J" _" fo O*i y. K *rt bo "^ W c rt c .H o o ^ W o C | G Brainer Crookst Faribau a b tei Mankat Owaton 13 vyuv* 22,222,000 Cairo, Illinois 4,203 60 7,005,000 Clinton Iowa 3,120 2S 12,480,000 Eau Claire, Wisconsin. 13,811 J 67 20,6l3,OOO Freeport Illinois c C47 77 l6,64I,OOO Galesburg, Illinois .... J*OTY 7,535 oo 33 22,605,000 Kankakee, Illinois 4,533 33 13,599,000 Keokuk, Iowa 3,145 23 13,672,000 Logansport, Indiana. . . 10,247 50 20,494,000 Ottumwa, Iowa 5,265 25 21,060.000 Richmond, Indiana.... 17,809 59 35,618,000 Streator, Illinois 3,100 20 15,500,000 Winona, Minnesota... 7,499 40 18,624,000 Basic data, with the exception of those for Winona, from Bonner, H. R., Statistics of City School System, 1917-18, pp. 468-77. Figures for Winona arc from Minnesota State High School Inspector's Report.. 1917-18. MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERS ON TABLE XXV REAL WEALTH PER CAPITA OF FOURTEEN MISSISSIPPI VALLEY CITIES OF ABOUT THE SAME POPULATION AS WINONA. DATA FOR 1917-18 City Real Wealth per Capita 1. Alton, Illinois 2. Richmond, Indiana , 3. Appleton, Wisconsin.... 4. Streator, Illinois 5. Eau Claire, Wisconsin.. 6. Winona, Minnesota 7. Galesburg, Illinois 8. Keokuk, Iowa 9. Logansport, Indiana 10. Ottumwa, Iowa 11. Freeport, Illinois 12. Kankakee, Illinois 13. Clinton, Iowa 14. Cairo, Illinois $1,374 ,048 986 962 948 948 947 911 846 811 5i6 461 Winona stands above the middle city in amount of wealth per capita. TABLE XXVI REAL WEALTH PER CHILD IN AVERAGE DAILY ATTENDANCE IN FOURTEEN MISSISSIPPI VALLEY CITIES OF ABOUT THE SAME POPULATION AS WINONA. DATA FOR 1917-18 City 1. Alton, Illinois 2. Richmond, Indiana... 3. Streator, Illinois 4. Appleton, Wisconsin.. 5. Winona, Minnesota.. 6. Eau Claire, Wisconsin 7. Keokuk, Iowa 8. Galesburg, Illinois 9. Freeport, Illinois 10. Logansport, Indiana. . n. Kankakee, Illinois. . . . 12. Clinton, Iowa , 13. Ottumwa, Iowa 14. Cairo, Illinois Real-Wealth per Child in Average Daily Attendance at School $11,708 10,728 9,209 8.828 8,423 8,131 7,i3i 6,447 6,373 5,994 5,506 5,221 5,107 3,532 Winona stands high in wealth behind each child in attendance at school. SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR WINONA 53 CHART 8 REAL WEALTH PER CHILD IN AVERAGE DAILY ATTENDANCE IN WINONA AND THIRTEEN COMPARABLE CITIES Real Wealth P^r Child *njoe City Alton ,111. Richmond, Ind 10, 726 3traoror.Ill. 9,209 Appicton, wb. e.asa WINONA. MINN. 8,423 Eau Claire, Wb. 6,131 KeokuK.Iowa 7,131 Galesburg, 111. 6,447 freeporr, 111. 6,373 Lo^nspor)-, Ind. 3,994 Konkakeejll. 5,506 Clinton, Iowa 5,221 Orrumwa, Iowa 5,107 Cairo, 1 11. 3,53 The cities compared in this figure are all in the middle west and have had approximately the same rate of growth as Winona. Compared with these cities, Winona ranks high in wealth per child to be educated. Table XXVII compares Winona with other Minnesota cities. Winona ranks fourth in per capita assessed valuation of real estate and personal property. Since the ratio of assessed valua- tion to true valuation is the same throughout the state, it is possible to compare the wealth of these cities by studying the assessed valuations. The per capita assessed valuation in Winona is $461. The middle Minnesota city has $435.50. It is evident thai Winona has more wealth than the average Minnesota city. 54 MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON In addition to the above showing of wealth, Winona has about nine million dollars in moneys and credits which is taxed at $3 a thousand all over the state. One third of the money raised by this tax goes to the school district. During the fiscal year, end- ing March 31, 1922, the Winona school district received $9,954.61 from this source. Table XXVIII shows that Winona has a de- cidedly higher per capita valuation of moneys and credits than any of the Minnesota cities with which it seems fair to make comparisons. She has nearly six times the per capita valuation in moneys and credits of the lowest city in this group and more than three times the per capita valuation of the middle city. Bond dealers and others, who ought to know, state it as their opinion that Winona has proportionally more wealth in moneys and credits than other cities of the state, with the possible exception of Duluth. We must conclude, then, that Winona has even more wealth than her neighbors. She has not failed to build schools because she is poor. Due to her large wealth and lack of a build- ing program in past years, her tax rate has consistently been last TABLE XXVII ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY AND THE ASSESSED VALUATION PER CAPITA IN TEN MINNESOTA CITIES WHICH HAVE GKOWN IN POPULATION AT ABOUT THE SAME RATE AS WINONA AND ARE OF ABOUT THE SAME TYPE* City Assessed Valua- tion Real and Per- sonal Property Assessed Valuation Real and Personal Property per Capita Mankato $7 2^6 22Q $582 Red Wing...., Owatonna 4,721,852 3,551,104 546 489 Winona 9 012 716 46l Moorhead Willmar 2,513,070 2 ^48 60 1 439 4^2 Fergus Falls 2 80 3 042 381 Faribault 4,Il6,420 371 Crookston 2,507,907 * 307 Brainerd 3 024 3S4 3IC * Minnesota State High School Inspector's Report, 1921. Compared with Minnesota cities, Winona is above the average in wealth per capita. SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR WINONA 55 or next to last in the group of cities studied. For a long time her people have had a very light tax load on account of their schools. They should not complain of heavy taxes if the rate is considerably increased in the next few years. Table XXIX presents the facts upon which the above assertion is based. TABLE XXVIII TOTAL AND PER CAPITA WEALTH IN MONEYS AND CREDITS OF WINONA AND EIGHT OTHER COMPARABLE MINNESOTA CITIES* City Total Wealth in Moneys and Credits Per Capita Wealth in Moneys and Credits Winona $8 OOI 321 $460 60 Red Wing 3,436,870 397.92 Mankato I 742 468 1 30 74 Fergus Falls 1,608,956 212 23 Faribault I 580 2IO 142 =;o Owatoima not: 6^ I 37.29 Crookston Q48 I^d 1^8 02 Willmar Q346l7 158.62 Brainerd 748,207 78.01 * Figures fiom State Tax Commission. Winona is far in the lead of other Minnesota cities in both total and per capita amount of moneys and credits. She has over three times as much per capita in moneys and credits as the median of the Minnesota cities listed in this table. TABLE XXIX Tin: TAX LEVY IN MILLS FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES BY YEARS* City 1920 1919 1917 I9l6 1914 1913 1909 Brainerd Crookston . .... 31-4 36.1 27-9 32.3 19-35 27.5 16.73 25.6 19.75 26.80 17.71 30.10 18.29 23.0 Faribault Fergus Falls . . . 384 31.6 33-1 30.8 23-0 25.0 19.2 22.3 I2.I 14.3 12.2 178 12.4 21.8 Mankato 23 O 23 I4.O 13.7 II.O IOO io*.5 Owatoima Red Wing 510 2675 30.45 19.2 21.8 17.0 182 12.8 I6. 5 10.0 15.0 11.7 12.0 8-3 Winona 18.71 18.07 13.0 15.93 II.O II 9.0 Median 31-5 292 20.1 17.5 13.2 13.6 12.2 Minnesota State High School Inspector's Reports. 1909-20. 56 MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON SCHOOL AND CITY TAX RATES It has been pointed out in this chapter that Winona ranks high in wealth per inhabitant and in wealth per child enrolled in school. It has also been shown that Winona has the smallest per capita debt of a group of comparable Minnesota cities. It was further shown that during the past eighteen years Winona has made a decidedly smaller expenditure per inhabitant for school purposes and improvements than any other of this group of Minnesota cities. It would be interesting to know whether or not Winona is displaying the same extremely conservative attitude in taxation for municipal purposes which she displays in taxation for school support. Do the schools get their fair share of the money raised by taxation ? The answer to this question is found in Table XXX and Chart 9. In Winona the major portion of the money raised by local taxation has been devoted to municipal purposes. Of all the Minnesota cities listed in Table XXX, Winona has the high- est tax rate for city purposes. In tax rate for school purposes, TABLE XXX RELATIVE MUNICIPAL AND EDUCATIONAL EFFORT AS EXPRESSED IN TAX RATE IN MILLS OF WINONA AND EIGHT OTHER COMPARABLE MINNESOTA CITIES, 1921-22 City City and Village Tax City Rate in Mills* School District Tax Rate in Mills Winona 35 34 Owatonna AC. I? Red Wing 32 80 Brainerd 44 00 Faribault 31 47 Faribault 3928 Crookston 2900 Willmar 384Q Mankato 27 10 Mankato ^8OO Fergus Falls Brainerd 25.50 Crookston 23 50 Fergus Falls 3470 -27-20 Willmar 20 19 ' Winona 27 69 Owatonna 19.02 i Red W r ing 24.20 . * From figures compiled by State Tax Commission. Of the cities shown, Winona has the largest tax rate for municipal purposes and next to the smallest tax rate for education. Winona and Red Wing are the only cities with a school tax smaller than the municipal tax. SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR WINONA 57 CHART 9 RELATIVE MUNICIPAL AND EDUCATIONAL EFFORT AS EXPRESSED IN TAX RATE IN MILLS, OF WINONA AND EIGHT OTHER COM- PARABLE MINNESOTA CITIES, 1321-22 City WINONA Red Wing Faribaulr Crooteton Mankato Fergus falb Bra i nerd Will mar Owatonna City Owotonna Brainerd faribaulr Willmar Mankato Crookston Fergus Falb WINONA Red Wing City Village Tax Rate, Milb School Di5tricr Tax Levy, Mil b in comparison with other cities, Winona underemphasizes taxation for school purposes. Winona ranks highest in tax rate for municipal functions and next to the lowest in tax rate for school purposes. Although all other cities, except one, had a school tax rate from 5.7 to 26.3 mills greater than the municipal tax rate, Winona's school rate was 7.6 mills lower. 58 MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEfERSON Winona ranks next to the last. With two exceptions, all* cities listed in this table have a much higher tax rate for education than for municipal purposes. Winona's tax rate for schools is almost 8 mills lower than her tax rate for city purpose;-. CAN WINONA FINANCE A $1,150,000 BUILDING PROGRAM? In Chapter III, it was estimated that the approximate cost of the building program recommended for Winona, including the purchase of the necessary land and expenditures for equip- ping the buildings, would be about $1,150,000. How will the bonding of the city for this amount affect the tax rate? Can Winona carry this debt without placing an unduly heavy burden, on the taxpayers of the city ? Allowing for a reasonable increase in the valuation of taxable property, calculations show that Winona could retire a bond issue of $1,150,000 in thirty years with an average yearly increase of 8 mills over her present school levy. The total tax levy for school purposes in Winona was 28.69 mills for the school year 192 1-22. * A levy of 8 mills added to this would make a total of 36.69 mills. Would this be an unrea- sonable tax levy as compared with other Minnesota towns and cities ? Reports on file in the office of the state superintendent of public instruction show that it would not. In Table XXXI, the total school levies of twenty-eight Minnesota towns and cities are given. If Winona should add to her present total school levy the additional 8 mills required to retire a bond issue of $1,150,000 in thirty years, she would still have a lower levy than any of these twenty-eight cities had during the school year 1921-22. SUMMARY 1. Compared with nine other comparable Minnesota cities, Winona ranks last in per capita bonded indebtedness for schools. Winona has a per capita debt of only $10.50 whereas the median per capita indebtedness for these cities is $27.65. 2. Compared with seven other Minnesota cities as to per capita yearly expenditures for land, new buildings, and school 1 From report on file in the office of the state superintendent of public instruc- tion. This figure is one mill greater than the levy, quoted above, from the State Tax Commission. This difference is doubtless due to the inclusion of the state one-mill levy in the report to the state superintendent. SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR WINONA equipment for a period of years, ranging from 1904 to 1921, Winona stands at the foot of the list with only $0.56 per in- habitant per year, whereas the median for these cities is $1.65. 3. In a list of fourteen Mississippi Valley cities of approxi- mately Winona's population and general characteristics^ Winona ranks sixth in per capita wealth. In a list of ten Minnesota cities TABLE XXXI . TOTAL SCHOOL TAX LEVIES IN CERTAIN MINNESOTA TOWNS AND CITIES FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR, 1921-22* City- Total I School Levy in Mills Grand Forks . rf 94 Montevideo 75 Bemidji 64.9 Moorhead 57-5 Little Falls 56.6 Lanesboro 55 Mantorville 498 Park Rapids 48.3 Wabasha 47 7 Two Harbors 46.28 Owatonna 45-33 Alexandria 44-92 Brainerd 44 Breckenridge 42-45 Albert Lea , 42 I Austin ; 41-93 St. James | 419 Lake City j 41 87 Olivia 39-9 Faribault : 39-3 Morris 39 Willmar j 38.5 Northficlcl 38.4 Pipcstone 38.3 Mankato 38 St. Cloud I 37-1 Stillwater j 36.8 Winona (Present levy and proposed additional 8-mill levy ' ; for bonds) 36.69 * From reports on file in the office of the state superintendent of public instruc 60 MERV1N G. NEALE AND SIGURD. B. SEVERSON which have grown in population at almost the same rate as Winona, she ranks fourth in per capita wealth. 4. In the list of fourteen Mississippi Valley cities, referred to above, Winona ranks fifth in wealth per pupil in average daily attendance. Winona, therefore, ranks high as to the amount of wealth behind each child attending school. 5. Winona could retire a bond issue for school buildings, amounting to $1,150,000 in thirty years with an addition of 8 mills to her present school levy. APPENDIX A SCORE CARD FOR CITY SCHOOL BUILDINGS 1 SCORE OF BUILDING I. SITE A. Location 1. Accessibility 2. Environment B. Drainage 1. Elevation 2. Nature of soil C. Size and Form II. BUILDING A. Placement 1. Orientation 2. Position on site B. Gross Structure 1 . Type 2. Material .}. Height 4. Roof 5. Foundations 6. Walls 7. Entrances 8. Aesthetic balance 9. Condition C. Internal Structure 1 . Stairways 2. Corridors 3. Basement 4. Color scheme 5- Attic -25 20 10 125 55 40 40 165 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 10 35 20 15 5 5 60 80 1 By Strayer and Engelhardt. Published by the Bureau of Publication, Teacher? College, Columbia University. 62 MERVIN G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON SCORE CARD FOR CITY SCHOOL BUILDINGS Continued III. SERVICE SYSTEM A. Heating and Ventilation.... 1. Kind 2. Installation 3. Air supply 4. Fans and motors 5. Distribution 6. Temperature control /. Special provisions B. Fire Protection System 1 . Apparatus . . . 2. Fireproofness 3. Escapes 4. Electric wiring 5. Fire doors and partitions, . 6. Exit lights and signs.... C. Cleaning Systems 1. Kind 2. Installation 3. Efficiency D. Artificial Lighting System.. 1. Gas and electricity 2. Outlets and adjustment. . 3. Illumination 4. Method and fixtures E. Electric Service System 1. Clock 2. Bell 3. Telephone , F. Water Supply System 1. Drinking 2. Washing 3. Bathing 4. Hot and cold JO 10 15 10 IO 10 5 10 15 20 5 10 5 280 20 20 10 10 5 5 SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM FOR W1NONA 63 SCORE CARD FOR CITY SCHOOL BUILDINGS Continued ( i. Toilet System 1. Distribution 2. Fixtures 3. Adequacy and arrangement 4. Seclusion 5. Sanitation H. Mechanical Service System 1. Elevator 2. Book-lifts 3. Waste-chutes IV. CLASSROOMS A. Location and Connection !>. Construction and Finish 1. Size 2. Shape 3. Floors 4. Walls 5. Doors 6. Closets /. Blackboards 8. Bulletin board <). Color scheme C. Illumination r. Glass area 2. Windows 3. Shades D. Cloakrooms and Wardrobes.... i'". Equipment 1 . Seats and desks 2. Teacher's desk 3. Other equipment tt) Id 10 IO 5 15 10 35 25 15 10 10 5 5 10 5 to 2 9 35 95 45 30 10 35 10 85 25 50 64 MERV1N G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEPERSON SCORE CARD FOR CITY SCHOOL BUILDINGS Continued V. SPECIAL ROOMS A. Large Rooms for General Use .. 65 1. Playroom , 10 2. Auditorium i 15 3. Study hall 5 4. Library 10 5. Gymnasium , 10 6. Swimming pool 5 7. Lunch room I 10 i B. Rooms for School Officials .. 35 1. Officers 10 2. Teachers' room 10 3. Nurse's room '. 10 4. Janitor's room ; 5 C Other Special Service Rooms .. 40 1. Laboratories 20 2. Lecture rooms 10 3. Storerooms ' 5 4. Studios , 5 Totals 1,000 1,000 140 1,000 APPENDIX B ADVANTAGES OF A CENTRAL JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL It has been recommended in the body of the survey that all seventh grade pupils of Winona be accommodated in the pro- posed new junior high school building. Whenever pupils from individual elementary schools are transferred to a central build- ing, there is always complaint on the part of some of the patrons because of the fact that the pupils are taken away from the com- munity school building and are forced to walk greater distances. The elementary school principals also frequently complain be- cause their more advanced pupils are taken away. Since these criticisms are likely to arise in case all the seventh grade pupils in Winona are accommodated in a single junior high school building, it is desired to set forth in this appendix some of the chief reasons why such a procedure would be desirable educa- tionally. In the first place, the seventh grade pupils would receive much better educational advantages if they went to a single central junior high school than they would in individual elementary school buildings. This is true because of the fact that it would be possible to have, in a large junior high school, departmental teachers, each teaching one or at most not more than two special subjects. Such teachers, who would be specialists, could do much better teaching than the general grade teacher who would have to teach these pupils in the individual elementary school buildings. The instruction which the seventh grade pupils would receive at the single central junior high school would also be better because better equipment could be provided; more kinds of laboratory room would be available, and a larger library could be provided for their use. In the second place, it would be very much less expensive for the district to place all the seventh grade pupils in a single junior high school building because the elementary schools could then be built without manual training rooms, domestic science rooms, and the other special rooms which would be needed for seventh grade instructional purposes. It would be less expensive because the seventh grade pupils could be more economically classified 06- V//:/v'/7.Y G. NEALE AND SIGURD B. SEVERSON if they were grouped in one building. For example, suppose there were four seventh grade classes in as many elementary school buildings. Suppose these classes had enrollments of 18, 26, 19, and 25, respectively. During each recitation period, it would take the time of four teachers to instruct these pupils in the four elementary schools. If they were attending a single central junior high school, they could be instructed in three classes, which would be a saving in the time of one teacher. In the third place, the central junior high school would be advantageous for the seventh grade pupils because it has been found that the seventh grade marks the beginning of the adoles- cent period for a very large number of boys and girls. Conse- quently, this is the grade with which junior high school instruc- tion should begin. It is therefore very strongly recommended that the seventh grade pupils be sent to the central junior high school . 547'M j UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY