/ uo.naxed by the 41EECANT1LE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION" MiiW YORK CITY COLLECTIONS PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL |ist0rical ^atui^. VOLUME II. NEW YORK: STANFORD AND SWORDS. 1853. THE FRONTIER MISSIONARY: A MEMOIR or THE LIFE or THE REV. JACOB BAILEY, A.M. MI88I0NAET AT POWNALBOROUGH, MAINE, CORNWALLIS AND ANNAPOLIS, N. S. ; Illustrations, Srfts, anJr u ^penfe ; WILLIAM S. BARTLET, A. M., Rector of St. Luke's Church, Chelsea, Mass., and a Corresponding Member of the Maine Illatorlcal Society. WITH A PREFACE RIGHT REV. GEORGE BURGESS, D. D., Bishop of tho Protestant Episcopal Church In the Diocese of Maine. NEW YORK: STANFORD AND SWORDS. 1853. Entered accordliiK to Act of ContrrcM, In the year 1853, by WILLIAM S. IIAKTLKT, In the Clerk'* Office of the DLitrlct Court of the District of Massachasctta. WniTC A5D rOTTCB, Trlaten, No- 4 Hptiag Lane, Uoston. REV. FRANCIS L. HAWKS, D. D. LL. D., IIISTOKIOGRAPHER OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AilERICA, THIS VOLUME, BEING A CONTKIBUTION TO THAT DEPAKTMENT OF LITERATUKE WHICH HE HAS SO SUCCESSFULLY CULTIVATED, IS, BY PERMISSION, EESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BY HIS OBEDIENT SERVANT AND BROTHER IN THE GOSPEL, WILLIAM S. BARTLET. AUGUST, HDCCCLIU. 6ffitus of tjje Sorietg. The Rt Rev. T. C. BROWNELL, D. D. LL. D. The Rev. FRANCIS L. HAWKS, D. D. LL. D. |nrftart[. The Rev. B. FRANKLIN. €xmmx, FREDERICK S. WINSTON, Esq., 60 Cedar Street, New York. The Rev. WM. BACON STEVENS, D. D., Penn. « « PHILIP SLAUGHTER, Virginia. « " A. B. PATERSON, N. Jersey. " « J. H. IIOBART, N. York. " " W. I. KIP, D. D., N. York. " " T. W. COIT, D. D., Conn. « « T. C. PITKIN, Conn. Mr. JOHN ALEXANDER, Md. " SAMUEL H. HUNTINGDON, Conn. " ROBERT BOLTON, Jr., N. Y. « G. M. WHARTON, Penn. ♦' E. A. NEWTON, Mass. " G. L. DUYCKINCK, N. Y. LIST OF OKKICERS. (Tnrrrspniiiiiiig B^lnuhrrs. Hon. K. II. c;aki)I.m:k, (Jardiiicr, Maine. Rev. Ciuui.r.s Ik iinm cms, 1). D., Portsmouth, N. II. " JoKi. Ci.Ai'i-, 1). I)., Ik-llows Falls, Vt. " J. A. Hicks, 1). D., Kutiand. '• Sami'kl B. Bahcock, Dedliam, Mass. •' Wii.i.iAM S. Bahtlkt, Cliclsca, Mass. " .1. II. Kamkh, I'ruvidL-ncc, R. I. '* N. S. RiciiAUDso.N, New Haven, Conn. " Ai.Kiu.i> Stibbs, New Brunswick, N. J. " S. (.'. Bkincki.e, New Castle, Del. » W. I). WiLSo.N, D. D., Cencva, W. N. Y. " F. H. Cuming, (imnd Rupids, Mich. '' (". \V. FiT< M, Pi<|un, Ohio. " J. M. .MooKK, Madison, 111. " Samikl Chase, D. 1)., Robin's Nest, III. •• Bk.>j. Akerly, Milwaukie, Wis. " S. Davis, Green Bay, Wis. " Alkred LounERnACK, Davenport, Iowa. " E. Ci. Gear, Fort Hnellinfj, Minn. " F. .T. Clerc, St. Louis, Mo. " William Vaux, Fort Laramie. " J. N. NoRTo.N, Frankfort, Ky. " Charles Tomes, Nashville, Tenn. « W. C. Stout, Fayctteville, Ark. *' Charles Gillette, Houston, Texas. Mr. George S. Yerger, Vicksburg', Miss. Col. Isaac Croom, Greensborougli, Ala. Rev. C. Ha.mkel, 1). D., Charleston, S. C. t " ('.Wallace, " " T. J. You.Nu, " " " J. A. SuEPi'ARi), Scuppcruong, N. 0. The Corresponding .Mcnibcrs are agents of tlic Protestant Episcopal llietori Society in their several dioceses. Where no Corresponding Member is elect the member or members of the Kxecutive Committee in lliat diocese perfoi the duties. Direct Church papers, donations of books, pamphlets, manuscripts, etc. the Ri'V. Be.ij. Fba.nkli."*, Phi1adel|)hia. Subscriptions and moneys, to F. WiN9To.>, Es*!-, Treasurer, GO Cedar Street, N. Y. NOTICE. In issuing the second volume of the Collections of the Protestant Episcopal Historical Society, the Executive Committee have, to state, that the delay in its publication has arisen solely from the want of promptness on the part of the members of the Society in remitting their annual dues. Their attention was called to the subject in the spring of 1852, by means of a circular issued by the Committee, and sent, post paid, to every member of the Society, and also to every clergyman of the Church in the United States. To this appeal, scarcely any response was made, and it was only by the employment of agents to solicit new, and collect old, subscriptions, that a sum was obtained sufficient to defray the expense of the publication of the present volume. The Committee are indebted for the portrait of Silvester Gardiner, M. D,, to his descendant, Hon. Robert H. Gardiner, the engraving having been exe- cuted at his expense, and liberally placed at the disposal of tlie Society. The portrait of Bishop Bass is from a plate engraved some years ago, for the Ever- green Monthly Magazine. The Committee have also to express their obliga- tions to the author of the work, not only for the free use of his manuscript, and his exertions in procuring the portraits and other illustrations to the volume, but also for his active aid in increasing the number of tlie Society's members. JVejo York, Augmt, 1853. PREFACE. The man whose biography forms the main thread of tliis volume, can scarcely be said, to have been eminent in his generation. But both his character and his career were somewhat remarkable : he lived in eventful days ; and he left behind him a sinij^ular abundance of tliose manu- script memorials, which bring the manners and the men of any period so Adsibly before the eyes of posterity. These materials came to the hands of one with whom to examine, to study, to arrange, to digest them with scrupulous accuracy and indefatigable attention, was a labor of love. The pages of the book itself will suffi- ciently declare how faithfully every minute pearl of his- torical fact, whether more or less precious, has been brought to the light of day. They cannot disclose, how- ever, what I can testify, — the vast extent, various con- tents, and discouraging aspect of that sea of documents, out of which these facts have been rescued. It is difficult for one who has followed this frontier missionary, both along tlic banks of his own rivers, and through the autograph record of his struggles, to judge how far others may possibly be interested in such a tale, transferred to other scenes, and to the printed page. XU PREFACE. Thon^ iiiiist be many, however, who will find an attrac- tion in these simple glimpses of New I'ngland life, as it was a century aj^'o ; these college associations of a Har- vard student, ^^h()S(> ])()V('rty placed him at the foot of a class which had a "NVentworth at its head, and John Adams amongst its members ; this experience of the schoidmastcr, who exchanges liis ruritaii liome for the rude interior of a man-of-war, and thence emerges into all the bustle of London, to talk with Franklin, and receive the speechless blessing of the dying Sherlock ; these walks of the lonely missionary through the woods, and these journeys Ity water, short, ])ut toilsome, in his pastoral vocation ; these i)atient ministrations amongst his humble flock, interspersed with the recreations of a favorite garden and an ever-ready pen ; these overshad- owing skirts of the national tempest, reaching even to him, while the expedition of Benedict Arnold, on its slow way to\\ards (hicbec, through the wilderness, thins his little congregation as it passes by; these trials of the exiles who, honestly hostile to change, and knowing not how to be silent, leav(^ their home to be overgrown with weeds, and their house of jirayer to fall to the ground, and still, after years of separation, cannot but cast a lin- gering look behind. As a picture of the times which just preceded the llevolution, this book must have its value, even for general history. To the history of Maine it offers no unimportant con- tribution ; and, in a much inferior degree, it may be sub- servient to that of Nova Scotia. Some of the local par- ticulars ^^llich are here collected, would otherwise have been irrevocably lost ; and they will entitle the author to gmteful remembrance in the regions m itli which his nar- rative is chiefly connected. This book will also take its place amongst the author- PREFACE. XUl ities of those who, in a future day, shall trace the early annals of the Episcopal Church in America. It was in the researches to which it led, that tlie author brought to light those interesting facts detailed in the journal of the colony of Popham, at Sagadahock ; the name of the first minister who preached the Gospel in New England, a minister of the English Church; and the erection of the first house of worship, a church or chapel, for the performance of divine service, according to the Book of Common Prayer. Through the delay in the publication of this volume, these facts have become somewhat known already ; but they might long have remained unknowai, if the manuscripts of Mr. Bailey had fallen into other hands. The post of Jacob Bailey on the Kennebec, was one which was established and supported by the Christian charity of the A'enerable Society for the Propagation of the Gospel ; and of all the deeds of its beneficence which have lately been commemorated in the review of its cen- tury and a half of growth, few were kinder than the efibrt to supply the means of grace to the poor settlers of Frankfort, otherwise so friendless. There was no encroachment upon sectarian ground: it was a simple work of charity ; and the time may come when even this seed, which appeared to be quite trodden down in the struggle of revolution, will be seen to have boiiie its fruit after many days. That a considerable portion of the clergy maintained their allegiance to the British crown, may be remembered with regret, but not with shame. There is no cause to blush for a mistaken conscience, or for sacrifices to prin- ciples, the highest in themselves, though erroneously applied. Shoukl a crisis arrive, wlicn the citizen of one of the United States shall be compelled to choose be- XIV I'KKFACE. twecn the commands of his onii State and those of the Fwlend j^'OMTHnKMit, the jxKitioii of those clergymen mav then l>e appreciated. Many of tlieir hrctlircn were on tlie ]M)pular side: the patriarchal Hisliop AMute sus- taiiutl tliat side from settled conviction ; and, knowing as we now do, the great designs of Providence for our It^'puhlic, and tlic l)oundless hlessings which its estid)lis]i- melit has shed altroad, we must lament tliat good men should have sliipwrecked tlieir temporal fortunes, and, for a time, tlie interests of tlieir communion, hy their too tenacious adlierence to ohligiitions which the national will liad dissolved. AVe can read of the sufferings of the lovalists without danger lest our sympathies should persuade lis to forget the preciousness of our })olitical heritage, or the great deeds by which it was purchased ; and this book will cast some light over that painful story. It would l)e delightful indeed, did the narrative dis- close, in its chief subject, the proofs of a more exalted order of piety. For him it can only be claimed that, in an age of little zeal, and on a remote spot, where he was quite without those incitements of brotherly counsel and society, to which we all owe so much, he strove honestly to fulfil his pastoral duty according to the measure of his age. His own i)apers reveal strong prejudices; a rather unyieldiui; temper ; and some tinge of eccentricity. Ihit they will also exhibit a fidelity, a courage, a sensibility to kindness, and a willingness to labor under discourage- ment and self-denial, wliicli must win respect, thougli the example, viewed as that of a Christian minister, be, even in '""• <'\'<. f"- from faultless. G. B. Gardiner, Mc, Aiujusty 1853. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Description of Rowley, Mass., 1, 2; Birth of Jacob Bailey, 2; His account of his Early Life, 2 ; Habits of his Town's People, 3, 4, 5 ; His Bashfulncss, o ; Letter to a Lady, giving an account of his Boyhood and Youth, 5, G; His desire for Knowl- edge, G ; Slender Means, 7 ; Interest taken in him by the Minister of the Parish, 7 ; Puts himself under his instruction, 7 ; Rev. Jedediah Jewett, 7. CHAPTER II. Mr. Bailey enters Harvard College, 8 ; His daily Journals, 8 ; Every generation de- preciates itself in some respects, 8 ; Great improvement in the purity of New Eng- land Morals within a Century, !) ; Statement of some Social Customs in the last Centurj', 9; A N'cw England Marriage, 10; Assistance of Friends in Boston, 11; Feelings of Discouragement, II; Visit to Portsmouth, N. H., II; Aid received there, 12; Visit to New Castle, 12; — to Kittery, 13; Interview with Sir William PeppercU, 13 ; Further aid in Portsmouth, 13; Extracts from an account of a Jour- ney to Connecticut, 11 to 27 ; Second Visit to Portsmoutli, 27 ; Ladies visit Mr. Bailey in College, 28 ; Visits Rev. Jonathan Parsons, at Newbury, 2!! ; Ludicrous Scene in the Meeting-house, 28 ; Sunday Evening, 28 ; Mr. Bailey Graduates, 30 ; Names of his Classmates, 30 ; Expression of obligation to Rev. J. Jewett, 31. CHAPTER III. Common School Education in New England, 32 ; Mr. Bailey keeps School in Rowlev, 33; — in Kingston, N. II., 33; Description of Kingston and its Inhabitants, 33; State of Morals in Kingston, 31 ; Closes his School, 3.5 ; Commences a Scliool at Hampton, N. II., 3G; Communication for the New Hampshire Gazette, 36; Resigns his School at Hampton, and commences teaching in Gloucester, Mass., 37; Visits Portsmouth, N. IL, and E.vetcr, 38; Preaches his "Approbation " Discourse before a Congregational Association, 3i) ; Approved by them to preach the Gospel, 3'.l ; At Commencement at Harvard College, 3!) ; Visits Portsmouth, N. H., 30; At Hamp- ton, 40; Suggestion made that he should seek a Vacant Mission of the Church of England, in New Hampshire, 40 ; Measures taken by him for tliat purpose, 40 ; Con- fers with Capt. Gibbs on the subject, 40 ; Performs a part in a Play, 41 ; Preaches in Hampton, 42; Preaches three Sundays in Plymouth, Mass., 42; Letter to Rev. H. Cancr, 43; Letter to Dr. Silvester Gardiner, 43; Review of Mr. Bailey's previous Life, 44-17- xvi (()NTl;>'i> CHAl^TEll IV Joamcyto IJoHton, 4M ; Arrival there, 18 ; Visit to Ilarvtu-d College, 19; Treatment by the rresident. 4'.t ; Cnlla on the Uoston Clerpy, 4'J ; Goes on board the " Hind,'* 61; The Ship drop* down to Nunla-sket, i32 ; description of the place assigned to Mr. Bailey, 52; Company assemblid in it, 52-.'j4 ; Their Conduct, M ; Adventure of two of the Ship'ii OrticerH, -W ; The Ship goes to Sea, oG ; Terrific Storm, o7 ; Landii in I'ortJimouth, England, .W ; Journey to London, 60; Arrival in London, 00 ; Interview witli the SccrcUry of the Propagation Society, 61 ; With Archbishop of Canterbury. 61 ; Kxamination for Holy Orders, 61 ; Ordained Deacon. 62; Dines at Ilinhop of I^ndon's Toble, 63; Waits upon Dr. Franklin, 63; Crowds attend- ing Whitcficld's I'rcaching, 61; Ordained Priest, 64; Calls on Bishop of London, &5; Receives the lloyal IJounty, 66; Dines with Dr. Franklin, 66; Prepares to return to America, GO; Sight of Land, 66; Arrival in lioston, 67. CHAPTER V. Early SettlemenU in North America, 68; Colonies at St. Croix and Annapolis Rivers, 68; Kennebec and Penobscot Rivers visited, 68; Plymouth Company formed, 09; Landing of Colonists at Kennebec, 69 ; Regular Public Worship there, 70 ; Colony at Saco, 71 ; Rev. Robert Jordan, 72. CHAPTER VI. Proprietors of Kennebec Purchase, 74 ; Germans settle at Frankfort, 74 ; Circum- stances of these Settlers, 7-5; Destitute of Religious Instruction, 75; Efforts of a Jesuit, 76; Application to "Society for Propagating the Gospel," etc., 76; Rev. William Maclennachan sent as Missionary, 77 ; Mr. Maclennachan removes from the Mission, 77; E.\tcnt of the Mission, 78; Rev. Jacob Bailey succeeds Mr. Maclennachan, 78; Mr. Bailey's Marriage, SO; K.\lract from Mr. Bailey's Report, 80; Petition from Georgetown, 81 ; Extract from Mr. Bailey's Letter to the Society, P. G., etc., 8.3 ; Rev. W. W. Wheeler, Missionary at Georgetown, 86 ; Steps taken to build a Church at Pownalborough, 86; Church occupied, 87 ; " Account of the First Mission on Kennebec River," 88-91 ; Persecutions by "M." and " N.," 93; Rev. W. W. Wheeler leaves Georgetown, 98 ; Attempts to establish a Congrega- tional Society, 9'.i; Mr. Bailey's Writings, 101; Account of the Parsonage and Grounds at Pownalborough, 102-104 ; Persecution while on a Journey, lOo ; Report to the "Society P. G.," 105; Rev. J. W. Weeks persecuted, 108; Attempt upon the Lives of the Inmates of the Parsonage, 108 ; Travelling Preachers, 109 ; Rais- ing a Liberty Pole, 110; Persecutions of Mr. Bailey, 112; Second attempt to estab- lish a Congregational Society, 113; Episcopalians taxed for this purpose, 113; Mr. Bailey flees to Boston, 110; Second Journey to Boston, 117; Extracts from his Journal, 117-121; Persecution continues, 122-120; Sufferings of the People in Maine, 127, 128. CHAPTER VII. Mr. Bailey and Family leave Pownalborough, 129; Visit Georgetown, 130; Depart for -VoTtt Scotia, 133; Incident!* of the Voyage, 1.3.3; Account of Mr. Rhodes, 137; Ii, !. uU of the Voyage, l.'lH-l.W; Arrival at Halifax, 156; Meets old Friends, 150 ; \'is;t'J by Rev. l)i. bri\iituii. li.i; Waits upon the Governor, 161; Commences Uouickceping, l''~ CONTENTS. XVll CHAPTER VIII. Donation from the General Assemblj', 172 ; Invited to officiate at Cornwallis, 173 ; Removes to Cornwallis, 17-5; Report to the Society P. G., 177; Letter from Rev. Samuel Peters, D. D., 178 ; History of Connecticut, 179 ; Mission at Annapolis, 180 ; Appointment to Annapolis, 182; Account of Journey from Cornwallis to Annapolis, 181-190 ; Letter to the Society P. G., 191 ; Large Immigration at Annapolis, 193 ; Report to the Society P. G., 191 ; Immigration at Annapolis, 195 ; Report to the Society P. G., 196; Letter to Rev. S. Parker, D. D., 197; Church at Annapolis opened for Divine Service, 197 ; Letter from Rev. Dr. Parker, 198 ; Letter to Rev. S. Peters, D. D., 199; Letter from Rev. S. Peters, D. D., 202; Letter to Rev. S. Peters, D. D., 20-1; Report to Society P. G., 208; Letter to Mr. T B . 212 ; Report to Society P. G., 213 ; Letter to Rev. S. Peters, D. D., 213 ; Report to Society P. G., 219 ; Idem, 220 ; Idem, 222 ; Sunday Schools established in Nova Scotia, 224 ; Mr. Bailey appointed Deputy Chaplain at Annapolis, 22-1 ; Letter to the Society P. G., 227; Letter from Bishop Inglis, 228; Mr. Bailey's Death, 228; No- tice of his Family, 229 ; Estimate of his Character, 230. Notes, .......... 234 Appendix, .......... 277 St. John's Church, Pownalborough, 277; Church at Georgeto^vn, 280; St. Paul's Church, Portland, 282; Christ Church, Gardiner, 284; Kittery, 286; Prospect, 287 ; Rev. W. W. Wheeler, Missionary at Georgetown, 287 ; Silvester Gardiner, M. D., 290; Contribution to the List of Three Hundred Ministers, 294; Abstract of Sermons, 295. Notices of Loyalists, . . . . . . . . 311 Rev. Edward Bass, D. D., 312 ; Rev. J. AVingate Weeks, 315; Rev. William Clark, 317; Rev. John Wiswall, 318; Rev. Roger Viets, 319; Rev. Mather Byles, Jr., D. D.,320; Rev. Bissett, 321; Rev. Henry Caner, 322; Rev. John Trout- beck, 322; Rev. John Vardill, 322 ; Rev. Isaac Brown, 322; Sergeant (Rev. W. ?), 322 ; Captain Smith, 322 ; John McNamarra, 323 ; Dr. John Calf, 324 ; Moses Foster, 324 ; Robert Jenkins, 324 ; Simmons, 324 ; John Jones, 32-5 ; Thomas Brown, 327 ; Capt. Charles Callahan, 327 ; Thomas Turner, James Turner, Cookson, John Carlo, Martin Carlo, 329 ; Edmund Doharty, 330 ; Capt. Combs, 330 ; Joseph Domcttc, 330 ; Capt. Campbell, 331 ; Thomas Robie 331 ; Joseph Patten, 331 ; Major Rogers, 331 ; Dowling, 332 ; Cummings, .332 ; John McKown, 332 ; Forman, 332 ; Col. (Peter ?) Fry, 332 William Gardiner, 332 ; Wallace, 333 ; Nathaniel Gardiner, 333 ; Charlestown, 334; Dr. James Tupper, .G34 ; Benjamin Snow, 335; John Lee, 33.5 Capt. Antill Gallop, 33.5; Williams, .335 ; James Rogers, 335; Simon Baxter 3.3(i; Bartholomew Sullivan, 3.36; Dr. Jonathan Hicks, 3.36; George Lyde, 336 John Carleton, 3.36; Jackson, .337; Dr. Coffin, 337; Dr. Cassimire Meyer, 337 ; Major Samuel Goodwin, 337. Letteiis and Journals, ....... 338 Letters to Amos Bailey, 3.38, 348, 349, 3v50 ; Rev. H. Caner, 338 ; Dr. Silvester Gar- diner, 338, a51, 352; William Gardiner, 340, ib. ; Mills and Hicks, 347, 348; Mrs. Susanna Renkin, 3^18; Rev. J. W. Weeks, 343, 344, 345; Rev. W. W. Wheeler, 342. THE FRONTIER MISSIONARY. CHAPTER I. Near the north-east corner of the old Bay State, lies the ancient town of Rowley. The northerly line of Massachusetts, if it continued in the straight course in which it runs from the westerly border of the Commonwealth, would strike the ocean to the southward of this place, throwing it and the neighboring ancient town of Newbury within the limits of New Hampshire. The dividing line between the two States, however, crosses the Merrimac River, some forty miles from its mouth, and then running parallel with that river at a distance of three miles from it, proceeds in an irregular course, generally in a north-easterly direction, till it meets the sea which washes Salisbury Beach. The townships spoken of, lie, therefore, as it were, in the bow of a parenthesis. Even now, when the improved facilities of travel have brought Rowley into close connection with other places, it remains a comparatively quiet and secluded spot. Though near the sea, the communication with it is circuitous, and small vessels only can approach any part of the township. There is hardly sullicient water power for the grist-mills, needed by the inhabitants. If such be the present condition of this ancient settlement, when almost every New England town has greatly increased and wonderfully changed during the last fifty years, it may V R O N T I i: R M I s s I O N A U Y (1R, [1731. well be supposed that a contiiry since, Rowley was a place in which manners and customs, once formed, would continue stereotyped for a long time. Distant, as it was, a long summer day's ride on horseback from the metropolis; .«elth)m resorted to, either for business or jjleasure, by strangers, and the occupation of its inhabitants being mainly agricultural, the stamp which its Puritan settlers afTi\ed upon its society was not only visible, but still sharply defwieil. A seaboard town, and yet, practically, almost cut oil" from the sea, it had lianlly ihc resources that are common to most New England communities, and its society resembled more nearly that of settleincnts far in the interior, than might be expected in a place in which tiic roar of the Atlantic might be heard in every easterly storm. [Birth-place of Jacob Bailey.] In this community Jacob Baii.ky,' the subject of this Memoir, was born, in the year 1731, and the following account is in his own language, written when he had arrived at middle age, and aftir education and travel had improved his mind. " 111 my vrry childhood, as soon as 1 was able to read, I was seized with an insatiable desire of travelling, and a boundless • See note A. 1741.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 3 curiosity to visit foreign countries. Tiiis inclination I was obliged to suppress, since such numerous obstacles arose to check my ambition, and to prevent me from indulging those desires, which all my acquaintance looked upon as extrava- gant and romantic. " When I had completed my tenth year, I found myself an inhabitant of a jilacc remarkable for ignorance, narrowness of mind, and bigotry. " An uniform method of thinking and acting prevailed, and nothing could be more criminal than for one person to be more learned, religious, or polite, than another. For instance, if one happened to make advances in knowledge beyond his neighbors, he was immediately looked upon as an odd, unac- countable fellow, was shunned by every company, and left to drink his mug of flip* alone on lecture-day night. He was sure to draw upon him the contempt and ridicule of the other sex, and always became the banter of the young females, not only at the frolic and dance, but at the washing tub and spin- ning wheel. " Whenever a person began to make a figure in religion, or had the boldness to be more virtuous than his companions, he instantly drew upon him the envy of the old professors, who branded him with the odious names of upstart, hypocrite, and new-light. " As for all politeness and every kind of civility, except what their great-grandfathers taught them, it was esteemed a crying sin. Thus I have known a boy whipped for saying Sir to his father, when he came from school, — a young fellow severely reprimanded for drinking a health, — and a very pretty girl obliged to live a virgin ten years, for once preferring a gen- tleman to a plough jogger, and for saluting every body with a courtesy. The old people were so tenacious of the customs of their ancestors, that no consideration could prevail upon them to vary in the minutest instance. This stupid exactness might be discovered in the field, at home, at the tavern, and • " Flip ; toddy made with New England rum." — Gaffe's History qf Rowley, p. 269. 4 FRONTIER missionary; OR, [1741. even in tho mccting-house. Every man i)lantecl as many acres of Indian eorn, and sowed the same number with rye; he plouglied with as many oxen, hoed it as often, and gathered in his erop on the same day with his grandfather. With regard to liis family, lie salted (hnvn tlit.' same (juantity of beef and pork, wore the same kind of stockings, and at table, sat and said grace with his wife and children around him, just as his predecessors had ch)nt^ before him. " At the tavern the same regulation obtained, where it was esteemed impious to venture, except on a training or lecture- day. Upon the former occasion, the good man always bought a piece of sweet cake for his spouse, and a roll of ginger-bread for each of his children; upon the latter, you might see the fathers of families Hocking from the house of devotion, with a becoming gravity in tlieir countenances, to the house of flip. " The young sj^arks assemble in the evening to divert them- selves, when, after two or three horse-laughs at some passage in the sermon, they proceed in the following manner. They send for an old negro, who presently makes his apiK-aranee with the parish iiddle, part of the head of it is broken, it is glued together in several places with rosin, has three strings, etc. Now the music begins, which instantly inspires the youths, who lead out the willing fair to mingle in the dance. Thcv hold this violent exercise, till sweat and fatigue oblige them to desist. In this interval, one is despatched to the tavern for a dram, which revives their spirits till midnight, when they separate. They have one excellent custom here, and that is, their constant attendance on })ublic worship. Upon the ringing of the bell on Sundays, every one repairs to the meeting-house, and behaves with tolerable decency till prayers are over. As to singing, the greatest part have re- nounced their j)rejudiccs to what is called the new way, but others continue to place such sanctity in a few old tunes, that they either hang down their heads in silence, or run out of the meeting-house, while their neighbors are singing one of a more modern composition. " When the sermon begins, every one has the jirivilege of growing drowsy, about the middle many catch a nod, and 1741.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 5 several sleep quietly during the application. These honest people would esteem it a great hardship if they were denied the privilege of taking a nap once a week in their meeting- house. " Thus, at the age of ten, I found myself among these peo- ple, without any education, without money ; and to increase my misfortune, I was bashful to the extremest degree. " This disposition had taken such a possession of me, that I was even afraid to walk the streets in open daylight, and frequently, when I have been sent abroad in the neighborhood of an errand, I have gone a mile about through fields and bushes. A female was the most dreadful sight I could possi- bly behold, and till I was eighteen, I had never courage to speak in their presence. Whenever I had the misfortune to meet one of these animals in the street, I immediately climbed over the fence, and lay obscured till she passed along. And, if a young woman happened to come into the room where I was sitting, I was seized with a trembling, but if she spake, my confusion was so great, that it was a long time before I could recover. But these dilliculties, instead of abating my > thirst for knowledge, or lessening my unbounded desire for travel, only served as so many incitements to these acquisi- tions." The following is a copy of a letter written in mature life. It will be perceived that it was addressed to a lady. Neither her name, nor the date of the letter, however, are ])roscrved. " I was born in a country town on the coast of New Eng- land, of honest parents, who, notwithstanding they were ex- tremely industrious, covild obtain but a scanty maintenance for themselves and their numerous family. " It was my misfortune, from the earliest period of my life, to be bashful to the extremest degree. " I was, when a child, even under all the disadvantages of poverty and a narrow education, extremely ambitious, and my curiosity was unbounded, and my thirst for knowledge per- fectly insatiable. I was for taking hold of every opportunity 6 ruoNTiER missionary; or, [1750. to iiuTiiisc lay kiu)\vlt'cl«»e, imjirDVf my uiulcrstaiuHiig, aiul to gain inlflligcnce of liuinaiir alVairs. The means I enjoyed for mental aciiuirements \v«Te indeed very infrequent and slender. I was disposed to pass all my leisure hours in learning, and vet \vas unfurnisheil with any kind of l)ot)ks, or any means of aei[uiring knowledge. '• I was eonstrained to lal)or with the most constant and unwearied diligence, ami had scarcely time allowed lue for nei'dful recreation. However, a season is ni'vcr wanting to those who an- ready to improve upon any occasion. I used to redeem an hour every evening from the small portion that was allottetl for my sleep. This, for want of books, I usually spent in scribbling, so that I composed matter upon a variety of subjects, sulllcient, I suppose, to have filled several volumes. " It happened, one evening, after I had, as usual, been em- ployed, just before the hour of repose, with my pen, that I was suddenly called away upon some urgent occasion. In the hurry of my ri.-ing, I dropped the paper which I had been using, so that it was taken uj) the next morning by a ])ersou of no siuall ctiriosity. lie was so pleased with the ct)ntents, that ln" iii>tantly communicated it to the perusal of some others, till at length it arrived at the Parson of our Parish, who was a pious and ingenious gentleman, lie was so taken with the performance, that he resolved to pay the author a visit. By some means or other, I gained intelligence of his design, and took care to avoid his conversation, by secreting myself from the knowledge of any person. I took a ramble through a neighboring grove, where I gave my attention to the whispers of the breeze, the noise of the turtles, and the croaking of the frogs, till 1 thought the time of his visit Imd fully expired. For, not to dissemble. Madam, I esteemed our minister, in that day, such a great man, that thousands would not have tempted me tt) come into his presence. Being ar- rived at my father's, I understood that he had i)aid the family a visit, and had prevailed upon my father to let him have the instructing me a twelve month, and that without any con- sideration. Such was his unparalleled generosity! "This proposal, however advantageous and agreeable, I 1750.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 7 found encumbered with insuperable dilFiculties, for I imagined it impossil)le to introduce myself to the family without perish- ing under an intoleral)lc weight of l)lushcs, and the deepest confusion. The day soon approached. I arose in the morn- ing, having never closed my eyes the preceding night, and directed my course to the Parson's. I passed the house, and walked backwards and forwards by it, I think, no less than ten times. At last, a strange and unusual pang of courage and resolution came upon me, and forced me up to the door, but, alas, when I arrived, my heart failed me, and I presently perceived my spirits beginning to sink, till finding that the eyes of a young female in the neighborhood were turned towards me, I concluded, of the two evils, prudentialiy to choose the lesser, and so instantly entered. I gat over the difliculties of my first address, and was put to learning that very afternoon, and, as I had the good fortune to perceive, greatly to the acceptance and admiration of my master." No information is to be found of the time spent in his pre- paration for college. Enough, however, has been stated, to show his great desire for learning, and the serious obstacles he met with in its acquirement. To the Rev. Jedediah Jewett, Pastor of the First Congre- gational Society in Rowley, belongs the credit of taking this poor and almost friendless young man from his obscurity, and giving him the opportunity to gratify that taste for learning, of which he has spoken in the foregoing extracts. rnoNTir.R missionary; or. [1751, (II A I'T i:k 1 1. TiiK subject of this Memoir entered Harvard College in 17ol. when he was twenty years old. The reason of his eoinnienciii^ his preparation for college at an a^c wlirn most young men have completed their col- legiate course, appears in the extracts from his own writings, which have already been given. \\'<- can hardly expect to find much that will interest the geni'ral reader iluring the life of an unilcrgraduatc. But Jacob's practice of writing, by which, as he has testified, he acquired most of the education he had before he was noticed by Rev. Mr. .lewett, was now very freely followed, and por- tions of copious daily journals kept by him are still in exist- ence. Most of their contents might have been pleasant to him as reminiscences in after life, and would be valued by his relations and friends. Beyond this circle they possess but little interest. Yet there are some matters in them which may be alluded to, and a few portions of them will be ex- tracted. If but little can be copied from these writings to illustrate the personal biography of their author, still, the glimpses they afford of the state of society at the time, may not be uninteresting in themselves, as well as because they exhibit to us, to some extent, the injhunccs that htljicd to form his character at this period of his life. It would appear, from these journals, that the bashfulness which he formerly felt in female society, and of which he has spoken, (see previous extracts from his writings,) had now entirely disappeared, and that the company of the softer sex was now eagerly sought by him, and highly enjoyed. It has ever been a practice for persons to complain of the age in which they live, asserting that religion and morals have deteriorated from their former condition, and, suj)po9ing that 1751.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 9 their tendency was still downward, to indulge in gloomy fore- bodings as to the future. We read the writings of divines and others, who flourished two centuries since, and meet with evidences of this belief. Fifty years later, the complaint is repeated in the books of that time. Another half century furnishes us with lamenta- tions over the degeneracy of the times as compared with tliosc that are past Doubtless there is reason always to mourn over the disregard that men manifest to their highest good. A thoughtful person can view with no satisfaction the interest which the majority show in perishing trifles. A pious mind, in any age, cannot but be pained at the evidences around him, that "the things that arc seen,"' and "that are temporal," so entirely usurp the place in the heart which should be occupied by "the things that are not seen," and that "are eternal." Still, we cannot but think that tiie last one hundred years have witnessed material imjirovcments in the decencies of society and its minor morals, and where these are improved, the way of advance in more important matters is made easier. Some practices were current during the youth and early manhood of Mr. Bailey, that would not now be tolerated. New England society, at that time, in country towns, was harsh and hard. No influences prevailed to refine the man- ners, and but little existed, around which the finer feelings could entwine themselves. The love of letters was mostly confined to professional men, or to some of those in other pursuits, who had received a liberal education. As a general thing, it was not supposed that females need be taught more than the mere rudiments of learning. Hence, though a few trifling amusements were occasionally resorted to as a means of preventing listlessness, sensual pleasures were the principal ones of that generation. Modesty prevents more than an allusion to some of the social customs of the time. Suflice it to say, that the inter- course between the sexes in rural districts was frequently of a character so improper, and in many cases so gross, that the present age could hardly believe a plain statement of its 2 10 FRONTir. u missionauy; or, [1753. iiaturr, wen' it not certified by those who lived at that day, and who speuk of it nn a inatttr of eourse. The subject of this Memoir lived in the country till he was twenty yi-ars of age, and he fell somewhat into the habits ol those around him. Hut as a larger aetiiiaintance with the world ivxpanded his views, as the company of females edu- cated in cities, (where no such cust»)ms prevailed,) gave him jurtter notions of the purity of femah- character, and as Divine grace strcngthcn«'r of a jiious and orthodo.x New Eng- land elergyiuan in a country town. " After the ceremony was past," says he, "dinner was prepared, but first I waited upon the gentry with a bowl of lemon i>uneh. . . . • About the coming en of the evening, the younger sort, to t!)e number of about fifty, rej)aired to the western chauiber, where we spent the evening in singing, dancing, and wooing the widow%" The festivities appear to have been renewed at the clergy- 1754.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 11 man's house the next day, when several young people a.sseni- bled. Mr. Bailey says : " Having saluted the bride, we spent our time, some in dancing, the others in playing cards, for the space of two hours. • * « * After dinner, we young people repaired to our chamber, where we spent the day in plays, such as singing, dancing, wooing the widow, playing cards, box, etc." Thus much for the social habits of tiiat day. Who can den}"^ that they have been much ini])rovcd in the mean time? It is with much satisfaction that we make extracts from INIr. Bailey's journals, recording the liljcrality of certain persons in assisting him to pay his expenses when in college. The Rev. Mr. Jewett was the friend on whom he mainly relied for means to obtain his education. Yet Mr. Jewett probably thought that others ought to share this burden with him. '^ April V3th, 1752. * * "VVe resorted to Messrs. Gushing and Newman's, (in Boston,) where we were led into a room most curiously adorned with rich and costly furniture. Mr. Jewett, after having entered into some discourse with these gentlemen, easily persuaded them to subscribe £S-~), O. T., a-piece, for my support at college. From these gentlemen I had an invitation of making free at their house for the future." This bounty, however, added to what other resources he might have, does not seem to have been sufRcient to meet his ex- penses, as we may infer from the following entry in his journal, dated " Roivle//, January 2Sl/i, 17'34. This day, meeting with many discouragements, I had almost resolved to fix off to sea, but just as I had the matter in agitation, I had an offer to go to Bradford, where, I hoped, I should find something to divert my mind." On his return, he says, " I called in at (Rev.) Mr. Chandler's, about sunset, who gave me two dollars and a pair of gloves. He also lent me his Hebrew Bible." The aid of Rev. Mr. Jewett was called in on this emergency. He advised a journey to Portsmouth, N. II., and an appeal to several persons in that town and its vicinity. Jacob, being furnished with letters of introduction, travelled to Portsmouth, and the extracts from his journals, which follow, show his success. 12 rnoNTir. R missionary; or, [1754. '• Purtsmoitth, N. II, January o1a7, 17o t. Waited upon Col. Oilman with a Ifttrr. • • Callccl on my classmate, John Wentworth. • Kom, and gave mc .£3, Hampshire money. After- wards, we fitted out for fishing, and getting into Mr. Chase's boat, wc, »ix in number, launched olT, but changing my mind, I was set on Kittcry shore. Being come to land, I travelled over the rocks up to (Rev.) Mr. Steven.s's. Here I found his wife and he at dinner, and, upon invitation, sat down with them. After dinner, .Mr. Stevens • • gave mc a dollar, and a rcconuncmlatory line to Sir William Peppcrcll. About two, I 1754.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 13 set out with the intention of seeing York, but before I had got to Sir William's plantation, an exceeding thick fog arose and covered all the land, so that it was almost impossible to discern the ground right under one's feet. I at length, how- ever, found the knight's house, and went first into the kitchen, where I waited till after he had dined, and then sent in my letter. When he had read it, he immediately sent for me, upon which I was conducted into the room, where I found Sir William and his lady and tiiree gentlemen. The knight ordered me to sit down, and turned me out a glass of wine, upon which I drank his health. After I had been, with the gentlemen present, long entertained with an account of his travels in England, he sent a young scribe in his employ with a couple of blacks up to Portsmouth in a boat, with whom he ordered me a passage. Accordingly, about three o'clock, we prepared for our voyage, and being ready to set off. Sir Wil- liam's lady presented me with a dollar, and he gave me twenty shillings in copper, and came with us down to the water, where he helped me into the boat, and charged me to come and see him, if I came that way again." ♦ ****• " February Alh. This day I proposed to set out on my jour- ney home, but after breakfast Mr. Langdon and I took a walk, first to Mr. Wiberd's, the Counsellor, and then to Mr. Wiberd, the Merchant, who gave me two dollars a-piece. During my stay here, I was taken aside by my lady Wiberd, who bestow- ed upon me a yard and a half of very fine muslin and a pair of fine worsted stockings. As we were going out of Mr. Wiberd's we met Mr. Jefferds, who gave me nine livrcs. " From hence we proceeded to Col. Atkinson's, who out of his generosity put me into the possession of X12, Hampshire money, and treated me very handsomely. From Col. Atkin- son's we directed our course to Capt. Warner's, where I had an opportunity of seeing his son, who, together with his father, treated me very handsomely. Being invited to dinner here, we refused and retired home, where we dined ; after which, Capt. Warner's son came to Mr. Langdon's, and after we had sat together a little time, I took my leave of Mr. Langdon's 14 rnoNTiKi; missionary; or, [1754. family. On runung out of ilu* door, Warner came with me and «^av(' lue four dtillars and a bundle of tilings, worth £10, (). T. I hav(; the grr;itest reason \o esteem this town, for the kindness I received from several of the j)rinei|)al inhabitants, espeeially from Mr. Langdon and his family, who all treated IMC \\ iih peculiar respect." • • • • • •«• '• Ciimhridi^e, Fcbruanj '21th. This day received by Mr. "Warner, from (Rev.) Mr. Langdon, of Portsmouth, the re- nuiining part of my bounty from those gentlemen I had lately visited, consisting of one pistole, one English shilling, and forty-two livres." The following portion of Mr. Bailey's Journal, containing an account of a journey which he made into Connecticut, will no doubt prove interesting. '' Jiilt/ 9(/i. This ilay having concluded to accompany Wm. lirown and his sister to New London, I arose early in the morning, about half after four o'clock. • • I went to Stockbridge's chamber, who rose and went with me to Stedman's after a horse, but not prospering, Elliot rode down to Charlestown and got one of Mr. Wood. • • Brown coming from Salem about eleven o'clock, we left Cambridge a little before twelve. Before we had gotten a mile I perceiv- ed I had left my great coat, upon which I rode back after it, and took leave of several scholars. I set out again, and rode directly for Bils, in .Taiiiaiea, where I found Mr. Brown and Miss Nabby at dinner with Capt. Fry, of Andover, and several others. After dimier we three sat tt)gelher uj)on the benches before the door awhile, and about two o'clock set out t)u our journey, riding through .Tamaica, a pleasant parish in the upper part of lloxbury, beautified with the country seats of several gentlemen. We came at length to Mr. Walter's, a very pleasant seat, where gravity and elegance seemed to re- side. A ntmiber of vencralile trees spread their agreeable shades and formed a fit hal)itation for the Muses. Here Wm. Walter invited us in, but being on our journey we refused. The next town we came to was Dedham, where Ames, the 1754] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 15 famous astronomer lives. Just as we passed his house, an accident happened. The swivel, by which the horse drew the chair, came loose and fell against his heels, which set him in a terrible fright. He ran with all his might and took the chair into a small gate-way, but people being near at hand, delivered my young companions from impending ruin. DEDHAM. No remarkable place, but an old settled town. Some good buildings towards the middle. It contains three parishes. The roads are good, but pretty much up hill and down. After we repaired our chair, we rode as far as one Dean's, where we diverted ourselves with the affected gentility. Leaving Dean's, we rode next through Walpole. Here we had the company of a Bristol man who had that day come from Ipswich. WALPOLE. A country town, most remarkable for valleys and hills. The roads, as in Dedham. The Rev. Mr. Payson is the only min- ister here. About dark, we came into Wrentham, where we put up. After we had brought in all our things, we took a room to ourselves, drank a bowl of beverage, and sup})ed upon Iamb steaks. At supper, we had a very odd creature to wait upon us. By its dress, we judged it to be of the femi- nine gender. We made some sorrowful reflections upon the situation of our chums at college, but soon began to divert ourselves with Madam Dean's affected gentility. Miss Nabby made several pert observations. After we had considered the great deliverance we had experienced in the day time, with wishing each other good night, we betook ourselves to repose. Miss Nabby lodged in our keeping room, Mr. Brown and I in a chamber overhead. ////// 10th. This day arose in the morning. We had tlie company of the Bristol man I had seen before on our journey for several miles ; but before we set out, we breakfasted upon tea. WRENTHAM. A pretty, plain country town ; one or two very neat build- ings ; one meeting-house, and a very good road through the 1 (1 r U O NT 1 E H M I S S I O N A U Y ; OK, [1 754. greatest part i)f it. After wr h:ul nxlf ulnmt an hour, ^v^! came into Attleborou^h, and at length passed by Parson Weld's,* where we had a view of his numerous lijc of dauf^h- ters, out of a ehaniber window tiiey were in. We made j*ome stop, afterwards, at one I'arson Clark's. The people begin now to appear in a sylvan roughness; the women in these parts wear but little more elothing than what nature gave them. The first stage we made was at Day's, where we railed to ehange our horses, but not succeeding, we departed, and j)roceeded towards J'rovidenre, riding through a very sandy ]>lain. ATTLEBOROrOH. A long countrj' town, situated at a vast distance from the Eastern Ocean, the land somewhat poor and sandy, the roads very good, and but one meeting-house. We came, at last, to Sekonk, which is three miles in length and breadth, having upon it neitlicr tree nor stone, but an exci'eding line road, and glorious riding. KKUOUOTU. We saw nothing here but a large |)lain : it is the southern bounds of the Massachusetts dominions. After we had passed Sekonk Plains, we came over a large bridge, built exceeding high from the water; the stream itself has a pro- digious fall. About twelve o'clock, we came to Providence, and put up at C'apt. Ones, where we dined, and had a very good entertaiimient. A very pretty young lady belonging to the family, allorded us her company, and entertained us with her pleasant conversation. The house is furnisheil in a very elegant and curious maimer. After we had rested ourselves and horses, we proceiuled .and rotle through the delightful town of Providence, and |)asst(l the great bridge. I'KOVlIii;.NCK Is a most beautiful place, lying on both sides of a line river, in the north-westerly part of Rhode Island government. The • iicT. llxiiwAii Wkmp, wim lurd in i7->J, after a ministry of fifty-five years. IIi« family consisted of four sons and cleren daughters. 1754:.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB HAIL EY. 17 north-east side is built with two streets of painted iiouses, above which lies a most delightful hill, gradually ascending to a great distance, all cut into gardens, orchards, pleasant llelds, and beautiful enclosures, which strike the eye with agreeable surprise. Here is a fine harbor for shipping, and a well-built bridge across the river. The town, on the south-west side, is not less elegant than on the north-east, but contains two or three streets of well-built houses. Providence is a very grow- ing and nourishing place, and the finest in New England. Here is one meeting-house, one church, one Quaker and one New-Light house for divine worship. The inhal)itants of the place, in general, are very immoral, licentious and profane, and exceeding famous for contempt of the Sabbath. CJaming, gunning, horse-racing and the like, are as common on that day as on any other. Persons of all professions countenance such practices. From Providence we rode over a fine plain to Patuxet PATUXET Is a pretty compact place, built upon a small river, over which is a very good bridge. From Patuxet we rode through a long desert country, in which we saw but a very few people, and they almost as rough as the trees. In riding through a great W(K)d, we came, at length, to a house about the bigness of a hog-sty. The hut abounded in children, who came abroad to stare at us in great swarms, but were clotbed only with a piece of cloth about the middle, blacker than the ground on which they trod. Miss Nabby began to wonder that the poor creatures did not wholly abandon themselves to sorrow and despair, but I told her, I made no doubt they enjoyed themselves as much in their savage condition, as she in all her elegance and plenty. We spent some time, as we rode along, in reflecting upoa the unhappy circumstances of these people, and upon the dillerent genius and inclinations of the humane mind. At li'iigth, being very dry, we came to another house, where we lit, and coining in, found five or six women in a litth; room without any floor, cither over head or under foot. Two or three of them appeared to be young. One of the yoiuig 3 18 FRONTIER MI^SluNAUV; oK, [1754. wciichcH iiuule liastf to draw u:< mdiiu' water, while aiu)tlicr made search for a ilrinking ve!*«t'I, and the last gave us water in an old broken iniig, ahno.nt as ancient as time, of which we drank very ••paringly. After we had rode a few miles further, we came to Major StalVord's: his daughter came to wait upon u», (after absconding for about two iniiuites,) barefooted and barehi:tr<-d, with a fme patch and a silver knot on her head, with a hUulV box in one hand, and a pinch at her nose in the other. She afforjleil abimdance of amusement for my polite Ci)m|>anions, which stuck by us longer than aiiythini,' we met with in our journey. This StalVonl's is in Warwick, about fifty-seven miles from lioston. \VAU\VI(K. A poor, but old-settled town, something populous, on the borders of Greenwich; the inhabitants very pr(»fane ami unpo- litc. From StatVortl's we proceeded to Wolcot's, just upon the edge of Greenwich. At Wolcot's, where we pxit uj) in the evening, wc were iiuuh interrupted by the town's people coming in, cursing and swearing, and drinking, but at su|)pcr time we had a room by ourselves, and enjoyed freedom of conversation, which turned chicflv upon the atlairs of the j)rcccding day. Our supper atlorded us soiue amusement, it i^cing fried chickens and cur- rant sauce, sweetened with molasses; but nt)thing so much diverted us as the Major's dau<,'htcr. Observ(ili^iiiii('(l the top of tlu' hill, \v<' put u|) ;it \']<*\. Case's. Here we were received with the uliiiost civility and coinplai'^ance ; the I-^sq. came out him- self ami welcomed us to Tower Hill, led us into one of l)is best rooms, and served us out wini- with his own hands. Din- ner heini^ ready, wc sat dt)wn, and had everythini,' in the best order, with the most genteel attendance. We found the Escj. to be a prodigious loquacious gentleman. Among the rest of his discourses, ho told us that all the gentlemen that travelled the roail from South Carolina to l*iscataqua, had heard o( his fame, and made his house a stage, and by a fi-w subtle hints, gave us to understand that he was a Justice of the Peace. After dinner was over, we rose from the table, he clasped his wife round the necU and kissed her, and going into our room, he entertained us with a long relation concerning the family of the Browns, and then offered to wait upon us down to the eastern part of the hill, to see a man that hung there in gib- bets, but we, excusing the matter, went ourselves to the bottom of the hill, and there beheld the sorrowful sight. The man had been there three years already, and his llesli was all dried fast to his bones, and was as black as an African's. The crimes for which he was thus exposed were robbery and mur- der. He was taken in the southern parts of Long Island with some indisposition, and being in a strange place, one Jack.son, a leather merchant, travelling with his horse, found him and took pity on him, and being on his way to Rhode Island, bore all his expenses, and treated him with all the tenderness of a father, for near one hundred and fifty miles, till he arrived at South Kingston, where, being together about the dusk of the evening, near the great C^uaker meeting-house, he took up a stone, and with it struck liiiii down. .lackson begged his life, and that he might, and weh-oine, take all his wealth; but he cursed and then fell ii|ion him, and in a few minutes made full despatch of his innocent putron ; thus we have at once an horrid instance of ingratitude. After we had looked at the sorrowful spectacle a long time, we travelled up the hill with some dilliculty. Being returned to Case's, we paid our reck- oning, and set out. After we had rode about a mile, wc came 1754.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB 15AILEY. 21 to the great Quaker meetiiif^-housc, which is an odd-built thing, having a kitchen and chinniey at one side. Towards the southern part of Kingston, we came to a hill, over which the road lay, with a shocking ledge of rocks. With much difliculty we passed it, and continuing our journey till about the dusk of the evening, we arrived at Capt. IliU's, in Charles- town, after a very tedious day's journey, through abundance of wet and heat. After we had taken in our things, we were entertained all the evening with divers stories concerning the adjacent country, by Capt. Hill's son. He gave us an insight into the laws and customs of the government, and told us that the natives inhabited those parts, to the number of five or six hundred, and that their king was a young man about eighteen years of age, at school at Newport. The place where we lodged is about five miles from the place where the great Nar- raganset battle was fought, in which so many soldiers expired. Julfj l'2th. This morning, about daybreak, it rained very hard. We arose with the sun, soon after which it cleared away, and looked like a pleasant day. W^e breakfasted upon tea, and calling for our horses, set out. After we had rode about a mile and a half, we passed by the Narraganset king's house, which stands in the midst of a spacious plain. It is a building two stories higli, with two or three rooms on a floor, but of late it is miserably fallen to ruin. We had a sight of two of the king's sisters, who came to the door as we rode by. We still continued our progress through the Narraganset country, till we came to the borders of Westerly. CHARLESTOWN, Charlestown lies in the centre of the Narraganset country, in the place where the great battle was fought, so famous in our New England annals. The land here, for several miles near the sea-coast, is very smooth and jjleasant. Here are some of the finest groves, fields, and grass enclosures, of any in New England. W^e rode through Westerly, meeting divers Indians, till we came to Weeden's, where we stopped till eleven. The weather being very hot, our horses were much overcome, 00 inoNTiER missionary; on. [1754. but havinjT refri'sluHl both tlirm and ourselves, we proceeded over a terrible n»Mi,'li and uneven way, till we came to a river, which diviiles Rhode I>lan.■>■. Connecticut u »:m i.ju.v li* the most we8t«*rn town in Rhode I-land, and is a miserablr. poor, unpopulated place, having nothin<^ in it but wood- mountuins and rocks, yet near the separating river there ar divers pood farms. The inhabitants seem to be, a great part of them, Indians. After w«' had passed the river over a larji:*' bridg«', we came into Stonington. up ami down whose rocky hills we rode, till eotning to a great tree, we .sal awhih; under its shade and refreshed ourselves, after which we proceeded several miles, till at length Miss Nabby missed h«T capuchin. I immediately rode back, and found it within a unW of tli place where we first missed it. After we had rode over som of the most frightful hills, so that Mr. Brown and his sist* were obliged to alight and walk on foot, and so steep wer they in |)laces, that it was hardly safe riding down tipon i single horse, having gon(* through a great deal of dillieulty. we came to Col. Williams's. Here we made a small stop, and though almost overcome with the tediousness of our jour- ney, we left the tavern, and with it Stonington, about four o'clock. STONINtiTON Is in the south-east part of Connecticut. It is bounded on the north by Preston, on the east by the Narraganset River, on the south by the Atlantic Ocean, and oi\ the west by (Jroton. It is so called, from the great abundance t)f stones found here. The roads here were formerly almost impassable, but by reason of their being, for the most part, movable, it continually grow- better. The town is all under improvement, and divided into stately farms. Here are four large parishes. Having got into Stonington, we came into the borders of (iroton, of all places the uiost horrid and shocking. Aft«'r we had rode about four miles, over a jjrodigious coiUimiatibn of roeky mountains, wi ascended upwards for some time, till at length we began to descend, and came to a smooth place, as we thought, at tlir 1754.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB I3AILET. 'i-'i bottom of the hill over which we rode; but coming to the end, we found before us a most horrible prccijiicc, encumbered on every side with impenetrable thickets. The road we had to pass was excessive steep, over one entire chain of rocks, which descended like a winding pair of stairs, having the steps at an enormous distance from each other. Mr. Brown and his sister got out of the chair, and I ilismonnted for their assistance. Having fastened my iiorsc, one look lu)ld of the chair and tlie other of the horse, and with a vast deal of trouble, having foUowetl the |)ath which led to almost every ])oint of the com- ])ass, we came to the bottom in safety; but bringing down my horse, he had like to have broken his neck. After this, we rode by a C^uaker meeting-house, then by a Presbyterian, and at length, about half after eight o'clock, we came to the ferry, and thus, after a tedious journey of four days, we arrived in New London. The roads were so excessively bad, that we were four hours and a half in riding the last eight miles. It was past eleven before we had crossed the ferry and got to Mr. Winthroj)'s. Mr. Brown and his sister were received by the whole family with all imaginable expressions of joy and satis- faction. After supper, we betook ourselves to repose. . GUOTOX. Groton, the last town through which we jiassed, is bounded on the north by Norwich and Preston, on the cast by Stoning- ton and Preston, on the south by the Atlantic, on the west by the River Thames, which divides it from New London. It is a jirodigious mountainous place, and may justly be reckoned to exceed all others on account of rocks. One thing remark- able here, is a bridge made of one entire stone. Here arc \\vo Dissenting meeting-houses, one Church, ami one C^uakcr. The inhabitants live very scattering, except on the river, where is a street, comfortably Ijuilt, inhabited by Baileys. The peoj)le dilVer exceedingly in religious sentiments. Mr. Johnson, one of the ministers, records in his parish no less than lifteen dif- ferent religions. Observation. — I have had an opportunity of seeing divers of the natives of the country in their own proper habits, on 24 FuoNTiiii missionary; or, [1754. their own land, and in the exercise of thrir pcrnliar customs; and, upon the whole, one may ju.^tly conthuh', that there is a great analogy between them and the people in the first ages of mankind; tho-^e who lived in the golden age, so much extolled by the poet.««, in tht'ir dress, religion and manners, were very (timilar to our Indian neighbors. July VMIi. This day arose, and fmmd myself in a new country. After 1 had dre-sed myself, went down and break- fasted with Mr. \\ inthrop, his lady, and .Madam Hide, to- gether with our own company. Then Mr. Brown and I walked out int«) the gar«len, which is v«'ry pleasant. \ little to the uorlh of Mr. Winthrop's house, is a fish pond, at the u[)per end of his orchard, from which a canal is cut, about two feet wide, and near as deep, to the bottom of the garden, which lies on the south side of the house, so that this delightful stream falls through the orchard, house and garden; at the lower end of which, next to the south, stands a mill, which is carried by this cascade. The garden itself is beautifully laid out, and abounds with a variety of herbs, fruits and llowers. After I had a view of all the works round the house, and had some conversation with Mr. Winthrop, I concluded to pay Mr. Jewett a visit. Accordingly, al)out eleven o'clock, I set out, and after riding ten miles, over a vast number of holes and rocky mountains, I came to Mr. Jewctt's, where I was very civilly received. Mr. Jewett's const)rt lay very sick of the mumps, or some other strange disorder. She had this after- noon two doctors, who concluded that she might recover. In the afternoon, .Mr. .lewett being absent, I spent a great deal of time in walking in the fields, and in his garden. His house stands in a very sightly place on the eastern side. \Ve may see, from the doors, near forty miles down country. Mr. Jewctt's family is not large. He has one son and one daugh- ter, arid a negro servant. After we had |)repared for bed, we all betook ourselves to repos«'. July Will. This day being Suntlay, I arose, and having breakfasted, we prepared for meeting. At about eleven o'clock we rode to the house of God, where I had an oj)portunity of 1754.] LIFE OF IlEV. JACOB B A ILLY, 25 hearing Mr. Jowett preach for tlie fir.sl time, though he had often preached before in Rowley, yet I always happened to be absent. After meeting, at noon, went to Es([. Raymond's, where I found Nathan Jewett, a young man that had formerly been at Cambridge, with Rev. Mr. David Jewett, at my cham- ber. Here I met with a great deal of civility, and was invited from among the company to go into another room, where I sat down and refreshed myself. The people in these parts never make a dinner on Sunday between meetings, but iiave a feast at night. Ohscrvadon. — The people in the north jiarisii of N( vV Lon- don aj)pear to be eivil and courteous, though not so polite as in Boston. They are not so showy in the meeting-house as in iTiost country parishes in Boston goverimicnt. Some of the young women wear hoops, though very much out of fashion. Their clothes are commonly good, though not very elegantly put on. The greatest part of the men wear caps : a wig is scarce to be seen in the whole meeting-house. Many chil- dren wear no stockings or shoes. July loth. • • • . After we had rode several miles, we came to Paugwank, or North Salem, a place belonging entirely to my class-mate. Brown. Here we saw several line fields of wheat and other grain. Here are thirty tenants to near twelve thousand acres of land. AViien we had gotti'U out of Paugwank, we rode through a thick wood in the edge of East Haddam, till we came to Lyme. The first house we came to was Capt. Jewett's, the father of the young persons with me. As soon as we had hung (sic) our horses, we went in where the people were. When they came to know from whence I came, they treated me with a great deal of courtesy ajid kindness. The Capt. gave me an invitation to tarry at his house as long as I pleased. In a few minutes dinner was made ready and brought in, and set upon a long table, round which the whole family gathered, both white and black. His family consists of niru' sons and one daughter, two maids, and five to six negroes, in all, sixteen j)ersons. After dinner I w<'nt out with Mr. Jewett and his sons, to see them wt)rk at a little distance from the house. Here 1 beheld an abundance of 4 20 FRONT UK missionary; OR, [1754. good land, cU-antl and wrll hnmtjlit to, iijioii \v!ii( h grew the finest gTai»M, wheat, and Indian mrn, I liavr »orn anywiu're this year, yet !*till I fan»icd it an nrjplcasant |)l;ur, on account of itii tx'ing eneiunbtTfd with roiky and nioiintuinniis bind, anil having not above two houses in sight. Observation, — I am greatly astonished when, ii|)on travel- ling, I find the people of this country to carry their resentnients against each other so high, on account of the differing senti- ments with respect to a few unessential modes and trilling circumstances in religious worship, at the same, time all, of fvcry persuasion, indulge in a custom, not only notoriously indecent, but the most subvi-rsive of the reverence due to the (Jrand Olijeet of adoration, and this is a jjraetice they have in all their assemhlii-s of persons of hoth sexes meeting together, by which practice they utterly overthrow the design for which religious societies were established; that p(()j)le should make nnisic vcK'al only, or vocal and instrumental together; and that they should imagine the reading of prayers, or the pro- nouncing of them extempore such a serious matter of con- science, and admit, universally, an evil from which so many fatal practices flow, to be practised with impunity in the con- gregations. • ••■•• • MOHEGAN. Jufi/ '22'1. This town is about three miles square, lying in the iiurth-east rorner of New London. It has in it two hun- dred or three hunilred Indians, who live in almost the primitive mode, and many of them cannot sj)eak a word of Engiish. They wear a dn-ss the most savage and barbarous that ever I saw. The Rev, .Mr. Jewctt formerly brought them to his meeting, but the separate preachers have of late drawn them away. However, Mr. Jew«*tt contiimes to instruct them once a fortnight, in the principles of the Christian religion, at the public Bchool-house, where they have a master to teach their children. • • • As an instance of the prodigious plenty in these parts, the last year, I shall mention a short story my landlord told me, vi/.. : a man in his near neighborhood, having buried upwards 1T5-4.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 27 of eighty bushels of potatoes last fall, made proclamation in the spring, that if any person would be at the trouble of dig- ging them up, he should have them all for his reward, but nobody appeared to undertake it, which is not only an instance of great plenty, but also of the wealthy circumstances of the people in town. WF.TMKRSFIKI.D. July 23c/. This paradise is seated on the western bank of Connecticut River, on an extended plain, gradually rising from the first range of sc^uares, and reaching two or three miles each way, contains a vast number of the neatest buildings in America. The main street is most curiously levelled, and runs from north to south, as straiglit as a mathematical line, in the midst of which is a meeting-house of the oddest form. On the eastern side, between the buildings, and among a beautiful range of orchards, lay a ravishing continuation of gardens. The western head forms the front of several most elegant squares, all richly occupied with gardens and little fields of onions. But it is impossible for my tongue to utten or my pen to describe the beauties of this place. In short, the town, by reason of its vast variety of squares, cut into most elegant forms, and decorated with the profusion of nature and art, the neatness and beauty of its edifices, and, lastly, by reason of the most delightful scenes and ravishing prospects, opening themselves to view on every iiaiid, may well be thought to equal, if not to exceed, those blooming fields wiiere the first and only happy pair of humane kind confessed the gentlest passion, and united in the softest embrace." Mr. Bailey continued his journey through Hartford, Spring- field and Worcester, to Cambridge, where he arrived on the 27th day of July. His journal is full and minute to the day spoken of, but enough, perhaj)s, has been already extracted from it. In August of the same year, Jacob was again in Ports- mouth, and a guest of Rev. Mr. Langdon. Among others, he called on Mr. Wiberd, who, at his leaving, gave him "a pair of fine worsted stockings." Afterwards, calling on Mr. Haven, 28 KllONTIlK missionary; OR, [1754. he diiiril with liiin, by invitation. •• llr tuuk int- into his stiuly, nnd |)ri'sriit«'(l int' with a view t)f all his book?*, and, in the end, gave me three volumes in (juarto." It wotdd .Heem thut greater lihiTty, in jiorne respects, was allowed to j»tudents in Harvard (\)lle^e during Mr. Bailey's residence there, than would now be granted. " Mai/ l.a. After breakfast and prayers, we mad»» ready for meeting, which began about ten o'clock. I sat this forenoon in (Rev.) Mr. Par-oii>' pew, it being the second high- est in the meeting-house. 'J'lie next to ours was Dr. Sayres', nnd roimd about I saw several persons of niy acipiaintancj', who came to me after meeting, nnil invited !ne to their habi- tations, but being pleasantly tMigaged with Mr. Parsons' family, I refused their kindness. At noon we drank a dish of tea again, after which Jona., Sam. and I retired into the orchard, where we spent the time in too much jollity for the season. In the afternoon we attended public wor.-hij>. Here, as Mr. Parsons was urging the use of examination, and telling the people 'that some could not endure such doctrine, who, though they had never told the minister of it, had hinted as much to others,' u|)on which a certain fellow starts up and cries, ♦ Sir, you had better call me out by name;' at which the whole con- gregation fell into laughter. After meeting, we nMurned to Mr. Parsons', and had a good supper in rcailiness, after which I had some disco\irse witji Mr. Parsons upon divers subjecfs, 1754.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 29 but more especially concerning tiiose rambling preachers, tha> have dispersed themselves over these jiarts of the country, to the great disturbance both of ministers and people. Night [The following cut is a view of the mecting-housc in which the incident, spoken of in the preceding page, took place. J '*'.s.««rttr.i.t NORTH WEST VIEW OF THE FIRST PRESBVTEKIAN CHURCH, NK.WKURVrOIlT, MASS., IN WHICH ARE ntPOSITKll THF. REMAINS OF REV. GEORGE WHITEFIELI). INCLUniNO A UISTANT VIEW OF THE HOUSE IN WHICH HE DIKIi. coming on, S. Parsons, Jonathan and I, having obtained leave of his father, took a ramble through the town. We presently lit with N. Parker and some other young sparks, who joined themselves to our clnb. After we had visited several streets and lanes, we w^ent into D. IJailey's, where we tarried a few ;iO FllONTir. R MiSSKtNAKV; (>K, [1755. minutfs, ami in ^'i»iii^' iIdwii lo tin* wattr, we Imd tlu' plrasurc of scoing Tho.H. Hriull)ury aiul his cousin, Miss Hetty Noltou, who iiivitfd me to visit thfin tho next day. Accordingly, I engaged to breakfast with theni the next morning, and so left thenj, after which we returned, through several streets and lancH, to Mr. Parsons'. The old sir and his lady being now gone to repose, we three went into the kitchen, as far remote as possible from the intellig»-nce, where we discoursed a long time with the maid, a young Scotch girl. \Vc at length ar- rived at such a degree of extravagance, as to say whatever came uppermost. About twelve or one o'clock, the old lady arose and came into tin- room where we sat, which at iirst gave us some alarm, but liiiding her design not unfavorable, we contented ourselves till she retired, when we again resumed our merriment, till near two o'clock, when we went to rest. oiisi;iiVATloNS. Observation \. — (luilty persons seldom need any accuser but their own conscience, or witnesses beside themselves to declare their crimes. He must be endued with a more than common share of imjnulence, who can hear the aggravations of his guilt displayed witlu)ut some evident tokens of regret in his countenance. O'jxcrcalian '2. — We should ever be cautious of exposing our weakness before servants, and persons of low stations in life, especially if we have any regard to being extensively useful." Mr. Bailey was graduated at Harvard College in 1755. Among his classmates were .Ion\ Adams, afterwards President of the United States; .lolm Wentworth, who received the honorary degree of J>L. J). from the I'niversitics of Oxford and Aberdeen, and trom Dartmouth College, was royal gover- nor of the province of New Hampshire and of Nova Scolia, and was created an English baronet in 1790 ; William Hrownc and David Sewall, both t)f whom bi-came judges of the suj)reme court of Massachusetts, and the former afterwards royal governor of Bermuda; Tristram Dalton, U. S. Senator; 1755.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 31 Samuel Locke, S. T. D., President of Harvard College in 1770 ; Rev. Wm. Willard Wheeler, Missionary of the Church of England at Georgetown, Me.; Charles Cashing, Jonathan Bowman, and others. In a letter to his parents just before his graduating, he speaks in terms of warm gratitude of the interest which the Rev, Mr. Jewett of Rowley had taken in him. He says: " He not only instructed me for this society, (i. e. Harvard College,) but has since been almost the procuring cause of all my benefactions; and now, whilst in Boston, he spared no pains to advance my interests. I have everything of clothing for commencement, but only a pair of stockings and a gown."' • In a letter to 'Rev. Mr. Jewett, about the same time, he ex- presses the like sentiments, and from his giving Mr. J. a state- ment of the amount due from him to the college, it is probable that he expected from that gerttleman a loan of the sum necessary to discharge this debt. 32 ruoNTir.R missionaky; ou, [1755. (II A p'l' i: K III. Tin: iin|)ortanrr wliicli has always linn attached to an uni- versal system of education in New Kngland, is well known to all who are familiar with her history. From its earliest period provision has been made by law that every male' child should have the oi)portunity of ae- quirinp at least the elements of learning at the public expense. This provision, of course, has called into requisition the services of many persons competent to teach. And as the school districts were of necessity small in area, their number was far greater than that of the towns. Till of late years, school teaching has not, as a general thing, been a distinct profession. The business was forimrly followed mainly by college studi-nts of small lucans, in their vacations, or by graduates, who finding that a debt remaineil for their education, taught school in order to earn the money for tlischarging that debt. The profession to w hieh they looked was at the end of their course as school-mast»rs, and their continuance in this em- ployment depended entirely on the length of time necessary to free them from pecuniary embarrassment. Mr. Bailey followed this course. He had tried it during his second year in college, but from the short time in which he was so occupied, it would seem that it did not prove as prolit- • It M believed that no provision w.-xs mado for the jxtblic instruction oi femnlet till in the Ultcr half of the lao*ite. This letter is thus superscribed: "To Mr. Jacob Uailey, Schoolmaster, at Kingston, N. Ilampsliire. These." ^ VJ ^ ^ 3 ^ r^. C! V: s 5 V ^^ ^ iv f > o 30 XI o 00 i 1756.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB UAILEY. .35 of cfl'ect upon them, except it be to render tliem more hardened and vile. Drinking, Sabbath-breaking, swearing, and im- modesty prevail, and what will be the event, God only knows. • • • I must tell you that I have the satisfaction of finding several blooming young creatures under my inspection, something inclined to virtue and modesty, but alas, I must leave these dear disciples in a few weeks, and I am afraid that after all they will be ruined by bad example.'' Februari/ 19///, 1756. Concluded his keeping school at Kingston for the present. A few days after he returned to his native place. While there, he nicntions that one " night there was a (religious) meeting at my father's." He adds, by way of observation : " Private meetings tend greatly to keep up the life and spirit of religion in the world, if managed with prudenci; and discretion." Mr. Bailey returned to Kingston and opened a private school on the 1st of the following March, which, owing to some cause unexplained by him, terminated in about two weeks. He then made a visit to Cambridge, and says, that on the 19th March " he saw the story of C^ueen Esther and Human acted in the college chapel." A second attempt to establish a private school in his native town, seems to have proved ecpially unsuccessful, for he re- cords that about April 14 he "set up a small private school in Rowley," and about a month afterwards that he was '• out of all employ." On a journey which Mr. Bailey made to ]3ostoii >honly after this, he says, " it was our fortune to fall in with Sir Wil- liam Pepperell, a familiar gentleman, with whoru we had no inconsiderable diversion, till we arrived at Ipswich, at which place we parted." " On the 16th of June," as his journal states, "there was a general muster through the j)rovince, none being excused upon any occasion from making their appearance in the fitld."' On the 21st of the same month Mr. Bailey went to Hamp- ton, N. H., in accordance with j)revious arrangements to take charge of the public school in that place. He says : " About 36 F U O N T I I , II M I s S I< » N A K Y ; OR, [1757. tlio (lii-k of the cvniiiii;, I was visited ^oon after my arrival by Doiiiinic Weeks and the ^eleetineii, witli wlioiii 1 had a wearisome eonfereiiee, ^^ Jam "-I'-ld. This day lirst eiiteri'd into my school. I found a vast dilVerciicc between my scholars here and those I had at Kincfston. AlUTwards he writes: " My situation at Hampton is j)erfeetly agreeable. I enjoy all the satisfaction and delijL,'ht a person can receive from objects of sense. My lodgings are contiguous to the great road, and surrounded with a variety of entertaining prospects, I am favored with the conversation of scholars, men t)f sense and learning, and when the genlh shadows of evening approach, a company of easy, ingenuous young ladies allord us their j)leasing society to walk abroad into the streets or neighboring fields to view the beauties of nature.'' "////// 2(/. This day begin to train my .scholars in military exercises. 1 propose to set apart every Friday afternoon for spelling, and to appoint the boy who remains uppermost after the last word in the appropriated portion, captain, and the other ollicers successively in order.'' Some evidence of the estimation in which Mr. Bailey's ser- vices as a teacher were held by the people among whom ho now was, will ajipear in the fact, that when he had been with them about four months, and was solicited to n'Uiove to a neighl)oring town, the citizens of Hampton increased his yearly pay XSO, (). T. The following was evidently intended for publication. AVhetluT or not it ever appean-d in print, is not known. It is, however, thought worthy of a j)lace here, for its statement of certain |)ractices prevailing when it was written, and also for the singular theory of the writer as to their cause. "Hampton, Jan. 10th, 1757. " To Mr. Foirlr, Pithlis/icr of the Xcm Ilamjtshirc Gazette : ' Discite non temncrc divos.' — Virgil. " It is enough to fdl a considerate mind with the deepest horror, to sec with what irreverence and inattention many peo- 175!^.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 37 pie attend sacred worship ; they seem to rush into the Divine presence with the same lightness and airy appearance they carry to shows and places of diversion ; even in their addresses to the Supreme Majesty of Heaven, when their minds ought to be filled with the profoundest solemnity and the most awful conceptions, how often do their eyes rove unguarded, and wander from one gay object to another, till their hearts become lost to all serious impressions, till some pleasing amusement steals upon the fancy, and warmly engages all their devotion. " I shall add no more at present, but refer this question to the judgment of sober-thinking men, whether these disorders do not, in a great measure, proceed from both sexes being permitted to mingle in our public assemblies promiscuously?" In April, 17-j:!<, Mr. Bailey's labors, as a teacher at Hampton, were concluded. The following is entered in his journal at that time : " April Ist^ 1758. This being the day I had appointed for any of my scholars who had an inclination to pay me a visit, I had my study almost full from nine o'clock to sunset, during which season I was inspired with many tender sensations. The little creatures who had been so long under my instruction, were exceedingly moved at parting, and the tokens of sorrow which they exhibited, had almost the same effect upon me. Observation. — Nothing gives a person, I believe, a more sensible feeling, than a separation from those who have, upon every occasion, afforded him their kind instructions.'' In speaking of a female acquaintance, whose disregard to sacred things, and even violent opposition and scoffmg, had been succeeded by a lov(! and reverence of her Maker, an interest in the spiritual state of others, and an "aversion to all kinds of immodesty and immoderation." then too eonimon, Mr. Bailey observes: "I had an opportunity, of late, to take notice of the Divine power in iiilluencing the hearts of several, in a truly wonderfid and surprising iiianner, which plainly shows, that no human consideration can avail against the efficacious operations of Heaven." What were the motives which induced him to leave Hamp- 38 F RON TIER missionary; OR, [1758. toil, wlirp', In- Miys. Ill' >pr art' tlicrr any nicaiis of kimwiiij:,' liow lie obtained a priiot)! in ( Jjmuester, .Ma«s., to wliidi |)laee he now reinovcd, after a spaee of two months, in uhidi he was nnenipjoyed. His first impressions mav l>e Irarnrd from the followinj^ entry in his jonrnal : '^ April 10///, 17.')*^. This day heini,' Monday, first opened my school, but foiind ev«»rything vastly ditlerent from what I had bt'fore been accustomed to in those regions of rusticity where I hail formerly placed my abode. The scholars, I ob- served, began to use every method to impose upon me, and 1 presently found myself in a very mdiappy situation, on account of my perfect ignorance, both of tlieir characters and the man- ner of instruction they had been used to luider former mas- ters." After havin;: been in (Jloucester nearly two iimnths, Mr. Bailey undertook a journey to Portsmouili, and lodged with Col. W<*eks, in Hampton. The next day he went on to the place of his destination. • • . '• It being Sunday, we should have foimd it something diliicult to travel, had n(^t the smallpox been in Hampton, so as to j)rcvcnt the use of their meeting-house. • • We reached Portsmouth just as the bells Wire ringing for one (o'clock), and came to Col. Warner'-. where we met with exceeding hamlsome treatment. In the afternoon I went to church, but was so overcome with the extreme heat, the fatigues of the journey, and the want of rest, that I shoidd have certainly fallen asleep, had not novelty kept me awake. At evening I returned to the Colonel's, and spent some time in conversation with Mrs. Warner, on the ceremonies of the clmreli."" The next day, he adds: "I went to the printer's, where T engaged him to print a little book for children." On the fourth of the same month we find iiim at Exeter, N. H , at the hou.'*e of Rev. Mr. Odlin, where the association of (Congregational) ministers were assembled. " Here," says he, "I found Mr. Merrill, .Mr. Parker, Pike, and others, who came with ;in expectation of h(>arincr niy approbation dis- 1758.] LIFE OF RKV. JACOB BAILEY. 39 course. However, it was with the greatest dilliculty I was prevailexl upon to overcome my bashful humor so far as to read my discourse. When I had finished, I had the satisfac- tion to find it well received, and accordingly, after dinner, they gave me an approbation to preach the (Jospel. O, that I may be improved as a bh'ssing to mankind, and be an instrument of advancing the Redeemer's kingdom I'' The subject of this Memoir was now a regular ch-rgyman, according to the rules of the i)re(lominant (h-noniinaiiou. His labors in school teaching, during the three years since iie left college, were arduous (as we have seen) and almost uninter- mitted. Under these circumstances, how he could have the opportunity of acquiring any large amount of theological knowledge, It were dillicult to tell. Yet, those "having au- thority," ill his and their view, gave him ollicial permission, publicly, to teach and preach in the congregation. They must also have been satisfied of his personal piety, else they would hardly have consented to his occuj)ying a position in which he would not only be regarded as a guide, but as an exam[)le to others. '■'' July Vd III. Commencement day at Harvard College. • . About four o'clock in the afternoon meeting began, when I had to ascend the rostriun a second time, and to dis|)ute from this (juestion : Imperium sive hominibus prorsus neccssarium sit?" In the course of a few days, Mr. Bailey again visited Ports- mouth. " When I arrived, about sunset, I called upon Mr. Fowle, where I found the little book printed, which I had pre- j)ared for children, after which I j)ut up at Col. Warner's, and was very courteously received by him and his lady." On leav- ing this hospitable family, he received "seven louis from the Colonel, and to the value of as many pounds iVt)m his ladv,to his own use." The journeys of which we have sj)oken above, did not, it would seem, interrupt Mr. liailey's school at Gloucester, which was kept for him by a friend in his absence. It certainly appears strange to our present ideas of ministe- rial conduct, to read an entry in which he records that, being 40 1 HON ill: K missionaky; ou, [1758. ill ci)Hj|):iiiy on an fvcniiii,' in \n"ii-t .if thi-; yi-ar, lie "played several gaiijes of enrds." On anDtluT journey, tnnile lo New Ilampsliire, he stopped at Col. Weeks'."*, in Hampton, on the \''hU of August. lie say*, in his journal of that date: " Mr. IJraekett tailed at the gate, where I waiti-d upon him, and had an invitation to Ports- mouth, whieh he imai^ined mi<^ht hr greatly for my advantage, as there was a mission vaeant for a nnnister of the Church of Kngland. 'I'his proposal wonderfully pleased both me and Mr. Weeks." 'I'lie next day found Mr. Bailey in Portsmouth, at the house of his benefactor. Col. W.irner. Dr. Rrackett interested him- self in the matter about which he had spoken to Mr. Hailey in Hampton. IJut it would seem that, at |)resen't, intpiiries only could be made, the result of which the Dr. promised to writ*- to Mr. Pailey, after the return of th(! latter to (Iloueester. Mr. Bailey did not fail, however, to call on Col. Weeks, in Hampton, on his homeward journey — when he says: " I re- lieved their impatience to hear of my success at Portsinouth." He also called on a classmate of his, in Salisbury, and '* ac- (juainted him with" hi.s "designs of visiting England." On the evening of the same day, being in Rowley, he says: '• I visited my parents, where I found my Aunt Bailey, who all cried out upon me when I discovered my resolutions of visiting London for orders ; and after all, 1 fciind it extremely dilFicult, with all the arguiuents I coidd use, to gain them over to anv favoraljle sentiments concerning the Church of I'iiig- land."" Mr. Jiailey, on the next day, resumed his occupation of teaching in (doucester. " October '2ist. This day, at evening, visited Capt Gibbs, and acipiairjted hitu with my business at Portsmouth, who seemed much pleased at the prospect, and assured me that he should see Mr. Brown shortly, himself, in Boston, when he would use his interest in my behalf.'' Under date of the 31st of the same month, Mr. Bailey writes to Dr. Brackett, at Portsmouth, N. H., who, it will be recol- lected, made the suggestion to him, that it might be for his 1759.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB 15 A I LEY. 41 interest to visit the latter place. Mr. Bailey refers to the above conversation with Capt. (Jibbs, and says, that wliile he engaged to use his interest with Mr. Brown, he " imagines it proper, in the mean time, to have it mentioned to some gentlemen in Portsmouth." In a letter addressed to a friend, and dated (Jloucester, Feb- ruary 26th, 17o9, he says : " I was at Ilamjiton the first of this month;" and afterwards, in the same letter: "They have al- most made a Presbyterian preacher of me since I saw you." It is dillicult to tell to what this statement refers. Mr. Bailey had, for some months, been made, i. e., "approbated" as a preacher, by a Congregational association. Does the above refer merely to a change of relations from that denomi- nation to the Presbyterian, or a regular ordination as a Con- gregational minister? And had this anything to do to jirevent Mr. Bailey's intention of entering the Church of England ? We have no means of answering these (juestions. An extract on page 40, has shown that the general ideas of what was proper in ministerial practice were not od'ended by clergymen who engaged in j)laying cards, and the subjoined extract will show that the public were equally tolerant with reference to their engaging in another amusement, as much objectionable to our modern notions of propriety. " Rowley^ May SOt/i, IToO. Towards evening, the actors came together at Mrs. Woodman's, when we attempted to perform the jilay of the Scapin. The actors were : — Oclarian, ...... J. IVmi.ky. Leander, ....... . Gripe, ....... . Thrifty,* ...... . Scapin, . . . ... . . . .% . Shift . WOMEN. Clara, ....... Toi.i.y V. Lucia, ....... Amklia. •The gentleman who sust.iincd this character became .a clcrgyiiLin afterwarJn, if, indeed, he was not one at this time. 42 FRONT I III MISSIONAIIY; Olt, [1759. " Afltr taking,' :i ili-li .u . i. w. .ill toi^'cilier walkt'd down to the inPftin^-liDiisi', ami llioro divcrtcil ourselves (ill dusk. then returiiini;, we had an agreeable tlaiiee. *' IliimptoH, June 3laces, that the thoughts of his faithftdness must have been a satisfaction to him durin:,' the whole of his after life. Those of his jour- nals and letter-books that remain, afVord abundant evidence of his interest, not tMily in the intellectual j^rogress of his scholar-. * Ink letter, wriitrn many year* nrtrrtrards, he says that he "kept the Grammar School at Cape Ann Harbor fur about two years." 17of).] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 45 but also in Ihcir mannors and morals. To read tlioin, one would suppose that he was eugagcul iu a ])usiness to which he had devoted his life, and the labors in whi( h were rewarded with abundance of honor and profit. Many letters to his female scholars are jjrcservcd. The mere fact that the master would write to his pupils, must then have be<'n considered as a remarkable condescension. These letters are not mere didactic compositions, excellent in them- selves, but from their form not lil matters, was dif- ferent then. And we have other evidence to satisfy us that this view is correct. At this time it must be remembered that Mr. Bailey preached for Orthodox ministers and congrega- 46 ru()NTii:u M I > ^ 1 () N A K Y ; OK, [17o9. tioiis, ami no txifpiioii was lakni tn pnuliccs which must have bfcii kiinwii. Thf IMyiMouth dracon '' was uiidfr stdiir apprrhensions, k'st Mr. Haih V ^;houhl he u North Shore man, an apjulhition for Arminians;" hut the time had not thin arrived for inipiir- ihi; thf ministrr's viows on Total Abstinence; bein^' satislied whether lie knew how many cards there were in a pack, or knowing whether he had ever worn the sock or buskin. These were evidently trivial thin«^s in the eyes of that generation. That the latter part of the Lord's day should be desecrated l)y the noise and sjjorts of chililreii in the public street, and near Forefathers' Rock, " frii^hli-ncd not the town from iis pro- priety." rimrch members ami ollicers weri' too much intent on meta|)hysical (piestions, to concern themselves nnich with the works l)y which, as the Scriptures assure us, a true faith may be discerned. Mr. Bailey was one of tht^ many who hijvc l(;ft the ministry of the dillcrcnt denominations, and entered that of the Epis- copal Church. It would be interesting to know his motives. Unfortunately, however, the series of his journals and letter- books at this time is broken, Conld these missing documents be recovered, much light might be siieil on this change. We learn, from those that remain, that it was not till nearly three years after he had gradiiati-d, that he cVer attended the services of the Church of England,' for he speaks of the "novelty" of what he witnessed in the chm-ch at Portsmouth, N. II., and that this novelty previ-ntcd his falling asleep from the com- bined effects of the heat, fatigue, and want of rest. His con- versations with Mr. Warni'r and Dr. Hrackett, of that place, doubtless had some cllcct. lb- had interviews with the Rev. Arthur Brown, Rector of (.Queen's Chapel. bVom what we can learn, however, the inllucncir and (exertions of Capt. or l'iS(j. (Jihljs, of (iloueester. Were luost ellicacious in di'termining .Mr. Hailcy to change his religious relations. In several |)arts of his journal this gentleman is sjjoken of in • Till' corner stimc (if C'liri.st Churi'h, f'.im))ricr Wlli. This mornin:; we arose with the dawning lisjht. and travelled on towards Boston. The wind blew from the N. \\ ., and the weather was excessive et)ld. 1 presently found myself unable to proceed on my journey, whieh Mr. D. observing, he was so kind as to let me riile to the fc-rr), whi! lie travelled on foot. " The sun had l)een risen about an hour when we arrived at \\inuisiinmet, but it was almost ten before we made Boston. • • • I then proceeded to Dr. (Silvester) (lardiner's, l)ut, to my sorrow, found him very sick, and in such a situation that he could not be spoken with. This put me under a great disadvantagi', as thi" ship, 1 was informeil, would infallibly sail within a few days. 1 perceived, however, that the Dr. took iiotiee of my allairs in the intervals of iiis disorder. His son, Jeremy, was heartily disposed to promote my interest, and engaged to see my business settled to my content. • . \\\ the afternoon I visited (Rev,) Mr. C'aner, who advised me to proceed immediately to Cambridge, fur proper testimonial from the President and I-'ellows of th(^ college, especially with regard to my conduct while I was a member of that society. 1759.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 49 " Dccrmber 15lh. About ten o'clock I arrived at college, and entered those walls, where I had formerly resided with so much satisfaction. * * I waited ujion the President.* He kindly invited me into a parlor, and behaved towards me in a genteel and obliging manner, not only before, but after 1 liad manifested my request. When I desired some testimonials of my moral conduct at college, he answered with mildness, and told me that a diploma would be the most advantageous thing I could possibly carry from that society, and added, that it should cost me nothing for the seal. I thanked him, and re- turned to college, after which a freshman waited upon me with a copy of a diploma. # * * About three o'clock I waited again upon the President, who behaved towards me not only with incivility, but a kind of barbarous roughness. Notwithstanding the weather was extreme cold, he caused me to tarry in an outer kitchen for near half an hour, without any fire to mitigate the prevailing severity, and finally refused to give me any testimonials, although it was well known that I was never punished for tiie breach of any college laws. He, however, signed my diploma, and sent me to the gentlemen of the corporation for the like favor. " About six o'clock I waited upon Mr. Caner, and was con- strained to give him the disagreeable news of my unsuccessful journey to Cambridge. Upon which he declared, with some emotion, that all my afiairs were entirely confounded, and that it would be next to impossible for me to act with success. This afforded me a great deal of uneasiness, till he informed m«' that he had drawn my recommendatory letters to the so- ciety and his lordship, the Bishop of London; and now, says he, if you can prevail upon the ministers of this town to sign these letters, you may jjossibly succeed, but if they refuse, nothing further can be done. " These discouragements whetted my industry, and made me careful to lose no tiin(\ I prt)ceeded directly to Dr. Cut- ler, who readily put his name to the papers, as did likewise I\Ir. Troutbrtrk, to my great satisfaction. • Rev. Edward Holyokc, A. M. 50 F no N T 1 1: II M I s s I (> N A u V ; o u , [1 7G0. " Dtccinhi r 1<»///. 'I'liis diiy lH'in<^ Sunday, wrnt ti) Clirist Cliurrh. Diiu-d wiili Dr. Cutler. • • la tlic fveniiij^, waited upon .Mr. t'aner, where I found .Mr. A|)tlu)r|), who did me the fav;)r of signing my letters. I wa.s Tery much ph'a.>*ed with hi.«< eoMversiitioM, and that modesty he discovereil in pro- po.>»iiig hi.s sentiments. '' Drccmhcr 17///. Called, in the evening, np<»n l^irsou Hooper,* who behaved towards me with a great deal of com- plaisance. .\fter looking over my testimonials, he declared them suflicient, hut, nevertheless, refused to set his name to my reeonunendatory letters, objecting, that Mr. Caner liad drawn them up without suflicient caution. • •••«• '' Drrrmher 2[sl. Tliis day, attended prayers, and dined with Mr. Caner. This gentleman has, upon every occasion, shown me an infmite deal of kindness. May Heaven prosjier all my benefactors I ..... *^ December 2(M/i. This morning, waited upon Mr. I'axon, who engaged to use his interest with the commander of the Hind in my l)ehalf, for a jiassagc to England. • •«••• '■'• January Gth, 17G0. This morning, early, received orders from Capt. Bond, to wait ui)on him the next day at his lodg- ings. After church, went into .Mr. Caner's, and tarrieil till dinner, but having received an invitation from Mr. I'axon, I waited U|)on him, was politely received, introduced into a line parlor among several ai^'rceable gentlemen. I found here the famous Kit Minot, .Mr. Mr Kensie, and «>iir .Mr. Stuart, a j)retty young gentleman. I observed that our com|)any, though chiclly upon the gay order, distinguished the day by a kind of reverent decorum. Our conversation was modest and per- fectly innocent, and I scarce remember my ever being in any company where I could behave with greater freedom. After attending divine service at Trinity Church, and hearing a sermon by Rev. .Mr. Hooper, 1 waited upon Mr. Caner, and received from his own hands into my custody, tlvose letters of * Kcv. William Iloopcr, Hector of Trinity Chuich, Boston. 1760.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. ol recommendation which lie had jireparcd to liis graee the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, his h)rdship Uie Bi?hop of London, and the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts. • • • k • • ^^ January 10th. • ♦ Towards evening the boat appeared. In the boat's crew I discovered a young man, whose appear- ance and behavior pleased me more than all I had seen. I immediately applied to him for advice, and he courteously answered, that it was my best way to go directly on board. Accordingly, the boat was loosed in a few minutes, and I found myself floating upon the water. In our way to the ship we met Capt. Bond in a small schooner, returning towards tiie shore. He desired me, with all the insolence of power, to step into the schooner, while he entered the boat and proceeded to land. The wind blowing strong, it was some time before we could get on board the ship. At length, with dilliculty, I clambered up the sides, and found myself in the midst of a most horrid confusion. The deck was crowded full of men, and the boatswain's shrill whistle, with the swearing and hal- looing of the petty olllcers, almost stunned my ears. I could find no retreat from this dismal hubbub, but was obliged to continue jostling among the crowd above an hour, before I could find anybody at leisure to direct me. At last, Mr. Let- terman, the captain's steward, an honest Prussian, perceiving my disorder, introduced me through the steerage to the lieu- tenant. I found him sitting in the great cabin. lie ap|)eared to be a young man, scarce twenty years of age, and had in his countenance some indications of mildness, Uj)on my en- trance, he assumed a most important look, and with a big voice demanded to know my riMpicst. I informed him that I was a passenger on board the Hind, by the permission of Capt. Hond, and desired that he would be civil enough to direct me to the place of my destination. He replied, in this laconic style : * Sir, I will take care to speak to one of my mates.' This was all the notice, at present, from these great nothings. But, hapj)ily, on my return from the cabin, I found my chest and bedding carefully stowed away in the steerage. In the 52 FRONTii. K missionary; or, [171)0. mean time, the .-mj> \n.i- ihuu.m.m .1, aiul \vr f«ll gently down to N:uitaMket, " The cohl was extreme at this season, the wind blowing hard from the n(»rth-west, and what added va.stly to njy alilieti<»ii, was the tlisagreeable eonversation around me. I spent an hour in walking und«*r the half-deek, during which time I ob- served a yoimg gentleman at a distance, walking, with a pi ii- sive air in his et)untfnanee. Coming near him, he advamed forward, and in a etJurteous mann<'r invited me down between deck.**, t(» a place lu- called his berth. I thanked him for liis kindness, antl readily followed him down a ladder into a dark and dismal region, where the fumes of pitch, bilge water, and other kinds of nastiness almost suffocated me in -a minute. We had not prt)ceeded far before we entered a small apart- ment, hung round with damp and greasy canvas, which made, on every hand, a most gloomy and frightful appearance, but a little superior, in my imagination, to the infernal abodes, where darkness and horror remain unmolested. In the middle stood a table of pine, varnished over with nasty slime, furnished with a bottle of rum and an old tin mug, with an hundreil and fifty bruises and several holi's, through which the liipior poured in as many streams. This was quickly filled with toddy, and as sj)eedily emptied by two or three con)p;uiions, who presently joined us in this doleful retreat. Not all the scenes of horror about us could afford me much dismay, till I received the news that this detestable apartment was allotted by the ca|)tain to l)c the place of my habitation during the voyage I I endeavored to soothe the melancholy ideas that began to intrude upon my mind, by considering that I should, through the permission of a favorable Providence, shortly be in brighter regions. " Our eomi)any continually increased, when the most shock- ing oaths and curses resounded from every corner, some load- ing tlu'ir neighbors with bitter execrations, while others uttered imprecations too awfid to be recordetatoes, minced and stewed together, then served up with its broth, in a wooden tub, the half of a (piarter cask. The table was furnished with two pewter plates, the half of one was melted away, and the other, full of holes, was more weather-beaten than the sides of the ship; one knife with a bone handle, one fork with a broken tine, half a metal spoon, and another, taken at (.Quebec, with part of the bowl cut ofT. AVhen sup|)er was ended, the company continued their exercise of drinking, swearing and carousing, till half an hour after two, when some of these obliging gentlemen made a motion for my taking some repose. Accordingly, a row of greasy canvas bags, hanging overhead by the beams, were unlashed. Into one of them it was proposed I should get, in order to sleep, but it was with the utmost dilHcidty I j)rcvented myself from falling over on the other side. Here I endeavored to compose myself, but ha n-.illy Iriu', the following nccidi'iit tlinroviTrd. As Mr. I'fursoii was takin*^ somcthiii'^ out of his pockt't-book, he dropped a pa|)«r that I i«u>k iij) and read, which was qs follows: — "*I)kar Sir: — 'T is with the utmost reprot I am forced to part with yt'ii, and shall have many a sorrowfid hour till you rettjrn. • ' I rannot think yon will prehensions, but towards evening it sprang up a little to the eastward of south. It blew fresh, and we were obliged to keep the shij) close hauled to the wind, which caused a great motit)n, and I presently was ol)liged to rej>air to my hammock, extremely sick, and so continued all night.'' 1760.] LtFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 57 The daily occurrences of tlie voyage are related with more or less minuteness. Mr. Bailey mentions several acts of kind- ness and attention to him on the part of the petty ollieers of the ship, but which were, nevertheless, accompanied with much that was unpleasant and repulsive. Thus, they with whom he dined, by invitation, one day, "tried to tempt him into some fashionable excesses, and as the accjuaintance in- creased, were perpetually criticising his conversation.'' On one occasion he dined with the doctor of the ship, who did not hesitate to express Deistical, and even Atheistical, opinions. He states, in his journal, after he had been at sea a few days, that "at this season I was much etnaciated with sick- ness, and oftentimes not less disconcerted at the abominable profaneness (hat everywhere prevailed, more especially in the apartment to which T had the misfortune to be confined." The following is gladly inserted, as it makes the captain of the ship appear in a more amiable light than previously: " I cannot help taking notice of the kindness of our captain to me, whicli, though conferred with a good deal of insolence, yet was exceedingly comfortable to me in my reduced condi- tion, since he ordered his servant to send me something every day from his table." After a terrific storm,* which nearly proved the destruction of the ship and all on board of her, their cars were saluted, on the morning of Feb. IGth, with the joyful cry of land! " Such was my satisfaction,'' says our voyager, "at the sight of the British shores, which I had so long sighed for in my native country, that I could not forbi-ar shedding tears upon the occa- sion. • • Exactly at twelve o'clock we came to anchor between St Helens and Spiihcad, it being completely, to an hour, twenty-eight days, from the time we weighed anchor at Nantasket The next day, (Sunday,) about eleven o'clock, the barge was hoisted out, and the captain, with Mr. Barons and • Mr. Biiilry subscrjucntly speaks, in hi« journal, of the accounts which the news- papers contained, of the disasters occasioned by this storm. The Hind was signal- ized by the Ilamilics, a ninety-gun ship, on the IJtli inst. That very night, tliis ship was shipwrecked, and of a crew of seven hundred and thirty-four persons, only twenty- five escaped with their lives. 58 FRONTIEH MISSIONAIiV; (>U. [17(^)0. his ;itt«iiilant.«*, wen* pn'pnrini,' to l:iii(l at I'ort.^^tnDinli, \vlii'n I rrquf.xtril K*avr of t»ur haughty tDimiiaiKlcr to visit the shore but he rrturncil me answer, with all tin- insolmce of tyramis. that ' I must wait for the n'turii of the boat.' This ilisap- poiiitment raised my spirits to a prodigious degree, but I was constrained to vent my disappointment in silence. I took. however, a social tlinner with the doctor, the purser, and hi» agreeable consort, after whieh, ISIr. .Major, a young gentleman who had conveyeil his chest on board the Hind, but was disap- pointed of a passage, joined our company. Towards evening he was disposed to n-turn towards l\)rtsmouth, and having a large boat alongside, I recpiested the favor of accompany ini; him to the shore, whieh he readily granted. Having taken n leave of all friends in the ship, I left it with the greatest satis- faction, but not without a strong inclination of seeing again those who had been companions in so many dangers. In our way to the harbor, we passed by a vast number of siiips, either lying at anchor, or getting under sail. In less than half an hour we landed on the strand, in Portsmouth, which was covered with a great multitude of people, chielly boys atid servants, at their several diversions. This opened to me a new scene, ami quickly made me sensible that I was in a country dilVcrent from New England. The gentleman wli cauie on shore with me was a stranger to the city as well a~ myself, which occasioned me a great deal of imeasy confusion, since I was not acquainted wiili any living person. Wliile I stood staring around me in the wildest disorder, a young lad came down to the water, and ollered to carry my chest to any place 1 should direct, 1. in a moment, recollected that il might be proper to have it re|)osited in sonu* wagon-house, till it could be conveyed up to London. Accordingly, he put it down at the Blue Anchor, where I was informed that it would be put into the wagon the next morning." One of the ollicers of the Hind hail given Mr. IJailcy a let- ter of introduction to a lady who kept a boarding-house in Portsnu)uth, and immediately on his arrival there, he set out in search of her dwelling. He rambled through the streets, inquiring of many |)crsons where the person lived to whom his 1760.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILET. 59 letter was addressed. For a long time he could gain no infor- mation, till, at last, "an honest-looking tar" ollired to conduct him to the place of his destination. " I made no scruple," says Mr. Bailey, "to commit myself to his direction, especially when he told me that he belonged to the Diana, the ship in which IMr. Greaton* took his passage for England." The let- ter of introduction })rocured him a welcom(>, and, at last, he found himself iji comfortable tjuarters, waiting for the llrst pul)lic conveyance to Tjondon. The reader can hardly have failed to remark the dillicidties which Mr. Bailey encountered, and the trials to which hi' was subjected in his efforts to obtain orders in the Church of Kng- land. We cannot easily account for the coldness with which he was treated by the President of Harvard College, or the refusal of that odicer to certify the acknowledged fact, that his character was unexceptionable while he was a member of that institution. This refusal caused Mr. Bailey much anxiety and trouble, and nearly prevented his obtaining the testimonials reiiuired by the ecclesiastical authority in England. AltlK)Ugli the subject of this Memoir found friends who had sufl'icient inlluence to secure him a passage in an armed ship, yet, it would seem, he could not obtain decent accoiiunoda- tions on board, and that he was even obliged to share his hammock with the man servant of one of the passengers. The captain treated him with a superciliousness little to be expected from one of a profession with which civility and politeness are unifortnly associated. The petty ollicers of the ship, including the surgeon, appear to have been almost brutes in human shape, who bore the royal commission. Their pas- senger was an educat(Hl man, a licensed clergyman of the Congregational denomination, and the object of his voyage to England was to obtain orilers in the Established Church. Yet their i)rofaneness ajipears to have bei'u unrestrained in his ])resence ; they sought to tempt him into some fashionable excess; they made severe rcllections on his native country; • Afterwards Rector of Christ Church, Boston, M.xss. GO K II o N T 1 1: li M I s s I o N V It V ; o u , [ 11(]0. niul, fvrn wIh'm |i«- was n mirst at tlirir tahlf, llioy critiiisod his |)r«)iuiiuiatiitii and rnaiiiirr i)f speak iiii,'. W'c Know not if Mr. n.iil>v> i\|HTifn«c in obtaining losti- nioniaU, and on liis voyayr to l-wi^'land, was a fair sprciineu of that of other candichitrs, in grmral, for ht»ly ordrrs. If it were »o. we cannot but ndrnire the perseverance, and res|>ect the strong principlr which inlhic-ncfd these young men, ncit only to sacrifue the time and money necessary to the voyage, and to incur the ilangers of the .'^ea, but which coidd support. *hcm under the trial of being associated, for an indefnu'te time, with unmannerly, drimUen, profarie and licentious com- panion.^. \Ve art- sure, that a person of a similar standing with Mr. Hailey, who should now take passage in an armed ship, woulil not suller as he was compelled to do. The naval service has g«-ntlemen for its otlieers, and among them are bright ornaments of the rili<:ioM which they profess. On the second day after .Mr. liailey's arrival in Portsmouth, he commenced his journey to Lontlon. The public convey- ance in which he took passage, is thus described by iiim : *' These stage machines are built in the form of a common coach, but somewhat larger ; they are drawn by six horses, arc capable of carrying six persons, with their bundles, which must never exceed fourteen pounds to a single passenger. Besides the projicr body of the coach, there is a large apart- ment erected behind, which frenueutly contains seven or eight jx'oplc. But it is very uncomfortable riding there in stormy weather, it being wholly uncovered, and exposed to the open air." Of the passengers that tiecupii-d the coach with him on this journey, he says: "A greater variety of characters and employments in life, perhaps were; never before assembled together in so narrow an apartment." In the evening,' of the same day, .Mr. Bailey reached the city of Iiondi>n, and lodged at 'Mhc great Sj)reatl Eagle Inn, (Jrace Church Street." The next mornirig he called upon "Mr. IJut- ler, a noted bookseller, near King Street, Cheapside," and de- livered to him a letter of introtluction. Through his assistance he engaged lodgings with a family, where other American cler- gymen and candidates for orders had resided. The same day 1700.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. HI he found Mr. Greaton, wlio liad visited Kiiglaiid to obtain ordination. On the 27th February, the subject of our Memoir waited upon Rev. Dr. Bearcroft, tlie Secretary of the Society for Pro- moting the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and delivered to him some letters, " together with a will, wherein a New England lady iiad left a legacy of £1,000 sterling to the society." The same day he called on Rev. Dr. Nichols, and presented him with letters for his lordship the Bishop of London. " February 28///. This morning Mr. Cireaton and I waited upon the Archbishop of Canterbury,* at his palace at Lam- beth. We had the good fortune to fmd him at home. After being conducted, with a vast deal of ceremony, through ex- tended walks, grand halls, and spacious chambers, we were, at length, presented to his grace, who immediately rose from his seat and gave us his blessing, before we had an opportunity to kneel. He then desired us to sit, and conversed with us in the most easy and polite manner. He inquired of me concerning the war in America, and asked me 'what the sentiments of people were, in general, concerning Col. Amherst?' I an- swered him with caution and coolness, more than was neces- sary. After he had conversed freely for nuire than half an hour, taking pen and paper, lie wrote to Dr. Nichols, that upon the recommendation I was able to protluce, he need not be under any scruple of admitting me to ordination. " Fcbruarij 29th. This luorning I arose full of anxious con- cern, and, not tarrying for my breakfast, walked near two miles, to the place of my examination. I was presently intro- duced to the Doctor, (Nichols,) who received me with all that mildness which he always assumes towards his dependants. Requesting me to sit, he proceeded to ask me a great number of questions concerning my country, relations, and education* I observed that my answers appeared to give him satisfaction. At length, examination came on. He gave me, first, the Greek Testament, and desired iiie to render a portion of it either into Latin or Englisii, according to my inclination. He likewise • Dr. Seeker. 62 FUONTir. K MISSION A KV; OK, [1700. gave inr librrty to {hoosu what boi)k or chapter I pleased. I happened to open al)Out the middle of the first chapter of Matthew, and passed through this part of my examination with ease. The next book he put into my hand was Urotius dc Veritate. Here I was not at my liberty, but he heard ni- to the first section in the Second Book, where I read oir that and two .sections besides, into English, without receiving any correction. The last part of the examination was, to render the Thirty-nine Articles into Latin, and then to explain it. This I had the happiness to perform, not only to his accept- ance, but even far beyor)d what I could wish. After I had passed through the several forms used on these occasions, h' dismissed me, with a declaration that he had the pleasure to find me ipialified, and would nMoimncMd iiu; (or onlinatiou the next Sunday. '' Miirclt 2(1. This nu)rning arose early, and met my com- panions, according to agreement. • • I found Mr. Morton,> a young gentleman from Philadelphia, arrived before me. • • AVhen wc had finished our breakfast, a couple of coaches appeared, to tronvey us to Fulham. We had a pleasant ride through a beautiful country, for the space of five miles beyond the town. • • About ten, we came in sight of the bishop's palace. • • The servants cf)nductetl us into a very odd apartment. We found, however, a good lire, which alloRled us a very seasonable refreshment, as the weather was chilly. We were presently joined l)y several other gentlemen, candi- dates for ordination. His lordship the Bishop of Rochester, soon arrived, when we were calletl into his presence. Ileri' we were obligc-d to subscribe the Thirty-nine Articles. The bell, a few minutes after, ringing for |)rayers, we were all shown into the chapel, where, after taking three oaths, we were admitted to deacons' orders by the Bishop, with the as- sistance! of Dr. Nichols and another clergyman. When we returned from the chapel, we were conducted into a vast large hall, entirely composed of the finest marble. It was arched * Dr. Zachary Tearcc. 1760.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. G3 overhead, and was at least twenty feet liigh. All the walls, as well as the grand canopy, were covered with the most strik- ing figures, so that this spacious apartment might truly be said to be fine without hangings, and beautiful witliout paint. In the middle stood a long table, covered with silver dishes. Wc sat down with his lordship of Rochester, the Bishop of Lon- don's lady, and several others, being, in all, twenty-one. We had ten servants to attend us, and were served with twenty- four different dishes, dressed in such an elegant manner, that many of us could scarce eat a mouthful. The drinking ves- sels were either of glass or of solid gold.' The Bishop was very sociable at table, but was seen to behave with a very important gravity. After paying eleven shillings a-piece for our orders, we drove into the city, and took a dish of tea to- gether, and then parted in friendship. ^^ March ''jth. This morning waited upon the famous Mr. Benjamin P'ranklin, and received an invitation to dine. • His son dined with us, a barrister-at-law. He is a gentleman of good education, but has passed away the flower of his youth in too many extravagancies. • •••** " March 14///. This day was appointed for ])ublic fasting and prayer through Great Britain, to implore tlie divine blessing on the arms of the nation. In the afternoon, walked abroad with Messrs. Greaton and Morton. After rambling several miles, we came to Moorfields, and passing through them, we entered the lane which leads to .Mr. Whitfield's famous taber- nacle. We saw multitudes of people crowding along from • In reading this description, allowance should be made for the novelty of the sights which met Mr. Bailey's eyes on this occasion. His early days were passed in humhlc circumstances, and though afterwards he had some ojjportunity of associating with persons of wealth and refinement, yet it can hardly be supposed that he had ever been present at any entertainment in whicli much display of luxury and wealth had been made. Besides, America could not compete with England in the style of furniture and decorations of buildings. Ilis description of his visit at the house of the Bishop, was, no douljt, according to his impressions at the time. That he was mistaken, in some degree, we know, from his remark, that " the drinking vessels were either of glass or solid gold." It has been stated, by competent authority, that, even at the present day, services of gold plate are composed of silver, more or less heavily gilded. (U rU().NTIi:il M ISS ION A K Y ; oil, [17G0. cvrry (juartrr, to hear tin- tiitrrtaiiiiiii; iiupcniiicm'c of tliat gentli'iuan. By tin* raUulutioii I was t'liablcil to make, I am sensible tliorc was not less than ten thousand persons in and about the tabernaele. Here were nwiny serious people of the lower sort, several of fashion, and a great number of villains, who take thr advantage to pick tin- poikets of the innocent rabble. I'pon our return, we n)et Mr. Milner, a young grntU-- man from New York, who earne ov«*r for orders. Hut .Mr. Morton being obliged, with me, to wait upon Dr. Niehols, we parteil with these gentlemen, and walked to l^ieeadilly. The Doett>r nn't us at the door, and with an easy smile informed us that he had been so happy as to j)rocure us a private ordi- nation, wliieh woulil be conferretl the ne.xt Sunday, by the IJishop of I'eterboro'.' This news was very joyful to us, who wished for nothing more than to have our atFuirs settled. • ••••• ^'' March \Cit/i, {Sumlai/.) This being the day ajipointed for my admission into priests' orders, Mr. Morton ealled at my lodgings a little after eight. We took coaeh, and ordered the coaehman to drive to Piccadilly. We stopped at Dr. Niehols' door, and found that obliging gentleman ready to enter upon our allairs. We were soon eonducted into the presence of his lordship the Bishop of IVterboro', and, under his direction, took all the oaths which the canons of our church recjuire upon these sacred occasions. We were next conducted, with the usual ceremonies, into St. James' Church, and there re- ceived ordination from the Reverend Bishop. The whole atiair was conducted with the utmost solemnity. O, that our minds may ever be sensible of the weight and importance of this sacred ollice to which we are now appointed, and may the Divine inlluence animate and direct our actions to the glory of HeavcMi and the ha|)piness of those beings which surround us I The? ordination being cner, we returned into the Doctor's apartment, and there paid half a guinea for our orders, and half a crown to the man who attended at the altar. We received orders from our reverend superiors, to partake of • Dr. Tcrrick. 17G0.] LIFE OF REV. J A COR BAILEY. G ).J the Sacrament at the King's Parish Church of St. Martins-in- thc-Field:?. We had an excellent sermon, suitable to the occasion, and parted from the holy ordinance in some measure sensible of the favors Heaven had bestowed upon us, in mak- ing everything succeed to our wishes. " March lllh. . . « We arrived at the Bishop of Lon- don's palace (at Fulham), and were admitted, with u-^ual ceremony, into the secretary's apartment, from whose hand we received our license, after paying £1 IS.v. 6^/. We had the honor of being introduced to His Lordship's presence. He was sitting with his consort in a beautiful parlor, with his hat upon his head. When we approaciied him, he endeavored to move, but with the greatest diiriculty. Wc came around on the other side of the table, and saw, in the face of His Lordship, an object which at once excited horror and compassion. His face was swollen to a prodigious degree, and his tongne, in- fected with some terrible disorder, hung out of his mouth, and extended down his chin. The good Bishop, unable to speak, looked earnestly upon us, as if he meant to convey us a l)Iess- ing. Having subscribed the artick's re([nired, we took leave of His Lordship.' • . » • • • ^^ March 19///. Mr. Morton calling on me, we dressed in our robes, and went, first, to wait upon Mr. Franklin. Wc found him and his son at breakfast, with several ladies, who prevailed upon us to take a dish of tea. After engaging to dine with them the next Tuesday, we went to St. Martin's, expecting to meet the Venerable Society. We tarried prayers, but not finding those reverend gentlemen we wanted, we repaired to the ehaptir-house, and were introduced into a handsome apartment, witii the Archbishop's gentlemen, and other attendants. About one, the assembly broke np, when we had an opportunity of seeing several bishops. His •Thiswas Bishop Thomas Sherlock, the aiUiigonist of Bishop Iloadlcy. in the Bangorian controversy. He died in a few months after the interview recorded in the Memoir. His attestation to Mr Bailey's declaration of conformity to the Liiurgy of the Church of England is preserved. The Bishop's signature, in the margin, shows the tremulousncss of a hand enfeebled by sickness. 66 I'UDNTIKU MISSIoNAliV; OR, [17G0. Ciraco, in pa^siiii^ out i)f the '^rviit room, coMcK'.-^cciided to ad- dress us vtrv roiu|)la(i'iJtIy, aud "jjave us his blessing. • • Froui the cliapter-house we went dircc-tly to the treasury, • • thence to the ehaneellor's liouse. Here we received X19 7s. 6f/., the royal bounty to all Aniericaji clergynjen after ordina- tion. The king himself signed the onler for the delivery of llu! morwy. I cannot but thankfully acknowledge the good- ness of i*rovidence, this day, in succeeding my concerns, and so happily finishing the business for which I made this danger- ous voyage to London. I had the pleasure to be informed that the generous Society had appointed mc their missionary, with a salary of £')0 per annum, to begin from last Christmas. This was favorable, even beyond my most sanguine expecta- tions. • ••••• " March 22d. This day received half a year's salary from Alderman Gosling, banker to the Society. • • I then rode to the upper part of New Bond Street, and bought a number of books. The afternoon I spent in collecting articles I de- signed to take with me to New England, having first visited the New England CotVec House, and agreed with Capt. Watt for a passage, first paying for it ten guineas. • ■••** " Jl/arr// '2')(/t. \ i>iitil Dr. Bearcroft with ]\Ir. Greaton and Morton, where we received Lcland's View of the Deistical Writers, a present from his royal highness the Prince of Wales, and several other excelKnt j)ieces. About two, Mr. Morton called on me, and accompanied me to ^Ir. I'Vanklin's, in Craven Street. We IkkI four ladies at table. They all dined in full dress, without so much as taking their liats from their heads. Nothing could pcissibly be more agreeable than the conversation, behavior and entertainment of this afternoon. " Marrit 2(M/i. This day went down the river with Mr. Greaton, to put our on board the frigate, at Stone Stairs. • ••••• " Mat/2S(/i. About icn o'clock, to our inexpressible joy, we made the mountains of Agamcnticua, on the coast of New 1760.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. GT England, having been out of sight of land from Cape Corn- wall, in Great Britain, thirty-two days." Mr. Bailey arrived in Boston a few days after, as we learn from the following item from the " Boston Xews Letter," of June 5th, 1760 : " Custom House, Boston, June 4th. Entered inwards, Watt, from London. In Capt. Watt came Passen- gers General Winslow, who was welcomed on shore, and con- gratulated by a great number of People, upon his return ; also, the Rev. Mr, James Grayton,* of Roxbury, and the Rev. Mr, Jacob Bailey, of Bcverly,t two young gentlemen who have received Episcopal Ordination, the former for Christ's Church, in this Town, the other for a Church to be established at Pownalboro', on the Kenncbcck River; and several other gen- tlemen." * Greaton, + Uowhij, FllONTIER MISSIONAUY; OR, [1006. (11 A I'TKK V. Br.KDHK wc follow Mr. liailcy to his chosen field of labor, it becomes necesaary to sketch the iiistory of that part of the country in which that field was situated. As the French had led the way in colonizing other parts of Amc-rica, so were they the first in exploring this region, and in :itteMi|)ting to settle it. The king of France had given to De Monts the whole of the country between the island of Cape Hreion and the shores below Hudson River, and had called :l)e territory Acadia. In the spring of 1(>04, De Monts, ac- companied by the fnture founder of C^ucbec, entered Annapo- lis River, in Nova I^eotia, and grunting a territory, extending >ome miles from its mouth, to one of his companions, sailed for the Sehoodic, or St. Croix River, which now forms jiart of the north-eastern boundary of the United States. An island was chosen for the residence of the party, and fortified. The j)riv;itions of one winter, however, caused them to abandon this locality the following spriiig, and to join the rest of the inuni- grants on the pleasant river of Annapolis. The same season an exploring party, led by De Monts, ascended the Kennebec River, erected a cross, and took possession of the territory in the nauje of the king of France. While these expeditions were in progress, English enterprise was also excited. On the pretence of cli.'covering a north-west passage, a party left Great Britain. After touching at a few places in Maine, the vessels ascended the Penobscot River, probably a considerable distance, and the < ' ' ' erected a cross, "a thing," he says, "never I lian travellers." Thus, in the same year, i)er- haps in the same month, the symbol of man's salvation was ]ilanted on the banks of the two noblest rivers in Maine. The leaders of both these expeditions were Protestants. The Eng- lish enterprise was disgraced by the seizure of five of the na- IGOG.] LIFE OF REV. J A (OR 11 A ILK Y. GO tives, who were carried to Great liritaiii. This act of iin([uali- licd baseness was, however, l^rovidentially made productive of good/ Three of the captives were delivered to Sir Fkhd;- NANDO GoiuiKs, govcriior of Plymouth. A residence with him taught them the English language, and the accounts they gave of their native land first excited in their host that interest in the colonization of New England, which terminated only with his life. [n 1606, an association of English gentlemen was formed, for the purpose of colonizing America, and converting its savage inhabitants to the Christian religion. Although di- vided into two companies, yet they were under one general council of government. James I. gave them a royal charter. To one of these, called the Second Colony, or the Plymouth Company, was granted a territory, identical, to a great extent,! with that given to De Monts by the king of France. The re- ligion of the Church of England was established in the colo- nies to be formed. In the following year, the founders of Vir- ginia, under the patronage of the first of these companies, left their native land and commenced a settlement on James River. Late in August of the same year, public thanks to Ahnighty (iod were oilered up on a peninsula in the Kennebec River, near its mouth, by a party who had landed from ships sent out by the Second, or Plymouth Company, to colonize their patent. A sermon was delivered on this occasion, their charter was read, and rules for the government were promulgated. Build- ings for jiublic use, including a Church and a few slender cal)ins, were erected, with a rude fort iticat ion. Early winter witnessed the departure of the ships which had transported the colonists, leaving only forty-five persons to undergo the unknown trials which miglit await them. Not the lea>t of these trials was the extreme s(!verity of the climate. In mid- winter lire consumed tlu'ir storeh(»use, with the provisions it • " This accident must be acknowledged the means, under God, of putting on foot and RiviiiR life to all our plantations." — l?ir Ferdinando Gorget' Britft Xarration. London : IG08. tTo the two companies .ill North America, from the 34th to the 4.5th degree of latitude, was granted. De Monts' patent extended one degree further north. 70 ri!<'viiii; M I •.>. I .. N \ u Y ; on, [1()07. iifiiiiH'il. liiHirgf! l\)|iliaiii, tlifir president, died. The sliips • lit from Kngluiid the succeeding spriiij^, brou«,'ht news of the death of the Chii'f Justice of Kiij^laiid, one of the priiuipal men of the Plymouth Council, and also of another member, a brother tt) the " Admiral" of the colony, who had now become ita |)re>ident. These untoward »'vents determined the emi- grants to return to their native country, and when the ships, despatched to their aid, entered the l'in<,dish harbor on their n'turn, instead of brin^'ing news of encouragement to tin- sagacious and enterprising men, who liad attempted to trans- fer the religion and civilization of ICngland to tlii' hunting- grounds of the savages of North America, they landed dis- heartened adventurers, whose story and whose return would j)ostpone, to a distant day, the renewal of an enterprise that had thus lamentably and visibly failed. As, by the royal letter of instrui-tions, given to the early colo- nists, the religion and polity of the Church of England wire distinctly established, anti as religious services were heUI, and a sermon pn-aclnd on the day of the debarkation of the colo- nists, at Kennebec, by their chaplain, who also oiliciated dur- ing the time the colony remained, it is certain that, on the shores of Atkins' Bay, the halloweil strains of Kngland's ritual were heard at no infreipient intervals, during the autumn of 1(")07, ami the succeeding winti-r. And, tiierefore, these are the rir.-t instances of the use of the liturgy, and the perform- ance of flic rites of the Episcopal Church in any part of ihe present United States, north of \'irginia. And not only so, this was THE fihst Piiotksta.nt woksiiii' and ruEAcniNr,, nv AN ORDAINED MIMSTKIl, IN ANY PORTION OF THIS VAST TKRUI- TORV.* \i:w Enoland \vas the name given n» a n gion, extending from the fortieth parallel, eight degrees northward, in a lu-w charter, granted to the Plymouth Council, in H\'20. Several voyages, undertaken by private persons, had been made during the thirteen years which followed the failure of the colony at Kennebec. Although the famous Captain John Smiffi was ■Sec note b. i 163G.] LIFE OF Ki:V. JACOB BAILEY. 71 engaged in two of these enterprises, yet nothing was effected in the way of colonizing the territory. A few persons, under Richard Vines, passed the winter of 1617, at the mouth of Saco River, but a i)arty of English mutineers, who had hern set on shore in the succeeding year, found there no wiiite inhabitants, and were obliged to travel eastward, till they reached the island of Monhegan, a noted fishing station for the Europeans. Thirteen years after \ incs' short stay at Saco, two patents were granted to him and others, of about eight square miles, on the banks of that river. The settlers on these grants pre- served friendly relations with their savage neighbors, and raised taxes for the support of religious worship, though no clergyman seems to have been among them at the time. But in 1636, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, who had obtained a grant of all the territory in Maine, west of the Kennebec River, sent over his nephew, William Gorges, in the capacity of governor. In the spring of that year, he opened a court in Saco, and thus established the first organized govermnent within the limits of the present State of Maine. In the autumn, '' a book of rates for the ihinister, to be paid cpiarterly, the first payment to begin at Michaelmas next," was drawn up, and the sum of £31 los. was subscribed. The patent of this territory established the Church of England, and gave the patentee the patronage of all churches and chapels. Rev. Ricuard Gibson, an Episco- pal minister, was here at least as early as 1637, and remained on tills side the Atlantic seven years before his return, part of which time was spent in Saco. It was in this place, then, that Episcopacy was first prrmanoitl// established in the terri- tory of Maine. But (Jibson's labors, though given, perhaps, at first, in a great degree, to Saco, became afterwards extended, and the settlers at Richmond's Island, the Isles of Shoals, and at Piscataqua, enjoyed the benefits of his ministrations. In fact, he is known to have been the first minister of Ports- mouth, N. II. He was drawn into a controversy with a Puri- tan minister, of Dover, N. II., who attacked him, and he after- wards offered acknowledgments to Massachusetts, and in 1643 returned to England. The testimony of those who regarded 72 FRONTIER MISSION AKY ; (Ml, [1()()0. the churt-h of wliii-h Uv was a miiiistcr with no favorahk' fet'l- ings, is, that he was " a good tschohir, a poj)uhir speaker, and highly esteemed as a Gospel minister," by those among whom he labored. A small island near llie ^uutluriy shore of Cape lOIi/abeth, had been granted by the Plymf I'iUg- land, married Sarah, the daughter of this .lolni Winter. It is certain that Jordan ollieiated during the first years of his resi- dence on Richmond's Island, and, as he is termed an ''itinerant preacher to the people," his labors, like those of Ciibson, may have extended eviMi to New Hampshire. The original grantees of Richmond's Island evidently contemplated the regular per- formance of divine worship there, according to the ritual of the Church of England, if not the erection of a church, for, in the joint inventory between one of them and their agent, arti- cles used in the Church service are enumerated, such as "Com- munion vessels, cushions, etc." Jordan also exhibited a charge against the estate of his father-in-law, in 1G1-"), "for my min- istry, as by composition, one-half year, iJlO." IJut Jordan's life was destined to be a checkered one. The whole of Rich- mond's Island was awarded to hitn, as legal re|)resentative of Winter, to satisfy a claim of the latter on the proprietors. The territory in which his estate was situated, changed owners more than once, and Jordan became involved in the political disputes arising from such lluct nations. We lind him, at various times, acting in a judicial capacity, ai)pointed to his olHce by the power which, at the time, held |)ossession of the Province of Maine. That he did not entirely lay aside the exercise of his ministerial ollice, ap|H'ars from the fact that, in IGOO, he baptized some children, " after the exercise was ended on the Lord's day, in the hotise of Mrs. Ma(! Worth, in Fal- mouth," for which he was summoned before the Cieneral 1677.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB UAILEY. 73 Court of Massachusetts, wlio also called him to an account, in the succeeding year, for solemnizing a marriage. Four years after, his house was attacked l)y Indians, lie barely escaped with his lite, to Great Island, now New Castle, in Piscatacjua River, where he died, in 1()79, aged 68, leaving a large landed estate. The territory of Maine, after many changes of ownership, passed, by purchase, into the hands of the neighboring colony of Massachusetts, in 1(377. Thenceforward, the religious teachers encouraged in this Province were Puritans. 10 74 F R O N T I i: R M I S S I (> N A U Y ; OR, [1749. CIIA V'VVAl \\. J\ 1711), ilic rrprcsentatives of llie oriirinal proprietors of the KeniH'ln'c Purehase, with othiTs who liad joined them, htld a meetin*?, to take measures for the improvement of their proj)- erty. Four year.s after, a corporation was formed, by ihi- name of the " IVoprietors of the Kennebec Purchase from the late CoKuiy of New Plymouth," though this corporation' is generally called ''The Plymouth Comj)any." * t"ln the year 17ol,J a number of Germans having arrived in Boston, the Plymouth Company, as an inducement to them to settle in their patent, oH'ered immediately to give each family one hundred acres of land, in what is now called Dres- den, to pay their passages from Boston, to advance them six months' jirovisions, and to build them a house of defence against the Indians. Tiie only conditions imposed upon tli< settlers were, that each should clear five acres of land, and build an house, twenty feet liy eighteen, witiiin three years. These olTers were accepted, and the descendants of tln)se (Jer- mans are yet to be distinguished in that neighborhood, by their patronymic names." The plantation begun by these people was called Frankfort. The wars between France and England involved their n>- pectivc colonies in America, and the influence which the former had obtained over the Indians, was used in exciting them to attack the white settlers in Maine. As Richmonc^ fort had become almost ruinous, another was built, in 175 1, • See note C. t History of the Kennebec Purchase, by R. II. Gardiner, Esq. — ^[ainc llUiorical Collect ioni, II., p. 280. ♦ After the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, some of the French went to Ger- many, and with the Germans came thence to Frankfort, on the Kennebec, from the River Rhine. 1749.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 75 about one and a half miles above it, on the opposite side of the river, and called Fort Frankfort, or Fort Shirley. To this the inhabitants fled for security, when alarmed by the Indians. The circumstances of the people at Frankfort were extremely straitened. They had been transported to a region whose winters are long, and generally rigorous, and they were obliged to fell the enormous growth of timber which covered the ground, before anything could be raised for the support of themselves and their families. Unused to this kind of labor in their native country, their attempts to cut down the forest were awkward, and of course very toilsome. As it must be long before they could raise their own food, and as they had no means of renewing, in their new home, their clothing, when worn out, they were, of course, doomed to a protracted and severe struggle for the necessaries of life. It is evident, then, that a provision for religious instruction was entirely l)eyond their power. , In fact, the whole of the present State of Maine, east of Brunswick, was at that time, and for some years after, (with the exception hereafter to be named,) entirely desti- tute of the services of a minister of any denomination. But Popish emissaries were not idle. In 1()0'), the expedition of I)e Monts, (as before stated,) ascended the Kennebec River, erected a cross, and took possession of the country in the name of the king of France, In IGI'2, De Biencourt and Biart visited the same river, and brought the natives to the j^rofes- sion of the Romish religion, and allegiance to the I^^rench king.* Thirty-fourf years after, Drenillettes took up his abode in this region, and olficiated in a chapel erected by the Indian converts. He was succeeded by the Bigots, father and son. When Ralle was killed by the English forces, at the Indian village of Norridgewock, in 1724, he had been their priest at that place for a cpiarter of a century. As the Jesuits were well established in Canada, at the time of the death of Ralle, and as the route from the St. Lawrence to the Kennebec was well known to llie Iiidiaiis, and frequently passed t)ver by ♦ Bancroft's History of the United States, I., 27. t Bancroft's History of the United States, III., 135. 7() ruoNTiKii missionary; or, [17.") I. them, pmissnrios of the Koiiiish C'linrcli could, with little com- l):ir:itivf dilliculty, liiid tlifir way into the rountry wIutc the hrad-qjMrttTs of the Norridgewock tribf had formerly existed, 'i'hat these opportunities were not neglected, ap|)ears from the following narrative: "On the Ith of January, 17") 1, Mr. Peter Audron, a Jesuit, and missionary to the Norridgewock tribe, arrived at b^rankfort. • • Mr. l^myon, one of the CJerman, or I'reneh settlers, aeeompanit'd the Jesuit to his hai)itation, whieh was about three or four ruilc.s above Cushnoc, at the dis- tanee of half a mile from the eastern shore, and his house was surrounded by a number of Indian wigwams. The French were carrying on a settlement at Anondowincke, a remarkable situa- tion, between the head of Kennebeck and Ammagantick Lake, and, it is reported, that the above-mentioned Jesuit was busy among the I'reneh people, at Frankfort, to engage some of them to remove, and, for their encouragement, he promised each family two hundreil acres of land, and some other advan- tages; but, with all his arguments atid insinuations, he was unable to prevail." * The poor settlers at Frankfort, thus exposed to the arts of Romish missionaries, and unable, themselves, to provide for religious teaching, looked in vain to any in America to assist them. No Protestant minister had ever been in the valley of the Kennebec, of which we have any account, save at George- town, a settlement near the mouth of that river, and the last clergyman had left that place two years previously, while there was no prospect that the vacancy there would be supplied. Nothing, then, was left to these neglected pioneers but to a))ply to the Ijenevolence of pious persons in England. In this emergenev, the peopli' of Frankfort joined with those in (Jeorgetown, in petitioning the "Society for Propogating the (iospel in Foreign Parts," to send them a missionary. This petition, dated in 1754, states that they who signed it "arc a f.Mii.'.fi.M, ,,r rr,,t<..t ,nf<. from Great Britain, Ireland, France •Rev. J. Bailcy'n MSS. Williamson's History of Maine, II., 297. Both of these authorities concur In stating that this visit of the Jesuit, with other facts, drew the attention of the General Court of Massachusetts, and led to the renewal or erection of forts, one of which was placed in the present town of Winslow. I / 6'ilr of I'liiihiim's Colony ISO^. 2 SiiT II f Knrt Hirhmiinit , IJVl 3 S*^ Johns Chunrh . FowniilhaT'o . A — - — Bo- (ifnfarfoH'n . A' B The niunrs af ploi rj arr tknta prrvituj tv 1773 PART OF MAINE J/^t'wKlj /■MA'/w 1756.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 77 mid Germany" compelled, by poverty, " to accept, gladly," a Settlement on the Frontier of New England," who feel sensibly the want of "the Administration of God's "Word and Sacra- ments, and their Children must be in evident Danger of falling into the grossest Ignorance and Irreligion, so as to become an easy Prey to the Popish Missionaries in that Neighbourhood, unless the Society shall send a Missionary to olilciatc to and instruct them." The Abstract of the Society, for 1755, states that " Gov- ernor Shirley, and other very worthy Persons, recommending Mr. Macclenag-Jian, that he had been for many Years a Dis- senting Teacher, but was become a Convert to the Church of England., as a proper Person for this Mission, on account of his uncommon Fortitude, and a Mind cheerfully disposed to undergo the Dangers and Difficulties to be expected in that Mission, the Society, Mr. Macclenag-Iian having been received into the Holy Orders of our Church, hath appointed him their Missionary to George Town and Frankfort, and to the neigh- boring Places on the Eastern Frontier of the Province of Mas- sachusetts Bay." The annual stipend attached to this mission was fifty pounds sterling. In May, 1756, Mr. Macdenachan arrived at Kennebec, and took up his residence in Fort Richmond. His family after- wards joined him there. But one report of Mr. Macdenachan to the Society has been preserved. This is compiled from his letter to them, dated Richmond, August 5th, 1757. In this he speaks of his " dili- gence in preaching the Gospel on common Days, as well as the Lord's Day," and states that " the number of his Hearers increases." He complains "that there is no Church, either at George Tovm or Frankfort, nor Ctlebe nor House prepared for the Missionary, as was promised to the Society on his appoint- ment; but that he had, 1o that time, resided in an old disman- tled Fort, wonderfully, through God's mercy, preserved from a merciless Enemy, to whom he is often exposed." Mr. Macdenachan removed from his mission in December, 1758.* A large territory was thus left without the services of • See note D. 78 FRONTU'R missionary; OR, [1760. any resilient ininisier of any ck'iiomiiiation. Tlie title of the incuinbeiit of the Chureh Mission in this region was, " Itine- rant Missionary on the Eastern Frontier of Massachusetts liay." This frontier was indeterminate, both in length and breadth. It extended from the oeean, indefinitely, towards Canada, and from Brunswick, as far cast as any white j)rople could be founil. It was shortly after stated, by one who had the means of knowing, to be "one hundred miles in length, by sixty in breadth." Few roads had been made, and the set- tlements being on the banks of rivers and the sea-coast, the usual mode of travelling was by a canoe. At this time, and in fact for many years after, county roads, connecting one township with another, were entirely unknown. In summer, the canoe held the place of the wheeled carriage, while in winter, the icy surface of the frozen river formed the princijial highway for the sleigh, and even for the ox-sled, with its heavy load.* It is evident, that it would be beyond the power of any one missionary to labor successfully in all parts of so large a field. But he was liable to be called on for services, even beyond the limits of the extensive region to which he was appointed. As the Church, in Portsmouth, N. H., was the first to be met with in travelling to Boston from these eastern parts, the mission may be said, in some sense, to have embraced all that was then settled of the present State of Maine. There was, at that time, but one county, that of York, whose limits included all the territory east of Piscataqua River. On the 19th of June, 1760, two new counties were taken from this, the more easterly one, the county of Lincoln, having Pownal- borough for its shire town. This town included the ancient j)lantation of Frankfort, and its area was so large, that it was afterwards divided into three towns.f In the succeeding year, the Plymouth Company erected the necessary county build- ings, one of which, the court-house, three stories in height, is still standing, a conspicuous object to all who pass on the Kennebec. Mr. Bailey arrived in Pownalborough, July 1st, 17()0. He • Sco note Da. t Dresden, Alna, and Wiscassct. 1761.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB EAILET. 79 represents the majority of the inhabitants as extremely j)oor, and very ignorant, without the means of either religious or secular instruction. He resided, for the first few months, in the family of Capt., (afterwards JNlajor,) Samuel Goodwin, who had been in the country a number of years, as a surveyor and military oflicer. [View of the Court-Housc, Pownalborougli, Maine.] But little is to be found touching INIr. Bailey's first year's labor as missionary. In a letter, (probably to Florentius Vas- sall, Esq., in London,) he says: "I have been about two months upon tiie spot, have travelled through most of the set- tlements upon your ])atent, and been si.vty miles up the Ken- nebec. Frankfort is now called Pownalborongh, and has in it one hundred and fifteen famirK\-." After the court-house was built, in 17(il, it was used, for many years, on Sundays, for the services of the Church. Pre- vious to this, these services must have been held in the chapel of Fort Richmond, and in private houses. The inhabitants of Frankfort, in their petition* to the Ven- * See note E, for the petition entire. 80 FRO.NTir. K missionauy; or, [17G2. erable Soi-ii-ty, in 17'j0, for a missionary, stated that " llioy have a Cilcbe of 200 Acres of good Land, wliicli, with their Conlrihntions in Money, will not amount to less than X'2(). Sterlinff, per iinnuin; and as soon as they enjoy the l^lessing of IVaee, they will build a Church and Parsonage House, and, in the mean time, they ean have Rivhmoml Fort for an House for the Minister, and the Chapel belonging to it for Pivine Service, and the l''arm around it for a Glebe." 'Y\\r peoi)le, from ihfir ))ovcrty, were unable to jierform tlit- jiromises which were, no doubt, honestly made ; but, in the spring of 17()1, Mr. Bailey removed to Richmoiul, and received a grant of the use o( the laiid around the fort, to draw from it what prolit ln' ctuiid. \\\ August of this year, Mr. IJailey was married to Miss Sally, fourth daughter of Dr. .lohn Weeks, of Hampton, N. H. The lady was much younger than himself. She had been one of his scholars, when he was teaching in the place of her residence, and much evidence yet remains that he was very assiduous in his endeavors to implant in her young mind the princii)les of morality and religion, as well as to imi)rove her intellect and refine her manners.' In 1702, Rev. Hemy Caner, of Boston, wrotef to the Society: "It is a great pleasure to me to hear, as I have repeatedly, that Mr. Bailey, lately sent missionary to Kennebec, is highly use- ful there, by his diligence, ])rudence, and exemplary conduct. That country, though a frontier, peoples very fast. Had they the happiness of two more such missionaries, one at the west- ern, the other at the eastern boundary, as Mr. Bailey is in the centre, the whole country would unite in one profession, with- out any perplexing disputes, or dilVering sentiments. But this is a matter which must be referred tt) the wisdom of the So- ciety." From the report of Mr. Bailey to the Society, in 1762, we learn, tiiat a gentleman had presented to the parish a set of Conuuimion ware, and that the congregations were on the increase, both at Pownalborough and Georgetown. He states. • See note F. t Original letter quoted in Hawkins' •' Historical Notices of the Missions of the Church of England," p. 231. ITOL] LIFE OF REV. JACOB IJAILKY. 81 that the nnml)er of communicants is already al)ovc fifty. '■ Ir gives me great satisfaction," he continues, "to find Industry, Morality and Religion, nourishing among a People, till, of late, abandoned to Disorder, Vice and Profaneness, which Al- teration is chiefly owing to the Performance of Divine Service, and those Pious Tracts, which the Society's Pious Care has dispersed." He acknowledges "the Receipt of a great Niun- l)er of Catechisms and Common-Prayer Books, which will be of great Service to the younger Sort, and Promote tiie Decency of Divine Worship." However, he complains, that "the Mis- sion is attended with great Disadvantages, from the Poverty of the People, and the Dilliculties of Travelling in the Winter, when the Snow is sometimes Five or Six Feet deep for several months. Jf a Missionary could be sent to George Town, IlnrjtsirrI/, and Places adjacent, it would lessen these Dillicul- ties, and very much establish Religion among a People whom he is obliged, in Winter, to leave almost destitute; besides that, another Minister would give him an Opportunity to do more service in the New Settlements, and upon the neighbor- ing Rivers of S/ieepsco/t and Ditmarascotta.^^ In connection with this, occurs the following record : '• The Society have also received a Petition from the Inhabitants of (U'orgc Town and Harpsirell, on Kennebeck River, dated Dec. 11th, 1761, thankfully acknowledging the Society's charity to them, to which it is owing, under God, that a sense of Religion is preserved among them;" and observing "that the large Increase of a poor, industrious People, consisting of above 7,()()() Inhabitants, (situated in a New Frontier Settlement, with not one Ordained Minister of any Denomination c-xct-pt Mr. Pailey,) ol)ligcs them hnml)ly to reciuest another Mission- ary for this large District. This favor they particularly en- treat for the Inhabitants of George Town and ILtrpswell, wirkh are about twenty miles froiu Poinialhoroiigh, where, and in the neighborhood of which, Mr. Jidi/ei/ finds so full Emi)loyment, that he can ailord the Petitioners but a very small Proportion of his Service, and that to the Detriment of the Places contigu- ous to his Settled Abode. In Hopes of this further Increase 11 82 KUONTIEU MISSION A KY ; OK, [1765. of llu' >i'(-i'() 'x I "iMiipassiou, tlu-y have l)f«,'un to builil a Church, which in now in great Forwardiirss, and ciigagi', in their prfHi-nt U)W and hiborious State, to give the Rlistiionary thi* Suiirty .nliall br plrasi'd to send, £20 Sterlijjg per Ainiui/t, build him a Parsonage House, and, as their Circurnstanees cnhirgr, give hini, from Time to Time, such further encourage- ment as may be Proof how higlily they value the Blessing they now petition for." This petition i.s accompanied by a letter from the Kiv. Mr. Giin r, minister of the King's Chapel, in Boston, dated June 10th, 17(J2, certifying that "the above is a faithful and modest account of the Condition of the People on Kvnncbcck River, and especially at George Toirn, where Mr. Bailrys greatest Diligence is utterly insutfieieut to answer the pressing Neces- sities of that People in regard to the Means of Publick Wor- ship, and begging such Assistance as their Circumstances do truly call for." In ITtil, an Episcopal Church was formed in Falmouth, now Portland, Maine. Hut few materials remain for writing a detailed account of Mr. Bailey's life during the next five years.' That he was active and devoted to the duties of his Mission, appears from his reports to the Society, in which he gives the number of baj)tisms and of additions to the Communion. In conse- quence of the want of a parsonage, he became a tenant of others, and was obliged to remove his family more than oik during this period, and a largt-r part of the time he resided in lliehmond, while the services of the Church were performed, and most of his parishioners resided in Pownalborough, on the opposite sid(^ of the river. From tin- 2d volume of " The Works of John Adams," it Bccms that he made a journey to Pownalborough, in the sum- mer of 17(»'J. No uu'ntion is made of the object of this jour- ney. As Mr. Adams was then in the practice of the law, it is to be presumed that his visit to these eastern parts might have • iJcf uotc U. ITGG.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 83 been, to attend to some case to be tried at the term of the court held at Pownalborouj^h. Mr. Adam?, it will bo remembered, was a claBsmate of Mr. B. The following exiract from a letter addressed to Mr. Bailey, and dated Boston. May 17th, 1700, is of interest, as concern- ing the history of the Church in New England:* "I must inform you that the Clergy of this and the neighbouring Towns, having been together some time ago, upon a special occasion, agreed upon a voluntary annual Convention of the whole Clergy of this Province, to which the Bishop of London has since given his Sanction. The day appointed for this year is the first Wednesday in June, on which day there will be a Sermon preached before them at King's Chapel in this Town ; at which you an; desired to be present, and to dine with me after Ser- mon. As you have few opportunities of meeting and convers- ing with your Brethren, I doubt not you will cheerfully lay hold of this, and tai'i, to have an annual convention nt Boston, with a ■view to promote mutual love and harmony amoni; themselves, and to assist each other with advice in dittieult cases The plan was approved by the Bishop of London, and the first meeting took place in June, I7GC. The appearance of fourteen clergymen, Walking in their gowns and cassocks in procession to Church, was a novelty in America at that time, and was calculated to create an impression of the importance of the body to which thoy belonged. Dr. Caner, who was appointed moderator, prearlied the first sermon in King's Chapel." f fMacgilchist, June 27, 1766. Hawkins' Mistiona oftht Church of England, p. 234. 84 rijoNiiiu \i I -- '" N \ If V ; OH, [17(57. French^ oiui also |)rof«'!<8 the Hoiuisli Uilij,'ioij, :uul vi.-jit Canada once or twice a Year fi)r Ab-^olutioii. 'J'liry have a \in'\\{ Avcr!«ioii to the Kn-^lish Natii)ii, chirlly o\viii<,' to th»' IiiMiu'Dcc of Roman Catholick Missionarie», who, instead of riKlcavoiir- ing to reform their Morals, eoinply with thciii in their iin)>t extravui»tint Vices, and teaeh them that nothing is ne(essar\ to eternal Salvation, hnt ti) believe in the Name of C/irisf, to ack' ' •• the Po|)e. his holy \'iear, and to extirpate ili' En^ , lanse they eruelly murdt-red the Savionr of Man- kind. He concludes one of his Letters with a Detail of tin great 'I'hini,'s Dr. (r'ardincr, a Physician of U()ston, has done, and is doing, for the Church of Kiif^land in these Parts; par- ticularly his generosity in giving the People o( Poiciuilborom^/i the use of Ilithmonil House and Farm seven Years, for Mr. Bailey's Improvement ; his stibscribing largely, and solieitiuL' a Subscription for building them a Church and Parsonag' House; his publishing, at his own Expense, an Edition of Bishop Beveridij;cs Sermon on the Excellency of the Common Prayer, which has been dispersed to good Purpose; his inten- tion to give a Glebe, build a Church and Parsonage House, and endow it for the support of an Ejuscopal Minister, at Gardner s Town." "From Sept. 2Gth, 1704, to Sept. 29th, 17(5'), Mr. Paij.y baptized Ul Infants arid 'i Adults; and from Sept. iJlJth, 17()"», to Sept. 23d, 17GG, baptized 3S Infants and 1 Adult ; and in each Year had an Addition of 2 new Comumnieants." The clergy of Mas.sachusetts and Rhode Island met in con- vention in Boston, June (>th, 17(57. They drew up a report to the Venerable Society, which contained notices of ."^everal missions in those provinces. This report, which was dated June 7th, concluded with an earnest appeal to the Society for American bishops. .Mr. Bailey signed this i)aper, with thirteen others of his clerical i)rcthrcn.* Mr. Bailey wrote to his brother-in-law, Rev. .1. AVingate Weeks, Rector of St. MichaePs Church, Marblehead, Mass.. under date of November Dith, 17(57, as follows : *' I fmd tin • Hawkint' HUtorlcal Notices, etc., r- 396. 17G7.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 8.5 treasurers at Georgetown are determined to prevent us from drawing the rates belonging to the Church people, unless we can recover them by a law-suit. By what I can find out, there are £400 or .£-500 already in their hands." The original Presbyterian, or Congregational Society, in Cieorgetown, was destitute of a minister for thirteen years, commencing with 17'>2. ])uring that time, it had been in- debted to missionaries of the C'hurch of England for ail the regular religious services which it (mi joyed. The i)lace was especially included in the mission on ilie eastern frontiers of INIassachusetts Bay, and was visited by Mr. Bailey and his predecessor, as often as was |)racticable. Indeed, Mr. Baili'y states that he had "frequently preached there, and adminis- tered the Sacraments, and found the Dissenters so much in- clined to the Church, that had they a Missionary resident, they would probably come over to it." Under such circumstances, the withholding of these rates, contributed by the people, to whom the town was indebted for the ordinances of religion during a considerable part of so long a time, seems to be inexcusable. Under date of October 30th, 1767, Mr. Bailey, in his report to the Society P. (t., etc., "expresses his Satisfaction to lind that the j)oor People, who petitioned the Society for a Minis- ter, continue steady to the Church, as do the poor Lutherans and Ccilvinists, and most of the young People among the other various Denominations. From Oct., 176(5, to Oct., 1767, he baptized 31 Infants and 1 Adult, and had an Aildition of 2 new Comnmnicants." The Secretary of the Venerable Society wrote Mr. Bailey, towards the close of the present year, and stated that he had been informed, by a person who had visited Pownalborough some months before, that the Church people in that town "had not yet procured a house for him to liv<' in, nor had hardly done anything in pursuance of their engagements to the So- ciety.'' II<' gives Mr. Hailey credit for " his great tenderness for his people, in not making any mention of this matter.*' Fearing that this di«lin(|neMcy might have "put .Mr. Bailey to some dilliculties, and desirous It) give him some present relief, the Society ordered him a gratuity of Ten Pounds." 86 FiioNTM.K missionary; on, [1769. Ill Ihf roursr of thr nrxt yonr, Mr. Bailoy rcceivrd nii invi- tation to romovr to Aiiirsbury, Mu^^s., and to tak«' flKir<^(> of th«' Chljrrh there. Many considi'mtions must have conspired to indnee him to aeecpt this invitation, yet h*- (lcei(h'd to re- main in that remote region, among the poor peoj)le to whom he had ministered nearly «Mght years. The Rev. William Willard Whi-rler entered u|)on the Mis- sion in Georgetown, dnrinj:^ the summer of this year, and thus relieved Mr. Hailry of some of the labor imposed upon liim, in visiting and ollieiating at a place some miles from his resi- dence. Some measures appear to have been taken, in 17<)fl, towards the erection of a ('hiircli in l*i)wiialborough. Dr. Silvester CJardiner int»'rest«'d himself much in the enterprise. He solic- ited subscriptions, and himself contributed largely. In a let- ter to Mr. Bailey, accompanying the ])]ans, Dr. Gardiner says of the proposed building: " It will be one of the prettiest in the Province, and not expensive, and a bigger on<* you can't build.'' The prospect of the erection of a Church in Pownalborough, set'ins to have excited the opposition of a few of the citizens. The following letter suiliciently explains itself: — " PowNALBORoroH, March 2i9t, 1700. " Ti> /.%/•. Mr. Wii/frr. Bosloti : "Dr.AR Sin: — The bearer of this letter, Mr. Ridall, was edu- cated a Lutheran, but has, for some years past, been a com- numieant in the Church of England. He appeared well afTccted td «)ur worship, till the Dis.sentcrs lately insinuated that the constitution, discipline and worship of the Lutheran Church agree almost exactly with the Independants of this coimtr\', and are in no respect like the Church of England. He cannot read English, but understands German very well, and by perusing some authors in that language, declares him- self Ratishe^l with the Church, but entreats the favor that you would, by a line, signify which is nearer to the Lutherans, the Independants, or the Church of England, that he may show- it for the satisfaction of his comitrymen here, who are willing to abide by your determination." 1771.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 87 The building of the churcli was delayed from some nnex- plained cause, and it was not linished till the autumn of the succeeding year. Mr. Bailey writes, under date of November 5th, 1770 : " We performed service yesterday in our new Church. The outside is completely linished, the windows glazed and put up, the floor laid, and a temporary pulpit built. I had a full congregation, and gave them a discourse from Ecelesiastes v. 1 and 2 verses." The churcli was called St. John's Church, Pownalborough. In writing to the Society in I'^nglaiid, he says : " The dimensions of the Church are sixty feet in length, including the chancel, and thirty-two feet in breadth. 1 acknowledge not only the generosity of Dr. Gar- diner, but also the charitaljle assistance of several gentlemen in Marblehead, and other places. * • I have received no support, except the Society's salary, for two years past, and have, besides, been at considerable expense in forwarding the Church." And again, speaking of the Church, he states that "they were much obliged for it to the liberality of Dr. Gard- iner, who gave £-'jO sterling towards it. He has also built a Church at Gardiner's Town, nine miles up the river, upon the banks of which are near 300 families, destitute of the ])ublic worship." The Church at Pownalborough was, at this time, only fitted temporarily for public worship. The pews were afterwards erected. On the 17tli March, 1771, Mr. Bailey wrote to Dr. Gardiner: " 1 would submit to your consideration, whether it may not be proper to have something done to our Altar place, {sic,) that the Sacrament may be administered with greater decency. You doubtless recollect, that when I waited uj)on your Church Committee at Mr. Powell's, Mr. (Gilbert Deblois promised that he would give us a Christening Basin and Ves- sels for the Communion. Would it be amiss to remind him of it?" Late in the fall of this year, Mr. Bailey writes: " We have been removed into the parsonage-house tjiis fortnight, and have one room already very comfortaiile. We have been obliged to board the workmen, and must still keep them till they have done another room, and secured us from the wea- 8S FRONTIFIl MISSION A UV; OU, [1771. tlirr." la auotluT Ittn-r, hv icrU ciillid upon to mcinion ilie "kimliiC5»9 of thf pooplr ."iiu-e my sftllciticiit ainonir tlicin," i. e^ removal into the parsonagf-housc, "for you must mulcr- staiul that I livrd, hi-rrtoforr, out of the Parish." The Memoir of Mr. liaih-y has now bi't-n broii^'lit up i" what may, perhaps*, be coiisid^'nd as a turning point in that part of hif life whieh was passeil on the K«'nnel)r<'. Wr hnv presented but a brief sketch of his history during the lir>i eleven years of hi.s Mission. This brevity has been eaused by the absence of any very striking events during this time. But an opportunity is afl'orded, at this stage of his history, to tak'- a general view of men and things around him, from the tim of his coming. The materials for this view are to be found, mainly, in one of his .MSS., written, j)robably, in 1771. It '• entilleil, •' Some Account of the first Mission on Keniulx ■ River, with various transactions rehitivr to the same, since my arrival, in 17(>0. In a letter to a friend." Speaking of the i-ondition of the inhabitants in these east- ern regions, when he first came among them, Mr. Haih-y says: " The people were thinly setthnl along the banks of rivers, in a country which aflbrded a rugged and d some advantage. I have ever eompassion- 1-2 90 ricoNTirii minvk.nauy; ok, [1771. ntod their povrrty, and liavc hrcii so far from making any doinaiuls upon iIhmu, that 1 have shan'd with them in many haril.-*hipH and dillicidtirs. As to the French and Dntth, I have found them, in general, a .sober, honest and industrious set of peoph- ; and, notwithstandinL,' some have been indneed to nign ft>r a Mfctinij, yet they all, ivxeept on«' or two Calvin- iats, deelnre that they had ratlier adhere to the Church, and besides, thi'V acknowledge that their ministers, when they left Ciermanv, stn)ngly recommended their joining, if possible, with the Church of England. It :i])pears, upon the whole, \vT\ hard, and i"< just matter of complaint, that in a land o( religious liberty, and under u govj'rnment where all religions are tolerated, any should be teased and persecuted on aeeouii' of their particular modes of wt>rshi|). Yet this is really the case at I'ownalborough ; for, can a poor, ignorant man be at liberty to act his sentiments, when he is continually persuaded, entreated, reasoned with, and perhaps threatened, by a gentle- man of learning, wealth and inllnenee, to whom he may pro- bably be indebted ? '• As I ob.scrvcd before, upon my first arrival in tliis country. I found no settled ministiT, and not only a great di-al of i^Mio- rance, but a considerable degree of backwar«lness and indispo- sition to attend Divine service among people of every denomi- nation. This was partly owing to the ditlicnlty of travelling, partly to the want of decent clothing, but chielly, I conceive. to the want of a due sense of religious worship, for such :i had been used to spend the Tiord's day in idleness ajid halter- ing at home, could not suddenly prevail upon themselves to reform, especially as there was some didiculty and expense in the atTair. Few had, however, much to object against the Church of Kngland, and I was fretpiently assured, by the old- est and most religious settlers, that if .Missions were e.-tab- lished at convenient distances, especially upon Kennebec Kiver, in such a manner as people might genendly attend ser- vice, that it would meet with almost universal acceptance, and conduce greatly to serve the interest of religion and mnr;dii\. The.se .•sentiments, St) often proposed, together with the increas- ing demand for my labors, induced me to write in favor of 1771.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB liAILEY. lU new Missions, and at length one was established at (^leorge- town. While I resided at Frankfort, I observed, with eoneern and compassion, that the French and Dutch children were likely to be brought up in ignorance, for want of a school. This induced me to ofler to instruct them gratis, but travel- ling was then so very dillicult, and many were in such neces- sitous circumstances, that I had but a very few scholars, and when winter came on, nothing of this kind could I)e continued, and in tin* spring, I was obliged to c-hangt; my lodgings, and reside at Richmond, on the other side of the river. The first summer of my Mission, I olliciated at (Jeorgetown every third Sunday, and was constrained to endure a great deal of hard- ship and fatigue, being obliged to travel by water no less than eighteen miles. Once, I remember, on the last of November, after being eight hours on the water, in my way to George- town, without anything either to eat or drink, it was my mis- fortune to be lost in the woods, where I was exposed all night in the open air to a most severe storm of wind, rain, thunder and lightning. And commoidy, in my journeys to and from Georgetown, I suflVred a great deal with hunger, cold and wet, and in the summer, was often alllicted with extreme heat, and assaulted with armies of (lies and nuisketoes. Sometimes, for a whole season together, I have been obliged to undertake this little, but dillicult voyage, alone, — have had the misfor- tune to be cast away by the violence of winds and waves, and to travel, for miles together, through the woods, over rocks and precipices, with my books and habit, having nothing to eat from morning to night. I think every one must acknowledge that it required no small degree of resolution, prudence and patience, as well as strength of constitution, to conduct mat- ters properly among such an ignorant and unsteady people, and to go through the fatigues of travelling in such a rough and wilderness country." Jlad Mr. Bailey been obliged to contend only with the igno- rance of the poor people among whom he was settled, he might have pursued his arduous labors with some satisfaction. Like others, who have addressed themselves to the work of extending the Gospel to those who were benighted, he woidd 92 v.-.v...... - r^<; i.(N \ i: V : ok, [1771. have been chccrfcl with the evident, though pcrliaps gradua!. improviMnrnt of tip ' '■< of his chnrpc, and liv conlil die content, in the con- ^s of having labored in the early stogcti of a work, which others might be privileged to carry i>u toward** perH'ction. He e(»idd lo()k for an increasing attarli- mcnt on the part of those for whose henefif he had sacrilleci] SO much, nnd fed that he wonid Ix- loved while living, an that hii* memory wonld he revered when lie was dead. Hut the establi.shnicnt of the courts in Pownalborougli, in 1701, introduced a new clement into the society of the place. The shire town became the temporary or settled residence of the county oiricen*, and gentlemen of the legal professior; This at once created an aristocracy, small indeed in number but of controlling influence. In education, property, and power, these persons hail immensely the advantage of the poor settlers. True, the ujinister was entitled to rank with this class. If he could, consistently with his duty, think an 1 aet with them, his situation would be pleasant. But if he felt obliged to did'er from tliem, tliey c' officials. Two, in particular, distinguished themselves by their enmity to him. One of them was excited mainly, no doub:. by the other, who, it would seem, left but little untried to ruin ITT?.] LIFE OF RLV. JACOB I1AII.F.V. '.)'] Mr. Bailoy, and to break up tlio Clmrfh in iliat rc^'ioii. 'J'lic iinmes of these persons will not be given. In withholding their names, the writer is aware that there is no want of provocation to a dilTerent course. The conduct of the persons spoken of, while it distressed the missionary in this region, had of neces- sity no small eflect on the interests of the Church. As it will be necessary, frequently, to refer to these persons, we shall designate the principal as M. and his subordinate as N. Mr. Bailey records some of the doings of M. in his journals, lie brings charges against him of ungentlemanly and even indecent conduct, and of oppression, in his letters to his cor- respondents, some of whom, at least, were acquainted with the subject of these charges. He makes distinct statements re- specting this man in his reports to the Society for Propagating the (tospel in Foreign Parts, and complains grievously of him l)y name in a memorial addressed to the Convention in Boston, in 177'2. Not a line is found among Mr. Bailey's papers, which tends to show that his opinion of M. was a mistaken OIU-. Those of his correspondents who possessed the means of correcting these statements if tiiey were erroneous, make no attempt to do so, and the inference is that they were correct. Mr. Bailey says, in " A Letter to a friend,'' »5s:c., which has been before (pioted : "As I j)resently found that M. still profrssed himself a Dissenter, I seldom entered into any controversy with him about our dillerent persuasions, and he as cautiously avoided begitming any dispute with me. He used sometimes to attend Divine Ht'rviee, but more frecpiently tarried at hoiue, and when he attended, commonly behaved with a great deal of irreverence, especially at prayers." . ..." I had, ])resently, sufficient evidence that he used all his endeavours to prejudice the minds of the people against the services of the Church, that he comleuined several |)arts as directly contrary to Scripture, and matle ;ui (i|)eii ridicule of others, which he was not alVie to confute. And when I received a number of Common Prayer l^ooks from the Society, he took the liberty to scratch out several sentences in all that he could procure to his hands." . . '• From the beginning, as I have already observed, h(^ was very negligent in hi- attendance upon j)ul)lic \)[ FEosTii: It minskinauy; ok, [177*2. \vi)r-tiij>. iii'i w ii. II jn. '1 (li. 11- u' i" rally Ijcliavi'tl with f;reat iiidivfiuy, fontriviii^, l)y ji imiltitmlt' of boyish tricks, to make thf women »mile; and sometimes lie has taken a primer, instead t'f a Pniyer Book, and n-ad ont of it with an audihie voice. M. was nlways extremely iiuhistrioiis in jjrocuring from Boston, and other phuM-s, all the little, dirty pieces that have a|)|)eared a^'ainst the Church of liiiuland, especially ' The Dissenting; (Ji-ntleman's Answer to Mr. White's three Letters," the very title of which airrighted sinjple |)eople from the Church, and prevented them from attending the service. Thi'se l)c»)ks he used to reeonmiend and put into the hands of all disail'ectcd persona." • • • " Many low, dirty, and scandalous remarks have been written by this gentleman, both in the great Bible and Conunon Prayer Book, used in Divine service. Instead of money, M. used often to put into the contribution box, soap, scraps of paper, news letters, and once a pack of cards. It is to be observed that all this was done before the least ditlerence subsisted between us. I bore all this, with many personal rellcctions, without expressing the least resentment, eitlur to him, or to any other person." . . " M, took the liberty of disj)ersing several Ct)nHnon Prayer Books, without my knowl- edge, having first corrected iliem agreeable to his taste, and when 1 afterwards reproved tiiin for the lil)erty he had taken with me, both in a public and private capacity, he replietl tiiat he had treated me just as I deserved, and as for those things he had erased from the Prayer Book, they ought not to be in it. This he attended with a loud and contemptuous laugh ; but these were but the beginnings of that temper and disj)osi- tion of mind he has since discoven-d. He has laboured all in liis power to ruin my interest, to prevent my usefulness among the j)eoplir ; he has unjustly and falsely wounded my reputa- tion ; has been cdutriving to make the most fatal mischief in my family, and labouring to stir u|) lawsuits against me. And tliat he might more elVectually ac(H)mplish his iniquitous ile- • Tiii« work mml ha»e had a widc-Kprrad circulation, since the Ilev. Dcvcrcnx jMTat (tato* that at the time hi« attention wnt turned towards the mini»try of the Church of England, this booli wa« put iut3 his hand^, in Virginia, the place of his rctidsDce. 1772.] LIFE OF RKV. JAf'On UAILEY. 05 signs, did, in my absence nt Georgetown, open my desk, and lake out divers pa})ers, which he spread abroad with invidious remarks and comments, to my great damage. As to N., he was once a communicant, but it appears at the instigation of M., has left the publiek worsliip for several years, and, though I have fretpiently written to him with the utmost complaisance, and signified my earnest desire after a reconciliation, yet he still continues inexorable, and treats both me and my letters with the utmost contempt. Upon the whole, I am fully con- vinced that the above mentioned gentlemen have always, notwithstanding their pretensions, been enemies to the Church ; have, in artful manner, plotted against the Society's Mission, and secretly endeavoured to banish that generous bounty from these parts." " I have never received any salary from the people. My perquisites, such as marriages, contributions, 6cc., have not amounted, take one year with another, to £dO, old tenor, and the last two years they have not been .£20, besides presents from particular persons, which is not so much as I have to pay for house rent. I had, indeed, the improvement of Richinond Farm, through the bounty of T)r. (Jardiner, for seven years, but the inhal)itants of Pownall)()rougli, especially jjcople of substance, almost destroyed the wiiole j^rolit by large droves of wild horses and cattle, which no fence could resist which we were able to make. And though Mr. MacClennachan was paid for the pasturing of creatures, I never had but one dollar, which a poor man gave me, while my rich neighbours never allorded me a farthing, even when their cattle had de- stroyed both my hay and garden. Every winter since my arrival, there has been a proposal on foot for building a meet- ing-house, though they were never able so much as to begin, before the present year, and all the success of their jiroceedings is now owing to the falst^ and malicious representations of two or three gentlemcii. • I have long been convinced, by the l)rt)ei>edings of our gentlemen, that it picjues their |iride to have any other minister than one of their own choosing; they are really too self-sutBcient to receive one, even from the most respectable and jhdicious body of men, and are above 9G . . • ^ !•• ^ : "It, [1 ''"'-• ackiiowK'dging then»8t'lvr» imirliiLtl lo uiiy Society of Chri>i- ian» for tlu* support of tlirir n'ligious worship. I imi.^t tuM. that both N. tiiul M. havr long i'm|)Ioyi'(l all tlu-ir indui'ix and authority, to prevent people from attending Divine Servii c»peeially the latter, who prohihits hi:} .«*ervanls from comin- to ehureh. And tlfv not only contrive means to hinder olliern, hut have praet nllitude of stratagems to keep me honte, »inee I muvni over to the western side of the river, 1 detaining every boat and canoe they can get into their pow' And especially last Easter, that I might not be able to olliciai they came the Wednesday before, with a number of men and cattle, broke two locks, seized a canoe in my cure, and carrit <1 it olV, it being the only one on this side fit to launch into tl water when the river opened. 13ut it is observable that our common people were never disposed to ft)llow the example •'•' our gentliMuen ; they were, on the other hand, abundantly moi kind and generous after their enmity began, and more consta in their attendance on publick wi)rslii|). My congregation, iti good weather, has been near a third larger since the above left going to church. In :i word, 1 am persuaded that these gei- tlomen had, from the begiimiiig, a settled design of drivii away the Mission from Pownalborough, and in order to eil'i i this meritorious design, Ihey have stuck at nothing, Iiowcn unjust, false and injurit)us; but as this could not easily be accomplished, my character and iiilliu'ii(<' must be sacrilici'd to their favorite views." Mr. Hailey had hardly reuutved into the parsonage-huu-' . (which was oidy partially tinished,) when M. claimed the iai on which both the parsonage and the church were built. 1 ' "proceeded so far as to threaten tlu* people if they went : church ; he declared that he would build a chimney in it, (i. ■ the chuieh,) and place a ti'uaut on the laud." The origin this claim is somewhat obscure. As mar as can now be :i ccrtained, it seems to have been this: A j)er.-«on who li i i bci'U an ollieer in the Church at Pownalborough, and who-< general conduct, both before and after this transaction, appears to have been friendly, claiuu'd the land, as administrator < ' the estates of some pcrsuus dcceasi'd. This is the more r' - 1772.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 07 markablo, as Mr. Bailoy pays not only lliat "Dr. Cardliipr jnit me in possession of the land above two years since," but that the administrator above referred to, "on my lirst arrival, showed me this tract, as the parsonage-lot, employed proj)le the next year to work on it as such, and gave me leave to have the buildings erected upon it." How the claim was transferred to M. does not appear. But when it passed into his hands, he lost no time in his eflbrts to obtain the land. A suit at law for its possession, instituted by I\I., was decided in his favor, and judgmetit was obtained. Dr. Gardiner was written to on the subject, who replied: "July 22d, 1772. • • If they serve an Execution it is at their peril, and don't resist the oilicer, l)ut go to lodgings, leaving everything in the house behind you. Remember what T now write; if they serv(? an Execution on your house, or the Church, you will make the best voyage you ever did in your life, for they and all their coadjutors can never make the land where the Church and your house stand.s to be, or ever was, any part of 's estate, more than they can prove the sun to be green cheese : there- fore I beg to hear no more of this aflair, until you are carried by the sherifl* out of the house, and then I will see justice done both to you and the Church ; but this, you may depend, will never be attempted." Meanwhile, the members of the congregation became alarmed that the church and parsonage, which had l)een obtained with so much exertion, (and, as Mr. Bailey says, by great sacrifices on their part.) should l)e jilaced in a situation apparently so perilous. Inllucneed, pr()l)al)ly, by their apjire- hensions, Mr. Bailey, being threatened by M., concluded to take a lease of him for six months, which was aft(^rwards renewed for three months longer. Air. Bailey undoubtedly Ixlieved that this course was the most expedient for him to take. But it unfortunately excited the anger of Dr. Gardiner. The mat- ter was brought even before the Convention of Massachusetts, and caused some angry debate, but was finally drojipcd. Mr. Bailey states, most explicitly, that he acted under the advice of judicious lawyers in this matti-r, who, as the case then ap- 13 98 FRONTir. R missionary; or, [1772. Pl'iirhI, thought that he could not, on an appeal to a higlicr eourt, get the jiulgineiit reversed. A more accurate survey, afterwards, showed that "the Church and thirty-five acres of land were without the limits of the administrator's claim; the parsonage-house was found to l)e on land of which M. gave him no h-ase," while the grant frt)iu the Plymouth Company was not included in the tract claiiufd by INI. The matter was shortly after settled by the instrumentality of Dr. (Jardiner, and the title to the glebe was not again disputed. Whether or not I\I. was honest in his part of this business, cannot now l)e decided. The afVair, however, gave Mr. IJaiiey much uneasiness, and .seemed, at one time, to be lilvcly to l^c fatal to his prospects. There were not wanting circumstances, however, to encourage him, for he reports to the Society " that of the forty-nine persons baptized in the year 1772, twenty-one had belonged to the families of rigid Dissenters. On Trinity Sunday I had five new Couununicants, all educated Presbyterians." Rev. William W. Wheeler resigned his Mission in George- town in the spring of 1772. This not only deprived Mr. Bailey of the occasional counsel and assistance of the only Church minister in Maine, but threw the whole burden of that Mission again upon him, from which he had been relieved during the four years' incumbency of Mr. Wheeler. Rev. William Clark, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Dedham, Mass., wrote Mr. Bailey, under date of July 10th, 1772, with a view of obtaining the parish at Georgetown. Mr. C. was induced to think of this on account of the "support of the Mission" at Dedham, being, at that time, "too scanty,"' and likely thus to remain, till "the estate in reversion" fell in. Dr. Caner, of Boston, was favorable to Mr. Clark's intentions. But nothing appears to have been done in the matter. The following extract fntni a letter of Mr. l^ailey, is part of the early history of a i)arisli now arrived at a condition of mueli ^tretlgth and prosperity: — ; ive lately (August llitli, 1772) dedicated the new Church at (Jardinerstown, nine miles up the river, and iIk; p,M»p!.' ;ire very urgent for my preaching freijuently among 1773.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 99 them. I have likewise received several invitations from Georgetown, but I cannot possibly answer all these demands without neglecting my own people." The matter of M.'s claim to the glebe was arranged as above stated. Mr. Bailey writes to a friend, that " the settle- ment of our Parsonage has given us high spirits, but a mortal chagrin to our enemies." This active persecutor, iiowevcr, was not yet discouraged. The Church was incorporated by the General Court in 1773, and a parish meeting was called in the spring of that year, by M. and N., during the absence of the two wardens and of JNIajor (joodwin. The warrant contained but two articles, — First: to choose a moderator. Second: to choose a parish clerk, assessors, and a committee for managing parish affairs. All freeholders and other inhabitants, legally qualified to vote in town meetings, were required to attend. From the titles given to some of the officers, e. g., "committee for managing parish affairs," and also from the omission of names of war- dens and vestry, it is evident, that this could be no meeting of the congregation attending the Church. As all freeholders, etc., were notified, the intention manifestly was, to form a new religious organization, — its character to be determined by the majority of the voters present. IMany Churchmen were "le- gally (lualified to vote in town meetings," and therefore at- tended on this occasion, as they had a perfect right so to do. M. was the active spirit at this meeting. A moderator of his own selection was chosen, who decided that "no Churchman had any right to vote." " Our people," says Mr. Bailey, " though twenty-four to twelve, offered to withdraw from their meeting, and never more to concern themselves with any parish allairs for the future ; provided, they would agree not to tax us towards the Congregational worshiji, l)ut this was utterly denied us." Upon the withdrawal of the Churcluncn, and part of the others, the business was left in the hands of eight })(>rsons. " These dissenters, though so few in number, (juar- rellcd, the same evening, among themselves, about fixing the place for their meeting-house; and upon hearing that their lumber had been seized, became wholly disheartened. • • • 1(M) iu*ition of a very few jn(Iivi(hialr« in that plaee to the Chiireh of Enylatul. Mr. Haih'y writes to a friend: " Rev. Mr. Badger pn'ached for nie, June 20th. I have likewise had a visit from Monsi<'nr Balcle, Romish Mi.aisionary to the Indians of St. Franeis. W< hove now at our honse, Monsieur Naphew, a Franciscan friar. from Brittany, in I'rance. I have made considerable profi- ciency in the I'renc-ji language. • • 1 (■.\i)ect to j)n:i(li. next Sunday, in a new pulpit. Mrs, l^alK-y has collected, nmotig the women, .£1'), O. T., towards furnishing the pulpit- cloth, etc." The re|)ort to the Society, in October of this year, contain- the following: " I have baptized, since October last, lifty-liv< persons, four of them adults; and notwithstanding the vioU-n; attempts of my inveterate enemies to injure the Church, m\ parish, at present, is in nourishing circumstances. Our peo|)lt have built, at their own expense, an eli-gant pulpit and readiiii: desk, and tht'ir wives and daughters have furnished it with a cushion, and hangings of crimson damask. Our j^arsonage- house and land, which occasioned me so much concern and expense, are now redeemed fri)m the |)ower of our em-niies, and I hope to enjoy them in j)eace. I woulil liki'wise be^' leave to recommend the pcojile at (Jardinerstown, and the si>i- tlcmcnts above, on Kenneljeik river, to the Society, as object- of their charitable assistance. They are a luixture of variou denominations, chielly very j)oor, among which, numbers an well dispos(>d towards the Church. Many were formerly under my care at Bownalborough, and several, communicants of good character. It appears probable, that if a Missionary was fixed at Oardinerstown, with proper encouragements, the people, in general, would adhere to the Church. I have olllciated twice thissumnjerat the last-mentioned place, and, on the iSfli of Au- gust, baptized twenty-two persons, eight of them adults. These 1774.] LIFE or REV. JACOB BAILEY. lUl infant settlements extend, from Pownalhonmc^h, forty-five miles along the river, and contain four luindred families, among which tiiey have no ordained minister of any denomination, to admin- ister the ordinances, and to pre.'^erve a proper sense of religion. But such are the necessitous circumstances of the people, the dilliculty of travelling, and the expense of living, that no Mis- sionary can subsist upon Kenneheck river, with credit to his profession, without a liberal sui)port ; and every dilliculty here is rather greater, I conceive, than in the adjoining Province of Nova Scotia, where many of the English entered upon lands already improved by the former French inhabitants. I would further mention, that Dr. Gardiner, who has erected a decent Church at Gardinerstown, and provided a glebe, engages, be- sides, to give ten pounds sterling, per annum. I am obliged to remark, that we arc indebted to the care and vigilance of this gentleman for the redemption of our parsonage at Puwn- alborough, and its present establishnu'iit upon a sure founda- tion." That Mr. Bailey had not lost his early passion for writing, ajipears from a statement which he makes, wherein he says: " I have almost finished a description of the eastern country, in three chapters. The first contains the CJcography and Natural History; the second, an account of the Ancient Indians; and the third, the most remarkable events, from its discovery in 1G03, to the present day, with a view of its late jirodigious improvements in the character of its inhabit- ants. My account takes in all the country between Casco Bay and Nova Scotia. I have had unexpected assistance, both from gentlemen and boolis." He also states that "two gentlemen have otlered me seven guineas for the copy of Madockawando, for the press, but 1 refused.** That his tem- poral prospects were brightening at this time, appears from the following extract from a letter to a relative, in August of this year: " I have a wealthy parishioner, Mr. Ayling, from England, who has purchased Richmond farm, to the amount of sixteen hundred and fifty acres, and is on the spot, making great improvements."' Jn February of this year, Mr. Bailey visited the npj)er set- 102 FRONTIFR MIRSIONAUY; OR, [1774. lUiiKii;-* (in tin- Kiiiii' :i' c, ir;iv«'lliiig the wliDJe tlistance in a Hli'igli on tlio fro/«'ii rivi-r. Ills jouriu-y extcnclccl aliovc Fort Ilalifax, in the present town of Win.slow. IJeinj^, on Siuulay, iicrrs, who, until thrn, hatl hail no n-HiL^ioiis , !i('(l to a congngation of forty prrjions, and II that region ho baptized seventeen, whose names are re- I in his journals. 1 ..ree years had now passed since Mr. liailey removed with is family into the parsonage-house, thus securing the first I" rnianent habitation which they had enjoyed since he had Urn in his Mission. WhiU' the house was in building, he had enclosed about three acres for a garden, and began imme- liately to cultivate it with great industry. Nearly a dozen ; in one of his journals, are occupied with his " Obser- :is in gardening in the Autumn of 1774, and spring of 17^'." Till -I- observations arc curious in more than one rcspi'ct. 'I'licy note jiarticulariy, not only the kind of seeds sown, and shrubs and trees transplanted, but also give each day in which the work was done, state the quantity of what was put into the ground, with the precise locality. It would seem, from this record, that there could have been but few l)l;iii;s, cither of the ornamental or usefid kind, then known in New Kngland, of which a specimen might not be seen grow- ing near the humble parsonage of this frontier Missionary. Till' neighboring fields and forests were also laid under contri- Ittiiitin, and many wild llowers were mingled with the more euhivatetl ones. Even the sea beach of his native place had fnrnisheil one of the two or three species of vegetation which its arid sands can nourish. Tradition confirms, what would be '^nrtnised from his journals, that the minister's garden at l'»i\. ii.;ll)orough had fuw superiors east of Boston. The following letter, addressed to a female friend a few !- after, '! ' - his residence at I'ownalborough : ''I at this I present to my imagination, those roman- les which surrounded my habitation, many of which aiiiler my eye, or were formed by my conducting hand, :■ . !'■ the rcmaintler appear in all their native wildness, and are cither beautifully irregular, or excite the ideas of admira- 1774.] LIFE OF KEV. JACOB HAILEY. 10:3 tion and honor. INIy cln-cHing was situatnl on the snnunit of a towering eminence, between two navigable rivers, which dif- fused itself into an extensive plain, agreeably diversified w*tli <^' k J. [View of the Piirsonagc at Pownalborough.] clumps of evergreens, and lofty spreading trees, interspersed with grass j)lats and cultivated herbage. Around the house lay a garden, containing three acres, mostly on a gentle decliv- ity; several regular squares and elegant parterres had been created out of the rocky and stubborn materials, divided into walks and borders, either crowded with thriving fruit trees of various species, or adorned with a multitude of various shrubs and (lowers, which added softness, splendour and beauty to the wilderness, and perfumed the air, already |)ure as the virgin breezes of Paradise, with their blended fragrance. The other parts of this enclosure continued still in all the misshapen rudeness of nature, where she puts on the roughest appear- ance, and wore an as|ic(t wrinkled, severe, rugged and de- foruied beyond expression. Here we l^eheld the j)rostrate trunk of some enormous tree which sunk Ixiieatli the burdeu of age and infirmities, or else was borne down headlong by tlir rapid tempest, mouldering into its original dust, while a 10 I lUONTIKU MISSION A It V ; OK, [1775. miinrrou!* ofT^prii)'; wrrc s|)rin;,'liig tip on t-vory side, and I'xiilt- ing in the pridi- of youtlifiil virdun*; tluTc, on the margin of a* rocky rniirifncr, covrred with thorns and briars, you might discover the breaking precipice with gaping cav«'rns and ragged fnignjcnts*, tiunbling to the bottou), coinj>osed a |)ile of defor- mity, the habitation of reptiles and vermin. On the western quarter, beyond the limits of the garder) and a winding road, lay a large open grove of maples and beeches, with two or three majestic oaks, which reared their venerable heads abov< the surrounding trees; at a further distance, on the declivity of the hill, is situated a stately forest, sloping into an impenetra- ble swam|) of spruce and cedar, ending in cultivated (iejci- along the llowery banks of Kenncbeck, while from the cham- ber windows we have a prospect of tin? White Mountains, above lifty miles remote, concealing their glittering summits among the clouds. I'rom the same apartment, to the south, appeared a numlicr of si'ttlenu'nts, stretching, for miles to- gether, on the Eastern River, and the waters of .Merrymecting Bay, with the adjacent hills, closes the delightful view, (^n the northern (puirter, at the distance of fifty rods, almost ob- scured Ijy a rising grove of birches, appears the Church, an elegant building, standing on a gravelly spot of ground, sur- rounded with a large piece of beautiful turf. From the east- ern door in front, througn a spacious avenue, we have a fine prospect of the river .Mundooscottook,* which ajipcars, by a deception, almost contiguous to the garden, ruiming at the bottom of a large open pasture; beyond the river the laml rises with a majestic grandeur, and, swelling with a stupcn- duous arch, covered, with trees, the hori/on."t It has, we presume, snlUciently aj)peared, that the " Itinerant Mission on the Eastern Frontiers of Massachusetts 13ay" was no Bineeure. The territory it embraced was extensive, the inhab- itants thinly scattered, and the rueans of travelling were incon- venient, and oftentimes dangerous. The poverty and igno- rance of the people, and the imscrupulous opposition of some • Of Eutcrn lUrex. f Sec note 11. 1774.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. lOj persons of wealth and innnence greatly increased labors which were of themselves sulliciently arduous to have discouraged most men. To all these dilliculties were now to be added others. The date of Mr. Bailey's coming into these regions was almost the same as that of the commencement of those measures on the part of the British government, which finally alienated the American colonies. The nature of these mea- sures and their dates, are too well known to the intelligent reader to render it necessary that they should be stated here. The first instances of political persecution which Mr. Bailey experienced, occurred at a distance from the place of his resi- dence. On the 7th September, 1771, he set otT with a friend for Boston. His journal states that he was "insulted the next day. " Sept. Slh. Lodged at Millican's.' Ill treated. • •»••• "llt/i. Lodged at Newbury: the country all in commotion. • ••*»• "14///. Convention 8'jrmon preached by Mr. Seargent. • • • • • • "23c/. Mobbed at Brunswick; got home at night. " '2C^f/l. Abroad ; fled from the mol). Ijodged at George Miers'." He afterwards writes to a friend : " I was obliged to ab- scond in the night, to avoid the fury of the mob, and to keep myself concealed two days." Under date of October 17th, 1771, Mr. Bailey wrote as follows, to the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts: — "I take this opportunity of writing by Capt. Callahan, one of my Wardens, bound directly from this place to (ila.-'gow, sinfc the unhappy condition of this country renders it wholly unsafe to trust a letter by the way of Boston to London. I have, since my last, visited the upper setth'inents u|)on Ken- nebeck river, to the distance of fifty miles, where I baptized •In Scarborough. 14 Kx; iic()Nrii:u MissioNAKv; ok, [177-4. twrntv iiifiintM ami two lulult-*. Notliini; rcin:irUal)le has oc- curred in my parir^li, but I liavr tl)«' >«aii>fartion to observe. that none of my hearers have cntereil into :my desperate com- binations a^'uinst the authority i>f (Jrrat Hrifain, nor joined in any of those tumults and insurrections whii li have lately prevailed in other parts of the Province, and even in the neii,'li- bourinj; towns. On my late journey to Boston, I was fre- quently insulted and mobbed, and iimnediately after my return, this place was invaded by one hundred men in arms, while tli' Court wa8 sitting, vowing reveng*? upon me and several of iir, parishioners, for op|)osing the solemn league and covenair. To avoid their fury, I was obliged to (lee from my house in tip night, and to conceal myself for two days. The mob was a length obliged to disperse, without success, or doing any eon- siderable mischief. In the neighbouring settlements, however. they assaulted both persons and property, brake into houses and stores, abused the iidiabitants, and destroyed their sub- stance, and, after being intoxieated with strong rKpior, fon^'ln among themselves. We are daily thr»'ateni'd with another hostile invasion ; and, it may be remarked, that these insurree- tions are encouraged by some of our magistrates, and the late mob was headed by a member of the General Assembly. In short, nothing can be more dismal than the situation of the Episcopal ministers, and, indeed, of all who have any depend- ence upon Great liritaiti. They are daily |K»rsecuted with provoking insults, lo:uled with .^lioc'iing execrations, and alarmed with the most bloody nienaees, and that, not by the meaner ral)ble, but l)y j>ersons of the highest distinction, and even those who heretofore wen- in the greatest repute for moderation, pietv and tenderness, have now lost every senti- ment of humanity, behave with the wildest fury and destruc- tion, and breathe forth nothing but slaughter and destmction against all who are unwilling to engage in their extravagant schemes. I have observed, with regard to this Province and New Hampshire, where I have a large acquaintance, that the friends of government are chiefly either Ei)iscopalians, or sober, sensible persons of other denominations, who are ecpially averse to intidelity and enthusiasm; but if the sons of liberty should 1775.] LIFE OF RKV. JACOB IJAILKY. 1()7 prevail, our dt'structioii will bo inevitable, and tliousaiuls nf Ills Majesty's loyal subjerts, who aekiiowledge the authority of the parent touutry from priuc-iples of conscience as well as grateful iuelination, will instantly be reduced to the extreinest misery and ruin. Nothing has inspired these opposers of gov- ernment with greater resolution and fury, than a speech said to be written by the Bishop of St. Asaphs.' I had an oppor- tunity of remarking the fatal elVects of this |)erformanee, not only at Boston, but in travelling two iiundred miles through a populous part of the country. This has given them occasion to al)use every Episcojialian who cannot acknowledge the sentiiuents of His Lordship, with the forced construction they are pleased to put upon His words, '.rhe shutting up of Bos- ton harbour, and the prevailing violence of this raging faction, have already n-duced me to great distress in my private allairs, and it is with the utmost dilliculty I am able to procure the necessaries of life."' The winter of 1771—3 passed oil" without much poliiieal disturbance in the " West Precinct of Powiialborougl),'' where the church was situated. From the journals of Mr. Bailey, it seems that the number of attendants on public worship during the three years after the church was built, ranged from fifty to one hundred and thirty. The news of Lexington battle, (which was some days in reaching Kennebec,) caused considerable excitement among the j)eo|)le. Mr. J3ailey slates that on the day of the receipt of the inlclligence "of Col. Percy's defeat,*' he was "abroad, and assaulted by a number of rullians." Two days after tiiis, Rev. J. Wingate Weeks, Rector of St. Michael's Church, Marl)lehead, Mass., arrived with iiis family. He had been driven by political persecutions from his j)arish, and sought refuge with the subject of this Memoir, who had married his sister. " The circumstances of Mr. Weeks' family determined him • Bishop Shipley. Thi« production was quoted by Hon. Daniel Webster, in hi« speech, (IpliTereJ at Washington, July 1th, 18-51, on the occasion of lajing the comer stone of the enlargement of the Capitol. 108 riioNTiru >f issioN A K V ; on, [1775. to sock a r'ni^f in iii<- r< ^i.ui> m kcilIU'bcck, wIuTC ln* liail Boino pojiM'S!«ii)ii.s ill laiul. He arrivcil at Frankfort, with liis faiuiiy,on WVdni'sday rvrning, April liOtli. Notice was iiunu'- diati'ly given to M. ami tlie rabble, ami not\vitli.staiuliii«i their wide dii>pcrsions, the latter were ar^scinhled at the (.'oiirl-huiise by hunriiie the next ni()rnin<^, to pn-veiit hiiii from lundin^^ his furniture. The multitude were evidently eonveiied to rU before. And even there they have not been sulferod to remain in quiet. Their happiness has been often intcrrujited by insults, and by the snapping of a loaded gun ttt Mr. Hailcy and me, while walking in the garden. We have no hope, but in the experience of your wonted charity." — Ilawkiits' Hist, of Miim'on', rtr., p. 216. lit) rilONTlKK M I SS ION A li Y ; OK, [1775. And tli«)iigh .Hcrvirr was constantly jx Trorinrtl ovt-ry Sunday at fhnrtli, fitlirr l)y .Mr. Wti-k.s or Mr. Hailcy, y«'t all who Were inttincd to favor the |)n's(iil (-orninotion.s atti-ndt'd liis vocifrnition.^*, ancrsccution they conceivetl wn.n (h'sccndiii:; on their nei^'hbour.-*. .... '' Hut Whiting was not the only Apostle of Kcnnebeck. One Alden, a noteil .\na-baptist preacher from (Jreat Britain, made his appeanince in these parts, and was extremely it)strnii)cntal in seducing ignorant and cnuhilous people. And, notwith- standing his character, attended his itinerant performances, and it was acknowlcdgetl wherever he travelled that he had twice been dismissed from the ministerial oHice for gross immoralities, and liad been tried at the Old Bailey for the crime of perjury, yet he was followed and ap|ihuided by the imdistinguishing mohility and persons of distinction, as some great pro|)het, or messenger from heaven. • 'J'liis fellow jireachetl in almost every settlement along the hanks of Ken- ncbeck, and greatly conduced to hrinir everytliinf,' sacred and decent into contempt."* "The inhabitants of Frankfi)rt, or the \Ve.-«t l*arish i»f Tow- nalborough, continued quiet and composed till about Christ- mas, 177''), when Mr. (Joodwin, a deputy-sheritl and jail keeper, began to spirit up tin* jieople. 'J'his man was open, generou<, positive, and l)lustering, — served this yearns Church Warden, but was intimatc'ly connected with M. and X. lie sudiienly attempted to raise all the young fellows among us in defence of liherty, and engaged them to assemble on New Year's day, to erect the standard of defiance. Every method of allurement and menace was practised to convene tlie people upon iliis important occasion; but about twenty persons had resohiiion eniuigh to disregard every incitctnent, and refused to give their attendance. The confusion and uproar wliiih ensued were beyond example; the day was consumed in the exercises of * See note I. 1770.] LIFE OF KEY. JACOB 15 A I LEY. Ill (Jrinklng, swearing, traitorous imj)rccations, and the most liorriblc cfTui^ions of profancness and impiety. Several |)eoj)Ie, in the fervor and wantonness of tlieir zeal, proposed that the minister shonld be eondueted by a sullieient military force from his habitation to the pole, nnd tlirre hr. obliged to c-onse- erate this exalted monument of freedom: others, inileed, were so niodest as to oppose* the motion, and when it was comndt- ted to the common sullrage, it was carried in the negative by a trifling majority only.* » * • . • Immediately after this distinguishing event, near one-half of the congregation with- drew from the Church, the minister was stigmatized as a mortal enemy to his country for neglecting to observe a thanksgiving appointed by the Provincial Congress, though the very persons who were loudest in their exclamations cer- tainly knew that he had received no inl\)rmation time enough to givi' publick notice. " My Presbyterian neighbours were so zealous for the good of their country that they killed seven of my sheep out of twelve, and shot a fine heifer as she was feeding in my pasture, and niy necessities were so great in the following winter that I was obliged to dispose of the remainder of my cattle except one cow. The next spring, as I was endeavoring to cultivate a garden sj)ot, whicii I had j)repared from a rocky wilderness, with great labour and expense, the leaders immediately began to intirrupt my honest endeavours for the support of my family. They daily threatened that prodigious numbers of people were assembling in the adjacent settlements to put down the Church and to burn my habitation over my head." • " It was determined that [r. (ioodwin, a Church Warden, the principal conductor, (under the secret direction, as I siippose, of M.,) being opposed by the Ycstry, eight in nuniljcr, induceil the people to erect it on the plains. M., sonic days before, hud engaged to give th'iu a quantity of rum to elevate their itpirits upon the glorious occasion. When tlio appointed day came this gentleman, upon their appearance, according to previous agreement, delivered his present, with the assurance that he would haro cheerfully assisted in person had he not been unwell. Capt. Lovcjoy insisted upon my bring sent for to consecrate the pole liy prayer, unA, if I refused, it was purposed that I should be whipped around it, but the motion was lost by a majority of two."t t lite. J. Iliilry'i MS. 11*? rnoNTiER MISSION A 11 V ; oil, [1776. JLitj '>>^I, 1777. A Hoii rii to Mr. IJuiley, wlio was bapti/iHl l»y the name of ' llij«;li I'tny.' IVom Mr. Bailey's Journal of tliia year we extract the fol- lowing: — • ^^ "'2'*itL Summoned before the L'oiiimit Ice. Examined by the Committee. I under bonds. • ••••• ^*^ August lith. Forbidden to pray for ll>e King. Only di- livertnl a sermon. Thirty-live present. '*23//. On a journey : lodged at Rev. Mr. Bass's, Ncwbury- port. ^' :::\jjUmUir iVUi. \ iMlcd ul ticurj^'fiowii. liapu/cti tm cliiltlriii. •• Octitbtr 'Z^Ui. Urfon- tlic CoiiuniiU'i- for r.ot reading tlir Deelaration of Independence, for praying for the Kin", mi i for preaching a seditious sermon." In a letter written some time after this to the secretary t)t' the Venerable Society, Mr. Bailey says: "In the universal confusion, tumult, and destruction, which prevailed in tlie be- ginning of the war, many persons were driven by the impulses of fear to act against both conscience and inclination. On the t>ne hand, we were a.s.«aulted by armed multiuides, pourini; out torrents of reproach and execrations, and threatening to ■ •• victims of their vengeance. On the other, we ' (I l)y the entreaties and tears of our friends to a little compliance, (whicli, by the way, only in;uie our eneniies the fiercer,) while we were confidently told that iiiir liniiirni in oiIk r p:iii- liiid fiijlv \ iilrlcd to the requisitions • \ prf^f «f Mr flnHrrN 1r»rn1tT. The name nelccted for the child iraa that of In a letter received from a descendant of t nrciirs : "It wa» the intention of Mr. and rcy, liul Mrs. Callohnn, the Godmother, li'rnid to give this name, and called him i.c{ Luti.Ai.il. U« wtut baptixcd Charles Percy, and altrays 1777.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 113 of Congress and the spirit of the times. I had myself all these dilficulties to encounter. In particular, the Sunday after the news of the Declaration of Independence arrived, for besides the ravings and menaces of the wild sons of freedom, the luore moderate of the same character assured me that every clergy- man had both omitted all prayers for His Majesty, and publi.-JK'd the Declaration of Independency, whiU- n)y real friends earnestly besought me to prevent the destruction of our Church. I still refused, answering them that we must conscientiously perform our duty, and leave the Church to the protection of Heaven, and that if all my brethren had departed from their integrity, I could never thiidv ruyself excused from lilame by following their example. I will observe, that though I had then courage to resist, yet perhaps my fortitude at another time might have failed.'' Some of the old enemies of the Episcopal Church, and its minister, were not discouraged by their former unsuccessful attempts to establish the Congregational form of worship within the bounds of his parish. Their proceedings caused Mr. Bailey to write to eminent men, lawyers and others, iu dillerent parts of the cou/itry, on this sul)ji'ct. The j)ersons thus addressed were, Mr. Oliver Whipple, of Portsmouth, N. H., Rev. Jacob Duchc', ol' Philadelphia, and Mr. David Sewall, of York. Mr. Bailry says, that "the mal-contents were only seven in nuruber;" that "they exchuled all Churchmen from the privilege of voting, antl agreed, in M uch, I77(i, to raise a tax upon the inhabitants, — Ci,uakers as well as Churchiuen, — towards the support of the Gospel." "This," he continues, "is the declared purpose, l)oth in the tax bill and in the war- rant for distraining. Our peoj)le are by no means in allluent circumsfances, and, after having generously, according to their ability, contributed to my support, are (rompelled to ])ay the above tax with the utiTU)st rigour. 'J'he collectors are seizing their cattle by violeiu-e, and selling them at j>ublick vendue for a mere trille." Mr. Bailey stati-s further, that "these \uvn have uo meeting-house, no embodied church, lU) c(unuiuni- cants, no minister, and no jireaching. except three months in 1770." lie writes to one of the above-named gentlemen, that 15 114 IKoNIIIli M I SS ION A J{ Y ; OR, [1777. the? piT(*onH ^*|M>l^l•n ^f '' liavr procfi-ilfd to colU-ft tlie tax witli the utmo!«t rigt>r, and sevi-ral c-irciiinstam'fs of ungenerous Bryrrity, Kiieli as hreakinj^ into l)arns when the |)n)prietors werr nl)!«Mit, taklnij nway cattle l.y vioU-nee, sellini,' them at a«cti«)n, and nniltiplying charges, to the great distress of the iinfortunutc suHerers. • • • Those who retain any senti- ments of tenderness and humanity, when ac(|uainted with the circumstances of this eastern country, must compassionate our situation: a people eonlined to a cold anil rugged soil, eneum- bered with forests, and divided hy rivers, exposed to invasions from Canada, deprived of free navigation, ])revented from selling, as usual, their timber for the necessarii's of life, and denied the ailvantages of reeeivitig provisions from abroad as formerly. These oeenrreDces have redueetl us, (especially myself, who dejx'ndeil ehielly upon the Society for suj)port.) to the lowest condition of poverty, and almost to nakeilness and famine." In a letter to Rev. Dr. liyles, in the autunm of this year, Mr. Bailey writes: " I have hitherto performed Divine service every Sunday, thi>ugh at the risk of my liberty, and even of my life. I have had a warrant after me ever since the 20th of July, for transportation, but by concealing myself during tlie week time, I have as yet escaped. Mr. Parker and Mr. Bass ar(^ the only clergymen beside mysi-lf who ollieiate, l)ut they wholly omit praying for the King, and my principal otVence is negli'cting to follow their example.*' October \0{/,, 1777. To Rev. J. \V. Weeks, Marblehead :— "• • 1 have a warrant issued against me ever since the 20lh of .Inly, and several oHicers have attempted to take me, but hitherto without success. I have ollieiated every 8nnday. \Vurrant.s are out for a great number of people, some of whom have absconded, and others go armtd. John McNamara has been fmi'd twenty dollars, and imprisoned five days, but is now dismissed u|)on bail. I am a little surprised to find yon coupling me with Mr. Bass upon all occasions. The latter, without encountering any persecution or dilficulty, complied with the first motion of his congregation, (mostly high sons of liberty,) wholly to drop all prayers for the King. I, on the con- 1777.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 1 1 .J trary, continued the service, without the U'ast alteration, some- time after you and many of my brethren had made omissions; and indeed I was chiefly induced to do so by your example. It was a long time after you had ceased ollieiating before I either heard of it, or the law in sup|iort of Independency, so that I had already ollended beyond the hopes of pardon. Pre- vious to this my ])arishioners were severely persecuted, both as Churchmen and Tories, which immediately excited the indignation of the friends of government for twenty miles round. These, of every denomination, encouraged me to pro- ceed, and generously contributed to my support; and though I have left out the most obnoxious sentenci's, 1 have never omitted to pray for the King, and I have continued to olliciate, not to please our enemies, but tlie Royalists scattered through the country. My (tonstant hearers, (though all, except one or two, are friends of government,) are but a small number in comparison with the rest, and indeed our continuing to as- semble for Divine Service is considered by the Whigs as the princi[)al support of our party. They imagine that it gives life and spirit to our opposition, and besides the chief objec- tion against me is my praying for the King. For this single oflence I have been threatened, insulted, condemned, and laid imdcr heavy bonds, and for this I am now doomi'd for trans- portation. My friend, Mr. Lee, is Captain of a company at New York; Callahan is Caj)fain of a twelve-gun sloop-of-war in the King's service; George Pochard is at C^uebec, so that the situation of my allairs is well known at all these j^laces." The following from one of his MSS. will give an idea of his sufTerings at this time : — " Mr. Bailey, Missionary at Pownalborough, having been concealed in his own house for the space of five weeks, re- ceived information that a design was formed against his life. This intelligence determined him to attempt an escajie. In consequence of this determination he left his habitation in the evening of October loth, and was conducted through intricate j^aths, about two mih's, by iiis brother and Dr. .Mav* r. It was conjectured that some desperate rutlians were placed at a lit- tle distance from the house, cither to intercept his llight, or to 116 yuoNTir.K missionary; ou, [1777. destroy him on llu- ."poi. A coiipK' of yoiiii^' lads wcro firod uptm as tlifv wrrr ri«lin^' aloni,' llif road, tlii' jxoplc doiil)tlttrd to sympathize with him, and to console eaili otlicr on the gloomy appearam-e «)f pnbliek allairs. " After travelling to Boston and visiting a nndtitndr of his accpunntance, of various ranks, and of opposite sentiments, and having received many instances of generosity from tin; Royali»t9, he rcturiu-d home about Christmas, and though he had endured grj-at anxiety on account of his family, he had the pleasure of fimling them in comfortable circumstances, the 1778.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB 11 A I LEY. 117 friends of government having liberally contributed towartls their sn])|)()rt." * In the early l)art of llie following year, Mr. IJailey rfceived a letter from the Rev. Matlicr liyles, formerly Rector of Christ Church, Boston, but who had left the country. It is dated Halifax, N. S., February 17th, 1778. The following is an extract : — " I am commissioned to inform you, if you have not alreadv availed yourself of the collection for the sullering clergy in America, that you are entitled to .ter."' Mr. Bailey's daily .Tounial for the entire year 1777 is miss- ing. From that for part of 1778, we extract the following: — ^' A]iri/ 10///. Easter Sunday. 50 present. 15 Communi- cants. » 20l/i. Chose the same ollicers." It is mentioned occasionally that thf puns. lie; was mi^htil\ plensetl with th<" N'tters I broiij^ht him from liis son and ijrand- dniighter, and instrnt t«d his daughters, a conph- of fine yonn<^ ladicii, to read them. I observed that he had a larpe colleetion of curiosities, and the best library I had seen in this eoimtry. He is a genth'man of h-arniiiij: ami «,'reat imai^ination, has an uncommon »hare of priil*-, iind thoni^h agreeable wlim (li>- conrsini^ upon anv subject, yet the perpetual reach afier pun renders his ordinary conversation rather distastefid to person of elegance and refinement. He gave lue a circumstantial account of his trial when condeumed for transpi»rtation. He carefully preserved his talent for |)unning through the whole. I recollect one instanee: when he was conducted into tlx apartment where his judges sat with great solemnity, wln> desiri'd him to sit by the fire, as the weather was cold, ' (ien- tlemen,' said he, 'when I came among you I expected perse- cution, but I could not think you would have olFered me the fire so siiddenly I' After looking at si-veral fine j^rosjicets, and hearing two or three tunes on the organ by one of his daugh- ters, I took my leave, wiih an invitation and proiiiise to renew my visit. I then npaired to Mr. Dometts, anil was kindly received by that worthy and l»enevolint couple. They no sooner perceived the poverty and uncouthness of my apparel, than they contributed towards a re|)aration, and fnrnisheil me with a handsome coat, jacket and breeches. .My dress before this recruit was as follows: an old rusty thread-bare black coat, which had been turnetl, and the button-holes worked with thread almost white, with a numl)er of breaches about the elbows; a jacket of the same, much fractured about the button-holes, and hanging loose, occasioned by the Jeanne^ of my carcass, which was at this time greatly emaciated b\ the constant exercise of tenfperance ; a jjair t)f breeches, con- structed of coarse bed-tick, of a dirty yellow colour, and so iincoat (sir) as to suffer several repairs, in j)articular, a per- pendicular patch upon each knee of a dillercnt complexion 177S.] LIFE or REV. JACOB BAILEY. ll!) from the original jjicce; a pair of blue iliicU-soainod stockiiig!^, well adapted to exclude the extreme lieat of the season; a hat \vith many holes in the brim, adorned with imich diirning in other places, of a decent medium between l)laek and white. My wig was calk'd white in better days, but now resemliletl in colour an old greasy bed l)lanl I w.ni'-i i.j-.'ii 1 >r. lili'ViI. • • 'I'lio Dr. at parting gavi- me niiu* dollars, "7//i. Tlii« morning at Mr. Wallace's, where Mr. AVilliam Gariliner intrmluced nje to Mr. Reed, a gentleman who had been earled t)nt of town. He made me a present of twelve dollnn*. A few minute.s before llir hour appointed I arrived at .Mr. Domett's, and just aft«r I was seated a gentif-man rap- ped at the door and gave Mrs. Domett a |)aprr for me. She informed me that it wau Mr. I-'rskiiK-, aii iri^li gciiiltinaii. Upon opening the paper we found enclosed two Imndnd and seventeen dolhirs. This Mr. Krskine gave me at rortsmouth, last November, si.xteen dollars. lie is nephew to Sir AVilliam Krskine, Colonel of the Kdinborongh r«'gimeiit, raisi-d for tin- serviet? against America. lie now exerted himself in collect- ing this money for me among his accpiaintance from a print i- ple of pure generosity. • • • When I came home, .Mr. Warner sent his compliments, with a very good surtout and twenty dollars. "8M. This morning took a breakfast at Mr. Domett's, and while I was in that hospitable and lucky mansion had twenty- one dollars sent me by .Mrs. Sheaf. • • • I then |)aid Mrs. Renkin and received my not< Mr. I'arker gave me a very sensil)le lettir to Major (Jooilwin, and his worthy lady furnished me with provisions for my passage. The kindness and generosity oi this agreeabh; pair ought to excite my warmest gratitude, for, not to mention my board and lodging for near three weeks, I received from them in pre- sents to the value of i! !•'), lawful money. About 10 o'clock Dr. Miers and I took our leave, and embarked on board ('apt. Smith. • • About 11 got under sail." The next night found the vessel in whirli Mr. l^aiiey had taken passage at aiulior in Purlsmouth harbor, having taken shelter there from an easterly storm. Oh the second day after they had put into this port, .Mr. liailey went on shore to visit Rev. Mr. Stevens, of Kittery, who had l)i'frien(Ied him when in college. Here he ft)und Rev. .leremy Relknap, (afterwards D. D.i '' with his wife, arrived fri)m Dover." " I (puckly per- 177S.] LIFE or REV. JACOB BAILEY. I'Jl ceived him," says Mr. Bailey, "to be a son of moderation. It was evident from tiieir conversation that most of the Coniire"a- tional ministers are in very distressed eireiimstiinees on aeeoinit of the fall of puprr money ; hut when Mr. rn'Ikna]) (•(iii)|»l;iiiic(l of his situation, Mr. Stt-vens informetl him lh;it mine was still worse, for I could receive no salary." • ••••• "22^/. Arrived at Pownalborough, where I had the satis- faction of finding my family in good health, though they had greatly suflVred in my absence for want of provisions." Four days after his arrival iMr. Bailey wrote to Mr. Domett, in Boston. In this letter he says: "I am prohibited, in the strongest terms, by Col. Gushing,* from olllciating any longer, and though I have promised to ac«iuiesce, yet he still threatens to impose the oath." In writing to Mr. John Pickering, Sjieaker of the House of Representatives, he says, "1 was taken into a list on the Transj)ortation Act last summer, and after having had the matter dt-bati'd several hours in a full town meeting, I was voted not inimical, t)y a large majority. Our magistrates, being enraged at this disappointment, issued out a warrant, notwithstanding, to apprehend me. The judges and jurv, ixing of their appointment, I knew that there was no possibil- ity of my escaping if I came to trial. This determined me to continue prisoner in my own house, till my health was affect- ed, and I perceived it to be no longer a place of securitv. I tlu'n (led about the middle of October la^t in the night, and continued roving about New Hampshire and elsewhere till the act expired. I left my family in very distressed circum- stances, my wife having a sueking child, snUered greatly for want of jirovisions before she obtained any relief. I have been finable to receive any part of my salary since June, 177o, wliicli has obliged me to work hard for my subsistence, but these restless spirits will neither sull'rr me tt) enjoy a moment's repose, nor to reap the fruits of my labours. When the act for swearing took place, I was innncdiately pursued on a • High Stieriff of the County. IG rj'J ''•■'NVMIt Nfl^^I-'NAKY; OR, [177S. inngi!«trate'«» wnrnint, but bi'f»)n' it was |)r«»|)(rly sorvotl I wns coiiHtrainrti to petition the Council for have to depart into Nova Sc(»tin; the mutter was }»ii>«|>er)(ls objects. *' Being afterwards at a settlement about lifty miles from my own habitation, at the reple to preach and bapti/e their children, I was assaulted l)y a vioU'nt mob armed with clubs, a.xes, and other weapons, who strij)ped me naked in search of papers, pretending that I had conceived a design of escaping to C^uebeck." The following was addressed to Kiv. S. Parker, Rector of Trinity Church, Boston, and is dated October 1st, 1778: — '* In order to explain a little the nature of my situation, and to elucidate the character oi my per>cciitors, I beg leave to re- late the following incident. 'J'he County Court is now sitting, and I am this minute informed that I am presented l)efore the (irand Jury for preachinuj treason on the Sunday after Easter. AVhen I came to examine the matter I found there was noth- 1778.] LIFE OF UEV. JACOB liAILKY. \'2^ ing ill c'itlior of my sermons which tended in the remotest sense to meddle with th(^ present (iuies ; this induced me to search the h'ssons for ihr (hiy, and I i)resenlly found that the sixteentli chapter of Numbers was the lesson appointed in the Morning Service, and that the twenty-sixtli verse contained almost the very words sworn to in the deposition u])on which they founded their presentment. In order to save you the trouble of opening your ]5ible I will quote yon the words: ' And he s])ake unto the congregation saying, Depart, I pray you, from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, lest ye Ik* consumed in all their sins.'" *'Th(; Grand .Tury, however, at tlie instance of Langdon, the attorney, refused to lind a bill." In writing to another friend, !\Ir. Bailey mentions that he "gave the earliest intelligence of the above-named matter to Rev. Mr. Parker, who presented his letter to the Council, at which they laughed very heartily. M. and N., ignorant of my correspondence, hastened up to Boston with the fellow's depo- sition on which the coiuplaint was founded, determined to prevent, if possible, the success of my petition, but though wafted upon the wings of malice and ill-naturc, their arrival was too late." The following extract from a letter written in Xcn'cniber of this year, shows that the troubles of this poor Missionary were far from beitig ended : "About the begitming of November I received a jiermission from the (Jeneral Court to remove with my family and substance to Halifax, but no op|)ortunity j)re- senting, after a double disappointment in attempting to get away, and the severe season advancing, 1 vcnimcd again to perform Divine S«'rvice, being earnestly inlreated by my par- ishioners, and compelU'd by the following inducements: I considered that Mr. Cushing had no authority to silence me, as there was no law in this or any of the I'nited States to prohibit persons from preaching, and that no minister of any denomination was recpiired to take the oath of idle^iance to qualify him for the discharge of his ollice ; neither Ikjs the oath, as far as I can learn, i)een tendered to any preacher. I rellected that this attempt to prevent the performance of Di- 124 FRONT 11 !l N! ISSION A l; V ; OK, [1778. vine Service iiiu-*t Ijr rr^'arilnl :is ;i profaiii' tiiul tlarin«^ iiitrii- gion u|)oii pacrotl things, nnd not only :» luaiiiffst invasion of onr rfli«^iou!*, ns wril as civil rii^lits, l)iil an impious design, as iimcli as possible, to aflcct the spiritual interest, and even to injure, if not t(» destroy, the pools t»f my parishioners; and fur- ther, thtit such conduct would be received and commented on in any other Christian clrate,* observing a mmilier of people passing by his house in their attendance upon Divine Service, sent directly for one of my Wardens, and witli a (laming countenance and haughty tone of voice, and the uu^st insolent airs of authority, ordered • The High Sheriff. 1778.1 LIFE OF REV. J A f O B II A I LEY. 12.") liim to deliver mc the following imperious message: ' Tell the Parson that if lie presumes to discharge his functions any longer, I will immediately commit him to prison, and that if hi' do not enter into a written agreement to forbear the exer- cise of PnhlicU Worship, I will myself appear on Christmas day, attended with a number of resolute fellows, and drag him headlong out of the pulpit.' But he firmly promised, at the same time, that he would never molest me whilst I continued in my own house." Mr. Bailey sent a letter to this individual, in which he says, " my intentions were immediately to remove upon my receiv- ing |)crmission from the (General) Court. But having met with one or two disappointments, and the winter advancing in all its horrors, I found it impossible to depart till the weather should become more settled; since no one could be prevailed upon to venture either liiiiiself, or vessel in such a stormy season; and l)esides, to undertaUc a voyage with a woman and young child in any convenience I ain able to procure, I must be divested both of hninanity and common j)rndence. Being detained in this manner I was induced to jireach at the earnest desire of my parishioners, to whom I am under the highest obligations of gratitude for their kind and generous concern to relieve me in my necessitous circum- stances. I considered that it was certainly my duty to comply with their request till my removal ; that it could not possibly injure any person alive, nor occasion any damage to my coun- try, for which I shall always retain the warmest aflection; and that it was not re])ugnant to any laws, since preachers of all denominations, as Ana-baptists, Separates, Quakers, |)risoners, cV'c, are allowed to jireach witliout either taking the oath, or sulVering any kind of molestation. Will it allbrd you any satisfaction, on the one hand, to enf«)rce the oath at the expense of my conscience, and the destruction of my inter- est, or on the other to confine me in a wretched prison, to the ruin of my health, and perhaps my life ? ... I must again repeat my desire of entering into some friendly agreement, and that you will not put me to the trouble and expense of making another application to the General Court." 126 rUONTlKR MISSIONAKV; OR, [1779. The noxt day aftrr this letter was delivered was Christinas. On aceouiit of the exireine Heverity of tlu* weafhi-r, divine ser- vice was omitted. Mr. Bailey's family, with a few frieiuls. had just sat down to dinner, w Inn the High Sherill entend the h«)nse. .\ f«'inale relative who was present went into the kitchen wIutc this ollieer was, and «'ndi'avored to " mitigate tin- passion which inliamed him." During the conversation, one of his deputies and a relative joined the principal actor in lhi~ business. The ft)rmer uttereil language marked by pr<»fant - ness and obscenity, whi(;h so |>rovokcd a faithful man srrv;iii that he threatened him with personal violence if it should he repeated. This immediately caused the deputy to attack the servant. • . . The account breaks oil' abruptly at this point. 'J'Im- almv • imperfect narrative has been inserted to fill out, iti a measure, tlu- picture of the troubles that Mr. Bailey experienced after he had received permission from the highest authority to leave the country, and was hinderetl from availing himself of that permis.-ion only by unavoidable circumstances. Ml. Bailey was waiting for a jiroper opportunity of removiim to Halifax. This opportunity did not oiler lill June of ilir following year, 1779. The Church at Georgetown had bren umhr tin; care of the subject of this Memoir from his first arrival in Kcnnebi-c, ex- cepting tin' four years covered by the ministry of the Rev. W. W. Wheeler. The following from a letter of Rev. .1. \V. Weeks, in 177?^, to the Venerable Society, is a part of the his- tory of that parish:* " When I was in that part of the country I baptized many I'hildren anil married several couples. 'J'lic Church at Georgetown is made up of several wealthy farmers, who are noted loyalists. T ollere, are all tli>' papers rel'errin^' to tin* early part of that year that have coiur into the hanils of the writt-r. 'J'hat the organization of the parish was preserved amid the gloom which was frathering adiiiticMial blackness, a|)pears from the following entry: — '' Ajiril iJt/i, 1779. Chose our Church Ollicers." ' Some of the occurrences of the last few days he spent in hi- parisii, are thus related in a letter afterwards written to tie- Secretary of the Society for Propagating the Gospel, cVc. : '* I however continued to baptize their children, to visit the sick, and to bury the dead, till about a fortnight before I left the country, when the above-mentioned sherifV, with some of his mischievous gang, a|)peared at a funeral, to apprehend me; l)ut through the vigilance of friends I had timely notice, ami escaped the danger.'*! • It may be of interest to record t; ■ ; the officers of St. John's Church, Powrnilboroiij^h. in the troublDiM times hjiokeu of in the text. They are taken froiu « petition sent to the HiRh .Sheritf of Lincoln county, dated Deccnil)rr 21th, 177f*. The potilioners desire that Mr. Bailey may be allowed to ofHoiate the few Sundays which reinnined before he should embark for Halifax. This petition is finned h\ Samuel Goridwin, Herrick I'illul, Church MVjn/rn»; IVter Pochard, David U.i.ley, OeorRe Ooud. I'hilip Mayer, Ueorgc Mayer, Louis llouJlctte, Vutry. t Sec Note K. 1779.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 129 CIIAVTKR Vll. Till-: materials for continuing tliis Biograpliy after the last date mentioned in the j)receding chapter, arc to be found in a " Journal of a voyage from Pownalboro' to Halifax, with no- tices of some events ifi the latter place." A portion of this MS. has unfortunately been lost, and it terminates abru))tly, but it is thought that the greater part of what remains is wor- thy of publication. '•'■ June Ithi 1779. We arose this morning before the sun and began to prepare for our expulsion, our hearts rej^iete with ap- prehension, anxiety and distress. As the rising sun tinged tiie various objects around us, I beheld the once delightful scenes with bitter emotions of grief. This, in a word, was the silent language of our faces as we looked upon each other, and it was agreeable to the inward iiupulse. Must we, after all the trouble, hanassment and crue persecution we have endured for the cause of truth and virtue, must we leave these pleasing scenes of nature, these friendly shades, these rising plants, these opening llowers, these trees swelling with fruit, and yonder winding river, which appears through the uml^rageous avenue, to revive and elevate the mind ? We must no longer behold the splendid orb of day peeping over the eastern hills to dissipate the fog, and to brighten the field and the forest. We must hear no luore the sweet music of the tuneful tribe, amidst the trembling grove, to gladden, charm and aniiuate the desponding heart. But we quickly i)erceived other objects approaching to take a mournful farewell, which made a still deeper and more last- ing impression on the woundetl spirits, I mean a number of our honest, kind and generous parishioners, who caiue to offer us their last assistance, and to let fall a parting tear I .Mr. Jakin, George Mayer, Mrs, Philip Mayer, and other fiMuales, were present on this alt'ecting occasion. After taking a very 17 loO IKONTFIlt MISSION VRV; o u , [1779. glt'iuliT brr;iki.i-i, w < lM^lll i nir cit'parl lire, ami when we left the lumse and garden, ami turiieil our backs upon these weep- ing friiiuls, 1 was t)bligetl to siunmon the utmost fortitude to contend with the tender emotions of nature. We walked BJowly along the ^»hady rt)ad, and shut out one enchanting prospect after anolhtr. till we nirt Mrs. Pt)chard and Mrs. Jakin, who, tipon .-ceing tis, were unable to speak; the iliur-ions of sorrow stilled th«'ir vt/u-es, and all. for some minutes, was a Bcent* of silent wt> I W c iMoccrdcd in this manner thron^jh Mr. Jakin's helil, and when we were, about to take a final adieu, ihis kind neij^hbor threw herself upon the ground, and lay ?obbing in that humble posture, till we could see her no mi>re. Wf next called upon Mr. Malbone and his wife, and saw the tears roll d(.)wn their aged cheeks. Mr. I'ocharil ami his wiH', after we had taken leav«' of the children, attended us as far as Mr. Ridley's. When we approached his habitation, he came out to meet us, and snatch- ing me by the hand, burst into silent tears. Wlien the lir>i emotions wi're a little abated, he began to cxccrati- the villains who had driven me from my friends, iwy habitation and parish. I'pon entering the house, they pre- vaileil with \is to take a di.-li of tea, and to accej)t o( some pro- vi.xions for our voyage. Col. Taylor presently appeared to bid us adieu, and inlormed me that our magistrates were ready to abate soujewh.it «if tlieir former rigor. Several of the families, with Mrs. Pochard, followed us to my brother's, where another scene of grief and lamentation appeared. Mr. Burke and his wife brought their child here to be baptized, after which exer- cise I took my leave df ;ill |)rescnt, with an aching heart, and embarked in Mr. Ridley's boat, Mr. .lakin and (leorge Maver attending us down the river." [ .\ few pages of the MS. are wanting here. In that por- tion of the Journal which has been preserved, it would seem that the exiles had reached the town of (icc)rgetown, a few miles below llieir haltiiMtion, where they probably expected to pass soiue days, before taking a linal leave of their native coun- try. Here, they found the small schooner which they had engaged for their voyage.] The account continues : " As his 1779.] LIFE OF UEV. JACOB I) A I ELY. 131 arrival was two days sooner tliati wo oxpoctcd, it threw us into great per|)le.\ity, as our dependence for provision was ehielly on the generosity of our Georgetown friends, and l)esides, Capt. Smith was still at lion)e, and was not expeefed till Wednesday morning. To remedy this last inconvenience, .John was im- mediately despatched with a message to Smith, which laid him under the necessity of travelling all night, while we |#o- ceeded to Mr. Butler's. When we arrived at this hospitable mansion, we had the disagreeable situation to find all the fam- ily in bed. They arose, however, and procured us a supper, and about midnight we went to repose. June S(/i. Tliis morning we arose, cheerless, before the sun, and had this benevolent family to attend us. They pre])ared us an early breakfast, after which they gave Mrs. l^ailey a i)ot of butter and a salmon, and then attended us in solemn pro- cession to the shore. We U)oked upon each other with dis- consolate faces and tearful eyes, till the ra|)id current carried ns round the point, and excluded us from seeing our friends any longer. It alTorded us a great deal of concern that we were unable to see Mr. Percey's family before we left the coun- try. We proceeded up the river and paid a short parting visit at Mr. Preble's. This friendly and loyal family gave us their hearty good wishes, and furnished us with some articles of provision for our voyage. Our next reiuove was to Mr. Carleton's. Upon our arrival, we found that generous and friendly hero gone to the eastern side of Po\vnall)oro', to pro- cure us some provisions. In the forenoon we carried our beds, and the shatti-ri'd re- luains of our fortune, the whole not worth forty dollars, on board our schooner, a little vessel, not more than fifteen tons, with such slender conveniences that we were obliged to make provision for lodging in the hold. Mr. Pahuer brought us several letter.s from my friend.s at Broad Bay, containing the tenderest expressions of good will, and the luost hearty and anxious wishes for our welfare, and these were attended with some presents to make us comforta- ble in our troublesome voyage. Mr. Palmer attended us in our return to Mr. Carleton's, \'-i2 IKdNrn. K MISsloNAKY; OR, [1770. wlierc wo dimil, and ihcu wnit to vi>it Mr. William aiul David (iilinoro. We pa8».**rd away a ffw lioiir.-* ami then ti)i)k an aiTectionutc farrwi'll, and at jiartin;^ nnfivj-d Mtnic adilition to our stori'.-*. About t^'ix wi* rrturnrd to Mr. CarKton's, ami drank collcf in conjpany with tw«nty-two pcr.son.s. The wind blowing fre^h from the we.stward, we were sonic- wipt nlarincd by the app«aranee of a sail .standing acro.s.s th* bay for .Mr. C'arlfton's hmding. Some of our company con- cliuleil that it was cilJu'r C'nshing, or some of liis infernal attendants, a|iprt)aehing with a misehievt)u.s design to interrii|)l our v«»yage. I wa.^ extremely anxious for tin; event, as I had a number of papers on board \\ Iiieli would have been reckoned highly treasonable against the States; but when the people landed we perceived it was Mr. CarKton's brother, from Piscatacpia, who had ixeited our grounilless fears. Il«' brough no int«dligenee of a |)ublic nature, but gave us an account of a terrible tem|H'st of thunder and lightning, which consumed in the s|)ace of thirty minutes a stately synagogue at Somers- worth, destroyed eight sheep at a little distance, and twenty five in another flock, brake to |)ieces an huge rock, and demolished above forty large oak tre«'s within the compass of thri'e miles. ^\'e had long been waiting, with eag»'r expectation, for the arrival of C'a|)t. Smith, and the rest of our company, from Pownalboro' ; at length Capt. Smith. Mr. Ilitchins and John made their appearance to our great satisfaction. Mr. Palmer persuaded them to attend him directly on board our vessel. which lay near Mr. Justice Stinson's, at the distance of two miles, Mr. Jakins anil the two Mayers, went liy \vater, about an hour after sunset, when the former and Mr. (leorge Mayer, intending to set out for home very early in the morning, took their leave, which added another tender scene to the many wi had already pas.sed through, and the honest tears of aflection and friendship were shed, on Ifoth sides, in j)lcntiful effusions. About ten Mr. Carleton returned home from \Vitehcasset, and brought me several articles from Mr. Wood, together with some confused account of the expedition against Virginia. 1779.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB UAILEY. 13:3 Wc spent the rest of this cveniiii:^ in an agreeable manner. The thonijhts, however, of heaving snch benevolent friends behiiul, exposed to the rage of persecution and the vengeance of relx'ls, afl'orded us at times some uneasy sensations. June 9lli. When the morning opened, we perceived that the Westerlv winds were died away, and tiiat a dry fog hov- ered over the hmd, which allbrth'd us no very ph-asiiig |)rospect. Our friends were disheartened at th(! thn-atening symptoms of (h'ou^hr, and botli corn and grass wi-re beginning to lani,'ui.~h in the liclds. Just before suifrise wc bid this hospitable family adieu with tender regret, and proceeded along the woods to the ferry below Hell's CJate. During this long and tedious walk wc were greatly incommoded with the heat of the season and the innumerable swarms of voracious insects. Upon our arrival at the water, we made a signal for the boat, and were carried on board the schooner, but, to our extreme regret, perceived that Mr. Ilitchins had returned back with Mr. Jakins and Mayer. This man had endured a variety of ptTsecutions for his integrity, and was now reduced to extreme poverty; he had a wife and several small children, but he concluded that it was more prudent to leave them to the mercy of the coimtry, than to run the risk of imprisomuent and death, without allording {hem any assistance. But Mr. Paltner, not knowing his real character, and thiiddng that he wouhl incommode us in our passage, had compelled hiin, in a manner, to leave the vessel. About nine we got under way with a gentle breeze from till' south-west, and fell down between I'arker's Islatid and Jeremis(piam into h^lieepscot River. The country hereabouts made a romantic appearance, line groves of tall trees, shrubby evergreens, craggy rocks, cultivated liclds and human habita- tions, alternatclv presented themselves tt) view, ;uid yielded a profusion of pleasure to the imagination. When we entered Sheepscot River the rolling ocean presented itself in open prospect, and we perceived a number of vessels sailing at a distance. About two o'cK)ck we got into the scm. \'.){ iKo.NTirii M I s.s lo N \ It V ; OR, [1779. and Ix'j^'aii to stcrr townnh tlir (•;i>t, Imt ilir wind failing we nuidc l>ut a slow progrrss. W'f att(Mn|)t(>d to avoid a fishing vessel in our n('iglil)t)r!ioospect opened into Townsend harbojir, which stretches a long way from t!ie sea up to the nortliward. After we had divert«'d ourselves awhile with walking aniong these romantic scenes, we returned near the landing, and reposed upon the grass till evening advanced to spread abroad her cooling and refr»'shing shades. While we continued here, I observed at some distance, the ruins of an human habitation, with the vestiges of a gard<'n, constructed among the rocks. This, Mr. l*almer inforujed me, was formerly the abode of an hermit, who. meeting with a cruel disappointment in a love matter, 1771).] LIFE OF 11 EV. JACOB BAILEY. 1:35 retired from all society, and spent the rernaiiidcr of his ilavs, to extreme old ai^e, in this forsaken retreat. Mr. (Iateh<*ll came on shore, and JMitercd into a long conversation \\ itii us, coneernini^ his former conduet and |)resent sentiments with re- gard to the American relxllion. Ilr had Ijecn both a committee man and a captain of (he .Militia, till falling in company with the famous Mr. Sands,' he changed his licentious principk\>j, and from a furious and reveng<'ful rebel, became a sincere and peaceable subject. He declared, that however improbable it might appear, he had heretofore acted from honest, though mistaken principles. He acknowledged, that he, in strict justice, deserved no mercy from a sovi-reign he had so greatly abused, but still flattered himself with the hopes of forgivencs.s, from the known lenity of the I^ritish Government, and the great humanity of his Royal Master. He gave me several anecdotes concerning the malice and violence of C'ushing, which to a stranger would appear to exceed the limits of prob- ability. After supper, the j)ersons belonging to rny family took possession of the hold, and spread our beds upon the hard stones wjiich were collected for ballast, a most humble and gloomy situation. We had not Kmg been composed to sleep, before we were arou.sed by thunder, and saw the light- ning flashing through the crevices with tri'tnendous glare, while th(! rain, pouring through the leaky deck, fell upon us in streams. June lOth. This morning, after a succession of fine showers, which greatly refreshed the face of nature, the wind l)egan to i)ree/e froiu the north-west. This favoural;le incident deter- mined us to weigh anchor and to display our sails. We soon ran down to l\'ma([uid, and saw at a distance, u[) a large opening to the northward, a numbi-r of line settlements around the ancient port, while to the S. W., we had a pleasing prospect of Damariscove Island, mostly cleared land, with one or two haliitations ; to the 8. K, the Isle of .Monhegan rose like a • QfF.RB — Robert Sindemnn ? This person founded a re1iRiou(! 1 i;uNiii i: MissKiN VIM ; oK, [1771). iiiuiiiitiiiii »Mit »>f iIm' o« t-aii. Wf ilistovtn'il a lo|)s:iil ^clujoncr {(tniuliii;^ to tlu' south, wliicli was aftrrwiinls t;ikri), as we uiultTfitiMul, by tli«' nionilc friifatr. W'l- iiow npproarhcd Pi'innquid point, nn rxtm^ivi*. narrow headland, riinnini^ oi: into thr srn for many miles*. 'I'ln* shorrj*, 1 ol)S('rvrd, wcr- vrrv hiijh, rocky and nulc, covcrt-d with a i'lnv appi-anuicf of trees, but destitute of any improvements or human habitation-. We were obliged to beat all the way. for ei^'liteen miles, up t Uroail Cove, in order to discharge Mr. Palmer. In our passa^' we pn.«*!*ed by a beaut ifid island in pos>es»sion of the famon \ViIl Tioud, eontaining several hundred aen*s of rich land. Opposite to this estate, on the western shore, was situated Round l'i>iid. rucirclrd with a number of e|e<^ant settlement-. We eauje to an anchor a littii' above Loud's 1-land, and took our leave, with rci:ret, of our zealous frieiul, .Mr. Palmer. After he was f^onc, in order to divert our mclani-holy, while tlx people wi're fdling their casks with water, we went on shof to a neiiihboring house, where we met witli a friendly reception. About four in the afternoon we set sail, and proceeded almost to St. (teorge's Island, under the assistance of a propitiou- breeze, but, on a sudden, the wind shifted to the south-east, and blew with some degree of violence, which compelled us to alter t)ur lourse, and to stand up the river towards the settle- ments in Broad Cove. Nothing could be more romantic and pleasing than the prospects aroiuiil us. As we sailed up the liarbunr a number of islands of various shapes and sizes, partly cidtivated, and partly in their primeval wildness, pre^*ented themselves to view in alternate stici-ession, till we hail a distant appearance of the Dutch plantations at Broad Hay, lying conli^'uous on both sides of tlu* river. At length the tine settlements on the Bristol shore suddenly opened upon us, the fields arrayed in virgin gr«'en, gently sloping down to the water, exhil)itcd an idea of cln'erfulne>.- ond j<»y. The retlection, however, that we were doomed to abandon these pleasant scenes, checked the rising cuiotions of the heart, and lillcd our minds with the u'looms oi melancholy and sorrow. \Vhcn we came to anchor, the two brothers condueted*u.s on 1779.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. Mil shore, and we walkrd tliroiisjli a range of fields and pastures to the habitatit)n of Mr. Rhodes, who received us with sincere expressions of hospitality. The sun was now descending towards the niari.nn of the western horizon, and every ohjfet was brightened with his beams and softened with the cooling breezes of evening. We were soon provided with a dish of tea, which, after our fatigue and sickness iijion the water, afVorded us a seasonable refreshment. After this grateful repast, we walked among the rural scenes, and surveyed them with a pleasing regret, and having spent the remainder of the evening in conversation, supper and devotion, we went to repose, and slept cjuielly till the morning. MI!. r.lIODKS. This generous fariuer was l)orn in (Jermany, and emigrated from those dominions in the early part of liis life. I^y his sobriety, uprightness and industry, he has acquired an hand.-omc fortune, anil had the curse of rebellion never fallen upon America, he woulil live in elegance and |)lrnty without the labour of his hands; but his family, in couuuon with others, has been reduced to a morsel of bread, through the ini(piity and distress of the times. This man, by a spirit of industry, has ac(piired a considerable degree of knowledge, and, though in a remote corner of the world, understands both men and things, to a degree beyond persons in his station of life. Ib- is rather silent, than talkative, yet curious and inquisitive, and listens with attention to whatever is advanced in conversation, whii-h sometimes inclines him to be wavering in religion and politicks, but when he has Icisiu'e to indulge his own rellecttions, he always fixes in favor ol the Church and British Govern- ment, lie is humane, generous and hos|)ilabIe, but is wholly destitute c)f noise in his IxMK-volent i-ommunications ; no man has a greater portion of integrity, or is more disposed to make his neighi)ors ha|)py. But with all these virtues, and a di>|)o- sition ni'ver to contradict or irrit;ite, he coukl not esca|)e the malice and vengeance of liberty; but notwithstanding his mildness and moderation, neithi-r threatcnings nor persuasion could [A part of the .MS. is wanting.] 18 138 rUONTIKK MI>si()NAUV; OR, [1779. June I'Jl/i. 'I'liis iiioriiiii^r wlicn tl;iyli^l)t nppcan'd wo pot TiiultT wci^li, with :i lii,'lit Uuv/.v from ilii' iiortli-wcst. which soon cnrrii'tl us out of the harl)«)iir. \V«' stferrd an 11. S ]•]. coursr, intriulint; to cro.-ts thr Jiay of Fiiixly, Wiit ht-rorc Wf hiul gaiiu'il two loa^ucs from St. (Ii-orgo's I.>;|aiul, it bi'iarnc cntiri'Iy calm, (luring which we caught a consiilfrable quantity of roii-rj.-^h. After rolling in the sea f«)r two or three hours, tin wind iM'gan to breeze from the S. S. Iv, which ohligeil us to keej) close hauled; but before we could roach tlje Island of Mt'tinic, a thick fog si't in, which cxc huled us from the sigh: of any land. 'I'his induced us to bear away for the Musd* Ridges, a number of islands lying ofl' St. CJeorge's, to the west of I'cnobscot Hay. In our progress towards a couvi-nicnt harbour, we were alaru)cd by the firing of cannon at somk- distance on the eastern points of the compass. A thick fog. nttonded by a stormy wind. |)rr\('ntcd ns from making land till wo came almost u|)on it. \\'e at length di.-coven-d au opening, through which we explored a passage without any disaste-r, and came to anchor a little to the leeward of several small islands. Mrs. Bailey and I immediately went on shore, at a little beach, which opened between the rocks. The land was covered with trees, and the .>-kirts of the upland covered with gooseberry bushes, ah'xander, and a multitude of curious plants and (lowers of luxurious growth and various colors, which formed an elegant border to these wild and romantii scenes. Nothing cduid be mere iinc(|ii:il and dt formed llian tl,' appearances around us, as we walked along the margin oi this i.-land; here we encountered a vast pile of ragged stones, thrown upon cuch other in the ulinost disorder, rocmbling tin- ruins o{ nature; there a rocky promontory, breaking sudilcniy into horrid precipici-s, with tremi-ndous chasms and caverns gaping beneath us; on ilii> Inind a smooth and even beach. covered with small pebbles, and gently sloping to the edge of the water; on that a level spot adorned with green and enam- eled with (lowers. After wo had diverted ourselves with these various ap|)ear- ancos, we returned on board and dratdi colTeo. But curiosity impelled ua to visit another island which lay at a farther 1779.] LIFE OF KKV. JACOB BAILEY. 1:39 distance towards the south-east. The tide was so rapid and replete with e(l(]i<'s and whirlpools, tliat it was with some dilUculty and hazard we reached the destined shore. We found here, a fine, sandy beach with an elegant slope, but the island was so overgrown with immense trees, chie/ly yellow birch, and underbrush, that it was almost impossible to pene- trate the thickets. We discovered, in our excursions, a number of (lowers and plants of the same species which flourish upon the other neii^dibouring islands. We reached our vessel about sunset, when an heavy mist set in, anil the wind began to breeze from the eastern j^oints of the compass. We passed away the evcnin*^ in as aii;reeai)le a manner as our present situation Avould permit, being no l(\lanils, and came to anchor at the enteranee of a convenient little harbour, which formed a narrow ojiening into a large island. On the north shore wi* perceived a little hai)itation with a considerable quantity of improved land around it. This was a pleasing sight, as wc 1 |0 lltoNTirU MISSIONAKV; OK, [17 71). had latfly si'»*n iiuiliint,' rxctpt water ami nnciiHlvali-tl wilds. On till' opposite slion', wr |)rt's«'ntly discovrrrd another l)nild. iug contiguous to a Inv^c prowth of tree!*, with some little green patches between it and the inarijiM of the* water. "\\'e had no sooner secured our vcsm-I, than John Iloil'man, and the other two Dutchmen, took the boat and went on shore to procure n littU* milli. They (juiekly returned on board in hii,'h }«pirits, and with joy sj)arkrmi,' from their eyes, assuring us that a Briti^h Ih'ct, with a deiaehment of land forces from Halifax, liad just arrived in the cdmirry, aixl w i-re resolved to take ])osse>sit)n of the country and erect a fort in Penobsc(»t Bay. \Vc imaginetl this report to be too fortunate to be true, espe- cially as the people had it oidy from uncertain rumour. ()ni- cireumstance, however, seemed to coidirm it; we had, th< the preceding forenoon, taken notice of a large scjuare-rigged vessel standing along without the island, which we now hail reason to a|)prchend was one of the royal fleet. These appearances served to amuse us during supper, and furnished abundant niatter of conversation and gave rise to a variety i>: conjectures. 'J'hiy however dej)rive(l me, in a great measure, of sleep, and 1 lay with eager impatience for the morning light. June 14///. After wo arose, we began instantly to prepare for going on shore before breakfast, intending to take materials with us for that purpose, but we were tietained a little by a ini.nerabie object from the house which stood on the southern side of the harbour. The man had famine strongly pietureii in his face, and informed us that his wife had been delivered of a child about ten days before, and that she had ever >inee been destitute of any kind of sustenance, except one gill ol Indian meal and a lish. i\Irs. Bailey was so moved with her situation that she sent her soiue relief, notwithstanding we had the greatest prospect of sull'ering ourselves before we could reach the liiuits of Nova Scotia. We landed abotif seven in the morning, and were rejoiced to find ourselves once more delivered from a wretched eon(!nemeMt. We approaeheil the house with some degree of timidity, being ignorant of the people and uncertain what Kind of reception they might 1779.] I- 1 r E OF REV. J A (■ O B 13 A I L E Y . Ill give lis. Mrs. Bailey was dressed with a small roll upon lier head, which induced Mrs. Welch, mistress of the house, and her father to exclaim with the utmost vehemence against the wickedness of the times, and when they perceived that she was a minister's wife, they conceived the wearing of the roll to be an unpardonable crime. It is really surprising that when so many flagrant vices prevail in the country, such as the most daring profancness, perjury, and a visible contempt for all religious institutions, not to mention the oppression, injustice and inhuma;:ily that is everywhere jiractiitd wiili impunity, I repeat that it is surprising, that in such eircuiii- stances, people should imagine that any particular fashittn should occasion the indignation of Heaven against our couniry, or to imagine that dress or external habit ensjaE'es the attention of the Deity, more than the conduct of our lives, the words of our mouths, or the sentiments of our hearts. To rail against fashions has always been the employment of little and narrow minds, and is a convincing evidence of a mean and sordid jiride, which envies every person who is able to appear in any distinction above ourselves. Mr. Welch, however, iliscovered a greater knowledge of the world, and rej^roved his wife for her censorious disposition; this had an happy etleet, and we were afterwards treated with as iiuuli respect and consideration as we could expect. The weather l)eing very stormy, we were chiefly confined to the house, I, however, fre(iuently ven- tured abroad in the rain to examine the various scenes around us, especially the vegetable productions, which flourishi'd here in great perfection. The soil of this island is composed of dark, rich earth, intermixed with a vast profusion of clam shells, to the extent of several feet deep, which ivind of com- position is extremely favourable to vegetation. These appear- ances are a strong indication that this island was formerly a noted |)iace of rendezvous for the Indians, who resided here in great luimbers in their lisliing season. Mr. Welch had a pretty garden spot, contiguous to his house, which afl'orded me some amusement, though, I must confess, I could not survey the varions objects and rising j)lants without many sorrowful emotions; everything about me recalled the pleasing scenes I \ \2 niONTIKR Nf ISSION A K V ; OR, [1779. hail f«)r:*:ikru, the (lcli;,'lii I iii iniiis uf niy labour, mid <*xcitod a miiiilxTof iiiH-asy am) painful fiiMi.satioiis. Aftrr 1 had fatigued inysi-lf with walking,' in the \vc\ and vicwini^ every t)bjet't WDTihy of t)l)servali«»n, I reentered the house and diverted riiysflf with the eonversation and long stories of father Renkin. He was between seventy and eighty years of age, liad r< ad a few authors, just sullic-ient to exeite his vanity, and had some considerable aecjuaintanee with all the ancient settlers in tlu- eastern country, and was able to furnish several curious anee- clotcs of theni and their ancestors. His notions, however, were very contracted, and, like a true Irish l^resbyterian, he was bett«'r ph-ased to censure than applaud. Wi- here received a confirniation of the British invasion, and though tin; people here had always favored the rebellion, they were now extremely forward to make a seasonable submission, since any kind of resistance would only contribute to increase their misfortunes, and, 'besides,' continued they, 'it must be for our interest to receive protection and support from the Jiritons, as our adher- ence to Congress can assure us nothing hut misery, nakedness and famine,' After dining on shori", and making several excursions abroad, we returned to our vessel about sunset, when the storm began to rage with increasing violence. The noise of the winds, the dashing of the waves against the adjacent rocks, and the falling of the rain upon the deck, were sullicient to previ-nt us from taking any comfortable repose. June l-'i/li. When we arose in the morning we jierceivcd the weather to be still wet and storming, with the wind about cast; and, as there was no prosj^ect of sailing, we determined to spnid the day on shore. Tlic p(H)ple received us with civil- ity, especially as we were ai)lc to give them a taste of bread, which was here an extreme rarity. I observed that vegetables upon these islands were at least ten days later in their advance towards perfection than at Pownalboro'; this must certainly be owing to the sea air and the frequency of fogs. I found Mr. W'llch very obliging, and disposed to give me all the a.s- sistanct! and entertainment in his power. After dinner, as the girls were walking out, they returned in surprise, and declared they had discovered a barge full of men making towards the 1779.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 143 shore on tlic north-eastern side of tlie ishmd. At the same time Capt. Smith and Dr. Myers arrived from our vessel, bringing information that a large brig passed l)y an opening to the northward, between two islands. This intelligence de- termined INIr. Wekh, Capt. Smith, and I, to walk ronnd the island, but to our mortification we were unable to make any discovery, the brig, we imagined, having slipped int(» Owl's Head, at the distance of a league, — the wind favoring sueh a movement. As we were returning, on the eastern side of the island, an heavy shower overtook us, and we were alarmed by several loud and rattling peals of thunder, upon which the clouds began to disperse and the Heavens to brighten. But this (latlering prospect did not long continue, for as the even- ing advanced an heavy dark mist overspread both the land and water. We spent this day more agreeably than the former, and had a variety of incidents to drive away melancholy relleetions; for notwithstanding we assumed an air of cheerfulness and resolution, it occasioned us abundance of regret and chagrin, when we found ourselves departing from our native country, to seek a refuge in a foreign region, among strangers, who would probably eye us with suspicion and jealousy; and, be- sides, compulsion is always attended with uneasy sensations. Men can readily quit the land which gave therh birth and ed- ucation when interest, |)leasure, or curiosity entice them ; l)ut when they are expelled by faction, or legal authority, the case is extremely dift'erent; our pride, in these circumstances, is alarmed, and that natural abhorrence that every mortal has to restraint, embitters our minds, and we repair to the place of our l)anishnient, however delightful antl advantageous, with rekutance and aversion. But what rendered our situation Btill more distressing, was the uncertainty of our return to our country, our friends, and habitation. About dark we returned again to our ])rison, and having pre- pared supper, continued to divert ourselves in the best manner we were able. We however proposed the next morning, should wind and weather permit, to go in search of the Jkitish lleet, and then went to repose. Ill FUdNTir. K missionary; ok, [1779. June \^\th. 'I'liis moniiii^', wlicii wo Jiwoko, a little before sunrise, we liad the ai,'rc.eul)le information that the weather \va» line ami clear, ami the wind l)e^illnin^' to breeze from th^ west. This intelli^eMee revived o\ir s|)irils, but w«' were obliged to wait for the tide till after breakfast, for it I)»ing (>|)ring tides, the water had ebbi-d out so low that we were aground. It was with great impatience that wo waited till tli eleuieut returned to assist our escape; at length, about uint , we came to sail, and p isseil through a narrow channel, and stood away towards Owl's Head, under favour of a propitious gale, with a view to discover, if possible, some of the J3ritis!i fleet. We stood away to the northward till we had a fair prospect into Owl's lb ad llmlmur, but no vessels appearing, we had some dispute whether we should proceed up Penob- scot 13:iy, or tlireet our course for Nova Scotia. I was inclineil to favour llic former ])r()|)(>>al, but the rest nf our conipaiiv being anxious to visit Halifax, and Mrs, Bailey expressing her fears that instead of tluding British ships, we should fall auu)ng rebel criHscrs, I gave directions to cross the Bay of Fuiuly. Nothing could be more llattering than the prospect before us; the sky was serene, with a gentle gale from the west north- west, and a nuudier of small clouds over the land, promised a propitious season. AVe were, besides, charmed with llic va- rious apjicarances around us, — the ocean, intersj)ersed with a multitude of line islands, of diU'crent shapes and dimensions: to the north, IVnobscot Bay opened ini«» the land, with its nu- merous i^lands, coven-d with lofty trees, cxci-pt lu-re and thei' an infant plantation, while beyond, the Canulen Mountain arose in uiajestic grandeur, throwing their rugg«'{| summit- abt)vi' the clouds; these, as we approaclu-d the Fox Island without, began gradually to diminish till their dusky azure re- sembled the seat of a thunder-tempest, advancing to discharge its vengeance on some distant shore. But while we were viewing these romantic sci-ni's with a mixture of delight and veneration, and taking leave of our native regions with melan- choly regret, the wind sudderdy shifted into the S. S. W., and a thick fog covered the surface of the ocean in such a manner as to exclude every object. This incident allorded us abun- 1779.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 115 dance of perplexity, as we had to pass throujc^h a multitude of islands and rocks, none of which could be discovered at the distance of ten rods. We however ventured to continue our voyage in this uncertain situation. The wind continued to blow a moderate gale, though it remained so scanty that we were obliged to go close-hauled. In the afternoon the weather for several hours was obscure and gloomy, and gave us uneasy apprehensions of an approaching storm, a circumstance no ways agreeable to persons confined to such a little shallop, in so threatening a tract of the ocean as the Bay of P'undy. These apprehensions contiiuu'd to disturb our repose till about an hour before night, when the sun brake forth in all the brightness of his departing glory, and tinged the summits of the rolling waves with his level beams. At the same time we had a distant view of Mount Desert, at an immense distance, setting like a hillock on the water. All our company by this time were extremely sick, except the Captain, who was obliged to continue at the helm till the returning light began to dis- perse the shades of darkness. The wind continued somewhat favourable till after midnight, when it died away for more than two hours, then sprang up S. E., almost ahead ; about stuirise came to the east, th«'n N. N. E., where it freshened up into a severe gale. It was now tide of (lood, and the current pro- ceeding in direct opposition to the wind, a sharp and dan- gerous sea commenced. After reefing we attemj)ted to scud, but the seas rolling over the vessel obliged us to bring to. The tempest still increased; the wind roared like thunder in the shrouds; the ocean around us was all ragged and deformed, and we were filled with great agitation and dread, c.\ptill to cheer and animate our spirits, the clouds began to break away, the fog to disperse. ar)d the sun to adorn the waves with his western beams. Wafted by a gentle gale we advanced towards the Acadian shores, and 1779.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 117 about three hours before sunset, to our great joy, diseovercci land ; but this pleasing j)ros|)eet did not long continue, the wind fainted into a calm, and, as the darkness approacheti, an heavy fog covered the mighty deep in such a manner that we could not discover any object at the distance of a rod. Under these disagreeable circumstances we were obliged to stand off to sea in order to avoid the danger of running upon an un- known shore before morning. This unfortunate and unex- pected turn in the weather occasioned us great uneasiness, and threw us into our former dejection. To such a number of sea-sick and tempest-beaten mortals, who had been flattered with the prospect of entering into an harbour, this returning to sea was a most grievous mortification ; but we had no other remedy except patience, and a very slender dose of that excel- lent drug. As to myself, it gave me an addition of i)ain to lind that Captain Smith had no assistance in thesr dillicult circumstances, but was obliged to continue at the helm till daylight appeared. The fore part of the night wc had the wind at S. S. W., with thick weather. June ISth. Towards morning the wind shifted into the N. E., then east, and afterwards into the S. E., when it began to blow and rain, with most threatening appearances of a storm. This unexpected continuance of bad weather had a very ma- lignant inlluence upon our whole company. 'J'lie hands, with Dr. Mayer, the old bachelor, swore bitterly; thi- c.iptain, not- withstanding his moderation, lost all patience, and loudly com- plained of the unpropitious season, while we began to imagine that we should never be able to reach our intended port, so many impediments arising to retard our progress. We, how- ever, found some consolation when wi' perceived that the wind rather abated, and in the afternoon it blew in our favor, so that we rediscovered the land towards evening. Hut the fog con- tinued to hover over the surface of the water in such a manner that it became wholly unsafe to aim at any harbour. In bear- ing away from the shore we discovered, through the surround- ing fog, several little islands, interspersed wiih rugged rocks, against which the waves, dashing with violence, occasioned a lis ruoNTiiK missionary; or, [1771). fri;i,'litrul roaiiiii,'. W <• liad ilic i^'oud fori uiic, liowovcr, to es- cape without d principle all the miseries of licen- tiousness, anarchy, and tyranny, (lowing like so many torrents to delug(; that unhappy and devoted land. .Just about sun- set we were favored with another flattering prospect of line weather; a glim from the western hemisphere inspired us with pleasure, but upon the rising of the fog we were alarmed to find ourselves almost contiguous to a dangerous rock, called the (lurnet, wiiich rose with perpendicular sides, like a large building, above the water. The wind was now beginning to blow gently from the S. W., which, when we had cleared the land as we imagined, was extremely favourable to our purpose. But alas! wiien we had been running, as we fondly conceived, along the coast to the eastward of Cape Sable, to our great surprise we heard a tcrril>le roaring on every hand. In this scene of apprehension and danger Captain Smith l)ronght to, and upon sounding, perceived ourselves amidst shoals and breakers, in about two fathoms of water, and, as he conchuled, just upon that terrible ledge or range of rocks, called the Devil's Limb. To extricate ourselves from this alarming situ- ation, the captain put instantly about, and wc stood till day- light across this vexatious Bay of Fundy. June 19///. When the daylight began to disperse the shades of darkness we found ourselves encumbered with a dismal fog, which hovered with almost impenetrable thickness over the face of the ocean, whilst thy a disgustful imiformity. In many places the land was destitute of trees, and exhibited a pleasing surface of verdure, which softened the dusky horrors 1779.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 151 of the woods. The latter chiefly consists of spruce, firs, and hemlock, fit retreats for melancholy and discontent. The trea- son was now so mild, and the motion so easy, that we had a cheerful supper together, and we were ha|)py in the pleasing expectation of entiTing Liverpool the next morning. June 20th, (Sundui/.) I arose this morning before the sun, and found that we were still favoured with a prosperous gale. The land appeared extremely pleasant, and the odor of plants impregnated with the morning dew was agreeable and refresh- ing beyond measure. The sun began to arise from the bosom of the ocean, and in a few minutes tinged the eastern summit of the swelling waves with the beams of his glory. All nature put on a pleasing apix'aranee, and inspired us with cheerful- ness and grateful joy to reflect that we had arrived so near our desired port. But as nothing can be luorc micertain and de- lusive than appearances at sea, we were (juickly mortified with a failure of wind. A perfect calm ensued, and we lay tum- bling and rolling at about tlirec miles distance from the shores of Malagash. While were detained in this manner John ^lolF- man put over a line and caught two fine cod fish, one upon each hook, and continued the sport with the same success till he had procured a dozen. Upon this, the two brothers comin^' upon deck, rej)roved him sharply for his wickedness in pri)fan- ing the Sabbath, and when they could not restrain him they swore a multitude of oaths I Strange, that persons who in- dulged tlKMUselves in the rudest conversation, and who scru- pled not to take the Sacred Name in vain, should nevertheless have such a reverence for a day consecrated to His service, as to neglect all kinds of business, however advantageous and necessary. But this is just in the character of New England saints, who worship the Sabbath, while at the same time they treat the Lord of the Sabbath with the most indecent famili- arity and disrespect. Thus man, the most inconsistent aninial in nature, often strains at a gnat and swallows a camel with- out any manner of inconvenience. The wind about eight of the clock begins to bree/e from the S. W., and through our impatience we imagine the vc-sid makes a most rapid progress, while she went scarcely three IVJ 1 U«)NT IKK MISSION A KV ; <>K, [1779. niilfs all hour, niul sn <':Jt,'cr \v«Tr wo to ^o on shore that \vc began to iln*:«H ut thi* dijitainr of above forty iniU's from Hali- fax. The passage over Margari'l's Hay to Cape Saiiihro ap- peared extn-iTU'ly tecliou**, iiiul wo w«'re constantly «iiiph)y«(l for eight hours in looking out for the light-house. I had al>iiii- dance of leisure to make observatiouH on the country during' this interval, and the land, which had hitherto put on a most uniform appearanee, now began to oxhibit a very ililUreiit face. It seemi'd to rise gradually from the shore to some distaiue from the sea, and then to shoot into lofty hills of various forms, covered, areording to the best of our observation, with beech, birehes, and other species of white wood. As we advanced forwartl i»nr impatience increased in |)roportion as the distance lesseiu'd, and the captain went several tiiues to the foremast head to make discoveries, but without success. In the after- noon we discovered a sail standing away to the southward, which we afterwards understood to be part of a (le»*t bound from Halifax to Quebeck, having on board several ollicers ami a number of troops for that department. The wind continu- ing to blow fresh at S. W., we at length, about an lH)ur before sunsi't, were favoured with the sight of Sambro I.-land, and the light-house, to our inexpressible satisfaction. A gleam of joy brightened all our faces, and we manifested every external expression of gladness at the reviving prospect. Before dark this desirable object was full in view, and the ledges upon whith it was erected were ])lainly seen from the deck. anhed immediately out in jnirsuit of these adventurers, but being furnished with a number of oars, as well as sails, the privateer escaped, while they ran the \)r\/.r. on shore, which by this acci- dent bilged, and most of her cargo was either lost or damaged. I am persuaded that my countrymen exceed all mankind in a daring and enterprising disposition. Their bold and adventurous spirit, more especially, appears with distinguish- ing eclat when they are engaged in any unjust and vicious undertaking, and their courage commonly increases in pro- portion to the badness and villany of the cause tliey en- deavour to support. Let a New England man once throw oil the restraints of education, he becomes a hero in wicked- ness, and the more strict and religious he has been in his former behaviour, the greater will be his impiety in his present situation. It has often bwu reuiarked by foreigners, who have been engaged in commerce with our Puritans, that when they first come abroad no people alive have such a sacred regard for religious worship, or the day appointed for that purpose, and none have such a prevailing aversion to profane swearing, and yet they quickly become the most docile scholars in the scljool of vice, and make the greatest profuieney in every s|)ecies of profanity. They oji'idy ridicule their former at- tachment to devotion, and are very ingenious in framing new and spirited oaths, and when they have any extraordinary mischief to jierform they always choose to perpetrate it on Sunday. June 2lsl. No sooner did the morning light begin to soften the horrors of darkness, than I arose and took possession of the deck to observe the weather and to survey the adjacent coun- try. I found that we were overtaken by a dead calm, and the heavens were covered with rolling volumes of black and dismal clouds which shed a dark and dejecting gloom over all the surrounding scenes of nature. But if I was inspired with melancholy sentiments at this du.-ky prospect, I was perfectly 20 I'ii ruoNTir. it M I ss ION A u V ; ou, [1770. shocked wlu'ii 1 liirnrti my oyos iowards the land whic-h stretfhcd aloni^' the western (piarter. The shore which now cnga<^es Miy altenlion is the laiiioiis Jehueto Head, a most enormous eoni^ress of roeky ledges runnirii^ with a lofty and imprei^nahle front into the sea, while the snrface is inexpressi- bly rni^^ed and broken, covered with shrubby spruce, fir and hendock, which by tlnir starvini^ and misshapen appearance sudieienlly indicate the severity of the climate and th(! barren- ness of the soil. But notwithstanding the unpleasing aspect of this strange region, 1 couM jiot forbear the returns of grati- tude to Providence for safely conducting me and my family to this retreat of freedom and security from the rage of tyranny and tlu' cruelty of opin-e.-sion. The wind beginning to blow softly as the light increasinl, we weighed anchor, displayed the canvas and got inuler way. The sun being risen wc perceived that the land on the eastern side of the harbour was in comparison extremely agreeal)le ; the beach was cov- ered with small pebbles, the banks, which were moderately high, resembled the colour of deep burnt bricks, and the trees of various species, tall and well shaped. And what added to the beauty and cheerfulness of the prosjx-ct, the forest was in many cases discontinued and finely interspersed with patches of cleared ground, adorned wiili a lively verdure. But we were again sadly disa|)|)ointed in our expectations, for we fondly imagined that upon our entrance into the har- bour we should have tin; whole metropolis iti open view, and a muuber of lofty buildings rising in conspicuous glory, with a resj)ectabl(? part of the Royal Xavy lying at anchor before the town. Instead of which Mattering instances of power, grandeur and magnilicence, we could observe no edifices ex- cept the citadel and two or three scattered habitations; and as to ship|>ing we saw only two sail of armed vessels and three or four sail at Major's Beach, for we were ignorant that both the town and the j)roper harbour were concealed by the inter- position of St. (Jeorge's Island and certain aspiring eminences to the northward. As we sailed slowly n|) the harbour, the next object which invited our attention, was a large fleet of Indian canoes, coasting along the Jcbucto shore and idled with 1779.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 1.55 multitudes of the native Micmac?, and at the same time we espied several of these copper-faced sons of liberty either landing on the margin of a litthr bay, or climbing up the stu- pendous precipices. We took notice upon this occasion, that artificial ways were formed up these steepy cliirs for the conveniency of ascending or conveying down timber, which is frequently cut on the summit of these ridges for tlie public works at Halifax. As we advanced still further from the ocean, the town began gradually to open, and we had in |)r().-^peet several strong fortifications, as the Eastern Battery, (Jeorge's Fort, and strong ramparts upon the neiglibouring heights, with all their terrible apparatus of cannon and mortars. When we arrived near the above-mentioned Island of St. George's, we had a most advantageous, striking view of this northern capital, stretching a mile and an half upon the eastern ascent of an extensive hill, while a large collection of shipping lay either contiguous to the wharves, or else were riding, with the Brit- tanic colours flying, in the channel, a sight which instantly inspired us with the most pleasing sensations. We expected to be hailed as we passed St. George's Fort, but the people, conceiving our vessel to be some coaster from Malagash, we were suffered to proceed witiiout any inipiiry. We were now all upon deck, contemplating with infinite wonder and satisfaction the various objects about us, but we must however except John Hotfman from this agreeable em- ploy, who was so affected with alternate joy and concern at the sight of his native place, that he retired into the cabin, there to indulge in solitude these conflicting passions. I perceived, that though he was highly rejoiced to behold the country where he was born and educated, yet he was seized with a prevailing anxiety of heart, lest he should find his tender mother, who had long mourned his absence, departed to the shades of death These uneasy apprehensions rendered him unfit for com|)any, and threw him at length into visible confusion and distress. We were now indulging in a thousand pleasing reflections as we approached near the centre of the town, and this situa- tion reminded us that it was proper to explore some convenient l.')() KU()NTii:ii missionary; ou, [1779. pluci* to secure ;i laiulini;, Init previous to this agreeable event it was eoneliuled to invest iL,':ite tin* Coniinodore's slii|), unti to Holieit the naval enrnirianchr for lilx-rty to go on sliore. A boat |):i-sin>ity. These intjnisitivc strangers threw us into some confusion, and tt) prevent a mtdtitnde of impertinent interroga- tions, which might naturally be expected by persons in our cireum.«tances, I made the following public declaration, stand- ing on the (piarter (h^k: "(lentlemen, we area company of fugitives froni Kennebeek, in New England, driven by famine and persecution to take refug(,* among you, and therefore I must entreat your (candour and compassion to excuse the meanness and singularity of our dress." I that moment discovered among the gathering crowd Mr. Kitson, one of our Keiuie!»rek neighbours, running down the street to our assistance. He came instantly on board, and after mutual salutations, helped us on shore. Thus, just a forttiight after we lift our own belovi-d habitation, we found our>elves landed in a strange country, di'stitutc* of money, clothing, dwelling or furniture, anil wholly uncertain what coun- tenance or protection we might obtain from thi; governing pow- ers. Mr. Kitson kindly otVered to conduct us either to Mr. Brown's or ('apt. Callahan's; and just as \vv had (piitted our ves- sel, Mr. Moody, formerly clerk to the King's Chapel, appeared to welcome t devoured with the tetihof lime. 1 forgot to mention th<' admirable figure of tluir petticoats, jagged at the bottom, di.stingui.shed by a mulii- tudi- of li.H.Hures, and curiously drabbled in the mud, f«>r an heavy lain was now beginning to set in. And to elost- this solemn pro- ( casion, Dr. Mayer and our faithtui .lohn uianhed along in all the pridi'of poverty and majesty of rags and patehes, wbieh e\hil)it- nl the various dyes of the rainbow. 'I'he Doctor proeei-ded with a yellow bushy beard, grinning all the way, while his broad Duteh face opened at his mouth from ear to ear. The other rontimud his progression with a doleful solemnity of counte- nance, as if he designed to give a kind of dignity to the wretch- ed fragments of his apparel which (loated in the wind. In this manner our procession began, and was supported till wo arrived at C'api. Callahan's, near half a mile from the |)!ace of our land- ing. 'I'liis worthy genlleman, who was formerly my friend and neighbour, was at lliis time absent on the expedition to Penob- neot. Having obtained entranc^e, we saw no person in the room but I'olly Clensy, ayounggirl whom this family had transported from Kennebeek. After her surprise at our unexpected appear- ance was a little abated, she ran up stairs to inform .Mrs. Callahan of our arrival, but in her pretipitat ion forgot to miii- tion luT (iod-son, Charley, which made her immediately con- clude that we had by some fatal accident lost him. This fdled the good woman with alarming emotions, and she hastened down with evident expressions of anxiety and tremor in her face, for it was some moments before she observed the little < hariner prattling about the room. Indeinl, we were all so deeply aflected with tlii.s happy meeting that we could hardly hpeaU to each other, anil a scene of silint confusion ensued till our various aj^itations began to stii)side. Mrs. Callahan quickly informed us that she had a ilream the preceding night, 1779.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. ] oO which occasioned lior no small iiiicasiness?. 8he ima*Tlii(.(l i,i her sleep, that as she was dressing before lir'^nkfa-^t, l\)llv came rnniiiiifj up to her eliamber in the ntmost hurry, and as.-ured her that Mr. Bailey anrl family were all safrjy arrived from New Enc:Iar)d except little Cijarley, who was missinir, upon which information she descended with an heavy heart, and found all as Polly h;id represented — all tlie family present except the lovely child. 8h(^ further fancied in her dream, that in the midst of our mutual inc|uirie.s and congratulation!*, Master Harry Brown came in, and after paying his compli- ments informed us that his papa was coming immediately to give us joy. No sooner hail Mrs. Callahan finished hi r dream than Mas- ter Harry came smiling and l>lnsliing into the room, and after l)idding ns welcome to Halifax, accjuainted me that his |)apa was approaching to pay me his compliments. The women, upon this occasion, declared with united voices, that the lireaui was fidlilled in a very remarkable! manner. By this time n)y old, generous friend, Mr. Brown, was arrived, in company with Cap- tain Martin Gay, a refugee from Boston. These two worthy gentlemen, by their obliging coiiduet and sensible conversation, greatly relieved our spirits, [n a fi\v minutes after, we were favoured with a visit from ilie poliie and generous Doctor Breynton, Rector of St. Paul's Cliunh in Halifax. He ad- dressed us with that ease, freedom, and gi'utleness peculiar to himself. His countenancf! exhibited a most finish«'d picture of compassionate good nature, and the ellu;-ions of tenderness and humanity glistened in his v«'nerable eyes when he had learned part of our hi-tory. He kindly assured us that he most heartily congratulated us upon our fortunate deliverance from tyranny, o])pression, and poverty, and he declared that we might depend on his attention aiul assistance to miiKi' >is comfortable and happy. The turn of his Cultures, and the manner of his expression, aHonled a convincing evidence of his sincerity, and the cvtMit afterwards gave mi* iindeniabli^ demonstration that I was not mistaken in iriy favourable con- jectures. Beft)ri^ we parted he informed me that it was ex- pected I should wait uj>ou the (Jovernor at eh'vi-n to a<'< appearance, that he ran smiling to the table, and, assuming every childish expression of admiration and joy, exclaimed in the fulness of his heart: "Pray, mamma, \vli:it is that on Mrs. Callahan's tal)lc?" He was told that it was bread, "What bread, mamma; is it baked bread.'" for the poor little fellow had never seen or tasted any bread made of Ihuir. This itx ident greatly ailected the whole company, and the good Doctor in particular, could scarcely refrain from tearful emotions. He now begged to be excused for the present, and repaired directly to Mr. Justice AVenman's, keeper of the Orphan House, to prt)cure us, with the assistance of this gentleman, a comfortable habitation. This honest magistrate was so touched with our depK)rable circumstances and situation, especially with the anecdote of the child, that he took a guinea out of his pocket, and, adilress- ing himself to the Doctor, "Here," says he, "is something to buy the young chatterbox a little bread for the present." We had at breakfast an old lady and a very pretty, genteel young Miss, about twelve, natural daughter to the famous Captain Mowatt. Dr. Brt^ynton (luiekly n-turned with the most soothing expressions of kindness and friendship. He politely entreated Mrs. Bailey to expel from her mind all uneasy and distressing apprehensions, and repeatedly assured us both, that many persons among them would cheerfully exert themselves to the utmost of their power to make our situation easy and desirable, and cautit)ned us against intlulging gloomy and anxious ideas any longer. He then presented the little Tory, as he called him, with the guinea from Mr. Wenmaii, and looking upon his watch, declared it was time to wait upon the (Jovernnr. At hi-; direction, and in lii> company, I walkeil out in my ridiculous habit, attended by that tpiccrest of mt)rtals. Dr. Mayer, who, to render his poverty still more conspicuous, had put on, over his rags and dirty linen, a thread-bare scarlet 1779.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB UAILEV. 1(51 coat, brought out of Germany near thirty years ago. In our progress, our kind condnctor introduced nie to several gentle- men who happened to l)e in our way, among whieh number it would be ungrateful not to mention Col. Butler, the agent victualler, and one of His Majesty's Council for this Province, who observing the meanness of my dress, took the Doctor aside and ordered me a suit of superfine broadcloth. The next person of conseciuence who engaged our attention was Mr. [-"Vanklin, formerly Lieut. Governor of Nova Scotia; he had several Indians in his train, arrayed in all their tinsel finery ; among the rest a Sachem belonging to the tribe of St. Johns. This fellow, by the oddity of his appearance and the singularity of his visage, immediately struck my imagination, and I was unable to look upon him without a mixture of hilarily and wonder. He was arrayed in a long blue coat, adorned \v\\h a scarlet cape, and hound close about his loins with a girdle. He wore upon his head a narrow-brimmed (lopped hat, and his face was an entire composition of wrinkles. I was admit- ted to the honor of shaking hands with this American Monarch, who, eyeing me from head to foot, and perceiving that 1 had more rags than fmery about me, I plainly discerned that his ct)mplaisance was mingled with a degrei' of contempt, for, instead of j)QUing oil' his hat, he only touched it with his lingers and nodded his head; though I remarked a few days afti-r, when I was dressed in a new suit of clothes, he ap- proached me with higher marks of veneration, and did not fail to take his hat wholly from his head. Thus people of all nations, both barbarous and polished, reverence and res|)ect their fellow creatures, not for fpialitii's, which belong to human nature, but on account of those ornaments for which they are indebted to other parts of the creation. In onr way to the sujireme ruler of the Province, the Doctor conducted me into his lodgings at Mr. Fletcher's, where he presented me witli a beaver, almost new, and then, crossing the street, introduced me to the (Jovernor. We entered thrcuigh a gate into a large back yard, where we found two or three servants attending. Accpiainting them with our business, they conducted us into an elegant apartment, and after waiting a few minutes his 21 lli'J rUONTir.U MISSIONAUV; ()!{, [HTl'. Honor apprarrd, and kindly wfh oiiK'd rnc to his ^'ovrrrnnent, and tlun, dt'sirini,' us to Ix' st'at«'d, Iwi^'ar) to ask nw a variety of (pu'stions conccrnini^ New Kr>j^land, and about the eastern eountrv and my t)\vn private alVairs. I e'ndeavored tt) satisfy his euriosity in the ht'sl manner I was able. I assured him that the inhal/itants of Ni'W Knf!;)and were in a deplorabl' situation, torn to picees by disct)ntent and faetions anion^ themselves, heartily tired of the war, siek of their Freneh nllianep, redueed to poverty, and sonly (listressed for want of provis^ions. As to the eastern country from which I was happy enouijh to esea|>e, I informed him that the ]>coplc wen» ahno-^* universally dissatisfied with tin- dominion of the Conjures - tliat they were laborlni]^ luidcr the horrors of nakedness and famine, and at the same time ernclly harrassed and persecuted bv a number of ine\oral)le tyrants, who had ^ot all the power inli> their hands; and lastly, 1 Ljave him a short history of iii own adventures amoni,' the relxds, and of the injurious treat- ment I received at their hands. During our conversation, Mr. Buckley, the Secretary, came in and jravc me his iTiost hearty congratulations. After the Secretary had retired we contimied our conversation about the American rebellio)i, Avhen I signitied to the Governor that I was perfectly acquainted with the capital leaders in the present revolt, and from a thorouph knowledge of their tenijx'rs, principles ami cir«-umstances, I was far from wonilering at their proceedings, since I always considered them as proper implements of faction, sedition and turbtdence; ambition, avarice and revenge, being their pre- dominant and governing passions. 1 fixmtl the Ciovernor very sociable and strictly in(|nisitive. At parting he assured n that he would employ his interest to procure me relief and ti> make nty abode in the I'rovini-e agreeable, atxl in the conehi- sion advised me to prej)are a memorial of iny adventures arul sulf-rings, with a view to its sjicedy publication. This he sngg«'stcd as the most eli"_'il»le method *tf obtaining some present emolumenf. Having taken my leave of the Governor, Dr. nreynton prcscnt«'d me with a couple of Jo's, and, who could believe it, my simple heart danced within me at the appearance of gold, 1779.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 103 wicked gold I that lias been, and still continues to he, the parent of ten thousand evils. Thou pernicious metall Who shall presume to declare in thy favour, after all the niischiff thou hast occasioned in the world? Thou hast often, by thy all-couiiuanding power, compelled mankind to despise the demands of justice, to spread the /iames of devastation, to wield the sword of destruction, to dissolve the tenderest ties of nature, and to comniit the most shocking enormities with impunity. I have seen multitudes so bewitched by thy glittering charms as to renounce the most sacred obligations and the softest feelings. Ins|)ired by thee, they have closed up the bowels of compassion, have turned away their eyes from the sight of distress, and have been deaf when the voice of misery pierced the very heavens. For thee, men have renounced the principles of truth and veracity, have proved false to their engagements, have appealed to the Almighty for the confirmation of a lie, have betrayed tiieir country, have conspired against their King, denied their Saviour, and blas- phemed their God, and yet, notwithstanding all these and a million other flagrant crimes tliou art daily teaching men to commit, yet still thou art respected, courted, followed, and adored with the |)rofoundest veneration. Parting from this benevolent gentleman wiiile my heart was bursting with gratitude, I took this opportunity of visiting Mrs. J3rowu and her lovely daughter, neither of whom I had seen since my arrival. Our meeting was an'ectionate and our declarations of friendship and tenderness perfectly sincere. As soon as the rapturous ellusions of benignity and the irreg- ular expressions of mutual ardor began to subside, Mrs. Brown jiresented me with a bottle of Keppen's snull', a comfortable repast for my nose, and then ordcretl me a pair of Engli.-h shoes, and a couple of black worsted stockings. The sight and possession of the IJriiish manufactures gave pleasure to my inward man, and compelled me \o smile at both corners of my mouth, while the considerate and bountiful indulgence of my former friends began to smooth the furrows of my face, and I returned back to Mrs. Callahan's, I verily believe, with the loss of several wrinkles. Soon after my return, Mr. 1(U IKi) NTI i: II MISSIONARY; OK, [1779. Bt'iiiU't, aiiDtlicr cl'Ti^'yiiiaii tiiid .Missioimry from the SiK-icty came to visit us, miti made a jiolite teiulcr of his service. His clesi«;n was, if I had no family, to ofler me a part of his lodiriii2;s ill thr Asscmhly House. We had what I esteemed an (levant dinner, for it was so lon«^ since I beheld a well furnished tal)Ie, that what others esteemed only tolerable, appeared to me s|)lendid and sumptuous beyond compare. I found myself »'\treiu«'ly contented rmd ha|)py in the society, the pleasing stuiles and oblijL^ing conversation of my friends, without the dread of any fatal interruption from the unwelcome intrusion of ! ai i s^ i o n a u v ; on, [1779. Bay of Fuiidy in u thick fug. It Wiis with extreme dilliculty thev nmde Annapolis (uit, where .she w:l^ fortiumtc enough to meet her huslcuul, then eoniniander of the (Jage, and after tarrying at Annapolis some time she went 'round to Halifax by water, where she arrived ahoiit six weeks after she left Kennel)eck, and has sinee hi-en settled in trantiuillity, and able to live in n comfortable nianinr without any molestation from rebel committees. She tlun gave me a short history of her husband's fortune from the time hi- laf- fected to government, for wliieli reason he seldom went abroad, and that ui)on such occasions he never visited but two families. He appeared to be a rough, opi-n, antl honest Englishman, generous ; friendly, and humane, wliere he imagines an object deserving, but those who are artful, designing, or conceited, can look for no more than bare justice from him, and that they 22 170 run N T 1 1: 11 missionary; on, [1 ( <; may expect to receive with the most exact punctuality. When he convevH :i favour the in:itter is done without any c-creinonN . anil, if vi»u attempt to rt'turn any eoni|)Iirii<'nts or acknowh-d;^'! - nients, hr would rather app«'ar to be otlended, and declare, with a l)luntne:<.>* peculiar to liinisilf, ' I have not done this trilli* out of any partieidar rci^ard to yourself, for I should have shown the same, or jierhaps a greater favour, to any other person in the same eireuuistanees.' He a«suretl mr that when any person had ollended him he never fort^ave him, for, thouf^h he fcorned to take any revenge, or to oiler him the least injur\ yet he immediately bioke ofT all connection with him. and never trusted him afterwards. Hut notwithstanding this de- claration, 1 am certain that he might easily be reconciled when the ollmding person had not bj'cn guilty of baseness and treachery in his conduct. Whilst we continued engaged in this conversation he made several shrewd remarks upon the behaviour of my countrymen, who formerly used the Halifax trade. 8ome lie acknowledged to be remarkal)ly honest and fair traders as ever he met with in the compass of his acipiaint- ancc, but in general he found them to be the profoundest hyyi- ocrites in nature, and the cunningest knaves uj)on earth ; for though men advanced in life were averse to swearing, and would pucker up their mouths, and roll their eyes towards Heaven at the mention of an oath, yet they would not scruple to lie, and delil»erately ajipeal to the Almighty in confirmation of a falsehood. He likewise added that he had been actpiaint- cd with several young fellows from Boston government, who upon their first arrival at Halifax would not utter a profane oath, or execration, upon tlx^ most powerful excitement or ])ro- vocation, l>iil only \\ hen highly exasperated exclaim, ' I vow you are a serpently devil, a'most I' And yet in a few weeks these very conscientious travellers would disengage themselves from all the restraints of education, and exceed the most aban- doned sailors in bold and daring imi)iety. They would both take the Sacred Name in vain, and practice the most horrid curses, and even make a public scolT and ridicule of all religion. When the old gentleman had entertained me with two or three of his long-winded stories, I was diverted from any longer 1779.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 1~1 attendance by the arrival of our people, and having conveyed our treasure, consisting of two ancient feather beds, — through the weather-beaten crevices of wiiich the down issued in great abundance, — one patched (juilt, containing a greater variety of colours than the rainl)ow; half of a very elderly rug, worn to the ([uick, and half a pair of sheets, and a small chest con- taining the remnants of poverty, vi/,: one silk gown, five bat- tered knives and forks, the same '' The remainder of the Journal is missiner. 17,? FKONTIKU missionauy; OU, [1779. ClI Al'TKR \ I II. TiiF. paper of tin* earliest datr after the tcrniinatioii of the Journal, which has como into the luinds of the writer of tliis Memoir, is the follow iiii:: — TO MK. JOHN CAULKTON, AT WOOI.Wirn, N. E. JLili/tix, June 2o, 1779. • . " The (lencral Assembly of the Province have f^'wcu ine two Iniiulnvl dollars, (not square ones,)* ami I have received in private presents nearly three hundred more. The lady of Col. Phips,f upon my recom- mendation, desires that if the Ki life's forces should arrive in your neighbourhood, you would be kind enou«i;h to point out her farm, and to su<2^fTest some method to jireserve the cattle and buildings from destruction." (Jen. McLean coinniandrd an expedition which had sailed from Halifax that summer and landed at Major-l)i<,Miyduc(>, now Castine, which j)lace was fortified by the Knglish forces. To this oflTicer Mr. IJailey addressed a letter from Halifax, .Tnly 10th, 1779. The object was to furnish a list of loyalists in and near Keimebeck, known or believed to be such by the writer. If Mr. Hailey was correct, the friends of the British government, in that region, were more numerous than has generally been supposed. He gives the names of twenty-seven residing in Bristol and Broad Bay, | and classes with them "all the Dutch families in Broad Bay, except ten or twelve families," eighteen in Woolwich, thirty-two in (Georgetown, fifty-three • " Retolrtd, That His Honor, the Licutonant OoTernor, be requested to grant a Warrant to Kor. Mr. Bailry of £50, to be paid out of the moneys arising from the dutic!! on Import and Kxcine, for his present Relief. Ordrreti, That this Koinliitinn be sent to His Majesty's Council for concurrence.' — Journal of Ihe Ilniue of A.istmhiy of Xora Scotia, Junr 2.V, 1770 : p. 18. fSee Sahiue'a American Ij)yaJi»t» — Phips, David, p. 539, X Now Waldoborough. 1779.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB I)AILE\:., 173 in Pownalboro', and twenty-two in tlic towns of St. Georges, Bowdoinham, Hallowell, Topsham and Winthrop. In writ- ing to the Vcncralile Society under date of July 4tli, 177'J, Mr. Bailey says : " Sixteen of my hearers are now in the King's service, and tlie remainder, except one or two familic?, are distinguished for tiieir loyalty." Attached to the British forces wlTu li hcM Major-bignyducc was Dr. John Calf, who had married the daughter of Rev. Jcdcdiah Jewett, of Rowley, Mr. Bailey's early and kind patron. Mr. Bailey wrote to him from Halifax. He says: "]?eing informed that you possess a department in the garrison which gives you considerable inlluence, I have made this attempt to solicit your interest in case a chaplain should be aj)pointed. I am the rather induced to tuake this application because your station is within the limits of my Mission, and from a tender regard to multitudes of loyal subjects within the county of Lincoln, who are bt)th my fricmls and parish- ioners." During this summer Mr. Bailey reciMved invitations from two ditl'erent parishes to become tln-ir minister, lie thus writes to his brotjier at Pownalboro": — ^^ Halifax, (SV/>/. ()///, 1779. I have made an exenr>ion into the country, and travelled through all the line settlements on the Basin of Minas, and never beheld finer farms than at Windsor, Falmouth, llorton and Cornwallis. The latter is the place wliere the Neutral French had formerly their principal habitation. I have dined ujion the very spot where Charles* Le Blanc formerly lived. Two luuidred families are settled in this jilaee, and I am invited to ollieiate aiuong them this winter, and believe I shall accept their olVer till I can return to Kennebeck in safety. They have agreetl to furnish me with an house and firing, to give me an horse worth ten guineas, to be at the expense of my removal, and to allow me a weekly contribution, ])esi(les presents, which will amoiuit to more than seventy pounds sterling per year, if 1 reckon the prices at *Thi9 should be Reno Le Blanc, who was I'uhlic Notary for the Acadian*. Vide Ilatlibtirton'a A'ora Scotia, I. p. 194. 114 IKONTIIK M 1 Ss ION A K V ; OK, [1779. Ilulif:i\. Hut i)ot\vitli>laii(liii:,' I luivr brrii treated with uu- coniiiitdi Kiiuliios and nspcit, no ('(Hisidoratioii isliall cvrr detain iiir frt>ru vi>itin«; my f(»riii< r friends and neighbours when the tyranny of C'ongre.s.s is nvtrpast. I have Hkewise hud an invitation to St. Johns and Cumberland. In the latter department I mi^ht be admitted Chaplain of the garrison, worth i' IS) per annmn, but I eaimot endure the thoutjlits of that remote situation, especially amont^ a set of |)eoi)le dispo>ed to revolt." This iMW fnld of iMr. Jiailey's labours possessed a varied interest. Its natural scenery is described as extremely beauti- ful, whih- the fertility of its soil has given it the title of ''the garden of Nova Scotia." Much of its history, too, can hartlly fail to excite emotion. Here dwelt, only some few years before, a peoj)le who, in many respects, seem almost to have realized the Cioldeii Age of the poets. Simple in their manners, antl abundantly supplied, from their own labor, with everything which their few wants re([uiretl, they st)ught little or no inter- course with the rest of the world, from which they were, in a great measure, isolated. But they inhabited a ci)untry that had frequently changed masters, and they were not gifted with that policy which would enable them to transfer their allegiance with the results of war, or the treaties of Euroj)ean Powers. Their attachment to their fatherland was strengthened by a community of reli- gion. Their manners and customs, the style of their dwellings and the fashion of tlu'ir dress and ornaments, reminded the traveller of I'Vance, which had its representatives in many respects amid the evergreens, and on the dyked meadows of this part of Acadia. The Knglish supposed, and jierhaps justly, thai the professed neutrality of these simple inhabitants had been violated by indirect assistance to the French, who attacked Chebucto and other places, and that at times they had joined with them and the Indians in their marauding expeditions. Ileneo it was determined to transport them to other places. And though perhaps this was managed with as much judgment and feeling as the case admitted, yet hundreds were taken from the old, familiar scenes of their nativity, and 1779.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB UAILEY. 175 scattered through the other American colonies. Here they could not fail to exi)ericnc-e the hatred which would be shown to persons suspected of any previous connection with the Indians, whose barbarous warfare had caused so iinuh waste of blood and treasure in many places, and this antijiathy would be shar])ened by dislike to the religion of these j)oor exiles. Upon the depaiiure of these unfortunat(! peopli', their houses and church were burned by the English, their domestic animals j)erishcd with hunger, and the dykes, which protected their fertile meadows from the sea, fell into decay. Five years after this event a fleet of twenty-two transports, convoyed by an armed vessel of sixteen guns, landed emigrants from New England on the territory that had been occupied by the Neutral French. Two hundred persons from Connecticut settled at Cornwallis. Although, as before stated, the natural fi-atures of the country were beautiful, yet the ruin which had befallen the former inhabitants was distinctly visible, and could hardly fail to iiis|)ire melancholy emotions. Stockaded houses were erected, and a small detachment of soldiers were stationed at Cornwallis for the protection of the inhabitants against the Indians. The detachiuent was after- wards increased, and a regular military post was established with the properly fortified buildings. The greater J)art, if not all, who settled at Cornwallis were dissenters from the Church of England. But in three years after their arrival, a Missionary of the Veneral)le Society was appointed to the region in which that town was situated. In 1770, a small church was erected at Cornwallis by Col. I3url)i(lge and .Mr. Hrsr, at their own expiMise.* Mr. Bailey arrived at his field of labour about Oct. 20th. 1779. The winter that succeeded was one of anxiety and gloom. The comuumity was very much divided in religious matters, the Church people were few, about twenty families, who of course were strangers to their new minister, and there were few to sympathize with him in his loyalty to the King. * Aiken's Sketch of the Choich in the ProTinces, p. 26, lid rUONTILU M l.^^SION AKV ; OR, [1779. His fxpoctations in the way i>f i^alary sccin not to have been rt-alizftl, for h«' writes to a fri«nil : " My riiu>hiiiu'nts are small. I am allowjtl a little, ineonvenicnt house ami lire-wood, and get beside live or six bhiHini,'s per week e(»ntrit)ntion for pn :uli- injf. I have about ten or twelve seholars, whiih alionl uje about eight dollars per mimtli. Eviry necessary of life is extremely (h'ar in this place." Alllietion also visited hitii. He was informed of the death of his brother at Kennclxi-, who had been his Parish Clerk there, and also of that of C'apl. Callahan, who, while acting as one of \hv. King's Pilots, U)st his life by shi|)wreek in Halifax harbor. This person had been one of his Church Wardens at Pownalboro'. Added to this was pecuniary dis- appointment. A mercantile friend in Halifax, to whom he liad intrusted bills of exchange on London for £100 sterling, became l)ankruj)t. Mr. Bailey, in writing to Rev. Samuel Peters, formerly of Hebron, Ct., but then in London, mentions tlie fact of this failure and says: "As I have been obliged to run in dt!)t at ('ornwaiiis for liic ncci'ssarics of life, this alfair throws nie into an uneoinforlable situation." Mr. Bailey had sacrilieeil much more advantageous pros- pects to come to Cornwallis bi-cause he considered himself bound in honor to fulfil the engagemenis he had made with the parish in that town. He writes to Mr. Pochard at Kennebec: "About ten days after my arrival in Halifax, I received an invitation from some principal gentlemen to visit Cornwallis. I accordingly preachi'd aiuong them two Sundays in August, and, finding nothing more advantageous oiler, I agreed to remove my family and continue through the winter, bu imm«'diately after this engageuu'iit I was urged to tarry ai Halifax, as an assistant to the worthy Dr. Breynton, for which I was olTered i;7() sterling per year, besides a school worth an hundred more; and what condueed to render this emj)Ioyment still more agreeable, I was assuri'd, both liy Dr. Breynton and the Church olRcers, that my performances were acceptable to that numerous congregation; and though my i)eing preferred to several other clergymen was a little flattering to iny vanity, yet I concluded to adhere to my engagements, and removed 1780.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 177 with my family about the middle of October to tiiis distant retreat." During the summer of 1780 Mr. liailey writes to his sister- in-law at Kennebec: " I have lately, without any solicitation on my part, been appointed deputy chaplain to the 84th Regiment, part of which keep a garrison at Annapolis." In *a subsequent letter to a friend, he says: "Dr. Breynton is included in the appointment and performs the duty" (in Hali- fax.) The following is an extract of a letter to the Society, P. ( I., dated Nov. 4th in this year. "I beg leave to infortu the Venerable Society that I still continue at Cornwallis, and have olHciated without being absent one Sunday since my arrival. I have had a decent and respectable, though not a large congre- gation. Their contributions towards my support are precarious, and all the articles of subsistence are so excessively extrava- gant that my emoluments will hardly support my family. The want of books is a misfortune I sensibly feel in my present situation, for I was constrained to leave my library behind when I escaped from New England, and being so remote from the metropolis I can receive no assistance from others." In December of the same year. Rev. Aaron Bancroft arrived. Mr. Bancroft was afterwards a Doctor of Divinity and Con- gregational minister at Worcester, Mass. At first Mr. Bailey was suspicious of him, as the Dissenters in Cornwallis are said by him to have sympathized in the American Revolution. Dr. llicks, then residing in the West Indies, had formerly been in Mr. Bailey's neighborhood at Kennebec and become acquainted with the prominent persons there. The following extract of a letter to him dated Dee. 22d, 1780, refers to an individual well known in that part of the country. "I fancy you must have been acquainted with John Jones the surveyor of Kennebeck. After having almost exceeded the famous Roderick Random in adventures and escapes, he obtained a Captain's commission in Rogers' corps, and in several excur- sions from Penobscot he has performed wonders. Among other exploits he seized the tyrant Cushing at his own house, and eonv(^yed him in a ridienlous dishabille to the British fort," The straitness of Mr. Bailey's circumstances at the com- 23 178 FRONTIER missionary; OR, [1781. mpnccmcnt of 1781 may hv iiifi-rrcd from a stati-mriit to his brotlirr-iii-law. Rev. Mr. Works: " The contest with regard to a school has tt-rmiiiatod in my favour, and I have at pre:?ent ten scht)hirs, the niimhiT I was desirous of instructinii:, but nothing excejit necessity would have j)rcvailcd n|)on me to continue this laborious and pcrplexini^ employment." In -March, 17^1, a (hiughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. R;iiley, who was christened Rebecca Lavina. The Rev. Dr. Caner, formerly Rector of King's Chajx'l, Bos- ton, Mass., left that place with the Jiritish troops who evacu- ated Boston in March, 177(). In writing to a correspondent in April, 17Sl, Mr. Bailey states, " by letters from London I am informed that Dr. Caner had retired with his young wife to Cardifi; in Wales." Several letters are preserved from Rev. Samuel Peters, D. D., then residing in London, to the subject of this Me- moir. They are all of a singular charac-ter, like the writer. The following is an extract from one, dated London, I'\'l)- ruary 8th, 1781. * » " What I am next to consider is h9W I can come at one or two of your sermons, that the public may share with the ingrates of Cornwallis what Sterne would read and devour with pleasure. • » I have heard much of your sermons as to style, sentiment, and composition, that they are exotics and originals. * • You will see the Farewell to Kennebeck,* but little differenced from the original, which was chiefly done to avoid some words less fashionable now than formerly, and to make even measure, as is the fashion now in ten feet verses. Many verses would have done honour to Young, or Pope, or INlilton. The last verse was read aloud in a Coilee House, and drew siglis and tears from many sym- pathizing persons.'' Another correspondent in London writes, " 1 have not yet seen the lines you sent to Mr. Peters, who has made you figure in the Magazines by publishing them.*' In reply to the request of Dr. Peters, contained in the fore- going letter, Mr. Bailey writes: '' In a former letter you men- tioned somewhat about sending you sermons, which, in con- •Sec Note K. 1781.] LIFE OF REY. JACOB BAILEY. 179 junction with the desire of several friends in these parts has induced me to transcribe a number and leave them with Mr. Thc^nas Brown, of Halifax, which he may transmit, if he pleases. I am sensible that they have nothing to recommend them except tHeir novelty. If they should be thought worthy of publication they will make a volume of the same size with Sterne's. You may allix what title you think proper. They were all, except the first two, delivered since the commence- ment of the rebellion. I had little choice in this collection, for I brought away only about a dozen in my precipitate flight.'' To Rev. William Clarke, formerly Rector of the Church in Dedham, Mass., but who was then residing in London, Mr. Bailey writes: " It would never have entered into my head to ofler any of my sermons for publication had it not been for Mr. Peters. * * You will find them upon singular subjects, chiefly levelled against the principles of rebellion. These were chosen From about a dozen which I accidentally brought away from New England. All the rest of my sermons, books, 6cc., were left behind. 1 cannot forbear remarking that the 0th and 7tli discourses were highly applauded by the Whigs, and that party, in consequence of what they termed my bold integrity, made me a present of two hundred and fifty dollars, but these were; chiefly Southern Whigs. The Gth, however, gave great orteiice at Falmouth to the rebellious party, who could endure no strictures upon revenge, perfidy, and baseness." To the letter to Dr. Peters, the Doctor thus replied: "London, Feb. 15, 17!ri2. I received your eight sermons with pleasure and read them. The cost of printing two hundred and fifty is £12, in the size of Sterne. I intend to send you one of them printed the next opportunity." . Whether these were ever published the writer of this Memoir has no means of knowing. A History of Connecticut, which has attracted much atten- tion, has generally been ascribed to Dr. Peters, entirely on intt-rnal evidence, as the Doctor never acknowledged it. The letter just quoted contains the following: " Some assassin, last summer, published the History of Comiecticut in a lively and sarcastic style. It is said to be the only true and iiupartial history ever published about New England. We cannot find 180 rilONTIKR MISSION All V; OR, [1781. Diit the author, hut Harrison ("fay, and the- Saints of Salem and Boston, like it not. Thry call it 'a cursi'd book.' Price ()*•., hounil." The ocr\i|)ation l)y the ]^•ili^h, in 177H, of the pcninsuhi of INTnjor-higuyihup, now callrd Castinc, has been before spoken of. Here they erecttii a fortification \v which they gave the name of I'\)rt (Jeori^e. Many h)yalists found their way thither, among thcni some of Mr. Baih-y's friends in the eastern coun- try. A (h'sirc to be with ihcm, and discontent with the |)lacc of his residence, in(hiccd him to think favoral)ly of a removal thither. In several of his letters he mentions this wish of his, to which some of the residents at Fort George responded, as appears by a subscription paper drawn up this year for his suj)port, and signed by lifleen persons. Among these names are Jere, Pote, Robert Pagan, Robert Pagan, Jr., and Thomas Wyer, formerly of Falmouth, now Portland. In a letter to the Society, P. G., Nov. 8, 17S1, Mr. Bailey says : " I have had several applications from my friends at Penobscot for my removal ihiihcr, but, though that settlement has greatly in- creased, other gentlemen, U|)on wht)se friendship and judgmcni I can rely, advise me not to venture while matters remain in tlu'ir present |)rccarious situation." In two years after the j)lace was given up by the British. Invents were in |)rogress that led to his appointment as Mis- sionary at Annapolis. This place has been before spoken of, under its French name of Port Royal, as the residence of the adventurers from France in the years KiOl and KiO''). During the century that followed, the basin that lies in its front bort; on its bosom at various times hostile fleets, and the neighbor- ing hills echoed back the rattling of musketry and the report of cannon, used by those who attacked and those who defend- ed the important fortress which was there established. Mar- tial law alone prevailed for many long years. No Protestant minister had settled himself at this distant post, but Romish priests ministered to the garrison and the neighboring savages in those years, when the French had possession of Port Royal. It was not till 1713 that Nova Scotia fmally passed by treaty into the hands of the English, who, in honor to the reigning 1781.] LIFE OF IlEV. JACOB BAILEY. 181 sovereign, changed the name of Port Royal to Annapolis. The importance of its position, and its being the residence of the Governor of Nova Scotia, and of military oflicers of high rank, made it the most noted place east of Boston, excepting Lonis- biirgh. It thus remained until 17o0, when the seat of govern- ment was removed to the rapidly rising town of Halifax. The first English Missionary* at Annapolis was the Rev. Thomas Wood, formerly of New Jersey, but who was trans- ferred from that Province to Halifax in IToG. In addition to the performance of the labors of his Mission he was enabled to visit Annapolis twice in 1762, and in the next year removed to that place. He became so familiar with the Micmac lan- guage as to form a grammar of it, and to olliciatc to the In- dians in their native tongue. In 177'3 his people subscribed for the erection of a church sixty by forty feet. Three years after, Mr. Wood closed a laborious life among his attached people. The Rev. J. Wingate Weeks, formerly Missionary at Marblehead, Mass., being in England in 1779, obtained the appointment of Missionary at Annapolis. Returning to Halifax in July of that year his anxiety for his family, then at Marl^le- head, induced him soon after to embark for New York, to ar- range for their removal to Nova Scotia. Mr. Weeks did not reach Halifax till May in the following year, where he found his wife and children, who had, in fact, arrived there a few days after his departure from that place the previous autumn. He appears to have visited Annapolis for the first time in June, 1780, and was there perhaps once more a few months after. In .lune of the following year he proba])ly ]-)assed three or four weeks there, returning to Halifax, where his family resided. This neglect to reside at his Mission displeased tiie Venerable Society. In the latter part of tiie same summer Mr. Hailey received a letter from Rev, Mather Byles, D. D., dated Halifax, August 11th, 17SI, of which the foHowing is an extract: " I think it my duty, without any further delay, to send you the • Rut there w.is probably a ch.iplain to the garrison .it this place, for In one of the returns of the expense of the establishment for one year previous to IT-W, is found — " Chiiplain G.v. per diem, or £1'J1 \[h. id. per ouuimi." — Halliburton, II., p. 198. Sec also Mr. Bailey's letter to Rev. Dr. Peters, October SIst, 1784. 1*^*2 luoNTiLU missionary; oil, [1782. following extracts from a Icttrr wliidi I have n'ccivcd from Dr. Moricr, dated \-\'U. <•. 17*^1. ♦''I am to commiiiiiiate to you tin* R<'solinioii of ilir So- ciety, that Mr. Wcrks ijo immeiliatrly to Annapolis, and if lie should lift, tin II fitlirr Dr. Hyirs or Mr. Hailry must take that Mission. Thr ollrr is rir>t made to you." " I liavi- informed .Mr. Wrrks of the above Resolution. Jlis reply wa.s, that ' he shojild not ninove to Annapolis at present; that the .Mission was a matter of indifVerence to him; and that I might go thi-re if I plea.sed.' Aeeordingly the care of that Mission, if I chose to acce[)t it, would now devolve upon me; but as I determine, for reasons which I shall communicate to the Society, to decline the charge, the design of this letter is ft)rmally to resign it in your favour. As the Society seem to have intrusted the cDfidnct of this allair to mc, and. I am very sensible will expect a sjieedy and decisive answer, 1 should be glad to know by the; first opportunity whether the oiler, which I look upon myself as now aiithori/ed to make you. be agreeable, that I may transmit your reply to that venerable body." The answer to this, on the part of Mr. Bailey, was: "-If Mr. Weeks declines going to Aiinajjolis, and you are willing to resign your prior appointment in my favor, I shall cheerfully accept of the Mission." In October, Rev. J. W. Weeks visited Anna|)olis, it being his second visit this year, and in November he wrote a letter to Mr. Bailey, disapproving of his views with reference to that place. In the s|)ring of the next year the fol- lowing lettt'r reached Mr. Bailey : — " Hatton (iAKDKN, .lan'y 29, 1782. *' Rr.v. Silt: — ^'our two letti-rs of the 9th November last have been duly received, and were laid befon* the Society at their meeting on the 2'»tli instant, when the atl'air of Mr. Weeks being taken intn full eoiisideration the Society came to the following determinatit)n : Resolved, that as Mr. Weeks refuses to reside u|)«)n the Mission of Annapolis, the Rev. .Mr. Bailey be appointed in his room, ^'ou will therefore consider yourself henceforward as Missionary to that place, whither you 17H2.] LIFE OF IIKV. JACOB BAILEY. 183 will, with all due speed, repair: and after what has passed re- specting Mr. Weeks there is little occasion for me to observe that the Society expect that you will constantly reside there. The people of Granville arc to be considered as part of the Mission. •• • • Your salary from the Society is the same as it now stands, £50 stlg., but you will receive £70 stlg. from the (Jovernment, which, I l)elieve, is jiaid in Nova Scotia. I should hope that the Chaplainship of the Garrison will be given to you also, as Mr. Wi-eks can now have no claims to it. All I have furthcT to add on this subject is my hearty prayer for all success in your Ministry, and every degree of prosperity to you and your large family, who, I hope, will re- ceive comfort in that situation, which Mr. Weeks, by multi- plying his lucrative employments, seems to have despised. • ••••• " 1 am, Rev'd Sir, Your affectionate brother, and very hiunbh* servant, " WM. MURICE, Secrelari/r In writing to a friend shortly after the receipt of the forego- ing letter, Mr. Bailey says: " I am sorry to lind Mr. Weeks wholly excluded from the Society's service. I am informed that he is offended with me, though, I can truly affirm, the appointment was not of my seeking, and even when Dr. Morice informed me last fall that I was to succeed in case Mr. Weeks and Dr. Byles should refuse, I signified, in my reply, that I should prefer Penobscot, could I remove thither with safety, and the Secretary, in his last letter, assures me that Mr. Weeks was dismissed for non-residence, and for despising the Society's favour." Mr. Bailey makes the folU)wing statement of the amount of his income when at Cornwallis: " During which time I iiad no cmohunents except fifty pounds from the Society, a dc|)uty Cha])lainship for half a year, and the contributions of a few people at Cornwallis.'' The following letter, dated August 5th, 17^2, though of some length, seems to be worthy of insertion, here: — 1^1 F H o N r 1 1: R M 1 s s I o N A 11 Y ; on, [1 782. » To . " Di.Ait Silt: — III |»iirMi;iiu'f of my engagements I now ap- ply iiiVMrlfto furiii^li you with some aeei)uiit of my late move- ini-nls and adventurer-. I believe you have already received information that before my departure from C'ornwailis I was invited to ollieiate in the Meeting House. In consequence of this invitation 1 read prayers and delivered two sermons to a niore numeroud assembly than I had ever seen in thi.s Province. Most af the inhabitants of every denomination attended, gave serious attention, behaved with d<>cency, favoured me with a very handsome collection, and seemed to relish my farewell , discourse. But modesty nuist prevent my enlarging here, even to a friciKl. j We proposed to advance towards Annapolis on Tuesday, | the !ilth of .July, but an excessive rain on Monday hindered | our prei);irations, so that our departure was delayed till J Wednesday morning, when we observed the following order: a cart, with two yoke of oxen, containing all our worldly possessions, began the jirocession, guarded by a couple of sprightly young fellows, who offered their services; a vehicle for the reception of Mrs. Bailey and her children drawn by ,^ two horses next appeared under the conduct of honest John.* I Mrs. J3urbidge, in her chaise, with the above-mentioned persons, set oil' about seven, accomjianied with near thirty people, of both sexes, on horseback, who attended us with cheerful solemnity to the distance of fourteen miles on our journey. About eleven we arrived al Marshall's, anil with iiiiieh (iillieulty provided an early diimer for our large coiuj)any. At one w<' parted with our friends. Upon this occasion tin- scenes were all'ecting; mutual elVusions of sorrow were dis- « played, and our hearts were agitatcjl with tender emotions. Once I imagined it impossible to abandon Cornwallis with such painful regret, and conceived that we could bid the inhal)i- tants adieu without a single tear of sensibility on either side, but I found myself mistaken. Justice and gratitude compel * John McNamarra. 1782.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB HAILKV. IbO me to entertain a more favourable opinion of these people than formerly, and their conduct has appeared in a uuich more amiable light at the conclusion than at the beginning of our connection. Most of my hearers, and several of other denomi- nations, made us presents ])efore our migration, and we were at no expense for horses and carriages. 'J'he distressing cere- mony of parting being over, Mrs. Bailey was seated with her little ones in the above-mentioned machine, over which was stretched a covering of canvas, as a defence both from the vivid rays of the sun and tlic rain of heaven. W'c mow entered a wilderness of vast extent, without a single human habitarion for the space of eleven miles, the roatls extremely rough, sheltered with tall forests, encumbered with rocks and deformed with deep sloughs; and, to render the scene still more disconsolate and dismal, the winds howled among the trees, thick volumes of clouds rolled from the western hemis- phere, and the rumble of thunder announced the horrors of an approaching tempest. We had still in company six persons besides our own family, two of whom pushed forward with Betsy Nye and reached a publick house before the rain. Mr. Starr and your humble servant left the carriages at the disiance of four miles from the dwelling of one Potter, lately removed from Cornwallis, at w!iic-h we arrived a little nUcr sunset, just as the heavy shower was beginning to descend. The sudden darkness of the evening, with the danger of oversetting, gave us very uneasy apprehensions; at length Mrs. Bailey and the children ap|)eared, as did some time after the conductors of the team thoroughly wet to the skin. We were crowded, eight in number besides the family, into a room about sixteen feet square, which proved a miserable shelter against the most impetuous rain I ever knew in this Province. The house leaked so intolerably that I was wet to the skin at the tea- table; we however placed bear skins in such a manner as to preserve a good feather bed from the water, into which we tumbled about midnight, but the incredible swarms of mus(jui- tos and sand Hies, and the intolerable heat, both of the weather and a large fire, j>revented us from sleeping. 'J'he next morning we arose before the sun, and during breakfast were tormented 24 1 S() r K <> N T I i; K MISSION A U Y ; O II , [1782. by our iiiiwrNuiiu* compaiiiDHs of tlir procodiii^ night. The wt'iithtT was mnarkiibly closr and niui^iry, th<; heavens over- spread with heavy i loads, the nioiiniains and rivers covered with stagnant fogs, and all the surroiuiding scenes of natnre j)resaged teMijjest and thnnder. Having |)re|)ared onr cattle and hor.sosi, about live we began to move forward. At the distance of a mile from onr lodgings I was invited to a chris- tening, while the carriages proceeded. After the performance of thi.s exercise I took my leave of Mr. Starr, and rode over tlie sandy, barPMi |)lains about two miles, till I overtook onr company. Hy this time the western hemisphere presented an awful front of blackness, and solemn peals of thunder rolled along the gloomy arch. In a few moments, the north-west wind began to muster his ft)rces and impelled the enormous shower to approach with frightful rapidity. Both earth and heaven were instantly involved in clouds and darkness, inter- rupted with llasln's of lightning. We were fortunate enough to reach a couple of cottages, the only hal)itations within the extent of four or five miles, just as the torrents were beginning to descend. Mrs. Bailey with her children and part of the company took shelter in one, while myself and the remainder gained possession of the other. It will be needless to describe the progress of the tempest, to picture the furious driving of the rain, or to present to \o\iT imagination the accumulated streams, pouring down the hills and smoking along the valleys with impetuous roar. I found no person in the house except the basket maker's daughter, lately arrived from l^lack Hall. A prettier face I had never beheld in the Provinee, and her behaviour, notwith- standing the homeliness of her ajiparcl, was sullicient to prejudice a connoisseur in her favour. Having purchased of the rural beauty ba>kets to the ainoimt of a dollar, and the storm beginning to abate, we cpiickly remounted and pushed forward with as much alacrity as possible, the roads swimming in water, the fragments of clouds dropping upon us. The sun at length breaking out with increasing splendoiir, the company upon single horses agreed to push for the next stage at the distance of eight miles. On this occasion Betsy Nye, 17H2.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB lJAII.i;V. 1^7 who liad the |)reccdlnmissed our carriages and parted with the remainder of our Cornwallis friends, deterudu- ing to repose a little till some means of further conveyance shoukl olTcr. Mr. I'inco sent an invitation to Mr. Morse, ihe dissenting teacher of C!ranville, who attended with his lady at dinner, and at the same time Mr. Formality madi' his appear- ance with a re(piest to accompany hiru about five miles to his dwelling. After a serious consultation it was agreed that 1 should oliiciate the next Sunday at the meeting-house, anti upon other occasions when I found myself disposed to perform service at Ciranville. 1782.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 189 All epicure might amuse you with an account of the splen- did entertainment provided upon this occasion, but it is suirrcient to observe that our repast was highly elegant and luxurious. As the new convert to Episcopacy and Mr. Morse were of course at bitter enmity, and as the latter is not very remarkable for wisdom or prudence, we had some diliiculty .to divert them from disagreeable altercations. But whatever deficiencies a connoisseur might discover in the disposition and conduct of the Parson, I am certain that every one must admire the good sense, modesty and discretion of his wife, especially as she has encountered misfortunes sufficient to embitter her temper and to render her gloomy and unsociable. The next morning, it being the fourth day of our journey, my new friend attended us with a team and several horses to convey both our persons and baggage to his habitation. The moment we had prepared for our departure it began to rain impetuously, and continued without intermission till six in the afternoon, when a favourable appearance of fair weather enticed us abroad, but we had not proceeded a mile before the clouds began to discharge their liquid treasures. However, after wading through water and mire we arrived at Mr. *s habitation about dark, wet, fatigued and chilly. His wife, sister to an intimate acquaintance of mine in New England, received us like a silent, kind-hearted country-woman, and with her daughters, gave us all the friendly assistance in her power, while the husband, standing upright in the middle of the room, straight as the pine tree of Kennebeck, welcomed us to his apartments in a set and ceremonious speech, delivered with iiis usual gravity and deliberation. It was Saturday evening, about nine, when we disposed of ourselves in the habitation of Mr. Formality. After tea and prayers we were conducted into the best apartment for repose, and when the fifth morning of our migration began to stain the summits of the mountains we arose, and conducted as most other people usually do on such occasions. When the time of Divine Service arrived we attended. The meeting- house was commodious, and the congregation as large as could be expected upon so little notice. The Parson and his Dca- 190 FRONTIKK missionary; OR, [1782. cons wi-re ainoiii^ my hearers, and we had several New Lights to grace the audience. The remainder of the day was spent in agreeable conversation and in laying the plans of onr future operations. On the sixth day we took a l)reakfast with Mr, William Clark,, one ot' my Metluxlistieal |)arishioners, and having procured horses began to prepare for the remainder of our journey, being now about fonrteen miles from the town of. Annapolis. With considerable fatigue, some danger, and a profusion of mud we crossed the river and landed in a beauti- ful meadow covered with tall grass and bounded with a rich woodland pasture. Wc passed through an agreeable variety of rural scenes above half a mile, till we occupied the county road. About eleven o'clock we arrived at the dwelling of my old friend, Mr. Bass, brother to Parson Bass, of Newbury. Here we met with a cordial reception, and had a very good diimer in the priniitivc style. Figure to yourself a New England farmer twenty years ago, about ten miles distant from Boston, able with his own industry to make a comfortable living, besides discharging his tax-bill, paying the midwife, and providing a plentiful and greasy dinner on Thanksgiving sulllcient to feast an hundred plough- men. Produce such a person to your imagination, and you will obtain an idea of Mr. Bass, with this exception, that he ^exceeds any one you ever saw of the above description, in 'loyalty and inflexible honesty, mingled with a portion of seemingly accidental wit, which he scatters abroad in his conversation. J had forgot to inform the gentle reader that the ceremonious gentleman waited upon us with great formality to the royal city. When we departed from the hosj)ituble mansion of Mr. Bass this was the form of our j^rocession: our attendant moved forward, pointing out the way, then your humble servant and his little son, while Madam, John and Becky mounted upon the back of another horse, conducted the rear. Wc halted in our march at the house of one Mr. Sanders, about five miles from town; the man, a strict Church- man, and a great friend to (iovcrmnent. His farm lies upon the declivity of the Southern Mountains, and from his door 1782.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 191 you command a very grand and extensive prospect. One hour and a ([uarter more concluded our tedious journey. It wa.s not till after four of the clock, in a cool and most dcligiit- ful day, when, having passed through a gloomy wood, wc suddenly opened upon an extensive plain overspread with the richest verdure, ornamented with little groves, and beautified with bunches of wild roses, which scattered their delicious fragrance through the air. After crossing this plain the remainder of our progress for the space of a mile was an easy descent towards the north-west, both sides of the road being adorned with little fields, gardens and orchards. Upon an obtuse point of land formed by the bending of the river, the town appeared, rising amidst a forest of fruit trees, while the lofty mountains of Granville terminated the direct view."' In a few weeks after this removal, a son of Capt, Mowatt,* who had commanded one of the vessels of the British navy, arrived at Annapolis, being sent to Mr. Bailey to be educated. By a comparison of dates it would appear that Mr. Bailey arrived at Annapolis August 1st, 1782. The following is a copy of the first letter which he wrote to the Society after his arrival in this plaec: — " Annapolis, Oct. 14, 1782. " To the Secretary of the " Society for Propagating the Gospel, ^-c. "Rev. Sir: — Permit me, by your assistance, to present the following representations to the Venerable Society. About three months ago I removed with my family from Cornwallis, and after a tedious journey of five days arrived at Annapolis. Gratitude obliges me to announce the kind and friendly treat- ment I received from the inhabitants of Cornwallis during the latter part of my residence there. They not only expressed the highest regret at parting, but gave convincing evidence of their aflection and esteem. My reeeplion both here and at Granville fully answered my expectations, but the principal persons among my hearers conceive it not to be prudent to ♦ See Note L. li)-J FUoNTiKU misskinaky; or, [1782. UTi^p a subscription at present, ami it is universally agreed that the Mission has aljundantly sullcred for want of a resident min- ister. 1; is undoubtedly t)\ving to this that enthusiasm, and if possilih' priniiples of a more j>ernieious nature have made such a progrt'ss in these parts. J have the satisfaction however to observe that the Ni'W Pingland Independents an; much better disposed towards the Church here than at C'ornwaUis. hi continuation of this I would l)eg leave to mention tiiat yester- day I olliciated in a meeting-house at thirteen miles distance from the town, at the united request of the proprietors, who are all Dissenters, and both these and the Presbyterians of Granville occasionally attend our services, though they have preachers of their own. The little town of Annapolis contains one hundred and twenty persons, all except four or five of the Church of England. Several other families of the same pt'rsuasion reside in the neighbourhood, besides a considerable number of French Roman Catholics, (iranville, it is computed, has above forty families of our communion. To prevent any disagreeable altercation with my brethren at Halifax, who had unjustly taken offence at my appointment. Col. Burbidge, a man of an exemplary character and of ))rime inllucnce in this Province, waited upon the Governor, with the assistance of my worthy friend Dr. Bylcs, and demanded for me the Chap- lainship of this garrison, but Sir Andrew refused, alleging that Mr. Weeks, the instant he knew of my appointment, applied to him and obtained it. I was however encouraged by the above gentlemen to make a direit application by letter to the Secretary, who seems disposed to befriend m(\ But the arrival of (iDvrrnor Parr, bct'orc' my letters could reach Halifax, must again defeat my endeavors, as Mr. Weeks is upon the s])ot to renew his solicitations, an advantage which clergymen who reside in the Metropolis must always have over their brethren who live at the distance of one hundred and fifty miles. Aufiapolis is an agreeable situation, but I am certain that I cannot procure the necessaries of life for my family, especially while the war continues, unless I can be indulged with the Chaplainshij) of the garrison. The articles of house rent, firing and bread, amount to above X70, and though I had 1782.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 193 during part of my continuance at Cornwallis the Deputy Chap- lainship of a regiment, and three rations of provisions, of which I was deprived last May, yet the expenses of my removal have encroached upon my salary. In a word, the importance of the Mission and the temper of the people are such that it is requisite that the minister should be able to snp|:)ort himself with decency and to practice hospitality. Suiter me to solicit the influence of the Society in this matter, and it may be urged in my favour that a number of soldiers are sent to reside in the garrison, which must of necessity afford some additional duty. I would likewise acquaint the Society that the school at Annapolis has been supplied for a year past by Mr. Benjamin Snow, who received his education at Dartmouth College, and who was expelled from New Etigland for his loyalty. This gentleman may be recommended for his learning, sobriety and good morals, to the Society's favour. He gives universal satisfaction to the people and is greatly beloved by the children, whom, with my assistance, he catechises three times a week. We humbly request that the Society would admit him for their schoolmaster and allow him to draw for the usual salary. I would beg leave further to state that either there never was any library given to this Mission, or the heirs of Dr. Wood have disposed of the books. If the Society can favour me with some, and send a number of Prayer Books, and pious tracts to distribute among the young people, it will much oblige me." A few days after the above letter was written, there arrived at Annapolis, from New York, nine transports, convoyed by two men-of-war. These transports contained live hundred refugees, persons of both sexes and all ages, sent by the British Government into Nova Scotia. Mr. Bailey says, in a letter in which he sj)eaks of these individuals: "Every habita- tion is crowded, and many are unable to procure any lodgings. Many of these distressed people left large possessions in the rebellious colonies, and their suffering on account of their loyalty, and their present uncertain and destitute condition, render them very affecting objects of compassion." lie says, in another letter: "Many of them arc people of fashion from 2d \9\ FiioNTii: u missionary; ou, [1783. every I'nniiice on the contincnl, e\cej)t Ciiorgia." I\Tr. liailcy says, iiiider date of Oct. '27\]\: " I have been busy in making a refngee sermon. I drlivereil ihis discourse from Psahii evii. 2d and 'M verses, to a very resj>eetal)le audience. Even the Whigs were not unmoved at the representations of our distresses." The following is Mr. liailry's first report to the Venerable Society of the condition of his parish in the spring of 17s:^ :— " A\.\.\i-oi.is, April 30th, 1783. " To Rev. Wm. Morice, t^v;. iS^'c. " Rkv'd Sir: — After presenting my hearty thanks in the most res])ectful manner to the Venerable Society, I woidd beg leave to inform them that since my last I have baptized twen- ty-five persons, buried ten, and married five couples. I admin- istered the Sacrament on Christmas and Easter, but as the weather on both days was extremely unpropitious for travel- ling, I had only twelve communicants. We have a Church at Annajiolis sixty feet long and forty broad, with a ."iteeplc and bell, but as the outside only is finished we cannot yet meet in it. However, it is no longer exposed to be destroyed by the enemy. I presume the pi'ople will do something this summer towards completing it. About Aiurteen miles from Annapolis town, on the same side of the river, is a glebe lot of five himdrcd acres, which rents for Hd /frr an tnnn : nuoihrr 7i\ Granville, of the same dimensions, three miles from Annajwlis, is worth forty shillings a year. In this town are five or six little tenements, occupied by jioor people, of whom I can at present exjX'ct to receive little or no rent. The remainder of the parsonage lot here, which was given by Queen Anne, contains about an acre, which I have enclosed for a garden at a considera))le expense. We are greatly obliged to the So- ciety for their assistance with regard to the school, but as Mr. Snow has procured a grant of land he has resigned the school to Mr. .lohn INIcNamarra, a young man who has been educated by me, and during the course of nine years he has lived in my family, ami shown liimself to be a person of remarkal)lc 1783.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. iD-j sobriety and unshaken integrity, for which he has been impris- oned and cruelly treated while we continued under the domin- ion of Congress. " I have not yet had opportunity to make any motion towards obtaining subscriptions. Ffty-two families, exclusive of refu- gees, by a written ])aper in my possession, announce them- selves of the Church of England, none of whom have sub- scribed towards my support. Some of them are sober, well affected people, many of them Methodists, but I am sorry to observe that others are very difi'erent in their sentiments from the little loyal town of Annapolis. The number of my parish- ioners will probably increase, as one thousand more refugees are daily expected ; but as the circumstances of those unfortu- nate people are truly wretched and deplorable beyond all mod- ern example, no advantage can be expected from them; their necessities, on the contrary, must demand frequent eftusions of pity and beneficence. These destitute and despised wander- ers, instead of increasing my emoluments, must daily make demands upon my compassion and charity." The in (lux of loyalists from the now independent Colonies continued to be great. Mr. Bailey writes in October: " Since the commencement of this week there have arrived at Annap- olis five ships, eight brigs, and four sloops, besides schooners, with near a thousand jjeoplc from" [New] " York. They must be turned on shore without any shelter in this rugged season." A letter written a month later than the foregoing says: '• Fif- teen hundred fugitive loyalists are just landed here from" [New] " York in alfecting circumstances, fatigued with a long and stormy passage, sickly, and destitute of shelter from the advances of winter, which are now conuucncing in all their horrors. For six months past these wretched outcasts of Atuerica and Britain have been landing at Annapolis, and va- rious other parts of this Province." To another friend Mr. Bailey writes, with reference to this unhappy class: "Several huutlreds are stowed in our Church, and larger numbers are still unprovided for." IIH) riKlNTIKU M ISS ION A U V ; OK, [1783. •• AwAi'oi.is, Nov. ()th, 17S3. ♦' To tht ll>r. W'm. Morice, 7). D., Siindiri/, iSfc. i\'c. '• Riiv'd Sir: — IVrmit me tt) hiy bi'forethe Venerable Society the prrsi'iJt Sfati- of this Mi-sion. I Imvc baptized siiiee May la.'it twiiity-fonr iiifaiit.s and one adult, and l)urit'd ten |)er.- fmd a .**upport among his adhenMits, ha» di.^jpo.^ed of liis interest, and is about to re- move to New I'iUgland. Since my last, of August l^th, above seventeen hundred persons have arrived at Annapolis, besides the tifty-sevcMth ngiment, in conse([ucnce of which my habita- tion is crow«lf(l. The Church has been fitted for the reception of several hundreds, and ?iiul!ilud(>s are still without shelter in this rigorous and stormy season. Near four hundred of these miserable exiles have |>erishcd in a violent storm, and 1 am persuaded that disease, disa|)pointment, poverty, and chagrin, will llnish the course of many more before the return of an- other sj)ring. So much attention is recjuired in settling these strangers, that nothing of a publick nature can be pursued 1o cfTect. "This country, when I removed to Annapolis, contained about fifteen hundred souls, including French Roman C'atho- licks. lietween three and four thousand have since been added, and si'vcral new settlements Airuu'd, so that it will be impossil)le for one minister to give proper attendance. House rent is extravagantly dear. A .^mall unfmished apartment costs three d(»llars per week, and tlu' necessaries of life increase in projiortion to our mmibers. I am settling seventeen fainilies upon the glebe land in this town, which, after another year, may yield from twelve to fourteen Pounds. " The Governor has not yet admitted me to tht^ Deputy Chnp- lainshij), notwithstanding there is no other clergyman to dis- charge the duties of that place." • • • The following was addressed to Rev. Samuel Parker, I). I)., Rector of Trinity Church, Boston, and is dated in November 17^1.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB UAILKV. l!)7 of this year: " I will give yoii a sketch of my progress in farm- ing. The best house in Annapolis, with two acres of garden and orchard, cost me £20. I expended tJ 10 more in lalxuir, exclusive of my own. Beside supplying three families in six months with vegetables, and distriljuting to distressed friends occasionally, produce for winter use amounted to ilOO, one half of which was stole, so that the remainder is just e(pial to rent and expenses." From Mr. Bailey's reports to tin? \'enerahle Society in the year 1784, it seems that " the Court House, every store and private building, being crowded with people, he had been obliged to perform Divine Service at several miles distance, or in his own habitation." The Church at Annapolis was opened for Divine Service for the first time on Easter day t)f this year. !Mr. Bailey says: "Though the weather was wet and stormy, we Jiad a large and decent congregation, which entH)uragetl me \o hope that peoph* will be more attentive to Public Worshi]), now they have a room to assembli' in, for it ought to be remembered that at Annapolis we never had a jilace to meet in sullieient to contain an hundred peoj)le, for which reasons multitudes were under the necessity of absenting themselves." " The CImrch, when finished, will contain five or six hundred per- sons, and the new settlers, which by far exceed the old, are heartily disposed to contribute towards its completion." In his letter sent to the Society, and dated October 28th, 178^1, Mr. Bailey says: " I have the satisfaction to inform Ihem that at Miehai'lmas a Vestry of the most respectable characters were chosen according to the institutions of this Province, that I was this day inducted by the Wardens, in conscfpience of a mandate of the (Jovernor, and that we hav(^ a prosjiect of es- tablishing an happy agreement between the old inhabitants and the new, and of pursuing measures for the finishing of the Church." lie speaks of his labours in catechising the children, and the very favourable results he had witnessed. Every Wed- nesday was devoted to this exercise, preceded by Divine Ser- vice, at Annapolis. On other days he visited the more distant settlement for the same purpose. And " one hundred children, 108 FRONT I Kit MISSIoNAKV; OR, [1784. I'xc-lnsivj' of tlmsf ill Di^'ln-, liatl l«:iriit tlu' Cliunli Catccliism, many of w lioiii wrrr ilii' |)o.strrity of rigid Dissenters, or of pa- rriits destitute of aiiv reli^'ions priiieiples.'' Mr. I'ormaii, a refugee aiul an lialf-pay ollieer, was at that time the prineipal sclioolmaHter at l)ii,'l)y. Lamenting thf- immorality and |)ro- fligaey that prevailed, arising from a total disuse t)f j)iil)lic Worship, '* he assembled his pii|)ils on Sundays, performed Divine Serviee, and read a sermon. The schoolmistresses quickly joiiH'd him with their scholars, and in a few weeks In was attended l»y a crowded audience, and a visible alteration in the conduct of the inhabitants ensued." Mr. Baili'y says: '' I reckon between thirty and forty com- municants at Annapolis, and about twenty at Granville, but I cannot ascertain the nimiber at other settlements."' " The Xotitia of the l^iri>li for the last twelve months were: — Baptisms, 2() Marriages, 25 Burials, 28 57 20 do 2 83 l.j :j() The following are extracts from a letter from Rev. Samuel Parker, D. D., Boston, December 1st, 178 I : — " Your letter of September 21st, arrived here when I was absent at Philadel|)hia, and it was not till the last of October it came to my hands. Two chests belonging to you had pre- viously been brought up fidm Pownalborough, with verbal orders to deliver them to me, but no letter to ai-(piaint iih' what their contents were, or what I was to do with them. • • As you express a desire to have your sermons imme- diately, I opened the chest containing the papers, and iind therein a parcel of papers jumbled together in as great confu- sion as Chaos itself could have made, and the chest no way secured. Among the jumbled heap some that look like ser- mons, l)nt much defaced, torn, and abused, were discerned, and I have j)icked out some that look the most entire, and packed ill a small box, which I commit to Mr. AVorccster's care. • • The contents of the box will supply yom* ))resent need till the others arrive. I had a good mind to steal some of your sermons, but foiiiul upon examination that I could 1784.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. \[i[) not take more than fifteen minutes to deliver them, and rny people always expect thirty minute?, and, as I must have add- ed one half to them, 1 thoui^ht upon the \vhole I would not be guilty of a theft, which would inrn out to so little advantage. If you were not my Senior, I should take it upon myself to advise you to exp(Mid a little more pains in writing your dis- courses, because, wIhmi you nrc old you may be obliged to transcribe for the jmrposc; of reading them. And, if they were preserved with a little more care, it would be no disadvantage. I congratulate you on your Induction as Rector of St. Luke's, and hope that your latter days will be more easy than the former." The correspondence which Mr. Bailey commenced on his first removal into the Province with Rev. Samuel Peters, D. D., in London, was still maintained, and in the autumn of this vear the former wrote to the latter the followinj;: — » AwAPOMs RovAi,, Oct. 31st, 1784. " Rkv. and Dear Sir: — The long expected arrivals from Britain were this day aimounccd at Annapolis, and a friendly letter from Mr. Domette came into my hand by some unknown conveyance. But I am not indebted to your munificence for any favours of that nature. Am I destined to wander unno- ticed on the muddy banks of Toowaubseot, and to furnish vou with future anecdotes of Nova Scotia, unblessed by your ghostly benediction? In a word, I have received no epistles from you since the beginning of last March. 1 liave written in the interval three letters, and transmitted a large packet, containing a description of this Province by a Dr. Turnbnll. "Ministers of the Cliurch of Hiigland have resided at Annap- olis, with a few interrnptions, for near seventy years past with- out any Wardens or V.-stry. I^it on Michaelmas, the day apjioiiited I)y the laws c.f this Province, 1 was fortunate enough to convene a respectable number of j)arishioners, when twelve of the principal inhabitants were chosen. A letter of induction was immediately procumd from the Governor, and I was last Wednesday inducted into the Church. " I am confident that no Missionary in America has s between three and four hundnil. I have made a voyai(e to Digby, about twenty miles below Annapolis, where I ollieiated one Sunday and l)a|)tized a numlxT of ehildn-n. At Aimapo- lis I prrform Divine Service on Wednesday, and eateeliise near eighty children. I am visitinic :>11 the schools in the country for the same purpose, and am iVecpiently ol)Iii,'i-d to ride twenty miles, besides crossing rivers, to perform the oiliee of baptism. Besides, a regiment of soldiers augment my duty, and, though I am not favoured with the emoluments ()f a chaplain, human- ity o!)liges lue to perform the whole exercises of that ollice, while those who grow opulent by these appointments, unat- tended either with labour or expense, reproach me with etii- ciousness, ridicule my indigence, and pursue mc with the most inuibating malice. This is highly provoking to a feeling and benevolent mind. I ciuinot dctcriiiiiic how others may act in this situation, but 1 caimot endure that the infant of a poor soldier should remain unl)a|)tized, that his ehiKlren or himself should be excluded from instruction, or that he should be committed to his parent dust without Christian burial. U it not a scandal to any government, or rather ecclesiastical in- stitution, that a person should enjov the profits of an ollice without performing even the minutest part of the duty ? Though disappointed in my expectations, and deprived of my just perquisites, yet I am happy, amidst my struggles, to sup- port an increasing family with decency, and in having no altercations with my people. It is true that they are a collec- tion of all nations, kindreds, complexions and tongues, assem- bled from every quarter of the globe, and till lately equally strangc'rs to each other. This circumstance has prevented mc from receiving any support from the people, and, in fact both 1784.] LIFE OF REY. JACOn BAILEY. 201 the original inhabitants and the new iniagint-d, till lately, that I not only enjoyed the perquisites of the Garrison, but had the same salary for Granville as for Annapolis. The Wardens and Vestry, however, give some encouragement to expect their assistance, but I derive small expectations from persons engaged in expensive buildings, and settling themselves in a strange country, especially as the finishing of the church de- mands their immediate and liberal contributions. " Mr. Wiswall* paid us a visit not long ago, with his wife and her youngest daughter, and by a letter just received from Cornwallis, I am informed that he is settled in the parsonage his parishioners have erected for liim. The parochial duties of this gentleman are nothing when compared with mine. His parishioners are few in number, and the most remote are not more than four miles from his habitation, and, if I remem- ber right, he neither christens nor marries, except in Church. • • * I have received several epistles during the summer past from my worthy friend Mr. Bass, of Newburyport, who was expelled the Society's service upon the testimony of brother Weeks. He wrote to that gentleman last winter, as follows : — "'Siii: — I learn that you have been my accuser to the So- ciety, and beg it as a favour, that you would let me know the articles of the charge you alledged against me, and the evi- dence you produced in support of these allegations. Your obedient servant, Edward Bass.' "To which Mr. Weeks returned this answer: — " ' Rhv'd Sir: — I iiad a line from you a few days ago. If you think so meanly of me as that I shouKi iiirn accuser, or so highly of me as that I shoukl have more credit with the So- ciety than yourself, you greatly wrong me. I assure you I am not admitted to any of their secrets. I am, Sir, Your humble servant, J. WiNGATE WhEKS.' • Rev. John Wiswall, fonnerly Rector of St. Paul's Church in Falmouth, now Portland, Maine. 26 202 1" K <> N r 1 1; u m i ^^ s i o n a u y ; o u , [1 TSo. " Mr. HisN iiitri-at- lliat this \cHvr may be sIidwii to Dr. Miiriic. " I iiiitlcrslaiul that I'arsoii Walter li:is arrivfd at Halifax, in tlu' i|uality <»f a D. H. What is your opinion of this <^(iiti('- ninn ? 'Vhc hi(li«'S who cmi^rattMl from York to Annapolis n*prol>at«' hitn as a ft)p and coxconil), and allirni that his whoir attention is ;»ivrii to dress, balls, asseMii)lies, and plays. " IJut it is the fate of us elerjjymen to be cen.sured. If we are grave, and a.ssume a little dignity, we are still, formal, and proud; if we are free, oi)en, and sociable, we are accused of levity. If we, or our families, arc attentive to make a fashion- able appearance, we are fopj)ish, extravagant, and slavi's to the mode; if careless of dress we are slovens. So it was in ancient days. .John, the son of /acharias, who appeared as unadorned as a .Micmae of \ova Scotia, and who rciccted tin- delicacies of a|)|n'tite, was accused of holding an intima:' corres|)ondence with the Devil. While his Divine Masti r, who pursued a dillerent conduct, was blackened as a glutton, a guzzler of wine, and as a friend to harlots and Custotu House ollicers, the aversion of Jews and American smugglers. " November Ath. — That you may foriri some idea of my pa- rochial situation and fatigues, I will inforiu you that I was obliged this day to ride twelve miles through mire, near a foot deep, to marry a couple. But when I arrived at the destined spot, bflu)ld, there was no boat to cross the river. After hold- ing a conversation a few minntrs fri)m thr op|)ositt; l)ank-. behold Hymen grew angry, the lovers were greivously disaj)- pointed, and your humble servant was under a necessity of returning home without his fee thiough the same muddy road. Hark I A heavy rapping at the dot)rI 'A gentleman any night and by day, read and preach three times on each Sunday, and all for £40 to .£4-') per annum. • • Your observations concerning the censure of the world, which commonly falls on the Clergy, is too true. A clean, fashionable appearance is part of virtue and part of Christianity. A clergyman here had better be guilty of grossly immoral and scandalous jiractiees than wear a dirty shirt, long nails, dirty hands, and a long beard; for this crime alone Mr. Lyon, on Long Island, was dismissed the Society's service. I have laid Mr. Bass's letter and its answer before the Secretary. The ansvrr of Mr. Weeks is mean and vile. Mr. Bass's letters, l)y Air. Tracey, 204 rit()NTii:u MISS I ON All y; ou, [1785, have hci'M coiisidrrid. 'I'lir result is not to his benefit. Mr. Buss was ruiiu'il lirrr l)V |)co|»lt' of his own Proviiici* and |)ro- fession, and not l>) l>i. (;;irion in .\t>va Seotia, 1 will be his advoiate, and will .sueceed, provided it remains a secret to all but him, you, and Your faithful S. PF/i'HRS." To this letter Mr. Iv.iili y replied as follows: — " Annatoi-is Rt)VAL, April *J9, i7>';. *' Ti> (he Rev. Mr. Stimucl Peters., " London, Great Britain. "Dkar Sir: — I have in possession your l(;(ter of February 22d, and last evenincf I waited upon the Right Reverend I'ather, in whose presence I appeared as a dwarf alongside of a giant. '• I am not yet sulliciently acquainted with this dignified character to venture any remarks. " If mv comtuunications are not so fre(|uent as yours, they certainly exceed in cpiantity beyond all proportion. I (tbserve with extreme concern and vexation that some designing, malicious and lying villain, either in the singular or plural number, has been very busy in contriving to injure me in your opinion. " A.S to the atVair of the glebes, I will give you an exact account of the matter. There is in Annapolis town an acre and a (juarter of land, formerly the Romish glebe, but after the conquest, confirmed by C^ueen Anne to the Church of Eng- land. Another glebe lies at fourteen miles distance from the town which has rented for six pt)unds; a third, almost contigu- ous, containing two hundred and eighty-eight acres, in a wilderness situation; with another at Ciranville. These lota together rent for twenty-seven pounds, but some of these tenants are unwilling and others unable to pay, and I have 1785.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB 15 A I LEY. '205 hitherto received more trouble in settling these alFuirs than profit. And I am informed from good authority that Dr. Breynton and Mr. Weeks chiim the glebe in Annapolis as a perquisite to the garrison, and that rents; for double the sum of the others. "I must acknowledge that I received an anoiiyiiKMis h-iicr, with redections etjually severe and untrue. Your comparison drawn so keenly between me and Mr. Lyon, excited at once my resentment and curiosity, and knowing that several Long Island people resided in this town I immediately rcj^aired to company in which were two gentlemen and as many ladies of the most unexceptionable and worthy characters. Without hinting at the letter I had received, 1 inquired into the charac- ter of Mr. Lyon, to which incjuiry was returned the following answer: 'That they were intimately acquainted with the man and his circumstances; that he was a gentleman of sense, but illnatured and avaricious to a supreine degree. The former appeared in the cruel treatment of his wife, a woman of the first family in that |)art of the country, and in his re[>airing to taverns an other jilaces of pul^lic resort to dispute, wrangle and fight with his neighbours. Anil as to his covetousness, though he possessed an ample estate, he denied himself and family necessary food and clothing. His house was |)ermitted to tumble into ruins, rather than anything should be expended in rej)airs, and his children for the same reason were shame- fully neglected, and no culture afforded either to their bodies or their minds.' And though the removal which you mention was probably the consequence of his sordid avarice, yet the above crimes, my informants declare, were exhibited in a formal complaint by his wardens and j)rincipal parishioners. Now with regard to severity, a covetous disposition, tavern hunting and drunkenness, I am willing to stanil the strictest scrutiny of my most malicious enemies. As to your observations on dress, cleanliness, (Sjc, it must l)e mortifying to the last degree, and dee|)Iy wound the sensibility of a feeling and generous mind to be under a necessity of exculpating himself, even to his dearest friend, or of touching upon so delicate a subject. Every one of our accpiaintanec will acknowledge that in dress 200 lUONTlKR missionaky; ou, [1785. and liD'^pitality wo cxrocd our circiunstancos. Our ncicp and childrrn iiiako as good an appearance as any of their ago, and my wife would be ofTonded if represented deficient in point of neatness and elegance. " As to myself, though always obliged to olliciate twice an.iss, might be admitted, since; I am persuaded he would acrcj)! it with the utmost cheerfulness and gratitude." In his report to the Society sent in the spring of this year, Mr. Bailey says he had "ollieiated twice every Sunday since his last, and continued to perform Divine Service, and catechise the children on Wednesdays, without a single exception." • " Baptisms, since October, forty; that is, thirty-seven in- fants and three adults — one negro man; a gentleman of distinction near sixty years of age; and the father of several children. I cannot be exact as to the number of communicants since the inhabitants arc yet unsettled, two persons, however, of advanced age were admitted at Easter." lb- rehr- to the '2i)S 1 K (IN 11 I II missionary; or, [17S;5. stuteiDcnt tliat In- liutl r«'iitt'ho|) Seabury when at Annapolis inforincd him that he had heard a lilie report. Mr. Bailey ^ivcs the real facts ifi the ease in nearly the same lanijuage in which he had stated them in his letter to Dr. Peters. The diversion of the i^lebe lands in Cornwallis to the use of the j)()or, and Mr. Bailey's action in eonsecpience, are mentioned as in the letter nami'd. He also says that " illiterate preachers, who style themselves Presbyters of the American Church, have been for several months past travelling through the country, preaching, administering the sacraments, and marrying persons they have sell need. 'J'licir success is the greater because they profess to adhere to the liturgy and usages of the Church of England." Mr. Bailey's report to the Society in the autumn of this year is as ft)IKnvs: — " Annapolis Royal, Oct. 28, 1780. " T(i thr Ifrr. Dr. JTorire, Serntanj to the Socictj/, " Ilaltun Garden^ London, Great Britain. " Rkvrrknd Siii: — Permit me to address the Venerable Society with the following information. " The iidiabitants of this county, consisting of various nations and characters, are more settled than at their first arrival. A spirit of industry jinvails among the emigrants, and finding that winter wheat succeeds bt*yond expectation upon new lands, they are making rapid improvements, and, of course, that dissipation ami vicious excess which was contracted during the rage of civil discord, will, it is ho|)ed, (piickly expire. TlH'ir attention to religion, order, and the education of childrtii increases, and the happy ellects of instruction appear where regular schools are supported, especially at Annapolis, where constant attendance is given for their im- provement. .\m(I I cannot do justice to Mr. McNamarra, without allirming that there is not a better regulated school in America than his. "Our church still remains unfinished, as the ancient inhabi- 1785.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 209 tants and the new settlers cannot yet ap^ree, thoiigli tlii-re is som(! prospect that their disputes may have a favourable termination. " The Vestry have lately given me twenty cords of wood, the first donation, either public or private, I have received from the people, and for this indulgence I am chiefly obliged to the late comers. The old inhabitants in general are very unwilling to contribute towards the support of a minister, notwithsliind- ing, it must be confessed that their ability is greater, since they have enriched themselves by selling their produce, by no means at a moderate price, to these unfortunate adven- turers. " My Notitia is as follows, since the beginning of May : three new communicants; baptisms, fifty-one; burials, exclusive of the garrison, two; marriages, since June, only one, since roving preachers of various denominations have taken the liberty to perform this important rite without license or publication. And though prohibited by an express law of the Province, under a penalty of fifty pounds for every ofTence, yet they pretend tliat the Governor has given them permission. As I have the fullest evidence that a Mr. Renkin, whom I never saw but onee, has, without any visible inducement, misrepresented my affairs to the Society, I would humbly re(]uest their atten- tion to a concise representation of my circumstances. I came to this Province with a family: destitute of money, clothing antl rnriiiture. I had then to draw upon the Society f<>r two hundred pounds sterling, near half of which I had the misfor- tune to lose by the failure of a merchant in whose hands it was deposited. At C'ornwallis, it being a country town and the peojile generous, I was able to live without exceeding my income. But when I arrived at Aimapolis I found it impos- sible to support my character with so little expense. "Dr. Wood had lived in alllueiue and splendojir, and it was expected that 1 should make the same appearance upon the fifth part of his emoluments, the extravagant prices of netessarics considered. About thre(> months after my settlement here the emigration of thousands in distress commenced, which neces- sarily raised in proportion every article of subsistence, except 27 •JlU luoNTiKU missionary; or, [1786. pork and lUmr. The assistance which these sulVerers demand- ed from the hiiinniic by no tniMiis trndi'd to increase my pcr- (juisitcs. " 'I'licrr is no parsonage house in the Mission, and 1 atn oblii,'cd tit pay thirty jtoniids rent ft^r my present habitati n anil garden, which with linl, horse-keepini,' and a servant, leave a very scanty subsistence l\)r my family. I have always induli^'cd e\j»ectations of reci'iving some emoluments from the garrison, lint after having pcrformeil the duty with punctu- ality for more than three years, I have reaped no advanta<:' and the gentleman at Halifax, who enjoys the profit, has never once olliciatcd here, nor even condescended to thank me for my assistance, and he even pretends that the glebe at Aimapolis belongs to him as Chaplain." In his semi-annual report to the Society in May, 1786, Mr. Bailey gives the following statistics of his Mission : — "Baptisms in the last half year: 32 infants, 8 adults, (of which four were black persons,) — 10. Burials four, two whites and two blacks. Three new communicants.'' The alVair of glebe lands, belonging to the Mission, is again treated at considerable length. In a letter to Rev. S. Peters, Mr. Bailey speaks of the attem of some persons in the town of CJranville to divert the glebe lands there loathe support of the poor. He now repeats hi? acct^UMt t)f thai traiisaciion and says: "Buta man of resolutioi aj)p< arinir. 1 gave him a lease at three pounds currency per annum, and the town of (Jranville unanimously refusing to support the said committee, 1 have acijuired possession withoii the expense of a law-suit." . . '• U|)on the whole, th present income <»f the glebes is as follows: — Currcnov. StorlInK- (Iranviil.-, X 3 £2U Annapolis 10 9 CiueenAnne 20 6 18 4 (5 X'^S £29 ly 6 1780.] LIFE OF REV. JACOB BAILEY. 'Jll "Permit me once more to repeat that it still remains umle- cided whether Queen Anne's glebe belongs to the Missionary, or the Deputy Chaplain of the garrison, since Dr. Wood, and others, served in both of these capacities. The records of An- napolis, if any were kept, with the plate and furniture given to the Church by Queen Anne were removed to Halifax by order of Governor Lawrence. * * All that can be obtained with regard to this matter is, from authentic tradition, that this land belonged, before the con([uest, to the Romisli priest, and that Queen Anne assigned it to the Protestant minister of the English Church. « » * * I must submit to the pleasure of the Society, but if they should speedily lessen my salary, it will greatly distress one who has for twenty-six years faitii- fuUy served them, His Majesty, and the Church, in situations peculiarly diflicult and ofteti extremely dangerous. And allow me to observe that the other Missionaries whose salaries are curtailed are all Chaplains on half pay, and that their situa- tions are less expensive than mine; for the garrison, the Courts of Justice, and the Packets between the two Provinces, are all circumstances which not only render the entertainment of company unavoidable, but in so small a town as Annapolis, raise the price of provisions." Mr. Bailey had received a suggestion from a friend in London that his sti|)end from the Society was to be reduced. This occasioned the observations in the concluding paragraph of the above letter. The next communication from the Sec-retary conliriiied his fears. From its date it could not have i:)een rcci-ivcd wlu-n Mr. Bailey transmitted the above ([uoted half-yearly re|)ort. Dr. Morice says, in his letter: "The Society have lowered your salary ten pounds a year, to bring it more upon a level with the salaries of their other Missionaries, agreeably to the plan which they adopted last year, and of which I gave you some intimation in my last letter. To a person so well esteemed by the Society, it is hardly necessary to assure you, that it is not from any disapprobation of your services and conduct, which, they wish w«'n> as well regarded and rewarded by your own people. This dimiimtion of the Society's bounty 212 FKiiNlIlK \I I N ^ 1 <» N A K V ; OR, [17H7. ought ti) l)(* ail incitriiu'iit to yixir coii^rfgalioii to tlo more for you, ninl, iiuifcd, to fiillil those ol)Ii^':itioiis to whirh they nrr h»)uii(l ill foiiuiion with other Missions. •• Mr. Vifts, of Siiiishury, is a|)i)(»iiii((l to Digby, and, if ho it< iu»l yi'l arrived, I would reeoiuiiiend him ti) your iiotiee and assistanee." In Mr. Haih'v's h-tter to the Society, dated Nov. (i, 1786, occurs the following ))assage: " I have given constant attention to the duties of my Mission, amidst many dillicnlties and di.Heouragenienls. I am haj)py, however, in having so indus- trious and good a neighbour, as the Rev. Mr. Viets. lie is very acceptable to the jieople at Digby and the adjacent set- tlements. Since the tenth of May I have baptized lifly-six persons, four of whom are aduhs. liurials, only four, and for three years past the proportion of tlie former to rhe latter has been lu'arly as twelve to one. • • • Although I sub- mit without rej)iiiing to the decisions of the Society, the reduction of my salary has greatly embarrassed me, esj)ecially as I could not, with the utmost prudence and economy, avoid being somewhat involved in my circumstances, before that event tot)k place." "Annapolis RovaV, Jan. 2i). 17S7. « To Mr. T /; . "• .1 |)rrsume tliat you eaniiot be oliend«'d at my applica- tion by . If you fully uiulerstood my necessities, I am con- fident you would, if possible, afford me some assistance. Could I havi' su|)p()rted my family without running deeply into debt, I W(^)uKl never have troubleil you with any solicitation. Hut what can 1 do, unjustly deprived of the Chaj)lainship. and curtailed in my salary, \\ ith an helpless family, in a very expen- sive .»houKl reform all disorders in his j)arish with- out any authority, or the least support of the civil magistrate, or encouragement from any fpiartcr. "5. That himself and family should be elegantly dressed, without attempting to rival people of fashion. " G. That he should keep servants, horses, carriages, books, garden seeds, and farming utensils in the best order, both for his own and every body's service. "7. lie must never be weary, lame, or sick. " ^^. He uuist lly, when rciiuestcd, to the remotest limits of his Mission, amidst raging elements, and that without dirting, wrinkling, or wearing his garments. *• 0. That he sniier himself to be cheated in every bargain, for which, whether he be silent or complains, he is sure to h< laughed at. " 10. Th: Venerable Society, that the peoj)Ie at Annapolis have cheerfully contril)uted to- wards the fmishing of our Church, and that it begins to make a decent appearance. But as there was a necessity of repair- ing it from the foundation, I have been ol)liged to olliciatr in the Court House and in j)rivate |)laees in the coiuitry, by which means a greater number of all denominations have been 'J'2n rUoNTIKK MISSIONAUV; Oil, [1788. able to uttciul Divine Service. Since my letter of May last, Baptism:) have amonnird to sixty-one; Marriages, twenty eonplcs ; Burials, only live As this exceeds, in proportion, any former \i)titia from this place, it is an artjnment that the coun- try nourishes, notwithstanding several families have emigrated to the States. But as they were chiclly indolent jieople, of a restless and roving disposition, or notorious for tluir criminal conduct, their absence can hardly be perceived in any religious assembly, and their recess may bo regarded as a fortuna; event to a rising country. A tenant on the glebe havinj^ repeatedly refused either to take a lease, or to pay any acknowl- edgment, I found it necessary, at tlii> instance of the Attornc\ - General, to bring a writ of ejectment. I have long since dis- persed all the Catechisms and I'rayer l^ooks transmitted by the Society, and as they are greatly wanted among the people, permit me to solicit a supply." The statistics of the Mission are not given in the half-yearly report to the Society in May. That letter is occupied mainly in a statement of trouble and expense to which Mr. Bailey had been put in defending the glebe. In his letter to the Si'cretary of the Society, in November of tliis year, lie informs him that he had "been successful in three several actions, which, it is imagined, will suliieiently prevent any further litigation. Though I have" [he continues] "the countenance of my prin- cipal parishioners, yet 1 am pt a few Europeans, were wholly unac- quainted with this institution.*' From a letter from Rev. Samuel Parker, 1). D., Rector of Trinity Church, Boston, dated in the autumn of this year, the following is extracted: — "Young Gardiner* read the service at Pownalborough last winter and spring, but then went to N(!W York and was ordained by Bishop Provost, and had an invitation to a parish, near Charleston, South Carolina, which he. accepted, and has been there ever since. I bi'lieve there is no service in any Episco|)al Church bi-low I'\iliiioutli, \\ here a .Mr. Oximrd i> a reader." In writing to Rev. Edward Bass, at Newburyport, March 11th, 17MJ, Mr. Bailey speaks of the trouble and expense to which he had been subjected in defending the glebe lands. He also says: "Pray inform my kinsman that two years ago not a person in Annapolis ventured to sing in public, !)ut they have now attained to great perfection. The best families have • Rev. J. S. J. Gardiner who .iftcrwards succeeded Dr. Parker as Rector of Trinity Church, Boston, Mass. '2*32 fk()Ntii:r m i^^ ion a k v ; oit. [1789. joined to «MU'oiini«?f it, aiul \vr Ikivo for inoru iliaii ;i year per- foriinul P.«y way of satir»', as tin- churacter of your demagogues, the trimmer, \c." "Annapolis Royal, May rJ^ih, IT^'.J. *• To the Jur. Dr. JIurice, Secretary to the Sociefi/, London. "Rr.v. Siu: — I would beg leave to inform the Venerable Society that St. Luke's Church at Annapolis is at letigth com- pleatly linished, in conseciuence of which my congregation, exclusive of the .soldiers, is increased to twice the former number; that the Dissenters at Granville have converted their mei'ting-house into an Fi|)iscopal Church of England; that I have received an ;ij)|)rK ation from the people of Annapolis district, and olliciate in their meeting-house one Sunday in six; that the inhabitants of Clements have declared for the Church, and re(pi(>st my occasional assistance, till they shall be haj)py enough to ol)tain a minister. 1 eJKM'rfuIly comply with these various rc(iuisitions, but lind that these distant excursions, as age advances, are extremely fatiguing. And tliougli we have no settled society in this county to oppose the Church, yet a succession of itinerant preachers from the States ami elsewhere, create great confusion among the lower people, and are of inconceivable damage to a new country, by drawing juultitudes almost every day in the week, at this busy season, to attend to their desultory and absurd vocifi'rations. "These preachers, however, agree in rejecting the literal sense of the Holy Scriptures, and the Christian Ordinances. Their •••% " The Bishop in Mart li last c^esired me to transmit him an account of my expense in defence of the glebes, w iih proper vouchers. I immediately complied with his nnjuisition, but fear my letter could not reach Halifax beft)re his eml)arkation for Quebec. I must therefore beg permission to repeat \\\c substance of my communications to the Bishoj). Besides all the trouble, excursions, neglect of doiuestic concerns and abuse, 1 was obliged to give three lawyers three guineas each, and have been severely harrassed by another law suit, commenced in revenge. "It is true I have not only been successful in all iIicm- dis- putes, but am happy enough to eflect a perfect reconciliation with all my opponents. Myself and family have severely felt the conse(juenccs of this litigation.'' The letters of Mr. Bailey for six years, i. r., from August 1789 to August 179'}, are missing, and but very few of the letters of his correspondents have come into the hands of the compiler of this narrative. The following is an extract from a communication from Bishop Inglis to Mr. Bailey: — "IIai.uax, Dkckmukk 5, 17S9. " Revkrknd Sir: — 1 am much obliged to you for your Xotitia Paroc/ii(t/is, inserted in your letter of Nov. 17, which is just come to hand. It gives me great pleasure to find that your Missit)n nourishes, and especially that so many children and youth attend to be catechised. My greatest hope of reforma- tion arises from theiu, and lhereft)re I am peculiarly anxious that the Clergy should be diligent in instructing the rising generation." 'i J 1 r u o N T 1 1: K M I s s I ( ) N A u V ; o u , [ 1794. FriMM tlif priiittil abstrai-t i)f the profrctlings of the Society P. (I. ill 17^*.», it sci'ins that "in the coursr of thva Scotia, April liilh, 17"»!>,' in which he says: "But the ahnse of the niornings, noons, and evenings of Lord's days is in part obviated by tin; late t'xeel- lent institution of Sunday Schools, for the j-stablishment and support of which we are very much indebted to the i)iety and assiduity t)f our worthy Prelate, who is never weary in well- doing." The Rev. Ivlward Bass wrote to Mr. liailey from Newbur\- port, April •'), 171(2. He says: "Last summer we had a high Sunday here. Bishop Seabury preached in our Church and confirmed an hundred and tliirty or forty j)ersons. Not mort than half tlie people who came to church could get in." The Abstract of the Society for the year 1793 contains the following reference to the previous year. "Mr. J^ailey, the Missionary at Annapolis, besides the regular |)erformance of duty, continues to instruct in the catechism 30 children every Wednesday, and as many in the country every Friday, dnrini' the summer season. His last Notitia was, Baptisms 36, Mai riages 7, Burials 2, New Communicants 2." On the 20th January, 1791, CJovernor.Iohn Wcntworth noti- fied ollicially the agents of the garrison at Annapolis that h iiad appointed Rev. Jacob Bailey Deputy Chaplain of th;r fortress, the apjujintment to commence on the first instant, in the place of Rev. .Joshua Wingate We<'ks, ami directed said agents to account with Mr. J^iiiey for the subsistence allowed by government. By this order justice was at length done in this matter to the worthy Rector of Annapolis. During many years Mr. Bailey had at times actually sutfered from the want of tlif inenint' attached to the oliice, the duties of which he discharged. 1794.] LIFE OF REV. J A COR 15 A I LEY. 225 while others received tlie emolurneiiis. He iried :ill pri)pcr means to obtain his just rights, and his letters and those of some of his correspondents abound with passages on this subject, some of which have been inserted in this Memoir. Mr. Bailey says, June 21st, 17S2: "Dr. Breynton, on my removal to Cornwallis, olVered to resign his Deputy Chaplain- ship of the Slth Regiment in my favour." This arrangement, though strongly opposed by the friends of Rev. Mr. I'illis, was carried into etl'ect. Mr. Bailey discharged the duties of the ollice to the garrison at Cornwallis. In Deeeiriher, 17^0, he received £20 as part of his salary. Shortly after, "Dr. Hreyn- ton," says Mr. Bailey, "seized the fuehuid ordered the (.Quarter Master not to allow me any perquisites except subsistence, about two-fifths of the whole." " After my appointment to Annapolis T received no letter from Dr. Breynton till the latter end of .June, when he an- nounced that he took the 84th Regiment into his own hands, on the 24th of the previous A|)ril, thus depriving me of the stipend from the 1st January previous." J)e|)ending u|>on th(! enjoyment of this ineoine until he should be settled in his new I'arish, .Mr. Bailey incurred debts to enable him to make a respectable appearance on his removal to Annapolis. The disa|)i)ointment o[ course eompelled him to devise, if possible, some way of li(|ui(laling these debts. 'J'lie Chaplainship of the garrison at Annapolis, however, had been held by the former Rector, and was considered as his right. This was simply just, becau.> F U () N T I F. U M 1 S S I O N A U Y ; f ) R , [1794. the garri.Hon hrrr," but witliuiit riU-c-t, "altliout^h he acknowl- cdgfs ill his Ifttcr ti) iiir thsit my tlaiiu is iuvi'iubrr *J, l?"^'!, to Mr. liailey, Dr. .Mather ByU'.H nays: "Your letters of .\n«,Mist 31, and November 22<.l are safe in my hands. That to the Arclibishop I have eneU)sed in one of my own, from which I have transcribed the foUowing |)arat;ra|)h for your inspection: 'I enclose a letter from Mr. Hailey, the Missionary at Annapolis, who cannot yet obtain the dejintation to that garrison. Mr. Weeks, who resides at Halifax, still enjoys that salary which belongs to the acting Chaplain of Anna|)olis; and which, as Mr. Neyle, the commissioned Chaplain, is settled in Eng- land, has for many years been justly esteemed as naturally and inseparably cynnected with that Mission. In return for this exertion of Dr. Breynton's inllucnce with the (Jovcrnor, Mr. Weeks has long olliciated as the Doctor's Curate, without putting him to the smallest expense, and, even during his absence at this time, receiving no other reward, unless it be the precarious surplice fees of the Parish. So that, as tli'* matter now stands, a Curate is actually supported for Dr. Brcynton by money, which is the equitable property of Mr. Bailey. This, Sir, is the exact fact, fairly stated, and such a partial arrangement must be highly tlispleasing to your (irace. I make no apology for afresh recommending Mr. Bailey, as an oppressed man, to your pt)werful protection.'" Nearly two years after this Mr. Jiailey writes to Rev. |)r. Peters in London: '"I have heretofori' informed you that I serveil almost two years the lifty-seventh regiment as Deputy Chaplain, without receiving the least advantage, the reason of which now appears. Mr. Weeks, not contented that I should perform the duty of Chaplain to the garrison for nothing, with the Chaplainship of this garrison must have the above regi- ment likewise; and that they might compel me to perforin tin duty of both, they procurcil my name to be inserted in the military returns." 'J'he sul>ject of our .Memoir ri'ceived from the Society .£oO sterling, which was afterwanls rciluced to X40, and from the 1795.] LIFE OF REV, JACOIJ H A I I. K V . 227 Board of Trade X70, in all £110. This was afterwards some- what increased by income from glebe funds and a subscription of the Parishioners of £20. He says that his "jjrrdecessor, when articles of living were less than half the pn-scnt price, had .£320 sterling per aimum." At that time tin- duties of Annapolis Parish must have been much less laborious than they were after Mr. Bailey had taken the charge. For reasons before stated, the expenses of living were large. Perhaps, however, the Missionary there might have succeeded in making the annual expenses of his growing family fall within his scanty income. But a debt of some XoO, incurred at the time of his removal from Cornwallis, and which he intended to pay from the salary of the Deputy C'haplairiship of the SUh Regiment, hung over him. His creditor pr(>ssed him for payment: he threatened, if he did not commence a suit, and Mr. Bailey was obliged to witlulraw XlO, at intervals, from his inade(|uate salary, in order gradually to extinguish it. His letters show how sorely this circumstance distressed him. At length, after twelve years delay, Governor John AVent- worth, who was his classmate in college, was enabled, by an act of simple justice, to do him an essential service in conferring upon him the income of an otllce whose duties he had for so long a time discharged. The following is part of Mr. Bailey's letter to the Society: " Dec'r 15th, 1795. Permit me to present the Venerable So- ciety with my Notitia for the year past, as I am imccrtain whether my letter of .lune last has been safely transmitted: — Baptisms, thirty-eight ; Marriages, six couples; Burials six; New Communicants, eleven. . • • • » We have been able for several months past to asseml)le in the new church at Clements. It is a very neat and decent building, fifty-two f«*et by thirty-four, with a gal- lery and steeple. It is but justice to UKMition the very liberal exertions of Capt. Ditmarsh and Mr. Palamus towards com- pleting this church." Mr. John McNamarra, who had l)een Itrouglii up by .Mr. Bailey from a boy, and had attained to positions of usefulness and respectability, (lied in 17!>S. Bishop Inglis, in a letter to Mr. 228 F HON Ti i:ii missionary; on, [1808. Bailt'V, notice's this rvt-nt : " I very sincerely rcf^ret tlie deatli of Mr. MeNainarra, wlio was a very worthy, usclul man. In him tlie i-oiiiiiuinity has sustained a considerabU* loss." Mr. Hailey had written tt) lii.-ho|) Inj^dis, giving an account of the diM)rderly procecilin^s of certain fanatics in and near An- napoli.**. The Hishop replied at some length in a letter marked by sound Christian counsel. In the course of it he says : " The fanaticism in the time of Charles I. was one principal cause of the ilissoluteness that prevaih-d in the reign of Charles II.; and from whieii the nation has not yet perfectly recovered. • . In ihe year 17ii()NAUV; on, [ISO^. CiiAHLoTTK .M\ui\ is >till liviiii,'. Thomas Hkniiv had tin- apixniitrrii'nt ol liarrack .Masicr and Stall" Adjutant i»f Militia, wliicli he held till lii.s diath. Ill" dird yminir. lt'avins lie had of mri'ting with the dignitaries of the «'stal)li>he(l Church, and other circuin- stances, strengthened, im (lonht, the hiyahy which all Ameri- cans felt at that time, lie was a recipient of the hoiinty of a Church t>f iMigland Missionary Society to an extent that to him must have seemed larg(\ That Society, pitying the des- titute condition of a j)oor and ignorant people in America, en- tirely neglected by their countrymen, who sei-med to \ui willing to let the whole Kriiiirl)ec valley either sink into infidelity or become the ])rey of P<)j)ish Missionaries, that Society (ould send its symj)athy and aid across the Atlantic, and the suliject of this >hMuoir was the agent for carrying out its benevolent designs. 'J'he people of his charge were poor and their learn- ing was scanty. They were also a very heterogeneous collec- tion. A small number of j)crsons, however, consisting mainly of otlicers of the county court and lawyers, might furnish him with better society. But while some of these were estimal)le, others w c^re far otherwise. The latter harrassed and persecuted him, and exerted themselves to destroy the Ciiureh, of which he was the minister. The ditlerences between the mother country and America increased. Yet there is satisfactory evidence that after mat- ters had proceeded to considerable lengths, some of the most prominent of the American patriots contemplated only a re- dress of grievances, and had no desire or serious thought of independence. It is very easy to perceive that Mr. l^ailey, who had wit- nessed the wealth and vast warlike means that (Jreat Britain possessed, and therefore knew her power, must be confident that the j)arenr country coulil easily conquer her revolted colo- nies. 'I'lie llevolution, therefore, in his view, was little short of madness. Nor could lie be favor:il)Iy imi^ressed with the char- acter of some of the leaders of the revolt in his region. They were men of l)tit little learning or retiiiement. Some of them disclaimed all religious obligation. .Many excesses took place in these eastern regions, and if arguments failed to convert a Tory, the tender merci«'s of a mob would not be ellectual. 1808.] LIFE OF RFV. JACOB H A I L F Y . 233 Tlic Missionary saw and felt that men raised to power in liis neighborhood, under the new order of things, abused that power to gratify old personal grudges. Receiving his main snpj)ort from a Church Society in England, doubtless he fcare, the President dii'd. " 'i'hf (•oiiij)iier of this Memoir, although well satisfied in his • Williamson's History &c. , i. p. I'.tS. t An error iti the date, sec jiost. I History U. S. I-Uh Ed. i. p. 268. $ Purchas' Pilgrims, London, 1626, Vol. v. p. 830. 'il Sagadahoc is the proper name of the river from Merry Meeting Hay to the sea. The Kennebec and Androscoggin unite at this Bay, and thence take the first-men- tioned name. NOTES. 237 own mind, from various reasons, that a minister of the Church of England accompanied this exi)edition, (as was the case with the first colony which a few months before settled the present State of Virginia,) still supposed it to bo nearly impossible to establish this fact beyond a doubt, and entirely so to recover the name of the Clergyman, after the lapse of nearly two and a lialf centuries. He had stated his reasons in a note, when, just as this work was ready for the press,' he aeeidentally discovered that there was an ancient doeuuient in existence which would furnish him with much information desired on this j)oint. This document forms one of the Volumes published by the "Ilakluyt Society," London: 1819, and is copied from a man- uscript in the Sloane Collection, Xo. Uy2'2, in the British Museum. The larger part of this contemporary narrative was contributed by the writer of this iMemoir to the Massachusetts Historical Society, and was {mblished in \'olume I., Fourth Series of their Collections. An extract also appeared in the third Volume of the Maine Historical Collect it)ns. The title of the second part is as follows: — THE SECOND BOOKK or TMK FIRST DKCAiJi: OF THi: iiistouil; of Travah-k into VIRGINIA BRITTANIA, extrf.ati.n.; of tue first Dis- coverp:rs of tuf Country, and of Tni: first Colonii:, transported by S" Richard Greenvile, Knk.ht fpon the Island of Roanok, at the expexce and charge of S" Walt: Raleigh Knight. As also of the northern Colonie, seated upon the River of Sachadehoc, transi-orted An? loSo, at the chaR(;e OF S"! John Popham, Kmghi", late Lord Chiefe Justice of England, ..atukkei. hv WILLI \M STK ACI 1 1: V, (ILNT: PSAL. «II. VKU. H. "This slialbc written for llie Generation to conic: and tlio people w<^''slialbe created shall priu^c the Lord." • In 18.50. 238 NOTKS. (In the title to "the first Hookf," the writer says "collkcted nv Wn.MAM SrRAtiir.Y, (Ji:nt: 'A yk.M(j:s TiiiTHr.ii imi-loykI' Secrktarik or Statk, and of Coi'Nsaii.k ^^ itii tiii: HHiiii iioxoRAni.K TiiK Lord La-warui:, his Ma^'V liORu CIoukrno* AND C'ai't: CJr.NP.RAi.i. OK Tin: Colon v.") Til lt)0() a ship was dcspatclicd to the nortliorn parts of Aiiwriia by soiiu- members of tlie Plymouth Company, tinder command of Capt. Chalons. This ship, whieli carried thirty-one men and two of the Indians wliorn Weymonth had deliYcred to Sir V. Gorges, was taken by a Spanish fleet, and carried to Sjiain, where she was condemned. After meiiiioninir this discouraging circum- stance, the Straehey account jjroeeeds: " Howbeit the late Lord Chief Justice would not for all this hard hansel! and Spanish mischief give over his dctt^minaeon lor plant inu of a Colony w'^'in the aforesaid so gt)odly a country upt)n the River of Sachadchoc, but against the next year prepared a greater number of Planters and better provisions, w'^'' in two shipps he sent thither, a Fly boat called the (Jift of (iod, wherein a kinsman of his, George Popham, comanded and a good shipp called the Mary and .lohn of Londt)n, wherein Raleigh Gilbert comniided. w'' w"' 130 persons for Planters brake ground for Plymouth in .June KiOT." ".b/i,''. 1. • • 'I'hey hoisted out their bote, and the Pilott, Capt. R. Dailies w'^' \'2 others rowed into tlie Bay wherein their ship road, and landed on a galland Island." ^^ Aiii^. 9. Sonday the chief both the the shipps w"' the greatest pt of all the Company landed on the Island where the crossc stood, the w''' they called S! (Jeorge's Island, and heard a sermon delivered vnto them by Mr. Seymour, his preacher, and soc returned abourd againe." Leaving St. George's Island they stood for the Kennebec. A violent storm nearly caused the shipwreck of both vessels. Before reaching their destination they were driven somewhat to the south-westward and were a |)art of the time in Casco Bay, whose leading features are deserihed in the aceount. " i'lM^'". lo. • • Came to the eastward, and found the NOTES. 23!) Island of Snt(iuiii,* and aiicliorcd vndcr y!, for the wynd was of the shoare, by w'' they could not gett into Sacliadehoc, yett Capt. Pophani w"' the Fly boat gott in." *'■ Aug: 16. • - in the morning Capt. Pophani sent his shallop to helpe in the Mary and John, vv*'"' weyed Anchor, and being caline was soonc towed in and Anchored l)y the (JuifLs side." " Aug". 18, they all went ashoare and there made choise of a place for their Plantation at the month or entry of the llyver on the west side (for the River liindeth y'self towards the Xor- east and by east) being almost an Island of a gooil bignes, being in a province called by the Indians Sabino, so called of a Sagaino, or chief Commander under the grand Bassaba." " Aug". 19, they all went ashoare where they had made choise of their Plantation, and there they had a Sermon delivered vnto them by their preacher, and after the Sermon the Presi- dent's Comission w^as read w"' the Lawes to be observed and kecpt, George Popham gent was noiated President, Capt. Ra- leigh Gilbert, James Dauies : Ri: Seymer preacher, Capt. Ric Dauies, Caj)t Harlow, the same who brought away the Saluad- ges at this tyme shewed in Lontlon from the River of Canada, were all sworne Assistants; and soe they returned back againe." " Avg. 20. All went to shoare againi>, and iliere began to entrench, and make a Fort and to buyld a stt)rehouse, contyn- cwing the 21, 22, 2:3, 24, 2-3, 20, 27." • ••»••• " Orto. 4. Then came 2 canoas to the Fort in w*^'' were Na- hamada and his wife, and Skidwares, and the Bashabaes brother,and one other called Amene(juin,a Saganu),all of whom the President feasted and entertayned w"' all kindness, l)oth that day and the next, w*^'' being Sondaye the President carried them to the place of publike prayers, w"^'' they were at bt)th morning and evening, attending y' with great reverence and silence." • Scguin. 240 NOTTS. " (>(•((). (). • • . AfttT C^apt Diuin's departure' tliey fully riiiishfd tlir l'\»rt, trciiciit and lortrficd y' w"' 1:2 pieces of Ordi- nance, and Imilt ")() lionscs tliirrin, besides a Chureli and a Storehouse, and tlu' Carpenters framed a pretty Pvnnaee of about 8onu' 'jO tonne, W*' tliey called the Vir<^inia, the chief shlpwrii^ht bcin«? one Pigby of Iit)ndon." This contemporary account establishes the fact that this colony had a elerf^yman of the Church of England in their number, that he was their ehaj)lain, was sworn as one of the assistants, and regularly olTiciated in the elmrcli built within their fort. It also gives his name. The common notion that Plymouth, in .Alassachusetts liay, was the first |)lace in which any kind of Protestant reliLrious worship was steadily kept up, is evidently unf()unded. Thirteen years before a landing was made on '• Forefathers' Rock," the wilderness of Maine echoed to the sound of a pure and fervent liturgy. f It is desirable to correct a inisajiprehension which has pre- vailed to some extent, as to the precise spot on the Kennebec, (or Sagadehoc,) where this colony established itself. Wil- liamson| says: " Although, according to some accounts, they first went ashore on Erasrnhegnn.\ or the western Peninsula; • In the Mary and John. t The present writer, while he wishes to show that members of the Church of Kn(;land made provision at a very early date for the hpiritual wants of colonics in America, and also of the savages amont» whom those colonies were founde8. It was made tip of Romanists and Protestants. Among the latter was L'Esarbof, who was a Huguenot. He kept a journal, which was afterwards published. In the " little chapell, built after the sauage fashion," L'Ksarbot gave public religious instruction to ihc coloniht.s on Sundays and other times. The name of this worthy man should not be suffered to sink into oblivion. He undoubtedly labored faithfully in his endeavors to promote the interests of religion, and whatever may have been his success, of which we arc not informed, he has connected his name in the most desirable manner » ith the r.is- tory of ancient " .\caclia," and will hereafter receive the commendation of " good and faithful servant" from that Master whose religion he sought to promote. * History of Maine, i., p. 198. { Now Parker's I»l.ind. NOTES. 241 yet it is believed they finally disembarked upon an island two hundred rods eastward, called Stage Island, supposed by them to be better situated for all the conveniences of trade with the natives and of navigation through the year." • • He acknowl- edges that they afterwards, for various reasons, removed to " the south-east side of a creek, near what is now ealli'd Atkins' Bay, which stretches west into the land half a league, and forms a |ieniiisula at the southerly corner of the present" [town of] " Piiipshnrg."" Here, he says, "a few slender cabins were built and a fortification erected." The present writer has taken considerable pains to ascertain where the idea, that this colony first landed on an island, origi- nated. The earliest l)ook hv. has met with in which the state- ment occurs, is " The History of the District of Maine, by" [(iov.] "James Sullivan," i)ublished in nO-'). He says, p. 53, "they spent a miserable winter, principally on an island called Stage Island." At page 174, he states: '• 'IVadition assures us that Popliaiu's party iinulc their laiiding on the i>land, now called Stage Island, and as there are remains of an ancient fort on Cape Small Point, and wells of water of long standing, with remains of ancient dwelling-houses, so it may be con- cluded that the Plyniouth fort was at that place."" Four pages previously the historian had said: "On the west side of the river are the remains of an old fort made of stone and earth ; there are also eight old walls now to be seen, and the ruins of several houses. Whether these buildings \vere erected by the English or PVench is uncertain ; but the probability is that the former were the erectors of the works." At pages 169 and 170 the following statement occurs: " On an island already s|)()ken of, called Stage Island, was the landing place of Popham's party. • Ogilby, in his C'ollection. which he made in the year 1(J71, says that they landed on the west sitle of the river and there began a plantation." It will be perceived that traililinn alone is assigned a-< au- • " As early as 1642 the Plymouth Company, who had a grant of land on the Ken- nebec, erected a fort and trading house at Georgetown By some it is RupjiOKoH that thi^ fort was at Small Point, and by others at Sagadahock Bay." — Mmnf Hutnrical Collection, ii., p. 200. 31 242 NOTES. • tlioritv for the .>*i;itfrm>nt of tint* colony laiidiug in llir fir.^l plarc upon an issland. Vfi tradition appears to liavr bit-ii utterly at fault in |)ointini; out the locality of the fort built by the l^lvinoutli muipany thirty-seven years after the departure of Popluun'.s colony. Besides, the description of the remains of an old fort on the west side of the river existing in 1795. indicates that that fortress was built by persons of European notions as to the strength of fortilications, rather than by the colony at Plymouth, .Mass., who would doubtless deem bliu-k honses, built of timber, to be suificient. Tradition is not uni- form on this point. In Massachu.setts Historical Collections, Vol. i., '2')'2, a writer contends that Parker s Island was the lirst landing place of Popham's colony. Certain indicatit)ns of early settlers are to be found even at the presint day upt)n Stage Island. AVhy may not these have been what was left by the garrison established by the Plymouth Company, whose locality is now confessedly unknown ? It will be oliserved in one of the cpiotations made from Sullivan's History, that although he makes the distinct assertion that the island he names was the landing place of Popham's party, yet that shortly after he (juotes Ogilby as stating, in 1671, that this party landed on the west side of the river. Ogilby agrees with all the ancienl writers, (for il is only modern historians who have assigned this varying tradition as their authority.) Thus Purchas, before (pioted, " In a Westerly Peninsula."' And the Strachey MS. says: "they all went ashoare, and there made choise of a place for their Plantation at the mouth of the Ryver on the West side, • • being almost an Island, of a good bignes." In the autuiun of 18o2 the writer of this Memoir, in compa- ny with a friend, visited the locality spoken of, and indicated on the map, opposite page 77, by the figure 1. Standing upon high ground, near the centre of it, he saw at once that the phrase "being almost an Island, of good bignes," was a very accurate description. And from a pretty thorough examina- tion of this peninsula, it seemed as if the precise situation of the fort built by these early colonists might almost be settled. Conspicuous to all who enter or leave the mouth of the Ken- NOTES. 243 nebec, is a two story dwelling-house, built by Major Shaw, standing a few rod.s from the sea coast, and not far distant from the river just named. Near this house is a crescent- shaped pond of fresh water, covering about five acres of ground. The land rises some forty feet on the north of this pond, and then descends by an easy slope to the water of Atkins' Bay, giving sullicient space for the erection of a fort containing " fifty houses, besides a Church and a Storehouse." A large supply of fresh wat(>r would evidently be needed for such an establishment as this. At the present day the water in the wells on the peninsula is more or less brackish, which in all probability has always been the case. Snch a pond, then, would be of great value to a fortress. This fact, and the adaptation of the land to such a building, seem to be deci- sive as to the locality of the fort. The satisfaction of being able to determine with a tolerable degree of accuracy, the j)recise spot where this, the earliest but one of the colonies in the Northern United States, passed a number of months, will, it is hoped, be a snfTicient apology for the space devoted to the discussion of this (piestion. While everything relating to this colony will no doubt prove interest- ing to members of the Protestant E|)iscopal Church, the addi- tion here made to the previous knowledge of it cannot be unacceptable to the student of American history. From some cause or other, historians have done but very scanty justice to the interest that some of the members of the Church of England took in |ir()viding for the spiritual welfare of those who attempted to colonize the then inhospitable re- gions of this western world. We have i^vvw in this Note, that a colony of Fipiscopalians in Maine, with a clergyman of their Church as their chaplain, and as one of th(Mr "Assistants," preceded that of the Puritans in Plymouth by thirteen years. We now propose to show that another jiart of North America witnessed the celebration of divine worship, and the adminis- tration of the sacrament of the Lord's Supjier,/or///-/j/v; years before the " Pilgrims" landed on these shores. 244 N C) T E S . lu the reign of Ciupoii Eliz;ibrtli, Capt. Martin Frobisher made three voyages to the continent of North America. In the attempt to discover a shorter passage to China than that by the way of the Cape of (iood Hope, he struck boldly for the west. He finally reached a point far north of Labrador, and in G'P N. latitude discovered the straits which have ever since borne his iiiimc He returned to England. :ind the next year a motley collection of miners, gold-fmers, biikers, ( iir|)en- ters, and gentlemen, with thirty soldiers and forty seamen, were embarked on board of " liftc'cn sayle of good ships," which reached their former harbor in safety in the summer of 1578. IBefore sailing from England certain regulations for the guidance of the adventurers were drawn up, of which what follows is an extract : — " Articles and orders to be obserued for the Fleete, set down by Capt. Frobisher, Gencrall, 6cl: " I. Inprimis, to banish swearing, dic«? and card ])laying and filthy communication and to serue God twice* a day with the ordinary seruice of usuail in the Churches of England, and to clear the glasse* according to the old order of England." — Hackluut, (Ed. IfiOO,) Vol. iii., p. 74. They arrived at their destination '' upon the one and thirtieth of July." "Here every man greatly rejoiced of their happie meet- ing and welcomed one another after the sea manner with their great Ordinance; and when each partie had ripped up their sundry fortunes and perils past, tiiey highly praysed God, and altogether upon their knees gaue him due, humble and hearty thanks, and Maister Wolfall, a learned man and apjiointed by her Maicties Counccll to be their Minister and rrcacher, made unto them a godly sermon, exhorting them es|)ecially to be thankful! to CJod for their strange and miraculous ileliueranc-e in those so dangerous jilaces, and putting them in mind of the uncertaintie of man's life, willed them to make themselues always readie as resolute men tt) enjoy and accept thankfully whatsoeuer aduenture his diuine Prouidenee should apjioint. This Maister Wolfall, being well seated and settled at home • Hour glass. >'OTES, 245 in his owne Countery, with a good and large liuing, hauing a good honest woman to wife and very towardly ehihlren, being of good reputation among the best, refused not to take in hand this painfull voyage, for the only care he had to saue soules, and to reforme those Infidels, if it were possible, to Christian- itie : and also partly for the great desire he had that this nota- ble voyage so well begunne, might be brought to perfection : and therefore he was contented to stay there the whole yeare if occasion had serued, being in every necessary action as for- ward as the resolutest man of all. Wherefore in this behalfe he may rightly be called a true Pastor and Minister of God's word, which for the profite of his flocke spared not to venture his owne life." — Ibid.^ iii., 84. On the 30th of August, " Maister Wolfall * • preached a godly sermon, which being ended, he celebrated also a Com- munion upon the land, at the partaking whereof was the Cap- taine of the Anne Francis, and many other Gentlemen and Souldiers, Mariners and Miners with him. This celebration of the diuine mystery was the first signe, scale and confirma- tion of Christ's name death and passion euer knowen in these quarters. The said M. made sermons, and celebrated the Communion at sundry other times in sencraille and sundry ships, because the wiiole company could neuer meet together at any one place." — Ibid., iii., 91. No American historian, it is believed, has noticed any of the above interesting facts respecting the religious features in this expedition, though some have spoken at length of Frobisher's voyages, as connected with the discovery and colonization of the American continent. A discovery of somewhat recent date, on an island near ihe shores of Main(% promises to give additional plausibility to the theory that the coasts of North Aiuerica were visited by North- men some centuries before natives of England or France came hither. In 1808, a gentleman in Bath, Maine, communicated to the Rev. William Jenks, D. D., well known as an aci-oni- 24() NOTES. plished OritMitiil scholar, a sketch of some singuliir characters foiiiul "on the side of a U'di^o of rock, near the middle of tlie little Island of Maiiaiias, which is separated from Monhegan Islaiul only hy a narrow strait that forms the harbor of the lat- ter." At the annual meeting (tf the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, in May, ISol, Dr. .lenks made a communi- cation rrsp(>eting the characters referred to. Since that time an accm-atc transcript lias been made of the inscription. 'J'he characters an- eighteen in number, and Dr. .lenks has now no doubt that they are Runic in their origin. As in the case of the inscription on the rock at Dighton, Mass., "only some six or seven characters are claimed to be Runic, or even Plm-ni- cian, Piuiic, or foreign," should it be established beyond a rea- sonable doubt that this inscription at Monhegan is Runic, the State of Maine will present greater claims to the interest of the historian and antiquary than has heretofore been allowed to it. Dr. .lenks says, in Hay ward's Gazetteer, p. 64 : " We cannot, perhaps, venture to assert that the coast had never been visitrd by iMiropeans before the voyage of Cabot, or those of the Spaniards, who, with the French, seem to have been upon it at an t-ariy date. But on a small island very near Monhegan, was discovered in 1808, an inscrij^tion of rather a curious kind made on the side of a rock. It might possibly countenance the hypothesis, which has of late been entertained with so much approbation and interest by the Danish antitpiaries, that America was visited by Scandinavians or Icelanders, long be- fore Columbus. Yet the inscription seems to be too simple to be resolved into R\ini( characters. On the top of the rock were found three holes, al)oiit one foot apart, rather deeply perforated, and calculatcxl to accommodate a tripod. The island is called Mananas, or Mciiaimali, and is described by Williamson ; although so far as is known to the writer, the above inscription has never before met the public eye. It is the only one of wliiili he has heard as existing in Maine; and whether it were the result of mere idleness, or made to score a reckoning,* or has a meaning of a ditTerent kind, we will not • This rock is cither granite or gneiss. Is it probable that any one would " score a reckoning " in so hard a substance ? N O T E s . 247 undertake to determine. The holes are an inch cieej) or morr, and near three inches in diameter. The strokes are cut to the depth of nearly half an inch, and are about six inches in length, as our informant* stated. A spring is near, and the shore about thirty rods off. The ledge of rock is near the centre of the little island, and runs about N. NE.and 8. 8\V.*' NOTE C. CPa«eT4.] "The ancient colony of New Plymouth, having met with many losses and discouragements in their trade at Kcnnebeck, in 1661 conveyed their lands to Antipas Bois, Edward Tyng, Thomas Brattle and John Winslow, with all the privileges of the Patent, for the sum of £400 sterling. "But the frequent wars and coiumotions which disturbed the l^astern country prevented these gentlemen and their heirs from making any improvements. And besides, this territorv, being seldom visited, was generally esteemed only a barren tract, in a severe climate and a remote and wilderness country. At length, Mr. Samuel Cloodwin, of Charlestown, (Mass,,) now Major Goodwin of Pownalboro', having obtained some intelligence from his ancestors concerning the above-mentioned purchase, and having procured a twenty-fourth part from his father, engaged with resolution in the affair. But the original Patent, by which they were entitled to reassume the possession could not l)e found, and a majority of the proprietors imagined it lost beyond recovery ; it was therefore his first concern, to acquire, if possible, this necessary instrument: and it was with indefatigable industry, unwearied application, and a great expense, he was able to obtain j)rt)per intelligence of said Patent. After searching a multitude of Records, he found it in the hands of Samuel Wells, Esq., one of the Commission- ers for settling the bounds between the late Colony of Plymouth and that of Rhode Island. This Patent had been long cou- •The late Major JuMir.v Shaw, of Bath, Maine. 248 NOTES. cealcd l)y an ancirnt woman with a view, it is prcsumod, of makinj^ sonw ailvantaj^o to herself, or family, and it was linally wrested out of her possession by a stratagem, and delivered to the ahove Commissioners in order to assist in their deter- minations. Mr. Goodwin obtained an order from the (Jeneral Court, directing Mr. Wells to resign the Patent, and having in this manner procnred the original conveyance, prevailed with a number of gentlemen to be concerned by purchase, and Mr. Bowdoin, Vassal, Hancock, Dr. (Jardiner, Ilallowell, and other wealthy persons were engaged, and foriiu'd tiiemselves into a compiuiy, and the first meeting was held, agreeable to a war- rant, in 1749. "Mr. Goodwin, by order of the proprietors, began his surveys in 17;')0, and continued in that employ through the whole sum- mer, notwithstanding the Indians, by their motions, had terri- fied all the inhabitants into garrison.'' The above is tak(Mi from a MS. History of New England, by Rev. Jacob Bailey. As he lived on terms of intimacy wiUi Major (loodwin it is probable that he obtained his information from him. The following also occurs in the same "History, &c:" ''Towards the end of snnuuer, 1751, a number of Protestants arrived at Boston from CJermany, who had been enticed from their native country in consequence of pomj^ous advertisements and specious promises. About fifty families of these strangers were prevailed upon by the Plymouth Com- pany to settle under their protection. They, with several others of Irish a::d English extraction, were conducted to Kennebeck by Major Goodwin, where they began a settlement upon a commodious neck of land opposite to Richmond, and almost thirty miles from the ocean. "But before they could enter upon their voyage to the East- ward winter came on with uncommon severity, and it was with extreme dilliculty they reached Fort Richmond, about the begiiming of March, 17'):2. In order to secure the iidiabitants of this new plantation, called Frankfort, from any disturb- ance, the Plymouth Company agreed to erect a fort about one mile and a (piarter above Richmond on the eastern shore, near a famous carrying place from the Keiuiebeck into NOTES. 249 Mundooscotoock, or Eastern River. This fortification was named Fort Shirley, in honour of the Governor; a wall of palisadoes enclosed a square of two hundred feet, two strong block houses, mounted with cannon were erected at opposite angles, and several barracks, for the reception of soldiers."' Rev. Mr. Bailey states in a communication to the Boston Eveiiinff Post, November 4th, 1778, that it had been asserted "that the first settlers of West Pownalboro' emigrated from Franckfort, in Germany, but upon enquiry it appears that not a single family came eitjicr from that city or its jurisdiction. It is true that six or seven families, chiefly of French Protest- ants, who had been expelled France for their religion, issued from the neighbouring territories; several other Dutch Luther- ans were collected from the different parts of the Empire, to which we may add a number of families from about Mount Billiard, who speak a dialect of the French." The following, extracted from Hawkins's "Missions of the Church of England,"' p. 3o(5, is inserted here to show that emigrations from the same j)art of Europe just mentioned, were going on to other parts of the British American Colonies, and also that these emigrants readily conformed to the Church of England. "In 1752, Mr. Moreau" (a Missionary ai Halifax, N. S.) "reported that oOO Protestants of the Confession of Augsburgh, recently arrived in Nova Scotia from Montbelliard, had joined thmselves to the Church of England, and desired to partake of the sacrament of the Lord's SupjKT. They received copies of the Book of Common Prayer, in French, with the greatest satisfaction, which they showed by kissing the books and iMr. Moreau's hand as he distributed them.'' NOTE D. [rnt;i>77.] It seems proper to record such information as is preserved, concerning the first Church Missionary that officiated cast of Casco, (now Portland.) 32 250 NOTES. Of tlir (inio or place of his hirtli, we have no knowledge, nor do we know where he reeeiv«*d his education. The first notice we have of him, is in the very laborious and correct edition of Smith's Journal, by Wm. Willis, Esq., of Portland, .Maine. .Mr. Willis says, on page 83, Note 1 : "In Novi'inber, (17*.]«>) the Presbyterian party of the Irish emigrants in Portland, iiistnlird Rev. William McClanethan, a staunch snj^porter of that persuasion from the \orth of Ireland : but they were tinal)le to support him, and he went to Georgetown and Hrunswiek and finally to Chelsea" The f«)llowing is copied from General Scwall's History of Bath, published in collections of Maine Historical Society, Vol. ii. p. '220. s. "The Church first established in the County of Lincoln, was at Georgetown. The members were Presbyterians. In 1734,' Rev. William .McLanathan was or- dained as an evangelist, and officiated there until 1774. The house of worship was near the Mansion house of the late Major Lithgow where Mr. McLanathan usually ofificiatrd,f but whether Mr. McLanathan had the pastoral charge of the church, we are not informed." Divisions arose and two so- cieties were established. The Pastor of the second Society, having left the place, Mr. Mac Lanathan ofliciated for both Societies one year, on a salary of £200. In the Church Records of Chelsea, Mass. is the following: « Olio. 19///, 1747. Voted, that the town's Committee be desired to re(piest and agree with the Rev. Mr. William Mc. Clenachan to preach for the further term of two months on probation." On the 13th o^ April, 174X, "Mr. Mc Clenachan was chosen, by a great majority, Colleague with the Rev. Thomas Cheever," Pastor of the Congregational Society in the above-named town. It is afterwards stateil in the same Records that the •This date cannot be reconciled with the one previously given, 1736. The Utter however, must be correct, as it occurs in a journal of daily occurrences, for many jears kept by Rev. Thomas Sn ith, Pastor of the first CingrcRationnl Pari-h in Portland t There is reason to think that this building was not erected till many years after- wards, .ind then for the services of the Church of England. M.ijor Lithgow's house, was built in 1766. NOTES. 251 town had concurred with the Church in the above choice "by a very great majority."" In tiie letter prepared to be sent to the Churches invited to assist in the installation of Mr. Mc. C, he is spoken of as "late of Blanford." The installation took place on the 21st December, 1748. • . • • "Dt'f. ls//(tj 1754. The Church met by appointment. Rev. Mr. Mc. Clenachan desired the Church would dismiss him from his Pastoral relation to this Church, and insisted thereon. Upon which, voted, unanimously, not to dismiss him. '■''Dec. '2'Jt/i, 17'j4. The aforesaid Mr. Mc. Clenachan having dissolved his relation to this Church, by leaving them contrary to the above vote, was received, confirmed,* and partook of the Lord"s Supper under the establishment of the Chnnh of England, by the Rev. Dr. Timothy Cutler."" f On the 21?t March, 17'3o, Mr. Maclenachan was appointed by the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, as their Missionary to the "Eastern Frontier of Massachusetts Bay,"' and his salary commenced from the Christmas preced- ing. He must have been in London previous to the former date, ^nd have taken Orders in the Church of England. He did not, however, embark for America till August of that year. He landed in Boston, October 10th of that year, and remained there during the following winter, assigning as a reason for this course that he did not think it safe to carry his family, on the eve of winter, to the place of his Mission, where no house was provided for them. However, in May, 17'"j(i, he removed to Fort Richmond, using thi? ruinous structure, a part of the time at least, as an habitation. "The Society (P. G.) on complaint of iiis delays, had stopped his salary: but on his writing from his Mission, |)rom- ising diligence and expressing his hope to be continued, they restored it December 1756. And on his recpiesting, in .June and October, 1758, to be removed, the Society ordered him £10 each time as an encouragement, fearing from his rcpre- •It can hardly be necessary to remind the intelligent reader that this is a mistake. As there was no Protestant Uishop in America until after the ReTolution, of coune confirmation could not be administered. t Rector of Christ's Church, Boston, Mass. 2'>2 NOTES, sentation^ that a sucrcssor of sullicicnt rosolution and activity could not easily !)•' i?ot/' The p<*()[ile of Prankfort stated that he did not stay with thcni but till Dec. l?'*^,* He first went to Virginia, then t«) Philadelphia, ''from which city ho sent, Jnne 2'2d, 17')i), his lirst notification to the Society of his rosipnini:^ his Mission; and desired to have his salary paid till tnidsnniin«'r, alleginji^ that it wanted btit two days of the time. This the Society praiiii-d of course: not suspecting that In- had left the place of his .Mission six months before, which he ought fairly to have told them. And thus he received his salary for four years and a half, besides gratuities of £20, and were but two years and a half upon his post." Mr. Maclenachan thus left his Mission on the Kennebec with- out the usual notification to the Society of such an intention, and accepted an invitation to some church in Virginia, but omitted to go there, " though he had received such marks of favour, that he ought to think himself obliged to serve them." Shortly after his arrival in Philadelphia, the W-stry of Christ Church in that city, chose him assistant to the Rector, Rev. Dr. Jenney. There being already one assistant in that Church, and one previously recommended as the second, the Rector tleclined to sign the ap|)lication for a license to Mr. McL. and signified to the Bishop of London that he disapproved of the candidate. In answer to a letter of the Vestry of Christ Church, the Bishop of London wrote, March 2()th, 1760, refusing to give Mr. McL. the license desired, for the reasons stated, whereupon, an ai)plication was made to the Archbishop of Canterbury, to obtain from him what had been desired. This was acconi|ia- nied by a letter in Mr. Mi-L's favor, from 18 Presbi/terinii Min- isters, convened in Philadelphia! To these documents, His Grace replied at some length in a letter to Mr, McL., mider date of October 9tli, 17t)0. In this letter he points out, (among other things,) the ex- • " Mr. Mac Clenach.in ofliciatcd amon^ us but a little while, \\r.. : from May, 17.56, to Dec. 17-38." — Coj^y of a Pctitiun to the Society P. C, among Jirv. Juroh Bailii/s Paper's. NOTES. 253 treme indelicacy "f applying to liiin in a matter wliicli was entirely witliin the jurisdiction of the Bishop of liOiKlon,and mildly, yet severely rebukes Mr. McL. for his eotiduet. The Archbishop says: "t)uglit it not to give you a further distrust of your proceedings, that no one Clergyman of the ('hurch of England in America, hath declared himself to approve Them : and that the Convention of Clergymen which met at Hhiladci- phia last May, have strongly expressed their disapprobation of your behaviour both in that Convention and out of it ; and have signified that they would not sutler you to preach in any of their pulpits '?" Mr. Maclenachan stated, in his letter to the Archbishop, "that he had been favoured with the occasional use of the State House in Avhich to olliciate, and was followed by a mul- titude of people of ail denominations." Mr. Maclenachan is also said to have b(>en the founder of St. Paul's Church, in Philadelphia. He probably removed shortly after To New Jer- sey, for in a letter from the Rev. Colin Campbell, December 26th, 1761, he laments " that his congregation at Mount Holly, which was very flourishing, has been hurt by some enthusias- tical people of Mr. Maclenaghan's party, who pretend that Mr. Maclenaghan is the only preacher of Christ in America, and all the rest are Antinomians." But from another letter, writ- ten about six months after, by Mr. Campl)ell, it appears that th(?se people were " reduced to a sense of their sin in a caiise- less separation, and are returning daily to th(Mr proper fold." The authorities for the statcuuMits in the first part of this Note have been giviMi. I'\)r the facts in the history of Mr. Maclenachan, after his ordination in the Church of I'wiglanil, and for some of the language used in narrating them, I am indebted to a letter of Archbishop Seeker, published in the "True Catholic," No. LXH., p. 80, s. s., and No. LXIII., p. 120, s. s.; also to Rev. Dr. Dorr's " History of Christ Church, Philadelphia," p. 119, 120, 122, and Bishop Doanc's "Sermon at the Consecration of St. Mary's Church, Burlington, N. .I.,"' Dec. 23d, 1834, p. lo, Note '. That Mr. Maclenachan was a man of an ardent tcMiiperament is sufficiently obvious from the above sketch. His uncommon 254 NOTES. powers of pulpit oratory, lestilietl by his admirers and lliose %vho bore witness to the crowds who followed him, an; also acknowledged in the traditions remaining of him in the town of Chelsea, where he passed six years. But these traditions are unfavorable to him in other respei-ts. The writer has been assured i)y an aged and intelligent resident of that place, that when he was a boy it was said by the old people of the town, " that when Mr. Maclenaelian was in the |)ul|)it he ought never to come out of it, and when he was out of the pulpit he ought never to go into it." The same person also stated that Mr. Maclenaehan occasionally indulged in the excessive use of ardent spirits. Mr. Maclenaehan had been settled as the colleague of Rev. Thomas Cheever. Mr. Cheever died at an advanced age in less than two years after this settlement. As he felt called upon in the last days of his life to join with others in " a petition to the General Court that they might be erected into a new Parish,"* it is to be presumed that the con- duct of Mr. Maclenaehan, even during the early years of his ministry in Chelsea, must have been very objectionable to the venerable pastor and some of his Christian brethren. We know not what induced Rev. Dr. Cutler to receive Mr. Mac- lenaehan among his comnuinicants. He, however, must after- wards have regretted his agency in promoting the change of Mj. Maclenachan's religious relations. Nor was the time of experiencing this regret deferred till the troubles in Philadel- phia, occasioned by him in whom he had taken such an inter- est. VoT the Archbishop, in the letter to Mr. Maclenaehan which has been spoken of, states that it " hath been reported that you had hired a house in Boston for a year, and that you attempted to j)rocure a settlement in Dr. Cutler's Church till you were forbidden his pulpit." Mr. Maclenaehan seems to have deliberately deceived his |)atrons in England, by obtain- ing from them a salary for a time in which no services were rendered. The influence of a clergyman of such a character, could not have been beneficial to any congregation, and while his residence on the Kennebec must have been irksome to his • Chelsea Town Records, Dec. 18th, 1749. NOTES. 255 pride, it may fairly be presumed tiiat ho did little to recom- mend the communion, of which he was a minister, to the peo- ple of his charge, or to promote the progress of morality and religion. NOTE D^ ri'age 73.] In the following, copied from an Almanac for 1764, it will be seen that the usual way of travel in the region of the Ken- nebec was as stated in the text. " Long Reach," there named, is the present city of Bath, or, more strictly, that portion of the Kennebec River wliich passes in front of that city. The traveller could pursue his journey on land till he reached that place, when, if he wished to go further, he must take a water conveyance. The extract will also prove interesting, it is trusted, as enabling the reader to compare the way of travel- ling into Maine a century since with that which now exists. At the present time a large steamboat leaves Boston for the Kennebec twice every week in ihe summer, while a railroad conveyance is afforded twice every day to the same region. ROAD FROM BOSTON EASTWARD. Ljmn — Norwood, 7 , Rinor, Salem — Pnilt, 8^ Falmoiitli— Freeman, 8 Wenliam — Porter, <) New Casco — Butman, .... 8 Ipswjcli— Troadwell, . . . . i')h Nortli Yarmoutli — Mitchell, . . 7 Newbury IJrid^e— Hale, . . . 7A " " —Woods, CoHin, . G Newbury — D;ivenport, Clioato, . 4^ Brunswick— Ross, 10 Hampton Fnlls — Sanborn, ... 7 , Thompson, 4 Greenl-i ml— Chirk, 9i Georgetown— Springer, .... 8 Port.., , , ,, r> „ .1 Norrid^rewajk, 27 Anm(h:ll — Patten, 2 ", , ' „.,, J- 1 I ij - Great ( arrving Place, . . . .SO Biddeford — Ladd, ' ^, , '^ , ,, , L AJiii Q Chaudiere, Quebec. Scarborough — MiUiken, . . . . o 256 NOTES. NOTK E. Pititidii to thf Society for Propagating the (lospcl in Forrigii Parts: — "Ri-.vr.imND Sir: — Wr, the inhabitants of Franckfort on the KcnnrlM'ck River, heg h-ave to express our aeknowledginents of the Society's goodness in sending a Missionary to this truly necessitous place, without the assistance of whose compassion we and our posterity are in danger of losing all sense of religion, or else of being seduced by Popish Missionaries, who not or)ly have been industrious heretofore in these parts in seducing His Majesty's subjects and settlers upon this Frontier, but probably upon a peace will revive their attempts. We there- fore humbly pray the Society will be pleased to supply this Mission now vacant by the removal of the Reverend Mr. Mc. Clemuuhan, who indeed olHciated among us but a little while, viz., from May, 17'JG to December, 17o8, though we did every- thing in our power to maUe his continuance easy. We are indeed very poor, being a frontier settlement, hitherto prevented from cultivating our lands to advantage by being exposed to the incursions of a barbarous enemy, yet we shall continue to provide for a minister to the utmost of our ability if the Ven- erable Society will please to send us one. Particularly w< shall contribute at least as much as we have heretofore tlone, which, including the cultivated land and estate put into our former Minister's possession, was not less than twenty .£stlg. ])er annum. We have a glebe of two hundred acres of good land, and as soon as we enjoy the blessings of |)eace we jjrom- ise to build a Church and Parsonage house, and till that happy time comes we can have Ric Innond fort for a mansion house for the Minister, and the chapel belonging to the garrison for a church, and the farm round the fort for a glebe, which is already under cultivation and very valuable. We hear one Mr. Bailey, a sober, prudent and well disposed young man, is willing to undertake this Mission, and with the approbation of the Rev, Clergy of Boston will proceed to England for Holy Orders, NOTES, 257 and offers himself to this service. \Vc pray the Society will favour this motion, as the gentleman, by what we can hear of him, will be likely to continue, and perhaps spend his days among us. Humbly hoping the Society's indulgence to this our recjucst, we beg leave to subscribe ourselves. Rev. Sir, Your very distressed, tho' most obliged and obedient servants, Fkankfort on Kennkdeck uivkr, ) Nov. 21, 175i». i A true copy. Tiinotliy Whiden. iiis Martin >< Haley. mark. Abraham Wyiiian. Samuel Marson. Stephen Marson. Simon VVyman. Elias Cheney. Abner Marson. Samuel Hinds. Mauris Wheeler. his Mark X Carney. mark. William Storey. Ahiathar Kendall. Jonathan Bryant. Francis Ridall. Samuel Oldham. his Dennis ^ Loins, mark. iiis Wm.X Moor. mark. James Goud. Jaccjucs Bunyon. Peter Pcchin. Frederick Pechin. George Pochard. Christopher Pochard. 33 Abraham Pochard. Adam Couch. Amos Paris. John Paris. Obadiah Call. James Widden, Jr. Lazarus Noble. David Thomas. his Joseph X. McFarling. mark. Benj. Noble. Daniel Goodwin. James Wyman. John Henry Layer. John Peter Shoul. John Heron. John George Guud. Charles Estinay Houdlet- George Goud. Daniel Goud. P'rederick Jacijuecn. Ludovicus Cassimirc Mayer. Philip Mayer. George Mnyer. John McGown. Michael Stilphen. Thomas Low. John Andrews. Daniel Malbonc. John Poc:.ard. Philip Fought. 258 NOTES. NOTK V. The family of Mrs. Bailey were amoiif^ the first in social rank in the then Province of New IIarii|ishirc. Her father was a j)hysician, and also a colonel. At that day professional men were regarded with a di'at extent diminished and military olllce bronght an cxtinsive inlhience. Besides being the daughter of a gen- tleman so favored l)y position, the family of Mrs. Bailey, on the mother's side, consisted of individuals who became exten- sively known, or whose descendants performed important parts in the history of their country. It is thought projuT by the writer to add the genealogy. He is indebted for it to J. Win- gate Thornton, Esq., of Boston, Mass., a descendant, who has prepared a very full and accurate genealogy of the Wingate family, which must be highly interesting to all persons of that name, or who are in any way connected with that family. Josni A Wingate, born at Hampton, N. H., Feb. 2d, 1609 ; married Nov. 9th, 1702,* Mary Lunt, of Newbury, Mass. (He commanded a company at the siege of Louisburg, C. B., and was afterwards for several years Colonel of Hampton Regi- ment of Militia. Died, Feb. 6th, 1769.) Children. 1. Rev. Paine Wingate, m, Mary Balch. Harvard College 1759; afterwards U. S. Senator, and Judge of Superior Court of New Hampshire. Died in 1838. 2. Sarah, in. Dr. Edrnnnd Tappan, of Hampton, N. H. 3. Mary, m. Deacon Timothy Pickering, of Salem, Mass., father of Hon. Timothy I'ickering, grandfather of Hon. John Pickering, the distinguished Lexicographer and Oriental scholar. , 4. Josiiua, m. Dorothy Frees. 5. Jane, in. Rev. Stephen Chase,! of New Castle, N. H. • Also Coffin's Hintorj of Newbury, p. 321. t Spoken of in the pretious Memoir, p. 12. NOTES. 259 6. Abigail, m. John Stickney. 7. Anna, m. Marston, of Hampton, N. II. 8. Martha, born Marcii 30. 1718, m. Dr. John Wcrks, of Hampton, N. II., Nov. 10, 1737. 9. Love, m. Rev. Nathaniel Gookin, of Hampton, N. II. 10. Elizabeth, m. Dr. John Newman, of Newbury, Mass, 11. John, born January 24, 1724—5; Har. Coll. 1744; died at Hampton, N. H., Sept. 4, 1812, unmarried. (8.) Martha Wingate m. Dr. John Weeks, Hampton, N. H. Children. 1. Joshua Wingate, m. Sarah Treadwell. Rector of St. Michael's Church, Marblehead, Mass., &.c. &c. 2. Comfort, m. Dr. Cotlin Moore. 3. Martha, m. Benjamin Randall. 4. Mary, m. Adon Nye. 2d husband — Brackett. 5. Sarah, m. Rev. .Jacob Bailey. 6. .John, m. Brackett. 7. William, m. liaynes. 8. Ward Cotton. 9. Joanna, m. Folsom. 10. Abigail, " dyed an infant." NOTE G. [Page 82.] From the following letter, it would seem that one Episcopal Clergyman at least penetrated into the remote and uncultivat- ed region of the Kennebec. The season of the year when this clergyman made this journey is generally so unpleasant, that we are the more surprised at his inidertaking. " April 21st, 1763, \ George Town. \ " Rev'd Sir: — The Rev. Mr. Jas. Dormer, from So. Caro- lina, but last from Portsmouth and Casco, will call ujion you 200 NOTES. in a few l);iys. A Hrotlirr Clcr^i/man. IIo nu-aiis upon the ICsfah/is/inirnt. As tin- Winter has been bad, (and consc- qniMitly y' Journey hither, ahnost, if not Altogether Iinpracti- cabh',) lie will ollieiate in his Journey at d'o. 'J\nrti, which may possibly be an Alleviation to yt)U, \c. lie will proceed to ])ay his loiiiplinients to you, and in the Interim Yr. rnknown bViend and Brother in Christ, J AS. DORMKR. " N. H. — lie produies Satisfactory Credentials to y* princi- pal People here, and takes not a Farthing for Services Done. " To The Rev. Mr. Bailey, at Pownal Borough:' NOTE H. :r«(?c 1040 It is known that the portion of the Kennebec Valley, near Mr. Bailey's residence, had, in former years, been frecjuented more or less by Indians. The residence of the Sachem, Ken- nebis, from whom the river is supposed to have derivetl its name, "was upon Swan Island, in a delightful situation; and that of xVbbagadussett, between a river of his name and the Kennebcck, upon the northern borders of Merry meeting bay.'' " Both of these localities are within six miles of the former site of the Parsonage-house in Pownalborough. In the present town of Pittston, but a few miles further in another direction, two oKl burying grounds have been discovered. The mode of interring the bodies found in these places, shows conclusively that they w'cre Indians. f These facts are mentioned as an introduction to the follow- ing extract from a MS. "Geographical description and Natu- ral History of the Eastern Country," written by the subject of this Memoir: — "On the Western side of the; Keniiel)eck, al)out thirty-two miles from its exit, there is a round hill, which rises above the • Williamson's History of Maine, i., 467. Ibid., 493. NOTES. 1>()1 surrounding level near fifty feet perpendieular. The hill is one entire pile of stones, covered with herbage, and several stately oaks, which make a fine appearance frt)iii the water. There is some probal^ility that it was erected by art, and what conduces to confirm tliis opinion is that not a single stone is to be found on the adjacent jihiins. It is a noted rctrt-at for serpents and other vermin ; arid it is remarkaljle that twrough, half a mile from the river Kennebeck, I enclosed three acres for a garden, in a situation rude, rocky, and broken, l)cyond exjircssion. There was, however, a spot containing about half an acre, whi(;ii had been clt>ared of stones at some ilistant |)e- riod; tiiey had been thrown together on each side, and growing in these heaps were found heiulock trees of an eiu)rmous size." 262 NOTES, NOTE I. [I'lWoUO.] An expedition of eleven hundred men under Col. Benedict Ar!iold had been detached by Gen. Washington from the army at Cambridge, Mass., to enter Canada by the way of the Kennebec and Chaudierc Rivers, through the wilderness of Maine. That detachment in a number of small vessels entered the former river on the 20th September, 1775, and the same evening came to anchor opposite the fort in Pownalborough. About eight miles higher up, the transports in which the troops came were abandoned for batteaux, wliicii had been built for them by Maj. Reuben Colbourn. Most of this army remained a number of days at Fort Western, in the present town of Augusta, before commencing their fatiguing and dangerous journey. Mr. Bailey's Journal for September of this year is in existence. Entries are made against every day to Sunday 17th, inclusive, when it seems that he had a congregation of 72 persons. The remaining week is left blank. On Sunday, 24th, 60 persons attended Divine Service. The following week is also left blank. The Journal of the next month is as full as usual. In a MS. History of the Eastern Country, Mr. Bailey gives a tolerably full account of Arnold's expedition after the arrival of the soldiers in Kennebec, but his statements do not vary much from other narratives. As blanks are left in his Journal, as above noted, 'on the days when the troops wen; in his neighborhood, he probably absented himself from his house, and his information must have been derived from other persons. In the " History" above-named, Mr. Bailey says, just before giving the account of the expedition against Canada: "It was not long before that party of Norridgewoeks, which Colbourn had allured to the army, quitted their station in disgust and returned to Kennebeck, finding more satisfaction in ranging the streams and the forests than in all the boasted freedom of Congresses and Continental armies." This contem[)orary statement confirms an account given to the writer of the present Memoir some years since, by one of NOTES. 203 the oldest settlers in Kennebec. His account was coinimini- cated to S. G. Drake, Esq., and is noticed in "The Book of the Indians," Eighth Edition, Boston: 1841. Book iii. p. 1.5G. NOTE J. [Page n-.i " On the 7th of October another special court was convened at Pownalboro' for the trial of Tories, when Mr. Jones and eight others belonging to Vassalboro', with Mr Blanchard, of Woolwich, were brought prisoners before the above-men- tioned judges. Mr. Langdon undertook to plead in favor of the criminals, and his character being so distinguished in the present times, the court readily admitted him to engage, con- ceiving that so strenuous an advocate for American measures could offer nothing disagreeable to their Honors. " But in this opinion they quickly perceived themselves mis- taken, for Langdon, in his applications to the jury, discov(>red an inclination to humanity and justice, for which friendly exertions he received a most severe reprimand both from Bow- man and Arnold; the former even threatened him with the lawless vengeance of a mob. "The first person admitted to trial was one Mr. Ballard against whom there appeared nothing but a few words express- ing his attachment to the King and government, under which he was educated. The matter being debated with great solemnity and illnature by the court, it was at length i-onmiit- ted to the decision of the jury, as an atlair of the utmost importance to the security and salvation of the country. The jury would have presently found this harmless person guilty of treasonable designs against the American States, and have sentenced him to a perpetual expulsion from his estate, his family, and his friends, had not Mr. John Patten, his brother and son been more compassionate than the rest. This worthy man alleged that he could not, without offering violence to integrity and conscience, consent that a neighbour should be sent several thousand miles into banishment for no other crime than a few expressions unfavourable to our publick proceed- 2Gi KOTKS. ings. Botli parties wrn*, liowevcr detcnuiiK'd not to resign the lontest, hut marked the ahereation with nuitual obstinaey for twenty-two hours. In the conelusion they jjresented tlieiii- sclves before the court and desired their interpretation of this question: 'Is speaking a few exceptionabh' words coiuifer- aeting the struggles of the AiUfTican States for freedom ?' " Thi' judires all replied that every inadvertent word, or any expression that tennt, and plainly evinces that it is founded in absurdity and cruelty. These explanations of the law gave no satisfaction to the Pattens, but rather confirmed them in their opinion. The elder endeavouring to support his sentiments by some ([uotations from the (Jospel, was silenced by a quick reply Worn .Justice Hobly: 'Sir, we have nothing to do with Scripture in this place, but must form our determinations agreeable to the laws of the statel' The judges, j^erceiving that they had no\ a jury agreeable to their designs, dismissed the court, and though Mr. Jones and the other prisoners had been at great expense they refused to admit them to trial, and in conclusion, bound them over to appear on the 4th Novem- ber, keeping them during the interval under the cruel torments of anxiety and suspense*. It is observable that when Justice North espied the Pattens entering the court, he was heard to say, ' We shall not be able to carry our point, while we have such indexible men upon the jury,' and Mr. Bowman declared 'that these honest men shall either be persecuted by the mob, or else prosecuted as enemies to their country.' The arbi- trary j)roceedings of these magistrates alarmed several consci- entious people, who perceived themselves obnoxious, and some to avoid llieir unjust and merciless tyranny, abandoned their habitations and families and ilcd out of the country to more distant parts of the Province. NOTES. 265 "Among the number we may reckon Mr. John Carlton, of Woolwich, who had been cleared by an unanimous vote of the town, but was pursued by a warrant frt)m these inexorable and avaricious judges. He had the good fortune to conceal himself from their malicious scrutiny, till the season of perse- cution was over. " Mr. Stinson, of the same district, was pursued by the same virulent combination, but arming himself to resist the ollicer who attempted to break into his house with violence, his wife was so terrified at the commotion that she fell in travail and quickly expired. [The account of the troubles of Rev. J. Bailey at this time, is inserted in the Memoir, pji. 117-119.] "On the seventh of November a third Tory Court was held at Pownalborough, but no jury appearing, the magistrates were obliged to adjourn to the sixteenth of December. The town of Vassalborough, in the meantime being touched with a little compassion, reconsidered their votes and excluded Mr. Ballard, the Moors, and the Towns from further trial, on condition of their defraying all former expenses, which amounted to one hundred dollars apiece. " No evidence at all appeared against Mr. Blanchard, and, when the sixteenth of December arrived, the day ajipointed for the trial, as Justice Howard was attem|)ting to begin his journey from Fort Western, he encountered a terrible fall upon the ice, by which accident he was so wounded, that his attend- ance at Court was prevented, and there being no other of the Quorum to supply his place, Court was adjourned without day, and as the 'Transportation Act' expired on the first of January, nothing further could be attempted with respect to Mr. Jones. "In the beginning of winter our persecuting rebels were engaged in another employment, which for a season engaged their whole attention. Capt. Callahan, being driven away by their unjust and cruel persccnlions, they deterriiined to take advantage of an obscure act of the present government to seize his estate. The act upon which they jiroccedcd was expressly confined to such persons as had absconded and left 34 266 NOTKS. the coiuifry in debt; but Calliih;m, Ix' fore his departure, had t'.ikcii care to sfttii- all his all'airs, and tliere was not a single person who had any ch-inaml upon his estate. Hownian, how- ever, as Jud^e of Prohati', proceeded to administer, having first taken every method, both l»y himself and his creatures, to irritate Mrs. Callahan. Some oi the messages which were pent to this worthy woman were not only highly illiberal, but scandalously low, dirty and obscene. No gentleman would chuse to treat a female of an infamous character in so scandal- ous a manner; yet this man is considered as an eminent magis- trate, and would be ofl'ended if represented otherwise tlian really genteel and polite. But how such conduct can be recon- ciled with the profession of Christianity and the knowledge of letters, or the principles of humanity, I cannot conceive. Mrs. Callahan was summoned into a Probate Court, where Bow- man sat, swelling in gloomy solemnity, surrounded witii accusers and other dark and designing instruments of his in- dignation. Each one, by his language and ajipearance had divested himself of every humane and tender sentiment, their principal concern was to display a savage roughness and , in order to intimidate people and worry the innocent object of their depredations. "This lady was recjuired by the Justice to render in an ac- count upon oath, of all lier lands and eliects, but she, being properly instructed by Taylor, her attorney, refused to comply, upon which refusal. Bowman ordered her immediately to pris- on ; she then aj)pealed from his sentence to ihe Council in Boston, having first procured sullicient bondsmen to prosecute the ajipeal : but notwithstanding this security, the Judge, by his sovereign authority proceeded to appoint Justice Thwing to settle the estate. The latter, having received his commission, took to his assistance as appraisers, Samuel Eiucrson, a pro- fessed enemy to Capt. Callahan, Richard Kidder, a ductile tool of the faction, and Philip Call, a neighbour, who had re- ceived repeated favors from the obnoxious family. These men entenxl upon there olRce with uncommon alacrity, and were determined to exceed both law and justice, as well as human- ity, in the execution of I heir trust. They seized the very flax NOTES. 267 which Mrs. Callahan had raised and dressed with her own hands, the fowls about the door, and even a canary bird and the cage. Such a mean and unmanly littleness distinguished all the proceedings of our magistrates, such a boyish and un- generous spirit of revenge appeared in the whole of their con- duct, as must render their memory the contempt a bhorrence of all, who have any remainder of virtue and humanity in their composition. Mrs. Callahan was so alTected with their barbarous treatment that she could not endure to tarry in the country, and, in order that she might have it in her power to obtain justice from the General Court, she set out for Boston, a journey of about one hundred and seventy miles, about Christmas, the snow being very deep and the weather extremely severe." NOTE K. [Pages 128 and I7H.J A poem of some forty stanzas, on his leaving the scene of his labors, was written by Mr. Bailey, probably about the time when that event occurred. It gives a tolerably vivid pic- ture of the scenery near his residence, and enumerates many pleasing objects which owed tiieir culture to liis own industry. A FAREWELL TO KENNEBECK, Jink, 1779. Adieu, ye fair domestick scenes Of balmy sweets and flowery greens And yond' aspiring grove ; Farewell, ye smiling, chearful seats, Ye solitary, calm retreats Of innocence and love. No more your gentle beauties rise, No longer to my wishing eyes Their pleasing charms impart; 268 NOTES. Siller (looiriM ill forri^ii l:iinls to rourn Far distant fnxii my iiiucli lov'd hi)nie, With liiiL'tii.-li at mv lu-art. Acpiiii iny iiiouriiful son<,' pursue, These grateful objects still in view, And every rising scene ; My eye with pleasing anguish meets, This artless group of blended sweets Array'il in virgin green. AVIirn first tiie blushing morn arose To rouse me from the night's repose My eares were fixed on you ; With rapid haste I wandered forth To mark tiie progress of your growth Amidst the glittering dew. And when the fair, declining day Darted his horizontal ray To stain the distant hills, I felt the gentle vernal breeze Rush in soft murnmrs thro' the trees And play along the hills. Taught here to woiuler and atlorc The wisdom, goodness and the jjowcr Which in these beauties shine, I learned my glowing heart to raise In humble gratitude and praise To the (Jreat Source Divine. Adieu, to all my jileasing toil; No more to smooth the rugged soil I spend the happy hours; No more employ my hand and care NOTES. 269 Along the winding walk to roar The tender, smiling liowcr. No more for me the lovely rose Her open blushing charms disclose, Nor breathes her sweet perfume ; I now renounce my boasted skill To plant the snowy daffodil, Nor teach her where to bloom. See there the humble crocus bring The earliest tribute of the spring Amidst surrounding snows ; And there the columbine is seen In richest robes of cheerful green Adorn'd with various hues. Behold that parti colour'd bed Of pinks, their grateful odours shed To please on every side ; The spotted lily towers on high And spreads her glories to the sky In fair, majestic pride. In yonder walk let us survey The opening tuli]>, proud and gay, In naked beauty rise ; Foe to the shelter of a shade, She stretches her defenceless iicad, Ting'd with unnumber'd dies. Sec there reviying to the sense. Emblem of infant innocence, Pansies of ditlcrent hue ; Here maiden violets strike the sight, In yellow, or the purest white. Or dressed in heavenly blue. '270 NOTES. There stands the bright immortal flower In c'lnni|)s along the bending shore C'rown'd with a silver |)lutni', Amidst tiu" biting frosts and snows, With undiminish'd lustre glows, \n uii<_' ricrnal l^loom. There pushes forward ink) view The mighty wonder of Peru Exulting from the ground ; Blossoms of scarlet, snow and gold Mix'd with their gloomy leaves unfold And spread their glories round. Behold a plant majestic rise, Ereet and tow'ring to the skies, Shaggy and rough to sense, He stares with round, expanded face Full on the sun's meridian rays, Pieturc of impudence. The poppies here in rich array The boldest, glaring tints display Of summer's glowing pride ; The radiant aster, soft and clear. The latest blossoms of the year, From me their splendours hide. Ye ii. I > which 'round the borders stand. Planted by my laborious hand. And nurs'd with fondest care, I view the swelling fruit which grows In clusters on your pendant boughs, Delicious, rich, and rare. But I, by stubborn fate's decree. Am doom'd your grateful shades to flee NOTES. 271 With sorrow most profound ; Lo, there the hostile sons of war, Witli fuTce, indignant rage |)re|)an' To tear you from the ground. Ye lofty pines that tower on high, That wave and threaten in the r^ky, 'Till wintry storms descend. And while the winds tremendous war In all the rage of hostile jiower, Before the tempest bend. There hemlocks rear their lofty head, And wide their shaggy branches spread, In gloomy ])ridc abound ; While from their trunks. the solemn owl, Responsive to the wolves' grim iiowl, Makes all the woods resound. With reverent awe my eyes pursue That ancient oak in oj)en view Extending wide iiis arms; With thunders oft thou didst engage. And stood the loud, coiitlicting rage Of all the uorthern storms. In pensive thought I often rove Thro' the tall forest and the grove, When vernal beauties rise; And when the summer's charms decay I then your trembling leaves survey, Stain'd with autumnal dies. Teach me, ye Muses, to describe The wonders of the winged tril)e And sing their power to please, While music from their artless throats In tender, wild harmonious notes Mix with the whispering breeze. 272 NOTES. Adieu, }■»• plains :md mossy rocks, Krf(iuent«'cl by the browsing Hocks; And yonder distant hills, Ye fountains clear and iiiunnuring Hoods, That stream along the dusky woods, Or fall in tinkling rills. Vc verdant banks of Kennebcck, \Vliieii numerous plants and (lowers bedeck, Thou great majestick stream, To swell whose silent, sullen tide A thousand lesser rivers glide, No more my favorite theme. Oft have I seen thy waters pour, And with rough horrors foam and roar Adown the precipice, And with impetuous fury force Along the winding shores its course To mingle with the seas. My throbbing heart with sorrow glows And feels a multitude of woes, AVhen thro' yond' shady trees I view that solemn House of Prayer, And at the sight let fall a tear My anguish to appease. Rejoic'd to see rach others face, We met in this devoted place To learn the heavenly way. Till impious and insulting foes With mad, envenom'd zeal arose Their vengeance to display. Those sturdy sons, wdio never fear The hottest wrath of Heaven to dare. Who glory in their shame. NOTES. 273 Forbid that we our hearts should raise In public prayer and songs of praise To the Eternal Name. I feel a thousand anxious fears, And oft bewail in silent tears My fri(Mids' unhap|)y fate, Involved in scenes of deep distress, Expos'd, despairing of success, To Whigs' revengeful hate. In fervent strains T must imphue The smiles of that propitious Pow'r Who pities human woes; May He attend your i)laintive grief. Afford protection and relief, And bless you with repose. O Lord, with sjiecdy justice rise And frown upon the^e enemies To virtue's sacred name, But save the honest and the good, And fill the sons of rage and blood With penitence and shame. Once more with heavy parting sighs We roll around our misty eyes; My partner calls to mind Her babes beneath the heaving ground. And mourns and wec|)s with grief profound To leave their dust bciiind. NOTE L. [Page 1910 The name of Capt. Henry Mowat is still disliked, if not detested, by many, on account of his commanding the expe- dition which, in Oct., i77o, reduced Falmouth, now Portland, 35 274 NOTES. to ashes. It may be well to say, in passing, that Mr. Bailey was on a visit at that place at the time it was burned, and that he has left a written account of the transaction, which throws a fuller light upon it than is contained in the published narratives, as it relates occurrences that were either unknown to, or suppressed by, those who have heretofore undertaken to describe it. Although Capt. Mowat acted upon positive orders from Admiral CIraves, in burning Falmouth, yet he lids been con- demnetl with as much warmth, as if he merely gratified his own private antipathies. And the historian of Maine* publishes a letter written by this olTicer to the people of the place doomed to destruction, in which, by italicising words, he evidently wishes the reader to notice that ignorance was a characteristic of the writer as well as cruelty. All this may be as has been thus represented. But as an act of simple justice to the memory of Capt. Mowat the following letter to Mr. Bailey, which accompanied the child of the former, is here inserted. The reader may be as- sured that it is copied exactly as it was written. Reminding him, that according to the usage of that time, many more words began with capital letters than at present, the letter is submit- ted to his perusal, that he may decide whether or not is it the production of a brutal or ignorant man. "IIaluax the 11'" Aug*. 1782. "REV**. Sir, I have for some time been in expectation of receiving Your answer to my Letter by Mr. Lovett on the Subject of my Child; but having been given to understand by him and other friends of yours that I may assure myself of your receiving my Boy, I have at last determined to send him, and I have made choice of his going by water, as I cannot accompany him myself by land — a satisfaction I wished much to have enjoyed, and what I have had in view for a long while, but being now within a few days of leaving this for York in my way for England, will prevent me the pleasure of seeing • Williamson's History of Maine, ii. 435. ^ NOTES. 275 you and that of delivering up my Dear Child into your care, which I now do, with all the endearing and tender feelings of a Father, earnestly requesting you to receive him in that light. His Aunt accompanies him in the desire of seeing him safe with you, and I shall" leave directions with Mr. Thompson (one of his Guardians) to pay you the Charge of his Yearly Board and Education: every other necessary will be sent to him by ]\'Iiss Peak and other friends, whom you will be pleased to correspond with in my absence. I have sent a Black Servant of my own in order to assist you in the care of him. This man has been mine for the last 8 years, and I hope he will behave so as to become useful to you as well as the child, and I have laid my Commands on him to obey you the same as myself, and not to do anything or move from your House without your leave. Whatever Quarter my professional Duty may call me will not prevent my Corresponding with you, and I beg you will write often, and put your Letters under Cover to Alex^ Thompson, Esq"", at Halifax, and he will forward them to James Sykes, Esq"". Crutchcd Friars, London, where they will be taken care of. The indulgence of a very tender Mother and other friends over the Boy I am fearful may occa- sion you and Mrs. Bailey more trouble before he forgets it than I wish he shcruld, but I hope in time his natural disposi- tion will appear, and so far as may be comprehended from his infant years I am in hopes he will not give more than what may be expected. The wind coming favourable this morning hurries me in hopes of the Vessels getting away. My respect- ful Compliments wait on Mrs. Bailey, I present the same to you and am, Rev'd Dear Sir, Your most obedient Humble servant. H. MOWAT. Rev. Mr. Baile?/, Annapolis." It should be stated that the chirography of the above letter is such that it would be creditable to any person. APPENDIX. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, P0WNAL130R0UGH. Of those who may have been interested in this narrative, some, doubtless, will be desirous to learn the history of St. John's Parish, Pownalboroiigh, after Mr. Uailey's departure. At that time both the church and j)arsonage were standing. It is necessary to mention this, since a somewhat dilTerent im- pression has prevailed. Among other mis-statements made in a newspaper article in July, 1848, is the following: "Then they" (i. e. the "VYhigs) "took the remedy into their own hands: they demolished the church, tore down the priest's house, and drove him out of town." An exploit, (which, if it ever haj)- pened,) would no doubt have conferred all due honor on the valiant actors in it I The article continues: " He and Episco- pacy never appeared there afterwards." We will now state some of the facts in the case : — Nathan- iel Bailey, brother of the subject of this Memoir, removed into the parsonage house immediately after it was vacated by its former tenants, in June, 1779, and remained in it nearly a year. Major Samuel Goodwin wrote to Mr. Bailey, under date of Pownalborough, June iJth, 1784. This letter contained a sub- scription paper, which he wished Mr. Bailey to circulate in order to collect funds for the purpose to be mentioned. The paper states, that "after Mr. Bailey went away some persons began to take the windows out of St. John's Church, Pownal- borough, and did carry one off, so we were obliged to take all the rest down. The house is stUpped and running to ruin. 278 A r 1' !• N D I X . If not repaired, both ehureli and liou.4c will be lost. We being a frontier town, are, l)y llie late wars, reduced so low that we are noi able to re|)air tliein without the charity of our good friends to help us." Tlu* same person also wrote to Mr. Bailey, October ">th, IT^G: " ()iir elmnli is all going to pieces, the roof is coining down, ilie rafters and beams i)roUe with heavy snows last winter. What application can we make to Dr. Seabury ? I wrote to the Jlev. Sam'l Parker for advice last year, but no answer." Under date of June 7th, 17*^7, Major (Joodwin writes: "John Sylvester (John) Gardiner reads j)rayers and sermons on the Lord's day." This appears to be the last intelligence concerning Mr. Bai- ley's Parish on the Kenneljec during his life. It will be re- membered that while he resided there, attempts had been made at more than one time to establish a Congregational Society in that j)art of the town. But twenty-two years elapsed after his departun^ before this measure was ellected. A meeting-house for this denomination was built about a mile distance from the site of St. John's Church.' Their first and only minister remained with them about twenty-five years, and then left. The house has at various times since been oc- cupied by Universalists. Previous to this, i. c, in 1794, this part of the township, which was called the West Precinct of Pownalborough, was incorporated into a town by the name of Dhesdex. The other portions were called Wiscassetl, and New Milford, (till changed, in ISll, to A/nia.) Within a few years a small settlement has grown up about three-fourths of a mile easterly of the s|)ot formerly occupied by St. John's Church. Near this settlement a small Methodist meeting-house has been built, and a " Union meeting-house" has been erected in this village. On Whitsunday, June 11, 1S48, Evening Service of the P. Episcopal Church was held in the Union meeting-house spok- en of by the lit. Rev. George Burgess, D. D., who had been consecrated the year |)revious as the first Bishop of the Dio- * Although this Society was incorporated in 1793, it was not till 1801 that the Con- gregational Church was orftanized and Rev. Freeman Parker was ordained. — Green- leaf's Ecd. Skttchta, p. 151. ATTEND IX. 2T9 cese of Maine. Arrangements wore also made for tlic estab- lishment of a Sunday School under the charge of a Candidate for Orders. During the long interval which followed the last perform- ance of the services of tiie chnrch in this town, the territory occupied by the church building, and that reclaimed from the wilderness for a garden by the Rev. Mr. Bailey, had relapsed almost into its primitive state. The foundations of the .sacred edifice are still visible, as are also the rough flat stones* erected at the graves of the old parishioners. The cellar of the par- sonage is still distinctly to be seen. The company which had given the land embracing the territory named, and a glebe, had closed their concerns. After their right to this property had been legally determined it was sold, and the income was to be applied to the support of an Episcopal minister, when one should be settled in Dresden, and until then to a resident Congregational minister. The minister of this denomination, before alluded to, enjoyed the benefit of this fund for a time. On the cessation of that persuasion, the fund was left to accu- mulate, ready for its originally intended use. The new Parish of St. John's, Dresden, was organized in the presence of the Bishop of the Diocese, January 26th. 1849, and admitted into the Union with the Convention of Maine at its next session. Rev. Edwin W. Mnrray was appointed Mis- sionary to this Parish, and entered upon his labors in October of the year last named. In 1850 the ladies of Christ Church, (iardiner, presented to St. .John's Church a set of Comiriunion Plate, and a handsome Bible and Prayer Books for the desk. Rev. Mr. Murray resigned tlie Rectorship of the Parish in 1850, and his place was supplied by Rev. W. H. C. Robertson. After an absence of two years Mr. Mnrray returned, and is now engaged in this, his first field of labor. On the i7th of Novemner, 1852, the " Union meeting-house," before spoken of, was consecrated to the worship of (lod, ♦The grave of one of the la»>t Vestrymen of St. John's has white marble grave stones. One of them is inscribed as follows : Mr. George Goud, died May 18, 18J6, Mdl. 280 AIM'KNDIX. according to the rites and usages of the Protestant Episcopal Church. On this »tceasion the Bishop of the Diocese prcadi- ed from 1 Kings xviii. 'AO: " Antl he repaired the ahar of the Lord that was lir<»lven down." CIIUIICII AT CEORGKTOAVX. "The town of Georgetown was incorporated in 171.S, and then included all the territory within the present limit.s of Bath, Woolwicii and Phipsburg."* Fort St. George, erected by the colony of 1()07, was in the present town of Phipsburg. That fort contained a church. Thus it will follow that the Episcopal Church, whieli was formed in the last century within the bounds of ancient (Jcorgetown, as above described, may be considered as the legitimate successor of the first Protestant congregation which ever existed in the Northern United States. The notices of this Church, scattered throughout the fore- going Biography, and the sketches of the Rev. Messrs. MacCleii- nachan and Wheeler, in the Notes, contain nearly all the infor- mation that it has been possible to gather of the condition of this Parish up to the time of the Rev. Mr. Bailey's leaving the country. The following is the only report that Mr. Wheeler is known to have sent to iMigland : — » The Rev. .Mr. Wheeler, in his letter of Nov. 20th, 17Gi>, acquaints the Society that his l^irish extends near twenty miles westward and twelve miles eastward. That there are about 200 families; some Presbyterians, some Independents, and some Papists. His people have erected the frame of :i church since his coming; he has statedly preached twice on Sundays, besides giving lectures on week days, and has bap- tized twenty-eight children.'' The mention of the ehnrch building in tiic above extract reminds us to speak of its locality. The Kennebec River runs in a very direct course by the present city of Bath. This fea- • Maine Historical Collections, ii. 202. ATTEND IX. 281 turc of the river at this place caused the territory on its lianks to be called by the early settlers Long Reach. At some dis- tance below the city the Kennebec turns suddenly at right angles, and then quickly resumes its previous southerly course. It was at this point that the church spoken of was erected. The family of the Lithgows, some of whom were conspicu- ous in the colonial times in this part of the Province, erected, in 1766, a spacious and what was thtr., doubtless, considered to be an elegant mansion very near the eh arch.* 801 m; years since the house and farm passed into other hands. When the present proprietors took possession of thd a valuable animal, tile remainder of the building was (Iciuolislied. The sacred edifice was situated but a few rods iVotn the river, some dis- tance from any settlement. This fact siiows that in the ab- sence of any county roads, tiie river was the highway of the inhabitants, and the small boat their usual means of travelling. Tradition still commemorates the pious life and conversation of a lady of the Drummond family, who was baptized in this church, and who has but recently deceased. AVithin three miles of the site of this church, and in the city of Bath, an l^piscopal congregation has been gathered, which has attained to a considerable degree of sireni^t li and prosperity, and now occupies a church building, wliii-h was consei-rated January 19ih. 1N'J3. it is to be hoiked thai it may prove \o be the con- tinuation of the former Cliuiili in (Jeorgetown, as the new parish in Dresden is the resuscitation of St. John's Church, Pownalborough. Should this be so, the ante Revolutionary churches in Maine, will, after a long interval, again exist, con- ferring 'their blessings upon some of the descendants of those who formerly worshipped in the wonls of the same liturgy. * Rer. Mr. Wheeler resided for a while in the Lilligow house, as appears from one of his lettcis to Rev. Jacob Bailey. 36 282 A r r E n d i x ST. i^vuLs CHURCH, Portland. All the infonmitioii wliit-h the present writer has of the early history of Episeopacy in the above place, is derived from a daily Journal, kept by Rev. Thomas Smith, Pastor of the First Congre<2^ational Society of Falmouth, which was the ante Revolutionary name of a township, part of which now forms the city of Portland. His Journal, with the very full Notes of William Willis, Es(j., in his edition, 1849, have fur- nished most of the material for the following account. In the summer of l?-')!, (iovernor Shirley, accompanied by several persons of distijiction, embarked at Boston in the Province frigate Massachusetts, for the purpose of meeting the Norridgewock Indians at Falmouth, and forming a treaty with them. Rev. Charles Brockwell was then Assistant Minis- ter of King's Chapel, Boston, a Church in which Gov. Shirley was a worshipper. Mr. Brockwell was probably in the comjiany which attended the Governor. The Journal before spoken of contains the following: — '■'■June 26, 1754. The Governor got in this morning. ^^ June 30. {Sunday.) Parson Brockwell preached here, A. M., and carried on in the Church form. ^^JuJy 14. Mr. Brockwell preached." More than nine years passed away and no further notice of the Episcopal Church is to be found. Nui\ Ath, 1763, forty-one persons entered into a written agreement to procure a lot of land and to build "a meeting- house for Divine Service." In .//////, of the following yar, an increased numl)er expressed, in writing, under their hands, their desire "that the worship to be carried on in said house Bhould be agreeable to the laws of (Jreat Britain." "/w/// 23, 17t)4. The new meeting men had a meeting and declared for the Church. They have been in a sad toss since the Parish meeting, and made great uproar, getting to sign for the Church. They began to frame the house. "yl//^'". 31. There is a sad uj)roar about Wiswell, who has APPENDIX. 283 declared for the Church, and accepted, (a day or two since,) of a call our Churchmen have given him to be their minister. '■'■Sept. 2. {Sunday.) A great day this. Mr. Hooper* preached to our new Church people, and baptized several children. " Sept. Sd. The corner stone of the Church was laid by the Wardens, who, with their oflicers, were chosen to-day. " Sept. 9. Mr. Wiswell preached in the Town House. " Sept. 30. Mr. "Wiswell preached in the Court House to- day to a small company. « Oct. 8. Mr. Wiswell sailed in the Mast ship, Capt. Haggett," (to England,) for Episcopal Ordination. Mr. Wiswell returned from England and commenced his labors in St. Paul's Parish. In the conflagration of the town in 1775, by Capt. Mowat, the church was burned and the min- ister left. The services of Mr. Parker, as lay reader, were engaged in 1785 and continued for about two years. Mr. Thomas Oxnard succeeded, and officiated in a similar capaci- ty for the next five years. After him Mr. Joseph Hooper acted as lay reader for about a year. These services were held in hired rooms till 1787, when a wooden church was built. After the discontinuance of Mr. Hooper's services, there were no regular exercises until 1797, when Rev. Josejih War- ren took charge of the Parish and remained till 1800. Rev. Timothy Hilliard succeeded him the next year and continued as minister till 1809. During the incumbency of Mr. Hilliard, in 1803, the wooden church was abandoned for one built of brick. After Mr. Hilliard's resignation, there were occasional services, only, for some years. Rev. G. W. Olney olRciated during the summer of 1817. Rev. P. S. Tenbroeck was instituted in 181S, and was Rector for the succeeding thirteen years. He was fol- lowed, after two years intermission, by Rev. G. W. Chapman, D. D., who left in 1835. Rev. A. H. Vinton was Rector a few months lill about * Rev. William Hooper, of Trinity Church, Boston, who Mr. Smith says, Aug. 30, " came here yesterday." 28-4 A V p i: N I) I X . Eastor, I'^IiC). Rev. Thomas ]\I. Clark olliciatt'd duriiiir the summer of that yonr and was fJiiccerdcd by Rev. John N. French, who contimifd during; ihe next three years. In 1^39, St. Paul's Parish havint,' In'eome embarrassed, St. Stej^hen's Parish was formed. The |)ro|)erly of the former was pureliascd by the latter society. Rev. James Pratt became Rector in 1840. In 1851, a second Parisli was organized in Portland under the name of St. Luke's, of which Rt. Rev. Horatio Southgate, D. D., was the first Rector. CHRIST CHURCH, GARDINER. To Dr. Sylvester (Jardiner this Church is indebted for its origin and liberal patronage. • He erected, at his own expense, a church and parsonage in 1772, which was dedicated by Rev. Jacob Bailey, August 16th, of that year. The church had a spire, but was unllnished at the time of the American Revolu- tion. It would seem that it also was furnished with a bell, for at the Easter meeting, in 1773, of King's Chapel, Boston, it was voted "that tiie old bell, with the Appurtenances be given to the Saint Ann's Church, Gardinerston." * In 1793 a Parish was incorj^orated by the»name of the Epis- copal Society, in Pittston, that name having been j)reviously given to the towMi which had been incorporated, embra- cing lands on both sides of the Kennebec River. As soon as the Parish was incorporated the executors of Dr. Gardiner proceeded to complete the church edifice, and the Rev. Joseph Warren was chosen Rector. The church, yet incomplete, was burned l)y an insane person. Another edifice took its place shortly after, which, though only partly finished, was oc- cupif'd tor public worship. Rev. Mr. Warren left in 179(>, and he was sueeeeded by Rev. Mr. Bowers. Mr. Bowers riMuovcd to Marblehead in 1802. In the summer of that year Mr. N. B. Crocker read prayers three months. In 1803 that part of •Greenwood's History of King's Chapel, p. 132. ATPENDIX. 285 Pittston lying on the west side of the Kennebec River was incorporated into a new town by the name of Gardiner. Rev. Samuel Haskell, Rector of Christ Church, Boston, became Rector of this Parish in 1803, and left in 1809. The church was closed for the following year, when it was opened under the ministrations of Mr. Aaron Iluiuphrey, a Methodist min- ister, who more than a year afterwards was admitted to Holy Orders. Mr. Humphrey left in 1814. Rev. Mr. Leonard, of Vermont, officiated in the latter part of 1815. Rev. G. W. Olney became Rector in October, 1817. His popularity was so great that a larger church building was required in a short time. About this time an act was obtained changing the name of the Parish to Christ Church, Gardiner. The new and elegant structure, l)uilt of stone, was conse- crated October 19th, 1820. Its cost was rising $14,000, and the land occupied by it was given to the Parish. Mr. Olney re-' signed the Rectorship in the spring of 1^20, and was succeeded, temporarily, by Rev. B. C. C. Parker, who was followed by Rev. E. M. P. Wells. In the autumn of 1827, Mr. Wells re- signed the Parish, and lay reading was again resorted to for a short time. The Rev. T. S. W^ Mott officiated for a few weeks in the latter part of this year, but on account of ill health he withdrew to the south. The Rev. William Horton was minister during the winter, and in the spring, Rev. N. M. Jones officiated for a few weeks. In September, 1828, Rev. Mr. Mott was instituted as Rector of the Parish, but his health was such that he returned again to the south, iiaving officiated but one Sunday. Rev. Lot Jones was engaged to supply Rev. Mr. Mott's place during his absence. Mr. Jones left in May, and was immediately succeeded by Rev. Isaac Peck. Mr. Mott having resigned the Parish, Mr. Peck was chosen Rector in April, 1830. In October of the following year "Sir. Peck re- signed his Rectorship. In the spring of 1831, Rev. Joel Clap took charge of the Parish, and held it nine years, when he re- moved from the State. Rev, William R. Babcock entered upon his duties as Rector in October, 1840. He resigned his office in 1847, and was succeeded by Rt. Rev. George Burgess, D. D., first Bishop of the Protestant Kpiscopal Church in the Diocese of Maine. 286 APPENDIX. K I'l'TK R Y. A church building was erected in that part of Kittery now called Elliot, near the banks of the Piseataqua, and about six miles from Portsmouth. Rev. Arthur Brown, Rector of Queen's Chapel, in the last named place, occasionally offici- ated in this church, and reported to the Venerable Society that in Kittery there were fifteen communicants of the Church of England. For many years Mr. Brown received from the Ven- erable Society X15 sterling per annum for officiating at Kit- tery, in addition to i^GO sterling, his stipend as Missionary at Portsmouth. Mr. Brown died in 1773. • The " New England Historical and Genealogical Register," contains (vol. iv. p. 38) the following article: — " The following is the inscription upon the tomb-stone of the Minister of the Episcopal Church in Kittery, near Elliot, which Church, it is supposed, became extinct at the time of his death. The grave is in a field belonging to Mr. Fernald. " 'Here Lyes Buried the Body of the Rev'd Mr. John Eve- Icth, who departed this Life Aug. 1st Anno: Dom : 1734, aged Co years.' " Epitaphs from South Berwick, &:c., communicated for the Register, by Mr. John S. II. Fogg, of South Berwick, Me." Mr. Eveleth was not a clergyman of the Episcopal Church. The following is stated on the authority of Rev. Joseph B. Felt, Librarian of the Massachusetts Historical Society: — " Rev. John Eveleth was the son of Joseph Eveleth, who belonged to Ipswich, Mass. He was graduated at Harvard College in 1689, preached as a Congregational minister at Manchester, Mass.; was ordained in that denomination at Stow in 1700, dismissed in 1717, settled at Kennebunlc Port, dismissed 1729, and was at the latter place 1732."' The compiler of the present Memoir would not have in- serted this Note were it not that a tradition is current in the neighborhood of Mr. Eveleth's burying place, similar to the statement furnished to the N. E. Historical and Genealogical APPENDIX. 287 Register. As the article copied from the Register may tend to extend and perpetuate an erroneous idea, it seemed desira- ble to correct it in a work treating of the Ecclesiastical History of Maine. PROSPECT Williamson says,* in speaking of the town of Prospect:! " Before the war of the Revolution, Thomas Cloldthwait and Francis Bernard, son of the Governor, took from the Waldo proprietors a grant of 2,700 acres, near the southerly part of the town ; in consideration of which, they engaged to settle thirty families and an Episcopal minister, and to build a church. They did, indeed, rear a small brick chapel, and attempt a set- tlement; but being Tories, they, in the war, left their country and forfeited their property. The plantation continued, and in 1784 there were in Prospect twenty-four families." REV. WILLIAM W. WHEELER, MISSIONARY AT GEORCtETOWN. The subject of the following notice was the son of William Wheeler, and was born at Concord, Mass., Dec. 24th, 1731. He was a classmate of Rev. Jacob Bailey. In Mr. Bailey's Journals, during the time he was in college, mention is made of a visit he paid to Mr. Wheeler's family. This and subsecjuent notices show that the father of this gentleman was possessed of a large farm in Concord, and one of his daughters is described as a young lady of talent, and considerable literary attainment. On the 18th November, 1765, Mr. Bailey wrote to Rev. Mr. Caner, minister of King's Chapel, Boston, as follows: '" Since the Society have determined to send a Missionary to George- town, I would intreat you to look out for some suitable gentle- • History of Maine, Vol. ii., p. 565. t Prospect is on the Penobscot River, near its mouth. 288 A r p E N 1) I X . man, that \vc may recommend for Orders as soon as possible. I have wrote to one I\Ir. Wheeler of Concord, a classmate of mine, who several years af^o was inclined to the Church. lie sustains :i ^ood c li:iracter, anil it is |)robable, he will soon wait upon you for directions." From a letter from Mr. ^Vhel>lcr, dated Conct)rd, l)cc. 0th, ITG'"), the following is taken. After expressing his friendly \ sentiments towards the Church of England, he says "I am constrained to return this answer, vi/.: that if the proposals you mention are strictly and absolutely complied with, viz.: if the people of Georgetown will enter into bonds to furnish the Missionary with <£20 sterling jkt aiumm, and a dwell- ing-house, (kc, beside the £.50 sterling granted by the Soci- ety, I say, I will accept of it, and am willing to go for Ordination as soon as op|)ortunity jxTrnits." A letter from Mr. WluH^er, Concord, May 17th, 17(j(), acknowledges the receipt of letters from Rev. Jacob Bailey, since the date of the j letter just (pioted. Mr. Wheeler assigns indisjiosition as the cause of his not before writing or visiting Kennebec. He says: "I have waited upon the Rev. Dr. Caner, (for such he is now,) and Dr. Gardiner, and lind them both very friendly and kind, and much of gentlemen. Since I received your last, I have received a kind invitation to the westward, to Marlboro' and Hopkiiiton, of the same iiatnn^ as your's, by a letter from a gentleman there, and he begs that I would see him Ijcfore I come to the eastward." From a letter from Mr. Wheeler in NovembiT of this year, it would seem that he had had an inter- view with Mr. Butler, one of tlie principal Churchmen at Georgetown, and that probably an arrangement would be made for his going to that place. Mr. Wheeler says: '> I am at present engaged to officiate at the Church in Cambridge. They have a minister appointed, Mr. Sergeant, but he is not expected until s|iring." Mr. W^heeler writes to Mr. Bailey from Boston, Aug. 5th, 1767: " The Society has been so good as to grant me i!20 sterling for my services at Caml)ridge, besides what the people gave me, which is very kind and unexpected to me." Mr. Wheeler was recommended to the Society by the clergy APPENDIX. 289 in Convention assembled in Boston, June 17, 17G7. The Rev. Secretary of the Venerable Society adds a postscript to his letter of Dec. 1767, in which he says: " Mr. Wheeler is arrived and will be ordained for Georgetown very soon." He returned from England, having received Holy Orders there, and arrived in Boston, in the ship Boscawen, Capt. Jacobson, in May, 1768. Mr. Wheeler left Georgetown in April, 1772, for Newport, R. I. where he had been engaged to assist Rev. Mr. Bisset, Rector of Trinity Church in that town. In a letter dated Sept. 8th, 1779, in which he gives an account of the situation of some of his brother clergy, Mr. Bailey says: "I forgot to mention Mr. Wheeler, who is neither Whig nor Tory, but so terrified with both as to retire from human society. He lives like an hermit, and employs his time in making butter and cheese." Mr. Wheeler was unanimously chosen Rector of St. Andrew's Church, Scituate, and Trinity Church, Marsh- field, May loth, 1783. Rev. Samuel Parker, D. D., wrote from Boston, Nov. 22d, 1788: "Mr. Wheeler is and has been for some years past, preaching in rotation at Scituate, Marshfield, Bridgewater and Braintree, and has lately married a daughter of Rev. Mr. Thompson, of Scituate. He is so much in Free- man's plan that he would not join his brethren in this State in protesting against Freeman's ordination." In the Journal of Massachusetts Convention for 1790, Mr. Wheeler is designated as Rector of St. Thomas's Church, Taunton, in addition to the Churches before named. Mr. Wheeler died at Scituate, January 14th, 1810, aged 75 years. The present writer has no means of forming an estimate of his character. Soon after his death an obituary notice appeared in one of the Boston newspapers. This notice is devoted mainly to praising his political principles, and if- the writer's ignorance of the character of Mr. Wheeler is to be measured by his ignorance of some of the leading facts in the clerical life of the subject of his sketch, but little reliance can be placed upon this obituary notice. 37 200 APniNDTX, SILVRSTER GARDINER, M. D. The iiiii)i)rtaiit part that this i^'ciitlciiiaii took in promoting the intert'sts of the Episcopal Ciiurch in Maine, before the Revolution entitles liitn to a more particular mention than is made in the text. Among the families of note who settled Boston Neck, now in the town of Kingston, R. L, was the Gardiner family. AVilliam, a grandson of the original settler of that name, was born in 1()71. The fourth of his si'ven children, who was born in 1707, is the subject of this notice. The marriage of his sister, Hannah, with the Rev. James McSparran, (afterwards D. D.,) had a great influence on his future life. Mr. MeSparran, perceiving the abilities and tastes of his brother-in-law, persuaded his father to give him a liberal educa- tion. It having been settled that the expenses necessary to this should be deducted from Silvester's share of the paternal estate, he was sent to school in Boston, and afterwards in- structed by Mr. McSparran. He decided upon the practice of medicine as his future profession. At that time great difiiculties lay in the way of medical students. No hospitals nor schools of medicine existed in America, public prejudice forbad dissections, and the law laid heavy penalties on any one who should seek to acquire the knowledge of Anatomy in the only proper way. No alterna- tive presented itself to the ambitious student of the healing art, but to avail himself of those facilities in Europe, which were denied him in his own country. Silvester passed eight years in London and Paris, principally in the latter city, and acquired an amount and kind of medical knowledge which at that time were perha[)s in possession of but few in his native country. His religious principles, early inculcated, carried him safely through the licentiousness of French society, always great, but more so at the time of his residence in Paris, which was in the early part of the reign of Louis XV., soon after the re- gency of the Duke of Orleans. The open profligacy that he Cojil.-v 1 l^&-t.<^X^S> FtA^i^i t.«^ ^^~^CU ^CUlJ~tt.l%4^ nJclO^ /^ i ^ ^C> / / LCL^ APPENDIX. 29 1 had witnessed in France, gave him such a dislike to llic na- tion, that in after life he would not consent that his chihlren should be instructed in the French language, lest their minds should be corrupted by the literature of that country. Upon his return he married Anne, daughter of Dr. Gibbons, a wealthy physician of Boston, and was soon engaged in that place in an extensive and lucrative practice. He also lectured on Anatomy, illustrating his lectures by preparations he had brought from Europe. He opened in Boston a large estab- lishment for the sale and importation of drugs. By these means he acquired an immense estate. Having become one of the proprietors of the Kennetx'c pur- chase, covering a tract of land from Bath to Norridgcwock, some fifty miles in length, and extending fifteen miles on each side of the Kennebec River, he directed his energies to the improvement of that wilderness country. Almost the entire management of the affairs of the company was commit- ted to him. He managed the trust with great energy and judgment, and at his own personal expense built houses and cleared farms which he well stocked, at the Chops of Merry- meeting Bay and Lynd's Island, Pittston, Winslow, and Pow- nalborough, at the latter of which places he built mills. The tract of land near the Cobbosee Contee River, was obtained by him of his associates, and he labored and expended much to bring it forward. He built houses, dams, and mills, at this place, now the city of Gardiner; introduced many settlers and advanced them means necessary to their establishment, amounting in the aggregate to a large sum, most of which was never repaid him. He built a church and parsonage at Gardinerston, (as it was then called,) in 1772, but was interrupted in his benevo- lent labors by the political troubles of the time, and was obliged to leave the church uncompleted. He was one of the most active and efficient persons in building King's Chapel, Boston, and contributed largely to its erection, and was for many years one of its wardens. Dr. Gardiner left Boston with the British army, when that town was evacuated. His property was all confiscated, but 292 APPENDIX. owiii^ to some Irgal iiitormalit y the connscalioii did not l)old, and his estate descended to liis heirs. Dr. (Jardiner died at Newport, An. Punishment of Lot's wlfc. [This No.^h". '^ sermon was corrected by Rev. J. W. Weeks.] APPENDIX. 297 ^cts xvii. 25 to 28. A Fast Day Sermon. Frankfort, •' April 24th. No. 15. Genesis xx. 11. The fear of the Lord. 2cl divis- No. ic. ion : When any person and place may be .said to be destitute of the fear of the Lord. 1. Wlien the in- habitants of any place are addicted to intemperance and immodesty; 2. When they give themselves up to prof ane swearing-; 3. When a spirit of lying uni- versally prevails ; 4. When they give them.selves up to slander, revile and backbite their neighbors; o. When a spirit of co7i^e«/iow and r/Marre//i«g' prevails; G. When they live in the neglect of the ivorship of God. St. John xvi. 2d and 3d verses. On persecution 1767. [A correction made by Rev. J. W. Weeks. Num- m°7osu°'°' bered 6, by Mr. B.] * ^^'^^■ 2d article of the ApostWs Creed. Exposition of Frankfort. .1 nvT ^ 1 August 9lh, the same. [No. 2.J N«. 17a. 1 Corinthians ix. part of 24th verse. The Christ- pran^fo^t ian race. previous to l-tbrry 5th. No. 176. St. John v. 39. Search the Scriptures. [No. 2.1 Frankfort, ^ ^ •■ Fcbr'ry 5th. No. 17c. Joshna vii. 25. Wicked men cause all tiie trouble, rownaiboro, &c., of the world ; but they shall be punished here or "j^^q. \^^ hereafter. [Numbered 2 by Mr. Bailey.] Joshua ix. 22, 23. Sin of deceiving another. Frankfort, [This is headed Scripture History, No. , by Mr. No.'io. * Bailey.] Frankfort, jRowaws xi. 20. On self conceit. [No. 4.] "n".\'o.' "17697 Ruth iv. 13. Character of Boaz. Frankfort, Sept. 7th. No. 21. 2 Samuel xviii. 33. Conduct of Absalom, his death ; 1770. 38 298 APPENDIX. Frankfort, Kinff David's griff; cause of this finrief — a belief AuffUstlSlh. » , -11 Ko.2J. that Absalom would be eternally punished. No. 23. Part of a sermon on k)ve to God. Pown'lboro' Ecclesiasiis V. 1, 2. Sermon at the Consecration No. 2t. of St. John's Church, Pownalborough : 1st, the sea- sons; 2d, the places; 3d, the manner; 4th, the de- sign ; and ^th, the importance of Public Worship. [Prelixed to this sermon is "A Prayer at the dedica- tion of St. John's Church, Pownalborough."] 1771. Pownalboro, .. ^-- Nov. I8_th. Proverbs iii. So. Shame the promotion of fools. No. 25. 1772. Pown'ihoro, ^^' Mallhciv V. 44. The duty of benevolence. April 23d. No. 20. Pown'iboro, Hebreics xii. 7. Duties of fathers to their children. May 27th. No. 27. Pown'ii.oro' ^/. Mullhew Iv. 19 and 20. Duty of foUowina; June 20th. •' ° No. 28. Christ. Pown'iboro Joh iv. 14. On the nature and advantages of Julv 17th. ^ ,. , r . N'o. 2"j. r ear. Part tirst. Pownalboro' Jsaiiili li. 7. Ou the excesses of Fear. Part second. No. JO. Pown'iboro' Si. Matthcv \\\\. 7. The vanities which hinder ' No. 31. the Gospel taking ell'ect in the hearts of men. Part fourth. Pown'iboro' Revelations (?) — . — . Probably for All Saints' No. 32. D^y- Account of l*opi.-!>. Same subject CDiitiiiued. No. 74. >'/. Luhr xiii. 1. .Airuiiist rasli judgments. Prob«hiyii I. Ilelh'it a little \\\)un the ealamitiea of war in inK" Sermon, gf*"*^""''' ; '-'• ^•'^'' '^ ^\\oT\ liistory of the Spanish No. 75. pr()c('r(lini,'s in Atiieriea, with a particular view to tln! Island of Cuba ; 3. To take notice of the remark- able successes of the Ktigli.^h in .some of the preced- ing, as well as in this late expedition. In 1758, liouisburg taken; in J7/39, capture of Ciuebec ; in 17()0, eonfjucst of all Canada; Havana* taken, Au- gust, 17(J2. " Let us then this day rejoice." [Imp.] 1776. Three sermons "on Relative Duties," viz.: Nos. 7(), 77, 71>. [See below.] No. 76. Respect to superiors. [Imperfect. No. l.j No. 77. 1 St. Peter iii. 8. Duty of superiors to inferiors [No. 2.] Mar 5th. Romans xii. 10. Duty of equals towards each ^''•''^- other. [No. 3.] Mav.oth. 1 Timothi/ \\.2. " That we may lead quiet and No. 7y peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty." Julv iith. St. Mark x. 17. 'J'hc young man's enquiry. [Imp.] N'o. »0. No. 81. The sin of .Tcrcboam. Caution against sacrificing conscience to interest. 1778. St. Jamrs i. 27. 1st. Show who are meant by the Bostor, terms fatherless and widows. 2d. The treatment Julr. No. 82. due to persons of this description. [Endorsed ser- mon 7.] APPENDIX. 303 Zechariah'w. 12. [Endorsed "Sermon eiglit,] A rown'lboro' Farewell Discourse delivered at Pownalborough, July, "'"i'i;. m, 1778." 1. Give some explanation of the text. 2. Make some reflections suitable to the present occa- sion. Psalms Ixv. 11. Reasons for gratitude during the ,, year past. u«' 1780. Duty of promoting peace. 1781. Cnrnwallis. No. M. St. Mark.'x. 15. 1. The nature and extent of re- Cornwaiiin, pcntanec. 2. The necessity of it. '^'"o.^'bl}''''' Acts xvi. 29, 30. Narrative of the imprisonment Cornwaiiii.. of two Apostles. Application of the jailor's ques- xo. 87.^ ^'** tions to the present hearers. St. John iii. 3. Errors with respect to conversion. Comwaiii*, rx'^ 1 1 1 Sept. 17th. [^o. 14.] ^„..^. Hebrews \\\. 1\. Advantages of peace. [Xo. 3.1 ("rnwaiiid, ° ' ^ ^ Dec. 5th. No. 8y. Psalms cxv. 16. The goodness of (lod calls for romwaiiis, gratitude. [No. 4. An original collect prefixed to ^ ^o^Vo^• this sermon.] 1 St. Peter iv. 18. Description of the righteous 17^3. and the sinner. wiwih.' No. 91. ' 1 St. Peter iv. 18. DifFiculty of salvation and Ann«poiij, certainty of future punishment. .So. '.»•.». St. Ltike xviii. 18 to 22. 1. An account of this Aniinpoii<, young man. 2. INature and extent of tlie command No. ".a. given to him. 3. Practical reflections. [No. 3.) 17S1. Genesis ix. 9. The temptation of Joseph. Prac- .\nnap«iu, tical remarks. ifo'.'w. 304 APPENDIX Anntpoii*. (Itiiesis ix. 9. Tlic exiiiuplc of Joseph rccom- lSo*'jo* ' mended, especially to the young. 1780. Gtnrsis xxxvii. IH, The nature, ellects and un- Annap"!'". reasonabU'iicss of envy. " Scripture History." Annapoiiv S/. Mtitthrw \\. 1:2. A incre outward profesion *^A.). li;.' "^^'i'l "**^ secure our future iiappiness. Annnpoiis, Against the love of money. [Imperfect] I'cbruary. No. 98. Annapolis, Romans vi. 1(). "Servitude of sin; its danger." Vo.*99. Second i)art, 1787. Judg-es ix. 11, 15. Endeavor to draw some moral Annapolis, jj,^j religious observations from these words. [No. 1.1 ieh. ( th. " i •• No. 100. Annapolis, Judges ix. 11, lo. The vanity and pride. of human No. loi". nature. [No. 2. Part 2.] Annapolis, Arts xviii. ])art of 17th vs. True Christian zeal. Feb. I7th. rxT on No. 102. [No. 6.] Annapolis, ^Ir/.v xviii. part of 17th vs. Counterfeit zeal. [No. '1.1 Feb. 19th. ' ^ ^ No. 103. Annapolis, ylr7.s xviii. i:)art of 17th vs. IndiiTerence to religion. Feb. 22.1. ' ° No. 10-1. [No. 5.] Annapolis, Psahfis xlix. 1']. The folly of men. [No. G.] Feb. 21 "it. No. 105. Annapolis, Dciit. XXX. 15. Abusc of the grace of God. Feb. 22<1. , ^. r,^ No. IOC. ['>t>- '•] Annapolis, St. Liihc xii. 1. Display some appearances of No. 107. this Pharisaical hypocrisy and show its baseness. [No.s.] Annapolis, ^NoMos. '"^'Z- ^'"^'C ^''- 1- Same subject continued. [No. 9.] APPENDIX. 305 St. Luke xii, 1. Same subject continued. [No. ^""■K>1'*« 10.1 Vo. iW St. Mark x. 17, 18. "One may be apparently Annapoiu, strict and punctual in the performance of moral du- No. no, ties, without being entitled to everlasting happiiic'^s. [No. 11.] St. Blark x. 17, 18. " It concerns us to examine: Annapoiit, 1. The disposition of our minds ; and 2. The extent * No. ill. of our obedience." Practical application. [Xo. 12.] Job I. 18, 19, 20. 1. To make some reHections Annapolis. .1 1 1 1 i <■ T 1 ^ ^-vi I April 10th. upon the story and conduct ot Job; 2. Observe that No. lij. calamity is the portion of human nature; 3. Enquire what improvement we ought to make of aillictions. [No. 13.] Ecclesiastes ix. 12. A funeral sermon. Brief. Annapolis, [JNO. 14.j iSo. 113. Proverbs x. 19. 1. Consider some of those sinful Annapolis, excesses which are occasioned by a multitude of No. 114. words; 2. Exhibit the wise regulation of our dis- course recommended in the text. [No. 15.] St. Luke xiii. 5. 1. Against rash judgnient; 2. April iTth! Exhortation to repentance. [No. 16.] °' ''' St. Luke xiii. 5. 1. Many instances of .-iudden Ap"ii^i?ith! bereavement; 2. Caution against delay of repent- ^°' ^^^' ance. [No. 17.] Proverbs x.l^. Against talebearing. [No. 18.] am 27th.' No. 117. St. Malthcv^ V. 8. 1. Enumeration of spiritual AnnawUs, evils; 2. Application. [" No. 2 on the text St. Mat- ' No.'Vls. thew, V. 8."J 39 306 APPENDIX. Annapolis, Dec. iJd. No. 119. 1788. Annapolis, Jan. l.lth. No. IJi). Annapolis, Jan. i)th. No. 121. »^'/. Lithe ii. 20. 1. (Occurrences before the birth of Christ. 2. Angels ai)i)e:ir to the shepherds, and message. 3. Suitable reflections. [Sermon 8.] St. Matlhrir iv. 10. Duty to God. Si. Luke ii. 84. Presentation of Christ in the Temple. While the coming of Christ shall prove the salvation of some, it shall increase the condem- nation of thos(! who neglect his precepts. Ijct us then repent. [Sermon 9.] Annapolis, Jan. 3()th. No. Vl-1. Annapolis, Feb. 1st. No. 123. St. MattJtnv ii. 1. Brief account of the Magi. Herod's jealousy at the birth of another prince. The Magi not disgusted by the poverty in which Mary and the infant Saviour were found to be. Their con- duct contrasted with that of men in these days. Let the trouble the Magi took to come to Christ ex- cite us to seek him. [Sermon 10.] St. Matthew ii. 16. Character of Herod. Ac- count of the massacre by his order. [A spirited sketch.] This story displays the terrible efl'ects of ambition. This passion whether it appears in a single person, or a Congress of rising heroes, is like the inundation of a mighty river. Humanity and benevolence recommended. [Sermon 11.] Annapolis, ¥eh. 0th. No. 121. St. Litkc ii. 40. Character of Herod and account of his death. Explanation of the text. The ex- ample of Herod teaches us the danger of delaying repentance. Lastly: Let every person be excited to increase in wisdom and understanding. [Ser- mon 12.] .\nnapoii!», Sf. Luhx ii. part of olst vs. The first part of this No. i-'i. d' ( ourse refers to the 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49 verses of this chapter. 1. From the example of our blessed APPENDIX. 307 Lord, we may learn the necessity of Confirmation, Avhen it may possibly be obtained. Explanation of Confirmation. Children urged to ac(juaint tiiein- selves with the nature of their Baptismal vows. The Saviour's example of obedience commended to children. [Sermon 13.] Daniel v. 27. An account of the revels of Bel- Annapolis, shazzar, the hand-writing; consequent terror, and "^^o. "126. Daniel's interpretation of the mysterious characters. (Written with considerable power.) 1. God knows, considers, and examines all our actions with the greatest exactness. [Sermon 2.] Daniel v. 27. When we purpose to enter upon Annapolis. any enterprise let us ask ourselves, if our conduct ^°" ^^'' in it will stand the test? "Endeavor to shew when people may be reckoned (to be) in a dangerous situ- ation." Several particulars named. " Let us then en- gage in works of repentance, piety, devotion, charity and temperance. But our most perfect performances will not avail without the atonement of the Son of God." [Sermon 3.] St. John iii. 1, and part of 2d vs. Short account Annapolis of Nicodeinus. Does the conduct of Nicodcmus xo? 123. merit applause or the contrary ? Answered in the negative in the remainder of this discourse. [Ser- mon 4.] St. Luke iii. part of 12th verse. Character of Annapniii, John Baptist's preaching. " The subject before us ^^^o"'!';^ and the season of the year invite us to roj)entance." Reasons for repentance. [Sermon 14.] Romans iv. part of 2oth verse. The circumstances Annapolis, of the death of Christ. The sins of the world were ^%j]{$: the cause of the sufferings and death of our Saviour. 308 APPENDIX. 1. The tli()ni,'lit of this should humble us; 2. It sluMiIci fill us with hatred of siij ; 3. we should avoid sin. [Seriiioii 5.] Annapolis y^f j f^.,. ^j .j I),.fi„it ion of temptation. 1. Trials .March Hth. ■ No, 131. iiiul alllietions which prove our faith. 2. The en- deavors of Satan to draw us into sin. 3. Onr own depraved aj^petites may draw us into sin. Therefore we should pray to God f()r His aid and protection. Caution ; God never leads any one into temptation. We should carefully shun all temptations. [Ser- mon G.] Annapolis, ,v/, Lukr xi. 1. 1. llutnan nature is weak in re- March ISth. No. 132. sisting temptation. Yet many persons voluntarily expose themselves to it. Can these, with propriety, otler the prayer in the text? God promises his aid to those who shun temptations. [Sermon 7.] Annapolis Romans iv. part of 25th vs. 1. The Resurrection. March 2()th. ' . No. 133. 2. The design and importance of this event. 3. The improvement to be made of it. [Sermon 8.] Annapolis, St. Matthew iii. 15. Account of the preceding March 26th. . ^ 1 /-.i • x' i ii • No. 134. Circumstances : 1. Christ s example on this occasion should convince us that, it is our duty to obey all commands of God ; 2. Observe the humility of John Bajitist; 3. Notice the regular proceedings of Divine Providence, even in the most weighty concerns. Ap- jilication. [Imperfect. Sermon 15.] Annapolis. .s'/. MallJinr i. 1 to lltli verse. Exi-danation of March -n>th. , . <. ^, . . , ■ „ • No. 13.3. tlie temptation of Christ, with practical reliections [Sermon K).] • Annapolis, A)iios vi. 1. Multitudes rciient of their sins withH April .5th. . No. 13C. out any real reformation. Ihe human heart has many ways to deceive itself. Specification of some of these ways. [Sermon 9.J APPENDIX. 309 Amos vi. 1. Many Christians content themselves Annapoiii, with a cold and partial performance of their duty. "^^-I,' "i^* [Sermon 10.] St. John i. 47, 48. Four of the disciples of John Annapoii*, Baptist described. Among them was Nathaniel. ' x'o. 138. Explain the meaning of the words "in whom is no guile," and then enquire if the description w ill agree with our own characters? [Sermon 17. j St. John u. 11. Account of the miracle : 1. Make .„„.„.. Annapnim, some observations on this occurrence : 2. Attempt -^CP' '?!)?• ' ' >o. 139. some practical improvement. [Sermon 18.] St. John ii. 24. The care of the Jews in observing Ann«poii«, externals of religion shames the conduct of many '^^J '^/^o' Christians. Christ's driving the trallickers from the Temple shows that religious buildings have a rela- tive sanctity. Christ would " not commit himself to certain who professed to be his disciples, and why ? From this, and other passages, we are persuaded of Christ's divinity. Christ is therefore omniscient. Have we always acted under a persuasion of this truth? [Sermon 19.] St. John iii. 5. Brief account of the interview Ann:ipnii«, between Christ and Nicodemus. Surj)rise of Nic- ' "no. ui.* odemus. Explanation by Christ. "Our blessed Lord has united Baptism with Ki'generation, and has declared the necessity of both in the strongest terms." "The outward sign must not be omitted if we expect the inward spiritual grace." " We learn from this discourse of our Lord with Nicodemus, the necessity of an heavenly disposition, and that our souls must be renewed and sanctified, tV:c. &:c." [Sermon 20.] St. Matthciv V. 43. Our Saviour encouraged that Ann»p!)iu, 310 APPENDIX. May 2J. afl'oc'tioii aiicl benevolence which is the most amiable "■ *■ virtue, the brightest ornament of human nature. Our l)enevolent feelings to have no limits. I in- tend this discourse chielly as an introduction to this great and important branch of Christianity. Paraphrase of the story of the good Samaritan. Scllishness the character of the present age. Our forbearance in religion proceeds from indiilerencc to it rather than from true charity. [Sermon 11.] Annapolis, Provvrbs \. 10. 1. Many persons endeavor to No. 143! seduce others into sin, and successfully. 2. These seducers are atrocious sinners. 13. "Enlarge upon Solomon's caution." [Sermon 12.| June 14th. Sccond scrmon in wiiich the same subject is con- tinued. [Sermon 13.] June 20th. Third sermon in which the same subject is con- tinued. [Sermon 14.] June 17th. St. Mark \. 10). 1. Explain the nature and urge the necessity and advantage of confirmation. 2. Address myself to the younger part of this congre- gation. July 12th. St. Luke X. 41, 42. Religion is a matter of the utmost concern and importance. [Sermon IG.] July 18th. 1 Corinthians x. 3, 4. Comparison between man- No. 148 na and the Gospel. [Sermon 17.] Proverbs i. 24, 25, 26. 1. God in tender compas- sion for mankind continues to repeat His gracious invitations. 2. Notwithstanding this, we are dis- posed to reject His condescending oilers. [Sermon 18.] ATPENniX. 311 NOTICES OF LOYALISTS. V The papers of the Rev. Jacob Bailcv, which have been pre- served, are of a very miscellaneous character. Some of them furnish information not before known respect- ing persons of some note in their clay. The notices which follow, refer, exclusively, to those wiio, at the time of the Amer- ican Revolution, favored more or less the Royal cause. Great credit is due to Lorenzo Sabine, Escj., for his very full and accurate work, containing biographical sketches of American Loyalists. With all the labor which must have been bestowed on that book, it is still somewhat imperfect, either in the brevity of the notices of some of the persons spoken of, or in the entire omission of the names of some who adhered to the British Crown. The contents of this Appen- dix supply in a measure this deficiency. The present writer supposed that there migiit be a general desire in the Protestant Episcopal Church to learn all that could be gathercci of the history of those of its ministers, who retained their allegiance in the trying times of the American Revolution. While he has, therefore, made full extracts from the MS. materials in his possession to gratify this desire, he has also availed him- self to some extent of other sources of information. Some of the persons noticed in the following sketches were in humble life, and perhaps, on account of their nev<'r having possessed any extensive influence, it may be supposed that any memorials of them are hardly worth preserving. Still these slight sketches will probably have a local interest. More than this, they serve also in some degree as contributions to the general history of the State in which the subjects of them lived. The writer of the present Memoir could not resist the desire which he felt to select from the time-worn MSS. which 312 APPENDIX. were intrusted to him, such facts as appeared worthy of being inserted in an Appendix. From the increasing interest now felt not only in Aiiticiuarian but Genealogical researches, the compiler feels assured of the readiness witii which many will read every one of the following articles. They who are not interested in some of these l^rief sketches can of course pass them over, with the consolation that the insertion of them adds nothing to the price of the book in which they are contained. Rev. Edward Bass, D. D., and first Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Massachusetts. Mr. Bass's ancestors were among the first settlers of Massachusetts Colony, and settled in Roxbury about 1639. In about ten years they removed thence to Braintree (now Quincy.) The subject of this notice was born in Dorchester, Mass., Nov. 23d, 1726. He entered Harvard College when he was thirteen years old, and graduated in 17-14. For some years after he was engaged in the instruction of youth, and in theological studies. He was licensed to preach among the Congregationalists, if indeed he was not or- dained a minister by them.* On the 2-Jth of May, 1752, he was admitted to Deacon's Orders by the Bishop of London, and having shortly afterwards been ordained Priest, he returned to his native country, and on the death of the llev. Matthias Plant, Minis- ter of Queen Anne's Church in Newbury, Mass., took charge of that Parish. At the commencement of the American Revolution, Mr. Bass, in common with the other Ministers of the English Church, was placed in a situation of extreme embar- rassment. It would seem, that to a certain extent, he complied with the wishes of the officers of his Church, and omitted the prayers for the Royal Family. The following papers will show the light in which he was regarded by the Society in England, whose Mis- sionary he was. In writing to the Secretary of that Society, under date of Nov. yth, 1781, llev. J. Bailey says : " At the earnest request of the Rev. Mr. Bass, the late Missionary at Newburyport, I venture to lay before you the following representation of his circumstances and conduct, and, if it will not give offence to the Society, I beg you will communicate it. Two gentlemen, upon whose veracity and honor I can entirely depend, have lately been with me, and affirm that Mr. Bass is a most sincere friend to Government ; that though he was obliged to omit the usual prayers for the King, yet he never could be induced to pray for the revoltcrs, either in the civil or military de- partment ; that he has always refused to read the resolves, declarations, or any other papers appointed by rebel authority ; that he has been of great service in moderating the violent, in confirming the doubtful, and in making converts of such as would attend to his arguments, and that it is his most sincere design to promote the interests of the Church, and the supremacy of Britain over her Colonies. I can attest the greater part of the above account, and I always considered him as an honest, worthy man, and I am authorized to observe that he is ihe more deeply affected in having for- feited the favor of that venerable body which he served so long, than at the loss of his salary, though he is wholly subsisted by charity." In reply to this statement, • " The bearer. Sir. Hass, has preaclied for some time among the dissenters, to good acceptance. F. Ml LLKU. '"— //airX in I ' Missions of Church of £nglaiid, p. 219. \/. \ APPENDIX. 313 the Secretary of the Venerable Society says, January 29th, 1782: " That part of vour letter which concerns Mr. Bass, has a little surprised me, since amonR otlicr witnwoc* of his disloyal principles and conduct, you seem to have been among the number. For when Mr, (Rev. J. W. W.) Weeks was in Kngland, he assured me in these words: 'That Mr. Bass went so far as to preach a sermon, exhorting his hearers to give their money liberally for clothing the rebel soldiers. Mr. Bailey, my brother, was present on the occasion, and heard the sermon.' J should be glad if you would explain thii and, if you can, reconcile it with your last letter. Tiie clergy of Boston, in the begin- ning of the troubles, disapproved of Mr. Bass's conduct, and wrote over that he complied too far with the prevailing powers. He is said to have kept all the Fasts, &c., ai)pointed by Congress, and to have read the Declaration of Independencv in his Church. All this Mr. Bass must clear himself of, and very fully too, before he can be restored to the Society's favor. P. S. It Mr. Ba.ss had been trulv loval, I can't see how it was possible for him to stay at TS'ewburyport, a place so much in favor of the other part." In answering this letter. May 4th, of the same year, Rev. J. Bailey savs : " With respect to Mr. Bass, and the information I gave to Mr. Weeks, the case is, in brief, as follows: being compelled to leave my family to avoid confinement on board a guard ship, I wandered through the country, and about the middle of November came to Newburyport, and was at Church on a day of public thanksgiving appointed by the Congress. Mr. Bass desired me to preach, but I refused, assuring him that I wou'd never deliver a charity sermon to collect money for clothing the rebel soldiers. This I repeated soon after to Mr. Weeks, but, as nearlv as I can remember, Mr. Bass gave us a general discourse, without descending to particulars, or even mentioning the occasion of the solemnity. After sermon, the collection was rpade. Manv refused to contribute, and a lady of some distinction declared with a spirited voice, ' I will never give a single penny towards the support of rebels.' This bold declaration was jicr- haps the occasion of my retaining the above in my memory. I am very confident, both from the repeated assertions of Mr. Bass himself, and other circumstance*, that he refused to read the Declaration of Independency, and he became, on that account, extremely obnoxious to the violent party. I am certain that he was publicly reported for a Tory, and I was, one evening just upon my arrival at his house, witness to a scene equally ludicrous and indecent, for as he was returning from an entertainment with his wife, he was pursued along the street by near two hundred persons, who pelted him with dirt and stones, and treated him with the most indelicate language. • • On the whole, I am persuaded that Mr. Bass was conducted into his deviations, not from even the least inclination to the cause of the revolters, but from a mistaken zeal for the Church, which, he imagined, in some measure, would justify his compliance." Rev. S. Parker, Rector of Trinity Church, Boston, writes to Rev. J. Bailey, Dec. 22, 1782. " Mr." (Rev. J. W.) " Weeks was dismissed from the Society's service with much greater reason, I think, than poor brother Bass, whose loyalty during the whole contest has stood unimpeached." The following is frcm a letter from Rev. Kdward Bass, Newburyport, Dec. 2!»th, 1783 : "That I sho^ve I a readiness to keep all the Congress Fasts, as Dr. Morice h^th been informed, is not true. I complied wiih mucli reluctance. It is indeed true that I did generally open my Church on those days, but not in consequence of orders or commands from any Rebel authority whatever, none of whose papers I ever once read in Church, but of the earnest request of my parishioners, who represented it to me as the only probable way of saving the Church Ironi destruction, while people in general were in such a frenzy. Besides a number of private letters written by my friends in my favor, my wardens did last year sign a testimonial of my loyalty: the Hon'ble Mark II. Wentworth and George Jallrey presented me with another, which I begged the favor of (Governor Wentworth to present to the Society." 40 31-t Al'i'KNDIX III a postscript to a letter fruin Ilev. Kdward U.ikk, in the Sptini; of 17Hi, heuTs : " Br the ({""•1 ""ices c)f your Brother Wi-i-ki, this Church in, Ithink. like to fall very soon." llev. J. Uiiiley wrote to the sulijcct of this sketcli, Miiri'h 7th, I'ST: ** I recei»e»l K letter from you last .November, with your remarks upon the Society.* Our Rrothi : Cluk, formerly of Detlham, wa.s present, from whom 1 chiefly collected the followiii- account of your afr4ir«. After Mr. Weeks had procured, by his representations, a •us|>enHion of your pay, my letters and other testimonials arrived in your favour, which induced the Board to revise your cjise, and to make some fiirtlier enquiries. In consequence of which, one iSalier was produced, who declitr< d upon oath that he had been « parishioner of yours ; that you omitted all the i)riiyers for His Majesty, etc., observed nil the rebellious fusts and thunks^ivinss, and read the Decl.iration for Inde- pendence, without the advice, and contrary to the desire of your I'arish, and that you tiot only encournned privateerin«, hut was actually en^ancd in the plunder of British property. (Quere, who was this Salter? Was it not Mnlachi, who visited New Kn(<- land in the autumn of 1777, and who afterwards made a voyage to London ?) This evidence, however, preally increased, or rather confirmed every prejudice aj^ainst you. After this, your friends exhibited several circumstances in your favour, and had so far elucidated your character, that a rest4)ration was almost agreed to. Upon which Mr. Clark was examined for a deciding voice, the Arch-Bishop assuring him that should his testimony prove favoura'-de, the Society would confirm your salary. But this gen- tleman, it appears, declared upon his honour, that he regarded you as a friend to the rebellion, upon which they immediately pas.scd a vote of reprobation. 1 have had several warm altercations with Mr. Clark on this subject, and have demanded the foundation of his opinion. In reply, he alleges, that upon a visit with Mrs. Bass, at Dednara, he conceived that both you and your lady were greatly attached to the rebel- lion ; but, I conjecture, that he was chiefly influeaced in his sentiments by what Mr. Weeks and others had asserted." Several letters from Mr. Bass of a later date arc preserved. They relate mainly t" domestic matters. Some of them inclosed letters to his brothers Joseph and John Bass, then living in the neighborhood of Mr. Bailey. The degree of I). D. was conferred on Mr. Bass by the University of Pennsylvania, in 17S9. Seven years after. Dr. Bass was chosen Bishop of Massachusetts, and in 17',)7 was consecrated in Philadelphia, by B;shop White; Bishops Provost and Claggetl assisting. At the request of the Churches in Rhode Island and New li.-impsbire. In exerci.>>ed his Episcopate in those States. Until his death, which happened in ISd-., be retained the charge of St. Paul's Church, in N'ewburyport, which he bad held for the long space of lifty-one years. He is yet remembered in .Newburyport, as a person of a remarkably cheerful and even temperament, a lover of peace, to such an extent as to h.ive, on some occasions, sacrificed his own undoubted rights, rather than to con- tend with avaricious and quarrelsome neighbors. Such traits are r< membcrcd when even the learning of their subject is forgotten. I'rom the unusual advantages he pos- sessed in youth, and his diligent habits at that time, it is probable ibat bis acquire- ments were greater than common. .\ marble monument, with a Lntin inscription, written by his assistant and suc- cessor in the Rectorship, the late Rev. James Morss, D. I)., is erected to bis memory in the Churchyard of St. Paul's, Newburyport. *ThKi pmbablr relato to a pamphlet piiblNhrd by Mr. Bass, of which the followlni: Is the title : " A brief Account of the treatment which Mr. Ua*», late MiMlonar.v from the .";n I'urti, at Newlmry-rort, New KiiKlutuI, hulh received from sa(rawn up by lllmv ll. »ltli Kcnmrk* upon parlli-iilar I'arts of It, aiitl addrcsspil ti> the Im- partial I'atdlc. Ailinonlih a Krirml, it may lio he hath not iloiir It. Ailinnnlsh thy Krlcnd. It mav l>e he hnih not said It. AdnionUh a Kriviid, furmnny Times It 1» a Slander, and bcllere not every Tale.— Ectlcs. xlx. 13, U, 14. Ix>ndun : I'riiitrd In the Year MUt CL.VX.VVI." APPENDIX. 315 The writer of the above heard Rev. Dr. Morss relate the following anecdote a few years since : — About the time that the monument to Bishop Bass was erected, the Rector of the Parish preached a sennon on the death of Alexander Hamilton, which sermon con- tained a warm eulogy on the deceased. A democratic parishioner shortly after met his Rector, and observed : " Mr. Morss, if your inscription on good Bishop Bass's monument had been in English, and your eulogy on Alexander Hamilton had been in Latin, I. for one, should have been much better pleased." The present wi-iter would beg leave to say, that he fully agrees with the parishioner in that part of his observation which refers to Bishop Bass. As the memory of a devoted minister or bishop should be dear to the humblest of those under his ch.ij-ge, so, it would seem to be self-evident, that enduring tributes to his virtuf s should be in a language that all interested can read. They who have acquired a world-wide repu- tation may be commemorated in a language common to the learned in all lands. But he whose praise it was, that he did the work of his Divine Master in a faithful spirit, can look for no extensive renown. While no reason can be given for the use of that which is " an unknown tongue " to the great mass of tliose who would gladly read his epitaph, the employment of such a tongue of course virtually defeats, in no small degree, the object for which his monument was erected. Rev. Joshua Wi.mjati: Wkeks, Rector of St. Michael's Church, Marblehcad, Mass. JosiirA ■WiXG.iTE Weeks was the oldest child of Col. John and Mrs. Martha Weeks, and was born in Hampton, N. H., 1" — . He graduated at Harvard College in 17'J8, and married Miss Sarah Treadwell, of Ipswich, Mass. In Novrtnbcr. 1762, the Vestry of St. Michael's Church, Marblehcad, " Voted, that the Sum of £'iO Sterling be Laid on the pews of said Church to Defray the Charge of Mr. Weeks Going home to London to Receive Orders for said Church." His marriage, as he states in a letter, dated London, March, 1763, took pUce before he left America. He returned to Marblehead in July of that year, and entered upon his duties as Rector of St. Michael's but did not reside there wholly fill after the lapse of one year. No hint is to be found of the reason of his leaving the f.iith of his family, who were all Congregationalists, and seeking for Orders in the Church of England. Several letters, which passed between him and Rev. Mr. Bailey, are in existence. From these, it would seem that the first eleven years of his Rectorship at Marblehead were passed in quiet enjoyment. During that time he made several visits to Pownal- borough, and purchased about eighty acres of land, which, to the present day, be.ir his name. A letter of his, of the date of Nov. lOth, 1774, contains gloomy forebod- ings as to himself and his family. The following year he and they were driven from ^larblehead, by political persecutions, and were obliged to seek refuge with Rev. Mr. Bailey, at Pownalborough. Some account of this is given in the previous Memoir, p. 108. They were here, at times, at least, from April, 177'5, to May of the following year. His family resided in Pownalborough during that time. In June of that year, Mr. Weeks and his family ret'irned to .Marblehcad. In a letter from that pl.ice to Mr. Bailey, dated April 2'.)th, 1777, Mr. Weeks says : " Vou ask me ' how I live .' ' I am happy to tell you that my friends are uncommonly kind, and even strangers are remarkably liberal, and I have received the most unlimited offers from pi-rsons I never knew." • • "You ask, ' why I ceased to oliiriatc ? ' Because the fJetieral Court passed an Act against preaching, or praying, with a design of bringing independence 316 APPENDIX. into (INrjracc, etc., etc. My bcinj? obliijoJ to lly and tlic treatment I received were fully related in the En^li^h papers, and from thence were inserted in the monthly JMai;aziiu"s, etc." Mr. Weeks wrote to Mr. Bailey from Boston, May 2d, 1778. He says : " I am here in order to get liherfy from the Court to go away, but have the mortification to find my petition rejected by the House after having been fully and literally granted by the Council by an unanimous vote. So there is an end of thinking to go away by leave. Mr. ("lark of Dedhani hath liberty to go, though I am detained." A letter from llev. Mr. Bailey to the subject of this sketch, and addressed to him at Newport, U. I., dated Nov. 28th, 1778, says: " I was driven from the regions of Ken- nebeck about the 12tn of July, by a warrant, to Boston. Upon my arrival I found that you were fled, from a prosecuMonof the like nature, to Rhode Island." Joseph Domeltc wrote to llev. J. H.iilcy, Boston, Dec. I, of this year : " Mr. Gardiner arrived at New York too late to see either his father, or Mr. Weeks, who had sailed for England." In the spring of the following year, the following was written by Rev. William Clark, :it London: "The Rev. Mr. Weeks, being driven from the large and flourishing Church of Marblchead, left that Province soon after I did, and for similar reasons, and is now going to Nova Scotia with a recommendation from the Society here to the Governor and Council of that Province." Mr. Bailey, in a letter to a friend a few inontlis after, says : " I am sorry to find that Mr. Weeks meets with any obstructions 10 liis settlement at Annapolis. The Governor and Council, for certain impenetrable reasons, seem determined to retain Mr. Fisher in that Mission." And shortly after, Mr. Bailey says : " About three weeks after my settlement at Halifax, Mr. Weeks arrived from England, which afforded a great addition to our happiness. He is ap- pointed Missionary at Annapolis Royal, with a salary of £141) per Annum, but will continue at present in this Metropolis." He continued there from July IGth, to Sep- tember 7th, when he sailed for New York. While he was at that place, he says : " The Refugees from Massachusetts Bay had a meeting to choose a proper person to repre- sent them at the Board. They condescended to choose me Moderator. Khought it an honour, and a great one, nor shall I ever be ashamed of such company. l'"or when I looked around me I beheld men eminent for their abilities, their birth, their opu- lence and connexions ; and had the cause in which we had been engaged been a bad one, men of such character would have added lustre to it, and made it respectable." A letter fro'n Rev. Dr. Breynton, Nov. 27th, 177'.>, says : " You are no stranger io the arrival of Mrs. Weeks and her eight children. Besides some donations, Mrs. Weeks will be allowed about 5 shillings per diem, and Mr. Weeks will be directed to draw for the Society's £70, and the other £70 will be given to (Rev.) Mr. Fisher, till the whole of that affair can be finally settled." It was not till the spring of the following year, that Weeks was able to join his family in Halifax. In the following summer he writes : " Rogers has been with mc, and offered me one of his battalion'', you know he came from the same Province." llev. Mr. Bailey says, in a letter to Rev. Edward Bass, July 28th, 1784: "What- ever might be the motives wliich induced Mr. Weeks in his endeavors to injure you,* it has returned upon himself, and he is at present in no eligible situation; in the ex-, pensive town of Halifax, with a large family he is reduced to about si.xty Pounds, aa half-pay Chaplain to the Orange Rangers, and fifty-two guineas, which are deducted from my perciuisites." In the summer of the following year, Mr: Bailey says, in writ- ing to a friend : " As to Mr. Weeks, he has been to ICngland, and. after writing three humiliating letters to the Society, w.as admitted candidate for a vacancy, with tills express condition, on record, that he should first resign the contested Chaplainship. ' Sec letter from IMsliop Bass, page 201. ATP END IX. 317 But such was his inflexible obstinacy and steadfast determination to injure me, that he refused, and returned lo Halifax, though he might have been settled at Uigby." This matter of the chaplainship is spoken of in the foregoing Memoir, pp. 237, 238. It was the means of suspending all intercourse between the family of Mr. Bailey, and that of his brother-in-law, nor is there any evidence that this intercourse was ever restored. All that is known by the present writer of the subsecjuent life of Mr. Weeks, is contained in " Aikin's Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Church of England, etc. Halifax: ISt'J." The author of this work says, p. 49, "The names and stations of the Clergy in the Diocese (of Nova Scotia) at this time, (i. c., ITf'S,) were as follows : Joshua W. Weeks, at Preston." And in a note at the foot of the same page, "Removed to Guysborough in 1790, on the death of Mr. De la lioche." The Triennial Catalogue of Harvard College gives 18')4 as the date of his death. Rev. William Clark, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Dedham, Massachusetts. This gentleman was the son of Rev. Peter Clark, of Danvcrs, Mass. He graduated at Harvard College in 1759, and returned from London to Boston, (whiiher lie had gone to take Holy Orders,) in a ship commanded by Capt. Hall, in 1769. He was appointed to the charge of the Church in Stoughton and Dedham. Mr. Clark wrote to ^Ir. Bailey, Dedham, July 10th, 1772, and expressed his desire to obtain tlie Parish at Georgetown, Me., because the salary at Dedham was small, and likely to remain so, until the estate belonging to the Parish in reversion should fall in. In 1771, the inhabitants of the two townships (i. e. Granville and ,) addressed an invitation to the Rev. ^Ir. Clark, the Missionary at Dedham, Mass., to come and settle among them, promising, at the same time, to contribute towards his support. They stated that the greater part of them had " been educated and brought up in the Con- gregational way of worship, and therefore should have chosen to have a minister of that form" of worship, but tlie Rev. Mr. Wood, by his preaching, and performing the other offices of his holy function amongst us in the several districts of this county, hath removed our former prejudices that we had against the forms of worship of the Church of England, as by law established, and hath won us to a good opinion thereof, inasmuch as he hath removed all our scruples of receiving the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in that form of administering it ; at least many of us are now com- municants with him, and we trust and believe many more will soon be added." * Rev. J. W. Weeks says. May 2d, 1778: " Mr. Clark hath leave to go out of the country, but I am refused." The same person, in writing shortly after to the Venera- ble Society, saysf: " Mr. Clark, of Dedham, on account of his health, got liberty of the rebels to go to Newport. He is excessively deaf, so that he cannot perform divine service. Some refugees and inhabitants of Newport had subscribed about £3(1 sterling for his support. Though he has no family but a wife, yet he is in great need, and merits compassion from all. He was taken up last year and tried at the same time I was, and his lawyer deceiving him by going out of town when he ought to have been in court, he was, without the least colour of evidence against him, condemned, and confined for some time on board the guard ship, by which his health was much injured, and his voice so allected that he can hardly be understood." Mr. Clark writes, Lon- don, March 3d, 1779 : " I had the happiness to live in peace at Dedham till the spring of 1777, when their jealousy being excited by a trifling occasion, I was sentenced to banishment and confined on board a ship, for nothing more than refusing to acknowl- edge the Independency of America, which was contrary to the sentiments I had of * Hawkins' Missions, &c., p. 361-2. t Hawkins' Missions, p. 256. 318 AI'l'KNDIX my duty tn my kiiiKi niy country, and my <»od. I wan, however, kept a prUoner till Uat June, wlicn 1 Rut prriiii«»ii>u tu leave (heir dominiuno, and after upendinK a few monthN lit Uhode loUnd and New York, 1 left America about Christmas, and arrived hwe in l-'elvuary by way of Ireland. Hy my confinement in America, I contraetctl a disorder, which disable* mo from prenchiiift, and whether I ahall ever recover from it i« at prcnent uncertain." In anitwer to a remark of Mr. Clnrk'n letter of November of thii year — " I h.ive not heard since I left her in Uhode Island about a year aRo.'" — |Mr. Bailey re]>lie« : "I «aw Mr. Weeks lust July, and made particular inc(uirieK con- cerniiiK the death of Mis. Clurk, and all the information I could obtain waft, that Khe died about the middle o( .'septeml>er. a fortnight after her deliv. ry, and that her child did not long survive her." Under ilate of London, May '21st, 1".'<3, Mr. Claik writes : " I have now the satisfaction to inform you that (•overnment granted roe a penoion of £60 per annum, and I have lately got leave to retire to Nova-Scotia and enjoy my pension there." It was not till more than three years after this that Mr. Clark was enabled to realize his wish of returning to Anirrica. In his letter from Halifax, Juno 2.'1, 17W). he writes; " I have the satisfaction to inform you that I arrived here LMst instant, in the Trooper, Capt. Browse, after a tedious passage of eight weeks from London." In the autumn of the same, Mr. Clark was residing with the Kev. J Bailejr at Annapolis. Shortly after, -Mr. Bailey said in his report to the Vcnera >le Society: " The Hev. Mr. Clark is with nie, and has assisted in administering the sacrament and reading prayers, and I am encouraned by his increasing health, to hope that he may be able to perform service with still greater satisfaction to himself and others." And afterwards, in a letter to a correspondent, Mr. Bailey says : " Mr. Clark was married about the 2<)th November last and lives ut the next door, so that 1 have still the benefit o( his Millenary library." And in another letter Mr. B. says : " Mr. Cl.irk is married to a little, pretty, delicate, chattering woman, about twenty-eight, as unable to rough it as himself. It is a disadvantage to Mr. C, that he is totally ignorant of gardening and farming." From a previous communication, we learn that the lady's name wa« Mrs. Dunltar, a young widow from New York. Mr. Clark had removed to Digby, N. S., previous to June 2d, 1787, for he wrote to Mr. Bailey under that date. In that letter he says : " It seems that a number, perhaps forty or fifty, of half-pay officers and loyalists of this Province were represented as apostates, and loitering away their time and money in the rebel countri, of which number I had the honor to be reckoned one, and con.-icqucntly my pension was stoj>ped on this pretence, even before I had arrived at Annapolis the last summer, but my agent, by his vigilance, got a reprieve for me and two others lie names, till oth July next, in order to give them time to let them know that I continued loyal, alive, and in italu quo. * • • The Wardens here have asked me to preach, which I de- clined, as I ever wished to begin the trial by reading prayer* only." Mr. Clark was ia Dixby Oct. G, 17S'J. lie returned to this country and resided in Qiiincy. lie died in 181o, and waa buried in the church-yard of his last residence, his grave being marked by a monument, the inscription of which is in Latin. Rev. John Wisw.m.l, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Falmouth, (now Portland,) Maine. Wm. Wii.i.i.s. Ksq , in his laborious and accurate edition of .'Smith's Journal, page l.>0, note 1, gives an account of this gentlemen, from which I extract that portion which relates to him up to the time of his leaving the country: " Mr. Wiswall was born in Boston, the son of John Wiswall who kept the Grammar School there. He graduated at Harvard College in 174'.', and pursued the study of Divinity as a Con- gregationalist, in whil, he married Mary Minot, of Brunswick, daughter of John Mindt, APPENDIX. 319 afterwards Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, by whom he had several children. In I7G4 he changed his rclii his people, respectable in number and character, till the breaking out of the Revolution, when his church was burned, and his flock, who were Renerallj opposed to the separation from the Mother Country, were scattered abroad." Kev. Samuel Peters, in a letter dated London, August 7lh, 17S t, gays : " Poor Wis- wall has been in the West Indies three years, in the ship Hoync." Two years after this a letter from England, says : " .Mr. Wiswall is at a curacy in Suffolk, where his engagement is only for a short time." The next year he arrived at Cornwallis, N. .S., having been appointed Missionary to that place. He wrote Mr. Uailey, Oct. 1, 178.3: "This week we chose our Church officers. Sunday I intend to read in, and then Col. Burbidge will apply to the Governor for a lettT of Induction. • • I am desirous that you should be the clergyman to induct me." Mr. Hailcy says, under date of March 2d, 17S-1 : " I have just returned from a journey to Cornwallis, undi rtakcn to marry our brother Wiswall, late of Ealmouth, to one Mrs. Hutchinson, a worthy wo- man from New York, who has been visited, during the late dissensions, with a sinsular and alfccting train of calamities." In a letter to Uev. Edward Bass, July 28lh, 17H4. Mr. Bailey says : " U hen your agreeable and welcome If tter was delivered into my hands, our brother Wiswall was present, himself, his wife, and her youngest daughter, being on a Tisit to our habitation. This observation will naturally conduct me to answer your queries respecting that sensible and original genius and his connections. His snlary from Fingland is only one hundred pounds sterling, for the .'Society allow the Mission- aries here the exact sum they formerly had in New England, but then he has a parson- age, worth one hundred and twenty dollars a year, and a decent house, with fuel. His wife, about forty-eight years of age, is a Refugee from (C'arohna) the Jcrsies. Her fortune has been somewhat singular and very distressing since the commencement of the late Revolution. Her husband was drowned. One son was kicked to death by a horse. A second lost his life by shipwreck ; and the other was hanged by the rebels, as he was attempting to visit his parents. She has remaining one son and two daughters, and still possesses about two thousand pounds, the gleanings of a Tery ample estate. Her daughters have a thousand pounds each, lately left them by their grandfather in England. She appears to be a very clever woman, is sociable, and so prudent in the management of family affairs, that we may with propriety apply to her what was heretofore said of Mrs. Weeks, ' She has abundance of saving knowl- edge.' Mr. "Wiswall has two sons, both lieutenants in the navy, the eldest, Peleg, is at Halifax, and the other, John, has just arrived from Europe." Mr. Wiswall left Cornwallis previous to October, 17H'.l. In 1798, he was Missionary at Wilmot and .\ylesford ♦ He died in 1812. Rev. Roger Vii:t.«, Rector of Si. Aiulrew's Cliurfh, Simshury, Connecticut. This gentleman was introduced to Mr. Dailey, by a letter for Rev. Dr. Hylcs, of Halifax, July oih, 1786, in which he says : "This will be handed you by Mr. Viets, formerly Missionary at Simsbury, but now appointed to Digby." He passed tie Rum- mer at his Mission, returning in the autumn to Simsbury. The next year he rcmored • AiklD's Sketch, etc., p. ii. 320 A r r E N D I X . with his family to .Nora Scotia, and entered on the duties of his new Parish. lie issued " A Serious Addrets and Furewell Charge to the Members of the Church of England in Sim«bury and the adjacent jturtA," which wuh printed in Hartford, in 17S7. He »nj-s, in thin pnmphlet : " Having led your demotions almost twenty-eight years, more than twenty-fmir of whirh I hiivcUeen in Holy Orders," etc., and proceeds to give a summary of some of the ntatiiitic!! of the parish during that time. Among them is, " Haptii»mH, Adults, 122; Infants, 174'J. From the year IT-W to the present time, the number of conformists to the Church hn-s increased from ?•> to more than 28» families, exclusive of the many that liavo emigrated and the few that hare upoiita- tixed. ' In 17S0, .Mr. Viets published, at Hartford, three sermons preached in Digby during that and the preceding year. The following is part of the dedication prefixed to thorn : — 'I'o Tin: UifJiiT Reverend 'J'he Learned, 'J'ln: Pious, 'I'liE Hespected, AND Respectable ^c4nc/i ojf t/Vova c/ccica, 0\c. d\'c. d\'e. These Discourses, etc The singularity shown in this dedication by Mr. Victs was, (a.<» it would seem from Mr. Bailey's letters to their mutual atquaintance,) also apparent in some of his other actions. Only one letter of Mr. Viets' to Mr. Bailey has been preserved. It is dated December 14th, 17!*^>, and is occupied with complaints that unauthorized persons solemnized marriages in the neighborhood. It urges Mr. Bailey to proceed legally against such offenders. Mr. Viets died at Digby in liSll, aged seventy-four. Di{. -M\rnr.u Bvlks, Jk., Jloctor of Christ. C'liurch, 13o^ndi)n, I was informed that Dr. Caner had retiied with hi< young wife to Cardiff, Wales." Dr. Caner died in England, in 17*J2, aged 92. Rev. John Troltheck, Assistant Minister of Kintj's Chapt'. ]ioston. Rev. S. Peters, in writing from I^ondon, June 9th, 1770, Rays: "Poor Troutbcck has been very sick and given over by his Physicians, after which. Nature and Prayera took him out of the power of death, and gave him a new lease of his life." Rev. Samuel Chandler, D. D. RcT. S. Peters writes, June Ith, 178.3: " Dr. Chandler sailed for New Jt-rsey, May 17th, 178.5." Rev. John Vaudili,, of New York, appointed Rector of Church, New York, (but did not accept it.) Rev. S. Peters says, in a letter, June 11th, 1785 : " Vardill is in Ireland." Rev. Isaac Brown. Rev. J. Bailey writes, February 14th, 1784, to Rev. Isaac Brown, at Windsor, N.S.: " I have formerly wrote and received no reply either from you or the Doctor, to whom and his lady be kind enough to remember us." In 17S6, Rev. Isaac Brown is inserted in a list of clergy,* as superannuated. Mr. B. is said to have come from New Jersey .f Sergeant. (Que, Rev. Winwood, of Cambridge, Mass.?) Rev. Samuel Peters, in wTiting from London, June 9th, 1779, to Rev. J. Wingatc Weeks, at Mr. Thomas Brown's, Halifax, says : " I wish you would send the follow- ing idea to Mr. Sergeant at Boston, viz., his mother died eighteen months ago. and Sergeant is heir to some landed Estate in Beconsiield in Warwickshire, 2.> miles from London, reported to be worth near l'J(K) per annum. This information I have ob- tained of his sister's daughters, named RatclitFc and Jeunett, No. 3-5, James Street, Oxford Road." Rev. S. Peters, in a letter, dated London, Aug. 7th, 1780, to Rev. J. Bailey, says: "Sergeant is at Bath, half dead and half alive. His wife is full of spirits." Smith, Capt., (of Plymouth, Mass.) Thomas Brown, in writing under dat« Halifax, December "ilUh, 1779, to Rev. J. Bailey, Cornwallis, gives a description of the loss of the armed ship North, at the mouth of Halifax harbor, December 10th, 1779, by which IG.) out of 170 persons perished. He says: " Capt. Smith, who be- longed to Plymouth in New England, a man who I have been acquainted with sov- • Alklns Sketch, p. 28. tibid, p. 38. APPENDIX. 323 eral years, was pilot of the North, and supposed to be as well knowing to this harbor as any man, had charge of the ship when she was lost, he has left a widow and eight children at Plymouth." John McNamauua, (of Pownalborough.) In the records of the town of Pownal- borough is found the following entry : " John McNamarra, son of Timothy and Ann McNamarra, was born Nov. Cth, IT'iS. Recorded March 6th, 1777. Edm'd. BiiiDOB, Town Clerk." The above extract relates to a person, who, though of humble origin, so conducted himself during his life as to deserve honorable mention. Mr. Bailey says of him when he was discharging the office of the Society's School- master in Annapolis, in 1787: "This schoolmaster is another extraordinary genius. He was born at Kcnncbeck, and came to live with me about the beginning of the rebellion. " And though his nearest relatives were violent rebels, he was so honest, loyal and faithful, as to be employed by the friends of Government in the most critical and dangerous exigencies. He was persecuted, fined and imprisoned, but was, however, happy enough to make his escape wiih us to Halifax. He has passed through a variety of scenes, and was, about three years ago, appointed the Society's Schoolmaster at Annapolis ; and though he has beon connected with characters of every description, he has given universal satisfaction. He has deservedly the highest reputation for sobriety, diligence, and integrity. He has acquired almost every branch of knowledge, both speculative and practical, and equally excels in arithmetic, astronomy, naviga- gation, geography, surveying, mensuration, dialing, and other branches of the mechanicks." AftcrAvards Mr. Bailey says: "Mr. McNamarra has expended the whole of his salary, and whatever he received when the school was more advantageous, either in books, mathematical instruments, etc., for the improvement of himself and scholars, or else in charity and the promotion of public designs." For a time the subject of this notice held the office of Postmaster in Annapolis, and probably continued as the Society's schoolmaster to the time of his death, wliich took place in the spring of 1708. Bishop Inglis said in a letter to Mr. Bailey : " I very sin- cerely regret the death of ^r. McNamarra, who was a very worthy useful man. Jn him the community has sustained a considerable loss." For many years John, (as he was familiarly called,) was a member of Mr. Bailey's family. He was first taken in the capacity of a servant. But during the compulsory absences of his employer in the last few years of his residence in Kennebec, this young man was of essential service to the family, and doubtless on more than one occasion prevented their suffering from want of the necessaries of life. Abandoning his native land with Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, he was of no little assistance to them after their arrival in Nova Scotia. This Mr. Bailey states in his letters. That he who had been received into the family in such a subordinate situation, should have had the force of mind to rise above the condition of a mere " hewer of wood and drawer of water," and, availing himself of the opportunities which Mr. Bailey atfordod him, should have acquired the amount and variety of information, which his employer says he possessed, shows that he could have been no common man. This, with the good- ness of heart which characterized him, is enough to justify the humble effort now made to rescue his memory from oblivion. The high-born and the wealthy have no lack of eulogists, while many who did not possess these advantages, although much more worthy of praise, are forgotten. In performing the duty attempted in the above notice, a satisfaction is felt, and it is not the less strong because the biographer has 324 APPENDIX, endcarorcd to save from oblirion one n-liosc birth and position in life had nothing to ■llttrc his efforts. 1)k. John Cai.k, (of .) Rev. J. IJailey writes to him at Major-bigujduce, under date of Sept. 6th, 177'.), and says: "You doubtless retain some knowledge of me from our former acquaintance, and have I presume, heard something of my situa- tion and circumstances. • • BeinR informed that you possess a department in the Garrison, which gives you considerable influence, I have made this attempt to solicit your interest in case a chaplain should be ai)pointed." Dr. John Calf, of Ips- wich, Mass., married a daughter of Rev. Jedcdiah Jcwett, of Rowley, in 17'»3. In O. Rich's Bibliotheca Americana, p. 'JOJ, is the followinjf : " The seige of Penobscot by the Rebels, by J. C, Volunteer, London: 1781. The author is supposed to be Mr. John Calrf, agent for the inhabitants of Penobscot, whose name is subscribed to the charts which illustrate the work." MO.SB.S roiiBTKK, (of .) Rcv. J. Bailey writes to Dr. Bartholemew Sullivan, at New York, under date of Halifax, Sept. — , 1770, and says : " I must beg leave to trouble you again in behalf of the bearer, Mr. Moses Forster, whose situation and cir- cumstances demand both the emotions of humanity and the effusions of benevolence. After bavins been imprisoned a whole year, and then set at liberty by the iSnpremc rebel court, he was cruelly hariassed by the committee, driven from his family, and upon his return taken out of bed, and conveyed away from a tender wife and eight children 120 miles, confined on board a guard ship, and then transported to this prov- ince. As he is a stranger in distress, I beg leave to recommend him to your atten- tion, and am confident that your goodness will afford him that assistance and direction which is due to a sufferer in the royal cause." Ron.\iiT Jenkin.s. (Que., Robtrt?) Rev. J. Bailey, writes to him at St. Johns, Newfoundland, under date of Halifax, Sept. 21th, 177'), and 6ay8 : " It is about three months since I left the unhappy land of our nativity. • ♦I have visited New- bury several times since the comincnccment of the present commotions, and continued days together with (Rev.) Mr. (Edward) Bass. The proceedings of the people .ire very disagreeable to that worthy gentleman, yet to preserve himself from destruction, he omitted all prayers for the King from the (time of the) declaration of Independ- ency, for which offence the Society (P. G. F. Ps.,) have struck his name from the list of Missionaries." Simmons, (of .) Rev. J. Bailey, in writing, uadcr date of November Gth, 1780, to Joseph Domett, at Brompton, near London, says: "The refugees in this Provinccarc under the influence of melancholy and dejection, the inflexible obstinacy of the rebel powers, the dilatory conduct of the British forces, and the ungenerous treat- ment they meet with in the regions of New Scotland, have broken the spirits of several worthy persons, among whom I may mention Mr. Simmons, who has left behind him a widow and four children." Rev. J. Bailey also wrote to Mr. William Simmons, at Halifax, Nov. 1st, 1779. He says: " It i;, 1 believe, a trite observation, that nothing occasions stronger attach- ment and friendships than suffering in the same cause. In such circumstances we love to mingle together in conversation, etc. etc. "We have not one refugee here except Capt. Campbell, etc. etc." November 30, 1779, Rev. J. Bailey writes to Mr. Simmons, at Halifax, and says : " You have my grateful acknowledgements for your obliging letter." Another letter was addressed by J. Bailey, February 4th, 1780, to Mr. William Simmons, at Halifax ; also. May 8, 1780, from the same to the same ; and another letter from the same to the same, Sept. 2, 1780, in which Mr. Bailey speaks of having lately heard of Mr. Simmons, throtigh a gentleman just arrived in Comwal- lis. In a letter to T. Brown, October 11, 178 ), J. Bailey speaks of receiving a letter from T. Brown, mentioning the " untimely exit" of Mr. Simmons. APPENDIX. 325 Jonx Jones, (of Kennebec.) Rev. J. Bailey says, in a letter, February 8th, 1780 directed to John Jones, at Queliec : "Let us flatter ourselves witli the pleasing pros- pect of meeting again in the regions of Kennebeck, and if we should not be happy enough to find all our friends remaining after so violent a tempest, yet we that have escaped the general wreck may rejoice in each other's society, and have the pleasure of regarding with contempt tlxose sons of rapine and violence, who drove us from our peaceful habitations, and forced us into the ocean, to contend with rocks, currents, whirlpools, storms and hurricanes." In WTiting to Mrs. Ruth Jones, at Cuncord, Mass., about the same time, Mr. Bailer says: "I have just received a packet from your consort, Mr. Jones. After passing through a variety of scenes, he arrived at Lake Champlain, and afterwards, by several removes, reached Quebec on the 29th of August. His last letters are dated November 2d."*' To a friend in Halifax, Mr. Bailey writes, April 18, 1780 : " I take this opportunity to recommend to your favor, Capt. Jones. He is appointed to the command of a company in Rogers' Battalion. I am persuaded that his active and enterprising genius will be of great service in the department to which he belongs." Mr. Bailey says to another acquaintance: "I send you this by our friend Jones, who is engaged to chastise the rebels. • • • « You must be persuaded that no man is better fitted foi the .«;erviee, both in point of knowledge and resolution." In a letter, writicn about the same time, Mr. Bailey says : " We were happily surprised last week with the company of Capt. Jones, one of our Kennebeck neighbours, who escaped from close imprisonment in Boston 'last spring. After passing through a variety of scenes, he was fortunate enough to reach Quebec, where, meeting with the famous Col. Rogers, he is now engaged in the army, and intends to visit his country by way of Penobscot. His capacity is equal to his undertaking." John Jones writes to Rev. J. Bailey, from Fort George, September Ith, 1780 : " I have had two trips to Kennebeck, one by land, the other in a whaleboat. First, by land : I went up and down, till I found where to strike. Thought best to bring f off. The way I proceeded was as follows: I surrounded his house in the morning, very early ; sent two men to rap at the door. On his crying out, ' Who is there ? ' I answered, A friend ! ' A friend to whom ? ' I answered, to the Congress, and we arc from George's River with an express, for the enemy has landed fifteen hundred troops and three ships. He jumped up and came down with his breeches on, lit a candle, and opened the door. We immediately seized him. On his making some noise, his wife come running down stairs, but soon returned, and put her head out of the cham- ber window, and halloed, murder ! I told her that if she did not hold her tongue, my Indians would scalp her. Away we hauled him into a boat we had prepared, and up the river about a mile above Gardinerston, landed him, and gave him a pair of shoes and stockings, and marched him to Fort George, across the woods, in four days. The whole country was alarmed, and was about si.\ hours after us. In two or three days Rowland (Gushing) came in a flag. In two or three days after, three men came in and informed us how matters were. Joseph North has gone to Boston. Bowman keeps a guard every night, and all the people are much frightened. Rowland keeps a guard, and Maj. Goodwin sleeps every night at the house. Many of our friends have been threatened, but no one is touched or hurt, for great is their fear. Many of the inhabitants don't cut their meadow. All our friends were well, when by water we went and cut out a vessel, and brought her here safe. We also took many others. • • I have had several scoutings since I have been here. Have always got the better of the • Mr. Bnlloy also wrote to John .Tones at the same time. lie said : " Your t)rolhcr .Inrk I>co, came to Ilalifa.x, some time after the dlsiierslon of the rebels at rcnobgcot" This letter wa« en- closcil In one directed to Jonas Lee, at Concord, JInss. t Col. Charles Cashing. Uc is here called by a nlcluiamc. 32t> APPENDIX. rebeU. Nat. (jarlc estate for his attachment to His M.ijenty and the Uritish government. He is endeavoring to obtain a KCi^Dt of Grand Mi-nan, and is desirous of obtaining your interest and that of Gov. Fanning. I can assure you there is not a person of my acquaintance better calculated to improve a wilderness country than Mr. Jones. lie was formerly princi- pal surveyor to the I'lymouth Company, and has made several tine settlements at Kennobcck bcfirc the commencement of the late commotions. "f Mr. Jones wrote to Mr. Uiiley from St. .\ndrews, April, 1781, at which time Mrs. Jones was with him. Ilev. J. Ii.iilcy says, in a MS. lli.stury, etc. : " When I arrived at St. Andrews, on the river Sant.i Croix, I found a number of people from I'cnobscot and elsewhere, forming a settlement. But while Mr. Jones, the surveyor, was employed in laying out thoir lands, a party of Indians, under the direction of one Allen, a notorious rebel, took him prisoner. It is uncertain in what manner they intended to dispose of Mr. Jones. However, the second day of his captivity, he had the good fortune to escape, and to proceed in his business without further interruption." Jones returned to the Kennebec after the Revolution, und resided in what is now the city of Auguata. He was employed in 17".>7 by the Proprietors of the Kennebec Purchase, to compile a large map of their property, from previous surveys. Jones died in Augusta. Thomas Browx, (of Boston.) Kev. J. Bailey says, in his Journal, under date of Halifax, the day of his arrival there, June 21st, 177'J : " Mr. Kitson kindly offered to conduct us either to Mr. Brown's or Captain Callahan. • • By this time my old gencrotis friend, Mr. Brown, was arrived." Rev. J. Bailey, in writing to Miss Sally Weeks at Halifax, under date of Comwallis, Dec. 7th, 177'J, says of one of Thomas Brown's daughters : " I have been acquainted with Becky from her earliest infancy," etc. etc. In a letter to Rev. S. Peters at Lon- don, dated April 27, 1"S1, lie speaks of " our friend Brown, when he formerly resided in Boston." T. Brown failed in his business previous to May 2d, 17S0, (see his letter,) and afterwards established a school. Rev. J. Bailey in a letter, November Dth, 1781, to Rev. S. Peters, London, in speaking of Thomas Brown, says : " This poor gentleman is still detained under complaint of his unmerciful creditors. I cannot prevail for his release, though I am his principal creditor." Thomas Brown WTites to Mrs. Bailey, Halifax, September 17lh, 17^2 : " I made a verbal agreement three years ago, to receive one hundred pounds per annum for teaching in this Academy. I have no legal ap- pointment in the school, nor do I know at present whom to demand payment of for my services. I am now almost a cripple. A year ago last January I was suddenly attacketl with a severe stroke of the palsy, and have not yet recovered the free use of my right arm, right leg, and my speech." • III tlic Ilodlon Oarc-llc, of .Tuly 21th, 17S0, Is the fullowlm; Item : " W'c hear from rownsllHiro', that ali'iiit Ton Dn.vs m.i>, a I'nrty of Turlcs •iirrnuinlpil llio iluusc uf Cuihini;, Ks*!. ; lliiih HhorlfT uf the County of Lliiculn, in the Nii;ht, tuuk. him out of Uctl, and carricU him utt tu tlic Enemy." tSahlnc says. In his American LoyslLnts, p. SIS, of Moses Ocrrlsh : "After the peace, he lu. . Thoino!! Koss, anart in the contest then Roing on between the mother country and her revolted colonies. Nor was he disposed to remove to any place within the jurisdiction of the liritiith. But having been repeatedly " drafted" to serve in the Provincial army, he became convinced that he was dishonestly dealt with in this matter, and he then determined to defeat the power of his enemies by leaving the country. He was proscribed and banished by Massachusetts in 1773. The ne.xt mention of him is in a letter, October lOth, 1778, in which Mr. Bailey says: "Capt. Callahan is Captain of a twclvc-gun sloop of war in the King's service." In Mr. Bailey's Journal, ui\der date of June 21st, 1770, he inserted the following, wliich he piobably obtained from the wife of the subject of this notice, at whose house he then was : — " The adventures of Capt. Callahan. He embarked in a small open boat with Mr. Jarvis and Mr. Kitson in the night, ttnd falliiii? down the [Kennebec] river went on sliore to refresh themselves at Mr. Thomas Percy's, and were received by that benevolent and hospitable family with great expressions of friendship. But when Capt. Callahan had reached this distance, he began to reflect, and that fondness he retained for his house and possessions, and the extreme tenderness he had for his wife and family, almost tempted him to renounce the principles of reason and loyalty. The thoughts of exposing everything dear and engaging, sadly oppressed his spirits, and sank him into the glooms of despondency. When his companions observed the agitations of his bosom and the alllicling struggles between duty and ulfection, they both began, with a degree of fierceness and asperity, to upraid him for his timidity and want ol resolution, and even proceeded so far as to accuse him of disatfection to His Majesty. This unjust reflection stung him to the very soul, and ho replied with a determined spirit, ' No person breathing has greater aversion to the American re- bellion than myself. It is true, I have a prevailing attachment to my aged parent and beloved wife, and the thoughts of leaving them unprotected to the malice and cruelty of the miscreants about them tears my very soul in pieces, and if I had beeo weak enough to return, I would never make any compliance that I could not recon- cile to my conscience. But I am now determineil to proceed to Halifax, let what will be the consequence !' " As soon as the tide served their purpose in the morning they embarked, and kept along shore till they imagined it proper to cress the Bay of Fundy. But they had not proceeded far in this tremendous gulph before the wind began to blow in opposi- tion to the tide, and raised a rough and dangerous sea. This obliged them to alter their course, and to steer quartering over the billows. In this situation Capt. Calla- han kept at the helm for sixteen hours, till at length, being overcome with fatigue, and his spirits entirely exhausted, he, in a manner fainted, gave up the helm, and entrusted the boat to the mercy of the raging seas. During the period of this alarm- ing voyage Mr. Jarvis and Kitson lay in the bottom of the vessel, dying sick, but now perceiving nothing in prospect except speedy death, the latter crawled up and seized the helm, and in a few hours conveyed the boat into a place of security. Capt. Callahan, upon his arrival at Halifax, was received with great attention, admitted upon the list of the King's pilots, and shortly after advanced to the command of the Gage, in which department ho behaved with remarkable courage ond fidelity, lie quickly became a terror to the Rebels, took a number of their fishing and coasting ;328 Arrii.NDix. Teaarts, and tlMtToyed sfTcrnl of their priratccrg. In the «umtn<>r of 1778 the pooplo of Nttfki'dR, a ncttlcmcnt on the canlrrn shore of I'enobsrot Hay, hrcd upon hU boat aa thoy were Roing to take in water, and mortally wounded one of his hands. Hav- ing received this inhuman provocation he itninediately landed, and burnt all their habitations, to the number of ten or twclvo, and drove the barbarous inhabitants into the woods. 1 was at Boston when the news of this exploit reached that Metropolis ol sedition, and the authorities were so hinbly enraRed that two stout privateers were •ent to intercept him, but they were not fortunate enough to accomplish their desijjn.* •* Capt. Callahan, after a considerable rtin of success, had at length the misfortune to be cast away near the light-house in a terrible storm, the day after last Christmas, by which accident one of his men was killed, and himself wounded in escaping on ■horc. The rest were saved, though some were miserably frozen. Since that calami- tous affair the Captain has been unable to procure the command of another vessel, though he still draws wages as a pilot, and was now with Capt. Mowat in the expedi- tion against Penobscot." Thomas Brown writes from Halifax, under date of 29th De- cember, 177'.), to Rev. J. Bailey, at Cornwallis, and says that Capt. Callahan wen! pilot of the ship North, to Spanish River, and that " Capt. Mowat persuaded him to it, with an expectation of taking him in the Albany to Penobscot, when he should return from Spanish River, and placing him in an armed vessel of his own fitting out during the winter. • • After sailing from Spanish River they soon parted from several of their fleet in tempestuous weather, and on Thursday, '.»th instant, with the ship St. Helena and a brig and snow, arrived safe in Beaver Harbour, about 23 leagues eastward of this. • • The next day, being Friday, they all sailed from Beaver Harbour about 10 o'clock in the morning for Halifax. During the day, the wind not being very favourable, and one or two of the fleet being heavy sailing vessels. Capt. Sclby was obliged to shorten sail, that they might keep up with- him. Toward night a storm seemed to be speedily approaching, which induced him to run for tl;' light-house, and, if possible, to get into harbour that night. About 7 o'clock in th' evening they discovered the light-house, but being so near the shore, and the wind increasing, thought they could not weather Sambro Head, and so cast anchor. • • About half past one on Saturday morning the iS'orth fired a gun as a signal in distress, and Mr. Robinson perceived that she had struck upon the rocks, and in a short tinu saw her fall to pieces. * « • After the ISorth went to pieces numbers of her people swam and floated about the St. Helena and begged for assistance, but they could afford them very little. • • • Only five people belonging to the North escaped ■with their lives, out of about one hundred and seventy that were on board when she struck. Capt. Smith, who belonged to Plymouth, in New Kngland • • was pilot of the North, and sujjposed to be as well knowinsj to this harbour as any man, had charge of the ship when she was lost ; he has left a widow and eight children at Ply- mouth. The last I can hear of poor Callahan is, that he was on the quarter deck with Capt. Selby at the time of the vessel's striking, and, I am told, that he fore- \rarnescot, kIvIpk an account of this attack. The Uclfait Signal noticed thl< Ictlor. (soo Hottun .Iimmal, T)pc. 10th, IK-W,) stalid that Naskcag Is DOW called Sedgwick, and suggcalcd that there must be a mistake In Uic date of Uic letter. But this WM not so. APPENDIX. 329 The widow of the accoased became a claimant on the British government for part of the amount allowed by them to American Loyalists as a compensation for their losses. During a part of the time, after the death of her husband, she resided with Rev. Ja- cob Bailey, at Annapolis. In I'H'Z she lived in Halifax. Two years after the farm and buildings in Pownalborough, abandoned by Capt. Callahan, were unoccupied and rapidly deteriorating. Mrs. C. returned to the United States during that year, but in a few months afterwards was residing with Kev. Mr. Bailey, at Annapolis. ICcpcatcd applications were made to the Commissioners appointed for examining the claims of American Loyalists, for compensation to Mrs. CaUahan, and she received £40 sterling annually from the British government during her life. Her farm and buildings camo into her possession. She returned to Pownalborough about 1790, where she resided till her death, which took place in 181G. In Rev. J. Bailey's Journal, under date of Juno 21st, 177'.', he writes the following: " The Adventures of the Turners and John Carlo. " In the beginning of May, 177S, Thomas Tuknek, James Tl-rxeh, Cookbo.v, their brother-in-law, and John and Martin Carlo, two brothers, set out on foot, with a design of travelling by land to Halifax, in Nova Scotia. " They met with a prodigious variety of hardships, obstacles and dangers in their journey, not to mention that perpetual dread of detection, which attended their route. At length, meeting with a number of rebel soldiers, they were constrained to enlist, but were honest enough to refuse the money till they should arrive at Machia«. How- ever, instead of proceeding directly to the place of rendezvous, they visited the famous Col. Jones, and applied to him for advice and direction. This gentleman provided our adventurers with a boat, in form of a barge, in which they embarked without any knowledge either of the way, or of navigation. They however ventured to row along shore, in conscq\icnce of some general instructions, and then crossed over, by acci- dent, to Grand Menan, and seeing laud at a great distance, they set off at daylight, and continued to contend with a boisterous sea till after dark, without arriving at any shore. During all this tedious day, they were obliged to ply the oars with their ut- most strength, till they were quite discouraged, and their vigour eshaustf-d, but know- ing that any relaxation of their struggles would be fatal, they continued their labours without ceasing, till after midnight, when they entered a'bay, 'round which they dis- covered a large number of settlements. In this situation they were full of anxiety, for being ignorant in what region they had fallen, they were extremely uneasy lest this territory belonged to the rebels. But, upon inquiry, they perceived, to their inexpres- sible satisfaction, themselves within the limits of Nova Scotia, and that the town be- fore them was a settlement which belonged to the ancient French inhabitants. Here the inhabitants were kind enough to give them ample refreshment. This place being not far distant from Annapolis, they took the first opportunity of going thither, and from thence proceeded by land to Halifax, where they got into business. James Turner and Cookson are still in this town ; 'Ihomas Turner and John ("arlo,at Penob- scot, and Martin Carlo, at Lunenburg." John Jones, writes from Halifax, July lOth, 1781, to Kev. J. Bailey: "T. Turner and M. Carlo were taken pri^<)ners at Konne- beck, and are gone to Boston, and have got my old berth." Afterwards, in writing from Fort George, Penobscot, March 11th, 17S'J, to Rev. J. Bailey, the same person says: " Thomas Turner and brother, and Martin Carlo, arc gone to live at home in peace." Edmund Doharty, (formerly of Pownalboro', Me.) Rev. J. Bailey says, in a let- ter to him at Halifax, dated Cornwallis, November 30, 177'J: " You cannot imagine what pleasure it gives me to hear from one of my former parishioners in this strange country. Your letter reminds me of tliose dear friends we left behind in the pleasant land of our nativity ; and, though it is our misfortune to remain in a state of banish- 42 330 APPENDIX. mont, ypt, etc. etc. GWo our kind regards to your consort and our brother wander- ers, who reside at your house." Thomns Brown, in a letter, dated Halifax, 29th December, 1799. says: " Doharty was found out to connive imprudently in the concealment of some deserters from the Virginia and Albany men-of-war, by which means both he and the old fellow (Dr. C. Mayer,) were dismissed the (Capt. Spry's) works, but upon examiuatiun, the latter was found to be ignorant of the matter, and restored to favor again, and how the former will support his family, I know not, as his reputation is greatly blasted by his foolish conduct." E. Doharty was in llalil'ax, January 28, 1781, as appears by his let- ter of that date, to Rev. J. Bailey. The latter says, April 18, 1781 : " Mr. Doharty and Dr. Mayer arc just removed to Penobscot." J. Jones says, Fort George, March 11, 1782: '* Doharty has gone out on a cruise." Captain Cosins, (of .) Rev. J. Bailey says, in a letter to him at Halifax, dated Cornwallis, December 6th, 1779 : " Mr. Brown having informed me of your arrival in this Province, my joy at this agreeable intelligence would not permit mo to be silent. • « I am convinced that you must feel exquisite satisfaction, ■when you reflect upon your escape from the terrors of tyranny and usurpation, and consider yoiirsclf allowed to breathe the air of freedom in a region where mild and legal authority prevails. It is one of the warmest wishes of my heart, that y'ju may procure that countenance and encouragement, which your integrity, your sulferings and your loyalty merit. I fancy you arc able to furnish me with some interesting anecdotes of the eastern country, where I hear you resided some time before your de- parture." In a letter to Mr. Thomas Brown, at Halifax, of same date. Rev. J. Bailey says : " I am rejoiced to hear that Capt. Combs has been fortunate enough to escape from the Rebels. You may regard him as a person of real worth and unshaken integ- rity, who has resisted all the efforts of his cotintrymen to seduce and subdue him with amazing fortitude, and his honest attachment to the British government is nearly without example." Joseph Domettr, (of Boston, Mass.) Rev. J. Bailey says, in a letter to him at New York, dated February 11th, 1780 : " You cannot imagine how much I sutlered on your account, during your imprisonment in Boston. I greatly feared that your constitu- tion would not be able to struggle with such a severe misfortune." Joseph Donictfr. in a letter to Rev. J. Bailey, dated " Brompton, near London, August 17th, 1780, says : " Your anxious concern for me during my cruel persecution, and cordial con- gratulations on my delivery, are proofs of your benevolence, etc. etc." Mrs. Dometle was with him. Thomas Oxnard writes to Rev. J. Biiley, at Cornwallis, under date of New York, December 112th, 1781). Mr. Oxnard says : " Vour friend, Mr. Doniette, has got £80 a year from Government, and £90 more, by employment from a friend." Rev. Mr. Bailey writes to J. Domette, at Brompton, near London, under date of November 6th, 178') : " I have in keeping the manuscript you committed to my care at the conflagration of Falmouth." Rev. J. Bailey writes to Mr. Joseph Domette, at London, October 31st, 1781 : acknowledging tlie receipt of a letter from him. Rev. J. Bailey writes to Rev. J. Wiswell, Cornwallis, December 4th, 1784, and says : " I was fa- voured with letters from our brethren Peters and Clark, (then in London,) and one from Mr. Domette, who makes the kindest inquiries after your situation and welfare." Rev. J. Bailey write.*, June 13, 178-5, to Miss Nye, and says: "I received, yesterday, large packet of letters from London, written by Mr. Peters, Mr. Clark, Mr. Doineti' . and others. The latter is about taking Orders, probably for Digby." Rev. J. Bailey writes, June 2), 178-'), to .Mr. Joseph Domette, London : " I am much pleased with yo\ir intention of entering into Holy Orders, but am distressed to hear, by Col. Fry, that you no longer receive a pension from the Government. • • • my most respect- ful compUmcnta to Mrs. Domette." Nathaniel Coffin writes, August lOth, 1791, to I APPENDIX. 331 Rev. J. Bailey: "I lately heard from our friend, Mr. Domette. He writes from Axminster, Devonshire, — says he has pone through many scenes of disappointment ; but since, I heard by a friend, that he had taken Orders, and is settled cither iu Ireland or Wales." Capt. Campbell, (of .) Rev. J. Bailey, in writing to Joseph Domctic, at New York, under date of Cornwallis, February llth, 1780, says: " Capt. Campbell, Commander of the garrison in this place, is a refugee." In writing to Ilev. J. W. Weeks, at Halifax, dated Cornwallis, February 21, 1781, Rev. J. Bailey says: " I beg you would take notice of Johnny Campbell, the bearer, he is a brother refugee, and a favorite." Mem. — From a previous letter, it seems that this Johnny Campbell wm the son of the above Capt. Campbell, and that after having been a scholar in Mr. Bailey's family, he was destined to enter the Royal Navy. In a letter to Rev. S. Peters, in London, October L5, 1782, Rev. J. Bailey speaks of Capt. Campbell being second in command of the 84th Regiment, in June, 1780. Thomas Robie, (of .) Rev. J. Bailey, in a letter to " Thomas Robie, Esq., at Halifax," dated Cornwallis, February 2Gth, 1780, says: "The same spirit which pushes men in the land of our nativity to commence t'ommittee men, etc. etc., in these regions, engages men of strong passions and slender abilities to become preach- ers." Rev. J. Bailey writes, under dnte of Cornwallis, October 23d, to Mr. Robie, at Halifax, in behalf of Mr. Thomas Brown, who, it seems, was a debtor to Mr. Robie. Also, in another letter, of same date, to Mr. Robie, Mr. B. says : " If you are willing to take my bills, I can immediately transmit you a bill of £12 10, which was due in September." Joseph Patten, (of .) Rev. AVilliam Clark writes to Rev. J. Bailey, at , under date of London, December 2d, 177!', and says : " Joseph Patten, Esq., (formerly an active man in that Mission,* and Rcprcsentativefor that County,) I think you must know, inasmuch as he once told me that he had for a while attended your ministry when he lived in the Eastern Country. I want tr- know whether he be living, and what part ho takes in affairs, publick and parochial, etc. I wrote him by Mr. (Rev. J. W.,) Weeks.' (This letter is directed to Joseph Patten, Esq., CJranvillc, N. S., and is dated London, March 23d, 1779 ) Majou Rogehs, (of .) Rev. J. Bailey writes to Maj. Samuel Goodwin, at Pownalboro', under date of September 3d, 1770, and says : " The famous, now Col., but once Major Rogers, is raising two or three battalions of men to range the Eastern Country, etc etc." This was probably Maj. Robert Rogers, of Mew Hampshire, of whom an interesting account is given in " Sabine's American Loyalists, p. .576, 8. 8. DowLiNO, (of .) John Jones writes. Fort George, Penobscot, May 12, 17S2, to Rev. J. Bailey. " Mr. Dowling, and a number of our refugees, have been to Marblehead in order to cut out a twenty-gun ship. They were discovered when on shore, and part went and cut out a shallop at noonday, and got in safe. Mr. Dow- ling, Towns and Dickey, and others, went out of town at noonday to Boston undis- covered, and then got on board of .some vessel, came to Kcnnebeck, and got here safe, except one or two who stopped a few days with their friends." CuMMiNOS, (of HoUis, N. 11.) Rev. J. Bailey writes: Annapolis, Dec. llth, 1782, to Thomas Brown, at Halifax. " We have two families of refugees in the house, Mr. Cummins, a gentleman from Ilollis, New Hampshire, with a wife and two children from Connecticut ; the other is Mr. McKnown, from Boston, with two negro men, and a free woman of the same complexion." * AnnapolU Royal. 332 APT END IX. John McKow>f, (of Pcmtquid, Me.) " Among other (fellow suifererc from New York,) wi- have at our house one John McKnown, whoso lather and frifiidn lived at Pcmnquid. I irnnginc you muitt have some acqunintuncc with the family. He in a Bi>ciablc, honcHt young gentleman, newly married, and his wife tarries at JS'ew York." — Ucv. J. liailey's Utter, J uu. '2d, 1783, to Mrs, CuUuhan, (furmurly of I'ownalbor- ough. Me.) FoUMAN. Rev. J. Duiley, in writing to the Society, P. G., October 2S. 17^4, speaks of " Mr. Forman, the principal Rchoolmaster in Di^by, N. S." He culls him "a llefugee and an half-pay oIKccr," and narrates hi» elFortj* to promote a proper ob- Rcrvance of the Lord'K Day, by assembling his pupils for divine service on that duy. These were joined by the scholars of other school? in the town, and afterwards by many adults. These ellorts, Mr. Bailey says, produced a salutary effect. Col. (Peteu?) Fhy, (of Salem, Mass.) Ucv. J. Bailey writes to Rev. S. Parker, July 1, 178.>, and speaks of intelligence received from England " by Col. Fry, for- merly of ."Salem, who," he says, " resides in my family." In writing to Rev. S. Peters, at Lon(fon, June 20, 178-'), he acknowledges the receipt of letters from him, and says: " Col. Fry, the bearer, takes up his residence under ray roof." Rev. J. Bailey says, August 10, 17S-J, to Rev. Edward Bass : " Col. Fry, late of Salem, left London on the ftrst of May, and now resides at my house." Peter Fry writes, Il.tlif.ix, N. S., May 22d, 1786, to Rev. J. Bailey . " I would assist yuu in this matter, but am obliged to leave this pait of the world for New Foundland." William GAuniNEU. Rev. J. Bailey writes to Rev. J. W. Weeks, of Marblc- bcad, under date of Pownalborough, October lOth, 1777: "We have had two Tory - Courts. In the former they condemned Mr. William Gardiner." Rev. J. Bailey writes also to Rev. Edward Bass, Newburvport, Sept. 2Ist, 1777 : " I write this by Mr (Jard- incr, who is condemned in a most extraordinary manner for transportation." To John Weeks, Es(j., of Greenland, N. H., Mr. Bailey also writes, Pownalborough, Sept. 22d, 1777 : " I have committed this letter to the care of Mr. Gardiner, who has been tried and condemned without being allowed the benefit of the law, and Is now on his journey to Boston, where he will be confined on board a guard ship, unless the sentence shall be reversed." Also to Rev. Dr. Byles : " Pownalborough, October 10, 1777. I must refer to the bearer, Mr. Gardiner, for particulars. He is a true loyalist, and h.is from the beginning opposed the American measures. No man among us has done more, according to his abilities, to support the distressed friends of government." To Dr. Silvester Gardiner, at London, Rev. J. Bailey writes, Hali- fax, July 20th, 1770, and says: " The malice of Cushing and Bowman has been rest- less and furious, both against me and your son. After long attendance Mr. Gardiner obtained leave to visit you at York, but was unhaj)py enough to find that you had sailed for England, lie then returned to Kcnnebeck, from whence he was driven in April last, but returned June 1st." t Wallace. Thomas Brown writes, Halifax, i'eb. Itith. 17j^'' : " \ man lately died with the small pox at his (Ed. Dohcrty's) house, in Halifax, who had the dis- temper as bad, I suppose, as any man ever had it. His iiamc was Wallace, a refugee from New England, a man of good character, who lodged at his house, and was per- suaded to be innoculated by a Hessian doctor, and, I believe, lust his life ly that meai.s." Nathanikl Gakdixeu, (of Pownalborough.) Rev. J. Bailey writes, Pownal- borough, Oct. 13, 1777, to Mr. Thomas Brown, at : " The bearer, Mr. Nath'l Gardiner, kinsman to Dr. Gardiner, I can recommend as a steady fri('miralty, thrust me into gaol, where I had neither bed, blanket, or anything to lay on but the oak i)lank Uoor, with the heads of spikes an inch high, and .so thick together I could not lay down clear of them. -Neither victuals nor drink ordered me, and a strong guard set at the prison, in which I lay five days. My son brought me some money, or I must have died from such cniel treatment as I received at their hands. I arrived at Casco prison the 'JiUh day of June, 1"N), and was indicted for High Treason the latter part of the first week in July following, as you will see by the enclosed copy. I employed Mr. Lowell and Mr. Bradbury for my counsel, who were threatened by the mobility at the Court Ilousr door for undertak- ing for a Tory. At length, by the interest and influence of my two attorneys, the case was continued to next term. I tarried in prison four montho, during which time they never allowed me the value of a p.iper dollar to eat or drink, but what I paid for as I had it. After they robbed me of clothes, and even my pocket-book, they told the gaoler if I could not support myself I might die and be . At length I found means to break the prison and make my escape." In a letter from the same to the same, from saii.e place, dated March I2th, 17^1, he says : " I have the pleasure to inform you that Sally is married to Mr. Rogers, the Commissary of this garrison. Docter CofKn was very kind to me while in prison, and desires to be remembered to you. I loft Ridley in Casco gaol when I left it, for Tory- ism, but, I am informed, he is since gone home." Nathaniel Gardiner writes to Rev. J. Bailey, Cornwallis, under date Fort George, Penobscot, March "iSth, 17S1 ; " I send vou a copy of my Indictment, in order to let you know the determination of the Reb- els, while in their power, with insults and irons for four months, without anything to eat or drink, and at last broke gaol and made my escape. Indeed, I am not able to describe to you my sufferings. They have robbed me of all I had, and reduced me to the lowest ebb. I am in no way of doing anything at present." Rev. J. Bailey, in answering tlie above, April 17, 1781, says: "I determine to ;J34 ArPEN'DIX. transmit a copy of your indictmont to Mr. Domette and Mr. Lyde, who have consid- erable intiucncp with some leading pentlcmpn. • • I sh.ill have strong induce- incntti to do this, both from molivcti of sympathy and gratitude, for the many favours we formerly received from your generosity have laid us under pressing obligations to make tlie most sensible returns in our power." In writing to George Lyde, at London, under date of April 3), I7SI, llev. J. Bailey says : " Mr. Nathaniel Gardiner was for- merly a Justice in the colony of Rhode Island, but lately an inhabitant of Po^vnal- borough, on the Kennebec U;ver. • • After being cruelly harrasscd and plundered, he eicapcd from the dominions of revolt, and through various obstructions arrived in safety at New York." II. B. Brown, in writing to Uev. J. Bailey, Halifax, June 29th, 1783, speaks of the proposed abandonment of Fort George, Penobscot, by the British. He continues: "some of the inhabitants intend for Port Iloseway, others for Passa- ma()uoddy. Mr. (iardiner and family are for the former. lie has been over there lately with a load of boards, and has drawn his lot." llev. J. Bailey wrote to N. Gardiner, July 2Gth, 17f<-t : " I am anxious to hear in what manner you proceed at Port Uoseway, and whether you arc in love with the name, Shelburne ?" Charlestow.v.* Rev. J. Bailey writes, Cornwallis, Sept. Gth, 1781, tc Rev. J. \V. Weeks : " I am favoured with your letter by Charlestown, who has often trans- ported us over the river of rebellion when we resided at Cambridge." Du. James Tiriri;u, (of Pownalboro'.) This gentleman resided at Pownalboro', at least from August 24th, 1772, till June 8th, 177o, as during the time embraced between these two dates entries are made in Rev. J. Bailey's Journal of their exchanging visits at their respective houses. In September, 1779, Mr. Bailey writes to him at Newport, R. I., and speaks of "our friends in that quarter, " meaning Pownalboro', which he had just before mentioned. In a letter from Kort George, May 12th, 1782, it is said : " Dr. Tupper is here, and gives me the news from that quarter. f He has lived at home with his father in peace for a long time." Rev. J. Bailey writes June 10th, 1787, to Peter Hunter, Esq., Sec- retary to the Commissioners, &c., at St. John, N. B. : "I enclosed to your direction, some time ago, a certificate respecting Mrs. Rebecca Callahan, but as I am uncertain whether you ever received it, I would beg leave to transmit another by Dr. Tupper. a gentleman with whom I have long been acquainted. He was High Sheriff under His Majesty. I know him to have been loyal from the beginning of the late revolution, and that he has suffered several severe imprisonments for his adherence to the Royal cause." This application probably proved unsuccessful, as the subject of this notice returned to Nantucket, where he died. Bknjamin Snow. Mr. Bailey says of this person, that " he made his escape to An- napolis in 1781." In a letter to the Venerable Society, Oct., 1782. Mr. Bailey writes: " The school at Annapolis has been supplied for a year past by Mr. Benjamin Snow, who received his education at Dartmouth College and was expelled from New Eng- land for his loyalty." Rev, Dr. Morice in his reply to this communication in Janunry of the following year, says : " The Society have complied with all your requests. They have appointed Mr. Benjamin Snow their schoolmaster at Annapolis, with the usual salary of ten Pounds, commencing on Michaelmas last." In the spring of 1783 Mr. Bailey wrote to the subject of tliis notice at St. Johns, iV. B., to which place he had then removed. December 10th, 178.5, Mr. Bailey wrote to Rev. Mr. Cook, at the above-named place : " I ampersuadcd thatMr. Snowisin very narrow circumstances." •This may bare been & nickname given to an individual well known to Mr. Bailey and Weeks. * Probabl)- Nnntncket. APPENDIX. 335 John Lee, (of Concord. Mass.) October, 1777, Mr. Bailey says : •• Mr. Lee is cap- tain of a company in New York." To John Jones, Feb. 8, 1780 : " Your brother, Jack Lee, came to Halifax, soon after the dispersion of the rebels at Penobscot, and was frequently at my house, lie informed us that his brother had reached New York in safety. He had been in a privateer with Nat. Gardiner, and afterwards returned to Penobscot, and then came to Halifax in the Nautilus." And in a letter written about the same time to Mr. Jonas Lee, at Concord, Mass., Mr. Bailey says : " Your brother Jack was frequently at my house in September last, but where he is at pres- ent I am uncertain." Capt.vix Axtill Gallop, (of .) lie embarked with the British army for Halifax in 1776. Mr. Bailey says, September loth, 1781 : " Capt. Gallop, my particular friend, left Newbury, (Mass.) within this fortnight, and is now at Windsor." Thomas Brown writes, Halifax, September I3th, of the same year : " Our friend Gal- lop has been very unfortunate in his affairs, having been captured by a rebel ship, car- ried to Guadaloupe, whence he took passage for Newbury, and lately arrived here, in a cartel from Portsmouth." Captain Gallop was at Windsor, N. S., in the following fJovember, as appears from the copy of a letter addressed to him there. Mr. Bailey writes to him, August 1-3, 1782, and says: " In the evening I received a ■visit from Captain Baxter and his son. They inform me that you had been endowed with a grant of one thousand acres of land upon St. John's. This intelligence has excited me to petition for indulgence of the same nature. Our good friend, Captain Baxter, is desirous of having me settle with them, and, in that case, I should be en- titled to a thousand acres as the first minister." The subject of this notice was at Windsor, N. S., October 2.5th, 1782, and at Parrs- borough, July 10th, 178G. Williams.* Mr. Bailey says in a letter, April 1st, 178.3: "The bearer, Mr. Williams, was formerly an eminent lawyer in New F,ngland, but was expelled for bis aversion to rebellion." James Rogers. Mr. Bailey writes to him September 2d, 1782, and says : " When did you receive any intelligence from Mrs. Rogers, your little son, and our friends at Penobscot?" Another letter from Mr. Bailey, July 26th, 1781, was addressed to J. Rogers, at Shelburne, N. S. Simon Baxter, (of New Hampshire.) In writing to Joseph Domette, then in Eng- land, under date of October 17th, 1782. Mr. Bailey says : " A few days ago I was favoured with a visit from Capt. Baxter, formerly a fellow prisoner with you in Boston." Captain S. Baxter says in a letter: " Cunnab enis. Feb. 10th, 1783, I am settled with my family on the promised land, and am doing very well." Bahtholemew Sullivan, (of ,) embarked at Boston with the British army, for Halifax, in 1776. Rev. J. Bailey wrote to him at New York, July 6th, 1779; also, to the same place, August 11th of the same year, giving him an account of the situation of Gen. McLean, at Penobscot. In a letter, August, 1780, to Bartholemew Sullivan, at New York, Mr. Bailey acknowledges the receipt of a letter from him. Mr. Bailey also wrote, July 26th, 1781, to Mr. Sullivan, and said: " We have both pa.«sed through a variety of scenes since our last meeting at the house of our old friend, Dr. Gardiner, in Boston." ' rcrhaps Klijah, of Keenc, N. II. Seo Sabine's American Lojallats, p. 707. 33(i A 1* 1' L .N 1) I X . Dii. Jonathan IIickh, (of Boston, Mass.) Dr. Hicks was in PovmalborouRh at va- rious tinjcs (luriuK the drat six inonthsof 177*. Mr. Hailcy terms him Dr. Ilicks, "of Doston," though he wa« settled for about two years in what is now Uardiner, Maine. Mr. Bailey w-rntc to hira, August 12th, 177'l, at Antif^ua. He also wrote, December 2'2d, n^O, and said : " By a letter from your brother last winter, I was informed that you were then well at Antij^ua." Oeouok Lydb, (of Falmouth, Maine.) This gentleman wrote to Mr. Bailey, Febru- ary 17th, 177s : " 1 purpose to go to (New) York in the first frigate, and from thence to London. Capt. I'ote, Mr. Oxnard, and Mr. Simmons, are all well, and desire their compliments." A letter was addressed to the subject of this notice at New York, datc Dr. S. Gardiner, Boston. • • As to Cobbospc,* I am sorry to find some of the greatest bigots there in the land against tlie Church of England. I was lately among them to preach a lecture, but the people excused themselves from attending, and desired that I would visit them on a Sunday. I however preached at Capt. Howard'8,t and had a considerable con- gregation of the upper settlers. » • * PowxALnouo', March 10th, 17CG. To Rev. IT. Caner, Boston. » • I have had more avocations abroad this winter than ever, on the business of my Mission, and have been several journeys of twenty or thirty miles each wayj to marry and baptize. PowNALBORo', Octobcr 15th, 1766. To Mr. Amos Bailey. • » • We have all been alarmed on account of the Indians, and have been obliged to quit our habitations, though there has not the least damage been done by them. 1767. Auf^ist \st. At Richmond, at Mr. Xye's. 2d—i>unday. 80 persons at Church. Contribution, £3 19 C, 0. T. 3d. Mrs. Silvester here. • ••««*• \Wi. Visit from Mess. Bowdoin's, Pitts' and Reed's families. 16th— Sunday. 82 persons at Church. Contribution, £2 12 0. 20th. Married John Row and Hannah Chase. 60 people present. 27lh. A great quarrel at Frankfort. J September 'th. At Richmond, at Deacon Chase's. llZ/i. At Mr. Iloudlette's. Married Philip Mayer and Polly Iloudlette. Sixty people present. A fine entertainment. 2\U. Set out to meet Mr. Weeks. || Lodged at Dr. Moor's. • Cobosco-contcc, or .Sturgeon River, is the Indian name of a stream which enters tho Kennebec at the present city of Gardiner. The territory near the Junction of the two rivers retained for a long time the namo wliich the Indians iravc to tlic stream. t Probably at Fort Western, In the present city of Aufnisto. tThls was the name of the West Trccinct of Pownalboro", before tlio torritorj- beorinK that appel- lation was incorporated. The original namo appears to have continued in popular language many year* after tlie act of Incorporation. I Rev. J. Wlngatc Weeks, Rector of St. Michael's Church, Marblchcad. APPENDIX. 339 22d. Travelled to Skillings' (?) with Capt. Berry. 23d. Arrived at Ladd's, (?) but saw nothing of Mr. Weeks. At night, came to Mr. Greenwood's and lodged. 2ilh. Travelled with Mr. Greenwood. Arrived at Portsmouth, and slept at Col. Warner's. 26lh. Arrived at Newbury, and slept at (Rev.) Mr. Bass's. 26lh. Changed horses at Rowley. Arrived at Marblehead. 2~th — Sundai/. Preached for Mr. Weeks. 28^. Mr. Weeks procured for me five dollars. Capt. Walton (?) gave me one. Arrived at Marchas, (Manchester ?) and lodged at my brother's. 29lh. Rode to Rowley, and there found ray old friend Dr. Moore (:). Spent the afternoon at Mrs. Woodman's. 30th. Rode to Portsmouth. Visited Mr. Browne,* and slept at Col. Warner's. October 1st. Travelled this day with Dr. Jones, Capt. Lovet, and Capt. Woodman. We all put up at Kimball's. 2d. Reached Mitchell's about dusk. 3r. Moor'i. September 1st. In company with Mr. Winter. Lodged at Bachman's. 2d. Lodged at Littlefield's. 3d. Lodged at York. ith. Lodged at JNewbury. 5th. Arrived at Marblehead. Sept. 6th — Sunday. Preached at Marblehead. 7th. At Marblehead. Sth. At Salem. Arrived at Boston, an angry interview with Dr. (8.) Gardiner. Olh. Met with trouble at the Convention. 10th. Dined at Dr. Bylea' in Charlcstown. 11th. Returned to Marblehead. 12th. Dined at Mr. Abraham's. 13lh— Sunday. At Marblehead. lith. Dined at Col. Gallison's. •Robert Twyecross came as mastor of a mcrchnnt uhlp from Knitland to KcnnclxMr. He marrlfd LvJia, dautJlitcr of -Maj. S. Goodwin, by wIhuii ho linJ nve clilUlrcn. Ho Ion llw cunlrv In time of the Kevolution, and became a Lieutenant In tlio lioyal Navy. Ills wife and chlldr.n wont to him tn London. One of them, Stephen N., returned, and married Mary Bailey, and died in Dretdcn. 342 AT P EM D IX. 1.5 ident that no objection can be advanced against supporting a Mission in that remote and necessitous part of the country ; and the ingenious Dr. Mayhew, well known to be no friend to the Church or the Society, acknowledges that their conduct in this instance merits the highest applause. Nov. 4th. At Nantucket.* 8th — Stindai/. 77 persons at Church. Contribution £3 os. I2lh. At Col. Cushing's. nth. At Mr. Twing's. Dec. 3rd — Thanlcsgiruig Day. 33 persons at church. Preached at night at Love- joy's, 34 persons present. Qlh — Suiidai/. G persons present. At night baptized four children of Cleare- land's. (?) lolh. At Capt. Twyecross'. PowN'Ai.BOROCGH, November 7th, 1772. To Rco. J. Winsate Weeks, Marbhhcad. Dkak Sill: — I have received your letter and the bundle you sent from Marblchead, but hear nothing of the other by way of Newmarket. You have doubtless seen the pieces signed " Probus" and "Detector." Mr. B. and his companion keep them very private, and, I believe, would never have exposed them among the people hero had not Callahan opened the matter. These gentlemen declare, without any reserve, that " Probus " is Dr. Caner, and they scruple not to call him a liar. It is imagined that " Detector " is Col. C, with the assistance of Bowman. But whoever is the au- thor, it is a composition of the most open and notorious falsehoods. He asserts that " our first inhabitants emigrated from Frankfort." Now before a single person knew of these publications I made an exact enquiry, and found that not a single person came either from Frankfort, or from its jurisdiction. He next declares, that " no French were among them." It might with equal truth be affirmed that all the inhab- itants of Kennebeck are Indians. Again, he makes a mighty parade aUout a settle- ment began from Dorchester in 1700. In reply to that, I am certain that only two families of Quakers from Scituatc settled in this place that year. Besides these, three families, two of European Church people, and the other a Quaker, began in November the settlement at Cobbosee-Contee. These are all the persons who settled in Kennebeck in 1760. What is asserted concerning two parishes on Shecpscot Iliver is equally false, for there is but one, and the old ordained minister so largely support- ed, is blind Prince, whose hearers are extremely poor, and himself in almost a starving condition. Col. Cushing has declared, since his arrival from the westward, that had not my attachment to Dr. Gardiner been so great, I should not have had an enemy in Pownalborough, and he hintetl thit it was yet in my power to secure the friendship of every one. This, perhaps, was said for some ensnaring purpose. His opinion and yours, that but few woiild go to church if they were obliged to contribute to its sup- port, is contrary to my notion of the matter. More, I am persuaded, would be willing to pay towards the church t'.ian the meeting, but were both to be maintained here by the people, some would certainly turn Quakers to avoid taxes. An exchange with (Rev.) Mr. Badger would be agreeable to me, but I cannot think that there is the most distant prospect of his accepting the offer. The aff.iir was mentioned •ome time ago, and I was informed that it was disagreeable to my hearers. * Four persons fTom the Island of Nantucket, Mass., purchased a farm In the northeaatcrtjr part of Pownalborough, and gave the namn of their former rc^ldenco to their pnrchMo. 344 APPENDIX. Deetmbtr ISth. • • • I cannot avoid mentioning the extraordinary generosity of our people. Wo have not bought any kind of moat since wc came home, and yet have been plentifully Hupplicd. Hcsides meal, butter, and a great plenty of vege- tables, Mrs. llailey «ay» we have meat enough to last us a month, bc&rco a family have failed to contribute something. 1')th^Christmas Dai/. 32 persons at Church. 2Gth. >io ice in the river except a little run. 30^/*. A fine, clear, warm day. Flics playing about in the fields like Bummcr. •Wind S. W. 3l$t. Scarcely any ice in the river. [At the end of this journal arc the following names. Some of them are known to have been children at the time, all were young persons. They may have been mem- bers of a school which Mr. Bailey taught, or perhaps Catechumens in his parish; Molly Eloudlctte,* Becky Nye, Becky Emerson, f Sarah Emerson,* Hannah Emerson, Peggy McGown.il Jenny McGown.J Molly McCiown.lI Molly Clensy, Betty Ken- dall, •• Mary Carlo.ft Jenny Pochard, J+ Katy Carlow, Lydia Goodwin, Nancy Good- win, Sally Ridley, II II Chirlottc Smith, Molly Carney, Polly Lovejoy.f^^ Fanny Lovejoy, Sally Andros, Iluthy Carney, Dolly lioudlette.lill Anna C. lloudlctte,*',* Martin Carlow, George Pochard, William Kendall, Thomas Burns, James Patterson, Amos Holland, James liidley, John Ridley, Francis Ridley.] 1773. [The Journal for January is missing.] PowxALBORo', Feb. 6th, 1773. To Rev. J. Wingale Weeks, Marblchead. Dear Sir: — • » • • I should be glad of your resolution of the following case. I lately published a young fellow to Mr. Ridley's daughter immediately after service. Another young woman forbad the banns, alledging that he was under en- gagements to her. The next morning they paid me a visit, and the man acknowl- edged that he had solemnly promised himself to both, and begged that Esther Kendall, the girl present, would release him. She declared herself willing, but was under scruples of conscience on account of her promise, which was in the following words: " I wish I may never enter into the kingdom of heaven if I marry any other man," and desired me to give my opinion. After a long dispute the fellow declared, before witnesses, in favour of the girl's character, and gave his consent that his pub- lishment to her rival might go on, but the nest day Mrs. Ridley forbad it again, and the poor fellow was left absolutely destitute, for Esther absolutely refuses to marry him, but imagines herself obliged by her promise to live single all her days. Now I should be obliged if you would give mc your sentiments. February "ith — Sunday. A storm of snow, 8 inches. No scivico in church. 2iUh. At S. Marson's. 2>5M. Baptized Benjamin Lawrence. 2Glh. Mr. Gardiner, Dr. McKccknic and Mr. Goodwill. * Married O«or|to Mayor. f Married John Stain. t Married Eliphnlct Dudley. II Married Cul. Cnrgill. $ Married Manon. V Married Gei>rpo Mnson. •• Married Paul FIcckford. ft Married White. tt Married John .MrGown. III! .Married Dr. Tlienliajcl. i^',^ Married Dinsmore. tTT Married Ahraliam Pago. •«• Married Bccklurd. Mrs. lieckford is now living, and was 93 yean of age June 10th, 1863. APPENDIX. :i45 March 2d. Ran out the Church land with Mr. Goodwin nnd Dr. .McKc>ckQie. 3d. Baptized Mr. Kendall. 5th. At Mr. ClatclicH's, (at Bowdoinham.) Ge/i. At John Barker's. IK/i. Baptized Hannah, Joanna, Nathaniel, and Elizabeth Haley. lilh — Sunday. HI people at church. rowNAi.nono', March 1.5th, 1773. To Rev. J. H innate TFfeArs, Marblchead, .Mann. It is above three months since I have had the pleasure of hearing from tou. I hope no misfortune has l)efallen you or your family. I am very uneasy in my prcuent situation, and what gives me the greatest vexation, is the scandal which was thrown upon me by Dr. Gardiner, and so readily believed by several of my brethren, who, with- out a proper knowlcdcre of the law, or any acquaintance with the crcumstanccs of atfairs were disposed to condemn me. In the Hrst place it is evident by a standing law of the Province, (see p. 370,) that no F.piscopal minister can alicne any lands or possesnions of the Church, without the concurrence of his Wardens and Vestry ; and next, if there is any foundation for a law-suit, it must be carried on in their names, which they absolutely refuse, every one declares that he had rather pay his proportion to redeem it ; and besides, upon lately running » ut the land by a sworn surveyor, we were able to correct several mistakes. The land, of which M. gave me a lease, falls without our grant from the Plymouth Company, and therefore could by no means affect our title to the parsonage, then the house is found to stand upon land of which he pave me no lease, and, to our great satisfaction, we find the church is without the limila of the Major's claim, and with it about thirty-five acres of land. But to make the matter plain, I have annexed the following scheme : Jordan's lot, of which M. gave me a lease. , The Church A lonci without the Uajor's claim. Klor'9 lot on which the house stonUs. By this you will perceive that, though the church and a pretty lot of l.ind are secure, yet the house is on Goodwin's claim, and further, that by paying the money, we shall have nearly fifty acres more than our grant specifies. M. is so chagiined at this discovery, that he is preparing to build a mecting-houar, and declares that he will have the parsonage for a dissenting minister. Mr. Kidlcy, the bearer, determines, if possible, to procure the money for paying off M., and to ob- tain a deed of Goodwin, for which he will offer security. I am certain, as I hinted to you before, that whoever should advance the money and take the hotisc and land for security, would have a fine bargain, for more has been offered for Nonlcn's lot alone, •without any house, than M. demands. Il you could, cither by your advice or olher- 44 34G APPENDIX. witr, nsnist mc in settlinf^ this unhappy affair, it would giro mc extreme satisfaction ; but not having received a Rtngle line in answer to a number of letters, I am greatly opjJre.Hscd with melancholy dejection. Far ilUtant fpun ttio ploanInK aceneii of life, Krum all tho Juvh which rnicroj frlendahlpa glre; Aiiilil the «oii» of iiialUr ami ol ulrlfc, WhiTo di»curd raKCD I um ilooiucd to live. I cannot forbear making «omo severe reflections upon the conductof the generous Mr. Hancock ; for when we consider that upon Kennebeck there arc seven new scttletnentn beside I'ownalboro", extremely poor and destitute of any religious worship, which would have gladly received his bounty ; when we reflect that he has no interest within several miles of this jilare, and that his offer is received here with general dislike, his generosity cannot proceed from a truly pious and benevolent principle, but from malice to the Church nf Kiigland, and a violent party spirit or opposition to L)r. Gardiner. I am certain from what already apjjcars, that it will throw us into the greatest confusion, and promote a multitude of quarrels. One of their committee men for building their meeting-house, who was esteemed the only conscientious dissenter amnng them, now declares himself a churchman from principle, and lately told me that if they proceeded, I bhould be welcome to his rates. April l/ilh. Baptized Sarah, daughter of James Goud. '2%th. Mr. "William Gardiner put me in possession of the parsonage house and land in Poxmalborough, by virtue of a power from Major Goodwin, in the presence of Capt. Merone, John Stain, Peter Pochard, and Christopher Jacqueen. May \st. Married Capt. Ward and Alice Graves. 2d — Sunday. 80 people at church. Contribution, 17». Baptized Sarah, daughter of Louis and Mary Iloudlcttc. 9//i — Sunday. 'Jo people at church. Baptized Dolly, Frederick, and Betty Jacqueen. \Qlh — Sunday. 0') people at church. Contribution £t 10». 2Sth. Mr. Brackett arrived from abroad. 30lh — Sttnday. 110 people at church. Contribution £1 IOj. 9d. June 3rf. At court. Bid off at vendue Mrs. Brackett's* lot. 6/A — Sunday. 100 people at church. Contribution £2 3». 7t/i. Mr. Brackett returned home. lOlh. A most severe and violent storm of wind and rain, intermingled with show- ers of hail, continues from 12 at night till near 12 in the morning ; does great damage, and blows down an immense number of trees and some buildings. Very cold ; wind 8. K. 12/A. Baptized Sarah Pratt, do up to Gardinerstown. Arrive at 10 at night. \'.il/i — Sunday. At Gardinerstown. 104 people at church. Contribution £8 55. Returned after service and baptized Sarah Warren and Molly, and Parker. I'Jth. (Hev.) Mr. Badger arrives. 20tA— Sunday. (Rev.) Mr. Badger preached, P. M. Contribution, £2 Ids. 22d. (Kcv.) Mr. Badger returns home. 27th — Sunday. 10,1 persons at church. Contribution for Mr. Lewis, £23 d(. 30Ui. On board Capt. Callahan. Mr. Ilitchins camo to board here. July Sth. Baptized two infants. Ith. At Deacon Chase's. lie is moving up the river. \2th. Married George Stilphen and Molly llidley. July nUi. At night a prodigious Aurora. 20//i. Mr. Gage, from London. • 8lstcr of Mrs. BaUey. APPENDIX. 347 21s/. Went to Georgetown with Mrs. Bailey. Baptized James, son to Junes and Susanna Thorn. 22rf. Returned from Georgetown. 25lh — Sunday. 100 people at church. Contribution, £2 10». 27th. Dr. Moor moves from Georgetown. 29er- BOD to call upon you for it with the money. ^'orember 2d. Married Samuel Marson and Jenny Millar. \ith — Simdfii/. 80 persons at church. Contribution, 16«. Baptized Francis Stil- phen. nth. Mr. Gardiner, Mr. Hazard, and Dr. Hicks here. 2J)th. Married George Mayer and Molly Houdlcttc. Pow.VALBORo', Nov. 26th, 1773. To Meisn. Mills and IJicks, Boston. I have been favored witli your letter, and have received one of Bickerstafls Alma- nacks. They arc in so much esteem among us as to prevent the sale of any others. I am sorry to find the eastern road so very incorrect. Several good publick houses are omitted and other inserted which have no existence, besides, the distances arc very imperfect. I thought myself perfectly qualified to give a correct account of this road, having travelled it above thirty times; for this reason, and in compliance with your re({uc8t, I sent you an exact list of the publick houses, and their distances, from Boston to Quebeck, and, as the road is measured, I could not possibly be mistaken in the latter. But since my letter may have possibly miscarried, I have enclosed another, (if it arrives time enough,) for your Register. At the desire of Mr. Mills I have in- serted an exact account of all the religious societies in this country according to their foundation. Georgetown, Enxmerson, Winter; Pownalboro' ; NeiDcattU, (P.) vacant; Urittol, McLane; IVoolvich, Winship ; Topsham, (P.) vacant; Boding/iam, vacant; (iardi- nfr.»/on, (K.) vacant ; ll'illotcell, none; Wlnslow, none; VasMlboroiujh, none; ITin- Ihrop, none; llootldtay, Murray ; Uroatlhay, (L.) Shefford ; St. Georgu, vacant; Penob- scot, x^ctLUt; J/ai/iicu, vacant ; Goldsborotu/h, \acatit. I would remark that, in the western district of Pownalborough, where I live, there never was any other society except the Episcopal, neither meeting-house nor commu- nicants of any other persuasion. Therefore, to insert a vacancy here would be very wrong. In every other settlement where there is a meeting-house raised, or a body of communicants, but no minister, I have put down "vacant," but in those towns where there is neither I thought it proper to write " none." 30th. Eight men building a hovel.* December Hth. Married Mr. Malbone. • Id the early pcrlo.1 o( the settlement poverty prevented the erection of framed and boarded bani<«. Inntend of thc««> fnurwnllsof Iocs were raised, wblcb were roofed often timet only with tNuk. Such buildlngawcr* called "hovels." APPENDIX. 349 ^ ,. , „ ., PowTJALroBo', Dee. ISih, 1773. To Mr. Amoi liadey, (at .) Dear BiioTHEU: — » * • • We have a man, one Carter, in j»il for the murder of Josiah Parker. The prisoner has no chance for his life. It i« vcrj rvmuk- able that we have had five or six murders committed up»n Kenncbeck river nincc my residence here, and that neither the murderers nor the persons killed ever frequented any Divine Worship. 2oM — Christmas. A storm of wind and rain ; snow »11 gone, and ice breaks up. 30 persons at church. Dr. Moor and wife, my brother and wife, 0. Mayer and wife, and Gookin here at dinner. At the end of the Journal for this year the following names arc inserted. Sarah Emerson, Betsey Nye, Lazarus Goud, Mary Iloudlette, William Kendall, George Clensy, Mrs. H. Bailey, Esther Kendall, Betty Goodwin, James Goud, M lly Parin, Sally Ridley, Polly Lovejoy, Lydia Goodwin, Mrs. Mary Iloudlette, Charlotte Smith. 17 74. January \Zth. Andrew buried. \C)th — Sunday. 50 persons at church. Baptized Stephen Nymphaa Twyccross and David Person Bailey. 17^». Married Daniel Dudley and Susy Densmnre. February \st. Set out for a journey up river. Lodged at Mr. Gardiner's. Baptized William Gardiner Warren. 2d. At Esq. Uoward's. Lodged at John Gatchell's. At Mr. Hoby's, Petly's, and Fort Halifax. ^l. Accompanied by Dr. McKecknie five miles ; arrived at Deacon Chase's a little before dark. 4ej)tember ~t/i. Set ott" with Dr. Tuppcr, for Boston. Lodged at Stone's. Insulted the next morning. 8//*. Lodged at Milliken's. Ill treated. 9/A. Lodged at York. lOt/i. Dined at Col. Warner's. Lodged at J. Weeks*. Sep(embir \Uh — Stwday. Lodged at Newbury. The country all in commotion. I2lh. Arrived at Marblchcad. 13//*. Reached Boston about sunset. lith. Convention Sermon preached by Mr. Scargent. Uth. Dined at (Rev.) Mr. Walter's. IGlh. Rode to Marblchcad. I7th — Suntlay. Preached at Marblchcad. Baptized 3 children. lS(h. At Salem. 19M. Bound homeward. Lodged at North-hill. 2fkh. Dined at J. Weeks'. Lodged at York. 21»^ Lodged at Falmouth. 22th. At home. C)th. Haptixed, at Mr. Haley's, Hannah Doharty. K'/A. Mr. Johnson buried. IWA — Sunday. !■') persons at church. Baptized James Houdlette. 17^/1. Mr. (J.irdincr arrives from Boston. I I'he Journal for 1777 is missing.] 1778. January \»t. At George Mayer's. Xews comes that "Washington kills and takes 1600 regulars. 2d. At Mrs. Jacqueen's and Mrs. Kendall's. ■\th — Sunday. Baptized Peter, son of George Pochard. 8^/». Kode to Mr. Richard Turner's. Found his son Thomas sick of a fever. 9//1. Baptized Mark Silvester and Mary, children of James and Rachel Turner. Returned home same day. llth — Sunday. 25 persons at church. ll/A. At home. Mrs. Kendall, Mrs. Call and Mr. Jacqucen here. Fchruary 2d. Travelled with Dr. flayer to Broadbay. Lodged at (Rct.) Dr. (Mar- tin) Shefford's. 3f/. At Mr. Palmer's at Bristol. 4lh. At Capt. Vinal's, Mr. Cremor's, Sprague's, Young's, and Rhode's. Baptized Benjamin and Esther Palmer, David, Alice and Deborah Vinal, and Young. •')lh. A snow storm six inches. Attempted to return home but forced to turn back. Cith. Returned home. \Qth. At Carlo's and Johnson's. Baptized Hannah Turner. \~(h. Rode up witii my brother and his wife to Mr. Cowen's. lS^/». Went to Winthrop. At Mr. Whittier's and Stain's. l!>//i. At Mr. Waugh's. Baptized George Waugh. Returned to Mr. Cowen's. 20/A. Iveturned home. 27/A. (Rev.) Dr. (M.) Shefford, Mr. Ridley and Mr. Tperhind here. 28tA. Dr. Moor, Dr. Mayer, a Prussian Doctor and Mr. Carlo here. March Vllh. liaptized Edward Lawrence. 28/A. Baptized William Carney. April 7lh. Mr. Nath'l Gardiner arrives and Mr. Thomas. l'.i//i — Easter Day. 50 persons at church, L5 commuuicants. 20//1. Chose the same (Church) olficcrs. 2>jlh — Sunday. .% persons at church. [Journals from June Ist to July 18th missing.] July \Olh. [Mr. Bailey had started for Boston.] • • • I had now an opportu- nity of hearing from my family, and perceived that they had obtained a little present relief. The wind blowing in dirty squalls from the S. W., Capt. Hatch sailed back again to Parker's flats.f where we took a breakfast together, after which I went with • Daughter of MaJ. S. GooUwin. t Jast inside the moath of Kennebec river. Al'TENDIX. 355 the two Gardiner's, Mrs. TIatch and Mrs. Gardiner as far as Mr. Butler's. This gen- tleman and his family treated me with ^rcat attention and advised me by no means to leave the country as it would {^ratify ray persecutors, whose principal design was to expel the serTicc of the Church from the regions of Kcnnehcuk. After dining I at- tended Capt. Drummond to his house, and baptized three children, one for Thomas Rogers, one for Ilobert, and another for Mr. Butler's servant. ^Ve had here a good entertainment. My friends sent on board several articles of provision, vii., a large quarter of veal, two cheeses, a smoked salmon, a pound of coffee, &c. In the even- ing I returned on board. Capt. Vinal arrived from Boston, and brought intelligence that a French fleet had arrived to assist the Americans. 2''^th. This morning we beat out to sea. Some of our company sick, especially Polly Morton. About sunset we were not more than four leagues from the mouth of the Kennebeck. Spoke with several vessels, and heard all day a heavy firing at Tal- mouth. Towards morning, 21s/, a breeze from the north east, and a fine clear day. "SVe arrived off Cape Ann about dark. We hud an opportunity of taking several mackerel, the first I had ever seen dra\vn from the water. 22(i. Came to anchor just by Nix's Mate, in Broad Sound, in the forenoon. Saw the Warren under sail, going out. About three o'clock, the wind and tide favouring, we sailed up to the Long Wharf. near a guard-ship, the sight of those disasters which war and rebellion had rendered able gave me a prodigious shock. They appeared cond with rage, and exhibited countenances full of dejection and melancholy. What an affecting consideration that such a multitude of active and sprightly men should labour under oppression and confinement, should be ed with vermin and disease to gratify the boundless avarice and ambition of an impious fac- tion ! Being wholly ignorant of the situation of the town, and fearing that the small- pox might still prevail, I sent Dr. Mayer with a message to (Rev.) Mr. Parker. lie presently returned with an invitation from that worthy gentleman, and a report that little danger was to be apprehended from the smallpox. About sunset I equipped myself and left the sloop under uncommon dejection of spirit. I was, however, re- ceived by Mr. Parker and his lady with the highest tokens of tenderness and friend- ship. They gave a very discouraging detail of publick affairs ; informed me that a large French fleet had certainly arrived ; that no armament had come this season from Britain ; and that it was apprehended that the Americans and French, with their united efforts, would be able to expel the forces of the Crown from the Con- tinent. This intelligence excited a train of the most disagreeable sensations, and took away the pleasure I was about to receive from the society and conversation of my friends. '23(1. [A part of this day's Journal will be found in the Memoir, p. 118. It con- tinues :] Dined at Mrs. Domett's, where I had the pleasure of seeing Mrs. Coflin, and of hearing from my Falmouth friends. We spent the season as agreeably as the situation of publick affairs and our own circumstances would permit. After dinner re- ceived an invitation to tea from Mrs. Sheaf, where we found eleven ladies and six or seven gentlemen, some of them Whigs, but of a generous way of thinking ; in particu- lar Col. Trumbull, son to the Governor, censured very freely some of the most popu- lar measures, and reflected both upon the Congress and neivspapers. From these gentlemen I first learned that the Provincials had gained no victory over General Clinton, but were rather worsted in that famous conflict. After tea Mrs. Peggy Sheaf, an agreeable young lady, gave us several tunes upon the guitar, accompanied with . During this interval I had an opportunity of acquainting Mrs. .Sheaf, one of the ladies, with my situation, and when we came to siippcr I perceived that most of the company knew something of my atFairs, by certain questions about my pcrsecu- 356 A I' r K N ij 1 X tora, and a conip&0()() sterling. This day, after a long and severe drought, about 3 o'clock wc had a smart thunder shower, which lasted about ten minutes. Three men being with a boat on one of the islands of the hftrbour, placed themselves under it for a shelter from the shower ! As soon as the rain ceased a little, two of ttie company ventured out, and called upon the other to follow their example, which he at first refused to do, but npoa repeated applications he complied, lie had no sooner left the boat than a APPENDIX. 359 stream of lightning descended and stove it all to pieces. News arrircs that the French fleet had taken all the vessels from Cork. Aw/ust 2d. This day, being Sunday, could not assist Mr. Parker for want of a suit- able discourse. As I was walkinp to church in the morning Mr. Lash put a ^inca into my hand. After evening service went to drink tea with Mr. Domett ; present, Col. Tudors lady, — though a Whig, very moderate, — Mr. Blotchet, Mr. Chcevcr, and Mr. Brimmer. ( .' ) I was extremely pleased willi the conversation of Mr. Cheever. Among other things he told me that when the high sons perceived that a number of Tories had taken the oath of allegiance they were so enraged as to threaten them with immediate destruction, calling them rogues, villains, &c. After tea took a walk upon the Common, then visited and supped with Mr. Warner and lady. I regard them as a very modest and generous couple. UiJon my return home found Mr. Park- er gone to visit Mrs. Hooper, of Newbury. His lady informed me that she had sent for me and Mr. Parker to spend the evening. "When Mr. Parker returned, about 12 o'clock, he told me that Mrs. Hooper had informed him that she had seen a letter very lately from Mr. Marston, at Halifax, wherein he writes that he is in good health and high spirits, and, were he at liberty, he could write such intelligence as must give the friends of government the most ample satisfaction. Zd. This morning visited Mr. Brown and his son, the Doctor, and took a breakfast with Mrs. Dixy. I found her in great affliction on account of her little daughter, who was sick of a fever. Visited Mr. Thomas Amory and his lady, where I was kindly entertained. I tarried till after dinner, and was favoured with the sight of several cu- rious letters, and the relation of many shocking anecdotes. After dinner at Captain William Morton's, at Mr. Burn's, and on board Capt. Hatch, where I met with my old friend Mr. Nathaniel Gardiner. He brought intelligence that the people of Nan- tucket had certain information that a British fleet, under Lord Byron, was on their passage; that the garrison at Newport was 11,000 strong, and that provisions were cheap and plenty at New York. Towards evening at Mr. Parker's, and drauk tea in company with several ladies. Dr. Brown and Capt. Hatch here. The former had the confidence to apply to Mr. Parker for a recommendation, and referred him to me for a character. Supped at home with a lar^-re company. Mr. Nathaniel Gardiner hero to visit me, and to give me an account of his adventures. The friends of government now begin to receive a little more courage, and to expect some more favourable events. ^th. This morning, after walking upon the wharves, visited Mrs. Cofiin. Dined at home, in company with Mr. Inman. Drank tea at Mrs. Sheaf's. Several gentlemen and ladies. Mr. Gardiner met me, according to agreement, at Mr. Domett's, but that worthy couple being from home we walked towards Capt. Foster's, but finding tho smallpox in that part of the town, turned aside to Mrs. Dixy's. I fjund her daughter recovered. We proceeded back to Mr. Domett's, and had the pleasure of finding liim and his lady at home. We were presently joined by Mrs. Sheaf and her daughter Polly. We had a very agreeable evening, and supped before we parted. Received either this, or the preceding day, eight dollars from Mr. Thomas Amory. ^th. After passing away the forenoon in paying ditfcri-nt visits went to Mr. Ilas- kin's, and tarried dinner with that worthy man and his family. Drank tea and sup- ped abroad. Capt. Smith arrives from Woolwich, and I engage a passage with him to Kennebeck. Mr. Hubbard gives me three quarters of an hundred of rice, and Mr. N. Green a bushel of rye. Great preparations for three dny-; past have been making for the expedition against Illiode Island ; the streets and roads not only full of armed men upon the march from every quarter, but a multitude of car- riages, with provisions and warlike forces ; volunteers come pouring into town from every region of the country ; men of consequence and fortune appear both on horse- ba( k and in the most pompous vehicles that can be procured. A'-'^urance of success is displayed in every countenance, and all expect to return in a few daya rictorioua 360 APPENDIX. and loaded with plunder. To suggest any difficulty is highly criminal, and to fore- bode disappointnicnt would be fatal. To bco these people, who had always the great- est aversion to the manners, religion, and government of the l-'rcnch, now rejoicing in their alliance and exulting in their assistance, alfords a most striking instance of the pcrversencss of the human heart, and displays beyond example the obstinacy, the madness, the folly, the perfidy of my countrymen. Hather than yield to the most prevailing convictions of reason, rather than comply with the most sacred dictates of conscience and religion, I may add, rather than be happy in the enjoyment of their liberties and possessions, they choose to rush headlong into guilt, misery, and ruin, and to entail upon themselves and posterity the most ignoble servitude. G//i. This morning, understanding that I had made a blunder in not dining at Mr. Inman's, who had given me an invitation the preceding day, and that he was highly oU'ended at my neglect, I waited upon him to make the best apology in my power. I assured him that I was not sensible that he gave me any invitation, and that I was wholly ignorant that any company was about to dine at his house. His lady, a most excellent woman, quickly ended the dispute, and, when we had taken a breakfast, Mr. Inman insisted upon my returning to dine with him this day. I spent the forenoon at Mr. Seargent's and Mr. Turner's, where I heard from a number of gentlemen the following intelligence: Tlic captain of a prize brought into Salem affirmed that Lord liyron had sailed from Britain with a fleet of twenty-five capital sliips, and that the harbour of Brest was blocked up with thirty-two ships of the line under the command of Admiral Ilervey, Karl of Bristol. Present at dinner, besides Mr. Inman and wife, Nancy Seargcnt and Betsey Murray, daughter to Col. Murray, one of the Mandamus Counsellors, who fled the country. After dinner I waited upon Dr. Lloyd : saw there a young gentleman from Gen, Sullivan, who informed us that the attack was to be made upon llhodc Island immediately. The Dr., at parting, gave me nine dollars. From hence I repaired to Mr. Parker's, where I found that my old friend, Mr. William Gardiner, had arrived from Concord, and had been twice to enquire for me. I went directly to his lodgings, but to my great disappointment I found !iim absent. I how- ever met him presently after in the street. "We went back to Mr. Parker's, where we drank tea, and then took a walk into the garden. After spending the evening to- gether we agreed to meet each other the next morning about eleven at Mr. Domett's. 7th. [A part of this day's Journal will be found in the Memoir, p. I'JO.] Mr. Gardiner soon came in, and Mrs. Domett engaged us to dine with them. Before din- ner wc went on board Smith and visited Capt. Hatch, and our return found Mrs. CofKn, and had a very sociable entertainment. Mr. (Jardiner and I waited upon Dr. Bylcs and drank tea with him, his daughters, and other young ladies. The Dr. was in high spirits, and rather more diverting than usual. We spent the evening to- gether, when I took my leave of Mr. Gardiner. « • » * Mr. Gardiner assured mc, upon very good authority, that every person in Canada who suffered by the ravages of the American rebels, had their losses fully made up, and that the whole amnuutcd to £170,000 sterling. 8//i. [A part of this day's Journal will be found in the Memoir, p. 120.] • * After which I returned her, (Mrs. Domett,) a visit of thanks, and took my leave of that generous lady and her daughters. « » » ♦ Having put my things on board the vessel, dined at Mr. Pjirker's, called upon several friends, drank tea with Mrs. Domett, and parted with Mrs. Cofhn and that excellent couple whom I shall always esteem with the sincerest affection. About ten Dr. Mayer and I took our leave and embarked on board Capt. Smith. The weather was now extremely hot, with a gentle breeze of S. W. wind. We had two female passengers on board, and about 11 o'clock got under sail. 'Jtli. The next morning about sunrise, near Thatcher's Island, just as we were com- ing round the Cape, discovered a very large ship. Ilcr guns were carefully concealed, APPENDIX. 361 and she let us pass without notice. Soon after we observed a very strong current set- ting to the westward ; a short calm ensued, when the wind sprang up about cast. About noon the clouds began to gather thick from every quarter, and the dintant thunder uttered its voice. AVhen we were miles to the south of the Shoal Islands, it being between 3 and -1 o'clock, the clouds were exceedingly blackj and heavy from the N. E. around to the S. E., the lightnings streamed dreadfully in various directions, and the bursting thunders roared aloud. At length the tempest burst upon us. A squall struck us from the W. -\. W., which in a few minutes veered into the E. S. E. The darkness, thunder and rain continued with uncommon severity till wc opened Portsmouth harbour, a little before sunset, when the clouds began to disperse, and we came to an anchor a little below the light-house, where we lay rolling and tumbling all night, and our female passengers were in consequence very sick. 10/A. When the tide served in the morning wc came to anchor in Peppcrell's Cove, at Kittcry, the wind being E. N. E. About 10 o'clock the captain set the two women on shore ; we then proceeded in the boat to Newcastle, where, upon enquiring for Mr. Chase,* I found that he had died six months before. His son, Stephen, was gone to Portsmouth, as well as his daughter. After rambling near two hours about the Island returned on board. In our passage we approached a large brig under sail, on board of which I saw Mr. Spole, with my friend Jenny Sheaf, from Martinico. Having dined I went on shore to visit Mr. Stevens, the minister on Kittcry Point. I here met with civil treatment, found him a modest, sensible man, rather on the side of the British government, and his daughter a well accomplished and agreeable young lady. Being invited I tarried till the next morning. llth. The wind continuing nearly in the same quarter I went on board after break- fast, and went with the Captain and Dr. flayer to Portsmouth, where I met with great pleasure several of my fritnds, as Mr. Haven's family, Mrs. Clapham, Mrs. Fra- zer, and Mr. Whipple and lady. Dined at Mr. Whipple's. I perceived that his lady was greatly discouraged at the appearance of publick affairs. I was able, however, by several anecdotes, to revive her spirits. After dinner I returned to Mr. Haven's, where I spent an hour very agreeably. Capt. Smith, being obliged to go on board, 1 left the town with regret, but the wind continuing to blow from the X. E., with clouds and fog, I was permitted to revisit Mr. Stevens. I found that he was gone to Ports- mouth. He returned, however, after tea. [Part of this day's Journal is inserted in the Memoir, p. 121.] The company were so agreeable to each other that they never went to repose till after twelve. V2lh. This morning the weather was boisterous, and the wind blowing hard from tho N. 1'. and great appearances of a storm. After breakfast went on board ; so windy that we could not, as wc intended, visit Portsmouth. Towards evening landed, in company with Capt. Crandall, at Peppercll's ^^'harf, and spent several hours in walk- ing about the neighbourhood. The ruins of Sir William's fine estate induced us to re- flect upon the instability of human affairs. A few years occasion prodigious altera- tions, especially in such seasons of plunder and depredation. The house, which be- longed to Andrew Pepperell Sparhawk — a stately edifice — has lately been reduced to almost a heap of ruins, for no other reason but because the owner is in Britain. Wo saw in the dock a fine little schooner from the eastward with a family on board. The master informed us that Capt. Callahan, having taken from him'a sloop of ninety tons, made him a present of that schooner, though greatly opposed by the Capt.ain of Marines. This vessel, armed, had taken three sloops. About nine in the evening the weather began to roughen, the clouds to gather from every quarter, and the in- creasing winds to agitate tlie waters. 13lh. This morning, as soon as daylight appeared, we had a most violent storm at * Bev. Stephen Chaae, uncle to Mn. Bailey. See Note F., p. 358, 46 362 APPENDIX. N. E., attended with large quantities of rain. It continued without intermission till near snnsot, during which the water was in violent agitation, and we thought our- selves unsafe witli two anchors at htr bow. One sloop was stove in pieces at the be- ginning of this tempest, and a schooner, attempting to recover by the light-house point, lost her anchor, had her jib carried away, and was finally bilged against the rocks. Another sloop, commanded by Josepli Decker, rode out the storm just within the southernmost point of Piscataqua harbour, expecting every moment eitlicr to go on shore, or to be swallowed up by the waves. Tlie violence of the tempest abated, however, very fast in the evening. "We had an uncomfortable bituation on board, being closely confined to a nasty cabin, while the vessel kept incessantly rolling and tumbling, especially in the night, to such a degree that we could hardly lay in our cabins. IKli. A fine morning after the storm, but the wind siill continues to breeze from the east. After our Captain had been to atFord some relief to his distressed brethren, I embarked for Portsmouth on board a large canoe with Mr. James Marden and his brother. In our passage we went on board a privateer of ten carriage guns, where I quickly perceived a most shocking exhibition of confusion and profancness. The oaths and execrations were horrid beyond expression. I had formerly been five or six weeks on board a British man-of-war, where all was order, piety, and politeness, in compari- son with what now appeared. We took the gunner on board and proceeded to town. Wlien I arrived at Mr. Stevens's I found them at dinner, and, to my great satisfaction, Dr. Coffin, directly from Falmouth. He expected to meet his lady here from Boston before evening. After dinner, and talking over the news, we went out together and met Mr. J. Sheaf at the barber's shop, when I engaged to wait for this. agreeable gen- tleman at Mr. Whipple's. I spent the afternoon with Mr. Whipple, his lady. Madam Went worth, Mrs. Purcel, and Mrs. Clapham. As I was waiting upon Mrs. Purcel home met Mr. Sheaf ; we walked together and took the tour of several streets, lie informed me that he had only twenty-two days from Martinico, and that there was no appearance of war among the French and Spaniards. lie was perfectly surprized when he heard that a French fleet was upon the coast of New England. Went this afternoon to Capt. Roach and his family. I found here Mr. John Parker, the Sherilf, brother to Parson Parker, of Boston ; he made some severe reflections upon my per- secutors, in particular their imposing the oath of abjuration. When Mr. Parker was gone Mr. Roach applied to have his child baptized. I performed the office in the pres- ence of three ladies, who were here on a visit. At parting Capt. Roach gave me half a guinea, and kindly oflered to do his part toward my support during the present calamitous times. After I had parted with Mr. Sheaf I went with Mrs. Whipple to Capt. Turner's, where we found Mr. Whipple arrived before us, and Mrs. Pepperell. Just as we had entered into sociable conversation I was called away to baptize a child for one llccd, a little out of town, llere were present a large number of ladies. After I had performed the saertd ordinance I returned to my company, and about ten I went to Mr. Staver's, and found Mrs. Coffin arrived from Boston, but she and the Dr. were both gone to bed. After supper spent an hour with Mrs. Frazier and another lady. The former gave me a yard of mu^ilin for Mrs. Bailey. Lodged at this house. loth. This morning rose early and waited for breakfast till Dr. Coffin, his lady, and Miss Betty Wier were dressed. Mrs. Coffin brought word that the French fleet had left r»iewport, and that the Cork fleet had all arrived safe at New York, which incidents gave uncommon sjjirits to the friends of government, who had for a long time been in a despairing situation. Mr. Marden being ready to go on board I was obliged to leave this very agreeable company. When we came to the vessel we found the wind still unfavorable, which determined us to return. I dined at Mr. Staver's, waited upou "Mr. Jeffries, and drank tea at Mr. Whipi)lc's, where I learned from that gentleman that one Mr. Emerson, of York, had been upon Rhode Island to satisfy his curiosity. APPENDIX. 363 He declared that he had been not only in the Provincial army, but among the inhab- itants, who assured him there were 10,000 British forces at Xe^vport, the rebel army between 12,000 and 20,000 strong. He confirmed the account of the departure of the French fleet, and added that they sailed on Monday morning in pursuit of some Brit- ish ships which appeared in sight the evening before, and that prior to this move- ment the French had rc-cmbarked all their land forces to the number of 4, .300. Went •with Mr. Whipple to Mr. Staver's, and found Griffin arrived from Boston, who in- formed us that the AVhigs were greatly alarmed at the French Admiral's conduct ; that the Salem volunteers, hi attempting to reconnoitre the enemy's works had lost ten of their number ; that the late stonn had greatly annoyed the Provincial army, as the militia and volunteers were destitute of shelter ; that the Royal forces, in case the French fleet should not return, intended to surround Rhode Island ; and that two capital ships had lately arrived from Britain. Our company consisted of Capt. Turner, Mr. Jaffrey, Mr. Whipple, Capt. Ilickey, and Mr. Stavers, besides Griffin and Davis. About 10 received a note from Mr. Soward to baptize his child. At 11 I complied with his request, after which I supped and lodged at Mr. Whipple's. Mr. J. Sheaf gave me six lbs. of coffee. 16lh. This, being Sunday mornipg, after having an early breakfast with Mr. Sta- vers, returned on board. The wind soon began to breeze E. and by S., and the tide favouring we beat out to sea, and had a most pleasant passage into Winter Harbour, where we came to anchor about half past five in the afternoon. Wc landed the two Mardens at this place, but the wind blowing hard almost from the S. E. our Captain concluded it not prudent to proceed. In the night showers of rain. Another sloop, belonging to Broad Bay, anchored near us in this harbour. nth. Wind about east, thick weather, attended with rain and fog. Went on shore on Wood Island. This island is surrounded with a sharp, rocky shore ; the skirts of it abound with gooseberry bushes ; the situation of the inland parts very low, and the soil exceeding rich ; vegetables grow here to an uncommon size ; on the north-west end we observed the appearance of a deep bog. Having dined on board we concluded, in the afternoon, to visit father Hussey, a Quaker, who had lived upon a large farm to the south of this harbour above forty years. I was pleased with the conversation of his brother, who happened to be present on a visit from Berwick, but I quickly discovered the owner of the house to be an obstinate, self-conceited, censorious bigot. We entered deeply into publick measures, and, though the Quakers loudly condemned the proceedings of the American opposition, yet, I strongly suspect, they are no hearty friends to the British Constitution. They arc unwilling to risk anything in the reformation or subversion of any government, yet, I fancy, a republican form must be most agreeable to their inclinations. The whole family appeared very contracted and inhospitable, not asking either of us to eat or drink, though they prepared an afternoon repast, and it was vrith difficulty we obtained a drink of water. Showery in the night, with some lightning. 18//». Wind still continues east, with a prodigious thick fog. After breakfast went on shore, first to one Capt. Hill's, where we met with very indifferent treatment. Wc then crossed over a narrow channel, and visited one Fletcher. The old woman and her two daughters were the most hard-favoured and disa.'rceablc of the sex I ever bo- held ; the whole family were extremely rough and hoggish in their manners. The old man raved against Capt. Callahan, and threatened him with hanging;. He had a daughter deaf and dumb, and a son blind. Wc tarried in this inhospitable dwelling. The weather continuing the same we went on board without any prospect of sailing. In the evening lightning and rain. VJth. This day wet and foggy. In the morning, after breakfast, went on shore and visited an islaTid to the N. W., exceeding rough and uneven, .\hout eleven vis- ited the old Quaker, who treated us in a very hoggish manner, never asking us to sit 364 A r r E N D I X , do^v^l, and ho took four shillings lawful for one dozen of cucumbers. In the afternoon the fog began to disperse, and about sunset the weather was perfectly calm and serene. Aiifjinl 2O//1. This morning awoke about 2 o'clock and finding a steady gale of S. W. wind and a clear sky alarmed the Captain, and in less than an hour after we got under sail. Before sunrise passed Cape Elizabeth. At 9 or 10 entered the mouth of the Kennebeck. Mr. T. Percy came on board and informed us that he and his brother were obliged to take the oath from the complaint of Sam. McCobb. About 12 we came to anchor in Fiddler's reach. "Went on shore with Dr. Mayer at Capt. Drummond's. Found him a violent son of liberty and a friend to the French alliance. He however treated us with complaisance and invited us to tarry to dinner; after which we visited Mr. McFaddan and Mr. Treble. Towards evening returned and drank tea with Mrs. Drummond. Capt. Drummond having furnished us with a barge, we went about sun- set in pursuit of the sloop and overtook her in the gut, where we found Carleton ar- rived from Boston. He left that port the evening before and brought intelligence that the French fleet had not yet returned. Ts'ight coming on and the wind breezing, ray "Woolwich friends advised mc to go home with them. In consequence of this invita- tion I visited Mr. David Gilmore and tarried with him till the next morning. It gave mc great satisfaction to find my friends in so good spirits here, notwithstanding the gloomy aspect of publick affairs. I cannot forbear reflecting upon the peculiar cir- cumstances of our rulers at this season, and I imagine they are highly deceived. They are certainly ignorant of the prevailing sentiment and discontent among the people. They, in the beginning of this revolt, flattered the lower classes of mankind and addressed them with misrepresentations and lies, till they iT-spired them with en- thusiastic madness, and directed them, in the frenzy of their zeal, to bully, insult, mob and plunder men of the highest worth, integrity and consequence, those very persons whom they had hitherto approached with reverence and listened to with attention, wliose advice and authority they had always regarded as sacred ; everything was carried by noise, persecution, and violence, until the spirit of persecution began to subside among the common people and moderation to take its place. Those men who had advanced themselves into the highest stations of government during these commotions, took it for granted that they were firmly fixed in the affections of the rabble, and that they had nothing to fear except a few Tories, which it was their prin- • cipal concern to suppress. For this purpose they enacted the most cruel and unrea- sonable laws, putting it in the power of every ill-natured and malicious man to ruin his neighbour. These institutions are so severe that men arc afraid openly to com- plain, yet in secret they cannot forbear expressing the highest discontent and cha- grin, and nothing is heard in private corners except murmurs and complaints, and the number of those who delight in persecution is very inconsiderable ; this sentiment is almost wholly confined to those who can gratify their revenge by the persecution of a Tory neighbour, while the remainder bitterly execrate the authors and instruments of the action. Now all the uneasiness and clamor which prevail abroad are closely concealed from the legislative body which sets at Boston amid the bustle of warlike preparations and the hurry of business. For who would venture to disclose any un- •welcome truth when he is liable to be punished for sedition, to be regarded as an ene- my to his country, and perhaps to be wholly deprived of his freedom. Every one who ai>proaches the supreme authority by way of petition for mercy, or request for favour, makes it his principal study to flatter and please. He will not, in such circumstances, excite any disagreeable sensations by the mention of unwelcome truths, but labour all in his power to preserve the utmost good humor, and carefully suppress every sugges- tion that may tend to censure or reprehend the government to which he applies. 21»/. This morning rose early and visited Mr. William Gilmore. After breakfast baptized, before a large number of people, a child for Capt. Fullcrton ; then calling APPENDIX. 365 upon Capt. Smith wc went on board and took our things in order to proceed home- ward, but the wind quickl}' began to breeze from the north, attended with frequent thunder squalls. "When we arrived, after much fatigue, at the Chops of Merry-meeting Bay, we found Mr. Hatch and Jackson on board a vessel bound to Nantucket. This incident prevented our proceeding any farther, and obliged us to go on shore, where we continued above four hours, but perceiving a formidable thunder shower arising we determined to visit Capt. llobbs'. "Wc had very civil entertainment at his house, and about dark embarked and continued our voyage a mile beyond the Chops, when a violent .squall burst upon us from the north, attended with uncommon darkness and cold. It was with extreme difficulty we were able to reach the shore, upon which the wavE^s dashed with increasing and resistless fury. I was constrained to continue above an hour holding the painter, while Dr. Mayer ran to solicit assistance. At length, after rambling through the bushes, and over burnt logs and rocky ledges, he appeared with Mr. John Trot.( ? ) "We perceived ourselves to be but a few rods from his house, and having hauled our boat into a core, with watching the greater part of the night we prevented her dashing in pieces. Tld. After breakfast, the wind still blowing from the north-west, we embarked, and about two arrived at Pownalborougb , where I had the satisfaction of finding my family in good health, though they had greatly suffered in my absence from want of provis- ions. I was astonished to perceive the severity of the drought in this part of the country. Almost everything was consumed, and a terrible fire raging near the East- ern River, rendered the prospect still more distressing. I was raited this afternoon by several of ray friends. [Journals missing from August 23d, 1778, to January IGth, 1779, inclusive.] 1779. January VJth — Sunday. At home. San's (?) preached. Gushing forbids him. 28\st. At night at Mr. Palmer's. February \sl. At Capt. Yinal's, Crcmor's, Chapman's, and (Rev. Dr.) Shefford's. 3rf. Baptized Eunice "\'inal. Returned to Palmer's. ^Ih. Dined at Noble's and lodged at J. Sevey's. 5lh. Breakfasted at Mr. "Wood's. Get home at sunset. &th. Baptized John Carlow. lilh — Sunday. Baptized Anna Costelo. Mr. Gardiner here. 21s/ — Sunday. Mr. Gardiner and 11 persons. March \st. At home. N. Palmer reads his confession. 2d. At home. John (McNamarra) returns from Broad Bay. 6//». At Mr. Pochard's. His father ill. Ith. At Mr. Pochard's. The old man dies. B/A. Mr. Pochard buried. WUi. Mr. Lawrence's child buried. \iih. At Mr. Lawrence's. Baptized Amos and Betsy Hitchins. Vdlh. Rode to Mr. R. Turner's. Tarried all night. 20 IMMKSin <>l (MIF<>KM\ IIMKVK^ I. 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