^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://wwwlarchive.org/details/dictionaryofnewzOOwillrich A DICTIONAKY OF THE NEW ZEALAND LANGUAGE; TO WHICH IS ADDED A SELECTION OF COLLOQUIAL SENTENCES. BT THE RIGHT REVEREND WILLIAM WILLIAMS, D.C.L. »;l>ll<.l- or NS.MAIT M W /KAI.ANI). THIRD EDITION WITH NUMEROUS ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS AND AN INTRODUCTION BT TBB YKinCBABLE W. L. WILLIAMS, B.A. ARCIiUKACON «>K WAIAIM . WILLIAMS AND NORGATE, i, IIENRIETIA STREET, CO VENT GARDEN, LONDON; \SD 20, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, EDINBUR 18 7 1. CORRIGENDA. Note. — The failure of the attempt to get this book printed in New Zealand involved the necessity of sending it home, where it could not have the Editor's supervision as the sheets passed through the press ; hence the deplorable number of typographical errors which disfigure its pages. It is desirable that the following corrections should be made with the pen before the book is used. Errors, the correct reading of which is obvious, are not included in this list. 1G5012 Page viii. , line 5 ,, note, line 6 » 1. ( 30l. 2, 1 » 3, M 1, „ 3, », »> > )} 8, », 1. » 8, „ 2, » 12, » 1, »» 12, „ 1, *> 12, „ 2, , » 14, » 1, J »« 15, „ 1, > i> 15, ., 2, , M 15, « 2, , l> 15. „ 2, , » 17, „ 1, »> 17, „ 2, „ 18, „ 1, , >» 19, „ 2, , „ 20, „ 2, , „ 24, „ 1, „ 25, „ 2, tf 25, „ 2, »» 25, „ 2, , 1) 26, „ 2, „ 27, ., 1. „ 27, » 1, „ 27, „ 2, „ 27, , 2, » 28, ., 1, »» 28, „ 2, f> 29. » 1, »> 31, ., 1, »» 31, „ 2, t> 32, „ 2, „ 33, M 1, t* 33, M 1, : »» 34, „ 2,1 >J 35, „ 1, „ 35, „ 2, »» 36, „ 1. „ 37, ., 1, >l 38. „ 2, >t 39, „ 1, „ 41, „ 1, „ 42, .. 1, „ 43, „ 1, „ 49, „ 2. t> 49, „ 2, »» 52, „ 1, „ 62, » 2, *l 52, „ 2, >» 54, „ 1, »» 54, .. 2, „ 55, >. 1 „ 55, „ 1 , „ 55, „ 2 „ 58. ., 2 »» 58, „ 2, „ 59, ,. 1. „ 60, „ 2, „ 61, „ 1, » 63, „ 1, »> 64, „ 2, „ 66, „ 2, „ 67. » 1, GOREIGENDA. >, for maniana read maniania. for " kese " read " kehe," and dele " in the Sandwich Islarjd dialect. ' line 18, for kuiwai read Kuiwai, „ 21, for Auareka read Ahuareka. ., 32, for Ne read He. „ 14, for ninu read rimu. „ 9 from bottom, /or ta read te. „ 18 from bottom, for Ainake read Auinake. „ 2 from bottom, for Araki read Aiiraki. „ 10,/or karewa reaciKarewa. „ 10, for gi read ki. „ 22, for kaupa read kainga. „ 8, for ti read te. , 16 from bottom, for humariae read humarire. „ 6 from bottom, /or ou read or. ,, 11, for V. t. read v. i „ 2, for to read te. „ 13,/or heriread heoi. „ 19 from bottom, for the read she. „ 11, for trawa read Arawa. „ 9, for keoi read heoi. „ 5. /or Kikarohia read Hikarohia. „ 9 from bottom, /or strine read shine. „ 4 fi'om bottom, for kampango read karupango, „ 8 from bottom, for karewa 7-ead Karewa. „ 21, for a read e. „ 26, for mauie read marie. „ 15, for nai read na. „ 20 from bottom, for to read te. „ 6, for re read te. „ 5 from bottom, for kokai read hokai. „ 12, /or kokehokea reatZ hokohokea. ,, 24, for burnt read burnt. „ 16 from bottom, for Hona read Houa. „ 17 from bottom, for maki read mahi. ,, 16, /or siliceous rearoiliewa read Foporokaiwhiri. „ lU, „ I, „ n from bottom, for Ho rMNi He. t, lU, „ %, „ 19 from bottom. /or hi read ki, M Hi, M Si w 12 from bottom, /or na read ua. „ 126, w 1, „ 4 from bottom. /or Parakau read Purakau. „ 127, „ 2, „ »4frt>mboUom,/<»rKereodKa. „ 128. „ 1, „ 21, /or pokaka read poaka. „ ISO, „ 2, „ 8 from bottom. /or tinaua read tinana. „ 134, „ 2, „ 24,/orkcrcadte. „ 134, „ 2, „ 4 from bottom, /or ki read Ida. „ 185, „ I, n 14 from bottom, /or Rotao rrrtff Re tao. „ 140, „ 1, „ 18,/orruawhlne read ruwahine. ^ 141, „ 1, la»t Unc./orriroreod ritt. M 141. n 2, line 11 from bottom, /or te read ta. „ 142, n 1, lartline,/orkeoir#adheoL „ 142, „ 2, lines, for /or read /or. „ 143, „ 1, „ 17 fh)mbottom,/or Ho read He. „ 144, „ 2, „ 18,/orkawa read kowa. „ 145, „ 2, „ 1, /or Tainaki read Talnahl. „ 147, „ 1. „ 14, /or Takahau read Takakau. „ 150, „ 2, „ 18, /or Aoa te read Auae. „ 151, „ 1, „ 12./orOreadE. „ 151, „ 2, „ 21 from bottom, /or hna re/id hoa. „ 154, „ 2, M 5, for Tapnkitia, read Tapuhitia. „ 159, „ 1, „ 6 from bottom,/orHci read HeoL •• 160, „ 1, „ S from bottom, intert ana before to. „ 171, „ 1, „ 12 from bottom, /or Tiwakl read Tiwhaki. „ 172, „ 1, „ 18 from bottom,/or ai read ia. », 173, „ 1, u 2 flrom bottom, /or Btempost read stempost 180, „ 1, „ 2, /or ngu read nga. 181, „ 2, „ 14,/orkereadhe. 181, „ 2, „ 27, /or ia read a. 182, „ 1, „ 7, for toana read tana. 183, „ 1, „ 5, for /or read o/. 190, „ 2, „ 21 from bottom, /or tana read tane, 191, „ 1, „ 19, for baki read kakl. 191, „ 2, „ 6 from bottom, /or Kai read Ka. 192, „ 1. „ 9, /or Wflahikitia read WHarikitia. PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. The principal feature in this edition of the Maori Dictionary, which calls for special notice, is the arrangement of the words. There are certain changes in form which are applicable to a very large proportion of the words in the language, and especially to adjectives and verbs. These changes are effected by the reduplication of one or more syllables, by prefixing the causative *whiika\ and by the addition of a termination which forms a derivative noun. It has i»con thought better therefore, in this edition, not to place all words 80 changed in alphabetical order, as so many independent words ; but to group them all under the simple forms, and to give, in an Introduction, an explanation of their usual effect in modifying the meaning of a word. If, therefore, a word having one or two syl- lables repeated, or a word beginning with *whaka\ or a word with the termination of a derivative noun, cannot be found in its place, according to the alphabetical order of the letters, it may be looked for under the simpler form of the word. Thus, papae, paepae, whakapae, pnenga and whakapaenga may all be looked for under pne^ and whnkamaharnhara and whakamaharatanga may be looked for under the simple form, ma ham. If, in any such case, the particular development of the word is not to be found under the simple form, the meaning may be ascertained by a reference to the Introduction. A little experience ^vill soon shew the advantage of having these various forms of each word thus grouped together. iv PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. The accents have been omitted, and the quantity of the vo- wels, as being of much more importance, has been indicated by the usual long and short marks. Rules for accentuation are appended to the Introduction. The first, or Maori and English portion of the work has been submitted to very careful revision, and the additions amount to upwards of 1200 genuine Maori words, without reckoning the re- duplicated forms, the causatives with ^wkaka\ or the derivative nouns. The large number of corrections and additions and the alteration in the general plan of the work have involved the ne- cessity of re-writing the whole. It would be a great achievement, if it were possible, to obtain a collection of all known Maori words, with well authenticated examples of genuine Maori usage. This book makes no pretension to any such completeness. The difficulty of the task of collecting words can be fully appreciated by those only who have made trial of it. To make a collection at all approaching to completeness would require the co-operation of a number of individuals, each working in a different district, for there are many words, which, though well known in one district, may be absolutely unknown in another. Nor is it so easy to procure good illustrative examples as it may be imagined to be. A large number of examples have been taken from the "Mythology and Traditions of the New Zea- landers" edited by Sir G. Grey, and published in London in the year 1854. The numbers appended to many of the examples now given refer to the pages of that work from which they have been taken. The other examples have for the most part either been copied from Maori letters or other writings or they have been taken down on the spot from the lips of Maori speakers. The second part, containing the English and Maori vocabulary has undergone very little alteration. The Colloquial sentences re- main as they were before, and the concise Grammar has been omitted altogether, as it may be considered to have been superseded by works which have been subsequently published. TuRANGA, Decembee, 1869. EXTRACT FROM THE PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. EXTRACT FROM THE PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. It has indeed been proposed by some, that the New Zealand language should be discouraged as much as possible, and that the Natives should at once be instructed in English. It must be al- lowed that, if such a plan were practicable, the advantages arising from it would be great ; and civilization cannot advance so favour- ably without it. Let this difficulty be once overcome, and the im- mense fund of information to be gathered from books in our own language is thrown open to this interesting people. But a know- ledge of facts tells us the acquisition of English by the New Zea- landers will only be partial, even in those districts in which our principal settlements are made, while the larger portion of the Na- tives will hold but little intercourse ^vith our countrjTnen, who will have no inducement to settle in those districts which the Natives generally prefer. That it will be difficult to persuade the Natives, as a people, to adopt our language to the disuse of their own, may be inferred from the fact, that the Irish and Welsh, even though living in the heart of English towns, continue to use their favourite tongue, and that, too, after our connection, as one people, has con- tinued for many centuries. While, therefore, every encouragement should be given to the Natives to learn English, it will not be the less necessary for those, whose position brings them into fre- quent communication with this people, to learn their language; and, it is interesting to know that many are ready to make use of every help which may be aff'orded them. As these attempts are persevered in, it is likely that a great accession of valuable ma- terials will ere long be made from various sources. If, in the meantime, the present Compilation shall be the means of assisting thorfe who are disposed to prosecute the study, — though it bo only as a ground-work for something more extensively useful hereafter, it will have served the purpose for which it was undertaken. TuRAiTOA, 1844. Vi ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. In the first part of this Dictionary, the English words which are printed in Italics are to be regarded as the meanings, or Eng- lish equivalents of the Maori words or sentences to which they are appended. Mere descriptions of words which may or may not have English equivalents, are printed in Eoman type. INTRODUCTION. There does not appear to be any real necessity for encumber- ing the pages of a dictionary by treating as so many distinct words what are, in fact, only different regular usee of the same word. In an English dictionary, for example, no one would expect to tiud ; he plural form of every noun treated as a distinct word. But we may go further even than the usual practice in English dictionaries, and say that there is no necessity for setting down all tho regu- larly formed participles, and the nouns ending in ^er, as distinct words: for no one, who is acquainted with the habits of ordinary English verbs, would fail to see at a glance the meaning of such words as ''doer", "doing" &c., as soon as he had ascertained the meaning of the verb from which they are regularly derived. Nor again, when one hears or uses the expression, "a stone house", is it necessary to consider the word "stone'' as an adjective, distinct from the noun "stone", because it happens, in this particular in- stance, to be used as an adjective, any more than wo should say that there is also an adverb, "stone", to explain such an expression as, "stone dead". But when the attempt is not made to present each word under every variety of form, and in every possible po- sition in which it may be found in the language, it becomes the more important that the various modifications of form to which any word is liable should be pointed out, and that tho effect which such modifications usually have upon the meaning of the word should be explained. This is the intention of the present introduction. Viii INTRODUCTION. § i. Reduplication. Adjectives and verbs are modified both in form and meaning by the reduplication of one or both of the syllables of the root*. An adjective, with the first syllable of the root doubled, be- comes plural: thus, He rakau pai, a good tree. He rakau papai, good trees. It is to be observed however that the simple form is used both as singular and plural ; the reduplicated form, as plural only. The effect of doubling both syllables of the root is to dimi- nish the intensity of the meaning of the adjective, thus; Mate, sick. Matemate, sickly. "Wera, hot. Werawera, rather hot; warm. In the case of verbs, the effect of the two kinds of redupli- cation is somewhat different. The reduplication of the first syl- lable of the root denotes either, 1. a prolongation or continuance of the action with increased intensity, or, 2. a mutual action; while the doubling of both syllables of the root gives the verb a fre- quentative force, denoting that the action is frequently repeated, the intensity being diminished. Thus kimo denotes the ordinary involuntary winking of the eyes; kikimo denotes that the eyes are closed and kept fast closed; kimokimo again, denotes a frequent winking. — Kei te whaia tonutia te Hauhau e te Kawanatanga : kaore ano i tae noa mai he korero o te pipiritanga. The Hauhaus are still pursued by the colonial forces : no tidings have yet reached us of their having joined battle. — Hopuhopu kau ana; ka mate nga atua Puarata; He caught Puarata^s atua one after onother, and thus they were destroyed. In words of three syllables, the doubling of both syllables of the root causes a euphonious lengthening of the first syllable. Mania, slippery J becomes maniana; and tinei, extinguish^ becomes tineinei. § ii. WHaka. Nouns, adjectives and verbs may all have a prefix, whaka, (sometimes contracted to wha), the effect of which is to make a * Most simple Maori words seem to be formed from a di-syllabic root ; some consisting of the root only, and others of the root and a prefixed syllable. Of the prefixed syllables, nia generally constitutes the word an adjective. Long vo- wels and diphthongs are equivalent in this respect to two syllables, a consonant having certainly in some cases, if not in all, been dropped : thus "ke", different^ is, in the Tonga dialect, "kese", and "tai", sea^ is, in the Sandwich Island dia- lect, "tahi". INTRODUCTION. ix causal verb. WHakatangata signifies make into a man, or treat as a man; whakapai, make good, or pronounce good; whakanoho, cause tn sit; whakamohio, cause to know. Nouns and some adjectives, liaving whaka thus prefixed, are often used intransitively, when they have a reflex signification, it being assumed that, where no bject is expressed, the agent is himself the object of his own action. Thus whakatika^ straighten, is commonly used, without an object expressed, to signify straighten oneself, or stand up; whaka- tamariki, act the part of a child; whakatane, play the man*. § iii. Passive Terminations. The usual passive terminatinos of verbs are -a, -ia, -hia, -kia, -miti, -ngia, -ria, -tia, -whia, na, ina, whina. Thus Poro becomes poroa; WHawhati „ whatiia; Warn „ waruhia; Moto „ motokia; Horo „ horomia ; Bere „ rerengia ; Mau „ mauria ; Awhi „ awhitia ; WHawhao „ whaowhia, and whaowhina; Tiki „ tikina; Aroha „ arohaina. It is questionable whether any rule can be laid down for ap- I)lying one termination rather than another to any given verb. Usage varies in difl'ercnt parts of the country so much that it ap- ears to be mere matter of custom, some regard being paid to aphony. Intransitive, as well as transitive, verbs have a passive voice, quiring the addition of a preposition, in English, to make the cnsc complete. Thus, haere, go; haerea, he travelled nrrr: noho, ft; nohoia, be sat upon. Some adverbs, and all adjectives when used adverbially, take one or other of the above terminations whenever the verbs with which they are connected are passive. Example. Tokowha o ona hoa i kainga katoatia e ia ; There were four of his companions who were devoured entirely by him. * Tliis reHex use is met with in otiicr wor li.sido tln.s.- compouuded with liaka. Neke, v, t. move, if no object is exprc ^>»mI, is always understood to I can, move cne$e^. X INTRODUCTION. Nouns will also be met with occasionally, carrying the termi- nation of a passive verb. This form expresses a change as having taken place into that which the noun signifies. Thus, Koroua sig- nifies old man; Kua korouatia koe, you have grown into an old man. Sometimes a phrase may be treated like a verb when it is im- possible to consider it as a permanent compound word. For in- stance, the expression, ma te matapihi, through the window, might be welded together into one word, and a passive termination added, thus, Ma-te-matapihi-tia mai. Let it he passed through the window. § iv. Nouns of Circumstance. These are derived from adjectives, participles or verbs by the simple addition of one of the following tenninations, -nga, -anga, -hanga, -manga, -ranga, -tanga, -inga; the choice of the termination for any given word being, as in the case of the passives, some- what arbitrary, and dependent upon usage which is not always uni- form. Thus mahi makes 1 mahing^a. noho noho anga. titiro tirohanga, ngaro ngaromanga. whakaatu whakaaturanga, pupuri puritanga, a ainga. In some few cases the final vowel is altered, for arahi makes ara- hanga, and nunumi makes numanga. These nouns denote the cir- cumstance, time or place of the action or condition, and those which are derived from verbs may be either active or passive, according to the context. Thus, patu signifies strike, and patunga, the cir- cumstance, time or place of striking or of being struck. Tana pa- tunga i a au, the circumstance of his striking me. Tona patunga e au, the circumstance of his being struck by me. § V. Numeral Prefixes. These are 1. e, prefixed to all but talii; 2. ko, prefixed to tahi only; 3. toko, used in speaking of persons, when the number is not higher than nine; 4. hoko, which expresses multiples of ten, but sometimes also is merely equivalent to toko; and 5. taki, which is distributive, as takiwhitu, by sevens. All of these except ko are used with the interrogative numeral hia, and in speaking of per- INTRODUCTION XI ons taki is used along with toko, as takitokowha, by four persons it a time. Taki is also used sometimes with adjectives or participles to denote that the word applies to each and all of the things spoken of. Ka takimanu anake nga waka, the canoes are one and all afloat. § Vi. -TANGA. Passive verbs sometimes have a suffix, -tanga, which, if the verb is qualified by an adverb, is attached to the adverb in place of the passive termination. The force of this suffix it is not very- easy to determine. Sometimes, at all events, it seems to have the same effect as 'ana' would have in the same position. Hiko tonu ia ki nga ngarehu, apuatanga. He immediately snatched up the burn- ing coals and crammed them into his mouth. — Apitiria tonutanga atu ko te pa, ka horo. The pa was then attacked in addition ^ and fell. § vii. NGe. The syllable nge is sometimes prefixed to personal or posses- nye pronouns, as nge-au; nge-ona: and sometimes it appears as a suffix to the adverbs pea and koa, thus, peange, koange; but in none of these cases does it apparently affect the meaning of the word to which it is attached. § viii. Different modes of Spelling. A Maori, in writing a long vowel, will frequently double it to shew that it is long, especially when it may be important to keep it distinct from another word which is similarly spelt, but differently pronounced, and thus we may have the same word spelt in two different ways. Kainga, dwellin^place, is thus often written kaainga, to distinguish it from kainga, act of eating. The words tangata, wahine, matua, tupuna, and a few others, may, in the same way, have the vowel in the antepenultimate syllable doubled, to shew that that syllable is to be pronounced long, to denote the plural number. § ix. Disguised Words. Well-known words may sometimes be met with in such a disguise that it is difficult, at first sight, to recognize them at all. The disguise may be effected 1. by the transposition of single letters, or syllables; or 2. by the substitution, for one letter, of another Xii INTRODUCTION. which has, or may be assumed to have some affinity with it; or 3. by the substitution, in a compound word, for one of its elements, of another word having the same signification. Changes of the first class may perhaps be set down merely as peculiarities of dialect, though some of them have possibly had an arbitrary origin. Those of the third class, and probably those of the second, have originated in a desire to avoid the possibility of one's getting into trouble through the accidental resemblance of the name of some great chief to a word in common use. The mere fact of his name, or a word similar to it, being used in a manner which he considered dis- respectful to himself, used to be considered quite sufficient justifi- cation for a chief in picking a quarrel with his neighbours, when the quarrel was determined on, and nothing but a plausible pretext was wanting. The following may serve as an illustration of this. Some years ago, the child of a chief of the NGatiporou tribe re- ceived the name of Te Wairama. In consequence of this the word honu came into common use for water, and the usual word, waij was avoided for fear of giving offence. Cases of transposition are not uncommon, and sometimes both forms of a transposed word may be found in use together in the same district. Thus ngaro, Jly, is transposed into range; and nga- whariki into whanariki*. Interchangeable letters are 1. a and c; 2. a and o; 3. i and tt; 4. w, n and ng-^ 5. k and ng ; 6. k and /?. Examples. 1. teina, taina. 2. taimaha, toimaha. 3. taimaha, taumaha. tupuna, tipuna. 4. momi, ngongi. memenge, memene. 5. karengo, kareko. kainga, kaika. 6. karengo, parengo. * The word, engari, is probably only a transposed from of erangi. Some good authorities consider the two words to be distinct, both in etymology and signification, but after much close obsei*vation of the use of the two words by Natives, both in writing and speaking, I have been driven to the conclusion that they are identical, at least in meaning. INTRODUCTION. xui § X. The same word in different aspects. The same word may at different times assume the functions of several diflferent parts of speech. Thus nouns are frequently used as adjectives to denote the material of which a thing is made, the purpose to which it is applied, &c. He whare raupo, a house ^huitt of] raupo. He roto tuna, a take in which eels abound, Adjectives and participles are used as nouns to express the quality, I part from the individual person or thing in which that quality may reside. Haere koe, e hoki ki uta, hei korero i toku toa, Goy return to the shore, to tell of my bravery. Adjectives and parti- ciples are also commonly used as adverbs. I mauria maoatia mai te kai ; The food was brought in a cooked state. Verbs again frequently become nouns; the infinitive mood of the verb being, in fact, nothing more than the verb treated as a noun. Or again, they do the work of adjectives and adverbs. He iiiatua whangai, a foster father. Nouns also will sometimes assume the function of verbs, as in the case already mentioned, § iii, as well as in others. Nona ka kaumatua nei, ka timata tona mate; // was when he arrived at man's rotate that his sickness began. ACCENTUATION. It may be set down as a general rule, to which there are ^ome exceptions, that Maori words are always accented on the,^r.f/ syllable; but compound words, or words which have the disyllabic root doubled, have a secondary accent on the second portion of the // l/aka, beginning a word is always uu-accented. The Articles, he, te, nga, all the prepositions, the verbal par- ticles, and the particles a and ko are un-accented ; but when a pre- cedes any of the singular personal pronouns au, koe^ ia or the in- definite pronoun mea, these words throw back their accent upon the a, which thus becomes accented. Xiv INTRODUCTION. SCHEME OF A MAORI VEEB. AFFIRMATIVE AND NEGATIVE FORMS. Karanga, call. 1. Indicative. 1. Inceptive; past or future. Ka karanga ia, He called , or began to call; He will call, or will begin to call. Ka kore ia e karanga. He began, or will begin not to call. 2. Imperfect; past, present or future. E karanga ana ia; He was, is or will be calling. Kahore ia e karanga ana; He was not, is not, or will not be calling. 3. Perfect; past, present or future. Kua karanga ia. He had, has, or will have called. Kahore ia kia karanga; He had not, has not, or will not have edited. 4. Indefinite, past. I karanga ia; He called. Kihai ia i karanga; He did not call. ^ 5. Indefinite; future. E karanga ia, or Tera ia e karanga; He will call. E kore ia e karanga, or Tera ia e kore e karanga; He will not call. 6. Narrative form. Karanga ana ia; He called. ii. Imperative. Karanga! Call! Kaua e karanga! Do not call! iii. Optative. 1. With Kia, that. Kia karanga ia; That he should call. Kia kaua ia e karanga; That he should not call. 2. With Kei; lest. Kei karanga ia; Lest he should call. Kei kore ia e karanga; Lest he should not call. INTRODUCTION. XV iv. Subjunctive. 1. Imperfect. Me e karanga ana ia; If he were calling. Me kahore ia e karanga ana; If he were not calling, 2. Perfect. Me i karanga ia; If he had called. Me i kahore ia i karanga; If he had not called. 3. Future (contingent). Ki te karanga ia; If he should call. Ki te kore ia e karanga. If he should not call. V. Infinitive. Karanga preceded by an article or definitive pronoun, thus; Ue karanga; te karanga; tana karanga &c. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. art. Article. n Noun. a Adjective. pron Pronoun. V ■ . . . . Verb. ad. Adverb. conj. Conjunction. prep Preposition. int Interjection. W. Waikato dialect. Ji Rarawa dialect. T. Tauranga dialect. E. C. East Cape dialect. ^gt- Ngatitoa dialect. ^9 Ngapuhi dialect. A, n. collar-bone. Usually joined with kakl, thus; Te a o toku kaki. A, V. t. drive ; urge ; comjtel. Ka aia te waka e te ia. Ka ru- maki tonu te pane ki te hoe, i to ainga hoki a te wehi (144). A, plural of the definitive particle ta. See ta. A, a prefix to proper names and personal pronouns, and occasio- oally to common nouns. 1. to names of persons, pro- per names of canoes &c., and per- sonal pronouns (except ahau). (a) when standing as subject in a sentence. Kei te ngaki kumara a Te Kehu (85). (b) when following any of the prepositions, hei\ kei\ ki\ i. Ka korero atu a Kupe ki a Turi (110). Kua timata mai ano i mua atu, i a WHakatauihu, i a Tawhaki, i a Tuhuruhuru (63). (c) in explanatory clauses. Kua tupu tana tamaiti, a Rata (54). 2. to names of places and local nouns, when standing as subject in a sentence. Ka tau- nahatia e Naki a Motiti (75). 3. occasionally to common nouns in explanatory clauses. Kokohanga atu e takoto ana te kai nei, a te kukupa. (146). A, conj. 1. as far as. Ka rere mai a te Arawa, a waho i te moana (71). 2. ///////. Takoto nei, a ao noa te ra (90). 3. and; and then; connecting suc- cessive actions or events. Hoe ana mai, a ka u ki Mokau (123). 4. well then, in rejoinders. A, tcna, kei whca au tuaahu? (122) A, prep. 1 of; belonging to ; used in speaking of actions of any kind, food, children, slaves &c. but not in speaking of the parts of a whole, namcs^ qualities, houses, lands, water for drink- ing, clothes &c. NGa tama a Kangitihi. — NGa kupu poropo- roaki a Hou (82). Te umu a Juiwai (83). 2. at, of future time. A whea ano ra ku po? (167) 3. after the manner of. He mea mohio a ngukau ta- ngata (84). Hcoi, ka noho a pahi te rau ma whitu nei i reira (154). Aata, n. altar. Ae, ad. 1. in answer to an affir- mative question, yes. Ka mea atu te matua ki a ia, "Ae, e pai ana" (25). 2. in answer to a negative question, no. "Kahore i homai he kai raau?" "Ae." ae, v. i. consent. Ae ana mai ona whanaunga kia patua te ra (25). whakaae, v. i. say yes; consent. Ka whakaae to raua whaea (46). 1 Aeaea — Ahua. whakaaeaea, 1. v. i. pant for breath. Ka kake i te pikitanga, ka whakaaeaea. 2. v. t. utter disconnectedly, as though in want of breath. Kaua e whakaaeaeatia to korero, engari honoa tonutia. Aeh.a, int. denoting contempt. .^a, (a-a) pron. 1 what? of things only. He aha te korero? (90) 2 of what sort &c. 3 whatever. Te ai he aha hei whakaohooho mai (117). Ther^e is nothing whatever to disturb. aha, V. i. or t. do what; do what to. E aha ana koe i kona? What are you doing there? I ahatia e ratou tana tamaiti? fVhat did they do to his child? ahatanga, n. doing ivhat. He ahatanga? or Ko tena te aha- tanga? What of that} Ahakoa, conj. 1. although. Aha- koa kei te whenua tawhiti e noho ana, ka taea ano i reira. 2. nevertheless. 3. repeated, ivhe- ther . . . or. Ko te taua haere atu i raro nei, kei Muri whenua ka mate; ahakoa taua, ahakoa tira haere noa, e kore e ora (175). Sometimes written as two words with he, thus, he aha koa, but this is often only an intensified form of he aha. He aha koa u ana te waiho ai hei hoa aroha mo tatou? (12) Ahaku, pi. of tahaku, a length- ened form of taku. See taku. Ahau, pron. /. often shortened to au. Te wai i kite ai au (110), After the prepositions a, o, ma, mo, na, no, ta, to, it is chang- ed to ku., thus; aku, maku &c. ^hau does not take the prefix a, but au does. Ahea, (a hea) adv. interrogative, of future time. when. Ahea koe haere ai? see Hea. Ahei, (a) v. i. 1. be able. E kore au e ahei te ki atu. 2. be pos- sible; be within one''s power. Kaore e ahei i a ia te haere. Aheiha, ad. truly, a form of assent. Ahere, n. snare for birds. Ahi, (a-i) n. fire. Tenei to ahi (24). ahiahi, n. evening. Kia ahiahi ka hoki mahi ki roto ki tona whare Ahiki, V. i. make haste. Ahiki mai. Alio, (a 6) n. 1. string; line. Ka maro a raua aho (25). 2. woof; cross threads of a mat. Aho, (a 6) n. radiant light, as opposed to diffused light. Com- pare mataaho, tiaho &c. Ahoroa, (a 6) n. moon. I. Ahu, (5 iji) n. heap. ahu, V. i. tend; foster. Na Tupa- rimaewaewa nana i ahu mai, ka kiia he tangata (17). ahu whenua, cultivate the soil. ahuahu, a. large. Ka ahuahu te tupu to hoiho. ahuahu, v. i. 1. heap up. 2. earth up-., cover with a heap of earth, as potatoes &c. ^.foster; tend. Ahuahungia mai e Bongotaka- wiu, ka tupu ko WHakatau (57). whakaahu, i. v. t. heap up; lay in a heap. WHakaahua koe ki te ahi rarauhe (5). WHakaa- hutia he aruhe ki runga ahi. ii. V. n. 1. .swell up. Ka wha- kaahu taku puku. 2. be dis- pleased. WHakaahu ana au i te pukapuka a Henare : ko taku whakaahu tenei, te haere ia ki "WHarekahika kati mai ai. shew contempt. Katahi te tangata wha- kaahu ki aku kai. II. Ahu, (a ii) V. n. move in a certain direction. E ahu mai ana te waka. I. Ahua, (a u) or ahuatanga, n. I. form; appearance. Ae, me koe na ano te ahua (62). 2. likeness. Ka whakaahuatia hoki ahuahua — Ai. ahau ki to te manu ahuatanga (18). 3. character. He tangata ahua pai. ahuahua, v. i. resemble. Ahua- hua ana te kanohi o te tamaiti nei ki tona papa. ahuatia, v. pass, be matured; be completed. Kahore ano kia ahua- tia te Iiaora mo te kai. whakaahua, 1. v. t, form; fa- shion. 2. V. i. acquire form. E whakaahua ana te tamaiti. whaka-whai-ahua, v. t. impart form to; Jashion. ir. Ahua, V. i. be pregnant. E ahua ana te wahine. III. Ahua (a A) t. i. hasten, E ahua mai koutou. Ahua (a Q) ad. trnhi : i\ form of assent AtlarSk&, a. \. ph'uxunt ; agree- able; entertaining. 2. pleased. £ kore ahau e ahuareka ki tena mea. Ahuk&huka, v. i. resemble ; coin- cide nearly. Kihai i ahukahuka mai tau korero i runga i taku. Ahur3w&, («-fl) n. sacred place lor tlie performance of mystic ceremonies ; the same as tuaahu. Ahiiril, (a) a. warm ; comfortable. H He wliare ahuru. wliakaahuru, v. t. warm ; nestle ; cherish. E whakaahuru ana te manu i ana pi. I. Ai, (a) ad. not generally to.be translated by any equivalent English word, , but used in the following cases. l.In relative claus^B, where the-^ relative in English is go- venkdd by a verb or proposi- , tion. Kei kona nga tangata i , kite ai au ( U 6). There are the men whom J .%aw. Ka kitea he i tikauga mana e mate ai tenei tauiwha (110). lie discovered a \ plan bfi which this taniwha might \ be killed. Occasionally with pas- sive verbs when the relative is the subject of the verb. Ka kitea te wahi i kimihia mai ai e ratou (121). The place was found which was sought for bif them. 2. In clauses expressing the reason for which anything is done, or the object in view in doing it. He aha koe i wha- kaorangia ai? (46) ff^hy were you saved alive ? Koia i tapaa ai toku ingoa e te iwi nei ko Tatau (46). That is why this people gave me the name of Tatau. I tapaa ai tena matenga ko Mai- kukutea, no t« mea ko nga mai- kuku kau i kitea (93). The place of this slaughter was call- ed Maikukutea becau.se there was nothing found but the finger- nails. He nuka na Kupe kia riro mai ai a Kuramai'otini mana (109). // ivas an artifice of Hupe's in order that he might obtain Huramarotini for himself Mo wai to wai, i haerc iho ai koe i te po? (96) For whom is your water that you come down to fetch it by night? 3. In clauses marking the time or place of an action or event. Nonawhea koutou nei i u mai ai? (122) frhen was it that you arrived? Kei te wai heru ano ka patu ai, katahi ka mate (54). // /* at the pool where he dresses his hair that you should strike him ; then he will die. 4. VV^ith a verb or adjective denoting an action or state con- sequent upon some previous action. Toia ake ki uta takoto ai i te po (76). // was drawn up on shore at nighty to lie there. b. Denoting present condition or habitual action. Koho uoa ai nga tangata o tera motu; kaore e mahi kai. The men of 1* Ai— Aki. that island live at case ; they do not cultivate food. 6. With reference to some- thing previously mentioned, as aforesaid, as already stated. I a ia ai i roto i te whare o ona tuakana (17). fFAen he was, as already stated, in the house of his elder brothers. Po iho ai, ka whiti mai a Hinemoa ki Mokoia (135). ff^hen the night came, as aforesaid, Hinemoa crossed over to Mokoia. 7. In the phrase, Ko wai i hua ai? or Ko wai i tohu ai? fFho would have thought? II. Ai, (a) V. substantive. Te ai he aha hei whakaohooho mai (117). There was nothing to disturb them. E ai ki tana, or E ai tana; It is according to his [saying] i. e. ffe says. Me e ai ana he toki maku ; If there were an axe for me; for If I had an axe. III. Ai, (a) V. t. 1. lie witJi a fe- male. 2. procreate; beget, Te aitanga a Tiki (145); The de- scendants of Tiki, a tribe. IV. Ai, (a) int. expressing sur- prise. Ai! taukiri e! (63). Aianei, ad. tiow ; to-day ; presently. Waihoki ko tenei, e aku tua- kana, ka taea hoki e au tenei, ka taea hoki e au tera atu aia- nei (19). Ainga, n. derived from verb a. See a. Aio, (a) a. 1. calm. Kia aio te moana ka hoe. 2. at peace. He whenua aio. Aitii, (a) n. sickness. Aitua, (Si) a. \. of ill omen ; un- lucky. He aitua, ina mahue te whare. 1. unfortunate; in trouble. Na koutou hoki tatou i aitua ai. Aka, (a-a) n. 1. long and thin roots of trees or plants. 2. me- trosideros scandens, a climbing plant. 3. stem of any climbing plant; hence occurring in the names of many climbers as aka- kiore, parsonsia rosea; aka-ko- ngohe; aka-kuku; aka-kura; aka- pohue; aka-tawhiwhi ; aka- tea; aka-totara, &c. akaaka, n. fibrous root. akaaka, a. having fibrous roots. Akau, (a-au) n. .seashore; coast. Noho ana i te akau o te moana (96). Ake, (&-6) n. dodonea viscosa; a tree called also ake-rautangi. ake-piro ; olearia furfuracea, a shrub. Ake, (a-e) ad. 1. onwards, in time, mea ake, or mea kau ake ; in a very little while; immediately. No reira tana mohiotanga, mea ake ia whakamatea hei utu mo taua tamaiti (108). Taro ake; in a little while. Ake, ake, ake ; for ever. 2. forming a compa- rative, with nouns of position. No mua ake; just before; ki runga ake; higher up. 3. down below; in a loiv situation; witlv reference to a person or thing in a higher one. E koutou e haka ake nei, whakarongo ake koutou katoa (65). 4:. from be- low; upwards. Te puna e hu ake ra i raro i te whenua (154). 5. implying direction to some place connected with the speaker, but not where he is at the time of speaking. Haere ake koe ki toku whare. 6. intensifying per- 1 sonal or possessive pronouns, self. E wawata puku ana te- j tehi, me tetehi, ki a raua ake i (131). own. Tona ake kakahu. I Akengokengo, ad. to-morrow. I Aki, (a-i) 1. v. t. dash. Hohoro kau ana te tangata ki te aki i te patu ki nga kauae o te ika ra (155). 2. v. i. dash. Ko te tai anake e aki ana (93). akiaki — Ana. akiaki, v. t. urge on. E akiakina : ana matou e Turiri kia haere | ki te "whawhai. j Akiko, ad. at a distance from home. I E noho akiko ana taua taugata. Akiri, (a) v. t. throw away ; re- ject. Akiritia nga otaota ki waho. i Ako, (a-6) V. t. 1. learn. I akona e koe ki a wai? 2. teach. Penei ka rongo mai koe ki taku ako atri ka era koe (25). I akonga, n. learner; disciple. j akoranga, n. 1. circumstance, time^ place &c. of learning ; 2. thing taught or learnt. | whakaako, v. t. teach. Na te| atua ano ia i whakaako, i mohio ai (8). Ako, (a-6). akoako, v. n. split; have a ten- dencif to split. E kore tenei rakau c akoako. Aku, (a-u) 1. personal pronoun Ist. person singular, with the preposition a: of me. 2. plural of the definitive pronoun taku, my. See taku. Aku, (ft-d). akuaku, 1 . v. n. delay ; take time over anything. 2. v. t. clear the stones out of preparatory to heating it Akuakuna tc umu. | akuaku, a. Jirm ; strong. Kahore ano kia akuaku nga iwi o tana i tamaiti. i Akuanei, (4-a) ad. of time future, presently ; to-day. i Aeuhata, n. August; one of the months. I Aku to, a. 1. late. He tau aku- j to ; .-/ year in which the crops j are late. 2. slow. He ope akuto, i e kore e hohoro te ara. Ama, n. (5-3) outrigger on the windward side of a canoe. Hei roto koe, hei te ama o to taua waka (26). Amai, n. (a-fti> swell on the sea. amai, a. giddy; dizzy. E amai ana tona raatenga. Amaia, n. halo. Amaru, (a) n, metrosideros spe- cies; a tree. Amene, (a) v. t. desire. Kei te amene te ngakau ki te kino. Ami, (S-i) V. t. heap up. Amiki, (a) V. t. 1. gather uj) with- out omitting any ; make a clean sweep, Kua amikia katoatia nga kai. 2. tell a story without omitting any particular. Kaua e amikitia te korero. Amiku, V. t. for amiki. Amiomio, (a) v. i. 1. turn round and round; 2. be giddy. Amo, (fi-6) V. t. 1. carry on the shoulder. E kite koe i te rakau roa, turakina, ka arao mai (46). carry on a litter. 2. rush upon ; charge. Amohia! amo, n. litter; bier. Amu, (a a). amuamu, v. i. grumble. He aha tau e amuamu? Pass, amuamu- ii% be grumbled at. Amua, (am) n. The time to come. Hei amua, or mo amua; here- after. Hei amua ahau ka haere ai. Amuri, n. The time to come. Waiho mo amuri. Amuri ake nei; hereafter. I. Ana, {&-&) n. cave; To ana ko- whatu o te wahine ra (95). II. Ana («-&) one of the verbal particles always placed after the verb or adjective. 1. When e precedes the verb, it denotes a temporary condition, an action in progress, or an action in- tended to be performed imme- diately. Kei runga kei te whare e iri ana tou taina, c ngaua ana e te paoa ahi (64). E whaka- rongo ana raua ki te putanga mai o te hau (93). E haere ana ahau ki Tauranga. 2. Without Ana — Anga. e it is used in auimated nar- ration of a rapid succession of actions. Ae ana mai, haere ana : noho ana ia, tunu manu ana mana (95). 3. Placed after a noun to denote the point to i which anything reaches. Ko Te | Kahureremoa atu ano i waho I nei, a, roto atu ana. Ana, (S-a) 1. ad. there. Ana, kei Motutapu (33). 2. conj. when, in future time only. Ana tae koe ki te kainga. 3. int. calling immediate at- tention. Ana! me te poko! (13) Ana, (a-a) 1. pron. 3rd. person singular with preposition a, of him, of her. 2. plural of definitive pron. iana. 3. for ena, plural of tena. 4. contracted from ae-na, yes. Ana koia; yes certainly. Anahe, (a-a) ad. on/y. Anahera, n. angel. Anake, ad. 1. only; none but; nothing but. Ko te tai anake e aki ana (93). 2. without ex- ception. He pai anake enei ra- kau. Anamata, ad. Hereafter. Anana, int. expressing admiration. Anaoa, ad. certainly; a form of assent. Aneane, (a) a. sharp. Aneane tonu te mata o te rakau. Anehii, a. misty. He rangi anehu. Anei, (a) for enei, pi. of tenei. Anei, (a) ad. here; like tenei. Anene, (a) v. i. breathe gently. I ata anene te haere mai o te hau ra ; — anenenene, a ka rahi haere. Anewa, a. weak; listless. Kahore he iwi i te ngaunga a te ra; anewa noa ai, whakaanewanewa, v. i. act slowly and deliberately. "WHakaanewa- newa marire", e ki ana a Patete. Anini, (a) a. giddy; aching (of the head only). E anini ana taku upoko. Aniwaniwa, n. rainbow. aniwaniwa, a. black, like clouds in stormy weather, or like deep water. E whakaaniwaniwa mai ra te rangi. Ano, (a-6) ad. 1. up to the time spoken of; still; yet. E tupu mai nei ano (100). Kahore ano ; not yet. 2. again. Maranga atu, tohe mai ano (100). Korerotia ano kia rongo ai ahau. 3. also ; too. Ka tahuna te whare ki te ahi, me nga tangata ano i roto (46). 4. quite; Just; exactly. Ae; me koe na ano te ahua(62). Katahi ano ; now for the first time. With personal pronouns, self: with demonstratives, same. Nau ano i kawe mai i a koe ? (60) Ka whakatika mai o Taupo tira, ko te ara e haere mai ai, ko taua huarahi ano (149). 5. in- deed. E tika ana ano. — In af- firmations. Kahore he waka mou? He waka ano. 6. denot- ing admiration, and sometimes used interjectionally. Ano, me hepukepukewhenua(150). Koia ano! 7. as; as though; as it were. Ano ko Kopu ka puta ake i te pae nga karu o te maipi a te tangata ra (99). 8. and when for a no. Anu, (a) n. cold. Ka hauhau koe i te anu o waho (66). anuanu, a. offensive. E pa, neke atu; anuanu tahi ton. Anuhe, (a) n. a large caterpillar, the same as hotete. Anga, (a-a) n. derivative from a, see a, v. t. Anga, (a-a) v. i. 1. look or move in a certain direction. Katahi ano ka anga mai te tangata nei ki a au. 2. begin to do any- anga — Apiti. thing. Eatahi ka anga ki te tui i a ratou ika, • anga, n. 1. aspect. He anga ora tenei, e kore e roa ka tupu te kai. 2. cockle shell. anganga, u. aspect. He anganga ra, a suitity aspect. angaanga, n. head. Ka taha te patu i toua augaanga. Te papa o te anscaanga^ the skull. whakaanga, v. t. cause to turn i/i a re r (a I /I direction. whakaangaanga, v. i. debate with oneself. Te wahi i whakaan- gaanga ra tatou hei reira o ta- tou hoiho. Anganui, v. i. look directlij to- wards ; be right opposite. Kia anganui mai to korcro; speak directlif to me, Angangamate, n. back of the hand. riri ftiia i tua o te angangamate o te kapu o te ringa (145). Ang&ritS, n. a biyalve moUusk; the same as kokota. Angengi, n. a fish. Angi, (ft) n. 1. light air. "1. fra- grant smell. whakaangi, v. t. 1. approach stealthily. WHakaangia tonutia mai i muri, na kua man. 2. y/y, as a kite &c. ko tana mahi he whakaangi manu (57). Angi, {jk). angiang^ a 1. thin. He papa angiangi. 2. unencumbered. E whakaaro ana kia iti te kai, kia angiangi ai te poho o te tangata (166). Angina. £ haero koutou ki uta, kei man ki Tai-ki-tu, ka puhia, he angina (82). Angitixa, (fi) a. unsuccessful. Angoa, (i» ^ a. leauy wasted away. Ka angoa nga kiko, ko te anga anake tenei e tu nei. I. Ao, n, 1. daytime y as opposed to night. Ka wohrn <♦• t>'^, ka j wehea te ao (93). 2. world. I Na Papatuanuku i whakatupu I ake ana purapura, hei oranga \ mo ana uri i tenei ao tu roa (14). I 3. cloud. I ao, V. i. become light, Ao kau ano te ata (66). I te aonga ake, or simply, ao ake (100), on the I following day. II. Ao, V. t. take up by handfuls. Aohia nga paru ki te keto. Ao j taro; prepare beds of gravel for I taro. Kei te ao taro a Hori ma. III. Ao. £ ao koa hoki ianei te mea i i rite ki te ika, ta te mea no te I \\i\\ ano tenei (155). Aohanga, n. 1 . a striped variety j of iV. Z. Jlax. 2. derivative from ao. See II. ao. Aonga, n. See under I. ao. AorSrS, n. a kind of garment. Apa, (a-A) n. 1. company of work- men. He apa matou no Hongi. Used also of persons under the iniluence of a familiar spirit. No te apa a Paraharaha a Hare. 2. fold of a garment, apa-rua, of two folds or thicknesses ; double. Ap5hS, conj. // the case were that. ApSnoa, ad. until. Apanoa, a kia motu ano toku' kaki i runga i toku pihi. Ap&kiir&, n. dirge; lament. ApS.r§,ngi, n. Tuku tonu ma to aparangi, kia ora te noho, te matakitaki mai (148). Ap&t&ri, V. t. carry ; bring. Nau hoki i apatari mai te taonga ki tenei wahi. ApebTra, n. the month of April. Apiapi, (a-l) a. close together; crowded. Apiapi tonu te noho te tangata. Apiti, (a) V. t. 1. put together; place side be side. Apitia nga kete kia kotahi te kauika. 2. 8 apiti — ^ArSu. supplement anything deficient. He apiti nga riwai mo te poaka. apiti, n. 1. small bone of the arm ; radius. 2. cleft; narrow pass. 3. curse. apiti, a, confined. He whare apiti; a steep-roofed house. Apo, (a-6) V. t. 1. gather together. Apohia nga otaota nei. 2. grasp; extort. apoapo, V. i. roll together; ent- , angle. He mea apoapo e te T-zm-^^ Binu, takai atu, takai mai (11). Apo, n. dregs of shark oil. Apopo, (a) n. to-morrow. Mo apopo taua riri ai (92). Apoeo, (a) n. apple. Apii, (a) n. squall. Katahi ka tonoa ko te Apu hau, ko te Apu matangi (4). Apii, (S) 1. V. i. force oue^s way into the ground; burrow. Ko te waka, e apu ana, e keri ana. 2. V. t. cram into the mouth ; gorge; glut. I apua te kai i hohoro ai te pan. apu, n. company of labourers. E mahi mai ra te apu. apuapu, u. 1. crammed; stuffed. Ka apuapu te waha i te kai. 2. palatable. Apuapu marire te reka o te wai nei. Apiire, (a) n. bare patch. Apiiru, (a) V. t. 1. crowd one upon another. Kia takitahi, kaua e apurua mai. 2. shut up; sup- press. Kei kiia, i apurutia ki roto ki tona waha ana korero. Apiita. (a) a. at intervals; found only here and there. Ehara i te he aputa te he nei. engari, he katoa. Ara, (S-a) n. 1. tvay; path. I ma hea mai koia to koutou na ara i haere mai ai? (149) 2. means of conveyance. Katahi ia ka haere ki te tiki ara mona i tona hungawai, homai ana ko Aotea hei waka mona (108). Ara, (a-a) V. i. rise ; rise up ; wake up. Kua ara to tamaiti. whakaara, v. t. rouse. Tikina a Tutanekai , whakaarahia mai (134). whakaara, n. hostile party ; ma- rauding band. Ara. (a-a) ad. namely, in other words. E ki ana ahau ki te rangatira o tenei kainga, ara, ki a Tuma. Ara, (a-a) int. expressing surprise. Ka heua ake, ara! he tangata (71). Ara, (a) i. e. a ra, and then. Ara ko taua mokai (96). Ara, (a-a) for era, plural of tera. See tera. Araara, n. a fish. Araarai. See arai. Arahi, (a-a) v. t. lead; conduct. He aha te utu mo te arahanga i a koutou. Arai, (a-ai) v. t. 1. screen. 2. keep off'; ward off. ^. block up. Araia te kuwaha kei puta te kuri ki waho. araarai, frequentative, screen on every side. arai, n. screen ; veil; curtain ; blind. Aranga, (a-a-a) v. i. 1. rise to the surface; appear. Ka aranga te taniwha. 2. become famous. Ka aranga i kona te rakau a Manaia (123). whakaaranga, v. i. appear in a vision, or in second sight. Ka hara ta tangata, ka whakaaranga mai te atua. Arangi, (a-a) a. unsettled. Kei arangi tonu te tinana, arangi hoki nga whakaaro. Arataki, (a-a) v. t. lead; conduct. Ka aratakina ano e taua miro- miro (96). Arau, (a-) V. t. gather; lay hold arau — Aroakapa. of; entangle. Na te peka o te tutu i arau i makere ai taku potae. arau, a. entangled. Ka hutia ake e Irawani taua aho, akuanei ka arau ki ta Maui (25). Arawhata, (Sra) n. ladder ; bridge. Are, (are) int. tv/iat.' Are! ka tohe koe ki a au? Are, (ar6). areare, a. overhanging; promi- nent. Areare ana tera te ihu o te tangata nei! 2. excavated; cavernous. Ka areare te parenga o te tai. arearenga, n. concavity; hollow. Katahi ano ka kitea te tini ta- ngata e huna nei ki roto i te are- arenga o nga poho o Rangi raua ko Papa (4). Ar8r6, (a) n. 1. tongue. Ka nao- mia atu te tangata ra, ka tapa- hia te arero, ka motu (42). 2. upper point of a taiaha, can'cd in imitation of a human tongue. Arl, («-T) n. 11th day of the moon'^s age. Ari. whakaari, v. t. hold up to view. Tena whakaaria mai, kia kite au. AriS, (ari) V. i. be seen indistinctly ; appear. I aria ake i aku kanohi ko Hemi e haere ana. aria. n. 1. likeness; resemblance. 2. imaginary presence connected with anything which one may have touched &c. and which therefore might serve as a medi- um to convey the effect of a charm to the person for whom it waa intended. ^ri&rifi, V. i. resemble. Ka ariaria tenei tangata ki a Witiwiti. Ariki, (a) n. 1. firstborn male or female in a family of note, hence, chief; priest. 2. leader. Ki tc mau te ariki ka mau katoa te rere kakara. whakaariki, n. itivading army, I wai-ariki, hot .spring. I Arikiwi, n. a garment covered I with feathers of the kiwi or apteryx. Arita, (a-) a. 1. burning with de- \ sire; eager. I titiro atu au, e arita touu ana ki te haere. 2. irascible; easily offended. Katahi ano te tangata aritarita ko koe. Aro, (a-6) V. i. I. face; turn to- wards. WHai tonu atu i muri te aronga kautanga atu o to kuri ra (121). 2. have a certain direction. I aro mai i waho ra te waha o te tangata c karanga nei. 3. be inclined; be disposed. Ko wai i tohu ai, e tae mai tona aro ki te patu i aau? 4. attend to; favour. Korero noa atu, e kore ia e aro mai ki a au. aro, n. inclination. Kei a Te Ka- ranga ia te aro i mau ai. aroaro, n. face; front. Tahuri mai tou aroaro. whakaaro, v. t. think on ; con- sider. whakaaro, n. thought; intention; opinion. Ka tupu te whakaaro i a Tawhirimatea kia tahuri mai ia ki te whawhai ki ona tua- kana (4). whakaaro-mahana, v. t come to assistance of E haere mai ana ki te whakaaromahana i a tatou. whakaaro-rangi, v. t. think on daily ; entertain affect ion for. Kna whakaarorangi noa ake te ngakau ki a Te Ponga (167). AroS, (ar6) v. i. be comprehended ; be laid hold of by the understand- ing. Te aroa ake i a au ; I do not understand it. &r6ar5a, a. 1. lonely. Te aroaroa , i a au i te kore tangata. 2. sorrouful; longing for absent friends. AroSk&p&, (ar6) n. row; rank; 10 Aroarotea — Ate. front rank. E kore ia e pai kia rere kau ki mua o te aroakapa te haka (167). Aroarotea , n. ivhite - breasted shag: a bird. Aroarowhaki, v. i. Jlap the wings. E aroarowhaki ana te parera. 2. move the hand to and fro with the arms extended; a sign of grief &c. Aroha, n. 1. love for an absent relative or friend. A, ka ngaro atu ia ka noho a Tawhaki, ka ngan kino te aroha i a ia ki tana wahine raua ko tana kotiro (48). 2. pity; compassion. Ka oho ake te aroha o NGatoro ki te ; waha te tangata, o te wahine, te tamariki, e aue ana e tangi ana (72). aroha, v. i, feel love or pify. Pass. arohaina, be the object of love &c. Arohi, (a) v. t. 1. recon?ioitre ; exami?ie. Kei te arohi i te pa kia kitea te wahi ngawari hei whakaekenga atu. 2. look for. 1 hea koe e arohi kai ana man? arohirohi, v. i. turn round and round. Aronui, v. i. be right opposite. aronui, n. a finely woven mat with a deep ornamental border. Aropiri, V. i. cling; be attached. Kai whea te tan i aropiri ra ? Arotahi, v. i. look in one direction. E arotahi ana te whakiiaro o te tangata. Atu, (a-u) v. t. follow; pursue. Arumia te tahae. Sometimes used intransitively. E aru ana au i muri i o raua waewae ko Para- tene. aruaru, v. t. 1. chase. 2. woo. Kei te aruaru wahine mana. 3. interrupt. Kia ata aruaru i te korero. Ariihe, (a) n, edible fern-root being the root of pteris aquilina, var. esculenta. Rau aruhe; fronds of pteris aquilina. Ata, (ata) int. expressive of dis- gust, bah! Ata! te piro! Ata, (ata) n. 1. refected image. 2. shadow. Ehara au i te ranga- tira, engari he ata au no te ta- ngata. 3. early morning. Ata po; before dawn. Ata hapara, or ata pongipongi; the time of dawn. Ata tu; just after sun- rise. Ata marama; moonlight. ataata, n. a large kind of peri- winkle. whakaata, n. mirror. Ata, (ata) a. true; only used as a form of assent. He ata, he ata. Ata, (ata) ad. 1. gently. Kia ata haere. 2. deliberately. 3. quite. Kihai i ata maoa te kai. Ataahiia, a. good; pleasant; beautiful. Ka titiro atu te ruruhi ra ki te ataahua mai o te wahine raka (164). Atae, (atae) a. how great. Atae te hoi tenei taurekareka! (168) Atamai, (at-) a. liberal. Atamai, (at-) v. i. behave contemptu- ously. Ehara te mahi a te ta- ngata ra ki te atamai ki a au. Atamira, (at-) n. 1. stage; plat- form. Ka piki raua ki to raua atamira (130). 2. a low stage on which a dead person is laid out, one end being elevated for the head. whakaatamlra, v. t. lay out on an atamira. Ka hemo te tupa- paku ka whakaatamiratia. Atarangi, (at-) n. shadow. Kua roa ke te atarangi o te tangata. Atarau, n. moon. Ka titi te ata- rau, marama tonu. Atariia, a. dimsighted. Atawhai, v. i. shew kindness ; be liberal. E atawhai ana a Te Porua ki a au. Ate, (a-e) n. 1. liver. 2. the seat of the affections ; heart. Tau o ateate — Aua, 11 te ate ; an expression of endear- ment, used with reference to a child. Kai whea te tau o taku ate ? Te waha o te ate ; the pit of the stomach. ateate or ateatenga, u. calf of the leg. Ko Tumatauenga, i tu tonu i te ateatenga o toua whaea, o Papatuanuku (6). AtSa, (a-) a. 1. dear; free from obstruction. £ atea ana te whare, kahore he tangata o roto. 2. out of the tvay. Tarakea atu nga otaota kia atea. At§t5, (a) V. t. 1. oppose; resist, Ki te atete i nga hoia hei noho TOO runga i ou whenua. 2. treat roughiy. Kaua e utuutua nga ki, e atetetia. 3. affront; in- sult. Ehara tenei i te atete i a koe. Ati, n. a word used only in the names of tribes or clans. Te ati-awa; Te ati Hapai &c. off- spring ; descendants, compare aitanga under III. ai. NG&ti, probably a contraction from nga ati, as in Ngatimaru &c. Ati, (fi-I) conj. then. Ati, (5-1). atiati, v. t. drive away. Atiti, (a) V. i. wander, Atiutiu, (a) V. i. wander; stray. Ato, (5-6) V. t thatch. Atohia te whare rao te manuhiri. Atu, (&-ii) ad. 1. in a direction away from the speaker; away, £ ta, kawea atu tetehi wai moku (168). 2. used with adjectives to form a comparative. Rahi atu tana i taku. whakaatu, v. t. point out; shew. Ma wai e whakaatu mai te ara? Atua, (ft-tia) n. 1. god, applied also to any object of superstitious regard. 2. The moon at \b days old. Atua, (a-tia) ad. first. He aha koe te atua ai ki te whaereere, muri iho ka patu i nga pu- nua? Atuapo, n. niggard; churl. Ka I kore e homai e koe akuanei, j heoi ano he ki maku ki a koe, I "Atuapo ! Atuapo I" kia whakama I ai koe. \ Atuhakona, n. a fish. Atiirere, n. a fish, highly prized. I He raokopuna na Mahaki, na I te tangata i whai nei ki te atu- ! rere. Atut&hi, n. the star Canopus, also called autahi. AtiitS, (a) V. t. hustle; jostle. Au, (Su) n. 1. smoke. Ka puia aku kanohi i te au. 2. gall. 3. cloud; mist; fog. 4. cu/Tent. E kore e puta te waka i te au. 5. rapid. To au o kura-te-au (109). 6. whirlpool. Ka ka- whakina e te au kume, e te au rona, e te au hirere, hirere ki te po (112). 7. Te au te moana (21) midocean. 8. string; cord. Tuia ki runga ki te au kotahi. 9. large mat pin, ge- nerally made of bone or ivory. auau, n. basket of seed potatoes. Kia rua auau, ka kapi tc mara. auau, a. frcquentlif repeated. He korero auau. As adverb fre^ quently. auau, V. t. lift, Maku anake e auau te hnnga taimaha na? whakaauau, v. t. smoke-, roast slightly. He mea wliakaauau noa te poaka, kaore i maoka. Au, pron. contracted from ahau, /. Au, a. 1. firm. Kia au te noho. 2. sound (of sleep). Ko te po whakaau te moe (46). Au, V. i. hark. Ka kau te kuri ra, me te au haere (121). Au, a. certainly, a form of assent. Au, (a) 1. pron. 2nd person sing. combined with the prep. a. of thee. 2. plural of tdu. See tSu* I. Aua, II. a small fish; herring. 12 Aua - whakaawarua. II. Aua or auaake, ad. / know not. 'Kei hea to koutou teina ?' *Aua, kaore matou i kite' (95). See also auara. m. Aua, ad. imperative, not. Aua koe e haere. IV. Aua, ad. far advanced-, far on; in point of distance. Gene- rally with mai or atu. Kua aua mai koe; you have come a long- way. Kei aua noa atu nga ta- ngata; the men are a great di- stance off. Auahi, n. smoke. Auaka, ad. do not; donU. Auara, ad. after a negative ques- tion, certainly there is &c. "Kaore he tangata o te tai hauauru e puta mai ana te ingoa ki konei ?" "Auara, e puta mai ana ano ko Marutuahu" (138). Auau. See under au. Aue, int. alas. aue, V. i. groan; make lamenta- tion; cry. E aue mai nei te tamaiti i te mataku. Auha, V. i. leap out of the water. Ka auha te ika. Auhaha, v. t. seek after. Ka au- haha noa ia ki tetahi kai mana. Auhoki, n. eddy. Ainake, ad. on the morrow. Aukaha, v. t. lash the rauawa, or bulwark, to the body of a canoe. Na ka oti tona waka te aukaha, ka toia ki te wai (120). aukaha, n. lashings which fasten the rauawa to the body of the canoe. Aukati, V. t. stop one's way ; pre- vent one from passing. Auki, (a) a. old. See uJki. Aumoe, a. at ease. Ka kanaenae nga kanohi, *kahore i te aumoe. Auporo, V. t. cut short; stop. Ko- tahi te tangata nana nei matou i auporo, ko Iharaira anake. Araki, 1. v. i. turn aside. Tatou ka auraki atu ki te kainga nei. 2. V. t. do a thing in a hurry. Aua ra e aurakina. Aurara, v. i. 1. clutch; grasp. Aurara ke ou ringaringa ki ko- na ki te aha? 2. encroach. Aurei, n. the Srd day of the moon^s Aurere, v. i. 1. moan; groan. E aurere mai ra a Tairi. 2. sail. Ki J^arewa, aurerenga hipi. Auriuri, (a) a. free from tapu. Ka auriuri pea koe. Auru, V. t. 1 . break off; p luc up. Aurutia mai nga tarutaru. 2. throw away. Aurukowhao, n. 1. leakage from i the lashing holes of the rauawa of a canoe, hence 2. any trijl- ! ing damage. I Auta, V. t. encroach upon; attack. Ka mate a Hongi, a auta ka auta, ko Te WHareumu. Autahi, n. the star Canopus. Autaia, (au) a. extraordinary; strange. Autaki, a. round-about; circui- tous. He kupu autaki. — He ara autaki. Autane, n. a woman's brother-in- law. Autaua, n. one who announces the approach of a fighting party. Aute, n. 1. Broussonetia papyri- fera or paper mulberry. 2. band for the hair. Auwahine, n. sister-in-law of a man. Awa, (awa) n. 1. river. Kei ta- wahi ke te awa e tawharau ana mai a te Arawa (81). 2. channel. awaawa, n. valley. Awakari or awakeri, n. ditch. A"wamate, n. ditch outside the palisading of a pa; moat, Awarua, n. ditch. whakaawarua, n. ditch inside the palisading of a pa. A wangawan ga — E. 13 Awangawanga, (a-) a. tweasy in tn i/id ; disturbed. Awatea, n. (ao atea). 1. broad doijlight. Kua awatea, kua puta rawa te ra (47). 2. the middle of the day. Awe, (&-€) n. 1. soot. 2. long hairs on a dog's tail and rump. aweawe, a. far ojf^ out of reach. Aweawe ana nga rau o te rakau. Awe, (S-^) ad. (abbreriation of ^ /. Kia awe tatou te -mga. Aweke, (a) a. 1. fter verse; ill- tempered. Ho aha tau ka aweke tonu? 2. slow; dawdli/tf^y with the notion of waywardness. Ka- tahi to aweke o tau haere. aweke, v. t. falsify ; misrepresent. £ kore au e angu ki te aweke korero maku. Aw§k5, (a) a. 1. old; ancient. He riri mo tenei kainga, mo korero; ko nga riri aweko o tawhiti, kauaka e korerotia. 2. knowing; understanding. Me te awcko haere tou au ki te hara- maitanga o toku papa. Awhft, {&-) n. I. gale; storm. 2. rain. Ka ua te awha. Awh&td, (i-) n. a fungus which is parasitic on a kind of cater- pillar, spho'ria Robertsii. Awhe, (&-«) V. t. 1. gather up into a heap. Awhea mai nga oneone. 2. surround; beset. Ka awhea mai e te hau o roto o te riu (153). awheawhe, v. t. set to work at a thing with a number of persons. Me awheawhe noa tena mahi ka oti. awhe, V. i. pass round or behind, Ka awhe i tera taha. Awheo, n. halo. awheo, v. i. be surrounded by a halo. Ka awheo te mlirama ka taka. Awheotau, v. i. be surrounded by a halo. Awheto, forawhato, see awhato. Awhi, (4-T) V. t. 1. embrace. 2. draw near to. Awhitia mai, kia piri, kia tata. awhiwhiwhi, v. i. approximate; resemble. Awhin&, (a-) v. t. assist; benefit. He awhina tangata anake te rangatiratanga o tenei mea o te tangata (12). Awhio, (a) v. i. go round about; wind. He ara awhio. awhio whio, n. whirlwind; whirl- pool. Awhireinga, (ft-) v. t. embrace tn the region of .spirits. Awhitu, V. i. feel regret; feel hurt. £ awhitu ana toku ngakau ki nga kai kihai i nui mai ki a au. E. E, a particle used in forming certain tenses. When used alone i with a verb or adjective it makes | a future. E kore ranei e tae i mai ki konei? (189) In the case of numerals however the time is present. £ hia? How many are there? When the verb or adjective is followed by ana the action is in progress, or the con- dition temporary. Ko te ope ra, e mahi ana i te takaro, i te haka, i to waiata, i te ngahau (92). U. E, prep, by of the agent and folloNving passives only. I nga- rea mai au e Paoa (187). III. E, int. 1. vocative, o. often used after as well as before a name. E Turi e! E Turi e! 14 Ea — Emi. whakahokia ki uta (111). 2. calling attention. E ! ko Te Ka- hureremoa (144). 3. in poetry at the end of a line or stanza, without any particular meaning. Ka tau te tini o te Hakituri i tana tau e. Ea, V. i. 1. appear above water. Kia timu te tai ka ea ai nga toka gi runga. 2. be brought to land. Ka ea te kupenga ki ta- haki. 3. be produced, as a crop. 4. be paid. Ka ea te utu. 5. be paid for. Kaore ano i ea toku kakahu. 6. be avenged. Ka ea te mate o Tuhuruhuru (62). 7. be performed y as a religious ceremony. Ka ea te purenga (83). whakaea, v. t. pay for. whakaeaea, y. t. lift or draw out of the water. Tukutukua i Ra- ngiaowhia ; whakaeaea i te Ma- maku (178). ES, int. expressing surprise. Ea! kua mate tau mokai (161). Eahua, see ah.ua. Eai, see II. ai. Eaoia, see III. ao. Ehake, ad. not. Ehake tenei ta- ngata. comp. ehsira. Ehara, (e) ad. I. not, stating non- identity, and followed by i. Ehara i te tikanga tangata (61). Ehara tenei kakahu i a au, this garment is not mine. — Ehara i te mea; it is not the case that. Sometimes with an ellipsis of 4 te mea', as, Ehara maku nga moni. — Ehara i te hanga, per- haps for 'ehara i te hanga no a iho' ; It is no common thing, i. e. it is something extraordinary. Ehara is sometimes used alone in this sense. Ehara ano te haere o tera toa (60). 2. in animated narrative, without doubt-, sure enough. Tahi ano whaka- rerenga iho o tana meremere, ehara, kua mate (120). Ehea, plural of tehea, which. Ehi, int. well! Ehi! kua rite o maua hiahia (131). Ehia, or more correctly E hia. See hia. Ehinu, pron. definitive plural. some. Kei hea ehinu o nga toki ? Ehu, (e-iij a. turbid. He wai ehu, he wai para-horo. ehu, V. i. 1. bale water out of a canoe. Ka ehua te wai o tona waka (111). 2. exhume, disin- ter (comp. hahu). No te ehunga i a Te Eke. Ei, int. in poetry at the end of a line or stanza. Eka, n. acre. Eke, (e-e) v. i. generally place oneself or be placed upon another object, and so 1. embark. [N'ga waka i eke mai ai o matou tu- puna ki tenei motu (69). 2. gel aground; come to land. Ka eke ki uta, ka kitea nuitia e nga tangata (57). 3. mount a horse &c. reach the summit of a moun- tain &c. Haere ana ratou, ka eke i runga i te puke (79). 4. be laid or cast upon, as blame, censure &c. Ka ekengia ahau e te kupu ; 1 am the subject of blame; — / am found fault with. 5. come to be exercised over, as control, authority &c. He wha- kaaro nana, kei eke mai he ti- kanga ma te matua ki runga ki nga taonga i wehea mai mona. whakaeke, v. t. 1. place upon; load. Ka pau te tui te wha- kaeke ki te ngohi (179). 2. rush upon; attack. Tena wha- kaekea. — Ua whakaekeeke, light sprinkling rain. whakaeke, n. visitor; guest. Ko etahi rawhi ka pau ma nga wha- kaeke (185). Emi (e-ij or emiemi, v. i. 1. be OF emiemi — Hae. 15 assembled \ be gathered together. Kua emiemi nga taugata ki te whare. 2. be ashamed. emiemi, n. a tree. whakaemi, v. t. gather together. Katahi ka whakaemia kia kite i te patunga o WHakaturia (64). £n&, (e) plural of tena. See tena. Ene, (^-6) T. t, l.Jlatter. He ene te korero a te tangata nei, ma wai e whakarongo atu? 2. en- deavour to obtain by Jlattery, coaxing &c. Kei te eneene kai mana. 3. eueene riri, provoke a quarrel. Enei, (£-) plural of tenei. See tenet. EDgaSng&, V. i. overJUnr. Engari, 1. it is better. Akuanei pea ka mate ko uu : engari pea mc haere noa atu au ki te kimi )7ft»^ ke atu hci oranga moku (119). 2. conj. but; but rather. Kci hopu toa ringa ki te aka taepa, engari kia mau ki te aka matua (48). I. Epa, ((^-u) V. 1. pell; throw anything at. lioa noa atu ratou c epaepa ana i a ia, kihai hoki i pa (16). I I. Epa, (C-i) n. 1 . boards plac- ed on edge under the end rafters of a maori house. 2. posts at the end of a maori house between the poupou and poutaahuhu, 3. objection ; hindrance. Kahore he epa mo tena. whakaepa, v. t. I. object to; hin- der, Kahore tatou i te tika e ahei ai i a tatou te whakaepaepa. 2. conciliate; inJJuence; win over. Riro ana taku poaka hei wha- kaepaepa mo tj^^tohunga. — Me ata whakaepa; let him be made much of. Era, ((•) plural of tera. See tera. Erangi, the same as engari. See engari. Erawd. See under rawe. Bro, («-6). whakaero, v. i. dwindle ; fall off; diminish. WHakaero ana te tangata, whakaero ana hoki te moni. Etahi, plural of tetahi. See te- tahi. Ete (6-«). whakaete, v. t. force one's way &c. by pressing through a crowd. Ka whakaeteahe nohoangamona. Bti, (C-I) V. i. shrink; recoil. Ka eti taku kiri i konei. etleti, n. disgusting. Etia, a. how great. Etia tonu tou humariae! (164) Et6k5hinu, for ehinu, some. Ewa, (6-a). whakaewa, n. strings of a mat. Ewe, (€-6) n. 1. placenta or after- birth. 2. land of one'* s birth. H. I. Hft, n. 1. breath. 2. taste; Jin- vour. Kahore he ha o tena kai. ha, V. i. taste. Ka ha toku waha. whakaha, v. i. emit breath \ breathe. II. Ha, V. i. hesitate in speaking; be at a loss for words. Ha noa te waha o te tangata ra e! hShS, V. t. warn off by shouting. Ka liaharia mai e te katoa (51). ! H&, int. what! varying in signi- fication acording to the tone in which it is uttered. Haapa. n. harp. Hae au hS.hae, i. v. t. slit; la- cerate; tear. I haea toku e wai? ii. V. i. I. become detach- ed (longiiudinaWy). Notetaenga ki Tapuae, ka hahae nga ka- wainga o te ata. 2. loathe; hate. 16 haehae — Hake. He whakatauki na Tuwhenua- kura, 'Ahakoa kai tahi, tera a roto te hahae ke ra'. 3. be en- vious. He aha koe ka hae nei ki te utu tera tangata? haehae, v. t. l.cul repeatedly. He tangi haehae ; a wailing accom- panied with cutting of the skin, as a sign of grief. 2. cut up. Tahuri haehaea te ika nei (152). hae, n. 1. fear or dislike inspired hy any object. Te hia ora o nga tangata noho i roto, i te hae mai te ngarara nei. 2. envy. whakahaehae, v. t. sea re -^ ff^igf*- ten. Haeata, n. 1. dawn. Ka rere te haeata. 2. beam of light, enter- ing any dark place. Kei puta mai hoki te haeata o te awatea ki roto i te whare (13). haeatatanga, n. opening through which a beam of light comes. Ka titiro atu i te haeatatanga o te whatitoka (13). Haehae. See under hae. Haemata, v. t. cut up in an un- cooked state. Ka patua nga kuri ' e rua, kotahi i taona, kotahi i haematatia (112). Haere, v. i. 1 . come ; go ; depart. Kia kite au i te haerenga o Te Ngahue. Haere mai ; come to- wards the speaker. Haere atu; ^oawayfrom the speaker. Haere mai is a common expression of welcome. 2. become. Ka haere ka momohangatia te manu ; birds are becoming scarce, pass, hae- rea, be travelled over. whakahaere, v. t. 1. cause to go; carry about. Kei te whakahaere a Puru i tana potiki. 2. explore ; j search for; go about to examine. Apopo matou haere ai ki te wha- kahaere kiekie. 3. conduct any business ; execute. Ki te korero iteata whakahaere (150). WHa- kahaere tikanga; direct; super- intend; govern. haereere, v. i. stroll; wander. Haere, n. a spirit supposed to reside in fragmentary rainbows on detached clouds. Haeroa, a. Ka keria te rua hae- roa, teruao te ngana(86). The rua haeroa was a hole dug in the ground in connection with in- cantations against one's enemies ; called also rua tap 6. Haha, v. t. 1. seek; look for. E haha ana au ki taku toki. 2. procure. I haria mai taua here e raua hei haha kai ma raua (137). Haha, see under II. ha, Hahae, see under hae. Hahana, see under hana. Hahari, n. a shell fish. Hahau, see under hau. Hahi, n. church. Hahii, V. t. 1. disinter the bones of the dead before removing them to their final resting place. Ma wai e hahu te tupapaku? 2. search for. E hahu noa ana ia i tetahi kai ma tona puku. 3. scatter. Haika., n. anchor. HIka, n. jug; jar. Haka, n. Jmerican groundsel. Haka, v. i. 1. dance. Ka mea atu taua hunga, "Ehaka!" (65). 2. sing a song to be accompanied with a dance. Katahi ka hakaa e ratou, koiateneitaratouhaka. (37). haka, n. 1. dance. 2. song, ac- companying a dance. Haka, hakahaka, a. short in stature; low. He maunga hakahaka. Hakaeameta, n. sacrament, Hakari, n. 1. gift; present, 2. entertainment; feast. 3. roe of a fish. Hake, a. humped; crooked. He Haker§ — HanenS. 17 hake te tuara o te tamaiti. — E tama, whakarerea te rakau na, he hake. Hakere, a. stingy, hakere, v. t. grudge; stint. hakerekere , a. gloomy ; down- cast. Hakerekere ana te hine- i ngaro. I Hakihaki, n. 1. itch; skin disease. 2. worn out mat. Hakiki, V. \:-be overbearing. Ka hakiki noa te tangata nei. Hakirara, a. idling ; trijling ; ///- [ i;!g. Te waha hakirara! H&kiri, i. v. t. hear indistinctly. Kahore i hakiritia e au te reo o I te tangata. ii. v. i. \ be heard , indistinctly or vaguely. I hakiri ' ano i a au taua korero. 2. make | itself felt slightly. Katahi ano ka roDgo ki te hakiri ika ki tana aho (117). H&k5, n. spoon. Hftkoakoa, n. a bird. H&kdko, a bent so as to form a hnllmr; concave. Ka hakoko te ringa o te tangata ra i tona mate. HSk5r&, n. old man. H&kii, V. i. complain ; murmur. Te ai e tatou te haku ki tona ma- tenga. Pa--, hakua, be found fault with. V. kui ma nei, kauaka au e hakua. Hakuai, n. u bird, the same as hn/iioi. Hakui, u. old woman. Hakiiku, v. t scrape. Hakukua te korari nei. Hakund, v. i. be deliberate; be careful. Hakuue marie ai, kaore (■ hohoro. I ! \. be consumed. Kua .i Hi kai i te poaka. Uama, 1. n. hammer. 2. v. t. strike with a hammer. H&m&m&, a. 1. open. Ko te ta- uiwha, kua hamama haere mai te waha (151). 2. vacant; exempt. Kei hea tcf Vahi o te ao i hama- ma i te raru? hamama, v. i. shout. I reira ka hamama te waha o te kuia raka ki te ki atu ki a ia (165). Hamaruru, a. shut in; confined. I ahua kino te tuuga o te whare nei i Takopa, he hamaruru. hamaniru, n. crutch of a ko or digging implement, £KmSm§, y. i. mutter. E hameme ana te turoro. H&miti, for hamuli. See hamuti. Hamoko, n. .spaces between the bundles of raupo in the walls of a maori building. H&mu, V. t. gather things that are thinly scattered; glean. Ka ongeonge nga kai ka hamu ai i nga puka. H&mtLmtl, T. i. 1. speak. Kihai hoki i hamumu atu te wahine ra (164). 2. mutter f make an indistinct .sound. Te mea e ha- mumumumu nei me te waha ta- ngata. HfimurS, v. i. be beforehand with others in eating. H&milti, n. human excrement. H&n& or hah&n&, v. i. .shine; glouf; give forth heat. Ka ha- hana te kapura nei. whakahana, v. t. hold up wea- pons &c. /// defance. Ka wha- kahana i nga patu, i nga pu, me te pukana. hanahana, n. garment smeared with rid ochre. H&nS, V. i. be confounded ; be si- lenced &c. a modern word, H&ndh&n§, n. rottenness. Ma te huhu, ma te popo, ma te hane- hane (5). HSnea, n. a small black mussel. haneanea, a. unpalatable. Han§n§, a. blowing gently. I ala hanene to haere mai o te hau ru. Compare anene. 2 18 Hani — Hapai. I. Hani, n. a wooden weapon; the same as moipi and taiaka. II. Hani. hanihani, v. t. speak ill of; dis- parage. Kati ra te hanihani i ton hoa. Hanikiira, n. a shell-fish. Hanuere, n. January. Haniinii, v. i. be merged or swal- lotved up; be mixed. whakahanumi, v. t. jnix; cause to be swallowed tip. Hanga, y. t. make; build. Heri ano nga tohunga nana i hanga nga waka (69). Kei te hanga i te taiepa oneoue (19). \ hanga, n. work ; fabric ; thing : j property. Ehara i te hanga, it is no ordinary thing, so also ; Kihai i hanga ake tana wahine (196). I hangahanga, a. 1. frivolous; of\ no account. Hua noa he hanga- j hanga noa nga korero a tera, ' kaore, he tika tou ia. 2. spread- I ing over t,he ground. Ka hanga- hanga te tupu te kapana. j whakahangahanga, v. t. handle \ gently. He mea whakahan'ga- j hanga noa; nana noa i mate. Hangai, a. 1. opposite; confront- ing. Kia hangai mai tou kanohi. 2. across; at right angles. Ha- ngai pu nga waewae. — He toki hangai, an adze. Hanganoa, n. small basket for cooked food. Hangarau, v. t. jest with ; befool. He aha tau i hangarau i a au? Hangareka, v. i. or t. jest; de- ceive. He hangareka kau te mahi a tenei tangata. Hangehange, a. quite dry. Ma- roke hangehange te waka i ru- nga i te kowhatu. hangehange, n. geniostoma li- gustrifolium ; a shrub. Hangere, a. half-full. He ha- ngere tenei kete. Hangi, n. native oven. Hango. hangohango, n. an implement for digging and for setting pota- toes &c. hangohango, v. t. dig. or plant with a hangohango. Kei te ha- ngohango riwai nga tangata o tenei kainga. Hangore, a. v)eak. Hangoro, a. slack; loose. Ha- ngoro noa taku pikau. Hangorungoru, a. hanging in folds. Hangu, a. quiet; fiot talkative. He wahine hangu. Hanguru, a. chattering. Kaup,e hanguru, jaw chattering with cold. Hao, V. t. 1. draw round so as to encompass fish &c. He hokinga mai no nga waka o jtona iwi i te hao kupenga ika (141). 2. catch in a net ; enclose. Me hao ki te kupenga. 3. grasp gree- dily. hao, n. 1 . a basket in which cockles are collected. 2. a moderate- sized eel. Haona, n. horn. I. Hapa, V. i. 1. be passed over in the apportionment of anything. Tokorua nga tangata i hapa i te kai inaianei. 2. gone by. Ka hapa koe ki Ruatahuna ka puta mai nga pukapuka mou. II. Hapa, a. crooked. Hapa, n. supper. Hapai, i. v. t. 1. lift up; raise. Hapainga tera pito o te rakau. 2. carry. E koro, hapainga nga toki nei (51). 3. begin a song, charm &c. Ka hapai ake i tana hiki ake mo tana ika kia maiangi ake (22). Pass, hapainga, */flr/. Huaki kau te ata, ka hapainga mai; kai rawa mai i te mania hapainga — Harau. 19 (157). ii. V. i. rise. Ka hapai nga kawainga o te ata. hapainga, u. sintt// basket for food. Hapaki, v. t. catch lice. Hapaki ana te taokete i nga kutu o Maui (26). HSp&r&, i. v.t. slit; cut. Na Re- hua i hapara te whare. — I hapa- raia tonutia tona waewae. ii. V. i. daum. Ka hapara te ata. hapara, n. spade. Haparangi, v. i. shout ; bawl. Ka haparangi te waha o te tama- riki. l^p&ru, V. t. make common ; dese- crate. Ka haparua aku mea e koe. HafatI, n. sabbath. H&p§, a. 1. crooked. I mohiotia ki te hape o te waewae (113). 2. beside the point. Kahore i hape o korero; kei te tika o korero. ^ H&pi, n. native oven or cooking pit; hdngi. H&pird, n. violation of tapu by eating at a sacred place. He aha koe i mate ai ? He hapiro. H&pdki, n. pit for storing pota- toes. H&pdk5, n. pit for glaring pota- toes. Kia rupeke te kai ki te hapoko (189). Il&pdri, n. section of a tribe; fa- wily. HSpdr5, V. t cut off. Haporoa \v rakau ki konei. H&ptl, a. 1. pregnant, Ka kitea te haputanga o Rangiuru (128). 2. conceived in the womb. Akua- nci whakapaea ai na Hotunui i tahae; na e hapu ana a Maru- tuahu (136). h&ptl, n. section oj a large tribe; xecondanj tribe. Hapua, a. hollow like a valley; depressed. Hoake tatou ki te wahi e liapua mai ra. Hapiiku, n. a fish resembling the cod. I. H&ra, V. i. 1. violate tupu^ in- tentionally or otherwise. He hara tawhito i mate ai. Hence 2. sin. II. Hara, u. crcess above a round number. Kotahi rau; e iwa nga hara. whakahara or whakaharahara, a. large. III. Hara. harahara, v. i. be diminished. Ka harahara uga kai i roto i te rua. whakaharahara, v. t. cause lo be diminished; lessen. Kia whaka- liuraharangia te wai o te poti. H&r&k§k3, n. phormium te/m.r; the New Zealand flax plant. H&r&ki, a. preposferons; exira- orditiarif. a modern word. H&r&kiikii, v. t, scrape. Hara- kukutia nga harakeke. H&r&mai, v. i. (contraction of haere mai) come towards the speaker, often used aa an expression of welcome. Pass, haramaitia, he come for. Te korero i hara- maitia nei e ia; ./^ report on account of which tni^came. ^Ur&ngi, a. 1. unsettled. 2. fool- ish ; sillt/. Ka harangi noa iho ona mahara. H&r&ngdtS, v. t. nibble. E hara- ngote ana te ika. H&r&p&ki, n. steep slope, as the side of a hill. H&r&rSkS, n. for harakeke] phor- mium ten ax. H&r&tau, a. convenient; suitable. Te mea noa ano ka haratau ma- rire ki te whakaaro a te wahine (167). HSrau, v. t. 1 . feel for with the hand; grope for. E harau ana tc ngoingoi i te kai raana. 2. reach. Tenei tetuhi ki i harau ake ki aku taringa. 2* 20 Harehare — Hau. Harehare, n. cutaneous eruption', itch. harehare, a. offensive. Katahi nga korero harehare nau : wha- karerea atu. I. Hari, V. i. 1. dance. 2. sing a song to dance to. 3. feel or shew gladness. hari, n. 1. dance. 2. song. S.j'oij. harihari, n. song to make people pull together. II. Hari, V. t. cari'y. Ka haere atu te koroheke ra ka hari i nga toki (51). Haria, n. wild cabbage. Harirau, n. wing. Haro, V. t. 1. scrape clean. He kai haro muka. — He kaupapa haro; a clean sweep. 2. chop smooth with an adze. Kei te ha- roa a roto o te waka. 3. of very low water at spring tide. Haro ana te tai nei. haronga, n. mat^ made of the scrapings of flax. Harore, n. edible fungus growing on ti-ees, or on the ground; mushroom. Harori, n. edible fungus. Harotoroto, n. pond, pool. Haro til v. i. be reduced to shreds or tatters. Hariiru, v. i. rumble. He whati- tiri tenei e haruru mai nei. Harurii, a. fetid; foul smelling. Ka haruru te rongoa nei. Hatea, a. 1. faded; decolorized. Kua hatea te mangu o te kakahu. 2. whitened f as with saline ef- florescence. Hatepe, v. t. cut asunder ; cut off. Hatepea nga pou o te whare. Hatete, n. Jire. I. Hau, n. 1. wind. Kihai te hau ra i roa rawa 6 pa ana, kua niutu(93). 1. dew; moisture. M^a. tahaki haere ai, i te hau i a koe. hau, a. 1. eager; brisk. Ka piki a Rupe, ka hau, ka porangi ki a Rehua (32). 2. famous; illus- trious. He ingoa hau tenei ingoa e karangatia mai nei ki te taringa (148). hauhau, a. cool. Ka hauhau koe i te anu o waho (66). hau, hahau, hauhau, v. t. 1. strike; smite; deal blows to. Hahau kau ana te patu, he mano ki te matenga (143).^, 2. hew; chop. Ka tuaina a te trawa, ka hinga ki raro; ka haua, a ka , oti (69). whakahau or whakahauhau, V. t. 1. animate; inspirit; urge on. Haere ra koe ki te wha- kahau i nga tangata. — Applied to a song. Katahi ka koia te mara, ko tona whakahauhau te- nei, 'NGaere te whakatipua &c' (114). 2. give order; give the word. Katahi ka tautapa te whakahauhau a te hunga e tu iho ra i te taumata. 'E! kua ngaro ki roto; kumea!' II. Hau. hahau, v. t. seek. Kihai i roa te hahautanga mai o nga tauhou, kua mohiotia mai, ko Paoa tera (193). III. Hau, n. odd half fathom. E warn maro o taku taura me te hau. IV. Hau, n. angle; corner. Kei te hau te taiepa te ara. V. Hau, n. 1. food used in the ceremonies of the 'pure\ or re- mowal of tapu from a newly built house, canoe &c. In some cases the hau was eaten ; in others it was left entirely for the atua. Kia tae atu au ki te kawe atu i te hau tenei tanga ika; a kia tae atu ki te tohunga, kia whangaia ki te atua (22). 2. something connected with a person on whom it is intended to practise enchantment; such as a portion of his hair, a drop of his spittle, anything which has touched his Haua — HautopS. 21 person &c., which, when taken to the *toAu/iga\ might serve as a connecting link between his incantations and their object. H^ua, a, 1. crippled; lame. Ka haua te waewae. 2. coward l;i ; without spirit. He iwi haua ma- tou; kahore i rapua he utu. Hauaitu, a. 1. starved with cold; pinched. He hauaitu to matou mate. 2. lean ; wasted. He kuri hauaitu. S. listless ; without heart. Ka hauhauaitu ahau, he pouri no roto i a au. Hauangi, a. cool. Hauar&hi, n. west wind. Hau&r§a,a. I. thin; lean. 2. irenk. 3. cowardly. H&uatiu, n. north west wind. Hauaiiru, n. west wind. mea ana a Hongi, he haumi te- nei ki a ia. haiimi, v. t. 1 . join. 2. lengthen hij addition. 3. reserve; lay aside. Hoake rawa ka haumi i tetahi maku: — ka pau ra hoki. Haunui, n. dew. Haunga, a. odorous; stinking. He ngohi tenei e haunga mai nei. haunga, n. odour. Kongo kau ano te tupua ra i te haunga ahua tangata (150). ^[ungS,, ad. besides; not. E rua mano te tane ; haunga tc wahine, te tamariki. H&u6r&, a. revived. Kua hauora te tupapaku, kua maranga. whakahauora, v. revive; refresh. I. Haup&pa, n. frost; ice. H&uh&k3, V. t. take up a root II. H§,upapa, v. t. lie in wait for. crop. Hauhakea ana nga kai; te marangatanga mai, e warn nga rau (114). Hauhung&, n. frost. HSukdti, V. t. intercept ; cut off. Ka haukotia e te mate. — Haukoti i te aroaro, obstruct. haukoti, n. intercepting party. ka kokiritia e te haukoti .^ .. .vlia tekau. H&ukn, n. dew. H&umSktl, a. bedewed; wet. H&um&ruru, a. 1. languid. Ka hauraaruru nga kanohi i te mate. 2. indifferent ; unconcerned. Me mutu i konei te haumaruru o matou ; me matakana nga kanohi i enei rangi e takoto nei. H&umSiiiiii, n. result of one's toil; Akuanci ka haupapatia tatou e te taua, H&up6ngi, n. eddy wind. H&upO, n. heap. haupu, i. V. t. place in a heap. i Haupuria nga makoi ki konei. I ii. V. i. lie in a heap. iH&ur&hi, n. dew. H&ur&ngi, a. 1. mad; 2. drunken, haurangi, n. verandah. H&ur&r5, a. low down. Me he mea no konei, he hauraro noa iho te kakahu o te weruweru (147). H&ur5kur5kii, a. unsettled; un- certain. E haurokuroku ana to korero: he korero pai i tetahi rangi, he korero kino i tetahi. H&urutii, n. deuK See also under rutu. work accomplished. Te hauroauiui nga mea kua mate ; te hau- ! H&utS.i, n. .sponge. mauiui o nga mea kua riro i H&ut&ka, a. bedewed; wet. atu. H&umi, n. 1. piece of wood by which the body of a canoe is lengthened. 2. joint by which the additional piece is fastened. H&utStS, v. i. jabber. 3. confederacy ; conspiracy. E | H&ut6p8, v. t. cut asunder Tera pea kei te hautaku a roto o te kaho. H&ut^rua, n. dew. H&ut&rilrii, a. unwary ; heedless. 22 Hautu — whakahei. Hautu, n. time-beater for the row- ers in a canoe. Hauttimti. See under tumu. Hauware, n. saliva. Hauwere, a. hanging down; pen- dulous. Hawa, V. i. be chipped., be broken, Ka hawa te karaha nei i te ta- maiti. hawahawa, v. i. be smeared. E tama, e tama, hawahawa ana te hinu i ou kauwae. hawa or hawahawa, n. ventral fin of a fish. Hawai, n. fungus on trees. hawahawai, n. hillocks in which weeds are buried, and which are afterwards planted with pota- toes. I. Haware, n. saliva. hawareware, a. full of saliva. E hawareware ana te mangai. II. Haware. hawareware, a. lean. He poaka hawareware. Hawata, v. i. mutter. E hawata ana te tupapaku. Hawato, n. the same as awhato. Hawea. whakahawea, v. t. 1. despise. E tika ana ano te whakahawea ki a ia, he tutua hoki ia. 2. disbelieve. E kore au e whaka- hawea ki tana korero. Hawera, n. place where the fern or bush has been destroyed by fre^ ^ Ha were, n. fruitful year. Hawiniwini, v. i. shiver with cold; shudder. Hawhe, v. i. go or come round. Kua hawhe katoa nga ika ki roto. hawhe, n. some portion of a drag net. Hawhe, n. half He, art. a; an; some: both sin- gular and plural. He, a. 1. wrong. He rawa te mahi nei. 2. erring; mistaken. 3. in difficulty or trouble. Ka he toku manawa. / am out of breath. or / am out of heart, 4. dead. hehe, a. gone astray. pass, hengia, be mistaken for an- other. Kei hengia koe. he, n. 1. error; mistake. 2. dif- ficulty. whakahe, v. t. 1* cause to go astray; mislead. Na te kuia ra matou i whakahe. 2. find fault with; condemn. I. Hea, n. interrogative. 1. what place. Ko hea te tangata ra? 2. when repeated it signifies every place. Ka tukua nga pu- rahorua ki hea, ki hea, kia haere mai ki te whawhai (101). No hea is often used as a strong negative, like ^ \far from if ; not at all. Ka torn tekau tau i ako ai Pihopa; no hea ra e rongo e? 3. what time. A hea koe haere ai? II. Hea, n. multitude; majority. Tena ko te hea o te tangata, e kore e whakaae. heahea, a. foolish; silly. Hea, n. ploughshare. Heanga, n. derivative from he. See he. I. Hei, n. ornament for the neck. hei, V. wear round the neck. Heia ki tou kaki. II. Hei, prep, future. 1. at of time or place. Hei te po taua hoe ai (41). — Hei kona takoto ai. 2. for ; to, denoting the use to be made of anything &c. Ka pau nga pata kaanga hei kinaki mo te koura. — Ko wai tou ta- ngata hei tangi i a koe, hei ngaki hoki i tou mate? (40) 3. forming a future with the ne- gative adverb kaua. Kaua hei tiitu: whakatupu tangata (82). III. Hei, compare heipu. whakahei, v. t. go to meet. Ti- Heihei— Heoi. 23 migrates ; 2. rafter. kina whakaheitia a Te Whata- nui ki te ara. Heihei, n. 1. noise. TUtO. ana te heihei. 2. bar/t-r/oor fowl. Heinga, n. parent; ancestor. Heipil, a. 1. coming straight to- wards ; hitting exactly. Heipu tonu atu au ko taua mea e ta- koto ana. 2. Just; proper. Kei ou matua te take heipu. Heitiki, u. a greenstone ornament worn round the neck. H§k&, a. mouldy. Sua heka nga kao nei. WSk&y V. i. 1. descend. Ka kake matou; ka hekc. 2. ebb. Kia heke te tai ka haere ai tatou. 3. drip. Ka heke te wai o te tSha. 4. migrate. A, whaka- tika ake a NGaliue, ka heke atu he whenua ke (68). 6. miss a mark. heke, n. 1. one tvho party of emigrants, 'l a kind of eel. whakaheke, v. t. 1. cause to de- scend &c. ; let down. 2. catch eels by means of a net att€U2h- ed to a weir. Ka riro a Te Iwi ma ki te whakaheke tuna. whakaheke, n. rope. whakahokeheke, a. striped. heketanga, n. descent of a hill. H§kemai, n. a kind of shark. HSkgrau, n. small tubers of ku- mara, striking into the grounds from the knots in the shoots. H3kgt&r&, n. a tree. HSk^tua, n. necessary stool. Ka lumgaa hoki o ia te heketua hei whakareinga mo ngatahae (35). H§m&ng&, n. basket half full. HSmihSmi, n. back of the head. Hdmo, V. i. \. be pa.ssed by; be gone away. 2. miss a mark. Ka hemo te patu a Huka. 3. consumed. Kua hemo nga kai o te rua. 3. be dead. Nona- nahi i hemo ai taku tamaiti. 5. be faint. Ka hemo au i te kai, J am faint for wand of food ^ i. e. / am hungry. 6. denoting the completion of an action. Ka hemo te pakeha te muru. The white man has been plundered. whakahemo, i. v. t. consume, ii. V. i. be consumed. whakahemohemo, i. v. t. attend at the deathbed of any one. Kei \ te whakahemohemo a Te He- patahi i tana wahine. ii. t. i. be at the point of death. H^numi, V. i. be out of sight; disappear. Kua henumi nga uwhi ki raro ki the whenua. whakahenumi, v. t. cause to dis- appear &c. HSnga, n. 1. edge of the body of a canoe, to which the 'rauawa' is fastened. 2. food for a work- ing party, Kei te taka ratou i te henga. hengahenga, n. girl. hengahenga, a. quite dry. See hangehange. Heng&, n. derivative from he. See he. HSngi or hShSngi, v. i. blow gently. Ano to matangi o he- hengi mai nei. whakahengi, v. i. move stealthily. E whakaliengi mai ana te ta- ngata ki a au. Hengia, n. black skin. H6ngia, v. pass, of he. See he. Heoi or h3oti, ad. 1. denoting completeness or sufficiency of a statement or enumeration, and generally having ano joined with it: there is no more; there are none other. Heoi ano nga to- hunga nana i hanga nga waka (69). These were all the skill- ed workmen &c. Heoi ra, that will do ; /'/ is enough. 2. imply- ing that what follows is the na- tural result of what has just been stated: accordingly; and 24 Hepaea — Hia. so; so then; whereupon. Heoi ano, ka pouri te ngakau o Ta- ngaroamihi mo tana mokai ka mate nei (161). — Katahi ka pa te karanga, 'E! he taniwha, he taniwha e haere mai nei!' heoi ka whati te ope ra (150). 3. but; however. Ka mea ahau kia haere; ^eoi kahore he waka e whiti ai ahau ki tawahi. Hepaea, n. shepherd. Hepetema, n. September. I. Here, v. t. tie; tie up; fasten with cords. Tena, tatou ka here i te ra nei kia ata haere (18). lierehere, n. captive \ slave. II. Here, n. spear for killing birds. Haere mai ano raua me te here wero manu ano (137). here, v. t. kill birds with a spear. III. Here. whakahere, v. t. conciliate with a present. whakahere, n. present \ propitia- torij offering, compare where. Herepli, v. t. 1. seize; catch and hold Jirmbj. Hereputia tonutia atu e au, te! ka man. 2. tie up in bundles. Hereputia nga witi na. Herengutu, a. without projecting eaves. Hereumii, n. cooking shed; kit- chen, compare whareumu. I. Herii, n. comb for the hair. Hei heru tetahi taha o te iwi paraoa. heru, V. t. comb; dress with a comb. Ka tuturi nga turi ki tana wai heru (55). II. Herii, v. i. begin to Jtow (of the tide only). Kei te aha te tai? Katahi ano ka heru mai. Heu, n. eaves. Perea atu ana, ehara, titi tonu ki nga heu o te whare (81). Heu, heheu, v. t. separate; pull asunder. Ka rere mai taua tu- puna nei, ka heua ake, ara ! he tangata (11). heuheu, i. v. i. scatter; clear away. Heuheutia nga otaota i roto i te whare. ii. v. i. be dis- persed. Akuanei heuheu ai nga tangata ki te mahi. Heu, v. t. shave. HEU, n. razor. Heuea, v. i. be separated. Ka heuea te po, ka heuea te ao (4). I. Hewa, V. i. be deluded; be un- der a false impression. Kia hewa ai nga ho a na te taua i kai (94). ^ II. Hewa, a. bald. He mahunga hewa. I. HI, int. expressing contempt. whakahi or whakahihi, v. i. jeer ; sneer ; speak contemptuously. Ko wai tenei e whakahihi mai nei? II. Hi or hihi, v. i. 1. ?nake a hissing noise. 2. be affected with diarrhwa. whakahihi, v. t. cause to hiss. III. Hi, i. V. t. 1. raise; draw up. Ka hiia tera nga nana o te ta- ngata ra, ka riri. 2. catch with hook and line ; fish. Ka rewa te waka o ona tuakaua ki te hi ika (20). ii. v. i. dawn. Ka hi te ata (55). See also hihi. I. Hia, a. interrogative numeral. how many ? Kia hia he tangata mo runga i te waka? When used with reference to persons it generally has 'toko^ prefixed. Tokohia ouhoa? — Te hia? PFhich in order? — Kihai i hia nga ra ka u matou ki Poneke. There were not many days &c. II. Hia, hiahia, v. t. 1. desire; wish. E hiahia ana ahau ki te haere. 2. be in love ivith. Otira ko Te Ponga, kua hiahia rawa hoki ki te wahine ra (167). III. Hia, ad. 2vilh difficulty. Te hia puta mai o korua i te tai ki. Hiainii — hiko. 25 Hiainii, a. tkirshf. Ka mate a Te Ponga i te hiainu (168). Hiakai, a. hungry. hiakaitia, v. passive, he desired fur food. E kore tena kai e hiakaitia. Hiako, n. skin', bark; rind. Hiamd, v. i. be exalted; be ele- vated. Hiamo ana tera te pa ra ki runga. Comp. huamo. Hiamoe, a, drowsy; sleepy. Hlanga, a. vicious; refractory; di.shnnest. hiangatia, v. passive, be impo.sed upon. Kua hiangatia ahau e te kai hoko. Hiangdngo, v. i. pine away. Ka koa ra, ka kite atu hoki i te whakahiangongo o tona ngakau 06.5). HIapo, v. i. be gathered together. Hiato, V. i. be gathered together. whakahiato, v. t. collect together. Hiawaero or Hiawero, n. fail of an animal. Hihi, n. ray of the sun. Comp. ihiihi. I. Hik&, n. a term of address to young people of both sexes. E hika el If. HikS, V. t. 1. rub violently. 2. kindle fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together. Hikaia he ahi ma tatou. 3. perform a ceremony with incantations, kindling fire being' part of the ceremony. Ka hikaia ki runga ki tona huware kia mate ai ia. hikahika, i. v. t. rub ; chafe, Ta- ngohia ake ana te iwa o nga kumara hei hikahikanga i te ngao o Tutawa-whanau-moana (112). ii. V. i. chafe. Ka haere, ka hikahika te tamaiti Hikaikai, v. i. 1. move the feet In and fro. 2. writhe. Kia rore i tc karaka ka hikaikai te ta- ngata. .'5. be impatient. Ki te ki mai koe kia riri taua, ka hikaikai au ki tena mahi. HIkaka, a. rash. Kaua e hika- katia to haere. Hikaro, v. t. pick out. Kikarohia te rakau nei i roto i toku wae- wae. — Hikarohia nga mea ra- rahi o nga kai na. Hiki, i. V. t. lift up; carry ; nurse. I Kei hea te kai hiki o te ta- I maiti nei? ii. V. i. \. get up; start, Ki I te hiki tetahi o konei i te ara, 1 ka mau taura a Henare hei here. j 2. fump or leap involuntarily. ' I hiki taku karakia (28). .% charm was imperfect — skipped. Ka hiki taku poho. My heart leaps up, as when one is startled or goes into cold water. — Kia hiki te tapuae, spoken of early dawn when one can just see where one is going to tread. hikihiki, v. t. carry about in the arms; nurse. 1 hiki, n. charm for raising fish &c. I Kaore ano i ata mutu noa to karakia whakaongaonga, o wha- kahua ana i te hiki (158). Hikir&ngi, v. i. be unsettled. Tera e reka te uoho o te tangata e hikirangi ana mo te haere? EHDLd, V. i. 1. move in a random way. Kia rite te haere: kaua tetahi e hiko ki mua. 2. stir as birds at daylight. E hiko ana te manu i te ata, ka whakatika maua ka haere. 3. stretch out the hand at random. Hiko tou te tangata ra ki nga ngarehu, apuatanga. 4. begin to strme^ dawn. Kei Turuturu ka hiko te ata i a maua. Pass, hikoia, be shone upon. Hi- koia c te awatxja, ano he pou- namu kei nga'^kampango e ti- tiwha ana (159). i hiko, n. distant lightning. Ara I te hiko e kowha mai ra. hihiko — whakahirahir a. hihiko, V. i. move quickly, be stre- nuous. Kia hihiko te haere. Hikoi, V. i. step. Te kaha te hi- koi te tangata. Hikoko, a. wasted; starved. Ka hikoko nga tamariki a Taunaha. nikii, n. 1. tail of a fish or rep- tile. Oraora kau ana ko te hiku kau (160). 2. rear of an army on march, or of a company of travellers. Taihoa, kia tapeke mai te hiku. 3. tip of a leaf &c., point. Hikiipeke, v. i. he shortened so as not to hang down low. Pu- korukorua kia hikupeke ton ki ninga. Hikutau, n. head of a valley or river. WHaia ana e maua, a kei te hikutau o te wai nei ka mau. Himii. n. hip-bone (for hnmu). StiQA, n. grey hairs. hina, a. having- grey hairs. Hinaki, n. basket for catching eels; eel-pot. Hinakipouri, a. quite dark. Ka hinakipouri, ka huaki. Hinamoe, a. sleepy. Hinamoki, n. a kind of rat. Hlnana, a. staring angrily; look- ing fierce (spoken of the eyes or eyebrows). Hinana ana nga kanohi o Rewa. — Hinana ana nga kape. Hinapouri, a. 1. very dark. 2. very sad. Hinatore, v. i. twinkle; glow with an unsteady light, hinatore, n. 1. any phosphores- cent substance. 2. young shoots of a species of toetoe. Ka te hinatore i wero toku waewae. Hinau, n. elceocarpus dentatus] a tree. Hine, n. girl. Generally used only in addressing a girl or young woman. E hine! Hinekorako, n. a spirit suppos- ed to reside in lunar rainbows. Hinengaro, n. 1. some portion of the intestines. 2, seat of the thoughts and feeling ; heart. E kitea koia nga whakaaro o te hinengaro ? Hinu, n. 1. oil\ fat. 2. game such as pigeons, rats &c. pre- served in their own fat. Hinga, V. i. 1. fall from an erect position. Nau koe i hinga ai. 2. lean. Pass, hingaia, be fallen upon. Kei hingaia koe e te rakau. hingahinga, v. i. fall in number s^ as on a battlefield &c. hingahinga, n. slaughter of num- bers. hihinga, v. i. fall in numbers. whakahinga, v. t. cause to fall. from an erect position. Hingongi, n. a variety of potato. Hioi, n. 1. mentha Cunninghami, a plant. 2. anthus Novce Ze- landiWf a bird. Ilipa, V. i. 1. start aside. I hipa koe ki tahaki i ora ai. 2. pass on one side. Hipa ke atu, hipa ke mai, kahore i kitea. 3. ex- ceed in length; surpass. Ka hipa ke tenei rakau; kotia iho. whakahipa, v. t. turn aside. So- metimes with a refl.ective sig- nification. WHahahipa ki taha- ki, kei mau koe. whakahipa, n. head; hair of the head. whakahipahipa, a. in^egular; of different lengths or heights. He taiepa whakahipahipa. HiPi, n. 1. sheep. 2. ship. Ho- rahia te titiro whakawaho ki karewa, aurerenga hipi. Hipoki, V. t. cover. Hipokina ki te kakahu. hipoki, n. covering. I. Hira, a. numerous. hira, n. multitude. Katahi au ka kite i te hira o te tangata. whakahirahira, v. t. extol; mag- Hira — Hoa. 27 nify io depreciation of others. Sometimes used reflectively; extoi oneself. Ehara te wha- kahirahira o te tangata ra; ka- tahi matou nei ka rongo i ena korero. II. Hira. hihira, a. shy ; suspicious. Ka hi hira an ki tena ara, kei mate au. HIrau, V. t. entangle; trip up. He aha i hirautia nei e koe toku waewae? hirau, n. paddle, Hiraw§r&w§, a. irksome \ painful. Hirawcrawe ana te whatinga o toku ringaringa. Hirea, a. indistinct. Rongo hi- rearea ake ahau ki te tangata e karanga mai nei. hirearea, a. indistinct sound.^ Na! te hirearea waha tangata ^ mea nei. Hirero, v. i. gush; spirt. Hiri. hihiri, a. 1. lahorious; energptic; assiduous. Hihiri mauie ^oe ki te haramai i roto i te mara- ngai. 2. laborious ; requiring eji^rtion. Katahi te hihiri i a au ki te hacre ki reira! Pfhat work I shall have &c. hirihiri, v. t. repeat charms over a person, with the view of im- parting energy. Ka hirihiria atu ki te kauhou o Houmai- tawhiti (127). whakahirihiri, i. v. t. assist; re- lirre. He kore tangata hei whaka- hirihiri to riro ai te peke pa- raoa. ii. v. i. rely; lean. Ka- hore i pai ki a au, whakahi- hiri ke ki a Te Kani. HtrI, n. seal. HiKlwA, n. silver. Hiroki, a. thin; lean. Hirdri, v. i. stagger. Hirori ana nga waewae i te tairaaha o te wahanga. Hit&ri, n. sieve. iHltau, n. .vwfl//wifl/ for the waist; apron. i Hitawetawe, a. very long. Hi- I tawetawe ana te roa o to ta- ngata. Hiteki, v. i. hop. Hiteki atu ki ko. I Hitoko, v. i. hop. Hiwa, a. watchful; wakeful. Kia hiwal kia hiwa! Hiwai, n. potato. Hiwaiwaka ) a species of rhi- Hiwakawaka ( pidura; a bird. Hiweka, a. hanging. whEikahiweka, v. t. hang up. Te mea nai whakahiwekaa. (R.) Hiwi, n. 1. ridge of a hill. Tena a Matete te oma ua i runga i nga liiwi. 2. beaten track. Ka haere matou i ro ngahere, a puta atu matou ki te hiwi. hiwihiwi, a fish. Hiwi, V. t. jerk a fishing line bo as to hook the fish. I. Ho, V. used only in the com- pound forms, hoake, homai, hoatu. II. HO, V. i. put out the lips; pout; a mark of derision. Ho ana nga ngutu. 2. shout. Hcoi, ka tangi i kouei to ho a te iti, a te rahi (160). h5h.O, V. i. 1. drop; trickle. Hoho ana te toto. 2. speak angrily; i say 'hoho'! 3. grin. III. Ho, n. hoe; spade. I. Hoa, u. friend; mate; compa- nion. Ko taku hoa koia tau e patai mai na? (147) hoahoa, n. spouse, used also of two women, wives of the same husband. Ka owha mai te wa- hine ra ki tana hoahoa (187). whakahoa, v. t. make a compa- nion of; associate with. II. Hoa, V. t. 1. aim a hUnr at by throwing. Hoaina ki iQ kowhatu. 2. charm the ground over which one is about to pass. To kaha ia te whai i taua ta- 28 Hoake — hokai. ngata, katahi ka karangatia ki tana wahine hei hoa i ona ta- puwae (119). 3. utter incan- tations for the above purpose. Katahi ka hoaia e Tamure ki ': Ve paepae o tona whare (172). Hoake, i. v. t. give or bring to some place connected with the speaker but in which he is not at the time of speaking, ii. v. i. go on. Hoanga, n. a kind of stone used as a grindstone or ivhetstone. HoARi, n. sword. Hoariri, n. enemy. Hoata, n. 1. long spear. 2. third day of the mooti's age. E ! ka ara te marama, he hoata (55). Hoatu, i. V. t. give away from the speaker, pass, hoatu. Ka tae te tangata ra ki tana taureka- reka ka hoatu hei utu mo te ruahine ra (49). ii. v. i. move on in a direction away from the speaker. Hoe, V. t. 1. push away with the hand. Tona panga atu ki a ia ka hoea mai. — He ringa hoea; a suitor whose addresses have not been accepted. 2. paddle; row. Ka rewa ki te moana, ka utaina, hokowhitu ki runga, katahi ka hoea (56). 3. hence intransi- tively travel in a boat or canoe; make a voyage. Hei te po taua hoe ai kei kitea taua e te ta- ngata whenua (41). hoe, n. paddle; oar. hoehoe, v. t. 1. toss about; scat- ter. 2. paddle about; make re- peated trips in a boat or canoe. He hoehoe waka te mahi a nga tamariki nei. 3. convey in a boat or canoe, making repeated trips. Kei te hoehoea nga hanga a te pakeha ki uta. whakahoe, v. t. reject; shew in- difference to. Hoha, a. 1. wearied with expec- tation, importunity, anxiety &c. Ka hoha au i tau mahi wha- katoi. 2. wearisome. He mahi hoha tenei. Hohehohe, a. wrinkled with laugh- ter. Hohehohe ana nga papari- nga NGapuhi ki a koe. (Com- pare ngohengohe). Hohoeka, n. panax longissimum; a tree. Hohonii, see under honu. Hohoro, see under horo. I. Hoi, n. 1. lobe of the ear. 2. gusset of a garment. II. Hoi, a. I. far off; distant. Ka titiro atu te rangatira o te pa nei ki tana kotiro ka hoi noa atu (170). 2. deaf; obstinate. NGare noa, kihai hoki i rongo ; ka hoi a Te Kahureremoa (143). hoihoi, a. deafening; noisy. Hoi- hoi tahi koutou! f^^hat a noise you make I HoiA, n. 1. soldier. 2. saivyer. HoiHo, n. horse. Hoiki, a. diminishing in size up- wards; tapering. Ka hoiki tonu te upoko. Hoka, a. projecting sharply up- I wards; pointed. Ka hoka te kapua, of points of cloud pro- jecting upwards from a bank in the horizon. He hoka te whare ; the house is steep-roofed. hoka, V. t. take on the point of a fork &c. Ka kai te tangata tapu, he mea hoka ki te rakau tana kai ; e kore e totoro tona ringa. hoka, n. screen made of branches stuck into the ground. Ka riro ki te hanga hoka manu. Hokai, a. 1. spread out; extend- ed. Ka hokai nga wg^wae o Ruru ki te rere. — Kia kokai te haere! Step out! 2. far apart. He hokai te ono o te taro. hokai, n. 1. large feathers of the wing. 2. brace; stay. 3. breadth. hokaikai — Hongere. 29 hokaikai, v. i. move backwards and forwards. Ko nga waewae anakc te hokaikai ana. Hokaka, v. t. desire. H5kari, i. v. i. stretch out one's legs. ii. V. t. move by stretch- ing out the legs. E tama! he aha e hokaritia na e koe uga kakahu : Hokehokea, a. out of patience. Roa noa atu e whanga ana ki a koe, a, kokehokea noa i te whanganga. H6k§ke, a. obstinate, churlish. I. Hoki, V. i. return. Tatou ka hoki ki te kftinga. Pass, hokia, be returned for or to. Hokia ta tatou hoe ka mahue atu ra. hoki, n. restorative charm for a Rick person, blighted crops &c. hokihoki, v. i. return frequenthj. whakahoki, v. t. 1. ////// back\ eause to return. 2. give back. whakahoki kupu; answer. II. H5ki, ad. or conj. 1. also, Ka haere hoki ahau. 2. for; because. Ka noho ia ki raro, ka pouri hoki ia ki a ia c ka- taina ana e te tini o te Ati- hapai (39). — Ina hoki, as may be in/erred from the fact that ; for. Ina hoki ka ngaro noa iho nga tira haere atu o reira ki Rotorua (166). 3. to give emphasis to an assent or affir- mation &c. Ae: me noho hoki ra koe (120). — Ko wai tena ta- ngata? Aua hoki: he tauhou ia (133). H0ki6, V. i. descend. Ka taea a runga o te maunga nci, ka ho- kio atu ki raro. HOkioi, n. a bird; the same as ha/iuni. I. H5kd, V. t. exchange; barter; but/; sell. I hokona tona ka- kahu ki te poaka. hoko, n. merchandise. He hoko tenei ka u. hohoko or hokohoko, v. i. traf- fic; trade. IF. Hoko, a prefix to numerals signifying ten times the sub- joined numeral. Hokotahi; ten. ! Hokotoru, thirty. Hokomirimiri, v. t. stroke; pat. Heoi ano; tau ware atu nga ringaringa ki runga i te pane hokomirimiri ai (159). Homai, v. t. give to the person speaking; bring. Ka mea atu a Hoturapa, Homai hoki ki a au 009). HSmiromird, n. petroica toitoi; a bird. H6n§, V. t. plunder; appropriate the propertji uf others. No te hone matou katoa. H6n§a, v. i. 1. be absent. Kahore ahau kia whai iwi i te honea- tanga o nga tangata i liaere mai ai ahau. 2. escape. Kahore a Te Kooti i mau i a matou; i honea touu. H5nL hdhdni, v. t. 1. bite; wound slightly. I hohoni kau te raa- tii, kihai i ngoto. 2, devour; consume. Ka honia e.te mate. HoNi, n. honey. HOni&, ad. intensifying mangere. Ko nga herehcre o konei, he mangere honia ki tehanga whare, ki te hanga pa. H6nd, V. t. 1. splice; join. 2. add. hono, a. continual. H6noh6n6a, v. i. be vexed; be annoyed. No reira ka hono- honoa ahau. HonOric, n. honour. Hdnii, n. fresh water. hOhonu, a. deep. He wai hohonu tenei. H5ng&, V. t. tilt; make to lean on one side. Hongaia mai te waka kei eke ki te tahuna. Hongere, n. channel. 30 HcSngi — Horo. Hongi, V. t. 1. smell; sniff. 2. salute by touching noses. Hopara, n. bellii. Ka ngaro ano ki roto ki te hopara nui a Toi- tehuatahi (107). Hope, n. loins; ivaisl. To nga hope te wai. Hopekiwi, n. potato pit. Hopetea, n. a shell-fish. Hop], n. soap. I. Hopi, n. native oven; hdngi. E kougange ana te hopi. II. Hopi or Hopipi, v. i. be /er- rijied\ be fainthearted. Hopo and hopohopo, a. fearful; apprehensive ; overawed. Na ko- nei ano toku ngakau i hopo ake ai. whakaliopo, v. t. alann. Hopu, y. t. 1 . catch ; seize. Nana i hopu te mataika. 2. snatch. hopuhopu, V. t. catch frequently ; catch one after another. hopuhopu, n. porpoise. Hopu, V. i. be swollen, like a blister. Hopiia, a. 1. depressed, like a cup or trough. 2. lying in pools. Ka hopua te wai i te marae. Hora, V. t. spread out; expand. Ko te hoi-ahanga ki reira o Huna- kiko, ka matakitakina (113). hora, a. scattered about. Titiro ki te tangata e hora ana ki ta- tahi. Horapa, a. disseminated through,, overspreading. I. Hore, ad. (generally used with rawa, emphatically) not. Hore rawa, not at all. Compare Kahore. II. Hore or hohore, v. t. peel; strip off. Horehorea te hiako. hore, n. burial place under tapu. I. Hori, V. t. cut a piece out of the ear. Horia te taringa o te poaka. II. Hori, V. i. be gone bi/. Kua hori atu aua tangata inakuara. III. Hori or horihori, a. false; untrue. hori, V. t. 1. speak falselij. He aha tau e horihori? 2. mistake; misjudge. Ka hori a Tawhaki, he wahine no tenei ao ano (48). whakahori, v. t. disbelieve. E kore e whakahoria to korero. Horirerire, n. gerygone flaviven- tris, a small bird, the same as riroriro. I whea koe i te ta- ngihanga o te horirerire, ka tanu ai i tetahi kawei hue mau? I. Horo, i. V. i. 1. fall in frag- ments; crumble down. Ka horo te pari ki te moana. 2. drop off or out (spoken of a number of small things as grains, tubers &c.) Ko te kumara ka horo haere tonu i te huarahi (136). 3. fall or be taken, as a for- tress &c. Ka hia nga pa horo a te taua o Hongi? 4. differ. Kihai i horo ; ina, ko te ahua tonu tena (61). — ii. v. i. cause to crumble down. Horoa te one- I one runga. Passive horoa, I befallen upon by anything crumbl- ! ing down. : horo, n. landslip. whakahoro, v. t. 1. cause to I crumble down. 2. take to pieces. \ Ka whakahoroa i reira te waka nei a Aotea (112). 3. slack off or let out a line. horohoro, v. t. remove the tapu » from a house &c. horonga, n. food eaten by the tohunga during the above cere- mony. II. Horo, or most commonly ho- horo, a. quick; speedy. Mahue rawa te hohoro o te tangata nei. whakahohoro, v. t. hurry ; hasten. III. Horo, V. t. swallow. Ka ki- Hor&Ska — whakahouhou. 31 tea tona puku e horo nei i iiga uri o Tiki (152). HoroSka, n. patiax lotigissimnw ; a tree. Horoi, y. t. wash. horoi, u. materia/ fo wash with; soap. Horokio, n. a shrub. Hdromi, v. t. swallow; devour. Ka whakatetere te wahine ra i tona puku hei horomi i a Maui (18). Comp. III. Horo. Hdrdmiti, v. t. eat ravenoiishi ; devour. Nana i horomiti nga kai i pau wawe ai. Hordpekapek& n. blue shark. Horopito, n. a shrub. Horotea, a. pate. Taia ana nga ngutu, a ka kitea ka horot^, ka taruatia. H6r6t5t§, a. worn out; prostrat- ed. Ko Paora tera, horotete I ana i te marc. Horn, n. red ochre; bttrut koko- wai. See Kokowai. H5rik, v. i. 1. grunt \ snort, I tawhiti ano e haere mai ana, ko te horu kua tac mai ki roto (162). 2. yell in accompani- ment to the war-dance. Kia rite te takahi, te papaki, me te horu a te tangata 1,167). 3. rankle. Kei roto i a ia e horu ana te whakatakariri, ina hoki ka puta kei waho, kei nga ka- nohi. horuhoru, n. uu'ld turnip. HOrua, V. i. descend. Ka haere, ka horua ki roto ki Pakihi. HOtdtd, n. a large caterpillar. HOtiki, V. t. tie; fasten with cord &c. Hotikina te kuwaha o te teneti. hotiki, n. tattoo marks on the forehead of a woman. 1 Hdtd, n. 1. wooden spade. 2. spike on the tail of u^hai. 11. H6t6, a. cold. Hotohoto ana te wai ki taku hiako. ni Hoto, V. i. begin a quarrel. Kaua e hoto. H5t6a, a. slow in growing : hack- ward. He aha te parareka o tenei tau i hotoa ai ki te tupu? H5t6ke, a. cold. Ka hotoke te kai. hotoke, n. winter. Hei te ho- toke ahau ka hoki atu ai. H5tu, V. i. (generallfi with nga- kau or manawa for subject). 1. sob; pant; sigh. Ka hotu tona manawa, he sighs. 2. de- sire eagerly; long. E hotu ana toku ngakau ki te haere. 3. chafe with animosity &c. Ka hotu toku ngakau ki a ia, he hoariri hoki ia noku. 4. heave^ as the swell of the sea. Ka Iiotu noa te moana. Hotiihotu, a. accompanied with sobs. Hotuhotu ana te tangi a te tangata ra. I. Hou, n. feather, II. Hou, a. new; recent; fresh, Hou tonu ana te ketunga a te poaka. III. Hou or h6hou, v. t. bind; lash together. E hohou ana ia i te taiepa — Hohou rongo, make peace. houhou, n. Schejflera digitata; a tree. IV. Hon, i. V. t. force downwards. Hoi^a iho kia hohonu. ii. v. i. 1. force one^s way downwards. Ka hou te kuri i raro o te ra- kau 2. persist in a demand. Ka hou au ki a koe, ka hou, ka hou. houhou, V. t. dig up; obtain by digging. Kei te houhou roi mana. V. Hou or houhou, a, 1. cool. 2. disagreeable; unpleasant. whakahouhou, v. i. feel disgust, Ka whakahouhou nga hoa, i mea hoki ratou kia tirohia paitia ia (193). Comp. hauhau and anu. Houanga — Hiiaki. Houanga, n. this time last ijear. No houanga uei au i tae mai ai. Houange, n. \. a little while ago. 2. a little while hence. Mo a houange nei ka hoatu. Houhou. See under hou. Houhere, n. hoheria populnea] a tree. Houi, n. hoheria populnea', a tree. Houkeke, a. obstinate. Ka nui te houkeke o te whanoke ra, e kore e rongo. Houpara, n. a tree. Houtete, a. stunted. Koi kane- keneke, koi aha; houtete tou i taua wahi tahi. Houwere, v. t. tie; bind. Hou- weretia te takitaki. I. Hti, n. mud; swamp. Kua ta- poko ki te hu. U. HO, V. i. bubble up. Te puna e hu ake ra i raro i te whe- nua (154). hu, n. tenour or drift of a speech. Te hu te korero. huhti, V. i. hiss; whiz; buzz. I rangona kautia e ia ki te huhu o te patu e haere iho ana ki tona angaanga (91). III. Hti, a. still; silent. E noho hu ana, kei whakaae, kei eke koe ki runga ki te hoiho. IV. Hu, n. shoe. Hii. huhu, V. t. 1. strip off an outer covering ; cast off a rope &c. ! 2. deprive of outer covering; make j bare. Z. free from tapu. E haere | tapu tonu ana mai i te tanu- j manga i a Tamatekapua ; katahi ka huhua, ka noa (78). j huhu, n. a beetle found in rot- i ten timber. | I. Hua, n. 1. fruit. Kei whea nga hua o te poroporo nei r (64) 2. egg of a bird; roe of a fish. 3. cause; occasion. I patua hua- koretia e ia taku tamaiti. huahua, n. 1. birds &c. captured for food; game. Nga kai o tera maunga, he kiwi, he weka, he kiore, he kuku, he tui : he mau- nga huahua tera maunga (145). 2. small pimple. 3. a vessel in which food was boiled by- means of heated stones. hua, V. i. 1. bear fruit. E kore e kua tenei rakau. 2. abound. 3. (of the moon) be at the full. huhua, a. abundant. hiihuatanga, n. excellence, good- ness. Kahore he huhuatanga o ena kakahu. U. Hiia, n. 1. handspike; lever. 2. section of land. Kotahi hua ka riro i NGaiterangi. 3. screen from wind. huahua, n. rail of a fence. hua, V. t. 1. raise with a lever. Huaia te rakau nei. 2. over- turn; frustrate. Ka huaia mai e te Koi koi a taua tatai. III. Hiia, V. t. 1. name. Ka huai- na te ingoa o tera kainga ko Kawhia (113). — No whea te huanga o tau matau? (21) Who ever heard of your hook? — Ka- hore he huanga tangata o te huarahi (149). There was not a soul on the road. 2. think, E l^ua ana, e ngaro nei, kei te ma^i kai pea (12) — Hua atu; one would think. Hua atu ko te Rangi to tatou matua (14). 3, he sure; know. Ko wai ka llua? whakahua, v. t. 1. pronounce. 2. recite. Ka whakahua i tana karakia mo tona tatuatanga i tana maro (97). Huai, n. a shell-fish. Hiiaki, i. v. t. open; uncover. Huakina ake te tatau. — Hua- kina te rua, tikina atu nga kai ki waho. 2. rush upon ; charge. No te huakanga i mate ai. ii. V. i. dawn. Huaki kau te ata, ka hapainga mai (157). huaki — whakahume. 33 huaki, n. assault; charge. Huakumii, a. very fruitful. Huamango, n. a variety of po- tato. Huamo, t. i. be raised in waves, as tlie sea. Huamutu, n. a fish. Huanga, u. relative. Ka tae mai ka noho, ka huangatia tera ta- ngata ki a ia (143). Hiiaranga, t. t. transplant. Huare, n. spittle. Hiiatare, v. i. pant ; gasp for breath. E huatare kau ana te manawa. Hu&t&w&, u. a dark variety of the silicious Btone called matd- waiapu. HiiS, n. 1. gourd, 2. a fish. HtLhi, n. 1. discomfiture. Haere ana koe ki te tinihanga i to tipiina; ana ka kite koe i te huhi (25). 2. weariness. Ka taea te huhi. Huhu, see under hu. Huhua, sec under hua. Huhunu, see under hiinu. I. Hui or huihui, v. t. put or add together, v. i. congregate; come together. Ka huihui mai nga iwi ki te matakitaki i to ratou ito (155). hui, or huihui, n. assembly. II. Hui, v. t. take as plunder. Ka huia nga kakahu, ka patua. ill. Hui, V. i. be affected with cramp. Ka hui taku maui. Htlia, n. neomorpha Goutdii; a somewhat rare bird, the tail feathers of which are prized as ornaments. Halki, a. 1. pinched with cold. E noho liuiki mai ra te koroua ra. 2. crouching in fear. 3. *'.r^fl//.9Wby frequent cultivation. Ka huiki te whenua. HuirapS, a. grasping. Katahi tana huirapa mona auake! I. Huk&, n. 1. foam; froth. I wh«ia atu ki te hukahuka o te tai (11). 2. frost; snow. Ka kite ia i te huka o Tongariro (80). 3. cold, hukahuka, n. thrums or shreds on a mat. Ka motu nga huka- huka o tona pake (80). hukahuka, a. hanging in shreds. I mahue hukahuka te whare. II. Huka, a. long in time. E kore e huka ka tae. III. Hiika, deficiency in measu- rement. E warn maro te roa, huka to te iwa. Hi)ka, n. sugar. Hoka, n. honk. Hiikapapa, n. ice; frost, Hiikapung^ u. snotv. HiikarerS, n. .snow. Hiikawhatu, n. hail. HOkari, v. i. gesticulate. He aha te rawa o tana mahi e hukari mai ra? htlk&ri, n. young of birds. HiikS, V. t. 1 . dig up ; expose by removing the earth in which it has been buried. E huke ana te wahine i te hangi. 2. w- cavate. Ka hukea te riu o te waka. (55). iHokSkS, a. staggering, JHiiki. j hukihuki, n. spit on which fish I arc roasted. I hukihuki, 1 . v. t. roast on a spit. I Hukihukia te ngohi. 2. con- tract suddenly, as the muscles. ' Ka mate toku ringaringa i te hukihuki. hukinga, n. head of a valley or river. HtlinSrir§, a. comely; beautiful. Te puhi humarire nei, a Hine- moa (130). — Te humariretanga Te Whatuiapiti (164). HumS, V. t. bring to a point; ta- per off. Ka humea te ihu, te ta (55). whakahume, v. i. he drawn be- tween the legs (of the tail of a a 34 Humene — Huri. dog). WHakahume anate waero o te kuri. Humene, a. gathered up into small compass. WHakahumenemenetia mai tou kia whaiti. Humii, n. hip bone. humuhiiinu, a. stripped of pro- minent parts. Takoto humu- humu kau ana ko nga tiwai anake (171). So of trees hav- ing the branches lopped off. XGa rakau e humuhumu mai ra. I. Huna, V. t. 1. conceal. I hunaa toku e wai? 2. destroy. He taniwha te mea e huua nei i te taugata o tenei huarahi (150). huna, a. concealed. Te tini ta- ngata e huna nei ki roto i te arearenga o nga poho o E-angi raua ko Papa (4). II. Hiina, n. tenth day of the moon''s agej Hunanga-moho, n. a kind of grass. Hiinaonga, n. son-in-law or daugh- ter-in-law. Hiinarei ) father-in-law ; or Hunarere j mother-in-laiv. Hune, n. down on the .seeds of raupo, or typha angustifolia. Hune, n. Ju?ie. Hiiiiu. huhunii, v. t. 1. char. Ka oti te huhunu a waho, ka tu ko te iho anake. 2. singe. Hunu- hunua ta tatou poaka, huhunu, n. 1. double canoe. 2. temporally washboards at the bow of a canoe. Huniiku, n. family encumbrances. Hiinga, n. company of persons; people. Tu tonu iho te hunga ra i te taumata (151). — Some- times used contemptuously. Hiingahunga, n. tow; refuse of Jlax leaf; down or nap which comes off a garment. Compare hukahuka. Hungawai, n. father-in-law; mo- ther-in-law. Hungoingoi, a. trembling. Htipana, v. i. fly up or fly backy as a spring. Te hupanatanga ^e tawhiti. Huoioi, a. trembling; tottering. Hupe, n. discharge from the nose. Hupeke, v. i. bend the legs or arms. Hupeke on waewae. hupeke, a. bent; draivn up (of the legs or arms). hupeke, n. old woman, Hupenupenii, a. mashed up. Ka hupenupenu noa iho nga kai i roto i te kohue. Hura, i. v. t. 1. remove a cover- ing. Hurahia te kakahu. 2. ufi- cover ; expose. Hurahurahia nga kai; ka maku i te ua. 3. hunt out. Kua riro te taua ki te hura morehu. ii. v. i. begin to flow (of the tide). Ka hura te mata o te tai. hura, n. nervous twitching in the shoulder &c. ; regarded as a sign that one is the subject of re- mark. hurahuja, n. visitors condoling with people who have been plun- dered. HuEAE, n. July. Htirangi, n. fly. hurangi, a. timorous. Ka hura- ngi haere tatou ki tona mate- nga. Hiire, v. t. search. Kua tae ake nga tangata o runga o te kai- puke ki te hure i to matou pa. Htirepo, n. bittern. Hiiri, i. v. t. 1. turn round. Na wai i huri te pouaka? 2. over- turn. 3. grind in a mill. Me kawe nga witi nei kia hurihia. ii. V. i. 1. overflow. Huri katoa te waipuke ki te ara. 2. fall to; set about. Ka huri te Pa- tupaiarehe ki te tango i nga ngohi ki nta (179). 3. betake hurihuri — I. 35 oneself; repair. Katahi te ma- nuwhari nei ka huif^lfi runga i te waka, ka hoe. 4. Ka huri, tenei, or simply, Ka huri, is an expression which has lately be- come common to mark the end of a subject, or of a speech, letter &c. hurihuri, v. t. tu^n over in one's mind; ponder;; reflect upon. huri, n. 1. seed. Ka waiho euei parareka hei huri mo taku mara. 2. anything which is turned round, as a mill or a grind- stone. Huriaro, v. i. turn right rotind. Hiirikdar6, v. i. turn inside out. Hurikoarotia te kakahu. Hurikotiia, v. i. turn the back. Huripoki, v. t. ////// upside down Huripokia te kohue. turn over the soil with a spade. HiirLrua, v. t turn inside out, Hurltua, v. i. turn the back to- wards one. 1. Hiini, n, 1. brushwood. 2. dof^.skin mat. huruhuru, n. coarse hair; brist- les; not properly used of hair of the head. huruhiiru-whenua, n. asplcnium luridum; a plant. n. Hutu, v. t. contract; draw in. Me huru mai te taiepa kia ho- horo ai te oti. Hurupa Hiirupi Huruniii, a. having long fur. n. fresh growth of young trees after land has been cleared. Hururoa, n. a shell-fish. Hiiriirua, u. 1. brushwood. 2. land covered with brushwood. Kua hururuatia te ara. Hiirutete, a. stunted. E kore e mataara ake te witi i te whe- nua; ka hurutete. HtltSt§, V. i. be tied up in a cor- ner of a bag &c. I roto i te putea e hutete ana. Huti, or huhuti, v. t. 1. hoist. 2. pull out of the ground. Hutia nga tarutaru. hutihuti, n. rope. hutinga, n, place cleared from weeds in preparation for a crop. Na Te Kauae tenei hutinga. Hiitiw&i, aca*na sanguisorbOy a plant. Htltoitdi, a. stunted^ growing weakhf. K hutoitoi ana nga huruhuru o to matcnga. Hatokg, n. winter. Hat6t6i, a. weak; stunM. Hu- totoi ana te tupu o te kapana. Hiituk&w&, n. metrosideros to- me n I osa, a tree. HUwiniwini, a. chilled; having the skin vaughenvd with cold. HtLwhS, n. thi^h. I. I, a parlicit u-i^i in terming indefinite pu-^i . n ts or aorists. 1 haere mai korua ki te aha? (186) for what did ijou come? II. I, prep. 1. simply transitive, serving to connect an active verb with its object Tatou ki te j auk aha i to tatou waka (20). 2, l'rater. K&t4a, n. right hand. Tu mai koe ki katau. K&tda, a. whitened. Ka pukai, ka katea ou wheua i te pare- kura i Bangiriri. katea, n. podocarpus dacrydioi- des, a tree. kStdatSa, a. not dose together; scattered. Kei te katcatea tonu nga ketc parareka i waenga. K&tdk&td, n. small mat to cover the shoulders. K&tStd, 1. V. t lengthen by add- ing a piece. Ka poto te tao, ka katetctia atu kia roa ai. 2. V. i. move forumrds, Te katete te aha. katete, n. I. piece joined to a spear to lengthen it. 2. large katete, a. large. Me te kuao a te tohora nei te katete (155). Kati, V. t. block up; close against any one; stop traffic upon any thoroughfare. kati, a. shut; closed. Kua kati te kuwaha. kakati, v. t. sting ; cattse to smart. Kei katia koe e te puwerewere. kakati, n. bundle; sheaf Kia torn kakati korari ka oti. kakati, v. t. tie up in bundles. katikati, v. i. champ; move the jaw as in eating. Ka kai ratou i reira; pau ana a nga hoa, katikati tonu a Tama (78). KSti, V. i. leave off; cease. A! Kati te turituri (65). whakakati, v. i. beg one to de- sist. kati, ad. well; so then; introduc- ing a conclusion. Kati, mo noho au i konei. K&ti&h6, n. portuguese man of war. K&tihi, n. stack of fern root, K&tipO, n. 1. venomous spider, 2. UHlSp. S[&tir&m&t&, int. expressing sur- prise. K&tirdh§, n. sore throat; quinsy, I. K&t6, or k&k&t6, v. t. pluck. Katohia etahi puwha maku. IL K&t5, a. flowing ; flood (of the tide only). £ kore tatou e puta i te tai kato. K&td&, a. all; the whole. Ka whakatika katoa nga tangata hokowhitu ki te kimi rakau (89). K&t6&, n. Icptospermum scopa- rium ; a tree. E[St6it6i, V. i. give a response. Kahore ano kia katoitoi ake, kia aha. K&t6r6, or kat6r§t6r§, a. glim- mering, dimly luminous. Te mea e katoretore mai ra, he tutac- whetu. 48 Katote — Kaukau. Katote, a. not fixed; displaced. Katua, n. 1. full grown animal or bird. Ka katuatia, ka tupu nga huruhuru. — Frequently used of the dam as opposed to the young. 2. stockade, or main fence of a pa, distinguished from the Vita' and 'pekerangi' which were outside, and also from the parakiri, which was inside. Kau, ad. 1. alone; per se; without appendage &c. Tu kau ana te tangata, the man was naked. He ipu takoto kau, an empty vessel. 2. only. Ko nga patu, he patu poto kau (90). — I rangona kautia e ia ki te huhu o te patu e haere iho ana ki tona angaanga (91). 3. just. Mutu kau ano ta ratou haka, tino katanga o Kae i kata ai (87). 4. without kindrance. Kihai i taea te korikori, hahau kau ana te patu (143). 5. to no purpose. A, tangi kau mai ki ana taonga, ki tana wahine (71). 6. Kahore kau, not at all. Kau, i. V. i. swim; wade. Ka kau ia, a ka u ki te kainga o te WHatuiapiti (164).— ii. v. t. 1. swim or wade across. Te moana i kauia e Hinemoa. 2. swim for. Kauia to tatou waka. kauanga, n. ford; crossing. kauanga-wai, the part of the leg above the ankle. kaukau, v. i. bathe, v. t. anoint the head. E kaukau ana a Maru i tona upoko. kaukauranga, n. bathing place. whakakau, v. t. make to swim. whakakau, n. charm to aid in swimming. Kaua, ad. (imperative or optative) not. Kaua e kotikotia ta tatou ika (22). Kauae, n. 1. jaw; chin. 2. wing of an army. 3. beam in a build- ing. Kauaemua, n. one'^s eldest brother or sister. Kauaeroa, n. 1. a fish; the same as hapuku. 2. party lying in ambush. Eauaetea, n. a kind of eel: when fullgrown it is called whakaau. Eauahi, n. a piece of wood upon which a stick is rubbed to pro- cure fire. Kauaka, ad. not (with imperatives &c.) — when used absolutely, do not; don'^tl Eauamo, n. litter ; bed arranged between two poles, to carry a sick person on. Kauanga, n. the star canopus; called also Autahi. See also under kau. Kauangawai, n. the part of the leg immediately above the ankle. Kauaua, n. hawk. Kauawhiwhiwhi, v. i. approxi- mate. Kauere, n. vitex littoralis ; a tree. kauere, a. crumpled; shrivelled. He kauere te tupu o te mara. Kauehii, a. turbid; muddy. He moana kauehu. Kauhoa, n. litter on which a per- son is carried. kauhoa, v. t. carry on a litter. Kauhoe v. i. swim. E kore ranei au e whiti ki te kauhoe? (132) Kauhou, n. line of ancestry. Ka hirihiria ki te kauhou o Hou- maitawhiti (127). Kauhoro, v. t. .scrape; rub with anything rough. I kauhorotia a Hoani e te rakau. Kauhiia, or kauhuahua, n. stringboard or horizontal support for the floor of a canoe. Kauika, n. heap. kauika, 1. v. i. lie in a heap. 2. V. t. lay in a heap. Kauikatia riwai. Kaukau, n. spear. See also under kau. Kauki — Kawai. 4d Kaiiki, u. ridge of a hill. kaurukiruki, a. smoky ; dusky. kaiiki, v. i. lie in a heap. E kauki i I te ata, i te inea e kaurukiruki mai ra te kai i te rua. j tonu ana te pouri. Kaumahaki, u. brace; buttress. Kauta, u. cooking shed. Kaiunatiia, n. 1. adult. 2 o/,hTuh. — Ta i te kawa. 1. remove the *tapu from a new building, part of the ceremony consisting in striking parts of the building with a branch of kawakawa. 2. open a new build- ing with any ceremony. Hence kawa, V. t. the same as ta i te kawa. Ka huihui NGatipo- rou ki to kawanga o to ratou whare, k^k§.w§., V. i. perspire. k&k§.wa, n. sweat. K&W&, n. heap. Me he kawa kamaka. Kfiw&i, n. I. shoot or branch of 4 50 Kawainga — Keh okeho. a gourd or other creeping plant. 2. pedigree; lineage. Takina ou kawai, kia mohiotia ai ou tupuna. 3. tentacula of cultle- Jisk. 4. loops or handles of a kete or maori basket. Kawainga, n. stars which imme- diately precede the dawn. Ka hapai nga kawainga o te ata. Kawaka, n. libocedrus doniana; a forest tree. Kawari, n. a shell fish. Kawariki, n. a plant. Eawatau, v. i. speak frequently of one''s intentions or expecta- tions. Kawatawata, a. 1. yearning. Ka- tae te kawatawata aroha i a au ki taku tamaiti. 2. increasing gradually from small beginnings. Kawatawata marire te putanga mai te hau. Eawau, n. graculus varius; cor- morant ; shag. E noho ana te tangata nei, me te kawau pu te ahna (138). Kawawa, n. palings of a fence. Kawe, V. t. 1. carry; convey; bring. Katahi te tangata ra ka kawea ki te wai e tona papa, ka tohia (17). 2. fetch. E ta, kawea atu tetehi wai moku (168). 3. induce; influence. He kawenga na te humarietanga o te WHaturapiti (164). 4. v.i. shew determination ; persevere. Te whawhaitanga i whawhai ai ; ka kawe tetehi, ka kawe tetehi (166). kawe, n. 1. handle. 2. straps by which a bundle is carried on the back. kawekawe, n. tentacula of a cuttle fish. E haere mai ana hoki nga kawekawe o te ta- niwha, e pehi ana i te waka ki raro (110). Kawei, n. for kawai, see kawai. Kaweka, u. ridge of a hill. kaweka, a. 1. long. Kaweka ana te tangata nei; me te ka- hika! 2. idling, Kei nga kai- nga e kaweka haere ana. 3. rambling; digressing. Aua e kawekaweka te korero. Ka WEN AT A, n. covenant. Eawenga, n. burden. See kawe. Kawerii, n. bait for cray fish. kaweru, v. t. bait or furnish with bait. Kawerutia nga taruke. Kawititanga, n. wrist. Kawiu, V. i. be shrunk. Katahi ka kawiu te ringaringa. Kawhaki, v. t. 1. remove by force. See kahaki. 2. draw out by stratagem. E hika ma, kawha- kina: mana tonu e whai. Com- pare manukawhaki. Kawhia, n. a fish. Kawhiu. n. a basket used in col- lecting paua. I. Ke, a. different; strange. He whare ke to matou ko ou ma- tua (97). ke, ad. 1. in or to a different place; in a different direction. Kei Taranaki ke ratou e noho ana. — I anga ke te roro ki te tonga. 2. at a different time; beforehand. Ko nga taura ano kua whiria ketia ra hoki, he rangi ke atu. 3. contrariwise ; differently to what one expected. Ko tutamure ke i haere mai, he mate hoki a Te Toare. 4. in a different character or ap- pearance, puta ke, or rere ke, altered. keke, a. in a different line, ma- tua keke, uncle or aunt. II. Ke, V. i. produce a sharp abrupt sound; crack; snap. keke, v. i. creak. keke, v. i. quack, as a duck. Kea, n. discharge from the nose. Keha, n. 1. turnip. 2. flea. Kehe, n. a fish. Kehokeho, a. very clear or trans- Kehua — ketoketo. 51 parent. Marama kehokeho te moana. KShua, n. ghost; spirit, A mo- dern word. Kei, ad. 1. that not; test. Kia ata tangi tatou, kei rongo mai aku hoa i patu i a au nei (97). 2. not. Kia manawanui; kei kainga ake i muri i a au (22). — Kei paruparu, kei aha, there is no mud whatever. 3. whilst still. Kia hohoro te haere, kei ao ana te ra. Kei, prep, (in present time). 1. at; on; in. He tangata kei te kainga, he kawenga ano tana: ko te kawenga, kei runga kei ton whare e takoto ana, ko ia kei ton nohoauga e noho ana (85). 2. with ; in possession of. \ Kei a au a Kauraati (102). — j Koia kei a koe , it is a you say ; — you have it. 3. in the act of. Kei te tunu kai mana (95). 4. with an adjective or neuter verb, to denote present | slate^ character^ ifuatily etc. Kei ' te ora ano au ^^65). 5. like. | Ko ona niho, kei te koi mat& (28). 6. (after verbs of motion) to. Heoi ka puta te tupua ra kei waho o tona rua (150). Kei, n. stem of a canoe &c. K6ia, V. t steal. Kdiwha, ad. 1 . before. Kia ho- 1 horo tc whariki i te whare, j keiwha puta mai tc manuhiri. I 2. whilst. Kia taria nga kai nei, keiwha noho nga langata. KSk&, 1. mentally deranged. 2. beside oneself with grief. Kek§, a. obstinate; stubborn. whakakeke, v. i. refusr to speak; shew oneself obstinate. K9k6, II, nrmptf. See also under ke. KC^kSao, n. overcast sky. Kekono, n. sea-lion . .seal. Kekerepo, a. blind. Kekerepo ana te kanohi. Kekererti, n. black wood- bug. Keko, a. squinting. He kanohi keko. whakakeko, v. i. look obliquely along an}'thing. Titiro whaka- keko, look askance. — Whaka- keko pu, take aim. Kenokeno, a. stinking; ojffensive. Kenokeuo ana te hauuga. Kengo, n. 1. night. 2. large white kumara. kengo, V. i. become night. Ka kengo te ra. K§6, n. peak or pointed summit. keokeo, a. peaked; pointed. Me haere ra te puke keokeo. whakakeo, a. rising to a peak. Kei te ngaru whakakeo e tere i Taupo. keokeonga, n. peak of a hill, KgrekSrS, a. inten.sely dark, often used adverbially to intensify other adjectives, as pouri kere- kere. KSr3k3rdw&i, n. numbness. KSr§ng§o, n. lump of earth. KSrSra, n. wood pigeon, KSr6t5ki, n. outer fence of a pa. K§r§ttl, n. 1. clod. 2. thwart of a canoe. KdrSwhSnua, n. yellow clay. Kdri, 1. V. t. dig. 2. v. i. rush along violently as wind &c. Kdr5, V. i. blink the eyes; wink. kero, a. 1. dead. 2. maimed. He ringa kero. kerokero, v. i. wink frequently. Kerokero auau tonu nga ka- nohi. K§td, n. basket made of strips of Hax &c. K§t§k§t6, \. i. e.t press surprise^ or sorrow. KSto, a. extinguished, Kua keto te ahi. ketoketo, n. 1. sick person. 2. maggot. 4* 52 Ketii — Kia. Ketii, 1. V. t. tui^n up with the snout. Kiia ketua taku mara e te poaka. 2. v. i. begin to ebb. Ka ketu te mata o te tai. Keu, V. t. move; and hence pull the trigger of a gun. Keua te pu. Keukeu, v. i. move oneself. Ta- koto tonu te turoro nei, kahore e keukeu. whakakeukeu, v. t. shake. Kewa, a. extinguished. Kua kewa te ahi. Kewha, a. unsettled; irresolute. E kewha haere ra i runga mau- nga. I. Ki, a. /////. Kua ki te ipu. kiki, a. 1. crowded. 2. confined; strait. kiki, whakakiki, v. t. instigate. Ka- tahi ia ka haere ki te whaka- kiki i tona iwi kia tikina mai taua iwi tutu nei kia whaka- ngaromia (118). II. Ki, 1. v.t. say; think. 2. v.i. speak; utter a ivord. Ui noa ki te poupou o te whare, Kaore te ki mai te waha. kiki, Y. i. speak. Korero noa ahau, kihai ia i kiki. III. Ki, ad. very. Turituri ki. Ki, prep. \. to. E haere ana koe ki hea? E haere ana ahau ki te whakataki i taku kotiro (49). 2. into. Ka whina atu ia ki te wai (111). 3. towards. E haere koe, ka titiro ki te puta- nga mai o te ra (110). 4. against; at; with. Ka tango mahara ia, ka whawhai mai ki ona tuakana(12). — Te makanga atu te maipi ki nga ngarara, ki nga mokai katoa, kua mate (96). — Ka haurangi te wahine nei, ka riri ki tana teina (139). 5. for ; in quest of Na Hotu- nui au i ngare mai ki te ngohi mana (141). 6. concerning; of; respecting. Ka korero mai a Hotunui ki te kino o tona hoa e noho nei ia (141). He whaka- paenga ki te rua kumara na ona hoa (136). 7. in conse- quence of. He tika tou pouri ki taku korero (141). 8. by means of; with. Tapahia ki te toki (64). 9. at; with; on; in. Ka noho a Tuau ki te kei (1 1 1). — He aha ra tatou te moe tahi ai ki a ia? (11) — E hoe koe, na, e rua ki roto, e rua ki waho (111). — Ka mutu ki te wai, kei uta (86). 10. ac- cording to. Ki tana whakaaro hoki, he wahine pai ia (139). 11. in the opinion of Ki a Tangaroa, me tomo te pa: ki a Rangitu, me tuki ata (90). •12. in the event of Ki te kata koutou i a au, ka mate rawa ahau (29). 13. simply transi- tive, connecting the verb with its object. Ka tango tetehi ki te maipi, me tetehi; ka tango ano a Hatupatu ki te maipi (97). Kia, ad. or conj. 1. to denote a wish or proposition. Kia ata haere tatou (150). Lest us go slowly. — that. Katahi ia ka mahara kia tango maminga ia i taua kainga (79). 2. to de- note a purpose or effect, that. Katahi ka peia atu ia kia haere atu. — He aha i waiho ai te ma- nuhiri kia karanga ana? (168) When followed by ai it denotes an ulterior purpose, in order that. Me whakarite nga hoe kia rite rawa, kia tangata ai tatou te puta ki waho (169). 3. to mark the relation between the subject and some future time or event. Kia rua nga po ki muri nei ka ara te marama. — ■ Kia ahiahi ka puta ake ai? Will he come up in the even- Kiaka — kirikiri. 53 ing ? Sometimes it may be ren- dered by until. Kaua e koti- kotia ta tatou ika ; engari waiho kia tae atu au ki te tohunga (22). Sometimes by when, Tai- hoa tatou e haere ki reira; hei te ngahuni, kia rupeke te kai ki te hapoko, kia takakau ( 1 89). 4. in negative sentences, after kahore, kore or hore. Kahore kia po rua. — Kaliore matou i tapoko ki te ngahere, kore kia iti, kore kia rahi. 5. in insti- tuting a comparison, kia penei te korahi o to tatou takotora- nga, the place where we lay was as large as this. Kiak&, n. calabash. Ki&n5, ad. not yet: (only in past time). Kiano taku mahi i oti noa. Kiato, n. thwart of a canoe. Kiekie, ii. freycinetia Banksit ; a climbing plant. Kih^, V. i. pant. Tu ana te kiha a tou tangata. Kih&i, ad. not; (only in pa»i ntnL with i). Kihai ano i taro kua mate (160). Kiliikihi, n. a kind of locust or cicada. Kiki, a. silenced by argument, Kiki, kikl, see under Ki. Kikipord, n. two pieces of tvood with which time is beaten to a song. Kikimo, see under kimo. Kikini, sec under kini. Kiklwa, see under kiwa. Kikd, or kikokiko, n. 1. flesh. 2. person : (contemptuously). He kiko whakarawaka, a lazy ffllnw ; a rag a bond. whakakikokiko. nice whakakikokiko, sham sleep. Kikoliung&j n. gangrene. Kikopiiku, n. 1. part of the arm between the shoulder and the elbow 2. warrior; brave man. ! Kikorangi, n. blue sky. I Kikowhiti, n. forearm. Kimi, n. calabash. Kimi, V. t. seek ; look for. He aha tau e kimi mai nei? I Kimo, Y. i. wink. kikimo, V. i. keep the eyes firmly closed. \ kimokimo, t. i. wink frequently. K111&, n. echinus or sea urchin. KIn&ki, n. food which is eaten along with other food. Ka pau nga pata kanga hei kinaki mo te koura. kinaki, v. t eat one kind of food with another. Kinakitia ka- pana ki te ika. Elni, or kikini, v. t. 1. nip; pinch. 2. pinch off. Kinitia mai tetahi wahi te torori na ki a au. whakakini, v. i. wink significant- ('/» 01* ^"'^ '"» intimation with the eyes. He korero maminga nana; i whakakini mai hoki ona kanohi, moku kia noho- puku. Kin6, a. evil; bad; hateful. kino, ad. with ill usage. I hacro noa atu nga hereliere, ehara i te mea i toia kinotia e te pa- keha. kino, V. t. dislike; hate. E kore oti koe e kinongia, ina penatia tau mahi? whakakino, v. t. pronounce bad; treat with contempt. Kiokio, n. 1. twenlyfifth day of the moon^s age. 2. lomaria pro- cera; a fern. Ki6rS, n. ;v//,- mousf. Kirea, n. land exhausted by frr- qucnt cropping. Kirehe, n. dog. Kiri, n. skin ; bark. Ehara i to tu-a-kiri te tangata nana i inoi atu; kahore, na te puku nui. kirikiri, n. gravel. 54 KipikSpuni— Koaha. Kirikopimi, n. a kind of eel. Kiripaka, n. flint -^ quartz. Kiritai, n. space immediately out- side the fence of a pa. Kiritea, a. ivhiteskinned. He pa- keha ia; ina hoki he kiritea. Kititoua, n. wart; excrescence on the skin. Kiriuka, a. unflinching. I whaka- roiigo kiriuka etahi. Kiriwai, n. inner skin. Kita, ad. tightly; fast. Mau kita taua maia i ngataura a taua hunga. Kite, V. t. 1 , see ; know ; perceive. Kua kite mai tana wahine i a ia e haere atu ana (118). 2. flnd out; discover. Ka rapua e ratou he tikanga hei mami- ngatanga ma ratou i a Kae, a ka kitea (37). whakakite, v. t. reveal ; disclose. Kiwa. whakakikiwa, v. i. keep the eyes firmly closed. Ka whakakikiwa ona kanohi i te mamae. Kiwei, n. loop or handle of a bas- ket. Hapainga ki te kiwei. Kiwi, n. apteryx; a bird, kahu- kiwi, garment covered with kiwi feathers. whakakiwi, y. i. look aside. Ka whakakiwi nga kanohi i runga i te peke. I. K6, a particle used before proper names and personal pronouns, and also before common nouns when they are preceded by te or any of its compounds, to, toku, ta matou &c. 1. to give emphasis, and hence frequently to denote the pre- dicate. Ko koe tonu te wai i haere mai ai ahau (169). Ko taku potiki te tangata nei (17). 2. to direct attention to the subject about which something is about to be said. Ko Ma- ketu pa, e tu kau ana (81). Ko te haerenga mai o Paoa, i haere mai i runga i a Kahu- nunu (184). 3. to specify particularly what has been already alluded to in a more general way; and so also to indicate or enumerate the individuals signified by a dual or plural pronoun. Tera ano tetahi pa nui onamata, ko Maungawhau (166). — NGa ingoa nga waka nei na, ko te Arawa, ko Tainui, ko Ma- tatua, ko Takitimu, ko Kura- haupo, ko Tokomaru, ko Ma- tawhaorua (69). — Ko Rauka- tauri ratou ko Raukatamea, ko Itiiti, ko Rekareka (36). II. Ko, prep. 1. to. Ko hea koe e haere na? 2. at. Ko reira au tu ai, kia tae ake ano koe. I. Ko, n. a wooden implement for digging or planting, sometimes used as a weapon of war. Ka werohia ki te ko. ko, or koko, v. t. dig or plant with a ko. Me koko aku ti- naku. — 'Rahirahi, ko : matotoru, haruru tu.' koanga, n. sowing time. Take koanga; whakapiri ngahuru. II. Ko, n. girl, used only in ad- dressing. E ko! — E ko ma! III. Ko, n. 1. yonder place. E haere ana ahau ki ko, i a Rewa ma. 2. distant point of time. A ko ake nei, hereafter. IV. Ko, V. i. put out the lips in contempt. Ko ana nga ngutu. I. Koa, glad; joyful. Ka koa te iwi ra ki te kai mana (142). II. Koa, ad. intensive. 1. indeed. Kihai koa i taro, ka puta atu ki te tana a TJenuku raua ko Toi (66). 2. in entreaty. E hoa, kau mai koa ki konei ("120). He aha koa? what matters it? Koa, see kowa. Koae, see kowae. Koaha, a. abortive; shed before KSakar-Kohe. 55 maturity. He koaha te witi nei. K5&k&, n. 1. calabash. 2. coarse mat, made of flax leaves. Koanu, n. cold. Koangaumu, n. charm for depriv- ing one's enemies of strength. He ika koangaumu, a fish made use of in the ceremony of *pure- waka*. I taona te ika koanga- umu, ma nga tangata nana te waka e kai. KQangi, a. cool. Engari a konei, e koangiangi ana te hau. koangi, n. diarrhwa. Koao, koaoao, see kowao. Koara, v. i. be split open. Kua koara te rakau nei. Koar§, n. a tree. koareare, n. root of raupo. Koaro, a. inverted; turned right round; inside out ; upside down, Huri koaru, turn inside out. See also under Kowaro. Koat&, n. spy-glass. KOHu, n. graculus varius ; shag. kO&u&u, n. a kind of musical in- strument, played with the nose. K6e, pron. thou. Dual, korua. Plural, koutou. After the pre- positions a, o, ma, mo, na, no, ta, to, koe becomes *u\ and the preposition and pronoun are written as one word, thus, au, tou, &c. K6e, k6ek6e, v. i. scream as a bird. whakakoekoe, or whakoekoe, V. t. ticlile. K6e&e, n. a fish. Koe&t&, n. Jirst sprouts of fern after the stalks have been burnt. KdehopSrda, n. cuckoo ; the same as koekoea. Ko§k§, n. 1. old man: adult. 2. grasshopper. Koehoea, n. larger cuckoo. Koeo, a. 1. off'msire in smell. Kua pirau pea te kai nei, ina ka puta te koeo. 2. wasting. He mate koeo. Koera, a. 1. broken, (of clouds). Ka koera te I'augi; meake ka rangi ataahua. 2. fearful; frightened. Koero, u. sickness. K6§t6eto, n. dry twigs. Tera he koetoeto, hei mea kora ma ta- tou. Koha, n. 1. parting instructions. Tenei taku koha ki a koe, kei hopu tou ringa ki te aka taepa, engari ki te aka matua (48). — Heoi te koha a taua tangata i t6 matenga, kia pai tatou te noho. 2. respect y regard. He koha ki a Te WHerowhero i whakarerea ai te pakanga. 3. present ; gift. He koha tena I naku ki a koe. 4. endeavour; effort. Kia puta te koha. 5. deficiency. E wha te roa o te rakau ; kahore he koha. 6. .770/ ; scar. kohakoha, a. diminished. Ka ko- hakoha nga kai o te rua. K5haha, v. t. prepare fish for drying by removing the hones. kohaha, n. fish with the bones removed, ready for drying, KOh&i&, n. girl, K5h&md, n. back of the head. KOh&ng&, n. nest. KOh&ng&-w§k&, a. disordered; ragged. Kua hoangaweka nga raupo i te hau. KOh^i, v. t. mash. Koharitia nga kupana. kohari, n. mess of mashed food. koharihari, v. i. be in pain. E koharihari ana a roto toku puku. Kohatu, see kowhatu. Kohau, v. t. speak frequently of what one intends or expects. K6h§, n. 1 . passiflora tetrandra ; a climbing plant. 2. dysoxylon 56 Koheka — Kola. spectabile^ a tree, called also kohekohe. Koheka, see kowheka. Kohengi, or kohengihengi, n. vnnd. Ka tika te kohengihengi e ihi mai nei. Kohera, see kowhera. Kohere, v. t. pound fern root ijito a cake. Kei te kohere aruhe a Tatua ma. kohere, n. cake of pounded fern- root. Koheriki, n. \. angelica roscefolia, a plant. 2. bidens pilosa. Koherii, n. a fish. Kohl, or kohikohi, v. t. collect; gather. kohi, n. ivasting sickness. Kohia, n. passiflora tetrandra, a climbing plant. Kohi-a-kiko, n. wasting sickness. Kohihi, n. a bird. Kohikohiko, v. t. do irregularly, a bit here and a bit there. Kati te kohikohiko: me whaka- tepe atu i konei. Kohikii, n. 1. a kind of mat. Ka takoto nga taonga mo Paoa, ko te pueru, ko te kohiku (190). 2. spit to roast birds on. 3. reflected light. Kohine, n. girl. Anana! ta te kohine pai (170). Kohoho, n. solanum aviculare, a shrub. Kohoi, a. thin; lean. Kohoka, n. spit for roasting birds. Kohoperoa, n. cuckoo. I. Kohii, n. fog ; mist. II. Kohu, or kokohu, a. some- what concave; bent or warped so as to become concave. Engari a konei, e koangiangi ana te hau, tena ko tua, he kohu rawa. kohukohu, n. 1. chickweed. 2. a kind of moss. 3. a kind of seaweed. kohu, Y. t. cook in a hangi any article contained in a hollow vessel. III. Kohii. kohukohu, v. t. curse. Part of the 'pure' ceremony for a newly made canoe was called Vhaka- maraa i te kohukohu ruahine' (70). Kohiia, n. 1. maorioven. 2. boiler. Kohiie, n. boiler. kohuehue, a. fat. Kohuhti, n. a tree. kohukohu, see under kohu. I. KohumuhiirQU, a. shorn close. Kohumuhumu kau ana te mahu- nga Te Puri. II. Kohumuhumu, v. i. 1. whisper. 2. murmur. Kohungahiinga, n. infant. Kohumu, n. land from which the fern &c. has been burnt off. Kohiira, v. i. appear above ground, .sprout up. E kohura ake aua te tupu te riwai i raro i te whenua. Kohiirangi, n. a parasitical plant. Kohure, v. t. 1. turn up what is beneath the surface. Ka kohu- rea te oneone ki te puka. 2. take out the bones of birds &c. Kohurehurea a tatou kukupa. kohure, a. conspicuous. Ka ko- hure a Paoa. kohure, n. firewood. I. Kohuru, n. sapling. II. Kohuru, V. t. 1. murder. Ka kohurutia a Wahieroa e Matu- kutakotako, ka mate (54). 2. ill treat grievously. E aue haere ana mo te kohurutanga e ana tamariki (13). Kohutiihutu, n. fuchsia excorti- cata, a tree. I. Koi, a. sharp. koinga, n. point; edge. whakakoi, v. t. sharpen. WHaka- koia taku toki ki to hoanga. II. Koi, conj. for kei, see kei. Koia, ad. 1. expressing assent, KoiatS — koko. 57 /■/ is so. 2. interrogatively, ex- pressing surprise, indeed? — is it so? **E hoa, ko Takakopiri". "Koia?" "Ae, kua kite au: i tae ake ano ki Hauraki ra" (147). 3. in interrogative sen- tences, giving emphasis to a question. Ko taku hoa koia tau e patai mai na? (147) 4. for ko ia, // is that. Ko ia tonu ta maua haku ki nga ta- ngata. Our ground of complaint against the men is just that. — Koia ahau te haere ai, That is the reason why I did not go. Koiat&, V. i. throw up a new shoot. Kdlhi, a. verandah. kOihiihi, a. reduced to splinters. Kua koihiihi te rakau. koihiihi, v. i. thrill with fear. Kdik&r&, n. Jinger. K6ing&, n. a kind of shark. See I also under koi. K5mg6, a, yearning ; fretting. E koingo ana toku ngakau ki taku hoa ka riro. Koipuipu, a. 1 . foot sore : blister- ed. 2. overcast with clouds. Ka koipuipu te rangi. \ I. Kdiri, V. t. plant potatoes &c. II. K6iri, V. i. bend the body. koiriiri, v. i. writhe. Sl0ir6, n. cong^ eel. whakakoiro, v. t. make crooked j or tortuous. \ K6it&r§k§, n. Sew Zealand quail ; rolumir Novw Zealandiw. \ KOiwi, n. 1. skeleton. lie anal koiwi (155). 2. strength. 3. intensity. To te mate koiwi! 4. person; fellow (contemp- tuously). Te koiwi kurapa! the idle fellow! k6k&, n. a coarse mat. I. KdkS, n. mother. I I . KOka, a, dried up. * Kua ko- katia nga kumara. K5kako, n. colla'as cinerea, or 3>//' Zealand crow. Kokari, n. new potatoes. Kokau, V. t. plant in ordinary soil. Ka koia te kumara ki ro oneone, kaore he kirikiri, he kokau tena. kokaii, a. roughly made, unfinish- ed. Ta matou waka, he ko- kau; ta koutou, he mea ata tarai. K6k§, V. i. move forwards. Ka whanatu ka haere, ka koke te waewae. K6ke, V. i. creak. E5kSk§, n. mussels taken from the shell. Kokeke, v. i. wind about. Ko- keke atu kokeke mai nga piko te awa. KSk8w&, V. i. wander. I. Kdki, u. 1. angle; corner. 2. small canoe. 3. stomach of a shark, used as a bottle for oil. Kokinga-waru, food of indiffe- rent qualify, such as is eaten in time of scarcity. II. Koki, V. i. move ahead as a canoe. KOki, v. i. sing in early morn- ing. Ka koki te manu ka haere maua. KOkihi, V. i. shoot; begin to grow. kokihi, n. 1. tetragonia cxpansa, or Mew Zealand spinach . 2 . bottle made of .seaweed. KOkiiij i. V. t. dart; throw or push any long body end fore- most. Kokiritia te hoe ki uta. ii. V. i. dart or rush forward; charge. Kokiri! kokiri! kokiri, n. I. spear. 2. body of men rushing forwards. Tokoiwa tc kokiri a Ilapata, kotahi te- kau ta Piki kokiri. 3. a fish. K6k6, n. shovel; .spoon. Te koko o te pokohiwi , the shoulder- blade. koko, V. t. take up with a shovel 58 kokonga — konakitanga. or spoon, Kokoa nga waro ki roto ki nga kete. kokonga, n. corner. whakakoko, v. i. move sideways. WHakakoko ana te haere o te tamaiti kei kitea tana aporo. Koko, a. rotten. Koko, V. i. make a rumbling noise. Koko ana toku raanawa. Eoko, n. 1. prosthemadera Novce ZelandicBy a bird. 2. ?iet for catching kehe. Kokohu, see under kohu. Kokomako, n. anthornis mela- neiira, a bird. Kokomo, see under komo. Kokomiika, n. veronica of seve- ral species. Kokopa, see under kopa. Kokopi, see under kopi. Kokopu, n. 1. a small fresh wa- ter fish. 2. a kind of eel. Kokoreke, n. coturnix Novae Zelandiw ; a kind of quail. Ko- koreke pu-ohorere. Kokoru, see under koru. Kokota, n. a bivalve shellfish. Kokoti, see under koti. Kokouri, n. haziness caused by- smoke &c. Kokowai, n. earth from which red ochre is procured by burning ; red ochre. Koma, n. 1. a kind of stone. 2. axe head, or other implement made of this stone. Koma, a. pale; whitish. Komae, a. shrunk; blighted. Ka komae noa te tupu o te kai. komae, n. potatoes &c. withered in the sun. Komama, v. i. run or fall through a small aperture. Komanga, n. elevated stage for storing food upon. Eomaoa, a bare of skin ; ulce- rated. He komaoa kei te ma- ngai. ^ Komaru, n. 1. sun. 2. sail. Komau, v. t. keep fire alight, by- burying it in embers. Me ko- mau ta taua ahi. K6m.e, v. i. 1. move the Jaw as in eating ; close the mouth or lips. Te komenga o nga ngutu (153). 2. take food; eat. kome, n. food. Komeke, n. pounded fern-root. E ruke ana i te komeke ki ta- haki (190). Komeme, a. 1 burst inwards; stove in. 2. thin and yielding; easily compressed as a calabash &c. 3. contracted by cold. Ka whahakomemetia te ringa. Komiri, V. t. 1. rub with the An- gers. 2. sort. Komiritia a ta- tou purapura. Komirom^iro, n. a bird. Komo, or kokomo, v. t. thrust in ; put in ; insert. Ka komo- tia te tata, a Turi, ka ehua te wai (111). kokomo, n. contribution by way of acknowledgment on the part of people to whom a hakari is given. Komore, n. ornament for the ankle. Komuhumuhu, see kohumu- humu. Komurii, v. t. 1. rub ojff. Komu- rua nga tupu, nga weuweu. 2. make supple by rubbing. Komiitii, v. t. surprise; intercept. Kia tupato: meake ra komutua mai tatou. komutumutu, n. a fish. I. Kona, n. 1. that place, near or connected with the person spoken to. 2. thai time. 3. that place. II. Kona, n. lower part of the abdomen (128). konakona, v. t. smell. Konae, n. turning in a path. Konaki, v. i. feel affection for one who is absent. konakitanga, n. corner. Konana — kopakopa. 59 Konlina, a. slanting out of the perpendicular. Ka poupou te j aho, ka rere te kupenga: ka konana, e kore e rere. Konao, n. 1. maori oven. 2. ilinrrhfra. Konapii) a. shining. Ka konapu mai, whero tonu. KonatunHtii, v. t. mix up. Ko- natunatua te huka ki roto ki te paraoa. KonSi, n. 1. this place. 2. this time. 3. this circumstance. K6nek§, v. i. slide along. WHa- katakotoria he rango kia ko- neke ai te waka. koneke, n. sledge. konekeneke, n. mat with thrums made of strips of the flax leaf scraped only at intervals. K6nSnd, n. stranger; wanderer, person belonging to a tribe which has been broken up and scat- tered. K5n§n§hu, a. resembling dust. He ua konenehu. K9n3w&, n. song heard in a dreanij regarded as a had omen. Te 1. he waiata i te po, he lie. Konowha, v. i. 1. clo.%e the eyes gradually^ the eflfect of drow- siness. Ka konewhanewha aku kanohi. 2. wander. K5ni, V. i. rnot^ ; alter one's po- sition. Me koni mai ki tenei taha. Kdnia, n. canoe. K5nihi, a. 1. stealthy; avoiding observation. E whakataka ana te ara koni hi o Te Puhihuia ratou ko ona hoa (170). 2. murdering by stealth. Man tonu te konihi, te kohuru a Wai- kato. K6nd, n. itmall basket for cook- ed fond, KOndhi, a. 1 . feeling strong af- fection for an absent relative or friend. Ka puta mai te kono- hiuohi aroha o te tuahine ki a ia (32). 2. longing. He konohi no raua kia aAve raua te whaka- porangitia. Konohi, the same as kanohi. See kanohi. Kondni, a. crooked. Koniii, n. thumb. KSnumi, v. t. fold; double, Konga, n. live coal, kongakonga, a. crumbled into fragments. kongakonga, n. crumb; frag- ment. Kongahu, n. stone. K6ngang§, v. i. blaze. E kore e kongange te kauaku. (R.) kongange, a weak. Eongangi, v. i. creak. WHaka- rongo iho ki nga papa o te waka ra, ka kongangi (177). EOng§h§, a. feeble; without strength, Kongehe noa iho tona liaere i te kawenga a te wehi. EOngSngS, a. sinking ; exhausted. He mate kongenge, a death from disea.se as opposed to a violent death. KOngio, V. i be shrivelled up. Kua kongio ke to kapana. KOngtl, a. cloudy. He rangi ko- ngu. kongHngtl, n. small kumara. EOngunu, a. broken half through. Kongutu-awa, n. mouth of a river. E6p&, or kdk5pS,, a. 1. bent. Kua kokopa noa te taupoki. 2. crippled; lame. 3. of the wan- ing moon. Kihai i kopa te ma- rama, kua kitea tona hapu (148). kdp&, or kop&ng^, n. 1. angle; corner. Tenei ka noho i te kopa whare. 2. (kopa) native oven. kopakopa, a. wrinkled; creased. 60 kopakopa — Kopipi. He kopakopa nga rau o tenei otaota. kopakopa, n. a species of plan- tugo. whakakopakopa, v. t. fold up. Kopae, a. 1. lyvtg sideways, or broadside on. 2. having the en- trance at the side. Ko tona whare, he whare kopae (38). kopae, n. 1. sma/l basket for cooked food. 2. house orna- mented with carved work. Kopaki, V. t. wrap; envelop, kopaki, u. husk; envelope. kopakipaki, n. maize. Kopako, n. back of the head. Kopana, i. v. t. 1. push. Kopana aua te ringaringa a tera ki a au. 2. incite; urge. ii. v. i. feel a desire. Katahi ka ko- pana ake te hinengaro ki te kai. Kopani, v. t. 1. shut to. Ko- pania mai te taupoki. 2. shut up; close up. 3. enclose; shut in. Kopaopao, n. a kind of eel. Kopapa, n. 1. small canoe. 2. sledge. Kopara, n. a bird; the same as korimako. Iti te kopara, kai takirikiri ana i runga i te ka- hikatea. Kopare, v. t. shade or veil the eyes. kopare, n. shade for the eyes; veil . Koparii, a. crushed; mashed. Kua koparu nga kapana. Kopata, n. dew. kopatapata, a. falling in drops. Kope, or kopepe, a. in a soft mass; pulpy. He mea penu nga kapana kia kope ai. kope, n. pistol; revolver. Kopehupehii, y. t. strike down; smash. Akuanei koe tikina atu ai, kopehupehua ai. Kopeka, v. t. 1. deceive. 2. ob- struct. 3. render useless; spoil. whakakopekapeka, v. t. hinder with unnecessary trifles. Kopeke, a. cold. Kopekope, v. i. shake in the wind. E kopekope ana nga ra o te poti. Kopenupenu, v.t. crumple; crush. I Kopepe, V. t. pluck. Na wai taku ' hue i kopepe? Kopepe, see under kope. Kopere, n. sling, consisting of a string attached to a stick. kopere, v. t. 1. sli/ig. 2. throw violently. Ka koperea te waka e te au. Kopeti. Ka mahi ia i te whanake, kei te whakakopeti mai, ka taia he mahanga. Kopi, a. doubled together by means of a hinge or joint; shut; closed. kokopi, V. t. double together two parts of anything by means of a hinge; shut. Kopia iho te taupoki te pouaka. Kopia, n. kernels of karaka or corynocarpus longata, prepared for eating. Kopiha, n. 1. pit for storing po- tatoes or taro. 2. pool of wa- ter. Kopiko, V. i. go alternately in opposite directions. Kopiko mai, kopiko atu, kahore matou i kite i te ara. kopikopiko, a. going alternately in opposite directions. He ara kopikopiko. Kopio, a. aback; filled with wind from ahead. Kopipi, a. 1. weak; frail. He kopipi te rakau na: kei whati. / 2 flaccid; withered. Kahore e pai te hue na, he kopipi. 3. timid. He ngakau kopipi; e kore e manawanui. Kopipiri - Korapa. 61 Kopipiri, a. crowded close to- gether. Kopiri, a. crippled; lame. Kopiro, V. t. duck: put another pei-son's head under water. Kua kopiroa te tamaiti e tona tua- kana. kopiro, a 1. steeped in water. He kaanga kopiro. 2. on the same level ; without rapids. Ka liaere atu ki te mutunga mai o te tutanga kopiro o te wai nei. Kopito, II. pain in the abdomen. Kdpiupiu, V i. swing; oscillate; move to and fro. Kopiupiu noa aua te waka i te akinga a te ngaru. K5p6r6, a. truncated: having the end cut ojf abruptly. He waka koporo, a square sterned canoe. KOpfL, n. 1. belly; womb, Ka nui haere te mamae ki tona kopu (127). 2. a kind of mat used as an inner garment. Ko te kahakaha i waho, ko te kopu i roto rawa. Kopu, a. \. full; Jilled up. Kaoro i tikctike ako te koputauga o te rua kai. 2. blistered. KOpua, a deep. KOpuha, n. small house. KdpQhuri, n. a fish; the same as kuhawai. Kdpuk&, a. spongy; shrivelled. KOpukS, V. t. throw up the soil into A///ofX* preparatory to plant- in<,'. KQpukil, n. a closely woven mat. KQpuni, a. in a body; all to- gether. Kia kopuni te haere, kaua c takitahitia. KOpapangawhS, n. bulrush. KOpaputai, n. sponge. KOpur&, n. 1. potatoes or other tubers used for seed. 2. old person. 3. a plant. KOpurii, or kOpurupiiru, a. fusty ; mouldy. Kopuriia, a. having the belly swollen ; dropsical. KSpiita, a. blistered. koputaputa, n. a lish. Koptitoitoi, a. moist: spongy. I Koputotara, n. a fish. Kopiitiiputu, v. t. put up in heaps. I Koputuputua nga kai ma te ma- nuhiri. KQptiwai, a. watery. He kino en a riwai, he kopuwai. 1 Kopuwai-totara, n. porcupine fish. ! K6ra, n. small fragment, or speck j of anything. Hokilioki tonu I tona ringa ki te mirimiri i te ' kora i roto i tona kanohi. 2. spark. 3. fire ; fuel. , whakakorakora, v. t. scatter ; distribute in small fragments. I WHakakorakorangiatetahi walii I ma matou. ' Eorae, v. t. anoint with red ochre I and oil. K5r&h&, a. 1. extended; open, I 2. shallow. Ho tai koraha to ' Manawaora. koraha, n. open country. Kdrahi, a. large; extensive, Kia penei te korahi o to tatou ta- kotoranga. korahirahi, a. 1. thin. 2. some- what transparent. He taewa korahirahi (of young potatoes). K0r&h5r&h6, n. unfledged young birds. KOr&kd, n. albino. korakorako, a. having iightrolour- ed spots on the skin ; freckled (181). Kor&m&, n. a shell fish. K5r&xnur&mu, v. t. eat greedily, Kaua c kuramuramutia ta tatou kai. KOr&ng&, V. t. raise : lift up {lb 5). korangaranga, v. i. 1. ache: be in pain. E korangaranga ana taku manawa. 2. feel annoyed or vexed. KOrapS., a. di.sr/uieted with fear. 62 koraparapa — Korimako. Ka rere mai te tangata ki te wero, korapa noa toku ngakau koraparapa, a. crossgrained ; twisted. Korapii, v. i. shine. Te mea e korapu mai ra ko oiia mata j28).^ Korara, i. v. i. go in different directions ; disperse I haere to- puni tonu, kahore i korara. ii. V. t. beg. Korari, v. t. pluck or tear off a twig &c. korarirari, v. t. pull to pieces. He aha te rakau i korariraria ai? korari, 1. Jlower stem of phor- mium tenax or N. Z. flax. 2. the plant itself, phormium tenax. Eorau, n. 1. cyathea medullar is, a large tree fern. 2. young shoots of ferns. 3. turnip or other similar root. I. Kore, ad. 1. not. E kore korua e ngaro ki kona (46). — Kore kau noa ake i kitea tetahi waro (158). 2. used as a suffix to nouns, and thus forming ad- jectives, signifying in each case the absence of the quality denot- ed by the noun. WHakaaro- kore , thoughtless. — ngoi-kore, weak &c. korenga, n. non-existence; ab- sence ; Jion-occurrence &c. He kitenga no matou i te korenga o te kai ki taua wahi i ma- hue ai. whakakore, v. t. 1. cause not to be. 2. deny. II. Kore, a. broken. Kua kore ke nga papa o te whare. kore, n. fracture, comp. pakore. Korea, n. small canoe. Korehe, n. open country. Koreirei, n. root of raupo. Koreke, n. coturnix Novcb Zelan- dicB, or iV. Z. quail, called also ko koreke. He manu oho oho te koreke. Korekore, n. twenty frst and tiventy second days of the inoon\s age. Korekoreko, a. dazzled. Ka ko- rekoreko oku kanohi i te ra. Korengarenga, a. 1. overflowing. Korengarenga tonu mai te wai ki te taha o te kaainga. 2. soft Koreparepa, v. t. split. Kore- parepangia te papa. Korepo, n. shallow swamp, koreporepo, a. swampy. Korere, n. gutter; tap; funnel or anything to guide the pas- sage of liquids. Korero, v. t. 1. tell; say. He aha ta tenei tangata e korero nei? 2. address. Korerotia ta- tou, e nga rangatira e noho nei; korerotia tatou ! — He tangata korero-whenua, a peace-maker, said of a chief of great influence. 3. V. i. speak; talk. Ka whaka- korerotia ano e ia, a kua nanu te reo (42). korerorero, v. i. talk much, or frequently. Koreto, v. i. trickle down ; weep. Korewa, a. drifting about; adrift. Hi korewa tonu ai au, kaore e tukua te punga ki raro. I. Kori, n. 1. native oven. 2. small net. II. Kori, or korikori, v. i. 1. move ; wriggle. 2, bestir one- self. Ka tae atu te karere, ka- tahi ka kori te rau-ma-whitu ra (157). korikori, n. a species of ranun- culus. whakakorikori, v. t. move ; shake. Korihi, v. i. sing as birds. korihirihi, n. tide. (R.) Korimako, n. anthornis mela- neura, a bird. K5ripi — Koropehii. 63 Koripi, V. t. cut. I koripi ke mai te toki ki toku waewae. koripi, n. diarrh(ra. koripi, a. vagabond. He porangi te tangata ra, ka tahi; he ko- ripi, ka rua; he kurapa, ka toru. Korirangi, n. 1. a mat ornament- ed with white thrums of un- scrapedllax. 2. untwisted thrums of a mat. KQripi, n. fruit of stunted growth. KOriro, v. i. sprout. E koriro ake ana te tupu o te kapana. koriroriro, n. a bird. K6riti, a. cautious. Kia koriti, kei rokohanga e te kohuni. KOritd, n. heart, or young un- expanded leaves of a plant. I. K5r5, n. 1. noose. Nga koro o te rore. 2. fifth day of the moons age. Korokoro, a. loose; slack. Koro- koro noa nga tau o te kakahu. korokoro, n. 1. throat. 2. lam- prey. whakakoro, v. t. endeavour; in- tend. WHakakoro noa matou, te taea Patangata. LL K5r6, n. person ; man. E pehea ana te koro nei? K6r6ahu, n. steam. Koroai, see korowaL K6rd&m&, n. a small fish. KdrdhSwini, n. cold. K5r5hdkd, n. old man. K6r6hQ, n. steam. K6r6huha, v. i. boil. K6r6i, n. fruit of podocarpus da- rri/dioides. K6r6ing6in6, a. puling; whim- pering. He tangi koroingingo. Kdrdirangi, a. wandering. K5r6ir6i, v. i. wander idly. He aha tau e koroiroi nei, tc haerc ki te mahi r whakakoroiroi, v. t hinder. He aha tau ka whakakoroiroi nei i te mahi? I K8r6iti, n. little finger^ or toe. I K6r6ke, n. person : fellow, ex- I pressing familiarity or contempt. Heoi, noho ana te koroke me taua wahine (135). j Koroki, i. v. i. speak ; talk. ii. V. t speak to ; tell. Nana ahau j i koroki ki te haere. Korokio, n. a species of veronica. Koromahanga, n. noose. Kia ngaro rawa te upoko ki roto ki te koromahanga nei (19). K6r6niahu, n. steam. Me te ko- romahu kapura te ahua. K5r5ni&ki, a. suppressed; stifled (of feelings). whakakoromaki, v. t. suppress one's feelings. K6r6in&tiia, n. thumb; great toe, KdromaiingaungS., n. barnacle. Kdromdkd, a. /// loops, coils, or kinks. whakakoromeke, v. t. coil or liHtp up. K6r6m§ng§m§ng§, a. crumpled; curled up. K5r6mikd, n. veronica of several species. koromiko-t&r&ng&, n. yeronioa parviflora. K5r6nae, v. i. 1. lie broadside on, Kua koronae te waka ki uta. 2. V. t. drink out of the hand. koronae, n. stile. Kdr5ng&tS, v. i. promise without performing. "Ko Kauanuhea, korongata ki te haere." K6r6ngeng§, a. benumbed. K6r6p&, u. food offered to the atua and eaten by the tohunga in the ceremony of 'pure'. K6r6pana, i. v. t. fillip, ii. v. i. shoot up. Ka koropana ake te tupu o te kapana. K5r6pShu, v. t. 1. repress. He mate hiakai, ka taea te koro- pehu. 2. break. Akuanei ko- ropehua ai to rakau. 64 Koropeke — Kotamutamii. Koropeke, a. having the limbs doubled itp. Koropewa, n. j^ing ; loop ; bow. Koropiko. V. i. bow down ; kneel. koropiko, n. loop. Koropti, a. built with wrought timber. He whare koropu. Koropuku, a. concealed. He kino koropuku. Koropiipu, v. i. bubble up; boil. Te ingoa o te puna, ko Ori- ngi, e koropupu ake ana i te whenua. Koropiita, n. hole. koroputaputa, a. full of holes. Korora, n. spheniscus minor ; pen- guin^ KSrori, or kororirori, v. t. stir round. korori, a. twisted. He rakau ko- rori. KoRORiA, n. glory. Kororipo, n. whirlpool; eddy. Kororiwha, n. haliotis virginica, a small species of sea-ear ; call- ed also marapeka. Korotangi, n. pit for storing po- tatoes. Korote, v. t. squeeze ; crush. Apopo ia ka korotetia e te ringa pa- tuki tuatara o te kainga o Te Wahineiti. Korotiwha, n. spot. korotiwhatiwha, a. spotted. Korotti, a. desirous. E korotu ana ki te haere. Korotiitu, v. t. melt down fat &c. He wahine nana i korotutu. Korou, n. 1. channel. Kia tika ki te korou. (R.) 2. energy ; spirit. Korou-kore, listless. korou, V, t. purpose; desire. Ko te wahi tena i koroutia ai e an kia haere ki reira. Koroua, n. old man. Korowai, n. mat ornamented with black twisted thrums. Korowawa, n. a fish. Korowhana, a^ bentj bowed. Korowhanake, n. steam. Korowheowheo , a. blowing in whirls or eddies. Korowhiti, a. bent like a hoop. korowhiti, i. v. i. 1. spring up suddenly from a stooping posi- tion. 2. v^histle through a bent finger, ii. v. t. jerk; give a sudden impulse to. Na te pou koa i korowhiti i rere ai i te hau. Korii, a. folded; coiled; looped. E koru ana te whakaheke, kia maro tonu. koru, n. fold; light; loop. Ne- kehia mai te koru o te aho. korukoru, n. wrinkle; looseness of the skin as in aged persons. kokorii, or kokorutanga, n. bay ; indentation of coast. I. Koriia, pron. 2nd person, dual. you two. II. Koriia, and koruariia, n. hole; pit. Ka rere iho taua wahine nei ki roto ki te korua- rua (13). whakakorua, v. t. hollow out; excavate. WHakakoruatia te takotoranga mo te wai. Koriiki, a. cloudy; overcast. He raugi koruki. Koriipe, n. lintel of a door. Koriire, v. i. change; veer round. Ka korure te hau. Korurii, a. cloudy. Korurii, n. figure placed on the gable of a house. Korurukii, a. cloudy. Kota, n. 1. cockle-shell. 2. any- thing to cut or scrape with; knife; plane &c. kokota, n. a shell fish. Kotae, n. alluvial soil. KQtaha, n. 1. sling. 2. part of a chiefs head-dress. Ka mutu te heru e tia ana, kia herea te ko- taha. kotaha. ad. sideways, askance. Kotamutamu, v. i. 1. open and Kotara — koukauka. 65 close the lips repeatedly. 2. Jlash frequently. He aha te uira e kotamutamu neir Kotara, a. loosened-, untied. kotaratara, n. 1 . dance of triumph. 2. a plant. KQtare, n. halcyon vagans; king- fisher. Kotata, a. split. Kahore touu tena kia ngawha; ka kotata ano ia. kotata, u. a bird. Kotawat&w&, n. a shell fish. K5t^ a. pale. Kotea tonu te moko; kihai i mangu. — He kiri kotea; an albino. KotSngitSngi, n. gentle wind. K5tdr5, u. potatoes steeped in wa- ter. KotdtS, D. shoot of a potato. Kdti, or k6k6ti, v. t. 1. cut. 2. intf-rrept. iie tamaiti kokoti tau, a child born prematurely. — He tau kokoti pii, a year in VI hie h winter comes on prema- turely. kotikoti, V. t. cut to pieces; cut frf'fiiwntly. Kdtiatd, n. a lobed weapon of hard wood. KOtihS, n. pogornis cincta ; a bird. KOtmgdtingd, a. speckled. KOtipS, n. purple potato. I K6tipll, V. t cut short. Kahore i ona tau kotipu (160). He had \ no bad seasons^ and therefore \ no scarcity of food. See under | kokoti. — Ka kotipu to ngarara \ hei mate moku. Kdtiri, V. i. go or come one at a time. Kotiri marire te haere a te hanga ra. kotiri, n. meteor. K5tir6, n. girl. Kotiti, V. i. move aside. E ko- titi ana ki taku. kdtltltl, V. i. wander uhout. Kotiu, n. Morth wind. Kotiurii, n. headache. Kotiwhatiwha, a. spotted. Kotokoto, n. 1. sheet of a sail. 2. sprit to extend a sail with. 3. projection. 4. small potatoes. Kotokoto kau a tatou kai. Kotokoto, Y. i. I. squeak. E koto- koto ana te kiore. 2. cackle. Kotopihi, n. window. KOtore, n. 1. lower end. Tama- nga-kotore, the youngest in a family. 2. a/ius. 3. white clay. kOtorStdrS, n. a fish. E5tua, n. respect; regard. E kawe ana i tana kotua ki a Te Aporotanga. Kotua, ad. with the back towards one. E huri kotua ana te ko- rero a taua tangata. KOtilhi, n. arch formed by clouds in the horizon; the same as harata. KOtui, V. t. lace; fasten by lac- ing. Kotuia to tatou ra. KOtiiku, n. white crane; a bird. KOttikti-t&whiti, n. a variety of potato. KOtukiitda, n. a variety of po- tato. KOtiikutuku, n. fuchsia excorti- catUf a tree. KOtiLmti, n. stump. KOtiitu, a. a basket used for catching fish. KOtiitti, V. t. melt down fat &c. K5u, a. good. E kore e kou ? koukou, n. 1. owl; athene Movw Zelandiw. 2. a mode of wear- ing the hair. K5iirSa, n. snapper \ a fish; the same as tamure. EOilaiia, n. sprinkling rain. KOuS, n. posts supporting the paepae of a privy. K5u8, V. t. scull; steer with a paddle or oar. KOuk&, n. 1. cnrdylinc australis, a tree. 2. roof of raupo. koukauka, n. a fish; the same as kahawai. 66 Kouma — Kowhiri. Kouma, n. breast-plate. Koumuumu, v. t. whirl round and round. Kei koumuumua tatou e te ripo. Koura, n. craijjish. KouRA, n. gold. KQurii, n. I. top of a tree. 2. head of a river. Koutareke, n. New Zealand quail; the same as koreke &c. Koutou, pron. second person plu- ral, ye; you. Koutuutii, V. t. dip up. Koutu- utua he wai ki roto ki te peere. Kowa, or kowawa, a. neap. He tai kowawa. Kowae, v. t. 1. divide; part. Auaka e kowaea te mahunga, hei pango tetahi taha, hei uru- kehu tetahi taha: auaka e ko- waea hei mahora tetahi taha, hei piki tetahi taha. 2. pick out; set apart. Ka kowaea nga roi pai mana. Kowao, n. plot of fern land in a wood. kowao, a. living in the woods; wild. He tangata kowao te ta- ngata i pahuatia ai te whare. kowaowao, v. t. overgrow; choke. Kua kowaowaotia aku kai e te otaota. Kowarowaro, n. a fish. Kowatawata. Kei whakakowatawata te ra. Kowera, see koera. Kowiti, n. a fish. Kowha, i. v. t. 1. split open. 2. take out of the shell. Kowha- tia he pipi ma tatou. ii. v. i. 1. burst open; split. Ka kowha te rauawa. 2. flash like light- ning. kowha, n. 1. cockles taken out of the shells. 2. summer lightning. Kowhai, n. sophora tetraptera, a tree. kowhaiwhai, n. a pattern of scroll ornament. Kowhai-ngutu-kaka,n. clianthus pun ice us, a shrub. Kowhaitau, n. a fish, the same as kahawai. Kowhaki, v. t. pluck off'; tear off, Kowhakiua ana tona mai- kuku hei ahi (24). kowhakiwhaki, tear off piece by piece. Kowhakiwhaki a tetahi taro ma te kotiro. kowhaki, a. ready to drop off\ Kua kowhaki nga papa i te ngaunga a te mate. Kowhana, a. 1. bent; bowed. 2. springing up violently. Ka ko- whana i roto i te wahine ra te ngakau mate ki a Te Ponga hei tane mana (167). Kowhane, v. t. bend. Kaua e kowhanea; kia maro tonu mai. Kowhanga, n. nest, Kowhanga, a. overcast with clouds. He ra kowhanga i werawera ai. Kowhao, n. hole. kowhaowhao, n. basket for food. E rima kowhaowhao uwhi. Kowharawhara, n. astelia Banksii, a plant. Kowhatii, n. stone. Koweka, or kowhekawheka, n. garment. I haere mai ahau ki tetahi kowhekawheka hei takai. Kowhera, v. i. 1. open; gape. Ko te pipi, e kore e kowhera. — Kowhera ou ringaringa (50), loose your hold. 2. burst forth. Ka kowhera te uira i roto i nga keke o Tawhaki (53). Kowheta, v. i. writhe; flounder. Ka kowheta te hiku (151). I Kowhete, or kowhetewhete, v. i. ! 1. whisper. 2. murmur. 3. scold. ' Kowhewhe, a. split open. Ka i kowhewhe noa iho te waka, ka puta te wai ki roto (HI). Kowhio, V. i. whistle. Kowhiri, v. t. 1. select. 2. whirl round. Kowhiria te manu kia mate ai. Kowhiti — KumS. 67 El5whiti, i. V. t. 1. pull up or out. Kua kowhitia nga kumara a Te Raro. 2. pick out of the shell, cockles &c. ii. V. i. 1. spring up or out. 2. appear, ae the moon. Me kore e kowliiti ake tetahi ra mSrama a ko ake nei. kOwhitiwhiti, n. 1. grasshopper. 2. water- cress. Kowhiuwhiu, v. t. fan ; winnow. kowhiuwhiu, n. fan. Kowhiwhi, n. pittosporum tenni- folium, a tree. Kiia, a verbal particle, denoting that the action is completed at the time indicated. Katahi a WHakatau ka nanao ki te pito o tana taura, kua kuhua ra e ia ki nga pou o te whare (62). Kuai, n. a fish. Ktl&k&, n. a bird. Kfl&o, u. young of animals. Kuaro, see kuware. Kuata, sec kuwata. KtlSmi, V, i. be assembled. KUdnd, V. t. urge; press. I ku- enctia i hacre mai ai ahau. I. Kiih&, or kuhakuha, a. ragg- ed; tattered. Kua kuha noa atu te kaka nei. kuha, n. fragment; scrap. He kuha kaainga; a scrap of a dwelling place. II. Kuh&, V. i. ga.^p. Kuhii, V. t. 1. thrust in; insert. Kuhua ana te taura ki nga pou o te whare. 2. conceal. £ kuhu ana i te toki mo te hokinga mai. kuhu, n, cooking shcl. kuhukuhu, u. pig. Kui, n. (abbreviation of kuia) old woman, — a common mode of address, sometimes applied to a | girl. E kui, kawca atu tetehi wai mo te manuhiri (168). Ktii, a. short of food. Kahore auu tau kui (160). Kuia, a. old woman. Kuihi, V. i. speak in a low tone. Tohe noa uu ki te tikanga o te korero, kihai i kuihi te waha. Kuihi, n. goose. Kiiika, v. t. desire. E kuika ana te turoro ki te kai mana. Ktliki, a. cold. KuiRA, n. patchwork. Kuka, n. encumbrance; clog, com- pare kQtu. Kuka-whare, soot. KtLkari, n. 1. young bird. 2. new potatoas. Kuku, V. t. 1. nip. 2. draw to- gether. Kukua te kete. clo.se. Ka kukua tona ringaringa. kuku, n. 1. pinchers or tweezers. Te kuku o tona manawa (164), that which had fastened upon her affections. 2. a large mus- sel. koktiku, n. a mussel. Kiikll, V. i. grate ; move with vio- lent friction over a rough sur- face. Ka rongo a Kupe i te kuku te takere o te waka (116). Kuku, n. pigeon; carpophaga Novw Zelandiic. He huahua kuku (138). Kukume, see under kume. Kiikum6etdk&, u. a mussel. Kakup&, n. pigeon; carpophaga Sorw ZelandifP. KukurSrSw&i, n. a kind of shark. Kukuta, see under kuta. Kukuti, see under kuti. Kiun&nu, v. t. tend carefully; foster. He poti na Uekahia, ma liongotakutama e kumanu. KtlmS.ra, n. ipomtea batatas; sweet potato. Ktlni&r&h6u, n. pomaderris el- liptic a, a shrub. Ktlia&t&, n. a fish Kum§, or kiikume, v. t. 1. pull; drag. Ka iiauao ia ki te pito tana tauru, katahi ka kumea (62). 2. pull out; stretch. Ta- 5"- 68 Kumete — Kurutoitoi. kahia ana e Maui te iwi-tua- roa, kumea ana te whiore, ka haere he kuri (26). 3. drmv away to a distance. Ka kumea 6 Maui te whenua kia roa (20). Kumete, n. wooden bowl or trough. Kumi, n. 1. a measure of ten fathoms. 2. a huge fabulous reptile. Kumikumi, n. beard under the chin. Kumore, n. headland; promon- tory. Kumu, n. anus. kumukumu, n. gurnard, a fish. whakakumu, a. timid; reluctant. E whakakumu ana toku nga- kau, e kore ahau e haere ma te waka. whakakumu, n. a creepnig plant. Kiine, or kukune, a. plump; filled out to roundness. Kunikiini, a. dark. Kia kuni- kuni ka puta te marama. Kungongmgongi, n. a name for the kahawai. (R.) Kiipa, V. i. belch ; throw up wind from the stomach. Etlpa, n. mildew. Kupae, n. a fish. Kiipapa, v. t. 1. stoop. I ku- papa mai te tahae, koia hoki te kitea ai. 2. ^o stealthily. 3. be neutral in a quarrel. kupapapapa, n. sulphur. Ktipara, a. completely blackened (of moko covering the skin). kupara, n. dogskin mat black throughout. Kiiparu, n. a fish. Kiipenga, n. net. Ktipere, v. i. flow swiftly. Kupii, n. word; sentence; mes- sage. kupukupu, V. i. speak frequently . E kupukupu ana tenei tangata kia patua te manuhiri. Kura, n. 1. red ochre. Nui atu te kura o tenei kainga i te kura o Hawaiki (74). 2. taiaha paint- ed red. Me tango ki te kura mahora, na katahi ka horahia, na ka mau te rongo (166). kura, a. red. He whare kura, a house with timbers wrought and painted. kura, V. t. redden; dye red. Te kuranga o Hunakiko (113). Kura, n. school. Ktirae, n. headland. Kurapa, a. idling; trifling; hav- ing no object. Te koiwi kurapa! the vagabond! Kiirapae, n. treasure lit upon accidentally. Kiirapapa, a. flat roofed. Kurariiraru, a. perplexed. Kiirawhero, n. red garment. Kureherehe, a. wrinkled. Ktire, v. i. cry like a sea-gull. Kure haere ana i; Karoro tipi one. Kurehii, v. i. doze. kurehu, a. indistinctly seen. Ku- rehu ake i a au e haere ana i kona. Kiiri, n. 1. dog. 2. any qua- druped. Kuru, V. t. 1. strike with the fist; thump. E kuru ana ia i te raupo. 2. pelt; strike with so- mething thrown. Kurua ki te kowhatu. kuru, n. 1. blow with the fist. 2. mallet; pestle. He kuru pounamu (153). Kuriihunga, n. a fish. Kurumatarerehu, n. tattooed man. Kuriipae, n. beam ; joist ; sleeper. Kurupatii, n. upper hem of a mat. Kuriipei, n. clod. Kiirupopo, n. rotten; worm-eaten (of timber). I. Kiirutete, v. t. exchange. II. Kuriitete, a. stunted. Kurutoitoi, a. stunted. Kurutote — Maeneene. 69 Kuril tote, a. stunted. Kuta, kukiita, or kiitakuta, n. a water-plant. KfLta, n, encumbrance; clog; as old and infirm people on a march. Kuia atu te kuta kia ngahoro atu. Ktltai, u. a mussel, kutaitai, a. nfa disagreeable taste, Kutanga, n. handful. Kutao, n. cold. Kut©r§, or kat§r§ter§, a. soft; uenrlij liquid. Ktltdte, V. t. urge on. Kei te kutete a Pita kia awe te mutu te mahi. K&ti, kukiiti, V. t. draw tightly together ; purse up, Aua e kutia ou ngutu. kutikuti, n. scissors. ! kutikuti, V. t. cut with scissors. Kiitu, n. 1. louse. 2. vermin of any kind infesting human beings. kutukutu, n. 1. maggot. 2. ver- min of any kind. Ktiwaha, n. entrance; doorway. EtLwaiwai, a. wet. Katahi ano te kuwaiwai o te ara nei. Ktlware, a. 1. ignorant, 2. low in the social scale. 3. held in no estimation. Kaw&ta, y. i. long; yearn; love; desire. Ka kuwata noa te nga- kau ki te tangata ka ngaro. KtlwSto, n. a bird. Kawha, n. 1. thigh. 2. connection by marriage. jKuwharil, n. 1. a grub. 2. a shell-fish. KtLwhdwhSwhSwhS, a. puckered. M. M&, conj. and: used 1. to con- nect numerals. K ma tekau ma wha. 2. to connect points of the compass. Tonga ma urn, south west. MS, prep. 1. for; in the sense of *to be possessed by^ or Uo be acted on by"* &o. Ho kai ma te manuhiri (187). 2. by: after a future verb, active in form but passive in signification. Ma wai e kawe nga tohu ora ki uta? By whom will be convey- ed &c. which is equivalent to *ff'ho is he that will convey* &c. 3. by means of; in consequence of. Ma te kino o te ara e kore ai tatou c tae. Conditional sen- tences with intransitive verbs are sometimes expressed in this way. Ma roto hoki kia ora, ka pai te korero. If the inner man is refreshed y the talking will be agreeable: literally By the inner man being refreshed &c. Mana e haere, e pai ana. If he should go it will be well, 4. by way of. I ma hiwi mai ra, i ma te Kowhai, te ara o Eaiwhatu e. MS, a. white; pale; clean. whakama, i. v. t. make white &c. ii. V. i. feel abashed; be ashamed ; be shy. Ka nui rawa te whakama o Paoa (187). Ma in the names of streams is an abbreviation of manga. Ma- kakahi, Ma-karoro, for Manga- kakahi &c. Maata, n. 1. deep summp, 2. a small bird. M&e&, V. i. 1. emerge. Kua maea te parcra. 2. he taken out of the ground f as a crop; be ga- thered in. Makhe, n. the month of March. MSdkS, a. cold. Ho wiri nona i te macke. MSdn^SnS, a. soft to the touch; smooth. He kakahu maeneene. 70 Maero — Mahora. Maero, n. channel for water-, race. Maero, a. emaciated; listless; weak. Maero, n. mile. Maewa, v. i. wander. Mana te iwi e maewa noa. Maha, a. many. Maha, a. gratified by the attain- ment of a desired object. Ka maha hoki pea, ka kitea te wahi i kimihia mai ai e ratou Mahake, a. small. He kuri ma- hake. Mahaki, n. cutaneous disease. Mahaki, a. 1. mild; meek. He tangata mahaki. 2. calm ; quiet. Ka mahaki te hau. Mahakii, pron. lengthened form of maku; for me. Mahana, a. warm. Mahanga, n. snare. Me te weka ka motu i te mahanga (171). mahanga, v. t. ensnare. Maha- ngatia te mann hei kai ma ta- tou. Mahanga, n. tivins. Mahara, n. 1. a portion of the intestines. 2. thought; memory; recollection. mahara , v. t. think upon ; re- member; recollect. Ka maha- ratia nga korero a Pahaka, ka pouri au. maharahara, v. t. think frequently of; have much in one\s thoughts. Maharo, v. i. wonder ; compare miharo. Mahau, n. porch; verandah. whakamahau, n. porch ; veran- dah. Mahau, pron. lengthened form of man, for thee. Mahe, n. sinker for a fishing line. Mahea, a. 1. cleared awai/. Kua mahe a mai te ua. 2. free from obstruction; clear. Katahi ano ka mahea te reo. Maheahea, a. perceiving indis- tinctly. E maheahea kau ana, kahore e rongo. Maheno, i. v. i. be untied, ii. v. t. untie. Mahenoa te kirehe. maheno, n. island. Maheu, a. scattered. Kei te ma- heu noa ake aku mea. Mahi, V. t. work at. Kei te mahi a Turi i tana mara.^ — Ka mahi rapea te pepeha nei (94), as the proverb puts it. mahi, n. 1. work. Ka kite ra koutou i te tini o aku mahi (18). 2. abundance. Kua tomo te waka i te mahi a te ika. mamahi, a. hard working. Mahia, n. sound. Me te whai tonu atu te waka ra i te ma- hia te waha o te kuri ra (121). Mahihi. n. facing boards on the gable of a house; the same as maihi. Mahihore, a. peeled off. Kua mahihore te hiako o te kapana. Mahimahi, n. a waterplant. Mahiti, V. i. 1. spring; leap. Ka mahitihiti haere te au; he papaku. 2. he spent; be ex- hausted. Kua mahiti nga hara- keke mo te whare. Mahiti, n. white mat covered with the long hair from dogs'' tails : the same as kahuwaero. Mahiti, v. t. sort; separate ac- cording to size, quality &c. Maho, a. floating. E whakamaho kau ana i runga i te wai. Mahoe, n. meiicytus ramiftorus, a tree. Mahoewao, n. a tree. Mahora, a. 1. spread out; hence of food spread out or sewed up before guest. Kua mahora te kai ma te ope? (59) 2. ex- posed to view, ile tango ki te kura mahora (166). of a taiaha painted with red ochre, used on occasions of peace-making. Mahore - Maimai- aroha. 71 3. lank; drooping. He upoko mahora, a head of lank hair. 4. sen tiered. Kua mahora ri- kiriki tatou. Mahore, a. peeled. Ka mahore te rakau. Mahii, a. cicatrized: healed. Kua mahu te hiako o toku waewae. whakamahu, v. t. heal a wound. Mahua, a. raised up; lifted. Me ko kia mahua ai nga pakiaka. mahiiahua, v. i. rise up; he forc- ed up. Kia kiki waenganui, kei mahuahua nga kowhatu. M&hiie, a. 1. left; left behind. Kua mahuc atu na i a koe a WHakatau (59). 2. forsaken. He k&inga mahue. 3. applied to anything extraordinary, per- haps as not ordinarily attainable. Mahuc rawa te atawhai o te pakeha! whakamahue, v. t. 1. cause to be left. 2. finish. Haere noa te tangata nei; kahore ano kia whakamahuetia tana mahi. Mahukihuki, n. part of the ce- remony of removing the tapu from kumara grounds. Mahun&, see mahunga I. Mahunu, u. youjig shoots of p ten's offuilina. I. Mfihung&, n. 1. hair of the head: lock of hair. Ko nga mahunga o Paoa, kino iho; na te whiunga o te whanakc i whakakino (193). 2. head. M&hung&, a. mealy. He kapana mahunga. whakamahunga, v. t. make trial of a new crop. Mahur&, a. uncovered. Ka ma- liuru to umu. M&hur&ngi, n. inside of a ku- mara. MahiirShurS, v. t. cut to pieces. lie mahurehurcnga ra koe naku; a, ka tu mai ano tou ringa? Mahuri, n. young tree; sampling. Mahurii, a. quieted; set at rest. Ka mahuru iho o ratou wha- kaaro. Mahiita, v. i. jump. Mahuta atu ki tarawahi. Mai, ad. hither ; towards the per- son speaking. Ka kitea mai e haere atu ana; "E! he manu- hiri e haere mai nei" (79). Mai, n. podocarpus spicata ; a tree. MSI, n. mussels taken out of the .shells. MaiS., a. brave: bold. M&iangi, a. raised up. Kua maia- ngi tenei pito o te rakau. M&i&o, n. abscess, M§.iaor§rd, n. a kind of mat; aorere. M&iSngi, a. 1 . raised up. 2. faint from hunger. M&ih§, n. fence. M&ihSa, n. sinker for a fishing- line. M&ihi, n. facings of the front gable of a house, often orna- mented with cars'ing. He whare maihi, c tu ana ki ro pa. maihi, v. t. 1. finish the gable of a house. 2. embellish. He ko- rero i mahia e te ngutu, i mai- hitia. M&ihi, a. uneasy in mind. maihi, n. a shell-iiBh. MSik&, ad. quietly. Mo noho maika ki to kainga. Mdik&ik&, n. orthoceras Solan- drie, a plant. M&iki,y. i. remove; depart. Heoti ano, ka maiki ia i tcra wahi (122). Maikiikii, n. nail of a finger or toe; claw; hoof. Kei te mai- kuku pango nei te rahi; a say- ing for anything very small. Maikuku-karewarewa, n. a shell-tish. M&iin&i-&r6h&, n. token of af- fection. 72 Maimoa — Makiri. Maimoa, n. pet; fondling. whakamaimoa, v. t. make much of; shew great attention to. Na ta koutou whakamaimoatanga i taua hunga kohuru. Maioha, v. t. greet affectionately. Maioha tonu mai, ko Te Kaui- a-takirau anake. maioha, n. token of regard. Maioio, a. growing ufeakhj. Tena ko tenei, he rakau tipu hou, he rakau rea hou, he maioio. Maioro, n. 1. embankment for de- fence ; earth-work. 2. ditch for fortification; covered ditch. Tera tetahi pa nui onamata, he mai- oro nunui nga maioro (166). Maipi, n. a wooden weapon, the same as hani, and taiaha. Maire, n. 1. song. Tenei te maire i rongo atu ai au (108). 2. santalum Cunninghami, a tree. Maire-tawhake, n. eugenia maire^ a tree. Mairehii, n. small basket for cooked food. Maitai, n. iron. Maitiiti, n. young man; youth. Maka, v. t. 1. throw. E maka ana i nga kai ki te moana. 2. put; place. makamaka, v. t. throw about. Makamaka whana, dance the ivar dance. Maka, a. shy; wild. Koia ano te maka o te parera. Makahi, n. wedge. Makahiiri, n. large stone. Makaka, a. bent; crooked. makaka, n. 1. a shrub. 2. a water-plant. Makara, n. head. Makari, a. small, Makari noa ake nei ano te rahi. Makariri, n. I. frost; cold. 2. winter. Makaro, v. i. 1. be dimly visible. I kite atu au e makaro ana i konei. 2. sheiv oneself. Koi makaro mai nga tangata o tena wahi ki te manuhiri, koi aha. makaro, ad. dimly; indistinctly. I kite makaro ahau i a ia i To- komaru. Makatikati, a. galling; irritat- ing. Ko te korero nei, ko te pa me tuku ki a ia, makatikati ana i a au. Makaro, a. out of sight; lost. Kua makaro taku toki. (R.) Makau, n. spouse; wife or hus- band. Me hoki ki to makau tupu. Makau, a. at lowest ebb. Kua makau te tai. Makawe, n. hair of the head; locks of hair. Topea nga ma- kawe te porokaki. j Makekehii, a. light- haired. Makenii, n. track; trace. Kei ona makenu tapuae tonu e haere ana. Makengo, a. wet. (R.) Makere, v. i. 1. drop; fall, I makere toku kakahu i te ara. 2. die. Kua makere te tupa- paku. 3. get down; alight; go down. Ka makere taua tangata ki te wai. whakamakere, n. remnant. Ka- hore he whakamakere o te iwi nei? Makerewhatii, a. falling heavily (of rain). He ua makerewhatu. I. Maki, n. 1. invalid; sick per- son. 2. scar. makimaki, n. cutaneous disease. IL Maki, v. i. have the trouble of a thing. Mari ano kia u mai te poti, te maki haere ahau ki te tiki. Makiui, a. gapped; jagged. Makinokino, a. disgusted. I. Makiri, v. t. take the bones out of pigeons &c. preparatory to preserving. IL Makiri, a. false; unfounded. Makitaunu — Manaaki. 73 makiri , tipatipa He korero whenua iiei. Makitaunu, y. t. 1. handle mis- chievottsly. He aha tau e ma- kitaunu i aku mea? 2. tease. Mako, 11. 1. a species of shark. 2. tooth of the same, worn as an ear-ornament, makomako, n. an'stotelia race- rnosa, a tree. Makoa, &. at the lowest ebb makoa te tai. Makoha, n. soft slaty rock. Makoha, a. expanded; untied. Kua makoha te kawe. whakamakoha, v. t. cause to expand &c. Makoi, n. cockle-shells. Makoi, V. t. deal deceitfully wilh. Ka tikina ka raakoitia te ta- np^ata, MakdkQr6ri, u. caterpillar. Makdna, a. having the appetite satisfied. Mak5wh&, see makoha. Maku, pron. Ist person singular with preposition ma. See ma. for me. Ka maku te whenua; the land mill become mine. Maka, a. wet; moist. koc i te ua. makaka, a. somewhat moist. Makiiku, a. indolent; inactivr He tangata makuku; kaore « knikcu e aha. Makiir&kilr&, a. glowing; red dish. Ka makurakura te ata. M&kurti, a. 1. trickling in fre Mamae, a. in pain. whakamamae, 1. v. t. cause to feel pain. 2. y. i. begin to be in pain. Mamaha, ii. steam. Mamakii, n. cyathea medullaris, a tree fern. mamaku, v. t. prepare timber in a particular way wilh the adze. \ Ka oti nga pou iiei te mamaku. Ka I Mamangi, n. coprosma Baueriana, j a shrub. M&m&o, a. distant; far away, Katalii ka hoea e Turi, ka ma- mao ki waho (111). Mamao&, n. steam. M&m&rUf n. 1. sun. 2. sail, M&m§, n. dog with short bristly hair. E torn nga marae nana i kai aku hipi. Maminga, v. t. impose upon ; play tricks upon. Kua mohio te wa- hine ra, na WHakatau i ma- minga (42). MSm6r§, a. without accompani- ments or appendages : bare. He rakau niamore; a tree without branches. — He tangata mamore, a childless man. Kei maku ' liSn&, pron. Srd person singular with preposition ma ; for him ; for her. See ma. ManS, n. 1. authority. Ho ra- il _. it ira whai mana a Hongi. 2. influence. E kore o ora to tangata i te mana o taua puhi ra (175). mana, a. effectual. f/uent drops. 2. shewing much I whakamana, v. t. give effect to. fruit: having the fruit set. Ka- tahi te makuru o to hue! Makutu, V. t. bewitch. Kua ma- kiituria a Korokai e Tohitapu. MakUwarS, a. regardless; un- mindful. MSm&, a. light; not heavy. M&m&, V. i. ooze through small apertures : leak. Ka mama ake te wai i te pakaru nei. Ka whakahau ia i tona iwi kia haere ki te whakaroana i to tQttl a Manaia (117). manamana, v. t. give power to; enable. Na nga pu i mana- manangia ai nga tangatn ki te tiiua. whakamanamana, v. i. rejoice; e.rull. M&nSaki, v. t. shew respect to; 74 Manaeka — Manii. entertain. E kore taua taugata e manaakitia e NGapuhi. Manaeka, n. a garment. Manahau, or manamanahau, a. 1. cheerful. Ka manahau te tu te tangata. 2. exulting; elated. Ka manamanahau te WHakatohea ki tana atua e haere mai ra. Manakanaka, a. apprehensive ; anxious. Ka manakanaka au ki aku hoa ka riro ra. Manako, v. t. 1. like. E kore au e manako atu ki tera kai- nga. 2. set nne''s heart on. He manako te koura i kore ai; there are no crayfish because you set your heart on them. Manamanahau, see manahau. Manana, a. bent. Manana kau ana nga waewae. manana, n. Jishing-rod. (R.) manana, v. i. give a .signal by raising the eyebrows ; wink ; nod. Manana mai ana ia ki a au. Manapau, n. a tree. Manatiinga, n. keepsake. Manauhea, a. 1. weak; in ill health. Ka manauhea a roto i a au. 2. reluctant, l^o roto te ngakaukore, ka manauhea to haramai. Manauri, a. sunburnt. Ka ma- nauri tou kiri i te ra. Manawa, n. 1. belly. 2. heart. 3. breath. Ka he toku mana- wa; / am out of breath ; or / am out of heart. whakamanawa, v. i. have con- fidence. Manawa, n. avicennia tomentosa; mangrove. Manawa-kino, a. internally un- easy. Manawa-niu , a. stout-hearted ; patient. Manawa-pa, a. 1. grudging. 2. loth; reluctant. E manawapa ana ahau ki te korero, kahore hoki he mea hei hoatutanga maku ki a ia. 3. apprehensive. Kihai matou i manawapa ki o matou whenua kei riro. Manawa-popore, a. 1. parsimo- nious; stingy. 2. considerate for others. Manawa-rau, a. internally un- easy. Manawareka, a. pleased; satis- fied. Katahi ano au ka mana- wareka, ka riro mai hoki te utu toku kakahu. Manene, a. importunate ; asking again and again. Kaore e tika i a koe nga korero na, e ma- nene na koe ki a tera. Manene, n. stranger; one living in a strange country. Mania, n. plain country. Mania, a. 1. slippery. 2. slid- ing readily over another object. 3. feeling a jarring sensation ; set on edge. Ka mania oku uiho. tingling. Ka mania nga taringa. maniania, a. noisy. Manihi, v. t. make steep. Me manihi a kona kei eke mai te poaka. — Katahi ka manihitia to matou haere; then we marched in even file. Manihira, n. a small fish. Maninohea, a. 1. disgusted. E hara i te hanga te maninohea roto toku puku i te mahi a te tangata ra. 2. offensive; repulsive. I. Mano, a. thousand. II. Mano, n. inner part; heart. Kei aua noa atu, kei te mano te whenua. — He wai mano- whenua; a permanent spring of water. Manono, n. coprosma grandifolia ; a shrub. Manu, V. i. float; be launched. Ka manu te teretere a Paoa. Manii, n. 1. bird. 2. boy''s kite. MSnumanu — Mapunga. 75 Maniimanil, n. collar-bone. Maniimanu, a. rotten. whakamanu, v. t. disbelieie. I j whakamanu au ki nga korero mai. Manuh§k6, a. Jilthy ; nasty. Manuhiri, n. visitor; ^aest. Manuka, n. leptospermitm scopa- rinm or ericoides ; shrubs, or trees. Manuk&nuk&, n. anxiety; mis- 'f^ivirif:. Manukawh&ki, v. t. entice by stratagem. M&nga, n. 1. branch of a tree, or of a river. 2. brook ; wa- ! ter course; ditch, j M&ngS, n. banacouter; a fish. | Maiig&, n. remains of food after j a meal. Ki te kai te tangata! i to manga a te niwahine, kal he ia i te ra o te riri, o tO) kaaanga wai nrnei. M&ngftdk&-tSt&r&, n. a kind of garment. MSng&i, n. month. Mangaing&i , a. slow ; moving heavily. Maugaingai ana nga waewao ki te haere. Mangftrd, a. mealy. M&ngdm&ngS, n. lygodium arti- rulaium\ a climbing fern. M&ngdngd, a. benumbed. mfingGngdngd, a. i^ritty. £ ma- ngcnj^enge ana te piki. M&Dgdo, V. i. itch. Tu porangi noa ana ki te rakuraku i tc mangco (77). MSngSrS, a. lazy. Mangere ho- nla, excessively lazy. DiSngi, a, weakened; unnerved; the effect of grief, hunger &c. Kei te mangi noa au ki taku taroaiti ka riro. Mangiongio, n. chilblain. MangO, n. shark; dw^ish. MSng&hS, a. soft. He mangoho noa te powhatu nei. Mango-pare, n. 1. hammer-head- ed shark. 2. a pattern of carv- ing. Mang5-tipi, n. a pattern of carv- ing. M&ng^ a. black. mangumangu, n. ink. Mangungu, a. 1. closely knitted, or woven. 2. broken off. Ma- ngungu noa tona waewae i te takauga i runga i te hoiho. mSngtLngiingii, a. grilty ; grat- fig- M&o, V. i. leave off' raining. Kia mao akuanei, ka haere tatou. — He pata whakamao, a clearing shou^r. M50&, I a. 1. cooked. 2. ripe. Mfiok&, I 3. ulcerated, M&om&o, n. a fish. M&om&o&, n. first fruits of a ku- mara-ground 1 haere ki te kawe i te maomaoa ki a Uenuku (107). Mftongft, a the same as maoa. I. Maori, a. 1. native. 2. He wai maori ; fresh water. whakamaori, v. i. render into thf Maori language. II. Maori, v. t. observe; take no- tice ^^perhaps used only in cull- ing attention to a fact) Maori koe kahorehe kai o tenei wahi. MSdt&, a. fresh-grown ; green. MSp&r&, n 1. gum of the kahi- katea tree. 2. wood saturated with gum. 3. comb. Mfip&u, or mapou, n. myrsine Vrvillei; a shrub or small tree. whakamapau, y. i. turn brawny or red. Ka whakamapau tc tupu te kai. M&pii, V. i. 1. whiz; hum. 2. sigh. 3. pant. Tangi ana te mapu i te omanga. MSpiia, a. bearing abundance of fruit. M&piin&pun&, a. rippling. MSpiinga, n targe shag. 76 Mapura — Marohirohi. Mapiira, n. fire. Mara, n. plot of ground under cultivation ; farm. I. Mara, n. a term of address to a man, E mara! II. Mara, a. prepared by steeping in fresh water. He koura mara. — Kahore i mara ta taua koura. Marae, n. enclosed space in front of a hoit^e; yard. Marakerake, a. bare; bald. Marama, a. 1. light; not dark. 2. transparent. Marama keho- kelio te moana (60). 3. clear sounding; loud. 4. easy to un- derstand. maramaraina, a. somewhat light. Marama, n. moon; month. Maramara, n. chip; splinter; small piece. Maranga, v. i. rise up. Mara- nga tatou, e ta ma, ka ao te ra. Marangai, n. 1. east wind. 2. gale of ivind, with rain. 3. heavy surf. Marapeka, n. haliotis virginicOf a small species of sea-ear : call- ed al^o Aororiwha. Marara, a. scattered; separated. Kua marara ke nga tangata ki a ratou mahinga. mararara, a. rather scattered. whakamarara, v. t. scatter. Maratea, n. a fish. Marau, n. fork. Mare, v. i. cough. mare, n. cough; phlegm. Marea, a. ma7iy ; multitudinous. marearea, n. a fish; the same as i/iamra. Mareherehe, n. trouble. Maeena, v. t. mufry. Mar ere, n. 1. kumara used in certain ceremonies, previous to planting. 2. the first kumara planted with due ceremonies by the tohunga. Mar ere, v. i. 1. drop; fall (of solid bodies). 2. be given. E kore e marere atu aku kai (187). 3. die. Kua marSre taku tama- iti i te po nei. 4. let oneself doum ; get doum. Marewa, a. raised up. Nawai i raro, a ka marewa ki runga manu ai (155). Mariao, n. ulcer. Marie, a. quiet; appeased. Kua marie tona ngakau. See m.a- rire. Marie, it is good. Marie ano kia haere mai koe (199). Marmgi, v. i. be spilt, maringiringi, v. i. be spilt by little and little. Marino, a. calm. Aua ra e hoe aianei: kia marino te moana. marino-to or marino-tokitoki, very calm. Maripi, n. knife. Marire, a. quiet; gentle; appeas- ed. marire, ad. 1. quietly; gently, 2. deliberately. He mea tahu marire toku whare i wera ai. 3. thoroughly ; quite. He ui pai marire taku ui. Mariri, a. tranquillized ; allayed. jS'a ka mariri nei te ngakau o Rangi raua ko Tawhiri (6). Maro, a. 1. stretched out; stiff. Ka maro a raua aho (25). 2. hard; solid. Ka maro te paru tenei wahi; me kau tu. 3. unyielding ; headstrong. maroro, a. 1. somewhat stiff &c. 2. strong. E kore pea koe e maroro aianei. maro, n. fathom, measured with the arms extended. whakamaro, v. t. extend &c. Maro, n. girdle; worn by fe- males. Marohi, n. \. common fern; pteris aquilina. 2. fern-root Ka ngiha te ahi marohi (188). Marohirohi, a. 1. dispirited; Marokau — Matai. 77 weary. E marohirohi ana ahau i te roa o te ara. 2. strong. Marokau, a. single; unmarried, Maroke, a. dry. Maroke ki toku korokoro. whakamaroke, u. eaves of a building. Maronui, n. married woman whose husband is absent. Mar5ro, see under maro. Maroro, n. Jhjing Jish. "He ma- roro kokoti ihu waka" a pro- verbial sajriug for one who falls into the hands of a ho- stile war party. whakamaroro, v. i. be quick. Marord, a. wasted; destroyed. Kia maroro katoa ai te whenua a Tane i a ia (6). M&rii, n. 1. pouw; authority. Na te maru i a ia, koia matou i mataku ai. 2. shield; safe- guard. Ko ia to matou rangatira, hei maru mo o matou whenua i reira. 3. a water-plant. maru, a. shaded; sheltered. Ka marumani tenei kAinga i te rakau. whakamanunaru, v. t. shade; shelter. M&rtl, a. 1. bruised; crushed. 2. killed. Kua maru kc nga poaka tc tukituki. 3. cooked. £ mau- ria mai na ko te mca torouka, ko te kete maru. MSrua, n pit; valley. Maruaia, n. head. Mariiao, n. dawn of day. Maruar6a, n. the name of the third month. Marumariiaitu, v. i. appear sud- denly. Na te marumaruaitu o taua tangata ki runga ki a au, na rcira au i oho ai. Marutiina, a. bad; worthless. M&tS. n. 1. heap. Na tonu te raata manu a Turei te tiketike. 2, a plant. . I. M&t&, n. 1. face. 2. eye. 3. edge. 4. point. 5. medium of communication with a spirit. 6. charm. He mata tawhito te karakia a Tamure (172). 7. mesh of a net. 8. a fish, matamata, n. \. point; extremity. 2. headland. He kino no nga matamata i hoki ai te waka ra. 3. source. Kei nga matamata o te awa. 4. young of nau- huri ; a fish. II. Mata, a. raw; uncooked; un- ripe; green. He mata nga kai nei. M&ta, n. 1. Jlint, quartz or ob- sidian y used for cutting. Ho- mai he mata kia haea ki taku kiri. — Mata-waiapu, stone found at Waiapu, near the East Cape. — Mata-Tuhua, obsidian found at Mayor Island. — Mata-kautete, saw- like weapon, made of shark's tooth fastened to a wooden frame. —2. lead: bullet. M&taah5, n. window. M&taar&, v. i. watch ; Jiccp awake. He kai mataara, a watchman. M&taati, a. first-procured. Ka- wea te mea mataati m^ te ra- ngatira. MStfih&e, n. divergent stream ivom the main channel of a river. M&t&h&n&h&n& , a. blushing ; glowing. M&t&h&r3h&r3, a. offensive. Naku te kupu i mataharehare i roto i ta matou korero i te po nei. Matahi, n. the first and second months of the Maori year; the first being called 'matahi o to tau'; and the second, 'matahi kari piwai'. M&t&hl&pd, a. precious; prized^ MSt&i, V. t. seek to obtain by artifice; contrive to get without directly asking. Tau mahi ho matai: kaore koa e whakama? MS,tai, n. podocarpus spicata, a tree. 78 Mataika — matarau. Mataika, first person taken or killed in fight. Kei a au te mataika. Mataitai, a. tasting of salt; brackish. He mataitai te wai tenei kainga. mataitai, n. 1. fish. Kai touu ia i te mataitai o taua roto (78). 2. salt provisions. Matakahi, n. vjedge. Iti te ma- takahi; paoa atu ano; na, po- tapota noa Matakana, a. 1. wary; on the look out. Me matakana nga kanohi i enei rangi e takoto nei. 2. shy; (lis trustful. Ko nga mea matakana, me whaka- rata. Matakawa, a. 1. distasteful. 2. disliking. Matakeke, a. hating; bearing ill-feeling towards one. Me pena rawa korua ko to taina, me matakeke rawa? Mataki, or matakitaki, v. t. look at; inspect; watch. Ka mea kia matakitaki ia ki taua puhi (175). Matakite, n. one who foresees an eve tit. matakite, v. i. practise divination. Katahi ia ka tuhi i tona atua, ara ka matakite, hei titiro i tona aitua (175). Matakokiri, n. meteor. Matakoma, a. swollen. He ri- nga matakoma. Mataku, v. i. be afraid. Pass, matakuria, be feared. E kore ia e matakuria e ana pononga. mataku, a. fearful; inspiring fear. wliakamataku, v. i. terrify. Matakupenga, n. fat u^hich co- vers the intestines. Matamata, see under mata. Matamiia, a. 1. first. Kua oti noa ake ra hoki i a ia tana mahi matamua te whakarite e I ia (14). 2. elder. Ae, e o maua matamua, ka tika (12). Mataniii, a. open; above-board. Matanga, a. understanding ; ex- perienced. Na nga matanga i hara mai i tap;. hi. Matangaro, a. Te kaho mata- ngaro, the batten next to the ridge-pole. Matangata, a. a univalve mol- lusk. Matanger enger e, 1 . hen u m bed ; cramped. Ka matangerengere toku ringa. 2. grieved; vexed, 3. ashamed. Matangi, n. irind. Matangohi, n. first person kilted or taken in war. Kei a au te matangohi (119). Matangurungiiru, a. 1. numbed. Ka matangurunguru oku ringa- ringa i te kopeke. 2. disap- pointed ; mortified. Haere ma- tangurunguru atu ana. Matao, a. cold. Kia matao nga kumara ka kainga ai. mataotao, a. cool. Mataora, a. living; alive. Kia kite mataora matou i a Tupe. Mataora, n. wedge. Matapihi, n. window. Matapo, a. blind. Matapopore, a. watchful over; careful of. Kia matapopore ki nga kai, kei hohoro te pau. Matapouri, a. gloomy; sad. matapouri, n. a species of duck. Matapuna, n. source of a river. Matara, a. 1. untied; un tuns ted. Kua matara te taura. 2. distant. Kia matara atu te turanga mo te whare. Matarahi, or matararahi, a. large. Matarau, a. having many points; h un dred-poin ted. miatarau, n. 1. forked spear for catching fish; grains. 2. net MatarehS — Matengatenga. 79 fastened to a hoop for catching tnrakihi. Matarehe, n. a kind of eel. Matardka, a. pleasant. matareka, v. t. like; be fond of. He mea i matarekatia, ua reira i okaka ai. Matarekereke, a. benumbed. Matarere, u. forerunner ; harbin- ger. Kua riro te matarere, a tc ^ilanihera. Matariki, n. Pleiades; the sign of the first mouth. Matarukuriiku, a. 1. benumbed. 2. annoyed. Ko ia na toku raatarukuruku. Matat&, V. i. 1. be split; gape. Kua matata te kakau o te toki. 2. open. Me kore e matata tona waha ki te whakaatu mai i etahi whakaaro ke c puta ake i roto i a ia. Mat&tS, V. t 1. carry on a litter. He mea matata te tangata ra. 2. defend with a pail. He mea matata ki te raupo kei tata ki heka. ma 1. a shrub. M&t&taau, V. i. move aside. Ma- tataau koe ki tahaki, he pouri i a matou. M&t&t&r&, n. dam for water. M&t&t&u, a. looking steadily, or constantly. Kia matatau mai koutou ki a matou. M&t&t&whSy a. open. Kua ara to tamaiti, kua matatawha nga kauohi. M&t&tSa. Matatea ake nei. Matatongi. a. thick. Kia pcnei te mutatengi o te kakahu. Matatira, a. in a row. Matatira tonu to ratou tu (38). Matatdu&, a. dimmed. Ka ma- tatoua nga kanohi i te tiroha- nga. MfitattL, V. i. begin to flow. Ka- talii ano te tai ka matatu mai. Matatu, a. wakeful. E kore e moe; matatu touu, kei horo te pa. Matau, V. t. 1. know; be ac- quainted with. 2. understand. 3. feel certain of whakamatau, v. t. 1. make to know; teach. WHakamatauria ahau ki te reo Maori. 2. make trial of. Kua whakamatau ahau i tera kai ; ehara hoki. Matau, prou. for matou, we. Matau, n. hook. Matau, a. right; the right hand. Kei te taha matau te ara. Matawai, n. fountain-head. Mat&w&i&j a. filled with tears. Kua matawaia ona kauohi. MatawSro, n. charm for killing a taniwha. M&tS, a. 1 . dead. Ka patua nga tohunga, ka mate (56). 2. edtinguished. Ka mate te alii (25). 3. cut or otherwise pre- pared for building &c. Ka mate nga rakau mo te whare o NGa- tikahungunu. 4. sick; ill. Kua mate; kahore i mate rawa (45). 5. overcome with admiration &c. Mate noa ake ki te pai o te wahine ra (167). — Ka mate i te whakama (187). 6. calmed down. Ka mate te moana. 7. moving slowly : slack. Tai mate ; slack water. mate, n. 1. death. 2. sickness. whakamate, v. t. 1. put to death, 2. cause to be sick. M&tenui, v. t. 1. desire earnestly. \ 2. shew attention to. Kia ma- tenui koe ki taku tcina. MatSnga, n. head. Matengatenga, a. 1. benumbed; cramped. 2. aching. Ka ma- tengatenga toku tuara. 3. dis- gusted. Kaerc matengatenga atu ana. 4. causing pain. Kia nu- 80 Matengi — Mau. nui te tao, kia matengatenga ai (118). Matengi, a. three (R). Mateoha, a. loving; fond. He mateoha tonu ki a raua i haere tahi tonu ai raua. Materoto, n. miscarriage; abor- tion. Matewai, a. thirsty. Matia, n. spear. Matihao, n. finger ; claw. Matihe, v. i. sneeze. Matika, n. fish-hook. Matika, v. t. carry on a litter. Matika, v. i. rise up. Kua ma- tika mai nga tangata. Matikara, n. 1. finger. 2. fish- hook. Matike, v. i. rise from a recum- bent position. Matiko, V. i. 1. descend. Matiko iho ki raro (R.). 2. run. Matikiiku, n. nail of a finger or toe; claw; hoof Matimati, ii. toe. Matire, and matiretire, n. wand used in the ceremony of pure. He ran kei runga, he kawa: kahore he rau, he matire. Matiro, V. t. beg for food. Matiti, n. a dry branch of a tree, frequented by birds and resorted to for the purpose of catching them. Matitore, a. split. Kua matitore te rakau. Mato, n. deep swamp ; deep val- ley. matomato, a. 1. cool. He wai matomato, he hohonu. 2. green; growing vigorously. Matoha, a. 1. untied; undone. 2. lost. Matoke, a. cold. Matoro, v. t. ivoo ; pay addresses to (131). Matorii, n. crowd. Ko tetahi, hopu noa ai i waenga parae; ko tetahi, tiki tonu ai i roto i te matoru tangata. matotorii, a. thick. Kia mato- toru nga toetoe mo te whare. matorutoru, a. benumbed. Matou, pr. ive , excluding the person addressed. Matii, n. fat. Matiia, ad. first. Matua ano te- nei e hanga. matiia, and matiiatua, a. im- portant; large; abundant. He matua te ika o tera kainga. matua, n. 1. main body of an army. 2. plural of matiia, parents. Matiia, n. 1. parent , and more especially, father. Ko te ma- tua Tawhaki i mauria matetia atu, ko te wahine anake i haere ora (46). — plural matiia. 2. division of an army ; company ; plural matua. Ko nga matua a nga tuakana, he maha ano nga tangata (101). Matiiakumara, n. geranium dis- sect urn, a plant. Matuatiia, n. a kind of eel. See also under Matiia. Matiikii, n. bitter n^ a bird called also matuku-hurepo. matuku-moana, a bird frequent- ing the sea shore. matukutuku, n. 1. a bird. 2. a species of moss. Matiiriitiiru, v. i. trickle in drops ; distil. Matiitu, a. 1. convalescent. 2. remedied. Ka matutu te mate o te turoro. I. Mau, n. productions of the earth. He mau pai nga mau o tenei kainga. II. Mau, V. t. 1. carry. E mau ana i nga hoe ki te waka. 2. take up; lay hold of (follow- ed by ki). Ka mau a Tutane- kai ki ona kahu, ki tana patu (133). Mau — Mawera. 81 III. Mau, a. 1. Jixed. Ka toia a I Tainui, kaore i paueke ; te mau- nga iho ano, mau tonii (75). 2. continuing ; lasting. Ka riro | i nga tama a Rangitihi a Roto- rua : mau nei, mau nei, a whaka- tupuna noatia nga mano ta- ngata nei i reira (103). — Kia maul stay! 3. confined; re- strained. 4. overtaken. Katahi ka whaia; mau rawa atu ki Tc Hoe. 5. seized. Te taenga ki Turanga ka mau i a Piki. 6. Ka mau te wehi! /Jow dread- ful. Man, pron. 2nd person biugular with preposition ma; for thee. See ma. Mau&, pron. we ttoo; excluding the person addressed. M&uah&r&, v. i. cherish iU-Jeel" ingj or hatred. E mauahara tonu ana taua tangata ki a au. MaiiSt&r&, a. on one side. Maui, a. left; on the left hand. Ka tae ki te pekanga o te ara, me haere ki maui. MStdiii, a. wearied. Ka mauiui oku pokohiwi i te amohanga i te wahie. Mauka, a. dry (R.). M&ukdr5, n. carmichfplia anstra- lis, ii shrub. M&uku, n. hymenophyllum of various species. mliukiiukii, n. a plant Maum&u, v. t waste. Ka raru- raru nga rangatira o te Arawa mo te maumaunga i a ratou kura (79). maumau^ad. to no purpose. Mau- mau kake noa aliau ki ninga ki te maunga. »Sce mau. Maiinu, n. hnit. Maunu, v. i. \. he drawn from bolt, sheath &c. Maunu te pa- raoa, kua motu tc upoko (102). 2. come out; be loosened. Ka mauuu te kakau o tc toki. 3. be taken off, as clothes &c. Ka maunu nga kakahu ka rere ki te wai. 4. set forth ; emi- grate. Ka mauuu taua hunga, ka whai haere ano i a raua (68). ^ Maunga, n. 1. mountain. 2. see uuder mau III. Maiingariia, n. rat. Mauranga, u. from mau II. Maurg, n. twelfth day of the mooii's age; — the moon at 11 days old. Me te maure ka puta ake i te pae (167). M^urSa, n. a spiral shell. Mauri, n. 1. heart; seat of fear &c. Ka oho taku mauri i te puhanga o te pu. 2. poles of mapou used in the "pure" ce- remony, sometimes called * ^toko- maurC*. 3. sacred offering. Ka taia [te karangu] e te tohunga ki te mauri. 4. hventy eighth day of the moon's age. lO^iirii, n. north west wind. M&uru, a. quieted; eased. Ka mauruuru tc maraac; the pain is somewhat eased. whakamauru, i. v. t. 1. t/uiet ; appease. 2. keep* steady. Puri- tia te taura hei whakamauru. ii. V. i. subside. E whaka- mauru ana mai te tangi o te M&u-t&r&-kini, a. held //// /he point; or by one end. Maute, n. fire (R.). M&uwh&. n. small bushes ; brush- wood. Ka ngaro ki ro mau- wha. MSw&k3, n. S. E. sea breeze. (perhaps peculiar to the district South of the East Cape). M&wShS, V. i. be .separated. Ka- tahi ka mawehe a Raugi raua ko Papa (4). M&wSr&, a. 1. broken into se- parate masses, as clouds. He mawera te raugi; ho uapo. 2. 82 Mawete — Mehameha. uneasy in mind. Ka niii toku mawera. Mawete, a. untied. Kua mawete te kawe. Mawhai, n. sicyos angulatus; a plant. Mawhaki, a. broken. Kua ma- whaki taku ngira. Mawharii, n. thirteenth day of the moon'^s age; the moon at 12 days old. Mawhatii, a. hanging in curls; covered with curly hair. He upoko mawhatu. Mawliera, a. open. mawhera, n. mouth (R.). Mawheto, a. untied; loosened. Mawhiti, V. i. 1. leap; skip. 2. escape. mawhitiwhiti, n. grasshopper. Mawhiti, n. white dogskin mat; the same as ma hit i. I. Me, conj. 1. if; generally im- plying the reverse of the con- dition expressed. Me he manu kua rere noa atu (16). — He tika me i te tohe tonu ki te kara- nga (148). — Often in the form 'me he mea', if the case v)ere that &c. Me he mea na te ta- ngata tenei mahinga, e kitea te whariki o te waka. 2. as if; like; as it were. Me he ka- wau pu te ahua (138). — Rite tahi me tenei. n. Me, prep, with ; denoting con- comitance or concurrence in time; often to be rendered by a?td. Ka puta te hau, te ua, te whatitiri, me te ngaru katoa te moana (93). — Kei te kai ano ratou, me tana tikanga ano aua rangi o mua ra; me te kai, me te tangi (94). in. Me, verbal particle, forming a kind of imperative future. When used with a transitive verb, the verb frequent^ has a passive signification. Me hoe rawa ki te au o te moana (21), Let [our canoe] be paddl- ed away to mid-ocean. — Ae, me haere ke atu au (10). Yes , I had better go away. — The fol- lowing usage also is not un- frequently met with. Kati me he purupuru i nga korero. Leave off interfering with freedom, of speech. Mea, n. 1. thing. Ko te mea tenei i korero ra ahau ki a koe. 2. a substitute for ano- ther noun; sometimes to be ren- dered by '*o«e", and sometimes not to be translated. Tirohia mai tetahi kowhatu, hei te mea nui. — He mea whakairi ki ru- nga noi ai (11). — Te mea kaha ratou, ko Pitaka. 3. such a one. mea ma, such and such persons. I te mea, when. Ki te mea, in case that; if. Me he mea if the case where that. Me te mea, as if it were; like. Mo te mea, and No te mea, be- cause. mea, v. t. 1. do. Often as a sub- stitute for a more definite word. Meatia te mea nei. 2. cause. Nana ano i mea kia pa ia (1 6). 3. say, Ka mea atu a Manaia, 'Kau mai; kahore he wai' (120). 4. intend; wish. I mea hoki ratou kia tirohia paitia ia (193). 5. think. Ka mea a Ha, ka mate ia (96). 6. to denote lapse of time, when it may sometimes be rendered, go on. Me te rere haere te waka ra, a te Arawa; mea, mea, a, ka taka kei waho o Maketu (74). — Mea kau ake, very .soon ; immediately. Meake, ad. (mea ake) soon. Meatingia, a passive of mea. Mehameha, a. lonely; solitray. Mehameha kau ana tenei whe- nua. Mehemea — Mingi. 83 Mehemea, conj. //. See under me. Meho, a./flAc. Hemeho! Fudge !^ a contemptuous contradiction. Mehua, n. or v. t. measure. \ Mei, n. the month of May. Meinga, j passives of mea; Meingatia, j see mea. Meka, a. true. Only in the ex- position, He meka, he meka! True, true! Mekameka, n. chain. Mek&ri, ad. within a little. Me- kari tatou mate. MSke, V. t. strike with the fst. Mek§, n. pounded fernroot. Meko, V. t. withhold; repue to give. Ka meko to tangata nei i tana waka. MSkore, ad. within a little. Me- kore e tahuri te poti. M^meha, v. i. be dissolvej ; pass away. Kua memeha ke te hau- papa i te whitinga o te ra. Memene, see under mene. Memenge, see under menge. I. Mene, v. i. be assembled. Kua meuc mai nga tangata o te kai- nga. whakamene, v. t. call together. II. Mene, menemene, memene, V. i. shew wrinkles. Ka me- menc ona paparinga. he smi- les. Menge, mSmSngS, a. 1. shrivell- ed, withered. Ka koroheketia ka memenge nga ringa nga uaua. 2. wrinkled. Titiro ai au ki to paparinga o to tangata ki te memenge (of the wrinkling of the cheeks in smiling). Mdrd, n. a stono weapon for hand to hand fighting, sometimes call- ed meremere. Merkkara, n. miracle. MerengI, n. melon. MSroiti, a. small ; inconsiderable He mcromeroiti kau te mate. Mot&r&r&hi, a. great. Meto, a. putrid. Ka metoa nga tawatawa. MiERE, n. honey. Miere, v. i. become powerless ; be exhausted. Ka powharu Wai- kato, ka raiere Taurauga. I. Mih&, n. distant descendant. Tupu rawa i te miha, katahi ka ngakia tona mate. Miha, V. i. wonder. Miharo, v. t. wonder at; admire. Pass, miharotia, be regarded with wonder or admiration. miharo, a. causing wonder. He mahi miharo te mahi a te pa- keha. Mihi, V. t. 1. greet. Mihi atu ana, mihi ana mai ; ka mutu te mihimihi, kaui (122). 2. acknow- ledge an obligation. 3. sigh for ; lament. No reira i mihi ai a Tuau ki ana tamariki me tana wahino (111). Mikara, n. knife. MLk6, n. areca sapida ; New Zea- land palm- tree. Muni, V. i. make water. mimi, n. urine. Mimih&, n. I. a black bituminous substance found in the sea. 2. whale. Mimir&, V. t. fasten on the haumi or bow-piece to the body of a canoe. Mimird, v. t. draw together the sides of a canoe. Koia i ki ai au kia mimirotia to tatou waka inaianei. Soe also under miro. Mimiti, sec under miti. Min& or minamma, v. t. have a longing for. Minamina ana tuku kaki ki te kai rcka. Minamina auahi, taste of smoke. Minaka, v. t. desire. E minaka ana taku waha ki tc kai nei. Min§, V. i. be as.sembled. whakamine, v. t. assemble. Mingi, n. cyathodes acerusa ; a tree. 6* 84 Mingo — momoe. Mingo, a. curled; curly. mimmgo, a. shrivelled up. mingomingo, a. crisped ; frizzl- ed. MiRA, n. 7nill. Mir a, n. mira-tuatini, a saw-like weapon made of sharks' teeth fastened to a piece of wood. miramira, n. uvula. miramira, a. at a red heal. Ka roa te kainga a te ahi, na, miramira kau ana te rino. miramira, v. t. give prominence to. Naku i miramira te korero na. whakamira, n. lower portion of a Jtshing-line, protected by a thread wound tightly round it. whakamiramira, v. t. make much of; treat with deference. He mea whakamiramira naku taku tamaiti; kei a koe ka tonoa. Mira, Y. t. tend carefully ; cherish. Miri, n. a mat like the korowai, but of a coarser description. Miri, V. t. 1. rub. 2. shell maize; separate the grain /row the cob. 3. pa.ss close to; touch in pass- ing. Kia miri kau to tatou waka i te taha o te toka. Miro, n. podocarpus ferruginea, a ti-ee. Miro , T. t. spin ; twist. Miroa he aho hi ika ma tatou. miro, n. 1. thread. 2. whirling current of water. mimiro, v. i. move swiftly. Haere, miroia, kia tere te haere. miromiro, n. petroica toitoi, a small bird. Miti, V. t. lick; lick up. mimiti, a. 1. dried up. Kua mi- miti te wai o te repo. 2. swal- lowed up; exterminated. E! ka mimiti toku iwi, akuanei pea ka mate hoki ko au. Mo, prep. 1. for ; on account of Ka kawe nei a Tinirau ki te rapu utu mo tana tamaiti (38). 2. for the benefit of; for the use of. NGa aruhe hei o mo te taua (40). — Ka wahia i te tungaroa he ara whakaputanga mo tana tamaiti ki waho (52). 3. for i. e. to hold &c. Me raranga he kete mo nga kai. 4. against; in preparation for. Kia angiangi ai te poho o te tangata mo te turanga i te aroa- kapa te haka (166). Moa, n. 1. dinornis of various species; extinct birds. 2. a kind of stone. 3. bed or rais- I ed plat in a garden. j whakamoa, v. t. lay in a heap. ! WHakamoaina nga powhatu. I Moana, n. 1. .sea. 2. roof of a kumara rua. Moanariia, v. t. repair a mat by weaving a fresh piece. Kua tawhito te remu, kua wera ra- nei tetahi wahi, ka moanarua- tia; ka natia houtia a runga te wahi i ora, a taea noatia te whiri. Moari, n. a kind of swing. Moariari, v. i. 1. escape narrowly. Ko hea te moariaritanga o te tawhiti nei inanahi. 2. be alarm- ed at sudden danger of another person. Moata, a. early in the morning. Kia moata ki te whariki mo te kainga nei (192). Moe, i. V. i. 1. sleep. 2. dream. ii. V. t. marry. I whakaaro ia kia moe ia i a Te WHatuiapiti, hei tane pai mana (165). whakamoe, v. t. 1. put to sleep. 2. close the eyes. Ka whaka- moea nga kanohi, ko te ta- ngata ia e ara ana. 3. give in marriage. Ko taku tuahine ra kia whakamoea ma taku hoa takatapui ma Tiki (135). momoe, a. 1. of a drowsy habit 2. keeping the eyes closed. Nana moenga — Moko. 85 ano i momoe noa; no, ka mate tera iwi (62). moenga, n. bed. Moeahii, n. melicytus rami/lort/s, a tree. Te tino motumotu mo tatou, ko moeahu. Moehewa, v. i. dream. Moemiti, V. t. praise. whakamoemiti, v. t. praise. Ka kite a Paoa i reira i te kuku Waiau, ka whakamoemiti ki reira (196). Moemoea, n. dream. Moenanu, v. i. iaik in one's s/eep. Moenga, see under moe. Moeone, n. a kind of grub. M6etitor5, v. i. s/eep wakefutly. Moetoropuku, t. i. steep nmke- .My- Mohani. n. fern-root. Mohe. momohe, a. flaccid. Heoi ka momohe rapea ona tuatara (154). Moheke, n. thick Jem-root. M5lii, n. a fish. MOhio, v.t. understand; recognize. Mau e whakaliua atu i tou ingoa, a ka mohio mai ia ki a koe (28). mohio, a. 1. irise; intelligent. 2. siispiciotis. Me pehca ra ka whiti ai au, ina hoki c mohio tonu ana te iwi nei (132). whakamohio, v. t. 1. teach ; cause to understand. 2. hint one's meaning in a song. M6h6, n. 1. a bird. 2. a fish. 3. blockhead. \ fnnible. Ko te moho tena. whakamoho, v. i. .^hal .wftli/ on any one. Me ata whakamoho atu. Mdhoa, ad. to the present time. 1 a au ano i Poihakcna, a mo- hoa noa nei toku mate. Mohoao, n. man of the u*oods ; hnrharian. Kahore he kupu a te mohoao (139). M0h5ku, pron. for moku. ! Mohoririwai, a. ireak ; (of tlie eyes). He kanohi mohoririwai. Mohil, V. i. .smoulder. Ka ka mohu te kakahu. Mohiinga, a. crushed; pulpy. mohungahiinga, a. crumbling ; mealy. Mol, V. i. turn sour; ferment. Na te werawera i raoi ai a tatou kai. Moimoi, v. t catt a dog. M51010, a. growing weakly. Mo- ioio ana te tupu. MQiri, a. suspended over. Ka moiri te ra ki te pae. M6k&, u. 1. end; crtremlty. Koi tera moka o te pa tona whare. 2. a kind of caterpillar. wliakam6m6k&, i. v. i. go stealth- ily. Kia ata whakamomoka atu kei oho nga parera. ii. v.t. 1. seek in a stealthy manner. Ma tatou e whakamomoka he wahi ruru mo to tatou waka. 2. way- lay. I haore mai to Hauhau ki te whakamomoka pu nia ratou. MOkS, n. muzzle for the mouth of a beast. whakamOkS, v.t. muzzle. WHaka- mokatia to kuri. MOk&i, n. captive; slave, m5k&mdkai, and m5kS.ik&i, n. 1. bird or animal kept in ron- Jinemenl. 2. dried human head; anything kept as a curiosity &c. M6k3, n. .solitary person. He moke taua tangata, e noho ana ko ia make i tona kainga. mokemoke, a. .solitary; lonely. MOkShu, n. white clays tone. Moki, n. a fish. mokimoki, a. a plant. MOki, or mSkihi, n. raft gene- rally made of flags or rushes. Mokinokino, a. lowering; threa- tening. He rangi mokinokino. Mok6, n. 1. tattoo marks on the face or body. 2. lizard. 86 mokomoko — whakamomori. mokomoko, n. lizard. Mokomokorea, a. scarce; soli- tar ij. Ka haere ka mokomoko- rea te tangata, me noho ki te ngaki kai. Mokopuna, n. grandchild ; child of a son, daughter f nepheiv, niece &c. Mokorahi. a. great. Me he mea i mokorahi ake nei te hau nei, kari ana tera i roto i te whare. mokorahi, n. extent. Mokowhiti, V. i. jump. Mokii, pron. first person singu- lar with the preposition mo, for me. See mo. Momi, V. t. suck: suck tip. Momipu, a. small. Momipu te kaitaka i te paraikete. Momo, n. 1. offspring. He momo uo Hinematioro. 2. race; breed. Momoe, see under moe. Momohanga, n. remnant. Kia ata kai i nga kai, ka whanatu hoki ka momohangatia. Momohe, see under mohe. Mom.oka, see under moka. Momona, a. fat; rich; fertile. He whenua momona. Momono, see under mono. Momori, see under mori. Momote, see under mote. Momoto, see under moto. Momotu, see under motu. Momotu, n. firebrand. Mona, n. knot of a tree. Mona, pron. 3rd person singular with preposition mo, for him; for her. See m.o. Mona, n. scar; trace. Monaroa, a. loitering. Ehara i te hanga te monaroa o te ta- ngata nei; ka kitea pea e ia te kore, ka hoki mai. Monehii, n. young sprout of fern. monenehu, n. a kind of kumara. monenehu, a. almost out of sight. Ka whakamonenehu te waka. MoNi, n. money. Monia, a. set on edge. Ka mo- nia aku niho. moniania, n. fear. Ka hemo te moniania o te patu. Monimoni, v. i. be cotisumed. Monimoni noa nga kumara o taku rua i te kiore. Mono, V. t. 1. plug; caulk. Kei te mono i te pakaru o te waka. 2. disable by means of charms, or incantations. Ka mutu te teka, ka maranga ko te mono. mom.ono, v. t. disable by incan- tations. monomono, a. unpleasant to the smell. More, n. 1. tap-root. 2. a fish. moremore, v. t. make bald or bare ; strip of branches &c. Kua moremorea tera taha o te ra- kau. moremorenga, n. ejid; extremity. Te Moremorenga o te ihu. — Te moremorenga o te poho, the lower end of the breast- bone. Morea, n. remnant. I haere mai au, tenei herehere, kia kite i enei morea kawana. morearea, a. 1. lonely ; dreary. Kaore au e noho i konei i te morearea i a au. 2. sorrowful. Ko tera kua mate; ko te mo- rearea kau ki nga ho a noho. Morehii, n. survivor. Morere, v. i. swing. Morewa, a ajloat. Kia morewa atu to tatou waka ki waho. Mori. morimori, a. shorn of branches. He rakau morimori, e kore e taea te piki. — Morimoringa kai, removal of the Hapu^ from crops. whakamomori, v. i. commit sui- cide, or any other act of de- speration. Ka haere rawa i ko- nei ki te wkakamomori ki te moana, kia kainga e te taniwha (27). Morlkarika — Mowhiti. 87 Morikarik^, a. 1. abominable. 1. detesting. Moriroriro, v. i. 1. be almost out of sight; be just visible. Mo- riroriro kau ake i roto i te wai. 2, become estranged. Kei te moriroriro tatou. Moroiti, a. small. Moroki, ad. expressing conti- nuance, in the phrase, Moroki noa nei (165); quite up to the present time. whakamoroki, v. i. remain un- moved : repress one's feelings. Mororiki, a. small. Mororohtl, n. flea. Morimga, a. on high; lifted up. Kua morunga mai te ra. — A ka morunga ake taua whare (21). MdtS, V. t. .tuck. E kore e mo- tea te u o te koka i te nui o to mate. mote, n. water. Kia maha nga kai ki te mote. momote, ad. clandestinely. Kua pan te rahui a Pahe te kai mo- mote. M9t^, a. whitefaced. moteatea, 1. fearful; faintheart- ed. 2. scrupulous: hesitating. Ka moteatea au ki te patu i taua tangata. M6t6ngi, a. placed aloft. Kia motengi te kai ki runga kei pau. MOti, a. consumed; scarce. Tuku rawa matou ki a matou kai kua raoti. whakamoti, v. t. desinnj ; extir- pate. M5tih§tih8, n. a bird. motihetihe, a. ha ring the hair .slandiiig on ene- lonfrinp to me &c. See na. NSh&u, for nau, by thee; belong- in^ to thee &c. See na. N&h&u, a. quick. Compare nga- hau. N&hea, a. tong (in time). Ka na- liea te ngaronga atu o Moka. Nahin&hi, n. convotvulus septum ; a plant. Naka, ad. denoting position near or connection in some way with the person spoken to. I to ara nui naka. NIkahT, n. serpent. Nakinaki, n. a plant. Naku, pron. 1st person singular with preposition na, by me; be- longing to me &c. See na. Naku, nan§.ku, v. t. dig; scratch. nakunaku, i. v. t. reduce to frag- ments. Nakunakua te wahio. ii. V. i. be broken to pieces; be crushed. Patua rawatia , ko- hungahunga ana tera; nakunaku noa iho. Namu, n. small fly. whakanamunamu, v. i. appear like a speck in the distance. Hoki rawa mai, ehara, kua whakanamunamu kau mai nga ra o te waka (71). namunamu, n. blistering plaster, NanS, V. t. tend carefully ; nurse. N&n&, preposition na with per- sonal pronoun of 3rd person singular. See na. N&n&, a. in a passion; raging. Nana noa ana ki te tutu wharo mana. N&n&, n. eyebrow. Ka hiia tera nga nana, ka riri. N&n&hu, a. well executed. Na- nahu ana tera te whakairo o te hanga nei. N&n&kia, a. outrageous; fierce. Ka mate korua; he nanakia te iwi nei (46). N&nSkii, sec under naku. Nanao, see under nao. Nanati, see under nati. N&nS,u, see under nau. Nanawa, see under nawe. N&n§, n. dog. 90 nanenane — whakauana we. naneuane, n. 1. rollen kumara. 2. goat. Nanea, a. copious; satisfying. He kai nanea. I. Nani, n. ivild cabbage; wild turnip. II. Nani, a. noisy. Ko wai te iwi e nani mai ra? Compare ngangi. Nanihi, a. distant. Kua nanihi noa atu te haere a Titore. Nano. whakanano, v. t. discredit. Ha! to whakanano ki takii korero! Nanu, a. 1. mixed; confused. 2. indistinct; inarticulate. Kua nanu te reo (42). nanu, v. i. murmur; express dis- appointment, or dissatisfaction. Ka tahi, ka rua, ka torn nga kiore, ka pan aku kai : ko te nanu e waiho i a au. Moe-nanu, talk in one^ sleep. whakananu, v. t. mix; confuse. Nao, nanao, v. t. handle; feel with the hand; take hold of Katahi a Kupe ka nanao iho ki tana taha, ka whina atu ki te wai (110). naonao, n. small moth ; midge. Kei te pokai naonao te ahua. whakanaonao, v. i. appear like a speck in the distance. Nape, 1. v)eave. 2. jerk. Ka mau te ika, napea, kia kaha te nape. 3. say falteringly ; missay. Pa- wera tonu tona papa ki te na- penga o tana karakia tohi (17). nape, n. fishing line. Napi, nanapi, v. i. cling tightly, Eja mau te nanapi ou ringa- ringa, kei taka koe. Natl, nanati, v. t. 1. pinch or contract, as by means of a li- gature &c. Nanati i te kaki; throttle ; strangle. 2. fasten ruupo on the walls of a house. Tokohia nga tangata i natia ai te whare nei. 3. restrain; stifle. Kaua e natia taku ko- rero. natiuati, or nanati, a. pinched; constricted. Ka natinati toku korokoro. Natii, V. t. 1. scratch. He ka- rarehe natunatu. 2. stir up; mix. Ka natua te kai ki te hinu. Nau, preposition na with pro- noun of the 2nd person singu- lar, by or belonging to thee. See na. Nau, V. i. cojne. Nau mai. naunau, v. t. take up. Kihai i tae te naunau. naunau, a. angry. whakanau, v. t. refuse. E kore matou e ahei te whakanau atu. whakananau, v. i. be angry. Nauhea, n. vagabond. Nauhuri, n. a fresh-water fish. Naumai, welcome! naumai, n. guest. Waiho au kia mahi ana i taku mahi; ko aku naumai kia tae mai ki a au. Naunau, see under nau. Naupata, n. a shrub. Naupiro, n. a shrub. Nawai, ad. denoting regular pro- cess of time, and always followed by a. Nawai i tata, a ka ma- tara atu ki tawhiti (121). ^f- ter having been near for some time they came at length to be a long dista/ice off. — Nawai, a ka awatea; at length, or in due course day dawned. Nawe, nanawe, v. i. I. be set en fire. Meake nawe to ka- kahu. 2. be kindled or excit- ed (as feelings). Nanawe ake ana te aroha i a au ki taku potiki. 4. be unmoveable. Toto noa nga tangata o era wahi i a koe; kaore, kei te nanawe ano, whakananawe, 1. v. i. loiter, dawdle. E whakananawe atu V nawe — No. 91 aua ki muri; e kore e hohoro te haere. 2. v. t. fasten. He tau mo te patu hei whakana- nawe ki te ringa mau ai. n&w§, n. scar. NS, ad. interrogative, giving em- phasis to a question, request, or proposal. Ka haere au ki te tiki ahi, ne? (23) / will go to fetch some fire ; shall I ? I. N3hS, n. rafter of a house nehenehe, n. forest. whakanehenehe, v. i. quarrel. . I -i^T T- ) u- ancient times. I I . Nehe, / „ , _- , ' > He korero na ne- NShu, n. dust. nehu, V. t. bur if. nehimehu, a. duskii. whakanehu, v. t. reduce to potv- dcr. Nohut&i, 11. spratf from the sea, N6i, ad. denoting position near, or some kind of connection with the speaker. E koro, haria nga toki nei (50). — Often used in relative clauses. Te tohu- nga e tarai nei i te waka. N§inSi, v. i. stretch forwards in readiness to ily. E neinei ana te pane o to parera. whakaneinei, v. i. stretch for- wards. Kei te whakaneinei te kaki ki te pania o te kohanga. noinei, n. dracophi/llum latifo- Hum : a shrub. N6k6, V. t. or v. i. moife. Neke atu koe ki ko. whakanekeneke, v. t. rause to move alonf^. nokS, 11. roller on which a canoe is dragged. Nkkf, n. snake. Neko, n. a mat N5kun§ku, v. i. decline as the Hun. Ka nekuneku to ra; o kore tatou e tae. N6n8, int calling attentiou. 'whakanene, v. i. 1. jest; sport. E whakanene mai ra nga ta- mariki. 2. quan'el. Neti, D. a small dart used in I play. j Niao, n. 1 . gunwale of a canoe. 2. edge of any open vessel. Nihi.^ ninihi, a. steep. ninihi, v. i. move .stealth Hi/, steal away. whakaninihi, v. i. more .^(vallh- ilij. Ka whakaninihi i runga i nga kauaeroa. Niho, u. tooth. Niho tapalii; front tooth. Niho kata; eye tooth. Niho pu, or niho pu- rakau ; double tooth. Niho waha, or niho hawa; broken tooth. Niho tunga ; decayed tooth ; tooth- ache. whakanihoniho, v. i. 1. grow in the shape of teeth. WHaka- nihoniho aua to rea o nga pa- rareka nei. 2. quarrel. Kei ' te whakanihoniho nga tamariki. I Nlk&u, n. areca sapida or New j Zealand palm. WikS, V. t. tie. Me niko mai to whakaheke. iHkd, n. wild cabbage. Ninia, v. i. glow. E ninia te #1 taha te rangi, ka wera te Tihi-o-Manono (61). i Ninihi, sec under nihi. Niu, n. certain small sticks used for purposes of divination. Niwh&, n. barb of a fishhook. whakaniwha, v. t. furnish with a barb. N6, prep, l.from; of; belonging to. (a) as part to the whole. He tikitiki no tona mahunga te harakekc i Otoi? (141) (b) as inhabitant to country. No Ilea koe? No konei ano (23). — No tawhiti tenei tira, no Piako (188). (c) as parent to child. He matua nona a Faka. (d) as 92 Noa — Noko. dwelling-place to inhabitant. | Ehara i a koe tenei kainga: noku ano (79). (e) as clothes to wearer. Nona nga kakahu i tahaetia nei. 2. of past time, (a) from. No reira ano te ahua matemate oku, a mohoa noa nei. (b) at; in; on. No te ahiahi ano ka haere a WHakatau (61). — No te tatanga ki te hokinga, ka- tahi ano te ika ka kai ki tana matau (101). (c) when. No ka oria e te hau (101). 3. until. No te mea; from the fact that; because. Kaore ano i kitea noatia, no te mea i rite ki a ratou te kiri te ma (179). — No reira; no kona; no ko- nei; therefore; wherefore. No kona hoki te whakataukitanga iho a Toi (63). No hea, in- terrogatively, is often equiva- lent to a decided negative. No hea e mana, no hea e aha? (99) It was of no avail ivha- tever. Noa, a. 1. free from Hapu\ or any other restriction. Ka hu- rihia te hurihanga takapau, rua- hine rawa, kakahi rawa, ka noa (22). 2. within one''s po- wer. Kia noa katoa ai i a ia ratou (8). 3. of no moment. He mea noa ano. noa, ad. 1. without restraint. Ka oti te tuku kia haere noa. 2. of oneself ; spontaneously. Nana ano i momoe noa (62). 3. with oneself Hua noa, kaore ano koe i whakaaetia atu (194). 4. gratuitously. He mea homai noa nana taua moni. 5. at random; without object. Ka rere te wahine nei ki tana haere noa atu, ki Tauranga, a ana haere noa atu. — Ka noho noa iho a Manaia (117). 6. fruitlessly. To noa, to noa; te taea (76). 7. intensive and to be rendered by quite, altoge- ther &c. according to the con- text. E takoto mai nei ano aua kura, a tae noa mai ki tenei ra (74). — Ehara enei wahine i konei; no tawhiti noa atu (146). 8. already. Kua u noa mai ia i runga i tona waka a E-uaeo (76). 9. just; merely. Kia iti noa nei. Nohinolii, a. small, pi. nonohi. Noho, V. i. 1. sit. Tae atu ra- tou, ka noho ki raro (172). 2. stay. Ka ahiahi, ka noho tahi ki a Paoa (189). 3. dwell; live. Kei tona pa ano e noho ana (189). 4. cohabit. Ko ta Tamatiriwa, ka noho i a Hituri (114). Pass, nohoia, 1. be in- habited; be sat upon &c. Ka- tahi ka nohoia taua wahi. 2. be kept or celebrated. Ka no- hoia te purenga o Manaia (13). nohoanga, n. seat. Nohokii, a lengthened form of noku; see noku. Nohou, a lengthened form of nou; see nou. Nohunohu, a. unpalatable; nau- seous. Noi, V. i. be elevated; be high up. Apopo ka pou i te kai nei, kia rokohanga mai kua noi ki runga (142). — Te maunga e noi mai, rere! whakanoi, v. t. hang up; ele- vate. WHakanoia nga tuna ki runga ki te pataka. nonoi, a. 1. urgent. Kia nonoi te mahi ka takirua ai te ta- ngata. 2. disfigured. Nonoi mai ana nga paparinga o te koroke nei. Noke, n. earth-worm. nonoke, v. i. struggle together; wrestle. Noko, n. stern of a canoe. NSkii — ngaehe. 93 Nokii, preposition »o, with per- sonal pronoun, 1st person sin- gular. See no. Nona, preposition no, vriih. per- sonal pronoun, 3rd person sin- gular. See no. Nonahea, ad. interrogative, of time past, from what time; at what time ; when. Nonahea kou- tou nei i u mai ai? (122). Nonaianei, ad. of time past, to fiat/; Just now. Nonakuar^, ad. a iittle while ago. Nonamata, ad. a long time ago. Nonanahi, ad. yesterdaij. Nonaoake, ad. the day before i/csff'rday. Nonao&kSnui, ad. three days ago. NonSpO, ad. iast night. Nonawhea, the same as nonahea. Non§, V. t. consume; waste. Ko nga mea anake a nga Maori c nonca ana e ia, N6ni, a. crooked; bent Vun i whakanoni te rarangi noni, n. 1. bend; turn. icm ic wai kei te noni o ie taiepa. 2. Jish-hook. N6n6kur&, a. red. Noti, n5n6ti, v. t. pinch or con- tract, a.s with a band or liga- ture. Ka rongo ki te mamae o nga taura, kua nonoti tonu ra i waenganui o te puku (152). Nonoti i te kaki; throttle. Ka rerc mai ki a au ka nonoti i taku kaki. whakanoti, v. t. 1. draw to- gether with a cord y as a bag &c. 2. cover fire with ashes, to prevent it from burning quickly out. N5u, preposition no with perso- nal pronoun 2nd person singu- lar. NowKM.\, n. November. "Nui, a. 1. great. E nui ana te ngaru ; e kore e puta te waka. 2. superior; of high rank. Kihai i hanga ake tana wahine; he rangatira nui no tenei whenua (196). 3. many. He nui te tangata o roto o tana pa (166). Plural nunui. He maioro nu- nui nga maioro (166). nui, ad. in public. nuings, n. party; people. Ka hoki a Paoa ki ona hoa, ki tona nuinga (196). Ntik&, V. t. deceive. E nuka ana mai koe ki a au. NtLk&rau, v. t. deceive. Kei nu- karautia tatou. NukS, a. crooked; humped. Ka nuke tona tuara. Nuku, n. wide extent. Kei to nuku o te whenua nga raahi- nga kai. — also of the sea. Ko Matahorua te waka nana i toro te nuku roa (109). naku, y. t. or y. i. move. Nuku- hia te pou nei ki tawhiti. Numi. nunumi, v. i. disappear behind. Inamata kua nunumi ki tua o te toka ra (170). numinumi, a. ashatnt'd m. I. NG5, plural of te, the. | wh&kanga, v. i. take breath. II. N05, v. i. hrrnthr, generally NGae. connected with manawa. Ka ng&eng&e, n. heel (R.). nga te manawa; he breathes. NG&eh§, v. i. rustle. Tukua kia nga toku manawa; ngaehe, n. tide. Kua tokari te allow me to take breath. ngaehe (R.). 94 NGaeke — ngakinga. NGaeke, v. i. crack; tear. NGaeki, v. i. yield to the touch ; give way. Ka takahia te pu- korukoru, ka ngaeki noa. ngaeki, n. swamp. ngaekieki, v. i. overflow. NGa- ekieki ana te tai nei, huri aua mai ki waenga parae. NGaeo, n. a fresh water shell- fish; iinio, NGaere, v. i. quake; oscillate as a bog. Ka ngaere a raro o te M^henua. NGaeroero, n. young eel. NGahangaha , a. frivolous. WHakangahangaha noa nei ki te korero. Compare hanga- hanga. NGahae, v. i. 1. be torn. Ka ngahae toku kakahu. 2. dawn. Ka ngahae te ata (111). ngahaehae, a. torn into strips. NGahau, a. 1. infected by ex- ample. 2. brisk, ngahau, n. 1. force of example. 2. dance whakangahau, v. i. lead by ex- ample. NGahehe, the same as ngaehe. NGahengahe, a. wasted; weak. Kua ngahengahe noa iho oku iwi, kua koroheke. ngahengahe, n. forest. Comp. nehenehe. NGahere, n. forest. NGahiri, n. 1, hum of many voices. WHakarongo ki te nga- hiri (190). 2. abundance of crops. Kia kaha te mahi ; he ngahiri kitenga kotahi. NGahoahoa, n. head-ache. NGahoro, v. i. 1. drop off or out. Ka ngahoro nga kai o to kete. 2. be abundant. Kua ngahoro te hua o te paukena. ngahoro, ad. and upivards. E rua rau ngahoro; two hundred Gfid upwards. NGahua, v. i. swarm ; appear in great numbers. WGahiiru, a. ten. ngahnru, n. the name of the 11th and 12th months, the 11th being ngahuru-kai-paenga, and the 12th simply ngahuru; har- vest time. Taihoa tatou e haere ki reira, hei te ngahuru; kia rupeke te kai ki te hapoko (1^89).^ NGaingai, n. a shell-fish; the same as kokota. NGaio, n. myoporum IcPtum; a tree. whakangaio, v. i. sport; make- believe. Ehara i te whakapu- puni pononga, he whakangaio nana (133). NGaiore, n. a fish; the same as inanga. NG^kau, n. 1. bowels; viscera. 2. heart ; seat of the affections. E awangawanga ana te nga- kau. — Oranga ngakau, comfort. Haere koutou, e hoki ki to tatou matua, hei oranga nga- kau mona (184). — He whare ngakau; a house built in order to get up an expedition to avenge the death of some one. whakangakau, v. i. bear malice ; entertain a malicious desire. E tama, e tama, whakangakau rawa koe ki te patu i a au? WGakaukore, a. disinclined; hav- ing no heart for doing a thing. NGakauniii, a. hearty; eager. NGake, n. middle of a fishing net. NGfiki, V. t. 1. clear from weeds; cultivate. 2. avenge. Ko wai hei ngaki i tou mate? — NGaki mate; take vengeance. Ka ta- huri mai ki te ngaki mate mo tona whakairinga ki runga ki te whare (66). ngakinga, n. clearing; plot of cultivated ground. NGakihi— NGarg. 95 NGakihi, u. 1. patella: a shell tish. 2. rock-oyster. NGako, n. fat. whakangako, v. t. make game of. Ku maruma akuanei te tuhiUilii, e kore e whakangakotia. NGakoikoi, n. a lish. NGakungaku, a. reduced to shreds. ^'Cakuugaku noa iho ta matoii kai. See nakunaku. NGakuni, v. i. 1. drop off or out. Compare ngahoro. 2. be set (as fruit). Ka ngakuru te pititi. NGami. whakangami, v. t. swallow up. ,K.) NGan^, V. i. be eagerly intent. Kei te ngana a Kupe ki te ta- l)atapahi i nga kawekawo (110). whakanganangana, v. i. make lido. ngang&n&, a. red. He rakau nga- ngana te totara. I. NGang&, v. i. make a noise. Kati te nganga. II. NGanga, n. 1. stone. 2. hail. \\. dregs: refuse. NGang§,hii, a. sharp. ngangahu, v. i. 1. distort the features. Kahore aku korero ki a tera; ko oku whatu i nga- ngahu, a heoi ano. 2. dance. Ko reira ia pai ai te rere ki mua ngangahu ai (167). NGangana, see under ngana. NGangara, see under ngara. NG&ngar&ngi, n. a variety of potato. NGangare, see under ngare. NGangau, see under ngau. NGang6ng&ng6, a pierced through. NGangI, n. cry of distress ; noise. Taro kau iho, kua ngaro noa iho te ngangi; ko te tai anake e aki ana (93). NG&o, n. 1. palate. 2. prominent part; roughness. Meake waru- hia nga ngao o te rakau. 3. sprout; shoot. Heoi te roa o te ngao. ngaongao, n. a shell-fish, whakangao, v. t put forth; sprout. E whakangao ana i nga rau. NGaoki, V. i. creep; crawl. E ngaoki mai ra te turoro. NGaoko, V. i. 1. feel a tickling sensation : itch. Taukahore te ngaoko o te tuiau. 2. move slightly: stir. Te ngaoko te alia, ko te tumu kau ano ki a I ia (15). : whakangaoko, v. t. tickle; amuse. Korero i ta korua whakanga- j okooko. (^o on with your en- tertaining talk. NG&ore, n. a fish; the same as in a nga. ngaore, a. succulent ; tender. He ngaoro te tupu o te mara. NG&ottl, n. a method of work- ing timber with the adze. He ngaotu tenei tarai. NG&pu, V. i. 1. o.vr/7/rt/e or un- dulatCj as swampy ground. Ka ngapu te repo i te takahauga. 2. stretch forwards ^ ready to run. Ka ngapu nga tangata ki te oma NG&r&, ng&ngara, v. i. snarl. ngarangara, n. anything small. A luatou ngarangara korero. NGarS, pron. they; them. 1 ki I atu ano au ki a ngara. I NGSr&hu, n. 1 . charcoal. 2. any black pigment. 3. war-dance. Kei te tutu ngarahu te taua. ngarahu, v. i. take roun.sel; be thoughtful. He ngarahu he i mate ai te taua. whakangarahu , v. t. devi.se; plot. NGSr&hu-t&ua, m. 1. war-dance, 2. a sheel-fish. NG^rara, u. reptile; insect. I. NGare, n. family; number of 96 NGare — NGawhariki. people connected by blood. Me te ngare o te WHanau a Kai, me te ngare o Eotonga, me te ngare o Hinetu. II. NGare, v. t 1. send. NGarea mai he tangata hei tiki i a au. 2. urge. ngangare, v. i. quarrel. Kihai ia i puta mai; penei kua nga- ngare ke. NGarehe, n. forest (transposed from ngahere). NGarehii, the same as ngarahu. NGaringari, n. song to make people pull together. Ko matou kei te hapai i te mea taimaha, ka tika ma matou te ngaringari. whakangari, v. t. tease. NGaringaria, n. shame. Ka mate au i te ngaringaria i te pakeha- kore. I. NGaro, n. Jlij. II. NGaro, a. 1. hidden; out of sight; absent. Kua ngaro te ra (47). 2. missing; lost. I haere tahi ano koutou, ka ngaro nei ia i to koutou hokinga mai nei (95). 3. unintelligible; not perceived. Kei te ngaro tonu i a au to korero. 4. passed into anything. Kua ngaro ki roto ki te mahanga (151). whakangaro, v. t. put out of sight; destroy. NGarii, n. wave of the sea. ngarungaru, a. rough with ivaves. NGariie, v. i. shake; move to and fro. whakangarue, v. i. shake. NGarurii, a. 1. surfeited. 2. af- fected with head ache. ngaruru, n. a shell fish; the same as toitoi. NGarurii, a. abundant. I. NGata, n. snail; slug; leech. II. NGata, a. 1. appeased; satis- fied. Kihai i ngata te puku riri o Waikato ki nga tangata taua pa nei (166). 2. dry. Ka ngata te'wahie nei i roto i te kapura. NGatahi, ad. together. NGatahure, a. one. (R.) NGatata, a. split; chapt. Ka ngatata toku waewae. NGatatahi, ad. together. NGateri, v. i. vibrate; shake. NGateri ana te whenua i te ta- ngi o te pu. NGatete, v, i. crackle. NGau, V. t. 1. bite; gnaw. E ngau ana te kuri i te wheua. 2. gall ; hurt. E ngau tonu ana te mamae i roto i oku iwi. 3. plunder. I te ngau pea i te kainga o Te Tawa. whakangau, v. t. hunt with dogs. Ka mau a Ihenga ki nga kuri hei whakangau kiwi (78). 2. cause to be struck with a weapon. Ka takiritia mai te taha i roto i te wai ra; katahi ka whaka- ngaua atu ki te patu e haua mai ra ki a ia (91). ngangau, v. i. make a disturb- ance. NGaiieiie, v. i. shake. NGawaki, v. i. bend the k?iees. Kua ngawaki atu nga turi ki raro. NG€wari, a. 1. soft. He oneone ngawari. 2. supple. 3. moving easily; quick. Kia ngawari te hoe. 4. accommodating; kind. 5. obediejit. whakangawari, v. i. move quick- ly. Wahi iti te whakangawari - nga atu, kei Rawuki (144). NGaweki, v. i. creep. NGawha, n. 1. boiling spring . 2. bulrush. NGawha, v. i. 1. burst open. Kua ngawha te upoko. 2. over- flow banks. NGawhara, v. i. crumble. NGa- whara noa te wahie nei i te aki- nga a te wahie. NGawhariki, n. boiling spring. NG a where — NG5en g5e. 97 NGawhSrS, v. i. break up; crum- ble. E kore e ngawhere te ko- whatu nei. NGawhewhe, a. torn; worn out. Kua iigawhewhe toku kakahu. NGawhi, v. i. suffer penalty. Akuanei nei ka ngawhi koe. ngawhingawhi , a, torn; worn out. NGawi, V. i. 1. go. Ka ngawi noa te tangata ki tawhiti. 2. squeal: howl. Na wai te kuri ngawi mai nei. NG&wiri, a. ten (R.) NGS, n. 1. noi.se. 2. thicket. Ka uoho ki roto ki te pirita, ki te uge, ki te hurupi. NG§, 1. a prefix to certain pro- nouns as nge-au, nge-ona &c. without modifying the meaning. 2. suffix to certain adverbs as pea-nge, koa-uge. NGShS. whakangehengehe, v. i. counter- feit sickness, Ni3^^i, n. a fish. ngeingei, a. stretching; forth. whakangeingei, v. i. stretch forth. Ka whakangeingei te kawei o te hue. Ng§n§, n. scrofulous wen, whakangenengene, v. i. muffle oneself up Wllakangeneugeue ana te tangata ra ki roto ki tona kakahu. NG^ngS, a. weary ; tired. Kaore au i tao atu i to ngenge. NG^ngere, see under ngere. NGengeri, see under ngeri. NGrengero, see under ngero. NG^ngSti, n. a shell-fiKh. NG^rS, a. passed by : not served, Tokorua o maua i ngere. ngerengere, n. 1 . property ; floods. 2. part of the fortification of a pa. Katahi ka tomokia te pa, ka horo tetahi ngerengere (66). 3. a disease, said to be . peculiar to the neij^hbourhood of Taupo, characterized by nu- merous swellings over the body, and the loss of the extremities. ngengere, v. i. growl. NG^ri, n. 1. chaunt recited in launching a canoe &c. 2. a rough kind of mat. ngengeri, v. i. grunt, NGero. ngerongero, a. very many. He tini ngerongero. ngengero, n. blue shark; the same as tuatini. NG^ni, n. eat. (R.) NGetangeta, n. worn out mat. NGete. ngetengete, v. i. 1. make a click- ing sound with the tongue. 2. express surprise or regret. Com- pare ketekete. whakangete, v. t. urae ou a horse. NGia, V. i. .seem. E ngiu ano i tawhiti koe, ina tc rangona taku karanga. KGih&, V. i. burn. Ka ahiahi, ka ngihn te ahi (139). ngiha, n. fire. Tahuna te ngiha. ngihangiha, a,/////. NGihangilia noa tc awa i tc rakau. NGihongiho, u. small potatoes. NGio, a, extinguished. Kua ngio te kora. (R.) ngingio, a. withered; shrivelled. ngingio, v. i, laugh Ka ngi- ngio noa nga tamariki. NGlRA, n. needle. NGita, V. t. bring ; carry. NUitaa utu te mea nei. (R.) ngita, a. fast ; firm ; secure, Pa- tua te whao kia ngita. whakangita, v. t. 1. make fast. WHakangitaia mai to kuri. 2. shoot out. Me waiho kete ra- nei nga kai, me whakangita ranei? NGoengSe, v. i. scream. Katahi ka werohia te lui ra, ka lu; 98 NGoetoeto— NGuru. te ngoengoetanga, katahi ka raugona e ngawaliine nei (137). NGoetoeto, n. a kind of eel. NGohe. ngohengohe, a. 1. supple; soft. Kawea nga aka nei ki te wai kia ngohengohe ai. — Ngohe- ngohe ana nga paparinga, of the cheeks in laughter. 2. strong; active. ngohe, n. strength ; activity. ngongohe, a. ufithered ; flaccid. NGohi, n. 1. fish. 2. troop or company of fighting men. NGohiwe, n. a kind of eel. NGoi, n. 1. strength; energy. Hore h^ ngoi, he aha. 2. top- knot. ngoingoi, n. old woman. NGoikore, a. weak. NGoiro, n. 1. conger-eel. 2. young eels. NGoki, V. i. creep. NGongengonge, a. crippled. NGongi, n. ivater. NGorigo, i. V. i. 1. waste away; become thin. E ngongo ana oku waewae i te mate. 2. sail close to the wind. NGongo tonu to tatou poti. ii. v. t. suck through a tube. ngongo, n. sick person. NGongohau, n. Jib. NGongore, see under ngore. NGongori, see under ngori. NGorangora, n. small kumara. I. NGore, v. t. entice. He ngore i te tupua, me ata ngore ma- rire. II. NG^re, a. 1. soft; flaccid. 2. having the edge turned; wire- edged. ngore, n. a kind of mat. (R.) ngongore, a. blunt; without a barb (as a fish-hook). ngorengore, n. young eel. NG^ri, ngongori, a. weak; list- less. NGongori kau; kahore he kaha. ngoringori, n. a small black eel. NGoro. — ngongoro, V. i. 1. snore. NGongoro ana te iliu o te poaka. 2. utter exclamations of sur- prise or admiration. Ka tangi te ngongoro a te iwi ra ki te ahua o te tangata ra. NGoronga, n. a shell fish. I. NGote, n. small potato. II. NGote, V. i. suck. Kahore e ngote te tamaitf nei. I. NGoto, n. head. II. NGoto, V. i. 1. strike deep. Kia ngoto te hoe. 2. penetrate. Kai te mata ngira tonu Te ngo- tonga ki roto ra. Aue te ma- mae i! NGotu. — ngotungotu, or ngo- ngotii, n. firebrand; half burnt stick. NGoungou, a. thoroughly ripe; well cooked; soft. He hanga ngoungou noa. ngoungou, n. 1. live coal. 2. a fashion of wearing the hair tied up in a knot at the fore- head. NGouruuru, a. few. NGouruuru kau ake nga rakau i mahue. NGu, n. 1. squid. 2. animalculce in the sea. 3. tattoo marks on the upper part of the nose. ngtingu, V. t. gfiaw. whakangungti , v. i. refuse to speak. NGii. whakangungu, v. t. fend; ward off. AVHakangungu - rakau , a closely woven mat, worn to de- fend the person from missiles. NGuha, V. i. rage; snort. NGunguru, see under nguru. NGiinu, n. worm. NGtipara, n. a small fresh water mussel. NGuru. — ngungiiru, v. i. 1. ut- ter a suppressed groan, sigh or grunt. 2. fumble. NGiitu — Ohonga. 99 NGutii, u. 1. lip. 2. rim of a | NGiitu-awa, u. mouth of a river. vessel. I NGutiihore, a. wasteful. whakangutungutu, v. t. grumble NGutiikao, n. a fish. at : scolil. He aha tan e whaka- 1 NGutiikura, u. a pattern of carv- ngutungutu mai na koe ki a au ? j iug or ornamental painting. 0. I. O, n. provision for a journey. Kei te hao inanga, kei te rou kakahi, hei o ki to Taiapu (157). ^ II. O, V. i. 1. ^nd room: be cap- able of being contained or in- closed. Ka tome te kaipuke; e korc e o nga ponaka. 2. get in; implying difficulty or reluctance. III. O, plural of to. See to. ' IV. O, prep. 1. of: belonging to: used in speaking of' parts of a whole, names, qualities, feel- ings, places occupied, houses, land, inhabitants, water for drinking &c., medicine, clothes, parents, superiors; also of the derivative nouns of adjectives and intransitive verbs, and of those of transitive verbs when they are used passively. Te ngutu o te ana. — Te ahua o taua ngarara nei (156).--NGa tuugata te kainga o To WHata. — Te toanga o enei tangata (166). — Te tahunga o te Arawa e Kaumati (93). Compare a. prep. 2. from (place). NGa tangata e haerc ana o Rotorua ki Taupo {149). — (time). O reira mai ano a mohoa ona nei. 3. at- taching to. Kahore he manuka- nuka te haere. V. O, int in answer to a call, to shew that the call is heard, hence o, V. i. ansu*er, Kihai rawa i o mai. whakao, v. i. answer. OatI (o), n. oath. Oati, v. i. swear, Oha and ohaoha, a. I. generous. He tangata oha. 2. abundant. Ka rahuitia nga pipi, ka oha. oha, n, 1. relic; keepsake: any- thing which serves to keep a departed friend in reniembrance. Haere mai koe, te oha o nga tangata mat ua. 2. dying speech. WHakatau-oha, make a dying speech. Ohia, (o) V. t. 1. long after. Ko te ngakau e ohia akc ana ki taua mea. 2. approve. Kahore he tangata i ohia mai ki taku karanga i tainahi, ko te tunga tera mo nga hoiho. 3. think on the spur of the moment. He whakaaro ohia noa ake naku. Ohiti, (o) a. cautious ; on one's guard. Kia ohiti koutou ki nga korcro a tera tangata. whakaohiti, v. t. warn. Oho, (6-6) v. i. 1. start from fear, surprise &c. 2. wake up from sleep. Oho noa akc au i te moe, whakahengi mai ana ia ki a au. 3. begin speaking. whakaoho, v. t startle; rouse. OhodkS,, (6-6) n. panax longissi- mu/Hy a tree; the same as ho- roeka . Ohoku, (6-6) for okii. Sec oku. Ohomauri, (6-6) v. i. start sud- denly. Ohonga, (6-6) n. anything which may serve to connect an incan- tation with the person on whom it is intended to take eJJ'ecl; 7* 100 Ohorere—whakaongaonga. as a lock of his hair, anything which he has touched &c. Ohorere, (6-6) v. i. start sud- denly. Ohii, (6) n. company of volunteer workers. Ka mahara a Manaia kia tuturia he tangata hei ohu warn mo ana tao (117). ohTi, V. t. 1. do by aid of a corn- par y of volunteer workers. Me ohu to mara, kia hohoro ai. 2. beset in great numbers; sur- round. Ka ohua koe e matou. Ohua, (o) n. the moon at \^ days old. Oi, (6) V. i. 1. shudder. Te mea i oi ai taku kiri ko te mahi a Kereopa. 2. grow. I nga ra- ngi ra o taku oinga. oioi, V. i. 1. shake. E tata koe ki uta, e oioi te ika, e rere ki te taha katau (36). 2. shew reluctance to move, Ko te ka- rakia a enei tangata, oioi noa ai. whakaoioi, v. t. shake; agitate. I. Oi, (oi) V. i. shout. Ka tangi te oi. n. Oi, (oi) n. soft mud. Me hoe rawa ki ko; he oi tena wahi. Oike, (o) n. the moon at \^ days old. OkS,, (6) V. t. prick; stab. oka, n. 1. knife; dagger. 2. raf- ters for a kumara pit. okaoka, v, t. strip off. Okaoka- ngia he peha mo ta tatou ahi. Okaka, v. i. feel a longing. Oke, (6) V. i. \. struggle; wriggle; writhe. 2. put forth all one^s strength. Okea ururoatia. 3. be eager. E oke ana te ta- ngata ra ki te haere. okeoke, a. restless. Ka okeoke tonu te turoro, ka mate. oke, n. a kind of shark. okeoke, n. 1. sick person. 2. oven. Oketopa, n. October. Okioi, (6) n. a bird: the same as hokioi, and hakuai. Okioki, (6-i) v. i. rest; pause. Hoake tatou ki te taumata oki- oki ai. whakaokioki, v. t. cau.se to rest. Oko, (6-6) n. wooden hoivl, or other open vessel. okooko, V. t. carry in the arms, or in the lap or fold of one's garment. Ma wai e okooko te tamaiti ? Oku, (oj 1. preposition o with personal pronoun, 1st person singular of me. See o IV. 2. plural of toku. See toku. Okuoku, (6-ii) a. feiv. Compare OUGU. Oma, (6-a) v. i. run. Pass, oma- kia, be run for. Omaki, (6) v. i. move swiftly; fly. E omaki ana te kapua o te rangi. Omoomo, n. melon. whakaomoomo , v. t. attend a sick person. Ona, (o-a) preposition o with per- sonal pronoun, 3rd person sin- gular; of him; of her. See o lY. One, (6-e) n. beach. oneone, n. earth; soil.^ Onematua, (6) n. loam. Onepti, n. sand. Onewa, (6) n. 1. a kind of dark grey stone. 2. any implement made of the same. Ono, (6-6) a. six. Ono, (6-6) V. t. plant. Kei te ono riwai NGaitawhiri. Onoi, V. i. move. E kore koe e onoi mai i te tumu? Ongaonga, n. nettle. ongaonga, a. rough ; prickly. E ongaonga ana te mea nei, tara- tara tonu. whakaongaonga, v. t. goad; ex- cite. Te karakia whakaonga- onga (158). Onge — Oti. 101 Onge, (o) a. scarce. Ho onge ' kua tac mai tona wairua ki konei. ori, n. 1. bad weather. Ka roko- hina e te ori ki Tokomaru ka noho. 2. prey of disease. He ori matou na te mate uei. 3. place where people have been carried off by disease. Kaua e noho i ruuga i te ori, kei piri mai te mate ki a koe. whakaoriori, n. song chaunted over a child by a person hold- ing the child in his arras. Oro, (0-6) V. t. sharpen on a stone; grind. Kia oroia taku toki, ka haere ai au ki te mahi. OpurS, (O) a. pied; varied with \ Oroko, (0-6-6) ad. for the first patches of colour ; in patches. \ time, Kihai i oroko kumea, kua He opure te mara a Hare puta kei waho o te aua (160). Or&, (0) a. 1. alive. 2. u^ell in Orongdnui, u. the moon at 26 health. 3. safe; escaped; re- days old. covered. E, kua ora a Ran- 1 Or6p&p&, a. all alike without ex- mati (102). 4. satiated; satis- \ ception. Ka oropapa nga kino fied with food. ''Te ora iti o o te kainga nei i te kainga Kahutore". luxuries^ as oppos- nei te whakarite. ed to necesBariea. Or6tS, a. 1. voracious; destruc- ora, n. slave. Kei hea nga ora five. E taraa, ho autaia koe, no te kai i mahue ai tera wahi. ongeonge, a. I. scarce Ka onge- ouge nga kai ka hamuhamu i nga puka. 2 lonely fea onge- onge pea te tangata kotahi. onge, n. a bird. Oi)e, (6) V. t. 1 scrape up ; .scrape together, Opea mai te kapura ki waho. 2. .scratch the head &c. ope, n. troop; number of persons moving together. Opi, (0) a. terrified. Opi ana tera au i te mataku. Opung&, (o) n. a kind of con- glomerate stone. wahi no? oranga, n. food. Or&, (0) n. ufedge, Or&iti, (0) a. escaping with dif- ficulty. Ka tangi raua mo te oraititanga o tona teina (50). Or&n6a, (0) a. escaping with dif- ficulty. Oranoa matou i te ta- huritanga o te waka. Oraora, (6-fi) v. i. shake; wag. Heoi ano; oraora kau ana ko te hiku kau (160). Or&pitd, (6) a. escaping narrowly. OrS, (0) V. t. 1. bore. 2. search out secretly. oreore, v. i. shake. oreore, ad. very dry. Pakupaku oreore. Orga, (0) n. a kind of eel. Ori, (6-1) V. t. 1. cause to wave to and fro. Ka oria e te hau. 2. E ori mai ana te tupapaku, ho orota. 2. exterminated ; ut- terly consumed. Orota ana tera te tangata whenua i te pata- nga a te taua; kahore he mo- rehu. Oru, (6-a) a. boggy. E oru ana te whenua. oru, n. 1. bog. 2. sting-ray, Ota, (6-5) n. sawdust. otaota, n. herbs in general ; weeds; litter. Tarakea atu nga otaota. Ota, a. green; uncooked. Ota, V. t. eat in a green stale. I otaina e matou nga kumara. OtSn§, (0) n. the moon at 2b days old. Oti, (6-f) \, finished t with a verb in the infinitive to denote the operation which is finished. Kua oti te waka te tarai. 2. with atu or mai, gone or come for 102 whakaoti — pae. good. Ka oti atu a Hakiri; e kore e hoki mai. whakaoti, v. i. finish. whakaotinga, n. youngest child of a family. Ko Pehi to ma- tou whakaotinga. See heoti. Oti, (6-i) ad. in question, then. E kore oti koe e haere? Otiia, (6-i-ia) conj. but; but on the other hand. Otira, (6-i-a) conj. but; but in- deed ; but at the same time. Nona ano taua kainga; otira no matou katoa. Ou, (o-ii) 1. preposition o with personal pronoun, 2nd person singular ; of thee. See o prep. Oue, n. a variety of phormium tenax, with leaves of a brown colour. Ouenukii, n. rainbow, OuMu, n. oven. Ouou, (6-6) a. few. Owhanga, (o) n. ?iest. Owhiti, a. See ohiti. P. I. Pa, V. t. (pass, pangia or pakia). 1. touch. Kua pa atu nga ringa ki aua pohutukawa, ana, ngahoro noa iho (74). — Kahore te turoro nei e pa kai. 2. hold personal communication, with. Nonanahi ia i pa mai ai ki a au. 3. affect. Kai pa- ngia koe e te mamae. 4. reach one's ears, Ka pa te karanga a te tanga nei, "Ko te Kahu- reremoa" (148). whakapa, v. t. 1. touch. 2. tell privately. Tekaha ko Hemi, whakapakia ana ki te wahine. — make secret suggestions. E whakapapa haere nakoe ki te rakau ra kia tukua ki raro. II. Pa, V. t. (pass, paia) 1. block up ; obstruct. He aha ra te ara nei i paia ai? 2. Ka paia te huaki; the assault is made. whakapa, v. t. close up. whakapakanga, n. youngest in a family. Te matou whaka- pakanga (10); our youngest bro- ther. pa, n. 1. stockade ; fortified place. Te ingoa o tona pa ko WHaka- rewa (182). 2. iveir for catching eels &c. 3. anything wherewith an open place is blocked up; barricade. 4. fat covering the inivards of animals. III. Pa, V. i. 1. be struck. Roa noa atu ratou e epaepa ana i a ia, kihai hoki i pa (16). 2. begin to ebb. Ka pa te tai. IV. Pa, n. a term of address. Tauti mai, e pa! Pae, n. 1. horizon. Ka puta te ra i raro i te pae. — Kia ngaro te tu-a-pae whenua (21). 2. region; direction. Kei whea te pae ki toku matua? (136). 3. horizontal ridges parallel to one another. 4. step in a stair- case. 5. perch; rest. He pae koau. — Te pae mo taku pu. 6. circumference measured by the maro with the extended arms. He rakau nui, e torn te pae. — Pae tahi hamama te rakau nei. 7. ropes by which a seine is hauled, the upper and lower ropes being called respectively, pae-runga, and pae-raro. pae, V. i. 1. lie across. He aha te mea e pae mai nei i te ara? 2. lie on one side; and so 3. be collected together; lie ready for use. Kua pae nga rakau mo te whare. 4. be laid to the charge of any one. Ka pae — ^Pahika, 103 pae nei hoki ua korua te tupa- paku nei. 5. be cast on shore. E pae ana tera i uta, kua mate (93). Pass, paea in the same sense. I paea te kaipuke ki NGunguru. pae, V. t. surround irith a border. Paea mai nga pania o te umu, kia hoki mai ai te mamaoa ki roto. papae, v. i. be driven broadside on shore. Ka papae te waka, akuauei ka pakaru. paenga, u. 1. place where any- thing is laid on one side or across. Hence 2. margin of a cultivation, being the part to which the weeds are thrown. 3. place where pits are eon^ s true ted for keeping kumara &c. Kci te paenga ma a te Kaha- rdha. whakapae, v. t. 1. lay across &c. Me whakapae te rakau nei hei arawhata. 2. accuse falsely. Ko te take i haere niai ai ia, he whakapaenga ki tc rua kumara na ona hoa (136). paepae, n. 1. threshold; door sill; or an}Hhing similar. 2. vessel to hold anything. F&ekur&, n. lost property: so called from the red ochre (kura) which was dropped into the sea by Tauninihi, and afterwards picked up on the shore by Ma- hina. Ko te paekura kite e Mahina (74). Faem&nii, n. collar-bone. P&ep&er5a, n. mat with a broad ornamental border. Paoroa, n. wind which blows along the shore. Paetara, a, Kaho ])aetara, batten fastened to the uprights of a house to keep them in place; wall -plate. Paeturi, n. tattooing on the thigh. Paewae, n. threshold. ! Paewai, n. 1. a kind of eel. 2. , batten on the inside of the point ' between the ran aw a and the body of a canoe, 3. driftwood. I 4. paewai o te rangi , water \ horizon. Mehemea ka tiuo ma- rama te paewai o te rangi. I Pahaka, n. calabash. I Pahake, v. i. bask. whakapahake, v. i. bask, E wakapahake na i te ra. Pah&ki, n. denoting small rela- tive distance. Kei pahaki tata atu e takoto ana, lying a little beyond. Pahan^hanSr, v. t. anoint with red ochre and oil. Pah&o, V. t enclose in a net; shut in. pahao, n. basket used for catch' ing fish. PSh&u, n. beard. P&hSk3, V. i. 1. slip. Kei pa- heke koe. 2. have a running issue. pShSkShSkS, a. slippery. P&h3in6, V. i. 1. pass by; pass on. Kua pahcmo te ope o NQa> tiporou. 2. pass on one side: I miss. Kahore i tahitahi ki taku waewae; i pahemo. P&hdniS, v. i. 1. come untied, Kia mau te hotiki, kei paheno. 2. slip away; escape. WHai noa, whai noa, paheno tonu atu. PSh8ng&hSng&, n. a tree. PShSngihSngi, a. blowing gently. He hau pahengihengi. Pahl, a. gloomy; disquieted. Ka pahi ton a ngakau. P&h.i, n. company of travellers; number of persons in a body. Ko hea te pahi e haere nei. PShia, V. t. slap. I pahiatia pea te tamaiti nei, ina ka tangi. Pahihi, v. i. flow in driblets. Pa- j hihi ana te rerc. jPahikS., a. 1. passed on. Kua I pahika atu nga tangata o To- 104 Pahikohiko — pakapaka. komaru. 2. extending to great- er length. Pahika ake taku rakau i tau. Pahikohiko, n. bow fence, made of sticks with both ends stuck into the ground; any make-shijl fence. Pahiwihiwi, a. uneven. Mamae ana au i te pahiwihiwi o toku moenga. pahiwihiwi, n. a. fish. Paho, a. soaring. whakapaho, v. t. soar. Pahoahoa, n. headache; giddi- ness ; stupor. Pahoka, and pahokahoka, n. screen or shed made of bran- ches with the butts stuck into the ground. Pahore, a. 1. scraped off; abrad- ed. Kua pahore te hiako. 2. having the skin rubbed off'. He rongoa mo te pahore o toku waewae. 3. dented. Pahu, n. a/arurr/j made of stone or wood, formerly used in time of war. Pahu, V. i. burst; explode. Kaa- nga pahuhti, popped corn. Pahiia, v. t. plunder. Kua pahu- atia te kainga o Taka. Pahuhu, V. i. slip off. E mau ana te whakaheke; e kore e pahuhu. Pahiinu, v. i. burn. (R.) pahunu, n. ^re. Pahupahii, n. fester. Pahiinga, n. crumb. Pahiire, v. i. 1. pass by. Kua pahure ke nga waka i te ata. 2. come in sight; appear. Ta- ngohia te mea e pahure mai na. 3. escape. Me te manu motu i te mahanga; ehara, ka pahure (64), whakapahure, v. t. cause to pass by. — V. i. be nearly gone by. Pai, a. 1. good. 2. pleasant. pai, V. i. be pleased; be ivilling; assent. Kihai ia i pai mai ki ta korua korero. —Pass, pai- ngia, be liked; be approved of E kore e paingia tenei kainga. whakapai, v. t. 1. make good; set in order. 2. pronounce good ; pi^aise. whakapai-ruaki, feel nausea. whakapaipai, v. t. adorn. whakapaipai, a. ornamental. Paiaka, n. 1. root of a tree. 2. weapon made from a root (155). Paiere, n. bundle. E hia nga paiere raupo? paiere, v. t. make up into bund- les. Paieretia nga rakau. Paihau, n. 1. beard. 2. wing of a bird. Paihere, n. or v. the same as paiere. Paihi, a. uneasy in mind. Paihi ana tera au i taku rongonga i te korero na. Paihore, a. going astray; desul- tory. Ta te tamariki mahi, pai- hore ke, paihore ke. Paike, v. t. strike. Paike a ki te hama. paikeike, v. t. elevate. Taria mai he oneone hei paikeike mo te- nei wahi. Paikea, a. He whare paikea; a house having the entrance at one end, but no verandah. Paina, painaina, v. i. vmrm one- self Kia paina atu ahau ki te taha o te kapura. Paipai, n. a cutaneous disease. Pairi, a. disquieted; afraid. Ka pairi toku ngakau ki te puka- puka a NGatiporou. Paiwiiwi, a. see pahiwihiwi. Paka, or pakaka, a. 1. scorched, 2. red or brown. Kei te wahi pakaka te ara. Paka, a, dried. Me i paka te kai nei, ka reka. pakapaka, a. dry. Pakaha — pakihi. 105 Pakaha, a. violent; severe. E pakaha ana te maraae. Pakaiahi, n. fireplace in a ca- noe &c. Pakake, n. whale. P&kakmakina, vl. hut. £ paka- kinakina ana te whiti o te ra. Pakakohi, n. fern root. Pakakti, v. i. 1. make a harsh grating sound. 2. make a re- peated knocking. Pakanga, n. quarrel; hostilities; war. Pakanga, see under pa. Pakani, a. quarrelsome. Katahi auo taku tangata pakani, ko koe. Pakar&r&, n. a kind of eel. Pakarea. Pakari, a. 1. mdlured, hard. 2. strong. whakapakari, v. i. huu.si. Pakaru, a. 1. shivered; broken. Kua pakaru te kohua. 2. rent. He pakani no te poti te hoca ai. 3. put to flight, (N.B. pa- karu is not applied to a cord &c. which would be motu; nor to any thing long and stiff, which would be whati.) pSk&ru, or pSk&ruk&rii, v. t. break in pieces. Pakarua t© karaha. PSk&u, or pakaukau, n. wing of a bird, of an army, or of a building. Pak&ur6h&r6h&, n. winged grass- hopper. Pak&urua, n. sting ray; a fish. P&k&wha, n. 1. leaf. 2. hu.sk. PakS, n. rough mat made of leaves of kiekie or fluj-. P&kS, a. obstinate. Ka pake te tangata ra, e kore e whaka- tika. whakapakepake, v. t. unsettle; cause to abscond. Na To Itangi i whakapakepake i orua ai taku pononga. P^ke, V. i. crack; emit a sound like that of rending &c. Ka pake te rakau, meake whati. pakeke, v. t. scrape. Kia pake- ketia nga riwai. Pakeha, u. foreigner. Kai pa- keha, a kind of sweet potato. Pak§ka, n. land that has been exhausted by cultivation. pakekakeka, u. a water plant. Pak§ke, a. 1. hard; stiff. Pa- keke tonu, e kore e ngawhere. 2. grown up ; adult. Pak^@, see under p&kS. P&k§rS, n. outer leaves of a plant, as opposed to rito. PSkdtii, V. t. clear off; cut off, E paketu ana ahau i to taru. P&k§w&, V. i. make a mistake in .^peaking. p&k6w&, a. .solitary. He ika pa- kewa I. P&ki, a, fair; without rain, Kia paki te rangi ka haere ai tatou. II. P&ki, p&p&ki, V. t. 1. slap: pat. 2. clap or strike together. Papaki ou ringaringa. — He tai papaki rua, a place where two waves meet. papaki, n. cliff against which the waves beat. t. 1. slap or pat 2. cure or preserve Kei te pakipaki 1. decoy parrot. 2. pakipaki, v. frequently. by drying. upoko. pakipaki, n. III. P&ki, n. girdle. Hoi paki putanga mona. P&ki&k&, n. root of a tree. P&kih§,w&, n. throat fin of a fish. I. P&kihi, a. I. dried up. Hence 2. at lowest ebb. Kua pakihi te tai. II P&kihi, V. i. dig for fernroot. I hoki niai au i to pakihi. pakihi, n. place where fernroot is dug. 106 whakapakihi — Pakura. whakapakihi, v. t. dig super- f daily. Kaua e whakapikihi- tia te keringa. Pakihiwi, n. shoulder. Pakihore, a. lazy. Pakikau, n. garment. Te wahi i waihotia ai ona pakikau (132). Pakiki, v. t. question frequently or urgently. Ka pakiki tia te tane kia korero; kore noa iho e korero. — He aha ra kia pa- kikitia rawatia e koe? Pakini, v. t. 1. ?iip; pinch. 2. nick; notch. pakini, a. notched. Here he wahi i pakini. Pakipakitai, n. a slimy veget- able matter in the sea. Pakira, a. bald. Pakiri, V. t. sheiv the teeth ; grin. Ka pakiri mai nga niho o te tangata. Pakirikiri, n a fish. Pakirehiia, v. i. ma/,e enquiries. Ka hoki mai ki konei pakire- hua ai. Pakitara, n. trail of a house. Pakiwaha, n. sides of the mouth, pakiwaha, a. boastful. He ta- ngata pakiwaha. Pako, V. t. glean after the crop has been taken up. E pako kapana ana. Pakoa, a. 1 . that has become shal- low or dry. 2. low; of the tide. Kia pakoa te tai ka haere ai tatou. Pakohea, a. dried up. Ka pako- hea ahau i te ra. Pakohii, a. i^ent; cleft. Ka pa- kohu tenei wahi. pakohu, n. chasm. Pakoko, a. not producing young; barren. Pakoko, a. 1. shrunk; dried up. 2. emaciated; lean. Ka pakoko nga kauwae o te tawhiti nei. 3. old; of the previous year (of roots &c. used for food). whakapakoko, v. t. dry. whakapakoko, n. image. Pakonga, a. concave, holloiv. E pakonga ana tenei taha. Pakora, a. low (of the tide). Pakore, a. broken (of anything which breaks to pieces, as an earthen vessel, calabash.) Pakoro, n. potato stack. Pakoro, a. not producing young ; barren. Pakii, a. 1. dried. E paku ana taku korokoro. 2. small. He whare paku. paku, n. 1. scab. Kua pakua te toto. 2. small quantity; any- thing small. E rua rawa nga paku korero o tenei runanga. papakii, v. i. set; become hard or dry. Kua papaku te hinu i roto i te taha. papaku, a. shallow. Kia tuku ! te wai ka papaku te kauanga. I pakiipaku, 1. somewhat dry; shal- low. 2. somewhat small. Riri pakupaku, spite. whakapaku, i. v. i. begin to be dry or small. Ka whakapaku te tai, ina nga manu ka noho i runga i te tahuna. ii. v. t. make dry &c. Paku, V. i. 1. make a sudden sound or report. Na wai te pu i paku nei? 2. resound. Te tangata e haere mai nei, tona rongo e paku nei i nga whenua (189). 3. extend. Na Maui- potiki i tinihanga ki a Hine- nuitepo, i pa mai ai he mate ki nga tangata o te ao, paku ki runga, paku ki raro (7). pakukti, and whakapakuku, V. i. knock repeatedly. Pakuka, n. screen from the wind. Pakura, n. loater-hen ; porphyria melanotus. Taringa-pakura, stub- born. He taringa pakura te ta- ngata nei. Tapuwae pakura, a — «_W V. WW WW pakiirakura — paoi. 107 kind of oruameutal w^ork in a j Maori building, pakiirakura, a. red. pakiirakura, n. 1. red garment. 2. a tish- Pakurii, v. i. knock ; make a knock- pakuru, n. two sticks, one of which is held between the teeth and struck with the other, pakunikuru, n. Jigurehead of a canoe, consisting of a bust only, without arms. Pakuwha, n. relation by mar- riage. Famamao, a. distant. Pehea te pamamao o tou kainga? PamarO, a. 1. solid: hard. 2. steady; without hesitation. Kia pamaro ai te haercnga mai ki waho o te ma (151). P&n&, V. t. 1. thrust or drive away; expel. 2. cause to come or go forth in any way. He kara- kia pana tamariki (8). panap&n&, v. i. throb. E pana- pana ana te toto. Pan&hi, n. convolvulus sepium or r. soldanella. \ Pan&kd, n. a species of fern. i Pan&n&ki, v. i. incline with a \ gen lie slope; rise with a gentle (tsrcnl. P&nau, V. i. jump (as a fish), pan&un&u, n. gentle ascent of a hill. Pane, n. head. , PanekS, i. v. i. ihow forwards. K kore e paneko te waka. ii. V. t. move. Panekea ake t© ta- tau. panekondkS, n. small edge taol; hafrhet. Panga, see pa 1. Pang&, V. t. 1. thrnir. 2. lay; place Ka pangaa nga kai ki riin*ra ki te waka. Pang&nga, a. lean. Hore i te ngohi nei; panganga kau. Pangarangara, n. a fish. Pango, a. black ; of dark clour. Pangoro, a. full. Pangoro tonu te waka. Pangoungou, n. a fish. Pangunungunii, y. t, peel. Pa- ngunungunua he riwai ma tatou, I. Pani, n. 1. orphan. 2. widow. II. PSriii, V. t. paint: besmear. E pani ana te kuia ra i tona matenga ki te hinu. ni. Pani, — papani, v. t. block up. Kua pauia tena kuwaha. F&noho, n. pole for propelling a canoe. (R.) P&n&k6, and pan6k5reia, n. a fish which adheres to rocks. P&noni, V. change. Panonoko, the same as panoko. P&nukii, V. i. 1. more on. Ki- hai i panuku te rongoa; mau tonu ki te korokoro. 2. ex- pressing lapse of time. Ka tau ko llehu; panuku tou mai ko Kukupo; panuku tou mai ko Rangiora. P&o, V. t. 1. strike with a ham- mer &c. 2. crack or break; and hence applied intransitively to the hatching of eggs. Ka pao nga hua pipipi. 3. Pass, paoa, he .scattered. Ka paoa rikiriki nga tangata o reira. The men of that place are scat- tered like dust. paopao, V. t. 1. strip oJJ' the bark by bruising. 2. refu.se any thing which one really wishes for. Me paopao oti? He mokopuna ranei na Rahiri ? P&0&, n. 1. smoke. 2. gall. See also under pao. P&o8, a. solitary. P&oho, a. on the alarm. Paoho kau ki hea ranci. P&oi, n. wooden beater for pound- ing fernroot. p&oi, V. t. pound with a paoi. Kua paoitia he aruhe hei kina- 108 Paoro — Paparii. ki (94). — Paoia he roi ma ta- tou. Paoro, V. i. 1. echoi resound. Paoro ana nga maunga i tetahi taha, i tetahi taha. 2. he jarred by harsh sounds. Paorooro ana nga taringa. Paowa, see paoa. I. Papa, n. 1. father, or father^s or mother's brother. Mana e takitaki te mate o tona papa. 2. a lizard. II. Papa, V. t. ram or compress ^dth the hand. He mea papa te oneone. Papa, n. 1. anythiiig broad, Jlal and hard ; flat rock ; slab ; board. 2. disputed land, or other ground of quarrel. He papa taku ki a ia; / have offended him. Ka riro i a au te papa; / have gained the victory. 3. breech; buttock. Kei nga papa te ma- mae. 4. vessel made of totara bark. E ma nga papa hinu (138). 5. a proper name for the earth, short for Papa-tu-a- nuku. papa, V. i. 1. lie flat. 2. be thrown down or overcome. Ko ana tua- kana, i papa noa i te ngaunga a Tawhiri ratou ko ana tama (6). whakapapa, v. i. go slyly or stealthily. Ka whakapapa mai te tangata ra; he tahae pea. V. t. 1. lay one upon another; place in layers. 2. recite in chronological order genealogies, legends &c. I haere mai ia ki te whakapapa i nga kauwhau mua. whakapaparanga, n. 1. layer; series of layers. 2. generation. Papa, V. i. 1. break shortly, or suddenly. He mea papa noa. 2. burst; explode. Papa te wha- titiri runga nei, 3. chatter, as the teeth with cold. Papaahuahiia, n. shoulder-blade. Papae, see under pae. Papahewa, a. diseased in the eyes. Papahoro, v. i. 1. fall or drop out. Ka maroke nga harakeke, ka papahoro nga kai. 2. flee. Kua papahoro te ope. Papahu, V. i. blaze. Ka papahu te kapura. Papaka, n. 1. crab. 2. a variety of potato. Papa-kai-ra, n. otiter surface of the side of a canoe. Papaki, see under paki. Papaki, v. t. sew one thing upon another, and so 1. patch. Me I papaki tou kakahu. 2. sew two I ketes mouth to mouth to hold I maize &c. Taurakitia, ka ma- j roke, papaki rawa ka whakatu atu ki roto ki to whata. Papaku, see under paku. Papakiira, n. an insect. Papamaro, a. 1. hard. 2. ob- stinate. Papanga, a. half-full. Eingihia he wai ki roto, kia papanga. Papanga, n. site. Kotahi papa- nga kainga. Papapa, n. 1. calabash. 2. shell of an egg &c. 3. chaff or bran. 4. a kind of moss. 5. a tree. Papapa-koura, n. a plant. Papapatiia, n. vessel made of to- tara bark. Papara, v. i. 1. flow (of the tide). Ka papara te tai. 2. denoting any slight extension of space. I a Te Kanginga a raro; pa- para atu, i a Pi; papara atu, i a Rua. Paparahi, n. stage for drying kumara. Paparahua, n. a kind of table from which food is eaten (R.). Papare, see under pare. Paparinga, n. cheek. Paparu, a. flat-roofed. Fap&Hia — Parakuiti . 109 Paparua, v. t. 1. double. 2. re- peut. Papata. see under pata. Papatahi, n. Jlat land. Papatairite, a. level; of an even surface. Papa-taniwhaniwha, n. lage- nnphnra Forsleri; a plant ! Papa-tangaroa, n. a shell fiBh. | Papatau, n. hard surface. Ka j)apatautia te walii ra i te ta- naoa. P&wSkS, V. t. ensnare, PawSr&, a. 1. hot. 2. .solicitous; apprehensive. Ka pawera toku ngakaiL Pfiwh&k&Hia, n. north-east wind. P&wh&r&, a. ripped open. pSwh&r&, V. t. rip open. Ka haehaea te ika nei; pawharatia tonutia i te riu (155). PS, and pSpS, a. 1. crushed; mashed. Kua pe ke nga pititi i roto i te kete. 2. soft; easily crushed. 3. suppurating^ as a boil. Homai he rongoa hei whakape mo taku whewhe. 4. soilej by any pulpy or viscid substance. Kei pe tou kakahu i te miere. p9pS, n. soft mass; cake. He pepe roi. P§a, ad. 1. perhaps. E kore pea ia e pai mai ki ahau (131). 2. intensive, sometimes preceded by hoki; indeed ; of course. He taniwha hoki pea kei te ara ki Tikitapu (156). 3. for pe- hea; how. Peau, V. i. be turned away. Kua peau ke te ihu o te kaipuke. whakapeau, v. t. turn away. Ko to utu mo to tohunga ta moko, me whakapeau mai ki a au. I. Peha, u. bark; peelings &c. II. Peha — pSpeha, n. 1. boast. 2. affected speech; witticism. He pepeha te ki nei, ehara i te ki tuturu. whakapehapeha, v. i. boast. P6haiig&, n. 1. derivative from pehi. See pehi. 2. heap. Te pehanga wahie o kaike mai ra. PShda, a. interrogative, of what sortf character, appearance &c. Pehea te ahua o to tane? (52). pehea, v. t. do or treat in what uHty. 1 peheatia te iwi ra i mate ai? PShl, i. V. t. 1. press; weigh down, £ Iiaere mai ana hoki nga kawekawc, e pehi ana i te waka ki raro (110). 2. re- press. E kore e taea tona hia- hia te pehi. 3. abolish. 4. sit or brood, as a hen. ii. V. i. lie. E pehi mai ra nga wahie i tua o te whare. I>ebi, n. 1. sticks rubbed together to procure fire; especially the knunoti, or under one. 2. se- cond person killed or taken in battle. I a Tupe te mataika, i a au te pehi. pehipehi, v. t. waylay. Katahi ka pehipehia mai e Rata i ta- haki (55). pehipehi, n. 1. ambuscade. 2. sill of a door frame. 3. return for a present. Ko te kohi pe- hipehi nga tangata. 8 114 Pehiakura — Per a. ^ Pehiakura, n. dicksonia squar- ro.stt ; a fern tree. Pei, V. t. ffrire out; banish. He peinga hoki ia na ona tua- kana. Peipei, n. /ump of earth; clod. Peihana, n. hasin. Peka, n 1. bra/ich of a tree, ri- ver &c. hence 2. Jirewood. 3. fern. peka, V. i. turn aside. pekanga, n. branch road. Kia tae koe ki te pekanga o te ara ka noho ki raro. whakapeka, v. t. refuse. Korero whakapeka, dark saying. pekapeka, n. 1. bat. 2. windmill toy. 3. some kind of ornament I. Peke, n. upper part of the arm : fore quarter, Ka ngaro katoa nga peke matamua ki roto ki nga koro (151). II. Peke, V. t. leap over. Pekea te awa nei. pepeke, v. i. draw up the legs or arms. Pepeke on waewae. pekepeke, a. quick. Kia peke- peke te haere. whakapeke, v. t. conceal. Ka man ki te hate, ka whakape- kea ki roto ki ona. III. Peke, V. i. be all gone or come, without exception. Ka- hore ano au taonga kia peke mai? Peke, n. bag. Pekehawani, n. the star whose appearance marks the 8th month. Pekepoho, n. frst born child. Pekerangi, v. i. dance. pekerangi, n. outermost ox fourth fence of a complete stockade. Pekerere, n. small garment for the shoulders; cape. Peketiia, n. 1. supplementary load carried on the back. 2. a wea- pon carried in the belt. Peki, V. i. chirp; twitter. Te manu e peki ana (137). Pena, a. like that ivhich is near, or has some reference to, the person spoken to. pena, v. t. treat or do in that ivay. Me pena ia te mahi na? pena, ad. in that case. Penapena, v. t. take care of; tend ; keep. Penei, a. like anything ?iear, or connected with the .speaker. penei, v. t. do in this manner. Ko wai ka hua tera e penei- tia? penei, ad. in this case; if the case were thus; otherwise. Me i ora ano a te Arawa, penei e ma nga waka hei hoenga ki Hawaiki (93). Peniipenii, a. mashed. Kua penu- penu nga kapana i roto i te kohue. Peo, V. t. beg. E peo kai ana te tamaiti. Peoi, n. solanum aviculare ; a shrub. Pepa, n. 1. paper. 2. pepper. I. Pepe, n. 1. a grub found in rotten wood. 2. moth. pepepe, n. 1. moth or butterfly. 2. basket. 3. a plant. II. Pepe. V. t. attract birds by imitating their cry. Ka mau ki te raurekau, ka pepea. pepe, n. leaf used for the above purpose. Ma Matete e whaka- tangi te pepe, Pepe, a. close together. Akuanei kia pepe te haere. Pepe, see under pe. Pepeha, see under peha. Pepeke, see under peke. Pepueei^, a. February. Pera, like anything which is un- connected either with the spea- ker or the person addressed. Me i pera te ahua, ka pai ano. pera — Piki. 115 pera, v. t. treat or do in that way. Peraro, n. a shell-fish. Pere, n. arrow or dart thrown by means of a thong attached to a stick, pere, v. t. throw an arrow or dart. perepere, v. t dear ojf weeds &c. Me perepere nga taru o te mara ka ngaki ai. Perehia, n. ap^rostis uemiila, pi- /nsa or Bitlardieri : grasses. Poropero, n. dog. Peru, n. 1. fulness about the eyes and lips when a person is an- gry. Ka tuku nga peru a to tangata. 2. overhanging portion of a roof. E nui ana te peru ki waho. peruperu, 1 . throat feathers of the koko, or prosthcmadera 2. a kind of danoc. P§t&pSt&, a. uHtrn out. petapeta, n. rags. petapeta, ad. all at once. Petd, V. i. be consumed. Kua peto noa atu te rongoa P8w&, n. anything bow-shaped ; so 1 . ei/ebrow. Tu aua nga pewa o te tangata ra; ka riri. 2. f/ew moon. 3. entrance to a trap for birds &c. 4. Pewa ika, roe of a Jish. I. Pi, n. young of birds; chick. II. Pi, V. i. Jlow (of the tide). Kua pi te tai. pipi, V. i. ooze. pipi, V. t. bathe with water. Pi, n. urine. Pia, n. 1. gum of trees, or any similar exudation. 2. blind eel. Piah^rS, n. a plant. Piango, a. empty. Ka piango te poho. Pi&t&, a. bright; clear; trans- parent. Pie, V. t. 1. desire earnestly. 2. mil. Piha, u. small kumara. Piha, and pihapiha, u. gills of a fish. Pihanga, n. window. Pihangaiti, v. i. lie in a heap; he gathered together. Kia pi- hangaiti nga papa. whakapihangaiti, v. t. lay in a heap. Pih&o, T. t. surround. Pihaoa! Pihaoal Pihar&u, n. small eel. PiHAREixGA, n. cricket. Ko te pihareinga kei te noho marire; mo te raumati ka tangi ai. Pih§, n. song sung over the bo- dies of the slain. pihepihe, n. girdle for the waist. Pilli, V. i. .spring up; begin to grow. Kua pihi nga korau. pihi, n. a species of grass. pihi, a. watertight. pihipihi, u. a bird. PlaT, see Pirai. Pih5, n. a variety of potato. PIh6ih5i, n. ground lark; anthus Nova* Zelandiw. Pih5ng&, a. putrid. He pihonga te kai nei. Pliui, n. piece; block of land. PXk&rti, discharge from the eyes. Pik&u, V. t. carry on the back: pick-a-back. Kahore he ta- ngata hei pikau i te kcte kai. pikau or pikaunga, n. load for the back. Pik&wik&wi, a. flexible ; flaccid. I. Piki, V. t. 1. climb. Pikitia te rakau nei ki etahi karaka ma tatou. 2. piki turanga, come to the rescue; assist any one /// fghting. I pikitia e ia toku turanga. pikitanga, n. ascent of a hill «&;c. whakapiki, v. t. cause to ascend. Katahi a Kupe ka whakapiki i tona waka (109). II. Piki, a. frizzled ; closely curl- ed. 8* 116 ?5fK?— Piri. III.^PiKi,^n. fig. Pikiarero, n. 1. roof of the mouth. 2. clematis indivisa : a climbing plant. Pikitara, n. 1. verandah. 2. a kind of eel. Piko, V. i. bend; stoop. Ka piko te rakau; meake whati. piko, a. bent; curved. He tuara piko. piko, n. corner; bend. Hei te piko te awa tatou noho ai. whakapiko, v. t. bend. whakapiko, n. murder committed upon persons who are in the act of eating food which has been prepared by the murde- rers. pikopiko, n. young shoots of ferns. He pikopiko i te nga- here ngakai a te Maori. Pikoko, a. hungry. Pimirumirii, n. a bird. Pinakitanga, n. gentle slope of a hill &c. Pinakitere, n. a plant. Pinakii, n. ivar-canoe; the same as pitau. Pine, and pipiae, a. close toge- ther, Ko matou kua pipine mai ki roto noho ai. Pine, n. pin. Pinohi, and pinohinohi, v. t. place hot stones on food in a native oven, to insure its being cooked. Pinohinohia ta tatou poaka. pinohi, n. sticks used for handl- ing hot stones; tongs. Pinono, v. t. beg; obtain in an artful mariner. Pingao, n. desmoschcenus spira- lis ; a plant. Pingau, n. 1. a plant; perhaps the same as pingao. 2. strings of a mat. Pingongo, a. shrunk. Pingongo ana nga papa o te hoiho. Pingore, a. flexible; bending. Pi- ngore noa te arawhata. I. Pio, V. i. be extinguished ; go out. Kua pio te kora. (R.) II. Pio, a. many. He pio te ta- ngata. piopio, n. a bird. whakapiopio , n. metrosideros scafidens, a plant. Pioe, n. rfr// firewood. (R.) Pioi, and pioioi, v. t. shake; brandish. Ka whakatika a Ha- tupatu, ka pioi i ana kirikiri upoko (102). pioi, n. so?ig sung while brand- ishing heads or scalps. pioioi, n. a bird. Piokaoka, v. t. strip off. Pi- okaokangia he peha mo ta ta- tou ahi. Piokeoke, n. a small shark. Pioriori, n. soug. Pipi, n. cockle; a shell fish. whakapipi, v. t. place one on another; stack. Pipi, a. half grown; not matured. He iwi pipi. Compare kopipi. See also pi. Pipipi, n. turkey. Pipiwharauroa, n. chrysococcyx lucidus ; small cuckoo. Pirahau, a. rotten. See pirau. Pirahu, n. firewood. (R.) Piraka, and pirakaraka, n. fire- ivood. (R.) Pirakii, n, firewood. (R.) Pirangi, v, t. desire. Ka nui tana pirangi ki te paraoa hei kai mana. Pirara, v. i. he separated; be di- vided; be wide apart. Pirara ana te awa. — Ano nga moko o Tohu; pirara ana. Pirata, a. sharp. Pirau, a. 1. rotten. He pirau no nga kai i mahue ai. 2. gone out; extinguished. Homai he wahie, keiwha pirau te ahi. I. Piri, V. i. 1. stick. Piri kita pipiri — Pohata. 117 te ika nei ki te kowhatu; e kore e taea. 2. come close; keep close. Kua piri mai te waka. 3. skulk: hide oneself. pipiri, V. i. come to close quar- ters; join battle. Katahi ka pipiri ta raua whawhai. piripiri, n. actvna san^uisorbar ; a plant. Hoe piripiri; additio- nal steer-oar. whakapiri, v. t. stick; fasten. II. Piri, n. the moon at 21 days old. Pirih6ng6, v. i. keep close. He tamaiti pirihongo. Pirik&hii, n. accena sanguisorbre ; a plant PiripiriwhatS, n. carpodetus ter- ra t us : a shrub. Pirit&, n. rhipogonum .scandens; a climbing; plant. Piritdk&, n. ainmalcnihr adluring to rocks. PiriwhSt&u, n. ui„,.,i .in„^ui- sorbit; a plant. Piro, a. putrid; stinking. piro, n. 1. foul smell. 2. intesti- nes . PirSku, V. i. go out; be extin- guished. Ka piroku te ahi. PlrSri, i. v. t. plant. I haere mai ahau i te pirori parare-l ka. ii. V. i. roll along as a I ball &c. 1 pirori, n. hoop; a toy. 1 Pitau, n. \. young succulent shoot \ of a plant. 2. war canoe with I a fancy figurehead, i.e. one not I representing a human head. ! I'hItT, n. peach. Pit6, n. 1. end; extremity. Koi tona ringa tetahi pito o te taura e mau ana. 2. navel. i Pit6itdi, n. 1. a small land bird.! 2. a sea bird. PitokitS, n. niggard; churl. Piu, V. t. throw or swing with a r.nrd. Piua mai te pito o te whakaheke. ! piupiu, V. i. oscillate ; move to j and fro. Kua piupiu te pu o I Raka. i piupiu, n. a plant. I Piwai, n. small kumara, over- j looked in lifting the crop. Ma- I tahi kari piwai; the second month. piwai, V. t. dig. Piw^kS,waka, n. rhipidura fJa- bellifera, or fan tail; a bird. Piwari, a. I. bent. 2. beautiful. Plwat&wata, a. ///// of intersti- ces or open spaces. Ka piwa- tawata mai nga patu o te whare. P5, n. 1 . night. Ko te po whakaau te moe (46). Used in speak- ing of a small number of days ; "Po hia koutou ki te ara?" "Po torn". 2. season. Ko te po tanu kai tenei. 3. place of departed spirits. p5ngia, V. pass, be overtaken by night. Ka pongia tatou akua- nei. P6a, V. t. allure by bait; entice. Me poa te manu ki te kaanga ka mau ai. p6pda, n. sacred food, eaten on account of the dead. pdap6a, n. bail. PO&h&, a. open. PoAKA, n. pig. POSn&ng&, n. clematis hexasepala &c. Compare pua-wananga. PO&ng&&ng&, n. skull. P5&r§, a. open. Compare puare. POfirLt&rit&, V. i. be in a hurry. Ka poaritarita ki te kai, ka raoa. POau&u, a. mistaken; confused. P6h&, a. /////. I>oha, n. basket. P5haha, a. split open ; ripped up. l*ohaha ana te putea. Poh&nS, V. i. practise sodomy. POh&t&, n. wild turnip. 118 Pohatu — Poke. Pohatu, see powhatu. | Pohauhau, a. confused. Ka he noa iho nga whakaaro, ka po- hauhau noa iho (71). Pohe, or popohe, a. 1. withered, Kua pohe nga rau o te rakau. 2. blind. whakapohe, v. t. blind; throw dust in the eyes (metaphori- cally). Pohehe, a. mistaken; in error. Pohewa, a. mistaken; confused. Pohiri, see powhiri. Poho, n. 1. chest. Ka mamae taku poho i te maremare. 2. stomach. Ka piango te poho. 3. seat of the affections; breast. WHiti ana taku poho i to ka- ranga. Pohoi, n. bunch of feathers worn in the ear for ornament. Ka haere ki te wai, ka mahue te pohoi ki uta; ka hoki mai ki uta, katahi ka pohoi i tana pohoi. Pohopa, a. having- scruples. Pohowera, n. charadrius bicinc- tus; a bird. Pohue, and pohuehue, n. a name given to several climbing or trailing plants, as convolvulus; clematis &c. Pohuhti, a. 1. swarming; in croivds. Me te ngaro e po- huhu nei. 2. cloudy ; overcast. Poliutu, V. i. splash; make a splashing. pohutuhutu, V. i. be splashed. Komai he takai mo nga tapu- tapu, kei pohutuhutu. Pohutukawa, n. metro sideros to- mentosa; a tree. Poi, n. hall. poipoi, V. t. toss, swing or wave about. Poipoia te tamaiti nei. — Of an oifering to an 'atua'. Katahi ha maoa te kuri ra, ka poipoia (112). Poihewa, n. small basket for cooked food. Poike, V. t. place aloft. I poi- ketia rawatia nga kaka ki ru- nga ki tona mahunga. poike, a. tufted at the top. He rakau-poike. Poioio, n. first shoots of potato or kumara. Poito, n. for pouto, float. Poka, n. hole; pit; well, poka, V. t. 1. make a hole in or through ; bore ; pierce. Me poka te rakau nei. 2. strike out a path. He ara poka hou tena. 3. do anything unusual, pokapoka, v. t. 1. pierce with a number of holes. He mate po- kapoka; scrofulous sores. 2. plant in holes. Me pokapoka nga kapana ki te papatu. Pokai, n. 1. ball of string &c. 2. swarm of flies ; flock of bird. Ka rere ki waho nga pokai koko (33). pokai, V. t. wind in a ball. Mau e pokai te aho. Pokaikaha, a. confused; at a loss. Ka tae matou ki te wahi ngaru, ka pokai kaha. Pokaka, a. 1. stormy, I kitea e au te pokaka rawa o te hau- ra. 2. hot. He pokaka no te whare i mahue ai. pokaka, n. storm; squall. Pokakii, a. in doubt; mistaken ; confused. Pokauoa, v. t. do without autho- rity ; do at random. Pokapti, n. middle; centre. Pokare, or pokarekare, v. i. be agitated, as a liquid. Marino tonu te moana; hore rawa he pokaretanga. whakapokarekare, v. t. disturb the .surface of water; .spill. I. Poke, n. 1. short axe. 2. greens; turnip tops &c. E tia te poke ; me te maunu koura! P6k6— Pope. 119 II. Fdk§, a. soiled; dirty. Kei ! Pokurukurii, n. iump. poke ou kakahu. pokurukviru, a. fu/l of lumps. pokepoke, v. t. mir up with //v/-iP6na, 1. knot. 2. joint in the arm or leg. 3. cord. Ka kuhua te pona a AVHakatau ki te whare, puta noa ki tetehi ta- ha, puta noa ki tetehi taha (61). 5. string of fish. ! pona, V. t. tie in a knot. ter. III. Poke, V. i. appear \}xs a spi- rit). Ka poke mai te tupapaku ka wehi koe. P5keka, n. a kind of mat made of llax. Pokeka, y. i. be perplexed. Pokek§, a. small. He mara po- keke. P5k3k6, a. sullen, Pekere, u. 1. pitfall. 2. pulp of thu tawa berry, pokere, ad. iu the dark. Ka luu3re pokere atu to tangata i konei. POkSrgha, u. fruit of the tawa. pokorehu, ad. uuthoaf cause. I patua pokerchiitia uoatia iho e au taku tamaiti. ponapona, n. Joint in the arm or leg. PQn&hd, n. anything diminutive in size. PSnSnS, a. hurried ; flurried. He ponana i raahue ai nga puka- puka. PSniania, n. lower part of the nose. POnini, V. i. glow; diffuse a red light. Pouini ana te kakahu o te tangata nei ki roto ki te wai. P6ki, and p5pdki, v. t. 1. coiw ' I. P6n6, a. 1. true. 2. hospitable; over. Pokia tii tatou umu. 2. i bountiful. place with the concave .side down- ' p6n5ngi&, a. true; unfeigned. wards. Me popoki te waka nei. popoki, n. lid; cover. pokipoki, n. eddt/ wind. Pokihi, V. i. shoot; begin to grow. P6k5, V. i. go out, as lire; be- come extinguished. Homai he wahie kei poko te ahi. — Me tc poko (13\ of a sudden disappearance, like the going out of a flame. popoko, a. withered; shrivelled. Pokohiwi, n. shoulder. Pdkdkdhiia, n. an epithet which Ehara i te wakapupuni pono- nga (133). whakapono or whakapononga, V. t. believe ; admit as true. WHakapononga ana a Manaia (122). II. P5n6, V. i. 1. light upon; come upon. Pono rawa mai e putu ana i roto i tc hangi (90). 2. fall in one's way. He mea i pono mai ki toku aroaro. pdpdn6, V. t. covet. Oti, ka po- pouo koutou ki nga kota o te Mahia? is considered the greatest pos- pononga, n. captive; slave. sible insult. Compare kohu. P8p6, and p6p6p6p6, a. rotten; Pokorehu, n. ashes. worm-eaten. Pokorua, n. 1. pit; hollow. 2. Popo, a. pointed. Ma tawhiti e a/it. titiro Maungataniwha, popotonu pokorua, a. hollow; sunken. He | a runga. mate kai tc tangata ra; i kitcaiP5pO, v. t. crowd around ; throng. ki nga kanohi ka pokopoko- 1 POpO, v. t. 1. pat with the hand. rua. I Popotia to tamaiti na kia rautu Pdkowhiwhi, n. shoulder. I ai te tangi. 2. knead; mix up. 120 Popoa— Porokl. Ma wai e popo te paru? 3. anoint. Me popo ki te hinu ki te kokowai. Popoa, see under poa. Popohe, see under pohe. Popoia, n. handle of a basket. Popoki, see under poki. Popokoriia, n. ant. Popokotea, n. a bird. Popono, see under pono. Popore, see under pore. Poporo, see under poro. Poporoihewa, n. hedycaria den- tata, a tree. Pora, a. flat-roofed. He pora te whare. — Pora matanui, having a roof of moderate pitch. pora, n. ship. Tangata pora, man from shipboard; foreigner. Porae, v. t. anoint. porae, n. a fish. Porahii, and porahurahu, a. per- plexed; emban^assed ; awkward. He haka ano ta te ware, he porahu noa iho nga rin^a (146). Poranga, v. t. float. Ka ruku- hia, ka porangatia ki tahaki. Porangi, a. 1. hurried. He aha tau e porangi nei? 2. beside oneself; out of one\s mind. porangi, n. madman. Kei te po- rangi tia koe (122). you are losing your wits. Porara, a. having wide spaces or interstices. E porara ana a rare te kete, i komama ai. Porauraha, a. confused. Pore, y. i. start in sleep. popore, V. t. 1. desire; wish anxiously for. 2. shew favour to ; treat kindly. porepore, a. faijit with hunger. E porepore ana toku manawa. whakaporepore, v. t. propitiate; court the favour of by a gift &c. Porearea, a. 1. tiresome; impor- tunate. 2. afraid of being tire- some; modest. Poreke, a. broken ofl'. Poreke pu te rakau i waenganui. Porena, v. i. float, as oil on wa- ter. Porera, n. mat to lie on (193). Poreterete, n. a kind of duck. Porewarewa, or porewharewha, a. 1. giddy; stupefied. 2. mad. Pori, n. 1. collops of fat. 2. tribe. Ko wai te ingoa o to koutou pori? Compare hapori. Poria, n. 1. ring on the leg of a captive bird, to prevent the string from cutting it. 2. a kind of ornament (153). poria, V. t. load with a weight. He mea poria ki te punga hei whakatoimaha (154). Porihawa, n. a bird. Poriro, n. bastard. Poro, 1. butt end; termination. 2. block. Kei hea te poro ra- kau? poro, V. i. be finished; come to an end. Taihoa, kia poro te kai ki te whenua. poronga, a. end. Ko te poronga tenei o tana korero. poporo, or poroporo, n. solanum aviculare and nigrum ; plants. Poroaki, 1. leave instructions at departing. Na Te Waikeri te poroaki kia hoatu he kapana mau. 2. take leave. Poroha, see porowha. Porohe, n. 1. a large mussel. (K.) 2. young of the fish inohi. porohe, v. t. gather up in loops, as a cord &c. whakaporohe, v. t. knot toge- ther. Porohiiri, v. t. upset; overturn. V. i. tumble one over another. Porokaki, n. back of the neck. Porokere, v. i. be broken off short. Porokl, V. i. give directions at the time of departure. Ka po- roki iho ia ki a maua kia haere atu koe apopo. Forongaua — poupou. 121 Porongaua, n. throat of a fish. Pororarii, a. bewildered. Pororere, a. broAen right off. Porori, a. 1. slow; sluggish. He tangata porori ki te haere. 2. nnt bored (of the ears). porori, n. tattoo marks on the brvvrh. Pororotiia, a. numbed with cold. Pororua, n. sonrhus oleraceus ; snw-thistle. pororua, v. t. tamper with, Kei pororuatia e Tamatekapua (71). Porotaitaka, a. 1. turned over and over. 2. confused. Ka po- rotaitaka nga whakaaro o NGa- tikahungunu. P6r6tak&, a. round. Por6t&w&, n. a funguo growing on trees. Porotiti, n. 1. disc. 2. a toy. Porotiituki, v. i. come to an end. Ko te porotutukitanga mai tena te awa. PorowhS, a. foursided; stfuare. porowha, v. t range in square. 1 porowhatia te haka ki te marae. v. i. fall fiat. Porowha tonu te rakau ki raro. P6r6whit&, n. circle; wheel. Porowhiu, V. t. throw. POrukii, V. t. double up. Poru- kuhia te kete. PQruru, a. close together; thick. POriitu, V. i. make a splashing with the hands in bathing. P6t&e, n. covering for the head ; hat; cap. potae, V. t. 1. put over one's head, 80 as to cover or envelop it. 2. slip on over the head, I po- taea te kaha ki te matenga o te kereni. POt&it&k&, a. 1 . turned round and rounds or over and over. 2. giddy ; confused. .'5. see mini:: to turn round. POt&k&, n. top to spin. He po- I taka whero rua; a top with two points. ; potakataka, a. round. I Potangotango, a. very dark. E j noho mai na koe i roto i te ' potangotango. ; Potapota , a. broken to pieces. Potapota noa te waka i te tai. Potatii, and potatutatu. a. im- patient; distracted. E potatu ! ana ki te haere. |P5ter8t8r§, a. dripping wet. E j poteretere ana oku kakahu. P5tet§, n. a stick used to liold a dog, one end being fastened i to the collar. Me te kuri e ! raau nei i te potete. potete, a. curly. \ potete, V. t. speak frequently of I Potete tonu kia patua ahau. !P6ti, n. 1. angle; corner. He I poti na Uekahia, ma Rongo- takutaroa o kumanu, (of a small I quantity of kuniara in the corner I of a kete). 2. basket for cook- j ed food. \ potipoti, n. shrimp. \ PotT, n. cat. POtiki, n. youngest child. 'P6t6, a. 1. short. 2. denoting the exhaustive character of an action &c., shewing that all the things spoken of have been dealt with. Kua poto nga mea o ninga o te kaipuke te mau mai. POtiiri, a. 1. deaf Poturi ana aku taringa. 2. stubborn. P6u, n. post; pole. pou, and poupou, v. t. 1. stick in; plunge in. Te tino rara- hutanga ki te hoe; to tino pou- nga ki te wai i poua ai (171). 2. fasten to a stake &c. Poua to tatou waka. 3. elevate upon poles. Apopo ka pou i te kai nei , kia rokohanga mai kua noi ki runga (142). poupou, n. 1. peg; stake. 2. shrouds of a canoe mast. 122 poupou— Pu. poupou, a. 1. steep; perpendicu- lar. Poupou tonu te pikitanga. 2. on the meridian. Ka pou- pou te ra, ka whakatika mai matou. Pou for pau. See pau. Poua, n. old person. Kite rawa au i a koe, kua pouatia koe. Pouaka, n. box. Pouakakiwa, n. chief place of residence Pouareherehe, a. old and wrinkled. Pouarii, n. iridower ; widow. Poue, n. a shell fish. Pounaho, a. long- and stiff'. Pouniii, n. south-wind. Pouraka, n. net attached to a hoop, used for catching cray- fish. Pourewa, n. an elevated platform j attached to the stockade of a pa. Pouri, a. 1. dark. Kaore ano i marama noa; e pouri tonu ana (1). 2. sorrowful; sad; distress- ed. He pouri noua ki tona matua ka mate. pouriuri, a. darkish; gloomy. Pouriiru, a. darkish; gloomy, whakapoururu , v. i. look sor- rowful or gloomy. He aha koe ka whakapoururu ai ki te kai mau. Poutangata, a. He toki pou- tangata, a greensto/ie adze, used as a weapon of war. I. Pouto, n. float. II. Pouto, y. t. cut off. Poutoa te kauru o te rakau. Pouttimaro, a. on the meridian. Poututerangi, n. the star whose appearance marks the tenth month: perhaps a Aquilae. Pouwheniia, n. a weapon like the taiaha. Powaiwai, v. t. 1. whirl or whisk about; move with a fanlike mo- tion 2. fan. Powhaitere, n. paroquet. Powharii, v. i. sink into a bog &c. Ka powharuwharu nga wae- wae ki te one. powharu, a. soft; boggy. Powhatii, n. stotie. Powhiri, v. t. 1. wave; whisk; whirl. Powhiriwhiria ta tatou rama kia ka ai. 2. beckon any one to come on ; welcome. E powhiri ana tera te tangata whenua, me te haere atu te manuhiri ra (166). powhiriwhiri, n. provision for a journey. Powhiwlii, n. a creeping plant. I. Pu, n. 1 . tribe. Ko te pu te- nei Tipare. 2. bunch; bundle; anything growing in a bunch. Taua pu wiwi (13). 3. heap; stack. Te pu o te kupenga (79). 4. skilled person; wise one. Na koutou, na nga pu, na nga tohunga, na nga kau- papa (98). pu, a. niho pu, double tooth. pu, V. t. make into a bundle, or ball. Puia nga raupo mo te whare. pUpti, n. 1. bundle. Tikina nga pupu raupo. 2. a shell fish. pupil, Y. t. make into bundles. whakapu, v. t. and v. i. lay or lie in a heap. Hei hea a ta- tou kete whakapu ai ? whakapu, n. stack. He whaka- pu kupenga tera e tu mai ra. II. Pu, V. i. blow. Te hau e pu mai nei ki taku kiri (17). pupti, V. i. 1. bubble up; boil. Kahore ano i pupu noa te wai. 2. rise, as a fog. pu, n. wind instrument as pu- torino, pu-tatara &c. Ko Euaeo, e whakatangi ana i ana pu (76). whakapu, v. i. howl as a dog. III. Pu, a. precise; very. Ko te kainga pu tenei. pu, ad. exceedingly ; exactly. Me te kawau pu te ahua. IV. Pu, a. loathing; hating. Ka whakatika ki te kai, ka pu te Pa — Puhara. 123 ngakau. — Pu ana a roto, ke ana a waho : a proverb for dis- guised ill feeling. V. Pu, n. gun. I. Pua, n. flower; seed. pua, a. foaming; brtaking. He ngaru pua. II. Piia, V. roll or wrap up clo- thes &c. Puaia tou kakahu ka kauhoe ai ki tawahi. puapua, n. a garment wrapped round the arm as a protection from a blow. PtlShi, n. mouth of a river. Kei te puaha o Piako (144). puaha, a. leaving a clear passage. Ka puaha te tai nei: hoea ta- tou; when a wave has broken leaving an inten-al of smooth water. Ptlahi, n. white dogskin mat. Puaka, n. 1. dry twigs. 2. Jlo- ircr. Puakah&, a. open ; attentive. Kia puakaha mai ou taringa. Puaki, V. i. 1. come forth : shew itself. Ka puaki te upoko i roto i tona rua (98). 2. be ut- tered. 1 puaki i a wai te kupu panamoku? ^. be exhaled. Ka puaki te kakara o te tawhiri. whakapuaki, v. t utter i di.sclo.%e. Puano, n. dissinf.ss; the effect of height on the nerves. Pa&nii, a. cool. Puanu ake ana te hau te pari nei. Puang&, n. the star Higel. Puangahdri, n. the star Procijon. PuangiSngi, a cool: refreshing. Pilao, V. i. dawn. Hei to puao- tangti tatou ka haero ai. PuarS, a. open. Kia puare te whare. PuarSrS, n. decoy bird; of small birds only. Ptlaritarit&, a. hurried: in a hurry. Tenei te wahi i puaritarita ai. Ptl&t&&t&, a. 1. ///// of holes or spaces. 2. transparent ; clear. Puatawhiwhi, n. a climbing plant. Piiatea, n. gnaphalium, species. a plant. Pilau, n. ripple; rapid. Ko te whawhaitauga tuatalii, i te puau o WHangamarino, i te Kohc- roa. Puawai, n. flower, Puawananga, n. clematis indi- I'isa, a plant Puawhe, v. i. be taken aback by the wind as a sail; be driven forcibly by the wind. Paia ako e ta! ka puawhe mai te awha ki roto nei. PflSa, V. i. rise to the surface, Ka puea mai te tohora. PaShu, n. i/ust. puehu, V. i. be in the form of dust. E puehu ana te nehu ki I runga ki te kai. ! PQSku, a. unproiluctivc, as crops. Paeru, or puweru, n. shaggy mat, made of partially dressed tlax. I Ptl8t68t6, n. a bird which irc- I ijuents swamps. Puh&, n. 1. gills of a tish. 2. I song; chaunt. Katahi ano ka takitakina ona puha: — onapuha nei na, "Kia rerc atu te Ka- wana ki tawhiti." PiLh&, or puhapuha, a. full ; up to the brim. Puhapuha ana te wai, toka tonu i runga. Pah&eh&e, a. envious. Piihake, a. ///// to overflowing. Ka puhake rawa; rite tonu ki nga niao te wai. Pllh&n&, V. i. glow. Te puliana- tanga o te uira o te ahi o te Arawa (81). IPahanga, n. 1. a kind of eel. I 2. derivative from piiptlhi. See I under puhi. , PUhS-ngaiti, v. i. lie in a heap. See pihangaiti. Puhara, u. a kind of elevated plaifurm for warlike purposes. 124 Ptihaureroa — pukauri. Puhaureroa, conch or horn, blown to give signals. Piihi, n. 1. betrothed woman. 2. much courted unhetrothed young woman. He puhi hoki a Hi- nemoa (131). 3. />not or bunch of hair ; a mode of wearing the hair tied up like a sheaf. 4. a kind of eel of very large size. 5. NGa puhi a Puarata. puhipuhi, V. t. ornament with bunches of feathers or hair, as the bow or stern of a canoe &c. Puhipuhi rawa te paua ki te waero (21). puhipuhi, a. tied up in a bunch; growing' in bunches. Ka puhi- puhi te tupu te kapana. Piihi. pupiihi, i. V. t. 1. blow. 2. fire a gun. 3. shoot with a gun. ii. Y.n. swell. puhipuhi, V. t. blow frequently. puhipuhi paipa, smoke a pipe. Ptihihi, n. seed potatoes which throw up a weak shoot. puhihihihi, a. stiff, of the hair. Ho puhihihihi no te upoko. Puhikorokoro, n. lamprey, of a large kind. Ptihoi, a. 1. slow; dull. He waka puhoi. 2. deaf Puhonga, a. stinking; offensive. Piihore, a. 1. unsuccessful in fish- ing &c. 2. scarce. Te mara tautane, he mara ki nga atua whakapuhore kai. Ptihoro, n. 1. tattoo marks on the thigh. 2. bad weather. Piihoru, a. that will not open. He pipi puhoru. whakapuhoru, v. i. leap out of the water. E whakapuhoru ana te kanae. Ptihou, n. coriaria ruscifolia, a shrub; the same as tutu. Ptihua, V. t. glean potatoes or kumara, after the crop has been taken up. Ptihuki, a. blunt; dull. Ka pu- huki taku toki. Puia, n. 1. volcano. 2. bush. puia, a. smarting. Ka puia aku kanohi i te au. Piiiaki, a. rare; precious. Ho kakano puipuiaki. puiaki, n. treasure. Kei ngaro ko oku kanohi, kei waiho ko te whenua hei puiaki mo nga mea i muri i a au. Ptiihiihi, n. strings of a mat. Piika, n. muhlenbeckia adpressa ; a shrub. 2. cabbage. 3. spade. pukapuka, n. 1. br achy glottis repanda, a shrub. 2. lujigs. 3. paper; letter; book. II. Puka, V. i. 1. be jealous. 2. pant. Ka puka taku manawa i te manga. Pukaea, n. a wind instrument made of totara and used to sound an alarm in time of war. Pukaha, n. 1. refuse portion of flax leaf 2. a garment made of the same. Pukahii, a. abundant. pukahu, n. spongy matter enve- loping the seeds of pumpkins. Ptikai, i. v. i. lie in a heap. Ka rukca nga tupapaku hi waho pukai ai (153). ii. v. t. lay in a heap. Pukairia nga one- one ki waenganui. Ptikaka, a. hot. Pukaka, n. long bones of the arm or leg. Ptikaki, n. scrofulous swelling in the neck. Pukana, v. i. distort the eyes; stare wildly. Ptikatakata, a. dry; crisp. Pukatea, n. atherosperma Novce Zelandi(e, a tree. Pukauri, a. 1. barren. 2. burn- ing fiercely. E kore e ngaro ; ka pukauri tonu te ka, he whare wera. pukauri, n. a kind of shell fish. Fakawa- whakapupuni. 125 Pukawa, a. bitter; unpalatenble. Pukawa rawa atu tena mea ki roto ki toku waha. Piike, n. 1. hill. 2. pubes. puke, V. i. nsej as a flood. Ka puke t^ wai o Waipaoa. — Ka pukea te wai akuanei. pukepuke, a. hilly. whakapuke, v. i. begin to rise (of resentment &c.). pukgng&j n. 1. 50//ree of a river. 2. Ifiicher; model. Ko wai ton pukenga, nana koe i ako? Pukei, for pukai. 8ee pukai. PtlkSko, u. 1. porphyrio melnno- titSf or water hen. 2. wounded man. 3. old fmii c\'i thn pre- vious year. Piik3pdtd, 11. a KiiKi ui (iurk earth, used as a pigment. Pak§ri, V. i. rush along violently as a flood or wind. Pukoru, V. t. I)linr. Pukenia te kapura. Pakiki, a. stunted. Pukohu, n. fog. Pukoki, n. .self-.sown potato. Pak6r6, n. 1. sheath; case. 2. halo. 3. net for catching eels, in shape like a long hag. 4. a kind of mat made of closely woven flax, with a narrow or- namental border. pukoro, v. t. surround with a halo Ka pukoroa te marama. Ptlk6r6r6a, n. a large basket. Pukoru, n. fold of a garment. pakorukoru, v. t. gather up in foils. pukorukoru, n. rotten wood. Puku, n. 1. swelling. 2. stomach. 3. abdomen. 4, passions; af- fections. puku, V. i. swell. Ka puku toku kauac. pukupuku, u. closely woven mat, which being wetted is imper- vious to a spear. Pukupuku- patea; pukupuhi with an orna- mental border. Piiku, ad. 1, seci^etly ; without speaking. I oma puku ia. 2. without food. Kei te noho puku matou. Fiikupa, a. without offspring; barren. Fukiipango, n. potato blackened by exposure. Piikurau, n. ileodictyon cibarium, a kind of fungus. Pukuriri, a. angry ; quarrelsome. Piikuw&i, a. watery; sodden. He pukuwai te wahie noi. Piiinahu, a. steamy ; reeking. Ka pumahu te whenua i to ra, meake tupu te kai. PfUn&u, a. fixed; consla/il : per- manent. Ka puraau tona noho ki Hauraki. Pllmuk&, V. t. thrust at ; stab. Pun&, n. spring of water. Piin&i6rd, n. a plant. Ptin&kd, n. fore end of the boi/y of a canocy to which the tau- ihu or bow is spliced. Pun&riia, a. 1. in pairs. He wheki punarua, squid caught in pairs; an ill omen. 2. hav- ing two wives. He tangata pu- narua. Ptm&un&u, p. satiated. punaunau, n. selfsown potato. PtLn^hun^hu, a. 1. dusty. 2. in small particles like dust. He na punehunehu; tnisty rain. punenehu, n. dust, Piini, a. 1. stopped up. He awa puni te Wairoa. 2. covered; filled up. Kia rua auau ka puni te mara. puni, n. 1. place of encampment. Ko te puni teuei o to taua. 2. company of persons. Ka toru puni haere ana. 3. a kind of karakia. whakapupuni, v. i. sit close; hide 126 Puniia — puremu. oneself. Ka whakapupuni mai i roto i nga pureirei. Puniia, n. young of animals. Ptinui, a. close together. Kia punui tahi tatou te haere. Ptinuki, a. bli/nt. Piinga, n. 1. anchor. 2. basket for catching- eels. 3. odd num- ber. E rua tekau nga tangata, kotahi punga. punga, V. t. 1. Jioi' with an an- chor. Hei waho punga ai o waka (92). 2. sink-, engulph. pungapunga, n. 1 . pumice stone. 2. a kind of potato. 3. pollen of the Jlowers of raupo; or cake made of the same. 4. yellow colour. Piingarehu, n. ashes. Pungata, a. di^. Ka pungata te toetoe te whare. Ptingawerewere, n. spider. Pungenengene, a. mnfjled up. whakapungenengene, v. t. co- ver up with clothes. Ptingoriingoru, a. light or loose as earth &c. pungorungoru, n. sponge. Piipa, V. i. eructate. Pupahi, n. encampment. Pupu. see under pu. Pupuhi, see under puhi. Ptipurangi, n. a shell fish. Pupuri, see under puri. Pupuru, see under puru. Puputa, n. blister on the skin, from chafing. Puputu, see under putu. Piira, n any small foreign sub- stance in the eye. pura, a. troubled by the intru- sion of some foreign matter; blind. Ka pura oku kanohi. purapura, n. seed. Purahoriia, n. messenger. Parakau, n, 1. old man. 2. an- cient legend ; ^ myth. purakau, a. niho purakau, double tooth. Puranga, n. heap. puranga, v. t. heap up. E pu- ranga ana ia i nga kowhatu ki te marae. v. i. lie in a heap. Ptirara, a. having interstices; open. Piirata, a. turbid. Ptiratoke, n. 1. glow-worm. 2. phosphorescent animolculce in the sea. 3. anything glistening in the dark. Ptirau, n. fork. puraurau, a. 1 . covered with sharp points; bristling. I roto i te kowhatu e noho puaaurau ana. 2. bitter; offensive (of feelings, or speech). I. Piire, n. a ceremony for re- moving the 'tapu' from houses, canoes, persons &c. j pure, V. t. set free from ^tapu\ I II Pure, V. t. arrange in tufts or patches. Ka purea nga huru- huru ki nga taha o te ihupuni. purepure, a. in patches or tufts. Purehe, a. wrinkled. Purehiia, n. moth. purehua, v. i. emit gas. Ka pu- rehua te kapura. Ptirehiirehu, n. tnoth. Purei, and pureirei, n. 1. iso- lated tufts of grass ; bushes or shrubs in a swamp &c. 2. sun- ken rock. Kei eke tatou ki runga ki te purei ra. 3. small patch of garden. He pureirei nga ngakinga o taua kaainga. Pureke, n. 1. fleshy side of the flax leaf. 2. garment made from the same. purekereke, n. puff of wind. Ptirekireki, n. tufts of grass in j a swamp. He repo pai, he pu- ! rekireki. . Pureku, n. cooking shed. Ptiremu, n. 1. lower hem of a garment. 2. adultery. puremu, v. i. commit adultery. Ptir§na — Pntere. 127 Ptirena, v. i, run over. Purena ana te wai o te kaho. POrengi, n. simj of a mas I. Parero, t. i. project; be promi- nent. Purewha, n. a black mussel. Puri. pupuri, V. t. 1 hold in the hand. Puritia te rakau nei. 2. de- tain. Kahore matou i puritia ki te kainga. piiripuri, v. t suppres.^ anger &c. Te puri puri te tangata nei te aha. ! puritanga, n. handle. I POriri, n. vitex littoraiisy a tree. Ptlr6r6hti, a. accompanied with a \ whizz in f^ or whistling noi.se. , Piirorohu ana te hau nei. I Plir6t6, a. having no current:] stilt. Kahore e kaha te rerc o te awa; puroto noa iho ana. Pur6tu, a. 1 . clear ; transparent. \ He wai purotu. 2. pleasant; agreeable. Purotu noa iho te kainga. POrSu, u. fork. purou, V. t catch on a fork. He mea purou nga tuna a Tiraro. piirourou, n. a bird; the same as tieke. L. Purii, n. plag; cork; bung. puru, V. t. 1. plug up; staff up. Puma te puta o te waka ki te kakahu. 2. confine by means pupuru, a. pulpy; semi-liquid. Kia pupuru te kohari kao. pupuru, for pupuri. See under purL purupuru, v. t 1. slop the chinks of anything. Purupurua te whati- toka me te matapihi (47). 2. suppress. Kaua e purupunia a koutou korero. puioipiiru, n. chtsel. whakapuru, n. pad to prevent chating. WHakapuru tao, pad \ worn on the arm as a pro- tection against a spear thrust. whakapuru, v. t. protect with a pad. piiriitanga, for puritanga. See under puri. II. Piiru, a. fusty ; mouldy. I. Ptlriia, v. t. do a second time. II. Puriia, ad. by two and two. Ka haere purua nga tangata. Puriihekaheka, a. mouldy. Piiruhi, n. Jlea. PuBUMA, n. broom. PURUMA, V. t. sweep. Pllrurii, a. 1. shady; thick with leaves &c. He rakau pururu. 2. close together. Pururu tonu to ratou noho. Put&, n. I. hole. Kei hca te puta to peeke? 2. battlefield in which people have fallen. To puta tuatalii i hi nga ai maua, kei Papara-tu. puta, V. i. 1. pass through, in or out. Ko tona ara tenei e puta ake ai (54). — Ke puta te kiore ki roto. 2. come in sight. Ka puta te waka i Tuamotu. piit&-kS, be changed. ptlpiit&, n. blister caused by chaf- ing. putaputa, a. ///// of holes. whakaputa, v. i. boast. K-.i Vino to mahi whakaput€L Ptlt&hi, V. i. Join; meet. Ku lo putahitanga tenei o nga ara. Patak3, n. 1. base; root. 2. rea- son; cause. Pat&ngit&ngi , putangitangi- St&m&, or putangitangiatoa, n. paradise duck. Put&put&wStfi. n. a tree. Pat&r&, or p11tat&r&, n. a shell used like a horn for signals. Ptttawa, n. 1. a fungus. 2. a large potato. Puts, or ptLtSa, n. bag or basket for clothes. PtltSr§, V. i. go in a body. 128 putere — rahinga. putere, n. stranger. Ptitiki, V. t. 1. tie together; knot together. 2. get together, as an army. Tahi tonu to maua putikitanga. putiki, n. 1. knot. 2. a method of dressing the hair, adopted by chiefs. Ptitoa, n. a plant. Ptitoitoi, V. t. tie in bunches. Ptitokitoki, a. stunted; shrivell- ed. He kino no te whenua i putokitoki ai nga pakawha. Putongamarangai, n. south east wind. Putorino, n. a kind of flute. Ptitorore, n. Jet of gas from burn- ing wood. Putoti, a. stunted. Ptitoto, a. bloody; raw. Putoto tonu te pokaka nei. Putii, V. i. lie in a heap ; lie one upon another. Pono rawa mai, e putu ana i roto i te hangi (90). putu, n. heap. puputii, and piituputu, a. 1. close together. Kia puputu nga pou- aka, kia o ai. 2. frequent; at short intervals. I te hoki pu- tuputu tonu te tira o tetahi whaitua, o tetahi whaitua (160), ! whakaputu, v. t. lay in a heap. jPtiwaha, n. mouth of a river. ! Also written puaha, I Ptiwatawata, a. full of intersti- ces or open spaces. I Ptiwera, a. warfn. i Piiwerewere, n. .spider. jPuwerii, n. shaggy mat made of partially dressed flax. \ Ptiweto, n. a bird. Ptiwha, n. sowthistle, or any ve- getable used as greens. Puwha, V. t. spit out. Ka pu- whaia nga kai ki waho. Puwhara. n. astelia Banks ii; a plant. puwharawhara, a. deaf. Puwheniia, n. stay of a mast. R. Ra, n. 1. sun. 2. day. 3. sail. Ra, prep, by waij of; by. Ka te taha te ngahere tou ara. Ra runga i; by the top of; over. Kai-ra-runga ; eat food which has been passed over anything tapu. Ra, ad. 1. there; yondei\ 'Kei whea a WHakataur' Ra, e whakaangi mai ra i tana manu i runga i te taumata ra (59). 2. simply denoting that the thing spoken of is not near, or is unconnected with the speaker or the person spoken to. Te patu e haua mai ra ki a ia (91). rara, ad. there. Rae, n. 1. promontory ; headland. 2. forehead. I whakarae, v. i. lie exposed; stick out. AVHakarae ana nga ku- mara ki runga. whakarae, a 1. green; not dry. He rakau whakarae. 2. rau); not cooked. He kai whakarae i tapaea mai nei ki a matou. Raha, a. open; extended. I. Rahi, n. servant; dependant. II. Rahi, a. 1. great (physically or morally). Te rahi o tenei whare. Plural rarahi. 2. plen- tiful. Kia rahi mai he kai. 3. sometimes used in a pecu- liar construction for other. No rahi o whenua ona raruraru; the troubles of other lands be- long to themselves. rahinga, n. 1. largeness; abun- dance. 2. company; party. Ko rahirahi — Ranei. 129 tetelii rahiuga i te motu i Mo- koia e iioho ana (80). rahirahi, a. thin: not thick. He papa rahirahi. rahirahinga, u. temp/e of the head. Rahiri, n. rope. rahiri , v. t. receive cordially ; welcome. He mea rahiri ma- rire koe na nga tangata o He- retauaga. I. Raho, 11. testicle. I[. Raho, or rahoraho, n. plat- form ; Jtoor. Tc raho o te waka. raho, V. t. cover with a Jloor or platform of wood, Ka rahoa tera repo ki tc rakau. Rahu, 11. basket made of flax leaves. rahurahii, or rSr&hu, u. pteris tnjiiilina or common fern. rahurahu, v. t. handle; pull about. He aha tau e rahurahu ki taku mea? rar&hu, v. t. seize; lay hold of. Te tino rarahutanga ki te hoe (171'^. Hooti, rahunga atu, kci chara, to kau ana uva anake 1^171). Rahua, v. i. be foiled; be utisuc- vrssfiil. I. Rahui, n. a mark tp warn people against trespassing, used in the case of *tapu', or for temporary protection of fruit, birds or fish rahui, v. t. protect by a rahui. II. Rfihiii, n. Jlock; herd. Na wii te rahui poaka nei ? Raihi, n. small enclosure: pigsty. ItAiiii, n. rice. Uaia, ad. or conj. 1. why. Ka pakoru raia te waka nei. 2. but. I. RainS,, ad. there; yonder. II. Rain&, conj. whether: or. K'o tcnei ruina, ko tcra ruiua. lUiosA, Q. lion. ; 1. Raka, ad. a lengthened form i of ra; there. See ra. i II. Raka, v. i. I. be entangled. Ka raka oku waewae, ka hiiiga au. 2. aching from weariness, raraka, v. t. entangle. I III. Raka. irakaraka, v. t. scratch; scrape. rakaraka, n. an implement to scratch with; rake; harrow. Rakapikipiki, v. i. lie across one another. ; Bakau, u. 1 . tree ; spar. 2. stick ; ircapon. 3. wood: timber. Rakaunui, n. the mnnn at 16 1 days old. I BSk&umatohi, n. the moon at I 17 days old. 1 1. B&ki, n. north. No hea koia koe: no te rakir (17) raki, a. dry ; dried up. Kua raki ana kai i to ra. II. R&ki, n. green leaves &c. on which the food is laid in a na- tive oven. B&k6. n. albino. R&ku, rS.rakii, rakuraku, v. t. scratch ; scrape. rakuraku, n, implement to scratch with; rake; harrow. BSmS, pron. they. B&m&, n. 1. torch. 2. razor. rama, v. t. catch by torch light. ; Ka riro a Hinaki ma koi tc rama tuna. ; ramarama, n. myrtus but lata, a shrub. B&mi, V. t. squeeze. Me kowha te pipi ka rami ai ki te wai. R&nSa, a. abundant : in full sup- ply. Ka nui te ranea o te kai. BSnSi, conj. whether; or. con- necting alternatives. Ko nga tangata e haere ana ki Taupo, ki nga maunga ranei. The se- cond alternative is often left to be understood. Me tuku atu ranei te tangata nei kia hacro r 9 130 Ranii — raparapa. Ranii, v. t. mix. He mea ranu te kai nei ki te hinu. whakaraiiu, v. t. mix. Raniiawatea, n. a plant. Hanga, n. 1. company of persons. 2. shoal of Jis/i. ranga, v. t. 1. pull up by the roots. Kangaa mai he taiawa. 2. raise; cast up. A, ka tupu, ka rangaa te one, ko te Ahu- roa (114). 3. set in motion an army &c.; urge forwards. Ka rangaa tana taua hei tukituki i te pa tuna. rangaranga, or raranga, v. i. blow gently. Te hau e ata rai*a- nga mai nei. — x\ta rangaranga ana te ta. raranga, v. t. weave. Ka rangaa he kete (7). whakarangaranga, v. t. extol. E whakarangaranga ana i a ia te koroke nei. Rangahau, v. t. carry on a loop of flax^ I. Rangai, n. 1. herd; Jlock. Taku rangai parera, e torn te- kau. 2. company. He rangai tangata e haere mai nei II. Rangai, v. i. be raised in a menacing attitude. Ka rangai nga peke o te tangata ra, akua- nei ka wero. Rangapti, n. company. Katahi ka kitea atu te rangapu tangata nei, e taka ana mai i raro i nga rakau (16). Rangatahi, v. i. be quick; move quickly. Eangatahi ton waewae. Rangatira, n. 1. chief male or female. Kahore he rangatira o tenei whenua, ko toku matua anake (195). 2. master or mi- stress. Ko te ingoa o toku rangatira, ko te Kahureremoa (147). rangatira, a. in a state of peace. He tohu whenua rangatira te haka. Rangi, n. 1. sky. 2. region above the clouds; heaven. Kei hea to kotiro? E! kei te rangi (49). 3. weather. Na te rangi kino i kore ai matou e haere. 4. day. Tupato ana nga tuakana, whanga ana i tetehi rangi (95). 5. division oy portion of a song. Rangi rua te haka nei. 6. air ; tune. 7. tenour or drift of a speech &c. rangirangi, v. t. 1. annoy; vex. 2. roast; scorch. rangirangi, n. song to keep time in pulling. Rangimarie, a. quiet; peaceful. Rangiora, n. brachyglottis re- panda ; a shrub. Rangipariilii, n. person fully tat- tooed. Rangiroro, n. giddiness. Ka taka te rangiroro i toku matenga. Rangitapii, n. scaffolding for rais- ing a ridgepole. Rangitoto, n" black lava ; scoria. Rango, n. 1. roller upon which a heavy body is dragged. 2. lajid overgrown with fern or scrub. 3. fly. Rangona, passive of rongo. See rongo. Raoa, V. i. be choked. He paku te ika i raoa ai a Tamarereti. Raorao, n. level or undulating country. I. Rapa, n. 1. stern post of a canoe. 2. flat part of a spade. 3. rapa maori, familiar spirit. rapa, a. I. having the toes united by a membrane; webbed. He waewae rapa to te parera. 2. entwined. Rapa tonu te taura ki te rakau. raparapa, n. fiat part of the foot, between the instep and the toes. Kei toku raparapa toku mate, mamae katoa toku tinaua. ra- parapa-ruru, a variety of po- tato. rarapa — Barii. 131 rarapa, y. i. Jlash forth, rarapa he uira, whakarap£^ n. fsh basket. II. Rapa, for rapu, v. t seek; lunk for. Hapaki, n. girdle; apron. rapaki, y. i. be girt up. Rapaki rawa nga kakahu o Kapenga. Rape, n. 1 . tattooing on the breech. 2. a variety of potato. BapSa, ad. intensive, indeed. Rapi, rarapi, v. t. clutch ; scratch. E rapiliia ana tou ringa e te nj^arara. Rapoi, n. swarm ; cluster, Nao- manga iho a Rua ki te rapoi kutu nei (77). rapoi, V. i. hang together in a cluster. Te ngaro e rapoi mai ra. V. t. gather together. Ra- poia mai nga otaota. Rapopotd, V. i. be assembled. Rapu, V. t. 1. seek; took for. Roa noa aa e rapu ana i taku to- ki ; kaore i kitea. 2. apply to any one for advice. Na konei matou i rapu ai ki a koc. 3. s(/ueeze. rapurapu, v. i. be in doubt, Kei nij)urapu o koutou whakaaro. Rapiipuku, v. i. bud ; put forth buds. Rara, n. twig ; small branch. B&ra, n. I. rib. 2. stage on which kumara are dried. 3. shoal of fish. rara, v. i. 1. be spread out on a sta^re. Ka rara nga tuna ki runga ki te ahi. 2. go in shoals. Ka rara nga ika ki runga i te kaliarunga. 3. broach to; be thrown on the broadside. Ka rara te poti, ka tahuri. Rara, v. i. make a continued sound. Ka rara nga waewae i te ema- il j;a. roar. I rangona ki te waha e rara iho ana i te tau- wharenga kowhatu o Moerangi (158). Rara, ad. there. See ra. Rarahu, see under rahu. Raranga, see under ranga. Rarangi, n. row; rank. Rarapa, see under rapa. Rarapi, see under rapi. Rarata, see under rata. Rarau, see under rau. Rarauhe, n. pteris aquilina ; com- mon fern. Rarawe, see under rawe. I. Rare, a. dull; stupid. He rare koe. II. Rar§, V. i. lie. Kei te rare tou nga rongoa. v. t. curry. Maku e rare tou kakahu. Rari, n. a fish. Rari, a. wet. Ka rari toku ka- kahu. R&ri, V. i. make an uproar. Ka rari tera te tamariki. R&r5, n. 1. the bottom; the un- der side. Like names of pla- ces, it is preceded hy a when it is the subject in a sentence, or when repeated by way of explanation. With a preposi- tion it is often equivalent to an adverb, and may be render- ed, down; down below. Ko te pueru i waiho i rare takoto ai (137). When preceded and fol- lowed by a preposition, it forms a complex preposition signify- ing, beneath ; under &c. Kua nekehia atu ki mro i nga poke tetahi o nga taura, kua mau (159). — Ka haere nei to tatou matua, ka haere hoki tatou i raro i ona waewae. i.e. in his train. 2. the north. E ahu ana nga waka ra ki raro. 3. for ra or rangi ; day. Mo era nga raro ena korero ; tenei, mo tenei rangi. R&rii, and raruraru, v. i. \.be in dijficulty ; be perplexed. Ileoti ano, he raru to Manaia, heoti 9* 1,^2 whakararu — Baurarahi. auo ka maiki ia i tera wahi (122). 2. be hindered; be en- cumbered. whakararu, n. hindrance: en- cumbrance. Rariia, v. i. be misled: be dis- appointed. Hata, n. metrosideros ?obusta ; a tree. Bata, a. 1. tame; quiet. He ka- rarehe rarata anake. 2. fami- liar : friendly. Kaore te ta- maiti na i rata mai ki a au. ratarata, a. 1. clear: not muddy. Kei te ratarata raiiei te puua? 2. red-hot. Ka ratarata nga powhatu te umu. 3. sharp; cutting. Ratarata aua tera te mata o te toki nei. Batau, pron. for ratou, they, Bato, V. 1. be all served or pro- vided. Ka rato nga tangata i te utu. whakarato, v. t. serve all round. WHakaratoa nga tamariki ki te kai. Baton, pron. they; them. I. Bau, n. 1. leaf. 2. blade. II. Bau, a. hundred. Takoto ana te ran ma whitii i roto i te hangi (90). Sometimes used to signify other. Kua ata whaka- ritea e raua i ran rangi ra (13 1). — Kei rail o whenua e haere ana. whakarau, v. t. multiply. Tenei te he, kei nga tangata ora, nana i whakarau te korero mona. m. Bau, V. t. 1, catch in a net. Kua riro a Koro ki te rau inanga. 2. gather into a bas- ket. Raua nga mea na ki te kete. rarau, y. t. lay hold of; handle. Kahore e rarau o riugaringa ki ro oneone. rarau, a. in captivity. Kei te noho rarau raua e noho nei. i whakarau, v. t. 1. take captive. I 2. lead au)ay. Ka whakaraua ki te tuaahu (85). I WHakarau-ora, take alire; save I a captive alive. I whakarau, u. captive. ! Baua, pron. they two. Used re- ! dundantlj^ in speaking of two ': ]3ersons together. Ka mate a I Hou raua ko WHakaturia (67). j Also in addressing two persons I together : E Tama raua ko Maka ! Bauaka, u. bed or land in a cul- tivation. Bauariihe, n. fronds of pteris aquilina. Para rauaruhe ; brown growth of kumara leaves. Bauawa, n. attached sides of a canoe. To kau ana ko nga rauawa anake (171). Bauhanga, a. deceitful. Bauhi, V. t. place together; col- lect. Baukai, n leaves of which bas- kets are made for cooked food. Baukawa, n. an odoriferous plant used as a scent. Baukeke, v. t. pull about reck- lessly. Raukeke noa te tamaiti nei ; e kore e takoto to mea. Baukumara, n. a species of *> RSw&i. Whakarawai, v. t. s/irrr ul ; dis- parage. K whakarawaitia ana te kakahu. R&w&k&, a. abundant; sufficient. K koro e rawaka nga kai. R&W&kdrS, a. wit /ami property ; poor. Raw&ra, n. a ii>li. I. Rawo, a. 1. close. Kia rawe to pa i te tatau. 2. suitable; becoming. Ka rawo tou kakahu. 3. excellent. Mahue rawa tau mea te rawo I 4. suited; fur- nished. Ka rawe koe i te hu. rSrawe. a. 1. easy; attainable. i E kore e rarawe tenei i a au. 2. abundant. Kei te rarawo nga kai o te rua. rawe, v. t. take up; snatch. I rawea e ia te pueru hoi kaka mona. whakarawe, v. t. close: fasten up. WHakarawca nga kete ku- niara. II. R&w§, a. interrogative, how many. E rawe aur Baweke, v. t. manipulate; dress food &c. raweke, a. meddlesome. R&whi, rarawhi, v. t. 1. grasp; I .seize. Ka rawhia reretia te karukani puru o tona wharo hei paki putanga mona (13). 2. hold firmly. Tera te paki- aka te koareare te rarawhi ra. i rawhi , n. basket. Koiroia te rawhi. BSwhiti, n. east. BSa, V. i. spring up: grow. Kua rea nga riwai. BShd, a. wrinkled. Ka rehc te kiri. rehe, ad. intensive, attached to adjectives. Parau rehe. Kuware rehe. BdhSa, v. i. be balked; be baffl- ed. Katahi nei pea au ka re- hoa (15). BSh6, a. bad. Ka haere ki te reho. rehoreho, n. a shell iish. I. RShii, n. fufe. II. Rehii, v. t. chip; split off in chips. E rangi te kowhutu; ka rclma, ka ngawhara. — Kehu ahi, strike fire. rehurehu, v. i. be gone down as the sun. Ka rehurehu te ra; e kore tatou e tae. 134 whakareliu — Rere. whakarehu, v. t. 1. give a relish to anything. He nui te kai maori, ko te mea hei whaka- rehu e iti ana. 2. cause to decline. E to e te ra ki whaka- rehua iho. Rei, n. 1. breast. 2. tusk or large tooth. 3. anything made of ivory. 4. anything of great value; je- wel. whakarei, n. 1. carved work at the head and stern of a canoe. 2. canoe with elaborately carv- ed ,figure head, bust and arms. Reia, see under rere. Reinga, n. derivative from rere. 1. leap. 2. place of departed spirits. Reipiita, n. boar ivith tusks. Reira, n. that place, time or cir- cumstance, already mentioned. Ko ^Gatoro i haere ki nga raorao, ki te takahi waipuna i reira (78j. Na reira; there- fore (past). — Ma reira; there- fore (future). Reka, a. 1. sweet; palatable. Me i paka te kai nei, ka reka. 2. pleasant; agreeable, Reka tonu nga korero. rekareka, a. 1. pleasant. 2. tickl- ing ; itching. 3. delighted. Reke, n. 1. a mode of dressing the hair in a knot. 2. thrust with a stick. rekereke, n. heel. Reko, n. white dogskin mat. Remii, n. 1. posteriors. 2. lower end of anything. Ko nga remu nga riwai hei kai ma matou. 3. lower hem of a garment. Remuroa, n. a plant. Rena, v. t. stretc/t out. Renaa te kakahu. renarena, a. full. Ka renarena te tai. // is high vjater. Renga, n. good fern-root. Ko- tahi kete renga, kotahi kete parara. rengarenga, n. 1. arthropodium cirrhatum, a plant. 2. tetra- gonia expansa or New Zealand .spinach. Reo, n. 1. voice. He reo tangata e wawaro mai nei. 2. speech. Kua nanu te reo. 3. language; dialect. reoreo, n. 1. a bird. 2. plain or undulating country (K.) Com- pare raorao. Repa, n. 1. belly of a shark. 2. a kind of mat; the same as tntata. Repe, n. a kind of potato. reperepe, n. dowry. Repo, n. 1. swamp, 2. sting ray ; a fish. 3. cannon. reporepo, n. a slippery weed growing on rocks. Rera. whakarera, a. high. Rere, v. i. 1. run (as water). 2. Jly. Rere tonu ke kukupa, a tau noa atu i te matapihi o te whare o Tinirau. — be carried away. Me te huruhuru manu ka rere i te hau (170). 3. es- cape. Kahore he rerenga o taua ope. 4. sail. Rere noa atu ana, rere noa atu ana, he waka i tona rerenga (70). 5. leap. Ka rere iho taua wahine nei ki roto ki te koruarua (13). 6. pace to and fro in making a speech. 7. rise or set, as the havenly bodies. He marama e ka rere ake ana i te pae te ahuatanga (159). — E to e te ra, e rere ki te rua. 8. be born. Ka rere ta Tauwheoro, ko Hokinga. 9. be rejected. Hoatu rawa ta taua korero ki a Paoa, rere ana i a ia. 10. hang. Ko te here ka waiho ki rere ana (147). Pass reia, or rerengia, be run upon or over; be run after. Ka reia taua wahine e nga tane rere — wliakaririka. 135 reira (148). be sailed over. Ka roa tenei wahi e reia nei e tenei waka (71\ rere, n. 1. waterfall. 2. shoal; swarm. Ka mau katoa te rere kakara. rere, ad. abruptly ; suddenly. Motu rere te taura nei. rSrSre, v. i. run &c. to and fro. whakarere, v. t. 1. cast away; reject. Me whakarere enei ra- kau; kua pirau. 2. leave; for- sake. Katahi ka whakarcrea e ratou tera wahi. 3. use a wea- pon in striking a blow. Tahi ano te whakarerenga iho o tana meremere (120). whakarere, ad. suddenly. Ka puta whakarere mai te hau to- nga. IlSrS, int. demanding attention. E hoa! rere! RSr§&hi&hi, u. the evening star. BSrehii, n. the star whose appea- rance marks the 9th month; perhaps ^nfares. BJ&r^hH, V. i. be heated. Ka re- rehu te okeoke. BdrSi, ad. there. E noi mai rerei. BSrSmai, n. a large kind of shark. HdrdpShi, n. tattooing on the hrrech. BSrSp&ri, n. a kind of crab. BdrdHia, a. double; in two thick- nesses or folds. BOt&o, n. grass or leaves on which the food is laid in a native oven. Bdti, n. snare. reti, V. ensnare, BSt6, a. deep. He wahi reto tera taha. HfiturStii, n. a water-plant. Heu&, n. a shrub. BSw&, V. i. 1. melt; become li- quid. 2. float. 3. get under way, start. Kotahi te mano o nga waka, ka rewa ki tc raoana, ka hoe (41). 4. be elevated; I be high up. Ka rewa te ra ki runga. rewa, n. mast of a vessel. rewarewa, n. knightia excelsa, a tree. whakarewa, v. t. 1. put afloat. WHakarewaia te waka. 2. set in motion. Ka whakarewaia a Kahukura, a Itupawa, a Rongo- mai (84). Rgwai. whakarewai, v. i. rain heavily. I ua nehu i mua; muri iho ka whakarewai, ka rahi ake te pata. BSwha, n. eyelid. Mauana kau ana nga rewha. rewharewha, n. epidemic sick- ness ; injluenza &c. Ri, V. t. shut out with a screen. Ka riia te hau. ri&ng&, n. screen. Homai nga ruupo naka hei rianga. Biak&, V. i. strain; put forth strength. Iliaka aua nga nana ki te pupuri i a au. Biaki, V. t. //// up. No tana riakanga i nga riwai nei. v. i. fall out. Bianga, see rL Bie, a. two. E rie. (R.) rienga, a. two. E rienga i a ma- tou. (R.) Bih&, n. nit. whakarihariha, a. 1. disgusted, 2. disgusting. Bik&, a. 1. restless in sleep; un- easy. I a au e moc ana, ka rika tera au. 2. impatient. Mo haere koutou ki te arahi i to hanga ka rika nei ki te haere. rikarika, a. 1. abashed; overaw- ed. Te rikarika te tangata ra ki tona rangatira. 2. having misgivings. Kihai i rikarika tana patu, kihai i titiro. 3. hesitating. To rikarika te whaka- tikunga o tc iwi nei. whakaririkS., v. i. 1. be anxious or apprehensive. !Me to noho 136 whakarikarika- Ririwai. matou; me te whakaririka akua- nei matou ka tahuri. 2. wait anxiously. WHakaririka noa ana matou kia tika te hau. 3. coiver; crouch. whakarikarika, a. exciting feel- ings of disgust; disgusting. Riki, a. small. He ririki anake enei rakau. rikiriki, a. 1. in small portions or sections; in fragments. 2. Ka mahora rikiriki tatou, loe are altogether scattered. Riko, T. i. mane. Ka riko te marama. rikoriko, a. dusky; darkish. I te ahiahi rikoriko. Rima, a. fve. Rimu, u. dacnjdium cupressinumf a tree. rimurimu. n. \. seaweed. 2. moss. 3. mildew. RlNENA, n. linen. Rino, n. 1. twist of two or three strands. Kino makawe, lock of frizzled hair. 2. iroji. rinorino, n. twist of two or three strands. Ringa, ringaringa, n. hand; arm. Ringi, rirrQgi, v. t. 1. pour out. Bingihia mai he wai i roto i te tahaa. 2. throv) in great numbers. Te ringihanga mai o te tao te manuka (101). Ripa, n. boundary line. ripa, V. i. make a line or furroiv. Kei te takahi i te ara, a ta- whiti noa atu, ripa ke atu, ripa ke mai (94). v. t. deprive an atua of power. riparipa, v. t. put a border to. Riparipaia ta tatou hangi. riparipa, n. tattooing on the cheeks. Ripeka, a. lying across one ano- ther. Heararipeka, a cross road. ripeka, n. cross. ripeka, y. t. 1. lay across. 2. mark with a cross. 3. crucify. Ripi, Y. t. cut; gash. ripiripi, y. t. cut open. He ika ka ripiripia; he ika ka hae- haea (98). ripi, n. stick to kill eels with. Ripo, n. 1. whirlpool; eddy; curL 2. deep pool. Kua tae ki te ripo, kei reira te WHeke a Muturangi e noho ana (109). Used of the deep sea. Te ripo tauarai ki Oropi. ripo, or riporipo, a. eddying; curling. He hau ripo — Ka puhia mai e te hau, ka ripo- ripoa te mura o te ahi. Rira, a. strong. Koia ano te rira o tenei tangata ki te mahi. whakarira, y. i. but forth strength ; work hard. I runga ahau i te whakarira, a ruwha noa iho. Rirapa, a. having flat projections. He pukatea tena rakau ina hoki te rirapa. Rire, n. deep water. Riri, Y. i. 1 . be angry. Ka rongo ki te patuuga o tana kuri, ka- tahi ka riri. 2. quarrel; fight. Mo apopo taua riri ai (92). The passiYO is sometimes used impersonally. Katahi ka riria; then they fought, y. t. rebuke; forbid. Katahi te tangata nei ka riri kia kati te haka (194). riri, n. 1. anger. 2. quarrel. Riri taua nui, war betvjeen two nations. Riri taua whenua; quarrel between tribes^ about women, right to land &c. Riri tara whare ; quarrel between dif- ferent sections of the same hapu. ririri, y. i. quarrel otie with ano- ther. Ka ririri nga wahine nei (139). Ririki, see riki. Ririo, Y. i. be diminished. Ka ririo te mate o toku ringaringa. Ririu, see under riu. Ririwai, n. stakes in the bed of a riYer, to which nets are attached. Birlwaka — Rohi. 137 be gone or come Ririwaka, n. scirpiis marifimus a marsh plant. Riro, V. i. 1 away. Kua riro atu taiia wa- liine ki te kawe wai ma raua. 2. be brought; be taken. Kua riro mai i a Tawhaki te iwa [o nga taro] (49). 3. be gotten or obtained. Ka riro te kaai- nga i a Manaia ratou ko aua tama (123). Riro ke; be chang- ed. whakariro, or whakariro ke, V. t. wrest; pervert. Kei whaka- riroia ta matou korero e koe. riro, ad. intensive. Nonamata riro ; from very ancient times. riroriro, n. gerygone JlaviventriSt a bird. Riroi, M. rut. Rita, u. an evil spirit. Haere ana a Rita, noho ana te ta- ngata. Rit&k&, n. ieaves &c. with which food is covered in a native oven. Ritd, a. 1. iike. 1 rite ahau ki ia manu, ki ia manu; manu iti, manu ralii (19). alike, Kia rite koutou te haere. 2. cor- responding in position, number &c. Ka pakarua iho te wahi i rite ake ai tona iringa ake (64). — Ko nga raugatira i rite tonu: e torn nga matua, toko- toni hoki nga rangatira (101). '^. balanced by an equivalent; paid for. Kua rite noa ake i a au te kakahu. 4. performed. Kite tonu etahi o nga kupu i a ia (65). 5. agreed to. Hcoi ka rite cnei korero i a ratou katoa. whakarite, v. t. 1. make like. 2. compare; liken. order ; arranj^e : fix. huire by nn equivalrnt. Jil : prrfnvm. ritonga. n. 1. likeness. put m 4. bn- 5. ////. 2. cu- stom; habit. 3. place or thing corresponding; price &c. Rito, n. young uneapanded leaves, or heart of a plant. Ko te rito i waenganui te waiho. Rm, n. 1. bilge of a canoe or vessel. 2. anything similar in shape: valley. Te riu o Waia- pu, e tuwhera kau nei. — belly of a fish. Pawharatia tonutia i te riu (155). ririu, v. i. 1. subside into its channel or bed. Kua ririu te waipuke ki roto ki te awa. 2. pass by. I kite atu au i a ia e ririu ana i ko. Pass, riua, be gone. Ka riua ia koe. Biuk&. whakariuka, a. restless from cold. Moo wliakariuka ana au i to po nei. BIw&i, n. potato. B.iwh&, a. chipped ; gapped, Ka riwha te papa. riwha, n. chink. B5, n. mantis; an insect. RO, for *roto i te' in complex pre- positions. Ka noho ano a NOa- toro i ro pa (92). B5a, a. 1. long; tall. Plural roroa. He tangata roroa anakc. 2. slow: taking a long lime. whakaroa, \. f. 1. lengthen. 2. delay. R6ak&, a. abundant. Roha, a. spread out; c.rpandrd. £ roha ana nga pakikau o to koau. Pakau-roharoha, winged grasshopper. roha, n. sting ray: a fish. R5h§, n. 1. boundary. 2. hand- net for fish. roherohe, v. t. mark oJJ hy a boundary line ; .separate, Ko nga rangi i rohcrohoa e Tane (32). roherohe, n. torch. Rohi, V. t. screen with bushes. 138 Bohutii — rongoa. I te rohi kumara matou i te mara a Maru. Rohiitu, n. myrtns obcordata; a tree. Roi, n. feni'Vool. roiroi, a. half-cooked. Ma wai tenei kai roiroi. roiroi, v. t. tie up, Koiroia te rawhi. roiroi, n. dwarf, roroi, v. t. grate into a pulp. roroi, n. kumara grated or mash- ed. whakaroiroi, v. i. wander about ; be unstable; be unsettled. Roimata, n. tears. Roke, u. excrement. rokeroke, n. a variety of potato. Rokohanga, y. pass, be overtaken or come upon; be reached. Ro- kohanga atu e au kua mate ke. Rokohina, the same as rokoha- nga. Rokii, or rorokii, v. i. 1. be weighed down; sink. He ma- rama ka roku i te pae. 2. grow weak; decline, used of a person dying; of fire that will not burn &c. WHakaara noa au i a ia, ka roroku tonu atu. 3. act the coward; submit ta- mely to insult or degradation. Roma, n. current; stream. Romi, or roromi, v. t. 1. squeeze. Aua e romia kei kutere. 2. plunder. Rona, V. t. 1. bind; confine vnth cords &c. Kua tukua inaianei, a inaianei kua ronaia ano. 2. confine thatch to prevent it from being carried away by the wind. Kahore ano i ronaa te whare. 3, engulph. Ka kawhakina e te au kume, e te au rona (112), 4. prepare cockles in the form of a pudding. Kei te rona pipi a Kino. Ronaki, a. 1. sloping; slanting. Te puke ronaki. 2. gliding I easily. Te ngaru, te aha, ka ronaki te haere. — He hau tika ; ronaki tonu mai i muri. Rongo, V. t. pass, rangona. 1. hear. Kahore ranei koe i ro- ngo wawara o raro nei na? (33) 2. feel. Katahi ka rangona e au te mamae. 3. smell. Rongo kau ano te tupua ra i te hau- nga ahua tangata (150). 4. taste. Ka kai a Kae, ka rongo i te reka (36). 5. obey. NGare noa, kihai hoki i rongo (143). rorongo, v. t. repeat the commen- cement of a song &c. Katahi ka rongohia atu e Rongorongo (108). rongo, n. 1. tidings ; report ; fame. Ka nui noa atu tona rongo; paku ana ki nga iwi katoa. 2. peace after war. Ka mau te rongo (166); peace is made. Hohou rongo ; make peace. — Rongo-a- whare ; peace brought about by the mediation of a wo- man. — Rongo - a - marae ; peace brought about by the mediation of a man. whakarongo, v. t. 1. cause to hear; inform. Hoki tonu te purahorua ra ki te whakarongo i nga wahi i kapi i nga ta- ngata runga i a te Arawa (81). 2. listen; attend. E whaka- rongo ana raua ki te putauga mai te hau (93). WHaka- rongo-uka, bear pain with fiirm- ; ncss. I wliakarongoa, n. noise. Te wha- I karongoa o te tamaiti nei! I Used interjectionally. WHaka- I rongoa! Hush I I Rongoa, v. t. 1 . preserve ; take care of. Rongoatia a tatou kai mo apopo. 2. apply medicines to. rongoa, n, 1. anything preserved. Hence applied to drugs. 2. medicine ; remedy ; preservative Rongohua — Ru. 139 against sicknes or death. He mata tawhito te karakia a Ta- miire hei rongoa mona (172). Rongohua, ii. perch for birds. Rongomaiora, n. steep roof. Rongoua, n. basket for cooked fiody used in some religious ceremonies. Rongowaha, v. t. muzzle Hoatu, rongowahatia ta taua kuri. Ropa, n. 1. slave; servant, Ka- tahi a Manituahu raua ko tana ropa ka haere mai (137), 2. single wan : lodger in a family. Jtlopi, n. potato. Ropi, and roropi, v. i. 1. dose. Kopia te kuwaha. 2. cover up. 3. u.se as a covering. Ropia tou kakahu. Raping, V. t. cover up. Eopinea nga mea na ki waenganui. ROptl, n. 1. compan}! of persons. 2. clump of trees. 3. gmt of wind; squall. Ka puta mai te ropu hau, tutu ana te puehu o te whenua. R5r&, a. 1. powerless. Ei taku titiro, kua rora a Hirini. 2. laz}i. Katahi te rora o ta kou- tou mahi. Rdr3, n. snare; trap. rore, v. t. ensnare. Ka puta te kiore ki roto, ka rorea. rore, a. 1. deceitful. He rore noa te mahi a te tangata ra. 2. weary. 3. intoxicated. rorerore, a. 1. entangled. 2. en- ervating , relaxing. Rorerore ana tera te whiti o te ra. whakarorerore, v. t. bind. He aha te tikanga ka whakarore- rorea noatia nei au e koo? R0r3a, n. tide- bore. ROri, V. t. 1. bind. 2. gather cockles. rori, a. entangled. I reira nga whakaheke e rori ana. rori, n. 1. basket in which cockles are gathered. 2. animalculw in the sea. Rori, a. distorted. Ka rori nga kauae. R5ria, n. jew*s harp. Roro, n. 1. brains; marrow. 2. entrance; doorway. Roroa, see under roa. Roroai, n. a fish. Rorohu, V. i. whiz ; buzz. RSroro, u. 1. young ma ire tree. 2. pieces of wood rubbed to- gether to procure fire, 3. ant. R6t&, n. a fish. R5t&ri, n. fierce looks, Ka tu mai tera nga rotari. rotari, a. fierce, I. Roto, n. lake. II. Roto, n. treated in construc- tion like the proper name of a place. 1. the inside. Ko roto o te whare, i ki katoa i to ta- ngata. Ki roto ki ; into ; in. Ki roto i; i roto i; hei roto i &c. in. Sometimes used with an ellipsis of the preposition following. He kai ma roto puku (168). See also ro. 2. the midst. Ka tu nga tokotoko ki roto ki te otaota (79). 3. places inland; or up a river. R6tii, and r6r6tu, a. heavy. Ro- rotu ana nga kanohi i te moe. r5r6tu, v. t. oppress with sleep. Ka rotua te whare e nga wa- hine ra (37). R5u, v. t. 1. reach or procure by means of a pole or stick. Roua he kiekie ma tatou. 2. collect cockles or other shell fish. Kci te rou kakahi (157). rou, n. long stick used to reach anything with. rourou, n. small basket for cook- ed food. Routu, n. comb. RdwhSa, a. weary. Ka rowhea noa iho au i to mahinga. Ra, v. t. shake. Ka ru i ana ma- 140 ru — Riinga. kawe (55). v. i. shake. Ru ana te whenua. ru, n. earthquake. ruru, V. t. shake. I. Biia, a. two. ruarua, a. of two minds ; in doubt. Ka ruarua toku ngakau. rurua, ad. both equally. E tika rurua ana raua. II. Rua, n. 1. pit; hole. Me haere au ki roto ki te rua noho ai (97). 2. potato store. 3. grave. whakarua, n. north east Seabreeze. WHakarua-kopito ; a kind of ornamental work in the inte- rior of native buildings. Ruahine, see mawhine. Riiaki, t. t. vomit. Ka ruakina^ te kai ki waho. Whakapai ru- aki; have a feeling of nausea. Riia-koauau, n. kumara store. Ruarangi, a. large (of animals). He kuri ruarangi. Rua-tahuhii, n. potato store. Ruatapii, a. having two entran- ces. Ano he kiore e man ana i te tawhiti whakaruatapu (160). Riiatara, n. large lizard. Rua-tirawa, n. store with an ex- cavated floor. Ruaumoko, n. the demon of earth- quakes. Te tini o Ruaumoko. Ruawahia, n. a star which ap- pears in the 9th month. Riieke, n. verandah. Riihi, a. weak; exhausted. ruriihi, n. old umman, whakaruhi, v. t. enervate. Ka whakaruhiruhia te tangata e tenei mate. Riii, V. t. scatter; sow. Riikaruka, a. indefinite. I ma- hue rukaruka te korero nei, kahore hoki i marama. Rukc, V. t. throw. Rukea te ku- penga ki te moaua. whakaruke, v. t. strike. Me wha- karuke te kuri ki te rakau. Riiku, V. t. dive for. Kei te ruku paua nga tangata. nikuruku, n. small basket or basket half full. Ko te ruku- ruku a WHakaotirangi. a pro- verb for scarcity of food. rukuruku, v. t. gather up into small compass, Rukuruku Hu- naa, horahora Papakanui. a pro- verb expressing the superiority of plain serviceable garments to those which are merely or- namental ; Hunaa being the name of a place where fine flax was grown and Papakanui that of a kiekie thicket. ruriiku, v. t. 1. draiv together with a cord. WHiria he taura hei ruruku i nga pakitara o te whare. 2. bind together any- I thing that is broken or fallen I to pieces. Pass, rukutia. I ruruku, n. band; girdle. Homai I tetahi ruruku kia piri ai. J RfMA, n. room, apartment. \ I. Rumaki, n. basket of seed po- i tatoes. ! II. Rumaki , v. t. duck in the water, y. i. stoop; bow. Ka rumaki tonu te pane ki raro ki te hoe. I. Riina, n. 1. rumex Jlexuosus ; I dock. 2. a water plant. II. Runa, V. t. 1. tie together; I draw together. Kotahi tonu te kete i runaia ai. 2. steer. Ru- naa te ihu o te waka ki waho. 3. reduce; pare down. Runaa mai nga taha o te rakau kia iti mai. runanga, n. assembly; council. runanga, v. t. discuss at a meet- ing.^ Riinga, n. treated in construc- tion like proper names of places. 1. the top; the upper part. He mea puhipuhi a runga ki te puhi kereru (154). Ki runga; upwards; on high. I runga; Rupahu — ta. 141 on high, Ki ruuga ki; ki ru- nga i, upon. Ki niiiga ake i; above. Ea-runga-tia mai i te taiepa; let it be passed over the fence, 2. the south : sou- thern parts. Biipahu, a. 1. blustering ,• angry . 2. random: wild. Katahi te tangata tahupera; rupahu iioa iho ana korcro. Biipe, ruperupe, v. t. 1. shake vio/rnthj. }Ie aha tau e rupe- rupe i tou kakahu: 2. treat with violence. Rupeke, v. i. he all come toge- ther. Kua rupeke mai nga ta- ngata. RiirS, V. t. 1. shake. 2. toss about : scatter. He alia i rurea atu ai nga kai na; te whakawhai- titia? 3. bandy words: wrangle. Korero atu ana ratou ; i-ure atu ; rare mai. rurenire, v. t. 1. brandish. Ka rurerurca tana paraoa. 2. mal- treat. Kati roe he rurenire i to potiki. 1. R&rii, 11. nirl : nthcnr .\ovff' Zelanditr. II. Riiru, V. t. lie together. Me i mohio koutou ki te ruru moki. V. i. draw closer together. E ta, kahore koe e ruru mai kia whaiti ? ruru, a. sheltered from uu'nd. He wahi ruru tenei. Rtirutake, a. shivering. Ruruwai, a. foolish; silly. Te mate o te taugata ra, he ruru- wai noa iho, he porangi. RtltS, V. i. rage; bluster, Kaua e natia taku korero : waiho kia ruta ana au. Bat&ki, a. blustering; furious. Btitil, i. V. t. 1. jolt: Jerk. 2. dash down; fell. He rutunga na te mate. 3. try to obtain by flattery. He rutu taonga mana. ii. v. i. 1. nod from .side to side. He hoka pai, e rutu ana. 2. be agitated with anger ; storm. Rutu noa ana te tii- ngata ra. Rtiw&hing, n. \. old woman. 2. woman under the restriction of Uapu. Bfiwhfi, a. weary. Ka ruwha oku waewae. T. I. TS, i. V. t. 1. dash down. He ua ta whakarere; very heavy rain. 2. strike uu'th a stick &c. ; beat. Hoatu tatou ki te ta ka- raka. — -Ta i te kawa; strike with a branch of kawakawa : this being part of the 'pure' cere- mony. Hei te ra e whaongia ai te tupapaku ki te papa, ka taia te kawa o te papa. 8. sprinkle by means of a branch or bunch of leaves dipped in water. 4. whip a top E ta ana to tamaiti i tana kaihotaka. T). i/ash the water out of a ca- noe ; bale. Taugia te rire o te waka. 6. paint; print. A.no j i taia ki te takou te where (16). j 7. tattoo. Na wai i ta to mo- I kor 8. net. Katahi ano ka I kitea te ta o te kupenga (179). I ii. V. i. 1. breathe. Kate toku I manawa, ka mamae. — Ka wha- I kata i tona manawa (,132). She takes breath. 2. be oblique; de- viate from the perpendicular. He ta kakaho, ka kitea; ho ta tangata, e kore e kitea. Com- pare takau. ta, n. 1. mallei; maul. 2. whip for a top. 3. scoop for baling water out of a cauoe. (t&tii;. 142 tata — whakataha. 4. stern of a canoe. 5. shin; (or tata) lower joint of the leg. 6. jvind. He ta tika tenei mo te kaipuke. tata, V. t. bale water out of a cauoe. tata, n. vessel used to bale with. tata, Y. t. 1. dash down. 2. break to pieces by clashing on the ground. Hence cleave ,• split up. Tatakia te rakau na hei wahie ma taua. 3. strike repeatedly with a stick; beat. 4. oppose; contradict. E pa, he kupu tata to kupu. See tata. tanga, n. 1. circumstance, time or place of dashing &c. 2. com- pany ; relay. Haere tonu atu te tanga o mua (193). — E toru tanga o toku kaainga ka noho atu apopo. 3. place where a seine is ivorked. Kia tae atu au ki te kawe i te hau o tenei tanga ika (22). n. Ta, n. a mode of address among V tribes on the East coast. E ta! III. Ta, a particle compounded of 'te' the, and 'a! of Plural 'a'. *Ta Eaumati kupenga' is equi- valent to 'te kupenga a Rau- mati'. Taawhe, v. i. I. go round a cor- ner. A ka taawhe ratou i Mu- riwhenua (123). 2. be travell- ed all round. Ka taawhe i a au te motu nei te haere. Taawhi. v.t. suppress feelings &c. Taawhi noa iho ana, e totoko tonu ake ana i roto i te nga- kau te whanowhanoa (82). taawhi taawhi, v. i. hang back. Kihai ia i taawhitaawhi , kia whakaaroaro ranei, kia aha ranei (164). Tae. V. i. 1. arrive. Kua tae mai a Paoa ki to matou whare (196). 2. go. He aha koa ra, ko koe kia tae J keoi ano. 3. reach the utmost limit. Ka tae te roa to kai (84). Pass. taea. 1. be reached. Ka taea te tai- ngawai o te ihu (72). Hence often equivalent to as for as ; until. Ka noho ki Piako, taea noatia te ngahuru. 2. be equall- ed. Kahore he tangata e taea ai Te Horo, te oha. 3. be ef- fected; be accomplished. Ka taea e au tenei, ka taea hoki e au tera atu aianei (19). Often with an infinitive verb to de- note the character of the action. E kore e taea te whai (144). 4. be overcome; be taken. He pa taea. whakataetae, v. i. try strength; contend. Ka mea a Tamure kia whakataetae ia ki a Kiki (172). Tae, n. 1. exudation from plants. 2. dye. Kua hemo te tae o nga kakahu. Taeaka, n. a variety of potato. Taeka, for taea. See under tae. Taeki, v. i. lie. Hei kona ta- eki ai. Taematiiku, a. purulent. Ka taematukutia a roto o te mate. Taeo, n. thicket of kiekie or ka- reao. Me te taeo pirita. Taepa, v. i hang doion. Kei hopu ton ringa ki te aka tae- pa; engari kia mau ki te aka matua (49). Te taepaepatanga te rangi (72); the place where the sky hangs down to the ho- rizon. taepa, n. fence. Taha, n. 1. side. Kei te taha o te wai e takoto ana. 2. leaf of flax plant. taha, V. i. pass on one side ; go by. Ka taha te patu i tona angaanga (91). tahataha, n. steep bank of a river. whakataha, whakatataha, v. i. go on one side; steal. WHaka- tataha ana; ko Autahi ano. whakataliataha — Tahira. 143 whakatahataha, y. i. turn from siile lo side. Taha, n. calabash. Katahi ka utu te tangata ra i tana taha Tahae, v. t. 1. steal. Akuanei, whakapaea iho, ua Hotunui i tahae (136). 2. do anything by stealth. tahae, n. 1. thief. 2. young fel- low : person. '6. filth (34). Tahake, u. young fellow ; person. Tahaki, n. ?. one side. Haere ana te wahine r;i ki tahaki ta- ngi ai (83). 2. the shore, re- garded from the water. Ka lata ki tahaki, ka tutu a Tua- nui (113). Tahaku, for taku. See taku. Tahang&, a. 1. naked. Ko te- nei tangata e noho tahanga nei, kahore he weruweru. 2. empty. tahanga, ad. moderately; a little. Kaua e waiho te wai kia ko- ropupu: kia werawera talianga. Tahaoh&o, v. i. cease (of i*ain\ Kua tahaohao te ua. Tahapa, v. i. 1. pass by. Kua tahapa ke te kaipuke. 2. be left behind. Kua tahapa kei muri te kaainga. tahapa, a. at an acute angle. llo awa tahapa, a river which makes an acute angle with the sea at its mouth. Ha awa ta- hapa, ka pai te haere; teua ka poupou ki waho, ka kino. T5h&r&h&r&, v, i. be diminished. Ka taharahara nga wahie. T&h&t&i, n. .sea-shore. T&hatik&, n. coast line. Kei te taunuha haere mai a Taikehu ma i nga whenua katoa o te tahatika (75). Tah&ttl, n. 1. upper edge of a seine or of a canoe-sail. 2. ho- rizon. Na taku potiki koe i tiki ki te tahatu o te rangi (148). j 1. Tahau, n. front part of the ' thigh. II. Tahau, pron. for tau, thy. Tahawahawa, t. t. contaminate with something *tapu\ He aha I i tahawahawatia ai e koe nga kai r Tahe, n. 1. menses. 2. abortion. ' whakatahe, u. abortion. I whakatahe, v. t. clear from ob- I s traction. Ka whakataliea te i awa kia rere ai te wai. Tahe, u. calabash. Taheha, u. a small mat. TShSi, V. t. diride by a crease or I narrow stripe. Taheitia te pu- I kapuka. I tahei, a. divided by a crease or stripe. He poaka tahei ; a black j pig, with a narrow white stripe I crossing its back. I TahdkS, v. i. descend. taheke, a. f/uick. Kia taheke te I haere. I taheke, n. waterfall; rapid. tahekeheke, a. stripdl ; streaked. TShSrS, V. t tie ; ensnare. Ka haere ki te tahere huahua ma ratou. T. i. hang oneself I. T&hi, a. 1. one. 2. unique; unprecedented. E tahi te oha a to tangata. tahi, ad. 1. together. Haere tahi ana raua ki waho. 2. through- out. Tahi mai ano i te ihu, a te noko atu ana (50). 3. altogether. Parau tahi to korero. II. T&hi, V. t. sweep. Tahia te whare. tahitahi, v. t. 1. scrape. £ ta- hitalii ana ia i te riwai. 2. touch lightly. Kahore i tahi- tahi ki taku waewae; i pa- hemo. tahitahi, ad. within a little; Tahitahi tonu taua ka riri i mua ake nei. TahirS, n. the day after tomor- 144 Tahiwi — Taiapu. row. A tahira te eke ai ki uta (142). Tahiwi, n. heart of a tree. He rakau tawhito, e mau te taitea i waho, e tu te tahiwi. Tahoata, n. pumice stone. Tahoe, v. i. stretch out the arms nlternately in swimming. Tahoho, a. soft; jnilpy. Taholio noa nga pititi nei. Tahora, v. t. gather fruit off a tree. Me tahora he matai ki ro ra^u. Tahora, n. uncultivated open coun- try. Kei waenga tahora e haere ana. I Tahoro, v. t. 1. cause to crumble \ down; throw down a heap or structure. Tahoroa nga puke- puke. 2. pour out. Ka oti te tahoro te wai o te karaha. Tahti, for tahuhu, see tahuhu. I. Tahu, u. 1. husband; spouse. 2. any other near relative. Ta- ngi-a-tahu; dirge. II. Tahii, v. t. 1. set on Jive; light. Na nga tangata a Puhi i tahu te whare. 2. tend a fire. Kia pai te tahu o te ahi, kei paoa. 3. cook. Tahuna he kai kia ora ai te haere. Tahiia, n. heap of food. Tahuhii, n. 1. ridgepole of a house. 2. line of ancestry. tahuhu, V. i. run in a continuous line. E tahuhu haere nei ano toku ingoa ki toku tupuna ki a Manaia (123). Tahuna, n. 1. shoal; sandbank. 2. seaside; beach. 3. bed or land in a cultivation, divided off by furrows. 4. battlefield. Ka mate te hoariri, ka riro te tahuna i tetahi. Tahiine, n. seed-doivn of raupo or typha angustifolia. Tahunga, n. any downy sub- stance. Tahupera, a false. Ko nga ko- ; rero tahupera ano te tu o nga korero inaianei. Tahiirangi, n. beings resembling fairies. Tahuri, v. i. 1. turn oneself 2. turn over; upset. Kua tahuri te waka. 3. turn to ; set to work. Tahuri ; haehaea te ika nei (152). ^ tahiirihuri, n. head. Tahuti, V. i. run away. Ka raea te wahine nei kia haere atu ia kia tahuti (144). 2. Tahuti mai! a cry of welcome. I. Tai, n. 1. sea. Wai tai; sea- water. 2. tide. Kia pari te tai ka hoe matou. Taitai nu- nui; spring tides. Taitai ririki, or tai kawa, neap tides. II. Tai, n. a term of address in speaking to a married woman. E tai! III. Tai, n. the other side. Kei tai atu, beyond. IV. Tai. taitai, v. t. remove tapu from a newly built canoe: a ceremony accompanied with the sacrifice of a slave. Hence, 'He taitai- nga waka koe noku' is equi- valent to ^you are my slave\ — Ka taitaia te waka (112). Taiaha, n. a flat weapon of hard wood, about 5ft long, having one end carved in the shape of a tongue. Taiamiki, v. i. wander. Taiapo, v. t. 1. carry in the arms. 2. covet. Ka taiapotia te kainga. Taiapu, v. t. assault; try to take by storm. A whea ta tana pa te taiaputia ai? — Used also of a star when in close conjunc- tion with the moon. Kei te taiapu te whetu i te marama. This is considered a sign of war, and indicative of the success of one side or the other accord- ing to the position of the star. Taiari - Taitaiahenga. 145 Taiari, v. t. smash. Me he pipi taiari. Mango-taiari ; a kind of shark. Taiaroa, a. weary; exhausted. Katalii ku taiaroa ake a roto i ii au. taiaroa, n. Ka kawea te taiaroa ki a Apa- kura (44). TaiatSa, a. faint-hearted ; nervous. He ngakau taiatea. Taiawa, n. \. foret'guer. 2. ca- tarrh : cold. 3. potato. T&iawhio, v. t. ^o round about; encircle. Taiepa, n. fence. Taiheke, v. i. 1. descend : go down. Taiheke rawa te ra, ka -tae tatou. 2. slope downwards. Tai- heke tonu atu tera wahi. T§ih6, n. heart of a tree. Taihoa, ad. by and bye. Taihoa ka kite ratou i ta ratou mahi vl41). — E tata mate; e roa taihoa. Taik&, V. i. lie. Kei nga moa e taika mai ra. T&ik&h&, a. violent; im pet in his. Taiki, u. 1. rib. 2. wicker bas- ket; anything of uuckerwork. Katahi ka tikina he kareao i te ugahere, hei hanga taiki viol). taiki, V. t, provoke an atua by passing cooked food over any one who is tapu. Compare tapena. T&iklri, int expressing surpise or alarm, Taikiri! taikiri! kore rawa nci kop <• ki mai ki ahau! (165). TfiikS, n. ii iMKi. Taikur&, n. heart of a tree; red wood. T&im&h&, a. 1. heavy. 2. oppress- ed in hndy or mind. T&im&td, 11. slack water. He taimate teuei; ka hoe tatou. T&in&, for teina. See teina. Tainaki, or tainanahi, u. yester- day. Tainakareha, n. the day before yes ten! ay. Taiuawhea, n. what time; inter- rogatively, of past time only. Taingawai, n. the part of a ca- noe where the abater is baled out. T&iom^ n. pipeclay. Taiororua, n. valley. Kia heke tatou ki te taiororua, ka noho. T&ipara, v. t. ^fire a volley at. No toku whakatikanga ake, ka taiparatia mai au. I. Taipti, V. 1. betroth. II. Taipti, 11. sand hill. T&ipiia, v. i. lie in rounded mas- ses or heapSf as cumulus clouds. T&ir&ki, n. a shell fish. Tairangaranga, a. elevated. whakatairangaranga, v. i. rise up. Na NGapuhi i whakatai- rangaranga ki te riri, koia To- kakuku. T. TSiri, v. i. Of the sun late in the afternoon, when it hangs as it were over the horizon. Ka tairi te ra, II. T&iri, V. t. block up. Tairia te ara. TSir5, V. t. cause a toliunga to be destroyed by his own atua. 1 meatia atu ona mea tapu ki roto ki to haugi kai, hei tairo i a ia; kia hoki mai ai ona atua ki te kai i a ia. T&ir6a, a. lingering; spending much time over anything. He tairoa ahau ki te moe. T&itS, n. snag; timber /i.red in the bed of a river. TS,itah§,e, a. oppressive; weary- ing. He tait^ihae to iigaru nei. Taitai, see under tai. TaitS,ia, a. unlucky in fishing &c. T&itaiah3nga, a. producing no food. He moana taitaiahenga, h<.' ongo tahi rangi; a proverb, 10 146 Taitamariki — Takahore. for an uusuccessful fishing ex- oursiou. Taitamariki, n. !/on//g- wan; young person of either sex. Taitamahme, n. young woman. Taitata, a near. Kihai ano i taitata atu (151). Taitea, n. white wood: sa//. taitea, a. fenrfiil ; timid. He raa- nawa taitea. Taitua, n. 1. the further side of any solid body. Kei taitua o te whare. 2. for tai tua, we- stern sea. See tua. Taitiiri, n. dew. Taiiiru, v. i. lean ; decline from the perpendicular. Kia taiuru te tu te taiepa. Taiwaru, u. a fish. I. Taka, v. i. 1. fall off. Taka ana ki raro takoto ai (16). 2. fall away : desist. Ka taka ra- tou ki raro o ta ratou mahi. 3. turn on a pivot. 4. undergo changr in direction. Akuanei ka taka tonga te hau. 5. go round. Kua taka nga waka ki tua. 6. range; roam at large. E taka raai ra nga tamariki i waho. 7. fall to one\f lot or ////•//. Kua taka mai ki a au te mea nui. taka, ad. on all .sides; round. tataka, v. i. fall frequently or /// numbers. whakataka, v. t. 1. throtv down; cause to fall off. 2. muster; assemble. Kua riro a Te Horo ki te whakataka taua. 3. sur- round. Katahi te hokowhitu ra ka whakataka i taua whare, a, taka noa (41). v. i. take a circuitous course. E whakataka ana te ara konihi a Te Puhi- huia (170). whakataka-riri, a. 1. rousing indignation : vexatious. 2. vex- ed. whakataka, n. herd. Ka taki- rau nga kararehe i te whaka- taka kotahi. II. Taka, t. t. 1. prepare. Ma nga pononga e taka he kai. 2. taka whakaaro, raahara &c. entertain a design : propose. Ka taka a WHakatau i te mahara kia haere ia ki te takitaki i te mate o tona tuakana (40). takataka, v. t. mahe readi/. III. Taka, v. i. lie in a heap. taka, n. heap. Me huihui a ta- tou kumara kia kotahi te taka. I. Taka, n. batten which covers the outside of the joint of the rauawa of a canoe. He taka to waho, he paewai to roto. II. Taka, v. t. fasten a fishhook to a line. Katahi a Maui ka taka i tana matau (20). taka, n. thread by which the hook is fastened to the line. Takaawhe, a. circuitous. He ara takaawhe. Takahe, v. i. go wrong; come to nothing. Mehemea ka takahe ta korua tukunga ki te pakeha, katahi ano ka taea te pana i te pakeha. Takahi, v. t. 1. trample. E ta- kahi ana nga tamariki i nga kumara. 2. place the foot on anything to hold it. Ko te wahine tena nana i takahi te kauahi, he wahine tapu hoki. 3. plunder. 4. disobey. Kua takahia nga kupu i rongo ra ratou (22). 5. intransitively, dance. Katahi ra ka takahia (167). takahi, n. that part of the trunk of a tree which is nearest to the ground. takahanga, n. 1. circumstance &c. of trampling. 2. sole of the foot. Takahoa, n. companion. Takahore, n. 1. widower; widouf. 2. naked person. T&kai — taketake. 147 Takai , v. t. 1 . wrap up ; wrap round. He mea apoapo e te rimu, takai atu, takai mai (IP. i 2. //•///// round. takai, n. wrapper; covering. . takatakai, v. t. wi/iff round and ^ round. Takaka, n. 1. common fern;', pteris aquilina. Ka mate oku waewae i te ngaungu a te ta- . kaka. 2. ^fibres in fernroot. j Tfikak&u, u. 1. staik: straw. 2.' fore-arm. Takahau, a. 1 . free from husi- Nfs.s: at leisure. Taihoa c haere, kia takakau ; kei haere mahara- 1 hara te iigakau \^189\ 2. free from the marriage tit'. T&k&mingdmingd, v. i. turn round. Tiikamingomingo ana a; raro o te whenua. Takaoidi, v. i. writhe; roil. TakaongS, v. i. be in want. Ta- kaougu noa i ro n with a line from the shore. 2. be- gin or continue a speech. Ka takina e Raharuhi ana korero ki nga korero o era rangi, 3. challenge. Takina te taua. 4. intransitively, make a speech. Kei rnnga ko Hotunui e taki ana ; Haere mai e taku tamaiti ; haere mai ki Hauraki (139). takitaki, i. v. t. 1. recite a song &c. Ka takitakina ona puha. 2. provoke. Ka takitakina kia pamaro ai te haerenga mai ki waho te rua (151). 3. trace out; look for. 4. avenge. E haere ana ki te takitaki i te mate o tona papa. ii. v. i. 1. rise. Ka takitaki mai nga ka- wainga o te ata. 2. dawn. Ka takitaki mai te ata. takitaki, n. fence. whakataki, v. t. 1 . conduct. Maku koe e whakataki, kia tika ai to haere. 2. begin or continue a speech. 3. go in search of; trace out. Ka haere taua ki te whakataki i taku kotiro (48). II. Taki, or tataki, ad. 1. giv- ing a distributive force to nu- merals. Takirua, by twos; two at a time. 2. denoting that what is said applies to each one individually. Kua taki- maumau (150); they were every one of them caught. Takiekie, n. a kind of eel. Takihi, n. kidney. Takira, u. the moon on the ni- neteenth day. Takiri, v. t. 1. untie; loosen. Hutia te punga, takiritia hoki nga ra (70). 2. disengage the fibre of fl.ax. Kei te takiri whitau. 3. free from Uapu\ He takiritanga kainga. 4. draiv away suddenly. Ka takiritia mai te taha i roto i te wai (91). v.i. \. start convulsively ; fly back as a spring. 3. rush; charge. Kia paia te takiri. 4. dawn. Ka takiri te ata. Takirikau, n. a variety of phor- mium tenax, the fibre of which is disengaged without the use of a shell. See tihore. Takitaro, a word denoting a short lapse of time. Kia takitaro taua ka haere. JVe will go in a little while. See taro. Takxtini, ad. in crowds. Kaore Takitiiri — Takurutu. 149 i lupu Ngatimaua; papa taki- ' T&ku, a. slow. He taku te haere tini i te autaia te takatakahi. i o te tangata ra: te hohoro te Takituri, n. death-watch beetle. \ aha. Takiura, n. sacred food : cooked j tatakii, v. t. utter slowly or de- 011 the occasion of the removal liberately. Tau mahi he ata of the bones of the dead. tataku marire i te kupu. T&kiwa, n. i/iterral of space, or tat&kii, v. t. threaten behind one^s time. back. Kei te takuna koe e takiwa, v. i. be separated by an i Turi kia patua. — Kei te takuna in terra I. Ka takiwa noa mai I e Turi he mate mou. te iwT ra ilTP. takutaku, v. t. 1. threaten. 2. Tako, n. palate; gums. Tak5, a. 1. loose. He tako noa te aka o te taiepa nei; kaore i mau. 2. peeled off. Ka tako \v liiako. Tak^hl^ a. 1 . spread about ; scat- 1 tered. Kei te takoha noa atu , nga mea o roto o te whare.— | T&kii&tS, v. i. sigh. recite incantations. Haere ki te ruku ka takutaku ai u koe ki te uri o Tuwharetoa (129). T&ku&hi, n. stones let into the tioor of a hut as a fender for Jire. Ka takuate He takohatanga mahi, a dispers- ! noa iho a roto i a ia i te aroha. ifig from work. 2. free from I T&kilhS, a. secure ; without ap- fear or suspicion. Kaliore he prehension. Xa reira ka takuhe maharahara o tera takiwa; ta- 1 te haere; na reira ka maheu hoka noa atu nga whakaaro. te haere. Compare takoha and T&k6h§, a. not hurried E wha- 1 takohe. katakolie haere ana 17 0^. Pom- T&kung&, n. I. food of indiffc- \)dTc takuhe. rent i/uality. He takunga ra TSk5hii, n. mist, ili- tukuhii iiuu | enei kai; he takunga parae. 2. moana, he tohu marine. T&kdki, a. sprained. Ka takoki toku waewae. Tak6r&, n. small kumarn. Takdrii, :i. hani^in'j. in fttlds : loose. T&kdt6, V. I. it* . \. lakolu iiiai ra to pukapuka. whakatakoto, v. t. 1. lay down. ground; pretext. Kia ai ho takunga ka haere ai. WHai takunga ki, hare a claim on, for services rendered &c. Engari a Piwaka, i wliai fakunc^a ki a Turi. T&kupd, a, univi. ill t'U.sf. Kei te whakatakupc matou e noho nei; kaore he whakaohooho. 2. plant an ambuscade. 3. wha- ; T&kiipll, a. short. Me kokoti katakoto tupuna^ recite genea' nga manga kia takupu. logics. T&ktirtia, n. 1. Sirius; the dog- whakatakoto, n. ambu.scade. star. 2. winter. Mahia he kai takotokoto, n. sprit of a sail. I mo tau; mahia he wahie mo Takou, n. red ochre; a variety, obtained from yellow earth by \ burning. Ano i taia ki te ta- kou 80 whero (16). 'T&kurutii, a. feeble; sluggish. TSkil, pron. my. pi. Sku. See, Kia ata haere tatou i nga ta- a, pre]). Tftku, is equivalent! kurutu. Let us go gently on to toku. I account of the feeble ones, i.e. takurua. He riri takurua, a winter quarrel, i.e. one of no magnitude. 150 TSkfttSi— TSnik6. the women & children. He wahie takurutu, firewood that will not blaze. Takutai, n. sea- coast. Tama, n. son; eldest son. Te tama a Eehua, ko Kaitangata. tamatama, v. t. treat with marks of disgust. Ka taraatamatia te wahine whakarawai. whakatamatama, v. i. be above doing a thing; be too proud. Katahi ano te taugata whaka- tamatama ki te taka kai. Tamaahii, v. t. remove the ^tapu^ from a kuraara ground before taking up the crop. Katahi ka tamaahutia te kai. — Tututu kai-kore; tamaahu kai nui. tamaahu, n. firsffruits of kumara. Tamaaroa, n. son. Tamahana, v. t. cook a second time ; warm up cooked food. Tamahme, n. daughter, plural tamahine. Tamaiti, n. child, only used in the singular, plural tamariki. Tamaka, n. round cord platted iviih five strands (150). Tamaki, v. i. start involuntarily. Tamanga-kotore, 1. youngest child in a family. 2. next youngest brother or sister. Tamaoka, a. cooked. Kia koro- huhutia, kia tamaoka iho ka kai. Tamarahi. whakatamarahi, v. i. boast one- self; act proudly. Tamarainara, a. swaggering. whakatamaramara, v. i. 1 . strut ; swagger. WHakatamaramara ana te haere a te tangata ra. 2. expostulate. I a ia i roto i te wai, ka whakatamaramara mai, ka mea mai, 'A tama ra, waiho an i Hikurangi (111). Tamariki, n. 1. child; (opposed to adult). Waiho kia takaro ana, he tamariki hoki u ana. 2. plural for tamaiti, children. Tamatea, n. the sixth, seventh^ eighth and ninth days of the moon's age, called respectively tamatea- tu-ta hi, tamatea-tu-rua, tamatea- tu-tomt, and tamatea-tu- wha. Tamau, v. t. fasten. Tamautia rawatia te whare; kei waiho kia tuwhera. Tame, and tametame, v. i. 1. .smack the lips. 2. eat. tame, n. food. Tamene, v. i. be assembled. Kua tamene mai nga tamariki. Tami, V. t. 1. press down with a weight. Aua te tamia te rahurahu, kei pirau te kapura. 2. repress. I tamia ra hoki e ia taku korero. Tamoe, v. t. 1. press flat. E tamoe ra i te rauaruhe. 2. .smother; repress. Tukua kia puta te korero; aua e tamoea. 3. leave for a long time in the process of cooking. Tamoea ta tatou poaka kia maoa ai. tamoe, n. kumara used in the 'tamaahu' ceremony. Tamomi, y. i. be engulphed. Kua tamomi te tangata ki te hu. Tam^uimiii, v. i. throng; crowd around. Tamiimu, v. i. hum. Tamiire, n. snapper; a lish. Tana, pron. his; her; its. plural ana. See prep. a. Tana, n. ton. Tane, a. male. tane, n. husband. Kahore ano a Tangotango i mohio ko Tawhaki tenei, ko tana tane (51). Tanea, v. i. be choked. Tanekaha, n. phyllocladus tricho- manoides ; a tree. Tanewha, v. i. lie. (R.) Taniko, n. ornamental border of a mat. Kahu taniko (155). T&niwhS — TSngd. 151 Taniwha, n. a fabulous reptile ' Tangaroamiia , n. iwenty-third supposed to reside in deep wa- day of the moon's age. ter. ' Tangar6ar6t6, n. twentij- fourth Tanoe, v. i. be sprained. He ta- j daii of the moon's age. noe toku mate. | Tangata, n. man; human being. Tanoni, v. i. be sprained. Kua He tangata ano i reira, ko uga tanoui toku waewae. tangata wheuua ake ano o te- Tanu, T. t. 1. bury. I tanumiai nei motu (123). ki roto ki nga hutinga huru- ' tangata- tawhito , water hea or hum manu (95). 2. plant. pitkeko. Tanuku, v. i. I. crumble Jown. TangatakimOrl , a. small; in- 2. swallow saliva. tanuku signijicanl. Kahore i tangata- ana te korokoro i te wohi. kimori te putanga raai o taua T&numi, V. i. disappear behind hau. an object. Kua tanumi ki tua. I T&ngSo, n. tetranthera calicaris, tanumi, v. t. fold double. I a tree. Tanga, v. i. be assembled. Tanga I tangeo, a. acrid. Taugeo tonu kau nga tamariki a Rewa. See : te tare nei. also under ta. ' TangSrS, n. keel of a canoe &c. Tanga. ' T&ngi, v. i. 1. cry; g ire forth a t&tanga, a. tfuicA. Me whaka- rite nga hoe kia rite rawa, kia tatanga ai tatou te puta ki waho (170). t&ng&t&xig&, a. 1. loose: not tight. Ka tangatanga nga pou o te I whare. 2. easy: free from pain. \ Ko toku tinana ka tangatanga ; | kei aku waewae anake te ma- niac. TaDg&eng&e, a. umbilical cord, j Tangahang&h&, n. a fish. I sound. E tangi he pu i nga po katoa, ko au tena (131). 2. weep: utter a plaintive cry, as a token of grief. Haere ana te wahine ra ki tahaki ta- ngi ai (83). 3 sing a dirge or lament 4. rry as a token of affection. Kia ata tangi ta- tou kei rongo mai aku hua (97). 5. salute. Kahore ana kupu mai, ko te tangi kau mai; hcoi ano. T^ngai, n. 1. bark; peel. 2. Ctfr- i tangi, n. 1. sound. Te tangi o viral verlebrof. | nga pu a Tutanekai (130). 2. T&ng&nSi, ad. (used by R. for j lamentation. Katahi ka whaka- tena ko tenei) but now; but as \ huatia iho e te tungane tana for this. j tangi (34). Tangi-a-tahu, dirge. TSngangfiL a. loose: not tight. \^^^«^ ^- i- J'^^^f^'^ '"''/'•• ^ tanganga, n. .stragglers; ^«,;,^ , whakatanp, v. t ra^.v. /o .W followers. Hokowhitu te iho I ^^ whakatanpi au i taku ko- te taua; ma te tanganga ka ran. TSng&ngao, v, i. subside. tangangao te ngaru. T&ng&r&, a. Avoxr. TSng&rc, a. angiij. whakatangarengare, v. i. grow angry. auau ^701. whakatangitangi, n. a species I of metrosidcros. jTangitS, v. i. lie. E tangi ta mai ra. T&ngo, V. t. 1 . take up ; take in tht' hand. Ka tango ia i te- tahi hua o taua rakau, ka pa- nga iho (16). 2. take away; 152 tat ango — Tapanihi. remove. Tangohia te puru o te whatitoka, o te matapihi (47). tatango, v. t. snatch one from another. E tatango ana nga tamariki i te kakahu. tangotango, v. t. handle; have recouj'se to; use. Tena, tango- tangohia etahi o a koutou ka- rakia (158). tangohanga, u. 1. circumstance &c. of taking. 2. hetrothal; marriage. 3. feast given on | occasion of betrothal or mar- riage. tangotango, n. rail of a fence. Tangongo. a. thoroughly ripe or cooked; soft. Tangoro, a. 1. loose. 2. not dis- tended ; not full. Tangorongoro noa te kete nei. 3. having the skin loosened ; blistered. Ka ta- ngorongoro a roto o toku reke- reke. Tangoriingoru, a. thoroughly ripe or cooked; soft. TangoungQu, a. thoroughly ripe. Tangiiru, a. deep-toned; gruff. He reo tanguru. I. Tao, n. spear. II. Tao, V. t. cook in a native oven. Ka patua nga kuri e rua, ko- tahi i taona (112). v. i. con- tain food in process of cooking. Ka tao te hangi tapu (173). WHakataona ta tatou umu. tatao, V. i. 1. remain a long time in the process of cooking. Te tatao te umu nei; te hukea. 2. lie flat and close. Te kohu e tatao ana i runga i te whe- nua. 3. be deep. Kia tatao tonu te ono o te kopura. 4. droop. Ka tatao te tuara; ka mate. 5. bleed at the nose. Ka tatao taku ihu. — E tama, he ihu tatao koe. Taokete, n. man's brother-in-law ; woman's sister-in-law. Taone, n. town. Taopiiku, v. t. cook anything wrapped up in leaves &c. taopuku, n. leaves which food is wrapped in for cooking. Taonga, n. property ; treasure. Taoroa, n. long spear. Taorii, a. soft; yielding. Taoru kau ana te puku. taoruoru, a. boggy. Taotii, n. wounded man. Toko- ono i mate rawa; tokotoru nga taotu. Tapa, n. margin; edge. Tapa, V. t. 1. call; name. Koia i tapaa ai toku ingoa e te iwi nei ko Tatau (46). 2. com- mand. tapatapa, v. t. call by the name of any one. Tapa, V. t. pulverize soil. Kei te tapa te mara o Paratene. — Me te mara tapa te moana. Tapa, a. chapped. Ka tapatia te hiako. Tapae, v. t. 1. lay one on ano- ther; stack. Ma wai e tapae nga witi ki te whakapu? 2. place before a person; present. Tapaea he kai ma te manuhiri. ! V. i. lie in a slanting position. \ Tapahi, v. t. cut; chop. tapatapahi, v. t. cut to pieces. Tapai, n. part of a net which is first put into the water. Kia whiti atu te tapai ki ko. Tapairii, n. 1. first-born female in a family. 2. nephew or niece. Tapaki, n. mats or leaves on which food is laid in a native oven. Ka kohia ki te tapaki nga kai ,173). Tapakiiri, n. basket. Tapakuwha, n. 1. present given by a bridegroom to the bride^s relations. 2. woman introduced into a family by marriage. Tapanihi, v. i. go stealthily; go on one side. Tapanihitia to ta- tou haere kei kitea. Tapap& — tapiri. 153 Tapapa, v. i. 1. stoop. Kia ta- i Tapena, v. t. insult or irritate papa te haere. 2. lie flat. 3. au 'atua' by passing food over brood; sit. E tapapa nei te ti person who is *tapu'. Ko raanu i runga i nga hua. Tapararo, n. north wind. wai te tohunga i tapenatia e koc ki nga kai na. Taparenga. v. t. muzzle. Tapa- 1 TS.p§pa, v. i. totter ; falter. Kua rengatia te waha o te kuri. tapepa te waewae; mcake hi- Taparii, v. t. 1 . Join : add. Ta- 1 nga. paru iho, taparu iho nga ta- j TapSpe, v. i. 1 . slip ; stumble. Ko hua te kai. 2. eat voraciously, i te wahi tenei e tapepea nei. Kaiia e taparua te kai. I 2. make a mistake in repeating Taparuru, a. slow. Aua e tapa- i a karakia. 3. speak indistinctly rurutia te haere. or inarticulately. He reo ta- T&patahi, a. 1 . not doubled. He pepe. kakahu tapatahi. 2. having one \ T&pSr$^ a. aspect; single. \ He whare tapere, a house used Tapat&i, u. sea shore. Kci te ' for meetings of the ^hapu. Ka tapatai c tupu ana. huihui nga whare tapere (131). Tapatapauin&, n. coprosma gran- TapSru, v. i. pout. He aha nga diftilin, a tree. ngutu o te wahine e taperu Tap&tu, V. t. thatch ; cover in a i mai na ? roof. Kei te tapatu a Pikai i i T&pl, n. native oven. tona whare. tSpipi, n. small native oven. T&p&tu, V. i. reach the bottom. T&pi, v. t. patch; mend. Tapia Kia tapatu ki raro ka tahuri to tatou waka. ai ki te tunu kai. tapitapi, v. t. 1. get together the Tapau, n. mat to lie on. remains of a scattered array. 2. murmur at ; find fault with. I tapitapia ahau e to tangata ra. T&piki, V. t. 1. lay hold of. Ka- tahi ka tapikitia e ia tana aho (21). 2. bind into a sheaf or bundle, v. i. 1. be entangled. Ka tapiki te kupenga. 2. bend the leg \XA in stepping over anything. Tapiki ton waewao ki tua o te rakau na. tapiki, n. sheaf; bundle. TSpik6, V. t. set a trap. 1 he to tapikotanga o to tawhiti. T&paw&h&t n. tattooing on the cheek. T&pdh&, n. rind; bark. tapeha, a. false. whakatapeha, v. t. 1 . falsify ; \ pervert. I whakatapehatia ke- ! tia e ia te ahua o nga korero. 2. gii^ the lie to. I whaka- tapehatia ra e to Mokena a Ma- tete : i kiia ra to arero, he arero taiaha. I. T&p§k&, V. i. turn aside. Ko- tahi to wahi i tapekatia. tapeka, a. false; erroneous. II. T&pSk&f V. t. turn up clothes Tapipi, see under tapi. that they may not be an im- 1 TSpiri, v. t. join; add; append. pediment in travelling. Ko nga i tapiri, n. 1, anything added or weruweru, he mea tapeka ki j appended. 2. vigorous shoot riinga i te kaki (146). | growif/g up beside the mam stem Tapdk5, v. i. be gone, or comef of a plant. Ka tupu nga ta- lea\nng none behind. Kua ta- pcke atu nga tangata. pin o te karaka nei. sistant. as- 154 TSpoa— taratara. Tapoa, n. abscess. Tapoi, V. i. be travelled round, Kua tapoi i a au te motii nei. Tapokere, v. t. croivd with work- men. Tapokeretia mai ta taua mara kia awe te oti. Tapoko, V. i. 1. go in; enter. Ka pari te tai, katahi ka manu, a ka tapoko ki Hauraki (189). 2. sink in mire. tapokopoko, a. soft; boggy. Tapora, y. t. collect inanga &c. info small baskets , readj' for cooking. tapora, n. baskets in which ina- nga are cooked. E rua nga tapora paruparu a te tangata nei; pan katoa (190). Tap6r§, v. i. 1. bend; sag. Ka tap ore nga heke o te whare nei. 2. become faint. Tapore- pore ana taku manawa i te hia- kai. Tapoto, n. a variety of phormium tenax , called also tihore and takiri-kau. Tapotii, T. i. reach the bottom of a hill &c. ; reach to the ground ; be brought down to the water. He kakahu tapotu. — 'Toia Tai- nui, tapotu ki te moana'. Tapou, a. dejected; downcast. Te titiro koe, he morehu, kei te tapou tou nga whatu. Tapii, a. 1. under religious or superstitious restriction, as chiefs, tohunga, newly built - houses, canoes &c. Any one violating this restriction contracted a *hara' and was certain to be visited with some great calamity. 2. beyond one^s power. Tokowha ona hoa i kainga katoatia e ia: kotahi i tapu, ko Tawhiri (7). 3. sacred; holy. taputapu, n. 1. goods; property. 2. applia?iccs. E mahi ana te hunga i noho i runga i a ra- tou nei taputapu, i te karakia (154). 3. foot of a pig. Tapuae, see tapuwae. Tapiihi, v. t. 1. nurse; carry in the arms. Tapukitia te tamaiti nei, kei tangi. 2. tend in sick- ness or distress. Kei tawhiti taku tapuhitanga i a koe e noho nei. whakatapuhi, v. t. carry in the arms; nurse. I. Tapui, n. 1. intimate compa- nion. 2. familiar spirit. Waiho iho ona tapui i reira, he patu- paiarehe (80). II. Tapiii, v. t. lay in a heap. He mea tapui nga rakau. Tapuke, v. t. bury; cover with earth, v. i. he heaped up. Ka titiro ki nga pungarehu e tapu- kepuke ana (186). Tapukorako, n. a bird. Tapuni, v. t. close up faulty places in a net. Tapunia te kupenga. Tapuwae, n. \. footmark. 2, foot- step; tread. Ka haruru nga tapuwae. Tara, n. 1. point; spear -point. Ka whati tana tara (33). 2. peak of a mountain. Te tara ki Tautari. 3. .spines in the dorsal fin of a fish. 4. rays of the sun, appearing before sunrise. Puta rawa mai te tara te ra, kei runga o Pouarua e haere ana (144). 5. papillce I on th^ skin. 6. courage; mettle. He tangata whai tara. 7. mem- ! brum virile. 8. sterna fron- I talis ; tern ; a sea bird. 9. side- i wall of a house. I tara, v. i. throw out rays, as the I sun just before rising, v. t. i influence by charms. Ka taraa j te rangi. i tara, a. Korero tara, fable. taratara, n. 1. spine; spike. 2. a part of a trap. Te taratara te tawhiti. taratara -TarS. 155 taratara, a. prickly; rough. tatara, n. 1. rough mat made from the leaves of kiekie. 2. shell used as a wind instru- ment; called also pu-tatara. 3. { fence. 3. a shrub. whakatara, v. t. 1. challenge; put on nne*s mettle. 2. stimu- late hy entreaty, Ka whaka- taraa to atua (112). whakataratara, v. t. make rough ; I notch. Tara. 1 t&tara, a 1. loose; untied. 2.! distant. He mea nei te tane j ka tatara ki tawhiti. | Tarahang&, n. X.fork of a tree.! 2. indentation. 3. trap for, hawks &c. T&r&h&u, n. a rough mat T&r&h§kg, n. a plant T&r&hi, 11. diarrhoea. Tarahono, v. t. pile up; lay in n heap. Tarahonotia nga kai ki te kaainga. Taraha, v. t heat a native oven. Tarahuna te tapi. tarahu, n. native oiwu. Tarai, v. t. chop with an adze. Ka tarai ano nga tangata ra i to mtou waka (51). Tar&i, n. basket of fern-root. Ka rua tekau nga tarai roi. Tar&ird, n. nesodaphne laraire: a tree. Tarake, v. l. clear off'; sweep away. Tarakea nga otaota. Tar&kihi, n. a fish. Tar&kini, a. held by the point. T&r&koi, n. a kind of grass. T&rakura, n. a cutaneous disease. TaramarO, n. a kind of grass. Taramea, n. spear-gra.ss ; aci- p/n/l/a sifitarrosn &c. TaramengemSngS , a. crisped ; curled. Tar&more, a. lean; shrunk; shri- velled. Tv i:\v\T\. n. talent. Tarangarara, n. a kind of toe- toe. T&rapi, a. rcry small and Jine^ as threads in a mat. whakatarapi, a. fastidious; deli- cate. T^apiki, V. i. lie across. E ta- rapiki ana nga rakau nei. TarapS, n. a large night bird. Tarapunga, n. a bird. T&r&r&u, V. i. make a loud con- fused noise. Tararau ana tera te waha o te tangata. TlUrto, n. whirligig. Tar&r5, n. mass of mashed food. He tararo pipi. T&rariia, a. 1. having two points or peaks. 2. cleft. T&r&t&j n. piltosporum eugenioides ; a tree. Tarau, n. trow.sers. TSr&u, V. t. paddle sideways. Ta- rautia atu te waka kia piri ki tahaki. TSr&u, n. condiment; relish. Ho- mai te koura nn hoi tarau mo a tana puwha. T&r&uh6, n. heart oi a tree. Tarauin&, n. chest; thora.i:. T&r&w&, V. t. hang upon a line or rail. tarawa, n. line or rail on which anything is hung. T&r&wShi, n. side or bank of a river, valley &c. Kei tera ta- rawahi te kaainga. T&r&wai, n. uneven ne.ss in the ho- rizon line at sea. WHaka- tarawai ana te waka, the canoe is like a speek on the horizon. Taraw§r&, n. a plant. T&rawSti, a. hostile. Nona hoki te taraweti ki a au. whakataraweti, v. t. treat as an enemy. Ehara au i te pakeha, kia whukatarawetitia rawatia au i- koutou. T&r&whiti, n. hoop. TarS, V. i. 1. hum:. 1'^ tare mai 156 whakatatare — Taroa. ra i ruuga i te taiepa. 2. gasp \ for breath, E tare ana a Po- topoto i te mamae. — Tare ana | taku poho. — Ka oma, ka tare- j tare te manawa. whakatatare, or whakataretare, y. i. sloop or lean forward in order to look at anything. , E whakataretare iho ana i runga i nga pakiaka o te rakau kia kite i a te Kanawa (180). Tareha, n. ochre. Tarehii, v. t. cover with earth; burxj. Tarehutia atu nga kai na ki te oneone. Tarehu, ad. at unawares. Mamae ana te ngakau ki o tatou hoa e patua tarehutia mai nei e ratou. Tarei, for tarai. See tarai. Tareka, a. eager; strenuous. Compare takare. Tareke, n. small edge tool. Tarenga, v. t. cover tip. Me ta- renga noa a tatou mea ki te otaota. Tareparepa, v. i. flap in the wind. Tukua te ra kia tareparepa. Tarerarera, v. i. be torn. Ta- rerarera ke, he wahi ano, he wahi ano. Tarewa, a. 1. raised up. Ha- painga kiatarewa ki runga. 2. afloat. 3. hanging. 4. droop- ing; trailing. Ka tarewa te tupu te kapana. 5. declin- ing. Ka tarewa te ra. 6. aghast. Ka tarewa nga kanohi. 7. un- settled : not paid for. He mea mamae te taonga tarewa : kia ea ano ka ora te tangata. j I. Tari, V. t. carry. Taria atu nga rakau nei ki ko. II. Tari. taritari, t. t. provoke a quarrel. whakatari, v. t. 1. provoke a quarrel. 2. incite; stir up. E whakataritari ana i a Te Ka- hureremoa kia whakatika ki ru- nga ki te haka (145). 3. ex- pose to chastisement. Nau ano koe i whakatari i mate ai. III. Tari. tatari, v. i. wait. Ka tatari te manuhiri nei ki te tangata o te ahi nei kia hoki mai (186). Pass, taria, be waited for. Ko koe e taria nei e Kohere ma. Taria is also used as an adverb, by and bye; after a time. Ta- ria nei he mate e pa mai ki a Tu (6). See also tatari. IV. Tari, n. 1. a mode of platt- ing with eight strands. 2. noose for catching birds. Ka hangaa he tari, a ka hoatu ka potaeria ki tona upoko (33). Tarikarakia, n. a method of platting (19). Taringa, n. 1. ear. 2. derivative from tari. See I. Tari. taringa, a. deaf; obstinate. Ta- ringa noa iho ki te ngare a te hunga rahaki (23). Taringa, n. circumstance of wait- ing. See tatari under III. Tari. Tarioi, v. i. loiter. E kiia atu ana Haere; e tarioi tou na. Taro, n. 1. colocasia antiquorum ; a plant cultivated for food. "Kei ranga noa te taro a Kea", is a proverb for attempting im- possibilities , 'te taro a Kea' being a large stone at Taipo- rutu near Table Cape. — Taro hoia; a large variety of taro. 2. bread. Taro, a word denoting the lapse of a short interv^al of time. A, ka taro ; and after a little while. — Taro ake; in a little ivhile. — Taro kau iho (188); in a very short time. — Kihai i taro (162); not long after. Taro. tarotaro, v. t. cut one's hair. Kua oti koe te tarotaro. Taroa, n. 1. a variety of phoj'- Tar5i — Tatai. 157 niiuni tenajT, the same as wha- rnnui. 2. self-sown potato. Taroi, v. t. 1. tie up in a *kete'. He utu mo te kai taroi kapana. 2. calm. Ka taroia te raoana. Taroma, a. soft; flaccid. Ka ta- roma noa nga pititi nei. Tarona, v. t. stranp:le. Waiho mana ano ia c tarona (lo9\ Tar6r§, v. t. put into a noose; strangle. Ko wai he matua moil , kia taroro koo i toku kaki r Tarori. v. i. pass airai/ t/uickli/; disappear. Me te wai c tarori ana. Taru, n. 1. i^rass; herbage. 2. disfuse. Taru-tawliiti, influenza^ supposed to be of foreign origin. tarutaru, n. grass. T&rii, a. other (indefinit«ly\ Ka haere ka toro i taru kaainga. Tarua, v. t. 1. tattoo a second time. 2. repeat any process. Tfirua, ad. by and bye. Perhaps for taria. T&riih&e, a. jealous. Taruk§, n. trap for crayfish. Taruke, v. i. 1. press along im- patiently ; hurry. Katalii ka tan to kuri nei, ka taruke ki te rere ki te wai (120). 2. lie dead in great numbers. tarukenga, n. slaughter. Tarun&, v. i. be connected by fa- mily ties, friendship &c. Na te huanga matoii i tiinina ai ki a Takirau. whakataruna, v. i. be connected. Xa taku wahine au i whaka- taruna ai ki Ahuriri. 2. .nerve as a bond of connection ; serve as a pretcrt. T&rupi, n. fresh growth of trees on land that has been cleared. T&rur6, v. i. I. become loose or unfij-ed. 2. quail: lose heart. Kua tarure te Hauhau, kua ma- taku. 3. become listless. Iff tarure tanga mahi. 4. languish ; he pursued with diminished vi- gour. Kia Uirure tc riri a Wai- kato raua ko te pakeha. Tarurii, v. t. 1 . beguile. I tarurua e nga korero maha. — entice. I maka he koura ki ro wai hei taruru mo te ika. 2. shal>e or rub together. Tarurutia nga riwai na kia ngahoro te nga- rehu. Taruru, a. close together. TarQrtl, a. shaking. No reira ano te taruru haere nei. Tariitawhiti, n. influenza. Tariitu, v. t. Jerk violently. Ma tona kaha a ia ake ano e taru- turutu (159). TStS, n. 1. stalk of a plant. 2. fence. T&t&, a. 1. near of place or time. K tata koe ki uta, e oioi te ika, e rere ki te taha katau (36). — Kia tata ki te awatea ka hoki iho ki te purupuru i te wharo (47). 2. sudden. WHa- whati tata te panga mai o te mate. tSt&t&, a. near. ECia tatata mai nga tangata ka karanga ui. t&t&t&, n. a kind of mat. T&tS, see under ta. TfitSekd, n. a bird. Tatahau, v. i. \. be fierce; be violent. Hei wahi ke korua tatahau ai. 2. be stormy. Akua- nei pea tatahau ai te rangi nei. tiatahau, n. leg. TSt&hi, n. the .sea side. Kei ta- tahi tena otaota e tupu ana. TSt&hi, a. wide apart. He ta- tahi rawa nga rakau o te taiepa. Tat&i, V. t. 1. measure: compare. Tatai a te whare kia tika ai. 2. tatai rakau, measure weapons ; fight. 3. join the component portions of a fishing net. Ka tukua te tangata ki tc tatai i nga kupenga a Marutuahu (1 12). 158 tatai — Tau. tatai, n. plan ; purpose. He tatai pai aku tatai. Tatairongo, n. a variety of po- tato. Tatakanga, n. derivative from tatii; circumstancf, &c. of dash- ing- down. See under ta. Tatakau, a. having stems or sfa/ks onlij : without, fruit. Tataki, v. t. arrange snares on a string, for catching birds. tataki, a. viscous; glairy. Ta- taki ana te ware o te mangai. 2. racy. Tataki ana tera te kaki te Eire ki te korero. Tataki, ad. distributive. See under taki. Tatakino, v. i. hurry on in con- fusion. Mua ata haere; muri tatakino. Tatakoto, n. sprit on the lower edge of the sail of a canoe. Tataku, see under taku. Tatanga, see under tanga. Tatangi, see under tangi. Tatango, see under tango. Tatao, see under tao. Tatara, see under tara. Tatarahake, a. 1. bristling. 2. having numerous bare branches. Tatarakihi, n. cicada : locust. Tataramoa, n. rubus australis ; New Zealand bramble. Tatari, v. t. strain; sift. tatari, n. strainer; sieve. Tatari, see under tari. Tatariki, n. a small bird. Tatau, pron. for tatou; we in- cluding the person addressed. Tatau, see under tau. Tatawhainga, v. i. vie: compete. Tatemea, conj. because. Tatere, a. 1. moving about; un- settled. Tatere tonu taua, te u te noho, te aha. 2. loo.^e: un- fixed. Ka tatere te pou o te whata. Tatou, pron. we; plural, includ- ing the person or persons ad- dressed, E kore koe e noho marire tatou? (14). fVill you not remain quietly with us? Tatii, V. i. strike one foot against the other; stumble. Taku ma- hititanga ake, he tatu anake toku waewae. tatutatu, a. tottering; unsteady. Tatutatu kau nga waewae. Tatu, V. i. 1. reach the bottom. Ka tatu te hoe. 2. be at ease ; be content. Ka tatu tona nga- kau. whakatatutu, v. t. sound with a line. Me whakatatutu ki mua, kei eke te kaipuke. Tatua, n. girdle. tatua, V. t. put on as a girdle. Ka whakahua i tana karakia mo tona tatuatanga i tana maro (97). Taturi, n. wa.v in the ear. I. Tau, n. 1. year. Tau tini noa e noho ana te ope ra (158). 2. string of a garment &c. ; loop or thong on the handle of a %ere' : loop forming the handle of a basket. Te tau o te ate; a figurative expression for the darling of one\s heart. 3. ridge of a hill. II. Tau, a stra?ige. Used only in a few compound words, as tau- tangata; tauiwi; tauwhenua &c. III. Tau, V. t. sing. Ka tau te tini te Hakuturi i tana tau (55). tau, n. song. IV. Tau, V. i. 1. light; re.st. Tau i noa atu ia i te matapihi o te ! whare o Tinirau (33). — E tau I mai ana tana titiro. ki a au. 2. i lie at anchor or moorings. Ka I tae ki te Tihi-o-Manono, tukua I iho te punga, e tau ana i reira i (60). 3. be suitable; become, E kore e tau te kakahu pakeha ki a koe. 4. bark. Katahi ka tau te kuri nei (120). v. t. attack. Ka haere te taua a NGa- tatau — Tauhutihuti. 159 tiawa ki te tau i te pa o taiia | tangata (182). tatau, V. t. 1. draw or pnsh a sliding board &c. Tauia mai ra te papa o taku whare (28). 2. squeeze; express. Kua ta- peke a matou pononga ki te ! tatan tawekii. 3. count . Ka' tatau ano te wahine ra; tatau I rawa iho, e waru ano tare (49). ; repeat one hy one. E tauria i ana e koe o mtou ingoa (11)., 4. assault i storm. Ka tauria te | pa o te WHakatohea; kihai i taea. 5. tie. Tauia to tatou I ra. V. i. quarrel. E tatau ana ! nga tangata. tAtau, n. door, Tuia ake te ta- tau kia tuwherfl '66). tautau, V. t. //'• /// hunches ; thread on a string. Me tautau nga kaanga kia maroke ai. v. i. howi. Haere taatau ana te kuri ra. tautau, n. 1. string or cluster. 2. greenstone ear-ornament hook- ed at the end. whakatau, v. t 1. cause to light &c. Titiro whakatau, look in- tently. Katahi ano taua tangata ka titiro whakatau atu. 2. at- tempt; try one's hand at. Ka- tahi ano tona papa ka whaka- tau epa ake (16). 8. imitate. Ko wai tau e whakatau uci. 4. feign; make believe. 5. go to met, or visit. Ka ki ake ki ana tamariki kia hoki atu ki inaketu ki te whakatau i ana whanaunga (78). 6. search; fxainine. Ka haere mai ki te whakatau i reira. 7. address in a formal speech : make a for- mal proposal to. Hei ano te putako o ta matou korero, he whakatau i a koc kia uoho. Tfiu, pron. thy. Plural au. Sec proposition a. Tau, V. i. turn atraif : look in another direction. E ta! tau ko atu koe? fahuri mai ral Taua, pron. dual, we two, includ- ing the person addressed; you and J. Sometimes used in ad- dressing one's own tribe or party. E te taua nei, hoi tc po t^ua hoe ai (41). T&U&, n. hostile expedition ; army. Ka rewa te taua a WHakatau- potiki (41). T&U&, prou. that before mention- ed. Plnral aua. Ka hui taua iwi ki tc matakitaki (37). So- metimes when followed by nei it is equivalent to *a certain*. Tutaki ana i taua wahine nei e wero mauu aua mana (95). T&U&, int. give way. T&uS, V. i. u^ar mourning gar- ment*. E taua ana koe? taua* n. sign of mourning for the dead. He kakahu taua, a mourning dress. T&u&i>d, V. t. hug: carry in the arms. Tauapohia mai te ta- maiti na. T&uSr&i, n. screen. Tauhanga, sec tauwhanga. T&uh&r&, n. odd one; one ha ring no fellow. Tauhena, see tauwhona. TSuhi, V. t. sprinkle. T&uhiku, V. i. be in the rear. whakatauhiku, v. i. place one- self in the rear. Na te toa ia i whakatauhiku ai. T&uhinu, n. pomadnris phylicifo- liuy a slirub. tauhinu-korokio; a slirub. tauhinu-koromiko ; a shrub. T&uhOkai, u. stake in a river to which a not is fastened. T&uh5u, a. strange; unacquaint- ed. Ho tauhou te whenua, he tauhou tc tangata (148). Tauhou&nga, ii. last year. Tauhutihuti, v. t. ////// one luio- 160 Taui — taupoki. ther's hair. TCei te tauhutihuti i a raua. Taui, V. i. 1. ehb. Meake taui te tai. 2. he sprained. Ka taui toku waewae. — Also of a stiff neck. Ka taui toku kaki. Tauihii, n. figurehead of a canoe. Tauira, n. counterpart ; and so 1. teacher^ pattern. 2. pupil; copy. Ka mauru tona ngakau i te ika a tona tauira. Tauiwi, n. strange tribe; foreign race. Ko Waikato kau tera e rere ra; he tauiwi anake e noho mai ra. Taiika, int. stay; wait a while. Taukaea, n. thread used to fasten a fishhook to the line. Taukahore, int. expressing sur- prise. Taukahore ! nga mea nei, te pine! Taukaka, n. spur of a hill. Taukauki, n. spur of a hill. Taukawe, n. loop to serve as a handle. Tauke, v. i. lie separate. Me tauke tena pehanga. Tauki. whakatauki, n. saying; proverb. Taukiri, int. expressing surprise. Taukoro, n. a large basket. Taukorii, a. having the folds fill- ed out. I titiro au ki tou ka- kahu ka taukoru i te riwai. Taukiiri, for taukiri. Taumaha, a. heavy. See tai- maha. Taumaihi, n. 1. facing boards of the gable of a house. 2. small tower in a pa. Taumanu, n. thwart of a canoe. Taumaro, a. obstinate. He tau- maro no Tohi te man ai te ro- ngo. Taumaru, a, shaded Taumaru to tatou kaainga. Taumata, n. brow of a hill. Taumatiia, n. place where the 'pure' for a kumara plantation was performed. Taumau, v. i. be betrothed. No te itinga tenei wahine i tau- mau ai. Taunaha, v. t. bespeak. Kei te taunaha haere mai a Taikeha ma i nga whenua katoa o te tahatika (75). Taunahua, n. obstacle. whakataunahua, forestall in the occupation of land. Taunii, v. t. jeer. Tauniike, n. stalk of fruit. Taunga, v. i. 1 . become familia- rized; become intimate. Kahoki te teretere nei, kua taunga ki te kotiro i tukua atu ra e tona matua (143). 2. be at home in a place; become domesticated. Ka taungatia matou ki tenei kainga. taunga, n. bond of connection between families. Ko wai te taunga i taunga ai koutou ki konar Taupa, V. t. obstruct; prevent. Kihai au i haere; i taupatia au e te tangata i te po. taupa, n. fat covering the intesti- ness ; omentum. Taupare, v. t. obstruct; thwart. E ngaro nei nga tangata, he riri ki a koe, he taupare i a koe. Taupatiipatu, v. t. beat one ano- ther. Taupe, a. 1. not rigid; weak; bending. 2. variable, taupe, V. t. bend down. Taupe- tia mai te rakau na kia taea atu ai e au nga hua. j Taupiripiri, v. i. walk arm in arm ; or clasping one another \ round the waist. I Taupo, n. loadstone. ; Taupoki, v. t. cover ; close with j a lid, Taupokina te pouaka. I taupoki, n. lid; cover. Taupor 6 — whakat aute. 161 Tauporo, t. t. bring to an end ; cut short. Kua tauporoa te tuwha i iiga kai. Taupua, v. i. 1. rest; support oneself. Ea taupua nga tangata ki runga ki te takere o te waka. 2. Jloat on the water. Ka kau i te moaiia, a, ka nge- nge, ka taupua. 3. take breath. Kotahi touu te haereuga ake i raro, a, taupua rawa atu, i te tihi ra ano. Taupuhipuhi, v. i. lean one on another. Taupiiru, a. overcast; gloomy. He rangi taupuru. Taura, a. rope: cord. Taura wkakaara, fore stay of a canoe sail. Taur&ki, n. drought. tauraki, v. t. drif by crposarr to the sun. Tauranga, n. moorings; place of anchorage. See tau. T&urangi, a. 1. incomplete, Hei aha tc whakaatu tauraugi? 2. having completion in prospect. Ki taurangi ; promise : plejge. Taurap^, n. stern-post of a canoe. Taur&pir&pi, v. t. claw one an- other : scratch. ' ^ T&urarua, n. witchcraft. Taurokareka, ) "• '•-«/"'''«"'- Taurereka. '"•""'"an'la.'e. \ 2. scoundrel. T&urSw&j a. 1. having no settled habitation. 2. not paid for. He taonga taurewa. TSuri, n. ornament of feathers on a taiaha. T&urim&, v. t. entertain. I wa- rea ki te tauriraa i tana ma- nuhiri. TauritS, a. opposite. Kua tau- ritc ki te kaainga o tcnci ta- I -ata. TaLiru, n. west wind. T&urua, n. canoe in which a net /v carried. Tauriimaruinaki, v. t. duck one another in the irater. Tautaawhi, v. t. come to the as- sistance of; support. Tautahi, n. odd one. E waru pu tautahi; eight couples and an odd one. Tautaka, a. topheavy ; unsteady. Tautaka ki to tatou waka. Tautane, a. Mara tautaue; ku- mara ground set apart for the atuas to secure their goodwill with regard to the rest of the crop. T&utapa, V. i. give the word for action. Katahi ka tautapa te whakaliauhau a te liuuga e tu iho ra i te taumata, *E, kua ngaro kei roto: kumea' (Ul). chaunt a song for the purpose of keeping time in any united effort. 2. challenge. 1 te tau- tapa riri te hunga na ki a au. — Riri tautapatapa, single com- bat according to previous chal- lenge. T&ut&ri, n. upright stick in the wall of a native house, sup- porting the small battens to which the reeds are fastened. tautari, v. t. fix the tautari. Kei te tautari te whare o Tuke. Tautan, see under taxi. T&ut&uS, a. 1. inactive. Me aha i te tautaua o nga tangata o tenei kainga? 2. cowardly. Te ingoa o tena tautaua, ho to- whare. T&ut&uamdaa a. He riri taulau- anioa ; a quarrel in which few take part. T&utS, V. t. 1. prepare fisli for cooking. 2. tend; look after. Hoki marire atu ki uta nga waka o te mano ra, ki uta lioki taute ai i a ia (41). Kei muri to tangata tetere nei o taute ana i a ia. whakataute, n. anything that one 11 162 Tau t eka — Tawaro. has to attend to; charge. Ko ana whakatautaute , ko tana wahine, ko ana taraariki ka riro ra. Tauteka, n. 1. brace; prop. 2. pole on which a weight is car- ried between two persons. 2. piece of wood used to twist up the lashing of anything in order to tighten it, tauteka, v. t. 1. support with a prop. 2. carry o?i a pofe. 3. tighten by twisting. Tautika, a. even : level. tautika, n. boundarij. Ko te tau- tika tenei o te kainga. Tautimai, int. Welcome! Tautinei, v. t. hold up, or sup- port a weak person. Tautiti, T. t. support an invalid in walking. Tautiti, V. t. stick into one's belt. tautiti, n. belt; girdle. Tautohe, v. i. contend; persist. tautohetohe , v. i. contend one with another. E tautohetohe ana nga waka ra. Tautohito, n. adept; person of experience. Tautoko, V. t. prop up; support. Tautoro, v. i. stretch forward; extend oneself. Tautukii, v. i. 1. stoop; bend down. 2. be low, Nekehia ake tena ki runga; kei te tautuku rawa ki raro. Tau ware, v. i. touch without at- tracting notice. Heoi ano, tau- ware atu nga ringaringa ki ru- nga i te pane hokomirimiri ai Tau ware, n. 1. thwart of a canoe. 2. space between two thwarts. Tauwehe, v. i. be separated. Ka haramai tenei ka tauwehe. Tauwhainga, v. i. contend; vie. E tauwhainga ana te waka ki te poti. Tauwhanga, t. t. ////•/• for. Ki te tauwhanga i te tangata i tarai nei i to ratou waka (51). Tauwhare, v. i. overhang. I raro i nga tauwharenga kowhatu jl33). Tauwhatu, n. fishing net. Tauwhena, a. of small stature ; dwarfish. Tauwheniia, n. strange land. Tauwhiwhi, v. i. be entangled. Tauwhirowh iro , v. i. Kei te tauwhirowhiro te marama: said of the moon at the time of the change. Compare whiro. Tawa, n. nesodaphne tawa ; a tree. tawatawa, n. mackerel. tawatawa, a. striped like macke- rel. Me te anuhe tawatawa J30). Tawa, n. ridge. Tawae, v. t. 1 . divide ; separate. Tawaewaetia te ahi kia ka ai. Tawae taro; separate ijoung tulters of taro. 2. throjv down standing crops. Taku kaanga pan katoa te tawae. Tawaha, n. bed in a garden. Tawaha, a. having an unpleasant taste. Ka tawahatia toku ma- ^ngai.^ Tawahi, n. the opposite side of a river or valley. E haere ana kia whiti ki tawahi o te awa (41). Tawai, n. canoe without attach- ed sides; tiwai. Tawai, \. t. Jeer; taunt. Ana ra c taAvaia te tangata na. Tawai, n. fag us Menziesii, and fagus fusca ; trees. tawaiwai, n. phyllocladus iricho- manoides ; a tree. Tawaka, a. grooved; channelled. Tawake, v. t. repair a hole in a canoe. Tawaketia to tatou waka. llau tawake ; piece of wood in- serted to stop a hole; patch. Tawaro, n. 1. a herb used for food. 2. a ti-ee. Ta wapo u — Tawhi. 163 Tawapou, n. sapota costatn; a tree. Taware, v. t- dupe; cajole. He taware tana i o tatou raahara. Tawari. a. 1. almost broken ojf*; //r////^/*//if bi/ the skin &c. 2. wearied ; ex/iaasted. tawariwari, a. bendinf^ from side to side. Tawatawa, sco under tawa. Tawatu, n. oven of cockles (R.). Tawau, a. pnn«^ent ; acrid. Me rami ki te wai kia homo ai te tawau to panahi. tawauwau, n. a Hsh. Tawauri, a. dark; black. TawSk^, V. t. carry round the neck, as clothes &c to keep them out of the way in travellinj?. taweka, n. incumbrance^ hindrance. He aha te tawekaweka i runga i a Te Matcher I. T&w§kd, V. 1. be all ^one^ or come ; be entirely consumed. Ko te whakataweketanga tenei o nga kaumatua c noho nei. II. T&wdk§, V. t. set snares for hirds. Tatou ki to taweke i a tatou kaha. taweke, a. connected hy relation- ship, friendship &c. Na wai koe i taweke ai ki konei? TfiwSku, n. coriaria ruscifolia ; a shrub, tiie same as tutu. TgwSr&, n. 1. the morning star; the planet /r////.t. 2. burnt place in a wood Ac. Taw§r§wSrS, v. i. hang. TSwSrii, n. garment; rag. TfiwSwS, V. t. 1. sound with a line. 2. examine the bottom of the sea or a river by draggingy to ascertain its freedom from obstructions. Haere, tawewetia to taanga mo te kupenga nei. Tfiwiri, 1 . a shell-tish. 2. a tree ; the same as kohuhu. 3. eel- net. 4. cowardice. No reira ; a mau nei hei tawiri (67). Tawha, v. i. bttrst open; crack. tawha, n. 1. crack; chasm. 2. calabash. Compare taha. Tawhai, n. a tree. Tawhai, v. i. stretch forth. Kau tawhai, stretch forth the arms alternately in swimming, v. t. imitate; rival. E kore e taca te tawhai te whare o NGatitoa. Tawhana, a. bent like a bow. Tawhao, n. copse wood, tawhaowhao, n. drift wood &c. cast up by the sea. NGa ta- whaowhao o te akau roa (11). Tawhara, a. wide apart. Kia ta- whara te ko o te mara. tawhara, n. fruit of freycinetia lianksiiy or kiekie, TSwhS,r&r&, a. 1. leaning; slant- ing. 2. declining (of the sun). Ka tawharara te ra, TSwh&r&u, V. t. shelter with bran- ches stuck into the ground. Ko tona waku, toia ako ki uta ; ta- wharautia ake (56V TSwh&ril, v. i. bend down in the middle; sag. Kci tawharu iho to tahuhu. TSwh&ti, V. i. ebb. Kua tawhati te tai. I tawhati, n. valley. TSwhd, see taawhe. T&wh§. tawhetawhe, n. old garment; rag. Kua kore o niatou tawhetawhe. TfiwhSnua, n. land wind. T&wh6r&, a. open; gaping. Ta- wlicra katoa to wacwac o Wai- ahinau. tawhera, u. leaf. TawhSro, n. li'einmannia race- mosn ; or towai ; a tree. Tawheta, v. i. 1. dangle. 2. be i listless. 3. lie together; lie in I a heap. Ka tawheta nei nga rakau. ; Tfiwhi, see taawhi. ! T&whi, n. food. E kore e o atu te tawhi maori. 11* 164 Tawhio — teka. Tawhio, v. i. 1. go round about. 2. be in an out of the way si- tuation. He tawhio te kainga ki roto. 3. be travelled round. Ka tawhio i a ia tera motu. Ta whirl, v. t. beckon; wave to. Tawhiritia te ope ra kia haere mai. 2. bid welcome. E haere atu ana te tangata, ka pa te tawhiri (139). 3. tvhirl round ; wring- the neck by whirling round. tawhiri, n. a species of pitto- sporum. Ko te tawhiri kua oti te whakarewa hei whaka- kakara i te whare (192). Tawhiti, n. snare; trap. Tawhiti, a. 1. distant; widely separated, in space or time. Nawai i tata, a ka tawhiti noa atu, ka tawhiti noa mai (70). 2. hospitable; generous. Ka- tahi ano te tangata tawhiti! tawhiti, n. 1. fl distant locality; a distance. Kua riro ki ta- whiti. Kei tawhiti often signi- fies matchless; unrivalled. Kei tawhiti tou manawanui. 2. mati ; fellow; a familiar term. Te whakatikanga ake o taua ta- whiti raka (65). Tawhiti, v. i. for tahuti, run away. Kua tawhiti taku ta- maiti. Tawhito, a. old. Tawhiu, v. t. drive together; hunt up. tawhiuwhiu, v. t. whirl round and round. Tawhiwhi, v. i. be entwined, or entangled. Ka tawhiwhi te pua- wananga ki nga manga o te rakau. Te, art. plural nga. 1. the. 2. with verbs (a) it may form an infinitive; Kihai i taea te ko- rikori (143) — (b) or a gerund; Hei utu mo ta ratou tukunga i a ia ki te whawhai (7) — (c) or it may be repeated from tera or tenei earlier in the sen- tence, when the action is im- perfect. Tera a Hineiteiwaiwa te titiro mai ra i runga i te whare (62). Te, apparently compounded of te and the verbal particle e. Ko koe te mohio ana; for Ko koe te [mea] e mohio ana; You arc the person who knows. Te, ad. not. Mahi noa matou ki te to; te panuku, te aha. Te, V. i. crack; emit a sharp ex- plosive sound. Te. tete, V. i. ej-ert oneself. Tete noa koutou ki te mahi kai, era e whai kair tete, n. 1. figure-head of a canoe. 2. canoe with plain figurehead. whakate, v. t. squeeze fluid out of anything. Me whakate te puku kia hemo ai te pirau ki waho. whakatete, v. t. milk. Tea, a. white. tetea, v. i. gnash the teeth. Tea, ad. interrogative, where. Tea mea mar (K) Tehe, n. membrum virile. Tehea, pron. interrogative, which. Ko tehea to koutou wakar pi. ehea. Tehea, ad. interrogative, where. Tehea toku kakahu? (R.) Teina, n. 1. younger brother oi a male. 2. younger sister of a female. Teitei, a. high; tall. Teitei, n. summit. I. Teka, a. false; lying. He korero teka. whakateka, v. t. disbelieve. II. Teka, v. t. drive forivards ; urge on. teka, n. 1. small dart ilivovfii for amusement. 2. projecting part of a ko, by means of which it is forced into the ground by tStSka— Tere. 165 the foot. 3. a kind of kara- ' whakatenatena, v. t. encourage. kia or charm. teteka, a. numbed. Ka teteka aku ringaringa i tc matao. tena, couj. but. Kaorc nga mca o Hawaiki i poto hci whaka- tuputupu i te wahinc; tena, whakateteka, v. i. desire; intend: \ mo nga tanc, i poto katoa; nga meditate. E whakateteka ana ia ki te whawhai. Tekaha, conj. but then. E hoki ana te Hanhan i Taureka; tc- kaha ko Rongowhakaata, ka- wea ana ki Patutahi. ] Tekliu, a. ten. T8k§, n. pudenda muliebria. Teki, n. outer fence of a pa. teki, V. i. drift with the anchor down but not touching the bot- tom. whakateki, v. t. suspend so as not to reach the ground. Me whakateki tena papa. T§k6, n. rock. tekoteko, n. carved figure on the gable of a house. To whaka- tikanga o Tangotango, tu ana TenS, a. invented. He kupu tene noa ake tenei kupu. T§ne, V. i. be importunate. E teno mai ano pea ki tctahi mana. whakatenetene, v. t. annoi/ ; pro- voke. Horo i te whakatenc- tene mai o te taurekareka nei. T5n8i, pron. this; near the spea- ker. Ko tona ara tcnoi c puta ake ai (54). plural enei, anei. tenei, ad. I. here. Tenei ra to mauancikaainga (165). 2. now. E pai ana i raua; ko tenei, kua kino. — Ko tenei, e tama, he iwi kino te iwi nei (141). Tenkti, u. tent. TSn6, a. notched. Kia teno te rakau. i runga i te tekoteko o te whare j T8ng&, n. pomum Jdami ; the pro- (48). minent part of the throat. Temfpara, n. temple. TSn&, pron. plural ena or ana. TSngi, a. three. TSo, n. stick. near or connected with the per- , teo, v. t. stick into the ground, son addressed; that; this. Uci ! teoteo, n. a small kind of shag. aha tona wahinc i hahauria ai c konia? (185). tena, ad. there; here. He wai ano tena? The usual greeting "Tena koe" may be literally rendered, **f/ere you areP'^ as much as to say '*/ am glad to see ifou^. Tona is often used to invite co-operation, or to encourage or urge on a work, — Come now. Tena, tatou ka here i te ra kia ata hacre ai ( 1 8). — or again to give empha- T8pS. whakatepe, v. t. do in order without any omission : do com- pletely. WHakatepea to mahi. Tgp§t5p§, n. 1. clot of blood &c. 2. jelly-fish. T5r&, pron. that ; away from either the speaker or the person ad- dressed; that other; the other. Ka hui tera iwi ki te mataki- taki (145). Often used for tho personal pronoun. Ka ki mai tera, Kei to ata tonu (90). sis to a demand ; Tena, he aha | tera, ad. there. Tera ano tetahi te tohu o ton ekenga mai? (122) i pa nui onamata (166). Honcc I Tere, v. i. 1. drift from moor- tona, V. t. encourage; urge for- iugs. Ka tere to tatou waka ward. Tenatia ana e aua wa- i te hau. 2. float. E tere tonu hinc ko te kai ma to mahi. ana ia i runga i n.u;a kiaka (143). 166 teterS — Tiemi. 3. move swiftly. JCa nui te tere o to koutou kaipuke. be j quick. Kia tere mai he kai | appearing lo change their posi- tion; considered to forebode evil. Ti-mataku-tai ; the spe- cies called toi. 2. game. Ti ringaringa; played with the hands. Ti rakau; played with a ball. w*hakahoki mai i te korero. tetere, a. large; swollen. Ka te- tere taku matihao. teretere, n. company of travellers. Ka u mai he teretere no Aotea | titi, v. i. 1. squeak, Ka titi mai (143). te kiore i roto i te raupo. 2. teretere, v. i. be liquid; flow; tingle. Titi ana nga taringa. titi, n. mutton bird. He aha koe i haere mai ai ki a au hei titi mo to ahi? Tia, V. t. stick in; drive in. Me tia nga pou o te teneti. tiatia, v. t, 1. drive in pegs &c. 2. adorn by sticking in feathers. Kua herua ake taua tangata ra i te po, kua tiatiaina ki te rau- kura (97). tia or tiatia, n. peg; stake. Tia, n. abdomen. Tia, a. 1. how great. E tia ton humarie! (164). 2. frequent. He tia hokihoki mai nou. noy ; quarrel with. He whaka- 1 Tiaho, v. i. emit rays of light; Tetahi, pron. 1. one; a; a cer- tain. Ka whakatika tetahi o nga rangatira o tc ope ra (154). 2. another. Ka karanga mai tetahi tangata, Me au nei te ahua? (61). 3. some. Kawea atu tetahi wai mo te manuhiri (168). Plural etahi, some; some others. Tete, V. i. stand fixed in the ground. NGa rakau e tete mai ra. tete, n. head of a spear. whakatete, v. t. 1. molest; an- tete kaainga, a quarrel about land. 2. act ivaywardly or perversely. E ta! whakatete tonu koe ki te noho? Tete, see under te. Tetea, see under tea. Tetehi, for tetahi. See tetahi. Teteka, see under teka. Tetere, n. trumpet. Tetere, see under tere. Teure, n. ripe fruit of kiekie or freycinetia Banksii. Tewe, n. 1. membrane of the fce- tus. 2. fermented juice of the tutu. tewetewe, for tawatawa; a fish like mackerel. Tewhatewha, n. a weapon made of wood, broad and flat at one end something like the head of an axe. Ti, n. 1. cordyline of several species. Ti haere (84) // trees \ shine. Ka tiaho mai te ahi. Tiaka, n. dam ; mother. Tiakakahi, a. on the meridian^ spoken of the sun. Tiaki, V. t. 1. guard; keep. I a au e tiaki ana i te whare, ka puta mai a Ponui. 2. watch for ; wait for. Kei tatahi ia e tiaki ana i te waka o Ka- rihi kia u mai. Tianga, n. mat to lie on ; called also tienga or takapau. Tiare, n. scent. Tau ana te tiare i te raukawa. Tiari, v. t. hang up. Me tiari ki waho, ki te rakau. Tiaroa, n. long straight side. Te tiaroa o te pa. Tieke, n. 1. a bird; creadion ca- runculafus. 2. a black mat. Tiemi, v. i. 1. play at see-saw. 2. be unsettled; be cast adrift. Tenei te iwi ka tiemi, ka tiemi. Tienga — tiki tiki. 167 Sec I Tihou, ii. au implement used as a spade. Tlka, a. 1. straij;ht : (h'rrrf. Ko te ara tika tena. 2. kevping a direct course. A, tika toiiu atu ki te korokoro o te Pa- rata (72). 3. n'ght ; Just: fair. ' Ka rongo ia kei te tika nga kupu (42). — E tika hoki ! a fonn of expressing thanks, tikanga, n. 1. ru/e: pinn : mc- Ihmi. Ka nipua e ratou ho tikauga hei mamingatanga ma ratou i a Kac (37). 2. custom. Tona tikanga mai touei o mua iho (47\ 3. reason. Ko te ti- kanga o te Huhuti, i pai ai ki a Te WHatu-i-apiti, he pai I no Te WHatu-i-apiti (Ifio). 4. I meaning; purport. Te tikanga I o tena tau, he kohuru. 5. authority ; control. Kahore ona I tikanga ki eua taonga. I whakatika, v. t. straighten. \.\. 'Henga, n. mat to lie o tianga. Tiepa, v. i hauir loosely. Me ticpa noa ake tona kakahu. Tiere, n. scent. Tena rawa te i tiere te haere na, ara te ka- { kara o te lawhiri (193). ' •nhahiihahu, t. t. scatter about. \ Tihaere, n. a pole with a snare arranged on it , baited with flowers, for catching birds. Tlhaudra, n. a plant. Tihe, V. i. sneeze. TihSi, V. t. carrti a burden on the backy holding it in place with the hands. Tiheitia nga kai nei. TiOKMA, n. December. •KhSrii, v. t. bale water out of a canoe &c. Tiherua te wai o ^ te poti. I tiheru, n. vessel to bate with. TihSwk, V. i. sneeze. i Tihi, n. summit. tilii, V. i. lie in a heap. Tekau nga tare c tiiii ana i tona aro- aro (49). tihitihi, a. idling; trifling. Tihdi. V. t expand the middle of a mat in the wearing by insert- ; TIk&ok&o, n. barn-door fowl. ing thread in the woof which Ti-kapu, n. a species of cordy- do not run through to the lino. edges. j TIk&r6, v. t. pick out of a hole ; Tih6ih6i, a, noisy. He kotiro ' scoop out. Tikarohia ake t© tihoihoi. kanohi o Tougameha (48\ Tih6k&, V. t. 1. stick in; /////«/, Tik§tik§, and titikS, a. lofty; in. Tihokatia atu te maripi ki j high. Titike ao; papaku po. te raupo. 2. shelter by stick- ^ Ttkl, v. t. 1. fetch. Ka tukua atu e ia tana tangata ki te tiki atu i tetahi ika mana (141). 2. go to for any purpose. Ka tikina mai a Tane ka whnka- arahia ki ruuga (56). straighten oneself; stand up; rise up; start on a journey, whakatika, n. way ; path. TlkSkS, a. 1. hot. Tikaka ana te ra. 3. burnt by the sun. ing small branches into the ground. ■ tihokahoka, n. temporary shelter \ made with branches stuck into the ground. Tih5r8, v. t. 1 . strip off. Tiho- i rea te kiri o te rakau. 2. peel; take the skin off. tihoro, n. the best variety of phormium tena.r, prepared with- out tho U80 of a shell. Tiki, n. 1. post marking a tiipu' place. 2. Jigurv on the gable of a house. 3. lower part of the back; sacrum. tiki tiki, n. I. girdle. 2. knot of hair on the top of the head. 168 whakatiki— Tingei. Ka wewete i tona tikitiki, ka ru i ona makawe (55). whakatiki, y. t. keej) without food. Tikihope, n. loins. Tikikiwi, n. a method of finish- ing off the thatch of a house. Tikitti, a. entire; untouched. He ngahere tikitu. Tiko, V. i. evacuate the bowels. titiko, n. a shell-fish. Tikoki, a. easily overbalanced; unsteadij. He waka tikoki. Tikokekoke, a. high up in the heavens. Kua tikokekoke noa atu te ra o waho (13j. Tikoko, V. t. take up ivith a sho- vel or ladle. Tikokoa te one- one ki waho. Ti-kupenga, n. a tree ; a species of cordyline. Timanga, n. elevated stage, on which food is kept. Tiraata, n. short spear. Timata, v. t. begin. Ka tima- taia te korero e Kawe. timatanga, n. beginning. Timo, V. t. peck, as a bird; prick, strike ivith a pointed instrument. Timu, a. ebb; ebbing. He tai timu; ebb tide; low luater. Timu, for tumu. See tumu. Tina, a. fixed; fast. Tina ana ratou i te mataku o te taua. whakatina, v. t. 1 . fasten ; fix, 2. confine; put under restraint. Ka whakatinaia ahau ki te kai ; / am restrained from food. 3. treat as a slave; oppress ivith work. Ka whakatina mai koe, ko te mea taumaha ki a au. 4. provoke. He whakatina ra ki a au kia oho ai ahau. — V. i. applied to protracted par- turition. Kua whakatina hoki, kaore i hohoro te whanau (128). Tinaku, n. seed potatoes. Me koko aku tinaku, Tmana, n. body; trunk. Tinei, y. t. 1. put out; extinguish. Tineia te kapura. 2. destroy; kill. He rewharewha ki te tinei i etahi tangata ki te mate. tineinei, v. t. confuse; put out of proper order. Korero whaka- tepe i korero, kaua e tineinei. tineinei, a. unsettled; ready to move. Noho tineinei; sit on one's heels, ready to jump up instantly. Tini, a. very many. Kia tini nga pou mo te taiepa. Tini whai- oio; innumerable. tini, n. host; myriad. Tenei te tini NGatoro kei roto i te hangi e takoto ana (91). Tini, V. t. 1. annoy. Ka tinia ahau e te pawerawera. 2. ter- rify. Ka tinia e te mataku o te taua. Tinihanga, y. t. deceive; cheat. I tinihangatia au e te kai arahi i po ai ahau. practise upon. Maku e tinihanga ki a NGato- roirangi (70). Tini-ngerongero, a. very nume- rous. Tini-whaioio, a. innumerable. Tino, a. exact; precise; very. Ka tae ki te tino wahapu o Manuka (162). — Used also to give vividness to narrative. Te tino rarahutanga ki te hoc, ka rite noa ano; tino pounga ki te wai i poua ai; anana! me te pere! (171). tino, n. precise spot. Ko te tino Taiamai tenei kamaka. tino, ad. quite; very. Ka tinotae atu a Hakawau ki te kainga o Kaiwhare (162). Tinohi, v. t. put heated stones upon food laid to cook in a 'hangi'. Tinga, a. likely. E tinga ano i tawhiti koe. Tingahiirii, a. ten. Tingei, a unsettled; ready to move. He noho tingei noa to matou Tio — Tiri. 169 noho i konei. Compare tinei- nei, under tinei. Tio, a. sharp; piercing. A lie I te haupapa, tio tonu. tio, n. 1. ice. 2. oyster. 3. land- mark. tiotio, a. having sharp points or projections; prickly. He ko- whatu tiotio. Tiora, v. t. .^plit. Ka tioraia ka- toatia to makahi. tiora, n. marauding party, sepa- rated from the main army. Tioro, V. i. tingle; be jarred. Ka tioro aku taringa i te pa- kiitanga o te pa. Tipa. tipatipa, a. false. Ho korero tipatipa. Tlpa, a. dried up. Ka tipatia a rare o to whenua. tipa, n. a shell-lish. Tipaop&o, V. t. put out of proper sequence. Kaua e tipaopao to korero. Tip&tSrS, a. for tini-patere; very numerous; in very great num- bers. Kua tipatere koe i te awatea, kua hin<7a ki Taranaki. Tip&u, n. myrsine lirvillei ; a tree. Tipi, V. t pare a horizontal sur- face; pare off. Tipia atu nga tarutaru ka ngaki ai i te roara nei. T. i. skim lightly along the surface. Anana! titipi kau ana taua waka (70). tipitipi, V. i. spread rapidly. Ka rongo ha ki a Kiki; tipitipi ana tc rongo (172). ^pih&ur&r5, v. t. exterminate. He tipihauraro tonu mai a NGa- pnhi, a, haramai tonu. Tip6k&, V. t. dig up what has been buried. Na te tangata i tapuke, na te kuri i tipoka. tipoka, a. dried up. Katahi ano ka tipoka inaianei. Tipokd, V. i. 1. be extinguished ; he destroyed. Ka tipoko anake I aku ika i te kuri. 2. become rotten: perish. E! kua tipoko noa atu nga kai o te riia nci! Tip6r§, n. a shrub. Tipii, for tupu. See tupu. Tipua, see tupua. Tipu&ki, n. crown of the head. Compare tumuaki. Tipuna, see tupuna. TirS, n. 1. ^le of men; row. 2. company of travellers. Tcra te tira ka puta. 3. ^'n of a fish. 4. rays; beams. NGa tira o Autahi. 5. mast of a canoe. Tir&h&, n. large bundle. E rima nga tiraha raupo. tiraha, v. i. lean. Kia tiraha nga pou te whare. tiraha, a. 1. slow. Tiraha tonu te haere o te pahi nei. 2. face upwards. Anga tiraha; lie on one^s back. Tir&Dg&r&ng&, a. .scattered. Ka tirangaranga nga otaota i to ketunga a tc poaka. Tlr&ng5r&ng6, a. scattered. Tir&ngi, v. i. be unsettled. Tir&r&, v. i. be wide apart. Ti- rara ana nga wacwae. — be scat- tered. Waiho i kona tirara I haere ai. I Tir&ttl, n. mast of a canoe. Tir&u, n. peg; stick. Tir&ii]n6k6, n. bastard. TirSa, n. second day of the mooti's age. I TirSki, n. stack of fern-root. Tiremi, v. i. ebb. Kua tiremi to korihirihi (R). TirSngi, a. unsettled. Ka noho tirengi nga tangata i te ma- taku. l^Sp&, V. t. line with reeds the roof of a native house. ' Tiri, V. t. 1 . throw or place one by one. E tiri ana a Tohe i nga ika ki uta. 2. plant. E tiri parareka ana a Te WHata. 3. place one on another; stack. 170 tiri — Titupii. Kei te tiri i nga kai o t(> Titaka, v. i. move about ; turn rua. I round. Titaka noa taku niho. tiri, n. offering; to au Atua. Ka titakataka, v. i. ////// over and poipoia te tiri ki te atua, kal over -^ wallouK mea, To tiri, na, e WHiro. ^ Titari. v. t. scatter about, Tiripapa, y. i. explode in succes- \ Titei, n. spy. Compare tutei. sion. Ka tiripapa te mahi a|Titengi, a. unsettled. Kati te NGapuhi. i ^^^^^ titeiigi, kia u ki raro. „w w _ ^1 / . , -^ • i Titi, V. i. 1. stick in as a peg or Tinwa, V. t. 1. plant at wide in-\ .' m-.- . i. i- " ' rv.\i 1 • « ^ J pin. Titi tonu te pere ki nga tervals. Tiriwatia, kia awe te j ^ ^ oti. 2. plant in spaces caused by failure of seed, and so ge- ; nerally, put into a vacant place. \ Kahore tetahi e tiriwatia e koe r i tlriwa, n. space : compartment; i district. I Tiro, titiro, v. i. look. Ka titiro | ^^^.^ ^ ^^^ . ^,^.^. ^^^^ atu ia i te haeatatanga o te ; ,pj^j^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^i^ whatitoka (13). -Titiro maku- 1 ,pj^wj^g^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Titiko, see under tiko. heu te whare (81). 2. shine. Tangohia ana e raua te puru, na, titi tonu te ra ki roto (47). 3. go astray. Kua titi ke atu pea nga poaka ki waho. v. t. 1. stick in. 2. fasten with jiails or pegs. Titia te papa nei. tu; look hard, and hence, look covetously. Ka titiro makutu mai ia ki toku kakahu. v. t. survey ; view. Ka puta atu te ruahine ra ki waho, titiro atu ai i te ope ra (93). | tirotiro, v. i. look about. \ Tirou, n. fork: pointed stick \^ used as a fork. I Titimako, n. a bird. Titiro, see under tiro. Tito, V. t. invent; compose. Na te Horua i tito tenei waiata. — Ke korero tito; a fabrication. Tito, a. having the face covered with long hair. He kuri tito, — He pahau tito ; a beard cover- tirou, V. t. 1. take up with a stick \ i,i^ nearly the whole face. or fork. 2. move a canoe side- ways, by plunging the paddle into the water and drawing it towards one. Tiroua mai te ihu te waka. Titaha, v. i. 1. be on one side; \ lean to one side. Titaha ana i nga tuturu o te whare. — de- ' dine, as the sun. Ka titaha te ra. 2. pass on one side. He aha koe i titaha ai i toku ' kainga? 3. go in an oblique direction. E rua ona titaha- 1 Titohea, a. exhausted by frequent cultivation. Titoki, n. alectryon ejicelsum; a tree. Titoko, n. pole used to stretch or extend anything; sprit of a sail &c. titoko, V. t. 1. stretch with a pole. 2. keep off or away. Ka tito- kotokona ratou ki mamao o to ratou unga atu nei (121). Titongi, n. the same as titoki; a tree. tanga (15). 4. van/ from ; have . a different tendency. Kaore i | Titore, v. t. or y. i. split ; divide. titaha i taku whakahaere o ko- ' rero i whakaari ake nei. titaha, n. mat. 1. axe. 2. a kind of Na te panga o taku patu, ti- tore ke, titore ke (29). Titiipu, V. i. 1. chap. Ka mate au i te titupu o toku waewae. Tiutiu — Toe. 171 2. peel off. Kua titupu mai te hiako o te uwhi. Tfiutiu, V. i. ////*// about. E tiu- tiu ana nga kanohi. tiutiu, n. a bird. Tiwai, n. canoe wtlhoul attached sides. Takoto humuhumu kau ana ko nga tiwai anake (171). Tiwai, a. lasting : permanent. Ka- tahi ano ka tiwai te uoho o te pakeha. Tlwakawaka, n. a bird. Tiw&ri, V. t. scrape. Me tiwari te roi kia reka ai. Tiwata. Tiw5, V. i. scream (of children only). Tiw§k&, a. vagabond: roaming after no good. E kore e ngaro te tohu te wahiue tiweka. Tiw5r&w8r&, a. mournful. Tiwha, n. patch ; spot ; bald place on the head; mark of a land- slip &c. tiwha, a, squint. He kanohi ti- wha. titiwh&, V. i. be in patches or small circumscribed portions. Ano he pounamu kei nga karu jiango e titiwha ana (159). tiwhatiwha, a. l.dark. 1. gloom ij in mind; sad. Ka nui rawa te tiwhatiwha ki a mtou ka ngaro atu nei. Tiwh&n&, V. i. be curved. E ti- whana mai ra a Kahukura i ruiiga i te rangi. Tiw&ki, V. t. ex/Hind ; open. TlwharawhSra, v. i. be split ; be separated. 1 . TO, n. stem of maize, raupo &o. 1 1 TO, a. pregnant. whakato, v. i. plant. ill. TO, pron. thy. (Plural o). Generally etjuivalent to tan. Sec tau. IV. TO, V. t. drag; haul. Ka toia nga waka ki waho manu ai (70). To-whare, drag a per- son out of his house and kill him; murder in cold blood, tOtO, V. t 1. drag a number of objects. Ko nga waka, he raca toto ki uta (131). 2. chip or knock off; chop. Toto tonu ai ki te kowhatu. 3. perform a ceremony over a child ; the same as tun and iriiri. t6tO, T. i. ooze ; trickle. tOanga-waka, place where canoes are dragged over; portage. V. TO, a compound of te and o, thus, 7o Turi kaainga, is equi- valent to Te kaainga o Turi. VI. TO, prep, up to; as high as. Nawai ra, i raro te wai, a ka to nga turi (130). T6a, a. 1. male, of animals. Ho kararehe toa. 2. brave; victo- rious. Tenei ra ka rongo ki te tino toanga o enei rangatira tokowha (157). toa, V. i. 1. throw up a stalk. Kua toa te witi. 2. romp; frolic. Kei te toa nga tama- riki. tdt6a , a. 1 . impetuous ; fierce. Totoa tonu te ngakau ; te puri- puri te aha. 2. urgent. Heoi ano te mea i totoa mai ai maua, ko koe kia noho. toa, n. brave man ; warrior^ Ka peratia touutia nga toa o taua iwi nei (60). toatoa, n. 1. phijllocladus tricho- manoides: a tree. 2. haloragis alata; a small plant. T6aiiga, n. derivative from toa. See toa. TOang&, n. derivative from to. See IV. to. I. T6e, V. i. be left as a rem- nant. Kotahi i toe, ko tc ko- romatua (24). toenga, n. remnant. II. Toe, and totoe, v. t. split : di- vide. Me he haeata o toea ana i te taha rangi (164). 172 toetoe — whakatoi. toetoe, V. t. split into strips or shreds. Toetoea he korari mo te kupcnga. toetoe, n. 1. diiFerent species of ^russ or rushes used for thatch- ing. Toetoe kakaho; ariindo conspicua, 2. shingles for co- veriug roofs. Toeke, n. loop of cord, put loo- sely round the feet to enable them to grasp a tree in climb- Toemi, n. 1. hand -net. 2. net the edges of which are made to draw together like the mouth of a bag. Toene, v. i. set. Ka toene te ra. See towene. Toere, n. hand net. Toha, V. t. spread out. tohatoha, y. t. spread abroad', distribute. Katahi ka tahuri te manuhiri ra ki te tohatoha i tana kai (166). Toliake, n. basket. Kohia he wene ki te tohakc. (R.) Tohapuru, v. t. gird tightly. Kia tohapurutia te manawa. Tohe, V. i. 1. persist; be urgent. Ka tohe tonu te taua ki te wha- whai (182). 2. refuse; object. Kihai hoki ai i tohe; whaka- tika tonu atu ki runga (39). totohe, V. i. contend one with another. Heoti ano, ka totohe ratou i konei ; tohe atu ana, ! tohe mai ana (122). | tohetohe, v. i. be pertinacious. Te tohetohe ki te whakatuma (79). tohetohe, n. uvula. Tohe, n. 1. thief. 2. niggard. Tohenehene, a. disarranged ; dis" titrbed. He tamariki; he wha- katohenehene kaha tana mahi : said of wanton provocation. Toheraoa, n. agrosiis wmula and some other grasses. Toheroa, n. a kind of a shell-fish. Tohetea, a. exhausted by cultiva- tion; barren. Tohi, V. t. 1. perform a certain ceremony over a newborn in- fant. I haere mai au kia to- hia ta taua kotiro (52). 2. perform certain ceremonies be- fore or after a battle. Tohi or totohi, v. t. cut. Tohia a tatou purapura kia ranea ai. whakatotohi, v. t. cut. Tohipa, V. i. turn aside. Tae rawa atu au kua tohipa ke, he ara ke. Tohira, v. t. project ; be over long. Tohora, n. whale. Tohoraha, n. whale. Tohii, u. mark; sign; proof. He aha te tohu o tou ekenga mai? (122). tohu, V. t. 1. preserve; lay by. 2. save alive; spare. E kore koe e tohungia. to tohii, V. i. sink. Kua totohu te waka ki rare. tohutohu, V. t. 1. mark. 2. shew. Tohii, V. i. think, Ko wai hoki koa ka tohu? (148). Tohiinga, n. 1. skilled person, A, oti ake i ia tohunga, i ia tohunga, a Taiuui ma te tarai (69). 2. wizard; priest. Ki ano i ata mutu noa te karakia a nga tohunga (91). Tohungariia, v. t. dole out. To- hungaruatia etahi kapana ma tatou. tohungarua, n. one who deals. Toi, n. finger; toe (of the little finger or toe only which are called toi iti or toiti). Kowha- kina mai ana te ahi i te toi iti o nga matikara (24). Toi, or toitoi, v. i. trot; move briskly. Kia toitoi te haere. toitoi, n. 1. summit. 2. a shell- fish ; the same as ngdruru. whakatoi, v. t. 1. ansiver rudely or perversely. 2. annoy; tease. T5i — toko. 173 Toi, 11. 1. cor dy line indivisa; a tree. 2. mat made from the leaves of the same. 3. wicker receptacle for seed potatoes. toi, V. i. be moist; exude. Toi tonu a TO to o to rakau. Toiha, Y. i. pace up and down (not a genuine word"). Toihi, V. i. be split. Kiia toihi te rakau. Toiki, n. tree charred btf Jire, Toimaha, for taimaha. See tai- maha. TOingo, a. smart; guy. Toingo ana te kakahu nei. Toiti, n. little finger or toe. Toitoireka, n. a bird. Toitu, entire; untouched; uncul- tivated. Toka, V. i. overflow. Toka tonu to wai i runga. Toka, n. stone; rock in the sea. to toka, V. i. become solid; set. Ka totoka tc hinu. whakatotoka, v. i. congeal, Kia loka; wait a while. Tdkai, n. 1. strip of wood cover- ing the joints of a canoe. 2. perpendicular pieces of u*oodf fastened above to the thwart and supporting the kauhuahua on which tho rahnraho or Jloor is laid. T5kak&wa, n. steam ; perspira- tion. H< toi .l-rnva ]>('fi no te kohue. Tok&m&tua, n. company ; body of persons. T5kari, v. t. cut; notch, Toka- ritia te rakau kia u ai te wae- wae. V. i. 1. be cut or sever- ed. Kua tokari te hutihuti. 2. ebb. Kua tokari tc ngaehe. (R.) WHakatokarikari, v. t. cut in notches. TOkau, n. a canoe having side- boards, but no figurehead or Hterapost. T6k6, u. 1. eart/> "'•>,„> •> ;. fM). 2. lobe of the ear. 4. puden- dum fwmineum. totoke, n. a lish. Toke. V. i. be out of sight; be gone away. Ko te tokenga tc- nei e toke atu ai ahau. (11.) T5keke, a. churlish. Tokerau, a. eastern. Te tai to- kerau; the sea on the east side of the island. T5ker§, n. a musical insti'umeut. E whakatokerc ana nga tohu- nga i nga iwi o Wahieroa (56). T5ki, n. axe; adze; or any si- milar tool. Toki hangai; adze. — Toki whakapae, or toki ti- talia, common felling ajce. Toki poke; american axe. tokitoki, n. alec try on excelsum; a tree. tokitoki, a. very calm. Tokitoki ana tera tc moana; koi ngaru, koi aha. tokitoki, V. t. earth up; loosen the earth about the roots of plants. T6ki, V. t. for tiki, fetch. TOkiri, V. t. shove ; thrust length- wise. Tokiritia te waka. Toko, a i)refix to tho numerals from lahi to iwa inclusive, to the inteiTOgative numeral ///«, and to tho adjectives mahuy rua- rauy ouou &c., but nsed only in speaking of persons. Ku rongo te tokomaha i te toanga o aua tangata tokowha. Tdkd, n. 1. pole. I whakaturia hoki nga toko o to atua (112). 2. rays of light. Ka hapai nga toko o te rangi. toko, V. t. propel with a pole. Tokona te waka kia puta ai. tokotoko, n. small pole ; walking stick. Ka tu nga tokotoko ki roto ki te otaotu. toko, or totoko, v. i. spring up in the mind. Taawhi noa iho :iii:i, o totoko tonu ake ana i 174 wliakatotoko — TSnganga. roto i te ngakau te whano- whanoa (82). whakatotoko, v. i. begin lo swell. Tokohana, n. hiccough. Tokohi, n. adultery. Tokohia, a. how manij. See toko. Tokohinii, a. some. See toko. Tokomaha, a. manif. See toko. Tokomanawa, a. Pou tokomana- wa; post supporting the middle portion of a ridgepole. Tokomanga, a. branched; forked. Tokomauri, n. 1. poles of ma- pou used in the ceremouy of 'pure' for a kumara ground. Ka whakaturia nga tokomauri te mara. 2. hiccough. tokomauri, v. t. excite one's af- fections; enamour. Te kai to- komauri o tona puku. Tokopiihake, n. hiccough. Tokoroa, a. thin ; lean ; lanky. He raumati teuei, koia i toko- roa ai te ika. Toku, pron. my. Plural oku. See prep. o. Toma, n. cemetery. Ko te toma tupapaku tera. Tomairangi, n. dew. I. Tomo, T. i. be filled. E rua ano hekenga o te aho, kua tomo te waka i te mahi a te ika (21). II. Tomo, T. i. enter. I te mutu- nga ai o te karakia ki te tua- ahu, ka tomo ki roto ki to raua whare ko te ruwahine (92). Pass, tomokia, be entered. whakatomo, v. t. cause to enter. whakatomo, n. a large basket. Tomuri, a. late. He witi tomuri tenei i koaha ai. Tona, n. excrescence ; wart; corn &e. Tona, pron. his; her; its. PI. ona. See prep. o. TonS, V. t. 1. bid; commatid. Ka tono iho te tini tangata ra kia puta ake ia i tona rua, kia wha- whai ratou (97). 2. bid to go ; send. Tonoa ana to ratou tu- puna ki te kimi (95). 3. de- mand. E haere ana ahau ki te tono utn mo taku mahi. Tonii, ad. 1. denoting continu- ance, still ; continually. He tiaki tonu tana i te kaainga i ia ra, i ia ra (94). 2. quite. Poto tonu ki roto o tana kupenga (142). just. Pena tonu i ia ra, i ia ra (95). 3. simply; only. Te kai a tera wahine, he ota tonu (95). Ko ahau tonu; it is I myself 4. immediately. Kua tae atu ki te taha o te wahine ra, kapo tonu atu ki te kotiro (52). This word of- ten has a suffix -tang a when used with passive verbs in ani- mated narrative. Apitiria tonu- tanga atu ko te pa, ka horo I. Tonga, n. south wind; south- ern region. tonga, a. southerly. He hau to- nga. II. Tonga, n. blemish on the skin. Tonga, n. derivative from to. See to. Tonga. whakatonga, v. i. 1 . keep one- self quiet; restrain one^s feel- ings. 2. entertain feelings which one does not sheiv outwardly. Kei te whakatonga riri koe? Pass, whakatongatia, be mur- mured at; be found fault with secretly. Kei te whakatongatia ahau e te iwi nei. Tongako, v. i. be .scabbed; fester. Ka tongako te hiako. Tonga-kotaratara, n. south-west- wind. Tonga - ma - iiru, n. south-west- wind. Tongamimi, n. bladder. Tonganga, a. 1. uncooked; raw. 2. broken. Tonganga ana te kete. TongarerewS — toro. 175 Tongarerewa, n. 1. an ornament for the ear. 2. a word of en- dearment; treasure. Tongi, point; speck. , tongi, V. t. nibble at bait. Ka tongi te ika. T5pa, V. i. cook in a native oven. Me topa Dga parareka kia reka Topa. I topatopa, u. 1. bird. 2. small \ stin^i' raij. i whakatopa, v. i. soar. Ka rere whakatopa te manu, kahore e aroarowhaki nga parirau. whakatopatopa, v. i. plant ku- mara &c. TOpap&ru, a. devphf laden. He waka topaparu to koutou. \ TOpat&patfi-, n. venj small ku- tnara. I Tope, V. t cut; cut off. Topea | Tiiai he raataora. | T6p§, w. fern freshly grown after | ])einr; burnt. i TOpipi, a. small native oven. \ topipi, V. t. cook in a small oven. \ Topipitia totahi kaanga. T5pit6, n. end; extremity. TOpO, n. pair; couple. Ko taua hunga i haere i uta, kotahi rau e whitu tekau topu (75). topu, a. assembled i in a body. \ Kei te noho topu tou ratou ki to ratou kaainga. TOpuni, a. 1. close together. Me haere topuui tatou. 2. over- tiist. He raugi topuni. topuni, n. black dogskin mat. T6r&, V. i. burn ; blaze. Ka tora to ahi. Tore, V. i. burn. Ka tore to wliare o Tutere. tore, n. ufhitc spot. toretore, u. a larj^e mussel; llie same as kuku. toretore, a. having inflamed eyes. toretore. v. t. split into strips. ■ He mea toretore marire te hara- keke. Torea, n. hwmatopus unicolor ; a bird. Toreke. v. t. be left behind. Ka- hore tetahi i toreke ki muri. whakatorekereke, v. i. lag be- hind. Kei whakatorekereke te haere. T6r§ini, v. i. disappear. Kua to- remi te waka ki tua o te rae. TOrSna, v. i. overjlow. T6rengi, v. i. disappear. TQrere, v. i. hurry ; go headlong. Ka torere tonu ra hoki te nga- kau ki te whai i te whakahia- ngongo o tona ngakau ^170\ torere, n. abyss. T6r6t§rS, n. small .sting-ray. T6r§wai, n. a freshwater mussel. T6ri, n. cat. (R.) tori tori, v. t. cut; separate. TOrind, n. 1. drum of the ear. 2. small basket for cooked food. TOrind, a. Jlowing smoothly. He torino tonu te au; he hohonu. T5rir6, a. fine; smart. TOrirlki, a. small. Ku haere ka toririki te whawhai n i. T6riw&i, a. moist; watery. Ka toriwaitia oku kanohi. T6r6, n. persoonia foro ; a tree. T6r6, V. i. 1. stretch forth. Ka toro mai tona ringa ka raraku (194). Ka toro nga kawai o to hue. 2. burn; blaze. Kei toro te wharc i to korakora. torOf V. t. 1. thrust or impel end- wi.se; stretch forth. Torona mai tou ringa. 2. go to see; visit. A ka arolui ki te tuahine, ka haere ia ki te toro (39). 3. survey; reconnoitre. Kua eke rawa mai taua iwi nei ki uta, kotahi i tukua mai ki te toro (47). ejplore. Tc waka nana i toro te nuku roa (109). 4. consult by divination. Ka to- rona a Kalnikura, a Itupawa, a 176 totoro — Tou. Rongomai (83). 5. take Jire out of an oven preparatory to cook- ing. Torona te hangi ; ka kaka. totoro, V. i. stretch forth, Totoro mai te ringa. torotoro, y. i. put forth the hands; act. Ka whakatika nga ranga- tira ki runga ki te korero i te ata torotoro (150). torotoro, n. metrosideros scandens ; a climbing plant. whakatoro, v. t. 1. push forth. E whakatorotoro kau ana i te timata i roto i nga ran, kaore ano i wero noa. 2. touch ; make trial of Toroa, n, albatross. Kahu toroa, garment covered with albatross down. Toroai, see torowai. Torohe, n. marauding partij. toroherohe, v. i. wag. Torohe- rohc mai ana te hiorc o te kuri. Toroheke, n. pimelea arenaria; a plant. Toroi, V. i. ferment. Toroihi, v. i. \. sprout; bud. Ka toroihi te kiekie. 2. be inso- lent. Kua moliio ratou ki to matou alma; no reira ka toro- ihi toun ratou. Torokaka, a. stiff and straight; (of hair), torokaka waero-kiore ; hanging straight down, toro- kaka taratarakina, split at the points. torokaka motihetihe, sticking straight up. Torokiki, v. i. sprout afresh. Toromiro, n. podocarpus ferrugi- nea; a tree. Toromoka, n. button. ToeOna, n. throne. ToEo^'AiHj, n. reaping hook ; sickle. Toronga, n. derivative from toro. See toro. Toronga, v. t. deal out in small quantities. Ka ata torongatia mariretia nga kai. Toropapa, v. i. lie flat. Ka toro- papa te wahie; e kore e ka. Toropiike, n. mound; hillock. Toropiiku, a. secret; stealthy. Ka toropuku te haere o te ta- hae. Tororere, n. diarrhwa. Torouka, n headland. torouka, a. green ; unripe ; un- cooked. whakatorouka, v. i. muse; have the thoughts occupied. E moe whakatorouka ana a Te Ponga ki te pewheatanga ra e tata ai ia ki a Te Pnhihuia (167). Torowai, n. 1. a weapon made of a whale's rib. 2. a wooden weapon. Torowheniia, n. a variety of ku- mara. Toru, a. three. torutoru, a. few. He torutoru nga tangata o tera kaainga. Toriia, a. twilled. He kareko torua. Toruhi, u. a fish. Tota, n. sv)eat. Totara, n. 1. podocarpus totara ; a tree. 2. leucopogon Frazcri and some other plants. Tote, n. salt. Toti, and totitoti, v. i. limp; halt. Rokohanga atu e au kei te Kerikeri e totitoti ana. Totika, a. straight; correct; right. Toto, n. blood. Tana toto, expe- dition to avenge blood that has been shed. Ka puta nga pa i ora ki te taua toto (91). toto, V. i. bleed. Ka toto taku ihu. Totoreka, n. a shell-fish. Totorongu, n. a freshwater fish. Tou, prep. thy. Plural ou. See prep. o. Tou, n. anus. Tou, V. t. I. kindle; set on fire. Toua te rama. 2. dip into wa- ter; wet. 3. plant. E warn toutou— Tiia. 177 nga kopura, whatiwhatiia ana; ka toua, a ka tupu ^114). toutou, n. a small black bird. Tou, ad. a contracted form of Innii. See tonu. TOiia, n. yolk of an egg. Toukeke, a. churlish. Toupiore, a. listless; languid, Na te wcrawera au i toupiore ai, te tae atu ai au ki a koe. TSurawhi, a. male (of animals only). Touwha, V. i. swell. Ka touwha te puku. TOwahiwahi, and t5waw&hi, a. 1. moist; watery. Towawahi ana nga kanohi; me te mea e tangi ana. 2. shining. Towa- wahi ana te taupoki o te pou- aka. 3. sleek. T5w&i, n. umnmannia racemosa ; a treo. TdwSnd, T. i. set, Ka towene- wene te ra ki te rua. towenewene, a. importunate ; tire- some. whakatowenewene, v. i. be trou- blesome. Ka tika kia riri mai tera; nau hoki i whakatowene- weue atu ki a ia. TOwh&rd, V. t. murder in euld blood. T0wh§r6, a. red. Ka towhero te puku. I. Ta, n. 1 . part of a fishing net which is first in the water. 2. girdle to which the 'maro* was attached. 3. manner; sort. Na wai tenei tu mahir II. Ta, V. i. 1. stand. Ka tu nga tokotoko ki roto ki te otaota (79). Pass, turia; be set on foot. Ka turia te korero. be arranged. Katahi ka turia te haka (167). 2. be vehement. Tu ana te kiha a tou tangata. be hit ; be wounded. Kua tu . te tao a Hatupatu (95). 4. be served, Kia tu katoa nga tangata. tu. y. t. Jight with ; engage. Ka puta mai ki te tu i a matou. tutn, V. i. I. be raised f as dust &c. Ka tutu te puehu. as noise; disturbance &c. Tutu ana te heihei (5\ 2. stand erect; be prominent. Ka tutu nga tara. 3. be insubordinate; be disor- derly. Ka timata a Tapo i tana mahi tutu (111). Pass, tiitu- tia; hare violence ojffered to one. Kua tututia taku wahine (117). ttlttl, V. t. 1. summon; assemble. Ka mahara a Manaia kia tutu- ria he tangata hei ohu warn mo ana tao (1 17). 2. tutu wae- wae; or tutu ngarehu; dance a war -dance. 3. .set on Jire, Me tutu te koraha kia atea ai te ara. — Tungia ho ahi kia ma- hana ai tatou. tata, n. 1 . messenger sent to sum- mon people; summoner. Ka tu- kua te tutu. 2. perch for birds. whakatu, v. t. 1. erect; set up. 2. make a set .speech. Na Te Koki enei whakatu ki ana ta- mariki. 3. propound a subject for discussion. 4. instigate. Kua oma te mokai nei : na wai ra i whakatu kia haerer turanga, n. circumstance, time or place of standing &c. See tu. Turanga-tohu, war-dance. Tu- ranga- whanau ; relationship of cousins. ttlng&, n. 1. circumstance &c. of being wounded. 2. wound. I. Tua, n. the further side of a solid body. Tua-o-rangi; days gone by. Me aha hoki te ki i korerotia i tua o rangi ? tua, a. on the further side. Te tai tua, the western sea. II. Tiia. u a form of address us- ed by the NGatiwhatua tribe. Haere mai, e tua. 12 178 Tiia— Taar&ngi. HI. Ttia. tuatua, 11. 1. rid^e. 2. a species of a shell-fish. tutuatanga, n. ridge. IV. Tiia, ordinal prefix to nume- ral adjectives. Te tuarua o nga haerenga (133). Ka tuahia koe ki Taranaki ? Ka tuarua. How many thnes have you been to Taranaki? Twice. V. Tiia, V. t. fell; cut down, Ka riro ki te tua rakau. I. Tda, V. t. 1. give a name to a child with accompanging reli- gious ceremonies. Kua tuatia te tamaiti a te Papa. 2. mention the name of any one. Ko te tuatanga tenei o tou ingoa e ^Gatiporou. 3. lay under the injluence of a spell. He kara- kia ano mo Tawhirimatea, he tua mo te rangi. See also tti- ttia. II. Tua, or more correctly tu-a, (See I. tu, 3) a prefix to ad- jectives &c. signifying a mode- rate degree of the quality ex- pressed. Tu-a-whero; reddish. Tuaahu, n. sacred place, used by tohunga for purposes of divi- nation &c. Ttiahae, a. jealous. Tuahangata, n. a familiar name for the hero of a story &c. *'»/// gentleman'' . Tiiahau, n. a kind of rough mat made from the leaves of kiekie. Tuahine, n. sister of a man. Tuahii, v. t. throw up into hillocks. Mo tana mara i tuahua kautia; kaore i whakatokia (136). Tuahuri, v. t. cover the roof of a house with a coating of raupo preparatory to thatching with toetoe. Tuaitara, n. spines on the back of a reptile or fish. I te wehi ano ki nga tuaitara e tutu haere ana mai (150). Tuakana, n. 1. elder })r other of a male. 2. elder sister of a female. I Tiiakanga, n. circumstance &c. j ^*f .i^^fi'^^' See tua. j Tiiaki, v. t. disembowel lish or I birds. jTuakuku, v. t. 1. .scrape. Tua- I kukutia o harakeke. 2. take the roughness ofl a piece of i timber before dragging it out. I Me to puwharawhara ? Hua I noa me tuakuku ka to ai. Tuakiira, n. dicksonin squarrosa ,• a tree fern. Tuamaka, n. round cord platted with five strands (19). Tuaniii, n. roof of a house. Tuaniii, a. harsh; overbearing. Tuanui noa atu to kupu ki tou tuakana. whakatuanui, v. i. be overbear- ing. Tuangau, v. t. beat with a stick. Tuangi, n. cockles. Tuao, a. transient. He wai tuao te wai nei; mao rawa ake te ua kua rautu te waipuke. Tua-o-rangi, n. days gone by. Tuapae, n. anything bounding the horizon. Kia ngaro te tuapae whenua (21). Tuapeka, a. dissimulating. whakatuapeka, v. i. dissimulate. Tuapora, n. fir si fruits of a crop. Tuapuku, round cord platted with four strands. Tiiara, n. 1. back. 2. ally; sup- port. tuara, v. t. assist. Hoatu tua- ratia to teina. whakatuara, ad. backwards. Ko korua anake e haere whaka- tuara: ko au e kore. Tuarahia, n. hamatopus longi- rostris, a bird. Tuaraki, n. north wind. Ttiarangi, a. old; of ancient date. He korero tuarangi. Tuarangaranga — Tahiinga. 179 Tuarangaranga, a. unsettled ; per- plexed. Ka toa a Ruku, ka tuarangaranga, ka kowhete a roto o te ngakau. Tiiararo, a. Iwi tuararo; buck- bone. TOarenga, n. a fish: the same as immga. TrAR?, n. steward. TUAUi, V. t. dispense: deal out. Tiiaroa, n. back part of a house. Iwi tuarou; back bone. Tuarongo, n. back of a house. Tuata, a. Ika tuata;^.*^ roast- ed and eaten by the crew of a canoe on its Jirst ^fishing excur- sion; this being part of the 'pure' ceremony. He ika tuata tetahi; i tunua ma nga kau- moaiia. Tuatahi, a. Jirst, Tuat&ra, n. 1. a large Hsard. 2. spines on the back of a li- zard. Ka momohe ra pea ona tuatara (154). 3. clod. TUSt&i, n. break on the crest of a wave. Ka pupuhi te hau ka whati te tuatea. Tuat&i, a. 1. pale. He manu tuatea; a fat bird, the skin of which shews white under the feathers. 2. anxious ; distre.s.sed. He tuatea ki tona hoa e mate ana. whakatuatea, v. i. grow anxious. £ whakatuatea ana ahau ki te mate o taku tamaiti. Tuatini, n. blue shark. Tiiauki, a. old : of long standing. He mate tuaukiuki. TuaukipQ, u. midnight. Tuauriuri, a. 1. very dark. He po tuauriuri; a dark abyss. 2. very many. He mano tuauriuri. Tuauru, a. 1. western. Te tai tuauru. 2. rare; choice. Ko- tahi ra te manu tuauru e noho nei ki runga ki a tatou ; pro- perly said of a white kakti, and so of anything rare and highly prized. Tiiawahine, n. a familiar name for the heroine of a story: *wy lady 070). Tiiawhenua. n. 1. main land. 2. interior. Tuawhiti, a. thick ; fleshy ; fat. Tau mahi e te manawa tua- whiti! {\60) TOhfiha, a. happening late in the da I/. Ka tuhaha nga tai; ka awatea hoki. Tuhana, see tuwhana. TOhara, n. a kind of toe foe. TOhaua, a. quick. Kia tuhaua t^ haere. Ttlh&uwiri, V. i. shiver with cold ; (/ua/,e with fear. He tuhau- wiri te timatanga o toku mate. TflhSa, a. overgrown with bushes, TtlhSihdi, a. dishevelled. Ka tu- heihei nga hum o tou mahu- uga. Tiihl, V. t. 1. delineate: draw; uTite. 2. point at : indicate by pointing. 3. ascertain the for- tune of. Katahi ia ka tuhi i tona atua, ara ka matakite, hei titiro i tona aitua (175). tuhituhi, V. t. write. Tuhituhia he pukapuka ki tou whanau- nga. Tahiti, V. t. expel: banish. Ko au tena ka meinga kia tuhi- titia e koe? £ kore pea au e haere i to tuhiti. Ta]i6e, a. steep. Ka tuhoe te tuanui, e kore v tuturu. Tllh5n6, V. t. Join. Tuhonoa te- tahi wahi ki te taliuhu. TtLhila, u. obsidian; so called from Tuhua or Mayor Island; called also matd-tuhua. Tahung&, n. perch for birds to light on, placed iu a convenient position for killing them. He wero manu taua mahi ki te tuhunga u tu taugala uei. 12* \ 180 Tuhura — tukiiroa. Tuhura. Ki te tuhura ki ngu mea ka- hore auo i iriiria. Ttii, n. parson-bird ; prosthemadera Novce Zelandiw. Tiii, V. t. 1. pierce. He karakia tui, a charm for spearing birds. 2. thread on a string. Ka ta- huri mai ano tera. ki te tui i nga ika (179). 3. lace; fasten by passing a cord through holes. Tuia to tatou waka (60). 4. sew. tui, n. string on which anything is threaded. Ka pau te tui te whakaeke ki te ngohi (179). tuitui, V. t. 1. laee; sew. 2. fas- ten up ; render inaccessible. Ko nga rangi i tui tuia e Tane (32). Tukahotea, a. having no covering on the roof Ko nga whare o konei kei te pakaru; kei te tu- kahotea. Tukararoa, n. a bird. Ttikari, v. t. dig and throw up into hillocks. Homai he kaheru hei tukari i taku mara. — "Ka- tahi ano ka tukari te mara a te Noinoi", is a saying used when the sea is beginning to rise. Tiikauati, n. whirlwind. Tiike, n. elbow. tuketuke, v. t. elbow; nudge. Katahi ano a Manaia ka tuke- tuke atu i tana tamaiti kia rere ki te whiu i te mataika (1 19). Tukekau, a. short. Tukekau nei te roa o te ara. Tukemata, n. eyebrow. Tiiki, V. t. 1. strike with any- thing impelled endwise; ram. 2. butt. 3. attack. Ki a Ta- ngaroa, me tomo te pa; ki a Rangitu, me tuki ata. tiituki, V. i. reach its furthest li- mit, Ka tutuki te tai; it is high vjater. be finished; be completed, Kia tutuki to korero. ttitiiki, V. i. strike against an ob- ject; stumble. Ka tutuki toku waewae ki terakau. tukituki, V. t. 1 . demolish ; knock to pieces. I tukitukia katoatia nga whare e te taua. 2. de- stroy ; kill. Tukitukia te kuri. 3. take to pieces; take down. Me tukituki te taiepa, ka ha- nga ai kia pai. Tuki, V. i. give the time to ro- wers in a canoe. Ttikino, v. t. ill-treat; use with violence. Tukipoho, a. contrary; (of the wind). Tukorehu, n. plantago ; a plant. Tukii, V. t. let go ; give up ; al- low. Tukua marietia nga pa- keha kia haere. — Tukua atu, is often used as equivalent to here- after. tuku, V. i. 1. set to. Tana tuku- uga atu ki te kai (94). 2. sub- side. Kia tuku te wai ka whiti ai ki tawahi. 3. settle down. Ka tuku katoa te mangu o te rangi. Tukunga atu mo; place into which one may be received, Tukunga iho; end; result. tuku, n. incantation used in ca- ses of cliildbirth. tukutuku, n. 1. web of a spider. 2. ornamental work in the in- terior of a house. ' Tukiiku, v. t. plunder. Tukukua katoatia ana te kai a Taki. Tukiimaru, a. cloudy E tuku- maru ana te rangi. Tukiipu, a. 1. coming down on all sides. He ua tukupu. 2. overcast; lowering. Tukupu ana te rangi. 3. covering comple- tely. He moko tukupu. Tukiiroa, n. back-stay of the sail of a canoe. tukiiroa, a. ill-supplied. He tau tukuroa; a season of famine. TiimS — TtUigiirii. 181 Tiima. whaketnima, v. i. menace; act Hefanihj. Xa reira ano ka whakatumaturaa (79). TtUna, n. odd number in excess. Kotahi rau, tuma, o te taua. Tainahan&, n. return present for a kaihaukai, given at the same time. Tflm&n&k5, v. t. regard any ab- sent object with favour f or de- sire. Tumanako tonu te nga- kau ki te mea i kiia mai moku. TOinang&i, n. a kind of charm (154). TaraarS, a. hard; so/id. TOmaru, a shady. Kia haere ki te wahi c tumam iho ana i te rakau. Tllm&t&, V. t. set on Jire; burn. Tam&t&k&hiiki, n. upright sticks, between the posts of a native house, for supporting the laths, to which the reeds are fastened. TUm&t&kiiru, n. disraria touma- tnti: a shrub. TtlmSt&tSng&, a. apprehensive; anxious. He tnmatatenga noku ki a koutou. Tttm&t6hT, a. 1 . marching in dose order. 2. watchful ; on the alert. Kia tumatohi ; mo te hnalu rawa mai, kua rite. Tam&u, a. fixed; constant. He kaainga tumau. tumau, n. housekeeper; cook; servant. TtimSkS, v. i. take fright. E kore au e tumeke i o korero whaka- wehiwehi mai. Tumere, n. a weapon of war. Ttlm6rSm6r8, a. shorn of exter- na/ appendages. Tumoremore kau ana te rakau, kahore he hiako. Tumu, V. i. 1. ha/t suddenly, 2. start involuntarily. Tumu ana to waewae, he kowhera; he aitua. 3. rnn : grunt. I tumu or tumutumu, n. 1 . stump j of a tree. 2. part of an ap- paratus for snaring birds. I TUmti, n. promontory ; headland. I tumu, a. contrary. He hau tumu. I Tumuaki, n. crown of the head. Tuna, n. eel. \ TunSwha, v. i. close the eyes as j when overcome with sleep; be drowsy. .Ttinii, v. t. 1. roast; broil. Tu- 1 nua nga riwai ki te ahi. 2. inspire with fear. Na reira ano i tunu ake e ki ana ke matua tangata (101). tunutunu, a. faint-hearted ; afraid. Tunutunu ana te whakaaro o te tangata. Tiiniiliiirtihiirii, v. t. do violence to a friend or connection: of- I feni; injure. Tang&, see tu. ! Tilng&, n. 1. grub of a species j o/*/>8\ WHanSwh&nd, n. //iw. I WHanS, v. i. 1. verge towards; I be on the point of. Ka whano j ka te upoko ki roto ki te kaha. — Ka whano mate taua maia (80). 2. proceed to do ; go on. Mahara tonu ratou ki nga whanonga a to ratou tu- puna wahine (165). WH&n6kS, a, acting strangely ; i extranrdinanj ; outrageous. Hua noa he ope patu tangata; kaore, he whanoke (158). WHanowh&noS, u. vexation; feeling of annoijance. Ka mate au i te whanowhanoa. WHanui, a. broad; wide. WHaniii, n t^" «tnr I'rgn or a Lyrfp. I WHanga, v. i. wait; lie in wait Ka whanga te wahine nei ki era tungane ona (45). whangawh&ngS, x. i. he trouble- some. He aha tau e whanga- whanga nei? II. WHanga, n. 1. boy. 2. any place on one side. WHakare- rea atu te rakau nei ki te wha- nga. whanga whanga, n. chrysalis of whi. III. WHangS, v. t 1. measure with the e. I tended arms. WHa- ngaa te rakau nei. 2. repeat after another. WHSng&i, V. t. 1. feed ; nourish; firing up. Ka puta atu a Ro- ngorongo ki waho, ki te wha- ngai i a Taneroroa (108). 2. offer to be eaten. I whangaia atu nga kuku hci kai ma tana raanuhiri, — WHangai i te hau; maAe an offering to an atua. Ka whangaia te hau mo ana mahi (17). See hau. whangai, v. i. increase in size: .swell. wh&ng&wh&ng&i , n. a charm (154). WHang&i-h&u, n. 1. a song over the dead. 2. a ceremony per- formed over those who slay an enemy in battle. See hau. WHfing&i-k&r5rd, n. a shell-fish. WH&ng&ng&, V. t. measure wilh the extended arms, or with the fingers. WH&ngd, a. hoarse; inarticulate; having a nasal sound. He reo whango. WHangongo, n. food for a tick pe/sou. I. WHao, n. iron tool; chisel; noil. wh&OWh&O V t rorre wood &C. ir. wH&o. wh&whao, V. I 1. put into a bag or other receptacle. Kua whao- ngia te parera ki roto ki te 198 WHSO — whs whSriia. kete. 2. fill. Ka whaona te whare e nga tangata, ka mano tini ki roto (61). WHao, V. t. grasp greedily. WHapuku, n. a fish resembling cod. I. WHara, n. 1. mat used as a carpet. 2. sail of a war canoe. Mo te waka taua anake te ra whara; i maugungutia. 3. a plant. wharawhara, n. a plant; astelia Banksii. II. WHara, v. i. be hit acciden- tally . I whara toku waewae i te kamaka. WHara-kai, taste food. Kahore ano te turoro i whara-kai. WHarahi, a. broad; wide. WHaraki, n. fester : sore. WHaraniii, n. a variety oi phor- mium tenax, usually scraped with a shell, called also taroa, WHarangi, u. leaf of a book ; page. WHarangi, n. melicope ierfiata; a tree. WHarangi-piro, n. olearia Can- ?iinghamii, a shrub. WHarara, v. i. 1. lean. Me wharara ki te pakitara o te whare. 2. stoop. Ka wharara tona haere. WHarariki, n. 1. phormium Co- lensoi; an inferior kind of New Zealand flax. 2. mat used as a carpet. WHarau, n. shed or booth, made of branches of trees. WHaraurarahi, a. large; exten- sive. Kia wharaurarahi nga ko- tinga. WHare, n. 1. house; hut; shed. Haere atu koe i roto i tenei whare (10). 2. the people in a house. E te whare nei! ti- tiro taua ki te tangata nei (61). , 3. He whare hau; a bank of\ clouds betokening wind. | wharewhare, n. a fish. WHaremoa, a. hollow. He wha- remoa te rakau, ka mahue. WHarengarara, n. 1. a parasi- tical plant. 2. pimelea pro- strata, a plant. WHarepu, n. a kind of shark. WHarepuni, n. hut to sleep in. WHarerangi, n. store-house built upon posts. WHaretangata, n. connection by marriage. Kawea te kakahu mo tou whare tangata. WHareumu, n. cooking shed. WHariki, v. t. 1. spread out as a carpet; lay on the ground. 2. cover with a carpet &c. Ka wharikitia te roro o te whare ki te takapau, hei nohoanga mo te manuhiri (192). whariki, n. anything used as a carpet. Kia moata ki te wha- riki mo te kainga nei, mo te whare hoki (192). whariki, a. flat ; spread out. He kino te rauawa o te waka nei, he whariki rawa hoki. WHarite, v. t. for whakarite. See rite. WHaritea te roa o te rakau nei. WHaritiia, v. i. be hidden by any object; be out of sight. Ka wharitua ia ahau. WHaro, whawharo, wharo- wharo, v. t. scrape. E wharo- wharo ana ia i te riwai. v. i. clear the throat; cough; expec- torate. WHarona, v. i. lie in a heap. Hei kona wharona ai nga wa- hie. wharona, n. heap. WHaroro, v. i. stretch out the legs. Aua e wharoro ou wae- wae. WHariia, a. concave; depressed. wharua, n. valley. whawhariia, n. mother; female ancestor. Haere mai koe kia WHaruariia ~ WHSurS. 199 moemoe tahi i roto i tou wha- wharua (11). WHaruarua, a. caneave; depress- ed. See wharua. Ka wha- ruarua iho nga awaawa. WHata, n. elevated stage for stor- ing food. whata, V. t elevate; support. E whataa ake ana e to ngako o taua ngarara nei (152). v. i. hang. £ whata mai ra te aho i runga i te rakau. WHataamo, n. litter (108). WHatai, v. i. stretnh out the neck. He aha tau e whatai na, e til? WHatau, v. t. measure. Ka wha- taua atu te ngohi, me te pa- kihiwi te roa. WHaterS, v. i. put out the ton- gue. WHatero tou arero. WHati, V. i. 1. be bent at an angle; be broken short off'. Ka whati tc kakau o te toki nei. 2. twn and go away. Ka whati te tangata whenua ki waho \^\'di).—Jlee. I aua tangata nei ano ku hinga, whati kau ana; katahi ka patua. 3. be broken off': be interrupted ; as a charm. wh&wh&ti, V. t. 1. bend at an angle; fold. 2. break oJJ any- thing stiff. WHatiia mai nga topito. 3. cause to Jlee. wh&wh&ti, V. i. be chapt. Ka mate au i te whawhati o aku ringaringa. WHawhati-tata ; happen suddenly. whati whati, v. t. break oJj a number of things; break into fragments, E haere ana maua ko Keiio ki te whatiwhati rara. whatianga, n. 1. angle; place at which anything is bent^ doubl- ed ^ or broken off'. 2. in par- ticular, bend of the arm ; elbow. Kei ttj whatiaaga te roa. 3. portion doubled over or broken off- WHatika, v. i. for whakatika. get up; stand up. See under tika. I te ata ka whatika te wahine ki te wero manu (95). WHatimotimo, v. t. gather up a liue. WHatindtino, v. i. stretch out the neck. WHatitiri, n. thunder (93). WHatit6k&, n. doorway. Ka mau te ringa ki te papa o te wha- titoka, ka toia; tuwhera kau ano te whatitoka i^l93). WHatoro, v. i. stretch out the hand. WHatii, n. 1. hail; hail-stones, 2. pupil of the eye: eye. Ti- tiro ou whatu. WH&tii, V. t. weave. Ka kite ia i te wahine ra e whatu ana i te kakahu (187). WHatiii, v. t. lace or tie toge- ther. E whatui ana a Te Aka i te kupenga. WH&tiikiihu, n. kidney. WH&tuinan&w&, n. kidney, WHatilpangd, n. pupil of the eye. WHattir§.m&, n. rupture. WHfituturi, V. i. for whakatu- turi, be unyielding. Ehara i a koe, ina hoki te whakatuturi ki au karakia (129). WHS,u, n. entelea arborescens; a shrub. whauwhau, u. scheffiera digitala ; a tree. WH&u. wh&whau, V. t. tic. See hohou under hou. WH§,upS. V. t. cat voraciously. He kiko poaka ka homai, whau- patia ake. WHaup&ku, n. panaa- arboreum ; a tree. WHaura, a. fiery; fierce. Ko Tu mo te mata whaura, mo nga ritenga o waho (165). 200 WHaurS-u — WHeoro. WHaurau, v. t. scold. Ka whau- rautia koe e au. WHauwhi. n. hoheria populnea; a tree, WHawhakou, n. a tree. WHawhapu, n. Ko enei kupu, he whawhapu na Patupaiarehe (178). WHawhe, v. i. come or go round. E whawlie mai ana te paoa. V. t. put round. Homai taku tatua kia whawhea (97). WHe, n. 1. caterpillar. 2. dwarf. whewhe, n. boil. WHea, n. interrogative. 1. what place. See hea. 2. any place whatsoever. NGa kai o whea whenua, mana anake, te aha, te aha (145). WHeangaanga, a. turning this way and that; utidecided. WHeau, v. i. be long in time. E kore ra e wheau, ka hina- kipouri. WHeia. whewheia, n. enemy. WHeinii, a. thirsty. Tikina he wai mo toku wheinu. WHeinga, n. quarrel. Katahi te wheinga o te hanga tamariki nei! WHeiro, wlieiroiro, v. i. 1. be seen. Arohi uoa au i taku mea, te wheiro i a au te aha. 2. be understood, Kaore i wheiro i a au tana korero. WHeka. whekawheka, n. garment. WHekau, n. internal organs of the body; entrails. WHeke, v. i. creak. I rangona ake ki te waha e rara iho ana, ano he wheke rakau (158). WHeke, n, squid. Wriekere, a. very dark. WHeki, n. dicksonia squarrosa, a tree fern. WHeki-kohunga ; dicksonia antarctica. WHeko, V. i. 1. become black. Ka wheko te riwai i te ra. 2. go out ; be extinguished. Me- ake wheko te rama. wheko. n. gills of a fish. WHekori, v. i. be seen; be un- derstood. Ka whekori i a au i konei, kei a Kahutia nga pa- keha i taua takiwa. WHekii, n. distorted figure in native carving. WHekuwhekii, a. wet; .^plashed with water. U rawa atu ki uta, whekuwheku ana nga tangata me nga kakahu. WHenako, v. t. steal. Kua whe- nakotia taku toki i te po nei. See whanako. WHenu, n. warp of cloth. WHeniia, n. 1. land; country. Katahi ka rere mai ki te kimi whenua mona (120). Tangata whenua, people belonging to any particular place; natives. He tangata ano i reira, ko nga ta- ngata whenua ake ano o tenei motu (123). — He tangata ko- rero whenua, a pacificator. 2. ground. Ka ngahoro nga ka- raka ki raro ki te whenua. 3. placenta; afterbirth. I a raua e piki ana, ka taka te whenua te tamaiti ki te moana, ka kainga e te mango (34). whenua, ad. entirely; altogether. Tipatipa whenua; altogether false. WHenukii, v. i. slip or fall down ^ as a wall, bank &c. WHenumi, v. i. be out of sight; be consumed. WHengi. whewhengi, v. i. be shrivelled; be whilhered. Ka whewhengi nga puka i te whitinga o te ra. Whenguwhengu, v. i. snuffle. WHeo, a. uncooked. WHeoro, v. i. 1. make a crash- ing or jarring noise. Ano me te wheorotanga whatitiri (151), WHera— WHitl 201 2. be jarred; tingle. Ka whe- oro aku taringa. WHera. whewhera, v. t. spread out; open. AVHerahia te pukapuka. WHere. whakawhere, v. t. 1. induce; prevail upon. He hoatu tonu taku i nga mea papai mau, he whakawhere i a koe, kia tahuri mai ai koe ki a au. 2. op- press; maltreat. He aha tau e whakawhere where na i to hoiho ? WHSrerei, v. i. be extruded. Ka whererei nga kanohi. He ko- tore whererei, said of a person in a fright WHSriko, V. i. glitter; beresplen- dvnt. WHeriko ana te hihi o te ra. WHero, n. anus. WHdro, a. ' retl; reddish brown. WHero ana nga kanohi i te hau. WHSm, a. 1 . inactive ; slow. Ko nga mea wheru, ko nga wahine, ko nga tamariki, kei rouri. 2. encumbered. I whakawherutia ahau e taku tamaiti i mau ai ahaa. 3. /// at ease; weary; oppressed. WHakatika rawa ake au, wheru ana au i te tai- maha o oku whakaaro. WHSt&i. whakawhetai, V. i. express thanks^ a word introduced from the Friendly Islands. WHSt&u, a. small. He toki whe- tau. WHSte, or whStStS, v. i. 1. be forced out. Ka whete te pi- rau te whewhe ki waho. 2. sin re wildhj. Na reira ka whe- tete nga whatu, na te mea e noho ana te ope ra i konei. WHfitfingi, n. land exhausted by ( iillivulion. WH6tik6, n. a shell-fish. WHeto, a. small. WHetO, n. star. WHetui, n. land exhausted by cultivation. WHetOkaupO, n. a star which sets iu the evening in October and November. j WHetOrangi, n. a star that has ! become visible. Ka wheturangi- I tia M atari ki. WHeua, u. bone. J WHeuri , n. deep water. Kei ! roto te wheuri o te awa. 'WH§wh8i&, n. enemy. WHIn&n, n. eltvocarpus dcntatus; a tree. See hinau. WHio, V. i. whistle. WHioi, n. anthus Novee Zelandice ; a bird. WHior&u, n. a small grey duck. I WUiorS, n. tail of animals. I WUiri, V. t. twist ; plat. whirl, n. platted hem on the up- I per edge of a mat. I whiriwhiri, v. t. .select ; choose* I WH3 rik5k&, n. .strength. ' WBSrin&ki. whakawhirinaki, v. i. lean against anything. ' W±iir5, n. 1. proper name of an I atua. 2. .second day of the moon. WUlt&u, n. prepared Jibre ofphur- mium tenaj, especially that from the variety called takirikuu or tihore. WHiti, V. i. cross over; reach the opposite side. Na ka whaka- whiti a Kupe i to moana o Raukawa, a ka whiti (109). — Mana te ringa whiti ; let him strike the first blow. WHiti- ra-runga; be inverted; be con- trary. I kiia ko matou ki te moana; na, ka whiti-ra-runga anake, ko ratou ka riro ki te moana. 2. shine. Kia whiti te ra, ka raaroke. 3. start; be alarmed. Ka tumeke, ka ma- taku, ka pa te whiti ki roto 202 whiti — WHiwhirau. ki tona ngakau. — WHiti ana taku poho i to karanga. whiti, n. hoop. whakawhiti V. t. I. convey across. 2. exchans;e. whakawhiti, n. sail for a boat or canoe. WHitiki, V. t. tie up; gird. WHi- tikiria ton kakahu. whitiki, n. 1. belt; girdle. Ka tango ia i tona whitiki, me tona maro whero (97). 2. a kind of eel. WHlto, n. dwarf. WHitoki, V. t. tie up. v. i. he tied up. E whitoki mai ra te poaka. WHitu, a. seven. Wlliu, V. t. 1. ivhip; chastise. He aha tau ka whiu nei i to tamaiti? 2. throw; fling. Ka whiua nga hanga ki uta. 3. put; place. WHiua ki runga ki to kete. — plant. Kei te whiu riwai a Te Wainohu. 4. drive; cause to go. WHiua taua ki waho. whiu, V. i. as.icmble. E ahiahi kau iho ana ano, ehara, e whiu ana te tangata whenua (167). whiuwhiu, n. layers of toetoe overlapping one another on the ridge of a house. whakawhiu, v. t. oppress ; afflict. whakawhiu, u. a kind of fish- ing net. WBtiwhi, V. i. be entangled. Aua e hoatu te aho ki te ta- maiti, kei whiwhi. whiwhi, or whiwhiwhi, n. fat covering the entrails. whakawhiwhi, v. t wind round ; fasten. Kua mau ke nga taura te whakawhiwhi ki te rakau. WBtiwhi, V. t. possess; have ac- quired. Ka whiwhi ia ki tona hoa here. whakawhiwhi, v. t. give; pre- sent Ka whakawhiwhia mai ki a ia te patu pounamu, ^ ^ ^ me ia ano hoki, ka whakawhi- whi i taua ki te rangatira o te pa ra. WHiwhirau, n. a fish. END OF THE FIKST PAET. A DICTIONARY OP THK NEW ZEAI.AND LANGUAGE. THE SECOND PART. A, arl. He. Abandon, v. irhakarerr. Abate, v. Mahaki; marie; iti haere. See Convalesceut and Subside. Abbreviate, v. ff'hakapoto. Vbdomen, s. h'opu : maniiwa ; ta- kupu (Jt t'.); ritt. Abhor, p. Kino; whakakino ; ma- fa kawa {B. C). Abide, v. Noho. Vbility, s. Kaha ; ugoi ; ngohe ; ^ '"""•'■ ^ h'. c.) ,• aria. JAei; kaha. Atioae, v. Kaingn; wharc. Abolish, V. H'hakakahore ; pehi; whakaknre. Abominable, a. H'hakarihariha; weriweri {E. C); whukarikarika. Abominate, r. ff'hakakino : kino; matakawa. Abortion, .?. .Uaterofo; take; wha- kntahe. Above, prep, m number. Tera atu ; niii atu. — in rank. Mni alu. in place. Kei riuiga i ; ki ru- nga i; &c. Abound, v. Ilua; hnhua {E, C.) ; inhi; maha ; nni; tini; ronea ; rnwaka {E. V.) ; nanea {E.C.); rnaka; makunt; ngahoro ; ra- rawe. About, prep, near to. Tafa ki. — engaged in. fteiy as kei te mahi. — outside of, (as clothes). Kei uHiho. Abreast, adi\ Cpane. i^g') I Abridge, v. Ifhakapoto. Abscess, .V. Puku; tapoa. Absence, s. Ngaro; ngaronga. Absent, to be. i'. Sgaro. Absent, a. thoughtless. Muhu- kai. Absorbed, to be. ». Mimiti. Abstain, (from food.) v. Noho- Absurd, a. ff'airangi ; kuare; i^are. Abuse, V. fl'hakakino; whakalupu- kino. Abyss, A. Turere. Accelerate, v. Whakahnhoro ; wha- kangnwari. Accept, I'. Tango; whakaae. Access, to liave, v. Tata; tae. How shall I Iiavc access to that person? Me aha ka tata ai ahau ki a ia? or, ka tae atu ai? Accident, *. casualty. Mate. Accompany, v. Ilaerc tahi i. I will accompany you ; Ka hoere ahau i a koc. Accomplished, to be, /». Taea. 204 Accordinor — Aloof. According to, prep. Ki. According to my idea let us go ; Ki taku whakaaro me haere. Account, narration, s. Korero. Accurate, a. Tika. Accuse, V. fVhakapae. Accustomed, to be, ik Taunga; waia. Ache; s. Mamae. Acid, a. Kawa, Acknowledge, v. fFhaki; wha- kaae. Acquire, v. ff^^hiwhi. Acquired, to be, v. Riro. He has acquired great wealth; He nui nga taonga ka riro i a ia. Acrid, a. Tangeo; kawa. Across. See Lie across. Action, s. MahL Active, a. Hohoro ; kakama. See Quick. Acute, fl. Koi; tiotio. See Sharp. Add, V. JpUi; huihui; tapiri{w!)\ taparu {E. c). Adept, a. Matau; mohio. See Skilful. Adhere, v. Pin. Admire, v. Mihi. Admit, V. Tuku. Admonish, v. Jko; whakaako. Adorn, v. IVhakapaipai. Adrift, to be, v. Manu ; tere. Advance, v. Haere. See Go. Advantage, s. Pat; huhuatanga. Adverse, to be, v. Tika ke. Adversity, s. Mate. Advice, s. Korero; kiipu. Adult, s. Kaumatua ; koeke. Adulterate, v. fVhakananu, See Mix. Adulterer, s. Tangata puremu. Adultery,*. Puremu; toko hi {w^. Adze, s. Kapu. Afar, adv. i tawhiti. Affect, V. Pa; wamae; aha. I shall not be aflfected; E kore e pa ki a au. E kore au e mamae. E kore a au e ahatia. Affection, Aroha, Affirm, V. fVhakaae. See Speak. Afflict, V. IVhakawhiu; whaka- mamae ; whakapouri. Affray, v. Kakaritanga; nganga- retanga; tatauranga; whawhai. Affright, V. fVhakamalaku; wha- kawehi. Afloat, to be, v. (of a boat or ship). Morewa ; manu; tarewa; ?^ewa. Afraid, to be, v. Ma taku; wehi; whakawiri; pairi; paoho; ihiihi; maka; paivera; pahunu; hura- ngi; kopipi (^.). After, prep. Ua; muri iho i. Afterbirth, s. Whenua. Afternoon, s. Te heketanga o te ra; te titahatanga o te ra. Again, adv. A no. Against, prep, leaning against. Ki te taha. — fighting against. Ki. Age, s. Tau. What is your age? Ehia ou tau? Agony, s. Mamae. Agree, v. Rile. See Like, and Assent. Aground, to be, v. Eke. Aha! int. Ha! Ahead, adv. Imua. Alarm, in a state of, s. Mataku ; wehi. Alas! int. Jue-., taukiri] taukiiri {E. C). Albino, .9. Korakorako; rako. Alike, to be, v. Rite tahi. Alive, a. Mataora; ora. All, a. Katoa. Altogether, adv. Petapeta. Allow, V. Tuku. Allure. See Entice. Alluvial soil, s. Kotae\ onematua. Ally, s. IVhakauru. Almighty, a. Kaha rawa. Almost, adv. Wahi Hi. Aloft, adv. runga\ ki runga. Alone, adv. Anake\ anahe. Along, prep. I. Along the road; I te ara. Aloof, to be, v. Tu ke. Aloud — Arrange. 205 Aloud, adv. Speak aloud; Kia nui te reo; kia nut te waha. Also, adv. Hoki. Altar, s. A at a. Alter, V. Jf'hakaahua ke. See Change. Alternate, i'. ^yhakau)hiUu)hiti{E. c). Although, adv. Jhakna. Altitude, s. Ikeike. Altogether, adv. Taki. Always, adv. To/iu; i nga wa katoa. Ambitious, a. h'kakakake. Ambush, s. Haupapa; pekipehi; whakalakoto. Amidst, prep. In the middle of. See Middle. Among, prep. Kei roto i; i roto i. Amputate, v. h'okoti; poro; pouto; tapaki; kaporo. Amuse, v. Pa/aritari; wkakata- karo ; whaknwnre. An, art. lie. Ancestor, v. iupuna ; heinga (A>.); Tipuna {E. c). Ancestry, *. h'awai; kawei ; ko- rem tdku. Anchor, .«. htnga. Anchorage, s. Tunga kaipuke. Ancient, v. Ttiarangi. .iid, ronj. .-/; ma; me. \ngel, s. y/fiakera. Anger, s Riri\ aritarita ; nana it [E. c); wkakananuu (E. C). Expression of anger ; whakatuma. Angle, s. Mgao, kokt; poti. Angry, to be, v. Riri\ aritarita \ urriiveri ('^.); rnpaku; kakiki i^f;. c); tupekupeku ; uruuru ; kaua. Animal, #. Rari\ karareke, Animalculaj, s. Ngu. Animation, s. Tara. Ankle, *. Pona. Annihilate, v. IFkakangaro. Annoyance, jr. Ifkakatakariri; konokonoai^E. c.) ; porearea ( £. C.) ; aweke; nanakia ; aulaia {B. c); i/iafi; taitakae. Annul, V. fFkakakakore; wkaka- kore. Anoint, v. IFkaAawaki; kaukan\ korae; popo; porae; takawai {r). Another, a. Tetaki atu. Answer, v. lVkakao\ wkakakoki ' ktipu. Ant, s. Pokorua. Antagonist, jr. Hoa wkawkai. Anxious, to be, /♦. Awangawanga) karatfgi; manukanitka {E. c); pairi {E. c); manakanaka ; ma- tapopore ; paki{E. a) ; luaten ( If.) ; tumatatenga ,• ivkakatuatea. Any, a. Tetaki) etaki. Apart, adv. fii takaki. Apostle, s. Jpotoro. Appear, v. Pnla; wkakaputa; pa- kure {tr.). — as a spirit. Poke\ wkakaara- nga. — above water. Moriroriro ; maea ; puea. — as the new moon. Kowkiti. Appearance, s. Putanga. See Li- keness. Appease, v. IVkakamarie. Appeased, to be, v. Marie \ ma- rire; ngata, I Appetite, s. lliakia \ kiakai. Apple, .V. Aporo. Apply, V. Vi. See Ask. Appoint, /». irkakarite. Approach, v. Awki; ufkakaeke; u'kakatala. Approve, v. li'kakapai. Argue, V. Totoke. Arise, v. Ara ; maranga. See Rise. Arm, *. Ringaringa. Upper part of the arm; Peke. Armpit, s. Keke. Army, s. Ope; taua\ wkakaariki; wkakaara ('^•). Aromatic, a. Kakara. Around, prep. Ki tetaki laka^ ki tetaki taka. See Hound about. Arouse, v. irkakaut a\ wkakaoko. Arrange, v. If'kakarite; wkaka- tikatika. 206 Arrive — Back. Arrive, v. Tae-, u\ pono; ttipono. Arrow, «. Pere. Art, s. Mahl tohun^a. Artery, .v. Uaua. Artist, s. Tohunga. As, conj. I. As I was going; I a au e haere ana. As far as. 7'o; tae rawa Av*. Ascend, v. Eke; kake; piki. Ascension, s. Kakenga. Ascent, .v. Ekenga ; kakenga ; pi- kilanga; pananakitanga; panmi- nan. Ashamed , to be , v. IVIiakama ; hane {E. c); numimimi ('^.); ma- tangerengere ; ngaringan'a (W^). Ashes, s. Pungarehu ; pnknrehu {R-). Ashore, adv. Uta. Aside, adv. Ki iahaki ; ki te wha- nga {K. c). Ask, V. lnoi\ ui\ patai{iy)\ pa- kiki; fono; wkakapafai-, pakfre- hua. Asleep, to be, v. Mae. Aspect, s. Anga. Ass, s. Kailie. Assault, V. Tau; rere mat. He assaulted me: Nana i rere mai ki a au. Assemblage, .v. Huihuinga ; whaka- menenga. Assemble, v. Huihui] wliakamene\ whakamine\ whakaemi\ whaka- rapopoto. Assembled, to be, v. Emiemi; kuemi; mene\ mine, pokuku) ru- peke; tamene\ tanga; rapopolo. Assent, v. fVkakaae; wkakakoia. Assert, v. Korero; ki. Assiduous, a. Mama hi. Assimilate, v. IVhakarite. Assist, V. Awhina (»-'.). Assistant, s. Hoa\ kai awhina. Associate, s. Hoa. See Companion. Assume. Tango. Astray, to be, v. Marara. See I Wander. Astringent, a. IVhakatoka. Asunder. Tatahi; takitahi. At, prep, of future time. A; hei. — of place. Hei; i; kei. Athirst, a. Matewai; kiainu. Atone, V. JFhakautu;whakaea ; uta. Atonement, s. Utu; ivhakautu. Attack. See Assault. — by stealth. Haupapa. Attainable, to be, v. Rarawe; taea. Attempt, V. IFhakamatau; tohe. Attend, v. Rongo; whakarongo. — upon a sick person. Whaka- omoomo. — upon one at the point of death. IVhakahemohemo. Attention, s. Rongo. Attentive, to be^ v. Rongo ; mate- nui; puakaha^^tau. Avarice, s. Apo; kaiponu. Audible, to be, i-. Rangona. Avenge, i'. Rapu utu; takitaki. Avert, /'. JVhakaninihi. Aught, a. Tetahi mea. Aunt, .V. Matt/a keke. Avoid, V. fVhakarere. Author, s. Take; putake. He is the author of that evil ; Nana tera kino. Authority, *. Ma?ia; take. Awake, to, v. Ara; oho. Awaken, v. IVhakaara. Away, adv. Atu. See Distant. Awe, to feel, v. Hopohopo. Awful, a fVehi; mataku. Axe, s. Poke; iitaha; toki. Aye, adv. Ae. Baby, *'. Tamaiti; potiki. Bachelor, s. Ropa. Back, adv. Ki muri. Back, s. Tuara. B. Back, Lower part of the back. Tiki. — of a house. Tuaroa ; tuarongo {E. C). Backbone — Beg. 207 Backbone, v. Iwi /uararo; iia. Backwards, adv. IVhakamuri. Backwater, s Auhoki\ muriwai. Bacon, s, Voaka whakairi. Bad, a. Kino. — weather, s. Ori; paroro ; /mAoro. Bag, s. Ptife; pufea. Bait, s. Poapofi. — for fish. Maunu\ pavangin. Bake, v. Tunu. Bald, a. Pakira-, hewa {B. v.); mo- remote; marakerake. Bale water, to, r. Tiheru; tala {E C). Bale, s. Tata (& CL); ti'Aent. Bale of goods, s. Taringarin^a. Ball, 5. Poi. — of string, 5. Pii!>ni. Ballast, s. irhakntnimnhn. Band, v. Rnntku. — for the hair, s. .4 tile \ pure; tupare. Bandage, s. Takai. Banish, v. Pet; panu. ink, v. Mnioro. of a river, .t. 'Hihn : lulmtn/in ^E. C); tuparipan. Banter, r. W/iakaity,uk<> i < Baptism, s, Iriiringa. Baptize, r. Iriiri; tohi; loto; iua. Baptizer, s. h'ai iriiri. Bare, a. Mnmore ; tnarakerake ; mo- remore. 8ce Naked. Bark, s. Hiako; kin; fangai; peka (v.): fapeka (w). Bark, r. Tim. Barn, x. ff'kare witi. Barnacle, s. Koromaungainauitgu. Barren, a. Pakokn. Barricade, s. yirni; (nuarai. irter, v. Hoko. i^nltir stone, x, luna; koma. K, /•. U'hakapahake. lUiskt't, v. h'ele; rahii [K. v.); hao; hapai/iga; kohaohao; paepne; pe- pepe; poha\ pitkororoa; ruwhi {ff'.): rori; lapakini (H.)\ Uui- korn. for cooked food. Parn: rou- rou (B. c.); hanganoa; poti; ka- kapu; kono (»); maireku (E.c); poihewa. Basket in which fish are caught Hinaki; koititu; pahao; punga; taruke; whakarapa; tohake (J?); whakatorno. Bastard, s. Poriro. Bat, s. Pekapeka. Bath (hot), .V. ffaiariki. Bathe, v. h'aukau. Battens, a*, h'aho. Battle, .^. Parekura ; parewhero ; tatauranga. Battle-field, s. Pareknra. Bawl, /'. Hamaina; karanga. Bay, s. Kokorutanga. Beach, s. One. Beacon, .v. Tohu. Beak, s. Ngutu. Beam, .v. h'auae; kurupae. Bear, v. Man; kawe. See Carry. Bear up nnder pain, /•. Manawa- nui. Bear fruit, *'. Hua. Beard, .v. Pnihnn; pahnu (B. c); knmikiimi. Bearer, .v. liai amuj kui ///«//, &c. Beast, .V, h'uri; kararehe. Beat, .V. Knru; patupntu; paoi. — down, as fruit from a tree. Ta. —■ as the heart. Kapnknpn; fa- porepore ; panapana. — in, as wind or rain. Uawhr, Beating the breast, x. Keka. Beauty, ». Ataahmt, Because, conj. Mo te mea; mo te mea ; koki. Beckon, v. Tawhiri. Bed, X. Moenga. — in a garden, h'arawa; moa; raiinka (lf'.)> Inhuna (»f.); ta- iraka (E. C); ivakawaka {ff^-). Bedchamber, x. U'hare moenga. Beetle ^a maul), s. Ta. Before, adv. h'eiwha; i mua i. Beg, V. liorara; pen; pinono ('^.)» anene; malai; maliro; mofiro; mnfni. 208 Begin — Block. Begin, v. Timata\ hoto\ whaka- tuki. Beginning, v. Tirnatanga. Beguile, v. Whakawai\ patipali\ w/iakapatiputi\ taruru {w.). Behind, prep. I muri i; i tiia i. Behold, inl. Na! nana! rere ! Behold, V. Tiliro. Belch, V. Kapa\ pupa {tr.)> Belief, s. JVhakapojio. Believe, v. IVhakapono. Believer, s. Tangata whakapono. Bell, s. Pahu; pere. Belly, s. Kopu; manawa; takapu {E. c); riu. — of a fish. Hawahawa. Belonging to. No. Below, prep. I raro i\ kei raro i. Belt. Whitiki] tatua. Bend (to make crooked), v. fi^^haka- 7/iakaka; iv/iakanom; whakapiko. — the body, as in rowing. Koiri. — as a stick. Piko ; rnakaka ; ma- nana\ kuwhana-, jiuke; parehe (Jf.); parori; tapore; iafao; fa- wharit] luhana; piwari\ pingore. — as a path, a river, or a rope. Piko\ kowhane; konae\ koru\ noni\ kopi. — Kupikopiko] koropiko. Bend of the arm, s. Whalianga. Beneath, prep. See Below. Bent, to be, (dinted), /'. Kope\ kokohu\ kokopa. Benumbed, to be, v. Hnuaitu\ korongenge; mangenge; mata- ngerengere\ matarekereke\ mala- ngurunguru; matengatenga\ ma- torutoru\ teteka (R.); turiwatai- '\^ tai\ turiwatautau'y kerewai. Beseech, v. Inoi. See Ask. Besides, prep, Haunga. Besiege, v. Whakapae. Besmear, v, Paul. Bespeak, v. Taiinaha. Best, a. Pai rawa; lino pat. Betray, v. Tuku. Betrothed, a. Taumau; taunaha\ puhi\ ivhakaihi (jr.). Better, it is, Engan'; erangi; nui alu te pai. Between, prep. Ki waenganui o. Bewildered, a. Poauau; pororaru. See Confused. Bewitch, v. Makutu; u)kaiwhaia (E. C). Beyond, prep. Pakaki; ki ko alu i; ki Ilia alu i. Bible, .V. Paipera. Bier, s. Jmo\ kauhoa. Big, a. Nui; ra/ii; lelere. Bile, s. Pawa; au {E. c. — JF.). Bill, .y. Ngulu. Bind, V. Hohou'y herehere\ hou- were {E. c); whawhau (''''); takai; hotiki {E. c). Bindweed, s. Pohue; panahi. Bird, .V. Manu; topalopa (TF.). Bird's nest, *. Kowhanga {E. c); owhanga. Birth, .V. IVhanaulanga. Bit, .V. PFahi\ maramara. Bite, V. Kakati] ngnw, hohoni. Bitter, a. fiawa. Black, a. Mangu; pango. — pigment, s. Ngarahu; ngareAu (E. C). Blacken, v. IVhakamangu. Bladder, s. Tongamimi. Bladebone, s. Papaakuahua. Blame, to, v. Riri. Blanket, ,v. Paraikele. Blaspheme, v. Korero kino; ko- hukohii. Blaze, V. Mura; papahu; konga- nge (R.). Bleed, v. Toto; lalao {E. c). Bless, V. IVhakapai. Blessing, s. Whnkapainga. Blind, a. Matapo; kapo {e c); poke. Blink, V. Momoe; whakakikiwa ; tunewha; kimo. Blister, v. Koputa; tangorongoro ; kopu. Block (of wood), s. Poro. Block up, V. Jrai; pa; puru; papani; ri; lairi. Blocked — Bright. 209 Blocked up a. (of a river). Punt. \ Blood, s. Toto. \ Bloody, a. Putofo. Blossom, s. Pua; puuwai. \ Blow, s. liuru; moto; lu. i Blow, V. PupuAi; pukeru; hehe-^. ngi (W.); ihi. \ Blow gently, v. ^tarangaranga ; | paheugihengi. — (to fan), h'owhiuwhiu. Blunder, s. He. See Mistake. Blunt, a. Puhuki. I Bluster, v. Riipahn: tupehupehu ("•■)• Board, v. Papa. Boast , /•• // hakapehapeha ; pe- pe/ta; irhakahihi ; ivhakakake; whakaliirahira ; whakamanumaiiu (W ); whakapakari ; whakapiita ; whakarangaranga; ufhakatoatoa; pakiwaha. Boat, .V. Poti. Body, s. Tinanu. Body, in a, adv. Toptini. Bog, s. Repo. See Swamp. j Boggy, a. Taoni: lapokuptiko: \ powharuwharu. ! Boil, »'. h'oropupu ; fjufju . ua;\ korohufiit. I Boil, /'. U'hewhe. Boiler, s. liukue. Boiling spring, s. Sgawha. \ Bold, a. Toa ; waia. i lione, .V. Iwi; wkeua. To remove bones. Iluhti. ! iiook, s. Pukapuka. iiooty, .*. Parurenga; parakele. \ 1 J order, s. Tuniko ; re.mu. I Bore, /'. Ore; win. Bosom, .«. Poko ; iwia ; ret. Uoth. E run e nta : toita run [E. c); ftgalaki. IJottle made of seaweed, .v. /»«- Huta. A. Pou/tamu. Uottom, .V. Raro. liough, *. Manga ; peka. Houndar}' , .*. Itaha ; patanga ; ripa C'.); rohe : lauUka. Bountiful, n. Atawhai. See Gene- rous. Bow, V. Tuohtt; tupoupou. Bow, s. h'opere. Bowels, s. fVhekau. Bowl, s. Hake {fF.) ; kumeli; oko {w.). Box, V. Momoto. Box, s. Ponaka. Boy, A. Tamaiti. Brace, .v. Hokai. Brains, s. Roro. Bran, .v. Papapa. Branch, i Manga; peka. Brandish, V. Rarer are. Brave, a. Maia; toa. Bread, *. Taro. Breadth, . i. Rauraraht {IF.); rau- nu/tiii ^ E.C); whainii: irfinrnhi : Aokat { ».). fireak of day, s. .//a/Kijfu/u; a/apo ; afapongipungi; a fata ; aonga : haeata (*'. c); maruao ^K. v.). Break (to dawn), /'. Huaki; pttao ; takiri. Break off, r. Juru: a*hawhati. Break half through, /'. h'ongunu. Break in pieces, v. trhatiwhati ; pakarukaru ; kmrkakiw/iaki ; ko- rurirari ; korope/ta ; ngawhere; pahu; papa. Break on the to|t of a wave, s. Tuatca. Breast, .v. Po/m « - .nna : It; ret. Breath, .v. Manawu. Breath, to take, v. H'hakanga; u^hakata i te inanawa. Breathe, r. Mga {K. c); ta. Breathe upon, v. H'hakaha. Breech, s. Papa. Brick, *. Pereki. Bride, A-. It'ahine marena hou. Bridegroom, .v. Tane marena hnu. Bridge, *. Arawhata. Bridge over, to, v. h'ahupapa. Bridle, *. Par a ire. Bright, a. hianapa ; ka/uipu \^r^.). 210 Brighten — By. Brighten, v. ff^Aakakanapa. Brim, s. Ngutu. Brimstone, *. JVhanariki; kit- papapapa. Bring, v. Mau; ngita {R.). See Carry. Bring forth, v. fVhanau. Bring to land, v. JVhakau. Bring upon, v. IVhakalari. Brink, .9. Tahalaha. Brisk. See Quick. Brittle, a. Papa noa. Broad, a. Wharahi; whanui. Broil, V. Tunu. Broken, to be, v. Pakaru; kore; pakore; mawhaki; tokari {R-); ionganga (B.) ,• polapota ; hawa ; ifiangungunoa; poj'ekepu ; poro- rere ; porokere. Brood, to, V. Tapapa. Brother of a sister, s. Ttingane. — elder brother of a brother. Tiiakana. — younger brother of a brother. Teina; Taina. Brother-in-law, s. Taokete; an- iane. Brow of a hill, s. Taumata. Brown, a. Paka; tira. Bruised, to be, v. Koparu; maru. Brushwood, s, Heuheu : hururua. Bud, s. Ptiku; pihi. Bug, s. Kekereru. Build, V. Hanga; whaihanga. Build up the walls of a native house, V. Tuparuparu; tupiini (E. C). Builder, s. Kai hanga. Bullet, s. Mata. Bulrush, s. Kopupungawha ; nga- wha. Bump, s. Puku, Bunch, s. Tautau. Bundle, s, Kakati; paiere; pai- here {E. c.) ; pupu ; tapiki {E. c.) ; tiraha {e. c). Bundle, to, v. Pui ; pupu. Bung, s, Puru. " Bung, V. Puru. Buoy, s. Kareiva. Burden, s. Pikaunga ; pikau; wa- hanga ; ka wenga . Burial place, s. Urupa; toma {E. c). Burn, V, Ka-, toro; ivera; pa- ivcra; name; ngiha ; pahunu {R.). Burn, (to set on fire), v. Tahu. Burn by the sun, v. Tikaka. Burn, .V. IF era. Burnt, (^vegetation having been destroyed bj' fire,) a. Hawera ; tawera; wera; parawera. Burst, V. Pahu; papa. Burst open, v. Pawhara {E. c). Bury, V. Tanu; lapuke {E. c). Bury itself, v. Apu (W.). Bush, s. Puia. Bushman, s. Kowao; mohoao; xvaoko. Busy, to be, i'. Raru. But, eonj. Heoi; heoti; kaore; oti; otiia; ottra; ia. But now. Tena; tena ko tenei; langanei {R-). Butterfly, s. Pepepe. Button, s. Patene. Buy, V. Hoko. Buyer, s. Kai hoko. By, prep, as by an agent. E; i; jna; na. — as "by that way". Ru ; ma ; na. — as "one by one". Takt; ta- taki. By and by, adv. Taihoa ; takaro {E. c); kiatoka {W.). Cabbage— Chaff. 211 C. Cabbage, .v. Puka. Calabash, s. Ipu; kahaka ; ka- raka {E. c); tahu {E. c); ki'a {EC); kimi; koaka ; pahaka; papapa; take [H- tnir/ia ir^ : wai (yg,). Cajole, V. Haiigai (ui . mumui^a. See Deceive. Calamity, s. Mate, Calculate, v. Tatau. Calf of the leg, s. Jlealenga {K, C). Calk, V. Mono. Call, to, /♦. Karanga; pia (w). Calm, V. Pnriratanga : tnarino; aio . Calm, to be, /'. .ho; marino; murinoto; tnarinotokitoki; laroia. Can, ('. See Able. Candle, *. h'anara, CajiDOD, 5. Pitrcpo ; ptihurtwhenua. Cannon ball, s. Mata purepo. Canoe, *. H'aka ; tiwai: tawai {E. C.) ; knitirt ; kopapa : korea ; neke ; pi tun : koki ; piiiakii C*^'); tete. Canoe made of rufihes. Moki ; inokihi (K C). ('aj*, .*. Potae. Cajit, N. Hue: tiimu. See Head- land. Captive, *. Ponouga; whakarau; herehere. Careful, a. Tupatn; iratea. See Cautious. Careless about . i < r // huka- aro'korc. Carpenter, *. Ikamunt. Carpet s. Whariki. Carrier, s. h'ai amo : kai man, &c. &c. Carry, ou the shoulders, v. ./mo; kauhoa; ma lata; matika. Carry in the hand, r. h'awe; hari {w.) ; apatari: man; ngita ; {h:); tart; rare {S. C). Carry about, v. H'^kakahaere ; whakalapuhi. Carry away by stealth, v. h'a- kaki. Carrv in the arms, v. Okooko; Carry on the back, /•. Pikau : uutha ; tfhei (E. c). Carry on a pole, v. Tauleka. Car\*e, v. U'hakairo; whaoivhao (It c). Carved well, v, iSanahu. Carver, s. h'ai whakairo. Case, s. h'opaki. Cask, .V. liaho. Cast, to, V. Maka : whakarere ; u'kiu: whukarei {E. c). Cat, s. Poll; ngeru; tori (H.). Cataract, .v. iivre ; taheke. Catarrh, $. Taiawa ; tarutau^hiti {E. C). Catch, /'. Uopti; tango. Catch hold of, v. Ta tango. Catch in the An-ater, as an oar, /'. trupa. Catch one's breath, r. f/ nature (W^.),* taretarc; kilia. Catechize, *•• I'iui; patai. Catechisni, v. Patai; katikihama. Caterpillar, v. .inuhe; hawato; holctt", niakorori; u^he; knw/iara. Cave, K. yina. Cause of a quarrel, s. Papa. Causeless, a. f/u/iuakore: wketo: pokanoa. Cautious, to be, v. J tea ; tup a to ; watea : koriti (W.),* rikarika : hopohopo. Cease, to make to, /•. ir/mka- mutu ; w/iakaoti. Centipede, s. ff'eri. Centre, .v. Pnl.nnu: uuu'irj:(tniii. See Middle. Cervical vertebiu-. v. ian'^m. Chaff, s. Papapa. 14* 212 Chain — Cock. Chain, s. Mekameka. Challenge, v. Taki; tautapa. Chance, by, adv, Noa. Change about, to, v. Whaka- whitiwhiti (E. c). Change, v. Korure. Change, as the name, v. Panoni. Channel, s, Aiva; hongere; ko- rou (R). Chap, to, V. Ngatata ; patotoi; raiipa; tapa; titupu; wkawhali. Charcoal, s. IVaro. Chase, v. Aru; what; tawhai. Chasm, s. Ngatata; pakohu; ta- wha. Chatter, v. Koj^erorero, Cheek, v. Paparinga. Cheerful, to be, v. Manahau. Chequered, a. Kotmgotingo. Cherish, v. IVhakatapu. Chest, s. Poho; urn a; rei. Chew, V. Ngau. Chicken, s. Pi. Chickweed, s. Kohukohu. Chief, s. Jriki; rangatira. Chilblain, s. Mangiongio. Child, s. Potiki; tamaiti; koAu- ngahunga ; tahake (E. a). Childhood, s. Tamarikilanga . Chin, s. Kauue. Chip, s, Maramara. Chip, V. Hahau; larai; rehu; rmia; toto. Chipped, a. Hawa; riwha. Chip with a spade, v. Perepere; tipi. Chisel, s. Purupuru. Choked, to be, v. Raoa; tanea. Choke with weeds, v. Koaoao. Choose, V. Whiriwhiri. Chop, V. Tapahi. Chrysalis, s. Kihikihi; tungou- ngou. Circle, s. Porowhita. Circuitous, s. Jwhiowhio. See Bound about. Circular, a. Potakataka. Clandestinely, adv. Momote. Clap, V. Papaki. Clatter, v. Tatangi. Claw, s. Malihao. Clay, s. Kotoi^e; kerewhenua. Clay, white, s. Uku; {E.c. & W-); ukui (Ng.). Clean, a. Ma. Clear, to be, v. A tea; mar am a; watea ; whakaalea ; whakaetea ; mahea: toari {R.); purotu {E. a). Clear away, v. Taki; tarake; whakatahe ; heuheu . Clear a road, v. Para, Clear off weeds, v. Paketu; pe- rep ere. Cleave, v. IVawahi; titore. See SpUt. Cleft, s. Riwha. Cliff, s. Pari. Climb, V. Hake; piki. Cling, V. Pupuri. Clinch the hand, v. Kiiku. Clip, V. h'okoti. See Cut. Clod, s. Keretu. Close, to be, v. Apiapi; patata, pepe; puputu ; piri; pine; po- rum; punui ; pururu. Close, to, V. Whakarawe; ko- j pani; kopi; whakurawa; tutaki. Close the eyes, v. IVhakamoe. Closed, to be, v. Hati. Clot, s. Tepelepe. Cloth, s. Kakahu. Clothe, V. Kakahu; whakakakahu. Cloud, s. Kapua ; kekeao ; ao. Cloudy, a. Kongu; koiniki; ko- ruru; koruruku; lukumaru; pa- roro. Clump, s. Ropu. Cluster, to, v. Pohuhu; mui; ohu; I popo; rapoi {W). I Cluster, s. Tautau. Coal, s. IVaro. Coast, s. Tahatika; takulai. Coat of raupo on the wall of a house, s. Paru. Coat, s. fioli. Cobweb, s. JVhare pungawere- were. Cock, s. Tikaokao. Cockles — Consolation. 213 Cockles, s. Pt'pi. Codfish, s. Hapuku; whapuku. Coil, s. h'ornmeke. Cold, s. Taiawa : farufawAiti{B. c). Cold, s. Makariri ; matao ; ma~ toke ; hotoke ; a nit ; hauaitu{E. c.) ; hotohoto {R.); kopeke; koroka- wini; kowanu ; kuiki : kufao ; maeke. Collar, s. La. Collarbone, s. Manumanu; pae- manu. Collect, V. Kohikohi ; huihui: apo; amiki; pithangaiti {H^); pfha- ngaili {E. c); rapoi {ff^); wka- kawhaitu CoUops of fat, jr. Fori. Colour, s. Tae. Comb, s. Hern; karau; mapara [E. C): rou/n (K. C). Combustible matter, s. ff'/mkaka. Come, V. Haere ma/: ahu mai. Come, leaving none behind, r. Mutit ; polo ; prkf ; pan ; ta- pfke; taweke; monimoninoa. Come down, i'. Tuku. Come in sight, v. Pitta: pahitre Come out, as the handle of an axe, V. Maitnit. Come to remain, i». Oti mai. Come to the end, v. Tntitki. Come hither. Haerr mai: hara mai {E. C\ : /mil nuii (ff .) lauti mat (w Command, r. hu/r,,,. /,,. mea : akiaki : tapa. Common, a. i\oa. Common, to make, v. ff'hakanoa. Companion, *. Hoa ; takapui; ta- pui : whakauvn. Company, s. Ope; lira; ika : ma- tua ; pahi; pitni ; rangapu {E. C.) ; ran^a: ropa: takapui: leretere: tokomatua (W ),' a^hana [E.c). (impany of workmen, .v. Jpa : a pit : oh 11. Compact, to be, v. tf^haiti {E. C). Compare, v. H'hakarite. Compassion, s. Aroha. Complete, v. IVhakaoti: whaka- tutiiki. Completed, to be, v. Oti: tinn rite; tino tika. Concave, to be, v. h'okopa; ko- kohu. Conceal, v. Huna ; kuhti. See Hide. Conclude,?'. H^hakamutit; whaka- oti. Conclusion, .v. Mittunga: wAaka- otinga; poronga. Concourse, s. Huihuinga; whaka- menenga. See Assemblage. Concubine, *. Hoahoa. Condemn, v. If'hakahe. Conduct, V. Arahi: arataki {E.C.); whakataki. Confess, v. IFhaki. Confuse, v, H'hakapohehe; wha- kararu; rika. Confused, to be, as words, v. Nanu ; papipapi. Confused, to be, as the mind, v. Poaiiait: pnhehe : pnrnraru; po- kaikaha ; pokaku : pokcka ; po- nana {E. c); porauraha. Congregate, v. Utiihui: whaka- mene. See Assemble. Connected with, to be, by rela- tionship or friendship, *;. Ta- ritnn (E. c); taunga ; whakata- rnna. Connexion, *. ff'hakalarunatanga. Connexion by marriage, s. H'ha- retangata {E. c). Conscience, v. Hinengaro; nga- kau. Conscious, to be, v. Matau; mo- hio; ma hara. Consecrate, v. ll'hakatapu. Consent, v. H'hakaae; whaka- koia. See Assent. Consecjuence, s. Tukunga iho. Consideration, .v. Mgarahu: wha- kaarn. Consolation, v. tVhakamarieta- nga ; oranga ngakau. 214 Console — Crafty. Console, v. PFhakamarie; tvha- kaora. Conspiracy, s. fVhakapapa^ to- rn he, kohuru. Constant, to be, ?'. Ptimau; tu- man: iuturu {E. C): what; ta- ke fake (E. c). Constricted, to be, v. Nanati. Consume, v. fVhakapau ; whaka- hemo', amtki; pongakawa. Consumed, to be, v. Nemo ; pan ; pareho ; memeha ; hama (^O," mahiti; monimoninoa ; moti (iv) {E.C.); pareko; pefo ; takeke; tipoko {E. c). Contemptuous language, s. fVha- karawai. Contend, v. Tautohe; whakatae- tae; tatawhainga (E c): tau- whainga. Contentious, a. Whakatenetene; whawhai. Continually, tfrfi'. Tonu; tou{E.cJ). Continue, v. Tiwat; mau. Contract, t'. Hupeke. Contradictory, a. Tata. Contribute, v. Homai; hoatu. Convalescent, to be, v. Hauora {if')j ma tutu; tangatanga {E. c); Conversation, s. Korero. Converse, v. Korero. Convert, v. Whakatahuri. Convey, v. Kawe ; mau. See Carry. Convey over, v. Whakawhiti. Convolvulus, s. Pokue: panahi. Convulsion, s. Hukihuki. Cook, V. Tao; top a; topipi; ta- rahu. Cooked, a. Maoa; maoka (e.c). Cook-house, s. Kauta; hereumu; kamuri; kuhti. Cool, a. Haukau; houhou; haua- ngi {E. c); puangiangi i^-); matomato; pongipongi; puanu. Cool, to, V. IVhakahouhou; wha- kamataotao. Copy, s. Tauira. Cord, s. J ho. See Line. Core, s. Uho ; tarauko. Cork, s. Puru. Corks of a net, s. Pouto. Corn, s. fiaanga. Corner, s. Kokonga; hau; kona- kitanga (i*); ngao. Corner, inner, s. Kopanga; poti. Corpse, s. Tupapaku ; turoro {E. c). Correct, a. Ti'ka; totika (e. c). Correct, to, v. JVhakalika. Corrupt, a. Pirau. Cost, .V. Utu. Cover, V. Hipoki; taupoki; poki; raupi; ropi: ropine ; roropi; takai; tupoki (f^-); whakapu- ngenengene ; invhiuwhi. Cover, or spread over. v. Horapa {E C). Cover up embers with ashes, v. Kanoti; lam an. Cover up oneself, v. Tururu. Covered, to be, v. Kapi; puni. Covered over with clouds, to be, V. Tukupu. Covering, s. Kopaki; whariki; whakapuru. Covering over food in an oven, s. Retao ; rilaka. Covet, I'. Apo ; kaiponu ; popono ; taiapo; huirapa. Cough, &. Mare; wharo. Council, s. Runanga. Counsel, s. Ngarahu. Count, V. Tatau. Countenance, s. Ahua; kanohi. Country, s. Wa {E. c); whenua. Couple, s. Rua; topu. Courage, s. Tar a; toa. Court, to, V. Aruaru. Cousin, s. Tungane keke; tuahine keke; tuakana keke; teina keke. Coward, s. Haua; wawau. Crab, s. Papaka; rerepari. Crack, v. Ngatete; pake; pa to; te. Crack, as the ground, v. Kakata ; pukatakata; tawha; ngatata. Crafty, a. Maminga. See De- ceitful. Cram — Cutting. 215 Cram, v. fFhakakiki. Cramp, r. See Benumb. Cranium, s. Angaanga. Crave, i». Hiahia. See Desire. Crawl, V. Ngaoki; ngoki. Crayfish, s. Koitra ; waerau. Crazy, to be, v. Haurangi; pora- ngi. Cream, s. Pata. Create, v. Hanga. Creep, v. Ngaoki; ngoki; nga- weki ; totoro. Creep under, r. Hou. Crime, s. Hara. Criminal, s. Tangata hara. Crimson, a. frhero. Cripple, s. i\gongengonge ; turi- ngongengonge. Crookback, s. Hake. Crooked, to be, r. Kopikopiko; hapa ; hope; kononi: makaka; noni; nuke. Cross, to, r. ff'kiti. Cross, s. Ripeka. Cross-road, s. Peka: peknnga. C*rowd, s. Huihainga; ropu. Crowd together, v, Jpttru; kiki; pontru. Crowd around, r. Mui. See Clu- ster. Crown of the head, s, Tumuaki; tipuaki (K. c). Crucify, v. Ripeka. Crumb, s. Kongakonga. Crumble, v. Horn : koara ; mo- hungahniiii«i : ini^nn'hiivn ; riga- wkere. Crumping nomo, to make, v. Ma- ngengenge. Crumple, v. Koromengemenge : ko- penupetvi : hinnpne : kohanga- ufeka. Crushed, to be, v. Koparu; pe- nupenu. Cry, V. Tangi; korefo. Cry out, V. Hamama; haparangi (B. c); par are. Cubit, s. fVhatianga. Cultivation, s. Mara: ngakinga; waenga. Cultivation on timber land, s. ffaerengn. Cumbersome, a. Hirawerawe. Cure, V. Rongoa. Curl, as smoke, v. Riporipo. — as a wave, v. Hapukapu. Current, *. Ait; ia ; roma. Curse, I'. Kanga; apiti {ff".); ko- huknkit. Curse, s. h'anga; apiti ; kohu- kohit. Curved, as a bow, a, Tiwhana. See Bend. Custom, s. Ritenga. Cut, s. Afofit. Cut, r. h'okoti; haekae; hori (^E. C.) : kutikttfi; ripi; wkaka- totohi ; koripi; tohi ; haporn; hatepe; pouto; fa: tapahi ; to- riiori. Cut with a spade, v. Tipi; pere- pere. Cut, or notch, v. Tokari. Cut off, V. Hankoti (ir). Cut off short, as a canoe, a. fCo- poro. Cut off at the end, as of hair, a. Kuikauan: kohnmuhumu; pare- kuhi. Cut down wood, /•. Para: tope; tua. Cut open, V. Pawhara. Cut the hair, v. Tarotaro; wha- kaiho {K. c). Cutting, a. Tiotio. 216 Daily — Desert. D. Daily, adv. 1 tenet ra i tenet ra. Dam, mother, s. Katua; wha- ereere; tiaka (e.c). Dam for water, s, Matatara {fr.). Damp, to be, v. Hautakit (e, c.) ; makn ,* waitau. (jr.). Dance, s. Haka; hari; kanikani; kotaratara ; figahau ; ngarahu ; ngarahutaiia ; patere. Dandle, v. Poipoi. Danger, s. Oranoa; oraiti ; ora- pilo ^ pitotahi. Dangle, v. Tatvheta (Ng.). Dare, v. Maia. Dark, to be, v. Hmakipouri ; ka- karauri ; kunikuni; potangota- ngo. Dark, in the, adv. Poker e. Dark skin, s. Hengia ; paraiiri. Dart, V. hokiri; wero. Dash, V. Aki. Dash forward, v. Ranga. Daub, V. Pani. Daughter, s. Tamahine. Daughter-in-law, s. Hunaonga. Dawn, s. Atatu: alapo. See Break of day. Day, s. Ao; mahana; ra. Daybreak, s. Atatu. Daylight, s. Aivatea. Day time, s. Ao. Dazzle, v. Koneivhanewha ; kore- koreko; wheriko. Dead, to be, v. Mate; hemo; mar ere. Deaf, to be, v. Turi; poller i; hoi; puhoi; puwharawhara. Dear, a. Aroha. Dear, in price, a. Utu nut. Death, s. Mate; hemonga; ma- reretanga; haerenga. Debt, s. Taonga tarewa (jv.); taonga taureiva (e. c). Decayed, a. Plrau; paroparo. Deceitful, a. Hangar au; hanga- reka : hianga; maminga; tini- hanga; nukarau (fr.); raureka (e.c); I'ore (e.c); kopeka; makoi; nuka; taware; whaka- nganangana (e. c). Deceive, v. Hangarau; hanga- reka; hianga; maminga; tini- hanga ; nukarau ; raureka ; wha- kaivai; kopeka; nuka. Decide, v. Whakarite. Declare, v. Whakapuaki; korero. Decline, i'. Titaha; nekuneku; rehurehu; tairi(w.). See De- scend. Decrease, v. Iti haere. Deep, to be, v. Hohonu; ngoto. Deep water, s. Kopua; reto ; rire ; wheuri. Defeated, to be, v. Kore. Defend (by means of a pad), v. Whakapuru; matata. Defy, V. Whakahihi. Delay, v. Whakaroa. Delighted, to be, v. Ahuareka; pai; maha (e. c). Delirious, to be, v. Haurangi; porangi; hawala. Deliver, v. Whakaora. Deluge, s. Waipuke. Den, s. Ana. Deny, v. Whakakahore; whaka- korekore. Departure, s. Haerenga; .tokenga. Dependant, s. Rahi. Deprived of a limb, a. Mutu. Depth, s. Hohonu; ngotonga. Deranged, to be, v. Haurangi; porangi. Descend, v. Heke ; taheke; tai- hvke; ahuahu; hokio (e. c); horua {e.c); matiko (R.). Descent, s. Heketanga; hokiota- nga (e. c). Describe, v. Korero. Desecrate, v. Haparu; whaka- Desert, Koraha, Desire — DiBlike. 217 Desire, ik Hiahia ; amene; mina- mina ; korotn ; korou ,• kuika ; manawapa; manawapopore ; mi- na ka; okt'a ; okaka (e. c.)»* oke; pie (fr.); popore : taporepore; wawafa. Desire, s. Hiahia: koha : mina- mina. Desolate, a. Takoto kau. Desperation, to commit an act of, V. lyhakamomori. Despise, r. ff^hnkaahu: whaka- kino. Destroy, v. Tinei; whakangaro. Detain, v. Pupitri ; pupuru {w.^. Detect, V. Hopu. Detest, f. h'ino ; whakakino; wka- karihariha. Devil, s. Rewera; H'hiro. Devour, v. Kai. See Eat. Dew, .t. Haunui ; hanrahi : haii- ku{F.('.): Aauruiu {».) ; kau- t annul {e, v.): kopata (e. r.) : tnituri (*•) ; tomniifn'^i. Dialect, s, /tea. Diarrhoea, s. Tar a /it . /// . knku : konngi; konao : koripi: toro- rere; tikotiko. Die, to, V. Mate; hemo; mar ere; makere. Diet, s. Kai. Differ, /». Put a ke. Different, a. Ke. Difficult, a. ff'kakarira; iiaua. Difficulty, to be in, v. Rarurnru. Dig, V. Ngaki; ko; keri; kari (e.c); piwai; hahau ; hango- hango; nana kit. I^iggi"g implement, *. Ha mar ur it {^); ko; kafieni; hangohango. Dignity, .v. ^hua rangatira. Dilatory, a. H'/iakaroa; porori. See Slow. Diligent, a. Mamahi; ahuwhenita. Dim, to be, v. Ilaumaruru {if.) ; mnlatnua (»'.). Diminished, to be, v. .Ihiiahu; whakapaku : kohakoha : koro- koro; whakaharahara : tahara- hara. Diminish, as pain, /•. Mnuri/ru; ririo. Dinted, a. Iiokohu. Dip up water, v. Koutuutu; utU' utu; tikoko. Dip of a hill, s. Kakaritanga. Direct, v. Tohutohu. Direct, to be, i'. Jnganuimai; hangai (e. r.). Directly, adv. Inawata{^ aianei. Dirt, s. Pan/; paniparu (e. c); para. Dirty, a. Poke; paru. Disagreeable, a. Iferiweri; wha- karihariha ; irhukarikarika. Disagreeable to the taste, a. Kit- taitai {fr.); kawa. Disappear, v. Toremi; torengi ; niinumi: hen ami; taniimi; wha- kamonenehu ; whakananuinamu. Disapprove, v. // 'hakakino ; kawa ; kino. See Despise. Disbelieve, i'. ff'hakateka; wha- kakahnre ; whakahori {»'.) ; wha- kahawea; whakamanu (e. c.) ( IT. ) > ivhakanano (//'.). Discern, i*. Kite. See Know, and See. Disciple, s. ylkonga; tauira (e.c). Disclose, V. Puaki; whakakite; whakapuaki. Discover, v. Kite. Disdain, v. If hakakino; whaka- ahit. Disease, s. Mate; taru. Disease on the skin, s. Mahaki. Disembowel, a. Tuaki. Disfigured, to be, r. Nonoi (R.). Disgusting, a. lyhaknrihariha; whakarikarika ; weriweri (e. c). Dishevelled, to be, v. Hntoiloi; tuheihei (/r.). Disinclined, to be, v. Sgakaii- kore. Dislike, v. Kino: whakakino; matakawa (e. c). 218 Dislike— Dreadful. Dislike any particular food, v. Waitiamu; wakawa {e. c). Dismiss, v. Tono. Disobedient, a. Turi-, tutu. Disorder, to be in, v. Takoto ke takoto ke. Disparage, v. Whakarawai; ha- nihani. Disperse, v. Heukeu; korara ; ti- rara; whakawawa. Dispirited, a. Marohirohi. Display, v. JVhakakite ; whaka- ari. Dispute, V. Tautoketohe. Dispute, s. Ngangaretanga ; to- kelohenga. Disquieted, to be, v. Pairi; awa- ngawanga. See Anxious. Dissolve, V. Memeha. Distance, a. Tawhifi; auaaiu; hoi. Distance, s. Mataratanga; ma- mao ; nuku ; pamamao. Distant, to be, v. Matara ; ma- mao ; pamafnao; tataki; awe- awe; hoi; nanihi (e. c). Distant by relationship, a. Keke. Distorted, to be, v. Rori. Distiess, to, V. IVhakapouri. Distress, s. Mate. Distribute, v. Tuwha. Disturb, v. JVhakararu; whaka- koroiroi. Ditch, ^. fVaikeri; awaken (Ng,); awakari (e.c); awarua (fr.); waitahinga. Dive, V. Ruku. Divide, v. fVehewehe ; wawae; totohi; kokoti. Divided, to be, v. Tarerarera; tit ore. Divination, s. Niu. Divinity, s. Tipua ; tupua. Division, s. Kotinga: wahanga; hua; tiriwa; ivehewehenga. Division, of people, s. Tanga; waenga; whana; matua. See Company. Division of a song, s. Rangi. Dizzy, V. Anini. See Giddy. Do, V. Mea. Do thoroughly, «♦. fVhakatepe. Do without authority, v. Poka- noa. Dock, a plant, .v. Runa. Doctrine, s. Akoranga. Dodge, V. Hikokiko; kohikokiko. Dog, s. Kir e he; kuri ; nane ; pe- ropero. Doings, s. Meanga ; meatanga. Dominion, s. Rangatiratanga. Done, to be, v. Oti. Door, s. Tatau. Door-post, s. Tuturu. Door-sill, s. Pehipehi. Door- way, s. Kuaha; whatitoka; whailoka. Dot, s. Tongi. Double, to be, v. Paparua. Double up, V. Poruku; takapapa. Doubt (to be in), v. Pohehe; pohewa; pokaku; ruarua. Down, soft feathers, s. Huruhuru. — of' raupo, s. Hune; tahune (JB . c.) ; tahunga {e. c). — from a garment, s. Hunga- hunga. Down, adv. I ho; raro. Doze, V. Moe. Drag, V. Kukume; to to. Dragonfly, s. Kapowai. Drain, a. Awakeri; waitahinga. See Ditch. Draw out, v. Ope. Draw together, v. Kuku; kukuti; runa; roiroi; taroi; ruruku; tohapuru ; whakanoti. Draw up (as the clothes), v. Hi- kupeke {rr.); hupeke; pukoru- koru ; ropi. Draw aside, v. Hura. Draw near, a. IVhakatata; awhi; whakaeke. Draw up, as the legs, v. Pepeke. Dread, v. Wehi; mataku. See Fear. Dreadful, «. Mataku; wehi. Dream — Echo. 219 Dream, s. Moe: moemoea: rr- 1 kanga kanohi. Dregs of shark's oil, s, Apo. Dress, ,v. Kakahu. Drift, V. Pae; papae; teki (Ji); tere. Drift-wood, s. Paewai (e. C). Drink, v. Inu. Drink through a reed, v. Ngo- ngo. Drink out of the hand, v. Ka- pit; koronae. Drink, to give, v. fVhakainu. Drip, V. Tu/uru ,* koho. See Drop. Dripping wet, a. Poteretere. Drive, v. -/,• kopere; pei ; pana ; tuhiti (E.a); aliati {e.C). Driven broadside on, a. Paea. Drizzle, r. Uonehunehu. Drop, .V. Pala, Drop, V. Heke; pnta: toto ; tu- htm; hoho. Drop ofl', t'. Mgakaro; marere. Drowsy, *. h'opurua. Dross, ». Para. Drought, s. ftaki. Dro\*Tied, to be, r. Pa nemo. Drowsy, p. Hiamoe; hinamoe. Drug, s. ftongoa. Drum of the ear, s. Torino. Drunk, a. Haurangi. Dry, to be, r. Maroke ; mimifi; pakii ; pakupakuoreore. Dry, as the ground, or as herb- age, //. Poke; pukatakata; pu- ngata ; raki; tipoka; tikaka ; koka ; kongio ; mauka (b.) ; ngafa; paka; pakohea ; tipa. Dry, V. frhakamarokfi. Duck, s. Parera : putangitangi {E. C.) ; matapouri ; poreterele ; wkiorau. Duck, to, V. Kopiro; rumaki; faurumarumakt. Dull, in movement, v. Puhoi ; rare. See Blunt Dumb, a. H^'ahangu; reo kore. Dunce, .v. h'uare ; rare. Dung, v. trairakau. Durable, a. Maro; uaua. During, prep. I. Dusk, to be, r. .1 hiahipouri ; kakarauri. Dust, J». Nehu; para; puehu; pitnenehu. Dwarf, .V. Hakahaka: roiroi; tau" hena {e. C.) ; wkifo. Dwell, V. Noho. Dwelling, v. Kainga ; whare. Dwelling-place, s, h'ainga. Dwindle, v. Itt haere. Dye, *. Tae. R Each, adj, pron. Tera — tera; ia — ia. Tera Umgata tera UngaU; each man. Eager, to be, v. H'hdtrhai: ta- kare: n'ka. Eagle, *. b'ahii. Ear, s. Tnringa. F)ar, lobe of the, .v. Hot: toke (w). Early, to be, v. Moata. Earth, x. Oneone: whenua. Earthquake, h. Rh. East, .*. Rawhiti. East wind, v. Mnrangni. Easy, a. ftarawe {e. C); takoto noa : ngawari. Eat, V. Kai; kame; kamu; konie; tametame; whakoma; wharakai. Eat before others, v. Ha mure; koramuramu {w.). Eat ravenously, »». Kaihoro; wkau- pa; horomiti {\V.): tuparu {W.). Eat raw, v. Ota. Eat scraps, v. Hamu; harangotc. Eaves, s. Ikitiku. Ebb, V. Timu ; heke {E.C.) ; pa {B.); taut; tokari{R); tawhati {E. C); tiremi {li.i. Echo, .V. Paorn ; parikara/igaranga. Echo, 11. IVhakamauru; paoro; wawaro. 220 Eddy — Entrance. Eddy, s. Juhoki', ripo. Eddy- wind, s. Haupurorohii; po- ngipojigii haupongi; katiripo ; haurutu ; mumuhaii. Edge, s. hoiiiga. Edge, to be set on, v. Mania. Eel, A\ Ttma; heke: kowo; kiri- kopuni: kokopii; kopaopao ; orea; puhanga; puhikorokoro ; puhi; takiekie ; jigorhigori; paewai ( IF.); parikou; piharau {W.); pikilara {W.) j matarche : matuatua : ngo- etoeto ; ngohiwe {W.) : ngoiro ; w hi tiki. Efflorescence of salt, s. Hatea. Effort, s. Koka; uaua. Egg, s. Hua. — of a louse, s. Rika. Eject, ?'. Pana ; pei; tuhili. Eight, a. TV am. Eighth, a. Tuaivaru. Eighteen, a. Tekau ma waru. Eighty, a. Want tekau; koko- ivaru {w.). Either, ad. Hanei; raina. Elbow, s. Tukeluke. Elder person, s. Kaumatua ; mua- nga. Elder brother or sister, s. Tua- kana. Eleven, a. Tekau ma tahi. Else, adv. Oli. Elsewhere, adv. Ki hea ranei. Emaciated, a. Kiko kore. See Thin. Embark, v. Eke. Embers, s. Mounga; motumotu; ngotungotu. Embrace, v. Awhi. Emerge, v. Maea. Emetic, s. JVhakaruaki. Emigrant, s. Heke; konene. Emigrate, v. Heke; ivhali. Emit gas from fire, v. Purehua. Empty, a. Kaulahanga {e. C.) ; piango. Emulate, v. Talawhainga (e. C.) ; tuntohetohe; tauwhainga; wha- katenetene. Enable, v, JFhakakaha. Encampment, s. Puni; nokoanga; pahi. Encircle, v. Pukoro; taiawhio. Enclose, v. Hao; karapoti; ko- pani; pa hao. Enclosure, s. Marae. Encounter, v. Whawhai. Encourage, v. Whakahauhau; akiaki. Encumber, v. Whakaivheru. End (finishing), s. Mutunga; wha- kamutunga; otinga. End of a branch or leaf, s. Ka- ma ta. End, V. Tauporo; poro; wkaka- mutu ; whakaoti. Endeavour, s. Koha. Endavour, v. Tohe; whakauaua; whakakoro {e. C). Endless, a. Mutunga kore. Enemy, s. Hoariri; whakaariki ; whewheia. Energy, s. Ngoi. Enfeeble, v. Whakaruhiruhi ; wha- kangoikore. Enlarge, v. fVhakanui. Enlighten, v. Whakamarama. Enmity, s. Whainga; pakanga. Ennoble, v. Whakarangatira ; wha- kanui. Enough, adv. Heoi; heoti; kati. Enquire, v. Hi; patai. See Ask. Ensnare, v. Rore; mahanga; to- rohere. Entangled, to be, v. Raka ; ra- pa; rori; tapiki ; whiwhi. Enter, v. Puta; tapoko; tomo. Entertain, v. Atawhai; taurima {W.); manaaki {e. c). Entertainment, s. Alawhaitanga ; manaakitanga. Entice, v. Poapoa ; whakapati- pali; whakapakepake. Entire, a. Tikitu; toitu; urutapu; tino. Entirely, adv. Ke. Entrails, s. Whekau. Entrance, *. Kuaha; putanga; Entreat — Eyelid. 221 waharoa ; tomokanga : waha ; wahapu. Entreat, v. Tohe. See Ask. Entwine, v. Takatakai. Entwined, to be, i'. Tawhiwhi; rapa . Envy, V. Uae. Envy, s. Hue. Epidemic, s. Rewharewhu ; mate uruta. Eqnal, a. Rite. Equalled, to be, v. Rite; taea ; ea. Equalize, I'. IVhtikarite; whakaea. Equity, s. Tikanga. Erect, a. Tu tomi. Err, V. lie. Escape, v. Puta ; oma. Establish, v. If'/takanoho ; wha- kapumau. 1 temal, a. Oru tunu. lemity. s. Oranga tonutanga. Evaporate, i*. Mimiti haere. Even, a. Tika. Even, adv. Iloki. Evening, s. .Ihiafti. Evening star, s. Rerea/ii'a/ii. Ever. (/(/i\ To//// : / /tica wa Im- llvermore, adv. Ake^ ake^ ake. Every, a. /uitoa. Evident,//. Takntonou: i/mrama. Evil, a. h'ifio. Evil spirit, .v. Rita: whim. xact, a. Rite lahi. xalt, V. lyimkanui. xamine, v. Titiro ; matakitiiki. xamplc, v. Tauira. xcavate, v . // 'hakaknrua . l^xcavated, to be, v. ^retire. Excavation, s. Iiorutt. i'^xceed, v. Hipa ; pahika {E. C). I'.xcel, V. Pahika ; pai ake ; raufe. 1 xcellence, .? . ////// tfo fa nga ; ra a*e : rawenga. Excellent, a. Ruwe. Exchange, v. Hohoko; whaka- whiti. Excite, V. Il'hakahauhau y tohe; akiaki : whakupa tarita ri. Excoriated, to be, v. Mahihore; mahore; litupu; whakatako. Excuse, s. If'hakaora. Excuse, V. fVhakaora. Exempt, to be, v. Iiapea; ka- mama. Exert oneself, to, v. Tohe ; wha- kuuaua. Exhort, V. frhakahauhau; akiaki. Exile, s. Ileke. Expand, v. Makowha ; tiwhaki. Expand, as ^ving8, v. Roha. Expect, I'. Tumanako. Expel, v. Pei ; pana ; tuhiti {e.C.)' Explain, i'. irhakaatu ; whaka- marama. Explode, v. Papa. See Burst Explore, v. Titiro; toro. Extended, //. Mahora. Extend the neck, v. Meinei(W.); whaka/igeifigei. Extent, v. .V///7/; nuinga; roa- nga. Extinguished, to be, i». Pirau; poko {E. C.) ; ketoketo ; pio {R,) ; kvwa ; ngio {li.); piroku; whe- ko ; weroku. Extraordinary, a. ff'hanoke; ta- ng i ke. Extremity, .v. Hikuhikii; moka; topito ; matamata : moremore- nga ; pito ; poro. Exudation from plants, .v. Tae; pia. Exult, V. /rhakakake. See Boast. Eye, s. Kaiiohi: karu. Eye-ball, s. U'hatu. Eyebrow, .v. Kape ; pewa; take- mata. Eyelash, .v. Kamokamo. Eyelid, v. Re wha. 222 Fable— Fester. F. Fable, s. Ktipu whakartte. Face, .V. Mala; kanohi. Face, to, v. Hangai. Fade, v. Hatea. Faint, fl. Hemo; hauhauaitu ; po- repore. Faint, v. Hemo. Fair, a, Pakt; mao; tahnohao. Faith, s. Whakapono. Faithful, a. Pono. Faithless, u. Teka. Fall, V. Hinga ; makere; marere ; ngakuru; horo ; tiika; tanuku. Fall, as by lot, v. Taka. Fall heavily, as rain, />. Makere- whatu; tukupu. Fall ont, V. Ngahoro; riaki. False, a. Teka; horihori {w.)', parau {e. C.) ; warahoe. Falsehood, s. Teka; parau. Fame, s. Kongo. Famine, .v. IVa kai kore. Famish, v. Hemo kai. Fancy, v. IFhakaaro. See Think. Far off, a. Tawhiti. See Distant. Farewell, int. Hei konei ra : e noho ; haere ra. Farm, s. Mara. Farther, adv. Ki ko atu. Farthest, adv. Hi ko raiva atu. Fast, fixed, a. Mau; ngita {B.) ; u. Fast, a. Hohoro. See Quick. Fasten, v. Titi; whakau; wha- karawa ; whakangita (£.) : tamau {E. a). See Tie. Fasten the sides of a canoe with cord, V. Tui (Ng.); kotui; aukaka [e. C). Fastening, s. Tia; whakarawa; herenga; aukaha. Fastidious, a. fVhakatarapi {w.). Fasting, a. Nohopuku: puku. Fat, a. Momona. Fat, s. Ngako; matu. Fat about the kidneys, s. Pa ; taupa {E. C). Father, s. Pa; papa; matua tane. Father-in-law, *. Hungawai; ku- narere {E. C.) ; hunarei {e. 0.). Fathom, s. Maro. Fatigued, tf. Tungarangara (Ng.); ngenge; hoha. Fault, *. Hara; he. Fear, s. Mataku; wehi; hopo- liopo ; koera ; hihira ; moniania ; tvajiawana. Fearful, a. JVehi; mataku. See Afraid. Feast, s. Hakari. Feather, s. Hou; raukura. Feathers, large, of the wing, *'. Hokai. Feeble, a. Ngoikore; iwikore. See Listless. Feed, v. W hangai. Feel, V. fVhawha. Fellow, s. Koroke; tahake {E.G.). ~ a companion, Hoa. Female, a. JVahine. — of brutes. Uwha. Fence, s. Taiepa ; taepa; taki- taki (E.G.); wawa; kereteki; maihe {W.); tuwatawata {e. C.) ; lata {e. G.) ; tatara ( W.) ; teki. Fence against a flood. Ahuriki; kaungaroa. Fence in a river for eels. Rau- iri; ririwai. Fender, s. Arai ahi; takuahi. Ferment, v. Toroi; i. Fern leaves, s. Rahurahu; ra- rahu; rauaruhe {E.G.); rarauhe {W.); peka; marohi; takaka. Fern root, s. Roi; aruhe; mo- hani; moheke ; meke ; pakakohi; renga {W.) ; parara {W.)- Fern land, .y. Koraha ; korehe. Ferry, s. Whakawhitinga. Ferryman, a. Kai whakawhiti. Fertile, a. Momona. Fester, .v. Tupua; xvharaki; pa- hup ahu : fongako. Fetch— Flour. 223 Fetch, r. Tt'ki; toki. Fever, s. Kiri ka. Few, a. Rum'ua; torutoru: ouou {W.): n^ourmtru. Fibrous roots, .v. ^kaaka : kuka. Fibula, s. Tatahau. Field, s. Mara. Fierce, a. Hiri. Fifteen, a. Tekau ma n'ma. Fifth, a. Tuarima. Fifty, a, Rima tekau; hokoritna Fight, V. Tatau ; wAaufAat. Fill, r. Hhakakf. Filled, to be, v. Ki; pwu. Fillip, V. h'oropana: furapana. Fin, s. Tira. Find, V. Kite. Fine, a. ff'hakapaipai; torire; toiiigo. Fine, as weather, a. Paki. Finger, s. Matihaa ; mattkara : koikara {E. C.,. Finger, the little, s. h'uroiti. Finger nail, s. Maikuku ; inafi- kukii. Finish, v. U'hakamutu: iv/iaka- oli; u'hukapau: whakamahue. Finished, to be, v, Oti; hemo: poro {e. a) ; tauporo ; tutuki. Fire, s. J hi; kapurai hatete: kanaka (/?.): mapura; kora (jl); mau/e (ii.) : tif^ihn (W.): pahunu (A). Fire, to set ou, /•. Idhu. Fire, to, v. Ihtpuhi. Firewood, .v. Il^ahie: pfhu \h.' .); kohure (li): kora {li.) : pioe (r) ; pirahu : piraku: pira/ia : rara. Firm, to be, v. L' ; man: ntt ; take fake ; tupu ; uka ( E. ''. ■ Firmness, s. i'nga. Firmament, *. h'ikorangi. First, a. Matamua; mataati ; ma- taika : mntnngohi. First, adr. Matua ; atua. First born, a. Matamua. First-fruit*, v. Tuapora : tamahn Fish, s, Ika; ngohi. Fish, V. Hi. Fish-hook, s. Matau; matika; noni (R.). Fisherman, .v. h'ai hi. Fishing-rod, s. Manana (A). Five, a. Rima. Fix, V. IVhakaui whakamau; whakapumau : poupou. Fixed, a. Pnmau. See Constant. Flaccid, a. Mgorettoa; taromanoa. Flag, a plant, s. Raupo. — colours, h'ara. Flame, s. Muramura. Flank, Naokao. Flap the wing, r. Jronnnrhaki. Flap in the wind, v. Tareparepa. Flash, r. il/wrri ; kotamulamu. Flat, a. Papatahi; pararahi; pora. Flat part of a spade or paddle, .T. Rapa. Flat-nosed, a. Ihu pararahi. Flatter, s. Whakapatipati. Flattery, s. Patipati ; rutu. Flavour, s. Ha. Flax plant, s. It'nrari; harakeke; tihore ; wharariki. Flax (^dressed), s. Muka ; whitau. Flay, V. Tihore, See Strip off. Flea, s. h'eha; tuiau; puruAi; mororohu {E. C). Flee, V. Oma. See Run. Fleet, .V. lianpapa. Flesh, s. h'ikokiko. Flexible, a. .\gore/igore ; ngore- Hoa ; iigoheiigohe (E.G.). Flight, .V. (hnanga. Fling, /'. Maka ; akiri. See Throw. Flint, X. h'iripaka. Float, V. Ma/iu ; rewa : taupua ; whakama/io ( W.) ; whakapaho (yg.) ; wetoki (R.). Flock, .V. h'ahui. See Herd. Flog, V. H'hiu. Flood, .V. Waipuke: parawhe/iua {E C.h Floor, .<. h'aupapa. Flour, s. Paraoa. 224 Plow— FuU. Flow, V. Tere; patere ; kupere; rere. Flow, as the tide, v. Pari; kato {E. C.) ; heru ; Aura ; ketu ; pa- para {W.); pi; wkanake [r.). Flower, s. Puawai ; piia ; puaka. Flute, s. Putorino; rehu; koauau. Flutter, as a bird, v. Kapekapeta. — as the heart. See Beat. Fly, s. Ngaro ; rango {e. C.) ; hurangi (i?.). Fly, V. Rere. Foam, s. Huka. Fog, s. Kohu; au; pukohu. Fold, s. Iioru; whatiangu. Fold, V. JVhakakopakopa: wlia- kamoka. Follow, V. Aru; whai; taiohai Food, s. Kai; kame; kamukamu; koine ( W.) ; o ; oranga ; par are (B.); tame; tawhi ; wene [e.). Food eaten as a relish, /iinaki. Foolish, a. /{uare; rare; waira- figi. Foot. s. Waeume. Foot of a pig, s. Taputapu. Footstep, s. Tapuwae, For, prep. Hei; mo. Forbid, v. hVhakakahore: wha- kakore; pehi; riri. Force, .v. Kaha. Ford, a. Kauranga; kauanga. Forearm, s. Takakau. Forehead, s. Rae. Foreigner, .v. Pakeha; taiawa. Foremost, a. Matamua. Forest, s. Ngaherehere ; nehe- nehe; waoku. Forget, V. JVareumre. Forgive, v. Hohou i te rongo. Forgotten, to be, v. Ngaro. Fork, s. Oka: (trou: marau; purou (TF.). Fork of a tree, s. Peka; tara- hanga. Form, s. Ahua. Former, a. Te mea o mua. Formerly, adv. Inamata; nona- mata. Fornication, s. Pur emu; moe ta- hae. Forsake, v. Whakarere. Forsaken, to be, v. Mahue. Fortification, s. Pa. Forty, a. JVha lekau; hokowha [W.). Forward, adv. Atu. Fosterchild, s. Whangai. Found (a thing), s. Kurapae; mea kite. Fountain, s. Puna. Four, a. IV ha. Four days ago, adv. Inaoakenui. Fourteen, a. Tekau ma wha. Fowl, barn-door, s. Heihei; ti- kaokao. Fracture, s. A'ore; pakaru; pa- kore; w/iali. Fragile, a. Papanoa. Fragment, s. Korenga; whatinga. Fragrant, a. Kakara. Fraud,*. Tahae ; whanako ; kaia. See Thief. Freckle, s. Iraira {W.) ; koliivha- iiwha. Free, a. Rangatira. Free from law of separation, a. Auriuri. Frequent, a. Auau; tonu. Fret, V. Karangi. Friend, s. Hoa. Fright, s. Mataku; welii. Frighten, v. fVhakamataku; wha- kawehi. From, prep. I; no. J'ront, s. Aroaro. Trent of a house, s. Roro. Frost, s. Huka; haupapa; hau- hunga. Froth, s. Huka. Fruit, s. Hua. Full, to be, V. Ki; ngihangiha; pangoro; puhake {W); toka; puhapuha; tomo ; turuki. Full, to be (of the moon), v. Hua. Fulness — God. 225 Fulness about the eyes or lips, | Funnel, s. fforere, S' Peru. Further, adv. Ki ko atu; ki pa- Fungus on trees, s. Havori; ha- /ff,^i qIu. rore {kC); kawai ; porotawa : .Ynstj, a. Hekaheka^ jmru, putawa. \ G. Gain, s. jrhakanmnga; kiia. Gale, s. ^wha; marangai; ori ; paroro (R.); tupuhi. Gall, s. Paoa ; au {e. C.) ( W.), Game, s. Takaro: kat. Gap, *. Putanga; pakarii. (}ape, I'. Kohera. Garden, $. Mara; kari. Garland, *. Pare; tiipare. Garment, .v. h'ahu ; kakahu; kaka {E. C.) i kowhekawheka ; weru- weru. Garment, old, *. Tawhetawhe; karukaru (e. C). Gasp, /• Huha ; kiha. Gate, s. Tatau; keti. Gather, v. ff'Aawhaki; kowhaki; tahora {E.C.). Gather up, v. Rau ; whatimotimo. ' ;ither together, v. Kohikohi. See Collect, (iaze, V. Matakiiaki; tirotiro, Uenealo^, s. h'awai; katvet; ko- rem tahu. Generous, a. Oka ; atawhai; ata- mai. " ntleman, s. Hangatira. tntlewoman, s, IFahine ranga- lira. ' '< ntly, adv. Ata. host, s. H'airua. t'lddy, to be, v. Jmai; amiomio; anini; arohirohi ; rangiroro. (Jift, s. Mea humai noa ; rnea hoatu noa. ('ills of a fish, s. wheko. • iimlet, *. H'iri. •iird, V. W^hitiki ; rapaki 'iirdle, jr. fFhitiki pongi i ruruku. Kotiro; hengahenga; ko- E ko; e hika; Piha ; puha ; talua. tatita {e.C); Girl, s. haia. Girl, address to. e hine. Give, r. Homai; hoatu. Give way! int. laita ; tatta. Glad, to be, v. Hart; koa ; maha. Glare, v. Kanapa ; uira. See Shine. Glide, V, Tere; koUti; patete. Glisten, v. Kanapa; uira; ha- hana; wheriko. Gloomy, a. lyhakapoururu ; pa hi {E. a). Glory, I', ff hakahiht; whakaputa. See Boast. Glorj-, s. Kororia. Glow-worm, s. Pur a take. Glutton, *. haihoro. Gnash, v. Tetea, Gnat, s. fraeroa. Gnaw, V. Xgau; ngungu. Go, V. Haere; ngawi; tiki; whin {e. a) ; whana (n.) {E: C), Go about, r. Haereere ; kaewa {K a). Go round about, v. Amiki; ami" ku {W.); awhiowhio; fainufhio {W.); taiMio (jr.); itmiki. Go towards, /•. .4nga. Go sideways, v. fVhakakoko (ik). ^Oo out, V, Pirau. See Extin- guished. Go out of sight, V. Toremi; nu- numi. See Disappear. Go by the side of, v. Tapanihi; whakatahalahu. Go on! Hoatu i tcna. Go ahead, v. h'oke; koki; kotiti. Go in a body, v. Haere kopuni. Go for good, V. Oti atu. God, s. Jtua. 15 226 Gold— Hair. Gold, s. Koura, Gone, to be, v. Riro ; ririo ; (a- peke; taweke; toke {r). Good, a, Paij purotu {e. C). It is good: Man ano. Goodness, .9. Huhuatanga; pai. Goods, s. Hang a; rawa; ngere- ngere {e. C.) ; taputapu {e. C). Goose, s. Kuihi. Gooseberry, s. Kupere. Gorge, s. Jpiti: kapiii. Gospel, s. Rongo pai. Gourd, 5. Hue; wenewene {e. C). Grace, s. Aroka noa. Gradually, adv. Ata; as Ka ata tiipii; it grows gradually. Graft, V. Hono. Grain, s. Kakano. Grandchild, s. Mokopuna. Grandfather, s. Tup una : tip una (.E. C). Grape, s. Karepe. Grasp (measure by the arms stretch- ed out), s. Pae. Grasping, a. Huirapa ; ihupuku. Grass, s. Olaota; tarutaru ; pa- titi {e. a). Grasshopper, s. Mawhitiwhiti ; ko- whiliwhiti; koeke. Grave, s. Poka ; rua ; marua. Gravel, s. Kirikiri. Gravy, *. JVairanu. Graze, {to touch lightly), v. Ho- honi (Ng.): konihi{w.); warn; miri. Grazed (as the skin), a. Pahore. Grease, s. Hinu. Great, a. Nui; rahi; ivhakahara ; tetere (E.G.). Greatness, s. Koiwi; nuinga. Greedy, a. Kaikoro; kaiponu. See Stingy, and glutton. Green, a. Kakariki ; matomato. — (unripe). Torouka : ota. Greet, v. Tangi. Grey, a, Hina. Grief, *. Pouri. Grieve, v. n. Pouri. Grin, v. Pukana ; pakiri; tama- laina ; hoho ; ngangahu. Grind (in a mill), v. Huri. — (on a stone). Oro. Grindstone, s. Hoanga. Gritty, a. Mangengeiige. Groan, v. Aurere; n gun guru. Groove^ s. Awaaum. Grope, V. IVhawha haere. Grove, s. Motu rakau. See Wood. Ground, s. JVhenua ; o?ieone. — of a quarrel. Papa. Grow, ?'. Tupu; kahu; whanake. Growl, V. Ngunguru. Grub, s. Tuuga; pepe; kuhu ; moeone. Grumble, v. Amuarnu; hakuhaku {e.C); tapitapi; kotvheteivhete ; whakangutungutu. Grunt, V. Ngengeri; ngongoro. Guard, v. Tiaki. Guard, s. Kai tiaki. Guest, s. Manuhiri, Guide, V. Arahi; arataki. Guide, .V. Kai arahi. Gulp, V. Horo. Gum, s. Pia; kauri; ware. Gums, s. Tako. Gun, s. Pu. Gunwale, s. Niao. Gust, s. Ropu; apu. See Eddy wind. Gut, *'. fVhekau Gutter, .y. Korere. H. Ha! int. Ha! Habit, s. Ritenga. Hack, V. Tapahi. Hackle, v. IVharo. Hail, V. Karanga. Hail, s. Nganga; whatu. I Hair, s. Huruhuru; makawe; ma- i hunga; whakakipa {w^. Hair — Hearken. 227 Hair, a single. Kaka (?sg,): weu; tiru {e. C). Half full, a. Hangere: hemanga ; papanga. Half grown, a. Pipi. Half cooked, a. Roiroi. Hallow, V. trhakatapu. Halo, s. Pukoro. Halt, f. Tu. Halt suddenly, v. Tumu. Hammer, s. Ta {E.G.); hama. Hand, .v. Iti/tgaringa. Handful, s. Jnwhunga; kutanga. Handle, s. Puritanga; tan; tau- kawe : katre : kiwei ; popoia ( W.). — of an axe. h'akau. Handsome, a. .ilaahnu. Handspike, s. Hun. Hang, r. Taronn ; Inhere (£, C'.)* Hang up, V. n. Jri; tarewa; ta- rtiwn; tare; not ( H.) ; takeke; tauraki {E. C.) ; ttari. Hang up, I', a, frhata {E.C.); whakairi; whakahitveka (a); irhdkaum ( ir.) : whakatare. llang down, r. //'ereutere; /a- u*erewere. — as the lip. Hauwere. Hang loosely, v. Hatigoruiigoru; tiepa (>r.). — as the hair. Tuheihei. Happiness, .v. Ilari; kou. Happy, tf. Hari : koa. Harangue, s. Whaikorero. Harbour, v. h'nkorntangn ; tunga kaipuke. Hard, a. Maro : pakeke : pakuri; pakohea ; papa ; fotoka ; utonga . Hard work, .v. fVhakarira. Hardly, adv, H'hakattaua. Hardy, a. Maro, Harin. .v. h'ino. Har>li, //. Tata [H.); tuanui {\V.). Harvest,.*. Hau/iakeiiga ; kotinga. Hasten, v. Hohuro: nhiki (Ji,) ; auraki. !\.n/iua ! Ilohoro : whan^hai; poitmgi. I Hatched, to be, v. Pao. I Hatchet, s. Patiti. I Hate, V. hino: whakakino. Hateful, V. IVhakarihariha; wha- karikarika; weriweri [E.G.). Hatred, s. Mauuhara. Have, V. generally expressed by the possessive pronoun as. He pukapuka tana; He has a book. Haughty, a. lihakahi/n' ; whaka- pchapeha ; tv/iakakake. Haul, r. Tola; kukume. Hauled on shore, v. En. Hawk, s, h'ahn; karearea : Art- eaea {E. C.) ; kat'm'a : kauaua. He, pron, la. Head, s. Upoko ,• tnalenga : ma- hunga ; karu: angaanga : ka- raua {R.); ngoto; pane (»".); pareho; parihirihi; wfinknhipn — back of. Hemihemi; ku/iamo; kopako {E. C.) ; murikokai, — of a tree, h'anrn: kouru {w.). — of a ship. /////. Headache, *. Jnini; kofturu; ngahoahoa [W.); ngarnrn; pa- hoahoa . Headland, a. liae: kurae; tumu; kumore ; matamata ; torouka (E. a). Heal, V. HoNgna ; wkakamaku. Healed, to be, r. Mahu; or a. Health, .v. Oranga; or a. Heap , s. Pnrnngn ; whakapu ; kauika ; ahu ; n/iurewa (»r.),- kaupu ( W. ) ,• kawa ; pehanga ( W.) ; purawhelu;putunga; tahua (e. C); tnka (e. C); tuahu ; wharona (E. a). Heaps, to put in, v. Puranga; koputnputu: pufinngnili : pifin- ngaiti : whakapilinngniti; pukai {E.G.); putu; tapui; tarahono; whakamoa ; u^hakapapa. Hear, v. liongn; u^hakarungo. — indistinctly. Hakiri; mnhea- hea; hirearea. Hearken, v. Uhakarongo. 15* 228 Heart — Hot. Heart, s. Ngakau; hinengaro; mauri. — of a plant. Rito. — of a tree. Tarauho; tumore- more; uho. Heat, s. JVerawera ; pawera ; pu- kaka; pokaka (E.C.); pumaku. — red. Miramira. Heated, a. IV era ; kaka. Heated, to be, as an oven, v. Rerehu {e. C); tore {e. C). Heaven, s, Rangi. Heavy, a. Rorotu; taimaha; tau- niaha (e.C); toimaha (w.). Heel,*. Rekereke; ngaengae {r.). Height, s. Ikeike; teitei; tiketike. Hell, s. Reinga, Helm, s. Urungi: urunga. Help, V. Awhina, Hem, s. Remu. Hen, *. Heihei, Hence, adv. Atu, Henceforth, adv. Ake ake ake; akenei. Her, pron. pers. la. Her, pron. poss. Tana; tona; ana; ona. Hers, pron. poss. Nana ; nona. Herb. s. Otaota. Herd, s. Kahui; rahid {e. C); rang a {e.C); whakataka. Here, adv. Konei; nei. Hereafter, adv. Amua; amuri; anamata; houanga {w.). Hereby, adv. Ma konei. Hesitate, v. Ruarua; pohehe; po- hewa; pokaku. Hew, V. Hahau. Hiccough, s. Tokohana; ioko- mauri; tokopuhake {W.). Hide, v. Huna; kuhu; whaka- ngaro ; koropuku {e. C.) ; wha- kapeke; wkakapuke. Hide, s. Hiako; kiri. High, a. Ikeike; tiketike; teitei; rewa{E.C.); maiengi; morunga; motengi; poupou (e.C); pou- tumaro {e.C). High of the tide. Ki; tutuki; re- ^ narena (e. C). Hill, s. Puke; toropuke. Hilly, a. Pukepuke. Hillock, s. Pukepuke. Him, pron. la. — for him. Mana; mona. Hinder, v. Whakawara; whaka- wheru. Hindermost thing, s. Hiku. Hip bone, s. Himu; humu. His, pron. Tana ; totia ; ana ; ona ; nana; nona. Hit, to be, v. Pa; tu. Hither, adv. Mai. Hitherto, adv. Ko konei; taea noatia tenei wa. Ho! int. Ho! Hoard, v Rongoa; tohu; kaiponu. Hoarfrost, s. Huka ; haupnpa. Hoarse, to be, v. fVhango. Hoe, s. Rakuraku; karaone. Hoist, v. Huhuti. Hold, V. Pupuri; pupuru {W.). — in the arms. Okooko. — up. fVhakaari ; whakahana (TF.). — to the fire. Turara. — at one end. Mautarakini. Hold! int. laua! Taua! Hold of a ship, s. Riu. Hole, s. Poka ; puta ; korua ; ko- whao; koroputa. Hollow, s. Pokorua; hapua; pa- konga; wharemoa. Hollow out, V. Whakapokorua ; whakakorua. Hollow (to shout), V. Karanga. Holy, a. Tapu. Home, s. Kainga. Honour, s. Honore. Hook, s. Matau. Hoop, s. Korowhitiwhiti ; viowkiti; pirori; tarawhiti {w); whiti. Hop, V. Hiteki. Hope, V. Tumanako. Horizon, s. Pae. Horse, s. Hoiho. Host, s. Mano. See Multitude. Hostilities, s. Pakanga ; whainga. Hot, a. JVera; pawera; paka- kinakina. Hover — Injury. 229 Hover, v. fVhakatopa. House, s. fflntre ; wharepuui; koropu. — a small. Kopuha. — for potatoes, &c. Rua; ha- poki ; hopekiwi (ir.): putengi- tengi; ruakoauau; ruatahuhu; wharerangi: pataka (JK). How, adv. Pehea: pea {Ji.), How many. Eat! era we! (B.). Interrogatively, Ehia? tokohia? hokohia? {w). How great! .-tno! Howl, V, Tangi; ngawi. Humble, v. IVhakaili. Hundred, a. Ran. Hunger, s. Iliakai; hemokai. Hungry, a. Hiakai; hikoko ; pikoko. Hunt, V. trhakangau. Hurricane, s. Tupnhi ; marangai. Hurry, s. Taruketanga (J\g.); porangi. Hurry, to be in a, v. Porangi; ivhawhai {E. C); takare {e. C.) ; kaika {e. C.) ; whakateteka ; po- tatu {e. a). Hurry, to do in a, v. Jtiraki; ivhawhai. Hurt, s. Tti. Husband, s. Tahit ; tane. Hush! int. h'ati; turituri; ma- mania. Husk, s. Kopaki. Hymn, s. Himeue; ivaiata. I. 1, prun. Ju: ahau. Ice, *. Haupapa : hauhutiga ; huka {E. C.) ; hiikapapa {e. C). Idea, s. Tohu; whakaaro. Identical, a. Pit; tino. Idiot, s. Porangi; haurangi. Idle, a. Mangere. See Lazy. Idol, s. IVhakapakoko. Ignorance, $. h'naretanga. Ignorant, a. /if tare. if, conj. Me: mehemea ; penei; ka pa fait: ki: ki te mea. Ill, a. Mate. See Sick. 1 11 treat, v. Tit kino. illustrious, a. Hau; ingoa ntti. Image, s. ff^hakapakoko ; ahua. Imitate, v. fVhai; wkakalau; ta- whai {w.). Immediately, aiiv. Jianei; na tou (E. C); inamata {W.). Impatient, a. Porangi; whawhai {E.G.). See Hurry. Impetuous, a. Taikaha. Importunate, a. Tene; tohe. Improve, v. Pai huere. In, prep. I; kei; i roto i; kei roto i; i ro; kei ro. In comparison of, prrp. I. Inaccessible, a. Tapu. Incite, V. frhakahauhait; akiaki; tohe ; whakapalaritari. Inclination, s. Jro: aronui; pai. Increase, v. Oha ; ntti haere. Indeed, adv. Hoki. Indignation, mark of, int. Ha ! ata! Indefinite, a. Taurangi. Indentation, s. h'okorutanga ; ko- kohutanga. Indistinct, a. (of sound). Hirea- rea ; hakiri {e. C.) ; ma hen hen. Industrious, a. Mamahi; ah it whe- nua. Infant, s. Potiki ; tamaiti. Infer, v. Whakaaro. Inferior in rank, a. IV arc ; kuare ; pnraparau. Influence, s. Mana. Influence, to give, v. fFhaka- mana. Influenza, s. Taiawa; tarulawhiti {E. a). Infonner (who bears the news of the approach of a war party), .y. jliitaua. Inhabit, v. Nuho. Injure, v. Tukino; tuntihuruhuru. Injury, s. h'ino; tukinotanga. 230 luk — Kind. Ink, s. Matigmnafigu. Inland, adv. Ki uta. Inquire, v. Ui; patai; whakapa- tai ; pakiki. Insane, a. Porangi; haurangi. Insect, s. Ngarara. Insensible, a. IVhakaaro-kore. Insert, v. Kokorno; whakauru ; whakanoho. Inside, adv. Roto. Insipid, a. Hakore. Instead of, prep. Mo. Instruct, V. Ako; whakaako. Intercede, v. Inoi. Intercept, v. Kokoti; haukoti (]f.). Intercessor, s. Kai inoi. Intercourse, s. Korero. Intermix, v. fVhakaiiru. See Mix. Interpret, v. IFhakamaori. Interval, s. Takiiva. Interview, s. Kilenga. Intestines, .v. Whekaii. Into, prep. Ki roto ki -, ki ro. Invent, v. Tene; tito ; poka. Investigation, s. IVkakawa. Inward, a. Roto; whakaroto. Iron, s, Rino , rnaitai. Irregular, a. Whakahipahipa (FT.). Island, s. Motu; maheno. It, pron. la. Itch, s. harehare ; tarakura. Itch, V. Rekareka; ngaoko ; ma- Hakihaki; waihakihaki ^ Jabber, v. Hautete; korerorero. Join parts of a net. Tatai ; tui Jaded, a. Nge/ige. Jail, s. fVhare herehere. Jamb, s. Tuturu. Jar, V. Mania; tioro ; wheoro. Jaw, s. Kauae. Jealous, to be, v. Tupato ; hae; atea ; oivhiti {e.C); puka {w.) ; taruhae. Jeer, v. Tawai; taunu; whakalau; patai (Ng.). Jerk, V. Takiri. Jest, s. Tinihanga; hangarau; hangareka ; raureka ; whakanene. Jingle, V. Tatangi. Jog, V. Rutu. Join, V. Apiti; huihui; uru; hau- mi; kar apiti; taparu {E.G.); tapiri; tuhono; tapuni. w ha tui. Joint, s. Pona. Joist, s. Kurupae, Joke, s, Hangarau; tinihanga. See Jest. Journey, s. Haere. Joy, s. Hari; koa. Judge, V. Whakarite whakawa. Judge, s. Kai whakarite whakawa. Judgment, s. Whakawakanga. Juice, s. JVai; tae. Jump, V, Peke; tupeke {w); ma- uyhiti; mowhiti; mokowhiti; ma- huta {R.— w.y — out of the water. Auha ; pa- nau ; whakapuhoru. Junction of tribes for hostile pur- poses, s. Haumi. Just, a. Tika. K Keel, s. Takere; tangere. Keep, V, Pupuri; pupuru {w^. Keep close, v. Pirihongo (tt.). — in the mind. Whakapuke. Keepsake, s. Oha\ manatunga. Kick, V. fVhana. Kidney, s. Whatukuhu. Kill, V. Patu; whakamate; tuki- tuki. Killed, to be, v. Maru. Kind, a. Atamai; atawhai. Kind, s. Tu. Kindle — Leak. 231 Kindle, i\ Tahu; ton. — a fire by rubbing sticks. Hika. Kindred, .V. Ifhanaunga ; httanga. King, 5. Kingi. Kingdom, s. Rangatiratatiga. Kiss, V. Mote: kihi. Kitchen, .v. h'auta^ kuhn; here- umit; kamuri. Kite, a toy, .v. Mann. Knead, v. Pokepoke ; popn. Knee, s. Turi. Knee-deep, a. To nga turi Knee-joint, s. Turipona. Kneel, v. h'oroptko: tuturi; hiiiiiu. I Knife, A*. Maripi; mikara (e.C); kota (a). Knob, s. Piiktt. ! Knock, V. Pattikituki: pakuku ; I pakuru; whakapakuku. — to pieces. Tukiluki. Knot, on a tree, s. Mo/ta. ! — in a string, &c. Pona. j Know, V. Matan; mohio; hua. j I kuow not; Aua; auake. {^E. C.) Knowledge, a\ Matauranga ; mo- hhtanga. Knuckle, s. Pona, L. Labour, toil, s. IJaua, Labour pain, s. ff'haknmnuiaf. Lace, V. h'otui. Lade, v. h'oko; tikoko. Laden deeply, to be, v. Paru- paru\ toparuparn. Ladder, s. .trnwhata. Ladle, v. h'oko; tikoko. Lady, s tVahinc rangatira. I -i-. / trhakatorekereke. Lake, .V. Roto; moana. Lame, a. h'opa ; iigongengonge ; turingongengonge ; kopiri; haua {E. C.) ; waehaua. Lament, v. Jue, Lamp, 8. ftama. Lance, s. Matia; kokiri; tao. See Spear. Land, 1. ff'henua; uta. I>and, r. Tae ki uta; kawe ki uta. I*anding-place, *. Tauranga. Landmark, s. Tio (Ngt.). Landslip, s. Horo, Land wind. Tawhenua. Language, s. Reo. Languid, a. Ngoikore; iwikore. liard, v. /fiuu poaka. I>arge, w. yut; rahi; tetere {n. C). — very. U'hakaharahara. Lash, r. ^yhiu. Lash (to fasten). Hohon; hotiki {e. c). See Bind. Last thing, s. Te mea o mun; toenga. Last night. Inapo; nonapo. Last year. Tauhouanga {e. C). Latch, *. fFhakarawa. Late, to be, v. Po. Late, a. Tomuri (e. c); ukuto iw.). Lath, s. Haho. Lather, s, Huka. Lava, *. Rangitoto. Laugh, V. Kata ; ngingio ; hohc- hohe (jr.). Laugh, to cause to, v. trhaka- kata. Launch, v. Iwkiri; to; uaki. Law, s. Tare. Lawful, a, Tika. Lay, V. frhakatakoto ; waiho ; pang a. Lay crosswise, /'. fVhakapae. Lazy, a. Mangere; pakikore; rora; whakatamatama ; inukorokoro (E. a). Lead, a*. Mata. Lead, v. Jruhi; whakataki ; am- taki {e. a). Leader, s. Kai a rahi. Leaf, s. Ran; pukawfia {w.). Leak, v. Tuturu; mama. 232 Lean — Live. Lean, v. Hinga; tiraha; whanau; taiuru; honga {w). — against. Whakawkirinaki ; wha- rara. Lean, a. Hauaitu; tupuhi; pa- koko; hauarea-, kawareware; hi- roki ; kohoi ; panganga; tuoi ; tokoroa. Leap, V. Peke; tupeke. Learn, v. Ako, Least, a, Itirawa; nohinohi rawa. Leave, v. Whakarere. Leave off, v. Whakamutu. Left, to be, v. Mahue ; waiho. Left-handed, a. Maui, Leg, s. Waewae ; tatahau. Legend, s. Kauwhau. Leisure, s, Ateatanga, Lend, v. Tuku. Length, s. Roanga. Lengthen, v. JVhakaroa ; patete. Leprosy, s. Tuwhenua; mahaki. Less, a. Iti iho ; nohinohi iho ; momipu. Lessen, v. Harahara; whakaiti. Lest, conj. Kei, Let down, v. Tuku: whakahoro. Let go, V. Tuku. Letter, s. Pukapuka. Level, a. Tika tonu. Level, V. Tahoro. Liar, s. Tangata teka. Liberal, a. Atawhai; oha; ata- mai. Lick, V. Mitimiti. Lid, s. Taupoki; popoki. Lie, s. Horihori'j parau; teka. Lie, V. Takoto ; pae; kaike {w); taika (E.G.), kauki {W.); noi ( JF.) ,• rare {e. a) ; taeki {e. C.) ; tawheta (e. O.) ; tete {e. C.) ; who- kaika. Lie across, v. Rakapikipiki ; ta- rapiki. Lie broadside, v. Pae; koronae. Lie about, v. Takotonoa. Lie in a heap, v. Tihi; pehi (JF.); tanewha (b.); tangita (i?.). Lie flat, v. Toropapa, Lie separate, v. Tauke (tf.). Lie still, V. Whakapahake. Lie in wait, v. Whanga. Life, s. Ora; oranga. Lifetime, s. Oranga. Lift up, V. Hapai; whakaara; paikeike; riaki {w.) {E.G.). Ligament, s. Uaua. Light, in weight, a. Mama. Light, s. Ao; marama. — Turama; rama. Light, to be, v. Ao; marama. Light, V. Toroherohe ; turama; whakamarama. Light, as a bird, v. Tau. Lighten, v. fVhakamama. Lightning, s. Uira. Like, V. Ahuareka; manaaki; ma- nako; waireka. Like this, adv. Penei. Like that, adv. Pena; per a. Like manner, in, adv. fFaihoki. Like, to be, v. Rite; ahukahuka {W.); ariaria {e. a). Liked, to be, v. Paingia. Liken, v. Whakarite. Likeness, s. Akua; ritenga; ka- hua. Likewise, adv. Hoki; waihoki. Lime, s. Kota. Limp, V. Totitoti. Line, or string, s. Aho; nape. Line, or row, s. Kapa. Linen, s. Rinena. Linger, v. fVhakaroa. Lintel, s. Karupe. Lion, s. Raiona. Lip, s. Ngutu. Listen, v. fVhakarongo. Listless, a. Ngoikore; iwikore; waikauere ; waikorohuhu ; ko- ngehe ; anewa ( w) ; toupiore (w.). Litter, s. Amo; kauhoa. Little, a. Nohinohi; iti; paku. See Small. Little while ago, adv. Inakuara; nonakuara. Live, V. Ora; Jioho. Live — Man. 233 Live coal, s. Kongo; ahi. Liver, s. ^tie; whanewhaue. Lizard, s, Mokomoko; tuatara; ruafara (JSg.)' Load, s. h'awenga; pikait; pikau- nga ; wahanga. Loathsome, a. frhakarihariha; whakarikarika ; wenweri. Lobster, s. h'oura. Lock of hair, s. Rinomakawe. Locust, s. Talarakihi; kihikiki {E. C.) ; whitiwhiti ; mawkitiwhiti. Lodge, V. NoAo. Lofty, a. Teiiei (W.); tikettke; ikeike. Loin, s. Hope; tikihopc. Loiter, v. Whakaroa ; whakana- fiawe ; tarioi. Loll, V. H'hakawhirinaki. Lonely, a. Mokemokc; mehameha ; ongeonge. Long, a. Hoa; hitawetawe; ta- potii. Long, in time, a. Unka ; nahea ; iaro; wheau. Long (of long standing), a. Ta- ukiuki. T.ong after, v. ./irkitu; wawata ; manawapa; manawapopore; okaka (E.a). Long time ago, adv. Inamata; nonamata. Longlegs, s. Tokoroa. Look, V. Titi'ro. J^ook about, v. Matakiiaki ; tiro- tiro ; kaeaea. Look anxiously for, v. Matatau. Look at, V. Toro {e. C). Look for, t». Rapu; kimi; rapa (e.g.); haha {w) ; harau; au' haha; hahau, ook sideways, xk IFhakakiwi; titiro kotaha. Looking glass, s. ff'hakaata. Loose, to be, v. h'orokoro; ha- ngoro; hangorutigoru; tangoro- ngoro: taromanoa; tarure; ti- taka ; kaewa (e. C.) ; tan ga Nga. Loose, as earth, a. Pungorungoru. Loosen, v. ff'kakakorokoro. Lop, V. Tope: kokoti. See Cut. Lord, s. Jriki ; rangatira. Lost, to be, V. Ngaro; matoha Loud, a. Marama; tangt ma. Love, s. Aroha ; koingo ; konohi; manakanaka ; matenui. Louse, s. h'utu. Low water, to be, v. Makau; pakoa ; makoa ( W.) ; pakihi {e. C). Low, to be, V. Uakahaka ; papaku. Low, through misfortune, to be, V. fraikauere ; waikorofmhu. Lower, adv. h'i raro iho. Lucid, a. Marama. Lucky, a. Wuimarie. Lug, V. Huhuti; tauhutihuti. Lukewarm, a, Pttwera. Lull, s, Marino. See Calm. Lump of earth, s. Pokurukuni ; keretu; kurupci ; peipei; kerc- ngeo {R.). Lumpy, a. Kanokano. Lungs, jr. Pukapuka. M. Nfackerel, x. Tawatawa; tewe- lewe {n). Mad, a. Ilawangi; porangi; po- reirarcwa. ^f adman, s. Porangi; haurangi. Maggot, s. Kittukutu ; iroiro ; ke- tokftto (/?.). Nfagnify, v. H'hakanui. .Magnitude, s. Nui. Maize, s. Kaanga ; kopakipaki. Maimed, a. liero. Mainland, s. Tuawhenua. Make, v. llanga; rrfiaihanga{E.C). Male, a. Tone; tourawhi ; toa. Malice, s. Mauahara. Malicious, a. Maunhartt : kawe riri. Man, s. Tangala. 234 Man Mist. Man, old, s. Kara; koroheke ; ko- rotia {e. a) ; kakoro (e. C.) ; ka- raua ; purakau (i?.). Man, young, s. Taitamariki. Manage, v. Whakarite. Mange, s. Waihakihaki. Manifest, a. Marama; kitea. Mankind, s. Tangata. Manner, s. Ritenga; tu; tikanga. Manure, s. JVairakau. Many, a. Tini; maha; tokomaha; hi a. Mark, v. Tohutohu. Mark, s. Tohu; waitohu {e. C). Mark of a perserve or sacred spot, s. Rahui. Mark on the skin at the birth, s. Ira. Marrow, s. Hinu wheua. Marriage, s. Tangohanga {e. C.) ; marenatafiga. Married woman, *. Maronui, Marry, v. Marena. Marshy, a. Tapokopoko; repo. Marvel, v. Miharo. See Won- der. Mashed, a. Hupenupenu; kohari; peniipemi; tararo. Mast, s. Rewa; rakau. Mast of a canoe, s. Tiratu. Master, s. Rangatira. Mast for the floor, s. Takapau; tapau; wharariki; koaka^E.C^; tienga {e. C). Me, pron. Ahau. — for me, Maku ; moku ; mahaku ; mohoku. — by me. Maku; naku. — of me. Noku. Mealy, a, Mahunga; mangaro; mohungahunga ; motuha?iga. Mean, a. Tutua ; ware. Measure, s. Tatai; mehua. Measure with extended arms, v. Whanga; whanganga; whai'ite; whatau; tatai. Meat, s. Kikokiko. Meddle, s. Rahurahu ; tangotango. See Pull about. Mediator, s. Takaivaetiga. Medicine, s. Rojigoa. Meditate, v. Whakaaro. Meek, a. Mahaki. Meet, V. Tutaki; whakahei {e.C) ; whakatau (Ng.). Meet in front, v. Haukoti {w.). Mellow, a. Ngaivari; ngohengoke ; taromanoa. Melt, V. Rewa. Membrane which covers the vis- cera, s. Whiwhi. Memory, s. Mahara. Mend, v. Hanga. Mention, v. Rorero. Mentioned before, a. Taua; aua. Merciful, a. Toku. Merry, a. Hari ; koa. Mesh, s. Kanakana; mata; ta- kekenga. Message, s. Kupu; korero. Messenger, s. Karere; kaikai- waiu; purahorua {W.). Meteor, s. Kotiri; matakokiri. Middle, s. Waenganui; waenga- pu; waetigarahi; waenga; po- kapu; turotowaenga (W.—E.O.); turuawaenga. Midnight, s. Waenganuipo. Mild, a, Mahaki. Mildew, s. Hekaheka. Mile, s. Maero. Milk, s. Waiu. Mill, s. Mir a. Mind, s. Ngakau; hinengaro. Mine, pron. Taku; toku; tahaku; tokoku; naku; noku. Miracle, s. Merekara. Miscarriage, s. Materolo; take; whakatahe. Mischievous, a. Nana; raukeke {w); rahurahu (E.G.). Misery, s. Mate; pouri. Misgive, v. Manuka nuka; awu- ngawanga; korapa {w). Mislead, v. Whakake. Miss, V. Memo; heke; pahemo. Mist, a. Koku ; an {e. C) ; pu- kohu. Misty — My. 235 Misty, a. Jnehu (fT.); uiohango (IT). Mistake, s. He ; poauau ; pohehe : poheira: pokaku; porahurahu ; iraira/igi. Mistake in speech, s. Pakewa. Mix, V. Pnkepoke: nam/: whaka- nanu; popo; ranu ; konatunatu {e.C); natu {E.C.); whakarann ; whakahanumi {e. C). Moan, V. .-furere; ngunguru. Moat, s. Awakeri; atvakari: awa- ma. Mock, V. Tawai; taunu; whakn- tau; pa tat (A^.)* Model, 5. Pukenga (e. c): fnut'ra. Moderate, v. Mahaki. Moderate, to be, v. liikarika ( w). Moist, to be, v. Maku; hauku (£,'. C) : haumaku {E. C.) : hau- faku{E.C.); kopufoitoi; kuwai- wai: lot; towawahi {w.). Moisten, v. ff'knkamakuku. Moisture, s. Maku ; hauku : hau- taku. Mole, jr. Iraira. Month, 8. Marama. Monument, .v. Tohu. Moon, s. Marama. Moonlight, s. yitarau; atamarama. Moor, s. h'oraka. More, a, Tetahi atu; nui atu; rahi atu. Morning, s. j4ta. Morning star, x. Tawera. Morrow, on the, adv. .ipopo ; auiriake. Morsel, s. tyaki. Mortified, to be, v. h'ikohunga. Mosquito, 8. ^yaeroa. Moss on trees, 8. h'ohukohu ; pa- papa. Most, a. Te wa/ti nui. Moth, v. //uku ; naonao ; purehu- rchu ; purehua (e. C). Mother, .v. Matua wakine; wkaea; koka {e.C); whaerere. Mother-in-law, s. Hungawai; hu- narere {e. C.) ; hunarei (e. C). Motion, s. Koninga ; korikorhiga ; keukeunga. Motive, s. Take; putake. Move about, v. heukeu; knri- kori: taka. Move swiftly, r. Omaki. See Glide. Move towards, v. Jhu; koiii ; neke ; nuku ; onoi; paneke ; wha- kanekeneke. Move up and down, v. Piupiu. Move the lips, /•. h'omekome. Mouldy, to be, *'. Hekaheka : puru. Mound, s. Toropuke ; pukepuke. Mount, I', Kke. Mountain, s. Maunga. Mountainous, a. Maunga. Mourn, v. Tangi; aue; taua. Mourning, s. Taua : tangi. Mouth, .V. Mangai; waha ; ma- whera (/?.). Mouth, sides of, .v. Pakiwaha {e. C). Mouth of a river, s. Mgutuawa; kuaha : puaha ; wahapu: kongutu. Much, a. Nui; ra/ii. Mud, s. Paru ; paruparu {e. C.) ; hu. Multiply, V, H'Aakanui; nui Aaere. Multitude, s. Maha : hira ; mano ; tint; /tea. Murder, .v. ho/turu; whakapiko. Murder, v. h'o/turu. Murmur, r. h'owketewkete ; kn- hutnuhuniu. See Grumble. Muscle, .v. liuku; purewha; ku- tae ; ngupara. Muscle, freshwater, s. luikahi. Mushroom, s. Hai'ori. Musket, .V. Pu. Must. J/e, before the verb, as Me haere; You luuiit go. Mutter, V. Harnetne ; liamumu; kumenie ; ha uui ta . Muzzle, .y. ff'aha; ngutu. Muzzle, V. fVhakamoka. ^ly, pron. Taku; toku ; aku ; uku. 236 Nail — Now, N. Nail, s. Tilt; ivhao. Naked, a. ftau; tahanga {w.); takahore. Name, s. Ingoa. Name, v. Hua; tap a. Namely, adv. Ara, Nap, s. Hungahunga. Narrow, a. Whaiti. Nation, s, Iwi; hapu ; pu. Native, a. Maori; tupu. Natural, a, Maori. Navel, s. Pito. Nay, adv. Kahore. See Not. Neap tide, s. Taitai ririki. Near, a. Tata; tutata; tatata; patata; pine; puputu. Necessary, a. Ka takoto te tika- nga. Neck, s. Kaki. Neck, back of, s. Tuta; poro- kaki {e. C); moua {e. C). Needle, s. Ngira. Neglect, s. fVhakaaro kore. Neglect, V. Whakarere. Neighbour, s. Hoa tata. Neither, adv. Kahore. See Not. Nephew, s, Iramutu; tapairu{w.). Nest, s. Owhanga ; kowkanga. Net, V. Ta. Net, s. Kupenga ; kukuti ; pu- koro; tauwhatu; whakawhiu. — small handnet. Tata; tawiri; rohe (e.); kori; toere; toemi Nettle, s. Ongaonga. Never, adv. Kahore rawa ; kihai rawa. New, a. Hon. Newness, s. Kaimatatanga ; hou- nga. News, s. Korero. Next, a. Tata. See Near. Nibble, v. Harangote; tongi. Nice, a. Reka. Nick, s. Hamamataiiga ; ngatata ; ngawhatanga. Niece, s. Iramutu; tapairu {w.). Night, s. Po; kengo [r.). Nimble, a. Hohoro; kakama. See Quick. Nine, a. Iwa. Nineteen, a. Tekau ma iwa. Ninety, a. Iwa tekau; hokoiwa {w.). Nip, V. Ktkini; kuku; pakini. Nipple, s. U. Nit, s. Riha. No, adv. Kahore; kanape. Nod, v. Tungou; manana. Nod through drowsiness, v. Tu- newha. Noise, s. Turituri; maniania {e. C.) ; nganga; nge; ngengere ; ngu- nguru; porearea {E. C). Noise, to make, v. Tihoihoi; wha- karengoa ; haparangi {e. C.) ; hoihoi (W); Jiani (e. C.) ; turi- turi: maniania ; nganga. Noise of steam in boiling, s. Hu; huhu. Nonsense, s. Hatigareka; hanga- rau; tinihanga; raureka. Noose, s. Rore; tawhiti. See Snare. Nor, adv. Kahore. See Not. North, s. Nota. North-east wind, s. Pawhakarua. North-west wind, s. Hauatiu ; ko- tiu; tuaraki; tupatiu. Nose, s. Ihu. Nostril, s. Pongaponga. Not, adv. Kahore; aua; ehara; kore; ehake; haunga; hore; hori {w?}; kaua; kauaka; kanape (e.g.); kei; kiano ; kihai; te. Notch, V. Teno ; tokari; whaka- karikari. Nothing, .V. Kahore kau he mea. Notwithstanding, conj. Jhakoa. Novice, s. Ihupuku. Now, adv. Aianei; inaianei; na tou. Nuisance — Origin. 237 Nuisance, s. yanakia ; taitahae : aufaia {e. C); whanoke (e. C). Number, s. Hira (h.); tokoma- hatanga. Numerous, s. Hira {w.); tint ngerongero ; tint whaioio. See Many. Nurse, v. Hiki; tapuhi {e. C). Nurse, s. Kaihiki. 0. 0, vocativcy int. E. Oar, s. Hoe. Obey, V. Ron go. Object, V. tVhakakahore; w/iaka- korekore. Observe, v. Tiiiro; matakifaki. Obsidian, s. Tu/ti/a. Obstacle, s. Tatuiahua; arai; tau- arai. Obstinate, a. Turt; tutu; whaka- keke ; taumaro : papamaro{E. C); hoi; keke ; motohe {E. C); pake; raweke. Obstruction, s. ^4rni; pa ; taupa. See Block up. Obstruction in the eye, s. Pura. Obtain, v. Whiwhi. Occasion, *. //'a. Occupation, s, H'hakataute. Occupy, V. Mnho. Ocean, s. Moana. Ochre, s. h'okowai; tareha ; ka- ramea ; horna. Odd number, .v. Hara; koha; punga. Odour, s. h'akara ; haunga. Of, (belonging to), prtp. J; o; na ; no. Offence, .v. Ildra ; kino; he. Offend, V. Ilnni : he: luniihuru- hunt. Off'ensive, lo be, v. .inuanu. Off"ering to a deity, s. Tiri; wha- kahere. Office, *. Mahi. Off'spriug, s. IJri; whanau; mo- wo; momohanga. Often, adv. Juan, Oh, int. 0. Oil, .V. ///////. Ointment, s. Hinu. Old, a. Tawhito; tuarangi. Omen, s. Ailua ; tohu. Omit, V. Kape. Omnipotent, a. Kaha raxva. On, prep, h'i runga i. Once, adv. Tuatahi. One, a. Tahi; ngatahure (i?.). Only, adv. Jnake; anahe; kau. Onwards, adv. Jke; atu. Ooze, V. Toto; pati. Open, a. Hamama ; puare; tu- whera; kuwhera; matatawha ( w); pirara ; piwatawata ; porara ; pnataata ; purara ; punuitawata ; ta whera ; tiwhaki. Open, V. frhakapuare; whaka- tuwhera ; uaki. Opening, s. Putanga ; tomokanga. See Entrance. Ophthalmia, .v. Papahewa; tore- tore (ir.). Opinion, .v. U'hakauro. Opportunity, s. If a. Oppose, V. IVhawhai; arai. Opposite, to be, v. Jnganui mai; hangai. Opposite side, s. Tawahi; tara- wahi. Opposite side, on the, adv. Tai. Oppress, V. IThakawhiu; whnkn- tina. Or, (answering to whether), amj. Ranei; ahakoa ; raina {e. C). Oration, .v. /torero; taki ; whai- korero . Orator, *. Kai korero. Ordain, v. H'hakarite. Order, v. Patukituki {w.) ; unga; tono; tapa. Order, to put in, /'. IThukapai. Origin, .v. Timatanga. 238 Ornament. — Path. Ornament for the neck, s, Hei; heitiki. Ornamental, a. Whakapaipai. Orphan, s. Pani. Other, pro7i. Tera; teiahi. Otherwise, adv, Penei. Oven, s, Hangi; umu; hapi; hopi {E.); karahu; kohua (»'.); konao {w.); kopa{R.); kori {w.) ; tapi; okeoke {e. C.) ; tarahu ; topipi. Over, prep, Ki runga i. Overcome, to be, v. Mate^ taea. Overdone, a. Harotu. Overflow, v. Huri; pukea ; torena ; purena. Overgrown, a. Hururua; muhu. Overhang, v. Taiiwharewhare. Overhanging, a. Peru. Overload, v. Whakawhiu {e. C— W.); whakatina {e. C). I Overlook, v. Tirotiro. Overtaken, a. Roko/ianga; roko- hina. Overthrow, v. Huri ; ^ hua ^ poro- huri; tupoporo. Ought, V. Me; ka takoto te tika- ngo. Our, pron. To tatou; ta tatou; to matou; ta inatou. Ourselves, pron. Tatou ; matou. Out, adv. Waho. Outermost, a. JVaho rawa. Outside, the, s. ff'aho. Outward, adv. Ki waho. Owl, s. Koukou; ruru. Own, a. Jke; as, taku ake, ray own. Owner, s. Tonga ta nona te mea. Ox, s. Okiha. Oyster, s. Tio; ngakihi {w.). Pack up, V. Takai; kohi. Packet, s. Takai. Pad, s. fVhakapuru; paretua. Pad, V. Matata ; whakapuru. Paddle, s. Hoe; hirau {w.—R.). Page, s. fVharangi. Pain, s. Mamae. Pain, to be in, v. Mamae. Paint, V. Pani. Pair, s. Topu; purua {e.C). Palatable, a. Reka. Palate, s. Ngao; pikiarero. Pale, a. Ma; kotea. Paling , s. fVhana (e. C.) ; ka- ivawa ; wawa. Palm of the hand, s. Paro. Pant, V. Mapu; tare; puka; kiha; hutare {w.); whakaaeaea; wha- kahotuhotu. Pap, s. U. Papa, s. Papa; matua. Paper, s. Pukapuka. Papillae on the skin, s. Tara; huahua. Parch, V. Tumi. Pare, v. Tihore. Parent, s. Matua. Parrot, s. Kaka; kokariki (e. C. — W.); powhaitere. Part, s. Wahi; etahi; ehinu. Partly, adv. Ko tetahi wahi. Partner, s. Hoa; makau (tt.). Party, s. Ope; pahi. See Com- pany. Pass by, v. Pahure; hori {e.C); taka ; pahemo ( W.) ; pahika {e. G. —R); tahapa {e. C). Pass near, v. fVani; miri; ho- honi (Ng.); konihi (if.). Pass over, (omit), v. Kape. — to be passed over. Hapa; ngere. Pass over, (cross), v. JVhiti. Pass through, v. Puta. Passage, s. Ara ; huarahi. Past, to be, v. Mahue; pahure; pahemo; hori. Pat, V. Pakipaki; popo. Patch, s. Papaki; tapir i; tapi; hoi. Patch, V. Papaki; tapi. Path, s. Ara; huarahi; huanui. Patient — Place. 239 Patient, a. Manawanui. Pattern, s. Tauira : ritengu ; pu- ke nga. Pause, V. Okioki. Pay, r. H'hakaea; ittu. PajTnent, s. L'tu. Peace, to make, v. Ho/iou i te rongo. Peaceful, a. Rangatira ; rangi- marie ; marie. Peacemaker, s. h'ai hohou ro- ngo; takawaenga. Pebble, v. h'lnkirt; ko/iatu. Peck, I'. Timo. Pedigree, s. Tahu; kawai; ka- wet. Peel, s. h'iri; km/m ■ t,ni. I'nupon; ti'a; tirau. !'( It, /. Hpn. Penetrate, v. .iururn. People, .V. Hunga; tangatu. Perceive, v. h'ite. You mmy perceive; mau koe; or mjiori koe. I'crch, s. Taunga. Perfect, a, Tika; rite tonu. Perform, v. Muhi. Perhaps, adv. Pea. Perish, v. Mate. Permanent, a. Tuturn; tupu; ta- ketake: pumau; tumau; whai. Permit, v. Tuku. Perpendicular, a. Tu tonu. Perplexity, A. liaru; kurarurarn; pokeka : pn/mnn : ir/inkalnnlea : pohehe. Persecute, v. H hakatoi. Persevere, v. Tohe. Person, s. Koro ; tahae ( W.— E. C.) ; t a hake {E. C). Person employed in anything, s. h'ai. Perspiration, *'. liakawa; tota; lokakawa. Persuade, v. frhakawai. See Be- guile. Perverse, a. Tutu. Pervert, v. lyhakariro. I Pest, s. ?ianakia ; autaia {e. C.) ; I laitahae. I Pestilence, s. Mate uruta. Pet, s. Puhi. Phlegm, s. Mare. Physic, s. Rongoa. Pick, V. Ilikohiko. Pick out, V. H'hiriu^hiri; kape; tikaro; hikaro: kowhitiwhiti ; komiri ; kowae. Piece, .V. Iraki. Piece, r. Honohono; tuko/tohono. Pierce, v. Hero. Pierced through, a. }igangenga- fige noa. Pig, s. Poaka; kukukuhu. Pigeon, .V. h'ukupa ; kereru ; kuku. Pigsty, s. Pa la k a ,• raihi. Pile up, V. Puranga. See Heap. Pillow, s. Cntnga. Pilot, s. h'ai urungi. Pimple, s. Iluahua; kiritoua. Pimples, to be covered with, v, Papata ; para. Pin, .V. Piue. Pincers, s. Kuku. Pinch, V. Pakini: kikini. Pit, s. Rua ; pokorua ; korota- ngi ; kopika ; korua. ! Pit of the stomach, a. ff'aka o I te ate. I Pitch, s. Ware. i Pity, .V. Jroka. ! Pity, V. Aroka. I Place, .V. //«/«'. Place of departed spirits, s. Po ; reinga. Place, /'. Pa Nga ; waiho; whaka- noho; whakatakotu; ufkakatu ; whiu. Place before, v. Tapae. Place one upon another, /». //'//. If'kakaterelere, Sail close to the wind, v. Ngo- ngo. Sailor, s. h'at whakatere kai- puke. Saint, s. Tangata tapu. ^ilc. v. Hoko. f/auare; hauHire; huare \hj. C.J. Salt, s. Tote. Salt, a. Mataitai. Salt water, s. Tai; ami tat. Salate, v. Hongi; tangi; oka. Salvation, *. Oranga. Same, a, Taua. Sanctify, v. ff'kakatapu. Sand, t, Onepu. Sandal, *. Parekereke. Sandbank, s. Tahuna. Sandfly, *. Xamu, Sap, jr. H'ai. Sapling, ». Mahuri. Satan, s, Ualana. Satifsfaction, s. Vtu ; manawareka. Satisfied, to be, v. Iro; tnana- woreka : maha {e. C.) ; na ; nga- ta; tatu; whakana. Saturday, s. Ilatarei. Sauce, A. h'inaki. Saucy, a. Tutu. Save, /'. irhakaara ; whakarau- I nra. Saved with difficulty, a. Oranoa; orapito; orat'ti. Saviour, s. h'at whakaura. Savour, s. fiakara; ha; reka. Saw, s. h'ani. Sawdust, s. Ota; para. Sawpit, s. fVahapu kani rakau. Sawyer, s. hat' kani. Say, V. h'orero; ki; mea. Sec Speak. Saying, *. IVhakatauki; kupti; korern. Scabbed, to be, r. Tonga ko. Scald, s. IFera. Scald a pig, v. Hunuhunu. Scalded, to be, v. ff^era. Scale, s. Inoki; una hi. Scapula, s. Papaahuahua. Scar, .V. Mawe ; nawenga. Scarce, to be, v. Onge; moti ( w.—E. a). Scarcity, s. Onge; moti. Scare, r. lyhakahaehae; whaka- wehi. Scarecrow, /•• /f'hakahaehae. Scarify, u. Haehae. Scarlet, a. If 'hero. Scatter, v. Tit art tar i ; tiranga- ranga ; tirangorango ; hahu ; ti- hahuhahu; whakakorakora ; rui ; whakamarara. Scattered, to be, v. Maheu; pa- oar ikiriki {e. c). Scent, to emit, v. h'akara; tiare {w); haunga. Schism, s. ff^ehewehenga. Scholar, s. Jkonga. School, .V. h'ura. Science, s. Matatiranga ; mohio- tanga. Scissors, s, h'utikuti. Scoff, V. Tannu ; fairai; whaka- tau; pa tai {Mg.). Scold, V. liiri; whakunguiini'j:iiiti (ff.); tvhaitrau {w.). Scoop, V. Tikaro; koko. 246 Scorch — Shake. Scorch, V. Rajigirangi. Scour, V. Horoi. Scrap, s, Toenga; tapahanga; motuhanga. Scrape, v. Rakuraku; wharowharo; tahitahi {w.) ; tiwari; waniwani (JF.); warmvaru; pakeke. Scrape out, v. Ope. Scrape along the surface, v. Ha- rakuku. Scrape flax, v. Haro; hakukii; takiri {e. C). Scratch, v. Natu; rakuraku. Scream, v. Tangi. Screen, s. Hoka; hua (tf.); pa- hoka (tk); rianga. Screen, v. Aral; pa ; whakama- rumaru; whakaruru; ri; rohi Scribe, s. Kai tuhituhi. Scrofula, s. Puku; pukaki; ma- haki. Scrub, V. Horoi; ukuikui. Sculk, V. Piri. Sea, s. Moana; tax. Sea-beach, .9. Tahuna; takutai. Sea-breeze, s. Muritai; whaka- rua {e. C). Sea coast, s. Tatahi; takutai (E.C.)j taipu. Sea urchin, *. Kina. Seal, s. Kekeno. Seam, s. Tuinga. Search for, v. Rapu; haha. See Seek. Season, s. JVa; po. Seat, s. Nohoanga. Seat in a boat, s. Taumanu. Seaweed, s. Rimu. Second, a. Rua; tuarua. Secret, a. Ngaro ; puku; toro- ptiku. Secretly, ad. Puku. Secretion from the nose, s. Hupe; kea (e. C). Sediment, s. Para. See, V. Kite. Seed, s. Purapura; huri; kakano ; kopura. Seek, V. Rapu; kimi; rapa; hahu; haha {w.); auhaha ; harau. Seemeth, it, v. Ngia; tinga. Seer, s. Matakite. Seine, s. Kupenga. Seize, v. Hopu; kapo. Select, V. Whiriwhiri. See Pick out. Sell, V. Hoko. Send, V. Tono ; ngare; unga. Sense, s. tVhakaaro. Sentence, s. Kupu. Separate, v. Wehewehe ; momotu ; mawehe; kowae {W.). Separated, to be, v. Motuhake {w.). Separate contending parties, v. Wawao. Separate, to be, v. Tatahi; taki- tahi. September, s. Hepetema. Sermon, s. Kauwhau. Serpent, s. Nakahi; neke. Servant, s. Pononga ; rahi; tu- mau {e. C.— W.). Serve, v. fVhakarato. Served, to be, v. Rato; tu. Served, not, a. Hapa; ngere. Service, s. Mahi. Set, IK Toeiie ; torengi; toremi. Set on fire, v. Tahutahu ; tutu. Settle, V. Tatu; heke; taunga. Seven, a. Whitu. Seventeen, a. Tekau ma whitu. Seventy, a. Whitu tekau; hoko- whitu (TF.). Sever, v. Momotu; wehewehe; toritori; wawae. Severed, a. Motu; tokari. Sew, V. Tuitui. Shade, v. Whakaruru; whaka- marumaru. Shaded, a. Tumaru; taumaru; paruru {W.); pururu (Ng.); marumaru. Shadow, s. Ata; atarangi; wai- rua. I Shake, v. Ngaueue; oioi; rure- I ruj-e ; ngarue {e. C.) ; ngateri Shake— Side. 247 ( w.) ; whakakeukeii ; whakakori- kori ; whakangante: whakanga- ueue: whakaoioi. Shake off, v. H'hakangahoro. Shake in the wind, v. h'npekope ; tareparepa. Shake, as a garment, r. Hupe- riipe (jr.). Shake, as the ground, /'. A^«- ere; ngapu. Shake, as a hne by fish, v. To- ngi. Shake up, as liquid, v. H'haka- karekare. Shallow, a. Pakupaku; papaku; koruha ; la/tuna {E. C). Sham, (I. Hangareka; hangarau; marnhtga. See Deceitful. Sham, s. Hangarau ; hianga ; rau- reka: maminga. Shame, s. ff'hakama; ngaringa- ria {w). Shape, 8. Akua. Share, *. Wahi. Shark, *. Mango . Sharp, a. Koi: tiotio; aneane ; ngangahu ; pirata. Sharpen, v. Oro; w/iakakoi. Shave, i'. IJeu; waru. She, pron. la. Sheaf, s. Pupu; kakati; paiere. Shear, v. h'okoti ; waru. Shed, s. If'harau. Sheep, s. IlipL Sheet, .V. Uiti, Sheet of a sail, s. Kotokoto; waha. Shell, s. Pupu; kola. Shell, I'. Iiuwha. Shellfish, .V. Pupu; kota. Sheltered, a. Marumaru; ruru. See Shaded. Shepherd, .v. Ilepara. Shield, jr. Puapua. Shine, v. h'anapa; tiaho; whiti; titi ; ura ; hah ana ; kanapu (ir.) : towHwahi (ir). Shingle [ior roofing), s, Toetoe. Shiy>. < ft nf puke. \ Shiver, v. If'iri: tuhauwi'ri; tit- riwa taitai ; turiwetautau . \ Shoal, s. Kara ha : pakupaku ; pa- j paku; tahuna {E. C). Shoal of fish, s. Rara; ranga. Shoot, s. Tupu; kotete; ngao; pariri (ir); poioio. Shoot, middle, s. /{onto. Shoot (as plants), v. Tupu ; toa ; koiata {w.); kohura ; koropana; koriro; whakangao; whakaniho- niko. Shoot weakly, v. Hutoitoi. Shoot with a gun, &c., v. Pu- puhi. Shore, s. I'ta. Shorn of branches, a. Humuhumu. Short, a. Poto; takupu. I Short time, s. Tukekau. Shorten, v. Hhakapoto. Shove, V, hokiri; tokiri {W.); toko; tute; uaki {e. C). Shovel, V. h'oko; ti'koko. Shoulder, s. Pakthiwi (e. C): po- knwhiwhi ; pokohiwi (E.C). Shoulder blade, .v. Papaahuahua. Shoud, I'. Karanga; par are ; ha- mama. Show, V. H'^hakakite; whakaputa. Shower, s. Va: pokaka ; awha. Shrimp, s. Poiipoti. Shrivelled, a. Memenga; ngingin ; whewhengi ; kopuka ; kongi'o ; koaha {e. C.) ; putokitoki. Shrub, s. Hakau. Shut, V. I'aki; kopani; kopi. Shut, to be, V. Kati. Shy, a. Maka. Sick, a. Mate; turoro ; ruaki; kongenge. Sick person, s. Turoro ; ngongo ; ketoketo ( iv.) ; okeoke{w.) ; maki. Sickle, .¥. Toronaihi. Sickness, s. Rewharewha ; mate ; ruaki. Side, .V. h'aokao; taha; moka ; tapa (e. C); whaitua {W.); wha- nga; tahaki. 248 Side — Smack. Side, on one, ad. Titaha^ maua- tar a. Sieve, s. Talari; hitari (jr.). Sift, V. Tatari, Sigh, V. Mihi; mapu; ngungtim; takuate (tf.). Sight, out of, a. Ngaro ; henumi; nunumi; toke (b.). Sign, s. To All. Signal, s. Tohu. Silent, to be, v. Karangata {e. C.) ; noho puku; wahangu. Silently, adv. Hu; puku. Sill, s. Pehipehi. Silt, s. Parakiwai. Sin, s, Hara. Since, conj. Ina. Since, prep. No; no muri i; i muri i. Sinew, s. Uaua. Sing, V. Waiata; tautapa; umere Sing, as water in boiling, v. Hihi, Singe, s. Hunuhunu. Single, a. Tapatahi. Single person, s. Marokau. Single woman, s. Takakau. Singly, ad. Takitahi. Sink, V. Totohu. Sink into the ground, v. Powha- ruwharu {e. C). Sinker, s. Make; maihea. Sinner, s. Tangata hara. Sister, of a brother, s. Tuahine. — of a younger sister. Tuakana. — of an elder sister. Teina. Sister in law, s. Auwahine ; tao- kete. Sit, V. Noho. Sit around, v. Popo. Site, s. Paenga; papanga. Six, a. Ono. Sixteen, a. Tekau ma ono. Sixty, a. Ono tekau; hokoono {W.). Size, s. Rahi; nuL Skeleton, s. Koiwi. Skid, s. Neke; rango. Skilful, a. Tohnnga; matau; mo- hi'o; matanga. Skim, V. Koko; tikoko. Skin, s. Hiako; kiri. Skin, white, s. Kiritea. Skin, inner, s. Kiriwai. Skull, s. Angaanga; poangaanga. Sky, s. Rajigi; kikorangi. Slab, s. Papa. Slack, a. Korokoro. Slacken, v. Whakakorokoro ; tu- kutuku. Slant, V. Hinga. Slap, V. Pakipaki; pahia. Slate, s. Papa. Slave, s. Herehere; pononga; tau- rekareka ; taurereka ; ropa ( w.) ; tumau {e. C.— W.); karokaro; ora ; parakau ; parau. Slavery, s. Parau; herehere. Sleep, V. Moe ; kaikaru (Ng.). Sleep wakefully, v. Moetiloro; moetoropuku. Sleepy, to be, v. Hiamoe; momoe; hinamoe; parangia. Slime, s. Ware. Sling, s. Kopere; kotaha; perc. Slink away, v, Ninihi. Slip, V. Hangoro; huhu; kaheko {w.) ; kareko; karengo ; tapepa. Slip along, v. Mania; paheke ; pahuhu; paneke; koneke. Slip down, V. Panuku; tanuku. Slip in, V. Tapoko. Slippery, a. Mania; pahekeheke; paheno {E.G.); parengo; pauhu {E. a). Slit, V. Hori; koreparepa {w.); titore. Slothful, a. Manger e; rora; pa- kihore. Slow, to be, V. IVhakaroa; akuto; porori (e. C.) ; puhoi ; taparuru (tf.); tiraha (e. C). Slowness, s. Porori. Sludge, s. Paru. Slug, s. Ngata. Sluggish, a. Ngoikore; mangere; iwikore; whakaroa. Smack the lips, v. Kotamutamu; tametame. I Small — Spare. 249 Small, a. Nohinohi; iti: paku {e. C.) ; n'ki; hakahaka ; moroiti: pokeke ; tiipakipaki : mahake; ma- kari: meromeroiti ; ivheto (e. C); whetau. Small as dust, a. Iionenehu, Smart, v. Puta. Smash, v, ftopehupehu; taiari; pakarii. Smear, v. Pani. Smell, I'. Hongi. Smell unpleasantly, v. Piro : hau- nga; haruru ; koeo ; konnkona; kopurupuru: monomono ; puAo- nga. Smoke, s. Paoa; an: auahi. Smoke, v, Paoa; ponguru ; po- ngere. Smooth, a. Maeneene. Snag, s. Taita, Snail, 5. Ngata. Snake, *. ^eke; nakahi. Snap, V. Motit; whali. Snare for birds, s. Reli; rove; tawhiti ; mahanga; ahere {W.). Snare, v. Rnre; mahanga; toro- here. Snatch, v. h'apo; hopit. Sneak, v. Haere toropiiku. Sneer, v. Taufai; taunu; whaka- rawai. Sneeze, v. Tihe ; mati'he (e. C.) ; tihewa. Snore, v, Ngongoro. Snout, s. Ihu. Snow, 5. Iluka; hukarere. Snuffle, V. Ifhenguwheugu, Soaked, a. Kopiro ; tuku ki te waL Soap, 5. I/opi. *^nar, r. ff'hakatopa. 1 1 . / //otu ; whakaholuhottt ; whakaingoingn. Soft, to be, V. Sgawari ; ngore- ngnre; ngohengohe {e. C.) ; ma- eneene; ngaeki ; hnrotu; kope ; korengarenga ; kutere ; ngaeri; ngorenoa ; oru ; pe ; tahoho ; tnkn ; inoru ; taromanoa. Soften, V. tFhakangawari. I Softly, ad. Ata ; marire. Soil, s. Oneone. Sojourn, v. Noho. Soldier, s. Hota. Sole of the foot, s. h'apukapu. Solid, a. Maro; pakeke. Solitary, to be, v. Mehameha; mokemoke ; ongeonge. Some, a. Tetahi; ehinu; toko- hinu; etahi. Son, *. Tama; tamaiti. Son-in-law, s. Ilunannga. Song, *. ff'aiata : tau; pihe ; whakamohio. Sonorous, a. Mahea; tatangi. Soon, ad. Meake; taro ; waive. Soothe, V. irhakamarie. Sore, a. Mamae; koipuipu; ko- whaki. Sore throat, s. h'atire.he {w.). Sorrow, «. hoingo; konohi; pouri. Sorrow, expression of, .v. Kete- kefe; ngetengete. Sorrowful, to be, i^. Pouri; wha- kupoururu. Sort, s. Tit; tikanga. Soul, .V. ff^airua. Sound of voices, indistinct, s. Ha- mumu. Sound, V. Tangi; tatangi; wha- katangi; pahu; paku; rara. Sound, the depth of water, r. ft'hakatatutu. Sound, to bo, as sleep, v. Ju. Sound indistinctly, i'. irnwaro. Sound in succession, v. Tiripapn. Sour, to be, v. I: kaiva; tangeo. Source, .v. Pukenga ; matamata ; matapuna; matawai {E.C.). South wind, .v. Tonga. South-east wind, .v. PutongamarO' ngai. South-west wind, s. Tongakotara- tar a. Sow, /'. liui. Space, s. Takiwa ; wa. Spade, .V. Puka ; hoto ; kurchu {E. a). Spare, ?•. To/iu. 250 Spark — Stairs. Spark, s. Korakora. Speak, V. Ki; korero; mea ; puaki; lohakatu; koroki; kuika (e. C). Speak of past events, v. Kau- whaw, whakapapa. Speak frequently, v. Kupukupuy potete. Speak loudly, v. Parare. Speak through the nose, v. fVha- ngo. Speak indistinctly, v. Hamumu. Speak ill of, v. Hanihani (tt.). Speak at departure, v. Poroporo- aki. Speak in a low voice, v. Kuihi, Speak treacherously, v. Muna. Spear, s. Matia; tao; koki'ri,' hoata (e.C); kaukau (B.) ; tt- mata {e. C). Spear, v. fVewero. Speech, s. Ki; korero; reo ; taki; kamvhau; tataku; whakataki; whakatu. Speed, s. Hohoro. Spent, to be, v, Pau; hemo; ma- hiti; pareho; moti; ongeonge; parekn ; pelo. Spider, s. Pungawerewere ; pu- werewere. Spider, venomous, s. Katipo. Spilled, a. Maringi. Spin, V, Miromiro. Spine, s. Iwituararo. Spirit, s. Wairua. Spit, V. Tuwha; puwha. Spittle, s. Uuare {E. C.) ; haware; kauare. Splash, V. Pati; pohutuhulu. Splice, V. Hono ; haumi. Splinter, s. Maramara. Split, V, a, fVawahi; lata; ti- tore ; toihi {e. (7.) •* koreparepa {w.); nakunaku [W.); toetoe; tiora. Split, V. n. Jkoako; koara ; ko- ihiihi; kotata ; matata ; mati- tore ; ngatata ; ngawha; po/iaha; liwarawara. Split off, V. Rehu, Spoil, V. JVhakakino; whakaroi- rot. Sponge, s. Pungorungoru ; kopu- putai; hautai (e. C). Spongy, a. Kopuka; koputoUoi. Sponsor, .v. Maluaatua. Spoon, A\ Koko; hako. Spotted, a. Korotiwhatiwha ; ko- tiwhatiwha ; kolingotingo ; pure- pure. Spouse, s. Makau. Spout, s. Korere. Sprained, a. Takoki; tanoe; ta- noni; taui. Sprawl, V. Takawhetawheta. Spread, v. fVhariki ; horahora; whewhei^a; fiorapa {e. O.) ; rau- roha {W.); towha. Spread abroad, v. Marara; ta- rewa; tirara ; turara. Spread, as fire, v. Toro ; tor a. Spring, V. Pihi; tupu; tipu; rea (E. a). Spring up in the mind, v. Toko Spring, s. Puna, Spring tides, s. Taitai nunui. Sprinkle, v. Ta; uwhiuwhi. Sprinkling, a. Whakaekeeke. Sprit, s. Titoko; takotokoto ; ko- to koto. Sprout, V. Pihi; tupu. Spy, s. Titei; tutei; tutai {w.). Squall, s. Pokaka; ropu. Square, a. Tapawha. Squeak, v. Kotokoto ; ngawi; titi. Squeeze, v. Rami; roromi; ta- tau; whakate. Squint, v. Keko; karapa; tiwka. Stab, V. Oka; wero. Stack, s. Whakapu. Staff, s. Tokotoko; turupou. Stage, s. Paparahi; rara. Stage for food, s. Whata ; ko- matiga; pataka; timanga. Stagger, v. Hirori; tapepa; tatu- tatu (tt,),- turorirori; hukeke. Stained, a. Poke; pe. Stairs, s. Arawhata. Stake — Strengthen. 251 Stake, *. Poupou; tin; tirau (ir). Stalk, s. Kakau; to; taumtke; takakau; tat a {e.C). Stanch, v. Utu. Stand, V. Tu. Star, s. fTAetu. Stare, v. Hinana; wAete ; titiro makutu. Start, w. Oko; ohorere; hukikuki; titi; tumu; turere. Starting, s. Oho; ohorere; pore. Startle, v. lyhakaoho; hui; ta- kiri. Starve, v. IVhakatiki. State, V. Korero; whakataki. Statue, 5. tVhakapakoko, Stature, s. Roanga. Stay, s. Hokai; ueha. Steady, v. H^hakamauru {W.); whakau. Steal, V. Tahae ; whanako (e. C.) ; whenako; kaia {e. c); keia {W.). Steal upon any one, v. IVhaka- hengi ; whakapnpa . Stealthily, to go, /•. If'hakahengi; whakupapa. Steam, *. h'orohu; koromahu; ko- rowhanake ; viumuha ; mamaoa ; tokakawa ; whanake. Steep, to be, v. Poupou: tuhoe. Steer, v. Urungi; ue; runa. Stem, 1. Tata; tinana. Stench, *. Piro ; haunga ; kakara. Step, J. Hikui. Stem, 5. Kei ; paremata ; la (w.) ; noko. Stew, *. Iluahua. Steward, .v. Tohungarua; tuari. Stick, s. Rakau. Stick, I', a. Oka; wero. Stick into the ground, v. Tia ; poupou ; tia tia ; tihoka. Stick, I', n. Piri. Stick fast, V. Tamomi; tupu; mau. Sticky, to be, i*. Tatnki. Stiff, a. Maro ; pakeke. Stile, *. h'oronae; whakutungangi. Still, a. Marie. Still water, s. Purolo (>K.). Sting, V. Kakati; wero. Stingy, to be, v. Jtuapo; ihu- puku ; kaiponu ; kaihakere (e. C); manawapopore ; pitokite ; towhe ; meko. Stink, V. Piro; haunga. Stir, V. h'ororirori. Stir up, I'. fVhakahauhau; aki- aki. Stitch, V. Tuitui. Stomach, s. Puku. Stomach of a shark, s. Koki. Stone, .V. Hamaka ; kohatu ; toka : teko ; nganga. Stool, 8. Turu. Stoop, V. Horopiko ; piko ; tuohu ; tapapa ; kupapa; tupoupou. Stop up, V. y/rai; pa. See Block up. Store, s. Toa. Stork, s. Matuku; kotuku. Storm, s. Maraiigai: pokaka. Stouthearted, a. Manawanui. Straggle, v. Marara; wawara; whakawawa. See Wander. Straight, a. Tika : totika ; ma- hora. Straighten, v. U'hakatika ; wha- k a totika. Strain, v. Riaka {w.). Strained, as the eyes, a. Mata- toua (IK),* waia. Strange, a. Tau; ke. Strange tribe, s. Tauiwi, Strange land, s. Tauwhenua . Stranger, s. Tauhou ; taurewn ; pakeha; putere; konene; ma- nene. Strangle, v. Nouoti. Straps by which a load is carried on the back, .v. h'ahaki; kawe. Straw, .V. Tata witi. Stray, v. Marara; whakawawa. Stream, s. Ju; ia : roma. Street, s. Ara ; huarahi; huanui. Strength, s. Kaha ; ngoi; aria ; koiwi {e. C.) ; ngohc; rutunga. Strengthen, v. IVhakakaha; wka- kamaroro. 252 Strenuous — Swarm. Strenuous, a. Uaua. Stretch out, v. Toro ; whatoro ; whatmotino; whakatigeinget] wha- j'oro ; whatai {e. C.) ; whakamaro. Stretched, to be, v, Maro; rena. Stride, v, Hikoi. Strike, v, Patu; patukitukij ko- pehupehu {Ng.); whakaruke; ike (b.); paike (r.); takitahi (if.). Strike with the fist, v. Kuru; moto. Strike out, as in swimming, v. Hokaikai. String, .9. J ho; nape; tau. String of anything, s. Tautau. Strings of a mat, s. Hvkalmka. Strip off, V, Horehore; huhu; hui; okaoka {W.); tihore; piokaoka {w); mahihore. Strive, v. JVhakauaua ; whaka- taetae; oke; tatango ; tauwhai- nga ; tohe. Stroke, s. JVhiwiga; patunga. Strong, a. Kaha; miworo; ngohe- ngohe; pakaka : marohiroki. Struck, to be, *•• Tu ; whara; pa. Struggle, V. Oke. Stubborn, a. Keke; whakakeke; turi; tutu. Stumble, v. Hirori ; turorirori. Stump, s. Tumu; kotumu. Stunted, a. Hurutete; moioio ; pu- tokitoki {W.); putoli. Stupid, a. Rare; wairangi; kuare. Stupid person, s. Moho; kuare. Stupify, V. JVhakahaurangi. Subdued, to be, v. Waikauere ; waikorohuhu. Subject to, to be, v. Ekengia. Subside, v. Ririu {w.); tanga- ngao ; heke. Subtle, a. Tinihanga; hianga; m anting a. Subtract, v. Tango. Succour, V. Awhina. Such, pron. Per a ; pena. Suck, V. Momi; mote {e.C); ngote (TF.). Sucker, s. Turuki {e. C). Suddenly, ad. Whakarere. Suffer, V. Mamae; ngaivhi (PF.). Sufficient, a. Ranea ; nanea ; ro- aka; rauaka {e. C). Suffocate, v. No?ioti. Suitable, to be, v. Tau. Sulky, to be, v. Pokeke ; whaka- tamarahi; ivhakatuanui ; turi. Sulphur, s. Whanariki; kupapa- papa. Summer, s. Raumati. Summit, s. Keokeonga; teitei; ti/ii; toitoi. Sun, s. Ra ; mamaru ; komaru. Sunbeam, s. Hihi; toko. Sunday, s. Ra tapu. Sunrise, s. Whitinga o te ra ; putanga a te ra. Superior, a. Tino pai; pai rawa. Superior, higher, a. runga. Supple, a. Ngorengore; ngore- noa; ngohengohe {e. C). Support, s. Tokomanga; ueka; whakawhirinakitanga . Support, V. Whakau ; pupuri. Suppose, V. IVhakaaro; ki; mea. Suppurated, to be, v. Pe; tai- nt atuku. Surf, s. Huka tai; tai whati. Surface, s. Kahu. Surname, s. Ingoa. Surprise, express, v. Ketekete; ngetengete {e. 0.). Surprise, v. Komutu; hopu. Surrender, v. Tuku. Surround, v. Mui; ohu. Survivors, s. Momohanga; mo- rehu. Suspect, V. Tupato. Suspend, v. Whakawerewere ; wha- kateki. Suspicious, to be, v. Owhiti {e.C); hihira; hahae ; atea; tupato. Swallow, V. Horo ; tanuku. Swallowed up, to be, v. Whaka- ngamia (b.). Swamp, s. Hu; maata; mato {w.); ngaeki; oru; repo ; korepo. Swarm, (as bees), v. Heke. Swear — There. 253 Oati. Kakawa; tota; toka- Swear, v. Sweat, s. kawa. Sweep, V. Tahi; puruma. Sweet, a, Reka. Sweeten, v. H'hakareka, Swell of the sea, s. .4mai; hu- amo {w.). Swell, V. Matakoma ; pupuhi; puku; j Symptom, a. Tohu. letere; touwha ; whakaahu. I Swelling, s. Ihtku; U7'uumu, Swift, to be, V. Hohoro; tere ; tipt. Swim, V. Kau; kaukau ; kauhoe. Swing, s. Morere; kopiuplti. Swoon, V. Memo. Sword, s, Hoari. Tabernacle, s. Tapenakara. Table, s. Paparahtia (/?.); fepara. Tack, V. frai/tape. Tail, s. t^aero: hiawero; hia- waero. Tail of a fish, s. Ih'ku. Take, v. Tango. Take care o^ v. lUuigua ; tiaki. Take up, v. h'ohi: naunau. Take up by handfuls, v. j4o; kapunga. Take up a crop, v. Hauhake, Talk, I', horero. Tall, «. Hoa ; teitei; hitawetawe. Tame, a. Rarata. Tame, v. H^'hakararatu. Tap, *. h'orere. Taste, s. Ha. Taste unpleasantly, v. Tawaha. Tattoo, .V. Holiki: moko. Tattoo, V. Ta. Teach, r. .'iko ; whakitako. Teachable, a. Ngawari ki te ako. Teacher, 5. Kai whakaako ; puke- nga. Tear, .v. Hnimata. Tear, v. Uaehae; nguhae. Tear up the earth, v. Pukeri. Tease, v. Tawai; whakatoi; wha- katenetene : maminga ; aweke ; Temple, s. Temepara. Tempt, r. f/'/iakairai; w/iaka- nialau ; whakupakepake. Temptation, .v. ff'hakawainga; whakamatuurangtt . Ten, a, Tekau; ngahuru; /toko- tahi {W.); ngawtri {it.). Tender, a. Ngawari; ngohengohe. Tendon, .v. Uaita. Tent, s. Teneti, Termination, s. Mutunga; poro- nga; whakaotinga ; porotutuki- tanga. Terrible, a. frchi; mataku. Terrify, v. frhakamataku; wha- k a we hi. Terror, .v.' H'ehi; mataku. Testament, s. h'awenata. Than, conj. I. Thank, r. H'hakapai; whaka- whetai. I thank you ; Ka pai ; E tika hoki. That, ///'o/i. la; lena; lera; taua. That, (in order that), liia — ai. Thatch, V. Tap a la; a to; turuki. The, art. Te. Thee, pron. hoe: mat/: mou : nau; nou. Theft, s. Tahae; haia : /n'ia ; whanako {e. C). makoi; r aweke; u^hakangari ; \ Their, pron. To ratou; ta ralou. whangawhatiga ( »'.). Then, ad. lanei. Teasing, a. Satiakia ; porearea Then, (at that time), ad. h'o reira; i^K.C.)i autaia: w/nikafoi. no reira. Teat, #. U. I Thence, ad. I reira. Tell. ;*. fit: kortno ; nitta. | There, ri. Vexation, s. ff'hakatakariri ; wha- karikarika : inati. Vexed, to be, v. f/'kakafakariri: karangirangi; finia ; honohonoa {E. a). Vibrate, v. Piupiu; ngaten, Viee, s. Kino : ke. Victual, s. hat. Vie, V. Take; lautohetohe. View, s. Tirokanga. Vigilant, a. Tupato ; ma/aara. Vigorous, to be, r. h'aka; malo- malo ; tuperepere. Vile, a. Kino; weriweri. Village, s. Kainga; pa. Vine, s. H'aina. Vineyard, s. Mara ivaina. Violent, a. Pakaha ; taikaha; tn- anui (»F.); tuperepere. Virtue, s. Pai. Viscid, to be, v. Tataki. Vision, s. Kitenga. Visit, V. Toro ; nokonoho. Visitor, *. Manuhiri. Voice, s. Heo; waha. Voice, supernatural, s. Irirangi. Void, a. .Ilea; kautakanga. Volcano, s. Puia. Vomit, V, Rnaki. Voyage, s. Rerenga. w. Wade, V, Kau, Wages, 8. Utu. Wail, V. Jue; langi. Waist, 8. Nope. Wait, V. Tatari; whanga; wha- kananawc : wkakaririka. Wakeful, a. .tra; mataara; ma- tat u. Walk, V. Haere. Walking-stick, v. Tokotoko; tu- rupou. Wall, s. Pakitara; patu; tara (E C). Wallow, *'. Titakataka; oke. Wander, *•. Marara; aliutiu; kae- wa ; kukeiva ; konewha ; kurara ; koroiroi (E.G.); whakaroiroi; wawa ; wawara. Wandering, as a dream, a. Tu- tor o. Wane, v. Riko. i Want, s. Onge. War, s. Pakanga ; wkawhai; whai- nga. Ward off, v. Pupa re; kakuro. Warm, to be, /'. Mahana; wera; puwera; ahuru. Warm oneself, v. Inaina : paina ; wknkfiakun/. Warmth, .v. H'erairera; makaua ; I pumahu. i Warn, v. H'kakatupalu. 17 258 Warp — Whole. Warp, s. IFhenu, Wash, V. Horoi. Waste, /'. Maumau. Wasted, a. Maumau. Wasted away, to be, v. Koeo; kohi; kohiakiko; ngongo ; honia. Watch, V. Mataara ,• hiwa. Water, s. Wai; honu; katao (22.),- mote {W.); ngongi {w.). Water, as the mouth, v. Mowai. Water, v. ff'hakamukuku. Water, as the eyes, v. Toriwai; toivawahi {W.). Watercourse, s. Macro. Waterfall, s. Here; taheke. Watertight, to be, v. Maru ,• pihi. Wave, s. Ngaru. Wave, small, s. Papata {r.). Wave, V. Piupiu; rutu. W&y, s. j4ru; huarahi ; huanui. We, pron, Talou ; matou; tutau {e.g.); matau (E.C). We two, pron. Taua ; maua. Weak, to be, v. Ngoikore; mi- kore; anewa {W.). Weaken, /'. IVhakaruhiruhi. Wealth, s. Taonga. Weapon, .v. Palu; ringaringa: rakau. Wearisome, a. H-"' ha k a ho ha. Weary, to be, v. Hoha; ngenge; inarohirohi; rore : mauiui; ro- ivhea (Ng.); ruwha ; waea ; waitau. Weather, s. Rangi. Weave, v. fVhatu; nape (b.). W^ed, V. Marena. Wedding, s. Marena tanga; ta- ngohanga. Wedge. Makahi; mataora; ora {E. a). Wednesday, s. fVenerei. Weeds, s. Otaota: taru. Week, s. Wiki. Weep, V. Tangi. Weigh down, v. JVhakataimuka. Weight, s. Taimahii : taumaho : toimaha ; tami. Well, a. Ora. Well, s. Poka wai. West wind, s. Hauauru; hau- arahi; kapekape {e. C). Wet, a. Maku; rari; makengo. Whale, s. Tohora ; pakake {e. C.) ; tohoraha (r) ; paraoa. Whalebone, s. Paraoa. What, proji. Aha. What, ifit. Are; ha. Wheat, s. JViti. Wheel, s. Porowhita. When, ad. Ana; ina ; no; i. When, interrogative, ad. Ahea ; inahea ; nonahea ; tainawhea {e. a). Whence, ad. Nohea; ihea. Where, ad. Jiiohea ; keihea ; tea (R.) ; tehea (/?.). Whereas, con/. Notemea. Whereat, ad. Noreira ; moreira. Whereby, ad. Mareira. Wherefore, conj. Koia ; moreira. Whereupon, ad. Na; noreira; i reira. Wherewithal, ad. Ma te aha. Whether, cofif. Ahnkoa; ranei; raina {e. C). Which, pron. Tehea; ehea. While, ad. Kei; keiwha. Whine, v. Uene. Whip, V. fVhiu. Whip, s. Ta; whiu. Whipping-top, s. Kaihotaka. Whirl, V. Tawhiri; tawhiuwhiu; kowhiri ; karawhiu ; koumuumu ; riporipo. Whirlpool, s. Riporipo; kororipo. Whirlwind, s. Awhiowhio. Whisk, V. Powhiriwhiri. Whisper, v. Kowhetewhete ; ko- humuhumu. Whistle, V. Korowhili; whio. White, a. Ma. White clay, .v. Vkui: uku {e. C. \ -W.\ \ Whither, ad. Ko hea ; ki heu. Whizz, V. Mapu. I Who, pron. JVai. I Whole, a. Katoa. ^Tiose — Wrong. 259 WTiose, pron, Na wat; no wai. Why, ad. He aha; na te aha. Wicked, a. Kino; hara. Wide, a. H^hanui ; wharahi. Widow, s, Pouaru; takahore. Widower, s. Pouaru; takahore. Width, s. Whanui; wharahi. Wife, s. IVahine: hoa. Wild, a. Maka. Wilderness, s. h'oraha. Will, s. Hiahia: pai. Wind, s. Hau; miiri; kohengi- hengi^W); kotengitengi ; mata- ngi (JK.). Wind ahead, .v. Uautumu. Wind, \\ Pokai; takatakai. Wind about, ik h'okeke; kopiko- piko. Winding, a. ^whiowhio; taiawhio. W^indow, s. Matapihi; kotopihi; mataaho. Wing, .V. Parirau; pakau; pa- kaukau; paihau {e. C). W^ing of an army, s. Kauae. Wink, V. h'amokamo. Winnow, v. Kowhiuwhiu. Winter, s, Hotoke ; hutoke {E. C.) ; takurua. Wipe, V. Muku; ukui; muni. Wisdom, *. Matauranga; mohio- tanga. Wise, a. Matau; mohio; mala- Tiga. Wish, V. Hiahia ; amene ; mina- mina. See Desire. Witch, s. H'ahine makulu. Witchcraft, s. Makulu; whaiwhaia {E. C); taurarua. With, prep, h'ei; me; i. Wither, v. Memenge; pohei ngi- ngio; ngongohe ; paroparo, Witlihold, V. Meko; kaiponu. Within, prep. Hei roto i; i roto i. Within a little, ad. Mekari; me- kore. Without, ad. U'ahn. Witness, s. h'ai whakapono. Woman, .v. ff'ahine. Woman, old, s. Kuia; ruruhi; ngoingoi; ruwahine; kui; ha- kui {e. C.) ; hupeke (r.). Womb, s. hopu. Wonder, v. Miharo; miha ; mihi (e.g.); maharo {w.) ; monoa (e.g.); umere. Wonderful, v. H'hakamiharo. Woo, *'. .-iruaru; whai. Wood, s. Ngahere; tawhao; ne- henehe (JT.); weku (i?.). Wood (timber), s. Rakau. Wood, isolated, s. Molu rakau : kari {w). Wood, half burnt, s. Mounga; molumolu ( w.) ; momotu {e. C.) ; ngotungotu ( w) ; ngoungou ( W.). Wood coal, .V. h'apoai. Woof, s. ^hu. Wool, s. Huruhuru. Word, 5. Hupu; korero. Work, s. Hanga ; mahi. World, s. Ao. Worm , s. Take ; noke {E. C.) ; ngunu (a). Worn out, n. Petapeta ; ongconge; ngawhewhe ; ngawhingawhi. Worse, a. Nui atu te kino Worship, r. h'arakia. Worthy, a. Pai. Wound, *. Tung a. Wrap up, V. Takai. Wrath, s. Riri; aritarita. Wreath, s. Pare; kopare. Wrecked, a. Paea ; pakaru. Wrench, v. Tango. Wrest, as words, v. fVhakariro. Wrestle, v. Whakataetae ; nonoke. Wriggle, V. Koriknri; lilukataka ; keukeu {e. C.) ; tautaka ; tureti- reti {}V.). Wring, V. ff'hakawiri. Wrinkle, s. Knrukoru {w). Wrinkled, to be, v. Rehe {e. C). Write, V. Tuhituhi. Writhe, V. Kapekapeta ; okeoke. Wrong, a. He. 17* 260 Yam— -Zigzag. Yam, s. Uwhikaho. Yawn, V, Kohera. Ye, pron. Koutou. Ye two, pron. Korua. Yea, ad. ^e ; koi'a. Year, s, Tau. Yellow, a. Pungapunga. Yelp, V. Tau. Yes, ad. Ae ; ina ; koia ; ana ( w.). Yesterday, ad. Inanahi; nona- fiahi; tainahi. Yesternight, ad. Inapo; nonapo. Yet, conj. Ano. Yield, V. Ngaeki; ngaeri; oru; taoru. Yield, let go, v. Tuku. Yonder, ad. Na; ki ko. You, pron. Koutou. You two, pron. Korua. Young, a. Kuao ; punua. Young of birds, s. Hukari; pi. Younger relative, s. Muring a; teina ; taina (e. C). Youngest child, *. Whakaotinga; potiki. Your, pron. Ta koutou; to kou- tou; ta korua; to korua. Youth, s. Taitamariki; maitiiti z. Zeal, s, Tohe; uaua. Zigzag, a. Kopikopiko. THE END OF SECOND PAET. SENTENCES. A SELECTION OF COLLOQUIAL SENTENCES. •i. ■ Where do you come from? . . No hea koe? When did you come? .... Nonahea koe i haere mai ai? What are you come for? . . . He aha koe i haere mai ai? Are you married? He wahiiie tau? Have you any children? ... He tamariki au? Is this your child? Nau tenei tamaiti? Have you been baptized? . . . Ka oti koe t« iriiri? Who is your Missionary? . . . Ko wai to Mihanere? -. , 1 . J* iK matau ana ranei koe ki te ko- Do you know how to read: . . J ^^^^ puUapuka? Do you understand how to write? E matau ana koe ki te tuliituhi? Have you never been to bchool ? Kahoru ano koe i tae ki te kura ? Tx ^ ,.,j J. \. ^^ iKahore o tamariki e haere ki to Do not your children go to school ? j i^ > Send them, Mau e touo ki reira. Is there no school in your village? Kahore he kura i to kainga? TV , 1 ^ i iE matau ana koe ki te tui ka- Do you know how to sew? • • j u u > Mend this hole, Tuia te kore nei. II. What a dirty child you are, . . Katahi te tamaiti paru ko koe. If you desire to come here, you Ka hiahia koe ki te haere mai must be dressed in clean clo- ki konci, kia kakahuria he ka- thes, kahu ma. i allow no person to come inside Ekore e tukua e au te taugiitu ka- the house clothed in a blanket, kahu i te paraikete ki roto ki you must sit outside, te whare, me uoho koe ki waho. Wash your clothes, Horoia o kakahu. 264 A SELECTION OF Here is some soap, Tenei he hopi. It is better to buy soap and not Engari me hoko he hopi kaua he tobacco, tupeka. Throw away your pipe, . . . Maka atu to paipa. It is a bad habit, He ritenga kino. I am ashamed to see a woman Katahi taku mea whakama ko te smoke, wahine kia kai paipa. III. Have you a Testament? ... He Kawenata tau? Read with me, Taua ka korero pukapuka. You ^-iU tell me if I read wrong, 1^' *^ ^'^ *^''" y°'''''"> P-^kapuka ° r mau e ki mai. AVhat is the meaning of that word ? He aha te tikanga o tena kupu? I do not understand what you say, Kahore an e matau ki to korero. Repeat it again, Whakahuatia mai ano. Speak slowly-you speak too fast, jKia^ato^korero-hohoro tonu to Let us reaa verse by verse, . . i^'f Wkohiko ta taua korero mau f tetahi rarangi maku tetahi. Do you understand the meaning E matau ana ranei koe ki te ti- of this? kanga o tenei. When do you go back to your Ko ahea koe hoki ai ki to kai- village? nga? Come and see me again before Hoki mai ano kia kite i ahau you go, keiwha haere koe. Come often, Kia bono te hoki mai. You must teach me, .... Mau ahau e ako. lE mea ana au kia ako i te reo maori. I w^ant to learn maori, IV. Do you want to work? . . . E pai ana koe ki te mahi ? Tk 1 u X J? i (E matau ana koe ki te hanga Do you know how to lencer • { ^ • > •^ / taiepa: Fence this piece of ground, . . Taiepatia tenei wahi. Let it be firm, lest the cattle i-.^. i • i i break 't ( ^' pakarua e nga kau. You must not be idle, .... Kei mangere koe. You must work from sunrise to Me mahi koe no te putanga o te sunset, ra, a po noa. You must bring your own food, Mauria mai he kai mau. I shall pay vou when vour workj^A ^ i • ^ ^ i.- 1 " ' "■ >Ka utua koe ina mutu to mam. IS done, j You must dig up all this, . . Keria katoatia tenei wahi. Do not leave the roots of the fern Kei waiho nga roi ki raro ki te in the ground, whenua. COLLOQUIAL SENTENCES. 265 Gather them and bum them, . Me kohikohi ka tahu ai. Hoe this piece of land, . . . Haua tenei wahi ki te kaheru. Break the lumps of earth, Do not break my hoe, . . Bring it back to me when have finished. Where is my spade? I will lend it to you, . Have you not an axe? Cut down this three, Chop some firewood. Sow this seed, . Patupatua nga keretu. . Kei whati taku kaheru. you Whakahokia mai ki ahau ina oti te mahi. . Kei hea taku puka? . Ka tukua e au ki a koe. . Kahore o titaha? . Tuakina tenei rakau. . Tatakia he wahie. . Ruia tenei purapura. X V i. 1. » J I Me whai takiwa nga moa i le- Leave a space between each bed, j ^^^j ^^^ . ^^^^^^^_ Dig a trench, Keria he waikeri. Widen the ditch there, . . . ''^^hakanuia te whanui o te wai keri na. Plant this tree, Wliakatokia tenei rakau. Carry some earth to this part, . Kawea he oneone ki tenei wahi. V. Will you go and be my compa- I ^^^ ^ \^^^^^ ^^. ^^^ ^^^^^ nion (on the road): ) You must carry these things, . Man e pikau enei mea. Do you know the road? . . . E matau ana koe ki te ara? Is it a good road? E pai ana te ara? Is it by the coast or inland ? . Kei te akau te ara kei uta ranei ? Are there many swamps? ... He maha ranei nga repo? Is there much forest? . . . .He roa koia te ngahere? ou 11 ii J -L i.1. • i (Tera koia e rokohina he waka ki bhall we find a canoe at the nver? | . ^ f te awa: Will you take me across?. . . Man pea ahau e whakawhiti? Is the river deep? Ka hohonu te awa? Is the wind fair? E tika ana te hau? Take down the sail, Turakina te ra. Bow the canoe, Hoea te waka. Pull away, Kia kaha te hoe. It will rain presently, .... Meake ua. Will it rain? Tera ranei e ua te rangi? Take care lest the things get wet, Kei maku nga mea. Pitch the tent, Whakaturia te teneti. ^fake the pegs fast, Kia u nga tia. Light a fire, Tahuna he kapura. Fetch more firewood, .... Tikina atu hoki he wahie. Go and fetch some water, . . . Haere kawea ho wai. Put water on the fire for tea, . Maka he wai ki te ahi mo te ti. Cook our potatoes in a native oven, Mo tao a tatou kapana ki te umu. Call me at day-break, .... Whakaarahia ahau i te atatu. 18 266 A SELECTION OF Strike the tent, Turakina te teneti. Take it to the back of the house. Taria atu ki tua o te whare. Pack up the bundles, .... Takaia nga pikau. Mind that nothing is left, . . . Kei mahue etahi o nga mea. Let us travel quickly, .... Kia hohoro ta tatou haere. Roast the potatoes, the oven takes Tunua nga kapana, he roa rawa too long a time, te umu. Is not the food cooked yet? . . Kahore ano i maoa noa te kai? Yl. Are you sick ? What is the matter with you? . Where is your pain? . . . . How long have you been ill? Have you had any medicine ? Did the medicine do any good? Put out your tongue, . . . . Is your throat sore? . . . . Have you not a cough? . . . Is your chest sore when you cough ? Do you perspire much in the night? Do you feel pain when I press this part? Have you been sick? . . . . How long has that tumour been forming? What food have you eaten? . . Take this medicine in the morn- ing and in the evening. Take it morning, noon, and night. Take some of this when the cough is bad. Rub this ointment on the part every night. Rub some of this on the eyelids every night, — let it be a very little. Wash your eyes several times a-day with cold water — with warm water. Do not walk about till you are better. Do not lie continually in the house, but when the sun shines come outside and walk about, Do not smoke, E mate ana koe? He aha to mate? Kei hea to maemae? Ka pehea te roa o to mate? Kahore ano koe i kai rongoa? I pai ranei te rongoa? Kia whatero to arero. E mamae ana to korokoro? Kahore he mare? Ka mamae to uma ina mare koe. Ka puta te kakawa i to kiri i te po? Ka pehia e au te wahi nei ka mainae koe? I ruaki koe? JNonahea te puku na? He aha te kai i kainga e koe? Kainga te rongoa nei i te ata, i te ahiahi. Kainga i te ata, i te tino awa- tea, i te ahiahi. Ka tohe te mare ka kainga te- tahi wahi o tenei. Pania te wahi na ki te hinu nei i tenei po i tenei po. Pania tetahi wahi o tenei ki nga kanohi i tenei po i tenei po, kia iti noa. Kia taki mahanga horoinga o nga kanohi i te ra tahi ki te wai matao — ki te wai werawera. Kaua koe e haereere, kia matutu ra ano to mate. Kaua e takoto tonu i roto i te whare, otiia ka whiti te ra kia puta mai ki waho haereere ai. Aua e kai tupeka. COLLOQUIAL SENTENCES. 267 Is he better: Ka ata haere toua mate? Is the pain less? Ka iti haere te mamae? Did you take all the medicine ? Kua pau katoa te rongoa ? Did the medicine pain you? . . I mamae koe i te rongoa? Do you cough less? Ka iti haere to mare? Can you sleep at night ? . . . Ka moe koe i te po ? ^ , , T 4. -A Hoki mai koe ki a au i te ata, Come early to me — I cannot waitj , , . • x i. . , •' 1, J < ekore au e noho tonu i te whare at home all day, i • ^ •" f 1 te roa o te ra. Is your child sick? E mate ana to tamaiti? You must wash it all over in warm Me horoi tona tinana katoa ki te water every day, wai wera i tenci ra i tenci ra. If it be washed it will be soon well, Mehemea ka horoia meake ora. Does it suck still? E kai tonu ana i te u? Do not feed it with the bad food, Kaua e whangainga ki te kai kino. T, . ;. x^ ^„ „„«;„ +« ^ iWhakahokia mai e koe ki ahau i>nDg it to me again to morrow, { ^ f apopo. Farewell, Hei konei ra. FINIS. 18* JENA: PRINTED BY FK. FROMMANN.