UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY A V u »' REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA %eceiveJ ^^,^^ccj^ ■ 'So ^. z,^<'cessioii<: No . _ B SH2. University of California • Berkeley Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF WILLIAM MORRIS. 'SOQX A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF WILLIAM MORRIS BY TEMPLE SCOTT LONDON: GEO. BELL & SONS MDCCCXCVn. Chiswick Press : Charles Whittingham and Co. Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London, E.G. I i>-^^ PREFACE. The work achieved by William Morris as a poet, artist, and social economist, is nowhere more amply recorded than in his writings and publications. 'What- ever verdi(5t a more temperate posterity may pass on it, its immediate influence has been, and, in a certain measure, still is, of a nature w^hich may not be ignored by his contemporaries, since any esti- mate of ours must contribute to the final appreciation of his genius. In this sense we owe a duty to every artist who has been faithful to the ideals he set himself to realize. A bibliography of the writings of such a worker is an important help towards forming this estimate. This considera- tion, added to a recognition of the undoubted influence William Morris exercised, must be my plea for the pub- lication of this little volume. I have included not only the writings which were published separately in book and pamphlet form, but broad- sides, articles in magazines, and let- ters to newspapers. In addition to these there will be found complete de- scriptions and collations of the books issued from the Kelmscott Press, as well as references to essays and articles PREFACE. upon W^illiam Morris and his work by other writers. For much help I have to thank Mr. H. Buxton Forman, Mr. F. S. Ellis, Mr. Frederick H. Evans, Mr. Aymer Val- lance, Mr. Gleeson White, and others. I should be too sanguine did I believe that I have exhausted every source; and, indeed, the presence of an ** Addenda" would be a sufficient reproof; yet, im- perfe(5t as this record may be found to be, it will at least serve as a guide for some future searcher. TEMPLE SCOTT. vi CONTENTS. Page I. Original Poems x II. Romances Z2 III. Art 16 IV. Socialist Writings 22 V. Translations 29 VI. Contributions to Periodicals, Maga- zines, &c 36 (i) Poems 38 (2) Prose 41 (3) Translations 49 (4) Contributions to "Justice" . . . 50 (5) Contributions to "The Common- weal'* 52 VII. Mr. William Morris: Articles on the Man and his Work 6z VIII. Mr. Morris's Writings: Reviews and Criticisms upon 72 IX. Publications of the Kelmscott Press . . 82 Addenda 112 Chronological Summary 125 Vll A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE ORIGINAL WRITINGSTRANS- LATIONS AND PUBLICATIONSOF WILLIAM MORRIS. I. ORIGINAL POEMS. Sir Galahad a Christmas Mystery. By William Morris. London: Bell and Daldy, i86, Fleet Street. 1858. Sm. 8vo. sewed. Half-title, one leaf; title, one leaf; 7 leaves of text and one blank leaf. The half-title and the blank leaf at the end form a wrapper to this booklet. The last two leaves are pasted on, forming what might be called an «♦ out-set." The pagination is through, to p. 18. The only copy I have ever seen is that from which the above description and collation were obtained. There is also an unauthorized fac- simile reprint, which differs from the genuine work in several very small printers' errors. I B BIBLIOGRAPHY. The Defence of Guenevere and other Poems. By William Morris. London: Bell and Daldy, i86, Fleet Street. 1858. Sm. 8vo. Half-title, title, dedication, and con- tents, 4 leaves (small slip of " Errata " pasted after contents on verso of its leaf); B — R 4 in eights. In 1875 Ellis and White issued 25 copies on large paper. The volume was reprinted by Mr. Morris at the Kelmscott Press in 1892. See Kelmscott Press Pubs. Bibl. In 1875 Roberts of Boston, U.S.A., issued an edition in cr. 8vo. at 2 dollars. The Life and Death of Jason a Poem by William Morris London : Bell and Daldy, York Street, Covent Garden. 1867. Sm. 8vo. Half-title, title, 2 leaves. B— AA in eights (last two leaves consist of advts. and blanks). On back of title should be pasted a small list of " errata." Of the 1869 edition (printed by Ellis and White from the stereotyped plates) there was a small issue on large or thick Whatman paper; and of the eighth (revised) edition (1882) there were 25 copies printed on large paper also. Roberts of Boston, U.S.A., published an edition in 1867 in i6mo. ; but in 1885 Clarke and Maynard of New York issued one in wrappers for 12 cts. Reprinted by Mr. Morris at the Kelmscott Press in 1895. See Bibliography of Kelmscott Press Publications. Life and Death of Jason. By William Morris. Prepared, and Printed, solely a ORIGINAL POEMS. for the Use of Pupils of Irvine Academy. Irvine : Twies Office, John S. Begg, Printer. MDCCCLXXIX. Sm. 8vo. pp. 58 (incl. title) and one blank leaf. The Earthly Paradise A Poem [Wood- cut.] By William Morris, Author of The Life and Death of Jason. London : F. S. Ellis, 33 King Street, Covent Garden. MDCCCLXVIII. \_All rights reserved^ [This is the general title to the book. There is a second title, printed on toned paper, which has below the author's name the words "Parts I. and II." and the date is '* MDCCCLXX." Vol. II. has "Part III.," and the date is also ** MDCCCLXX." Vol. III. has " Part IV.," and the date is also " MDCCCLXX."] Sm. Svo. Vol. I. : one blank leaf; half-title, general title, and title to Parts I. and II., 3 leaves; dedication and contents, 2 leaves; B — XX 2 in eights, and one leaf containing a re- produ<5lion of the woodcut on the title-page, on re(Jlo. This block, designed by E. Burne-Jones, was engraved by W. Morris for the first edition. It was re-engraved by G. Campfield for the later editions. Vol. II. : half-title, title, and contents, 3 leaves ; B— LL in eights, last leaf containing a repro- du<5Vion of woodcut on the title-page, on recito. Vol. -1 1 1. : half-title, title, andcontcHts, 3 leaves; B — FF 6 in eights, last leaf containing on re<5to a reproduc5tion of the woodcut on the title-page. Vol. I. is printed on a thin white paper ; Vols, II. and III. on a thickish toned antique laid paper. 3 BIBLIOGRAPHY. There was also an edition on large paper of 15 copies. Some copies (probably 500) of the first edition of the first part contain cancel leaves — notably PP* 75-6. On p. 75, 1. 20, was a ludicrous mis- print of " my " for " thy." The poem is now being issued in eight vols, from the Kelmscott Press. See Kelmscott Press Pubs. Bibl. Roberts of Boston, U.S.A., issued in 1868-71 an edition in i6mo., 3 vols., another in cr. 8vo., 3 vols., and a Popular Ed. (later) in i6mo. In 1877 he reissued the first two editions. In 1870 Roberts of Boston published separately as a i6mo. volume the " Lovers of Gudrun." Messrs. Reeves and Turner, when they took over the publication of Mr. Morris's books, issued a •'library edition" in 4 vols. 8vo., and later a " popular edition " in 10 parts sm. cr. 8vo. The Earthly Paradise A Poem, by \Villiam Morris. London Reeves and Turner 196 Strand 1890. 8vo. One leaf advt. ; half-title, title, dedication, contents, 4 leaves ; A — 2 E in eights (last leaf blank). Bound in cloth, with a design by W. Morris. Love is Enough or The Freeing of Pharamond a Morality. By William Morris. London : Ellis & White, 29 New Bond Street. 1873. Sq. sm. 8vo. (floral design by W. Morris in gold on cloth cover.) One blank leaf; half-title and 4 ORIGINAL POEMS. title, 2 leaves; "Dramatis Personae," one leaf; B — K 4 in eights (last leaf consists of advts.). Twenty-five copies were also published on large paper. Roberts of Boston, U.S.A., issued in 1872 two editions, one in i6mo., the other in cr. 8vo. The Two Sides of the River Hapless Love and The First Foray of Aristo- menes. By William Morris. London 1876 \_Noi for SaleJ] Sm. Svo. 24 pp. (including half-title, title, and one blank leaf at end); bound in green paper wrapper with half-title in printer's rules frame. Without printer's name. Of these three poems the first was reprinted in the volume, " Poems by the Way " in 1891. The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs. By William Morris, Author of * The Earthly Para- dise.' London : Ellis and White, New Bond Street. MDCCCLXXVII. Sq. cr. 8vo. Half-title, title, and contents, 4 leaves ; B — CC 4 in eights. Of the original edition there was a large paper issue of 25 copies. Mr. Morris had arranged for an edition of this poem to be printed at the Kelmscott Press. See Kelmscott Press Pubs. Bibl. Of the fourth edition published by Reeves and Turner there was also a large paper issue of 50 copies. In 1876 Roberts of Boston, U.S.A., issued an BIBLIOGRAPHY. edition uniform with the English edition — re* printed in 1879. ** Wake London Lads " Air " The Hardy Norseman's Home of Yore " Five stanzas of eight lines each, signed William Morris, printed on a broadside for distribution at an Exeter Hall meeting, January i6th, 1878. Socialists at Play. By "William Morris. Prologue spoken at the Entertainment of the Socialist League : South Place Institute, June 11, 1885. Sm. 8vo. 8 pp. (half-title, title, and text), in red paper cover. Originally appeared in the " Com- monweal." Democratic Federation. Chants for Socialists : No. i. The Day is Coming. By William Morris, Author of *' The Earthly Paradise," etc. Price One Penny. London : Reeves, 185, Fleet Street, E.C. Sm. 8vo. 8 pp. and 4 pp. buff wrapper. The Voice of Toil : All for the Cause. Two Chants for Socialists. By William Morris. London: Reprinted from "Justice," The Organ of the Social Democratic Federation. (Price One Penny, n.d.) Sm. 8vo. 8 pp. in primrose wrapper (no proper title-page except that on wrapper). 6 ORIGINAL POEMS. The Socialist League. [With headpiece designed by Walter Crane.] Chants for Socialists by William Morris. Contents 1. The Day is Coming. 2. The Voice of Toil. 3. All for the Cause. 4. No Master. Price One Penny. 5. The March of the Workers. 6. The Message of the March Wind. Published at The Socialist League Office, 27 Farringdon Street, London, E.G. 1885. 8vo. 16 pp. in pamphlet form, without wrappers. ** The Voice of Toil " first appeared in "Justice," April 5, 1884; '*A11 for the Cause" in "Jus- tice," April 19, 1884 ; " No Master" in ** Justice," June 7, 1884 ; " The March of the Workers " in "Commonweal," February, 1885. "The Mes- sage of the March Wind" also appeared in " Commonweal." All the poems in this edition of " Chants for Socialists," except Nos. 4 and 5, were reprinted in " Poems by the Way." The Socialist League. [With headpiece designed by Walter Crane.] Chants for Socialists. By William Morris. Contents : The Day is Coming. The Voice of Toil. The Message of the March Wind. Down Among No Master. All for the Cause. The March of the Workers, the Dead Men. 7 BIBLIOGRAPHY. London : Socialist League Office, 13 Farringdon Road, Holborn Viaduct, E.G. 1885. Price One Penny. Sm. 8vo. 16 pp. in pamphlet form, without wrappers. This is a later edition, with an addi- tional poem. " Down among the Dead Men" was not re- printed in " Poems by the Way." A Selecflion from the Poems of W^illiam Morris. Edited with a Memoir by Francis Hueffer. Leipzig Bernhard Tauchnitz 1886 [CoUecJtion of British Authors, Tauchnitz Edi- tion. Vol. 2378.] i6mo. pp. 320 and 16 pp. advts. Includes sele(5\ions from " The Defence of Guenevere," "Life and Death of Jason," "The Earthly Paradise," " Love is Enough," and ** The Story of Sigurd the Volsung." The God of the Poor. By William Morris, author of ** The Earthly Para- dise." Originally published in the *' Fortnightly Review," August i, 1868. [On wrapper is the following imprint : — ] London : Printed at the Office of "Justice," The Organ of the Social Democratic Federation. (Price One Penny.) Sm. Svo. 8 pp. in red paper wrapper. 8 ORIGINAL POEMS. The Pilgrims of Hope A Poem In Thirteen Books By William Morris London: Brought together from '*The Commonweal " For March, April, May, June, August, September, & November, 1885, And January, March, April, May 8, June 5, & July 3, MDCCCLXXXVI. [Privately Printed.] Sq. cr. 8vo. Blank leaf, half-title, title, contents, prefatory note, and second half-title, 6 leaves ; text, pp. 9 — 69 ; and i blank leaf. In grey paper wrapper. Sold for the Benefit of Linnell's Orphans. Alfred Linnell Killed in Trafalgar Square, November 20, 1887. A Death Song, By Mr. V/. Morris. Memorial Design by Mr. Walter Crane. Price One Penny. Impl. 8vo. (7 in. by 10 in.) pp. 8. Title ; Alfred Linnell, pp. 2 — 4 ; first verse of song with music, followed by complete text of the song (4 verses), pp. 5-8. This is the first edition of Morris's Death Song for Alfred Linnell. Christmas Song. By William Morris. (Stream of Life Series.) Lothrop, Boston, U.S.A. 1887. i6mo. bds. 25 cts. Atalanta's Race and other Tales from the Earthly Paradise. By William 9 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Morris. Edited with Notes by Oscar Fay Adams with the co-operation of William J. Rolfe, A.M., Litt. D. With Illustrations. Boston [U.S.A.] Ticknor and Com- pany 1888 Sm. 8vo. pp. X and 11 — 242 and 2 blank pp. (the frontispiece and page illustrations are included in the pagination). The illustrations are from "process" blocks. All for the Cause. A Song for Socialists. W^ords by William Morris. Music by E. Belfort Bax. London. 1887. 4to. pp. 4. The words appeared originally in "Justice." The Legend of " The Briar Rose." A Series of Pidlures Painted by E. Burne- Jones, A.R.A. Exhibited at Thos. Agnew & Sons' Galleries, 39 Old Bond Street W. 1890. i2mo. pp.12, (pp. 10 — II contain Morris's four quatrains on the four pi(5tures). This is the first edition, but in the same year another edition was issued in sm. 8vo. (pp. 24) with the Morris quat- rains on pp. 5 — 17, and bound in grey wrapper. Poems by the Way Written by Wil- liam Morris London: Reeves and Turner MDCCCXCL zo ORIGINAL POEMS. Sm. 4to. Two blank leaves ; half-title, title, and contents, 3 leaves ; B — CC in fours (last two leaves blank). The above is the collation of the large paper issue, of which 100 copies were printed on hand- made paper. The ordinary edition was a small square odtavo with the collation : one leaf with advt. on verso ; half-title, title, and contents, 3 leaves, B — CC 2 in fours. Mr. Morris printed the first edition at the Kelm- scott Press in i8gi. See Kelmscott Press Pubs. Bibl. Poetical Works of William Morris. Cheaper Issue. Library Edition. Longmans & Co. London 1896. Cr. 8vo. 10 vols. Vols. I.— IV. The Earthly Paradise. Vol. V. The Life and Death of Jason. 8th edit. Vol. VI. Defence of Guenevere, and other poems. Reprinted without alteration from the edition of 1858. Vol. VII. The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs. 5th edit. Vol. VIII. Poems by the Way. Love is Enough. Vol. IX. The Odyssey of Homer done into English verse. Vol. X. The JEneids of Virgil done into Eng- lish verse. 2nd edit. Z2 BIBLIOGRAPHY. II. ROMANCES. A Dream of John Ball and A King*s Lesson. (Reprinted from the * Common- weal.') By William Morris, Author of "The Earthly Paradise," etc. ^A/'ith an Illustration by Edward Burne- Jones. London : Reeves & Turner, 196 Strand. MDCCCLXXXVIII. Imp. 24mo. I blank leaf, half-title, i leaf; title- page and contents, 2 leaves ; frontispiece by Burne-Jones on special plate paper. B — K in eights (pp. viii and 144, last page unpaged), x leaf advt. inserted at end. Published at 4^. 6d, The half-title to " A King's Lesson " is on sig. K2(pp. 130— 131). Mr. Morris reprinted this volume at the Kelm- scott Press in 1892. See Kelmscott Press Pubs. Bibl. The work ran as a serial through eleven num- bers of " The Commonweal." Reprinted in this form by the kind permission of Messrs. Reeves & Turner, Publishers of Mr. Morris's Works. A King's Lesson By William Morris Author of " The Earthly Paradise," etc. Aberdeen : Printed and Published by James Leatham 15 St. Nicholas Street 1891. x6mo. x6 pp. (last leaf consists of advts.)» bound in grey wrapper. 12 ROMANCES. A Tale of the House of the Wolfings and all the Kindreds of the Mark written in Prose and in Verse by William Morris. Whiles in the early winter eve We pass amid the gathering night Some homestead that we had to leave Years past ; and see its candles bright Shine in the room beside the door Where we were merry years agone, But now must never enter more, As still the dark road drives us on. E'en so the world of men may turn At even of some hurried day And see the ancient glimmer bum Across the waste that hath no way ; Then with that faint light in its eyes Awhile I bid it linger near And nurse in wavering memories The bitter sweet of days that were. London 1889 ; Reeves and Turner 196 Strand Sm. 4to. One blank leaf; half-title, title, and contents, 3 leaves ; B — O 4 in eights. Of the large paper edition there were one hundred copies printed, of which eighty-nine were for sale. Roberts of Boston, U.S.A., issued an edition in i8go. The Roots of the Mountains wherein is told somewhat of the Lives of the Men of Burgdale their Friends their Neighbours their Foemen and their Fellows in Arms By William Morris 13 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Whiles carried o'er the iron road, We hurry by some fair abode ; The garden bright amidst the hay, The yellow wain upon the way, The dining men, the wind that sweeps Light locks from off the sun-sweet heaps— The gable grey, the hoary roof, Here now — and now so far aloof. How sorely then we long to stay And midst its sweetness wear the day, And 'neath its changing shadows sit. And feel ourselves a part of it. Such rest, such stay, I strive to win With these same leaves that lie herein. London MDCCCXC : Reeves and Turner CXCVI Strand. Sm. 4to. I prel. leaf with advt. on verso ; half- title, I leaf; title and contents, 2 leaves; B — 3 H in fours (pp. 424, prel. leaves unpaged). A 32 pp. catalogue of the publishers inserted at the end. Published at 8s. and bound in red-brown cloth. Of the large paper edition there were 250 copies printed, and bound in flowered cretonne. The story of the Glittering Plain which has been also called the Land of Living Men or the Acre of the Undying Writ- ten by "William Morris. London Reeves and Turner. M DCCC XCI. Sm. 4to. One leaf of advts. ; half-title, title, and contents, 3 leaves ; B — Z 2 in fours. The first edition of this work was issued by Mr. 14 ROMANCES. Morris from the Kelmscott press. See Kelm- scott Press Publications Bibl. Originally it appeared as a serial in the « English Illustrated Magazine," vol. vii., pp. 687, 754, 824, 884. News from Nowhere or An Epoch of Rest, being some chapters from a Utopian Romance by William Morris Author of The Earthly Paradise. London : Reeves & Turner. 1891. Sm. 8vo. One blank leaf; half-title and title, 2 leaves ; B — Q in eights (last leaf blank). A special edition on hand-made paper was also issued, limited to 250 copies. Mr. Morris reprinted this story at the Kelmscott Press in 1892. See Kelmscott Press Pubs. BibL The story ran as a serial through thirty-nine numbers of *• The Commonweal." Messrs. Roberts Bros, of Boston, U.S.A., issued in 1890 a reprint of this romance from " The Commonweal," uncorre<5led. Mr. Morris's own 1891 edition was largely revised. The collation of the American edition is : half-title, title, and contents, pp. i — vi; text, pp. 7 — 278; advts. pp. 279—280 ; reprint of a criticism from the " Athe- naeum," pp. 1—8. On verso of half-title is a reduced copy of Mr. Crane's cartoon, " Labour's May Day." Of Child Christopher and Fair Goldilind. 1895. See Kelmscott Press Pubs. Bibl. The Wood Beyond the World. By William Morris. I-ondon : Lfawrence and BuUen, 16, 15 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. MDCCCXCV. Sm. sq. 8vo. One blank leaf; half-title, title, and contents, 3 leaves ; B— Q in eights ; R, 4 leaves ; S, 2 leaves (last leaf contains printers* name only). In addition to the ordinary edition there were 50 copies printed on Whatman paper, and bound in olive-green art linen with paper label. The first edition of this romance was issued from the Kelmscott Press in 1894. See Kelm- scott Press Pubs. Bibl. The Well at the World's End a Tale by William Morris Volume I [Volume II] Longmans, Green, and Co. London, New York, and Bombay MDCCCXCVI 8vo. 2 vols, antique boards, linen back. Collation: Vol. I. Two blank leaves; half-title and title, 2 leaves ; contents, 2 leaves ; B — BB in eights (last three leaves blank except sig. BB 6, which has the imprint of the Chiswick Press). Vol. II. Three blank leaves ; half-title and title, 2 leaves; contents, one leaf; B — T6 in eights (last two leaves blank), sig. B i is the half-title to Book III., and to each of the four books of the story there is a separate half-title. III. ART. The Decorative Arts their relation to Modern Life and Progress An Address z6 ART. Delivered before the Trades* Guild of Learning by William Morris. London : Ellis and White 29 New Bond Street. [1878.] Sm. 8vo. pp. 32 (incl. title), issued in grey wrapper. Reprinted with the title " The Lesser Arts " in the volume " Hopes and Fears for Art." Issued in America (Boston) by Roberts in the same year. Birmingham Society of Arts and School of Design. Address delivered in the Town Hall, Birmingham, igth February, 1879. Bir- mingham, n.d. [1879]. 8vo. sd. pp. 24. Reprinted with the title " The Art of the People " in the volume " Hopes and Fears for Art."^ Birmingham Society of Arts and School of Design. Labour and Pleasure versus Labour and Sorrow. An Address by William Morris, President, in the Town Hall, Birmingham, 19th February, 1880. Bir- mingham, n.d. [1880]. 8vo. sd. Reprinted with the title " The Beauty of Lifel',- in the volume " Hopes and Fears for Art." Le<5lures on Art Delivered in support of the Society for the Prote<5lion of Ancient Buildings By Reginald Stuart Poole Prof. W. B. Richmond E. J. 17 c BIBLIOGRAPHY. Poynter, R.A. J. T. Micklethwaite William Morris London Macmillan and Co. 1882. Sm. 8vo. One blank leaf; half-title, title, pre- face, and contents, 5 leaves ; B — Q 4 in eights. Mr. Morris's contributions to this volume con- sist of two lectures— " The History of Pattern Designing," and "The Lesser Arts of Life." These occupy pp. 127—232 of the volume. Hopes and Fears for Art. Five Lecftures delivered in Birmingham, London, and Nottingham, 1878-1881. By William Morris, Author of * The Life and Death of Jason,' * The Earthly Paradise,' &c. London : Ellis & White, 29 New Bond Street. 1882. Sm. 8vo. Half-title and title, 2 leaves ; B— P 6 in eights (last leaf consists of advts.). Of this work there was a large paper edition of 25 copies. Roberts of Boston, U.S.A., issued an edition in i6mo. Contents : The Lesser Arts (delivered before the Trades Guild of Learning) ; The Art of the People (delivered before the Birmingham Society of Arts and School of Design) ; The Beauty of Life (delivered before the Birmingham Society of Arts and School of Design) ; Making the Best of It (delivered before the Trades' Guild of Learning and the Birmin gham Society of Artists) ; The Prospedts of Architec5lure in Civilization (delivered at the London Institution). The le(5ture •• The Lesser Arts " was first pub- lished in 1878 with the title " The Decorative Arts, their relation to Modern Life and Progress." x8 ART. ** The Art of the People " was first published in 1879 as a Birmingham address. *' The Beauty of Life" was issued separately in 1880 under the title " Labour and Pleasure versus Labour and Sorrow." International Health Exhibition. London, 1884. Textile Fabrics. A Lec5lure delivered in the Lec5lure Room of the Exhibition, July nth, 1884. By William Morris. Printed and Published for the Executive of the International Health Exhibition, and for the Council of the Society of Arts, by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, International Health Exhibi- tion, and 13, Charing Cross, S. W^. 1884. 8vo. pp. 32 (last leaf contains imprint of printers only) bound in pale green wrapper, and pub- lished at ^d. Art and Socialism : a Le(5lure delivered [January 23rd, 1884] before the Secular Society of Leicester, by William Morris, Author of "The Earthly Paradise," etc. And Watchman : What of the Night ? Cum Privilegio Aucfloris. Imprinted for E. E. M. and W. L. S. Anno 1884. Sold by W. Reeves, 185, Fleet Street, London, E.C. ; and by Heywoods, London and Manchester. [Leek Bijou Reprints. No. VH. Large Paper. Price ij.] Sq. i6mo. pp. 72 and 16 pp. advts. 19 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Issued in yellow wrapper. The ordinary edition is in red wrapper. The Aims of Art By William Morris Author of " The Earthly Paradise," etc. London OfEce of *' The Commonweal " 13 Farringdon Road 1887. i6mo. pp. 40 (including title). Issued with wrapper. There was a special edition on hand- made paper with grey wrapper, from which the above description and collation have been taken. The article was republished in the volume entitled " Signs of Change." Qn the External Coverings of Roofs. A four-page leaflet issued by The Society for the Prote<5tion of Ancient Buildings. London, n.d. 8vo. Without Mr. Morris's name as author. The Socialist Ideal of Art. By William Morris, Author of " The Earthly Para- dise," "A Dream of John Ball,'* " News from Nowhere," &c. &c. London : Reprinted from " The New Review," January 1891. Sm. 8vo. 12 pp. (without wrapper). City of Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. Address on the Collection of Paintings, of the English Pre-Raphaelite School, delivered by Mr. William Morris, in the Museum and Art Gallery, on Friday, October 2nd, 1891. 20 ART. Birmingham : E. C. Osborne and Son, 84, New Street. Price One Penny. 8vo. 16 pp. pamphlet, including title. Without wrapper. The Principles of the Society for the Protec5tion of Ancient Buildings as set forth upon its Foundation in 1877, and which are here reprinted in 1891 with- out alteration. Unsigned. A folio broadside of 2 pp., forming a prospectus and list of members of the Society. Arts and Crafts Essays By Members of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society With a Preface by William Morris % London Rivington, Percival, & Co. 1893. Sm. 8vo. One blank leaf; half-title and title, 2 leaves ; preface, 5 leaves ; contents, 2 leaves : B — 2 E 2 in eights, and 24 pp. catalogue of the publishers, (pp. xvii and 420. ) In addition to the preface the volume also contains the articles on " Textiles " and *' Dyeing as an Art," which originally appeared in the First and Second Catalogues of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society (1888—1889). The essay on " Printing," which in the 1888 Arts and Crafts Exhibition Catalogue was written by Mr. Emery Walker alone, is here recast and issued in the joint names of William Morris and Emery Walker. 21 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Gothic Arch it e (Slur e. A Le(5lure for the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society. See Kelmscott Press Pubs. Bibl. Concerning Westminster Abbey. TheSocietyfortheProtecflion of Ancient Buildings. London : 9 Buckingham Street, Adelphi, W.C. [1894.] Unsigned. Cr. 8vo. 18 pp. including wrapper. IV. SOCIALIST WRITINGS. A Summary of the Principles of Socialism Written for the Democratic Federation, By H. M. Hyndman and William Morris. London ; The Modern Press, 13 and 14, Paternoster Row, E.C. 1884. Sm. Svo. with pink wrapper. B — E in eights (pp. 64, last leaf contains advts.). Front wrap- per has a floriated design within which is printed the title. The wrapper was designed by Mr. W. Morris. Price One Halfpenny. For whom shall we vote ? Addressed to the Working-Men ElecSlors of Great Britain. Sm.Svo. 8 pp. (without title or wrapper. Written by Morris, although without his name). 22 J^' SOCIALIST WRITINGS. No. II.] What Socialists Want. A single demy 8vo. leaf, printed on both sides. The Socialist Platform. No. 2. The Socialist League. [With headpiece designed by Walter Crane.] Useful Work v. Useless Toil. By Wil- liam Morris. London : Socialist League Office, 13 Farringdon Road, Holborn Viadu(5t, E.G. 1885. Price One Penny. Sm. 8vo. 24 pp. (incl. title) without wrappers, paged continuously with No. i of *' The Socialist Platform," p. 17 — p. 40. The first five issues of " The Socialist Platform " are paginated con- tinuously ; the others separately. Mr. Morris and Mr. Ernest Belfort Bax signed an Introdu(5tory Editorial Note which appears in each of the pamphlets issued under this title. The pamphlet is reprinted as part of the book entitled •' Signs of Change." Price One Penny,] The Manifesto of the Socialist League. Sm. 8vo. 8 pp. (without title or wrapper). Written by W. Morris, but unsigned. The Manifesto of The Socialist League. Signed by the Provisional Council at the Foundation of the League on 30th Dec. 1884, and adopted at The General Conference Held at Farringdon Hall, London, on July 5th, 1885. A new edi- 23 BIBLIOGRAPHY. tion, Annotated by William Morris and E. Belfort Bax. London : Socialist League Office, 13 Farringdon Road, Holborn Viadudt, EX. 1885. Price One Penny. Sm. 8vo. 16 pp. in pamphlet form, ^last leaf unpaged. The " Prefatory Note " is signed and dated "Otftober, 1885." The Socialist Platform. No. 4. The Socialist League. [With headpiece designed by Walter Crane.] A Short Account of the Commune of Paris. By E. Belfort Bax, Vicftor Dave, and William Morris. Price Twopence. London : Socialist League Office, 13, Farringdon Road, Holborn ViaducS, E.G. 1886. Sm. 8vo. 24 pp. without wrapper ; paged 57 to 80. Socialism. A Leciture delivered under the auspices of the Norwich Branch of the Socialist League, at the Victoria Hall, Norwich, on Monday evening, March 8th, 1886, by Mr. William Morris. Reprinted from " Daylight." A broadsheet (17 x io| in.) with four columns of small print on each side. Claims of Labour Lecflures — No. 5. The Labour Question from the Socialist Standpoint. By W^illiam Morris. Edinburgh Co-operative Printing Com- 24 X SOCIALIST WRITINGS. pany Limited, Bristo Place. 1886. Price One Penny. 8vo. 32 pp. (pp. 30-31 blank; p. 32, advt.). Without wrapper. The Claims of Labour. A Course of Ledlures delivered in Scotland in the Summer of 1886, on Various Aspedls of the Labour Problem. By John Burnet, . . . Benjamin Jones, . . . Patrick Geddes, F.R.S.E.; Alfred Russell Wallace, LL.D., F.L.S., &c. ; William Morris; and Herbert Somerton Foxwell . . . Edinburgh Co-Operative Printing Com- pany Limited, 1886. Sm. 8vo. A — S 2 in eights (including title), and a folding plan called ** Curve of General Whole- sale Prices," pasted on back cover. Mr. Morris's contribution to this volume is the le<5lure entitled " The Labour Question from the Socialist Standpoint " (pp. 155 — 185), which was issued separately as a pamphlet in 1886. The volume was bound originally in pink linen limp, and published at one shilling. The Tables Turned ; or, Nupkins Awakened A Socialist Interlude by W^illiam Morris Author of ' The Earthly Paradise.' As for the first time played at the Hall of the Socialist League on Saturday Ocflober 15th, 1887. London: Office of "The Commonweal" 25 &' BIBLIOGRAPHY. 13 Farringdon Road, E.G. 1887. All Rights Reserved. Sm. 8vo. 32 pp. without title-page, but with a blue wrapper, the four pages of which are not in- cluded in the pagination. " The Socialist Platform." No. 6. The Socialist League [with headpiece designed by Walter Crane.] True and False Society. By William Morris London : Socialist League Office 13 Farringdon Road, E.G. 1888. Price One Penny. Sm. 8vo. 24 pp., last leaf blank on recTto, and contains advts. on verso. Without wrapper. Signs of Ghange. Seven Lecfbures de- livered on Various Occasions By William Morris Author of " The Earthly Paradise." London Reeves and Turner 196 Strand 1888. Contents : How we Live and How we might Live — Whigs, Democrats, and Socialists — Feu- dal England — The Hopes of Civilization — The Aims of Art— Useful Work versus Useless Toil — Dawn of a New Epoch. The first four le(5lures originally appeared in the " Commonweal ; " " Aims of Art " was published as a pamphlet in 1887, and *' Useful Work" as a pamphlet in 1885. Sm. 8vo. One leaf of advt. ; half-title, title, pre- face, and contents, 5 leaves ; B — O 6 in eights; last leaf consists of advts. 25 SOCIALIST WRITINGS. There was also a Large Paper edition issued, bound in buff-coloured linen, and printed on hand-made paper. " The Socialist Platform." No. 7. The Socialist League [with headpiece designed by Walter Crane.] Monopoly : or, How Labour is Robbed. By William Morris, Author of ** The Earthly Paradise." Price One Penny. London; Officeof** The Commonweal " 24 Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. 1890. Sm. 8vo. 16 pp. without wrapper. On the verso of title-page is a cartoon signed H. R. Prica One Penny. Under an Elm-Tree; or. Thoughts in the Country Side. By Wm. Morris, Author of "The Earthly Paradise," &c., &c. Aberdeen : Printed and Published by James Leatham, 15 St. Nicholas Street. 1891. x6mo, 16 pp. (in pamphlet form, without wrap- pers). Originally appeared in '* The Common- weal." William Morris Poet, Artist, Socialist. A Selection from his Writings together with a Sketch of the Man. Edited by Francis Watts Lee. 27 BIBLIOGRAPHY. New York The Humboldt Publishing Co. Clinton Hall, Astor Place (1891). Cr. 8vo. One blank leaf; half-title, title, con- tents, 3 leaves ; introdu<5tion, 7 leaves ; and pp. 300 and X blank leaf. (No sigs.) Bound in buff paper wrapper. Contents: Introdu(5tion — William Morris. By William Clarke— A Dream of John Ball— A King's Lesson — Signs of Change — How the Change Came — Chants for Socialists (6). Appeared as No. 5 of " The Social Science Library," edited by W. D. P. Bliss. Socialism its Growth & Outcome by W^illiam Morris Author of * The Earthly Paradise,* * News from Nowhere,' etc. and E. Belfort Bax Author of * History of Philosophy,' *The Religion of Social- ism,* etc. London Swan Sonnenschein & Co. New York: Charles Scribner*s Sons 1893. Sm. 8vo. Four prel. leaves, consisting of half- title, title, preface, and contents ; B— Y in eights. Last four leaves consist of •• Index." A special edition was also issued on large paper and bound in red buckram. Tpe substance of the volume appeared serially in " The Common- weal," with the title " Socialism from the Root Up." In 1896 it was included as one of the publishers' *' Social Science Series." The Reward of Labour: A Dialogue by William Morris, author of ** The 28 TRANSLATIONS. Earthly Paradise.** Being No. i of the Hammersmith Socialist Library, One Penny. n. d. 8vo. 12 pp., no regular title-page ; in grey wrapper. Reprinted from " The Commonweal." Printed by Hayman, Christy & Lilly, Ltd. 20 & 22 St. Bride St. E.G. Letters on Socialism by W^illiam Morris London : Privately Printed. 1894. 8vo. Two blank leaves ; half-title ; 4 pp. fac- simile of a letter from Mr. Morris, on Japanese vellum; title, certificate as to impression of edition, note, 3 leaves ; B — I in twos (last leaf has on re<5lo copy of book-plate of the Ashley Library) and 2 blank leaves. The letters were addressed to the Rev. George Bainton, of Coventry, and, as the " note " states, ** are printed with Mr. Morris's permis- sion, though not upon his initiative." How I became a Socialist [Portrait.] William Morris. [Price One Penny. 8vo. 16 pp. Mr. Hyndman's Introdu(5tion oc- cupies pp. 3-8. V. TRANSLATIONS. Grettis Saga. The Story of Grettir the Strong Translated from the Icelandic by Eirikr Magnusson, Translator of * Legends of Iceland ; * and William 29 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Morris, Author of * The Earthly Para- dise.* London : F. S. Ellis, King Street, Covent Garden. MDCCCLXIX. [Pub. at 8s.] Sm. 8vo. Half-title and title, 2 leaves ; preface, 6 leaves ; sig. d, 4 leaves ; a double-page " map of the West parts of Iceland, with the chief steads named in the story;" B — X 2 in eights (last leaf consists of advts.). The verso of the half-title contains a sonnet by William Morris beginning : •' A life scarce worth the living, a poor fame Scarce worth the winning, in a wretched land." Volsunga Saga. The Story of the Volsungs & Niblungs with Certain Songs from the Elder Edda. Trans- lated from the Icelandic by Eirikr Magnusson, Translator of ' Legends of Iceland ; ' and William Morris, Author of ' The Earthly Paradise.' London: F. S. Ellis, King Street, Covent Garden. MDCCCLXX. Sm. 8vo. Half-title and title, 2 leaves ; preface, 4 leaves; contents, 2 leaves; sig. d, 2 leaves; B — T 2 in eights and one blank leaf. The " Songs from the Elder Edda " has a special half-title (p. 165). The ornamental cloth binding was designed by Philip Webb. There was a large paper issue of 12 copies, the title-page in most of the copies being decorated by W. Morris himself. 30 TRANSLATIONS. Volsunga Saga : The Story of the Vol- sungs and Niblungs, with certain Songs from the Elder Edda. Edited, with Introdudlion and Notes, by H. Halliday Sparling. Translated from the Icelandic by Eirikr Magniisson (Translator of "Legends of Iceland"); and William Morris (Author of '* The Earthly Para- dise.") Walter Scott London : 24 Warwick Lane Paternoster Row 1888. [" The Camelot Series. Edited by Ernest Rhys" on half-title.] Sigs. a, b, c, 8 leaves each (including half-title and title) ; sig. (f, 2 leaves ; sigs. ooi — 0018 6 in eights (last four leaves unpaged and consist of advts.). (pp. lii and 276.) There are two special half-titles in the body of the book—*' The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs " (p. xlvii), and " Songs from the Elder Edda " (p. 161). This is a reprint of the first edition issued in 1870. Three Northern Love Stories, and other Tales. Translated from the Icelandic by Eirikr Magnusson and William Morris. London : Ellis & White, 29 New Bond Street. 1875. Sm. 8vo. Half-title and title, 2 leaves ; sig. a, 4 leaves ; B — R in eights. To each of the six stories there is a special half-title. A large paper edition of 25 copies was also issued. 31 BIBLIOGRAPHY. The ^neids of Virgil Done into Eng- lish Verse by William Morris, Author of ' The Earthly Paradise.' London: Ellis and White, New Bond Street. MDCCCLXXVI. [Pub. at I4J.] Sq. 8vo. Half-title and title, 2 leaves ; B— BB in eights (last leaf blank). A large paper edition of 25 copies was also issued. In 1875 an edition was issued by Roberts of Bos- ton, U.S.A., in Svo. The Odyssey of Homer Done into English Verse by W^illiam Morris Author of The Earthly Paradise. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. [Vol. II.] London : Reeves & Turner, 196 Strand. MDCCCLXXXVII. 4to. Vol. I. : half-title, title, and contents, 4 leaves ; B — Q 4 in eights (last leaf blank). Vol. II. : half-title, title, and contents, 4 leaves ; R — GG 6 in eights. The pagination is also con- tinuous through the two volumes. Printed on band-made paper, and bound in marble boards with half- vellum backs. This was the large paper issue of 50 copies. The small paper edition was also on hand-made paper, but was bound in antique boards, half parchment. The Saga Library. Vol. I. [Vol. II.] [Vol. III.] [Vol. IV.] [Vol. v.] 32 TRANSLATIONS. The Story of Howard the Halt. The Story of the Branded Men. The Story of Hen Thorir. Done into English out of the Icelandic. By William Morris and Eirikr Magnus- son. London : Bernard Quaritch, 15 Picca- dilly. 1891. Sm. 8vo. Vol. I. : half-title, and title, 2 leaves , preface, 22 leaves ; half-title to " The Story of Howard the Halt," one leaf; ♦* Corrigenda," one leaf; "Mapof the Country of the Howard's Saga," one leaf; B — Q2 in eights, with half-titles to each of the stories. The maps are not included in the signatures ; there is a map to each story. Vol. II. Eyrbyggja Saga— [Title :— ] The Story of the Ere-Dwellers (Eyr- byggja Saga) with The Story of the Heath-Slayings (Hei=Sarviga Saga) as Appendix. Done into English out of the Icelandic by 'William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson. London Bernard Quaritch, 15 Picca- dilly 1892. Half-title and title, 2 leaves ; contents, 3 leaves ; preface, 19 leaves ; chronological list, 2 leaves ; addenda and corrigenda, i leaf; B — DD 6 in eights (last leaf contains printer's name only). The map of "The Story of the Heath-Slayings " is not included in the signatures. The map for " The Story of the Ere-Dwellers" is on the verso of the half-title to that story. 33 ^ BIBLIOGRAPHY. Vol. III. Heimskringla. Vol. I. [Title :— ] The Stories of the Kings of Norway called the Round W^orld (Heimskringla) By Snorri Sturluson Done into English out of the Icelandic by William Morris and Eirikr Magniis- son. Vol. I. With a Large Map of Norway. London Bernard Quaritch, 15 Picca- dilly 1893. Half-title, title, contents, translator's note, 4 leaves; B — CC in eights; DD, 4 leaves ; EE, one leaf. The map is in a pocket made in the inside of the back cover. Vol. IV. Heimskringla. Vol. II. [Title as for Vol. I., with the exception that there is no mention made of the map of Norway, that Vol. II. is printed instead of Vol. I., and that the date is 1894.] One blank leaf; half-title, title, and contents, 3 leaves; B — II 2 in eights. Vol. V. Heimskringla. Vol. III. [Title as for Vol. I. and Vol. II. Date, 1895.] Half-title, title, note, and contents, 4 leaves ; B — II in eights, KK, 4 leaves, LL, two leaves (last leaf blank). In addition to the ordinary edition there was a large paper issue (roy. 8vo.) of 125 copies, all numbered. Both issues were bound in rox- burghe binding, with gilt top. 34 TRANSLATIONS. The Ordination of Knighthood. Translation in Verse by W. Morris of " L'Orderre de Chevalerie." In *• The Order of Chivalry," pp. 128—147. Kelmscott Press. 1893. See Bibliog. Kelmscott Press Pubs. Of King Florus and the Fair Jehane. Translated by William Morris. 1893. See Kelmscott Press Pubs. Bibl. Of the Friendship of Amis and Amite. Translated by W^illiam Morris. 1894. See Kelmscott Press Pubs. BibU The Tale of the Emperor Constans and of Over Sea. Translated by William Morris. 1894. See Kelmscott Press Pubs. Bibl. Old French Romances done into Eng- lish by W^illiam Morris with an Intro- ducS^ion by Joseph Jacobs. London George Allen, Ruskin House 1896 All rights reserved » Sm. 8vo. Half-title, title, 2 leaves; introdu<5lion, II leaves; contents, 3 leaves; A — M 2 in eights (last leaf blank). This work is a reprint of the three items fore- going. 35 BIBLIOGRAPHY. The Tale of Beowulf. Done out of the Old English tongue by "William Morris and A. J. Wyatt. (1895). See Kelmscott Press Pubs. Bibl. VI. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PERIODICALS, MAGA- ZINES, &c. The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine For 1856. Conducted by the Members of the Two Universities. London : Bell and Daldy, Fleet Street. 1856. 8vo. title and contents, 2 leaves; B — 3 F 6 in eights. Issued originally in monthly parts, with green paper wrappers. It was edited by Mr. Fulford. Contents : I. Essays :— Sir Philip Sidney. Part I. Prelude — Part II. The Learner — Alfred Tennyson. Parts I., II., III.— The Newcomes — The Barrier Kingdoms — The Churches of North France — Shakespeare's Minor Poems — Mr. Macaulay — The Prospe(5ts of Peace — A Few Words concerning Plato and Bacon — Car- lyle. Parti. His "I believe"— Part II. His Lamp for the Old Years— Part III. Another Look at his Lamp for the Old Years — Part IV. As a Writer— Part V. His Lamp for the New Years — Oxford — Prometheus — Unhealthy Employments — Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida — On Popular Le(5tures 36 CONTRIBS. TO PERIODICALS. — Thackeray and Currer Bell — Ruskin and the Quarterly — On the Life and Chara(5ter of Marshal St. Arnaud— A Study in Shake- speare — Lancashire and Mary Barton — Woman, her Duties, Education, and Posi- tion — Death the Avenger, and Death the Friend — Two PicStures — Robert Herrick — Alexander Smith — The Work of Young Men in the Present Age — Twelfth Night, or What You Will, a Study in Shakespeare — Rogers' Table-Talk— The Sceptic and the Infidel. Parts L and IL IL Tales:— The Cousin— The Story of the Un- known Church — The Rivals — A Story of the North — The Two Partings — A Dream — Found Yet Lost — Frank's Sealed Letter — The Sacrifice — A Night in a Cathedral — Gertha's Lovers — Svend and his Brethren — Cavalay, a Chapter of a Life — The Hollow Land — Lindenborg Pool — The Druid and the Maiden— Golden Wings. in. Poetry:— Winter Weather— In Youth I Died — Fear — Remembrance — Riding Together — The Suitor of Low Degree — The Singing of the Poet — To the English Army before Sebastopol — Hands — The Burden of Nine- veh — The Chapel in Lyoness — A Year Ago — Pray but One Prayer for Us — The Blessed Damozel — Childhood — The Staff and the Scrip— The Porch of Life. IV. Notices of Books : — Kingsley's Sermons for the Times — Men and Women, by Robert Browning — Mr. Ruskin's New Volume — Froude's History of England — The Song of Hiawatha, by H. W. Longfellow — Recent Poems and Plays — England in Time of War, by Sydney Dobell— Within and With- out. A Dramatic Poem. By George Mac- Donald. 37 BIBLIOGRAPHY. I have obtained the best information I could with regard to the contributions by Mr. Morris to this magazine, and the result is given below : — The Churches of North France (pp. 99-110) — Ruskin and the Quarterly (pp. 353-361) — Death the Avenger, and Death the Friend (pp. 477-479) — The Story of the Unknown Church (pp. 28-33) — A Dream (pp. 146-155) — Frank's Sealed Letter (pp. 225-234) — A Night in a Cathedral (pp. 310- 316) — Gertha's Lovers. Part L (pp. 403-417); Part n. (pp. 499-512) — Svend and his Brethren (pp. 488-499) — The Hollow Land. Part I. (pp. 565-577); Part II. (pp. 632-641) — Lindenborg Pool (pp. 530-534)— Golden Wings (pp. 733-742)— Winter Weather (pp. 62-64) — Riding Together (pp. 320-321) — Hands (p. 452) — The Chapel in Lyoness (pp. 577-579) — Pray but One Prayer for Us (p. 644) — Men and Women, by Robert Brown- ing (pp. 162-172). With the exception of " Winter Weather," the poems were reprinted in " The Defence of Guenevere." The poem here entitled " Hands," when reprinted, formed the concluding stanzas of the poem " Rapunzel." Among the other contributors were D. G. Rossetti, Sir E. Burne-Jones, Vernon Lush- ington, Godfrey Lushington, B. Cracroft, W. Heeley,the editor, and the present Mrs. Kipling, Mrs. Poynter, and Lady Burne-Jones. (i) POEMS. The God of the Poor: a Poem. "Fort- nightly Review," August, 1868. Afterwards republished in " Poems by the Way." 38 CONTRIBS. TO PERIODICALS. The Two Sides of the River: a Poem. " Fortnightly Review," 0(5lober, 1868. Afterwards republished in " Poems by the Way." On the Edge of the Wilderness — a poem. ** Fortnightly Review," April, 1869. (Pp. 39I-394-) Afterwards republished in " Poems by the Way." The Seasons — Four stanzas published in " The Academy," February i, 1871. This poem was republished with a variant in the shape of a new stanza in place of the original on Winter, in " Poems by the Way." The Dark Wood — poem. ** Fortnightly Review," February i, 1871. Reprinted in " Poems by the Way " with the title " Error and Loss." Grosvenor Notes. Edited by Henry Blackburn. London: Chatto & Windus, 1879. Contains on p. 46 the following quatrain [by Mr. William Morris] for four paintings by E. Burne- Jones : No. 167. The heart desires No. 168. The hand refrains No. 169. The Godhead fires No. 170. The soul attains. 39 BIBLIOGRAPHY. The Three Seekers. By William Morris. " To-Day, " Vol. I., No. i (pp. 25-29), London, January, 1884. A poem in fifty-two rhymed couplets. Reprinted in «* Poems by the Way." Meeting in Winter — a poem. '* English Illustrated Magazine," March, 1884. Republished in " Poems by the Way." The Hall and the Wood — a poem. " English Illustrated Magazine," Vol. VII. (p. 351), February, 1890. Republished in " Poems by the Way." The Day of Days: a Poem. *'Time." New Series. November, 1890. Republished in " Poems by the Way." The Briar Rose — Four Stanzas for Pic- tures. First published in a pamphlet entitled " The Legend of the Briar Rose, a series of pi(5lures painted by E. Burne-Jones, A.R.A. Exhibited at Thos. Agnew and Sons' Galleries, 39 Old Bond Street. 1890." Afterwards republished in " Poems by the Way." «* The Wind's on the Wold," &c. Verses for embroidery on bed-hanging for Kelm- scott Manor, Lechlade. Three stanzas. First of 8 lines, second and third of 10 lines each. Arts & Crafts Exhibition Society. Catalogue of the Fourth Exhibition. 1893. (Pp. 36, 37.) The New Gallery, Regent Street. 40 CONTRIBS. TO PERIODICALS. (2) PROSE. Poems by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. [A Review.] ** The Academy," May 14th, 1870. On Canterbury Cathedral. Two letters to the '' Times," June 4th and July 7th, 1877. Destrudlion of City Churches. Letter to the " Times," April 17th, 1878. On St. Alban's Abbey. Letter to the " Times," August 2nd, 1878. • Speech by Mr. William Morris at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Prote(5tion of Ancient Buildings, 28th June, 1879. Report (pp. 30-36). In this Report is also contained the Report of the Committee, which Mr. Morris read. On the Restoration of St. Mark's at Venice. Two letters to the ** Times," November 28th and 29th, 1879. Vandalism in Italy. Letter to the ** Times," April 12th, 1882. LecTtures at Oxford on Art and De- mocracy. Two contributions to the " Times," November 15th and i6th, 1883. 41 BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Review of European Society, with an Exposition and Vindication of the Prin- ciples of Social Democracy. By J. Sketchley. With an IntroducSlion by William Morris. London: W. Reeves [1884]. Art Under Plutocracy. By William Morris. *' To-Day," Vol. I., No. 2 (pp. 79-90) ; Vol. I., No. 3 (pp. 159-176). London, February and March, 1884. The Exhibition of the Royal Academy by a Rare Visitor. ** To-Day" (pp 75-9i)»July, 1884. Mural Decoration. Illustrated article signed W. M. and J. H. M., i.e., William Morris and Dr. J. H. Middleton. " En- cyclopaedia Britannica." Ninth edition. Edinburgh, 1884. Vol. XVII. (pp. 34-48). Report of Royal Commission on Tech- nical Education. Evidence by Mr. W^il- liam Morris. Vol. III. (c. 3981-11.) XXXI. I. 1884. Speech by Mr. William Morris (The Chairman) at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the ProtecSlion of Ancient Buildings, June, 1885. Report (pp. 45-55). 42 CONTRIBS. TO PERIODICALS. The Best Hundred Books. Letter to the Editor of the " Pall Mall Gazette." ** Pall Mall Gazette " Extra, No. 24. London. [1886.] The Revival of Architec5lure. ** Fort- nightly Review," May, 1888 (pp. 665-674). Textiles — forming part of the Introduc- tory Notes to the Catalogue of the First Exhibition of the Arts and Crafts Exhi- bition Society. New Gallery, Regent Street, 1888. (Pp. 17-29.) Republished in "Arts and. Crafts Essays" (Rivington, 1893.) The Principles of Socialism made Plain. By Frank Fairman. With Preface by William Morris. London : William Reeves. 1888. The Revival of Handicraft. " Fort- nightly Review," November, 1888. On Tapestry and Carpet - Weaving. Letter to the ** Times," November 2nd, 1888. Westminster Abbey and its Monuments. By William Morris, Hon. Sec. of the Society for the Protecftion of Ancient 43 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Buildings. ** Nineteenth Century," March, 1889. (Pp. 409-414.) Address by Mr. William Morris at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Prote(5\ion of Ancient Buildings, July, 1889. Report (pp. 62-76). On Peterborough Cathedral. A Letter to the " Pall Mall Gazette," September 20th, 1889. Of Dyeing as an Art — Catalogue of the Second Exhibition of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, 1889. (Pp. 56-67.) Republished in " Arts and Crafts Essays " (Rivington, 1833.) Art and Industry in the Fourteenth Century. *' Time," New Series, Janu- ary, 1890. (Pp. 23-26.) On Stratford-on-Avon Church. Letter to the "Times," August 15th, 1890. On the Hanseatic Museum at Bergen. Letter to the " Times," September loth, 1890. The Story of the Glittering Plain which has been also called the Land of Living Men or the Acre of the Undying. By 44 CONTRIBS. TO PERIODICALS. William Morris. Illustrated by Walter Crane. "English Illustrated Magazine," Vol. VII. (pp. 687, 754, 824, 884), 1890. The Socialist Ideal. I.— Art. By William Morris. ** New Review," Vol. IV., No. 20 (pp. 1-8), January, 1891. The reply to this by Mr. W. H. Mallock ap- peared in the " New Review," Vol. IV., p. 100, February, i8gi. On Westminster Abbey. Letter to the ** Times," February nth, 1891. On the Woodcuts of Gothic Books. Two contributions to the ** Times," January 25th and 28th, 1892. The Woodcuts of Gothic Books. A paper read before the Society of Arts, January 26th, 1892. ** Journal of the Society of Arts," February 12th, 1892. (Pp. 247-260. Illustrated.) Ruskin's The Nature of Gothic (1892). Preface to, by W^. Morris. See Kelm- scott Press Pubs. Bibl. The Influence of Building Materials upon Architec5lure : By kind permission of the Art Workers' Guild. By ^Villiam Morris. *> The Century Guild Hobby Horse," Vol. VII. (pp. 1-14). 1892. 45 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bell Scott (W.). Two Letters to, one dated May 6th, 1875, on the publication of Scott's Poems, the other dated April 27th, 1882, on the poet's " Harvest Home," printed in ** Autobiographical Notes of the Life of W. Bell Scott." London : Osgood & Co. 1892. 2 vols. The first letter is to be found on pp. 212-213, and the second on page 309. Art Craft and Life. A Chat with Mr. William Morris. ** Daily Chronicle," Oc5lober gth, 1893. London. On the Printing of Books. Contribu- tion to the ** Times," November 6th, 1893. Help for the Miners : the deeper mean- ing of the struggle. A letter addressed to the Editor of the " Daily Chronicle," November loth, 1893. Appeared afterwards as a leaflet. Medieval Lore : Edited by Robert Steele. With a Preface by William Morris. London ; Elliot Stock, 1893. 8vo. More's "Utopia" (1893), Foreword to. By W. Morris. See Kelmscott Press Pubs. Bibl. 46 CONTRIBS. TO PERIODICALS. Prosped^us for Kelmscott Press Edition of ** Sidonia the Sorceress." 1893. Early England. A Report of an Address by William Morris at the South London Art Gallery. " Daily Chronicle," Janu- ary 15th, 1894. The Proposed Addition to Westminster Abbey. A Letter to the Editor of the " Daily Chronicle," dated ** Hammer- smith Feb. 26.", appeared February 27th, 1894. The letter refers to Mr. Yates Thompson's pro- posals for a new mortuary chapel. Mr. Morris's ** Chaucer." A Letter to the Editor of the ** Daily Chronicle," dated ** Hammersmith July 20," ap- peared July 24th, 1894. Some Notes on the Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages. By W. Morris. Illustrated. " Magazine of Art," Vol. XVII. (pp. 83-88), January, 1894. Peterborough Cathedral. A Letter to the Daily Papers. April 2nd, 1895. The letter appeared in "The Times," "Stan- dard," " Daily Chronicle," and " Morning Post." Tree-Felling in Epping Forest. A 47 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Letter to the Editor of the "Daily Chronicle," April 23rd, 1895. The letter is dated April 22nd, 1895. Epping Forest. Mr. Morris's Report. *' Daily Chronicle," May gth, 1895. Signed "William Morris May 8th, 1895." On the Royal Tombs in Westminster Abbey. Letter to the *' Times," June ist, 1895. ** Wood beyond the World." A Let- ter to the Editor of the " Specftator," July 20th, 1895. Trinity Almshouses. A Letter to the ** Daily Chronicle," dated *' Hammer- smith Nov. 25, 1895." Reprinted in " The Trinity Hospital in Mile End," edited by C. R. Ashbee, and published by the Guild and School of Handicraft. Gossip about an Old House on the Upper Thames. Illustrated. ** The Quest," No. 4 (pp. 5-14). Birmingham, Novem- ber, 1895. The article is dated " Kelmscott 0(5\:ober 25." Rouen Cathedral. A Letter to the " Daily Chronicle," Oc5lober 12th, 1895. Peterborough Cathedral. A Letter to the " Daily Chronicle," December 5th, 1895. 48 CONTRIBS. TO PERIODICALS. Chichester Cathedral. A Letter to the ** Times," December 14th, 1895. Good King "Wenceslas, a Carol. Written by Dr. Neale and pi(5\ured by Arthur J. Gaskin. With an Introducftory Note by William Morris. Birmingham, Cornish Bros. 1895. On the Artistic Qualities of the Woodcut Books of Ulm and Augsburg in the Fif- teenth Century. *' Bibliographica," Vol. I- (pp. 437-455)- London, 1895-6. Contains nine reproducI\ions of old wood-blocks, (3) TRANSLATIONS. The Saga of Gunnlaug the Worm-tongue and Rafn the Skald. Translated by Eirikr Magnusson and William Morris. ** Fortnightly Review," January, 1869 (pp. 27-56). This story was included in the volume entitled "Three Northern Love Stories," 1875. The Story of Frithiof the Bold. Trans- lated from the Icelandic. ** The Dark Blue." Vol. I. March to August, 1871. Chapters I.-X. (pp. 42-58). Chapters XI.-XV. (pp. 176-182). London : Sampson Low & Co. 1871. This story was included in the volume entitled " Three Northern Love Stories," 1875.' 49 E BIBLIOGRAPHY. (4) CONTRIBUTIONS TO "JUS- TICE." Mr. Morris's Contributions began in No. I (January igth, 1884), and con- tinued until No. 49 (December 20th, 1884). An Old Fable Retold. Vol. I., No. i (p. 2). January 19th, 1884. The Principles of Justice. A leader signed by H. M. Hyndman, William Morris, J. Taylor. Vol. I., No. I (p. 4). January 19th, 1884. Report of a Le<5lure on ** Useful Work versus Use- less Toil," delivered at Hampstead. Vol. I., No. i (p. 6). January 19th, 1884. Report of a Lec5ture on " Useful Work versus Use- less Toil," delivered at Manchester. Vol. I., No. 2 (p. 7). January 26th, 1884. Report of a Lecfture on "Art and Socialism," de- livered at Leicester. Vol. I., No. 3 (p. 7). February 2nd, 1884. Order and Anarchy. An article. Vol. I., No. 4 (p. 2). February 9th, 1884. The Bondholder's Battue. A leader signed by H. M. Hyndman and William Morris. Vol. I., No. 4 (p. 4). February 9th, 1884. The Way Out. An Appeal to genuine Radicals. A signed leader. Vol. I., No. 7 (p. 4). March ist, 1884. Art or No Art ? Who Shall Settle it ? A signed article. Vol. I., No. 9 (p. 2). March 15th, 1884. 50 CONTRIBS. TO PERIODICALS. The Voice of Toil. Chants for Socialists. No. 2. Vol. I., No. 12 (p. 5). April 5th, 1884. Why Not ? A signed article on the Preservation of Commons. Vol. I., No. 13 (p. 2). April 12th, 1884. All for the Cause. Chants for Socialists. No. III. Vol. I., No. 14 (p. 5). April 19th, 1884. The Dull Level of Life. A signed leader. Vol. I., No. 15 (p. 4). April 26th, 1884. A Fa(5\:ory as it Might be. A signed article. Vol. L, No. 18 (p. 2). May 17th, 1884. Individualism at the Royal Academy. A signed leader. Vol. I., No. 19 (p. 4). May 24th, 1884. Work in a FacJtory as it Might be. II. A signed article. Vol. I., No. 20 (p. 2). May 31st, 1884. No Master. Chants for Socialists. No. IV. Vol. I., No. 21 (p. 5). June 7th, 1884. Work in a Fa(5loryas it Might be. III. A signed article. Vol. I., No. 24 (p. 2). June 28th, 1884. To Genuine Radicals. A signed leader. Vol. I., No. 25 (pp. 4, 5). July i2th, 1884. The Housing of the Poor. A signed leader. Vol. I., No. 27 (pp. 4, 5). July 19th, 1884. Socialism in England in 1884. A signed leader. Vol. I., No. 30 (p. 4). August 19th, 1884. Uncrowned Kings. A signed leader. Vol. I., No. 34 (p. 4). September 6th, 1884. The Hammersmith Costermongers. Vol. I., No. 36 (p. 3). September 20th, 1884. An Appeal to the Just. A signed leader. Vol. I., No. 39 (p. 4). 0(5tober nth, 1884. 51 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Literary Courtesy. A letter to the Editor. Vol. I., No. 39 (p. 6). 0(5tober nth, 1884. The Lord Mayor's Show. A signed article. Vol.1., No. 44 (p. 2). November 15th, 1884. The Hackney Ele(5tion. A signed leader. Vol. I., No. 46 (p. 4). November 29th, 1884. Philanthropists. A signed article. Vol. I., No. 49 (p. 2). December 20th, 1884. (5) CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE *' COMMONWEAL." (The Official Journal of the Socialist League.) From the first number, which is dated February, 1885, to the last with which he had anything to do (December, i8go, Nos. 1-253), Mr. Morris a<5led either as editor or co-editor in the management of this periodical. In almost every issue he contri- buted editorial notes, with the headings, " Notes," •* Notes on News," " Political Notes," '* Notes on Passing Events," &c. These were sometimes signed with his full name, but oftener with the initials ** W. M." Scattered here and there through- out the issues are minor notes, all initialled " W. M." Occasionally, during or after a lecfturing tour, he would send on notes or impressions. These appear under the following headings in the issues as given: "Socialism in the Provinces" (No. 15, p. 30) ; " Socialism in Dublin and Yorkshire " (No. I7> P« 43) ; "A Letter from Scotland" (No. 25, pp. 105, 106) ; " The Sequel of the Scotch Letter " (No. 26, p. 114) ; ** Socialism Militant in Scotland " (No. 117, pp. 106, 107); "In and about Cottonopolis" (No. 153, p. 396) ; " Impressions of the Paris Con- gress " (Nos. 185, 186, pp. 234. 242). 5^ CONTRIBS. TO PERIODICALS. With No. i6 " The Commonweal " commenced its weekly issue. With the issue for November 29th, 1890, the journal ceased to be a weekly, and the next issue was for the month of December. The last contribution of Mr. Morris's which I can trace is in the issue for November 15th, 1890 (No. 251). In this he has a leading article, entitled, " Where are we Now.?" (pp. 361, 362), which contains the statement of his political and social opinions, and the reasons for the step he takes in separating him- self from the more ''advanced" members of the Socialist body. ♦* The Commonweal," after Mr. Morris left it, became the organ of the "Anarch- ists." It lived by fits and starts as a monthly, and finally became extin(5l in 1894. Mr. Morris's more important contributions to •*The Conimonweal" consist of political and social leaders, poems, stories, and articles on art. In conjundtion with Dr. Aveling, E.Belfort Bax, and H. Halliday Sparling, he signed several editorials and special pronouncements of the Socialist League. Of them all I give herewith a complete list, arranged in chronological order : The March of the Workers. [A poem,] No. i, p. 4. The Message of the March Wind. [A poem.] No. 2, p. 13. This poem was made the first of a series, with the general title, " The Pilgrims of Hope." In the following issues appeared the poems with a separate title to each : The Pilgrims of Hope. II. The Bridge and the Street. No. 3, p. 20. III. Sending to the War. No. 4, p. 32. IV. Mother and Son. No. 5, pp. 44, 45. V. The New Birth. No. 7, pp. 68, 69. VI. The New Proletarian. No. 8, pp. 80, 81. VII. In Prison — and at Home. No. 10, pp. 96, 97. 53 BIBLIOGRAPHY. VIII. The Half of Life Gone. No. 12, p. 4. IX. A New Friend. No. 14, pp. 21, 22. X. Ready to Depart. No. 15, pp. 28, 29. XI. A Glimpse of the Coming Day. No. 17, p. 45. XII. Meeting the War Machine. No. 21, p. 75. XIII. The Story's Ending. No. 25, p. 107. The Worker's Share of Art. No. 3, pp. 18, 19. Unattra(5live Labour — AttracJ^ive Labour. Sup- plements to Nos. 4 and 5, pp. 37, 49, 50. Socialists at Play [a Poem]. No. 6, p. 56. Prologue spoken at the Entertainment of the Socialist League at South Place Institute, June II, 1885. Socialism and Politics (An Answer to "Another View"). [Article.] Supplement to No. 6, p. 61. A New Party. [Article.] Supplement to No. 8, p. 85. Ireland and Italy. A Warning. [Article.] No. 9, pp. 86, 87. A Letter from the Pacific Coast. [Article.] No. 13, p. 13- Our Policy. [Editorial.] No. 14, pp. 17, 18. Independent Ireland. [Leader.] No. 16, p. 36. Socialism from the Root Up. By E. Belfort Bax and William Morris. Appeared serially in Nos. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 38, 42, 56, 59, 61, 63, 68, 80, 82, 113, 114, 121, 123. Our Representatives. [Leader.] No. 19, p. 68. Free Speech at Stratford. [Article.] No. 22, p. 87. Misanthropy to the Rescue. [Leader.] No. 23, p. 172. 54 CONTRIBS. TO PERIODICALS. A Review of Mr. Wordsworth Donisthorpe's paper read by him at the Fabian Conference. No. 23, p. 172. The paper was printed in the *• Anarchist." Whigs, Democrats, and Socialists. No. 24, pp. 97, 98. No. 25, pp. 106, 107. Read at the Conference convened by the Fabian Society at South Place Institute, June 11, 1886. Home Rule or Humbug. [Leader.] No. 24, pp. 100, lOI. Review of" Modern Socialism" by Annie Besant. No. 26, p. 117. The Whig-Jingo Vi(5tory. [Editorial.] No. 27, p. 121. " Cashel Byron's Profession," by G. Bernard Shaw. A Review. No. 27, p. 126. What is to Happen Next ? [Editorial.] No. 28, p. 129. Free Speech in the Streets. [Editorial.] No. 29, p. 137- Mr. Chamberlain's Leader. [Editorial.] No. 31, p. 153' The Abolition of Freedom of Speech in the Streets. [Editorial.] No. 32, p, 160. An Old Story Retold [A Tale]. No. 36, pp. 197, 198. The Reward of " Genius." [Article.] No. 37, pp. 205, 206. A Dream of John Ball. Appeared serially in Nos. 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55. The Moral of Last Lord Mayor's Day. No. 45, p. 265. 55 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Mr. Jawkins at the Mansion House. No. 45, pp. 268, 269. Remarks on a speech by Lord Salisbury. The Ten Commandments. No. 46, p. 276. A review of an article in the " Pall Mall Gazette." Is Trade Recovering? [Leader.] No. 50, p. 305. The Law in Ireland. [Editorial.] No. 50, p. 307. Words of Forecast for 1887. No. 52, p. 9. (Signed "E. Belfort Bax, William Morris.") The Political Crisis. [Leader.] No. 53, p. 20. Facing the Worst of It. [Editorial.] No. 58, p. 60. Fighting for Peace. [Editorial.] No. 59, p. 68. Why we Celebrate the Commune of Paris. [Ar- ticle.] No. 62, pp. 88, 89. Law and Order in Ireland. [Leader.] No. 65, p. 113. Coercion for London. [Article.] No. 70, pp. 153, 154. The Reward of Labour. A Dialogue. No. 71, p. 165. No. 72, pp. 170, 171. How We Live and How we Might Live. Appeared in Nos. 73, 74, 75, 76, 77. In a note Mr. Morris says, " This paper has been delivered as a le(5ture on several occasions, and I have been often asked to reprint it : hence its appearance in ' Commonweal.' " Common-Sense Socialism. By H. Kempner. A Review. No. 75, p. 197. An Old Superstition — A New Disgrace. [Leader.] No. 76, p. 204. The Boy-Farms at Fault. No. 81, p. 241. Bourgeois versus Socialist. [Leader.] No. 82, p. 252. 55 VI. CONTRIBS. TO PERIODICALS. Feudal England. Nos. 84, 85, 86, 87, pp. 266, 267, 274, 282, 290, 291. Is Lipski's Confession Genuine ? No. 85, p. 276. (Signed " E. Belfort Bax, William Morris.") Artist and Artisan. As an Artist sees it. No. 87, p. 291. Free Speech in America. [Leader.] No. 91, p. 324, Pra<5lical Politics at Nottingham. [Article.] No. 94, p. 349. Honestyis the Best Policy; or, the Inconveniences of Stealing. [A Dialogue.] Nos. 95, 96, pp. 356, 357, 364, 365. London in a State of Siege. [Article.] No. 97, pp. 369, 370. Insurance against Magistrates. No. 98, p. 377. The Liberal Party Digging its own Grave. [Leader.] No. 98, p. 380. The Conscience of the Upper Classes. [Leader.] No. loi, p. 404. What 1887 has done. [Leader.] No. 104, pp. 4, 5. Radicals Look Round You ! [Leader.] No. 105, pp. 12, 13. On Some "Pra(5tical" Socialists. [Leader.] No. no, pp. 52, 53. A Triple Alliance. [Leader.] No. 112, p. 68. The Rea(5lion and the Radicals. [Article.] No. 121, pp. 137, 138. The Skeleton at the Feast. [Leader.] No. 127, p. x88. 57 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Counting Noses. [Leader.] No. 128, p. 196. Thoughts on Education and Capitalism. [Leader.] No. 129, pp. 204, 205. The Revolt of Ghent. Nos. 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135. 136. Sweaters and Sweaters. No. 1. Matches by the Fa 238, 239, and 240. Workhouse Socialism. [Leader.] No. 251, pp. 345, 346. Where are we Now ? [Leader.] No. 253, pp. 361, 362. Note. — " Hapless Love," a poem, appeared origin- ally in «' Good Words" (pp. 264-265), April, i86g. Since going to press I learn that two poems, **The Voice of Toil" and "The Day of Days," both in " Poems by the Way," were reprinted as a leaflet and distributed to those attending a meeting of the South Place Ethical Society on February 21st, 1897 > <^^ that occasion Dr. Stanton Coit lectured on William Morris. In 1871 Mr. Morris had set up the first page of his then forthcoming poem, *' Love is Enough," with ornament engraved by himself from his own design. The work, however, was never com- pleted, and only those copies struck off as speci- mens now remain in the possession of a few friends and colle(5lors. In November, 1890, that is, just before the Kelms- cott Press was established, Mr. Morris had printed for himself, at the Chiswick Press, " The Story of Gunnlaug Worm-tongue." The book was printed in the Press's special Caxton type, and consisted of eight sheets, pott 4to. in size. There were seventy-five copies printed on hand-made paper, and three on vellum. Blank spaces were left for rubricated initials; but the edition was never published. 60 ARTICLES ON MR. MORRIS. VII. MR. WILLIAM MORRIS. ARTICLES ON THE MAN AND HIS WORK. Criticisms on Contemporaries. No. III. Mr. "William Morris. ** Tinsley's Maga- zine,'* Vol. III. (pp. 262-277). 0(5lober, 1868. "William Morris. Portrait. '* Once a ^Veek," Vol. XXVII. (p. 148). 1873. William Morris. [An Appreciation.] By R. H. Stoddard. With portrait. ** Appleton's Journal," Vol. VII. (p. 673). 1876. Our Modern Poets. No. XII. William Morris. By Thomas Bayne. '* St. James's Magazine," Vol. XLII. [Vol. XXXIII.] (pp. 94-107). January, 1878. William Morris, M.A. [Contemporary Portraits.] With photograph. " Dublin University Magazine," New Series. Vol. II. (pp. 552-568). Noveniber, 1878. Hopes and Fears for Art. [A Review.] ** Century Magazine," Vol. XXIV. (pp. 464, 465). July, 1882. On the W^andle. [An Article on Mr. Morris's Fac5lory.] " Spec5lator," Vol. LVI. (pp. 1507-1509). London. Novem- ber 24th, 1883. 61 BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Prophet among the Painters. [By V/. J. Stillman.] " Nation," Vol. XXXIX. (pp. 240, 241) (September i8th, 1884), (pp. 26i,262)(September 25th, 1884). William Morris at Work. " American Architec5l," Vol. XVII. (p. 296). 1884. William Morris and Socialism. ** The Critic " (U.S.A.), Vol. VII. (pp. 176, 213). 1885. A Day in Surrey with William Morris. By Emma Lazarus. With portrait by Lisa Stillman, and illustrations by Joseph Pennell and W. J. Stillman. ** Century Magazine," Vol. XXXII. (pp. 388-397). July, 1886. As a footnote in one of the pages of this article is a letter from Mr. Morris to Miss Lazarus, dated April 21st, 1884, on profit-sharing. In the same issue is an editorial, headed, " Negation not a Remedy," by way of a criticism on Mr. Morris's views on the Labour Question. ^Villiam Morris as a Political Revolu- tionist. "Saturday Review," Vol. LXV. (p. 607). 1888. The Art Socialists of London. By Mary Bacon Ford. Illustrated with portrait of Morris. ** Cosmopolitan " (pp. 185-190). 1889. 62 ARTICLES ON MR. MORRIS. Free Studies from Life. III. 'William Morris. By J. Morrison Davidson. "The Star," August i6th, 1890. With a portrait of W. Morris. One column. William Morris. By R. M. Lovett. " Harvard Monthly," Vol. XII. (p. i49)* Y 1891. On William Morris : a Poem. By A. E. Cross. " New England Magazine," Vol. III. (p. 731). February, 1891. William Morris. By W.Clarke. ** New \/' England Magazine " (Mass.) N. S., Vol. III. (p. 740). February, 1891. William Morris. By M. Hewlett. " National Review," Vol. XVII. (p. 8i8). August, 1891. Poet as Printer: Interview with Wil- liam Morris. ** Pall Mall Gazette," November 12th, 1891. Three English Poets. By Louise C. l/ Moulton. "Arena" (U.S.A.), Vol. VI. (p. 46). June, 1892. William Morris. By F. Richardson. " Primitive Methodist Quarterly Re- view " (U.S.A.), Vol. XXXIV. (p. 414). July, 1892. 63 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Some Thoughts upon Beauty in Typo- graphy suggested by the W^ork of Mr. William Morris at the Kelmscott Press. With initial, tailpiece, and illustrations in facsimile of the work of the Kelm- scott Press. By G. Francis Watt Lee. " The Knight Errant " (Boston, U.S.A.), Vol. I., No. 2 (pp. 53-63). 1892. Master Printer Morris. Interview with Mr. \Villiam Morris. " Daily Chro- nicle," February 22nd, 1893. The Socialist Thread in the Life and Work of William Morris. By Professor O. L. Triggs. "Poet Lore" (U.S.A.), Vol. V. (p. 113). March, 1893— Vol. V. (p. 210). April, 1893. Art, Craft, and Life. Interview with Mr. William Morris. ** Daily Chro- nicle," 0(5\ober 9th, 1893. An English Socialist [William Morris]. ** London Quarterly," Vol. XXII. (p. 83). April, 1894. On the Revival of Tapestry- Weaving. An Interview with William Morris. By Aymer Vallance. Illustrated. *♦ Studio," Vol. III. (p. 99). July, 1894. 64 ARTICLES ON MR. MORRIS. M. William Morris et I'Art d6coratif en Angleterre — par Jean Lahor (Dr. Henri Cazalis). Illustrated. ** Revue Ency- clop6dique," 15 Aout, 1894. Vol. IV., No. 89 (pp. 349-359). The Esthetes. By Thomas F. Plow- man. " Pall Mall Magazine," January, 1895 (pp. 27-44), with portrait of Morris, after a drawing by Miss C. M. Watts. William Morris at the Kelmscott Press. Illustrated. " English Illustrated Maga- zine," Vol. XIII. (p. 47). April, 1895. Gossip about an Old House on the Upper Thames. *» The Quest," No. 4. November, 1895. Birmingham. An illustrated article by William Morris, occu- pying the first fourteen pages of the issue. Re- printed with an illustration of a redu(5tion of the first page of the Kelmscott " Chaucer" in *< Bradley His Book." Vol. I., No. II. (pp. 27-32), Spring- field, Mass., U.S.A. June, 1896. William Morris in Unpublished Letters on Socialism ; a Poet's Politics, by W. G. Kingsland. *' Poet Lore," Vol. VII. (pp. 473, 543). Ocftober and Novem- ber, 1895. The Kelmscott Press of William Morris. With a Bibliography by Ernest Dressel 65 F BIBLIOGRAPHY. North. "The Book Buyer** (New York, U.S.A.) November, 1895. The Kelmscott Press. An Illustrated Interview with Mr. William Morris. Portrait and reproducSlions. By I. H. I. [Temple Scott.] " Bookselling," Christ- mas, 1895 (PP* 2-14). Contains a Bibliography of the Kelmscott Press publications. The Kelmscott Press. Being part of a paper read at the Philobiblon Club at Philadelphia, and including an unpub- lished account of the press written specially for the occasion by Mr. Morris himself. " Modern Art " (Boston, U.S.A.) (pp. 36-39). April ist, 1896. William Morris. [Obituary Notice.] ** The Times," OcSlober 5th, 1896. William Morris : an Appreciation. By Joseph Pennell, **The Daily Chronicle," Ocftober 5th, 1896. Death of William Morris. " The Stand- ard," Oc5tober5th, 1896. William Morris. [Leader.] ** Pall Mall Gazette," Oc5lober 5th, 1896. 66 ARTICLES ON MR. MORRIS. William Morris. By Edmund Gosse. ** St. James's Gazette," O^ober 5th, 1896. William Morris. Personal CharacSler- istics. " St. James's Gazette," 0(5tober 5th, 1896. William Morris — a Few Reminiscences. By " A Comrade." ** Westminster Ga- zette," 0(5tober 5th, 1896. Recollecflions of William Morris. By One who Knew Him. " The Daily Chronicle," 0(5tober 6th, 1896. ^A^illiam Morris as a Socialist. By G. Bernard Shaw. " The Daily Chronicle," Oc5tober 6th, 1896. William Morris. By Richard Le Gal- lienne. ** The Star," Oc5lober 7th, 1896. Mr. William Morris. By Theodore Watts - Dunton. *' The Athenaeum No. 3598 (pp. 486-488). 0<5tober loth, 1896. r/ William Morris. I. Morris as Actor and Dramatist. By G. B. S. [George Bernard Shaw.] II. Morris as Poet. By Arthur Symons. III. With the 67 ^ BIBLIOGRAPHY. North- West Wind. By R. B. Cunning- hame-Graham. " Saturday Review/* No. 2137 (pp. 385-390). Od^ober loth, 1895. William Morris. " The Spec5lator," No. 3563 (pp. 478, 479). 0(5lober loth, 1896. William Morris. By H. Buxton-For- man. ** Illustrated Lrondon News," Oc5tober loth, 1896. A Literary Causerie. Mr. William Morris. By A. T. Q. C. [A. T. Quiller- Couch.] » teenth Century." 1889. A Tale of the House of the Wolfings. 1889. Of Dyeing as an Art. 1889. " Commonweal," Contributions to. February, 1885 — December, 1890. Art and Industry in the Fourteenth Century. "Time." January, 1890. The Hall and the Wood: a Poem. *♦ English Illustrated Magazine." February, 1890. On Stratford-on-Avon Church. " Times." August 15th, 1890. On the Hanseatic Museum at Bergen. " Times." September loth, 1890. The Day of Days : a Poem. •♦ Time." November, 1890. The Story of the Glittering Plain. " English Illustrated Magazine." 1890. Published in book form. 1891. The Roots of the Mountains. 1890. The Legend of " The Briar Rose** : Quatrains. 1890. Monopoly ; or. How Labour is Robbed. 1890. The Socialist Ideal, i. Art. " New Review." January, 189X. On Westminster Abbey. " Times." February nth, 1891. Under an Elm-Tree. 1891. Address on the Colledtion of Paintings of the English Pre-Raphaelite School. 1891. The Socialist Ideal of Art. X89X. News from Nowhere. xSgx, Poems by the Way. X89X. 118 CHRONOLOGICAL SUMMARY. The Saga Library. 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895. The Woodcuts of Gothic Books. "Journal of Society of Arts." February 12th, 1892. May Day : a Poem. "Justice." April 30th, 1892. The Influence of Building Materials upon Archi- te<5ture. " The Century Guild Hobby Horse." X892. Preface to Ruskin's "The Nature of Gothic." 1892. On the Printing of Books (Report of Le(5lure). " Times." November 6th, 1893. The Ideal Book. Ledlure before the Bibliographi- cal Society. 1893. Help for the Miners. " Daily Chronicle." November xoth, 1893. How I Became a Socialist. 189 — . ** Sidonia the Sorceress." Prospe<5tus for a new edition. x893* The Wind's on the Wold : a Poem. Catalogue of Arts and Crafts Exhibition. 1893. Arts and Crafts Essays. 1893. The Ordination of Knighthood. 1893. Of King Florus and the Fair Jehane. 1893. Foreword to More's " Utopia." 1893. Preface to Steele's " Medieval Lore." 1893. Socialism its Growth and Outcome. 1893. The Reward of Labour. Gothic Archite«5lure. 1893, Some Notes on the Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages. " Magazine of Art." January, 1894. Early England (Report of Led\ure). " Daily Chronicle." January 15th, 1894. The Proposed Addition to Westminster Abbey. ** Daily Chronicle." February 27th, 1894. May Day. X894. [A Poem.] "Justice." May 5th, 1894. Letters on Socialism. Z894. Concerning Westminster Abbey. 1894. 119 CHRONOLOGICAL SUMMARY. The Tale of the Emperor Coustans. 1894. Of the Friendship of Amis and Amile. 1894. Peterborough Cathedral. A letter to the daily papers. April 2nd, 1895. Tree-Felling in Epping Forest. ** Daily Chro- nicle." April 23rd, 1895. Epping Forest. " Daily Chronicle." May 9th, 1895. On the Royal Tombs in Westminster Abbey. " Times." June ist, 1895. "Wood Beyond the World." A letter to the " Spectator." July 20th, 1895. Rouen Cathedral. "Daily Chronicle." 0<5tober 12th, 1895. Gossip about an Old House on the Upper Thames. " The Quest." November, 1895. Trinity Almshouses. " Daily Chronicle." November 26th, 1895. Peterborough Cathedral. " Daily Chronicle." December 5th, 1895. Chichester Cathedral. "Times." December 14th, 1895. On the Woodcut Books of Ulm and Augsburg. " Bibliographica." 1895. The Wood beyond the World. 1895. Of Child Christopher and Fair Goldilind. 1895. Introductory Note to Neale's " Good King Wen- ceslas." 1895. The Tale of Beowulf. 1895. The Well at the World's End. z8g6. 120 Chiswick Press :— Charles Whittingham and Co. Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London, B.C. ^hy Tl""' nePARIMFNT y" fliil ^^ 0A8t B .9fL,9 II Vf" W-ff ^^ ',v».-i J!i»«,R^,» "r^^^j^fi /^ ^. '