UC-NRLF RUBBER STAMPS CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF STATE PRINTING 1916 GIFT OF ANNOUNCEMENT IN order to accommodate the ever increasing demand from state officials and departments for satisfactory rubber stamps and rubber goods at an economical price, the State Printing Department has installed a complete up-to-date complement of rubber stamp machinery and supplies, and is in position to sup- ply these demands at a marked saving in prices over commercial establishments in this line of trade. In this catalog will be found illustrations, descriptions and prices of only the most used articles in this line. However, this department is in position to supply practically anything made in rubber, and correspondence is invited. State departments will have the advantage of procuring rub- ber goods through the State Printing Department at actual cost, and it is hoped and expected that advantage will be taken of this opportunity. Prompt and careful attention will be given all orders. Stamps and supplies handled by this department may be pro- cured through the regular printing requisitions, which are in the possession of all state departments. PRICES Goods in this catalog are listed at approximate market prices, but charges will be made at actual cost, ranging from 10 to 50 per cent less than list. 398878 DEPARTMENT Of STATE PRINTING INDEX PAGE Autograph Stamps 20 Air Cushion Stamp Mounts 13-14 Band Daters 15-20 Band Numberers 15 Border and Rules 2 Line Daters 19 Price List Rubber Stamps , 7 Rubber Stamp Mounts and Handles 8-11 Self Inking Stamps 16-20 Stamp Ink 11 Stamp Pads 12-13 Time Stamps 15 Type Specimens 3-6 Word Printer 15 BORDERS AND RULES In specifying any of these, give entire description, as: "6 border No. I RS" "2 Rule No. 3-RS" etc. 6 BORDER No. 1 RS 3 RULE No. 2 RS 6 BORDER No. 2 RS 2 RULE No. 2 RS #!tniiitwt4HN**^^ ^____ 6 BORDER No. 3 RS 6 RULE No. 3 RS &see@eesse&^ _i^_i^^_ 4 RULE No. 3 RS 6 BORDER No. 4 RS KB^Hxm^HHOHHBBi^KHHm^^^^HKvg. &^^>^^^) 2 RULE No. 3 RS K ^ ^ 6 RULE No. 1 RS 1 RULE No. 3 RS 6 RULE No. 2-R?: . \j\\^ \ 2 RULE No. 4-RS 4 RULE No. Z^'Si s [ f r \ , / 2 RULE No. 5 RS RUBBER STAMPS AND SUPPLIES TYPE SPECIMENS 6 DEVINNB IS THE TYPE set In this sample line. Originated by Theodore Low DeVlnne, It has p 8 DEVINNE IS THE TYPE set in this sample line. Originated by Theodore Lo 10 DEVINNE IS THE TYPE set in this sample line. Originated by T 12 DEVINNE IS THE TYPE set in this sample line. O 14 DEVINNE IS THE TYPE set in this samp 18 DEVINNE IS THE Type set in t 24 DEVINNE 15 the type set 30 DEVINNE 15 the ty 36 DEVINNE is th 48 DEvinneis 60 DEVinn 72 DEvin I2EC DEVINNE IS THE TYPE set in this sample line. Other sizes in this style in= GLIDE 14=, 18=, 24=, 30= and 36EC. In ordering use suffix EC 6EX DEVIININE IS here shown. Other sizes are: 8-, 1O, 12-, 14-, 18-, 34=, 3O=, 36BX. INote suffix. NOTE. In ordering styles of type from this specimen book, always give complete description, being particularly careful to use all suffix letters, as for instance: "24 EC De Vinne" or "24 EX De Vinne." DEPARTMENT Of STATE PRINTING 18C GOTHIC. Other sizes: 6-, 8-, 10-, 12-, 22-, 28-, 36-, 44- AND 48C. THIS IS CLEAR CUT, condensed letter, and will prove very satisfactory for rubber stamp use 18 it GOTHIC. Where a sloping, yet plain letter, is desired this will be found VERY DESIRABLE. Sizes are: 5-, 6-, 8-, 10-, 12-, 18-, 30it. Always note the suffix letters 18 JENSON. An admirable letter for many PURPOSES? dignified, but not severely plain. Sizes in this style letter are: 6, 8, 10, 12, J4, J8, 24, 36 and 48 I8UJENSON. A ^Beautiful companion letter to THE JENSON OLD STYLE shown abdbe. Sizes: 6-, 8-, 10-, 12-, 18- and 24it. Nofe suffix letters tuhen ordering 18C JENSON* Very pleasing condensed letter; use- FUL ANYWHERE. Sizes: 6-, 8-, 10-, 12-. 14-, 18-, 24-, 30-, 36-, 48C. Always, when ordering, kindly note suffix letter 18 RONALDSON. A letter which readily ITSELF TO RUBBER STAMP requirements. The sizes are: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36 and 42 18C RONALDSON. Another beautiful letter suitable FOR ALMOST ANY USE, and very serviceable. Sizes same as Ronaldson above. Always specify the suffix letter 18ex RONALDSON; handsome EXTENDED LETTER. Sizes same as Ronaldson above. Note tHe suffix i Sit RONALDSON. An italic that is one of THE MOST POPULAR EVER CUT. Sizes: 6-, 8-, 10-, 12-, 18-, 24-, 28-, 36-, 481 1. Suffix letters "it" Columbus Outline may be had also in Nos. 36 and 48. Two beautiful companion letters to Columbus Outline are Columbus Bold, in sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 24, 36, and 48; and American Italic (same as Columbus Bold, except that the letters are sloping), in sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 24, and 30. Other sizes of Bradley Outline are 36 and 60. May be had also in Bradley Black, and in sizes to correspond. NOTE j n ordering styles of type from this specimen bock, always give complete description, being particularly careful to use all suffix letters, as for instance: "24 EC De Vinne" or "24 EX De Vinne." RUBBER STAMPS AND SUPPLIES IB Engravers (Ui lotgltHtj. A strong, able letter; urrij popular tuit?r? text letter ta fceBtreb. Sllje ai^ea art: B, a. 10. 12, 14. IB, 24. 30, 3B. 4B, BD t8 ^Titte Blatk* Hesirabte tuyere an extended text letter is required. ?&1\* sizes itt tf^is face are: 6, 8. tO t t2 t IB, 24, 36 WILL PE|OYE q^ 6 satisfactory in lines where a con- densed lower case letter is wanted, Sizes: 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 28, 42, 48 181c ANTIQUE. Sizes: 12, is, 24, 28, se. 44 18 ANTIQUE MAY BE HAD IN FIVE SIZES OP NO 6 AND THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL: 8, 10, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36. THIS is A PARTICULARLY DESIRABLE LETTER FOR RUBBER STAMP DEMANDS 18 ROMANESQUE. SIZES: 10,12,18,24,30 18 NORMAN. OTHER SIZES: 10, 12, 18, 24, 36 18 LA W ITALIC. The sizes are: 6, 8, 10, 12 and 18 12 LEGAL ITALIC. Very \popular. 6,8,10,12 12 TIFFANY GOTHIC: FOUR SIZES. V^ 12n COPPERPLATE. 4 SIZES e AND 12= 2 s ,' 8 z L s o f * CH 12i_ COPPERPLATE. 4 SIZES e AND 12 : 2S ,' 8 z ^f 4 ACH 12 TYPEWRITER. Perfect reproduction of popular 18 EXTRA CONDENSED, Extremely thin, legible letter, Sizes! 12, 18, 24, 3B, 60, 84 e_J