GIFT OF Harry East Miller FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. FOB USE IN THE UPPER GRADES OF OUR COMMON SCHOOLS-.: ' In Nature all is Motion , Life , and Labor . ' ' Lesson xxii . BY C . L . H O T Z E , Teacher of Natural Sciences in the Cleveland High School, Author of " First Lessons in Physiology '," etc. ST. LOUIS: THE CENTRAL PUBLISHING COMP'Y. C. 3, *', -75 in the year 1871, by In ihe Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by THE CENTRAL PUBLISHING COMP'Y, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. _, PREFACE. The conviction that an elementary knowledge of some important instruments, machines and physical phenomena can and should be given in our Common Schools, has in- duced the author to prepare the present little volume. Its object is the presentation of a number of phenomena, laws, and applications of the same, specially adapted to the per- ceptive capacities of the pupils of the upper grades. Inasmuch as the demand of a large amount of time might delay the introduction of physical science into the Common School, the book has been so prepared as to secure good results in the minimum of time ever given any study in our schools, viz. : one lesson a week. Each of the thirty-nine lessons commences with a fact familiar to the child, or an easy little experiment, which serves as the basis for the development of a natural law. After this law, comes the application man makes of it such as the barometer, thermometer, pump and hydrostatic press. Costly apparatus is unnecessary. A pencil , a marble , a piece of board, of India-rubber, of wire; glass tubes, and M81995 IV PREFACE. other objects of trifling expense, are sufficient, for our pur- poses even preferable. The steam engine and other com- plicated machines should be examined when in actual use at the workshop or other places, by the class in company with the teacher, but not until after the preparatory lesson in the school-room. Like all instruction, instruction in physics should proceed in concentric circles from the near to the remote. The present volume may be considered as the first and smallest of those circles. Its usefulness in the highest grade of our Common Schools has been shown by practical experience ; the author has written it, however, with a view of intro- ducing it into the second, and even into the third. At the end of every lesson, articles in books and popular magazines are pointed out, where the pupil may find inter- esting reading matter ; and where, while thus improving his leisure time, he may collect material for composition exer- cises in school. CLEVELAND, O., Aprils, 1871 Preface to the Third Edition. The hearty welcome given to the first edition of this work undoubt- edly had its reason in the long-felt want of a text-book suitable for the thousands of girls and boys whose school education ends in the com- mon school. Among the many things there learned, there are few things which they remember to greater advantage than the phenomena and daily applications of the laws of gravitation, the pressure of air, the lever, the pump, the steam-engine, and the telegraph. These realities train the observing powers, instill a love for knowledge, form a preven- tive against habits of superficial reasoning, and thus tend to diminish explosions, conflagrations, and other calamities, many of which are caused by persons ignorant of the powers of nature. The merchant, the laborer, or the manufacturer will do his work the better for having had his senses trained in observing nature's operations, and his mind disciplined by scientific thought. It may safely be stated that this view is held by most educators in this country, and that the time is fast approaching when physical science will no longer be a stranger in our common schools. And yet there are a few followers of the cramming-system, who would deny the right of nature to a share in the education of the young; who would not teach about the things themselves, but merely their names and forms. These persons consider objective instruction in the lower grades of schools as simply a transient concession to ephemeral de- mands, although, during the last two centuries, such men as Cowley, Milton, Locke, Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Whewell, and Macaulay have advocated it. In the upper grades they refuse it admission altogether, notwithstanding its introduction there is urgently pressed by the scientific men of all countries, by the entire periodical press, and the most prom- inent educators of the world. These few opponents to progress in education are joined by a still smaller class of persons who are not adverse to the introduction of VI PREFACE. physical science into the schools, but who fear, lest the appropriation of time one lesson a week! might diminish the habitual number of arith- metical examples, geographical names, and grammatical rules, and there- by vitiate the results of the annual examinations. So some people en- tertain a groundless prejudice against the acquisition of a foreign language, on the plea that the child's English might suffer. Huxley, in his "Answers to Certain Questions by the Schools Inquiry Commis- sion," says : " Physics lie at the foundation of all science ; and if nothing else were tattght, it would be a great gain to have the youth of this country soundly instructed in the laws of the elementary forces gravi- tation, heat, light, andso forth." An English Journal, " Nature," says : " The notion, that when a child has learned to read, write, and cipher, he is educated, must be eradi^zted. These are at best but means, and are only the instruments by which education is conducted" An editorial in the "Scientific American" (January 14, 1871), ends with the following significant words : " As object teaching is a mere handmaid of science is of use only to give scientific habits of "thought, and to convey a know- ledge of scientific facts, and is worthless without science, the pnblic should see that its introduction into our schools be carried on under the advice of scientific experts, who shall direct what is best to be taught, and advise with the adepts in teaching how such knowledge may best be imparted. As a journal having the interests of science and education at heart, desiring to see science soundly popularized, and the masses made acquainted with its technical value, we make this suggestion, and further- more ask: Is there any man of scientific attainments in the present Board of Education ? Is there any scientific authority upon its general staff? " Physical science was introduced into the B and C grammar classes ot this city last September ; the pupils have now been using First Lessons in Physics for several months, and none of their other studies have been curtailed, yet the average of the monthly examinations does not suffer on that account, and, in the opinion of our teachers, it never will. A peculiar feature connected with the use of this book one which we trust will not be brought forward as an objection is, that the children ask a great many questions more or less to the point ; and that they find no rest until they have received a satisfactory answer, either from the teacher's experiments or their own. The fact is truly surprising, that PREFACE. VII the pupils of the C grade (sixth school-year) passed a very fair examina- tion a few days ago, on questions at the end of the book which were not found too easy for the C grade of the High-school (the tenth school- year), This shows what earnestness may accomplish; and we have but begun It may be well to state that the modern technical sense of a word sometimes conflicts with its preconceived English meaning, or use; and as a book of this kind demands language both youthful and technical, the author may be excused for having given a slightly different dress to not a few of the laws. He has omitted several of the so-called "pro- perties " of matter which are very puzzling to the young; and, for the sake of simplicity, has treated the somewhat magic "*' impenetrability " of air as elasticity of air. The independent terms, Force, Motion, and Heat, are better understood by young pupils than Expansive Force, Moving Force, and so forth. The text in fine print, as well as pages 83, 84 and 1 20, must be omitted in a lesson of less than an hour's length. The development of the steam-engine will find favor from those appre- ciating the historical element in the schooL While the lessons in Optics may claim special clearness in treatment, those in Chemical Electricity, being very difficult for young learners, will need forbearance. ^ two- fluid element was chosen, because it may be seen in actual use at the telegraph office. The questions in fine print serve for reviews and ex- aminations, but not as equivalents for experiments. Even a brief perusal of the volume will show the author's intention not to cram the pupil with meaningless facts, to be forgotten as rapidly as they are learned. As no special scientific qualification has been re- quired of the teacher who, to-morrow, may be called upon to impart scientific instruction to her class, a text-book in the hand of the pupil seems for the present a necessity. I earnestly hope that my feeble con- tribution to so great a cause may not be judged by its shortcomings alone, and that the day may soon come when physical science shall form a regular branch of study in the common schooL CLEVELAND, O., December I, 1871. PEEFACE TO EEY1SED EDITION, In the present Edition, Lessons I, VI, IX, XIII, XX, will be found materially altered. The Lesson on the Barometer is entirely new; and page 174 on the Thermometer has been added. Cleveland, O., May i, 1875. C. KLEINR, 274 Eighth Avenue, New York, will furnish sets of inex- pensive Apparatus, for " Hotze's First Lessons in Physics," or any apparatus required for the demonstration of Physical Science. CONTENTS. FORCE, OF ATTRACTION. PAGE LESS. 1. -Gravity 11 " 2. Gravity, Specific Floating and Sinking 14 " 3. Magnetic Attraction 17 " 4. Electric Attraction 20 " 5. Lightning. Lightning Rods 26 " 6. Cohesion 29 ' ' 7. Adhesion. Capillary Attraction 32 " 8. Review 36 OF PRESSURE. LESS. 9. Elasticity 39 " 10. Elasticity of Air 42 " 11. Pressure of Air 45 " 12. Barometer 48 " 13 Review 52 " 14. Inertia 54 MOTION, OF MASSES. LESS. 15. Inclined Plane 56 " 16. Lever 59 " 17. -Pendulum ". 63 18. Communicating Vessels. Hydraulic Press.. 67 19. Breathing. The Bellows 71 20. Common Pump 74 21. Forcing Pump. Fire-Engine 77 22. Review 82 MOLECULAR. LESS. 23. Sound 85 " 24. Evaporation, Fog, Clouds, Rain, Snow, Hail, Dew, Frost 88 25. Heat. Conduction of Heat 92 26. Draught 96 27. Expansion by Heat. Thermometer 99 28. Thermometer Compared with Barometer 102 29. Atmospheric Engine 105 30. Steam-Engine Ill 31. Review 11& 32. Light. Its Sources. Direction 121 33. Radiant and Specular Reflection 121 34. Visible Direction. Refraction 127 35 Prisms. Lenses 131 36. Colors 135 87 . Chemical Electricity HO 38. Electro-Magnetic Telegraph 143 39.-Review 150 QUESTIONS * APPENDIX * ' * INDKX. . 17 > I, Barometer; 2, Microscope; 3, Heron's Fountain; 4, Pump; 5, Steam Engine ; 6, Magnet ; 7, Telescope ; 8, Barometer ; 9, Galvanic Battery; 10, Hour-Glass; n, Clock; 12, Thermom- eter ; 13, Spirit Lamp ; 14, Magnetic Needle ; 15, Mirror; 16, Balance; 17, Weights ; l8, Pump. LESSON I. GRAVITY: ,% 1. EXPERIMENT. A stone in the hand does not fall, because the hand supports it. But if we drop the stone, it falls, and will continue to fall, until an obstacle, such as the floor or the ground, prevents it from falling farther. Familiar Facts. Chalk, pencils, paper, pens, and India-rubber, often fall from the desk upon the floor. A stone thrown into a pond sinks to the bottom ; a sign-board blown off by the storm falls upon the side-walk; rain, snow, and hailstones, descend to us from the clouds. Heavy rods are attached to maps and curtains, to draw them down. In clock-works moved by weights, the weights move in a downward direction. Having noticed these facts, you naturally inquire : " Why is it that all bodies near the earth have a tendency to fall toward it ? " As every state and every town has its laws, so Nature has her laws, which all bodies must obey. All the facts given above may be comprised under the law : All bodies fall, if unsupported ; they are attracted to the earth. The force which attracts them is called the Force of Gravity. 12 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. 2. EXPERIMENT. This stone is not supported by the hand (Fig. 1), but it is suspended. What prevents it'f*o falling.^. The string. When " "ftoje a little to one side s ia(L,tb.en leX it gty it will swing ^afei^Siicl* fttrthj iafi'd .fihally come to rest. In this po'sitioii the string in- dicates the direction in which an object would fall, if it were left free to fall. This direction is vertical. It gives rise to the plumb-line used by carpenters and bricklayers. The direction in which bodies fall when tliey are moved ~by the force of gravity alone, is vertical. 3. EXPERIMENT. Place a large book upon the hand ; the hand will be pressed downward. If a small book be taken, the downward pressure is much less ; and we conclude that the small book has less weight than the large one. Familiar Facts. A large stone presses itself into the ground. The weight of a heavy wagon makes deep ruts in a road. When ladies buy silk robes, they lift the article on their hands ; you will now understand why this is done. The pressure which bodies exert when supported, or the pull which they exert wlien suspended, is called weight. GRAVITY. 13 4. EXPERIMENT. A yard-stick balanced on the edge of the hand has equal weight on each side ot the support. The direction of the rod is level, or horizontal. Now, let a crayon be suspended from each end. The rod will still be horizontal, provided both crayons have like weight. If a number of crayons be suspended from one end of the rod, and a weight from the other, we have a crude form of the scale, or balance. Allow the weight of fig. 1, suspended by a string, to dip in water. The surface of the water is hori- zontal ; a vertical line makes a right angle with any horizontal. If a line makes a right angle with another, both lines are perpendicular to each other. A balance is an instrument for weighing. Pieces of iron, brass, or lead, are used as standards ; they are called the weights. There are different kinds of balances ; one consists of a delicately poised rod with a pan suspended from each end for holding the weights ; another, also of a delicately poised rod, but with the pans directly over its ends. Sub- stances placed upon the former exert downward pull; on the latter, downward pressure. Then, there is the steel-yard and the spring-balance. Gravity attracts all substances alike. Thus a mass of feathers weighing a pound contains as much matter as a mass of lead weighing a pound ; a pound of water is as heavy as a pound of iron. The force of gravity is put to use in balances (the spring-balance excepted), the plumb-line, clock- weights, hour-glasses. 14 FIKST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. LESSON II. SPECIFIC GRAVITY FLOATING AND SINKING OF SOLIDS. 5. EXPERIMENT. Take two ink-wells of like size and weight ; fill one with water, the other with oil, and place them on the pans of a balance. The pan with the water will be found to be depressed ; evidently the water has more weight than the same bulk of oil. Commonly we say that water is heavier than oil ; but we ought to say, that water has greater specific weight than oil; that is, a given bulk of water has more weight than the same balk of oil ; or, water is denser than oil, because any vol- ume of water has a greater mass than the same vol- ume of common oil. Specific Gravity is the weight of a substance compared with the weight of a like bulk of some other substance taken as a standard. 6. EXPERIMENT. Now first pour the oil into a tumbler, and then the water. The latter being the heavier, it settles to the bottom, the oil rising above it. Thus oil floats on water, because it has less weight than the same bulk of water. Familiar Facts. Smoke rises high into the air: balloons ascend into the clouds. Each is lighter than a like bulk of surrounding air. SPECIFIC GKAVITY. Fluids of different specific gravities place them- selves in tlie order of their specific gravities, the heaviest below, the lightest above. 7. EXPERIMENT. Drop a stone into a tumbler filled with water ; it sinks. A piece of cork would float. Upon one pan of a balance place a tumbler filled to the brim with water ; upon the other place as many weights as are necessary to establish equilibrium. Remove the tumbler and drop a stone into it. The stone will sink and some water will run over. The space now occupied by the stone was occupied by as much water as ran over ; this water was held up by the water in the tumbler. Now, if the stone had no greater weight than a like bulk of water, it would likewise be held up by the water. It can easily be shown that it weighs more, if we place the tumbler containing the stone on the balance again ; the tumbler will have more weight than it had before. 8. EXPERIMENT. An empty flask, closed with a cork, floats on water, and displaces but very little water. It evidently has less weight than a like bulk of water. It might float even if it contained a few small objects, or if half filled with water; but . if entirely filled, it sinks. A body floats on water, if it has less weight than an equal bulk of water ; it sinks, if it has more. 16 FIKST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. Familiar Facts. As the flask just mentioned is enabled to float, so is a ship ; but if it springs a leak and fills with water, it will go down. The human body has nearly the same weight as a like bulk of water, and will float provided the lungs re- main filled with air. Persons who fall into the water and cannot swim, often lose their lives because, when they first sink, the water closes their mouth and nose, preventing them from inhaling air. Frightened by this, they lose their presence of mind, and, instead of holding their breath, exhale the air from their lungs. Thus they diminish their volume, and are, of course, more apt to sink. Then they foolishly extend their arms into the air ; the head naturally sinks, and, unless rescued, they are drowned. The danger is greatly diminished if these persons, on falling into the water, quietly take in a full breath of air and hold it , then throw the head back so that only the mouth and nose remain above water. The object of this is to enable the expanded chest to buoy up the heavier portions of the body, so as to keep at least the nostrils open for breathing. Applications made of Specific Gravity. By means of specific gravity the purity of liquids, and the value of many other substances, may be ascer- tained. MAGNETIC ATTRACTION. 17 LESSON III. MAGNETIC ATTRACTION. 9. EXPERIMENT. Suspend an iron nail by a string. The direction of the string will be vertical (Lesson 1). But if we bring a magnet near the nail, the nail will swing toward the magnet ; the more so, the nearer the magnet is brought to the nail. When near enough, the nail will attach itself to the magnet, and, if separated from the string, will not fall. This is owing to Magnetic Attraction. Reverse the last experiment. Suspend the mag- net by a string, and lay the nail on the table. Holding the suspended magnet over the nail, steadily bring it near the latter, the nail will eventually rise and adhere to the magnet. The preceding shows that Magnets and unmag- netic iron attract each other. 10. EXPERIMENT. If iron filings be placed on a piece of paper or glass, &nd a magnet be held be- neath, the iron will also be attracted by the magnet, and the little particles will arrange themselves in curves about the end of the magnet. Magnetic attraction, like attraction of gravity, is independent of intervening bodies and spaces. 2 18 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. Let the magnet be placed horizontally in the iron filings and turned round several times. On with- drawing it we find that it is covered at the ends with long 'threads of the filings, while toward the middle they become shorter, and in the centre of the magnet there is no attraction whatever. From this we see that the attractive power of a magnet resides chiefly at the ends of the magnet. 11. EXPERIMENT. The ends of a magnet are called its poles. Tie a string to the centre of a bar mag- net, and suspend it from the hand. The magnet will vibrate until it finally takes a certain position, which it keeps. If disturbed, it will again vibrate, and after FIG. 2. many vibrations, resume the same position. It will do so whether in the room or out of doors. On examining its direction, we find it pointing north and south. That end of the magnet which points north is called the north pole of the magnet, that pointing south, its south pole. A freely suspended bar toagnet points north with one end ; south, with the other. 12. EXPERIMENT. Bring the north pole of a magnet near the north pole of a freely suspended magnet, this north pole will be repelled. Now, if the two south poles are brought together, they also MAGNETIC ATTRACTION. 19 repel each other ; but when the north pole of the one is near the south pole of the other, there will be mutual attraction between these unlike poles. Like poles repel, unlike poles attract each other. Application. The most important application of magnetic attraction is the Compass, or Magnetic Needle, used by mariners and surveyors. A steel needle is easily rendered magnetic by means of a magnet. Lay a needle upon the table and hold its point with the left hand ; with the other hold the magnet vertically with one pole in the centre of the needle. Then pass it slowly along the right-hand part of the needle, rub- bing the needle in the direction from the centre to the eye. When arrived at the eye, the magnet must be raised from the needle and passed through the air back to the centre, there to recommence the same operation with the same pole. This process may be repeated about thirty times. After that, the magnet is reversed, taken into the left hand, and,' while the right now holds the needle, placed upon the centre of the needle. By rubbing the magnet from the middle of the needle to the left end, returning through the air, and repeating this the same number of times as in the first process, the needle becomes a true magnet. It will attract iron, and be attracted by the same ; it will point north and south, if suspended at the middle and left to move freely. Magnets often have the form of a horse-shoe, so that the poles are brought near together ; this more than doubles their supporting capacity. Bead "Magnetism" in Faraday's "Six Lectures on the Various Forces of Matter." New York : Harper & Brothers. Read "Terrestrial Magnetism," in Harper's Monthly, Vol. I, p. 651. 20 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. LESSON IV. ELECTRIC ATTRACTION. 13. EXPERIMENT. Rub a piece of sealing wax, a bar of sulphur, or a lamp-chimney, with a piece of flannel, and bring it near light bodies, such as tiny bits of paper, wafers, or small feathers. They will adhere to the sealing wax, sulphur or glass ; these have become electric, and have now the power of attracting light bodies. 14. EXPERIMENT. Heat a piece of writing paper over a stove or lamp. Place it upon a table, rub it several times with a piece of India-rubber, and then bring it quickly near some light bodies ; it will attract them. Both experiments teach us that Friction produces Electricity, and that electric bodies may exert at- traction. The ancient Greeks knew that if amber is rubbed it would attract light bodies ; and as the Greek name for amber is Electron, the name of this at- tractive force is Electricity. 15. EXPERIMENT. If, in a very warm room, where there are but few persons, and where the atmosphere is perfectly dry, we bring the knuckle near electrified sulphur, glass or paper, we may see a spark pass from the substance to the ELECTRIC ATTRACTION. 21 hand. 1 At the same time, we also hear a crack- ling noise, feel a slight stinging in the hand, and may notice a peculiar odor. Familiar Facts. The fur of a cat when rubbed with the hand, a gutta-percha comb passed through the hair, or the strong friction of India-rubber bands against rapidly moving axles or wheels, will produce electric currencs more or less per- ceptible according to circumstances. If an electri- fied body be held close to the face, a peculiar sen- sation is felt, as though the face were being covered with a cobweb ; this is on account of the attraction between the electric object and the fine hair on the face, which causes the hair to move. But what has become of the electricity that passed from the sulphur, or glass, to the knuckle while emitting a spark ? If it had remained there, the knuckle would certainly attract light bodies; but this is not the case. Neither the knuckle nor the hand is now electric. The electricity spread i. As it often depends upon uncontrollable circumstances whether a spark can be obtained by such simple means, the following contrivance has been suggested: "Take a glass tube of }4-inch bore and a little over a foot long. Then take an iron wire, coil it spirally, and insert it into the tube the windings should be J^-inch distant from each other, and must rest firmly against the inner surface of the tube. One end of the wire is to protrude from the tube, and a tin ball to be soldered on to the protruding end. The other end of the spiral wire should not extend farther than the middle of the tube, in order that about six inches of the tube may be used as a handle. On rubbing the tube, a spark may be obtained from the tin ball." 22 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. all over the body and over the earth, and thus it was sensibly lost. If we bring a key near elec- trified sulphur or glass, or a tin ball (see foot note p. 21), the electric current will pass over to the key ; but the electricity which the key receives does not stay there ; it passes into the hand, and thence through the body to the ground. This shows that metals and the human body are conductors of electricity. If in place of the hand or the key, we take sealing wax, silk, or glass, or India-rubber, these objects will remain electric after the contact. In other words, they do not conduct electricity. Hence sealing wax, silk and glass are non-con- ductors of electricity. If any part of a non-con- ductor of electricity is electrified, the electricity confines itself to the part that has been electrified ; but if any part of a conductor is electrified, the electricity spreads itself instantly over the whole surface. 16. EXPERIMENT. Suspend a pith ball, 1 attached I. " Pith balls may be obtained best in winter from young elder-trees of one year's growth. The stem is split open with a sharp knife, the pith is cut into small pieces, each of which is rolled between the hands into a ball. To suspend the balls, pierce each with a needle carrying a silk or linen thread, make a knot on the opposite side, and then draw the knot tight a little ways into the ball. The linen thread should be very fine. If silk thread is used, care must be taken that it contain no metal- lic color, as, for example, Prussic Blue, and that no cotton thread be inside, as cotton is a good conductor. The thread to which the little ball is attached is taken from three to five inches long ; one with a ball at each end should, of course, have double the length. They may be ELECTRIC ATTRACTION. 23 to a silk thread, from the hand or some other support (Pig. 3). On presenting it to an electrified bar of sealing wax, it will Tbe seen that the ball is attracted by the seal- ing wax, that it comes in con- tact with the same, and that, after it has become electric itself, it is repelled. If we then slowly follow it with the sealing wax, it is repelled still farther. The repulsion between the two bodies con- tinues, until the aqueous vapor in the room, or some other good conductor, or the contact of the hand, deprives the ball of its electricity. 17. EXPERIMENT. In a similar manner sus- pend two pith balls each from a silk thread. On presenting electrified sealing wax, they become electric themselves by contact with it, and then repel each other. They hang no longer vertically ; the attracting and repelling force of electricity may overcome gravity. We know from Lesson III, that magnetic force may overcome gravity. 18. EXPERIMENT. Repeat the 16th Experiment with a single pith ball ; after it becomes electric, suspended from a strong wire bent at right angle, which may be inserted in the cork of a bottle, so as to give it firm support." 24 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. present to it an electrified glass rod or tube. 1 The ball will be immediately attracted by the elec- tricity of the glass. 19. EXPERIMENT. Repeat the 17th Experi- ment, and after the two balls are separated by repulsion, present electrified glass to one of them. The glass will attract this ball and impart its electricity to it ; after which the ball will be re- pelled from the glass and at once fly to the other ball. When the two balls had the same kind of elec- tricity, they repelled each other ; now that they possess different electricities the one glass elec- tricity, the other sealing wax or resinous elec- tricity they attract each other. 20. EXPERIMENT. Bring electrified sealing wax, or gutta-percha, near one of the two balls, electrified glass near the other. The balls will at first be attracted and then repelled, when they will fly toward each other and stay together. This is easily understood if we remember that one ball had glass electricity, and the other seal- I. ' Glass differs greatly with respect to electrical purposes. Some varieties are good conductors of electricity, because they contain metal. Hard glass, and common green bottle glass, if not colored with metal, are non-conductors, and, therefore, well adapted for that purpose. All kinds of glass, however, are hygroscopic, that is, they draw moisture from the atmosphere. For this reason thick glass rods are preferable to glass tubes. Before being used, both, tubes and rods, should be slightly heated, and should be rubbed with a warm cloth." ELECTRIC ATTRACTION. 25 ing wax, or, as it is called, resinous electricity. From all this it appears that there are two kinds of electricity Vitreous or Glass Electricity, and Resinous Electricity. The former is also called positive electricity, the latter negative electricity. Like electricities repel each other ; unlike elec- tricities attract each other. (For a similar phe- nomenon see the preceding lesson.) Historical. The sparks obtained by the rubbing of furs, and light- ning, with its companion, thunder, must have been observed by the earliest people upon the earth. Although the Greeks, about 600 years before the Christian era, recorded the attracting property of amber, it was not before the beginning of the iyth century, that a book was published by Dr. Gilbert, an Englishman, who mentions many other substances, such as glass and sulphur, as having the same property. This author stated correctly that magnetism attracted as well as repelled, but, curiously enough, he added fliat electricity only attracted. In 1670, the first electric machine was constructed by Otto Guericke, burgomaster of Magdeburg, the inventor of the air-pump. He also discovered the property of electric repulsion. He excited electricity by means of sulphur (brimstone) exposed to friction. The distinction between conductors and non-conductors of electricity was discovered by Mr. Stephen Grey. He wished to electrify a cord suspended by linen threads, but was unsuccessful because the electricity, when entering the cord, at once passed over to the threads. The threads thus were found to be conductors of electricity. Upon the sug- gestion of a friend he tried silken threads, and as silk is a non-con- ductor, the experiment then met with the desired result. Du Fay distinguished between vitreous and resinous electricity. A number of other scientists afterward improved the electric machine, and by continuous research added largely to the progress of the science. But they were eclipsed by Dr. Franklin who astonished the world by draw- ing electricity from the clouds. 26 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. LESS01STY. LIGHTNING. LIGHTNING EODS. It had long been supposed that lightning was an electric phenomenon, but it was not until 1752 that, through the genius of our countryman, Benjamin Franklin, all doubts were removed. Having long been thinking- over the subject, he one day saw a boy fly a kite, and the idea at once struck him that he must make one himself and send it into the clouds. Accordingly he stretched a silk handker- chief upon two sticks in the form of a cross, on the top of which he fastened a pointed iron wire. This he connected with the hempen string holding the kite, and upon the approach of a thunder-storm he went out, accompanied only by his little son. The hempen string was attached below to a key, and the key was insulated by a silk string which Franklin held in his hand. The clouds were passing rapidly, but without any apparent effect on the kite ; and the two observers, standing below and watching it with great anxiety, were about to abandon the undertaking, when suddenly the fibres of the string bristled up, and a crackling noise was heard. Franklin now presented his knuckle to the key, LIGHTNING LIGHTNING RODS. 27 and received an electric spark, which, was soon fol- lowed by an abundance of sparks as the string became wet with the falling rain. Franklin's experiment, together with many experi- ments by scientific men in Europe, demonstrated beyond a doubt, that clouds are electric. Suppose that a cloud happens to contain positive electricity, -it will then call forth negative electricity, either from some neighboring cloud, or from the atmosphere, or from the earth. And if its electricity were negative, it would call forth positive electricity. When two clouds, or a cloud and the earth, are suf- ficiently near to each other, their electricities unite. When uniting, one of them leaps over the space between them. This passage of electricity through the air produces a great electric spark which we call Lightning. Familiar Facts. Electric currents may pass from one cloud to another, from a cloud to the earth, or also from the earth upward to the clouds. It rarely happens that lightning strikes that is, strikes ob- jects on the earth. Tall objects made of good con- ducting material are most liable to be struck, inasmuch as they more than any other class of bodies attract the electricity of the atmosphere or clouds. High houses, tall steeples, trees or chim- neys, therefore, oflvr a good passage to electricity. In its onward course, lightning always prefers the best conductors ; thus it passes along the spouting 28 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. of houses, along water-pipes, stove-pipes and iron pillars. It heats metallic objects ; it splits trees into fragments, and kills living beings by destroy- ing the activity of their nerves. Lightning some- times melts small metallic objects. The safest place during a thunder-storm is that part of a room not too near the fire place, stove, chandelier, gas-pipe or bell-rope. Why is it unsafe to seek shelter under tall trees, or in the entrance of a house with rain pouring down over it ? Know- ing that electric currents follow the best conductors, Franklin invented the Lightning Rod, as a means to direct them into the~ ground. It consists of a copper rod with a metallic point, which protrudes several feet above the roof, in order that on the approach of a current the metallic point, and no part of the building, shall be struck. The rod con- ducts the electricity into the earth where it can do no harm. But the connection between the point and the earth must be perfect that is, the rod must not be put in direct contact with the wall, else the electric current may pass over to the building and produce great harm. The purpose of lightning rods, then, is, 1st, to attract electric currents ; 2d, to conduct them safely into the ground. Head " Thunderstorm, " in 'The Earth and its Wonders." Cincin- nati : Hitchcock & Walden. COHESION. LESSON VI. COHESION. Familiar Facts. In order to cut meat, to whittle a stick, to sharpen pencils, to split logs, to saw wood or to plane boards, we find it neces- sary to use instruments, such as a knife, an ax or a saw. We see that the parts of a solid body are not easily separated; evidently they are very close together. They are held together by a force which we call Cohesion. We know that it is difficult to break a piece of iron, because iron has a strong cohesive force ; yet a blow with a poker sometimes may break the door of an iron stve. Rolled or hammered iron is much stronger than cast-iron, because, by the process of rolling or hammering, its particles have been brought nearer together, and hence they cohere more firmly. The strength of our tools and building-material depends upon cohesive force. The supporting ca- pacity of wire ropes, iron pillars, or steel rods is immense. A steel bar one inch square will support a weight of forty tons or more. We can break wood more easily than iron, because it has less cohesive force ; hence the particles are more easily separated. The particles of water, oil, or air, are 30 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. separated more easily still. Place the hand in water, now try to place it in wood. This is im- possible, for the particles of a solid body are not so easily separated as those of a liquid. We can pour water from a pitcher into a tumbler, and oil from a can into a lamp. The cohesion of liquids is well exhibited in the formation of water- drops as seen when water is gently poured from a vial. To break a solid and to separate the particles of a liquid, we must overcome the force of cohesion of each. We can overcome the force of cohesion of a body only by displacing its parts ; we do not in reality penetrate the body. Thus, in driving a nail into a board, the nail crowds parts of the board aside. One body can not occupy the space of another unless the other body be first removed ; that is, no two bodies can occupy the same space at the same time. Familiar Facts. When a little child breaks his slate he tries to put the parts together again, but he quickly perceives that they will not remain together. The reason of it is, the particles on the surface of the edges can not be brought so near to each other as they were before ; that is, they cohere no longer. A broken walking cane, although the broken parts are glued together again, has lost much of its former strength. COHESION. 31 But it is different with a liquid. Two parts of water can readily be made to form one mass by pouring them together. Water in the form of ice has more cohesion than in the liquid state ; in the form of steam, no cohe- sion whatever. Solids have more cohesion than liquids ; gases have none. Because by heating a solid we may liquefy it, and by continuing the heat we may convert it into gas, heat is said to destroy cohesion. Familiar Facts. Although solids and liquids cohere, they contain a great number of little holes, called Pores. These may be of different size in the same body, and may be visible or not. The pores of our sfcin are so minute that they can not be detected without a magnifying glass. Every square inch of the skin contains about 1,000 pores. Our health depends largely upon their activity. 1 Solid and liquid bodies are porous. Application. (a.) Of Cohesion: Beams and Pil- lars ; Wire ; Thread ; Rope, &c., &c (b.) Of Porosity: The Sponge ; Blotting-Paper. I. In the year 1661 the Academy of Florence proved that pores exist even in gold. A thin globe of gold was filled with water, and the orifice carefully closed. A violent pressure was then brought to bear upon it, and the result was, that the water was forced through the pores of the gold, and stood like dew upon the outer surface of the globe. 32 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOS. LESSON VII. ADHESION. CAPILLARY ATTRACTION. 21. EXPERIMENT. Cut two leaden bullets with a pen-knife so as to form two bright surfaces, and let the two faces be pressed against each other until they are in the closest contact ; they will be found to adhere firmly to each other. Familiar Facts. The same takes place, if a piece of India-rubber be cut and the two surfaces be pressed together. Dealers in glass-ware know that when mirrors have been placed together with their surfaces, they are often broken in the at- tempt to separate them. Between solid bodies, adhesion takes place if the surfaces are highly polished; that is, if they are so smooth that the parts of one surface closely approach those of the other. If not highly polished, the surfaces will not adhere, as two bricks laid together. Nor will adhesion take place, if thin paper is placed between the two polished surfaces. As a general thing, bodies which we wish to adhere to one another, are not very smooth. Owing to the unevenness on their surface, many of the parts of one surface are prevented from coming in close contact with those of the other ; ADHESION. CAPILLARY ATTRACTION. 33 in this case there can be no adhesion. What may be done, then, in order to make two rough surfaces adhere? Simply put a liquid body between the two to fill out the unevenness. 22. EXPERIMENT. Put two moistened glass plates together, and it will require some effort to separate them. The same may be found if two boards are placed together with water between them. In both cases, however, the pressure of air against the exterior surfaces greatly helps to hold them together. Why do postage stamps adhere to envelopes ? Because there is cohesion among the particles of the mucilage, and adhesion between the mucilage and each paper surface. Why does the hand become wet when immersed in water ? Why does it remain dry when drawn out from mercury ? Because, in the first case, the adhesive force between the water and hand is stronger than the cohesive force of the water ; in the other case, the cohesive force of the mercury is stronger than the adhesive force between it and the hand. Thus, when the hand is placed in water, a struggle takes place, as it were, between the parti- cles of water next to it and those farther away. The adhesive force of the former being stronger than their cohesive force, they cling to the hand. 8 34 FIEST LESSORS IN PHYSICS. Adhesion is the attraction between the surfaces of bodies in contact with each other. Application. All gilding, painting, whitewash- ing, cementing, varnishing, gluing, writing, solder- ing, coating of looking-glasses, plating, &c., &c. Soot adheres to the chimney ; dust to the ceiling ; chalk, or fresh paint, to one's clothing. 23. EXPERIMENT. Immerse a clean glass plate partly in water, some of the water will be seen to rise on both sides of the plate. Evidently the adhe- sive force between the glass and the water is greater than the cohesive force of the water. Were it FIG . 4 . not so, the water would not rise. Now immerse another glass plate near the first and not parallel to it (Fig. 4). Water will rise between them, and the form of its surface will be concave. The nearer the glass plates are brought to each other the higher will the water rise between them. This is natural, for the quantity of water between them is in this case very small; and the cohesive force of the water, therefore, easily overcome by the adhesive force. If a glass tube be immersed (see ADHESION CAPILLARY ATTRACTION. 35 Fig. 5) the water will rise still higher, because here is a small quantity of water, surrounded on all sides by glass, and the force of adhesion is, therefore, comparatively of greater effect. 1 Capillary tubes (from the Latin, capil- lus, a hair), are open tubes having a very narrow bore. When such a tube comes in contact with a liquid which is FIG 6 . capable of moistening it, the liquid is compelled to rise in it. The finer the bore of the tube, the higher will the liquid ascend. In a tube T J^ of an inch in diameter water will rise over five inches. Capillary attraction is the result of adhesion operating between solid and liquid bodies. Application. Sponge, blotting-paper. Eggs and meat may be kept fresh in sand or pulverized char- coal, these two substances containing .capillary tubes which absorb any moisture that would other- wise affect the eggs or the meat. Lampwicks also contain capillary tubes ; they suck up the oil in the lamp. Sugar also has capillary tubes. Grease spots on the floor may be removed by laying earth upon them. Our clothes become wet from the rain. In short, almost everything about us is filled with fine capillary tubes. i But the reverse of all these phenomena takes place that is, water is always depressed about glass surfaces, if these are greased. Grease has no attraction for water ; the water, consequently, is left free to obey its cohesive force, and falls below the level of the liquid surrounding the tube. In this case we have capillary depression. 36 FIEST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. LESSON VIII. REVIEW. LESSON i. All bodies are attracted to the earth. The force which attracts them is called the Force of Gravity. 2. All bodies fall if unsupported; if supported, they press upon their support ; if suspended, they pull in the direction in which they would fall if left free to do so. 3. The direction in which, a body falls, if it if moved by gravity alone, is vertical. 4. T Tie pressure of bodies upon their support, or their pull when suspended, is called Weight. 5. A pound is a weight, indicating a certain amount of that pressure taken as a standard. LESSON ii. 6. The specific gravity of a substance is its weight, compared with the weight of a like bulk of some other substance taken as a standard. When we say, mercury has a spe- cific gravity of 13.6, we mean that any bulk of mercury has 13.6 times as much weight as a like bulk of water. EBVIEW. 37 7. Fluids of different specific gravities, when brought together, place themselves in the order of their specific gravities, the heaviest below. 8. A body which is lighter than a quantity of water of equal bulk, floats on water; one which, is heavier, sinks. LESSON in. 9. The attraction between magnets and iron is called Magnetic Attraction. The magnetic attraction of the earth causes the magnetic needle, or any magnet freely suspended, to point north and south. LESSON iv. 10. The attraction of electrified bodies is called Electric Attraction. LESSON vi. 11. The parts of a body are kept together by their mutual attraction. The attraction be- tween the parts of the same body is called Cohesion. 12. In order to separate tlie parts of a body, we must overcome its cohesion. Solids have more cohesion than liquids. Gaseous bodies have no cohesion whatever. 38 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOS. LESSON vii. 13 The attraction between the surfaces of bodies in contact, is called Adhesion. 14. The adhesion between solids and liquids is often called Capillary Attraction. 15. Gravity, Magnetism, Electricity, Cohesion, and Adhesion, are forces of attraction The last two are called Molecular Forces, because they bind molecules 1 together. 16. The first three Gravity, Magnetism and Elec- tricity act through great distances ; adhe- sion and cohesion only at an insensible dis- tance. 17. Instead of magnetic and electric attraction, we may witness magnetic and electric Repul- sion, while gravity, cohesion and adhesion, however, exert only attraction. Questions. What natural force is applied in the balance the compass the lightning rod suspension bridges blotting paper ? I. "A molecule is the smallest particle of matter into which a body can be divided without losing its identity." Thus, the smallest particles of bread or of salt, which are still bread or salt, respectively, are mole- cules of bread or of salt. ELASTICITY. 39 LESSON IX. ELASTICITY. 23. EXPEKIMENT. Take an ivory ball ; press it with your hand upon a slab of marble that has been blackened over a lamp. The ball will show a black spot about as large as a pin's head. Now lay the slab upon the floor, stand on the table, and let the ball drop upon the slab from a considerable height The ball will then have a black spot much larger than before. Although of a hard sub- stance, the ball is flattened to that extent when it strikes the slab, and in resuming its former shape, it rebounds. If the string of a cross-bow, be drawn, and it is then let go, the arrow placed before it flies off with astonishing rapidity. " How is it," may we ask, "that a string can obtain such great force?" If a piece of india-rubber be doubled between the fingers, when the pressure is removed, it will be- come straight again. After pressing a steel pen gently against the thumb nail to try its writing qualities, it recovers its former shape. Springs, ivory, or india-rubber, and many other bodies, have the property of recovering their former figure when the force which distorts them ceases to act, provided the force be not too great. 40 FIKST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. This property is called Elasticity ; and all such bodies show readily that they are elastic. All bodies are more or less elastic; some substances, however, such as lead or clay, do not readily ex- hibit their elasticity, and were formerly called inelastic. Application of Elasticity. 1. To produce mo- tion: Watch-springs ; springs in watch cases, boxes, and carriage-lanterns ; the ballista of the ancients ; the cross-bow; locks, and triggers. 2. To coun- teract concussion : Wagon- springs ; packing glass ware in hay or straw; springs in mattresses, sofas, chairs and etui- cases. 3. To cause close contact or pressure : Springs in pocket-inkstands ; printers' cylinders; some kinds of pen-holders. 4. For weighing: Spring- balances. Hardness Softness. An ivory ball is elastic and hard ; an India-rubber ball is elastic and soft. If we take a glass rod and try to bend it as much as a steel rod can be bent, it will break. The steel rod is hard and elastic, while the glass rod is hard but much less elastic. Moist clay is soft but has very little elasticity. All this shows that no intimate connection exists between elasticity, and hardness or softness. A body is hard, when a great force is required to scratch it, or to displace its particles ; a body is soft, when its particles can be displaced by a slight force. ELASTICITY. 41 Brittleness. To break a steel rod requires a great force ; while, on the other hand, a pane of glass can be broken by a slight blow. Every substance can be broken, but the degree of force required is not the same for each. Glass or chalk is brittle, that is, easily broken. The property of being easily fractured, is called Brittleness. Ductility. Instead of breaking the steel rod, let us endeavor to stretch it ; we find that only by a' very great force can it be drawn out into a long wire. A narrow glass tube can be drawn out very thin by the heat of a flame. Bodies which can be drawn out into a thread or wire are ductile ; this property is called ductility. Malleability. Many substances, such as iron, copper, brass, gold, or silver, besides being ductile, can -be hammered into sheets ; hence they are called malleable. Some substances, as lead for example, are malleable without being ductile. Gold, the most malleable metal, has been hammered out into leaves each onl sWoTJTj of an inch thick. From this lesson we may learn that when the force which displaces the parts of a body is within certain limits, the body may exhibit elasticity ; if beyond certain limits, it exhibits the properties of brittleness, ductility or malleability. 42 FIKST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. LESSON X. ELASTICITY OF AIR. 24. EXPERIMENT. If we immerse an inverted tumbler perpendicularly in water, only a very little of the water will enter the tumbler, and, of course, the air in the tumbler is compressed. If the ves- sel is pressed down still farther, a little more water enters it, but it will never be entirely filled with water, because it contains air. A cork previously placed in the tumbler, will show the position of the water-level in- FIG 6< side. (See Fig. 6.) Air maintains its place like every other body ; hence it shuts out the water almost completely. But if you withdraw the hand which presses the tumbler down, the tumbler will instantly rise. The air in the glass was compressed, and recovered its previous space, because air is elastic. 25. EXEPERIMENT. If a glass funnel be im- mersed instead of a tumbler, and if inverted with the mouth downward, the upper end being closed with the thumb, the air in the funnel is compressed. As the thumb is removed, however, water rushes into the funnel, because, in this case, the air can pass out. ELASTICITY OF AIR. 43 26. EXPERIMENT. Cement a funnel into the neck of a small bottle, and pour water into it. Only a little water will enter at first ; but, sub- sequently, not a drop will get in, as there is no escape for the air. For, as the water is poured into the funnel, it forces the air in the tube of the funnel into the bottle. The air in the bottle has now no outlet, and, consequently, no water can enter. 27. EXPERIMENT. A very good illustration of the expansive force of air may be obtained by a " Hero's Fountain." Take a cork which fits into a bottle, and perforate it with a round file. The hole should be made so as to admit with difficulty a glass tube, which is now pushed through the cork. The tube should have a very fine opening above. This being done, fill the bottle about half with water and close it with the cork. Then drive the glass tube farther down, until it nearly reaches the bottom of the bottle. The bottle now contains air in its npper part and water in its lower. On blowing more air into the tube, the air will ascend through the water (Lesson II) and col- lect in the space above. But now the air over the water is compressed, and its expansive power forces the water upward through the tube. The inventor of this little apparatus was Hero, a phil- osopher, who died in Alexandria, over two thous- and years ago. 44 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. Air is an elastic T)ody ; the more we compress it, the greater is its expansive force. A useful application of this property of air is the air chamber, used in connection with pumps. (Comp. Less. 21, p. 78.) The Diving-bell may also be con- sidered an application of this force. ' Another application is the pop-gun. A piston moves air-tight in the tube of the pop-gun. Let it be at one end of the tube ; then insert, air-tight, a stopper into the other end of the tube and com- mence pushing down the rod ; the air inside is now compressed, it has the tendency to expand again ; but its force is not great enough, as yet, to drive out the stopper. If the rod is pushed in farther, the air is compressed still more, and the stopper is finally expelled with a loud report. Another application is the blow-gun. It consists of a long, smooth wooden tube, into which is fitted a sharp nail, around whose head shreds of cotton are tied. This nail is inserted, and by blowing into the tube at the same end, a great quantity of air is forced in, compressing the air inside ; this causes the nail to move forward. On blowing more strongly, the air is compressed more, and its expansive force, therefore, greatly increased. The nail is then expelled from the tube, and its speed will be in proportion to the force with which you have blown into the tube. PRESSURE OF AIR. LESSON XI. PRESSURE OF AIR. 28. EXPERIMENT. A tumbler filled with water to the brim, with a piece of paper placed over it, is inverted. (See Fig. 8.) The hand on the paper, after pressing the latter firmly against the tumbler, is removed, but the water does not flow out. How can this be accounted for? Notice that the tumbler contains FIG. e. no air ; it is entirely filled with water. The air evidently presses upward against the paper. It is this upward pressure of the air, which supports the paper*(and the paper supports the water), or else the air would force its way into the water, by rush- ing up along a part of the inner side of the tum- bler, leaving the water to fall down on the opposite part. 29. EXPERIMENT. Immerse a tumbler, hori- zontally, in a bowl of water, and press it down gradually. It will fill with water, and afterward be entirely below the surface of the liquid. Now turn it bottom upward, and without, however, raising its mouth above the surface, lift it as high as possible. The whole tumbler is still filled with water, and will remain filled, although the water 46 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. in two communicating vessels ought to have the same height (Lesson XVIII). The tumbler contains no air, while a large amount of air is over the re- maining water, pressing downward upon the water. It is this downward pressure of air which supports the column of water in the tumbler. 30. EXPERIMENT. Let a vessel be filled with water; then take a narrow glass tube, open at both ends, and im- merse it perpendicularly in the ves- sel. The tube will be partly filled with water; if taken out, the water will flow through the tube and fall, be- cause attracted to the earth. Place the tube again in the vessel with water, but on slowly removing it, be sure that you keep the upper open- ing closed with the thumb.* No water will flow from the tube, because air presses against the lower opening and thus supports the column of water in the tube. On removing the thumb the water will flow out, be- cause, in that case, the air presses as strongly above as it does below ; the water, consequently, obeys the force of gravity and falls. Now fill the glass tube again ; hold it obliquely, until it is in a horizontal position : FIG 9 - the water will still remain in the tube. PRESSURE OF AIR. 47 This shows that air presses not only upward ', downward, and laterally, but in all directions. In the preceding two experiments, a column of water was sustained by the downward pressure of air. Air, water, and all other fluids, exert pressure in all directions, while solid bodies exert downward pressure only. But downward pressure means weight ; hence fluids and solids (that is, all bodies,) have weight, while fluids have,besides weight, pres- sure in all directions. familiar facts. From an open faucet in a full barrel with its bung-hole closed, the liquid does not flow, because the air presses against the opening in the faucet. To draw vinegar, or any other liquid from a barrel, plunge a long tube into the liquid ; close the upper end with the thumb and withdraw the tube. The liquid in the tube will not flow out (why not ?) as long as the thumb closes the upper end. Oil-cans must be opened on the top in order to obtain a ready flow. Application. The Barometer (see next lesson). Pneumatic Railway. 48 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. LESSON XII. THE BAROMETER. In the two preceding experiments the downward pressure of air supported a column of water in a tumbler, or in a glass tube. Nothing was said, however, concerning the height of the liquid col- umn. But we know with certainty, that if a pump could be made with perfect valves it might raise a column of water, nearly 34 feet high. That is to say, the pressure of the atmosphere might then sup- port a column of water about 34 feet high. But what if, by the same pump, we had to lift a fluid which has greater specific gravity than water, say liquid tar, or mercury ? Would the atmosphere be competent to support, e. g., a column of mercury 34 feet high ? The answer is : No. Such a column weighs more than a column of water of the same thickness ; hence its height must be less. The truth of this Can be proved as follows: On each of the scale-pans of a balance place a tall vessel 34 feet high, but only one square inch across. Both vessels are to have equal weights ; hence the beam of the balance will remain horizontal. Now, fill one of them with pure water to the height of 34 feet, and the other with mercury until it balances the water; the mercury will then be found to be nearly THE BAKOMETEK. 49 30 inches high. We have now two columns of equal weight and thickness, but of different heights. The specific gravity of the mercury (Lesson II) is 13.6, and the height of the column of mercury = 34 feet divided by 13.6 = 30 inches. But it was stated above, that the atmosphere could support a column of water no higher than about 34 feet, consequently, the atmosphere must be competent to support a column of mercury of egual weight , that is, a column of mercury about 30 inches high. In order to test this reasoning, take a glass tube about 36 inches long, closed at one end ; fill it with mercury, close the open end of the tube with the finger, and invert the tube into a small cup or basin containing the same fluid. On withdrawing the finger, it will be found that the mercury remains suspended in the tube to the height of about 30 inches (see frontispiece, first figure to the left). The space over the top of the mercury is entirely empty ; it is a vacuum. We have here the weight of a col- umn of mercury completely balanced by a column of air of the same weight, but of indefinite height. Any change in the weight of the air will be instantly followed by a corresponding change in the weight of the column of mercury. From the preceding it appears, 1st, that a column of water 34 feet high, or one of mercury 30 inches high, nearly, can be supported by the pressure of a column of air ; 3d, that the weight and thickness of 50 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. both columns are the same, while the height of the column of air has not yet "been determined ; 3d, that any change in the pressure of the atmosphere must produce a corresponding change in the height of the column of mercury. The Barometer is an instrument for ascertaining the pressure of the air. Its ordinary form is that of an inverted tube (see frontispiece, centre figure), with its open or lower end either bent upward a few inches, or immersed in a small cistern filled with mercury. This end may be in a wooden or metallic case containing a fine opening for the air to pene- trate to the mercury. The height of the fluid in a barometer is the same, whether the instrument be in the open air or within the house. For air presses in all directions (Lesson XI) ; any difference in pressure, therefore, would immediately be equal- ized. Uses of the Barometer. The atmosphere is an ocean surrounding the earth. Its pressure, there- fore, must be greatest at its greatest depth, viz. : at the level of the sea. It will be gradually diminished as we ascend in a balloon, because, in this case, we leave air below us which does not press upon the mercury in the balloon. The mercury of the barometer actually falls in proportion to the eleva- tion to which it is taken. Hence the barometer is used for measuring the heights of mountains. If the records of the barometer at different places, but at identical times, be compared, probabilities THE BAROMETER. 51 may be obtained in regard to the weather which we are about to have. Thus, if a surplus of air exists at A and B, the air in these localities has more weight, and the barometer will stand high ; at once a quantity of air will be conveyed to some distant place C, where the quantity of air is deficient, that is, where the barometer stands low. If the records show that at C the air was previously moist and warm, while at A and B it was cold, the probabili- ties for C are clouds, or rain. Hence the barometer is used to some extent for ascertaining the weather that is about to follow. Amount of Pressure of Air. In the experiment indicated on page 48, a weight of 15 pounds may, at the level of the sea, be substituted for either col- umn without seriously disturbing the balance. Thus a column of mercury one inch square and 30 inches high , or one of water one inch square and 34 feet high, weighs 15 pounds. Consequently, the column of air which can support either that is, one which is one inch square but reaches to the top of the atmosphere, also weighs 15 pounds. 52 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOS. LESSON XIII. REVIEW. LESSON ix. 1. Springs, ivory, India-rubber, and many other bodies, have the property of recovering their former figure when the force which distorts them ceases to act, provided the force be not too great. This property is called Elasticity. 2. All bodies are more or less elastic. 3. Hardness is that property by which a body can not be scratched, nor its particles displaced, ex- cept by the application of great force. 4. Softness is the property by which the parts of a body can be scratched or displaced, if a slight force is applied. 5. Brittleness is the property by which a body is easily fractured. 6. Ductility is' the property by which a body can be drawn out into wire. 7. Malleability is the property which enables us to hammer a body into thin sheets. 8. Elasticity is displayed only when the force dis- placing the parts of a body is within certain limits. 9. When the force displacing $ie parts of a body is beyond certain limits, the., body may exhibit brittleness, ductility, or malleability. KEVIEW. 53 LESSON x. 10. Air is an elastic body ; and the more we com- press it, the greater is its expansive force. LESSON xi. 11. Air, like water and other fluids, exerts pressure in all directions. LESSON xii. 12. The downward pressure of air can support a column of any other fluid, and the height of this column depends upon the specific gravity of the fluid. 13. The downward pressure of the air is nearly fifteen pounds to the square inch of surface. 14. A column of air extending from the earth to the top of the atmosphere will support a column of mercury about 30 inches high. 15. An entirely empty space is called a vacuum. 16. The barometer is an instrument for determining the pressure of the air. 17. The uses of the barometer are, first, to measure the heights of mountains ; second, to assist in ascertaining the weather about to come. INERTIA. LESSON XIY. INERTIA. 31. EXPERIMENT. Place a piece of chalk upon a book, and move the book quickly sideways. The chalk drops to the floor without participating in the motion of the book, because the book is withdrawn from under it. i Familiar Facts. A coin laid upon a card on the mouth of a bottle, drops into the bottle if the card is snapped off quickly It falls, because its support, the card, has been removed from under it. Persons in a horse-car are thrown backward if it starts suddenly. These, and numerous other facts, attest that a body at rest remains at rest until it is set in motion by some force. 32. EXPERIMENT. The motion given to the book, and to the card, was so sudden that there was not sufficient time for it to be communicated to the chalk and coin. Hence it was that these two bodies did not participate in the motion, but drop- ped simply because they were left unsupported (Lesson I). Now move the book and the card slowly; the two objects upon them will partici- pate in the motion, and not fall. This shows that to set a body in motion, time is necessary. INERTIA. 55 Familiar Facts. A person running rapidly, or a railway train in motion, cannot stop suddenly. Place a piece of chalk on a book, and move the book until it strikes against the wall ; the chalk will continue to move after the book has ceased moving. So do persons in a car which stops sud- denly. A bell continues to ring for a time after it has been struck. A 'boat moves on a little after the action of the oars has ceased. So coffee, when stirred, will re- volve in the cup, although the spoon has been removed. In winter, young persons when coasting may be frequently seen flying down hill on their sleds, and sometimes pass up an opposite hill a short distance. A rabbit cannot run as fast as a hound ; but if pursued by the hound, it may, by suddenly changing its course to the right or left, gain considerable advantage over the hound, which, not being prepared for the change, must first over- come his inertia before he can turn. From this we see that a body once in motion, remains in motion until stopped by some force or resistance. To stop the motion of a body, time is necessary. Inertia is the tendency which all bodies have to persist in their state, whether this state be of rest or of motion. Application. Fly-wheels. The switching-off of railway trains without a locomotive. 56 FIKST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. LESSON XV. THE INCLINED PLANE. 33. EXPERIMENT. A ball lying on a book upon a table will not fall as long as the book lies in a horizontal position. But let the book be raised on one side, and the ball rolls down. It rolls down the faster the higher the book is tilted. The ball presses with its whole weight upon the book ; but when the book is raised a little on one side the ball presses less, and begins to fall. The higher we raise the book the less will the ball press upon the book, and the more rapidly will it descend. The surface of the book, when raised on one side, is an inclined plane. 'Familiar facts. A wagon descending a steep hill need not be drawn by the horses ; it is checked rather, in order to prevent it from rolling down too rapidly. When ascending a hill, the horses have a more difficult task than on a level road. It is tiresome for us to ascend steep stairs. In loading wagons the skid is used. It saves much labor, if it is not placed too steep. If tlie wagon is very high, the skid must be quite long. The steeper an inclined plane, the greater the velocity of a body descending on it; and the greater the force required to ascend it. THE INCLINED PLANE. 57 34. EXPERIMENT. Let an inclined plane be formed by a board. (See Fig. 10.) Now it makes a great difference whether the ball is rolled down from the middle, or from the top of the inclined board. Try both. The result will be FIG. 10. that the ball, when rolling down from the top, acquires a greater velocity. A body increases in velocity as the space increases through which it descends. 35. EXPERIMENT. Before the lower end of a grooved board place a ball. Then let another ball be rolled down the inclined plane, so that it strikes the first ball. Mark the place to which the latter moves, and put it in its former position again. Repeat the experiment, having the upper end of the board raised a little higher ; that is, having the inclined plane a little steeper (Fig. 11). The ball rolling down will then cause the first ball to move farther, perhaps to a, having struck it with greater force. This is owing to the greater steepness of the plane. We have seen that the velocity of a body increases with the inclination of the plane. The last experiment shows that 58 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. the greater the velocity of a body the greater its striking force. Familiar Facts, A bullet thrown with the hand inflicts less harm than one fired from a gun. A ~boy running slowly against a tree scarcely feels the shock ; but by running against it rapidly, he might be seriously injured. We throw a mar- ble in the air and catch it again without being hurt, but we should experience pain, if the mar- ble were thrown up very high. Hailstones may strike with force sufficient to break glass, and to destroy standing grain. A boy jumps easily from a fence, but would scarcely dare to jump from the top of a house. The descent of bodies on the inclined plane shows that they are not supported by it with their whole weight; if they were, they would not descend. To say they are not wholly supported means : An inclined plane overcomes a portion of the weight of bodies upon it. Hence its Application 1. To overcome weight: A road winding up a hill. A skid ; an obliquely-placed plank ; wedges and axes. 2. To exert strong pressure : Wedges used in oil-wells, sugar-mills, &c., to press out the juice. 3. To overcome cohesion. Our knives, axes, hatchets, scissors, needles, nails, swords, bay- onets, saws, files, chisels, planes, plows, &c., &c. THE LEVER. 59 LESSON XVI. THE LEVER. 36. EXPERIMENT. Balance a rod on the edge of a slate supported "between two heavy books. The rod is in a state of equilibrium, because on each side of the point of support there is an equal amount of matter. Now, place the rod in such a manner that on one side of the support it shall be twice as long as on the other. The longer arm will descend, because it contains more mat- ter. Let us repeat this slowly. Observe, that in lifting the end of the long arm with the hand, it moves through a greater space than is passed through by the end of the short arm. The lengths of the two arms of the lever are in the ratio of 1 to 2 ; and the space passed through by the end of the long arm is twice as great as that passed through by the other. Notice, also, that the ends describe these unequal spaces in the same length of time ; therefore, the end of the long arm of a lever has greater velocity than the end of the short arm. But it was stated before (Less. XV), that, owing to their great velocity, hailstones, although small bodies, could acquire great power. So will any small weight or object, if it be given great veloc- ity. Apply this to the present case : 60 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. 37. EXPERIMENT. Place a heavy weight on the short arm of a lever. The greater the length of the other arm, the smaller may be the weight upon it requisite to lift the large weight on the short arm. The weight or pressure to be applied to the long arm for that purpose is called the Power. Thus the small weight, with the great velocity of the long arm, counterbalances the large weight with the small velocity of the short arm. A stiff bar made to turn on one point is a lever. The greater the length of one arm of a lever, the less power needs be applied to that arm to lift the load on the other arm. Question. What power is needed in a lever to counterbalance the load on the short arm ? The amount of power depends, evidently, upon the length of the long arm. If, as in the above case, it has twice the length of the short arm, the power needed to lift and counterbalance the load is one- half the weight of the load. Thus, if a burden of 100 pounds is to be lifted by means of a lever whose long arm has twice the length of the short arm, a power of 50 pounds is required ; if four times, a power of one-fourth, or 25 pounds. To find the power necessary to lift a load by means of a lever, divide the product of the load into its dis- tance from the point of support by the distance from the point of support to the place where the THE LEVER. 61 power is to be applied. The quotient=the power required. The important points in a lever: 1. The point of support, or Fulcrum. 2. The load (or weight) to be lifted. 3. The power applied. In the lever illustrated above, as well as in the applications given below, the order of these three points is; Load Fulcrum Power. Levers ar- ranged in this order are called Levers of the First Class. Application. The Steelyard; Crowbars j Pump- handles ; children teetering ; scissors and shears. If, in order to lift a load, a laborer supports his crowbar on a stone upon the ground, and enters the short arm of the lever thus formed under the weight , his lever is one of the first class ; why ? But if he does not use the stone ; if he simply rests his crowbar with one end on the ground, so that the load comes to lie between him and the fulcrum (the ground), then the order of his lever is : Fulcrum Load Power ; and this constitutes a Lever of the Second Class. Application. The nut-cracker; where its limbs are riveted together, is the Fulcruni ; the nut re- presents the load (in this case the load, or resist- ance, is to be crushed, not lifted); the power is where the hands are applied. We have here two levers combined. The chopping -Tinife is a lever 62 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. of the same class. Where the knife is fastened is the Fulcrum. The object to be cut is the Load ; the Power is at the handle (in this case, too, the resistance is not a load to be lifted, but cohesion to be overcome). Lemon-squeezers ; Cork-squeez- ers ; the Wheel-barrow ; l the oar of a boat. 2 The great progress of our age does not lie so much in the introduction of new forces of nature, of which there are but a few, but in the ingenious application of those few forces, and in their skill- ful combination into machines. One of the offices of machines is to communicate the effect of a force to bodies which otherwise could not be acted upon by that force. Thus, without the locomotive, the expansive force of steam could not communicate its effect upon a train of cars. The Lever is the simplest of all machines ; and probably, also, the most ancient. By means of a very long arm, it becomes a most powerful instru- ment. It is told of Archimedes, a Syracusan philosopher (about 250 years before Christ), that he offered to move the earth itself, if the king would give him a place to stand on. Read on Levers, and The Art of Walking, in "Things Not Generally Known." 1. The Fulcrum is where the wheel rests on the ground. 2. The Fulcrum is where the oar rests in the water ; the Load is the boat. THE PENDULUM. 63 LESSON XVII. THE PENDULUM. 38. EXPEEIMENT. (a.) The string "by which a stone is suspended has a vertical direction (Less. I). If the stone is drawn a little to one side, the direction of the string will be slanting. On letting the stone go now, it will begin to move. Since all bodies are drawn to the earth (Less. I), it will approach the earth as near as possible. When nearest the earth, it has again the vertical direc- tion. But the weight does not stop there; its inertia (Less. XIV) carries it onward ; being held by the string it does not fall to the ground ; it ascends, until gravity finally stops it. Gravity not only stops it, but also pulls it down again. Noticing its downward course more closely, we see that it descends with increasing velocity. Inertia causes it again to pass by the lowest point of its path ; it ascends on the other side, stops an instant of time, and is then forced back again by gravity. Thus it swings back and forth for a certain time. Each swinging in one direction is called a vibration. The vibrations grow shorter, and observation shows us that, finally, they cease al together. If, while the pendulum is vibrating, we beat time, it will be found that the same length of time is necessary for the shorter vibrations toward the 64 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. close of the experiment as for' the earlier, longer ones. Thus if the pendulum at first made sixty vibrations a minute, it will continue to make the same number during the same time, although it afterward passes through shorter arcs. The vibrations of the same pendulum will talce place in the same lengtli of time, unless these vibra- tions pass through large spaces or arcs. 39. EXPERIMENT. (&.) Cut off three-fourths of the string. The pendulum is now shorter than it was before ; it has only one-fourth the former length. After it is set vibrating, count the num- ber of its vibrations in ten seconds ; the number will be greater than that of the former pendulum.* The reason of this is easily seen, if we suspend the shorter and longer pendulum, both, from the same horizontal height. The former descends on a shorter incline than the latter, and, therefore, takes less time to descend. This shows that a short pendu- lum vibrates more rapidly than a long one} I A pendulum which is four times as long as another will need twice as much time to perform one vibration ; that is, it will vibrate half as fast as the other. Let one pendulum be nine times as long as the other, it will need three times as much time (it will vibrate one-third as fast) ; or, it will vibrate once while the other vibrates three times. Hence the times of vibrations of pendulums are to each other as the square roots of their lengths. Thus, if one pendulum has a length of 4, and another the length of 36, the former will vibrate faster than the latter ; the square roots being 2 and 6, the latter will require three times as much time as the other to perform one vibration ; that is, if it vibrates once every three seconds, the former will vibrate once every one second; or, the longer pendulum will vibrate once in the same length of time that the shorter one vibrates three times. THE PENDULUM. 65 The principal application of the pendulum is its use for the regulation of clocks. A clock is required to keep good time. From the preceding, it is evident that a pen- dulum, by its vi- brations, whether it moves fast or slowly, gives us equal portions of time. But a pen- dulum will cease vibrating after a short time ; what, then, must be done to meet this diffi- culty? Everybody FIG - 12 - knows that the pendulum stops when the clock has " run down ; " that is, when the weight has reached its lowest point. It is plain that the downward tendency of the weight is quite sufficient to meet that difficulty ; for while the pendulum alone would very soon cease vibrating, the descent of the weight lasts at least twenty-four hours. (What is meant by winding up a clock ?) But the weight, after it begins to descend, increases in speed (Les- son XV), and as the cord from which it is sus- 5 66 FIKST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. pended, passes round an axle which causes the hands to move, the accelerated velocity would cause the hands to move faster and faster. To obviate this, the axle is connected with a wheel of saw-shaped teeth (Fig. 12), which revolves with it, and above which swings a curved hook, A. A., called an escapement, whose two teeth work al- ternately in the saw-shaped teeth of the wheel. At every vibration of the pendulum, one of these two teeth stops the revolution of the wheel, and thus interrupts the descent of the weight. Now, since the pendu- lum vibrates in equal portions of time, the weight descends through equal spaces in equal times. And since the weight descends through equal s p a c e s in equal times, it turns the axle, the work, and the hands with uni- form velocity. Hence clocks are moved by the de- scent of the weights, and regulated by the vibra- tions of the pendulum. (See Fig. 13.) COMMUNICATING VESSELS. 67 LESSON XVIII. COMMUNICATING VESSELS HYDRAULIC PRESS. 40. EXPERIMENT. Fit a piece of thin board into a tumbler, as a vertical partition divid- ing the inside of the tumbler into two spaces. The board should not touch the bottom of the glass, but be a little above it. Now pour water into the tumbler, and there will be two horizontal surfaces of water, each having the same height. Remove the board, and in place of it immerse a wide glass tube. The two surfaces of water will again be of the same height, nearly. Familiar Facts. The same may be seen in two glass tubes of unequal width (Pig. 14) which are ce- mented into a base made of tin, and connected with each other by means of a tin tube (a). Also in a teapot. The tea PIG. u. rises as high in the spout as in the body of the pot, and if the body were higher than^the spout the tea would flow from the spout. Hence, in pouring out tea, we lift the pot and lower the spout. 41. EXPERIMENT. Take a tube made of glass or tin and bend it so that one limb be very short, perhaps, only one-twentieth as long as the other, 68 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOS. and let the opening of the short limb be drawn out fine (Fig. 15). Then pour water into the long tube, holding the short one closed with the finger. On removing the finger, water will jet forth. Thus we have a fountain on a small scale. If the short tube were tall enough, the water would rise until it stood at a level with the water in the other tube. The tube being short, however, the water rises in a jet, but not to that level, because there is friction, and because the returning drops depress the rising jet. Familiar Facts. Cisterns, offices, dwel- ling-houses and factories are supplied with water from large elevated reservoirs. Vessels connected with each other, so that a liquid 'can pass freely from one into the other, are called Communicating Vessels. Why may water pipes under ground be said to be communicating tubes ? 42. EXPERIMENT. Take a cylindrical tin ves- sel (about five inches high), with a neck, B, perfectly cylindrical (Fig. 16), into which a cork can be fitted tightly, and with small holes in the sides of the vessel as well as in the upper (tapering) part. These openings are carefully closed with beeswax, the vessel filled with water to the very HYDEAULIO PEESS. 69 edge of B, and the cork set on the neck. If the cork is then driven in by a sudden "blow with the hand, the water jets forth from all the openings simultaneously. One end of a glass tube is cemented into a small, hollow tin ball provided with about a dozen fine openings. (See wood, cut.) The other end is freely in- serted in a rubber ball, previously filled with water. When the ball is pressed with the hand, the same phenomenon as above is witnessed. (To fill the ball, squeeze it together under water, and then let it go.) The force of a pressure brought to bear upon a small portion of a liquid, is transmitted equally to all parts of the liquid. Suppose, now, that the bottom of the tin vessel had merely been telescoped in the vessel. The pressure given to the water in B would evidently have forced the bottom out ; and the bottom would then have exerted a pressure upon any resisting object. Application. Advantage has been taken of this in a machine called the "Hydraulic Press," invented in 1796 (Fig. 17). By means of a lever (of the second kind) a pressure is exerted upon the water in the narrow tube, A. This pressure is communicated to the water in the wide tube, (7, 70 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. forcing the movable cylinder, J5, to ascend. Bales of cotton, or any other object to be compressed, lying on the plate, and prevented from rising by the fixed plate, P, are thus compressed with PIG. 17. enormous force. For if the surface of the water in the cylinder be 100 times that of the water in the narrow tube, and if the pressure applied to the liquid in the tube amount only to 50 pounds, the pressure exerted upon the bale of cotton will amount to 5,000 pounds But since the power applied by the hand may be increased tenfold with the advantage gained by a longer lever, the amount of pressure may easily be raised to 50,000 pounds It can be farther increased by steam-pressure so that the force of pressure may amount to over a million pounds. BREATHING. THE BELLOWS. 71 LESSON" XIX. BREATHING. THE BELLOWS. 43. EXPERIMENT. If a glass tube be placed with one end in water, we can cause the water to rise in the tube by sucking it up with the mouth. This is the reason for it : We draw the air which is in the tube, into the mouth ; a vacuum (Lesson XIII) is thus created, and the pressure of the ex- ternal air upon the water forces water into the tube. Familiar Facts. Instead of water we may draw up air alone ; this is done in breathing. We enlarge our lungs and the cavity in our chest (Lesson II, p. 16) ; by this, the air in the chest is rarefied, and the external air, by the pressure of the layers of air above it, forced to rush into the chest. This process is called Inspiration. During the process. of Expiration we contract the chest, and the air must rush out. If we immerse a pail in a pond, and fill it with water, the moment the pail is drawn out again, the water rushes in and occupies the space where the pail was before. In the same way Air rushes into a vacuum, or into any space containing rarefied air. 72 FIKST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. 2-. very useful application of the pressure of air is the Bellows, an instrument for blowing fire. It consists of a space enclosed by two boards opposite each other, which are united around the edges by a wide strip of leather. In front, this spaco opens in a narrow tube. In one of the boards is a hole closed by a valve. A valve is a sort of lid or cover, which admits a fluid into a space, but prevents its return. When the bel- lows is drawn out, the air inside is rarefied. The external air now seeks to rush in, but it finds no other way than through the valve ; this it opens and instantly fills the extended bellows. When the bellows is drawn in, the air inside is com- pressed, and its expansive, or elastic, force (Les- son X) being greatly increased, it presses against the inner sides of the bellows, and, in doing so, closes the valve. There being no other egress, the air passes through the tube in front into the fire. On the same principle yon may explain Drink- ing and Smoking. REVIEW. 73 REVIEW. LESSON xv. 1. The steeper an inclined plane, the greater the velocity of bodies descending on it ; and the greater the force required to ascend it. 2. A body increases in velocity as the space in- creases through which it descends. 3. The greater the velocity of a body, the greater its striking force. LESSON xvi. 4. A lever is an inflexible bar made to turn about a fixed point. 5 When moving, the end of the long arm (where the power is applied) has greater velocity than the end of the short arm where the load is attached. 6. The greater the length of the long arm of the lever, the greater becomes its velocity; and, consequently, the less power needs be ap- plied to lift the load. 7. To find the power required to lift a load by means of a lever, divide the product of the load into its distance from the point of sup- port by the distance between the point of support and the place where the power is to be applied. The quotient is the Power. 74 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. LESSON XX. COMMON PUMP. 44. EXPERIMENT. Instead of immersing the end of a glass tube, as we did in the preceding lesson, let us dip a syringe into water. On draw* ing up the piston, by means of the piston-rod, the liquid is seen to rise in the syringe. This is explained by the law given in the pre- ceding lesson, for the piston being air-tight, it leaves, as it rises, a vacuum below it, which is eagerly filled by the water. But what causes the water to rise ? The answer is : The pressure of air on the surrounding water. Application. Our pumps. They act on the same princi- ple. When we look at a pump (Fig. 18), the first thing that strikes our eye is the cylinder, or barrel, C, the spout, 8, and the lever, or handle, H. The lower part of the barrel, P, is called the PIG. 18. COMMON PUMP. 75 suction-pipe ; it is submersed in the water. Inside of the barrel works a piston 0, which fits air-tight, and can be moved up and down by means of the piston rod to which it is attached. It is pierced with a hole, and the hole is covered by a valve, t), which opens upward. The piston-rod is connected at the top with the lever H. When the handle of the pump is raised, and has arrived at its highest point, the piston is at its lowest, directly over the valve A. Let us see now what happens when the handle is being forced down, as in Fig. 18. First, observe that the piston rises ; next, that the valve A opens. But what causes this valve to open ? The answer is : When the piston rises, the air previously con- fined between valve A and the level of the water in the suction-pipe now occupies a larger space ; hence it is rarefied, and has less pressure than the air over the outside water F F. The result of these unequal pressures is that the level of F F is lowered by the pressure of the atmosphere over it, and that the water in the suction-pipe, P, must rise until the air inside of the tube has reached the same pressure, nearly ; that is, the same degree of density as the outside air. At this instant, the valve A will close- that is, it will fall of its own weight. It is evident that the valve, V, remains closed whenever the piston rises. When the piston is lowered, the valve v is forced open. Why ? Because the air below the piston is 76 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOS. compressed, and, remembering p. 44, we know that it is the expansion of the compressed air which opens the valve v. When the piston is at its lowest this valve falls by its own weight. On raising the piston-rod the second time, more air is withdrawn from the suction-pipe; water commences rushing up, and enters through valve A. On lowering the piston again, it descends into the water, and from this moment all the air below the piston is expelled. Some water is now above the piston, and the lower valve again falls of its own weight. Henceforth, whenever the piston descends, a large quantity of water passes through the piston valve v; whenever it rises, that quantity of water remains on the top of the piston-valve. Afterward, at every rise of the piston, the water above it flows out through the spout. The great principle of the pump is the fact, that the pressure of the air upon a body of water, causes the water to rush up into a vacuum that lias been formed in a tube communicating with that body of water. The column of water in the suction-pipe, between the level of F F and valve 7, is supported by the pressure of the air on the water in the cistern. Bead " Theory of Pump " p. 267, in " Things not Generally Known." 7" FORCING PUMP. FIRE ENGINE. 77 LESSON XXI. FORCING PUMP. FIRE ENGINE. A common pump cannot draw water to a ver- tical height of 34 feet, because its vacuum cannot be made perfect. In order to elevate it to a greater height, the Forc- ing Pump is used (Fig. 19). It is constructed on 78 FIEST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. the same principle as the Common Pump ; it dif- fers from the latter in the following three points : 1. The piston of the Forcing Pump is not pierced. 2. In place of the spout there is a tube at the lower part of the barrel, which leads to the place wnere the water is to be carried. 3. That tube contains a valve, a 2 , which opens outwardly. When the piston P is raised this valve is closed; thus the air below the piston becomes rarefied, and water is drawn through the lower valve u 1 , the same as in the common pump. When the piston descends, the lower valve is closed on account of its own weight ; the water above the valve v 1 is then forced through valve v z into the tube, from which it can not flow back. (Why not ?) The Fire-Engine Consists of a Heron 's Fountain (Lesson X) and of two Forcing Pumps to pump water into it. Both pumps stand in a large box filled with water. Two iron levers (called brakes) L and L\ work the iron piston-rods P and P 1 . A wide cylinder, N^ stands between the two pumps. It contains air, and a metallic tube which nearly reaches to the bottom and is open at the top. This cylinder acts like a Heron's Fountain, but in the Fire-Engine, and in other pumps, it is called an Air- Chamber. The tubes of the Forcing Pumps enter the air-chamber ; each has a valve opening outwardly into the air-chamber. FORCING PUMP. FIRE-ENGINE. 79 FIG. When A, one of the pistons, rises, the valve of tube B is closed by the pressure, which the air over the water in the air-chamber exerts. Water, at the same time, enters from the box through the lower valve C into the barrel of the pump. Why? When the piston E descends, the lower valve D closes of its own weight, and water is forced into the air-chamber through the valve of the tube F. After continued pumping, the water in the air-chamber has risen so high that it has concentrated and compressed the air into a much smaller space. But from Lesson X we see that the more we compress air, the greater its expansive force. Hence it is evident that the jet 80 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. of water sent forth from the metallic tube is sent forth by the expansive force of the compressed air in the air-chamber. There being two pumps and an air-chamber the jet is continuous. Give the difference between the Common Pump and the Forcing Pump. Also, between a Hero's Fountain and the Air- Chamber of a Fire-Engine. The Common Pump and Barometer Compared. Four points in common : 1. Both have a tube or cylinder. 2. Both have a vacuum. 3. In both, the liquids rise in consequence of the pressure of air. 4. In both, the liquids can not rise higher than the capacity of that pressure permits. Seven points of difference : 1. The Barometer has a glass tube ; pumps usually have iron tubes. 2. The barometer-tube is closed above the vacu- um ; while in pumps there is a valve above the vacuum. 3. The vacuum in the pump can never be made as perfect as that in the barometer. COMMON PUMP AND BAROMETER. 81 4. In the pump, the vacuum must first be pro- duced ; in the barometer, the vacuum, once estab- lished, remains. 5. Tho liquid in the barometer is always mer- cury; in the pump it may be water, oil, vinegar, &c., &c. 6. In the barometer neither spout nor lever is required. 7. No graduated scale is attached to the pump. 8. The liquid column in the barometer usually stands no higher than 30 inches. The liquid col- umn in the pump stands higher than that of the barometer (Comp. Lesson XII). Thus when the mer cury in a barometer reads 29'5 inches, this num- ber is an index of the pressure of the air at the time ; and in a common pump with perfect valves, the water could then be drawn up 29*5 x 13*6 = 401-2 inch. = 33-4 feet. The distance between the level of the water in the cistern and the lower valve must be propor- tionate to the capacity of the pump. Suppose, for instance, it were forty feet in the imagi nary pump previously mentioned, then the water would not come up to the lower valve, because the atmospheric pressure cannot lift a column of water higher than its natural limit, explained in Lesson XII. 6 82 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. LESSON XXII. REVIEW. LESSON xvir. 1. The vibrations of the same pendulum will take place in the same length of time, unless these vibrations pass through large spaces or arcs. 2. A short pendulum vibrates more quickly makes a greater number of vibrations in the same length of time than a longer one. 3 In Clocks the motory force is the force of Gravity ; in Watches (and in clocks without weights), the motory force is the force of Elas- ticity. 4. In Clocks the motion is regulated by the Pen- dulum ; in Watches by the Balance- wheel. LESSON xvin. 5. Vessels connected with each other, so that a liquid can pass freely from one into the other, are called Communicating Vessels. 6. The force of pressure upon a small portion of any liquid is transmitted equally and undi- minished to all the parts of the liquid in all directions. LESSON xix 7. Air rushes into a vacuum, or into any spa~e containing rarefied air. REVIEW. 83 LESSON xx. 8. If there is a Fluid between a vacuum and the air, the pressure of air will force the Fluid into the Vacuum. Thus water or mer- cury rushes into a vacuum formed over a part of its surface, because the pressure of air upon the remaining portion of its surface forces both to do so. (Pumps and Barometer.) 9. A stone on a support, a weight suspended by a cord, are at rest. They may remain at rest during thousands of years. The force of gravity in them is also at rest. But as soon as the support is withdrawn, or the cord lengthened but the hundreth part of an inch, they begin to move. Then the force of gravity in them may be said to do work. This work is called Motion. 10. An elastic spring may be compressed, and may remain so for thousands of years. Dur- ing this time the force of elasticity in it does no work. But withdraw the pressure, and the spring commences moving. Its motion is t?ie work done by the Force of Elasticity. 11. Motion is a manifestation of the work done by a Force, and is always accompanied by a cliange of place. 12. a. A body on an incline (Fig. 10) will not fall ; b. A pendulum (Fig. 13) will not vibrate ; c. The long arm of a lever will not move ; 84 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOS. d. The water in the wide tube of a communi- cating vessel (if by means of a stop -cock shut- off from the narrow tube) will not flow into the narrow tube (Fig. 14); e. The air outside the bellows will not enter ; /. The air over the cistern of a pump will not force the water up (Figs. 18 and 19) , So long as the force of gravity (in e and / the force of elasticity) does no work. But from the moment that the rope at the top of the incline, to which the body is fastened, is cut; from the moment that the pendulum- weight be drawn to one side ; that the long arm of the lever be provided with additional weight; that the stop- cock in the communi- cating-tube be opened ; that the bellows be ex- tended ; that the piston of the pump be moved ; from that moment Work is done and Mo- tion produced. IB. The effect of the Force of Gravity is Pull. It pulls all bodies to the earth. The effect of the Force of Elasticity is Push (pressure). These effects disappear when work is being done by the forces ; the forces are then con- verted into Motion. 14, The motion of masses is produced by the work which their forces perform. The motions of the human body are work which its forces perform. When its forces cease to labor, death takes place. In Nature all is Motion, Life and Labor. SOUND. 85 LESSON XXIII. SOUND. Familiar Facts. The passage of an electric spark through the air is followed by a crackling noise, as the passage of lightning through air is followed by thunder. The blow of a whip in the air is also accompanied by a crackling noise ; and a pencil, when it falls from the table, produces an audible sound. So does a stone thrown into the water, a book dropped upon the floor, or the hand rapping at the door. Now, if the whip had not moved through the air, nor the pencil upon the table, nor the stone into the water, nor the book on the floor, these sounds would evidently not have been produced. All sound is transmitted to the ear through tho air ; no sound is heard in a vacuum. 45. EXPERIMENT. Insert the hlade of a knife between the horizontal joints on the side of a desk or table ; take the free end of the handle, press it downward as far as convenient, and then let go : a noise will be heard, and the knife will be seen to move up and down very fast until it comes to rest. This is a swinging, or a vibratory motion, similar to that of the pendulum of a clock. 46. EXPERIMENT. Let a few drops c f water fall into a tumbler filled with water. At first the 86 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. water is depressed, but quickly rises again. This vibratory motion is communicated to the remaining water. The water shows it in the circular elevations (rings) round the point of contact. Thus the mo- tion of the knife, as well as that of the water, is a vibratory motion. Familiar Facts. A vibratory motion may be heard and felt, when a door is slammed or a gun fired off. A bell is first set to vibrate, then it com- municates its own vibrations to the air around it FIG 21. and the air in turn transmits its vibrations to the ear. On water, the vibrations are rings ; in air, hol- low spheres of compressed air, alternating with iollow spheres of rarefied air. No sound is heard if the vibrations are too faint, or if the organ of hearing is defective. Familiar Facts. That the sounding-board of a piano vibrates while the instrument is being played, may be seen if a pin or other small body be placed on it. Blowing into a pipe sets the air SOUND. 87 vibrating. In windy weather the church-bells of a city may be heard farther off than usual, at a place which lies in the direction of the wind; while at a place nearer by, but in an opposite di- rection, they may not be heard at all. Sound is caused by the vibratory motion of a sounding body. If a cannon is fired off at a distance of about 1100 feet, the flash is seen instantaneously, but the report will be heard a second later. At twice that distance, the report will be heard two sec- onds later. From the time which elapses between the flash of a gun on a vessel in distress, and the hearing of the report on the shore, the dis- tance of the vessel may be found. Thus, if ten seconds have elapsed, the vessel is about 11,000 feet, a little over two miles, distant. The distance of a thunderstorm may be ascertained in a like manner, by counting the seconds that elapse be- tween the lightning and the thunder following it. Sound moves at the rate of about 1100 feet a second. Question. 1 What causes the noise when a piece of paper is torn ? 2. What, when a piece of wood is broken? 3. What, when a whip is cracked ? Bead "Wonders of Acoustics," in Illustrated Library of Wonders. Bead "The Ear," in "Human Body" Illust. Library of Wonders. "Bead "Sound and Echoes," p. 268, in Things not Generally Known. 88 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. LESSON XXIV. EVAPORATION FOG CLOUDS RAIN SNOW HAIL DEW FROST. Water is one of the most necessary elements in human life. By the Hindoos and other pagan nations it was revered as a Deity ; and the masses of bleached bones lying around the few wells in the desert show that during great heat the want of water may be fatal to the traveling caravans. Familiar Facts. Moisture on a slate or on a piece of paper will disappear very soon. Water in a tumbler, exposed to the air, constantly dimin- ishes, until finally none is left. The water in streets, cisterns, ponds, and brooks gradually dis- appears. When water thus passes off into the air, we say that it evaporates. Evaporation takes place only at the surface of liquids. By evaporation, water is changed into water vapor (or aqueous vapor). Familiar Facts. In summer our breath is in- visible ; not so in winter, because it condenses immediately after leaving the mouth. In warm weather the vapors rising from rivers, swamps and lakes are invisible. There may be a great quantity of vapor in the atmosphere, and yet the vapor not FOG CLOUDS BAIN. 89 be seen. When the air near the earth is cool, the vapor becomes visible, and then we call it Mist or Fog. Aqueous vapor coming in contact with cool air, forms Fog. The vapor may not be perceived below, but be- come visible higher up in the atmosphere. This takes place especially when the warm, moist winds (south or southwest winds) come in contact with colder (north or northeast) winds. The vapor then forms clouds. Fog is clouds near the earth. Clouds are fog in the upper regions of the air. Familiar Facts. A piece of chalk, a piece of earth, a lump of coal, drop quickly ; but dust, soot, and finely powdered chalk, descend very slowly. So the minute particles of which clouds and fog are composed may float in the air for a length of time, because, in this state, their downward passage is resisted by the air. Remember that soap-bubbles may do the same. But when aqueous vapor comes in contact with cold air, its minute particles unite form drops, and descend as rain. On their passage through the air, these drops, small at first, increase in size, because they meet with more aqueous vapor in the air, which condenses upon them. The higher up the clouds, the greater the rain-drops. (Why ?) Rain is condensed aqueous vapor. In winter, the 90 FIKST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. aqueous vapor in the atmosphere, when it con- denses, freezes and forms minute crystals. These increase in size on their passage through the air, Because more of the frozen vapor settles upon them, and reach us as snow- flakes. Snow is frozen aqueous vapor. On stormy summer-days, stones of ice sometimes fall from dense clouds, having an opaque kernel and a transparent rind. They may be disastrous to green-houses and to the crops. They are called Hail-stones. But it is not known why, in summer, such cold can be produced as to form solid masses of ice in the atmosphere. Familiar Facts. Inhabited rooms contain much aqueous vapor. A part of it is exhaled from our lungs. If, in summer, a tumbler is filled with cold water, it becomes cold ; the aqueous vapor in the air arounl it cools off, condenses, ,and forms drops of water all over the glass. If, in winter, a cold tumbler is brought into a warm room, the vapor around the glass condenses, and forms, like- wise, moisture on the glass. Axes, iron safes and soda fountains are vulgarly said to " sweat." Moist- ure is deposited when a person breathes against a cold window-pane. The aqueous vapor of heated apartments condenses on cold window-panes and may run down as water. Aqueous vapor is condensed into water when in con- tact with oodies sufficiently cold. DEW FROST. 91 Familiar facts. The glistening dew-drops which you have so often admired in the early morning-sun, originate in the same manner. In clear weather, the objects on the ground cool off during the night ; and at the same time the aque- ous vapor in the air about them is condensed. Grass and leaves, in general all pointed objects, cool more quickly, hence they have the most dew. If the sky is cloudy, the clouds act like a screen ; they throw the heat back to the earth. Then the objects do not become sufficiently cold and no dew is formed. Sometimes there is no dew, and yet the sky is serene ; this is owing to winds, which bring warmer air to the objects so that they can not cool off sufficiently. As rain is aqueous va- por condensed in the air, so Dew is aqueous vapor condensed on solid bodies. If, during the night, objects cool off to a greater extent, the dew which is formed, freezes. Then we call it Frost. Frost is frozen dew. Bead "Lakes, Springs, Rain, Dew, Ice," in "The Earth and its Wonders." Bead "Atmosphere, Ocean, Rivers, Waterfalls, in "The Sublime in Nature." Illustrated Library of Wonders. Bead "Dew and Water-vapor," in "The Phenomena and Laws of Heat." Illustrated Library of Wonders. 92 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. LESSON XXV. HEAT. CONDUCTION OF HEAT. 47. EXPERIMENT. Strike a piece of flint and steel together ; sparks will fly off. Familiar Facts. On a stone pavement, at dusk, sparks may be seen when we are walking, or when a horse is galloping. In these cases, iron (the nails) has forcibly struck against stone. The sparks which we see, are minute particles of iron, or steel, which have been heated to redness by friction, or percussion. 48. EXPERIMENT. Rub a key, or a copper coin, on the floor. It will soon become heated. 49. EXPERIMENT. Try to ignite a match by rubbing one gently on a piece of smooth glass. It will not burn, because there is insufficient fric- tion; it merely glides over the smooth surface. But if rubbed against a rough surface, such as the floor or a brick, the match presses against the projecting parts of the rough surface and, owing to the friction thus produced, it becomes heated and ignites. Familiar Facts. "Wagon wheels have so much friction at their axles, that unless properly greased, they may be set on fire. He that lets him- self down by a rope has his hands blistered. On a cold day, we sometimes rub our hands together. HEAT. CONDUCTION OF HEAT. 93 Saws and augurs, after being used, feel hot; a piece of India-rubber, warm. This shows that Friction produces heat. It shows, also, that Mo- tion may be converted into heat ; for friction is motion arrested. Familiar Facts. "By holding our hands near to a heated stove they become warm. Heat of the stove passes first to those parts of the hands nearest the stove, then it gradually passes to the parts next ; and so on, until all the parts of the hand are heated. 50. EXPERIMENT. Hold a short wire in the flame of a burning lamp. It will be felt, that even the part of the wire which is not in the flame, is heated ; and that the heat increases so that we must soon drop the wire. It is plain that the heat of the flame was imparted first to one end of the wire, and that it was communi- cated successively to the remaining parts of the wire. This shows that Heat may be communi- cated by passing successively from any part of a body to the remaining parts. This communica- tion is called Conduction of Heat. 51. EXPERIMENT. Hold a taper, a straw, or a thread in the flame. It may burn quite near your fingers without hurting them. 52. EXPERIMENT. Take up the wire again (50 Exp.), but wrap a strip of paper, or cloth, around the end in the hand. If held in the 94 FIEST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. flame again, there is scarcely any heat felt. Tea- pots and soldering-irons have usually wooden handles. Why ? Metals are good conductors of heat. Paper, wood, cotton, wool, fur, feathers, ashes, snow, ice, straw, and air, are bad conductors of Jieat. 53 EXPERIMENT. Place a wire and a piece of wood upon a heated stove, and let them remain there for a while. Both obtain the same temper- ature ; yet, if touched with the hand, the wire seems to be the warmer. This is owing to the fact that, being a good conductor, it instantly imparts all its heat to the hand. If you touch a cold iron bar, it instantly takes heat from the hand, and, therefore, seems cold. Questions. 1. Why may ice be kept as well in a feather bed as in an ice-chest? 2. Why do mittens keep the hands warmer than gloves with fingers ? 3. Why does snow melt more readily on a plank than on a rock ? 4. Why are steam-chests and steam-cylinders often covered with wood ? 5. Why are the walls of safes often filled with fine ashes ? 6. Why do wide garments keep us warmer than tight ones ? 7. Why are frame houses warmer than stone houses ? CONDUCTION OF HEAT. 95 Application of Conducting Substances. /. Good Conductors. They conduct heat very rapidly, and, therefore,, they are applied in order to diffuse heat quickly. Thus, to boil water and roast meat, iron vessels are used. Iron stoves are heated in very little time. //. Bad Conductors. They conduct heat very slowly, but they also part with it slowly ; for this reason we apply them to retain heat. They serve to prevent a warm body from cooling off, and a cold body from becoming heated. Familiar Facts. If we wish to warm a tumbler on a heated stove,, a piece of paper should be placed between the gla?s and stove ; other- wise the glass may crack. In winter, pieces of heated wood are laid in sleighs to keep the feet warm. Boards are placed on pavements, and horsemen like to have wooden stirrups, because wood does not withdraw the warmth from the foot. Cotton quilts, woolen garments, blankets and furs keep the body warm in winter ; they neither allow the warm air surrounding the body- to pass off, nor do they permit the cold external air to enter. In cold countries animals have very thick fur; some in our latitude have thicker fur in winter than in summer. Northern birds have thick feathers. Feather beds are in favor with persons fond of sleeping very warm. Blast-furnaces are sometimes provided with double walls, and the space between is filled with ashes. A cover of snow retains the heat of the earth; thus it protects the winter grain from the cold. The Esquimaux , build themselves huts of snow and ice. Tender trees, vines and pumps- are covered with straw in winter to protect them against the cold. Ice- houses are thatched with straw, and their walls filled with saw-dust, to- prevent heat from entering. Bead "ffeat,"by J. Abbott. Harper & Brother. Bead " Sources of Heat," in The Phenomena and Laws of Heat. Read " Good and Bad Conductors" in The Phen. and Laws of Heat. Read " Woolen Clothing >" 'p. 296, in Things not Generally Known. 96 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. LESSON XXVI. DKAUGHT. 54. EXPERIMENT. Shreds of cotton, or small strips of paper, held over a heated stove or regis- ter, or over a lamp flame, will move upward, and, if let go, they will ascend. The air above the source of heat is heated. From the fact that boil- ing water runs over, and from a great many other facts (Less. XXVII), we know that heat expands "bodies, and that heated air is expanded, and thus takes up more space than before, and, therefore, has less specific gravity (Less. II) than it had when cold. Now, as air rises in bubbles through water, so does heated air ascend in currents through the colder air. 55. EXPERIMENT. Insert one end of a rod upright in a ' cork, and stand the whole on a heated stove or register. Suspend from the top a band of paper, cut in the shape of a spiral , the upward current of hot air will cause it to revolve. 56. EXPERIMENT. Bring a thermometer near the floor of a room ; then, near the ceiling. It will be seen that near the ceiling the air is warmer than below. Heated air rises. Why do balloons, smoke and steam rise ? (See Lesson II.) DRAUGHT. 97 57. EXPERIMENT. If a window in a heated room be opened above and below, the flame of a burning candle, held in the opening above, will be blown from the room ; if held in the opening below, into the room. Familiar Facts. The same may be observed with cotton shreds in place of the flame. This shows that the colder air from out- doors rushes into the room from below, while the heated air of the room flows out above. The colder air is con- fined to the lower parts of a room, because it has greater specific gravity than heated air. Wherever a fire is burning, a current of air, or draught, is produced. A draught is also noticed when passing from the sun into the shade, for where the sun shines, warmer air ascends, and is replaced by the colder air from below. Chimneys serve to increase the draught, because they en- close a tall column of heated air, which has less specific gravity than the outer, colder air. The latter presses in with increased force proportion- ate to the height of the chimney. If a handker- chief be tied around the small openings under the burner of a lighted lamp, the flame will be extinguished. The same happens, also, if the top of the chimney is covered with a piece of glass ; in this case the draught is stopped because the heated air can not pass out, and consequently no fresh air come in. 7 98 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. Heated air rises ; colder air flows in to take its place. Familiar Facts. Near heated ground, the air ascends and is replaced by colder air. This causes our atmosphere to be in constant motion. The currents thus produced are called Winds. Application. Chimneys (in lamps, stores, fac- tories, &c., &c.) Ventilation of rooms and halls. Bead "Draught and Ventilation," p. 269, in Things not Generally Known. Bead " Winds and Currents" p. 279, in Things not Generally Known. Read "Does the Sun Influence a Fire" p. 267, in Things not Gen- erally Known. REVIEW. LESSON xxiv. 1. Heat changes liquids into Vapors. Vapor of water is called Aqueous Vapor. The process is called Evaporation. 2. Aqueous vapor coming in contact with cool air, forms Fog. Fog is clouds near the earth. Clouds are fog in the higher regions of air. 3. Aqueous vapor, in contact with cool air, forms Fog ; in contact with cold air, Rain; with cold, solid bodies, Dew ; with intensely cold air, Snow. Frost is frozen dew. EXPANSION BY HEAT. 99 LESSON XXVII. EXPANSION BY HEAT. THERMOMETER. 58. EXPERIMENT. Heat a fine glass tube, closed at one end, and partly filled with water ; the water will be seen to rise as it becomes heated. Warm water takes up a larger space than cold. Familiar Facts. A cold tumbler placed on a heated stove will crack at the bottom. As it gets hotter below than above, it suddenly expands below more than it does above, and so the tumbler must break. How may it be prevented from cracking ? (Lesson XXY, p. 95.) A bladder, filled with air and tied up at the end, expands if near a hot stove or register. The air inside becomes heated, and heated air takes up a greater space than cold air. A flask with a ground glass- stopper is sometimes difficult to open ; if it be gently heated around the neck the stopper may be taken out without dif- ficulty. The rails on a railroad track are laid so that their ends shall be at a slight distance from each other ; in summer their ends are very nearly together; in winter they are farther apart. Tires are heated, nearly red-hot before they are placed on carriage-wheels, for they are then wider, and, on cooling, fit tight to the wheels. Heat expands all bodies. t 100 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. Temperature. A substance is said to cool when it parts with sensible heat, that is, with such heat as may be felt. In the previous instance the tires lost most of their sensible heat. The amount of sensible heat which a body has, is its temperature. Let us now consider the Thermometer. The silvery substance in it is one of the few elements having the liquid state at ordinary temperature ; at an intense degree of cold such as Arctic explorers experience it freezes into a solid mass. Its name is Mercury, or Quicksilver. If the mercury is heated, it expands ; it rises in the tube, simply because it has no other place to which to go. On cooling, it contracts, and falls. It may be heated by the at- mosphere, that is, by the sun ; or by hot water ; by steam; by heated oil, or by the natural warmth of the hand when placed upon it. On examining the thermometer, you notice that it consists of a glass tube with a bulb below. Both tube and bulb are closed. The bulb and a portion of the tube are filled with mercury. Above the mercury is a vac- uum. The vacuum is obtained by heating the mercury to a very high degree ; its vapors then fill the tube, the open end of which is now fused ; this closes the tube. The whole is now exposed to cold ; this condenses the mercury-vapors into liquid mer- THERMOMETER. ,, ,101 cury, leaving a vacuum behind. The frame is not an essential part of the thermometer. A little above the bulb is a point, marked Freez- ing Point Everywhere on the earth, ice melts at the same degree of temperature. So, after the tube is sealed and cooled off, it is placed in melt- ing ice. Immediately the mercury sinks, because the cold contracts it. It occupies now a mucb smaller space, and when it has settled, its low- est point is carefully marked, either on the frame or by etching it on the glass tube. This point is called the " Freezing Point." It has also been found that all over the earth, water, in low countries, boils at the same temperature. So the thermometer is now held upright in the hottest steam issuing from boiling water. Heat expands all bodies ; hence the mercury expands and is seen to rise in the tube. The point to which it ascends is carefully marked ; it is the "Boiling Point." The space between the two points has been divided into degrees. By means of these degrees, we are enabled to indicate the tempera- ture which a body has acquired. Read " Expansion Thermometer," in "The Phenomena and Laws of Heat. - ' FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. LESSON XXVIII. THERMOMETER COMPARED WITH BAROMETER. 59. EXPERIMENT. If the palm of the hand, after being rubbed a little so as to be perfectly dry, is held to the thermometer-bulb, the mercury will rise to a point which marks the Blood-heat of the human body. It happens to be indicated on our thermometers by the number 99. This is owing to the fact, that in our country, and also in England, the space between the freezing and the boiling points is measured by very small degrees, of which there are 180 between those two points. Fahrenheit, a philosophical instrument maker, divided that space into 180 degrees. He com- menced counting, however, not at the Freezing- point, but at a point below, which is the zero point of his scale ; this brings the freezing point to 32; the boiling-point is marked 212. In some European countries the Freezing-point is marked ; the Boiling-point 80. That is, the space be- tween the two points is divided into only 80 degrees. Each degree of this kind is much larger (how many times as large ?) than one of the former kind, the Fahrenheit. From the name of the French philosopher who arranged THERMOMETER BAROMETER. 103 this scale, its degrees are called degrees Reau- mur. Thus 80 R. is equivalent to 180 F. Far more convenient than either of the two preceding scales is the one of Celsius. He divided the space between the freezing and the boiling points into 100 degrees. The use of this division is gradually spreading. According to it, 100 a=l8QF= 80^. The minus sign distinguishes numbers below 0. Centigrade. Fahrenheit. Boiling-point 100 - 2 12 50 122 25 77 Freezing-point O p 32 17J Q 50 58 The healthiest temperature for any room is about 65^. Our rooms should not be heated beyond that in winter. Thermometers should be placed at equal distance from stove, or lireplace, and the windows, so as to show the mean tem- perature of the air. Questions. If in New York the mercury stands at 80 above zero, how would the same tem- perature be indicated in Paris (according to O. degrees)? How in Berlin (according to O. de- grees) ? By what numbers would the blood-heat point be indicated according to those scales ? By what number is the point of healthiest tempera- ture indicated in O. degrees ? (See p. 174.) 104 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. Thermometer and Barometer Compared. Four points in common : 1. Both instruments consist of a glass tube. 2. Both have mercury in their tube. 3. Both have a vacuum. 4. Both have a graduated scale. Four points of difference : 1. The thermometer -tube is closed above and below ; the barometer tube is closed above but open below, so that the pressure of air may reach the mercury within it. 2. In the thermometer-tube, the mercury rises and falls on account of the effects of heat and cold ; in the barometer- tube, the mercury rises and falls on account of the increase or decrease of air-pressure. 3. The thermometer has a scale of degrees whose size is arbitrary and may be differ- ent in different thermometers ; the barometer has a scale of inches, and frac- tions of inches ; its scale is of less extent, and only at the upper part of the tube. 4. Mercurial Thermometers may have any length; mercurial Barometers have uniform length. ATMOSPHERIC ENGINE. 105 LESSON XXIX. THE ATMOSPHEEIO ENGINE. 1. If we look at a sewing-machine while it is in motion, our attention is immediately called to a long, upright rod, made to move up and down by the stroke of the foot. The rod being fastened to a wheel, it is evidently its up and down motion that causes the motion of the wheel and with it, that of the machine. You need but fasten a rod to the edge of a toy-wheel, and you may demon- strate the same. Motion in a straight line rec- tilinear motion is thus converted into circular motion. 2. This was known thousands of years ago; but, strange to say, the principle upon which the steam-engine is founded, was not thought of until about 1690, A. D. At that time, Professor Papin, an exiled Frenchman living in Germany, pub- lished a little work, in which he says : " There is a property peculiar to water, owing to which a small quantity of that liquid, if heated and con- verted into steam, acquires a force of elasticity which much resembles that of air. When cooled down, it returns to the liquid state, and loses its elasticity. I am, therefore, inclined to believe 106 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. that machines may be constructed which are moved by the application of heat to water." 3. These words laid the foundation for the greatest change which human society ever ex- perienced. The machine that effected this change has benefited humanity more than all the gold mines in the world. The steam-engine not only reveals to us the hidden treasures of the earth ; " it can engrave a seal ; crush masses of obdurate metal like wax before it ; draw out, without break- ing, a thread as fine as a gossamer, and lift a ship of war like a bauble in the air. It can embroider muslin and forge anchors ; cut steel into ribands and impel loaded vessels against the fury of the winds and waves." And when it flies with the rapidity of a bird, over land and water, hurling dense 'masses of steam and smoke into the air, does it not look like some gigantic monster that contains the strength and the power of thousands of men ? Well may we admire the genius of man that can turn one of Nature's simplest forces to such wonderful account. 4. The simplicity of Papin's statement is demon- strated by his own application. Knowing that steam was elastic. like air (Lesson X), he immedi- ately proceeded to the construction of an appar- atus which, although its practical usefulness was impeded by its slowness, was the first steam' engine ever built. THE ATMOSPHERIC ENGINE. 107 60, EXPERIMENT. Papin's apparatus may be illustrated by a test-tube (one of tin is preferable inasmuch as glass breaks easily,) as shown in Fig. 22. A small disk of wood, with a packing of thread around it to make it fit tight, is made into a piston, P, moving in a tube nearly air-tight, and attached to a rod. The tube is then filled with water about an inch high, which is made to boil over a flame after the piston is carefully placed in the tube. The generation of steam causes the piston to rise. E is an outlet for surplus steam, and made in the upper part of the tube. Between the water, when boiling, and the piston there is no air ; the space is filled with steam. On immersing the tube in cold water, the rod descends again, because the steam below .the piston is condensed by the cold, and because a vacuum is thus formed between the piston and the surface of the heated water. What is it that forced the piston down ? The answer is : " At- mospheric Pressure." (Lesson XI.) 5. In place of the small tube of this experiment, Papin used a large iron cylinder, with proper piston and piston-rod. We can readily imagine how, by throwing, at regular intervals, a stream of cold water on the cylinder, he produced an up-and-down motion of the rod ; and how the ma- chine must needs have been slow too slow to be 108 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. practically applied. A steam-engine built upon the principle of Papin's that is, one not worked by the expansive force of steam, but merely by atmospheric pressure is not a steam-engine. It is an "Atmospheric Engine." 6. Captain Savery, an Englishman, constructed at about the same time, an apparatus in which the steam served the purpose of raising water. The steam was generated in a separate boiler, and thence led into a chamber where it was con- densed by cold water flowing over the chamber. The apparatus, however, was very imperfect, and used only for pumping water. Still, his was the merit of having constructed the first Atmos- pheric Engine that ever received practical ap< 'plication. 7. Thomas Newcomen, a hardware man, and John Cowley, a glazier, both Englishmen, by their brilliant invention, completely eclipsed Savery's engine. They improved upon Papin's plan in this, that they generated the steam in a boiler not in the cylinder and that they condensed it, not by cooling the boiler from without, but by forcing a jet of cold water into the steam. The machine was put to immediate use in the coal-mines of England; and it is sometimes used even at present, in places where a great mass of water is to be pumped out. Its construction is very simple. THE ATMOSPHERIC ENGINE. 109 8. It consists of the boiler, A (Fig. 23), where the steam is generated, and the cylinder, Z?, which is PIG, 23. connected with the boiler by means of the pipe, F. When steam has entered the cylinder, and the piston O is raised, the stop-cock, a, is closed. This shuts off the connection between the boiler and the cylinder. The stop-cock, &, is then opened, and a jet of cold water from the small reservoir, O, is thrown into the cylinder. This 110 FIEST LESSONS IN PHYSIOS. condenses the steam in the cylinder ; a vacuum is formed below the piston, and atmospheric pressure forces the piston down. The water from the condensed steam flows off through the pipe, d, into a reservoir with water. (At the end of d is a valve opening outward.) By means of an iron chain, the piston-rod, H, is attached to a working-beam, which swings on the pivot, Z>, and which is connected at the other end with the rod E. This rod is raised when the piston de- scends. When the stop-cock, a, is opened again, the steam rushes again into the cylinder ; but as the force of pressure of the steam scarcely ex- ceeds that of the air over the piston, the piston would not rise, were it not for the heavy weight attached to the rod, E. This weight falls when- ever steam is let in under the piston, O; and in falling, forces one arm of the working-beam down, causing, at the same time, the piston at the other arm to rise. The rod P is the piston- rod of a pump, and is fastened to the weight. In the Atmospheric ^Engine the piston is raised by Gravity, and lowered by Atmospheric Pressure. State the principal points of Papin's engine; of Savery's ; and Newcomen's. Read "H. Potter," in "Inventions and Discoveries," by Tetuple. London: Groombridge. STEAM-ENGINE. Ill LESSON XXX. THE STEAM-ENGINE. 1. Half a century had passed away. New- comen's engine had been introduced into most of the coal-mines of England, when, in the winter of 1763, a young mechanic, James Watt, in Glasgow, was employed by the University of that city to repair one of Newcomen's engines. The task which this man of uncommon mind was about to undertake, marks a new era in the history of steam-power, an era that finally resulted in the perfection of a machine which is an element of modern civilization. On trying the engine after he had repaired it, young Watt perceived that it was very imperfect. The principal defect con- sisted in this, that the machine used a great deal more steam than was needed for the motion of the piston. For when the stream of cold water was thrown into the cylinder, the steam was con- densed ; but at the same time, the cylinder was cooled down to such an extent, that when fresh steam was admitted again, a great quantity of it was wasted in reheating the cylinder ; and thus there was a loss of money in direct proportion to the amount of fuel necessary for producing the quantity of steam equivalent to the quantity 112 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. wasted. On calculating the loss, it was found that I of all the fuel used was wasted ; that is, employed in reheating the cylinder. The question with Watt now was, How can the cylinder, in- stead of being cooled, be kept permanently hot ? In other words, How can the steam be condensed without at -the same time cooling the cylinder ? 2. Watt's genius solved the problem by an in- vention of surprising simplicity. He condensed the steam in a separate chamber, the condenser. It stood in a chest filled with water, and was con- nected with the cylinder by means of a pipe. Thus the steam could be condensed without cool- ing the cylinder, by simply leading it off. The immediate result was the saving of I of thejfuel. 3. But Watt did not stop here. He noticed that the air entering the heated cylinder as the piston went down, also cooled the cylinder. This caused a waste of steam, as the cylinder, in order not to condense the fresh steam entering, had first to be reheated to 212. To remedy this, he dispensed with the air entirely, in providing the cylinder with a cover pierced in the center so as to admit the piston-rod air-tight. The air (atmospheric pressure) could now no longer act upon the piston ; how then was the piston to descend? It was made to descend by allowing steam from the boiler to enter above the piston, through a pipe connecting the boiler with the upper part of the STEAM-ENGINE. 113 cylinder ; and to pass out again through a pipe connecting the cylinder with the condenser. Thus while there was a vacuum established in the lower part of the piston, steam was admitted into the upper part ; the upper part then being made a vacuum by leading the steam off into the condenser, fresh steam was admitted into the lower part and forced the piston up. By this im- provement, the steam not only served as a ready means for obtaining a vacuum, as in Newcomen's engine, but its expansive force was also made use of, and from that time Watt's engine was no longer an atmospheric, but a steam engine. 4. The atmospheric engine was "Single Act- ing ; " it did work only while the piston descend- ed ; the rise of the piston, as we remember from the preceding lesson, was effected by gravity. The power obtained by this machine was so small that it could not overcome the resistance of a wheel, and, therefore, it was used mainly for pumping water out of coal-mines. 5. It will now be readily understood, that by admitting the steam alternately above and below the piston, Watt made the steam-engine "Double Acting," and this was, perhaps, the most impor- tant of all his improvements. For now, rotary motion could be produced, without which no lo- comotive or steamboat could ever have been thought of. 114 FIEST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. Watt died in 1819, honored and admired by all who knew him. Within a short time after his death, five large statues were erected to his memory. 6. In all the engines constructed by Watt, the power of the steam was low ; it amounted scarcely to more than li atmospheres (1J as much as the pressure of our atmosphere; that is 1J times 15 pounds to the square inch of surface). The alter- nate condensation of steam on either side of the piston was, therefore, the only means of obtaining the up-and-down motion of the piston ; for the feeble expansive force of the steam was totally insufficient to overcome the counter-pressure of the atmosphere. But by employing steam of greater expansive force that is, steam capable of exerting a greater pressure, it was found that the condenser could be dispensed with, as the pressure of this steam was sufficiently great to move the piston against the resistance of the atmosphere. Engines usually having a steam-pres- sure of from 3 to 15 atmospheres (45 to 225 pounds of pressure to the square inch), and which, as a rule, have no condenser, but send their exhaust steam directly into the atmosphere, are called Higli Pressure Engines; while those generally working with a lower pressure, and always with a condenser, are called Low Pressure Engines. STEAM-ENGINE. 115 7. The admission of steam into the cylinder is now accomplished by means of a sliding-valve. Steam- Chest. CylindSr. It is enclosed in a square box, called the steam- chest (See Fig. 24), which is attached to one side of the cylinder. When the steam from the boiler reaches the steam-chest through the opening, 0, it fills the chest at once, and, as the sliding-valve keeps the opening, 6, closed, it presses through the opening a into the cylinder. There it fills the upper part and forces the piston down. This it does because a vacuum has been formed on the other side of the piston, or, as is the case in High Pressure Engines (see Fig. above), by the immense expansive force of the steam. At the same time, however, the sliding-valve (which rises when the piston-rod descends, and descends when the pis- 116 FIRST LESSON'S IN PHYSICS. ton-rod rises,) has moved upward, and shuts off the steam from a (see Fig. 25) ; the steam must Steam-Chest. Cjhnder now enter through the opening b and force the piston up. Meanwhile the old steam above the piston passes through a and e into a tube lead- ing to the condenser. In a steam-eiigine which has no condenser, as, for example, the loco- motive, the old steam passes through e into the air. After the piston has arrived above, the process is renewed, owing to the sliding-valve having a motion opposite to that of the piston ; thus steam is admitted alternately above and be- low the piston which, as mechanics say, moves in a vacuum, or rather, in a space filled with steam. In figs. 24 and 25, the exhaust e is too narrow. It should be consider- ably wider than either a or b. STEAM-ENGINE. 117 8. When we look at a locomotive rushing past us at full speed, we notice a horizontal iron rod moving back and forth. The rod connects two large wheels, and runs at one end in a wide brass cylinder. Next to this cylinder is the steam-chest, a small square box. It is in the cylinder that the motory power is imparted to the engine. In addition to these things, we see a great many wheels, pipes and rods ; but they mostly serve minor purposes. The main parts of the locomo- tive are the steam -chest, cylinder, piston, piston- rod, the large wheels, and the boiler. 9. The steam, by means of the sliding- valve, causes the back-and-forth motion of the piston in the cylinder ; by this, it causes the back-and-forth motion of the piston-rod ; and by this, the. revolu- tion of the large wheels. The wheels roll on the track ; they cause the locomotive to move on- ward, and the locomotive pulls the cars attached to it. Read "James Watt," in "Pursuit of Knowledge," Vol. II. New York: Harper & Bros. Read "The Locomotive Engine," by C. Colburn. H. C. Baird, Phila. Read "The Steam- Engine, " \>y David Read. Hurd & Houghton, New York. Read "The Railway and its Cradle" "The Youth of James Watt" in "Inventions and Discoveries." Groombridge & Sons, London. 118 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. LESSON XXXI. REVIEW. LESSON xxni. 1. The motion of a body produces vibrations in the air which, ir they impress the ear, give us the sensation of sound. Sound, therefore, is merely the effect of a vibrating motion upon the ear. LESSON xxv. 2. Heat may be communicated by passing suc- cessively from one part of a body to the other parts. This mode of communication is called Conduction of Heat. LESSON xxvi. 3. Heated air rises, because it has less specific gravity than cold air. This fact causes Draught and Winds. LESSON xxvn. 4. All bodies are expanded by heat; and con- tracted by cold. 5. What we call " Heat," is merely a vibrating motion among the minute invisible parts (molecules) of a heated body. We can not see that vibrating motion, but we can feel it. 6. What we call "Sound," is merely a vibrating motion of masses. We can neither see nor feel that vibrating motion, but we can hear it. KEVIEW. 119 7. As sound is the effect of vibratory motion upon the ear, so heat is the effect of vibratory mo- tion upon the nerves. LESSON xxix. 8. In the old Atmospheric Engine the piston is . raised by Gravity ; and forced down by At- mospheric Pressure. LESSON xxx. 9. Low Pressure-engines generally work with steam of about 1 atmospheres. The steam- pressure in High Pressure-engines is often as high as 15 atmospheres. 10. In the locomotive, steam causes (by means of a sliding-valve) the back-and-forth motion of the piston in the cylinder ; and by this mo- tion, the back-and-forth motion of the piston- rod ; and by this, the revolution of the large wheels. The wheels roll on the track ; this causes the locomotive to move onward and draw the cars attached to it. 11. On dropping a stone to the floor, the floor and the air over the floor, commence vibrating. This shows that Force (Force of Gravity in this case) may be converted into Motion. 12. The motion of a train of cars heats the axles and wheels of the cars. This shows that Motion is convertible into Heat. 120 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOS. 13. Heat expands all bodies (Less. XXVII); and as expansion (the work done by heat) is mo- tion, we may say that Heat is also converti- ble into Motion. (Thermometer.) 14. Heat expands water into steam. Steam ex- pands still farther. The particles of steam, therefore, are in continual motion. The ef- fect of this motion is the Expansive Force of Steam. This shows that Motion is convertible into Force. (Compare Less XXII, Review.) 15. The Expansive Force disappears as soon as the steam has moved the piston of the engine. The motion of the piston is the work done by the steam. Thus, in this case, Force is con- verted into Motion. (Compare No. 14, above, and Less. XXII, No. 13.) 16. Force of Pressure is convertible into Motion of Masses. (Wind Barometer Pumps.) 17 From all the preceding, we see that a. Force is convertible into Motion. (The pump.) b. Motion is convertible into Heat. (Friction.) c. Heat is convertible into Motion. (Thermom- eter.) d. Motion is convertible into Force. (Expan- sive Force of Steam.) LIGHT ITS SOURCES DIRECTION. 121 LESSON XXXII. LIGHT ITS SOURCES DIRECTION. Familiar Facts. In the daytime, whether the sun is visible or not, we can see objects around us. But we can not see objects at night, for then it is dark ; the sun is on' the other side of the earth. The light of the stars, or flashes of lightning, may somewhat relieve the darkness of night; glow-worms may feebly illuminate our immediate vicinity. If we rub a match in the dark against the hand, the phosphorus will shine on the hand. This property is called Phosphor- escence. Glimmers of light are also noticeable in decaying animal and vegetable substances. Two pieces of sugar, after being rubbed together, also emit light. Candles, oil and gas, at times also torch-lights, are our usual means of illumination. But our greatest luminary is the sun. 1. The Sun and the Fixed Stars, Electricity^ Phosphorescence and Burning Substances are Sources of Light. The sun, stars, lightning, phosphorus, glow-worm and flame are Self-lu- minous Bodies. Familiar Facts. The moon sends light to us ;, so do other planets. But this light is not her own j 122 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. she receives it from the sun, the same as the other planets do. She is invisible when her non-illu- mined portion faces us. When a room is dark a Ibook upon the table can not be seen ; neither can the table, nor the desks, nor the streets, nor any thing else. None of these objects is self -lumi- nous ; that is, in order to be seen, these objects need light from some luminous body. 2. Neither the planets, nor most of the objects surrounding us, are self-luminous bodies. Familiar Facts. If we close our eyes we can not see. Nor can persons who were born blind, or have become blind from accident or disease. In order to see objects behind us, we must turn around ; to see things above us, we must turn our eyes upward. 3. Bodies not self-luminous are visible only when they receive light from some luminous body; and then only, if a part of that light forms an impression on our eye. Pencils, crayons, glass, water, ice, trees, houses, and all other ob- jects are seen by us, because when light falls upon objects, a portion of the light is diffused from their surface in all directions, and because a small portion of that diffused light enters our eye and forms an im- pression on the retina. From our room we see objects out-doors very clearly; but when looking from without, objects in the room are not seen so well. The amount of light diffused in a room is much smaller than that diffused out-doors. It is light in daytime, although it may be very cloudy. The clouds receive all the light from the sun, and diffuse a portion of it. LIGHT ITS SOUEOES DIRECTION. 123 61. EXPERIMENT. Place a large paste-board (with a small hole in it) a few inches from the blackboard. Light a candle and place it in front of the hole in the pasteboard. A bright spot will be seen on the blackboard. It is a spot illumined by the rays of the light that pass from the" flame through the opening. The direction from the flame through the hole to the illumined spot is that of a straight line. Let the flame be moved about, the spot will move also. Familiar Facts. Through the cracks in the shutter of a darkened room, rays of light are ob- served to enter in straight lines. The hunter levels his gun at a squirrel in the direction in which the rays of light diffused from the squirrel enter his eye. Opera-glasses and telescopes have straight tubes. 4. Light emanates from self-luminous bodies in all directions, and travels in straight lines. Bead " Sun, Moon and Stars " in "The Wonders of the Heavens" Illustrated Library of Wonders. Bead "Light and Color," in "The Earth and its Wonders." Bead "The Eye," in "The Human Body "Illustrated Library of Wonders. 124 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. LESSON XXXIII. RADIANT AND SPECULAR REFLECTION. During the daytime, sunlight is diffused in the atmosphere as well as in the air of our rooms, whether the sun is visible or not. Some of this light in the air falls upon the walls and upon the objects in the room ; and the walls, as well as the objects, reflect (throw back) that light in all di- rections. They reflect it thus: Every point of their surface radiates the light in all directions ; hence any point of this surface may be seen by a person in the room, whatever part of the room he may be in, provided that a portion of that reflected light strikes his eye. Familiar Facts. Here is a pencil. What ena- bles us to see it? It is not a self-luminous body ; but there is diffused light in the room, and as the pencil has a more or less rough surface, every point on that surface receives some of this dif- fused light, and in turn reflects some of it. It does so by radiating the liglit in all directions. Of this radiated light, a portion enters our eye, and we say " we see the pencil," and may then describe it. We see a looking-glass, owing to the light which is reflected from it by radiation. True, its surface LIGHT, CONTINUED. 125 is smoother than that of the pencil, or of most objects; yet even in a looking-glass there are very many uneven places, from every point of which light is reflected by radiation. Were it not for that, we would not see the glass at all. The sur- face of a perfect mirror would be invisible. All bodies reflect light by radiation. We call this Radiant Reflection of Light. 62. EXPERIMENT. If an India-rubber ball be thrown upon the floor in the direction in which a ray of light would pass through a crack on the floor of a darkened room, the ball will rebound, and may be made to strike the wall opposite the crack. Let the place where it strikes the wall be marked. Now lay a looking-glass upon the bright spot on the floor of the darkened room (the spot is caused by the rays of light entering through the crack), and it will be seen that the rays, like the India-rubber ball, rebound to where the ball struck the wall, nearly. The rays are reflected by the looking-glass. Any other highly polished surface would have caused the same re- flection. All this shows that there are objects which not only reflect light by Radiant Reflection in all directions, but which, in addition, reflect an extra amount of light in certain definite direc- tions. We call this Specular (mirror-like) Re- flection of Light. 126 FIEST LESSONS IN PHYSIOS. Familiar Facts. Burnished metal plates, pol- ished wood, the surface of water or mercury, the coating of mercury in looking-glasses, and even common glass plates when viewed in a very ob- lique position, exert both, "Radiant" and "Specu- lar" reflection of light. Objects with polished surface reflect light radiantly and specularly. Light reflected Radiantly compared with Light reflected Specularly. Four points in common : 1. Both have emanated first from a self-lumin- ous body. 2. Both have been thrown back from the sur- face of bodies not self-luminous. 3. Both have their rays travel in straight lines. 4. Both may enter the eye. Three points of difference : 1. Radiantly reflected light proceeds from the surface of all bodies ; Specularly reflected light only from the sur- face of highly polished objects. 2. Radiantly reflected light is thrown back from a surface in all directions ; Specularly reflected light is thrown back from a surface only in certain directions. 3. Radiantly reflected light enables us to see objects ; Specularly reflected light enables us to see images of objects. LIGHT, CONTINUED. 127 LESSON XXXIV. VISIBLE DIRECTION. REFRACTION. Familiar Facts. -1. When a person is hit with a stone he does not seek the person who threw the stone, in the direction in which the stone flies, but in the direction from which it comes. Thus, he whose forehead has been struck by a stone in a downward direction, looks upward for the perpetrator ; he supposes him to be in the di- rection from which the stone came. If struck by a stone in an upward direction, he will look down- ward to find the evil-doer. It is the same with a ray of light. 2. A boy looking at a steeple, receives its top- most ray of light in downward direction. Imagine Image Inverted. this ray to be extended after passing through the opening in his eye (Fig. 26). 128 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOS. Since light travels in straight lines (Lesson XXXII), the ray strikes the lower part of his eye in a downward direction. The lowest ray coming from the foot of the steeple would, if extended, traverse the upper part of his eye in upward di- rection. But if, turning round and then bending his head down to his knees, he looks at the steeple from between his knees (Fig 27), the Eye Inverted. FIG. 27. Image Upright. topmost ray will, if extended, pass downward through the upper part of his eye ; and the lowest ray, upward through the lower part of his eye. In this case he would see the steeple inverted, were it not for the fact that the eye sees an object, or any part of an object, in the direction from which the rays of the object come. All bodies appear to be situated in the direction from which their rays enter the eye. 63. EXPERIMENT. Immerse a pencil in water perpendicularly; it looks as straight as before. But when immersed obliquely, it appears bent, or broken. Oars, when partly immersed, present LIGHT, CONTINUED. 129 the same appearance. When the pencil is out of the water, we see it by means of the light diffused from it (Lesson XXXIII). Consequently, when the pencil is partly immersed, we see the portion above the liquid for the same reason. The light diffused from the immersed portion, however, must first travel through the water, and then through the air. Now, since the immersed por- tion seems to be bent, it follows that the rays dif- fused from it are bent; that is, they travel in straight lines through the liquid, but on entering the air, they are made to deviate from their straight course. But the eye is in the habit of following the direction of the rays, and must see the pencil bent simply because the rays coming from it are bent. Let a b be the pencil partly immersed ; the part immersed, a c, appears to be at d c, because the ray coming from a, which ought to pass out in the direction of a &, is made to deviate from its course when leaving the water a c, and enters the eye in the direct on of d e. The eye, believing the point a to FIG. 28. be in the direction from which its ray comes, sees the point a actually as being at d. The same takes place with the other rays entering the eye ; hence the whole part a c is seen as being at do. 9 130 FIEST LESSONS IN PHYSIOS. 64. EXPERIMENT. A coin placed on the bottom of a filled tumbler, is seen in its true direction if viewed perpendicu- larly; but if viewed obliquely, it will be seen in a more elevated place. FIG. 29. Familiar Facts. Owing to refraction of light, the bottom of clear waters appears to be more elevated than it really is ; that is, water often ap- pears less deep than it in reality is. This must be taken into account by persons bathing, so that they may not go beyond their depth. Hays of light, on passing obliquely through substances of different densities (such as air and water, or glass and water), demote from their straight course; they are bent. This de- viation is called Refraction of Light. PEISMS LENSES. 131 LESSON XXXY. PEISMS. LENSES. 65. EXPEEIMENT. On a blackboard make a mark in the shape of an arrow, and look at it through a glass prism, which should be held so that only one edge of it is di- rected upward (Fig. 30). The arrow will then be seen as being above its true place. The reason is this : Rays of light, a e we take but two for the sake of simplicity diffused from the arrow, strike the surface, b c, obliquely, and are, therefore, refracted to / (Less. XXXIV ). On pass- ing from the glass prism at /, they are again re- fracted, and enter the eye which is stationed at g. But the eye follows the direction of the refracted rays (Less. XXXIY); consequently it sees the arrow as being at Ti. 66. EXPEEIMENT. Now look at the k\ ,/ v arrow on the black- FIO.SI. board through the 132 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. prism inverted (Fig. 31); that is, placed so as to present two edges upward. The arrow will then be seen below its true place. The reason of this is the same as before. The rays a e are refracted to/; consequently the arrow is seen as being at#. If now we place two prisms together, as in Fig. 32, rays diffused from the arrow and entering PIG. 33. the glass surface, a I c, will, in like manner, be refracted twice, and meet each other in several PEISMS LENSES. 133 points behind the prism. In order that the eye of a person situated at /, might receive all these refrn^ted rays, and thus be able to see the whole arrow through the prisms, it would be necessary to have these rays blend into a common point. To do this, we must have the surface, a ~b c, curved (Fig. 33) ; that is, we must have a curved glass in place of the prisms. Such a curved glass is a convex Lens, commonly called a Burning-glass. For it not only brings rays of light to a common point, the Focus, but at the same time it blends rays of heat into a focus. In consequence of this, a match ignites, and a hole is burnt in a piece of paper, if either of these objects be held in the focus. FIG 84. The arrow, as viewed through a lens, is seen larger (Fig. 34) ; that is, it is magnified, because 134 FIKST LESSONS IN PHYSIOS. taking the two extreme rays for the sake of illus- tration the rays, d e and f g, refracted to the eye, are seen as coming from the points Ji L (Why? Lesson XXXIY, p, 130.) The common Burning-glass, therefore, is also called Magnify- ing -Glass. An object in front of a convex lens is seen mag- nified ~by an eye placed behind tlie lens. Application. The lenses in spectacles ; opera- glasses and telescopes ; all magnifying glasses. Read "Magnifying and Burning Glasses," in "Pursuit of KnowK edge," Vol. II. Harper & Bros. Bead "Lenses," in "The Wonders of Optics" Illustrated Library of Wonders. Head "How to View Pictures," p. 248, in "Spectacles," p. 250 m "Things not Generally Known." OOLOES. 135 LESSON XXXVI. C O LO E. 66. EXPEEIMENT. If a large pasteboard with a small hole be placed facing the sun ; or if a room be darkened and only a few rays of light admitted through a crack in the shutter, these rays will pass to the floor and there form a spot of white light. But if a prism 1 be held before the crack or before the hole in the pasteboard, the rays of light will be refracted (Less. XXXIV), and spread out in the form of a long band. In- stead of being white, this band will be colored. The colors of the rainbow may be distinguished in it ; viz. : Violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. The colored band is called the Solar Spectrum ; and this spreading out of light I. A prism which is to show the refraction of light, may be of solid glass, or, if such a one can not be had, it may be constructed in the fol- lowing manner : Procure two strips of common glass, having the shape of a rectangle, each of the same size, about 5 inches long by i^ inches wide. FIG. 35 One of the long edges of each is heated over an alcohol flame; both edges are then cemented together with sealing-wax, allowing a distance of l% inches between the two remaining long edges. The ends of the vessel thus formed are closed by triangular pieces of thin board, measuring \y z inches on each side, and which are likewise cemented to the glass. Water is then put in, and when used, the prism is held so as to have the long cemented edge below. 136 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. is called Dispersion. If the spectrum be made to fall upon a mirror, it will be reflected in straight lines like ordinary light. 67. EXPERIMENT. To convince ourselves that ordinary sunlight contains the seven colors of the rainbow, let the spectrum produced by one prism fall upon a second prism of the same size as the first, but placed PIQ>86 - as shown in the figure annexed. The rays of light, dispersed by the first prism, will be collected by the second, and will then produce white light again. 68. EXPERIMENT. The same may be shown if a top, painted with the seven colors of the rain- bow, is set spinning rapidly. The impressions made in the eye by these different colors are mixed together, and thus produce a mixture of the colors which is nearly white. All this shows that white sunlight is composed of the seven colors of the rainbow. 69. EXPERIMENT. Between the crack, or the hole in the pasteboard, and the prism insert a piece of red glass. The spectrum will then be almost entirely red, and the other colors be found wanting. Insert a piece of green glass in place of the red ; the spectrum will be almost exclusively green ; with blue glass it will be nearly blue, &c. It is manifest, that white light falls upon each COLOES. 137 piece of colored glass ; and that only one color at a time falls upon the prism. Thus when the red glass is inserted, only red light falls upon the prism, and consequently there can be but a spec- trum of red light. The question now is, what becomes of the remaining light or colors which fall on the red glass ? Evidently the red glass absorbs all the light except the red, and this it throws out. The same takes place with each of the other colored glasses ; the green absorbs all the light it receives except the green light ; this it throws out. The blue absorbs all the light it re- ceives save the blue, which it throws out, &c. White glass, however, transmits nearly all the light, and absorbs very little or scarcely any. 70. EXPERIMENT. If a sheet of red colored paper be held facing the sun, and a sheet of white paper before it, so as to form an oblique angle with it, the portion of the white paper which is near the red, will appear red. In this case red rays are diffused from the red body and fall upon the white. But the red paper receives white light from the sun, hence it must have ab- sorbed all of the white light save the red ; this it throws out. Familiar Facts. Objects near a blue curtain often have a bluish hue. The curtain receives white light, and absorbs it all except the blue, which it reflects. Objects near the foliage of 138 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. trees and bushes often have a greenish hue, be- cause green leaves absorb all the light that falls upon them save the green ; this they diffuse in all directions, and thus send green light to the ob- jects near by. A body is colored when it reflects only a por- tion of wMte light. A body is white when it re- flects all the white light; and a body is black when it reflects (almost) no light, that is, when it absorbs all the light. Questions. What causes a piece of red cloth to appear red ? It sends only red rays to the eye, the other rays it absorbs. What causes a sheet of white paper to appear white ? It absorbs no light, but rejects nearly all of it. Some of this rejected or reflected light enters the eye and thus produces the sensation of white in us. What causes a black coat to be black ? It ab- sorbs nearly all the light, consequently it sends scarcely any to the eye. The eye receives just enough light from it to become aware of its pres- ence, but not sufficient to perceive any color. Why is every thing black in a dark night? Because, when there is no light, objects receive none, and, therefore, they can not send any to the eye. But if no light enters the eye, we see nothing (Lesson XXXIII). Color is not a quality inherent in bodies. COLORS. 139 Application. The application of colors is so manifold, that it is impossible to mention each. They serve to enliven the scenery around us , to improve our own appearance , to indicate joy or mourning. We imitate the thousand delicate hues and tinges of the colors in nature in our paintings, artificial flowers, and in many different contrivances. Colors also serve as signals to be seen from afar, hence their use in lighthouses, on railroads (colored lights), and with the mili- tary (flags), &c., &c. Bead " Color- Blindness," p. 242, and "Principles of Harmony and Contrasts in Color," p. 244, in "Things Not Generally Known." Bead " Color," in "The Earth and its Wonders." 140 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. LESSON XXXVII. CHEMICAL ELECTRICITY. 71. EXPERIMENT. Take a plain glass tumbler, and place in it a porous cup of earthenware (un- glazed) in a manner such, that between the cup and the tumbler there is a finger's width of space left. Next have a small sheet of zinc cut as high as the cup. Then bend it into a cylinder wide enough to encircle the porous cup freely. This cylinder is open above and below, with a slit through its whole height. On the top, and oppo- site the slit, about a square inch of zinc is left higher than the rest. To this piece, one end of a copper wire about a foot long is soldered. The zinc cylinder is put into the space between the tumbler and the cup ; the space is then filled with diluted sulphuric acid (a table-spoon full of the acid mixed with ten times the quantity of water). The cup is filled with strong nitric acid. In the acid place a plate of carbon, to the top of which the end of another copper wire is secured. If no carbon plate can be had, a narrow strip of pla- tinum may be used, and another wire soldered on it. If that, too, can not be obtained, fill the cup with crushed coke. 1 Thus prepared, the cup is I. The filling with coke must be done in the following manner : Coke is pulverized in a mortar, then a small quantity is first put in the cup CHEMICAL ELECTEICITY. 141 placed inside the zinc cylinder ; the diluted acid, of course, surrounding it. Such an apparatus is called a cell or element ; if two or more cells are connected with each other, the apparatus is called a battery. The free end of the wires must be scraped clean with a file or knife. If, then, they are brought quite near to each other, a small, bright spark is produced. If the tongue is held between the two ends, a thrilling sensation is felt. In the first place, the diluted acid acts upon the zinc; this action may be seen by the minute bubbles rising from the zinc; it may also be heard. They are bubbles of a gas called hydro- gen. In the second place, we have carbon, or platinum, in contact with nitric acid; the action which takes place here is invisible. Thirdly, the two liquids penetrate the porous cup, and, there- fore, meet with each oilier. This action is in- visible also. The mutual contact of two different metals (or of zinc and carbon), each placed in a certain liquid, produces Chemical Electricity. This electricity is also called " Galvanic Elec- and a little nitric acid mixed with it, so that the powder may be soaked with acid. This is repeated several times, until the cup is nearly filled with saturated coke. On top of the coke a lump of coke is placed, around which a copper wire is wound several times, so that about a foot length of wire remains free. That the coke lump may stand firmly, surround the lower part of it by coke powder. 142 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. tricity," because it was discovered by Galvani, an Italian physician, toward the end of the last century. The electric spark is seen only when the free ends of the wires are brought together. The zinc is in contact with the diluted acid; electricity passes from the zinc to the acids, and thence to the carbon, and from the carbon, electricity, that is the invisible electric current, passes along the copper wire, returns to the zinc, then to the diluted acid again, and so forth, in the same manner as above, forming an uninterrupted current of Elec- tricity. If the metals (wires) are not very near to each other, no spark is seen, and the current is interrupted. If the end of one of the wires be attached to a pair of scissors, the spark will be seen at the point of the scissors on bringing it very near to the other wire. Chemical Electricity is also produced by two different metals im- mersed in only one liquid. Thus, a simple battery can be made by taking a piece of sheet-zinc, and one of sheet-lead, e ach about one-fourth the size of this page, and separated from each other by a cloth or blot- ting paper a little larger than the metals. A few feet of thin copper- wire conveniently fastened to each metal near the edge, and the lead may be placed in a dish, then the cloth or pnper, and the zinc on top. The whole is now covered with a solution of blue vitriol in water. Another simple battery can be fitted up from a strip of zinc and a piece of carbon, immersed in a solution of bi-chromate of potash, mixed with a small quantity of sulphuric acid. Either cell will suffice to work an ordinary electro-magnet. THE ELECTRO-MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. 143 LESSON XXXVIII. * THE ELECTRO-MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. Next to the steam-engine the telegraph forms the wonder of our age. Its eminent usefulness and, more yet, the incredible rapidity with which it communicates messages from one place to an other, is something so new, so extraordinary, that we are tempted to believe there is nothing which the human mind is not capable of achieving. The fire- signals of the ancients were no longer sufficient for the increasing demands of civiliza- tion. Toward the end of the last century, so-called " optical" telegraphs, consisting of high poles erected upon high buildings or hills were used in France. By means of moveable arms attached to them, signs could be made which in clear weather were visible at great distances. But when, in 1820, it had been discovered by Oerstedt, a Danish pro- fessor, that the electric current running along a wire, exerted a certain influence upon iron, it was at once proposed to apply that influence to the telegraph. The first electric wire by which messages were sent, was put up by Steinheil, between his place of residence in Munich and the astronomical observatory near that city. England soon fol- 144 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. lowed the example; so did America. As is always the case with new inventions, a great many improvements were made in rapid succes- sion. It was an American, Morse, who, by a very simple but ingenious improvement, brought the telegraph to its present degree of perfection. The principle of Morse's telegraph may be illustrated easily by the following experiment : 72. EXPERIMENT. A cylindrical rod of soft iron is bent into the shape of a horse-shoe. The rod may be J inch in diameter and 10 inches long. Its two ends must be filed smooth ; the whole is then covered with clay and placed in a coal fire. There it is left for a time and allowed to coo] gradually, when the fire has gone out. After this the clay is removed, and the two ends filed smooth again. Then take a coil of copper wire of about of an inch in diameter, heat it red-hot and cool it in water. The wire must then be completely insulated, by either wrap- ping it in silk or in paper ; or, as the insulation may be very thin, by varnishing it. The trouble of heat- ing and insulating is avoided by buying insulated wire. It is then FIG. ST. wrapped round the iron in close windings. (See Fig. 37.) When beginning to wrap, leave about two feet of wire free, wind then closely near to the bend ; leave the bend uncovered, and ELECTRO -MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. 145 stretch the wire across to the other arm. Then proceed downward to the other end, and leave the last two feet of the wire again free. Both ends of the wire are to be scraped clean, and afterward connected with the wires of the galvanic element, so that the wire starting from the carbon (or platinum) be connected with one of the wires of the horse- shoe ; and the wire of the zinc cylinder, with the other wire of the same. 1 If now a piece of soft iron, smooth on one side, or a nail, be held at a short distance from the ends of the bent rod, it will be attracted by them, and adhere. Tlie electricity flowing around the iron rod, has rendered the rod magnetic ; its ends are now magnetic poles. (See Lesson III.) The galvanic current now travels from the car- bon along the wire, passes through the place where the wires are fastened together, and enters the wire leading to the horse-shoe. Then it runs through all the windings of the two coils, and, in doing so, constantly flows around the iron rod. Leaving the iron rod at the other end, it passes along the copper wire, enters the (zinc) wire where the two wires are connected with each other, and, finally, arrives again at the zinc, whence it starts again to make the same travel anew. i . The connection may be effected either by holding the two respective wire-ends firmly together with both hands, or by twisting them closely together. 10 146 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. Disconnect one of the wires, either by withdraw- ing one hand, or by untwisting the wire ends ; if the iron rod is of the right kind, the piece of soft iron attached will drop instantly. If held up against the poles again, it will not be attracted so long as the wires remain disconnected. The iron rod shows no trace of magnetism. Evidently it was magnetic only as long as the electric cur- rent flowed around it. 1 Iron becomes magnetic when an electric current passes around it ; but at the instant that the cur- rent is interrupted it ceases to be magnetic. Such an iron rod may have the shape of a horse- shoe, or of two -spools. It is an Electro-Magnet. The piece of soft iron applied to its poles is called the Keeper. Principles of the Electric Telegraph. I. According to Lesson III, magnets have the power of attracting iron ; by means of alternately closing and breaking the electric current, the electro-magnet renders a piece of soft iron alter- nately magnetic and unmagnetic. II. The length of the wires connecting the gal- vanic battery with the electro-magnet is imma- I In most cases some electricity is left after the current has been in- terrupted. It lasts, however, but a short time. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. 147 terial ; it may be thousands of miles. Thus a battery may be in the city of New York, while the electro-magnet with which it is connected is set np in St, Louis, a distance of 1200 miles, nearly. III. A person stationed at the battery, may, by disconnecting and connecting the wires, break and close the current at Ms pleasure. The three principles can be demonstrated by a simple apparatus shown in Fig. 38. Two up- right pieces of board, M N^ are fastened to a table so as to admit the wooden piece, #, between them. The horse- shoe rod, J., is made an electro- magnet whenever the wires are pro- p e r 1 y connected with the galvanic element. A piece of soft iron, d e, on which thin paper has been pasted, is attached to a one armed lever, b c> whose fulcrum is at D. When the electric cur- 148 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. rent passes through A, the poles of the Electro- magnet attract the Keeper d e ; but on breaking the current by disconnecting one of the wires, the Keeper will drop. To prevent its dropping too far, there is a wooden support, ^, which does not allow the Keeper to separate from the poles of the Electro -magnet more than perhaps 1-10 of an inch. A piece of wire previously wound around a lead- pencil, serves to draw the lever promptly down- ward. The paper pasted on the Keeper immedi- ately disconnects the latter from the poles of the magnet when the current is broken. Lastly, a wooden point, /, writes the message upon an end- less band of paper, which is unwound from a cylinder above it. This cylinder is not repre- sented in the drawing. When the keeper is attracted by the magnet, the point f makes a mark or indentation, on the paper. But when the current is interrupted, the Keeper drops, and the point drops at the same time ; consequently no mark is then made. To represent the letter a, for example, a sign : , is impressed upon the paper ; the operator at the delivery station closes the current for an instant only, this produces the small line ; then he breaks it, but immediately afterward closes it again, and keeps it closed three times as long as before. This produces the other line, , and now the letter a is on the paper of the operator ELECTRO-MAGNETIO TELEGRAPH. 149 In the receiving station. To write the word table, the following signs are necessary : t a l> I e Experienced operators are able to write down the messages merely from the clicking of the lever. Magnet and Electro-Magnet Compared. Five points in common : 1. Both attract iron. 2. Each has usually the form of a horse- shoe. 3. Each has two poles. 4. In both the power resides chiefly at the ends. 5. Both are eminently useful to man : the mag- netic-needle as a guide upon the ocean ; the 'electro-magnet as a carrier of messages. Two points of difference : 1. A magnet has no wire coil (helix) around it; an electro-magnet has. 2. A magnet always attracts iron ; an electro-magnet, only when an electric current passes around it. Read " The Old Telegraphs, 1 ' p. 69" The Laying of the Atlantic Cable," p. 193, in "Inventions and Discoveries," by Temple. Groom- bridge. London. 150 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. LESSON XXXIX. EE VI E W . LESSON xxxn. 1. The Sun, the Fixed Stars, Electricity, Phos- phorescence, Luminous Animals, and Burning Substances, are Sources of Light. 2. Neither the plants nor most of the objects around us, are self-luminous bodies. 3. Bodies not self-luminous are visible only when they receive light from some luminous body, and when a portion of that light forms an im- pression upon our eye. 4. Light emanates from a self-luminous body in all directions, and travels in straight' lines. LESSON xxxin. 5. All bodies reflect light radiantly. 6. Objects with polished surface reflect light, both, radiantly and specularly. 7. All bodies appear to be in the direction whence their rays enter the eye. 8. Rays of light, on passing obliquely through substances of different density, such as glass, water, or air, deviate from their straight . course ; they are refracted. LESSON xxxv. 9. An object before a convex lens, appears mag- nified to the eye situated behind the lens. REVIEW. 151 LESSON XXXVI. 10. White sunlight is composed of the colors of the rainbow. 11. A body is colored when it diffuses only a por- tion of the white light it receives ; a body is white when it diffuses all the white light it receives ; a body is black when it absorbs all the white light it receives. 12. Color is not a quality inherent in bodies. LESSON XXXVII. 13. The mutual contact of two different metals (or of zinc and carbon), each placed in a certain liquid, produces chemical electricity. 14. Chemical electricity travels in a circuit from its source and back again. LESSON xxxvni. 15. Soft iron is magnetic, when an electric current passes around it. When the current is interrupted, it ceases to be magnetic. 16. The principles of the Electric Telegraph are : 1. A piece of soft iron may be rendered alter- nately magnetic and unmagnetic by means of an electro-magnet. 2. The electric current travels over any length of wire. 3. A person stationed at the electric battery, may close and break the current at his pleasure. QUESTIONS. (Questions preceded by a = are of a more difficult character.) LESSON 1. GRAVITY. PAGE 1 1. I. Why does a stone in our hand not fall ? 2 Why does it fall when drop'd ? 3 Why does a pencil roll down from the desk ? 4 Whither does a stone thrown into a pond fall ? and why ? 5 Whither does a sign-board blown off by the storm ? and why ? 6 Whence does rain, snow and hailstones come ? and why ? 7 When does water form water- falls ? 8. Why do coals fall through the grate ? 9. Why does soot, through the air? 10. To what purpose are heavy rods attached to maps and curtains ? 11. To what purpose are clocks provided with weights ? ' 12. Why is it that all bodies near the earth have a tendency to approach the earth? 13. Give the law of gravity. PAGE 12. 14. Why is a string, with a weight attached, drawn straight? 15. What prevent^ the weight from falling ? " 16. What does the string indicate? 17. Define vertical. 1 8. What is a plumb-line ? 19. Give the law of Direction of Force of Gravity. 20. Why does a large stone press itself partly into the ground? PAGE 12. 21. Why do heavy wagons make ruts? 22. In what manner do ladies judge of silk robes ? 23. Define weight. 24. What is a balance ? 25. What are the weights ? PAGE 13. 26. How does it come that a pound of coffee has as much weight as a pound of lead ? 27. a pound of feathers as much as a pound of iron ? 28. Of what force of Nature is the Balance an application of? 29. Clock weights ? 30. Hour-glasses? 31. Why is a large drop of mer- cury lying upon the table never entirely round ? 32. Why do wagons, unless- checked, roll down hill with great rapidity ? 33. Why do light bodies, such as- feathers, bits of paper, &c., fall to the ground more slow- ly than heavy bodies, such as stones and the like ? 34. Where must a rod be support- ed to be evenly balanced ? 35. How can the weight of a body be found by means of a bal- anced rod ? 36. Has a body the same weight on different heavenly bodies? 37. Wha^ will a pound of tea weigh on the moon ? 38. What, on the sun ? 39. What, in the center of the earth ? 40. What, half way between cen- ter and surface ? 154 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. 41. Would it weigh more, or less, if at a considerable distance above the surface ? 42. What causes the tide-waves ? 43. What, the revolution of the moon around the earth ? LESSON II. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. FLOATING AND SINKING SOLIDS. PAGE 14. 44. What is meant by the state- ment "Water is heavier than oil ?" 45. How should the statement be? 46. Prove that a pound of water is as heavy as (better: has the same weight as) a pound of oil. 47. Why does a pint of nercury weigh more than a pint of water ? .48. Why has a solid rubber-ball more weight than a hollow one ? 49. Have all solids the same weight ? 50. Have all liquids ? 51. Define Specific Gravity. 52. What makes oil float on water? (Answer: The fact that oil, &c., &c.) 53. How does it come that smoke rises, while soot falls? (Quest. 9.) 54. Why does oil rise thro' water? 55. Why do balloons rise through the air ? PAGE 15. 56. Give law about Fluids of dif- ferent specific gravity. 57. Why does a piece of wood float, while a st-ne sinks, when thrown into w iter ? 58. Prove that liquids have weight. 59. Will the weight of a pai 1 of water be increased when a fish is thrown in ? 60. Why does an empty flask float on water ? 61. Why does it not also in air? PAGE 15. 62. Why does a bottle filled with water sink in water ? 63. Why does it float on mercury? 64. Under what circumstances does a body float ? sink ? 65. Why do iron-clads float ? 66. When will the body of man float? 67. Why is it difficult for bathers to walk in water chin deep? 68. In drawing water from a well, why has the bucket more weight as it emerges from the water ? 69. Why may heavy stones be lifted in water, while on dry land they can scarcely be moved ? 70. What should persons who can not swim, do on falling in the water ? 71. Why does ice float on water ? 72. Why does a full tumbler run over when a stone is thrown in, and not when a piece of sponge? 73. Why does wood saturated with water, sink ? 74. ^ 'hy do some bodies, floating on water, sink in it more than others; thus oak wood more than pine wood ? 75. Why can persons float on water by means of life-pre- servers or bladders filled with air ? QUESTIONS. 155 76. Why do we often see a sedi- ment on the bottom of ves Sels containing liquids, after they have leen standing for a time? 77. Why do drowned persons, after having lain under water for a time, rise to the sur- face ? 78. Why do ships sink deeper in river water than in the ocean? 79. Why does a hen's egg float on water strongly salted, while it sinks in fresh water ? 80. Why does water in a vesse' rise higher on dropping intc it a pound of iron than i; does when a pound ot lead is dropped in ? 81. Why must a dog sometimes drop a heavy stone (after hav- ing fetched it from the bot- tom of a water) when he reaches the surface? 82. What enables fish to move up and down in the water at pleasure ? LESSON III. MAGNETIC ATTRACTION. PAGE 17. 83. Under what circumstances will a plumb-line change from the vertical direction ? 84. Will it also change if its weight is a stone ? 85. Mention a force which may overcome gravity. 86. Show that magnets and un- magnetic iron attract each other. 87. Give a property common to both, magnetic attraction an J gravity-attraction. PAGE 1 8. 88. Where does the power of a magnet chiefly reside ? 89. What is the difference between a magnet and a piece of un- magnetic iron ? 90. What is the name of the ends of the magnet ? 91. Where do these ends point ? 92. In what position must the magnet be in that case ? PAGE 1 8. 93. State the law of direction of a magnet. 94. What action is seen in two magnets whose like ends are brought together ? PAGE 19. 95., Give law for it. 96. Whence the application of magnets ? 97. Is a magnetic needle liable to deviate more on a wooden vessel than on an iron ? 98. How may a magnet be made ? 99. Why have magnets usually that form ? 100. Describe a magnet. 101. Does the earth act like a mag-' net? Give reasons for your answer. 102. What reason have the French for calling the north pole of a magnet its "South Pole," and the south pole its "North Pole?" LESSON IV. ELECTRIC ATTRACTION. PAGE 20. 103. Whence the term "Electri- city ?" 104. What power may sealing-wax, sulphur and glass acquire; and on what condition? PAGE 20. 105. Same, regarding paper. 1 06. State the source of electricity. 107. What peculiar property do electric bodies manifest . 156 FIKST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. PAGE 21. 108. What phenomena may accom- pany electrified bodies ? 109. Why the peculiar sensation felt on holding electrified objects against one's face? PAGE 22. 110. W r hat becomes of electricity after it has left the sulphur, or the glass ? in. Mention two good conductors of electricity. 112. Three non-conductors. 113. Give difference between good conductors and non-conduc- ors. Can electricity be produced upon both classes of bodies? PAGE 23. 4 114. What phenomena take place when electrified sealing-wax is presented to a suspended pith ball ? 115. When, only, do they take place ? 1 1 6. Did you notice anything simi- lar in magnets ? 117. In gravity ? 1 1 8. What phenomena, when elec- trified sealing-wax is pre- sented to two pith balls ? 1 19. What force is o.vercome in that case? 1 20. Was that same force ever overcome before ? (Com p. question 85.) PAGE 23. 121. What phenomena, if first seal- ing-wax and then glass is presented to the single pith ball? 122. How do you explain your answer ? PAGE 24. 123. What phenomena if first seal- ing-wax and then glass is presented to one of the two pith balls ? 124. What phenomena if to one of the two pith balls you pre- sent sealing-wax, and at the same time, glass to the other? PAGE 25. 125. How many kinds of electri- city? Name them. 126. Give law of electricity. 127. Explain principle and action of Lightning Rods. 128. On rubbing glass on flannel, do you produce only one kind of electricity, or both kinds ? 129. Why does an electrified bar of sealing-wax gradually lose its electricity ? 130. Why do small pith balls upon a table jump up and down, if a sheet of electrified paper be held over them. LESSON V. LIGHTNING. LIGHTNING-RODS. PAGE 26. 131. What was Franklin's merit regarding the explanation of lightning ? 132. Give an account of Franklin's experiment. Why the pointed iron wire on top of his kite ? 133. Could he have taken a silk string instead of a hempen one ? 134. What was the purpose of the the key ? PAGE 27. 135. What made the fibres of the string bristle up ? 136. What does Franklin's experi- ment demonstrate ? 137. What is the cause of light- ning? 138. Give three paths which light- ning may follow ? 139. What objects are most liable to be strucl; I aid why ? QUESTIONS. 157 PAGE 27. 140. Why should you not stand under a tall tree during a thunderstorm ? PAGE 28. 141. Which is the safest place in a . room during a thunder- stoi m ? PAGE 28. 142. Give an account of the light- ning-rod. 143. On what conditions may a lightning-rod be called good? 144. What becomes of the light- ning after passing down ' along the rod ? LESSON VI. COHESION. PAGE 29. 145. Why is it that meat must be cut, while bread may easily be broken ? 146. Why is water easily divided, while ice is not ? 147. What is the name of the force which causes the parts of a solid to remain together ? 148. Why is rolled iron stronger than common iron ? 149. To what purpose does a knowledge of the cohesive force serve ? 150. Could birds fly in water ? PAGE 30. 151. Why would it be difficult for us to walk through molasses? 152. What must be done to break a body ? 153. Why has a walking-cane lost its strength if after being broken, the parts are glued together ? PAGE 3 1. 154. What is the great enemy of cohesion ? 155- Why does oil form larger drops than water ? 156. What are pores ? 157. Why is a dry sponge smaller than a wet one ? 158. What makes blotting-paper remove fresh ink ? 159. Why do doors, window-frames and drawers often swell in damp weather ? 1 60. How is :t that mercury can be pressed through a leather bag? 161. What causes wooden tubs to leak in summer ? 162. What may be done to prevent this ? 163. How do solids, liquids and gases differ as to cohesion. 164. Give 2 app'c of cohe. force. LESSON VII. ADHESION CAP. ATTRACTION. PAGE 32. 165. How can two leaden bullets be made to adhere ? 1 66. Why do not two bricks ad- here in the same manner ? 167. When, only, does adhesion take place ? LV.GE33. 1 68. How may two rough surfaces be made to adhere ? 169. Why does the hand become wet when immersed in water? (Given in text.) 170. vVhy does it remain dry when drawn out of mercury ? PAGE 33 171. What two forces are in strug- gle with each other when the hand is placed in water ? 172. Define adhesion. 173. Why are two smoothly pol- ished plates separated with great difficulty, if laid to- gether and firmly pressed ? 174. Why does fresh paint adhere to one's dress ? PAGE 35. 175. What is a capillary tube 176. Define capillary attraction. 158 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. PAGE 35. 177. What causes the sponge to absorb water? (Comp. 157.) 178. Why may eggs and meat be kept fresh in sand ? 179. Explain the action of oil in lamp- wicks. 1 80. How, and why, may grease spots be removed from the floor? 181. Why do two papers pasted together adhere firmly ? 182. Why may the hand be drawn out of the water dry, if, be- fore immersed it was cover'd with Lycopodium powder? 183. Why is a greased glass not moistened when immersed in water ? 184. Why does a small drop of water on a board remain tho' the board be inverted? 185. Why does a drop of mercury fall when the board is in- verted ? 186. Why does a small drop of mercury on a tin plate re- main when the plate is in- verted ? 187. Why do figures drawn with the finger upon a window- pane, become visible if we breathe on them ? LESSON IX. ELASTICITY. PAGE . 1 88. Why is the spot which an ivory ball receives upon falling on a blackened sur- face, larger if the ball has fallen from a considerable height than if it has merely been pressed with the hand upon that surface? 189. What makes an arrow, shot from a cross-bow, fly a great distance ? What makes steel, ivory and india-rubber resume 190. PAGE 40. their former position after being bent ? 191. Define elasticity ? (El. is the property of bodies to re- cover their former fig., etc. 192. When are bodies hard soft ? PAGE 41. 193. Mention four applications of the elasticity of bodies. 194. Define btittleness ductility. 195. Define malleability. 196. Give examples of brittle, malleable and ductile bod's. LESSSON X. ELASTICITY OF AIR. PAGE 42. 197. Show that air, like every other body, maintains its place. PAGE 43. 198- Why does not water enter a bottle in the neck of which a funnel is cemented ? 199. Describe the action of the pop-gun. (Page 44.) 200. What is its principle ? 201. Principle of the blow-gun? 202. Principle of the Diving-bell ? PAGE 43 203. W hat causes the air inside a Heron's Fountain to be compressed ? 204. Desci ibe action of Heron's F. PAGE 44. 205. Give the law on elast'y of ah. 206. What is an air-chamber ? 207. Describe its action. 208. Why do fire- wheels turn ? 209. Why do sky-rockets ascend ? 210. Why do cannons recoil when fired off? QUESTIONS. 159 LESSON XL PRESSURE OF AIR. PAGE 46. 211. Why does the water not flow from a filled inverted tum- bler, with a piece of paper pressing against it ? 212. Show that air presses down- ward. PAGE 47. 213. Show that air presses in all directions. 214. Why does not vinegar flow from a barrel whose bung- hole is closed ? 215. Explain the action of the "Thief." 2 1 6. Why do we not feel the pressure of air exerted upon us? 217. Why are travelers more easily fatigued on high lands than on low lands ? 2 1 8. What makes us feel tired dur- ing excessive heat, or before a thunderstorm ? 219. Wh^ is it that, when a bottle filled with air in the low land is taken up on high land, the air will escape with violence when the bottle is opened ? LESSON XIL BAROMETER. PAGE 48. 220. What can be the height of a col. of water supported by the atmosphere? 221. What is the height of a col- nmn of mercury ? 222. Comp. the weight, thickness and height of these liquid columns with the corresp'g column of air. PAGE 49. 223. Describe barometer, (p. 50. ) 224. Why dues it read the same whether in or out of doors? 22$. What are the chief uses of the barometer? PAGE 51. 226. Lxplain its use in measuring heights. 227. Its use as an index of the weather. 228. What is the real object of the barometer ? 229. What causes the mercury in the barometer to fall ? 230. What causes it to rise ? 231. Suppose we wished to em- PAGE 51., ploy water instead of mer- cury, how high would the barometer tube have to be made ? 232. What is a vacuum ? 233. What is the amount of the pressure of air ? 234. How can this be proved? 235. To what extent may wind in- fluence the barometer? (Re- member that wind is air in motion. ) 236. Why does the mercury in the barometer fall when carried up on the mountains ? 237. Does atmospheric pressure increase or decrease, as we go away from the earth ? 238. Supposing the moon to have a terrestrial atmosphere, how high would the mer- curial column stand there ? 239. How high on the sun ? 240. At the centre of the earth ? 160 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. LESSON XIV INERTIA. PAGE 54, 241. Snow that a body at rest re- mains at rest until set in motion by some force. 242. Show that for a body !b be set in motion, time is neces- sary. PAGE 55. 243. Show that a body once in mo- tion remains in motion until stopped. Show that for the motion of a body to stop, time is neces- sary. 244. Define inertia. 245. Why is a fly-wheel an applica- tion of inertia. 246. Why may the loose handle of a hammer be fastened again by knocking the end of the handle against a hard object? 247. Why may a stopped-up pipe be cleaned again by forcibly knocking against one of its ends ? 248. Why must good bridges have a great mass ? 249. Why may a' candle be shot from a great distance thro' a board ? 250. Why do cannon or rifle balls make a circular hole if fired at a window-pane ?. LESSON XV. INCLINED PLANE. / PAGE 58. 258 Why does a bullet thrown with the hand inflict less harm than one fired from a PAGE 56. 251. What is an Inclined Plane ? 252. Why does a ball on it fall ? 253. Give three familiar instances of an inclined plane. PAGE 57. 254. Show that the steeper an in- clined plane is, the greater is the velocity of a body fall- ing on it. 255. Show that in that case the force required to ascend it is greater. 256. Show that a body increases in velocity as th> space in- creases through which it falls. 257. Show that the greater the ve- locity of a body, the greater its striking force. gun ? 259. Why may hailstones destroy standing grain ? 260. What does the falling of bodies on an inclined plane show ? 261. Whence the practical applica- tion of the inclined plane ? 262. What is the principle of the wedge ? 263. of the ax ? 264. of the skid ? 265. Why are roads leading up steep mountains made in windings ? 266. What is meant by the length of an inclined plane ? 267. What, the height? LESSON XVI. LEVER. \ PAGE 59. PAGE 59. 268. When is a balanced rod in a 271. What is to be noticed in lift- state of equilibrium ? ing the end of the longer 269. Why then ? * rm w r ith the hand ? 272. What, if the lengths of the 270. Why will the longer arm of a two arms have the ratio cf rod fall ? I to 2 ? QUESTIONS. 161 PAGE 59. 2 73- What characterizes the end of the long arm of a lever ? PAGE 60. 274. What have hailstones in com- mon with a small weight at the end of the long arm ? 275. Define the lever. 276. Give a general law about it. 277. What does the amount of power needed to lift a load by means of a lever, depend upon? 278. How may it be found ? PAGE 61. 279. Give the three important points in a lever. PAGE 61. 280. What is a lever of the first class ? 281. Give three examples, and ex- plain. 282. What is a lever of the second class ? 283. Give three examples, and ex- plain. 284. To which class of levers does the oar belong ? and why ? 285. The wheel -barrow ? 286. How may a heavy stone be lifted ? 287. What is the stone then called? 288. Why are levers used only for moving loads through short distances ? of a LESSON XVII. THE PENDULUM. PAGE 66. 297. What is the office of the crutch ? 298. Explain how it comes that weight in a clock causes the hands to move with uniform velocity. 299. What is the motory force of clocks ? 300. What the regulating force ? PAGE 63. 189. What is a vibration? 290. Explain the vibration pendulum. 291. How many forces act upon it, and what are they ? PAGE 64. 291. Show that the vibration of the same pendulum, whether quite short or not, takes place in the same length of time. 293. Show that a short pendulum vibrates more quickly than a long one. PAGE 65. 294. What is the principle applica- tion of the pendulum f 295. Explain its action. 296. What is meant by winding up a clock ? Would a pendulum placed high up above the earth's surface, vibrate more quickly or more slowly than on earth? How on the moon ? 303. How on the sun? 304. Midway between the earth's surface and center? 301- 302. 305. At the center of the earth ? LESSON XVm.--COM]Vfl!fNlCATING VESSELS-HYDRAULIC PRESS. PAGE 67. PAGE 68. 306. Show that the surface of quiet 309. Explain fountains. 310. What causes fountain-jets to be shorter than they ought to be? 311. How does it come that our water-pipes can lead water to the upper part of houses, water is always level. 307. How does water stand in a tea-pot ? PAGE 68. 308. Show that your statement must be true. II contrary to gravity ? 162 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. PAGE 68. 312. Define Communicating Ves- sels. 313. Why may water-pipes under ground be said to be com- municating tubes? (Text.) 314. Give law about pressur liquids. PAGE 70. 315. Demonstrate it. 316. Give name and date of its ap- plication. ~, PAGE 70. of 317. Explain the action of the hy draulic press. LESSON XIX. BREATHING BELLOWS. PAGE 71. 318. Why can we, with a tube, suck up water with the mouth ? 319. Explain the process of Inspi- ration. 320. That of Expiration. 321. What is meant by breathing? 322. What is a vacuum ? 323. What takes place when air has access to a vacuum? PAGE 72. 324. Explain the action of the bel- lows. 325. What is a valve ? PAGE 72. 326. Compare the action of the bel- lows with the action oi breathing. 327. Explain the act of smoking. 328. That of drinking. 329. Could we breathe in a vacu'm? Give reasons for your answer. 331 Would the bellows work in a vacuum ? Give reasons. Would the bellows work in water ? LESSON XX. COMMON PUMP. PAGE 74. 332. Explain the action of the sy- ringe. 333- What causes the water to rise in it ? 334. Would it rise if water and syringe, both, were in a vacuum ? 335. What are the principal parts of a common pump ? PAGE 75. 336. Where is the piston when the handle is drawn out farthest? PAGE 76. 337. When is the piston at its highest ? 338. In that case, what is below the piston ? 339' When the piston commences rising, which of the two valves is opened ? 340. Why ? 341. When the piston is at its high- est, which valve is closed ? PAGE 76. 342. What is meant by rarified air? 343. Why does the water in the suction-pipe rise ? 344. What is the position of the valves when the piston is being lowered? 345. What do you pump out first ? 340. What causes the water to flow out through the spout ? 347. What causes the lower valve to close ? 348. What, the higher? 349. Give the principle of the com- mon pump. 350. What is a pump ? 351. To what purpose is the lower valve ? 352. The upper ? 353. Is there any similarity between the common pump and the bellows ? 354. Explain your statement. QUESTIONS. 163 355' Since the one serves to pump out water, and the other to pump out air, why has the latter but one valve ? 356. Comparing the common pump with the barometer, give four points which they have in common. 357- Eight points of difference. LESSON XXL FORCING PUMP FIRE-ENGINE. PAGE 77. 358. How high (theoretically speak- ing) may water be lifted with a common pump? 359. Give reason. 360. To elevate water to a greater height, what must be used? PAGE 78. 361. Give three points in which it differs from the common pump. 362. What are the principal parts of the forcing pump? 363. Where is the piston when the handle is at its lowest? When at its highest ? 364. When the piston is at its high- est what is the position of the valves ? 365. When does the lower valve close ? and why ? 366. When is the upper valve opened? 367. Why does it close ? and when? 368. Are both valves ever open at the same time? Closed at the same time ? 369. W r hy not ? 370. When the piston rises, why does which valve open? PAGE 78. 371. When the piston is at its low- est which valve is open ? 372. Why does not the water flow back from the tube ? 373. Explain the action of the forc- ing pump. 374. Why is it that, by means of this pump, water may be raised higher than by the other ? PAGE 79. 375. Give the parts of the Fire- Engine. 376. Why does it not have com- mon pumps ? 377. Explain its action. PAGE 8O. 378. What causes the flow? 379. What makes the flow continu- ous? 380. Give the difference between a Heron's fountain and an air- chamber ? 381. W 7 hich of the two would work better in a vacuum ? 382. How long will either of the two "run"? LESSON XXIIL SOUND. PAGES 85 AND 119. 383. What causes sound ? 384. What is sound? 385. What makes us hear the crack of a whip ? 386. Would we hear it if there were no air ? 387. Show that sound is the effect of a vibratoty motion. PAGES 86 AND 120. 388. What are sound-waves? PAGES 86 AND 120. 389. Do we hear all sound-waves ? 390. Give velocity of sound. 391. What causes the noise when paper is torn? (Text.) 392. When wood is broken ? 393. When a whip is cracked ? 394. Why do we not hear the alarm of a clock in an exhausted receiver (in a vacuum) ? 164 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. 395. Why is music heard mOre dis- tinctly when near than at a great distance ? 396. Why do some bodies give a louder sourd than others? (Because they have a different degree of elasticity.) 397. Why r, the ax of a wood-chop- per, at a distance, seen to fall before the blow is heard? 398. Why may distant cannon- thunder, be heard better by putting the ear on the ground ? 399. Why do deaf persons not hear? 400. Why are the bells of a neigh- boring place heard ringing at times, and not at other times ? 401. Why is it so quiet on the mountains ? 402. Why need we not speak so loud on a calm lake as on land? LESSON XXIV. EVAPORATION, FOG, CLOUDS, RAIN, SNOW, HAIL, &c., &c. PAGE 88. 403. Define evaporate. 404. When does evaporation take place ? 405. What change does it effect? 406. Why is the breath visible in winter? 407. Is all aqueous vapor visible? PAGE 89. 408. When is it visible ? 409. What name has it then ? 410. Under what circumstances does it become visible higher up in the atmosphere? 411. What name has it then? 412. Why do clouds stay in the air? 413. Why do soap-bubbles? 414. Why is it that the higher up the clouds, the greater the rain-drops ? 415. What is rain? PAGE 90. 416. What is snow? 417. What is strange about hail? 418. Whence the drops on the out- side of a tumbler with cold water, in summer ? 419. Why do iron safes "sweat "? 420. Whence the moisture on a window-pane when a person breathes against it? PAGE 90. 421. When is aqueous vapor con* densed ? 422. What is meant by condense? PAGE 91. 423. What is dew ? 424. Why is there no dew in cloudy nights ? 425. Why none sometimes, al- though the sky is serene? 426. What is frost? 427. Why do we not have frost in summer ? 428. Why does it rain in moun- tainous countries more than on low land? 429. Has the direction of the water- sheds anything to do with the quantity of rain? 430. When does it ram more, in daytime or at night ? 431. Give your reasons. 432. Why does it not rain every cold night? 433. Is snow useful? Why? 434. Upon what does the solid state of water, its liquid state and its gaseous state depend ? 435. Will it do to compare the at- mosphere to a boiler ? 436. Give your reasons. QUESTION'S. 165 LESSON XXV. HEAT CONDUCTION OF HEAT. PAGE 92. 437. Whence the sparks which we see when flint and steel are struck together? 438. When a horse is galloping? 439. What effect is produced by rubbing a copper coin on the floor? 440. W T hy does not a match ignite by being rubbed against glass ? 441. Why does it ignite on a brick ? 442. Why has he his hands blis- tered who lets himself down along a rope ? 443. Why does a saw feel warm after use? PAGE 93. /I/14- How is heat produced? 445. What may motion be con- verted into? (Were you to ask " Into what may motion be converted?" the pupil would be inclined to answer merely a word or two. ) 446. Why do the hands get warm on holding them to a heated stove ? 447. What sensation is felt on keep- ing the end of a wire in a flame? Why? 448. What is conduction of heat ? 449. Why is it that that wire (Ques- tion 447) may be held longer, if the end in the hand is en- veloped in paper ? PAGE 94. 450. Why have teapots and solder- ing - irons usually wooden handles ? (Text. ) 451. What class of bodies are good conductors of heat? 452. What is a good conductor of heat ? 453. What is a non-conductor (or bad conductor) of heat? 454. Mention six non-conductors of heat? PAGE 94. 455. When a wire and a piece of paper that have been lying on a heated stove, are touch- ed, the wire feels the warm- er. Why? 456. Why do iron stoves heat well ? 457- Why may ice be kept as well in a feather bed as in an ice- chest ? 458. Why do mittens keep the hands warmer than gloves with fingers ? 459. Why does snow melt more readily on a plank than on a rock ? 460. Why are steam -chests and steam-cylinders often cover- ed with wood ? 461. Why are the walls of safes often filled with fine ashes ? 462. Why do wide garments keep us warmer than tight ones ? 463. Why are frame houses warm- er than stone ones ? PAGE 95. 464. Whence the use of good con- ductors of heat ? 465. Why are metallic vessels used for boiling water and other liquids ? 466. Whence the use of bad con- ductors of heat? 467. Give their effect upon warm and cold bodies ? 468. How should a tumbler be heated? Why? 469. Why is less heat given out by a stove when its inner sur- face is covered with soot ? 470. What advantage in a long stove pipe ? 471. Why is a glowing coal rapidly extinguished if placed on iron? 472. Why do double windows keep the room warm ? 166 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS 473. Why does cold wind chill us 477. Give reason for your state- all through ? ment ? 474. Why does fruit ripen quicker 4;8> m does drawi the cur . against a dark waif than t / ns down ^ a room when isolated ?^ warmer? 475- What advantage in air being , TT1 , a bad conductor? 479- Why does snow protect the 476. Does fanning us make the air ground from freezing ? around us cool? LESSON XXVI. DRAUGHT. PAGE 96. 480. Why will paper strips held over a heated stove, move upward ? 481. Why will they rise if let go? 482. What is the universal effect of heat upon bodies ? 483. Why does heated air rise? 484. Explain the revolving of a spiral paper owing to heat. 485. Prove that the air is warmer near the ceiling. 486. Why do balloons, smoke and steam rise? (Text.) PAGE 97. 487. When is a flame, held in the upper opening of a room, blown from the room ? 488. How about a flame held in the lower opening ? 489. Give reasons for your state- ments. PAGE 97. 490. What is draught ? 491. What is the cause of draught? 492. Why is a lamp extinguished if the draught is stopped below ? 493. Why, if its chimney is closed above ? 494. Compare this with Experiment 26, p. 43. 495. Show that heated air rises, and that colder flows toward the source of heat. 596. What is the cause of winds ? 497. How long does wind last? 498. What is ventilation ? 499. Is it sufficient for the ventila- tion of a room to simply admit fresh air ? 500. Prove your statement by a previous experiment. LESSON XXVII. EXPANSION BY HEAT-THERMOMETER. PAGE 99. 501. Why does boiling water often run over ? 502. Why does a cold tumbler crack if placed on a heated surface? 503. How may the cracking be prevented ? 504. What is the effect of heat upon all bodies ? 505. Why are rails placed on the track with space between? 506. How are tires placed on wheels? 507. Why does pop-corn pop ? PAGE 100. 508. When is a substance said to cool? JDefine temperature. 509. Give the parts of the ther- mometer. 510. Why the vacuum? 511. Why could not the glass tube be open above ? 512. Can you heat the vacuum? and what will be the effect upon -the mercury ? 513. Why does the mercury ex- pand from heat ? 514. Why does the mercury rise? Why does it fall ? QUESTIONS. 167 PAGE 101 515. How are thermometers made ? 516. How are the freezing and boiling points obtained? 517. What advantage in dividing the space between those two points into degrees? PAGE 100. 518. Why are the plates of metallic roofing not nailed together ? 519. When, and why, will hot water crack a cold tumbler ? 520. What advantage in thermom- eters? LESSON XXVIII. THERMOMETER COMPARED WITH BAROMETER. 522 523 PAGE 102. 521. How is the blood-heat point of the thermometer obtained? How is it marked? How did Fahrenheit divide the space between the freez- ing and boiling points? 524. Where did he not commence? 525. Where did he commence? PAGE 103. 526. How did Reaumur divide that space ? 527. How, Celsius? 528. W T hat are the equivalents of 80 C? 529. What of 50 C? 530. What of 77 F? 531. What of 32 F? 532. What of 17 7-9 C? 533. What of 40 C ? PAGE 103. 534. What is the healthiest tem- perature of a room ? 535- Where should thermometers be placed? 536. If in New York the mercury stands 85, how would it stand in Paris (according to C. )? (Text.) 537. Ho win Berlin (C. )? (Text.) 538. According to those scales, what numbers would indi- cate the blood-heat point? (Text.) 539. Indicate the point of healthiest temperature in Centigrade degrees. (Text.) PAGE 104. 540. Give four points which the thermometer and barometer have in common. 541. Give four points they differ in. LESSON XXIX. ATMOSPHERIC ENGINE. PAGE 105. 542. How is a sewing-machine made to work? 543. What is rectilinear motion ? 544. Circular motion? 545. Give two instances of each ? 546. Who was Papin, and why is he celebrated? PAGE 1 06. 547. Mention five diff. kinds of work done by the steam-engine. PAGE 107. 548. Describe Papin's apparatus. 549. Describe the experiment with the same. 550. What causes the piston to rise ? PAGE 105. 551. What to sink? PAGE 1 08. 552. What is meant by an atmos- pheric steam-engine ? 553. Describe Savery's apparatus. 554. Compare it with Papin's. 555. Give Newcomen's improve- ments on Papin's apparatus. PAGE III. 556. Explain Newcomen's atmos- pheric steam-engine. 557. What causes the piston in it to rise? Explain. 558. What causes it to sink ? Ex- plain. 168 FIRST LEGSONS IN PHYSICS. PAGE III. 559. State the principal points of Papin's engine. (Text.) 560. Of Savery's. (Text.) 561. Of Newcomen's. (Text.) PAGE III. 562. Compare Savery's apparatus with Newcomen's engine. 563. Compare Fapin's with New- comen's. LESSON XXX. STEAM-ENGINE. PAGE 112. 564. Who was Watt? 565. Whence his familiarity with the defects of Newcomen's engine ? 566. What was its principal defect ? 567. What was the cause of this defect? PAGE 113. 568. How great a loss was caused thereby ? 569. What question arose? 570. What was Watt's first im provement ? 571. Explain. 572. What did Watt's next im- provement consist in ? 573. What defect did it overcome? 574. What caused now the piston to rise and sink ? PAGE 114. 575. Did henceforth the steam merely serve to produce a vacuum ? 576. Why was Newcomen's ma- chine a single-acting engine? 577. Why was it used only for pumping water ? 578. What constitutes a double- acting steam-engine ? PAGE 115. 579. When did Watt die? 580. What is meant by steam of low pressure ? of high pressure ? 581. What are high and low press- ure engines ? 582. What is the use of the sliding valve ? PAPE 1 1 6. 583. Explain action of high-press- ure engine. LESSON XXXII. LIGHT ITS SOURCES DIRECTION. PAGE 122. 584. What are our sources of light? 585. Mention s i x self-luminous bodies. 586. What is a self-luminous body? (One which makes its own light.) PAGE 123. 587. Are the planets self-luminous? Are they luminous ? 588. What, then, is the difference between luminous and self- luminous ? PAGE 123 589. When, only, are bodies not self-luminous, visible ? 590. Show that light emanates from self-luminous bodies in alt directions. PAGE 124. 591. Show that it travel? in straight lines. Why have opera-glasses 592. straight tubes ? LESSON XXXII I. -RADIANT AND SPECULAR REFLECTION. PAGE 125. 593. What makes our rooms light in the daytime ? 594. How do all objects reflect light ? 595. What enables us to see a pencil? 596. A looking-glass ? PAGE 126. 597. What is radiant reflection of light ? 598. Show that there are objects which reflect light also in certain directions. QUESTIONS. PAGE 126. 599. What is this kind of reflection called? PAGE 127. 600. What class of objects reflect light, both, radiantly and specularly ? PAGE 127. 60 1. Compare light reflected radi- antly with light reflected specularly by (a.) Giving four points in com- mon. (.) Three points of difference. LESSON XXXIV. VISIBLE DIRECTION REFRACTION. PAGE 128. 602. Whither does a person hit with a stone, look? 603. Show that a boy looking at a steeple does somet'ng simiPr. PAGE 129. 604. On page 128 the two images have opposite directions ; why does the person, never- theless, see the object in only one direction ? 605. Give general statement of the case. (All bodies appear to be situated &c., &c.) PAGE 129. 606. Why do oars, when immersed obliquely, appear bent ? PAGE 130. 607. Why does the eye see the oar bent? 608. When is a coin on the bot- tom of a filled tumbler not seen in its true place and direction ? PAGE 131. 609. Why do clear waters appear more shallow than they are? 610. What is refraction of light? LESSON XXXV. PRISMS LENSES. PAGE 132. 611. Show the passage of rays (of an arrow) through a prism with edge upward PAGE 133. 612. With the edge downward. 613. What is a prism ? 614. Show the path of rays of an arrow through" two prisms with their bases adjacent (as on page 133). 615. Why the use of a curved glass in place of the prisms ? PAGE 134. 6 1 6. What two names are given to this? PAGE 134. 617. What is the Focus ? 618. Why the term Burning-glass ? 619. What effect has such a lens upon objects ? 620. Is your answer true in every sense of the word ? PAGE 135. 621. Give the general statement true of such a lens. 622. Does a telescope really mag- nify distant objects ? 623. Upon what, then, is its use based ? LESSON XXXVI. COLOR. PAGE 136. 624. What is dispersion of light ? 6*5. How can it be shown ? ^6. What effect has it upon white light ? 627. Give the principal colors of the rainbow. PAGE 136. 628. What is the whole series of colors called ? PAGE 137.- - 629. How can you prove that ordi- nary sunlight contains these colors ? 170 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. PAGE 137. '630. Is color a substance ? PAGE 138. 631. Why does white glass look white ? 632. Why does blue glass look blue? 633. Why do objects near a blue curtain have a blueish tinge? PAGE 139. 634. When is a body said to be colored ? ^635. When white ? PAGE 139. 636. When black? 637. What causes a piece of red cloth to appear red ? (Text.) 638. What, a sheet of paper to ap- pear white? (Text.) 639. A black coat to appear black? (Text.) 640. Why is everything black on a dark night? (Text.) 641. Is color a quality inherent in bodies ? 642. Is it a property of a body ? LESSON XXXVIL CHEMICAL ELECTRICITY. PAGE 141. '643. What constitutes a galvanic element, or cell? 644. What is a galvanic battery ? 645. How is a coke-cell prepared ? 646. Why must the cup used be un glazed ? (The two liquids pass each other through its pores.) 647. Why must the wire ends be entirely clean ! (The electric current does not leap over. ) PAGE 141. 648. Whence the thrilling sensation if the current passes through the tongue ? PAGE 142. 649. Explain the action of such a galvanic cell. 650. How is chemical or galvanic electricity produced ? 651. Whence the rwa\t galvanic? 652. Explain the uninterrupted cur- rent of electricity 653. Is the length of the wires of importance ? LESSON XXXVIII. THE ELECTRO-MAGNETIC TELE- GRAPH. TAGE 144. 654. What is next to the steam- engine the wonder of our age, and why ? '655. Who discovered the effect of the galvanic current upon iron? 656. Who put up the first telegr'ph? PAGE 145. 657. Who perfected the telegraph? 658. How may the principle of Morse's telegraph be illus- trated ? PAGE 146. 659. What renders the horse-shoe rod magnetic? >66o. Describe the path of the elec- tric current of the cell, when passing around the rod. PAGE 147. 661. What effect has the interrup- tion of the current upon the rod? 662. What is an Electro- Magnet 663. What is the keeper ? PAGE 148. 664. What are the principles of the re the principl ic telegraph ? electric 665. Describe the apparatus by which they may be demon- strated. 666. Compare the Magnet with the Electro-Magnet, giving (a.) Five points in common. (.) Two points of difference. APPEN DIX. I. REMARKS. LESSON III. To preserve their magnetism, the poles of magnets should constantly be kept in contact with iron. LESSON IV. Bar-sulphur, or a solid glass rod, is often preferred to a lamp-chimney. For negative electricity, use "hard" rubber (gutta percha). LESSON V. May be used as a reading lesson, or as one in which the unfinished part of any previous lesson can be brought up. LESSON VII. Time is gained if the bullets are flattened with a hammer ; then scrape one of the flattened surfaces of each with a knife ; press the two surfaces together by a few strokes of a hammer. The glass plates, and tubes, must be free from grease. The pores of a body may be compared to the open ends of capillary tubes ; the capillary tubes may be compared to glass tubes of very fine bore. LESSON IX. Instead of an ivory ball, which is expensive, a large marble gives the same result. The round spot may be shown also on the slab. LESSON X. A piece of India-rubber tubing around the tube of the funnel will do as well as sealing-wax, or any other cement. Any kind of tube, about ^ inch in diameter and about 3 feet long, may serve as a blow-gun. LESSON XL A tumbler with a brim curved outward is best. LESSON XVI. A square wooden beam about 20 inches long for a lever, with the sharp edge of a ruler, paper knife or knife-blade as a fulcrum. The fulcrum must be firmly fixed. LESSON XVIII. The bees-wax must be put on very thin, or else the water cannot force its way through. Draw Fig. 1 7 on the board. The small triangular valve, when lowered, is just large enough to close the right hand side of the short horizontal tube. LESSONS XX AND XXI. Draw the Fig. on the board. LESSON XXV. Copper being a better conductor than iron, copper wire is preferable. LESSONS XXIX AND XXX. Draw the Fig. on the board. LESSON XXXV EXPERIMENT 65. Draw an arrow on the board, place the prism in proper position, and sufficiently elevated for each scholar to see the arrow through the prism. As this requires but a few seconds, it may be found convenient to let the class slowly file past the prism. 172 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. II. GLASS AND CORK WORKING. The following is taken nearly literally from Vernon Harcourt's excel- lent work, "Exercises in Practical Chemistry, Clarendon Press, Oxford:" . 1. To CUT A GLASS TUBE. Take glass tubing about f-inch external diameter ("hard glass " is preferable). For a Hero's fountain (Lesson X, Experiment 27, and also frontispiece), it should reach from within half an inch of the bottom of the flask to about eight inches above the cork. As mercantile tubing is much longer, a piece of that length should be cut off. To do this, lay the tube on a table, hold it between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, placed close to where it is to be cut. Take a triangular file, press your left thumb and forefinger firmly against the tube, put the edge of the file upon the tube so as to touch and lean against the thumb, which will thus prevent the file from slipping over the glass, and make a notch on the glass by a few short, energetic strokes in a forward direction. While in the act of cutting, do not bear down too heavily with the left hand; rather have your left thumb yield a little as the file passes forward, so that the tube may turn a little in the direction of the advancing file. To guard against injury, in case the tube should yield, put on a glove. Now take up the tube, holding it so that the thumb-nails are opposite to each other, with the notch between them, and that you tightly press the tube (where the notch is) with thumb-nail and forefinger of each hand, and with a resolute grasp break the tube (moving your hands in a direction from you) as you would break a stick. The edges of the new end will be sharp and rugged; to prevent their tearing the cork, pass the file lightly over them; then hold them a few seconds in the tip of an alcohol (or gas) flame. For a Hero's fountain like the one in the frontispiece a more con- venient form than that in Lesson X you should have a bent glass tube. 2. To BEND A GLASS TUBE. If the external diameter of the tube does not exceed half an inch, a common gas flame is very suitable; but if the gas is not at hand, a spirit lamp with a large flame may be used. Light the gas, or spirit lamp ; then holding the piece of tube by its ex- tremities, bring it a little above the flame, turning it constantly around and moving it laterally so as to heat about two inches of it equally on both sides. After a few seconds lower it gradually into the flame, still constantly turning it round. If the gas burner be used, the glass will become covered with soot when immersed in the flame ; but this is of no consequence, as the heat of such a burner is never high enough to incorporate the carbon with the glass. When the heated portion becomes soft and yielding, which will take place even before it has acquired a visible red heat, withdraw it from the flame, and gently bend it to a right angle, avoiding the use of much force. When the proper bend is completed, lay the tube on a bit of glass in such a position that the heated portion does not come into contact with any cold surface, and leave it to cool slowly. 3. To MAKE A GLASS JET. Take the straight tube, previously ob- tained; heat the tube two inches from one of its ends by holding it to GLASS AND CORK WORKING 173 the extent oi half an inch in the upper part of a flame. The thumb and forefinger of each hand should hold the glass about an inch from the heated part. The heated part will soon become soft and a little narrower. Then withdraw it from the flame, and draw the heated part out by pul- ling the two ends of the glass apart. But pull very gently or else the tube will be drawn out too thin; the jet should have about ^-inch external diameter. Gently place the whole on the table before you and allow it to cool ; then make a fine notch at the middle of the drawn-out part, and break the tube there. The long part is the jet for a Hero's fountain. If the aperture is too wide, hold it for a second or two in the flame. 4. To PERFORATE A CORK. It now remains to fit these tubes the bent tube and the jet to the bottle by means of a cork having two holes. Take a good, sound cork, about an inch in diameter, squeeze it until it becomes soft and elastic (a pair of pliers or nut-crackers will serve the purpose of a regular cork-squeezer), then take it up between the second finger and the thumb of the left hand, and place the sharpened end of the smallest cork-borer against it, one end of the cork midway between the center and the edge. Urge the cork-borer into the cork with a twist- ing motion, as if you were using a cork screw. Some care will be re- quired to make the hole straight through the cork, so that it may be truly central. Of the proper direction the eye will be the best judge. And when the cork-borer has penetrated some little way, it will be advis- able to turn the cork a quarter round in order that it may be seen whether the axis of the cork-borer and of the cork are still in the same straight line. If not, a slight pressure on the cork-borer in one direc- tion or the other will set it straight. When the borer has penetrated quite through the cork, it may be withdrawn with a twitching motion, and will bring with it a cylindrical plug of cork, leaving a hole, the sides of which should be smoothed with a round file. In the same manner make the other hole midway between the center and the circumference. Take a cork-borer rather smaller than the tubing which you have; see that the holes do not run into each other, or pierce the side of the cork. The holes should next be smoothed and slightly enlarged by a rat-tail file, until the end of one of the tubes will just enter them when some little pressure is used. (If much pressure is used, the tube is not un- likely to break, and the splinters of glass may cause injury. The hole should never be so much smaller than the tube as to make it necessary to use much force in passing the latter through it. It is a good plan, also, to wrap the tube in a cloth or handkerchief while it is being inserted in the cork. ) Now pass the longer of the two tubes through the cork, with moderate pressure and a twisting motion, until it projects so far as to reach, when the cork is fitted into its place, nearly to the bottom of the bottle. When this is done pass the other tube through the other hole in the cork, until it projects one or two inches on the other side. 174 FIKST LESSONS IN PHYSICS. III. PROBLEMS ON THE THERMOMETER. F. C. 212. 32- 100 Boiling Ft. Tne questions on page 103 need a few explanations. Only the F and C scales require problems, they being the most important. To illustrate the problems be- low, let the two vertical lines annexed Freez'g Pt. represent the two thermometers. Problem, i. The mercury stands at 86 F, how will it stand accord- ing to degrees C ? Solution : 86 F = 86 32 54 F above freezing-point. Now, since 180 F above freezing-point = 100 C, we have 9 F - 5 C, or i F = 5 C; and 54 = 54 X f = 3 C = answer. Rule I. To convert any number of degrees F above freezing-point into degrees C, first subtract 32 from that number, then multiply the re- mainder by 5-9. Problem 2. Mercury at 25 C, how must this be read in degrees F ? Solution : 100 C = equals 180 F above freezing-point, or 5 C = 9? F ; hence i C = | F, and 25 C = 25 X f 45 F above freezing-point. Now, 45 F above freezing-point means 45 above 32 9 F, so we must add 45 to 32, which is 77 F, answer. Rule II. To convert any number of degrees , above the freezing-point into degrees F, multiply the number by |, and then add 32. Problem. 3. Thermometer at 23 F, how is this read in degrees C? Solution : Consulting the two thermometers represented above, we find that 23 F means 32 23 = 9 F below the freezing point. The problem now is : Resolve 9 F below freezing-point into its equivalent degrees C. Hence we have 9 X | ^ below freezing-point = 5 C, answer. Problem. 4. Thermometer at 13 F, required its standing in de- grees C. Solution: By inspection we find that the point of the F scale is 32 below the freezing-point, and that 13 is 13 below the point, that is, 32 -f 13 = 45 F. the actual number of degrees F. below the freezing- point. Now, 45^ F below freezing-point X = 2 5 Q c below freez- ing-point, or 25^ C, answer. Rule III. To convert any given number of degrees F below freezing- point into C, ascertain the difference between 32 F and the number given, and multiply this difference by |, the product will be C. Problem. 5. Thermometer at 30 C ; give the same in degrees F. Solution: 30 C means below the freezing point ; hence 30 C X 9 = 54 F below freezing-point. By inspection it will be found that we must subtract 54 Q from 32 ; or, 32 54 = 22 Q F, answer. Rule IV. To convert degrees C below the freezing-point into degrees F, multiply the given number of C^ by J ; subtract the product from 32, and the remainder = answer. If the subtrahend is greater than the minuend, as in the problem above, the difference between the product and 32* is negative, that is, below 0? F, and consequently marked F INDEX. PAGE. Academy of Florence 31 Adhesion 32 Attraction, Capillary 35 Attraction, Electric 2C Attraction, Magnetic 17 Balance 13 Barometer 49 Barometer comp. with Pump. 80 Barometer compared -with Thermometer 104 Bellows 72 Blotting-paper 38 Blow-pipe 43 Breathing 71 Burning-glass 134 Cell, Galvanic 141 Clock Weights 13 Clocks....:.. 65 Clouds 89 Cohesion 29 Color 136 Compass 38 Communicating Vessels 87 Condenser 113 Conductors of Electricity 22 Conductors of Heat 94 Contraction by Cold 100 Conversion of Force, Motion, 121 Contents, Table of 7 Current, Electric 142 Dew gi Direction, Visible 128 Diving-bell 44 Draught ....... 96 Drowning ^ 16 Ductile... 41 Ductility 29 PAGE. Elasticity . 39. Elasticity, Application of 41 Elasticity of Air 42 Electricity, Pos. and N eg 25 Electricity, Chemical 140 Electric Attraction 20 Electric Repulsion 23 Electro- Magnet 150- Element, Galvanic 141 Evaporation 88 Exhalation 71 Expansion by Heat 99 Fire-Engine 7& Fly-Wheels 55 Fog 89 Force, into Motion 84 Franklin's Experiment 26 Frost 91 Fulcrum 6l Glass for Electric Purposes. . . 24. Glass for Prism 136- Gravity, Direction of 1 1 Gravity, Force of 9' Gravity, Specific 14 Hail 90 Heat. 9 2 Heat, Conduction of. 93 Heron's Fountain 44 High Pressure 1*5 Horizontal *3 Hour-glass *3 Hydraulic Press 67 Impenetrability 3* Inclined Plane 5 & Inertia 53 Inhalation 7 1 INDEX. PAGE. Lenses 133 Level 12 Lever 59 Light, Direction 124 Light, Sources 122 Light, Radiant and Specular Reflection 125 Light, Radiant and Specular Reflection Compared 127 Lightning 26 Lightning- Rod 27 38 Locomotive 117 i *8 Low Pressure 115 Magnetic Attraction 17 Magnet 18 Magnet compared with Elec- tro-Magnet 150 Malleable 41 Metals, Conductors of Heat.. 94 Morse's Telegraph 145 Needle, How rend. Magnetic. 19 Newcomen's Engine 108 NuJt-Cracker ^ 6" Papin's Apparatus 105 Pendulum 63 Persons Drowning 16 Pith-balls, How made 22 Plumb-line 1 1 Poles of Magnets 19 Pop-gun 43 Pores . 31 Pressure of Air 46 50 Pressure, Downward 12 Prisms 132, 136, 137 PAGE. Pump, Common 74 Pump, Forcing 77 Pull 84 Push.. 8/L Radiation of Ligfrt Rain Reflection of Light Refraction of Light Refraction of Light, Law . . . Repulsion, Electric Self-luminous Sliding-valve Snow Sound Spark, Electric Steam-Engine, Atmospheric. Steam-Engine, Newcomen's. Steam-Engine, Papin's Steam-Engine, Savery's Steam-Engine, Watt's , 125 89 125 129 131 23 123 "5 9 85 21 I0 5 108 112 Telegraph '. 144 Telegraph, Principle of, 147 Telegraph, Prin. Demonst'd. 148 Thermometer ..100, 102 Thermometer compared with Barometer 104 Thermometer Problems 174 Vacuum - 49 Vertical 1 1 Visible Direction 128 Watt, James...* 112 Weight 12 Winds, Cause of 98 Work done by forces 83 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. rtTft &&** REC'D -0 \ NQV BGB SENT ON ILL NOV 4 1994 U. C. BERKELEY LD 2lA-50m-4,'60 (A9562slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley !ti 16963 M81995 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY