, Mr. Emerfon's Exhortation to his People With Refpeft to Variety of Minifters* fc : i B O S f O N:. Printed and Sold by S. KNEE LAND and T. GREEN in Queenjireet over againft the Prifon, 1742. READER. = ~ = == Tjr 77 ~5L.irT.oG-i*: 1 Hi preceeding Part of the fol- Difcoiirfe is but an Abridg- deliver'd from 0r Improvement of the Subjeft, and that only in one Ufe, which I apprehend moft needful and feafonable? at this Day, to be made Publick. As it is in the Simplicity cf my Heart^ and not with any Dcfign to offend any One, that I have publijh'd thefe 'TbingS) fo I would humbly hope for a candid Acceptance of them. (3 ) A Word of Exhortation with Rela- tion to Variety ofMiniften. . III. 21, 22, all Thing* are yours : Whether Taut, or t or Cephas. ..... - The Truth, which thefe Words prefent us with, is this DOCTRINE. LL Things , and particularly Minifters* with their various Gifts an} Labours, are for the Ufe and Benefit of the Church and 'People of G02). I A\l Thing* belong to the Church and People of GO'D. They have a Right to, and Imereft in them. God is theirs. God the Father is theiri. tPfal. . 14.. They are intetefted in all his glorious His Wifdomi Power, Gondnek, A i Truth, 4 A Word of Exhortation Trutfi, &<: fhall be all employ'd for their Good arid Bent fie God th Son is theirs : In all his Offices and Relation ; their Mediator and Surety, tMr Ad. vocate*:ni laiSkceflor, their Ptopbet andTeiicher, th'eir K-ngandRuler, t&eir Shephed", tbeir Friend', their Brother, their Husband, their Head, &c- He i5 thsirs in all his precious and faving Benefit : Wjfdom, Righteoufnefs, Sandtification, and Re- demption. God the Holy Spirit is theirs : To dwell and reign, and operate in them, by his enlightning, quickning, fan&ifying, ftrengthning, confirming, and comforting Influences. The Word and Ordinances of Qod are theirs : T^^sr evidences of God are theirs. Both Mercies and-A-ffli&ioni fhail be (ubfervient ro their rel Good. This they may be confidentljrperfwadedof, that all "Things Jball 'work together for Good unto them : That all GoPiWays Jhill fa Mercy S Truth towards them- That nothing fiiall be permitted ro occur, but what fhall be over-rui'd fo as to ferve his own moft gracious Defigns with Re- gard to his People. Jtngels are theirs, Heb. 214- Are they not all minifiring Spirits fent forth to minifier to tbtm tbat are ths Hsirs of Salvation, Ail the Vtomifes ars theirs. They have th 'Promlfe of the Life that now is : All that Direc* rion.Affiftance, FrotedlionjProvifion.Confolation, fe. which they ffond in need of.and will be beft for them. They have alfo the fat tfo fama Spirit- But 6 A Word of Exhortation $ut tbc Manijeftation of t be Spirit is given to every Man to profit withal : i. e. That he might profit the Church and People of God, " They were " not diftributed for the mere Honour or Advan* " tage of thofe that had them, but Tor the Benefit " of the Church, to edify the Body, and fpread 11 and advance theGofpei.*' To 0e,as theApollle further fpeaks, is given by the Spirit^ tbe Word of Wifdom ; to another Jbel&ord of Knowledge e. The abnndantGrace ofGod herein manifeftt d to you, fhould be gracefully refented, ad duly improved by you : And youfhould be encourag'd in, and by no Means difcourag'd from the Im- provement o( it. And bleffed btGod,there are fo many of the Lord's Minifters, in one Place and another, who are fo far from difcouraging their People from attending upon the prtaching of other zealous and worthyMen of God, who have lately come among us, that they have invited them into their Pulpits, and have, Itruft, with Pleafure obferv'd their People flocking to their Doctrine, and hanging upon the Preacher's Lips, with fuch a diligent and affectionate Attention. 'Tis I think Matter of Grief that all Minifteis in this Point are not like-minded. I (peak not thia to reflect upon any worthy Minifters among us> that exercife a prudent Cautioufnefs who they admit inco their Pulpits. We ought, doubtlcfs, to be well perfwaded concerning thtfeStrangen that come among us, that they are Men of Know- lege, Prudence and Piety ; Men of good Princi- ples, and goodMorals, if they have a Call to vifit before we invite them to preach to our People. But when we have good Grounds to hope that they are Men of this Character, and perceive the Grace of God given to them.we ought freely to give to them the right Hand of Fellowfhip ; we ihould fo account of them, or Cephas. Hear the Word difpsnc'd by them not as the Word of Man but as the Word of Gcd. Receive the Truth in the Love of if. Mix the Word with Faith. Hear with Meekvefs ; hear with ^Diligence and fee, that you bring forth Fruit with 4/>0//:3j may water,but 'tis the Lord ilone that giveth thelncreafe Sa thtn'Paulii nothing tnddpolhs is nothing ; they are nothing in regard of the Fffi'-acy and Increaf* of the Word. 'Til the Lord that is all in all,J but unto the ZorJ be *J/ rfo (?/0ry. Again, tDcn'r fwaltow dowtwith an implicit F^itb every *Tbing tbat Mnifler s fay to you : But try the Spirits ; bring every DoArine to the Touch- Stone . belike the noble Sereans, who not only received tbe Word witb all Readioefs of Mind - t but alfo fearcbcd tbe Scripture* daily, whether tbofi Things were fo. A A. 17. n To tbt Law and to tbe T'eftimony : 7/ they fpeak not according to this Word, it is facaufi there is no Light in them. Ifa. 8. 20. Moreover, take heed that you don't abufe this your Liberty, by aiming to gratify avainCvriofity. Don't come to hear Taul, OT^polhs^ot Cephas, from an itch of Novelty, that ^ou may hiv your Ears tickled, your Fancy pleas'd &c- but come to the Hearing of the Word with a Dtfire that your Hearts may be fearch'd, that your Sim may be reproved, that your Souls may be effec* tually and favingly wrought upon. Fear, left the Lord mould hive Occafion to complain of you is he did of Ezekiel'i Hearers, Ezek. 33. 31, 32. They come unto tbee as the 'People com* etb, and they Jit before tbee as my People, and they hear thy Words, but they will not do them : for with their Mouth they foew mucbLove,but their Heart goetb after their Covetoufaefs. And lo, B 2 fhou 12 A Word of Exhortation fbcu an unto them as a very lovely Song of ons that batb a pleafaniVi>ice t andean play we// on a Iffftrument : for they bear thy Words % but they do them not. Alas ! 'tis too common for People to be delighted with the Gefture, Voice, Pronuncia- tion, {Eloquence, and othsr Gifts ofths Preacher, and not to have their Hearts fuitably affected, and thsirConverfation agreably influenced by the Matter difpenc'd to them. Further, let me mind you of this, tbat People JJjould not be fo fond ofStrangers,as to neglcEi or de* fpife tbeir oiinMinifters. All Things are your's : whether favl, or ^polios, or Cephas : Yet the Minifter that is fix'd among you> and has the Paftoral Care of your Souls more particularly commie-ted to him, that Mintfler, I fay, is in a more peculiar Senie your own, than o/^rMiniflers are. He fuflains an efpecial Relation, and is un- der more particular Obligations to you, and will, if he be a good Mjnifter, more naturally Care for your State, than it can be rationally ex- pecked otber Miffifters mould. A People's own Minifter is obliged to bear them upon his Heart continually; his Thoughts and his Cares, if he be a good and faithfulMinifler of Jefus Chrift are conftantiy exarcifed about them ; he is daily watching for their Souls; is frequently vifiting them, is fluclying Night and Day for them, and is preaching to them both in Seafon and out of Seafon ; is bearing with their Infirmities,- en during many Trials on their Account, Surely then, he may juftly challenge a peculiar Share in their Affections ; and f fi$ highly reafonable they Ihould efteem Mm very highly in Love, fur his Work and Office SJce, Ami let me tell you, as to Variety of Mlnifters. 13 you, it will be but a poor Evidence of a People's profiting"by otber Afiniflers, if rh~ir Affections cool, and theirHearts are alienated from their own faithful Paftors. Such a People are unjuft, and ungrattful, yei and infome Senfe unnatual, who by hearing of other Miniflers, become more dif- afTe&sd to tleir own. And befidts, (uch a Peo. pie act very unwifely for themfeivtj. This, will be unprofitable for their own Souls. There's lit tie likelihood of a People's receiving any faving Benefit from the Minider they are grown indif- ferent in their Regards to. Wherefore, it be- hoves a People to cberifh in their Rreafts a very dear AffVdtion to their own Minifter ; they Ihould by no Means indulge any unreasonable or unchaiitableSufpicions and Jealoufies, or evil Surmifmgi concerning him- They fhould tbink well of him, unlefs they have fufficient Grounds to the contrary ; they tiiouldffeak well of him; they (hould behave well to him ; they fhould diligently and readily attend on his Minifby, and ftrive to profit by it. They fhould do no- thing juftly to grieve him, but all that lays in their Power to encourage him. Let People remember this; tho' are theirs, yet they fuftain an efpecial Relation to, and are therefore under par- ticular Obligations to the Paftor* that dwell among, and are ordained over them- Finally.fiTake heed that you don't abufe your Priviledge by Unpr i fitablcneft Minifters with their various Gifts are for the Ufe and Benefit of the Church : Surely then, if this End be not obtain^, we flull be charge- able with the Guilt of abufiog our Priviledge. Oh ! 14 A Word of Exhortation Ob ! my dear Brethren, fake heed* how you bear. Duly prepare for Hearing ; and when you are be a* ing, he *t as for your Lives : And after Hear- ing, medi'are on the Word examine ycurfelves by it, pray over it, *nd labour to ptatfice a- greeably to it Be ye Doers of the Word and not Hearers only, deceiving your own felvej. BlefLd are they that hear the Word and keep it : That attend to it with 'Diligence^ Preparation, and 'Prayer ; that receive it ivtthFaifh and JLcve ; that lay it vp in their Hearts, and praftiee it in their Lives- Minifters will then be a Savour of Life unto Li'e ; The Gofpe! preached by them will be the Tower. of Goj unto their Salvation. But if on rh< contrary, People come to the Hear- ing of the Word) only with itching Eirs, to have their Cufiofuy grarify'd ; and when they are bearing, their c frffions are mov'd their j4ffeflions ftirr'd, but their tfearts not at all chang'd ; and after Hearing^ they commend ths Sermon, ad- mire the Preacher ; but their Lives not at all reformed ; Minifttr's Preaching as to fuch Peo pie will be in vain ; *Pau\ t and j4pollos, and Cephas, with their various Gifts and Labouri will all be in vain ; yea, they will be a Savour of Death unto Death unto them ; Such People will have fad Rcafon to Fear, that Minifters are fent to them on the doleful Errand that Ifaiah was Cent upon, Ifai. 6. 9, 10 Go, and tejl this tpeople, hear ye indeed, but under/land not ; and fee ye indeed, but perceive not. JMake the Heart of this Tuple fat, and make tbeir Ears heavy, and fiut (heir Eyes ; left they fee wirb their Eyes % and hear with their Ears, and underjland their Heart* and convert and fa healed. My as to Variety of Mintfters. 15 My dear Frinds, our Unfruitfulnefs under the Means of Gracejcfpecially under the greatThnty of Means we have of la fa been favour'd with, will carry a dark Omen with it. We fhall have Reafon to fear not only inevitable, but very fpeedy Deftru&ion, or at lead a dreadful Rej-c- tion Heb. 7,8 The Earth nbicb Jrinketbin The Rain that ccmstb oft upon it, ar.d bringeth forth Herbs meet for them by whim it is dreffed t rectivetb Blfjfing fromGod : But that which bear" etb Thorns and Sriers t is rejected, and is nigh uvto curjing ; wbefe End is to be burned. Such of us will have Reafon to tremble when we read the Parable of the barren Fig- Tree, tfpecially the Chfe of it. See Luk. 15. 6~ 9 A certain Man bad a Fig-Tree planted in bis Vineyard^and be came and fought Fruit thereon, and found none. 'jThen /aid jbe to the jDreJftr of bii Vweyard t be- buld, tbefe three Tears I come ft eking Fruit on this Fig- Tree, and find none : Cut it down, ixby cumberetb it the Ground ? And be an fiver ing, f aid unto him. Lord, let it alone this Tear aifo t till 1 Jball dig about it, and dung it : And if it bear Fruit t well : And if not, then ajter that the* Jbalt cut it down. God or.ly knows how many of us may be upon our I aft ?rial ; the I aft Mans may be uGng with many of us ; the Te.-r which the Drefler of the Vineyard has interceed- ed for, may be juft expiring as to many of us. Oh how dreadful will it be for any c f us, if we fliould finally perfift in our Unfruitfulntfs. Ah ! poor Souls ! let me tell you, you'l pay dear for the digging and dunging t for the uncommon Means, the extraordinary Cultivation, that have been ufed with vo- As you have Reafon to fear 1 6 A Word of Exhortation fear approaching Ruin, fo that it will be moft amazingly dreadful Zech. 7. n, 12. Sut they refufed to hearken, and fulled away the Shoulder, and flopped their Ears, that they Jbould not hear. Tea, they made their Hearts as an Adamant Sfone t left they ftould hear the Law* and the Words which the Lord of Hofts hath fent in his Spirit^ by the former 'Prophets ; therefore came a great Wrath from the Lord of Hofts. Jer. 44. 4, 5, 6. 1 fent unto you all my Servants the 'Pro- phets, rifing early and finding them, faying, O do not ibis abominable fhing that 1 bate. &ut they hearkned not, nor inclined their Ear to turn from thetr Wichednefs Wherefore my Fury and mine Anger was pwr'd forth.- Oh ! it will b moft tremendous Wrath that will be - pour'd forth upon Gofpel Impeniunti, mor efpecially thofe who have had great Plenty of the Means of Grace- In Proportion to the Advantages they have enjoy'd, but abus'd ; fo much the more Mifsry and Torment fhall be given them. Hell will be dreadful, unfpeakably dreadful to every one that mall come there, but noc alike dread- ful. The Lot that will be affigo'd to foms in thofe Regions of Horror and Dtfpair will be more intolerably dreadful, than what fhali be given toothsrs. And doubtlefs,thofe who perifh from under the Gofpel, will have fuch abortion Heb. 2 3. Hwojbaltwsefcape if we negleft fy great Salvation. Mach- n. 23, 24, And thou Capernaum, which art exalted unto Heaven, Jball be brought down to Hell, it jball be more tollerable for the Land if Sodom, $$c. Oh, let us not be high minded, but fear. Let us not be carnally fecure, but Ut us keep this in thelmagi* oat ion as to Variety of Minifters. *. 17 nation of the Thought! of our Heart continually, that the Lord kteps in exaft Account of the fime> and of the Means that hi gives us, and after a while, he will call us to a Rukoning. And the more Means any of us (hall have neg- lefted and trifled away, fo much the more lor- rowfui and dreadful will our Account be. O Sin, believe it, if you foould fail of the Grace of God, every Mnifter that comes among you, tvery Sermon they preach to you, will ferve to aggravate your Doom, and fink you the dee pec into the horrible Pit of Perdition, where th* Smoak of your Torment will afcend for evei and ever. Oh ! how will you mourn at tho laft and fay, How have we hated Inftruaion, and our Hearts defpifed Reproof ! And have not obeyed the Voice of our Teatheri, nor inclined our Ears to them that infhudted us. O the bitter Wailing and Lamentation you will make ! But ail in vain, for, ai we read in Zech. 7. 13. /> full come to pafs, that as t>* cried, and they would not bear \ fo they crtea, and 1 would not bear ; faith the Lord of Ho/is. And Prov. i. *4, &c. Secauf* I have cattdand ye bave refufed, 1 bave Jlretcbed cut my Hand t an4 o Man regarded ; but ye bave fet at nought a\l my Counftl, and would none of my Reproof : J afro will lau%b at your Calamity, 1 JWH f^ock vbtn your Fear cometb ; when your Fear com- etb as Vefolation -when Viftrefi and Angwfi cometb upon you. Then flail they call upon me, *u, I will not anfwer, For that they b*d Knowledge and did not cboof* the fear of ***** ttey would none of my Counsel : ttoy defptfed all ny Reproof. But I hope better Thingi of many ( S ** A Word of Exhortation,, Sec. .: /_ oFyou, my dear Friends, even Thingi which accompany Salvation, tho* I thus fpeak, I'm perfuaded concerning a Number of you, thae the Variety of Miniften, and Plenty of Meant you have been favoui'd with, have had precious and favingEffe&s upon you. You have, I verily hope, been more than barely pleas'd and 0ffe&ed with the Word : your Confidences have been rous'd,youi Under/landings enlightned^your Hearts changed, and your Livei reform'd. Old Things are pafs'd away ; behold all Things are become new. And now, all Things are youi's : whe- ther Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the World, or Life, or Death, or Things prefent, or Things to come ; all are yours ; and ye areChrift's ; and Chrift is God's. O walk worthy of the Lord unto all well pleafing ; and be adding to your' Faith, Vertue ; and to Vertue, Knowledge ; and to Knowledge, Temperance ; and to Tempe- rance, Patience ; and toPatience, Godlinefs ; and to Godlinefs, Brotherly Kindnefs ; and to Bro- therlyKindnefs, Charity. For if thefe Things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye fhall neither be barren, nor unfruitful in theKnow- lege of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Give Dili* gence my beloved Brethren,to make yourCalling and Election fure : For if ye do thefe Things,ye Jhali never fail : For fo an Entrance (hall be miniftered unto you abundantly, into the ever- lairing Kingdom of our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CuaisT ' To whom be Glory for ever and ever, AMEN, F I N 1 S,