'AmiNlimV <^(?/OJilV3:10' m ^m-m. ;OPCALIPO% '/.va]AiNii3Wv^ '^/ommm'^' "yommm'^ ^l-IJBRA.R>/y/ \\^EUN(VERVa. ^xvlOSANGELfx, 9 S ;33 . ^<^0JiTV3JO'^ ^rji^ONVSOl^ aiFO/?^ \WE UNIVERS"/^ m. '^ ^ CALIFORNIA NAMES AND THEIR LITERAL MEANINGS ALSO Other Primary Geography Names AND THEIR MEANINGS. A BOOK FOR TEACHERS AND OTHER CURIOUS PEOPLE. COLLECTED AND ARRANGED BY C. M. DRAKE, LONG BEACH. LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNLJ^. JONES BOOK AND PRINTING CO. LOS ANGELES, CAL 1893. tmt -^ -: ? ,^ Naming places is like naming babies, and it is a mere chance if the name fits. We name them after some great man, we name them after our own dear selves. We call a bay or a baby "Pearl" and we think we have described it. We even, at times, select fancy names of no meaning. This little list of names is neither complete nor accur- ate. The California names, I have gathered in twenty years roaming around this State. I printed a small list, sixteen years ago, which has been going the rounds of the newspapers ever since. The translation of our Spanish names, is not always easy. Many are corrupt spellings, and the dictionary meaning may not be the true one. I give them as they were given to me by the old settlers, and if they did not know the true meaning they invented one. "Why dia )ou spell Cienega, S-c-e-n-e-g-a.'^"' 1 askecl a Ventura settler. "When we got our post-office,"' he replied, "they asked me if Cienega was spelled with an S or a C. I told them to put both in to make sure."" So I have sometimes put in two meanings "to make sure." Except a few California names, this list is taken from the maps of the California Elementary Geography. For the convenience of the teacher, I have put each map by itself, and have repeated some names. About one fourth of the meanings I have taken from the older editions of Webster's Dictionary and Lippincott's Gazetteer. Others came from books of travel, histor- ies and newspapers. Any corrections that you may be Sure of will be thankfully received by C. M. DRAKE. Lonu, Beach, California. CALIFORNIA NAMES. AcAMPO "pasture land on commons/' Agricola "a farmer.'" Agua Caientp: "hot water." " Cayendo "falling water." " DuLCE "sweet water," " Hedioxda "stinking water.'' " Tibia "warm water." " PuERCA "water for pigs." Alameda "a walk, with trees." i. e. poplars. Alamillo, Alamitos "little poplars." Alamo is "cottonwood." Alamos Muchos; "many pojjlars,'" or cottonwoods. Albion "mountainous land." Some say "white." Albuquerque "white oak." Alcatraz "pelican.'" Alisos "alders.'" CALIFORNIA. Almaden "mine." Alpine is high land, where it "snows." Alta, "high." Altamont "high mountain." Altaville "high town." Alturas "the heavens.'" Alvarado is a surname meaning "white-road." Alviso "the view." Amador is a surname meaning "lover." Amaragosa R. has bitter water. American R. had a settlement of Americanos, or people from the U. S. Anahei.m is "Anna's home.'" Anahuac is said to mean "everlasting water."' Angel I. was named for Michael. Antelope Valley had antelope in. Anita is "little Anna." Antioch is an ancient city. Arcade is a row of arches. Arena "sand." Arguello is a surname meaning "thin" or "unhealthy.'" Arrowhead Springs has a mark like a big arrow- head on the mountains near by. Arroyo Burro "jackass creek." ^ " Del Norte "north." " Grande "big creek." " Media "middle creek." " Seco "drv creek." CALIFORNIA. Artesia, from Artois in France, has Artesian wells. Atascadero is a "miry place." Atlanta was a famous city and game of Greece. Auburn is a surname meaning "brown." Also an ancient city. AzusA "above:" A misspelling of Asusa, I was told. Baden "bath." Bakersfield is the "place where the baker's oven is." Baldy Mt. is bare or bald on its top. Ballena Mountain looks like "a whale." Bangor "high choir." Banning is a surname. Banner was the "banner" mining camp. Barro "clay." Batavia "low plain." Bear Valley. There are many bears, and bear valleys in Cal. Bellota "acorns." Bella Vista "beautiful view." Belmont a surname meaning "beautiful mountain." Benedict is a surname meaning "blessed." Benicia was the wife of Gen Vallejo. Berenda "antelope." Berkeley "brook meadow." Berlin "uncultivated land." Bernard and Bernardino "Bernard." CALIFORNIA. Blanco "white." Boca "mouth." Bodega was a Captain. It means "pocket." Bolinas "ropes?" Bonita "pretty." Brea is named from the coal-oil residue there. Brooklyn "brook pool." Buena Ventura "good luck." " Vista "good view." Butte "lone mountain." Cabrillo Cape was named after the discoverer. Cache is 'a hiding place for goods." Cajon is "a big box," (valley) shut in by hills. Calaveras "place of the kull." Caliente "hot." Cambria is a name for Wales, meaning "Cvmri country." Campo "camp." Campo Seco "dry camp." Canada is a "mountain valley." " DE Los CocHEs "pig Valley." " " " NoQUES "tan-pit valley." " Verde "green valley." Canon is a deep valley with steep sides. Carissa for Carrizo "a reed grass." Carlsbad "Charles' bath." Carmelo, Carmelito "a flower." Carmen "a countrv house." CALIFORNIA. Carxadero is, probably, a sheep owner. Carneros are sheep, though Borego is the Cal. word for sheep. Carpexteria had a "carpenter's shop" there. Casa Grande "big house." Castroville, after Gen. Castro (camp). Cayucas "a fishing boat." Centinela "a sentinal." Ceres is the Goddess of Grain. Cerros "hills." Cerritos "little hills." Also written-CERiLLOs. Cerro Gordo "thick hill." Chico "little." Gov. Chico. Chileno "from Chili." Chino is a Chinaman, or a simpleton. Chocolate "brown." CiENEGA "swamp." Wrongly spelled Scenega in Ventura. Cimarron "lost" river. Cisco "broken coal." Cloverdale Valley has much burr clover. CoAHUiLLA or Kaweah "seceders." Indians. Colorado "red." CoLTON was a R. R. man. "Coal-town." Compton Count's town. A surname. CoNCEPCiON honors the "Immaculate Conception." Concord, because they dwell together in "harmony." Cone JO "rabbit." CALIFORNIA. Contra Costa "the opposite coast." CoppKROPOLis "copper city/' has copper mines. CoRDERO "laml)." CoRONADO "crowned." A surname. CoRRALiTOs, or "little corral," is a cattle pen. CoRTE Madera "wood yard." COVOTE "wolf." Crescent C'iiy was built that way. Cruz, Cruces "cross-es." Cuca.moxga is a "nun of evil repute." Cuyamaca "it rains behind." Cypress Pr. is covered with cypresses. Death Vai.i.ey from the many deaths of those crossing the valley. Dehesa "pasture ground." Del Mar "of the sea." Delta is the Greek D. See Dictionary. De Luz "of light." A surname. Descanso "place of rest." Diablo is the "Devil's" mountain. A favorite Span- ish name. Diego, Dieguito "James." Dirigo "a straight drive." DizuAS was a saint. Dolores is a woman's name. "Sorrowful." Dos Cabezas "two heads." " Palmas "two palms." CALIFORNIA. Dos Pueblos "two villages." " Valles "two valleys." Downey and Downieville after Gov. Downey. "A hilly slope." Drake's Bay, where some think Sir Francis Drake wintered. DuLzuRA "sweetness." El Capitan "the Captain." El Casco is the place of the wine "cask." Eldorado "the land of gold." El Molino "the mill." El Monte "the thicket." El Nido "the nest," meaning residence. El Paso "the pass." El RiTO is where a "ceremony" was performed. El Sausal "the willow" grove. Elsinore, a fancy name said to be taken from Hamlet. Elwood Cooper settled there. Encinal "oak woods." Encinitas "little oaks." Excino -"oak." Ensenada "bay." Escondido "hidden." Esperaxza "hope." EsPiRiTU Santo "Holy Spirit." EsTERO "a salt marsh." Estrella "star." 14 CALIFORNIA. Etna "a mountain of fire." Eureka "I have it." Farallones "needles," or small pointed islands in the sea. Felipe "Philip." Feliz "happy." Flores, Florin "flowers." Folsom a surname. French Corral camp where Frenchmen mined. Fresno "the ash tree." Gabilan is properly Gavilan "sparrow hawk." Gallinas "chickens." Garcia was as early settler. Garrote "strangling with an iron collar." Garvanza is said to mean a "pea blossom." Gaviota "gull." Glenella Ella's glen." Goleta "schooner. " Gordo "thick" or fat. Gonzales, a surname. Graciosa "gracious." Granada "the pomegranate. " Grantville "big town." Named after Grant. Greenwich "green town." Guadalupe "river wolf. " Gua (wah) is the Indian for house by the water. CALIFORNIA. 15 GuAji "house of trees." GuAjOME "house by frog-pond." GuATAY "big house." GuAjiTO "little house." Harford, where a hare can ford a stream. Healdsburg "Heald's town." "Healthy town." \ Hermosa, Hermosillo "beautiful." HoLLisTER is a surname meaning "one who lives by the holly trees." Honda "deep." Honey L. and Springs. There are many wild bees in Cal. HoPLAND is adapted to hops. HoRKiTOs "little oven." It is very-hot there. Hoy A "hole." Sometimes spelled Jolla. HuACUPiN "warmhouse." Hueneme "house by the sea." Humboldt is a surname. HuROv "hair." Ilpa Mts. have many "acacias" on them. Indio "Indian." y Inez or Ynez "Agnes." Iowa was settled by folks from Iowa (drowsy). IsLETA "little island." Jackson was a President. "Son of John." Ja (ha) is water in the Diegueno language. l6 CALIFORNIA. Jacumba "hut by the water." Jacupin "warm water." Jamacha^ "scummy water," or the mock -orange. Jamul "antelope water." J ANAL "mother of waters." Japatul "water baskets." Jemet "acorn valley." Joaquin "Joachim. ' ' JOLON "snow." JoRNADO Del Muerto "journey of death." Juan "John." JuANA "Jane." Juarez a surname. Julian- Mike was one of the first to come to that camp. Kaweah "seceders," same as Coahuilla Indians. Kern was an explorer. Keyes and King are like surnames. Klamath Indians. Knight's Ferry was run by Knight. La "the." Las "the" plural. La Ctrulla "sand hill crane." Laguna "lake." La Joli.a, or Joya, are probably misspellings of HoYA "hole" or cave. La Junta "the junction." Lakeside is bv a small lake. CALIFORNIA. 1 7 La Mesa "the table" land. Lancha Plana "thin flat stone" to write on. La Patp:ra "the duck pond." I La Paz "peace." , La l^AYA "the beach." La Presa "the dam" of the Sweetwater. La Porte "the port." La Punta "the point" or cape. Las An'imas "the ringing bells." "- Las Cruces "the crosses." Las Fi.ores "the flowers." Las Penasquitas was given to me there as "little rocks." It looks as if it came from Pexa, a pain Las Posas "the wells." " PosiTAs V Calera "the springs nnd lime-kiln." Las Vegas "the meadows." Lassen, Lathrof, Latrobe, and Lawsox are sur- names. Leaxdro "Leander. " Leox "lion." I>eri)0 "slow." Lincoln (pool-hill-colony,) was a President. La EGAS "place of thorns." LoBOS "wolves." Lo.MA "hill." Long Beach has a fine long beach. Lorenzo is the same as Lawrence. Los "the" masculine. CALIFORNIA. Los Alamos "the poplars." " Banos "the baths." " Berros "the water-cresses." " CocHEs "the pigs." " CoRONADES "tonsured priests." SeeCoronado. " CuEROs "the hides." " Feliz "the lucky." " Gatos "the cats." " Medanos "the sand banks on the sea shore." " NiETOS "the grand sons." " Osos "the bears." " Prietos "the dark" place. " ROBLES "the oaks." Lugo "a kind of linen." A man's name. Lyons was named after Gen. Lyons. Madera "wood." Madrone is the strawberry tree." Maneadero "hobbling ground" for horses. Manitou is the Indian God. Manuelito is little Emanuel. Manzanita "little apple," is a fine mountain shrub. Mare is the "sea" island. Marin was an Indian chief. Mariposa was named after the "butterfly" lilies. Martinez or Martin, is a surname. M ataquaquat "red earth. ' ' Mendocino "little liar." A surname. CALIFORNIA. 1 9 Menifee is a surname. Merced "mercy." Mercenarios "a mercenary." Meridian "mid-day." Mesa Grande "big table" land. Mesilla "little flat-topped hill. Mesquite is an acacia shrub. Miguel, Miguelito "Michael." Milpitas is said to mean "little gardens." MiLQUATAY "big foot" Valley. Mission Valley contains the old mission buildings. MiTARAGUi "crooked land." Modesto ' 'modest. ' ' Modoc Indians. "Strangers." MojAVE or Mohave "three mountains." Mono "a monkey," from reports that monkeys lived there. Monte Diablo "Devil's mountain." Montecito, Monticello "little hill." Monterey "Mt. King." Monserrate "notched mountain." A surname. Moreno "brown," or swarthy. A surname. MoRRO is a hugh bald rock. " Hermoso "twin (brother) rocks." MuRRiETA was the owner of the grant. Nacimiento "birth" of Christ. Nadeau was a settler. CALIFORNIA. National City is on a ranch once belonging to the Mexican "nation." Navajo Indians. It is a "lake" or "plain" in Spanish. Nevada "white with snow." New Almaden "new mine." Al.maden is in Spain. Nevvhall owned the grant on which the town is. New Jerusalem because it is xor like Jerusalem, be. ing noted for drunkenness, etc. New Year's Pl. was discovered on that day. NoGALEs, the native California walnut. NoRDHOEF described the valley in a book. NovATO, NuEvo "new." Oak Dale is a valley of oak trees. OcEANsiDE is by the side of the Pacific. Ojai "big trees?" Olancha was given to me as "large waves." Oleta "oily." Olla is an unglazed water jar. 0-ME;a, O, is the last letter in (rreek. Orange County andTown. raise many oranges. Org Grande "big gold." " Fi NO "fine gold." Oroville "gold town." Otero is a surname. Ori'igalito "little nettle." Ortiz is a surname. CALIFORNIA. Oso Flaco- "poor bear." OiAY "big." Owens is a surname. Pachkco is a surname. Paguay "meeting of the valleys-" Paja'ro "bird." Pai.a "water." Pa LOS Vf.rdks "green sticks." Pasadena is called the Crown of the Valley. Paso Rop.les "pass of oaks." Pauba and Pau>la refer to the water there. Perrls was a R. R. man. Pescadero "a fishing place." Peta[.unla "low hills." Petroliopolis "oil city." PiCACHO "sharp peak." PiEDRA Blancas "white rocks." PiEDRA Grande "big rock." Pigeon Pt. There are many wild pigeons there. PiLARcrros "little pillars" of stone. Pinole "parched corn, sugar, and water." PiNOs "pines " Pinon "a nut pine." Pipo is a small fly-eating bird. PiRU, miners from Peru first went on the creek. Placer, from the "mines of gold on the creeks" found there. CALIFORNIA. Plano "plain." Pleito "bargain or dispute." Plumas "feathers," referring to the Feather (spray) river. Pomona was the Goddess of Fruits. Poncho "lazy", also a kind of blanket cloak. PoRTiLLO is a little gate Porto. Posa "a spring," or a passing bell. PoTRERO "pasture ground." PowAY is an improved? spelling of Paguay. Presidio "garrison or penitentiary." They put con- victs in the army. Puente "a bridge." PuERCO "dirty," or a pig. Pujol is a surname. PuNTA Arenas "point of sands." PuRissiMA "most pure" Virgin Mary. Rafaela "Raphael." Ramona was the heroine of a well-known romance. Ranchito "little farm." Rancho Viejo "old farm." Raton "mouse. " Red Bluff, Redlands, Redding, (surname) from the color of the ground. Redondo "round" or pasture land. Redwood City from the redwood trees there. Refugio "refuge." CALIFORNIA. 23 Reyes "Kings." RiNCON is an inside corner. RiNCONADO "corner of the road." Rio Grande "big river." " Seco "dry river." " Vista "river view." Riverside is not far from the Santa Ana river. Rodeo is a rounding up of cattle for branding. Romero is a surname. Rosario "rosary." RosEBURG "town of Rose," the owner. Sacramento honors the Holy Sacrament. Sal "salt." Salazar "salty." Salida "a start." Salinas "salty." Salsi Puedes "get out if you can." An appropriate name. San, Santa, or Santo, is the Spanish for saint. More than a hundred places, in California, are named after the saints. A few of the places were dis- covered or settled upon on the day of the saint whose name they bear. Ranches, which give their names to many streams and towns, were named after the patron saint of the owner, or the saint whose day was the owner's birthday. San Andreas "Andrew." 24 CALIFORNIA. San Anselmo "Anselm." " Antonio "Anthony." " Bknito "Benedict." " Bkrnardo "Bernard." " Bkknardino "Bernard the Less." " Bruno "Brown." " Buenaventura "Bonaventure." " Carlos "Charles." " Clemente "Clement." " Diego "James." " UiEGUiTO "James, the Less." " DiMAs "Demas." " DiZUAS " Domingo "Dominic." (Sunday.) " Felipe "Philip." " Fernando "Ferdinand." " GoR(;oNio " Gregorio "Gregory." " Geronimo "Jerome." " Ignaiio "Ignatius." " Jacinto "Jacinth." " Joaquin "Joachim." " Jose "Joseph." " Juan "John." " Leandro "Leander. " " Lorenzo "Lawrence." " Lucas "Luke." " Luis "I^wis." CALIFORNIA. 25 San Luis Obispo "Lewis the Bishop." " Luis Rey "Lewis the King." " Marcial "Martial." " Marcos "Mark." " Mateo "Matthew." " Miguel "Michael." " Nicholas "Nicholas." " OxNtofre "Humphrey." " Pablo "Paul." ' Pasqual "Holy Passover." " Pedro "Peter." " QuiNTiN (the fifth.) " Ramon "Raymond." " Rafael "Raphael." " Salvador "Holy Savior." " Simeon "Simon." " TiMOTEO "Timothy." " Vicente "Vincent." " Ylejo "Elias." " YsiDRO "Isadore." Santa Ana "Anna." " Anita "Anna." " Barbara (stranger.) " Catalina "Kate." " Clara "Clara." " Cruz "Holy Cross." Fe "Holy Faith." " Gertrudis "Gertrude." 2 6 CALIFORN'IA. Santa Lucia "Lucy." " Margariia "Margaret." Maria "Mary." " Monica " Paui.a "Paulina." Rita "xMargaret, Pearl." Rosa "Rose." " SusANA "Susan." " Ynez-Ixkz "Agnes." Y.sAHKi. "Isabel." St. Hki.kna "Helen." St. Louis "Lewis." Sapixkro is a kind of pine. Saratoga "place of water in rocks." City in New York. Sausalito "little willow." Sckneca is a misspelling of Cienega "a swam[)." Secuan is a j^recipice. Sepulveda is a surname. Sesma is "one sixth" of the land. Sespe are evil spirits. Shasta "men." Lidians. Some say "stone house" Shixgee Springs has much shingle (gravel) there. Sierra "a saw;" then a mountain because the tops look like saw-teeth. Sierra MadrI'. "mountains of tlie Mother" of Christ. Sierra Nevada "mountains white with snow." SiMi "source of water." CALIFORNIA. 27 Siskiyou Indians. SoBRANTE "overplus." SoLANA "sunny." Solano "east wind." SoLEDAD "solitary." Soto "a grove." Spencer Valley, after a settler. "One who gives out food." Stanislaus is a Spanish Christian name. Stockton was a Commodore. "Castle town." Sumac or shoemake is plentiful in California. SuMi "sunken." Sur "south." Sutter was an early settler, Capt. John Sutter. Sweetwater river comes from the mountains and is "agua dulce." Tahoe "big water." Tamalpais "dumpling ground." Named after tlic Tomales Indians. Teaco "black." Tecate "salt water." Tecolote "the ground owl." Tehama "low land." o Tejon "badger." Temecula "the rising sun" hit the liouse very early. Temescal "a sweat house." CALIFORNIA. TiA JuAXA -Aunt Jane was corrupted from Tiwaxa "by the sea." TiBURON "shark." TijKRA "sheep-shearers." ToDOs Santos "All saints." ToLjor, "source of water." ToRO is "a bull." Trabuco Ranch land is much "tumbled about." Tres Finos "three {)ines." 'I'rigo "wheat." Trinidad "Trinity." Tulare "place of tules" or rushes. Vacaville "cow town." Valle Eautista "Baptist valley. ' Vallecitos "little valleys." Valle de las Pulcas "valley of the fleas." " " " ViEjAs "valley of old women." Vallejo "little valley." Is named after (Tcneral Vallejo. Vega "a meadow." Ventura is a contraction of San Buenaventure, whose name means "good chance." Vicente "Vincent." \'IEJAS "old." Vina "a vineyard." ViRGENES "virgins.' Visalia "look-out place." CALIFORNIA. 29 \'OLCAX "volcano." Warner was the owner "One who kept a warren." Waterford is sometimes a fort by the water, some- times a ford. Winchester (Win-castle) was a R. R. man. WiLDOMAR is a fancy name. Wilmington "William's town." Wilson's Peak. The surname means "son of Wil- liam." Yolo "tules" or "rushes." Yreka "cave mountain." Yuba is said to be a corruption of the Spanish for "grapes." Yo Semite "grizzly bear." THE HEMISPHERES. Africa means "black man's land." Albert Lake was named in honor of Albert, the hus- band of Queen ^'ictoria. Ai.KrriAX is the Russian tor "bald rock." Alp.s means mountain "white with snow." Amazon "boat-destroyer.'" The tide sometimes comes up the Amazon in waves ten and twenty feet high, and destroys many small boats. America was named in honor of Amerigo Vespucci. Amoor "water" or "river." Andks "cop[)er." Antarctic "opposite the Arctic" or great bear. Araisiax belonging to the country of the Arabs "desert men." Aral "island." Arctic is the "great bear" of the astronomers. Asia means "the east" 32 THE HEMISPHERES. Atlantic because it was "beyond the Atlas" mount- ains. Atlas was a king of Mauritania (Morocco) who was thought to support the heavens upon his shoulders, after being turned into a mountain. Australia is "south land." Azores "hawks." Bab-el-Maxikh is the "gate of tears." Baffin Bay was explored by William Baffin in 1616. Baltic Sea is full of "belts" or straits. Barrow "hill." Sir John Barrow was in England an official whose position is similar to that of our Secretary of the Xavy. Behring Sea and Strait was named in honor of the explorer, \'itus Behring. Bengal "to go crooked." Bermuda was discovered by Juan Bermudez in 1522. Biscay was named after the "Basque" province. Basque means "mountain land." Black Sea is full of black rocks. Blanco is the Spanish for "white." Borneo means "land." British Islands were so named for the "tin" found there. Britannia means the "land of tin." Canary Islands were so named from the fine dogs (canis) bred there. THK HKMISI'HKRK Capk ^^F.Rl) Islands are off Cape Verd (green) of Africa. Cakibbkax Sea was named after tlie Carihs (cruel men) who live east of it. Carolixf. Islands were named in honor C)f (^has. \', King of (iiermany and Spain. Caroline is the femi- nine of C]harles-Carolus in Latin. Caspiax Sea was named after the Caspi tribe, who settled on its shore. Ckvi.ox means "isle of lions." Chixa is the "land of Tsin," who built the great wail. Coi.i'Mi'.iA is the "land of Columbus." Cook Islands were named in honor of Capt. Cook, the great navigator. I ) A X u B F, ' 'low meadow. Davis Strait was discovered by John Davis in 1585- RuROPF, means "broad face," or land. Fai.ki.axi) Islands were named in honor of Henr\ Falkland, an English statesman. Farfwki.l The .sailors bid "farewell" to the land at this cape. Farthfr Ixiha Hindoostan was the nearer India, or "great river land." Frikxolv Islands were so called by Cook, because the natives were "friendlv." 34 THK HKMISPHKRES. (tA[.apago.s Islands were so named from the many "turtles" found there. Gai.linas is the S[)anish for "chickens." Ganges "river. ' ' CtIbraliar "hill of 'I'arik." Gobi is "a desert." Good Hoj'K Cape was so called because there was "good hope" of getting to India after rounding this cape. (treknlaxi) was so named to encourage settlers from Iceland, though there is green moss on its coast. CiuiNEA means "land of gold." New Guinea also has gold. Himalaya "abode of snow." HiNDOOsTAN "Hindoo-land." Hindoo is the same as Indus or "great river." HoANc;-HO "yellow river." Horn This cape was named after Hoorn, the birth- place of its discoverer. Hudson Bay and Strait was named after the discoverer Henry Hudson. IcEi?ERG means "ice mountain." Iceland has much ice from (ireentand, on its northern coast. Indus means "great river," Hence, India, Indian Ocean, and Hindoosian. IHK HEMISPHERKS. 35 Japan named after Niphon, its largest island, means "sun land."' Java is the "land of nutmegs,'' some say of rice. Lena means "sluggard."" The river runs slowly. London means the "fortified hill by the i)ool." Mackenzie River was discovered by Alex. Mackenzie. Madagascar "Malay-land." Magellan Strait was named after its discoverer Ferdinand Magellan. Marshall means "horse-servant." The Islands were named in honor of John? Marshall. Mediterranean means "in the middle of the land." Mendocino is a surname, "a little liar." Mexico was named after Mexitli, their God of \Var. Mississippi is "great water." Missouri is "muddy water." New Caledonia The old name for Scotland was Caledonia meaning "(jael's hill land.'' (lael means "hidden rover." New Hebrides named after the Hebrides or "\Vest- ern" Islands of Scotland. Newfoundland was so called by Cabot, the discoverer. New York was named in honor of the Duke of York. New Zealand means "new sea-land." Niger means "black." 36 I'HK HKMISPHKRKS. North Cape, Nor th East Cape and North (of (icr- many) Sea show direction. Nova Zkmbi.a "new land." (Jraxgk River settlers came from Orange in Holland. Orixoco "coiled up snake." Pacific Ocean is "peaceful." Magellan so named it. Pal, mas Cape was nanied from its "palms."' Paxa.ma is the name of a mud fish found there. Pkrix is the "north capital." Pkrsia is the "land of the Parsees" or men-tigers. Red Sea was so called from the red earth of its bed. Rio i)K la Plata means "river of silver." The water shmes like silver. Rio J AX 1:1 RO "river of January." Rocky Mountains are full of rocks. Sahara "desert." Saxuwich Islands were named in honor of the PLarl of Sandwich (sand town), who was the First Lord of the Admiralty. Society Islands were also named by Cook, in honor of the Royal Society. S'l'. Lawrexce Gulf was explored on St. Lawrence's day. St. Lucas Caoe was named in honor of St. Luke. THK HKMISPHKKES. 37 St. Roquk Cape was sighted on that day. Sumatra "happy land." Tanganika "plain-like lake." Tasmania was named after the discoverer, Abel Tas- man. Tirrra del Fue(;o "land of fire." Magellan saw many fires there. Ural "belt" or "girdle." \'alparai.so "vale of Paradise." Vanxouvkr was a Middy under Capt. Cook, when he discovered the island. V^KRi) is "green." \mctoria Lake and Victoria Land were named in honor of Queen Victoria. Volga was named after the Volsci tribe. Wkst Ixdiks were thought by Columbus to be India. West was added afterwards to distinguish them from the East Indies. Yang Tse Kiang ^"son of the sea." Yellow Sea has an immense (juantity of yellow mud l)Oured into it by the Hoang-Ho, or "yellow river." i9394^ NORTH AMERICA, Alaska "great country." Ai.HAXv was named in honor of the Duke of York and Albany. Albany means "high land.'" Albyn was Scotland. Ai.BKkTA was named in honor of Albert, Prince of Wales. Akci'ic "belonging to the great bear." Arkansas "bow of smoky water." Asia "east." A^pixwAi.i. was a merchant. The city is ijro]:)erly Colon alter Columbus. A:^sixii!OiA is the land of the Stone-Sioux (Indians.) .A THABAscA meaus "swampy land." A iLAXiic is the Ocean "beyond the Atlas" Mountains. Baxks Laxd was named in honor of Sir Jos. Banks. Barrow is a surname meaninir "hill." 40 NORTH AMERICA. Bathurst is a surname. Hurst means "woods." Behring was the discoverer of Behring Sea and Strait. Belle Isle is "beautiful island." Bermuda was discovered by Juan Bermudez. Boothia is "Sir Felix Booth's country."' Booth is a surname meaning "house of boughs." Boston "St. Botolph's town." Brazos "arms." Bristol is a surname meaning "breach place." Tlic Avon in England makes a breach there. British Columbia honors Columbus and belongs to Britain. Brooklyn "brook pool."' Canada "a village of huts." Cape Breton Island is the same as (ireat Britain Islands. Cascade Mountains were .so named from the "falls'" of the Columbia there. Central America lies between Nokih America and South America. Charleston is the "town of Charles," King of Eng- land. Chicago is said to mean "stinking." Cincinnati was a .society named in honor of the noted Roman, Cincinnatus. Cock burn was an Explorer. The name means one who lived at the "place of the Cock,"' wliich was a common tavern-sign. NORTH AMKRICA. 4 1 Cod Cape was named from the cod-fish caught there. Columbia "land of Columbus." CoNCKPTiON Cape was named to honor the "Immacu- late Conception." Cork i entes "currents ."' CuiMKERLANi) IS the "land of hollows;" some say' "Cymri-land." Danish America belongs to the Danes (Dan's). Dan was a Norse Chief. Davis Strait was discovered by John Davis. East Cape is "east" of Asia. Ellesmere is a surname meaning "Elias-lake." Also an English town. Erie is the name of a tribe of Indians. It means "wild cat." Flattery "level." Florida was discovered on "Pascua Florida" or Easter Sunday. Fox is a common surname applied first to "cunning" men. Great Beau Lake is towards the group of stars thus named. Great Slave Lake was probably named after the Slavonian people. 42 NORTH AMF.RICA. Greenland might have been named from the green moss on its coast. Grixnell Land was discovered by the U. S. Grinnell Expedition, in 1850. Havii "high land," Honduras "deep water." Hudson Bay and Strait were discovered by Henry Hudson. Hu.Miioi.DT was a noted scientist. Huron means "hair," from an Indian tribe having much hair. Iceland has much ice on its northern shores. Ja.nlaica is the "country of springs."' Kane was a noted explorer in the Arctic region. Labrador is "i)low land," to contrast with the un- cultivatable Greenland. Lancaster is in England, "the fort on the Lune" river. Leon "lion."' Lower Californla was so called to distinguish it from Alta or L'ppcr California. Mackenzie was the discoverer of the Mackenzie River. NORTH AMKRICA. 43 Manitoba is "Manitou land." Manitou is the Indian (;od. Mexico was so called from Mexitli, the Aztec (yod of War. Michigan is a "fish dam." Mississii'i'i "great river." Missouri "muddy river." Moxtrkai. "Mount Royal." Nova Scotia is "New Scotland." Ontario "a village on a mountain." OiTAWA was named from the "traders" who first went there. Pacific means "peaceful." Panama is the name of a mud fish found there. Philadklphia is the city of "brotherly love." PopocAi'APF.TL "smoking mountain." Portland is the "land by the port," or harbor. Por- tus was a noted Roman. PORJ'O Rico is the "rich port." pRKsiUKNTs Land was named in honor of the Presi- dent of the United States. PRiNce Albkris Land and Princk of Walks I, were named in honor of Albert, Prince of Wales. Quf:bec means "take care of the rock" in the river. QuKEN Charlotte L was named to honor that Queen. 44 NORTH AMERICA. Red River gets itrs name from the color of its water. Reikiavik means "steam town," from the hot springs near it. Rio CiRANDE is "big river." Rocky Mountains are "rocky." Sable "sand." Salt Lake City is near the (Treat Salt Lake. San Francesco is named to honor St. Francis. " Jo.sE is named to honor St. Joseph. " Lucas is named to honor St. Luke. Saskatchewan "swift current."' Sierra Madre "Mother mountains." " Nevada "mountains white" with snow. Smith is a common surname meaning "one who smites" or strikes. Snake River was so named from the Indians who live near it. Southhampton means "south home town." St. Elias, St. Johns, St. Lawrence, St. Louis and St. PauI show the religious feeling of the Catholics who named them. Superior is the "larger" lake. Upernavik is the "upi)er town." Vancouver L was named after one of Capt. Cook's officers, afterwards Capt. Vancouver. Vera Cruz means the "true cross." UNITED STATES. Adirondack "he eats bark." Alabama "here we rest." Alaska is a "great country." Ar.BANY, named after the Duke of York and Albany, means "high land." Albemarle is "white earth." Ar.BUQUERQUE "white oak." Alleghany is the "country of the Alligewi." Alta.%l\ha is "where the town is." Annapolls was Queen "Anne's city." Appalachlan Indians gave the name to the mountains. Arizona is said to mean "sand-hills." Ashland is land on which the ash tree grows. Astoria is John Jacob "Astor's land." Atlanta was a city and game of Greece. Augusta "grand." 46 UNITED STATES. Austin "grand." Stephen Austin is often called the Father of Texas. Bakkr is a surname meaning "one who bakes.'' Baltimore was named after Lord Baltimore, the founder of Maryland. Bangor is said to mean "high choir." Baton Rouge means "red staff.'" A huge red cedar once stood there. Bismarck, is a noted German statesman. Black Hills are dark in color. Boise "woods." Boston was "St. Botolph's town." Brazos "arms." Brooklyn "brook pool." BuEEALO once roamed there. Butte is a "lone mountain." Canada "a village." Canadian settlers first lived on the river. Carouna is the "country of (King) Charles.'" Carson was a noted exjjlorer. Central City is in the center of the mountains. Champlain explored the Lake of that name. Charles Cape and Charleston were named in honor of Iving Charles. Chattahoochee "painted stone " C h esapeak e "i^reat waters. "' UNTIED S'lAlKS. 47 C HKVKXN K "scarred arm. ' ' C H I CA( ;o "stinking." CiN'ciNXAii from Cincinnatus, a noted Roman. Clarkf. was the discoverer of that River. Clarke is the same as "clerk.'' Clevklam) "cliff-land." CoiJ fish abounded off that Cajje. Columbia and Columbus honor America's discoverer. CoN'CORi) "harmony." Connecticut "long river.'" Cumberland "land of hollows" or "Cymri land." Dakota is the name of a tribe of Indians. Dakota means "allied." Dalf.as was a Vice-President of the United States. Davenfok r was a settler there. Delaware was named after Lord de la Ware, who died there. Deminc; "doom-town" a surname. Des Moines "the mounds." Detroli' "strait." Dover "a ferry." Dubuque was named after a settler, Julian Dubuque, El Paso "the pass." Erie "wild-cat" Indians, Eureka "I have it." Everglades "low swampy land," 4^ UNITED STATES. Fargo of the Express. Florida was discovered on Easter. "Pascua Florida." Frankford The Franks were a German tribe. Fremont was a noted explorer. Georgia is King "George's country." Glazier "one who puts in glass." The name of an explorer, who did not discover the lake (Elk Lake). Gold Hill, because of the mines. Grand "big." Great Salt Lake- as the name indicates. Green River has that color. Harrisburg Henry's or "Harry's town." Hartford where the deer cross the stream. Hood was an explorer. Houston was a noted Texan. Hudson River was named after the discoverer, Henry Hudson. Humboldt was a noted scientist. Huron Indians wore their "hair" long. Idaho "gem of the mountains." Indiana "Indian land." Indianapolis "Indian-land city." Illinois "tribe of men." Itasca is probably a fancy word. Jackson and Jacksonville were named in honor of General Jackson. UKITEI) S'l'ATES. 49 Jamks River was named after King James, Jkffkkson City honors Thomas Jefferson. John Day River was named after a settler. Juan dk Fica was a Greek explorer, who discovered the Strait. Ka.v-^as "smoky water." Kansas City is close to Kansas. Kkx'iuckv "at the head of a river." Kky Wf.si' A key is a small island. Lansin'g is a surname. Las Vegas "the meadows." Lawrence is a surname meaning "crowned with laurel." Leadvh.le From the lead and silver mines found there. Leavenworth is a surname. Worth is a farm-home. Lewis was a noted explorer who went with Clarke. Lutle Rock has a small rock in the river near the town. Llano Estacado or Staked Plain was once crossed by a line of stakes to guide emigrants. Long Island is long in shape. Long's Peak was named after a "long" man. Los Angeles is the City of the Queen of "the Angels." Madison was one of our Presidents. 50 UNITED STATES. Maine was named after a French province. Manchester "the hero's castle." Maryland was named after Queen Henrietta "Maria." Marysvillk was namei after the wife of a settler. Massachusetts "about the great hills." Memphis "temple of God." Mendocino "a little liar." Mexico Mexitli was the Aztec God of War. Michigan "a dam for fish." Miles City in honor of General Miles. Milwaukee "rich land." Minneapolis "water city." ^Minnesota "cloudy water." Mississippi "great river." Missouri "muddy river." Mobile "weak ? city." MoosEHEAD is where the moose lived. Montana "mountain land." Montgomery was a noted General. Montpelier "girl's mountain." Nashville Nash means one who lives "at the ash" tree place. Nevada "white" with snow. Newark -"new ark" or ])lace of refuge. New Haven, or "new harbor" of refuge. New Jersey, named after the isle of Jersey "Caesar's land." UNITED STATES. New Mexico was purchased from Mexico. New Orleans, after Orleans in France. Newport "new port," or harbor. Nk.v York was named after King James, then Duke of York and Albany." Niagara "neck of water,' some say "thunder water.'" Niobrara "running water." Norfolk "north folks." Oakland has many oak trees. Ogden is a surname meaning "hog's den." Ohio "beautiful" river. Olympia "Jupiter's land." Omaha Indians lived there. Ontario "a village on a mountain." OREGON^"river of the west," some say "wild maijo- ram," which grows there. Pacific "peaceful." Pennsylvania "Penn's woods." Philadelphia "city of brotherly love.'" Phcenix a fabulous bird which springs from its own ashes. Pierre Peter, meaning "rock." Pikes Peak -The Pikes are Missourians. Pitt is a surname meaning "one who works in a pit" or hole. PiTTSBURi; is "Pitt's town." 52 UNITED STATES. Platte "shallow. ' ' Portland where the ships can land. Potomac "place of the burning j^ine." Prescott "priest's house." Providence to commemorate the care or (iod in leading them there. Provo is a surname meaning "set before." Raleigh was named after Sir Walter Raleigh (Ralph's meadow) . Red is a common name for muddy rivers and lakes. Rhode Island "red." Richmond The King of England is Earl of Rich- mond. Rochester is a surname meaning "strong castle." Sabine "the red cedar." Sable "sand." Sacramento "sacred." To honor the Holy "Sacra- ment." Salem is a contraction of Jerusalem, "house of peace.' San Antonio honors St. Anthony. " Diego was reached on St. James' day. " Francisco honors St. Francis. " " Joaquin honors St. Joachim. " Jose honors St. Joseph. Santa Fe is "Holy Faith." Savannah "meadow." UNirEL) S'lAlES. 53 Sp:attle was an Indian chief. Shasta "men." Is the name of a tribe oi In>lians. Smoky Hill is near the head of that river. South Pass City is by that pass tlirough the RocKy Mountains. Springptkld is a field that contains a spring. St. Augustine was founded on that day. St. Lawrence was explored on that day. Superior "larger." Taleahassee "old town on river." 'I'envessee "big bend river." Texas "place of friends" or protection. Toledo "families" or races. Trenton "winding river town." Trinity, to honor the "three" (xods in one. Tulare was named from the "tules" or rushes iouiid there. Vermont "green mountains." Its mountains are covered with evergreens. ViCKSBURG -"Vick's town." Vick is a surname mean- ing "in the place of" Christ. V'lRGiNiA was named after Elizabeth, the "\'irgin" Queen. Virginia City was named by a \'irginian. Walla Walla is the name of a tribe of Indians. "Awav down." 54 UNITED STATES. Washington honors our first i^resident. Literally, "meadow creek town." West Virginia This state was cut off from Virginia during the Civil war. Wheeling "wheel town," because wagons were made in tlie English town. White River from the color of the water. Whitney was a geologist. "A bleacher" of linen. Willamette "little William. " Wilmington "William's town." Wisconsin "wild rushing channel." Woods The Lake of the Woods is surrounded by great forests. Wyoming State gets its name from the Wyoming Indians of New York and Pennsylvania. Yankton is the name of a tribe of Indians. Yuma is the name of a tribe of Indians. MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA AND THE WEST INDIES. Atlantic "beyond the Atlas" Mountains. Balize is a corruption of "Wallace,'" a pirate. Blanco "white." California was an island in a Spanish romance, and Cortez thought that Lower California was also an island. Caribbean the Caribs or "cruel men" live on its eastern side. Central America is between North and South America. Corrientes -"currents." Costa Rica "rich coast." Gold was found there. DuLCE "sweet." 56 MEXICO; ETC. El Limon "the lemon," which grows there. Gracios a Dios "thanks to God" said an early ex- plorer, as he rounded the cape in a storm. Havii "high land." Honduras is the land of "great depth." Jamaica is the "land of springs." KiNOsTOX, in honor of the King of England. Leon "lion." Mexico is named after Mexitli, the Aztec God of War. Mosquito Gulf adjoins the Mosquito Coast, where mosquitoes abound. Nicaragua was named after Nicaro (balsam), a chief. Pacific "peaceful." PopocATAPKTf, "smoking mountain." Porto Rico "rich port." Puerto Principe "chief gate." PuNTA /Arenas "point of sands." Rio Grande "big river." San Antonio "St. Anthony." " Domingo "holy Sunday." MKXICO, KTC. 57 San Jose "St. Joseph." " Juan del Sur -"St. John of the south." " Salvador "Holy Savior." Sierra Madre "mountains of the Mother" of Christ. Tegucigalpa '"city of the silver hills." 'Ckiniliai) ^" trinity." United States -many states are united in one country. Vera Cruz -"true cross." West Indies to distinguish from the true India (great-nver-land.) Windward "towards the wind." Yucatan "What do you say?" a.sked the natives when the Spaniards inc|uired the name of their country. SOUTH AMERICA, Amazon "boat destroyer." Great waves, from ten to twenty feet high, come in with the tide at the full moon and destroy boats. America was named aftej Amerigo Vespucci. Andes "copper." Argentina "silver country," from the silvery looks of its rivers. AsPiNWALL was a merchant whose ships went there. Asuncion, in honor of the "assumption" of the Vir- gin Mary into heaven. Bahia is on a "bay." Blanco "white." Bolivia was named after (len. Bolivar, the Liberator. Brazil "dye-wood," which we get from there. Buenos Ayres "good air." 6o SOUTH AMERICA. Chili "land of snow." Chiloe "snow island.'' Chi.mborazo "chimney." Chincha "bugs ?" CocHA Bamba "drinking pool." Colon is the Spanish name of Columbus. CORRIENTES "currents." Cuenca "a wooden bowl." Ecuador is on the "equator." Frio -"cold." Galapagos "turtles." Gallinas "chickens." Georgetown from King George. Horn was named from Hoorn in Holland, the birth- place of the discoverer. Juan Fernandez (John Ferdinand) was the dis- coverer in 1567. La Paz "the peace." Llanos "flat lands." Madeira "wooded." Magdalena is a woman's name. Magellan was the discoverer in 1520. SOUTH A.MKKICA. 6 I Maracaibo "water dwellers." 'I'hey built on piles to be rid of mosquitoes. Matto Grosso is "covered with big buslies." McNTEViDEO "a sightly mountain.'' Negro "black." Orinoco "coiled snake." Pampas "big plains.'' Panama is the name ot' a mua fish tbunJ there. Para "father ot' waters.'" It means "river" in Par- aguay, Parana, Parimakiiu), and Peru. Paraguay "river of rivers." Patos "ducks.'' Peru "a river city." Rio DE la Plata "river of silver. ' I'he water shines like silver. Rio Janeiro "river of January." Salado "salty." San Francisco "St. Francis." San \Latias was discovered on St. Mattias day. Santiago "St. James." Selvas "forests.' ' Serra do Espinhaco- "mountains of tliorns." Staten "a settlement/' statioii or town. St. Roque Cape was sighted on that day. Sucre "suij-ar." 62 SOUTH AMERICA. TiERRA DEL FuEGO "land of fire," from the fires seen by Magellan. Trinidad has "three" mountain peaks which Colum- bus first thought were three islands. So he called them after the Trinity. United States of Columbia was named after Colum- bus. Valparaiso "Vale of Paradise." Venezuela called "litUe Venice" because the natives lived in houses built on piles out in the lake, to be rid of the mosquitoes. EUROPE, Adriatic is the sea of the Emperor "Adrian." Africa "black man's land." Alps "height white with snow." Amsterdam was built at the "dam of the Amstel" River. Apenxinks are "small mountains" compared to the Alps. Akchaxc;ei., in honor of the "chief angel'" Michael. Archipelago "the chief .sea." Arctic is from a word meaning "bear." Asia "east." Astrakhan "district of a Khan'' or ruler. Athens is the city of Athene, or Minerva, the (iod- dess of Wisdom. Atlantic is "beyond Mt. Atlas"" as compared with the Mediterranean. 64 RUROPK. AU.-.TRIA is the "eastern empire." Balearic "throwing," because the inhabitants were expert slingers. Baltic Sea is full of "belts,'' or straits. Barcelona was named from Hamilcar "Barca." Bef^gium, Bul -tAria and Volga get their names from the Belgian tribe. Belgrade "white city." Bergex -"mountains." Berlin -"uncultivated land." Berne "bears." Biscay "Basque country," or mountain provinces. Webster says "forests." Black. Sea has black rocks and black storms. Blanc is a "white" mountain. Bordeaux is on "the border" of the water. Bosphorus is the "ox-ford." Bothnia -"deep sea." Brest "great" ])ort. British is from Britannia -"land of tin." Bucharest is a "city of enjoyment.'" BuDA and Pesth are on opi)osite sides of the Danube. Buda founded Buda city. ])UL(;aria see Belgium. Candia "land of trenches." Caspian Sea was named from the Caspii tribe. EUROPE. 65 Cattegat is the "strait of Catti." Caucasus Mountains are "white" with snow. Christiana was rebuilt by Christian IV. CoNSTANTixopr.E is the "city of Constantine," its founder. When he became a Christian he was to be "constant" to his religion. Corsica is a "wooded island." Crimea is the Kimri or "Cymri-lantl." Cypres-; is from the Greek name of the I.awsonia alba. Danube "low meadow." Dardanelles is the Strait of Dardanus, who built a city there. Denmark, is Dan's mark or boundary . Dan was a Scandinavian chief. Dneiper is the "upper river," and Dneister, the "lower river." Don "low." Dover "a ferry." Dublin "black pool." Ebro from the Iberi tribe who settled Iberia -now Spain. Edinburgh "Edwin's castle." Elboorz "peaked mountain." England "Angle land." The Angles were a Ger- man tribe who concjuered England. Etna "mountain of fire." Faroe "sheep island." Finisterre "the end of the land." 66 EUROPE. Florence "flowers." France "land of the Franks" or freemen. They carried a "franca," or kind of javelin. Frankfort "fort of the Franks." Genoa "city of Janus," who also names January. Germany -"neighbors' country." Webster says "warriors." Gibraltar "hills of Tarik." Glasgow "dark ravine." Gottenberg is a "town on the Gotha" river. Guadiana is the "river Anas." Hague "hedge. ' ' Havre "harbor. ' ' Hebrides "western." Holland "swampy land." Hungary "land of Huns" or giants. Iceland is a "land of ice." Ireland "western land." Italy was named from King Italus. Land's End is the South West end of England. Lapland is where the Lapps live. London "fortified hill by the pool." Lyons City "hill of the raven." Lyons Gulf the storms roar like "lions." Manchester "the castle of the man" or hero. Marmora has "marble" on one of its islands. EUROPE. 67 Mediterranean is "in the middle of the land" that was first known. Montenegro "Black mountain." Munich "monks." Naples "new city." Netherlands "lower lands." North Cape is north of Europe. North Sea is north of Germany. Norway "North island." Nova Zembla is a "new country." Novgorod "new city." Oporto "the port." Orkney "whale island." Poland "men of the plains" formerly over-run the country. Portugal "port of Cale." Prague "threshold." Reikiavik "steam town," from the hot springs there. Rome "strength," founded by Romulus. Roumania and Roumelia were Roman provinces. Russia was settled by the Russ tribe. Sardinia is the "land of the Sardonian" plant. Scotland "wanderers land." Servia is the "land of the Suevi" who afterwards settled Sweden. Shetland is "Viking land." Vik means "creek." The Vikings used to hide their pirate vessels in creeks. 68 EUROPE. Sicily was settled by the Siculi tribe. Webster says "cut off." Sierra Nevada "mountains white with snow." Skagerrack "crooked strait between the promon- tories." Sophia "wisdom." Spain "land of rabbits." St. George was the patron saint of England. Stockholm "castle island." Sweden "Swedes and Danes." See Servia. Switzerland There were three (schweitz) cantons, including the canton of Schwyz, which first de- clared independence of Austria. Thames "broad water." (Isis R.) Turkey "land of the Turks" or Tartars. Ural "belt" or girdle. Venice is where the "Veniti" tribe lived. Vienna was the home of the "Vends." Volga and Bulgaria were the homes of the "Volsci" tribe. Wales "foreigners." Webster says "west." White Sea is white with snow half of the time. ASIA, Akghanistax is the "country of the Afghans." Africa "black man's country." Ai-TAi "Golden mountains." Amoor and Amoo "water." Arabia "men of the desert land." Webster says "west." Aral "island." Ararat "huge. ' ' Arctic "great bear." Asia "east." Bab el Mandeb "gate of tears." Baikal "rich lake," i. e. full of fish. Behring Sea and Strait were named after their dis- coverer. Beloochistan is the "country of the Belooches." Benares "splendid." Bengal "to ^o crooked.'' 70 ASIA. Black Sea has many black rocks. Bokhara "treasury of sciences." Bombay "good harbor." Borneo "land." Bramahpootra "Son of Brahma." Calcutta "landing place of the Goddess of Time." Canton "large east town." Caucasus "white.' ' Ceylon "isle of lions." China "the country of Chin" or Tsin, who built the great wall. Webster says "the middle nation." Constantinople "City of Constantine," who found it. Delhi "a quicksand." Europe "broad face" land. Formosa "beautiful." Ganges "river" or "great river." Gobi "desert." Also called Shamo "sea of sand." Hainan "south of the sea." Himalaya "abode of snow." Hindoo Koosh "great mountains." Hindoostan "Indus land." HoANG Ho "Yellow river." India "Indus land." Indus "Great river." Ispahan "a soldier." ASIA. 71 Japan is the same as Niphon (sun-land), its largest island. Jerusalem "place of peace." Kelat "fort." Laccadive "Lakara islands." Dive means "islands." Lassa "land of divine intelligence." Lena "slow" river. Madras "University town." Malacca and Malay Peninsula are named from the Malays who live there. Medina "The city." Mediterranean "in the middle of the land." Nankin "South Capital." Niphon "sun land." Nova Zembla "new country." Pacific is not a "peaceful" ocean on this coast. Papua people have huge "frizzled" heads of hair. Pekin is the "North Capital." Persia "land of the tigers," meaning the Parsees or Persians. Philippine Islands were named after Phili[) II, ot Spain and Germany. Red Sea from its red bed. Siberia-- "country of Siber," an ancient Tartar cap- ital. Singapore "city of lions." 72 ASIA. Smyrna "myrrh," which it was once noted for. St. Petersburg is the "town of Peter" the Great, who was the founder. Sumatra "happy land." Tartary "the land of the Tartars" who lived north of the great wall. Tashkend "stone fort." Tigris "arrows." Tobolsk "Tobol River town." sk means town. Turkestan and Turkey "land of the Turks" or Tartars. Ural "belt" or girdle. Yang tse Kiang "son of the sea." Yellow Sea gets much yellow mud from the Yellow (Hoang Ho) River. AFRICA. Abvssinia "mixed race country." Agulhas "needles." Albert Lake was named after the husband of Queen Victoria. Alexandria was founded by Alexander the (xreat. Algerla "Island country." Ascension Island was discovered on Ascension day. Atlas was said to bear the world upon his shoulders after he was changed into a mountain. These mountains name the Atlantic Ocean. Azores "hawks." Bab el Mandeb "gate of tears." Berbera "desert country." Blanc "white." Bon -"good." Cairo "the victorious." Canary "dog" islands. 74 AFRICA. Cape Colony and Cape Town l^ecause ihey are by the Cape of Good Hope. Cape Vkrd Islands are off Cape V'erd, "green." CoNsTAN'riNE was built by that King. Delgado -"a strait [)lace." Egypt "land of oppression." Fernaxoo Po was a Portuguese discoverer. Free Town was where the English took the negr(x's they captured from slavers. Frio "cold." Gibraltar "hill of Tarik." Good Hope to get around Africa to India. Guinea "abounding in gold.'' Liberia "country of liberty." Madagascar "Malay land. '" Madeira "timber." Mediterranean "in the middle of the land." Monrovia in honor of President Monroe. Morocco "Moor's land." Natal was discovered on that day. (Nativity day.) Niger "black." NYAssA^"the sea." Orange River and Free SrArh: were settled by Dutch from Orange in Holland. Palma.s "jjalms." PiETER.MARiTZBURG "Peter and Mary's town." AFRICA. 75 Rkd Sea has a red bed. Sahara "desert." Sknf.ga.mbia from the Senegal and (janibia rivers. SiK.RRA Leonk "mountain Hon." Snow Mountains are often covered witli snow. Soudan "land of blacks." St. Hfi.kna was discovered on that day, 1502. Tananarivo is "the town of the Ovahs," a tril)e of Madagascar. Tanganyika is "a plain-like lake." Tripoli "three cities." Tunis is the land of the Tunes, who live there. Vfri) Cape is noticeably "green" from the contrasting Sahara. Victoria Falls and Lake are named for Queen Vic- toria. Za.mhkzk "Negro River ?" Zanzibar "Neuro coast." OCEANICA. Adelaide was the Queen of England. America Islands were discoverea by an American. Arnheim "Eagle's home." Arru is a kind of food. Auckland was an English lord. Australasia "south-east land." Australia "south land." Bass, George Bass discovered the Strait. Batavia "low plain." Bathurst is a surname meaning "a bathing i)lace in the woods." Borneo "land." Botany Bay was once noted for its new "plants." Bougainville was a French traveler. Caroline Islands were named after (Charles V, oi Spain. Carpentaria From the first discoverer, Cari)enter. 78 ' OCEANICA. Chatham Islands were named after Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Christmas Island was discovered on that day. Cook was a noted explorer. Darling is a surname meaning "a little dear." nAwsON is a surname meaning "son of David." DuNKDiN - "Edwin's hill." EoMON'i' was an explorer. Ei.LiCK is a surname meaning "Elias." EspiRiTU Santo "Holy Sj^irit." Flinders- River was named after Mat. Flinders, a noted explorer. P'rienply Islands were so named by Cook, because the natives were "friendly." Hav/aii was founded by a fisherman named Hawaii-loa. Honolulu "sheltered slope." Java "land of nutmegs." Laoronks "thieves." The natives stole from Ma- gellan. Magellan was a noted discoverer. Malacca "Malay country." Malaysia "East Malay country." Marquesas "marks." A surname. Melp.ourne was premier of England when Melbourne City was founded. OCKAXICA. 79 M El, VI LI, K was an English lord. MiXDAXAO "lake dwellers." Moluccas were named from the "Mala)-" inhahilants . Murray was Sec. of State for the Colonies. Xkw Calkdjxia was named after Caledonia or Scot^ land. Xkw CtUIXI'IA was so nameu troai t!ie "Liold" found there. Xi:w HKi',:-;ii>K..> -from the Hebrides, "western" IslancJs near Scotland. Xi-:w Zi-:ai.axi) is the "new sea land." XoRKoi.is "north folk." OcL.AXiCA "ocean land." FAL.MI^R.^ lox was a noted I'higlish premier. Pai'UA "iri/.zled," rel'ers to the hair of the nati\"es. Phii,i I'l'iX;'', Islands were named for King l'hili[) II. i'nocxix is a fabled bird that arises from its own ashes, l\)i.vxL, ^L\ "many islands." (^uiCKX.^LAXD was named in honor of (^iieen \'i.'toria. .Saxdaich "sand town." The I'",arl of Sandwicls was a noted gambler and his favorite lunch while gambling was the sliced meat and l)read, now called sandwiches. Saxia Cruz --"Holy cross." SociKiA- Islands after the Royal Societ\ , of which, Cook was a member. SoLO,^U)X "[)eaceable." 8o OCEANICA. Spencer is a surname meaning "one who gives out food." Spice Islands have many spices growing there. Sumatra "happy land." Sydney "St. Denys." Tasmania was named from its discovery by Abel Tas- man. Torres (towers) Strait was discovered by Captain Torres in 1606. Victoria is the Queen of England. Wellington was a great General. /7; // This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. g^L *^im. 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