r REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA A HANDBOOK FOR THE ELECTRICAL LABORATORY AND TESTING ROOM. BY J. A. FLEMIiMG, M.A., D.So., F.R.S. M PROFESSOR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON ; MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS ; FELLOW OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, &c., &c. VOLUME I. UNIVERSITY CALI LONDON : THE ELECTRICIAN" PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED, SALISBURY COURT, FLBLT STREET, [All Rights Reserved.] ' WORKS BY DR. J. A. FLEMING ALL FULLY ILLUSTRATED. A Treatise on The Alternate Current Transformer in Theory and Practice. Vol. I. THE INDUCTION OF ELECTRIC CURRENTS. 612 pp. 3rd Edition. 12s. 6d. Vol. II. THE UTILISATION OF INDUCED CURRENTS. 600 pp. 12s. 6d. Electric Lamps and Electric Lighting. A Course of Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 93 Original Illustrations. 2nd Edition. Extended and revised. 6s. Magnets and Electric Currents. An Elementary Treatise for the use of Electrical Artisans and Science Teachers. 136 Illustrations. 408 pp. 7s. 6d. Electrical Laboratory Notes and Forms. A series of 40 Elementary and Advanced Laboratory Sheets for the use of Demonstrators and Students in Electrical Labora- tories. Each Sheet contains full practical instructions (illus- trated when necessary) for carrying out some one particular measurement in electrical testing, and a ruled-up form for entering observations. The Laboratory Notes are useful to all engaged in any description of Electrical Testing. Price 4d. each, 3s. 6d. per dozen ; complete set, 10s. 6d. ; in portofolio, 12s. ; bound in cloth, 12s. 6d. A Cheaper Set, half the above prices, is issued for the use of Students in Polytechnics and Science Classes. The Centenary of the Electric Current, 1799-1899. A Lecture delivered before the British Association at Dover, September, 1899. Price Is. PREFACE. r I ^HE only excuse that can be offered for adding another book to the already full catalogue of Electrical literature, especially under the heading of Electrical Measurements, is that, in spite of the numerous excellent works on this subject, there seemed room for one dealing more particularly with the require- ments of electrical engineers as distinguished from electrical physicists. Several valuable handbooks exist dealing with the subject of Electrical Testing from the point of view of the telegraphist or physicist, but these generally contain either too much or two little for the purposes of those who have to deal with the class of electrical measurements which it is necessary to make in electrical stations or factories. For this latter purpose, what is required is not a multi- plication of methods gathered together without regard to their applicability or accuracy, but a selection of approved and well-tried methods. In many text-books on Electrical Measurements there is an absence of critical discussion on the intrinsic utility of the various methods of measurement given. A process which looks well on paper does not always work out well in practice, and the practical engineer, therefore, requires to have placed before him a series of selected methods of measurement rather than a collection made as inclusive as possible. The present treatise has therefore been divided into a series of chapters, each of which deals with one particular class of measurements. No attempt, however, has been made to include a description of all the methods under that particular heading, far less of all the implements or instruments, but certain processes which experience has 95814 IV. PREFACE. shown to give good results are described as fully as pos- sible, and a detailed description given of certain typical forms of widely used instruments. In the case of electrical instruments there is a process of evolution and a survival of the fittest. Many ingenious or otherwise interesting instruments for some particular reason drop out of existence, whilst other forms survive, and it is to these surviving forms that attention has been most directed. In the First Volume, in addition to a chapter on the Equipment of electrical laboratories, the subject of the measurement of Electrical Resistance, Electric Current, Electromotive Force and Electric Power is dealt with in the remaining chapters. It is intended that the Second Volume shall contain chapters devoted to the measurement of Capacity and Inductance, Electric Quantity and Energy, including Bat- tery and Meter testing, the Magnetic testing of iron, Photometric and Electric lamp testing, and the testing of Dynamos, Motors and Transformers. Each chapter is as far as possible complete in itself, and where tables or numerical data are given they are placed at the end of the chapter to which they belong, and not, as usual, at the end of the book. As the object has been to place in the hands of the reader a practical handbook rather than a theoretical treatise, such brief mathematical discussions as are intro- duced have generally been placed in smaller type so that the non-mathematical reader may leave them out of considera- tion ; and as the desire has been to produce a handbook useful in the test rooms of electrical factories and stations, descriptions of instruments more usually found in a physical laboratory than a testing room have been omitted. J. A. F- University College, London, August, 1901. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE. EQUIPMENT OF AN ELECTRICAL TESTING BOOM ] 1. The Equipment of an Electrical Testing Room or Laboratory ; The Dynamo Room ; The Electrical Laboratory ; The Accumulator Room. 2. The Fundamental Standards of Length, Mass and Time. 3. The Principal Electrical Units and Standards. 4. The Practical Standard of Electrical Resistance ; Mercury Stan- dards; Resistance Alloys ; Standard Resistance Coils. 5. Current Carrying Standard Resistances. 6. The Recovery of the Standard or Unit Electric Current ; The Board of Trade Specification ; Ampere Balances. 7. The Regulation of Current ; Rheostats, 8. The Practical Standard of Electromotive Force ; the Clark Cell ; Standard Cells. 9. The Literature of the Mercury Standard Cell. 10. Mechanical Standards of Electromotive Force. 11. The Instrumental Outfit of an Electrical Laboratory. 12. Current Measuring Instruments. 13. Voltage Measuring Instruments. 13a. Resistance Measuring Instruments ; Wheatstone's Bridge. 14. Electric Quantity Measuring Instruments. 15. Instru- ments for the Measurement of Electric Power ; Wattmeters. 16. General Hints on the Outfit of a Testing Laboratory ; the Board of Trade Electrical Laboratory. CHAPTER II. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE ... 191 1. The Comparison of Electrical Resistance. 2. Networks of Con- ductors ; Calculation of Resistance of Networks of Conductors. 3. The Slide Wire Form of Wheatstone's Bridge. 4. The Plug Pattern of Resistance Bridge. 5. Portable Forms of Wheatstone's Bridge ; The Trotter Bridge. 6. Theory of the Wheatstone Bridge. 7. The Matthiessen and Hockin Bridge. 8. Calibration of a Slide Wire. 9. The Determination of the Temperature Coefficient of a Coil. 10. The Mean Temperature Coefficient of a Metallic Alloy ; Variation of Resistance of Metals with Tempera- ture. 11. The Determination of the Specific Resistance of a Metal or Alloy ; Volume Resistivity ; Mass Resistivity. 12. The Determination of the Volume and Mass Resistivity of Metals and vi. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER II. (Continued). Alloys ; Matthiessen's Standard for the Resistivity of Copper. 13. The Determination of Low Resistance by Fall of Potential. 14. The Measurement of Low Resistance by the Matthiessen and Hockin Bridge. '15. The Kelvin Double Bridge. 16. Modifications of the Kelvin Double Bridge for Low Resistance Measurement. 17. Modifications of the Ordinary Wheatstone Bridge for Low Resistance Measurement. 18. Measurement of High Resistances by Direct Galvanometer Deflection. 19. Measurement of Insulation Resistance; Price's' Guard Wire. 20. Measurement of Dielectric Resistance by Time of Fall to Half Charge. 21. Cardew's Differential Method for Measuring High Resistance. 22. Practical Measurement of Electric Light Wiring Insulation; The Ohmmeter. 23. Regulations for House Wiring Insulation. 24. Measurement of the Resistivity of Liquids. 25. The Absolute Measurement of Electrical Resistance. 26. Resistance of Conductors to Alternating Currents. Table I. Atomic Weights and Densities of Metals. Table II. Electrical Mass-Resistivity of Metals. Tables III., IV. and V. Electrical Volume Resistivity of Pure Metals. Table VI. Elec- trical Conductivity of Metals. Table VII. Volume Resistivity of Alloys. Table VIII. Volume Resistivity of Liquids. Table IX. Volume Resistivity of Badly Conducting Liquids. Table X. Volume Resistivity of Solutions of Copper and Zinc Sulphate. Table XI. Volume Resistivity of Dielectrics. Table XII. Resistance of Various Sizes of Platinoid Wire. Table XIII. Resistance of Various Sizes of Manganin Wire. Table XIV. Resistance of Various Sizes of Copper Wire. Table XV. The Value of the Ohm. Table XVI. The Resistance of Copper Conductors to Alternating Currents. Table XVII. The Resistivity of Various Materials. CHAPTEE III. THE MEASUEEMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT 339 1. Classification of Electric Currents. 2. The Measurement of Current by the Electrolysis of a Solution of Copper Sulphate ; The Standardisation of an Ammeter. 3. The Measurement of Current by the Electrolysis of Silver Nitrate. 4. Standard Current- Measuring Instruments ; Magnetic Field of a Circular Conductor. 5. Absolute Galvanometers ; Helmholtz Standard Tangent Galva- nometer. 6. The Electro-Dynamometer. 7. Current Balances. 8. Laboratory Ampere-Meters. 9. Calibration of Laboratory Ammeters. 10. Measurement of Current by the Potentiometer. 11. Current Carrying Capacity of Wires. 12. The Calibration of a Galvanometer by the Potentiometer ; The Measurement of Small Currents ; Shunt Boxes. 13. Alternating- Current Measurement. TABLE OF CONTENTS. vii. CHAPTER III. (Continued.}. 14. Wave-Form Measurement ; Oscillographs. 15. The Use of Transformers in Alternating-Current Measurement. 16. Measurement of the Frequency of an Alternating Current ; Frequency Tellers. 17. Measurement of the Phase Difference of a Periodic Current ; Phase Meters. Table I. Fuse- Wire Currents (Sir W. H. Preece). .Table II. Electro-Chemical Equivalents. CHAPTER IV. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE 421 1. Electromotive-Force Measurement. 2. The Practical Recovery of a Standard Potential Difference. 3. The Potentiometer Measurement of Electromotive Force. - 4. The Measurement of Small Potential Differences ; A Combined Potentiometer and Wheatstone's Bridge ; The Elliott Potentiometer ; The Fleming Potentiometer. 5. Calibration of a Low-Tension Voltmeter ; Error Curve of a Voltmeter. 6. The Calibration of a High- Tension Voltmeter ; An Inductionless Safety Resistance. 7. Self- Recording Voltmeters. 8. Extra High-Pressure Voltmeters. 9. Laboratory and Switchboard Voltmeters ; Qualifications for a Good Switchboard Voltmeter. Table I. Electromotive Force of the Clark Cell at Various Temperatures. CHAPTER V. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER 469 1. Electric Power, Mean Power and Power Factor. 2. Measurement of Power in the Case of Unvarying, Continuous or Direct Currents. 3. Measurement of Continuous-Current Power by the Wattmeter. 4. Measurement of Alternating- Current Power. 5. Measure- ment of Power taken up in the Case of High-Tension Alternating- Current Circuits. 6. Power Measurements in theCaseof Circuitsof Small Power Factor. 7: Power Measurement by Direct Measure- ment of Power Factor. 8- The Three- Voltmeter Method of Measuring Alternating-Current Power ; Limitations of the Method. 9- The Three Ammeter Method. 10. Dynamometer Methods of Measuring Power. 11. Power Measurement in the Case of Polyphase Circuits. 12. Practical Forms of Wattmeters ; Siemens Wattmeter ; Fleming Wattmeter ; Kelvin Wattmeter ; Kelvin Engine-Room Wattmeter ; Kelvin Three-Phase Wattmeter ; Elec- trostatic Voltmeters. 13. Wattmeter Testing ; Construction of a Coil of Maximum Inductance and Known Power Factor ; The Measurement of Small-Power Factors. ERRATA. Page 40. First line of footnote, for Platinum read Platinoid. 144. Line 9, for 13 read 13A. tt 455. Line 3 from bottom of page, for small read simple. FOR THE ELECTRICAL TESTING-ROOM AND LABORATORY CHAPTER I. THE EQUIPMENT OF AN ELECTRICAL TESTING ROOM. 1. The Equipment of an Electrical Testing Room or Laboratory. In the following pages the class of electrical measurements we shall chiefly consider are those required in the engineering applications of electricity and magnetism as far as regards that range of work included in the so-called heavy electrical engineering. We shall omit all references to measurements and tests particularly limited to Telegraphic and Telephonic work, as on this part of the subject several excellent text-books already exist. In the establishment of an electrical testing laboratory the electrician will not often be called upon to design the structure or enjoy the advantages of a building erected especially to meet his own views. Usually he will have to adapt or utilise for the purpose some existing rooms in a factory, electric supply station, college, or technical institution. If, however, the opportunity presents itself of being able to begin by designing the laboratory buildings to be occupied, a great advantage is gained at the outset. If, 2 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. moreover, the space available can be arranged in the most convenient and suitable way, and if initial outlay is not an obstacle to the possession of the most desirable arrangements, the following conditions may be realised. We shall assume that, in the testing room or electrical laboratory being arranged, at least one or more large and convenient rooms are available for the purposes of a general testing labora- tory, and that, in addition, a dynamo room and also an accumulator room are provided. If the laboratory is in a technical teaching institution, an apparatus room, at least one, and preferably several, private rooms, as well as a lecture and preparation room, will also be required. It is a great convenience to have, if possible, all these rooms located on one level. Time and labour are economised in the day's work, and it is easier to take heavy apparatus backwards and forwards. At one end of each electrical laboratory a partition should be run up separating off a space at least 5ft. wide and 30ft. long to form a photometric gallery. Then with regard to the special arrangement and equipment of each apartment, these should be as follows: Dynamo Room. Even although current is obtainable from public electric supply circuits or from factory lighting dynamos, it will generally be necessary to provide special means for generating the testing currents. Many tests are impossible unless the electric pressure is exceedingly steady, and ordinary public electric supply or that from a gas engine and dynamo is generally quite useless for the purposes of incandescent lamp tests, transformer tests, and numerous other purposes. Hence provision has to be made in the first place for continuous current supply. This should be taken from secondary batteries which are regularly charged by a dynamo set apart for the purpose. It is better, if possible, to charge by a steam engine than a gas engine, as the charging current is then more uniform and the cell plates are less rapidly deteriorated. If continuous current is supplied from ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 3 public electric supply circuits at 100 or 110 volts it- may be used to run a motor-generator or "booster" to take power from the mains at 100 or 110 volts and reduce it to 35 or 40 volts. This machine consists of an electromotor and a dynamo coupled together and bolted on to the same bedplate. The motor takes current at 100 or 110 volts and drives the dynamo. The dynamo can generate a current equal to the maximum required for charging the cells at a pressure of 35 or 40 volts. This voltage, added in series with the circuit voltage of 100, will give the necessary 135 or 140 volts pressure for charging a local battery of 53 or 54 cells. Proper controlling resistances must be inserted in series with the motor armature circuit of the booster, and in series with the motor and dynamo fields. In addition to means for providing continuous current at 100 volts, it is necessary to be able to obtain a supply at pressures of 10 or 15 volts or less, and at about 200 volts or more. This is best obtained by having two similar dynamo machines bolted on one bedplate, so that the machines can be coupled with their shafts in one line. One of these machines is a motor, and takes current at 100 or 110 volts from the secondary battery, resistances being provided in the armature circuit and fields for regulating the speed; the other coupled machine is a dynamo, and should be provided with three separate armatures, which can be inserted at pleasure, one giving, say, 10 volts at the standard or proper motor speed, one giving, say, 100 volts, and the other 200 or 250 volts. The fields of each machine are best separately excited at 100 volts. A com- bined motor-generator, consisting of these two coupled machines, each of one or two kilowatts output and running at 1,800 or 2,000 revolutions per minute, is a very convenient appliance. In the next place, provision must be made for generating alternating currents. This is best done by means of an alternator coupled directly to a continuous current motor. A very convenient arrangement, designed by the Author for use B2 4 'ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. in the electrical laboratory at University College, London, consists of a pair of alternators of 5-kilowatt capacity, each coupled to a continuous current motor, so as to be driven by it, and provision made by a coupling to join the shafts of both sets in one line. The four machines are bolted down to one bedplate, and a flanged pulley on the inner end of each shaft has the flange pierced with holes so that the pulleys can be coupled in such positions that the alternating currents from the two alternators are in any desired relative phase. Eesistances are provided in the field and armature circuit of all machines, so that the speeds and electromotive forces are under complete control. This compound machine provides alternating current of single or two-phase kind, and of any required electromotive force up to 200 volts. Machines so coupled should be well bedded down. It is worth while to expend the necessary sum on good foundations to secure perfect steadiness of running and freedom from vibration, as the commutators are thus more easily kept in order. One or both ends of the double alternator shaft can be provided with a curve tracer, to be described later on, by means of which the curves of alternating currents can be taken. Well insulated cables from the dynamo terminals should be brought along covered chases in the floor, from the dynamo room to the electrical laboratories to double- pole switches and terminals suitably placed. Whilst laying these leads it is a good plan to run a number of pairs of spare cables and wires of different sizes for voltmeter wires, telephone or bell wires, extra circuits, and other purposes, so that the use of temporary cables lying about on the floor may be avoided. Positive and negative cables should be distinguished by being coloured red and black as usual. In the selection of dynamo plant for purely experimental purposes much must depend on the resources and purpose of the laboratory. As far, however, as regards the generation of current for most purposes in the electrical laboratory, nothing ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 5 is so convenient as the coupled motors and continuous or alternating current generators ; the motors being worked off a secondary battery. This arrangement leaves nothing to be desired in steadiness of pressure and ease of working. The speed is more easily regulated than in the case of a dynamo driven off counter-shafting with coned pulley speed regulator. For the dynamo room at University College a combined motor-alternator plant, as above described, was built in 1893, by Messrs. Johnson and Phillips, to the Author's specification and to Mr. Kapp's designs, of which a general description is as follows : "The machine consists of four separate machines bolted on to the same bedplate, viz., two Kapp alternators and two continuous-current motors (see Figs. 1 and 2). Each alter- nator is coupled permanently to its own motor, the com- mutators of the continuous-current machines being on the outside end of the shaft. The shafts of each pair of machines are truly lined, and the inside ends each carry a flange pulley. These pulleys can be coupled together through the flanges by bolts, so as to drive the whole as one machine, or they can be separated for use as two machines. By coupling them together with the armatures in the proper relative position, two-phase currents can be got out of the united machine. Each of the continuous-current motors is a 5-H.P. motor, designed to work at 100 volts. The armature is ring- wound, and there are 216 turns of wire on it, connected to a 72-part commutator. The magnets of the motors are of cast steel, 6f in. in diameter. Each armature can carry 35 or 40 amperes comfortably. The alternator armatures contain an iron core, and are wound over with eight coils, each having 16 turns of wire. The field magnets have eight poles, and corresponding poles are opposite to one another. The alternators, when driven at a speed of 1,250 revolutions, give an electromotive force of 100 volts. "The four machines are fixed on a cast-iron bedplate 9ft. long and 2ft. wide, which is carried on slide rails in the usual manner. The ends of all the armature and field magnet circuits are brought to terminals fixed in a box on the front of the machine. In the field-magnet circuit of each machine is an appropriate resistance, and in the ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. armature circuits of the motors there are also resistances for starting the motors. To the shafts of both motors is fixed a hydraulic speed indicator. A small centrifugal pump is ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 8 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. driven by the shaft, and this pump forces coloured water from a small reservoir placed over the pump through a pipe into which are connected two vertical glass tube pressure gauges, one of which is placed on the wall of the dynamo room, and the other is placed on the wall of the electrical laboratory 30ft. away. When the motor alternator is running, the centrifugal pump forces the water up these tubes, until the hydrostatic pressure of the column of liquid supported in the tube balances the pressure due to the pump. The height of the column of liquid, therefore, can be made to measure the speed of the machine after these gauges have been carefully calibrated. The special advantage of this hydraulic speed indicator is that it is so exceedingly responsive to changes in speed. A change in speed of less than one per cent, can be certainly detected and measured, whilst the accuracy of the indication is independent of the density of the liquid used. The speed of the motor can be regulated from the laboratory by the use of a carbon rheostat inserted in the field or armature circuit and can thus be kept exceedingly constant." The above described motor-alternator plant has many uses. The alternators can be run in parallel either coupled or free. They can be coupled and joined in series, so as to give a current at 200 volts pressure. They can be set to give a two- phase current. Efficiency tests can be made with the direct current motors, driven as coupled machines, or with the alternators. Alternating current curve tracing can be carried out in many different experiments. For experimental work with polyphase currents, a very convenient appliance is a small three-phase alternator coupled direct to and driven by a continuous current motor ; the fields of both being separately excited at 100 volts. Electrical Laboratory. In the design of the electrical laboratory the important matter is to provide sufficiently steady tables or supports for galvanometers and instruments. It is not a good plan to build up, as is sometimes done, brick tables in the middle of the laboratory, because these cannot afterwards be moved if space is required for special work. It ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 9 is best to provide round the room, at a standard height of say 3ft. Gin. from the floor, strong stone or slate slabs, let into the main walls of the building. If the main walls are strongly built, and have good foundations, very steady supports can in this way be obtained. Circumstances, however, must decide what is best to be done. In any case, several firm slabs must be provided, either by building up brick pillars, covered with a slate surface, on independent foundations, thus forming solid tables, or by building up stone supports to the level of, but not touching, the floor, on which can rest the legs of special steady wooden tables for carrying the galvanometers, ampere balances, and other instruments. All that is necessary is to secure steadiness for certain particular pieces of apparatus. In some instances special precautions may have to be taken to eliminate the effects of vibration due to adjacent machinery or traffic. In these cases the galvanometers may be placed on slabs of slate which are suspended at the four corners by stout india- rubber bands from brackets let into the wall, and heavier instruments, such as ampere balances, may be placed on slabs of Yorkshire stone carried on three or four blocks of india-rubber. One of the greatest difficulties which generally presents itself in arranging an electro-technical laboratory is the contrivance of suitable means to prevent the mirror instruments being disturbed by vibrations of the building due' to machinery or traffic in the neighbourhood. The usual method of securing steadiness is to build up brick pillars on very solid foundations formed in the ground, as supports for the legs of ordinary stout deal tables, and to keep the laboratory floor from contact with these pillars. This plan, however, is not always entirely a success, and then sometimes a remedy may be found by placing the galvanometer or mirror instruments, as above suggested, on a slab of slate or flagstone of considerable weight, resting the slab on four india- rubber blocks. Or it may be possible to suspend from the ceiling, by india- rubber door springes, a heavy wooden slab or board on which the instrument is placed, and so take up the vibrations. A combination of the independent brick pillar with capstone resting on india-rubber blocks is the best method in difficult cases. One device, said to be very effective, is to support the galvanometer on a wooden base placed on a thick pad of hair felt laid in a tray, the corners of the base board and tray being connected by stretched india-rubber bands. See Electrical Review, 1898, Vol. 42, p. 592. 10 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. In the next place, it is convenient to arrange a standard height and size of working table. A convenient size is 5ft. long, 2ft. Gin. wide, and 3ft. Sin. in height. These tables can be arranged together as required. Around the room, however, should be fixed benches or tables with strong top surfaces, having cupboards and drawers underneath, and on which may be arranged certain sets of apparatus never to be moved. It is essential that such standard sets of apparatus as the Bridge for resistances measurements, the Potentiometer for electromotive force measurements, and the Ballistic Galvanometer, should never be moved, but should be kept always connected up and be available at a moment's notice for use. Apparatus stored in glass cases, and therefore not ready when required, is a fruitful source of waste of time and energy, and the plan of so keeping it should be avoided. Dust and light may be kept off the arranged apparatus by simply throwing over the articles a black velveteen cloth, or, better still, keeping every important piece of apparatus in a wooden or cardboard box, which is shut up when the apparatus is not in use. The laboratory should be provided, if possible, with double windows, and these windows be darkened when required by blinds made of black American oilcloth or some material impervious to light. The laboratory can then be kept in the proper state of illumination necessary to see well the spots of light on galvanometer scales. As far as possible an equable temperature should be maintained in the rooms all the year round. A sink with hot and cold water, and a fume cupboard must be provided, and a table, having a top covered with sheet lead, with a narrow fillet or edge round it, and drainage tube, is useful for experiments with primary batteries or secondary cells, and other things likely to be messy. It is a good plan in preparing the room to form covered floor chases around and across the room in which wires and cables can be laid. The permanent leads and cables are placed in casing fixed to the floor of these chases. The cover boards of the chase can be made to take up in sections ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 11 so as to lay temporary cables, and thus avoid the danger and nuisance of loose electric cables lying about all over the floor. Eound the room should run several separate insulated circuits, having terminals, fuses, and switches at each place where current is likely to be required. One of these should be a circuit from the battery for supplying current to incan- descent lamps to be used for galvanometer scale lamps, and for a special table lamp if required. The incandescent lamps best adapted for galvanometer purposes are the Edison form with single horse-shoe shaped carbon filament. The lamp bulb should be covered with a cylindrical asbestos hood having a slit in it which permits the light from one leg of the filament loop to pass out. The galvano- meter is then arranged so that the mirror, with or without the assistance of a lens, throws an image of this straight incandescent carbon on to a divided ground glass or semi-transparent celluloid scale suitably placed. In this manner an exceedingly sharp, bright line, being the image of a part of the filament is thrown on the divided scale. This image can be seen in daylight or in a slightly darkened room. If the scale is placed at the right focal distance from the mirror, and if the scale is divided into millimetres, a reading to one quarter of a millimetre can be taken, provided the galvanometer mirror is a good one. This circuit should be provided with numerous wall plugs (preferably of the concentric pattern) by which a lamp with a socket and flexible cord can be plugged in where required. Another circuit should run from the main secondary battery and provide, where required, at several places larger currents at 100 volts pressure. A third circuit should give continuous current at various pressures from the continuous motor gene- rator in the dynamo room, and a fourth circuit should bring alternating currents from the alternators. In laying out these circuits, blank terminals with double-pole porcelain cut-outs and double-pole switches should be provided in as many places as possible. Comfort and convenience in subsequent work will greatly depend on the care with which all these little details are thought out by the electrician in arranging his laboratory. In order to avoid disturbing magnetic needle galvanometers by strong stray magnetic fields, it is desirable to run all these laboratory supply circuits with concentric cable. 12 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. Accumulator Room. This room may be at any con- venient and necessary distance from the laboratory working rooms. It should, if possible, have walls built with glazed brick, and a ceiling of glazed tiles. In any case, all exposed wood and metal work and all cables should be thickly painted with anti-sulphuric paint or enamel. The cells should be placed on low brick table supports covered with slate slabs, or on the usual painted wooden supports. In any case, they should be well insulated. Cables joined' to various points on the battery should be brought out through th walls of the battery room, to a switchboard outside, by leading them through porcelain tubes plugged with slag-wool, so that they are spray-tight. Changes in the electromotive force of the working circuit can then be made as required without entering the battery room. If possible, a separate battery should be provided for incandescent lamp tests or for any special purposes when great uniformity of pressure is required. The choice and size of cell must be left to the user of the laboratory to determine. One or more large accumulator cells are useful. These can be charged from the low voltage side of the motor-generator set, and are very useful in yielding the large currents required for testing ammeters. An additional essential is a series of small secondary cells, for giving high electromotive forces. Of these the most convenient are the cells known as Lithanode cells. Lithanode is not compressed peroxide of lead, as is sometimes stated, for, however strongly lead peroxide may be compressed, the resulting mass will disintegrate when immersed in a liquid electrolyte. It is produced from litharge, made into a pasty mass with a solution of sulphate of ammonia, which causes the material to "set," so that it will no longer disintegrate when placed in a fluid. The " forming," according to the original idea, was performed in a bath of sulphate of magnesia. In ordinary practice the elements are made up of a number of small slabs of lithanode, whose outer edges are V-shaped. These slabs or pellets are arranged in a casting mould of any suitable dimensions, and are placed at such a distance apart and from the edges of the casting frame as to allow of sufficient space for the requisite quantity of metal to run in and impart adequate mechanical strength to the completed element. After the pellets have been arranged ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 13 in this manner, an alloy of lead and antimony is run into the interstices, and 1;hus a complete plate is formed. Before being cast up, the positive pellets are converted into peroxide of lead in a forming bath ; those for the negative plate are simply dried and cast up direct, the lithanode in the latter case being reduced to a condition of spongy lead by the ordinary electrolytic method. These cells are contained in small glass tubes or cylinders, about lin. in diameter and 4in. high. A series of 50 of these cells, contained in a portable box or case, can be charged through an incandescent lamp off a 200-volt circuit. Two or more sets of 50 cells each of these small testing cells are most useful for insulation tests and voltmeter testing. Finally, some sets of single or double cells, having a capacity of about 40 or 50 ampere-hours, are requisite for the potentiometer testing. In a well-organised laboratory there should be regular days when all these cells are recharged by being suitably arranged in series with resistances or lamps, so that the cells are charged with their proper charging current taken from the dynamo circuit. The particular type and size of cells are matters which must be determined by the work to be done. If many tests are likely to be made on complete batteries, it is an advantage to have the accumulator room as near as possible to the electrical laboratory. In any case, it must have well fitting double doors, to prevent the egress of acid vapours. Assuming a certain area available on the ground floor to be arranged as an electrical laboratory, the space might be conveniently divided up as shown in Fig. 3. The battery room should be separated completely from the engine and dynamo room and from the private room, but cables should be carried spray- tight through the walls, as above suggested, to the regulator switchboard and to the various laboratories. In each electrical laboratory should be a photometric gallery, forming a completely closed and darkened space of about 30ft. long, 5ft. wide, and 10ft. high. The cables bringing current from the dynamo room to each laboratory should be laid along a chase in the floor of the passage, and 14 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. distributed to each room as required. Every room except the dynamo and battery room should have windows, provided with black opaque cloth blinds, which can be drawn down so as to darken the room more or less as required. Dimensions are not added in the sketch plan below, because various circumstances must determine the space required, but an arrangement of rooms as here suggested forms a convenient one for a small testing or teaching electrical laboratory. tofel DIRECTOR'S pljj PRIVATE ROOM (C V A ' V >, s ^/ PASSAGE A m O V 'y. S>c., Vol XLIV., No. 270; or The Electrician, Vol. XXL, p. 533, 1888 ; Kohlrausch, Abhandt der K. Biyer Akad der Wiss, Vol. XVI., Abth III., 1887 ; Mtscart, Nerville and Benoit, Jour nil de Phy- sique, 188^ ; Sorecker, Wiedemann Ann%len, Vol. XXV., 1835 ; L. Loreaz, Wie lemann Annalen, Vol. XXV., 1885; Rowland, Proc. British Association, 1887. Also Hutchinson and Wilkes, " John H opkin's University Circular," May, 1889. Also " Recent Determinations of the Absolute Resistance of Mercury," R. T. Glazebrook, The Electrician, Vol. XXV., pp. 543, 588, 1890. Also see Prof. J. V. Jones, " On the Determination of the Specific Resistance of Mercury in Absolute Measure," Phil. Trjtns. Roy. Soc., 1891, A, p. 2. 32 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. been obtained for the resistivity of pure mercury at 0C. in C.G.S. units per centimetre cube : Observer. Date. Resistivity. Lord Rayleigh and Mrs. Sidgwick 1883 ...... 94,133 Mascart, Nerville and Benoit 1884 94,096 Strecker 1885 94,057 L. Lorenz '..., 1885 94,108 Eowland 1887 94,072 Kohlrausch 1887 94,054 Glazebrook and Fitzpatrick 1888 94,074 Hutchinson and Wilkes '... 1890 94,064 J.V.Jones _, .. 1890 94,067 The present accepted value of the specific electrical resistance or resistivity of pure mercury at 0C. is 94,070 C.G.S. units. Hence, a column of mercury one metre in length and everywhere of 1 sq. millimetre in cross section has at the temperature of melting ice a resistance of 0'94070 ohms, as far as the mean of the best determinations will allow us to pronounce. The following are the values obtained by the above observers for the length in centimetres of a column of mercury one square millimetre in section and having a resistance of one ohm at 0C. : Observer Length of column in centimetres. Lord Rayleigh and Mrs. Sidgwick 106'23 Mascart, Nerville and Benoit 106-33 Strecker 106'32 L.Lorenz 106'26 Rowland , ... 106'32 Kohlrausch 106'32 Glazebrook and Fitzpatrick 106'29 Hutchinson and Wilkes 106'34 J. V. Jones 106-31 The value now accepted for the length of the column of mercury one square millimetre in section, which has at 0C a resistance of one International ohm, is 106-3 cms. Continental physicists have devoted considerable time and knowledge to the construction of primary and secondary mercury resistances, consisting of mercury specially purified and preserved in glass tubes of known dimensions, and intended to practically realise the Board of Trade or Inter- national definition of the practical unit of resistance. For the most part, English investigators have given their attention to the re-determination in absolute measure of ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT, 33 the electrical resistance of certain wire standards, notably that called the mean British Association unit, and hence from the known resistivity of mercury proceeded to construct the most closely approximate realisation of the ohm in wire resistances.* In the majority of instances the standards of resistance used in an electrical laboratory are preserved in the form of a uniform metallic wire drawn from an alloy of permanent composition, and having a small change of resistance with temperature. a End of mercury tube, s Platinum wire electrode, g Platinum wire, galvanometer wires. FIG. 4. Glass Spherical Terminal Vessel of the Berlin Reichsanstalt Standard Mercury Ohm. Owing to its fragility and non-portability, a standard of resistance consisting of mercury in a glass tube is not likely to be constructed or used in any but a national standard- ising laboratory. The construction of an original mercury- in-glass resistance by which to reproduce the standard or international ohm from its definition is a matter requiring the highest skill and knowledge. Broadly speaking, it consists in preparing and filling a glass tube of known dimensions with pure mercury, the weight of which at 0C. is * For additional information on the determination of resistance in absolute measure see Chap. II., RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT ; also Tables at the end of the same chapter. 34 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. accurately determined.* This tube has its ends included in large spherical vessels of mercury to which electrical connection is made by means of platinum wires (see Fig. 4). In calculat- ing the resistance of the column of mercury from the dimensions of the tube and the resistivity of the mercury, a correction has to be made in accordance with known principles by which the effective length of the tube is taken as greater than the actual length by 0'82 of the diameter of the tube. For the full details of the construction of an original mercury-in-glass standard of electrical resistance the reader must be referred to the detailed accounts which have been given of the production of the mercury standard set up in the Physikalisch-Technische Keichsanstalt, in Berlin, and the similar work carried out in Parisf by Benoit (see Fig. 5). Mercury-in-glass standards are, however, used only as original reference standards. The labour involved in their construction and the necessity for great precautions in their employment to reduce the whole mass of glass and mercury to a known temperature before making a measurement with them renders them unfit for ordinary laboratory use. For all ordinary standards, multiples and submultiples of the ohm, a wire resistance standard is much more convenient and is usually employed. The two principal alloys which have been found sufficiently permanent and of sufficiently small tem- perature coefficient to use in the construction of such a wire standard are a platinum-silver alloy and a ternary alloy of copper-manganese and nickel called Manganin. There are therefore, preserved in the various national electrical labora- tories numerous copies of the ohm in the form of wire standards, which are intended to have, as nearly as possible, a resistance equal to the true ohm. * For instructions for the purification of the mercury, see the Keichsanstalt directions, as set forth by Dr. Jaeger, The Electrician, Vol. XXX.. p. 395. f See The Electrician, Vol. XXXVII., p. 569, " On the Standard Mercury Ohm of the Physikalisch-Technische Eeichsanstalt," by Dr. Jaeger, translated from the Zeitschrift fur Instrumentenkunde, Vol. XVI., pp. 134-146, May, 1896. Also see Benoit, Comptes Rendus, Vol. XCIX, p.. 864, 1884. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 35 D2 36 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. The original British Association wire resistance standards are in the custody of the Secretary of the British Associa- tion Committee on Electrical Standards ; the Board of Trade standards are kept at the Government Electrical Laboratory, Whitehall, London ; and carefully constructed standards of electrical resistance of the same character are preserved at the Physikalisch-Technische Eeichsanstalt, in Berlin, and at the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, near Paris. FIG. 6. Secondary Standard Mercury Ohm. Secondary standards or copies of the ohm, consisting of mercury contained in tubes of Jena glass with platinum electrodes sealed through the glass, have also been con- structed at the Physikalisch-Technische Eeichsanstalt, in Berlin (see Fig. 6) and by Benoit, in Paris. These secondary mercury standards consist of u or W shaped tubes of glass ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 37 most carefully filled in vacuo with mercury and then fixed in a suitable case. A comparison in 1892 and 1894 of all the mercury and manganin copies of the ohm, made at the Eeichsanstalt in Berlin, showed that these standards had remained constant in resistance for two years to within one or two parts in one hundred thousand. A series of very elaborate experiments were made in the year 1892 on the variation of resistance with temperature of mercury-in-glass tubes between and 28C., and it was found by Drs. Kreichgauer and Jaeger* that the resistance at tPC. (K,) of mercury in Jena glass tubes can be expressed between 0C. and 28C. as follows : K, = K (1 + 0-000875 * + 0-00000125 1 2 ), where E is the apparent resistance at 0C. The true resistance of mercury (r t ) at tC. is related to its resistance (r ) at 0C. by the relation r t = r (1 + 0*0008827 Z + 0'00000126 * 2 ) for a range of temperature between 0C. and 28C. These values are not very different from those found by Benoit* Guilleaume, and others in 1890.t In spite, therefore, of the advantages gained by the use of a, pure, unchangeable and fluid metal, such as mercury, as against the supposed possible non-permanency of structure of a solid metallic alloy, we have to take into account the difficulties raised by the larger temperature coefficient of the pure metal. Experience is as yet wanting to show how far the various alloys, now used for the resistance wires of standard * See Wied. Ann., No. 1, 1893 ; also The Electrician, Vol. XXX. p. 567. f Researches carried out in 1889-1890 by M. C. E. Guillaume, at the Bureau International dea Poids et Mesures (see The Electrician, Vol. XXIX., p. 553), gave by two determinations the true temperature variation of mercury between 0C. and 61C. as follows : (a) n = TO (1 + 0-00088745 1 + O'OOOOOIOISI 2 ) (6) r t = ro ( 1 + 0-00088879 1 + 0*0000010022 1 2 ) 38 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. coils, will remain absolutely unaltered over long periods of time. It is certainly to a considerable degree dependent on the manner in which the standards are made, and how far they are allowed to undergo changes of temperature in use. In the employment of a wire of a metallic alloy as a standard of electrical resistance there is always an element of uncertainty as to the extent to which time may affect the electrical qualities of the alloy. Experiments made by the author in 1878 and 1879 on the original British Association standard coils (fourteen in number) made of various alloys showed that this fear was not altogether groundless, some coils in the course of 14 or 15 years having certainly changed in electrical resistance. Attention has, therefore, been devoted to this question especially in connection with the use of manganin and platinum-silver. In 1894 a number of resistance coils of manganin (42 coils) and of constantan (three coils) were tested at Berlin which had been in use about three years. Of these 25 coils showed a variation of from O'OO to 0*01 per cent. 13 0-01 to 0-02 5 0-02 to 0-05 2 0-05 to 0-25 when re-compared with primary standards. Confidence in the absolute permanency of electrical resist- ance in the case of wire standards can hardly be said to have been established beyond doubt. The balance of evidence seems to show that for coils carefully made of well aged manganin or platinum-silver it will not be serious. One argument which has been used to support the conten- tion that an ultimate standard should take the form of mercury in glass is the assumed unalterable character of the materials thus used. There is a possibility, however, that the platinum electrodes may in time slightly dissolve and thus contaminate the mercury. The alloys which have been found practically satisfactory ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 39 as materials to employ in the construction of wire-resistance standards are 1. Platinum Silver. An alloy consisting of two parts of silver and one of platinum. This alloy was originally recom- mended by the Electrical Standards Committee of the British Association. It has a resistivity of 25 to 30 microhms per centimetre-cube and a temperature coefficient of nearly 0-0003, or nearly 0*03 per cent, per degree centigrade. 2. Manganin. This alloy is composed of 84 parts of copper, 12 of manganese and 4 of nickel. Its electrical properties and suitability for employment as an electrical resistance material were made known by experiments con- ducted in the Physikalisch-Technische Keichsanstalt in Berlin. Its specific resistance is about 42 microhms per centimetre- cube. Between 0C. and 10C. its temperature coefficient is 0*000025. At some temperature generally lying between 15C. and 30C. it has a nearly zero temperature coefficient, and beyond about 30C. a negative temperature coefficient. It has not nearly so great a thermo-electric power with copper as German silver or platinoid. It must, however, be aged for use as a resistance material by first heating it to a temperature of 140C. for five or ten hours in an air bath to prevent subsequent changes in resistance. It is somewhat easily oxidised, and when used exposed to air must be either gilt or varnished. It must not be soldered with solder containing zinc.* In the manufacture of commercial resistance coils not intended as standards the following alloys are useful : 3. German Silver. This is an alloy of copper (50 to 66 parts), nickel (13 to 18 parts) and zinc (19 to 31 parts), and is of somewhat variable composition in different specimens. It is not suitable for the construction of other than commercial * See Dr. St. Lindeck, The Electrician, Vol. XXX., p. 119, " On Alloys for Resistance Coils." " On the Permanency of Manganin Resistances," see Prof. W. E. Ayrton, The Electrician, Vol. XL., p. 39, also p. 227 ; also W. Watson, Proc. Phys. Soe., Lend., Vol. XVI., p. 25 ; also Drs. Jaeger and St. Lindeck, Science Abstracts, Vol. I., p. 336. 40 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. resistances, on account of its rather large temperature coeffi- cient (0-0004). It has a resistivity varying from 20 to 30 microhms per centimetre-cube. 4. Platinoid. An alloy resembling German silver in com- position, but containing in addition about 2 per cent, of tungsten. It has a smaller temperature coefficient (0*0003) than German silver, and preserves a better surface in air. In some specimens, however, time and temperature produce a certain brittleness, and it seems to be attacked when exposed in moist air containing carbonic acid."* It has in some specimens as high a resistivity as manganin, viz., 40 to 45 microhms per centimetre-cube, but in other samples the resistivity is as low as 30 microhms per centimetre-cube. In addition to the above well-known alloys of definite composition, a number of patented and commercial alloys, the composition of which is not made public, are in use for the construction of resistances in which a small temperature coefficient is not of the greatest importance. These alloys are employed in the manufacture of regulating resistances, but are not used for resistance standards. Such alloys are 5. Rheostene. A nickel-steel alloy, having a resistivity of about 77 microhms per centimetre-cube and a temperature coefficient of 0-00119.f 6. Kruppin. An alloy having a resistivity of 83 microhms per centimetre-cube and a temperature coefficient of 0'0013.J 7. Hadfield's Resista. An alloy having a resistivity of 76 microhms per centimetre-cube and a temperature coefficient of 0-0011. 8. Eureka. An alloy having much the same electrical qualities as platinoid, but not so liable to brittleness. Its * See Mr. Hollo Appleyard, " On the Failure of German Silver and Platinum Wires," The Electrician, Vol. XL., p. 227, 1897 ; also ibid. Electrical Review, Vol. XLIL, p. 536 ; Science Abstracts, Vol. I., p. 412 ; Proc. Phys. Soc., Lond., Vol. XVI., p. 17. t See Van Aubel, The Electrician, Vol. XL., p. 315 ; or Science Abstracts, Vol. I., p. 19. t See The Electrician, Vol. XXXII., p. 351 ; also Electrotechnische Zeitschrift, December 15, 1893 ; also see Van Aubel, The Electrician, Vol. XXXI1L, p. 122. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 41 chief mechanical fault is its considerable extensibility and non-elastic yielding under tension. 9. Bruntoris Beacon Alloy. An alloy having a resistivity of 60 to 80 microhms per centimetre-cube and a temperature coefficient of 0'0007. A large number of alloys have been found which have high resistivity and small temperature coefficient, but in many cases they have also poor mechanical qualities and are brittle, or ill suited for being drawn into fine wire.* As made at present, a standard of electrical resistance consists of a carefully-drawn and well-annealed wire of manganin or platinum-silver. If made of manganin it has to be aged, as above described. This wire is then spun over with two or three layers of white silk, and is wound on a bobbin and preserved in a case in such manner that its temperature can be controlled. The actual resistance wire has to be attached at both ends to terminal blocks or rods of copper, and has to be enclosed for security in a metal case of some form or immersed in an insulating oil. Many English electricians are still somewhat sceptical as to the permanency of manganin. t It has been stated that all alloys containing zinc are liable to erratic changes of resistance. Zinc solder or soft solder should never be em- ployed in the construction of standard coils. Silver solder, containing 75 per cent, of silver, should be used in soldering manganin, and shellac varnish, and not paraffin wax, should be used as an insulator. * For further information see " Alloys for Resistance Standards," E. G. Willyoung, Journal of Franklin Institute, or The Electrician, Vol. XXIX., p. 277 ; " Experiments on Nickel Steel Alloys," C. E. Guillaume, The Electrician, Vol. XL., p. 348; "The Composition of Various Alloys for Resistance Coils," Drs. Feussner and St. Lindeck, The Electrician, VoLXXVL, p. 493. Also The Electrician, Vol. XXX., p. 119. t In all these more or less complicated alloys there may be variations of electrical and mechanical qualities caused by irregularities in manufacture. It is not unusual to find samples of German silver and platinoid, and perhaps manganin, which seem quite inferior to the general run of specimens of these particular materials. 42 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. The authorities of the Berlin Eeichsanstalt have devoted great attention to the consideration of the best form to give to a wire standard of electrical resistance, and the following is a description of the form adopted at present (1900). A section of the standard is shown in Fig. 7. FIG. 7. Berlin Keichsanstalt Wire Standard of Electrical Resistance or Standard Ohm.* The resistance wire is a carefully insulated wire wound on a brass cylinder, the wire being doubled on itself to annul inductance as much as possible. The wire is laid on in a single layer. The ends of the wire are silver soldered to square nuts, which are in turn soft soldered to heavy copper terminal rods. The final adjustment of resistance is made by shortening a much finer parallel wire. Thus the 0*1 ohm standard consists of two wires in parallel : one the principal ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 43- wire, and another wire one-tenth of the section and ten times as long as the first. Hence a change in length of one metre of the fine wire is equivalent to only one millimetre change in length of the principal wire. The coil so wound and adjusted is hung in a bath of paraffin oil and contact is made with the copper leads of the coil by means of the mercury cups. When in use the oil is kept well stirred by a stirrer driven by a small electromotor. In preparing the coil the silk-covered resistance wires are wound on the brass core and made to adhere to it by melted shellac. The coil is then heated for ten hours to 140C. This baking not only gives the coil the necessary insulation from layer to layer (which is of the order of a million megohms), but ages the manganin and prevents subsequent secular change in resistance. In the use of a coil of the above kind as a standard ot resistance it is desirable, if extreme accuracy of comparison is required, that the power wasted in the resistance coil shaE not exceed one watt. The oil in which the coil is immersed must be kept in thorough circulation, preferably by means of a stirrer driven by a small electromotor, when a measurement of resistance is being made. For further and fuller information on the details of the construction and mode of use of the Keich- sanstalt standard wire coils, the reader is referred to a paper by Drs. K. Feussner and St. Lindeck in the Zeitschrift fur Instrumentenkunde, November and December, 1895.* In addition to the principal standards of resistance in a laboratory, which must always be carefully used, it is neces- sary to possess certain working standards for general use. A convenient form for these secondary reference standards ha& been designed by the author.! This laboratory standard resistance coil is made as follows: The brass case or shell which contains the coil is in the form * See The Electrician, Vol. XXXVI., p. 509, 1896 ; also Drs. Jaeger and K. Kahle, Wied. Ann., No. 3, 1898 ; The Electrician, Vol. XL., p. 847 ; Science Abstracts, Vol. I., p. 412. f See Phil. Mag., January, 1889. 44 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. of a ring (see Fig. 8). This ring consists of a pair of square- sectioned circular troughs provided with flanges which can be screwed together so as to form a square-sectioned, hollow, circular ring. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 45 From this ring proceed upwards two brass tubes about five or six inches in length. Down these brass tubes pass the copper electrodes or rods, and these rods are insulated from the tubes at the top and bottom by ebonite insulators. The insulator at the bottom of the tube, where it enters the ring, is a simple collar, that at the top has the form of a funnel corrugated on its outer surface. The use of this funnel will be referred to presently. The actual resistance-coil is a length of platinum-silver wire three-fold silk-covered. The silk- covered wire is first baked above 100C. to dry it com- pletely, and then immersed in melted ozokerit, or better, in shellac varnish made up with absolute alcohol. The so insulated wire is cut about the proper length and laid double or folded once upon itself, and then rolled up on a wooden mandril so as to form a circular coil of diameter suitable to drop into the hollow of the brass ring. The wire being wound double, its coefficient of self-induction is rendered very small, This coil of wire is then wrapped over with white silk and again dipped in melted ozokerit. The ends of the wire are next soldered into nicks in the ends of the copper rods, they having been previously pushed a little way through the brass tubes for the purpose, and afterwards drawn back into proper positions. The coil is then packed into the circular groove, and, after adjusting the resistance to the proper value, the bottom half of the ring is placed over it. A thin washer of indiarubber is inserted between the flanges, and the whole screwed tightly together. The resistance-coil is thus enclosed in a thin ring of metal, and can be placed wholly below the surface of water or ice. In order to test the tightness of the joints, a little test-pipe is provided on the upper surface of the ring. By placing the ring coil below water and blowing into the test-pipe, the good fitting of the joints can be assured. The aperture of this test-pipe is after- wards closed by solder or a screw (see Fig. 8). Apart from the insulation of the coil itself, it will be appa- rent that the insulation is limited by the amount of insulation resistance secured at the ebonite insulators at the top end of the brass tubes. Any leakage from the copper rod over these insulators to the brass tube destroys to that extent the insulation of the coil. The object of making these external insulators funnel-shaped is to prevent surface-creeping due to condensation of moisture on them, by placing paraffin oil or insulating liquid in the funnel-shaped cavity. When 46 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. this is done, even if dew should collect on the outer surface of the funnels, the inner surface is kept dry by the paraffin oil placed in them, the action being the same as that in the well-known Johnson and Phillips fluid insulator. The ring coils when in use are placed in rather shallow zinc troughs, which can be filled with water, and are closed with a wooden lid. When so placed the whole of the actual coil or resistance part is down beneath the liquid at one level, where the temperature can be accurately ascer- tained. The insulators and point of emergence of the electrodes are away up above the level of the water, and well protected from any action which might permit of leakage over them. The large metallic mass of the ring assists in bringing the resistance-coil quickly back to the tempera- ture of the surrounding water, and the coil therefore "tests quickly." In all other respects these standards of resistance are as compact and portable, and not more -expensive to construct, than the old form of B.A. standard, whilst obviating the difficulties which present themselves in the use of the old form in very accurate comparisons of resistance. It is quite possible to have two or more coils of wire inside the same ring, each coil having its separate pair of electrodes. A useful coil of this form can be made up containing 1, 10, and 100 ohms, so that comparisons can be quickly made at the same temperature with these three multiples of the same unit of resistance. In an ordinary electrical laboratory the electrician will not often be called upon to make and adjust the principal stan- dards of resistance himself. This is an operation requiring great care and patience and some skill. Suffice it to say that one of the best means of making the final adjustment of resistance coils to an exact value is to wind on the coil two insulated wires of the same material in parallel. One of these is the principal resistance wire, and the other is a much longer wire of smaller section, and is the adjusting wire. The principal wire is, in the first instance, cut to a length which shall be greater than the resistance required. The following table may serve as a rough guide in making ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 47 resistance coils of platinum silver, but a margin should always be allowed in cutting off wire : To make a resis- Take platinum-silver wire of tance coil of Length. Gauge in S.W.G. 1 ohm 9ft. No. 22 = 0-036in. dia. 10 ohms 42-5ft. No. 24 = 0-025in. dia. 100 ohms 133ft. No. 30 = 0-01 4in. dia. 1,000 ohms 675ft. No. 34 = 0-010in. dia. The principal wire being roughly adjusted to a resistance a little greater than the resistance desired, it is joined in parallel with a wire of one-tenth its diameter and ten times the length. The final adjustment is then made by lengthen- ing or shortening this finer wire until the two wires in parallel have exactly the required resistance. The resistance wires are wound doubled or non-inductively on themselves on a metallic core. The greatest care must be taken in insulating the different turns of wire from each other and from the . core. The wire should be double -covered with white silk and never be touched with the moist hand. When the coil is prepared as above described it must be placed for use in a vessel of water or paraffin which is kept well stirred and the temperature of which can be taken with a correct thermometer. In all very accurate measurements it is better to work with the coils in melting ice. The true temperature of the wire is then known with a considerable degree of exactness if the coil is allowed to remain for a sufficient time in the melting ice to arrive exactly at 0C. The source of error to be avoided is a difference in tempera- ture between different parts of the resistance wire and between the wire and the external bath. In making a resistance measurement sufficient time must always be allowed to elapse between two measurements to permit the coil to reach its original and desired temperature. The only method of making such a measurement with certainty as to the temperature of the wire is to make the resistance measurement after keeping the coils for 12 hours immersed in melting ice. 48 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. In consequence of the slight uncertainty which still exists as to the true value of the various practical standards of re- sistance, it has been proposed by Prof. J. Viriamu Jones that the ultimate standard of resistance shall not be embodied in the form of a wire, but shall be recovered when required by an absolute determination (see The Electrician, Vol. XXV., p. 552; also Proc. British Assoc., Leeds, 1890, " Suggestions Towards the Determination of the Ohm,"). With this object he has perfected the Lorenz apparatus for the absolute determination of resistance. His proposal is that such an apparatus shall be set up in national standardising laboratories, and that when it is necessary to evaluate a secondary standard of resistance this shall be done by an absolute determination of the same. In the Lorenz apparatus the essential portion consists of a metallic disc revolving in the interior of a carefully arranged spiral coil of wire. If an electric current is sent through the coil, and if the disc is set in revolution, the disc becomes the seat of an electromotive force. This electromotive force may be balanced against the fall of potential down a certain resistance in circuit with the coil. When once the dimen- sions of the apparatus have been determined, the actual observations necessary to obtain the absolute value of the resistance of the inserted conductor are reduced to the deter- mination of the speed of revolution of the disc, and the absolute value of the resistance is given as the product of a calculated coefficient of mutual induction and an observed number of revolutions per second. Since the things actually observed are merely a speed and the absence of a current in a circuit, extreme accuracy of measurement can be obtained. These necessary measurements can be carried out with a very high degree of precision, and with a well-made Lorenz apparatus it is possible to determine the value of a resistance of the order of an ohm with an accuracy of one part in 10,000.* * For a full description of the Lorenz apparatus the reader is referred to a lecture given by Prof. J. V. Jones at the Royal Institution, May 24, 1895, see The Electrician, Vol. XXXV., pp. 231 and 253 ; also the Proceedings of the Royal Institution, Vol. XIV., p. 601. Also to an account of " A Deter- ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 49 5. Current-Carrying Standard Resistances. In addi- tion to resistance coils, which are intended to be used merely with very small currents passing through them, the electrical laboratory must be provided with a graduated series of resistances capable of carrying or passing large currents and for use in measurements in which the fall in potential down a conductor of known resistance is made to yield a know- ledge of the current passing through a conductor in series with the resistance. These resistances are called Current Resistances, or some- times Mho Standards. Eesistances of the above kind are now made by instrument makers in the form of thick FIG. 9. Standard O't Ohm Resistance to carry 10 amperes. manganin wires in well- ventilated brass cases (see Fig. 9), and in the form of manganin strip soldered to end blocks (see Figs. 10 and 11), or in the shape of tubes of manganin with end terminals (see Fig. 12). The great aim in the con- struction of these resistances for large currents is to afford urination of the Ohm made in Testing .the Lorenz Apparatus of the McGill University, Montreal," Profs. Ayrton and Jones, see The Electrician, Vol. XL., p. 150, 1897. These experiments seemed to show that the Board of Trade standard ohm is between two and three parts in 10,000 larger than the true ohm. In other words, it is 0'02 per cent, greater than 10 9 centimetres per second. (See Prof. Ayrton on " Our Knowledge of the Value of a Resistance," The Electrician, Vol. XL., pp. 133 and 149.) See also Chapter II., RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT. 50 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. sufficient surface to carry off the heat generated by the current, either by air convection or by radiation. With the object of obtaining great current-carrying capacity, some makers, such as Mr. Crompton, make these FIG. 10. Bare Metal Strip Resistance for Currents up to 1,500 amperes. FIG. 11. Metal Strip O'l Ohm Resistance for Currents up to 15 amperes. standards in the form of tubes of manganin through which water can be passed, and by this means they construct standards of resistances capable of carrying without sensible ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 51 heating very large currents. In Fig. 12 is shown a tubular resistance made to carry 1,500 amperes. The resistance is O'OOl of an ohm. Hence the fall in potential down it at full FIG. 12. Crompton Water-Tube Low-Resistance Standard. 52 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. load is 1-5 volts. The water used for cooling is circulated through the pipe by a rubber hose, and the current density in the metal rises to 13,000 to 20,000 amperes per square inch without risk. The potential measuring connections are attached to terminals on clamps which are fixed at such distances as to define exactly the resistance required. These current-carrying resistances are always provided with two pairs of terminals, one pair called the current terminals, by which the current is led in and out, and another pair called the potential terminals, between which the resistance has its stated value. A most essential possession in an electrical laboratory or testing room is a set of low resistances of the following capacity : 1. One-ohm resistance, carrying one ampere. 2. One-tenth of an ohm resistance, carrying 10 amperes. 3. One-hundredth of an ohm resistance, carrying 100 amperes. 4. One-thousandth of an ohm resistance, carrying 1,000 amperes. These resistances should be of manganin strip or wire, the surface being gilt to prevent oxidation and the surface of such sufficient area that the resistances do not become heated beyond 60C. when kept in circuit for some time. In using them the electrician may either take their value for granted from the reputation of the maker, or, if possible, and far better, get them checked by some authority. In default he may proceed ab initio, and construct for himself low-resistance standards by means of the resistance standards prepared for use in Wheatstone bridge measurements. The method which may be adopted of creating a standard of low resistance, which shall have approximately a defined value, is as follows : Let 1, 2, 3, &c. (Fig. 13), be mercury cups, connected, as shown, by resistance coils r v r 2 , &c, Let there be an even number of mercury cups on each side, and therefore an odd number of resistance coils, Arranged in ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 53 this way, the coils r v r 2 , &c., are in series. If r be the resis- tance of each coil such as r lt and there be n coils, the total resistance in series will be n r. Let two copper combs, A and B, made of very thick high-conductivity copper rod, be pro- vided with claws, which enable them to connect together the mercury cups on each side when dipped into them. Suppose the cups 1, 3, 5, &c., connected on one side, and the cups 2, 4, 6, &c., on the other, then the coils r 1} r 2 , &c., will now be in parallel between A and B, and the joint resistance between A and B will be . The mercury cups must be made of copper amalgamated in the interior, and the ends of the comb FIG. 13. terminals be pressed down very strongly on the bottom of these cups when the resistances are thrown into parallel. If E be the joint resistance of the n coils in series, then ^ fi will be the joint resistance in parallel. If, however, the resistance of each coil is different, then, if &i,& 2 , &c., be the conductivities of each coil in mhos that is to say, the reciprocal of its resistance measured in ohms the total conductivity K, when arranged in parallel, will be = K, or the total parallel mho conductivity is 54 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. the sum of the separate mho conductivities of each coil. Suppose that a current is passed through such resistances in parallel, it distributes itself between the coils, and, if we know the conductivity of each coil, and can measure the difference of potentials between A and B, we have at once the means of calculating the current. Moreover, we can discover whether the initial resistance of the combined resistance has appreciably changed by the heat due to the passage of the current, for, by raising the forks out from the mercury cups, the n resistances, which were a moment ago in parallel, are now in series, and the actual change in resistance of the n in series is n 2 times the actual change in resistance of the n in parallel. We get, therefore, a resistance of considerable, or, at least, not very small magni- tude to determine, and by performing the operation of throwing the coils into series and measuring their resistance on a bridge we can determine within a small amount any change in resistance due to heat generated in any time in the conductors. Hence, generally speaking, the method consists in providing an arrangement by which resistances can be arranged in parallel and traversed by the current to be measured, and then thrown into series to determine what change, if any, the conductor has experienced in resistance, and calculating from this change, when measured in series, the change when arranged in parallel. Accordingly, the procedure is as follows : Suppose it is desired to construct a resistance of one-tenth of an ohm and capable of carrying ten amperes. The first step is to measure on the Wheatstone bridge, as subsequently ex- plained, the resistance of a series of wires, and to make them exactly equal. For this purpose select platinoid wire No. 18 S.W.G. and measure the resistance of any length of this wire on the bridge. Then calculate the length of the wire, which will have a resistance of slightly more than one ohm. Prepare in this way ten similar wires. Each platinoid wire is then silver soldered to a square nut of well tinned copper, ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 55 which is drilled with a central hole. The resistance of each wire is then made exactly the same by rubbing down with glass-paper all the wires until they are exactly equal in resistance to each other and to the highest in resistance of the ten. This process needs much care and patience. The ten wires having been made absolutely equal in resistance at the same temperature, the true resistance of each one is determined. The ten wires are then joined in parallel by passing a screw through the holes in the ten terminal nuts, and by heating these tinned blocks to the melting point of tin, they are compressed and soldered together into one mass. We have then a resistance of one-tenth of an ohm con- structed of ten one-ohm wires in parallel. A potential wire or terminal is then soldered to the terminal blocks as near as possible to the place of contact of the resistance wires and the terminal blocks. A more careful comparison must then be made between this one-tenth ohm standard and a one-ohm standard coil by means of a low resistance bridge or potentiometer, as sub- sequently described, and the nearest value determined for the resistance at a known temperature of the one-tenth ohm standard. A much more tedious process of the same nature would result in the construction of a one-hundredth of an ohm standard. When once original standards of low resis- tance have been standardised or measured by means of the Lorenz apparatus, it is comparatively an easy matter to copy or reproduce them.* The minimum outfit of carefully standardised resistances which any electrical laboratory should possess is as follows : 1. A 100-ohm standard. 2. A ten-ohm standard. 3. A one-ohm standard. the above to be coils suitable for comparison on a * For determinations of the value of low resistances by the Lorenz apparatus see Prof. J. Viriamu Jones " On Standards of Low Resistance," The Electrician, Vol. XXXI., p. 620. 56 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. Wheatstone Bridge, but not necessarily adapted for carrying large currents. In addition should be provided : 4. A one-ohm standard, capable of carrying one ampere. 5. A one-tenth of an ohm standard, for carrying up to ten amperes. 6. A one-hundredth of an ohm standard, capable of carrying up to 100 amperes. 7. A one-thousandth of an ohm standard, capable of carry- ing up to 1,000 amperes. The last four coils or strips must be suitable for measurement of current by the fall of potential method, and have potential terminals attached to them. In addition to resistances of the above kind, for much work, especially on insulators, it is necessary that the laboratory should possess certain high resistance standards A standard wire resistance megohm is, however, a somewhat expensive article. Many cheap substitutes have been pro- posed in the form of carbon or other admixtures of semi- conductors. For really careful work nothing, however, is satisfactory except a high resistance wire standard, preferably of manganin in the form of ten coils each having a resistance of 100,000 ohms. In the case of these high resistance standards the insulation of the separate coils and of their terminals becomes a very important matter. The coil terminals must be carried on tall corrugated ebonite pillars, and these must be placed a considerable distance apart on an ebonite base. A standard megohm box of this kind must be carefully protected from light and dust. Exposure to light destroys the surface insulation of ebonite.* The coils themselves must be insulated with well-baked solid shellac, and be suspended or carried on glass rods, also varnished. or covered with well-baked shellac. * The action of light and air oxidises the sulphur in the ebonite and produces a conducting layer, probably of sulphuric acid. This can be removed by washing with a dilute solution of soda, then thoroughly drying the surface and rubbing with a clean rag moistened with perfectly dry paraffin oil. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 57 6. The Recovery of the Standard or Unit Electric Current. We proceed, in the next place, to consider the means and instruments necessary to recover the standard electric current, and to compare currents with the autho- rised unit of electric current, called the ampere. The practical and legal definition of the ampere or unit of current is based upon the power of the current to cause electrolytic decomposition in a standard electrolyte, such as a neutral solution of the nitrate of silver when electrolysed with a silver anode and a platinum cathode. The British Board of Trade have issued a specification for the electrolytic measurement of unvarying electric currents, and the arrange- ment of apparatus and process is as follows : BRITISH BOARD OF TRADE SPECIFICATION FOR MEASURING ELECTRIC CURRENT. In the following specification the term silver voltameter means the arrangement of apparatus by means of -which an electric current is passed through a solution of nitrate of silver in water. The silver voltameter measures the total electrical quantity which has passed during the time of the experiment, and by noting this time the time average of the current, or if the current has been kept constant, the current itself can be deduced. In employing the silver voltameter to measure currents of about one ampere the following arrangements should be adopted. The cathode on which the silver is to be deposited should take the form of a platinum bowl not less than 10cm. in diameter, and from 4cm. to 5cm. in depth. The anode should be a plate of pure silver some 30 sq. cm. in area and 2mm. or 3mm. in thickness. This is supported horizontally in the liquid near the top of the solution by a platinum wire passed through holes in the plate at opposite corners. To prevent the disintegrated silver which is formed on the anode from falling on to the cathode, the anode should be wrapped round with pure filter paper, secured at the back with sealing wax. The liquid should consist of a neutral solution of pure silver nitrate, containing about 15 parts by weight of the nitrate to 85 parts of water. The resistance of the voltameter changes somewhat as the current passes. To prevent these changes having too great an effect on the current, some resistance besides that of the voltameter should be inserted in the circuit. The total metallic resistance of the circuit should not be less than 10 ohms. Method of Making a Measurement. The platinum bowl is washed with nitric acid and distilled water, dried by heat, and then left to cool in a desiccator. When thoroughly dry it is weighed carefully. 58 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. It is nearly filled with the solution, and connected to the rest of the circuit by being placed on a clean copper support to which a binding screw is attached. This copper support must be insulated. The anode is then immersed in the solution so as to be well covered by it and supported hi that position ; the connections to the rest of the circuit are made. Contact is made at the key, noting the time of contact. The current is allowed to pass for not less than half-an-hour, and the time at which contact is broken is observed. Care must be taken that the clock used is keeping correct time during this interval. The solution is now removed from the bowl, and the deposit is washed with distilled water and left to soak for at least six hours. It is then rinsed successively with distilled water and absolute alcohol and dried in a hot-air bath at a temperature of about 160C. After cooling in a desiccator it is weighed again. The gain in weight gives the silver deposited. To find the current in amperes, this weight, expressed in grammes, must be divided by the number of seconds during which the current has been passed, and by O'OOlllS. There seems reason to believe that the above officially- adopted value of the electrochemical equivalent of silver is about one part in a thousand too small, if the ampere so denned is to represent one-tenth of the absolute C.G.S. unit of current. A careful discussion of the different values obtained for the mechanical equivalent of heat (=J= Joule's equivalent) has shown that the best results obtained by the heating of water electrically are in excess of the best results obtained by mechanical friction methods by about one part in 400. Thus at 191 by the Paris nitrogen thermometer the values of J are as follows per degree Fahr. : By Mechanical Methods. Joule 774 foot-pounds. Rowland .. .. 776*1 By Electrical Methods. Griffiths 7791 foot-pounds. Schuster & Gannon 778'5 More recent determinations of the electro-chemical equiva- lent of silver gives the value 0*0011192 grammes per ampere- second (see Electrical Review, September 30, 1898) and the adoption of this constant instead of 0*001118 removes nearly all difference between the value of J when determined mechanically and electrically. The result of the measurement carried out as above specified will be the time-average of the current if during the interval the current has varied. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 59 Iii determining by this method the constant of an instru- ment the current shall be kept as nearly constant as possible, and the readings of the instrument observed at frequent intervals of time. These observations give a curve from which the reading corresponding to the mean current (time- average of the current) can be found. The current, as calculated by the voltameter, corresponds to this reading. The every-day practical measurement of current is best performed by some instrument which gives not merely the time-average, but the precise value at any instant. Such in- struments are called amperemeters or ammeters. Of the many principles employed in the construction of amperemeters none is so well adapted to the construction of a standard instrument as the utilisation of the fact that forces of attraction and repulsion exist between conductors carrying electric currents. These instruments, which are variously called electro-dynamometers, current balances or ampere balances, may all be said to be modifications of the electro- dynamometer, which was first described by Weber in his " Electro-dynamische Maasbestimmungen " (Leipsic, 1846). The principle on which these instruments act was made known, however, twenty-five years previously. On September 25, 1820, Ampere announced to the Academy of Sciences in France that he had discovered the existence of forces of attraction and repulsion between conductors of non-magnetic material traversed by electric currents. The experiments of Ampere and the subsequent elaborate researches of Weber (W. Weber, " Electro-dynamische Maasbestimmungen," Thl. I., s. 10, 1846, Auszug in Pogg. Annal., Bd. LXXIIL, s. 193) estab- lished the fact that, if there be a fixed and a movable conductor in the neighbourhood of each other, traversed by the same electric current, there will in general be a mechanical stress brought into existence, which will tend to displace the movable conductor and to bring it into a position relatively to the fixed conductor in which the mechanical stress between them is zero. The mutual force 60 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. or stress between these mutually influencing portions of the same circuit is, in any given position, proportional to the square of the strength of the current traversing the two portions of the circuit. In the ampere balances invented by Lord Kelvin this stress is measured by comparing it with or balancing it against the weight of certain standard masses ; in other words, the electro-dynamic stress between electric circuits is compared with the gravitation stress on a given mass. The great difficulty which has hitherto presented itself to all who have attempted to design instruments on the electro- dynamometer principle for any but very small currents has been that of getting the current into and out of the movable conductor. The device on which most experimentalists have fallen back is that adopted by Ampere himself, viz., to use mercury cups as a means of constructing a flexible and conducting joint. The use of mercury is open to many objections. The surface gradually becomes oxidised, the cups must be filled and emptied each time the instrument has to be transported, and the joint with impure mercury is by no means exceedingly flexible. The great novelty in the ampere balances of Lord Kelvin was the invention of a joint or electric coupling which is excessively flexible, and at the same time capable of being constructed so as to carry with safety any current desired. This was accomplished by the introduction of a device which may be called a metallic ligament. The general principle of its construction, and the mode of rendering a circuit freely movable, yet accessible to a large current, may be described as follows : Let A A (Fig. 14) be a pair of semi-cylindrical fixed trunnions, which are carried on some form of supporting frame and held with the flat sides downwards. Let B B be two similar trunnions, which project out from the sides of two strips, connecting together a pair of rings C C. The pair of rings and the connecting strips constitute the circuit which is to be rendered movable. A current entering by the trunnion ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 61 -f B flows round the two halves of the circuit, as shown by the arrows, and emerges at the trunnion B. In Fig. 14 the current is shown, for simplicity, dividing round the two rings. The circuit should in reality be shown so that the current goes round both rings in series in figure of eight fashion. This is the case in all but the kilo- and hecto-ampere balances, in which the current divides round the ring, as shown in Fig. 14. To the upper surface of the upper trunnion are soldered a very large number of exceed- ingly fine copper wires (No. 60 B.W.G.), which are laid close together. These wires are also soldered to the under surface of the lower trunnion. The movable circuit C C thus hangs from the upper trunnion by two ligaments, which appear like thin strips, but which are really composed of an immense number of very fine wires. In Fig. 14 these ligaments are intentionally drawn much longer in proportion to the rest of the figure than they really are in the instrument, the object being to render the mode of suspension clear. This method of suspension enables the conductor C C to vibrate freely like a balance by a motion which is partly a bending of the flexible ligaments, and partly a sort of rolling and unrolling of the lower trunnion on the ligament attached to it. By this ingenious method not only can a heavy copper con- ducting circuit of the shape shown be suspended as freely as the beam of a good balance, but at the same time a very large current density can be permitted in the flexible liga- ment, since its great radiating surface, and the freedom with 62 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. which heat is taken out of it by conduction into the mass of the trunnions, allows a proportionately very large current to be transmitted. If, then, the trunnions A and B are the electrodes, the method above described affords the means of passing a very large current into the circuit C C, which yet at the same time retains within certain narrow limits great freedom of movement. Let such a suspended conductor be arranged so as to have a circular conducting circuit of annular form, briefly called an ampere ring, placed above and below each of the movable rings of the balanced arm. Let the connections be made as shown diagrammatically in Fig. 15, in which it will be seen that the current entering by the 4- electrode flows in series through all four fixed FIG. 15. ampere rings F, and through the two movable ampere rings M. An examination of the direction of current flow in each ring will then show that, in consequence of Ampere's law (parallel currents in same direction attract, in opposite direction repel), forces of attraction and repulsion will be brought into play between each fixed ring and the movable rings, which tend to lift one ring M and depress the other, and tilt over the balance arm to which they are attached. The amperian forces thus exert a couple on the movable part. To bring back the movable part to its initial position, which we may suppose to be half-way between each fixed ring, an equal and opposite mechanical couple must be applied. We shall in what follows call the movable part ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 63 of the conducting circuit the balance coils, and the other portion of the circuit the fixed coils. The operation of weighing an electric current consists, therefore, in bringing first of all the balance coils into a definite sighted position between the fixed coils, then passing the current, and bringing back the balance coils into the sighted position against the displacing electro-dynamic forces by applying to the balanced part a couple produced by a standard weight. The restoring couple is applied as follows : Attached to the balanced part or movable portion is a stiff metal bar, turned up at the bottom edge so as to form a sort of long shelf. This shelf or tray extends the whole length of the movable beam, and moves or tilts with it when the balanced part is displaced (see Fig. 16). At one end of the balanced part is a small V-shaped tray, in which a weight is placed. A standard weight is then placed at the opposite end of the shelf. This weight is of such form as to slide along the shelf easily. When placed at the zero position on the shelf it exactly balances the counterpoise in the V-trough, and the balanced part should be in equilibrium when no current is passing. If it is not so, then a small adjustment can be made by means of a metal flag on the beam similar to that on a gravimetric balance, so as to alter slightly the position of the centre of gravity of the balanced part. If the sliding weight on the shelf is moved along towards the middle the equilibrium is disturbed and a couple brought to bear upon the balanced part, which is proportional to the displacement of the sliding weight from its zero position. If a current is passed through the circuit, and the sliding weight displaced, so as to restore the balance to its sighted position, the current strength is proportional to the square root of the distance by which the sliding weight has to be shifted in order to restore equilibrium. The shifting of this weight is performed by a very ingenious piece of mechanism, which will be understood from the enlarged view (Fig. 17). On the base board of the instrument, and just underneath the shelf on which the 64 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 65 weight slides, is placed a little metal block, which carries a stout vertical wire extending a little above the shelf carried on the balanced beam. From the top of this wire is carried a pendent wire, which hangs down through a notch in the weight which slides on the shelf. This block, carrying the pendant, is pulled along the railway by a silk cord. When pulled it drags with it the weight on the shelf ; but when the string is released the pendant returns to its vertical position and disengages itself automatically from the weight, leaving the balance free to tilt according to the direction of the forces acting upon it. By this means the weight can be shifted along until a balance is obtained, whilst at the same time the whole balance is covered with a glass case to protect it from currents of air. FIG. 17. Shifting- Weight Apparatus of Kelvin Ampere Balance. With each current balance four sliding weights and four corresponding counterpoises are provided ; the weights being in the ratio of 1 : 4: 16 : 64. Thus if with the ampere balance the lightest weight on the sliding tray in a certain position corresponds to a current of half an ampere through the instrument, the next weight at the same place corresponds to one ampere, and with the third weight on it the current is two amperes. The upper edge of the shelf on which the weights slide is graduated into equal divisions, and 66 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. the weight is provided with a sharp tongue of metal, in order that its position on the shelf may be readily and accurately determined. For the purpose of avoiding con- tinual reference to square root tables, another fixed scale is placed behind the shelf, called the inspectional scale. On the upper edge of the shelf, along which the graduations are made, a small notch is cut at those divisions whose numerical denominations are exact squares ; thus, corresponding to divisions 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, &c., on the scale engraved on the shelf are cut little notches in its upper edge. The inspec- tional scale is fixed close behind this, and yet not touching, and at those points on it exactly behind the notches are engraved numbers which are twice the square roots of the corresponding numbers on the shelf; thus, corresponding to 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, &c., on the shelf, the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, &c., are engraved on the inspectional scale. Since the current passing through the balance when equilibrium is obtained with a given weight is proportional to the square root of the couple due to this weight upon the balance, it follows that the current strength when equilibrium is obtained is pro- portional to the product of the square root of weight used, and the square root of the distance of this weight from its zero position ; but the inspectional scale is so graduated as to show at a glance the square root of the distance of the weight from its zero position, and hence the numbers on the inspectional scale indicate half-amperes, amperes, or double amperes, according to the weight used. In using these and all other gravity instruments it should be remembered that the acceleration of gravity, and therefore also the weight of a given mass, varies with latitude and with the height above the earth's surface. If M is the mass of a body and g is the acceleration of gravity, then its weight W=Ma, and ^=980-6056-2-5028 Cos 2\ - O'OOOOOSA, where \ latitude and A = height above sea level in centimetres. If, then, an ampere-balance is set to read correctly at Glasgow, it will need a correction to be applied if used in other places. The weight of each weight, and therefore the corresponding current, will vary proportionately with gravity. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 67 The following table shows for eaeh type of instrument the value per division of the inspectional scale corresponding to each of the four pairs of weights : I. II. III. IV. Centi-amperes Deci-amperes Amperes per Amperes per per division. per division. division. division. 1st pair of weights 0'25 0'25 0'25 T5 2nd 0-50 0-5 0'5 3'0 3rd 1-0 I'O 1-0 6-0 4th 2-0 2-0 2-0 12-0 The fixed inspectional scale shows approximately enough for many purposes the strength of the current ; the notches in the top of the aluminium sliding scale or shelf show the precise position of the weight corresponding to each of the numbered divisions on the inspectional scale, and practically annuls error of parallax due to position of the eye. When the pointer on the weight is not exactly below one of the notches corresponding to integral divisions of the inspectional scale, the proportion of the space on each side to the space between two divisions may be estimated inspectionally with accuracy enough for all practical purposes. Thus, we may readily read off 34'2 or 34' 7 by estimation, with little chance of being wrong by 1/0 in the decimal place. But when the utmost accuracy is required, the reading on the fine scale of equal divisions must be taken, and the strength of the current estimated by aid of a table of square roots supplied with each instrument. These general principles being understood, we proceed to describe the details of the several types of instruments adapted for various ranges of useful measurement. The range of each instrument is from 1 to 100 or 1 to 25 times, the smallest current for which its sensibility suffices. The ranges of the different types of instrument regularly made are : The Centi-ampere balance from 1 to 100 centi-amperes. Deci-ampere 1 to 100 deci-amperes. Ampere Deca- ampere ' Hecto-ampere , , Kilo-ampere 1 to 100 amperes. 1 to 100 6 to 600 100 to 2,500 F2 68 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. Fig. 16 shows the general appearance of the centi-arnpere, deci-ampere and ampere balances, and Fig. 18 that of the standard kilo-ampere balance. In these instruments the outer diameters of the fixed coils are slightly greater, and the inner diameters slightly less than those of the movable rings attached to the balance arms. The position of the movable rings when in equilibrium and equi-distant from the fixed ones above and below it, is a position of minimum force, and the sighted position, for the sake of stability, is above it, at one end of the beam and below it at the other, in each case being nearer to the repelling than to the attracting ring by such an amount as to give about T 2 a per cent, more than the FIG. 18. Kelvin Kilo-ampere Balance. minimum force. In order to adapt these balances for alter- nating currents, a special mode of arranging the conducting circuit has to be adopted. In the balances intended for alternate currents (which may be used also for direct currents) of from five amperes to 250 amperes, the main current through each circle, whether consisting of one turn or of more than one turn, is carried by a wire rope, of which each component strand is insulated by silk covering or otherwise from its neighbour, in order to prevent the inductive action from altering the distribution of the currents across the transverse section of the conductor ; whilst to- ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 69 70 'ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. avoid induced currents in these parts the coil frames and base- board are constructed of slate. The hecto-ampere (see Fig. 19) and kilo-ampere balances are slightly different in arrangement from the foregoing. In the last instrument the whole current to be measured is passed through a single fixed ring and then divides through the two halves of a movable ring, which are urged, one up and the other down, by the resulting attractive and repulsive forces. For the British Board of Trade Electrical Laboratory Lord Kelvin designed a special form of ampere balance for recovering or defining a current of one ampere, of which the following is the official description : CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF THE PRINCIPAL INSTRUMENT FOR DETERMINING THE STANDARD OF ELECTRICAL CURRENT. The complete instrument is shown in perspective in Fig. 20,* and the details and connections in Figs. 21 and 22. It is constructed as follows : Balance and Supports. A sensitive balance, suitable for the accurate determination of weights up to five kilogrammes with a beam 16in. in length between the knife edges from which the scale pans are hung, is fixed on an upper hori- zontal platform of marble, supported on four marble columns at a height of 2ft. 3in. above a similar platform fixed on a suitable stone pier, bedded solidly in a mass of concrete, and kept clear from contact with the wooden floor of the laboratory. Marble Cylinder. On the lower platform is placed on three supports, details of which are given below, a cylinder of white statuary marble, partly hollow (see Fig. 20). The cylinder is thoroughly impregnated with paraffin wax. A block of ebonite e (Fig. 21) is fixed on one side of the cylinder, and serves as a terminal board. Fixed Coils. Two circular grooves are cut completely round the cylinder, in which are wound coils of No. 18 standard * This illustration and many others used in this book are taken from The Electrician by permission of the Proprietors. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 71 wire gauge (012cm. diameter), insulated with two coverings of white silk. The wire was passed through a bath of shellac FIG. 20. The Board of Trade Standard Ampere Balance, showing the Weight raised from the Scale Pan by the Lifting Gear. and alcohol as it was wound on the marble, and each layer was well coated with the same material when in its place. Each coil has 16 turns per layer and 16 layers of wire. 72 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. The coils are both wound in the same direction, and the outer ends are strained tight and secured to terminals 1 1 (Fig. 21). The inner ends are passed through the marble and secured to bolts in connection with terminals i i (Fig. 21). Sighting Holes. Between the grooves on the marble cylinder, at points equi-distant from each other, are bored FIG. 21. Elevation and Part Section of Marble Cylinder of Board of Trade Standard Ampere Balance. through the marble three sighting holes, one of which is shown at h (Fig. 21). These holes are closed on the inside by glass, the exact centres being indicated by the intersection of two straight lines engraved in the glass, and also by the angle of a quadrant of tinfoil affixed to the glass. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 73 Suspended Coil, Suspending Wires, &c. A circular coil, shown in sectional elevation at c (Fig. 21), and of the dimensions given, is suspended from one end of the beam of the balance by means of three gilded phosphor bronze wires 0'086cm. diameter, w w w (Fig. 21). These wires pass through an aperture in the upper marble platform. The wire in this coil is the same as in the fixed coils, and is similarly insulated and varnished. There are 18 turns of wire in each layer and 18 layers. Each complete layer was allowed 24 hours to dry alter being coated with shellac varnish before the next layer was put on. The coil is covered with a taping of silk ribbon, closely laid on to overlap, and varnished with shellac in alcohol, four coats, each being allowed to thoroughly dry before applying the next one. The ends of the coil are brought out near each other on the upper surface at I (Fig. 21). A considerable length of wire is left for each end, and is formed into a spiral, and then projected horizontally to the centre of the coil, where the stiff wires terminate, and flexible connections are made by three silk-covered silver wires, No. 40 S.W.G., from each to the posts p (Fig. 21), which are connected to terminals nn. Three ebonite blocks I (Fig. 21) are fitted over the coil, as shown, and secured by a lashing of silk thread, the suspend- ing wires being attached to brass eyelets screwed into the ebonite. At d d d (Fig. 21) are shown ivory cranks for effecting the vertical adjustment of the suspended coil. The attachment of the suspending wires to the balance is effected by ivory rings, which are hooked on to a three-legged fitting, this being hooked to the stirrup, hung on the knife edge of the beam (see Fig. 21). The scale pan is also hung from this stirrup, as shown in Fig. 21. On the upper part of each ebonite piece &, facing the sighting hole h, is fixed a mirror M, the centre being fixed by 74 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. the intersection of cross lines and by the angle of a quadrant of tinfoil. Adjustments. The proper adjustment of position of the suspended coil is indicated by the coincidence of the angles of the tinfoil quadrants on the mirrors in, and the glass back of holes A, when the eye is so held that no reflected image can be observed. Eccentric Movement for Horizontal Adjustment. A means of fine horizontal adjustment is provided in the supports of the marble cylinder, which are three short slate cylinders, k k k (Fig. 21), having projections from their upper and lower surfaces, the upper projection being eccentric and fitting in a hole in the bottom of the marble cylinder, and the lower projection being concentric and fitting in a radial groove in the marble slab. The Weight. The iridio-platinum weight shown in Fig. 20' can be lowered into the scale pan, and released from the outside of the case by a system of levers. The weight is accurately 33*55 grammes. Enclosure. The marble cylinder is enclosed by means of three sheets of plate glass, which slide in grooves cut in the marble platforms, and when in position are in contact with the sides of the three marble columns adjacent to the cylinder, these sides being coated with baize, the plan of this, enclosure being an equilateral triangle with the axis of the marble cylinder at its centre. The planes of the three glass sheets are respectively parallel with those of the glass at the back of the sighting hole viewed through them. The balance is enclosed within a case of mahogany and glass (see Fig. 20), and arrangements are made as indicated for manipulating the rider weights of the balance and the ampere weight from the outside of this case. The whole enclosure is fairly dust-tight, and sufficiently air-tight to prevent any disturbance of the weighing opera- tions by currents of air. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 75- Connections. The connections to the reversing switch Z (Fig. 22) are brought outside the enclosure by means of rods passing through the marble column adjacent to the ebonite block. Fig. 22 shows these connections, and the direction of the current through the various parts of the apparatus, the lower arrows over the fixed coils showing the alteration of direction caused by operating the switch. Fixed Coil FIG. 22. Auxiliary Current Balance. In the construction of the standard ampere balance, the chief object aimed at has been the securing of the greatest possible constancy and precision of determination. On account of the slow period of vibration of the beam r however, the use of an auxiliary instrument has been found advantageous. This is a special form of Lord Kelvin's current balance instrument arranged to balance with a current of one ampere passing through the coils when a certain weight is applied to one end of the beam, equilibrium being also maintained when, with no current passing, this same weight is applied to the other end of the beam. 76 ELECTRICAL LABOR AT ORT EQUIPMENT. Use of the Instrument. The standard balance, auxiliary 'balance, and the instruments to be standardised are con- nected in circuit with a sufficient number of accumulators and an adjustable resistance, part of which is capable of continuous variation. The whole circuit is arranged so that a current of approximately one ampere will pass on comple- tion of the circuit. This current is allowed to pass continuously for at least one hour, being directed through the coils of the standard, so as to increase the force of gravity on the suspended coil, and the counterweight in the right hand pan being adjusted from time to time. At the end of this preliminary period the current is stopped for a short time to take a reading of the zero of the auxiliary balance, and apply a correction by means of the rider weight, if necessary. The current is then again put on, 3,nd as rapidly as possible regulated by means of the adjust- able resistance to exactly the value of one ampere, as indicated by the auxiliary balance. The counterweight in the right hand pan standard balance is also exactly adjusted. The switch Z (Fig. 22) is then operated to reverse the -current in the fixed coils, and at the same time the weight is lowered into the left-hand scale pan. The balance should then still be maintained when the current, after adjustment, if requisite, is exactly one ampere by the auxiliary balance. The above-described laboratory forms of Kelvin ampere balances are made in two types. They are constructed in one form with a sliding weight and scale so as to enable any constant current to have its ampere value determined, or they are constructed with fixed weights so adjusted that on gradually varying the current the balance tips over at certain fixed standard currents, say, one ampere or ten amperes, &c. In this last mode of use of the balances there is no sliding weight and tray but the balances have to be employed in ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 7* connection with a carbon rheostat or some means for con- tinuously varying the current strength with extreme precision. In the case of a primary standard laboratory balance it is- better to have it arranged in the second manner so that by its means the observer may weigh out, as it were, an ampere or ten amperes rather than determine the true value of a, non-integral current. In this last manner the standard ampere balance (see Fig. 23) of the Board of Trade is used, and it is desirable, where extreme accuracy is required, that the laboratory should be provided with a one-ampere fixed standard balance of the above-mentioned description. FIG. 23. Standard One-ampere Kelvin Balance as made for the Board ofr Trade Electrical Laboratory. Deferring, for the present, details of the standardisation of these ampere balances, we may say that the electrical laboratory should be provided, at the very least, with two- standard Kelvin ampere balances, the most useful being the deci-ampere balance weighing from one-tenth to ten amperes-, and a deca-ampere balance weighing from one to a hundred amperes. These balances should be carefully set up on level stone shelves of such height that an observer seated on a stool can. comfortably read the scale and manipulate the rider. 78 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. After setting up the deci-ampere balance it should be most carefully standardised by a silver voltameter, using the process described in the Board of Trade specification. After- wards the balance should not be moved or touched except to regulate the position of the equilibrium flag before each weighing. A comparison should then be made between the . standard Clark or Weston cell and the balance as follows : Pass through the ampere balance and a tenth of an ohm standard coil a current of about six or seven amperes and regulate this current to perfect steadiness. Then measure with the potentiometer the potential difference between the terminals of the standard resistance and calculate from this the value of the current. The current as read by the . ampere balance and the current as determined by the stan- dard cell and resistance should agree within one-tenth of 1 jper cent., or to one part in a thousand. If any refined or careful measurements are to be made the director of the laboratory should spare no pains to make sure that he is in possession of the means of recovering or pro- ducing the ohm, the volt and the ampere in his own laboratory, and that these should be in exact agreement as far as possible with the Board of Trade standards and with each other. It is desirable that the special appliances which form the primary electrical standards of the laboratory the standard ohm, the standard Cadmium or Weston cell or the standard Clark cell and the standard deci-ampere balance shall not be used for every-day work, but kept for special verification purposes. The laboratory being in the above-described manner pro- vided with means for making the three fundamental com- parisons of length, mass and time by means of a standard metre, standard gramme or kilogramme weights and chrono- meter must also be provided in the best possible manner with the appliances for making the three principal electrical measurements of resistance, electromotive force and current ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 79 by comparison with the standard ohm, standard cell or voltage and standard current. Before describing the stan- dards of electromotive force it is necessary to mention certain current regulating devices which are essential requisites. 7. The Regulation of Current. One of the most frequently required operations in the electrical laboratory is that of the regulation of a current by means of resistances. Each working bench or table should be provided with terminals between which a constant potential difference of 100 volts is maintained. From these terminals, however, have to be taken currents of the desired strength. This is best done by providing the laboratory with an outfit of regulating resistances which, when placed in series with any apparatus and across the main terminals, can permit only the desired current to flow. After many trials and experiments the author devised the following form of working resistance, which is exceedingly useful in a laboratory :* Each .element of the resistance is called a cage (see Fig. 24), and is made in the following manner. A brass rod about 3ft. long carries on it two porcelain head-pieces or discs having porcelain pin projec- tions on their upper surfaces. One of these is fixed to the rod and the other is movable, but is pushed outwards by a strong spiral spring. To a terminal wire attached to the fixed head-piece is soldered one end of a fine wire of platinoid, reostene or any high-resistance wire. This wire is generally about No. 32 gauge. The movable head-piece is pressed in a little way, and the resistance wire is then laid backwards and forwards over the pin projections on the head-pieces so as to form a zigzag conductor; the end of the resistance wire being then finally connected to another terminal wire passing through the fixed head-piece. When the cage is so made the movable head-piece is released and the spiral spring forces it out, and thus keeps the resistance * See The Electrician, Vol. XXXVI., p. 476. 80 ) FIG. 24. Inductionless Ventilated Kesistance Ccages (Fleming). ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 81 wire always tight, even although it expands on heating. By a proper selection of the resistance wire a perfectly ventilated and practically non-inductive resistance may be made in this manner, having a resistance of 100 ohms or more which, will carry safely, without undue heating, a current of one ampere. A series of these cages can then be fixed in a wood frame placed on castors, with all the several resistances connected in parallel between two omnibus wires ; each resistance being provided with its own switch. It will then be seen that the whole resistance frame can be put across the 100- volt terminals, joined in series with a switch and with any apparatus to be traversed by the current, and that the current FIG. 25. Paul's Carbon Plate Rheostat. which passes through the circuit can then be regulated by the number of cages which are switched on in parallel. When currents of less than one ampere are required these can be obtained by joining cages in series. In this case each cage can be coupled with a switch in parallel with it, so that when the switch is on, the cage resistance is cut out of circuit. In addition to a set of the above cages it is necessary to possess several carbon rheostats. One of the most convenient forms of this regulating resistance consists of plates of hard battery carbon or graphite roughened on the surface and about Sin. square (see Fig. 25). A series of about 30 to 82 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 50 of these plates are placed in an iron frame and prevented from touching the guide rods by porcelain or fibre insulators. The carbon plates can be more or less squeezed by a strong screw. Metal plates with screw terminals can be slipped in between any carbon plates, and, by means of the pressure applied, a very gradual variation can be made in the inter- posed carbon resistance. It is essential that the carbon plates shall be hard but not smooth, and the best plates are those cut out of gas-oven graphite. FIG. 26. Kelvin Wire Rheostat. The above resistances are a great convenience in the laboratory. They can be used to carry large currents up to 50 or 100 amperes, but they have not a very great range ot resistance variation. For the gradual variation of resistance Lord Kelvin's form of wire rheostat, in which a platinoid wire is wound off a metal cylinder on to a marble or porcelain cylinder, will be found convenient (see Fig. 26). In this appliance the resistance wire is kept tight by means of a clock spring in the interior of the metal cylinder, which always acts so as to keep a little tension on the resistance wire. For many purposes a form of rheostat devised by Mr. Shelford Bid well is useful. This consists of a slate or ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 83 porcelain cylinder on which a platinoid wire is wound in a helical groove, one end of the resistance wire being insulated and the other fixed to a metal plate which forms the carrier for the cylinder. The cylinder is centred on a long screwed shaft, the screw on which is cut to the same pitch as the helical groove on the cylinder. This screw rod works in tapped bearings. A fixed spring contact presses against the platinoid wire, and the other end of the platinoid wire is in metallic contact with one screw bearing. As the cylinder is turned round a greater or less length of platinoid wire is interposed between this spring terminal and the fixed terminal. This form of rheostat is substantial and works well if the wire and contact are kept clean. The contact spring should be tipped with platinoid. It is a good plan to keep these rheostats in boxes with glass lids, the winch handle alone protruding, so that dust does not fall on the resistance wire or contacts. If it does, the resistance is apt to vary in a capricious manner as the handle is turned. For some cases incandescent lamps can be used for regu- lating resistances. It is useful to have some boards on which are mounted half-a-dozen key sockets, wired up in parallel between two brass terminal screws. If incandescent lamps are placed in these sockets the resistance between the terminals can be decreased by steps by switching on lamps. If the light given out by the lamps is objectionable it can be shielded off by dropping over each lamp an asbestos card- board hood or cylinder like a canister, the top of which is pierced with small holes for ventilation. Incandescent lamps as resistances, owing to the light and heat given out by them, are not nearly so convenient as the resistance cages above described. For the regulation of currents for dynamos and motors many forms of rheostat have been introduced. One con- venient form, as designed by the Author for use in the electrical laboratory at University College, London, consists in suspending from porcelain insulators placed against the wall o2 84 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. of the dynamo room long wires of nickel steel or eureka. These wires are kept tight when expanded by heat by means of a spiral bell spring attached to the extremity of the wire. The wires are electrically connected in parallel as required by means of a parallelising switch (see Fig. 27). The length of each wire is adjusted so that the current through it, when the difference of potential of its extremities is 100 volts, does not FIG. 27. University College Dynamo Rheostats. exceed that value which will make it too hot to touch with the hand. The total resistance between the terminals is then reduced, step by step by adding resistance wires in parallel. It is much better thus to reduce resistance by equal steps by adding equal resistances in parallel than to increase it by adding equal resistances in series. In the former case the current increases by equal increments per step, and in the latter it decreases in harmonic ratio per step of resistance. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 85 In cases where large currents have to be regulated or varied continuously liquid resistances may be sometimes advantageously employed. One useful form is Lyon's Liquid Eesistance (see Fig. 28). This consists of two zinc FIG. 28. Lyon Liquid Rheostat. cones fitting each other, which are immersed in a strong solution of zinc sulphate, and by means of a screw or lever the distance of these metal cones can be varied from perfect metallic contact to a position in which a considerable length 86 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. of electrolyte is interposed between them. The resistance can thus be gradually varied. If continuous currents are employed with it, the direction of the current through the resistance should be changed every few minutes by a current reverser. and the current density or amperes per square foot of zinc cone surface should not exceed the limit at which zinc begins to be deposited in irregular crystals or trees on the cathode cone. The subject of power absorbing resistances will be con- sidered in the chapters dealing with dynamo and transformer testing.* 8. The Practical Standard of Electromotive Force. The practical unit of electromotive force is equal to the terminal difference of potential produced when a current of one ampere flows through a resistance of one ohm. The most satisfactory method of recovering a known difference of potential say, of one volt is to pass a current of one ampere, measured by a standard ampere balance, through a suitable resistance of one ohm. There are, however, many cases in which this is not a convenient method of recovering a known difference of potential. Hence attention has been directed to the construction of a standard of electromotive force which shall produce directly a known difference of potential between two terminals. Experience shows that, although the ultimate standard of electromotive force must be recovered by the passage of a known current through a * The following references to papers or information on liquid resistances and power absorbing resistances may be found useful : " Lyon's Liquid Resistances," The Electrician, Vol. XXVI., p. 759. " Water Rheostats," G. T. Hanchett, The Electrician, Vol. XXXVII., p. 833. " Water Rheostats," The Electrician, Vol. XL., p. 696, contains useful facts and figures ; see also Science Abstracts, Vol. I., p. 356. " Water Resistance for Alternator Testing," The Electrician, Vol. XLI., p. 279. "Motor Starting Resistances," Pochin, The Electrician, Vol. XXXIX., p. 38. "Commercial Forms of Electricial Resistances," L. B. Atkinson, The Electrician, Vol. XL., p. 863. " Current p. Commercial Resistances," D. K. Morris, The Electrician, Vol. XXXIII., pp. 605, 627, 667. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 87 known resistance, yet the adoption of a voltaic or electro- chemical standard of electromotive force, by the use of a standard voltaic cell, has considerable practical convenience. Great attention, therefore, has been given of late years to the minute details of the construction of certain voltaic cell standards of electromotive force. Experience has shown that a very convenient standard of electromotive force is obtained by the use of some modification of the mercury-zinc cell, which was first proposed by Mr. Latimer Clark as a standard of electromotive force, and made in 1873.* The elements of this cell are mercury, mercurous sulphate, zinc sulphate and zinc. Since the above date other forms of voltaic cells have been proposed as standards of electromotive force. The various species and modifications of standard mercury cell in use at present are as follows : (".) THE ORIGINAL FORM OF CLARK CELL. (ii.) THE MUIRHKAD FORM OF CLARK CELL. (in.} THE RAYLEIGH H FORM OF CLARK CELL. (iv.) THE CARHART FORM OF CLARK CELL. (v.) THE BOARD OF TRADE FORM OF CLARK CELL. (vi.) THE REICHSANSTALT FORM OF CLARK CELL. (vii.) THE CALLENDAR FORM OF CLARK CELL. (viii.) THE WESTON CADMIUM CELL. (ix.) THE REICHSANSTALT H FORM OF CADMIUM CELL. (x.) THE HELMHOLTZ CALOMEL CELL. These cells are not employed as current generators, but merely as standards of electromotive force by using them as subsequently to be described. A few words of description may be given of each of these cells. (i.) The Original Clark Cell. The original form of Clark cell, suggested by Mr. Latimer Clark in 1873 as a standard of electromotive force, consisted of a glass cup or beaker in the bottom of which is placed some pure mercury. Into this mercury a platinum wire dips, which is sheathed throughout its length with glass or gutta perch a except at the extreme * See Telegraphic Journal, Vol. I., p 9. 88 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. end where it dips into the mercury. Above the mercury rests a paste formed of mercurous sulphate mixed with zinc sulphate. Above the paste there is a saturated solution of zinc sulphate, and in this latter is dipped a rod of pure zinc. The zinc has a platinum wire soldered to it, and the two wires connecting the zinc and mercury are brought up to insulated terminals (see Fig. 29). (ii.) The Muirhead- Clark Cell. In the above original form the Clark cell is not very portable and cannot be turned upside down without producing a change in its Marine Glue Glass Tube Platinum Wire Glass Cell Zinc Sulphate Paste Mercury FIG. 29. Original form of Clark Cell. electromotive force by bringing the mercury in contact with the zinc and thus contaminating the mercury. An improved form of cell was therefore devised by Dr. Muirhead, in which this difficulty is overcome. In the Muirhead cell there is no large free mass of fluid mercury. The end of the platinum wire is coiled into a spiral, and this platinum is well amalgamated, and when dipped in mercury it retains a globule of mercury within the spiral by capillary attraction, and this is so adherent that it is not easily detached. The spiral of amalgamated ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 89 platinum is buried in the mercurous paste (see Fig. 29) ; above this is placed the saturated solution of zinc sulphate, and in this latter a zinc rod. A Muirhead cell, if properly sealed, can be sent by parcels post, or otherwise carried about without injury to its electromotive force. (Hi.) The Rayleigh H form of Clark Cell. Lord Eayleigh investigated in 1885 with great care the causes of the differences in electromotive force between Clark cells set up Marine Glue Zinc Sulphate Mercurous Sulphate Glass Tube Platinum Wire Platinum Spiral FIG. 30. Muirhead form of Clark Cell. by various persons using apparently the same quality of materials and equal care. He came to the conclusion that the greatest source of error was due to variations in the density of the zinc sulphate solution. The electromotive force of the cell depends upon the concentration of the zinc sulphate solution. If the solution is not a saturated solution the electro- motive force of the cell is too high. In some cases the zinc sulphate solution may be super-saturated, especialty 90 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. when the cells have been heated during or after charging. Lord Kayleigh summarises the sources of variation of E.M.F. in Clark cells as follows : The E.M.F. may be too high (1) because the mercurous paste is acid ; (2) because the paste is not saturated with zinc sulphate. The first fault tends to cure itself, and is rarely found after cells are a month old. The second is the usual cause of variation. If the E.M.F. is too low it may be (1) because the cell has become dry, in which case the drop in voltage will be pro- gressive; (2) the solution is super-saturated with zinc sulphate ; or (3) the mercury is impure. It follows that to secure the correct or normal E.M.F. the mercury used should FIG. 31. Lord Rayleigh's H form of Clark Cell. B Amalgam of Zinc. C Pure Mercury. D Mercurous Sulphate. E Saturated Solution of Zinc Sulphate. F Corks. be free from other metals. It must, therefore, be distilled at a low temperature in vacuo. Next, the zinc sulphate solu- tion must be at all temperatures saturated, and hence solid crystals of zinc sulphate must be present in the cell. Thirdly, the cell must be hermetically sealed with marine glue to prevent evaporation ; and, fourthly, the cell must not be heated during manufacture. The zinc sulphate must be rendered neutral by adding a little carbonate of zinc. Lord Eayleigh devised a convenient form of cell called the H form of cell. This cell consists of a pair of test-tube- shaped glass vessels connected by a horizontal tube or channel (see Fig. 31). In one side tube is placed some pure mercury, ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 91 and in the other an amalgam of mercury and zinc. Platinum wires sealed through the glass make contact with the metals.. Over the pure mercury is put a paste made of mercurous sulphate and zinc sulphate. The cell is filled up to above the level of the horizontal tube with a saturated solution of zinc sulphate, and the open ends are closed with corks sealed over with marine glue. This H form of cell is very con- venient for many experimental purposes. s^Rgatisi ' Zinc Sulphate Asbestos Wad llulummmummim ^ Mercurous Sulphate Platinum Wire -A^afiBfiiF Mercury FIG. 32. Carhart Clark Cell. Lord Eayleigh found the electromotive force of the K form of cell to be 1-434 volts at 15C.* and the temperature coefficient to be O08 per cent, per degree, or the E.M.F. in volts at tfC.=E|, to be given by the formula E,=1434 {1-0-00077 (<-15)}. A more exact expression for the temperature correction is obtained if the simple coefficient '0007 7 is replaced by the quantity 0'00078 + 0'000017 ($15). If the electro- chemical equivalent of silver is taken as 0'001119 instead of 0-001118, then the E.M.F. of the Clark cell becomes 14327 volts at 15C. and not 14342. * The electromotive force of the H form of Clark cell, as determined by K. Kahle and W. Wien, ie 1-4488 volts at 0C., or 1*4322 volts at 15C. The Board of Trade value is 1-434 volts at 15C. 92 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. (iv.) The Carhart-Clark Cell. In this cell the zinc is made in the form of a plunger or piston (see Fig. 32), and the shank or piston rod is covered with glass. In between the bottom of the zinc and the mercurous paste is interposed a wad of asbestos and the cell is sealed. (>.) The Board of Trade form of Clark Cell. The British Board of Trade Electrical Department have issued a specifi- cation for the preparation of standard Clark cells, which is a little elaborate and enters into great detail as to their mode of manufacture. The following is the Board of Trade specifi- cation for the preparation of a Clark cell : ON THE PREPARATION OF THE CLARK CELL. Definition of the Cell. The cell consists of zinc or an amalgam of zinc with mercury and of mercury in a neutral saturated solution of zinc sulphate and mercurous sulphate in water, prepared with mercurous sulphate in excess. Preparation of the Materials. 1. The Mercury. To secure purity it should be first treated with acid in the usual manner, and subsequently distilled in vacuo. 2. The Zinc. Take a portion of a rod of pure redistilled zinc, solder to one end a piece of copper wire, clean the whole with glass paper or a steel burnisher, carefully removing any loose pieces of the zinc. Just before making up the cell dip the zinc into dilute sulphuric acid, wash with distilled water, and dry with a clean cloth or filter paper. 3. The Mercurous Sulphate. Take mercurous sulphate, purchased as pure, mix with it a small quantity of pure mercury, and wash the whole thoroughly with cold distilled water by agitation in a bottle ; drain off the water, and repeat the process at least twice. After the last washing drain off as much of the water as possible. 4. The Zinc Sulphate Solution. Prepare a neutral saturated solution of pure (" pure re-crystallised ") zinc sulphate by mixing in a flask distilled water with nearly twice its weight of crystals of pure zinc sulphate, and adding zinc oxide in the proportion of about 2 per cent, by weight of the zinc sulphate crystals to neutralise any free acid. The crystals should be dissolved with the aid of gentle heat, but the temperature to which the solution is raised should not exceed 30C. Mercurous sulphate treated as described in 3 should be added in the proportion of about 12 per cent, by weight of the zinc sulphate crystals to neutralise any free zinc oxide remaining, and the solution filtered, while still warm, into a stock bottle. Crystals should form as it cools. 5. The Mercurous Sulphate and Zinc Sulphate Paste. Mix the washed mercurous sulphate with the zinc sulphate solution, adding sufficient crystals ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 93 of zinc sulphate from the stock bottle to insure saturation, and a small quantity of pure mercury. Shake these up well together to form a paste of the consistence of cream. Heat the paste, but not above a temperature of 30C. Keep the paste for an hour at this temperature, agitating it from time to time, then allow it to cool ; continue to shake it occasionally while it is cooling. Crystals of zinc sulphate should then be distinctly visible, and should be distributed throughout the mass ; if this is not the case add more crystals from the stock bottle, and repeat the whole process. This method insures the formation of a saturated solution of zinc and mercurous sulphates in water. To set up the Cell. The cell may conveniently be set up in a small test-tube of about 2cm diameter and 4cm. or 5cm. deep (sec Fig. 33). Place the mercury in the bottom Mercury FIG. 33. Board of Trade form of Clark Cell. of this tube, filling it to a depth of, say, O'Scm. Cut a cork about 0'5cm. thick to fit the tube ; at one side of the cork bore a hole through which the zinc rod can pass tightly ; at the other side bore another hole for the glass tube which covers the platinum wire ; at the edge of the cork cut a nick through which the air can pass when the cork is pushed into the tube. Wash the cork thoroughly with warm water, and leave it to soak in water for some hour& before use. Pass the zinc rod about 1cm. through the cork. Contact is made with the mercury by means of a platinum wire about No. 22 gauge. This is protected from contact with the other materials of the cell by being sealed into a glass tube. The ends of the wire project from the ends of the tube ; one end forms the terminal, the other end and a portion of the glass tube dip into the mercury. .94 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. Clean the glass tube and platinum wire carefully, then heat the exposed end of the platinum red hot and insert it in the mercury in the test-tube, taking care that the whole of the exposed platinum is covered. Shake up the paste and introduce it without contact with the upper part of the walls of the test-tube, filling the tube above the mercury to a depth of ^rather more than 1cm. Then insert the cork and zinc rod, passing the glass tube through the hole .prepared for it. Push the cork gently down until its lower surface is nearly in contact with the liquid. The air will thus be nearly all expelled, and the -cell should be left in this condition for at least 24 hours before sealing, which should be done as follows : Melt some marine glue until it is fluid enough to pour by its own weight, and pour it into the test-tube above the cork, using sufficient to cover com- pletely the zinc and soldering. The glass tube containing the platinum wire should project some way above the top of the marine glue. The cell may be sealed in a more permanent manner by coating the marine .glue, when it is set, with a solution of sodium silicate, and leaving it to harden. The cell thus set up may be mounted in any desirable manner. It is con- venient to arrange the mounting so that the cell may be immersed in a water bath up to the level of, say, the upper surface of the cork. Its temperature can then be determined more accurately than is possible when the cell is in air. In using the cell sudden variations of temperature should as far as possible be avoided. The form of the vessel containing the cell may be varied. In the H form the zinc is replaced by an amalgam of 10 parts by weight of zinc to 90 of onercury. The other materials should be prepared as already described. Contact is made with the amalgam in one leg of the cell, and with the mercury in the other, by means of platinum wires sealed through the glass. The cell resulting from operations carried out in accord- ance with the above specification has been criticised considerably, and it has been stated that in consequence of diffusion-lag there is always some delay in the change of saturation of the zinc sulphate solution when the temperature changes. Hence it is said that it is not possible to obtain the true electromotive force of the cell to a greater accuracy than O'l per cent, by applying the ordinary temperature correction.* (vi.) The Reichsanstalt form of Clark Cell. A specification for the preparation of a modification of the H form of Clark * See Prof. Ayrton and Mr. Cooper, Proc. Roy. Soc., Lond., Dec., 1895. ' Also Mr. Cooper " On the Permanency of the Board of Trade Clark Cell," The Electrician, Vol. XL., p. 748. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 95 cell has been issued in Germany on the basis of the experience gained at the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt in Berlin. The following are the details of these instructions as given by Dr. K. Kahle* : Definition and Properties of the Cell. The cell contains mercury as the positive electrode, amalgamated zinc as the negative electrode, and as electrolyte a concentrated solution o zinc sulphate and mercurous sulphate. Its E.M.F. is 1-4328 Internationa 1 volts at 15C. and between 10C. and 25C. decreases by O'OOllS volt with i n increase of temperature of Ideg. Construction of the Cell. The vessel used for the cell consists, as shown in Fig. 34, of two vertical branches closed at the bottom, and joined at the top into a neck closed by a FIG. 34. Eeichsanstalt form of Clark Cell. ground-glass stopper. The diameter of the branches should be at least 2cm. and their length 3cm. The neck of the vessel should be 1'Scm. wide, and at least 2cm. long. Platinum wires about 0'4mm. thick are fused into the bottom of both branches. The vessel is filled in a manner depending upon whether the cell is to be used at the place of construction or is to be transported. * See The Electrician, Vol. XXXI., p. 265-6. 96 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. In the former case pure mercury is poured into one branch, and into the other amalgam of about 90 parts mercury and 10 parts zinc, which is fluid when hot and solidifies on cooling. The platinum wires must be completely covered by the mercury and the amalgam respectively. Upon the mercury is poured a layer of paste 1cm. deep, made by rubbing together mercurous sulphate, mercury, zinc sulphate crystals, and concentrated solution of zinc sulphate. This paste and the amalgam are then both covered with a layer 1cm. deep of zinc sulphate crystals, and finally the whole vessel is filled with concentrated zinc sulphate solution until the stopper on being introduced just touches the surface. Care should, however, be taken that the vessel contains a small air- bubble, since that prevents it bursting in the case of a great rise of tempera- ture. At the final closing of the vessel the glass stopper is brushed over at its upper edge with shellac dissolved in alcohol and then firmly inserted. If the cell is to be portable, a circular electrolytically-amalgamated piece of platinum foil, about 1cm. long and O'lmm. thick, takes the place of the mercury, and is firmly attached to the platinum wire introduced through the bottom. Zinc amalgam forms, as before, the negative electrode, and is covered with a layer of zinc sulphate crystals 1cm. deep. The rest of the vessel is filled up to the stopper with mercurous sulphate paste. The final closing is affected as already described. Preparation of the Materials to be Used in the Cell. Mercury. All mercury to be used in the cell should be purified by the ordinary processes, and distilled in vacuo. Zinc. The commercial pure zinc may be employed. To prepare te amalgam, add one part zinc to nine parts mercury, and keep both in a porcelain dish at lOOdeg., stirring gently until the zinc is completely dissolved in the mercury. Sulphate. Before use, test the commercial zinc sulphate for acid with litmus and for iron with potassium sulpho-cyanide. If it is sufficiently pure it may be at once re-crystallised in the way detailed below. If it contains appreciable traces of free acid, equal parts of the zinc sulphate and distilled water are boiled with zinc filings in a suitably formed porcelain dish until no further gas- is given off at the zinc, and the solution shows after cooling a white, or, in the presence of ferric hydrate, a brownish precipitate of zinc hydrate. If the solution is free from iron it may be filtered off after standing for two days. Otherwise it is again heated to 60C. or 80C.,and electrolysed for six hours by a current not exceeding 0'2 amperes introduced by two pieces of platinum foil of about 50 sq. cm. surface suspended in the liquid. The liquid having cooled over night, litmus is again employed to test whether any acid has been formed during electrolysis. In that case the boiling with zinc filings must be repeated, and the solution again electrolysed by weak currents. During this whole treatment care has to be taken that the concentration of the solution remains approximately constant. It is, therefore, well to cover the vessel containing the solution with a glass plate, so that but little water vapour can escape. As soon as the solution is sufficiently free from acid and iron it is filtered off. To each litre of the filtrate about 50gr. of mercurous sulphate, free from acid, are ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 97 added and well stirred. The mercury salt will in general assume a yellow colour after long standing. If the solution has stood for a day, and a portion of it, on being shaken up with more mercurous sulphate, does not turn per- ceptibly yellow, the solution may be filtered off and concentrated in a flat porcelain dish over a water bath. Here we must take care that the crystals do not form at too high a temperature, as otherwise they easily lose a portion of their water of crystallisation. To secure this the flame under the water- bath is extinguished, and the dish left in position covered with a glass plate. If after further cooling no crystals are separated, further concentration is necessary. If the heating was too protracted, and the crystals were formed under unfavourable conditions, a little water must be added and the whole warmed until everything is redissolved. The concentrated solution is- poured off, and either further evaporated or kept for future use. The last traces of the solution are removed from the crystals by letting the dish stand for some time in a slanting position. It is not advisable to sharply dry the crystals, as they thereby lose water of crystallisation. For the same reason they must be kept in a closed vessel. Sulphate of Mercury. The mercurous sulphate used must not be coloured yellow by a basic salt. If that should be the case, stir up one part of the salt with two parts distilled water, and add, constantly stirring, so much of a solution of one part mercuric sulphate to 1,000 parts of water as is necessary to make the colour disappear. Then pour off the liquid and wash the paste several times with distilled water, but without thereby causing another yellow colouration. If the sulphate is white to begin with, and only shows a faint yellow colouration after considerable time on shaking up with distilled water ; . it may be used at once. If this colouration is not shown on shaking up with water, the salt must be washed out several times with distilled water until the first traces of yellow colouration appear. If the salt had to be wetted for cleaning, the water should be driven off as much as possible by mechanical means. If dried by heat the yellow colouration will reappear. In order not to have to keep the wet salt only so much salt should be treated by the above process as is necessary for the purpose in hand. To prepare the paste, two parts of the sulphate should be added to one part of mercury. If the sulphate was dry, it should be stirred up with a paste made of zinc sulphate crystals and concentrated zinc sulphate solution until the whole forms a stiff mass everywhere permeated by zinc sulphate crystals and small globules of mercury. But if the sulphate was wet, only zinc sulphate crystals should be added, taking care, however, that they are in excess, and are not dissolved even after prolonged standing. Here, also, the mercury must permeate the paste in small globules. It is well to crush the zinc sulphate crystals a little before using, so that the paste may be more easily manipulated later on. Details of Construction. For the preparation of cells containing mercury as the positive electrode the following details should be attended to : Before introducing the hot zinc amalgam place the glass vessel, well cleaned and carefully dried, in a hot water bath. Then pass a suitable thin-walled glass tube through the neck. 08 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. of the vessel on to the bottom of the branch \vhich is to contain the amalgam. The tube ought to be as wide as is consistent with the dimensions of the vessel. It is intended to protect the rest of the vessel from contamination. The amalgam is introduced by means of a glass tube about 10cm. long drawn out into a point, the other end being provided with an indiarubber tube about 3cm. long closed by a short glass rod. The point of the tube is inserted below the surface of the liquid amalgam heated in a dish, and a portion of the amalgam is sucked into the tube by compressing and releasing the india- rubber. The point is then quickly freed from external impurities derived from the surface of the amalgam, introduced into the cell through the wide tube, and emptied by pressure on the indiarubber. The point ought to be so fine that the amalgam does not issue except on pressing the rubber. The process is continued until the branch contains the required quantity of amalgam. The vessel is then taken out of the water-bath. After cooling the amalgam should adhere firmly to the bottom of the vessel and exhibit a bright metallic surface. To introduce the mercury and the paste a suitable funnel with a long tube is used. The paste should not touch the upper walls of the vessel, but may be pushed in with a glass rod if too stiff to flow. Before pouring in the zinc sulphate solution the paste and the zinc amalgam should be covered with zinc sulphate crystals, as these prevent a creeping up of the paste after wetting with the solution. In filling, the zinc sulphate crystals and the paste should not contain large air-bubbles. These may be removed by knocking. If the cell is to contain amalgamated platinum foil as the positive electrode, the amalgamation may be performed as follows : The cell vessel is first filled with aqua regia and heated in a sand-bath until a rapid development of gas takes place at the platinum. Then rinse with water, pour mercury into the branch intended to contain the zinc amalgam, and fill the entire vessel with a concentrated solution of mercurous nitrate containing a little nitric acid. Then connect the mercury with the positive and the platinum foil with the negative pole of a battery, and send a current of about 0'5 ampere through the solution until the platinum foil is covered over with firmly-attached mercury globules. The whole process lasts about five minutes. Finally the vessel is thoroughly rinsed with distilled water until not a trace of the nitrate remains. The zinc amalgam is introduced with the precautions mentioned. After cooling, it is covered with zinc sulphate crystals, to which concentrated zinc sulphate is added after filling until the whole forms a paste. The vessel should stand for two days, so that the crystals are closed up and form a layer impervious to the paste. Then the whole vessel is filled up with the latter. The following points should be specially borne in mind in the construction : 1. The mercury intended to serve as positive electrode must be kept rigidly free from contamination by more positive metals. Special care should be taken that no portion of the zinc amalgam comes into contact with the mercury. 2. The cell should always be so arranged that at all temperatures the whole electrically active surface of the electrodes is in contact with zinc sulphate ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 99 solution concentrated for the temperature in question. Hence during the process of filling, crystals should be added in such quantity as to ensure their presence in excess even at the highest temperatures which the cell may attain. 3. The zinc sulphate used must not contain free acid. For one thing, the E.M.F. of the cell is affected by it, and, on the other hand, the circuit of the cell may be broken by hydrogen developed at the zinc. For the gas produced cannot escape through the zinc sulphate crystals, but collects underneath them, and finally pushes them up, thereby interrupting the connection between the zinc and the zinc sulphate. For easy and safe handling the cell is included in a metal case, which may be closed and placed in a petroleum bath. Its lid is provided with two bind- ing screws, each of which is joined to one of the electrodes ; the bottom is perforated, so that the cell is surrounded by the petroleum. To determine the temperature of the cell, a thermometer must be enclosed in the case whose scale can be read from outside. The best plan is to fuse a thermometer into the glass stopper, as shown in the figure, so that the bulb penetrates as far as possible into the cell and the scale projects through the lid. The great objection which has been raised to the form of Clark cell constructed in accordance with the Board of Trade specification, in which the zinc rod is surrounded throughout the whole or part of its length by clear solution of zinc sulphate, is that there is a source of possible error or uncertainty in its use due to the fact that changes of tem- perature and consequent changes in the state of saturation of the zinc sulphate are not propagated immediately through the cell. If the temperature of the cell is raised, more zinc sulphate must be dissolved to keep the solution saturated at that temperature, and this saturated solution is not diffused immediately to all parts of the tube. The existence of this diffusion -lag has been proved, by the experiments of Lord Rayleigh, Prof. Carhart, Prof. Ayrton, Mr. Cooper and others, undoubtedly to be a source of error. The remedy proposed by Lord Eayleigh for this diffusion lag was the H form of cell. The remedy suggested by Prof. Carhart was to use a cell containing a solution saturated at 0C. (mi.) The Callendar- Clark Cell. Prof. Callendar and Mr. Barnes have proposed a remedy for diffusion lag as follows : The cell is made up in a rather thin and long test-tube, and has two glass-covered platinum wires or electrodes ; the ends 100 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. of the platinum wires protruding from the sealed ends of the glass tubes (see Fig. 35). In the bottom of the tube is placed a small button of a 10 per cent, amalgam of zinc and mercury, and in this is immersed one electrode. Over this a layer of moist crystals of zinc sulphate ; on the top of the zinc sulphate a layer of mercurous sulphate paste, in which the end of the second amalgamated platinum wire is buried. The cell is sealed with marine glue in the usual manner. The cell is thus an inverted narrow pattern of the Board of Trade cell. Mercury External Cups FIG 35. Callendar form of Clark Cell. The inventors state that diffusion lag is absent, and that changes of E.M.F. follow immediately all changes of temperature between 0C. and 40 C. The large temperature variation of the Clark cell led inventors to search for a modification with a less temperature coefficient. This was found, in 1891, by Mr. Weston in the arrangement known as the cadmium cell. In this cell the elements are mercury, mercurous sulphate, cadmium sulphate and cadmium. The combination has a temperature variation ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 101 very much less than that of the corresponding zinc combina- tion. The cadmium sulphate being much more equally soluble at all ordinary temperatures than the zinc sulphate, diffusion-lag does not occur. The only difficulty is that the E.M.F. varies with the proportions of the metals in the cadmium-mercury amalgam used. Hence it is best to employ the H form of cell, in which the cadmium is kept out of contact with the mercurous sulphate. Mr. Weston makes the cell as follows : (viii.) The Weston Cadmium Cell. The considerable varia- tion in the solubility of zinc sulphate in water at different FIG. 36. Weston Cadmium Standard Cell. temperatures led Mr. E. Weston, in 1891, to suggest the use of cadmium sulphate instead of zinc sulphate (U.S. Patent No. 22,482 of 1891). The cadmium salt has nearly the same solubility at all temperatures. The cadmium cell is made up in the Kayleigh H-form, as shown in Fig. 36. In one side- vessel is placed a little pure mercury, entirely covered with a layer of mercurous sulphate. In the bottom of the other 102 ELECTEICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. limb is placed an amalgam of cadmium, and the tube is filled up with a saturated solution of cadmium sulphate. The cell is then sealed. Platinum wires sealed through the glass at the bottom of the side tubes enable connection to be made between the mercury and the cadmium amalgam and the cell terminals. Mr. Weston states in his patent specification that the electromotive force of this cell is 1*019 volts, and its tem- perature coefficient is O'Ol per cent, per degree centigrade. Cadmium Amalgam Mercury FIG. 37. Keichsanstalt form of Cadmium Standard Cell. A valuable feature, therefore, of the cadmium cell is its small temperature coefficient; this may be made by using proper proportions of cadmium and mercury to be as low as 0*004 per cent, per degree centigrade instead of 08 as in the case of the Clark cell. Special attention has been paid to the details of the construction of this cell at the Physikalisch-Technische Keichsanstalt in Berlin, and the following are the instruc- tions for its manufacture as laid down by Prof. W. Jaeger: (ix.) The Beiclisanstalt Cadmium Cell. This cell is made up in the Kayleigh H-form (see Fig. 37). The two legs of ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 103 the side vessels are provided with platinum wires sealed through the glass at the lower ends. The negative element consists of a cadmium amalgam one part of cadmium to six parts of mercury. Over this is placed a layer of pulverised crystals of cadmium sulphate to ensure saturation. The positive element is formed of pure mercury, over which is placed a paste formed by the trituration of mercurous sulphate with metallic mercury and a concentrated solution of cadmium sulphate in which are crystals of the salt. This paste must not be too thin, but must form a stiff pulp. The remainder of the cell is filled up with a saturated solution of cadmium sulphate. The tubes are then closed by a layer of melted paraffin poured on, then a thin washer of cork, and, lastly, the cell is closed with melted sealing wax. A more portable cell may be made like the Muirhead- Clark cell with an amalgamated platinum spiral instead of liquid mercury. The electromotive force E 4 of the cadmium cell in the H-form at C. is given by the formula, E,=E 20 [3-8 X 10~ 5 (t- 20) - 0-065 X 10" 5 (t - 20) 2 ], where E 20 =the electromotive force at 20C. in volts and is 1*019 volts. The above applies to cells in which the amalgam contains from 7 to 14 per cent, of cadmium. In making the cell the following precautions must be employed : Amalgamation of the Platinum Wire. After the platinum wires are sealed through the glass place a little aqua regia in the cell legs until bubbles of gas arise from the platinum. Then throw this out and replace it by a solution of mercurous nitrate, and, using another piece of platinum as an anode, deposit mercury upon the platinum electrolytically. The platinum may also be amalgamated by making it white hot in a Bunsen flame, and plunging it whilst hot in the mercury. Preparation of the Cadmium Amalgam. Dissolve one part of pure cadmium in six parts of pure mercury, and whilst warm and fluid place it in one limb of the H cell and warm it to ensure perfect contact with the platinum. Cadmium Sulphate Solution. Digest a saturated solution of cadmium sulphate with cadmium hydroxide to remove free acid, but be careful not to raise the temperature above 70C. Then digest it still further with mercurous sulphate until no more precipitation occurs. The cadmium sulphate solution, must be saturated and have free crystals of the salt in it. 104 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. Mercurous Sulphate. This must be free from acid, and made neutral by triturating with finely divided mercury. In making the paste so much cadmium sulphate must be added that a saturated solution of that salt is formed and is present in the cell. The cell has the electromotive force above stated if the amalgam of cadmium has from 6 to 13 parts of mercury to 1 of cadmium. The German investigators seem to have a great preference for the H form of cell, but it is clear that a narrow tubular cell of the Board of Trade form not only more quickly comes to the temperature of the water bath hi which it is placed, but is more certain to be wholly at one temperature. (#.) The Helmholtz Calomel Cell. It was proposed by Yon Helmholtz to employ a cell, the elements of which are mercury, mercurous chloride or calomel, zinc chloride and .zinc, as a standard of electromotive force (see " Sitzber. der Akad. der Wiss," Berlin, 1882, p. 26). This cell can be adjusted to have an electromotive force of exactly one volt by the use of a solution of zinc chloride of a certain density, viz., T380 at 15C. Its temperature coefficient of electromotive force is small, being only 1 part in 10,000 per degree centigrade, whereas that of the Clark sulphate cell is 8 parts in 10,000 per degree centigrade. Its electromotive force varies, however, with the state of satura- tion of the solution of zinc chloride, and as evaporation from the cell tends to increase the density of the zinc chloride solution it is not so definite and permanent as a standard as the zinc sulphate or cadmium sulphate form of cell, unless hermetically and permanently sealed. According to Mr. W. Hibbert (The Electrician, Vol. XXXVII, p. 320), the cell rapidly recovers its normal electromotive force if short- circuited. The Standard Daniell Cell. In addition to the above- described mercury-zinc or mercury-cadmium standard cells, the Daniell cell or copper, copper-sulphate, zinc sulphate, .zinc cell has been used as a standard of electromotive force. Although not a rival in uniformity of electromotive force to the Clark or cadmium cell, it has the advantage that its temperature coefficient within the range of ordinary labora- tory temperatures is practically zero. Its electromotive ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 105 force is, however, a function of the density of the solutions used. The Author described, in 1885,* a convenient form of stan- dard Daniell cell as follows : A glass u-tube is prepared FIG. 38. Fleming Standard Daniell Cell. having side bulb reservoirs and taps as shown in Tig. 38. The whole apparatus can be made out of glass by a skilful * See Phil. Mag., August, 1885. 106 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. glass-blower. It is then fixed up against a board. In this U-tube a Daniell cell is formed by inserting rods of amalga- mated zinc and of freshly electrotyped copper in the two limbs, which are respectively filled up with solutions of zinc sulphate and copper sulphate. The solutions required are made by dissolving the purest re-crystallised sulphate of copper and sulphate of zinc in distilled water. For the zinc solution, take 55'5 parts by weight of crystals of zinc sulphate (ZnS0 4 , 7 OH 2 ), and dissolve in 44'5 parts by weight of distilled water ; and the resulting solution should have a specific gravity of 1*200 at about 20C For the sulphate of copper solution, take 16*5 parts by weight of pure crystals of copper sulphate (CuS0 4 , 5 OH 2 ), and dissolve in 83*5 parts by weight of water ; and the resulting solution should have a specific gravity of I'lOO at 20C. If not exact, adjust to these densities precisely. These solutions should be kept in stock bottles and the reservoirs of the cell filled up when required. The operation of filling is as follows : Open the tap A and fill the whole U-tube with the denser zinc sulphate solution ; then insert the zinc rod, and fit it tightly by the rubber cork P. On opening the tap C the level of the liquid will begin to fall in the right hand limb, but be retained in the closed one. As the level commences to sink in the right hand limb, by opening the tap B copper sulphate solution can be allowed to flow in gently to replace it ; and this operation can be so conducted that the level of demar- cation of the two liquids remains quite sharp, and gradually sinks to the level of the tap C. When this is the case, all taps are closed and the copper rod inserted in the right hand limb. It is impossible to stop diffusion from gradually mixing the liquids at the surface of contact; but whenever the surface of contact ceases to be sharply defined, the mixed liquid at the level of the tap C can be drawn off, and fresh solutions supplied from the reservoirs above. A freshly electrotyped copper rod is always to be used. The copper surface must have a clean salmon colour free from brown spots of oxide. * See Phil. Mag., August, 1885. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 107 The cell freshly prepared has then an electromotive force on open circuit of TO 72 volts. The use of this Daniell cell enables an approximate recovery to be made of the unit of electromotive force, but it is neither so convenient nor permanent as the improved forms of Clark or cadmium cell. Every electrical laboratory or testing room should be provided with a number of specimens of the above-described standard cells, either Muirhead-Clark cells, Weston cadmium cells, or the Eeichsanstalt pattern of cadmium cells will be found to be most trustworthy. These should be numbered or lettered and careful comparison made at observed tem- peratures of their relative electromotive forces from time to time, and the values entered under date in the laboratory book. Occasionally comparisons of these with the other volt standards should be made by methods to be described, and with the results of electromotive force determinations by the ampere balance as presently to be discussed. With care and vigilance the laboratory need never be uncertain in its recovery of the standard of electromotive force by more than one part, or at most five parts, in 10,000. The standard cells should have thermometers placed in the brass cases containing them or, better still, be immersed in water when using them, and in taking careful observa- tions sufficient time should always be allowed to elapse before taking the voltage readings to enable the cell to take the same temperature as that indicated by the thermometer, assuming them to be under circumstances in which the final temperature of both cell and thermometer will ultimately be the same. 9. The Literature of the Mercury Standard Cell. As it is impossible to transcribe in these pages the detailed results of all the very numerous researches which have been made during the last fifteen years on the standard Clark, Weston and Helmholtz mercury cells, we shall give here references to some of the principal investigations, and leave 108 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. the reader desirous of more information to consult the original papers : (a) Investigations on the Absolute Electromotive Force of Standard Cells. LATKIER CLARK. " On a Voltaic Standard of Electromotive Force." Telegraphic Journal, Vol. I., p. 9 ; or Proc. Roy. Soc., Lond., 1872. LORD BAYLEIGH and MRS. SIDGWICK. " On the Absolute Electro- motive Force of Clark Cells." Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., Lond., 1884, Part II., p. 411. LORD RAYLEIGH. ' On the Clark Cell as a Standard of Electro- motive Force." Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., Lond., 1885, Part II., p. 781. R. T. GLAZEBROOK and S. SKINNER. " On the Clark Cell as a Standard of Electromotive Force." Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., Lond., 1892, Vol. CLXXXIIL, pp. 567-628. The authors conclude that the E.M.F. is 1/434 volts at 15C., confirming the value given by Lord Rayleigh. C. LIMB. " On the Determination of the Electromotive Force of the Clark Cell in Absolute Measure." Journal cle Physique, 1896 ; also The Electrician, Vol. XXXVII., p. 138. The E.M.F. of the cell was balanced against an E.M.F. produced by the rotation of a magnet inside a coil of wire. The value obtained for the E.M.F. of the cell is 1'4535 volts at 0C. H. S. CARHART and K. E. GUTHE. Physical Revietv, Nov., 1899, p. 288 ; also Science Abstracts, March, 1900, No. 646. The E.M.F. of the Kahle form of H-cell was determined by balancing it against a fall of potential down a resistance due to known current. Result found was 1*4333 volts at 15C. (b) Modifications of the Clark Cell. H. S. CARHART. " An Improved Standard Clark Cell with Low Temperature Coefficient." Phil. Mag., 1890 ; The Electri- cian, Vol. XXIV., p. 271. The author constructed a cell with low temperature coefficient E t = E 15 [1 - 0-000387(< - 15) + 0'0000005( - 15) 2 ], where E* = electromotive force in volts at tC. The above paper was criticised by Lord Rayleigh (The Electrician, 1890, Vol. XXIV., p. 285) who, suggests that the low coefficient found by Carhart was due to the zinc sulphate not being saturated. He gives a diagram of his H form of cell. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 100 H. S. CAEHART. " A Portable Clark Cell." Electrical World,. 1895 ; or The Electrician, Vol. XXXV., p. 844. He describes the cell shown in Fig. 32. He uses a solution of sulphate of zinc saturated at 0C. E. WESTON. "The Cadmium Standard Cell." Electrical Engineer (New York), 1893 ; also The Electrician, Vol. XXX.,. p. 741. He describes fully his mercury-cadmium sulphate cell. H. L. CALLENDAR and H. T. BARNES. " On a Simple Modifica- tion of the Board of Trade Standard Clark Cell." Proc. British Assoc., 1897, Toronto ; also The Electrician^ Vol. XXXIX., p. 638 ; also Vol. XL., p. 165. In this pattern of cell, called the " inverted " cell, the zinc amalgam lies at the bottom of the test-tube, and an amalgamated platinum \vire forms the other element. For correspondence on this form of cell see The Electrician, Vol. XXXIX. (K. Kahle), p. 869 (H. L. Callendar), p. 869. W. JAEGER. " The Keichsanstalt Type of Cadmium Standard Cell." Electrotechnische Zeitschrift, October 21, 1897 ; also The Electrician, Vol. XL., p. 9. This is an important paper, and describes in great detail the construction' of a standard H form of cadmium cell. W. HIBBERT. " On the Helmholtz or Calomel Cell." The Elec- trician, Vol. XXXVII., p. 320 ; also ibid., Vol. XXXVIII., p. 177 ; also ibid., Vol. XLL, p. 317. In this cell zinc chloride and mercurous chloride replace the sulphate salts. of the Clark cell. It can be made to have an E.M.F. of exactly one volt, and a negligible temperature coefficient. (c) Specifications for preparing Clark and Western Cells. " The British Board of Trade Specification for Clark Cells." The Electrician, Vol. XXVII., p. 99; also Ibid., Vol. XXXIIL, p. 518. K. KAHLE. " Instructions for Preparing Clark Standard Cells : the Reichsanstalt Specification." Zeitschrift fur Instru- mentenkunde, 1893 ; also The Electrician, Vol. XXXI., p. 265. \V. JAEGER. " The Reichsanstalt Specification for Preparing Cadmium Cells." Electrotechnische Zeitschrift, October 21, 1897 ; also The Electrician, Vol. XL., p. 9. 110 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. (d) On Temperature Variations of Standard Cells. W. E. AYRTON and W. B. COOPER. " The Variation of E.M.F. of Clark Cells with Temperature." Proc. Eoy. Soc., Lond., 1897, Vol. L1X. ; also The Electrician, Vol. XXXVIII., p. 303. An exhaustive examination of the effect of temperature on the Board of Trade Clark cell. The authors give numerous curves. W. HIBBERT. "The Temperature Coefficient of the Calomel Cell." The Electrician, Vol. XXXVI1L, p. 177. F. S. SPIERS, F. TWYMAN and W. L. WATERS. " Variations in the Electromotive Force of the H form of Clark Cells with Temperature." Proc. Phys. Soc. Lond., Vol. XVI., p. 38; also Phil. Mag., 1898, Vol. XLV., p. 285. A. DEARLOVE. " Note on the Temperature Coefficient of the Cadmium Standard Cell." The Electrician, Vol. XXXI., p. 645. A very full and detailed account of experiments on the Weston cell. The .author advocates a cell of Muirhead type made with cadmium salts and cadmium. A. CAMPBELL. " A Self-acting Temperature Compensation for Standard Cells." Proc. Phys. Soc., Lond., Vol. XVI., p. 34 ; also The Electrician, Vol. XXXV., p. 601. W. JAEGER and K. KAHLE. "A Comparison of the Clark and Weston Cells as regards Temperature Coefficient." See Wied. Ann., No. 8, 1898; also The Electrician, Vol. XLL, p. 642. The authors have examined 68 cells (27 Clark cells and 41 Weston cells) constructed since 1891. They have been tested at intervals of about a year and the maximum difference observed between the Clark cells was 0'14 millivolt and between the Weston cells 0*18 millivolt, which last in two years decreased to 0'08 millivolt. The cadmium cells should only be used between 20C. and 70C. The E.M.F.'s are- Clark cells (H form)=l-4328 international volts at 15C. Weston cell =1-0186 volts at 20C. The ratio of Clark at 0C. to Weston at 20 3 C. = T42277 Clark at 15C. to Weston at 20C. = 1 '40663. The temperature correcting factors are for Clark cell = 1 - 0'00119 (t- 15) - O'OOOOO? (t - 15) 3 for Weston cell = 1 - 0'000038 (* - 20) - 0'00000065 (t - 20) 2 , .and these factors, by multiplication with the value of the E.M.F. at 15C. or 20C, respectively, give the value of the E.M.F. of each cell at t ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. Ill K. KAHLE. " On the Clark Cell." The Electrician, Vol. XXIX., p. 516 ; also Proc. Brit. Assoc., 1892, Edinburgh. This paper contains a valuable table giving the temperature coefficient of different types of H-form Clark cell. The mean value of the temperature coefficient (a) of the H form of cell according to the author is given by a =0-000783 + 0-000017(4 - 15) and the E.M.F. at t = E.M.F. at 15 X [1 + a(t - 15)]. The above author strongly advocates the use of the H form of cell. He says he has set up about 60 H-form cells and has found no difficulty, when using pure materials, in keeping the differences of E.M.F. of the various cells to less than one ten-thousandth of a volt. He gives the following table showing the temperature coefficient (a) for various forms of Clark cell : Form of Cell. Temperature Coefficient. H-cell set up in Lord Rayleigh's manner H-cell, the paste covering both electrodes The Reicheanstalt form of H-cell, paste covering both electrodes + 0-C00812 + 0-000013 (t - 15) -f 0-000774 + 0-000020 (t - 15) + 0-000791 + 0-000017 (t - 15) The electromotive force of the H form of cell appears to be about 4 parts in 10,000 less than that of the Board of Trade or original form when taken at 15"C. (e) Various Investigations. J. SWINBURNE. " On the Causes of Variation of Clark Cells." The Electrician, Vol. XXVII., p. 500; also Brit. Assoc. Eeport, 1891, Cardiff. S. SKINNER. "The Clark Cell when Producing a Current." Proc. Phys. Soc., Lond., Vol. XIII., p. 218 ; The Electrician, Vol. XXXIII., p. 644. W. E. COOPER. " The Permanency of Board of Trade Clark Cells." The Electrician, Vol. XL., p. 748 ; or Science Abstracts, Vol. I., p. 492. The author has tested a number of Clark cells set up according to the Board of Trade specification, and finds, after 3 years, the mean differences or mean errors in E.M.F. amount to 1 part in 700 or even 1 in 500. Time introduces a progressive variation in E.M.F., the E.M.F. steadily falling. IV. JAEGER. " On Cadmium Cells." Ann. Phys. Chem., 1898, 65, 1, p. 106 ; or Science Abstracts, Vol. I., p. 493. 112 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. T. WULF. "The Clark Cell on Closed Circuits." Science Abstracts, Vol. L, p. 340. . After repeatedly short-circuiting cells through 50 ohms the E.M.F. was not permanently affected. W. C. FISHER, " The Recovery of Clark Cells after Sending a Current." The Electrician, Vol. XXXVI., p. 647. The author finds repeated short-circuiting produces no permanent injury to the cell. W. JAEGER. " On Change in the Zinc Sulphate in Clark Cells." Ann. Phys. Chem., 1897, 63, 1, pp. 354-365. KOHNSTAMM and COHEN. " The Weston Standard Cell." The Electrician, Vol. XLL, p. 381. J. HENDERSON. " On Cadmium Standard Cells." Phil. Mag., Vol. 48, July, 1899, p. 152. For various correspondence on the subject of the Clark cell see The Electrician, Vols. XXXIX. and XL., for 1897 and 1898. 10. Mechanical Standards of Electromotive Force. Voltmeters. In addition to the standard cells or electro- chemical standards of electromotive force, an electrical laboratory must be provided with mechanical standards for the measurement of potential difference or electromotive force. These instruments are called voltmeters, and are each constructed to be suitable for a certain range of voltage or potential difference applied to their terminals. These appliances are roughly distinguished into low and high voltage voltmeters, according as they are designed to read over ranges of from 500 volts downwards or from 500 volts upwards. Some of these types of instruments are adapted only for ordinary or not very accurate measurements. These are called working voltmeters. Others, for very careful work, are called standard voltmeters. If the instrument shows by a scale deflection or pointer indication directly the value in volts of the potential differ- ence of its terminals it is called a direct-reading voltmeter. For the British Board of Trade electrical laboratory a mechanical standard of electromotive force was designed by Lord Kelvin, which, as a standard of voltage, is considered ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 113 to be more permanent than an electro-chemical standard consisting of a battery of standard cells. This mechanical standard consists of an idiostatic electrostatic voltmeter, in which the difference of potential between a series of fixed metallic surfaces and a series of metallic plates suspended by a torsion wire, is made to exert a mechanical torque twisting the suspending wire, carrying one set of plates through a certain angle against the torsional rigidity of the wire. The description of this principal Board of Trade 100-volt standard is as follows : CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF THE BOARD OF TRADE ONE HUNDRED VOLTS STANDARD OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE OR VOLTAGE. The instrument is shown in plan and sectional elevation on the accompanying diagrams (see Figs. 39 and 40). It consists of : Suspended Vanes. (a) An arrangement of 10 parallel paddle-shaped vanes,, in form similar to the moving portion of Lord Kelvin's Quadrant Electrometer, fitted on an axis passing through the centre of gravity of each vane and separated by distance pieces to a distance of nine millimetres apart. Concave Mirror. (6) On the same axis is fixed the aluminium frame of a con- cave mirror 19 millimetres in diameter and about 61 millimetres focal length,, which is held in the frame by means of three light phosphor bronze springs. Suspending Wire. (c) This arrangement is suspended by means of a wire 0'05 millimetre in diameter and 18 centimetres in length, formed of an alloy of 10 parts of indium to 90 parts of platinum, attached to the end of the axis above the mirror so that the axis hangs in a vertical line. Horizontal Adjustment of Position of Vanes. (d) The upper extremity of the suspending wire is fixed to the centre of a circular brass plate having teeth cut in the circumference, into which a tangent screw is geared so as to enable the end of the wire to be rotated in the horizontal plane for the hori- zontal adjustment of the vanes. Vertical Adjustment of Vanes. (e) The vertical adjustment of the position, of the vanes is accomplished by the raising or lowering of the platform on which the circular brass plate mentioned above is pivoted by means of three screws for raising and three for lowering. These screws regulate the distance of the platform above a similar platform fixed by means of three supports to the framework of the instrument. Quadrants. (/) The vanes are suspended so as to slightly enter at the zero position of the instrument into the spaces between two sets of 11 thin polished brass plates shaped as quadrants of a circle, which are fixed horizon- tally one above another to a vertical support. These two sets of plates are in metallic connection, and are carefully insulated from the framework of the instrument. Vibration Checking Arrangement. (g) In order to reduce the vibration of the suspended system, and the time which must elapse before an accurate 114 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT CM CO ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 115 N m 116 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. observation can be taken, a thin horizontal brass disc is suspended in refined mineral oil contained within a glass vessel, by means of a wire attached to the lower portion of the axis of suspension of the vanes. Outer Case. (h) The suspended system and quadrants, with their supports, are enclosed in a brass case having in front of the mirror a rectangular window of parallel- worked glass. A hole is cut in this case for the insertion of a key fitting the squared arbor of the tangent screw (d). Terminals. (z) The terminals, by means of which connection is obtained with the vanes and quadrants, are fixed on a thick piece of polished ebonite projecting beyond the brass cover h. One terminal is in connection with the metal framework, the other is entirely insulated ; and a tongue of brass or switch connected by means of a brass rod with the two sets of quadrants can be turned so as to make contact either with the insulated or with the uninsulated terminal. Framework and Supports. (&) The arrangement described above, forming the electrical portion of the instrument, is mounted near the apex of a frame- work of brass in the form of a circular arc which rests by means of three feet on a horizontal slab of polished marble supported on a large block of Portland stone on a concrete foundation. A screw thread is cut on the feet for accurate levelling of the framework, to which two spirit levels are attached. Eyepiece and Cross Wire. (I) On a support attached to the centre of the curved portion of the framework is fixed the observing portion, consisting of a magnifying eyepiece in front and in the focus of which is stretched a vertical copper wire 0'06mm. in diameter. Fiducial Marks. (m) At each end of the arc is erected a vertical support, to which is fixed a tablet of brass with the surface facing towards the mirror platinised. On each of these faces is engraved a vertical line. These lines form the fiducial marks ; that on the left of the observer giving the zero position, and that on the right the correct position for 100 volts pressure. The distances from the mirror (b) of these tablets and of the sighting wire (I) is adjusted so that the image of the line on the tablet, when the mirror is at the proper angle, coincides with the sighting wire. USK OF THE INSTRUMENT. Adjustments. The instrument must be in accurate adjustment as regards level and position of the suspended system. The vertical adjustment of the latter is obtained by trial. The vanes should be at equal distances from the quadrants above and below, this position giving minimum sensibility. The horizontal adjustment of the suspended system is obtained when the image of the zero fiducial mark produced by the mirror (6) exactly coincides witli the sighting wire (I), the switch (t) being turned so as to connect the quadrants with the metal framework of the instrument. (The levelling of the framework and vertical adjustment of the suspended portion of the instrument were carefully attended to when the instrument was first set up, and these adjust- ments have since that time remained constant. The horizontal adjustment of the suspended system requires occasional attention from time to time. ) Headings. Arrangements should be made for obtaining a pressure which can be continuously varied from about 98 to 102 volts. This pressure is ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 117 applied to the 100-volt standard, and to the instruments to be compared with it, and is adjusted until the image of the fiducial mark indicating 100 volts pressure exactly coincides with the sighting wire (I) by observation through the eyepiece. This coincidence is maintained, by adjustment of the pressure, if necessary, until the expiration of five minutes from the time of first applying the pressure, when, if there is no visible vibration of the mirror, the pressure is exactly 100 volts. A perspective view of this absolute 100-volt standard is shown in Fig. 41. Instruments of the same design can be made for any range of electromotive force, and a set of six standard FIG. 41. Board of Trade Standard Kelvin Voltmeter. voltmeters of the above described form, covering a range from 20 to 3,200 volts, has been made for the British Board of Trade Electrical Standardising Laboratory. With these instruments an accuracy of standardisation can be attained within 1 part in 3,000. The possession of an absolute 100-volt standard of the above kind is a great convenience when much standardising of commercial voltmeters has to be carried out. For general purposes, and as a secondary standard, a convenient form of voltmeter is Lord Kelvin's Multicellular 118 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. Electrostatic Voltmeter (see Fig. 42). In this instrument there are a series of connected fixed and movable metal plates as in the standard voltmeter, but the movements of the movable system are indicated by the displacement of a needle over a scale. The scale of the instrument is divided so as to read directly in volts. If the plates forming the fixed portion of the instrument and the movable plates are not made of the same metal there will be a small difference or discrepancy amounting to a fraction of a volt between the FIG. 42. Lord Kelvin's Multicellular Electrostatic Voltmeter. readings of the instrument taken with continuous potentials, when the fixed plates are positive and the movable negative, and when they are reversed in sign of potential. This is due to the contact difference of potential of the metals. In this case any statement of the instrumental reading must be accompanied by a statement as to the nature of the relative sign of electrification of the movable plates. 11. The Instrumental Outfit of an Electrical Labor- atory. The majority of the measurements made in the ELECTRICAL LA BORA TOR T EQ UIPMENT. 119 electrical laboratory resolve themselves ultimately into one or more of the following five measurements : (i.) The measurement of the value or strength of an electric current, or else proving the absence of a current, in some circuit. (ii.) The measurement of a potential difference or of an electromotive force, or else proving the absence of a potential difference. (iii.) The measurement of a resistance or its reciprocal conductance. (iv.) The measurement of the time integral of a current or of an electric quantity. (v.) The measurement of the rate of expenditure or dissi- pation of electric energy in a circuit, or of electric power taken up in it. To describe all the instruments in detail which have beer* invented for the above measurements would be to transfer these pages the contents of a library of trade catalogues ana circulars. We shall limit ourselves here to mentioning the general results of experience as to the most trustworthy and convenient appliances for performing the above electrical measurements which should be provided in a well-equipped electrical laboratory or testing room. 12. Current - Measuring Instruments. The most fre- quently recurring and fundamental of all electrical measuring processes is the operation of determining the presence, or proving the absence, of an electric current in a circuit. If present, its strength or magnitude generally has to be deter- mined in terms of the standard or unit current called the ampere. An instrument which merely shows the presence or absence of a current in a circuit is called a detector or galvanoscope. If it gives, in addition, a means of comparing the relative value of two currents, it is called a galvanometer. If it shows by its indications the ampere-value of the current it is called an amperemeter or ammeter. 120 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. By far the most numerous class of instruments in use as galvanoscopes, galvanometers and ammeters depend for their operation on the fact that a magnetic flux exists round a 'Conductor, conveying, as we say, an electric current. This flux can be detected and measured by the mechanical force or torque acting either upon a magnet placed near the conductor, or upon a small mass of iron ; or upon another movable conductor traversed by the same current. Another class of instruments depends upon the heating effect produced by a current in a conductor and the measurement of the linear expansion of the conductor due to this heating. We may, then, classify the current measuring or detecting instruments required in the laboratory as follows, depending upon the principle employed in their construction : I. Galvanoscopes or Detectors. (a) Simple linesman's or laboratory detector, or magnetic needle suspended in a coil of wire. (6) Pole-testing paper or solution. II. Galvanometers or Current Measurers. (a) Movable needle galvanometers with coil fixed and suspended magnetic needle, either simple or astatic, e.g., Kelvin mirror galvanometer, or ordinary needle or mirror instruments of high or low resistance such as Wiedemann's galvanometer. (6) Movable coil galvanometers, in which a coil traversed by the current to be measured is suspended between the poles of a strong fixed magnet, e.g., Kelvin recorder pattern galvanometer or d'Areonval gal- vanometer, as modified by Holden, Ayrton and Mather, and Crompton. (c) Tangent galvanometers, in which the suspended magnetic needle has a magnetic length very small compared with the diameter of a large fixed coil or coils, e.g., the Post Office pattern, or ordinary single- coil tangent galvanometer ; the Helmholtz, or two-coil tangent galvano- meter ; the three-coil tangent galvanometer. III. Amperemeters (a) Electrodynamic instruments, in which the forces acting between conductors conveying currents are utilised as an ammeter principle, e.g., Kelvin ampere balances, Siemens dynamometer, Weber's electrodynamo- meter, as modified by Siemens ; Pellat's absolute electrodynamo- meter, &c. (6) Electromagnetic instruments, in which the mechanical force between a magnet and a conductor conveying a current, or between a ELECTRIC A L LA BORA TOR Y EQ UIPMENT. 121 mass of soft iron and a conductor conveying a current is utilised as an ammeter principle. 'These are variously designed as follows : (i.) Movable coil instruments, e.g. : Kelvin recorder pattern of ammeter, d' Arson val and Weston ammeters, and similar instruments. (ii.) Movable soft iron instruments, e.g.: Ayrton and Perry, Nalder, Evershed, Dobrowolsky, Thomson, and most ordinary trade ammeters. (c) Electrothermal instruments, in which the heating property of the current is utilised, e.g. : Hartmanu and Braun ammeters, Cardew, Holden and other hot-wire instruments. (d) Electrochemical instruments, in which the time-average of a current is measured by an operation of electrolysis. This method of current measurement is the ultimate process of determination, and defines the current quantity in terms of the unit current by the operation on which the official definition of unit current is based. Instruments for electrochemical measurement of current quantity are called voltameters, The chief electrolytic processes are those in which a solution of a silver salt, or of a copper salt, or etae dilute sulphuric acid, are employed as electrolytes. (e) Electro-optic insi ruments, by which a current can be measured by measuring the optical n-tation produced in the plane of polarised light by its magnetic field acting on a standard substance of which the Verdet constant is known. If a tube with glass ends, and fitted with bisulphide of carbon, is placed in the interior of a solenoid, a current passing through the helix exerts a magneto-rotary effect on a ray of plane polarised light passing along the tube in the direction of the axis of the helix. Such an arrangement may be calibrated as an amperemeter, but it is only suitable for a^very limited class of work. (/) Electrostatic instruments. A current can be measured most accurately by the measurement of the electrostatic fall in potential down a conductor conveying the current. If a current is passed through a known resistance, and if an electrostatic voltmeter or electrometer is applied to measure the fall of potential down it, we have at once a measure given of the strength of the current. This last method in its various modifications is by far the most practical and useful method of current measure- ment. The resistance through which the current to be measured flows is not necessarily placed in the immediate neighbour- hood of the potential-measuring apparatus. This last may be either an electrostatic voltmeter, as described in the next .section, or else an electromagnetic voltmeter effecting the same purpose. Further details will be given in the sections devoted to current measurement. 122 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. In addition to simple detectors, now and then required, by far the most convenient form of galvanometer for all ordinary work in the testing room and electrical laboratory are the movable coil galvanometers. These consist of a fixed permanent magnet having suspended between its poles a small light coil of insulated wire. The current to be detected or measured FIG. 43. Holden-Pitkin Movable Coil Galvanometer. passes through the coil, entering and leaving, through the suspending wires which may be arranged either bifilarly, as in the Crompton pattern of galvanometer, or attached to the top and bottom of the coil, as in the Holden-Pitkin pattern. The movable coil galvanometer has two great advantages in use : Firstly, it is not much affected by the ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 123 passage of currents in neighbouring wires or stray magnetic fields, and hence may be used in places where an ordinary . 44. Coil and Core of Holden-Pitkin Galvanometer. Fio. 45. Ayrton-Mather Movable Coil Galvanometer. 124 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. movable needle galvanometer would be useless; secondly, the L coil can be very quickly brought to rest by short- circuiting the terminals. Hence the galvanometer is or may be made very dead-beat or damped. In the form designed FIG. 46. Crompton Movable Coil Galvanometer. by Holden and made by Pitkin (see Figs. 43 and 44), or that designed by Ayrton and Mather and made by Paul (see Fig. 45), or that designed and made by Crompton (see Figs. 46, 47, and 48), the movable coil galvanometer is ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 125 by far the most practical and useful form of galvanometer for an electrical testing laboratory. It was originally designed FIG. 47. by Lord Kelvin for cable signalling, although now often called the d'Arsonval form of galvanometer. FIG. 48. The varieties of electromagnetic galvanometer which have been designed are innumerable. In all of them the current 126 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. in a conductor is measured by the measurement of the mechanical action of the associated magnetic field either on (a) Another magnet, (&) A mass of soft iron, (c) Another movable conductor carrying the same current. The magnetic force may produce, in either (a), (5) or (c), a rotation or torque, or a forcive or bodily displacement. In the first case a uniform field is required, in the second a non-uniform field. Hence we may classify the fields as : (A) Uniform for rotational deflection, (B) Non-uniform for translational displacement. Then the principal currents or current to be measured may be in the fixed or the movable part of the instrument. Hence we have a further classification into : (a) Fixed coil galvanometers. OS) Movable coil galvanometers. Lastly, some arrangement, or control, is necessary to bring back the displaced portion, whether magnet, soft iron or coil, to its original zero position when the current is stopped. This may be achieved by the aid of another magnetic field, or the elasticity of a spring or torsion of a wire, or by the weight or inertia of the moved mass. Hence we classify according to the control into : I. Magnetic control, II. Elastic control, III. Gravity control, IV. Inertia control. We can, therefore, symbolise any given type of galvano- meter by an expression of four symbols denoting the classes in which it is placed. Thus the ordinary mirror Kelvin galvanometer is represented by the symbol (aAaL). The d'Arsonval or recorder type of galvanometer by the symbol ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 127 (a A fill.). The above method of classification of galvano- meters is that due to Prof. G. F. FitzGerald.* In appraising a galvanometer, or evaluating its applica- bility for any purpose, we have to take into account five qualities which, when numerically expressed, may be called the five specific constants of the galvanometer. These quali- ties are : (i.) The periodic time of the movable system, or time of one complete small oscillation when the movable part is disturbed and then left to itself. (ii.) The logarithmic decrement corresponding to different, or some known, amplitudes of swing, i.e., the logarithm (Napierian) of the ratio of the amplitude of one excursion on one side to the next one on the other side of the zero point* (iii.) The sensitiveness, both ballistic and deflectional. (iv.) The internal resistance, or coil resistance, (v.) The zero-keeping quality, or degree of precision, with which the movable part returns exactly to the original zero position when disturbed and left to itself again. If the needle or coil of a galvanometer is disturbed, it comes to rest after one or more vibrations. The time of one complete vibration, or interval between passing the zero point in the same direction, is called the periodic time. These swings of the needle or coil are resisted by the air or other causes of friction, and the amplitude of the excursions gradually diminishes. If the amplitude of each swing is measured, it will generally be found that successive ampli- tudes decrease nearly in a. geometric progression. Hence, in this case, the logarithm of one excursion bears a nearly constant ratio to the logarithm of the next one. This ratio is called the logarithmic decrement of the galvanometer. The logarithms taken are generally Napierian. The logarithmic * See The Electrician, Vol. XXXVIIL, p. 715. 128 ELECTRIC A L LABOR A TOR Y EQ UIPMEN2. decrement usually varies with the amplitude of the swing, owing to the fact that the retardation experienced by the coil or needle depends to some extent on the velocity with which it leaves its zero position. If a small constant current, say a micro-ampere, is passed through the galvanometer coil, it will cause a certain steady deflection of the movable needle or coil. These deflections are nearly always read by means of a mirror and scale. A concave mirror attached to the galvanometer needle, or coil, as the case may be, has a ray of light thrown upon it and a sharp image of an illuminated wire or incandescent lamp filament is by it thrown upon a scale. The scale is generally placed one metre or 1,000 millimetres from the mirror. The sensitiveness or deflectional constant of a galvanometer may be denned as the scale deflection in millimetres pro- duced by a current of one micro-ampere passing through the galvanometer coil, the scale being at one metre distance from the mirror. It may also be stated in terms of the potential difference in micro-volts, which must be applied to the terminals of the galvanometer to produce this same unit deflection, or as the deflection in millimetres, at metre distance of scale, per micro-volt on the terminals. The sensi- tiveness of a galvanometer must always be controlled by the possession of good zero-keeping quality. By this is meant that when the current is stopped the galvanometer needle or coil returns again to a fixed and constant zero position. It is easy to give a galvanometer a spurious sensitiveness, but if the zero position of the movable portion is not constant, the value of the galvanometer for quantitative purposes is very small. A galvanometer with a very large logarithmic decrement is called a dead-beat galvanometer. One with a very small logarithmic decrement is called a ballistic galvanometer. The ballistic constant of a galvanometer is defined as the reciprocal of the " throw " or excursion of the needle or coil when one micro-coulomb of electric quantity is discharged through it. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 129 1 The electrical laboratory should be provided with a collec- tion of movable coil dead-beat, and movable coil ballistic galvanometers of various resistances, some large, 500 or 1,000 ohms or more, and some of low resistances, such as 0*5, 5 or 10 ohms. It is desirable also to have at least one very sensitive Kelvin mirror astatic movable needle galvanometer of 6,000 to 10,000 ohms resistance. Generally speaking, tangent galvanometers and needle instruments are more suitable for a physical laboratory than for an electro-technical laboratory, the disturbances caused by the presence of large electric currents rendering it most difficult to use the movable needle deflectional instruments. As regards ammeters, for ordinary working purposes the most convenient are those which, like the Weston ammeters, are movable-coil instruments. These instruments are very dead-beat, and have equal or nearly equal scale divisions per ampere or per milliampere. These instruments are, however, only available for continuous currents. For use with alternating currents, some form of hot-wire ammeter, such as that of Hartmann and Braun, is very^ useful. Its indications are entirely independent of the frequency of the alternations, and the instruments are also very dead-beat. For many purposes the Siemens dynamometer is an invaluable laboratory instrument (see Fig. 49). It consists of a fixed coil or coils, and a suspended coil which embraces the fixed coil, and the normal position of which is with its plane or axis at right angles to the plane or axis of the fixed coil. The movable coil is hung by a few fibres of floss silk, and its position is controlled by a spiral spring, the lower end of which is attached to the movable coil and the upper end to a torsion-head. The current is led into and out of the movable coil by means of mercury cups. The wires forming the fixed and movable coils should always be brought to separate terminals. The instrument can then 130 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. be used for several purposes. If the coils are joined in series, and a current, either alternating or continuous, sent through them, forces are brought into existence which cause the movable coil to be acted upon by a couple or torque, and to be twisted round. If, then, a contrary twist is given to the torsion-head and the movable coil brought back to its zero position, the angular twist required to effect this is proportional to the square of the strength of the current. The dynamometer can thus be calibrated FIG. 49. Siemens Electrodynamometer. to measure current strength. If the current is unvarying, the square root of the torsion or scale reading gives, when multiplied by a constant, the current strength. If the current is alternating and periodic it gives the square root of the mean of the squares of the equi-distant instantaneous values during the period or the root-mean- square (RM.S.) value of the current, provided that the periodic time of the current is small compared with the periodic time of a free oscillation of the movable coil. If ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 131 different currents are sent through the two coils the instrumental readings can be made to give the mean value of the product of their maximum values multiplied by their power-factor or cosine of the angle of phase difference, if the currents are simply periodic. 13. Yoltage Measuring Instruments Any of the above galvanometers or amperemeters, if wound with wire of sufficiently high resistance, becomes an instrument which may be used for the determination of the steady potential difference between two points. For the current through any current-measuring instrument is proportional to the steady potential difference between its terminals, and inversely as the resistance of the instrument. Hence, if the resistance of the instrument is so high (say, 1,000 to 20,000 ohms) that the current it takes off, when placed as a shunt circuit between two points on any other circuit, open or closed, does not disturb sensibly the potential difference between those points, the indications of the instrument are proportional to the original potential differ- ence between those points. For many laboratory purposes electromagnetic voltmeters^ as they are called, of the above type will be found convenient. There are, however, many measurements in which it is desirable that no current shall be taken off between the points, the potential difference (P.D.) of which is required. Also it is often necessary to use the same instrument for continuous and for alternating currents. In these cases the best voltage-measuring instruments to employ are the electro- static voltmeters. These, are now made to measure voltages varying from 1 volt up to 40,000 volts or more. Their general principle is as follows : Let there be two sets of plates or metallic surfaces, one fixed and the other suspended, so as to be capable of moving in between the fixed surfaces. Let the normal position of the movable plate be just outside the fixed one. The two sets 132 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. of plates are insulated from each other, and thus form a con- denser or Leyden jar having a certain capacity. If we produce a certain potential difference between these plates, this P.D. brings into existence forces of attraction between the plates proportional to the square of the difference of potential, FIG. 50. Kelvin Multicellular Electrostatic Voltmeter. and therefore independent of its sign. This force draws the movable plates in between the fixed ones, so as to increase the capacity of the condenser formed by the two plates or sets of plates. If this force is resisted, either by the torsion of a suspending wire or by gravity, we have ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 133 an'arrangement called an electrostatic voltmeter, which can be calibrated to show difference of potential, either the steady value or the root-mean-square value, according as the pressure is uniform or periodic. Voltmeters of this form have been designed by Lord Kelvin, Prof. Ayrton, and others. Of these the most FIG. 51. Kelvin Electrostatic Voltmeter. convenienOo-rm f or the electrical engineering laboratory are thThorizontal and vertical pattern of multicellular electro- static voltmeters, as designed by Lord Kelvin for measuring electrical potential difference from 50 to 150 or 250 volts (see Fig. 50) ; high-pressure electrostatic voltmeters, as designed by Lord Kelvin (see Fig. 51) and by Prof. Ayrton for high 134 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. pressures from 1,000 to 2,500 volts; and the low-pressure electrostatic voltmeters of Prof. Ayrton, for pressures from 2 to 50 volts, are also exceedingly useful instruments. These electrostatic voltmeters are also available as current- measuring instruments. If a current is sent through a resistance, and the fall of potential down the resistance is- measured by a correct electrostatic voltmeter, the current through the resistance becomes known. This method of current-measuring is convenient in measuring small alter- nating currents, such as the magnetising current of a transformer. Electrothermal voltmeters, such as those of Cardew r Holden, and Hartmann and Braun, are at times required when dealing with alternating currents. They are, however, less generally useful than the electrostatic instruments because they take up much more power to operate them. As regards the method of standardising all the above instruments, and obtaining measurements of current and potential difference by means of the potentiometer method, the details of these processes will be discussed in a later section of this treatise. The instrument called the potentiometer is of the greatest utility in the electrical laboratory, and a good potentiometer is one of the fundamental requisites of an electrical testing room. In its simplest form it consists of a uniform wire stretched over a scale divided into 2,000 parts. This wire has its extremities connected to a couple of secondary cells (see Fig. 52), and an interpolated resistance inserted in the circuit. By varying this resistance it is possible to adjust the current in the wire so that the fall of potential down a length of the wire equal to 2,000 scale divisions is just 2 volts. This is achieved by placing a Clark cell and a sensitive galvanometer .as a shunt on the wire, and making contact at two scale divisions 011 the wire the interval between which corresponds numerically to the electromotive force value of the Clark cell. Thus, suppose the cell has an ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 135 electromotive force of 1434 volts at 15C., then two sliding contacts on the galvanometer and standard cell circuit are set to make contact at the zero and at the 1,434th scale division. When this is done the resistance in series with the two-cell secondary battery is altered until the galvanometer indicates no current. In order that it shall be possible to do this, the positive pole of the Clark cell must be connected with that end of the potentiometer wire to which is joined the positive pole of the secondary cells, called the working battery. When this adjustment is made, the potentiometer is said to be set. If, then, it is desired to measure any other potential difference, say that due to the passage of a current FIG. 52. through a low resistance, wires called potential wires are brought from the ends of this resistance, and in one of these circuits a galvanometer is inserted. One potential wire viz., that attached to the highest potential point is joined to that end of the slide wire in connection with the positive pole of the working battery. The other potential wire is attached to a slider making a variable contact on the slide wire. The slider is then moved until the galvanometer indicates no current. This can be always done if the fall in potential down the resistance is less than that down the slide wire. The reading on the slide wire, as shown by the position of the slider, gives at once the potential difference in volts between the potential wires. 136 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 137 The practical potentiometer takes one of two forms. It may be, as described, a simple slide wire potentiometer, or the slide wire may be in part or in whole replaced by coils of wire arranged in series, as in the potentiometers of Crompton, Fleming, Nalder, Wulf, and others. The electrical laboratory should be provided with one or two potentiometers.* One should be a simple slide wire instrument for rough work, the other a standard instrument for exact work, made entirely with carefully adjusted coils of wire. If- Secondary Battery, do SO 80 70 60 60 40 ( 3 30 20 10 a 4 * a 10 17 i B SCALE ( I 100 volts. Galvanometer 1 -> R High Resistance. I () MWWVW AdjuKtahU FIG. 53A. Crompton Potentiometer Connections. The Crompton potentiometer is shown in Fig. 53, and the connections in Fig. 53A. The external appearance of the Nalder potentiometer is shown in Fig. 54. In the former (the Crompton) instrument the slide wire consists of 14 coils placed inside the case of the instrument, and a slide wire equal in resistance to one of these coils stretched over a scale outside the box. In series with these coils is a circular rheostat for adjusting the potentiometer current. There is a double pole six-way switch, which enables any one of six * The arrangement now called the potentiometer was first described by Poggendorff, Poggendor/'s Annalen, Vol. LIV., page 161, 1841. The method of making the potentiometer direct reading, so as to give the potential difference without calculation, is due to the Author, and was first described in Industries, July and August, 1886. 138 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. test circuits to be placed in series with a galvanometer and in shunt with any portion of the slide wire. The galvano- meter circuit has one end attached to a sliding contact which moves over the slide wire. The other end can be attached to the junction between any one of the 14 coils in series with it. When the potentiometer is " set," the current through the slide wire is such as to make the fall in potential down the whole wire 1*5 volts. The scale is divided into FIG. 54. Nalder's Potentiometer. 1,000 parts, and each slide wire unit represents one-ten- thousandth of a volt. In the Nalder instrument the whole of the slide wire consists of coils placed within the box containing the instru- ment, and contact is made with the junction between these coils by means of a circular revolving arm. In Fig. 55 is shown a diagram of the connections of the instrument as depicted in Fig. 54. Eeferring to the second figure, it may be seen that a secondary battery is joined on to the terminals F, and sends a current ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 139* 140 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. through the resistances connected with the dials C and D, and then through adjusting resistances K and H. The dial D has 100 equal coil resistances in it, the whole set being equal to the resistance of one coil in C. The dial K contains 19 equal small wire resistances, and the resistance H is a carbon resistance for fine adjustment. A standard cell is joined up to A A, and a galvanometer to the terminals marked galv. If the cell has a voltage 14412 volts, the arm of dial C is set to 144 and that of D to 12. The resistances H and K are then adjusted so that the galvanometer shows no current, and the potentiometer is then " set." The voltage to be measured is connected to the terminals B B if below 1*6 volts, and if above that to the terminals marked volts, in Fig. 55, which are bridged by a wire of high resistance. A fraction of this potential difference, either J, T ^, TOO, or 3^, is then measured, according as the switch M is on the contact marked 3, 10, 100, or 300, In practice it is found that potentiometers in which the contact with the galvanometer circuit is made either by rubbing or pin contacts, or by a slide contact moving over a wire, give trouble owing to imperfect contacts due to the deposition of dust on the contact surfaces and on the wire, and time is wasted in getting the necessary adjustments made. These defects led the Author to design a form of potentiometer in which there is no slide wire and no rubbing or pin contacts, but in which the whole of the potentiometer wire or resistance is represented by coils of wire contained in a case. The galvanometer circuit containing the electromotive force to be measured is brought to two terminals, which are in connection with two bars or rings of brass, by means of plugs fitting into holes bored out partly in these bars or rings and partly in adjacent metal blocks. It is possible to insert any required portion of the whole potentiometer wire resistance, within limits, in between the galvanometer terminals, whilst at the ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 141 same time resistance is~ added or subtracted from a main current circuit, on which the galvanometer circuit is a shunt, in such fashion that a constant current flows through the main potentiometer circuit. This compensating resistance is added or removed by plugs, as in the case of a plug pattern Wheatstone bridge. Fuller details of the use of the instru- ment will be given in a later section of this work. Generally speaking, the most convenient ammeters for laboratory use are those which depend upon the measure- ment of the fall of potential down a low resistance. The ammeter then consists of two parts : (L) A suitable resistance, which carries practically the whole of the current, and which may even be removed a considerable distance from the re- mainder of the instrument. (ii.) A potential measuring part, which consists of some form of movable coil galvanometer of high resistance, or for special tests may be a potentio- meter. The galvanometer will generally take the form of a permanent and well-aged magnet for producing a field in which is suspended a light high resistance coil, with pointer attached, moving on jewelled centres, and also- a steel spiral controlling spring to keep the coil in a normal position, and against which the electromagnetic force acts (see Fig. 56). These instruments have the advantage that the scale divisions are usually very nearly equidistant. There is no blank part or non-readable portion of the scale, and they are also very dead-beat. In Fig. 56 is shown part of the mechanism of a Siemens and Halske volt- meter constructed on the above principle. Part of the magnet is removed to show the coil. The coil consists of an insulated wire wound on a copper frame to damp the move- ments. The coil has attached to it an index needle, and its displacement is resisted by a steel spiral spring. The 142 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. resistance traversed by the current to be measured may be contained in the case of the instrument, or it may be entirely FIG. 56. separate and used B outside. In Figs. 57 and 58 are shown the -details and mode of use of an Arnoux-Chauvin dead-beat FIG. 57. ammeter and shunt constructed on the above principles, consisting of a high resistance movable-coil galvanometer ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 143 with equi-divisional scale used as an ammeter by measuring the fall in potential down a low resistance shunt of known value. Instruments of the above-described type are much employed in the laboratory as ammeters and voltmeters for the measurements of continuous currents and potential differences. A series of very convenient and portable FIG 58 instruments of the above kind have been devised by Mr. Weston. These are remarkable for the almost exact equality of distance of the scale divisions. They are made for various ranges of work, such as ammeters to measure from to 15 amperes, O'O to 100 amperes, milliamperemeters and voltmeters. 144 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. The three most convenient "Weston instruments for general laboratory work are the ammeter, reading from zero to 15 amperes ; the milliammeter, reading from zero to 1*5 amperes by hundredths of an ampere ; and the voltmeter, which reads from zero to 150 volts on one pair of terminals and from zero to 15 volts on another pair. Instruments of a similar kind are made by many other manufacturers. 13. Resistance-Measuring Instruments. The com- parison of conductors in regard to the quality called their electrical resistance is generally conducted by means of FIG. 59. Wheatstone's Bridge, arrangement of Circuits. instruments technically termed bridges or Wheatstone's bridges, provided the resistances to be compared are neither of them very large or very small in magnitude. In its simplest form the arrangement called a Wheatstone bridge consists of six conductors joining four points. In one of these circuits is placed a source of electromotive force such as a battery, and in one other circuit, called the conjugate circuit, is placed a galvanoscope for detecting the presence or absence of a current. The circuit arrangement is depicted in Fig. 59. When the resistance of the circuits is so adjusted that closing the battery circuit (B) does not produce any permanent current in the conjugate galvanometer circuit (G), the " bridge " is said to be ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 145 balanced. To effect the balancing, two of the resistances (P and Q) are adjusted to a certain ratio, and these are called the ratio arms of the bridge. Of the other pair of resistances or arms of the bridge, one is a standard of resistance (S) and the other (E) is the resistance to be compared. The balance is obtained either by altering the ratio arms or by altering the value of the resistance of the standard or measuring arm. The bridge may be employed in one of two ways : (i.) To obtain the ratio of two resistances, (ii.) To obtain the difference of two resistances. The first method is the one generally employed in ordinary work, and may be called the Wheatstone method. The second is that used in very exact work, and is due to Prof. G. Carey Foster. The ordinary bridge, as a laboratory instrument, takes one of two forms : (i.) The Slide Wire Bridge, in which the ratio arms can be continuously varied, and the standard of resistance generally remains unchanged, (ii.) The fixed coil pattern, or Plug Bridge, in which the ratio arms can only be given certain decimal ratios, but the standard or comparison resistance can be varied within wide limits by adding fixed resistances in series. The complete theory of the bridge will be considered in Chapter II. under the head of KESISTANCE MEASUREMENT ; but meanwhile we may state the simple principles of the bridge as follows : First, let it be assumed that the bridge is balanced. Then it is clear that, starting from point a, the voltage or fall in potential down P and E is the same, because the points b and d are, by supposition, at equal potentials, as they must be if no current flows through the galvanometer. Similarly the potential fall down Q and S is equal. Call these potential falls Vp, V Q , V B , V s . Then also, since no current flows through the b d circuit or galvanometer circuit, we must have equality 146 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. in the currents in P and Q and in those in E and S. Call these currents C P , C Q , CR, C s , and the resistances of the arms P, Q, E, S. Then we have also C P =:C Q and C R =C S . But, by Ohm's law, . P =P,-- Q =Q, R =E,-^ S =S. Hence J=? or E=rS^. Q S Q If the bridge is not balanced that is, if the current through the galvanometer circuit is not zero, but has a value C, then it will be subsequently shown that the galvano- meter current can be calculated from the expression where E is the electromotive force of the battery and . E+S)+r(P+E Q + S) i E being the resistance of the battery circuit, and r that of the galvanometer circuit.* The practical forms of bridge required in the electrical laboratory are as follows : I. A standard slide wire bridge, for the careful comparison of standard coils with other nearly equal resistance coils. II. A simple form of plug bridge, for approximate measure- ments of resistance. III. A well-constructed form of dial plug bridge, for accurate work. IV. A differential bridge, for exact comparisons between standard coils. V. A low-resistance bridge, for very small resistances. * For the method of dealing with problems of networks of conductors see 2, Chap. IT., where the reader is referred to a Paper by the Author in the Phil. Mag., August, 1885 ; also Proc. Phys. Soc. London, Vol. VIL, 1885. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 147 The simplest form of (I.) or slide wire bridge consists of a stout mahogany board, on which is strained a gilt manganiii or platinum-silver wire, the wire being uniformly stretched between heavy terminal pieces of copper. The ends of this wire are united by a parallel bar of copper in which are two gaps, one to be closed by the standard resistance (S) and the other by the resistance (E) to be measured. These resistances are inserted either by means of good terminal screws or by the use of mercury cups. In the practical construction of a slide wire bridge one of the difficulties consists in keeping FIG. 60. Simple Slide Wire Resistance Bridge. the slide wire tight and yet in allowing it to expand or contract. The arrangement of the simple slide wire bridge is shown in Fig. 60. The slide wire is attached to thick end blocks of copper drawn back by springs which keep the wire just tight enough without overstraining it. By cali- brating the wire, as explained in the next section, the resistance of these copper terminal blocks can be deter- mined in terms of the resistance of a centimetre of length of the wire. Over the slide wire moves a slider (c) having a knife- edge contact and key, and parallel with the slide wire is a divided scale equal in length to the slide wire. The battery, L2 148 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. consisting of two or three dry cells, is connected to the end& of the slide wire through a contact key, and the galvanometer is connected to a terminal between the standard resistance and resistance to be measured and the knife contact of the slides. The galvanometer used with the bridge is preferably one of the movable coil dead-beat type. The battery may consist of three dry cells. The operation of measurement consists in finding the point at which the slider must make contact with the wire so that no current passes through the galvanometer. The ratio arms of the bridge are then the sections into which the slider divides the slide wire, and the value of the resistance (R) being tested is equal to> FIG. 61. Double-gap Slide Wire Bridge. the comparison resistance (S) multiplied by the ratio (P : Q'); of the slide wire sections. Increased sensitiveness is given, to this bridge by making double gaps in the copper bar and adding two more coils or resistances to the ends of the slide wire. These coils are then extensions of the slide wire, and the slide wire becomes only a portion of the ratio arm resistance. Thus, let the resistances of these added coils (see Fig. 58) be A and B, and let x and y be the lengths of the sections, into which the slide wire is divided by the contact piece (c) when the balance is obtained. Then, if R is the resistance being measured and S is the standard resistance, we have ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. U9 A displacement of the slide of one millimetre along the slide wire corresponds then to a much less difference between E and S than would be the case if the coils A and B were not present. This extension enables us to compare together very accurately two coils by measuring the difference between the resistances of the two coils by a method due to Prof. Gr. Carey Foster, and also to calibrate the wire or determine the resistance of the slide wire per unit of length. Let the bridge be first balanced with coils A and B (as .shown in Fig. 61). Then let the position of the coils A and B be interchanged .and a fresh balancing position be found at a distance x r divisions of the slide wire from the left hand end. Let p be the resistance of the length of x divisions of the .slide wire, and let W be the resistance of the whole slide wire a b. Let p' be the resistance of the length of the x' divisions of the slide wire. Then corresponding to the two cases we have resistance -equations R:S=B+/>':A+W P'. A+p B + W-p Hence lT - -.= . ^ T - M B+p' A+W p or B+W p~A+W-p' "Therefore it follows that A-B-W+2p_B-A W+2p' A + B+W B+A+W or A-B=p' p. In other words, the difference of the two resistances A and B is equal to the resistance of that length of the slide wire included between the x' and x divisions at which the balance is found on the slide wire in the two experiments. 150 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. If, then, the wire is of uniform resistance per unit of length, and if this resistance per centimetre is known, the difference between the resistances A and B is known. The slide wire can be calibrated or tested for uniformity as follows : In place of the resistances K and S substitute another slide wire and another contact slider piece, so that the ratio arms of the bridge can be varied at pleasure. Then by moving the second slider the balancing position on the slide wire a b can be brought to any required position for any two given coils A and B. For A and B select two coils of wire having a very small difference in resistance, and proceed as above described to find the length x'x of the bridge wire which has a resistance equal to A B. Then move the second slider a little, so as to change the ratio of K : S, and find again in another place on the slide wire a b the length x'x equal in resistance to A B. If this length x' x is not equal to the same number of slide wire divisions in all parts of the wire> the wire is non-uniform in resistance. It is possible, by moving the second slider, to regularly inspect and measure the resistance per centimetre of the slide wire; but the process of applying the necessary correction for non-uni- formity of slide wire is so troublesome in practice that it is better to reject the slide wire if non-uniform and obtain another and better wire. If, then, we obtain a slide wire the resistance of which per centimetre is uniform and is known, we can at once determine the difference in resistance between any resis- tance coil and a standard resistance not differing from it in resistance by a greater amount than the resistance of the whole slide wire. The Author designed in 1880 a special form of slide wire bridge for making such difference measurements very quickly, and this has been found especially convenient in comparing together standard coils and others intended for standards.* * This bridge is still employed at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, in the comparison of standard coils. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 151 Following is a description of this form of standard comparison bridge : Description of the Resistance Balance. A circular disc of mahogany 18in. in diameter and about lin. thick (/, Figs. 62 and 6:3) stands upon three short feet, L. Upon this, and con- centric with it, is screwed down a disc of ebonite 14in. in diameter and fin. thick (e). This ebonite disc has a semi- circular groove turned in its circumference. The circular wooden base extends on one side into a narrow rectangle,/, 4in. wide and of the same thickness as the disc. To this are connected two other rectangular pieces Ji, i, which are joined together by slotted brass bars y, (Fig. 62) underneath, in such a manner as to permit the two intervals to be made wider or narrower at pleasure. This promontory is of wood, of the same material and thickness as the disc/, and is sup- ported and levelled by three levelling-screws, n, n', n". Through the centre of the ebonite disc passes a brass centre- pin 1) D' (Fig. 62), on which is centred a brass arm, H H', capable of revolving just clear of the disc. Beneath the arm, and soldered to it, is a short brass spring x } which depends vertically downwards. This spring carries at its extremity a small prism of platimmi-iridiuin with one edge vertical and turned inwards. In the groove turned in the disc e is stretched a platinum-iridium wire about /oin. in diameter. The wire extends round about f f of the circumference, and is about 39in. long ; and the groove is of such a size that the wire lies with exactly half its thickness embedded in it. This wire is represented by the thick black line A C A' in Fig. 62. The ends of this wire are soldered to copper strips k, k. On the wood rectangles /, h, i is fastened an arrangement of longitudinal copper strips k, k, which connect together eight transverse square copper bars in the manner shown in Fig. 62. On the ends of these transverse bars are fixed vertical copper pins j^in. i n diameter and fin. high. On these pins are slipped short lengths of india- rubber tube, which extend beyond the pins so that they form 152 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. j 1 o to a ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 153 small cups about lin. deep, p' (see Fig. 62). The top of the copper pin is well amalgamated with mercury, and forms the bottom of the cup. These cups are filled about a quarter full of mercury. On the longitudinal strips of copper are fixed three binding screws B, B', G ; and a fourth (G') simply goes through the wood, and is connected by a wire t underneath the baseboard with the centre-pin D, and is therefore in metallic connection with the spring x. The battery is connected with the terminals B, B', and the galvanometer with the terminals G, G'. To the arm H H' is adapted a trigger, T, of such shape that when the button iv, which is of ebonite, FIG. 63. is pressed down, the spring x, carrying the platinum-indium knife-edge, is bent inwards until it touches the wire strained round the circumference of e. The arm caries a vernier, N,, which travels round sunk in a shallow groove in the face of the ebonite disc ; and the ebonite is graduated on the face on the margin of the groove. The graduations are cut into the ebonite, and then rubbed over with powered chalk mixed with gum and water. This gives a graduation very legible and pleasant to look at. The length of the wire is just one thousand divisions ; and the vernier enables these to be divided into tenths. The zero of graduation is so lf>4 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. placed that, when the pointer of the vernier reads zero, the knife-edge on the spring x is exactly opposite the extremity of the platinuiii-iridium wire. It is thus clear that the revolving arm carrying its knife- edge can be moved round so that, on pressing the trigger button w, the knife-edge makes contact at any point of this- wire, and thus connects this point with the terminal G'. This part of the arrangement answers to the sliding block and piston-contact piece of the ordinary divided-metre bridge. Method of using the Balance. Let now two resistance coils of about equal resistance be provided, and let the coil terminals of one coil be placed in the mercury cups p and r, and those of the other be placed in q r and &'. And let two- more coils be taken of not very unequal resistance which it is desired to compare with each other ; let the terminals of one be placed in the mercury cups a and c } and those of the other in b f and d'. It will then be seen that, if a battery be connected with B B' and a galvanometer with G G', that we have the usual Wheatstone bridge arrangements (see Fig. 64 for a diagram of the connections). Two quart Leclanche cells- are best suited for ordinary use. If a more powerful battery is used, there is danger of heating the platinum-indium wire,, and so expanding it that it may slip down out of its groove. The coils in the intervals between the cups p and r and q r and s f form two branches; and the coil in the interval between a and c, together with the resistance of the platinum- iridium wire round to the place where the spring x touches- it, forms the third branch, whilst the coil in the interval V d' f together with the remainder of the wire, forms the fourth. The " bridge " wire consists of the arm H H' and the wire under the baseboard, together with the galvanometer inserted between G and G'. By moving round the arm H H' and pressing the button u\ we can find a position where there is no current through the galvanometer. The copper strips kk are made of copper so thick that their resistance is practically nothing. Having established a balance between ELECT RICA L L A DORA TOR Y EQ U1PMENT. 155 the conductors and read the vernier, the next operation is to* lift up the legs of the coil which were inserted in the cups a and c and drop them into the cups b and d. Likewise a similar change is effected on the other side; the terminals of the coil inserted in I' and d r are changed to a' and c'. An examination of the connections as shown in Fig. 64 will show that the result of the operation is as if the coils had changed places whilst preserving their former connection, Now let the arm be moved round and a fresh position of equilibrium found by pressing the trigger and reading the vernier. A little consideration will show that the difference COIL FIG. 64. of these readings gives the difference between the resistances of the coils in terms of a length of the bridge wire ; for the amount by which one coil exceeds the other in resistance is- equal to the resistance of that part of the bridge wire included between the two readings.* In order to render this method of determining the difference of the two coils practicable, the platinum-iridium wire must be exceedingly uniform in * This method of obtaining the difference of two resistances in terms of a length of the calibrated bridge wire was suggested by Prof. G. C. Foster, F.R.S., in a Paper read before the Society of Telegraph Engineers, May 8, 1872. In this Paper is given an account of the method of calibrating a wire. It is obvious, without any further proof, that if the coil placed in a and c exceeds- in resistance that placed in 6 and d, then on exchanging them, since the united resistance of coils and bridge wire remains the same, that the contact knife- edge must be moved back along the bridge wire by a length exactly equal in resistance to the excess of one coil over the other. 156 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. resistance, or else a table of calibration will have to be made. Great pains were taken to procure a length of wire as uniform in size and resistance as possible ; and considerable care was taken, in laying the wire in its groove, not to strain it in any way. It lies evenly in its groove, just sufficient tension being put upon it to keep it in its place. The whole resistance of the wire from end to end is not far from oV of an ohm at about 15C. The wire was carefully calibrated by measuring the difference in the resistance of two pieces of thick brass wire of such lengths that the difference of their resistances was about equal to that of thirty divisions of the bridge wire : and this difference was measured at about a hundred different equidistant positions all along the bridge wire, and found to be so nearly the same that no table of calibration was deemed requisite. To protect the bridge wire from injuries, as well as to preserve it from being heated by radiation from surrounding bodies, a wooden ring vv is fastened down on the baseboard. The ring is IJin. wide and fin. deep, and its internal diameter is lin. greater than that of the ebonite disc. The wire, therefore, lies hidden away on the side of a square- sectioned circular tube ; and, furthermore, a shield of cardboard faced with tinfoil lies upon the face of the disc e, extending just beyond the ring. An aperture is cut in this shield to permit the passage of the trigger, as well as to allow the vernier to be read. By this means the wire is not only out of sight, but out of reach of all radiation as well as mechanical injury. Arrangements for determining the Temperature Variation Coefficients of Coils. To determine the temperature variation coefficient of any given coil we proceed as follows : Three other coils are provided, two of them nearly equal in resistance, which we will call 1 and 2. A third coil, 3, must be taken, whose resistance is nearly equal to that of 4, the coil whose variation coefficient is desired (see Fig. 62). The terminals of 3 are inserted in the mercury cups a and c, those of 4 in V and ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 157 d', those of 1 in p and r, and those of 2 in q r and s'. Now the operation to be conducted is to keep the coils 1, 2, and 3 at a fixed temperature, and to keep 4 successively at two known temperatures differing by about 15C., and to obtain the differ- ence of the resistances of 3 and 4 at these two temperatures. The difference of these differences, divided by the difference of the temperatures, is the mean coefficient of variation of resist- ance between these temperatures. The chief difficulty to be contended with is that of keeping the temperature of the coils constant during the operation, and of ascertaining what that temperature is ; for, as Prof. Chrystal has remarked in his report (Brit. Assoc. Report, 1876), it is not easy to tell whether the temperature of the water in which the coil rests is identi- cally the same as that of the wire, since the latter is embedded in a mass of slowly conducting paraffin. To reduce as far as possible the difficulty of keeping the coils at a constant tem- perature, they are placed in water vessels made of zinc (see Fig. 65). These water boxes are composed of two cylindrical vessels an outer case 9iu. high and 8in. in diameter, and an inner one of lesser size ; the two are connected at the top, so that they form a sort of jar with hollow sides and double bottom. This interspace forms an air-jacket. Around the inside vessel near the top is a row of small holes ; and two tubes communicate at the bottom one with the inner vessel and the other with the annular interspace. The top is closed by a wooden lid with apertures for thermometer and stirrer. Water can be made to flow from the supply pipes into the inner vessel : it rises up and overflows through the holes, and drains away down the interspace and out by the other pipe. The bodies of the four coils are placed in four water boxes of this description; and water from the town mains being sent in a continuous stream through all four water boxes, the coils are rapidly brought to and maintained at a known temperature. Any desired temperature can be given to one coil by leading warm water from a cistern into its vessel. The annular air-tilled space renders the rate of cooling very slow. 158 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. Hence the coils, once at the desired temperature, can easily be kept there. Fig. 63 gives a sketch of the arrangement, two of the water boxes being removed to show the connections. The advantage of the somewhat complicated arrangement of copper bars will now be seen. We can, without withdrawing the coils 3 and 4 from their water boxes, and without in any way disturbing the other arrangements, reverse the position of ihe coils 3 and 4 on the bridge, by simply lifting up the legs FIG. 65. half an inch and changing the mercury cups into which they clip. Thus the legs of coil 3 are changed from cups a and c to I and d, and those of coil 4 from V and d r to a' and c'. This exchange does not occupy more than a few seconds ; and hence we can obtain the two readings necessary to give the difference of the resistance of the coils 3 and 4 when they are .at different temperatures in a very short time. During this short time the temperatures of the two coils will not change perceptibly, protected as they are by an air-jacket. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 159 In the ordinary form of straight bridge there is considerable trouble in exchanging the coils, because the water vessels have to be moved and the mercury cups readjusted ; and all this time the coils are cooling, so that the two readings are never made under the same circumstances as regards temperature. Beginning, then, with all four coils at the same temperature, we take the difference between 3 and 4. To get them all at the same temperature, water from the town mains is allowed to circulate through the system for half an hour. At the end of this time the difference of 3 and 4 is taken ; and several readings are taken at small intervals of time to see if the temperatures are constant. This being done, the temperature of coil 4 is raised by the introduction of warm water until it is about loC. above that of coil 3. It is best to raise the temperature about 20C. above the other at first, and keep it there for 20 minutes, and then let it fall very slowly. In this way coil and water cool together, and an equilibrium of temperature is established between them. The diffeience between 3 and 4 is again taken; and from these two readings we have, as seen above, the mean variation coefficient between the two temperatures. Another method, which would probably be a more accurate one for obtaining the mean coefficient of variation between 0C. and 15C., would be to wait until the temperature of the water in the town mains was about 15C., and then to keep three of the coils at that temperature, and to cool the fourth by means of ice to zero. If then all four were kept at 15C. and the observations repeated, we should have the means of finding the variation coefficient of the fourth coil between 0C. and 15C. Prof. Chrystal in his report threw out the suggestion that resistance coils should have a thermoelectric couple attached to them, one junction being buried in the heart of the paraffin surrounding the wire, and the other outside. This has been tried in some coils recently made, and proves a satisfactory method of ascertaining the equilibrium of temperature between the wire and the water. 160 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMEXT. Another source of error in the ordinary methods arises from uncertain or variable resistances at the mercury cups. It is important that the copper legs of the coil terminals should press very firmly against the tops of the copper pins- on which the india-rubber tube cups are fixed. To ensure this, the plan adopted is to fasten on the coil legs an ebonite clamp. Along the edge of the wooden promontory j h i (Fig. 62) are put brass pins, m ; and by means of steel spiral springs fixed to these and attached to the clamps the coil legs are pressed down very firmly (see Fig. 63). The ends of the pins which carry the india-rubber cups and the ends of the coil legs being well amalgamated, we get, when they are thus firmly pressed in contact, a very good joint, and one whose resistance is small and constant. If the clamps are not used, then one leg may get lifted up a little, and thus a short length of mercury interposed, which leads to an error in a reading. Example of a Determination of the Variation Coefficient of a Coil. In the bridge constructed on the above plan for the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, the whole resistance of the platinum-iridium wire is very nearly O0512 of an ohm, or not far from V of an ohm, at about 15C. As the whole length can be divided by the vernier into 10,000 parts, this gives as the value of y^ of a division ^W^rro of an ohm. The unit in the following example is y 1 ^ of a division. To secure the greatest accuracy of measurements a sensitive low- resistance galvanometer must be used. The image of a wire strained across a slit is reflected on a scale in the usual way, and read at a distance by means of a telescope. The galvanometer should give an indication, when used with pre- cautions, due to a difference of one-tenth of a division when comparing two ohm coils. But as the temperature can hardly be measured with certainty to within less than ^ of a degree, this alone renders such refinement of reading nugatory, in the absence of better methods of ascertaining with certainty the real temperature of the wire. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 161 An example may be here given of the use of this bridge in comparing two resistance coils. Call them F and K. Let K be the coil whose variation coefficient is required. I. Difference of Resistance of Coils F and K at 11C. Bridge Readings. Difference. Exp i 5000 4955 4954 4955 45 46 45 5000 j 5000 The first column gives the number of experiment, the second the reading with the coils F and K in one position on the bridge, the third when F and K are reversed or have exchanged places on the balance; and the fourth gives the difference of their resistance at 11C. in units of the bridge wire. II. Difference of Resistance of Coils F and K at 28'2C. Bridge Readings. Difference. Exn. i. . 5439 5442 5440 4492 4497 4490 947 945 950 Exp ii As before, the fourth column gives the difference of F and K at 2S-2C. Taking the mean difference at 28'2C. to be 947 units, and that at 11C. to be 45 units, we have 947 -45 --^ umts as the mean variation coefficients between 11C. and 28C. in units of bridge wire. Since the coils F and K are approxi- mately ohm coils, this gives as the variation coefficient of the coil K -0262 per cent. This coil was of platinum-silver wire. These three determinations occupied about an hour and a half, during which time many more readings were taken, all closely agreeing with the above. The actual measurement of the differences requires but a few moments to effect, the principal 162 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. expenditure of time being that required to bring the coils to the same temperature as the water. In practical laboratory or testing room measurements of resistance the slide wire form of bridge is not much used. It is more convenient to employ one of the forms of plug bridge. In this arrangement the resistances, which form three arms of the bridge, consist of coils of insulated wire wound on bobbins and contained in a box. These resistance coils are connected in series as required. There are two principal modes of effecting this junction. The top surface of the box generally consists of a slab of ebonite, on which are fixed brass blocks. In the series pattern or Post Office pattern FIG. 66. Arrangement of Resistance Coils, Blocks and Plugs in a Series Pattern Bridge. of bridge the brass blocks are arranged in rows and the coils connected between them, as shown in Fig. 66. Each block is bored out in such a manner that a brass plug fitting into a conical hole drilled partly in one block and partly in the adjacent one metallically connects the blocks and short- circuits the coil joined in between them. The plug is care- fully ground in, so that the interconnection offers only a negligible resistance. Hence, in the case of such an arrange- ment of coils interconnected by blocks, the insertion or withdrawal of plugs cuts out or adds resistance into the circuit in which these coils are connected. In the series form of plug bridge the ratio arms generally consist of five coils having resistances respectively of 1, 10, 100, 1,000, and 10,000 ohms. The third or measuring arm ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 163 -consists of a series of sixteen coils having resistances of 1, 2, 2, 5, 10, 20, 20, 50, 100, 200, 200, 500, 1,000, 2,000, 2,000, 5,000 ohms. The box is usually provided with two contact keys and terminals for the galvanometer, battery, arid resistance to be measured. The chief objections to the series pattern of plug bridge are that the withdrawal of any plug from a hole tends to loosen all the rest and so creates bad contacts. Hence it is necessary to be continually going over the plugs and tightening them up. Moreover, plugs withdrawn are not in 1 FIG. 67. Arrangement of Coils in Dial Pattern Wheatstone Bridge. tise, and are therefore in danger of being oxidised or spoilt by l>eing laid about on the table or held in a damp hand. These objections are avoided in the form commonly called the dial pattern of bridge. In this form the measuring arm of the bridge consists of a series of decimal coils viz., nine 1-ohni coils, nine 10-ohm coils, nine 100-ohm coils, &c. These coils are connected between ten blocks fixed on the upper surface of the box. These blocks are arranged round a central block (see Tig. 67). Ten conical holes are bored out in between the 164 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. central block and the outside blocks, and only a single plug is employed. As the plug is moved from hole to hole it puts in series between the first outside block and the central block any resistance from zero to 9 ohms, zero to 90 ohms, and so on, A set of three, four, or five of these coils and dials are arranged in and on the box, and serve to set in series units, tens, hundreds, &c., of ohms, the different dials being intercon- nected, the central block of one dial being connected to the FIG. 68. Standard Bar pattern Wheatstone Bridge. first outside block of the next. Manufacturers often arrange the blocks in a rectangular form, as in Fig. 68. In Fig. 69 is shown a diagrammatic scheme of the arrangement of coils in a standard Wheatstone bridge of the above kind. In an electrical laboratory one table should be devoted to a dial or bar pattern resistance bridge. The bridge should be contained in a wooden box, which can be closed when the apparatus is not in use to keep light and dust from EL ECTRICA L LA BORA TOR Y EQ UIPMENT. 165 the ebonite slab. The battery should consist of three or four dry cells of the Leclanche type. The galvanometer should be a movable coil galvanometer, having a resistance of 500 to 1,000 ohms. Thick flexible copper cable connectors should be brought from the terminals of that arm of the bridge in which the resistance to be measured is placed to two mercury cups fixed on a wooden stand. In these cups can be inserted the extremities of any coil or wire the resistance of which is required, and this can be determined in a few moments of time. Fuller details of the processes of measure- ments and necessary precautions are given in Chapter II. of this volume dealing with the measurement of resistance. FIG. 69. Arrangement of Resistance Coils, Plugs and Block in Bar Pattern Bridge. The laboratory equipment must include some form of slide wire bridge suitable for rough measurements, and also a standard slide wire bridge for the comparison of coils by the arey Foster method. A compact form of bridge for this latter purpose is that devised by F. H. Nalder, as shown in Figs. 70 and 71.* The ratio arms of the bridge consist of two coils, generally 1 ohm, 10 ohms, 100 ohms, or 1,000 ohms, wound on one bobbin. * See The Electrician, Vol. XXXI, p. 241, or Proc. Phys. Soc. Lond., June 1893. 166 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. The bridge consists of massive bars of copper mounted on an ebonite slab. In these bars are formed mercury cups, into which the copper terminals of the coils are dipped. The- ratio arm coils are connected in between the cups A A lr B B x (see Fig. 71). The coils to be compared are connected to the cups I Ij, J J r In the space between the bars is- a circular disc of ebonite which carries certain copper con- necting bars. When these bars are placed in one position they connect the coil placed in cups A A 1 in series with the- coil placed in cups I I x and that placed in cups B B x with FIG. 70. Nalder Differential Resistance Balance.. that placed in cups J J^. When however the copper inter- connectors are lifted up and replaced in a different position they exchange the places of the coils in I I x and J J r The slide wire of the bridge is a very short platinoid wire, G, and the instrument is provided with a n umber of these slide wires of suitable resistance per centimetre for various comparisons. Bridges are also constructed for quick measurement, where great accuracy is not required, in which radial arms moving, round dials and making contact with studs are made to/ ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 167 throw the necessary resistance coils into the measuring arm of the bridge. A bridge of this kind is useful in rapidly taking the preliminary reading of the resistance of a coil to be subsequently more carefully measured in a standard bridge. It then answers the same purpose as the " finder " on an astronomical telescope. The special forms of low-resistance bridge will be dealt with in the section on resistance measurement. FIG. 71. Connections of Xalder Kesistance Balance. Owing to the action of light and dust in deteriorating the surface insulation of ebonite, the ordinary form of plug Wheatstone bridge with lacquered brass blocks and ebonite slab is not a good one to employ in the workshop. The Author has therefore designed a form of workshop resistance balance in which there is no exposed ebonite or metal parts. 168 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. The box is made of oak, and the lid or upper surface presents only a set of rows of holes (see Fig 72). Underneath the lid and attached to it are a series of ebonite rings, on which are arranged a row of brass blocks and a brass disc. Eesistance coils of equal value viz., units, tens, or hundreds of ohms are joined in between the blocks as in the dial arrangement, and plugs shaped like a bradawl, placed in one of the holes bored out partly in the blocks and partly in the central disc, serve to throw in any required resistance between the first block and the disc. The resistances forming the ratio arms are in the same manner arranged to be used in series with one plug only for each ratio arm. The ratio arm coils are therefore O'l, 0'9, 9, 90, and 900 ohms, and these, when joined in series, give 1, 10, 100, and 1,000 ohms as required. -20- FIG. 72. General View of the Fleming Workshop Bridge. The resistance bobbins on which the coils are wound are formed in the following manner : Two hollow half-cylinders of thin sheet copper (Fig. 73) are constructed, each having a lug, and two of these half-cylinders are put together with a thin separating piece of ebonite and bound together with a thin silk tape. This constitutes the bobbin. The resistance wires of manganin are then cut the proper length, and the two ends of the wire are soldered to the two lugs of the copper half-cylinders (Fig. 74), the ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 169 remainder of the wire being wound non-inductively on the bobbin and tied in position by a thin silk tape. The wire is therefore so arranged that it quickly gets rid of any heat, and no paraffin wax is used to overlay the wire or coils. The measuring arm of the bridge consists of three sets of coils units, tens, and hundreds each set consisting of nine coils interposed between 10 brass blocks, which are arranged in a cii demand carried in a sort of ebonite tray fixed on the EBONITE SEPARATOR COPPER - HALF BOBBIN ^.COPPER HALF BOBBIN FIG. 73. Construction of the Resistance Bobbins. FIG. 74. Method of Winding. underneath side of the teak lid of the box. These blocks are interconnected as required with a central brass ring by means of a travelling plug. A diagram of the bridge is given in Fig. 75, and a section of the dials in Tig. 76. The plugs resemble bradawls, except in their lower extremities, and have a substantial handle ; they are kept when not required in a sort of umbrella stand attached to the box, seen in the 170 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. general view of the instrument, Fig. 72. These plugs are inserted into interconnecting holes between the brass blocks, 1 &l Q ,3 to 5 l ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 171 and the common ring through small holes bored into the lid of the box. Hence the outer surface of the box exhibits only sets of small holes arranged in circles and which ars marked respectively units, tens, hundreds. In order to prevent dust getting into the holes between the brass blocks, there is a contrivance in the form of a self- closing shutter. On the underneath side of the lid are a series of circular discs of thin ebonite, which are perforated by holes corresponding with the holes for the plugs in the lid of the box. These circular shields move round a central pivot, and by means of a spring are kept so turned that the holes in the shield do not normally coincide with the holes in the box lid. Hence all these box lid holes are closed as it were by a small shutter, but when once opened and a plug inserted in the hole the plug prevents the shutter from closing. The circular shutters can be turned round by means of a BRASS BLOCK BRASS BLOCK EBONITE RING FIG. 76. Section of Dial. common bar and finger pin protruding through the lid, so that, in order to insert the first plug when commencing his test, the user presses back the pin and thereby opens all the shutters. But the moment all the plugs are withdrawn from their hole, the shutter under the lid springs back and closes all the holes belonging to that dial. The ratio arm of the bridge is formed of a series of coils which are arranged dial fashion, and which are therefore not 1, 10, 100, 1000 ohms as usual, but 1, 9, 90, 900. Two plugs are therefore provided for the ratio arm dials, and the ratio arm dial is furthermore marked in such a manner that the user has no difficulty in discovering the number by which he must multiply and the number by which he must divide the ratio arrn resistance to get the resistance of the circuit measured. The shutter closing the holes of the ratio dial is 172 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. independent of the others, and is not provided with a finger pin for opening. The spring which keeps the shutter of this dial normally closed is not very strong, and the shutter is easily pushed back by the point of the first plug as it is inserted. The whole of the connections are made under the lid to three pairs of terminals, marked on the outside as in Fig. 72, and in addition two keys are fixed under the lid, which are manipulated by two little ivory buttons, like electric bell pushes, protruding through the lid. There is therefore abso- lutely no exposed ebonite to deteriorate in insulation, and no lacquered brass, with the exception of the aforesaid six ter- minals, the handles by which the bridge is carried about, and the plugs. The terminals are constructed with a peculiar kind of lip, which renders it easy to grip in them either a single large wire like a No. 10 wire or a single small wire like a No. 40. One other point is worthy of notice. In the ordinary pat- terns of plug bridges the frequent use of the plugs wears them down into a shoulder, so that they no longer fit tightly into the plug holes. In this workshop form of bridge the plug has a semi-circular groove turned in it at such a height in the plug that when in place the top of the block is just on a level with the middle of the groove. This device is an effective cure for " shouldering " in the plugs. In the selection of a Wheatstone bridge for very accurate work in resistance measurement it is well to have in view the objections which can be raised against the ordinary form of plug and coil bridge. These objections may be summarised as follows : The bridge, as supplied by most makers, consists of a wooden box, with an ebonite slab forming the top, on which are fixed the brass blocks with conical brass plug connectors. The resistance coils are in the box, and are connected between the plug blocks. If platinum-silver wire, or any material not having a zero temperature coefficient, is used for the manufacture of the coils, then there is very considerable difficulty in ascertaining the true temperature of the coils when the resistance measurement is actually being made. A thermometer placed with its bulb in the box ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 173 merely gives us the temperature of the air in the box ; that of the coils, perhaps embedded in paraffin or shellac, may be very different, and moreover, the temperature of each coil which has current passing through it may not be the same. In the next place, very great labour is involved in checking the relative value of the coils, and, owing to dirt or slight want of fitting of the conical plugs, the value of the resistance added or removed by withdrawing or inserting a certain plug may not be at all times precisely identical. In the series coil or Post Office pattern of plug bridge the putting in of one plug slightly displaces all the brass blocks, and the expansion of the ebonite top -prevents perfect fitting of the coned plugs. The dial pattern of bridge is therefore preferable to the series coil pattern, because each of the plug blocks is- independent. Furthermore, the coils, as usually made r cannot be annealed after being wound, and hence are liable to secular changes in resistance due to strain.* Finally, the last adjustment of balance cannot always be made with integer coils, and the last decimal place in the resistance measurement has to be estimated from the galvanometer deflection (as described in the section on resistance measurement). To meet the above objections a form of standard bridge has been designed by Messrs. Callendar and Griffiths, of which a description is given in Chapter II. f 14. Electric Quantity-Measuring Instruments. Ballistic Galvanometers. The passage of a certain electric- discharge or quantity of electricity through a circuit, * For a good summary of all that can be said against the ordinary form of plug resistance bridge the reader is referred to a series of articles on "The Electrical Measurement of Temperature," by Mr. G. M. Clark, in. The Electrician, Vol. XXXVIII., p. 274, 1897. f See also Tlie Electrician, Vol. XXXVIII., p. 747, 1897. 174 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. reckoned as the time-integral of a varying electric current having finite limits, is measured practically either by a ballistic galvanometer, if the whole discharge is over in a second or less, or, if the discharge endures for a very considerable time, it is measured by some form of ampere- hour meter. For a certain class of magnetic work the ballistic galvanometer is a necessary appliance. The most practical and useful form of this instrument is a movable coil fixed magnet galvanometer. The movable coil may be either a narrow, shuttle-shaped coil, as in the instruments designed by Ayrton and Mather, or a circular, ring-shaped coil, as in the ballistic galvanometer of Cronipton. Deferring at present a detailed discussion of the principles of the ballistic galvanometer, we may here merely state that the elementary theory of this instrument is as follows : If through the coil of the galvanometer an electric discharge or very brief current is permitted to take place, the magnetic field due to the discharge causes an impulsive torque or couple to act upon the movable portion of the instrument, whether the latter is the magnet or the coil. // the discharge is all concluded before the movable portion has been sensibly displaced from its zero position, then the following conditions hold good : Let I denote the moment of inertia of the movable portion of the galvanometer. Let pO denote the control or torque brought into existence to restore that part to its original position when displaced through an angle 6. Let o> be the angular velocity of the moving portion at any time t after the displacement begins. If, in the first place, we neglect the retarding effect of friction, we may say that the equation of motion of the moving system at the time t is expressed by the equation which is the analytical statement of the fact that the rate ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 175 at which the angular momentum of the moving system is being destroyed at any instant is proportional to the angular dis- placement of the movable portion. Since o> = , at we have lff+ M = at* as the equation of motion of the coil when we neglect frictional retardation of all kinds. From the above equation it is easily shown that the duration (T) of one complete oscillation of the movable system is given by the equation -2* /?. V M Suppose the coil at rest in the field of the controlling magnet, and let a discharge be made through the. coil, which is all completed before the impulse sensibly overcomes the inertia of the coil and gives it an angular displacement or " throw." If B is the induction density or field strength due to the fixed magnet at the place where the coil is situated, and if i is the coil current at any time t after the beginning of the discharge, then, assuming the coil has not sensibly moved from its zero position, and neglecting as small the reaction of the coil current on the fixed magnetic field, we may say that the coil is experiencing a torque or couple represented by CBt, where C is some constant depending on the form of the coil. Hence, as above, if o> is the angular momentum of the coil at that instant, 4 = dt or Ida = where I is the moment of inertia of the coil. The product idt is numerically equal to the small quantity of electricity 176 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. dq which has passed through the coil in the element of time dt- Hence Suppose time reckoned from the instant when the discharge begins, and that the discharge is complete before the coil has experienced any appreciable change in position. The result of the passage of the whole quantity Q of the discharge through the coil will be to apply to it an impulsive torque which will cause it to leave its zero position with a definite velocity 12, Under the above conditions we can integrate the last equation, and omitting the constant of integration, write (1) The angular energy with which the coil leaves its zero position is equal to JI12 2 . If the impulsive torque gives the coil a twist through an angle 0, and if /m is the torque due to the suspension, whether bifilar or unifilar, per unit angle, then ju.9 is the restoring or opposing torque due to the suspension brought into existence by the displacement through an angle 0. Hence the potential energy of the coil system at the end of its swing is equal to J/x$ 2 , or to half the product of the torque /mO and an- gular displacement 0. Accordingly, we must have an equation between the kinetic energy imparted to the coil and its potential energy when at the position of final displacement, or iK 2 =M>- ........ (2) Combining together equations (1) and (2), we arrive at_the equation or, Q = G0. The above equation shows that, under the limitation assumed, the angular excursion of the coil is proportional to the whole quantity of electricity which has passed through the galvano- meter. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 177 If to the coil is attached a mirror in the usual manner, and the lamp and scale is placed at a distance of say one or two metres so that the angular deflection of the coil does not exceed 5 deg. or 10 deg., the corresponding excursion or displacement of the spot of light upon the scale will be proportional to the total quantity of electricity which has passed through the coil. The ballistic constant (G) of the galvanometer is the number by which the scale deflection in millimetres or centimetres must be multiplied in order to obtain the total quantity of electricity in microcoulombs which produced that observed deflection. In the chapter on the Measurement of " Electric Quantity " instructions will be given for the proper standardisation of the galvanometer. In the meantime, a few of the qualities which should be possessed by a ballistic galvanometer may be discussed. The movable magnetic needle ballistic galvanometer is a most troublesome instrument to use, owing to the needle dis- turbances created by outside currents and magnetic fields. The most practical form of ballistic galvanometer for the electrical testing room or laboratory is a movable coil galvano- meter with fixed magnet. This galvanometer must have its coil wound on a non-conducting frame, and may be either a narrow coil i.e., a coil of long or shuttle-shaped form, as in the Ayrton-Mather galvanometer shown in Fig. 45, page 123 or a circular bifilar suspended coil, as in the Crompton- d'Arsonval galvanometer shown in Tig. 46, page 124. In either case, if the galvanometer is to be used for ballistic pur- poses, as little "damping" must be present as possible. Hence the coil must not be wound on a closed metallic frame, and preferably not surrounding a soft iron core. On the other hand, when used simply as a deflectional instrument it is desirable to secure as much damping of the coil as possible. In this last case winding the coil on a metallic frame is an advantage, because the eddy currents set up in the frame by its movement in a strong field retard the movement and bring 178 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. the coil to rest without unnecessary vibrations when the current through it is stopped. When, however, the galvanometer is to be used for ballistic purposes, then it should be as little damped as possible. The free period of vibration of the coil in this case, when disturbed, should not be less than five seconds, and for many purposes preferably 15 seconds at least. It is quite useless to employ for many experiments a ballistic galvanometer having a smaller free period of vibration, since then the fundamental requirement for ballistic work is not fulfilled. The galvano- meter should, however, have a damping arrangement by which a small, properly-timed current may be sent through the galvano- meter coil to bring it to rest when its excursion has been made, and thus save unnecessary loss of time in experiments. This may be achieved by the use of a shunt circuit (consisting of a small dry cell), a very high resistance (consisting of a slip of vulcanised fibre rubbed over with plumbago), and a contact key, all joined in across the galvanometer terminals. By making suitably timed taps on the key the galvanometer coil can have small currents sent through it which will bring it at once to rest. In the case of low resistance ballistic galvanometers, merely short-circuiting the terminals of the galvanometer by closing a key in that circuit is sufficient to destroy at once the vibration of the coil and bring it to rest. Each ballistic galvanometer used in the laboratory should be set up on a very steady stone shelf or pillar, and the usual lamp and scale adapted to it. In this connection it may be pointed out that by far the most convenient scales to use for galvanometer purposes are the semi-transparent celluloid scales. These are divided into millimetres, and should be set up on a firm stand at a distance of one metre or 1,000 millimetres from the mirror. The source of light should be an incandescent lamp with a simple horseshoe filament. Over this may be placed an asbestos hood with a slit in it, so that only the image of one side of the filament is thrown upon the scale. The galvanometer should be ELECTRICAL LABORA TOR Y EQ UIPMENT. 179 provided with a concave mirror of one metre focus. It is then easy to so place the incandescent lamp that the sharp image of one leg of the filament is thrown upon the semi- transparent scale. The scale must have a lateral movement, so that it can be moved parallel to itself and perpendicular to the direction of the ray of light reflected from the mirror when the galvanometer coil is in its zero, or undeflected, position. The scale deflection of the sharp line of light upon the screen, measured in millimetres and divided by 1,000, gives very approximately the tangent of twice the angle of deflection of the galvanometer coil ; and this may be taken to be proportional to the coil deflection when that angle does not exceed 10 deg. The testing room should be provided with at least two ballistic galvanometers, one having a resistance of about 20 ohms and the other a resistance of 500 to 1,000 ohms or more. This latter galvanometer should have a time of free vibration of its movable coil of at least 12 to 15 seconds. The correction to be applied to the excursion of the coil to allow for air friction or other retarding forces which tend to diminish the deflection, as well as other precautions in the use of the ballistic galvanometer, will be given in a later chapter. In connection with the standardisation of this instrument it is useful to possess an apparatus called a graded condenser as well as a standard half-microfarad condenser. These last instruments are virtually Leyden jars, consisting of insulating sheets of mica or of paraffined paper coated on both sides with tinfoil, but so as to leave a margin of uncoated surface. A collection of these elements is assembled together, so that all the tinfoil coatings on one set of sides are in metallic connection and all the corresponding opposite side coatings also in connection. The construction of a standard condenser is a matter requiring some experience, and it need only here be said that it is not worth while to purchase one from any except a N2 180 ELECTRIC A L LABOR A TOR Y EQ UIPMENT. manufacturer of repute. A standard half -microfarad con- denser is, however, a necessary article. Two or three other condensers should be also obtained, having a capacity of about one microfarad each. Also a graded condenser, divided into microfarads and fractions of microfarads such as 01, 0-2, 0-2, 0-5, 1-0, 2-0, 2-0, and o'O, is a very useful appliance. All these condensers should have been tested with 1,000 volts on their terminals by the maker, so that no risk may be incurred in using them on 100-volt circuits. The proper charge and discharge keys for use with the condensers can be procured as required. In connection with the measurement of electric quantity, in those cases in which the duration of the discharge is considerable (as in secondary battery tests) it is exceedingly desirable to have at hand an ampere-hour meter which will automatically record the total quantity which has passed through it in coulombs or microcoulombs, and at the same time show the variations of current. Of these instruments the most useful is the graphical recording ampere-hour meter. In this instrument a drum covered with paper is rotated by a clock train at a uniform rate, say once in 24 hours. A pen moving over the surface of the drum is displaced by some mechanism which acts as an ampere meter. In the Holden ampere-hour meter this current-measuring part is constructed by utilising the expansion produced in a series of fine wires placed in parallel. A lever arrangement enables the " sag " of these wires, when heated, to displace the pen over the drum by an amount depending on the current through the wires. If, then, the pen is variably displaced as the drum revolves, we have a curve described 011 the paper which shows, by the value of its ordinates at each moment, the ampere value of the current. If the displace- ment of the pen is exactly proportional to the current, and if the speed of the drum is uniform, then the area of the curve described by the pen is proportional to the whole quantity in ampere-hours which has passed through the instrument. In ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 181 ^secondary cell testing the possession of a correct graphic recording ampere-hour meter of the above kind saves much itime and many tedious observations. Bemarks on the subject of ampere-hour meters generally for use in the commercial supply of electric current will be reserved for the section dealing with meter testing. 15. Instruments for the Measurement of Electric Power. Wattmeters. In many pieces of testing work, particularly in certain alternating-current measurements, it is necessary to be able to measure at one operation the power, or mean power, given to an electrical circuit, which may be called the power circuit. This measurement is made by means of a wattmeter. In its most general form a wattmeter consists of two coils of wire, one of which is fixed and is called the current coil .and the other of which is movable and is called the pressure coil. The circuit in which the power to be taken up is to be measured is joined up with the wattmeter, so that the current passing through the circuit is that passing through the current coil. The pressure coil is then joined up so (i.) that one terminal is connected to the entrance end of the current coil and the other to the exit end of the power circuit, or (ii.) so that the pressure coil is connected to the ends of the power circuit. It will be seen that, if the pressure coil is joined up in the first manner, the voltage on the pressure coil is that due to the fall in volts down the current coil as well as that in the power circuit. If, on the other hand, it is joined up in the second way, then the current in the current coil is not simply that in the power circuit, but takes account also of the current in the pressure coil. In dealing with the particular measurements in which the wattmeter is employed we shall point out how it should be used. Meanwhile, it may here be stated that if the pressure coil is held in a position either with its plane parallel to that 182 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. of the current coil or embracing it, and with its plane at right angles to it, then, when connected up with the power circuit there will be found to be a mechanical force or torque between the coils. The restraining force required to hold the coils in any definite relative position in which the electro- dynamic force between them is not zero is proportional to the mean product of the values of the currents passing through the coils. If one current is the current through the power circuit, and the other current is proportional to the potential difference between the ends of the power circuit, then their mean product is proportional to the mean power taken up in the power circuit. The controlling condition, however, is that the free time of vibration of the movable coil of the wattmeter must be large compared with the periodic time of the currents, if these are periodic. The wattmeters used in the testing laboratory generally take one or two forms. In the Siemens form the movable coil embraces the fixed coil (see Fig. 77). The movable coil is suspended by a few fibres of floss silk, and has attached to it one end of a spiral steel torsion spring. The other end of this spring is fixed to a torsion head, with an indicating arm moving over a circular divided scale. The movable coil carries a pointer, by which it can be brought into a recognised and fixed position. The arm attached to the torsion head can be moved independently of the head, and clamped when desired by a clamping screw. The current enters and leaves the movable pressure circuit by means of mercury cups, into which dip the amalgamated ends of the movable coil. The instrument is provided with four terminals, two of which are the extremities of the fixed coil and two are the terminals of the movable coil. The other form of wattmeter is that of Lord Kelvin r which is similar in general construction to an ampere balance. The circuit formed by the coils of the suspended or balance arm is, however, brought to a separate pair of terminals. The circuit formed by the fixed coils is separate from that of ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 183 FIG. 77.- Siemens Wattmeter. 184 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. the movable ones. One of these forms the pressure circuit and the other the current circuit of the wattmeter. Another form of wattmeter is that in which the pressure coil is suspended by a bifilar wire suspension. In this case the current enters and leaves the movable coil by the suspension wires. This form is well adapted for a deflectional instrument in which the deflections of the movable coil are read by a mirror and scale. In the selection of a wattmeter for use in the testing laboratory, especially if it is to be used with alternating currents, it is necessary to be guided by the following facts : For use with alternating currents there must be no metal work near the fixed or movable coils. Instrument makers are far too fond of lacquered brass. They put brass covers and shields round wattmeters, and carry the coils on brass pillars and supports. The result is that eddy currents are set up in these metal portions, which react upon the currents in the movable coil and destroy the correctness of the indications of the instrument. An alternating-current wattmeter should, as far as possible, be constructed of hard, well-seasoned wood and ebonite, with the exception of wire circuits and terminals. A useful form of the instrument is made by providing with separate terminals to its two circuits the ordinary and cheap form of Siemens electro-dynamometer. If the wattmeter is being used with continuous currents, then it is necessary to so place it that the magnetic axis of the movable coil is in the direction of the earth's horizontal magnetic field at the place where it is used. If this is not done, the terrestrial force will exercise a deflecting action on that coil. Hence the wattmeter should be used on a rotating turn-table, which enables it to be rotated in azimuth without disturbing the level of the instrument. In dealing with the special uses of the instrument the various precautions attending its use will be pointed out. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT, 185 16. General Hints on the Outfit of a Testing Labora- tory. In concluding this chapter a few general hints may be given as to the equipment of an electrical testing laboratory. In most cases where this has to be done by the inexperi- enced, the general desire seems to be to provide a number of glass door apparatus cases, and to stock the shelves as far as possible with the beautiful creations in ebonite and lacquered brass of the electrical instrument maker. Hence it is that in so many colleges and technical institutions we find a large collection of expensive apparatus, very little of which is of real use in research or commercial work. The guiding principle in equipping an electrical testing room should be to buy at first as little as possible, unless and until the purpose of the laboratory is very clearly defined. The instruments that are bought as standard instruments should be very carefully selected, and, as far as possible, made to careful specifications. An odd lot of galvanometers bridges, resistance coils, keys, c., should not be bought. The main purpose of the laboratory having been defined, whether for teaching, research, commercial testing, or stan- dardising, the first provision should be in the conveniences for generating and distributing the currents. Bound the laboratory should run several ciicuits, with means for bringing the potential difference at any place to the standard volt- meters and potentiometer. The principal resistance bridge, the principal potentiometer, the ballistic galvanometers, the ampere balances, standard voltmeters, and low resistance bridge should each be set up complete on its own table, with everything required for that measurement screwed down to the table. There should be no moving about of galvanometers and keys from one place to the other. The .small local currents required should be obtained from dry cells of Leclanche type, or from small 2-cell secondary batteries. The set of apparatus on each table, when not in use, may be kept free from dust by having a black cloth thrown over 186 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. it. It stands there, however, ready for use, and the resistance of a bit of wire or coil or the checking of a voltmeter can be carried out at a moment's notice without loss of time. In many laboratories there is an enormous waste of time in collecting together out of cases, setting up, and connecting apparatus for the simplest measurement. There is also a great amount of capital sunk in apparatus pretty to look at but perfectly useless for real work. Ample provision should be made, by wire resistances and carbon resistances, for regulating currents. Galvanometers should, as far as possible, be movable coil galvanometers, so that they are not disturbed by the presence of currents in neighbouring wires. These may be kept covered over when not in use with cardboard boxes or hoods. No attempt has been made in the sections of the present chapter to indicate all the apparatus necessary, as that must depend on the purpose of the laboratory. In the following chapters instructions will be given for carrying out the chief electric and magnetic measurements. As an illustration of the equipment required in an elec- trical standardising laboratory, we may conclude this chapter by a brief description of the arrangements in the British Board of Trade Electrical Laboratory at No. 8, Kichmond- terrace, Whitehall, London.* This laboratory was established in consequence of a deputation, comprising most of the pro- minent members of the electrical profession, to the Board of Trade in 1889, for the purpose of urging the necessity of the establishment of such an institution. A scheme was sub- mitted by this deputation for the establishment and working of a standardising laboratory, and this scheme has been kept in view as far as was consistent with the amount of money procurable from the Treasury : The first suggestion for the establishment of a Government electrical standardising laboratory was given in a Paper read by the Author in November, 1885, to the Institution of Electrical Engineers (then called the * See The Electrician, October 5 and 12, 1894, Vol. XXXIII., pp. 665, 693. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 187 Society of Telegraph Engineers and Electricians). This Paper was entitled "On the Necessity for a Standardising Laboratory for Electrical Test Instruments." The discussion on the Paper led to the formation of a committee to further this object, and four years later the suggestions of the Author were realised. The laboratory exists for three purposes : First, to obtain and preserve standards for the measurement of electrical quantities ; second, for giving the standard measurements of those quantities ; and third, to enable the Electrical Adviser of the Board of Trade to make such tests of instruments and material as may be necessary in the performance of his duties. No scientific work outside these purposes can be undertaken. Six rooms are in occupation in the basement of No. 8, Richmond-terrace, Whitehall, London. One of these is occupied by the gas engine and dynamos, used solely for charging accumulators ; another by the accumulators, from which all the power used in making electrical measurements is obtained. These two rooms are outside the main building. The rooms within the main building are, first, the room containing the standards for current and pressure and the necessary adjuncts ; second, the room containing the transforming machinery, where the power derived from the accumulators is transformed as required ; third, the room occupied by the standards of resistance and the Clark cells used as sub-standards, this room being used exclusively for measurements connected with resistance and the comparison of electromotive forces ; and, fourth, the verification room, where commercial instruments sent for the purpose are verified. Beyond the verification room is fitted a small chemical laboratory. The general arrangement of the laboratory is shown in the plai in Fig. 78, and consists of the various rooms already enumerated. The accumulators in use consist of a battery of four large 61-plate Crompton-Howell cells, which are generally used two in parallel for the direct production of large currents, and 108 11-L E.P.S. cells. The large cells can supply currents of any amount up to 2,000 amperes for a short time, and are charged in series at the rate of 200 amperes. The E.P.S. cells are used for running the trans- forming machinery and for supplying continuous pressure up to 200 volts. The discharge rate is never allowed to exceed 22 amperes even for short periods. Current from the large cells is brought into the room containing the standards of current by mains consisting of flat copper strips, the lead and return being sandwiched together to avoid magnetic disturbance. A break is provided just outside this room for the insertion of regulating resistances, which for the most part consist of carbon rods with suitable terminals. The use of carbon in this connection has this great advantage in addition to that of handiness, that as the resistance diminishes with increase of temperature, the fall of current which would otherwise take place from the slight polari- sation of the cells and the warming of the metallic circuit can be completely obviated by choosing suitable lengths and cross sections of carbon. Great steadiness of even the largest currents for ample time has thus been obtained. Fine adjustments of current are secured by the use of rheostats formed of carbon plates under variable pressure inserted either in the main circuit or as a shunt to the measuring instruments. 188 ELECTRIC A L LA BORA TOR Y EQ UIPMENT. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. 189 A large electric balance (A, Fig. 78), made under Lord Kelvin's supervision, is fixed immediately at the point of entry of the above- mentipned large mains. This instrument can read up to 10,000 amperes. Round two sides of the current and pressure standards room is fixed a concentric main of the same pattern as those used by the London Electric Supply Corporation for trunk mains from Deptford. The outer conductor is cut across at intervals, and large terminals clamped on at each side of these breaks, to which the current-measuring instruments are attached, while copper bars are provided for short-circuiting every instrument. The inner conductor is only exposed at the two ends, where it can be similarly connected to the outer conductor either through an instrument or by means of a short-circuiting strap. A complete anti-induction circuit is thus provided for current. A shelf of enamelled slate is carried on corbels let into the external wall of the building underneath the concentric main, as a support for the current- measuring instruments. The ampere standard B is placed upon a stone pedestal near the centre of the room, and the auxiliary ampere balance O upon a similar adjacent support. The volt standard D, which really measures 100 volts, or one hekto-volt, occupies a third stone pedestal in the centre of the room. Another instrument of the same pattern is placed at E. On the shelves round the wall of the room are five sub-standard Kelvin balances of the following ranges : 1 to 5 amperes (F, Fig. 78), 5 to 30 (G), 30 to 120 (H), 100 to 600 (K), and 500 to 2,500 (L). The first two of these have aluminium beams. A composite watt-balance is placed at M. One of the remaining walls R is occupied by various pressure-measuring instruments for low pressures, and the fourth wall partly by pressure-measuring instruments for high pressures Q and partly by a switchboard P for regulating the transforming machinery. A highly insulated platform is provided for standing on when manipulating the high - pressure instru- ments. On this board are a pair of Cardew voltmeters, supplemented by twelve resistance tubes. Each of these is practically a complete Cardew voltmeter, but without hand movement and dial. Each contains the usual wires and pulleys, under exactly the same " live " condition as in a working voltmeter. By means of these resistances, which can, of course, be independently checked and mutually compared, differences of potential up to 2,150 volts can be measured. A "chain" of voltmeters that is to say, a set of instruments, the range of each one overlapping two others, as with the sub-standard ampere balances are placed in this room. The chief work which has been done in this room is the comparison of the three standards of current, electromotive force, and resistance. The standard ampere, as obtained by many repeated determinations by the silver volta- meter, was passed through the ampere standard, the auxiliary balance, and through a resistance of 100 ohms, and gave a difference of potential of ICO volts, which was observed on the volt standard. This 100-ohm resistance is made of manganin, and is maintained at a constant temperature by oil circulated by a small electric motor, and by the circulation of water in an outer jacket. This 100-ohm resistance was compared with the ohm standard, the value of which was accepted from the British Association determinations. The volt was thus deduced from the correlation of the ampere and the ohm. 190 ELECTRICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. The scale of the volt standard is long enough to include the pressures due to 69, 70, and 71 Clark cells, and by direct comparison the value of the cell was thus determined. The work of carrying out this triple comparison occupied many months. A current of about 0*8 ampere is kept continually passing through the ampere standard to keep it warm and dry. The period of a complete swing of the standard of current is about half a minute, and hence the need for an auxiliary balance, to act as the " finder " of a telescope. The machinery for "gen era ting the required currents consists of a continuous- current motor and an alternator with shafts in line and both keyed to a common pulley, while a continuous-current high-pressure dynamo can be run from this pulley by means of belting. By varying the exciting currents of these different machines a very delicate adjustment of the transformed current or pressure is obtained. There are, in addition, various alternating- current transformers for giving a range of current up to 500 amperes and of pressure up to 10,000 volts. The room containing the standard of resistance and Clark cells is a small room arranged to be kept at a uniform temperature of 16C. In this room is a Carey Foster bridge, and a Kelvin reflecting galvanometer with a transparent scale. The verification room is fitted with a concentric main running around three sides, elate shelves for the support of instruments ; and a large fireclay oven 2ft. Sin. wide, 2ft. 6in. deep, and 3ft. high, with plate glass front perforated with holes for leads, is heated by gas, for testing instruments at various temperatures. It has been run to a very high temperature, but it is not proposed to use it for more than 30 C. This room is fitted up with secondary standards for the measurement of current and pressure up to the limits of instruments in common use. In this room calibration and tests of meters have been carried out. This work has nothing to do with the calibration and sealing of actual house meters, which is carried out by the London County Council, but relates to the approval of the patterns. In this room the deci-ampere, deka-ampere, and hekto-ampere Kelvin balances are fixed. In the verification of instruments in this laboratory definite methods are employed for defining the inaccuracy. For instance, if an instrument reading to 100 volts is sent for verification at certain points, say 90, 95, and 100, the readings of those instruments when pressures of those amounts are applied are given, and not the true values of the scale indica- tions 90, 95, and 100 on the instrument. It is obvious that where a large number of instruments have to be checked, this method results in economy of time and power. CHAPTER II. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 1. The Comparison of Electrical Resistances. The electrical resistance of a conductor may be defined as that physical quality of it in virtue of which energy is dissipated in it when an electric current flows along it. This amounts to saying that a fall of electrical potential accompanies the flow of a steady unvarying current along a conductor. The ratio between the numerical values of the fall or drop in potential (P.D.) down a conductor and the current (C) in it is a measure of the electrical resistance of that conductor, if the current is an unvarying or continuous current. The energy dissipated in the conductor, measured by the product of the values of the potential fall and the current, takes the form of heat, and raises the temperature of the conductor. This temperature change affects the physical state of the conductor and alters the ratio of potential fall to current, and hence changes the numerical value of the resistance. If, however, the heat is so rapidly removed that change in temperature is not allowed to occur in the conductor, or if a correction is made equivalent to making allowance for this change in temperature, then it has been found that the ratio between the fall in electric potential down the conductor and the electric current in it remains the same for the same conductor whether the current is large or small. This interdependence, or rather exact pro- portionality of potential fall to current strength, in the case of conductors traversed by steady currents is called Ohm's Law. 192 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. Ohm's law is not a mere truism : it is the expression of a physical fact, and 1 our confidence in the general truth of the statement is an induction from the results of experiment in particular instances. Ohm's law states the exact pro- portionality of the current when unvarying to the unvarying electromotive force producing it. This is not a necessary truth. The electromotive force E required to produce a current C in a conductor might, for instance, have- been a function of the current C of the form Only odd powers of C could have occurred in the expression, because, as the current reverses its direction when the electromotive force is reversed, the right hand side of the expansion representing E in terms of C must change sign with C. Suppose we consider as important only the first two terms, and write the expression for E in the form E = RC(1-K) 2 ). It has been experimentally shown by Chrystal and Saunders (see British Association Report, Glasgow, 1876) that in the case of copper A is a quantity less than 10~ 12 , assuming all proper corrections for temperature made. It has been also shown by FitzGerald and Trouton* that in the case of a solution- of sulphate of copper h in the above formula is less than 3 x 10~ 6 , the maximum current used being 10 amperes per square centimetre. Similar verifications have been made by Beetzt for zinc sulphate solution, by F. KohlrauschJ for dilute sulphuric acid employing electromotive forces- between O'l and 1 volt, and by E. Cohn for solutions of sulphuric acid and sulphate of copper, using alternating currents of low (100 M and high (25,000 a.) frequency. Hence there is a certain mass of experimental proof that the electromotive force is proportional simply to the first power of the current when it reaches a steady value. Although no d priori reasoning would suffice to establish this law as a general truth, yet, as remarked by "W. N. Shaw (B. A. Report on " Electrolysis," 1890), Ohm's law evidently belongs to that class of physical law which, though in the first instance discovered empirically, expresses in numeral relations necessary consequences of the nature of the physical quantities involved. J. Hopkinson has suggested (Phil. Trans. R.S., 1877, p. 614) that the law asserts the superposition of the effects of electromotive force in bodies in which conduction is not complicated by any residual effects, and may there- fore be regarded as a special instance of the general law of superposition. Although, therefore, demonstrated experimentally only in the case of a few metallic and electrolytic conductors, no facts have been found which are inconsistent with a conviction of its universal truth as regards metals. It is T * B. A. Report, 1888, p. 341 ; 1886, p. 312 ; 1887, p. 345, t Pogg. Ann., 125, 1865, p. 126 ; 117, 1867, p. 15. J Pogg. Ann., 138, 1869, pp. 280, 370. Wied. Ann., 21, 1884, p. 646. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 193 however, not true in the case of every conductor. According to Braun,* it is not true for psilomelane, iron pyrites, and copper pyrites. Quincket states that some liquids of high resistance, such as ether, carbon bisulphide, turpen- tine oil, and benzene are disobedient for electromotive forces of 30,000 volts and upwards. He also refers to a similar departure from Ohm's law in the case of thin layers of gutta-percha, sulphur, paraffin, and shellac for small electromotive forces. In the case of liquids, when a departure from Ohm's law shows itself evidence of chemical decomposition also appears. Actual or initial chemical decomposition may, in all cases, be at the root of the deviations from exact obedience to Ohm's law so far found. It has been asserted that the conduc- tivity of a plumbago line or pencil mark drawn on ground glass does not follow Ohm's law, and it is well known that the conduction current through gases is not proportional to the total electromotive force acting.! Assuming the Volt (equal to 10 8 absolute C.G-.S. electro- magnetic units) as the practical unit of potential difference, and the Ampere (equal to lO' 1 absolute C.G.S. electromagnetic units) the practical unit of current, the practical unit of resistance is the Ohm (equal to 10 9 absolute C.G.S. units). For the denomination of very large or very small resistances the terms Megohm or Microhm are used, denoting respectively one million ohms and one-millionth part of an ohm. A resistance measured or appropriately reckoned in megohms is called a high resistance; one conveniently expressed in microhms is called a low resistance. An extra high resistance can be measured in mega-megohms or billions of ohms. Hence methods of resistance measurement are correspond- ingly described as methods for the measurement of ordinary or moderate, of low, and of high resistances. We shall, in the following pages, deal separately with the methods for the measurement of electrical resistance in the three cases: (i) when the resulting value is most conveniently expressed in ohms ; (ii) when the result is best expressed in microhms ; and (iii) when the result is most suitably expressed in megohms. Each range of resistance measurement has its own most appropriate methods. Processes in which the numerical * Pogg. Ann., 153, 1874, p. 556. t Wicd. Ann., 28, 1886, p. 542. Maxwell, " Electricity and Magnetism," 2nd ed Vol. ., p. 463, 370. 194 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. value of a resistance is determined by comparing it with a known standard resistance are called comparison methods. Measurements in which the value of a resistance is determined by immediate reference to the fundamental measurements of length, mass, and time are called absolute metlwds. 2, Networks of Conductors. In the generality of cases the conductor whose electrical resistance has to be determined takes the form of a wire, strip, or rod of metal of uniform cross-section, or a column of a liquid conductor of similar form. A number of wires or conductors, so joined together that their ends meet in certain common points, is called a network of conductors. A network of conductors has a common or resultant electrical resistance, which can be expressed as a function of the separate or individual resist- ances of the members forming the network. As the majority of methods for the measurement of the resistances of wires involve arrangements of networks, it will be useful to indicate the best method of calculating the resultant resistance of a network from its con- stituent resistances, and also the method of calculating the current flowing through any constituent branch by the application of a known electromotive force to the network. The following method of calculating the resultant resistance of a network of conductors was given by the Author in a Paper read before the Physical Society of London, June 27, 1885 (see Phil. Mag., Sept., 1885, or Proc. Phys. Soc., London, Vol. VIL, 1885) : If at any two points in the network connection is made with a source of electromotive force by conductors called respectively the anode and cathode con- ductor, then, after a short period, depending on the self and mutual induction coefficients of the various conductors, the total quantity of electricity arriving by the anode will distribute itself throughout the network and settle down into a steady flow. When this is the case, there is a certain definite difference of potential between the anode or source-point and the cithode or sink-point, and there is also a certain definite and constant strength of current in the anode conductor and in every mesh or branch of the network. Call a and 7 the poten- tials of these source and sink-points, and x the strength of the current in the anode lead (that is, the whole quantity of electricity flowing per second through the network), then (y a}/x measures the resistance of the network. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 195 We can imagine the network replaced by a single linear conductor or wire of such sort that if the anode and cathode conductors are applied to its ends the difference of potentials at the ends of this simple conductor and the strength of the current flowing through it have the same numerical values, y, a, and x. The resistance of this single conductor is then the same as that of the complex network. The resistance of the network is obviously some function of the resistances of the separate conductors or wires which compose it, and is capable of being calculated from them. Experimentally, the resistance of a complicated net- work would best be determined by the measurement of the current-strength in the anode lead and the difference of potential between the source and the sink. Theoretically, it is interesting to examine the law of distribution of currents in a network, and to reduce to a function of the separate resistances the total resistance of the whole network between any two points. In his treatise on "Electricity and Magnetism " Clerk Maxwell has treated the general case to determine the differences of potentials and the currents in a linear system of n points connected together in pairs by ^n(n 1) linear conductors,* and has shown how to form the linear equations, the solution of which gives the condition of the network when given electromotive forces acting along some or all of the branches have established steady currents in them. The usual method of obtaining a solution for the distribution of currents is the application of Ohm's law round the several circuits of the network, controlled by the condition of continuity that there is no creation nor destruction of electricity at the junctions. Since the publication of the first edition of his treatise, Maxwell reduced these two sets of equations to one set by the simple device of regarding the real currents in the meshes of the network as the differences of imaginary currents round each cycle or mesh of the network, all directed in the same direction, and thus obtained by the application of Ohm's law a single set of linear equations, the solution of which gives the required currents in each branch. Maxwell's method is as followsf : If we have p points in space and join them together by lines, the least number of lines which will connect all the points together is p-1. If we add one line more we make a closed circuit somewhere in the system that is to say, a portion of space is enclosed and forms a cell, cycle, or mesh. Every fresh line added then makes a fresh mesh, and hence, if there are I lines altogether joining p points, the number of cycles or cells will be k = l-(p -1). Let such,a system of points and lines represent conducting wires joining fixed points and forming a conducting network. Let a symbol be affixed to each point which represents the electrical potential at that point, and also a symbol affixed to each line representing the * Maxwell's "Electricity and Magnetism," 2nd edition, Vol. I., p. 374,: and 2826. f This method was first given by Clerk Maxwell in his last course of University lectures. It is alluded to in the second edition of his larger treatise and in the Appendix of his smaller treatise by their respective editors, Prof. W. D. Niven and Dr. W. Garnett, to whom it was communicated by the present Author. o2 19G MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. electrical resistance of the conductor represented by it. In such a diagram of conductors the form is a matter of indifference so long as the connections are not disturbed and lines are not made to cross unless the conductors they represent are in contact at that point. Consider a network (Fig. 1) formed by joining nine points by thirteen conductors. Then there will be 13 - (9 - 1) = 5 cycles or cells. Let an electro- motive force E act in one branch B, and give rise to a distribution of currents in the network. Take a, /3, 7, 5, &c., to represent the potentials at the points, and A, B, C, D, &c., the electrical resistances of the conductors joining these points, and consider that round each cycle or circuit an imaginary current flows, all such currents flowing in the same direction of rotation. A circuit is considered to be circumnavigated positively if we move round it so as to keep the boundary on the right hand. Hence, going round an area A in the direction of the arrow is positive as regards the inside if we walk inside the boundary-line, and negative as regards external space B if we walk in the same direction round the outside. We shall consider a current as positive when it flows round a cycle in the opposite direction to the hands of a watch, Keturning then to the network, we consider that round each cycle an imagi- nary current flows in the positive direction. The real currents in the conductors are the differences of these in adjacent cycles or meshep, and the imaginary currents will necessarily fulfil the condition of continuity, because any point is merely a place through which imaginary currents flow, and at which therefore there can be no accumulation nor disappearance of electricity. Let x, y, z, &c., denote these imaginary like-directed currents. Then x- y denotes the real current in the branch I, and similarly x-z that in branch H. Then a-, y, z, &c., may be called the cyclic symbols of these areas. The cyclic symbol of external space is taken as zero ; hence the real current in branch B MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 197 Let an electromotive force act in the branch B. Let the internal resistance of the source of electromotive force be included in the quantity B, representing the resistance of the branch A. Then apply Ohm's law to the cycle x formed by the conductors B, I, H, and we have E-Bx = 7-a. In this case x is the actual current flowing in the resistance B, and the poten- tial at the ends of B is equal to the effective electromotive force acting in it, less the product of the resistance of the conductor multiplied by the current flowing in it. For the conductor I we have similarly Hence x - y represents the actual current in I : it is the difference of the imaginary currents flowing round the x and y cycles in the positive direction. And for the conductor H we have also Add together these three equations, and we have, as the result of going round the cycle x, formed of conductors B, I. and H, /I- 2 H, ..... . . (1) V but this is equal to -- B. Since the resistance of B may be anything, let it be zero ; then the total resistance of the network between 7 and a will be E but JB=0, where the suffix and bracket denote that after the determinants are formed from the cycle equations, according to Maxwell's rule, then in them B is put equal to zero. If we denote the determinant of all the w-cycle equations under the condi- tion of B = by d n , and by d n -\ the first minor of this latttr, or the minor of its leading element corresponding to the coefficient of x with the resistance of the circuit containing the effective electromotive force put equal to zero, we have for the total resit tance R of the network between the points at which the current enters and leaves the expression R= *-. rf n -i Since, then, as we have seen, the linear equations for the cycles can always be solved by evaluating the determinants, it follows that in all cases, no matter how complicated, the resistance of any network can be calculated by simple arithmetic processes from the given resistances of the branches or conductors which compose it. We have therefore here an interesting exten- sion of Maxwell's method of calculating the currents in a network and the potentials at the junctions to a method of calculating the combined resistance of a number of conductors forming a network ; which method consists, as seen above, in forming a certain determinant whose elements are formed of the separate resistances of the branches, and dividing this determinant by another of an order next below viz., the first minor of its leading elements ; and we find that the resistance between any two points of any network of conductor?, however complicated, is expressible as the quotient of a certain determinant by another formed from it. '204 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. We shall proceed to illustrate this method by a few examples. 1. Find the resistance between the points 1 and 3 (Fig. 4) of a network FIG. 4. consisting of five conductors, whose resistances are A, B, C, D, E, joining four points, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Connect 1 and 3 by an imaginary conductor of zero resistance, and having an electromotive force, e, supposed to act in it. Let x, y, z denote the cycles or imaginary like-directed currents in the three meshes so formed, and write down the current equations, according to Maxwell, for these three cycles (A+B)as -Ay -Ez = e, -Ax + (A + E + D)y -Ez = 0, -Ex -Ey + (B + C + E)s=0. Then, by what has been shown above, the resistance R between the points 1 and 3 of the network is given by the expression (A + B), -A, -B -A, (A + E + D), -E -B, -E, (B + C + E) (A + E + D), -E -E, (B + C + E) In dealing with numerical cases we need 110 longer introduce any notice of imaginary electromotive forces, but proceed according to the following rule : TO DETERMINE THE RESISTANCE OF A NETWORK OF CONDUCTORS BETWEEN ANY TWO POINTS ON THE NETWORK. Join these two points by . He then removes one of the plugs from the one ratio arm FIG. 15. Series Plug Pattern Wheatstoue Bridge. series and one from the other ratio arm series. In so doing it is desirable to have some notion of the value of the resistance to be measured, and in general it is well, unless the unknown resistance is suspected to be very large or very small, to begin by a ratio of equality that is, the two ratio arms are made 1 and 1, or 10 and 10, or 1,000 and 1,000 ohms by removing the plugs from the holes marked 1, 10, or 1,000 on each side. This done, the observer removes plugs from the other or measuring arm series until, on pressing first * See The Electrician, Vol. XLL, p. 596. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 217 the battery key and afterwards the galvanometer key, the galvanometer indicates no current. The bridge is then said to be balanced. It will generally happen that with integer value coils of the three arms it is not possible to secure a perfect or absolute balance. For instance, if the ratio arms are 10 and 10 ohms, then with 230 ohms resistance un- plugged on the measuring arm, the galvanometer may show a small current in one direction through it, whereas with 231 ohms unplugged the galvanometer may show a small deflec- tion in the opposite direction. NAl OCR BROS CO. UONOON Q:O;CCP:O:Q ^\^*+*l*J -x-v-r'O*' .^%^^*WV^.> lM ^^tWV J xx-^x.*V ^s*^/^^ FIG. 16. Arrangement of Circuits in Series Plug Pattern Wheatstone Bridge. A further approximation to the true value of the unknown resistance may be obtained as follows : If the galvanometer- is one reading by a mirror and scale, note the small steady scale deflection of the galvanometer when the galvanometer and battery key are both held down and the lower of the two measuring arm resistances is unplugged. Thus, for instance, suppose that, with 230 ohms out in the measuring arm, the steady scale deflection of the galvanometer is 10 millimetres to the left. This small deflection of the spot of light or indicating needle is propor- tional to the galvanometer or bridge current under those 218 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. conditions. Suppose, then, that the measuring arm is made 231 ohms and the galvanometer deflection is changed to 15 scale divisions to the right. We may deduce the true value of the measuring arm resistance, which would exactly balance this unknown resistance being measured, by a simple calcula- tion. Since a change of one unit in the measuring arm resistance changes the galvanometer deflection from +15 to 10, it is clear that, since the whole scale deflection change is 25 divisions for the whole change from 230 to 231 ohms in the measuring arm resistance, a value of the measuring arm of 230 -f ohms, or of 2304 ohms, would exactly balance the unknown resistance being measured. Hence, if the ratio arms are 10 and 10, the resistance being measured is 2304 ohms. The above-described method, called taking right and left galvanometer deflections, enables us to make an initial approximation to the value of the unknown resistance. When this is done a different ratio may be selected for the ratio arm* The ratio may, for instance, be made 10 to 1 by removing the plugs corresponding to 1,000 and 100 ohms in the two ratio arms. Balancing again, suppose we find that a value of 2,304 ohms unplugged out of the measuring arm makes a scale deflection of one division to the left, and with 2,305 ohms unplugged in the measuring arm we obtain a scale deflection of two divisions to the right ; then similar reasoning shows that the exact balancing resistance would be 2,304*33 ohms. Hence the resistance being measured is 230433 ohms. In using a series pattern plug bridge the following pre- cautions must not be neglected : (i.) The plugs when not in use should never be laid on the table, or be held in a hot hand, but should be placed in the lid of the bridge box, which is generally lined with velvet or cloth. (ii.) The greatest care should be taken to prevent the plugs becoming permanently soiled, oxidised, or amalgamated with mercury. If necessary to clean a plug, only a very careful application of the finest glass-paper should be made. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 219 (Hi.) In putting the plug into a hole, give it a slight twist to make it seat itself accurately in the coned hole, and, if the box is a series plug pattern box, after each rearrangement of plugs go over the other plugs in the same manner again to see that there are no loose plugs. The plugs should, however, not be put into the holes so violently that there is risk of twisting off the heads in getting them out again. (iv.) The ebonite slab carrying the brass blocks should be kept carefully dusted, and the bridge when not in use should be put away in its box with all the plugs loosely placed in their holes. The advantage of the dial pattern of bridge (see Fig. 13) is that there is only one plug to each decimal series of coils. A resistance of to 9 ohms is introduced into the measuring arm by merely moving the plug to the holes marked to 9 in the dial or group or row of blocks marked units. A resistance of to 90 ohms or to 900 ohms is intro- duced by placing a plug in one or other of the holes in the block group marked tens or hundreds, and so on. In using a dial pattern bridge to measure an unknown resistance, set off first a ratio of 1 to 1 in the ratio arms, and then systematically increase the measuring arm resistance by changing the unit plug ; then move the ten ohm plug, next the hundred ohm plug, from hole to hole progressively until a resistance is found such that the galvanometer is deflected one way for the lower and the opposite way for the higher. Thus, suppose that with a ratio arm of 100 and 100 ohms we find a resistance of 500 ohms in the balancing arm makes the galvanometer needle fly to the left and 600 ohms makes it fly to the right, we may try next increasing regularly from 500 to 600 by tens. If then we find left and right deflections for 550 and 560 ohms, we proceed to increase by units; and when we find small left and right deflections for 553 and 554 ohms we adopt the deflectional method and unequal ratio arms already explained to determine the next decimal place or places. In measuring any inductive resistance it is essential to cluac the battery circuit of the bridge before the galvanometer 220 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. circuit, in order to permit the currents in the various branches to become steady. This is achieved without thought by the employment of a double key (see Fig. 17), which closes first the battery circuit B B, and afterwards the galvanometer circuit G G. In making careful measurements it is necessary to apply a correction to the bridge reading for the temperature variation of its own coils, and also for any error there may be in the actual coil resistances. The possessor of a plug pattern bridge should not take for granted that it is correct, but should proceed to check its readings as follows : A standard 1-ohm coil should be connected to the bridge, using very thick copper rods or strips of copper and mercury cups to make the connection. FIG. 17. Wheatstone Bridge Combined Battery and Galvanometer Key. The bridge reading should then be taken, using various ratio arms say 1 to 1 ohm, 10 to 1 ohm. 1,000 to 100 ohms. If the bridge is properly adjusted each of these readings, when reduced, should give a value of unity for the known standard 1-ohm resistance. The maker of the bridge generally marks on it the temperature at which it is correct in its readings, and he will always furnish the purchaser with a statement of the nature of the wire used for the coils and its temperature coefficient. Thus, if the bridge coils are made of platinum- silver wire, the temperature coefficient of which at about 15C. is 0'026 per cent, per degree, and if the bridge is correct at 15C., then it follows that, if the bridge coils at the moment of reading are at a temperature tG., the true value of one unit of the bridge reading is 1+0 < 00026( 15) ohms. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 221 The real difficulty is the uncertainty as to the actual temperature of the wire of the bridge coils at the moment of measurement. A thermometer placed in the box containing the coils merely gives the temperature of the air round the coils, and if these have become internally heated by currents passing through them, the actual temperature of the wire may be, and probably is, very different from that of the air outside them. To avoid this uncertainty, it is necessary that bridges intended for very accurate work should be made up with manganin wire properly aged, and that the coils of wire should be wound on brass or copper tubes merely having one layer of silk tape laid over it. The box containing all the coils should be filled with an insulating oil which can be kept stirred. In this manner it is possible to maintain the coils at a temperature near to that at which the manganin has a zero temperature coefficient, and at this temperature the coils should be adjusted to be correct. In the case of the measurements made in an electro- technical laboratory, it will not often happen that a degree of refinement is necessary in the resistance measurements which will make it worth while to apply the above correction for the temperature of the bridge coils. For very accurate work, however, it has been proposed to employ coils of bare wire wound on mica- frames.* The coils after winding are annealed by passing a strong current through them. When in use they are kept immersed in a fluid insulating oil which is well stirred. We may conclude this section with a description of a standard form of Wheatstone bridge for very accurate resistance measurements which has been designed by Prof. H. L. Callendar and Mr. E. H. Griffiths.f * See Mr. F. W. Burstall, " On the Use of Bare Wire for Resistance Coils." Proc. Phys. Soc., Vol. XIV., p. 286. f The following paragraphs describing the Callendar and Griffiths bridge are taken by permission verbatim from a series of articles in The Electrician for 1898 by Mr. G. M. Clark, entitled " On the Measurement of Temperature : an Application of the Measurement e>f Resistance." (The Electrician, Vol. XXXVIII., p. 747.) 222 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. A general view in its case is given in Fig. 18, and a view of the top of the box in Fig. 19. It will be seen that, besides a FIG. 18. Callendar ind Griffith's Resistance Bridge. set of coils, the box has a bridge wire in addition. One arm of the bridge is formed by the resistance to be measured and MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 223 224 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. part of the bridge wire, the rest of the bridge wire and the necessary coils forming the other arm. As the back coils of the bridge are equal, a pair of compensating leads (equal in resistance to those leading to the resistance to be tested) may also be introduced into this arm. It is therefore not necessary to make separate measurements for the leads. When the resistance to be tested is short-circuited, the bridge should be in balance with the contact at the centre of the bridge wire. Thus, by short-circuiting the bridge by the four connectors shown at the right of Fig. 18, the zero of the bridge can be readily tested at any time. The coils of the bridge are thirteen in number. Eleven of these form the ordinary working coils of the bridge. These are arranged on the binary scale. The smallest coil, marked A, has a resistance of 5 box units. The unit of the box is 0*01 ohm. The other coils are respectively 10, 20, &c., of such units. The largest coil, L, is 5,120 units. Thus the whole resistance of the box is a little over 100 ohms. Since the back coils are equal, this is also the greatest resistance that can be measured with the box. The other two coils are marked respectively Cal. and <. The coil Cal. has a resistance of approximately the box unit, arid is used in the calibration of the bridge wire. The coil < has a resistance of 100 box units, and is useful for the adjustment of platinum thermo- meters. For if these are constructed so that their funda- mental interval is 100 box units, then the calculation of the platinum temperature is greatly simplified.* A movement of two centimetres on the bridge wire corres- ponds to the box unit. As it is easy to read this movement by means of a vernier to ^mm., the least count of the bridge is joW^ f the box unit, or O'OOOOl ohm. The contact maker seen on the bridge wire is of a special design to permit of this fine adjustment. It also, by its construction, renders injury to the bridge wire impossible. In calibrating the bridge wire all that is required is a rough adjustable resistance, whose value need not be known. Having adjusted this until the bridge is in balance with the slider at one end of the scale, the plug Cal. is removed and the slider moved until a fresh balance is obtained. The plug is then replaced and the external resistance adjusted until the balance * For pt = 100(R - RoVRi - R : and F. I. = RI - R = 100, then pt = H- R . If the F. I. is not exactly 100, but differs only by a small quantity, then pt can be found by the usual methods of making small corrections, MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 225 is again attained at, or sufficiently near to, the same place in the bridge wire, and the process is repeated until the whole bridge wire has been traversed. We have thus a series of steps on the bridge wire, each equal in resistance to one box unit. The length of these steps has been read off on the scale, so that if there are any errors in the scale, these have been introduced into the calibration, and are therefore of no consequence. In the calibration of the coils a somewhat similar process is followed. As each coil only differs from the sum of all that precede it by five box units, a balance obtained with any one coil can also be obtained with the preceding coils, together with a length of bridge wire. Thus every coil in the box can be readily determined in terms of the bridge wire. By using different combinations of coils to measure any resis- tance, there is a perpetual check on the calibration of the whole box. Any change which takes place in the value of any of the coils can be readily detected. It is, however, very improbable that much will take place. These coils are of naked platinum silver, and are wound on mica frames. By lifting the box out of its case all the coils can be seen, and are easily accessible. Coils so formed can be very thoroughly annealed by passing a strong current through them, sufficient to raise them to a red heat, after the coil has been wound. They are thus entirely free from all strain. The bare wire coils are immersed in a bath of non- volatile hydrocarbon oil of high insulating power. This oil can be stirred, and there is no doubt that the temperature indicated by a thermometer in the oil is also the temperature of the coils themselves. The temperature of the box can be rapidly raised or lowered if necessary ; and as the coils follow these changes, the tempera- ture coefficient of the coils can very readily be found. The back coils of the bridge also consist of two naked platinum silver coils wound together on the same rnica frame. There is thus no chance of the two being at different tempera- tures. A short length of wire on the top of the box joins the two ends of these coils, and on this length is the galvanometer contact. If the back coils are not equal the galvanometer contact can be adjusted till equality in the back arms is obtained. The galvanometer contact is a potential one only, so that resistance through the contact is of no importance. The top of the box is formed of white marble. This has high insulating properties, and is not open to the same Q 226 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. objections as ebonite. Separate brasses are used for each plug, so that the movement of one plug in no way affects the rest. Each block and plug is also marked with its distinguishing letter and value, so that in case of wear either can be refitted. As no part of the plug is wider than the top of the plug hole, no shoulder can be worn on the taper, and the wear is reduced to a minimum. The contact resistance of these plugs is found to be very constant. When not in use, the plugs are placed in a spring rack lined with wash-leather, so that they are always kept thoroughly cleaned. The box case is constructed of a double copper box with asbestos lining between. Thus the inner surface of this must be at a very uniform temperature throughout. The top of the box is protected by a glass case similar to a balance case. The FIG. 20. front of this is made to slide up or down. This serves the purpose not only of keeping the instrument free from dirt and dust, but also adds very considerably to the uniform distribu- tion of temperature throughout the box. The terminals are brought through the side of the case. The bridge wire is connected in such a manner that its ten- sion is not affected by changes in temperature. The coefficient of expansion of platinum-silver is intermediate between that of steel and brass. The rectangular framework carrying the bridge wire has its two longer sides one of steel and the other of brass. By placing the bridge wire in the correct position it will suffer no further strain, no matter what temperature changes it may be subjected to. These bars further tend MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 227 to protect the bridge wire, so that there is but little danger of differences in temperature existing in the bridge wire. Along- side the bridge wire proper is stretched a second wire, on which the galvanometer contact is made. This contact is made through the contact maker, which is shown in section in Fig. 20 and in plan in Fig. 21. ABA' is a brass framework, which slides between the steel and brass bars. A second block, FEE'H, is within the brass framework. Springs at A and A' press the brass frame against the steel bar, and springs at E and E' press the inner block against the brass bar. Thus if the screw S is turned the inner block is alone moved, for the pressure of the inner block against the brass bar is that of the springs at E and E' only, whereas the ilimimi mmiiiiii Brass Bar FIG. 21. pressure of the framework against the steel bar is that of the springs at A and A in addition. If the screw S is receded instead of advanced, then the inner block is made to follow it l)y long springs indicated by the dotted lines in Fig. 21. The screw C clamps the bridge wire and galvanometer wire together on to a short length of wire W, as shown in section in Fig. 20. If it is desired to make a temporary connection only, then the block G- must be pressed down. The spring MN releases the bridge wire from the contact wire. If by mischance the screw S is turned whilst the bridge wire is clamped by the screw C, then the outer framework ABA alone moves, and it is thus impossible with this form of contact maker to scrape or in any way damage the bridge wire. At the same time a very sharply defined contact is obtained. Q2 228 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 5. Portable Forms of Wheat stone Bridge and Testing Sets. Trotter Bridge. Instrument makers have devised! numerous forms of portable slide-wire and plug bridges suitable- for laboratory and outdoor work. For the details of these the trade circulars of the principal electrical instrument makers may be consulted. In most of these arrangements the galvano- meter is one with a movable nearly astatic double-magnetic needle carried on a jewelled centre. The vibrations of the- FIG. 22. Portable Form of Wheatstone Bridge. needle are arrested by a stop which raises the needle off its- steel centre-suspension point when the box lid enclosing the- instrument is shut. For rapid work, where great accuracy is not required, or for obtaining a preliminary measurement of the resistance of a wire afterwards to be more accurately measured, some of these portable bridges are very useful. The resistances are thrown into circuit, not by removing plugs, which may be- MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 229 lost, but by a revolving contact arm making contact against sfixed brass studs. The stud surfaces must be kept clean. These instruments are arranged either for measuring ordinary -and low resistance or for high resistances such as insulation. (See Figs. 22 and 23.) In the latter case the battery is replaced by a small continuous-current magneto machine, giving a voltage of from 80 to 100 volts when the handle is quickly turned. FIG. 23. A form of portable slide-wire bridge has been developed 'by Messrs. A. P. Trotter and J. Swinburne out of a simpler form due to Major P. Cardew.* Two wires of nickel steel .are stretched over a scale divided into equal parts. These wires are connected together at one end by a bar of negligible resistance. These wires are represented by the lines b and a and c, d, e in Fig. 24. A length I is. set off one >end of one wire, and a length c is set off the end of the * See The Electrician, Vol. XXXVII., p. 691. 230 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. other wire, so that the resistance of I is equal to that of c~ The scale extends over d and e, and the scale zero is at d~ The resistance to be measured is represented by the coil x. A battery is joined in between the cross piece and the junction a to x and a galvanometer between junctions I to a and a slide which moves over the wire c, d, e and make* contact at any place. 1 \ a t b I FIG. 24. Then it is obvious that, if the bridge is balanced so that the galvanometer shows no current, we have a+b b c+d where the letters stand for the resistances of the segments of the two wires. If b = c and a = e + d, then the above ratio- 1 1 A X is reduced to ~ = -, 6 d or a+l Hence the length d on the slide wire is proportional to the- resistance x if a-\-b/b is a constant ratio. Accordingly, by MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 231 shifting the galvanometer con- tact on the wire a b, so as to give the ratio a/b any desired value, we can make the ratio a+b/b what we please. When once this ratio is fixed, the length of d, when the gal- vanometer balance is obtained, is proportional to x. Points may therefore be marked off on the wire a b, so that the segments a and b have such values that a + b/b=l or 10 or 100. If, then, the resistance per unit of length of the wire d e is known, we have at once the value of x given. The Trotter bridge is made up- in a portable form, as shown in Fig. 25. A useful implement to possess in an electrical laboratory is a pair of equal uniform platinum- silver wires stretched parallel to each other over a pair of divided scales, both wires having contact sliders moving over them and terminal screws at each end of each wire. The platinum -silver wires may be replaced by plat- inoid or manganin. They should be about the size called No. 20 S.W.G. A thick strip of copper should be provided for con- necting across corresponding ends of the two wires. o Q 5 s ' I- r i 232 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 6. Theory of the Wheatstone Bridge, In connection with the use of the Wheatstone bridge for resistance measurement, we have to consider the best arrangement of the circuits so that with a given galvanometer and battery the sensitiveness of the arrangement may be a maximum. The six con- ductors joining four points consist of two ratio arms or resistances, the standard of comparison or balancing arm, and the galvanometer and battery circuits. These can be shown arranged symmetrically as in Fig. 26, instead of in lozenge form as in Fig. 27. Let the three meshes of the above network be supposed to be traversed by imaginary cycle currents x + y, y, and z, then the real current through the galvanometer circuit is x, and that through the battery circuit is s. Forming, by Maxwell's rule, the cycle equations (see page 197), we have Gy _ -P 0, (G + Q + S) y -G(x + y)-Qz = 0, (P + Q + B) z - where G and B are taken as the respective resistances of the battery and galvanometer branch, and E is the electromotive force of the battery. Rearranging these equations, we have = E . . . . (i.) - P 2 = .... (ii.) - Qz=0 .... (iii.) Hence, solving these equations for x, we obtain E(PS-RQ) KQ+S), -Q -P , -

R R>Q Q>P, or else S :B + W-/>. Supposing, then, the coils A and B interchanged in position and that the reading p then becomes p, for a new position of balance ; then : S:E=B + p' : A+W />'. Hence A ~B=p' p. Accordingly, the difference in the resistances of A and B becomes known when the slide wire is calibrated so that its resistance per centimetre or per scale division is discovered, and then, if A is a known resistance, the value of B is accurately determined. In the accurate comparison of standard coils or of unknown resistances with a standard resistance, the great difficulty is that of discovering the actual temperature of the wire MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 239 corresponding to a certain evaluation or measurement. The passage of a current, however small, through a wire heats it and changes its resistance ; hence the very accurate comparison of resistances is not easy to make unless the coils can be kept immersed in crushed and melting ice for long periods of time, or else can be placed in tanks containing a large quantity of water or oil in a state of motion and at the temperature of the air around them. There are several methods by which this constancy of temperature can be secured. If the supply of water to the laboratory is from a constant town supply, it will generally be found that, if a current of this town water is kept flowing through a tank, after a time the temperature will be main- tained at a nearly constant value, or at least within narrow limits. The coils to be compared can be both immersed in such a tank. Another way is to place both coils in a vessel h'lled with an insulating oil, which is kept in motion by a paddle driven by an electromotor, or by blowing air through it with a bellows, or by hand stirring. In any case the object must be to rapidly and thoroughly renew the layer of liquid in contact with the metallic case of the resistance coil or the wire itself, and it is only under these conditions that we can assume that a thermometer placed in the liquid will give even an approximation to the true temperature of the wire. Then, after discovering the points of balance on the bridge, the coils should be left for some time, and when quite at the temperature of the bath should be once more compared. For the very accurate comparison of standard resistances a special room should be set apart, and this room should preferably be below ground, so as to be preserved nearly at a constant temperature all the year round. No person should be allowed in the room except the observer at the time the measurements are being made. If it is necessary to place the galvanometer scale at a distance, it can be read by means of a telescope suitably fixed near the observer. 240 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 8. The Calibration of a Slide Wire. In the use of a standard wire bridge a preliminary operation is that of the calibration of the wire to determine the true resistance per centimetre length of the wire. The following method is the one which is most convenient : Two resistances are provided of nearly equal value at the same temperature. These may be manganin wires, each having a resistance of 1 ohm and soldered to suitable terminal rods. These wires should be of sufficient diameter not to heat sensibly with the bridge- currents. If they are not of exactly equal resistance, then one of them will be greater. Let two plug resistance boxes be provided, and let the terminals of these be connected to the ends of the 1-ohm wires, so that when a high resistance K is unplugged out of either box the resistance of the 1-ohm wire and this high resistance in parallel can be slightly varied. Thus, suppose the 1-ohm wire to have a value of exactly 1 ohm, and that we place in parallel with, it a resistance of 2,000 ohms. The joint resistance of the two in parallel is 1_ _2,000_ 1_ JL_l_ "2,001 ~ 2,001' 1^2,000 or is diminished by nearly O'OOOS of an ohm. Hence, by a series of trials we can adjust the parallel low and high resistances so that the combined resistances consisting of the two 1-ohm coils so shunted are of exactly equal resistance. The high resistance shunts must be adjusted until the two- combined resistances are brought into a condition of equality as shown by the fact that when placed as coils A and B and exchanged on the bridge the balancing point on the slide wire is not changed. This being done, let the two equal combined resistances be furthermore made different by a known small amount by shunting one of them with a resistance say of 1,000 ohms. We have then two resistances which differ by a known small resistance. For if each of the equal combined MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 241 resistances is x ohms, the cue shunted with 1,000 ohms is ,andhence their differenceis then fa+ 1,000 + ohms. Let these two groups of coils be connected to the Matthiessen and Hockin bridge as the coils A and B, and inter- changed in position, the balancing point on the slide wire a b (see Fig. 32) being found for each position. Let the distance between the two balancing positions be y centimetres of wire. We then know that the resistance of the length y of the slide wire lying between the two points of balance is equal to the known difference of resistance of the two coils viz., to l ^ x } ohms. The coils P and Q in the Matthiessen 1,000 + n/ FIG. 32. and Hockin bridge are then to be replaced by a wire of platinoid a'b' about equal in resistance to the resistance of each of the coils A and B taken together. This wire need not be specially selected for uniformity. It is preferably in the form of a slide wire stretched over a board with a divided scale beneath it, and having a sliding contact piece to make contact with any point in its length. The connections are then made as in Fig. 32, the ends of the galvanometer circuit being connected to the sliders on the wires. The observer begins by moving the contact G- on the top slide wire until a place of balance, 1, is found on the bridge 242 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. slide wire a b as near as possible to one end of the bridge wire. Then he .interchanges the coils A and B, and finds a new balancing position at 2. The resistance of the lengths between points 1 and 2 on the bridge slide wire is equal to the resistance A-B. Then he changes the coils A and B back to their original position, and moves the contact G to G' until a place of balance is found at the same point 2 on the bridge slide wire. Again he interchanges A and B, and finds a new place of balance at 3. The resistance of the length between 2 and 3 on the bridge slide wire is also equal to the resistance A B. In this way, by changing alternately the position of the coils and the point of contact G, we are able to mark off the whole length of the bridge slide wire into little intervals of length, 1 2, 2 3, 3 4, &c., each of equal electrical resistance. We can then from these values construct a table, by using proportional parts, which will give us very approximately the true resistance of each centimetre in length of the slide wire, and thus give us the mean resistance per unit of length or centimetre of the slide wire. This calculation should be checked by increasing the differ- ence between the coils A and B by a known shunting resist- ance, so that the difference A B is just a little less than the resistance of the whole slide wire. The constant application of corrections for inequality in the slide wire is, however, so troublesome, that in building a standard Matthiessen and Hockin slide wire bridge it is worth while to take some pains to secure a Wire of such uniformity in resistance per unit of length that the correction to be applied for inequality in resistance per centimetre is practically negligible. When the resistance of the wire has been thus determined, we can at once employ the bridge to measure the difference between a standard resistance and a coil not differing from it by more than the whole resistance of the bridge wire, and this method of differences is more accurate for evaluating standard coils than is the method of ratios. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 243 In this manner, given a standard 1-ohm coil, a standard or known value 10-ohin coil, &c., the experimentalist can fix the exact value at a known temperature of other coils intended to represent 1 ohm, 10 ohms, &c. 9. To Determine the Temperature Coefficient of a Standard Resistance Coil. If the observer possesses a resistance coil the value of which, in terms of some standard of reference, is known at a stated temperature, it is essential to determine the temperature coefficient (T.C.), so that the true resistance of the coil may be known at any other temperature. In the case of the high-resistance alloys platinum-silver, manganin, platinoid, &c., used in the construction of standard coils for ranges of temperature from about 0C. to 25C., it may be assumed that for all practical purposes the resistance (K,) of the coil or wire at any temperature tC. is related to its resistance (R ) at 0C., in the manner expressed by the formula In this case a is called the temperature coefficient. It is generally expressed as a percentage per degree Centigrade of the resistance at 0C. or at 15C. In the case of pure metals or alloys taken over wider ranges of temperature, the relation between the resistances at different temperatures is less simple, and can generally only be expressed in a graphical form by a curve of resistance in terms of temperature. If E is the value of the resistance of jp the conductor at any temperature C., then ^ is the rate of ctt 1 /7"P change with temperature, and -~ Vis the rate of change per unit of resistance at that temperature. The value of the expression - - may be taken as the temperature coefficient _Lt Ctt corresponding to that temperature tC. It is usual to state the mean temperature coefficient between certain extreme temperatures. Thus, the mean temperature coefficient (mean R2 244 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. T.C.) between 0C. and 25C. must be known for every standard coil possessed by the laboratory. Also its true- resistance at 0C. Its resistance at tC. is then at once calculated by the expression Generally speaking, instrument makers mark on a coil the temperature at which it has its nominal value. Thus, a 1-ohm standard may be marked as u correct at 15*4C." If r then, the temperature coefficient is known or given, the true resistance at any other temperature can be found provided it lies within the limits of practical constancy of the tempera- ture coefficient. The temperature coefficient of a standard coil is most easily determined as follows: >Select two coils of nearly equal value, say A and B. Place both coils in crushed melting ice contained in any convenient vessel, and let the coils remain in this ice until it is practically certain all parts of the wire of the coil are at 0C. Place these coils on a Matthiessein and Hockin bridge (which may conveniently be the Fleming or Nalder form of differential^bridge), and take the difference- between the resistance of these coils in terms of the resistance of the bridge wire unit. Thus, suppose at 0C. we have A B =# divisions of bridge wire. Next keep the coil B at 0C., but immerse the coil A in tap water say at t*C. or the service water temperature, and keep it there until it is practically certain all parts of the wire are at the same temperature. Then again take the difference in resistance of A and B on the bridge, and we have A, B =:^ divisions of bridge wire. Hence, by subtraction, A t A =.yx. ) I 'Y* Accordingly, - - is the increment in bridge wire divisions t of the resistance of coil A when heated from 0C. to tC. If p is the resistance of the bridge wire per unit of length, we MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 245 Iiave the value of the temperature coefficient (a) of the coil A between 0C. and 15C. given by the expression 100 ?/ x == r ' 3 P- A t 10, To Determine the Mean Temperature Coefficient of a, Metallic Alloy in the Form of a Curve. The sample of the alloy should be drawn into a wire of uniform diameter and as far as possible of uniform resistance per unit of length. It is then required to determine the mean tempera- ture coefficient of the material. This is effected in the following manner: A boxwood cylinder of about 2in. (or 5cm.) in diameter and Sin. in length has a deep and coarse n n FIG. 33. screw thread cut on it in the lathe. This screw tlireaa ma Iiave a pitch of six or eight turns per inch. The opposite sides of the cylinder should have deep grooves cut in them and copper rods about T \in. (or 4mm.) in diameter attached to the cylinder, as shown in Fig. 33. These rods may be slightly flattened where they lie against the wood cylinder, and be screwed to it. The rods are bent over, as shown in the diagram, to form electrodes. The alloy must be drawn into the form of a wire of diameter between No. 22 and Xo. 30 S.W.G., and must be wound loosely on the boxwood cylinder in the grooves. The ends of the wire must be 246 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. soldered to the copper terminal rods. The cylinder is then to be immersed in a copper vessel containing paraffin oil enclosed in another vessel which contains water. The resistance coil is connected with the resistance bridge by means of thick stranded copper connecting leads. In the first instance the copper vessel of paraffin oil may be immersed in crushed ice and kept there until the paraffin and the resistance wire immersed in it has a temperature of 0C. as taken by a correct mercury thermometer. The resistance of the wire is then observed on the bridge by taking either its difference from, or ratio to, a known resistance. The resistance coil is conveniently connected to the bridge circuit by having its copper legs placed in mercury cups, which are in connection with the bridge by thick flexible leads of stranded copper. In order to eliminate the resistance of the leads a copper loop must be provided, the total length of which is equal to the total length of the two copper terminal rods of the coil, and it must be made of a sample of the same copper wire. This blank, as it is called, is placed in the mercury cups and measured, and the difference in measurements taken when the resistance coil is in the cups and when the blank is in the cups is the resistance of the wire of the resistance coil. The measurements having been made at 0C., the next step is to make them at a temperature as near as possible to 100C. For this purpose the outer jacket of the copper vessel is filled with water, which is made to boil. The paraffin oil in the inner vessel must be kept well stirred and the tempera- ture taken by a correct mercury thermometer. The double readings are then obtained as before. Other readings may then be taken at intermediate temperatures. The chief diffi- culty in obtaining good results consists in ascertaining the true mean temperature of the wire at the moment when the resistance measurement is made. A very extensive series of measurements of the above kind were made by the Author in conjunction with Prof. J. Dewar MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 247 in 1893, using metals of known purity and alloys of ascer^ tained composition. The measurements were made between 200C. and + 200C., using boiling liquid oxygen to provide a temperature of 182'5C., a mixture of solid carbonic acid in ether to create a temperature of 78'2C., melting ice to give a temperature of 0C., and boiling water under a pres- sure of 760mm. to fix a temperature of 100C. By this means a series of observations of resistances of the same metallic wire were taken at known temperatures, and the results set out in a series of curves. These curves show that the resistance of a wire of a pure metal steadily diminishes as the temperature falls in such a manner as to indicate that at or near the absolute zero of temperature ( - 273C.) the resistivity of the metal would in all probability be zero. In other words, it would become a perfect conductor. Values of the ordinates of these curves showing the volume resistivity of different metals at fixed temperatures between 150C. and -f- 150C. are given in Table Y. at the end of this chapter. The curves of temperature resistance (temperatures being the abscissae) are in the case of some metals concave upwards and in other cases concave downwards. The curves of the magnetic metals iron and nickel are at first concave upwards and rise very rapidly. At a temperature very near to that at which the metals lose their marked magnetic qualities (the magnetic critical temperature) the temperature resistance curve has a point of inflexion and becomes concave down- wards. The temperature coefficient thereafter becomes greatly diminished. In the case of iron this change tem- perature is near 780C., and in the case of nickel near 340C. The variation of resistance with temperature in the case of iron is therefore delineated by a curve not unlike its magnetisa- tion (see Fig. 34). The following table gives the values of the absolute volume resistivity of a certain specimen of annealed iron wire as observed by Dr. D. K Morris.* The absolute volume * "On the Magnetic Properties and Electrical Resistance of Iron as Dependent upon Temperature." D. K. Morris, Ph.D. Phil. Mag., Sept. 1897, p. 213. 248 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. resistivities (/>) in C.G.S. measure have been calculated for exact centennial temperatures by interpolation from the observed values as given by Dr. Morris for numerous inter- mediate temperatures. The change in resistivity per degree ( - in the neighbourhood of each century is also stated. 120,000 100,000 80,000 03 c5 60,000 | 40,000 20,000 X ^ / / f / / ./ / / 2CO 400 600 800 1,000 1,100 Temp. Centigrade. FIG. 34. Temperature Resistance Curve of Iron. The temperature coefficient at any temperature (t) is obtained by dividing - at that temperature by the absolute resistivity (p t ) corresponding to that temperature. Volume electrical resistivity of iron annealed at 1,150. Magnetic critical temperature=77SC. Centigrade temperature t. Volume resistivity in C.G.S. units. Change in resistivity per degree Centigrade. 10,050 61 100 16,527 71 200 24,308 82 300 34,537 115 400 45,024 116 500 57,416 124 600 71,764 152 765 100,025 195 780 103,200 800 106,600 133 900 115,342 52 1,000 118,781 22 1,100 120,656 12 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 249 The temperature coefficient at 0C. is 0'0057, and it rises -to a maximum value of 0*0204 at 765C. and falls again to a value 0-00244 at 1,000C. Observations on the specific heat of iron seem to show a remarkable similarity in variation to that of the resistance temperature coefficient. According to M. Pionchon, the .specific heat of iron can be calculated for any temperature between 0C. and 660C. by the formula 7, = 0-1012 + O-OOOOSO^G* + 0-0 00000164* 2 . Hence we have the specific heat of iron at various temperatures as follows : Temperature. Specific heat. 0C 01012 100C 0-1079 200C 0-1176 300C 0-1306 400C 01468 500C 01665 600C 0-1892 Also it has been shown that the average specific heat of iron between 750C. and 1,000C. = 0-213, between 954C. 1,006C. = 0-218, and between 1,050C. 1,200C. = 01988. If the above values are set out in a curve, we find that the specific heat of iron rises to a maximum and falls again in a very similar manner to the temperature resistivity coefficient. 'These remarkable changes in the temperature coefficient and in the form of the resistivity curve are doubtless connected with the changes in the internal energy which go on in iron ;at certain critical temperatures. Many attempts have been made to express the relation 'between temperature and electrical resistivity by an algebraic formula. Over moderate ranges of temperature for most nnetals an expression of the form 250 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. where p t is the resistivity at tC., p is the resistivity at 0C. r and a and (3 are constants, will suffice to approximately express the facts. It is, however, clear, from the form of the resistance temperature curve of iron given above, that no such simple- formula will suffice over wide ranges. of temperature or when including critical temperatures. In some other cases, such as that of the alloy manganin,- there is a well-marked maximum value of the resistivity corresponding to a certain temperature, and in certain specimens of bismuth a minimum value of the resistivity has been found for a particular temperature. This is the case also with graphitic carbon. Hence all simple algebraic expressions, expressing the value of resistivity in terms of temperature, can only be made conformable with the facts of observation over a certain range of temperature, and such expressions cannot safely be extrapolated to yield results lying beyond the limits of temperature for which the formula was originally constructed. When a pure metal is fused there are always rapid and generally large changes in the electrical resistivity in passing from the solid to the liquid condition. Thus, when solid mercury is heated up from 200C. to above +100C. it melts at 40 C., and just beyond that temperature its resis- tivity is increased nearly 4'1 times,* as shown in Fig. 35. The temperature coefficient whilst solid is not very different from that of other pure metals. In the case of pure platinum Mr. J. Hamilton Dickson, after discussing other formula?, showedf that the resistivity of pure platinum could be very well represented in terms of the centigrade temperature by an empirical equation of the form (E + a) 2 = * See Dewar and Fleming, " On the Electrical Resistivity of Mercury at the Temperature of Liquid Air." Proc. Roy. Soc., June, 1896, Vol. LX., p. 76. See also Cailletet and Bouty, Comptes Kendus, 1885, Vol. C., p. 1188, who- found the ratio to be 4'08 times. t " On Platinum Temperatures,*' by J. D. H. Dickson, M.A. Phil. Man. r Dec., 1897, p. 445. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 251 where R is the resistance at the temperature C. and a, p,. and b are suitably selected constants. He has found, by comparison with actual observations made on a pure annealed platinum wire by Profs. Fleming and Dewar over a range of temperature of 200C. to +200C., that a formula of the above kind can be made to express with considerable accuracy the variation in resistivity of platinum between the above -283 -200 -100 +1 M* ^ ^ 's ^ 80,OOC QJ 70000 60,000 | 50,000 1 5 40,0(K | 30,000 J 20,000 10,000 r 1 $^ y ^,,-''' ^ -283 -2CO -108 Temperature in Platinum Degrees. +100 FIG. 35. Temperature Resistance Curve of Mercury. limits of temperature. The formula will be seen to be- equivalent to the statement that the square of the resistance measured from an artificial zero is simply proportional to the temperature also measured from an artificial zero. In the case of the magnetic metals iron, nickel, and cobalt, there are remarkable changes in resistivity at the temperatures at which the magnetic qualities are suddenly altered which prevent any empirical formula from adequately representing 252 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. the temperature change in resistance over ranges of tempera- ture which include these critical points.* 11. To Determine the Specific Resistance or the Resis- tivity of a Metal or Alloy. The volume-resistivity of a material is defined to be the resistance of a cube of the material having a side of unit length, taken between opposed faces of the cube at a defined temperature. The usual mcde of stating the resistivity of metals and alloys is in C.G.S. units or in microhms per centimetre-cube at 0C. In the case of electrolytes or conducting liquids it is expressed in ohms per centimetre-cube at 18C. In the case of materials of very high resistivity, commonly called insulators, it is usual to state the resistivity taken at 75F. in megohms or in mega-megohms that is, in millions of megohms per centimetre-cube. To determine the volume-resistivity of a sample of a metal or alloy, it is desirable to possess it in the form of a carefully drawn wire of uniform circular cross-section, Owing to the -difficulty of determining the diameter of very fine wires, it is found more convenient to determine and define the resistivity of metals and alloys by the resistance in ohms per metre- gramme at 0C. that is to say, by stating the ohmic resistance at 0C. of a wire of circular cross-section having a length of one metre and weighing one gramme. * For a discussion of the chief formulae which have been proposed to represent the variation in the electrical resistivity of metals, and especially 'platinum, with temperature, the reader may consult with advantage the following papers : "On Platinum Temperatures," by J. D. Hamilton Dickson, Phil. Mag.. Dec., 1897. Also "Notes on Platinum Thermometry," by H. L. Callendar, Phil. Mag.. Feb., 1899. With regard- to the temperature variation in resistance of magnetic metals, consult W. Kohlrausch, Wied. Ann., Vol. XXXIII., p. 42, J. Hopkinson, Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. XLV., p. 457, Le Chatelier, Comptes Rcndus, Vol. CX., p. 283, and D. K. Morris, Phil. Mag., Sept., 1897. , For a record of very careful work on the variation of the resistance of metals with temperature, and the representation of results by a parabolic formula of the type Rf/R = 1 + a U-, see Benoit, Comptes Rendus, 1873, p. 342. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. The relation between the resistance per centimetre-cube, called the volume-resistivity, and the resistance per metre- gramme, called the mass-resistivity, is as follows : Consider a wire of uniform circular cross-section of s square centimetres and of length I centimetres. Let the density of the material be d, its electrical volume-resistivity in C.G.S. units- be p, and the total resistance of the wire be E ohms. Then, we have ~~s~' also lsd=M, where M is the mass of the wire in grammes. Hence, if M=l, we have lsd=l, ors= . Id Hence ltfR=pPd. If the wire has a length of one metre or 100 cms. we have 5 , Accordingly, if p is the mass-resistivity, or resistance- expressed in ohms, of a wire of circular section one metre- long and weighing one gramme, we have If the mass-resistivity is expressed in microhms per metre- gramme (=10V) we have the rule : Microhms per metre- gramme, divided by ten times density, is equal to resistivity per centimetre-cube in C.G.S. units. Also, if the volume-resistivity of the material, reckoned in microhms per centimetre-cube, is denoted by />" we have l,OOOp"=/>. Hence 100p'=//W, <*' Accordingly, the resistivity of a uniform wire in ohms per metre-gramme is to the resistivity of the material in microhms per centimetre-cube as the density is to 100. Or, again,, -254 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. since we have p" = p r =-, we see that the volume-resistivity . a can always be deduced from the mass resistivity when we know the density of the material. The mass-resistivity per metre-gramme can always be -obtained b} 7 measuring the resistance and the mass of any uniform sectioned wire of which the length is known. If, as above, p stands for the mass-resistivity in ohms per metre- gramme and p for the volume-resistivity per centimetre-cube, and if E is the resistance in ohms of any uniform sectioned wire of length I centimetres and mass M grammes, we then .have Also lOV =p W * d , or 10 V =pcl , M M Hence a determination of the length (7), mass (M), density (rf), and resistance (E) of any wire enables us to find the mass- resistivity in ohms per metre-gramme (/o / ) and the volume- resistivity in C.G-.S. units per centimetre-cube (/>) by the -equations Hence we have the following practical rules : Given the resistance in ohms (R) of a uniform sectioned wire of length (I) in centimetres and mass (M) in grammes, calculate the mass-resistivity (p'} in -ohms per metre-gramme. Answer. Multiply together 10,OCO times the mass in grammes and the resistance in ohms, and divide the product by the square of the length in centimetres ; the quotient is the ohmic mass-resistivity per metre -gramme.- MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 255 Example. The resistance of a column of pure mercury 106*3 centimetres in length, and weighing 144521 grammes, is one ohm at 0C. ; find the mass- resistivity of mercury. Answer. 12'789 ohms per metre-gramme at 0C. Again, given the mass -resistivity in ohms per metre-gramme (//); find the volume-resistivity (/>) in C.G.S. units per centimetre-cube. Answer. Multiply the ohmic mass-resistivity by 100,000, and divide the product by the density (rf). Example. Given that the density of mercury at 0C. is 13 '595; find the volume-resistivity in C.G.S. units, knowing the mass- resistivity to be 12'789 ohms per metre-gramme. Answer. 94,070 C.G.S. units per centimetre -cube at 0C. To determine the resistivity of a metallic material in the form of a wire of uniform section, we must, therefore, find the total resistance, length, mass, and density of the wire. The density may be taken with appropriate samples on the whole wire. It is convenient to proceed in the following manner : If the length and diameter of the wire furnished is such that the total resistance is not much less than one ohm, the wire may be laid in a flat circular coil the turns of which are prevented from touching each other by winding the wire on a suitable bobbin or frame. The ends of the wire must be soldered to thick copper terminal rods or leads by which it can be connected to the bridge. The wire must be immersed in a bath of paraffin oil kept continually stirred. The resist- ance of the wire is then carefully taken at several tempera- tures. It is best to take it at the temperature of the room and also at or near 0C. by cooling the paraffin oil by ice. In this manner the temperature-coefficient becomes known. Having satisfactorily ascertained the resistance of the wire at known temperatures, it is cut off close to the thick terminal rods, and these are soldered together and the resistance of the leads determined in order that a correction may be applied for lead resistance. The length of the wire used has then to be determined. This must be done without in the least degree stretching the wire, and is best achieved by pressing the wire gently into a shallow groove made with a saw in the surface of a long board. This groove holds the 256 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. wire straight and enables its length to be measured with arc accurate metre scale. The length and resistance having been found, the wire may be cut up into sections and the- density or specific gravity found in the usual way. If the wire is a fine wire it may be wound up into a sort of loose- ball, and the specific gravity of the whole mass determined. The great difficulty which here occurs is that of the removal of all the air which is entangled in, or adherent to, the wire.. The best way to proceed is as follows : The hank of wire is- suspended by a fine horse-hair from the beam of a delicate chemical balance and the weight taken. Let this weight be W grammes. The wire is then placed in distilled water and well boiled, and allowed to remain in the water whilst the- water cools. The wire is then weighed again in the water without removing it from the water. Let the weight then be W W grammes. The density d is equal to . If the wire is of such a material that it is chemically affected by being boiled in water at 100C. the adherent air must be- removed by gently heating the water and then placing it under the receiver of an air pump and exhausting the air from* around it. The water will then boil under a reduced pressure- at a much lower temperature. The presence of any air- bubble in contact with the wire when weighed in water will render the apparent density too small. In both weighings a correction must be applied by weighing the horse-hair suspension alone and deducting this from the weight of the mass. It is more difficult to get correct results the smaller the mass of the wire. Hence the mass of the material weighed should be as great as possible. The density d being obtained and the mass M of the wire in grammes used for the resistance measurement, as also the length I in centimetres r we have the means of determining the mean cross-section s of the wire for /scfcM. M Hence s=-.- 7 . id MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 25? In the case of very line circular-sectioned wires a close approximation can be made to the mean diameter of the wire by measuring with a microscope-micrometer the mean diameter in a large number of different places and positions and taking the mean of all these measurements. Having determined in one way or other the mean diameter of the wire, we have the volume-resistivity p in C.G-.S. units given by the equation, -W-, s M MK10 9 Tables of the volume-resistivities of various metals and alloys are given at the end of the present chapter. (See Tables I., II, III., IV., V. and VII.) 12. Determinations of Volume and Mass-Resistivity of Metals and Alloys. Great labour has been expended on the determination of the mass and volume-resistivity of metals and certain standard alloys. Considerable differences are, however, found in the values assigned by various authorities to the volume-resistivities at 0C. of the various metals. The reason for this is that exceedingly minute pro- portions of impurity or other metals have an immense effect upon the electrical resistivity. Some metals, such as iron, have probably never yet been obtained in an absolutely pure annealed condition. The work on this subject to which reference is most often made is that of Dr. A. Matthiessen, who published between 1860 and 1864 the results of numerous researches on elec- trical conductivity recorded in the Philosophical Magazine, in the Philosophical Transactions of the Eoyal Society, and the Jieports of the British Association for those years. For most electrical engineering purposes the constants of greatest importance are those of the mass and volume- resistivity of pure copper in its hard-drawn and annealed 258 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. conditions. Matthiessen's value for the mass-resistivity of pure hard-drawn copper is called Matthiessen's Standard. Matthiessen's Standard is defined in the following state- ment* : The resistance of a wire of pure hard-drawn copper, one metre long, weighing one gramme, is 0-1469 British Association units at SWF. Since the numerical value of a resistance measured in standard or international ohms is, by authoritative definition, equal to O9866 of the value of the same resistance stated in B.A. units, the above may be modernised into the following fundamental definition : The resistance of a ivire of pure hard-drawn copper, one metre long, and weighing one gramme, is '1449 3 standard ohms at 0C. Since resistances are not conveniently determined at 0C., but better at 60F. or 15'55 C., the definition has again been re-cast in form by the Committee on Copper Conductors appointed to consider this question of Copper Conductivity Standards-)- as follows : Matthiessen's standard for hard-drawn high-conductivity commercial copper shall be considered to be a 'wire of pure hard-drawn copper one metre long and weighing one gramme, whose resistance at 60F. is 0*153858 standard ohms. Hard-drawn copper is defined as that which will not elongate more than 1 per cent, without fracture. The conversion from B.A. units at 32F. to standard ohms at 60F. is made by employing a formula given by *Briti&h Association Report, 1864, or Phil. Mag., Vol. XXIX., May, 3865, p. 362. t The Committee on Copper Conductors was organised in 1899 by writing to the General Post Office and the Institution of Electrical Engineers and inviting them to send delegates to meet the representatives of eight of the principal manufacturers of insulated copper cables to consider and come to an arrangement as to the standard to be adopted for Copper Conductivity. The sittings of the Committee were held in London. The Secretary was Mr. A. H. Howard. The recommendations of the Committee have been adopted by the General Post Office and the chief cable manufacturing companies. The Report of the Committee is published in the Journal, of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, January, 1900, p. 169. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 259 Matthiessen for the temperature coefficient of copper, viz. : n_ 1-0-00215006 (* 32) + 0*00000278 (-32) 2 ' and the rule : Resistance in B.A.U. X -9 86 6= resistance in standard ohms. Hence, we have for hard-drawn copper wire the values below for the metre-gramme resistivity (p'} : p' (at 32F.)=01469 B.A.U. p' (at 0C.) =0-1449 standard ohms. P r (at 60F.)=0'1539 standard ohms. Matthiessen also measured the mass-resistivity of annealed copper in the form of wire. Annealed copper may exist in various states of annealing, and in this condition its resis- tivity 'is less by slightly variable amounts than in the hard-drawn condition. The resistivity of annealed copper was measured by Matthiessen at an earlier date (Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 1860, p. 86), and he found that it showed a conductivity greater than that of hard-drawn copper by about 2-26 per cent, to 2*5 per cent. Although this is undoubtedly correct for carefully annealed copper, it is a result which cannot be obtained in practice with ordinary commercial copper wire, as this latter is unannealed, or hardened somewhat by bending and winding in the process of manufacturing it into covered wire. In practice it is found tli at the resistance of commercial annealed copper wire is about 0-9875, or \\ per cent, less than that of hard-drawn wire of the same length and section. Matthiessen, however, gave a later value for annealed copper as follows : The resistance of a wire of annealed copper one metre long and weighing one gramme is 0'1440 British Association units at 32F. In modern standard units the definition reads thus : The resistance of a wire of annealed copper one metre long and iveighing one gramme is ! 1421 standard ohms at 0C. a 260 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. The ratio of the numbers 01421 to 01449 is G'98025. This value has accordingly been accepted by the Committee on Copper Conductors, and the ratio of the resistivity of soft or annealed to hard-drawn copper is taken at the above value, so that The resistivity of _ Q.ggQ.?- x the resistivity of pure pure annealed copper ~ ' hard-drawn copper. Hence the Committee have formulated the definition for the standard for soft or annealed copper as follows : Matthiessen's standard for annealed high-conductivity com- mercial copper shall be considered to be a wire of pure annealed copper one metre long and weighing one gramme, whose resist- ance at 60F. is 0150822 standard ohms. Employing the same temperature coefficient as for hard- drawn copper, we have the following values for the metre- gramme resistivity of annealed copper : P ' (at 32F.)=01440 B.A.U. P r (at 0C.)=01421 standard ohms. p' (at 60F.) =01508 standard ohms. It is to be noted that this standard for annealed copper is based upon an assumption as to the relative conductivities of hard and annealed copper. The figures given by Matthiessen for this ratio vary considerably in different Papers. See Phil. Trans., 1860, p. 86 ; Phil. Trans., 1864, p. 197 ; and Phil. Mag., May, 1865, p. 363; also The Electrician, Vol. XLV., p. 59. The next question with which we are concerned is the equivalents of the above numbers in volume-resistivity. The specific gravity of copper varies from 8'89 to 8'95, and the standard value which is now accepted for high-conductivity commercial copper is 8*912, corresponding to a weight of 5551b. per cubic foot at 60F. Hence, multiplying the values for the metre-gramme resistivity by 100 and then dividing by 8*912, we have the corresponding volume-resistivities in MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRTCAL RESISTANCE. 261 microhms per centimetre-cube for pure commercial hard- drawn and pure annealed copper as follows : The volume-resistivity of pure hard-drawn copper at 0C. = 1'626 microhms per centimetre-cube, or 1,626 C.Gr.S. units. The volume-resistivity of pure annealed copper at 0C. = 1-594 microhms per centimetre-cube, or 1,594 C.G.S. units. A table giving the resistances of annealed copper wire calculated on the basis of the above value is given at the end of this chapter. (See Table XIII.) The calculation of the resistivity at any other temperature (0 requires a knowledge of the temperature coefficient (T.C.J for copper. Matthiessen's formula for the reduction of the resistivity at tY.(p t ) to the resistivity (p 3 J at 32F. was : P&f=Pt (1-0-00215006 (*-32) + 0-00000278 (*-32) 2 ), or approximately p t =p Q (1 + 0*00387 t'), if '= Centigrade temp. It is now known that this correcting factor is rather too small, owing to the improvement in the quality of copper made since Matthiessen's time. Hence the Committee on Copper Conductors have recommended that the average tem- perature coefficient between the temperatures 30F. and 100F. shall be that value obtained by Messrs. Clark, Forde and Taylor, as given in a pamphlet published by them on Feb- ruary 20th, 1899, viz., 0-00238 per degree Fahr., or 0*00428 per degree Centigrade*, so that for Centigrade temperatures we shall have pt=pQ ^ + 0-004280, or P6QY.=P32. x 1*06665. Since the date when Matthiessen's work was carried out the most careful research carried out on the conductivity of copper is that by Mr. T. C. Fitzpatrick, described in a Paper read before the British Association at Leedsf in 1890. Mr. Fitzpatrick's experiments on the conductivity of hard- * This is precisely the same mean value for the temperature coefficient of annealed copper as was independently obtained by Profs. Fleming and Dewar. See Phil. Mag., Sept., 1893, p. 299. Messrs. Clark, Forde and Taylor's pamphlet is published by " The Electrician " Printing and Publishing Co. t See Report B.A., Leeds, 1890 ; Appendix IIT. to the Reports of the Com- mittee on Electric*! Standards for 1890 : also The Electrician, Vol. 25, p. 608, 1890. 262 MEASUREMENT Of ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. drawn copper led him to confirm exactly Matthiessen's value for the resistivity (per metre-gramme) of a wire of hard-drawn copper wire taken at 18C., viz., O1571 ohms per metre- gramme. Also, he found substantially the same percentage difference as Matthiessen did between the metre-gramme resistance of a hard-drawn copper wire and that of the same wire when annealed and soft. Mr. Fitzpatrick found, as others have done, great variations in the specific gravity of copper, so that wires having the same mass-resistivity per metre-gramme do not give the same volume-resistivity per centimetre-cube at the same temperature. Matthiessen therefore expressed all his results in mass-resis- tivity, believing it to be more accurate and affording a better definition of the real conductivity. In addition to the determination of the conductivity of copper, Matthiessen carried out very elaborate researches on the electrical conductivity of different metals and alloys, researches which are justly regarded as classical. At various times numerous other observers have obtained values for the volume-resistivities of different metals and alloys. A table of resistances of platinoid and manganin wires of various sizes is given at the end of this chapter. (See Tables XII. and XIII.) As regards the metals, with the exception of silver, copper and mercury, and one or two others, such as tin and gold, obtained without much difficulty in a state of chemical purity, it is found that the greatest differences exist between the electric conductivities as found by different observers. This is due partly to the influence of minute proportions of impurity, and the all but impossibility of obtaining certain metals, such as iron, in a state of absolute chemical purity. It is also due to differences in physical condition. Even in the case of platinum and nickel, which are capable of being prepared almost, if not quite, perfectly pure, the greatest differences are found in the values assigned by different observers to the electric conductivity. In the tables MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 263 at the end of this chapter are given Matthiessen's results for the principal metals reduced to express them in terms of the standard ohm; also values obtained from a very extensive series of observations made in 1892 and 1893 by Fleming and Dewar.* (See Table V.) In these last-mentioned researches great care was taken to obtain the metals in the highest state of chemical purity. These materials were drawn into uniform wires and the diameters of these wires measured by a micrometer method as described in the above-mentioned papers. Hence the measurement made was a volume-resistivity determination. The resistances of these various wires were measured over a range of temperature lying been -f 200C. and -200C., this latter temperature being obtained by the use of liquid air. The temperatures were measured by means of a platinum thermo- meter. A table of densities (see Table I.) of the principal metals is added to enable inass-resistivity to be converted to volume-resistivity. The differences which occur in the values assigned by different authors and experimentalists to the volume-resistivity of the various metals are in some cases very great. It appears as if, in some metals, very considerable pro- portions of impurity or changes in physical state make but little difference in the electric conductivity, whereas in the case of other metals very great differences are created in the electric conductivity by the presence of mere traces of other metals. Matthiessen showed that metallic alloys may be broadly divided into two classes : (i.) Those in which an admixture or alloy composed of them has a very much higher resistivity than either or any of the constituents. To this class belong alloys of copper, silver, gold, aluminium, platinum, nickel and most other metals. (ii.) On the other hand, alloys which consist only of two or more of the following metals, viz., lead, tin, zinc, and cadmium, have a conductivity which is nearly the mean of those of their constituents, and may be roughly calcu- lated from the proportions in which the elements are mixe l.f In the case of alloys of these last four metals (ii.), the resultant or mean conductivity C can be calculated by the formula n_ c^ + caifr + &c. v l + y. 2 + &c. : * See Phil. May., Oct. 1892 aud Sept. 1893. t Matthiessen, B.A. Report, 1864. 264 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. while Cic 2 , &c., are the specific conductivities of the constituents, and v^v-^ &c. are the volumes of the respective constituents. For alloys containing only two or more of the above-named metals, viz. zinc, lead, tin and cadmium, the mean density D of the alloy is also obtain- able from the densities d^, Ac., of the constituents, and their relative volumes ?; 1 t > 2 , &c., by a similar formula, viz. : Vi + V>2 + &C. The alloys formed with metals of class (i.) with one another have a much inferior conductivity to that of any of the components, but as the percentage of one component rises to 100 the conductivity of the alloy rises also very quickly to that of the pure metal. Alloys of metals taken partly from class (i.) and partly from class (ii.) have a specific gravity and conductivity which is always less than that of the mean. If a metal of class (ii.) is alloyed with a considerable percentage of a metal from class (i.) the conductivity is not much altered, but if a metal from class (i.) is alloyed with a very little of a metal from class (ii.) the conductivity is very much reduced. Hence we find an immense effect produced by the presence of a little zinc in reducing the conductivity of pure copper, or of lead in reducing that of pure silver. Accordingly large variations may be expected in the determinations of resistivity in the case of chemically- prepared metals which are not easily prepared pure. The reader may be referred to the following Papers and sources of information for additional knowledge on the subject of resistivity measurement : " The Specific Eesistance of Pure Copper." By Messrs. J. W. Swan and Ehodin. The Electrician, Vol. XXXIII., p. 803. As the mean of a number of determinations of the volume -resistivity made with hard-drawn and annealed copper the authors find the following values for the resistivity (p ) at 0C. in C.G.S. units and the temperature coefficient (a). Hard-drawn copper p = 1603 a = 0'00408. A nnealed copper p - 1563 a = 0'00416. The density of the copper at 15C. was 8'96. " The Electrical Conductivity of Aluminium." By Messrs. J. W. Eichards and J. A. Thomson. The Electrician, Vol. XXXVIII., p. 801. The authors find the volume resistivity at to be as follows : Hard-drawn aluminium p = 2684 Annealed aluminium p - 2659 "The Electric Conductivity of Steels." By M. Campredon. The Electrician, Vol. XXVIIL, p. 845. The author gives a useful table of the electric conductivity of steels of given composition. The resistance of a wire linin. diameter and 1 kilometre MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 265 long at 15C. would be 21 ohms if of copper and 125 ohms if of iron. The resistivity of steel is lower in proportion as the purity and softness is greater. Manganese is the element which has the greatest effect in raising the resistivity. " The Electric Eesistance of Copper at Low Temperatures." By Wroblewski. The Electrician, Vol. XXI., p. 432. " Electric and Thermal Conductivity." By H. F. Weber. The Electrician, Vol. VII., p. 6. A remarkable connection is established between the electrical conductivity (K), the thermal conductivity (H), and the specific heat per unit of volume TT (S). This relation is =a + 6S. where a and 6 are constants. K " Electric Conductivity and Atomic Volume." By W. P. Granville. The Electrician, Vol. XXI., p. 381. An attempt to establish a relation between these quantities. "The Electrical Resistivity of Silicon." The Electrician, Vol. XL., p. 580. "The Conductivity of Cement and Concrete." By Dr. St. Lindeck. The Electrician, Vol. XXXVI., p. 788. Useful data on the electrical conductivity of road-making materials. 13. Determination of Low Resistances by Fall of Potential. For the determination of very low resistances many of the above-described bridge methods are not applicable. If it is desired to measure the resistance of a dynamo armature or transformer coil or short length of electric lighting cable, the uncertain resistance at the contacts of any conductors used in connecting the resistance to be measured to other circuits would perhaps be greater than the whole resistance to be measured. In the case of such low resistances one method which may be adopted is that of measuring the resistance by the fall of potential down it when a known current is sent through it. The resistance to be measured is joined in series with a known low resistance standard, say one-tenth or one-hundredth of an ohm. A suitable adjustable resistance is then added in series with the two above-mentioned resistances, and a few cells of 266 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. a primary or secondary battery are employed to send a current through the circuit. The terminals of a high resistance galvanometer, or a galvanometer having a resist- ance of 1,000 or 2,000 ohms in series with it, are then connected, first to the terminals of the known low resistance and next to the terminals of the unknown low resistance. In each case the galvanometer deflection is noted. It is desirable to reduce the current in the circuit to such a value that neither of these galvanometer deflections is very large. The ratio of these scale deflections then gives us the ratio of the unknown to the known deflection, on the assumption, which must previously be justified, that the deflections of the galvanometer are proportional to the current flowing through it. The methods of testing the correctness of this assumption in the case of the galvanometer used will be given in the chapter on CURRENT MEASUREMENT. Meanwhile, assuming it to be the case, let G- denote the galvanometer constant, or the number by which the scale deflection of the galvanometer must be multiplied to give the current in amperes flowing through it. Let K^ be the galvanometer resistance, R s the resistance of the known standard, and K the resistance to be determined. Also let V s be the potential difference (P.D.) between the terminals of the standard resistance, and V that between the ends of the unknown resistance. If, then, D g and D are the galvanometer scale deflections in the two cases, we have, by Ohm's law, , . and =: , since the current in the main circuit is everywhere the same. Hence, from the above equations, D_E pp p D TT fp 01 K=::K rf D s li s D s Accordingly, the value of the resistance being measured is given as the product of the value of the standard resistance i and the ratio of the two scale deflections D and D,. MEASUREMENT OP ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 267 In practically measuring, for instance, the resistance of a dynamo armature, we must first give a rough guess at the probable order of the resistance. Let it be ascertained to be something of the order of O'Ol of an ohm. We should then select as a standard resistance a resistance strip having a resistance of 0*01 ohm. This may be a suitable strip or strand of manganin or platinoid. The strip is then joined in series with the armature by connecting it to the brushes or terminals, and a few dry cells may be employed to send a current through the circuit. The ends of a pair of wires are then connected to the terminals of the standard resistance strip, and a pair to the terminals of the armature. These last ir ay preferably be pressed into contact with opposite sections of the commutator by being placed under the brushes, if the armature being measured is a continuous-current armature. The other ends of these wires are conveniently brought to a set of six mercury cups mounted on a board, so that, by changing the position of a pair of copper bridge pieces, either of the potential wires can quickly be brought into connection with the galvanometer. It is necessary to make both the measurements quickly after one another, and to ascertain that the main current has not altered in the meantime. It is best, therefore, to take several readings of the values of D and D, alternately. If, say, D is taken first, and we find a value D x , and then D, is taken, and after an equal interval D is taken again, and we find a value D 2 , the scale reading which must be taken for D is half the sum of D! and D 2 , or its mean value, and it may be assumed that this is the proper value corresponding to D,. In any case, a large number of such readings should be taken and the value ultimately accepted, for the ratio of I) : D, should be the mean of a large number of observations. An essential condition of success in this method is that the galvanometer circuit shall be so high that its connection as a shunt on one of the low resistances does not sensibly alter the potential difference of the terminals of the latter. 268 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 15. Measurement of Low Resistances by the Matthies- sen and Hockin Bridge. We may employ the slide wire bridge with a carefully calibrated or uniform slide wire to compare together two resistances which are small, one of them having a known value. Let the resistances be arranged in bridge form as in Fig. 36. Let PE be the slide wire extended electrically by the resistance coils A and C, -and let a battery of a few dry cells be joined up to points x and y. Let ab and'cd be the low resistances to be compared joined in so as to complete the four arms of the bridge. Let G be a galvanometer of high or not very low resistance but great sensitiveness, and let FIG. 36. contact keys be inserted in the galvanometer and battery circuits. The following operations are then performed : Connect the galvanometer G in between the sliding contact on the bridge wire and the point a. Find a point Q x on the slide wire such that the galvanometer shows no current. Then we have xa, A+PQ, ,, xa A+PQ t ^ = 0+02? e ^ = A+0+Pfi' where xa stands for the resistance of the conductor between points x and a, and A stands for the resistance of the conductors between the points x and P, and so forth for the other points. We then connect the galvanometer in between points b and the slider, and find a second position of the slider at which the (i.) MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 269 galvanometer indicates no current. Similarly we have, (iii) xl = A tJ Q2 > whe xy W Hence from (i.) and (ii.) we find &==*&-*= Also in the same way we find where Q 3 Q4 are the balancing positions on the slide wire when the galvanometer is connected to the points c and d respectively. Accordingly, we find the ratio of ab to Ho be cd Q 3 Q 4 ' In other words, assuming the uniformity of the slide wire, we have The resistance between ab _ The resistance between cd The length of the slide wire between Q, and Q 2 The length of the slide wire between Q 3 and Q, 4 It may so happen that the resistances A and C will have to be changed between the readings, so as to make all the balancing positions come on the. slide wire. If in the case of the four readings of the resistance A takes the values A lf A 2 , A 3 and A4, and the same for the resistance C, then, pro- vided A 1 + C 1 = A 2 +0 2 , the four equations will take the form l xa j ' ay . + xy . -d hence <* = (A 2 -A 1 + Ql Q 2 ), where W, as before, is the constant resistance 270 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. In 'the same way we can find that *-*?(A 4 -A,+Q,Q 4 ). Hence o6_A a -A 1 +Q 1 Q 11 ^-A.-AS+QA- If A t = Ag = A 3 = A 4 , the last equation reduces as before to If, then, cd is a known low resistance, we obtain the value of db in terms of cd and the ratio of two lengths of a uniform slide wire. The accuracy of the above method is not dependent upon the absence of any variation of the battery current. It can be carried out with the current supplied from public supply circuits if necessary.* 15. The Kelvin Double Bridge. The Kelvin double bridge is an arrangement of nine conductors joining six points and having a source of electromotive force in one branch and a galvanometer in another. Let P, Q, E, S, B, G, a, b, c (Fig. 37) be the nine conductors, B being the battery branch and G- the galvanometer branch Let the above letters stand for the respective resistances of these branches. It will be seen that if the conductor c is cut at any point x the arrangement then becomes a simple Wheatstone's bridge. It is always possible to find some point x in the con- ductor c dividing c into two segments, a and /3, such that the point x and the two points x 1 and # 2 are all at the same potential. When this is the case we must have the relation a = -. For, __ __ ft t> * The above method was reproduced in The Electrician, July 1, 1898, Vol. XLL, p. 320, as a new method due to Messrs. Miiller and Wallau. It was, however, described many jears previously in Maxwell's Treatise on " Electricity and Magnetism," and is due to Messrs. Matthiessen and Hockin, MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 271 under the above conditions, the current along the conductor a must be the same as the current along b. Also, for the same reason, we must have the relation 1 Or, since a + /3=c, the above becomes P+- a Q+ B C If, then, we make a-f l c, we have X 2 FIG. 37. Diagram of Kelvin Bridge. Under this last condition the Kelvin bridge becomes modified into a form called the Thomson (Kelvin) and Varley 272 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. slide. This latter instrument may be described in principle as follows : Let two slide wires XY, XT' (Fig. 38) be stretched over scales parallel to one another. Let a battery B be attached to the terminals of one slide wire, XY, so as to create a fall of potential down it. Along the wire XY a slider is arranged to move having double contact edges, so as to make contact at two places, nn' on XY, separated by a constant resistance or length of slide wire, nn'. Let the resistance from X to n be P, that from Y to n' be Q, and let nn' be c. The second slide wire X'Y' must have a resistance equal to a + b=c, and FIG. 38. Diagram showing arrangement of Conductors in Kelvin and Varley Slide. it has a slider m running on it and making contact at any point, and thus dividing it into two sections a and ~b. A pair of adjustable resistances B, and S, are connected to the points X and Y, and from their common junction, t, a galvanometer having a resistance G is connected in between the slider m and t. The double contact slider nn' has its contacts con- nected to the ends of the wire X'Y'. In Fig. 38, showing the diagram of the above arrangement of circuits, the letters denoting resistances are the same as those used in Fig. 37, showing diagrammatically the form of the Kelvin bridge. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 273 Iii the laboratory the practical form of this double bridge is known as the Kelvin and Varley slide. In this instrument (shown in Fig. 39) the slide wire XY consists of 101 coils of wire in series, each of 1,000 ohms. The common junctions of these coils are brought to terminal pins on the top board of the instrument, which is generally an ebonite slab. The wire X'Y' is represented by a similar series of 100 coils of 20 ohms each so that the whole resistance of XT' =2,000 ohms = that of two coils of XY. The double contact piece nn f is represented by a double branched revolving arm which as it moves round makes contact with FIG. 39 Kelvin and Varley Slide. a pair of studs including between them two of the 1,000 ohm coils in series. This interval of 2,000 ohms corresponds with the resistance c in the diagrams. The resistances to be compared are the R and S in the diagrams, and these are represented in practice by a plug resistance box and the unknown resistance to be determined. The revolving contact arms of the two resistance boxes, which represent the wires XY and X'Y' are then moved round to touch the various contact pins until positions are found where the galvanometer connected in circuit as indicated shows no current. 274 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. If It is the unknown resistance and S is the standard or resistance of the plug box, we have E S If the point n is indicated by a scale reading N\ on the first box and the point m by a scale reading N 2 on the second box we have P= 1,000 K,_ ohms, and a= 20 N 2 ohms. Also, we have Q = 1,000 (99 - NJ, and 1= 20(100-N 2 ). Accordingly P + ? = 1,000 N x + 10 N 2 , and Q+l =1,000 (99 -2^) + 10 (100-N 2 ) = 100,000 -(1,000 N x +10 N 2 ); E 1,000 K + lONa QY 100,000 -(1,000 Ni + 10 FIG. 40. The theory of the Kelvin bridge is as follows : Referring again to Fig. 37, it is easy to show that the absence of a current in the galvanometer circuit necessitates a certain relation between the values of the various resistances. Assign letters x + y, y, z, and w to denote the imaginary cycle currents in the meshes of the bridge arrangement (see Fig. 40) and consider the network so formed of the nine conductors. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 275 Let imaginary currents x + y and y circulate clockwise round the circuits bounded by the resistances R, G, P, a and G, &, Q, S. Then the actual current through the galvanometer is x. Form, as before described, the cycle equations by the method of Maxwell, and we have ay cio = 0. Re-arranging terms, we have the four equations in x, y, z, w as follows : The solution for x (the galvanometer current) is then (S + Q + 6), -b, -Q (R + P + a), -a, -P -(a + 6), (a + b + c), c where D in the denominator is a determinant whose value does not concern us* The above equation writes out into x = ^(a + b + c) (RQ -SP) + c (R6 -Sa)}. Hence the condition that the galvanometer shall show no current, or that x shall be zero, is that the relations RQ = SP and R6 = Sa must simultaneously hold good. If, however, c is a very small resistance, then the galvanometer current will be very nearly zero if RQ = SP, even though R6 is not quite equal to Sa. Accordingly, in the Kelvin double bridge we have a double relation which must hold good in order that the bridge may be balanced. We must have - = - as a relation between the resistances P, Q, R and S, and also - =^ as a Q S So relation between the resistances a, b, R and S. 16. Modifications of the Kelvin Double Bridge for Low Resistance Measurement. Practical Forms. The Kelvin double bridge can be arranged so as to be a convenient instru- ment for measuring low resistances, such as lengths of electric arc light carbons or short lengths of copper cable. One form which it then takes is as follows : The resistance to be measured is clamped in between massive clamps, GI C 2 , fixed on a board, and contact knife edges, e 1 e 2 , arranged to press against it, intercepting any required length of the conductor. A slide wire, AI A^ is fastened to the same board, and on it move two sliders, ^ v%> *2 276 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. one or both of which are movable, which can make contact with the wire at any position. In the centre of the board are two plug resistance boxes of series pattern, having re- sistances 10, 10, 100, 3,000 ohms each, and each provided with two plugs. The galvanometer Gr and battery B (which, should be a couple of storage cells) are connected in as shown. The resistances in Fig 41 are lettered to correspond with, those in Fig. 37. In the first place, the plugs are inserted so as to make the resistances E and S in the same ratio as a to b, viz., either 10 : 10, 10 : 100, or 10 : 1,000. The sliders ^ and v 2 are then moved until the galvanometer shows no current. Calling the FIG. 41. ratio of K : S = a : I = n, we then have P = Qw. If the slide- wire has been calibrated so that its resistance per centimetre of length is known, we have at once the resistance of P in terms of a certain length of slide wire, v l t- 2 . Another form of the Kelvin bridge adapted for the purpose of low resistance measurement has been devised by Mr. J. H.. Beeves.* In this apparatus A and E (see Fig. 42) are two massive pieces of copper, which can be joined by a plug when desired. To one is connected the wire or bar EFGH of which the resistance is to be determined, and to the other a. *See Proc. Phys. Soc. Lond., Vol. XIV., p. 166. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 277 comparison wire ABCD of known resistance per unit of length. A pair of contact edges K and M make contact with the wire FG at two places L and N of known distance apart. It is convenient to make the distance LN equal to one metre. A pair of connecting wires BO, CT are soldered to the wire BC intercepting a known resistance, which may be con- veniently O'Ol ohm. The same board or another carries a calibrated slide wire, a&, the terminals of which are con- nected to anJ K. A pair of adjustable resistances x and y are connected to M and T. These last may be ordinary resistance boxes, one say y, is 1,000 ohms, and the other is a series plug box Galvo. ft x||y ^ Battery J. x' ^ O, . b ' M * ^T ? B . II P'H [" FIG. 42. reading from 1 to 5,000 ohms. Between the junction of x and y and the slider on the slide wire is joined in a galvano- meter, and a battery is connected to the terminals I) and H. If the plug P is removed so that the blocks A and E .are not connected, the arrangement is an ordinary Wheatstone's bridge. The slider s can be then adjusted so as to divide the slide wire into two segments a and & such that the resistance -a is to that of b as x is to y. This being done, the plug P is inserted to connect A and E. The arrangement then becomes a Kelvin double bridge. If the resistance of the wire under 4est between L and N" is called E, and if that of the standard wire between B and C is called r, we can then further adjust 278 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE, x and y so that the galvanometer shows no current. When this is the case we have again r y If the wire under test is a copper wire, then we know from the tables of wire resistances approximately the resistance of one metre length of it. Calling this resistance ~R V we choose x l as the value of the resistance unplugged out of the box represented by %, so that ^ = l . If y is made 1,000 ohms, and V r Eemoving the plug and making the bridge an ordinary one we find a position of the slider so that the slide wire is divided into sections a and b, and when the balance is obtained b + r y r n "P T* or - = ! - approximately, where R is the true resistance of the wire between L and K". Next, inserting the plug P and passing a stronger current from the battery, we find a new balancing position by altering x l to # 2 but keeping a and b the same. Then, since - = b r nearly, we have R 2fe with double terminals, two for current entrance and exit, .and two for potential terminals, between which its resistance is known. The Wheatstone bridge employed with the above resistances, RI, E 2 and S is used merely as a potentiometer wire, the side AB, or the ratio arms, being used as one branch, and BC, or the measuring arm, being used as the other branch. When this bridge arrangement is connected with a galvanometer, as shown in Fig. 43, and with a single storage cell, the cell sends a current of about two amperes .along the circuit E 2 +Ri-f-S. Since the ratio of R 2 +R t to .S is about 1 : 100, it can be determined with an accuracy of 1 to 10,000 when a suitably sensitive galvanometer G is employed, connected across between the terminals B and E, as shown in Fig. 43. The second stage in the process is to shift one galvanometer .connection from E to F and one battery connection from I) to E. The storage cell used should be one which can for ;a short time send a current of 200 amperes or so without injury. The arrangement in the second case is again a .simple bridge, but in this last form the circuit Rj + R^ is traversed by about 200 amperes No contact which was included in the first stage is altered, but we can now measure the ratio of E 2 to E r This is again a ratio of about 1 to 100. Hence we can find with great accuracy the ratio p ^ -^ = I. Accordingly, we have, by the first measurement, .and by the second one =5. Hence, 282 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. The contact resistances are all eliminated. If the galvano- meter is one having a resistance of 100 ohms, and giving a scale deflection of 1 mm. at 1 metre distance with 1 micro- volt, we can measure the ratio of R 2 to (^1 + ^2) with an accuracy of 1 in 10,000. The connections of the bridge wire or bridge circuit ABC to the series of three resistance S p R^ E 2 should be made as small as possible. If, for instance, Rx^O'Ol ohm, R 2 0*0001 ohm, then in the measurement the arm AB may be 10 ohms and the arm BC may be 1,000 ohms. The fall in potential down each side will be 2 volts. Hence, if a current of 200 amperes is flowing through Ei + R 2 =0 > 010 ohm, it is clear that a change in resistance of T ^th of the '0001 ohm resistance, or of '0000001 ohm, or of one-tenth of a microhm,, will produce a potential change of nearly 20 microvolts on the galvanometer terminals, and hence produce 20mm. scale divisions deflection, which it is impossible to avoid detecting. This method is therefore one which can quite easily be put into practice in any laboratory possessing a good plug resistance bridge and a sensitive galvanometer. When once a low resistance strip is obtained, the value- of which is accurately known at any temperature, then it is easily copied and others reproduced from it. Bridge methods, speaking generally, have a great advantage over methods for the comparison of resistances which depend upon the measurement of the relative value of the fall of potential down conductors to be compared when traversed by the same current, in that, in the case of bridge measure- ments, slight variations in the value of the currents passing through the network do not affect the accuracy of the result.* * See The Electrician, Vol. XLTf, p. 354, 1898, for remarks by Prof. H. L. Callendar " On the Bridge Method of Comparing Low Resistances," in which the advantages of bridge over potentiometer methods of com- paring low resistances are upheld. For a trenchant criticism by the same writer on the subject, see also The Electrician, Vol. XLI., 1898, p. 501 and. p. 631. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 283- 18. Measurement of High Resistances by Direct Galvanometer Deflection. The measurement of high resistances, or resistances of the order of a megohm. or upwards, cannot be well effected by any of the above described bridge methods. The method by which it is generally achieved is by observing the current which can be sent through a calibrated galvanometer of great deflectional sensibility, but good zero-keeping quality, by a battery of high electromotive force placed in series with the galvanometer and with the resistance to be measured. If the resistance to be measured is placed in series with the galvanometer and with a battery of small secondary cells, we have then a circuit of which the resistance is made up of the resistance to be measured (which may be reckoned as megohms and denoted by II), the internal resistance of the cells denoted by r v the resistance of the galvanometer (represented by r), and that of the connections by r% these last three being measured in ohms. If, then, E is the electromotive force of the battery in volts, and A the current in amperes which flows through. the circuit, we have If the battery is composed of secondary cells, and the- connections are of copper wire and not long, then 7*1 and r& may be neglected in comparison with 10 6 B, arid we have \= E 10 6 E+r" Under these circumstances the galvanometer will give a deflection S such that A = GS, where Gr is the galvanometer- constant for steady currents. The galvanometer must, for this purpose, be a highly sensitive mirror instrument, with either movable needle or movable coil, placed at a distance,, say, 2 metres, from a scale divided into millimetres. On the scale the sharp image of a portion of an incandescent lamp filament is focussed so that any deflection of the coil or 284 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. needle can be carefully measured in terms of the scale deflections. In the case of such a mirror galvanometer the deflections will be proportional to the current flowing through the galvanometer. The first step, therefore, is to determine the galvanometer constant. This is best done by the employment of a potentiometer. A fall of potential is created down a long fine wire of high resistance laid over a divided scale, and this fall of potential is adjusted by means of a Clark cell, so that the fall of potential per scale division is known. For the details of this process the reader is referred to the descrip- tion given of the potentiometer and its uses in Chapters I., III. and IV. Suppose the potentiometer is so adjusted that we have a fall in potential of O'OOl volt per scale division of the scale over which the wire is laid. The terminals of the galvanometer are then connected through a resistance of several thousand ohms with twc points on this slide curve and the distance between these points adjusted until the galvanometer gives a convenient deflection. Thus, suppose the galvanometer has a resistance of 6,000 ohms and we place in series with it 4,000 ohms and find that when the terminals are connected to two points on the slide wire separated by 20 scale divisions we have a galvanometer deflection of 40 divisions. Then we know that the potential difference on the terminals of the galvanometer is 20 X O'OOl volt= 0'02 volt and the resistance of the galvanometer circuit is 10,000 ohms. Hence the current through it is (0-02-^-10,000) amperes. If G is the galvanometer constant, then 40G = (0-02-=-10,000),. or G = 20,000,000 = 20 X l(?' or '05 of a microampere, per scale division. A determination of G should be made for a great many different values of S (the galvanometer deflection) and the mean value taken. In the next place we must determine, by means of the potentiometer, the value of the electromotive force (E) of the MEASUREMENT OF ELEOTRLCAL RESISTANCE. 285 battery. This can be done in the way described in Chapter IV., in which are given methods for the measurement of electromotive force. Having thus deter- mined the value of G and E, and knowing the value of the galvanometer resistance r, we can calculate the value of E in the expression -&-> ;., In this test the electromotive force E should be produced by a number, say, 50 to 100, of small secondary cells, so that it can be measured with a good voltmeter. It may even be the circuit pressure of an electric supply circuit if it is sufficiently constant. If neither potentiometer nor voltmeter is at hand, but merely a battery of cells and resistance boxes of the ordinary type, we may proceed as follows : Let , should consist of a number of cells giving an electromotive force of at least about 30 volts. It can conveniently consist of 20 dry cells in series. The measuring operation consists in altering the resistance II until the galvanometer shows no current. When this is the case, the resistance of E must be identical with that FIG. 50. Stroud and Henderson's Bridge Arrangement for Liquid Resistance Measurement. of a column of the electrolyte equal to the difference in length between the two columns forming the two cells. Since the electromotive forces of polarisation are equal, and since the two columns of liquid are traversed by equal currents, the effects of electrolysis in the two arms of the bridges exactly neutralize each other. If then the two tubes are of the same diameter and graduated in centimetres along their lengths, we can at once deduce the resistance of a column of the liquid of known length and section, and hence determine its volume- resistivity. OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. A modification of this method, due to Fitzpatrick (see Brit. Assoc. Report, 1886, p. 328), which has been constantly in use at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, overcomes all difficulties due to polarization. It consists in employing a revolving current-reverser, driven by a small water motor, which rapidly reverses the direction of the battery current flowing through the bridge. The direction of connection of the galvanometer is reversed about the same time, but not quite at the same instant, the galvanometer circuit being closed a little later than the battery circuit and opened a little earlier. If the galvanometer needle is made heavy, so as to have a long period of vibration, these continual reversals do not affect its steadiness, but the result is to eliminate altogether effects due to polarization, and to make it quite as easy to measure an electrolytic resistance as to measure a metallic conductor. The reverser consists of a drum on which are fixed brass sectors with wire brushes touching them. The drum resembles a dynamo commutator, only alternate segments are connected to metallic bands at each end. The segments which belong to the galvanometer circuit are rather less wide than those which belong to the battery circuit. In measuring the absolute value of the resistivity of an electrolyte it is usual to place it in a glass containing vessel or tube having platinised platinum electrodes. Once for all a careful measurement is made of the resistivity of some pure electrolyte, such as potassic chloride, of known concentration. This is done in a rectangular or tubular vessel of such shape that the dimensions of the mass of liquid and the distribution of current through it are known. Afterwards any other electrolyte can have its resistivity determined by being placed in a cell of any form and the ratio of the resistances determined when the cell is first filled with the standard electrolyte and then with the electrolyte under test. It is not unusual to express the conductivity of elec- trolytes in terms of a fraction (say 10"" 8 ) of that of mercury, 312 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. For many purposes, however, it is better to express it in ohms or megohms per centimetre-cube. In the tables on pp. 327, 329 are given the values of the volume-resistivity of electrolytes of various kinds. The aqueous solutions of the acids and many aqueous solutions of salts or hydrates have a minimum resistivity corresponding to a certain dilution or concentration. The temperature of the electrolyte very greatly affects its conductivity. It will be seen from the tables that the temperature coefficient of an electrolyte is generally about three to four times greater tnan that of a pure metal. 25. The Absolute Measurement of Electrical Resist- ance. The determination of the value of an electrical resistance in absolute measure, or its direct recovery in terms of the units of length and time, is an operation not likely to be conducted in an ordinary electrical testing laboratory. Space cannot here be granted to review in detail all the various processes which have been suggested. The student desirous for information on this question may be referred for full information to the following advanced treatises on electricity and magnetism : CLERK MAXWELL. "Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism." Vol. II., Chap. XVIII., 2nd Ed. E. MASCART and J. JOUBERT. "Electricity and Magnetism." Translated by E. Atkinson. Vol. II., Chap. VII. A. GRAY. " Absolute Measurements in Electricity and Magne- tism." Vol. II., Part II., Chap. X., p. 538. G. WIEDEMANN. Electricitdt, Vol. IV., p. 910. The various methods used for the absolute measurement of resistance have also been critically discussed by Lord Kayleigh, Phil. Mag., Vol. XIV., 1882, and by Mr. E. J. Glazebrook, B.A. Report, 1890. See also The Electrician, Vol. XXV., p. 544. Amongst the processes there described for the absolute determination of an electrical resistance is one due to Lorenz which, from its simplicity, has been made the starting point for the construction of an apparatus by MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 313 Prof. J. V. Jones which is likely soon to be found in the possession of every well-equipped electro- physical laboratory. This apparatus enables an observer to re-determine for him- self in absolute measure the value of a low resistance, and that with not greater expenditure of time than would be incurred in making a mere comparison experiment. The general theory of the Lorenz method of determining a resistance in absolute measure may thus be described : If a metallic disc is caused to rotate in the mean plane of a coil concentric and co-axial with the disc, and if a current passes through the coil, an electromotive force is created in the disc. If brushes touch the centre and circumference of the disc, and if from these connections are led away to make contact with two points on the circuit, which includes the coil, then it is possible to so adjust the resistance between these contact places that no current flows through the disc in other words, the electromotive force set up in the disc may be made to exactly balance the potential fall down the resistance in series with the coil. If, then, E is the resistance of this conductor and C the current through it and the coil, and if M is the co-efficient of mutual inductance between the coil and the disc, and n the speed of revolution, the electromotive force set up in the disc is equal to MCw, and the fall of potential down the conductor is EC. Hence, when there is equilibrium, MO/i = EC, or E = M?i. The measurement of the resistance is therefore reduced to the calculation of a co-efficient of inductance from the measured dimensions of the coil and the disc and the observation of a speed of revolution. In Fig. 51 the points and M are the centre and circum- ference of the disc, and XY is the resistance of which the absolute value is to be determined. The real apparatus as designed by Prof. J. Y. Jones* is represented in Fig. 52. * For a full description of the theory and practice of the method the reader is referred to Papers by Prof. J. V. Jones in The Electrician of 1890 and 1895 Vol. XXV., p. 552, and Vol. XXXV., pp. 231 and 253. 314 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. The metallic disc is driven at a uniform speed by an electric motor. Contact is made against the centre and circum- FIG. 51. FIG. 52. The Jones-Lorenz Apparatus for Absolute Resistance Determinations. t'erence of the disc by brushes, and these are connected through a galvanometer with the ends of the resistance MEASUREMENT Otf ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 3 15 being measured. The axis carrying the disc carries also a speed indicator, which is preferably an arrangement for making an electric contact every revolution of the disc. This is made to print dots on a fast-running paper tape on which also series of parallel dots are printed by a standard clock. The speed of the disc can then be accurately determined. The coil consists of a wire wound specially in grooves in a marble ring, on the outer edge of which is cut a screw- groove. The calculation of the mutual inductance of the coil and disc once effected becomes a constant of the instrument. For the details of the machines already designed and made under the direction of Prof. J. V. Jones the reader is referred to the following Papers by Prof. Jones : " Suggestions towards the Determination of the Ohm in Absolute Measure," a Paper read before the British Association at Leeds in 1890. (See also The Electrician, Vol. XXV., p. 552.) In this Paper the details of the theory are set out. Reference is also made to a Paper, by the same author, read before the Physical Society in 1888, (see Phil. Mag., Jan., 1889), in which the theory of the calculation of -the mutual inductance of a disc and co-axial coil of single layer is given. Also, by the same author, a Lecture on this subject was given at the Eoyal Institution, London, in May, 1895, entitled " The Absolute Measurement of Electrical Resistance." (See The Electrician, Vol. XXXV., p. 231.) In this Lecture the details of an improved Lorenz apparatus are described. A well-constructed Lorenz apparatus was made for the McGill University, Montreal, and a description of the design will be found hi The Electrician, Vol. XXXVIL, p. 267, as well as a perspective view of the machine (see Fig. 53), A careful determination of the absolute value of the Board of Trade standard ohm was made by Profs. Ayrton arid Jones in 1897, with the above described Montreal Lorentz apparatus and the results of these experiments are recorded in The Electrician, Vol. XL,, pp. 149-150 (see also Science Abstracts Vol. 1., p. 24). 316 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 317 A Paper by Prof. Ayrton in The Electrician, Vol. XL., p, 149, entitled " Our Knowledge of the Value of a Kesistance," gives the facts on which are founded the opinion that the Board of Trade standard ohm, which is intended to represent as nearly as possible the International ohm, or a resistance of 106*3cms. of mercury 1 sq. mm. in section at 0C., may in fact be equal to 106'33cms. or may be in error by three or four parts in 10,000. Hence we cannot say that this official standard ohm really represents 10 9 absolute C.G.S. units of resistance with a greater accuracy than three or four parts in 10,000 or 0*03 per cent. The mean of nine absolute determinations of the value of the Board of Trade wire standard ohm showed that its real value is, in all probability, 1-00026 true ohms the true ohm being 10 9 absolute C.G.S. units. The reader desirous of information on the relative value of the experimental methods which have been adopted for the absolute determination of resistance and the absolute measure- ment of the resistivity of mercury may be referred to two important reports made by Mr. E. T. Glazebrook on behalf of the Electrical Standards Committee of the British Association (see Brit. Assoc. Pteports, 1890 (Leeds) and 1892 (Edinburgh); also The Electrician, Vol. XXV., pp. 543 and 588, and Vol. XXIX., p. 462). Values which have been obtained by various observers for the ohm in terms of the dimensions of a column of pure mercury at 0C. are given in Table XV. following (p. 335). 26. Resistance of Conductors to Alternating Currents. If a metallic conductor, in the form of a wire or rod, is traversed by an alternating electric current, it is well known that the current does not distribute itself uniformly over the cross-section of the conductor, but concentrates itself more or less at the surface. The result is to make the effective resistance of the conductor greater for alternating currents than for continuous, because the periodic current, so to speak, makes less use of the conductor- Hence we need a correction 318 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. which must be applied to the true or ohmic resistance in cal- culating the resistance of a conductor to alternating currents. Assuming the currents to be simply periodic and the conduc- tor a round metallic rod, Lord Rayleigh in 1886 gave a formula for calculating the resistance to alternating currents.* Another formula and method was given by Lord Kelvin in 1889, f and he gave a table calculated for conductors of round section of certain diameters, and for certain frequencies. The above formulae are, however, in a form which does not render them very convenient for laboratory calculation. M. E. Hospitalier has, however, reduced Lord Kelvin's formula to a very convenient table. If we denote the resistance to alternating currents by R A and that to continuous currents by II , then for round-sectioned rods as wires the two quantities are related by the general expression p _;,p k being a numerical constant which depends upon the frequency n and on the diameter d. In the case of wires made of the same metal but of different diameters k has the same value for equal values of the product nd 2 . Hence we can make a table showing the values of k corresponding to various values of nd 2 . M. E. Hospitalier, assisted by M. A. Potier, has calculated the following table, which is correct for copper having a resistivity of 1,597 C.G.S. units.* nd\ k 1-0000 20 1-0000 80 1-0001 180 1-0258 320 1-0805 500 1-1747 720 1-3180 980 1-4920 1,280 1-6778 1,620 T8628 2,000 2-0430 2,420 2-2190 2,830 2-3937 5,120 3-0956 8,000 3-7940 18,000 5-5732 22,000 7-3250 * Phil. Mag., May, 1886. See also " The Alternate Current Transformer," Fleming, Vol. I., third edition, p. 294. t Presidential address to the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1889. t See The Electrician, Vol. XXXII., p. 277, >r L' Industrie Electrize, 1893, p. 563. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 319 As an example of its use, let us apply it to the following problem : What will be the resistance to alternating currents having a frequency of 80, of a round-sectioned copper rod 2cms. in diameter. Here d = 2, n = 80 ; hence nd* = 80x4 = 320. From the above table we see that, corresponding to nd 2 = 320, /j = 1*0805. Hence, if the ohmic resistance of the rod is, say, 3 ohms, then its resistance to the above periodic currents is 3*2415 ohms. If the exact value of the product ?icf 2 required is not in the above table, it can be obtained by interpolation or by setting out the figures in a curve. In Table XVI., at the end of this chapter, are given the values of the ohmic and alternating resistance for stranded copper cables for a frequency of 100. For other non-magnetic metals besides copper the table in the text (p. 318) may be made available by employing a factor to find k equal to the values for copper of nd* multiplied by 1,597/p, where p is the resis- tivity in C.G.S. units. Hence, for a round metal rod of diameter d, and made of a material having double the specific resistance of copper, in order to find its resistance to alternating currents of a frequency n, we should have to find the value of k in the above table corresponding to a value - , and not simply nd 2 , as for copper. Accordingly, the higher the resistivity of the material the less different is the alternating from the continuous current resistance. ( .320 ) TABLE I Atomic Weights and Densities of Metals. The quotient of density multiplied by 1,000 by atomic weight gives a number called the atomic density, and is proportional to the number of atoms per centimetre-cube. Metal. 1 Atomic weights. a. Density. Water =1. Atomic density Atomic volume 1 H = l = 16 d. Xd/a. = a{d. Lithium Beryllium ... Sodium Li Be Na 7 9-1 23 7 9-0 23-05 0-589- 0-598 1-85 0-974 85 203 42 11-8 4-86 23-6 Magnesium . . Aluminium . . Potassium ... Calcium Mg Al K Ca 23-9 27-0 39-0 39-9 24-3 27 39-11 40 1-743 2-56 - 2-583 0-875 1-566- 1-584 73 95 22-5 39-5 13-76 10-56 44-96 25-28 Titanium . . . Chromium . . . Manganese. . . Iron .... Ti Cr Mn Fe 48-0 52-0 54-8 55-9 48 52-1 55-1 56-0 6-8 ' 7-33 7-8 - 8-1 130 134 142 7-0 7-0 7-1 Nickel Ni 58-7 58-7 8-3 - 9-0 148 6-94 Cobalt Ho 59-4 59-5 8-5 - 8-9 148 6-94 Copper . On 63-2 63-6 8-9 - 8-95 141 7-10 Zinc fin 64-9 65-3 6-9 - 7-2 108 9-12 Arsenic Rubidium ... Strontium ... Molybdenum Ruthenium... Ehodium . . . Palladium ... Silver As Rb Sr Mo Ru Rh Pd Ap 74-9 85-2 87-3 95-7 101-4 1027 106-2 107-6 75 85-5 87-66 103 106-5 107-92 2-54'" 8-6 110 -11-4 11-0 -11-2 11-3 -12-1 10-4 -10-57 29 89-5 110-5 108 110 97-5 12-96(?) 56-1 (?) 34-56 11-13 9-05 9-12 9-12 10-04 Cadmium . . . Indium Tin Cd In Sn 111-7 113-4 117-3 112 113-7 119 8-54- 8-66 7-2 - 7-4 7-3 77 64 62 12-96 15-53 16-20 Antimony ... CaBsium Sb Cs 119-6 132-7 120 132-9 6-72 1-88 56 14 18-16 70-5 Barium Cerium Ba O 136-4 139-9 137-4 140-2 4-0 6-73 29 47-5 34-25 20'8 Tungsten . . . Osmium Iridium W Os Tr 183-6 190-3 192-5 193-1 19-261 22-43 22-4 105 117 116 9-53 8-49 8-6 Platinum ... Gold Pt An 194-3 196-8 195 197-3 20-3 -22-1 19-3 -19-5 106 98 9-12 10-04 Mercury HP 199-8 200 13-596 68 14-56 Thallium ... Lead Tl Ph 203-7 206-4 204 20695 11-8 11-3 -11-4 58 55 17-20 18-24 Bismuth Thorium . . . Uranium . . . Bi Th U 208-0 232-0 239-8 208 232-6 9-8 - 9-9 10-97-11-23 18-4 47 48 77 21-34 20-84 13-03 The atomic weights under column (0 = 16) are the numbers published by the American Chemical Society's committee on atomic weights (Journal American Chemical Society, Vol. XVII.), revised to January, 1894. The atomic weights under column (H = l) are those given by Professor T. E. Thorp ("Manual of Inorganic Chemistry," Vol. I.). MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 321 TABLE II. Electrical Mass-resistivity of Various Metals at 0C., or Re- sistance per Metre-gramme in Standard Ohms at 0C. (Matthiessen.) Metal. Resistance at 0C. (in Standard Ohms) of a wire one metre long and weighing one gramme. Approximate temperature co- efficient near 20C. Silver (annealed) 0-1523 0-1657 0-1421 0-1449 (Matt 0-4025 0-4094 0-0757 0-4013 1-9337 0-765 1-058 0-9618 2-2268 2-3787 12-8554 12-885 0-00377 0-00388 hiessen's Standard) 0-00365 0-00365 0-00387 0-00389 0-00354 0-00072 Silver (hard drawn) Copper (annealed) Copper (hard drawn) Gold (annealed) Gold (hard drawn) .. . Aluminium (annealed) ... Zinc (pressed) Platinum (annealed) Iron (annealed) Xickel (annealed) Tin (pressed) Lead (pressed) Antimony (pressed) Bismuth (pressed) Mercury (liquid)* * Matthiessen's value (12'885) for the electrical mass-resistivity of liquid mercury is too high by nearly 1 per cent. The value now accepted is 12*789 international standard ohms per metre-gramme at 0C. The values for nickel and bismuth are also much higher than are obtainable now with pure electrolytic metals. The temperature coefficients given by Matthiessen are also, in all cases, smaller than those now adopted for pure metals. 322 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. TABLE III. Electrical Volume-resistivity of Various Metals at 0C., or Resistance per Centimetre-cube in C.G.S. Units at 0C. This Table is calculated from the results of experiments made by Matthiessen, employing the values given by Jenkin in his Cantor Lectures (Society of Arts, 1866) for the resistance in B.A. units of a uniform circular- sectioned wire of the metal 1 metre long and 1 mm. in diameter taken at 0C. The figures given by Jenkin have been reduced to standard ohms and C.G.S. units by multiplying by - x 0'9S66 x 10 5 =77,485. Metal. Volume Resistivity at 0C. in C.G.S. Units. Silver (annealed) Silver (hard drawn) . . Copper (annealed) Copper (hard drawn) . . Gold (annealed) Gold (hard drawn) Aluminium (annealed) Zinc (pressed) Platinum (annealed) .. Iron (annealed) Nickel (annealed) Tin (pressed) Lead (pressed) Antimony (pressed) Bismuth (pressed) Mercury (liquid) 1,502 1,629 1,594 1,630* 2,052 2,090 3,006 5,621 9,035 10,568 12,429! 13,178 19,580 35,418 130,872 94,896t * The value (1,630) here given for hard drawn copper is about one-quarter per cent, higher than the value now adopted, viz. : (1,626). The difference Is due to the fact that either Jenkin or M atthiessen did not employ precisely the same values as at present employed for the density of hard-drawn and annealed copper in calculating the volume-resistivities from the mass-resistivities. t Matthiessen's value for nickel is much greater than that obtained by the Author, as shown in Table IV. t Matthiessen's value for mercury is nearly 1 per cent, larger than the value now adopted as the mean of the best results, viz. : 94,070. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 323 TABLE IV. Electrical Volume-resistivity of Various Pure Metals at 0C., or Resistance per Centimetre-cube at 00. in C.G.S. Units. (Fleming and Dewar, Phil. Mag., September, 1893.) Metal. Resistance at 0C. per centi- metre-cube in C.G.S. Units. Mean tempera- ture coefficient between 0C. and 100C. Silver (electrolytic and well) annealed)* j 1,468 0-00400 ' Copper (electrolytic and well) annealed)* j 1,561 0-00428 Gold (annealed) 2,197 0-00377 Aluminium (annealed) 2,665 0-00435 ^ Magnesium (pressed) 4,355 0-00381 Zinc 5,751 0-00406 Nickel (electrolytic)* 6,935 0-00618 Iron (annealed) 9,065 0-00625 Cadmium 10,023 0-00419 Palladium 10,219 0-00354 Platinum (annealed) 10,917 0-003669 Tin (pressed) 13,048 0-00440 Thallium (pressed) ... 17,633 0-00398 Lead (pressed) 20,380 0-00411 Bismuth (electrolytic)f 110,000 0-00433 Mercury (Pure) 94 070 0-00098 * The samples of silver, copper and nickel employed for these tests were prepared electrolytically by Mr. J. W. Swan, F.R.S., and were exceedingly pure and soft. The value for volume-resistivity of nickel as given in the above table (from experiments by J. A. Fleming) is much less (by nearly 40 per cent.) than the value given by Matthiessen's researches. t The electrolytic bismuth here used was prepared by Messrs. Hartmann and Braun, and the resistivity taken by J. A. Fleming. The value is nearly 20 per cent, less than that given by Matthiessen. Y2 324 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. TABLE V. Electrical Volume-resistivity of Pure Metals at Various Temperatures. (From experiments by Fleming and Dewar.) Tempera- Specific Resistance in C.G.S. Units. ture (Centi- grade). Silver. Copper. Gold. Alu- minium. Mag- nesium. Zinc. Nickel. - 150C. 580 515 960 900 1,625 2,270 2,400 - 100C. 890 860 1,360 1,485 2,585 3,430 3,645 - 50C. 1,195 1,210 1,770 2,075 3,485 4,585 5,130 0C. 1,468 1,561 2,197 2,665 4,355 5,751 6,935 + 50C. 1,775 1,895 2,605 3,255 5,205 6,925 8,915 + 100C. 2,070 2,215 3,030 3,845 6,010 8,115 11,210 + 150C. 2,360 2,560 3,440 4,420 ! 6,790 9,345 13,820 + 200C. 2,885 2,890 3,840 5,000 7,540 10,590 16,630 i Tempera- Specific Resistance in C.G.S. Units. ture (Centi- grade). Iron. Cad- mium. Palla- dium. Plati- num. Tin. Thal- lium. Lead. -150C. 2,325 4,210 4,205 4,760 5,080 6,275 8,515 - 100C. 4,360 6,115 6.290 6,890 7,650 10,155 12,340 - 50C. 6,590 8,045 8,300 8,945 10,350 13,930 16,390 0C. 9,065 10,023 10,219 10,917 i 13,048 17,633 20,380 + 50C. 11,770 12,060 12,055 12,910 15,895 21,225 24,555 + 100C. 14,765 14,315 13,840 14,820 18,870 24,770 28,900 + 150C. 18,110 16,725 15,545 16,690 21,990 28,100 33,470 + 200C. 21,960 19,325 15,215 18,535 25,155 31,635 38,000 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 325 TABLE VI. Electrical Conductivity of Metals at C. in Absolute and Arbitrary Units. Absolute conductivity is measured in mhos. The mho is the reciprocal of the ohm, and the mho-conductivity is obtained by dividing 10 9 by the volutne- resistivity in C.G.S. units. Metal Mho-conductivity at 0C. 1 mho = conductivity of a centimetre-cube of material having a volurne- resistivity of 1 ohm. Arbitrary conduc- tivity. Annealed electrolytic silver = 100atOC. Silver (electrolytic\ annealed) J 681,198 100 Copper (electrolytic) annealed) / 640,615 94-04 Gold (annealed) 455,166 66-81 Aluminium (annealed) Sodium (pressed at) 20 C } 37.5,234 253,973 55-08 37-43 Magnesium 229,616 33-71 Zinc 171,381 25-16 Calcium (at 18C.) ... Nickel (electrolytic) . . . Potassium (at 20C.) Lithium (at 20C.) ... Indium 150,818 144,196 141,990 129,428 112,400 22-14 21-17 20-85 19-00 16-50 Iron 110,314 16-19 Cobalt 106,140 15-58 Oa^rninm 99,770 14-64 Palladium 97,857 14-64 Platinum 91,600 13-44 Tin 76,640 11-25 Thallium 56,712 8'32 Lead. .. 49,067 7-20 Strontium (at 18C.) Arsenic 45,708 32,425 6-71 4-76 Antimony 31,471 4-62 Mercury 10,630 1-56 Bismuth . 9,091 1-33 326 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. TABLE VII. Volume-resistivity of Alloys of known Composition at 0C. in C.G.S. Units per Centimetre-cube. Mean temperature coefficients taken at 15C. (Fleming and Dewar. ) Alloy. Resis- tivity at 0C. Tempera- ture coefficient at 15C. Composition in per cents. Platinum-Silver 31 582 0-000243 Pt337, As667 Platinum- Iridium . 30,896 0-000822 Pt 807, Ir 207 Platinum-Rhodium 21,142 0-00143 Pt907,Khl07 Gold-Silver, 6,280 0-00124 Au907,Agl07 Manganese-Steel 67,148 0-00127 Mnl27,Fe807 Nickel-Steel . 29 452 0-00201 Ni 4-357 Germ an -Silver .. 29 982 0-000273 Cu, Zn Q NL Platinoid* 41,731 0-00031 Manganin 46,678 o-oooo /Cu84%,Mnl2%, Aluminium- Silver 4 641 0-00238 I Ni4% Al 947, As 67 Aluminium- Copper 2,904 0-00381 v /o' 5 **/o Al 947, Cu 67 Copper- Aluminium ... 8,847 0-000897 Cu 977, Al 37 Copper - Nickel - Aluminium Titanium- Aluminium 14,912 3,887 0-000645 0-00290 /Cu87%,Ni6-7%, 1 A16-5% * Platinoid is an alloy first produced by Martino, the composition being said to be similar to that of German silver, but with a little tungsten added. It varies a good deal in composition according to manufacture, and the resis- tivity of different specimens is not identical. The electrical properties of platinoid were first made known by Dr. J. T. Bottomley, F.R.S., in a Paper read at the Royal Society, May 5, 1885. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. TABLE VIII. 327 Electrical Volume-resistivity of Various Liquids in Ohms er Centimetre-cube. I. FUSED SALTS. Substance. Kesistivity. Remarks. Observer. Plumbic chloride Pb Clo 0-376 F. Braun Silver chloride AgCl Sodic nitrate NaN0 3 Zinc chloride ZnCl 9 0-392 0-817 109-3 at 600C. W. Kohlrausch F. Braun F. Braun II. AQUEOUS SOLUTION OF ACIDS.* Solution having maximum conductivity at 18C. Acid. Resistivity. Temperature Coefficient. Nitric Acid N0 3 H.... 1-28 0-014 \ Hydrochloric Acid HC1 Sulphuric Acid H 2 S0 4 Tartaric Acid C 4 H e 6 Acetic Acid C 2 H 4 9 ... 1-32 1-36 100-0 618-4 0-0155! . , 0-0169 as given by 0-0192 [G.Wieaemann. 0-0174J III. AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF SALTS AND HYDRATES.* Salt. Resistivity. Specific Gravity. Temperature Coefficient. Potassic Hydrate KHO 1-84 0-0225\ Potassic Iodide KI 2-29 1-70 0-014 Ammonic Chloride Am Cl 2-36 1-078 00155 Silver Nitrate AgN0 3 ... Sodic Chloride NaCl ... Hydro -potassic Car- 4-48 4-66 2-18 1-201 0-0211 0-0234 as given by G. Wiedemann. bonate KHCO S 8-54 1-15 0-0199 Copper sulphate CuS0 4 ! 29-37 1-208 0-0241 Zinc sulphate ZnS0 4 ... 21-35 1-286 t * The above Table contains only the resistivity values corresponding to the maximum conductivity in the case of the aqueous solutions of salts and acids. 328 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. TABLE IX. Electrical Volume-resistivity of Various Badly Conducting Liquids in Megohms per Centimetre-cube. Substance. Resistivity in megohms per c.c. Observer. Ethylic Alcohol 0-522 Pfeiffer. Ethylic Ether 1-175 to 3-760 W. Kohlrausch. Benzine 4700 Water (1-446 at 14C. Pfeiffer. Absolutely pure water approximates probably to 5'222 at 18C. 1 25-0 at 18C. F. Kohlrausch. c Estimated value by Kohlrausch and I Heydweiler. All very dilute aqueous salt solutions having a concentration of about 0-00001 of an equiva- lent gramme- molecule* per litre approximate to - 1-00 at 18C. {From results by F. Kohlrausch and others. * An equivalent gramme-molecule is a weight in grammes numerically equal to the chemical equivalent of the salt. For instance, one equivalent gramme- molecule of sodic chloride is a mass of 58'5 grammes, since NaCl = 58-5. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 329 TABLE X. Volume-resistivity of Solutions of Copper and Zinc Sulphate of Various Densities at IOC. in Ohms per Centimetre-cube. (Ewing and MacGregor.)* SULPHATE OF COPPEB. Density. Resistivity. Density. Resistivity. 1-0167 164-4 1-1386 35-0 1-0216 134-8 1-1432 34-1 1-0318 98-7 1-1679 31-7 1-0622 590 11829 30-6 1-0858 47-3 1-2051 29-3 1-1174 38-1 (saturated) ... SULPHATE OF ZINC. Density. Resistivity. Density. II Resistivity. 1-0140 182-9 1-2709 28-5 1-0187 140-5 1-2891 28-3 1-0278 111-1 1-2895 28-5 1-0540 638 1-2987 28-7 1-0760 50-8 1-3288 29-2 1-1019 421 1-3530 31-0 1-1582 33-7 1-4053 32-1 1-1845 321 1-4174 33-4 1-2186 303 1-4220 33-7 1-2562 29 2 1 ^saturated) ... * Trans. Roy. Soc., Edin., Vol. XXVII., 1873. The resistivity values obtained by various observers for electrolytic con- ductors do not agree at all well. The above values are not quite in accord with other results. 330 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. TABLE XI. Electrical Volume-resistivity of Dielectrics expressed in Millions of Megohms (Mega-megohms) per Centimetre- cube, and in Megohms per Quadrant-cube i.e., a Cube whose side is 10" cms. Substance. Resistivity. Temperature. Cent. Mega- megohms per c.c. Megohms per quadrant- cube. Bohemian Glass 61 84* 450* 1,020 1,630 2,280 9,000* 10,900 11,900 16,170 20,000 28,000* 34,000* 061 084 45 1-02 1-63 2-28 9-0 10-9 11*9 16-17 20-0 28 34 60 20 24 60 15 15 28 24 15 15 20 46 46 Mica G utta-percha Flint Glass at 60 C Glover's Vulcanised India- rubber Siemens' ordinary pure Vulcanised India-rubber Shellac India-rubber Siemens' High Insulating Fibrous Material Siemens' Special High Insulating India-rubber Flint Glass at 20 C Ebonite Paraffin The values of the resistivity of various dielectrics given in the above Table can only be taken as approximate. In most cases the observers have not stated the time of imposition of the electric stress. Values marked (*) are those given by experiments by Profs. Ayrton and Perry : " On the Viscosity of Dielectrics " (Proc. Roy. Soc., March, 1878), " after several minutes' electrification." The temperature coefficients of the resistivities of dielectric conductors are very large ; in most cases far larger than those of the pure metals, and the apparent resistivity is also a function of the value and of the time of operation of the electromotive force. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 331 TABLE XII. Resistances of various sizes of Platinoid Wire. (London Electric Wire Company, Ltd.) Size. Diameter. Resistance (approximate). : L.S.G. Inch. m/m. Per Ib. Per 1,000 yards. Ohms. Ohms. 8 ' 0-160 4-064 0-1241 28-852 10 0-128 3-251 0-3031 45-084 12 0-104 2-642 0-6957 68-292 14 0-080 2-032 1-9869 115-416 16 0-064 1-626 4*8520 180-338 18 0-048 1-219 15-3312 320-601 19 0-040 1-016 31-7952 461-664 20 0-036 0-914 48-4602 569-952 21 0-032 0-813 77-6480 721-368 22 0-028 0-711 132-4272 942-192 23 0-024 0-610 245-3280 1282-392 24 0-022 0-559 347-4720 1526-184 25 0-020 0-508 508-7280 1846-656 26 0-018 0-457 775-3680 2279-808 27 0-0164 0-417 1125-2160 2746-440 28 0-0148 0-876 1696-4880 3372-264 80 0-0124 0-315 8442-8000 4803-984 32 0-0108 0-274 5982-7200 6332-904 34 0-0092 0-2337 11362 8727-120 36 0-0076 0-1930 24398 12789-640 38 0-0060 0-1524 62805 20518-560 40 0-0048 0-1219 153333 32060-160 42 0-0040 0-1016 317904 46166 44 0-0032 0-0813 784280 72136 46 0-0024 0-0610 2453280 128239 47 0-0020 0-0508 5087280 184665 332 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. TABLE XIII. Resistances of various sizes of Manganin Wire. (London Electric Wire Company, Ltd.) Size. Diameter. Resistance (approximate). L.S.G. Inch. m/m. Per Ib. Per 1,000 yards. Ohms. Ohms. 14 0-080 2-032 2-027 117-85 16 0-064 1-626 4-952 184-17 18 0-048 1-219 15-652 327-42 20 0-036 0-914 49-475 582-00 22 0-028 0-711 135-175 962-00 24 0-022 0-559 354-700 1560-25 26 0-018 0-457 791-475 2330-00 28 0-0148 0-376 1731-750 3442-50 30 0-0124 0-315 3514-250 4907-50 32 0-0108 0-274 6107-250 6467-50 34 0-0092 0-2337 11597-750 8912-50 36 0-0076 0-1930 24904-500 13060 38 0-0060 0-1524 64100 20955 40 0-0048 0-1219 156525 32875 42 0-0040 0-1016 324550 47150 44 00032 0-0813 792375 73675 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 333 3 il I I 1 OQ 111 GO i-H s CO OCOr-(^O5 co GO o co p so O O rH CN CO 1* X O t- l> O rHrHi lrHCl>-i I OrHrHCOXOOOCMOOO O O O O ' G<1 G !> COCDCDOOt>-CCOi i OCO CO i i TH co -^ T-HCMCOOCMCOOOC; OOCOO 00 iH rH Cq TJ1 t*(M 00 CO TH 00 -* (M O CO i ir-i T-H i i co o r-((Mcoooq^co a a CO"^QOOCOCOTHTHOOCO(MrHOOOOr-iOOOOOOOOC o i i co a OOOQOCOr- ^00-^CDCOCMrHOOOOqTHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC O (M rH OOOOrHOOOOOOOOC OOt^QO COOOO COrH . d& S's *>% t CO rH CM rH O b- rH CD US <* t- CO ^ t- t* (M C5 05 C5 ^^ ^D ^^ ^D "* O^ CO *-O 00 T"H rH CO CO O^ *O "^^ CO CO <^ GO ^H ^^ O^ C^ ^H 1C OOOOpOOOOOOOOOTH^OOrHr-iCprHnHCpO^) ooooooooooooooooooooooooooc g ll s s ooooooooooooooooooooooooooc -2 ' CM TH ; CqCOTHXOrHrHrHCqCOTHOr-HrHCCOCOC5O5CDOOOCOTHOOO5t-b- rH rHCMCOTHb-OrHCMTHt-OCOCOiOOOCNOOOOOqOOOCOG: rH rHi ICQ 'rHCMrHrHCMTHOC gH f*l CO TH CO 3ments 3d with i silver > s issued lens or f ) K'6-24 106-21 106-19 106-33 106-32 106-32 106-29 106-27 106-32 106-31 106-32 106-30 106-33 106-30 106-28 10537 106-16 105-89 105-98 106-24 106-03 105-93 Lorenz method Rotation through 180 Induced current . . Rowland Mean of several methods Kohlrausch ... Glazebrook . . . j Wuilleumeier Duncan and Wilkes Damping of magnets } Induced currents . . . Lorenz Jones Lorenz Strecker . . . Mean 0-98653 f An absolute deter-' mination of resist- ance was not made. The value 0-98656 has been used Mean Hutchinson ... Salvioni Salvioni H.F.Weber... H.F.Weber... Roiti 1884 1884 1885 1889 1883 1885 Induced current Rotating coil ... Mean effect of induced current / Abs measur< compar Germar wirecoi' by Sien Streckei Himstedt Dorn ... . Damping of a magnet Damping of a magnet Lorenz method Wild Lorenz 336 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. TABLE XVI. Table of Resistance of High Conductivity Bound Copper Conductors to Alternating and Continuous Currents. Size of stranded cable. Area in square inches. Kesistance in ohms per 1,000 yards. To continuous currents. To alternating currents. Frequency 100 ^ per second. 7/18 00126 1-974 1-974 7/17 0-0172 1-452 1-452 7/16 0-0225 1-108 1-108 7/15 0-0285 0-878 0-878 7/14 0-0351 0-712 0-712 19/18 0-0351 0-712 0-712 19/17 0-0477 0-524 0-524 19/16 00624 0-401 0-401 19/15 0-0789 0-318 0-318 19/14 00973 0-257 0-257 19/13 0-1289 0-194 0-195 19/12 0-1645 0-153 0-155 19/11 0-2048 0-122 0-1247 19/10 0-2500 0-100 0-1034 37/16 0-1227 0-204 0-2041 37/15 0-1551 0-162 0-104 37/14 0-1913 0131 0-1334 37/13 0-2534 0-099 0-1024 37 0-3000 0-083 0-087 37/12 0-3235 0-077 0-081 37/11 0-4000 0-063 0-068 37/10 0-4905 0-051 0-057 61/15 0-2582 0-097 0-1004 61/14 0-3185 0-078 0-082 61/13 0-4218 0-060 0-065 61 0-5000 0-050 0-056 61/12 0-5385 0-046 0-052 61 0-6000 0-041 0-048 61/11 0-6476 0-039 0-0465 61 0-7000 0-0357 . 0-0435 61/10 0-8167 0-0305 0-0391 91/13 0-6354 0-0385 0-0458 91 0-7500 0-0330 00412 91/12 0-8111 0-0305 0-0391 91 0-9000 0-0277 0-0370 91/11 1-0000 0-0250 0-0350 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 337 TABLE XVII. Materials Used for Electrical Resistances. Material. Resistance in microhms per centimetre- cube at 0C. Copper (hard drawn) . . . Iron (annealed) German Silver Platinoid Manganin Eesista Beacon Eureka Cast Iron Steel Graphite Arc Lamp Carbon Plumbago and Stour- bridge Clay, about equal parts mixed and well baked. Saturated Solution of Sulphate of Copper. Saturated Solution of Sulphate of Zinc. Dilute Sulphuric Acid, 1-2 density. Sodic Sulphate Solution, 15 per cent. salt. From About About 1-626 9-0 20-0 to 30-0 40-0 42-0 to 46*0 76-0 80-0 40-0 80-0 to 100-0 15-0 to 50-0 300-0 to 400-0 3,000 to 4,000 100,000 29-3 xlO 6 33-7 xlO 6 l-24x!0 6 11-37 xlO 6 microhms. CHAPTER III. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. 1. Classification of Electric Currents. Electric currents may be either unidirectional that is, flowing continually in one and the same direction, or alternating that is, periodi- cally changing their direction. The character of a current in a conductor is determined by the nature of the field of magnetic force associated with the conductor when it forms part of a circuit in which a current exists. If the direction of the field when tested in any manner at any point outside the conductor is always in the same direction, as indicated, say, by the behaviour of a small magnet held in the field, the current is said to be unidirectional or continuous. If the direction of the field periodically changes, the current in the conductor is said to be alternating or periodic. A continuous current may be either uniform or unvarying, or it may be intermittent or pulsatory. An alternating current may, in the same manner, be steadily periodic, or it may be variable and periodic. Alternating currents are furthermore divided into monophase and polyphase. In the first case the periodic current exists in a single circuit ; in the second case the circuit in which the current is created is a complex circuit, each elementary circuit of which is traversed by a periodic current, these various currents differing in phase that is to say, not chang- ing their directions at the same instant, but preserving a constant phase difference with respect to each other. z2 340 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. In the measurement of electric currents we are concerned with the determination of a quantity capable of having direction as well as magnitude. The magnitude or, as it is sometimes called, the strength is measured by the degree to which some measurable physical effect is produced. The three most important physical effects accompanying or constituting an electric current are : (i.) The production of heat in the conductor; (ii.) the production of a magnetic field around and in the conductor; and (iii.) the production of an electrolytic effect in liquid conductors of a certain kind forming part of the circuit. Other things being equal, the heating effects of an unvary- ing current increases as the square of the current when measured in either of the other two ways. That is to say, if there be two currents which, when respectively passed through the same circuit, produce magnetic forces at any one point in the ratio of 1 : x, they produce in the same time chemical decompositions of a given electrolyte inserted in the circuit which, measured by the masses of a liberated ion, are in the ratio of 1 : x. These two currents, however, will produce in any part of the conducting circuit quantities of heat which are in the ratio of 1 : x 2 . Two currents are said to have the same mean square value if they produce in the same time and in the same conductor the same total quantity of heat. If a current is periodic or alternating, its effective or virtual value, estimated in its equivalent of continuous current, is that of the unvarying and unidirectional current which will pro- duce in the same conductor the same heat in the same time. This effective value is also called the root-mean-sqiiare (RM.S.) value, because it is equal to the square root of the mean of the squares of the instantaneous current values taken at equidistant and very near intervals of time throughout one complete cycle. The true mean (T.M.) value of a current is the arithmetic mean of its instantaneous values taken at equidistant intervals of time throughout any period. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. 341 We have, therefore, three methods of measuring a current, which may be called respectively the thermal, the magnetic, and the chemical methods. The definition of the absolute unit of current in magnetic measure is thus given : Let a thin conducting wire be bent into a circle having a radius of r centimetres, and let the pole of a very long linear magnet of strength m be placed at the centre, the other complementary pole being at a considerable distance. Then, if the mechanical force on the magnetic pole placed at the centre is measured in absolute units of force (in dynes), and is represented by /, the absolute magnetic measure of the current (C) is determined by the relation The absolute electromagnetic (C.G.S.) unit of current is therefore the current which, when circulating in a circuit of unit radius, exerts on a unit magnetic pole placed at the centre a force of 2?r dynes. The practical unit of current (the ampere) is one-tenth of the above electromagnetic unit in magnitude. The Standard or International Ampere, as already explained, has been officially defined as the current which, when passed through a solution of nitrate of silver, made according to a certain specification, deposits 0*001118 of a gramme of silver per second on the cathode.* As previously pointed out, there is reason to believe that the unit of current called the International ampere is smaller by about 1 part in 1,000, or 1 part in 800, than the unit of current or ampere defined as one-tenth of the absolute C.G.S. unit of current. This view is confirmed by the discrepancy between the values of the mechanical equivalent of heat, or, as it should be called, the dynamical value of the specific heat of water when determined mechanically and electrically. In the determination of the above equivalent by electrical methods, values obtained by Griffiths exceed those of Rowland, made by mechanical or frictional methods, by about 1 part in 400 at all temperatures between 15deg. and 20deg. on the nitrogen gas thermometer siale. Those of Schuster and Gannon exceed those of Rowland at 19'ldeg. on the same scale by 1 part in 500. Since the current enters as a square, it follows that the above discrepancies would be reconciled by the substitution of O'OOlllQl or 0-0011194 for the electro- chemical equivalent of silver, instead of O'OOlllS, as now adopted. * For the electro-chemical equivalents of other metals see Table II., p. 420, at the end of this chapter. 342 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. A careful series of experiments by Patterson and Guthe at Michigan in 1898,* showed that the most probable value of the ampere-second silver equivalent is 0*0011192 gramme, and hence a corresponding change must be made in the E.M.F. at 15C. of the Clark cell, which is thereby reduced to 1'4327 International volts, instead of 1'4342, as now accepted. Dr. K. Kahlef has investigated carefully the silver voltameter, and finds that the electro-chemical equivalent obtained for silver varies slightly with the age of the nitrate of silver solution. He states that with a freshly pre- pared solution the ampere-second equivalent is very nearly 0'001182 gramme, and with an old solution 0*001193 gramme. Some small degree of uncertainty therefore exists as to the actual relation between the International and the True or theoretical ampere, similar to that which occurs in the case of the International and True ohm. 2. The Measurement of Current by the Electrolysis of a Solution of Copper Sulphate. Standardisation of an Ammeter. The employment of a solution of sulphate of copper as the electrolyte enables an electrochemical deter- mination of a current to be made with less initial outlay than when silver is used. With certain precautions a high degree of accuracy can be obtained. In order that any great degree of exactness may be reached in the measurement of a current, it is essential that the current shall be as nearly as possible constant. To standardise an ampere-balance or ammeter that is to say, to determine the true value in international amperes corresponding to an observed scale reading we proceed as follows : The current should be provided from large secondary cells which have been slightly discharged that is, about 10 per cent, of their full charge taken out. The ammeter or ampere-balance to be standardised should be joined in series with the cells and with a regulating wire resistance and a carbon rheostat (see page 81), by which to make very small variations in the resistance of the circuit: This circuit must also include an electrolytic cell contain- ing a solution of sulphate of copper. The electrolytic cell found most convenient is a round glass jar about 30cm. high * See Proc. Amer. Assoc., 47, pp. 154-175, 1898 ; also Science Abstracts^ Vol. II., pp. 39 and 762. t Zeitschr. Instrument^., 18, 1898, pp. 229-240 and 267-276. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. 343 and 20cm. in diameter. This is placed on a slab of wood at the sides of which are two vertical wooden rods carrying brass forked strips which project over the top of the jar (see Fig. 1). One of these forks may have three prongs and the other one two. To these prongs are clamped by brass clamps the copper anode and cathode plates. Each plate can be separately removed from the solution. It is convenient to make the two-prong brass fork the cathode. To these forks large screw terminals are attached. The solution placed in the electrolytic cell is made by dissolving ioh~fol~~fol" FIG. 1. Voltameter for Current Measurement by the Electrolysis of Copper Sulphate. pure re-crystallised sulphate of copper in distilled water until a density of 1*15 or 1*18 is obtained. One per cent. by volume of pure sulphuric acid is then added. This addition of free acid is absolutely necessary to obtain good results. No satisfactory determinations can be made with neutral solutions of sulphate of copper. In any case the density of the solution should be between I'l and 1*2. The copper plates should be cut from high-conductivity pure electrolytic copper, and should be 15cm. long and 5cm. wide. The corners of the plates should be neatly 344 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. rounded off and all burr on the edges removed. Each plate should be stamped with a number in one corner for recognition, and have a hole near the top edge by means of which the plate can be handled with a wire hook. The number and size of these plates to be employed in each experiment is determined by the current to be measured. To obtain an adherent and regular deposit of metal on the cathode plate, it is necessary that the surface exposed should exceed 20 sq. cm. per ampere. An exposed cathode surface of 50cm. per ampere gives excellent results.* If, then, the cathode plates are of the dimensions above given and are placed in the electrolyte 10cm. deep, the exposed surface on each plate, assuming both sides used, will be 100 sq. cm., and each plate will be good for 2 amperes. The plates selected as cathodes have then to be clamped to the cathode fork so that each row is included between two rows of anode plates, and the number so selected that the above-mentioned current density is not exceeded. These preparations being complete, the cathode plates have to be very carefully cleaned and weighed. The cleaning is best performed by placing the plates in a flat porcelain dish and covering them with strong commercial nitric acid. This immediately evolves copious nitrous fumes, which are very deleterious, and hence the process should be conducted in the open air or in a well-ventilated fume cupboard. The experi- mentalist should carefully avoid inhaling the nitrous vapours. The plates having been left in the acid for a few minutes, or until the acid boils violently, are fished out by the aid of a stout copper wire and dropped into a large jug of clean water. Each plate should then present a clean, bright salmon- coloured surface, without a trace of brown oxide upon it on either side. If the plates are newly cut from sheet copper it will generally be necessary to give them a good scouring with emery-cloth and water before treatment with the nitric acid. * See Mr. A. W- Meikle, " On the Electrolysis of Copper Sulphate in Stan- dardising Electrical Instruments." Proc. Phys. Soc. of Glasgow University, Jan. 27, 1888. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. 345 Unless the plates are chemically clean the electrolytically deposited copper will not adhere to them. The plates, having been cleansed and washed copiously, are then to be dried between clean white blotting paper as quickly as possible, and completely dried in an air oven or in a dessicating vessel. When thoroughly dry, each plate must be weighed on a good chemical balance, and its weight recorded. In so doing, the plate must not be touched with the fingers, but be handled by a clean copper wire thrust through the hole in the plate. When dried and weighed the plates should, as soon as possible, be placed in the electrolytic cell and the experiment commenced. The circuit must be completed so that the same uniform current flows through the ammeter to be calibrated, and the electrolytic cell and the weighed plates must be made the cathode or negative pole of the cell so that the current deposits copper upon them. The time when the circuit is closed must be noted on a good chronometer, and the current must be kept perfectly constant, as indicated by the observed reading of the ammeter, for a time varying from one to four hours. The circuit is then opened, and the time of so doing is noted. The weighed plates should then at once be removed from the electrolytic cell, be washed copiously in water, and be again dried and weighed. The deposit of electrolytic copper should be a bright, clean and adherent film of metal. The increase in weight of each plate is noted, and the total deposit of copper in an observed time thus found. The increase in weight in grammes per second can then at once be calculated, This last figure, divided by the electro-chemical equivalent of copper, gives the mean value in amperes of the current, or true time average of the current during the experiment. It was found by experiments conducted in Lord Kelvin's laboratory at Glasgow University that the electro-chemical equivalent of copper varies with the temperature of the electrolyte and with the current density. Hence, in reckoning 346 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. out results the proper electro-chemical equivalent must be employed as given by Mr. Meikle. The electrochemical equivalent in grammes per ampere-second is a number not far from 0-000328, and it diminishes very slightly both with rise of temperature and increase of cathode surface per ampere. The Electro-chemical Equivalent of Copper in grammes per ampere-second. Area of cathode surface in square centims. per ampere. Temperature of electrolyte. 2C. 12C. 23C. 28C. 35C. 50 100 150 200 250 300 0003288 0003288 0003287 0003285 0003283 0003282 0003287 0003284 0003281 0003279 0003278 0003278 0003286 0003283 0003280 0003277 0003275 0003272 0003286 0003281 0003278 0003274 0003268 0003262 0003282 0003274 0003267 0003259 0003252 0003245 If accurate results are to be obtained, the following precautions must be taken in the employment of the copper voltameter as a means of measuring the time integral of a continuous current : No satisfactory results can be reached unless the copper sulphate solution contains free sulphuric acid. On the other hand, copper plates placed in this solution lose in weight at a rate depending on their immersed surface. The plates must, therefore, be most carefully freed from all traces of oxide before being used as the weighed places. The anode plates should also be cleaned, but it is not necessary that they should be of such pure copper as the cathode plates. If, however, the electrolyte is to be frequently used, it is desirable to employ electrolytic c >pper for both sets of plates. It is important to round off the edges and make the cathode plates very smooth, so as to avoid producing a rough deposit of copper or one nodulous or uneven The plate is then not so easily dried, and there is a risk of small particles of copper being detached. It need hardly be said that in conducting the observations a good and correct watch or chronometer must be used for determining the time durin g which the experiment lasts. The copper voltameter may be advantageously employed in evaluating a steady continuous current and in standardizing an ampere-balance, but it is not so well adapted for current measurement when the current cannot be kept constant for considerable periods of time. With the above precautions, however, there is not the slightest difficulty in determining the true value of a steady unidirectional current of the order of 10 amperes to within one quarter per cent., and with a little care to within one part in a thousand. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. 347 3. The Measurement of Current by the Electrolysis of Silver Nitrate. The measurement of the time integral of a current when the current is of the order of about one ampere or so, is best effected by the employment of a solution of nitrate of silver, as silver has a higher atomic weight than copper, and, moreover, is a monad element. Hence the mass of silver deposited by a given current is nearly three times that of the copper deposited in the same time. Accordingly there is more mass to weigh, and hence, on that account, a greater possibility of accuracy when dealing with small currents. On the other hand, the materials used are expensive compared with the copper method, and there is con- siderably greater difficulty in washing and drying the silver deposit. From a neutral or nearly neutral solution of silver nitrate the deposit of silver on a platinum cathode is apt to be nodulous, crystalline or non-adherent. This irregular deposit occludes small particles of the salt or solution and it is not easy to wash the deposit so as to secure perfect removal of the salt without washing away some of the metal. The full detailed specification for performing the operation of electrolysis of silver nitrate in current measurements has already been given (see Chap. I., p. 57), hence there is no need to repeat the details. A very careful investigation by Dr. K. Kahle (see Science Abstracts, Vol. II., p. 41, or Zeitschr. Instrumentk., 18, p. 229, 1898), was conducted with the special object of seeing how far the silver voltameter can be relied upon for standardising current. In the course of 115 measurements the amount of silver deposited by the same current acting for 40 minutes varied from G'97134 grammes to 0'97473 grammes. With great care an accuracy of 1 part in 10,000 can be obtained. A clean platinum surface receives rather less deposit than an existing surface of silver, and fresh solutions of silver nitrate deposit less easily than old ones. To free the silver deposit of all silver nitrate solution repeated cold water washing and one final washing in water at 80C. is necessary. Dr. Kahle' s value for the mass of silver deposited per ampere-second is 0-0011193 from an old solution and '0011182 from a freshly- prepared solution. 348 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. The reader is referred for further information to the following original Papers : LORD RAYLEIGH and MRS. SIDGWICK. " The Electrochemical Equivalent of Silver." Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1884. K. KAHLE. "The Silver Voltameter and Standard Cells." ZeiUchrift fur Instrumentenkunde, 18, 1898, pp. 229, 267. H. S. CARHART. " Standards of Measurement." Science, 8, p. 326, 1898. G. W. PATTERSON and K. E. GUTHE. " Electrochemical Equivalent of Silver." Proc. Amer. Assoc., 47, p. 154, 1898. T. W. RICHARDS, E. COLLINS and G. W. HEIMROD. " Electro- chemical Equivalents of Silver and Copper." Proc. Amer. Acad., 35, p. 123, 1899. Science Abstracts, Vol. III., p. 332. G. F. C. SEARLE. " The Silver Voltameter." The Electrician, Vol. XXIX., p. 111., 1892. Mr. Searle here discusses the various advantages and disadvantages in using different salts of silver. FIG. 2. Silver Voltameter for Current Measurement. The practical details to which attention must be directed in making a current determination by the silver voltameter are referred to in the above-mentioned article by Mr. Searle. The deposit is best made upon the internal surface of a carefully cleaned platinum bowl (see Fig. 2). The anode should be a plate of pure silver wrapped in white filter paper. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. 349 The washing, drying and weighing of the silver deposit are to be conducted in accordance with the specification given on p. 58, Chap. I. of this volume. 4. Standard Current Measuring Instruments. Although the official or practical method of determining the value of a current is based upon an electrolytic definition, it is more convenient in ordinary work to rely upon a standard current measuring instrument which operates in virtue of the mag- netic properties of a current-conveying conductor. These instruments may be of such a form that the absolute measure- ment of a current can be made when the geometrical form of the circuits is determined. In this case it is called an absolute standard current-measuring instrument. Of this type are- the absolute tangent galvanometer, or the absolute electro- dynamometer or absolute current balance. On the other hand, the instruments may be so constructed that, whilst the same current invariably gives the same- indication, the ampere or absolute value of the current cannot be determined until the instrument has been standardised by passing through it a current the value of which is electro- lytically determined. To this latter class belong the various forms of ampere-balance and standard electro-dynamometer already described in Chap: I. It will seldom happen that it is necessary in an ordinary electro-technical laboratory to make an original re-determina- tion of the unit current by means of an absolute instrument,, but it may be convenient to collect here a few elementary principal facts involved in the construction of absolute galvanometers. Magnetic Fields of Current-conveying Conductors of Various Forms. (i.) Single Circular Conductor. If a very thin wire is bent into a circle of one turn, the mean radius (r) of the circle being large compared with the diameter of the wire, and if a uniform current is sent through the conductor,. 350 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. the magnetic force (F) in C.G.S. units at the centre is given by the expression where A is the current in amperes through the conductor and r is the mean radius of the circle in centimetres. If the point P selected is not at the centre of the plane of the circle, but is a point on the axis or line drawn through that centre at right angles to the plane of the circle, and distant x centimetres from the centre, then the magnetic force there is given by the expression r J^A r- *~~ 10 (r 8 +*)*' If we write ^for \/r 2 +# 2 , the above becomes F _27rA r 2 = 10 u* where A is the current in amperes through the coil. The above formula may also be written where 6 is the angle subtended by the radius r at the point P. The expression for the magnetic force due to a circular current at a point not on the axis is more complicated, and for the detailed proof of the following formulae the reader must be referred to other sources of information. (See Mascart and Joubert's " Electricity and Magnetism," English translation by Atkinson, Vol. II., p. 90, 736 et seq.) Let r be the radius of a thin circular wire carrying a current, and x and y the co-ordinates of a point P outside its plane, the centre of the circle being the origin and the axis through the centre perpendicular to the plane of the circle taken as the axis of x. Let X and Y be the components of the magnetic force at P parallel respectively to the axes of x and y, when one absolute or C.G.S. unit of current ( = 10 amperes) flows through the wire. Let M 2 =r 2 +a; 2 , as above. Then it can be shown that, if y is small compared with u, we have, approximately, THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. 351 The above expressions hold good on the assumption that powers of the ratio y/u above the fourth may be neglected. The resultant magnetic force at the point P outside the axis is given by the value of N /X 2 + Y 2 , and the inclination 6 to the a-axis by tan 6 = Y/X. If the point P is taken in the plane of the circle, then the force at any point not far removed from the centre by a distance y is given by making # = in the above expressions for X and Y. We have then, approximately, 4r 5 Y=0. The above formulas are only true when y is, very small compared with r. When this is not the case Y is no longer zero. (ii.) Solenoid. Let insulated wire be wound closely in one layer over a cylinder of length 21, so as to cover the whole cylinder. Let r be the mean radius of one circular turn. The magnetic force at any point on the axis of the cylinder may be considered to be the sum of the actions due to a number of circular currents. Take the centre of the cylinder FIG. 3. as origin, and consider the force at a point P (see Fig. 3) on the axis due to one single circular turn at C occupying a length Sx on the cylinder. Let the distance CP = x. Suppose there are N turns of wire on the cylinder ; then the number of turns per unit of length is N/2J, and the number in a length $x is-^r^' Hence the magnetic force in absolute units due to this single turn when a current of A amperes traverses the wire is given by the expression df 201 v i "" j Accordingly, the magnetic force at P due to the whole solenoid is 352 IHE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. where #=the distance of P from the nearest face of cylinder =AP. Omitting the constant of integration the value of the integral x Let us call the above integral the cosine of an angle, say 0. Hence, 2xNA/ a+2l a \ 27rNA ~M-U*+(a+2/)s -V^r~20r )S *~ )S *')> where and <' are the angles subtended by the radii of the two circular ends of the cylinder at P. Suppose we take the point P in the centre of an infinitely long solenoid, and call the length of the cylinder L. Then cos < approximates to 1 and cos <' to 1 . Hence, at the centre of the long solenoid we have a magnetic force F given by the equation -p _ 47rNA _ 1 i ampere-turns = TOL~" length Or, the magnetic force in the centre is equal to 47T/10 times the ampere-turns per unit of length of the solenoid. The above equation holds true approximately for a solenoid the length of which is, say, 20 times its diameter except at regions close to the ends. It is easily seen that, in the case of a long solenoid, the force at the centre is just double that at the mouth or entrance to the solenoid, taking the points on the axial line. The above formula is also very nearly true for a self-closed or endless solenoid. The calculation of the magnetic field at points not on the axis outside cylindrical solenoids or circular conductors conveying currents involves mathematical pro- cesses of a difficult kind, and the reader must be referred to advanced treatises on the subject. 5. Absolute Galvanometers. An absolute galvanometer consists of a coil of insulated wire wound in such a form that THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. 353 the field due to a current through it can be calculated at an assigned point. If this coil is arranged so that the coil field at the stated point is at right angles to a known and constant field, such as that of the earth, at the same point, then the ratio of these field strengths can be determined by placing at that point a small magnetic needle and observing its direction. Let C (Fig. 4) be a circular coil of wire, and let F be the magnitude and direction of its field at the point P. Let the coil be arranged so that F is at right angles to the magnetic field H due to the earth ; then if a small magnetic needle is suspended freely at P, it will set its axis in a direction inclined to the magnetic meridian by an angle 6, such that FIG. 4. F/H tan 0. The current through the coil, reckoned in amperes, is proportional to the magnetic force F at any point. Hence, if G is a constant depending on the geometrical form of the coil, we may write F = GA. Hence, G The quantity H/G- is called the galvanometer deflectional constant. Accordingly, if the space distribution of magnetic force due to the current in the coil is of such a nature that every- where in the region occupied by the magnetic needle it is at right angles to the magnetic force due to the earth and of AA 354 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. constant value, the deflections are strictly proportional to the tangents of the angles of deflection, and the instrument is called a tangent galvanometer. Suppose, for instance, that an exceedingly large circular coil of wire of one turn has a very small horizontal magnetic needle hung exactly at the centre of the coil. Let the needle not exceed in length one-hundredth of the radius (r) of the coil. Let the coil be placed with its plane in the magnetic meridian. Then the magnetic force F at the centre of the coil due to a 2?r A current of A amperes flowing in the wire is F = j~ - Hence, for this coil G = 2?r/10r ; and if the magnetic needle takes a deflection under a terrestrial horizontal force H we have A= * tan 6. 2ir An arrangement of this kind constitutes an absolute tangent galvanometer, because we can determine the value of the current absolutely from measure- ments of r H, and 0. Consider next the case when the magnetic needle is placed with its centre at a point on the axis outside the plane of the circular coil of one turn, and has aO 60 a length not very small compared with the radius of the coil. Let the current in the wire be 10 amperes or a unit (C.G.S.) current. Let ab (Fig. 5) be the coil seen in section and let the magnetic needle ns have a length 2 and be placed with its centre at P, at a distance x from the centre of the coil. Let each pole of the needle have a strength, m. Then each pole is acted upon by two forces wXi mY 1} ?ftX 2 mY 2 , the values of X and Y being determined by the co-ordinates of the pole, and areas stated in equations (i) and (ii) in 4 on p. 350. This system of forces resolves itself into one resultant force and one resultant couple. If, however, the centre of the neeile is constrained to remain at P, then we need only consider the couple. This couple may be called D, and it has a value such that D = ml (X x + X 2 ) cos - ml (Yj + Y 2 ) sin 0. By substituting the proper values of Xj. YI, &c., obtained from the equations above mentioned on p. 350, it is not difficult to show that 1): D 4 "64 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. 355 la the above equation r is the radius of the coil and u? = r 2 + x z , and it is assumed also that I is so small compared with u that we may neglect powers above the fourth of the ratio l/u. Also, M is written for 2ml or the moment of the magnet. If the coil is placed with its plane in the magnetic meridian, then the opposing or controlling couple due to the earth is MH sin 0. If the coil consists of many turns of insulated wire wound on a square-grooved circular frame, then in place of the factor 2?r-j we have to write a more complex function G, which is obtained as follows : Let the windings of the coil be in a square groove having a length 26 parallel to the axis of x and a depth 2c = r"-r' parallel to the radius of the coil. Let there be n turns of wire per unit of length of the groove. Consider first, one single layer forming a short solenoid or diameter 2r. It has already been shown that the magnetic force at P due to unit current in this coil would be expressed by . . ,- r 2 + (x + 6) 2 V r 2 + (x - To obtain the magnetic force due to the whole of the windings we have to integrate the above expression between the limits r=r" and r = r' and obtain the value of Gr from the expression. G = 2irn a Keturning to the expression for the value of the couple D exerted by the unit current on the needle placed with its centre at P. It is seen that if the ratio l/u is so small that we can neglect powers of it above the second, then we can make the correcting factor in the square bracket due to the finite length of the needle reduce to unity, either by making 45C 2 = r 2 or by making 1 5 sin 2 $=0. The first condition is complied with by placing the centre of the needle at a distance from the plane of the coil equal to half the radius r, and the second by making the reading as nearly as possible in the neighbourhood of the angle = VE = AA2 356 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. We may, then, summarise the above results as follows : If a coil of insulated wire wound in a square-sectioned groove is placed with its plane in the magnetic meridian, and is traversed by a current of A amperes, it exerts a magnetic couple on a needle placed with its centre at a point on the axis of the coil which is determined by the equation for D given at the bottom of p. 354 Let this equation be written where G is the coil constant or value of the magnetic force due to unit C.G-.S. current (10 amperes) in one turn of the coil at a point on the axis, and K is a correcting factor for the distribution of the force at points not on the axis. This couple is balanced against the couple MH sin due to the action of the terrestrial magnetic force on the needle. Hence we have A _10Htan0 = If the needle is placed with its centre at a distance from the plane of the coil equal to r/2, then the correcting factor K is reduced to a value on the assumption that powers of l/r above the fourth may be neglected. If the length of the needle is not greater than say one-twentieth of the mean radius of the coil, then K becomes sensibly zero and the tangents of the deflections of the needle are proportional to the currents flowing through the coil. If the tangent galvanometer consists of a single circular coil of mean radius r, and having the wire wound in n turns in a square-sectioned groove of widtli 2a and radial depth 21, also haying a magnetic needle of length 21 placed at us\ THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. 357 centre, the value for the current in amperes (A) creating a deflection is approximately given by the equation A lOrH /-, . I a 2 1 b* 3 / 2 \ A , 15 Z* . 2 <\ . A = _ M+ _ _ JM + _sm 2 0) tana 2wn \ 2 r- 3 r 2 4 r 2 / \ 4 7^ / In the above equation it will be sufficient to take 21 as equal to 0*82 of the full length of the magnetic needle. (See F. Kohlrausch, " Physical Measurements.") A tangent galvanometer of the above type is employed generally in the Postal Telegraph Department. Helmholtz Standard Tangent Galvanometer. A better and more practically convenient form of tangent galvano- meter is that devised by Von Helmholtz. In this instru- ment there are two large circular coils of insulated wire, the wire being either wound in a square groove in the edge of a wooden ring or wound in one layer on the edge of a ring which forms the frustrum of a cone. These coils are fixed at a distance apart equal to the mean radius of either coil of wire. If the wire windings lie on the frustrum of a cone the cone angle is selected so that the apex of the cone is the mid- point between the coils. Every turn of wire then complies with the condition that it is separated from another equal circular turn in the other coil by a distance equal to the radius of either. This latter arrangement of the winding is most suitable for an absolute instrument. These coils are fixed to a base so that, whilst remaining at the fixed distance apart, they can be turned round on axes perpendicular to and passing through the mid-point. At the middle point is placed a compass-box containing a short magnetised needle having attached a long aluminium index needle moving over a circular scale of degrees. Otherwise the magnetic needle may be suspended by a fibre of cocoon silk and have attached to it & mirror. If the compass needle has the ordinary jewel centre suspension some device should be added to lift the needle off its pivot when not in use. The length of the needle should not exceed one-twelfth of the radius of either coil. 358 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. To use the instrument it is placed at a distance from all iron or magnets, and the current to be measured is conveyed to it through a length of concentric cable, or through insulated wires twisted together. The current then flows through the coils in such a manner as to produce a uniform field in the space between the coils. The needle then takes a deflection, the tangent of which is proportional to the current. The instrument must be so oriented that if the current is reversed the angular deflection of the needle from the plane of the meridian is in both cases the same in amount though opposite in direction. If, then, the dimensions and disposition of the windings is known, the value of the current can be calculated when the magnitude of the earth's horizontal magnetic force H is known at that place. Yery roughly speaking, this has a value lying between 0*15 and 0*18 C.G.S. units in Great Britain ; but its value at any given spot in a laboratory may be greatly affected by the neighbourhood of iron pipes or masses of iron. Hence, a standard tangent galvanometer can only be employed, for purposes where accuracy is required, in a special room set apart for its use and where facilities also exist for determining the value of H as often as required. This constant can, however, be determined with a fair degree of approximation as follows : Provide a cylinder of steel carefully magnetised longitudi- nally and measure (in cms.) its length I and mean diameter d. The moment of inertia I of this cylinder round an axis through its centre and perpendicular to its own axis of symmetry is 12 + : where W is the weight of the cylinder in grammes. If this cylinder is suspended in a paper stirrup by a few threads of floss silk and set in vibration round a vertical axis, it is easy to determine, from the time taken to execute, say, 50 complete vibrations, the time t of one vibration. If, then, M is the THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. 359 magnetic moment of the magnet, it can be shown that t = 2 7r ^/^-.* Hence, MH=^. Then let this magnet be placed in a position with its axis in a horizontal line passing at right angles to the meridian, through the centre of the tangent galvanometer needle, and with its centre at a distance D centimetres from the needle- pivot. Observe the deflection produced on the galvanometer needle. It can be shown that M DV, .ItfV 1 = I j_ + - i M_D 3 /. H~~2V 2DV tan0 ' where L is the " magnetic length " or distance between the poles of the cylindrical magnet and D the distance of the centre of the deflecting magnet from the centre of the galvanometer needle ; and the assumption is made that L/D is a quantity so small that its squares and higher powers can be neglected. From the two equations for MH and M/H we can find at once the value of H, by taking two sets of observations with the magnet at different distances, D 1 and D 2 , from the galvanometer needle and then eliminating L from the two equations so obtained, viz. : M I M from which L may be eliminated. The above equations may be written " * See the Appendix of a book entitled "Magnets and Electric Currents, by J, A, Fleming. 860 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. from which we obviously have M_ 1 D^tan^ D 2 5 tanfe H~2 IV-D 2 2 Hence the ratio M/H is easily calculated when D r D 2 , 9 V 62 are found. Having, then, the value of the ratio M/H and that of the product MH, we obtain at once the value of H. The values of G (the coil constant) having been calculated as already explained, and H determined as described for the locality, we can obtain the ampere value of a current creating any observed galvanometer deflection. Standard galvanometers in which fixed coils and magnetic needles are used are, however, almost useless as exact measur- ing appliances unless placed in buildings set apart for the purpose, into the construction of which no iron enters. In ordinary laboratories warmed with iron hot-water pipes or near engines and boilers or machinery, the value of the local terrestrial magnetic force is so constantly varying in amount and direction that the standardization of the instrument changes almost from moment to moment. Hence the use of the tangent galvanometer under these circumstances as an instrument of precision is as impossible as would be the use of the balance if the mass of the standard weights of com- parison were changing from moment to moment. 6. The Electro -dynamometer. A most valuable substi- tute for the standard galvanometer in the precise measurement of current is the standard electro-dynamometer. In this instrument, as in the commercial form, there are two coils of wire, one fixed and the other movable. In standard instruments both these coils take the Helmholtz form that is to say, they consist of two equal separate circular coils placed with their planes parallel to one another and fixed at a distance equal to the radius of either. The movable coil is suspended by a bifilar suspension consisting generally of the THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. 361 two wires by which the current enters and leaves this movable coil. The coils are held normally with their axes at right angles and centres coincident. When one and the same current is passed through the coils, the electrodynarnic forces tend to turn the coils so that their axes are more in the same direction, and this torque is resisted by the bifilar torque. The theory of the electro-dynamometer has been given by Clerk Maxwell (see "Electricity and Magnetism," Vol. IT., p. 337, 2nd edition). The reader is also referred to an excellent series of explanatory articles by Mr. G. R C. Searle, FIG. 6. on the determination of current in absolute measure in The Electrician, Vol. XXVII. and Vol. XXVIII, for 1892. From these sources the following abbreviated analysis has been taken : Consider, in the first case, the electro-dynamometer to consist of two coils only (see Fig. 6). Let the inner coil a be the suspended coil, and let its diameter be small compared with the outer or fixed coil A. Let G be the galvanometer constant of the large coil, i.e., the magnetic force at the centre due to unit absolute current 362 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. flowing in it. Hence, if i is the current flowing in both coils when joined in series, the magnetic force over the central region of the large coil is nearly equal to Qi. Let g be the total area enclosed by all the windings of the small coil ; then gi is the magnetic moment of the small coil. Hence, when the latter is held so that the angle between the axes of the coils is , the magnetic couple or torque on the small coil is i 2 Gg cos 0. If the large coil is placed with its plane in the magnetic meridian there is also a couple due to the earth's force acting on the small coil and equal to giK sin 0. The bifilar suspension produces a restoring couple, which may be represented by ju sin 0, since for small angular displacements it is proportional to the sine of the displacement. Hence the equation of equilibrium of the small coil, hung in a uniform magnetic field H and supported by a bifilar suspension, is i 2 Gg cos = igU sin + P sin fa or tan = i 2 Gg/(igH + ft). It is always possible to make th eterm igR negligible compared with /j. ; so that approximately we have If we then take four observations of the deflection of the small coil, first by reversing the direction of the current through the small coil alone and then through the large one alone, and call the several observed angular displace- ments of the small coil fa, 02, 03> 04> it is easy to see that, since tan 0! = and tan 2 = we have & = (tan fa + tan 2 W2G# ; and therefore, also, i 2 = (tan 0! + tan 2 - tan 3 - tan 4 Hence, i is determined in terms of the tangents of the deflections and the constants of the instrument, viz., M, G and g. The constants for any instrument can be found as follows : Let M be the mass of the suspended coil. Then /* = XM. Let T be the time of a small vibration of the suspended coil, and K its moment of inertia. Then m < 1-u,,*, XM - Affix to the movable coil a bar of mass M', of which the moment of inertia K' is known, and observe the time T' of a small vibration of the new system. Then, Hence, from the two above equations, we have 47r 2 K'M /* = M(T' 2 -T 2 ) + M' THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. 363 In the next place, we have to determine G and g. Suppose the fixed coils have the Helmholtz form, and consist of two coils of mean radius A fixed with centres at a distance B = A/2. Then the magnetic force at the central region for unit current in the coils = G is such that n _ 47rnA 2 \j __ _- or, if B = A/2, G = - 32?m Also, g stands for the total area included by all the windings of the small coil. If a is the mean radius of the small coil that is, the radius from the centre to the centre of gravity of the windings, it can be shown that where h is the radial depth of the windings supposed to be placed in a rectangular groove, and n' is the number of turns. If we substitute the above values of n, G and g in the equation for i, we arrive at the following result : 2 _ *jv\ ft. / A 2 M'A where the symbols have the meanings below : x = observed scale deflection. d = distance of scale from mirror on movable coil. B=half distance of fixed coils. A = mean radius of fixed coil. a = mean radius of movable coil. M = mass of movable coil. M' = ma<3s of inertia bar. K' = moment of inertia of the above bar. T,T' = times of vibration of movable coil with and without inertia bar. n,n' = number of turns of wire on fixed and movable coils respectively. Maxwell gives (" Electricity and Magnetism," Vol. II.) the full theory of the action of one circular coil upon another, and shows that if there be two circular coils whose axes intersect at an angle 0, then the co-efficient of mutual induction M can be expressed in a series of zonal harmonics, such that M = GiiP 1 (0) + G 2 2 P 2 (0) + &c., where the constants are G 1} G 2 , &c. The quantities P 1} P 2 , called zonal harmonics, are functions of cos 6 of the form P (0) = l, Pi(0) = cos0, P 2 (0)=i(3cos 2 0-l), P 3 (0) = |(5cos 3 0-3cos0), &c., and have been tabulated and calculated out numerically for various values of 0.* The quantities GI, G 2 , &c., are found as follows : Maxwell shows (loc. cit.) that if any point be taken on the axis of a circular current, the magnetic force See Prof. John Perry, Phil. Mag., Dec., 1891, 364 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. at that point, F, due to unit current in the coil can be expressed in terms of the distance x of the point from the centre and certain functions of the radius of the coil and the distance of a point of reference on the axis. Consider the case of a circular current of radius A, and take any point as origin on the axis at a distance B Let C 2 = A 2 + B 2 . Then the magnetic f orce F at any point at a distance x from the centre of the circle where x is small compared with C may be expressed by F = GI + 2G 2 a- + 3G 3 aj 2 + &c. ; or, if x is large compared with C, by F= 2^ 3^ %3 Off* a 4 X 5 We have already shown that the magnetic force at a point at distance x from the centre on the axis of a circular current is given by the formula 27TIA 2 F= - a- Hence, if we expand the above expression in ascending or descending powers of x and equate the co-efficients to those of the above series, we have the values of G and g as follows : G 1 = 2 7 rA 2 /C 3 , G 3 =47rA 2 (B2 - |A 2 )C 7 , G 2 =37rA 2 B/C 5 , G 4 =57rA 2 B(B 2 - f A 2 )/C 9 . - |A 2 ). Now in the Helmholtz pattern electro-dynamometer, when we are considering the magnetic force at the centre, we have B = A/2, and, as a consequence, all the terms vanish in the expansion for M between the first and fifth. In other words M = Gtf ^(0) + G 5 ? 5 P 5 (0) + We need not generally take account of terms beyond the fifth. Hence also if the deflection < of the movable coil is small, and since = ir/2-0, it is easy to show that P 5 (0) = . cos nearly. Under these circumstances 144 G 5 = - _ Gi/A 4 , and if a single suspended coil is placed at the centre of the 090 pair of fixed coils, then g. = gO^i- Then we have M = Gtf! sin {l - 27a 4 /lCOA 4 }> and the couple or torque experienced by the movable coil when both are traversed by a current i is i^=G 1 g l cos 0{l - 27a 4 /100A 4 }. Hence the factor (1 - 27a 4 /100A 4 ) comes in as a correcting factor to the term Gg cos0 in the equation of equilibrium of the movable coil. Space does not permit us to enter more fully into the detailed theory of the electro-dynamometer, but the THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. 365 mathematical reader is referred to the following sources of information : For the full mathematical treatment of the action of circular currents on each other see Maxwell, " Electricity and Magnetism," Vol. II., Chap. XIV., 2nd edition. Also Mascart and Joubert, " Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism." translated by Atkinson, Vol II., Chap. IV. And A. Gray, " Absolute Measurements in Electricity and Magnetism," Vol. II., part 2. In addition, the above-mentioned series of articles by Mr. Searle on " Current Measurements " in The Electrician, Vol. XXVII. and XXVIII, may be consulted. As an instance of the use of the electro-dynamometer and calculations connected therewith the reader may consult a paper by Mr. Dugald McKichan " On the Number of Electro- static Units in one Electromagnetic Unit," Phil. Trans. Eoy. Soc, 1873. 7. Current Balances. Dr. Joule was one of the first persons to construct an amperemeter in which a current was measured by observing the apparent increase or decrease in weight of a coil carrying a current produced by the mutual electrodynamic action of another coil conveying a current placed parallel to it. The much more elaborate current balances of Lord Kelvin have already been fully described (see Chapter I.). In these latter instruments the movable coil is placed between two fixed coils. In order that stability may be secured, it is necessary that a displacement of the movable coil from its position of rest should not decrease the electrodynamic forces acting upon it. If we place two fixed circular coils parallel to each other, as on the Helmholtz galvanometer, and a smaller movable coil is held between them so that the planes of all three are parallel, then, by suitably arranging the direction of the currents, we can create a force tending to move the movable 366 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. coil parallel to itself. Maxwell points out that if the diameter of the fixed circular coils is to the distance between their planes as 2 : \/3, then they will produce a nearly uniform force on a much smaller circular coil placed between them and with its plane parallel to those of the fixed coils. FIG. 7. FIG. 8. Pellat's Ampere Balance. A form of standard ampere balance has been designed by M. Pellat for the Laboratoire Central d'Electricite in Paris. It consists (see Figs. 7 and 8) of a fixed horizontal solenoid and an enclosed smaller solenoid attached to the beam of a balance. When a current is passed through the two coils in THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. 367 series it tends to turn round the movable solenoid so as to bring the axes of the coils more into colineation. This torque is resisted by weights put upon the scale pans of the balance. If H is the value of the earth's horizontal magnetic field parallel to the axis of the fixed coil, and if A is the current flowing through the coils, then the resultant magnetic force in the interior of the large coil parallel to its axis is F = BA+H. If the magnetic moment of the movable coil is M, then M-B'A. Hence the couple acting on the movable coil when it is in equilibrium is C-MF-KK'A'+K'HA. If the current in the fixed coil is then reversed, the couple becomes C'- -BB'A 2 +B'HA. Hence C-C'=>2BB'A 2 , f If the couples are produced by weights W and W put in the scale pans attached to the movable coil, then these weights are proportional to the couples, and we have A = where K is some single constant. If the coil dimensions are measured K can be calculated. The value of K for the Pellat balance in the Laboratoire Central in Paris is K = 0*217682 in terms of the ampere and gramme. 8. Working or Laboratory Amperemeters. It would be of little use to describe the multitudinous forms of commercial ampere or ammeters which have appeared and disappeared in the last 20 years. Broadly speaking, in addition to the standard instruments already described, the practical elec- trician has need of three classes of current-measuring 368 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELEGTRIG CURRENT. direct-reading instruments called respectively galvanometers, table or portable ammeters, and switchboard ammeters. Table or portable ammeters are employed for the numerous occasional measurements of current in practical units made anywhere or everywhere in the laboratory, and those of the third class only in fixed positions and on certain circuits. It is necessary that the above two classes of instruments should give at once, by a direct-scale reading, the approxi- mate value of the current in amperes. The first class, or galva- nometers, are not usually direct-reading. They are 'mostly employed to indicate the mere presence or absence of a current in a circuit, and when the ampere value of FIG. 9. The Weston Portable Ammeter. their indications is required they have to be standardised. The necessary qualifications for a good portable or table ammeter are (i.) that it should be dead-beat that is to say, its indicating needle must come immediately and without oscillations to the scale reading corresponding to the current passing ; (ii.) it should have no dead or undivided part of the scale ; and, (iii.) if possible, the scale divisions for equal increments of current at various portions of the scale should be equal in other words, the scale should be equi-divisional. No laboratory instruments fulfil the above requirements, as far as continuous currents are concerned, so well as the Weston instruments. In these ammeters (see Fig. 9) there THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. 369 is a well-aged magnet which produces a constant magnetic field. In this field is held a circular coil of wire carried on an axis revolving in jewelled centres. The control is produced by a steel spiral spring, like the hair-spring of a watch. In all but the ammeters for very small currents the greater portion of the current in the circuit containing the ammeter passes through a shunt, so that the above-mentioned coil only carries a very small portion of the current. The terminals of the instrument are marked + and so as to FIG. 10. General Design of Hartmann and Braun Hot Wire Ammeter. show how the connections should be made. The instruments are made in various grades, to read from milliamperes to hundreds of amperes, the readable range in each instrument being about 1 to 1,500. These instruments are not, however, available for alternating-current measurement. For this last purpose, a convenient form of ammeter is that depending on the heating of a wire, and therefore called a hot-wire ammeter. A good form of hot-wire ammeter is that of Hartmann and Braun (The Electrician, Oct. 6, 1899). In this instrument (see Figs. 10 and 19) a fine wire is stretched between two fixed 370 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. points, and is heated by the whole or part of the current to be measured. The wire, therefore, extends and "sags/' and the indicating portion of the instrument is a device for accu- rately measuring this sag. The advantage of this arrangement is that the sag is greater than the mere longitudinal extension of the wire. This is easily proved as follows : Let an inextensible thread of length 21 be fastened between two supports at a distance 21, and held, therefore, in a straight line. Let one of these supports move towards the other by a small distance, 2x, which is equivalent _ L-x FIG. 11. to assuming a small increment of length, 2x, to be made in the thread. The thread, therefore, will sag down. Let s be the amount of the sag. Then, as seen from Fig. 11, we have the equation or s*+x* -21x^0. If x is small compared with I, we may neglect x 2 in comparison with 2lx, and we have Hence it will be seen that s is very much greater than x provided I is much greater than x. For instance, if 1 = 100mm. and x = 1mm., then s = 141mm. nearly. Fm. 12. A means of still further multiplying the extension of a wire may be found by allowing the sag of one wire to create a still greater sag in a second. Thus, suppose two wires, each of length 21, are arranged as in Fig. 12, connected to three fixed points, a, 6, c. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. 371 Let the wire cd have its end d attached to the middle point of ab. Let the wire ab increase by a small length 2x. Then, if s is its sag, we have or 2xl+x 2 =s 2 , or, if x/l is small, s= Then, in the same way, for the second wire we have, if s' is its sag, or, if xl is small compared with xl?, s' Hence, s' is very much greater than x. Thus, if gives us what is called the power-factor of one current with respect to the other. If, then, one of the currents is proportional to the voltage of a current and the other to the current flowing in it, the value of cos obtained as above is a factor which, if multi- plied by the K.M.S. values of the current and voltage, will give the true power being taken up electrically by the circuit. b i rrrr r TT7 ==. ^ ^ \ / i ^ y =\ =\ \ 1 IT 7 FIG. 29. Instruments for indicating the phase difference of two simple periodic or harmonic currents are called phasemeters. One convenient form is that invented by Von Dolivo- Dobrowolsky.* If two circuits are wound on a frame at right angles to each other (see Fig. 29), and if a disc of soft iron having an indicating needle attached is suspended at the centre, then, as is well known, if there is any difference of phase between periodic currents of equal frequency passing through the two coils, then there will be a torque tending to rotate the iron * See The Electrician, Vol. XXXIII., p. 610. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. 417 disc- This torque can be resisted by the action of a spiral spring, and the instrument can be graduated by trial to show on a dial (see Fig. 30) the phase difference of the currents. If i and i' are the instantaneous values of the equi-periodic currents, and if

, where is the angle of phase difference of the current i and the voltage e of the circuit. If the voltage is always the same, then the indica- tions of the instrument are proportional to the idle current, i sin 0, passing into the circuit, and the direction of deflection shows whether this idle current lags or leads. The phase-meter may be graduated for a given frequency and RM.S. value of the voltage to read directly on the dial the ampere value of the idle current passing through it. E B 418 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. Hence such an instrument is useful, in an alternating current station, to indicate at a glance the so-called wattless current passing out into a circuit. Eeferences to appliances and methods for measuring phase difference will be found in the following Papers : J. TUMA. Science Abstracts, Vol. I., pp. 148 and 266. The author employs a soft iron needle and an arrangement of two coils at right angles carrying the two currents. Otherwise the principle of the apparatus is the same as in the instrument of Lord Rayleigh above described. MOLER and BEDELL. The Electrician, Vol. XXXIII., p. 210, Describes an optical phase indicator. VON DoLivo-DoBRowoLSKY. See The Electrician, Vol. XXXII., p. 40, and Vol. XXXIII., p. 610, for description of soft iron disc phase meter. E. ARNO. Eel. Electr., Vol. XX., 1899, p. 225; also Science Abstracts, Vol. III., p. 71. This writer describes an instrument which is a combination of a Weber dynamometer, having separate coils, and an instrument to produce a rotating magnetic field, having separate coils fixed at right angles, and a closed movable circuit placed inside them. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. 419 TABLE I. Fuse- Wire Currents. (SiR W. H. PBBBCE.) Melting currents in amperes. Approximate gauge of wire in B.W.G. fused by the stated currents in the case of the metals Tin. Lead. Copper. Iron. 1 36 35 47 40 2 34 32 43 36 3 30 28 41 33 4 26 26 39 31 5 24 24 38 29 10 20 20 33 24 15 18 18 30 22 20 17 17 27 20 25 16 16 26 19 30 15 15 25 18-5 35 14-5 14 24 18 40 14 13 23 17-5 45 13 12-5 22-5 17 50 12 12 22 16 60 11-5 2/15 21 15 70 10-5 2/14 20 14 80 10 2/13 19 13-5 90 9-5 3/15 18-5 13 100 9 4/16 18 12 120 8 3/13 17-5 2/15 140 2/10 4/14 17 2/14 160 4/13 4/13 16-5 2/18} 180 3/11 4/12 16 2/13 200 4/12 5/13 15 2/12 250 5/12 5/12 18} 5/16 EE2 420 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. TABLE II. Electro-chemical Equivalents.* Elements. T3 ~ ^ rj rS 00* Atomic weight. Chemical equiva- lent. Electro- chemical equivalent in milli- grammes per coulomb Coulombs per gramme. Electro- chemical equivalent in grammes per ampere hour. Electro-Positive. Hydrogen Potassium H 1 K 1 1 39-04 1 39-04 0-010384 0-40539 96293-00 2467-50 0-03738 1-45950 Sodium Na 1 22-99 22-99 0-23873 4188-90 0-85942 Aluminium Al 3 27-3 9-1 0-09449 1058-30 0-84016 Magnesium M" 2 23-94 11-97 0-12430 804-03 0-44748 Gold An 3 196-2 65-4 0-67911 1473-50 2-44480 Silver Ap 1 107-66 107-66 1-11800 894-41 4-02500 Copper (Cupric) ... (Cuprous). . Mercury (Mercuric) ,, (Mercurous) Tin (Stannic) (Stannous) ... Iron (Ferric) ,, (Ferrous) Nickel Zinc Cu 2 Cu 1 Hg* Hgi Sn 4 Sn 2 Fe 3 Fe 2 Ni 2 Tin 2 63 63 199-8 199-8 117-8 117-8 55-9 55-9 58-6 64-9 31-5 63 99-9 199-8 29-45 58-9 18-64 27-95 29-3 32-45 0-32709 0-65419 1-03740 2-07470 0-30581 0-61162 0-19356 0-29035 0-30425 0-33696 3058-60 1525-30 963-99 481-99 3270-00 1635-00 5166-4 3445-50 3286-80 2967-10 1-17700 2-35500 3-73450 7-46900 1-10090 2-20180 0-69681 1-04480 1-09530 1-21330 Lead Ph 2 206-4 103-2 1-07160 933-26 3-85780 Electro- Negative. Oxygen O 2 15-96 7-98 0-08286 Chlorine ni 1 35-37 35-37 0-36728 Iodine P 126-53 126-53 1-31390 Bromine Br 1 79-75 79-75 0-82812 Nitrogen . . N 3 14-01 4-67 0-04849 * Taken by permission of " The Electrician " Publishing Company (Ltd.) from the " Electrical Trades' Directory and Handbook." CHAPTER IV. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FOKCE. 1. Electromotive Force Measurement. Being provided with a standard of electrical resistance and means for defining or obtaining an electric current, the value of which in amperes or recognised units is known, we can obtain the consistent unit of electromotive force by measuring the fall of potential down the unit of resistance when the unit current flows through it. In practice we may proceed to recover the practical unit of electromotive force, called the International or standard volt as follows : Prepare a coil of manganin wire which has a resistance of one International ohm. This wire should be of a gauge or cross section sufficient to carry a current of 1 or 2 amperes without sensible heating, and should preferably consist of a bare manganin wire of about No. 16 S.W.G. wound on a wooden frame. The best form for this coil is to construct a short skeleton wooden drum about Sin. in diameter on which may be wound in grooves the necessary length of some 18ft. to 20ft. of the bare manganin wire. The drum may be made by putting eight wooden pegs into holes bored near the circumference of two circular wooden discs lOin. or llin. in diameter. Instead of winding on the drum a length of wire having an exact resistance of 1 ohm, it will be sufficient to measure with great care the resistance of the length of wire actually wound on it, provided its resistance is nearly 1 ohm. The ends of the wire 422 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. should be silver-soldered to stout copper rods which form the terminals, and between these rods the resistance must be accurately measured. This resistance coil is then to be joined up in series with a Kelvin deciampere-balance, which has been previously most carefully standardised by silver deposit (see Chapter III., 3, p. 347), and a current having a known value in Inter- national amperes is then sent through this resistance. The product of the values of the known current and known resistance gives us, then, the value in International volts of the potential difference between the copper terminals of the resistance coil. In this manner we recover or create a known voltage between two points. It is, however, more convenient to preserve a standard voltage in the form of a standard Clark or Weston cell (see Chapter I., 8, p. 86), and to employ the known voltage obtained as above mentioned to evaluate the electromotive force of the cell. This can be done in the following manner : The standard cell to be checked is joined up in series with a very sensitive galvanometer and a wire of high resistance say of 10,000 ohms the two being placed as a shunt across the ends of the above-mentioned 1 ohm resistance. It is well to insert a key, so as to close the circuit of the cell only when required. A current is then passed through the Kelvin deciampere-balance, a carbon rheostat, and the manganin resistance in series with it, and is adjusted to have such a value approximately 1/5 amperes that, when it flows through the manganin 1 ohm resist- ance, it creates a fall of potential down it equal to the electromotive force of the Clark cell. The Clark cell must be so joined up (see Fig. 1) that its positive or mercury pole is in connection with that end of the manganin resistance by which the current enters it. When this arrangement of apparatus is complete the experi- mental measurement consists in adjusting the current through MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 423 the ampere balance until the galvanometer in series with the Clark cell shows no deflection when the key K is down. This being the case, the product of the observed ampere- balance current and the resistance of the manganin wire E is equal to the value of the electromotive force of the Clark cell at the temperature of the day. The Clark cell should be provided with a thermometer by means of which its temperature can be taken. In this manner the recovered standard of voltage can, so to speak, be transferred to a standard cell and be rendered permanent. In an electrical testing laboratory the cells used as stan- dards of electromotive force should be checked at intervals so as to re-determine their absolute electromotive force values. A Kelvin Deciampere-balance. E, 1 ohm Manganiu Resistance. G High-resistance Galvanometer. Cfc Clark or Weston Standard Cell. K Key. r Resistance of 10,000 ohms. C Adjustable Carbon Rheostat. Fm. 1. It was by a method of the above kind that Lord Eayleigh made his original measurements of the electromotive force of the Clark cell. An account of his work is found in a Paper by Lord Kayleigh and Mrs. H. Sidgwick in the Phil. Trans. of the Eoyal Society, Part II, 1884, entitled "On the Electrochemical Equivalent of Silver, and on the Absolute Electromotive Force of Clark Cells." In this Paper Lord Eayleigh first describes the construction of an absolute ampere-balance for the evaluation of the current in absolute measure. This consisted of two fixed circular horizontal coils, the distance between their planes being equal to the radius 424 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. of either of them. Between these coils was supported another smaller circular coil, with its plane horizontal and its centre on the line forming the centres of the fixed coils, and midway between them. This third coil was suspended from the beam of a weighing balance, as shown in Fig. 20, p. 71, Chapter I. The movable coil had the current led into and out of it by flexible leads. The current to be measured was passed through all three coils in series, so that the electro- dynamic forces tended either to lift or lower the movable coil and thus decrease or increase its apparent weight. By reversing the current through the fixed coils the direction of the force could be reversed, and hence half the difference between the apparent weight of the movable coil when the current through the fixed coils is reversed gives the force in gravitation units exerted by the fixed upon the movable coil. The general theory of the instrument is as follows : Consider 'first two coils only viz., a fixed and a movable co-axial coil. Let n, ri be the respective number of turns of wire on each, i, i r the current in each, and M the coefficient of mutual induction. Then the attraction or repulsion between the coils, in absolute units is equal to , dx where x is the distance between the parallal planes of the coils. The full expression for the attraction between two parallel co-axial circular coils of mean radii A, a, and with centres respectively at distances B, 6 from a point on their common axis, is given by Maxwell ("Electricity and Magnetism," Vol. II., 304) : LetC 2 =A 2 + B 2 . Then . do C V. C C where a and 6 are supposed to be small compared with A. In the present case there are two fixed coils, and if we take the origin mid way between them, then . Also, approximately, for the fixed coils we have B 2 = |A 2 . Hence ^ = 6w^ x 0'2862. db A 2 In other words, the force of attraction / of the fixed coils on the movable is given by /= hnn'i?a?IA z , where h =6?r 2 x 0*2862, and i is the current through the coils. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 425 Accordingly, if ft is the ratio of the galvanometer constants of the coils that is, if 3= , we have /= hBPi?n' s ln. An In the coils used by Lord Rayleigh A=24-81016cms. n' = 225 a = 10'2473cms. n = 242 For the elaborate details of the process of weighing the movable coil and reducing the results to calculation we must refer the reader to the original Paper by Lord Eayleigh, which is an example of accurate scientific research of the most perfect kind. Having obtained the means of defining in absolute measure a steady electric current, this current was passed through a resistance, and the fall of potential compared, as above described, with the electromotive force of a Clark cell when not sending current. Ck ll - ** > Cy Cy "A/WWWWWW A Ampere-balance- I Kj, Rg Resistance Boxes. K Resistance Coil. X Commutator. Ck Clark Cell. L Two Leclanche" Cells. G Galvanometer. | FIG. 2. In the above arrangement, as employed by Lord Eayleigh, it was not found convenient to alter the main current flowing through the ampere-balance when once started; hence the fall of potential down the resistance was not exactly equal to the electromotive force of the Clark cell. A compensating electromotive force was, however, introduced as follows: Let A (see Fig. 2) be the ampere-balance and E the resistance through which the current traversing the balance is flowing. 'Let Ck be the Clark cell and G a sensitive galvanometer of 426 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. high resistance. Then L is another battery, say of two Leclanche' cells, the terminals of which are short-circuited by a large resistance consisting of the coils in two resistance boxes E- 1 , E 2 . A derived circuit is taken from this Leclanche cell circuit, as shown in the figure, so as to insert an assisting or opposing electromotive force in the Clark cell circuit, which can be varied as to direction by a commutator X and as to magnitude by varying the resistances B p K 2 . unplugged out of the circuit of the two resistance boxes subject always to the condition that E 1 + K 2 = 10,000 ohms. In this way the current flowing out of the Leclanche cells is kept constant, but a variable fraction of their electromotive force can be used with or against that of the Clark cell Ck, so as to bring the current in the circuit of the galvanometer G to zero. Then, knowing the resultant electromotive force in the galvanometer circuit, which is equal to the product of the main current and the resistance R, we have only to find the ratio between the electromotive force of the Clark cell and that of the fractional part of the Leclanche cells. This can be done at once by the use of a potentiometer, as described in a subsequent section of this chapter, with any required degree of accuracy. By the above process, Lord Bayleigh* found the electro- motive force of the Clark cell, at 15C., to be 1/435 volts, and at tG. it is given by the equation E, = 1-435{1 - 0-00077(^-15)} volts. Later experiments decided the Board of Trade Committee on Electrical Standards to recommend that the value of the Clark cell electromotive force be taken as T434 International volts at 15C. If, however, the electrochemical equivalent of silver per ampere-second is taken as 0-001119 gramme, instead of 0*001118 gramme as adopted by the Board of Trade, then the corresponding value of the electromotive * " The Clark Cell as a Standard of Electromotive Force," by Lord Kayleigh. Trans. Roy. Soc., Part II., 1885. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 427 force of the Clark cell will be a number nearer to 1*432 true volts at 15C. The Board of Trade values of the electro- motive force of the Clark cell at various temperatures are given in Table I. at the end of this chapter. 2. Practical Recovery of a Standard or Known Poten- tial Difference. If the electrical laboratory possesses, as it should do, a Kelvin deciampere-balance, the most convenient practical method of recovering a known potential difference is to standardise this balance most carefully by passing a constant current through it of about 4 or 5 amperes, and then determine by the copper sulphate method of electrolysis the absolute value of this current with all the precautions described in Chapter III. Having standardised the balance, it may be employed to measure the ampere-value of a current sent through a resist- ance of known value say, 1 ohm constructed of manganin wire of a sufficient cross-section not to be sensibly heated by the current. If it is desired to obtain a known electromotive force or potential difference of high value such, for instance, as 2,000 volts then the ampere-balance must be one which is suitable for alternating as well as for continuous currents. A wire resistance must then be made having a known value of 2,000 ohms or thereabouts, and an alternating current of 1 ampere, measured by the balance, must be passed through it. The exact difference of potential between the terminals of the high resistance then becomes known. Generally speaking, however, the expense of constructing a large current-carrying resistance of 2,000 ohms will be an obstacle to the employment of this method. There is no question, however, that it is the most satisfactory process for conducting with certainty the calibration of high-tension voltmeters. The wire resistance must be so constructed as to be as little inductive as possible. This may be done as follows: An ebonite or fibre or pasteboard tube has wound upon it a 428 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. silk-covered manganin wire, or, if bare wire is used, a silk thread must be wound between the convolutions to prevent them from touching each other. The coil so prepared is covered with one layer of mica or shellac paper and another layer of wire wound upon it in an opposite direction. The two layers of wire are joined up at one and the same end, so that if a current is sent through the two layers in series it flows in opposite directions round each layer. A double-layer coil so constructed is practically non-inductive, or but little induc- tive. When traversed by a current there is little or no magnetic field in the neighbourhood of the wire. A series of FIG. 3. Skeleton Wooden Drum with Bare Manganin Wire wound non-inductively on it. such coils may be joined up in a frame and used as the current-carrying resistance. It is exceedingly useful to provide for the testing laboratory a number of resistances made in this manner of No. 16 S.W.G. manganin wire having resistances of 1 ohm, 10 ohms, 100 ohms, 1,000 ohms and, if possible, 2,000 ohms. This size of wire will carry safely 1 ampere for a short time with but little change in resistance. Instead of winding silk-covered wire on a tube, it is better to wind bare wire on a skeleton bobbin made by joining . together two round wooden discs by a number of wooden rods, as shown in Fig. 3. The turns of wire should be kept apart by MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 429 a paraffined silk thread or cord wound between them. The wire should be wound double, two wires being wound on in parallel and these joined up at one end. The whole wire is, therefore, nearly non-inductive, and the bobbin can be immersed in a vessel of paraffin oil, by which means its temperature can more easily be kept constant and ascertained. 3. The Potentiometer Measurement of Electromotive Force. Various forms of potentiometer have already been described in Chapter I. Whatever form the instrument takes it consists essentially of a resistance, which may be a series of coils or a long wire stretched over a divided scale. Down this resistance a uniform fall in potential is made by means of a battery working through a rheostat in series with the wire. This battery is called the Working Battery. The working battery should consist of one or more lithanode secondary cells of ample size. The cells should be highly insulated by being placed upon pieces of ebonite. The cells should be well charged, and then about 25 per cent, of the charge taken out by discharging the cell slowly. No good results can be obtained when using a fully and freshly charged cell,, because there are then irregular changes in its electromotive force. The cells should be joined up in series with the potentiometer wire through a carbon plate rheostat. The wire rheostats in which wire is wound off one cylinder on to another, or in which a contact spring presses against a wire wound in a helix on a cylinder, give trouble in dusty rooms, because the dust gets under the contact and creates a variable resistance. Whatever form of rheostat is used, the aim must be to cause a perfectly steady current to flow through the potentiometer wire or resistance, and be so adjusted as to value that the wire is not sensibly heated. If a long stretched wire is employed as the potentiometer wire, the greatest care must be taken to secure uniformity in its resistance per centimetre of length, and this uniformity must be proved and not taken for granted. 430 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. The potentiometer is set, or the current in the wire brought to a standard value, by means of a standard cell preferably a Weston cadmium cell made in the Eayleigh H-form, as then temperature correction is negligible. If a Clark cell is employed, it must have a thermometer placed in it, or in the water bath in which it stands, in order that its temperature may be known and the proper correction applied to its nominal value at 15 C. The standard cell must have its positive pole connected to that end of the potentiometer wire to which the positive pole of the working battery is attached. The other pole of the cell is connected through a high resistance galvanometer, or through a sensitive galvanometer with a high resistance in series with it, to a slider or contact maker on the potentiometer wire. The electromotive force of the standard cell being known, it is clear that, if a point is found on the potentiometer wire at which, when connected, the galvanometer shows no current, the fall of potential down the length of potentiometer wire thus intercepted must be equal to the electromotive force of the cell The current in the potentiometer wire can be so adjusted that the fall of potential down it can be read off directly on a divided scale placed against the wire. Thus the electromotive force of the standard cell is, say, 1434 volts ; the potentiometer current can be adjusted by the rheostats to make the fall of poten- tial down the 1,434 division of the wire equal to the above value. When this is the case the potentiometer becomes direct reading, and any other electromotive force or potential difference falling within the range of the potentiometer wire can be measured at once by merely attaching the terminals of a circuit formed of the galvanometer in series with this new source of electromotive force to two points on the poten- tiometer wire so selected that the galvanometer shows no current. The positive terminal or highest potential point of this source of electromotive force must be joined to that end of the wire nearest to the positive terminal of the working MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 431 battery. The source of electromotive force may be another cell, or it may be a difference of potential between two points on another wire traversed by a continuous current. 4. Measurement of Small Potential Differences. To measure an electromotive force or potential difference of about 1 volt or less we attach wires to the terminals of this source of electromotive force (E.M.F.) or potential difference (P.D.), and connect them as above described to the potentiometer, and when it is set we can read off at once on its scale the value of the E.M.F. or P.D. The potentiometer is thus easily employed to give us the terminal voltage of a primary or secondary cell, or the value of a current flowing through a known low resistance, or of a very small current flowing through a known higher resistance, provided always that the P.D. to be measured is less than the whole fall down the potentiometer wire. In making a number of measure- ments of this kind the setting of the potentiometer must be continually tested by coming back on to the Clark or other standard cell. In all practical forms of potentiometer, such as Crompton's or Elliott's, there is a double pole switch on the instrument so arranged that, without disturbing the galvanometer con- nections, any cell or terminal wires from any circuit can be quickly substituted for the standard cell in the galvanometer circuit. Hence there is no loss of time in continually re-checking the setting of the potentiometer current, and, if it has varied, bringing it back to its original value by a touch of the rheostat. The potentiometer is especially useful in measuring small E.M.F.s, such as that of a thermo-electric couple. The Author designed for certain low temperature, re- searches a combined resistance bridge and potentiometer by means of which a thermo-electromotive force could be measured and immediately afterwards the resistance of a platinum wire giving the temperature of the junction. The 432 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. arrangements of this combined bridge-potentiometer are as follows : A length of 2 metres of bare manganin wire (No. 36 S.W.G.) is stretched over a scale (see Fig. 4). This wire has a resistance of 26*576 ohms and a diameter 0*0193 centimetre. Over the slide wire moves a slider contact P. The other two arms of the bridge consist of a resistance coil, C, of manganin wire of 5,000 ohms, and a platinum wire used as a platinum thermometer. The bridge is provided with current from a 2-cell lithanode battery, B, and a Pitkin-Holden galvano- meter, G-, having a resistance of 4 ohms, is used with it. In the diagram (Fig. 4) XZWY is the 2-metre slide wire having its ends attached to terminal blocks X and Y. B is the 2-cell battery which is connected through a current reverser, D, with the ends of the slide wire, having interposed between one terminal and the block Y either a resistance, E 2 , of 200 ohms when used as a bridge, or a resistance E 1? E 4 and E 3 when used as a potentiometer. E x is a variable resistance of about 5,000 ohms, R 4 a resistance of 18,200 ohms, and E 3 a resistance of 10x25*576 ohms, divided into four sections having ratios of 1, 2, 3 and 4 in magnitude. The galvano- meter is connected to terminals U and V when the instrument is used as a bridge and P is the slide contact maker on the wire ; the other two arms being the 5-ohm coil C and the platinum wire P x used as a thermometer. When the instrument is used as a potentiometer the thermo-couple or other source of E.M,F. is joined in series with the galvanometer between the slider P and the end of the resistance coil E 4 . In this case the fall of potential down the slide wire is measured by the Clark cell Ck. In order to make the changes of connection rapidly a seven-cup mercury switch is employed, so that by shifting a pair of copper forks all the necessary changes of connection are made instantly. Eeferring to the diagram, ic will be seen that if we connect the mercury cups 4 to 5 and 1 to 7 the arrangement is a MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 433 FF 434 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. Wheatstone bridge. If we connect cups 3 to 4 and 6 and 7 it is changed to a potentiometer to measure E.M.F., and if we connect cups 2 to 3 and 6 to 7 we can set the potentio- meter by the Clark cell. This form of combined bridge and potentiometer, devised by the Author,* is of great use in measuring thermo-electro. motive forces from single couples, and at the same time the temperature of the thermo junction may be obtained from the value of the resistance of a platinum wire, P p wound round it. The instrument may be adapted for a variety of uses in measuring E.M.F.S which are functions of temperature. Potentiometers in which the whole or part of the resistance is an exposed slide wire have the disadvantage that dust settles on the wire, and then the sliding contact, by which the connection to the galvanometer shunt circuit is made, is uncertain in resistance. It must be borne in mind that, as the position of balance is approached, the effective E.M.F. in . the galvanometer circuit becomes vanishingly small, and hence is unable to break through a dust or oxide film and express itself as a deflection of the galvanometer coil. Accordingly, for workshop purposes a potentiometer is preferable which has no slide wire, but in which the resistance inserted in the circuit of the working battery is wholly of insulated wire coils included in a box. A useful form of potentiometer, in which an external or exposed slide wire only forms a 150th part of the whole potentiometer resistance, is made by Messrs. Elliott Bros., and consists essentially of 149 coils of wire joined in series with each other, and with a slide wire equal in resistance to one of them. A perspective view of the instrument is shown in Fig. 5, and a diagram of connections in Fig. 6. Each of the 149 sections or coils is about Sin. in length, and they are all adjusted so as to be absolutely equal in * See Phil. Mag., July, 1895, p. 95. " On the Thermo-electric Powers of Metals and Alloys between the Temperature of Boiling Water and the Boiling Point of Liquid Air." By J. A. Fleming and J. Dewar. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 435 resistance one to the other. The slide portion of the wire KM (Fig. 6) is extremely short, as can be seen in Fig. 5, and is equal in resistance to one coil. Inequalities in the drawing of this wire are compensated for by dividing the scale, over which arm L travels, so that the individual !FiG. 5. Elliott Potentiometer. divisions of the divided wire EER are exactly multiples of the divisions on the scale. As an example, the fall of potential over 140*7 sections of the divided wire is exactly five times that over 28 divisions of this wire, and 14 divisions on the scale. PP2 436 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROM011VE FORCE. A reference to Fig. 6 shows clearly how the arrangement is effected in practice. AB are two terminals, to which the working battery i.e., the one accumulator cell should be attached. At C is a small fuse, which serves to protect the slide wire from injury should too high an E.M.F. be applied to A and B by accident. DE are the galvanometer terminals, and across these is connected a short circuit key X, which in F G F, Gi F 2 G 2 mm FIG. 6. Diagram of Connections in the Elliott Potentiometer. its normal, or free, position keeps the galvanometer short- circuited, and thus protected against violent deflections. A d'Arsonval galvanometer should always be employed in all these tests. F, G-, F p G 1 , F 2 , G 2 , &c., are the terminals to which wires leading to the various sources of potential differences to be compared should be attached. A multiple double-pole switch V permits of the two common bars Hand MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE, 437 I being connected to any pair of, these terminals at will. EEE is the divided wire, which is laid round in a circular position, and divided in 149 parts of equal resistances, small contacts being placed at each of these 149 points. The whole of this part of the divided wire, which, of course, is the essential part of the whole apparatus, is perfectly protected from mechanical injury by being inside the case. At one extremity of this wire N" at the 149th contact it is connected to O, a small fine adjustment rheostat, and so on to P and Q, two other adjustable rheostats in series, and so proportioned that the total resistance value of is rather greater than that of one section of P, and that the total value of all the sections of P are slightly greater than that of one section of Q. P, Q, and O are not adjusted in any definite values they serve simply as adjustments. In practice the whole of Q, P, and are approximately 200 ohms altogether. The divided wire itself, EEE, being about 30 ohms resist- ance, one end of rheostat Q is joined to terminal B. The other extremity of the wire EEE is taken up through the top of the instrument at K, where it is led round a curved segment, and where the moving contact arm L can travel over it. A scale is fixed to the top of the instrument, and a pointer is attached to L, so that when the moving contact is on the stud K, the pointer attached to the arm L stands at zero on the scale. When the arm L is moved till the pointer stands at the figure 10, then the moving contact has passed over a length of the divided wire exactly equal in resistance to any of the other 149 sections between K and N. A contact J can travel round the circle of the divided wire and make contact with any of the 149 small contacts fixed to it. This contact J is attached to a large toothed wheel, the edges of which can be seen in Fig. 5 on the right and left of the instrument. This affords a ready means of shifting the position of contact J, and its position with reference to.JT and K can be seen through a small window in the front of the instrument, through which a number shows corresponding 438 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. to the number of the contact on which J lies ; a device is provided to cause J to make contact definitely on either one or other of any pair of adjacent contact studs on the divided wire. A wire is led from J to one on the galvanometer terminals E. The travelling contact on arm L is connected through a small key W to the bar of the multiple switch, the other bar H being connected to the second galvanometer terminal D. The key is provided with a small clamping device, so that it can be kept down if desired, and the galvanometer deflections manipulated with key X. Care must be taken that no source of E.M.F. is attached by mistake to terminals F, G-, &c., as, in the event of the key W being clamped down and switch V being in these terminals, a comparatively powerful current might flow through the galvanometer and the slide wire, probably damaging both. The key W, therefore, should only be clamped down when making a series of tests where there is no chance of a wrong connection having been made outside the instrument. It will be seen that there exists always between A and B a closed circuit through which the current furnished by the working battery passes from A through C to M, K, RRR, N, 0, P, Q, and so to B. This circuit is of variable resistance, owing to the adjustment of rheostats O, P, and Q ; but in all cases the whole of the wire ERR is in circuit. To make an JK.M.F. measurement we proceed as follows: Fig. 7 illustrates the connections. The working battery is connected to AB as usual, the standard cell and resistance to FG. The small separate resistance box is employed, the two terminals marked " Potentiometer " being connected to FG, wires attached to the source of E.M.F. to be measured being connected to terminals on this box, accord- ing to the various ranges used. The terminals marked " Potentiometer " have between them a small fractional part of the whole resistance in the box. Setting the figure 143 at the window, and arm L at 4 on the scale as before, when a MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 439 balance is obtained with a multiple switch on the standard cell at FG, then each movement of the toothed wheel means 0*01 volt, and O'OOOl corresponds to the small whole divisions on the scale. Suppose an E.M.F. of about 100 volts is to be measured, the positive wire should be joined to the terminal marked -h on the separate resistance box, and the other to the terminal marked 150. Then, having balanced as above, the instrument is direct reading in volts that is to say, if a balance is obtained with 101 at the window and arm L at FIG. 7. The Elliott Potentiometer and Divided Resistance arranged for Measuring Voltages. 5-3 on the scale, then the E.M.F. under test equals 101'53 volts. For readings using the + to 15 terminals on the separate resistance box, the readings must be divided by 10 ; if using terminals -f- to 300, readings must be multiplied by 2 ; if using + to 600, multiply by 4. Supposing it is desired to determine exactly an E.M.F. of about 2-2 volts. Obviously, if the standard cell is balanced with 143 at the window and 4 on the scale, the range of the potentiometer is insufficient to compare this directly. If the 440 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. terminals + to 15 on the separate resistance box are used, then the E.M.F. of 2 -2 volts would balance with figure showing at the window. For great accuracy, the following method may be adopted : Connect two accumulator cells in series to AB ; then with switch V (Fig. 6) on FG-, correspond- ing to the terminals of the standard cell, adjust P, Q and so that a balance is obtained with 71 at the window aud arm. L at 7 on the scale (1*434/2 = 0:717). Assuming that the E.M.F. of the standard is taken at 1434 volts at the working temperature, then let wires be brought from the source of E.M.F. to be tested to terminals FG-; then, if a balance is obtained on moving the multiple switch to FG, with 111 at the window and arm L at 4 on the scale, the value of the E.M.F. under test = 1, 114 X 2 = 2-228 volts that is to say, with the standard balanced at the position corre- sponding to half its value, all readings at the window and scale must be double to obtain correct values in volts. This process can be carried further, but not more than 6 volts should ever be applied to AB. In workshop potentiometers it is desirable to avoid the employment of any slide wire, however short, and to construct the whole potentiometer of coils of wire contained in a box. In the case of a potentiometer designed by the Author, the instrument takes the form of a box having on the ebonite or marble top surface a set of block contacts arranged in circles, and each set associated with a radial arm contact like one of the simple forms of Wheatstone bridge. There are two sets of concentric block contacts, arranged as in Fig. 8, and a pair of concentric brass rings to which the radial arms connect the plugs. Under the top of the box are a series of coils inter- connecting the blocks, as in a dial pattern "Wheatstone bridge, the only difference being that each dial is double. There are three double dials, the coils in between the blocks of the first dial being each of 10 ohms, those between the blocks of the second being 1*0 ohm, and those of the third being each 01 of an ohm. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 441 The several dials are so joined up that they form one resistance divided into two sections, but of such a nature that increasing the resistance of one section decreases by an equal amount the resistance of the other section. There are 10 blocks to each dial and, accordingly, the maximum resistance which can be created in either section is 99*9 ohms ; and, no matter how the dial radial arms are set, the joint resistance of the two sections always has the same value, viz., 99*9 ohms. FIG. 8. A Single Dial of the Fleming Potentiometer. If, then, a single secondary cell is connected to the ends of this divided resistance, and a high resistance galvanometer and standard cell are connected to the terminals of one section of the resistance, it is possible to move the radial arms in such a manner that the relative magnitude of the resistances of the two sections is varied, but the total value of the two sections remains the same. Let the standard cell be a Helmholtz calomel cell, which is constructed to have an E.M.F. of 1 volt. Then it 442 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. is possible to adjust the value of one section of the resistance by moving the radial arm so that the high resistance galvanometer indicates no current when the secondary cell is connected to the terminals of the whole resistance. For this is the case when the fall of potential down the section of the resistance to which the galvanometer is a shunt is 1 volt, and this is so when the sections of the resistance have a certain ratio near equality. Suppose, then, that another cell is substituted for the standard cell, and again the radial arms are so moved that the galvanometer shows no current. This movement of the radial arms will not alter the value of the current flowing through the whole resistance, but will alter the ratio of the resistances of the two sections. This ratio may be made such as to bring the galvanometer to zero once more. Let K x be the resistance of that section of the whole resistance to which the galvanometer is a shunt when the standard 1-volt cell is in series with the galvanometer, and let K 2 be the resistance of the same section when the second cell is substituted for it. Let us suppose the total constant resistance of the two sections of the box is 99*9 ohms. Let V be the E.M.F. of the cell being tested. Then it is clear that, since the standard cell has an E.M.F. of 1 volt, the volt-fall down the whole resistance in the box is equal to 99'9/K r Hence the E.M.F. V of the cell tested against it must be equal to IV^i volts. Accordingly, if the secondary cell attached to the ends of the whole resistance is large and very constant in E.M.F., there is no need to have rheostats and other complications to keep the potentiometer current constant. The only pieces of apparatus necessary for measuring any E.M.F. are the standard 1-volt cell, a high resistance gal- vanometer and keys, the divided resistance above described, and a large secondary cell which has been charged and then partly discharged. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 443 5. The Calibration of a Low-Tension Voltmeter. Suppose it is desired to calibrate or check the scale accuracy of a voltmeter reading, say, from zero up to 150 volts, by reference to the potential difference of a standard cell, we proceed as follows : A resistance, r 1 r a r 3 (see Fig. 9) must be provided, which is generally called a volt-box, con- sisting of a number of bobbins of manganin wire contained in a box. These coils of wire are arranged in series so as to form a resistance of 10,000 or 20,000 ohms, which is divided V Voltmeter. B Testing Battery. G High-resistance Galvanometer. i r 2> r s Divided Resistance. a, b Potentiometer Wire. Ck Clark Cell. b Potentiometer Working Cell. FIG. 9. Potentiometer Arrangement for Checking Voltmeter. in certain ratios by terminal attachments. Thus one set of terminals may be so arranged that the whole resistance is divided into two sections in the ratio of 99 : 1, another set in the ratio of 9:1, another 999 : 1, and so on. This resistance is joined across the terminals of the voltmeter V to be checked, and a proper potential difference applied by means of secondary cells B to give any required reading of 444 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. the voltmeter, For this purpose a set of 100 small lithanode cells are very convenient, giving any required E.M.F. from 2 to 200 volts. Suppose, for instance, we require to check a voltmeter, reading up to 100 volts, in the neighbourhood of 100 on the scale. We should select those terminals of the volt-box which give us a ratio of 99 : 1 in the whole resistance. Wires would then be taken from the smaller section r x r 2 of the resistance to a potentiometer. We then know that, what- ever may be the value of the fall of potential down the small section r x r 2 of the resistance as measured by the poten- tiometer, the total fall of potential down the whole wire r^ and therefore the actual true voltage applied to the voltmeter terminals, is 100 times as great. In Fig. 9 is shown a diagram of the connections to be made. By varying the number of secondary cells in this battery B attached to the terminals of the voltmeter V, we can make various known or measured potential differences on these terminals, and compare these values with the scale reading of the voltmeter. A table can be drawn up of the true poten- tial differences which correspond to various scale readings. We then proceed, as in the case of an ammeter, to make a curve of errors. Take a straight horizontal line on a sheet of paper and divide it into equal parts, representing the scale readings of the voltmeter (see Fig. 10). At each point set up a perpen- dicular the length of which is made proportional on same scale to the difference between the scale reading of the volt- meter and the true value found for the potential difference making that reading. Let this perpendicular be drawn upwards when the error of the voltmeter is positive and downwards when the error of the voltmeter is negative. Hence, if, corresponding to a scale reading of 100, the true potential difference is 101*2, then the error is positive that is, we have to add 1*2 volts to the scale reading to arrive at the true voltage corresponding to the scale reading MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 445 100. In this manner the voltmeter can be calibrated throughout the scale and a curve of errors found for it. If the voltmeter is one constructed on an electromagnetic principle, then it is necessary to take a series of ascending and descending scale readings to ascertain if there is sensible hysteresis error. Also tests should be made with the volt- meter in various positions, or with magnets near it, to discover how far it is affected by position or the presence of other magnetic fields. In the case of an electrostatic voltmeter it is necessary to be on our guard against errors introduced by contact difference FIG. 10. Error Curve of a Voltmeter. of potential. Take the case of a Kelvin electrostatic volt- meter. In this instrument the " needle," or movable portion of the instrument, is of aluminium, and the fixed quadrants are made of brass ; hence, when a secondary cell battery is joined in between the terminals of the instrument, the scale reading will be determined by the voltage of this battery plus or minus the Volta contact potential difference of an aluminium-brass couple. This latter amounts to about 0'3 of a volt. Hence we find that an electrostatic voltmeter gives scale readings slightly different when the " needle " is positive from that which it does when the " needle " is made negative 446 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. by reversing the connections of the working battery. Hence, in checking the voltmeter, note must be made of the mode in which the working battery is connected. 6. Calibration of a High-Tension Voltmeter. Supposing we have calibrated in the manner described in the previous section an electrostatic voltmeter reading up to 100 volts. We may then employ this voltmeter as an intermediate standard instrument to check a high-tension voltmeter reading, say, up to 2,000 volts. For this purpose we require a divided resistance which can be safely placed across a 2,000-volt alternating-current circuit. This can be made as follows : Provide 100 coils of double silk-covered platinoid wire No. 36, each wire 100ft. in length, coiled up into a coil of FIG. 11. 6in. in diameter, leaving both ends out. Squeeze up each coil into a sort of hank (see Fig. 11) and bind it in the middle with tape. Boil each coil or hank well in melted paraffin wax. The resistance of each hank of wire will be about 400 ohms. Make a wooden frame so that 25 of these hanks can be spaced lin. apart and be held by silk string, as shown in Fig. 12. Join up the wires of the hanks in series. Connect four such frames of wood with cross bars and join up all coils in series. Bring the ends of the whole series and of each hank to well-insulated terminals on the outside of the wooden MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 447 frame. The whole wire will then form a resistance of 40,000 ohms in 100 sections, and each section will be perfectly insulated from its neighbour. The wire will bear placing across a 2,000-volt circuit for any length of time without over- heating or risk of failure of the insulation. This divided resistance can then be placed across the terminals of the high-tension electrostatic voltmeter, and a calibrated low-tension electrostatic voltmeter joined across the terminals of one section, say ^Vth of the whole wire. Hence, when the high-tension voltmeter is connected to a O FIG. 12. Inductionless Safety Resistance. 2,000-volt alternator or transformer, the reading of the low tension voltmeter will give the true volt fall down ^ih of the resistance, and therefore the true voltage at the terminals of the high-tension voltmeter. It should be noticed, however, that there is a possible source of error in the above process which arises from the capacity of the low-tension voltmeter. This may be explained as follows : Let us suppose, in the first place, for the sake of avoiding mere mathematical complexity, that the divided resistance is entirely non-inductive. Let R and Rj be the resistances of the two sections of this resistance, and let the low-tension electrostatic voltmeter be joined over the section of which the resistance 448 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. is R (see Fig. 13). Let the capacity of the voltmeter be represented in the figure (Fig. 13) by a condenser C. Then let the instantaneous values of the currents through R, R, and C be i, i t and z 2 , and let the instantaneous values of the potential fall down R, R, and R+Ri be v, Vi, and v'. We have then the following equations : }' fby the principle of continuity, ^ l ^=^c,) Ohm's law, dv and ^ = dt ^ rom definition. Also, let v' = V sin pt, the frequency being as usual p/Str. v-'- FIG. 13. Obviously, then, we have the following equation : dv v ' Differentiating with regard to t, we obtain, on re-arranging terms, dv and eliminating^ between (i) and (ii), and remembering that 0-^= - Cp^v, if the variation of v is harmonic, we obtain finally the equation In virtue of a well-known transformation (see "The Alternate^ Current Trans- former," Fleming, Vol. L, p. 161) we can write the above equation in the form Hence, if V is the maximum value of v, it follows that V^R! MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 449 or, if we write K a for 1/R, and K for 1/R, we have V_ K, V ' If, then, C = 0, or if the low-tension voltmeter has no sensible capacity, we V R have V^R-PR 5 in other words, the maximum or root mean-square value of the volt fall down the section of the resistance R is to the fall down the whole resistance in the ratio of those resistances. If, however, (J is not zero, or if p is large and if R and Rj are large, then the root-mean-square values of the volt falls are no longer in the exact ratio of the resistances. There is no need to complicate the proof by considering the case when these sections of the divided resistance have slight inductance. The same principle holds good. Hence, although the use of the divided resistance is a convenient method of stepping from one voltmeter t:> another, it is necessary to take the precaution to check the high-tension voltmeter by the only unexceptionable method viz., by connecting it to the terminals of a high known resistance through which a known measured current is passed. 7. Self-recording Voltmeters. In many cases it is necessary to secure a continuous record of the difference in potential between two points, and this can be accomplished by the use of a self-recording voltmeter. These instruments consist of two parts a voltmeter part and a paper-carrying drum which is made to revolve by clockwork uniformly. The voltmeter part carries a pen, which is displaced by the voltage applied to the instrument. Hence, if the pen is at rest and the drum revolves, the pen will* draw a line on the paper which will be a straight line when the paper is removed from the drum and spread out. If the pen is displaced by a voltage applied to the instrument, then the line is a sinuous, irregular line. If the displacements of the pen are exactly proportional to the voltage, then the ordinaters of the curve will measure this voltage. If not, then paper ruled up in lines placed at intervals equal to 1 volt or 10 volts is 1 450 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. employed, so that an inspection of the line drawn by the pen suffices to determine the voltage. The voltmeter part may be a hot-wire voltmeter, as in the Pitkin-Holden instrument (see Fig. 14). In this case the expansion of the wire caused by the current flowing through it is made to move the pen arm by an amount increased by the use of a multiplying gear. In other cases the voltmeter mechanism is electro- magnetic; as in the Kelvin recording voltmeter (see Fig. 15) or Elliott instrument (see Figs. 16 and 17). In the Kelvin instrument the control is by gravity, and the electro- magnetic action of a solenoid or an iron core lifts or lowers the pen. In testing a self-recording voltmeter the clock mechanism must first be examined, to see whether it keeps correct time. Then the voltmeter part must be separately tested by the potentiometer, to ascertain if this portion of the mechanism works properly. Self-recording voltmeters are employed to detect the irregularities of pressure in connection with electric supply stations, and to decide whether complaints as to abbreviated lives of glow lamps are due to the qualities of the lamps or to excessive variation of service pressure. A self-recording voltmeter is useful in connection with tests of secondary batteries to determine the exact time at which the voltage per cell has fallen to 1*8 volts, below which voltage no current readings are of any value. They are also necessary in con- nection with life-tests of incandescent lamps. 8. Extra High-Pressure Yoltmeters. In connection with cable and transformer testing it becomes necessary to employ voltmeters for measuring extra high pressures and voltages such as 20,000 to 60,000 volts. Instruments for this purpose have been designed by Lord Kelvin depending on the attraction exerted between a fixed disc and one suspended over and parallel to it from the arm of a steelyard. The MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 451 452 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 453 discs are included in a case which is well earthed (see Fig. 18). The movement of the suspended disc is limited by stops. The control is a gravity control. The instrument is provided with certain weights which, when hung on the beam, cause the deflection of the scale beam under the electrostatic forces to have a definite and indicated value in volts. FIG. 18. Kelvin High-Tension Voltmeter. Since the attractive force between two such parallel discs varies as the square of the difference of potential, the instrument is equally well adapted for use with continuous or alternating-current voltages. A modification of this instru- ment has been made by Messrs. Pirelli, of Milan (see Fig. 19), for measuring voltages of 25,000 or so. A fixed plate, A, exerts an attraction on a movable one, B. The two plates are enclosed in a cylindrical copper case, M, and the whole is placed in a glass cup filled with vaseline oil. C is a glass 454 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. P' Fio. 19. Pirelli & Co.'s Electrostatic Voltmeter. Scale : 2in. = lft. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 455 shade from the top of which the pole P' projects, this being connected with the movable plate by a thin wire, D. The apparatus rests on an ebonite stool, T, having ebonite legs. Two weights are provided : with one weight one scale division corresponds to 500 volts, and with the other a scale division equals 1,000 volts. The instrument can thus read up to 60,000 volts. Some instrument of the above type is indispensable in testing cables or condensers with high voltage. The instru- ment is best calibrated by the employment of a chain of overlapping instruments, so that we can step up from an electrostatic voltmeter capable of being calibrated directly by FIG. 20. Kelvin Water Battery. a Clark cell to one of the above type. Thus, if we have three electrostatic voltmeters one reading from 500 to 2,000 volts, one from 1,000 to 5,000, and one from 4,000 to 20,000, we can reduce the readings to their equivalent in terms of the international volt as denned by a Clark or Weston cell. Without a chain of overlapping voltmeters there is some difficulty in verifying the indications of an extra high- tension voltmeter, because the construction of a resistance capable of having these very high potentials put on its ends is an expensive matter. One way in which it can be done is by the use of a series of condensers charged by a bat- tery of small cells. Lord Kelvin has designed a small form of water battery consisting of small slips of copper and zinc placed so close together (see Fig. 20) that, when 456 MEASUREMENT OP ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. dipped in water, a small drop is held up by capillary action between the alternate plates. This arrangement may be made to furnish E.M.F. up to 1,000 volts by having a sufficient number of plates. The E.M.F. of the battery can be measured by a standardised voltmeter of the electrostatic type. The cells have, however, such high internal resistance that any attempt to take from them a current, even though exceedingly small, results in a great fall in terminal potential difference. In addition to these cells we must be provided with a number of condensers made with glass, paraffined paper or mica as dielectric. These condensers must first be tested to ascertain the rate at which the terminal potential difference of the condenser falls off with lapse of time, after being charged, due to internal or external leakage. If the condenser is charged with the water battery and connected to an electro- static voltmeter we can observe the rate at which the voltmeter deflection decays. This is partly due to leakage in the condenser, and partly to leakage in the voltmeter. The voltmeter must be separately tested, and should have such good insulation that, if charged and left to itself, the poten- tial, as indicated by the needle, does not fall to half its value in a quarter of an hour. If the condensers are all found to be equally free from leakage, then they may be arranged in series and all be highly insulated. Each one is then separately charged in the same direction, say to 1,000 volts, by the battery, and the result is that the potential differences are added together, and between the extreme terminals of the series of condensers we have a potential difference represented by nV, where n is the number of condensers and V is the E.M.F. of the batteries. In this experiment both battery and operator must be very highly insulated by being placed on blocks of paraffin wax or sheets of ebonite. It is easy to arrange a highly insulated commutator, consisting of a block of paraffin wax having small holes bored in it, to act as mercury cups, and, by means of wire MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 457 forks attached to ebonite handles, to so connect up the condensers that they can be charged in parallel and then arranged in series. Various forms of commutator have been devised to effect such a change quickly. An arrangement was employed by CT. Plante in his researches, and more recently by Prof. Trowbridge. A more effective though expensive arrangement is to employ small secondary cells. Series of 50 small litha- node secondary cells may be arranged in trays so as to give 100 volts. These may be supported on shelves on blocks of paraffin, and sets of these 50 cells may be joined up in series. In this manner, high voltages may be created of known value. These may be multiplied by the use of condensers charged in parallel and then joined in series. In this way, by employing series of cells and condensers charged in parallel and then arranged in series, Prof. J. Trowbridge has built up potential differences amounting to two or three million volts, capable of giving electric sparks 7ft. in length. Under these very high KM.F.s he finds the air at ordinary pressures becomes conductive and behaves like the rarefied air in a vacuum tube under lower electromotive force. It is not beyond the bounds of possibility to provide in an ordinary electrical testing laboratory a continuous voltage of approximately 10,000 volts. This is best done by setting up small secondary cells in sets of 40 cells. These can be put up in stout glass test tubes, which are carried in holes bored out in blocks of paraffin wax. These cells are joined up in series, and each set can be charged off an ordinary 100- volt circuit through a carbon filament lamp or high resistance. The sets of 40 cells are joined in series, being arranged on ebonite shelves in a sort of cabinet. One hundred arid twenty-five of these sets can be arranged in the cabinet, and give, when charged, an E.M.F. of 10,000 volts. The test-tubes in which the cells are set up may be lin. in diameter and 6in. high, and contain two small plates of lithanode in each cell. Each shelf in the cabinet can be 458 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. made to hold one dozen sets of 40 cells and on 10 or 11 shelves the sets requisite to give 10,000 volts can be arranged. The cells can be used to charge mica or glass condensers, and by means of 10 condensers, each having a capacity, say, of O'l of a microfarad, charged in parallel and then arranged in series, we have the means of building up a known potential of 100,000 volts, and for calibrating an electrostatic voltmeter for measuring extra high pressures. 9. Laboratory and Switchboard Voltmeters. A classi- fication of voltmeters intended for laboratory and dynamo room use, sufficient for present purposes, is as follows: A. Classification by Type. (I.) Continuous-current voltmeters. (II.) Alternating-current voltmeters. (III.) Universal voltmeters. B. Classification by Principle. (i.) Electrostatic voltmeters, (ii.) Electromagnetic voltmeters, (iii.) Electro- thermal voltmeters. C. Classification by Range and Use. (a) Laboratory or table voltmeters. (b) Switchboard voltmeters. (G) Extra high-tension or testing voltmeters. It is impossible to describe here all the numerous forms of voltmeter which have been devised. There are certain types which have survived in the struggle for existence because they have proved most convenient. In laboratory work, for use with continuous currents only, one of the best forms of table voltmeter is the Weston voltmeter. This instrument is of the electromagnetic type, and consists ot a well-aged magnet, which provides a permanent field. In this field is supported on jewelled centres an axis which carries a circular coil of wire. The MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 459 coil carries an index needle. In series with the coil is a high non-inductive resistance. The passage of a current through the coil causes it to turn so as to place its magnetic axis more or less in line with the field. This motion is resisted by the torque of a steel spring like the hair spring of a watch. The instruments are so made that the scale division reading in volts or fractions of a volt are equal and there is no dead or undivided portion of the scale. The instruments are very dead-beat. One of the most useful forms is the voltmeter reading from to 150 volts from one pair of terminals, and by the use of another pair reading from to 15 volts over the same range of scale, These voltmeters have a very high resistance from 10,000 to 15,000 ohms. Hence the actual current taken is very small. In the next place, for alternating -current laboratory measurement the multicellular electrostatic voltmeter of Lord Kelvin is very valuable. This instrument has already been described in detail (see Chapter I, p. 132). Other types of voltmeter available like the electrostatic instruments both for alternating and continuous voltage are the electro-thermal voltmeters represented by the Cardew and Hartmann and Braun hot-wire voltmeters. The Cardew voltmeter consists of a platinum-silver wire well aged by being repeatedly heated and cooled. This is carried on a support which in one form consists of a pair of compound metal rods made of one-third of iron and two-thirds of brass. The platinum-silver wire is fixed to one end of the support and the other end of the wire is attached to a motion- multiplying gear. The object of making the rods partly of iron and partly of brass is to give them the same resultant coefficient of expansion with heat as the platinum-silver wire, so that no external changes of temperature cause any difference of expansion in the wire arid rods ; but the indicating mechanism is only caused to operate when the wire expands more than the rods. The rods, wire and mechanism are enclosed in a brass case. 460 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. In another and better form of instrument the support which carries the wire is not a pair of rods but a tube, partly of brass and partly of iron, which is split longitudinally so as to enable the wire to be easily inserted. This form is called the tube instrument. The split tube is enclosed in another outer casing tube. The resistance of the wire is generally about 300 ohms. Hence, if its ends are attached to a circuit of 100 volts, the wire passes about one-third of an ampere. This causes it to be heated and to expand. The heat radiated by the wire heats the rods or supporting tube and causes it also to expand. After a short time a stationary condition is reached, in which, whilst the wire and rods or tube are both hot, the wire is hotter than the supports, and hence the magnifying mechanism indicates on the dial by the position of the needle a certain relative elongation. Corre- sponding to each particular voltage on the wire there is a position of the indicating needle on the dial. Hence the instrument can be calibrated as a voltmeter. In the rod instrument, if the current is switched off the indicating needle goes back to zero and then passes back beyond it. This is due to the fact that the thin wire cools more quickly than the rods, and hence, for a short time, the rods are expanded relatively to the wire. In the tube form of instrument this effect is not so apparent. For the same reason the reading of the instrument must not be taken until the voltage has been kept on it for a few minutes. One objection to the Cardew form of voltmeter is the large power taken up by it. If the wire has a resistance of 300 ohms when hot and with 100 volts on the terminals, then the instrument is taking up about 33 watts, and if kept on the circuit for three hours it uses nearly one-tenth of a Board of Trade unit of electric energy. Hence, relatively to many other electromagnetic instruments, and to electrostatic ones, it is uneconomical for continued use. The Cardew voltmeter should always be fixed with its tube horizontal, as in this position the air convection currents in the tube are less MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 461 FIG. 21. Hartmami and Brauu Hot- Wire Voltmeter. FIG. 22. Kelvin Multicellular Vertical pattern Voltmeter. 462 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. FIG. 23. Kelvin Edgewise Voltmeter. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 463 violent than when in a vertical position. If placed with the tube upright, then the air convection currents cause small and frequent changes in temperature in the wire which make the indicating needle "breathe," or move slightly to and fro. The instruments are usually calibrated for use between 40 and 150 volts, and hence are not suitable for measuring very low voltages. Another form of thermal voltmeter is that of Hartmann and Braun (see Fig. 21). In this instrument the platinum-silver wire is fixed at the ends, but when heated by a current it " sags," and the sag is detected and measured by a delicate multiplying mechanism. The needle is kept from vibration by a damping copper disc attached to it which moves between the poles of a permanent magnet. These hot-wire voltmeters, like the electrostatic, are suit- able for use with alternating currents of any frequency, not very high, as well as with continuous currents, since their indication depend upon the heating power of the current, which is proportional to the square of the current, and there- fore to the square of the potential difference of the terminals. For switchboard purposes a voltmeter is preferred which has a scale in a vertical plane If the voltmeter is to be kept continuously in connection with a circuit, electrostatic instruments have a great advantage over electromagnetic or electrothermal, in that they take up no sensible amount of power. Moreover, in contrast with electromagnetic instru- ments, they can be employed for direct as well as alternating currents, and in the latter case their indications are indepen- dent of the frequency. In the class of voltmeters suitable for switchboard work we may especially include the vertical multicellular pattern of Kelvin electrostatic voltmeter (see Fig. 22), which is made for various ranges of voltage. A type of voltmeter for switchboard work, called the Edge- wise pattern (see Fig. 23), is often used on switchboards because of the small space it takes up. This instrument, 464 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. together with the Kelvin engine-room voltmeter, is of the electromagnetic type, and depends for its action upon the attraction of a small, carefully annealed rod of iron by a solenoid. In testing a voltmeter for station or workshop use it is necessary to pay attention to the following points : First, the accuracy of the scale readings must be checked with the potentiometer if the voltmeter is for continuous currents, or by reference to a carefully-calibrated electrostatic voltmeter if the instrument is for alternating currents. In so doing the voltmeter should be first tested with gradually increasing voltage and then with gradually diminishing voltage, to ascertain if there is any hysteresis error. This is especially necessary in the case of electromagnetic instru- ments containing iron in their construction. In the next place, the voltmeter should be tested with the voltage applied in both directions on the terminals, if the instrument permits this being done. This is essential in the case of electrostatic instruments to detect any contact, potential or volta-effects due to contact of different metals. In the case of alternating-current voltmeters the effect of varying the frequency should be examined. In all cases the disturbing effects of varying position, or of the proximity of magnets or wires conveying continuous or alternating currents, should be carefully employed. In the case of switch- board instruments this is very necessary, as some types of instrument indicate correctly when isolated but very incor- rectly when in the neighbourhood of conductors conveying strong currents. In a vertical pattern electrostatic voltmeter, in which the needle moves on pivots, it is essential that the needle axis should be carried in jewels or on friction wheels. The electrostatic forces brought into play are not large, and if pivot friction exists the instrument will be sluggish and will require a great deal of tapping to make the needle take up its right position when the voltmeter is in the circuit. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 465 Another source of error in electrostatic voltmeters is that due to the electrification of the glass front by friction. Prof. Ayrton hsfe studied this question, and has devised various transparent varnishes which are sufficiently con- ducting when dry to prevent an electric charge being held on them. The glass front of the voltmeter is covered with a layer of this varnish, and it is impossible to disturb the instrumental readings by electrifying the surface by touching or rubbing. Two of Prof. Ayrton's formulae for a varnish of the above kind are given below : (i.) Dissolve |oz. of transparent gelatine in loz. of glacial acetic acid by heating them at 100C. To this add half the volume of dilute sulphuric acid (one part of strong acid to eight of water by volume) and apply this whilst warm to the glass shade. When this film has become hard, apply over it a coating of Griffiths' anti- sulphuric enamel. (ii.) Thin the gelatine solution prepared as above by the addition of acetic acid (say, two volumes of acid to one of solution), and, after drying the glass, float this solution over it. Drive off the excess of acetic acid by warming. Allow the glass to cool, and repeat the process. Thin anti-sulphuric enamel by the addition of ether and float it over the gelatine layer. Expel the ether by heating and apply a second layer of anti- sulphuric enamel. A glass disc so coated is quite as transparent as one not coated, but it cannot be electrified by touching or rubbing it or holding near it an electrified body. The varnish film acts as a metallic screen would do in preventing elec- trification of the interior portions of the voltmeter.* A good switchboard voltmeter should comply with the following conditions : (i.) It should not be affected by external magnetic fields, such as exist in the neighbourhood of switch- boards. It is quite common to find that the stray fields on the front of a station switchboard * See Ayrton and Mather "Transparent and Conducting Screens for Electric and other Apparatus," Proc. Inst. Elec. Eng., April 12, 1894 ; also The Electrician, Vol. XXXII., p. 693. HH 466 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. have a strength of 5 to 10 C.G.S. units that is, 25 to 50 times the earth's horizontal field. (ii.) It should not be affected by outside electrostatic fields, or by rubbing the dial glass. (iii.) It should have no temperature error. (iv.) It should have a high resistance, so as to measure - equally accurately the pressure at the station 'bus bars or at the ends of long thin pilot wires. (v.) It should have as large and open a scale as possible. (vi.) It should be dead-beat if possible without the use of dashpots. (vii.) If employed with alternating voltages, its readings should be independent of frequency. (viii.) Its readings should not be affected by variations in external temperature or by vibration, and it should be easy to pack, transport and fix up on a switchboard, and take up as little room as possible. Hardly any voltmeter complies perfectly with the whole of these conditions. The electrostatic instruments comply well with (i.), (iii.), (iv.) and (vii.), and the electrothermal with (iii.) and (vi.). Many electromagnetic instruments of the movable coil permanent magnet type are much affected by external magnetic fields. Hence such switchboard voltmeters should be calibrated in position and checked constantly against a tested electrostatic instrument. If a switchboard is equipped with electromagnetic volt- meters it is well to have at least one electrostatic instrument in connection with them. In selecting these instruments, if not electrostatic, regard should be taken of their resistance and of the amount of power they take up and the energy absorption in watt-hours per year of ordinary use. A voltmeter which has a resist- ance of only 1,000 ohms takes up 10 watts when used on a 100-volt circuit, and absorbs therefore 1 B.T.U. in 100 hours of use. Hence the switchboard absorption of power may MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 467 amount to a not inconsiderable amount if voltmeters of low resistance are largely employed. Prof. Ayrton and Mr. Mather have devised an electro- magnetic astatic voltmeter for switchboard purposes which is, as far as possible, free from liability to disturbance by external magnetic fields. For details of this instrument the reader is referred to the Paper describing it in the Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, April 12, 1894, or The Electrician, Vol. XXXII., p. 688, 1894. HH2 468 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. TABLE I. Electromotive Force of the Clark Cell at Various Temperatures, based on the Board of Trade Value at 15 C. Temperature. E.M.F. Temperature. E.M.F. 6C. 1-444 16C. 1-4331-4329 7C. 1-443 17C. 1-4321-4318 8C. 1-442 18C. 1-4311-4307 9C. 1-441 19C. 1.4301-4296 10C. 1-4401-4396 20C. 1-428 1-4285 ire. 1-488 1-4385 21C. 1-4271-4274 12C. 1.437_1 -4374 22C. 1-426 13C. 1-4361-4362 23C. 1-425 14C. 1-436 1-4851 24C. 1-424 15C. 1-4341-4340 25C. 1-423 The values from 10C. to 21C. are given to three and also to four places of decimals. CHAPTER V. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 1. Electric Power: Mean Power and Power Factor. When an electric current exists in a circuit there is an absorption of power by the circuit due to its electrical resis- tance, and this power is ultimately dissipated as heat. If the circuit contains one or more sources of counter-electromotive force against which a current is urged by the external impressed electromotive force, additional work is done and power is expended on the circuit. Considering, first, the case of unvarying continuous or unidirectional electric currents, we can estimate the power expended on the power-absorbing circuit by measuring separately the current through the circuit and the difference of potential of its ends. If V be this difference of potential, then the work done in raising a quantity of electricity, Q, through a difference of potential V is QV, and if this work is uniformly per- formed in a time T, then QV/T is the rate of doing work. But Q/T=C, or is the measure of the current in the power- absorbing circuit. Hence, the measure of the power being taken up is the numerical value of the product CV. Accordingly, in the case of unvarying unidirectional currents the practical measurement of the power absorbed electrically by any circuit consists in measuring the current in the circuit and the fall in potential down it, and taking the numerical product of these values. These two readings may be taken by separate instruments, an ammeter and a 470 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. voltmeter, or the product may be directly obtained at one reading by the use of a wattmeter, or electric power- measuring instrument. If the power taken up from instant to instant varies, the mean value taken at equidistant intervals may be calculated or obtained from a power curve. Thus, if the horizontal distances in the diagram in Fig. 1 represent time and the vertical distances power, then, if observations are taken at certain times of the power being absorbed by a circuit, and ordinates are drawn to scale to represent these values, the curve obtained by joining their upper ends is a power curve. The mean ordinate of this curve is the mean power, and the product of the mean power and the whole time of observation gives us the total energy absorbed by the circuit in that time. If the current flowing in the power-absorbing circuit is an alternating current, then we have two cases to consider: first, when the circuit is non-inductive, and second, when it is inductive. In the first case the mean power taken up by the circuit is measured by the product of the root-mean- square (K.M.S.) values of the current and the terminal potential difference or voltage; in other words, by the product of the ammeter and voltmeter readings, employing proper instruments for recording these quantities. When the circuit is inductive, the true mean power is measured by the product of the root-mean-square values of the current and terminal voltage and a factor called the power-factor. In THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 471 the case when the current and voltage vary periodically in a simple harmonic manner the power-factor is the cosine of the angle of phase-difference of the current and terminal voltage.* Hence, generally, we may say that in all cases the mean power taken up in a circuit is measured by the product of the three quantities the RM.S. value of the terminal voltage, the R.M.S. value of the circuit current, and the power-factor. If the circuit is non-inductive the power- factor is unity, and if the current is continuous the RM.S- value is the same as the unvarying value of this quantity. If the current is alternating the product so obtained is the mean power during this phase. 2. Measurement of Power in the case of Unvarying Continuous or Direct Currents If a circuit is traversed by a continuous or unvarying current, in order to measure the power taken up we have to measure the current in the circuit and the terminal voltage. The current can be T FIG. 2. measured by a correct ammeter and the voltage by a volt- meter. The voltmeter should preferably be of the electro- static type. If, however, the voltmeter is electromagnetic, or takes up a current, then a correction will be needed in the ammeter reading. The voltmeter and ammeter should be arranged as shown in Fig. 2, where A is the ammeter, V the voltmeter and P * The term power-factor, defined as above, was first suggested and so used by the Author in a Paper entitled " Experimental Researches on Alternate Current Transformers." See Proc. Inst. E.E ., 1892, Vol. XXII., p. 606. 472 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. the power-absorbing circuit. Then it is necessary to deter- mine the current taken up by the voltmeter, and to deduct this value from the ammeter reading to obtain the true current taken by the power-absorbing circuit alone. This correction is the more necessary in cases in which the current taken by the power-absorbing circuit is small. It may, how- ever, be neglected in many other cases in which the voltmeter current is very small in comparison with the total current. If the voltage or the current are either of them very small it may be quite impossible to obtain really good power measurements when using commercial ammeters and volt- FIG. 3. meters. This is the case in power measurements made on small candle-power low- voltage incandescent lamps. Under these conditions it is better to employ a potentiometer for taking the current and voltage readings. The following arrangement is a very effective one for obtaining quickly good power readings in the case of incandescent lamps. The lamp, or power-absorbing circuit P (see Fig. 3), has placed in series with it a manganin resistance E of about 1 ohm, and across its terminals a manganin resistance r of, say, 10,000 ohms, divided into two sections, having resistances in the ratio of 1 to 99. From the ends of the series resistance THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 473 and of the small section of the divided resistance, wires are brought to a potentiometer, and the volt-fall down these known resistances measured. If the series resistance is exactly 1 ohm, these volt-falls give us at once the current through the lamp in amperes and T ^th part of the terminal voltage on the lamp. These voltage measurements are of course referred to that of the Clark or Weston cell, Ck, used to set the potentiometer. It is necessary always to apply the above-mentioned cor- rection, and to deduct from the current, through the series resistance, the current passing through the divided resistance attached to the terminals of the lamp. The measurements can be depended upon to a fraction of 1 per cent., provided that the standard cell and the resistances have been previously carefully checked or standardised against correct standards. The potentiometer measurements, and the setting of the potentiometer, can be very quickly accomplished when using a Crompton form of potentiometer. The scheme of connections is shown in Fig. 3. The resistance K in series with the power-absorbing circuit P should, if possible, be a 1-ohm resistance, because then calculations are simplified, and the volt-fall down this resistance is the numerical value of the current through the circuit. The divided shunt resistances may be either divided in a 99:1 or 9:1 ratio. By the use of a double- pole switch on the potentiometer, or parallel bars and plugs pp, the readings of the volt-fall down the series and down the decimal fraction of the divided resistance can be taken successively with great expedition. The same arrangement may be applied also in measuring the power absorbed by a continuous-current motor, provided that the load on it is steady. 3. Measurement of Continuous Current Power by the Wattmeter. If it is desired to obtain the measurement of the power absorbed in a circuit traversed by a direct or 474 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. unidirectional current by one observation, then a wattmeter of the Siemens type may be used. This instrument has already been described (see p. 181, Chap. I.). In using it to measure continuous current power the fixed circuit of the instrument is joined in series with the power- absorbing circuit, and the movable or shunt coil of the wattmeter is joined across the terminals of that circuit. The fixed coil is then traversed by the current through the power circuit, and the movable coil by a current which is proporti&nal to the P.D. of the ends of this circuit. The electromagnetic torque between the fixed and movable circuits of the wattmeter has then to be balanced by a mechanical torque produced by giving the movable head of the wattmeter a twist. Let be this FIG. 4. twist in angular degrees or divisions of the wattmeter circular scale. The electromagnetic torque between the wattmeter coils is proportional to the numerical product of the currents in these coils. Let C be the current in the series coil, let c be the currents in the shunt coil, and let K and r be the resistances of these circuits respectively. Then let G be such a constant that G0 = Cc. G is called the wattmeter constant. It can be determined by passing known constant currents, or one and the same current, through the wattmeter coils and observing the twist which must be given to the wattmeter head to bring back the movable coil to its normal position, with its axis at right angles to that of the fixed coil. There are two ways in which the movable or shunt coil can be connected. First, it may be joined up as shown in THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 475 Fig. 4, where P is the power-absorbing circuit, S the series coil of the wattmeter, and s the shunt coil. In this case the power absorbed in P is equal to the product of the current C and the potential difference of the ends of P, which last is equal to cr - CE. Hence, if we call W the power absorbed in P in watts, we have but if G is the wattmeter constant, then G0=Cc, and hence In other words, the twist which will have to be given to the head of the wattmeter under the above conditions to bring back the movable coil to its zero position is proportional to the sum of the power absorbed in P and that in S the series coil, and inversely as the resistance of the shunt coil. r-A/WWW v v v v y v v I fWVWVWWWVW 1 ' ,' FIG. 5. If, on the other hand, the shunt coil of the wattmeter is connected up as shown in Fig. 5, then we have, using the same notation, W=cr(C-c)=Ccr-c*r, .'. W+cV=G0r, and hence the twist is proportional to the sum of the power absorbed in the circuits P and s, and inversely as the resistance of s. Accordingly, it will be seen that the scale reading of the wattmeter is never proportional simply to the power absorbed in the circuit under measurement, but it always reckons in as well the power absorbed in one of its own circuits. 476 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. This correction may be negligible, but it becomes of importance in the case of circuits taking either very small currents or very small voltages. A precaution which must not be neglected in using the dynamometer wattmeter in measuring continuous current power is to set the instrument in such a position that the horizontal magnetic field of the earth does not exercise any action upon the movable coil when this last is traversed by a current. For when a continuous current is passing through the movable coil it becomes a magnet and is directed by the magnetic field of the earth. This may be discovered and neutralised in the following manner : Before beginning an experiment pass a continuous current through the shunt coil of the wattmeter only, and observe whether there is any tendency in this coil to move one way or the other when this current flows through it. If so, turn the wattmeter bodily round into various positions. This may be easily accomplished by placing it on a turntable. A position can be found in which the movable coil of the wattmeter is not changed in position by the passage through it of a current. This will be the case when the magnetic axis of the movable coil coincides with the direction of the earth's magnetic field at that place. The wattmeter must then be used in this position, and we shall know that the current through the movable coil has no effect by itself and apart from the action of that in the fixed coil in causing a displacement of the suspended coil of the wattmeter. The wattmeter can of course be calibrated or its constant discovered by sending through its two circuits a current the value of which in amperes is known. We may define the wattmeter constant G, used in the equations above, as the reciprocal of the numerical value of the twist which must be given to the head of the wattmeter to bring the movable coil back to its normal position when a current of 1 ampere flows through both coils joined in series. For the wattmeter constant G is defined by the equation THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWEE. 477 where C is the current through one coil and c that through the other. Hence, if C = c = 1, we have G=l/ft being the restoring twist which must be given to the wattmeter head. Otherwise we may standardise the watt- meter by observing the torsion necessary to be given to the head when it is connected to a power-absorbing circuit through which a known current is flowing and down which there is a known volt-fall. 4. Measurement of Alternating-Current Power. In the case of single-phase alternating-current power measurements, when the current flows in a circuit having a power-factor of unity, or one which is practically non-inductive, we can measure the power taken up by the numerical product of the root-mean-square (E.M.S.) value of the current and the K.M.S. value of the voltage or fall of potential down it. This can be done with any ammeter and voltmeter suitable for measuring the alternating current and voltage in question. If, for instance, incandescent lamps are being operated by means of a single-phase alternating current, the power taken up in them, reckoned in watts, is obtained by taking the product of the values of the terminal potential difference in volts, as read by an electrostatic voltmeter, and the current in amperes as given by a hot-wire or other suitable alternat- ing-current ammeter ; or else a wattmeter can be used, with certain precautions, named below, as to its construction, to measure directly the same quantity. If, however, the circuit is not non-inductive, but has a power factor sensibly less than unity, then the product of the E.M.S. values of the ' current through it and the fall of potential down it does not give the true power taken up in that circuit, but gives what' is called the apparent power or, as it is also called, the volt- amperes. 478 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. The true power taken up can be obtained by the employ- ment of a properly constructed wattmeter.* In the con- struction of a wattmeter for use with alternating currents it is most important that there should be no metal near to the fixed and movable coils. Instrument makers generally pay no attention to this detail. They delight to devise wattmeters in which the working parts are enclosed in brass cases or are wholly made up of metal. When such an instrument is used with alternating currents, eddy electric currents are set up in the metal portions of the instrument near the coils, and these react upon the movable coil when it is traversed by an .alternating current and create additional and disturbing mechanical forces which displace it. Hence the readings of such a wattmeter may be, and generally are, quite erroneous when it is used with alternating currents, and no reliance can be placed upon them. An alternating-current wattmeter must be constructed entirely of non-conducting material, and no metal work should exist in proximity to the coils of the instrument.! We can show experimentally that this induction of eddy currents in neighbouring conductors must be a source of error in wattmeter readings when employing alternating currents. Suspend a coil of insulated wire wound on a rectangular or circular frame, and let an alternating current flow through it. The coil may be suspended by a wire or by & bifilar suspension. When traversed by the alternating current, hold a sheet of copper near the coil It will be found to be repelled. This repulsion arises from the reaction of the eddy currents set up in the copper, and is an effect of * For a full discussion of the formulae for obtaining the true power taken up in an alternating-current inductive circuit the reader may consult the Author's treatise on "The Alternate Current Transformer." See Vol. I., 3rd Edition, pp. 147-157. f For an illustration of the errors which may arise by neglecting the above precautions, the reader is referred to a Paper by the Author entitled " Experi- mental Researches on Alternating Current Transformers." See Proc. Inst. E. E., London, Vol. XXI., 1892, p. 666. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 479 the same character as that which gives rise to the phenomena of electromagnetic repulsion* It is evident, therefore, that, if mechanical forces are brought to bear on the movable coil of an alternating-current watt- meter due to any other cause than the mutual action between it and the fixed coil, errors in its indications must ensue. 5. Measurement of the Power taken up in the case of High Tension Alternating Current Circuits, When em- ploying a wattmeter to measure the power taken up by an inductive or non-inductive circuit, the voltage of supply being high, as in the case of alternating-current transformers, certain precautions are necessary for safety arid economy. It is, of course, possible to place the series coil of the wattmeter in series with the power-absorbing circuit and to join the shunt coil of the wattmeter in series with a suitable induc- tionless high resistance, and to place this last circuit as a shunt in the ends of the power-absorbing circuit. If, however, the volt-fall down the power-absorbing circuit is large, this will in general necessitate a great expenditure of power in the wattmeter shunt circuit and associated resistance. The Author therefore devised, in 1892, the following method of working, which has many advantages.* It depends upon the well-known fact that, in the case of a good closed iron circuit alternating-current transformer, not much loaded up on its secondary side, the primary voltage is always exactly opposite in phase to the secondary voltage and proportional to it. Hence we may make use of such a transformer (called an auxiliary transformer) to reduce voltage in a known ratio, but still preserve its phase. The wattmeter is accordingly arranged as follows : The series coil of the wattmeter is joined in series with the power-absorbing circuit (see Fig. 6). Across the circuit terminals supplying the voltage is connected the primary coil ' For a full discussion and description of these effects, the reader is referred to the Author's treatise on " The Alternate Current Transformer," Vol. I., 3rd Edition, p. 307. 480 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. of the auxiliary transformer T, and its secondary circuit is joined in series with the shunt coil s of the wattmeter and with one or more incandescent lamps, L, of suitable voltage. Under these conditions the series coil S of the wattmeter W is traversed by the same current as that through the power- absorbing circuit P, and the shunt coil of the wattmeter is traversed by a current which is proportional to the difference of potential of the ends of the power-absorbing circuit and in step with it. Hence the torque, acting on the wattmeter movable coil, will be proportional to the mean power taken up in the power-absorbing circuit. It is desirable to annul certain electrostatic eifects by connecting one end of the FIG. 6. series coil of the wattmeter with one end of the secondary circuit of the auxiliary transformer nearest to it. The wattmeter is then calibrated as follows : A circuit must be provided, consisting of a practically inductionless resistance, r, capable of being placed safely across the high- tension circuit. An electrostatic voltmeter, V, and an ammeter, A, must be provided suitable for measuring the volt-fall down the resistance, called the standardising resistance, and the current through it. We begin by con- necting this inductionless, power-absorbing circuit to the wattmeter, and observe the current through it and volt-fall down it, whilst at the same time we take a wattmeter reading. We then know that the true power taken up in THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 481 this inductionless resistance is given by the product of the readings of the ammeter and voltmeter, and we can obtain at once the wattmeter constant by comparing this product with the wattmeter scale reading. We then substitute for the inductionless circuit the inductive circuit P, and take a second wattmeter reading. A simple calculation then enables us to deduce the value of the true power taken up in the inductive resistance, for the wattmeter readings in the two cases are proportional to the true power taken up respectively in these circuits ; and in one of these viz., the non-inductive case the actual power is independently obtained in watts as the product of the numerical values of the current through it and its terminal potential difference. It is desirable that the wattmeter readings in the two cases should not be very different, or, at any rate, that the power taken up in the inductionless circuit used to stan- dardise the wattmeter should not be less than that taken up in the inductive power-absorbing circuit under investigation. 6. Power Measurements in the case of Circuits of Small Power Factor. There are greater difficulties in measuring accurately by a wattmeter the true mean power taken up in a circuit of small power factor when supplied with alternating current than in making the same measure- ment when the power factor is large. This arises from the fact that in all cases the small residual inductance of the shunt circuit of the wattmeter causes the current in that circuit to be not quite in step with its terminal potential difference. If the power-absorbing circuit, being examined, has a large power factor, or one approaching unity, then a small shaft or lag in the phase of the shunt coil current behind the phase of the potential difference between the ends of the power-absorbing circuit does not affect the reading of the wattmeter to the same percentage extent as it does if the power factor is large. ii 482 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. Consider the case of simple harmonic variation. Then, if I is the RM.S. value of the current through the power- absorbing circuit, and V that of the potential difference of its ends, and if

= I V sin 0. dW Therefore -===- = tan <$>d$. Accordingly, for a given variation, d of the phase angle 0, the error in the power measurement, which is measured by dW/W, is greater in proportion as is greater. If, therefore, we are employing a wattmeter of the dynamo- meter type to measure the true power taken up in an open iron-circuit transformer or in a condenser, great precautions must be exercised or else the wattmeter readings will be valueless. For, in the case of an open iron-circuit trans- former or choking coil, the power factor is small, and the current flowing into the circuit lags behind the impressed electromotive force, whilst in the case of a condenser the power factor is also small, but the current is in advance in phase of the impressed electromotive force. If any eddy currents are set up in metallic parts of the wattmeter by the current in its movable or shunt coil, this will cause an increase in the phase difference of the shunt coil current and the current in the series coil, if the series coil current normally lags behind the shunt coil current ; and, accordingly, the reading of the wattmeter will be less than it ought to be. This will be the case when the wattmeter is employed to measure the power being taken up in a choking coil or transformer of small power factor. The reverse is the case with a condenser. Then, since the series coil current is normally in advance of the shunt coil current, any eddy currents established in THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 483 metal parts of the wattmeter by the shunt coil current will tend to decrease the phase difference of the shunt and series coil currents, and make the wattmeter readings larger than they should be. There is, therefore, always a tendency for the power measurement made with the wattmeter on a choking coil or transformer or inductive circuit of small power factor to be too small, and for that made on a condenser or circuit of small power factor having capacity to be too large. In these cases wattmeter readings should always be care- fully criticised and not too readily accepted as correct evalua- tions of the true power absorption of the circuit. One way in which this difficulty of making power measure- ments on circuits of small power factor may be minimised is by joining in parallel with the circuit under another inductive circuit, or circuit having capacity, as the case may be. The current-phase displacements in the case of the inductive circuit and the permittive circuit (one having capacity) are in opposite directions. Hence, if an inductive circuit in which the current lags behind the impressed electromotive force is joined in parallel with a permittive circuit or condenser in which the current is in advance in phase of the impressed electromotive force, the whole combination has a larger power factor than either of them separately, and the small power factor of one element annuls more or less that of the other. Hence the difficulties which arise from the small power factor in wattmeter measurement may be reduced by taking two wattmeter measurements one on a combined circuit and one on a single circuit. Thus, if it is required to measure the power taken up in a concentric cable or other condenser, due to dielectric hysteresis or other causes, when it is subjected to an alter- nating electromotive force, we may proceed as follows : An inductive circuit must be provided, which should be one with- out any iron core in fact, be simply a large coil of insulated copper wire of many turns. The power factor of this inductive n2 484 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. circuit will be small but positive that is, the current will lag behind the impressed electromotive force. The true power taken up in this inductive circuit must first of all be carefully measured by the wattmeter, or its power factor determined, as described in the following section. It is then joined in parallel with the cable or condenser, and the true power taken up in both together measured. The difference of the two measurements then gives the true power taken up in the condenser. If the inductive circuit used is one with no iron core, then the true mean power taken up in it is given at once by taking the quotient of the mean-square value of the impressed electromotive force by the ohmic resistance of the circuit. The advantage of combining the inductive circuit with the cable or condenser is that in the latter case the capacity current is in advance in phase of the impressed electromotive force, whilst in the case of the inductive circuit it is in arrear. Hence the opposite phase differences more or less annul each other, and the combined circuit has a larger power factor than either of them separately. Instead of joining the ironless inductive circuit in parallel with the cable or condenser, it may, as suggested by Mr. Mather, be connected in series with it.* If the wire of which the inductive circuit is formed is sufficiently stranded to prevent eddy currents being set up in its mass, then the actual power absorption in the circuit is sufficiently nearly found by taking the product of its resistance and the mean- square value of the currents through it. It is obviously desirable that this ironless choker should be wound in the form of a coil of maximum self-induciion, as given by Maxwell. * The method of employing a choking coil to increase the power factor of a cable or condenser was suggested by Prof. Ayrton in a discussion on a Paper by Mr. Mordey on " Capacity in Alternate Current Working." The plan of using the choker in series is due to Mr. Mather. See The Electrician, Vol. XL VI. 1901, pp. 512, 518 and 667. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 485 For a further discussion of the theory of the dynamometer wattmeter the reader is referred to the Author's treatise on "The Alternate Current Transformer," Vol. I., 3rd. Ed., Chap. III., p. 168. It is there shown that if the time constant of the wattmeter shunt circuit is denoted by T, and that of the circuit under test is denoted by T r , and p = 2?r times the frequency, then, when simple harmonic currents are being considered, a correcting factor F must be applied to the wattmeter readings such that Hence, if T r is greater than T,, F is a proper fraction, and the wattmeter reading is too high and is corrected by multiplying by F. The practical utility of this formula is not, however, very great, as the time-constants of most inductive circuits cannot easily be measured, and if the circuit contains an iron core, or is wound on an iron core, the time-constant or ratio of inductance to resistance is not constant. For a discussion of the practical precautions to be employed in using the wattmeter the reader is referred to a Paper by the Author read before the Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, in 1892 (see Proc. Inst. E. E., Lond., Vol. XXL, pp. 623-675). Also a Paper may be consulted by Mr. C. V. Drysdale, " On the Theory and Use of the Alternate Current Wattmeter " (see The Electrician, 1901, Vol. XLVI, p. 774). A useful discussion on power measurements in the case of cable dielectrics took place after the reading of a Paper by Mr. Mordey on "Capacity in Alternate Current "Working" (see Proc. Inst. E. E., Lond., 1901, and The Electrician, Vol. XLVL, p. 467, et seq.). In this discussion the difficulties of such measurements and the precautions which must be taken in dealing with wattmeter readings are well brought out, 486 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 7. Power Measurements by Direct Measurement of the Power Factor. It has been shown by Lord Kayleigh* that we can use a shunt and series coil combined with a soft iron indicating needle as a means of measuring either the phase-difference of two currents or of the power factor of an inductive circuit. Let two circular coils of wire be placed with their axes in one straight line and their planes parallel, and between them let a soft iron needle be suspended by a glass fibre or torsion wire, so that its centre is on the common axis of the coils and its length at an angle of 45deg. to this line. If, then, a current is passed through one of these coils it will create a magnetic force proportional to the currents and a magnetisa- tion in the iron nearly proportional to the magnetic force. Hence the couple or torque tending to place the axis of the soft iron needle in the direction of the coil axis is proportional to the square of the current in the coil. Suppose, in the first place, that the current i varies harmonically and is expressed by the function ^=Isin^, then the mean torque on the soft iron needle, and therefore its angular displacement, if small, varies as the average value throughout a complete period of Fsin 2 ^, or as JI 2 . Suppose, then, that two separate simple periodic currents, differing in phase, are passed through the two coils. Let these currents be represented by the functions I 1 sin^ and I 2 sin(p 0). The torques produced by these currents separately on the soft iron needle will vary as JIi 2 and as JI 2 2 - Also the joint effect, when both currents act together, is to produce a torque on the needle proportional to the average value throughout a complete period of the function which varies as J If, then, the first current is allowed to act alone on the iron needle, it will produce a small displacement which may * See The Electrician, Vol. XXXIX, p. 180, or Phil. Mag., May, 1897. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 487 be represented by D x ; and, in the same way, the second current acting alone will produce a displacement D 2 ; whilst both acting together will produce an effect D 3 . We have then the following equations D^W, D 2 = C 2 2 I 2 2 , D 3 = (C^V + C 2 2 I 2 2 + 2C 1 C 2 I 1 I 2 cos 0), where C x and C 2 are constants depending on the form of the coils. Therefore cos = Accordingly, by observing the angular displacements of the iron needle due to each coil acting separately and then that due to the two acting together we can find the phase-difference between the currents in the two coils. The same formula holds good even when the currents are not simply periodic, that is, have not a simple sine curve form, but we then derive from the deflections the power factor and not merely the cosine of an angle of phase-difference. For in this last case we have D^htfitdt, and Da=t*fifdt, where i\ and i% are the instantaneous values of the currents in the coils and p and k are constants depending on the form of the coils, and the integrals are taken throughout one complete period. Also we have the + or - sign being used according as the coils act with or against each other. In the first case, then, we have PS - D - D The quantity on the right-hand side of the above equation is the expression for the power factor of a circuit in which % is the current through that circuit and z' 2 is the fall in voltage down a shunt across that circuit, or the potential difference of the two ends of the circuit. The above method gives us, therefore, a means of directly determining the power factor of an inductive circuit for any particular form of single-phase periodic electromotive force. We have to introduce in series with that circuit a coil which will carry the current flowing through the inductive circuit, and we have to place as a shunt across the circuit another 488 THE MEASUREMENT OP ELECTRIC POWER. nearly induetionless high-resistance coil, with its plane parallel to that of the series coil and its axis coincident. A short, soft iron needle is then to be suspended by a fibre of glass or quartz, or by a metallic torsion wire of phosphor bronze, in the axial line of the coils. The needle may have a mirror attached to it, so that its small deflec- tions may be read on a scale in the usual way. The coils should be so arranged that the axis of the needle is at 45deg. to the line joining the centres of the coils drawn perpendicular to their planes. The series coil should be capable of being short-circuited at pleasure and the shunt coil disconnected. We can then observe the small deflections produced on the soft iron needle by the separate actions of the series and shunt-coil currents, and also their joint effect. These deflections give us the quantities called D I} D 2 and D 3 in the formula above. Then - / 2 * is the power factor of the power-absorbing circuit connected to the coils. The coils should be capable of being moved parallel to themselves independently, so as to make the deflections of the soft iron needle small and the deflections due to the series and shunt currents separately approximately equal to each other. 8. Three- Voltmeter Method of Measuring Alternating Current Power. The following method of measuring the alternating current power absorption of a circuit was first given by Prof. Ayrton and Dr. Sumpner in 1891 : * Let AB (see Fig. 7) be an inductive circuit traversed by an alternating current. The first step is to join in series with it another nearly induetionless resistance BC, and to pass a current through both. In many cases, such as in the * Sec " The Measurement of the Power given by any Electric Current to any Circuit." By Prof. Ayrton and Dr. Sumpner. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. XLIX., 1891, p. 424. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 489 measurement of the power absorption of transformers, this necessitates the possession of means for increasing the circuit pressure, so as to enable this additional resistance to be added to the circuit under test. Three measurements of potential difference are then taken, either simultaneously with three voltmeters or, better still, successively with one and the same voltmeter suitable for alternating current measurement. The voltage is measured across AB (call it Vi), down BC (call it V 2 ), and over AC (call it V 3 ). Then let v^ v 2) v 3 be the instantaneous values of these voltages at any moment, and let i be the instantaneous value of the current and U the resistance of the inductionless -V 3 -- FIQ. 7. part of the circuit. Then, at any moment we have the equality therefore vf = v-f + #2 But v 2 =:~R,i ; hence 2R^ ~ v * ~ v ^ = v & Multiplying all through by dt, and integrating throughout a complete period T, or from to T, and then multiplying by 1/T to obtain the mean-square values, we have 2R where W is the mean power taken up in the inductive part, AB, of the circuit. 490 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. The objection to this method is that great accuracy in the voltmeter readings must be attained if the resulting power value is to be correct to a small percentage. Since the formula involves the difference of squares of voltages, a small error in the measurement of the voltages themselves will make a much larger percentage error in the calculated value of the power. If we take the equation given above for the power, viz., ^( and differentiate it, we have dW= ( where dVi, dTV 2 , dV 3 are the errors made in the estimation of the three potential differences, or rather in their R.M.S. values. Let dV 3 =eV s , dV 2 =eV 2 , dV l =eV where e is a small fraction. The most probable value of (dW) 2 is then Let the resistance B have such a value that V 2 =sV, .......... (2) We proceed to find what value x should have that dW/W may be a minimum. Since v 3 =vz+v v we have V 8 2 =V 2 2 +V 1 2 +2V 1 V 2 cos0 ........ (3) Hence, eliminating V,, V 2 and V 3 from the equations (1), (2) and (3), we have dWV (l+a-.aco8) g +l + g 4 ... ~~ Now cos H independent of x. Hence, if we differentiate the numerator of (4) and equate to zero, we have the value of x which will make dW/W a minimum. We find x=l satisfies this condition ; hence the arrangement which will give the maximum sensibility is when R has such a value that Vg = Vi. In (4) put g = l. Then COS0 i /7 wr But - -=- is the ratio between the percentage error made in determining W and that made in determining the potential differences. Suppose, then, that the inductive circuit is an ordinary closed iron circuit transformer on open secondary circuit. In this case cos0=0'75 nearly. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 491 Accordingly, - -=5. Therefore, an error of 1 per cent, made in deter- c w mining the potential differences by the readings of one common voltmeter would involve an error of 5 per cent, in the estimation of the power taken up by the circuit. It is difficult to obtain commercial voltmeters reading to less than quarter per cent., and therefore the limitation of accuracy in the estimation of power by the three-voltmeter method is rather over 1 per cent. In employing the three-voltmeter method to measure the power taken up in an alternating current transformer we proceed as follows : Suppose the transformer under test to take a current at 2,000 volts on its primary circuit, and that we have available the current from an alternator or circuit having a pressure, say, of 100 volts. It is then necessary to FIG. 8. connect two step-up transformers, T v T 2 (see Fig. 8) with low- tension sides in parallel and high-tension sides in series, so as to create a voltage of 4,000 volts. Across the terminals of this 4,000 volt circuit we join in series an inductionless resistance, E, and the primary circuit of the transformer to be tested. It is convenient to bring potential wires or leads from the ends of the circuits AB, BC and AC to mercury cups, mm, well insulated. A carefully standardised electrostatic voltmeter then has potential wires attached to its terminals, and these wires may be connected to two brass pins carried on an insulating handle, by means of which the 492 THE MEASUREMENT OP ELECTRIC POWER. voltmeter can be connected in between any two mercury cups. The voltmeter reading of the required voltages can then be quickly taken. If the voltmeter range is only up to about 2,000 volts, then the voltage AC must be measured in two parts by measuring the PD of the terminals of each of the supply transformers separately and adding these voltages together. Hence, if V and V are these last readings and V x and V 2 , as before, the volt-fall down the inductive circuit under test and the induc- tionless resistance E, then the power W taken up in AB is given by The previous discussions of the theory of this method shows, however, that it is not well adapted for accurate power measurements in those cases in which the power factor of the tested circuit is small. A modification of the three-voltmeter method which does not necessitate the use of such a large auxiliary resistance has been described by Mr. A. Campbell.* 9. The Three- Ammeter Method. In cases in which it is not possible to obtain the augmented voltage required by the three-voltmeter method, a variation of it, called the three- ammeter method, proposed by the author in 1891, may be used.f In this case the circuit under test, the inductionless resist- ance E, and three ammeters are arranged as in Fig. 9. The first ammeter, AI, measures the current before division, the second, A 2 , the current flowing through the inductionless resistance, and the third, A 3 , the currents through the circuit under test. By a similar process of reasoning to that employed in the case of the three-voltmeter method it can be shown that, if * See Proc. Phys. Soc., London, 1901, or The Electrician, Vol. XLVL, p. 13, " On a Method of Measuring Power in Alternating Current Circuits," t See The Electrician, May 8, 1891. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 493 W is the power taken up in the tested inductive circuit and E is the inductionless resistance, then where Ii, I 2 , and I 3 are the readings of the three ammeters AI, A? and A 3 respectively. For if iiy i^ i s are the instantaneous values of these currents, we have always * therefore i But Z2=v/R, where v is the potential difference of the ends of the inductive circuit. Hence Multiplying all through by dt, and integrating over a period, and then dividing by T, so as to obtain the mean values of each term, we arrive at the formula given above. FIG. 9. The three-ammeter method labours under the same diffi- culty as the three-voltmeter method. Very small errors in the absolute determination of the three currents make a very much larger percentage error in the result. It is not adapted for power tests on circuits of small power factor. 10. Dynamometer Methods of Measuring Power. Mr. Blakesley gave, in 1891,* a method of measuring alter- nating current power which is independent of the frequency or wave-form and can be employed on any inductive circuit. It involves the use of a split dynamometer or wattmeter, in which the two circuits are traversed by two different currents. * See Phil. Mag., April, 1891 p, 346. 494 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. Let P, Fig. 10, be the inductive circuit under test, let R be an inductionless resistance joined in parallel with it, and let an ammeter, A, be employed to measure the current flowing through the inductive circuit. Then a dynamometer, D, of the Siemens type has its two circuits joined as shown in the diagram. Let i be the current at any instant in the inductive circuit, ii the current in the inductionless resistance, and 4 the current flowing to both. Then at any instant or Therefore FIG. 10. Let v be the potential fall down the inductionless resist- ance, R ; this is also the potential difference of the ends of the inductive circuit, hence v = R* r Accordingly, from the two last equations we have Multiplying all through by dt and integrating throughout the period, or from =0 to t=T, and dividing by T, we obtain the mean value throughout a period of each of the quantities in the above equation. Hence i f T R r T . . R r T or W=RD-RF, where W is the mean power taken up in the inductive circuit in watts, I the R.M.S. value in amperes of the current THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 495 through it, D the dynamometer value or mean value of the product of the currents in the two coils throughout a period, and E the ohmic resistance of the non-inductive shunt employed. If G- is the dynamometer constant and is the twist which must be given to the torsion head to bring back the movable coil to its zero position when steady currents C and c flow through the coils, then GO=Cc = D. Accordingly, in the equation for W we can write EG0 for ED, and we have W = EG0-EF. If we employ a hot-wire ammeter or another dynamometer to measure the current, I, the method is perfectly general and independent either of the frequency or wave-form of the alternating current employed. 11. Power Measurement in the case of Polyphase Circuits. In the majority of cases the practical measurement of the mean electric power taken up in polyphase circuits offers no greater difficulties than in the case of single-phase alternating-current circuits, although it may involve a multiplication of instrumental readings. The theoretical treatment of the problem is rather more complicated, how- ever, in the case of polyphase circuits, by reason of the phase relations of the various currents involved. In the very simple case of two-phase alternating currents the power taken up in the inductive or inductionless circuit supplied can be estimated by the employment of two watt- meters, one placed in each circuit. Thus, for instance, whether the outgoing line consists of three or four conductors, we can measure the power supplied to a two-phase transformer in motor by the employment of two wattmeters connected into the circuits, as shown in Fig. 11. Let Mj, M and M 2 be the two-phase leads and ABC the power-absorbing circuit, whether motor or transformer. Then, 496 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. if two wattmeters, constructed with all the precautions already described for use with alternating currents, are inserted in the two sides of the two-phase circuit, the sum of their readings will be the total power given to the circuit ABC. M M M, /-s 1 -- r rvvvvv ' WVWWVWv* v.._SJ] t _..' <=> =5 ^rWWNAA^ Wo Fio. 11. A similar arrangement can be applied in the case of three- phase circuits when connected on the star pattern with a common return. For if OA, OB, 00, Fig. 12, are the three-phase power- absorbing circuits and M I} M 2 , M 3 the leads, and M the common return, then three wattmeters W lt W a , W 3 may be employed to measure simultaneously the power given to the circuits OA, OB, 00. The sum of these wattmeter readings is the power taken up by the three-phase circuit. The case of a three-phase circuit arranged on the delta pattern is, however, of particular interest, because then two THE MEASUREMENT OF ELEVTUW 497 wattmeters arranged as in Fig. 11 will give the power absorption, whether the circuit be inductive or induction- less. The problem may, however, be considered on first principles. Let ABC (Fig. 13) be a three-phase circuit arranged delta fashion, and let M^M^Ma be the leads through which current M 2 M, M 3 FIG. 13. is supplied to it. We may consider, then, in the first place, the following problem : Given the ammeter values of the currents in M x> M 2 and M 3 and the potential differences of the ends of AB, BC, CA find the currents in the delta branches and the mean electrical power taken up in the circuit ABC. FIG. 14. Let us consider the general relation between the currents in M p M 2 , M 3 , AB, BC, and CA. Eepresent the three-phase system by a network of conductors arranged as in Fig. 14. Let the instantaneous current values in the lines MI, M 2 , M 8 be represented by a, 6, c, and those in AB, BC, CA by x, y KK 498 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. and z\ and let the outer circle represent the armature circuit of the three-phase dynamo or other source of electro- motive force. Then we may represent the relations between the instantaneous values of the currents by the equations x-y=a, ...... (i.) y-s=&, ...... (ii.) zxc ....... (iii.) Hence, if we take large letters to represent the maximum values of these currents, and assume a simple periodic mode of variation, it is clear that, on a vector diagram of currents, the line currents A, B, C will be represented by the sides of a triangle, and the delta currents X, Y and Z by lines drawn to the angular points of this triangle from some point in the interior. To find the currents X, Y and Z in terms of the line currents A, B and C we may proceed algebraically as follows : Square each of the equations (i.), (ii.) and (iii.) above, multiply each by dt t integrate throughout a complete period, and divide by T the periodic time. Thus In other words, equate the mean-square values. In the next place, make certain assumptions for the sake of dealing with the simpler .problem first, and therefore elucidating more difficult ones later on. Let us assume the circuits AB, BC, CA are inductionless, and that the currents and electromotive forces vary in a simple harmonic manner. Then the currents x, y and % may be expressed thus x = Xsinpt, ..... (v.) 2/ = Y sin 0^-120), . . (vi.) z = Z sin ($t- 240), . (vii.) when p=z2irn as usual, n being the frequency. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 499 If we substitute the values for x, y and z given in the last equation in (iv.) we arrive at equations of the form X 2 +XY+Y 2 =A 2 , (viii.) Z 2 =B 2 , (ix.) C 2 (x.) If these equations are solved for X, Y and Z in terms of A, B and C, they will give us the expression for the R.M.S. values of the currents in the delta circuits, which for shortness we will call the delta-currents, in terms of the line currents. Now, unfortunately, the above equations are very intractable. They can be solved algebraically, and those who are fond of algebra can amuse themselves by finding the solutions, which are not very simple. But where algebra fails common sense steps in, and a graphical solution sufficient for practical purposes can easily be obtained. It is clear, from an inspection of the equations (viii.), (ix.) and (x.), that they are equivalent to the following geometrical problem: Given a triangle whose sides are A, B, C in length, find a point, P, within that triangle, such that lines drawn from P to the angular points of the triangle are all at 120deg. angular distance from each other, and determine the lengths X, Y and Z of these lines in terms of the sides of the triangle. It may be possible to solve this geometrical problem by purely Euclidean methods, but it is a waste of labour to attempt it. From an electrical engineering point of view the following graphical method gives a solution quite accurate enough for all practical purposes : Procure a celluloid circular protractor and cut out a sector subtending an angle of 120deg. Make a scratch on the protractor forming an angle of 120deg. with both the edges of the sector. The protractor will then look as in Fig. 15. Observe with an ammeter, or with three ammeters, the currents in the main leads M x , M 2 , M 3 . These are the currents A, B, C. On paper set off to scale a triangle whose KK2 500 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECT RIG POWER. sides represent these currents. Put two pins 'at two of the corners of this triangle, I and m (Fig. 16). Then "apply the protractor with the sector edges to these pins and move it about until the scratch lies over the other corner of the triangle nJ Then measure off the lengths, P/, Pra, Prc, where P is the centre of the protractor. These lengths will be the delta currents, X, Y and Z, on the same scale on which the sides of the triangle are the line currents A, B, C. FIG. 15. Otherwise, in default of a protractor, we may draw on paper three lines making angles of 120deg., and draw on tracing paper the triangle of line currents A, B, C. Place this tracing paper over the other, and trace off the lengths of the FIG. 16. lines from the centre, P, where the three radial lines inter- sect, to the angular points of the triangle viz., measure the lengths P/, Pm, Pn (see Fig. 17). By this simple, graphical construction we can find the ammeter or E.M.S. values of the currents in the delta branches when we are given those in the lines. Hence, multiplying the ampere value of these delta currents by the observed potential differences of the delta corners, and adding the THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 501 three products, we have the total power in watts taken up in the inductionless delta circuit. It is obvious, if the resistances of the delta branches are all non-inductive and equal, that the three line currents (K.M.S. value) are equal, and also the three delta currents. Also, each delta current is equal to the quotient of each line current by \/3. Accordingly, in the very simple case of a symmetrical inductionless delta circuit, the power taken up in the whole delta is equal to the product of \/3 times either line current and the potential difference of the ends of either delta branch. FIG. 17. We have next to consider the case when the delta branches are not inductionless, which is an important case, as it involves the testing of three-phase motors and trans- formers worked or constructed on the delta pattern. Let us consider, first, the limited case when the three branches of the delta circuit have equal inductance and resistance. This is always the case with three-phase motors or transformers. A little consideration will, then, show that the same rule given above for finding the currents in the inductionless delta circuits will give also, in the case of equi-inductive delta circuits, the . value of the delta currents. On the other hand, when the delta branches are inductive the current in each branch lags in phase behind the potential difference of the ends or delta corners. Hence we cannot find the 502 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. power taken up in the whole delta circuit until we have discovered the value of this phase difference. This may be achieved in the following manner : Draw, as before, the triangle representing the line currents and the radial lines P/, Pm, Pra at angles of 120deg., representing the delta currents. Let the dotted lines on the diagram (see Fig. 18) Pe, P/, P# represent the phase positions of the potential differences of the ends of the delta circuits that is, let the line ~Pe represent the potential difference of the ends of the delta branch in which the current PZ exists. Then the angle is the angle of lag of the current PZ behind the impressed electromotive force Pe acting on that circuit. FIQ. 18. The angle is equal to the angle 0, minus the angle a. (See Fig. 18.) Now the angle is the phase difference between the line current represented by the side ml and the potential difference between the adjacent corners of the delta circuit. The angle a can be measured by a protractor on the triangle of currents. Accordingly, we may find all that we require in the following manner : Introduce into one of the lines a series coil, and put across the terminals of one of the delta-branches another high resistance shunt coil. Employ these two coils in conjunction with a soft iron needle to determine, as already described, the phase difference between any one of the line THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 503 currents and the potential difference between any two line circuits. This phase difference is the angle . Find from the triangle of currents the angle a, and then the required phase difference 6 = a. Hence we can find, assuming sinoidal currents and electro- motive forces, the phase difference between any delta current and the potential difference creating it. The power taken up in the whole delta is then easily found, for it is three times that in any one branch of the delta, and this last is XV cos 0, where X is any delta current (E.M.S. value) and V the potential difference of the ends of that delta branch. In place of a soft iron needle and series and shunt coil, a phasemeter of the type devised by Dolivo von Dobrowolsky may be employed. If the delta branches have unequal inductance and resistance, then the above measurements must be repeated on each line, and for the complete calculation of the power taken up in the delta we require, then, to know the value of each line current, the potential difference between each corner of the delta, and the phase difference of the above currents and potential differences. The cases of most practical interest are, however, those in which each delta branch has the same inductance and resist- ance, as this involves the testing of three-phase transformers and motors ; and the case when each branch is inductionless but not of equal resistance, as with this we are concerned in a three-phase distribution of current for lighting purposes when unequal numbers of lamps are on each phase. But now it is interesting to notice that, although it is difficult to obtain an algebraical expression for the mean power taken up in an inductive delta three-phase circuit, given the line currents and line potential differences only and such phase angles as can easily be measured, yet it is quite easy to determine the power absorption practically by means of two wattmeters or even one instrument properly arranged. Consider again the state of the three-phase delta circuit at any instant. Let c } , c z , c 3 be the line currents at any instant, 504 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. let i v i * 3 be the delta branch currents, and let v 1} v 2 , v 3 be the line potential differences or delta corner potential C 2 FIG. 19. differences respectively (see Fig. 19). Then it is clear that Let w be the power absorption in the whole delta at any instant, then Fia. 20. Connections for Wattmeter Measurement of Power in Three-Phase Circuit. If therefore we arrange two wattmeters as in Fig. 20, one of them will give a reading proportional to the average value of THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 505 CjV^ and the other will give a reading proportional to the average value of c 3 v 2 , and accordingly the sum of the watt- meter readings will be proportional to the total mean power taken up in the whole delta circuit whether the branches be inductive or not. Hence we may arrange two suitable alternating current wattmeters to give the required measurement, or we may arrange one wattmeter and a series of switches which throws over the wattmeter quickly from one side to the other of the delta mains.* Lord Kelvin has devised a form of duplex wattmeter suitable for this purpose which is described in the next section. 12. Practical Forms of Wattmeter The existing prac- tical forms of wattmeter may be classified under two head- ings : (i.) electrodynamic, (ii.) electrostatic instruments. The electrodynamic instruments consist of two circuits or coils of wire, one called the series coil and the other called the shunt coil. One of these coils or circuits is fixed, and the other is suspended and free to move over a small range under the influence of the electrodynamic stress existing between the coils when both are traversed by currem . Generally speaking, the series coil is fixed, because it has to carry the larger current, and the difficulty of getting this current in and out of a movable coil is greater than in the case of the smaller current used in the shunt circuit. The movable coil must be restrained and brought back to a fixed zero position by a couple or force due to gravity or a spring control. In any case the conditions which must be complied with are that a small displacement of the movable coil must bring into existence an opposing mechanical force which increases with the displacement. The electrodynamic stress between the coils should be a maximum when the coils are * See Science Abstract$, Vol. I., p. 554, M. Aliamet "On Three-phase Power Measurement." 506 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. in their sighted or zero positions. For if the electrodynamic force increases with the displacement, it may increase faster than the opposing mechanical force, and then the equilibrium will be unstable. It is also desirable, though not necessary, that the mutual induction between the coils should be zero when they are in the sighted or normal position. In the case of wattmeters intended for use with alternating currents, there must not be any metal enclosing case or metal Fia. 21. Siemens Workshop Wattmeter. work of any kind near the coils, and the coils themselves must be wound on non-conducting formers or cores. If large- sized wire has to be used for the series coil, it must be stranded or formed of a cable of silk-covered wire twisted together. One of the simplest wattmeters for workshop use is the Siemens wattmeter. It consists of a wooden base and support which carries the fixed coil (see Fig. 21) and a THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 507 movable coil hung from a torsion head by means of a few fibres of floss silk. In some instruments the ends of the movable coil dip into mercury cups. In the one shown in Fig. 21 the current is led into and out of the movable coil by light flexible connections. The restoring couple is applied to the movable coil by means of a spiral metal spring, one end of which is attached to the movable coil, and the other to the torsion head. In using the instrument the series coil is joined in the circuit of the power-absorbing circuit, and the movable coil is connected as a shunt across the ends of that circuit and the series coil taken together. As already explained, when so connected the reading of the wattmeter is proportional to the power absorbed in the circuit under test and that in the series coil of the wattmeter. If the wattmeter is employed with continuous currents, care must be taken to see that it is placed in such a position that the magnetic field of the earth has no influence on the movable coil when traversed by a current. When both coils have currents through them, the movable coil is twisted round through a small angle as far as a pair of stops will allow it to move. The torsion head is then twisted round in the opposite direction until the movable coil comes back to its original position, and the angular displacement of the torsion head noted. A table is furnished with each instrument, which will then give the power being taken up in watts in the circuit under test. In the wattmeter designed by the Author for use with alternating currents, special precautions are taken to obviate sources of error. The wattmeter consists (see Fig. 22) of a teak case about 15in. high and lOin. wide with glass doors on each side. The case stands on levelling screws. On the top surface is a celluloid divided scale. A hollow axis through the centre of this scale carries on its outside an adjustable index arm, and to a support on the inside is suspended the movable coil. This is in a rectangular form, and consists only of a few turns of 508 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. insulated wire kept in shape by shellac. This coil is hung up to the torsion head by a few fibres of floss silk, and to it is attached an index arm of aluminium wire. The torsion spring is a spiral gilt steel chronometer spring, and this is affixed by one end to the torsion head axes and by the other FIG. 22. Fleming Alternating Current Wattmeter. to the suspended coil. The ends of the coil dip into mercury cups made of vulcanised fibre. The fixed coil is carried on a wooden bar, and has its axis at right angles to the movable coil. The wires bringing the currents to the coils are twisted together. There are no metal parts or screws of any kind THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 509 near the coils. This wattmeter is used, as originally suggested by the Author, in conjunction with an auxiliary transformer, the secondary circuit of which is connected through two or three incandescent lamps with the movable coil of the wattmeter. The primary circuit of the transformer is connected as a shunt across the ends of the power-absorbing circuit and the series coil in series with that circuit. The wattmeter is standardised, as already described, by the use of an inductionless standardising resistance and an alternating current ammeter and voltmeter. Lord Kelvin's ampere balances are also constructed as wattmeters by forming the fixed coils of thick copper strip, and using them as the series coils, whilst the balanced or movable coils are formed of thinner wire and constitute the shunt coil (see Fig. 23). The shunt coil is made to have a small resistance, and is joined up in series with a large non-inductive resistance outside. Lord Kelvin's form of alternating current wattmeter for large powers is shown in Fig. 24. In this case the series coil is a stranded cable bent in a U shape. The shunt coil consists of a pair of balanced coils over it attached to the scale beam arm. The electrodynamic action is the same as in the other balances that is to say, the forces due to the currents tend to raise one balance coil and depress the other. The series coil in the instrument shown in the figure is designed for carrying large currents. This conductor is made up of ropes of insulated copper wire, twisted together so as to form a cable with a hollow core. In order to correct any effect due to the induction of one arm of the coil upon the other the twisting is done in a very careful manner, so that the strands of the cable which are inside on passing the left-hand movable coil on one side are outside on passing the right-hand movable coil on the same side, and are in the reverse direction on the other arm of the U. The core of the cable is hollow, and brass tubes are passed along each arm of the U as far as the bend. The main object of these tubes 510 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 511 512 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. is to prevent any deformation in the cable, but they also serve as a means of blowing air through to keep the con- ductor cool, if it should ever be necessary to use it for much heavier currents than those for which the instrument is primarily intended. Another form of dynamometer wattmeter is that devised by the Author and Mr. Gimingham. In it there are two helices of wire wound on non-conducting cores. These are so wound as to have similar magnetic poles in the centre, FIG. 25. Fleming and Gimingham's Voltmeter (lid removed). and are placed parallel to each other. These coils form the series coil of the wattmeter. They are embraced by two circular coils attached to the ends of a bar suspended on a needle point by means of a jewelled centre. These coils are made with aluminium formers, and are wound with fine wire. They constitute the shunt coils. The current is got into and out of this movable coil by means of very fine flexible leads, which do not prevent, the movable coil from swinging freely within narrow limits. To the movable coil THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 513 is attached a spiral steel torsion spring, as in the Siemens wattmeter, and its upper end is fixed to a torsion arm moving over a divided scale. The scale can be divided to read directly in watts. The operation of reading consists in turning the torsion head until the movable coil is brought back to its normal or zero position, as shown by a small index needle attached to it. The external appearance of the instrument is shown in Fig. 25. The figure, however, represents the voltmeter designed by the same inventors,but the wattmeter only differs from it in having four terminals instead of two, one pair for the series circuit and one pair for the shunt circuit. The above-described instruments are not direct reading. The observer has to move or slide some part of the instru- ment in the process of taking a reading. They are, therefore, not adapted for switchboard purposes. In this latter case an instrument must be employed which shows directly by a needle upon a scale or dial the power passing through it. A form of direct-reading wattmeter has been devised by Lord Kelvin. It consists of a coil of one or two thick turns of copper wire, and a spectacle-shaped fine wire coil in series, with an external resistance. The instrument is adapted as a central station wattmeter, giving indications of power passing through it by means of the movement of a needle attached to the fine wire coil over a scale. The interior is shown in Fig. 26. It has a main circuit formed of a double rectangle of copper rod having sufficient area to carry 200 amperes, and a shunt circuit with two fine wire coils astatically arranged. The main coil is mounted on a slate back so that the rectangles are horizontal. The shunt coils are mounted on a light but strong aluminium frame in the manner shown in Fig. 27. One end of this frame has a circular knife-edged hole fixed to it, and the other end has a straight knife-edge. These two knife-edges rest on two phosphor-bronze hooks attached by insulating supports to the outside ends of the double rectangle. By this method of suspension complete freedom from friction is obtained, LL 514 MEASUREMENT Of ELECTRIC POWER. FIG. 26. Kelvin Engine Room Wattmeter. Removed General View with Case FIG. 27. View of Fine Wire Shunt Coils, showing details of Suspension Springs removed. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 515 while the movable system is kept in a definite position with- out end guides. Each fine wire coil has about 1,000 turns of insulated wire, and its resistance is about 100 ohms. The current is conducted in and out from the movable system by two flat palladium spiral springs, which also supply the restoring force for governing the sensibility of the instrument. Not more than /^th of an ampere is allowed to pass through the fine wire circuit, and in order to regulate this a large non- inductive resistance is rolled on the case of the instrument, which offers a large cooling surface. The scale has nearly uniform divisions, and is graduated to read directly in watts or kilowatts as required. Main Coil Main Coil Fia. 28. Connections of Kelvin's Three-Phase Wattmeter. Lord Kelvin has modified his single-phase balance watt- meter to make it suitable for three-phase measurement. It has two sets of fixed coils mounted on the opposite sides of an ebonite or marble slab. Suspended inside these coils are two sets of movable coils carried on the same spindle, the pointer being also carried on the spindle. The only opening in the ebonite slab is for the spindle. The fixed coils are in the two arms of the main circuit, and the shunt coils are connected across through non-induction resistances, as shown in Fig. 28. With instruments for low pressures the inductionless coils are in the case, and for high pressures they are outside and separate. LX.2 516 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. The use of the Kelvin quadrant electrometer, or some modification of it, as a wattmeter was suggested almost simultaneously by Profs. Ayrton, FitzGerald and Potier. Maxwell showed that, in the case of the Kelvin electro- meter, if A and B are the potentials of the quadrants and C that of the needle, then the deflection of the needle should vary as It was shown, however, by Dr. J. Hopkinson, and also by Profs. Ayrton and Perry, that the above law is not fulfilled by every instrument of the quadrant type, but that electrometers can be constructed which do obey it. A form of Kelvin quadrant electrometer has been devised by Messrs. Ayrton, Perry and Sumpner (see Fig. 29), which strictly obeys the above law of deflection. Assuming that, for any particular instrument, the law has been verified, we may use it as a wattmeter as follows : Let AB be an induc- tive circuit through which an alternating current can be set flowing. It is desired to measure the power taken up in AB. Join in series with AB an inductionless resistance BC, and connect the quadrants of the electrometer to the terminals A and B. Then take two readings, one with the needle joined to B and one with it connected to C. Observe the deflections in each case : call them 6 and 0'. Then we have where K is an instrumental constant and V A , V B , V c signify the potentials at the points A, B, C respectively. Subtract- ing the equations, we have Now (V^ - V B ) is the fall of potential down the inductive THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 517 circuit, and V B V c is the fall of potential down the non- inductive circuit, and is proportional to the current through FIG. 29. the inductive circuit. The difference of the readings, viz., 0', is proportional, therefore, to the mean value of this 518 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. product, assuming that the free periodic time of- the needle is large compared with that of the alternating current. It has been suggested by MM. Blondlot and Curie that the power may be obtained by a single reading with a double electrometer containing two needles and two pairs of quadrants, the quadrants being connected to the terminals A and B and one " needle " to B and the other needle to C. A careful verification of the right to use the Kelvin quadrant electrometer in the above manner as an alternating-current wattmeter has been given by Prof. E. "Wilson (see Proc. Eoy. Soc., London, Vol. LXIL, 1898, p. 356), but the experimentalist employing any particular instrument should independently verify for himself its obedience to the theoretical law. Mr. G. L. Addenbrooke has devoted particular attention to the improvement of the quadrant electrometer for alternating current measurement, and has arranged a convenient form of electrostatic wattmeter for this purposes. (See abstract of a Paper read at the International Congress of Electricity in Paris, 1900, The Electrician, Vol. XLV., p, 901.) The various forms of continuously-recording wattmeters or watt-hour-meters employed as house-meters will be considered in the chapter on " Electric Quantity and Energy Measure- ment." 13. Wattmeter Testing. Owing to the various disturb- ing actions which tend to render wattmeter readings incorrect, no prudent experimentalist will engage in a course of experi- ments with any one particular instrument without previously making a careful examination of its behaviour under various conditions. Let us assume, in the first place, that the watt- meter is of the dynamometer type and that it is to be employed in measuring continuous-current power with the series coil joined in series with the power-absorbing circuit and the shunt coil joined across the ends of a circuit consist- ing of the power-absorbing circuit and the series coil. The wattmeter should be placed upon a turntable so as to move THE MEASUREMENT OP ELECTRIC POWER. 519 it round in azimuth into different positions. The first experi- ment which should be made is to pass the normal current through the shunt coil, no current going through the series coil ; and notice should be taken whether the interruption or reversal of this current through the shunt affects its position when freely suspended and movable. If this is the case, then the wattmeter must be turned round its vertical axis and tests made in different positions to discover if the displacement is due to the earth's magnetic field. If so, an orientation can be found in which the position of the shunt coil is not disturbed by reversing the current through it. If no such position of the wattmeter can be found, then the disturbance may be due to currents flowing in neighbouring wires, and these should be looked for and removed. The next step is to measure the resistance of the series coil and calculate the C 2 K loss in it when the current to be passed through it is used. As already explained, the torsion which has to be applied to the wattmeter head to bring the movable shunt coil back to its zero position is proportional to the power taken up in the power-absorbing resistance, plus the power absorbed in the series coil when the connections are made as above described. It is necessary, therefore, to ascertain what pro- portion the power absorbed in the series coil bears to that taken up in the circuit under test, in order that the value of the correction may be estimated. Again, it must not be taken for granted without investigation that the twists given to the wattmeter head as measured in angular dis- placements of the head are proportional to the power taken up in the power-absorbing circuit ; but special experiments must be made with different power absorptions in a circuit under test, and the quotient of true power taken up by the wattmeter head displacement taken. This quotient, should be constant throughout the range of currents within which the wattmeter will be used. This test is best made by passing currents through the wattmeter coils, the values of which are 520 THE MEASUREMENT OP ELECTRIC POWER. Independently observed, and also the twist 6 given to the wattmeter head to restore the movable coil to its zero position. Then, if C and c are these currents, we have to prove that, for the particular instrument in question, Cc/0= a constant, in order that the wattmeter may be relied upon to give consistent results when used to measure power. In the case of a wattmeter to be used with alternating currents, an additional examination has to be made into its construction and behaviour before accepting its readings as valid. Assuming it to be constructed in accordance with the rules already laid down, we have to ascertain whether its power readings when taken on a circuit of small power factor are in agreement with those taken on circuits of large power factor. For instance, let it be supposed that a watt- meter is to be employed for measuring the power taken up in concentric cables when employed with alternating currents. In this case the power-absorbing circuit, which is the dielectric of the cable, has a small power factor. "We have to assure ourselves first that any wattmeter reading taken on this circuit means the same in true power absorption as when the same indication is found on a power-absorbing circuit of high power factor. A cautious electrician will not take this for granted, knowing, as he should do, that it is quite possible for errors of 300 or 400 per cent, to be made in evaluating by means of a dynamometer wattmeter the power absorption in the case of a small power factor circuit, In order to test the behaviour and trustworthiness of a wattmeter when employed with alternating currents it is essential, therefore, to possess a power-absorbing circuit of known small power factor and known power absorption with various voltages on its ends, and to compare the wattmeter readings taken on this circuit with those taken on a prac- tically inductionless power-absorbing circuit made as already described. The question arises, how is such an inductive circuit to be made ? The following principles will guide the construction THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 521 of a useful form of inductive resistance for wattmeter testing. It consists in making an ironless choking coil in the form of a Gauss coil of maximum inductance. If a coil of insulated wire is made on a former of circular shape, and if the shape of the cross section of the coil is a square having a length of side equal to a, then it was shown by Maxwell (see " Elec- tricity arid Magnetism," Vol. II., p. 316) that the coil will have a maximum inductance if the mean diameter of the Let a core, therefore, be prepared formed by placing cheeks on the sides of a circular disc of wood so as to form a square channel in which insulated wire may be wound, and let the square channel be fitted up with double silk or cotton-covered copper wire well shellaced or paraffined. Let the diameter of the circular former and the depth and breadth of the square channel be such that the outside diameter of the circular coil of wire formed in it is D and the inner diameter D I} and these are so chosen that 37( Po ~ Dl )=( P also let the width of the coil sideways or parallel to its axis be equal to ~ *. The coil will then have the proper- a tions which will give it the maximum inductance for the quantity of wire used according to the Gauss and Maxwell rules. The inductance of this coil may be calculated approximately as follows : It is shown in the " Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism " by Mascart and Joubert (see Atkinson's English translation, Vol. II., pp. 152 and 153) that for a circular coil of wire of N turns and mean radius a, having a rectangular section of width 26 and depth (radial) 2c, the inductance L is given by the following expression : y? where ^ and ^ are certain functions of the ratio T which are tabulated by Mascart and Joubert, 522 TEE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. The deduction of the above formula from first principles would occupy too much space to give it here in full, and the reader must therefore be referred to the treatise of Mascart and Joubert for details. Suppose, now, that the axial width of the coil section is equal to the radial depth, and that the proportions for & maximum inductance are fulfilled. That is, let b=:c=^~. Corresponding to c/b=l, Mascart and Joubert give the values ^=0-84834 and ^=0-8162. Making, therefore, the above substitutions in the general expression for L, we have -3784 - 0-82501 = 4?raN 2 X 1*5525, or = where D = mean diameter of the coil and N = the total number of turns of wire. Now let the total length of wire on the coil = I, then hence L = Let d' be the diameter (over all) of the covered wire used to make the coil ; then the length of the side of the square section is equal to d' \/N. Accordingly, by the Gauss relation, and 7rDN=r/= total length of wire. Substituting these in the above expression for L, viz., L = 31JN, we have, finally, This last expression gives us, therefore, a very simple formula for calculating the self-induction of a square- sectioned circular coil made with the Gauss proportions THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 523 for maximum inductance, viz., 3'7 times side of section = mean diameter of coil. For example, let a coil of maximum inductance be made with cotton-covered copper wire having an over- all diameter of 2-omm. and, say, 1,600 turns. Calculate the inductance and specify the form of the coil. Here d'=0-2o cm., N=l,600, .-. D = 3-7x0-25x40 = 37cm., and side of the section of the coil = 10cm. Hence the coil must have an outer diameter of 47cm., an inner diameter of 27cm., a thickness (axially and radially) of 10cm., and its inductance L is such that L' = 36 XJX (1,600)2 X40 = 36 X 16 X 16 X 10 5 = 921,600,000cm. = 0-9216 henry. The resistance of the coil can easily be approximately calculated as follows : Let p denote the specific resistance of copper in C.G.S. units. At 0C for hard- drawn high conduc- tivity copper p has a value near 1,600. The resistance K of the coil of wire is equal to -~, where d is the diameter ird" of the copper wire and I is its length. But / = 7rDN, and ~D = 3'7d r Jy for the maximum inductance coil; hence, R _ 6,400 DIST^ 23,680 flVyff This value must, however, be increased by at least 15 per cent, to allow for the temperature rise in the resistance. The difference between d' and d is about O'Ol of an inch, or 0*0254 of a centimetre, for double cotton-covered wire, and 0-005 of an inch, or 0*0127 of a centimetre, for double silk-covered wire. Accordingly, when we are given the diameter, d', of the covered wire, its total resistance can easily be calculated. 524 THE MEASUREMENT OP ELECTRIC POWER. Having, then, the value of L and K for the coil, we can calculate the impedance ( N/R 2 -}-^ 2 L 2 ) of the coil for simple periodic alternating currents of a frequency n = 27r/p, and find at once the current which will flow through the coil under a given alternating voltage V (K.M.S. value). We then obtain at once the true power W expended in the coil, since it is equal to V 2 /K, and also the apparent power or volt amperes, since this is equal to V 2 / \/R 2 +p' 2 L 2 and the power factor E/ N/K 2 +jp 2 IA We are thus able to design an inductance coil with any desired power factor and power absorption and to use it to check a wattmeter. The above formulae are, however, only to be used to give an approximate notion of the power factor and power absorption ; the true values for the coil in ques- tion can best be obtained experimentally as described below. One point of considerable importance to which attention must be directed is the energy waste which arises from eddy electric currents set up in solid copper wire when above a certain diameter. If a coil of insulated wire is made, say, of size as large as No. 14 S.W.G., and if this wire is' traversed by an alternating current, the field of each turn embraces and cuts that of other turns and sets up in the mass of the copper eddy currents which dissipate energy. This is in addition to the proper C 2 E loss due to the ohmic resistance of the circuit. As this energy loss is not easily predicted and taken into account, it is necessary to make the conductor of such an ironless inductance coil of stranded wire. Generally speaking, it will not be necessary to insulate each strand. The film of dirt or grease on each constituent wire is usually sufficient to stop the circulation of these eddy currents. If, however, the wire is stranded, then its inductance per unit of length is not quite the same as that of a round-sectioned solid wire of the same cross-sectional area. Stranding the wire reduces the inductance because it increases the average distance of all the filamentary elements into which we may conceive the currents divided. THE MEASUREMENT OP ELECTRIC POWER. 525 Hence the calculations made by the above formulae for the inductance and resistance of the copper circuit do not quite exactly give the required quantities. If the wire is solid, then the C 2 E waste in the coil with alternating currents will be under-estimated; and if the wire is stranded, then the inductance will be rather over-estimated when calculated by the above-given rules. As an illustration, however, of the use of the above formulae let us for the moment neglect the copper eddy current loss, and proceed to design an ironless choking coil having a power absorption of J H.P., or 375 watts, when submitted to an alternating electromotive force of 2,000 volts at a frequency of 100, the power factor of the coil to be 2 per cent. After a few trials we find the specification to be as follows : Take No. 14 double cotton-covered copper wire, say 0'2cm. diameter, use 1,225 turns, and make it in the form of a square-sectioned circular Gauss coil. Then d = 0-2cm., N=l,225, x/N=35. The inductance L = 36xO'2x35x(l,225) 2 = 378,157,500cm. = 0-378 henry. The resistance E in ohms at 0C =23,680 X 1,225 X 35 X 5 x 10~ 9 =5-076 ohms, or, say, 6 ohms when hot. Then ^=2<7r^=200 x 3-1415=628-3, the reactance =Lp=235'6 ohms at 0C, the impedance= N/JR 2 +^ 2 L 2 ='V / 55,508-7 + 25*7=2357 ohms. Hence, under an alternating electromotive force of 2,000 volts the current in the coil is 2,000/235'7=8*48 amperes. The true power absorbed by the coil at 2,000 volts is (8-48) 2 X 5-076=365-3 watts, if we neglect the increase in resistance due to rise in temperature. If the current is not kept on more than a few moments, the true power absorption will not exceed 400 watts, 526 THE MEASUREMENT OP ELECTRIC POWER. The volt-amperes, or apparent power, taken is equal to 2,000x848=16,960, and the power factor=400/16,960 =0-023. The covered wire will have a diameter, d f , equal to 0*2 2 5cm. Then as to the size of the coil. The mean diameter=D =37 X 0-225 X 35 = 291cm., and the side of the square section =a= 0'225 x 35 = 7*9cm. Hence the coil must have an inside diameter of 21'2cm., an outside diameter of 37cm., and a thickness of 7*9cm. It will contain 1,225 turns of No. 14 double cotton-covered copper wire. The length of the wire will be 7 rDN = ^x291xl,225cm.=112,035crn.=l,250yd. nearly. The weight will be about 801b. Hence 801b. of double cotton-covered No. 14 wire will be required to make the coil. As a matter of practical construction, it would not be advisable to wind up this weight of cotton-covered wire in one coil, and use it on a high-voltage circuit, because the current would probably jump from layer to layer and destroy the insulation. The coil should be wound like an ordinary induction or spark-coil secondary circuit in a set of side-by- side coils, or sections, insulated from each other by thin ebonite or micanite discs. Before or during winding, the covered wire should be well paraffined, and it is an advantage to keep a coil of this description immersed in insulating oil during experiments with high-tension currents. Moreover, as above explained, in practice the wire of which the coil is made should be stranded wire, using a strand the constituent wires of which are not larger than No. 30 S.W.G. Hence, instead of using solid No. 14 S.W.G. copper wire, a stranded 36/30 should be employed. Assuming the copper wire to be sufficiently stranded, the actual power absorbed and the power factor at any voltage can, however, best be determined experimentally as follows: Provide a means for regulating the alternating voltage by very small steps say, for instance, by introducing a variable choking coil into the supply circuit, or by varying the THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 527 exciting current of the service alternator very gradually by a carbon plate rheostat. Then provide also a supply of continuous current from secondary batteries. Place in series with the inductance coil under test a hot-wire ammeter suitable for use with both continuous and alternating cur- rents, and have at hand calibrated voltmeters for reading accurately the alternating and continuous voltages. Then begin by applying a measured continuous voltage to the inductance coil sufficient to create in it a current equal to that which it will take with the alternating voltage. In the case of the above-described coil, since the resistance is about 5 ohms, a continuous voltage of 40 volts will create a current of 8 amperes. Measure very carefully this voltage and current. As soon as the currents become constant, or very nearly so, switch off the continuous voltage and apply an alternating voltage sufficient to maintain the same heating current in the coil. In this case, since the impedance is nearly 250 ohms, about 2,000 alternating volts (RM.S. value) will be required. Measure this alternating voltage carefully. Then, if the ventilation or cooling of the coil is rapid enough to enable these voltages to be measured when the current is practically the same in the two cases, we have at once the power factor and the true power absorbed in the coil. For, if Vc is the continuous voltage required to maintain a cur- rent, A, through the coil, and V A is the equivalent alternating voltage, then V C /V A is the power factor of the coil, and AV C is the true power absorbed by the coil under an alternating voltage V A and an apparent power absorption AV A . The inductance coil so made, then, becomes a means of checking a wattmeter. For this purpose we must provide in addition a nearly inductionless resistance, taking up at the 2,000 volts a true power equal, or nearly equal, to that taken up by the inductance coil. For the above case, if we make a resistance coil by winding on a wooden frame non-inductively a length of 1,000 yards of No. 36 S.W.G. cotton-covered platinoid wire, we shall have a resistance 528 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. of about 12,000 ohms, which, if properly ventilated, will carry without sensible heating one-sixth of an ampere, or the current it will take under an alternating voltage of 2,000 volts. The power absorbed will then be about 333 watts. We have, then, two resistances, one, the above platinoid resistance, taking up 333 watts or so at 2,000 volts, and having a power factor nearly unity, and the previously- described inductance coil, taking up 360 watts or so, and having a power factor about 0'02. Proceed then to calibrate the wattmeter under test by means of the inductionless platinoid resistance, measuring the pressure with an alter- nating electrostatic high tension voltmeter, and the current through it with a hot-wire ammeter or by a resistance and associated electrostatic low-reading voltmeter ; in this way obtain the constant of the wattmeter on the high power- factor resistance. Then, employing the same instruments on the inductance coil, measure the power taken up calculated out by means of the wattmeter constant observed as above. If this power reading does not agree with the true power absorbed by the inductance coil at that voltage, as already determined by the use of the continuous and alternating currents, then something is wrong with the wattmeter, and it cannot be trusted when used with small power factor circuits. An inductance coil made as described, and built up in sections so that one or more sections can be used in series as required, is a very useful implement in a laboratory in which cable testing is being conducted. For, if it is desired to measure the true power absorption in the dielectric of a cable under alternating voltage, then, since the power factor of the dielectric circuit of the cable is small, its measurement directly by a wattmeter becomes a matter of difficulty. But the difficulty is reduced if an inductance coil of suitable power factor is joined, either in parallel or in series, with the dielectric of the cable or condenser, as suggested by Prof. THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. 529 Ayrton and Mr. Mather,* and the power factor of the two together, cable and coil, becomes greater than either of them separately by reason of the fact that the current leads on the electromotive force in the case of capacity and lags on it in the case of inductance. In order to know approximately how much we may expect to improve the power factor, we must, however, have a rough knowledge of the power factor and current taken in each case separately. Thus, suppose the above-described inductance coil, having a power factor of O02, and taking a current of 8*5 amperes at 2,000 volts, is joined in parallel with a length of 5 miles of a cable having a dielectric power factor of 0*02 and a capacity of 0'3 microfarads per mile. Then, under simple periodic currents, the capacity current of the cable (I) would be equal to CpV/10 6 , where C is the total capacity in microfarads, p = 2-n- times the frequency, and V is the voltage. The reader should note that this formula cannot be used to calculate the condenser current when the capacity, inductance and frequency have such values as to create electric resonance in the circuit/)- If, however, resonance is absent, then, since n = 100 and V = 2,000, we have T _5x3x 2,000x628-3 10^ =r885 amperes. Hence, to obtain the best result in augmenting the power factor it would be desirable to couple the dielectric of this cable in parallel with an inductance coil having a larger number of turns (about twice as many) than the one above specified, in order that the coil current under 2,000 volts should be about equal in magnitude and opposite in phase, as regards the electromotive force, to the capacity current of the cable. With the assistance of the previously- * See Prof. Ayrton's remarks in The Electrician, January 18, 1901, Vol. XLVL, p. 476 ; also January 25, Vol. XL VI., p. 512 ; and Mr. Mather, The Electrician, February 22, Vol. XLVL, p. 667. t See Mr. T. Mather, Electrical Review, May 31, 1901 ; also Vol. II. of this Handbook, in the chapter on "Measurement of Capacity." MM 530 THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER. explained principles, the reader will have no difficulty in doing this for himself. If an ironless inductance coil is joined in parallel with a condenser, and the two are supplied with alternating current from an alternator at constant potential, there is a certain value of the inductance which will, when asso- ciated with a given condenser, make the current coming out of the alternator a minimum. This value may be ascertained as follows : Let i be the instantaneous value of the current coming out of the alternator, i z that of the current into the condenser, and i : that through the inductance. Let C be the capacity of the condenser and L and E the inductance and resistance of the coil. Then, if v is the instantaneous value of the alternator voltage, we have as fundamental equations i 2 =i-i v dv. Hence, assuming a simple periodic variation of i, we have Then, if i = I sin.pt, we shall have * 1 = I 1 sin (pt0\ because there will be a difference of phase between \ and i. Accord- ingly, we obtain, by substitution, (1 - VLf)\ sin (pt-Q) H-CRpIiCOS (pt - 0)=I smpt, and hence, by a well-known transformation, But I 1= V/\/K 2 -t-/ 2 L 2 ; therefore I We have, then, to find what value of L will make I a minimum. Differentiate therefore the last expression with THE MEASUREMENT OP ELECTRIC POWER. 531 respect to L and equate to zero, and after some simple reductions we have as a result the equation C(CLp 2 - 1)(K 2 +^ 2 L 2 )=L{ (1 - C 1 R 2 which reduces to L 2 ,-!,= ; - Cp 2 p 2 Hence the solution of the above quadratic equation gives us the value of L which makes I a minimum. It is or T _1 Vl-4C 2 Ry In this last form the solution of the problem was given by Prof. Ayrton in a discussion at the Institution of Electrical Engineers in 1901. Given a condenser or cable of capacity C farads subjected to an alternating current of frequency n=p/27r, the condenser being shunted by an inductance L of resistance R ; the value of L, calculated from the above equation, is that which will make the total current taken by coil and condenser a minimum. END OF VOLUME I. INDEX. Absolute Galvanometer, 352 Absolute Resistance, Jones-Lorenz Appa- ratus for Determining, 314 Accumulator Room, 12 Accumulators for Laboratory Purposes, 12 Addenbrooke Electrostatic Voltmeter. 394, 518 Alloys, Resistivity of, 263, 326 Alloys used for Making Resistances, 38 Alternating Current Curve Tracing, Reference to Papers on, 407 Alternating Current Measurement, 388 Alternating Current Measurement, Use of Transformers in, 409 Alternating Current Power, Measurement of, 477, 479 Alternating Current Power, Measurement of, by Three Ammeters, 492 Alternating Current Power, Measurement of, by Three Voltmeters, 488 Alternating Currents, Delineation of Wave Form of, 395 Alternating Currents, Generating, 2 Alternating Currents, Resistance of Con- ductors to, 317 Alternators, Combined, 6 Ammeter, Calibration of, 372 Ammeter, Error Curve of, 374 Ammeter, Hartmann and Braun, 369 Ammeter, Hot Wire, 390 Ammeter, Kelvin Switchboard Form, 372 Ammeter, Weston Form, 368 Ammeters, Movable Coil, 142 Ampere, Board of Trade Specification for the Recovery of the, 57 > Ampere, The International, 341 Ampere Balance, 60 Ampere Balance, Board of Trade, 71 Ampere Balance, Pellat's Form, 366 Ampere Balance, Use of the, 65 Amperemeters, 367 Amperemeters, Classification of, 120 Ampere Standard, Board of Trade, 30 Arrangement of Dynamo Room, 2 Atomic Weights, Table of, 320 Ayrton Electrostatic Voltmeter, 516 Ayrton and Mather Method of Measuring Power in Circuits of Small Power Factor, 529 Ayrton-Mather Galvanometer, 123 Ayrton's N on -Insulating Varnish, 464 Balance, Standard, 25 Ballistic Galvanometer, 128, 173 Bar Pattern Wheatstone's Bridge, 164 Berlin Reichsanstalt Standard Ohm, 42 Bidwell Rheostat, 82 Blakesley's Method of Measuring Alter- nating Current Power, 493 Board of Trade Ampere Standard, 30 Board of Trade Electrical Laboratory, 186 Board of Trade Ohm Standard, 30 Board of Trade Specification for Clark Cell, 92 Board of Trade Specification for Unit Cur- rent, 57 Board of Trade Standard Ampere Balance, 71 Board of Trade Standard Voltmeter. 113, U7 534 INDEX. Board of Trade Volt Standard, 31 Bridge, Dial Pattern, Arrangement of Coils, in, 163 Bridge, Kelvin, Double Form, 278 Bridge, Plug Form of, 162 Bridge, Wheatstone's, 144 Bridge for Liquid Resistance Measurement, 307 Cadmium Standard Cell, Reichsanstalt Form of, 102 Cadmium Standard Cell Weston Form of, 101 Calibration of Ammeter, 372 Calibration of a Slide Wire, 240 Callendar Clark Cell, 99 Callendar and Griffith Resistance Bridge, 221 Calomel Cell, 104 Carbon Plate Rheostat, 81 Cardew Voltmeter, 459 Cardew's Method for Measuring High Resistance, 300 Carey Foster Bridge, 149, 238 Carhart- Clark Cell, 91 Circular Conductor, Magnet Field of, 350 Clark Cell, Board of Trade Specification for, 92 Clark Cell, Determination of Electromotive Force of, 423 Clark Cell, Original Form of, 87 Clark Cell, References to Various Papers on, 108 Clark Cell, Various Forms of, 87 Coil of Maximum Inductance, 521 Combined Resistance Balance and Poten- tiometer, 432 Conductivity Box, 215 Conductivity of Metals, 325 Conductors, Classification of, 292 Conductors, Networks of, 194 Construction of Current-Carrying Resist- ances, 53 Continuous Current Power Measurement, 471 Copper, Conductivity of, 258 Copper, Temperature Co-efficient of, 261 Copper Wire, Resistivity of Various Sizes of, 333 Crompton Galvanometer, 124 Crompton Potentiometer, 136 Crompton Water-tube Resistance, 51 Current Balance, 365 Current- Carry ing Capacity of Wires, 377 Current-Carrying Resistance?, 49 Current Measurement by Electrolysis of Copper Sulphate, 342 Current Measurement by Electrolysis of Silver Nitrate, 347 Current Measurement by Potentiometer, 376 Current Measuring Instruments, 119 Current Measuring Instruments, 349 Current, Regulation of, 79 Curve Tracer, Rosa's Form, 401 Daniell Cell, 104 Density of Metals, 320 Determination of Mean Temperature Co- efficient of a Wire, 245 Dial Pattern Wheatstone's Bridge, 163 Dielectrics, Resistance of, Under Various Electromotive Forces, 294 Dielectric Resistance, Measurement of, 297 Dielectrics, Resistivity of, 330 Differential Bridge, 149 Differential Bridge, Method of Using, 151 Dolivo-Dobrowolsky Phasemeters, 416 Duddell Oscillograph, 405 Dynamo Room, Arrangement of, 2 Dynamometer Method of Measuring Power, 493 Electric Current, Methods of Measuring, 341 Electric Current, Provision for Obtaining, 2 Electric Current, Root Mean Square Value of, 340 Electric Current, Unit of, 29 Electric Currents, Classification of, 339 Electric Power, Measurement of, 469 Electrical Instruments, Foundations for, 9 Electrical' Laboratory, Arrangement of an, 8 Electrical Laboratory, Board of Trade, 186 Electrical Laboratory, Outfit of, 119 Electrical Laboratory, University College, London, 4 Electrical Resistance, Board of Trade Standard of, 30 Electrical Resistance, Practical Standard of, 31 Electrical Resistance, Unit of, 29 Electrical Resistances, Measurement of, 191 Electrical Resistivity of Various Materials, 337 Electrical Units, 28 Electrochemical Equivalent of Silver, 58 Electrochemical Equivalents, 420 Electrodynamometer, 360 E lee trodynamo meter, Siemens, 130 Electrodynamometer, Theory of, 361 Electrolytes, Measurement of Resistivity of, 311 Electromotive Force, Determination of, 427 INDEX. 535 Electromotive Force, Measurement of, 421 Electromotive Force, Potentiometer Measurement of, 429 Electromotive Force, Practical Standard of, 86 Electromotive Force, Unit of, 29 Electromotive Force of Clark Cell, Deter- mination of, 423 Electromotive Force of Clark Cell, Table of, 467 Electrostatic Voltmeter, Ayrton, 516 Elliott Potentiometer, 434 Elliott Recording Voltmeter, 452 Equipment of Test Room, 1 Equivalents, Electrochemical, Table of, 420 Error Curve of Voltmeter, 445 Eureka Alloy, 40 Evershed's Ohmmeter, 303 Fleming and Gimingham Wattmeter, 512 Fleming Circular Slide-Wire Bridge, 150 Fleming Inductionless Resistances, 80 Fleming Potentiometer, 441 Fleming Standard Daniell Cell, 105 Fleming Standard Ohm, 44 Fleming Wattmeter, 508 Foundations for Electrical Instruments, 9 Frequency Tellers, 411 Frequency of Alternating Current, Mea- surement of, 411 Fundamental Standards, 22 Fuse Wire Currents, Table of, 419 Fusing Currents of Wires, 382 Galvanometer Absolute, 352 Galvonometer, Ayrton-Mather, 123 Galvanometer, Ballistic, 128, 173 Galvanometer, Ballistic, Theory of, 173 Galvanometer Calibration by Poten- tiometer, 383 Galvanometer, Crompton, 124 Galvanometer, Deflectional Constant, 353 Galvanometer, Holden-Pitkin Form, 122 Galvanometer Lamps, 11 Galvanometer Shunt, 385 Galvanometers, Classification of, 120, 126 German Silver Alloy, 39 Glass, Resistivity of, 293 Guard Wire, 289 Hamilton Dickson Formula for Tempera- ture Variation of Resistance of Platinum, 250 Hartmann and Braun Ammeter, 369 Hartmann and Braun Hot Wire Ammeter, 391 Heating Effects of Currents, References to Papers on, 383 Helmholtz Calomel Cell, 104 High Resistance, Measurement of, 293 High-Tension Electrostatic Voltmeter, 133 High Tension Voltmeter, Kelvin, 453 High Tension Voltmeter, Pirelli, 454 Holden-Pitkin Galvanometer, 122 Holden-Pitkin Hot Wire Ammeter, 390 Housman Bridge, 279 Hydraulic Speed Indicator, 27 Indicator, Speed, 27 Inductance, Rules for Making Coil of Maximum, 521 Insulation of Cables, Measurement of, 290 Insulation Resistance, 288 Insulation Resistance, Measurement of, 304 Insulation, Rules for, 305 Insulation Tests, Certificate of, 296 Inductionless Resistances, 80 International Kilogramme, 23 International Metre, 22 International Volt, 421 International Units, 29 Iron, Temperature Co-efficient of, 248 Kelvin Ammeter, 372 Kelvin Ampere Balance, 60 Kelvin Ampere Balance, Various Types, 67 Kelvin Double Bridge. 270 Kelvin Double Bridge, Practical Forms of, 275 Kelvin Double Bridge, Theory of, 275 Kelvin Edgewise Voltmeter, 463 Kelvin Electrostatic High-Tension Volt- meter, 133 Kelvin Engine Room Wattmeter, 514 Kelvin High Tension Voltmeter, 453 Kelvin Multicellular Electrostatic Volt- meter, 132 Kelvin Multicellular Vertical Pattern Volt- meter, 462 Kelvin Multicellular Voltmeter, 118 Kelvin Recording Voltmeter, 451 Kelvin Standard One Ampere Balance, 77 Kelvin-Varley Slide, 273 Kelvin Water Battery, 456 Kelvin Wattmeter, 509 Kelvin Wire Rheostat, 82 Key for Wheatstone's Bridge, 220 Kilo-ampere Balance, 68 Kohlrausch Resistance Bridge, 307 Laboratory, Electrical, 1 Laboratory., Plan for, 14 Laboratory Tables, 10 536 INDEX. Length, Unit of, 22 Lithanode Cells, 12 ITTa. Lorenz Apparatus for Absolute Resistance Low Resistances, Determination of, 265 Lyon Liquid Rheostat, 85 Magnetic Field Due to Currents of Various Forms, 349 Manganin Alloy, 39 Manganin Wire, Ageing of, 41 Manganin Wire, Resistance of Various Sizes of, 332 Mass and Volume Resistivity, Relation of. 253 Mass Resistivity, Definition of, 253 Mass, Unit of, 23 Matthiessen and Hockin Bridge, 235 Matthiessen's Standard for Conductivity of Copper, 258 Mean Power, 470 Mean Solar Second, 23 Measurement of Alternating Current Power, 477 Measurement of Electromotive Force, 421 Megohm, 56 Mercury Ohm, Secondary Standard, 36 Mercury, Resistance Standard, 33, 34 Mercury, Specific Resistance of, 31, 32 Mercury Standard Cell, Literature of, 107 Mercury, Temperature Co-efficient of, 37 Mecury, Temperature Resistance Curve of, 251 Metal Strip Resistances, 50 Metals, Conductivity of, 325 Metals, Density of, 320 Metals, Mass Resistivity of, 321 Metals, Volume Resistivity of, 322, 323, 324 Motor Alternator Plant, 5 Muirhead-Clark Cell, 88 Multicellular Electrostatic Voltmeter, 132 Multicellular Voltmeter, Lord Kelvin, 118 Nalder Differential Bridge, 166 Nalder Potentiometer, 138 Networks of Conductors, 194 Non-Inductive Resistance, Construction of, 428 Non-Insulating Varnish, 464 Ohm, Absolute Dimension of, 48 Ohm Standard, Board of Trade, 30 Ohm's Law, 192 Ohmmeter, 301 Ohmmeter, Evershed's, 303 Ohmmeter, Theory of, 302 One Ampere Kelvin Balance, Standard Form, 77 Oscillograph, 402 Oscillograph, Duddell, Description of, 402 Outfit of Testing Laboratory, 185 Paul's Carbon Plate Rheostat, 81 Pender Electrical Engineering Laboratory, 14 Phase Difference of Currents, Measurement of, 413 Phasemeters, 413 Phasemeter, Dolivo-Dobrowolsky Form of, 416 Phasemeters, References to Papers on, 418 Pirelli High Tension Voltmeter, 454 Platinum Silver Alloy, 39 Platinum Silver Resistance Coils, 47 Platinum, Variation of Resistance with Temperature, 250 Platinoid Alloy, 40 Platinoid Wire, Resistance of Various Sizes of, 331 Plug Bridge, 162 Plug Pattern Resistance Bridge, 213 Polyphase Circuit Power Measurement, 495 Potential Differences, Measurement of Small, 431 Potentiometer, 134 Potentiometer and Bridge Combined, 432 Potentiometer, Crompton, 136 Potentiometer, Elliott, 434 Potentiometer, Fleming, 441 Potentiometer Measurement of Current, 376 Potentiometer, Nalder, 138 Potentiometer, Use of, for Determining Electromotive Forces, 429 Power Factor, 470 Power Measurement by the Wattmeter, 473 Power Measurement by Soft Iron Needle Wattmeter, 486 Power Measurement by Three Voltmeters, Theory of, 489 Power Measurement in Ca^e of Circuits of Small Power-Factor, 481 Power Measurement in case of Continuous Currents, 4-71 Power Measurement in Case of High- Tension Alternating Current Circuits, 479 Power Measurement in Case of Polyphase Circuits, 495 Power Measurement in Circuits of Small Power Factor, Ayrton and Mather Method of, 529 Power Measurement, Lord Rayleigh's Method of, 486 INDEX. 537 Power Measurement, Three-Pbase Circuits, 497 Power Measurement, Use of Potentio- meter for, 472 Preece's Table of Fuse Wire Currents, 419 Prices' Guard Wire, 289 Rayleigh-Clark Cell, 89 Rayleigh, Lord, Determination of the Absolute Electromotive Force of Clark Cells, 423 Rayleigh, Lord, Value of Electromotive Force of Clark Cell, Found by, 426 Regulation of Current, 79 Resistance of Conductors to Alternating Currents, 317 Resistance of Liquids, 306 Resistance for Carrying High-Tension Currents, 447 Resistance, Absolute Measurement of, 312 Measurement, 314 Resistance Alloys, 38, 39 Resistance Balance. Nalder, 166 Resistance Bridge for Liquid Resistance Measurement, Stroud and Henderson's Form, 310 Resistance Bridge for Low Resistance Measurement, Reeves Form, 276 Resistance Bridge, Plug Pattern, 213 Resistance Bridge, Slide Wire, 147 Resistance Coil, Determination of Tempera- ture Co-Efficient, 243 Resistance Coil Wound with Bare Wire, 225 Resistance Coils for Carrying Large Cur- rents, 49 Resistance Coils of Platinum Silver, 47 Resistance, Insulation, 288 Resistance Measuring Instruments, 144 Resistance, Measurement of by Fall of Potential, 297 Resistance Measurement by Galvonometer Deflection, 283 Resistance of Networks of Conductors, 194 Resistance of Networks of Conductors, Calculation of, 194 Resistance Standards, Permanency of Wire for, 38 Reichsanstalt Cadmium Cell, 102 Resistances, Determination of Low, 265 Resistances, Laboratory Outfit of, 56 Reichsanstalt Clark Cell, 95 Reicheanstalt Specification for Clark Cell, 95 Rheostat, Kelvin Form, 82 Rheostat, Lyon, 85 Rheostat, Shelford Bidwell's, 82 Rheostats in University College, London, Dynamo Room, 84 Rheostats, Power-Absorbing, 86 Resistivity of Alloys, 263, 326 Resistivity of Copper, 258 Resistivity of Dielectrics, 330 Resistivity of Hard-Drawn and Annealed Copper, 260 Resistivity of Liquids, 327, 328, 329 Re-istiyity of Liquids, Measurement of, 309 Resistivity of Pure Metals, 263 Resistivity, Reference to Papers on, 264 Sag of Wire, Calculation of, 370 Secondary Batteries, 12 Secondary Standard Mercury Ohm, 36 Series Plug Pattern of Wheatstone's Bridge 216 Siemens Electrodynamometer, 130 Siemens Wattmeter, 182, 506 Silver, Electrochemical Equivalent of, 58 Slide Wire Bridge, Double Gap, 148 Slide-Wire Bridge, Fleming Form, 150 Slide Wire, Calibration of, 240 Slide Wire Resistance Bridge, 147, 209 Specific Resistance of Mercury, 31, 32 Specific Resistance of Metal or Alloy, Determination of, 252 Speed Counter, 27 Standard Balance, 25 Standard Cell, Determination of Electro- motive Force of, 422 Standard Daniell Cell, Fleming Form of, 105 Standard Megohm, 56 Standard Mercury Ohm, 34 Standard Ohm, Berlin Reichsanstalt, 42 Standard Ohm, Fleming's, 44 Standard Potential Difference, Recovery of, 427 Standard Voltmeters, 112 Standard Voltmeter, Board of Trade, 113 Standards of Length, Mass and Time, 22 Standards, Mechanical, of Electromotive Force, 112 Tangent Galvanometer,}Helmholtz Form, 357 Tangent Galvanometer, Theory of, 354 Temperature Co-efficient, Determination of, 243 Temperature Co-efficient of Iron, 248 Temperature Co-efficient of Mercury, 37 Terrestial Magnetic Field, Determination of, 359 Testing Laboratory, Hints on Outfit of, 185 Testing of Wattmeters, 518 538 INDEX. Test Room Equipment, 1 The Electrolytic Measurement of Current. 342 Three-Phase Power Measurement, 497 Time, Unit of, 23 Trotter Resistance Bridge, 229 Trowbridge Researches on High Tension Discharges, 457 Unit Electric Current, Recovery of, 57 Unit of Electric Current, 29 Unit of Electrical Resistance, 29 Unit of Electromotive Force, 29 Unit of Length, 22 Unit of Mass, 23 Unit of Time, 23 Units, Electrical, 28 Units, International, 29 Universal Shunt Box, Ayrton-Mather Form, 386 University College, London, Electrical Laboratory, 14 University College, London, Dynamo Rheo- stats, 84 University College, London, Dynamo Room, 6 Vibration Effects, Overcoming, 9 Volt, International, 421 Volt Standard, Board of Trade, 31 Voltmeter, Addenbrooke Electrostatic, 518 Voltmeter, Calibration of a High Tension, 446 Voltmeter, Calibration of Low Tension. 443 Voltmeter, Cardew, 459 Voltmeter, Effect of Capacity of, 447 Voltmeter, Electrostatic, Addenbrooke Form, 394 Voltmeter, Elliott Recording, 452 Voltmeter, Error Curve of, 445 Voltmeter, Hartmann and Braun Hot Wire, 461 Voltmeter, Kelvin Edgewise, 463 Voltmeter, Kelvin Multicellular Vertical Pattern, 462 Voltmeter, Kelvin Recording, 451 Voltmeter, Pitkin-Holden Hot- Wire, 450 Voltmeter, Practical Forms of, 505 Voltmeter, Self-Recording, 449 Voltmeter, Standard, 112 Volmeter Switchboard, Requirements iu a, 465 Voltmeters, Classification of, 458 Voltmeters, High Tension, 453 Volume and Mass Resistivity, Determina- tion of for Metals, 257 Volume Restivity, Definition of, 252 Water Battery, 456 Water- tube Resistance, 51 Wattmeter, Fleming, 508 Wattmeter, Fleming and Gimingham, 512 Wattmeter, Kelvin, 509 Wattmeter, Kelvin Engine Room, 514 Wattmeter, Power Measurement by, 474, 475 Wattmeter, Siemens, 182, 506 Wattmeter Testing, 518 Wattmeter, Theory of, 485 Wattmeter for Alternating Current Measurement, Construction of, 478 Wattmeters, 181 Wave Form of Current, Measurement of, 395 Weston Ammeter, 368 Weston Cadmium Cell, 101 Wheats tone Bridge, Housman Form, 279 Wheatstone Bridge, Kohlrausch's Form of, 307 Wheatstone's Bridge, 144 Wheatstone's Bridge, Bar Pattern, 164 Wheatstone's Bridge Battery Key, 220 Wheatstone Bridge, Best Arrangement of Conductors for, 235 Wheatstone's Bridge, Callendar and Griffith Form, 221 Wheatstone's Bridge, Dial Pattern of, 163 Wheatstone's Bridge, Fleming Form, 150 Wheatstone's Bridge, Fleming Workshop Pattern, 168 Wheatstone's Bridge, Foster's Method of Using, 149 Wheatstone Bridge, Matthiessen and Hockin Form, 235 Wheatstone's Bridge, Method of Using, 145 Wheatstone's Bridge, Nalder Form, 166 Wheatstone's Bridge, Plug Pattern, 216 Wheatstone Bridge, Portable Forms of, 228 Wheatstone's Bridge, Practical Forms of, 146 Wheatstone Bridge, Theory of, 232 Wheatstone Bridge, Trotter Form of, 229 Wheatstone's Bridge, Workshop Form, 168 Wheatstone-Kirchoff Bridge, 209 Wire Resistance Standards, Permanence of, 38 Wire Standard of Electrical Resistance, 42 Wires, Current- Carry ing Capacity of, 377 LONDON: PRINTED BY GEORGE TUCKER, SALISBURY COURT, FLEET STREET, E.C, for (Electricians, (Electrical (Engineers, an!) 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The Evolution of the Induction Coil Page's Researches Callan's Induction Apparatus- Sturgeon's Induction Coil Bachhoffner's Researches Callan's Further Researches Callan'g Great Induction Coil Page's Induction Coil Abbot's Coil Automatic Contact Breakers Ruhmkorff's Coils Poggendorff's Experiments Stohrer's, Hoarder's, Ritchie's Induction Apparatus Grove's Experiments Apps' Large Induction Coils Jablochkoff's Patent Fuller's Transformer Early Pioneers Gaulard and Gibbs Zipernowsky's Transformers Improvements of Rankin Kennedy, Hopkinson, Ferranti, and others The Modern Transformer since 1885. CHAP. II. Distribution of Electrical Energy by Transformers. Detailed Descriptions of Large Alternate-Current Electric Stations using Transformers in Italy, England, and United States Descriptions of the Systems of Zipernowsky-D6ri-Blathy, Westinghouse, Thomson-Houston, Mordey, Lowrie-Hall, Ferranti, and others Plans, Sections, and Details of Central Stations using Transformers Illustrations of Alternators and Transformers in Practical Use in all the chief British, Continental, and American Transformer Stations. CHAP. III. Alternate-Current Electric Stations. General Design of Alternating-Current Stations, Engines, Dynamos, Boilers Proper Choice of Units Water Power Parallel Working of Alternators Underground Conductors Various Systems Concentric Cables Capacity Effects dependent on Use of Concentric Cables Phenomena of Ferranti Tubular Mains Safety Devices Regulation of Pressure Choice of Frequency Methods of Transformer Distribution Sub-Stations Automatic Switches. CHAP. IV. The Construction and Action of Transformers. Transformer Indicator Diagrams Ryan's Curves Curves of Current Electromotive Force and InductionrAnalysis of Transformer Diagrams Predetermination of Eddy Current and Hysteresis Loss in Iron Cores Calculation and Design of Transformers Practical Predetermina- tion of Constants Practical Construction of Transformers Experimental Tests of Transformers Measurement of Efficiency of Transformers Calometric Dynamometer and Wattmeter Methods Reduction of Results. CHAP. V. Further Practical Application of Transformers. Electrical Welding and Heating Transformers for producing Large Currents of Low Electro- motive Force Theory of Electric Welding Other Practical Applications Conclusion. NEW EDITION. Fully Illustrated. Price 6s. nett, post free; abroad 6s. 3d. STUIXEJMTS' GTJXOE TO SUBMARINE CABLE TESTING. By H. K. C. FISHER and J. C. H. DARBY. The authors of this book have, for some years past, been engaged in the practical work of Submarine Cable Testing in the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company's service, and have embodied their experience in a Guide for the use of those in the Telegraph Service who desire to qualify themselves for the examinations which the Cable Companies have recently instituted. To those desirous of entering the Cable Service, Messrs. Fisher and Darby's book is indispensable, as it is now necessary for probationers to pass these examinations as part of the qualification for service. 1, 2 and 3, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street London, E.G. 8 "The Electrician" Printing and Publishing Co., JLtd. "THE ELECTRICIAN" SERIES continued. In Two Volumes, 2s. 6d. each, post free 2s. 9d. each. Single Primers, 2d., post free In quantities of 12, Is. 9d. post free. "THE ELECTRICIAN" PRIMERS. (FULLY ILLUSTRATED.) A Series o-F Helpful Primers on Electrical Subjects for the use of those seeking a Knowledge of Electricity-Theoretical and Practical. OF CONTENTS. Volumell. PRACTICE. Primer No. 21. The Electric Telegraph. 22. Automatic and Duplex Telegraphy. 23. The Laying and Repair of Submarine Cables. 24. Testing Submarine Cables. 25. The Telephone. 26. Dynamos. 27. Motors. 28. Transformers. 29. The Arc Lamp. 30. The Incandescent Lamp. 31. Underground Mains. 32. Electric Meters. 33. Electric Light Safety De- vices. 34. Systems of Electric Distri- bution. 35. Electric Transmission ol Energy. 36. Electric Traction. 37. Electro-Deposition. _ 38. Electric Welding. A DIGEST OF THE LAW OF ELECTEIC LIGHTING, ELECTEIC TEACTION, AND OTHEE SUBJECTS. By A. C. CUKTIS-HAYWAKD, B.A., M.I.E.E. Price 3s., post free. Being a full critical abstract of the Electric Lighting Acts, 1882 and 1889, of the Tramways Act, 1870, and ol Volume I. THEORY. Primer Mo. 1. The Effects of an Electric Current. 2. 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The matter is brought up to date, and the illustrations refer to instruments and machinery in actual use at the present time. It is hoped that the Primers will be found of use where- ever the want of a somewhat popularly written work on electricity and its industrial applications, pub- lished at a popular price, has been felt. Electricity Committees of Town Councils will find the Primers of great service. Artisans will find the Primers useful in enabling them to obtain clear notions of the essential principles underlying the apparatus of which they may be called upon to take charge. Supply Undertakings. The Digest treats first of the manner in which person* desirous of supplying electricity must set to work, and then of their rights and obligations after obtaining Parliamentary powers ; and gives in a succinct form information of great value to Local Authorities, Electric Light Contractors, &c., up to date. The Board of Trade Regulations as to the Supply of Electrical Energy, the London County Council Regulations as to Overhead Wires, Theatre Lighting, &c., together with the Bye-laws enforced in pursuance of Part II. of the Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1890, by the various Urban Sanitary Authorities are also given. Fully illustrated. Price Is. 6d., post free Is. 9d. THE MANUFACTURE OF ELECTRIC LIGHT CARBONS. A Practical Guide to the Establishment of a Carbon Manufactory. NOW READY. With Numerous Illustrations. THE THEORY OP Demy 8vo. Paper Covevs. 2/6 net, post free. COMMUTATION- By C. C. HAWKINS, M.A., M.I.E.E. 11 THE THEORY OF COMMUTATION " deals with commutation in the continuous-current dynamo, and has special reference to Prof. Arnold and Dr. Mie's method of taking into account the contact resistance of the copper or carbon brushes in the mathematical equation of the short-circuit current. "The Electrician" Printing and Publishing Co., Litd. "THE ELECTRICIAN" SERIES continued. Price 12s. 6d., post free; dbroad t 13s. MOTIVE POWER AND GEARING FOR ELECTRICAL MACHINERY: A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of the Mechanical Equipment of Power Stations for Electric Supply, and for Electric Traction. BY E. TREMLETT CARTER, C.E., M.I.E.E., F.R.A.S., F.P.S. (Lond.), &c, 550 pages, 900 Illustrations, Scale Drawings and Folding Plates, and over 80 Tables of E igineering Data IN ONE VOLUME. Part I. Introductory. Part II. The Steam Engine Eartlll. Gas aid Oil Engines. Part IV. Water Power Plant. Part V. Gearing. Part VI. Types rf Power Stations This work presents to consulting engineers contractors, central-station engineers, and engineering students the latest and most approved practice in the equipment and working of mechanical plant in electric-power generating stations. Every part of the work ha ebeen brought completely up to date ; and especially in the matter of the costs of equipment and working the latest available information has been given. The treatise deals with Steam, Gas, Oil and Hydraulic Plant and Gearing ; and it deals with these severally from the three standpoints of (1) Tbrory (2) Practice and (3) Costs. "MOTIVE POWER AND GEARING FOR ELECTRICAL MACHINERY" is a handbook of modem electrical engineering practice in all pan -:f the world. It offers to the reader a means of comparing the central-station practice of the United Kingdom with that of America, the Colonies or other places abroad ; and it enables him to study the scientific, economic and financial principles upon which the relative suitability of various forms of practice is based, and to apply these principles to the design or working of plant for any given kind of work, whether for electrical supply or for electric traction. It is a treatise which should be in the hands of every electrical engineer throughout the world, as it constitutes the only existing treatise on the Economics of Motive Power and Gearing for Electrical Machinery. NEW EDITION. Over 400 pages, nearly 250 illustrations. Price 10s. 6d., post free ; abroad, 11s, ELECTRIC MOTIVE POWER. By ALBION T. SNELL, Assoo.M.lNST.C.E., M.I.E.E. The rapid spread of electrical work in collieries, mines, and elsewhere has created a demand for a practical book on the subject of transmission of power. Though much had been written, there was no single work dealing with the question in a sufficiently comprehensive and yet practical manner to be of real use to the mechanical or mining engineer ; either the treatment was adapted for specialists, or it was fragmentary, and power work was regarded as subservient to the question of lighting. The Author has felt the want of such a book in dealing with his clients and others, and in " ELECTRIC MOTIVE POWER " has endeavoured to supply it. In the introduction the limiting conditions and essentials of a power plant are analysed, and in the subsequent chapters the power plant is treated synthetically. The dynamo, motor, line, and details are discussed both as to function and design. The various systems of transmitting and distributing power by con- tinuous and alternate currents are fully enlarged upon, and much practical informatio gathered from actual experience, is distributed under the various divisions. The last two chapters deal exhaustively with the applications of electricity to mining work in Great Britain, the Continent .and America, particularly with reference to collieries and coal-getting, and the results of the extensive experience gained in this field are embodied. In general, the Author's aim has been to give a sound digest of the theory and practice of the electrical transmission of power, which will be of real use to the practical engineer, and to avoid controversial ^points which lie in the province of the specialist, and elementary proofs which properly belong to text-books on electricity and magnetism. To meet the convenience of Continental readers and others, the Author has prepared In tabular form and in parallel columns the working equations used in this work in inch* potmd-minute and centimetre-gramme-second units, so that they may be readily used in either system. 1, 2 and 3, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, London, E.G. 10 "The Electrician" Printing and Publishing Co., Ltd. "THE ELECTRICIAN" SERIEScontmtcoZ. Price 5S., post free ; abroad, 5s. 6d. 180 pages and over 100 illustrations. THE LOCALISATION FAULTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHT MAINS. By F. CHAKLES RAPHAEL. Although the localisation of faults in telegraph cables has been dealt with fully in several hand-books and pocket-books, the treatment of faulty electric light and power cables has never been discussed in an equally comprehensive manner. Beyond a few short articles which have appeared In the technical journals from time to time, nothing has been written on the subject. The condi- tions of the problems presented for solution are, however, very different in the two cases ; faults in telegraph cables are seldom localised before their resistance has become low compared with the resistance of the cable itself, while in electric light work the contrary almost always obtains. This fact alone entirely changes the method of treatment required in the latter case, and it has been the author's endeavour, by dealing with the matter systematically, and as a separate subject, to adequately fill a gap which has hitherto existed in technical literature. The various methods of insulation testing during working have been collected and discussed, as these tests may be considered to belong to the subject. Price 6s., post free ; abroad 6s. 6d, THE POTENTIOMETER AND ITS ADJUNCTS. (A UNIVERSAL SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT.) By W. CLAEK FISHER. The extended use of the Potentiometer System of Electrical Measurement will, it is hoped, be sufficient excuse for the publication of this work, which, while dealing with the main instrument, Its construction, use and capabilities, would necessarily be incomplete without similar treatment of the various apparatus which, as adjuncts, extend the range and usefulness of the whole system. Electrical testing may be said to have passed through two stages. First that which may be called the elementary, in which first principles were evolved ; secondly, the adaptation of the same to the needs of the telegraph and cable engineer. But with the advent of electric lighting and other undertakings, such testing might be said to have passed into the third or practical and com- mercial stage, where large quantities have to be dealt with, and where the old order of things change th. The engineer or practical man demands that he shall be shown results quickly, plainly and accurately with a minimum of trouble, understanding, and consequently "Time," and on that fuicount prefers like all good mechanics to have one good instrument, which, once understood and easily manipulated, can be used in a variety of ways to suit his needs. It is to this fact un- doubtedly that the " Potentiometer " method of measurement owes its popularity. Its accuracy Is rarely, if ever, impunged. Measurements made by it are universally accepted amongst engineers, and it might be well termed a " universal " instrument in " universal " use. Over 400 pages and 200 specially drawn Illust,, unions. Price 12s. 6d., post free. SUBMARINE CABLE-LAYING AND REPAIRING. By H. D. WILKINSON, M.I.E.E., &c., Thom P 80n . D.Sc. New Edition. Demy 8vo. Cloth 21s. CENTRAL ELECTRICAL STATIONS. By Chas. H. Wordingham, A.K.C., M.I.C.E., M.I.M.E. 24s. nett. CENTRAL STATION ELECTRICITY SUPPLY. By Albert Gay and C. H. 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In addition to the supply of Technical and Scientific Books and Publications, "The Electrician " Company undertake the dispatch, on closest market terms, to any part of the world, of Works of Fiction, Travel, Biography, History, Theology, Reference Books, &c. Quotations given for Mixed Parcels of Books from 5 upwards. Searches made for Rare Books and Old Editions. The Company has a department for the regular and prompt dispatch of Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Periodicals to all parts of the world on best terms. Enquiries invited. Printing and Stationery Supplies. Typewriters and Typewriter Supplies. Cyclo- style and all other makes of Copying and Duplicating Apparatus. Photographic Outfits and Supplies of all kinds. THE OLDSST AND BEST WEEKLY ELECTRICAL JOURNAL. Every Friday, price 6d., post free 6. "THE ELECTRICIAN." " THE ELECTRICIAN" (first series) was established as a weekly newspaper in 1860, in a form exactly similar to the present publication, and after occupying a leading position amongst scientific journals for some years, was discontinued, not, however, before it had become apparent that such a publication occupied an essential place amongst the scientific and technical journals. From 1865 to 1878 was a period during which the absence of "THE ELECTRICIAN" was much felt, no weekly paper efficiently serving the interests of the electrical profession being then in existence ; and, as has frequently been the case, it was left to gentlemen taking a keen interest in the applications of electricity to telegraphic purposes, which were at that time the principal electrical industries, to rescuscitate "THE ELECTRICIAN," and once again establish it as the recognised leading organ of electrical science and industry. It will thus be seen that " THE ELECTRICIAN " is the oldest e'ectrical journal published. Since its second advent " THE ELECTRICIAN " has made rapid progress, and has continued to record in a full and thorough manner all the great discoveries and experiments in electrical science, and to illustrate how these could be commercially applied and profitably worked. In the volumes of "THE ELECTRICIAN " will be found a valuable collection of original papers and articles by nearly every leading writer on electrical matters, and all paper- read before the principal Electrical Institutions throughout the world by men eminent in the Electrical Pros fession have been given, together with authenticated reports of the discussions thereupon. In addition to the above, "THE ELECTRICIAN " forms a complete record of all the important legal investi- gations which have occupied the attention of the Courts of Justice for the past 14 years, and it is customary for " THE ELECTRICIAN " to occupy a prominent position in the Courts as an authority upon all questions affecting the Electrical Profession. In this connection it is only necessary to point to the actions which have arisen from time to time upon the Edison and Swan Patents, the Compound Winding Patents, Meter Patents, the High and Low Tendon Systems, Accumulator Patents, the Electro-Chemical Patents, Telepnone Patents, lhf r _weeks, from__ 190 ,for which I enclose . (payment in advance). Name . Address. A LARGER AND MORE INFLUENTIAL CIRCULATION THAN ANY OTHER ELECTRICAL JOURNAL. Advertisement Rates promptly forwarded on Application to the Publisher. EDITORIAL, PRINTING, AND PUBLISHING OFFICES: 1, 2 and 3, SALISBURY COURT, FLEET STREET, LONDON, ENGLAND. 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