8074 M?5 h 1 ■ Bibliography of Henry Barnnrd 1 1 ',/ Dentin J5arnar6 36^ state IRormal School mcstficio, /iRass. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HENRY BARNARD BY WILL S. MONROE State Normal School, WesttieUl, Mass. i »■ I BOSTON : NEW ENGLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY 1897 • •• ; • • • • • • • • • • • > • • • • • • « .•. • • » • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • • • • • • • • • ■ • •• • »•• ••• • • •• ' • ••• !•• • • ,•• • ••*■•«• * * •••■••• • • • •••••••• •#• • • • • • ♦ • r • ^ • • t • • • « • • • • • • • • \ • . • • . • <; ^r o M S 3 ;-5 § \ BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HENRY BARNARD. BY WILL S. MONROE. 1. —PUBLICATIONS BY HENRY BARNARD. («) Official Reports and Documents. 1. Comnioii schools and education in Connecticut. 4 5 reports. Hartford, 1838--1842. ^; 2. Public schools in Rhode Island. 3 reports and 5 documents. Providence, 1843—1849. * 3. Common schools and education in Connecticut. 4 reports. Hartford, 1850--1S54. 4. United States commissioner of education. 4 reports. Washington. 1867-1870. (h) Editorial and Jovrnalistic Work. 1. Connecticut common school journal. 4 vols. Hart- ford, 1838-1842. 2. Journal of the Rhode Island institute of instruction. 3 vols. Providence, 1846—1849. 3. Connecticut common school journal. 4 vols. Hart- ford, 1851-1854. 4. Papers for the Wisconsin teachers. 7 vols. Madison, 1858-1860. 5. American journal of education. 31 vols. Hartford, 1855-1881. 6. American library of education. 23 vols. Hartford, 1855-1881. {<■) Monoffvajihs and Addresses. 1. Armsma: the home, the arm, and armory of Samuel Colt. New York, 1866. 2. Papers relating to the university of Wisconsin. Madison, 1859. 368J 3. On the proposed amendment to the constitution limit- ing the tenure of office of the judges of the supreme court and superior courts. 4. An address before the New York state school conven- tion. Common school joui'ual, Boston, July 15, 1845. 5. The "better day" of education. Common school jour- nal, Boston, Apr.- 1, 1849. 6. Thomas Robbins: a funeral address. Cambridge, 1854. 7. A discourse in commemoration of the life, character, and services of the Rev. Thomas H. Gallaudet, with a history of the American asylum for the deaf. Hart- ford, 1859. 8. Competitive examinations for admission to public service. Proceedings of the national teachers' asso- ciation. Ogdensburg, 1864. 9. Biographical sketch of Ezekiel Cheever, with notes on the first free schools and early schoolbooks of New England. Hartford, 1856. II.— PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO HENRY BARNARD (a) American. y 1. Allen, W. F., and Spencer, D. E. Higher education in Wisconsin. Washington, 1889. 2. Allibone, S. A. Critical dictionary of English litera- ture. Philadelpia, 1872. 3. Azarias, Brother. Beginnings of the normal schools. Catholic world, New York, May, 1890. 4. Bardeen, C. W. Educational journalism. Syracuse, 1885. 5. Bicknell, Thomas W. A brief history of educational journalism in New England. Proceedings of the inter- national congress of educators at New Orleans. Wash- ington, 1886. 6. Boone, Richard G. Education in the United Slates. ^ New York, 1890. 7. Brockett, L. P., editor. Our country's wealth and in- fluence. Hartford, 1882. 8. Brownell, F. C. Ends and means in teaching. Con- necticiit common school journal, Hartford, December, 1854. 9. Butler, Nicholas Murray. The Barnard relief move- ment. Educational review, New York, April, 1892. 10. Carrington, Henry B. Patriotic reader; or, human liberty developed. Philadelphia, 1888. 11. Clarke, Isaac E. Art and industry: instruction In drawing applied to the industrial and fine arts. Wash- ington, 1885. 12. Cone, W. R. Memorial of the class of 1830 of Yale College. Hartford, 1871. 13. Day, Jeremiah. Dr. Barnard's life work. Connecti- cut common school journal, Hartford, January, 1854. 14. Duyckinck, E. A. and G. L. Cyclopaedia of American literature. Vol. H. Philadelphia, 1881. 15. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. The correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Bos- ton, 1883. 16. Fowle, William B. Public schools in Rhode Island. Massachusetts common school journal, Boston, June. 1850. 17. Gallaudet, E. M. Life of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet. New York, 1888. 18. Gilman, Daniel C. Education in America. North American review. New York, January 1876. 19. Gilman, Daniel C. Swedish notions of American edu- cation. Connecticut common school journal, Hart- ford, December, 1854. 20. Goodrich, S. G. Recollections of a life-time. New York, 1857. 21. Hall, G. Stanley, and Mansfield, J. M. A descriptive bibliography of education. Boston, 1886. 22. Harris, William T. Circulars concerning the Henry Barnaid publishing company. Washington, 1891. 23. Hartwell, E. M. Physical training in the Boston pub- lic schools. Boston, 1895. 24. Henry, C. H. The common school system in Con- necticut. New York review, New York, April, 1842. 6 S. Common schools in Rhode Island. North American review, Boston, July, 1848. 20. Hodjins, J. George. Ontario educational exhibit and other educational features of the international exposi- tion at Philadelphia in 1876. Toronto, 1877. 27. Hughes, James L. Henry Bernard, the Nestor of American education. New England magazine, Boston, July, 1896. 28. Humphrey, Heman. The life and labors of the Rev. T. H. Gallaudet. New York, 1857. 23. Jewett, C. E. Public libraries in the United States. Washington, 1851. 30. Kent, James. Commentaries on American law. Vol. II. Boston, 1884. 31. Kiddle, Henry, and Schem, A. J. Cyclopaedia of edu- cation. New York, 1883. 32. Lawrence, B. H. The basis of a teacher's librai-y. Journal of education, Boston, June 2, 1881. 33. Mann, Horace. Ninth annual report of the Massa- chusetts board of education. Boston, 1846. 34. Mann, Horace. An oration delivered before the authorn-xcs of the city of Boston, July 4, 1842. Boston, 1842. 35. Mann, Horace. Progress of education in New Hamp- shire. Massachusetts common school journal, Boston, October 15, 1846. 3G. Mann, Mary. Life and letters of Horace Mann. Bos • ton, 1891. 37. Monroe, Will S. The educational labors of Henry Barnard: a study in the history of American pedagogy. Syracuse, 1893. 38. Monroe, Will S. Dr. Barnard's American journal of education: an address before the international con- gress of education at Chicago in 1893. Chicago, 1894. 39. Monroe, Will S. The world's educational exhiuics. Journal of education, Boston, August 24, 1893. 40. Monroe, Will S. Henry Barnard and Pestalozzi lit- erature. Kindergarten magazine, Chicago, May, ld34. 41. Monroe, Will S. Henry Barnard and Kindergarten literature. Kindergarten news. Springfield, Septem- ber. 1894. 42. Monroe, Will S. Bibliography of education. [Dedi- cated to Henry Barnard.] New York, 1S97. 43. Martin, George H. The evolution of the Massachu- setts school system. New York, 1894. 44. Mowery, W. A. History of educational journalism in New England: an address before the international congress of education at Chicago. Chicago, 1894. 45. Northrup, B. G. Teacher and parent. Syracuse, 1895. 4G. Noyes, S. B. Catalogue of the Brooklyn library. Part second. Brooklyn, 1876. 47. Palmer, Ray. Universal education. International review, January, 1874. 48. Parker, Francis W. Books on education. Practical teacher. June, 1885. 49. Peabody, Elizabeth P. Barnard's journal of educa- tion. Sunday herald, Boston, June 12, 1889. ^ 50. Philbrick, John D. Henry Barnard, the American educator. Massachusetts teacher, Boston, January, 1858. 51. Philbrick, John D. City school systems in the United States. Washington, 1885. 52. Philbrick, John D. Paris universal exposition of 1878. London, 1878. 53. Porter, Noah. Henry Barnard: his labors in Con- \r necticut and Rhode Island. Connecticut common school journal, Hartford, January, 1855. 54. Potter, Alonzo. The school: its objects, relations, and uses. Boston, 1843. 55. Potter, Elisha R. Report of the commissioner of public instruction of Rhode Island. Providence, 1850 56. Ripley, George, and Dana, Charles A. The new American cyclopaedia. Vol. II. New York, 1878. 57. Rounds, C. C. Present ideals in educational journal- ism: an address before the international congress of education at Chicago in 1893. Chicago, 1894. 8 v^ 58. Salisbury, Albert. Historical sketch of normal in- struction in Wisconsin. Whitewater, 1893. 59. Saunders, Fi'ederick, editor. Centenary orations. New York, 1882. 60. Schaerfer, N. C. Books on pedagogy. Proceedings of the national educational association. Topeka, 1888. Gl. Steiner, B. C. The history oi university education in Maryland. Washington, 1891. 62. Steiner, B. C. History of education in Maryland. Washington, 1894. _ 63. Steiner, B. C. The history of education in Connecti- cut. Washington, 1893. 64. Stockwell, Thomas B. A history of public education in Rhode Island. Providence, 1876. 65. Stockwell, Thomas B. The Rhode Island institute of instruction: historical address. Twenty-fifth annual report of the state board of education. Providence, 1895. 66. Stone, E. M. A brief history of the Rhode Island In- stitute of instruction. Providence, 1874. 67. Tarbox, Increase N. Diary of Thomas Robbins. Vol. II. Boston, 1887. 68. Tolman, W. H. History of higher education in Rhode Island. Washington, 1894. 69. Trumbull, T. H., editor. The memorial history of Hartford county, Connecticut. Vol. I. Boston, 1886. 70. Wilson, James Grant, and Fiske, John. Appleton's cyclopaedia of American biography. Vol. I. New York, 1888. 71. Wickersham, J. P. A history of education in Penn- sylvania. Lancaster, 1886. 72. Winship, Albert E. Dr. Barnard. Journal of edu- cation, Boston, June 19, 1890. 73. Winship, Albert E. Horace Mann, educator. [Dedi- cated to Henry Barnard.] Boston, 1896. 74. Winship, Albert E. Henry Barnard. Christian / register, Boston, October, 1896. (b.) Eurojiean. 1. Bonghi, Rugierro. Instruzione publiche negli Stati Uniti. Roma, 1870. 2. Brockhaus, F. A. Conversations-lexicon. Zweiter bau... Leipzig, 1882. 3. Browning, Oscar. History of education. Encyclo- paedia Britannica. Vol. VII. London and New York, 1878. 4. Buisson, Benjamin. L'enseignement primaire aux congres d'education et a I'exposition scolaire de Chi- cago. Paris, 1896. 5. Buisson, Ferdinand. Henry Barnard. Dictionnaire de pedagogie. Tome primaire. Paris, 1882. 6. Carlyle, Thomas. The correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Boston, 1883. 7. Compayre, Gabriel. A foreigner's impressions of th>; Chicago educational congresses. Educational review, New York, October, 1893. 8. Compayre, Gabriel. Les congres scolaires de Chicago. Revue pedagogique, Paris, November, 1893. 9. Fitch, Sir J. G. Notes on American schools and train- ing colleges. London, 1890. iO. Eraser, .James. Report on the common school system of the United States and Canada. London, 1867. 11. Le Roy, Alphouse. Les ecoles dans I'Amerique du nord. Bruxelles, 1853. 12. Mill, .John Stuart. Political economy and education. Westminster review, T^ondon, October, 1854. 13. Paroz, .Jules. Histoire universelle de la pedagogie, Paris, 1883. 14. Quick, Robert Hebert. Barnard's American journal of education. .Journal of education, Tjondon, July, 1875. 15. Quick, Robert Hebert. Education. The boox analysist, I^ondon, December 27, 1878. Hj. Quick, Robert Hebert. Educational reformers. LiJedicated to Henry Barnard.! New York, 1893. *->0*^_r«^^?_>« ^ 10 17. Robson, Edward R. School architecture. London, 1874. 18. Siljestrom, P. A. Resa i forenta staterna. Stock- holm, 1852. 19. Siljestrom, P. A. The educational institutions of the United States. Translated from the Swedish by Fred- rica Rowan. London, 1853. 20. Wimmer, Hermann. Die kirche und schule in Nord Amerika. Leipzig, 1853. U^KlCR! 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