H E 8670 asAZ 1913a DOCUMENTS DEPT. UC-NRLF B 3 M2D M22 i>-f DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR I (J,S, BUREAU OF NAVIGATION REGULATIONS GOVERNING . . . RADIO COMMUNICATION ^ EDITION FEBRUARY 20, 1913 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1913 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR Li 5 BUREAU OF NAVIGATION REGULATIONS GOVERNING RADIO COMMUNICATION ^ EDITION FEBRUARY 20, 1913 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1913 vnnscmam OEPT. REGULATIONS GOVERNING RADIO" COfflMUNICATION. Department of Commerce and Labor, Office of the Secretary, Washington^ February 20, 1013. To owners and operators of apparatus for radio communication {wireless telegraphy) : The attention of all owners and operators of apparatus for radio communication is invited to the act of August 13, 1912, to regulate radio communication and to the following regulations to carry out that act and the International Radiotelegraphic Convention, pro- claimed by the President of the United States. Department Circular No. 241 includes the laws applying to radio equipment on ships, and its provisions should be knownto all owners and operators of ship radio sets. Owners and operators may obtain copies of the act and of the international convention in force and department Circular No. 211 from the Commissioner of Navigation, Department of Commerce and Labor, Washington, D. C., or from the radio inspectors for the districts named below. The act to regulate radio communication took effect December 13, 1912. It requires the owners and operators of apparatus for radio communication under certain conditions to obtain licenses. The regulations established by the act, or by the authority of the act, or of the international convention, will be enforced by the Sec- retary of Commerce and Labor through radio inspectors, collectors of customs, and other officers of the Government. Violations of the act and regulations will be reported to the chief customs officer of the district in which the offense occurs, who will report the case to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor (Bureau of Navigation) according to the procedure followed in violations of the navigation laws. ADMINISTRATTS^ DISTRICTS. The department has established, for the purpose of enforcing through radio inspectors the acts relating to radio communication and the international convention, the following districts with the principal office for each district at the customhouse of the port named. (These districts supersede those announced in department Circular No. 241, of September 5, 1912.) 1. Boston, Mass Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Masaachiisetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut. 2. New Toek, N. T New York (county of New York, Staten Island, Long Island, and counties on the Hudson River to and including Albany, Rensselaer, and Schenec- tady), and New Jersey (counties of Bergen, Pas- saic, Essex, Union, Middlesex, Monmouth, Hud- son, and Ocean). rro35»— IS M72796 4 EEGULATIONS GOVERNING RADIO COMMUNICATION. 3. BAtyiMOEE, Md ,-_,New Jersey (all counties not included in second dis- •: { ■' ';.'.' ' ; : • trict), Pennsylvania (counties of Philadelphia, • '•' . 'c' ; Delaware, all counties south of the Blue Moun- .'. '.'.'''",',-"■ tains, and Franklin County), Delaware, Mary- .'•'*..' .'•'' '•'•'* ' ''' '• •' ' li^nd, Virginia, District of Columbia. 4. Savannah,' X>A_'_'_illl-_'.N()rth Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Porto Rico. 5. New Orleans, La Alabama. Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas. Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico. 6. San Francisco, Cal California, Hawaii, Nevada, Utah, Arizona. 7. Seattle, Wash Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Wyo- ming. 8. Cleveland, Ohio New York (all counties not included in second dis- trict), Pennsylvania (all counties not included in third district), West Virginia, Ohio, Michigan (Lower Peninsula). 9. Chicago. Ill Indiana, Illinois. Wisconsin. Michigan (Upper Penin- sula), Minnesota. Kentucky, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota. A radio inspector is authorized in exceptional cases to act outside of his district for the convenience of commerce. In such cases he will communicate before or after acting with the inspector in whose district he has acted. Radio inspectors are authorized to communi- cate directly with collectors of customs and to cooperate with them in the enforcement of the law. EXAMINATION OF OPERATORS FOR LICENSES. The examination of operators for licenses prescribed in the follow- ing regulations will be held at the United States navy yards at Bos- ton, Mass., Brooklyn, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Washington, D. C, Norfolk, Va., Charleston. S. C, New Orleans, La., Mare Island (San Francisco) , Cal., Puget Sound, Wash. ; at the naval stations at Key West, Fla., San Juan, P. R., and Honolulu, Hawaii; at the Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. ; at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Tex., Fort Wood, New York Harbor, Fort Omaha, Nebr., Fort Leaven- worth, Kans.; at the School for Enlisted Specialists, Fort Monroe, Va.; at the Army stations at St. Michael and Fairbanks, and by special arrangements at the Army stations at Fort Gibbon and Valdez, Alaska ; also at the Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. ; and by the department's radio inspectors at the customhouses in their districts and elsewhere by arrangement with them. Appli- cants for licenses should communicate in writing [Form 756] with the commandants or commanding officers of the nav\^ yards or Army posts or Naval or Army stations named, or with the Director of the Bureau of Standards, or with the radio inspectors at the custom- houses, at their headquarters, to ascertain the day and hour when they can be examined. Additional opportunities for examination can be ascertained by communicating with the department's radio inspectors at the customhouses or with the Commissioner of Navigation, Depart- ment of Commerce and Labor, Washington, D. C. The licenses to operators will be delivered at the places of examination. The license provides that the holder shall take the oath for the preservation of the secrecy of messages before a notai-y public or officer authorized to administer oaths. The operator's license is not valid until this oath is executed. REGULATIONS GOVERNING RADIO COMMUNICATION. 5 REGULATIONS. Part 1. LICENSES— APPARATUS. A. Apparatus Exempt from License. The act does not appl}^ either afloat or ashore to — (a) Apparatus for radio communication which merely receives radiograms and is not equipped for sending. (b) Apparatus for the transmission of radiograms exclusively be- tween points in the same State, if the effect of such transmission does not extend beyond the State (so as to interfere with the radio com- munication of other States), or if the effect of such transmission does not interfere with the reception of radiograms from beyond the State (so as to interfere with the interstate radio communication of that State). (c) Apparatus for radio communication which has been issued to the Organized Militia by the United States Army and is used for military purposes only. The owner or operator of any apparatus who may be in doubt whether his apparatus, under this paragraph, is exempt from license may write the facts to the radio inspector for his district or to the Commissioner of Navigation, Department of Commerce and Labor, Washington, D. C., before applying for a license. B. Ship Stations. The apparatus for transmission of radiograms, or signals on any vessel of the United States not permanently moored, requires a license. For the purposes of the administration of the act, ship stations on vessels of the tinted States shall be of these classes : Class A. — (a) Ocean passenger steamers which from October 1, 1912, and (h) Great Lakes passenger steamers which from April 1, 1913, are subject to the act of July 23. 1912. and are required to carry two oi^erators and maintain a constant skilled watch. Class B. — Cargo steamers which (on the Great Lakes from April 1, 1913, and on the ocean from July 1, 1913), with crcAvs of 50 or more, are required to carry two operators, the second of whom may be a member of the crew certified as competent to receive distress calls, etc., maintaining a transmitting ser\^ce during limited hours but a constant receiving watch. Class C. — Vessels voluntarily equipped with radio apparatus and not subject to the act of July 23, 1912. after October 1, 1912; April 1. 1913; or July 1. 1913. with no fixed hours of service, such as — 1. Passenger steamers, where the licensed capacity and number of crew^ combined are less than 50. 2. Cargo steamers with crews of less than 50. 3. Tugs and towing steamers, etc., with crews of less than 50. 4. Motor vessels. 5. Sailing vessels and barges. 6. Yachts. 6 EEGULATIONS GOVERNING EADIO COMMUNICATION. C. Land Stations. Apparatus for radio communication on land within the jurisdic- tion of the United States (excluding the Philippine Islands and excluding apparatus of the Government of the United States) must be licensed if — (a) The apparatus is a means of commercial intercourse among the several States or with foreign nations ; or (b) The apparatus transmits radiograms or signals the effect of which at any time extends beyond the State ; or (c) The apparatus interferes with the receipt of messages in any State from beyond such State. For the purposes of the administration of the act, stations on land are divided into two general descriptions, according to geographical location: I. Coast or Shore Stations are stations which transmit messages to vessels at sea or on the Great Lakes or whose operations can affect the transmission of messages between ship and ship, or ship and coast. The principal purpose of the regulation of radio communication, international and national, is to secure the greatest efficiency of mari- time communication through this agency, especially as a means of promoting safety to life. II. Inland Stations are stations which can not transmit messages to vessels at sea or on the Great Lakes and whose operations can not affect the transmission of messages between ship and ship, or ship and coast. This may be due to their geographical location or to their range, dependent on power and aerial, or conditions. In some instances actual inspection may be necessary to determine whether a station should be licensed as a coast station or an inland station. An operator or owner in doubt as to the classification of his station should communicate the facts to the radio inspector of his district when applying for a license. As the means for enforcing the radio laws are limited, it is neces- sary to give ship and commercial stations precedence over aniateur stations. The owner of an amateur station may operate his station in accordance with the laws if his application for a license has been properly filed but has not been acted upon. An application for an operator's license must also have been filed and every effort made to obtain the license before the station may be operated. CLASSES OF LAND STATIONS. Both coast stations (the words " coast stations," " shore stations," and "coastal stations" are used interchangeably) and inland stations are divided for the purposes of the administration of the act into the following classes: 1. Public-service stations, (a) general, (h) limited. 2. Limited commercial stations. 3. Experiment stations for the development of radio communi- cation. 4. Technical and training school stations. 5. General amateur stations. 6. Special amateur stations. 7. Restricted amateur stations. REGULATIONS GOVERNING RADIO COMMUNICATION. 7 DESCRIPTION or CLASSES. 1. (a) Public-service stations, general, are those open to general business between coast and ships or between land stations, and include those operated by common carriers under the act of Februaiy 4, 1887, to regulate commerce, amended June 18, 1910. They are required to maintain a constant receiving service when open. Every coastal sta- tion open to public service shall at all times be ready to receive mes- sages of such wave lengths as are required by the international con- vention in force. (Sec. 4, first regulation, act of Aug. 13, 1912.) Wlienever such stations do n6t insure a constant service, transmit- ting and receiving day and night without interruptioUj the Secretary of the Navy is directed to open naval radio stations within 100 miles thereof to public business. ( Sec. 4, eighteenth regulation, act of Aug. 13, 1912.) The Secretary of War is authorized by the act of May 26, 1900 (31 Stat., 206)^ to open Alaskan military stations to public service. • • j 1. (&) Public-service stations, limited, are reserved for a limited public service, determined by the object of the correspondence or other circumstances independent of the system employed. Stations of this class transmit and receive public messages to and from certain stations only, which are designated in the license. 2. Limited commeroial stations are not open to public service and are licensed for a specific commercial service or services defined in the license. Stations of this class must not transmit to or accept public messages from other stations. 3. Experiment stations.— T\iQ Secretary of Commerce and Labor is authorized bv section 4 of the act to grant special temporary licenses " to stations actually engaged in conducting experiments for the development of the science of radio communication, or the appa- ratus pertaining thereto, to carry on special tests, using any amount of power or any wave lengths, at such hours and under such condi- tions as will insure the least interference with the sending or receipt of commercial or Government radiograms, of distress signals and radiograms, or with the work of other stations." Applicants for such licenses should state any technical result they have already pro- duced, their technical attainments, etc. The fact that an applicant desires to experiment with his equipment does not justify or require a license of this class. Most experiments can be made within the limitations of general and restricted amateur station licenses or by use of an artificial antenna to prevent radiation. 4. Technical and training school stations will be licensed in a sepa- rate class, according to the degree of technical training attained and imparted and to local conditions. 5. General avuiteur stations are restricted to a transmitting wave leno-th not exceeding 200 meters and a transformer input not exceed- ing'l kilowatt. (Sec. 4, fifteenth regulation, act of Aug. 13, 1912.) 6. Special amateur stations may be licensed by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to use a longer wave length and a higher power on special application to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor. Applications for this class from amateurs with less than two years' experience in actual radio communication will not be approved. The application must state the experience and purpose of the applicant, the local conditions of radio communication, especially of maritime 8 REGULATIONS GOVERNING RADIO COMMUNICATION. radio communication in the vicinity of the station, and a special license will be granted only if some substantial beneJSt to the art or to commerce apart from individual amusement seems probabla (Sec. 4, fifteenth reflation, act of Aug. 13, 1912.) 7. Restricted amateur stations^ within 5 nautical miles of a naval or military station, are restricted to a wave length not exceeding 200 meters and to a transformer input not exceeding one-half kilowatt. (Sec. 4, sixteenth reg-ulation, act of Aug. 13, 1912.) Special statiotis for exceptional distances are land stations desigTied (coast) to carry on transoceanic radio communication as between the United States and European countries, or between the Pacific coast and Hawaii, or from the United States over similar long dis- tances at sea to another land station, or (inland) to carry on radio communication overland over exceptional distances. These stations will all come under one of the classifications named above and the license will indicate the stations for which communication is author- ized and indicate the range. General public service, limited public service, limited commercial, special amateur, and special stations which come under the classifica- tion of coast stations are subject to the same requirements as to the provision for receiving and relaying distress calls. Stations operated at different portions of the day for different purposes will require licenses covering each purpose, that is, a station used during the day for limited commercial purposes and during the night for general public service will require two licenses. Part 2. LICENSES— OPERATORS. The third section of the act prescribes that every radio apparatus required to be licensed shall at all times while in use and operation be in charge or under the supervision of a person or persons licensed for that purpose by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor. Licenses approved and issued by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to operators will be delivered to successful applicants after passing examinations given by the officers named under the head " Examination of operators for licenses." [Note. — Apprentices. — Under the supervision of a licensed operator an ap- prentice or unlicensed i>erson may leai-n tlie art by the actual use of the apparatus, but the licensed operator who fails to enforce obedience to the regn- lations by the apprentice or unlicensed person serving under his supervision is liable to penalties as if he had himself violated the regulations.] Operators' licenses are divided into the following grades : I. Commercial : 1. First grade. 2. Second grade. 3. Cargo grade. 4. Extra grade. 5. Temporary permit. II. Amateur : 6. First grade. 7. Second grade. III. Technical : 8. Experiment and instruction grade. The requirements which applicants must meet to secure licenses of the several grades and the scope and limitations of employment au- thorized by the licenses of the several grades are as follows: REGULATIONS GOVERNING RADIO COMMUNICATION. 9 I, Commercial. First grade. — The applicant must pass a satisfactory examination in — («) The adjustment, operation, and care of the apparatus, inchid- ing correction of faults and change from one wave length to another. (&) Transmitting and receiving by ear at a speed of not less than 20 words a minute in Continental Morse (five letters to the word). (c) Use and care of storage battery or other auxiliary power apparatus. \d) Knowledge of the international regulations in force applying to radio communication. (e) Knowledge of the requirements of the acts of Congress to regulate radio communication — at present sections 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of the act of August 13, 1912. No stated experience is required, but the examination given is such that a person must be familiar with all parts and principles embodied in a radio set and auxiliary battery and power apparatus used, to obtain a license. (1) The commercial first-grade license qualifies the operator for employment at any ship or land station of any class and is the highest certificate indicative of ability as radio operator issued at this time. (2) Every ship station of class A must carry two or more oper- ators, at least one of whom must have a valid commercial first-grade license, or, in the case of a foreign ship, have an equivalent foreign license. [Note. — The requirements for this grade are the same as the International requirements imposed on operators of foreign ships by international regulation, except the knowledge of the use and care of storage battery or other auxiliary and of the act of August 13, 1912. Inspectors will allow a reasonable time to foreign operators on foreign ships to meet the additional requirements supply- ing them as promptly as practicable with copies of the act of August 13, 1912.] (3) Every ship station of class A on a steamer carrying 100 or more passengers must caiTy at least two operators having commer- cial first-grade licenses or equivalent foreign licenses. (4) Every land station open to general public service must have at least one commercial first-grade operator. (5) Every coast station of class 1 must have commercial first-grade oi^erators. Second grade. — The applicant must pass a satisfactory examina- tion in all the subjects prescribed above for the first grade, with the exception that the minimum speed in transmitting and receiving shall not be less than 12 words a minute in Continental Morse, and the ex- amination in the subjects will not be as comprehensive as that given first-grade operators. (1) An operator licensed as commercial second grade, on subse- quent compliance with the speed test for the first grade, and further examination on the subjects named, may have his license raised to the first grade by the indorsement in red ink on the face of his license " Examined on [date] at [place] and passed first grade by [examining officer's signature]," or a first-grade license may be issued. (2) Every ship station under class A (except steamers carrying 300 or more passengers) must carry a second operator, having the commercial second-griide license, or higher, or an equivalent foreign license. 10 REGULATIONS GOVERNING RADIO COMMUNICATION. (3) Every ship station under classes B and C must carry at least one operator licensed as commercial second grade, or higher, or an equivalent foreign license where such are issued. Class B covers cargo steamers and does not apply to the Great Lakes before April 1, 1913, or to the seaboard before July 1, 1913. (4) Every coast station of classes 2 and 6 must have at least one operator holding a valid commercial second-grade license. Cargo grade. — Section 2 of the act of July 23, 1912, provides : On cargo steamers, in lieu of the second operator provided for in this act, there may be substituted a member of the crew or other person who shall be duly certified and entered in the ship's log as competent to receive and under- stand distress calls or other usual calls indicating danger, and to aid in main- taining a constant wireless watch so far as required for the safety of life. Examining officers and radio inspectors are authorized to issue a certificate, in the form of an amateur first-grade license, after exami- nation, to indicate the facts above enumerated in the case of a member of the crew or other person, and experience under this form will be credited by examining officers if the holder later applies for examina- tion for a commercial license. Extra grade. — The department desires to establish, if practicable, a corps of specially tramed and trustworthy radio operators who may be available for Government service. For this purpose a spe- cial license will be issued to operators holding the commercial first- grade license, whose certificates of skill in radio communication, issued under the act of June 24, 1910, and licenses under this act record 12 months' satisfactory ocean service as shown by masters' indorsement. A special examination in the radio regulations of the United States Navy will also be required. The commercial extra- grade license will be issued during 1913, and will be the subject of a special circular. Temporary permit. — Section 3 of the act of August 13, 1912, pro- vides : In case of emergency the Secretary of Commerce and Labor may authorize a collector of customs to issue a temporary permit, ua lieu of a license, to the operator on a vessel subject to the radio ship act of June 24, 1910. The temporary permit is to be issued only in cases of emergency and will be valid for only one voyage. If practicable, the radio in- spector should ascertain the applicant's qualifications before the col- lector issues a temporary permit. The collector will report in each case to the Commissioner of Navigation the circumstances which rendered necessary the issue of a temporary permit. CERTIFICATES OF SKILL IN RADIO COMMUNICATION. Certificates issued under the act of June 24, 1910, will not be valid substitutes for the licenses required by the act of August 13, 1912, on and after December 13, 1912. The holders of these cer- tificates should present themselves to the examining officers and radio inspectors for examination and license under the new act. Examin- ing officers are requested to give precedence, as far as practicable, to the holders of these certificates and to exercise their discretion in giv- ing credence to the former examination on which the certificate was issued, and especially to give due credit to satisfactory service records indorsed thereon. Operators should retain these certificates, as they KEGULATIONS GOVERNING RADIO COMMUNICATION. 11 will prove useful in applications for licenses of the various classes and grades under the radio-communication act and in establishing claims to the benefits accruing to those in the service of the merchant marine of the United States. II. Amateur. General, — Amateurs, before applying for licenses, should read and understand the essential parts of the International Radiotelegraphic Convention in force and sections 3, 4, 5, and 7 of the act of August 13, 1912. The department recognizes that radio communication offers a wholesome form of instructive recreation for amateurs. At the same time its use for this purpose must observe strictly the rights of others to the uninterrupted use of apparatus for important pub- lic and commercial purposes. The department will not knowingly issue a license to an amateur who does not recognize and will not obey this principle. To this end the intelligent reading of the in- ternational convention and the act of Congress is prescribed as the first step to be taken by amateurs. Copies of the two publications may be secured for this purpose from the department's radio in- spectors or from the Commissioner of Navigation, but they are not for public distribution. First grade. — The applicant must have a sufficient loiowledge of the adjustment and operation of the apparatus which he wishes to operate, and of the regulations of the international convention and acts of Congress in so far as they relate to interference with other radio communication and impose certain duties on all grades of operators. The applicant must be able to transmit and receive in Continental Morse, at a speed sufficient to enable him to recognize distress calls or the official '' keep-out " signals. A speed of at least five words per minute (five letters to the word) must be attained. Applicants for licenses of this grade residing at or near any place where examinations are held will communicate with examining offi- cers and will be examined for licenses of amateur grades. At places remote from examining officers, applicants will file applications with the radio inspector, who will endeavor to arrange for examinations on his inspection trips. Second grade. — The requirements for the second grade will be the same as for the first grade. The second-grade license will be issued only where an applicant can not be examined or until he can be ex- amined. An examining officer or radio inspector is authorized in his discretion to waive an actual examination of an applicant for an amateur license, if the amateur for adequate reasons can not present himself for examination but in writing can satisfy the examining officer or radio inspector that he is qualified to hold a license and will conform to its obligations. III. Technical. Experiment and instruction grade. — The operator's license for this grade is a commercial license, indorsed by the Secretary of Com- merce and Labor with a statement of the special purposes for which it is valid. It should be forwarded to the Commissioner of Navi- 12 REGULATIONS GOVERNING RADIO COMMUNICATION. gation with a recommendation, if practicable, from a radio inspector or examining officer. Experimenters and instructors, of scientific attainments in the art of radio communication, whose knowledge of the radio laws satis- fies the radio inspector or the examining officer, may obtain this grade licenses, provided they are able to transmit and receive in the Conti- nental Morse Code at a speed sufficient to enable them to recognize distress calls or the " keep-out " signals. This license has no reference to the instruction of radio operators as such, but is required by those operating apparatus licensed as experimental stations but who are unable to obtain commercial-grade operators' licenses. Part 3. APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSES. Station licenses for the use and operation of apparatus for radio communication under the act may be issued only to citizens of the United States or Porto Rico or to a company incorporated under the laws of some State or Territory or of the United States or Porto Eico. Licenses can be issued to clubs if they are incorporated or if a member will accept the responsibility for the operation of the ap- paratus, carrying with it the possibility of being penalized for in- fraction of the laws. I. Ship Stations. Applications for licenses for ship stations should be addressed to the radio inspector for the district including the port whence the vessel usually departs. All the inspectors are now on duty at the headquarters' of the administrative districts, as shown on pages 3 and 4. The application by the company operating the apparatus should state the name of the ship in respect of which the license is required. The radio inspector will then issue the department's blank form of application for license to be filled in by the applicant and returned to the radio inspector with a statement when the ship will be in port and its radio apparatus may be thoroughly inspected. II. Land Stations. Coast stations.— The several classes of coast stations will be licensed, for reasons already assigned, in advance of inland stations. Applications for licenses for coast stations should be addressed to the department's radio inspector for the district in which the sta- tion is located, who will forward the application Form 757. All land stations, except general and restricted amateur stations, should state their location in latitude and longitude to seconds. _ The application will state the class of the station for which a license is desired, with particulars to show its proper classification, approx- imate transmitting range with a similar station, and precise location (State, county, city, or town, street and number, or, if outside of city or town limits, as exact a description of its locality as may be) . A blank form for apparatus will be sent when Form 757 has been filed, and arrangements made for inspection if necessary. Requests for licenses for coast stations will be taken up in the order of classes, as indicated above, and in the order of date received only so far as the REGULATIONS GOVERNING RADIO COMMUNICATION. 13 relative importance of stations will permit. Amateur applicants who state that they have read the International Kadiotelegraphic Conven- tion in force and the act of August 13, 1912, will receive attention before those who have not. Inland stations. — The issue of licenses to inland stations, as already defined, will be taken up after ship and coast stations. The procedure for application for license will be the same as for coast stations. III. Forms. {a) The several forms of applications and licenses for operators will be issued through examining officers (through the War and Navy Departments) and radio inspectors. The licenses will be numbered serially. (6) The forms and licenses for stations and apparatus will be issued through radio inspectors. Licenses for general and restricted amateur stations are issued by them direct to applicant. Station licenses of all other classes are issued from the office of the Commis- sioner of Navigation, Department of Commerce and Labor. IV. Commercial Operators. Applications for operators' licenses of the several commercial grades should be addressed to the nearest examining officer or radio inspector, who will arrange for examinations. Where the applicant is not within reasonable distance of an examining officer or radio inspector he may forward his application with a statement of the facts. Commercial licenses can only be obtained by examination. Where applicants are at remote points or can not proceed to examining offices efforts will be made to examine them through radio inspectors when they are in that vicinity, but special trips can not be made for that purpose. V. Amateur Operators. (ft) Amateurs in the seaboard States should write to the nearest examining officer in their vicinity for Form 756 (application for operator's license) and to the radio inspector in their vicinity for Form 757 (application for license for land station). If the applica- tion for operator's license is also made to the radio inspector, both applications should be forwarded in the same envelope. (&) Amateur operators at points remote from examining officers and radio inspectors will be issued second-grade amateur licenses without examination, as explained previously. Examinations for first-grade licenses will be given by the radio inspector when he is in that vicinity, but special trips can not be made for this purpose. Part 4. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 1. All persons communicating with the department or any of its officers on the sul^iect of radio communication should keep copies of their letters, as the replies will refer to them. 2. Women are eligible as applicants for licenses of any class or grade upon the same conditions as men. 14 REGULATIONS GOVERNING RADIO COMMUNICATION. 3. The service regulations of the radiotelegraphic convention in force provides that " no station on shipboard shall be established or worked by private enterprise without authority from the Govern- ment to which the vessel is subject." Such authority shall be in the nature of a license issued by said Government. Stations on foreign ships will be licensed by their Governments, respectively. Inspectors will report to the Commissioner of Navigation stations on foreign ships not so licensed. 4. The lists of call signals when issued by the Department of Com- merce and Labor may be obtained from the radio inspectors or the Commissioner of Navigation and will show the location of naval and military stations. 5. Operator's licenses should be framed and posted in the radio room, and licenses for stations should be accessible at all times to inspectors. 6. Operator's licenses should indicate on their face that the oath has been executed. This statement should be signed by a notary public. 7. Stations equipped to receive only do not require a license. 8. No fees are charged for any operator or station license. 9. Licensed stations require licensed operators. 10. Amateur stations within 5 miles of naval or military stations need not have been in actual operation on or before August 13, 1912, to obtain a license for a restricted amateur station. 11. These instructions may be amended and supplemented from time to time. Benj. S. Cable, Acting Eecretainj, o ,r7eLEV LlBRAWtS