V M 145 W61 FPRO UC-NRLF 11111111 III iiiiii II B ^ SAb 710 ^Ti ^^ I-'Ci^^^ \:^^^^"- WOODEN HULL INSPECTION & REPAIR MANUAL < 3w »*tl. U0 *rWOt» lUSt tLAJfiDi- fcartrnucifi at"''* '■*a»t rtvrstee tiLtc 'itL -t counu Onrc» CiiM'St Wr4irt ow fif COV«)t t¥MITC 0*t -»AiL c/iP: wMire at* i r Pifti i r Pint a» OOV^L*i-fH> ro^iioe ^AMmmm. i IHOt Dt* BOLT tWALC. 3T/>AKCi, }^HITC OAK - 'cx ro otfTM or LiMBC* -at •'»OA»03 iOuTHtltl rCLLOW Ptnc 'ICl mart oak in nto mtcts - SfOt. mttlTt OAK Originally issued by: MERCHANT MARINE TECHNICAL DIVISION OFFICE OF MERCHANT MARINE SAFETY U.S. COAST GUARD ou^^^u^ ^ . CONTENTS ^-O^EST PRODUCTS I. INTRODUCTION ^^\ II. GUIDE TO INSPECTION 2 A. General --------------______-___ 2 B. Hull Deficiencies ----------__--__•__ 2 C. Structural Problems ---------_-_-__-_» 2 D. Condition of Vessel for Inspection — _-..___ 2 E. Visual Inspection ----------_-_-_«___ 3 F. Inspection for Decay and Marine Borers --------- 3 G. Inspection of Fastenings -----------__-__ 5 H. Inspection of Caulking ----------..-_««._ 5 I. Inspection of Fittings -----------_____« 6 J. Hull Damage --_ «_ 5 K. Deficiencies --------------________ y :il. REPAIRS 8 A. General ----- — ^ 8 B. Planking Repair and Notes on Joints 8 C. Framing Repair -------- ---_--«____ 13 D. Use of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Hi IV. MATERIALS ._ li; A. Wood --_ « i\x B. Mechanical Fastenings ----------_--__-_ 17 C. Glues and Gluing 23 D. Wood Preservatives --------------_-_-._ 2\\. V. DETERIORATION 28 A. Decay 28 B. Marine Borers --------------__-__-_ 29 VI. SKETCHES OF WOODEN CONSTRUCTION,. ETC, 31 A. Sketches ----------------_--_----. 31 B. Glossary _ . 37 /II. REFERENCES 1^3 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Y\/ (g I The information contained herein relating to good practice in Tt (CO the inspection and repair of wooden vessels was originally prepared by the Merchant Marine Technical Division, Office of Merchant Marine Safety, U.S. Coast Guard, for Coast Guard Marine Inspectors, commercial marine surveyors, vessel owners and shipyards. The information and suggestions were compiled from sources believed to be reliable, but correctness or completeness cannot be guaranteed. I. INTRODUCTION This publication has been prepared as a result of requests from the field for information concerning the inspection and repair of wooden hulls. These notes are intended as an aid to responsible persons in promoting uniformity in inspection procedures and in developing standards for their localities which reflect the overall concept of "good practice" with specific modifications dictated by local conditions. This information is furnished for guidance purposes. Where specifics are given, it should be understood that mandatory application is not necessarily intended. Nothing herein shall be taken as amending the applicable regulations, or as prescribing or limiting the authority and responsibility of the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, in the exercise of his good judgement. It is expected these notes will require modification in the light of their use in the field. Comments and suggestions are welcome and revisions will be issued as necessary. n. GUIDE TO INSPECTION A. General Intelligent inspection and repair of wooden construction requires knowledge and judgment. Inspection is made to determine that the vessel is safe and has a reasonable chance of remaining so until the next scheduled inspection. A good basic knowledge of wood construction and the deficiencies to which it is susceptible is essential. B. Hull Deficiencies H nl 1 dp f -i f.i pnr.i f>.s in wooden vessels group themselves into three categories: 1. Time a. Decay b. Marine borers 0. Electrolytic and Galvanic Action 2 . Stress a. Cracks b. Broken members c. Failure of fastenings d. Failure of caulking 3. Damage a. Hull damage due to collision, grounding or to normal wear and tear C. Structural Problems In wooden vessels structural problems develop in nearly new vessels as well as in older ones. Deterioration, especially that caused by decay and marine borers, can occur with surpris- ing rapidity. Boats which have been free of such infestations can become infected with slight changes in service area or (^)eration. That the vessel was sound at its last inspection has less bearing on the present condition of a wooden vessel than on one of steel. D. Condition of Vessel for Inspection If practicable, inspect the vessel out of the water with the interior of the hull opened up as much as possible. The bilges and forepeak should be dry and reasonably clean and excess tackle, tools and gear which might interfere with proper in- spection should be cleared away. This is not always possible. However hard to inspect (and thus hard to maintain) areas should not be missed. Where the interior of the hxill has closely fitted ceiling or paneling, STifficient access should be provided to allow examination of the interior at selected locations. Apparent soundness of the ceiling should not be takan as indicative of soundness beneath it. E. Visual Inspection An overall 1 exajnination of the hvill of a wooden vessel vhich has been in service can give the inspector an idea of the portions where deficiencies can be expected. Distorted planking, pulled butts, local damage and un- explained wetness or weeping are tell tale indications. Particular attention should be paid to stem, transom, region under the covering boards, the wind and water area and around hull fittings. It is im- possible to list each area of trouble in each type of boat. In general, areas which are hard to maintain, have poor ventilation or are subject to heavy stresses have the most deficiencies. F. Inspection for Decay and Marine Borers Serious deterioration of a wooden hull goes on within the wood itself with little or no outward sign until it is well advanced. In order to spot decayed (dry-rotted) wood, which has not progressed to the point where the wood appears eroded and spongy, sounding with a hammer can be o^" \ise. Un- sound wood will give a dead or dxill sound. Heavy timbers whose interiors are rotted may give a distinctive drum like tone. Where the sound is not that of good solid wood, the member is suspect. A probe or drill can then be xised to determine the extent of decay. It sho\ild be realized that decay progresses rapidly and that it is more economical to eliminate small decayed areas early than to become involved in costly major replacements caused by neglected decay. It is imperative that indiscriminate probing and boring be avoided. Holes made by a probe or drill in the hull exterior are potential entry ways for marine borers. In the hull interior they allow easier moisture penetration and thus aid in starting decay. Probing and boring should be done carefully and only where there is an indication from non destructive testing that the hull is unsound, not as a matter of routine. Holes made by boring should be plugged with dowels or plugs which are glued in place, not merely driven into the wood. Plugs and dowels should preferably be treated with wood preservative to prevent future trouble. Areas which have been probed shotild be filled with a suitable compound. When covering boards or other obscuring construction is involved, it is often difficult to locate deteriorated members by pi^bing. In such cases, when bolted or screwed fastenings are involved, check for tightness of randomly selected fastenings. If the member is solid, the fastening thus set up will take hold at the beginning of the turn. If serious decay is present the fastening will turn freely and fail to take a bite, indicating soft and spongy wood. Decay (dry-rot) is most often found in the following locations: 1. In the wind and water ai-ea. 2. Around overboard discharges and other fittings. 3. In the stem area. U. At the transom. Internally 1. AH areas that are poorly ventilated (especially the f orepeak) . 2. In the bilge especially at the turn and along the keel. 3. The lower courses of bulkhead planking. U. Areas under refrigerators or other machinery which may drip fresh water. ^. In the area of butt blocks and longitudinal members where dirt and debris may have retained fresh water. 6. At the heads of frames caused by fresh water leakage through defective covering boards. 7. Where the futtocks of sawn frames join and at the faying surface where the frame abuts the hull planking. 8. At the terminal ends of frames, floors, engine foundations, etc. whei^ end grain is present. Under freezing temperature conditions wood structural members with a high moisture content, particularly in the bilge areas, may appear quite sound when, in fact, they may be in advanced stages of decay. Periodic examination of these areas should be conducted before freezing sets in or after allowing sufficient time for thawing. The other principal form of deterioration which goes on within the wood is marine borer attack. Marine borers can attack any wood which is beneath the water. No species of wood is immune to attack and no method of protection of the wood is completely effective. Borers can enter the wood through hairline breaks in sheathing (either copper or fiberglass) or through scrapes, nicks or tool narks in protective bottom paints. If borer infestation is suspected a spot check of the wood beneath the sheathing should be made. A probe is the most effective tool to tise in the detection of borers. Avoid over zealous probing since each probe hole is a potential site of borer entry. After probing is complete the resulting holes should be filled with a patching conpound. Marine Borers die when removed from the water for any period of time. A vessel which has been out of the water for a few days and is essentially dry will probably have no live borers. Where borer attack is just starting it is possible to bum the holes clean with a torch and then fill them with a suitable con^iound. If the attack is extensive, however, the only method acceptable is to replace the aiffected wood. The first principle in reducing the chance of borer attack is to keep the worm away from the wood. This is accomplished by sheathing or by toxic paints. If the protective coating is broken borers can enter. To prevent this sheath- ing, where fitted, should be unbroken and in good condition and the bottom paint should be free from scratches, nicks and scrapes before the vessel is again in the water. Worm shoes, rubbing strakes and similar members whose protective coatings have been broken should be inspected carefully. If they have heavy borer infestation they should be replaced. Care should be taken to see that the infestation has not progressed from them to the main part of the hull structure. Though wonn shoes are usually separated from the hull by cx^osote impregasted felt or by copper sheathing, this separation is usually not 100/C effective. G. Inspection of Fastenings A boat is no better than its fastenings. Most hxQl fastenings are con- cealed from view, being countersunk and covered; their inspection is difficult. Planking fastenings which are loose, broken or wasted often result in sprung butts or in planks which are loose or chatter when sounded with a haamer. When fastenings are loose it does little permanent good to harden \:^ those which exist. Additional fastenings, properly placed, are the preferred repairs where there is siafficient room to obtain good holding power without seriously weakening the planking. If there is not room, holes in the sub- structure from the old fastenings should be properly plugged and new fastenings of equivalent strength should be driven. Loose planking can also irestilt from deteriorated frames and other sub-structure in which case refastening is useless unless the structure is first made sound. Particular attention should be given exposed hull fittings and through bolts. These should be sounded with a hammer and, if suspect, some shoxild be pulled for inspection. It is advisable to pry up on exposed bolt heads with a probe or screwdriver. Often the bolt will be completely wasted away in the middle, at the faying surface of the joint, and will come out when pried up. This is caused by moisture accumulation which, besides wasting the fastenings, forms an excellent place for decay to start. H. Inspection of Caulldng Caulking is subject to deterioration. It is advisable to search the seams in any doubtful areas and re-caulk. Caulking should be uniform and well "horsed" home. This can be checked with an awl or -a knife. Care shordd be taken that the caulking has not been driven clear through the S6am. Over caulking is as bad as under caulking. Extensive trouble with caulking is indicative of structural problems. If a hull "works" excessively, the caulking will be squeezed out. In such cases, the hull structure will have to be made sound before caulking will hold. In old hulls, where the seams have become enlarged from repeated re- caulking, copper or lead strips may have been nailed over the seams to act as caulking retainers. These are a temporary remedy and are an indication of poor general condition of the vessel. It is advisable that such strips be removed and the seams inspected for excessive width, poor caulking and decay. In some cases, wide seams or broken plank edges can be repaired by the use of thin graving pieces partially filling the wide seams. This procedure requires excellent workmanship and should be pursued with caution. I. Inspection of Fittings The rudder and the propeller struts and fastenings should be examined carefully. The steering arrangement should be inspected from the steering wheel to the heel pintle. Wear in the carrier bearing and excessive clearances elsewhere should be corrected. The tiller lines should be in good condition with shackles moused and bolts cottered. The shaft log glands should be in good condition and the deadwood should be sound. This is often neglected and is a potential cause of leakage. Propeller shaft cracks are sometimes found at the keyway. A careful ex- amination here is essential. Magnetic particle testing is usually not available in a small boatyard so the inspector must depend on visually locating surface cracks. Dye penetrant testing is relatively inexpensive and can be useful when available. J. Hull Damage Most hull damage can be seen readily. Cracked and broken members are obvious faults. Likely locations for cracks or breaks are in areas of high stress or where the structure undergoes a sudden change in shape. The turn of the bilge is the prime location for breakes of this type. The harder the bilge the more chance that damage has been done. Wood hiolls are more prone to secondary damage remote from the site of collision or grounding than are steel hul 1 s . Damage may consist of sprung butts, pxilled fastenings, sprung or cracked frames and misalignment of the structure. In inspecting any damaged wooden hull the entire vessel should be checked. K. Deficiencies When deficiencies are encountered an evaluation must be made to de- termine their extent and their effect on seaworthiness. The following factors must be weighed in making this determination: 1« Is the defect progressive and, if so, how can its progress be arrested? 2. How long will it be before the area in question is next inspected? 3, Is the work contemplated necessary to restore seaworthiness or to prevent the vessel from becoming unseaworthy, or is it a maintenance measure to prolong the life of the vessel? Many deficiencies, particularly surface defects or scars caused by chafing, freezing and other fonns of exterior deterioration are not as serioxis as they may first appear. Do not be hasty in requiring the correction of minor defects of this natixre in otherwise sound seasoned planking. Specific requirements detailing the nature and extent of required re- pairs should be written. However, with wooden vessels the general rule "renew as original" while applicable, is not always practical nor necessarily the best way to effect repairs. Most accepted methods of marine repair may be \]sed as long as the vessel's strength is not reduced thereby. Wood is a natural product; its quality cannot be controlled as closely as with a man-made product such as steel. Consequently the inspector should check the material to be used in the work. Special attention must be given the type of wood proposed for each purpose and the defects in each piece. Requirements for adequate repairs are: (1) Use of good material conparable in properties to that replaced. (2) Repairs extensive enough to assure that the hull is essentially as strong as the existing original. (3) Details and fastenings at least equivalent in strength and in quality to those replaced. (U) Good workmanship. III. REPAIRS A. General Wood boat construction varies widely from locality to locality and boat to boat. All types of repairs which an inspector may en- counter cannot be listed. Representative types and standards which are given here are intended as a general guide to good practice and as an aid in evaluating required repairs. They are not rules which the responsible person must follow. Repair standards for wooden hulls should be developed for the locality on the basis of local conditions and practice. B. Planking Repair and Notes on Joints Fore and Aft Planking . When such planking is replaced, the frames and other structure should be thoroughly inspected and placed in good condition. Holes made by old fastenings should be properly plugged to insure that new fastenings will hold. "Flats", "dutchmen" or short lengths of planking are normally not acceptable since they will not hold fastenings and are structurally un- sound. In boats with usual frame spacing the replacement plank should extend at least six frame spaces and no portion of a plank shorter than six frame spaces should be all owed to remain. Where special conditions govern, this rule may be modified but, as a lower limit, the replacement plank should be at least 5 feet long an4 its butts should be spaced in accordance with the rule for butts in this chapter. Fastenings should be at least equal in size and number to those of the rest of the planking. When planking is placed on a boat, it should have the concave side of the annual rings facing toward the ft-ame. This prevents "cupping" as the moisture content of the wood changes. It is sometimes necessary to shape the inboard side of a replace- ment plank to fit tightly against the frames. The use of shims or pack- ing pieces for this purpose should not ordinarily be allowed. Diagonal Planking . The same principles apply to diagonal planking but due to the relatively short lengths of the individual planks a portion of a plank is seldom replaced. BUTT BLOCKS ,y-^ ('Vv-r X_ FAsreNiNes P£R TTKBLB ON PAG€/0 1 S+J. v_. •^ ATLCMST IZr /F FK^MB 5PACIN0- Pe/iMl^ I i T 1 I 1 TOP Vl£W l ■N /kccepvABLe NOT AcceprABL& > WHSlfS BOTT BLOCX. Aousr CONTACT F^J^S. SrAG^rSR BUTTS TX> AYOfO T^/S SITUATION Beca\ise the proper repair of double diagonal planking is expensive and time consuming, short cuts involving the use of dutchmen and backing blocks are sometimes attempted. These should not be permitted. Most other planking systems follow the same basic principles of repair as outlined here. Good workmanship and care are the major requirements for proper r^air. Plywood Construction In general, the replacement of a portion of a panel of plywood is not acceptable. However, in the case of a small damaged area between ftames, a flush patch backed by a butt block may be used. White lead or other suitable coripound on the edges of the opening is an acceptable aid in sealing the patch. Calking should never be used and shims and fillers as a substitute for good workmanship are not acceptable. Care should be taken in allowing such a repair for small decayed areas since plywood has relatively low decay resistance. Once decay has started it travels rapidly in all directions. Small siirface defects may be repaired using commercial fillers (epoxy putty, etc.). In allowing this type of repair the wood must be decay free and all damaged wood removed. Quick repairs of this type are satisfactory where basic strength has not been affected. The danger lies in covering up progressive defects such as decay which grow worse under the repair material. Butt Joints in Planking . Planking butts should not terminate on frames in normal construction. They should be located between frames on proper butt blocks, though in light construction with narrow strakes they may sometimes be found as glued scarf joints at the frames and in some construction with massive framing they may be found butted on the frames. As a rule of thumb, butts in adjacent planks should be at least three frame spaces apart. Those butts which fall in the same frame bay should be separated by at least three solid strakes. Th±a is not always possible, especially at the end of the vessel, but serves to illustrate the principle of keeping butts separated as much as possible. Where frame spacing is unusual the following rule may be used as a guide. Butts in adjacent strakes should be no closer together than 5 feet. If there is a solid strake between they should be no closer than k feet. Butts should be shifted so that three or more do not fall on a diagonal line. To be effective a butt block must have adequate size. If the frame spacing allows, its length should be at least 12 times the planking thickness. Its thickness should be equal to the planking thickness and its width at least 1" greater than the strake width. Prior to installation it is recommended that the faying surface of block and strakes be coated with a wood preservative. The top of the butt block should be chamfered to allow for water run off. Avoid butting the block hard against the frames, if frame spacing permits, for the same reason. 10 5Cfi^RF WITH NIBS HOOHBD SCARF W/TH N/B3 Hay LOCKED 5CARF W/7H N/33 KEY LOCKED H00KFD5CARF W/THNIB5 f P. o ja A 3 •P n o a o ^§ o •H C H O « :3 o f^ o O "P ■ ' -1 f ' 1 ' 1 i V» 1 a 0) bO «tf -p •s 0) o o Ii ^4 © P,JC ■p x: bO C t\ •H x: © 0) O x: CO -P rH • P4 © diicb aids preservative penetration. 25 •Rie effectiveness of a preserving treatment depends on the amount of preservative which is retained in the wood. Tliis is often difficult to determine. Requirements in Federal Specification TT-W-571 for recommended net retentions of oil borne preservatives are shown in the following table. This amount will provide good protection and even lesser amounts will still offer a considerable measure of protection. Recommended Net Retentions of Preservative Service Product Pentachloro- phenol ^% ' Petroletaa Oil Copper Naphthanate (0.75^ cer metal) in petroleum oil Coal Tar Creosote Lumber and Structural Timber In Contact with Ground or wata" Not in Con- tact with Ground or Water m - 20 Ib/cu ft 10 Ib/cu ft 6 Ib/cu ft 6 Ib/cu ft 10 Ib/cu ft 6 Ib/cu ft Treating Isolated Decay A method which can arrest the progress of incipient decay, at least tea^jorarily, is as follows: The affected area is scraped clear of all decayed material and for some distance into apparently clear sound wood. A strong preservative solution, for exasrtple 1:10 pentachloro- phenol stock solution, is applied freely. This is allowed to soak in and dry. Repeated applications are made until the wood refused to take any more preservative. Often a small "cofferdam" can be made to retain a pool of preservative over the area. To be effective the preservative must sink in and sterilize the wood for a considerable distance since decay sends out spores ahead of the damaged area. After the treatment is completed the cavity made by the scraping may be left unfilled but it should be properly painted. Pilling it will sisaply hide any additional rot still working. This method is a temporary repair only. It usually will slow decay attacl but will seldom eliminate all traces of decay. 26 "Salting" and Other Bilge Water Treatment Decay will grow in a boat only where fresh water is present. This may be in the form of condensation or may come from rain, fresh water drains, or other soxirces. Salt water will not support fungus growth. The fungus usually does not die but its attack slows or stops. In some areas of the country, it has been the practice to "salt" the bilges with rock salt. There are two dis- advantages to this practice. 1. The salt dissolves readily and must be replaced often. A large part of it goes over the side when the bilges are pumped. 2. Strong salt solutions are hard on fastenings and metal parts. ITie wood stays sotind but the life of the metal parts is reduced. For these reasons, "salting" is of doubtful value. Extensive tests have been run-^ on various chemicals to replace rock salt. The ones that offer the best promise are pentachlorophenol or orthophenylphenol. These chemicals, normally thought of as insoluble in water can be applied in the following manner: Nylon "bean bags" containing crystalline "penta" are made and distributed through the bilge. A number of very small ones is sxqserior to a few larger ones. Care must be taken in handling the "penta" since, like all good fungicides, it is toxic. The "penta" goes into solution in the bilge water. This is very slight (about 20 parts per million) so that in spite of frequent pumping, very little penta is used up. The slight amount of penta dissolved makes the water fungistatic, that is to say, it will not s\ipport fungus growth. As long as the bean bags remain a considerable amount of decay protection is af- forded. The solution is harmless to fastenings and metal parts and, with normal precaution, is not hazardous to handle. Since very little penta is used the cost of the treatment is surprisingly low. In his conclusion. Dr. Scheffer states "Judging from these restilts, bilge water saturated with orthophenylphenol or with pentachlorophenol might be ex- pected to preserve any wood that is wetted by it frequently and exclusively". Caulking . The art of caulking is an ancient one which requires ex- perience and a certain "touch". A good caulker makes his work look easy but it is a skill which takes much experience to develop. ^ Scheffer, T. G., Treatment of Bilge Water to Control Decay in the Bilge Area of Wooden Boats^ Journal of the Forest Products Research Society, Madison, Wisconsin: September, 1959. 27 Boats are caialked with caulking cotton, oakum is used for large vessels. Caulking cotton comes in bundles which can be shredded out to proper size for the seam. Plumber's caulking stuff which is short stranded should never be used. The caulking stuff is driven into the seam with a caulking iron forming loops with each drive of the iron. These loops should touch each other when in place. After the caulking is in place it is redriven or horsed home with the iron leaving room for filling the seam. Various irons of different shapes are used depending upon the location and condition of the seam. Caulking should never be driven through the seam but should be in a "rope" about half way through. Caulking may be driven dry but it will not last as long as that which has been lubricated with linseed oil or other suitable lubricant. After caulking the seam may be filled with seam compound, white lead putty or other material as the circumstances require. Old caulking should be "reefed out" prior to putting in new. If the seams are narrow they are often opened up with a "dump iron" or a reaming iron to facilitate caulking. In older vessels the seams may have been widened by repeated caiilking over the years. This condition, coupled with unsound frames and structure, may make it in^sossible to keep caulking in the seams. Some owners may have fastened strips of lead or copper over the seams in an effort to correct the trouble. This "stop gap" method does little to maintain watertightness and may cover up deterioration. The preferred method of repair is to strengthen the structure and the fastenings prior to recaulking. If this does not stop the trouble portions of the boat may require replanking. V. DETERIORATION A. Decay Wood has proved itself to be good for long service under proper condi- tions. One of the greatest enemies of wood is decay or "rot". Much of this rot in boats is preventable if care is used in construction, main- tenance and repair. Decay in wood is caused by various fungi which are living organisms whose growth depends upon suitable tenperature (^O'' to 90°F), suitable food (wood) and moisture. Wood that is dry will not rot nor will water- logged wood. In order to provide a condition suitable for fungus growth wood must be moist (from 20 to 30^ moisture content). This condition is promoted by poor ventilation. A well designed vessel should have adequate ventila- tion of its enclosed spaces. Bilges, cabins etc., of vessels in service should be opened periodically to allow a change of air. Good ventilation of interior structure in wooden hulls is one of the most effective measures in the pre- vention of decay. Not all wood offers the same natural resistance to decay. Most wood species have moderate to low natural decay resistance. In general, heartwood is much more decay resistant than sapwood of the same species. The fresh surface of decay is usually fluffy or cottony as contrasted to the powdery growth of mold. The various rot fungi act in slightly different ways but is left unchecked all can destrpy the wood in short order. 26 It is relatively easy to recognize advanced decay. The wood is dis- colored, softened and brittle and may show cracks and collapsed areas. Early decay is more difficult to recognize. It may appear as a discoloration in streaks along the grain of the wood. No known test available to the in- spector can be substituted for experience in spotting early decay. The mere presence of a stain does not indicate decay. Wood is prone to pick vip stain and coloration from blood, fish, bird droppings and various other sources. Probing with an ice pick is sometimes a help in finding "soft spots" in areas in which visual inspection and sounding with a hammer have aroused suspicion as to the soundness of the wood. Turning up a splinter with a knife blade may also help. Sound wood tends to produce long clean splinters while wood with early decay, having lost much of its strength, will break off abruptly. While the final test for rot is to collect sait^jles ftrom the interior of the wood by probing, as noted above, or by boring with a drill these procedures should be used with caution. Excessive drilling and probing can weaken otherwise sound structxire . Fungi are living plants that can and do travel from an infected area to a sound one. It is useless to place sound wood against rotten and expect the sound wood to sxirvive. Once decay is well started in a piece it is difficoalt and most often ijrcpossible to stop its progress. In early decay the use of wood preservatives can be of aid in controlling the attack. Used properly in new construction or in repair they can prevent it. B. Marine Borers riarine borers are present to a varying degree in almost all the salt and brackish waters of the world. They attack practically every species of wood used in boat construction. There is no sure method of protection from their attack. The two principal methods are to physically keep the worm awav from the wood (sheathing) and to make the wood unattractive to the worm (toxic substances and coatings). The main types of marine borers are listed in the following paragraphs. Shipworms . These pests are actually mollxosks and not worms. There are several species of Teredo and Bankia in this groxrp. Thou^ they vary in detail, their attack upon wood follows the same pattern. Ihey start their lives as tiny free swimmers, l^on finding a suitable hone, even a tiny crack in a sheathed bottom, they attach themselves and quickly change form. As a pair of cutting shells develop on their heads they bury themselves in the wood and feed iq)on it. Their tails or "syphons" always remain at the entrance to their burrow but, as the worms grow, their heads eat channels in the wood. The entrance holes always remain small and hardly noticeable but the interior of the wood becomes honeycombed. When they are not crowded some species of shipworm can grow to lengths exceeding four feet. Martesia . These are wood boring molltisks which resemble small clams like the shipworm, they enter the wood when they are small and do their damage within. They do not grow to the length of shipworms but, nevertheless, they can do considerable damage. Their main area is in the Gulf of Mexico. 29 Lljtinoria and Sphaeroma . These are small creatures which attack the sur- face of the wood. When large numbers of them are present the surface can be eaten away to such an extent that the remaining sound wood between their burrows can be removed by the action of moving water. This erosion causes the pests to burrow deeper. Their attack, though serious, is much more easily detected than that of shipworms. Protecting Wood Hulls from Marine Borers . Coal tar creosote is the meet effective chemical for use against marine borers. However, it adds considerably to hull weight, has an objectionable odor and does not allow the effective application of antifouling paints. Wood which has been treated with certain other wood preservatives has some resistance to borer attack while an unbroken layer of copper bottom paint or of sheathing prevents the entry of the borer. Any break in the protective coating is an open invitation to boi^r infestation. It is of first in5)ortance that the bottom coating of a boat be continuous. Tool marks, scrapes, nicks, etc., should be properly preserved and painted prior to refloating the vessel. The same principle applies to bottom sheathing whether copper or fiber- glass reinforced resin. A small break can admit enough shipworms to honeycomb the structure of the ship while the sheathing makes their detection difficult. In order to protect the hull coatings, some boats are fitted with worm shoes attached to the bottom of the keel and separated from it by creosote soaked felt or copper sheathing. These shoes are designed to take the scraping of any grounding, to have their protective coating broken rather than that of the hull and thus protect it from worm attack. All such shoes, rubbing strakes, etc., should be viewed with suspicion since it is in^sossible to assure 100^ separation from the hull and since an infected worm shoe is a source of "free swimmers" which can move to any break in the protective coating of the hull. Metal shoes and rubbing pieces are sometimes fitted for the same purpose. Of course these never become worm infested but they must be carefully fitted and bedded to prevent borers from working their way underneath the shoe around the edges and thus into the main structure. 30 VI. SKETCHES OF WDODIH OONSTRDCTIQN USD A SHORT GLOSSART Of WOOD AND WOODHI VESSEI5 A. SKETCHES Plate l-fyamlng for Wooden Boats (Sections) Plate 2-Sectlon8 laical of Heavy Constractlon Plate 3 -laical Heavy Stem Conatraction Plate li-T^ical Heavy Stem Construction Plate 5-Stopwaters in a Stem Piece 31 Ty/='/CAL rPAM/h/G- cs£cr/o/vsj amen n.*mam OUTEH hamkms CHOCK MIL CASING HALF OVAL aUAPO ItA/L CLAMP 8 BRNT FRAME, UPSTRAXE A BENT RUMS, DOUBLE HiANKED -PLYWOOO CASM TOR - CANVAS swe fi/umam -srmmeeif clcat^^^ rT — CMtarr -STimitn,,.^^'-''''^ yj^ r SP^AY MIL """^^.fi^^"^^^'^ -CMHte ^ 'C ^^*irr£w ^torrom nA$m aoTTom PLAmam PLAre HEAOeR cABiM sioe oecK coveiUNG compound OeCK, PLYWOOO roe RAIL PUa RAIL SNEER PLANK ■SNEER CLAHtP SOE FRAME SIOE PLANKING aUSSET CNINE OUTER CNINE 'FLAT SEAM -BOTTOM PtANKMt -tOTTOm FRAME -FILLER RLOCK -PLYWOOO FLOOR WER ' ARROM -KEEL ^ aiMH IRIMB, DOUBLE fLAJOm), FUVOQD D aiHH nUMB, DOUBLE FLANKED 32 i i to k 33 TYPICAL HBAVy ST^M CONSTRUCT/ O/V 3'^ i 35 STORWATER RLAMKIMS SECTION A- A LOCATIONS OF STOPMTERS IN A STEI>I PIECE 56 VI. B. C lo t sary Ashcroft - Construction - Double diagonal planking system with the planks of both skins raking in the same direction. Backbone - The ''spine" of the hull from which the frames radiate. Back rabbet - Innermost angle or line of rabbet in which the garboard strake is set in the keel; any rabbet cut to receive planking at other than a right angle. Ballast - Added weight either within or external to the hull added to improve the stability of a vessel or bring it down to its designed lines. Bastard sawn - Hardwood lumber in which the annual rings make angles of 30* to 60" with the surface of the piece. Batten - Ji thin flexible piece of wood. Beam - A structural member supporting a load applied transversely to it. Beam - The width of a vessel. 2. The supporting structure for a deck. Bearding line - The line formed by the intersection of the inside of the planking with the side or face of the keel. Bending, steam - The process of forming curved wood members by steaming or boiling the wood and bending it to a form. Bilge plank - A strengthening plank laid inside or outside of a vessel at the bilge's turn. Binding strake - An extra thick strake of side or deck planking. Buttock - That a part of a vessel's stern above her waterllne which overhangs or lies abreast of the stern post; the counter. Cant frames - Frames whose plane of support is not perpendicular to the fore and aft line. Capping - Fore and aft finished piece along the topsides of an open boat, often improperly termed gunwale; called a covering board, margin plank or plank sheer in a decked vessel. Carl in - The fore and aft members of the deck framing system. Carvel planked - Smooth skinned planking whose strakes run fore and aft. Caulking (calking, (n)) - Cotton or other fiber driven Into planking seams to make them watertight. 37 Celling - An inner skin of the hull often used to add strength in boats having sawn frames. In some cases the ceiling is not structural But merely serves to line the hull for decorative purposes or for ease in cleaning. Check - A lengthwise separation of the wood that usually extends across the rings of annual growth and commonly results from stresses set up in wood during seasoning. Chine - The line of intersection of the bottom with the side of the vessel. Clamp - The fore and aft member at the sheer line of the vessel to which the deck beams usually fasten. Clench planking - Lapstrake, in which the adjacent planks overlap like clapboards of a house. Clinker built - See clench planking. Coat, mast - A protective piece, usually canvas, covering the mast wedges where the mast enters the deck. Cold bent (frames) - Frames which are bent on forms and after shaping are fitted to the vessel. Cove line - A hollowed out decorative line found along the sheer of a boat. Covering board - A plank used as a "washboard" or "plank sheer" along the outer edge of the deck. - see "capping". Dead rise • The amount the bottom rises from keel to chine • most properly applied to "Vee" bottom construction but also used in reference to the rising bottom of round bottom boats. Deadwood - The vertical structure built up from the keel to support the cant frames at the stern or stem. Decay - The decomposition of wood substance by fungi. 1. (Advanced or typical) - The older stage of decay in which the de- struction is readily recognized because the wood has become punky, soft and spongy, stringy, ringshaked, pitted or crumbly. Decided discoloration or bleaching of the rotted wood is often apparent. 2. (Incipient) - The early stage of decay that has not proceeded far enough to soften or otherwise perceptibly impair the hardness of the wood. It is usually accompanied by a slight discoloration or bleaching of the wood. Diagonal planking - Planking laid on an angle to the keel. 38 Dry rot - A term loosely applied to any dry* cnimbly rot but •specially to that which, when in an advanced stage, permits the wood to be crushed easily to a dry powder. The term in actually a misnoner for any decay, since all fungi require considerable moisture for growth. Dutcfaaan - Wooden block or wedge used to fill the void in a badly made butt or Joint; a graving piece or repairing patch in a deck; filler; shim; short plank. Edged-grained lumber - Lumber that has been sa%red so that the wide sur- faces extend approximately at right angles to the annual growth rings. Lumber is considered edged grained when the rings form an angle of 43° to 90° vith the wide surface of the piece. Edging - Amount required to be cut away from the edge of a plank in fitting strakes. Facing • Building one piece of timber on another for strength or finish purposes « Flat-grained lumber - Lumber that has been sawed in a plan approximately perpendicular to a radius of the log. Ltmiber is considered flat grained when the annual gro«rth rings make an angle of less thar AS* with the surface of the piece. Floor - A transverse member being across the keel or a deep member of transverse framing. Futtock - Curved parts or sections of transverse frames extending from the floor timbers to the top timbers. Garboard - The strake nearest the keel. Green - Freshly sawed lumber, or l«imber that has received no Intentional drying; unseasoned. The term does not apply to lumber that may have become completely wet through waterlogging. Grub beam - A built up beam of short heavy timbers used to shape a round stem. Heartwood - The wood extending from the pith to the sapwood, the cells of which no longer participate in the life processes of the tree. Heartwood may be infiltrated with gums, resins, and other materials that usually make it darker and more decay resistant than sapwood. Bom timber - One or more timbers forming the main support for an over- hanging stern and extending aft from the upper end of the stern post. Also used for timber connecting the shaft log and body pose with the rudder post. 39 Horse (n) The form upon which a small boat Is built. Horse (v) To drive home, as to horse caulking. Hot frame - A frame which, after being softened by heat, is pulled into shape as it is installed. Joint - The junction of two pieces of wood or veneer. Butt joint - An end joint formed by abutting the squared ends of two pieces. Because of the inadequacy in strength of butt joints when glued, they are not generally used. Edge joint - The place where two pieces of wood are joined to- gether edge to edge, commonly by gluing. The joints may be made by gluing two squared edges as in a plain edge joint or by using machined joints of various kinds, such as tongued-and-grooved joints. Scarf joint - An end joint formed by joining with glue and mechanical fastenings the ends ot two pieces that have been tapered or beveled to form sloping plane surface, to the same length in both pieces. In some cases, a step or hook may be machined into the scarf to facilitate alignment of the two ends, in which case, the plane is discontinuous and the joint is known as a stepped or hooked scarf joint. End joint - The place where two pieces of wood are joined together end to end, commonly by scarfing and gluing. Lap joint - A joint made by placing one piece partly over another and bonding the overlapped portions. Starved Joint - A glued joint that is poorly bonded because in- sufficient quantity of glue remained in the joint. Starved joints are caused by the use of excessive pressure or in- sufficient viscosity of the glue, or a combination of these, which result in the glue being forced out from between the surfaces to be joined. King plank - The centerline plank of a deck. Knot - That portion of a branch or limb which has been surrounded by subsequent growth of the wood of the trunk or other portion of the tree. As a knot appears on the sawed surface, it is merely a section of the entire knot, its shape depending upon the direction of th« cut. Limber - A hole allowing the free passage of water from one area to another. 40 Molding - Measurement of a plank or timber froit inboard Co outboard, I.e., parallel to the plane in which the member lies; opposed to siding measured at right angles to such plane. Thus, the molding of a frame is measured in the thwartship direction while that of a stern piece is its cross sectional dimension fore and aft. Nib - The squared off end of a tapered piece such as a scarf. Partner - Stiffening or supporting pieces fitted in way of the passage of a mast through a deck. Paying - Calking. Pitch pocket - An opening extending parallel to the annual growth rings containing, or that has contained, pitch, either solid or liquid. Plank sheer - see capping. Preservative - Any substance that for a reasonable length of time is effective in preventing the development and action of wood-rotting fungi, borers of various kinds and harmful insects that deteriorate wood. Prick post - An outer post supporting an outboard rudder. Quartersawed lumber - Another term for edge-grained lumber. Rabbet - A longitudinal channel or groove in a member which receives another piece to make a joint. Ripped frame - A bent frame partially split longitudinally to make bending easier. Rot - see decay. Shake - A separation along the grain, the greater part of which occurs between the rings of annual growth. Shelf - Line of timbers bridging and thus stiffening frames but chiefly for supporting the end of the deck beams. Siding - see molding. Spiling - The edge curve in a strake of planking. Split - A lengthwise separation of the wood due to the tearing apart of the wood cells. Stain - A discoloration In wood that nay be caused by such diverse agencies as micro-organisms, metal » or chemicals. The term alto applies to materials used to Impart color in wood. 41 Stealer - In the shell planking toward the ends of a vessel a strake introduced as a single continuation of two tapering strakes. Stopwater - A softwood piece driven across a scarf, as in the keel, to prevent seepage of water into the hull. Any contrivance to accon^lish this purpose. Strake - One of the rows or strips of planking constituting the sur- face of the hull. Wane - Bark or lack of wood from any cause on edge or corner of a piece. Warp- - Any variation from a true or plane surface. Warp includes bow, crook, cup and twist or any combination thereof. Weathering - The mechanical or chemical disintegration and discoloration of the surface of wood is caused by exposure to light, action of dust and sand carried by winds and alternate shrinking and swelling of the surface fibers with the variation in moisture content brought by changes in the weather. Weathering does not include decay. Welt - A strip of wood fastened over a flush joint or seam for strengthen- ing purposes. A seam batten* A2 VII. REFERENCES The following recommended references should be of help to persons concerned with wooden boats. Many of these publications contain additional lists of references which cover practically every facet of wood and wooden construction that might be of interest. 1. Rules for the Construction and Classification of Wooden Ships / American Bureau of Shipping, 45 Broad St., N.Y., N.Y. 2. Naval Architecture of Small Craft by D. Phillips Birt, Philosophical Library, Inc. 15 E. 40th Street, N.Y., N.Y. (Descriptive information on European small craft.) 3. Boatbuilding by Howard I. Chapell, W.W. Norton Co., N.Y, N.Y. (Comprehensive, well indexed and readable handbook of wood construction, though somewhat dated.) 4. Fir Plywood Technical Data Handbook , Douglas Fir Plywood Association, Tacoma, Wa. (Good reference book on fir plywood.) 5. Rules for the Construction and Classification of Wood Yachts , Lloyd's Register of Shipping, 71 Fenchurch Street, London, England 6. National Design Specifications for Stress Grade Lumber and its Fastenings , National Lumber Manufacturers Association, 1319 18th Street N.W. , Washington, D.C. (Design information used for selecting fastenings and wood scantlings.) 7. Wood: A Manual for its Use in Wooden Vessels , Navy Department, Bureau of Ships, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. (Discussion of wood in small craft and ship construction.) 8. Wood: A Manual for its Use as a Shipbuilding Material , NAVSHIPS 250-336, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Vol. I - Basic Wood Technology Applicable to Shipbuilding Vol. II - Techniques and Practices Applicable to Preservation and Storage. Vol. Ill - Technical Data Applicable to Boat and Ship Design Vol. IV - Techniques Applicable to Boat and Ship Construction (Wood construction as it applies to the Navy. Good general reference. ) 43 9. Inspector's Handbook for Plastic Boats and Small Craft y NAVSHIPS 250-529-1 10 . Inspector's Handbook for Wooden Boats and Small Craft y NAVSHIPS 250-529-2, (Number 9 and 10 are pocket-sized outlines for the Navy Inspector. Useful for evaluating new boats.) 11. Fabrication and Design of Glued Laminated Wood Structural Members, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Technical Bulletin No. 1069, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. (Production and use of plywood and wood laminate is covered thoroughly. ) 12. Wood Handbook (Handbook No. 72) , U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. (Definitive treatment on wood, glues, fastenings, preservatives, etc. All phases of the production and use of wood.) 13. Wood, Colors and Kinds (Handbook No. 101) , U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Government Printing- Office, Washington, D.C. (American Wood - description of common species and color plates showing samples.) 44 Vli v^ □ n It- c RETURN FOREST PRODUCTS LIBRARY TO^^ Richmond Field Station 231-9549 LOAN PERIOD 1 SEMESTffl 2 : ] 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD14, 2.5m, 3/80 BERKELEY, CA 94720 ®s U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES H CD5D3SbbM3